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The Little Prince is a book that was originally written in French and was translated into English. Antoine
de Saint Exupéry, the author, was a pilot. Antoine de Saint-plane Exupéry's was shot down during a
mission during World War II, and it vanished somewhere over the Mediterranean, just like the pilot in
his narrative. The Little Prince is a sincere and lovely tale about friendship, loneliness, despair, and love.
The prince is a young child from a small planet who wanders the universe visiting many planets in search
of wisdom. He learns about adults' unpredictable behavior throughout his voyage. All adults were once
kids, although few of them can remember it. On Earth, the story opens with the narrator struggling to fix
his crashed aircraft while stranded in the Sahara Desert. One day, an unusually dressed young child
appears out of nowhere and requests that the pilot draw a sheep for him. The pilot complies with this
bizarre request, which surprisingly results in the pilot discovering more about the Little Prince and his
origins. A fantastic narrative that some will find happy and some will find sad comes to light. In either
case, readers will have their brains expanded, and perhaps they will become grownups who will never
forget that they were once kids too.


The Pilot: He is the protagonist as well as the narrator of the story. He is introduced first as a
child with lots of imagination in contrast to the grown-ups who lack imagination and
discourage him from drawing.

The Little Prince: He is the primary messenger, the prince is also the major character in his
own story. We navigate alongside the prince through his quest. He is bold and inquisitive
enough to venture off the planet where he was born in pursuit of the truth. While he is
polite to everyone he meets, he is frequently perplexed by adults' actions because they
seem strange, illogical, and superficial to a child. The prince discovers how to build genuine
friendships and how to properly love during his exploration.

The Fox: He is one of the most important characters of all as he is the reason behind the
prince’s epiphany as he teaches him very valuable lessons while their friendship
progresses. The fox teaches the prince that no one is unique until they are tamed by


The plot centers on a young prince who travels to several planets in outer space, including Earth.
Loneliness, friendship, love, and loss are among the story's major themes. The Little Prince contains
remarks about life, adulthood, and human nature despite having a children's book style.

In the Sahara desert, the narrator's plane crashes. The narrator's airplane suffers severe damage in the
accident, and he is left with minimal food and water. As he is fretting about his situation, the little
prince, a solemn little blond boy, approaches him and requests that the narrator sketch him a sheep.
The narrator complies, and the two start to get along. The pilot discovers that the tiny prince is from a
little planet that he refers to as Asteroid 325, but that is known as Asteroid B-612 to those on Earth. The
young prince took wonderful care of this world, keeping any evil seeds from germinating and making
sure it was never overrun by baobab trees. The small prince fell in love with a strange rose that
appeared one day on the planet. But he came to the conclusion that he could no longer trust the rose
after catching her in a lie one day. He became lonely and made the decision to go. The prince decided to
travel to other planets in order to end his loneliness despite a last-minute reunion with the rose.


The Little Prince tells us to never forget to take care of the most important things. Never should we put
off for tomorrow what is necessary for us today.

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart”

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