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1. This oral evaluation must always be a compulsory follow up to the online placement test (QI CNA), as
a means to confirm whether the student’s oral command of the language is coherent with the results
obtained in the test.

2. The content herewith is addressed to new students, from KIDS to MASTER IN ENGLISH 2, who seem to
have some kind of previous knowledge of English. To classify younger prospects, their age group and
school grade have to be considered (see Catálogo de Produtos CNA).

3. Interview one student at a time.

4. In order to get the best out of the student who is interested in studying at our schools, it is very
important to make him/her feel comfortable and at ease. The student should be greeted and
welcomed warmly and naturally; create a relaxing atmosphere by asking the student general questions
about him/herself, such as: ‘Is this your first English school?’ if not – ‘How long have you been learning
English?’ ‘Why do you want to learn/improve your English?’ etc… This will also help you have an idea of
the student’s level of English.
With children, the warm up should be done in Portuguese so as to promote a tension-free atmosphere.
After that, ask the corresponding Kids questions in English.

5. Don’t spoil this relaxing atmosphere by warning the student: ‘Now, the test!’ Just start asking the
questions as if they were a continuation of the informal chat you were having up to this point. It is also
very important to be sensitive to the student’s nervousness or inabilities. The student shouldn’t be
pressed or insistently exposed to a certain question which he/she doesn’t understand or doesn’t know
how to answer. Obviously, that question can be repeated but not too many times. The teacher in
charge should also select from the list the questions which are appropriate to the situation, for
example, if you ask: ‘Are you married?’ and the student says ‘No’, don’t ask the next question: ‘How
many children do you have?

6. The questions proposed should be seen as mere guidelines. It is important to use them to expand on
the topics.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
7. If the student has learned English before, there is no need to make him/her go through all the
placement tests. If he/she is clearly Intermediate, for example, choose Oral Placement Test:
Basic 2 to Intermediate 1; if he answers 80% or more correctly, move on to Oral Placement Test –
Intermediate 1 to Intermediate 2. When you notice the students is having difficulty in continuing the
interview, stop asking questions and classify him/her in the corresponding level (the student did very
well in the Oral Placement test – Basic 2 to Intermediate 1, but had problems with the next set of
questions – Intermediate 1 to Intermediate 2, so he should be placed in Intermediate 1. Oral Placement
Tests stop at Master in English 1 as students are expected to do at least a year course at CNA. . If the
student’s level is clearly superior to that of a ME1 student, then perhaps one of the post advanced
courses should be considered.

8. Remember that you are testing the ability to communicate using natural language, not only grammar
accuracy. Therefore, if the student gets the meaning across, he/she should not be penalized for using
short answers or non-sophisticated language. However, the teacher carrying out the test should have a
very clear idea of the content of each book in order to be able to place the student in the adequate
level. It should be clear that for Basic levels communicative competence is essential, whereas for
Intermediate, Pre-advanced and Advanced levels the student is naturally expected to communicate
using longer sentences linked by connectors, with more fluency and a wider range of vocabulary
(always according to the level he/she is being tested for). If, for some reason, the student insists on
producing very short answers at these levels it is up to the teacher to propose some expansion on the
topics covered.

9. Remember to note down the student’s mistakes (in a very discreet way, so as not to worry or distract
him/her). These will help you comment on the student’s performance at the end of the interview and
explain why he/she was placed in a certain level.

10. The new student, once placed in a specific level, should be closely followed by his/her teacher and
school coordinator, so that possible misjudgments can be corrected in time and the student transferred
to a more adequate level.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Kids 1 to Kids 2 Tests
CNA Kids’ Play

Make sure there are pens, pencils and other school objects around, as well as blank paper.

1. Hello!
2. How are you?
3. Sit down, please.
4. Listen to me and answer my questions, OK?
5. My name’s _________. What’s your full name?
6. How do you spell your last name?
7. Can you write your full name, please? (wait until he/she asks you for a pen)
8. Tell me about your family.
9. What’s your mother’s (father’s) name?
10. What is your favorite animal?
11. What are your favorite toys?
12. What is your favorite color?
13. Can you lend me your pen, please?
14. What are these? (show some pencils or pens or crayons or erasers)
15. What are those? (show some chairs or tables or books in the distance)
16. What color is your family’s car?
17. Listen to me. What are these objects?
18. B – O – A – T
19. A – M – B – U – L – A – N – C – E
20. T – R – A – I – N
21. Please, draw a tiger and a monkey. Thank you.
22. Let’s play Hangman (computer or guitar or game).
23. Now you ask me a question!

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Kids 2 to Kids 3

CNA Kids’ Play

Make sure there are pens, pencils and other school objects around, as well as blank paper.
1. Hello! How are you?
2. Sit down, please.
3. Listen to me and answer my questions, OK?
4. My name’s _______. What’s your full name?
5. How do you spell your last name?
6. Is your last name Brazilian?
7. Can you write your full name, please? (wait until he/she asks you for a pen)
8. What is your address?
9. What is your telephone number?
10. How old are you?
11. When is your birthday?
12. Look at the pictures in the poster (below). What picture am I thinking about? (Ex. Is it a toy? Etc.)
Animals Toys Means of School objects Objects

13. Where are you from?

14. Where is your grandmother from?
15. Let’s do some mathematics! What is two and three? What is ten and six?
16. What are you wearing?
17. What colors are you wearing?
18. Whose pen is this?
19. Where is my computer (or my legs, your chair, my pencil, the poster, etc)
Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Look at the pictures and guess

Animals Toys Means of School objects Objects


Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Kids 3 to Kids 4

CNA Kids’ Play

Make sure there are pens, pencils and other school objects around, as well as blank paper.

1. Hello! How are you? Sit down, please.

2. My name’s _____. What’s your full name?
3. How do you spell your last name?
4. How old are you?
5. What’s your address?
6. Let’s do some mathematics!
a. What is twenty and eleven?
b. What is forty and twelve?
7. Look around. Can you describe the room, please? How many objects are there?
8. Is there a bank (or a hospital, a supermarket, a park, a church, etc) near here?
9. How can I get there?
10. Are you hungry?
11. How much is a hamburger?
12. Let’s go shopping!
13. How much are a pair of tennis shoes and a T-shirt?
14. How much is a bike?
15. What time is it, please?
16. What is your favorite cartoon?
17. What channel is it on?
18. What is your favorite school subject?
19. When are those classes?
20. Who is your favorite teacher?
21. What is your favorite day of the week?
22. Now ask me a question!

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
CNA Teens On 1 and 2 Placement
1. Hello. How are you?
2. My name is _____. What’s your name?

3. Nice to meet you! What’s your last name?

4. How do you spell it?

5. I’m _____ years old. How old are you?

6. When is your birthday?

7. Do you have a video game?

8. What is your favorite game?

9. What’s your favorite number?

10.What’s your favorite color?

11.Where are you from?

12.I’m from (city) , Brazil. And you? What city are you from?

13.Is (city mentioned by the student) in (state) ?

14.So, where is (city mentioned by the student)?

15.What’s your address?

16.What’s your phone number?

17.Who’s this man/woman/boy/girl? (show the student a photograph of a famous person he/she
might know well)
18.Is he/she from (country)?

19.Where is he/she from?

20.What’s his/her job?

21.What’s your favorite sport?

22.When do you watch or play it?

23.What time is it now?

24.Is this your (object)? (show the student an object which doesn’t belong to him/her)

25.Do you like English?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
CNA Teens On 2 and 3

Hello! How are you?

1. Is there a supermarket / church / florist near your house?

2. How can I get there?
3. Who’s this man / woman? (show the student pictures of famous people whose names and
nationalities he/she might know)
4. What nationality is he / she?
5. What’s his / her name?
6. Who is your favorite actor / actress / singer?
7. What’s your favorite animal?
8. What’s its principal characteristic?
9. Can this animal (fly / swim / jump)?
10. Do you like sports?
11. What sports are you good at?
12. What’s your favorite sport?
13. Can you play it?
14. What do you do on the weekends?
15. What are you going to do on your next birthday?
16. Is there a supermarket near your house?
17. What is your favorite dish (food)?
18. Can you cook?
19. What is your favorite place in the shopping mall?
20. Look at these pictures. What is he doing? / What are they doing? (Point to two of the pictures)

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
TEENS 3 TO TEENS 4 Placement
CNA Teens On 3 and 4
Hello! How are you?
1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? How many?
2. Does your father/mother have a job?
3. What does he/she do?
4. What does your father/mother look like?
5. Does he/she wear glasses?
6. Close your eyes for a minute. What are you wearing?
7. Can you describe your house?
8. What’s you’re your favorite room?
9. What is your bedroom like?
10. Do you go to school by bus?
11. How do you go to school?
12. What time do you start school?
13. What do you have to do every day?
14. What do you do in your free time?
15. Do you listen to music in your free time?
16. What kind of music do you like?
17. Do you like going to the movies?
18. I love comedies. And you? What kind of movies do you like?
19. Do you watch TV every day?
20. What kind of TV programs do you like?
21. Do you play any sports?
22. What sports do you play?
23. How often?
24. Can you describe your best friend?
25. Do you have a collection? What do you collect?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
CNA Essentials 1 and 2
1. Hi. How are you?

2. My name is… What’s your name?

3. Nice to meet you.

4. How do you spell your last name?

5. How old are you?

6. I’m from… (in Brazil). And you? Where are you from?

7. Where is your family from?

8. What’s your address?

9. How can I get there?

10. What’s your phone number?

11. Look at the pictures for 30 seconds. What are they doing?

Ed and Cindy Mike Jeff Brian Eric

12. Where is your school (or office, etc.)?

13. When is your birthday?

14. Is there a supermarket near your house?

15. What’s your favorite sport?

16. Can you play tennis (or soccer, basketball, etc.)?

17. Who’s your favorite singer?

18. Can you sing?

19. What’s your favorite holiday?

20. Now you ask me a question.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
CNA Essentials 2 / CNA Progression 1
Hello! How are you?

1. Do you live near here?

2. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?

3. Is it big? Describe it, please.

4. Do you like your neighbors?

5. What’s your occupation?

6. Is there any money in your pocket?

7. Do you work/study part time or full time?

8. Do you like it?

9. What time do you usually go to school/work?

10. What does your mother (or father/ wife/ husband/ brother/ sister, etc) do every day?

11. What do you do in your free time?

12. How often do you go out?

13. Where do you like going on the weekends? Do you like going to the movies?

14. How often do you go to the movies?

15. What kind of movies do you like?

16. Would you like to go to the movies now?

17. How much is a movie ticket?

18. Do you go to restaurants? What kind of food do you like?

19. What’s your favorite fast food?

20. How many friends do you have on Facebook?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
CNA Progression 1 and 2 Placement
Hello! How are you?

1. Do you have a good memory? Close your eyes. What are you wearing?

2. What do you wear to go to a wedding ceremony?

3. What does your best friend look like?

4. And what is he/she like?

5. What are your main characteristics?

6. What present would you give your mother (or father, brother, boyfriend, etc)?

7. What are your plans for next weekend?

8. How was your weekend? What did you do?

9. What are you going to do on your next vacation?

10. What did you do on your last vacation?

11. Do you have a healthy diet? What do you usually have?

12. What do you do to stay healthy?

13. When I go to the movies I always have a headache. What should I do?

14. What do you do when you have a toothache?

15. What do you do when you have a cold?

16. What do you have to do to help at home?

17. I have a friend who has bad marks at school. What should he do?

18. How would you describe your city?

19. What is the weather like in your city? What is your favorite type of weather?

20. Please describe your best friend.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
CNA Progression 2 / CNA Expansion 1
Hello! How are you?
1. What do you like doing when you are on vacation?
2. What’s the most boring vacation you have taken?
3. How do you compare traveling in summer and traveling in winter?
4. What did you use to play with when you were a kid?
5. You can talk on the phone in English, can’t you?
6. What were you doing last Wednesday at 5 p.m.?
7. Look at the pictures below. What is Joe’s story? What happened last Sunday? (show student the
poster on the page below)

8. Do you like traveling? Have you ever bought a guide to travel?

9. Have you ever been abroad?

10. What do you do when you are stressed?

11. Have you already bought your CNA book?

12. Let’s talk about the things you are supposed to have done today. Have you checked your e-mails

yet? Have you called any of your friends?

13. Have you ever organized a party? What kind of event was it? What did you buy?

14. Could you help me organize these books?

15. Who is CNA’s secretary?

16. How long have you been studying English?

17. Have you already found an ideal career?

18. Why are you interested in studying English?

19. What have you done to improve?

20. Would you like to study another language? How can you compare it with English?
Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Joe’s Sunday!

8 to 10 a.m.

1 to 3 p.m.

6 to 7 p.m.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Pre-advanced 1 to Pre-advanced 2
CNA Expansion 1 and 2
Hello! How are you?

1. Are you a good student of English? Why?

2. As an English student what are you good at?

3. Can you mention three things we can do to improve our English?

4. What did you do that you regret? What could you have done?

5. Do you have any strange habits? Do you know anyone who does?

6. Do you speak English better than (family member)?

7. What are you allowed to do in your job (or at school)?

8. Can you describe the ideal English teacher?

9. Do you know any funny (or strange) stories?

10. Where would you live if you could choose?

11. Do you have any phobias? What phobias do you know?

12. I think I work a lot. Can you give me some advice?

13. How often do you watch TV? What’s your favorite kind of program? Why?

14. What would you do if you won the lottery?

15. Have you ever traveled abroad? What is necessary? Where would you like to go?

16. What would you do if you were the President of Brazil?

17. If you could, what subject would you eliminate from schools? Why?

18. Which would you include? Why?

19. Have you ever made a bad decision? What would you do differently?

20. What would you change about yourself if you could?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Pre-advanced 2 to Advanced 1 Tests
CNA Expansion 2 and CNA Gold 1

1. What is your most important achievement so far? (When? How? Who? Etc.)
2. Do you have any regrets in your life? What do you regret? What could you have done?
3. Do you think you should have started studying English earlier? (How so?)
4. What would have happened if you had learned English when you were a kid?
5. Do you cook your own meals? Do you do your own laundry?
6. What things you can do yourself and which you have to get done?
7. Do you help with housework? What does your (mother/wife/husband, etc.) wish you did?
8. What was the last thing your (mother/brother/sister/wife/husband, etc.) said to you before
you left home?
9. How important is Internet to you?
10. What kind of actions do you do with your computer?
11. Did you learn how to drive when you were 20? What would you have done if you did?
12. What do you wish your best friend?
13. How are Japanese people different from Brazilians?
14. What did you hear on the radio or on TV this morning or last night?
15. What is the most important event in our history? Why?
16. Can you mention three books and their authors?
17. What’s your favorite movie? What do you know about it (director, actors, story, etc.)?
18. In your opinion, what could be done to improve our city?
19. What has happened lately that could have been avoided?
20. Had you visited CNA’s website before you decided to visit our school?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Fast 1 to Fast 2
CNA Fast 1 and 2
1. Hi. How are you?

2. My name is… What’s your name?

3. Nice to meet you.

4. How do you spell your last name?

5. How old are you?

6. I’m from… (in Brazil). And you? Where are you from?

7. Where is your family from?

8. What’s your address?

9. What’s your phone number?

10. What’s your occupation?

11. Look at the pictures for 30 seconds. What are they doing?

Ed and Cindy Mike Jeff Brian Eric

12. Where is your school (or office, etc.)?

13. When is your birthday?

14. Is there a supermarket near your house?

15. What’s your favorite sport?

16. Can you play tennis (or soccer, basketball, etc.)?

17. Who’s your favorite singer?

18. Can you sing?

19. What’s your favorite holiday?

20. Now you ask me a question.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Fast 2 to Fast 3
CNA Fast 2 and 3

Hello! How are you?

1. Do you live near here?

2. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?

3. How can I get there?

4. Is it big? Describe it, please.

5. Do you like your neighbors? What are they like?

6. Is there any money in your pocket?

7. Do you work/study part time or full time?

8. Do you like it?

9. What time do you usually go to school/work?

10. What does your mother (or father/ wife/ husband/ brother/ sister, etc) do every day?

11. What do you do in your free time?

12. How often do you go out?

13. Where do you like going on the weekends? Do you like going to the movies?

14. How often do you go to the movies?

15. What kind of movies do you like?

16. Would you like to go to the movies now?

17. How much is a movie ticket?

18. Do you go to restaurants? What kind of food do you like?

19. What’s your favorite fast food?

20. How many friends do you have on Facebook?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Fast 3 to Pre-advanced 1
CNA Fast 3 / CNA Expansion 1

Hello! How are you?
1. What do you like doing when you are on vacation?
2. What’s the most boring vacation you have taken?
3. How do you compare traveling in summer and traveling in winter?
4. What did you use to play with when you were a kid?
5. You can talk on the phone in English, can’t you?
6. What were you doing last Wednesday at 5 p.m.?
7. Look at the pictures below. What is Joe’s story? What happened last Sunday? (show student the
poster on the page below)

8. Do you like traveling? Have you ever bought a guide to travel?

9. Have you ever been abroad? (Where? Where would you like to go?)

10. What do you do when you are stressed?

11. Have you already bought your CNA book? (When? Have you seen it? Did you like it?)

12. Let’s talk about the things you are supposed to have done today. Have you checked your e-mails

yet? Have you called any of your friends?

13. Have you ever organized a party? What kind of event was it? What did you buy?

14. What would you wear to go to a professional interview ?

15. How long have you been studying English?

16. Have you already found an ideal career?

17. Both my brother and I are teachers. What about you and your (brother, sister, etc.)?

18. Why are you interested in studying English?

19. What have you done to improve?

20. Would you like to study another language? How can you compare it with English?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Joe’s Sunday!


8 to 10 a.m.

1 to 3 p.m.

6 to 7 p.m.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015

There is no simple way to determine whether a student’s oral command of the language qualifies
him/her to start on an advanced course. At this level of proficiency, a more in-depth analysis is
required to establish the student’s level as far as his oral command of the language is concerned.
For this reason, oral placement tests will bring a set of communicative objectives to be reached,
language exponents to be observed and topics to reveal student’s competence.

The interview with the student should start with an ice breaker: a 2 to 3 minute conversation to
help him/her relax. Some personal questions like full name, area where they live, what they do,
hobbies, favorite activities, etc. can be asked. Try not to overextend it, though. Remember to use
the content proposed as clues to really observe student’s level. The whole session should take
you about 15 minutes to cover each of the checklists.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Advanced 1 to Advanced 2 Tests
CNA Gold 1 and 2

Interviewer’s Input Communicative Target Language Exponents

(Tasks) competence
1) COMPARING ERAS Talk about past and current Degrees of comparison
habits Used to
Do you think life is better now than 50
Be used to
years ago? Why? Express and justify opinions
Technology terms
about living habits
Look at the aspects in the card (below). Family
What is your opinion? Make comparisons Connectors

To my mind…
I believe…
In my opinion…
As I see it…
… whereas…

2) SHOPPING HABITS Talk about shopping habits Rather
a) What kind of consumer are you? Are Passive voice
Talk about eating habits
you conscious and worried about the Food items
environment? Express an opinion Expressions for preference
b) Some people say that industrialized
food is poison. What do you think? Convince It may look that way…
c) When you eat out, what kind pf place I see your point…
do you go to? What do you eat? I don’t entirely agree…
d) What can you say to convince me to You’ve got a point…
eat organic food? I’m not sure I agree with you…
e) Would you rather spend all your I respectfully agree…
money or save it? I’m totally with you…
f) Do you buy brand products? Why?
g) What makes you buy a product? …ing is probably…
h) What do you usually buy? What do I’d rather…
you have to buy less?
3) TELLING A STORY Tell a story Relative pronouns
a) What is the funniest story you have Past tenses
Sequence events
ever heard? Connectors
b) Do you remember a special event that Express cause and effect Specific verbs
happened to you? Give details (What,
where, when, why, how, who with, Etc.
c) How did you feel?
d) What would you change?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015

Task 1
Student’s Role Card
Look at the aspects in the card and compare life now and fifty years ago.


Children’s habits


Technology at home and at work

Social attitude



Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Advanced 2 to Master in English 1 Tests
CNA Gold 2 / CNA Platinum 1
Interviewer’s Input Communicative competence Target Language Exponents
1) TRAVELING AND STUDYING Asking for information and Conjunctions and connectors
ABROAD clarification Present Perfect Tense
Imagine you decided to go on an Present Perfect Continuous Tense
exchange program to study English Explaining the importance of Conditionals
abroad. English WH- questions
I am responsible for the program. What
would you like to know? Express expectations and surprise I wasn’t expecting…
Look at the clues in the card (below) and What if…
make your choices. Is it allowed…
Is it possible to…
2) CELEBRITIES vs. TALENT Express opinions Modals
a) What makes a celebrity? Prepositions
b) Does being a celebrity mean a person Draw conclusions Adjectives
is talented? Adverbs
c) What’s the difference between a Persuade
celebrity and a successful person? Therefore…
d) What makes a person successful (think Convince All in all…
about famous sportspeople, writers, My conclusion is…
scientists, top models, politicians, It all comes down to …
etc.)? To my mind…
e) What’s the difference between I believe…
compulsion and persistence? In my opinion…
f) What would you tell a teenager who As I see it…
wants to be a model? Why don’t you…
On one hand… On the other hand..
Generally / Usually /Sometimes
They ought to…
3) IS IT TRUE? Draw and express conclusions Connectors
a) What’s the role of a newspaper or Reported speech
news site? Express a point of view Past tenses
b) Do you believe everything you read?
Which channels of communication do Report Therefore…
you trust? All in all…
c) Do you remember any news that were My conclusion is…
published and proved to be false later It all comes down to …
on? To my mind…
d) How can we protect ourselves from I believe…
being deceived? In my opinion…
As I see it…
I remember…
Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Task 1
Student’s Role Card
Look at the aspects in the card and choose the best exchange program for you to study English abroad.


Course duration, levels and content

Costs, tickets and what else is included

Kind of accommodation


Documents required

Extra activities

Your profile as a student

Your expectations


Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Master in English 1/2 Tests
CNA Platinum 1 or 2

Interviewer’s Input Communicative competence Target Language Exponents

1) CITIZENSHIP AND ENVIRONMENT Talk about the importance of issues Frequency expressions
Do you believe that is said about the Give and explain opinions Connectors
environment? Describe environmental issues -ING forms

Look at the issues in the card (below) and … not only… but…
give your opinion … as far as…
It is essential that…
It is urgent that…
If we …
It is believed…

People are/do…
Most of us…
Some of us…
It is true to say…
On one hand… On the other hand..

2) BRINGING UP AND SOCIETY Talk about family relationships Adjectives

Bringing up children is no easy task! What Give, explain and justify an opinion WISH
are the main problems parents face? Give examples Reported Speech
Give impressions
Look at the card (below) and give your In my opinion…
opinion. I believe…
I used to…
I think I can say…
There were moments when…

3) WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS Make predictions about the future Future tenses
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Give opinions Connectors
the future? Where are we heading for? Talk about possibilities Adverbs

Look at the issues in your card (below) In my opinion…

and give your opinion As I see it…
People will probably…
… is/are likely to…
It is impossible that…

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015

Task 1
Student’s Role Card
Look at the aspects in the card and give your opinion about some environmental issues.

 Most serious environmental problems (pollution, climate change,

deforestation, endangered species, etc.)

 Specific laws

 Everyday actions

 Raising awareness actions

 Political parties

 Individual actions

 Your individual actions

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015

Task 2
Student’s Role Card
Look at the aspects in the card and give your opinion about the issues.

 Is it possible to be a good parent without being too authoritarian?

 Based on your experience as a child, what would you advise a

recent parent?

 How would you like your parents to have been?

 What is the most important thing your mother or father told you as

a child?

 What did you use to do as a child that you regret?

 How does technology interfere in family relationships?

 How do the media influence children?

 How can we prevent children from embracing some nasty fads?

 What can be done to minimize such effect?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015

Task 3
Student’s Card
Look at the aspects in the card and say how you see the world in fifty years.

 Is life better now than fifty years ago?

 How will life be different in fifty years from now?

 How do you see work conditions?

 How do you see human relationships?

 What will you have accomplished by then?

 What kind of social problems will we face in Brazil?

 What kind of social problems will have been solved here by


 Where will the major changes happen? In which areas?

 People will certainly live longer but will we live happier?

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015
Master in English 2 to Post-advanced courses

CNA Platinum 2

Prospects that show a high level competence should be given the Oral Placement Test for Master
in English 1/2, with extra emphasis so as to verify their knowledge.

Besides that, the coordinator should ask the student to write a composition of about 130-140
words in order to have more grounds before deciding if he or she is really ready to follow one of
our Post-advanced courses. See some suggestions below. Remember to adapt them to student’s

1. Of all people, who is the person you admire most? Is it a historical figure or someone you
know well? Talk about why he or she is important to you and describe him or her physically
and in terms of personality.

2. What is the most important problem we have in Brazil nowadays? Talk about it, explain
why it is serious and propose a solution.

3. Do you think the minimum age for a person to be legally charged and accused of a crime
should be lowered to 16? Justify your opinion.

4. Why do so few people know English in Brazil? Explain the reasons and propose solutions.

5. Which subjects should be included in Brazilian school curriculum? Which should be banned?
Justify your opinion.

Placement Tests
Kids to Master in English
Rev. 1/2015

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