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More LDL diffuses across LDL in the intima is oxidized

damaged endothelium, & into lipids that trigger chronic Development of an

accumulate in the intima inflammation in the vessel atheroma in the arterial Atherosclerosis
layer of the artery walls wall


Coronary arterial atherosclerotic
Inflammation recruits plaque rupture or erosion
HDL aids in the transport of
monocytes into the vessel
Pathophysiology HDL from the periphery back
wall, which then differentiate
to the liver for breakdown
into macrophages

Platelet aggregation and thrombus

Risk Factor
Macrophages phagocytose
Low levels of HDL allow for the oxidized LDL & become Antiplatelet
more rapid accumulation of filled with fat (termed foam Therapy: Aspirin,
LDL in vessel walls cells) P2Y12-inhibitors

Partial occlusion of the involved

Treatment/ artery
Management Overtime, foam cells accumulate in the Anticoagulation
intima to form an enlarging lipid core. Therapy: UFH,
Fibrous connective tissue accumulates Enoxaparin
around the lipid core, forming a fibrous cap
Decreased Myocardial blood

Anti-Ischemic Therapy:
Standard Therapy: ACEi's,
Nitrates, Beta blockers, Myocardial ischemia results from imbalance between blood
Advanced Age: 56 years ARBs, Aldosterone
Nondihydropyridine Ca- supply and oxygen demand
old Blockers
channel blockers

Cigarette smoker

Hypertension for 5 years

with poor compliance Unstable Angina/ Unstable Angina Pectoris Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)

Alcohol Beverage Drinker

Myocardial ischemia causes cells to switch from aerobic to anaerobic Cardiac Biomarker:
metabolism Normal serum troponin

Cardiac sensory fibers mix with somatic sensory

Non-transmural or subendocardial
fibers and enter the spinal cord via the T1-T4
nerve roots
Non-inferior wall ischemia:
Diaphoresis Predominantly increased
sympathetic NS activity
12-Lead ECG: ST
depression or T-wave

Epinephrine / Norepinephrine
Binds arterial smooth muscle
alpha 1 receptors leading to
Retrosternal discomfort: may
Chest Pain that may radiation
present as pain, heaviness,
to T1-T4 dermatomes (Left
pressure, or squeezing
shoulder and arm, lower jaw, Binds cardiac B1 receptors
neck, abdomen, upper back)


Chest Radiograph

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