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1. Oligodendrocytes- form myelin of multiple axons in CNS, this increases action potential
conduction velocity. This also insulates axons preventing spontaneous depolarisation.
2. Astrocytes- have numerous projections that link neurons to their blood supply. They
regulate the external chemical environment of neurons
3. Microglia- defence, perform functions of macrophages. Also provide neuronal support
during development and maintain neuronal networks.

1. Physical support and protection: subarachnoid CSF allows the meninges to stablise the
CNS in the head and spinal cord. The CSF also cushions the brain, reducing effects of
trauma and movement.
2. Chemical communication: It provides a medium for changes in ionic concentration,
hormones and other neurochemicals to reach neurons.

1. Meissner corpuscles- involved in skin movement and object handling detection; primary
stimulation is through dynamic deformation.
2. Ruffini corpuscles- sense skin stretching, movement, and finger position

1. Number of motor units active at any one time
2. Frequency of the action potential generated by motor neurons


1. Putamen
2. Corpus callosum
3. Internal capsule
4. Thalamus
5. Insular cortex/ gyri
6. Caudate nucleus

1. thalamus
2. Internal capsule
3. Putamen
4. Cingulate gyrus
5. Basilar artery

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