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A novel control system design to improve LVRT

capability of fixed speed wind turbines using
STATCOM in presence of voltage fault

Impact Factor: 3.43 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.11.011



Hamed Heydari Mohammad Reza Khalghani

Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad West Virginia University


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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286

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A novel control system design to improve LVRT capability of fixed speed

wind turbines using STATCOM in presence of voltage fault
Hamed Heydari-doostabad a, Mohammad Reza Khalghani b, Mohammad Hassan Khooban c,⇑
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birjand, 97175/376 Birjand, Iran
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Shiraz, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The design and implementation of a new control system for reactive power compensation and mechan-
Received 22 August 2015 ical torque, voltage regulation and transient stability enhancement for wind turbines equipped with
Received in revised form 30 September fixed-speed induction generators (IGs) in power systems is presented in this study. The designed optimal
linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller provides an acceptable post fault performance for both small
Accepted 10 November 2015
and large perturbations. Large disturbance simulations demonstrate that the designed controller
enhances voltage stability as well as transient stability of the system during low-voltage ride-through
transients and thus enhances the LVRT capability of fixed-speed wind generators. Further verifications
Fixed speed wind turbine
based on detailed time-domain simulations are also provided. Calculations, simulations and measure-
Low voltage ride through ments confirm how the increased STATCOM rating can provide an increased transient stability margin
Optimal control and consequently enhanced LVRT capability. A concept of critical clearing time has been introduced
Pitch angle control and its utility has been highlighted.
STATCOM Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction T e / v 2s ð1Þ

WIND turbines are one of the renewable energy technologies

d 1
that, today, face a growing progress. This developments cause xr ¼ ðT m  T e Þ ð2Þ
rapid progress of economic and environmental issues [1]; dt J
therefore, the study about connecting the turbines to the grid is The maximum voltage drop (either in terms of magnitude or in
very important [2]. terms of time) which wind turbine is able to withstand without
Many countries have their own grid codes which monitor the suffering from rotor speed instability is called wind turbine low
behavior of the wind turbines connected to the grid [3]. All net- voltage ride through capability.
work grid codes for wind turbines include requirements such as Wind turbine technologies include Fixed and variable speed
low-voltage ride-through capacity (LVRT), voltage control, wind turbines [5]. Since fixed-speed turbines are easy to install,
power-quality and protection requirements. In 2005, LVRT require- durable and cost- effective, nowadays, most of the installed tur-
ment was introduced the wind turbine rotor speed try to achieve bines are chosen from this category [6]. In Iran, about 91 MW of
stability on the index which requires a certain voltage, an example installed wind turbines are fixed-speed squirrel cage induction
of the voltage profile is shown in Fig. 1. generator turbines [7]. Squirrel cage induction generators show
If a fault or voltage drop occurs at stator terminals of wind slight stability margin against voltage drop; consequently, it is nec-
turbine generator, according to (1), electrical torque will decrease essary to use compensator devices to improve rotor speed stability
while mechanical torque still exists because wind keeps blowing. margin [8]. In order to determine the type and the way of compen-
According to Eq. (2), these conditions will cause rotor speed to sation, it is necessary to examine characteristic curves of induction
increase. If this voltage drop continues, it may cause rotor of generator.
turbine to accelerate and make rotor speed unstable. The absorbed reactive power, slip and slip-torque characteris-
tics of induction machine are shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b) respec-
tively. As it can be observed in these figures, during the normal
⇑ Corresponding author. operation, the generator has a very low slip close to zero, and, in
E-mail address: (M.H. Khooban). this case, little reactive power is absorbed by generator. But if
0142-0615/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Heydari-doostabad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286 281


xr rotor angular speed ids ; iqs d-axis and q-axis stator currents
J moment of inertia Rs ; Rr stator and rotor resistances
Tm mechanical torque xS rotational speed of the reference device
Te electrical torque kds ; kqs d-axis and q-axis stator Flux linkage vectors
vs generator stator voltage kdr ; kqr d-axis and q-axis rotor Flux linkage vectors
S slip idr ; iqr d-axis and q-axis rotor currents
Scr critical slip xr rotational speed of the generator’s rotor
t cr critical clearing time Ls ; Lr ; Lm stator, rotor and magnetizing inductances
T ae aerodynamic torque edr ; eqr d-axis and q-axis transient voltages
xt rotational speed of wind turbine P number of pole pairs
q air density Hg inertia constant of the generator
A area of wind turbine rotor ide ; iqe d-axis and q-axis STATCOM currents
V wind speed of wind Lf ; Rf transformer of STATCOM res. and ind.
CP power coefficient v dc dc voltage of STATCOM
k tip speed ratio C; R DC capacitor and resistance
b pitch angle a Phase angle of the STATCOM
Ht inertia constant m modulation index
Dt wind turbine damping A; B system matrices
v ds ; v qs d-axis and q-axis stator voltages R; Q LQR matrices

the generator is accelerated, the reactive power absorbed by the torques are equal and generator is in stable state. The occurrence
generator begins to increase with large gradient. The increase in of low voltage in power grid, results in a sudden voltage drop at
reactive power absorbed by the generator, will lead to a lack of the terminals of the stator from V 1 to V 2 . Consequently, the electric
voltage recovery, after the voltage drop is removed. Lack of prompt torque and absorbed reactive power drop from A1 to B1 and from E1
voltage profile recovery may also cause rotor speed instability. to F 1 respectively. Since Exciting torque is much higher than elec-
In order to analyze the causes of instability, it is necessary to trical torque, generator starts to accelerate and its slip reaches to
examine characteristics of induction generator more carefully. As S2 . Consequently, the electric torque and reactive power character-
shown in Fig. 3(a), in operating points A1 and E1 generator slip is istics start to move towards C 1 and G1 respectively. After fault han-
S1 and its voltage is V 1 . In these points electrical and mechanical dling and recovery of grid voltage, since the rotor slip still remains
high, a great amount of reactive power is absorbed by the stator
terminals of generator which leads voltage to be recovered to a
point where the voltage is less than V 2 i.e. V 3 . In this case operating
1.00 points of generator are D1 and H1 . Since, in these points, the elec-
0.90 trical torque is more than mechanical torque, the rotor slip gradu-
ally decreases, which means reducing the absorption of reactive
Voltage (p.u.)

Ele. Torque


A1 D1 Tm
Vmin B1
0 V1
Power (p.u.)

0 t t+0.15 t+1.5

Time (sec.) H1 V3
E1 G1 V2
Fig. 1. Example of LVRT requirement to the wind turbine farms [4]. F1

S1 S2 Slip

(a) Stable Mode

S crit
Absorbed reactive
power ( p.u.)

Ele. Torque


5.0 Generator Operation Motor Operation A2 Tm
3.0 D2 V3
1.0 (a) C2 V2
0 B2
3.0 Generator Operation Motor Operation V1
Power (p.u.)
torque( p.u.)


H2 V3

1.0 (b) Tm E2 V2
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 -S0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 F2

S1 S3

Slip (b) Unstable Mode



Fig. 2. Characteristics of induction machine (a. reactive power-slip, b. electric Fig. 3. Characteristics of induction generators when the low voltage occurs (a.
torque-slip). stable state, b. unstable state).
282 H. Heydari-doostabad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286

power and increasing profile voltage levels. After a while, genera- novelty of this paper is mixed electrical and mechanical parts of
tor returns to its stable operating point (A1 and E1 ) and maintains wind turbine to improve LVRT capability.
its stability. The second part of this article deals with system modeling and
Considering Fig. 3(b), a condition is discovered in which the low in the third part of the proposed control system is designed. The
voltage is removed when the rotor slip is S3 . Similar to the previous fourth section discusses the simulation results.
case, after removing the fault, the operating points are shifted from
C 2 to D2 and G2 to H2 . In contrast to the previous case, the electric Power system modeling
torque is still less than mechanical torque and this leads slip to
increase again and more reactive power is absorbed, which reduces The control system proposed in this paper to evaluate the per-
the voltage and rotor speed instability will occur. formance of power system is considered as in Fig. 4. This system
To determine critical fault clearing time i.e. the maximum fault includes a squirrel cage induction generator, wind turbine and
duration in which the system stability can be maintained, the fol- the STATCOM.
lowing equation is used:
Wind turbine model
d 1
S ¼ ðT m  T e Þ ð3Þ
dt J
Aerodynamic torque by a wind turbine can be expressed by the
Therefore, following equation:
Z Z 1
1 t cr
T ae ¼  q  A  V 3wind  C P ðk; bÞ ð6Þ
dS ¼ ðT m  T e Þ dt ð4Þ 2xt
S0 J 0
Wind turbine performance coefficient (C p ) can be estimated by
So, the critical fault clearing time is: some functions. A typical function of this kind is expressed in the
J following equation [9,10]:
t cr ¼ ðScr  S0 Þ ð5Þ 8   c5
Tm  Te < C P ðk; bÞ ¼ c1 c2  c3 b  c4 e ki þ c6 k
Aside from the uncertainty of weather forecasts, there is a great ð7Þ
: 1 ¼ 1  0:035
concern when integrating wind power into the utility grid is the ki kþ0:08b 3
b þ1

consequences of grid voltage disturbances. If the grid voltage The coefficients c1 to c6 are 0.5176, 116, 0.4, 5, 21, and 0.0068
drops, for instance because one or more of the grid’s phases are respectively. If internal inertia of the turbine shaft is ignored, tur-
short-circuited, the electromagnetic torque of the wind generator bine rotational speed is:
also drops. But the driving torque, which is the wind, remains
unchanged and the resulting imbalance lets the rotor accelerate. x_ t ¼ ðT ae  Dt xt Þ ð8Þ
Depending on the strength of the wind and the length of the fault,
the current in the machine might become high enough to trip the
Squirrel cage induction generator model
over-current protection system and disconnect from the grid.
Regarding this, to ensure power stability, utility grid operators
Squirrel cage induction generator referred to dq0 framework by
are introducing new rules in their grid codes. These rules state
means of dynamic equations can be expressed as following:
under which circumstances wind farms may disconnect and under 8
which they must continue supplying the grid. To enable wind >
v qs ¼ Rs iqs þ xs kds
power plants to meet these new demands, different methods for >
< v ds ¼ Rs ids  xs kqs
improving their operational stability have been suggested and ð9Þ
> k_ qr ¼ Rr iqr  ðxs  xr Þkdr
are referred to as strategies for low voltage ride through (LVRT) >
of wind farms. kdr ¼ Rr idr þ ðxs  xr Þkqr
According to this analysis, in order to improve rotor speed sta- In these equations, as discussed in [11] the stator flux changes are
bility margin or to increase critical fault clearing time, using reac- ignored.
tive power compensator devices for providing generator with Let some simplifications be done:
reactive power can be proposed. Also, by reducing the mechanical (
torque during rotor acceleration its speed can be reduced. edr ¼ xs LLmr kdr
In [9,10], in order to reduce the mechanical torque during accel- eqr ¼ xs LLmr kqr
eration, pitch angle control system is used. References [11,12] used
SVC equipment to provide the required reactive power of the gen-
Wind Turbine

erator during acceleration also, STATCOM reactive power compen- Gear SCIG
Box ωr is Point of
sator is used in [13–15] to provide induction generator with
reactive power. In reference [16] a comparison is made between
SVC and STATCOM. The result of this comparison shows that for
improving reactive power STATCOM is more useful than SVC.
In [17] the authors used a STATCOM with an energy storage sys- iTL RTL XTL vgrid
tem (STATCOM/ESS) to supply the reactive power, and increased

the LVRT capability, and also controlled test system via robust con- Line
trol technique. There are a great number of control procedures from α,m
intelligent to classic ones [18–22] that have been applied for these idc
cases. In some research activities, optimization algorithms were E Rf Xf
applied [23–26] and some of them used fuzzy controller [27–29]. +

vdc ie
The lead article in order to improve LVRT, reactive current STATCOM
injected by controlling the angle of the blades and STATCOM,
offered in the form of optimal LQR control system is done. The Fig. 4. Model of the system.
H. Heydari-doostabad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286 283

We will have: Control system design

8  2
< e_ qr ¼ R r
Eqr  ðxs  xr Þedr þ xs r r LLmr ids State variables describing the system are x ¼ ½xt ; xr ; edr ; eqr ; ide ;
 2 ð11Þ iqe ; v dc T . The first step in designing control systems is the
: e_ ¼ Rr E þ ðx  x Þe  x r Lm i
dr Lr dr s r qr s r Lr qs linearization.

bð0Þ !
Also, the stator voltage will be: 1 @T ae

t @T ae

8 Dx
_t¼ D b þ D x  D D x
  2Ht @b
@ xt

t t t
< v ds ¼ Rs ids  xs Ls  LLmr iqs þ edr

: v qs ¼ Rs iqs þ xs Ls  LLm ids þ eqr

The induction generator rotor speed and electrical torque is

expressed as follows:
T e ¼ 3P2xs iqs eqr þ ids edr
x_ r ¼ 2HP ðT e  T ae Þ


STATCOM model is shown in Fig. 5, which includes Transform-

Fig. 6. Control system block diagram for the proposed system.
ers, Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and a control system.
Values of active and reactive power exchanged between the
STATCOM and the AC transmission system. This exchange is deter-
mined by the voltage difference between two sides of the trans- rotor speed

former in Fig. 5. If VSC terminals voltage is greater than the AC 1.2

Rotor Speed (p.u.)

system voltage, STATCOM produces reactive power; otherwise, 1.15

reactive power will be consumed by STATCOM. Real power trans-
ferred from the AC system to the STATCOM, is well spent for capac- 1.1
itor charging and switching losses. The amount of exchanged 1.05
power is determined by the phase difference between voltage
and ac voltage STATCOM. 1.0
STACOM dynamic behavior is described by the following alge- 0.95
braic equations: 1.0

PCC Voltage (p.u.)

i_de ¼ ðv ds  ed Þ  Rf ide þ xs iqe ð14Þ 0.8

1    0.6
i_qe ¼ v qs  eq  Rf iqe  xs ide ð15Þ
Lf 0.4
The DC circuit as described by the first order differential equa- 0.2
tion is:
k  v dc Electric Torque

v_ dc ¼ ide cos a þ iqe sin a  ð16Þ

Mechanical Torque

C RC 1.5
Gen. Torque (p.u.)

And, 1.0

ed ¼ kv dc cos a; eq ¼ kv dc sin a ð17Þ

STATCOM terminal voltage is equal to e and its value is kv dc . For
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0.0
12-pulse VSC value of k is equal to 3=8 m.

Active Power
Reactive Power

vs 600
Gen. Power (Kvar,KW)


e 0.0
PWM Control
VSC System -400

Cdc 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0



m α
time (sec.)
Fig. 7. The simulation results of the voltage drop, the system without
Fig. 5. STATCOM model. compensation.
284 H. Heydari-doostabad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286

P h ð0Þ
Dx ð0Þ ð0Þ
_m¼ i Dedr þ edr Dids þ iqs Deqr þ eqr ð0Þ
Rotor Speed

2Hg ds

Rotor Speed (p.u.)

bð0Þ !# 1.01
@T ae

t @T ae

 D b þ Dxt
@ xt

Rr     Rr L 2
De_ qr ¼ Deqr  xs  xrð0Þ ðDedr Þ þ edr
Dxr þ xs 2m Dids
Lr Lr 1.0
Rr    Rr L 2
De_ dr ¼ ðDedr Þ þ xs  xð0Þr Deqr  eqr ð0Þ
Dxr þ xs 2m Diqs 0.995
Lr Lr
" rffiffiffi 1.0

1 3 ð0Þ
Di_de ¼ Rf Dide þ xs Lf Diqe þ Dv ds  m cos að0Þ Dv dc

PCC Voltage (p.u.)

Lf 8 0.8
m v dc sin a Da þ v dc cos a Dm
ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ

" rffiffiffi
_ 1 3 ð0Þ
Diqe ¼ Rf Diqe  xs Lf Dide þ Dv qs  m sin að0Þ Dv dc 0.2
Lf 8
# 0.0

þm v dc cos a Da þ v dc sin a Dm
ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ Electric Torque
Mechanical Torque

Gen. Torque (p.u.)

Dv_ dc ¼
Dm ide cos að0Þ þ iqe sin að0Þ þ Dide mð0Þ cos að0Þ
ð0Þ ð0Þ 1.0
C  i
þDiqe mð0Þ sin að0Þ  Da mð0Þ ide sin að0Þ  mð0Þ iqe cos að0Þ
ð0Þ ð0Þ 0.5

1 0.0
 Dv dc ð18Þ
Since the purpose of this study is to provide a generator speed Generator Active Power
Gen. and STATCOM Power

STATCOM Reac. Power

stability, in order to facilitate computations STATCOM and stator Generator Reactive Power

currents are considered to be equal ðis ¼ ie Þ. Zero superscript refers 400

to the operating point of the system in steady state. 200

After linearization, we should design the control system. In this

paper, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) optimal control system is
used. The desired system with its control system is shown in Fig. 6.
Considering turbine and generator parameters given in the -400
appendix, matrices A and B can be written as following:
2 3 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

19:003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.0
6 2766700 2986:3 7 time (sec.)
6 0 4318:5 4318:5 2986:3 0 7
6 7
6 0 158:72 19:37 408 153000 0 0 7
6 7
6 7 Fig. 8. The simulation results of the voltage drop, the system with STATCOM.
A¼6 0 158:72 408 19:37 0 153000 0 7
6 7
6 0 0 0 0 10:4124 157:079 31:5656 7
6 7
6 7
4 0 0 0 0 157:079 10:4142 0 5
Using structural equation Riccati the optimal matrix K is
0 0 0 0 510:31 0 1000
2 3 obtained as follows:
729:961 0 0 0 0
6 106270 2 3
6 0 0 0 0 7 7 23:451 0:992 0:2392 03::78 0:2630 0:0856 8:57  105
6 7 6 7
6 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 3:9527 0:1291 1:0818 0:0786 2:3 0:0375 0:002 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6
K ¼ 6 3:4090 0:0274 0:021 1:0523 0:0375 2:2506 7  10 4 7
B¼6 0 0 0 0 0 7 7
6 7 6 7
6 0 63131 0 0:0194 0 7 4 1:21  10 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 5
6 7
6 7 1:04  106
4 0 0 63131 0 0:0194 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

ISE control index as given in the following equation: Simulation results

Z Ts
J¼k eðtÞ2 dt ð19Þ Matlab/Simulink software is used to simulate the system that
was shown in Fig. 4.
However, the index for the desired system outputs v s , xm and is To analyze the system, at first a three-phase voltage to ground
considered v dc is expressed as the following equation: fault with a duration of 175 ms is applied to the system at
t = 0.5 s. As seen in Fig. 7, after fault clearing, system voltage is
Z Ts
1  retrieved but due to high rotor slip which results in large amounts
J¼k Dx2m þ Dv 2dc þ De2dr þ De2qr dt ð20Þ
0 2 of reactive power absorption, stator terminal voltage cannot be
fully retrieved which, in turn, causes rotor speed to become insta-
Consequently, the matrices Q and R are defined as follows:
ble. It can be stated that the reason for this instability is the severe

Q ¼ 0:5  diagð0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1Þ loss of electrical torque.
R ¼ 0:5  eyeð5Þ In order to improve system stability, reactive power compen-
sator STATCOM is proposed in this paper. By adding a STATCOM
H. Heydari-doostabad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286 285

Rotor Speed 3.2 pitch angle

Pitch angle of Wind Turbine

Pitch angle
Rotor Speed (p.u.)


1.005 1.6

1.0 0.8

0.995 0.0



time (sec.)
PCC Voltage (p.u.)

Fig. 11. Changes in the angle of blades every when the fault occurred during
0.6 0.497 s.


0.2 800

time (msec.)
Electric Torque
Mechanical Torque
Gen. Torque (p.u.)

1.0 300
200 System STATCOM
Simultaneous Control of the Pitch Angle and STATCOM
0.5 100
100 200 300 400 500 550
0.0 Reactive Power (Kvar)

Fig. 12. Characteristic changes in critical clearing time in terms of capacity changes
Generator Active Power STATCOM.
Gen. and STATCOM Power

SVC ReactiveReac. Power
600 Generator Reactive Power

STATCOM reactive current and the pitch angle of the blades is used.

In addition to injecting reactive power required during rotor accel-
0.0 eration, the proposed system limits the mechanical torque
-200 absorbed by turbine by means of changing rotor blades angle. Sim-
ulation results obtained from adding the control system which
simultaneously controls STATCOM and pitch angle of the blades
are shown in Fig. 10.
1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

0 2.0
time (sec.) In order to further investigate the benefits of the proposed con-
trol system, generator rotor speed for various low voltages with
Fig. 9. Simulation results of the system voltage drop compensator STATCOM and different durations is shown in Fig. 10. As seen in this figure, crit-
STATCOM control the pitch angle of blade. ical clearing time was increased to about 0.497 s. The blades pitch
angle for a fault with duration of 0.497 is shown in Fig. 11. It is nec-
essary to note that according to [5], owing to their high inertia,
rotor speed (0.15sec fault)
blades pitch angle changing rate is considered to be at most 8
1.08 rotor speed (0.357sec fault)
rotor speed (0.497sec fault)
degrees per second.
Rotor Speed (p.u.)

1.06 By increasing capacity of STATCOM, critical clearing time also

increases so that the curve changes, this time for the system, with
1.04 the addition of STATCOM and with STATCOM and pitch angle of the
control system is shown in Fig. 12.
As seen in Fig. 12 by increasing the capacity of STATCOM, the
rise in critical clearing time in the control system proposed in this
0.99 paper, it is even more significant.









time (sec.)
Fig. 10. View of rotor speed control system using STATCOM and pitch angle.
This paper investigates the role of reactive power compensator
STATCOM and presents a control system based on simultaneous
to the system and considering the same three-phase fault as control of STATCOM reactive power and pitch angle of rotor blades
before, as seen in Fig. 8, after retrieving voltage, system returns for improving stability margin of speed of induction generator. As
to its steady state. In fact, in this case, STATCOM prevents electrical it can be seen in Fig. 12, critical clearing time i.e. maximum fault
torque loss by injecting reactive power required for induction gen- duration that can occur in the system and yet system is able to
erator (see Fig. 9). return to its steady state, is improved by using STATCOM compen-
In the next step, as it was explained, for improving stability sator. In addition, when a STATCOM compensator is used, by
margin, a control system based on simultaneous control of increasing STATCOM capacity from 100 to 500 Kvar, critical
286 H. Heydari-doostabad et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 77 (2016) 280–286

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