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Why:communication is changing faster than anything else, having it all in 1 place for live or hybrid events is powerful.

What:360 hubs and TNOC crafted a method put all the dialogue around a hash tag at your ngertips. Now in bespoke and whitelabel versions available for your (hybrid) events. How:a unique hash tag is all you need to unleash the power of the dialogue. Login direct or through twitter but not solely dependent on twitter. So if twitter goes down, your stream keeps owing. Customizable look & feel, and dedicated moderated backchannel available. Also subsequent events can be connected to the same hub to continue the dialogue at subsequent events.Being able connect as members on the hub and being able to: 1. embed 2. translate 3. extract rich content and 4. moderate the feed with the ability to customize the backchannel display is the conference suite. It can be applied easily and comfortably without a technical background. Where:online, embedded or as a custom backchannel conference suite. See the full story and video HERE

TNOC | The New Objective Collective | Hangstrasse 28, CH-4144, Arlesheim | t. +41 61 701 8264 | | | | Trade registry : CH- TNOC is a Member of MPI Meeting Professionals International, MSI Meeting Support Institute & Cornell Hotel Society
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Retain the standard Twub features

Utilize the live tweet stream with photos, videos and links, member directory, tweetup scheduler and other great Twub features to engage your conference attendees in exciting new ways.

Style and brand your Twub

Become an exclusive editor and lock down the style, branding, headshot, title and description of your Twub.

Moderated projection tweet feed

Broadcast live tweets coming into any of your hashtags in a projection optimized and moderated environment. Bring a whole new level of interactivity to your audiences! Great for Q&A sessions.

Spam Filtering: Block Users and Words

Assure the integrity of your Twub with advanced Twitter spam ltering techniques. You are in total control of your Twub's content.

"Live Event" tab with Live Stream and Slide Share integration
Reach out to your remote attendees with the "Live Event" concept. Congure your Live Event tab with Live Stream, Slide Share and tweet feed modules. Use the live tweet feed to simulate a chat room environment!

Live questions module

Display a cycling list of questions sent to the #q- meta-hashtag in various locations around your Twub.

TNOC | The New Objective Collective | Hangstrasse 28, CH-4144, Arlesheim | t. +41 61 701 8264 | | | | Trade registry : CH- TNOC is a Member of MPI Meeting Professionals International, MSI Meeting Support Institute & Cornell Hotel Society
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