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Analysis And Detection of Arcing Faults In Low-voltage Electrical Power


Do&m G6khan Ece . Francis M. Wells Hakan G. Senel

Department of Electrical Engineering

Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee 37235
Abstract in the arcing mode for some duration or develop tw
wards a complete flashover. Similar phenomena exist
This work focuses on developing a more complete un- in distribution voltage level systems due t o broken or
derstanding of the properties of arcing fault wave- fallen conductors establishing a contact with ground.
forms in a 230 volt, threephase electrical system and Extensive research has been directed towards develop
to detect them in a cost efficient way. Analysis of ing several relaying algorithms which can detect these
waveform properties of experimental arcing fault cur- occurrences in distribution lines. However, the occur-
rent waveforms revealed significant variations from an rence of this phenomena in low voltage power systems
unfaulted system current. Using the results of the has been ignored, because the effect of faults would
analysis of the data gathered from the experimental be contained in much smaller area than it would be
setup, an analog detector was developed and tested in distribution level power. Researchers working on
under faults with various loading conditions. distribution voltage level relaying schemes suggested
usage of fast digital relaying algorithms incorporat-
MTRO DUCTI0 N ing costly signal processing hardware [I-51. On the
An electrical fault is defined as any abnormal con- other hand, properties of arcing current waveform in
dition which is caused by a reduction in the insulation the distribution systems are determined by typid
strength between energized phase conductors, or be- system loading and operations. Under normal s p
tween a phase conductor and ground or any gronnded tem operation at low voltage levels, current waveform
part of an electrical system. Failure of solid insulation would have different properties than distribution sys-
can be caused by excessive mechanical tension being tem current. Most of the loads that are strung sources
applied on the insulation, harsh service environment, of harmonics are connected to the low voltage end of
a power grid. Therefore, digital detection schemes
aging, and also by corona phenomena. Depending
upon the service environment, moisture, small metal may require more complex algorithms to detect arc-
particles,. and pollution can easily penetrate into a ing faults in low voltage systems. These requirements
failed insulation creating an electrically conductive would introduce costly detection systems which am
path between an energized conductor and other parts not, generally, practical for low voltage applications.
of the system which are at different electrid poten- Thus, the goal is to develop an inexpensive and effi-
tials. A conductive path created in this way often cient arc detection scheme, which can operate under
has a high resistance that will not immediately cause a variety of loading situations. In order to realize
a bolted short circuit between two different potential the objective of the study, a 230 volt, three-phase,
levels of a system. Therefore, fault current, until a electrical power system, incorporating various load-
bolted short circuit is established, will be limited and ing conditions, was assembled in the Vanderbdt U&
often cannot be detected by overcurrent protective de- versity Power Electronics and Machinery Laborate
vices connected upstream from the location of a fault. ries. Using the experimental system, possible service
Such a fault would first persist as an arcing, not draw- environments that would cause arcing faults across
ing enough current to be detected and creating a fire weak insulation were simulated. Experimental arcing
hazard. Both in industrial and residential utility sys- current waveforms were sampled with the aid of an
tems, arcing faults have caused undesirable burnouts analog to digital converter and stored. Analysis of
and equipment damage. Although the rate of occur- all arcing fault current waveforms sampled under dif-
rence has been low, resulting damage and personnel ferent loading conditions showed that there is a sig-
injuries have been catastrophic. At low voltage levels, nificant increase in magnitude of the 4‘* harmonic
conventional molded case circuit breakers are widely component. Also, the magnitude of the harmonic
used t o clear excessive system currents due to a fault. of the system current showed dependency to the sys-
In order t o prevent power failures during initial load- tem load. Switching events would also distort the
ing conditions such as motor starting and inductive system current. Experiments conducted on switch-
load switching operations, circuit breakers connected ing events showed that circuit driving voltage, power
t o the system are selected t o open excessive currents supply voltage waveform was distorted and contained
several times rated system current. Using high cur- significant high frequency components during switch-
rent settings or delayed tripping prevents nuisance ing events. However, during arcing fault experiments,
tripping during the starting or energizing transform- circuit driving voltage was not distorted. Using the
ers used in low voltage systems. I f a fault between two results of the data analysis, an analog detector was d e
phase conductors persists as an arcing fault, the fault veloped and tested under faults with various loading
current w i l l be distorted. The apparent magnitude of conditions. I t was observed that the detector success-
fault current will be limited until it develops towa.rds fully cleared dl arcing faults initiated under labora-
a bolted short circuit. In many cases bolted short dr- tory conditions.
cuits also start as arcing faults. The fault may stay

0-7803-1772-6/94/$3.00 @ 1994 IEEE 929

Successfnl fault protection in an electric distribu-
tion network depends on easily measurable and s t c
ble parameters of m y possible fault that UUI Occur 1 100
during the operation of a system. Tremendous in-
crease in current magnitudes at the time of a bolted
short circuit is a measurable m d a stable parameter.
It is danys the mm that in any system regadl-8
of voltage and power rating, a bolted short circuit
results in exceasiva current magnitudes. Detection experiments a few strands of high gauge iron wire
of arcing faults in a variety of electric network, also were placed between two stripped a-ires by touching
requires an e d y melaurable and stable puameter. the copper conductors through the simulated cracks.
Research showed that the increase in fault current Other methods used to start a staged fault test were
magnitude during an arcing fault does not usually by contamination with graphite dust and saline solu-
exceed rated levels, therefore it cannot be a param- tion.
eter t o be used ea a detection tool. However, analy- In order to determine the differencu between nor-
sis of waveform properties of an arcing fault rewals mal system and arcing fault current waveform proper-
detectable magnitude i n c " in frequency compo- ties, fvtt the unfaulted syatem current was analyzed.
nents of ~ u c hfault currents. The system current in a Under the full load operation, motor controller and
high voltage dirtdbution systems is normdy a well inductive loading, system current is given in Figure
shaped sine wave having negligible harmonia. The 1. Because of the operation of the controlled rectifier,
apparent inuaara in the magnitude of harmonics is h e current that the motor controller drawl is b c
a strong indication of a system abnormality, porsi- ing chopped. Both motor controller and p u t of the
bly an arcing fault. On the other hand, in low volt- inductive load are connetted p h a e t e p h r s e . Then-
age levels of 208Y/lZOV,ariumption of a well shaped fore, the well shaped sinewave current drawn by the
sinewave aystem current at dl times is a very opti- inductive load and chopped current drawn by the con-
mistic hypothesis. Some of the network l d t at low troller were added resulting in the unfaulted sy8tem
voltage levele introduce very strong harmonics into current given in Figure 1. h q u e n c y domain analysis
the system current. h addition, in low voltage dlstri- conducted on the aystem current with full load re-
bution systems the transients due to switchiag events vealed that the prenence of the controller introduced
o c m more often than the high voltage di~tribution strong third m d non-triplen odd harmonics Figure 2.
systems. These transients also distort the iyrtem cur- The humonic magnitudes are n o m d m d . As the tec-
rent waveform. Therefore, detection of arcing faults ond stage of the invwtigation, numeroue srcing fault
at low voltage l e d 8 by monitoring the magnitude frnwlmurm
invesse of the harmonica of the lrystem current b e
comes a very complwt problem. An effective method
of distinguishing the harmonic content of syltem cur-
rent under norma and fault conditions in necessary.
This ern only be .Econrplllhed if any one of the syr-
tem current harzaotlisl &om a predictable ped d-
able dependency on ucing faults. If the effectr of the
. system 1 0 4 on the humonic content of the current
is known, the comet selection of the hstmanici to
be u d to idatify the Bystem abnwmaliticr be
made more efficiently. This in d a d , UL o x p e r k "
tal diltributlon syetsrn which coatdm mrioul lands
WM aatmu.ibled. The main p6Wr supply $8 the q@-
tam is a "DELTA"e c d g u d threephuc 280V 8088
source. Sptm Induden L Rt l d built, a aingle
phwe industion meter, m d A three-phaae industion
motor controlled by PWM motor controtlor. PWM Figure 1: System c u m n t with full load
motor sbntrdlers ham a front end p w w converter.
In a worst w e situation the harmonic cotngwltloa experiments started with strands of high g a u v iron
of an A.C. current to a power converter IS derived In wire were performed. Figure 9 shows 0-1 second long
[la] Lad given in Tbble 1. Thew stmng harmonic8 segment of a fault c u m a t under full 1 4 . As is seen
cauI#d by syitern l d alod to be dbtitqguirhsd fro& from the 6egment, fa& strut& for hdf B cycle, fol-
the harmonics introduced by an ucing fault, lowed by two cydea of extinguishing, then It $truck
All the staged d a g faults that will be explaned in d n . The peak-trtperk mrlplitude of the fault cur-
this studa, were conducted wing the m e mothodd- rent did not show a dgnificsnt inc- m m p d to
om. S a m p l ~wires -re connected to the expdmen- prefauit current. However, the time domain current
tal system a d p l d in a steel box. The Insulation waveform WM distorted slgsificaatb. Frepuency do-
an the r a p l e witu wu dightly stripped t o cmtm mdn .nalyscr were performed to defhe the detectable
a crack an the insulation. The puqo%e of d u n e pwmeters of the fault current wsvebrm. Figas 4
ing the inbulasion it to simulate the hush effnts of give^ the harmonic content of the fault current s a v e
"4 environment. Stripped parts of the s ~ i p l r form up to llth harmonic. Reguency domain maly-
w h were aligned in the iteel box so th.t gg UE. nis of prefault currznt, in thia case, WW o h v e d to
ing fault could be estrblished bets- themr in ~4~ be equal to that of Figure 3. The fimt apparent re-

sult of the frequency domain analysis of the fault cur-
rent is that there is a significant dynamic increase in
the magnitude of even harmonics. The unsymmetri-
cal waveform of the fault current causes this increase
in magnitude of the even harmonics. A second im-
portant result of the frequency analysis is that the
magnitudes of the 3rd and non-triplen odd harmon-
ics, introduced by the controller, were reduced by the
arcing fault event. The * 3 harmonic was reduced to
almost 12 per-cent, also the 5'" to around 15 per-cent
and 7"'to 11 per-cent of the fundamental component.
This reduction can be best explained as follows: The
electric arc, staged between two sample wires. has a
significant non-linear impedance. When the arc oc- I
06 061 O Q 063 084 065 o s 067 0- 089 07
curs, the arc impedance connected in parallel with bn(-I
the load causes additional current with random, non- Figure 3: Arcing fault current under full load
linear intervals. Arc impedance is resistive in nature.
The current drawn by the load bank has both real and tortion of the current is due t o the non-linear nature
imaginary components. The real part of the current of the arcing fault impedance. As the fault strikes
is due to the resistive part of the load. The imaginary with random intervals, additional resistive load is be-
component of the current is due to the inductive part ing added into the system load. This increases the
of the entire load bank. Therefore the additional cur- magnitude of the current for an unpredictable dura-
rent drawn by the arc impedance combines with the tion. Frequency analysis results of this fault current
current of the resistive load present in the system. is given in Figure 6.
This increases the magnitude of the total complex Frequency domain analysis. in this case. demon-
strated ele\ation of magnitudes of both even and odd
order harmonics. The staged fault given in Figure 5
has a considerably long duration. The second method
employed to start the arcing faults in this study w a s
'O'I ozr F-?--WW
contamination with saline solution. None of the pa-
rameters of the experimental system were modified, to
obtain consistency with the method discussed previ-
ously. The only difference was, instead of placing fine
iron wire across the sample wires, they were contam-
inated with several drops of saline solution and the
fault path was created through this contamination.
The faults, in this case also, were staged under differ-
ent system loads. Under the full load and inductive
load conditions, the changes of the harmonic compo-
sition of the system current during arcing fault events
started with saline solution and iron wire were in good
Figure 2: Harmonic composition of system current approximation. The last method employed t o start
with full load staged arcing faults was contamination with graphite
current in the system. The increased combination of dust. The arcing faults initiated in this way caused
inductive and resistive loading becomes more domi- the worst damage t o the sample wires. The distorted
nant in the characteristics of the current waveform waveform of the fault current under full load condi-
during the random arcing strikes and reduces the ef- 1

fects of the chopped current drawn by the motor con-

troller. During arcing strikes, as the system load b e
comes more inductive and resistive, the relative mag-
nitudes of the non-triplen harmonics are reduced. To
investigate if the arcing fault current waveform prop-
erties depend upon the condition of system load, the
motor controller was disconnected from the system 02
and arcing faults were staged under inductive loading o in
only. One of the staged arcing current waveforms is
given in Figure 5. As is seen, transition from a well
shaped sinewave system current to a highly distorted
arcing fault current starts around 0.8 second. The
fault first causes a distorted current waveform. Dis-

Figure 4: Harmonic content of the arcing fault under

full load
tion is given in Figure 7. Frequency domain analysis
was also performed to define the magnitude variations
of the first 11 harmonics. Harmonic composition of
the fault current waveform above is given in Figure
8. Pre-event magnitudes of the first 11 harmonics in

93 1
monics showed an increase in magnitude during the
arcing events under the inductive loading, under the
full load condition odd order harmonics showed a sig-
nificant reduction in relative magnitude. This clearly
suggests that odd harmonics are strongly depended
upon the status of the load in the system. Figure
10 exhibits the mean and the standard deviation of
per-unit reduction of odd harmonics, with respect to
normalized pre-event magnitude, during ardng events
under the full load.

-1 5
08 081. OQ OQ OM om o s 087 o s om os

Figme 5: Arcing fault current under inductive load

this case is also equal to that of Figure 2. The magni-
tudes of odd order harmonics showed substantial re-
duction relative to their pre-event magnitudes. Also
the detectable increase in the magnitude of even or-
der harmonics was observed. Also, signature of ardng
fault current started with graphite dust under induc-
tive load was in very good approximation with the
cases discussed above.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF STAGED ARCING Figure 6: Harmonic content of the fault current with
EVENTS inductive load
For the purpose of determining the parameters to
be used to detect the arcs started with iron wire, sta-
tistical analysis of some harmonics of the staged fault
currents was performed. Following the frequency d e
main analysis of individual events, the relative change
in magnitude of the various harmonics f"pre-fault
t o fault condition was determined. The harmonics
investigated were to 7t''. Next the mean and the
standard deviation of the magnitude changes were de-
termined for each harmonic by averaging over all the
staged events and determining the Variation about the
mean. This procedure was repeated for every loading
condition discussed above. For the full load condition.
it was observed that odd order harmonics decreased -1 51 ' '
' 08 OW 0.Q O Q 084 O S 0 s 0 0 0- OW 09
while even harmonics showed an increase. Therefore,
odd and even order harmonics in this case were an-
alyzed separately. Magnitude variations of even har- Figure 7: Arcing fault current under full load
monics for the full load conditions, from pre-event (Graphite Dust Contamination)
to event is shown in Figure 9. Since the pre-fault The 5'* harmonic has slightly less mean reduction
magnitudes of the even order harmonics are negligi- and larger standard deviation compared to other add
ble with respect to fault magnitudes they were not harmonics studied. The 7th harmonic has also less
included in the figure. The 2ndharmonic in this case reduction than the 3'd harmonic. However its mean
has the largest mean d-ynamic change. However this to standard deviation ratio is better compared to 3'd
change is very random as indicated by the large stan- harmonic. In addition, the 3'd harmonic is of zero se-
dard deviation. This means that even though the quence and its magnitude can be d e c t e d by normal
2ndharmonic shows a large relative increase in mag- system operations. However, the arcing fault current
nitude, the dispersion about the mean is also large is a positive sequence system current. Since 7th har-
thereby indicating that the precise amount of increase monic is of positive sequence also, it is selected as one
can be unpredictable. -4s the ratio of mean to stan- of the detection parameters. Therefore, it can be con-
dard deviation becomes larger, the predictability of cluded that the reduction of the magnitude of the 7'"
changes in the magnitude for a certain harmonic be- harmonic can be used as one detection tool for the
comes greater. The 4"' harmonic, however, shows a arcing faults under the full load.
more reliable change in average magnitude as defined
Same statistical anayses were also performed for
by its smaller d u e of standard deviation. Similarly,
the arcs started with contamination methods. The
the change of the 6d harmonic is less predictable due
results were in close proximity to the case explained
to its high standard deviation. Therefore, analysis above.
concluded that the increase in the magnitude of the
4"' harmonic during the arcing fault with full load
can be used as a tool of detection. WXle all the har-

DETECTOR ARCHITECTURE The -Ith harmonic of the system current 14,

The Fh harmonic of the system current 17, and

For the purpose of detection of the arcing faults
while effectively discriminating the load condition of Sum of the above fundamental frequency comp-
the experimental system, the selection of one odd and nents of the system voltage Vhlgh.
one even order harmonic was necessary. The statis-
In order to extract the maggtude information of the
tical analysis performed in previous section revealed
4'h and the 7'" harmonics, stable band-pass filters
that the reduction in the magnitude of the Fh har- were required. For each harmonic a two pole-pair
monic was more predictable compared to other odd
Butterworth response resistively tuned band-pass ac-
order harmonics during the faults with controller as
tive filter with Q = 10 nw+obtained from [23]. A sin-
a part of the load. In addition among the studied
gle order RC high-pass filter was used to extract the
odd harmonics only the 7"' harmonic is of positive
above fundamental harmonic information from the
sequence, thereby it was selected as an odd order har-
circuit driving voltage. Here, the constant high level
monic t o be used for the development of the detection
dc source, V, as added to the detection scheme as
scheme. The statistical analysis of the even harmon- another state in the decision making process. The
ics on the other hand, showed that the relative change
disturbances in the experimental system due to the
in the magnitudes of the 2"d and the 4'h have simi-
saiching operations or arcing faults were detected by
lar levels of predictability. However, change in the
comparing the dc magnitude of the 4'h harmonic com-
6'" harmonic was found to be not reliable due to its ponent of the current with a high level constant dc
large standard deviation in all cases. As explained
wurce. Therefore without having any selectivity, ab-
earlier, the magnitude of the 2"d harmonic can be
normalities of the system current could be registered.
more affected by load unbalance and the magneti-
The selectivity was realized by using the other two
zation current of transformers present in the system
states of the magnitude of the 7'h harmonic and the
than the 4'" harmonic. Therefore, the 4'h harmonic magnitude of the above fundamental components of
was selected as the even order harmonic part of the
the circuit driving voltage. While the change in the
detection system. Finally the magnitude of the sum
magnitude of the Vhlhlghprevented nuisance tripping
of the above fundamental frequency components of
during the switching operations, the change in the
the supply voltage was determined as the third pa-
magnitude of the iihharmonic under inductive load
rameter of the detection system to be developed. In
and inductive load with motor controller load p r e
summary, proposed detection parameters are;
vided selectivity. The decision maliing stage of the
developed detector is given in Figure 11. As was ex-
plained before, the magnitude of the 7'" harmonic
soy was made to be insensitive to the arcing faults under
inductive and no load conditions. Also the dc level
! ! O - "i 0 23 40 F=+-'=HW
60 eo 1m m
of the 16,gh is loa- during all arcing fault conditions.
A s is seen from Figure 11, the states 1, and \'j,,gh are
first fed into the inverter gates of IN1 and 1x2. With
an arcing fault under inductive load. these states will
be logic low. An arcing fault can only be signalled if
the outputs of both ANDl and AND2 are logic high.
In order to drive the logic gate AND2 high under the
condition explained above, inverter gates were neces-
sary. During the fault 1, and TJ, would drive the gate
ANDl logic high. Without the inverters the output
of the gate AND2 would never be logic high. Thus,
Figure 8: Harmonic composition of fault current un- one of the inputs of the gate AND3 w i l l be low. This
der full load (Graphite Dust Contamination) would cause a logic low output indicating that there
was no fault. In the case of switching an inductive
MaQnitudevariations of even harmonics load, Vh,gh would be logic high. The output of the
Shoed arcs a t u b d wllh Iron wire gate AND2 in this case would be logic low. Therefore
the decision making system will not open the line. If
the motor controller is switched on as a part of the
load, 17 would be logic high. This condition would
cause a logic low at the output of AND2. Therefore
no matter the output of ANDl during the switching
transient. the system will not have a logic high output
and nuisance tripping will be prevented. When the
controller is on line and arcing fault occures, the 17
would become logic low. The outputs of both AND1
and AKD2 would be high and system would open the
line. In the event of a bolted short circuit, the fault
current waveform is often a well shaped sine wave.
Since there will be very low 4'h harmonic in this case,
Figure 9: Magnitude variations of even harmonics un- the output of AND1 would be logic low. This makes
der full load the decision making stage insensitive to bolted short
circuits. Constant monitoring of the magnitude of

Table 2: '
Magnltude varialioma o? odd harmonics
81" n c a started wlth km w h COMBINATIONS OF THE STATES DESCRIBING
VE h 4 Vhiph Operation
1 0 0 0 Inductive load operation
1 0 0 1 N.A.
1 0 1 0 Arcing Fault
1 0 1 1 Switchinginductiveload
1 1 0 0 Motor controller operation
1 1 0 1 N.A
1 1 1 0 N A.
1 1 1 1 Motor controller switched-on

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