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Today is a very cold day, every day the weather is a terrible, crazy and changing
thing. It could be raining yesterday; it can be sunny today and it may be cold
tomorrow. Before people can predict how is the day only knowing the season, now
it’s difficult to know how the next day will be. I lived my first days of life in my
grandma’s house in Altotonga, Veracruz. I have family over there so I am going to
visited from time to time. There the weather is very different from here, during the
summer the sun is very hard, too hard that it’s difficult walk because the floor
burns. In the fall, the air is very warm in the morning and a little cold in the
afternoon, and when it’s raining the temperature is some high and the weather
becomes some sultry. When it’s winter, weather is very, very cold but it’s rarely you
see some snow or ice. It’s the same in the spring, but in this season the cold days
are less than in winter and the warm days are more frequent.
In my childhood (since I was a month of life to 7 years old), I lived in Mexico City
with my parents and my brother. We only went out on weekends to the near park to
play a little time before to go back to home. My parents work most of the time so I
took care of my brother. My mother took us at the school before she went to work.
There the weather was the most common according to season, if it’s spring, the
weather is warm and cool; if it’s summer, it’s very hot; if it’s fall, the wind is some
cold and the trees of the park start to change color from green to orange or light
brown; and if it’s winter, the weather is very cold, although less from here because
the smoke of the city heats the air of the environment.
When I was 7 years old, I moved on with my family here. I had a new brother so we
were already five people and we weren’t able to continue living in Mexico City.
Back then the weather still was normal because when it was spring, the weather
was warm and the plants started to grow up. When it was summer the sun was too
hot that we had to wear a cup or a sun hat to cover us from the sun. When it was
rainy season (it was in mid-July and early August), the rain was some hurt but very
warm. And when it was winter, the weather was so cold, but this season start at
end of November and finished in beginning of January. Now, weather is totally
crazy. When it should be rainy season, almost it hardly rains, and if rain, the water
is too cold that we end up getting sick with the flu or headache. When it’s summer,
only there are a few days with sun and the other days rain or it’s cloudy. Cold days
start at end of October and finish a mid-December, then the warm days start that
finish on March because immediately rainy days start. It’s as if the seasons had
passed 2 months, it’s very, very confusing.
But whole these changes aren’t by chance, these changes are because of the
global pollution. This effect of pollution is also called climate change. According to
ONU, climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather
patterns. These changes can be natural, for example through variations in the solar
cycle. But since the 19th century, human activities have been the main cause of
climate change, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket
around the Earth, trapping heat from the sun and raising temperatures.
Some examples of greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change are
carbon dioxide and methane. These come from the use of gasoline to drive a car
or coal to heat a building, for example. Land and forest clearing can also release
carbon dioxide. Garbage dumps are a major source of methane emissions.
Energy, industry, transportation, buildings, agriculture, and land use are among the
main emitters.
Of 106 countries, Mexico ranks 75 th in carbon dioxide generation. The Mexican
sector is also a country that generate the least emissions per capita in the world,
with 1.2 tons per person, it ranks 66 th of 105 countries. Thus, the electricity sector
in Mexico generates fewer emissions per capita than countries such as: United
Kingdom (1.3 tons), Spain (1.5 tons), Austria (1.6 tons), Italy (1.7 tons), Canada
(2.4 tons), Netherlands (3.2 tons), Finland (3.3 tons), Germany (3.5 tons), Japan
(4.4 tons), United States of America (5.7 tons), South Korea (6.6 tons), and
Australia (7.5 tons).
Many people think the climate change means mainly warmer temperatures, but the
increase in temperatures is only the beginning of story. Such the Earth is a system,
where everything is connected, the changes in a zone can influence in the changes
of the others.
The consequences of climate change also include, among others, intense
droughts, water shortage, graces fires, sea level rise, floods, pole thaw,
catastrophic storms and decreased biodiversity.
Climate change can affect our health, ability to grow food, housing, safety and
work. Somebody is already more vulnerable to climatic impacts, for example
people who have had to move on because of dangerous sea level rise that allow
salad water intrusion in the houses or people who don’t have enough food to feed
because of intense droughts.
It's pretty sad to know climate change is a reality that people cause day with day
when they don’t take care our planet. Planet is dying every time, our rivers are
drying up, our forest are being cut down, every day wild animals are move on to
other places because food isn’t in their natural habitat or beginning there are
invasive species that end with native species, causing damage to the ecosystem.
However, also there are people who is taking steps to improve the current
situation, some these one are saving energy at home, getting around on foot, by
bike or by public transport, eating more vegetables that meat and dairy products,
throw away less food, reuse and recycle more times, if it’s possible, change the
type of energy we use now, buy more organic products, etc. So, we still have time
to improve our situation, decrease our ecological footprint and save our planet.
Energíia, S. de. (s. f.). Mexico es uno de los paÃises que menos emisiones de gases de

efecto. . .


United Nations. (s. f.). ¿Qué es el cambio climático? | Naciones Unidas.

United Nations. (s. f.-a). ¡Empieza con estas diez acciones! | Naciones Unidas.

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