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1. A manager must be cooperative and to 1.

1. Like when his team are planning a new project with his team and his
communicate well with his employees. communication was improved and they’re listening to him well.
2. A manager must be able to complete tasks 2. When he was doing his work and he was able to make it before the
and goals for their team. deadline came.
3. A manager must be determined to help their 3. He never gave up and he was encouraging his staff to complete the
company grow better and face challenges challenge together and stay determined and strong.

1. A manager must know how to work together 1. He knows how to solve the problem to the discussion they’re working on. He
to solve the problems solves the problem with his employees without a hitch about their projects coming
2. He knows their needs. Like when the staffs need emergency and supplies that are
2. He must know the needs and help for his
out of stock, he can save them immediately.
3. He can understand what his teammates felt. He supports them always in time.
3. He must know how to empathize for his

1. Like he’s well-organized and always do his work properly when important things come up.
1. He must do his work properly and cooperate 2. Everything in his company went smoothly because the manager who always supports his
every projects of his company employees and all.
2. He sees to it that the company is running 3. He gave everything his all to the team he loves the most. And bringing good for him and all
smoothly so that targets can be attained of their needs
3. He must bring out the best in their People.

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