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RASGO 01/08/23 TASK 1

1. What I like about MTB-MLE?
I like MTB-MLE for it uses more than two languages for literacy and instruction. It
starts from where the learners are and from what they already know. MLE is an
innovative approach to learning and aims to produce learners who are Multi- literate,
Multi-Lingual and Multi-cultural.
As an advocate of early childhood education, I greatly appreciate learning the MTB
MLE. It is meant to address the high functional illiteracy of Filipinos, where language
plays a significant factor. Now, I understand the nature of learners, how they start to
communicate, ”first-language –first education that is, schooling which begins in the
mother tongue and transitions to additional languages particularly Filipino and
English and the development of the appropriate cognitive and reasoning skills which
is very beneficial to enable children to operate equally in different languages starting
with the mother tongue.
I was able to understand the importance of the MTB-MLE, the benefits it brings to
our students especially when we start implementing it in their early childhood
education of our little learners. Through teaching MTB-MLE, they will be able to gain
lifelong learning, if understanding is achieved and communicative competence. Its
standards revolves around the fluency and literacy of the learners in using the Mother
Tongue language and be able to apply orally, in written form or in visual aspects.

2. What I do not like about MTB-MLE?

The implementation of the MTB-MLE has negative effects to learners. Mother
tongue cannot promote learning a foreign language, to some extent even impede the
learner to master some new language knowledge. They may have the tendency to
forget and may decrease their capacity to learn other languages, more importantly in
English Language. There is confusion on verbal and written sentence construction
and children may not fully developed their full potential in speaking and deep learning
the language. Hence, this prevents the learners from familiarizing and speaking
English and may not have the opportunity to use it in a casual or conversational
manner which defeats the purpose of teaching the language in the first place. In fact,
not being fluent will make them more scared of using it because they may be made
fun of by their peers.
In line with this, their way of speaking and writing might be less refined because of
the overwhelming rules each language follows and although not a crime, they may
form the habit of unconsciously mixing the languages. They will take time switching
languages and retrieving words from both vocabularies.
The lack of instructional materials for teachers to be used in mother -tongue based
instruction includes absence of books written in mother tongue, lack of vocabulary
and lack of Teacher Training. More so, its extreme use will make the students
dependent on translation which may lead them into thinking that they cannot
understand a text unless translated to their Mother Tongue. This can now lead to a
decrease in their comprehension.

3. How do you strengthen the literacy skills of children to prepare them for the
transition stage (Shifting from their Mother Tongue as a medium of instruction
in grades 1 to 3 to Filipino and English as a medium of instruction in grades 4
to 6)
Mother Tongue based learning makes lessons more interactive and easier
for students. Learners begin their education in a language they understand best their
mother tongue and they need to develop a strong foundation in their mother tongue
language before effectively learning additional languages.
Strengthening the Literacy skills of children following the MTB-MLE curriculum
guide, an education programme for children who do not understand or speak the
official school language when they begin school is a very good tool for us to bring
education at its best where they can fully understand. The focus of the curriculum is
language, and literacy development in which using a mother tongue helps a child
develop their critical thinking and literacy skills.
In order to strengthen the literacy skills of children to prepare them for the
transition stage, we need to established a culture that supports literacy ,explicitly
teach skills, create a compelling classroom library for independent reading, confer
with the students, capture children’s interest before you read ,introduce vocabulary
during read aloud, share the see show say strategy with families, highlight children’s
favorite books, established read aloud routines, read small words, support children
who are learning two languages.

Developmentally appropriate, the MTB-MLE strengthens the development of the

appropriate cognitive and reasoning skills enabling children to operate equally in
different languages –starting with the mother tongue.
Furthermore, students will learn and develop holistically. When learners are first
instructed in the language they know best, they are able to build a good “bridge”
toward learning another language .Multi lingual also enjoy benefits that go beyond
linguistic knowledge .They are able to learn with flexibility.
The end goals of MTB –MLE are cognitive, development, Academic development,
and second language development that aims to a lifelong learning Communication

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