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One would be shocked and wonder to see the comparison between 200
years of UK-USA-Europe's occupation of Africa versus China's nurturing of
Africa in just 30 years and what these two approaches have yielded.

Consider these data and facts.

The UK-USA-European approach: Exploit natural resources no limit, neglect

the welfare of the people and the environment, allow both people and
infrastructure to experience decadence.

Length of time: 200 years

Effects on Africa: Degeneration-deterioration-degradation of both land and


Only in Africa can you see children and adults whose ribs become visible or
transparent through the skin. Skin and bones. Severe poverty and ignorance
and too much undernourishment and illnesses and deaths.

Worse, transatlantic slavery. Not just the Africans were exploited in their
home continent, but thousands even millions were transported to Europe
and the Americas to work as slaves who suffered unimaginable forms of
oppression and abuses of inherent human-divine inalienable rights.

Next approach: When the bad effects begin to emerge, to cover this filth and
poverty with dole-out charity (alms, aids) via their churches, NGOs and
government aids.

Result: good reputation prevailed, inhuman acts covered up.

Final result: The Africans remain beggar and their leaders remain corrupt
tools of foreign powers to continue the enslavement (oppression and
suppression) of the African people.

By contrast,

The China approach: Give a man a fish (dole-out charity) and you fed him for
a day; but teach the man how to fish (empowerment charity) and you will
have fed him and his family for a lifetime.

In short, alms-aids and nurturing investment.

These two (aids and empowerment) China did to Africa in the past 30 to 40

In what way did China empower Africa?

1) actual technology as practical empowering learning and education;

2) roads wherever roads are needed;

3) bridges wherever bridges are needed;

4) railroads/ railways and trains wherever these are needed;

5) dams and irrigation system wherever these are needed;

6) communications facilities;

7) creation of modern towns and cities;

8) modernization of farms;

9) Others

On the other hand, the Americans and Europeans constructed roads and
bridges in Africa only if these roads and bridges connected their mining sites
to the ports.
This type of capitalism and Christianity is selfish; it loves self more than God
and neighbor. This is the kind of love condemned by the Bible and Christ.

The sad effects have been decadence of both environment and native
peoples who own the natural resources the Americans and Europeans

This approach had hurt the victims. Jesus very sternly warned everyone not
to cause the poor and innocent to stumble. So serious could be the effect of
abuse that the Lord told the abusers: It would be better for you to tie a rope
around your neck to a stone and drown yourself into the ocean.

The offended would usually use revenge than strict justice. Strict justice is
"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" while revenge knows no measure,
e.g., life for a tooth, life for an eye. Therefore, revenge is worse than the
offense. The offender is like sowing a wind but reaping a whirlwind. This is
exactly what communism is to capitalism! Capitalism is the wind (greedy),
communism the whirlwind (more brutal).

The victims, be they in Russia, China, or even Europe and America and Asia,
etc., were offended by this type of Christianity-Capitalism-Democracy/
monarchy so that they turned to evolutionism-atheism-communism with
devastating effect: 20 million capitalists were slaughtered by communist
Stalin in Russia, 40 to 80 millions were slaughtered by communist Mao Tse
Tung in China; etc.

Communism is an act of revenge against abusive christianity-capitalism.

But for those who chose not to resist, like the Africans, their fate was very
pitiful and their sufferings enormous.

So both sufferings of the victims in one hand and the revenge by other
victims on the other hand are great devastation on earth.
In the case of China and Russia, they resorted to revenge in the form of
atheism-communism while in the case of the Africans, they chose to suffer it

China did worse in revenge. She killed the most number of capitalists:
estimated to be 40 to 80 millions while Russia killed only 20 millions.

But after removing the capitalists from being a big hindrance, China then
moved to two-sided socialism, to achieve the yin-yang balance and away
from one-sided communism. She has now merged the communist love for
the poor and the capitalist love for the rich. Two forces, once in bloody
conflict, now balanced like yang and yin. Love for self and love for others are
now more balanced in China more than anywhere else, hence, the
unprecedented prosperity. This we call socialism. The good of capitalism
married to the good in communism.

Why is China more Christ-like than Christian Europe and America?

Why is China's proverb "Give a man a fish and you fed him for a day but
teach him how to fish and you will have fed him and his family for a lifetime"
more Christ-like than America's and Europe's self-centered Christianity?

In the Bible both dole-out charity and empowerment charity are taught and
commanded. Matthew 25 in the Parable of the Goat and Sheep, the Lord
teaches dole-out charity while in Deuteronomy 15, and elsewhere in the
Bible, the Lord commands the practice of empowering charity.

In Matthew 25, the Lord wants us to feed the hungry, to give drinks to the
thirsty, to clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to treat the sick, to help
the slaves and prisoners find true freedom.

On the other hand, Deuteronomy 15 demands the masters or employers,

the rich people and those in authorities to facilitate the independence of
employees (anciently called slaves) after 6 years of employment. In other
words, the will of God is to hire people only for 6 years and during those 6
years, to give them all the exposure, the trainings, the full experience to fully
develop themselves, so that by the 7th year, they are ready to stand alone.
This means also that during the same 6-year period, the employer is to save
capital for his employees to use comes the 7th year.

So, why is China more Christ-like, applying both Matthew 25 and

Deuteronomy 15 on Africa and other nations, than Europe and USA had
done during their longer 200 years of power?

Quick brief answer: China still carry in her current descendants the ancient
way of life which says, "The strong is for (not against) the weak"!


This will be another shocking information to many. This can be shocking to


So, do not believe blindly yet but prove this first.

To wit:

We have been made to believe that the nation Israel was the only chosen
one to demonstrate God's way of life which is always the same at all times
but which was later called Christianity after Christ came to teach it.

Actually there were still other 3 nations chosen over a thousand years ahead
of and before Israel...and these nations are and were: Oceana (Pacific Isles
including the Philippines), Japan and China.

The original names of the first settlers of Oceana were Ethiopeans (not to be
confused with modern Ethiopians) who are now known as Negritoes in the
Philippines, Madagascarians, Kenyans and those who have the following
three main features: thick-lipped, curly haired and jet-black skin. There are
many black people who are not curly-haired.
The original name of the Chinese is Sihinites; their founder is patriarch Sihin.
The original name of the Japanese is Meduhedites, after patriarch Meduhed.
The original name of the Negritoes-Madagascarians and Kenyans was
Ethiopeans after patriarch Ethiope, the new name of patriarch Cain. Their
founding years were in the first millennium, Adam’s time, sometime when
father Adam was 500 to 900 years old. Therefore, they are among the oldest
nations on earth. Oceana was established first, followed by Japan, then

No change of habitation; still the same land location, except that the
Ethiopeans spread to Madagascar and Africa (Kenya).


We also think the entire land of the planet was covered by the flood of

That is also not correct. These three nations were spared. And these three
nations witnessed what happened to the proud Hanochites when, after
ignoring the warnings of Noah and other prophets, their fertile rich valley
got buried into or became the Caspian Sea because of the flood!

But like what also happened to the Israelites, the later generations started to
forget God in their prosperity.

Material prosperity has its downside...if we are not careful and vigilant:

In Deuteronomy 28, God mentions the major reason of the fall of Israel from
being the Canaan land over-flowing with milk and honey (hence, a land of
green, beautiful grassland ranch, orchard and garden) to being now the vast
desert land of Saudi Arabia and the small modern nations of Israel, Lebanon,
Kuwait, UAE, etc....the main cause of the captivity of Israel and its dispersion
or diaspora, loss of identity and being assimilated into the nations of the
world God wrote in Deuteronomy 28: YOU FORGOT ME IN YOUR
PROSPERITY which soon led to all kinds of sin.



Like the Israelites, the later generations of China and Japan slowly and then
finally forgot God.

So, to help them make the comparison between human rule and God’s rule,
God allowed what He calls "scourge of the nations" (Genghis Khan) to
conquer these three nations.

The imperial families of China and Japan have been Genghis Khan bloodline,
its root being patriarch Esau who is the father of the Iraqis, the Italians/
Romans, Spaniards, Portuguese, and the ruling elite sector of other nations
especially their royal/ imperial families and ruling parties.

The Ethiopeans in Oceana did not totally lose God but as Genghis Khan set
up his Maharli Khan kingdom including the Philippines, the Ethiopeans were
forced to hide in the uplands and forest especially during the coming of the
brutal grandson of Esau, Hispani (Spaniards).

We still need the natives. Their chanting practice is like the sound of the
dolphins..these contain the frequencies to counter the dissonant deadly
frequencies of both 4G & 5G WiFi aka HAARP weapon that causes natural
weather to turn into mega-earthquake, mega-hurricane, super-typhoons,
mega-tornadoes, el nino, la nina, mega-floods, mega-drought, mega-
wildfires, mega-volcanic eruptions, well as mega-pandemic.

The WIFI-HAARP harnesses the two creative powers known as the positive
and negative energies of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD to TURN WEATHER

This is now the period known in the book of Daniel and Matthew chapter 24
as ABOMINATION (that is, extreme crime) causing DESOLATION (that is,
extreme devastation of both planet and person) ...that has no comparison
before and after of its kind...but has to be shortened or else no
humans will be left alive.


China as the end-time 2nd beast of Revelation 13 & 17, will war first against
Christ, will be defeated, and....converted to Christ after serving Satan as
atheist socialist, will assimilate Christ or theocracy to its socialist system and
thus from being ATHEIST SOCIALISM will evolve into THEOCRATIC SOCIALISM
to defeat and cause the total downfall of the end-time two Babylons: Vatican
and USA... whose fall will be fatal. Vatican's fall as the whore MYSTERY
Babylon the Great is mentioned in Revelation 17.

China, the final beast, will destroy the whore Mystery Babylon the Great

It is China's service to the Lord.

Also the prophecies of God's prophetess Linda Newkirk reveals that also
China with Russia and some Arabs most probably the Iraqis will cause the
downfall of the USA, the modern end-time Babylon the Great whose
downfall as well as Vatican's fall is graphically described in details in
Revelation 18.

This is heavyweight my friends. So take your time. Time will show which of
this info will prove to be true.



One would be shocked and wonder to see the comparison between 200
years of UK-USA-Europe's occupation of Africa versus China's nurturing of
Africa in just 30 years and what these two approaches have yielded.

Consider these data and facts.

The UK-USA-European approach: Exploit natural resources no limit, neglect

the welfare of the people and the environment, allow both people and
infrastructure to experience decadence.

Length of time: 200 years

Effects on Africa: Degeneration-deterioration-degradation of both land and


Only in Africa can you see children and adults whose ribs become visible or
transparent through the skin. Skin and bones. Severe poverty and ignorance
and too much undernourishment and illnesses and deaths.

Worse, transatlantic slavery. Not just the Africans were exploited in their
home continent, but thousands even millions were transported to Europe
and the Americas to work as slaves who suffered unimaginable forms of
oppression and abuses of inherent human-divine inalienable rights.

Next approach: When the bad effects begin to emerge, to cover this filth and
poverty with dole-out charity (alms, aids) via their churches, NGOs and
government aids.
Result: good reputation prevailed, inhuman acts covered up.

Final result: The Africans remain beggar and their leaders remain corrupt
tools of foreign powers to continue the enslavement (oppression and
suppression) of the African people.

By contrast,

The China approach: Give a man a fish (dole-out charity) and you fed him for
a day; but teach the man how to fish (empowerment charity) and you will
have fed him and his family for a lifetime.

In short, alms-aids and nurturing investment.

These two (aids and empowerment) China did to Africa in the past 30 to 40

In what way did China empower Africa?

1) actual technology as practical empowering learning and education;

2) roads wherever roads are needed;

3) bridges wherever bridges are needed;

4) railroads/ railways and trains wherever these are needed;

5) dams and irrigation system wherever these are needed;

6) communications facilities;

7) creation of modern towns and cities;

8) modernization of farms;

9) Others
On the other hand, the Americans and Europeans constructed roads and
bridges in Africa only if these roads and bridges connected their mining sites
to the ports.

This type of capitalism and Christianity is selfish; it loves self more than God
and neighbor. This is the kind of love condemned by the Bible and Christ.

The sad effects have been decadence of both environment and native
peoples who own the natural resources the Americans and Europeans

This approach had hurt the victims. Jesus very sternly warned everyone not
to cause the poor and innocent to stumble. So serious could be the effect of
abuse that the Lord told the abusers: It would be better for you to tie a rope
around your neck to a stone and drown yourself into the ocean.

The offended would usually use revenge than strict justice. Strict justice is
"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" while revenge knows no measure,
e.g., life for a tooth, life for an eye. Therefore, revenge is worse than the
offense. The offender is like sowing a wind but reaping a whirlwind. This is
exactly what communism is to capitalism! Capitalism is the wind (greedy),
communism the whirlwind (more brutal).

The victims, be they in Russia, China, or even Europe and America and Asia,
etc., were offended by this type of Christianity-Capitalism-Democracy/
monarchy so that they turned to evolutionism-atheism-communism with
devastating effect: 20 million capitalists were slaughtered by communist
Stalin in Russia, 40 to 80 millions were slaughtered by communist Mao Tse
Tung in China; etc.

Communism is an act of revenge against abusive christianity-capitalism.

But for those who chose not to resist, like the Africans, their fate was very
pitiful and their sufferings enormous.
So both sufferings of the victims in one hand and the revenge by other
victims on the other hand are great devastation on earth.

In the case of China and Russia, they resorted to revenge in the form of
atheism-communism while in the case of the Africans, they chose to suffer it

China did worse in revenge. She killed the most number of capitalists:
estimated to be 40 to 80 millions while Russia killed only 20 millions.

But after removing the capitalists from being a big hindrance, China then
moved to two-sided socialism, to achieve the yin-yang balance and away
from one-sided communism. She has now merged the communist love for
the poor and the capitalist love for the rich. Two forces, once in bloody
conflict, now balanced like yang and yin. Love for self and love for others are
now more balanced in China more than anywhere else, hence, the
unprecedented prosperity. This we call socialism. The good of capitalism
married to the good in communism.

Why is China more Christ-like than Christian Europe and America?

Why is China's proverb "Give a man a fish and you fed him for a day but
teach him how to fish and you will have fed him and his family for a lifetime"
more Christ-like than America's and Europe's self-centered Christianity?

In the Bible both dole-out charity and empowerment charity are taught and
commanded. Matthew 25 in the Parable of the Goat and Sheep, the Lord
teaches dole-out charity while in Deuteronomy 15, and elsewhere in the
Bible, the Lord commands the practice of empowering charity.

In Matthew 25, the Lord wants us to feed the hungry, to give drinks to the
thirsty, to clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to treat the sick, to help
the slaves and prisoners find true freedom.
On the other hand, Deuteronomy 15 demands the masters or employers,
the rich people and those in authorities to facilitate the independence of
employees (anciently called slaves) after 6 years of employment. In other
words, the will of God is to hire people only for 6 years and during those 6
years, to give them all the exposure, the trainings, the full experience to fully
develop themselves, so that by the 7th year, they are ready to stand alone.
This means also that during the same 6-year period, the employer is to save
capital for his employees to use comes the 7th year.

So, why is China more Christ-like, applying both Matthew 25 and

Deuteronomy 15 on Africa and other nations, than Europe and USA had
done during their longer 200 years of power?

Quick brief answer: China still carry in her current descendants the ancient
way of life which says, "The strong is for (not against) the weak"!


This will be another shocking information to many. This can be shocking to


So, do not believe blindly yet but prove this first.

To wit:

We have been made to believe that the nation Israel was the only chosen
one to demonstrate God's way of life which is always the same at all times
but which was later called Christianity after Christ came to teach it.

Actually there were still other 3 nations chosen over a thousand years ahead
of and before Israel...and these nations are and were: Oceana (Pacific Isles
including the Philippines), Japan and China.

The original names of the first settlers of Oceana were Ethiopeans (not to be
confused with modern Ethiopians) who are now known as Negritoes in the
Philippines, Madagascarians, Kenyans and those who have the following
three main features: thick-lipped, curly haired and jet-black skin. There are
many black people who are not curly-haired.

The original name of the Chinese is Sihinites; their founder is patriarch Sihin.
The original name of the Japanese is Meduhedites, after patriarch Meduhed.
The original name of the Negritoes-Madagascarians and Kenyans was
Ethiopeans after patriarch Ethiope, the new name of patriarch Cain. Their
founding years were in the first millennium, Adam’s time, sometime when
father Adam was 500 to 900 years old. Therefore, they are among the oldest
nations on earth. Oceana was established first, followed by Japan, then

No change of habitation; still the same land location, except that the
Ethiopeans spread to Madagascar and Africa (Kenya).


We also think the entire land of the planet was covered by the flood of

That is also not correct. These three nations were spared. And these three
nations witnessed what happened to the proud Hanochites when, after
ignoring the warnings of Noah and other prophets, their fertile rich valley
got buried into or became the Caspian Sea because of the flood!

But like what also happened to the Israelites, the later generations started to
forget God in their prosperity.

Material prosperity has its downside...if we are not careful and vigilant:

In Deuteronomy 28, God mentions the major reason of the fall of Israel from
being the Canaan land over-flowing with milk and honey (hence, a land of
green, beautiful grassland ranch, orchard and garden) to being now the vast
desert land of Saudi Arabia and the small modern nations of Israel, Lebanon,
Kuwait, UAE, etc....the main cause of the captivity of Israel and its dispersion
or diaspora, loss of identity and being assimilated into the nations of the
world God wrote in Deuteronomy 28: YOU FORGOT ME IN YOUR
PROSPERITY which soon led to all kinds of sin.



Like the Israelites, the later generations of China and Japan slowly and then
finally forgot God.

So, to help them make the comparison between human rule and God’s rule,
God allowed what He calls "scourge of the nations" (Genghis Khan) to
conquer these three nations.

The imperial families of China and Japan have been Genghis Khan bloodline,
its root being patriarch Esau who is the father of the Iraqis, the Italians/
Romans, Spaniards, Portuguese, and the ruling elite sector of other nations
especially their royal/ imperial families and ruling parties.

The Ethiopeans in Oceana did not totally lose God but as Genghis Khan set
up his Maharli Khan kingdom including the Philippines, the Ethiopeans were
forced to hide in the uplands and forest especially during the coming of the
brutal grandson of Esau, Hispani (Spaniards).

We still need the natives. Their chanting practice is like the sound of the
dolphins..these contain the frequencies to counter the dissonant deadly
frequencies of both 4G & 5G WiFi aka HAARP weapon that causes natural
weather to turn into mega-earthquake, mega-hurricane, super-typhoons,
mega-tornadoes, el nino, la nina, mega-floods, mega-drought, mega-
wildfires, mega-volcanic eruptions, well as mega-pandemic.

The WIFI-HAARP harnesses the two creative powers known as the positive
and negative energies of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD to TURN WEATHER


This is now the period known in the book of Daniel and Matthew chapter 24
as ABOMINATION (that is, extreme crime) causing DESOLATION (that is,
extreme devastation of both planet and person) ...that has no comparison
before and after of its kind...but has to be shortened or else no
humans will be left alive.


China as the end-time 2nd beast of Revelation 13 & 17, will war first against
Christ, will be defeated, and....converted to Christ after serving Satan as
atheist socialist, will assimilate Christ or theocracy to its socialist system and
thus from being ATHEIST SOCIALISM will evolve into THEOCRATIC SOCIALISM
to defeat and cause the total downfall of the end-time two Babylons: Vatican
and USA... whose fall will be fatal. Vatican's fall as the whore MYSTERY
Babylon the Great is mentioned in Revelation 17.

China, the final beast, will destroy the whore Mystery Babylon the Great

It is China's service to the Lord.

Also the prophecies of God's prophetess Linda Newkirk reveals that also
China with Russia and some Arabs most probably the Iraqis will cause the
downfall of the USA, the modern end-time Babylon the Great whose
downfall as well as Vatican's fall is graphically described in details in
Revelation 18.

This is heavyweight my friends. So take your time. Time will show which of
this info will prove to be true.

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