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Target Subjects: Math 7, TLE 7, MAPEH 7

Time Frame of Assessment: MELC Quarter 2, Weeks 1 and 2

Integrated MELCS:
1. Converting measurements from one unit to another in both metric and English System. (M7ME –
11b-2) (Math)
2. Solving problem involving conversion of units of measurement (M7ME -11-2) (Math)
3. Applying basic mathematical operations in calculating weights and measures (LO2) (TLE)
4. Applying the elements and principles of arts in the production in one’s arts and crafts inspired by
the arts of MIMAROPA in the Visayas (A7 EL – 11b – 1) (MAPEH)

GOAL: The learner can make a recipe card applying the arts of MIMAROPA and Visayas containing a new
recipe with converted measures.
ROLE: You are a baker and applying in a bakeshop. In order to be hired, you need to convert the unit of
measure in the given recipe to be written in your own-designed MIMAROPA-and-Visayan recipe
AUDIENCE: employer/ bakeshop owner
You are applying to be a baker of a famous Visayan bakeshop. The owner gave you a preliminary
challenge: “What to do with the recipe with a limited baking tool.” He gave you a recipe and told you that
the only available tools are cup and teaspoon and the oven measures heat by degree Celsius. You needed
to present your new recipe the following day. Knowing that your employer is from Visayas, you decided to
create a recipe card using the elements and principles of MIMAROPA and Visayan arts to please your
1. Given the recipe, convert the underlined measures to CUP (Math, TLE)


½ ounce all-purpose flour
400 grams granulated sugar
0.084 kg unsweetened cocoa powder
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon Kosher salt
240 mL butter milk
2 extra large eggs at room temperature
2 tsp. mc cormick pure vanilla extract
½ cup vegetable oil
2 tsp. baking soda
237 grams freshly brewed coffee

1. Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt in the bowl and mix until
2. In another bowl combined the butter milk, oil, eggs and vanilla.
3. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry.
With mixer still on a low, add coffee and stir just to combined, scraping the bottom of the
bowl with a rubber spatula.
4. Pour the butter into two eight inch round prepared pans and bake for 30 -40 minutes at
350 degrees Fahrenheit until a cake tester or toothpick comes out mostly clean (not wet).
5. Cool in the pans for about 10 minutes then turn them out onto a cooling rack and cool
1 cup =4 1/4 ounces or 4.25 ounces all-purpose flour
1 cup=200 grams granulated sugar
1 cup=0.1 kg cocoa powder
1 cup=2 grams freshly brewed coffee
1 cup=240 mL butter milk

2. From the given procedure of the recipe, convert the temperature from ℉ to ℃ (Math, TLE,).
℉ −32
Use the formula: ℃=
3. Using a short bond paper make your own recipe card showing your originality and creativity with the
following content:
a. New Recipe (measures of ingredients must all be in cup or teaspoon); and
b. Solution
4. Put some design applying the elements of arts from MIMAROPA and Visayas. (MAPEH)
- Curve line design representing water color blue.
- Repeating, alternating design/patterns that can be seen in baskets and Basey mats.
- Mark designs, representing Moriones.

Rubrics for Performance (MATH and TLE)

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Accuracy/correctness With 5-6
All conversions are With 1-2 errors in With 3-4 errors
of answer. (40%) errors in
correct conversion in conversion
With Complete With 3-5
Completeness of With 1-2 missing With 0-1
solution for all missing
Solution (20%) solutions solution
conversions solutions
Completed output Completed Completed
Completed output
Originality and is exceptionally output is output is not
is creative and
creativity (15%) creative and creative but creative and
original not original. not original.
Completed output Completed
Completed output output has
Neatness (15%) is exceptionally output is
is neat. some messy
neat. messy.
Submitted the Submitted the
Submitted the the output six
Timeliness (10%) output two weeks output four
output on time weeks
late weeks late
onwards late
Total = 100 %

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