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Media and
of e
Information Literacy
UNESCO believes that the traditional
concept of literacy has been replaced
by the concept that is a plural, dynamic
and situational as well as closely linked
to the ability of citizens both at
individual and societal level to identify,
understand, create, communicate and
compute information.

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composite concept

byUNESCO knowledge, skills, & attitudes
As defined by UNESCO, “media and
information literacy is a set of
competencies that empowers citizens
to access, retrieve, understand,
evaluate and use, create as well as
share information and media content in
all formats, using various tools, in a
critical, ethical, and effective way, in
order to participate and engage in
personal, professional, and societal

The ability to read, analyze,
evaluate, and produce
communication in a variety of
media platforms. It recognizes
the primary role of information
and media in our everyday
lives. It lies at the core of
freedom of expression and
information - since it empowers
citizens to understand the
functions of media and other
information providers, to
critically evaluate their content,
and to make informed decisions
as users and producer of
information and media content.
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I nformation Literacy is the ability to recognize when

information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use
and communicate information in its various formats.

Information literacy and media literacy are traditionally seen

as separate and distinct fields. UNESCO’s strategy brings
together these two fields as a combined set of competencies
(knowledge, skills and attitude) necessary for life and work
today. MIL considers all forms of media and other information
providers such as libraries, archive, museums and Internet
irrespective of technologies used.

+ + media and information


Computer use of digital technology

Computer or Digital Literacy is the ability to use

digital technology, communication tools or networks
to locate, evaluate, use, and create information.

MIL evolution includes related concepts such as

media education, media literacy, and information
literacy. MIL ecosystem was also adopted. It includes
other related literacy types. The adoption of the MIL
ecosystem highlighted two realizations: “There is no
single notion of literacy as a skill which people
possess or not, but multiple literacies”. Technological
breakthroughs have led to the convergence of
information and media platforms.
five core concepts

ore Concepts
- Constructs: All media messages are ‘constructed.’
- Form: Media messages are constructed using a
creative language with its own rules.
- Audience: Different people experience the same
media message differently.
- Beliefs and Values: Media have embedded values
and points of view
- Intent: Most media messages are organized to
gain profit and/or power.

construct + form + audience + beliefs + intent

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