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Macroergonomics-asedApproach in Job Satisfaction of Senior High School

Teachers in a School in Mindoro Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Conference Paper · April 2021

DOI: 10.1109/ICIEA52957.2021.9436756


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2 authors, including:

Yogi Tri Prasetyo

Mapúa Institute of Technology


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2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications

Macroergonomics-B ased Approach in Job Satisfaction of Senior High School

Teachers in a School in Mindoro Using Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Joy Lyn S. Abraham Yogi Tri Prasetyo

School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management, Mapua University Management, Mapua University
2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA) | 978-1-6654-2895-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIEA52957.2021.9436756

Pola, Oriental Mindoro 5206, Philippines 658 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002, Philippines
e-mail: e-mail:

Abstract—The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the There have been evidences from different studies on the
education systems of the world. The purpose of this study was role and significance of teachers’ job satisfaction, for
to help the school assess job satisfaction of senior high school example, in teachers’ work commitment [3], [4], [5],
teachers in Mindoro during this pandemic in a lowering teachers’ turnover rate, reducing teachers’
macroergonomics-based approach. The study used emotional stress, burnout and exhaustion [6]. For instance,
observation and focus group discussion to gather data in Admiraal, et al., [5] studied about teachers’ interpersonal
identifying factors that keep the teachers motivated and relationships with students as a main source of job
satisfied given the new normal in education. Teachers’ job satisfaction that would result to the decrease of attrition
satisfaction was considered and compared with Herzberg’s
rates. Their study showed that many teachers experience
Two-Factor Theory. With the results of the study, the school
administration might be able to adjust school programs/
their profession as stressful, however, the good relationship
activities according to the teachers’ work motivation. The with students can be a major positive motivation for
study found out that in order to improve teachers’ job teachers to stay in the profession. It was found that
satisfaction, the school should focus on securing a safe and teachers’ job satisfaction appeared to be positively related
healthy working environment for teachers, recognizing to the extent to which their aspirations in teacher-student
teachers’ good performance, conducting relevant/ specialized relationships had been realized, and these teachers with
trainings or seminars, and ensuring teachers’ healthy and sense of job satisfaction preferred to stay in the profession.
balanced amount of workload. While most of the existing studies focused on the
teacher’s job satisfaction along with student achievement,
Keywords-macroergonomics; job satisfaction; Herzberg’s there is no study known about the determination of job
two-factor theory satisfaction of teachers during COVID-19 especially using
this Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation. Also, the
I. INTRODUCTION relations between teachers’ job satisfaction and several
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unparalleled harm other factors such as teachers’ emotions and emotional
to the education system of every country in the world. In intelligence [7], self-efficacy, job burnout, [8], leadership
addition to the short-term and long-term economic effects, style [9], [10], professional collaboration [11], etc. have
intangible destruction with educational institutions has been been properly documented.
occurring. With this, teachers as the most valuable resource The purpose of this study was to determine the factors
of any school, have to face different challenges and struggles that affect job satisfaction of teachers during COVID-19
[1]. With restrictions in mass gathering, schools have to and to consider the teachers’ work motivation in terms of
move into digital or modular delivery of classes, and so Herzberg’s two-factor theory. This study is the first of its
teachers need to adapt to the new normal in education. kind among the targeted group of SHS teachers in a school
Given the situation, it is significantly vital that teachers can in Mindoro. This study will contribute to develop an
and will adapt smoothly to the transition while remaining understanding of the factors involved in teachers’ job
satisfied with their jobs. Despite the greater demands placed satisfaction during COVID-19. Through this study,
on teachers, ensuring that teachers are satisfied and recommendations for job enhancement will be presented
enthusiastic with what they do will lead to positive impact and may be used by the school administration for reference.
on their performance, commitment and satisfaction, which By paying due attention to differences in context, the
enables to achieve higher academic results. findings of this study may be used to other similar
Job satisfaction has been defined as “the sense of organizations.
fulfillment and gratification that teachers experience
through their work as a teacher”. [2] “Job satisfaction II. METHODOLOGY
plays a very major role in imparting, excellent Mixed methods research was employed in this study. In
education to students as it acts as a motivating factor. If order to determine the views of teachers on their workplace
teachers attain adequate job satisfaction, they will be in and factors that have positive or negative effect on their job
position to fulfill the educational objectives and national satisfaction, an observation and a focus group discussion
goals”. [3] (FGD) were performed.

978-1-6654-2895-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 106

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As part of the 20-teaching personnel of the school, the Trainings/ seminars shall be given to us especially today
researcher used her observations and experiences on the that we are struggling to teach TVL subjects in modular
workplace, and conducted FGD with the other 19-teaching setup of classes.”
personnel of the school. “I attend training I personally found myself like
The FGD consisted of 20 participants aged 25 to 50 webinars on teaching in the new normal but there are
years old. All participants are teaching personnel of the limited seminars endorsed by the school administration to
School’s Senior High School Department. Personal integrity us. We are the ones who find free webinars for us, not the
of all teachers participated was guaranteed. Participation organization.”
was voluntary, and informed consent was obtained from all
the participants after disclosing the purpose of the study. C. Workload
Overall, the discussion was semi-structured, containing Teachers expressed dissatisfaction on their overall
open-ended questions, and follow-up questions were also workload in time of pandemic.
asked. The advantage of FGD compared to individual “The responsibility of obtaining modules, creating
interview aside from time-saving, is that FGD encourages supplementary learning materials and answer sheets,
everyone in the group to give and clarify opinions and then printing, sorting and distributing them, and then collecting,
validate if an opinion is shared by many. The FGD lasted sorting, checking answer sheets one by one is a very huge
for 2 hours and 25 minutes. task for me. This consumes my physical energy as there are
variety of tasks needed to be performed.”
III. RESULTS “Even on Saturdays and Sundays, I work. Teachers need
During the FGD, teachers stated their opinions on the to accommodate students’ queries and guide them in
factors that affected their job satisfaction at work. These answering the activities at home.”
opinions were recorded and then grouped into 9 categories D. Salary, Compensation and Benefits
parallel to the Herzberg theory-enumerated factors:
recognition; achievement; advancement and growth; Teachers reported dissatisfaction with their salary and
responsibility; the work itself; salary and benefits; benefits, telling that they frequently use their own money
interpersonal relations at work; supervision; working for school-related activities or programs.
condition; job security, company policies. “Our school is doing modular delivery of classes and we
Based from the FGD, the categories are: (a) Work go barangay by barangay to distribute modules, and yet we
environment; (b) Professional Development and Training; are using our own money for the transportation, safety and
(c) Workload; (d) Salary and Benefits; (e) Recognition of health supplies, food, etc.”
Achievement; (f) Job Security; (g) Relationship with “We do not have health-related benefits like annual
Colleagues; (h) Relationship with Heads; and (i) School check-up. I feel that we need to have benefits like this
Administration and Policies. Categories are presented especially during times like this since we are considered to
together with citations from the FGD. be frontliners. We go barangay by barangay to distribute
modules and visit students.”
A. Work Environment “Benefits like performance-based bonuses, special
Teachers identified work environment as the major recognition incentives are not given on time.”
dissatisfier in time of COVID-19. Since teachers go to their E. Recognition of Performance
assigned barangay for distribution of modules/ collection of
students’ answer sheets, they think that they are not safe Recognition of performance emerged as a dissatisfaction
given the environment they are in. for teachers. Teachers stated that ever since implementation
“We go to our assigned barangay once a week for the of K-12 in the country, there were no guidelines released on
distribution of modules/ collection of students’ answer the promotion of SHS teachers for public schools.
sheets and I personally feel unsafe. The place where we are “I am working hard yet I feel I’m not being rewarded
staying is obviously not COVID-19-ready.” enough. Since 2016, there were no teacher who got
“Due to lack of available facility, our Science Lab room promoted despite doing excellent in his job. We are still
was just converted into Sorting Hub for printing/ sorting waiting.”
self-learning modules. There are hazardous chemicals in F. Job Security
our work station which I think are exposing us to some
From teachers’ perspective, the major satisfier is job
health risks.”
security, as they have proven this during this pandemic.
B. Professional Development and Training “I feel secured in this job. With the closure of schools
SHS teachers believed that there were no opportunities during lockdown, private teachers lose their job whereas we
for them in terms of professional advancement. They didn’t, we don’t and we feel we won’t.”
expressed dissatisfaction, as they were not usually given the “Despite the controversy on teacher’s salary being
chance to attend training sessions that are technical and questioned by many, the organization stands on giving us
relevant for the effective performance of their job. our full salary despite the postponement of classes and other
“In TVL track, there are no practical trainings/ seminars adjustments in school during lockdown. I have felt the
intended for teachers on the teaching of subjects that require stability and security of my job.”
practicum such as bread and pastry, home economics, etc.


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G. Relationship with Colleagues To compare the 9 categories enumerated in this study
The teachers expressed satisfaction with the relationship with Herzberg’s theory, frequencies of all statements
between colleagues in the school. derived from FGDs are calculated and tabulated with
“Everyone is so good to work with. Everybody is Herzberg’s original distribution of factors across the
cooperative and well-approachable.” motivator and hygiene factor continuum, as shown in Figure
“With the modular setup of classes, we got to deal each 1. The frequencies specified as percentages, derived
other all throughout each working day, and this made us from the FGD, are shown in Table I.
closer. We have improved our relationship since lockdown TABLE I. FREQUENCIES IN PERCENTAGES OF EACH FACTOR FROM FGD
as we communicate frequently.”
Frequency Frequency of
H. Relationship with Heads of Satisfied Dissatisfied
Teachers identified relationship with Heads as a Factors (%) (%)
satisfaction factor. Teachers noted that Heads including the Work Environment 3 21
SH Coordinator, are very approachable and easy to deal Professional development and 4 16
with. training
“We have good relationship with our superiors. Their Workload 5 13
leadership is effective. “ Salary, Compensation and 6 15
Recognition of Performance 3 18
Job Security 21 2
Relationship with Colleagues 22 5
Relationship with Heads 17 4
School Policies 20 6

The results demonstrated that the teachers were not
satisfied with most areas of their jobs. From 9 categories
mentioned, 5 of them function as dissatisfiers and only 4 of
them function as satisfiers.
The health and safety risks present in the working
environment was the most frequently mentioned source of
job dissatisfaction among teachers (dissatisfied 21%;
satisfied 3%.) in this time of pandemic. This is in agreement
Figure 1. Comparison of motivators and hygiene factors between Herzberg with Herzberg’s theory. There is a positive association
and SHS Teachers. between job satisfaction and safe working environment
wherein employees who expressed satisfaction with their
I. School Policies jobs have positive feedback on their work’s health and
Teachers expressed satisfaction with the school policies safety climate [12].
as these are well communicated to them prior Recognition of teachers’ performance (dissatisfied 18%;
implementation. satisfied 3%) were considered to be a dissatisfaction factor
“School policies are not hard to follow. These are well to teachers, followed by limited means for professional
coordinated to us through meetings and everyone’s opinions development and trainings (dissatisfied 16%; satisfied 4%),
are being considered. We are happy with the school followed by low salaries and limited benefits (dissatisfied
policies, as they impose professionalism but are flexible in 15%; satisfied 6%), and lastly followed by the heavy
some ways.” workload (dissatisfied 13%; satisfied 5%).
The 9 categories derived from the FGD correspond with On the other hand, job security (satisfied 18%;
the factors of Herzberg’s theory. Herzberg’s factor dissatisfied 2%), relationship with colleagues and Heads
“working condition” corresponds to “work environment”; (satisfied 16% and 12% respectively), school policies and
“advancement and growth” corresponds to “professional guidelines (satisfied 11%) are the factors that are positively
development and training”; “responsibility” to “workload”; satisfying to teachers.
“salary and benefits” to “salary, compensation and V. CONCLUSION
benefits”; “recognition of performance” to “recognition”;
“job security” to “job security”; “interpersonal relations In particular, this study found out that sources of
with peers” to “relationship with colleagues”; “interpersonal dissatisfaction among teachers are the (1) health and safety
relations to leaders/ supervisors” to “relationship with risks present in the workplace; (2) poor recognition of
Heads”; and “school policies” to “policy and teachers’ performance; (3) limited means for professional
administration”. development and trainings; (4) low salary and limited
benefits; and (5) heavy workload. To address these


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dissatisfiers, school administration should look up into well ACKNOWLEDGMENT
coordination with barangay officials to create a COVID-19 The researchers would like to thank all the participants
designated pick-up point health and safety plan and properly of this study and the Mapua University for supporting this
implement it. In addition, since recognition of teachers’ study.
performance through promotion is not controlled by the
school administration but by the DepEd, school-based REFERENCES
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