Prayer of Release From The Multi-Dimensional Zodiac System

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Prayer of Release from the Multi-Dimensional Zodiac



Lord Jesus, I renounce and repent for all those in my family line and me, back to the
beginning of time and from Adam and Eve forward, who entered into sexual sin and/or
engaged in sex outside of marriage, which appears to cause your design for the
Mazzaroth to go out of alignment. I acknowledge that this has prevented the blessings of
the Lord from correctly coming down the family line and being dispersed among the
stars. I acknowledge that the enemy has used this energy for nefarious purposes rather
than for the purposes of the Lord. Please disconnect my family line and me from these
dimensional zodiacs; rightly connect me to the dimensional Mazzaroth[1] in righteous
alignment that extends throughout Your dimensional creation.

Lord, I repent for ungodly joining to any other person or thing that has interfered with
my righteous joining to You. Please remove all misalignment and ungodly joining, and
join me to You so that I am no longer fractured and am one, complete spirit. Please align
me to You and establish my paths to align with Your Ancient Path; make this path
straight so that Your life flows through me.

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His blood, I renounce and repent for all
evil that has caused my family line and me to be disconnected from both the land and
the God-given electromagnetic fields of the earth.

Father, forgive us for committing sexual sin on the lands in which you have positioned
us. I repent for giving our hearts over to the enemy and allowing him to gain control over
the electromagnetic fields, thus allowing him to ravish our hearts to the point where they
are not connected to Your heart. Forgive us for allowing the enemy to usurp Your glory,
and for giving the enemy the worship he longs to receive.

Father, I repent and ask Your forgiveness for any ungodly trading, and for seeking
prosperity and protection from anyone or anything other than You. I confess that You
are the source, but we have sought these things from the enemy through ungodly
trading. I also renounce and repent for placing our security in the desires of our flesh
rather than in You.

Father, forgive us for sacrificing our children through our selfish desires and for
contaminating the land with their blood; forgive us for aborting children, as well as for
shedding their innocent blood and sacrificing children in the fires of Moloch.[2] Please
retrieve all scattered spirit and soul parts entrapped in the ungodly depth, ungodly deep,
and the dimensions within dimensions. Sever all connections between the ungodly star,

Rephan,[3] and us. Please disconnect me from all ungodly dimensional zodiacs that has
been affecting the electromagnetic fields. Please disconnect my heart from every ungodly
star, star system and constellation where I have been entrapped.

Lord, please:

Forgive us for giving way to seductive and enticing spirits, and for seeking counsel
from the ungodly council instead of seeking Your righteous counsel
Disconnect me from any ties, chains, and ropes that have attached me to the
ungodly council, and remove the evil consequences of those attachments
Perform surgery upon my physical heart and remove all ungodly electromagnetic
Disconnect me from all ungodly powers that have been fueling this ungodly
activity; retune and recalibrate my heart to synch with Your heart
Remove all ungodly worship of the enemy in my generational line
Destroy all ungodly walls that were erected because of sin on the land, which have
blocked my family line and me from other people

I now issue a divorce decree between myself and the enemy. Lord, as I am now being
disconnected from all ungodly dimensional zodiacs, please correctly connect me to the
Godly Mazzaroth and marry me to the land.

I repent and renounce any partnership with all ungodly thought/belief systems and for
acceptance of that which is not true. Lord, please release me from selling out to
seduction and false mindsets.

I repent for all of us who gave away our authority over the land in trade for prestige,
power and comfort. Please restore our rightful authority over the land, dimensions, grid
and the elements so that You can again be properly glorified. Please remove and erase
all glory that has been given to the enemy through the generations, and return that glory
a hundredfold to You, the true-and-living God.

Lord, I now ask You break, shatter, destroy, and dissolve all ungodly magnetic fields
attached to me.

Please release Your river to short circuit all ungodly powers, and to bring life and health
to the land and to me.

[1] Job 38:32

[2] Leviticus 18:21, Ezekiel 20:31

[3] Acts 7:43

The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers – 2020
Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats. Visit this page for

These prayers are not a quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your
freedom in Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen
to the Holy Spirit.

Permission is given to print this prayer in its entirety provided that no changes are made.
In addition, please reference Aslan’s Place and on all reproductions.
This prayer may not be reproduced in publications without written consent from Aslan’s


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