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Notes by Glorianne E.

CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

2. Court must have jurisdiction over the

subject matter of the action
3. Court must have jurisdiction over the
Civil Procedure What is meant by doctrine of hierarchy of
courts; continuity of jurisdiction (also known as
I. MODULE 1- Jurisdiction adherence to jurisdiction); primary jurisdiction?
What are the distinctions between: (1) original Adherence to jurisdiction → When
jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction; (2) jurisdiction is acquired by a court, then that
general jurisdiction and special or limited court shall continue to exercise jurisdiction
jurisdiction; (3) exclusive jurisdiction and over the case until its termination.
concurrent jurisdiction?
Primary jurisdiction → holds that if a case is
1 Original → that Appellate → that such that its determination requires the
bestowed upon a given to a court by expertise, specialized training and knowledge
court in the first means of an appeal of an administrative body, relief must first be
instance (e.g., RTC from the obtained in an administrative proceeding
over civil actions judgement of a before resort to the courts is had even if the
that are not lower court matter may well be within their proper
capable of jurisdiction.

2 General → the Special → that AS TO THE BASIS OF THE ACTION

power of the court which limits the
to adjudicate all court’s jurisdiction 1. Real → action that affects title to or
cases except those only to some possession over a real
expressly withheld limited cases property/interest therein (issue
from its power concerns the ownership of a real
3 Exclusive → Concurrent → Founded upon the privity of a real
power of a power conferred estate → issue for litigation is the
court/tribunal to upon different title to or possession over a real
adjudicate a case courts whether of property
to the exclusion of the same level or of
other different ranks 2. Personal → action in which the
courts/tribunals plaintiff seeks the recovery of a
personal property, recission of a
contract, recovery of damages
Other kinds:
• Interlocutory
1. Action in personam → the
What determines jurisdiction of courts? complaint or the action is directed
against a particular individual;
The jurisdiction of the court is determined by establish a claim on the basis of his
the facts alleged in the complaint and the law personal liability
then enforced at the time of the
commencement of the action. 2. Action quasi in rem → action
• It is commenced by the filing of the brought against an individual with
original complaint in court. the purpose of subjecting the
interest of the defendant in a
Requisites of valid jurisdiction: particular property to the
1. Court must have jurisdiction over the obligation burdening the property;
persons of the parties (P and D)

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

conclusive only between the 5. All actions involving the contracts of

parties marriage or marital relations (under the
Family courts);
3. Action in rem → action against all 6. All cases not within the exclusive
persons who might be minded to jurisdiction of any court or tribunal
make an objection of any sort exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
against the right sought to be functions;
established in the action; directed 7. All other cases in which the demand
against the whole world exclusive of interest, damages of
whatever kind, attorneys’ fees,
Over what civil actions does the municipal trial litigation expenses and cost where the
court have jurisdiction? value exceeds 300,000 pesos or
400,000 pesos in Metro Manila
1. Over all civil actions and probate
proceedings whether testate/intestate Personal action → The action will fall within the
where the value or amount of demand jurisdiction of the MTC or the RTC depending
does not exceed 300,000 pesos or on the total amount of plaintiff’s claim or
400,000 pesos in Metro Manila (refers demand exclusive of DIAL-C.
to a personal action) exclusive of DIAL-
C (except if the main cause of action is Real action → Look into the assessed value of
damages); the real property subject matter of the litigation
➢ DIAL-C: Damages, Interest,
Attorneys Fees, Litigation How may the trial court acquire jurisdiction
expenses, and Cost over the parties; over the subject matter; and,
2. All cases of forcible entry and unlawful over the res or the property in litigation?
detainer; and
3. All civil actions which involve title to or Nature of the action test
possession of real property or any When confronted with the problem of what
interest therein where the assessed court has jurisdiction
value of the property does not exceed Determine whether the action is capable (MTC
20,000 pesos or 50,000 pesos in Metro or RTC as the case may be) or incapable (RTC)
Manila (refers to a real action); of pecuniary estimation

Over what civil actions does the regional trial

court have jurisdiction?

1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all Primary or ultimate objective test

civil actions in which the subject of Even if the action appears to be incapable of
litigation is incapable of pecuniary PE, if the ultimate objective of the plaintiff is to
estimation; recover ownership of the real property, the
2. Over all civil actions which involve the action is a real action → jurisdiction depends
title to or possession of real property or on the assessed value
any interest therein where the assessed
value exceeds 20,00 pesos or 50,000 Some cases where incapable of pecuniary
pesos in Metro Manila; estimation:
3. All actions in admiralty and maritime • To compel the other party of
jurisdiction where the demand or claim specific performance
exceeds 300,000 pesos or 400,000 • Annulment of document
pesos in Metro Manila;
4. Over all civil actions and probate What cases are considered small claims cases?
proceedings whether testate/intestate
where the value or amount of demand
exceeds 300,000 pesos or 400,000
pesos in Metro Manila (refers to a
personal action);

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

II. MODULE 2 – Rule 1 (General • Filing of the complaint is deemed

Provisions) completed only upon the payment of
docket fees regardless of the actual
In what courts are the Rules of Court date of filing
However, if an additional defendant is
The Rules of Court shall apply in all courts and impleaded in a later pleading, a civil action is
in all civil actions, criminal actions and special commenced as far as the additional defendant
proceedings unless otherwise provided by the is concerned on the date of the filing of the later
Supreme Court pleading regardless of whether the motion for
its submission is admitted or denied by the
Civil action/case → one by which a party sues court.
another for the enforcement or protection of a
right or the prevention or redress of wrong PURPOSE:
1. It is only when the civil action is deemed
In what cases are these rules not applicable? commenced that the applicable
prescriptive period for cause of action is
• Election cases interrupted. The commencement of the
civil action interrupts the prescriptive
• Land registration cases
• Cadastral period as to the parties to the action.
2. It is when the civil action is commenced
• Naturalization
that it may be considered a pending civil
• Insolvency
action for the purpose of asking for
• Other cases such as Labor cases
dismissal of the other action on the ground
except by analogy or in suppletory
of litis pendentia.
character whenever practicable
and convenient
How should the Rules of Court be construed?
What are the kinds of civil actions?
The rules shall be construed liberally to
promote their objective of securing a just,
a. Ordinary speedy, and inexpensive disposition of every
b. Special action and proceeding
Both are government by the rules for ordinary
civil actions, subject to specific rules prescribed
for a special civil action.

What are the distinctions between civil actions

and special proceedings?


remedy by which a one by which a party
party seeks to sues another for the
establish a satus, a enforcement or
right or a particular protection of a right or
fact. the prevention or
redress of wrong
Adversarial May or may not be
A declaration of a Object is the formal
status, a right, or a demand of a right by
particular fact one against the other

How is a civil action commenced?

A civil is commenced upon the filing of the
original complaint in court

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

III. MODULE 3 – Rule 2 (Cause of • it causes unnecessary expenses to the

Action) parties

What are the requisites of a cause of action? What determines the singleness of a cause of
Cause of action→ the act or omission by which
a party violates a right of another If the action arises from quasi-delict, it is an
action ex delicto or one arising from the fault or
REQUISITES negligence of the defendant, then the
singleness of the cause of action lies in the
• a right in favor of the plaintiff by
singleness in the delict or wrong committed by
whatever means and under whatever
law it arises or is created; the defendant.
However, if the obligation arises from a
• an obligation on the part of the
contract in an action ex contractu, then the
defendant to respect or not to violate
obligation must be determined whether it is
such right; and
indivisible or divisible:
• an act or omission on the part of such
• If indivisible, there is only one cause of
defendant violative of the right of the
action regardless of the number of
plaintiff or constituting a breach of the
violations committed.
obligation of the defendant to the
• If divisible, there would be as many
causes of action as there are
obligations violated.
What is the rule on splitting a single cause of
May a party join in one pleading several
causes of action?
A cause of action may give rise to several
reliefs, but only one action can be filed. A
Yes, in joinder of causes of action; however,
single cause of action or entire claim or
this is only permissive
demand cannot be split up or divided into
Sec. 3. One suit for a single cause of action.
two or more different actions.
A party may not institute more than one suit
for a single cause of action.
Section 4. Splitting a single cause of action;
effect of. – If two or more suits are instituted on
the basis of the same cause of action, the filing When is there a misjoinder of causes of
of one or a judgment upon the merits in any
one is available as a ground for the dismissal of
the others. An action governed by an ordinary civil action
Grounds: is joined by a special civil action or vice versa.
It arises when there is a violation of the rules in
which the joining of causes of action must be
1. lis pendens/litis pendentia → That
subject to the rules regarding venue and
there is another action pending
joinder of parties.
between another party and for the
Remedy: Drop the misjoined causes of action.
same cause; which will be dismissed:

Priority in time rule

2nd case that should be dismissed

More appropriate action test

If 2nd case is more appropriate, then the 1st
case should be dismissed

2. res judicata
Not allowed for the following reasons:
• it breeds multiplicity of actions
• clogs the dockets of courts

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

IV. MODULE 4 – Rule 3 (Parties to Is misjoinder of parties a ground for dismissal

a Civil Action) of the action?

A party is misjoined when that party is made a

Who are real parties in interest?
party to the action although he should not be
impleaded because he has no material interest
SEC. 2. Parties in interest. - A real party in
interest is the party who stands to be benefited in the subject of the litigation.
or injured by the judgment in the suit, or the There is a non-joinder of parties if when a party
party entitled to the avails of the suit. who is supposed to be joined in an action is not
If a person is not a party to an action, the
decision of the court does not bind him.
GR: Misjoinder or non-joinder is not a ground
for dismissal of the action. Parties may be
What are the distinctions between an
dropped or added by the order of the court on
indispensable party and a necessary party?
motion of any party or upon its own initiative at
Necessary party → a party who is not any stage of the action and on such term as may
be just.
indispensable who opt to be joined as party if
complete relief is to be accorded as to those
What are the requisites of a class suit?
already parties or for a complete determination
or a settlement of a claim subject of the action
a. The subject matter of the controversy is
one of common or general interest to
• Effect of failure of joining
indispensable parties not a ground for many persons;
dismissing the action, but the court b. The parties affected are so numerous
may issue an order directing the that it is impracticable to join as parties
plaintiff to amend the complaint to c. The parties bringing or defending the
include/implead the party. If the party class suit are found by the court to be
refuses to comply, the court may now sufficiently numerous and
dismiss the complaint on the ground of representative as to fully protect the
interest of all
failure of the plaintiff to obey the order
of court without any justifiable reason.
• For necessary parties, plaintiff must DEATH OF A PARTY
state the name of the necessary party
It shall be the duty of the cousel of the party to
and his reason of omission or non-
inform the court within thirty days after such
inclusion. If unjustified, the court shall
death of the fact of the death of the party and
issue an order directing the plaintiff to
the name and address of the legal counsel of
amend the complaint to include the
the deceased party.
party. If plaintiff refuses, this failure will
amount to a waiver of his claim against If the cousel fails to comply, then the counsel
the omitted necessary party. may be subject to a disciplinary action, to wit:

Step 1: Notify the court of the Legal

What are the requisites of joinder of parties?
representatives or heirs
Step 2: Court will issue an order for the
Only permissive except if the party is
legal representatives or heirs to
indispensable party (XPN to the XPN: class suit)
appear in court for substitution in
place of the deceased party within 30
a. There must be several parties in whom
NOTE: If no heir, the adverse party will procure
or against whom there exist a right to
the appointment for an executor (without a will)
relief arising from the same transaction
or administrator (with a will) for the estate of the
or event;
b. There must be question of law or
question of fact common to all of them;
If an action is brought against a debtor for
collection of his debt of P2 Million based on a
promissory note, and while the action is

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

pending in court, the defendant-debtor dies,

should the action be dismissed? Explain.

If the defendant dies before entry of

judgement, then the action will continue until
entry of judgement. Here, the action survives.
The action will be presented as a money claim.

➢ Entry of judgement – if the

judgement becomes final. Date of
the judgement is the date of entry of
the judgement.
Duty of the court to enter the date of
final judgement

Hence, since the defendant-debtor died

before entry of judgement, the action survives.

NOTE: If plaintiff dies, there will be substitution

of parties.

• One who litigates a claim in court but
has no money or property sufficient
and available for food, shelter, and
basic necessities for himself and his

When may a Solicitor General to appear in

the action?

In any action involving the validity of a treaty,

law, ordinance, Eos, PDs, rule or regulation, the
court may require the Solicitor General to
appear in the action. And he may be heard in
person or through a representative whom he
has deputized.

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

V. MODULE 5 – Rule 4 (Venue)

What is venue?

The place where the action is to be

commenced and tried; the proper location of
the trial of a case.

What are the distinctions between venue and


1. Venue is the place where the action is

to be commenced and tried, while
jurisdiction is the authority of a court to
hear and decide the action.
2. Venue may be waved; on the other
hand, jurisdiction over the subject
matter cannot be waived;
3. Venue may be the subject of a written
agreement between the parties, while
jurisdiction may not;
4. A court cannot motu propio dismiss the
action on the ground of improper
venue; on the other hand, a court can
motu propio dismiss the action for lack
of jurisdiction over the subject matter
of the action; and
5. Venue establishes a relation between
the p and d, while jurisdiction
establishes a relation between the
court t and the subject matter.

What is the venue of real actions?

The action shall be commenced and tried in the

proper court which has jurisdiction over the
place where the property involved or a portion
thereof is situated.

What is the venue of personal actions?

Where the plaintiff or any of the principal
plaintiffs resides or the defendant or any of the
principal defendants resides or if the
defendant is a non-resident defendant, where
he may be found at the election of the plaintiff.

• “Reside” – The place of abode whether

temporary or permanent as
distinguished from domicile
May the parties stipulate on the venue of an

Yes, parties can validly agree in writing an

exclusive venue of the action. Provided—
a. The agreement must be in writing; and
b. Must be made prior to the institution of
the civil action

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

VI. Module 6 – Rules 6, 7, and 8 KINDS OF DEFENSES:

1. Negative Defenses – in the form of
specific denial of a material fact/s
What is a pleading?
alleged in the pleading of the claimant
essential to his cause of action
Pleading is a written statement of the
respective claims and defenses of the parties NOTE: If there is no specific denial, it
submitted to the court for appropriate does not tender an issue; hence,
judgement. constituting an admission.
• Necessary to secure the jurisdiction of The word “specific” does not constitute
the court as a denial if the denial is still general.
• Means by which the issues are laid To be specific, defendant must state
before the court the substance of the matter upon which
he relies for his denial.
How should a pleading be construed?
Pleadings are liberally construed so as to do
substantial justice. Formal defects in a pleading a. Absolute Denial - Specifically
may be cured at any stage of the proceeding denying the material allegation
by means of an amendment. in the pleading of the adverse
Still, a party is bound by the allegations or party and setting forth the
statements or admissions made by him in his
substance of the matter upon
pleadings and he cannot take a position that is which the defendant relies for
inconsistent with his allegations, statements or his denial
admissions. • General denial = admission
What are the kinds of pleadings?
• Negative pregnant denial
= admission
a. Complaint
• It is not clear what
b. Counter-claim
portion of the
c. Cross-claim
allegation is being
d. Third-party complaint
e. Complaint in intervention
b. Partial Denial - Denying a part
f. Answer
of the allegation by specifying
g. Reply to the answer
so much of it as true and deny
only the remainder
Pleadings allowed in a summary proceeding:
c. Denial by disavowal – denying
by stating lack of knowledge or
a. Complaint
information sufficient to form a
b. Compulsary Counterclaim
belief as to the truth of the
c. Cross claim
allegation in the pleading of
d. Answers thereto
the adverse party
a. Complaint
NOTE: This denial shall be set
up in good faith
• First pleading filed in court; it
commences the civil action
2. Affirmative Defenses – allegation of
• Pleading alleging the plaintiff’s or new matter, which although
claiming party’s cause or causes of hypothetically admitting the material
action allegations in the pleading would
What will the defendant state in his answer? nevertheless bar or prevent recovery
by the plaintiff
It will contain the defendant’s defenses. • Admitting the existence of
the obligation, the defense,
if proven, will prevent the

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

plaintiff from recovery from What is the earliest opportunity?

the defendant
• Court must resolve the Asserting them as affirmative defenses in the
affirmative defenses. answer is deemed to be the “earliest
opportunity”. But if the grounds are any of the
KINDS: grounds for motion to dismiss, invoking them
a. Fraud may also be considered an “earliest
b. Statute of Limitations opportunity.”
c. Release
d. Payment What does the rule require the court to do if
e. Illegality affirmative defenses are set up in the answer?
f. Statute of Frauds
g. Estoppel The court must conduct a summary on the
h. Former recovery affirmative defenses within 15 days from the
i. Discharge in bankruptcy filing of the answer.
j. Other matters by way of
confession and avoidance Within 30 days from the termination from the
summary hearing, the court will resolve the
NOTE: Motion to dismiss is not allowed except affirmative defenses.
if defendant set up the following:
• court has no jurisdiction over But, if the affirmative defenses are set up by the
the subject matter of the action defendant and his answer are any of the
• litis pendentia – pending action following—
between same parties/same • court has no jurisdiction over the
cause person of the defendant;
• res judicata – action is barred by • that the venue is improperly laid;
prior judgement • plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue;
• Action is barred by Statute of • the pleading asserting a claim states no
Limitations cause of action; and
• the condition precedent for the filing of
Affirmative defenses in motion to dismiss
the complaint has not be complied
allowable in the past, can be set up by the
1. court has no jurisdiction over the Then the court must resolve motu propio within
person of the defendant 30 days from the filing of the filing of the
2. that the venue is improperly laid answer.
3. plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue
4. the pleading asserting a claim states REQUISITES OF LITIS PENDENTIA:
no cause of action
5. the condition precedent for the filing 1. There must be identity of parties or at
of the complaint has not been least as such representing the same
complied with interests in both actions;
GROUNDS FOR MOTION TO DISMISS: Identity of parties – there is a community
of interests in the party in the first case and
GR: Under the present rule, a motion to dismiss the party in the second case
is a prohibited motion
XPNs: 2. Identity of rights ascertain and the
1. The court has no jurisdiction over the reliefs prayed for the reliefs being
subject matter of the action founded on the same facts; and
2. Litis pendentia 3. The identity in both cases is such the
3. Res judicata judgement that may be rendered in the
4. Barred by statute of Limitations pending case regardless of which party
is successful will amount to res judicata
NOTE: Affirmative defenses must be invoked at
the earliest opportunity. Failure to do so shall in the other case.
constitute a waiver thereof.

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

• There can still be identity of parties

even when the position of parties is A CONDITION PRECEDENT FOR THE FILING
Failure to state a cause of cause of action may 1. The plaintiff fails to exhaust
be asserted as an affirmative defense. If the administrative remedies;
court finds this is true, then it may dismiss the 2. When the plaintiff fails to comply with
complaint. the prior requirements of prior referral
of the dispute to the lupon;
In determining whether the complaint states a 3. When the suit is between members of
cause of action, should the require the parties the same family, it must be alleged in a
to present evidence? verified complaint that an earnest effort
toward compromise has been made
No. The court will simply confine itself within but the same has failed
the four corners of the complaint; will look at
the facts, and if the court can render a valid b. REPLY
judgement based on the facts, then the
complaint is sufficient. If the answer contains an affirmative defense
Otherwise, the cause of action is insufficient; based on an actionable document, then the
hence, complaint should be dismissed. plaintiff must file a reply to deny under oath the
genuineness and due execution of the
REQUISITES OF RES JUDICATA: actionable document.
If the plaintiff fails to do so, he is deemed to
1. There must be a former judgement that have admitted the genuineness and due
is already final; execution of the actionable document.
2. The judgement must have been
rendered by a court having jurisdiction Definition of Reply: a pleading the office or
over the subject matter of the action function of which is to deny or allege facts in
and over the parties; denial or avoidance of a new, matter alleged in
3. The judgement must be a judgement or relating to an actionable document attached
on the merits; and to the answer of the defending party.
4. There must be between the first and
second actions, identity of parties, To produce the effect of a specific denial, a
identity of subject matter, and identity negative defense, must be denial be under
of causes of action. oath?

Cause of action as distinguished from GR: No. The denial will produce the effect of a
remedy specific denial by absolute denial, partial
• Cause of action may give rise to two or denial, and denial by disavowal.
more different remedies XPN: To deny the genuineness and due
NOTE: A party cannot escape res judicata by execution of the actionable document that is
varying the form of his action. the basis of the cause of action or defense.


A claim where the defending party may have

• The plaintiff is not in the exercise of his
against an opposing party.
civil rights;
• Does not have the necessary
qualifications to appear in the action; 1. Compulsory
• Does not have the character or
representation he claims
a. Arises out of or necessarily
This in not the same as lack of legal personality connected with the transaction
to sue. The latter means that the person is not a or occurrence that is the
real party in interest.

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

subject matter of the require a certification on non-

opponent’s complaint certification on non- forum- shopping
b. Does not require for its forum shopping
adjudication the presence of a
third person over whom the d. CROSSCLAIM
court cannot acquire
A claim by one party against a co-party arising
jurisdiction out of a transaction or occurrence that is the
c. It must be cognizable by the subject matter either of the original action or
regular court of justice counterclaim therein.
d. Must be within the jurisdiction
of the court both as to the THIRD PARTY COMPLAINTS
amount and nature thereof,
except that in an original action A claim that a defendant may, with leave of
before the RTC, the court, file against a person not a party, called a
counterclaim is still third party, to the action for contribution,
compulsory regard indemnity, subrogation or any other relief in
e. It must be already existing at respect of his opponent’s claim.
the time at the time the
defending party files his
1. Caption
• Name of the court
• Title of the case
May a compulsory counterclaim implead a • Docket number (if one has
party who is not an original party in the already been assigned)
complaint? 2. Body
3. Signature
Yes, so that there can be a complete 4. Address
adjudication of the claim subject matter of the 5. Verification
action. 6. Certification on non-forum shopping


COMPULSORY PERMISSIVE If an actionable document is properly pleaded

Arises out of or Does not arise out of and the adverse arty fails to specifically denies
necessarily or is not necessarily it under oath, he is deemed to have admitted
connected with the connected with the the genuineness and due execution of the
transaction or transaction or actionable document. As such, he will not be
occurrence that is occurrence that is allowed to set up defenses that are inconsistent
the subject matter of the subject matter of with his implied admission (e.g. forgery)
the opponent’s the opponent’s
complaint claim
Barred if not set up in Not barred even if
the answer not set up in the
Not required to Must file an answer
answer a compulsory after paying the
counterclaim and if docket fees;
he does not file an otherwise, he may
answer, he cannot be be declared in
declared in default default as to the
with respect thereto permissive
Not an initiatory An initiatory
pleading and pleading which
therefore it does not requires a

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Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

VII. MODULE 7 – Rule 9 (Effect of 1. Refuses to obey an order requiring him

Failure to Plead) to comply with the modes of discovery
2. The defendant or managing agent
What is the rule on waiver of defenses? What wilfully fails to appear before the officer
are the exceptions? who is to take his deposition

NOTE: If the case is governed by the rule on

GR: (Sec. 1) All objections or defenses must be
summary procedure, then a motion to declare
pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in an defendant in default is a prohibited motion.
answer; otherwise, it shall be deemed waived.
Instead, on its own or upon motion, can simply
XPN: If it appears from the pleading or
render judgement as may be warranted by the
evidence on record that the following exists:
facts alleged in the complaint and limited to
what is prayed for therein.
1. The court has no jurisdiction over the
subject matter of the action; Options of the court:
2. Litis pententia 1. Can immediately proceed to render
3. Res judicata judgement granting the claimant or the
4. Barred by statute of limitations plaintiff such relief as his pleading or
Then, the court shall dismiss the claim. complaint may warrant
2. The court in its discretion requires the
NOTE: Motion to dismiss is a prohibited claimant or plaintiff to submit evidence
motion. ex parte
The presentation of evidence may be
DEFAULT (Failure to file an answer) delegated to the clerk of court
provided he is a member of the
When may a defendant be declared in default? Philippine bar.

A defendant may be declared in default from Order of default – order declaring the
his failure to file an answer. defendant in default (not appealable –
1) The plaintiff must file a motion to Effect: The defaulted defendant shall
declare the defendant in default be entitled to notice of subsequent
2) There must be notice of his motion to proceedings but shall not take part in
the defendant (served with a copy of the trials; he loses his standing in court.
the motion) o The court may render
3) Proof of failure on the part of the judgement as may be
defendant to file his answer within the warranted by the facts alleged
reglementary period in the complaint and limited to
what is prayed for therein.
NOTE: Period is within 30 days from the date of
service of summons; motion for extension is not What is the extent of the relief that may be
prohibited for filing answers (before the awarded?
original period expires) • In a judgement by default, it shall not
exceed the amount or be different in
May the court, on its own, declare the kind from that prayed for nor award
defendant in default? unliquidated damages
NOTE: The rule on amendment to
No, the court cannot motu propio declare that conform to evidence does not apply
the defendant is in default. This is for the when defendant is in default.
plaintiff to protect his own interest.
What is the effect of partial default?
Other instances where a defendant may be
declared in default Where a plaintiff asserts a common cause of
action where one of them files an answer and

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the others did not, the court should try the case • An action for legal separation
against the defendants on the basis of the • An action for expropriation
answer that was filed; should not split the case. • Forcible entry or unlawful detainer
• Other cases governed by the rules in
What are the remedies of a defendant declared
summary procedure
in default, and within what period may the
defendant avail himself of such remedies?

1. Motion to set aside order of default;

must be under oath and filed by the
defendant anytime from the notice of
the declaration of default but before
judgement; must show by an affidavit
of merit that his failure to file his answer
was due to the following:
• Fraud – extrinsic
• Accident
• Mistake
• Excusable negligence

Time frame: from the notice of the declaration

of default but before judgement, he may file a
motion to set aside order of default.

2. Motion for new trial on the ground of

FAME; there must be already a
judgement but has not become final
3. Appeal from the judgement by default.
Within 15 days from the notice of the
judgement, he may file a notice of
4. Petition for relief from judgement
based on FAME; this petition should be
filed if appeal is not available as a
remedy through no fault of the
defendant himself; filed within 60 days
from notice of the judgement but
within 6 months from entry of
5. Action for the annulment of the
judgement based on extrinsic fraud
within 4 years from the discovery of the
6. Petition for certiorari within 60 days
from the notice of the judgement
subject of the petition. If motion for
reconsideration, the 60 days should be
reckoned from the denial of his motion
for reconsideration

Cases where no default can be declared:

• In annulment of marriage
• Declaration of nullity of marriage

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VIII. MODULE 8 – Rule 10

Effects of an amended pleading:
• Consist of adding or striking out an 1. It supersedes the pleading that it
allegation or the name of any parties amends
• Correction of mistakes in the name of 2. Admissions in the superseded
the parties or mistaken or inadequate pleading may be received in evidence
allegation or description of an object in against the pleader
a pleading 3. Claims or defenses alleged in the
superseded pleading but not
Purpose: so that the actual merits of the incorporated in the amended pleading
controversy may be determined without regard shall be deemed waived
of technicalities
Distinguish an amended pleading from a
KINDS: supplemental pleading.
1. Formal
2. Substantial Supplemental pleading – to allege facts or
events that occurred after the filing of the
When is amendment a matter of right? When complaint
is it a matter of discretion?
1. An amended pleading is filed as a
When amended: matter of right or with leave of court,
They can be made once as a matter of right while a supplemental pleading is
before a responsive pleading is served. Or, in always with leave of court;
case of a reply, at any time within 10 days, after 2. An amended pleading alleges matters
it is served.
or facts occurring before the filing of
the original pleading, while
Responsive pleading - Filed by a party to deny
an allegation against him. supplemental pleadings allege matters
or facts occurring after the filing of the
After the filing of responsive pleading, original pleading; and
substantial amendments require leave of court 3. An amended pleading supersedes the
pleading that it amends, while a
When may the court refuse leave to amend? supplemental allows the original
pleading to stand.
1. A responsive pleading has been
served and filed and the motion for
leave to amend is with the intention to
2. The purpose of the amendment is to
confer jurisdiction upon the court
3. The purpose of the amendment is to
cure the defect of a non-existent cause
of action

What is an amendment to conform to

evidence? Or, to authorize presentation of

When issues not raised in the pleadings are

tried with express or implied consent of the
parties, they shall be treated in all respect as if
they have been raised in the pleadings and
there can be an amendment to conform to the
evidence, but failure to amend will not affect
the result of the trial of the issues.

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IX. MODULE 9 – Rule 11 the supplemental complaint

unless a different period is
What are the periods for filing of responsive fixed by the court
pleadings? NOTE: If no new supplemental
answer filed, the answer to the
1. Answer to a complaint in a case complaint shall serve as the
governed by the rules on summary answer to the supplemental
procedure complaint
o 10 days from service of 9. Reply
summons From 15 days of the service of the
2. Answer to the complaint governed by pleading responded to
the regular rules
o 30 calendar days from service May the period for filing of a responsive
of summons upon the pleading be extended by the court? May this
defendant, unless a different period be shortened?
period is fixed by the court
No, a motion for extension to file a pleading is
3. Answer to the amended complaint
a prohibited motion.
o If a matter of right, 30 calendar
days from service of a copy of No, the court may not except in quo warrant
the amended complaint. If with cases, the period may be shortened by the
leave of court, 15 days from the court.
notice of the order admitting
the amended complaint What is the remedy of a party who fails to file
4. If the defendant is a foreign private his responsive pleading within the time
juridical entity allowed by the rules?
o If the summons is served upon
its resident agent, he has 30 Remedy: file answer after the period for filing.
days from service of summons. Along with the answer, file a motion to admit
the answer.
But, if summons is severed on a
government official,
designated by law to receive
such summons on behalf of the
a foreign private juridical
entity, he has 60 calendar days
after receipt of such summons
by such entity.
5. Answer to 4th/3rd party complaints
o Within 30 calendar days after
service of summons unless a
different period is fixed by the
6. Answer to a complaint in intervention
o Within 15 calendar days from
notice of the order admitting
the complaint in intervention
unless a different period is
fixed by the court
7. Answer to a counterclaim/crossclaim
o 20 calendar days from service
of the counterclaim/crossclaim
8. Answer to a supplemental complaint
o 20 calendar days from the
notice of the order admitting

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X. MODULE 9A – Rule 12

Bill of particulars

A definite statement of any matter which is not

alleged with sufficient definiteness or

What is the purpose of a motion for a bill of


• To enable the defendant or a party to

properly prepare his responsive

Who may file a motion for a bill of particulars,

and when?

The motion for a bill of particulars may be filed

by the defendant before filing an answer or
before responding to a pleading.

When may a defendant who has filed a motion

for a bill of particulars file his answer?

After service of the bill of particulars assuming

the motion is granted, the plaintiff will serve
him of the bill of particulars. After this, if the
motion is granted or notice of the denial of the
defendant’s motion if denied, the defendant
has the remaining period that he was entitled
to at the time of the fling of the motion which is
not less than 5 days in any event.

What does the defendant need to do in a

motion for a bill of particulars?

Point out the defects in the complaint, the

paragraph where it is found, the details

Duty of the clerk of court

The clerk must bring the motion to the

attention of the court, and the court may deny
or grant the motion outright or allow the parties
an opportunity to be heard.

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XI. Module 10 – Rule 13 2. Resolution

3. Order
Filing – the act of submitting the pleading or 4. Pleading subsequent to the complaint
other paper to the court. 5. Written motion
Service – providing a party with a copy of the 6. Notice
pleading 7. Appearance
8. Demand
What are the modes of filing? 9. Offer of judgement
10. Other similar papers
1. Personal filing – By submitting
personally the original copy of the What are the modes of service?
pleading, motion, or other papers to
the court, plainly indicated as such. 1. Personal service – serve on the other
party or his counsel of a copy of the
2. Filing by registered mail pleading by personally delivering it.

3. Filing by accredited courier 2. Service by mail – this may either be by

registered mail or ordinary mail; made
4. Filing by electronic mail or other by depositing the copy in the post
electronic means (in places where the office in a sealed envelope
court is electronically equipped)
3. Service by accredited courier
NOTE: Sec 14 of Rule 13, the above
must only be served or filed personally 4. Service by electronic mail or other
or registered mail unless express electronic means
permission is granted by the court.
5. Substituted service – delivering a
The following must be filed only copy to the clerk of court with proof of
through personal filing/registered failure of personal service or service by
mail: mail
1. Initiatory pleading (e.g. answer);
What are the modes of service when it comes
2. Subpoena, protection orders, and
to judgements, final orders or resolutions?
3. Appendices and exhibits and 1. Personal service
motions and other documents that 2. Service by mail
are not amenable to electronic 3. Service by accredited courier
scanning; 4. Service by electronic mail or other
4. Sealed and confidential records; electronic means
5. Service by publication – made only
At what point, considered filed – if through when the defendant is summoned
personal filing, the clerk of court shall endorse through publication and he did not
on the pleading motion or other court appear in the action
submissions, the date and hour of filing.
What is presumptive service? Does
If through registered mail/accredited courier, presumptive service apply to service of
the date of the mailing and the payment or judgments? Why?
deposit as shown by the post office staff on the
envelope or registry receipt shall be For notice of hearing:
considered as the date of its filing. The
envelope shall be attached to the record of the 1. Presumptive service – to a party of a
case. court setting; if such notice appears on
Papers required to be filed with the court and record to have been mailed at least 20
served on the parties affected: calendar days prior to the scheduled
date of hearing and the addressee is
1. Judgement

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from the same judicial region where Is court order required to: (a) record a notice of
the case is pending lis pendens; (b) to cancel a notice of lis pendens
that is already recorded?
No, there is no presumptive service of
judgements a. No, no court order is needed to record
a notice of list pendens since the
What is the rule regarding completeness of recording is extrajudicial
service? b. Yes, for it to be cancelled, there must
be a court order. The court shall issue
1. Personal service → upon actual an order directing the cancellation of
delivery the notice if it is shown that –
2. Ordinary mail → expiration of 10 1. It is for the purpose of molesting
calendar days after mailing unless the the adverse party
court provides otherwise 2. It is not necessary to protect the
3. Registered mail → actual receipt by the right of the part who caused it to be
addressee or after 5 calendar days recorded
from the date the addressee received
the notice of the post master, Who may record: the plaintiff or defendant, if
whichever date is earlier defendant is also asking for a real relief.
4. Accredited courier → actual receipt by
the addressee or after at least two
attempts to deliver by the courier or
upon expiration of 5 calendar days
after the first attempt, whichever is
5. FAX transmission → receipt by the
other party as indicted in the FAX
6. Electronic service → at the time of the
electronic transmission
7. Substituted service → at the time of the
actual delivery to the clerk of court

What is a notice of lis pendens?

NOTE: May be recorded only if the action is a

real action

An announcement to the world that a real

property is the subject of a pending litigation;
serves as a warning to everyone who want to
enter into a transaction involving such property
that he will acquire subject to the outcome of
the litigation.

Where recorded: In the office of Registry of

Deeds of the province or city where the real
property is located

In what action may a notice of lis pendens be


Only available in a real action, an action

affecting the possession or title to a real party.

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CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

XII. Module 11 – Rule 14

Who may serve summons? Upon whom may
What is summons? summons be served?

A writ issued and signed by the clerk of court Summons may be served by—
upon the filing of the complaint and payment 1. The sheriff or his deputy or other
of the docket fees, addressed to the defendant, proper court officer;
and directing him to file an answer, with a 2. By the plaintiff if authorized by the
warning that, if he fails to do so, then the court in case there is a failure of service
plaintiff will take a judgement by default and he of summons by the sheriff or his deputy
may be granted the relief applied for. or other proper court officer.

Contains the following: Also, the plaintiff shall be authorized to cause

the service of the summons:
1) name of the court;
2) the name of the parties; 1. If the summons is to be served outside
3) an authorization for the plaintiff to the judicial region of the court where
serve the summons to the defendant if the case is pending
authorized by the court upon ex parte 2. If the summons is returned without
motion; being served on any or all the
4) A direction that the defendant answer defendants
within the ft=time fixed and a notice
NOTE: If the plaintiff fails to comply with the
that unless the defendant so answers, order will cause the dismissal of the complaint
plaintiff will take a judgement by or initiatory pleading without prejudice.
default and may be granted the relief
applied for; and Until when is the summons valid?
5) A copy of the complaint and order of
for the appointment of a guardian A summons has no definite lifetime. Once
admitted shall be attached dt o the issued, it shall remain valid until duly served or
original and each copy of the summons recalled by the court.

What is its two-fold purpose? However, if the summons is lost or destroyed

without being served, then the court shall issue
• To enable the court to acquire upon motion an alias summons.
jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant; and What are the modes of extraterritorial service of
• To notify the filing of the complaint summons?
against him
1. Service in person on the defendant
Note: For residents outside the PH, summons a) By handing a copy of the
is served to acquire the jurisdiction over the res summons to the defendant in
and to comply with the requirement of due person and informing him that
process. he is being served with
The voluntary appearance of the defendant
b) If the defendant refuses to
in the action shall be equivalent to service of
receive and sign for it by
leaving the summons within
When may the court direct the clerk of court to the view and in the presence of
issue summons to the defendant? the defendant

If the complaint is not dismissible on its face 2. Substituted service – if for justifiable
under Sec 1 Rule 9, the court shall within 5 causes the defendant cannot be served
calendar days from receipt of the complaint or with summons in person after at least
initiatory pleading or proof of payment of legal three attempts on two different dates,

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then substituted service of summons ➔ If no registered agent, summons

shall be made. How made— will be effected outside the country
through any of the following means
a) By leaving a copy of the (extraterritorial service of
summons at defendant’s summons):
residence to a person at least
18 years of age and with a) personal service coursed
sufficient discretion residing through the appropriate
therein. court in the foreign country
b) By leaving copies of the with the assistance of DFA
summons at the defendant’s b) by publication once in a
office or regular place of newspaper of general
business with some competent publication in the country
person in charge thereof; where the defendant may
c) By leaving a copy of the be found and by serving a
summons if refused entry upon copy of the summons and
making his authority and the court order must be
purpose known with any of the sent via registered mail to
Home Owners Assoc or the defendant at its last
Condominium Corp or its chief known address
security officer in charge of the c) FAX or electronic means
community or building where with the prescribed proof
the defendant may be found; of service
d) By sending an electronic mail d) By such other means as the
to the defendant’s email court in its discretion may
address if allowed by the court direct
• Public corporation
3. Service of summons by publication ➔ If the Republic of the PH, it will be
served upon the Solicitor General
Upon whom should summons be served?
➔ If the defendant is a province, city
• Domestic private juridical entities: or municipality, or public
Corporations, partnerships corporation, served upon the
➔ President, managing partner, executive head or any officer as the
general manager, the corporate law or court may direct
secretary, treasurer, in house What is the proof of service of summons?
• The proof shall be made in writing
If summons cannot be served, they can be
by the server
served upon their secretaries or any person
who customarily receives correspondence for • shall set forth the manner, the
the defendant at its principal office. If still place, and date of service
unavailable, summons may be made • shall specify any papers served
electronically if allowed by the court. along with the summons
• and the name of the person who
• Foreign private juridical entities received the summons
➔ If doing business in the PH, service • shall be sworn to if made other
may be made upon its resident than the sheriff or deputy
agent, upon the government
official designated by law, or any of If served by electronic mail
its officers, agents, directors, or • Print out of the email with the copy of
trustees within the PH the summons as served
• Affidavit of the person mailing

If served by publication

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• Affidavit of the publisher, editor or

advertising manager; attached is the
copy of the publication

NOTE: If summons was not served in any

modes, the effect is that the service of
summons is void.

Effect of defendant’s voluntary appearance if

no service of summons or if void, equivalent to
a service of summons.

If the defendant files a motion to dismiss, and

he includes other grounds other than lack of
jurisdiction over the person, what is the effect
of such inclusion? It shall be deemed a
voluntary appearance.

Sec. 14, Rule 14. A lawyer makes a special on

behalf of the defendant to question the validity
of summons → the court may deputize the
cousel to serve the summons on his client.

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XIII. Module 12 – Rule 15 NOTE: court has 15 calendar days from receipt
of motion to resolve the motion
Application for an order other than by a Requisites of a valid motion:
1. It must be in writing except if made in
GR: A motion must be in writing. open court or in the course of the
XPN: those named in open court in the course proceeding
of the trial or proceeding. 2. Must state the relief sought to be
obtained and the ground upon which it
Types: is based
a) Non-litigious – motion which the court 3. Must be served by personal service,
may act upon without prejudicing the accredited private courier, registered
right of the adverse party; the court mail, or electronic means to ensure its
does not need to hear the motion receipt by the other party.
- Motion for an alias summons What motions are prohibited?
- Motion for extension to file
answer 1. Motion to dismiss
- Motion for issuance of writ of 2. Motion to hear affirmative defenses
execution 3. Motion for reconsideration of the
- Motion for the issuance of court’s action on affirmative defenses
order 4. Motion to suspend proceedings if
- Motion for the issuance of writ there is no TRO
of possession 5. Motion for extension of time to file
pleadings (except to file an answer—
NOTE: shall be resolved by the court within 5 one time)
from the receipt of the motion by the court 6. Motion for postponement (if intended
for delay)
b) Litigious – the court, at its discretion,
may set the motion for hearing, in
which case, it shall issue a notice of What is an omnibus motion?
hearing specifying the date and time of
the hearing of the motion; otherwise, it A motion attacking a pleading or a proceeding
shall include all objections then available, and
is defective.
all objections not so included shall be deemed
Examples: waived.
- Motion for a bill of particulars
- Motion to dismiss Rule: it requires that a motion must state all the
- Motion for New Trial grounds or objections then available, and
- Motion for reconsideration those not set up are deemed waived.
- Motion for execution pending
appeal XPNs: Those stated in Section 1
- Motion to amend after a
responsive pleading has been What to do if filing for leave to file a
filed pleading, motion, etc – movant attaches the
- Motion to cancel a statutory proposed amended pleading that he is asking
lien the court to attend
- Motion to break in
- Motion for intervention
- Demurrer to Evidence
- Motion to declare defendant in
- Other similar motions

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XIV. Module 13 – Rule 17 presentation of its evidence in chief of

the plaintiff
It may either be caused by the plaintiff or due 2. If with no justifiable cause, the plaintiff
to the act of the plaintiff. fails to prosecute his action for an
unreasonable length of time
May a plaintiff dismiss his own complaint? 3. comply with the Rules of Court or
How? order of the court

Yes, in two ways: NOTE: Dismissal shall be with prejudice, unless

otherwise stated in the order dismissing the
1. File a notice of dismissal complaint. If silent, then it shall be deemed with
• When may the plaintiff do so: before prejudice.
service upon him of defendant’s
Remedy of the plaintiff: If with prejudice, he
answer or a motion of summary
may appeal from the order of dismissal. If
judgement. without prejudice, he may refile
• The court shall order confirming the
dismissal If plaintiff himself dismisses his own complaint,
• The plaintiff can refile his complaint – what is the effect of this dismissal?
the dismissal is without prejudice
Exceptions: If the court dismisses the complaint because
- If it is stated in the notice to be with of plaintiff’s fault, may the plaintiff refile his
prejudice complaint?
- The dismissal shall be considered
Yes, if the order of the dismissal is without
an adjudication of the case on its
prejudice. Otherwise, he may appeal from the
merit if the plaintiff has once
order of the dismissal.
dismissed his action based on or
containing the same claim (two-
dismissal rule)

2. Motion to Dismiss
• Complaint is to have been said
dismissed upon court approval
• Requires a court approval
• Dismissal is without prejudice to the
refiling of the complaint, except
otherwise stated otherwise in the order
• The dismissal shall be limited to the
• It is without prejudice to the right of the
plaintiff to prosecute his counterclaim
in a separation action unless within 15
days from notice of the motion, he
manifests his preference to have his
counterclaim resolved in the same

Upon the defendant’s own motion or upon the

court’s own motion, the complaint may be
dismissed in the ff cases:

1. If with no justifiable cause, the plaintiff

fails to appear on the date of the

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XV. Module 14 – Rule 18 4. limitation of the number and

identification of witnesses and setting
Pretrial of trial dates
Procedural device intended to clarify and limit 5. the advisability of a preliminary
to clarify and limit the basic issues between the reference to a commissioner
parties. 6. the propriety of rendering judgements
on the pleadings or summary
Objective: judgement, or of dismissing the action
To simply, abbreviate or expedite trials should a valid ground therefore be
or otherwise, dispense with it. found to exist
7. the requirements of the parties to (1)
When may a case be set for pretrial?
mark their respective evidence if not
The case may be set for pretrial after the last
yet marked in the judicial affidavits of
responsive pleading has been served and filed.
their witnesses; (2) examine and make
The last responsive pleading is determined by comparisons of the adverse parties vis-
what pleadings are already filed. à-vis the copies to be marked; (3)
manifest for the record stipulations
Notice of pretrial includes the following: regarding the faithfulness of the
reproductions and the genuineness
1. Directive for the parties to file their and due execution of the adverse
respective pretrial briefs; party’s evidence; (4) reverse evidence
2. The dates of the trial; not available at the pretrial but only in
3. The court-annexed mediation; and the following manner:
4. The judicial dispute resolution - for testimonial evidence, by
giving the name or the
To whom may it be served: Must be served
position and the nature of the
upon a party if not represented by a counsel;
testimony of the proposed
otherwise, it must be served on his counsel.
And the counsel has the duty to notify the witness;
client, the party represented by him of the date - for documentary evidence, by
and time of the pretrial. giving a particular description
of the evidence
What are the matters to be taken up at the 8. such other matters as may aid in the
pretrial? prompt disposition of the action

Sec 2 provides the following:

What is the effect of the failure of parties and
1. the possibility of an amicable their counsel to appear for pretrial?
settlement or submission to an
a.) If it is the party and his counsel who fail
alternative modes of dispute
to appear at the pretrial without just
cause despite notice, it shall result in a
- arbitration
- mediation waiver of any objections to the
- conciliation faithfulness of reproductions or any
- early neutral evaluation documentary evidence marked or their
- mini trial genuineness and due execution;
- any combination of the b.) If it is the plaintiff and counsel to
appear without just cause, shall cause
the dismissal of the complaint. The
2. simplification of the issues
dismissal shall be with prejudice unless
- factual issues
otherwise ordered by the court.
- legal issues
c.) If the defendant and his counsel, that
3. the possibility of obtaining stipulations
will authorize the plaintiff to present his
or admissions of facts and of
documents to avoid unnecessary proof evidence ex parte against the

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defendant, and the court to render • Statement of one-day examination of

judgement based on the evidence witness and most-important witness
Remedy of plaintiff: appeal if with prejudice;
if without prejudice, refile Is a judicial dispute resolution mandatory?
Note: A 2 pretrial may be held if both parties No, it is discretionary on the part of the court.
Note: proceedings here are confidential; thus,
What is a pretrial brief? What is the effect if cannot be used at the trial.
the parties fail to file their pretrial brief?
• The court may render a summary
Pre-trial brief judgement. It can be done upon
motion of the party or motu propio by
Contains the ff: the court.
• A concise statement of the case and
• The order of the court that the case will
reliefs prayed for
be submitted for summary judgement
• Summary of admitted facts cannot be the subject of an appeal or
• Proposed stipulation of facts petition for certiorari; although, the
• Main factual and legal issues to be said judgement is appealable.
• Propriety of referral of factual issues to
commissioners What is the One-Day Examination of Witness
• Documents and other object evidence Rule?
to be marked and the purpose to be
The One-Day Examination of Witness Rule
• The names of the witnesses and the
Requires that a witness has to be fully examined
summary of their witnesses in one (1) day only. The direct and cross
• Brief statement of points of law and examination of the witness shall be conducted
citation of authorities in one day.
The failure to file the pre-trial brief shall have
The Most-important-witness Rule
the same effect as failure to appear at the pre-
trial (Sec. 6, Rule 18, Rules of Court). Hence, if it
The court shall determine the most important
is the plaintiff who fails to file a pre-trial brief,
witnesses and limit the number of witnesses.
his complaint may be dismissed.

What is a pretrial order?

Within 10 calendar days from the termination

of the pretrial, the court shall issue a pretrial
It shall recite in detail the matters taken up at
the pretrial. It shall also state the following:
• An enumeration of admitted facts
• Minutes of the pretrial conference
• Legal and factual issues to be tried
• Applicable law, rules, and
• The evidence marked
• Specific trial dates for continuous trials
• Case flow chart (different stages of the
proceedings until the promulgation of
the decision)

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XVI. Module 15, 16, and 17 2. When the intervenor’s right may be
fully protected in a separate
Rule 19 – Intervention proceeding

There must be a pending action because a

person will intervene in the action. Intervention not allowed in the following:

The initiative to become a party to the pending 1. Land registration cases

case comes from the intervenor. 2. Cases governed by the rules on
summary procedure
Who may intervene:
Intervention is merely collateral or ancillary to
the principal action; not an independent
1. One who has a legal interest in the
proceeding. Hence, it the main action is
matter in litigation
dismissed, the intervention is likewise
2. A legal interest in the success of either dismissed.
3. A legal interest against both Rule 21 – Subpoena
4. He is so situated as to be adversely
affected by the disposition of a Subpoena - A process directed to a person
property or distribution of a property requiring him to attend and testify at the
or distribution of a property on the hearing or trial of an action, or any investigation
custody of the court or an officer conducted by a competent authority, or a
thereof taking of a deposition.

Legal interest – a material interest; the Kinds:

intervenor stands to be injured or be benefited
as a result of a judgement that may be 1. Subpoena ad testificandum –
rendered requires the person to attend and
When may a person intervene: 2. Subpoena duces tecum – requires the
person to produce or bring to court
At any time before rendition of judgement by certain documents, objects, etc and
the trial court testify thereon
How can a person intervene: Who may issue:

By filing a motion for leave of court to a. The court before whom the witness is
intervene, and attach to his motion his required to attend and testify
proposed pleading in intervention (a complaint b. The court where his deposition his
in intervention). Both would be served to the deposition is to be taken
original parties.
c. The officer or body authorized by law
to do so in connection with an
Note: Except only when the intervenor
unites with the defending party in investigation that is being conducted
resisting the claim of the plaintiff, in d. Any justice if the SC, CA, in any case or
which it is called an answer in investigation pending within the
intervention. Philippines

NOTE: absent any suit or action commenced or

Period: filed within 15 days from notice
of the order admitting the complaint n pending before a court or before any officer
intervention authorized to conduct an investigation, a
When may a court refuse the leave to subpoena cannot be issued.
1. When it will unduly delay or prejudice When is a witness not bound by a
the adjudication of the right of the
original parties

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a. If the witness resides more than 100 km the production of these books,
from his residence to the place where documents, or things
he is to testify be ordinary course of - The witness fee allowed by the
travel rules were not tendered by the
• The right of the witness not to time of the service of the
be compelled to testify such subpoena
case is called the viatory right; 2. If subpoena ad testficandum:
Remedy: take his deposition in - The witness is not bound by the
the place where he resides subpoena
Steps: - The witness fee allowed by the
1. File a notice to the other rules were not tendered by the
party stating the time, time of the service of the
place, and name whose subpoena
deposition is to be taken
Modes of service:
2. Notice will be served on
the other parties; there will
It is in the same manner as personal or
be prof of service of the substituted service of summons.
3. The proof of service shall At the time of the service, the following should
be presented to the clerk be tendered to the witness:
of court of the place where • Witness fee
the deposition is to be • Cost for the production of
taken documents and ither materials
4. On the basis of such proof subject of the subpoena
of service, the clerk shall
issue the subpoena, then Rule 22 – Computation of Periods
the such will be served on
Can a person be compelled to appear
the witness, and his
without a subpoena? Yes, for instance, the
disposition will be taken
person is already in court.
Consequence of disobedience of subpoena:
b. The witness is a prisoner
1. May be arrested and brought to the
Detention prisoner: If there is no court where his attendance is required
permission from the court in which his 2. Citation in contempt by the court
case is pending, the subpoena does where his subpoena is issued
not bind him
Computation of time
Prisoner serving sentence: Not
bound by the subpoena unless there is
Rule: Exclude the first, include the last.
an authority issued by the SC for the
prisoner to be brought out • If the last day falls on a weekend or a
Grounds to quash a subpoena: holiday in the place where the court
sits, the motion or pleading may be
1. If the subpoena is a duces tecume: filed on the next business day
- If unreasonable and oppressive XPN: does not apply in prescription of
- The relevancy of books, offenses or causes of action
documents, or things do not
- The person in whose behalf the
subpoena is issued fails to
advance the reasonable cause of

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XVII. Module 18 – Rule 23 6. If it is a production or

inspection of documents or
What are the purposes of the modes of things, it is upon motion of any
discovery? party with the court where the
court is pending
1. Narrow down or clarify the basic issues 7. If it a physical or mental
between the parties examination of a party, should
2. Ascertain the facts that are relevant to be upon notice to the party to
the issues involved in the case be examined and to all the
parties in an action in which the
What are the modes of discovery?
physical or mental condition of
a party is a controversy
1. Deposition pending action/deposition
de bene esse Is leave of court required for a party to avail
2. Deposition before action or pending himself of the various modes of discovery?
appeal/deposition in perpetua rei
memoriam In deposition pending action, interrogatories
3. Interrogatories to parties to parties, or request for admission, if an
4. Request for admission answer has already been filed, then leave of
5. Production or inspection of documents court is not required.
or things
If an answer has not been filed, but the court
6. Physical or mental examination of a
has already obtained jurisdiction over the
person of the defendant or the subject matter
What must be done to resort to these of the action, then there must be a leave of
modes: court.

- Identify which mode he would like to In Production or inspection of documents or

avail himself of things or Physical or mental examination of a
party, there must always be leave of court.
1. If it is a deposition pending
action, a party should file an ex
parte motion in court The taking of the testimony of any person
2. If a deposition before action, whether a party to the action or not at the
he should file a verified petition instance of a party to the action.
in the court of any of the
residence of the expected Deponent – The person whose deposition is
adverse party taken
3. If a deposition pending appeal,
he should file a motion in the How is deposition taken?
court that rendered the
The deposition is taken (a) out of court upon
judgement or leave to take the
oral examination; or (b) written interrogatory.
deposition upon notice and
service thereof as if the action
Scope of a Deposition
was pending in that court
4. If interrogatories to parties, he The deponent may be examined regarding any
should file an ex parte motion matter not privileged provided it is relevant to
with the court where the case is the subject to the pending action whether it
pending relates to a claim or defense of any party
5. If it is a request for admission,
at any time after issues have
been joined, a party may file
and serve upon the other party,
a written request for admission

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Before whom may depositions be taken: unable to procure the attendance of

the deponent by means of subpoena,
If within the country, the deposition may be or such other exceptional
taken before a judge or a notary public or a circumstances exist.
person authorized to administer oath.
What are the consequences of refusal to
But in a foreign country, it can be the secretary comply with modes of discovery?
of the embassy or the diplomatic minister or his
staff, consul general, consul, vice consul,
consular agent or before such person or officer
as may be appointed by a commission or
letters rogatory.

What is a commission? letters rogatory?

Commission – An instrument issued by a court

of justice or other competent tribunal of a
foreign country to authorize persons to take a
deposition or to do any other act by authority
by the court or tribunal that issued it.

Addressed to an officer designated by name or

a descriptive title.

Letters rogatory – An instrument sent in the

name and by authority of a judge or court to
another court or judge requesting the a latter
to cause to be examined upon interrogatories
filed in a case pending before a court that
issued, a witness who is within the jurisdiction
of the judge or court to whom the letters of
rogatory are addressed.

Addressed to a judicial authority in a foreign

country. It may be applied for and issued only
after a commission has returned and executed.

May a deposition be used as evidence?

1. If the deponent is a party to a case, his

deposition may be used for any
a. to establish a claim or a defense;
b. for the purpose of contradicting or
impeaching him if he testifies;

2. If the deponent is a person not a party

to the case, it may only be used for the
purpose of contradicting him or
impeaching him if he testifies.

XPN: If the witness or deponent is

dead or resides more than 100 km from
the place of trial, or unable to testify
because of age or some other infirmity,
or the party offering the deposition is

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XVIII. Module 20 and 20-A 2. In partition under Rule 69 when the

parties are unable to agree as to the
Rule 32 – Trial by Commissioner matter of partition

Rule 22 – Demurrer to Evidence

What is a demurrer to evidence?
He may be an accountant, surveyor, examiner,
or anyone who may be appointed by the court
by means by an order known as Order of Demurrer to Evidence
A motion to dismiss on the ground of
When may the court refer the case for trial insufficiency of evidence and is presented after
plaintiff rests his case. What is the ground for
by commissioner?
demurrer to evidence in civil case? The only
ground for demurrer to evidence is that the
Upon agreement of the parties in writing;
plaintiff has shown no right to relief.
otherwise, the court may refer upon its own
motion or one of the parties.
What is the remedy of the plaintiff against
May a commissioner issue a subpoena? an order granting demurrer to evidence?

Yes, he also has the power to rule upon the His remedy is to appeal from the order of
admissibility of evidence, unless that power is dismissal.
withheld by the court from him.
What may the appellate court do?
If a witness refuses to obey a subpoena
a. If the appellate court finds that the
issued by a commissioner, may the
commissioner punish him for contempt? plaintiff’s evidence is insufficient →
No, but it will be the court that will punish the b. If the appellate court finds that the
witness for contempt. plaintiff’s evidence is sufficient →
NOTE: In a Trial by Commissioner, trial shall o If so, the appellate should not
proceed as it would be held in a court. After receive defendant’s evidence
trial, the commissioner will submit his report to nor remand the case to the trial
the court. court for presentation of the
defendant’s evidence, but
Objections may not be raised before the court should decide the case based
that appointed the commissioner, unless made on the e evidence presented
before the commissioner during the hearing. by the plaintiff. In which event,
the defendant has lost/waived
Is the report of the commissioner final? the presentation of evidence

If the parties will stipulate that the What are the distinctions between
commissioner’s findings of facts will be final, demurrer to evidence in civil cases and
then only questions of law may be considered demurrer to evidence in criminal cases?
by the court.
Are there instances when hearing before a Upon motion of the Upon motion of the
commissioner is required by the rules? defendant accused or the court’s
• The court cannot own initiative after
1. In expropriation cases under Rule 67 to dismiss the case on giving the prosecution
determine the just compensation of the a demurrer of an opportunity to be
evidence without a heard
property, subject of the case

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motion of the • The court may Distinctions between a Motion to Dismiss

defendant dismiss the case and Demurrer to Evidence
upon the foregoing
Leave of court is not May file with leave of DISMISS EVIDENCE
required court (does not waive
right to present Usually filed before the Made after the plaintiff
filing of an answer rests his case
evidence) or without
(submits to the court Based on the ff: Based on the failure of
for decision; waives - no jurisdiction the plaintiff to show a
right to present - res judicata right to relief
evidence) - litis pendentia
If the demurrer to the If the demurrer to the - prescription
evidence is granted, evidence is granted, A denial will require the Requires a subsequent
the plaintiff may appeal the state (plaintiff) subsequent filing of an presentation of the
cannot appeal from the answer defendant’s evidence
order dismissing the
case (amounts to an

Who may file a demurrer to evidence,

when, and on what ground?

In a civil case, it is the defendant who files the

demurrer of evidence.

NOTE: The time to file a demurrer is after the

plaintiff has completed the presentation of his
evidence, or after the plaintiff has rested.

The ground is upon the facts and the law, the

plaintiff has shown no right to relief
(insufficiency of evidence)

Is leave of court required? In a civil action, it

is nor required.

How resolved:

a. The court may deny because in the

opinion of the court, the plaintiff has
presented sufficient evidence.

Remedy: To present the defendant’s

evidence. A defendant whose
demurrer to evidence has been denied
by the court does not lose his right to
present his evidence.

b. The court may grant the demurrer to

evidence → the case is dismissed

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XIX. Module 21 and 21-A When is an issue a sham?

Rule 34 – Judgement on the pleadings An issue is sham/false if it is not genuine.

An issue is said to be genuine when the
- Based on the complaint or the answer; issue requires presentation of evidence.
plaintiff in the main case or in a
counterclaim, cross claim, or third-party Procedure:
complaint may move for the judgement
when an answer has already been filed 1. Plaintiff/defendant serves on the
other party a copy of the motion.
- Ground: the answer fails to tender an The motion should cite supporting
issue or otherwise admits the material affidavits,
allegations in the complaint: depositions/admissions, and it
must also cite the law applicable
1. It expressly confesses to the material and relied upon
allegations; 2. The adverse party files a comment
2. It fails to deal with it at all and serves upon the moving party
opposing affidavits, depositions,
NOTE: The court cannot motu propio render a and admissions within a non-
judgement on the pleadings without motion of extendable period of five days
the party
from receipt of the motion
Rule 35 – Summary Judgement/Accelerated
Judgment NOTE: Unless the court will set the
case for hearing, the court shall
- Device of weeding out sham claims or render a summary judgement
defenses at an early stage of the litigation forthwith (i.e. hearing is optional)
thereby avoiding the expense or loss of
What may the court do?
time in a trial; the plaintiff or the defendant
may move for a summary judgement • If plaintiff – justified, it will render a
- If the plaintiff, he may move for the summary judgement; not justified –
judgement at any time an answer has been deny the motion
filed; • If defendant – justified, then the court
will issue an order dismissing the
Ground: although there Is an apparent complaint; not justified – deny the
issue, it can be shown that the issue is motion
sham or false, that there is no genuine
issue to any material fact and the plaintiff NOTE: Summary judgement is appealable.
is entitled to a judgement as a matter of However, if the court denies the motion for
law summary judgement, the order denying the
motion is not appealable.
- If the defendant, then he may move for
May there be a partial summary judgement?
judgement before or after he has filed an
Yes, but not appealable since it is interlocutory
(does not put an end to the case).
Ground: plaintiff’s claim against him is
false/sham—there is an apparent claim but
not genuine.

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XX. Rule 36

Requisites of a judgement:

1. Must be in writing
2. Must be directly and personally prepared
by the judge
3. It must state clearly and distinctly the facts
and the law upon which it is based
4. Signed by the judge and filed with the
clerk of court

NOTE: If dictated in open court, the judgement

will never become final.
• If judgement is valid but wrong,
remedy is appeal (error of judgement)
• If judgement is void, remedy is to file a
petition for certiorari.

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XXI. Module 23 – Rule 37 3. Evidence is material and not

merely cumulative or
The motion for new trial or reconsideration corroborative or impeaching
must be filed within the period for perfecting
an appeal, which is usually 15 days from the
On what grounds may a motion for
notice of judgement. reconsideration be filed?
1. Award of excessive damages
Who can file: the plaintiff or the defendant
2. Insufficiency of evidence
What are the requisites of a new trial? 3. Decision is contrary to law and
Grounds: Form of the motion: it must be in writing
1. Fraud (extrinsic), accident, mistake, or • If the motion is based on FAME, it
excusable negligence
should be supported by an affidavit of
merit; should state facts constituting
• Extrinsic fraud - Fraud that
the FAME
prevented a party from having • If the motion is based on newly
his day in court; committed discovered evidence by whom such
outside the trial or court evidence is expected to be given, or
• Accident – fortuitous event or
duly authenticated
happening that is beyond the
❖ If testimonial – affidavit of
control of a party
• Mistake – refers to mistakes of
❖ If documentary evidence – by
fact (e.g. failure to answer duly authenticated copy of his
because of the belief that it is document
not anymore necessary as • If motion for reconsideration, point out
there is a pending discussion
specifically the findings or the
regarding settlement of the
conclusions not supported by
evidence or which is alleged to be
• Excusable Negligence – there contrary to law
is an omission to do
something, where a prudent May there be a second motion for
person would have done reconsideration?
If denied, there can be no second motion for
2. Newly discovered evidence reconsideration. No second motion for
reconsideration is allowed if it is asking for the
Where the agreed party could not, with
reconsideration of a judgement or final order.
reasonable diligence, have discovered
or produce at the trial at which, if
Exception: If directed against an interlocutory
presented and admitted, would alter order, a second motion for reconsideration is
the results allowed.
• MTC/Ras 30 days from the time it was
What are the requisites of newly discovered
evidence as a ground for new trial? submitted for resolution to resolve the
Requisites: • CA has 60 days after it declares the
1. Discovered after trial motion submitted for resolution
2. Such evidence could not have • SC – no period prescribed
been discovered and
What are the effects of an order granting a
produced at the trial with motion for new trial?
reasonable diligence
1. The judgement is vacated or set aside.

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2. The action shall stand for trial de novo.

(There will be a new trial).

Cannot appeal if no motion for new trial or

reconsideration in the ff cases:
1. In habeas corpus, in relation to
custody of minors
2. Annulment of marriage
3. Declaration of nullity of marriage
4. Legal separation

Motion for Reopening of Trial

The motion must be filed within the period for
perfecting an appeal, which is usually 15 days
from the notice of judgement.

Ground: To prevent a miscarriage of justice.

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XXII. Rule 38 aside; and second, within a fixed period of six

(6) months from entry of such judgment, order
or other proceeding. Strict compliance with
Petition for relief from judgement
these periods is required because a petition for
relief from judgment is a final act of liberality on
Grounds for availing of the remedy (petition
the part of the State, which remedy cannot be
for relief)
allowed to erode any further the fundamental
5. When a judgment or final order is
principle that a judgment, order or proceeding
entered, or any other proceeding is
must, at some definite time, attain finality in
thereafter taken against a party in any order to put an end to litigation. (Philippine
court through (a) fraud, (b) accident, (c) Amanah Bank v. Contreras, GR No. 173168,
mistake, or (c) excusable negligence, 09/29/2014).
he may file a petition in such court and in
the same case praying that the In what case and court should the petition
judgment, order or proceeding be set be filed?
aside (Sec. 1, Rule 38).
6. When the petitioner has been prevented The petition should be filed in the same case
from taking an appeal by fraud, mistake, and in the same court
or excusable negligence (Sec. 2).
Relief: The relief in the petition is for the
judgement to be set aside.
NOTE: Petition for relief from judgement is an
equitable remedy Who may file: plaintiff or the defendant.
• A party may resort to this remedy only
if there is no other available remedy Steps to follow when filing for a petition for
• Not a substitute for appeal relief from judgement:
• A petition for relief from judgment is an
NOTE: The petition should be a verified
equitable remedy that is allowed only
in exceptional cases when there is no
other available or adequate remedy. 1. The filing of a verified petition in the
When a party has another remedy same court and in the same case.
available to him, which may be either a Should be accompanied by an affidavit
motion for new trial or appeal from an of merit; should state facts and
adverse decision of the trial court, and circumstances surrounding the FAME
he was not prevented by fraud, and that the petitioner has a
accident, mistake or excusable meritorious cause of action
negligence from filing such motion or 2. The court will issue an order directing
taking such appeal, he cannot avail the respondent to file his answer within
himself of this petition (Trust 15 days from service of the order
International Paper Corp. vs. Pelaez, GR
3. The filing of an answer. But if the
164871, 08/22/2006). respondent doesn’t file an answer,
there is no default.
When may be filed: A petition for relief from 4. With or without an answer, the court
judgment must be filed within 60 days after will hear the petition.
petitioner learns of the judgment, final order, • If the court finds no FAME, the
or proceeding and within six (6) months from court will issue an order
entry of judgment or final order. A petition for denying the petition (not
relief of judgment filed beyond the appealable). But if the court
reglementary period is dismissed outright. acted with grave abuse of
discretion, a petition for
A party filing a petition for relief from judgment
certiorari may be filed.
must strictly comply with two (2) reglementary
• If allegations are true, the court will
periods: first, the petition must be filed within
sixty (60) days from knowledge of the issue an order granting the petition;
judgment, order or other proceeding to be set hence, a hearing will commence. The

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court will render a judgement

• Effect: as if a new trial has been

• If a person can show that he was
prevented from perfecting his appeal
by FAME, then his remedy is to file a
petition for relief to give due course
for his appeal.
If the court finds it true, then the court
will grant the petition.
• If the notice of the appeal and
appellate docket fees were made
within the prescribed time but court
dismissed it, the remedy is a petition
for certiorari




Must be filed before Must be filed after
the judgement the judgement
becomes final becomes final
File if judgement or Filed if a judgement
final order has been or final order has
rendered been rendered or a
proceeding has
thereafter taken
FAME and Newly FAME
discovered evidence
Filed during the Filed within 60 days
period of perfecting after petitioner
an appeal (15 days) learns of the
judgment, final
order, or proceeding
and within six (6)
months from entry of
judgment or final
If denied, there can Not appealable if
be an appeal from denied
Legal remedy Equitable remedy
Must be verified Need not be verified

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XXIII. Rule 39

Final order vs interlocutory order

• Final order can be the subject of an


Judgement obligee files a motion for


In what court may you file for the motion

for execution?

It is filed in the court of origin.


1. Certified copy of the judgement of the

appellate court
2. Certificate of finality of the judgement

Remedy if the court of origin refused to

issue an execution: File a motion with the
appellate court and in the same case asking the
court to compel the court of origin to issue an
order directing the court of origin to issue an

Remedy of the judgement obligee if the court

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XXIV. Rule 40 – Rule 56 and prove that the same were issued without
jurisdiction, with grave abuse of discretion or in
APPEALS excess of jurisdiction, all amounting to lack of
Rule 41, Sec 1. Proper subject of an appeal
• Partial summary judgement is not
Section 1. Subject of appeal. — An appeal may
be taken from a judgment or final order that appealable because it is interlocutory.
completely disposes of the case, or of a • In this case, the RTC Order granting the
particular matter therein when declared by motion to dismiss filed by private
these Rules to be appealable. respondent is a final order because it
terminates the proceedings against
MATTERS NOT APPEALABLE her, but it falls within exception (g) of
The following are not appealable the Rule since the case involves several
a) An order denying a motion for new trial defendants, and the complaint for
or reconsideration; damages... against these defendants is
b) An order denying a petition for relief or still pending. Since there is no appeal,
any similar motion seeking relief from or any plain, speedy, and adequate
judgment; remedy in law, the remedy of a special
c) An interlocutory order; civil action for certiorari is proper as
d) An order disallowing or dismissing an there is a need to promptly relieve the
appeal; aggrieved party from... the injurious
e) An order denying a motion to set aside a effects of the acts of an inferior court or
judgment by consent, confession or tribunal (Palma vs Galvez)
compromise on the ground of fraud, • Appeal is not available if judgement is
mistake or duress, or any other ground final and executory (e.g. summary
vitiating consent; proceedings in the Family Code)
f) An order of execution;
g) A judgment or final order for or against Period for perfecting an appeal:
one or more of several parties or in
separate claims, counterclaims, cross- • If ordinary appeal (or writ of error),
claims and third-party complaints, while within 15 days from the notice of final
the main case is pending, unless the order being appealed from
court allows an appeal therefrom; and • If by notice of appeal and record on
h) An order dismissing an action without appeal, within 30 days from the notice
prejudice. of final order being appealed from

In all the above instances where the judgment

or final order is not appealable, the aggrieved
party may file an appropriate special civil action
under Rule 65.

Remedy against judgments and orders

which are not appealable

In those instances where the judgment or final

order is not appealable, the aggrieved party
may file the appropriate special civil action
under Rule 65. Rule 65 refers to the special civil
actions of certiorari, prohibition and
mandamus. Practically, it would be the special
civil action of certiorari that would be availed of
under most circumstances. The most potent
remedy against those judgments and orders
from which appeal cannot be taken is to allege

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2. Perfection of Appeal by Petition for

Cases that need record on appeal: Review under Rule 42. (Sec. 8)
1. Special proceedings (settlement of the a. Upon the timely filing of a petition for
estate of the deceased person) review and the payment of the
2. Separate appeals when permitted by corresponding docket and other
the court lawful fees, the appeal is deemed
3. The case involves multiple appeals perfected as to the petitioner. The
a) Expropriation proceedings RTC loses jurisdiction over the case
b) Judicial foreclosure of mortgage upon the perfection of the appeals
c) Judicial partition filed in due time and the expiration of
the time to appeal of the other
Notice of Appeal shall state the following
(MTC → RTC) parties.
a) Names of the parties; NOTE: Before the transmittal of the record of
b) The judgement or final order or part the case or record on appeal, the trail court or
thereof being appealed from; the court of origin may issue the ff orders:
c) The material dates to show that the
appeal is being perfected on time; 1. For the protection and preservation of
d) *Specify the court to which the appeal the rights of the parties not involving any
is being taken (RTC → higher court) matter litigated in the appeal
2. Approved compromises
3. Permit appeals of indigent litigants
4. Order execution pending appeal
1. For Ordinary Appeals from MTC to the
5. Allow withdrawal of the appeal
RTC (Rule 40) and from the RTC to the
CA (Rule 41). Rationale: the court still has residual
a) A party’s appeal by notice of appeal is jurisdiction or retained jurisdiction –
deemed perfected as to him upon the extension of the original jurisdiction for
filing of the notice of appeal in due certain specific purposes after the
time; perfection of the appeal but before the
b) A party’s appeal by record on appeal is transmittal of the case or the record on
deemed perfected as to him with appeal to the appellate court.
respect to the subject matter thereof
upon the approval of the record on
appeal filed in due time;
c) In appeals by notice of appeal, the
court loses jurisdiction only over the
subject matter thereof upon the
approval of the records on appeal filed
in due time and the expiration of the
time to appeal of the other parties;
d) In either case, prior to the transmittal of
the original record or the record on
appeal, the court may issue orders for
the protection and preservation of the
rights of the parties which do not
involve any matter litigated by the
appeal, approve compromises, permit
appeals of indigent litigants, order
execution pending appeal in
accordance with Sec. 2, Rule 39, and
allow withdrawal of the appeal (Sec. 9,
Rule 41).

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XXI. Module 23 – Rule 37 3. Evidence is material and not

merely cumulative or
The motion for new trial or reconsideration corroborative or impeaching
must be filed within the period for perfecting
an appeal, which is usually 15 days from the
On what grounds may a motion for
notice of judgement.
reconsideration be filed?
1. Award of excessive damages
Who can file: the plaintiff or the defendant
2. Insufficiency of evidence
What are the requisites of a new trial? 3. Decision is contrary to law and
Grounds: Form of the motion: it must be in writing
1. Fraud (extrinsic), accident, mistake, or • If the motion is based on FAME, it
excusable negligence
should be supported by an affidavit of
merit; should state facts constituting
• Extrinsic fraud - Fraud that
the FAME
prevented a party from having • If the motion is based on newly
his day in court; committed discovered evidence by whom such
outside the trial or court evidence is expected to be given, or
• Accident – fortuitous event or
duly authenticated
happening that is beyond the
❖ If testimonial – affidavit of
control of a party
• Mistake – refers to mistakes of
❖ If documentary evidence – by
fact (e.g. failure to answer duly authenticated copy of his
because of the belief that it is document
not anymore necessary as • If motion for reconsideration, point out
there is a pending discussion
specifically the findings or the
regarding settlement of the
conclusions not supported by
evidence or which is alleged to be
• Excusable Negligence – there contrary to law
is an omission to do
something, where a prudent May there be a second motion for
person would have done reconsideration?
If denied, there can be no second motion for
2. Newly discovered evidence reconsideration. No second motion for
reconsideration is allowed if it is asking for the
Where the agreed party could not, with
reconsideration of a judgement or final order.
reasonable diligence, have discovered
or produce at the trial at which, if
Exception: If directed against an interlocutory
presented and admitted, would alter order, a second motion for reconsideration is
the results allowed.
• MTC/Ras 30 days from the time it was
What are the requisites of newly discovered
evidence as a ground for new trial? submitted for resolution to resolve the
Requisites: • CA has 60 days after it declares the
1. Discovered after trial motion submitted for resolution
2. Such evidence could not have • SC – no period prescribed
been discovered and
What are the effects of an order granting a
produced at the trial with motion for new trial?
reasonable diligence
1. The judgement is vacated or set aside.

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CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

2. The action shall stand for trial de novo.

(There will be a new trial).

Cannot appeal if no motion for new trial or

reconsideration in the ff cases:
1. In habeas corpus, in relation to
custody of minors
2. Annulment of marriage
3. Declaration of nullity of marriage
4. Legal separation

Motion for Reopening of Trial

The motion must be filed within the period for
perfecting an appeal, which is usually 15 days
from the notice of judgement.

Ground: To prevent a miscarriage of justice.

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XXII. Rule 38 aside; and second, within a fixed period of six

(6) months from entry of such judgment, order
or other proceeding. Strict compliance with
Petition for relief from judgement
these periods is required because a petition for
relief from judgment is a final act of liberality on
Grounds for availing of the remedy (petition
the part of the State, which remedy cannot be
for relief)
5. When a judgment or final order is allowed to erode any further the fundamental
principle that a judgment, order or proceeding
entered, or any other proceeding is
must, at some definite time, attain finality in
thereafter taken against a party in any
order to put an end to litigation. (Philippine
court through (a) fraud, (b) accident, (c) Amanah Bank v. Contreras, GR No. 173168,
mistake, or (c) excusable negligence, 09/29/2014).
he may file a petition in such court and in
the same case praying that the In what case and court should the petition
judgment, order or proceeding be set be filed?
aside (Sec. 1, Rule 38).
6. When the petitioner has been prevented The petition should be filed in the same case
from taking an appeal by fraud, mistake, and in the same court
or excusable negligence (Sec. 2).
Relief: The relief in the petition is for the
judgement to be set aside.
NOTE: Petition for relief from judgement is an
equitable remedy Who may file: plaintiff or the defendant.
• A party may resort to this remedy only
if there is no other available remedy Steps to follow when filing for a petition for
• Not a substitute for appeal relief from judgement:
• A petition for relief from judgment is an
NOTE: The petition should be a verified
equitable remedy that is allowed only
in exceptional cases when there is no
other available or adequate remedy.
0 0
1. The filing of a verified petition in the
When a party has another remedy
same court and in the same case.
available to him, which may be either a
Should be accompanied by an affidavit
motion for new trial or appeal from an
motion for new trial or appeal from an of merit; should state facts and
adverse decision of the trial court, and circumstances surrounding the FAME
he was not prevented by fraud, and that the petitioner has a
accident, mistake or excusable meritorious cause of action
negligence from filing such motion or 2. The court will issue an order directing
taking such appeal, he cannot avail the respondent to file his answer within
himself of this petition (Trust 15 days from service of the order
International Paper Corp. vs. Pelaez, GR
3. The filing of an answer. But if the
164871, 08/22/2006). respondent doesn’t file an answer,
there is no default.
When may be filed: A petition for relief from 4. With or without an answer, the court
judgment must be filed within 60 days after will hear the petition.
petitioner learns of the judgment, final order, • If the court finds no FAME, the
or proceeding and within six (6) months from court will issue an order
entry of judgment or final order. A petition for denying the petition (not
relief of judgment filed beyond the appealable). But if the court
reglementary period is dismissed outright. acted with grave abuse of
discretion, a petition for
A party filing a petition for relief from judgment
certiorari may be filed.
must strictly comply with two (2) reglementary
• If allegations are true, the court will
periods: first, the petition must be filed within
sixty (60) days from knowledge of the issue an order granting the petition;
judgment, order or other proceeding to be set hence, a hearing will commence. The

Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

court will render a judgement

• Effect: as if a new trial has been

• If a person can show that he was
prevented from perfecting his appeal
by FAME, then his remedy is to file a
petition for relief to give due course 0 0
for his appeal.
If the court finds it true, then the court
will grant the petition.
• If the notice of the appeal and
appellate docket fees were made
within the prescribed time but court
dismissed it, the remedy is a petition
for certiorari




Must be filed before Must be filed after
the judgement the judgement
becomes final becomes final
File if judgement or Filed if a judgement
final order has been or final order has
rendered been rendered or a
proceeding has
thereafter taken
FAME and Newly FAME
discovered evidence
Filed during the Filed within 60 days
period of perfecting after petitioner
an appeal (15 days) learns of the
judgment, final
order, or proceeding
and within six (6)
months from entry of
judgment or final
If denied, there can Not appealable if
be an appeal from denied
Legal remedy Equitable remedy
Must be verified Need not be verified

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XXIII. Rule 39

Final order vs interlocutory order

• Final order can be the subject of an


Judgement obligee files a motion for


In what court may you file for the motion

for execution?

It is filed in the court of origin.


1. Certified copy of the judgement of the

appellate court
2. Certificate of finality of the judgement

Remedy if the court of origin refused to

issue an execution: File a motion with the
appellate court and in the same case asking the
court to compel the court of origin to issue an
order directing the court of origin to issue an

Remedy of the judgement obligee if the court

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XXIV. Rule 40 – Rule 56 and prove that the same were issued without
jurisdiction, with grave abuse of discretion or in
APPEALS excess of jurisdiction, all amounting to lack of
Rule 41, Sec 1. Proper subject of an appeal
• Partial summary judgement is not
Section 1. Subject of appeal. — An appeal may
appealable because it is interlocutory.
be taken from a judgment or final order that
completely disposes of the case, or of a • In this case, the RTC Order granting the
particular matter therein when declared by motion to dismiss filed by private
these Rules to be appealable. respondent is a final order because it
terminates the proceedings against
MATTERS NOT APPEALABLE her, but it falls within exception (g) of
The following are not appealable the Rule since the case involves several
a) An order denying a motion for new trial defendants, and the complaint for
or reconsideration; damages... against these defendants is
b) An order denying a petition for relief or still pending. Since there is no appeal,
any similar motion seeking relief from or any plain, speedy, and adequate
judgment; remedy in law, the remedy of a special
c) An interlocutory order; civil action for certiorari is proper as
d) An order disallowing or dismissing an there is a need to promptly relieve the
appeal; aggrieved party from... the injurious
e) An order denying a motion to set aside a effects of the acts of an inferior court or
judgment by consent, confession or tribunal (Palma vs Galvez)
compromise on the ground of fraud, • Appeal is not available if judgement is
mistake or duress, or any other ground final and executory (e.g. summary
vitiating consent; proceedings in the Family Code)
f) An order of execution;
g) A judgment or final order for or against Period for perfecting an appeal:
one or more of several parties or in
separate claims, counterclaims, cross- • If ordinary appeal (or writ of error),
claims and third-party complaints, while within 15 days from the notice of final
the main case is pending, unless the order being appealed from
court allows an appeal therefrom; and • If by notice of appeal and record on
h) An order dismissing an action without appeal, within 30 days from the notice
prejudice. of final order being appealed from

In all the above instances where the judgment

or final order is not appealable, the aggrieved
party may file an appropriate special civil action
under Rule 65.

Remedy against judgments and orders

which are not appealable

In those instances where the judgment or final

order is not appealable, the aggrieved party
may file the appropriate special civil action
under Rule 65. Rule 65 refers to the special civil
actions of certiorari, prohibition and
mandamus. Practically, it would be the special
civil action of certiorari that would be availed of
under most circumstances. The most potent
remedy against those judgments and orders
from which appeal cannot be taken is to allege

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2. Perfection of Appeal by Petition for

Cases that need record on appeal: Review under Rule 42. (Sec. 8)
1. Special proceedings (settlement of the a. Upon the timely filing of a petition for
estate of the deceased person) review and the payment of the
2. Separate appeals when permitted by corresponding docket and other
the court lawful fees, the appeal is deemed
3. The case involves multiple appeals perfected as to the petitioner. The
a) Expropriation proceedings RTC loses jurisdiction over the case
b) Judicial foreclosure of mortgage upon the perfection of the appeals
c) Judicial partition filed in due time and the expiration of
the time to appeal of the other
Notice of Appeal shall state the following
(MTC → RTC) parties.
a) Names of the parties; NOTE: Before the transmittal of the record of
b) The judgement or final order or part the case or record on appeal, the trail court or
thereof being appealed from; the court of origin may issue the ff orders:
c) The material dates to show that the
appeal is being perfected on time; 1. For the protection and preservation of
d) *Specify the court to which the appeal the rights of the parties not involving any
is being taken (RTC → higher court) matter litigated in the appeal
2. Approved compromises
3. Permit appeals of indigent litigants
4. Order execution pending appeal
1. For Ordinary Appeals from MTC to the
5. Allow withdrawal of the appeal
RTC (Rule 40) and from the RTC to the
CA (Rule 41). Rationale: the court still has residual
a) A party’s appeal by notice of appeal is jurisdiction or retained jurisdiction –
deemed perfected as to him upon the extension of the original jurisdiction for
filing of the notice of appeal in due certain specific purposes after the
time; perfection of the appeal but before the
b) A party’s appeal by record on appeal is transmittal of the case or the record on
deemed perfected as to him with appeal to the appellate court.
respect to the subject matter thereof
upon the approval of the record on
appeal filed in due time;
c) In appeals by notice of appeal, the
court loses jurisdiction only over the
subject matter thereof upon the
approval of the records on appeal filed
in due time and the expiration of the
time to appeal of the other parties; 0 0
d) In either case, prior to the transmittal of
the original record or the record on
appeal, the court may issue orders for
appeal, the court may issue orders for
the protection and preservation of the
rights of the parties which do not
involve any matter litigated by the
appeal, approve compromises, permit
appeals of indigent litigants, order
execution pending appeal in
accordance with Sec. 2, Rule 39, and
allow withdrawal of the appeal (Sec. 9,
Rule 41).

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CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

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Appellant’s brief

• Statement of facts
• Note the pages
• Footnotes


• A motion for the extension of an appellant’s brief is allowed

• Give a copy to the appellee; he likewise has 45 days to file his

Notes by Glorianne E.
CIV PRO - Dean Agranzamendez lectures

ANNULLMENT OF JUDGEMENT motion for new trial had been granted therein
(Sec. 7, Rule 47).
A judgement that has to be annulled is one that 0
is final and executory.

A petition for annulment of judgment is a

remedy in equity so exceptional in nature that
it may be availed of only if the judgment, final
order, or final resolution sought to be annulled
was rendered by a court lacking jurisdiction or
through extrinsic fraud, and only when other
remedies are wanting.

• Correctness’ of judgment is not an

issue for the petition of the annulment
of judgment.


1. Extrinsic fraud
XPN: Extrinsic fraud shall not be a valid
ground if it was availed of, or could
have been availed of, in a motion for
new trial or petition for relief (Sec. 2,
Rule 47).
2. Lack of jurisdiction.
3. Lack of due process*

Period to file action

If based on extrinsic fraud, the action must be

filed within four (4) years from its discovery; and
if based on lack of jurisdiction, before it is
barred by laches or estoppels (Sec. 3).

Where to file:

1. If the judgement to be annulled is the

judgement of the RTC → the file with
2. If the judgement to be annulled is the
judgement of MTC → the file with RTC

Effects of judgment of annulment

(1) A judgment of annulment shall set aside the

questioned judgment or final order or
resolution and render the same null and void,
without prejudice to the original action being
refiled in the proper court.

However, where the judgment or final order or

resolution is set aside on the ground of
extrinsic fraud, the court may on motion order
the trial court to try the case as if a timely

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XXV. MODULES 25 and 26 security for the satisfaction of whatever

judgment may be rendered in the case.
Purpose: To serve as security for the
satisfaction of whatever judgement may be
• Only ancillary; there must be a main
rendered by the court in favor of the attaching
Provisional remedies are temporary,
• It can extend to a property of the
auxiliary, and ancillary remedies
defendant in the hands of a third
available to a litigant for the protection
person or money owed by such third
and preservation of his rights while the
person to the defendant (writ of
main action is pending. They are writs garnishment)
and processes which are not main
actions and they presuppose the Lifetime: The rules do not provide for any
existence of a principal action. definite lifetime for the writ of preliminary
• Provisional remedies are resorted to by attachment.
litigants for any of the following
reasons: What are the grounds upon which writ may
issue? (Sec 1, Rule 57)
a. To preserve or protect their
rights or interests while the a. In an action for the recovery of a
main action is pending;
specified amount of money or
b. To secure the judgment;
damages, other than moral and
c. To preserve the status quo; or
exemplary, on a cause of action
d. To preserve the subject matter
arising from law, contract, quasi-
of the action.
contract, delict or quasi-delict
• Provisional remedies specified under against a party who is about to
the rules are: depart from the Philippines with
a) Preliminary attachment (Rule intent to defraud his creditors;
57); A b. In an action for money or property
b) Preliminary injunction (Rule embezzled or fraudulently
58); I misapplied or converted to his
c) Receivership (Rule 59); R
own use by a public officer, or an
d) Replevin (Rule 60); and R
officer of a corporation, or an
e) Support pendente lite (Rule
attorney, factor, broker, agent or
61). S
clerk, in the course of his
employment as such, or by any
other person in a fiduciary
1. To preserve and protect the rights or capacity, or for a willful violation of
interest of the litigants while the main duty;
action is pending c. In an action to recover the
2. To secure a judgement that may be possession of property unjustly or
rendered by the court in the main fraudulently taken, detained or
converted, when the property, or
3. To presser the status quo
any party thereof, has been
4. To preserve the subject matter of the
concealed, removed, or disposed
of to prevent its being found or
Rule 57: PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT taken by the applicant or an
authorized person;
A provisional remedy issued upon order of the d. In an action against a party who
court where the action is pending to levy upon has been guilty of a fraud in
the properties of the defendant therein, the contracting the debt or incurring
same to be held thereafter by the sheriff as the obligation upon which the

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action is brought, or in the What are the remedies of the defendant whose
performance thereof; property is attached?
e. In an action against a party who
has removed or disposed of his 1. File a motion for the discharge of the
property, or is about to do so, with preliminary attachment upon the
intent to defraud his creditors; or following grounds:
f. In an action against a party who • Allege in the motion that the
does not reside and is not found in attached property is exempt
the Philippines, or on whom from execution
summons may be served by 2. Make a cash deposit or file a
publication (Sec. 1). counterbond in court
3. The attachment was improperly or
Who may avail? A plaintiff or any proper party. irregularly issued or enforced
4. The attachment bond is insufficient
When: At the commencement of the action or 5. The attachment affidavit is defective
at any time before entry of judgement.
6. The attachment is excessive, so it will
What are the kinds of attachment? Distinguish be discharged as to excess
one from the other? 7. The judgement in the main case is
rendered against the attaching party
a. Preliminary attachment – one issued
When discharge of attachment not allowed:
at the commencement of the action or When the preliminary attachment is issued
at any time before entry of judgment as upon a ground which is at the same time, the
security for the satisfaction of any applicant’s cause of action, then a motion to
judgment that may be recovered. Here discharge the attachment is not allowed.
the court takes custody of the property
of the party against whom attachment How applied for: by way of a motion or the
is directed. application may be incorporated in the
b. Garnishment – plaintiff seeks to complaint itself. The application must be
subject either the property of accompanied by an affidavit containing the
defendant in the hands of a third following:
person (garnishee) to his claim or the
1. Who executes the affidavit;
money which said third person owes
2. The grounds as stated in Section 1;
the defendant. Garnishment does not
3. That there is no other sufficient security
involve actual seizure of property which
for the claim sought to be enforced by
remains in the hands of the garnishee.
the action
It simply impounds the property in the
4. The amount due the applicant or the
garnishee’s possession and maintains
value of the property that he is entitled
the status quo until the main action is
to recover is as much as the sum for
finally decided. Garnishment
which the order is granted above all
proceedings are usually directed
legal counterclaims.
against personal property, tangible or
intangible and whether capable of There must also be a bond, which s executed
manual delivery or not. to the adverse party in the amount fixed by the
c. Levy on execution – writ issued by the court conditioned that the applicant or the
court after judgment by which the plaintiff will pay all cost which may be adjudged
property of the judgment obligor is and all damages sustained by reason of the
taken into custody of the court before attachment, if the court shall finally adjudge
the sale of the property on execution that the applicant is not entitled to the
for the satisfaction of a final judgment. attachment.
It is the preliminary step to the sale on
execution of the property of the 0 0
Purpose: to indemnify the defendant and to
pay all damages that the defendant may suffer
judgment debtor. or sustain as a result of the attachment if the
Notes by Glorianne E.
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court shall finally adjudge that the applicant is

not entitled to the attachment.

Prior or Contemporaneous Rule

The writ cannot be enforced without serving on

the defendant a copy of the summons, along
with the copy of the complaint, application for
the writ of attachment, affidavit, bond, order
and writ of attachment.


• When the defendant cannot be served

with summons personally or by
substituted service within a reasonable
time despite efforts to serve the
• The defendant is a non-resident
• Resident defendant temporarily
outside the Philippines
• Action in rem and quasi in rem

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XXVI. Rule 59 – 61 d. Whenever in other cases it

appears that the appointment
RULE 59: RECEIVERSHIP of a receiver is the most
convenient and feasible means
When a receivership should be appointed: of preserving, administering,
or disposing of the property in
Section 1. Appointment of receiver. — litigation.

1. Upon a verified application During the pendency of an appeal, the

2. One or more receivers of the property appellate court may allow an application for the
subject of the action or proceeding appointment of a receiver to be filed in and
may be appointed by the court where decided by the court of origin and the receiver
appointed to be subject to the control of said
the action is pending or by the Court of
court. (1a)
Appeals or by the Supreme Court, or a
member thereof, in the following 0 0
NOTE: The appellate court may allow the
cases: application for the appointment of a receiver to
a. When it appears from the be filed in the court of origin.
verified application, and such
other proof as the court may For whom: None. The receiver is not acting in
require, that the party applying the benefit of any parties; an officer of the court
for the appointment of a exercising his functions of neither the plaintiff
receiver has an interest in the or defendant but in the interest of all the
property or fund which is the parties.
subject of the action or
proceeding, and that such HOW APPLIED
property or fund is in danger of
• Should by means of verified
being lost, removed, or
materially injured unless a
receiver be appointed to NOTE: More than one receiver may be
administer and preserve it; appointed by the court.
b. When it appears in an action by
the mortgagee for the • Application may be denied when the
foreclosure of a mortgage that adverse party files a bond executed by
the property is in danger of the applicant to the effect that such
being wasted or dissipated or party will pay to the applicant all
materially injured, and that its damages that he may suffer by reason
value is probably insufficient to of the acts, omissions, or other matters
discharge the mortgage debt, specified as grounds in the application
or that the parties have so
stipulated in the contract of RULE 60: REPLEVIN
• Recovery of a personal or movable
c. After judgment, to preserve
the property during the
• May be a main action, provisional
pendency of an appeal, or to
dispose of it according to the
• Mixed action: partly in rem, partly in
judgment, or to aid execution
when the execution has been
o As far as the claim for the
returned unsatisfied or the
recovery of the personal
judgment obligor refuses to
property = in rem
apply his property in
o As to the claim for damages =
satisfaction of the judgment, or
in personam
otherwise to carry the
judgment into effect When may it be applied for?

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At the commencement of the action or at time 2. Bond, which must be double the value
before the defendant files his answer. of property, to answer for the return of
property if adjudged and pay for such
HOW APPLIED FOR: sum as he may recover from the
applicant (Sec. 2).
• Must execute an affidavit if done at the 3. It is required that the redelivery bond
commencement of the action be filed within the period of 5 days after
• Before the defendant files his answer, the taking of the property. The rule is
file for the issuance of the writ mandatory
Requisites: Sheriff’s duty in the implementation of the writ;
when property is claimed by third party
1. Show facts in the affidavit showing
that he is the owner of the property 1. Upon receiving such order, the sheriff
or entitled to the possession of the must serve a copy thereof on the
property adverse party, together with a copy of
2. That the property is wrongfully the application, affidavit and bond, and
detained by the defendant must forthwith take the property, if it be
alleging the cause of the detention in the possession of the adverse party,
according to the best of his or his agent, and retain it in his custody.
knowledge If the property or any part thereof be
3. That the property has not been concealed in a building or enclosure,
taken for task assessment or the sheriff must demand its delivery,
payment of fine, or ceased under and if it be not delivered, he must cause
execution, preliminary attachment, the building or enclosure to be broken
or custodia legis. If it has been open and take the property into his
seized, then the affidavit must state possession. After the sheriff has taken
that it is exempt from such seizure possession of the property as herein
or custody. provided, he must keep it in a secure
4. The actual market value as place and shall be responsible for its
declared by the applicant delivery to the party entitled thereto
5. The applicant must give a bond, upon receiving his fees and necessary
executed to the adverse party and expenses for taking and keeping the
double the value of the property. same (Sec. 4).
2. If within five (5) days after the taking of
Affidavit and bond; Redelivery Bond
the property by the sheriff, the adverse
1. Affidavit, alleging: party does not object to the sufficiency
a. That the applicant is the owner of the bond, or of the surety or sureties
of property claimed, thereon; or if the adverse party so
describing it or entitled to its objects and the court affirms its
possession; approval of the applicant's bond or
b. That the property is wrongfully approves a new bond, of if the adverse
detained by the adverse party, party requires the return of the
alleging cause of its detention; property but his bond is objected to
c. That the property has not been and found insufficient and he does not
distrained or taken for tax forthwith file an approved bond, the
assessment or fine or under property shall be delivered to the
writ of execution/attachment applicant. If for any reason the property
or placed under custodia legis is not delivered to the applicant, the
or if seized, that it is exempt or sheriff must return it to the adverse
should be released; and party (Sec. 6).
d. The actual market value of the 3. A third-party claimant may vindicate his
property. claim to the property, and the applicant

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may claim damages against such third- NOTE: order is interlocutory but can be
party, in the same or separate action. A enforced
claim on the indemnity bond should be
filed within 120 days from posting of
such bond.
4. If the property taken is claimed by any
person other than the party against
whom the writ of replevin had been
issued or his agent, and such person
makes an affidavit of his title thereto, or
right to the possession thereof, stating
the grounds therefor, and serves such
affidavit upon the sheriff while the latter
has possession of the property and a
copy thereof upon the applicant, the
sheriff shall not be bound to keep the
property under replevin or deliver it to
the applicant unless the applicant or his
agent, on demand of said sheriff, shall
file a bond approved by the court to
indemnify the third-party claimant in
the sum not less


When to file: At the commencement of the

action or at any time prior to judgement or final

In what action:
• Proper action
• Legal separation
• Action for recognition of a natural child

A verified application for support pendente lite

may be filed by any party stating
a) the grounds for the claim
b) the financial conditions of both parties
c) accompanied by affidavits, depositions
or other authentic documents in
support thereof

Requisites (criminal case):

1. a child is born to the offended
party because of the offense
2. the civil liability arising from the
criminal action includes
support for the child
3. the civil action has not been
waived, reserved or executed
prior to the filing of the criminal

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XXVII. Rule 62-65 A. Citizenship

B. Abstract, hypothetical question
RULE 62: INTERPLEADER C. Hereditary rights
D. Based on contingent event
When is interpleader proper? E. No administrative remedy has been
Whenever conflicting claims upon the same F. Pretends to be declaratory relief
subject matter are made against a person who G. Third-party complaint
claims no interest whatever in the subject
matter. He may bring an action against the Similar remedies that may be brought under
conflicting claimants to compel them to Rule 63:
interplead and litigate among themselves.
1. An action for reformation of instrument
Requisites for interpleader 2. Action to quiet tile or remove cloud
from a real property
1. There must be two or more claimants 3. An action to consolidate ownership
with adverse or conflicting interests to under Art. 1607
a property in the custody or possession
of the plaintiff; Who may file the action:
2. The plaintiff in an action for
1. Any person interested under a deed,
interpleader has no claim upon the
will, contract or other written
subject matter of the adverse claims or
instrument or whose rights are affected
if he has an interest at all, such interest
by a statute, executive order or
is not disputed by the claimants;
regulation, ordinance or other
3. The subject matter of the adverse
governmental regulation may before
claims must be one and the same; and
breach or violation thereof, bring an
4. The parties impleaded must make
action in the RTC to determine any
effective claims.
question of construction or validity
When to file: Whenever conflicting claims arising and for a declaration of his
upon the same subject matter are or may be rights or duties, thereunder (Sec. 1).
made against a person who claims no interest 2. Those who may sue under the contract
whatever in the subject matter, or an interest should be those with interest under the
which in whole or in part is not disputed by the contract like the parties, the assignees
claimants, he may bring an action against the and the heirs as required by
conflicting claimants to compel them to substantive law (Art. 1311, Civil Code).
interplead and litigate their several claims 3. If it be a statute, executive order,
among themselves (Sec. 1).
regulation or ordinance, the petitioner
is one whose rights are affected by the
SIMILAR REMEDIES same (Sec. 1, Rule 63). The other
parties are all persons who have or
Declaratory Relief claim any interest which would be
affected by the declaration. The rights
Special Civil action brought before the RTC by of person
a person who is interested in a deed, will, 0 0
contract or other written instrument, or whose
rights are affected by a statute, EO, regulation,
ordinance, or any other government a. There must be a justiciable
regulation, before the breach thereof, asking controversy;

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