Science Articles

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Science Articles

By Jagadish

Family know the whole god concept is farce, actually it is fight between humans and aliens to exist in constellation

God exists in some form

Form is alien

Aliens govern earth

Earth respects gods

Earth has faith in gods

Gods have powers

Earth citizens have powers

7 chakras when opened up powers come out

Same with alien’s spinal cord is hypothesis

Nature has similar concept and doesn’t differentiate between aliens and humans

To rule is power be it aliens or humans

Aliens do it much more bigger, humans do it smaller

Age of empires

Empire of aliens is constellation

Empire of humans is earth

To know how it is done and show it in implementation is the knowledge of aliens and humans existence smaller bigger

Domination over species is power implementation be it Shiva or Narayan

Higher force ruling lower strata dominating the world constellation, the art and science of governance

Thought of the day

Aliens want to rule the constellation , humans want to rule the earth

Animals talk in English language but we cant hear it because they talk in giga hertz we hear in mega hertz

Humans can hear from 20 hertz to 20000 hertz

Animals lower to it can hear voices which is lesser than 20 hertz

Animals which are higher can hear voices which is more than 20000 hertz

Hypothesis : nature drafted whole world same to hear equal terms which is English which is mother of all languages

Machine language

Assembly language

Higher end languages

They all use English as source code of decoding and coding purpose




Are another type of languages which is commonly known to be implemented by humans and machines simultaneously

If you have observed common thread of all languages recently has been given prominence to English language

If you are English literate you know all languages

Hypothesis : Higher species voice is dominant and heard by all animals and insects

Rule of power : what the higher species say and do all living things on planet earth have to follow

Humans are the higher species existing on planet earth as of now so whatever they do or say everyone follows

Thought of the day

Higher species dominate the world and bring peace and tranquillity for lower species to function without fear


Business cycle doesn’t exist in real world , it was created by humans for convenience

Environment changes

Population changes

Thinking lines of people change

Knowledge changes with tools and applications

Nothing is permanent

Everything changes

No knowledge remains without being tested

Once tested knowledge doesn’t repeat

It changes hands and always gets modified by someone or other

There is no repetition

There is no cyclical

Repercussions change

Effect on planet changes

Result is always different from others

Organisms dies and never born

Newer species evolve and thrive

It is because of change in temperature and climatic affect

Thought of the day

Business cycle doesn’t exist as there is no continuation of species which were born to rule earth


Earth is becoming smaller and smaller in size hence satya yuga can never exist as it existed

Satya yuga height of male female was 35 feet

Earth size must be huge to bear the weight of humans

Satya yuga everyone speaks truth

Earth now everyone even now speak false

Satya yuga animals used to rule the earth

Earth now humans rule the earth

Satya yuga was ruled by gods

Earth now gods are called aliens

Satya yuga dress code was different

Earth now dress code is modernistic

Satya yuga is not computers or its existence

Earth now everyone is robotic

Satya yuga knowledge is vocal

Earth now everything knowledge flows through writing

Thought of the day

When something is repeated it should be 100 percent but it can never be because of friction


Work from home is famous as science states you have least injuries when you sit in home than outside encounter death

If you want longer lifespan you should be introvert

If you want longer lifespan you should eat homely food

If you want longer lifespan you should never be extrovert

If you want longer lifespan you should never have huge friction

If you want longer lifespan you should never indulge in huge knowledge

If you want longer lifespan you should never have to encounter huge emotions

Earth is death and how to avoid it is knowledge of humans

Never be on roads

Have jobs in the house

Believe in technology

Doorstep delivery of items

Debit card usage

Never travel huge

Purchase a duplex house

Keep bank closer by

Unorganized retail stores for delivery

Organized retail story for premium products delivery through internet

Thought of the day

Road accident is common, ship flight accidents are suicidal, earthquake floods death nature gift


Land of mermaids is Mumbai and it going to not exist after 80 years as per prediction

Land of mermaids where maximum decisions are made by ladies

As the information came from the Indians it should be India

In India land of mermaid’s talk of ladies is Delhi and Mumbai

As Mumbai is closer to sea it is the land which is talked about by the scriptures

It is the one which is getting wiped out through natural disaster

After few decades it would cease to exist

As per prediction it is going to be into existence for another 80 to 150 years

As per prediction of the astronomers it is the one which is in danger

When compared with past data with present text

Why text is India

Brahmins wrote it

Brahmins predicted it

Brahmins foresight

Brahmins knowledge of India

Brahmins concern for existence of India

Brahmins worry about scriptures

Brahmins worry about state of affairs of nation

Thought of the day

Brahmins know Brahmins state of affairs so knowledge would definitely would be about India


Stability of mankind and its existence on planet earth as long as possible is goal set by kalki avatar

Kalki avatar is Shiva

Shiva is Jagadish

Jagadish is me

What is my agenda?

Keep earth stable with rich people becoming rich

Keep earth stable with poor people in the form of ethical become rich

Keep earth stable with unethical people never becoming rich

Keep earth stable with operating system managed by me

Keep earth stable with women empowerment

Keep earth stable with social debtors taught annuities to save their face

Keep earth stable with economic man stable with no retirement coming up

Keep earth stable with economic man having no retirement till death work work

Keep earth stable with economic man having job and retire voluntary

Keep earth stable with coming up of writers to provide employment to people of earth

Keep earth stable with marriages being intact with jobs flowing in through word trade agreement

Keep earth stable with operating system in hand provide food to doorstep

Keep earth stable with farmers being given salaries to do job instead of entrepreneurship stability
Thought of the day

Additional information provided in coming years through writing so keep reading stuff


Death determines why earth is deteriorating into evil practices hence goal of earth is death rebirth

Earth is becoming smaller

More deaths and earth rejuvenates back to life

Deaths convert into raw materials for earth to sustain

More deaths more raw material available to citizens of earth to sustain earth

Death is the goal and human’s population is the key to sustain earth

More population more deaths more deaths more raw material available

Balance between species is also death equation with nature

That’s why to die is honourable

The more you live the more evil you would become

To exist you have to criticize condemn complain against humanity

Which leads to negative emotions causing stress frustration and bad intentions in air

Leading to destruction of good and emergence of evil

Good people produce good products on earth

Bad people produce bad elements raw materials on earth

Good vs. evil is fight of earth sustenance

That’s why death is not evil it is honourable to keep other human beings alive

500 years to 5000 years it takes a dead being to produce raw material when sustained under need

Thought of the day

Deaths increase is good sign earth is telling to you that raw material inside is less than it should be


Flight aeroplane is the safest heaven of transportation both past present and in future to be alive

Land is dangerous

Sea is not approachable

Air is best route to go anywhere

Even ravan is scared of land

Ram fought wars on land

Land is warfare

Land is death

Land is evil

Strength of flight

Mountains to explore

Higher land is safe

Altitude is safety belt

Altitude is less death

Thought of the day

Flight is happy state to bypass evil at given point so secure mountains fast before evil approaches

3 worlds of god land, mountain and water the lord of 3 worlds worshipped the god of all gods kalki

Narka lok = water

Bhu lok = land

Swarga lok = mountains

Affirmed by pigeon “he found out “on the same day

Swarg bhi yahi hain aur nark bhi yahi hain

Vaikuntha must be Vishnu abode of mountains

Till today shiva abode is mountain

Gods reside in mountain

Kings reside in land

Demons reside in water

When you die you would reach abode of swarg lok

“Gandalf mountains Gandalf mountains “ said by Bilbo baggins

Till today when you see the photo of moving of pandavas

They are travelling up the mountains to reach swarga lok

Everyone dies except yudhisthra and reaches the abode of indra

Indra resides in the mountains protecting the mountains from the assault of asuras

Fight for the mountains even now exist to protect the people land to mountains is journey of earth
Thought of the day

Judgment day all the land people would reside in mountains as the last hope to survive on earth


Barter system was way to live hence collaboration is key to survival of humans work is important

Barter system was way of life of olden days

It needs to be rejuvenated back to present days also

Barter system needs collaboration as key to survival

Human work is give and take hence collaboration plays a dominant role

Through the art of transferring money from pass book to pass book one can easily do collaboration

Mutual support being given to keep each other’s finance intact is called barter system

Through barter system and collaboration and knowledge of finance one can save each other

By helping each other and keeping each other’s business intact one can accomplish solidarity

Through entrepreneurship one can easily solve each other’s issues and solve away barter system

Collaboration and barter system what to do by humanity

Do entrepreneurship

Create a market

Construct an establishment space

Ask people to share their wealth

Set up a banking sector

Establish collaboration between vendors

Involve buyers
Thought of the day

Collaboration one can solve food clothing shelter problem through door step self service delivery


Middle path was discovered by Buddha highlighting neither good evil extremity good for mankind

Buddha in meditation

If you do evil you are punished

If you do well you are punished

Either of the case you are not safe

How does doing well punish you

It ignites super natural powers

You need to have masters to govern your goodness

If you can’t control your senses you might destroy emotions of others

You might bring changes in others who would never know how to handle it

You in order to save yourself must act like consultant to the world otherwise demise to self

Buddha realizing middle path

Either way destruction of self

Either way destruction of mankind

Either way destruction of earth

Either way destruction of knowledge

Thought of the day

Follow middle path and be happy either way you can swim evil or good would not be extreme


Height plays important role more brains you use more height less brains you use less height BMI

More brains you have more height

Less brain you use less height

Front end lobes have to be managed

Back end lobes have to be managed

So BMI has to match the brain cells

Advanced brain cells need more functioning

Lesser brain cells need need less manoeuvring

If it need more functioning parts of body have to be enlarged size or height must be more

If it needs less functioning and lesser manoeuvring body size would be less to function about

Hence more height means more functions to perform means you need more knowledge

Lesser your height means less functioning body cells to perform means lesser knowledge to handle

Intellectuals have more height and more head space or bigger heads to handle themselves
Thought of the day

You through help of height easily determine stupidity and intelligence of individual knowledge


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