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Langue : ANGLAIS
Niveau : CLES 1

Dossier documentaire (textes)

 Texte 1 English Proficiency - pages II-IV

 Texte 2 International Student Housing Options - page V
 Texte 3 Alida’s Abroad Blog - page VI

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Texte 1 Page 1 / 3
English Proficiency Programme (EPP)

Within the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, the English Language
Institute offers a programme of intensive English language courses for students who have an
intermediate or advanced knowledge of English.
You can join the programme at different times of the year. All courses are 12 weeks long but
you can combine two or three into your own programme of 24 or 36 weeks of intensive
English. There are short breaks in the middle of courses and between courses giving you time
to visit other parts of New Zealand or simply to relax and enjoy Wellington. Special courses
can be arranged at any time to meet the needs of particular groups of students. Please contact
the Institute for more information.
EPP and PREPP students have full use of the Language Learning Centre (LLC), which has a
multimedia resource collection for English and a range of global languages, and offers
support services and a welcoming study environment for language learning.

The Aims of the Programme

The Programme aims to improve your performance in:
• reading and listening to complex information
• taking an active part in discussions
• expressing complex ideas and facts through speech and writing
• becoming an independent learner of English.

Who is the Programme For?

The English Proficiency Programme (EPP) is an English Academic Preparation (EAP) course
for students of an intermediate level or above (4.0 IELTS). You will be tested on the first day
of the programme. If your English language ability is assessed to be lower than the
appropriate level for the EPP, you will be offered a place in the Preparation English
Proficiency Programme (PREPP). This is a newly developed programme that targets filling
the gaps in your vocabulary and grammar knowledge to allow you to move on with
confidence to the next level of academic English study.
Most students enrol at the Institute for English language study for at least one of the following

To prepare for study at a university or technical institute

The English Language Institute has an excellent reputation for preparing non-native speakers
of English for study at a university or technical institute.

To improve employment prospects

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English is in demand all over the world as an international language of trade and industry.
There is an increasing demand for people who can communicate effectively in English in a
variety of contexts. The English Proficiency Programme prepares students for this kind of

To be challenged in the use of English

Some students enrol because they simply want the challenge of using English to discuss and
understand complex ideas. The classes at the Institute use stimulating material that requires
you to think - to discuss problems and present solutions. Whatever your purpose, the staff at
the Institute work with you to provide a course of study that meets your own personal needs.
Your teacher will monitor and discuss your progress with you throughout the course.

Weekly Activities
The programme is full-time and consists of 20-25 hours per week of class work, as well as
your own independent study.
Class work will include the following:
• activities in which you practise listening to talks and lectures, taking part in
discussions, reading effectively, writing essays or reports;
• listening and speaking practice in audio-visual classrooms;
• vocabulary and grammar study;
• regular tests to give you feedback on your progress;
• media studies in which you read, listen to and discuss information from the radio,
television and newspapers.
You will work with your teacher to plan an independent study programme based on your
specific needs and the resources available to students in the programme.

Final Assessment and Certificate

At the end of the Programme, you will receive a final written report on your English
proficiency. This includes a proficiency rating including the level of English you have
With a minimum of three ratings of '4' and one rating of '3' on the Institute's English
Proficiency Scale for speaking, listening, reading and writing, you will be awarded a
Certificate of Proficiency. The Certificate is accepted by Victoria University as an alternative
to IELTS or TOEFL for admission to undergraduate degree programmes. Postgraduate degree
programmes require two ratings of '4' and two ratings of '5' on the Institute's English
Proficiency Scale.

How to Join
If you wish to apply to join a course on our English Proficiency Programme, please complete
and send us the application form. Please note we cannot accept faxed application forms.
There is always a heavy demand for places on all courses. You are advised to send us your

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application as early as possible. We shall reply to tell you if we can offer you a place on the
Do not send any money with your application. When we offer you a place on the course, we
will send you an invoice for your tuition and other fees - to secure your place you must pay
this in full, one week before beginning the course.

Retrieved February 11, 2011 from


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Texte 2 Page 1 / 1

International Student Housing Options

Your Offer of Admission for Study sent to you by VicInternational will state that (for visa
purposes) you are guaranteed accommodation. It does not guarantee you a place in your first
choice of hall. Your accommodation could be in a hall of residence, a homestay or private
accommodation. You do not need to wait until you have your visa before applying for hall
If you are an International student who will be under 18 years of age when you begin your
study your options are to apply for a Homestay or for one of three halls: Helen Lowry Hall,
Te Puni- Edge & Tower and Weir House. You cannot apply for both a hall and a homestay at
the same time.

Halls of Residence
In a Hall of Residence you will be living in a community of students with different
backgrounds and interests. There are single and double rooms, studios, flats, apartments and
houses (with or without meals) and most are within walking distance of the University.
All halls welcome applications from International Students of the appropriate age and level of
study. (However Whānau House only offers places to those with a knowledge of Te Reo and
Tikanga Māori). Three halls, Te Kotahinga, University Hall and Wai-te-ata Apartments, give
priority to International Students. International students also form the majority of residents at
Education House and Stafford House.

In a Homestay you live in a family home and can participate in family activities. Your
breakfast and dinner are provided during the week and three meals per day during weekends.
The Homestay is likely to be 30 minutes away from your campus.
You cannot apply for both Homestay and hall accommodation at the same time. We
recommend you apply at least three weeks before you require Homestay accommodation. A
minimum stay of one month is required.

Private Housing
Demand for private rentals is high in February. We recommend you do not sign up for a place
before seeing it and do not hand over money until you have a key. Most leases are on a 12
month basis but you may be able to find a place as a flatmate without this commitment. We
run a listing service for people who welcome Victoria University students but we do not vet
private accommodation.

New International Students

International students coming to Victoria for the first time can request to be met by a
representative and be taken to their accommodation when they arrive in Wellington. This
request is made through the International Meeting Service.
Retrieved February 11, 2011 from

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Texte 3 Page 1 / 2

Stafford House2 Comments

Posted by Alida at 12:20 am on Friday, May 26, 2006
Filed under Wellington, New Zealand

In the lobby of Stafford House, there is a World Map with pins for everybody to share where
they’re from. There are students from everywhere here - Aside from Americans and Kiwis,
there are a number of Aussies, Europeans (from Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France,
Norway, Finland…) Asians, and Pacific Islanders, Indonesians- All in Stafford House!
Everybody wants to come to New Zealand! (And I honestly can’t blame them ;o) )
Moving on to my flat!
Stafford house provides each fully furnished flat with a kitchen, a table and chairs, a
bathroom, washer/dryer, and a couch. (And three bedrooms…) It is so nice to cook for
myself, and be able to decide just what I want to eat [...] One of our chairs has fallen apart,
my flat mates and I were able to rig up a decent television stand!
There are three bedrooms in each flat […] The rooms each came with a desk, bed, drawers,
lamp and a wardrobe. On the wall to the left of my desk I hung a huge poster up backwards so
that friends (and I) can draw on my wall! It’s been one way to make my room a bit more cozy
and feel lived in (seeing as I didn’t bring anything to hang up with me).[…]
Stafford House takes a lot of pride, I think, in housing so many international students, and to
express their appreciation for living with them, Marie and Stewart (the wonderful owners of
Stafford), took everybody leaving the building out to dinner just last night. It was such a
brilliant way for everybody to interact, and for us to hang out with Marie and Stewart beyond
the walls of our building a little.
Stafford has been an excellent place to live. I feel so well situated in this area of the city. The
grocery store is close, the Botanical Gardens a 10 minute walk up behind my building, and I
know my walk to Uni by heart: the businesses, coffee shops, crosswalks, the tall buildings
that reflect the rest of the cityline, and the shortcut through the woods that I take every chance
that I get. Marie and Stewart are great, I have had so much fun cooking for myself, and both
my flat mates and building mates have turned out to be wonderful! Stafford has become my
home and my family for my stay here - so far away from my home and family in the States

Retrieved September 9, 2011 from

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