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English Module II

d of discrele bodies'
10. The universe is compose
c) concrete d)connicting 999?
a) unconnected b) lavish

11. The boY was dour artd taciturn'

a) torpid b) obedient c) stubbom d)determined 9g??

show degenerated rnto
12. Nothing went right; the entire
c) glowingardor d)happines' 9?99
a) success b) moekerY

fiafied surface of the table'

13. She had to refrnish the

a) du, b) mirrored c) disfigwed d) polished I ? I I

proximity and bdundq$,awuy'
14. The lion sensed the hunter,s

a) smell b) nearrless
l.' -,
"c) distance d)eun 99 I d

it is too late'
15. I want to rectify my error before
b) correct c) confess d)Lutrine 9?9?
a) disProve
and incapable of exertion.
three nights without sleep, she felt sluggish
16' After
c) dePressed d) vigorous 000
ab c
a) slow b) sleepY

to survive in an arid environment'

17. The camel has adapted
b) wide c) hot d)humid 99?
a) barren

say about his in-laws'

18. Be prepared to discount what he has to

a) disregard b) discontinue c) discriminate

d)deprecate 9? I
at all'
ages made no difference
19. The disparity in their

a) disregard b) difference c) discrimination

d)deprecation 9? I
position bf guite and treachery'
20. He achieved his high

a) insolence b) imprudence c) decePtion

d)haughtiness I ??
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