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Basic Musical Elements Tools of an actor/Actress in a Carmen is a half-wild, fascinating creature, a gypsy by birth, and living with a band of

 Songs Theater smugglers in the mountains near the coast of Spain. The smugglers are foiled in their
 spoken dialogue  voice attempt to get their illegal goods into the little town by Don Jose, an officer in the
 acting regiment stationed there.
 body
 dance.  mind/spirit
The seven elements of Artistic Rome, June 1800. Cesare Angelotti, an escaped political prisoner, rushes into the
Expression Church of Sant’Andrea della Valle. After finding the key his
 Line  Form sister has hidden for him, he hides in his family’s private chapel.
 Color  Space Soon, the painter Mario Cavaradossi arrives to work on his
 texture. portrait of Mary Magdalene. The painting has been inspired by
 Value
Angelotti’s sister, the Marchesa Attavanti, whom Cavaradossi
 Shape
had seen praying in the church. Angelotti, who was a member of
the former Bonapartiste government, emerges from his hiding
The Merchant of Venice Summary
place. Cavaradossi recognizes him and promises help, then
Antonio, an antisemitic merchant,
hurries him back into the chapel as the singer Floria Tosca, his
takes a loan from the Jew Shylock to
lover, calls from outside. When he lets her into the church, she
help his friend to court Portia. Antonio
jealously asks Cavaradossi to whom he has been talking and
can't repay the loan, and without
reminds him of their rendezvous that evening. Suddenly
mercy, Shylock demands a pound of
recognizing the Marchesa Attavanti in the painting, she accuses him of being
his flesh. The heiress Portia, now the
unfaithful, but he assures her of his love. When Tosca has left, Angelotti again comes
wife of Antonio's friend, dresses as a lawyer and saves Antonio. 
out of hiding. 
Francois Vatel
is known as the great French chef [1] who killed himself
on the morning of the 24th of April 1671 at Chantilly,
France over a food delivery that went wrong. Francois
was born Fritz Karl Watel in Switzerland, the son of
Charles Frédéric Watel, an ordinary worker (the name
Watel is still common in Zurich.) His birthdate is
disputed: dates suggested are 1625, 1631 or 1635. He
apprenticed as a pastry cook. When his apprenticeship
was finished, he worked for Nicolas Fouquet (1615-1680), Superintendent of Finances
in France, at Fouquet’s château Vaux-le-Vicomte until Louis XIV, jealous of Fouquet’s
display of opulence, threw Fouquet in jail in 1661.

Oedipus The King

Oedipus, in Greek mythology, the king of Thebes who unwittingly killed his father and
married his mother. Homer related that Oedipus’s wife and mother hanged herself
when the truth of their relationship became known,
though Oedipus apparently continued to rule at Thebes
until his death.

Habanera Carmen

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