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News of the Whirled

Why is this in my inbox?

Because we want you to know all the cool stuff thats happening with your League. Once a month (no more, we promise) youll get a newsletter that gives you a snapshot of all the happenings in Leeds Roller Dolls, both on skates and off. Follow the blue links for more information on any of the topics. Go on, have a read and get to know your Dolls and Action Men!
Issue 1 : 10th August 2011

For your diary

Sunday, 13 August: from 12pm to 3pm we need Dolls in Leeds and Huddersfield to promote our league and our bouts. If you can help, check out the thread on the forum (http:// post7389.html#p7389). Saturday, 20 August : Summer Shovin A Double Header LRD Whip-Its v. TBD and LRD v. GRG Irn Bruisers Tell Your Friends! Tuesday, 30 August : Newbie Taster Session! Anyone have a pair of skates they can lend? Sunday, 4 Sept : Hot Wheel Scrimmage! Hot Wheel have invited us for a mixed scrimmage from 11am to 2pm at Garforth Leisure Centre. (http:// viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1023)

Important stuff not to miss on the forum

The Leeds Roller Dolls Forum is a busy place, seeing as it serves as the hub of the goings-on of the League. Try to keep an eye on the Forum Summary Page, a round-up of whats happening in LRD. Committee vacancies: Get involved! See where we need people to help out at :http:// -t776.html Opportunity for Whip-Its and newer Dolls: Wakey Wheeled Cats are planning a session to be guestcoached by BB Bombshell from Tiger Bay Brawlers, date TBC. More info here: http://

Life off-skates with Bruise em Banshee #88 (aka Liz Thomas)

A quick Q & A with the LRD captain to discover a bit more about the person behind the shouting

Where did you grow up? On a farm in the Lune Valley near Lancaster, surrounded by cattle! It was beautiful, though non-country folk still wrinkle their noses at the smell if I take them home to visit. Where do you live now? Manchester. I wrinkle my nose frequently at the smell of bus fumes when cycling to work. What's your favourite place to go in Leeds? Um, Holt Park Leisure Centre? Or Livid's house of fun! What do you do in your non-derby life? I currently work as a workforce analyst for the NHS. What do you want to be when you grow up? Not a workforce analyst! I'm currently daydreaming about living an outdoorsy life by the sea, but most likely will remain in the city for the time being. Who knows, my ambitions change frequently. What do you consider to be your most recent success? In roller derby, getting through to the final round of Team England try-outs and managing to juggle all my roller derby/life commitments! In nonroller derby, moving in with a boy and not moving out within a week. Have you got pets? No, sad times. Love pets, but have been told very firmly I can't fit a horse in our garden. Mr Banshee is a total spoil sport. What's your favourite book? I have a few well-thumbed books, but I can always go back to What I Loved by Siri Hustvedt and Jane Eyre. What are you most looking forward to at the moment? The August bank holiday when I'll be partying most of the weekend with old friends and I am planning a trip to Berlin to visit Bear City in the winter. What others had to say 3 words to describe Banshee? determined, motivated, and focused fearless, fierce, and determined fast, fantastic, and annoying (when youre try ing to get round the bugger)

Skater Facts: Skater with LRD since: 2008 Cross Training: Cycling, Yoga, and Core at least 3x week. Committees: League Captain, Training Committee, and League Liaison for the Board Derby wife: Toxic Pink Stuff (Retired LRD Skater) Derby hero: Toxic Pink Stuff (yeah same one)

Random Banshee fact? Her favourite cake is carrot cake.

Did you know

We said goodbye this year to one of our founding members? Rushin Doll #13 moved to London and will be joining London Roller Girls (LRG). We all owe her quite a lot for the league that we have today. Weve retired her number in honor of the contribution that she made to Leeds Roller Dolls LRD has a blog?! You can read some of the past blogs at: Let Roxy know if you want to contribute. Fundraising efforts in July brought LRD almost 400 profit, between Valley of the Dolls VIII band night and the Sleaze-A-Rama Burlesque Night which kindly donated half its takings to LRD. The LRD raffle at Summer Shovin is in support of Diabetes UK. Tell your friends to buy some raffle tickets! LRD entered a flying roller skate into the Red Bull Flugtag? We may not have won, but 15,000 people from around Leeds saw our League representing. A collection of 8 Dolls and Action Men participated in the Urbanathlon to raise money for Street Gamesat time of print they raised about 450 to help kids in disadvantaged communities You can still sponsor them here: http:// Sister Stroke #101 just had a little girl and called her Florence.

This months WFTDA rule is: HIGH BLOCKING (relevant rule section 6.2) If you initiate a block that makes contact above the other skater's shoulders then you will get a High Block penalty. You will be issued a major except in extreme circumstances, such as deliberate or reckless contact (see 6.2.4 - 6.2.7), for which you will be expelled. If you block someone legally and, as a result, their head moves and hits off of you, you will not be penalised. The movement of their head is considered a separate action to the block. Similarly, if someone skates into you with their head, you will not get a penalty. Remember, it's the initiator of a block who is responsible for the legality of that block! Questions? Ask a ref they only bite on Tuesdays.

Want us to mention something in the newsletter? Fellow doll just achieve a personal goal? Did you just get yourself a derby wife? Have an event to advertise or a charity you need sponsorship for? If you want to shout about it, tell us! If you dont want to receive this newsletter in your inbox, just let us know by clicking here. Well also put a .pdf of past newsletters on the Forum, so you can always check in there. This newsletter is brought to you by the League Improvement Committee.

A little something extra for making it all the way to the end of this newsletter Kitschen Sink (http://, one of our regular bout stall holders, is offering 20% off her jewellery for any Doll on August 20th at Summer Shovin only!

End Transmission

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