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“The Great Gospel

according to Jesus
Christ thru John”
“The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John”

Volumes 1 to 25 in one
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
Book 1
Corresponding to The Great Gospel of John I/1-100
Explanation of the Biblical Gospel of John
Revealed by the Lord Jesus to His prophet Jakob Lorber
from 1840 – 1865 by the “inner word” dictation
Chapter 1
Spiritual interpretation of the introductory words
of the biblical gospel of John. [John 1, 1-5]
1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.
1. This verse has already been the subject of a great many misrepresentations and
interpretations; yes, even atheists have made use of this very text to dispute My
Deity all the more surely since they in general denied the existence of the Deity.
However, we are not going to once again present such false concepts whereby the
confusion would only be increased, but shall bring light into the matter with the
shortest possible explanation. This as itself light within the primordial light will
automatically fight and conquer all misconceptions.
2. A main reason why such texts are not understood is unfortunately the very poor
and incorrect translation of the Scriptures from the original tongue into the tongues of
the present time; but this is for the best. For if the inner meaning of such texts were
not hidden as well as it is, that which is holiest therein would long since have been
utterly desecrated which would be disastrous for the entire earth. As things are,
however, only the outer shell has been marred while the hallowed life has been
3. The time has come to show the true inner meaning of such texts to all who are
worthy of participating in this knowledge, abut the unworthy will have to pay dearly,
for in these things I will not be trifled with and I shall never take part in a trade.
4. Now the explanation shall follow this necessary prelude, but I will still add that
here only the inner meaning pertaining to soul and spirit is to be understood and not
the innermost, purest heavenly meaning. This is too holy and can be bestowed only
on those in the world without harm who seek it through living their life in accordance
with the precepts of the Gospel. But the inner meaning pertaining to the soul and
spirit may easily be found, sometimes already b y means of the correct translation in
the respective vernacular of the time, which shall become evident in the explanation
of the first verse.
5. The expression ‘In the beginning’ is most incorrect and greatly obscures the inner
meaning, for thereby even the eternal existence of the Deity could be questioned and
disputed, which was also done by some of the older philosophers from whose school
the present-day atheists have actually gone forth. But if we now render this text
correctly, its cover will be found to be only very thin and it will not be difficult to
discover the inner meaning quite clearly and sometimes very accurately through such
a thin cover.
6. The correct translation shall read thus, In the primordial essence, or also in the
primal cause (of all life) was light (the great holy creative thought, the existential
idea). This light was not only in, but also with God, that is, The light came forth from
God as substantially visible and was thus not only in, but also with God and, as it
were, flowed around the primordial divine essence. Thereby the basis for the eventual
incarnation of God was given, which becomes plainly evident in the following text.
7. Who or what actually was this light, this great thought, this most holly fundamental
idea of all future substantial, utterly free existence? - It could not possibly be
anything else but God Himself, since God, through God and from God nothing but God
Himself could manifest in His eternally, most perfect being - and thus this text may
also be read as follows,
8. In God was the light; the light flowed through and around God, and God Himself
was the light.
2. The same was in the beginning with God.

9. Now that the first verse has been made sufficiently clear and can be comprehended
by anyone with some measure of enlightenment, the second verse is self-explanatory
and only bears witness to the fact that the above described word or light or the great
creative thought did not come later into existence out of the primordial being of God,
but is as eternal as God, itself God, and therefore does not contain within itself any
process of coming into existence. That is why the explanation - by way of giving
witness - follows, The same was in the beginning, or in the primal Cause of all
existence, and in all later existence - as the First Cause itself with, in and out of God,
thus itself God through and through.
3. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not any thing made
that was made.
10. This verse confirms and substantiates, as it were, what had already in the first
verse plainly presented itself as the ‘word’ or ‘light’ in the primordial essence of all
being or coming into existence, completely present, but not yet fully manifest.
11. Accordingly, this third verse in its correct rendition should read as follows,
All existence came into being from this primal existence which in itself is the eternal
First Cause of its existence through and through. The light, word and will of hits
existence set its very own light, its eternal idea of creation, out of itself into a
tangible, visible existence, and there is nothing in the entire eternal infinity that did
not go forth from the same First Cause in the same way assuming a manifest and
visible existence.
12. Whoever has now fully comprehended these three plainly explained verses must
find the meaning of verse 4 quite clear.
4. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.
13. It is obvious that the First Cause of all existence, the light of lights, the original
thought of all thoughts and ideas, the archetype as the eternal original form of all
forms, firstly, could not be formless and, secondly, could not be dead, since death
signifies the very opposite to all existence in whatever form. Thus there was a most
perfect life in this word or light or in this great thought within God, fundamentally God
Himself. So God was from eternity the most perfect fundamental life in and out of
Himself through and through, and this light or life called forth out of itself all created
beings, and this light or life was the light and also the life within the creatures, within
the human beings that had gone forth from Him. Thus these creatures and human
beings were a complete image of the primordial light which gave them their
existence, light, and a life very similar to the eternal primordial existence.
14. The primordial life in God is and must be a perfectly free life, otherwise it would
be as good as no life at all. This same life must be one and the same life in the
created beings, otherwise it would not be life and, thus, without life also would be
without existence. It is obvious that the created beings - men - could only be given a
completely free life, which has to be aware of itself as a complete life, but also had to
realise that it was not a life that had come forth from itself, but had come forth as
fully equal out of God in accordance with His eternally almighty will.
15. This perception had to be present in all created beings, just as the one that their
life and existence must be completely equal to that of God, as otherwise they would
not have any life or existence.
16. When we now consider this circumstance more closely, it becomes evident that
two feelings must meet in the created beings, namely, in the first place, the feeling of
equality with God or the presence of God’s primordial light within them, and then,
resulting from this light, also the feeling of having been created at some time through
the primordial will of the Creator.
17. The first feeling makes the created being without fail equal to the Creator and, as
if it had come into existence out of itself, completely independent of the eternal First
Cause as if comprising it within itself. The second vital consciousness, necessarily
arising from the first, must still consider and regard itself as having been called forth
from the actual First Cause, an only in the course of time freely manifested being, and
thus most dependent on the First Cause.
18. Now this humbling realisation turns the initial feeling of exaltation also into a
feeling of humility, which for the feeling of exaltation is a most necessary and
unavoidable matter as will be plainly shown hereinafter.
19. The feeling of exaltation puts up a mighty resistance to such humiliation and
wants to crush the other feeling.
20. Such a conflict then causes anger and finally hate against the First Cause of all
that exists and resulting from that against the lowly feeling of humility and
dependence, whereupon the feeling of exaltation becomes weak and benighted and
the primal light within the created being gives way to night and darkness. This night
and this darkness is then hardly able to recognise the primal light within itself and, as
blind but still independent, distances itself from the First Cause of its existence and
creation unable to recognise the same in its delusion.
5. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not
comprehend it.
21. Therefore, this primordial light may shine in such night as brightly as it may, but
since the night, although it has also originated from the light is no longer able to see
properly, it does not recognise the light coming into such night in order to transform
it once more into the true original light.
22. Thus also I, as the eternal primordial essence of all existence and as the original
Light of all light and life, came into the world of darkness to those who had come
forth from Me, but they did not recognise Me in the night of their weakened feeling of
23. For this 5th verse points out how, in accordance with the original standards and
circumstances, I have come into the world created by Me and out of Me as fully the
Same that I was from eternity and the world fails to recognise Me as its very own
fundamental existence.
24. But I, as the First Cause of all existence, could not fail to foresee in My eternal,
primordial light how through the constant conflict the feeling of exaltation, as the
primal light within men, kept growing ever weaker and as the vital light also dimmer,
finally to end in darkness, an that therefore men, if I came to them in the image they
had been given out of Me would not recognise Me. At least very many would fail to
recognise Me, especially if I came to them as a Deus ex machina (a suddenly
appearing God) unexpectedly and without warning in a limited human form, in which
case I would have to blame Myself that men could not possibly recognise Me because
they would not be prepared for My advent in this way.
25. I did, indeed, realise this from eternity and, therefore, had this My advent,
already beginning with men’s first coming into existence, independent of Me, right to
the time of My actual arrival, foretold to men through many seers who did not lose My
light in the conflict. They faithfully described the circumstances and even the place
and time of My advent. At the time of My actual arrival I caused great signs to take
place and awakened a man, in whom dwelt a high primordial spirit, that he might
announce to all the blind people My advent and full presence on earth.
Chapter 2
John the Baptist bears witness to the Lord. [John 1, 6-13]
6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
1. This man, who preached repentance by the Jordan and baptised the converted with
water, was called John. In this man dwelt the spirit of the prophet Elias, and this was
the same angel spirit who in the very beginning defeated Lucifer and later on the
noted mountain wrestled with Lucifer for the body of Moses (as Michael).
7. The same came for a witness (from above) to bear witness of the light
that all men (benighted men) through him might believe (i.e. through his
light might recognise the primordial light that had come to them).

2. This one came as an old as well as a new witness from above, that is, from the
primordial light as a light that he might bear witness to the primordial light, of the
primal essence of God, who now took on the flesh Himself and in the full likeness of
the human form, Himself as a man, came to His human being, who are out of Him, in
order to once more illuminate them in their night, thereby to return them to His
primordial light.
8. He was not that light (out of himself), but was sent to bear witness to that
light (that is, he bore witness to men’s benighted feeling of exaltation that
now the primordial light Himself had descended from His eternal height to
men as a lamb in humility to voluntarily take all their weaknesses (sins)
upon Himself thereby to give back to men the original light and make them
His equals).
3. This man was, of course, not the actual primordial light itself, but like all beings
only a partial light out of the primordial light. But because of his extreme humility, it
was granted to him to stay united with the primordial light.
4. Since he was, thus, in constant contact with the primordial light ands was well
aware of the difference between It and his own light - although having gone forth
from the primordial light, but not being that light, but only a light derived from it that
he might recognise it and bear true witness of It - He bore valid witness to the
primordial light thereby awakening in men’s hearts sufficient of the true light to
enable them to recognise, even though initially only faintly, but gradually more
strongly and clearly, that the primordial light, now clothed in the flesh, is still the
Same that gave all beings and men their independent existence which they may, if
they so desire, keep for all eternity.
9. That was the true light, which enlightens all men who come into this
5. Not the witness, but his testimony and He of whom he bore witness, were the true
primordial light that from the very beginning has illuminated and animated all men
coming into this world and continues to animate and illuminate them. Therefore, it
says in verse 9 that the true and proper light is and was the one that created all men
in their very beginning for a free existence and now came to abundantly enlighten this
existence and render it once more similar to Himself.
10. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, but it did not
recognise Him.
6. It has already been plainly discussed in verse 5 how this world, that is, benighted
men who with their entire being have gone froth from Me or, which is the same, from
the primordial light (the word) could fail to recognise Me or the primordial light,
notwithstanding all the forerunners and proclaimers of My advent. However, it has to
be specially mentioned that in this case under ‘ world’ is not to be understood the
earth, as carrier of souls under judgment which actually constitute matter, but only
those people who, although partly derived from this matter, no longer belong, or are
supposed to belong, to this primeval soul matter under judgment once they have
been made independent beings, for it would really be asking too much if I demanded
of the stone, which is still in an extreme state of judgment, to recognise Me. This can
justifiably only be expected of a liberated soul in which My Spirit is dwelling.
11. He came unto His own, and His own would not receive Him.
7. Thus, as already mentioned, not the earth, but only men in their soul and spirit
nature are here to be regarded as actually the Lord’s own - My own, because they
are, as it were, themselves primordial light out of My primordial light and thus at one
with My fundamental essence.
8. But since in this particular existence, which within them expresses itself as the
feeling of exaltation, they are weakened and because of which weakness I came to
them as into My original property and am still coming, they failed to recognise Me as
a result also themselves and their very own fundamental essence which cannot ever
be annihilated since it is basically My essence.
12. But to all who did receive Him, He gave the right to become children of
God, because they believed in His Name.
9. It is obvious that, with all those who did not receive or recognise Me, the original
order was disturbed, and with this disorder there remained a state of suffering, the
so-called ‘evil’ or ‘sin’; whereas with many others who did receive Me, that is, who did
recognise ME in their hearts, this evil had to vanish, since they were once more
united with Me, as with the original order and primal might of all existence, finding
therein themselves and My primordial light as the light within them and in it
everlasting, imperishable life.
10. But they also found in such life that, thanks to it, they were not only My created
beings, which was expressed by their lower life-consciousness, but that - since they
carry My Self within them which only through the might of My will was given
independence of Me - they are indisputably My very own children, because their light
(their faith) is equal to My very own primordial light, wherefore it carries within the
full might and power that dwell within Me and this might gives them the full right not
just to be called My children, but to be it in all fullness.
11. For, faith is such a light and My name, toward which the mighty beams of this
light are directed, is the power and might and the actual nature of My primal essence
through which everyone accomplishes within himself the proper and fully valid
sonship of God. That is why it says in verse 12 that all who will receive Me and
believe in My name shall have the power within them to be rightly called ‘ children of
12. Who were not born of the blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of a
man, but of God.
13. This verse is but a closer definition and explanation of the previous one, and in a
smoother diction ten two verses together could also read, But those who received Him
and believed in His name, to them He gave the right to be called ‘children of God’,
who were not born of the blood nor of the will of the flesh (desire of the flesh), nor of
the will of a man, but of God.
14. It goes without saying that here not a first birth as flesh from the flesh is meant,
but only a second birth from the spirit of love for God and from the truth of living
faith in the living name of God Who is called JESUS-JEHOVAH-ZEBAOTH. This second
birth is also called ‘the rebirth of the spirit through the baptism from the heavens’,
this being a good definition.
15. The ‘baptism from the heavens’ is the complete transition of the spirit and the
soul with all its desires into the living spirit of love for God and the love in God
16. Once such a transition has taken place of man’s own accord and all his love is
now dwelling in God, then through such sacred love the whole person is dwelling
within God where he is brought to maturity and strengthened as a new being and
thus, after attainment of proper maturity, reborn of God. Only after such a second
birth, which is preceded neither by the desire of the flesh nor man’s procreative will,
has man become a true child of God thanks to God’s grace which is a free power of
God’s love in the human heart.
17. This grace is actually God’s mighty prompting in the spirit of man through which
he is drawn by the Father to the Son, that is, to the divine primordial light and thus
which is the same, attains to the proper and living mighty wisdom of God.
Chapter 3
Toward spiritual rebirth; first and second grace. [John 1, 14-16]
14. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory,
a glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.
1. Once man in this way attains to the true sonship of God into which he is as if born
of God, the Father or the love within God, he attains to the glory of the primordial
light in God which actually is the divine primal essence Itself. This essence is the
actual Son begotten of the Father just as the light rests latent within the warmth of
love, as long as love does not stir it up and radiate it out of itself. Thus this holy light
is actually the glory of the Son from the Father which is attained by everyone who is
reborn and becomes equal to this glory, which is forever full of grace (God’s light) and
truth, as the true reality or the incarnated word. --
15. John bears witness to Him, and cries, saying, ‘This was the One of whom
I said; After me will come the One who has been before me, for He was there
before I was.’
2. To this again John bears true witness and immediately after the baptism in the
river Jordan - in order to give Him a worthy reception - he draws people’s attention to
the fact that the one whom he had just baptised is He of whom he had spoken to the
people all the time during his sermons on repentance, that He who would come after
him (John) had been before him. In a deeper sense this means as much as; This is
the original fundamental light and First Cause of all light and existence that preceded
all existence, and all that exists had come forth from it.
16. And of His fullness we have all received grace upon grace.
3. This primordial light, however, is also the eternally great glory in God, and God
Himself is this glory; this glory was from eternity God Himself within God, and all
being have received their existence and their light and independent life from the
fullness of this glory.
4. Thus all life is a grace of God filling the life-bearing form through and through.
Because in itself it is the same glory of God, the primal life in every human being is a
FIRST GRACE of God, but this had been harmed by the weakening of the feeling of
exaltation by the lowly feeling of coming into existence and the thereby resulting
inevitable dependence on the primordial light and First Cause of all existence.
5. Since this first grace within man was in danger of being completely lost the
primordial light itself came into the world and taught people to once more leave this
first grace to the primordial light or rather to completely return into this primal
existence there to receive a new life for the old light. And this exchange is the
RECEIVING OG GRACE UPON GRACE or the giving away of the old, weakened, quite
useless life for anew, imperishable life in and from god in all fullness.
6. The first grace was necessity in which there is neither freedom nor permanence.
But the second grace is complete freedom without any compulsion and, therefore,
since not urged or coerced by anything also forever indestructible. For where there is
no enemy, there is also no destruction. By enemy is to be understood all that in any
way impedes a free existence.
Chapter 4
About the law, judgement, grace and salvation. [John 1, 17,18]
17. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through
Jesus Christ.
1. The law had to be given to the first life, namely, in the beginning already to the
first man in the course of things through Moses who in this verse is also mentioned as
a representative of the law. But since the law is an impediment rather than a
furthering of life, no one could ever gain the true freedom of life through the law.
2. The first ideas of creation were placed in an isolated as if independent existence by
a positive ‘must’ from the immutable will of the primordial might. Therefore, as
concerns the separation and forming of the existence limited by space and time, this
was accomplished by an immutable ‘must’.
3. Now the entity, man, was there, in his inner being to a certain degree the Deity
Itself or, which is the same, the primal essence of God, only separated from his First
Cause, although conscious of it, but still bound in a limited form and restrained by an
immutable ‘must’. The thus placed entity did not relish this state, and his feeling of
exaltation came into a mighty conflict with his inevitable limitation and separation. S
4. Since in the very first line of beings the conflict kept growing in intensity, the great
fundamental law had to be tightened to hold the beings temporarily in a firm
judgement which consisted in the manifestation of the material, solid globes and the
thereby effected greater division of the primordial beings.
5. In the second line of beings man appears, clothed in the flesh, standing on the
ground of his first judgement. Notwithstanding his now threefold separation from his
First Cause, he still soon recognised Him again within himself and became defiant,
arrogant and disobedient to a mild law, no longer given with a ‘must’, but only a ‘you
6. But because he refused to submit to this mild ‘you shall’, he was given a more
severe and mightily sanctioned law, and the sanction promptly effected when this
second ‘shall’ was disregarded (see the deluge and similar cataclysms!) S
7. After this disciplining the Divine Being descended to the earth in Melchisedec and
guided men, but they soon began once more to fight and had to be bound through
new laws and returned to order, so that they were left with only a kind of mechanical
movement limiting all their inclination.
8. Thus through the law a wide gulf had been created and no spirit or entity was able
to leap across it. This is caused the prospect and the inner awareness of an eternal
existence of the inner, thus considerably limited, life to become seriously doubted.
9. Following this limitation the divine primordial being then appears in its own
fullness, namely, in the person of Christ.
10. Thus the original grace returns once more, takes all the weaknesses of the human
life upon Himself, giving men a new grace, a new life full of true light and showing
them in this light and through His example the right way and the true purpose of their
18. No one has ever seen God; but the Son within the Father’s Bosom, He has
made Him known.
11. Only now those who recognised Him obtained true knowledge of God and were for
the first time able to see and recognise God - whom previously no being could ever
see in His fullness - beside and outside of them and through Him also themselves and
the freest destination of their own life.
12. And now also the insurmountable gulf that had been created through the law was
once more abolished and every man could and can now at any time free himself from

the burden of the law, if he exchanges his old nature for the new one out of Christ,
wherefore it is also said that one should put off the old man and put on the new one.
Or, Who loves the old life will lose it, but who flees it shall receive it as a new one.
That is the annunciation from the bosom of the Father and the living Gospel of God.
13. The phrase, however, ‘Who is in the bosom of the Father’ , means as much as,
‘the primordial wisdom of God or the actual innermost essence of God is within love
just as light dwells in warmth, originally arises and goes forth from the love of mighty
warmth and, finally, by its existence again creates warmth and this again always
light. In the same way from love, which is equal to the Father and basically the Father
Himself, goes forth the light of divine Wisdom, which is equal to the Son or the actual
Son Himself, who is not two, but fully one with what is called ‘Father’, just as light
and warmth or warmth and light are one, since warmth keeps producing light and
light keeps producing warmth.
Near Bethabara

Chapter 5
John the Baptist’s testimony of himself and the Lord.
[John 1, 19-30]
19. And this is the testimony which John gave to the Jews when they sent
priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, ‘Who are you?’
1. This verse deals with a purely external fact and therefore has no deeper meaning.
Just one thing can be plainly understood from this mission, that at this time the
feeling of exaltation of the Jews began to sense already that the primordial light or
the primordial life of God was beginning to draw close to men on earth and would
already have to be on earth; and it presumed that this primordial life of all life might
be dwelling within John and he be the promised Messiah.
2. That is why - due to the above mentioned assumption rather than John’s
reputation as a preacher - they sent emissaries to ask him who he was, whether the
Christ or Elias or another prophet.
20. And he confessed, and did not deny it, saying, ‘ I am not the Christ, the
promised Messiah.’
21. But they went on asking, ‘What then? Are you Elias?’ And he said, ‘I am
not.’ - And they asked, ‘Are you a prophet?’ - He replied, ‘No!’
3. The reason why they asked John whether he was either Elias or another new
prophet was the fact that their prophetic Scriptures stated that Elias would be the
forerunner of the promised Messiah and prepare all Israel for the great advent of the
Messiah! - Besides, at that time also other prophets would be appearing who, too,
would precede the Messiah as heralds. This was known to the emissaries from
Jerusalem who were well versed in the Scriptures and so they asked John all these
question; but he confessed that he was none of these.
22. Then they said to him, ‘Then who are you, that we may give an answer to
those who sent us? What do you say of yourself?’
4. Thus they had to continue asking him, who he actually was.
23. John said, ‘I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, preparing the
way for the Lord, as predicted by the Prophet Isaiah.’
5. Whereupon John confessed that he was but a crier in the wilderness preparing the
way for the Lord, as predicted by Isaiah.
6. Here the question would be justified, why John had chosen the wilderness for this
work where, one must assume, not many people would be dwelling; that it would be
more advisable to make a forerunner in more densely populated areas. What use
could the most powerful crying be in the dead wilderness where the sound of the call
would lose itself before it had reached any ear? Even if it did reach a human ear, that
why that would be far from sufficient in a matter so vitally important for all men.
7. In answer to this question it must be pointed out that the term ‘wilderness’ did not
so much refer to the small desert of Bethabara beyond the Jordan, but rather to the
spiritual desert in the human hearts. The desert of Bethabara, where John actually
lived, preached and baptised, had been chosen only to show man symbolically what it
looked like in his heart, namely, quite as arid, empty and bare of noble fruits, but full
of thorns and thistles, all kinds of weeds, vipers and other vermin. And in such a
human desert John appears like an awakened conscience, which spiritually he also
represents, and preaches repentance for the remission of sins, thus preparing for the
Lord the way to the hearts of people who have become arid like a desert.
8. Now there still remains the question why John denied being Elias or a prophet
since, according to My own testimony, he was one as well as the other, for I Myself
told My apostles and also other listeners to My teaching quite plainly, John was the
Elias who was to come before Me, if you will accept this.
9. The reason for this denial was that John here describe himself only according to his
active, new calling and not the previous one given his spirit within Elias when he was
living on earth. Elias had to punish and destroy the Moloch, whereas John had to call
people to proper repentance, bestow the forgiveness of sins through baptism with
water and prepare the way for Me. And in accordance with such activity he presented
himself only as that which he now in fact was.
24. And the ones who had been sent were of the Pharisees.
25. And these continued to question him, saying, ‘If you are not the Christ,
nor Elias, nor a prophet, why then are you baptising?’
10. Since he was baptising, which was allowed only to the priests and the prophets
proven to be called for this, the priests and Levites, who had been sent to him by the
jealous Pharisees, asked him why then he baptised people if he was neither one nor
the other.
26. John answered them saying, ‘I baptise only with water, He (the Christ
about whom you are asking) is standing among you, but you do not know
11. But John said, ‘I baptise only with water, which means, I wash hearts that have
become unclean for a worthy reception of the One Who, as it were, has been in your
midst already for quite some time, but Whom you do not recognise because of your
12. Here also all those who seek Me, the Lord, somewhere outside are represented by
the emissaries who travel over lands and seas asking all the sages, ‘Where is Christ,
when and where will He be coming?’ - The true One Who built a dwelling place for
Himself in their hearts, and Who can be found only there, (Oh, these deluded
seekers!) Him they do not seek, at least not at the only place where He must be
sought and can be found.
27. He is the One who is to come after me, who was before me, whose shoe’s
latchet I am not worthy to unloose.’
28. This took place at Bethabara beyond the Jordan, where John was
13. What a most humble witness John bears before the priests and Levites, since he
quite aware Who had come to the earth in Christ. But what is that to the so worldly
wise priesthood! They ignored John’ truest testimony, for they did not care for a
humble, poor and unpretentious Messiah, but wanted one to whom everyone would
succumb in fear and terror.
14. At his first appearance - naturally nowhere else but in Jerusalem - descending
visibly from heaven shining more brilliantly than the sun, accompanied by myriads of
angels and taking residence only in the temple, the Messiah would have to
immediately abolish and destroy all the then existing potentates, also promptly
render the Jews completely immortal, provide them with all the money on earth and
fling at least some hundreds of apparently superfluous mountains with thunderous
noise into the sea, at the same time also executing the poor, dirty rabble! Then they
would have believed in Him and said, ‘Lord, you are so terribly strong and mighty; all
have to bow deeply before you and throw themselves into the dust, and the high
priest is not worthy to unloose your shoe’s latchets.’
15. But Christ came to earth quite poor, insignificant apparently weak, did not work
any sign before the eyes of the prominent for almost 30 years. He worked hard as a
carpenter with Joseph and frequented the company of the lower classes. How could,
in the eyes of the proud and so very wise Jews, that be the so long awaited Messiah?
Away with such a blasphemer, such a magician who accomplishes his feats with the
help of the chief devil! Such an uncouth and vulgar carpenter who somewhere with
the help of Satan has learnt to practice magic, who walks about barefoot, is a friend
to the lowest rabble and walks around with them, accepts harlots and eats and drinks
in the company of publicly known sinners thereby plainly opposing the law, - how
could he possibly be the Christ, the promised Messiah?
16. This was the opinion of the eminent and wise Jews about Me during My full
presence in the flesh on earth. And exactly the same view is still today held
concerning Me by millions, who will on no account even hear of a meek,
condescending God Who keeps His word.
17. Firstly, their God has to dwell high above the firmament and because of His
infinite sublimity hardly exists. He is not expected to create lesser things than suns if
He wants to be a worthy God. Secondly, He may not dare to assume any form, least
of all a human form, but has to be some incomprehensible absurdity.
18. Thirdly, if Christ could possibly be God, He may make Himself known through the
inner, living word only to members of the profession, to certain societies, councils,
extraordinary pietists, zealots surrounded by a so-called halo and models of virtue,
promptly endowing such a blessed one with the power to move mountains. Otherwise
there cannot exist any divine messages or revelations by Christ.
19. The Lord Jesus may never make Himself known to a layman or even a sinner, for
in such a case the revelation is already under suspicion and is not accepted, just as I
Myself was not accepted by the eminent Jews, because in their proud and ambitious
eyes My appearing was by far not sufficiently divine and noble. However, that does
not matter. What matters is only John’s testimony.
20. The world does not change and continues to be the desert of Bethabara where
John bore witness. -But I, too, do not change and keep coming to men to suppress
their pride and enliven true humility and love in the same way as when I came to the
Jews. Blessed are those who recognise and accept Me as did John according to his
testimony about Me before the eyes and ears of the proud priests and Levites greatly
annoying them.
21. The next day John sees Jesus coming towards him, and says, ‘Look, that is the
Lamb of God, which carries the sin of the world!’
22. The next day, with these emissaries still at Bethabara, there to find out what this
John was doing and what he was mainly preaching about, John again bears witness to
Me, and that on the known occasion of My coming to him from the desert asking him
to baptise Me with the water of the river.
23. Already as I am approaching him, he draws the attention of the leader of these
emissaries, who during the night had pondered on what he had heard from John, to
Me, saying, ‘Look, the one approaching is the Lamb of God Who has taken all men’s
weaknesses upon His shoulders, so that all men who accept Him will receive a new
life from Him and have the power within them, because of such a new life, to be
called children of God. For Jehovah does not come in the storm or the fire, but He
comes only in the gentlest rustle.’
24. ‘This is He of Whom I (yesterday) said, after me a man is coming who has been
before me; for Hew was there before I was.’
25. Here John repeats once more what he had said to the emissaries about Me the
previous day. On the one hand, he testifies of Me that I come to men, as it were, as a
mirror of man’s true and indispensable humility proving by such humility that I come
to help men in their weakness and not in their presumed strength, which they do not
possess at all. On the other hand, John also testifies that the one he calls the Lamb of
God is still He who preceded all existence, for the expression, ‘He was before me’
means that John - for a moment recognising the high spirit entity within him -
intimates to the emissaries that, although the same primordial spirit of the same
nature dwelt within him, yet he was brought into a free and completely independent
existence solely by the power of the First Cause - the original Source and Creator -
dwelling in this Lamb and not by his own power. With such a bringing into
independent existence - a true act of the First Cause - also the first cycle had begun,
prior to which there had not been anything in the whole of infinity, except the First
Cause Jehovah and, in fact, exactly the Same as now visibly before their eyes in this
Lamb of God wishing to be baptised by him (John).

Chapter 6
John baptises the Lord. [John 1, 31-34]
31. ‘I myself did not know Him before, but that he might be revealed to
Israel I came to baptise with water (the ones waiting for Him)’
1. Naturally, the emissaries thereupon asked John, ‘Since when have you known this
strange man, and how was what you have just said about him made known to you?’ -
Here John replied quite naturally that he, as a man, had not known him either, but
that his spirit had revealed this to him and induced him to prepare men for This One
and to cleanse them with the water of the Jordan of their gross contamination
through sins
32. And John testified further, saying (after the baptism); ‘(As I baptised
Him) I saw the spirit of God (as evidence for me) descending from heaven
just like a dove that gently lowers itself, and this spirit stayed above Him.’
2. Here John makes known that he, too, is seeing Me for the first time in person
before him, and that My Spirit within observed this man during the short performance
of the baptism with water, which John had initially refused to perform on me with the
significant remark that I should baptise him rather than he Me. But when I insisted
that it had to be done in this way, John gave in and baptised Me. But he saw what I
Myself had revealed to him though My Spirit within his spirit as I had sent him to
Bethabara, how the Spirit of God, that is, My very own eternal, primordial Spirit,
descended upon Me from the heavens full of light like a shining little cloud in the way
a dove descends, and stayed above My head. At the same time he heard the familiar
3. ‘This is My beloved Son, or this is My light, My own primordial essence in which I,
as the eternal, primordial essence of love, am well pleased. Listen to him!’
33. ‘I would not have known Him either: but He who sent me to baptise with
water, said to me; upon whom you will see the spirit descending, and
remaining upon Him, He is the one who will baptise with the holy spirit.’
4. That is why John says, ‘ I would not have recognised Him either.’
34. ‘And I saw it and am now testifying that this is truly the Son of God.’
5. Only after this baptism does John tell the emissaries what he had seen and heard
and insist that the Baptised, Whom he had already as He was approaching announced
as the revealed Lamb of God, was truly the Messiah for whom all Israel had been
waiting. This is truly the Son of God, that is, God’s actual primordial fundamental
essence within God.
6. He, John, had seen with his own eyes God’s Spirit descending upon Him and
remaining above Him. Not as if this man had only then received that spirit, but this
manifestation took place as evidence for him (John) since he had not known Him
7. Here the question arises whether these emissaries from Jerusalem had not
perceived these things with their own eyes and ears. The answer to this is always one
and the same: These things shall be revealed only to the babes and the simple, but to
the worldly wise they will remain hidden and veiled.
8. Thus the emissaries from Jerusalem also say here nothing but he baptism with
water and were quite annoyed when John told them what he had seen and heard.
They did not perceive any of this and, therefore, abused John saying that he lied to
them. However, several of John’s disciples who were present joined them and
testified that John had spoken the truth.
9. But the emissaries shook their heads and said, ‘John is your master and you are
his disciples, wherefore you are confirming his statement. We are learned and wise in
all things of prophets and recognise from your words and actions that you and your
master are fools, that you do not see and know a thing and with your foolishness
drive many people crazy, and that to such an extent that this mater has already for
some time been regarded as a nuisance by the high priests of the temple. It would be
best to put a stop to your activities by force.’
10. This angered John and he said, ‘You snakes, you vipers’ brood: Do you think you
can thereby escape retribution? Look, the axe with which you would like to destroy us
is already laid to your roots; see how you can escape perdition. Unless you repent in
sackcloth and ashes and let yourselves be baptised, you will face destruction.
11. For truly, this was the One about Whom I had told you: After me will come the
One Who has been before me; for He was there before I was. From His fullness all of
us have received grace upon grace.’
12. Following these forceful words, some remain with him and have themselves
baptised, but most of them leave greatly enraged.
13. These verses deal with purely historical facts and do not have much inner
meaning which can be easily recognised from the previous explanations. Here it must
be pointed out that such verses are all the easier to understand if given with the then
well-known circumstances. For at the time, the evangelist recorded the Gospel it was
customary to omit as unnecessary sentences dealing with all kinds of generally known
circumstances and record only the main sentences, leaving all secondary details
‘between the lines,’ as you would say today. In order to throw more light on this for
that time most noteworthy matter, we will have a closer look from this angle at the
three following verses and the style of that time will become quite clear and
Chapter 7
Examples and explanations concerning the style of the evangelists. [John 1:
35. The next day again John was standing (at the river Jordan) with two of
his disciples.
1. The original text, for instance, of verse 35 reads: ‘The next day John was standing
again with two of his disciples.’ Here arises the question: Where was he standing and
were the two disciples together with him or were they standing in a different spot,
only at the same time? - One must notice right away that neither the place nor the
action of the two disciples has here been stated.
2. Why has the evangelist failed to mention this?
3. The reason why has already been indicated for, especially at the time when it was
customary to write like this, it would have been quite certain and obvious that John
was standing at the river Jordan under a willow waiting for someone to come to be
baptised. And since he had several disciples who listened to his teaching and also
recorded it, usually two, but when there was much work more were with him,
assisting with the baptisms and probably also baptising in his name and in the way he
did it.
4. Since at that time all these circumstances were only too familiar to the people
around John, they were not recorded. It was then customary to write like that, but
also necessary due to the lack of writing material, wherefore only the main point was
recorded and by beginning a sentence with ‘and’ it was indicated whether the
apparently separate sentences were related to each other or not. For this reason such
conjunctions were seldom put in letters before the main sentences that had reference
to each other, but certain known signs were used.
5. Although this explanation is as such not an evangelical one, it is still necessary
since without it the Gospels would today be hard to understand; not only their
external, historical meaning, but even less their inner spiritual meaning and least of
all the prophetic books of the Old Testament in which instead of completed sentences
only corresponding metaphors are given and there naturally cannot be any question
of stating whatever circumstances there might have been. Now that we are
acquainted with these rules of ancient times, we should have no difficulty in
connecting the following verses and texts, reading them more correctly and at least
throwing more light upon their natural, historical part. We will make a short analysis
of verses 36 and 37 and the principle in question will become quite clear.
36. And as he again saw Jesus walking (on the bank of the Jordan, he said:
‘Look, there is the Lamb of God.’
6. The original text of verse 36 reads: ‘And as he saw Jesus walking, he said: ‘Look,
there is the Lamb of God.’’. The ‘And’ here indicates that this text has some
connection with the previous one and historically states that Jesus, after He had
received the baptism with water, for a while still remained in the neighborhood of
John and was therefore seen by John’s two disciples as well as by John himself
walking on the bank of the Jordan.
7. As John catches sight of Him, he immediately concentrates all his thoughts upon
the one subject and speaks with great enthusiasm as if to himself: ‘Behold, there is
the Lamb of God!’ Today he would have expressed himself roughly like this: ‘Look
over there! On the bank of the river the supreme God-man is still today walking as
unassuming and humble as a lamb.’ But John omits all these details and says only
what we read in the verse.
37. And the two disciples heard John speak thus (and left John forthwith),
and followed Jesus.
8. Verse 37, actually representing the continuation of the two previous ones, for the
above mentioned reason, begins again with ‘And’ and simply states what happened,
just referring briefly to the reason why.
9. The original text reads simply like this: ‘And two of his disciples heard him speak
and followed Jesus.’ In our time its meaning - read as follows: As the two disciples
who were with him (John) heard their master speak thus, they left him forthwith and
joined Jesus, and since Jesus was now leaving this place, they followed Him.
10. All that was mentioned in this expanded text must also have taken place on this
occasion since otherwise the action could not have been carried out. However, as
already said, in accordance with the then customary style of writing, only the two
concepts ‘hearing’ and the ensuing ‘following’ are mentioned whereas all connecting
sentences were omitted as self-evident. Whoever understands this given procedure
will at least be able to better understand the historical part of the original text and
thereby find it also easier to comprehend the spiritual meaning.
Chapter 8
The Lord’s first disciples: Andrew and Simon Peter.
[John 1: 38-42]
38. But Jesus turned, saw the two following Him and said to them: ‘What are
you looking for?’ They said: ‘Rabbi (which means: Master), where are You
1. This text also is a sequence to the preceding ones and has historical rather than
spiritual meaning: for with it begins the familiar, still quite material, taking on the
apostles, and that in the same region where John was active at Bethabara, a most
miserable country town inhabited by poor fishermen. This is also the reason why the
two disciples immediately ask about My lodging; actually, in which hut I live.
2. Since I had been staying in this area prior to the baptism for about 40 days
preparing my human person for the beginning ministry through fasting and other
exercises, it is historically also quite clear and certain that I had to have some place
where to stay in this desolate and barren region which I considered the most suitable
for My purpose.
3. The two disciples knew that I had already for some time been living in this region.
They may have seen me there a number of times without, however, suspecting Who I
was. Therefore, they promptly asked, not where I originally came from, but where I
was staying in Bethabara which consisted mainly of the poorest fishermen’s huts
constructed from clay and reeds and often even not high enough for a man to stand
upright therein.
4. And so I, too, lived in a similar hut which I had built My self rather deep in the
desert. The hermitages which exist in practically all Christian lands date back to that.
39. He said to them: ‘Come and see!’ So they went and saw where that was
and stayed that same day with Him. It was about the tenth hour.
5. Thus this shelter was not far from the place where John was operating. That is why
I said to the two disciples: ‘Come and see!’, where upon the two followed Me
forthwith. We soon reached My hut and the disciples were not a little amazed that
God’s Anointed was living in just about the most unassuming hut which, besides, was
situated in the most desolate part of the desert.
6. This, however, did not take place at the time during which nowadays the Christian
communities usually have their 40-day fast, but about two months later, and as for
the time of the day that we reached the hut it was about the tenth hour which
according to the new style would be about three in the afternoon, for in those times
the sunrise determined the first hour of the day. But since this does not always take
place at the same time, the hour of the day mentioned then does not coincide
exactly, but only roughly, with the time according to afternoon that I reached the
shelter with the two disciples. - As these two disciples spent this day with Me until
sunset, the question will arise in every inquiring reader’s mind what the three of us
did from three until about eight o’clock in and at My hut. For nothing has been written
about that anywhere. Here it is obvious that I instructed these two concerning their
future vocation and how and where I would begin with My ministry, also how I would,
in this neighbourhood, still take on further men as My disciples, who were inclined
and willing similar to them. At the same time I commissioned them to find out from
their comrades, who were mostly fishermen and confer with them whether any of
them would be inclined to join Me. This is what we discussed during that time. But as
it became evening I let the two go and they returned - partly very happy, partly
pondering - to their families, for they had wives and children and were wondering
what to do with them.
40. One of the two who had heard what John had said (about Jesus) and
then followed Jesus was Andrew, a brother of Simon Peter.
7. One of the two, called Andrew, has soon made his decision and wants to follow Me
at all costs. Therefore, he immediately goes to find his brother Simon who was
somewhere attending to his nets.
41. The first thing he did was to find his brother Simon. He said to him: ‘We
have found the Messiah!’ (Messiah means as much as: the anointed.)
8. When after while he has found him, he hurriedly begins to tell Simon that he has,
together with another disciple, who had not made a firm decision to follow Me, found
the promised Messiah.
42. (Simon wishes to see Jesus) and Andrew takes Simon to Jesus. When
Jesus saw him, He said: ‘You are Simon, Son of Jonas;’ from now on you
shall be called Cepahs (that is, Peter the Rock)!’
9. When Simon hears about Me, he expresses the keen desire to meet Me as soon as
possible, for he had not been present at the baptism. Andrew says, ‘Today it cannot
appropriately be done, but tomorrow morning you shall be with Him!’
10. Upon this Simon, who whatever he was doing kept dreaming of the Messiah and
believed that the Messiah would help the poor and completely eliminate the hard-
hearted rich, says, ‘Brother, we must not waste a moment; I shall immediately leave
everything and follow Him to the end of the world should that be His wish. Therefore
do take me right away to Him, for I feel this strong urge and must still today see and
speak to Him. The night is not too dark and it is not far to His hut, so let us go to Him
immediately! Who knows, we might no longer find Him tomorrow?!’
11. Giving in to this urging, Andrew leads him to Me. As the two are approaching My
shelter at an already rather late hour, Peter stops about 30 steps away from it in a
state of exaltation and says to Andrew: ‘I have a peculiar feeling. I am seized with a
sublimely sweet awe, I hardly dare to take another step, but I still have this keen
urge within me to see Him!’
12. Here I step out of My hut to meet the two brothers, which means that I saw him.
It goes without saying that under ‘being seen by Me’ is to be understood My readiness
to come to meet one who, like Simon, comes to Me above all in his heart. Therefore,
he is immediately recognised by Me, that is, accepted and a new name is his first
share in My Kingdom. Here Simon is promptly given the name Cephas, or the rock in
his faith in Me, for I had seen long ago by what kind of spirit Peter is, and was,
13. The way I addressed him was for Peter or Simon sufficient proof that I surely was
the promised Messiah. From then on he never yielded to any doubt in his heart and
did not ever ask Me whether I was the right One, since his heart was the only sure
and valid witness for him. - both men now stayed with me until the morning and
afterwards did not leave Me any more.
Chapter 9
Further callings: Philip and Nathanael.
[John 1: 43-51]
43. The next day Jesus decided to go again to Galilee, and he finds Philip and
says to him: ‘Follow Me!’
1. In the morning I tell the two, ‘My time in this desert has come to an end. I shall go
to Galilee whence I have come. Will you come with Me? I leave the decision to you for
I know that you have wife and child whom it is not easy for you to leave. But no one
who leaves something for My sake will lose what he has left, but will regain it many
times over.’
2. Says Peter, ‘Lord, for your sake I would give up my life, not to mention my wife
and child. - They will survive without me, for I am a beggar and cannot provide them
with much bread. Our fishing brings hardly enough to feed one person, let alone a
whole family. My brother Andrew can confirm this. Although we were born at
Bethsaida, we had to come for food to these desolate banks of the Jordan, which are
comparatively rich in fish, where we have now also been baptised by John. Our father
Jonas is still strong and so are our wives and sisters. Added to this the blessing from
on high, and they will manage.’ - I commended both of them, and we started on our
44. Philip came from Bethsaida, from the town of Andrew and Peter.
3. On the road, which for a while still followed the banks of the Jordan, we meet
Philip, who was also born in Bethsaida, and was now in the early morning fishing for
his breakfast in the waves of the Jordan. Peter drew My attention to him and said, ‘O
Lord! ^%This man suffers much and is very poor, but still the most honest and
righteous man, full of true piety in his heart. Would you consider letting him come
with us?’
4. Upon such a loving suggestion by Peter I say only, ‘Philip, follow Me!’ Without
hesitation he throws his nets down and follows Me, not even asking whither. Only on
the road does Peter tell him, ‘The One we are following is the Messiah!’ But Philip
says, ‘My heart already told me that the moment He called me so lovingly.’
5. Philip, however, was unmarried and staying with the poor fishermen as a teacher,
because he had quite a good knowledge of the Scriptures. He was personally
aquainted with Joseph of Nazareth and thus knew me also and many a thing that had
happened at My birth and during My early years. He was also one of those who were
secretly hoping for the Messiah in My person, but since I, from My twelfth year
onwards did not perform any miracles and lived and worked like any other ordinary
person, also the first amazing impression that had been created by the circumstances
of My birth had with many people got completely lost. Even those who had been most
excited said that My birth had become so memorable thanks to the as such strange
coincidence of various circumstances and phenomena with which My birth was surely
not connected in any way. Beside the highly gifted nature of My early years had so
completely disappeared that in the years of My manhood not a trace of it could be
found. - But Philip and a few others secretly still held on to a certain hope concerning
Me, for they knew about the prophecy of Simeon and Anna at the time of My
circumcision in the temple and thought a lot of it.
45. Philip finds Nathanael and tells him: ‘We have found the one spoken of
by Moses in the law, and by the prophets: It is Jesus, son of Joseph from
6. When Philip, who followed Me, meets Nathanael, for whom he had been looking on
the road, sitting under a fig tree repairing his fishing-tackle, he says to him with
fervour, ‘Brother, I kept looking for you along the quite long road and now rejoice
with all my heart to have found you; for look, we have found the One spoken of by
Moses in the Law and buy the prophets. It is after all Jesus, the son of Joseph, from
46. And Nathanael said to him: ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth?!’
Says thereupon Philip: ‘Come and see for yourself!’
7. Nathanael thereupon says with just a trace of resentment, ‘Everybody knows the
miserable hole Nazareth! - Can anything good come from this hole? - And (in a way
quite obviously) least of all the Messiah.’ But Philip says, ‘I am aware that in this
respect you have always been my opponent, although I have presented my
arguments to you a hundred times. But now do come and convince yourself and you
will admit that I have been completely right.’
8. Nathanael rises thoughtfully and says, ‘Brother, that would be a wonder of
wonders, for the rabble of Nazareth is surely the worst in the world. With a piece of
Roman tin you can make a Nazarene into whatever you wish. In this place the has not
been any belief for a long time, neither in Moses nor in the prophets. In short, you
can make a Nazarene into whatever you want to, and the word, ‘This one or that one
is even worse than a Nazarene’ has already become an old saying. And you say that
the Messiah whom you want me to meet is from there? - Oh well, nothing is
impossible to God. We will see.’
47. When Jesus sees Nathanael coming, he says aloud: ‘Look, a true
Israelite: There is nothing false in him!’
9. With these words Nathanael follows Philip to Jesus who meanwhile had sat down
for a little rest about a hundred paces away. When both men were already close to
Jesus, He says aloud, ‘Look, a true Israelite; there is nothing false in him.’
48. Nathanael asks Him: ‘How do you come to know me?’ Jesus replies: ‘I
saw you under the fig tree before Philip spoke to you.’
10. Nathanael is amazed at his so very true statement coming aloud from My mouth
and promptly asks, ‘How do you come to know me to be able to say this about me?
Only God and I myself can know my innermost nature, and I was never a boaster nor
did I brag about my virtues. How then can you know what I am like?’ - but I look at
him and say, ‘I saw you under the fig tree before Philip spoke to you.’
49. ‘Rabbi,’ says Nathanael, ‘you are truly the Son of god: you are king of
11. This My statement about him amazes Nathanael and deeply stirred in his hearts
he says, ‘Master! Notwithstanding the fact that you are a Nazarene, You are truly the
Son of god! Yes, You are without any doubt the for a long time longed-for king of
Israel who will liberate his people from the clutches of the enemies. O Nazareth, O
Nazareth, how small you were and how great you are now becoming! The last will be
exalted to become the first. O Lord, how quickly You granted me faith! How did this
happen that all doubt has left me and I now fully believe that You are the promised
50. Jesus answers, saying to Nathanael: ‘You believe because I told you: I
saw you under the fig tree (before Philip spoke to you). (But I tell you), you
shall see greater things than that!’
12. I answer Nathaniel’s question first with the words stated in verse 50, thereby
pointing out to Nathanael that he now, to be sure, believes that I am the promised
Messiah, but was compelled to believe by discovering in Me the omniscience only God
can possess. I also add that in future he will be seeing greater things, whereby I
wished to say as much as: Now you believe thanks to a miracle, in future you will be
believing freely.
51. And Jesus adds: ‘In truth, in very truth I tell you all, from now on you
shall see heaven wide open and God’s angels ascending and descending
upon the Son of man:’
13. And in truth, in very truth I tell you: From now on you will be seeing all heavens
wide open and God’s angels ascending and descending upon the Son of man, - which
is to say as much as: In future, when through Me you will attain to the rebirth of your
spirit, the doors of life will be opened. Then will you, angels yourselves, see those
men who through me were made angels in the rebirth, and thereby also ‘children of
God,’ ascending from death to eternal life. On the other hand you will also see many
primordial angelic spirits descending from all the heavens to Me, the Lord of all life,
there to follow the example of the Son of man, according to John’s example and
14. So his is now the right interpretation of the first chapter, but let no one think that
this is a comprehensive interpretation. Oh no, not at all; but this gift is a practical
signpost with the help of which everyone of good will can be guided into various
depths of divine wisdom, enabling him to see and recognise much of life’s true
meaning in every single verse. Besides, as already said, this gift is a true guiding
principle by which everything can be evaluated and directed.
In Nazareth
Chapter 10
New disciples: James, John and Thomas. [John 2:1-5]
1. And on the third day there was a wedding at Cana-in-Galilee and the
mother of Jesus was there.
1. The ‘And’ here already appearing at the beginning of the first verse of the second
chapter proves that these two chapters are closely connected. Hence it appears that
this wedding in a family who is on very friendly terms with the house of Joseph takes
place already on the mentioned third day, namely, counting from the day when I left
Bethabara with my so far only four disciples and together with them spent a full day
at the house of Joseph - who was no longer alive at that time - with the mother of My
body who, helped by My other brothers, made every effort to show us the best
possible hospitality.
2. In her heart Mary did realise that now the time had come for Me to begin My
mission as the promised Messiah. However, wherein My work would consist she did
not know either. At this stage she, too, believed in the complete expulsion of the
Romans and the restoration of the mighty throne of David and its stable and
invincible divinely glorious dignity which would never end.
3. The good Mary and all My earthly relatives still imagined the Messiah as a
conqueror of the Romans and other enemies of the promised land. Indeed, the best of
them had a similar idea concerning the promised Messiah, just as at the present time
many otherwise honest people have quite a false notion about he millennium. But the
time had not yet come to give them a different conception.
4. Thus, since My own house, beginning with Mary, had this notion about the coming
Messiah, it can rightly be assumed that other friendly families could not have a better
5. This is also the reason why many families paid much attention to Me and, of
course, to those whom I called My disciples. As a result also James and John decided
to become My disciples, in order to rule the nations of the earth together with Me, for
they had already forgotten many a thing I had rather clearly predicted to them in My
2. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.
6. In all the better houses in the neighbourhood of Nazareth, practically in all of
Galilee, I was considered to be a soon-to-emerge liberator from the Roman yoke,
although this had been the case only for the few months since I had begun to make
certain preparations thanks to which - like many a thing that had sunk into oblivion
during the past 18 years - also certain prophecies concerning My person were
beginning to come to life again in the houses of friends. Therefore I was invited with
My disciples, My mother Mary and many other relatives and friends even to quite a
notable wedding in Cana, a little old town in Galilee not very far from Nazareth, where
there was much gaiety, so that the four disciples from Bethabara remarked to Me:

7. ‘Lord! Things are much more pleasant here than at Bethabara. Poor John, too,
might be very glad if for once in his life he could partake of a meal like this here,
instead of his desperately poor fare, which consists mainly of slightly scaled locusts
and the honey of wild bees.’ (There exists in this region, as also in Arabia, a species
of pigeon-sized locusts which are prepared and eaten similar to crabs in this country -

8. To this I replied, ‘At this stage you cannot understand as yet why John has to live
in this way; he has to live thus, otherwise the Scripture would not be fulfilled. But
soon he will have a better life. Jerusalem will not allow him to continue his in the
desert much longer. From now on he will grow less, so that another one may grow

9. But what about the disciple who came to Me first with you, Andrew? Will he follow
or will he stay at Bethabara?’ Says Andrew, ‘Look, he will come, but he had to make
some arrangements first.’ - Say I, ‘That is good! For where there is a Cephas, there
must also be a Thomas.’ Says Andrew, ‘Yes, that is his name. An honest soul, but
always full of scruples and doubts. However, once he has grasped something he will
never let it go, although he has an extremely generous heart. Because of his
generosity he has been given this nickname. - He is coming, Lord, shall I call him in,
this Twin?’ Say I, ‘Yes, do that, - for whoever comes in My name, shall be invited to
the wedding.’
3. And as the wine gave out, Mary said to Jesus: ‘They have no wine left!’
10. According to the custom of that time, every guest arriving had to be welcomed
with a cup of wine. Mary had already noticed for some time that the supply of wine
had given out and she realised that the newly arrived guest could not be received
properly according to custom. Therefore she said secretly to Me, ‘My dear son, that
will be embarrassing. The wine has given out. They have none left. You could create
some (at least for the newly arrived).’
4. Jesus answered: “Your concern, mother, is not mine. My hour has not yet
11. Whereupon I gave a most ambiguous answer in front of all the guest, but, of
course, in a very gently way, saying to her because of the custom of those days,
especially around Nazareth, ‘Woman(mother), that is none of our concern. - It is not
yet my turn as an invited guest to supply wine; My time has not come yet.’ - (At that
time and in that region every invited male wedding guest had to make a voluntary
gift of wine. However, a certain order had to be observed according to which the gifts
of the closest relatives had to be consumed first. Once these had been used up also
the gifts of the guests who were no blood relations were used in order of precedence.)
But Mary knew that the available wine had given out. So she turned to Me and, as it
were, suggested that I skip the customary order, especially since a new guest was
arriving for whose welcome not a drop of wine was left. The mother was very
particular in observing the good old custom on such occasions. Although I did not
appear too cooperative in this matter, My mother knew Me and that I never refused
to fulfill any of her wishes.
5. His Mother said to the servants: “Do whatever He tells you.”
12. And so, fully relying on Me, she turned to the servants and said, ‘Do whatever my
Son will tell you.’
13. This is as far as the historical part of this verse in the second chapter is
concerned. But contained in this historical event or, as it were beyond it, a spiritual
and therefore prophetic meaning is also present which with the help of an inner
reasoning power is very easy to discover.
14. Who can fail to observe that there exists one of the most striking
correspondences between this wedding, which took place on the third day after My
return from the desert Bethabara, and My resurrection which occurred also on the
third day after My crucifixion?
15. Thus through this wedding an indication was prophetically given as to what would
happen to Me after three years; and - in a somewhat wider concept - that after three
years I would certainly and surely, as an eternal bridegroom, be holding a true
wedding with all My followers and those who truly love Me in their rebirth into eternal
16. In its general practical sense, however, this story of the wedding which - this
must be understood, - took place three days after My return from the desert, points
to the three stages through which everyone has to pass in order to attain to the
rebirth of the spirit or the eternal-life-wedding in the great Cana of the heavenly
17. These three stages comprise: First the mastering of the flesh, then the cleansing
of the soul through the living faith which has, of course, to prove itself as alive
through works of love, as it would otherwise be dead, and finally the awakening of
the spirit from the grave of judgement, for which in the raising of Lazarus from the
dead surely the clearest analogy is given. Whoever will ponder a little on this little
explanation will find what follows easy to understand.
18. After here having unfolded the spiritual meaning of this wedding story, that is,
what is in general meant by it, let us now return to the wedding and look at the
different correspondences in this story.
At Cana in Galilee
Chapter 11
The wine miracle: Symbol of the rebirth. Peter’s confession and toast. [John
2: 6-11]
6. There were six stone water jars, placed in accordance with the Jewish
rites of purification: each of these jars held from 20 to 30 gallons.
1. After Mary had told the servants, ‘Do whatever He will tell you!’ I told the servants
to fill up with water these six stone water jars intended for the Jews’ purification
which, however, was no longer observed much by the Nazarenes and Canaanites.
Thus these jars, each of which held from 20 to 30 gallons, were placed here on
display rather than for a specific purpose.
7. Jesus said: “Fill the jars with water!” And they filled them to the brim.
2. The servants complied promptly, but rather in the belief that the newly arrived
guest might wash and cleanse himself in accordance with the old custom. The guest
entered and was placed at the table without having cleansed his hands beforehand.
Having noticed this the servants discuss this with each other, wondering, ‘Why did we
have to fill these heavy jars with water? This guest did not use it and only caused us
unnecessary work.’ - Hereupon I say to them, ‘Why did you not query this earlier, but
now grumble about this work? Did you not hear what Mary told Me, namely, that
there is no more wine for the guests? Although My time has not quite come yet,
neither according to the customary order nor spiritually, I have still - in order to
reveal the glory of Him Whom they call their God, but have never recognised as yet -
changed the water in the jars into wine, not through some kind of magic, but solely
through the power of God within Me.’
8. And Jesus continued saying to the servants: “Draw some off and take it to
the steward of the feast!” And the servants did so.
3. ‘Now fill a cup and take it first to the steward of the feast (the cook) to try; let him
give his opinion about it.’ - The servants, quite bewildered at the transformation of
the water, immediately take this wine to the cook to try.
9. When the steward had tasted the wine which had been water, not
knowing, as did the servants, where it came from, he called the bridegroom.
4. The cook is quite astonished, sends immediately for the bridegroom and says to
him, ‘You probably do not know the customary order?’
10. And says to him: “Everyone serves the best wine first and only when the
guests have drunk freely he serves the poorer sort but you have kept the
best wine till now!”
5. ‘Does not everyone serve the best twine to the guests first and only when they
have drunk freely and their palate has become somewhat dulled the poorer sort? -
But you have done just the opposite.’
6. But the Bridegroom replied, ‘You talk like a blind man about colour! Look, this wine
was not pressed anywhere on earth but, as once the manna, it came to our table
from the heavens. Therefore, it must surely be better than any other wine on earth.’
7. Says the Cook, ‘Do you take me for a fool or are you one yourself? How can a wine
come to your table from the heavens?! Jehovah Himself or His servant Moses would
have to be sitting at the table.’
8. Said the Bridegroom, ‘Come and see for yourself.’
9. The Cook follows the bridegroom into the dining hall and looks at the six jars
seeing that they are filled with the best wine. Thus having convinced himself of the
miracle he says, ‘Lord, forgive me my sins. Only God can do a thing like this, and He
must be here among us, for such a thing is impossible to a human being.’
10. Now this wine was served to the guests and having tasted it they all said, ‘Such a
wine is not pressed in our lands. This is truly a heavenly wine. Glory to Him Whom
God has given such might.’
11. Thereupon they toasted Me and the newly arrived guest Thomas and welcomed
12. Now all the people present at this wedding believed without a doubt that I was
surely the promised Messiah.
13. But Peter says to Me secretly, ‘Lord, let me go away again. For You are Jehovah
Himself as was prophesied by Your servant David in his Psalms, but I am a poor
sinner and absolutely unworthy of You.’
14. Say I to him, ‘If you feel unworthy of walking at My side, whom do you consider
worthy of it? Behold, I have not come to the strong assuming such could be found
anywhere, but I came to the weak and sick. One who is healthy does not need a
physician; only the sick and weak one does. So stay with me and be of good cheer,
for I have forgiven you your sins long ago, and even when you will be sinning at My
side, I will forgive you that, too; for, because you have recognised Me and are already
a rock in your faith, you shall be perfected - not in your strength, but in your
weakness - solely through grace from on high.
15. These My words brought tears to his eyes and Peter says with great enthusiasm,
‘Lord, - if all should leave You, I shall not leave You, for Your holy words are truth and
16. Having said this Peter rises, takes the cup and speaks, ‘Blessed are you, Israel,
and three times blessed are we, for we are witnesses to the fulfilled promise. God has
visited His people. That which was hard to believe, is now fulfilled before our senses!
Now we must no longer cry from the depth to heaven, for the Highest has descended
to us into the very depths of our misery. -Therefore all glory be to Him Who is among
us and has provided this wine thanks to His might and grace that we may believe in
Him and from now on shall honour God in Him!’ -Thereupon Peter drinks the wine and
all drink to him, saying, ‘This is a righteous man.’
17. But I say to Peter secretly, ‘This was not given you by your flesh; but the Father
Who is within Me has revealed it to your spirit. But from now on keep silent still; a
time will come, however, when you shall shout so that all the world may hear you.’ -
Then quiet reigned once more among the guests and because of this act they now all
believed in Me and regarded Me as the true Messiah Who had come to liberate them
from all enemies.
11. This deed at Cana in Galilee is the first of the signs by which Jesus
revealed His glory. And His disciples now firmly believed in Him
18. This was the first remarkable sign,which I gave before the eyes of many at the
outset of My great work of salvation, and in this sign I showed - through veiled - the
great work that was to follow. However, not a single one of the entire company
comprehended this - for, as my fasting in the desert prophetically pointed to the
persecution I would be suffering from the temple in Jerusalem and the baptism by
John to My death on the cross, thus this wedding pointed to My resurrection and the
sign became a model of the rebirth of the spirit to everlasting life.
19. Just as I transformed the water into wine, also man’s natural being ruled by the
senses shall be transformed to spirit through My Word, provided he lives according to
20. But everyone should in his heart follow the advice Mary gave the servants when
she said, ‘Do whatever He tells you!’; then I shall do to each one what I did at Cana
in Galilee, namely a proper sign by which everyone who lives according to My Word
will find it easier to recognise the rebirth of the spirit within himself.
In Capernaum and journey to Jerusalem.
Chapter 12
Call to the sons of Zebedee: James and John. Beginning of the Lord’s
[John 2:12-13]
12. After this He went down to Capernaum with his mother, his brothers and
his disciples, but they did not stay there long
1. Seven days after this wedding, I left Nazareth and went with Mary, My five
brothers - two of whom also belonged to My disciples - and with the disciples I had so
far taken on down to Capernaum. This town was then quite an important trade center
situated on the border of Zebulon and Naphthali and also in the middle of these two
provinces on the Sea of Galilee, not far from the spot where John was baptising on
the opposite bank of the Jordan in the region of Bethabara, as long as there was
sufficient water in this often quite parched riverbed.
2. One may ask what I was actually seeking in this town which had already become
quite heathenish. One should read the prophet Isaiah 9: 1, etc, where it is written:
The land of Zebulon and the land of Naphthali on the way by the Sea beyond Jordan and
heathen Galilee, the people who walked in the darkness have seen a great light: a
mighty light has dawned upon them who were walking in the shadow of death.
3. And if one has found this text in Isaiah and knows that I had to fulfill the Scripture
from A to Z, it will be easy to understand why I went from Nazareth to Capernaum.
Besides, in this region two more disciples had to be taken on: James and John, sons
of Zebedee. They were also fishermen fishing in the Sea of Galilee not far from the
mouth of the Jordan and also not far from the spot where Peter and Andrew worked,
both of whom were also entitled to fish in the Sea.
4. When I had also taken on these disciples and they had recognised Me from My
words and the mighty witness of those who were with Me, I began to teach the
people properly, calling them to repentance since the kingdom of Heaven was upon
them. I went into their synagogues teaching there. Some believed, but many were
annoyed, wanted to lay hands on Me and throw Me into the Sea from a cliff. But I
eluded them with all those who were with Me and visited some small settlements on
the Sea of Galilee, proclaimed the Kingdom of God, healed many sick, and the poor
and simple believed and received Me with goodwill. Some of them joined Me and
followed Me everywhere like lambs follow their shepherd.
5. In Capernaum I stayed only for a short while since there was as good as no belief
there and even less love. This town was a place of trade and mercenary spirit, and
where these rule, faith and love have been completely abandoned. Thus where this is
the case, there is little or nothing for Me to do.
13. As it was near the time of the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to
6. As the Jewish Passover feast had come, I went up to Jerusalem with all who were
with Me. But one must not imagine the Passover feast of the real Jews at the same
time which is now set for the similar feast by various Christian communities,
sometimes already for the month of March. This was almost three months later! For
at the Passover, Jehovah was offered thanks for the first harvest of the year
consisting in barley, corn and wheat. On that occasion the new bread was already
eaten which, according to the Law, had to be unleavened bread, and no one in the
land was allowed to eat leavened bread during this time.
7. Therefore, this feast of the unleavened bread could take place only when the newly
harvested corn could already be ground into flour and not at a time when the corn
had only been sowed. In a good year the corn in Judea ripens 14 to 20 days sooner
than here. However, even in Egypt the corn and wheat are hardly ever harvested
before the end of May, let alone in Judea where it is considerably cooler than in
8. But the time of the unleavened bread had come and, as already mentioned above,
I went with all who were with Me up to the Jewish capital, which was also called “The
City of God”, for the name Jerusalem means as much as “City of God”.
9. During that time many people always came to Jerusalem, including many Gentiles,
who brought and sold various goods, as utensils, woven articles, cattle and fruit of all
kinds. This feast had in those days completely lost its sacred aspect and greed
prompted even the priesthood to lease for this time the courtyards and entrance halls
of the temple to the traders, where Jews or Gentiles, for a considerable sum, so that
such a temple rent for the duration of the feast amounted to 1,000 pieces of silver,
which in those days was an immense sum and comparatively more than nowadays
100,000 florins.
10. I went up to Jerusalem at the time of the high priest Caiaphas who knew how to
hold on to this naturally most lucrative office for more than a year. For the
observance of the Mosaic Law had in those days degenerated into the emptiest
possible ceremony, and no priest had actually more regard for it than for the snow
that had fallen a hundred years ago. On the other hand the useless, empty ceremony
had reached its peak in serving to bully the poor people excessively.
11. He even leased some spots in the inner part of the temple to dealers in pigeons
and to some small money-changers. These latter carried small coins, for which those
how needed smaller coins could for a certain exchange premium change their silver
coins, Roman gold coins and the Roman cattle money (pecunia); for the Romans had
a special kind of money for the purchase of cattle. Depending on what animals was
embossed on such a coin, the same animal had to be available for purchase with that
coin provided its owner had it for sale. For such cattle money it was possible to obtain
from the bigger or smaller money-changers also another type of money in circulation,
but at a higher premium.
In Jerusalem, the Passover
Chapter 13
The cleansing of the temple through the Lord. [John 2:14-17]
14. There he found in the temple the dealers in cattle, sheep and pigeons and
the money-changers.
1. When on My arrival in Jerusalem I found that because of all the animals and their
dealers some people hardly dared enter the temple as it sometimes happened that an
ox went wild hurting people and damaging sacred articles, and people visiting the
temple could often not bear the stench and noise and not seldom lost all their
important belongings, this disgraceful situation had now become unbearable to Me.
And Peter and Nathanael remarked, ‘Lord, have You no lightning and thunder left for
this? Just look at it! The poor people are crying in front of the temple. They have
come from distant places to honour God and because of all the oxen and sheep they
cannot even get in. And many, who with great effort and danger managed to enter
the temple and get out again, are complaining that inside they have been robbed of
everything and almost suffocated by the stench. Ah, this is really too much and too
evil! -Such a terrible nuisance should be stopped at all costs; this is even much worse
than Sodom and Gomorrah.
2. These words were heard by a stranger, an old Jew who now steps up to us and
says, ‘Dear friends, you do not know everything; but I myself was three years ago
working as an ordinary servant in the temple where I learnt about things that made
my flesh creep.’
3. Say I, ‘Friend, keep it to yourself, for I know about all that has taken place. But be
assured, things have gone too far and still today you shall see God’s might and wrath
in action in the temple. But do move away from the gates of the temple for a while,
so that you may not be harmed when God’s might will be driving the offenders from
the temple. After that they will no longer dare to perpetrate such sacrilege.’
4. Hereupon this Jew went away praising God, for after hearing Me speak thus he
took Me to be a prophet, joined a group of his friends and told them what he had
heard from Me. This group, consisting of several hundred people of all ages, rejoiced
and began to praise God aloud for having again awakened a mighty prophet.
15. And He made a whip of cords and drove them all out of the temple
together with their sheep and oxen. He upset the tables of the money-
changers scattering their coins.
5. But I said to Peter, ‘Go over there to the rope-maker, buy three strong ropes from
him and bring them here.’ This Peter did immediately and brought Me three strong
ropes which I promptly braided together into a strong whip. Holding this whip in My
right hand I said to My disciples and all who were with me, ‘Follow Me into the temple
now and be My witnesses, for God’s might and glory shall again manifest through Me
before your eyes.’
6. Then I went ahead into the temple, and as I walked all in My path retreated, and
all those who followed Me had a free passage although the ground was full of dung
and dirt.
7. When I arrived in the last hall of the temple, where the main dealers in oxen and
sheep had their animals for sale on the left side, whereas the money-changers were
occupying the right side through all three halls, I took up My position on the gate-
steps and spoke with a voice like thunder, ‘It is written, ‘My house is a prayer house,
but you are making it into a den of thieves. Who has given you the right to desecrate
God’s temple like this?’
8. But they shouted, ‘We have purchased our right at a high price from the high priest
and are under his protection and that of Rome.’
9. Say I, ‘You are indeed under such protection, but God’s arm is against you and
your protectors. Who will protect you from Him of His arm is stretched out over you
and your protectors?’
10. Say the dealers and Money-changers, ‘God is dwelling in the temple and the
priests are of God. Can they go against His will? He whom they protect is also
protected by God.’
11. Say I in a very loud voice, ‘What are you saying, you foolish perpetrators?
Although the priests are still sitting on the chairs of Moses and Aaron, they no longer
serve God, but they serve the mammon, the devil, and their right and your right is a
right of the devils and not ever a divine right. Therefore, get to your feet immediately
and vacate the halls, or else things will go bad with you.’
12. They began to laugh and said, ‘Just look at the impudence of this lowest of
Nazarenes. -Do throw him out of the temple right away.’ Then they rose and wanted
to seize Me.
13. Here I raised My right hand with the cord-whip and began to swing it over their
heads with divine might. Everyone hit by the whip was immediately seized by the
most violent, almost unbearable pains. This also applied to the cattle. There
immediately arose a terrible howling from both men and beasts and there followed a
stampede of the cattle, and whatever got in their way was trampled down. Also the
dealers and buyers fled with terrible screams of pain. But I upset the money-
changers’ stalls, scattering all the money they contained, and the disciples helped Me
with this work.
16. Then he turned to the dealers in pigeons, “Take them out,” he said, “You
must not turn My Father’s house into a market!”
14. Then I entered the temple where still many dealers in pigeons with their cages full
of all kinds of pigeons were waiting for buyers. Since these dealers were usually poor
people and not greedy for profit and the sale of pigeons in the temple was an old
custom, although in ancient times only in the first hall of the temple, I only warned
these poor, saying, ‘Take them out and do not turn My Father’s house into a market.
The place for this is in the outermost court. -Thus the temple was now cleansed.
17. His disciple recalled the words of Scripture: “Zeal for thy house will
destroy Me.”
15. This act caused a sensation and the disciples feared secretly that now the
priesthood would soon have us seized by the Roman guard as rebels and we would
hardly be able to escape the most humiliating calling to account and punishment. For
it is written: “The zeal for thy house will destroy me.”
16. But I told them, ‘Do not worry. Look into the halls and you will notice how the
servants and priest are eagerly busying themselves with picking up all the money-
changers’ scattered money to fill their own money-bags. Because of those who have
suffered losses they will be interrogating us by whose authority we did this, but
secretly they do not mind at all, for this act yielded them about 1,000 shekel of gold
and silver and a big amount in other money which they will never return to the
owners. At present they are also too busy and have no time to call us to account.
Besides, they will not easily accept complaints in this matter, just as the ones who
suffered the losses have learned their lessons and are not likely to bring an action
against Me. Therefore, set your minds at rest.
17. The zeal for My house will indeed destroy Me, but not yet for quite some time. At
the most some of the Jews here will question Me, who I am and on what authority I
did such a thing and will ask Me for a mark of authority. But I know that things will
have to happen in this way, and that there will be no danger for us. Just look toward
the curtain. Some are already standing there who want to question Me in their own
interest, and they shall get the proper answer without delay.’
Chapter 14
The Lord’s prophetic allegory about the destruction of the temple
and its re-erection in three days. [John 2:18-22]
18. The Jews challenged Jesus: “What sign can you show us as authority for
your action?”
1. As I was still talking with the faint-hearted disciples, some Jews came up to Me and
said, ‘You have now performed a mighty act. Men and cattle fled from your hand like
chaff in a storm, and no one returned to pick up his scattered money. Who are you,
and what mark of authority (by the emperor, they meant) can you present to us
which gave you the right to do this?! - Don’t you know the inflexible severity of the
laws which could destroy you because of this?’
19. Jesus replied: “Destroy this temple and on the third day I will raise it
2. Say I, ‘Unless I knew them, but did not fear them, I would not have done it. -But
you demand of Me an official authority and I tell you that I do not have that. But do
destroy this temple and on the third day it will be raised again, perfected.’
20. Then the Jews said: “It has taken 46 years to build this temple, and you
want to raise it again alone in three days?”
21. But they did not know that the temple He was speaking of was His body.
3. This My decisive statement amazed the Jews and they did not quite know what to
say. After a while one of them remembered that the building of the temple had taken
46 years and provided many thousands of hands with permanent work. So this
historically versed Jew turns to Me and says, ‘Young man! Did you realise what a
foolish thing you have just said? Look, all of 46 years were needed for the building of
this temple and many thousands of hands were fully employed, and you want to do
that quite alone without the help of others? Oh, oh, oh, what a testimony you have
given yourself, and that even in the temple where one should speak particularly
4. Your earlier action has surprised us very much and we, as elders of Jerusalem,
were already beginning to deliberate out of what power you performed this really
most commendable act, whether a worldly or prophetic one, and so we also
questioned you about it. If you had told us in wise words, which we do understand,
that you are a prophet awakened by God and did this through the might of God, we
would have believed you. However, contrary to all expectation, you gave us instead of
wise words an indescribably outrageous, boastful and foolish answer without even a
grain of truth, and we now regard you as a person who may have learned a little bit
of magic in some pagan school and now wished to show off here in the City of David,
being either in the pay of Rome or secretly hired by the Pharisees, priests and
Levites, for these would have reaped the best temple-harvest today thanks to your
act of magic. We truly regret to have been so mistaken in our judgment of you.’
5. Say I thereupon, ‘I too regret with all My heart that I had to find you so terribly
blind and deaf. For the blind do not see anything and the deaf and dumb do not
perceive anything. I work a sign before your eyes which prior to Me no one has
worked and speak the fullest truth and you accuse Me of being either a foolish
braggart with some knowledge of pagan magic wishing to show off here before you or
being a magician in the pay of Rome or in the despicable pay of the temple-priests.
Oh, what an insulting accusation! -Look, over there is a considerable crowd of men
who have followed Me here from Galilee. They have recognised Me, although you
maintain that the Galileans are the worst kind of Jews with the least faith, but these
still recognised Me and are following Me. How then could you not recognise Me!’
6. Say the Jews, ‘We did not want to recognise you and therefore questioned you, for
we are neither blind nor deaf as you think. But you have us an answer which with
one’s natural reason one cannot interpret other than we told you openly. We are of
good will, why then, should you be a prophet, do you fail to recognise this? We are
wealthy and honorable citizens of Jerusalem. If you were a true prophet, it would be
good for you to be in our midst, but you do not realise this and are therefore not a
prophet, just a magician who desecrates the temple much more than those who were
earlier driven out by you.’
7. Say I, ‘Go and discuss this with those who have come with Me; they will tell you
Who I am.’
8. Now the Jews go to the disciples and talk to them and they tell them what they
heard of Me on the Jordan, the witness of John and what they have seen and
experienced at My side, but admit that they do not understand what I had said to the
22. After His resurrection His disciples recalled what He had said and they
believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.
9. For they themselves understood it only following My most extraordinary
resurrection after three days and at the same time also the Scripture which had said
this of Me.
10. Hearing all this from the disciples, the Jews returned to Me and said, ‘According to
all that which we have now heard from your most sincere followers you would
evidently be the Promised. -The witness of John, whom we know, speaks mightily for
you and so do your deeds. Your words, however, are exactly the opposite to all the
other points. How can the Messiah be a God in his deeds, but a fool in his speech? Do
explain this to us and we all shall accept and support you in every possible way.’
11. Say I, ‘What could you give me that you had not first received from My Father
Who is in heaven? But if you did receive it, how can you now speak as if you had not?
What do you want to give Me that is not already Mine, for I and the Father are not
two, but one. I tell you: Nothing but the will is yours, everything else is Mine. Give
me your will in the proper love of your hearts and believe that I and the Father are
fully one, then you will have given Me everything I can ask of you.’
12. Say the Jews, ‘So show us a sign and we shall believe that you are the Promised
13. Say I, ‘Why do you want a sign? Oh you wicked generation! Don’t you know that
signs do not awaken anyone, but judge him? But I did not come to judge you, but
that you may gain eternal life if you believe in Me in your hears. There will indeed be
many signs, and some of them you will be seeing; however, these will not give you
life, but death for along time.’
Chapter 15
The Lord sees through the malice and deceitfulness of the Jews. [John 2:23-
23. While He was in Jerusalem for Passover, many believed in Him when
they saw the signs He performed.
1. “I tell you: It is now Passover and I shall be staying in Jerusalem during this time.
Follow Me where I shall be and you will be seeing a great number of proper signs. But
see to it that these signs do not bring you death.’
2. The Jews were astonished at these words, but I left them and with My disciples
walked out of the temple into the open. The Jews, however, followed Me secretly, for
they did not have the courage to follow Me openly since I had spoken of ‘My signs
causing death’. They did not understand that this meant the death of the spiritual
element, but were thinking of the death of the body, and like all the rich on earth
they were great friends of the earthly life.
3. However one of them joined Me outside the temple and said, ‘Master, I have
recognised you and want to be with you. Where are you staying?’
24. But Jesus would not trust Himself to them; He knew them all so well.
25. He needed no evidence from others about a man, for He Himself could
tell what was in a man.
4. But I saw that he was not sincere and that his wish to find out where I was staying
was dishonest. Therefore I said to him - as I did later on to a number of similarly
serf-interested priests - the familiar words, ‘Foxes have their holes, the birds their
roosts, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head, least of all in this city. But go
first and cleanse your heart and then come with honest intention, not with treachery
and you will see how you can hold your own at My side.’
5. This man said, however, ‘Master, you are wrong concerning me and my friends. If
you have nowhere to stay, come to us and we shall put you and your disciples up and
provide for you as long as you wish.’
6. But I saw clearly that this man did not have honest intentions and said, ‘We cannot
trust you, for you are friends of Herod and like him are keen on spectacles,
particularly if you can watch them free of charge. But I have not come to this city to
entertain the friends of Herod with comedies, but to announce that the Kingdom of
God is close and that you therefore, should repent so that you may participate in this
Kingdom. Behold, that is the purpose of My presence here at this time, and for that
your lodging is not needed. For he who lives in a house can leave it only through the
door which is fitted with lock and bolt and by which a guest can also be made a
prisoner. But whosoever says in the open is also free and can go where he wants.’
7. Says the Jew, ‘How can you offend us like that! Do you think we no longer know
about the sanctity of the right to hospitality? If we invite you as a guest into our
house, you are most sacred therein and woe betide him who should lay violent hands
upon you. Thus with us the right to hospitality is upheld and respected above all. How
then can you be suspicious of this established order in our houses?’
8. Say I, ‘With this domestic order in your houses I am quite familiar, but that does
not mean that I do not know the other one as well. As long as a guest is in your
house, he enjoys the right to hospitality, but when he wants to leave the house,
myrmidons and soldiers who have been sent for receive the guest outside the door
and put him in chains. Tell Me, is that also part of the old custom of hospitality?’
9. Says the Jew, somewhat embarrassed, ‘Who can claim this of your houses with a
good conscience?’
10. Reply I, ‘The One Who knows! Has not a man been thus delivered into the hands
of the judges a few days ago?’
11. Says the Jew even more embarrassed, ‘Master, who told you that? If this did take
place, tell me, has not that criminal deserved it?’
12. Say I, ‘With you many things are considered a crime which are not a crime with
God and with Me, because the hardness of your hearts considers many a thing a
crime for which Moses did not give a law. Those are your laws which as far as I am
concerned do not make a man a criminal. For your ruling are a sin against the laws of
Moses. How, then, can he be a criminal who offends against your rulings, if he
observes the laws of Moses? Oh, I tell you: All of you are full of malice and disgraceful
13. Remarks the Jew, ‘How can that be? Moses gave us the right to introduce laws for
special occasions, and thus our well-considered laws are as good as laws of Moses.
Therefore, is not he who disregards them quite as much a criminal as the one who
offends against Moses’ laws?’
14. Say I, ‘With you indeed, but not with Me. - Moses demanded that you should love
and respect your parents, but you say, and the priests even bid you do this, “Who
instead sacrifices in the temple, for him it is better as thereby he redeems himself
from this law.” But if now a man faces up to you and says, “You are deniers of God
and miserable deceivers, abolishing because of your greed the law of Moses,
substituting another for it by which you torment poor mankind!” -behold, therein also
that man had offended against you, and at the threshold of the door you delivered
him to judgement. Tell Me, had this worthy man deserved it or are not you by far
worse offenders against Moses?’
15. Here the Jew became angry and walked away to his other companions whom he
told all that he had heard from Me. They shook their heads and said, ‘Strange. How
could this man know about it?’ -But I left that spot and went with My followers to a
small inn outside the city where I stayed for several days.
At the inn outside Jerusalem
Chapter 16
The spiritual meaning of the cleansing of the temple.
1. As told here, this is a rather brief account of the historical, natural course the two
events recorded in the second chapter had taken, for some other things had
happened here and there which were insignificant and would only prolong this
account unnecessarily and besides would not render the matter more important or
provide any deeper knowledge. So only a brief explanation of the spiritual meaning of
the second event is required, and this second chapter may be considered finished as
far as the two main events are concerned which are described to the reader and
2. The spiritual meaning of the first event at Cana-in-Galilee has already been given,
so that only the spiritual meaning of the second event must be dealt with. And this is
as follows:
3. The temple represent man in his natural-worldly sphere. In the temple, as also in
man, there is the Holy of Holies. Hence also the exterior of the temple should be kept
hallowed and pure so that the innermost, as the Holy of Holies of the temple as well
as of man, many not be desecrated.
4. The Holy of Holies of the temple is, to be sure, covered by a thick curtain and only
the high priest may on certain occasions enter the Holy of Holies by himself. But the
curtain and also the rarely allowed visit to the Holy of Holies is a protection against its
desecration. For if someone sins with his body he not only defiles his body, but also
his soul and through it his spirit which in every human being represents, and really is,
the innermost and holiest. This Holy of Holies in man, just as the same in
correspondence in the temple, has been placed as the same in correspondence in the
temple, has been placed deeply behind a thick curtain, and only pure love for God,
which in every man is God’s truest high priest, is allowed to penetrate into this Holy
of Holies unpunished and lift the curtain. If, however, this sole high priest in man
becomes defiled by attaching himself to impure worldly things, making common cause
with them, how can the Holy of Holies remain undefiled if it is visited by an unclean
high priest?
5. If, therefore, in the temple as well as in man everything has become unclean, man
is no longer able to cleanse it, for if the broom is full of filth and dirt, how can it be
used for cleaning a room? Then, I am afraid, I Myself must take this work in hand and
cleanse the temple by force, and that through all kinds of painful experiences like
various illnesses and apparent accidents, so that the temple might be cleansed.
6. “Dealers” and “buyers” are the low, unclean passions in man, the cattle offered for
sale represents the lowest animal sensuousness and at the same time also the
resulting great foolishness and blindness of the soul whose love may be compared to
that of an ox that even lacks the sensual procreative and sexual love and is only
motivated by the grossest polyp-like gluttonous love and whose cognition is equal to
the well-known intellectual power of the sheep.
7. And what do the money-changers and their money dealings denote? -They denote
and represent in man all that emerges from man’s already quite brutish self-love, for
the animal loves only itself, and a wolf will devour another if he is hungry. These
“money-changers”, or such brutish self-love, must therefore also be painfully and
forcefully removed from man, and everything that animates this love must be upset
and scattered.
8. Why not completely destroyed? Because also this type of love must not be
deprived of its freedom, for the noble seed or the grain of wheat will grow best in a
field well manured with such dung and yield a rich harvest. If all the manure were
removed from the field to cleanse it, as it were, from all the dirt, the grain of wheat
would prosper only poorly and be sure to yield a very bad harvest.
9. The dung which is initially carried onto the field in heaps has to be spread so as to
serve the filed. If it were left lying in great heaps, it would suffocate everything where
it is lying and be of no use to the other parts of the field.
10. This is at the bottom of the story of the cleansing of the temple in the Gospel.
And because of this I only scattered the money of the money-changers and did not
destroy it completely, which I could easily have done.
11. What then do the pigeon-dealers inside the temple denote who too had to
withdraw and return to the places originally allocated to them?
12. They are to be understood as the external virtues consisting in all kinds of
ceremony, custom, courtesy, etc, in a purely worldly sense which, however, men’s
blindness raises to an inner life value and tries to make true life to strike roots
13. The pigeon is a creature of the air, and since it was used in the orient often as a
carrier of mail, especially in matters of love, and because of that already with the
ancient Egyptians as a hieroglyph represented tender and nice conversation, it served
as a symbol for such conversation in the temple and was at the same time an
ordinary and correspondingly symbolic sacrificial creature, which was usually
sacrificed in the temple by young married couples when their first child had been
born, as a sign that they now had done away with such external messages, niceness
and ceremonial airs and passed into true, inner, life-giving love.
14. However, according to the order of all things the outermost belongs to the
outermost. The bark being something quite dead, must never be contained in the
marrow of the tree, but everything that belongs to the bark must also be deposited in
the bark. The bark is most useful to the tree when in a proper measure in its rightful
place. If someone would push the bark into the marrow of the tree having first
removed the marrow, the tree would soon have to dry up and die.
15. And thus as an indication that men should not make external virtues a matter of
inner life, whereby noble man would become no more than a conversation-puppet
(warehouse), these pigeon-dealers, as in a broad sense all formalities, endeavouring
to raise their merchandise to the status of inner life-values, were also expelled from
the temple by Me and ordered to their proper place, only in a somewhat gentler way.
16. So this is the spiritual meaning of the cleansing of the temple; and from the
correct and unchangeable correspondence between man and temple, it can also be
recognised that no man, but only God alone, as eternal wisdom, who sees and knows
everything can ever act and speak like this.
17. But why does not the Lord remain in the temple after such a sweeping?
18. Because He alone knows what man’s inner being must be like so that He may
take up permanent residence in man. Besides, after such a cleansing, man must not
be deprived of his freedom lest he become a puppet.
19. Therefore, the Lord cannot yet entrust Himself to such a forcefully cleanswept
inner man, for He alone knows what is required for a full restoration of the inner man.
That is why the sweeper walks out of the temple and, as if accidentally, flows from
the outside into man’s within not submitting to man’s request to stay with and within
him which would only support man’s indolence. Man has to awaken to complete
spontaneity, thereby only becoming a perfect man, which will be described in detail in
the next chapter.
Chapter 17
Healing miracles and late guests at the inn.
1. There was one of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the
Jewish Council.
1. That after the cleansing of the temple I spent some time at a small inn outside the
city together with all those who had followed Me has already been mentioned in the
previous chapter. But everybody might come up with the question:
2. “What were You doing there, Lord; for You surely did not spend that time in
3. To that I say, ‘Of course not! For a great number of people from all walk of life
came to Me from the city by day and night. The poor came usually by day, the great,
distinguished and rich mostly by night, for they did not want to appear weak and
treacherous to their own kind.
4. But since they - motivated partly by their curiosity, partly by a kind of credulous
feeling for the possibility that I might after all really be the Messiah - were prompted
to get better acquainted with me, their visits which took place during the night usually
ended with considerable sulking on their part. For these distinguished, great and rich
were greatly annoyed that I did not treat them at least as gently and well as many of
the poor who had no end of praise for My kindness and friendliness.
5. Besides, I worked many a miracle for the poor as a physician, freed the possessed
from their tormentors, made the lame walk, the palsied straight, the leprous clean,
the dumb hear and speak, the blind see, and all this mostly through the Word.
6. Those who came to Me by night knew of all that and wanted similar signs from me
to which I always remarked, ‘The day has twelve hours and so has the night. The day
is meant for work, but the night for rest. Who works during the day does not knock
against objects, but this easily happens to the one who works at night, for he does
not see where he sets his foot.’
7. But some asked Me by what might and power I performed such miracles. The quite
short answer was this, ‘Out of My very own, and I do not need anybody’s help for it.’
8. Again they asked My why I did not take quarters in the city, as such great deeds
required a large place and not just a small, insignificant village which, although close
to the great city, is quite ignored by it.
9. Thereupon I again said, ‘I do not care to stay in a place where at the gates of its
self-conceited citizens soldiers are keeping watch, admitting only the distinguished,
but mercilessly refusing admittance to the poor and where a person, if his face is not
familiar and his attire not sufficiently magnificent, is stopped at least seven times in
every street and interrogated as to who he is, where he is from and what he is doing
there. Besides, I only like what is small and despised by the world, for it is written:
“What is great before the world is an abomination before God.”
10. And they asked saying, ‘Is not the temple wherein Jehovah dwells great and
magnificent?’ - Say I, ‘He is supposed to dwell therein, but since you desecrated the
temple He left it and does not dwell there any more, and the Ark of the Covenant is
empty and dead.’
11. Say the night-visitors, ‘What is this sacrilegious nonsense you are talking about?
Don’t you know what God has spoken to David and Solomon? Can what God has
spoken ever become untrue? Who are you that you dare to speak before us like that?’
12. Say I, ‘Just as I have within and out of Myself the might and power to heal all the
sick who come to Me solely through My will and My Word, I have also the might and
power and the fullest right to speak to you of the temple as I did. And I tell you once
more that now also your temple is an abomination in the eyes of God.’
13. Here some began to grumble, but others said, ‘This is obviously a prophet and
these have always spoken unfavourably of the temple. Let us leave him alone!’ And
so the night-visitors left again.

Chapter 18
The Lord's discussion with Nicodemus. Purification of the soul through
humility. [John 3:2-5]
1. During the last but one night of My stay in the vicinity of Jerusalem, a certain
Nicodemus came to me, also by night because he was a person of high rank in
Jerusalem. He was not only a Pharisee - who as far as his office, high rank and
reputation were concerned could be roughly compared to what at the present time a
cardinal in Rome stands for - but he was also a very rich citizen of Jerusalem and
chief of the Jewish Council in this city; he was the lord mayor over the entire city,
appointed for this office by Rome.
2. He came to Jesus by night and said to him: "Master, we know that You are
a teacher (prophet) sent by God; no one could perform these signs of yours
unless God were with him."
2. This one, as the head of Jerusalem in civic matters, came personally to Me by night
and said, ‘Master, forgive me that I come to you so late at night and disturb you in
your rest, but when I heard that you will be leaving here tomorrow already, I did wish
to pay my respects to you, because I and several of my colleagues, after observing
your deeds, are now convinced that you have come to us as a true prophet sent by
God, For no one can perform the signs you do, except Jehovah be with him.
Therefore, since you are obviously a prophet and must see in what a bad way we are,
although the Kingdom of God has been promised to us by your predecessors, would
you be good enough to tell me when this will come and, if it does come, what will be
required of one to enter it?’ ????
3. Jesus answered, saying: "In truth, in very truth I tell you: Unless a man
has been born over again he cannot see the Kingdom of God."
3. My answer to this question of Nicodemus was quite as brief as quoted in the verse,
namely, ‘In truth, in very truth I tell you: Unless a man has been born over again, he
cannot see the Kingdom of God, least of all enter it’, which is to say: ‘If you do not
awaken your spirit through ways I show you by My teaching and acts, you cannot
even recognise the divine life within My Word, let alone penetrate into its life-giving
4. That the otherwise upright Nicodemus - as is shown in the following - did not
understand My words and promptly proved them to be true, namely, that the divine
life of My Word cannot be comprehended from a distance unless one's spirit is wide-
awake, is clearly and plainly shown by the next verse according to which Nicodemus
asks Me, quite disconcerted by My words:
4. Nicodemus says to him: "How can a man be born again when he is old?
Can he enter his mother's womb a second time and be born?"
5. ‘But dear Master, what a peculiar thing have you said? How is it possible for a man
to be born again? Can a man who has grown tall, old and stiff enter his mother's
womb through the narrow little door and then be born a second time? This, dear
Master, is quite impossible. Either you do not know anything about the coming
Kingdom of God, at least not the right thing, or you know, but do not wish to tell me,
fearing that I might have you seized and thrown into prison. Oh, do not fear that, for
I have never yet had anyone deprived of his freedom, except a murderer or bad thief.
- You are a great benefactor of poor mankind and have healed almost all the sick in
Jerusalem in a miraculous way through God's power within you. How could I then lay
violent hands upon you?’
6. ‘Do believe me, dear Master, I am, taking the expected Kingdom of God very
seriously. Therefore, if you do know any details about it, tell me in a way I can
understand. Present heavenly things with heavenly and earthly things with earthly
words in well comprehensible pictures, otherwise your information is of less use to me
than the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs which I cannot read, let alone understand. I
only know from my calculations that the Kingdom of God must already be here, but
so far I do not know where and how one can enter it and be received into it. I would
like you to answer this question for me quite clearly, so that I can understand it.’
5. Jesus answered: "In truth I tell you: no one can enter the Kingdom of God
without being born from water and spirit.
7. To this reiterated question I gave Nicodemus exactly the same answer as it
appears in the above quoted fifth verse. It differs from the previous one only in that
here it is stated out of what one must actually be reborn in order to enter the
Kingdom of God, namely, out of water and spirit which means to say as much as:
8. The soul must be cleansed with the water of humility and self-denial (for water is
the most ancient symbol of humility; it allows everything to be done with it, serves in
all things and always seeks for itself the lowest places on earth, fleeing the heights)
and only then by the spirit of truth, which an impure soul cannot ever conceive. An
impure soul is like the night, whereas truth is a sun full of light, which causes to be
day all around it.
9. Therefore, whoever absorbs truth into his soul cleansed through humility and really
recognises this as such, is set free in spirit through this truth. This freedom of the
spirit, or the entering of the spirit into such freedom, is then also the actual entering
into the Kingdom of God.
10. But I did not give Nicodemus such an explanation, because in his sphere of
cognition he would have comprehended it even less than the short, veiled principle
itself. Therefore, he asked Me again how this was to be understood.
6. "Flesh can give birth only to flesh: It is the spirit that gives birth to spirit."
11. But I answered as is written in the above quoted sixth verse, namely, ‘You should
not be at all surprised that I speak to you in this way, for behold, what comes from
the flesh is again flesh, thus dead matter or an external envelopment of life, whereas
what comes from the spirit is also spirit or eternal life and truth in itself.’
12. However, Nicodemus is still unable to grasp this, He shrugs his shoulders and is
increasingly astonished, not so much at the matter, but at the fact that he, as a most
wise Pharisee versed in all Scripture is unable to comprehend the meaning of My
words, for he thought a great deal of his own wisdom and had been promoted to the
office of Chief of the Jewish Council because of his great wisdom.
13. Therefore, he was all the more astonished that in Me he had now unexpectedly
found a master, who offered him very strange wisdom-nuts to crack. Since he found
this quite beyond him, he asked Me again, ‘Well - how is this again to be understood?
Can a spirit become pregnant and give birth to one of its kind?’
14. Say I to him, ‘I have already told you that you should not be so astonished when
I say: You must all be born over again.
15. For behold, the wind blows where it will. You hear its sound, but you still do not
know where it originally comes from. It is the same with everyone who comes from
the spirit and speaks to you. You do see and hear him, but since he speaks to you in
his spiritual way, you do not grasp it, nor do you understand from where he received
it or what he actually says and means. But because you are an honest man of
wisdom, it will be given you in due course that you can grasp and understand such
9. Nicodemus replied: "Master, how is this possible?"
16. Here Nicodemus shakes his head doubtfully and says after a while, ‘Then I would
like to hear from you how this is possible. for what I know and understand, I do know
and understand in my flesh. Once my flesh has been taken from me, I shall hardly be
able to grasp and understand anything any longer. - How, oh how do I as flesh
become a spirit, and how will another spirit then absorb my spirit and this be born
again? - How, oh how can this be possible at all?’
10. Jesus answered and said to him: "You as a master of Israel do not know
17. Say I to him, ‘What? You are a wise master in Israel and cannot comprehend
this?! - But if you, as a master of Scripture, cannot grasp this, what shall become of
the many others who hardly know from the Scripture that there have once been an
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
18. In very truth, believe Me. We, that is I and My disciples, who have come from
the spirit, are here not speaking with you purely spiritually, but quite naturally, and
convey to you in natural earthly pictures what we know and have seen in the spirit,
and you all cannot grasp and understand it.
19. If you are already unable to grasp such an easy thing in comprehensible words,
when I talk to you in the earthly way of spiritual things which thereby become as if
earthly things, I would like to know how your belief would react if I talked to you of
heavenly things in a purely heavenly way.
20. I tell you: Only the spirit that is spirit in and out of itself knows what constitutes
spirit and what its life. The flesh, however, is only an outer bark unaware of the spirit,
except the spirit reveals itself to the cover, the bark. Your spirit is still too much
dominated and covered by the flesh and, therefore, not aware of itself, but the time
will come when your spirit, as I already told you, will become free. Then you will
comprehend and accept our testimony.’
21. Says Nicodemus, ‘Dear Master, you wisest of the wise. Oh, do tell me clearly
when, oh when this so ardently awaited time will come.’
22. Thereupon I answered, saying, ‘My friend, you are not yet mature enough that I
may tell you the time, day and hour. Look, until the new wine has not properly
fermented it remains turbid, and if you pour it into a crystal cup and hold the cup
against he sun, its mighty light will be unable to penetrate through the turbidity of the
new wine. It is the same also with man. Not until he has properly fermented and
through this process of fermentation eliminated all impurity from his within, can the
light of the heavens permeate his being. But I will now tell you something; if you do
understand, you will know the time. So listen.’

Chapter 19
Earthly images of spiritual things. [John 3:6-12]
1. That which is born out of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is born out of the spirit,
is spirit. I answered him what is written in the above verse 6. That is: “Do not be
surprised that I speak to you in this manner. Because that which comes from the
flesh is also flesh, whether dead material or as an outer cover of the flesh, but what
comes from the spirit, that is also spirit or the eternal life and the truth itself.”
2. But Nicodemus still did not understand. He shrugs his shoulders and is more and
more surprised, not so much about the subject, but about the fact that he as a very
wise Pharisee who thoroughly knows the Schripture, is not able to understand the
meaning of what I said, for he was very convinced about his own wisdom and was
also chosen to be chief of the Jews because of his great wisdom.
3. That is why he was very surprised that he unexpectedly found a master in Me who
gave him very strange wisdom nuts to crack. Since he did not know what to think, he
asked Me once more: “Yes, how should this be understood now? Can a spirit also
become pregnant and then give birth to a new spirit?”
4. (Do not be surprised about what I said to you: you must be born again.” John 3:7).
I said to him: “I already told you not to be surprised that I said to you: you must all
be born again.”
5. (The wind blows to where it wants, and although you can hear its rustle, you do
not know from where it originated and where it goes. So is everyone who is born out
of the spirit. John 3:8). Because the wind blows where it wants, and you can hear its
rustle, but despite that, you do not know from where it originated. The same as when
you speak to someone who comes from the spirit. Although ou can see and hear him,
but because he speaks to you in his spiritual way, you do not understand or perceive
what he says or from where it comes what he says, neither what he means by that.
But since you are a righteous wise person, it will be given to you at the right moment
to absorb these things in you and understand them.”
6. (Nicodemus answered and said to Him: “How can these things happen?” John 3:9).
At these words, Nicodemus is startled and says after a while: “Then I gladly would
like to hear from You, how this can happen, because what I know and understand, I
know and understand it by my body. When the body will be taken away from me, I
hardly will understand and perceive anything. How, how can I turn from body into
spirit and how can my spirit then have another spirit and give birth again?”
7. (Jesus answered him: “But you are a teacher in Israel and you do not know this?
John 3:10). I said to him: “But you are one of the wisest teachers in Israel and you
still cannot perceive and understand this? If you, as a master of the Scripture, cannot
even understand this, then how will all the others take it who hardly know more than
there had been an Abraham, an Isaak and a Jacob?”
8. (Truly, truly, I say to you: we speak of what we know, and we testify of what we
have seen, and you do not like our testimony and do not accept it.” John 3:11).
9. “But if you cannot perceive and understand something simple as this, while I speak
in a completely earthly manner about spiritual things that become by that simple
earthly things, then I wonder what your faith will do if I would talk to you about
heavenly things in an heavenly manner.
10. I say to you: the spirit which is spirit in itself, can only know what is spirit and
what its life is about. The flesh however is only an outer bark and knows nothing of
the sprit, unless the spirit reveals it to the covering, the bark. But you spirit is still to
much controlled and covered by your flesh, and therefore it does not know it. But
once your spirit, as I told you before, will become free. Then you will understand and
accept our testimony.”
11. Now Nicodemus asks: “Dear Master, You wisest Man of all wise men, please tell
me in an understandable manner when that time will come, which I expect so
12. On this, I answered: “My friend, you are still not ripe enough to tell you the time,
the day and the hour. Look, as long as the new wine is not sufficiently fermented, it
remains turbid, and when you put it into a cristal cup and keep the cup in the
sunlight, then even this exceptional light cannot go through it. And this is exactly how
it is with man. As long as he is not sufficiently fermented, and has removed all the
impure things by the process of fermentation, the heavenly light cannot penetrate his
being. But I nevertheless will tell you something. When you understand that, you will
easily be able to determine when it will happen. So listen to Me.”

Chapter 20
Continuation of the discussion: Nicodemus fails to understand. [John 3: 13-
1. The Lord, ‘Behold, no one ascends to heaven except the one who has come down
from heaven, namely, the Son of Man who resides in heaven. And as Moses in the
wilderness lifted up a serpent, thus also the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that all
who believe in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life. Tell Me, do you understand
2. Says Nicodemus, ‘Dear Master, how could I understand it? You possess a strange
kind of wisdom. As I mentioned before, it might be easier for me to read the ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs than understand your wisdom. I must now honestly admit that if
I were not captivated by your mighty deeds, I would have to regard you as a fool or
one who likes to play tricks, for no sensible man has ever spoken the way you do. But
your deeds show that you have come to us as a teacher from God, and you must
possess an abundance of divine might and wisdom without which no one is able to
perform such acts.
3. And where the ‘one’ is purely divine, also the ‘two’ must be of God. Your deeds,
dear Master, are divine and so must also be your teaching about the Kingdom of God
on earth, whether I comprehend it or not. If I now form a somewhat worldly
viewpoint, look at the thesis, ‘No one ascends to heaven, except the one who has
come down from heaven,’ namely, the Son of Man who resides in heaven, I am at a
loss to understand. Dear Master, since Enoch and Elias hardly any man on earth
would have been so fortunate as to visibly ascend to heaven. You may become the
third. And if you perhaps do become the third, would that be of any use to all other
men who, because they had not come down from heaven, could not ever attain to the
4. Besides, you said that the One who had come down from heaven is only apparently
on earth, but in truth still in the heavens. According to this, for the present just
Enoch, Elias and maybe later on also you, would be the only ones to participate in the
Kingdom of God that is to come, whereas all the other millions upon millions may lay
themselves in their damp dark grave for all eternities and thanks to God's grace and
mercy once more turn into earth and finally vanish.’
5. Dear Master, such a Kingdom of God on earth is declined with thanks by the poor
earthworms who - ridiculous enough from every aspect - are called "men". Who does
not know that this is how it is and has always been? One swallow does not make a
summer, nor do three. What had Enoch done and what Elias that they were received
into heaven from earth? Actually nothing else but what their heavenly nature made
them do. Thus they had no merit, and according to your explanation just now, they
were only received into heaven from the earth because, like you, they had come from
the heavens.
6. Look, this offers poor mankind on this harsh earth very little hope and practically
no comfort. But as I already told you earlier, this does not change the fact that I
consider your teaching still divine and supremely wise, although, as I already proved
in one of your assertions, looked at with the natural reason it is and must be plain
folly, which you will realise as well as I do.
7. But what you mean with the lifting up of the Son of Man, similar to that of the
brazen serpent of Moses in the wilderness and how and why all those are to have
eternal life who believer in the serpent-like lifted-up Son of Man, that already borders
on the parabolic, that is, on something that in itself is utter nonsense. Who is this Son
of Man? - Where is he now? - What is he doing? - Does he, too, like Enoch and Elias,
come from the heavens? - Is he still going to be born? What are people who have
surely never seen him, like I, supposed to believe concerning this Son of Man; Ho can
he come to this earth if he is still in heaven? Where is he going to be lifted up and
when? Will he thereby become an invincibly mighty king of the Jews?
8. Look, dear Master, this surely sounds most peculiar from the mouth of a man who
proves by his acts that he must be filled with divine power and might. However, as
already said, I shall not let all this confound me and am still regarding you as a great
prophet sent by God.
9. You may see from this that I am not one of those who promptly reject a teaching
they do not comprehend. Therefore, I still ask you to give me a little more
explanation, for as things are I cannot possibly understand you. - Look, I am much
respected in the land of the Jews, especially in the City of Salem, where I am the
head of all the Jews. If I introduce you and your teaching, this will be accepted and
introduced whereas if I drop it, it will really be dropped and find no acceptance.
Therefore, be good enough and give me a little bit more light.’
10. Say I, ‘That was a lengthy discourse, and you have spoken like a man who knows
nothing of heavenly things. But it cannot be any different, for you are in the night of
the world and not inclined to see the light that has come from the heavens to illumine
the darkness of the world's night. You do possess a slight gleam, but still do not
recognise what is practically under your very nose.’
Chapter 21
Continuation of the discussion: about the mission of the Messiah, about
judgment and punishment. [John 3:16-21]
1. I say, ‘I tell you: God is love and the Son is His wisdom. And God loved the world
so much that He gave His only-begotten son, that is, His wisdom, emanating from
Him from eternity, into this world that all who believe in Him may not die but have
eternal life. - Tell Me, is this too incomprehensible to you?’
2. Says Nicodemus, ‘I have the feeling as if I should understand it, but then I really
do not understand. If only I knew where the Son of Man fits in, then I should be all
right. You also spoke of God's only-begotten Son, whom God's love gave into the
world. Are the `Son of Man' and `God's only-begotten Son' one and the same
3. Say I, ‘Look here. I have a head, a body and hands and feet. The head, the body,
hands and feet are flesh, and this flesh is the Son of Man, for what is flesh comes
from the flesh, but in this Son of Man who is flesh there dwells God's wisdom, and
that is God's only-begotten Son. Not God's only-begotten Son, but only the Son of
Man will, like the brazen Moses-serpent in the wilderness, be lifted up, and many will
be taking offence at that. Those who do not take offence, but believe and will adhere
to His name, to them He will give the power to be called children of God, and their life
and kingdom will be everlasting.
4. You must not expect some judgement of the world as, for instance wars, floods or
even a fire from the heavens consuming all the heathens. For behold, God did not
send His only-begotten Son (divine wisdom) into the world (into this human flesh) to
judge (destroy) this world, but to fully save it, that is, that also the flesh might not
perish, but may rise to eternal life together with the spirit. (Under flesh in this case
not so much the actual flesh of the body is to be understood, but rather the fleshly
desires of the soul.) However, in order to attain to this, the material feelings of
exaltation in the flesh must be eradicated by belief, namely belief in the Son of Man
that He has come into the world, born from eternity out of God, so that all shall have
eternal life who believe in His name and adhere to it.
5. Whosoever, be he Jew or Gentile, will believe in Him, shall not ever be judged and
thereby perish, but the one who will take offence at the Son of Man and not believe in
Him, then already judged, for the fact that he will not and cannot believe because his
feeling of exaltation causes him to take offence at the name and nature of the Son of
Man, is already such a man's judgement. Do you understand this now? I have
presented it to you with great clarity.’
6. Says Nicodemus, ‘Yes, yes, I halfway do understand the meaning of your highly
mystical words, but they appear to have been spoken to no purpose, as long as the
by you so highly regarded Son of Man in whom there dwells the fullness of God's
wisdom is not present and you are either unable or unwilling to give details of the
time and place where he will be appearing.
7. Thus also your judgement, which you connect mainly with unbelief, sounds rather
mysterious. If the judgement is neither a flood nor war or pestilence and also not a
consuming fire, but only unbelief as such, to tell the plain truth, dear Master, I still
cannot grasp the meaning of your words. For whoever does not comprehend just one
or maybe two points of a speech fundamentally does not comprehend the entire
speech. What actually does your `judgement' mean? What new meaning do you
ascribe to this concept?’
8. Say I, ‘My friend, soon I too could say to you: I find it hard to understand why you
are unable to grasp the perfectly clear sense of My words. You say you do not
understand the concept of `judgement' and I have made it so plain to you.
9. Behold, this is the judgment that now the God-light from the heavens has come
into the world, but men having been released from the darkness and set into the light
still by far prefer the darkness to the God-light now in abundance before their eyes.
That men reject the light is proved by their works which are evil all through.
10. Where can you find an initial complete faith, where the right piety? Where does
one love another, except he has some selfish motive? Where are those now who
loved their wife for the sake of fertility? they love the young harlots for sensual
pleasure, lechery and harlotry. for he who carries on with the other sex in downright
idolatry of lust and fornication commits true harlotry, and this the evil of all evils. -
Where is there a thief who would take a lamp and steal visibly?
11. Behold, all those who are ill-disposed and act accordingly are the ones whose
works are bad. '"Whosoever loves and practices such acts is an enemy of the light,
hates it and will do all in his power to avoid it, so that his evil works, which he knows
are tabooed by the light and judged, should not in the light be recognised in their
ugliness and punished.
12. And behold, therein consists the actual judgement, but what you understand as
judgment, is not the judgement, but only a punishment following the judgment.
13. If you enjoy walking in the night, that is already a judgement of your soul, since
you prefer the night to the day. But if you then knock against something and hurt
yourself badly or even fall into a hole or deep ditch, such a knocking or fall is not the
judgement, but only the consequence of the judgement within you who love the night
and hate the day.
14. If, however, you are a friend of the light, the day and the truth out of God, you
will also act in accordance with divine truth and will surely long for your works to
come to the light and be revealed to everyone, for you know that your works,
because they were done in the light of truth out of God, are good and righteous and
thus deserve appreciation and visible reward.
15. Therefore, who is a friend of the light will not walk in the night but by day, and he
will recognise the light immediately, because he is from the light, and this light is
called - faith of the heart.
16. Thus, whoever believes in the Son of Man that Jew is a light out of God, has
already life within him. But who does not believe, has already the judgment within
him, and the judgement is the very unbelief.
17. I think you will have understood Me now.’

Chapter 22
Continuation of the discussion. "There is no truth in man, except only love."
1. Says Nicodemus, ‘Except for one thing everything is now clear to me, but the One
is still missing, and that is the remarkable Son of Man himself without whom all your
wise words with the splendid explanations are completely lost. What use is to me the
belief or the best and firmest will to believe in the son of Man if he himself is not
there? One cannot create for oneself a Son of Man from the air or purely an idea. Tell
me, therefore, where I may find this eternal Son of God and be assured that I will
fully believe in him.’
2. Say I, ‘If I had not realised that, you would never have received these explanations
from Me. But you came to Me by night and not by day, although you had heard and
seen much of what I have done. However, since you came to Me during the natural
night as well as the corresponding night of your soul, it is not hard to understand that
you do not yet see your way concerning the `Son of Man'.
3. I tell you: If someone seeks the Son of Man by night, afraid to do so during the
day in front of all the people, thus risking his reputation, he will not find what he is
seeking. for you, as a very wise man among the Hews, will surely know that the
night, whatever kind of night it may be, is not at all suitable for seeking and finding. -
Therefore, who seeks the Son of Man must seek him by day and not by night, then he
will allow himself to be found.
4. Only that I tell you: Go to John who because of the water is at present baptising at
Aenon near Salim. He will tell you whether the only-begotten Son of God is already
here or not. There you shall get to know him.’
5. Says Nicodemus, ‘Oh, oh, dear Master, that will not be easy, for all my days are
too busy. Bear in mind that in the city and nearest surroundings there are dwelling,
including aliens, over 800,000 people whom I, as there head, have in my care. In
addition to that I have to attend daily to temple business which cannot be put off. If
this grace is not bestowed upon me here in Jerusalem, I shall have to forgo it. Look, I
need for this undertaking at least three full days, and in my business this would be
like three years for another person.
6. Therefore, you must forgive me if I cannot follow your advice, but whenever you
should come to Jerusalem with your disciples, do come to me and I will provide good
lodgings for all of you. You and all those who are with you shall always have a sincere
friend and well-wisher in me. My house, which is large enough to put up a thousand
people, is situated on the David Square inside the Gate of Solomon, also called the
`Golden Gate'. Whenever you come, it will be completely at your disposal. Whatever
is in my power shall always be done to serve you. If you ever need something, tell
me, and I shall provide it.
7. For behold, a great change has taken place within me. I love, my dear Master,
more than anything I have ever valued, and this love tells me in a way: You yourself
are the One for whose sake you bade me to Aenon to John. Maybe it is not as I feel it
within me, but be that as it may, I love you with all my heart since I recognise in you
a great Master of true divine wisdom. Your deeds, the likes of which no one before
you has ever performed, have filled me with deepest wonder, but your great wisdom
had captivated ,my heart even more for you, you dear Master. I love you. Do tell me
whether my heart gives a right testimony about you?’
8. Say I, ‘Have a little more patience and everything will become clear to you, In a
short while I will return to you and be your guest, then you shall come to know
9. But do follow the prompting of your heart, which will teach you in a moment more
than all the five books of Moses and all the prophets. for behold, nothing in man is
true, except Love! Therefore, adhere to it and you will be walking by day. - But now
about something else.
10. I will now go into Judaea where I shall preach the Kingdom of God. You are the
highest administrator over this land. Not for My own sake, but for the sake of My
disciples, do let Me have a security pass as used among the Hews in accordance with
the Roman law, so that they do not have any trouble with customs and tolls. Children
are, of course, free, but they must be registered as such. It would actually be easy for
Me to pass everywhere free and unhampered with legions, but I do not wish to cause
annoyance to anyone and, therefore, submit to the law of Rome.’
11. Says Nicodemus, ‘You shall have that immediately, dear Master, I shall write it
out myself and bring it to you in an hour, for it is not far to my house from here.’
12. Nicodemus now hurries home and already in half an hour brings the requested
security pass. When we were in possession of this pass on a piece of parchment, I
blessed the uptight Nicodemus in My heart. He took his leave with tears in his eyes
and asked Me once more to make use of his house on My return to Jerusalem which I
also promised him. But I advised him to keep the temple clean and he promised this
solemnly. Thus we parted in the morning.
In the land of Judaea surrounding Jerusalem
Chapter 23
About the baptism with water and with the spirit.
[John 3: 22-26]
22. After this, Jesus went into Judea with his disciples, stayed there with
them, and baptised.
1. When day had fully dawned, we got on our way and went into Judaea which,
actually belonging to Jerusalem, surrounded this city in the same way as today a
district lies around its principal town. One could easily walk through the whole land in
a few days.
2. And what did I actually do in this land? The verse says that I was staying there
with them and then baptised. Here arise the questions who, in fact, “they” were and
what it means that I stayed with them. “They” are above all the disciples, whose
number had again increased by a few in Jerusalem, but then also all those who
believed in and sympathised with My teaching.
3. And all those who adopted My teaching in full faith were openly baptised by Me
with water, but secretly with the spirit of My eternal love and wisdom and thereby
obtained the power to be called “God’s children”. That is what I was doing as I was
staying there. The teaching and what I did was partly recorded by the other three
evangelists and need not be stated here. This actually consisted mainly in illustrating
all the serious defects from which the Jews and Pharisees were suffering and in
preaching the love for God and one’s neighbour.
4. First I described all the weakness, admonished the sinners to repent, warned all
who adopted My teaching against reverting to the old leaven of the Pharisees and, in
corroboration of My most gentle teaching, performed miraculous acts needed for
these so very materialistic times. I also healed many sick, freed the possessed from
the unclean spirits and took on more and more disciples.
23. John too was still baptising at Aenon, near to Salim, because water was
plentiful in that region, and people were constantly coming for baptism.
24. This was before John’s imprisonment.
5. As I was travelling through the land of Judaea, I also came to the area where John
was baptising in the small desert at Aenon near Salim because there was plenty of
water, whereas in the region of Bethabara the Jordan had very little water and the
same was muddy, dirty and full of foul-smelling vermin. That is why John had
changed his location, preached his severe penitential sermons at Aenon and there
baptised the people who had adopted his teaching and done true penance.
6. Among those there were also many who had already adopted My teaching, but had
not yet been baptised by John. These asked Me whether it was necessary to be
baptised by John beforehand. And I said to them, ‘Only one thing is needed and that
is to actually comply with My teaching. But whosoever wishes to be cleansed by John
beforehand, while he is still doing this work, will only benefit from such a cleansing.’
When I had spoken thus, many went to have themselves baptised by John.
25. Some of John’s disciples had fallen into a dispute with Jews (who had
come there) about purification (ie, About My baptism with water compared
to John’s testimony).
7. A dispute arose about the purification by John and My baptism, for John’s disciples
could not understand that I, too, baptised with water, since they had heard John’s
testimony that I would not baptise with water, but with the Holy Spirit. Many Jews,
who were already My disciples, maintained that My baptism was a true baptism. For,
although I baptised with water like John, My baptism was the only valid one as I did
not baptise with natural water alone, but at the same time also with the water of
God’s Spirit, giving the baptised the obvious power to be called God’s children.
26. And they came to John and said, “Rabbi! The man who was with you on
the other side of the Jordan, to whom you bore witness (that he would
baptise with the Holy Spirit), here he is, baptising (with water), and crowds
are flocking to him!”
8. Following these discussions, John’s disciples went with the Jews to John and said,
‘Listen, Rabbi! The same man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan; to
whom you bore witness that he would baptise with the Holy Spirit, is now here in the
vicinity and baptises also with water as you do. How are we to understand this? Is
this Baptist really the One to whom you bore the great witness?’
9. John however said to his disciples, ‘Go and ask him: “Are you the one who is to
come or should we wait for another?” Pay good attention to what he will be telling
you and then tell me. Only then will I fully answer your query.’
10. Thereupon several of John’s disciples come to Me and ask Me as suggested by
John. But I give them the well-known answer, that they should tell John what they
have seen, namely, that the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear and how the
gospel of the Kingdom of God is being preached to the poor. And happy he who does
not take offence. - The disciples again return to John and immediately tell him what
they have seen and heard.
Chapter 24
The Baptist’s last and greatest witness to the Lord: “He must increase, but I
must decrease.”
[John 3: 27-36]
27. John’s answer was: “A man can have only what God gives him.”
1. But John collects himself and says to his disciples, ‘Listen, I am convinced of this: A
man cannot take anything, especially in things concerning the spirit, unless it is first
given him from the heavens. The unusual man who had Himself baptised by me on
the other side of the Jordan and above Whom I saw the Spirit of God descending from
the heavens in the form of a little cloud of light, as gently as a dove alighting upon its
nests, and to Whom I bore witness, could not as an ordinary man have taken what He
possess. He is more than an ordinary man and does appear to have the power
Himself to take from the heavens and to either keep what He has taken or pass it on
to whomsoever He wishes. And I believe that all of us received what we have from
His grace. Therefore, we cannot possibly tell Him what to do and how to do it. He
gives and we are the ones who take it from Him. He has His winnowing fan in His
hand and will sweep the floor of His barn, but burnt the chaff with the eternal fire and
use the ashes the way He sees fit.
28. “You yourselves can testify that I said that I am not the Messiah, but
sent as His forerunner.”
2. You yourselves are my witnesses that I told the priests and Levites, who had come
to me from Jerusalem, that I am not the Messiah, but sent as His forerunner. How
then could I find fault with what the One is doing Who has His own winnowing fan in
His hand? In whatever way He should sweep His threshing floor we cannot make rules
for Him. For the field (the world) is His, thus also the wheat (the children of God) and
the chaff (the children of the world or the devil), and His is the barn (heaven) and His
the fire (hell), which never goes out.
29. “It is the bridegroom (Lord) to whom the bride belongs. And the
bridegroom’s friend, who stand by and listens to him, is overjoyed at hearing
the bridegroom’s voice. This joy is now mine.”
3. Whoever has the bride (wisdom of the heavens) is a true bridegroom, but the
bridegroom’s friend standing by and listening to him is overjoyed, at hearing the
bridegroom’s voice. And look, this joy is now mine. But when the Lord Himself comes,
the herald’s mission is ended. For the herald’s sole duty is to announce the arrival of
the Lord. Once the Lord had arrived, the herald is no longer needed.
30. “As he increases, I must decrease.”
4. Therefore, I must now decrease, whereas He as the Lord must increase with the
men of this earth. You were always my disciples since I came to you as a messenger.
Has any one of you ever heard me boast about it? At all times I reserved the proper
honour for Him to whom it is due. When I testified that I was not good enough to
unfasten His shoes, I surely dud not raise myself above Him, but gave Him all the
honour people’s blindness wanted to show me. Therefore I repeat: Now my mission is
ended! Once the Lord has come Himself, the forerunner is no longer needed,
wherefore the messenger (the flesh) must now grow less, whereas He as the Lord
(the Spirit) must grow beyond all flesh. There is a vast difference between the herald
and Him who out of His own might sends the herald wherever He wishes.
31. “He who comes from above is above all others. He who is from the earth
belongs to the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.”
5. The one who has the power to give laws is above and the one who must obey is
below. - No one can rightly be above unless he originates from there. But he who
comes truly from above is above all others. He who is from the earth can never be
from above, but belongs to the earth and cannot speak other than of earthly things.
However, He who comes from heaven is above all, for He is the Lord and can,
therefore, do whatever He wishes. He can baptise with water, fire and spirit, for
everything is His
6. I still do not think that He Himself baptises with water, but only with fire of the
Spirit, whereas His disciples will baptise the people beforehand in the way I do it, that
is, all those who did not receive the baptism with water from me. The baptism with
water is no use to man unless followed by the baptism with the Spirit of God.
32. “And bears witness to what he has seen and heard, yet hardly anyone
accepts his witness.”
7. Water gives evidence of nothing but water and cleanses the skin from the earth’s
dirt. The Spirit of God, however, with which the Lord alone is able to baptise, since
God’s Spirit is His Spirit, testifies to God and that which only He at all times sees and
hears in God.
8. Unfortunately, so far hardly anyone accepts this holy witness, for what is mud
stays mud and rejects the Spirit, unless the mud first passes through the fire there to
become itself Spirit. A proper fire consumes everything except the Spirit, which is a
mighty fire itself. Therefore, the Lord’s spirit baptism will destroy many, and because
of that many will fear to accept it.
33. “But he who accepts keeps it sealed (within him) that God is true
(naturally within the One who bore witness to Him through the baptism with
the Spirit of God).”
9. However, he who will accept this baptism and its holy witness will keep sealed
within him from the world the knowledge that the One who baptised him with the
Spirit is truly God and alone able to give eternal life. Now you say within yourselves:
“Why keep sealed within oneself the heavens’ witness of God through God?” I have
already told you: Mud is and remains mud and spirit is and remains spirit. If,
however, mortal man, who is fundamentally mud, receives the spirit into his mud, will
he be able to keep the spirit, unless he preserves it carefully within, that is, in his
10. Or is there a certain measure according to which spirit is distributed so that
everyone may know how much spirit he received? If there is not such a measure, it is
up to temporal mud-man to establish in his heart such a measure for the received
spirit. And once the spirit has in this measure retired to permanent rest ands thus
filled up the new measure, only then does the mud-man realise within himself how
much of the spirit he has received.
11. What use would it be to you if by the sea you filled water into a perforated barrel?
Could you ever claim and recognise that you have drawn a given amount of water
from the, for you, immeasurable sea? If the barrel is well hooped, you will be able to
judge how much of the sea-water is contained in it. The water of the sea, however, is
the same throughout, whether in a large or small quantity - is of no importance. Thus
the sea as such is sea throughout, and wherever one may draw water from the sea,
be it much or little, he draws in every part sea-water and will only later know the
34. “For He whom God has sent utters the words of God. God gives His spirit
(to Him whom He sent) without measure (not as to a man, but in all His
12. Thus it is with the One who has come from God to bear witness to God and utter
the pure word of God. He Himself is the measureless sea (the Spirit of God). When He
gives someone of His Spirit, He does not give it in an endless measure, which only in
God can exist in endless abundance, but according to the measure present in man. If
a man wishes to obtain the Spirit, his own measure must not be defective and remain
open - it must be well hooped and well sealed.
13. He whom you have just seen and asked whether He were Christ has, although
externally also a Son of Man, received God’s Spirit not according to a man’s measure,
but according to the endless measure of God already from eternity; for He Himself is
the measureless sea of the Spirit of God within Him. His love represents the Father
from eternity, and this is not outside the visible Son of Man, but within Him, who is
the fire, the flame and the light from eternity in and form the Father.
35. “The Father loves the Son and has entrusted Him with all authority.”
14. This loving Father dearly loves His eternal Son, and all power and authority lie in
the hands of the Son, and everything we have according to the proper measure, we
have drawn from His measureless abundance. He Himself is by His own Word now a
man in the flesh among us, and His Word is God, spirit and flesh, and we call it the
“son”. Thus the Son is also within Himself the very life everlastingly.
36. “He who believes in the Son has eternal life. But he who does not believe
in the Son shall not see that life: God’s wrath rests upon him.”
15. Thus, he who accepts the Son and believes in Him has eternal life already within
him. For, just as God Himself is in every word His own most perfect eternal life, He is
that also in every man who absorbs His living Word and holds on to it. On the other
hand, he who does not accept the Word of God from the mouth of the Son, thus does
not believe in the Son, shall not and cannot receive life nor see and feel it within him,
and the wrath of God which is the judgement of all things that have no life, except
the one of the forever immutable law of compulsion, will rest upon him as long as he
does not believe in the Son.
16. I, John, have now told you all this and have borne all of you a fully valid witness.
With my own hands I have cleansed you from the dirt of the earth. Go now and
accept His Word, so that you may receive the baptism of His Spirit, for without that
all my efforts on your behalf are futile. I would like to go to Him myself, but He does
not want that and reveals it to me through my spirit that I should stay here, since I
have already received in the spirit what is still lacking in you.’
17. This is the last and greatest testimony by John concerning Me and does not
require any further explanation as it is already self-explanatory.
18. The reason, however, why it is not given in the Gospel in such detail is and
remains always the same; firstly, because in those days it was the way things had to
be written, namely, that only the main points were recorded and everything else,
which a person with a wide-awake spirit could easily understand anyway, was omitted
and, secondly, to prevent the living holy content in the Word from being defiled and
desecrated. Therefore, every such verse is a well-covered grain of seed with a latent
germ for an everlasting life and its immeasurable abundance of wisdom.

On the road to Samaria

Halt at Jacob’s well near Sychar
Chapter 25
The effects of grace with the Lord’s believers. The number of His followers
grows. False gospels. Furious persecution by the templers. [John 4: 1-6]
1. When the Lord learned that a report had reached the Pharisees that Jesus
was winning and baptising more disciples than John -
2. Although Jesus Himself did not baptise, but only His disciples -
3. Jesus left Judaea and set out once more for Galilee.
1. Following these words of John, his disciples soon joined Me, and the number of My
disciples kept growing from day to day, often from hour to hour. For everyone who
began to believe in Me and upon whom I, according to the measure of his faith and
following the baptism with water which was performed by My first disciples, had laid
My hands, became filled with spiritual strength and courage and lost all fear of
physical death.
2. Since many heard of this, they spread the news wherever they went, although I
had forbidden it. Besides, all My deeds also, often with additions and exaggerations,
were made known all over Judaea and with the Jews, who were always craving for
miracles, this naturally resulted in the fact that every day more and ore of them came
to Me and in many cases also stayed with Me.
3. But, regrettably, this had also the inevitable result that all this came to the ears of
the Pharisees and, as already mentioned, with additions and exaggerations, some of
which sounded so peculiar that even some Romans began to think that I would have
to be either Zeus himself or at least one of his sons.
4. The Romans also, sent investigators to Me, but they did not find what they had
been sent for. On those occasions I usually did not do any signs, so as to prevent
these superstitious people from becoming even more obtuse than they already were.
5. From these exaggerations there eventually originated quite a number of false
gospels which distorted the true one.
6. The Pharisees, these malicious and exceedingly jealous chiefs of the temple and
the Scripture, promptly began to consult together how to put a stop to our activities.
They planned either to do away with us in a seemingly harmless way or at least
provide for us a lifelong accommodation in an institution - nicely situated
underground - as they later on managed to arrange with Herod for John (the Baptist).
7. That I was quite aware of these noble intentions is, of course, obvious but, in order
to avoid scuffles and annoying rows, I had no option but to leave the ultramontane,
dark Judaea and go to the more liberal Galilee.
4. He had to pass through Samaria.
8. It was even not advisable to travel the direct road to Galilee, but rather through
Samaria which with the help of the Romans had already long since freed itself from
the Priesthood of the temple (an easy and desirable task for the Romans whose
principle it was anyway to split up the lands to make it easier to govern them).
9. Because of this, the Samaritans were in the eyes of the priesthood in Jerusalem
also the most despicable and blasphemous people on earth. On the other hand, the
priests of Jerusalem had with the Samaritans such a reputation that they usually
described the worst possible thing with the name of a temple priest. If, for instance, a
Samaritan in a state of unjustified agitation said to someone, “You Pharisee!” the thus
abused sued the offender who often had to pay for his indiscretion with a stiff fine and
imprisonment for years. Of course, it is obvious that a Pharisee or other priest would
have been ill-advised to enter Samaria. This proved most useful to Me and all those
who followed Me, for in Samaria we were safe from the evil persecution by the
5. He came to a Samaritan town called Sychar, near the little village that
Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
10. The road rant through Sychar, a town near the ancient little village which Jacob
gave his son Joseph on his birth, together with the inhabitants of the little village
consisting mainly of shepherds whom he received with Rachel as her dowry. The town
of Sychar was not exactly a leading city of this land, but many very wealthy
Samaritans were living there, as well as many a rich Roman, as this town was
beautifully situated and the whole region very healthy.
6. Now Jacob’s well was there. Since Jesus was tired after his journey. He
sat down on the stone curb of the well; and it was about the sixth hour.
11. According to the present calculation] of time, we set out from Judaea already at
about 4 o’clock in the morning, walked briskly without a rest and arrived at exactly 12
noon, which was then the 6th hour, at the ancient Jacob’s well which was situated
some 40 paces in front of the little village in the direction of Sychar. This well had a
very good spring, was enclosed by a curb gracefully chiselled in the old style and
surrounded by shady trees.
12. Since it was midsummer, the day was hot and My body had become very tired
after the strenuous journey. All those who had followed Me from Judaea and already
earlier from Galilee sought in their exhaustion shelter and a most desirable rest,
partly in the little village, partly under shady trees.
13. Even the first disciples, that is, Peter, My John the Evangelist, Andrew, Thomas,
Philip and Nathanael, threw themselves down in the rich grass under the trees. I
alone, although very tired too, seated Myself on the stone curb of the well knowing
beforehand that there soon would be a good opportunity to have a useful discussion
at the well with the stubborn but otherwise more open-minded Samaritans. At the
same time, I was already very thirsty and waiting for a vessel to draw water, for
which a disciple had gone into the village, but had not returned with it yet.
At Jacob’s well
Chapter 26
The Lord and the woman at Jacob’s well. About living water.
[John 4: 7-16]
7. There came a woman from Samaria (actually from the town of Sychar: She
was born in Samaria the capital of this land) to draw water from the well.
Jesus said to her: “Woman, give Me a drink!”
8. For His disciples had gone away to the town to buy food.
1. While I am still waiting in vain for a vessel from the little village, a Samaritan
woman from Sychar comes with a vessel just at the right moment on this hot day to
draw a delicious, refreshing drink from Jacob’s well. Only after she has drawn up on a
cord the vessel willed with water, without taking any notice of Me, I address her
saying, ‘Woman, I am very thirsty, let Me have a drink from your water jar.’
9. Says the Samaritan woman to Jesus: “What! You who are obviously a Jew
ask a drink of water of me, a Samaritan woman? For the (proud) Jews do not
associate with us (poor) Samaritans.”
2. The woman, seeing that I am Jew, is quite astonished and says after a while, ‘Are
you not one of those whim I met as they were entering the town and asking where
one could buy food? They were proud Jews. Judging by your apparel, you must be a
Jew too, and I am a Samaritan woman. How is it that you ask me for a drink of
water? He, you proud Jews, when help is needed, even a Samaritan woman is good
enough for you, but otherwise you no longer pay any attention to us. If I were able to
drown the whole of Judaea with this vessel of water, I would be only too pleased to
let you drink the desired water from this jar,. But otherwise I would rather watch you
die of thirst than offer you even a drop of water from it.
10. Jesus answered her: “If you only knew the gift of God and Who it is Who
says to you: ‘Give me a drink!’ - you would have asked Him and He would
have given you living water to drink!”
3. Say I, ‘You speak like that because you are blind in your perception. If you were
seeing and recognised the gift of God and who the one is who is speaking to you and
has said, “Woman, let Me have a drink”, then you would ask Him on your knees for
true water, and he would give you a drink of living water. I tell you: Whosoever
believes what I say to him, from his body will be flowing streams of the same living
water as is written in Isaiah 44:3 and Joel 3:1.’
11. Says the woman: “Sir! You have nothing with which to draw the water,
and the well is deep! Where else could you get a living water?”
4. Says the woman, ‘You seem to be well versed in the Scripture. But as I recognise
from your request for a drink of water from my jar that you have certainly no vessel
to draw water from this deep well, where no one could reach the water with his hand,
I would like to know how you could manage to procure it from somewhere? Or do you
wish to intimate to me in a veiled way that you desire to have an affair with me? I am
still young and attractive enough being not yet 30 years of age. But such a
proposition on the part of a Jew to a most despised Samaritan woman would be much
too surprising since you prefer animals to us Samaritan people. There is not a chance
that I could be persuaded to do this.’
12. “Are you a greater man than Jacob our ancestor, who gave us this
precious well, from which he drank himself, also his children and his cattle?”
5. Who and what are you that you dare speak to me like this? Are you maybe more
than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well and drank form it himself, and so did
his children and his cattle? What are you pretending to be? - Look, I am a poor
woman, for if I were rich I would not come myself in this heat to get a refreshing
drink. Do you, as a Jew, want to make me even more miserable than I already am?
Look at my clothes, which are hardly sufficient to cover my nakedness, and it will be
clear to you that I am very poor. How can you demand of me, a poor, miserable
woman, to even ask you, a proud Jew, to be allowed to serve you in lust? Shame on
you, if you are thinking of this. But actually you do not look as if you were like that
and, therefore, I do not really mean what I just said to you, but since you did start to
talk to me, tell me in plain language what you mean by your living water.’
13. Jesus said to her: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again.”
6. Say I, ‘I already told you that you are blind in your perception, and so it is
understandable that you cannot and will not grasp the meaning of My words. Behold,
I also told you: Who so ever believes in My words, from his loins streams of living
water will be flowing. Behold, I have already been in this world for 30 years and have
never yet touched a woman, why should I now suddenly desire you? Oh you blind,
foolish woman, And if id start an affair with you, you would surely get thirsty again
and need a drink to quench your thirst. If I offered you a living water, it is obvious
that with this I wanted to quench your life’s thirst forever. For, behold, My Word, My
teaching is such a water.
14. “Whoever drinks the water that I shall give him will never suffer thirst
any more. The water that I shall give him will be an inner spring for him
welling up into everlasting life!”
7. For whoever drinks the natural water of this or any other will soon be thirsty again.
But the one who drinks (accepts with faith into his heart) the spiritual water (My
teaching), which only I can give, will not ever be thirsty again, for the water I give to
anyone becomes an inner spring for him welling up into everlasting life.
8. You take Me to be a proud, arrogant Jew, but behold I am meek with all My soul
and full of the deepest humility. Thus, who does not become as humble as I am will
not participate in the Kingdom of God which has now descended to the earth.
9. At the same time the living water offered to you is the sole true cognition of God
and eternal life out of God, thus welling from God, the life of all life, into man as
eternal life where it becomes an inexhaustible, ever-present life, flowing back into
God’s life and producing in God one and the same freely active life. Behold, such a
water is what is what I am offering you. How could you misunderstand Me so much?’
15. Says the woman: “Sir! Give me that water and then I shall not be thirsty,
nor have to come all this way to draw water (which I find difficult)!”
10. Says the woman, ‘Then give me that water, so that I may never be thirsty and
need no longer go to all the trouble to come here to draw water from this well. For I
live at the other end of town and have to walk quite a distance to come here.’
16. Jesus says to her: “Go home, call your husband and come back (with
11. Say I, ‘O woman, you do not understand. There is no point in talking to you since
you are quite ignorant of spiritual things. -go back to the town, call your husband and
return to Me with him. I will speak to him, he will surely understand Me better than
you do. Or is your husband also like you that he would like to quench his natural
physical thirst with the spiritual water of humility?’
Chapter 27
Continuation of the scene: About true worship of God in spirit and in truth.
[John 4: 17-24]
17. The woman answered: “I have no husband.” Says Jesus to her: “You are
right in saying that you have no husband.”
1. The woman replies to that quite pertly, ‘I have no husband’, whereupon I say to
her with a smile, ‘That was brief, good and correct. Now you have really spoken the
18. “You have had five husbands, and the man with whom you are now living
“is not your husband, you told me the truth there (how things are with
2. For behold, My dear, you have already had five husbands and, since your nature
was not in accord with theirs, they soon fell ill and died, for not one could last more
than a year with you. You have bad vermin in your body, and your vermin soon kills
anyone who sleeps with you. The man you have now is not your husband, but only
your lover towards his and your ruin. Yes, yes, you have really told Me the truth.’
19. The woman says to Him: “Sir, I can now see that you are a prophet!”
3. Here the woman is startled, but does not want to commit herself and says after a
while, ‘Sir, I see that you are a prophet. Since you know so much, you may also know
what could help me?
20. “Our fathers worshipped on this mountain (Gerizim): but you Jews say
that the temple where God should be worshipped is in Jerusalem; (Which of
this is valid before God?)”
4. I am aware that in such things God alone can help, but how and were should He be
worshipped? Our fathers say that God must be worshipped on mount Gerizim where
already the first patriarchs worshipped Him. But you say that Jerusalem is the right
place where God should be worshipped. Since you are obviously a prophet of God, tell
me where one should really worship God effectively. For look, I am still young and
people say that I am very beautiful. It would be terrible if my vermin were to
consume me while I am still alive. Oh what a poor, miserable woman I am.’
21. Says Jesus: “Believe Me, woman, the time is coming (and is already
here) when you will worship God the Father neither on this mountain, nor in
5. Say I, ‘Woman, I know your poverty, your misery and your sick body, and I know
also your heart which is not really the best, but also not too bad. Behold, that is the
reason why I am now speaking to you. Where the heart is still reasonably good, there
is every possibility of help. But you are quite wrong in that you are in doubt as to
where God should be worshipped worthily and effectively.
6. Believe Me when I tell you: The time is coming and it is already here when you will
worship the Father neither on the mountain nor in Jerusalem.’
7. Here the woman is alarmed and says, ‘Woe upon me, woe upon the whole nation!
What will then become of us? Then we must have sinned terribly, just like the Jews?
But why did Jehovah not send us a prophet this time who would have warned us?
Although you have come to us as a true prophet, what is the use now if you say: In
future God will be worshipped neither on the mountain nor in Jerusalem? Does not
that mean as much as - which I could read from your suddenly very serious face -
God will forsake His people completely and take residence with another nation? Where
on earth may this be? Oh do tell me, so that I may go there to worship God the
Father as a true penitent, asking Him to help me, a wretched woman, and not to
forsake my people completely.’
8. To that I reply, ‘Now listen to Me carefully, so that you may understand what I am
saying. Why are you full of doubt and fear? Do you think God is as faithless
concerning the keeping of His promises as men are toward each other?
22. “You do not know what you worship; but we do know what we worship
for salvation still comes from the Jews!”
9. You do climb the mountain there to worship, but do not know what or whom you
worship. The same applies to those who worship on Jerusalem. They do run into the
temple, there creating a terrible bawl, but they do not know either - what they are
doing and what they are worshipping.
10. Nevertheless, as God has pronounced through the mouth of the prophets,
salvation does not come from you, but from the Jews. Just read the third verse in the
second chapter of the prophet Isaiah, and you will find it.’
11. Says the woman, ‘Yes, I do know that there it is written that the law goes froth
from Zion, since it is also kept there in the Ark of the Covenant. But why do you say
then: “Neither on the mountain nor in Jerusalem?”
23. “But the time approaches, indeed it is already here (before your eyes),
when those who are real worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in
truth, for the Father wants to be worshipped by men in this way.”
12. Say I, ‘You still have not understood Me. Behold, God the Father from eternity is
neither a mountain nor a temple nor the Ark of the Covenant and thus does not dwell
on the mountain or in the temple or in the Ark of the Covenant. Therefore I told you:
The time is approaching, and indeed is already here before your eyes, when the true
worshippers (as you can see them here resting under the trees in great numbers,
some of whom you already met in the town on their way to buy food) will worship
God the Father in spirit and in truth, for from now on the Father wants to be
worshipped by men in this way.’
24. “For God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit
and in truth!”
13. ‘For behold, God is a spirit and those who worship Him just worship in spirit and
in truth.
14. And for that neither a mountain nor any temple is needed, but only a loving,
humble and as pure as possible heart. If the heart is what it is meant to be, namely a
vessel for the love of God, a vessel full of meekness and humility, then such a heart
holds the full truth. And where there is truth, there is light and freedom, for the light
of truth liberates every heart. Once the heart is free, the whole person is free too.
15. Therefore, he who loves God with such a heart is a true worshipper of God the
Father, and the Father will always grant his prayer. He will only look at a man’s heart
and take no notice of the place of worship which is quite unimportant, be it the
mountain or Jerusalem, for the earth belongs to God everywhere. I think you should
have understood Me now.’
Chapter 28
Continuation of the scene: The spirit’s healing power in a believer. [John 4:
1. Says the woman, ‘Yes, sir, now you have spoken more clearly. But tell me: Are you
no longer thirsty and do you not want to drink from the water-jar of a sinner?’ Say I,
‘Dear woman, never mind about that for, behold, I do prefer you to your jar and your
water. When earlier I asked you for a drink, I did not mean from your jar, but from
your heart in which there is a much more delicious water than in this well and your
jar. With the water of your heart you can also heal your whole body, for that which I
find pleasing in you will heal you if you can believe.’
2. Says the woman, ‘O sir, how can I mange to bring the water from my heart to my
private parts? Forgive me, sir, that I use such frank language with you, but I am a
miserable woman and misery does not know modesty as such, it knows only itself and
loosens the tongue according to the extent of the exigency. If I were not as miserable
as I am, I would truly offer you my heart. But as things are - O God, you holy Father,
help me! - I am miserably sick and must not add to my many sins, for to offer such
an impure heart to a pure man as you must be would surely be the greatest possible
3. Say I, ‘My dear woman, not that you would offer your heart to Me, but I have
taken it Myself when I asked you for a drink of water. Therefore, you may offer me
your heart, for I accept also a Samaritan’s heart. If you love Me, it is good for you, as
I loved you already long before you could think of Me.’
4. Here the beautiful woman blushes and says, somewhat embarrassed, ‘Since when
do you know me? Have you ever before been in this town or in Samaria? In truth, I
have never caught even a glimpse of you anywhere. Oh, pray tell me, when and
where did you see me? Do tell me!’
5. Say I, ‘Neither here nor in Samaria or any other place, yet I already know you
since your birth, even much earlier, and I have always loved you like My life. How do
you like that? Are you happy about My love? Behold, when at the age of twelve you
fell into a cistern, it was I who pulled you out. But you could not see the hand that
lifted you from the cistern. Do you still remember that?’
6. Here the woman becomes quite confused and does not know what to say, for quite
a fire has already kindled in her heart and her love keeps growing visibly.
7. After her heart has been active for a while, I ask her whether she knows anything
about the Messiah who is to come.
25. Says the woman: “I know that the Messiah is coming who will be called
Christ. When He comes He will (surely) tell us everything (that you have now
told me)?”
8. Now the woman, her cheeks still flushed, says with great emotion, ‘Lord, you
wisest prophet of God, I do know that the promised Messiah is to come and that His
name will be Christ. When he comes, will He not be able to proclaim to us only what
you have now told me? But who will tell us when and whence the Messiah will be
coming? Maybe you who are so very wise can give me some more detailed
information about the coming of the Messiah. You see, we have been waiting already
for a long time, but not a word can be heard anywhere about the Messiah. You would
do me a great favour if you would tell me when and where the Messiah will definitely
come to save His people from its numerous enemies. Oh do tell me if you know it!
Maybe the Messiah would also have mercy upon me and help me if I entreat Him?’
26. Jesus says to her: “I am He, I who am speaking to you now.”
9. Say I to the woman briefly, but with loving earnest, ‘It is I, I who am speaking to
you now!’
Chapter 29
Continuation of the scene: Healing of the woman and her testimony for the
found Messiah [John 4: 27-30]
27. At that moment His disciples returned (from the town with the purchased
foods) and were astonished to find Him talking with the woman but none of
them said: “What are You asking (her),” or “why are You talking with her?”
1. This statement gave the woman a shock, and that all the more because at that
moment the disciples returned with food from the town and were astonished to find
Me talking to this woman. But none of them dared ask Me or the woman what we had
done or discussed together. The other travelling companions, however, including My
mother who was preset, too, were so fast asleep that they could hardly be roused.
The long march had worn all of them out. Finally, also the one disciple returned from
the little village, who had gone to look for a vessel to draw water, but had not found
one. He aplogised and said, ‘Lord, the little village numbers about 20 houses, but
there was not a single person at home and all the doors were safely locked.’
2. To this I replied, ‘Never mind about that! For behold, naturally and especially
spiritually this is still going to happen to us frequently, that we, driven by the thirst of
our love, shall knock at people’s doors (hearts) looking for a vessel to draw the living
water. But we shall find the hearts locked and empty. Do you understand this
3. Says the disciple quite moved and disconcerted, ‘Lord, my dear Master,
unfortunately I have indeed understood You. But if that is so, we are not going to be
very successful.’
4. Say I, ‘And yet, My brother, look at this woman. - I tell you, it is worth more to
find one who was lost than 99 righteous, who according to their conscience are not in
need of penitence, since they believe to be serving God every Sabbath on Mount
Gerizim. They even remove from here on the eve of Sabbath all vessels for drawing
water, so that on the Sabbath no one may draw water from the well to quench his
thirst, whereby in the eyes of the righteous the Sabbath would be desecrated. Oh for
the great blind foolishness of such righteous. But here a sinner is standing with a
good water jar at our service. Say, who is better? This one or the 99 Sabbath-
observers on Mount Gerizim?’
5. The woman, however, says full of remorse, ‘Lord, you Son of the Eternal. Here is
my jar, use it. I am leaving it here for your service. But let me hurry back to the
town, for I am standing here before you in too unworthy attire.’ -Say I, ‘Woman, be
healed and do what you think is right.’
28. The woman left her water jar behind and hurried into the town where
she said to the people:
6. Weeping with joy the woman leaves her water jar and the well and hurries into the
town, but on her way looks back many times, saluting, for she loves Me mightily.
Almost out of breath the woman arrives in the town, where she meets a group of men
walking up and down a shady lane as they usually do on a Sabbath. The men, who
knew the woman, asked your jokingly, ‘Well, well, why in such a hurry? Where is it
burning?’ The woman looks at them with loving earnest and says, ‘Oh do not joke,
you dear men, for our time has become more serious than you may imagine.’
29. “Come and see a man who (sitting outside at Jacob’s well and told me
everything I ever did. Could not this be Christ (the promised Messiah)?’
7. Here the men interrupt her and ask full of anxious curiosity, ;Now, now, what is it?
Are enemies coming into our land or is a swarm of locusts approaching our district?’
8. The woman, quite exhausted, says, ‘Nothing of that kind. The matter is much
greater and most extraordinary. Listen to me quietly.
9. Already an hour ago I went to Jacob’s well to fetch some midday water and there I
found a man sitting on the stone curb of the well, who first looked definitely like a Jew
to me. When I, hardly paying any attention to him, had drawn my water from the
well, this man spoke to me asking for a drink from my water jar. I refused this
thinking that he was Jew.
10. But he spoke again, wise like an Elias and told me everything I had ever done.
Finally, he turned the conversation to the Messiah, and when I asked him where, how
and when the Messiah would be coming, he looked at me with loving earnest and said
in a voice penetrating to my very marrow: “It is I, I who now speaks to you.’
11. Already earlier, when he had told me how sick I am, I had asked him whether I
could not get well gain. And now in the end he said to me: “Be healed” and look, my
malady flew out of me like the wind, and now I am in compete health.
12. Do go out there and see for yourselves whether that is not truly Christ, the
promised Messiah. I am convinced that he is, for greater signs that this man is
performing also Christ could not perform. So do go out and convince yourselves. But I
am hurrying home to put on better clothes, for as I am now I could not face His glory.
Even if He is not Christ, He is certainly more than a prophet or a king of the people.’
13. Say the men, ‘Yes, if so, this time would really be most serious and of the
greatest importance. We should go out there in greater numbers and among us
should be a few who are well versed in scripture. It is unfortunate that today all our
rabbis are on the mountain. But maybe he can be persuaded to stay in our midst for a
few days; then these also could examine him.’
30. They came out of the town and made their way towards Him.
14. Thereupon they invite still others to ho with them to Jacob’s well, and now a
crowd of close on a hundred people of both sexes sets out to see the Messiah.
Chapter 30
The Lord’s “living food”. The great harvesting mission.
Sabbath foolishness. [John 4: 31-38]
31. Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him: “Rabbi, have something to
1. While the considerable crowd from the town set out towards the well, My disciples
urge Me to have something to eat beforehand, for they knew that as soon as people
came to Me, I did not take any food; and they loved Me and feared that I might
become weakened and ill. Although they knew that I was Christ, they still regarded
My body as weak and frail, wherefore they urged Me to eat.
32. But He said: “I have food to eat of which you know nothing.”
2. But I look at them with loving earnest and say, ‘My dear friends, I have now a food
to eat of which you know nothing.’
33. At this the disciples said to one another (asking each other): “Has
someone already brought Him something to eat?”
3. The disciples looked at each other, asking, ‘Has then someone already brought Him
food from somewhere? What kind of food would that be? Has He already eaten it?
Nothing can be seen anywhere - except the still quite full water jar. Maybe He has
changed the water into wine?’
34. Jesus says to them: (“Oh do not make such foolish guesses!) It is meat
and drink for me to the will of Him who sent me until I have finished His
4. Say I to them, ‘Oh do not make such foolish guesses as to what I have or have not
eaten. You have already often seen that while I am with you I have never had Myself
served separately. I am now not speaking to you of any food for the body, but of a
much higher and worthier spiritual food which consist in that I do the will of Him who
sent Me and complete His great work. And He who sent Me is the Father, who you
claim is your God, although you have not come to know Him as yet. But I do know
Him and because of that am doing His Word, and that is My true food which you do
not know. I tell you: Not only the bread, but every good deed or work is also food,
although not for the body, but all the more so for the spirit.’
35. “Do you not say: ‘Four more months, and then comes the harvest?’ But
look, I tell you: Lift your eyes and look round on the field: it is already white
for harvest!”
5. many of you have fields at home, and you yourselves say, “Another four months
and the time for a full harvest has come. Then we shall have to go home and gather
in the harvest.” But I tell you: Better lift your eyes. Already now all the fields are
white, ripe for the harvest. I do not, however, mean the natural fields, but the great
field which is the whole world, where men are the ripened wheat that has to be
gathered into God’s barns.
36. “And the reaper is drawing his pay and gathering a crop for eternal life,
so that sower and reaper may rejoice together!”
6. And behold, this gathering-in is true work and this work a true food which I as well
as you will get to eat in abundance. He who is a true reaper on this field gathers in
the true crop for eternal life, so that at the end of the harvest both sower and reaper
may rejoice together.
37. “For here the saying is true: One sows and another reaps.”
7. For after the harvest the sower as well as the reaper will both eat of one and the
same fruit and one and the same bread of life. Then the old saying will come true
completely: One sows and another reaps, but both will equally live from their work
and eat one and the same food.
8. Look at the great crowd that has come to us from the town to see the Promised in
Me, and as you can see, more keep coming. Behold, all those are already fully ripened
ears of wheat which should have been reaped long ago. I tell you with much joy: The
crop is heavy, but there are still too few labourers; therefore, beg the owner to send
more labourers to harvest his crop.’
38. “I sent you to reap a crop which you have not sowed; others sowed and
you have now come in for the harvest of their toil.”
9. I have taken you on and thereby already sent you out in spirit to reap what you
have not sown, for others have sown and you have now come in for the harvest of
their toil, for which you should consider yourselves extremely fortunate. - He who
sows is still remote from the harvest, but he who reaps also harvests and has the new
bread of life already before him. So be now zealous reapers, for your effort brings
more bliss than that of the sower.’
10. Most of the disciples did understand this teaching and started right away to
preach My Word of the love for God and the love for one’s neighbour to the
Samaritans; also, that I was truly the Christ.
11. But a few in their heart’s understanding still rather stupid ones came to Me and
asked Me secretly, ‘Lord, where could be get sickles? Besides, it is the Sabbath
12. Whereupon I replied, ‘Did it ell you to reap the natural barley fields that lie before
us? Oh you foolish men, how long will I have to bear with you? Do you not
understand anything? So listen and grasp this:
13. My Word about the Kingdom of God, first in your own hearts and from there
passing through your mouths to the ears and into the hearts of your fellowmen and
brothers, is the spiritual reaping sickle which I give you to gather the people, your
brothers, in to the Kingdom of God, the realm of true cognition of God and eternal life
in God.
14. It is indeed Sabbath today, but the Sabbath is foolish and senseless like your
heart, and you think of the Sabbath because in your hearts you look still very like the
Sabbath. But since I am also a Lord over the Sabbath, it tell you:
15. If you want to be and stay My true disciples, free your hearts from the Sabbath as
soon as possible. For us every day is a day for work; when the Lord of the Sabbath is
at work His servants shall not be idle.
16. Does not the sun have to rise and set on the Sabbath just as on every work day?
If the Lord of the sun and of the Sabbath ceased to work on the Sabbath, would you
be satisfied, with a pitch-dark Sabbath? See how foolish you still are! So start now to
do what I and also your brothers are doing, and you will be celebrating a truly alive
Sabbath pleasing to Me.’
17. Following these words also the weaker disciples went to the Samaritans, who had
already in great numbers come to Me from the town, and taught them what they had
learnt about Me.
Chapter 31
The Samaritans recognise the Lord: The true badge of honour: Love of the
[John 4: 39-42]
39. Many Samaritans of that town came to believe in Him, (initially) because
of the woman’s testimony: “He told me everything I ever did.”
1. And thus it went on until evening, and many of those who had come to me from
the town now believed in me, initially, because of the woman’s testimony, who in
glowing words told the townspeople how I had told her everything she had ever done.
Then, however, many believed because of what the disciples had told them about Me.
But those Samaritans who were close enough to Me, so that they could hear My own
words, had the firmest belief.
2. For there were some among them who were well versed in the Scripture. They
said, ‘This one speaks like David who says: “The Lord’s decrees are true and
righteous every one, more to be desired than gold, pure gold in plenty, sweeter than
syrup or honey from the comb. My desire is to do thy will, Lord, and thy law is in my
heart. In the great assembly I have proclaimed what is right, I do not hold back my
words, as though knowest, O Lord. I have not kept thy goodness hidden in my heart;
I have proclaimed thy faithfulness and saving power, and not concealed thy unfailing
love and truth from the great assembly”, but we know, and that is our witness full of
truth and power, that He who thus speaks and acts, as before Him David spoke and
acted, and that in His name, is truly the promised Messiah. Until this one, after David
no one has spoken and acted like David; hence this one must unfailingly be the
Christ, the Anointed of God from eternity. Therefore, we will wholly accept Him.’
40. When the Samaritans had (wholly) come to Him they begged Him to stay
with them; And He stayed there two full days.
3. After these Samaritans had among themselves borne witness to Me, they
approached Me most respectfully and begged Me to stay with them. For they said,
‘Lord, You who are truly Christ as we have now recognised, do stay with us, for in
Jerusalem You will find little acceptance, but all the more unbelief and all kinds of
persecution. The vast earth does not bear anything worse than a Pharisee. Neither on
the land nor on the water. Here, however, You will be treated as befits the One
Moses, David and the prophets have promised us.’
4. But I said to them, ‘Dear men from Sychar. I am overjoyed that I have reaped a
good harvest on your field, but it would not be right of Me if I stayed where I have
healed the sick who are now in good health and disregarded the many sick elsewhere.
I will stay with you for two days, and on the third day continue My journey down to
41. Many more became believers because of what they heard from His own
5. Thereupon many more came to Him, who earlier had not believed completely, and
confessed their now unshakably firm belief. But also the woman was there, well
dressed, and said to those who now believed, ‘Dear friends, you will now accept me
as honourable, will you not? For it was I who first showed you the way here when you
jokingly asked me where it was burning.’
42. And they told the woman: “It is no longer because of what you said that
we believe, for we have heard Him ourselves and we know that this is in
truth Christ, the Saviour of the world!”
6. The Samaritans said, ‘Since the Lord has accepted you before us, you are also by
us accepted as honourable as is the custom in Sychar. But from now on we do not
believe because of what you said, for we have now heard Him ourselves and
recognised that this is in truth Christ, the Saviour of the world. You will not make us
more believing than we already are and , henceforth, if you do not sin anymore, you
shall be treated by us with all due respect.’
7. Says the woman, ‘I have not ever sinned as much as you unfortunately think. Prior
to becoming a man’s wife, I lived orderly as befits a wife. That I was barren and that
each one of my five proper husbands had to die soon after he had slept with me, for
that I could not possibly be blamed, at the most those from whom I receive such a
flesh that was disastrous to a man. After I lost five husbands, which caused me
unbearable grief, I decided never again to marry. But a year later, as you know, a
physician came to Sychar with herbs, oils and ointments and cured many people.
Driven by my greatly felt misery, I too went to him to seek help.
8. He examined me and said, ‘Woman, I would give a whole world to be able to help
you, for I have never yet seen a more beautiful woman. But. Though I cannot cure
you, I can alleviate your complaint.; He moved into my poor dwelling, gave me daily
soothing remedies and looked after me, but he has never yet touched my sick body
with evil intentions, as you see, to think erroneously.
9. And thus I am, of course, always a sinner in the eyes of God, as also all of you no
doubt, but in your eyes I do not believe to be such a great and gross sinner as you
assume. Ask the one, who is sitting here at Jacob’s well and who earlier told me
everything I had done. He will tell you to what extent I do or do not deserve the
reputation of a public sinner.
10. Here the Samaritans look at each other in surprise and say to the woman, ‘Now,
now, never mind, we did not really think so badly. You shall now become an honoured
citizen of Sychar. Say, are you satisfied?’
11. Says the woman, ‘Oh, do not worry about the honour of a poor woman. I have
already taken for myself the greater part of the honour.’
12. Say the Samaritans, ;How did you do that? We know nothing of a badge of
honour the town has conferred on you. Where did you get this from?’
13. Says the woman pointing at Me with tears of true love and real gratitude, ‘Here
He is still resting. He alone is now my greatest honour, an honour neither you nor all
the world could confer on me nor take away from me. For He Himself has given it to
me, and from Him I Have taken it. I am quite aware that with all my being I am
absolutely unworthy to receive an honour from Him, the Lord of Glory. But He gave it
to me prior to you, and I have received it before you and told you about Him, since
earlier you did not know anything about Him. Look, that is my advantage over all of
you, which you have not given me and cannot take away from me since I now have
it. That is the right kind of a badge of honour valid for eternity. Your badge of honour
is valid only temporally and for Sychar alone, and that I can do without since I have
the eternal one. I hope you will now understand how and from where I have taken
the greater part of my honour.’
14. Say the Samaritans, ‘Why should you have an advantage because you happened
to come out first and meet Christ here? We have now also found Him and praise Him
in our hearts just like you, and He promised us the same as you to stay in our town
for two days. In view of this, how can you now speak of a prior honour conferred on
15. Says the woman, ‘You dear men of Sychar, if I were to argue with you we would
never come to an end, I have just told you absolutely truthfully what the situation is
and I will not repeat it. Several of you have studied the Roman law. They are now
judges according to this law and say that it is a wise law. Now this law, which I have
also read because I understand the Roman language, states: Primo occupanti jus (I
was here first and, therefore, you can never deprive me of my good right.)’
16. Here the Samaritans were silent not knowing what to reply to the woman, for she
had hit upon their weak spot and they were unable to retort. Because of the Jews,
they were great friends of the Romans and highly regarded the wisdom and order of
the Roman law. Therefore, they were silent when the woman referred to the law of
the Romans.
17. It is no wonder that the woman was proficient in the Roman language for the
Samaritans without exception spoke Roman and many also Greek, so as to avoid also
through the language any association with the Jews.
Chapter 32
The Lord sees only the heart. As one sows, so will one reap.
1. It was now getting dark and all those who had come with Me from Judaea and,
being very tired, had slept through the entire afternoon, were now one after the other
waking up and surprised how quickly evening had come. And they asked what should
be done now: should they look for lodgings or would I now during the cooler hours of
the night continue on My way.
2. However I said, ‘While men are asleep, the Lord is still watching. The Lord provides
for everything, and those who are with Him need not care for anything, except that
they stay with Him. Therefore, get ready now, so that we may go to this town of the
Samaritans. There all of us will find good lodgings. This woman here, who today at
noon refused to give Me a drink of water, has a spacious house and I think she will
not refuse to put us up for two days.’
3. Thereupon the woman, sobbing with love and joy, falls at My feet and says, ‘O
Lord, You my Saviour, how do I poor sinner come to be granted this grace?’
4. Say I, ‘You received Me into your heart, which is much more precious than your
house, so you are not likely to refuse to receive me also into your house which Jacob,
just as this well, built for his son Joseph. But there are many of us, and for two days
you will be very busy caring for us. However, you will profit form this considerably.’
5. Says the woman, ‘Lord, even if you were ten times as many, you shall all be well
provided for, as far as my means allow. My already rather dilapidated house has
many clean rooms and is reasonably well furnished as far as I could afford it; and it is
occupied only by me, my physician and some of his servants. But I tell You, O Lord,
the house is Yours. You alone are the legitimate owner of my house, for You have the
oldest right to it. From now on it is wholly Yours and shall remain so with all it
6. Say I, ‘O woman, your faith is great and your heart delightful. Therefore you shall
be and stay My disciple. And wherever this Gospel will be preached, you shall be
mentioned in eternity.’
7. The Samaritans were surprised and somewhat provoked at this, and several of
them came to Me and said, ‘Lord, we have houses too and it would have been more
proper if You had taken lodging with us. For look, this woman’s house has a bad
name here and is more of a ruin than a house.’
8. Say I, ‘You are already three hours with Me, have indeed recognised Me and it has
already been getting dark, but none of you has offered Me or My disciples lodgings,
although I granted your request and promised to stay in your town for two days.
9. But I looked at this woman’s heart, and she longed mightily for Me to be willing to
take lodging with her. Thus, not I asked to be put up in her house, but her heart did.
Since it dared not speak up before you, I met this heart half way and asked for that
which it wished to give Me with burning love and full of eager yearning and alacrity.
10. This is the weighty reason why I shall now take lodging in this woman’s house for
two full days. Blessed he who will not take offence over this matter!
11. I tell you: As a person sows, so will he reap. Who sows scantily will also reap
thus, but who sows generously will also reap generously. None of you has so far
offered Me or My disciples anything, but this woman gives me immediately possession
of everything she owns. Which of you had done that for Me? Is it then not fair that I
honour her before all of you? I tell you: Whoever will argue with this woman about
this matter, with him things will go badly in his temporal life.’
12. At this the Samaritans, visibly displeased, star at each other in surprise, but then
pull themselves together and still ask My permission for them to visit Me the next
13. But I reply, ‘I do not invite you or expect anything of you. However, those of you
who will come to Me voluntarily shall not find the door locked, but will have
completely free access to me. Thus, whoever wants to come, let him come and who
wants to stay home, let him stay home, for I compel and judge no one.’
14. Hereupon the Samaritans go to their feet and went into the town. But I still
remained for a little while at the well, and the woman gave all the thirsty who were
with Me to drink from her water jar.
In Sychar and surroundings (at Mount Gerizim)
Chapter 33
Miraculous goings on in the woman's house. The physician and the
Samaritan Mosaists. Blasphemy against Jesus and its just punishment.
The physician's report and the Lord's comments.
1. Her physician however, who earlier also had come out with her, hastened ahead to
arrange the best accommodation and an abundant meal for Me through his servants.
Entering the house however he was taken aback by his people being nearly finished
with everything he had intended arranging. Regaining his spirit, he asked who had
requested this. They said however: ‘A youth of a most glorious form came and spoke
gently: ‘Do this, as the Lord Who is coming to this house has need of all this’. When
we heard this amazing thing we dropped everything and did and still are doing as
asked by this rare youth’.
2. The physician said in his astonishment: ‘And where is this rare youth?’ But the
servants replied, ‘We do not know, for he left the house immediately after requesting
this and we do not know what has become of him’. The doctor said however, ‘Do not
let it daunt you; a great blessing has overtaken this house, and you all shall take part
of it!’
3. Therewith the doctor again hastened out of town to tell Me how all is ready.
4. He nevertheless ran into some arch-Mosaists, holding him up and saying, ‘Friend, it
is not right to rush like this on a Sabbath; don't you know all the ways in which
Jehovah's day can be defiled?’
5. The doctor replied, ‘You Mosaistic pedants! You count hurrying on a Sabbath a sin,
although the sun has gone down already, making this post-sabbatical; but what do
you call your violating of your wives and maids, fornicating and whoring and
committing adultery on a Sabbath with them? Did Moses command this for Jehovah's
Day?’ - Say the Samaritans, ‘We would stone you for talking like that if it wasn't for
Sabbath, but we let you go this time!’ Replies the doctor, ‘Well, well, your language
and manner are of course highly appropriate, especially at a time when the Messiah is
in fact tarrying outside the gates of Sychar, with me rushing to tell Him that
everything for welcoming Him at His house is ready! Have you not heard what took
place outside the gates of our city today?’
6. Say the Samaritans, ‘We definitely heard that a Jewish caravan camped outside by
the well and that a Jew - probably their ring-leader, was making out to be the Christ.
As a physician you do not know how the Jews are bent on having us purported idiots
on in this way?! This should be a nice Messiah! Do you think we do not know him?!
Are we not also from Galilee and of your denomination, staunch in Moses' statutes?!
But since we are of Galilee we know this Nazarene who is a carpenter's son. This one
has lost his taste for work now, so he will let himself be used as a brazen tool of the
Pharisees, making use of the magic he learnt with which to prove his Messiahship!
And donkeys and oxen of your type are taken in by him and believe his seductive
words! They should all be caught and whipped and chucked over the border like mud
and excrement!’
7. Replies the Physician: ‘Oh, you blind ones! Back at my house, angels wait on Him,
bringing food, drinks and bedding for Him from the Heavens, and you talk in that
way! - May the Lord punish you for this!’
8. When the doctor had uttered this, ten of them instantly became mute and none
could speak another word, remaining mute for the two days of My stay in Sychar. But
the physician leaves them and hastens over to Me.
9. Having come over, he says, ‘Lord, your house is ready! There are miraculous
goings on there; but on the way out to you, oh Lord, I came across some villains who
tried to give me a nasty witness of You. But their shrieking did not last long! Your
angel smacked them over the mouth and all but two were made dumb; these took
terrible fright and took off. All this, oh Lord, occurred in just half an hour!’ I said; ‘Be
of good cheer; this had to come, so that those already believing on My name should
not be turned away from us! Let us go now however, and you My dear Samaritan
woman do not forget your pitcher!’ The woman immediately draws fresh water to take
home with her. - A half day had thus been taken up at Jacob's well outside Sychar,
reaping quite a rich harvest in this town.
Chapter 34
The teaching and acts of the Lord recorded by the Gospeller John. The Lord
and His own at the old house of Joseph at Sychar. The preparations of the
angels for the holy entourage. The relationship between God the Father and
the Son.
1. But My disciple John asked, saying: ‘Lord! If it is your will, I should like to record
still this night all that has taken place here!’
2. I said: ‘Not everything, My brother, but only that which I said unto you to write
down! Because if you were to record everything that happened and is still to happen
here these two days, then you would have to write many a skin-full; but who could
read and grasp it all? If however you duly record only the high points, in the
correspondences given you, then the wise in My name shall discover anyway all that
took place here and why, and you shall save yourself much effort. Hence My most
beloved brother, take it easy with your work, because you still shall remain the
foremost recorder of My teachings and acts forever.
3. John kisses Me on the chest and, since it had gotten quite dark, we go to the town
and Joseph's house, flanked by the woman and the physician.
4. As we come to the truly big house, the woman finds preparations for My stay at
her house which she had never remotely suspected! Because there are a good
number of well-laid tables, with a proper number of chairs; there are well-lit lamps of
precious metal on every table. The floors are covered throughout with the most
beautiful carpets, with the walls hung symmetrically with flowered rugs; and a most
exquisite wine beams towards the guests from the most beautiful crystal beakers!
5. The woman is quite beside herself and says, after interminable wondering: ‘But
Lord, what have You done?! Did You perhaps secretly send Your disciples here to put
this on? Where have they gotten it all from? I do know what I have got, but nothing
golden and silvern for sure, yet here everything is bristling with these metals! I have
never seen a crystal beaker like this yet; there are hundreds here, of which each is
worth at least thirty pieces of silver. Such wine, food and fruit; the lovely bread and
the many expensive carpets, each costing at least a good hundred silver pieces for
sure. Oh Lord! Please tell me a poor woman whether you brought all this with you, or
whether perhaps it is on loan from this town somewhere?
6. Say I: ‘Look here, dear woman! At the well you said this house belongs to Me. I
accepted such a present from you, and since this house is now Mine, it would not
have been nice of Me to escort you, the giver, into an unseemly chamber! Behold, it
is here like one hand washing the other; one distinction calls for another! You
presented it to Me fully as it was, with all your heart; but I now give it back to you as
now furnished. I presume that you can feel at home with this exchange?! For behold,
I too have some ideas about correct decorations and taste.’
7. And I say unto you: ‘All this, like everything else I also learnt from My Father!
Because the endlessly many mansions in My Father's house even are full of the most
exquisite taste and full of the greatest ornaments, which you can well gather already
if you look carefully at the flowers of the field, the plainest of which is more greatly
adorned than Solomon in all his kingly glory!’
8. But if the Father already adorns transient flowers thus, how much more will He
adorn His house, which is in heaven!? But whatever the Father does, that I do also;
because I and the Father fundamentally are completely One! Whoever receives Me
receives also the Father! Whatever someone does for Me he therefore does also for
the Father; and you can give Me nothing that you would not soon receive back a
hundredfold! Now you know what is necessary.
9. But let us now be seated and partake of the evening meal, because there are many
among us who hunger and thirst. Once we have strengthened our limbs we can
discuss this point further.
10. All sit down at the tables, say thanks and fortify themselves with food and drink.
Chapter 35
At Sychar. The servants testify of the miraculous service at the house. The
woman's reverence and recognition of the Lord. The Lord's command of
secrecy and His care for Mary. The disciples see the heavens open.
Nathaniel's great testimony. The Lord indicates silence about the holy secret.
1. After the meal the woman approaches Me again, but hardly dares to speak, as she
had spoken during the meal with the doctor's servants about how all this had been
brought in. And the servants had said: ‘Dear lady, God only knows how this went on!
We had the least part in it. The doctor had no hand in it at all, as everything was
ready when he came. Well before he came we were about his business, when
suddenly a youth of great beauty turned up and told us to do this and that, as the
Lord had need of it, and we at once went about doing what the rare youth told us. Yet
this truly went on in a peculiar way! Whenever we went to do something it was
already done, and we can therefore only tell you: here omnipotence evidently
reigned, and the white youth must have been an angel of the Lord! The matter can
not be explained in any other way. The Person Who earlier entered the dining-room
with you must be a great prophet, as the powers of heaven serve Him!’
2. Hearing the servants speak thus she was still more daunted and hardly dared to
speak. After a lengthy time she said in a weak voice: ‘Lord! You are more than just
the promised Messiah! It was probably You Who punished Pharaoh, leading the
Israelites out of Egypt and thundering the Commandments to them from the High
3. But I said to her: ‘Woman! The time for making this known to mankind has not
arrived yet; keep this in your heart for the present therefore! But see to it that the
great throng who came with Me from Judea are allocated their sleeping quarters; but
remain here yourself together with the doctor and My disciples, of whom ten are
counted now! But allocate the cleanest bed to the woman who sat at My side, the
mother of My body, so she may rest well; for verily, the already ageing mother has
done a big journey today and needs a good rest to fortify her!’
4. The woman is overjoyed at hearing that this unpretentious woman is My mother,
and looks after her superbly. And Mary praises her for her sensitivity, advising her
nevertheless to do as I say to her.
5. After all is retired and the woman and the doctor, together with My disciples find
themselves alone with Me in the great dining hall, I say to the disciples: ‘You will
remember how at the time of My engaging you at Bethabara in Galilee I spoke to
you: from now on you shall see the heavens open and the angels of God descend to
earth; and behold, this is now literally fulfilling itself! None of what you see here and
ate and drank is of this earth, but has been gotten here from the heavens by the
angels. But now open your eyes and behold just how many angels are standing ready
to serve Me!’
6. With that the eyes of all were opened, and they saw hosts of angels floating down
from the heavens ready to minister unto Me. - Because as their eyes were opened,
the walls of the house vanished, and all beheld the heavens opened!
7. And Nathanael said: ‘Of a truth Lord, you are faithful and true! What you had
spoken has now fulfilled itself miraculously! Verily, You are the Son of the living God
indeed! - God spoke to Abraham through His angels; - Jacob saw the angels
ascending and descending the ladder in a dream but he did not see Jehovah, only an
angel who had Jehovah's name inscribed in his right hand. And, Jacob disputing His
being the Lord, he started limping through a hefty blow in the ribs. - Moses spoke
with Jehovah but saw nothing but fire and smoke, and since he had to hide in a cave
because Jehovah intended passing it, he was not allowed to look and Jehovah passed.
And when he then looked he saw only Jehovah's back; but thereafter he had to cover
his face with a threefold veil, because he shone more than the sun and no one could
look without dying! After that there was only Elijah who perceived Jehovah in a gentle
breeze! And now You are here Yourself!’
8. Here I interrupt Nathanael and say, ‘Let it suffice, My brother, - the hour has not
come yet! It is given to a pure soul like yours, without guile and falsehood, to sense
this. But keep it until the hour is ripe. Because, you see, not all who follow Me are like
9. But this woman who was not like you is so now; that's why she had a hunch of
what you were about to say. But the hour is not come. Let Moses' veil only be fully
plucked off his shiny face when the curtain in the temple shall have been rent in
Chapter 36
At Sychar. The Lord points out to John, the Gospeller, that not everything is
suitable for recording. The promise of the present Revelations. ‘It is enough
that you believe and love Me!’ About the Messiah and His kingdom. Words of
blessing for the doctor and the woman. Joram and Irhael joined conjugally.
The Lord does not sleep.
1. After that John asks Me: ‘Lord, this surely I ought to write down! This is more than
the sign at Cana! This for once is a true sign of whither You have come!
2. I said: ‘This too let go; because that which you are recording is a sign for the
world, but the latter does not have the cognition for grasping this! To what end such
effort then? Do you think the world shall believe such? Behold, those present believe
because they see it; but the world, which walks in the dark, would never believe that
such took place here, because night cannot possibly imagine the works of light.
Should you try to tell it about the works of light it will laugh at you and deride you in
the end. Let it therefore suffice you to record only that which I work publicly, before
all the world; that which I work in secret however write only in your heart, but not on
3. But there shall indeed come a time when all these secret things shall be revealed
to the world; but a lot of unripe fruit shall be falling off trees until then. Because
verily, the trees have brought forth much, yet hardly a third shall come to ripeness!
Yet the two fallen-off thirds shall first have to be trodden, and rot and wither, so that
they may be dissolved by rain and be driven into the stem by a mighty wind for
second birth.’
4. Says John: ‘Lord, this is too deep; who should grasp it?’
5. Say I: ‘There is no need of it; suffice it that you believe and love Me, - the deeper
comprehension shall be coming after the spirit of Truth shall have been poured out
over you. But until this has taken place, quite a few of you, in spite of all these signs
shall be offended by My name!
6. Because the Messiah's kingdom shall not be a kingdom of this world, but a
kingdom of spirit and Truth in My Father's kingdom, eternally, and there shall be no
end to it for evermore! Whoever shall have been received into this kingdom shall
have everlasting life, and this life shall be of a bliss which no man has yet seen, heard
of or felt in his heart!’
7. Said Peter, who had long been silent: ‘Lord, who shall ever actually become
capable of this?’
8. Say I: ‘Dear friend, the day is already late and our bodies need rest in order to be
strong for work tomorrow! Let us therefore bring this day to a close and travel by
good light tomorrow! Let everyone therefore seek his resting-places. The disciples,
some of whom are very tired, say thanks and at once lay down.
9. Only I and the doctor and the woman remain awake. And with the disciples soon
soundly asleep, both fall down on their knees before Me and thank Me fervently for
the unspeakable graces I had bestowed upon them and their entire house. They also
ask Me whether I would let them join up and follow Me.
10. But I said to them: ‘This is not essential for your blessedness. If you do however
want to follow Me then it is enough if you follow Me in your heart! But you should
remain in this country as My witnesses, as many sceptics shall arise around here
shortly; to these you shall bear good witness of Me.’ Thereupon all again revert to
their natural state and soon the disciples are sound asleep.
11. Only I, the physician and the woman remain still up. Both then fall on their knees
before Me, fervently thanking Me for the inexpressibly great graces I bestowed upon
them and their whole house. At the same time they ask My permission to join My
company and follow Me.
12. But I tell them, ‘This is not necessary towards your salvation. If, however, you do
wish to follow Me, it is sufficient if you follow me in your hearts. You should stay here
in this land as My witnesses, for soon there will arise many doubters and to them you
shall bear good witness of Me.
13. And you, My dear Joram, from now on shall be a perfect physician! On whoever
you shall lay your hands in My name shall get better immediately regardless of how
sick they may be. At the same time however you should enter upon a perfect and
indissoluble matrimony, since with your present togetherness you would be an
offence to the blind who regard only externals and have no idea about the within.
14. You Joram need not fear Irhael any more, as she is now fully whole of body and
soul. And you, Irhael, now have a man from the heavens and shall be completely
happy with him, since he is not a spirit out of the earth but from above.’
15. Says the woman: ‘Oh Jehovah, how good you are! When is it Your will that we
should officially join hands before the eyes of the world?’
16. Say I: ‘I have already joined you, and this union alone is valid in heaven and on
earth, and I say unto you; not since Adam's time has there been a more perfect union
than yours, since I Myself have blessed your union.
17. But tomorrow morning a lot of priests and other people and officials of this town
shall come here; to these make it known, that they may be aware of your being a
proper married couple now before God and all the world. If you beget children
however then bring them up in My teaching and then baptise them in My name, the
way you shall see many of My disciples baptise tomorrow, and the way John, of whom
you will have heard, baptises in the Jordan; thus, My dear Joram, I shall empower
you tomorrow to afterwards baptise everyone who believes in My name.
18. But go to your rest now! But for the sake of chastity refrain from touching one
another during My stay in this house! But during this time do not trouble yourselves
about table and larder, because for the duration of My stay in this house, as also
today, table and larder shall be provided for from above. Do not however tell this to
anyone before time because men will not comprehend it. But when I am gone you can
make it known to the more enlightened ones. Now however do take your rest,
although I Myself shall be watching! Because the Lord must not sleep or rest since
such sleep and complete rest would be the death and undoing of beings! Because
even if all the world were to sleep the Lord nevertheless keeps awake and maintains
all beings.’
19. After these words the two thank Me and retire to their separate chambers for the
necessary rest. But I remain seated in My chair till morning.
Chapter 37
The chant in the morning of the priests at Sychar. The Lord directs them to
the mountain. The calling of Matthew as a Gospeller and disciple. About the
nature of dreams.
1. Early in the morning, before the sun stood hardly a span above the horizon, a
great number of priests who dwelt in Sychar on account of the proximity of the holy
mount (Gerizim) came before Irhael's house and started a great bawling, yelling:
‘Hosanna over hosanna’ and ‘glory to Him Who came in the name of God's glory!
Tarry, sun, and stand still, moon, until the Lord of all glory with His mighty right arm
has smitten and destroyed all His enemies, who also are our enemies! Only the
Romans spare, Oh Lord, because they are our friends, as they protect us from the
Jews, who no longer are children of God but of Beelzebub, offering to this their father
in the temple, which Solomon built for You, oh Lord. You did right, oh Lord to come to
Your true children, who believed on Your promises and yearningly awaited You right
up to this hour. Of a truth You came from the Jews, - but we have heard how you
have now been to Jerusalem and smittedst the Jews in the temple with cords and
overturnedst their chairs! Oh Lord, in this You did well, and all heavens should praise
Thee with Psalms, harps and trumpets: We always maintained that when you came
You would not by-pass the holy place where Daniel Your prophet proclaimed the
horror of the destruction of Jerusalem. And from this place oh Lord, You shall
proclaim salvation to Thy peoples.’
2. ‘Praised be Thy name, hosanna to Thee on high, and blessing to all children of
3. This partly apt but partly nonsensical bawling naturally attracted a lot of people
and certainly all those who had been at the well with Me the day before and now
wanted to see and hear Me again. The clamour and the throng swelled by seconds,
and inside the house all rose to see what went on. The disciples got up first and asked
Me what the tumult was about and whether it was advisable to stay rather than flee.
4. Said I: ‘Oh ye fainthearts! Listen to them calling hosanna! Wherever hosanna is
being sung there it is without danger to tarry!’
5. With this the disciples were reassured and I said to them again: ‘Go ye forth now
and say unto them that they be still now and to move out to the mountain; because I
shall come out after the sixth hour, (i.e. after twelve hours midday), with you all and
shall proclaim salvation to you and them from the mountain. They are to also take
scribes with them however so that these may record what I shall teach from the
6. ‘But you, John, need not write it, as this My teaching shall be written down several-
fold anyway. But a certain scribe - a Galilean too, by the name of Matthew, is resident
here; this one has already recorded a considerable amount from My childhood, and
because he commands great facility he is sure to write down all that he shall hear and
see. Him bring up, - call him by his name and he shall follow you at once! But ask the
chief priests also to come up, as well as some of the chief ones who you will have
seen at the well yesterday. But call Me Matthew first, as I want him to follow us!’
7. The disciples quickly went down to do as I commanded them.
8. While the disciples were engaged in the street below all the other guests, together
with Mary, came to Me in the dining room and greeted Me most amicably, thanked Me
and briefly related to Me the wonderful dreams they had this night, asking Me if one
is to think much of such dreams.
9. But I said: ‘Whatever the soul beholds in a dream corresponds with its nature. If
the soul moves within the true and the good as I taught you to believe and do, then
she will in dreams also behold the true, and can for her life create the good
therefrom; but if the soul moves within error and through that in evil, then she shall
see falsehood in her dreams and create evil therefrom.
10. Since you however move within truth through My teaching and therefore also
follow Me, your soul also shall have seen only the true, from which she can do much
11. Whether the soul is nevertheless also capable of grasping what it sees in a dream
is another matter. Because just as you do not grasp and comprehend what you
behold in the outer world in which you live by day, just so the soul does not grasp
what she beholds in her world.
12. When however the spirit shall be reborn within you, as I explained to Nicodemus
in Jerusalem when he called on Me by night, then you shall grasp and comprehend
and completely understand everything.’ With this all are content and move back.

Chapter 38
At Sychar. Matthew, the former tax-collector, directed by the Lord to record
the Sermon on the Mount. The high priest's welcoming address to the Lord.
The Lord's reply. Hints on life. ‘Not only the hearing but also the doing of My
teaching brings salvation!’ Country breakfast.
1. The hostess and her new husband come now, greeting Me with much feeling and
asking Me and all the other guests whether we are disposed to now partake of the
morning meal, as it is fully prepared.
2. But I say: ‘Dear Irhael, wait just a little; the disciples shall soon bring over a
number of additional guests and these too shall partake of the early meal, and at the
same time hear from My mouth that you two, you and Joram now have become a
duly married couple; and they are also to see that your house now does not count as
one of the last, but, both outwardly and inwardly as the very first house in this city,
and that I took accommodation in this house for that reason.’
3. Even as I am still saying this to the newlyweds, Peter and My John are already
opening the door with Matthew entering between them, bowing deeply and saying:
‘Lord, I am here fully ready to serve You exclusively. I have a scribe's vocation indeed
by which to live and keep my small family; but if You oh Lord have need of me I shall
let go of my office at once even whilst You oh Lord shall not let my small family
4. Say I: ‘Let him who follows Me not trouble himself about anything other than to
stay with Me in time and eternity. But behold this house; these two owners, - these
shall take in your family in My name and look after them as also yourself, whether
you come by day or night.’
5. Matthew, who had already been acquainted with this house and how it had been
more of a ruin than a house, could not have been more astonished, and spoke: ‘Lord,
here a great miracle must have occurred! Because the house had been a ruin and is
now a palace, the like of which there might not be too many in Jerusalem! And this
truly regal set-up! This must have cost a fortune!’
6. Say I: ‘Just stop and think that with God many things are possible which seem
impossible to men, then you will easily understand how this former ruin could have
been transformed into a palace! - But are you well-supplied with writing materials?’
7. Says Matthew: ‘I am all right for two days; if I am to have more I shall at once
obtain it.’
8. Say I: ‘It shall suffice for ten days; after that we shall acquire more material
elsewhere. Just stay with us and partake of the morning meal with us: after six
o'clock however we shall betake ourselves to the mountain. There I shall proclaim
salvation to these peoples; you record everything verbatim and in three chapters, and
sub-divide these into small verses in the style of David. Look around for another
couple of scribes however who can copy you, so as to leave a written witness for this
9. Says Matthew: ‘Lord, your will shall be followed to the letter.’
10. After this necessary briefing of Matthew the other disciples enter, followed by the
priests and other officials of this city, and greet Me with the greatest of deference.
And the chief priest steps forward a little and says, ‘Lord, you have prepared this
house fittingly, that it should be worthy of accommodating You. Solomon built the
temple in great splendour, so it may serve Jehovah as an abode among men; yet
men have desecrated this abode with their outrageous vices, and Jehovah left the
temple and the ark and came to us on the Mount, even as You oh Lord were in
Jerusalem first, finding little acceptance and coming to us, your genuine old
worshippers. And thus it shall now come to pass as written:
11. ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall
be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and
all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us
go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach
us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law,
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.’ (Isaiah 2:2-3)
12. ‘We are overjoyed indeed like a bride when her bridegroom comes in to her for
the first time. Because verily, Lord, Jerusalem the chosen city of the great King has
become evil to piss and hiss on and is not worthy of You! We do not really deem
ourselves worthy either - since what does it not take in order to be found worthy
before God!?; Yet it is nonetheless true that the Lord, now having to choose between
two evils, He surely will choose us, the lesser one! And this is now miraculously
fulfilling itself before our eyes! You are He Whom we have awaited for so long; hence
hosanna to You, Who comes to us in the name of the Lord!’
13. Say I to the speaker: ‘Yes, you have of a truth spoken rightly; but I also say unto
you: ‘When you hear My teaching then absorb it and remain active in it, for only thus
shall you truly partake of the blessing which I shall proclaim to you from the Mount's
summit today. Because notwithstanding that grace is bestowed upon you freely from
on high, this nevertheless does not suffice; because this does not stay if not seized
actively, - just as, if standing hungrily under a fruit-laden tree, with the wind having
blown down some ripe figs: will these sate you if you do not pick them up and eat
14. Hence not only the hearing but also the doing of My teaching shall bless you with
the salvation going forth from Jerusalem. Do you understand this?!
15. Says the speaker: ‘Yes Lord, for only God can speak like You.’
16. ‘In that case’, say I thereto, ‘since you have now grasped this, let us partake of
our morning meal! But make a record for yourself after the meal, that last night I
betrothed Irhael and the physician Joram and blessed them, so that no one should
henceforth take offence at them! But be seated now for the morning meal! Let it be!’
17. All sat down, and there were many partaking of the morning meal, consisting of
the best milk and bread and honey.

Chapter 39
At Sychar. The morning meal at Irhael's. Table talk. The milk and honey of
the promised land are the best on earth. The wise man's speech in praise of
the Creator. The Lord's speech about perfection being man's destiny. ‘My
yoke is easy and My burden light’. Life hints. ‘He who heeds My advice shall
do well!’ The real house of God: nature and the human soul. Sermon on the
Mount. [Mt. Chapters 5-7]
1. In these parts (Austria, - the trans.) such breakfast would not of course be thought
of too much; but in the promised land, which proverbially overflows with milk and
honey, this was a breakfast most exquisite, since especially the honey in the
promised land was and still is much the best, whilst the milk too is unsurpassed
anywhere on earth.
2. Superb fruit was served after the meal, and many delighted in it and praised God
Who endues fruit with such precious flavour and gives bees the ability to suck such
supremely sweet honey from the flowers of the field, carrying it to their artfully
constructed beehives!
3. One in the Samaritan group who was a sage spoke: ‘God's wisdom, omnipotence
and goodness can never be praised highly enough! The rain falls on the earth, a
million species and varieties of plants, trees and shrubs absorb the self-same rain and
stand in the same soil, yet every kind has a different flavour, smell and form! Each
form is beautiful and pleasant to behold and nothing grows without use, and not even
the most meager moss upon the rocks grows without a purpose!
4. Then add all the animals of the earth, the water and the air! What multiplicity and
diversity, from the mosquito to the elephant; from the mite to the most enormous
leviathan which could carry mountains on its back and play with the cedars of
Lebanon! Oh Lord, what might, what power and endless profundity of wisdom there
must be in God, Who guides and conducts there the sun, moon and countless stars,
holds the sea in its depths, built the mountains upon the earth and brought the earth
itself into being through the almighty Word!
5. I said, ‘Yes, indeed, you are right; so it is. God is supremely good, supremely wise,
supremely just and does not need anyone's advice and instruction when He wishes to
do something. But I tell you: Also man on this earth is called to become as perfect as
is the Father in heaven. This was impossible until now, since death was ruling on this
earth. But from now on it shall be possible to everyone who will in all earnest strive to
live according to My teaching. And I think that if God offers this to man in return for a
small effort, namely , for the easy complying with My teaching, man should spare no
pains to reach this supreme goal.
6. Says the high priest, ‘Yes Lord, man should indeed venture everything to attain to
this ultimate! Whoever wants to enjoy the view from a high mountain must not shy
the effort and trouble of climbing. Whoever wants to reap must plough and sow first,
and whoever thinks of gain must take the risk; but whoever ventures nothing out of
fear that nothing may be gained cannot possibly ever gain! Hence Lord, once You
have shown us the Ways, it shall not be hard for us to attain to what you have just
proclaimed to us, namely - to be as perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect!’
7. I said: ‘Verily so, and I will add: My yoke is easy and My burden light. But mankind
until now has had to carry heavy burdens, yet achieved nothing therewith; it remains
to be seen how their faith will shape up to exchanging the habitually ponderous old
for the unfamiliar new. Shall they not finally say: If we achieve nothing through
strenuous ways and work, what shall we achieve with child's play?
8. I say unto you: ‘You shall have to cast off the old man like an old coat and then put
on a completely new one! This shall of course be uncomfortable at first, but whoever
shall not be driven back to the old, habitual by trivia, but bear up to the small
discomfort, shall attain to the perfection of which I spoke.
9. But let you all get ready now, for I shall shortly start on the small trip to the
mountain. Let him who will move up with Me get to his legs; and you, Matthew, go
and fetch your writing utensils! But do not tarry as you can see that I am about to
10. Says Matthew: ‘Lord, You know how ready I am to follow You! But if I go over to
my house or rather to where I am employed and paid by the Romans as a tax
collector and scribe, and get tied up near the main barrier before the town, I shall
probably find a lot of work as usual, and the Roman guards shall not let me go until I
have done the work. Hence I would prefer it if I could obtain sufficient writing
material here for today, and then go and collect mine in the evening, which would
then last me for a full two days; because I cannot obtain more than three days
supplies from the Romans, which I also nearly use up.’
11. I said: ‘Friend, just always do what I tell you, and you shall always be all right!
Just go as I told you and you shall not today find any work nor anyone waiting at the
barrier! But bring also your other scribes with you, so that My Word shall be recorded
here severalfold!’ - Says Matthew: ‘Well, in that case I may indeed be gone!’
12. At that Matthew the tax-collector goes and finds everything exactly as I foretold
him. He soon returns with three other scribes and we are on our way to Mount
Gerizim, together with everyone else in the house. And as we arrive at the mountain
after one hour, the high priest asks Me if he should go up and open the old house of
13. But I point to the area and the many people who followed us, and say to him,
‘Behold friend, this is the oldest and most appropriate house of God; but it is much
neglected and I want to restore it, as I did with Irhael's house! But for this, the old
house is not needed, and this area at the foot of the mountain shall suffice. There
are, besides, a few benches and tables here which will be handy for the scribes. Open
your ears, eyes and hearts therefore and be ready; because now shall come to pass
before your eyes what the prophet Isaiah prophesied!’
14. Says Matthew: ‘Lord, we are ready to hear you!’

Chapter 40
The priests criticize the misunderstood sermon on the mount. Nathanael’s
profound explanation on behalf of the Lord.
1. When the sermon had ended many were shocked, and mainly the priests and some
of the people said, ‘Who can attain to salvation? We teachers of the law also preach
properly and justly as once Moses proclaimed from the mountain the commandments
to the people. But all that is like dew and a gentle evening breeze compared to this
strict teaching and mightiest of sermons. There is hardly a tenable argument against
such precepts, but they are too severe and hardly anyone will be able to practice
2. Who can love his enemy, who do good to the one who harms him maliciously and
who can bless those who hate him and speak only bad about him? And if a person
wants to borrow something from me, I must not turn away and refuse to listen to him
nor steel my heart against his words, even if I see clearly that the borrower will never
be able to return what he has borrowed? Ah, what a silly thing! If the lazy ones and
the shirkers hear about it, will they not promptly go to the wealthy and borrow from
them as long as they possess something? Once they have in this way - and nothing is
easier than that - lent everything to the poor, who can never return what they have
borrowed, and in the end have nothing left themselves, the question arises: Who will
in the future be working and from whom will the poor then receive a loan?
3. It is only too obvious that with the observance of such precepts, which oppose the
nature of all human institutions, the world would in no time become a real desert.
Once the world is a desert, where will men receive any education, since all schools
just come to an end if no one has the means to establish and support them?
4. This teaching will not do at all. The bad people and enemies of the good and their
good works must be punished and who slaps my face must be slapped back at least
twice, so that he will no longer wish to slap my face again. The careless borrower
must be put in a work-house to teach him to work and in future earn his living by
diligently working with his hands. The very poor may ask for alms and they will not be
refused. That is an ancient but very good law under which a human society can well
exist. But the precepts this alleged Christ has now given are too impractical for
human life and cannot possibly be adopted.
5. I did not want to mention all the other things, absurd as they sounded, but the
suggested self-mutilation in case of vexation through parts of one’s own body and
besides the evidently recommended idleness, according to which no one should be
concerned about anything, but only keep seeking the Kingdom of God, as all else
would be given him from above! -Let us try this only for a period of a few months,
during which people do not touch anything or work, and we shall soon see whether
fried fish will be swimming into their mouth.
6. And how stupid is the recommended self-mutilation when limbs cause vexation. If
we let someone with a sharp axe in his right hand cut off and fling away the left, what
will he do when afterwards the right hand vexes him, - how will he cut that off, and
how tear out the eyes and finally, without hands, cut off his feet that might still annoy
him? Ah, leave us alone with such a teaching! This would not be good enough for a
crocodile, let alone for man. If you think only a little of the consequences, it will
become clear to you that such a teaching can be nothing else but the result of some
ancient Jewish fanaticism.
7. And if all the angels descended from the heavens and taught men such ways of
attaining everlasting life and the use of such means for gaining heaven, such stupid
teachers should be thrashed out of the world so that they may swallow their stupid
heaven. - But what inconsistency. - “A tooth for a tooth” and “an eye for an eye: he
considers unjust and cruel, preaches utmost gentleness and tolerance, even opens
the gate for all thieves by saying: “If a man demands your shirt, let him have your
coat as well.” What a teaching! -But on the other hand people are to tear out their
eyes and cut off hands and feet. - Which one of you has ever heard a greater
8. Here the Priest steps up to Me and says, ‘Master, your deeds prove that you can do
more than any ordinary man, but if you are able to think correctly, which I do not
doubt since at the house of Irhael I heard you speak quite wisely, then revoke certain
most impracticable precepts of this your sermon. Otherwise we must, notwithstanding
all your deeds, which are truly worthy of a Messiah, regard you as a fanatical
magician taught in some ancient Egyptian school and expel you from here as a real
9. Just have a closer look at your mighty teaching, and you will see that your
teaching is quite useless for gaining everlasting life and cannot be followed by
anyone. For, if a person is to win heaven in such a way, he is sure to forgo heaven. It
would be preferable not to have been born than thus to win a heaven which one can
enter only as a mutilated cripple. Tell me honestly whether you understand this or
whether you are really serious about your teaching.’
10. Say I, ‘You are a high priest, but you are blinder than a mole under the earth;
what can be expected of the others? I gave you metaphors here and you swallow only
their material part which threatens to suffocate you. You do not seem to have the
least idea of the spirit I put into these metaphors.
11. Believe Me, we are quite as wise as you imagine yourselves to be and know very
well whether or not a person could and should mutilate himself to gain everlasting
life. But we also know that you do not grasp the spirit of this teaching and will not be
able to grasp it for quite some time. We shall not, however, revoke our words
because of that. Although you have ears, they do not hear the right thing, also you
have eyes, but they are spiritually blind and, notwithstanding your open ears and
eyes, you do not hear and see anything.’

Chapter 41
The Sermon on the Mount clearly explained by Nathanael

1. Says the High Priest, ‘Yes, yes, you may be right therein to, and I will not, and at
this stage also cannot, contest whether - and what kind of - spiritual is contained in
your educational metaphors. One thing, however, you cannot dispute that if I, for
instance, wish to pass a teaching to someone which I want him to understand and
practice as my disciple, I must surely give the teaching in such a way that my disciple
will understand it in its true sense. Once I know that my disciples has fully grasped
the inner truth of my teaching, I have every right to demand of my disciple to act
according to my teaching.
2. If I give someone a teaching in metaphors, which as such are impossible to
practice, and if my disciple then asked me: “What does that mean? How am I to take
my own life in order to win life? How am I to kill myself, so that as a dead man I may
receive a new, even an eternal life, out of death?”, then I shall say to him, “Look,
friend, you must understand this in such and such a way. For, behold, between the
given metaphor and the truth it contains there is this and that spiritual
correspondence, and you have to arrange your life in accordance with this
correspondence, not with the external picture.
3. Look, Master, then the disciple will understand it and, as already mentioned, I have
then every right to demand of him to become active in the spirit of the truth of my
teaching. But can I, without being a fool, expect him to act according to my harsh
metaphor? And if I in all earnest did demand that, I would appear to all thinking
people as a man who carried water in a sealed up vessel and when a thirsty man
came to him requesting a drink, the water carrier promptly passed him the sealed up
jar, saying: “There you have the jar, - drink!” The thirsty man then tried to drink, but
could not find an opening and asked the carrier: “How can I drink from it since the jar
is sealed up from all sides?” - and the carrier told him: “If you are blind and cannot
find the opening, swallow the whole jar and you will thus also swallow the water with
4. Tell me, you otherwise dear and wise Master, what the thirsty man would have to
say to such a carrier? I think he could in this case justly call such a water carrier a
5. This does not mean that I want to call you exactly a fool, but if you say that
because of our spiritual blind-and-deafness we cannot grasp the spirit of your
teaching, your teaching would still be like the water in a sealed up jar which the
thirsty man would in fact have to swallow together with the water, a demand which
could only come from a prophet who has escaped from an asylum. - Regard this
matter as you please. As long as you do not add a sufficient explanation to your
teaching, which in some of its points holds much that is good and true, I and many
clearer thinking people abide by what I have expressed, You will never live to see
that, because of your teaching, we shall promptly begin to cut off our hands and feet
and tear out our eyes. We shall also continue to work as before and gain our bread by
the sweat of our brow, and the one who will deceitfully offend against us, shall not be
spared a just punishment.
6. To the thief who steals a shirt from us we shall not give our coat too, but he shall
be seized and thrown into prison, where he will be given sufficient time to repent of
his wrong action and live a better life. If you are truly a wise man gone forth from
God, you must also be convinced of the sacred need to preserve the Mosaic Law,
which God Himself proclaimed under lightning and thunder to the Israelites in the
desert. If, however, you want to break the law with your teaching, take care that you
can face Jehovah!’
7. Say I, ‘I am of the opinion that the lawgiver is entitled to either leave the law alone
and fulfill it himself according to the spirit and truth or abolish it completely under
certain conditions.’
8. Says the High Priest, ‘This now sounds peculiar from your mouth. This morning I
would have revered such a word from your mouth, for then it really seemed to me
that you were indeed the Promised. But after the teaching you give us you have in my
eyes become a madman, whom it pleases to present his fixed idea to us as the
promised Messiah’s wisdom. Therefore, you had now rather explain your harsh
teaching, as without sufficient explanation no one could ever grasp it and act
according to it.’
9. Say I, ‘So tell me then what confounds you so much in My teaching, and I shall
solve the problem for you.’

Meaning of “tearing out of eyes and the cutting off of hands and feet”

10. Says the High Priest, ‘I have already mentioned that several times, but to show
you that I am very reasonable and moderate, I tell you now that I accept all the other
points of your teaching as good and wise, but I cannot possible accept the tearing out
of eyes and the cutting off of hands and feet. Think it over yourself whether it is
possible to tear out one’s eyes. Also, will not the one who himself cuts of one of his
hands or feet soon bleed to death? And once he is dead, what fruits of betterment will
he then be able to produce?
11. Look, that is the impracticable point of your teaching which can never be
reasonably complied with and if there ever should be any fools who do comply with
such teaching, they will not achieve any betterment thereby. For if someone should
survive, who will not praise God because of the misery such a teaching claimed to be
from God has caused him.’
12. Say I, ‘Very well, your request is fair enough and I tell you: Among all the priests
since Samuel you are the wisest, for you have an honest heart and do not basically
reject My teaching, but only wish to have it explained. Therefore, I will also give you a
light. This light will not come from My mouth, but from the mouth of one of My
disciples. Do now turn to one of My disciples, which will prove to you that My teaching
is already understood by people without My explanation.’
Chapter 42
Lack of understanding of the image of the Sermon on the Mount
1. Here the High Priest turns to Nathanael and says to him, ‘Following your Master’s
direction, I now happen to turn to you. Will you, therefore, explain to me at least the
most difficult point of the teaching of your master. But please do use only clear and
pure words, for with a haze over a haze, a room cannot be illuminated. And now do
2. Replies Nathanael, ‘Are you of such a closed mind that you cannot grasp a clearly
given teaching in its true sense? Have not practically all the prophets predicted that
Christ would open His mouth to speak to the people only in parables?’
3. Says the High Priest, ‘Yes, you are right, that is how it is written.’
4. Continues Nathanael, ‘Well, since you as one versed in the Scripture know that why
then do you call the Lord a fool because according to the Scripture He opens His
mouth in parables? You may, of course, implore the Lord for a light to help you
understand them, but not call Him a fool if you do not understand His allegorical
speech, since you are still ignorant in such divine matters.
5. Behold, all things in nature have their order and can exist only in their specific
order. Thus have also the things of the spirit their specific order, beyond which they
cannot exist nor be imagined or expressed in words. However, between the natural
and the spiritual things, since the former have gone forth from the latter, there is and
exists an exact correspondence which, of course, only the Lord knows in all detail.
6. Thus, when the Lord tells us - who are all still within the fixed order of natural
existence - of purely spiritual things, He can do so only by using metaphors. To be
able to understand these properly, we must strive to awaken our spirit through
observing God’s commandments. Once this awakening has taken place, openly then
shall we understand all that the Lord has said and revealed in such a corresponding
parable, and that is wherein his divine Word will for ever differ from our human word.
7. But now pay good attention. What the eye is to the natural man, is to the spirit the
ability to view the divine and heavenly things, which alone suit the nature of the spirit
for its most blessed, everlasting existence.
8. However, since the spirit, according to the most necessary divine order, has to be
for a certain time imprisoned in the matter of the flesh of this world, so that it may
become firm in its freedom and almost total independence of God without which it
would never be able to see God, let alone exist in, beside and with God (but when the
spirit is maturing within matter and becoming firm in freedom and independence of
God, it is exposed to the quite unavoidable danger of being swallowed up by matter
and perishing together with it, from which death an awakening to life in God is and
must be extremely hard and painful) - the Lord said, not to the physical man, of
course, but to the spiritual man: “If your eye offends you, tear it out and fling it
away, for it is better to enter the heavens with one eye, than hell with both,” which is
to say as much as: If you find the light of the world too tempting, make an effort and
turn away from such a light; which would draw you into the death of matter. Deprive
yourself as spirit of the empty gratification that enjoyment of the world can offer and
turn with your soul to the purely heavenly things, for it is better for you to enter the
realm of eternal life without much worldly knowledge than be swallowed up by the
death of matter - too worldly wise on the one hand and too little spiritually wise on
the other hand.
9. If the Lord here spoke of two eyes, hands and feet, He thereby did not mean the
two eyes and the two hands and feet of the body, but only the obviously dual ability
of the spirit to see, act and progress. He does not warn the flesh, which has no life,
but the spirit not to concern itself with the world, when it feels too much attracted to
it. In that case it is better to enter eternal life without knowledge of the world than be
in the end swallowed up by the necessary judgement of the world because of too
much worldly knowledge.
10. The spirit shall, of course, also see the world and get to know it, but it shall not
take pleasure in it. Once it begins to feel that the world attracts it, it should promptly
turn away from the world as danger is already threatening. Behold, this necessary
turning away is expressed by the corresponding picture of the tearing out of an eye
and He who is able to give us such an appropriate metaphor must surely be well-
versed in all man’s spiritual and material circumstances. In my opinion, this could be
possible only to Him through whose power, love and wisdom all things spiritual and
material have been created. I think you will now have understood me and realise how
flagrantly you have sinned against the One Who carries yours as well as all our lives
in His almighty hand!’
Chapter 43
Further explanation of Nathanael
1. Here the High Priest, as well as many others, is quite startled and says after a
while, ‘Yes, yes, now I do understand it. But why did not the Lord speak right away as
plainly as you have now spoken? Then I would surely not have sinned against Him.’
2. Says Nathanael, ‘If a seven year old boy would ask me that, I would not be at all
surprised, but I do wonder how you, one of the principal sages of this place, could ask
like that.
3. Would you not also like to ask the Lord why he put into the grain of seed the
limitless forming and developing ability of the tree that will be going forth from it?
Why the tedious development of a tree from the grain of seed and following that the
long wait for the ripe fruit? Just look how foolish you still are!

Meaning of “giving your coat in addition to your shirt”

4. The Lord’s word and teaching is like all His works. He gives us His teaching in seed-
pods. These we have first to sow into the soil of our spirit, which soil is called LOVE.
Then the seed will sprout and grow into a tree of true knowledge of God and
ourselves, and from this tree we shall then in due course be able to gather fully
matured fruit for eternal life.
5. LOVE IS THE PRINCIPAL THING; without it no fruit of the spirit can thrive. Sow the
wheat into the air and see whether it will grow and bear fruit for you, but if you put
the grain of wheat into good soil, it will grow and bear multiple fruit. The right love,
however, is a proper soil for the spiritual grain of seed which we receive from the
Lord’s mouth.
6. This is the reason why the Lord has now for all of you abolished the harsh Mosaic
law of punishment, so that you may soon grow richer in good soil in your hearts. For
he who punishes according to the law has little or often no love at all and the divine
word-seed will, therefore, develop in him only poorly. The one who is being punished
is anyway in the judgement in which there is no love, since judgement is the death of
7. Therefore, it is better if you do not immediately see your fellowmen’s faults, but
are forbearing and patient. And if they in their weakness ask something of you, you
shall not withhold it from them, so that love may keep growing in yourselves and also
in your weak brothers Once this is present in abundance in you as well as your
brothers, the divine seed will thrive within you and the weak will then in his strength
look upon you with good will and reward you many times over for what you did for
him when he was weak.
8. But if you are stingy and hard where your weak brothers are concerned, you
yourselves will never attain to a divine fruit within you and the judgement of the weak
will in the end drag also you into destruction.
9. When the Lord said, “Give the one who asks you for your shirt also the coat,” He
only meant to point out that you who are rich and have many possessions should give
abundantly to the poor when they come to you. Thereby you will also gain much soil
in your hearts and thus be blessed with the possession of such true soil, and the poor
will truly bless you, for from your hearts they will receive the most effective sermon
of God’s true Gospel and thereby become strong for your own eternal support. But if
you give miserly and calculate when and how much to give, you help neither
yourselves nor your poor brothers, and because of it these will never become a
support for you.’
Chapter 44
Symbolic eyes, arms and feet
Meaning of “cutting the right foot”

1. Says the High Priest, who has listened to this speech most attentively, ‘Everything
is now in order and I think that I understand all this pretty well. There is just one
thing I still want to mention: The Master actually speaks only of tearing out the right
eye and cutting off the right hand. Only in my searching zeal I added also the feet,
but look, you have now also explained to me the cutting off of the feet just as you did
the eye and hand about which alone the Lord spoke as far as I know. You said that
there existed correspondence only in the Word of the Lord Who speaks to man’s
spirit. How come then that you found also correspondence in my addition?’
2. Says Nathanael, ‘You are wrong. The Lord spoke also of the right foot, but He
hinted to the scribes to omit that about the foot because those who have directed
their inner vision heavenward and have activated their love-will - which corresponds
to the left arm as the hand of the heart - in accordance with God’s will after getting
rid of the right arm or right hand - by which the purely worldly motivation is to be
understood - no longer need to rid themselves of the right foot. Once the eye is in the
right light and the hand, or rather the will, is acting correctly, the progress into the
regions of eternal life is automatically there or the right foot, denoting worldly
progress, already automatically severed and a special effort is no longer needed.
3. You Samaritans could as well start with the foot, for although your sight is now
directed toward the divine and your hands are engaged in the right action, your foot
or your eagerness for progress is directed towards the world. You expect of the
Messiah something quite different from what you should expect of Him in accordance
with the predictions by all the prophets, and that, spiritually seen, is your right foot
which you should sever, so that you can set out on the right road to the Kingdom of
God. Only because of you the Lord had spoken also of the right foot, but did not have
it recorded because the future followers of the Lord’s teaching will know very well
where and wherein the kingdom of the Messiah is and consists and what has to be
done to enter it. Is there anything else you wish to query?’
4. Says the High Priest, ‘Now everything is clear to me as far as I am able to grasp it
but, notwithstanding the fact that I now do understand it, I must add that your
teaching, the way it is given, is a severe and hard to understand teaching and you will
find that many will be taking offence at it.
5. Not that I wish to make a bad prophet for you, yet I tell you that with the arrogant
Jews you will not achieve what you have achieved with us, notwithstanding our
stupidity in many points. We do believe now, although still as if in a dream. The
prominent Jews, however, will not believe you like this. They will ask of signs and
may in the end even persecute you because of the signs. We did not ask you for
signs, but you nevertheless worked them voluntarily.
6. We do not believe you because of the signs, which partly could also be worked by
men, but purely because of the teaching since it has now been explained to us.
Therefore, you should stay with us, for with the proud Jews and Greeks you will have
little success.’
Chapter 45
Nathanael’s apostle-confession about the imitation of the Lord according to
the new teaching of love from the sermon on the mount.
1. Says Nathanael, ‘This far I had to instruct you, from here on everything is in the
Lord’s hand. What He wills, we also shall will and do, for all of us are spiritually still
very poor. Therefore, we must remain with Him, so that we may gain the Kingdom of
Heaven. We will bear together with the Lord all suffering and persecution, so that with
and in Him we shall have the proper comfort. In His name let us be meek in all our
thoughts, opinions, wishes and desires, also in all our actions, so that we may be able
to take real possession of the true soil which is THE PURE LOVE OF GOD IN OUR
2. We shall not shun the land where conditions are harsh and unjust either; we shall
be hungry and thirsty for true justice, since we have the One with us Who can truly
satisfy us everlastingly.
3. And we ourselves will be most merciful towards everyone, be he just or unjust in
his dealings with us, so that in the eyes of the Lord we may be considered worthier of
God’s great mercy.
4. We will also everywhere, just as here before you, guard our hearts as much as
possible against impurity, so that the Lord may not turn away from us when we face
Him. For with an impure heart one cannot approach God and in spirit contemplate in
all truth His countenance and the abundant wonders of His works.
5. If we are of a pure heart, we must be peaceful, patient and gentle toward
everyone, for an angry heart can never be pure, since anger always grows out of the
ground of pride. But if we are of a peaceful heart, we may confidently approach as
children the One who brought us the SONSHIP OF GOD and taught us Himself to pray
to God as our Father.
6. It is of no importance, my friend, if, as you believe, we shall be persecuted in other
lands and places on account of our most righteous cause, for we have Him and
through Him the heaven of heavens. And thus we are happy already here, supremely
happy, whether people love us or scorn and persecute us for His sake, because He is
Lord over all and over everything. We serve Him above all, whom all the heavens
obey and are always prepared to serve, as we could convince ourselves yesterday and
on earlier occasions, and this alone is our highest reward and greatest honour.
Therefore, do not be concerned about us, for we know and recognise what we have to
reckon with.
7. The High Priest was quite surprised at this speech so full of determination and said,
‘Truly, if I were not needed here and did not have wife and children and some other
responsibilities, I would go with you.’
8. Says Nathanael, ‘We have left wives, children and other things and have followed
Him, and our wives and children are nevertheless living. I tell you what I think about
this: Whoever cannot in this world, for the love of Him, leave whatever it may be, is
not worthy of His grace. Whether it offends you or not, this is the position. My heart
tells me so, and in the heart everything is truth once the spirit within it has awakened
to the living thinking in God. He does not need us, but we do need Him.
9. Have you ever helped Him to raise the immense sun above the vast horizon and
spread its celestial light across the wide earth? Or have you ever seen, let alone
forged, the shackles the Lord puts on the winds, how He constrains the lightning and
the mighty thunder and the sea in its depths? Who can claim ever to have helped the
Lord in anything? And if this is so, who, when he is called by the Lord to follow Him,
can still think of his wife, his children and his things and not follow unconditionally -
Him, the Lord of all life, of all the heavens and all the worlds, for whom we have
waited so long to come and who has now come exactly in the way all the prophets
and patriarchs had predicted?’
10. Says the High Priest, ‘If I only were not the high priest, I would in truth do what
all of you have done. But I am the high priest and since you, as I have heard, will
stay here only for one more day, these people, who are so weak in faith, need me like
the eye for seeing. So you will understand that I have to remain here, not so much
because of my wife, my children and things, but rather because of these weak
believers, who for quite some time yet will be unable to completely relinquish their
set idea of old about the nature of the Messiah and the purpose of His coming. It will
cost me a great effort, but what can I do?
11. I now believe firmly that your Master is the promised Messiah, but what about my
flock? You have seen how already during the sermon many left. These are of a vexed
unbelief which they will now diligently spread and many who still remained and
yesterday fully believed have now their doubts, too, and do not know what to believe.
12. Imagine what a job I, being an oracle to all of them, shall have! But if I do not
convert them, they will remain to the end of the world whatever you can imagine, but
not what they are supposed to be. And look, that is the main reason why I have to
stay here, and I am convinced that the Lord will not deny me His grace because of it.
Even if I am not bodily in His company, I shall remain so spiritually for ever and
endeavour to serve Him as a most faithful servant and shepherd in full accordance
with His here proclaimed teaching, and I think that He will agree to this.’
13. Say I, ‘Yes, I would like that and it suits Me very well. You shall be an excellent
tool for Me in this community and your reward in heaven shall once be great. But now
evening has come and let us go home again. So be it!’
14. Following these words we walked down from the mountain and homewards. There
was still quite a crowd around, although earlier, when I ended My sermon, many had
left full of unbelief and vexation. 

Chapter 46
During the descent from mount Gerizim: Healing of a leper. About zeal and
proper restraint.
[1] As already mentioned before, we were not actually at the top of the mountain, but
lower down on the first rise because of the larger space there which was suitable for
the large crowd that had followed Me from the town among which were many old and
already rather weak people who in the considerable heat of the day would hardly
have reached the peak of the mountain. But we were nevertheless rather high up and
the descent was only slow as the twilight made it hard to see the path for some
people with weak eyes.
[2] As we thus slowly and carefully descended from the mountain into the plain, a
man, covered in bad sores, was lying by the roadside. He immediately got to his feet,
came to me and said in a plaintive voice, ‘O Lord, if it were only your will, you could
make me clean.’ And I stretched out My hand over him and said, ‘So it is My will that
you shall be clean!’ In a moment the sick man was cleansed of his leprosy, all the
swellings, scabs and scales had vanished suddenly. As it had been a particularly bad
case of leprosy, beyond help from any physician, all the people were quite amazed
when they saw how this man became so suddenly clean of his leprosy.
[3] Now the cleansed man meant to praise Me vociferously, but I warned him, saying,
‘I tell you that for the time being you must not tell anybody about this, except the
high priest. Go to him; he is walking behind us with My disciples. When he will have
confirmed that you are cleansed, then go home and sacrifice on the altar what Moses
has ordered.’
[4] The cleansed man did immediately what I bade him. The High Priest was also
greatly astonished and said, ‘If a physician had told me: “Look, I am going to cure
this man,” I would have only laughed and said: “Oh you fool, go to the Euphrates and
try to bail it out. Each bucketful drawn will be replaced by hundred thousands;
however, it should still be easier for you to drain the Euphrates than to restore health
to this man whose flesh has already begun to decompose.” And the man, whom we
have now recognised as the Messiah, managed to do this with a single word. - In
truth, this suffices us. - He is definitely Christ. - We do not need any further proof.
[5] In truth, if today someone should ask me for a shirt, I would not only add the
coat, but all my clothes. For this prize I am truly willing to give away everything right
to the shirt, and I now realise that His is a purely divine teaching. Yes, He Himself is
as Jehovah now bodily with us. What more could we wish for? I will be a herald all
night to announce His presence in all the streets and lanes.’
[6] Following these words he runs to Me, that is, close to the well, falls at My feet and
says, ‘Lord, do stop just for a moment that I may worship You, for You are not only
Christ, a Son of God, but God Himself clothed in the flesh, with us.’
[7] Say I, ‘Friend, let that pass. I have already shown you how to pray. So pray
silently, and that is sufficient. Do not do too much today and as a result maybe not
enough tomorrow. There should be a right measure observed in everything. If you
add the coat to the shirt, that is quite enough to make the poor your very good friend
forever, but if you, when he only asks for a shirt, would add all your clothes, this
would embarrass him and he will think that you either want to confound him or that
you are out of your mind. And look, nothing good would have been achieved thereby.
[8] However, if someone asks you for one shekel and you give him two, or maybe
three, you will make the borrower’s heart glad and your own very happy. But if you
give a thousand shekels to the one who came to you to borrow only one, he will be
alarmed and think: “What does that mean? I asked him for one shekel only and he
wants to give me all he possesses? Does he take me for insatiable, does he want to
embarrass me or has he maybe become deranged?” And behold, such a man will not
become a gain for your heart not will such an attitude on your part be of benefit for
his heart. Therefore, just a fair, full measure in everything, and that is quite
[9] This instruction has fully satisfied the High Priest and he speaks to himself, ‘Yes,
yes, He is right in everything. If one does exactly as He said, it is quite in order; what
is below or above it, is either bad or stupid. For if I today gave everything away and
tomorrow maybe an even poorer man came to my door, what could I give him then?
How sad it would make me, for I would no longer be able to help an even poorer
[10] The Lord is so absolutely right in all things and knows how to arrange for the
best measure to be applied everywhere. Therefore, all honour, praise and glory be to
Him alone and the fullest adoration from all hearts.’
Chapter 47
At Sychar. The miraculous supper at Irhael's, in fellowship with the angels.
The Lord's hints about His celestial servants. The Lord's compatriots' anger
and lack of faith. Was the Lord taught by the Essenes?
[1] By this time however we arrive at Irhael's and Joram's, where, in the manner of
the previous day everything had been readied for supper, only more opulently by far.
All the many Sycharites who had been to the mountain begin to take their leave in
the corridor; but a great host of youths clad in white step among them and implore
them to stay for supper.
[2] The high priest, astonished at the vast number of youths and above all at their
great affability, kindliness and benevolence, immediately steps up to Me and asks in
great humility: ‘But Lord, who are these magnificent youths? None of them can be
sixteen years of age, yet with every word and movement they exhibit extraordinary
learning. Oh tell me whence they came and to which school they belong! Of what
beautiful shape and how well-fed they are! How exceedingly pleasant and agreeable
to the heart just the sound of their voice. Therefore Lord, tell, tell me who and
whence are these youths!’
[3] Say I: ‘Have you not heard it said of old: he who is a lord has also his servants
and attendants? You call Me Lord, and it is therefore fitting that I too have My
servants and attendants! That they are highly educated evinces that their Lord must
be a most wise and loving one. The lords of the world are hard and loveless however,
and so are their servants; that Lord however Who is a Lord in heaven and has now
come to the earth and the hard world of men has also His servants from whence He
came, and the servants resemble Him because they not only are His servants but also
children of His wisdom and love. Have you truly understood Me?’
[4] Says the chief priest: ‘Of a truth, Lord, in so far as one can at all understand your
most memorable metaphorical language. There would be a lot of questions of course
to clarify this thing, but I leave it there and hope that there shall be ample
opportunity yet for that today.’
[5] Say I: ‘Oh indeed! But let us now go to supper, as all is in readiness!’
[6] The crowd with faith all went to supper; only the part without faith went home,
because they regarded all this as a trap. The reason was that those were mostly
emigrated Galileans, among them many from Nazareth, who knew Me and also My
disciples, whom they had seen often at the fish market. These said also to the native
Samaritans: ‘We know him and his disciples; he is a carpenter by trade and his
disciples fishermen. He went to school with the Essenes who are well-versed in all
sorts of crafts, healing and rare magic. Such he has learnt there and now practices his
well-learnt craft in order to gain for the Essenes a great following and much income.
Those youths however are well-bred, Caucasian-bought girls in disguise, belonging to
the same Essenes; these would be the main attraction! But we shall not be bewitched
so easily; because we know there is no fooling around with the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. But for the Essenes, who think that their ancestors created the
world, it is easy to fool around with what they regard as non-existent. So, as long as
we believe the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we do not need such Essene
deceptions; and if ever we should lose our faith, then the Essenes with their smart
errand-boys shall be for us no substitute, but in the end shall make us into
Sadducees, who believe in no resurrection or eternal life. But may Jehovah save us
from that!’ With these comments they make for home.
[7] I and a large part comprising mostly Samaritans sit down to the meal and, after a
good day's work take it easy and let the angels serve us; because here too I laboured
in a desert, and it is written: ‘And when Satan was forced to depart, angels came and
ministered unto Him [Mt. 4:10-11 The trans.]
Chapter 48
At Sychar. The guests and the celestial servants. The high priest’s misgivings
about his ministry of converting the faithless people. The Lord's comments in
reply and His foretelling of His passion, death and rising. Appearance of
spirits. Glorious promise for true followers.
[1] But only few at the table were aware of being served by angels, with food from
the heavens. They believed in all earnest that I had such servants as part of My
retinue, having bought these in Asia Minor for money. But they could not comprehend
their great cheerfulness, friendliness and erudition; because such slaves normally had
a sour expression and attended to their service slavishly and like machines, and there
can generally be no talk about their education or philanthropy. In short, the guests
were greatly amused, and the high priest who had gradually come to realise that
these many servants were supernatural beings grew steadily more discomfited, since
he felt embarrassed for the people who, although well-mannered, in his opinion
carried on somewhat loosely with these glorious servants.
[2] But what embarrassed him most of all was that these, in spite of all signs from
the wide-open heavens, hurried home unbelieving. He spoke with trepidation: ‘My
Lord and my God! What should convert such people ever if such signs are fruitless?!
You Yourself, oh Lord, and the many angels from the open heavens were not able to
convert this breed; what am I poor rascal to do with them? Would they not spit in my
face if I dared teaching them about You?’
[3] Say I: ‘Do you not also have a great number of believers around you? Make them
your helpers and your task shall be easy. Because if a man is to lift a certain weight
but lacks sufficient strength, he engages a helper. If just one does not suffice he
engages a second and a third and therewith becomes master of the burden. Once the
number of believers is equal, and here indeed bigger than of the unbelieving, there
the work is easy.
[4] Quite different it is in places where no believers are found at all! There indeed one
makes an attempt, so that no one should once have the excuse: I never heard a word
of it.
[5] If a believer is found, one stays with him and reveals to him the kingdom of God's
grace. If however not even one accepts the Word, one moves on, but also shakes the
dust off one's feet over such a place; because such place is then unworthy of grace
other than bestowed also upon the animals of the field and woods. Here then you
have your guide lines for your future stance towards all those non-believers.
[6] But I also urge you to remain strong in your faith yourself, or else you shall
accomplish very little for My kingdom! Do not let yourself be diverted by all kinds of
news you shall hear about Me from Jerusalem in a couple of years! Because there I
shall be handed over to the authorities, and these shall kill this My body, but this I
shall revive again on the third day and thereupon remain with you till the end of the
world! Because yonder brood in Jerusalem shall believe only when convinced that
there is no way of killing Me off!
[7] And then it shall also come that at sundry places on earth, obstinate men shall be
physically killing the bearers of the Gospel. But precisely such death shall then make
believers out of the former, when they see that those who live a spiritual life out of
My Word cannot be killed! Because those killed shall sporadically return to their pupils
and teach them My Ways!
[8] But to the hard of heart, worldlings who have either no faith or, having some
nevertheless do not act according to what faith teaches, neither I nor My disciples
shall come to fully remove their night of doubts from their hearts. But when the end
of their flesh comes over them they shall taste the evil of their faithlessness and the
consequences of not keeping My teaching through deeds, even whilst those who
believe on Me through works shall neither feel nor taste death.
[9] Because when I shall open the door of the flesh to these, they shall step out of
their flesh like prisoners from their cells when the leniency of their lord has unlocked
[10] Therefore do not be disconcerted when you shall hear one or the other thing
about Me. Because he who abides in faith and unshaken in faith and love till the end,
as I teach and have taught and shall teach on and on, shall attain to blissfulness in
the everlasting kingdom of the heavens, which you now behold open above you, with
My angels ascending and descending!’
Chapter 49
At Sychar. Hints on the how and where of true worship. Irhael's
commendable talk. ‘Not houses of prayer, but refuges and hospitals for the
poor you shall build Me’. Allusion to the temple of the Creation.
[1] Says the high priest: ‘I am sorted out now and hope that this entire district also
shall be so in a short time. But allow me just another question, and this consists in:
Are we to still honour the mountain and your old House, and honour your Sabbaths
there, or should we erect a new House here, to meet in Your name? If the latter is
Your will then You might want tomorrow to point out the appropriate spot most
pleasing to you, and we should then do everything to accommodate Your desire
therein too.’
[2] Say I: ‘Friend, that which is the right thing for you and mankind at large I have
already made known to you on the mountain today.
[3] But for the keeping of same it requires neither the old House on the Mount, and
still less a new one in town, but only your believing hearts and a firm and good will.
[4] When I came here yesterday and took a rest at Jacob's well, encountering Irhael,
she too when recognising Me more closely asked Me whether God is to be worshipped
on Gerizim or in the temple at Jerusalem. Let her tell you what answer I gave her!’
[5] Here the high priest turns to Irhael, and she says, ‘The Lord spoke to me thus:
[6] ‘The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship God
neither upon Gerizim nor in the temple at Jerusalem! For God is a Spirit, and those
who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth!’ This the Lord spoke; you
are a high priest and shall know what is to be done henceforth!
[7] My view is that since the Lord has bestowed such exceeding Grace upon us all and
took lodging in this house, which is not mine but is His and shall remain so, this
house should remain a memorable one for ever, and we want to assemble in it in His
name always and honour the Sabbath in His glory!’
[8] Says the high priest: ‘Yes, yes, you are quite right, if only we were all believers;
but some consideration has to be also given to the weak! These would be offended
even more!’
[9] I said; ‘Irhael is right! Whoever is offended - well, let him be offended and climb
his mountain! Once he no longer finds anything there, he will start thinking of
something better.
[10] Do not in future build houses of prayer for Me but guest houses and refuges for
the poor who can not pay you!
[1] In the love of your poor brothers and sisters shall you be My true worshippers,
and in such houses of prayer I shall be frequently among you, without you necessarily
becoming aware of it; but in temples built for worshipping Me with the lips, as it has
been till now, I shall henceforth dwell no more than man's intellect would in his little
[2] If notwithstanding you have to awaken your hearts towards Me and enter upon
the right humility in an exalted temple, then move outside into the temple of My
Creations, and sun, moon and all the stars and the sea, the mountains and the trees
and the birds of the air, as also the fish in the water and the countless flowers of the
fields shall proclaim My glory to you!’
[3] Say, is not the tree more glorious than all the splendour of the temple at
Jerusalem?! A tree is a pure work of God, it has its life and brings forth nourishing
fruit. But what does the temple bring forth? I say unto you: nothing but arrogance,
anger, envy, the most blatant jealousy and domineering; because it is not God's, but
the vain work of man.
[4] Verily, verily I say unto you all; he who shall honour, love and therewith worship
Me by doing good to his brothers and sisters in My name shall have his everlasting
reward in heaven; but he who henceforth honours Me with all kinds of ceremonies in
a temple built especially for this shall also have his temporal reward from the temple!
When however after the death of his flesh he shall come to Me and say: ‘Lord, Lord,
have mercy on me, your servant’, I shall then say unto him: ‘I do not know you;
hence depart from Me and seek your reward with him who you served!’ For this
reason you too should henceforth have nothing more to do with any temple!
[5] But in this present house you may always assemble in My remembrance, whether
on a Sabbath or other day, because every day is the Lord's and not just the Sabbath,
on which you can in the future do good just as on any other day.’
Chapter 50
At Sychar. About the honouring of the Sabbath. What God wants men to do.
Work day and Sabbath. God's constant activity. Moses' teaching about the
Sabbath. ‘Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.’ Promise of
answered prayers.
[1] The Lord: ‘The most appropriate honouring of the Sabbath however is that you
should be more actively engaged in doing good than on any other day!
[2] Only the servants' work, being work for wages and reward from the world, you
should henceforth perform neither on a normal week day and just as little on a
Sabbath. Because from now on, every day shall be a Sabbath and every Sabbath a
full work day! In this, My friend, you now have a complete rule on how you are to
serve God in the future! - At that let us leave it!’
[3] Says the high priest: ‘I now clearly recognise the holy truth of this rule, which I
am happy to take as a Commandment; but with the entrenched Jews it will take
much before this rule, gone forth from the purely divine will, shall become
comprehensible to them in its fullest truth! I fear that very many shall not accept this
rule before the end of the world. Because men already are accustomed to the
Sabbath from antiquity and will not have it taken from them. Oh, the effort and work
this shall take!’
[4] Say I: ‘It is not strictly necessary that the Sabbath be completely dropped, but
only its follies! God the Lord does not require your services and honouring; for He has
created the world and man without anyone's help and is only asking men to
acknowledge and love Him with all their strength, and this not only on the Sabbath
but every day ceaselessly!
[5] What kind of divine service is it that makes you remember God only on a Sabbath
yet never during the week?! Is not God the same, unchanging God every day? Does
not He on every day let the sun go up and pour light over the just and unjust, of
whom there always are more than the just?
[6] Does not God Himself work the same on every day? If however God Himself takes
no holidays, why should men keep, holidays just for idleness? Because nothing do
they regard more on a Sabbath than idling! But with this they give God the worst
possible service!
[7] For it is God's will that men shall get more and more used to love-activity, so that
once in the other life they will be capable of much work and effort and able to seek
and find only in such activity true and supreme bliss. Would men ever be able to
achieve this within themselves through idleness? I tell you: never!
[8] On workdays, although he does work, man only practices selfishness, for then he
works for his flesh and calls what he gains his own. Whoever wishes to obtain that
from him must buy it through work or with money, or he would not get anything of
significance from anyone. Therefore, if on workdays men cultivate only their selfishness and spend
the Sabbath, as the only day on which they should practice love-activity, in the most inflexible idleness, the
very serious question arises: When should or would people practice the only true divine service, which
consists in loving service to the fellowman?
[9] God Himself is not even for a moment idle, but constantly active for mankind and
never for Himself. He does not need an earth for Himself, nor a sun, a moon, all the
stars nor anything contained therein or going forth from same. God does not need all
that. But all the created spirits and men do need it, and for their sake the Lord is
continually active.
[10] If the Lord, whose work goes on every day and who is continually active for
mankind, wishes men as His children to be like Him in everything, how can it ever
have been His will that after six selfishly spent days men should on the seventh serve
Him satisfactorily by absolute idleness and honour Him, the eternally active One,
through indolence?
[11] I tell you, the high priest, this now quite clearly, so that you may in future - well
aware who the One is who has told you this - show your flock the Sabbath in a better
light than it has been the case from Moses until now. For in the same way as I have
now explained the Sabbath to you it had been given also to Moses, but the people
only too soon perverted it into a heathen day of idleness, believing to render a good
service to God through inaction and the punishing of those who at times dared to
perform also on the Sabbath some small task or give some beneficial help to a sick
person. O for the great blindness and the grossest foolishness!’
[12] Says the high priest, quite subdued by the truth: ‘Oh for the holiest truth of Your
mouth! Yes, now all is clear to me! Only now have You oh Lord taken away Moses's
threefold veil from my eyes! Now Lord there is no need of further signs; because here
just Your holy Word suffices! And I maintain from fullest conviction that in future
those who believe on You only on account of the signs but not Your eminently true
Word shall not possess a true living faith but be instead mere idle, mechanistic
followers of Your teaching and holy will; but with us it shall be otherwise! Not the
signs which Your presence has provided but only your holy and most true Word shall
bring forth and awaken the true, living faith and fullest love for You in our hearts, and
out of Yourself and solely on Your account also towards all men in the right measure.
And thus Your will be done for evermore, which You oh Lord have now made so
abundantly clear to us forever.’
[13] Say I: ‘Amen! Yes, dear friend and brother, thus it is right and good. Because
only in this way shall you become perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect.
When however you are perfect like that then you are also true children of God, and
can at all times call out to Him: ‘Abba, dear Father’. And whatever you shall, as His
true children ask Him, that shall He also give you; because the Father is exceedingly
good and gives His children all He has! But eat and drink now; because the food here
is not of this earth, but the Father sends it to you from the heavens and is now
Himself among you!’
Chapter 51
At Sychar. The angels' talk to the apprehensive dinner guests. The ‘Sycharite
Gospel’. The story of Nathaniel's conversion. The Lord's command of silence
about His Deity until He be uplifted on the Cross.
[1] Says the High priest: ‘Lord, are we to commence eating again? Did we not already
fortify ourselves with food and drink at the start of supper?! I for one am fully fortified
and can neither eat nor drink more.’
[2] Say I: ‘You have answered rightly, for you are filled with food and precious wine
from the heavens. But there are many here who dared to neither eat nor drink;
because they held no regard yet for My name or My Word and were frightened as of
witchcraft. But now that they heard our talk and comprehended its lucid truth, their
foolish fear left them and hunger and thirst took its place. Now they would like to eat
and drink but do not dare for all their reverence. Do you think one should let them go
like that? Oh, that be far from us! They shall now eat and drink heartily! Because they
shall henceforth not eat or drink from this kitchen, except once in My kingdom in the
[3] After this correction I again exhorted the crowds to eat and drink, and also said to
the youths: ‘Don't let them miss out on anything!’ - And the youths once again
brought a good amount of bread and wine and all kinds of precious fruits.
[4] But some worried about whether to eat the unknown fruits. And the youths
spoke: ‘Dear brethren! Eat all these fruits without fear; because they are clean and of
exquisite flavour! There certainly are on this earth a number of fruits, grasses and
animals in whose formation unclean spirits are at work, because it is written into the
Lord's order; because here also the devils have to serve the Lord, even if they won't
or cannot do so voluntarily! Because just as a slave has to serve his master in chains,
just so the devils also must serve; but the blessing is not in such work!
[5] And so there are upon this earth, where not infrequently men, animals and devils
live under one roof, and active after their kind, all kinds of deeds, works and fruits of
a bad and unclean nature and species, of which men should not partake if they desire
to avoid all kinds of earthly diseases; and the Lord has through His servant Moses for
that reason determined all those things which are clean and good, and has counseled
men against using those things upon which unclean spirits are at work, - and this is a
splendid order. But everything offered here for your enjoyment is most clean because
brought here from the heavens for you supernaturally; hence you may enjoy
everything fearlessly! Because what the Father gives from the heavens is most clean
and advances the life of soul and spirit forever.’
[6] This instruction on the part of the wise youths cheered every heart, and all
praised God for the friendly wisdom of these youths. This teaching also was recorded
later, maintaining itself in this town and district for many years.
[7] But when afterwards this city and district were ravaged by sundry foes, much
perished and this teaching with it, to which Paul once made a mystical allusion in one
of his letters where he speaks of all kinds of spirits. [Heb. 1:14 - the translator.]
[8] The entire company now were in good spirits, and discussed Me and My teaching
and this meal from the heavens among themselves, and the youths discussed many
things with the guests.
[9] Nathanael however got up and spoke to the guests: ‘Dear friends and brethren!
Only a few moons (months) ago I was still a fisherman in the district of Bethabara on
the river Jordan, not far from its estuary; a most unassuming man came to John and
allowed Himself to be baptised, and John, without ever having seen Him physically on
earth, immediately gave Him this testimony: ‘Behold, the lamb of God that taketh
away the sin of the world!’ And again, John testified and spoke! ‘He it is of Whom I
said ‘He it is Who, coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latch I am
not worthy to loose.’
[10] Such testimony I heard from the preacher in the desert, and I became reflective,
made off and related it to my wife and children at home, and these were greatly
astonished that the strict preacher gave another human such testimony.
[11] Because it was hard to speak with the preacher, and when he spoke his words
were rough and he spared no one, whether it was a Pharisee, priest or Levite; all had
to jump for life or death over the sword of his tongue!
[12] When however He Who is now a Lord among us came then John became a lamb
among lambs and became as tender as a lark singing its song of spring! In short, my
family could hardly believe my tale, since they knew how John was wont to speak
only too well.
[13] Two days later however I went about my day's work quite early, sat under a tree
to repair my fishing gear, when He Whom John had given this delicate testimony
came to me in company of a few who already followed Him, called me by my name
and asked me to follow Him. And when I wondered at how He knew me thus, since I
had not met Him previously, He said: ‘Wonder not greatly, for verily I say unto you,
hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending
upon the Son of Man!’
[14] And behold, what the Lord had spoken to me then has now most gloriously
fulfilled itself here! All the heavens stand open and the angels descend and minister
unto Him and all of us. What further proof do we need that He alone is the One Who
is to come in accordance with the promises proclaimed to all children of Israel,
starting with Adam?! I therefore regard Him as more than just the Messiah! He is ....’
[15] Here I interrupt Nathanael, saying: ‘My dear friend and brother, for the present
only, this far and no further! Only after this flesh shall have been uplifted by the Jews,
you can say everything that you know about Me, unreservedly, but not before under
any circumstances; because men are not ready for this yet!’
[16] Nathanael accepted that, yet could nevertheless not understand what I meant by
the uplifting of My flesh; but he was silent and of sad countenance! But I consoled
him and reminded him of what I had told him previously in this matter, and he
became cheerful and praised Me in his heart.
[17] But the morning of the following day began to dawn. Yet no one felt any trace of
tiredness or sleep, because all were fortified as never before even after soundest
sleep. All therefore asked Me if they could tarry with Me for the day. And I acceded to
such their devout request.
Chapter 52
The Lord discusses the high priest's domestic problems with him. Mother
Mary's apparel. The slandering of the high priest's family. Jonael's sadness.
The Lord's comfort and testimony against the world.
[1] The high priest rose and besought Me, saying: ‘Lord, since You have blessed us
with the inestimable grace of staying with us for another day, how would it be if You
and Your disciples, together with also those others who believe on You, and with my
own presence, would visit the nearby towns, of which we can count only three?
Perhaps some people could be found there who would believe on You if they saw and
heard You?
[2] Say I: ‘On their account, no, but yes on your account! It gives you pleasure and I
want to gladly give you that pleasure. But you have a wife and children; do you not
want to introduce them to Me? Where are they and how many of them?’
[3] Says the high priest, somewhat embarrassed: ‘Lord, I have a pleasant wife who
like myself is getting on a bit in years, and also seven children, but unfortunately only
maidens between twelve and twenty-one years. But You know that it is not a great
honour for an Israelite to have no male descendants; and so, Lord, please bear a little
with my weakness! I lacked the daring to come up with my exclusively female folk!
[4] If it pleased You, oh Lord, then I would nevertheless ask You on this occasion to
pass by my house, where I could then introduce my womankind to You. But until now
it would have hardly been appropriate. Because notwithstanding that I am not lacking
in anything and can get on reasonably with my family here, the clothing situation
leaves something to be desired. They are indeed clothed appropriately for domestic
errands; but to be seen in company such as this would, for a high priest's family be
much too unseemly! Under the circumstances therefore they would do well to stay at
home, where they shall not be exposed to ridicule by the world and to their inborn
vanity. And it is good for them to have as little as possible to do with the world,
because the latter is and remains bad at all times!’
[5] Say I: ‘I want to comply with your request, but then let them all come with us!
But a more suitable apparel for them shall in any case be arranged for them, to the
extent of their making a favourable impression in our circle. It nevertheless is good
and wise of you to keep them away from the world as much as possible, but with our
surely non-worldly company they would have fitted in!
[6] Behold Mary, the mother of My flesh! She simply is fitted out in white linen,
overhung with a very ordinary blue apron, yet she is sufficiently dressed up! On her
head she wears normally a square sun-hat like all the other women who followed Me
from Galilee and Judea, and they nevertheless make out most fittingly in our
company. But regardless of that, your wife and daughters shall be found among our
company this day!’
[7] Says one of the Samaritans, ‘That would all be all right! But although I on my part
have no proof, I nevertheless tell you what I heard from people in this area and then
you can do what you like. This however is what they are saying about the four elder
daughters, that whenever the high priest is not home, they are seen in the streets at
night and, since they are most beautiful, they are accepting money from lustful
labourers and sleep with them! This is going on in secret. I on my part have no proof,
but this much I can say: if this teaching is to find general acceptance in these parts,
with all those many unbelievers, then for the sake of the foolish masses the four
eldest daughters at least should be kept out of our company! Because you brother
Jonael know only too well how gossiping and immensely foolish and unbelieving our
folk are. If this got around among them then not even Jehovah Himself could do
anything about it! But this is only my humble opinion, on account of the evident
malice of our people, to forestall any damage to our good cause!’
[8] The high priest gets very sad and says, ‘Lord! If I had been only slightly remiss in
my daughter's upbringing then it would hardly sadden me to listen to this; but I am
only too aware that nothing was neglected for the education of their intellects and
hearts, and I hazard to swear that each one of my daughters is as pure as a flower on
Jehovah's mountain! Whence such shameful slander therefore?!’
[9] Say I: ‘My dear brother Jonael, do not let it grieve you! Let it suffice you that your
daughters are pure before Me. Because the world now is purely devilish and thus
malicious through and through! Have you ever heard of grapes reaped from briars
and figs from thistles?! I have known a long time since and hence also made quite a
vivid reference to it on the mountain with the parable of the splinter in your
neighbour's eye! And behold, this quite drove many from the Mount, because they
discerned that I meant them.’
[10] But I say unto you: now even more certainly your daughters must come with us,
and I shall walk in their midst. Because, let that which is of the devil also remain with
the devil, if it will not be converted! But now let us start! I have already made
everything known to your wife and daughters; they shall be waiting for us.’
Chapter 53
At Sychar. Peter's spirited testimony to the Son of God, and his stinging
assessment of the unbelieving Galileans. The Galilean's opinion about Jesus
and His disciples. Peter's worthy retort. The angel and the Lord punish the
evil slanderer. The wicked's atonement.
[1] Along the way Peter speaks again: ‘Now I am getting really dizzy with all the
wonders upon wonders! No, anyone still doubting that this Jesus of Nazareth is the
true Son of Jehovah must be either struck with the ten fold blindness of Pharaoh, or
he is fully dead! The sick are suddenly healed just through the Word, the blind see,
the deaf and dumb hear and the lame walk, and those with the most obstinate
leprosy get as clean as if they had never sinned!
[2] On top of that the heavens open and hosts of the most magnificent angels
hurriedly sail down, serve and carry on with us as if they had not left the earth since
the appearance of the first man. And their beauty is such that at their mere sight one
could perish with delight! And when He speaks with His unheard of wisdom, how
these beautiful servants of Jehovah are all sweetest reverential attention and holy
devotion, yet as cheerful as swallows on the nicest of summer days! Truly, whoever
still can say, ‘This Jesus is a magician pure and simple’ ought to be slaughtered like
an ox! Because such a man cannot be a man but only a talking animal, and should
therefore not die like a man but like a domestic animal!’
[3] Whilst Peter is ruminating thus, not noticing what is going on around him, one
unbelieving inhabitant of this town roughly taps him on the shoulder and says, ‘In
that case I as an honest man shall dutifully prophesy that you shall die as a barest
ox! Because if you haven’t reached the stage of realising what a real magician is
capable of then you shouldn’t open your big mouth where experienced and
knowledgeable people live!
[4] Says Peter: ‘Tell me, you coarse, dark spirit! Can those magicians of yours also
heal all the sick with one word, and open the high heavens where no magician's hand
or intellect can reach?!’
[5] Says the local: ‘Oh you stupid, blind Galilean! Don't you know that a real magician
can make a fish or snake out of a piece of wood?! Only recently there was one here
from Egypt who threw sticks in the water and they at once turned into fish; but when
he threw the sticks on dry land they turned into snakes and vipers; he then breathed
into the air and it filled with locusts and other flying insects. Then he took white
stones, threw them in the air and they turned into pigeons and flew off. Then he
scooped up a handful of dust from the road, flung it in the wind and watch it, the air
was instantly filled with mosquitoes to where the sun could hardly get through. But
when he blew into these mosquitoes, a wind came, blowing these mosquitoes off like
a cloud! - Then he took us to the pond behind the creek from where he first drew fish
from sticks. He touched the water with his cane and look, it instantly turned into
blood, and when he touched it again it again turned into water! - In the evening he
calls to the stars and they fly into his hands like tame pigeons! Then he commands
them and they fly back to the firmament! - Yet you say: where is the man whose
hands reach up to the heavens?! But that all this took place here I can testify with a
hundred witnesses. - What do you say to your Son of God from Nazareth now, of
whom I know only too well whose son he is and where he learnt all this?!’
[6] Says Peter: ‘If you haven’t in fact lied like a crocodile with its baby-cry, after
buying yourself your hundred witnesses for a few coppers, then these many
recognising Jesus as the Christ must also know something of this magician of whose
wonders you tell me! I will ask Jonael straight away! You'll be sorry if you lied!’
[7] Says the local: ‘These won't clear you up because they wouldn't attend such
shows in the first place for fear that the magicians did all this with the help of the
devil, and he could do them much harm. Only us brave few, not believing in a devil
went out, because we are slightly more acquainted with the powers of nature,
convincing ourselves with supreme amazement at what man can do!’
[8] Says Peter: ‘You should be a fine customer for sure. But I tell you that you are not
going to get away with it and not escape your punishment! Just follow me to the high
priest of this town now; we shall finalise this matter in front of him!’
[9] Says the local: ‘What have I to do with this high priest?! I am a Galilean, and
more of a Greek than a Jew at that; this high priest however is a stupid fanatic, even
whilst at night-time his four eldest daughters, with their mother's consent carry on
shamefully, so the story goes, surrendering to fornication. What use such idiot to me?
I rate art and science above everything and I reserve my highest respect for all true
scholars and artists, but they mustn't make out to be more than they are!
[10]  If your truly clever and scholarly master in all kinds of art and science had stuck
to what he is, he would have been one of the most highly regarded among the Jews,
Greeks and Romans! But he makes a god out of himself and this is very stupid and
belongs to dark antiquity!
[11] You people however are honest and upright souls in your own right; only your
knowledge and experience doesn't seem to go much over fishing. Hence we shall
leave further argument aside! You can believe what you like, but you won't pull the
wool over our eyes so easily. Because we are versed in all kinds of knowledge and
science and not without a smattering of magic, and know therefore what to think of
your master!’
[12] Says Peter: ‘Friend, you are trying to whitewash yourself in vain! This is not at
all about whether you regard my Master as this or that and now with seeming
cleverness try to make me forget about telling me a rotten lie before! May the high
priest be just a fanatic to you as much as he likes; but as a public person in this small
town he is bound to know whether a magician had recently been performing here as
described by you! Because on this depends what I am to think of my Master.
[13] I tell you that I and many of us have left everything, indeed even wife and
children and unquestioningly follow Him, since we saw Him perform deeds which
would not be possible to any human ever, in addition hearing Him speak wisely as no
man ever spoke before Him and hardly ever shall after Him!
[14] Yet you introduced another master besides Mine who, even though not
surpassing Him, nevertheless performs deeds equaling His, which should be respected
by every person. Everything now simply depends on whether it can be proven that
such magician in fact performed the deeds you mentioned!
[15] If your witness is true then I give you my word of honour that although I fully
attribute purely divine power to My Master, I nevertheless shall leave Him at once and
go home to my family! Because I don't intend following a questionable magician even
one more step, as I am still a true Jew, believing more in Moses than hundreds of
thousands of the craftiest magicians. If however, as I fully suspect, from a purely evil
will, you lied to me in order to just cast suspicion on my Master, then - as I already
warned you, beware! You shall find out that I too out of the grace of My divine Master
am quite capable of effecting certain things, without however introducing myself to
anyone as a worker of miracles.
[16] Hence just come with me to the high priest, who right now is conferring with
your tax-collector Matthew, who is bound to know something about your magician as
well; because he too was here in town constantly and must know something about it.
Therefore come of free will or I shall use force!’
[17] Says the local: ‘Why, since I don't feel like it, - force? Just have a look - there
are hundreds behind me! Just dare lay hands on me and see what happens!’
[18] Says Peter: ‘I shall not put my hand on you the way you quite indelicately put
yours on me before; yet you shall nevertheless be hauled over! Hosts of angels are
traveling with us, whom you don't seem to see! It requires only a hint and they will
immediately have you where I want and must have you!’
[19] Says the local: ‘These boys clad in white are not going to be your angels?! Ha,
ha, ha! Well, if these are our protective legion then we'll just hand out a few hooks
and you and your protection-boys are spread outside the city wall!’
[20] This remark gets Peter quite beside himself and he straight away calls upon one
of the youths to punish him! But the youth says, ‘I am all for it, as long as it is the
Lord's will; but the Lord has not given me a hint yet, and so I cannot accede to your
request yet! But if He wants it I shall act.’
[21] Peter moves forward towards Me a little straight away and tells Me his problem.
But I said, even whilst arriving in front of Jonael's house: ‘Go and bring Me this
[22] Peter was greatly relieved and hurried back and said to the youth: ‘It is His will.’
[23] Here the youth gazed at the local and the latter began to quake and, driven by
the youth, followed Peter over to Me without protest. But I just looked at him, and the
local confessed that he had lied and that he had never seen such a magician, but that
he had only heard of such and only wanted to see if this disciple was firm in his faith,
having otherwise meant no evil at all.
[24] Say I: ‘You are one who wants to use a second lie to get out of the first, and
hence of the devil! Go and let him give you your reward, since you are such a good
servant of his.’
[25] Immediately an evil spirit steps up to the local to agonisingly torment him. But
the local puts out a tremendous yell: ‘Lord, help me, as I admit loudly that I have
[26] But I say: ‘Whence did you hear that Jonael's four eldest daughters were
whores? Confess it loudly or I let you be tormented till the end of the world!’
[27] Says the local: ‘Oh Lord, I never heard it from anyone, but I once met the four
daughters at night as they were carrying water from Jacob's well and tried to seduce
them. But the daughters told me off in a way that made me glad to leave them; but I
swore them revenge, invented this shamefulness out of my evil heart and spread the
rumour all over the place! The daughters are perfect virgins. Oh, Lord, I alone am
evil, everyone else is good and pure!’
[28] Here I command the evil spirit to leave the local; the latter has nevertheless to
make up to Jonael! He is a merchant however and goes back and brings the
daughters ten times what I commanded him, asking Jonael and the daughters for
[29] But I say unto him: ‘The gift alone does not rectify such injustice! Go and recant
all evil you spread everywhere, only then shall your sins be forgiven! Let it be so
[30]. The local promises to do everything immediately, but asks that I absolve him
where in the case of strangers having found out, he doesn't know how to locate them.
[31] But I say unto him: ‘Do what is possible; everything else I shall do and you shall
then be without sin!’
[32] The local is happy therewith and goes off to undo all the evil he has committed.
Chapter 54
At Sychar. The Lord with Jonael's noble family. The disciples' annoyance,
along the road with the marvelous scene with Jonael's daughters. The Lord's
telling rebuke. The whereabouts of the kingdom of God. ‘Abide within love’.
[1] After the local's departure, I call back Jonael's wife and daughters who, when they
had seen Me with the local, had fled in fear from the corridor back into the house.
[2] They hurry back in response to My call, hastening towards Me with the friendliest,
cheerfully reverent faces, thanking Me with tears in their eyes for giving them back
their innocence, smeared through the evil man.
[3] But I lay My hands on their heads, bless them and ask them to walk by My side all
this day! But they excuse themselves, saying: ‘Oh Lord, we are not worthy of such
enormous grace! We are only too happy if we can follow You as the last ones among
this great company!’
[4] But I say: ‘I am aware of your proper humility, calling upon you to walk in My
proximity for that very reason, wherever I shall be taking to the road in this district
[5] The daughters thank Me for such incomprehensible favour. But Jonael asks the
daughters, saying: ‘My dear daughters! Where did you get these marvelous dresses,
which truly become you in a heavenly fashion!?’
[6] Only then do the daughters become aware of wearing dresses of the finest
brocade and their heads are adorned with the most precious diadems, giving them
the looks of princesses.
[7] As the seven of them become aware of such splendour they are fully beside
themselves! Their hearts are aflame with love and wonder, and with sweetest
confusion they are unable to work out what had taken place with them. Only after
long astonishment do they ask Jonael how this went on, because they were not aware
of anyone handing them such regal clothing and diadems.
[8] But Jonael, himself quite delighted by the great charm of his daughters, says,
‘Thank Him Who blessed you! He has bestowed it on you miraculously!’
[9] Here the children swarm all over Me, crying for love and joy and unable to speak.
But the disciples behind Me are saying: if this only were happening indoors. But here
in front of several thousand onlookers the thing is creating too much of a stir!’
[10] But, perceiving that they spoke thus I turned around and said to them; ‘I have
been with you for a long time, yet you never gave My heart the joy which these seven
daughters have done! I verily say unto you these are already along the right way and
have taken the best part; if you don't take this way you hardly shall find the portals
of My kingdom! Because the children who come to Me thus shall also stay, but those
coming with only adulation and praise shall have only My reflection but not Me
amongst them!
[11] But My true kingdom is only where I am Myself in actual fact. Comprehend this
also! But the Lord is a Lord also over all the world and does not have to consider what
is fitting before a foolish world! Have you understood this?!’
[12] Peter replies: ‘Lord, have patience with our great foolishness! You are aware of
our education not deriving from heaven but from this world. It is all bound to be set
right however, because we also love you above everything, otherwise we would not
have followed You!’
[13] Say I: ‘Do therefore indeed remain within love and take no account of this world,
but of Me from the Heavens!’ - With this the disciples are happy, praising Me in their
Chapter 55
At Sychar. The walk through the lovely grove. The old Esau castle. Episode
with the lord of the manor, his servants and the Lord. The clever merchant -
a friend of Truth, and his dilemma. The Lord as mind-reader. The merchant of
poetry. A delicate question.
[1] But we continue with our journey, arriving after one hour in a clean, shady grove
belonging to a wealthy merchant of Sychar. This grove is provided with lots of
ornaments, small gardens, brooklets and ponds with all sorts of fish and birds; and at
the end of the extensive grove there stands an immense castle with massive, fortified
walls. This castle had been built by Esau, and he lived there when Jacob was abroad.
It had of course greatly suffered with the vicissitudes of time; but this merchant spent
vast sums on it, completely restoring its habitability, frequently dwelling there with all
his, own and on this occasion too. Although he was of a charitable disposition and
owned many other properties, he was quite fastidious about this one and uneasy
when seeing too many people entering it, for he took great pains to cultivate it.
[2] When therefore he espied a large crowd moving through the grove and towards
the fortifications, he quickly dispatched his many servants and workers to get us out
of the grove, and to also find out what we were on about.
[3] But I said to the workers, ‘Go to your lord and tell him, his and your Lord is letting
him know that He and those with Him shall stop off for lunch!’
[4] The workers and servants immediately return to their lord with the message. He
asks them whether they were able to work out who I was. But the workers and
servants replied: ‘We have already told you how he said to us that he was your and
our lord, why do you ask again?! Seven regally adorned daughters accompany him,
and there is a measureless crowd in his train! He could turn out to be a prince of
Rome, and it would therefore be advisable to rush to the portals and welcome him
with all honours.’
[5] On hearing this the merchant says, ‘In that case bring me my best festive clothing
at once and let the entire house bedeck themselves to the limit. Because such a
prince has to be welcomed illustriously!’
[6] Everything throughout the castle now is a run-to and fro, with all cooks racing to
the larder to move masses of edibles into the kitchen, whilst the gardeners are
rushing to the large gardens to collect all kinds of precious fruit.
[7] After some time the castle lord comes out, splendidly attired and surrounded by a
hundred of his most distinguished servants, bows down nearly to the ground before
Me three times, welcomes Me in the name of all, thanking Me for the inestimable
grace; for he still is of the persuasion that I am in all earnest a prince of Rome.
[8] But I gaze at him, asking: ‘Friend, what do you consider to be the highest station
a human being can occupy on earth?’
[9] Replies the wealthy merchant: ‘Lord, forgive your most obedient slave, but I was
unable to understand your question, of a most lofty wisdom; therefore please come
down from your immeasurably exalted wisdom and put the question in a manner
comprehensible to my unlimited mental dullness!’ (He nevertheless had understood
the question quite well, but it was in those times a silly form of courtesy to not
understand even the simplest question, where the questioner was one of exalted
rank, so as to highlight the wisdom of the high personage.)
[10] But I say unto him: ‘Friend, you understood Me quite well, but pretend to not
have understood Me, merely on account of the old courtesy rule, which however has
already gone out of vogue. Put this old silliness aside therefore and answer My
[11] Replies the merchant: ‘Yes, if I may dare to answer your exalted question
straight out, then with your permission I deem myself to have understood your
exalted question, and my answer therefore would be that I naturally regard the
emperor and his office as the highest a human can occupy on earth.’
[12] Say I: ‘But friend, why do you contradict yourself so immensely in your own
heart against your own dictum, running thus: :Truth is highest and holiest on this
earth, and an office-bearer who is a steward of the office of Truth and justice
discharges the highest and most exalted office on earth! Behold, this is your maxim!
How can you declare as highest the office of an emperor who as commander in chief
occupies an office of brute force, which definitely does not always base itself on Truth
and justice, thus flatly contradicting your inner convictions?!’
[13] Here the rich merchant is stunned, saying after a while: ‘Lord, exalted one! Who
gave my adage away to you? I have never expressed it aloud, yet of course I thought
it thousands upon thousands of times. Because we are only too well aware that with
plain truth the best results are not always achieved and one has to often sacrifice it
for political considerations, to escape unscathed among men!
[14] But it seems that in yourself too, exalted princely son, I have detected a great
friend of truth and justice, and you may deem it appropriate for me to meet you with
cherished truth; because high-ranking lords never want to hear truth [here the
merchant comes out with a rhyme to the end of this verse, but the equivalent English
words do not rhyme - the translator] and therefore highly regard flattery after which
alone they strive, all human rights being nothing to them. Whatever they want they
take, preferably by force. Whether the poor complain about injustice, now or in times
past, that is all one to the great who bask in high esteem. That's why one has to be
political and talk with them refinedly, otherwise prison and galley follow, multiplying
mankind's torment and pain.’
[15] Say I: ‘You have spoken well and truly! In this case I am of similar opinion; but
now tell Me for who you actually take Me!?’
[16] Says the merchant: ‘Lord! This is a ticklish question. If I say too much I shall
obviously be laughed at; but if I say too little I end up in the can! Hence it shall be
better to let the question go begging than, for answering it, to while away one's time
with torture and pain in jail.’
[17] Say I: ‘But if I give you the assurance that you needn't fear either, then you
shall surely be able to answer?! Therefore say it straight out as to who you think I
[18] Replies the merchant: ‘A prince of Rome, - since speak I must!’
[19] Says Jonael behind Me: :This might be far too little! You'll just have to guess
higher; the prince won't do!’
[20] The merchant is startled and says, ‘In the end, could it be the emperor himself?!’
[21] Says Jonael: ‘Still far too little; hence guess a little higher!’
[22] Says the merchant: ‘This I shall leave alone well and truly, because there is
nothing higher than an emperor of Rome!’
[23] Says Jonael: ‘And yet there is! Verily, something much higher; just think and say
it straight out! Because I see into your heart, and this allocates the lowest place to
the emperor of Rome; why do you speak differently from what you think and feel in
your heart? Therefore speak the truth!’
Chapter 56
At Sychar. The cautious merchant's extensive answer to the ticklish question
about the Lord's identity. About adverse experiences of witnesses to truth on
earth. Examples of thieves and deceivers. Jonael's presentation of the lies as
the cause of evil on earth.
[1] After a little while the merchant replies: ‘Dear exalted guests! Here it behoves one
to put a clamp over one's mouth and say as little as possible. Because one must
never, and least of all in front of exalted personages, make it known what one thinks
and feels in one's heart; because these lofty personages have a sensitive skin which
will not take the sharp stroke of truth. It is therefore especially dangerous to come
out with the truth in front of such exalted personages. Because such lords are, as one
would say, of a tempting nature, and one must beware of them more than of snakes,
vipers and basilisks, since there are precedents, quite curious precedents! Let
everyone think what he will; but in his transactions let him be a good patriot, and he
shall get along with all men. But only as little speaking as possible, otherwise one
may easily make the most unpleasant acquaintance with the henchmen.
[2] I actually have already spoken far too much about truth! Hence I keep with the
emperor now and say again: there is to be found nothing higher on earth than the
emperor; ‘Caesarum cum Jove, unam esse personam’. What an emperor wants God
quietly carries out!
[3] Hence away with the truth from earth, if any truth exists; it is not good for the
human race! How much trouble has not truth caused already, and its teachers have
expired their spirit of truth either on the cross or under the sword! But he who has
switched over to lying has always managed to save his skin, - unless here and there,
where his lying was too stupid he had to look to his feet; but other than that not
much happened to him, whilst with few exceptions, all great friends of truth were
dispatched from earth by violent death.
[4] But if such reward follows truth, what donkey or ox wants to still be its friend?!
Let it be kept under arrest as a detainee under lock and key, in one's breast, and walk
freely among men, rather than through setting free the detainee one becomes such
oneself in body and soul. Because so long as a body has to languish in prison the soul
can't go wandering through meadows.
[5] Neither have I heard of truth ever bringing about anything good. A few examples
will shed more light on this:
[6] A thief is arrested as a strong suspect and brought before the strict judges. If he
is good at lying he shall be released, due to lack of convincing evidence; but if the ox
speaks the truth, he shall be punished with all severity. To the devil the truth!
[7] Or, in the course of a deal someone has the wool thoroughly pulled over his eyes
by a sharpie. The deceived fellow, as an owner of many other businesses and wealth,
does not notice the deception and is quite happy. Thereupon, a friend of truth who
became aware of the deception comes and shows the deceived one how and to what
extent his merchant deceived him! Only then does the deceived one become sad,
goes to court at great expense to have the deceiver punished. Did this truth bring him
any advantage? No, it only awakened anger and revenge in him, leading him to still
greater expenditure! But the deceiver, skilled in lying, not only suffered no harm
through the truth of the informer, since lying got him through, but it placed the
traitorous informer behind bars for slander! Question: what reward, once again, did
truth yield to its friend?!
[8] Hence away with truth from this earth! It alone is accountable for all of men's
afflictions, as Moses also says in book one: ‘For in the day that thou eatest from the
tree of truth's diversity thou shalt surely die!’ And thus it is and remains to this hour!
With the lie you rise to the throne and with truth you go to jail! - A lovely surprise for
friends of truth!
[9] Therefore go and seek truth wherever you will, only leave me out of it! Whatever
my larders hold and what grows in my gardens is at your disposal; but the holiest of
holies in my heart is mine alone, as a gift from Jehovah! But to you and all the world I
give what I have from the world, and that is the grace of the world! But God's grace I
keep for myself!’
[10] Says the high priest: ‘I concede openly that so far as the situation in the world is
at present, your summation is correct. But since you also mention Moses you will no
doubt be aware of Moses also receiving a commandment for his people where the lie
or false witness is forbidden, thus making truth obligatory!? If all men kept this
Commandment, then admit it - would it not be wonderful to live on earth?!
[11] I tell you, and you have to acknowledge it: not through truth but through the lie
all affliction reaches mankind, and this because man, with rare exceptions encounter
one another domineeringly and arrogantly. Everyone wants to be more than his fellow
man, and so man reaches out for every means to make him appear superior to fellow
man and making the weaker ones believe that he is more excellent than any other
[12] This desire then to dominate with time leads men into all kinds of vice, even to
murder and killing, if through other ways of lying and deception they can't gain great
status and recognition from others.
[13] Since mankind as a whole therefore wants to appear better than they are,
nothing remains to them of course other than to constantly lie to one another, rank
and file, to the limit, and truth therefore has an exceedingly hard time among them.
[14] If however mankind were to recognise the endless advantage of truth over lies,
which ought to be easy if truly respectful of God and His Commandments in deed,
then they would flee the lie more than the plague, and God's righteousness then
would punish the liar with death. But mankind, one and all are arrogant and
domineering, love the lie and promote it.
[15] But, as seen throughout millennia, men do not live on this earth forever, their
bodies dying within a short time, to become the food of worms; but the soul shall
then have to submit itself to God's judgment! There I ask how, with its highly praised
lie will it fare before God?
[16] But I on my part maintain it is better to be crucified for the truth in the world
than to once be brought to shame before God and hear His pronouncement - ‘Depart
from Me everlastingly’.
[17] If you have now properly understood me and therewith realised that we are
friends of truth, then speak the truth and do not foolishly fear our punishing you for
truth, and tell us openly and truly what you think of us and namely of Him Who now
is conversing with my daughters!’
Chapter 57
At Sychar. The answer to the ticklish question. ‘So You are the Messiah?!’
Welcome: For Him have I worked all my days! The Lord accepts the
merchant's invitation to lunch.
[1] Says the merchant: ‘Friend, you now have conversed with me in the fullness of
wisdom, telling me what I have only too often felt within me. But I can't understand
your insistence on my saying what I think of you and in particular Him. What I had
thought him to be from the start you said he wasn't, yet something much more. But
how one can be more than a god of the world, I do not understand! Jehovah alone is
terrestrially and spiritually more than the worldly emperor-god! Yet surely he is not
going to be that?!’
[2] Says Jonael: ‘I tell you, observe our company more closely; maybe something
shall stand out after all! What do you make of the many glorious youths you see in
our company. Observe them and then speak!’
[3] The merchant says, ‘Up till now I took them to be noble lads of the emperor's,
and sons of Roman Patricians, although, on account of their fine white skins and
colour, to rather be disguised girls from Caucasian Asia Minor. Because truly,
notwithstanding my former dealing in such merchandise, with Egypt and Europe and
mostly with Sicily and its big Romans and their penchant for voluptuousness, forms of
such inexpressibly glorious kind nevertheless I have not struck before! Will you not
tell me whence they are! Your daughters of course also are of glorious shape; but in
comparison with these - one could say radiant figures - they trail behind considerably.
Since you are bound to know more about them than I, please tell me how and
whence they are!’
[4] Replies Jonael: ‘It is not up to me but only to Him Who stands here amidst my
daughters to tell you that. Hence turn to Him! He will clear you up.’
[5] Here at last the merchant turns to Me, saying; ‘Lord, all these throngs which seem
to follow You like sheep their shepherd, will You not please tell me who I have the
privilege of speaking with in your person! Because I was asked and settled for the
highest earthly status; yet it was indicated to me that I had erred. Now I have
nothing further to say; therefore please regard me worthy of finding out more about
your status!’
[6] Say I: ‘You too are one of those who will not believe without seeing signs. But
when seeing them they say: Behold, this either is a disciple of the Essenes or a
magician from Egypt, or even from the land watered by the river Ganges, or he is a
servant of Beelzebub!’ What can one do then? But if I tell you straight out who I am
you won't believe Me!
[7] You voiced your opinion and it was wrong. But when Jonael told you that I was
more than your worldly god, you said: only Jehovah is greater than an emperor!, and
secretly guard against the supposition that I am more than an emperor of Rome, to
whom you concede highest rank only for fear of his worldly power, but whom in your
heart you despise more than the plague, and his power more than swarms of locusts.
[8] Yet it is already the third day of My stay in Sychar, and only an inconsequent walk
to the city from here; it would greatly surprise Me if you have not received news of
Me from your colleagues in town!’
[9] Replies the merchant: ‘Ah, so it is you of whom I was told already yesterday and
today that He is the Messiah, supporting it with marvelous deeds! You are supposed
to have restored beautiful Irhael's old house and fitted it out miraculously and regally.
And I was also told of a pungent sermon you delivered from the Mount, with which
many were offended, as it was supposed to have been brimmingly anti-Mosaic! Now
then, You are He?
[10] Now, I am happy You are visiting me and hope to get to know You better! Do
You know that I am not averse to this idea and firmly believe that the Messiah will,
and must come! The time would according to my estimation be about right, as the
pressure from the Romans is barely tolerable! And why could the long-awaited
Messiah not be You? Oh, this I would soon and easily accept!
[11] If you are sure of your power, knowing how to properly present yourself thus,
then I am at your service with all of my great wealth. These heathen pigs from the
West shall soon clear the land of our fathers! Because verily, I have spent all my
powers from my youth exclusively on amassing as many fortunes as possible on
account of the awaited Messiah, so that a great army of the most martial and boldly
cunning warriors can be bought for good wages! I have already established contact
with quite a few of the most valiant peoples of the Far East, and it only needs a few
messengers and in the space of a few moons a dreadful might shall be massing in
these parts! But now no more of this; in my most spacious house we shall be able to
resume our mediations!
[12] But lunch should by now be readied for you all; therefore do come, all of you, to
eat and drink to your heart's content!’
[13] Say I: ‘Right then, let it all stand till then; then we shall discuss and finalise
things! Therefore lead us all to your big hall. But those men at the far back leave
here; these don't belong to Mine but only to the world!’
Chapter 58
At Sychar. Life and behavioural hints. ‘Giving is more blessed than receiving’.
‘What is done by love remains good forever’. The plight in the beyond of
friends of the world. The Lord's advice on the proper use of wealth. How to
come by God's blessing.
[1] Says the merchant: ‘I know them, they are tough Sycharites who are pagan
rather than children of Israel. But the most miserable among them are those from the
region of the Galilean sea; these are sheer servants of matter and no longer have an
incline of anything exalted and divine! Pure spectacle heroes! A magician from Persia
is more to them than Moses and all the prophets, and a voluptuous whore from
central Asia preferable to gold and precious stone! I know them only too well; but to
keep them quiet I shall banquet them at the summer house. Because not to serve
them should be the end!
[2] Say I: ‘Do what you like and can; because it is more blessed to give than to
receive! But in future give only to the needy and poor, and if someone wants to
borrow money from you but is rich, and it is obvious to you that he can repay you
handsomely, then don't lend! Because once you have loaned to him he shall soon
secretly turn into your foe, and you shall find it hard to get back your money and
[3] But should a destitute come to you and you can see that he won't be able to
repay, then lend, and the Father in Heaven shall restore it to you a hundredfold in
different ways already on earth, and then turn the money you loaned to the poor into
a great treasure in Heaven, awaiting you high above the grave in the beyond after
this earth-life.
[4] I say unto you: ‘Whatever was done by love on earth also remains done in
Heaven forever; but what mere worldly intellect does shall be swallowed up by the
soil of the earth, leaving nothing for Heaven. But of what use to man all earthly
treasure-work if his soul suffers harm?!
[5] He who worries about earth and flesh is a fool; for just as man's flesh has its end,
so will it be with the earth! When however the end of the earth shall once have come
for sure, on which ground shall the poor soul have its dwelling then?!
[6] But I say unto you that every man whose body is taken from him also loses the
earth forever. And if he has not created a new earth in his heart through love, then
his soul shall have to expose itself to the mercy of the winds and the clouds and mists
and be driven about throughout everlasting infinity without finding pause or rest,
other than in the false and insubstantial configurations of its own fantasy, which
becomes feebler and darker the longer it lasts, eventually turning into thickest night
and darkness, from which the soul shall by itself hardly ever find its way out! Hence
you can in future do as I have just shown you; but for now do as you want to and can
[7] Says the merchant: ‘You are exceedingly wise and might be right in everything,
but I don't quite agree with the money lending. Because if one has earned a lot of
money and does not want to see it lying around dead, then one would rather lend it
out at reasonable interest than bury it so robbers coming by night can't take it, when
breaking closet and chest; one can by all means give to the poor out of the
abundance, as appropriate, because if I give everything away at once without
managing my wealth properly, then I shall soon be left with nothing and not be able
to give to the poor’.
[8] Say I: ‘Leave the right economising to God the Lord and give to him whom the
Lord will lead to you, and your wealth shall not diminish! Do you not have many large
fields and meadows and gardens full of fruit and grapes, and your extensive stables
full of oxen, cows, calves and sheep? Trading with these shall always, with God's
blessing fully restore what you have distributed to the poor throughout the year; but
that which you place in the banks of the rich shall not be restored from above, and
you shall be troubling yourself much about whether the banks are managing your
money properly. Do therefore as I have shown you earlier and you shall have a good
and trouble-free life, and all the poor shall love you and blessedly serve you where
possible, and the Father in Heaven shall constantly bless everything you do; and
behold, this shall be better than the ever-growing bank-interest worries!’
Chapter 59
At Sychar. The weakness of the merchant's trust in God's providence. His
deep reverence for Jehovah and his charity towards the poor. God is to be
loved more than feared.
[1] On the way to the castle the merchant says, ‘My Lord and friend, I see that
through you speaks pure, devout Godly wisdom, and does so with a gentleness I have
not heard from human mouth yet; but to abide by your teaching a strong trust in
Jehovah is needed, which I am lacking in spite of my strong faith. I know that it is He
Who created all and now guides, rules and sustains everything, yet I cannot
adequately visualise as to how, as the supremely high Spirit, He could or wanted to
get involved in personal affairs! Because for me He is too exaltedly holy, so that I
hardly dare to enunciate His holiest name, let alone my expecting Him to offer help
with my filthy money affairs through His almighty, holy hand!
[2] Yet I too give to the poor who come to me, without keeping a dog to bark at the
destitute so he would not approach my threshold. Only this grove, which is my
favourite, I don't like seeing trodden by strangers and the poor, who often wantonly
damage the grounds and new plantations, yet being hungry and thirsty, find nothing
therein for stilling hunger or quenching thirst. For this reason I have set up a fig and
plum plantation some twenty furlongs from here, for the use of strangers and the
poor, only they must not damage the trees, wherefore I have placed several keepers
[3] From this you can see that I think of the poor; yet be it far from me that I should
ask the most exalted spirit to manage my moneys either terrestrially or celestially! If
He wants to do something, and really has already done so, which I don't doubt, then
that is His holiest free will! But I hold Him in such unlimited reverence that I hardly
dare thank Him, as it seems to me that such purely material thanks, through which I
would signify Him to have served me as a mere handyman, would greatly profane
Him. I therefore act as a most righteous human, in accordance with the law, out of
the powers loaned to me by God, not binding the oxen and donkey's jaws when they
tread down my grain. But the great Spirit I honour only on His day! Because it is
written: ‘Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain’.
[4] Say I: ‘Had I not known you to be a righteous and most reverential man, I would
not have come to you. But behold, it is not completely right of you to fear Him Who
you should actually love above all; and hence I came to you to show you how in
future you should love God more than fear Him. In this way God shall then lower
Himself down to you and shall then be to you in everything a most sure, powerful and
trustworthy Handyman!’ 
Chapter 60
At Sychar. One surprise after another, and wonders upon wonders. The Lord,
as guest of the merchant, serves the latter at the old Esau castle, with
celestial fare brought to the newly-created hall by celestial servants. ‘I am
wealthier than you’.
[1] After these My comments we have reached the courtyard of the castle with
measured step, even as his entire domestic force come out to meet the merchant,
absolutely astonished and lost for words, with their governor taking the word and
saying: ‘Lord, lord, this has been some state of affairs! None of our cooking staff can
get any food ready: everything goes wrong! We wanted to at least set the tables with
fruit, wine and a proper amount of bread; yet all the rooms are so thoroughly locked
that we could not open a single door even with all force! What are we going to do?
[2] The merchant, half surprised himself and half enraged, says, ‘This is what it is like
when I just set foot outside; nothing but tumult upon tumult! What are the cooks up
to? Have I not often hosted ten thousand guests, yet all went well; now there are
hardly a thousand of them and there is chaos everywhere! But, - what am I seeing?!
Youths looking out from all the windows; my castle is crowded with people and you
and your subordinates say that all the doors of my castle are locked?! How now? Are
you lying or just beautifying your dawdling, or if the rooms are locked, who locked
[3] The governor is stuck for a reply for his lord, and this castle-lord's entire large
domestic team are suffering great embarrassment and consternation on account of
his visible rage; but all are at wits end.
[4] But I say to this merchant: ‘Dear friend, suffer it to be so for now! Behold, when
earlier on your servants and guards came to Me in the grove, sent by you to inquire
about who I am and what I am on about with such big crowd, I as Lord desired of you
to give us a good lunch. You were quick to comply, even though you didn't know who
he was who took it upon himself to ask lunch for so many.
[5] At first your servants and you took Me for a prince of Rome, and hence you were
at even greater pains to accommodate My request; but when after much instruction
on our part you were finally brought to recognise that I am the Messiah, you were
happy in your heart and thought even more to host Me and the whole company to the
best of your ability, so that I would be pleased to stay with you pending the gathering
of your martial host from central and east Asia, against the Romans, so as to under
My command drive from God's land all foes, who are all heathens and do not believe
in the One true God!
[6] After you had made up your mind about that, I too secretly decided on
something, and that is that although in your own house, you shall be My guest and
not I yours! I therefore commanded My splendid servants, and behold, everything is
in prime readiness and you shall partake of the truest heavenly fare at My side!
[7] The fruit of your gardens however and whatever your kitchen has produced serve
to yonder abusers and big-mouths from Sychar who are still beating about in your
grove with uncontrollable rage at not also being counted among the invited! - I mean,
you should have no problem with that; because behold, when I am conscious of
someone's right will, then I already accept same as the completed deed! With you I
had discerned such will, and so I released you from the costly works, since I am
wealthier than you and therefore do not want to be sated by you but want you to be
sated by Me!’
[8] At this the merchant became wide-eyed, saying after a while of deep thought:
‘Lord, this for a sinner is too much all at once! I cannot grasp the miracle in its full
extent and depth! If you were just a man like me this would be impossible to you,
because I saw no carriers in your company. From where then in a natural way should
you have obtained food, most miraculously?! I had earlier on indeed noted and still
do, certain most beautiful male servants - with perhaps female servants among them
- in your company; but whence then came these? The chambers of my castle are
many, and these mostly exceedingly spacious, ten thousand people being capable of
being accommodated therein with ease. But now I am seeing these most beautiful
servants looking down from all the windows! Hence I ask: whence did they get there?’
[9] Say I: ‘Friend, when you are about to travel abroad to buy and sell, you too take
servants with you according to need; and behold, so do I! I have exceedingly many of
them - you could hardly ever contemplate their number. When therefore I take to the
road, why should My servants and workers stay home on such occasion?!
[10] Says the merchant: ‘Lord, this is completely in order; but I would just like to
know whence you and your glorious servants have come; this is what intrigues me’.
[11] Say I: ‘Let us first partake of lunch, and the time for your further instruction
shall still present itself. But for now we have said enough, and it is time for rest and
sustenance. Let us therefore proceed to the big hall which occupies an easterly
position in this castle and is out of our view, because we are right now in the western
end, from where the great wing of this castle cannot be seen!’
[12] Here the merchant almost faints from admiration and after a while of exceeding
astonishment says, ‘Lord, now this thing is getting almost too marvellously thick for
me! There had indeed once been an easterly wing to this Esau castle, yet at least two
centuries would have lapsed into irrevocable history since the existence of such wing;
but I and my predecessors hardly know a thing about it. How then can You speak of
the great hall of this castle's easterly wing?’
[13] Say I: ‘Say this only if you cannot in fact find an easterly wing to your castle;
but if you find one then remember that with God all things are possible! But be silent
about it with My company, because for such acts My surroundings are not ready yet.’
[14] Says the merchant: ‘Truly, now I burn with the desire to see this easterly wing
to my castle, of which my distant ancestors hardly heard a thing! Some of the
foundations can indeed still be seen here and there, but that is about all I have
inherited from this purportedly gloriously former castle-wing.’ - Only now does the
merchant hastily move forward, and we follow.
Chapter 61
At Sychar. Continuation of miraculous surprises. The angels as the builders
of the glorious chamber. The exceedingly astonished merchant senses the
‘Son of God’ in Jesus.
[1] On reaching the first storey he notices the aforementioned wing and enchantedly
runs through the open door, looks at the great hall and collapses in wonder. But some
of the white youths immediately step over, helping him up and fortifying him.
Recovering a little, he comes towards Me again and asks Me with a voice tremulous
with wonder, ‘Oh Lord, please tell me once and for all whether I am awake or whether
I am sleeping and actually dreaming!'
[2] Say I: ‘The way you ask you seem indeed to be more asleep than awake; but you
nevertheless are awake, and what you are seeing is solid reality! Outside in the grove
you told Me yourself how you had heard how I had quickly restored Joseph's old
house, currently occupied by Irhael as owner. Now then, if I could re-erect Joseph's
house, then surely I should be able to renew Esau's old fort?!’
[3] Says the merchant: ‘Yes, yes, this can now be seen and is true; yet it is
nevertheless unbelievable that a man should accomplish such things! Hear me, Lord;
If You are not a prophet like Elijah, then You must be either an archangel in human
form, or in the end Jehovah Himself! Because such things are possible only to God!’
[4] Say I: ‘Yes, yes, if you had seen no sign you would not have believed Me! Now
you believe Me of course, but in such faith you are not free in spirit! But so that you
would nevertheless become freer in spirit I say unto you: not I but these many
youths did this; such power they have from God the Father. These you may ask how
they went about it!’
[5] Says the merchant: ‘That's right! I had already asked Jonael outside where these
gloriously beautiful young beings came from, but did not get an answer, and was
simply referred to You. When I came over to You I strangely enough forgot all about
it; I became concerned only with Yourself, and our discourse took quite a different
direction. Only now does it come back to mind, and I should like You to give me a
proper explanation as to where these fairest youths come from.’
[6] Say I: ‘In order not to put you off any longer I say unto you that these are angels
of God, if you will accept that. But if you don't want to accept this then take them for
anything you like, except for the devil and his servants!’
[7] Says the merchant: Oh Lord, what, what is happening to me? I asked You only
earlier on whether I am indeed awake, or whether I sleep and dream; but now I ask
you whether I still live. Because such things surely cannot take place on the actual
[8] Say I: ‘Oh, indeed you live upon the earth! I have opened your inner vision, so
now you may also behold the spirits of heaven! But now ask no more, because it is
time for lunch! All is readied, so let us move over to the tables!’
[9] Says the merchant: ‘Yes, yes, right so! But I shall not be able to eat much for
wonder upon wonder! No, just this morning I would not have been able to suspect
anything like it. This came upon me much too fast and unexpected. It is hardly three
hours since You entered my grove from Sychar, yet what has not taken place since
then?! - The most incredible! - And yet it is!
[10] But who other than the witnesses shall believe what happened, even if a
thousand testimonies upheld it?! Lord, Lord, You great Master, taught and guided by
God Himself, I believe it because I am now seeing it with my own eyes. But tell a
thousand others and they will not only disbelieve but be offended and call the testifier
an outrageous liar! Hence do not pass it on anywhere, for this thing is too
marvellously great! - Who has ever beheld a glory like this hall?! The walls like pure
precious stones, the ceiling gold, the floor silver, the many tables of Jasper, hyacinth
and emerald, the shelves of gold and silver, the drinking vessels like purest diamond
and the platters akin to finest flaming ruby; the benches around the tables again of
precious metal and the upholstery of deep red silk, and the aroma of the foods and
drinks as if from the heavens! And all this in - say - three hours! No, this is incredible
many times over!
[11] Lord! You must be either God Himself or at least definitely God's Son!’
[12] Say I; ‘Indeed, indeed! But now to the meal! After the meal you shall find out
more; but now I add no more before the meal. Just behold the many who are
hungering and thirsting, as it is quite warm today! Hence let them first be refreshed
and fortified, then everything spiritual shall come into its own again!’
Chapter 62
At Sychar. The heavenly meal in the hall of the angels. The merchant's
praiseworthy resolution. Jairuth's pessimistic but only too true after-dinner
speech about conditions in those days. The Lord's graphic speech about the
kingdom of God and the Messiah's ministry. The whereabouts of departed
human souls before the Lord's ascension.
[1] Now the merchant is saying no more, thanking the Father with Me and then
sitting down at a big table in the centre of the hall. I and all My disciples, Jonael and
his wife and daughters, Irhael with her husband Joram, with the mother of My body
between them, sit down at the same table.
[2] This makes the merchant exceedingly happy, so that he says, ‘Lord, for deeming
me worthy with Your sitting at the table I set down at, I want to in future give the
poor a tenth of all that my lands produce, and pay their taxation to the Romans for
ten years in advance! After this time however I hope to God Your and our Father that
He shall rid us of this plague through You oh Lord, to which end I have outside
already offered You my fullest help with all my resources.
[3] Oh Lord, only rid us of this plague, and make that the Jews of Jerusalem would
once again associate with us; they have distanced themselves sky high from the old
Truth! With them reign only selfishness, domination and glitter; they no longer think
of God and there is no trace of love for fellow man! They scorn Gerizim even whilst
converting Jehovah's temple into a den of money-changers and hawkers! And if
accused of despoiling God's holiest of holies they curse and revile him who dares to
call them by their proper name; Lord, this must change, - it cannot stay like that, and
if it does then another Sinflood can be expected soon! All around the world nothing
but heathens upon heathens, yet in Jerusalem and Judea there are Jews, priests,
Levites, scribes and Pharisees and money-changers ten times worse than all
heathens! In short, the world is worse now than in the days of Noah! If no help
arrives, with the Messiah taking up a flaming sword, then we shall evidently get to
building a new ark! Lord, do therefore whatever is in Your power! I shall always
support You!’
[4] Say I thereto: ‘Dear Jairuth! Behold My youths! I say unto you, I have such
numbers of them that they should not have room on a thousand times a thousand
earths! Yet just one of them suffices to destroy the whole Roman Empire in three
moments. But although you are better than the Jews, you yet share their total
misconception about the Messiah and His kingdom.
[5] The Messiah shall indeed found a new kingdom on this earth, but - mark it well! -
not a material one under crown and scepter, but a kingdom of the spirit, Truth and
the right liberty therefrom, and the exclusive dominion of love!
[6] The world however shall be called upon to enter upon this kingdom. If it responds
then everlasting life shall be its reward; if it does not respond however then, although
remaining as it is it nevertheless ultimately shall inherit everlasting death!
[7] The Messiah, a Son of Man right now, has not come to judge this world but to only
appoint to the kingdom of love, light and truth all those now walking in darkness and
[8] He did not come into this world to win back for you what your fathers and kings
lost to the heathens, but to only bring you back that which Adam lost for all men who
ever lived or shall live upon this earth!
[9] Up to the present, no soul leaving the body has yet been removed from the earth;
countless numbers, starting with Adam right up to this hour are languishing in the
night of the earth. But only from now on shall they be liberated! After I shall have
ascended on high I shall open the way from earth to heaven to them all, - along this
way all shall enter upon everlasting life!
[10] Behold, this is the task to be fulfilled by the Messiah, and nothing other
whatsoever! And you do not have to call your Far-Eastern warriors, since I shall never
need them. But spiritual labourers for My kingdom I shall need many, and these I
shall drill Myself. Some are seated at this table already; but quite a few more of them
shall be prepared in all love and truth.
[11] Behold, to accomplish this it is My task! Consider it now and tell Me what you
think of such a Messiah!’
[12] Says the merchant Jairuth: ‘Lord, this I must think over thoroughly!
[13] Because no man has yet heard about this sort of Messiah! But I think such
Messiah would be of little use to the world! Because for as long as the world is left as
it is it shall remain an offensive foe to everything spiritual! But I shall now mull it over
Chapter 63
At Sychar. The good effect of the heavenly fare, and above all the heavenly
love wine. After-dinner speeches. Jairuth's speech about the difference
between the law and good advice. About the respective reactions to wine by
diverse human natures.
[1] Everyone is eating and drinking, and even Jairuth himself, steeped in thought,
eats and quite swills it down. All transformed to love through the glowing heavenly
love-wine, he says to Me: ‘Lord, a great thought just struck me! If possible I would
like to obtain vines from whose grapes I could press a wine of this nature. Because
with wine like that in my cellars I shall fill the world with love over love! I experienced
it on myself. I am of course normally a man with a special liking for what is good,
right and nice; but I can't say that I ever experienced any special love for mankind.
[2] Up till now I always acted from a kind of self-imposed righteousness, which I
prescribed for myself in accordance with my knowledge of the law. It concerned me
little whether a law is good or bad; I was never wanting to brood over such. My motto
was, law is law, whether God's or Caesar's. If it can result in punishment, one must
comply out of self-interest, so as to avoid evil consequences. But if a law is not
sanctioned then it isn't a law anyway, but only some good advice which one can
follow, without sanctioned obligation.
[3] There can of course be harm in not following good advice, taking on the sad
appearance almost of lawful punishment; yet the non-acceptance of good advice is
still not sin of a kind by which numbers of other people could be affected rather than
mainly the individual who is not accepting the good advice. But if advice is bad then
obviously I sin crudely by accepting it.
[4] But with law it is different. Whether same is good or totally bad, I must abide just
for it being the law. Regardless of whether I don't obey it because I think it bad, I sin
either against God or ruler, and I shall be punished by both! Hence it clearly
transpires that I am law-abiding not out of love but with inner revulsion at legal
compulsion. Now that I have drunk this glorious grape-wine from the heavens
however I see nothing but love over love and could embrace and kiss the whole
[5] On top of that I see a similar effect on all those who drank from this truly
heavenly wine. Hence I should like to establish a big vineyard from these vines and
let all mankind drink from this wine, and they should be transformed to love in quick
time, the way I see it! If it were therefore possible to provide myself with such vines I
would be the happiest man on God's good and beautiful earth!’
[6] Say I: ‘Vines which would yield you such wine I can supply you with quite easily.
Such supposed effect on mankind however you shall be unable to bring about.
Because this wine indeed enlivens man's love, provided it already resides in man; but
where there is no love but only evil in man's heart, there the evil in him is animated
the same way love was in yours, and he is then only transformed into an
accomplished devil, and shall go about doing evil just as enthusiastically as you want
to do good.
[7] Hence one has to be mindful of whom one wants to serve up this wine for
enjoyment! But I intend nevertheless to let you have a vineyard of these vines; but
be most mindful about who you want to drink such wine! Of a truth, much good can
be effected by animated love; yet it is better for it to be animated by God's Word,
because enduring therewith, whilst with the consumption of this wine it lasts only for
a while and then expires like the wine itself. This keep well in mind or you should
effect much evil in place of good!’
[8] Says the merchant Jairuth thereto; ‘Lord, in that case there would be no point in
raising up such vineyard! Because one cannot know whether a person harbours good
or evil when handing them such wine, and in addition be placed in a great
predicament when by wishing to animate someone's love one were only to enliven his
wickedness! No, no, in that case I would leave the raising of such vineyard well and
truly alone!’
[9] Say I: ‘It is all the same to Me; I shall do for you whatever you wish! But I say
unto you: each variety of wine grown on earth has more or less a similar property.
Just let various people drink from your own produce roughly the quantity that you
have already drunk from My heavenly wine, and you will see how some will go over
into love completely whilst others will begin to rage and throw fits, to the extent of
you having to tie them up with ropes! But if terrestrial wine already calls forth such
reactions, how much more the heavenly wine!’
Chapter 64
At Sychar. Jairuth gives up wine, caring instead for the poor and receiving
two guardian angels. Nature and mission of angels. Jairuth's commendable
speech about
the blessedness of human weakness.
[1] Says Jairuth; ‘Lord, if so, as I had previously convinced myself on several
occasions actually, then I shall give up all vineyard-keeping, and all wine-
consumption in my house. Because according to Your assertion, the right degree of
love can also be kindled, - and that lastingly, through the Word, something I find very
true and good, leaving evil far behind of necessity therewith. If so then I forthwith
leave all vineyard-keeping alone, and commit myself to after this heavenly wine never
drink an earthly one again! What do You say to this my resolution?’
[2] Say I: ‘I can neither commend nor reproach you for it. Do what seems best to
you! Do what best serves your soul in accordance with an informed view. You can in
any case obtain everything good from Me if that is your wish, because you are strict
and upright in all goodness and because I have promised it to you.’
[3] Says Jairuth; ‘Lord, in that case stay with me together with your following, or at
least leave me two of these youths behind, who could instruct me in all love and
[4] Say I; ‘For the present I and My retinue cannot accommodate your good wish, as
I have much to do yet in this world; but two of these youths, whom you can select, I
want to leave you! But guard against yourself or your family falling into some sin;
because then they would become your disciplinarians and leave your house in a
hurry! Because, keep in mind that these youths are angels of God and can perpetually
behold His countenance!’
[5] Says Jairuth: ‘Oh Lord, this is again something bitter! Because who can vouch for
not sinning either through thoughts, words or deeds at least once a year?! On top of
that a couple of taskmasters before whom nothing can remain hidden, which would
hardly be a very nice surprise! That's why I want to refrain also from this request and
leave it as is and was.’
[6] Say I; ‘Very well, let it be as you wish! You are free and shall not be placed under
any compulsion, be assured!'
[7] Says Jairuth; ‘No, these youths, and actually real angels of God simply look too
fair and sweet! It seems an impossibility to commit a sin in their presence. Hence,
come what may, I shall in any case keep two!’
[8] Say I: ‘All right then - two shall be left you, and visibly dwell in your house, for as
long as they are feeling right! My friend Jonael shall faithfully acquaint you with My
Ways later. For as long as you and your house shall walk these Ways they shall
remain and serve you and protect your house against all adversities; but if you depart
from My ways then they also shall depart from your house.’
[9] Says Jairuth: ‘Very well, leave it at that! No more wine shall be consumed in my
house, and with its stock I shall pay the Romans the ten years taxation of the poor in
this area, as stated; the grapes growing in my vineyard however I shall dry and eat
as a pleasant, sweet fruit, selling the surplus! Is it right thus?’
[10] Say I: ‘Perfectly! Whatever you do out of love for Me and your fellow men, who
are your brethren, shall be truly and rightly done!’
[11] After this I call two of the youths, introduce them to Jairuth and say: ‘will these
two do?’ - Jairuth, delighted celestially by their looks, says, ‘Lord, if You consider me
worthy, then I am satisfied to all the depths of my heart therewith; but I feel only too
unworthy of possessing such grace from the heavens. But I shall henceforth strive
assiduously to make myself worthy by stages; and as for myself, Your will, getting
constantly holier to me, be done!’
[12] But the two youths say: ‘The Lord's will is our being and life. Wherever this is
being implemented actively, there we are the most active co-workers, having power
and strength for this to excess; because our might extends past all visible creation,
the earth being like a grain of sand to us, and the sun like a pea in a giant's hand,
whilst all the waters of the earth would not suffice to wet one hair of our head, and
the host of the stars trembles before the breath of our mouth! But we don't possess
this power for boasting before men's great feebleness but for serving them in
accordance with the Lord's will. Hence we can and wish to also serve you in
accordance with the Lord's will, for as long as you acknowledge and accept same in
deed. When however you leave such then you also have left us, since we are nothing
but the personalised will of God the Lord. Whoever leaves, him we leave also. This we
tell you in the full presence of the Lord, Whose countenance we behold at all times
and Whose gentlest hint we hear calling us and powerfully drawing us to fresh deeds.’
[13] Saith Jairuth thereto: ‘Fairest youths! That you possess a great power,
incalculable to us mortals, this I understand and grasp quite clearly; but I also am
capable of much, some of which perhaps you may not be capable of yourselves, in
that I am proud in my weakness, wherein resides neither power nor strength. But
there nevertheless lies a strength in this weakness due to which I can recognise,
accept and carry out the Lord's will!
[14] Of course not to the same measure as you, yet the Lord is certain not to
encumber me with more than I am capable of bearing up to! And in this sense my
weakness seems quite honourable to me, since it is of great import that in the end
man's weakness still can carry out the same will of God as your immeasurable
strength and might.
[15] And if I have understood the Lord correctly so far then it may yet be that the
Lord prefers the action of weak children, and that ultimately the power and deeds of
the great and mighty spirits of heaven may yet have to let itself be led by the weak
little children of the earth, for coming to sit at the little ones' table! Because if the
Lord Himself comes to the weak then it seems to me at least that He shall make
strong the weak!’
[16] Say the youths, ‘Yes, so it certainly is and rightly! Recognise God's will therefore
and act accordingly and then you already have our power in you, which is nothing
other than purely God the Lord's will! We of ourselves have neither strength nor
power, and all our strength and power is nothing but God's will fulfilled in and through
[17] Say I, ‘Right now, from every side! We have now fortified ourselves, and thus, all
you beloved, we shall get up from the table and re-commence our journey!’ - All get
up, give thanks and follow Me into the open.

Chapter 65
At Sychar. Jairuth accompanies the Lord. The guardian angel's service. Scene
with Roman mercenary soldiers.
[1] Jairuth nevertheless would rather have Me stay with him for the day; but I show
him how there still are sundry sick in this district whom I want to visit along the way.
Jairuth therefore asks Me whether he could at least accompany Me back to town, and
I grant this. He immediately gets ready but also asks the youths to accompany him!
[2] But the youths say: ‘It is better for us to stay here, because the guests in the
outhouse have reported you to the Romans as an insurgent, and your house would
fare badly without us.’
[3] This news utterly unsettles Jairuth and he asks with great agitation: ‘What Satanic
person could have said such to the Romans, and what could have gotten into them?’
[4] Says one youth: ‘Behold, there are merchants in Sychar who are not as fortunate
as yourself; they cannot purchase castles and even less acquire large tracts of land,
the way you have done in Arabia on the Red Sea. Such merchants therefore envy you
your worldly fortune and are filled with the desire to ruin you. They would also
succeed this time if we were not with you; but because we guard you in the name of
the Lord, not one of your hairs shall be bent. But make sure that you stay away from
home for at least three days!’
[5] This quietens Jairuth down and he makes haste to join Me on the journey.
[6] As we move over the castle courtyard, a detachment of Roman mercenaries and
thugs encounter us, making a halt and commanding us to stop! But I Myself step
forward , displaying the Nicodemus pass. But the commander says, ‘This is nothing in
face of suspected treason!’
[7] Say I: ‘What do you demand of us? You were moved to this step through the
shameless lie of a bunch of grudgers;' but I tell you there is not a true word in it! If
you could lend your ear so willingly to a lie then lend it the more to the open truth,
for which you find more witnesses here than for the shameless lie of a few
malcontents in town!’
[8] Says the commander: ‘These are vain excuses and count nothing with me. Only
by facing the accusers at court can truth be established; hence come unhesitatingly
to court, or force is applied!’
[9] Say I: ‘Over there is the castle; its master only was reported to you as a revolter;
go there and see if you discover any trace of a revolt! - But if you want to force us to
follow you to your unjust court then we can counter you with proper force and we
shall see who eats the humble pie! Do therefore what you will! My time has not come
yet; I have told you that no guilt resides here! But he who is in the right should also
defend it by word and deed!’
[10] The commander looks over our large numbers and gives the order to catch and
tie us up. The mercenaries and thugs fall upon the youths first, trying to catch them,
but the youths dodge them so smartly that not one can be caught. As the soldiers and
thugs are exhausting and scattering themselves in trying to catch the youths, the
youths seeming to disappear in all directions, I say to the commander: ‘It seems to
me that it is getting hard for you to catch us?’ The commander heaves after Me with
his sword, but that moment one youth rips away his sword, throwing it beyond
visibility and so destroying it.
[11] Say I to the commander: ‘Now then, with what will you heave and stab at Me
now?’ The commander says with raging fury: ‘So this is how Rome's authority is
respected here?! Good, I shall know how to report this to Rome, and then look at
your area shortly and tell if it’s still the same one! Not a stone shall be left atop
[12] But I point to how his soldiers and thugs, tied up in ropes are being driven
forward by the youths! Seeing this, the commander starts to implore Zeus, Mars and
even the furies to save him from such humiliation!
[13] But I say to the youths to release the soldiers and thugs again, and these do so
forthwith. Thereupon I say to the Commander: ‘Now, are you still eager to try your
strength on us? The Commander says that these youths would have to be gods, as
otherwise it could never be possible to defeat these his select warriors with bare
[14] Say I: ‘Yes, yes, for you and your type they should be gods indeed; hence leave
us to continue our journey and continue your investigation in the castle, or worse
shall befall you!’
[15] Says the Commander: ‘I herewith declare you innocent and permit you to
continue on your journey. You my troops however move to the caste, check out
everything and let none leave the castle until you have checked everything; I shall
await you here!’
[16] Says one deputy: ‘Why not examine them yourself in the castle?’ Says the
Commander: ‘Don't you see my sword is gone? Such investigation is not possible
without a sword!’ Says the deputy: ‘We are no better off by one hair's breadth; of
what legal force such swordless examination?!’ - Says the Commander: ‘What - you
without weapons too?! This is nasty! - We can't do a thing without weapons. - Hm,
how shall we get on?’
[17] Say I: ‘Over there, towards noon, lie your weapons, under the tall Cedar; go and
get them, as we fear you just as little with your weapons as without them!’ With this
they move towards where their weapons rest.
Chapter 66
At Sychar. Healing of the palsied near the village. His joyful thanks with song
and leaping. The flight and return of the Roman soldiers.
[1] We nevertheless press on eastwards and soon reach a tiny village, some twenty
furlong distance from the castle. The entire community joyfully rushes out to meet us,
asking softly what they can do for us. But I say: ‘Do you not have sick among you?
They affirm it, saying, ‘Yes, we have one fully suffering the gout!’
[2] Say I: ‘Bring him here then, so he may be made whole! Says one of them: ‘Lord,
this will be hard! This sufferer is so paralytic that he has not been able to leave his
bed for nearly three years, and his bed is hard to move, being fastened to the
ground. Would you be prepared to go and see him? Say I: ‘Since the bed is hard to
move, why don't you wrap the sick in a mat and bring him over here!’ In response
several of them hasten to the house where the gout-stricken is lying, wrapping him in
a mat and bringing him to Me in the street and saying: ‘Lord, here is the poor
[3] But I ask the sick one whether he believes that I can heal him. The sick looks Me
over and says, ‘Dear friend, you look indeed like you could; you sure seem to be a
proper healer! Yes, yes, I believe it!’
[4] Say I thereto: ‘Now then, get up and walk! Your faith helped you; but beware of a
certain sin henceforth, so as not to relapse into gout, which would be more acute the
second time than now!’
[5] And the sick gets up forthwith, taking up the mat and walking. Noticing only then
that he is completely healed, he falls on his knees before Me, thanking and finally
saying; ‘Lord, in you there is more than human power; praised be God's power in
You! Oh, blessed the body that bore You, and over-blessed the breast that fed You!’
[6] But I say unto him; ‘And blessed they who hear My Words, keeping them in their
hearts and living accordingly! Says the sick: ‘Lord, where can one hear You speak?
[7] Say I: ‘You will surely know the high priest Jonael of Sychar, who sacrificed at
Gerizim! Behold, he has My Word; go and learn from him!’ Says the healed: ‘Lord,
when is he at home?’ Say I: ‘He is standing here beside Me; ask him and he will tell
[8] Here the healed turns to Jonael, saying: ‘Worthy high priest of Jehovah at
Gerizim, when could I enter your house?’
[9] Says Jonael: ‘Your work till now consisted in just lying down, and in the patient
bearing of your suffering; hence you would miss nothing at home. Journey with us
today and hear; there shall be quite a few more happenings, and tomorrow you shall
find out everything!’
[10] Says the healed: ‘If considered worthy of travelling in such society, then I follow
you with much joy! Because, dear friend, when one had to languish away in a hard
bed for three years, with often unbearable pain, and now through a divine miracle
suddenly be healed from the nasty malady, then one appreciates health! And what
joy it is to walk with straight limbs! That's why I should like to do like a David - dance
and leap before you, praising the great goodness of the Lord with exceeding
[11] Says Jonael: ‘Go and do thus, that before our eyes it should fulfill itself as
written from the Lord, - “Then shall the lame man leap as an hart”. [Is 35:6 - the
[12] With this the healed throws off the mat, moves quickly ahead of the company
and starts leaping and jubilating, not letting anyone hinder him in his joy. Because
after only two or three furlongs, those Roman mercenaries and thugs together with
their leaders, who were scattered unto a side-track by the two angels at the castle,
are disturbing his joyfulness, asking him what he is doing. But not letting himself be
disconcerted and not seeming to regard the commander's question, he says while still
hopping and leaping, ‘When men get merry, the livestock get sad, because man's
happiness brings death to the cattle! Hence make merry, make merry!’ Thus the
healed carries on. This annoys the commander, and he forbids him such noise.
[13] But the healed says, ‘Why forbid my joy!; I was bed-ridden for three years with
gout! Had you come to me and said ‘arise and walk’, with me getting well with such
pronouncement, as I am now, then I would have divinely worshipped you together
with everyone of your holy words from your mouth; but since you are not such, and
your power sheer nothing compared to my Lord's, I obey my mighty Lord, and hence
once again, make merry, make merry!’
[14] Now the commander forbids him such spectacle in earnest, threatening
punishment; but at the same moment two of the youths come to the merry one,
saying, ‘Don't let yourself be hindered in your joy!’
[15] Seeing the familiar youths, the commander yells out to his unarmed band,
‘Retreat! Look, two more servants of Pluto!’
[16] At this command the band take to their heels in a manner not seen before. But
the healed now leaps and jubilates the more, yelling after the retreating: ‘Make
merry, make merry; when men make merry the cattle get sad!’ Then he quietens a
little, and returning to Jonael, he says, ‘Friend, if you don't mind us talking whilst we
walk, you could acquaint me with some of this Lord's new Word, Who gave me my
health!? Because if I am to make such Word into my law then I have to know it first!’
[17] Says Jonael, ‘Behold, we are nearing another village, which according to the new
Roman constitution is a small town; here the Lord is bound to venture into more! You
shall be following us into town anyway; in my house, or that of Irhael, however, you
shall find accommodation for as long as it pleases you. There you shall be familiarised
with everything. We are not far from town now. This locality we are coming to already
belongs to the town, according to the new Roman order; but since it serves mainly as
a Roman stronghold, they severed it from Sychar, encircling it with a rampart and
elevating it to a place with a name of its own. The area is not big, and with a
thousand paces we shall have it behind us. Then we turn left, with hardly seven
furlongs remaining to Sychar's buildings; hence have just a little more patience and
your wishes shall be met.
[18] Says the healed, ‘Oh by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! If this area is under Roman
occupation then we shall fare badly, since only a few moments ago the Roman
centurion had to retreat from us most abysmally!’
[19] Says Jonael, ‘This we shall leave to the Lord, Who is with us now. He shall work
out everything extra well! But I already see a detachment of warriors heading our
way with a white flag; this seems a good sign to me!’
[20] Says the healed, ‘Oh yes, as long as it is not the usual Roman battle ruse!?
Because in this the Roman and Greek legions excel.’
Chapter 67
At Sychar. Memorable discussions about the Messiah, Satan and the divine
order. The Lord as proclaimer of the new law of love. Jehovah's presence in
the gentle breeze.
[1] Says Jonael, ‘Such bluffing may carry some weight with men, but against the
might of God such dodging avails nothing. Only pure and true love achieves anything
with God; everything else is but chaff in a hurricane! Hence be not troubled, as God is
with us! Who should then prevail against us?!’
[2] Says the healed, ‘Indeed, indeed, right you are! But God was undoubtedly also
with Adam, yet Satan knew how to grab him with artful cunning! And Michael, after a
three-day battle still had to cede Moses' body to him! God is without doubt almighty
indeed; but Satan is filled with the worst cunning and this has already inflicted much
harm to the people of God. Hence caution is necessary near a tiger, as long as it
lives; only after it is dead can one breathe freely without precautions!
[3] Jonael (?): ‘You have to keep in mind that in former times the Lord allowed Satan
to act in this or that way, for the first-created spirit (Lucifer) had to be allowed a long
time for his freedom-test, because he was not only the first, but also the greatest of
the created spirits.
[4] However, this time has come to an end and the prince of darkness will now be
considerably restrained and no longer be able to move as freely as before.
[5] Therefore, if the right love for God is dwelling within us, we shall find it easier to
walk on earth than was the case formerly under the hard yoke of the law.
[6] From Adam until our time the law of wisdom was reigning and such wisdom and a
strong and unconditional will was required to fulfill such a law within oneself.
[7] But God saw that men would never fulfill the law of wisdom and so came into the
world himself in order to give them a new law of love which they will easily be able to
fulfill. For in the law of wisdom Jehovah let only His light radiate among men. The
light was not He Himself, it only flowed from Him to men just as men have gone forth
from Him, but nevertheless are not Jehovah Himself. However Jehovah Himself does
come to men through and within love, takes spiritual residence in man in the fullness
of truth and thereby makes created man similar to Himself in everything. Then Satan
is no longer able to harm, by his cunning, a man thus armed, for Jehovah’s spirit
within man sees always through Satan’s ever so concealed tricks and has at all times
plenty of power to disperse Satan’s total helplessness.
[8] The Prophet Elias described the present situation of mankind, when Jehovah
comes to men directly in love, as a gentle rustling passing the cave, but Jehovah was
not in the great storm and in the fire.
[9] Thus the gently rustling is people’s love for God and their brothers wherein
Jehovah Himself is dwelling, whereas He does not dwell in the storm of wisdom and
the flaming sword of the law.
[10] And since Jehovah Himself now is with us, for us and among us, we don't need
to fear Satan's tricks nearly as much as was the case only too sadly in antiquity and
in the past; and you can look the bloodthirsty Roman tiger in the eye quite more
bravely and untroubled! Did you not notice how an entire legion just now took to their
heels most ignominiously before the two youths?! Yet such youths are accompanying
us in great numbers, and should we fear Romans approaching us with white flags?! -
Not even in a dream, I say, never mind in actuality!’
[11] The healed looks bluffed, after a while saying, ‘What did you say? Jehovah now
among us? I thought this man Who helped me was only the awaited Messiah!? How
can Jehovah and the Messiah be One to you?
[12] I have no trouble understanding that Jehovah's power shall show in greater
fullness through the Messiah than all the prophets combined; but I would not have
dared to even think, let alone voice it that the Messiah and Jehovah would be One!
Besides that it is written that one should not imagine Jehovah under any likeness, and
now this human, who of a truth possesses all the attributes of a Messiah, should be
Je-ho-vah Himself? Well, this is all right with me, as long as it is all right with you as
the chief priest!
[13] That the Messiah could be some special God I thought straight after my healing,
because according to scripture, we all are gods more or less, depending on how
Jehovah's law is kept. But that He should be Jehovah Himself!? - Well, if that be so
then it behoves us to act differently! He Himself has healed me - this means coming
up with quite different thanks!’
[14] Here he wants to come over to Me at once. But Jonael holds him back, advising
him to do so when we get to Sychar, and the healed is happy with that.
Chapter 68
At Sychar. The Roman military deputation. Dialogue about truth between the
Lord and the Roman commander. Men and human cocoons. About perfection.
About following the Lord.
[1] But now the Roman war-deputation had arrived, and their leader handed Me a
written entreaty from the commander-in-chief of this fort, by which he implores Me
for the sake of public weal to take no notice of what occurred, and to persuade the
company not to divulge what took place, because it would bring him harm whilst
benefiting no one! But, that it would benefit all more than harm them if they made
the Roman commander-in-chief into a friend rather than an enemy! Jairuth too ought
to keep silence and be assured of being left in peace at home. But would I in any case
visit him at his residence, as he has secret and important things to discuss with Me.
[2] My response to the bearer of the writing was, ‘Tell your master that he shall
receive in accordance with his request. But I shall nevertheless not come to his
residence; but that if he wants to speak to Me about secret and important things, to
await Me at the entrance to this area, and I shall tell him what that is which he wants
to discuss.’
[3] With this the messenger goes off with his company to convey to his master all he
heard of Me, and the latter with his deputies immediately heads for the gate to this
place to await Me.
[4] Jairuth however asks Me whether such invitation can be trusted; because he
knows this chief commander's great cunning, who is a supreme commander. This one
is supposed to already have dispatched many to the other world in this way.
[5] Say I, ‘Dear friend, I also know him, both as he was and now is. The youths have
instilled lasting respect in him and he regards them as genii, and Me as a son of their
god Jupiter, and he now wants to find out how much substance there is to it. But I
know what I shall tell him!’
[6] Jairuth is satisfied with this, even as we arrive at the gate where the commander-
in-chief and his officers are awaiting us. He immediately steps forward, greeting Me
amicably, and bent on pressing his concerns forthwith.
[7] But I beat him to it, saying, ‘Friend! My servants are not genii, and I in no way a
son of your Zeus! And now you know everything you wanted to know of Me and
intended asking Me.’
[8] The chief is stunned by My openly telling him at once what he had only thought,
yet intimated to no one.
[9] Being intrigued for a while he again asks Me, ‘If you are not such, then tell me
who you and your servants actually are! Because you must by all means be more
than ordinary men, and it would please me to accord you the proper honours.’
[10] Say I, ‘Any man asking sincerely and honestly is worthy of an equal answer. You
have now asked Me honestly and sincerely and shall receive a like answer, and hence
hearken unto Me. For a start I am that and He standing before you, namely a man!
There are of a truth many on earth who look like Me, yet they nevertheless are not
men but merely human shells. But the more accomplished a true man, the more
power and strength in his cognition and will, prolific in action, prolific in effects.’
[11] Says the chief, ‘Can every man achieve a perfection like yours?’
[12] Say I, ‘Indeed, if he does what I teach for his perfection!’
[13] Requests the chief, ‘Then let me hear your teaching and I shall try to do thus.’
[14] Say I, ‘The teaching I could let you have for sure, but it would serve you little,
since you would not live by it. Because so long as you remain that for which you are
engaged by Rome, My teaching can be of no use to you, - unless you were to leave all
and follow Me, or it would be impossible for you to live according to My teaching.’
[15] Says the chief, ‘Yes, this would be very hard! You could nevertheless give me a
few basics from your teaching!? Because I have already acquired knowledge in many
a thing, being quite conversant therewith; why should I not also receive some grasp
of your teaching? Maybe I could still bring it to some application!?’
[16] Say I, ‘My friend, since My teaching consists in following Me, without which the
kingdom of My perfection cannot be entered upon, how should you be able to bring it
to application?!’
[17] Says the chief, ‘This sounds strange indeed; yet there could be something in it!
Let me think about it a little!’
[18] The chief ponders for a while and says, ‘Do you mean by that a physical, or
basically a moral following?’
[19] Jesus replies, ‘The much preferred following, where possible, is of course the
bodily one, coupled to the moral one; but where due to a necessary vocation a
personal following is not possible, there a conscientious moral one suffices. But I
Myself and love towards Me and all men must be the foundation of conscience,
otherwise mere moral emulation would be spiritually dead. - Do you understand that?’
[20] Says the chief, ‘This is vague! But if it is so, then what am I to make of all my
nice gods? My ancestors believed on them; is it right for me to remain true to the
faith of such ancestors, or should I start to believe in the God of the Jews?’
Chapter 69
At Sychar. The nothingness of the gods. The worth and nature of truth and
the way to it. The real Gordian knot. The mystery of love. Head and heart.
The key and seat of truth.
[1] Say I, ‘Dear friend, your ancestors mean nothing, and still less the gods they
honoured; because your ancestors have already been dead for a long time, and their
gods never had an existence outside of human fantasy. There had never been a
reality behind their names and images. Hence there verily is nothing in leaving a most
void belief in your gods; because they can feed your soul no more than can painted
foods your body! There is therefore nothing to all this, as stated, but everything in
pure truth and the life in and through this one truth!
[2] Because if you live within the lie then life itself is nothing but a lie, and can attain
to no reality in all eternity; but if your life goes forth from truth and is itself truth,
then whatever your life brings forth is also fact and reality! No man can however see
and recognise truth through the lie, because to the lie everything is a lie. Only for him
who is born anew from the spirit of truth, becoming truth within himself, and that
fully, for such even the lie becomes truth!
[3] Because he who recognises the lie as a lie is himself truth in everything, because
he forthwith recognises the lie for what it is; and this also is truth! Do you grasp this?’
[4] Says the chief, ‘Friend, You speak aright, and there is deep wisdom in you! But
the great, glorious truth, where is it, and what is it? Are things true the way we see
them or does the eye of a black man see it differently from us perhaps? A fruit can
taste sweet and pleasant to one, whilst to another it is bitter and repulsive! Thus
sundry human tribes speak different languages; which one among them is true and
good?! Much can be true for any specific individual; but there can in my view be no
general, all-encompassing truth, - and if there be one, then show where and what it is
and consists in!’
[5] Say I, ‘Verily, My friend, therein lies the old Gordian knot you well know about,
which so far has not been unraveled by anyone other than the Macedonian hero you
heard about.
[6] Whatever you can behold and feel by means of the flesh has affinity with the flesh
and its tools, and is similarly changeable and transitory; so whatever is changeable
and transitory, how could same offer you substance for ever-constant and immortal
[7] There is only one thing in man, and this great and holy One is love, which is a
proper fire out of God, dwelling in the heart; within this is love, and nowhere else is
truth, because love is itself the arch-foundation of all truth in God, and out of God
within every man!
[8] If you want to see and recognise things and yourself in their full truth, then you
have to see and recognise them from this solely true arch-foundation of your being;
everything else is delusion, and man's head and what is in it belongs to the sphere of
your familiar Gordian knot, which no one can unravel with mere deliberation.
[9] Only with the cutting power of the spirit of love in man's own heart can he hew
through this knot, and then begin to think, see and recognise in the heart, and only
then along such path to get at the truth of his own and every other being and life!’
[10] Your head can create countless gods for you, but what are they? Verily I say
unto you, - nothing but vain, lifeless patterns produced by the brain with its loose
mechanisms; only in the heart shall you find a God, and this One is true, because the
love in which you found the only true God is itself Truth.
[11] This Truth therefore can be sought and found only in Truth; but the head has
done its share if it has delivered you the key to Truth. Yet everything that urges and
draws you towards love can be a key to truth; hence follow such attraction and urge
and enter upon the love of your heart, and you shall find the truth which shall free
you from all deception!'
Chapter 70
At Sychar. The natures of head and heart. ‘Don't deal with the sinner like a
judge but as loving brother, and you shall find truth and bliss. Anger is
judgment. Where love is lacking, there is no truth. Universal truth
throughout infinity. Hints about the individual in the beyond. ‘Who are you?’
Follow Me.
[1] The Lord, ‘An example should clarify this for you.
[2] Behold a case where you have subordinates who, having sinned against your laws
are to be punished! You are indeed holding the prescribed investigations, and are
about to elicit their confessions with all kinds of smart questions; but they flatly deny
everything as smartly from their minds, as your questions. In this way, one lie gives
vent to another, and not getting anywhere with them, you in the end resort to
sentencing them without their confessions, and just on the testimony of often hostile
witnesses, in whom there is no truth either, with you having to always assume that
not even one out of ten defendants received a fair trial, with the innocent and the
guilty sharing the same fate!
[3] Alternatively, rather than appearing as their judge, you encounter your poor
brethren with love, and awaken a love-response from their hearts, and these sinners
shall meet you with contrition and many tears, and faithfully and truly confess how,
when and what sin they committed against you! But then let the punishment also be
dropped! Because any punishment is itself not truth but the contrary, because not
flowing from love but the wrath of the law and its giver. But the wrath is itself a
judgment, within which there is no love. But where there is no love, truth also is
[4] Hence abide in pure love and act within its truth and power, and you shall be
finding truth everywhere, and quite evidently perceive that there is universal truth
indeed which penetrates not only this earth but all of infinity!
[5] If you were to act towards mankind in that way then you would quite legitimately
follow Me, and through such imitation win eternal life. But if you remain as you are
now, then nothing but night and a void, lying existence shall accrue to you beyond
the grave, which is the death of the spirit of love and truth!
[6] Because verily, this earth-life lasts for only a short time; then comes endless
eternity! As you fall so also shall you remain prostrated, where genuine truth has not
come alive within you!
[7] Now you know all you need to know for the present. If however you want more,
then see the High Priest Jonael at Sychar on occasion; he shall impart to you all that
he has learnt, seen and discovered about Me! Act accordingly and you shall gain
[8] Says the commander-in-chief, fully taken in by My speech, ‘Friend, from your talk
I adjudge you a wisest of the earth's wisest, and I shall hence do everything you have
advised me; only I should like to now find out from yourself as to who you actually
are! Because see, notwithstanding the fact of my most shameful defeat by the youths
accompanying you, which I cannot put down to anything other than these youths
being either gods or genii from the heavens and hence able to supernaturally beat me
into retreat, I yet recognise that you must obviously be more than an ordinary human
only by your exceedingly great wisdom! You probably have already revealed or
indicated it to many of your disciples as to who you are; but you can see by now that
I am fully earnest about my intent to become a disciple of yours at least in spirit!
Hence also tell me what I am to regard you as! Who and what, and whence actually
are you, basically?’
[9] Say I, ‘Firstly, I basically have already told you, and that in a way you could easily
grasp if you thought about it, and secondly I have referred you to Jonael about it.
When you get to him you shall find out all you are still lacking. But now detain us no
more, because the day nears its end and I have yet to accomplish much today!’
[10] Says the chief, ‘Then do let me accompany you to town!’
[11] Say I, ‘The road is clear, and if your intentions are good then do so! But if there
is still some infernal trace in you then stay home, because such escort would then
bring you no blessing! You have already sampled My might.’
[12] Says the chief, ‘This be far from me, notwithstanding that in these critical times,
with the mythical point approaching where the Jews await from their God a mighty
saviour from the Roman rulers, one's ears being full of Jewish whispers of such
saviour already being on earth! Hence I could quite easily think you to be that
saviour, - yes, I have indeed already secretly thought so. But be it as it may, I regard
you as the wisest among the wise and hence love you as mankind's true friend;
therefore such thoughts shall in no way hinder me from following you for the sake of
truth, in person to Sychar and spiritually throughout my whole life, notwithstanding
my being aware that as a Roman I shall not thereby erect myself a triumphal arch!
Now I have completely revealed myself to you, and ask you once more whether I can
accompany you. If you say yes I shall do so, and if no, I stay!’
[13] Say I, ‘Well then, escort Me, together with those standing by your side, so that
you have valid witnesses on hand!’

Chapter 71
At Sychar. The Lord heals the chief's wife. Vital hints on arriving at full truth
and power action. The Lord witnesses of the Father. Core of the teaching.
[1] Following this counsel I ask the commander whether there are no sick in this
place. Says the chief, ‘Friend, if you are also conversant with the art of healing, then
heal my wife! Because she has suffered some secret malady for a year already, which
no physician could identify. Perhaps the depth of your wisdom could identify this
sickness and help my wife out of it?
[2] Say I, ‘I say unto you that your wife is well! Send for her!
[3] The commander immediately dispatches one of his servants, whom the cheerful
wife already meets at the doorstep, betaking herself with him to the chief. The latter
is astonished beyond all measure and says to Me, ‘Friend, you are a God!’
[4] Say I, ‘You people then are all the same! When you see no signs, you don't
believe. Yet you are blessed that you believe, although on account of the signs; he
who nevertheless does not believe in spite of the signs which I work has sunk into
[5] But in future only those men shall attain bliss who believe just on account of the
truth of My Word, without signs, living in accordance with it! These shall then discover
the only living sign within themselves, called life eternal, and this no one shall be able
to take from them.
[6] You are now joyful that I have made your wife whole, just through the will of My
heart, and ask yourself unceasingly: how is this possible? But I say unto you: if a
man were to live in accordance with inner pure love and then came upon such truth,
having no more doubt in his truth, he then could say unto one of those surrounding
mountains: Arise and cast thyself into the sea! And the mountain would rise and cast
itself into the sea!
[7] But since no such truth resides in you or many others, you not only cannot work
such deeds but on top of that have to wonder many times head over heels that I, who
am imbued with such truth in all fullness, perform deeds before you which can be
accomplished only through the might of the innermost living truth!
[8] Only within such truth does faith, which in man is the right hand of the spirit,
become living in power-action, and the arm of the spirit reaches far and performs
great things!
[9] If through such truth you shall have sufficiently strengthened your spiritual arms,
then you shall be doing what I have now done before you, and besides that you shall
see that this is much easier than to lift a stone off the ground with the hand of your
body, and cast it several paces before you!
[10] Hence live in accordance with such My teaching! Be doers and not just idle
hearers and admirers of My Words, teachings and deeds, and you shall receive within
yourselves that which now you so highly admire in Me!
[11] But this I show you as not of Myself but of Him Who taught Me so before the
world. And of Him it is you say that He is your Father, - yet know Him not and never
have recognised Him! He however of Whom ye say that He is your Father, the Same
it is of Whom all things are, such as angels, sun, moon and stars and this earth with
everything in and on it!
[12] As this Father has taught Me before all the world however, even so teach I you,
so that the Father, Who now lives in the world, would dwell and witness in you as in
Me of the arch-primordial pure truth, out of the eternal arch-foundation, which is
called the love in God, which is actually the very Being of God Himself!
[13] Hence do not be overly carried away by the signs that I work before your eyes,
that you may not beget a dead faith under judgment profiting nothing; but live and
act in accordance with what I teach you, and you shall then come by that which now
you admire in Me and wonder at beyond measure; because you all are called to be
perfect! Now you know all; do thus, and you shall come to discern from within
whether I told you the truth or not! Prove My teaching through the deed therefore,
with all diligence and remote from half-heartedness, and only then shall you find out
whether this teaching is of man or of God!’
[14] After this important instruction the commander says, ‘Now it begins to dawn in
me! Notwithstanding the incalculable depths of wisdom in all this, which for us
ordinary people is at first hard to grasp, there yet is in the end not that much to it.
For if insight can be gained only through the deed, then I leave all further brooding
over it, after first getting initiated into the entire teaching by Jonael, then moving
earnestly into full action. And this resolution stands!’
[15] Say I, ‘Good so, My friend; if you attain to the light in this way however, then let
this light shine also for your brethren, then you shall prepare a reward in heaven
therewith! - Now I have to attend to sundries. And so let us move on!’

Chapter 72
Journey to Sychar. Memorable prophecies about the future. About the great
tribulation. Promise of the angels with trumpets before the Lord's return.
The earth as paradise. Satan's last test. The Lord's passion and rising.
[1] A start is made, with the commander-in-chief, together with his healed wife and
two of his senior deputies escorting Me. The chief and his wife take Jonael in their
midst, discussing and asking him diversely about the Jewish religion and where it
refers to Myself, with the one healed from gout in the first village taking part most
keenly. I Myself walk among Jonael's seven daughters and his wife. These too are
questioning Me much, about what shall soon come over the world, Jerusalem and
Rome. And I give them proper answers, showing them how shortly the secret prince
of this world shall be judged and soon thereafter all his adherents. At the same time I
also show them the end of the world and a universal judgment like that of Noah's
time, and they question Me with much astonishment about when and how this will
take place.
[2] But I say unto them, ‘My beloved daughters! It shall be as in the days of Noah;
love shall be on the wane and go completely cold; faith in a pure life and God
recognizing teaching revealed to men from the heavens shall be converted into
darkest, dead superstition full of lies and deception, and rulers once again shall use
men like animals and slaughter them cold-bloodedly and most callously if not
submitting to the dazzling powers without protest! The mighty shall be tormenting the
poor with all kinds of repression, and persecute and suppress any freer spirit by any
means, and therewith a tribulation shall come over mankind such as never was! But
then the days shall be shortened on account of the elect, otherwise even the elect,
who shall be found among the poor, should perish!
[3] But until then another thousand and not quite a second thousand years shall
elapse! Whereupon I shall send the same angels which you see here now unto
mankind with rallying trumpets. These shall so to speak awaken the spiritually slain
mankind of the earth from the graves of their night, and like a pillar of fire rolling
over the world, these many awoken millions shall fall upon the world powers, and
none shall be able to stem them!
[4] From then on the earth shall become a paradise again, and I shall lead My
children along the right path for evermore.
[5] But during the course of a thousand years following that, the prince of darkness
shall be freed for a very short period of seven years and a few months and days for
his own sake, either for his total fall, or possible return.
[6] In the first instance, the earth in its innermost part shall be converted to an
eternal prison, but the outer earth shall remain a paradise. In the second instance
however the earth would be converted into heaven, with the death of body and soul
disappearing forever! - Whether so, and how?! That, for the present, not even the
foremost angel of the heavens must know; this only the Father knows! But tell no
man at this stage what I have revealed to you, until you shall, after a couple of earth
years hear of My having been raised up!’
[7] But the daughters ask wherein such raising up shall consist in.
[8] But I say unto them, ‘When you shall have heard, then your hearts will be sad!
But be comforted, for then I shall three days thereafter be in your midst, to bring you
testimony Myself of the New Testament and the keys to My eternal kingdom! But see
to it that I then find you pure as you are now, or you shall not be able to become My
brides forever!’ - They and their mother promise to most assiduously keep what I
commanded and advised them.

Chapter 73
At Sychar. The Lord with His at Irhael's. John, the healed, and Jonael. The
Lord praises and blesses their sensible comprehension. The Lord and Jairuth.
[1] With this we reach town, and namely at Irhael's house, - now also Joram's.
Jairuth and the commander with his wife and the two deputies can't get over its new
beauty, and the healed palsied also is astonished beyond all measure, in the end
saying loudly, ‘This is possible only to God! As a boy I had often mischievously caught
lizards within the dilapidated walls of this castle or dwelling, which Jacob had built for
his son Joseph; and now it stands here perfected as Jacob himself was certain to not
have built better! Any, no human power accomplishes this overnight. Now I know
where I stand and know what I shall do! - My name is John - just remember this
[2] This John is he whom My disciples, after My sending them out in the second year
to teach the people, once threatened for healing and casting out devils in My name
without My explicit authority. [Luke 9:50, the Trans]
[3] Says Jonael, ‘Friend, your will, mind and words are good, but you still lack one
thing - a proper recognition of God's will! Hence call on me in the next few days, or
even remain here, and I shall acquaint you with God's will more closely! Only then will
you be able to put into action in its proper order all you now have a good mind of
[4] Says the healed, ‘May God the Lord inspire you for it! I shall do as you shall
advise me; because I can see you are a real friend of this great prophet and are
bound to have a proper light from Him. This prophet however is above all and I think
it is precisely He of Whom David prophesied thus:
[5] “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world, and they who dwell
therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord or who shall stand in His holy place? He Who
hath clean hands, and a pure heart, Who hath not lifted up His soul unto vanity, nor
sworn deceitfully He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from
the God of His salvation. This is the generation of them who seek Him, who seek thy
face, O Jacob.
[6] Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the
king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the
Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your head O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting
doors; and the king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord of
hosts, He is the king of glory.” (Psalm 24).
[7] And I, John, who have been healed by Him, here openly testify that it is He in
Person of Whom David sang and prophesied thus! Hence all glory to Him forever!’
[8] Says Jonael, ‘Friend, you now stand upon solid ground! But between ourselves for
the present, the time is not yet for speaking thus. But when, as He said Himself, He
shall depart from here, perhaps to Galilee, only then shall we start teaching the
people, and when He shall then shortly return to us, He shall find our gates of proper
width and the doors of the world of sufficient height for His entry, meaning our hearts
as wide and our love for Him raised above the stars; because the gate is our heart,
which is to be opened wide, and our pure love for Him the door which shall be raised
above everything!’
[9] Here I step over to them both, laying My hands on their shoulders and saying, ‘It
is right so, My beloved friends! Wherever you shall meet in My name thus, there,
even if not visibly, I shall be among you omnipotently and fortifyingly! - But I can
hear a racket in the city streets - let us be quiet! We shall see what spirit fills and
leads these people.’
[10] Jairuth steps up to Me right away, saying, ‘Lord, this is an evil racket and bodes
no good! If you like I shall order two legions here at once, and peace shall at once be
[1] Say I, ‘Let be! If need be I verily have proper guards on hand; but you could
conceal yourself somewhat in the house, that no one would see and recognise you.
Because no good spirit resides in this town among men, and they could later do much
damage to your properties!’
[2] Says Jairuth, ‘But I still have the two youths - these shall protect my properties!’
[3] Say I, ‘Notwithstanding, let it be for the moment; for if I were in need of human
help I could ask it of the chief who also is here!’ Jairuth is satisfied and betakes
himself to Irhael's house.
Chapter 74
At Sychar. The confrontation with the brazen dumb ones with their lying
mates. Joram's resoluteness and the disciples vigour against the liars. The
Lord's rebuke and His guidelines in dealing with men's wickedness. ‘Do not
return evil for evil’. Parable of the master and servant. The evil of dogmatism
and retribution.
[1] Soon thereafter a fairly large crowd armed with sticks comes to menace us, with
the ten who were made dumb by the physician on the first day in their midst; and the
crowd menacingly demands that the former's tongues be loosed!
[2] Joram the physician however steps forward at once, saying vigorously with manful
tone, ‘O you children of wickedness! Is this the new way of coming to God to beg for
[3] The crowd steps back somewhat, yelling, ‘Who is God here and where is He? You
are not holding out to be God yourself, or else yonder magician from Galilee, you
wide-shouldered blasphemer?!’
[4] Joram replies even more vehemently, ‘Who is your magician from Galilee, you
miserable wretches?! Screams the crowd, ‘Yonder Nazarene carpenter named Jesus it
is, whom we know only too well, and his mother who is here too, together with his
brothers and sisters! We know his father too, who is supposed to have died a year
ago - from grief we hear, because his wife and children didn't want to obey him and
are supposed to have deceived him in every direction!’
[5] At such disparagement Joram is filled with rage. He hastily steps up to Me, with
Jacob and John joining him, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, Lord! Will You not let fire fall from
heaven to consume these fellows? The impudent lies these fellows dare yelling
screams to heaven!’
[6] Say I, ‘There now, children of thunder! Let them lie; is there a fire that burns
more fiercely than that of the lie?! Do them good on top of that and they shall run off
with glowing coals over their heads! - Remember that! Never return evil for evil and
bad with bad!’ - The three relent, and Joram asks what he should do for these
[7] Say I, ‘Do what they ask, in My name, and tell them to depart!’ And Joram speaks
to the crowd, ‘In the name of the Lord, let all speak who now are dumb among you,
and then go their way home, giving God the glory.’
[8] Upon these words of Joram's the tongues are loosed of all who were dumb; yet
none bar one, who at least exhorted them, praised God. But when the others said,
‘You fool, did Jehovah make us dumb?! An initiate into magic inflicted this harm, and
are we to praise the heathen god of magic?! If we did this, what shall we expect from
the almighty, true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?!’ Thereupon the somewhat
better one also left with the other nine, not daring to give Me the due honour.
[9] Joram and all the Mine were angry about that, and Simon Peter also stepped up to
Me full of anger and said, ‘Lord, it is good that it please You; but if I had but a spark
of Your spiritual power and might, I would know what I had done with these stupid
and evil blasphemers of Your name, over-holy to me!’
[10] Say I, ‘Simon, have you already forgotten what I taught on the mountain? What
good can you achieve by returning evil for evil? If you were to cook a meal which in
itself is tasteless, will you gain anything by adding gall and alloe, instead of seasoning
it with salt, milk and honey? If you add something still better to an already good
meal, then certainly no one will call you stupid; but if you make an already bad meal
worse with still more inferior ingredients, where is the man who will not say to you:
‘Look at what the fool is doing?!
[11] Behold, that much more is it with men! If you return them evil for evil, then ask
yourself whether their wickedness is improved! If however you return good for evil
then you shall soften the evil in your brother and perhaps in the end make a good
brother of him!
[12] If a master has a servant to whom he entrusts much, whilst the latter, knowing
the master's goodness, commits a sin against him and hence merits punishment, and
being called to account for his faithlessness, meets his master with rage and
vituperates against him, will this soften the master towards his servant? I tell you no;
there the master shall only get angry over the faithless servant, have him bound and
thrown in jail!
[13] If however the servant sees that the master is about to treat him harshly, and
he falls down before him to confess his transgression remorsefully and gently, and
lovingly asks his forgiveness, will not the master treat him as formerly?! No, I say!
Through the servant's gentle contrition the master shall not only become gentle and
pliable but shall do good to his servant besides.
[14] Hence do not repay evil for evil, if you want all to become good. If however you
are going to judge and punish those who have sinned against you, then you shall in
the end all turn evil and there shall be no more proper love and goodness in any of
[15] The mighty shall take it upon himself to punish those sinning against his laws;
the sinners however shall in turn enkindle with revenge and attempt to ruin the
mighty. Question: what good shall come of all that?!
[16] Hence judge and condemn no one, that you may not be judged and condemned!
Have you all now understood this My most important teaching, without which My
kingdom can never have a place in you?’
Chapter 75
At Sychar. The drawbacks to being good. Zoological example. About
redemption from evil. The new Way to freedom for children of God. About
dealing with criminals. Parable of the lion. About apostolic ministry.
[1] Says Simon Peter, ‘Yes, Lord, we have indeed understood it profoundly; yet this
thing has its drawback in that, in my opinion and in line with Your teaching, if all
punishment is to be abolished, then the transgressors would soon multiply like the
grass on earth and sand in the sea. Wherever a law is given it has to be sanctioned
with a corresponding punishment, or it should be as good as no law at all. - Or can a
law prevail without sanction?’
[2] Say I, ‘My beloved, here you judge like one blind judges the colour of light! Go
and look at the zoos of the dignitaries; there you shall see all kinds of animals: tigers,
lions, panthers, hyenas, wolves and bears. If such beasts were not kept in powerful
cages, what life should be safe in the vicinity?! But what folly to cage also the gentle
lambs and pigeons!
[3] Hell of course requires most severe laws, coupled with the most painful sanctions;
but My kingdom, which is heaven, requires neither law, let alone any sanction.’
[4] I have not come to educate you for hell through the sanctioned severity of the
law, but for heaven through love, meekness and truth. If I now liberate you from the
law by My new teaching from the heavens, showing you the new path through the
heart to the true, everlasting freest life, who do you want to live always judge and
condemned under the law without considering that it is better to die a thousand times
bodily in the freedom of love than to walk in the death of the law just for one day?
[5] It goes without saying that thieves, robbers and murderers must be caught and
imprisoned, for they are like the wild, ferocious beasts that as images of hell live in
holes of the earth, day and night on the lurk for prey. To properly hunt for these is
even a duty for the angels in heaven, but no one shall destroy them. They must be
kept imprisoned to be calmed and tamed, and only in cases of violent resistance shall
they be wounded and, if quite unyielding, their body may also be slain, for then a
dead hell is better than a live one.
[6] But whoever will go on to judge and put to death an imprisoned thief, robber and
murderer will once have to face My wrath, for the more severely men judge and
punish their offenders, the more cruel, careful, furtive and hard the still free criminals
will become, and when they break into a house at night they will not only take
whatever they find, but will also murder and destroy all who could betray them.
[7] If, however, you abolish the severe judgement and wisely suggest to all people to
give the one who should ask someone for a shirt also the coat, then thieves would
still come to you asking for this and that, but they will not rob or murder.
[8] Once men will out of true love for their brothers and sisters, resulting from their
love for Me, cease to amass the transient goods of this earth and instead imitate Me,
then there will soon no longer be any thieves, let alone robbers and murderers.
[9] Whoever thinks that through severe laws and increasingly harsher judgement all
offenders will eventually be eliminated is grossly mistaken. Hell has never yet lacked
those. What use is it to you to kill a devil if instead of the one killed hell sends ten,
each of whom is worse than ten of the previous kind would have been? If the evil one
when he comes finds that he is opposed again by evil, he becomes enraged and turns
into a complete Satan, but if he finds nothing but love, meekness and patience, he
desists from his evil act and continues on his way.
[10] When a lion sees a tiger or another enemy approaching him, he soon gets
enraged, leaps at him with all force and destroys his enemy, but he will allow a weak
little dog to play with him and becomes quite gentle. And if a fly comes and settles on
his strong paws, he will hardly look at it and let it fly away unhindered, for to catch
gnats and flies is beneath a lion. That will also be every powerful enemy’s attitude
towards you unless you oppose him with force.
[11] Therefore, you should rather bless your enemies than catch, judge and imprison
them, and you will gather live coals over their heads and thus prevent them from
harming you.
[12] With love, meekness and patience you will succeed everywhere, but if you judge
and condemn people, who notwithstanding their blindness are still your brothers, you
will, instead of the blessing of the gospel, sow only curse and discord among men on
this earth.
[13] Hence you have to be fully My disciples in word, teaching and deed, if you want
to be and become My servants in the spreading of My kingdom on earth! If you don't
want this however, or if it seems too much effort or not right to you, then it is better
for you to return home; I nevertheless am able to raise disciples from stones for

Chapter 76
Peter's commendable talk and request (the Lord's prayer). The Lord's
instructions on national policy for keeping order and peace. ‘You shall
achieve everything with love’. Force awakens the devils - for evil. Peter's
humane suggestions for the spreading of Truth. The Lord discusses the work
of guardian angels, and the nature of miscreants.
[1] Says Simon Peter, ‘Lord! Who would want to leave You, or not serve You?! You
alone have Words of life such as never came from human mouth before! We will do
anything You ask us, only don't ask us to leave You! But have patience with our great
weakness, and strengthen us with grace from the Father in heaven, which also
strengthened You Yourself, to where you stand there fully at One with Your Father in
heaven, teaching and acting!
[2] We intend doing as You taught us on the Mount, always asking the Father in Your
name and saying: ‘Father in heaven! Thy kingdom come, and Thy alone holy will be
done! And as we forgive those who trespassed against us, so also forgive us our
weaknesses and sins!’
[3] Say I, ‘Simon! Verily, this language is more pleasing to Me than your previous one
of defending the law and its sanction! Of what benefit to a nation or kingdom a peace
and order through strictest enforcement?! It will do for a little while indeed, but when
it gets too much for the oppressed devils, they shall burst forth and trample both law
and lawgiver with dreadful scorn. Because whoever has to be kept and led by force
still is a devil; only he who lets himself be led with love, gentleness and patience is
like unto an angel of God, and worthy of being a child of the most High!
[4] With love you achieve everything whereas through force the evil is woken from
his sleep! What good can then come over earth from the awakening of the devils?!
[5] It is therefore endlessly better that love and gentleness should grow and remain
wakeful among mankind at all times and therewith compel the devils to sleep, so that
you would not harm the earth, rather than to awaken the devils through the roaring
din of power, that they then ruin the earth with everything on it. Tell Me how you can,
or want to object to that!’
[6] Says Simon Peter, ‘Lord, here there can be no objection, because this is all clear
and understandable! But how many people living on earth know anything about this
holy truth?! Lord, behold, here there are legions of angels from the heavens, send
these out to all the people of the earth, to proclaim such truth! If this could happen
then I think it would soon get brighter and better on the sinful ground of the earth!’
[7] Say I, ‘Here you think the way you understand it, but I must be of a different
opinion here! Behold, there always are a thousand times more angels among mankind
than you see here, acting upon the inner feelings and senses of men, so that man is
not consciously coerced thereby and can without harm to his free will accept such
thought, desires and drives as his own, and follow them! But what happens?!
[8] Men's secret thoughts indeed are good, they have good desires and make
praiseworthy resolutions; but when it comes to action, they look to the world and its
goods and the deceptive needs of their flesh, and do and act with commensurate
badness and selfishness!
[9] Let Me bring thousands of sheer miscreants before you and ask them whether
they don't know that they are doing evil, - and they shall all tell you that they know
that! But if you ask them why they do evil then many shall tell you, ‘Because it gives
us pleasure!’, and others shall say, ‘We would do good indeed, but since others do
evil we do it too!’ And still others shall say, ‘We recognise the good indeed but are not
able to carry it out, for our nature resists it, and we have to hate him who offends us!’
[10] Behold, such answers and more you shall meet with, and from that you are
certain to see only too quickly that even the most notorious miscreants are not
without the knowledge of the good and true, yet still do the evil!
[11] Yet if men do evil from their innermost convictions, what can you expect from a
recognition reaching them from without?! Of a truth, there shall henceforth be given
to men cognition of the good and true from the heavens, and for that they shall kill
Me and you and others who will teach them to do good and abandon and avoid evil!’
[12] Says Simon, ‘Lord, if so then the whole world may as well become of the devil!
What is there to a human world which does not want to recognise and accept good?’
[13] Say I, ‘Whoever speaks in the heat of the moment like yourself is still far from
My kingdom! But after I shall have ascended, you shall speak differently! - But now
evening has come, and so let us step inside and fortify our tired limbs!’
Chapter 77
At Sychar. The Lord and the troublemakers. The commander's dark thoughts
about mankind's depravity. Jonael indicates trust in the Lord. ‘He shall do it
in His time’.
[1] Upon these words, many who earlier had moved to this spot during the talk with
Simon Peter now thronged towards Me, clamouring for signs, saying, ‘If you could
work signs before the blind, who have no knowledge or understanding and hence
cannot evaluate them, then do them also before us! If they are genuine then we also
shall believe on You; but if they are false and bad, then we shall know what it leaves
us to do! Because we are initiated into all things!’
[2] Say I, ‘Good, if you are initiated into all things, why do you need signs? If you are
so wise as to pretend to God's wisdom in all things, then you shall recognise it
anyway whether I teach the truth or not! What for the signs then?! But there have
already, these last three and a half days, been signs of a most extraordinary nature
aplenty, for whose authenticity hundreds of witnesses stand here. If these don't
suffice you then no new ones shall suffice your malicious hearts either! Hence be
gone from here of your own accord, if you don't wish to be removed by force!’
[3] Cry those being dismissed, ‘Who will, who can and is allowed to remove us by
force?! Are not we the lords of this place, living and trading and working and ruling
here as citizens of Rome! We can indeed remove and drive you out at once, but not
be removed by you simple-minded Galilean, as would please you! And we command
you in full authority to leave this town by midnight, as we are fed up with your
hanging around!’
[4] Say I, ‘O you blind fools! How much longer do you wish to live by your full
authority? It would cost Me only one thought and you and the fullness of your
authority are dust! Hence return to your houses, or the place you stand on shall
swallow you!’
[5] At that moment the earth cleaves open at their feet, with smoke and flames
billowing forth. Seeing this, the blasphemers wail, ‘ Woe unto us! We are lost, having
sinned against Elijah!’ - With such howling they take off and the gap closes. But we
quietly move into Joram's house.
[6] As we all enter the chambers of Irhael and Joram's house, everything there is
ready for the evening meal. I bless it and all are seated at the tables, - close to a
thousand in all. All eat and drink, praising the superb flavours of food and wine, being
happy and of good cheer. Only the commander, who had escorted us from the
previous place with his wife and some deputies, was gloomy and ate and drank little.
Jonael came and sat next to him to ask the cause of his sombreness.
[7] The commander sighed deeply, saying, ‘Noble and wise friend! How can one be
cheerful if one finds nearly all of mankind a thousand times too bad for even the
lowest hell, if there be one?! Where two hungry wolves find a bone and start a furious
fight, one understands. Firstly they are wolves - animals without reason, natural
machines, driven by powerful natural needs to satiate themselves; and secondly they
are devoid of accountability, like a swollen stream unable to prevent destruction of
everything nearby on account of its vast water-mass. But here are people who by
their own witness command all levels of education and wisdom, yet are more evil
than all wolves, tigers, hyenas, lions and bears! They demand all consideration
towards themselves but don't want to give the least of it to fellow man! Say friend,
are these also humans? Do they deserve any mercy?! No say I, a thousand times no!
Just wait, you barbarians! I shall kindle you a light, that you won't know ever again
whether you are coming or going!’
[8] Says Jonael, ‘But what will you do? If you bump them off, you shall make enemies
elsewhere; these shall inform on you in Rome, where you may get into ill-repute and
possibly suffer expulsion to Scythia! Hence leave revenge exclusively to the Lord, and
be assured that He shall find the exact measure for this people!
[9] Read the story of my people, and it will show you to a hair's breath how the Lord
at all times punished their sins most severely and often relentlessly, and I tell you,
the Lord of heaven and earth is unchangeably the same as He was from eternity! He
is long-suffering, full of greatest patience and never leaves the nation without
teachers and signs from above; but the people beware once His patience runs thin!
Once He swings the rod He does not relent until all the nation's limbs are broken and
the bones tenderised like thin mush!
[10] Whatever you would accomplish here with only much dangerous effort, He can
do with His most feeble thought. But so long as the Lord Himself is minded of
tolerating such people, we shall not lay hands on them!
[11] You surely have seen how easy it was for the Lord to split the earth in front of
the villains, and make smoke and fire to go forth from the gaping cleft?! To Him it
would have verily been just as easy to convert these blasphemers to dust and ashes!
But it pleased Him to just frighten them and beat them to retreat.
[12] If it suffices the Lord, let it suffice us; for He alone knows how to at all times find
the right measure. But if the Lord is visibly well-disposed whilst among us, even
showing some joy in us few, why should we be sullen and sad? Be happy and of good
cheer, and glad of God's grace, leaving everything else to Him!’
Chapter 78
At Sychar. Continuation of the discussion between Jonael and the
commander about tolerance. The chief's commendable testimony to Jesus,
and his anger about the blind and evil Jews. A hint about allopathy.
Consequences of sin, and a medicine. Gentleness and patience more effective
than anger. Better to follow than forestall the Lord.
[1] Says the commander, ‘Dear wise friend! You have spoken well and good; but
what should I as a stranger say to this?! I now believe and am convinced from my
deepest recesses that this Jesus of Nazareth is no other than the truest Deity in
human form. And not so much the great signs that He worked tell me that, but rather
His unlimited wisdom! Because whoever wishes to create a world has to be as wise as
He in every Word!
[2] But these scoundrels most heinously call themselves children of God, to whom
God has in all ages spoken either directly or indirectly, and now that He comes to
them Himself physically, they scorn Him like common street urchins, and even want
to remove Him from town! Friend, I am a Roman, a crooked pantheist by religion,
hence a blind pagan, yet I will give my life for this new faith!
[3] If it were heathens, in these parts, I would forbear towards them; but since they
call themselves children of God, Who is supposed to be their eternal Father, and they
scorn Him thus, I cannot show them forbearance as a stranger!
[4] God the Lord they had a mind to expel! Now It is they who shall be expelled! The
vermin and weeds must go, so that on this field, which the Lord Himself worked, a
pure and wholesome fruit should prosper. Because if the weeds remain here they
shall destroy everything the Lord has so gloriously sown here! Be absolutely honest -
am I right or not? What ought to be more to me - the Lord or this street rubble?!’
[5] Says Jonael, ‘That you are strictly right in your view, no one shall dispute indeed;
but whether this is essential forthwith is another question. It is quite possible that
these blasphemers, frightened beyond measure, may turn inward, feel contrition and
then fully reform; and then it would not after all be in order to expel them! Because
sin only remains punishable in man so long as he abides in sin; but once man fully
abandons sin and moves within the order established by God, then sin and its
punishment has nothing further to do with man!
[6] But to punish a reformed man because formerly he had on one or more occasions
sinned out of blind foolishness or weakness, should be the crown of folly, unworthy of
a true human and all divine order, and such action would be exactly that of a foolish
doctor who, after his patients' recovery, says to them, ‘You are indeed fully recovered
now, but you also realise that your flesh and in particular this or that limb has
committed a sin on you, and has to now be flogged in proportion to the degree it
tormented you!’ When the healed then start martyrising their flesh, which had only
just come good, in all sorts of ways, or they are actually tortured, what shall become
of their recovery?! Behold, they shall get ten times more sick than they were before!
Question: of what good such ill-timed paining of the flesh? Is not the healing process
an already sufficient punishment of the flesh? What for such after-torment, which
makes the healthy flesh sick again?! But if such treatment is already exceedingly
foolish physically, how much more on the spiritual man, mercilessly carried out?!
[7] It is our responsibility indeed to in a brotherly fashion remind those men of the
dangers of sinning who had sinned and then reformed, but to also at the same time
strengthen and support them in their reformed state with every means at our
disposal, so that they would not suffer re-bonding to sin; but to call them to account
and punish them in their reformed state would be nothing short of dragging the
reformed sinners back into tenfold sinfulness!
[8] And here it can be asked whether such dealing would not be a hundred times
more punishable by God than the former sin committed by the offender! - Believe me,
the punishment which every sin carries with it already is a medicine against the soul-
ailment called ‘sin’; but once this ailment is alleviated through the inlaid medicine,
why more medicine without more ailment?!’ - Says the chief , ‘As a preventative
against further outbreaks of the illness!’
[9] Says Jonael, ‘Yes, preventatives are essential indeed; but they must be of a
fortifying and strengthening nature, as stated, and not of a weakening or even killing
nature! Anger shall not be assuaged by anger, but only through love, gentleness and
[10] If someone is on fire then water and not boiling pitch or molten ore is to be
poured over him! If someone breaks a leg then let him be carried and have his leg set
and bound so that his break can mend; but not bludgeon him with truncheons for
having walked so clumsily as to break his leg!
[11] I was recently told by a missionary, proclaiming the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob to the Scythians, that these wild nomads punish a man for dying! They undress
and bind him to a post, flogging him all day naked; and this they do on a corpse even
if a victim of a killing, because it is his own fault for allowing himself to be
overpowered and killed. The killer on the other hand is praised for triumphing over
the other and preserving his own life!
[12] As stupid as this may sound it yet resembles ourselves if we want to make still
more dead someone who through sinning - a soul-sickness, already is spiritually
[13] A sick verily has need of physician and medicine; but to punish him for having
had the misfortune of getting sick, this, my dear friend, belongs to deepest Scythia! I
trust you will now have understood that it is better to follow the Lord of life than to
forestall Him with pride and clumsy hands, and to therewith wantonly and either
devil-fashion or through sheer stupidity destroy His great, divine plantation!’

Chapter 79
At Sychar. Jonael's comments on the treatment of the soul-sick. Evil
consequences of over-strictness. About the death penalty. Revenge by the
departed. David's killed enemies as example. The blessedness of peace and
friendship. Revenge by departed enemies.
[1] Says the chief commander, completely taken in by Jonael's convincingly true
discourse, ‘Yes, now I am fully in the clear, and I shall desist from my design, and
shall do it only if prompted by you; and you shall therefore be a God-sent alderman
to this community, with priority in all things. I shall henceforth do nothing without
your counsel.’
[2] Says Jonael, ‘Good so, and worthy of the Lord's pleasure! Where someone is sick
in body, help shall be provided; if however there be anyone sick in soul, psychic help
shall be provided in line with the sickness!
[3] The soul-maladies of children can best be cured through a good discipline where
the rod should not be missing. The soul-maladies of adults, however, are cured
through wise and loving counsel, through thorough teaching and instruction and pure
love-motivated admonitions and drawing of the attention to the inevitable bad
consequences that must arise in the near future if the soul’s weaknesses are retained.
If with very stubborn, ie, blind and deaf souls, this has no effect, only then would it
be time to subject such being to a more severe and strict treatment, at the bottom of
which, however, love for the fellowman must be present in abundance, for the
blessing of a more sever treatment can result only from that.
[4] If, however, the leaders act only from anger and a hellish vengefulness, then their
effort is futile. Instead of healing the ones with sick souls to become true men, they
are turned into devils, whose vengefulness in future no power will be able to appease.
[5] For a time Satan can be restrained by might and force from above, but if the Lord
- for the sake of arrogant men who think that by their power and wisdom consisting
in relentless tyrannical severity they are capable of preserving the order that suits
them - withdraws His might and frees Satan from his fetters, then there will be
overnight an end to the power of those who imagine themselves so powerful. For the
people who by such wrong treatment have been turned into real devils will like a
swollen stream fall upon them and destroy them as if they had never existed.
[6] The worst effect has capital punishment. For what is the use to kill a person’s
body if one cannot keep this soul and spirit captive, wherein dwells the real force for
acting and accomplishing?
[7] Whoever believes that he has rid himself of his enemy when he has slain his body
is smitten with tenfold blindness. For thereby he made for himself from a weak enemy
whom he could see, a thousand invisible ones, who persecute him day and night and
harm him in body, soul and spirit.
[8] Look at a war where not seldom many thousands are bodily slain. The victor
believes in his blindness that he has rid himself of his enemies whose bodies he has
destroyed. But what a mighty error that is! The souls and spirits of the slain, thanks
to their direct influence on the earth’s weather, devastate during several years the
various crops thereby inevitably calling forth high cost of foods which causes famine
and all kinds of fatal epidemics and pestilence. These then within a short time snatch
away more people than soldiers of the enemy had been slain. Now weakened in the
power his land should give him, he must, in order to exist, hire for a high price
mercenaries from foreign lands. Thereby he and his land run into debt, and when
after some years he has completely impoverished his land and people and can no
longer pay his debts and soldiers, he will soon be persecuted and cursed from all
sides. His people, whom he conquered, will, driven by excessive misery, rise against
him and the external enemies will not let this opportunity pass and wage war on him.
And he, the celebrated victor, will in such a fight never be crowned victor, but despair
will seize him with the claws of a tiger and mangle him spiritually to the innermost
fibre of his life.
[9] And look, all this is the doings of bodily slain enemies.
[10] Therefore, it is an ancient rule and custom that when a person is physically
dying, all those close to him make their peace with him and have him bless them, for
if he dies as somebody’s enemy, the one who survives him as his enemy is to be
pitied. Firstly, the liberated soul will torment the survivor’s mind uninterruptedly
through unbearable pangs of conscience and then it will arrange all the survivor’s
earthly circumstances in such a way that he will hardly be able to get on in the world.
[11] The Lord allows all this so that the offended souls may receive the satisfaction
they demand and, besides, it is incalculably better for the survivor to be already in
this material world tormented for his actions of pride than if he after the death of his
body promptly fell into a hundred thousand hands of hostile spirits who would
certainly not treat him kindly, as one completely inexperienced in that world.
[12] That is why it is so extremely important to practice in this world love and true
friendship, to do good to any enemy rather than harm him and to bless the one who
curses me, for I cannot know when the Lord will call him away from this world. If he
was in this world my enemy only in small, insignificant things, afterwards as a spirit
he will become that in great things.
[13] Since his childhood David was a man according to Jehovah’s own heart, but
against the Lord’s will he had made an enemy of one man, namely Urias; and what a
terrible revenge, with the Lord’s permission, Urias’ spirit had then taken David. And
that is and remains always the certain consequence of a hostile act against a person
opposing God’s will.
[14] It is, of course, quite a different thing if the Lord Himself bids you do it, as He
bade David beat with martial force and physically destroy the Philistines who had
already become satanic enemies of God and men. These are in the beyond
immediately subjected to a hard judgment and cannot ever rise against God’s arm,
for they are humiliated by the Lord’s might.
[15] However, it is quite different with those enemies you made for yourself against
God’s will, possibly through your pride or the most imperfect, man-devised justice
about which goes the saying that the greatest right is at the same time the greatest
wrong. These will, once they have shed their bodies, become your most irreconcilable
[16] I would give you a thousand lives, if I had them, if you could show me in the
world one happy person who had an enemy precede him into the other world. I have
not met such a one. But I do know cases where the revenge of a spirit who had
become hostile to a family extended to the tenth generation; also where people in a
land or region had been treated very badly, they had then as spirits devastated such
a land or region for many years, sometimes even permanently, so that men could no
longer live there. Friend, although this my well-meant precept may sound quite
unbelievable to you, it is still irrefutably right. If it were not so, how could I ever dare
give it to you before the Lord and His angels? But if you should entertain any doubt,
do turn to the Lord, the eternal Creator of all things, and He will bear you a fully valid
witness to the absolute truth of what I have told you.’
Chapter 80
At Sychar. ‘Live in peace and unity.’ About guardian spirits. Hints about the
order in the divine household. A pertinent question: how and when shall it
get better on earth? When shall the kingdom of God take effect?
[1] At this the Commander, as also many of the other guests present, is quite
astonished and says, ‘If this is so, life on earth is a dangerous thing. Who could hold
his own?’
[2] Say I, ‘Everyone who lives according to My teaching, but whoever lives according
to his self-conceit, which is usually saturated with self-love and pride, and cannot
from all his heart forgive and bless ten times more the one who offended him in some
way, will sooner or later have to taste the inevitable consequences of hostility against
which he can by no means expect any protection from Me, unless he has paid his debt
to his enemy to the last penny. Therefore, do live in peace and unity with everyone. It
is better for you to suffer an injustice than to do even an apparent justice to
someone. Thus you will not educate avengers for yourselves, and the spirits, who
otherwise would have become your enemies, will then be your guardian angels and
ward off many a calamity threatening you.
[3] But why is all this so, and must be? Here I say: because it has to be so in
accordance with My will and unchangeable order!’
[4] Says the commander, ‘Yes, Lord. I now recognise only too clearly your endless
and unrestricted love and wisdom, and say: if possibly all men shall once be
permeated with Your teaching, then the earth shall be converted into a complete
heavenly kingdom! But - and this an immense ‘but’ - when will this occur?!
[5] When I think of the vast earth to which no explorer has yet found beginning or
end, and the numberless humans inhabiting its unmeasured surface, then I become
dizzy to my deepest fibers! The leading attribute of all the many inhabitants of the
great earth seems to be crudest malice!
[6] The vast majority are saturated through and through with animalistic selfishness,
and the haughtiness of furies!
[7] Wherever on the wide earth some small peace-loving people settled, achieving
some sort of living-standard through communal action, it was soon sniffed out by the
fine snouts of wolf and tigermen and pounced upon; these poor were vanquished and
made a thousand times unhappier than in their former, natural state.
[8]  But where such peaceful and literate little nations nevertheless through courage,
intelligence and energy of spirit asserted themselves as conquerors of their enemies,
whom they had to of course largely annihilate by weapon, with the spirits of the
conquered dead however becoming their still greater and more harmful foes, then I
quite frankly ask, how when and under what circumstances shall Your most salutary
teaching ever fully take root on earth, to determine all mankind in their doings and
[9] If only a few select societies, most happily, are going to bask in the mild beams of
your unsurpassed teaching, then they shall day by day be surrounded by more
enemies; if they willingly surrender, they shall be nothing but slaves of their
conquerors, having to tolerate every inhuman oppression as well as the proscription
in the end of their compliance and practice of Your teaching.
[10] But if by some turn of power they should become the masters of their enemies,
then the spirits and souls of those killed in battle shall really become their most
invincible foes, and then the heavenly kingdom on earth shall in my opinion be done
[11] Therefore I should leave the question of whether even for the best of the cause,
one can simply return good for evil to every enemy, wide open! I should not cast the
least doubt on being able to therewith potentially make a seeing friend out of a blind
enemy; but whether this rule can also be applied blessedly to great masses of
enemies to the benefit of the cause, that, Lord, forgive my weak understanding, I
would for stated reasons question somewhat!
[12] This conjures up the hapless Scylla and Charydis where, upon happily avoiding
the first, one is swallowed up the more readily by the second! - Lord, only a small
light upon that, and I shall embrace all my enemies in a brotherly fashion and liberate
all the captives from the prisons - including all thieves, robbers and murderers,
regardless of how nasty!’
Chapter 81
At Sychar. The Lord's instructions regarding the treatment of criminals. The
death penalty and its effect. A hint for judges. The main reason for God's
Incarnation. The erection of a bridge between here and the beyond. Guides
for the ignorant in the beyond. Commendable request.
[1] Say I, ‘Friend, if you interpret and understand My teaching in that way, then you
are still very short-sighted! Jonael also already told you that in the case of combat
initiated by God, or for unavoidable self-defence, the souls of people killed in those
circumstances are immediately placed under severe judgment, preventing them from
causing any effects upon either their rightful conquerors, or upon the earth itself. But
if this is incontrovertibly the truth, from which you can clearly see where this matter
stands, how can you counter My teaching with such misgivings?!
[2] Who told you that real criminals, who often are worse than wild jungle beasts,
should not be apprehended and secured?! This is already gainsaid by true love of
neighbour, because if you are certain to kill a hyena with a sharp weapon if it attacks
a human, so also you would leap to the aid of a just person if attacked by a robber-
murderer in the open street, or in a house.
[3] Since however such human hyenas, if proliferating, can endanger not only
individual wanderers but entire districts, it is even the unavoidable duty for the
powers that be to initiate hunts after such dangerous people, and securely imprison
[4] Capital punishment shall be inflicted only upon those with whom during a period
of ten years every means to achieve any true betterment has failed. If the criminal
promises betterment on the scaffold for execution, he shall be allowed another year.
But if also then there is no improvement, the execution is to take place, for in that
case the betterment on earth of such a man cannot be expected and it is preferable
to remove him from this earth.
[5] If, however, the lawful authority in power wishes, in agreement with the
community, to change such a criminal’s well-deserved death-penalty to life-
imprisonment and continue their efforts at betterment, they have the right to do so
and I will not call them to account for it.
[6] These types of enemies of those men living in accordance with My teaching have
no retroactive power after their physical death. This is a recourse open only to spirits
who, whilst striving for higher aims on earth, nevertheless were killed in a most cruel
fashion by tyrannising, exceedingly arrogant and self-seeking and domineering and
hence illegitimate rulers!
[7] Where such executions, bereft of all finer feelings, make enemies through such
judicially most unjust proceedings, then such enemies shall as spirits take revenge on
these executioners, because I grant retroaction to such spirits, but never to basically
evil spirits! I trust that your doubts are now cleared up!?’
[8] Says the chief, ‘Yes, the Scylla together with Charybdis have now been removed,
and I am now in the clear on this.
[9] But how Your truly holy teaching is to move along a path free of obstacles,
through the night in which mankind now lies buried, is to me as unclear as ever.
According to Your own statements, a supernatural passage on the one hand would not
be much help to men, because it would only create machines out of a mankind that
should and is due for liberation; along a natural path however it shall cost much blood
and require an exceedingly long time! Indeed, I would assert that, although not
imbued with the gift of prophesying, the way I know the human race quite extensively
in Asia, Africa And Europe, that in two thousand years from now, not even half by far
of earth-dwellers shall bask in the light of Your teaching! - Am I right or not?’
[10] Say I, ‘There, fundamentally, you are by no means wrong. But there is not as
much to this as you think, because it is not so much the most widespread acceptance
of My teaching on this earth but rather the erection, at long last, through My present
advent and My Word and teaching, of a bridge between this material and yonder
spiritual world, whose everlasting realm lies beyond the grave!
[11] Whoever in this world shall accept My teaching in all earnest, shall cross this
bridge in the carnate state already; but whoever shall receive this teaching either
lukewarmly, incompletely or not at all, shall arrive in yonder world in great darkness
and have much trouble finding this bridge!
[12] But those men who may never be in a position to find out anything about My
teaching shall in the beyond be given leaders who will lead them to this bridge. If
these spirits, still ignorant of My teaching, shall follow these leaders, they shall also
cross this bridge into true eternal life. But if stubbornly clinging to their doctrine,
[13] They shall be judged as mere creatures and not attain to the childhood of God! -
Behold, that's how things stand! Think it over and tell Me how you like it, - only soon;
because verily, My time in this place is nearing its end!’
[14] Says the chief commander after a while, ‘Lord, now everything is clear and lucid
for me, and for any potential further problems, You have awoken a man for us here
who can instruct us all about everything! Hence let Your name be glorified and
praised above all measure by myself and us all, always! - Only one more humble
request accept, that when You now depart from us, You would return to us soon, as it
shall be my main concern here that, should You return here, You will find hearts more
worthy of You than is now the case!’
Chapter 82
At Sychar. Promise of a secret visit from the Lord. A prophet is more
effective abroad. Matthew accompanies the Lord as a scribe. The high
priest's thanks. Jonael receives his calling as a teacher, with miraculous
powers and an angel as companion. Irhael's and Joram's deep sorrow at
parting. The Lord's reassurance [John 4:43-4].
43. ‘Now after two days He departed from there, and went into Galilee’.
[1] Say I: ‘I shall come again for sure, but secretly; not all of the district shall then be
finding out about My presence, because more people shall continue to settle down
here due to the great oppressive taxation in Judea and Galilee, this land being the
least burdened, with My Jairuth paying nearly all the taxes for the poor.’
4[4] ‘For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet hath no honour in his own
[2] ‘But where there are too many compatriots, there a prophet is of small worth,
unless he be an aged! Only that which is said by an aged the fools take as God's
Word, whilst the wisdom of a young man is the play of fantasy, occasionally mixed
with some good sense. But regarding the miraculous signs, these are one and all
consigned to the sphere of magic, which in these times unfortunately is all too
prevalent. People now are too blind to distinguish the false from the true, and hence
dismiss one and all.
[3] It is therefore better for a prophet to travel abroad, because he is bound to still
accomplish more where he is unknown. Hence I and My disciples shall leave you now,
yet also visit you again shortly as promised.
[4] But a man, who had been engaged here as a tax-collector, by the name of
Matthew, I shall be taking with Me, on account of his fast and good writing, so that he
would record My teachings and deeds; to him issue a passport for worldly reasons!’
[5] The chief does so at once, thanking Me fervently for everything. All the remaining
guests, inspired by his example, also do so. But quite a few, exhausted from the day's
journey, had fallen asleep at the tables. Those awake were about to waken them, but
I say, ‘Let them rest till day break! But it is more expedient for Me to depart quietly,
at midnight, so as not to arouse too much of a sensation. Remain here yourselves till
day-time too, not escorting Me or anyone travelling with Me, except in your heart.
[6] You My Jonael however, see to it that My teaching takes root here and then bears
much fruit, just as a new tree of life bears much and good fruit! But I give you,
through My name, also an extrasensory power from the heavens; but do not allow
your zeal to draw you into ill-advised use thereof, because then you would do more
harm than good! I shall leave you an angel in your house for a while, from whom you
shall learn the wise use of heavenly power! But tell no stranger that an angel from
the heavens dwells at Jonael's!’
[7] At this point Irhael and Joram also come to Me weeping, unable to speak for love
and gratitude. But I bless them and say, ‘Be comforted! Shortly I shall be coming to
you again!’
[8] Both of them embrace My feet, covering them with tears, with Joram exclaiming,
‘O you holy time, hasten to bring the Lord of glory to us in His house for evermore! -
O Lord, remember those of us who love You from the fullness of our hearts, and come
soon to stay with us for good!’
[9] Say I, ‘Yes, I shall come again, but, as said, only in secret; because no one
henceforth must through My presence be coerced into believing in My having been
sent from above, and hence in My Word!’

Chapter 83
At Sychar. Important missionary hints. The power of truth. About the
essence of the Lord's Word. The grace of man's calling to the childhood of
God. The Lord wants no pessimists or condemners of the world. Life-hints.
What the world is, and how it is to be utilised. Departure from Sychar.
[1] (I continue), ‘The teaching itself must justify the truth. Whoever will henceforth
fail to live according to the Word will die in the judgement of the same Word that was
spoken to him and which he had not believed and trusted.
[2] For just as I, out of Myself, have received the power from the Father to give
eternal life to everyone who is capable (of receiving it) through his will, or take it
from him, the same can be done also by My Word. For My Word is invariably the
almighty and everlasting expression of My will.
[3] He who fully absorbs My Word and unfailingly acts and lives according to it,
thereby absorbs Me with all My love, wisdom, might and power and has thus become
a true child of God from whom the Father in heaven will not withhold anything He
[4] The Holy Father cannot do any more than reveal Himself in person in Me, His Son,
making of you, created beings under judgement, absolutely free gods and calling you
His friends and brothers.
[5] Do consider at all times who He is who is now revealing this to you and what you
are receiving with this revelation, then the material world will no longer tempt you
and you will easily overcome it. This is all the more necessary since you cannot
become children of the Father in heaven unless you have completely conquered the
world within yourselves
[6] I do not intend thereby to make of you low-spirited condemners of the world, but
only wise users of it.
[7] Would you not call him a fool who became so attached to some well serviceable
tool he needs for his trade, that he does not want to use it for the purpose for which it
is intended, but only keeps gaping at it with intense pleasure, keeping it in a cabinet
to prevent it from rusting and thereby becoming less beautiful which would lessen his
empty pleasure in it?
[8] The world is also a tool for you with which, if appropriately used, you could
produce much that is good and magnificent. But being My disciples now you must use
this tool in the way I, as your sole and truest Master, have taught you during three
and a half days.
[9] Used and applied thus, this tool will prepare and secure for you eternal life, But if
you use it in a different way, this tool will become like a very sharp knife in the hands
of small children who could only too easily deal themselves a deadly wound with it
which hardly any physician will be able to heal.
[10] Receive also My full blessing with these words and do pass them on to all those
who have not been able to hear them, so that in the end no one will be able to plead
ignorance of My teaching.
[11] And now, those few disciples of Mine, and also those of you who followed Me
here from Galilee and Jerusalem, make ready for the journey and namely Galilee,
where you can once again attend to the tilling of your fields!’
[12] With this exhortation I arise, giving also the remaining angels a sign which only
they can understand, whereupon all but the one assigned to Jonael disappear. The
visible portals of heaven also close, but Irhael and Joram's house remains with all its
heavenly outfit, as does Jairuth's castle. All the awoken ones see us out to the gate.
The chief commander however would not miss out on escorting Me to the town's
precincts, then turning back to Sychar.
Chapter 84
Matthew's reproach of the Lord. About God's nature and the creative
process. The sun's beauty, distance and size. An eclipse. ‘A little fear does
not harm sensual man.’
[1] We continue our journey however, reaching the borders of the Samaritan's land
by sunrise, entering the land of Galilee and finding a timely rest on a grassy, luscious
[2] The glorious view could not be praised highly enough by all, and the scribe
Matthew says, ‘Lord, if all men were suffused with your teaching in all things then
such country should be sufficiently beautiful to be a heaven to men! But when I think
of how mankind at large is more evil than the most bloodthirsty predators, then I
would almost reproach God the Lord for creating this earth so gloriously for such evil
[3] Say I, ‘In that case your reproach is directed at Me, because the Father and I are
One! Because the eternal Son's wisdom, which actually is the Father's, brought forth
the great plan of Creation, whilst the Father's love added the ‘let there be’, and thus
the earth, sun, moon, and the stars came into being!
[4] The people dwelling upon this earth however also were created by Me, and shall
and now will be remoulded!
[5] If however things stand thus, how will you reproach Me? And besides, this earth is
not quite as beautiful as it seems to you; all these areas you view from here appear
so pleasant only from a certain distance. Go over and you shall find little or nothing
beautiful or charming to these areas, other than perhaps an occasional tree or
garden, containing maybe a rich man's palace! Will you also call these things
[6] Look towards the sun - there are quite different districts there! There a desert is
more glorious than a paradise here! Because if it is exclusively the sun's light that
makes the earth-region appear beautiful and friendly, since without sunlight the earth
would be a valley of wretchedness and fear, how much more glorious must be the
regions of the great sun itself, from which this earth borrows its pale shimmer!’
[7] Says Matthew, ‘Lord, what are you saying? The sun also a whole big world, with
unspeakably more beautiful deserts than here a paradise?! Behold the great earth
compared to the tiny sparking disc of the sun! How many times over surely would it
fit into the spot we can see, which surely is one of the smallest on the earth, and
hence how many times over unto the entire earth?!’
[8] Say I, ‘Hearken, the thing is, not comprehending even the earthly things I tell you
about, how shall you understand Me if I begin to speak of heavenly things?! Behold
and comprehend!
[9] Look, in the south there, a cedar at the furthest edge of the mountain-chain!
Compare its seeming height with a blade of grass here a span in height, and you will
see that if held to your face it shall rise many times the height of yonder distant
cedar, which latter is actually the higher by a hundred times a hundredfold! And this
is effected by the distance! If you are fast of leg you would reach yonder cedar in ten
hours. How great an effect upon the eye therefore just ten hours of distance!?
[10] But now think of the distance between sun and earth! Behold, if a bird had left
the earth in its fastest flight at the creation of Adam, it would still have years to reach
the sun! If you can grasp this then you will realise why the sun, thousand times
thousandfold bigger than the earth, can appear so small from here!’
[11] Matthew, quite beside himself about such distance and size, says, ‘O Lord, if so
then how are you able to guide and maintain such a world from the earth?!’
[12] Say I, ‘Yes, what may appear to you ever so impossible is, between you and I,
exceedingly easy for Me! This you cannot of course grasp yet, but there shall come a
time when you will comprehend all this.
[13] But so that you may see that through the might of the Father in Me I can
instantly reach up to the sun, watch! I shall now cover up the sun for two moments,
so that no eye upon the earth shall see it, from which it shall be clear to you that I
can reach the sun even from this earth!’
[14] Says Matthew, ‘O Lord, do not do so, or men shall perish for grief!’ - Say I, ‘Be
not troubled! Men will think it an ordinary eclipse, which at times occurs in the
ordinary course of things - and in a few moments they have their sun back. Watch
now! - Matthew says with some trepidation, ‘Lord, should not all those present here
be made aware of it?’ Say I, ‘Let them sleep and rest; it is enough that you should
experience it; because a scribe has to know more than those not yet called for such! -
And behold, I now say, Sun, hide your face from the entire earth for seven moments!
- At that moment it gets pitch-dark; only some of the brighter stars feebly appear!
[15] Matthew trembles for fear and says, ‘Lord, you almighty! Who may abide beside
you if your divine arm can reach such endless distance in a moment?! - Matthew
hardly finishing those few words, the sun already is shining in its full brilliance again,
and My Matthew breathes more freely again, - but cannot utter a word for
amazement. Only after a good while he gathers up courage to say, ‘No, Lord, this I
cannot take in. Your might must be limitless. But in future please spare us such
terrible proof of Your might, O Lord, because the whole earth could shortly die and
perish therewith!’
[16] Say I, ‘Be not troubled! Has anyone died so far?! But a little fear does no harm
to sensual man. But now awaken those asleep! Because we shall shortly move on. But
tell no man anything about this sight and sign! - Thereupon Matthew awakens those
asleep and we get ready to continue our journey, which from here on is of a fairly
deep descent and hence faster than the former ascent.

Chapter 85
Continuation of journey. Arrival in Galilee. Diverse opinions about the
Messiah. Hints about the kingdom of God. Further journey to Cana in Galilee.
45. ‘Then, when He was come into Galilee, the Galileans received Him,
having seen all the things He did at Jerusalem at the feast; for they also
went unto the feast.’

[1] Having arrived in the valley, we soon reached a Galilean village, where many of
those Galileans dwelt who had attended the feast at Jerusalem, when I had cleansed
the temple. Neither had it been a long time since that occasion in Jerusalem, and
hence everything still was fresh in their minds.
[2] Seeing Me pass through the streets of their village, they soon came out of their
dwellings into the street, greeting Me very amicably and not being able to praise Me
too highly for what was to them a daring deed in the Temple. And their joy at seeing
Me was heightened in that they had nearly all thought that the Pharisees at Jerusalem
may have secretly dispatched Me from this world! For these Galileans hardly knew
more of Me than that I was the son of the pious Joseph and that God was with Me the
way He was with Joseph. I and My company had to stay with them all of the day and
finally the entire night. They hosted us to the limits of their ability and there were
many questions and much consultation, and the subject of the Messiah also came up,
and many saw and recognised Same in Me.
[3] Because they said, ‘He Who can demonstrate such courage in front of thousands
in the Temple must be conscious of a great power, which is given Him from above!
Because if an ordinary human being tried this he would fare badly. Neither would he
have accomplished anything against the rusty old practices prevailing in the Temple!
But it was different with You. They ran out of the Temple as if hit by a mighty storm,
- and no market has been held in the Temple since then! - And I said, ‘Neither shall
be held there henceforth; because its end is near!’
[4] Here the Galileans were astounded and answered, ‘If so then it shall fare badly
with us! What then is to become of the everlasting dominion of David's descendants
as promised by the prophets and which the Messiah is to re-establish?!’
[5] Say I, ‘He shall indeed found a new, everlasting kingdom for the true children and
descendants of David, and therewith for all men of the earth; but not on this earth
but above it - in heaven! Whoever interprets the prophets otherwise shall walk in
[6] With these Words several leave, since they believe in an earthly Messiah; but
many ask for a more detailed explanation.
[7] But I say, ‘You too have to see signs, otherwise you believe nothing! Hence follow
Me to Cana and then thereabouts, and you shall receive doctrine and signs!’
[8] But there were many among My company from Cana who had most devoutly
accompanied Me throughout this entire educational tour since that feast. These
wanted to start telling about all the doctrines they had heard and seen from Me.
[9] But I say, ‘For these it is not time yet. But let them follow us; there we shall
mention some of it, and they themselves shall see and find out more. And so let us
continue our journey! But let there be no talking along the way, as there are
encampments of Pharisees!’
[10] The Galileans confirmed this, saying how there are now pharisaic spies lurking
everywhere, stopping travellers along the road to question them in all sorts of ways
and now and then also about the whereabouts of a certain Jesus of Nazareth, and
whether He teaches among them. And I said, ‘For this very reason we shall move to
Cana in silence; they shall very wisely not put questions to our numerous company!’

Chapter 86
The Lord back in Cana of Galilee. The unwitting self betrayal of the unchaste
ones. The Lord speaks about unchastity here and in the beyond. Sensual
stimulants - Satan's trick.
46. ‘So Jesus came again into Cana, of Galilee, where He made the water
[1] After these Words the journey continues, and we reach the little town of Cana
without trouble. Arriving there, we at once move over to the house where I had
worked the first public miracle. An hour hardly passes when nearly all of the place
knows that I and all who journeyed with Me arrived happily and in good shape; and
all rush over to see, greet and welcome the arrivals. And seeing me they cannot find
sufficient words of praise and glorying at the decisive way I cleansed the Temple at
Jerusalem! Because many had come to the feast from Cana and had seen what I had
effected in Jerusalem, and had also heard how I had healed many sick there, praising
Me tremendously.
[2] I asked them if there were no sick here. But they said that strangely enough there
were not one sick at this place.
[3] Then I said that they were indeed healthy as far as their body was concerned, but
not in their soul, ‘For whoever practices harlotry and fornication is very sick in his
soul. Through this sin a person’s heart hardens from day to day, becomes ever more
unfeeling and merciless towards its fellowmen and in the end loves nothing but itself
and the object of its lust, not for the sake of the object though, but only for the sake
of satisfying its lust. Such a heart then flees God’s Word which admonishes it against
its evil desire and in the end even becomes hostile to those who carry the Word of
God in their heart and live accordingly. Many of you suffer form this sickness and that
is why I returned to you to heal you from this very bad and fatal disease. Those of
you who know that they suffer from this deadly disease should entrust themselves to
Me and I shall heal them.’
[4] At this My announcement many promptly leave the house, for the offenders fear
that I may divulge their secret and so they take to their heels. Among them were
some adulterers, some guilty of incest and many of both sexes guilty of self-abuse,
and they were relieved to be out of My sight.
[5] Not that there were not many who would have liked to be healed of this vice, but
it was the disgrace! Because they counted as honourable, well-regarded people, and
it would have been embarrassing to have their neighbours find out about their
infirmity of flesh. Yet they did not consider that they gave themselves away by taking
to their heels in response to My offer.
[6] Many who remained behind said, ‘No, I could never have thought that about this
or that one.’ Others however could not resist laughing, saying, ‘Quite smart of You!
These would have given no answer even if asked for ten years straight, yet You only
offered most kindly to heal them of this affair, and look how they all shot through!
They probably thought that He Who could convert water into wine could also call
them by their name, You there sinned this way and so many times, - and you there
this way and this often! And this they could not bear of course and thus made off! But
they did not consider that this way they gave themselves away most of all! We don't
wish to judge them, since we know our own weaknesses, and know it is better to first
sweep before your own house, but it is funny how they thought that by running off
they would not be recognised the way you described the sins! No, these are sillier
than Persian rhinos’!
[7] Say I, ‘Let them go, the blind fools. Before men they feel ashamed, but before
God Who at all times sees and tries the hearts and kidneys of men they are not
ashamed. I tell all of you: This worldly sense of shame is idle. How long will it last in
this world anyway? Soon the body will be taken from them whose flesh gave them so
many sweet hours. Then they will arrive naked in the other world where everything
they did ever so secretly in this world will be revealed in all detail. Only there a true
and lasting shame will be theirs of which they will not be able to rid themselves as
easily as here.
[8] In truth, I tell all of you: Those who are lascivious, unchaste and fornicators shall
not enter the Kingdom of God unless they have drastically changed their most wicked
way of life. For behold, all other sins man commits outside his body and can,
therefore, rid himself of them more easily - for what takes place externally does not
cause as much damage to a person as that which takes place within him. Fornication
takes place within man, damages his soul and spirit and is thus the most dangerous
of all evils. Therefore, shun it above all and flee it like the plague, for the appetite for
sensual pleasure is Satan’s trick. Woe betide him who has allowed Satan thus to take
hold of him. He will find it extremely difficult to free himself from Satan’s claws.
Unspeakable suffering and pains will be his share. Do heed all this, or else the time
and the days will come which you will not like at all. But now let us retire.’
[9] Several who had travelled with Me moved over to their dwellings; My disciples
however and mother Mary and My brethren, i.e. Joseph's five sons, remained with
Chapter 87
The true homeland is with the Lord. The Jewish sceptics. Their departure and
arrest by Roman soldiers. Cornelius with the Lord.
[1] After all the others had left, the young host, at whose wedding I had converted
the water into wine, came to Me saying, ‘Lord! Those who had followed us from Judea
and Jerusalem and fortified themselves with food and drink in the larger guest-room,
would like a word with You. Because from what I can make out, several are ready to
depart to their homeland and look after their businesses. If you will allow me I shall
go and tell them.’
[2] Say I, ‘I do not think that is necessary! Whoever is and remains with Me is in his
true homeland, and whoever does not earn himself this one and only true and lasting
homeland shall wander about like a fugitive beast searching the desert for fare and
shelter, finding neither, finally to languish from hunger, thirst and cold, becoming a
prey to predators from such barren desert.
[3] Has anyone around Me gone without? Were not all sated daily from the heavens
physically and spiritually? Did anyone suffer hunger or thirst travelling with Me? - I
say unto you: He who wants to leave, let him leave, but whoever wants to remain, let
him! He who leaves Me shall also be left by Me, and whoever does not seek Me, him I
shall in no way seek over zealously! - Go and tell them this!’
[4] Says the host, ‘Lord, I am troubled; You shall no doubt also be displeased with
these citizens of Cana who have gone home to rest?’
[5] Say I, ‘You did not understand Me! Behold, these folk have already fully received
Me into their hearts, and My teaching has become sacred to them; but to those Jews
the teaching that I gave at Sychar is not fully agreeable, and they yearn even more
for their leaven than their households, and hence to leave for home! But they want to
give Me the honour, so as not to be regarded as churls here. Hence go out and openly
tell them everything I said to you!’
[6] Directed thus, the host goes and acquaints them verbatim with what I said to
him. All are startled and feel personally pilloried by turns. Some are offended, but
others take it to heart, turning it over in their minds and saying, ‘He has got us; and
it unfortunately is so; hopefully He will forgive us, let us stay!’
[7] But the offended ones say, ‘Yet we are going! Although we lacked nothing with
Him we are fed up with this Scythian indigence, and besides one has to always watch
one's words very carefully, for the verdict is not long a-coming, and then one can see
how to get back into favour; for leniency there is none with him! Whatever He has
pronounced accommodates no compromise! Hence we shall tarry with Him no more.’
[8] But the contrite ones say, ‘This might be true, and the priests are certainly
accommodating in Jerusalem, particularly where the offerings are liberal. But He will
not compromise by a hair's breadth even if offered the entire earth! Hence it is
somewhat hard to get on with Him; yet He is bound to be one of the greatest
prophets at the very least, full of power and life, and even mute nature responds to
His nod. What is left us other than to remain for as long as he Himself does not
remove us?! Because the signs He worked before our eyes no man has done before
him, and we therefore are staying with Him, come what may!’
[9] The offended ones however say, ‘Do what you will, but we go. If we owe the host
anything, let him give us the bill!’
[10] But the host says, ‘I keep no accommodation for strangers, but only for native
children of Jacob, and these are free just as elsewhere in Canaan, where the brooks
are flowing with milk and honey.’
[11] Hearing this they arise, take to the road and are gone. But after several hours
journey from Cana, they are too exhausted to lift their feet, sinking down on the road,
some hundred in number, to take their night's rest.
[12] But a strong detachment of Roman mercenaries coming the other way from
Jerusalem bumps into this caravan. Not being capable of being shaken awake
however, the exhausted are guarded till morning. Awakening in the morning however
they find themselves bound by the hands, and being without travel passes they are
arrested one and all and brought before the court at Jerusalem, being examined there
for seven days and then released, after paying the necessary fines, having been
identified as Jews.
[13] A segment of these soldiers also arrives at Cana the same morning. After
searching our house, and after our clearing ourselves with our travel passes from
Jerusalem, they raise no further obstacles and depart for Capernaum, their chief
commander having recognised Me and discussed several matters with Me and
acquainting Me of his projected extended stay at Capernaum, his family already
having moved there two days earlier, where he is meeting them. Therewith he invites
Me to drop in on him at Capernaum, which I agree to in a few days time.
[14] He also asks Me about the large caravan he came across sleeping on the road.
[15] I tell him, and he replies with a smile, ‘Did I not guess that I bumped into such
breed, who basically are pharisaical spies, and it would greatly surprise me if You did
not identify them so at first glance!’
[16] Whereto I replied, ‘You are not altogether wrong in suspecting them to be so.
But they were not yet so when following Me from Jerusalem and Judea; but now some
of them shall be so, to their own great detriment. Because the Temple-breed covets
betrayal indeed, but actually fears the informer more than the betrayed enemy, and
hence does not let informers go. Nearly all get to drink of the accursed water and
hardly one in ten survives this; but the burst ones then are usually branded false
accusers and buried at Jehoshapat in the accursed soil. And this shall also be the fate
of some of those turning informers on Me! Because My time is not yet come.’
Chapter 88
The Lord's discussion with Cornelius about the Temple brood and
the Lord's cleansing of the Temple.
[1] Says the chief commander, by the name of Cornelius, who was also a brother of
the emperor Augustus, ‘Well, serves them right! Because I cannot tell you how I
abhor this Temple brood! I tell You, dearest and most exalted friend, the most evil of
all evils on the entire earth is a Jewish temple cleric! Our quasi-Egyptian priests are
bad, but occasionally they still display hallmarks of humanity; not much is heard
there about atrocities, whilst their business with very few exceptions is to exhort
mankind to humanness and to martial chivalry.
[2] But these fellows are hypocrites through and through! Outwardly they act as
strictly and piously as if carrying bagfulls of living gods; inwardly however they are
too evil even for our lowermost mythical hell. Verily, if our three main mythical furies,
before whose heinousness everything is supposed to turn to stone in terror, were to
catch sight of such Jerusalemite Temple-churl, then they would themselves have to
turn to diamond from trepidation! I tell You, for the ultimate unfurling of this most
supremely malevolent, depraved Temple and priest knot, same must soon be put to
the sharpest sword of the Macedonian king, or the entire earth should shortly be
entangled in it! - O friend! I could tell you things about these churls that through this
alone the entire earth would turn feverish! But let this suffice You for now; after you
come over we shall have much to discuss!’
[3] Say I, ‘O let be. I know this brood from the lowest root-fibrils! But I have already
selected a ‘Macedonian king’ from your Roman race; to him shall be granted the
hewing in twain with red-hot sword of this most solid knot! I nevertheless shall prior
to this be doing everything possible towards the reformation of some of them!’
[4] Says the chief, ‘Do not do it. Because they shall know how to kill You, for as long
as there is human mortality-potential in You, even if You are a true Son of God! For I
tell You, not even a God is safe with them! - Believe Me, dearest young friend!’
[5] Say I, ‘Let's leave that! What the Father wants shall be! It would take only one
breath from My mouth and they should be no more! But this is not the Father's will,
and so we shall let them be for a while!’
[6] Says the chief, ‘If these churls should carry on for another ten years, not many
people should survive in Judea. If it was not for one moderate at their top then soon
after Your most courageous cleansing of the Temple of its vermin, there would
already have been immense trouble! But a truly upright man by the name of
Nicodemus knew how to make these churls, who are now nearly as numerous as the
grass of the earth, keep their distance. It was really funny how with great cunning he
was able to make it clear that this Temple-cleansing was permitted by God only so
that His servants should acquire much gold, as it was precisely those merchants,
money-changers and sellers of pigeons who never, apart from their small stall's fees,
ever laid offerings into the Temple offertories, even whilst being considered the
wealthiest in all of Jerusalem! With this most of them agreed, and some said, ‘Well,
let's hope this one comes also to the next feast with his magic power - he comes in
handy!’ But some, who secretly had through confidential agents also participated in
the money-changing, were of course not so happy. But notwithstanding this I
guarantee You that, upon a repeated cleansing at the next feast, not a hair shall be
bent upon Your head, since you had helped them to a considerable sum at the last
one. But should You again go to Jerusalem for a similar affair then sneak in most
secretly, or You should find the Temple cleansed by itself, as these hawkers, money-
changers and livestock traders have sent out spies after You everywhere, who are to
watch all Your paths, similarly to those notorious Temple-servants. Most of those I
had arrested belonged to these chaps, and there would hardly have been two honest
ones among them!’
[7] Say I, ‘Well, this favour I could of course do them again, but be assured that no
such money-changers or vendors shall set up business in the Temple after that! -
Upon My final move into Jerusalem I shall get to cleansing the Temple again the way I
did recently!’
[8] Following this assurance a troop-commander came to report the troop's readiness
for march-off to the chief. The chief takes leave of Me, reminding Me to be sure to
drop in on him at Capernaum! - Thereafter the host serves up a good morning meal,
at which all take part.
Chapter 89
Jesus prays for His, and sends His brethren to attend to their domestic
affairs. About Thomas and Iscariot. Peter and the Lord. ‘Where faith is
lacking there is little work for us.’ The best seasoning. Healing by the laying
on of hands. Return of the disciples. The young Mark - Peter's son. Thomas'
good catch. Iscariot's nature.
[1] After the morning meal I say to all those present, ‘If there is anyone who has
domestic affairs to attend to, he is welcome to take a couple of days leave for the
purpose, but you need to attend again on the third day because I intend to spend a
couple of days here in Cana and also take a little rest. But those too far from home
can stay here, as also those not wishing to leave Me! But I propose during these two
days to neither teach or work things but, as said, just to rest and to pray to the
Father for you all.’
[2] Mary and My five brethren however also come over to Me and ask whether it
would be all right for them to go to Nazareth for a couple of days, to put domestic
affairs in order.
[3] And I say, ‘Yes, go and do so, because My disciples need to also have their
worldly affairs in order! But organise your domestic affairs for a couple of years, and
let out to someone poor, but mark well, without rent. Because as My brothers and
disciples you should in future never seek rent or wages from anyone, but only accept
what is handed to you voluntarily!’ The brethren together with Mary promise to do so,
and leave for Nazareth.
[4] But of My disciples it was only Thomas who went home, with the resolve to seek
out disciples for Me, which he also did. There was however among them a certain
Jew, not an actual Galilean, by the name of Iscariot, who subsequently betrayed Me.
Up to a certain time he was the most industrious of My disciples, he played the
purser, paying everything everywhere, and acting as it were as forerunner and stage-
manager wherever I went. Yet he also knew how to secretly make money out of My
deeds and teaching, and this money-greed in the end made him what he eventually
became - My betrayer! But Peter and the other disciples who had followed Me from
Bethabara remained.
[5] To My asking him whether he was not inclined to go home for a couple of days,
Peter replied, ‘Lord, only death can part me from You, or a commandment from Your
mouth! I arranged with Thomas for my son Mark to come here, he could be of use,
because with writing he is almost as good as Matthew. But that's about all that I have
to attend to domestically, everything else You my Lord and my God are taking care of
anyway!’ - Say I, ‘Not so loud, My Simon Peter, because here we are not at Sychar!
There are also some here who are not at your stage yet - these could be offended.
Hence it is enough if in future you call Me ‘Lord’, the rest for the time being keep in
your heart, which I know quite well!’
[6] Peter is satisfied with that, asking Me whether we are to undertake nothing at all
during the two days in Cana. But I say, ‘This be far from us! But we shall not strain
ourselves as we did at Sychar! In a worldly sense we are here in our homeland, and
you know how much a prophet is worth in his homeland! Hence we shall be doing and
teaching very little here in our actual sphere. Because where faith is lacking there is
little work for us. Hence we shall, as they would say, take it easy for a couple of days,
and prepare a little for the time ahead!’
[7] After these words Matthew comes asking Me whether to perhaps now record some
of the things he has seen and heard at Sychar.
[8] But I say, ‘If you are intent on doing something, then you could twice copy the
Sermon on the Mount, and a copy can then be left with the host here in Cana, and
one at Capernaum, because there too we shall not get to do much!’
[9] But now the host comes to ask what I should like for lunch And I say to him,
‘Friend, why such an idle question? Not having asked Me before the morning meal, I
still quite enjoyed it! Hence I shall also find lunch excellent! Verily I say unto you,
every meal seasoned with the noble and loving heart of the giver is the tastiest, -
better than the most sumptuous and resplendent things upon the tables of selfish
gluttons, filling the halls with their Ambrosian scent. - With this advice the young host
was fully satisfied, and with the most joyful heart then did everything to serve us with
lunch as well as possible.
[10] Thus, the two days passed with many a good discussion and visits by citizens of
this small town. Some sick people were also healed merely by the laying on of hands,
and to an honest physician there I pointed out quite a number of healing herbs, ...
with which he then achieved good cures.
[11] On the third day however all but mother Mary and the four eldest brethren
returned from home, bringing new disciples on all sides. Thomas in particular in this
respect had made a big catch of fish, and brought a great many fried fish with him,
for he knew how I liked eating such fish.
[12] The young Mark thus also brought his father Simon many greetings from home,
and many fried fish as well, and Iscariot brought much money and much life into the
company, since he was very lively and active, organising everything and being
exceptionally pleased with Me, and had much to relate about diverse happenings
occurring all over the great Roman empire.
[13] After we were all gathered up thus I was bent on re-commencing the journey.
But the host asked Me to remain till evening, since it was very hot. And I remained till
evening. But when the sun came close to setting I reminded the company to be ready
for travel, as I was intent on re-commencing the journey at sunset.
Chapter 90
Healing of the Son of a royal nobleman. [John 4: 47-53]
47. There was a royal nobleman whose son was lying ill at Capernaum. When
he (the sick son’s father) heard that Jesus had come from Judaea into
Galilee, he came to Him (to Cana) and begged Him to go down (to
Capernaum) and help his son who was dangerously ill.
[1] As we were on the point of setting forth on our way a man of royal descent and a
close relative of the commander, who a few days ago had gone to Capernaum, came
hurrying towards Me almost out of breath for he had learnt from the commander that
I had again returned to Galilee from Judaea. This royal nobleman had an only son
who suddenly had been attacked by a bad fever and the physician in Capernaum had
realised as soon as he saw the patient that he was quite beyond help. The father was
in despair and did not know what to do in his grief. Then Cornelius, the commander,
came to him and said, ‘Brother, there is a way. It is less than an hour’s brisk walk
from here to Cana, where the famous healer Jesus of Nazareth is staying. I myself
met Him there and spoke to Him on my journey here. He will surely still be there for
He promised me to come from there directly to Capernaum and visit me. What He
promises He also keeps without fail, and since He has not yet come to me He is
definitely still in Cana. Therefore, hurry to Him personally and beg Him to come to
your son and help him. And I can assure you that He will come immediately and help
your son.’
[2] Having heard this from his brother Cornelius, the royal nobleman hurries to Cana
and, as already mentioned, arrives there quite out of breath as I was just setting
forth on My way. On reaching Me, he falls at My feet begging Me to hurry with him to
Capernaum as his only son who is everything to him was dying and no physician in
Capernaum was able to help him. If I did not come quickly to Capernaum, his son
would die before I got there if he had not died already.
48. And Jesus said to him: “Unless you see signs and miracles, you will not
[3] Say I, ‘Behold, My friend, it is not easy with you people, for unless you see signs
and miracles already in advance, you do not believe. I help only those who believe
even if they have not seen any signs and miracles beforehand. For where I am
approached with unconditional faith, I also heal surely and certainly.’
49. The nobleman said to Him: “Sir, come down before my son dies!”
[4] Here the royal man exclaims, ‘O Sir, do not discuss this at such length with me
poor man; you can see that I do believe or I would not have come to you. I beg you,
O Sir, just to enter my house and my son will live. But if you delay, he will die before
you arrive. Look, I have many servants, and if I say to one or the other: do this or do
that, he will do it. If I did not believe in you, O Lord, completely, I would have sent
one or the other of my servants to you. But since I am filled with the firmest faith, I
came myself. For my heart told me: “If only I find and see you, my son will become
well. Lord, I also confess that I am not worthy to have you under my roof, but if you
would only say one word, my son will become well and live.’
50. Jesus says to him: “Go home, you son will live!” The man believed what
Jesus said and went home.
[5] Say I, ‘Friend, such a faith I have not found anywhere in Israel. Go home
confidently; you will receive according to your faith. You son will live.’ - And the
nobleman went home in tears of gratitude and joy, for he believed My word without
any doubt, but I still spent the night and the following day in Cana to the great joy of
the host.
51. When he was on the way down (towards Capernaum) his servant met
him with the news: “Your child lives!”
[6] As the nobleman - who was much respected in Capernaum, on the one hand
because he, like the commander Cornelius, was related to the ruling house in Rome
and, besides, was a high-ranking officer appointed by Rome - approached the town
his numerous servants were coming towards him announcing loudly, ‘Master, your
son lives and is perfectly well.’
52. He asked them what time it was when he (the son) began to recover.
They said, “Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him!”
[7] Then the man almost fainted with joy and asked at what time he had recovered.
And the servants told him unanimously, ‘Yesterday at the seventh hour the bad fever
left him.’
53. The Father noted that this was the exact time when Jesus had said to
him: “Your son will live!” And he and all his household became believers.
[8] Hearing this from his servants he began to work out the time and found that it
must have been the exact time when I had said to him, ‘Your son will live.’ So he
walked home at ease, and when he arrived the commander Cornelius already led the
completely healthy and happy son towards him, saying, ‘Well, brother, did I send you
to the proper healer or not?’
[9] The royal man, however, said, ‘Yes, brother, through your advice you have
restored my life tenfold. But this healer Jesus of Nazareth is obviously more than an
ordinary healer who ever so skillfully knows how to cure diseases by means of
medicinal herbs. Just imagine! Without ever having seen my son, he simply said,
‘Your son will live, and the boy recovered at once. Listen, this is of great significance.
I tell you: This is not possible to any man, but only to a god. And from now on I
believe, and so does no doubt my whole household, that this Jesus is beyond any
doubt a true god and for the salvation of all men walks among them in a human form
and heals and teaches them. When he comes here he must be shown divine
[10] Says Cornelius, ‘I know Him already as that and am fully convinced, but He does
not allow people to approach Him like that.’
[11] Says the father of the healed boy, ‘Brother, where one has such evidence in
hand, I think, one cannot do too much.’
[12] Says Cornelius, ‘I fully agree with you, but as I have already told you it is a fact
that He is a declared enemy of public and external marks of respect. As far as I know
from His earliest childhood, only the silent, innermost mark of respect expressing
itself in the love of the heart is acceptable to Him. All that is only external He even
regards as irksome and if He came here, as he promised me, you might by a public
worship drive Him away from this place forever. Therefore, do whatever you wish
within your heart, but avoid all public ceremonies; for I know Him already since His
birth in Bethlehem and have heard and seen much of Him since that time.’
[13] Says the royal man, ‘All right, I followed your advice yesterday by day and will,
therefore, listen to you and follow it also now at night.’
[14] (In order to avoid giving cause to hair-splitting, there should here be added a
brief explanation regarding the word “yesterday”. A day - in particular in Galilee -
lasted only until the respective sunset and after the sun had set actually the next day
already began a few minutes after sunset the previous day was already described as
“yesterday”. With the sunset began the first nightwatch for the coming day. A
nightwatch, however, was a period of three hours and an hour of day was in summer
equivalent to almost two of today’s hours and in winter to not quite one, for the
daylight time had to have always 12 hours whether the day was short or long. If here
it says that the nobleman walked from Capernaum to Cana in one hour, it would
nowadays amount to almost two hours. - This brief explanation is all the more
necessary as some things in this gospel could hardly be correctly understood, since
the respective time references were only according to those times and not according
to the present chronology.)
Chapter 91
Comments on the Gospels of Matthew and John and evidence concerning the
new revelation. [John 4: 54]
54. This was now the second sign which Jesus performed after coming from
Judaea into Galilee.
[1] The following day in Cana I told John, who had recorded the first sign at the
wedding, to record also this second sign performed in the same place. And this John
also did with few words in eight verses as it is written.
[2] Also Matthew asked Me whether he, too, was to record this event, but I say to
him, ‘Leave it. When tomorrow we come to Capernaum where I shall again teach and
perform signs, those you shall then record. But add to My Sermon on the Mount also
the healing of the leper at Sychar, whom I healed as I was descending from the
[3] Says Matthew, ‘Lord, as far as I know two lepers were healed by You at Sychar.
Which one should I record?’
[4] Say I, ‘Actually more than two were healed, but it is sufficient to mention the one
I healed at the foot of the mountain and whom I bade show himself to the priest
Jonael, whose name you need not give, and offer the sacrifice Moses has laid down
for a witness. For who does not believe Me because of the one sign will not believe if I
worked a hundred signs. Therefore, record from the many signs only the one I now
told you about.’
[5] Says Matthew, ‘Oh yes, Lord, now I know which sign You mean. I did make a note
of it, but did not write it down in detail. This I will now do and start a new chapter
with it. For I divided the Sermon on the Mount into three chapters and this will now
be the fourth.’
[6] Say I, ‘For the time being this arrangement of yours is good, but after I shall have
been lifted up from this earth into My eternal Kingdom, you will have to write another
four chapters preceding these. Therefore, you can already now give the three
chapters on the Sermon on the Mount the numbers: V, VI and VII instead of I, II, III,
and the new one the numbers VIII.’
[7] So Matthew immediately arranged his notes in this way, and thus nowadays the
Sermon on the Mount, although the first thing recorded by Matthew, is not contained
in the first chapter, but only in the fifth, sixth and seventh chapters.
[8] To be acquainted with this fact is also needed for the better understanding of the
Gospels of John and Matthew, for both of them were written under My personal
supervision. The object here is mainly to bring the two outwardly apparently so
different records into proper harmony, because it has almost always been the case
that even good interpreters of the Scripture have regarded the miracles which appear
similar in Matthew and John as the same, but have nevertheless been wondering,
‘How come that Matthew says this and John that although the fact seems to be one
and the same?’
[9] Many errors resulted from this and not seldom a complete turning away from My
teaching as it is written in the Gospels.
[10] Here once could say indeed, ‘But why, O Lord, did You allow this to happen
through so many centuries without enlightening anyone?’ There I say:
[11] Not a century passed in which I did not, wherever My teaching is more or less
accepted, choose and awaken men to give people the facts and necessary
interpretation of the Gospels. The chosen have always done that and also historically
supplemented in the records what had got lost, partly through human negligence,
partly through the obstinacy and not seldom evil intent of the various sectarian
churchwardens and priests of the Gospel where My teaching was concerned, and only
very few accepted that.
[12] The churches, which in the course of time had systematically developed
naturally, rejected it declaring it to be “heresy” and “devilry” because it did not suit
their greedy and tyrannical purpose.
[13] Scientists and artists on the other hand described such phenomena as “fancies”
and “dreamy drivel” of a poor wretch who wants to be something too, but without
having acquired the necessary qualities through effort, diligence, and profound study.
[14] In the place, however, where the chosen and awakened prophet lived and was
known he was accepted least of all and, therefore, did not have much success. For
according to people’s notions, as they generally are, a prophet should actually not live
on earth at all, should not have a human shape, eat and drink and wear clothes, but
should at least drive around in the air in a fiery chariot like Elias and from there
announce to each person only what he in his self-love likes to hear and what flatters
him. That would then be a proper prophet at whom all eyes and ears would be
directed, particularly if during his air travels he would miraculously throw great
quantities of gold and silver coins to the rich, but small copper coins to the
proletarians, at the same time praising the great, rich and mighty, but frequently
severely disciplining the poor devils (proletarians), especially if they dared to grumble
at the rich, great and mighty. Such a prophet would, of course, not be very popular
with the poor, and they would not praise him.
[15] However, if the prophet is a man like any other man, if he eats and drinks, has
even a home and besides maybe follows some worldly trade, oh, that is already the
end where his prophesying is concerned. He is pronounced either a simpleton or a
hypocrite and has not much chance of achieving anything in his homeland.
[16] Thus I have during the almost 2,000 years always made up what was missing.
But who accepted it? I tell you: Always only very few and these seldom actively
enough. Notice of it was taken, but that someone should have changed his way of life
accordingly and then in his spirit convinced himself that the otherwise natural man
was really chosen by Me to bring a new light from the heavens to men in the world
that had gradually become so dark, that was never done for all kinds of idle reasons.
[17] One has bought himself a team of new oxen which he has now to break in for
ploughing, so he has, of course, no time. Another must cultivate a new field and
cannot come because of that. A third has taken a wife and, therefore, has no longer
any time or opportunity. A fourth must build a large house and has so many worries
now, he cannot possibly have time. And thus everyone has some excuse and a new
light from the heavens then again burns in vain during a whole century in some
hidden corner of the earth. And if in the next century I again send a new light for
illuminating the ancient records, it will have the same fate.
[18] If this is certainly so, judging by the experience at all times, the question arises
whether I can be blamed if the ancient records show to this day the same deficiencies
that were already a thousand years ago discovered by idle rationalistic researchers
and over-subtle reasoners as a result of which always many doubters and, finally,
rejecters of My teaching and its - and My - fullest divinity have gone forth like
mushrooms from the ground.
[19] The reason why I am now giving a full light in this matter is so that in the end no
one may be able to excuse himself as if since My bodily presence on earth I had
bothered neither about the purity and completeness of My teaching nor the people
who accepted it.
[20] When I shall come again to earth I shall undertake a thorough sifting and not
accept anyone who will come to Me with whatever excuses, for everyone who seeks in
all earnest can and must find what he seeks. However, the sick sheep and asses
feeding at the crib shall be administered medicine after which they are sure to
become greedy for the feed from the heavens, but then they will as convalescents be
fed homeopathically for a long time. But now once more to the Gospel.’

Chapter 92
The Lord and Matthew. A proper order always is helpful - examples in
washing and gathering up of stones from the field. About God's omniscience.
The guidance of men. About guardian spirits. ‘God is love!’ About the
relationship of God as purest love, and men. Exhortation to departure for
[1] When Matthew had finished his several verses the day after I had healed the
nobleman's son from Capernaum, he showed Me his work, which I commended, as it
was concise and to the point. But after packing his writing utensils he comes to Me
asking how much writing material he shall need at Capernaum. If he is to keep more
tablets unpacked then it should be easier to remove them from the main pack now
rather than at Capernaum!
[2] Say I, ‘ The four shall suffice, but I nevertheless have to make you aware of a
small error in the ordering of your things! Basically there is not much to it, but since
with Me everything has to have its proper order, it is unwise of you to first tie up your
pack and ask Me only afterwards how many tablets you shall need. Had I now said,
'You shall need five at Capernaum, then you would now have had to untie the entire
pack for just one tablet, which would have caused you unnecessary effort. But,
prompted by My secret inspiration, you had to keep the exact number out and
thereby save yourself the effort of re-opening the pack. But as I remarked already,
there is not much to it, but often the advantage of the right order in all things, even if
seeming ever so trivial, can be of great benefit.
[3] Behold, if someone washes in the morning, at midday and evening, starting with
his face and only then the hands, then he won't get his face clean so soon, because
going over same with dirty hands; but washing the hands first he shall be finished
with his face more quickly, by rubbing it with clean hands.
[4] A man with a stony field cleared same with much effort, but he kept the following
good order: first he gathered the largest stones, stacking them out of the field in a
rectangular pile; this he did with the smaller stones also and so on down to ten
different piles holding stones of similar size.
[5] Neighbours who saw him do it and who had cleared their fields by just tossing all
their stones into one ordinary heap remarked, ‘Look at the fool fussing with his
[6] But a builder passed by the road adjacent to his field. Seeing the ten regular
heaps he went to the man whom his neighbours called a fool and bought the stones
off him for forty silver groshen; because in this order he was able to use them
straight away. When the neighbours saw it they came up and said, ‘Sir, why didn't
you come to us? Behold, we have similar stones and would have given them to you
for just a few groshen, whereas here you paid forty silver groshen for the same
stones!’ - But the builder said, ‘Your stones I would have to first sort out, which would
take much work, time and effort; but these here are already sorted, just as I need
them now, and so I rather overpay for these than accept yours free!’ Thereupon the
neighbours of course started sorting their stones, but it was too late! Because the
builder had enough with those he bought from the first, and these neighbours went to
much effort for nothing!
[7] Hence always keep the best order in all things! When someone then comes with
an offer he is sure to always go for the best order. A later effort is often and many a
time in vain! Do you follow this picture?’
[8] Says Matthew, ‘O Lord, how should I not understand it? Is it not as bright and
clear as the midday sun?
[9] But only one thing I would still like to find out from You, how was it possible for
You to know that I shall require four tablets at Capernaum? Because divine
omniscience still is the greatest puzzle to me! Sometimes You know everything and
arrange Your ways without asking anyone, yet at other times You ask and act like one
of us, as if You did not know what happened or will happen! How come? Lord, please
give me a little light on this!’
[10] Say I, ‘Friend! I would very much like to reveal this thing to you, but you could
not grasp it; therefore let us leave it! But a time shall soon come when you shall
easily grasp and comprehend such secrets.
[11] But this much I can say to you for now, that although God can know anything He
likes in spite of man's freedom of will, yet when He chooses not to know, so that man
would act freely, then He will also not know. Do you understand that?!’
[12] Says Matthew, ‘Lord, if so then man's life on earth is most dangerous indeed!
Which moderately knowledgeable person does not know the many enemies which
confront poor mankind everywhere with all sorts of adversities, causing man's demise
therewith?! If without knowing so You permit this to go on just like that, then the
health of the soul should fare badly!’
[13] Say I, ‘Not quite as badly as you think! Because firstly everyone shall be living in
accordance with his beliefs and loves; and secondly man is free to at any moment call
upon God for protection, and God shall turn His countenance towards him who pleads
and help him in every adversity!
[14] Besides, everyone has been assigned a guardian angel anyway who has to guide
him from his birth to his grave. Such a guardian angel always influences a person’s
conscience and only begins to keep further and further away from his ward when the
latter, guided by his self-love, has voluntarily relinquished all faith and all love for his
[15] Thus man on this earth is by far not as forsaken as you think, for everything
depends on his free will and actions whether he wishes to be supervised and guided
by God or not. If he wishes it, God will wish it too; but if he does not wish it, he is
absolutely free as far as God is concerned and God does not take any further notice of
him, except that he receives what according to universal order every natural man is
destined to have as the natural life and what is needed to support it. But that is as far
as God will and can go with such a person because of his inviolable freedom. Only
when a man with his heart’s free will seeks and implores Him, God will always come
to meet such a man on the shortest possible way, provided he seeks and prays in
downright earnest.
[16] But if a person only seeks and prays tentatively in order to convince himself
whether where God and His promises are concerned there is anything to it, he will not
be considered by God or his prayer granted. For GOD IS IN HIMSELF THE PUREST
LOVE and looks only upon those who come to Him in their heart’s pure love and seek
Him for His own sake, wish to learn to know Him with gratitude as their Creator and
have the fervent wish to be guarded and guided by Him personally.
[17] Oh, as concerns those who come to God in this way, He knows every moment
only too well how things are with them, and He teaches and guides them personally in
everything. However, of those who will have nothing to do with God He certainly does
not take any notice.
[18] And when once in the beyond they will be standing before God, calling fervently
and saying: “Lord, Lord!”, God will answer them: “Out of My sight, you strangers, for
I have never known you!”. And such souls will then have to suffer and struggle
considerably until they will be able to approach God as recognised by Him. Do you
now understand this?’
[19] Says Matthew, ‘Yes Lord, this I understand now quite well, plainly and clearly.
But should I not at once record this great teaching, which ought to and must greatly
encourage men to constantly search for and pray to God, that He would guide and
lead them along the right paths?’
[20] Say I, ‘No, My dear friend and brother, because man would never grasp such
teaching in its right and living fullness! Hence you need not record it, except perhaps
at a later stage - for yourself or a few brethren.
[21] But now, if you all are ready to continue our journey to Capernaum, then let's be
on our way! Whoever will, let him follow us, but whoever prefers to stay, let him stay!
I must go there, as there is much misery there, as well as in the small towns around
the lake, which is a Galilean sea.’

Chapter 93
The Lord and Roban, the host, at Cana. About self-determination. Example in
art. ‘He who has, to him shall be given!’ The life proper comes from the
heart. Free of everything, the pilgrim's travel is easy.
[1] We are ready to go, but the young host once again comes to ask Me to stay with
him for the evening.
[2] But I say, ‘I shall come again soon, because before going to the next feast at
Jerusalem, I have to visit Nazareth, and shall stop off on the way there and back.’
[3] Replies the host, ‘Lord, this shall be my greatest pleasure! But as You intend not
staying any longer today, be so good and allow me to accompany You again!’
[4] Say I, ‘This is up to you, because no one shall on My part be coerced into
anything! Whoever receives Me, let him do so, and whoever wants to follow Me and
My teaching, let him do likewise! Because I and My kingdom are voluntary and hence
need to be gained in all freedom.
[5] Only the freest self-determination counts with Me. Whatever is over or under that
is without worth before Me and My Father, Who is in Me, as I am within Him.
[6] Every compulsion other than from the very own heart is foreign and cannot
possibly be of any value for a person’s very own life according to My eternal and,
thus, freest order.
[7] Of what use would it actually be to you if you claimed some work of art, which
was created by another hand, to be your work? If then someone came and asked you
to reproduce this work for a high reward, you would be ruined and have to put up
with being called before all the world by the one who ordered the work, a liar, cheat
and boaster with another person’s success.
[8] Thus also the full cultivation of his own life has been put into every person’s very
own hands.
[9] That which before God’s eyes will once at every individual person’s great life-trial
be recognised as foreign to him, will be of no value to him and will be taken away.
Then it will be said: Who has, will keep what he has and will be given even much
more, but who does not have his own, will forfeit what he has, since it is not his own,
but only something foreign.
[10] I tell you that it is now not even necessary that you go with Me, but if following
an inner prompting you want to do so out of love for Me, you will thereby not only
lose nothing, but gain tenfold in everything. For whoever does something out of true
love for Me will here be rewarded tenfold, but one in My Kingdom a hundredfold, also
a thousandfold and endlessly.’
[11] Says the innkeeper, ‘Lord, if this is so I shall definitely go with You, for my own
heart prompts me to do so and, therefore, I will strictly follow my heart.’
[12] Say I, ‘Very well, do that and you will be living according to your heart which is
the sole proper life, for every other kind of life that does not stem from the heart is
not life, but a death of every man’s own life. I as the sole Lord over all life, am telling
you this.’
[13] The innkeeper is very happy with this, takes immediately his knapsack and some
money and is getting ready for the journey.
[14] But I say to him, ‘Free yourself from everything and you will travel much lighter,
for thieves fall only upon those whom they know to be carrying something with them.
If you do not have anything, they can also not take anything away.’
[15] Thereupon the innkeeper hands his knapsack and money to his wife and follows
Me without money and knapsack.

Chapter 94
About money. Judas Iscariot's worldly intellectual objections. Trust in God -
the greatest treasure. Why Moses did not reach the promised land. The
Lord's testimony about Himself. About the curse and the dangers of money in
the hereafter and now. The redeeming fire from above. Judas' impudent
praise of money. An earnest answer. ‘What one loves one knows how to
[1] But Judas Iscariot, standing next to him says, ‘But I maintain that a small amount
of money on a journey surely can harm no one?’
[2] But I say, ‘He who knows Me the way this host does, having been with Me also at
Sychar, knows that one can do quite well at My side also without money. Behold, I
have neither pockets in My coat, and even less any trace of money, yet I led many
hundreds through Judea and Samaria to here! Ask them how much this journey cost
[3] On top of that I tell you that shortly I shall be feeding many thousands, whilst
having no more on Me than now.
[4] I tell you, a proper trust in God is worth more than all the treasures of the world,
with which you can help your flesh indeed for a short time, but not your soul! But if
you have ruined and therefore lost your soul, what can you give later to ransom your
[5] Says Judas, ‘Yes, yes, You are right indeed, but man has to have money for some
[6] I reply, ‘How much money did Moses have when he led the Israelites out?’
[7] Judas says, ‘He was in possession of gold, silver and precious stones aplenty!’
[8] Say I, ‘That he had indeed. But this also held him back from entering the
promised land. Can you actually grasp this?!’
[9] Says Judas, ‘Here I should think that with Moses, the prophet of all Jehovah's
prophets, not the gold and silver which he had to bring from Egypt on Jehovah's
prompting was responsible, but that in a weak moment he failed to build upon
Jehovah's faithfulness sufficiently!’
[10] Say I, ‘And what was the reason for his weakening one day? He Who caused
Moses to weaken due to his thought about the gold and silver now stands before you
telling you this! It is indeed written allegorically, but in reality it is as I now explained
it to you.’
[11] Says Judas, ‘All right, I believe You that it was once so! But now, half way
around the world, through the Roman empire money has been introduced as a lawful
means of exchange for the expedient intercourse among mankind, and we are obliged
to make use of same, and thus I think that if it is not a sin to drop money in God's
offertory, it neither is a sin to give such money to some destitute, that he may
provide for himself for a few days; and hence even for the benefit of the poor it is
already proper to carry money, once lawfully introduced by the state, and so the host
Roban could have hung unto his few silver groshen!’
[12] Say I, ‘You do indeed carry with you a well-stocked purse, yet you refused to
give any alms to the three destitutes who begged off you yesterday, and hence I
don't think you make that commendable use of money for which you extolled its
virtues to Me!
[13] But regarding the money in God's offertory, I tell you plainly, this is a ravaging
abomination, not so much on account of some spiritually deprived who think to have
secured heaven therewith, but for those who remove the money from the chest for
squandering on harlots at night time! So long as there was no money, there were no
public whores, as it is now! But since there is money now in all sorts of word to come
there also are now at Jerusalem as in all other cities whores without number, with the
men sinning with them day and night! And after those who possess much money lose
taste for the local ones, they let them be brought from the uplands, buying them in
Greece, to then carry on in Judea the most ignominious harlotry with them. And this
add a thousandfold more is the blessing of your highly praised money!
[14] But this is only the start of the curse hanging over money.
[15] But there shall come worse times than when Noah built his ark, and they shall
have to attribute their misery to gold and silver, and nothing short of a fire from the
heavens which shall consume all that excrement from hell shall save mankind from
that tribulation of all tribulations!’
[16] Says Judas, ‘Yes, yes, You are a prophet without equal and are capable of
knowing that, but if money is used correctly then surely it can do no harm?’
[17] Say I, ‘I say unto you, indeed, if applied correctly, just as one can use
everything else on earth the right or wrong way! But the big difference consists in,
when you go to a city, you have to carry all sorts of things on your back, either tools
or foods, and you shall obtain other things or foods therewith, in accordance with
your requirements. This of course is a bit inconvenient, - yet at the same time hard or
being seduced into sin! Because if you arrive with junk and bundle, or pulling a cart,
and come to a whore to sin, in exchange for a few pots and pans, she will deride and
laugh at you, and you shall be saved from sin! Coming to her with gold and silver
however, she shall neither deride nor laugh at you, but guide you to her brothel and
seduce you to sin, with all sorts of attractions, in order the more to relieve you of
your gold and silver! Hence money is a most convenient object, yet also seductive
and convenient for sinning!
[18] And for this reason Satan introduced it into the world, so it is easier to sin in the
world! - Are you not aware of how opportunity breeds thieves?!’
[19] Says Judas, ‘Sure, sure, this is true! But if all this is just to discourage thieves
from finding anything around men for arousing their fancy, then immense changes
would have to be introduced among mankind! Firstly, all men should have to be
equally poor in worldly goods, secondly resemble each other like male and female
sparrows, and thirdly not be wiser than anyone else. So long as this is not the case
however all talking, teaching and working of signs is in vain! Many shall of course
reform, but ten times that many shall remain the same in spite of all teaching and
signs, if not worse, and quite easily ten times so. Because surely, every man has self-
love and likes to be reasonably well-provided. Hence, quite naturally, every man first
thinks of himself and only then of others! And this surely cannot be held against him!
House and land not everyone can have, otherwise God would have to bring house and
land into the world with every new-born, to grow up with him. Since this is not the
case however, with all the previously born already taking possession of every spot of
land, making it impossible for newly-born to possess even a foot-wide piece of land,
then nothing remains for them to do in the end but to either make themselves
indispensable to the lazy owners through all sorts of education and service, or turn to
thievery in order not to be reduced to beggary. If then the more advantaged part of
those without land and home receive nothing but money, and then save as much as
possible for the old days, then I find nothing wrong therewith, and discover a new
creation therein of land and soil, for all those born unto this earth through procreation
and birth without the least landed hope. And I must openly maintain that God, being
either unable or unwilling to create land for every new-born, has given the rulers the
idea of coinage, whereby children of the landless can acquire a necessary living, often
better than that consisting in land ownership. And surely it cannot be God's will that
children of the landless should perish?! For surely it is not their fault to be born into
the world with the same needs as those landed gentry!
[20] Even if You may be the greatest prophet that ever walked this earth and I
concede everything You have taught and are still to teach, this Your appraisal of me
regarding the harmfulness of money I cannot concede. Because however harmful
money can be in Your view, so can everything else be harmful. If I possessed all the
sheep, oxen, cows, calves, donkeys, poultry and pigeons, and all the fruit and bread,
stolen in our country just since David, then I would be the wealthiest man in all
Israel! -And fornication was carried on as badly and worse than today when there was
no money, such as in Sodom and Gomorrah and Babylon.
[21] I do not want to say that You are altogether wrong in what you said about
money, but where, on this poor earth, is there an object with which thousandfold
wickedness has not already been committed?! But if God does not altogether
condemn such mis-use, why should He suddenly be so angry and cursing about
[22] Say I, 'Whatever someone loves, that he also has the intellect to commend; you
love money excessively and hence well know how to praise it. Hence I shall say no
more about it to you, because what one loves, one also knows how to praise! But you
nevertheless shall in the not too distant future learn about the curse of money! - But
now no more about it! The road to Capernaum is long and we must get there before
dark and look for an inn.'
Chapter 95
Thomas and Judas. Judas' nature and Thomas' prediction. Judas' blasphemy.
[1] There Thomas stepped over to Judas Iscariot, reproaching him for daring to come
to Me with his foolish money-ideas, since I am Jehovah Himself in Spirit and work
deeds possible only to God!
[2] Says Judas to him, 'You still are as stupid as you have always been! Because you
believe either every old wives' tale, or, when you feel like it, nothing at all! Not
seldom when taking fish to the market you sell the small like the big, the buyers
laughing in your face! But you still are as you always were, neither thinking nor
speculating, living foolishly into the day by habit.
[3] I have been here only a few hours in the company of this great prophet and it is
my sacred duty to probe Him as much as possible in His attitude and the thrust of His
mandate! You have been around Him already for about a half year and would have to
therefore know Him better then I! Ought I however, just because you know Him
already, make no effort to get to know Him at least as well as you know Him by
[4] Says Thomas, 'Surely you are not thinking of going back home again tomorrow,
since you are trying to find out everything today?! Just as well the Lord has started at
last to move again, otherwise you would not have been in the clear about your foolish
money even by tomorrow! The Lord is right; cursed money will be the death of you,
since you see such glory in it! The Lord surely has made it clear to you what there is
to money and how much it can be to the detriment of man's spiritual life; but you
have long been wiser than God Himself and hence put on your crown of wisdom right
in front of God! But be careful not to suffocate in wisdom once!
[5] But what have you to say about my fish sales! Was I not always the first to sell all
my fish, whereas you with all your clever talk had to still carry half of yours home! I
sold the ten big as well as the ten little ones for twopence each and could have
always sold five times that many, had I brought that many to market! And here my
reckoning was evidently better than yours, thinking yourself wiser than God, yet a
miser seeking your salvation in money! I pay no penny for such wisdom!'
[6] Judas says, somewhat non-plussed, 'All speak the way they understand it! - Says
Thomas, 'That's right, you understand this with your foolishness and hence speak
accordingly! - But, take a look over where that destitute is squatting! Give him your
purse and for once in your life you shall have acted wisely!'
[7] Says Judas, 'That I shall leave well alone, no one having ever actually given me
anything in the real sense of the word; and hence I shall give no one a thing!'
[8] Says Thomas, 'This is a most commendable code, fit for condemnation on the dot!
You'll get really far with our Saviour and Master with these principles, I can vouch for
you! He in Himself is the highest generosity - and you a miser without equal! A good
[9] Says Judas, 'Once I shall have worked Him over and He sees how one has to live
in the world, He shall come down from His generosity somewhat! Besides it is not all
that hard to live generously at the expense of those who have something and prepare
good meals for one's disciples! Listen, if I come across fools like this young host, then
I too shall be as generous at his expense as anyone shall ever be! But let this Jesus,
Who was penniless from birth, sustain and maintain His many disciples from His own
means; then we shall see how generous He is going to be and whether He won't soon
be getting rid of all these followers!'
[10] Says Thomas, 'I say to you nothing other than that you are of the devil; because
only the devil can talk the way you just did! It may sound as though it had some
sense in it, but it isn't so and quite otherwise and your talk is the most shameless in
the world. It grieves me to have shown you the way over here. At Sychar there were
so many hundreds, yet all were fed from the heavens! And in a few moments He
rebuilt Irhael's house to the most luxurious in town! And you man of uttermost
terrestrial stupidity, in the manner of one pinnacularly wise, want to as it were
demonstrate to me, who have with my physical eyes seen the heavens open, with
countless myriads of angels of God ascending and descending, that Jesus is a poor
devil who is enjoying Himself at the expense of others!? Oh you poor beggar, you! He
to Whom belong heaven and earth, because He has founded them with His all might,
should have need of your or my treasures, to enable Him to live on this world, on
which He makes the fruit to grow and ripen?! Oh you blind fool! Go to Sychar to
convince yourself and we shall see whether you will still blubber that way!'
[11] Here Judas gets dirty, saying sarcastically, 'You actually saw this with your eyes?
Or did you by chance borrow some oxen and donkey eyes, giving you such
extraordinary sights and overviews? - I am glad, by the way, that the Nazarene-wise
also got to know beautiful Irhael, who, I heard just recently, is supposed to be living
with her sixth man already, because the other five died, of her body as it were!
There, with that fair one, heaven standing nicely open for you! Sure, sure, Irhael has
transferred quite a few to heaven; why should she make an exception with you?! But
I shall nevertheless not be going to Sychar for her, because I keep Moses' statutes
and shall have nothing to do with such sinful stuff!'

Chapter 96
The Lord quietens down Thomas, counselling forgiveness, for inner freedom.
Thomas tells of Judas' arguments with John the Baptist and of his spiritual
conceit. The Lord's hints about Judas. Arrival at Capernaum.
[1] Thomas gets quite beside himself with rage at these Judas' caustic remarks and is
about to heave into Judas with all energy. But, nearly half-way towards Capernaum, I
step up to Thomas and say, 'Brother, so long as you still see Me calm and collected,
remain the way you can see Me, if only you will keep looking My way. Certainly if you
once see Me start hitting out, then you can by all means jump in and hit with all
you've got! But now there is no need of it by a long shot. Come what may, right stays
right and Judas stays Judas! He is by no means condemned to this the way night is,
being the earth's natural shadow; but if he wants to remain Judas, let him; but we
remain what we are! Yet time will tell how far he shall get with his Judas spirit!'
[2] Says Thomas, 'But this much You could do, Lord, that You get him away from
Yourself, otherwise he shall be a lot of trouble to us; because he has a swinish and
evil mouth!'
[3] Say I, 'I did not tell him to come and hence will not tell him to go; but if he wants
to go whither he came, we shall not be weeping for him! But keep away from him,
because you two shall not be getting along. But forgive him as I forgive him and your
heart shall be free!'
[4] Says Thomas, 'When it comes to forgiveness on my part there is no problem, for I
never bore him a grudge, even though I have always known him as one human not
easy to get along with, - not even the prophet John, with whom he frequently
quarrelled! But I would honestly be much happier if he didn't belong to our company!
[5] When I was home recently I related quite a few of Your deeds to my
acquaintances, who could not have been more amazed. This came to Judas' ears and
who could have made up their minds more quickly to become Your disciple than
Judas?! For John's teaching did not satisfy him, because the former preached nothing
but the most profound repentance, proclaiming God's strictest judgment to all who
did not truly repent; - the cause of the repeated quarrelling between him and John.
[6] John was all repentance and Judas the extremist opposite! He kept telling John to
his face that so-called repentance in sackcloth and ashes was the greatest silliness in
human life and man should reform in deed and not sackcloth and ashes.
[7] John did not really make true repentance dependent on sackcloth and ashes,
presenting it only so metaphorically in his sermons, so to say; but the seemingly
more understanding Judas would have none of this, saying that teachings of such
grave import to humanity should be in clear, understandable words!
[8] According to him, the prophets all were donkeys talking in images which could be
interpreted in any old way; none other than they had ruined the priests, kings and
entire nations therewith! In short, all were donkeys high or low if not thinking and
acting as did he; that's why I think he won't fit in with us'.
[9] Say I, 'My dear Thomas! What you told Me I have known for a long time; yet I say
to you, if he wants to go, let him and if he wants to stay, let him! I know much more
about him yet and even what he shall shortly do to Me; nevertheless, if he wants to,
let him stay! Because his soul is a devil desiring to learn wisdom from God; but this
bent shall yield this soul a wretched gain. But now no more about it! Only too soon
we shall have occasion to get unto him! - With this we have also arrived at
Capernaum's walls and I see a Roman centurion rush towards us through the gates,
accompanied by the chief commander Cornelius and the nobleman; here there is
another sick to heal.'

Chapter 97
Occasion with the centurion of Capernaum. Healing of the sick servant in
response to his master's request in faith. 'He who believes and has love -
whether heathen or Jew, shall be blessed.' Diversity of signs at Capernaum.
[1] [Matthew Chapter 8:5-13]. It is here that Matthew begins to record a condensed
version, writing to where I go to another feast at Capernaum.
[2] We quietly proceed the remaining hundred paces or so and entering the city
precincts, the centurion steps up to Me, beseeching Me, 'Lord! My servant lies at
home sick with palsy, grievously tormented, unable to do a thing.' [Mt. 8:6]
[3] Say I to the centurion, 'I will come and heal him' [Mt. 8:7]
[4] But the centurion replies, 'Lord! I am not worthy of Your coming under my roof,
but say only a word and my servant shall be well! [Mt. 8:8] For behold, I am a mere
human, subject like many to higher authority, notwithstanding that I have many
soldiers under me who obey me. If I say to the one, do thus, he does it, or if I tell
him to go, he goes; and I tell another to come and he comes. And if I tell my servant
to do this or that, he does it immediately! [Mt. 8:9].
[5] But to Yourself all spirits are subject and You are a Lord in all fullness over all in
heaven, on and in the earth; You have therefore only to intimate it to Your powers,
invisible to us humans and they carry out Your will instantly!'
[6] The reason for this centurion's so trustful request on behalf of his servant is his
having convinced himself, both through the quick healing of the noble official's son, as
well as the chief commanders many a tale of how I could just through the word heal
from afar; and this led him to approach Me in the manner of the noble official, when
hearing of My nearing his town.
[7] Hearing such trustful talk from the centurion, I marvelled aloud - not for Myself of
course but the disciples, saying not so much to the centurion as to those who were
with Me, 'Verily, I have not found so great a faith in Israel yet. But I say unto you
that many shall come from the East and West and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven [i.e. those possessing the glory of the father].
But the sons of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth [Mt. 8:10].
[8] Many were startled by this prelude, saying; 'Lord, are You going to actually cast
out the children and put the heathen in their place?'
[9] And I said, 'Neither the children, nor the heathen! He who believes and has the
love in him, whether Jew, Greek or Roman, shall be accepted!'
[10] Thereafter I turn to the centurion and say, 'Go your way, be it done to you in
accordance with your faith!'
[11] The centurion thanks Me from the fullness of his heart, betaking himself to his
house, finding fulfilment there of everything he had asked in faith, the which was
undoubting before, as well as afterwards; because his servant was made whole in the
same hour I said to the centurion, be it done to you in accordance with your faith [Mt.
[12] This sign in Capernaum itself, together with the former with the noble official,
who was a councillor of Capernaum, aroused great sensation in this town, mostly
among the Romans and Greeks who were domiciled there; but among the Jews and
the priests and scribes placed there by Jerusalem so to speak, permanently, it only
provoked annoyance, wrath and rage!

Chapter 98
The peoples' cunning towards the Jewish clerics, their challenge to them to
also heal the sick through God's grace. The parsons' evasiveness. The
peoples' threatening response and excellent testimony to Jesus.
[1] Because the ordinary people who had seen the signs, too fearful of the priests and
scribes to convert to My teaching and follow Me, devised a clever trick, they soon
brought several sick to the priests, saying, 'Hear us, you exalted priests and scribes,
who according to your own testimony are initiated into all God's mysteries! The man
Jesus of Nazareth is working wonders such as no man has done before him and his
speech and teaching are like a torrent of fire which almightily consumes or carries
away everything that would oppose it! Without medicine and only through the word,
akin to a god, he heals every sickness and is supposed to even bring alive the dead
through just the naked word!
[2] After convincing ourselves of the truth of all this, a good thought struck us and
being mindful of you we spoke among ourselves; Why are we wondering so mightily
at this? Do we not have priests and scribes initiated into all God’s mysteries, who are
sure to be capable of just like this Jesus heal the sick through the mere word, if only
they want to! We were already on our way to take our sick to the Nazarene; but we
thought of our circumcision and the covenant and of not straying from same as long
as it can in all truth give us all we have need of, physically and spiritually. But since
this Jesus is working such immense signs we are imperilled unless we can confront
him with equal signs-power!
[3] Hence we brought several sick with us and would ask you, for your own as well as
our good that you would, through your spiritual power, which according to your
testimony you are given directly from God, to just through your word heal these sick,
who are not actually counted among the most serious cases.
[4] We shall criss-cross the whole town with these, healed by yourselves, and glorify
God before each house and proclaim your fame with strong voice. Then the Nazarene
shall not find much of a reception here and in the end be forced to so to speak make
off shamed and ridiculed.'
[5] The priests and scribes, only too conscious of their total impotence, to hide same
speak with gravity, 'You fools! How are you asking of us what befits only God?! When
did a priest or scribe ever work miracles?! This only God and the high priest in the
Jerusalem Temple can do, when the latter enters the Holy of Holies! Hence take your
sick to Jerusalem; there, commensurate with your appropriate offerings, they are
bound to find healing, God willing of course! Should God not will it however, then you
will just have to put up with taking your sick home again, sick!
[6] We indeed have been initiated into the most diverse mysteries of God, but not
into His might, which is holy and which He bestows upon no mortal.
[7] But whoever like this Jesus still performs deeds, as we have heard, either through
magic or with the help of Beelzebub, is a monster of hell, which is the most dastardly
dwelling-place of God's adversary! And whoever is converted by his teaching and
signs, is also then in relation to God and His servants that which such servant of the
devil is himself! This is the fullest truth; woe betide you if you go over to Jesus,
accepting his teaching and help!'
[8] Say those who brought the sick to the priests and scribes, 'You are liars all when
you talk like that! How can he be of the devil and a servant of Beelzebub who only
does exceeding good to mankind, preaching only love and gentleness and patience to
his disciples, fully practicing what he preaches?!
[9] You yourselves are indeed of the devil when you give him testimony like that; he
however is of God, in that he does the will of God as he teaches!
[10] You have called us fools for sure, for having for your own good asked of you
something which after all you had a thousand times claimed to be capable of doing
through prayer and the word of God; but now, when as never before it comes to
demonstrating your old doctrine, you call us fools for taking you at you word! - Oh
you wicked servants of Beelzebub! We shall kindle you a light, from whose glitter you
shall all die!'
Chapter 99
The templers' anger and vindictiveness against the Lord. The Lord in Peter's
the fisherman's hut. Jesus' favourite environs - the Galilean sea.
The miraculous healing of Peter's daughter-in-law. [Mt. 8:14-15]
[1] On hearing such speech from their co-religionists, the priests and scribes quickly
withdraw. Because the number of those who had come to them was about a hundred,
and deadly earnest was flashing from their eyes; for these had long since seen who
was behind the Jewish priests and scribes, hating them more than pestilence!
[2] But since the priests, Pharisees and scribes were only too well aware of how the
Jews were just subtly challenging them, to have a stronger case against them for the
purpose of then following Me more determinedly (because in those days it was even
harder to leave the Jewish church for another than it is today to leave the Roman
Catholic for the Reformed), the former now watched Me closely, secretly plotting My
[3] But the centurion with whom I had now been staying in Capernaum for two days
had confided in Me what went on and how the Jewish clergy was outraged with Me
and even secretly strove after My life!
[4] I said, 'They shall indeed be achieving their evil aims with Me, but time is not yet.
But to avoid giving them too much opportunity for their vengeance, I shall move to
another town for a short while, but come here again at a later stage, when these
infidels shall have somewhat cooled down in their rage!'
[5] Although he would have endlessly preferred to have Me stay, the centurion
commended My plans, since his fear of these priests, scribes and Pharisees was not
inconsiderable, in that he was well aware of the artful, secret denunciations in Rome,
which this brood of vipers was capable of.
[6] I then, with My entire company of followers, the following morning left the
exceedingly hospitable centurion's house, moving to Simon Peter's house in the
vicinity of Bethabara, where John had formerly been at work. On entering Peter's
simple but quite spacious house, Peter's daughter-in-law, a good and normally hard-
working and chaste maiden of some twenty years, lay bed-ridden with heavy fever
and in exceeding fear and pain. Peter stepped over to Me, asking Me to help her [Mt.
[7] And I immediately went to her bed, taking her by the hand and saying, 'Arise,
little daughter and prepare us a meal, rather than suffer here in bed!'
[8] Instantly the fever left her and the girl got up, serving us with much diligence and
attentiveness [Mt. 8:15].
Chapter 100
The Lord's instructions to Matthew. The distinction between Matthew's and
John's Gospel: Matthew's is a factual report whilst John's highlights
correspondences. The meal at Peter's hut. The miraculous catch. Peter's
humble witness to the Lord's Deity. Allusion to the traitor.
[1] Here Matthew comes to Me and asks Me whether he should record also this sign
and many an instruction and speeches I had given during the few days at the house
of the chief of a synagogue.
[2] Say I, ‘The sign with the centurion outside Capernaum and what I said there, and
this present sign at the house of Peter, too, but omit the words spoken which do not
belong to the open teaching. However, the discussions at the house of the synagogue
chief and the fact that I stayed with him for two days, do not mention at all.
[3] We shall soon be once more at the house of this man at the time when his
favourite daughter will die whom I will then awaken and restore to him. Then you
may write about him and the sign in such a way that you give no details regarding
him or the place, otherwise we would prejudice him in a worldly sense as the
priesthood is already watching him, and this we will and shall not do.
[4] Until the next feast in Jerusalem I shall work many more signs and teach a good
deal in this region of the sea, which I like best, and you will have to record all the
precepts in full.’
[5] Matthew now prepares for writing, but John is quite sad and says, ‘But Lord, You
my supreme love. Shall I not get any more to write?’
[6] Say I, ‘Do not be sad, My beloved brother. You will still get many things to write
down. But I have destined you for the most important and most profound things.’
[7] Says John, ‘But the sign You worked at Cana on the son of the royal officer does
not seem to be greater and more important than what You did for the centurion
outside Capernaum?’
[8] Say I, ‘If you think this, you are quite wrong, for the son of the royal officer
represents the entire, extremely depraved world and how it is now given help from a
distance through My teaching and My spiritual influence. The servant of the centurion,
however, represents for the present just the palsied servant whom I healed and only
then also some community or society in My name which because of all kinds of
political considerations completely lacks activity according to My teaching in one or
the other point and thereby gradually becomes inactive also in the other points. That
is then also a palsy of the souls which can be helped only by a firm belief in My word.
[9] Behold, My dear brother John, that constitutes a considerable difference between
the two signs. The first one represents the entire world’s condition of spiritual
sickness, and I tell you, in an even more profound sense also of all infinity. The
second sign, however, represents only that which I have just explained to you. Thus
you now know what you have to describe and what Matthew.’
[10] But now the girl with Peter's other servants have prepared lunch and we
therefore shall tuck into same and then in the afternoon help Peter to catch some
good fish. But towards evening we shall have plenty to do.’
[11] We now partook of an ample meal, sufficiently plenteous for the large company
and then betook ourselves to sea, named also the sea of Galilee, catching in a few
hours an enormous lot of the most choice fish, to the extent that these could hardly
be accommodated in the fish tanks.
[12] This scared Peter, making him exclaim in a kind of pious daze, 'I beg You to
depart from me O Lord; for I perceive myself too much a sinful man! You had already
once scared me when, still unknown to me, You turned up from nowhere to find me
fishing with my helpers! Already then I had recognised Your Deity; but now I am
getting even more scared, seeing only too clearly What and Who basically You are!
Then, as now, there was fishing all night without gain, so to speak; but upon Your
Word and presence the nets were overstraining with the vast catch! This now truly
scares me, for You are ...'
[13] Say I, 'Be still and do not give Me away, because you know that 'one' among us!
This one is and remains a betrayer!'
[14] Now Peter is quiet, getting on with stocking the fish. And it being evening, we
betake ourselves home, where through Peter's healed daughter-in-law, an abundant
dinner awaits us. All now are happy and in good spirits; and Peter starts up a song of
praise, with the others responding in accord.

The Great Gospel according to Jesus

Christ thru John
Book 2
Corresponding to The Great Gospel of John I/101-200
Explanation of the Biblical Gospel of John
Revealed by the Lord Jesus to His prophet Jakob Lorber
from 1840 – 1865 by the “inner word” dictation

Chapter 101
Interruption of Peter's testimony to the Lord. Dinner at Peter's. The occasion
between Peter and the boastful Judas. An unusual wine-miracle. Judas
drunk. Great miraculous healings.
[1] When Peter had finished the song, he spoke in a most sombre tone, 'My friends
and brethren! What a contrast between us and David once, when he gave the nation
this glorious song of praise! As he sang, he lifted up his eyes to the stars! Because
then, according to men's concepts, Jehovah dwelt in the unapproachable light above
all stars. But what would David now do here, since He to Whom he lifted up his eyes
above all stars...' Say I, 'Halt! Peter, friend! Let it suffice and consider all those we
have among us!'
[2] Peter remembers at once and invites the guests to partake of the evening meal,
consisting mostly in bread and well-cooked fish.
[3] But Judas inquires of Peter whether wine could be bought for money in this
vicinity. And Peter replies, 'A couple of furlongs distance, at the inn, wine is sold.'
Hearing this, Judas further asks whether he has no one to send down for a barrel full.
[4] Says Peter, 'Are you not familiar with my domestic state - I have no one to send!
But if you want wine then go to the publican yourself and strike a deal and you shall
come off the better!' Says Judas, 'I shall rather do without than go myself!' Says
Peter, 'Do as you like; I can't spare you servants, as my fishers are still busy at sea
and my wife and children and in-laws have their hands full, as you can see; you are
not going to ask me to cart a whole barrel here at night by myself?!' Says Judas
somewhat annoyed, 'Now, now, I only meant well, seeing you have no wine; because
I myself would have paid for it, no matter what price.'
[5] Says Peter, 'There is One among us Who converted water into wine at Cana at the
wedding of Simon, Who also is here. The One could also do so now, if necessary.
Since however it surely is not necessary, we can also make do with the very choice
water from my well.'
[6] Says Judas, 'Right enough, right enough, I am happy therewith too, since I myself
greatly commend good water; yet precisely on an occasion like this wine would not go
amiss! But since this One, Whom I too deem myself to know, is capable of making
water into wine, He surely could also do you the favour?!'
[7] Say I, 'So go down to the well and drink! Because to you the well shall supply
wine, but to us all, just water!'
[8] Judas at once went down to the well and drew. But as he drank from the water
drawn, it was wine of the best kind and he got so drunk as to be prostrated by the
well, in danger of falling into the well, which was deep, had not some of Peter's
servants spotted him, bringing him into the house and into a bed. But it was good
thus; because that evening I healed many of all kinds of sicknesses and plagues and
exorcised many of their evil spirits, and in the face of such signs Judas would have
been a nuisance.

Chapter 102
The case of the Jewish believers at Capernaum. A great healing miracle. The
Lord's warning against the temple vipers. The leading scribe gives good
testimony to the Lord from Isaiah. A crowd. The Lord puts the clever scribe
in place.
[1] When all who were with Me had finished supper, whilst Judas slept on a straw
mattress in the outhouse, those same Jews who the previous day had put the priest,
scribes and Pharisees to the test, brought a great many possessed and a great many
others suffering all kinds of ills, imploring Me to heal them all.
[2] And I asked them in a lovingly earnest manner whether they believed that the
Nazarene carpenter's son was able to do so. Because these people knew Me so to
speak from birth.
[3] But they answered and said, 'What have we to do with the carpenter's son?! If the
carpenter's son was chosen of God to become a prophet to the people of Israel, then
he is a prophet even if a thousandfold carpenter's son; because each man is what he
is out of God and never what his parents were! And so we believe without doubt that
you are firstly a God-tutored prophet and that you hence secondly can help everyone,
as you helped the son of the city councilor and the centurion's servant!'
[4] And I answered them, 'Now then, since your faith in Me and your assessment of
Me are such, be it done to you according to your faith!'
[5] Upon this word, all the spirits left the possessed and those suffering all kinds of
sickness and plagues became well instantly. [Mt. 8:16].
[6] That there followed no end of astonishment and thanks hardly needs explaining!
[7] The most fitting and scathing debunking of the Jewish priesthood in aggregate
also followed, but I rebuked the accusers and showed them it is unwise to awaken a
brood of sleeping vipers. 'For whilst same is still hibernating it is without harm and
danger, but on awakening is more menacing than normally!
[8] Those temple servants, full of cunning and malice, had indeed been sleeping like a
brood of vipers in winter; but through your bold request, you have forcibly roused
them from sleep. Guard against their harming you therefore. Because this adulterous
kind derives lascivious pleasure from doing harm!'
[9] All recognise the truth of this lecture and regret the mischief they brought about
by their rashness! But I comfort them and tell them not to divulge the sign worked
here at Capernaum, except to some trusted friends of truth, who also know how to
keep silence. And they assured Me of it!
[10] But there was one amongst them who, although not counted among the
priesthood, nevertheless was very well versed in the scriptures.
[11] This one stepped in front of the crowd, speaking in an earnest manner, 'Hearken,
beloved friends and brothers! In this deed I have discovered something which
bespeaks more than just saying “behold, this man is a true prophet.” I believe that
this act took place in fulfillment of the prophecies of Isaiah, when he spoke, “Surely
he has borne our grief and carried our sorrows!” Don't you notice anything?'
[12] The people looked at the speaker in astonishment, not understanding him. He
repeats his question and with the people still not grasping his quotation from Isaiah,
he says, “It is not easy to preach about the colours of the rainbow to the blind!”
[13] Say I, 'Calm down, It is better for these people not to grasp it for the present!
Because if these people were to grasp this forthwith, they would run over to the
priests and start a mighty argument and this should be good neither for yourselves
nor from the viewpoint of My teaching! But when the right time comes they shall
grasp even with the hands what the prophet was saying!'
[14] The speaker settled down with that, whilst the crowd whose possessed and sick I
had healed this evening, left with their healed.
[15] But when the crowd arrived at home in Capernaum they caused a furor among
their acquaintances; and when the next morning hardly began to dawn, Peter's house
already was surrounded by an immeasurable crowd, wanting to see Me Who had
performed such incomprehensibly immense wonder! And Peter asked Me what should
be done, since the crowd continued growing.
[16] ‘Get the large boat ready and we shall go to the other side of the sea, otherwise
there will be trouble here. [Mt. 8:18] Although the people are here with the best
intention, also the priests are sneaking up behind them, and at this stage we do not
want to have anything to do with them.’
[17] Peter immediately made the largest ship ready, which we soon boarded and
began to sail fast across the sea, helped by a fair wind.
[18] However, before I had boarded the ship with the disciples a teacher of the law
from Capernaum came up to Me and said, ‘Rabbi, allow me to follow you where you
are going.’ [Mt. 8:19] But since I saw that his secret motive in wishing to follow Me
was by no means an honourable one, and that he was not much interested in My
teaching and all My deeds, but only wanted to be provided for and if profitable
commit secret acts of treachery, I shook My head and said to him, ‘The foxes have
their holes, the birds under the sky have their nests, but the Son of Man has in this
world not even a stone belonging to Him upon which He may lay His head.’ [Mt. 8:20]
[19] And the man understood Me, turned away and went home. For thereby I gave
him to understand that he, too, was a cunning fox and had his hole (a paid position)
and that birds of his kind living under the sky, i.e. a feeding and resting place, where
they consumed their prey, but that with the Son of Man nothing is to be found of all
the worldly deceit, not even a so-called political emergency-trick (stone), upon which
one could occasionally rest the head of one’s mind. The teacher of the law, as already
mentioned, did understand Me correctly and quickly returned to Capernaum without
any further argument.
Chapter 103
'Let the dead bury the dead!' The Lord and His in the ship, avoiding the
crowd. The storm. The Lord sleeping in the small boat, awoken by His. 'Oh ye
of little faith'. The storm stilled and the people astonished.
[1] Before we boarded the ship, one of My disciples came to Me asking for My
permission to bury, before we left, his father who had died so suddenly the previous
night [Mt. 8:21]. I, however said to him, ‘You better follow Me and let the dead bury
their dead.’ [Mt. 8:22]. And the disciple immediately refrained from his request and
followed me into the ship, for he understood that it is better to be concerned with life
than with death - a futile concern - indeed, best suited for the dead, for all those who
make much of funeral pomp are more or less dead. They pay their respect to death
and the honour of death is most important to them.
[2] Man’s true death is selfishness and its spirit is pride which above all craves for
glory. Thus, the pompous funeral of a deceased is nothing else but the last display of
pride of a person who has been spiritually dead for a long time.
[3] When the disciple had grasped the full depth of the truth I spoke to him, he
followed Me into the ship without misgivings, as already remarked and we quickly
sailed off with a good wind, escaping the growing onrush of the crowd.
[4] Some indeed boarded the small craft, following us for a short distance. But as the
wind grew mightier, they quickly turned back and reaching shore safely, before the
start of the storm.
[5] But we already had reached the high seas when the former favourable wind
turned into a mighty storm. Having been somewhat tired already at boarding-time, in
that I had been awake all night, I hence said to Peter in the boat, 'Prepare Me a
resting-place, as I intend to take a little rest during the voyage, having as you know
found no rest during the night.'
[6] Peter at once brought Me several mattresses, making Me a good place of rest and
adding a pillow under My head, whereupon I soon fell asleep good and proper,
physically, although knowing the wind would soon turn into a mighty storm, menacing
the ship with waves soaring.
[7] When we were some two hours off shore, the rage of the storm was peaking and
the swell began to surge over the deck [Mt. 8:24]. Even My most tried disciples
became faint, as they saw the ship take water with the swelling surf, especially over
the middle section - the lowest part in accord with prevalent ship-building style. As
the storm showed no sign of abating, but instead only whipping the sea higher, the
disciples stepped over to Me, on the most elevated spot where Peter had made My
resting place, out of the waves' reach and started shaking Me awake, yelling with
trepidation, 'Lord, help us, or we all perish!'
[8]  Whereupon I rose from My resting place, saying to them, 'O ye of little faith! Why
are ye fearful when I am with you? - What is more, the storm, or He Who is Lord also
over all storms?!'
[9]  Nevertheless, since the disciples as well as several others on board became
practically speechless from fear and even a Peter could only stammer, I forthwith
rebuked the storm and the sea, and all was suddenly becalmed! The storm was as if
cut off, whilst the sea became mirror-smooth, save for a small ripple where the
oarsmen stirred it [Mt. 8:26]. The fairly large number of people however who had not
been more closely associated with Me, having only arrived that morning, making this
journey for business rather than on My account, began to marvel beyond all measure,
saying to the disciples and asking, 'What manner of man is this in Jehovah's name,
that even the winds and the sea obey him?' [Mt. 8:27].
[10] But I gave a sign to the disciples not to give Me away and Peter said, 'Ask not,
but all of ye be about bailing out the exceeding waters from the boat, lest we perish
from a follow-up storm, which often follows a quick becalming like the present!' -
Whereupon the strangers asked no more but grabbed hold of the buckets and nimbly
ladled the water out, being fully occupied therewith until we reached the extensive
opposite shore.
Chapter 104
Landing among the Gadarenes. The spectacle with the two possessed. Their
healing through the Lord's word. A pagan sermon. The Gadarenes' fear. The
Lord's departure. Good missionary work by the two healed.
[1] The tiny country or rather district we came to was inhabited by a small race
known as the Gergenese or Gadarenes, which occupied the entire opposite length of
the sea of Galilee.
[2] When we had all stepped ashore there and were about to head for the small town
of Gadara, situated on a rise some six thousand paces from our landing place, there
came running, from a hill topped by this town's cemetery, opposite the town and
along the seas, two naked men of a terribly contorted appearance, who were
possessed by an entire legion of spirits, of such fierceness that hardly anyone could
get through along this road because of them [Mt. 8:28]. Their dwelling place were the
graves of the above cemetery. None could catch or shackle them with chains.
Because even where a crowd of the strongest people managed to subdue them,
putting them in heavy chains and shackles, the chains were broken instantly and the
shackles pulverised! They were on the hill and in the graves day and night, screaming
dreadfully, and mightily beating themselves with the stones.
[3] When these two became aware of Myself among the disciples however, they ran
straight towards Me, falling down before Me and yelling, 'What have we to do with
thee, thou son of the most high?! Art thou come to torment us before the time?! We
beseech thee by the most high not to torment us.' [Mt. 8:29].
[4] But I rebuked them, saying, 'What do you evil spirit, tormenting these two as one
man, call yourself?'
[5] And the evil one cried, 'My name is legion, for there are many of us!'
[6] But I commanded the evil one to depart from these two! Instantly a vast number
of evil spirits departed visibly from the two, in the shape of large, black flies, but
pleading with Me that I would not drive them out of this district!
[7] There was along the hills straddling the sea however a great herd of swine
belonging to the Gadarenes; because this little race, consisting mostly of Greeks, ate
the flesh of these animals, trading therewith mainly with Greece. [Mt. 8:30].
[8] When the evil spirits spotted these pigs, they once again implored Me for their
entering into this herd. [Mt. 8:31].
[9] And when I acceded to their request, for reasons secret and concealed from the
world, the devils instantly entered the pigs, some two thousand in all.
[10] As soon as the devils had entered the swine, these animals ran up a hill which
ended with a great cliff jutting into the sea, with a sheer drop of about three hundred
yards, with all the two thousand swine properly storming into the sea, where it was
very deep. [Mt. 8:32].
[11] When however the shepherds who watched over the swine saw what had taken
place with the possessed, they fled appalled, rushing into town, telling especially their
employers what took place down at sea. [Mt. 8:33].
[12] The inhabitants of this little town took fright and one who like many in this town
still was a pagan, placing much store by Jupiter and all the other pagan gods, spoke,
saying, 'Did I not tell you this morning: once the two tormented by the furies calm
down, with the sea going strong beyond measure in spite of a bright sky, a god
comes down and judgment follows; because the gods never come down to earth from
the stars without the rod and the sword! And we have it right here before us; the
furies who tormented the two sinners first stir up the sea, as they were certain that a
god would come down from above and drive them out of the two sinners. That they
then threw themselves upon our swine in the form of black horseflies, storming these
animals into the sea, is now clear to me as the sun in broad daylight! We have now
no choice but to betake ourselves in all humility and remorse down to the god,
probably Neptune or Mercury and beg him to soon leave this area again; for as long
as a god tarries in a district of the earth visibly, there can be no thought but of
misfortune upon misfortune! Because, as said, a god never comes down to earth from
the stars without the rod, sword and judgment!
[13] But not even with the most secret thoughts let any of us reproach him for the
damage inflicted upon us; because that would be the end of us! For a long time now
we have not brought the old gods a proper sacrifice, from which the foolish Jews held
us back more than anyone else, by wanting to know everything better than us; and
hence an offended god took his own sacrifice! Thus it is! Hence we must not allow
even a thought of dissatisfaction to surface in us! But down we must go to greet him
and then implore him to leave this district again at once!'
[14] But quite a few Jews listened to this lecture as well and said, 'You indeed
consider us stupid, yet this thing we know more about then you. Behold, this your
purported god is none other than either a Persian magician, or it is the renown Jesus
of Nazareth, of whom we already heard great things. But we otherwise agree with you
that we should implore him to leave this area. Because such people never are a
blessing for a country - this we know from the days of our prophets. Where God
awakens certain people in some nation as prophets, the misfortune for such country
is sealed!'
[15] Thereupon the whole town got together and moved down to Me, leaving behind
only a few sick. When the arrivals caught sight of Me and saw that I had a completely
natural human appearance, they took courage to approach Me and although still
fearful, stepped up to Me begging Me to leave their borders soon! [Mt. 8:34].
[16] Some however studied the two whom they formerly had well known as
possessed. Both were clad now and conversed with them intelligently, relating to
them how I had freed them from their plague and how they immediately were clad by
those who had come with Me. But none of this could diminish the fear, especially that
of the pagans and they asked for nothing but My departure and no return!
[17] And I acceded to their request and then said to Peter, 'Friend, get the ship ready
again forthwith, that we may leave this area as soon as possible!'
[18] And Peter and his servants got the ship ready at once. But as I boarded the ship,
the two healed hurried after Me, asking Me whether they could follow Me; because
they would obtain no work or living in this town, and their relatives at home were
bound not have to them, due to their great fear of them. But I turned them away in a
friendly-earnest manner, saying, 'Return to yours cheerfully, as they shall receive you
with joy! But go and proclaim it to yours and to all the region too, what great thing
the Lord has done for you and what mercy He has shown you; and in this way you
shall do greater good than by following Me now! Because in this area, where you are
known by one and all, you are to bear proper witness and thus become useful to men.
And people shall, as before when they still feared you, not let you starve.'
[19] With that, the two healed departed as one man and eagerly did as I commanded
[20] The two of them in a short time glorified My name not only in their native land,
but in the ten cities straddling the upper sea-coast too, everywhere proclaiming with
much zeal what great thing I had done for them and the great mercy I had shown
them. And many therewith believed on My name, generating much longing for Me in
Jew and Greek alike.
Chapter 105
Return to Nazareth. The Lord's morning meal at His earthly home.
Diverse views about why Jesus worked no signs here.
Visiting a synagogue. 'To speak is good but silence is better.'The nature of
the temple clan; their hypocritical retort and furious questioning after Jesus.
[Mt. 9:1]
[1] But we now head straight for Nazareth, because I was determined to visit
Nazareth once again and to rest a little at home and on this occasion to kindle the
light of truth for the very fickle Nazarenes!
[2] The return voyage however took somewhat longer than the outward journey and
many became hungry. But I fortified them and they felt a marvelous satiety, so that
some said, 'Verily, each breath gives bread and each second one tastes like wine!'
And so we reached shore the following morning. It was another twenty Feldways
(approximately three Kilometres by today's measures) to Nazareth from the shore
and we thus continued our journey unhindered and reached it in a short time, whilst
Peter's servants looked after the ship of course and then sailed home.
[3] It was however a major port of call where we had landed, where many people had
converged, some having to travel over the sea, trading in every direction, whilst
many others from many districts, including Jerusalem, came to the Nazareth market;
because just then a big market was held in this city.
[4] But when it became known in port that I had arrived in Peter's boat, those who
had intended to travel over the sea for business remained and a huge crowd therefore
moved to Nazareth with Me.
[5] I and My disciples betook ourselves to My, i.e. now mother Mary's house, who was
at home with the three eldest sons and four maidens who had already in Joseph's
time, when I was still a child, been taken on and reared as children.
[6] Mary and the entire household now put their hands to preparing an abundant
morning meal, of which we already had much need, especially the disciples, who had
already gone a day and nearly a night without food. The meal was soon ready and we
sat down and ate and drank. After the meal we said thanks and rose to go to town to
watch the tumult a little. But we could hardly get out of the house for all the great
crowd that had quartered itself there, mainly from curiosity but also partly for
contemptuous spying, with only an inferior part out of real need.
[7] As we stepped before the house therefore, several Jerusalemite Pharisees and
scribes asked if I am not going to work wonders and signs here. But I said to them
earnestly and decisively, 'None, because of your unbelief!' Upon this decisive 'no' they
began to scatter and some murmured and whispered into each other's ears, 'He is
scared of the Jerusalemite lords and does not dare'. Others said, 'He probably hasn't
got his magician's paraphernalia with him'. And still other's said, 'Here he does
nothing on account of his compatriots, as he is bound to know that he is not
especially esteemed by them!' With these and other comments they scattered and in
just a few moments there were no people before the house of Mary, mother of My
body and we immediately had room to make our way to the city.
[8] There we dropped in on a Synagogue, where every Jew who had something to say
was able to contribute before three scribes seated on high, or voice any complaint
either personally or on behalf of a community against any priests or scribes appointed
there by Jerusalem.
[9] On entering the Synagogue, Simon of Cana said to Me in secret, 'Lord, here we
could bring up something too?! We should not be short of complaints.'
[10] I said: 'My friend! It is good to speak truthfully at the right time, but even better
to keep silence at the right time! You shall not make gold from iron or silver from
mud, no matter how hard you try! This kind, conducting judgment and hearings, is
inwardly quite different from their outward demeanor; outwardly it is a lamb and
inwardly a rapacious wolf!
[11] Do you think that these here conduct inquiries in order to redress complaints?
Oh, here you would be greatly mistaken!
[12] This kind hold public sittings with friendly faces only to sound out the people's
attitude towards the priesthood. Believe Me: today you obtain a friendly hearing and
tomorrow you are put in prison for a year of flogging with serpents! Because these
priests are as the ravens and crows, not in the habit of poking the eyes out of their
own with their sharp beaks.
[13] Hence we shall just make listeners and take note in what way if any they make
mention of us. They shall not notice us and even if they did they would not recognise
us too easily and so our listening shall be easy and we shall go by what we hear'.
Simon of Cana was happy with that and we took our seats in a somewhat dark corner
of the Synagogue and listened to what went on.
[14] Individuals as well as communal spokesmen were bringing a great many of the
most glaring complaints against the Pharisees and were receiving a friendly hearing.
[15] When however the people's complaints were over, with the three scribes and
Pharisees who had come down from Jerusalem reassuring them that all measures
shall be taken to investigate and punish any priests found guilty, one scribe amicably
asked the people what if anything they knew of Me, i.e. the notorious agitator Jesus.
Because it had come to their ears right up to Jerusalem that he was beating about in
Galilee, doing great signs as never done by man before him; whether it be true and
what they and others thought of it.
Chapter 106
A righteous man gives a good and true testimony of the Lord in the
Comments on the personal and public life of Jesus of Nazareth - His life,
deeds and teaching. The Pharisees' heated reaction. The man's renewed
attack on the Pharisees' wickedness and his testimony to the Lord's Deity,
causes the accused's furious departure.
The believers try to elevate Jesus to teacher and high priest.
[1] Here a reputable man from the Capernaum area steps up and speaks, 'Highly
esteemed servants in Jehovah's Temple at Jerusalem! The Jesus about Whom you
have queried us was so to speak born in this city, having always behaved in a most
proper and thoroughly God-fearing manner! One saw him pray often and at great
length; no one has ever seen Him laugh, but rather weep in secluded places that He
frequented often.
[2] From earliest times in His life already, the most peculiar things were happening;
and now, having taken to travelling as a proper physician without equal upon earth,
He is accomplishing through the mere Word healings which Jehovah alone can
[3] In comparison, all deeds from Moses onwards till our time can be regarded as
next to nothing! Cripples, totally withered for many years, He makes whole instantly;
every fever, ever so intense, has to bend to His Word; and the dumb, deaf and blind
from birth speak, hear and see like unto any of us! The most advanced leprosy He
chases away instantly, from the possessed He casts out legions of devils by the mere
Word and He calls out to the dead and they rise, eat and drink and move about as
though there had never been anything wrong with them! Similarly He commands the
elements and they obey Him as if His most faithful and ready servants!
[4] His teaching in general can be summed up thus, love God above all and your
neighbour as yourself, in deed!
[5] Since He does however perform such deeds, proclaiming the purest teaching to
His disciples, we are taking Him for an extraordinary prophet Whom Jehovah, as He
once did with Elijah, has sent us from the heavens, in our greatest extremity! This is
all that I and many others know of this glorious Jesus and we can't thank God enough
for having once again thought of His poor and exceedingly troubled people.
[6] Many hold Him to be the great promised Anointed of God! I myself however am
neither for nor against this, but would ask whether Christ, Who is to come, shall
perform greater works once?'
[7] Says the priest, 'You speak the way a blind judges colours! Where is it written
that a prophet shall be called out of Galilee?! We tell you that this your Jesus is
nothing but an evil magician who should be consumed by fire! His teaching however
is a mask behind which he hides his blasphemous nature! He performs his wonders
not through God but the devils' chief - yet you blind ones take him for the Promised
one even! Truly, you are for this worthy of a fiery death with him!'
[8] But the man takes up an imposing stance and says, 'Indeed, as far as you are
concerned, if we were not Galileans and I myself fully a Roman and if you yourselves
were still masters instead of the Romans, we would have been burnt long ago! But
fortunately your glory with us Galileans had long since come to an end! We are fully
Roman subjects and hence have nothing more to do with you, other than perhaps
show you the way out of Galilee once and for all, should you dare to lay hands on
even the least of us Romans!
[9] But in relation to our great prophet Jesus I tell you yet more, beware of a
temptation to lay your evil hands on him in this country!
[10] Because to us verily He is a God; He has done things in front of us which can be
possible only to God!
[11] A God Who does good to poor mankind must be a right and true God! A god like
yours however who can be appeased only with gold, silver and all sorts of other fat
sacrifices, doing next to nothing in response to long and exorbitantly-priced prayers,
is like yourselves, who call yourselves his servants, evil through and through and
deserves like yourselves to be tossed out of the country.
[12] You say Jesus is a ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing! What then are you?! Truly,
you yourselves are in fullest measure just what you say of Jesus, a man of lamb-like
[13] With friendly mien you hear our complaints, but deep down you plot for us
complainants the dastardly revenge and if it were possible, wipe us out with Sodom's
fire from the heavens! But not to worry, you evil brood of vipers and scorpions! Here
we Romans are the masters and shall know how to show you the way from here to
Jerusalem, if you don’t get yourselves going immediately on your own accord!'
[14] This talk had of course cast the three scribes into the most glowing fury, but
they did not dare to come up with anything else in front of so numerous a crowd and
hence now tried to make off through a small back door and more exactly for the road
to Capernaum, where most of the Jerusalemite Pharisees and scribes were want to
stay, abandoning themselves unhindered to every imaginable vice and fornication and
every possible racket.
[15] When the three had so to speak cleared the Synagogue, one other came
forward, thanking the speaker on behalf of all spokesmen and individual complainants
present, adding however and saying, 'If we don't do as the Samaritans did, we shall
not be left in peace by these beasts! Their names shall have to be more odious to us
than Gog and Magog and Jerusalem a place to piss on, otherwise we shall not be rid
of this plague, worse than pestilence!'
[16] All chimed in with him and said, ‘If only our miracle-working Jesus could now be
located, then He should have to come along at once and we could make Him our only
true teacher and High priest!'
[17] Says the speaker, 'I am all for it, yet we should first have to ask the Roman
governor whether it is all right with him. Because the Romans don't have it all that
easy with our priesthood, because the Temple is supposed to be constantly in touch
with the Roman Emperors secretly!'
[18] All agreed to this suggestion, gradually leaving the hall where the Synagogue
(meeting) was held.
Chapter 107
Simon the host's gladness about this fitting defeat of the Templers. The
Lord's guidance on when to feel rightful joy and His warning against bad
jokes. Examples: the healed Gadarenes and the duped blind man. The
comedy of the world is a tragedy to God's children.
[1] But I say to Simon of Cana, 'Have you now seen the advantages of being able to
keep silent at the right time?! Where others speak and act on our behalf it behoves us
well to keep silent. Do you understand that?'
[2] Says Simon of Cana, 'Yes Lord, I understand and clearly see the advantages of
keeping quiet rather than speaking, although sometimes one feels as if pulled by the
hair to on such occasion let one's tongue go into spasms; yet here it has been clearly
demonstrated that to keep quiet at the right time is better than the most pertinent
speech But we nevertheless found it easy to keep our silence, since we had a most
courageous eloquent and knowledgeable representative in the one who introduced
himself to the priests as a Roman.
[3] I was close to laughter at the three Templer's retreat, which would have cost
them almost all of the little regard they still had in this country! Their faces grew
steadily longer and their feet became markedly restless with the steadily thickening
speech of the Roman, afterwards finding most appropriate arrangements for their
escape. When I noticed the peculiar disquiet of the three Templer's feet, my spirit
said to me: 'now they shall shortly become invisible' - and they in fact became
[4] It surely won't be a sin, oh Lord, for the heart to feel unavoidably good at an
occasional thwarting, like now, of the intentions of such arch-evil and utterly
incorrigible thugs! I would on my part have chosen the Roman's every word myself!'
[5] Say I, 'Every honourable breast can feel a righteous joy and a fortifying cheer at
the exposure and destruction of ever so secret evil; but mark well, only at the
fortunate thwarting of wickedness, falseness and evil, but never at the person who,
usually in his blindness, has been a servant of such sin.
[6] You surely saw the two Gadarenes and how evil they were! But how, after I drove
the legion of devils out of them, they became good and gentle, praising God for giving
man such power! Would it have been right to only feel elation there at the two
loathsome ones, having been a terror to the entire region, at the mere stopping of
their game and at the simultaneous plunging into the sea of the pig-profiteers' stock-
in-trade?! Oh, such elation should have been most unworthy of all true humans! Yet if
the joy were felt at two exceedingly tormented individuals having the plague taken
from them and the tormenting spirits, through the destruction of their own spirit of
usury - carefully nurtured in the Gadarenes, having to serve heaven's good cause,
then the joy and cheer would be of a celestial nature and hence fully good.
[7] I say unto you as a matter of profoundest living truth: he who laughs over a
foolish person, shows his own fullest leanings thereto, because here the one acts
foolishly owing to his foolishness, whilst the other laughs out of foolishness. And thus
one foolishness finds pleasure at another, to the extent of not being pleased if the
first rids himself of his foolishness and starts acting sensibly.
[8] But quite another thing it is if in a brotherly fashion you reprimand the one asking
foolishly and then laugh joyously and lightheartedly when the foolish one begins to
act wisely! Then your joy and lightheartedness are of a celestial order and therewith
good, right and just!
[9] But what kind of joy and cheer, by any wisdom, could it give to anyone at all if a
blind one, walking along the way, having spoken to a seeing one going the same way,
as follows: “Friend, I have lost my way and don't know in which direction I'm going;
my home is supposed to be straight ahead. According to the paces I have counted I
should be close to it. But if by mistake, as one fully blind, I turned the wrong way,
then I would be further from my house than at the point when I set out for home.
Please be good enough and set me on the right track!”
[10] If the seeing one were then to laugh, even whilst finding himself in the vicinity of
the house, having only ten paces to go, he says to the blind: “Oh, here you've gone
way out! Give me your hand and I'll lead you to your home, although it is out of my
way!” The blind man happily thanks the seeing one in advance. The latter, constantly
laughing to himself, leads the blind one around his house twenty times, saying to him
full of inner glee: “Now, my friend, we are here; here is your house!” The blind thanks
him no end, yet the seeing one is full of derision because his dodge came off!
[11] I ask, who is in this case blinder, the blind or his seeing leader?! Verily I say to
you: the heartless leader, because he is blind in his heart and this is a thousand times
worse than blind in the head!
[12] In like manner people also laugh at witty talk, especially at crude and filthy
public allusions to the weaknesses and sins of their brethren!
[13] Verily I say unto you: whoever can laugh over such-like or even watch some
funny crank really take down some weakling, by flogging him a faintly-silvered bean
as a pearl, in such a one's heart the devil has sown a fill of all kinds of evil seeds from
which no fruit of life shall go forth!
[14] Hence it is better to turn away from all this and rather mourn where the world is
abandoning itself to impudent laughter; because the world's comedy constantly is
tragedy to the true children of God and God's angels only too often weep at the
worldly men's laughter out of their wicked nonsense.
[15] Hence let us forget the three Templers, who indeed are full of wickedness owing
to Satan’s workings and their own worldly and self-love, which are their attributes,
yet who nevertheless are yet humans and merely wayward children of the same
Father Who is your Father. Their wickedness alone is to be condemned, but as men
and brethren they are to be bewailed!'

Chapter 108
The Lord relieves Mary's domestic worries. Her thanks and His admonition.
The disciples' and the Master's praise of Mary. The Lord's foretelling of the
idolising of Mary. Warning against presumption. Vanity and haughtiness,
women’s weaknesses.
[1] We now are on our way and many who meet us, although greeting us, are not
asking where we have been or where we are going.
[2] But Judas also runs into us along the way; this one asks us where we have been
and where we are going. Because this one had not been to the Synagogue, since he
was marketeering with his fish and earthenware, having made much money, which
gave him great joy. But he nevertheless came along to My house, spoiling his palate
there since it cost him nothing. But after the meal he at once returned to his stand,
getting down to making money, for the market lasted three days and many
merchants made good business, charging steep sums for their wares.
[3] The next day the mother Mary asked me whether I planned any public activity
here and how long I would this time be staying at the house and whether any more
visitors were expected, so that she could look for some more provisions as there was
at present nothing much left.
[4] Say I, ‘Woman, do not concern yourself about Me or My companions nor about
sufficient provisions. For behold, He who nourishes the entire large earth and with His
love appeases the sun, the moon and all the stars is quite familiar with this little
house and knows exactly what this house needs. Therefore, do not trouble your head
about it and do not worry, for that about which you are worrying has already been
taken care of from above.
[5] The Father in heaven does not let His children go hungry, except - when it is
necessary for their salvation.
[6] You did see it in Sychar, where it became sufficiently evident how the Father in
heaven provided for His little children. Do you think that after these few days He has
become any harder? Go to your larder and you will see that you have been
unnecessarily concerned.’
[7] Now Mary hurries to the larder and finds it filled up with bread, flour, fruit,
smoked and fresh fish, with milk, cheese, butter and honey. When the mother sees
such abundant provisions in her larder, she anxiously hurries back to Me, kneels
before Me and thanks Me for so richly providing her larder. But I quickly bend down,
raise the mother to her feet and say to her, ‘What are you doing to Me? This is due to
the Father alone. Rise, for we have known each other already for thirty years, and I
am still always the same and unchanged.’
[8] But Mary weeps with joy, greets all My disciples and then quickly leaves the room
to prepare a good midday meal.
[9] The disciples, however, step up to Me and say, ‘Look, what a dear woman and
what a loving mother. She is now already forty-five years of age and looks as if she
were hardly twenty. What great loving concern, and how her truly holy purest bosom
swells with mother-love. In truth, a woman of women of all the earth.’
[10] Say I, ‘Yes, indeed, she is the First, and there will never be another like her. But
it will also happen that more temples will be built to her than to me and she will be
worshipped ten times more than I and people will believe to be able to attain
salvation only through her.
[11] Therefore, I now do not want her to be praised too much. She knows that she is
the mother of My body and is also aware of who is behind this body which she has
brought forth.
[22] Hence be very good and nice to her, but beware of according her any divine
[13] For, notwithstanding all her very best qualities, she is still a woman; and the gap
from the best woman to vanity is only very narrow.
[14] And any kind of vanity is a seed of pride from which has come, is still coming
and will always be coming all evil into the world. Therefore, keep in mind what I have
now told you also where the mother is concerned.’
Chapter 109
Peter and Simon discussing the future prospects for the Lord's teaching. The
Lord urges trust in God. 'Do not trouble yourselves about future events but
willingly attend to what you have been called'. Parable of the artist and his
tool. 'You are a winnowing fan in the Father's hand'. 'What art Thou, Lord?'
Hints about Father and Son.
[1] Peter is shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders and Simon wants to know
why, saying, 'What's up with you? If the Lord has foretold it, then it shall also surely
come to pass, whilst we for our part now know how to take it, believing accordingly.
Why are we to shake our heads in disbelief and shrug our shoulders?!’
[2] Says Peter, 'Dear brother, my shaking of my head and shrugging my shoulders
mean something totally different from what you thought!'
[3] Says Simon, 'What then, dear brother?'
[4] Says Peter, 'Of a truth, the Lord's Word is holy. How happy mankind, if they
already were in possession of this teaching, acting accordingly! If so however, then
how shall in the end this doctrine become the holy property of all men on earth? Yet if
the Lord allows all sorts of things to go on, then how will this teaching look even not
too long hence?! Truly, this most precious soul-food shall eventually become the
fodder of dogs and pigs! And thence my shaking and shrugging, beloved brother!'
[5] Say I, 'Peter, let it be! You shall do whatever has been assigned to you; you don't
need to concern yourself with the result! Whatever shall come and one way or
another has to come, on account of the profundity of Wisdom and Love, only the
Father knows and he to whom the Father wants to reveal the how, when and why of
His permitting it so!
[6] If you should come to a craftsman's workshop, seeing all sorts of tools, shall you
know how the craftsman applies them in bringing forth his manifold works? You shall
indeed shake your head and shrug your shoulders, but you shall not that way work
out how the craftsman uses his manifold tools and how a particular work shall come
about therewith. If however the craftsman has a mind of explaining it to you, then
you too shall know in accordance with his explanation.
[7] But I say unto you: God is above all craftsmen and the greatest craft is to, out of
oneself create the first independent life within countless distinct beings! For this truly,
a myriad of spiritual tools are needed; and to this end, you and Mary and all men are
divine works and tools, whose application only the Father in heaven most wisely
[8] Hence do not trouble yourself about anything other than that to which you have
been called; then, as a tool in the Father's hand you shall be performing the right
[9] Or, is the winnowing fan above him who utilises it as a cleansing tool?! If fit, it
shall be used for cleansing wheat, barley and corn; if unfit, then it shall be either
made fit or thrown in the fire! If the Father has made you into a winnowing fan, then
remain what you are and don't try to be also a pot! Do you understand this?'
[10] Says Peter, 'Lord, this is a bit obscure. It indeed seems as if I understood it; yet
when I try to fathom it, I can't grasp this peculiar parable. How can one be
simultaneously a work and a tool?'
[11] Say I, 'Is not every tool, before employed by the craftsman, an accomplished
work in itself, for the purpose of bringing forth another work or an expeditious
performance of some work?!
[12] I said however that in the heavenly Father's hand you are a winnowing fan,
because you and the other disciples are being instructed by Me on how to raise men
to the true recognition of God.
[13] The men of the world are like wheat, barley and corn. This living grain however
does not grow without chaff and the offensive dust. In order however for this grain,
i.e. these worldly men to be cleansed of their worldly chaff and filth and then, as a
fully cleansed grain be gathered up into the Father's eternal barns, you are being
transformed into proper and living winnowing fans through whom the Father in
heaven shall cleanse His grain. Do you all understand this now?'
[14] Says Peter, 'Yes, Lord, now the thing is completely clear to us; but we would
also like to know, as You always speak of the Father in heaven as if of a second
person, although, since Sychar, we have always secretly taken You to be the Father
Yourself: Who in that case You Yourself actually are! Could You be also perhaps
Yourself someone else's winnowing fan?'
[15] Say I, 'I am firstly He Who I am; but then I am also He Who I don't appear to
be! I sow and reap as the Father sows and reaps and whoever serves Me as a
winnowing fan serves also the Father as such; because the Son is where the Father
is, and where the Son is, there is the Father. Notwithstanding, the Father is above the
Son and the Son proceeds from the Father. No one knows the Father nevertheless
save the Son and he to whom the Son wants to reveal Him. - Do you all understand
[16] Says Peter, 'Lord, this no angel understands, let alone us! But You could once, if
you wanted to, show us the Father!'
[17] Say I, 'For this you are not ripe yet; but not too long hence you shall be ripe and
then you shall also see the Father.'
[18] With these words, Mary and her helpers come in and announce the morning
meal ready. The tables are set at once and the meal brought in.
Chapter 110
Judas offended. The Lord's hint on him. Judas the glutton and trader in pots.
The Lord and the three Pharisees, including Jairus of Capernaum.
[1] We sit down to start enjoying the meal cheerfully, when Judas enters, reproaching
us good and proper for not letting him know, since we know how busy he is and not
able to constantly find out when we have meals, even whilst counting himself as one
of us. Thomas gets furious at such talk, saying, 'Lord, here my moderation is at an
end! It's time for him to taste my fists again!'
[2] Say I, 'Let that go! Have you not heard that where twelve angels dwell under one
roof, the twelfth is a disguised devil?! Let him be; because him you cannot change!'
Thomas is seated and Judas goes off without a meal.
[3] As we thereupon continue with the well prepared meal, Judas returns, soft-
pedalling us and asking for a meal; because nothing was obtainable in town, as the
many visitors had consumed everything!'
[4] Say I, 'Give him to eat then!' And brother Jacob gave him bread and salt and a
whole well-cooked fish. And Judas consumed the whole fish, weighing about seven
pounds, and thereafter much water, whereupon he began to feel somewhat unwell.
Then he started complaining, maintaining that the fish had been off, which always
gave him trouble.
[5] Thomas however got angry again, saying to Judas, 'You sure still are the same old
hulking and crude man you always were; go to the larder and see whether our fish
are off! If you voraciously consume a seven pound fish like a wolf, swilling it down
with a jug full of water sufficient for twenty people and on top of that eat a loaf of
bread none too small, then you have to feel congested in your stomach! If then you
are aching so much, we have the best Doctor in our midst; ask Him and He surely
shall help you!'
[6] Says Judas Iscariot, 'You all are dead set against me and call me a devil, how
would you believe me as a devil that I'm suffering and how help?!'
[7] Says Thomas, 'Were you not with us at the Gergenseans (Gadarenes), seeing how
the Lord heard even the devil's request, consenting to it?! If you earnestly take
yourself for a devil, then ask like a devil and some herd of swine shall be found for
you to possess, after the Lord has heard your request!'
[8] Says Judas Iscariot, 'Oh, you certainly mean me quite well; I never thought you
such a great friend! Behold, I nonetheless shall ask Jesus, the son of this house, for
proper help and shall see whether like you he shall send me into a herd of swine!'
Here Judas turns to Me, voicing his plight. But I say, 'Go to your pots; there it shall be
better with you!'
[9] Judas goes, remarking to Thomas on the way out, 'Not a herd of swine after all!'
Replies Thomas, 'But not all that much better! Because your pots are as much a tool
of usury to you as the pigs for the Gergenese!' - Judas says no more and quickly
[10] But soon thereafter three Pharisees from Capernaum arrived, asking if I were
home. Upon being told that I was home indeed, they at once enter the dining room,
asking around for Me, since they didn't know Me personally.
[11] But I say with full force, 'I am He! What is it that I should do for you?'
[12] But they are too terrified by My address to dare asking anything at all; because
My powerful Word had the effect of lightning within their heart! - And I asked them
yet again what they were after.
[13] One of them steps up, speaking timorously, 'Good master!'
[14] But I say, 'How are you calling Me good?! Do you not know that none besides
God is good?!’ Says the Pharisee, 'I beg you not to be so hard on me; for I have need
of your well-tested help!' - Say I, 'Don't start holding Me up, because I have to go
down to sea this afternoon to catch fish. You shall find Me down there!'
[15] With this information the three left. The one who spoke to Me however was a
principal of the school and Synagogue at Capernaum, by the name of Jairus.
Chapter 111
The holy One with His company in the boat. Return to Jairus' house. The
healing of the Greek woman with the issue. Her life-story in brief.
[1] When Peter heard that I intended going to sea, he asked Me whether to go ahead
and prepare the big boat. But I said to him, 'No need to trouble yourself. It shall be
ready for us when we get there.'
[2] But Mary also asked whether to prepare any lunch or dinner. And I say to her,
'Neither for lunch nor dinner, because we shall not return until late at night!'
[3] After that I tell the disciples to get ready, if they wish to come along. And all get
up quickly to go with Me to sea, which, as is known, was not a great distance from
[4] A great crowd was assembled there when we got to the sea; there were several
ships there, not excluding Peter's. We boarded Peter's at once and pushed off to sea.
[5] When however the people saw Me head for the sea, they boarded many boats to
paddle after Me.
[6] But one of the boats also carried one of those three Pharisees who was a school
principal and who had an attractive country property near Capernaum and who on
that day had been at My house at Nazareth. When his boat had caught up with Mine,
he fell on his knees in his boat, imploring Me and saying, 'Lord! My daughter is in her
last stages! If only You had a mind of coming there to lay Your hands on her, so she
would get well again!' We were not far from shore yet and I asked Peter to steer
[7] Having stepped ashore again, the crowd there was so enormous that we could
move only with difficulty, battling for three hours to reach Jairus' house, what the
average pedestrian would have done in an hour.
[8] As we were gradually pushing rather than making our way forward, led by Jairus,
a woman who had been suffering from an issue for twelve years, having given over
nearly all her fortune to physicians to get well, pushed her way towards Me from
behind, touching My garment in the belief of getting well therewith, since the woman
had heard much about Me.
[9] She did not venture to approach Me openly however, for being a Greek woman
rather than a Jewess, since there was at that time tension between Jews and Greeks,
by way of trade and due to vying for favour with Rome, where each nation wanted to
enjoy precedence.
[10] The Greeks, as a refined hero-nation, had a far greater standing with the
Romans and enjoyed much greater advantages with Rome than the Jews, who had a
very low reputation in Rome. In a sense the Greeks also were so to speak secret
agents over the Jews and hence tolerated even less by the Jews.
[11] Hence the fear, particularly that of the Greek women, of the Jews, especially
because of the tale spread among the Greeks by shifty Jews, that the Jews, initiates
into all kinds of magic, only needed to fix Greek women with their stare to make them
barren. And this was also the reason here for this woman pushing towards Me from
[12] But no sooner had she touched Me when she realised herself completely well.
The fountain of her blood was at once stopped and a great reassurance in relation to
her malady overcame her and her whole being told her that she was completely
[13] But I soon turned around, asking the disciples nearest to Me, 'Who touched Me?'
[14] The disciples however were irritated by this question, saying, 'How could You ask
who touched you, seeing how the crowd is pushing?!'
[15] But I said to the disciples, 'Not quite so, for he who touched Me had faith and a
certain reason for touching Me; because I became well aware of power leaving Me!'
[16] Here the woman, whom I held steadfastly in sight while asking, since I knew
only too well within Myself that this very woman touched My garment and why, took
fright! She fell down before Me, admitting all and asking forgiveness; because her
fear was so great that she shook uncontrollably, bearing in mind the above mentioned
[17] But I looked at her amicably and said, 'Arise, daughter, your faith has helped
you! Go to your country in peace and be well and free of your plight!'
[18] And the woman arose happily and cheerfully and departed to her country, a half
day's journey away; because she was the daughter of a tenant-farmer beyond
Zebulun and single. She had once transgressed in her thirteenth year with a sensuous
man, who gave her two pounds of gold; for this however she had to suffer twelve
years and use up the whole two pounds of gold, which in those days represented a
sum more than thirty thousand florins of today's paper money; because for one silver
penny one could obtain more in those days than for ten coined florins of the realm
today. Such present therefore made her rich, yet she had to spend all her wealth to
get well.
Chapter 112
The death of Jairus' daughter. The Lord's comfort and promise. Resurrection
of Jairus' daughter. The risen one's experiences in the beyond. The Lord's
admonition to secrecy.
[1] But whilst I was yet telling the disciples about this woman, the principal's
domestics came running almost breathless, to bring him the sad news of his
daughter's death!
[2] The principal became grief stricken, saying to Me, 'Dear Master, since it is
grievously too late for me now for helping my daughter, who was my everything, do
not further trouble yourself!'
[3] After these words he started sobbing loudly; he had much loved his daughter,
who was very shapely and well-bred, with the build of a twenty year old and was also
this principal's only child.
[4] After hearing his domestics and then the exceedingly grieving principal himself,
with whom My heart commiserated, I said to him, 'Fear not, friend, but believe; your
daughter has not died but only fallen asleep and I shall awaken her!'
[5] On hearing Me thus, the principal began to breathe more easily.
[6] When we were still some thousand paces from the principal's house, I said to the
crowd, as well as to those disciples still of a more feeble faith, to all wait here; and
only Peter, Jacob and his brother and John were allowed to come, for on their faith
one could already build houses.
[7] Arriving at the house with the school-principal, there was a great turmoil there
and much weeping and wailing in accordance with Jewish tradition, with mourning
hymns sung.
[8] Entering the room where the deceased lay on an adorned bed, I said to the many
commotionists; 'What are you carrying on and wailing for?! The little daughter has
not died but only sleeps!'
[9] But they laughed Me off and said, 'Yeah, that's what the sleeping look like! When
there has been no breath or pulse for three and a half hours and the body cold and
colourless and the eye lifeless, then according to your knowledge one sleeps?! Yes,
yes, that also is sleep of course, only no one awakens from it except on judgment
[10] But I say to the principal, 'Get them all out, because their unbelief is no good to
Me!' The principal did so; yet the tumultants would not obey him and he asked My
help. So I drove them out by force and they ran out and scattered.
[11] I then went back with the principal and his grieving wife and the four disciples to
the chamber where the deceased little daughter lay, stepped straight to her bed, took
her left hand and said to her, 'Talithakumi' - which is to say, 'I say to you little
maiden, arise!'
[12] Immediately the little maiden rose, leapt cheerfully and merrily from her
adorned bed and went around the room in her former liveliness, caressing her tearful
mother and father! At the same time the merry little maiden felt empty in the
stomach and therefore hungry and that she therefore wanted to eat a little.
[13] The parents, elated beyond all measure, turned to Me with many a tear of joy
and thankfulness, asking whether and what to give her to eat. But I said, 'Indeed give
her to eat, whatever she likes and whatever is close to hand!'
[14] There were some figs and dates upon a dish and the little daughter asked if she
could eat these fruits. And I said, 'Eat whatever you like; for you are now completely
well and shall not get sick again!'
[15] So the little maiden leapt over to the bowl, nearly emptying it. But the parents
were concerned it may harm her.
[16] But I comforted them, saying to them, 'Do not be troubled; when I say unto you
that it can never harm her then it shall never do so!' And the parents firmly believed.
[17] After the girl was filled and had said thanks, she went over to the parents and
asked them softly who I was, actually. Because whilst on the bed, she had seen the
heavens open and a vast number of radiant angels, 'And amidst the angels there
stood a most amicable man looking in my direction, then approaching me, seizing me
by the hand and saying, 'Talitha kumi', after which call I woke up immediately! And
behold, this man here looks exactly like one I saw among so many angels! Oh, this
must be a most wonderful man indeed!'
[18] The principal understood the daughter's question only too well but, having
received a hint from Me, he said to the daughter only that she had a beautiful and
true dream, which he shall shortly explain to her. And the little girl was happy with
[19] But I asked the principal to come with Me into the open, together with the
daughter and mother, so that those tarrying outside should be put to shame on
account of their unbelief! And we went outside. And when these unbelieving saw the
daughter and how well same looked and cheerfully proceeded to question them on
why they stood there so puzzled and frightened, these were horrified even more and
said, 'This is a miracle above all miracles! Because the girl truly was dead and now
lived!' And they were determined to spread this all over the place at once.
[20] But I rebuked them all and commanded them to keep it to themselves, for the
sake of their physical and spiritual lives! And they kept their silence and departed.
Chapter 113
Further details regarding the different nature of the biblical Gospels of
Matthew and John.
[1] The scribe Matthew, who followed Me at a certain distance in order to see what
was going on, so that he could then record it, stepped up to Me and asked whether he
was to record these events.
[2] But I said, ‘Leave that be, so that there may not be a mix-up later on. For the day
after tomorrow we shall again be going towards the sea, where exactly the same will
be happening and that you shall then describe in detail. Anyway, beginning with
tomorrow you may record all that is extraordinary whatever that may be.’
[3] Matthew is quite satisfied with this, but also John, who was particularly impressed
by this deed, asks Me whether he may not make at least a short note of this deed
[4] And I say to him, ‘That you may do; however, it must not follow immediately
upon that which you have so far written, but only at a later stage, for in six months
we shall have to sort out still another affair exactly like this one, and that you may
then record for this or this for that one.
[5] It is not really important whether one or the other sign, which is very similar to a
previous one, is written down or not, for that could easily cause confusion for the
later followers of My teaching, and such confusions could then give rise to all kinds of
speculations and doubts. This would then do damage rather than promote the main
issue, which is solely My teaching.
[6] As long as I and you, who can witness to the whole truth of the different signs,
are living on this earth, any doubts can easily be prevented. But in later times, when,
because of the freedom of man’s will, only what was written shall bear witness to Me,
the Scripture must be pure and well ordered, otherwise it would harm rather than be
of any use.’
[7] Says John, ‘Lord, You my love. What You have just said is no doubt absolutely
true, but would it not because of that be of great benefit if I, exactly like brother
Matthew, recorded everything You do and teach?
[8] For if in later time men would compare my records with those of Matthew and not
find in mine what is recorded in Matthew’s, would they not begin to speculate and
doubt the authenticity of the whole Gospel and say, “Has there not been one Jesus
who taught the same and no doubt did the same? Why did Matthew write this and
John that, - things that differ, and yet both are said to have been with Him
[9] Say I, ‘You are quite right, dearest brother, but look, the reason why I allow this
to happen is at present still incomprehensible to you. It will become clear later on.
[10] What Matthew writes is specially for the benefit of this earth, whereas what you
write is aimed at all of eternal infinity. For in everything you write there is veiled the
purely divine, working from eternity to eternity through all the already existent
creations and also through those that will in future eternities replace the now existing
ones. And if you wrote into many thousands of books what I am still going to tell all
of you, the world would never be able to comprehend such books which would then
also be useless to the world. [Ref. John 21:25]
[11] Whoever will live in accordance with the received teaching and believe in the Son
will be reborn in the spirit anyway, and the spirit will guide him into all the depths of
eternal truth.
[12] Now you know the reason why I do not let you write everything; so do not ask
Me any further about it in future. For this must never be made all too clear to the
world to prevent it from falling into an even greater judgement than is the ancient,
necessary one wherein it is already finding itself.
[13] I will arrange My teaching in such a way that by merely reading or hearing the
Gospel no one shall get to the bottom of the living truth, but only by acting in
accordance with My teaching. Only the action will become a guiding light for
everyone.’ [Ref. John 7:17]
Chapter 114
The Lord's words to Jairus about proper thanking. Peter's public testimony to
the resurrection of the dead. Return to Mary's house at Nazareth. Peter's and
Nathaniel's advice to Judas. Cain's spirit in Judas. Courage as a vice. The
heathens as examples.
[1] After this instruction, Jairus once again stepped over to Me, saying, 'Dear Master!
By giving me back my daughter, You have given me more than if You had given me
my own life a hundredfold, if it were possible. How can I thank You for this and how
reward You? What can I do for You?'
[2] Say I, 'Nothing more than that in future you should not be offended in Me when
hearing this or that about Me, therefore! Because the whole world cannot give you
and do for you what I have given and done for you! You shall once understand how
and why I was able to do that for you. Remember Me in your heart!'
[3] Jairus wept for joy and his wife and daughter sobbed as I resumed My journey
back to Nazareth with My disciples. They accompanied Me to where the other disciples
and a great crowd were tarrying for Me.
[4] Arriving, there was many a questioner who had nothing better to do than regale
us thick and fast with questions about the state of the school-principal's deceased
[5] But Peter spoke, saying, 'You blind ones! Here, behold, this is the maiden who
was dead and now lives! What more do you want?!' - Thereupon many turned to the
principal, asking him if this were true.
[6] And the principal spoke strongly, 'Yes, you blind and unbelieving fools! An hour
ago I was weeping the loss of this my beloved and only daughter; and now you see
me happy beyond measure, as I once again have my daughter! Is this obvious proof
not enough for you?'
[7] Upon these words all were exceedingly amazed. And when I started to move on
with My disciples, the whole huge crowd of some three thousand accompanied Me to
[8] It was however quite late at night by the time we arrived home; yet Mary and the
brethren and sisters were still up. A well cooked dinner was awaiting us, coming in
handy for quite a few of us; not having had anything since the morning, our
considerable hunger was excusable.
[9] Judas however also was in the house, sleeping on a straw Mt. Being woken with
our talk, he got up, asking us no more than how the catch had been.
[10] Peter said to him, 'Go outside and look!' Judas went outside, seeing nothing
other than the huge crowd settling down around My house. Soon he returns to the
room, asking Peter where the fish were, because he had been around the house,
seeing no fish.
[11] To this Peter says, 'Have you never heard that the blind see nothing, the deaf
hear nothing and the foolish understand nothing besides the needs of the stomach?!
Behold, you blind usurer, those people camping out there by the thousands are the
choice fish I mean!'
[12] Says Judas, 'Is that so! Well, this of course is no mean catch for a particular
purpose; but for ordinary life I prefer a one hundred pound whaler to all those people
out there! Because for such fish I can get four groschen everywhere; but for those
out there no one would give me a stater.'
[13] Says Peter, 'You will become fully Satan's yet, with your profiteering! Are you
actually above the human race, to which the likes of us still belong? We all live
without profiteering and you are living with us, eating from the same platter, which
costs you no more than the actual effort of eating. If however you subsist here
without your foolish money, what good then the money to you?!'
[14] Says Judas, 'Do I not have wife and children? Who would maintain them if I were
to earn nothing? Do you expect these to survive on air?'
[15] Replies Peter, 'Look here, I can put up with just about anything, but not an
outrageous lie! You might indeed in Jerusalem, where they know of you no more than
being a Galilean, pose as a caring family man; but it will do in no way with me here.
Because I and all those who were and still are our neighbours know you and your
domestic affairs only too well for believing a single word of yours. Your wife and
children have always had to live in want, earning their meagre daily bread through
hard labour! They enjoyed mighty little of your catch of fish; their clothing they got
off me and how long is it since from our mercy we almost completely restored your
family's totally dilapidated house, whilst you were roaming the markets? How much
did you give us for it? And this you call caring for your wife and children? You should
be ashamed of yourself for ten years for daring to so impudently lie to us, who know
you so intimately!'
[16] Here Judas' face looks stunned and he says not another word, as Peter had cut
him to the quick. He went outside to think about it, returning after a while to ask us
all to forgive him! He promised to completely change from now on, wanting quite
seriously to be My disciple; only, would we not cast him out! - Here Nathanael, who
spoke little and rarely, said, 'The spirit of Cain dwells in you, do you get me? And this
spirit shall not change on this earth; because Cain's spirit is the world and no
improvement can be expected from same!'
[17] Says Judas, ‘Yes, yes, yes, you with your old spirit of Cain! Where is Cain and
where are we? The generation of Cain perished; Noah alone remained, and in his
descendants there is no longer even a drop of Cain’s blood, but only the pure blood of
the children of God flows in our veins. And where the blood is pure, there the spirit is
pure too, for man’s spirit always originates in his blood, and thus the spirit is always
quite as pure as the blood.’
[18] Says Nathanael, ‘That is your old, already familiar nonsense and does not count
with me. Go to the Sadducees; there you can cause a sensation with your nonsense!
With us, however, the blood is putrid matter and the spirit is and remains forever
spirit. What use is to you the blood of a child of God if a most impure spirit dwells
within it as is the case with you? Do you understand me?’
[19] Says Judas, 'Indeed, indeed, you could be right and I shall endeavour to follow
your teaching; yet if your teaching is built on altruism, coming over with patience and
gentleness, then I don't think it necessary that you should all constantly try to get rid
of me with all kinds of quarrelling! Because, what is any teaching without disciples?
Thin air, going unnoticed! Hence every teaching needs its disciples just as much as all
disciples need a good teaching; and hence I maintain that every disciple is worth
whatever any teaching in itself is worth! And so I don't think it would be too remiss
on the part of you all to show me, your fellow disciple, a bit more patience!
[20] As quite wise people in your own right, you hopefully shall understand my still
being grounded in my old precepts; for this very reason I want to grasp your
teaching, in order to therewith shed my old teaching of not much faith. If then I
sometimes bring up something here and there against your new teaching, since I am
not yet an initiate, I trust you are going to find this natural?!
[21] Once I shall, like yourselves, become initiated into the principles of your
teaching, finding them like yourselves incontrovertibly good and true, I shall become
a proponent tenfold of you all in aggregate, since I possess courage and can confront
all, fearing no humans. And if I were fearing, I would have stopped coming over to
you a long time since, because you have been, together with your Master, showing
me only too clearly that I should spare you my company! But I once and for all do not
fear and so I keep coming. You are of course always thoroughly annoyed about it, but
this does not bother me and I remain a disciple of this new teaching just like
yourselves. What can you put against that?'
[22] Replies Nathanael, 'Much and nothing, whichever way you want it! Your virtue of
fearlessness is not worthy of much praise, since Satan also must be fearless,
otherwise he would not remain disobedient to God the Lord eternity after eternity. We
can observe something like that also in the animals of this earth, of which some
obviously are more daring than others. Behold a lion, a tiger, a panther, wolf, hyena
or bear and compare these to a lamb, a goat, a deer or rabbit and other such timid
animals! Tell me to which of these animal groups you would count yourself?!'
[23] Says Judas, 'That surely should be obvious that, like everyone else, I should
incline towards the gentler animals and not towards the rapacious, wild beasts;
because the lion's courage is everyone's death!'
[24] Says Nathanael, 'And yet you praise courage, thinking to become a competent
disciple therewith?! Courage, in the actual sense of the word is, I tell you, a great
vice, because it is the fruit of arrogance, which is a contempt for everything not part
of one's own self. Hence in our teaching, fearless human courage shall never be
regarded as a virtue, as it is the exact opposite of what our teaching demands of
[25] Who is it that wages warfare? Behold - all those so-called heroes, not fearing
even death! Let the world be filled with heroes, and eternal war shall be passing over
the earth's fields constantly; because every hero not only wants to be a co-hero of
the other heroes, but a hero of his own, and shall not rest until all other heroes either
submit to him or he has dispatched them from the world one by one!
[26] Compare this with a mankind innocent as lambs and you have a paradise on
[27] When a hero faces the timorous, he will not pursue him; because the timorous
does not contest his fame. But where one hero confronts another, they soon shall
challenge each other to a fight and neither shall rest until one or the other has
subdued the adversary! And behold, this in a nutshell is the blessing of courage!
[28] If therefore you want to be our fellow-disciple, then put aside your most
superficial courage and rather be full of love, patience and gentleness, and you shall
be as befits a disciple of the Lord.'
[29] Says Judas, 'Very well, you are not altogether wrong; I shall consider the matter
further and let you all know tomorrow what I intend doing, whether to stay with you
or leave!'
[30] With these words Judas goes outside, seeks out several acquaintances among
the big crowd, discussing nearly all night what he heard of Nathanael; but they all are
on Nathanael's side, saying, 'Nathanael is a true sage!' and they know there is no
guile in his soul! - We in the house however took our rest.
Chapter 115
The surging crowd in front of Mary's house at Nazareth. The people's
intention to proclaim Jesus king. A spokesman for the people explains to the
maid that Jesus is the Promised One. The people seek and find Jesus. The
commander Cornelius' timely assistance.
[1] The following morning however there was much excitement in front of the house,
because by daybreak already a great many people were streaming in from all sides
and there was also no shortage of bread and milk vendors. And thus a very great
commotion got under way, daunting all those within the house.
[2] But I said, 'Let us partake of our morning meal and then move to a house of My
acquaintance, a few furlongs beyond Capernaum, so that this thing would not arouse
too great a sensation in Nazareth!'
[3] Even whilst still announcing this to the disciples, Judas enters, saying, 'Brethren, I
am staying with you for good! My business is finished - I terminated it already today
instead of tomorrow, on your account, but, to change the subject; the crowd around
here, swollen to several thousand, wants to do nothing less than proclaim the good
Master Jesus king! And this I would call quite risky, given the strong Roman presence!
Because it may be rather hard to trust the otherwise humane Romans under these
conditions, nor the High Priests, Pharisees and scribes of our people!'
[4] Say I, 'Now then, bring in the morning meal quickly! It also is Sabbath and more
folk could arrive; hence we shall get away from here quickly!'
[5] There was a well-fenced garden to both sides of our house, which could be
reached only through a small back door to the house. We therefore used this door
and got away from the thousands of curious eyes, so to say, of whom more than
three quarters were driven there by idle curiosity, to gape at miraculous happenings
[6] After the one hundred-odd of us got away from the great crowd unseen, even
whilst they were still waiting for Me and My disciples to come out in order to work
some miracle or make a speech, with their then being able, as planned by many, to
proclaim Me king of the Jews, one maid of My house stepped out to the crowd, asking
a man who especially appealed to her, what the great crowd was after. And the man
spoke, 'We are here to make Jesus, the mightiest of the mighty and wisest of the
wise, our King! Because we were witnesses of how the sea and the winds obeyed Him
and how the worst devils and men and spirits must flee before Him! He irrefutably is
the Promised Anointed of God, to redeem the people of God from the hard yoke and
tyranny of Rome! It hence is time to elevate Him to king of the people of God,
recognised and worshipped universally by all Jews! - Behold, that's why we are here!
- What is He doing inside the house that long, not even coming out to see us?!'
[7] Says the maid, 'Here you are waiting in vain, because he already left early for the
district of Capernaum, maybe for someone sick and together with all His disciples.
Hence, as said, you are waiting in vain.'
[8] The man asks her whether she knew the house I went to. But the maid is sorry
that neither she nor anyone else in the house knew. Because I had confided it to no
one as to which house I had gone.
[9] In order to convince himself of the maid's statement, the man goes to check out
the house, and not finding anyone there other than the few people helping Mary clean
the cooking and table crockery, he goes back outside to inform all that I had headed
in the general direction of Capernaum to heal a sick.
[10] When the crowd found that out, they took off, yelling, 'Let's be off to
Capernaum! There we shall find out the house He went to!'
[11] All but a few Nazarenes head for the road to Capernaum and My house is free of
the huge public encampment.
[12] But the Capernaumers in turn are startled on seeing this outsize crowd moving
on the city. The Roman chief at once dispatches orderlies to find out the reason for
such numbers moving into Capernaum, particularly on a Sabbath, whose keeping it is
the chief's lot to uphold.
[13] Say the asked ones, 'We are seeking Jesus of Nazareth, having heard of His
presence here.'
[14] And the chief notifies them that Jesus is to be found not in Capernaum, but in
the vicinity of Bethabara, where He had moved two hours earlier.
[15] Hearing this, the multitude quickly moves toward Bethabara. But on the way
between these two localities along the Galilean Sea, the ringleaders spot another
multitude surrounding a house, and inquiring there are told that I was within.
[16] The house is thereupon beleaguered on all sides and the people are figuring out
how to make Me king. But here the commander does Me a favour, by dispatching a
whole legion from Capernaum, who are to oversee the multitude. And the host holds
back from their undertaking.
[17] This commotion however was, because of Myself, attracting to this house several
Jereusalemite Pharisees and scribes, detained at Capernaum at the time, as well as
some from Nazareth and the surroundings, as they had heard from Jairus how I had
awoken his daughter from sheer death. For these the crowd was making way to enter
the house.
[18] No sooner do they locate Me in the house when they start regaling Me with a
host of questions. But I refer them to My disciples, saying, 'These here are My
witnesses; they know about it all, ask them!'
[19] And the Pharisees and scribes then storm the disciples and these give them well-
measured answers.
Chapter 116
The occasion with the palsied and the Pharisees. The Lord comforts the sick.
The ambitious and annoyed Templers. Healing of the palsied. The benefits
from the healing.
[1] Whilst the Pharisees and scribes are trading all kinds of words with the disciples, a
palsied is brought upon a bed by some eight persons, for the purpose of My helping
him. But the house was so densely beleaguered that it was not possible for the eight
men to bring him into the house and over to Me. But they also feared that owing to
the crush, I would shortly leave through the small door facing the sea and then make
off over the sea. One of them therefore went to the owner, whom he knew, saying,
'Behold, we eight brothers have just brought our mother's brother, who has for five
years been bed-ridden with palsy, together with his bed, for probable healing by the
famous Saviour Jesus, Who is in your house just now. Due to the immense crowd
however it is impossible to bring him into the house and before Jesus. Give me a clue,
friend, what I should do!'
[2] Says the landlord, 'This is of course a problem, because the room where Jesus
finds Himself is thronged with people! Over one hundred of His disciples as well as a
great many priests, Pharisees and scribes from all places and districts are in there
having discussions. Yet I shall nevertheless on this extraordinary occasion, as
between old friends try to do something for you.
[3] Watch, my house, like most fisher-huts, is covered with thatches! Let's put up a
couple of ladders to the roof and uncover it sufficiently for you to get the sick through
it. Once you have him in the attic, you can put four heavy ropes, of which I have
plenty up there, around the bed legs, whilst I open the trap door situated in the
middle and we shall let the sick down with the roped bed and he can then himself ask
Jesus to make him whole. The ones right beneath the opening shall be making room,
unless they want the bed to land on their heads!'
[4] This impresses the one from the outset and to the derision of the big crowd, it is
put into action and the whole thing goes off well, without disturbance. Only one
person, a properly foolish ultra-orthodox templer, who measures the law with the
precision of the compass, remarked to the uncoverers of the roof conscientiously that
they ought to be mindful of it being high Sabbath.
[5] But the eighth one said, 'Ay, what should you old temple ox have to say here?!
Shut your toothless trap and go crawling up to Jerusalem to the Solomonian ox,
donkey, calf and sheep barn and there bawl your Jeremiah lamentations to these
customary occupants of the house of God! We have for a long time now been wide
awake to your beastly divine service and know that God is pleased with good works
rather than the braying of your oxen and donkeys!'
[6] This sharp comment from one of the eight silenced the templer quite expeditiously
- with the echo of the whole crowd leading to great spontaneous cheering, since for a
long time already to the Galileans, the temple machinations meant nothing.
[7] The young man had in just a few words told the full truth in a rather funny way
and more for this than anything else received the accolade. Because on great feasts,
big hordes of cattle were herded into the temple, together with donkeys and sheep,
for the very purpose of the loudest braying and bleating of these animals, usually also
letting these animals starve for a couple of days, so as to have them make the peak
noise during the offering, making the people shake and tremble.
[8] Verily, the high Mass in the Temple, especially on the great feast days, was
something so foolishly hideous and swinish, as is not to be met with on the entire
earth, not even among the fiercest peoples; and hence the young man answered the
strict templer quite correctly, with which even I was pleased, as I knew quite well
within Me how it came about.
[9] Soon thereafter, the trapdoor of the room, or rather the attic, was opened. A self-
important Pharisee inquires loudly, 'What's going on up there, what's happening?'
[10] Says the former clever speech-maker: 'Have a little patience and you soon shall
see! Behold, today is Sabbath; upon this day, according to your customary teaching
in the Synagogues and schools, grace comes from above! This time however,
mankind's grace is below and so, there being one who having not yet received grace,
comes from above down to you to seek his grace down there. Hence nothing contrary
to the Sabbath is taking place here; for surely it shall not make any difference
whether on a Sabbath grace comes from above, or whether someone seeks grace
down below, if it has already come down to blind men who are not capable of
beholding it, although already bumping into it with their noses!'
[11] This address once again draws great cheers from among the disciples, but anger
from the Pharisees, priests and scribes. The disciples nevertheless call out loudly:
'Then down with the graceless one from above, who seeks grace only down here!' -
And the sick is lowered down at once.
[12] As he now lay on the bed in front of Me, he begged Me to help him, sobbing! I
however, seeing that he and those who brought him had the right and true faith, said
to the sick, 'Fear not, My son, your sins are forgiven you.' But this I said initially only
for the scribes' self-examination, who had become favourably disposed towards Me;
because the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus, who was their superior, had made
this sort into My friends.
[13] When however I had said to the sick, 'Your sins are forgiven' [Mt. 9:2], anger
was immediately kindled with some strict scribes and they said to themselves in their
hearts, 'What's this, what do we hear? How can he be a proper Saviour (physician)?
He blasphemes!' [Mt. 9:3]. Because they regarded Me merely as an exceptional
physician; but that divine power could indwell Me was to them crimen sacri leasi
(blasphemy. The ed.), since God's power resided only in the priests, Levites,
Pharisees and scribes and furthermore only in the Temple at Jerusalem!
[14] Having of course discerned their innermost thoughts only too quickly, I spoke to
them at once, saying, 'Why think ye so evil in your hearts? [Mt. 9:4]. For, which is
easier, to say 'your sins are forgiven you', (which of a truth you yourselves always
say, especially to those who come to you with rich offerings, yet none being actually
helped), or to say with effect; 'arise and walk' [Mt. 9:5].
[15] Says one scribe, 'With this one you won't be getting beyond the forgiving of sins,
surely! Because whoever has been ravaged by gout like him, only death can help!'
[16] Say I, 'Do you opine thus? Yet I say unto you, so that you may see and know
that the Son of Man also has power on earth to forgive sins, I now say, full of effect,
to this sick one, who is to you who arrogate to yourselves the exclusive power from
God to forgive sins, yet saying he can be healed only through death, - 'Arise, take up
your bed and go home without fear, completely sound!' [Mt. 9:8].
[17] With these words, the sick stretched out his fully sound limbs, which had
previously been most miserably contorted and partly withered away; and instantly
also he gained all flesh, thanking Me while sobbing with over great joy, standing up
sufficiently firm and powerful to loosen the ropes from the bed at once, then carrying
the bed under his left arm, making his way through the immense throng with the
fairly heavy and large bed with great ease, carrying it home all the way to
[18] The multitude however who were present and saw this deed, began to praise
God loudly for giving a man such power, as was only within God Himself and with
which all things were possible to him. [Mt. 9:8].
[19] This deed again fortified the Pharisees and scribes in attendance, to the extent of
dropping their evil thoughts and saying, 'This truly is unprecedented! How this is
possible to you, verily only God can know and otherwise no man upon earth!'
Chapter 117
The young Roman's severe but true addressing of the Pharisees. Example in
the creation of Adam. Reference to the murder of Zacharias and his son John
the Baptist. Commendable testimony to the Lord.
[1] And the young man who had previously spoken so well, said through the attic: 'I
wonder whether the High priest in Jerusalem can bring this about, even with a
thousand oxen, ten thousand donkeys and a hundred thousand sheep?'
[2] This comment provoked great derision even among the Pharisees. Yet one scribe
nevertheless became vocal, saying to the worked up speaker in the opening above:
'Good friend, I wouldn't take this too far! Because the High Priest's arms encompass
the entire earth and he who gets under the High Priest's arms shall be crushed!
Besides, the High Priest does not need to resurrect the dead or heal the palsied;
because all this concerns man's flesh and not his spirit and is the concern of
physicians and not priests. Do you understand that?'
[3] Says the speaker: 'Friend, this certainly would be the concern also of priests, if
only they were capable of bringing it about. But because they are for all the treasures
of the world incapable of doing so, they have to in the end admit with proud mien and
say, 'This is no concern of priests, who are called upon to only care for man's spirit!'
But I say, if it is possible for a physician to give back the spirit and soul of a young
maiden who died after a high fever right before our eyes and hence from a malady
from which no man ever even half died, then this surely is also going to be a very
powerful spiritual care too?!
[4] When God created Adam merely from the dust of the earth, then this creation was
a merely material one and there was nothing spiritual, besides God Himself.
[5] When later however God breathed into the dead form a living soul and into same
a thinking spirit, then this was not a material but a highly spiritual work of God, upon
the first man of the earth! And if here right before our eyes this wonder-physician
Jesus of Nazareth carries out the same upon the little daughter of the principal, then
this surely would be a most spiritual work and care?!'
[6] Says the scribe: 'This is something you don't understand, hence you should be
[7] Says the young man: 'If I were still a Jew, I should indeed be quiet. But since I
am a Jew no longer, but an honest Greek and follower of Socrates' glorious teaching,
I see no reason for being silenced by Jewish priests, whose current and exceedingly
stupid teaching I unfortunately know only too well.'
[8] Says the scribe: 'And what should you heathen find stupid about the old, purely
divine teaching of the Jews? Are Moses and the prophets perhaps insufficiently
exalted for you and do you find their teaching stupid?'
[9] Says the young man: 'No, Moses and all the prophets who spoke that of you
which I now say, I regard as exceedingly and purely godly-wise men! But your
statutes, of which neither Moses nor any of the prophets ever dreamt of, I regard
stupid to full excess!
[10] How do you serve God? Dung, excrement and filth you burn upon the alter
consecrated to God, whilst the fat oxen, calves and rams you consume yourselves,
offering them to your omnivorous paunches. The purely divine part of your teaching
you have discarded and whoever among you dares to teach the pure, to such you do
what you have always done to your prophets!
[11] How long is it since the days you murdered Zacharias in the Temple?!
[12] At Bethabara, his son preached the truth, exhorting you treacherous
blasphemers in the Holy of Holies to repent and to return to Moses and his most pure
teaching; what did you do with him?! Where did he get to?! He disappeared, - as far
as I know he was taken away by thugs at night!
[13] Now at Nazareth, Jesus has been awoken by God as a prophet, accomplishing
deeds which are possible only to the almighty gods, yet you watch Him with Argus
eyes! Let Him beware if He should dare to, like myself, hold forth with even one word
against your own most obscene teaching, not initiated by Moses! You would at once
accuse Him of the ultimate crime of blasphemy and out of gratitude for resurrecting
your dead and making straight your cripples, stone and even bind Him to the cross!
[14] Because what you are on about is ruling and to at the same time luxuriate in the
fattening of your paunches! Whoever would restrict you therein or turn you back to
Moses is your enemy and you have the means to get him out of the way!
[15] You all I despise like a decayed, stinking ass, because you are and will remain
actually, the greatest enemies of God and all his people. I am a heathen, yet I
recognise the purely divine power in the man Jesus, the fullness of which the world
has not experienced to this day!
[16] Not his flesh effects these unheard of deeds, but the almighty, pure spirit of God,
which must be indwelling in Him in all its fullness.
[17] Behold, this do I recognise as a heathen, declared blind by you! What however
do you recognise in Jesus, Who through the mere word, without any medicine,
resurrects your dead and makes our cripples leap like young stags?
[18] And I ask you blind ones; Who must be He Whom it takes only a word of will,
and storms and winds are silenced, the dead arise and the lame start leaping as if
transformed to stag-nature?!'
[19] Through this really true and bold speech he had brought the Pharisees and
scribes one and all to such rage that they would have torn him to pieces if they could
have laid hands on him. But this was not possible and no proposition, because the
people were jubilant about this young man, who had at last the guts to thoroughly
rub the full truth into the noses of the swollen-headed Pharisees and scribes.
Chapter 118
The offended Pharisees turn to the Lord. The Lord reveals still more of their
profanity, their temple-abominations and so-called divine services.
[1] But one Pharisee turned to Me and said, 'How can you, as a true Jew, keep silent
when a miserable heathen like that, to whom you have done such good, has the
temerity to so blasphemously slander the holy teaching of our fathers?!'
[2] Say I, 'But he slandered neither Moses nor the prophets, but only yourselves and
your new statutes, letting Me off; with what should I reprimand him? He described
only yourselves and hence only abused you; it is your own business to get even with
him! If he has nothing against Me, what should I have against him? See to it
yourselves as to how to settle with him. I am on good terms with him at this stage.'
[3] Say the Pharisees and scribes, 'Too right has he not abused you of course, but us;
but we thought you had now become our friend and knowing what power dwells in
Your word and will, you could for comradeship have told this heathen off, at least on
account of the people. But you let him talk and put us to shame in front of the people
and you see, that was not too praiseworthy of you. We don't want to hate You for it,
but cannot be favourably disposed towards you either!'
[4] Say I, 'Choose the way you want to be and I too shall be the way it seems
discreet to Me! By the way, it is rather odd of you to deny Me your friendship now,
since you have never shown Me any yet. I however, Who should have the full right to
deny you My friendship, since only a short while hence the thoughts about Me in your
hearts were not exactly commendable, still am not doing so!
[5] What can I actually lose with your friendship? I say unto you: verily, nothing! But
when you enjoy My friendship no more, who shall call your dead children to life in My
[6] If however you carefully consider the young man's speech, then by any true
intellectual standards you must admit it within yourselves that the man has spoken
the truth most fundamentally. You know the scriptures and know Moses and the
prophets. Do you ask yourselves whether any trace of Moses or any other prophet is
to be found in the Temple?
[7] Was I not in Jerusalem Myself this year and to My great annoyance saw how the
prayer-house of God had been turned into a murderer's den?
[8] The forecourts are full of slaughter-cattle for sale, as well as other unclean
creatures, so that people cannot get into the actual Temple without gravely
endangering their lives. Slaughtering proceeds in the forecourts on one side as in a
slaughter-house, with meat being sold; on the other side, brokering booths and
money-changers are situated, there being a racket and yelling where hardly a person
can hear their own word.
[9] When one then gets to the actual main Temple, one cannot move at all for all the
pigeon and other bird merchants, yelling out their sale offers! And inside the Holy of
Holies, to which once only the High Priest had access once a year by God's Command,
anyone, including even a heathen, for payment called offering, can be guided around,
behind Jew's backs of course, under seal of secrecy. Yet the Holy of Holies is as well-
known in Rome as to the High Priest in Jerusalem! And thus, for money, all Temple-
secrets are revealed to strangers. If a poor Jew however should dare to step behind
the curtain, he is at once stoned behind the Temple wall, at the accursed spot, as a
blasphemer and profaner; and not a week passes when not at least one person is
stoned and two have to drink the accursed water.
[10] What kind of system is it however where strangers are initiated, but one's own
children killed?
[11] Tell yourselves that Moses and the prophets commanded this and that Solomon
in all his wisdom, when he had completed the Temple, consecrated it for the purpose
it now serves. - In short, the prayer-house of God has become the barest den of
murderers, and Jehovah's Spirit no longer dwells in the shape of the pillar of fire
above the Ark of the Covenant!'
[12] Here the Pharisees and scribes grow suspicious, saying to Me, 'You always
stayed in and around Nazareth. How can you know all this? Who betrayed the Temple
to you?'
[13] Say I, 'Oh for the great silliness of your question! If I know your most secret
thoughts, how should I not know what is and happens in the Temple? Yet not I alone,
but every person knows it!
[14] You yourselves however are the actual betrayers of it all and your great money-
greed tempted you to it. For money you initiated strangers into Temple secrets and
those then loudly proclaimed it to the Jews in the streets; are you asking Me who
betrayed the Temple to Me?
[15] If however, like many thousands of people, you know how matters stand in the
Temple, knowing at the same time what Moses and all the prophets taught, who all
were filled with the purest and truest Spirit of God - such Spirit alone speaking
through their mouths! - what kind of faith in God is yours then, that you should so
easily sell God's Word down the river and with the most brazen and haughty conceit
substitute and proclaim as if from God, your own statutes to the poor blind people,
together with threats of death, to keep and worship your statues?'
Chapter 119
About Temple-oaths. Where God does not dwell, there evil dwells. 'Though
you believe not Me, yet believe the works!' The scriptures only a signpost to
God. Parable of the journey to Rome. Only the doer of God's will gets to
know God! The Lord soothes the people's revenge against the Templers and
sails off by boat.
[1] Says one scribe, 'Friend, you take much upon yourself saying such things to us,
on the betrayal of which the Temple has set the death penalty. You are lucky to have
rendered our principal such favour, otherwise you might not fare too well; for we are
bound to the Temple by a mighty oath!'
[2] Say I, 'Which you can break any time you like, because it is not God to Whom you
swore the oath, but to the Temple, which is made by human hands and within which
God no longer resides.
[3] But where God does not reside, there the old prince of the lie and all evil resides
and to this prince and current lord of the Temple you can break your oath without
[4] Were you to break your vain oath with the Temple, God the Lord would take
pleasure in you and He would give you what He has given Me from the foundation of
the world: that which you are now marvelling at but cannot grasp, - how I accomplish
works which according to your own testimony, are possible only to God. But if you
fear the Temple more than God, Whom you don't know, then you shall remain bonded
to the Temple and be an abomination before God.
[5] If however you do not believe My simple Words, then believe on account of My
works, which I perform before you for your good and of which you yourselves say
they are possible only to God!'
[6] Say the Scribes, 'How can you know God better than us, since you have not
learned the scriptures?'
[7] Say I, 'The dead letter you know indeed; but God is not to be found in that, hence
you are unable to recognise God from the Scriptures. Because the Scriptures only
show the way to God and this only if you follow this way undeviatingly.
[8] Of what benefit is it for you to know the road to Rome, if you don't set out upon it
in order to get to Rome and there to behold the great city of the king? Who is he that
can claim to know Rome because he knows the way, upon which however he has
never set out by even a single span? Of what use in this respect the knowledge of the
Scriptures, which are a way to God, if you have never taken a step along same?
[9] I however am familiar with all of Scripture, like yourselves and have always acted
in accordance with God's Commandments contained therein and therefore within the
fullest knowledge of God and can therefore say unto you from the primeval arch-
fountain, that neither among you, nor the likes of you had there ever been even one
who has recognised God and never shall do so along your evil ways, for you are
atheists, one and all.
[10] You yourselves did not want to recognise God, yet you will block off with death
and ruin the way for those who would still walk the right way. For this you shall
therefore in the other life once be overcome that much more by damnation! Because
all those you have and still are perpetually persecuting, shall once be your eternal
[11] As I proclaim this to the Pharisees and scribes, there arises among the people a
mighty storm of applause and they are about to lay hands on the Pharisees and
scribes. But I prevent it and make My way to the sea through the small seaward gate,
together with the disciples and all the Pharisees and scribes. And with several boats
lying in readiness there, these are immediately boarded and with moderate wind we
sail away from the coast, the great crowd having been unable to catch up with us.

Chapter 120
The Lord's landing and turning in at Matthew's, the tax-collector. His
associating with the sinners and the Pharisees. About the rearing of children.
About man's purpose and goal.
[1] Once we were out of view to the people, I called for a landing, as it was high noon
and there was nothing to eat in the boat. After a good two hours from the previous
house, we disembarked and had to go back some way to a village where we intended
spending our lunch-time.
[2] Just before the village there was a principal toll-gate. And behold, at the desk sat
that same young man (he was only thirty-five years old, which was regarded as
young by the Jews) who at the previous house was one of the eight brothers who had
brought the palsied and who had spoken so wisely.
[3] When the scribes and Pharisees caught sight of him, they said, 'This does not look
too good. This one turns out to be a Roman tax-collector! He is going to hit us hard
with the tax. What are we going to do?'
[4] Say I, 'Don't be troubled, for here it will not be necessary. I shall fix it up.'
[5] With these words I step up to the tax-collector, saying to him, 'Matthew, (that
was his name), hand this table over to someone else and (you) follow Me! And at
once he got up, delegated the table and followed Me without comment [Mt. 9:9]. And
when the disciples and Pharisees and scribes at the gate asked what the charges
[6] Matthew said, 'This time the Lord has fixed up your tax, for He has healed my
uncle; how should I now accept tax from Him, the godly Master?'
[7] Therewith the barrier was opened and all passed through free of charge.
[8] When we reached the village however, Matthew led us into his house, where all
those tax-collectors employed at the principal toll-gate, together with a great many
officials and other 'sinners' - according to the assessment and judgment of the Jews,
Pharisees and Scribes, were having their lunch. For Matthew's house was big and also
a guest-house, where only those Jews who paid could eat and drink, whereas the tax-
collectors, officials and 'sinners' were not charged, as they were one and all
employees of the house leased by the Romans for tax-purposes.
[9] I was however immediately invited to lunch by all the tax-collectors, whilst bread
and wine in adequate quantities were served to My disciples and also to the Pharisees
and scribes outside; and the disciples were happy with that [Mt. 9:10]. Not so the
Pharisees and scribes with them, for these were peeved at not also being invited to
the table.
[10] But whilst I was already seated at the table with a great many tax-collectors and
sinners, another large number of them were arriving from other areas; because
Matthew's house was known far and wide as a well-to-do and hospitable one and
there were large gatherings there, particularly on Sabbaths. They all greeted Me most
amicably, all saying that a greater honour could not have come upon the house than
to have Me as their guest, even as they were extending the table and all
accommodating themselves at My table.
[11] But the Pharisees and scribes crowded the big open doorway, to watch what I
should do and say. Seeing that I got on most amicably with the tax-collectors and
sinners however, they were secretly enraged, asking My disciples who were outside
with them, 'Why does your Master dine with tax-collectors and all those obvious
sinners? Is he perhaps one of them?' [Mt. 9:10]
[12] As I perceived such question, I turned to them from the table and said, briefly
and with abandon, 'They that are strong and well need no physician, but only the
sick! [Mt. 9:12] But go and learn what it means,
[13] 'for I desired mercy and not sacrifice',
[14] For I am come to call the sinners to repentance and not the righteous, who need
no repentance'. [Mt. 9:13]
[15] These words the Pharisees and scribes interpret in their favour and said nothing
more, as they felt flattered.
[16] I then engaged the company’s attention with all kinds of parables, shedding light
on how human life and its weaknesses can end in degeneracy. I thus also gave them
firm outlines for the rearing of children, showing them how deficiency in rearing
children has, with time, result in every kind of evil, spiritually and physically.
[17] In this way I also taught the company the reason for God's creation of man and
how as a free being he should try to meet God's purpose, in order to therewith
become a perfect, indestructible spiritual being.
Chapter 121
The Pharisees' conversation about Joseph, Mary and Jesus. A complaint of
Joseph's and his doubters about Jesus. John the Gospeller's hints to the
[1] It shall be realised that such instruction of the company, although not understood
by all, nevertheless went down well and with gratitude. Even the Scribes and
Pharisees were astonished at My wisdom, asking among themselves how such
wisdom came My way. Because they had known Me and Joseph, Mary and Joseph's
children, saying to the disciples, ‘It truly is incomprehensible! His father was indeed a
highly competent craftsman in his own sphere and exceedingly faithful, fair and
honest and a strict Jew as well, who concerned himself with Moses and the prophets
to the best of his knowledge of same; yet there never was any special wisdom about
him, and his four other, actual sons who had been engaged by us several times, are
as far removed from any trace of wisdom as the sun, moon and stars from the earth.
[2] The good mother Mary herself, a woman still pretty, hard-working and virtuous,
on whom none can cast aspersions, was indeed, as we were informed, brought up in
the Temple; but we know all about such training, knowing only too well how much
wisdom is expected therefrom, particularly for girls. And he cannot have absorbed
much wisdom from his mother. And he has to our knowledge never attended any
school either!’
[3] ‘On the contrary’, says one Scribe, a good acquaintance of Joseph's, ‘Joseph has
more than once told me about the problem with his boy, complaining and saying, ‘I
don't know what to do with this boy! His purportedly very peculiar birth, seemingly
closely intertwined with those appearances, from which one should have expected the
Divine Being Itself to manifest Itself through such a child on earth, to which several
most extraordinary appearances in his earliest childhood clearly attest, as well as his
sayings of the most exalted wisdom, had truly filled me with the greatest expectation,
the more so on account of my most direct descendancy from David. Yet in this very
time when the child should be learning something, nothing can be accomplished with
him and there can be no mention of any learning. Even if I place him with a teacher,
same can't get anywhere with him; the boy knows and understands everything much
better and if a teacher is about to get strict with him, that's the end of it!
[4] What has remained with him from his earliest youth is a most incomprehensibly
unbending willpower, with which, where he deems it necessary, he can work most
obvious miracles. But precisely on account of this very trait, nothing is to be done
with him. He otherwise is pious, obedient, well-behaved, gentle and as unassuming as
his mother; only he must not be confronted with learning!’
[5] Behold, this is how the old Joseph complained to me not once but several times
and hence it is even more certain that he has never, besides his carpentry, in his life
learnt anything, - neither reading and still less writing; hence an excusable question -
where does this wisdom come from?’ [see ‘The Childhood of Jesus’, No. 9, New Salem
Scriptures, - the publisher].
[6] Says the Gospeller John, ‘Friends, I know it only too well and feel easy about it;
but the time for telling you this is still far off. But the time shall come for you to hear
it from His own mouth. Until then however, let His works and wisdom suffice you.’
The Pharisees and Scribes tried indeed to get more out of John, but he would not be
moved. But now several taxation employees and officials went back to work, creating
room at the big table. 
Chapter 122
About the two Matthews - the tax-official and the scribe. Occasion with the
fishermen. The disciples of John, and those of Jesus. Peter's reply about
John's behaviour. [Mt. 9:14]
[1] And the young landlord Matthew, the tax-collector (who is not to be confused with
the Matthew who was only a scribe - wherefore in the Scriptures, ‘tax-collector’ is
added when referring to him) went and called My disciples, the Pharisees and the
Scribes in and they came and were seated and quite heartily tucked into the food and
drink, with the exception of Judas, who held back this time for fear of a large bill;
and, as known, he was no good friend of payment.
[2] When we were all together cheerfully, with the Pharisees and Scribes also
gradually finding some rapport with the tax-collectors and so-called sinners, a young
kitchen maid comes in to the landlord, saying, ‘What is to be done? The fishermen
have just arrived with fish and are asking to eat and drink; but having had all these
guests by coincidence today, consuming nearly all our stores, we in the kitchen don't
know what to do’. Says Matthew, the tax-collector, ‘How many are they?’ Says the
maid, ‘There are about twenty of them.’ Says Matthew, the tax-collector, ‘Then let
them come in here; there is still plenty of provision here!’
[3] The maid goes and tells the fishermen and these betake themselves to the large
dining room, taking up a small table from which the lunch guests had already
[4] But when the fishermen caught sight of Peter and several others of their former
mates, they exchanged greetings and the fishermen, somewhat moody because of
the relative lean look of their table, say to Peter, ‘For us this will do, no doubt, as we
still are true disciples of John and our law is fasting. But you new disciples of Jesus
can eat to your heart's content, as we see, since with you, fasting is no longer a
problem!’ [Mt. 9:14]
[5] Says Peter, ‘John fasted on account of what we have and we used to fast with him
in accordance with his doctrine and strict sermons. John proclaimed Him with Whom
we are now, testifying of Him. When this One came however and even accepted
John's baptism with water, John did not fully trust his senses, nor did you. Because
even whilst John, prompted by the Spirit, testified of Jesus as He was approaching,
saying, ‘Behold, this is He of Whom I said, after me cometh a man who is preferred
before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to loose’, he yet secretly doubted,
like yourselves and still does to this hour. Wherefore he still fasts and you fast also.
But with us believers, fasting is at an end! It is your own fault that you still fast. It
suits you thus, for just as the blind cannot fortify his vision with the light and its
colours, just so the blind in heart shall fortify neither his heart nor his stomach. Do
you understand that?
[6] Had John believed, he would have followed the Lamb, which according to his
testimony, takes away the sins of the world. But because his soul itself doubted Him
of Whom his spirit thus testified through her, he stayed behind in the desert until
Herod arrested him, as we heard.
[7] Why did he not follow Him, since he said to us through his spirit, ‘Hear Him’? Why
did he not want to hear Him? Why did he not follow Him, since it was on account of
His coming that he lived his whole life so strictly? We are not aware of Him Who we
followed ever forbidding him to follow Him. Hence give me one solid reason why John
did not follow Jesus!’
[8] Here John's disciples were perplexed, not knowing what to reply. Only one of
them says that the news that John was arrested by Herod is wrong; Herod had only
summoned him to his residence at Jerusalem in order to find out from him about the
coming of God's Anointed. Herod regards John too highly to put him in prison.
[9] Peter however said somewhat humorously, ‘If it has not yet happened in actuality,
it is bound to do so soon. Because Herod is a cunning fox and is to be trusted no
more than a snake.’

Chapter 123
John the Baptist's testimony to the Lord. Parable of the bridegroom and
bride. ‘He who has the Son has life eternal.’ A blind critic of Jesus.
[1] After this conversation, John's disciples carry on eating and we do too. Only some
of the Pharisees properly fasted and were not prepared to eat until sunset; for
unleavened bread they could obtain none among the Greeks here, whereupon they
fasted, even whilst the majority of their colleagues and the Scribes were heartily
tucking into the food.
[2] When the wine after a while had made John's disciples more talkative, one of
them rose, wanting to know from Myself why they, as John's disciples, had to fast so
much and so strictly, yet I and My disciples not, asking Me, ‘Lord and Master! Why do
we fast so much and the Pharisees also, whereas Your disciples are not fasting?’
[3] And I say to him, ‘Friend, you were with John when the news was brought to him
that I was baptising and that many were following Me! Say it aloud in front of
everyone - what was John's reply?’ - Says the disciple of John, ‘Here John said and
replied, “A man can take nothing unless it were given him from heaven; you are my
witnesses to my having said that I am not Christ, but only sent before Him: He Who
has the bride is the bridegroom; the bridegroom's friend however is with him and
listens to him and rejoices with the bridegroom's voice. This my joy now fulfils itself.
He must wax but I wane. He Who is from above is over all, but he who is of this earth
is only so and speaks only of this earth. Only He Who comes from Heaven is above
[4] Here John paused, relating all that he had beheld and how he had witnessed of
Him, but regretted, with a deep sigh, that his testimony, being totally true, was not
accepted by anyone. But he who nevertheless accepts it, let him tightly seal the
immense actuality of God, for fear of the world.
[5] Although he knows it that He Who was sent of God Himself speaks only the pure
Word of God, he nevertheless does not dare to confess it before the world, fearing the
enemy of God more than God Himself, on account of his miserable body, which also is
of the world, thus paying tribute to the world. Of what good is it however to know
God's true measure, yet stick to the measure of the world? God however never gives
man the spirit by the world's measure; let those be condemned therefore who have
recognised God's spirit, yet stick to the measure of the world, having no life eternal
within them!
[6] Only, continued John, he who believes on the Son has life eternal within him;
because the son Himself is the life of the Father! He who does not believe on the Son
therefore has not eternal life and the old wrath of God remains upon him.
[7] Behold, this is what John said at the time; yet right up to this hour none of us has
been able to fully grasp its meaning. That much we gathered indeed - that he meant
you; but how all this relates - how should we have been able to grasp and fully
understand it?’
[8] Say I, ‘Now then, since you heard this about Me from John, you must know that I
am the bridegroom Who John meant! But if I am the self-same Bridegroom, then
surely these will be My wedding-guests?’
[9] Says John's disciple, ‘Where then is the beautiful heavenly bride? How are you a
bridegroom without a bride?’
[10] Say I, ‘These My wedding-guests are also My bride at the same time. Because
those who hear My Word, preserving it in their heart and acting accordingly truly are
My bride, as they are also My wedding-guests! How could and should the wedding-
guests suffer among themselves even whilst the Bridegroom is with them? But comes
the time when the Bridegroom is taken from them, then they shall also be fasting.
[Mt. 9:15]
[11] John's disciples greatly marvel at this and are somewhat annoyed, thinking they
detected a sneer, since I said these Words with a slight smile. And so that same
disciple of John then tried to also make a somewhat snide remark, saying, ‘This
seems strange! It was God's Spirit that spoke through John and it should speak that
much more through you, since John's testimony applied to you. Yet it is odd that the
self-same Spirit of God, speaking through Moses and the prophets right through to
John, always proclaimed a life of strict repentance to poor mankind on earth,
demanding the strictest compliance; you however seem to be and teach the actual
opposite of all this. Whoever according to Moses so much as entered the house of a
sinner, was unclean and had to cleanse himself; he who touched a maiden on a
Sabbath, or any woman having her period on some other day, had to have himself
cleansed and much more of the like and of even greater strictness. You and all your
disciples however seem not to regard the Sabbath or personal cleanliness at all. How
then is your teaching of God, the way it was through the mouth of the prophets?’
Chapter 124
Parable of the new and old garment and the new wine in the old skins. Of
bourgeois economics and mercy. Social hints. The earth as man's common
weal, within the Divine order. Reason for the Sinflood. Pointer to today's
catastrophe. [Mt. 9:16-17]
[1] Say I, ‘My teaching is like a new garment; yours however is the old, torn and
damaged, wherefore, it was for you also quite in order to go catch fish today, on a
Sabbath, in spite of Moses and John! My teaching therefore is a new one and one
cannot take parts of it to patch up your old, torn garment therewith. And even if
done, it would only result in bigger tears than they were already, because the new
patch shall come off the old, brittle garment, aggravating the damage.
[2] My teaching furthermore can be likened unto a new wine that can't be poured into
old skins, or they would be rent, spilling the wine; but to preserve both wine and skin,
one pours it into new skins. Do you understand this?’ [Mt. 9: 17]
[3] Say John's disciples, ‘One can let that pass indeed, although it is not immediately
apparent, what you would say therewith; hence you could perhaps express this in
plainer terms?’
[4] Say I, ‘Could I, or should I be plainer still? Sure, sure, I could, if I would! But here
I intend to be no plainer and hence I tell you no more than that you are old, brittle
garments and skins, unfit for My Teaching. For would this not deprive you of your
sweet earth-life, which of a truth is your greatest possession and for the improvement
of which you leave no stone unturned, going for large fish-hauls even on a Sabbath,
to simply provide your earth-life with an existence of ease and a spot of splendour
besides. But the poor you don't see, nor the sick and hurting, nor the hungry and
[5] What worry, to the one filled, the poor, hungering and burning of stomach?
Likewise, you who are well-clad do not feel the cold in winter; for do you not have
means to make winter cosier than the hot summer? And if one half-naked and
shivering meets you, telling you of his plight and asking for some warm garment, you
get annoyed, serving him with hypocritical words: 'Depart, you bludger! Had you
worked in summer, you would not be wanting in winter. Besides, it's not all that cold
and as a beggar one should not be all that soft and delicate!'
[6] The beggar however says, 'Sir, I worked all summer and fall, but my hard work's
wages were not even a thousandth's part of what my master gained from my work;
hence our master can walk about well-dressed even in winter but us his poorly-paid
workers who already easily used up our meagre wages in summer, now have to suffer
in winter, not because not working in summer, but simply because we can't make
ends meet: our master's profit is our want!'
[7] Behold, this is what the beggar is saying, notwithstanding the fact that there are
among the beggars those sinners who deserve their poverty!’
[8] Say John's disciples, ‘Ah, you are exaggerating! It is not so! A faithful and proper
worker has never had cause for complaint about his employer. Those who want work
will get it winter and summer, - wages, food and clothing! But we all think it right that
the lazy should be shown the door.’
[9] Say I, ‘You indeed, that I know only too well! But not I, that I tell you. The 'why'
you shall hear at once. Tell Me! who was it that created the sea with all the good
[10] Say John’s disciples, ‘Now, what a question! Who but God alone could do so?’
Say I, ‘Good then, tell Me, have you perchance received advice from God according to
which you alone have sole right to catch the good and expensive fish of the sea,
selling them at a high price, then putting the entire profit in your bags, hardly passing
the thousandth part to your good workers, who alone did the heavy work under life-
endangering conditions!’
[11] Say John's disciples, ‘This again is a silly question! Where on earth is the man
who can produce a property deed from God? For this, God has appointed a head of
state and same issues property-rights in God's stead, whoever is recognised by the
state as a property owner is so also before God. Besides that, every legal property
owner has to annually for his dearly paid-for right to pay all kinds of tithes and rates
to the state and is hence doubly entitled to make the necessary profit from his
[12] Say I, ‘Yes, indeed is it so on earth, but not through God, but through mankind's
selfishness and domineering! It is they who have instituted such laws and order, but
in the beginning of the world, this was not so; for a long time the earth was then the
common weal of mankind.
[13] But when from among mankind the children of Cain made a part of the earth
subject to inheritance, making it into law and into a selfish, domineering order, it then
did not take another thousand years.
[14] God allowed the Sinflood to take place, drowning them all but for a few who
were saved. And thus it shall be again.
[15] God indeed is long-suffering and exceedingly patient, but shall soon get tired of
your doings; and then watch who shall become owner of the earth after you.
[16] But that you should speak like that is only too clear proof that your faith and
your teaching of righteousness is an old, torn garment, tolerating no new patches,
and like an old skin, into which no new wine can be poured, because you are one and
bad and selfish people. Do you understand Me now?’

Chapter 125
The Lord's further talk with John's disciples about the Essenes. About the
worldly wisdom of the bourgeoisie. The tax-collector's house as an example
of altruism. About God's blessing and trust in God. The Lord's testimony to
John the Baptist. An exhortation towards mildness and mercy towards the
poor. Enemies of God.
[1] Say John's disciples, ‘Are we then doing wrong by living in accordance with John's
teaching? John surely was a severe preacher, yet he never gave us such teaching!
[2] Behold, the Essene Order, with which we are familiar, also is strict and the first
law among them is truthfulness; but of what use to them their truthfulness and their
other strict rules? Who takes any notice of them? They are regarded by neither the
Greeks nor us Jews and are supposed to have just a few adherents among the
Romans. May the teaching by which they live be ever so good and pure, being
excellent for those few who have separated themselves from the world, yet it is
totally unfit for mankind at large.
[3] Of what benefit to us ever so many nice and forceful words about the brotherhood
of man?
[4] Behold, this house is a big house, a hospitable house and second to none in the
brotherhood spirit; but can you seriously expect of same to be at all times ready to
receive and care for all men, who surely are our brethren as well? Even with the best
of spirit and will, it surely lacks the necessary means, such as space, food and the
[5] Furthermore, suppose some poor people struggled to build themselves a hut and
gather a most meagre provision for winter, barely sufficient for their own needs and
then people suddenly come to this couple, who hardly have enough room to
themselves, asking for admission, lodging and provision; say: can any teaching
demand of these two, or even advise them that it is good and a blessedness to meet
the demands of the ten newcomers, therewith to be ruined good and proper?’
[6] Say I, ‘Every bird sings and chirps in accordance with its beak and you talk in
accordance with your worldly sense and cannot do otherwise, as you don't know how
to. Because even if I were to tell you something higher and fully true from the
heavens, you would still not understand Me; because your hard heart lacks the
[7] Fools! Who is it that let's the fruit grow and ripen upon the earth? Who maintains
them constantly and gives them their consistency. Do you think that God cannot or
will not reward him who sacrifices unselfishly for his brethren's sake? Or do you think
that God is unjust, demanding of man the impossible?!
[8] Yet I say that a truly honest goodwill and a keen desire to do a poor brother some
good is easily possible for all.
[9] If everyone were thus imbued through and through, then there also would be no
more such meagre huts upon earth, inhabitable by just two people.
[10] Behold, this My friend Matthew's house has fed many people today and gave
away its entire store from true goodness of heart, and if you don't believe it, then go
and see the larder and the granary and you shall find no provisions. Here however
stands the landlord; ask him whether I speak untruthfully.’
[11] Matthew fully supports My statement, saying, ‘Lord, it unfortunately is so today
and I don't know how I shall sustain the guests tomorrow. But I have often fared that
way and I trusted in God, - and behold, it was fully replenished, so that I could quite
well provide the guests.’
[12] ‘Behold,’ say I thereto, ‘thus acts a righteous person in this world and does not
complain that God abandoned him. And so it has always been and eternally shall be!
[13] If a person trusts in God, he is trusted also by God who does not forsake him
and does not let him be confounded. But those who like you do believe in God's
existence, but do not fully trust Him because their own heart tells them that they are
unworthy of His help, are not helped by God either, for they have no trust in God.
They trust only their own powers and means, which they regard as holy and inviolable
as it were, and say: 'Man, if you wish to be helped, help yourself, for charity begins at
home and thus you have to look after yourself first.' And by the time he has provided
for himself, the one who needs help has perished.
[14] But I say: If you provide for yourselves first, you are abandoned by God and are
without His blessing and His otherwise so certain help. For God did not create men for
selfish reasons, but out of pure love and, therefore, men must in everything fully
correspond to the love that gave them their existence.
[15] If, however, you live and act without love and trust in God, you voluntarily
reverse the heavenly element within you into a hellish one, turn away from God and
become servants of hell, which in the end will not fail to give you the reward you have
deserved, which is death in the wrath of God.
[16] You also state that the Essenes, who live in accordance with Pythagoras' school,
are not with all their philanthropy, given any regard, other than by a few Romans.
[17] I don't have any regard for them either, because they don't acknowledge the
immortality of the soul; yet the meanest among them is better than the best among
[18] I now say unto you openly: among all who were born of woman since the
beginning of the world, no greater emerged than John; but from now on, the least of
My disciples in the true kingdom of God shall be greater by far than John, whom you
call your master, yet whom you have never understood. Because he showed you the
way to Me and made straight the way before and to Me, but the world in you has
blinded your heart, wherefore you are not capable of recognising Me when you
already find yourselves with Me.
[19] Hence go and care for your world, for your women and children, so that they
would not go naked and not ever be plagued by hunger or thirst! But it shall soon
emerge how well you provided them therewith. - This I can tell you, by fullest right
and deepest truth:
[20] Whoever possesses property and has a trade which can give him a good profit,
but saves the profit for himself and his children and looks with unkind eyes and heart
down at the poor brothers and avoids the poor children who, because they lack all
earthly goods, suffer hunger, thirst and cold and sends them away if they come to
him asking for alms; and who says to a brother: 'Come to me in a few days or weeks
and then I will do this or that for you' and when the hopeful, on help relying brother
comes and reminds the promiser of his promise, the latter excuses himself that also
now he could not possibly help, while actually having the means to do it, - in truth, I
tell you: That one is an enemy of God, for how will he love God whom he does not
see if he does not love his brother whom he sees before him and is aware of his
[21] In truth, in very truth I tell you: Whoever forsakes his brother in need,
simultaneously forsakes God and heaven also. And God will forsake him in the
twinkling of an eye.
[22] However, who does not forsake his poor brothers, not even if God sent him
trials, shall be unexpectedly blessed temporally and eternally more richly than here
our host's larder and granary have been blessed.’
[23] Say John's disciples, ‘This we should believe for sure! They are totally empty!’

Chapter 126
A food and wine miracle. Those whom angels serve and where. About God's
faithfulness and constancy and blessing.
[1] Here the kitchen-maid comes breathlessly, saying to Matthew, ‘Lord, lord, come
and see! Lots of young men just came and brought all kinds of foodstuffs in such
amounts that we would hardly consume them in a year! And everything appears so
fresh and good! The granaries also are filled from top to bottom and the skins in the
cellars filled with the best wine. Lord, lord, where did this come from today, on a
Sabbath for the Jews?’
[2] Matthew and everyone in the room are quite beside themselves and John's
disciples, of whom two had previously convinced themselves that the larders were
empty, at once asked Matthew whether he had ordered such foodstuffs.
[3] Says Matthew, ‘Not me, since I would have to be the first to know about it! And
not my wife either, because she was the one who notified me through this maid that
our small stock had been as good as consumed. Because apart from a garden and a
few rented fields, I have no ground for the planting of much fruit and would also have
very little time for it, being firstly busy with the toll and having to secondly host my
guests in this guest-house. Hence I stocked this my guest-house week by week with
rations, having them usually purchased and delivered for my own money from
Capernaum, whilst having the fish supplied by yourselves. The wine and grain
however I usually bought off my own co-religionists, the Greeks. This in short is the
way I usually kept my house stocked with necessities, but I and my house know not a
thing about this order.
[4] Some great unknown friend therefore would have to have done this for me,
otherwise it obviously is a great miracle! Where and who this great friend should be
however I know no more than yourselves. But I shall summon all my people in here
and question them in your presence as to whether they recognised any of the delivery
[5] His wife and all the maids and servants are called in and asked, but they all deny
with one voice ever having remotely recognised anyone; ‘The men looked like delicate
youths, as none of them was bearded, but all had beautifully curled long hair and
their garb was more Roman than that of the Jews. There were many of them, in the
larder as well as in the loft and cellar. They laid down the deliveries quickly and said:
'This is a gift for the tax-collector Matthew, who was called of the great Master this
day.' They then departed in haste and we did not see which way they turned.’
[6] Says one Pharisee, ‘This thing sounds exceptionally rare and yet is true?! In that
case we should be most inclined to get to the bottom of it.’
[7] Turning to Matthew, the same Pharisee says, ‘You host, let them bring us samples
of wines and we shall tell you where they come from, for we can tell you by the
flavour and colour where it was grown.’
[8] They send to the cellars and bring all the drinking vessels filled. And as the
Pharisees and scribes sample the wines, they say full of astonishment, ‘No! Such wine
as this we never tasted before. It is indescribably good and delightful. Have we not
drunk of all the wines grown upon the known earth, among these very good and
flavoursome ones indeed, but they would have to be hardly lukewarm water by
comparison to these. Hence it is and remains a riddle.
[9] But since you now have a great stock of these unsurpassably superb wines, how
would you like to let us have some skinfuls for money and a bit of persuading? It
would be worth sending a consignment to the High Priest at Jerusalem.’
[10] Says Matthew, ‘Free it came my way and thus will I give it, but not one drop to
the High Priest in Jerusalem! Unless he were to come here by chance as a guest, then
he shall be served like everyone else, but understood, only as a human equal to all
others, but never as a Jewish High Priest, who is an abomination of the desolation to
me and a murderer of the spirits of those men who are of his faith.’
[11] Says one scribe, ‘Friend, here you quite misjudged the High Priest of Jerusalem,
having no knowledge of his nature and office.’
[12] Says Matthew, ‘Let's leave this subject, for it gets me into a just heat under the
collar. You are his eyes and hence see least of all what is nearest to you, namely your
own nose, brow and whole face; we who are situated opposite you see it only too well
and truly. But no more about it, or I could get heated and be obliged to offend you,
my guests of equality.’
[13] Says a more sedate Pharisee, ‘Now, let us indeed give the matter a rest and
instead consult with the Master Jesus; He shall be the one most likely to clear this
matter up for us, because he loftily exceeds us all in knowledge and wisdom.’ Turning
to Me; ‘what do you actually say to this story? Because you seem to have some hint
about it, as your foregoing conversation with John's disciples almost pointed to it.
Because this was occurring almost in the same moment you were telling John's
disciples how God provides for those who truly love Him and animatedly trust Him,
and after your properly flogging the ugliness and reprehensibleness of selfishness;
and it seems to steal upon me that you had somehow drawn upon advice, or even
secretly were the instigator of it.’
[14] Say I; ‘Good! If you suppose that about Me, then apply it also to what I said to
John's disciples and admit it in your hearts that I spoke the fullest truth.’
[15] He who among you shall act accordingly from the bottom of his heart, shall
experience with God what our friend and brother Matthew has just experienced.
[16] For of a truth, believe Me: God in His heart steadily remains the Self-Same! As
He was when no sun, moon or stars were shining yet for a long time upon the
firmament, just so is He still this moment and shall be into all eternity.
[17] He who seeks Him along the right path also shall find Him and be blessed into all
eternity of eternities!’
[18] These words stir their hearts and John's disciples began to ponder deeply,
saying, ‘He must be a far greater prophet than John was. For we were around him a
full ten years, yet never felt like this. The Pharisee is right in saying this Nazarene
knows about it! - I would maintain that all this originates from Him, along paths
unknown to us and the whole thing is blatant proof of our blindness, including our
great master John.’

Chapter 127
Judas and Thomas talk. The blind disciple of Johns' awkward question.
The Lord's gentleness draws praise. The death of Cornelius' daughter.
About the true emulation of Christ.
[1] But now Judas, whom the wine had heated somewhat unduly, also wants to have
his say with his table-neighbours, the disciples of John. But Thomas, his perennial
opponent, beats him to it, saying, ‘Friend, when the Master speaks, the disciples must
be quiet and listen, but not speak. Because words out of our mouth here would be the
greatest folly. But should you feel the urge to speak, then step outside and yell to
your heart's content, returning when your mouth gets tired.’
[2] Says Judas, ‘What do you want of me? I did you no harm! Shall I not get to
speaking at all?’
[3] Says Thomas, ‘We are familiar with your wisdom through and through over the
years, and are not at all inclined to, right next to our great Master, listen to it for the
thousandth time, and we are all imbued with as much homespun wisdom as yourself.
Hence you can give no greater teaching than we already have and you will hopefully
see that it is not necessary for you to talk here. We disciples are to only speak when
asked, we can of course ask as well, but then watch it that our question is well
founded in need. But if we ask only out of idle curiosity, to give our tongue free reign,
then we are worthy of flogging, because mad fools should be always punished with
the whip!’
[4] Says Judas, ‘All right, all right. I'm quiet already, knowing that in your presence I
cannot and must not speak, since you are the prophet Elijah's wisdom. What a pity
you did not live before Solomon. What heights of wisdom Solomon could have
reached in your school. But now no more, I'm quiet.’
[5] Thomas would have liked to add more, but I winked to him that it sufficed and he
kept quiet.
[6] But one of John's disciples still could not get the hang of his colleagues being
compared to old, torn garments patched up with new patches, and old wineskins not
capable of taking new wine. Hence he turned to Me with a rather clumsy question,
saying, ‘I can see now that you too might be a prophet, but I see that the wine from
the old skins suits you better than the new one in the new skins and it seems to Me
that your coat is none too new either. Should it need a few patches, then I can help
you out, as I have a great many of them. If I can be of assistance there, let me
[7] His companions felt like throwing him out for such an awkward question. But I
took his part, explaining the comparison to him more comprehensibly and it put him
at ease.
[8] But to the others I said, ‘If you see one blind stumbling over a ditch, who through
his fall has flattened the high grass around the water-ditch, will you hold him to
account, fining him for the damage? Behold, this your brother like yourselves can see
with the eyes of the flesh, but is still quite blind in his soul-eyes and it should be
over-rough to punish a brother because he stumbled somewhat in front of us!’
[9] For these words all sang Me a proper three cheers and ‘hail thee’, saying, ‘That's
proper talk, and anyone who acts in accordance with how He says commendably and
wisely is worthy of being called a man among all men! Hail thee and three cheers to
you, man of all men!’
[10] With the sound of these words and a few of My further comments on old
garments, the new wine and wine skins having only just died down, one of the chiefs
of Capernaum (in fact the Roman Commander Cornelius) comes in hastily, properly
storming Me, falling on his knees and saying breathlessly, ‘Lord! Friend! You godly
Master and Saviour! My most beloved daughter, who bears my name, my glorious,
good and most beautiful daughter, has died. (Here the chief weeps and for a while is
unable to speak), recovering after a while, he continues:
[11] Lord, to Whom nothing is impossible, come with me to my house and lay Your
miraculous hands upon her and she shall surely live again, just like the school
superintendent Jairus' little girl also was fully dead and lived again. I beg you, my
most exalted Friend, come and do me this favour.’ [Mt. 9:18]
[12] Say I, ‘Never fear, I am coming to do according to your request. Although the
daughter is indeed fully dead and cold, yet I shall nevertheless awaken her, so that
she may then proclaim God's glory to the poor. And so let us go!’ [Mt. 9:19]
[13] But My disciples asked whether to wait for Me here, or whether to also come
along. But I said, ‘All those of you who are My disciples and you also, Matthew, who
have been a tax collector, follow Me. I have taken care of your earthly house and
shall do so in future; but for this you are to become My disciple, like these.’
[14] Matthew casts off his host's vestment at once, putting on his good coat, and
follows Me without first making the usual host's arrangements with his own for his
[15] Nota bene (note well). This is what everyone must do who wants to follow Me!
He has to become dead to all worldly living and not think about his worldly state, or
he is not fit for My kingdom. Because he who lays hands on his plough but looks over
his shoulder is not fit for the kingdom of God!’

Chapter 128
Occasion with another woman with issue. About the Gospellers Mark and
Luke. The Lord in the chief Cornelius' house. Resurrection of Cornelius' dead
daughter. [Mt. 9:20-25]
[1] And, to continue with the Gospel!
[2] Half way towards Capernaum from Matthew's house, quite late in the afternoon
and once again, as with the Greek woman previously, another woman, with twelve
years hemorrhage which no one was able to heal, came rushing up from behind Me.
This woman, having found out from the previous Greek woman, touched only the hem
of My top coat and was instantly healed [Mt. 9:20]. Because she said to herself, 'If I
can only touch the hem of His raiment, I shall be made whole' [Mt. 9:2]. And so it
happened instantly, in accordance with her faith. And she perceived at once that
through her touching of My raiment, believing, the fountain of her twelve years plight
was stopped.
[3] But I turned around and said to the woman, ‘Fear not, My daughter, your faith
has helped you. Go your way in peace.’ And the woman went home amidst many
tears of thanks and joy and remained well for good.
[4] This woman, although not Greek but a Jewess, nevertheless lived not far from a
Greek settlement, paying many visits there and finding out much from them and
therewith also about the healing of the previous, Greek woman, about which later
Mark and also the painter and poet Luke made mention, wherewith, due to the
similarity of the occasion, grit had been thrown in for the mills of the doubters,
causing even the most informed theosophists to regard this as one and the same
[5] And Matthew the scribe immediately asked whether to record this event as well as
further ones this day.
[6] And I said to him, ‘You are to record everything that happened today, with the
exception of My provision for your namesake's house and the many conversations
held there. In short, we shall again be turning in at home today and shall have ample
time tomorrow to determine in detail what to record about this day.
[7] Matthew the scribe was happy with that, and we soon also reached the chief's
house and moved at once to the chamber where the deceased daughter lay upon a
bed adorned in the Roman style.
[8] There were however many pipers and other noise makers; because it was
tradition to make a lot of noise around the deceased, to either awaken them, or if not
possible, to in accordance with the opinion of the blind, common and mostly heathen
folk - to, at this of all stages, go to the greatest length to scare away the messengers
of the prince of hell, Pluto.
[9] Entering the big chamber with the disciples however and seeing and hearing the
ridiculous noise making [Mt. 9:23], I commanded them to above all immediately
cease their noise-making and to completely clear the chamber, as well as get out of
the house, because the daughter did not die, but only slept.
[10] Here the engaged noise-makers (for money of course, because none could
obtain noise without money!) started laughing Me off, and one of them confided to
Me, ‘Here you are not likely to succeed as with Jairus! Just look at her more closely
and you as a doctor shall at once have to acknowledge that fullest death sits on her
nose, as would have been taught by the famous Greek physician Hypocrates; and you
assert that she sleeps!?’
[11] But the chief sensed that the tumultants did not intend to move; he therefore
commanded them to clear out, threatening them with punishment, ordering his
centurion guards to drive the people out; and the chamber soon was free of the
[12] Only after the chamber as well as the entire house were rid of these tiresome
guests did I fully proceed into the chamber with My disciples and the chief's relatives,
stepping up to the death bed and taking hold of the daughter’s hand without saying
anything, the daughter at once getting up in full strength and health, as if there had
never been anything wrong with her [Mt. 9:25].
[13] But when the daughter saw that she had lain upon the familiar bed on which
only the dead were laid, she asked how she came to lie upon the death-bed.
[14] The chief however went over to her overjoyed, saying, ‘My overly beloved
Cornelia! You became very sick and also died from your sickness, and you were dead
and would have remained irretrievably dead, had not this truly almighty Saviour of all
saviours awakened you with his godly power, just as he also awakened the little girl
of the school superintendent Jairus, with whom you were well acquainted. Hence be
joyful again with beautiful life and be forever grateful to this Friend of all friends, Who
alone gave you back the greatest possession, dear life itself.’
Chapter 129
The awakened one's experiences in the hereafter. Her appropriate question
about like. The Lord's answer. A Roman stranger's good testimony to the
Lord. The Lord's special instruction. About free will. [Mt. 9:26]
[1] Says the daughter, ‘Yes, yes, now I remember clearly that I was very sick; but a
very sweet slumber came over my eyes; I fell asleep and had a most wonderful
dream. Wherever I turned, there was light and nothing but light and a most beautiful
world shaped itself out of the light. Indescribably beautiful gardens, streamed by the
light, became visible and one splendour after another came into view. But no living
being seemed to inhabit this splendour and as I beheld these splendours with
astonishment, without a living being showing up, my heart started sinking. Amidst
these splendours I began to cry and yell out, but not even the faintest echo wanted to
answer me from any direction, and I became sadder and sadder amid the mounting
[2] And as I sank down in sadness, starting to loudly call out for you, my father,
behold, this friend here suddenly came from the gardens, grasped my hand and
spoke, “Get up, my daughter”, suddenly all the splendours which had made me sad
vanished and I awoke, even whilst this friend still held me by the hand. I could not
immediately remember all that I had seen; but when consciousness was given back to
me, as if from the heavens, I recalled everything that I had seen and experienced in
the dream, just as I related it to you.
[3] What amazes me however is that although I have to conclude from this bed that I
was actually dead to the world, I nevertheless continued to live in my dream! And still
more amazing is it that this glorious friend who came to me in my dream now is
present exactly as I saw him in the dream.
[4] But now I ask you, my dear father, whether perhaps this my life that he gave me
anew belongs to him? My heart is deeply moved and it seems to me that I could not
ever give my love to any man other than him. May I love him above all, - more than
you, my father and more than everything in the world?’
[5] This question embarrasses Cornelius and he can't find an answer. But I say to
him, ‘Leave the daughter to feel the way she does now, because only this shall give
her the fullness of life’.
[6] Says Cornelius, ‘If so, then indeed love this Friend above everything! He Who
could give you life from His strength and power when you were dead, shall never be
capable of harming you; because if you were to die again, He would be certain to give
you life again. May you therefore love him above everything, as I also love Him with
all my strength.’
[7] Say I, ‘He who loves Me loves also Him Who is in Me and this One is life eternal. If
he were to die with love for Me even a thousand times, yet he shall live eternally.’ -
Many who hear this say within themselves: ‘How, what is this?! Can a man also say
that? But, can a human being do what he did?’
[8] Says one Roman who was staying with Cornelius as a guest; ‘Friends, a wise man
once said that there isn't a great man whom the gods have not filled with their
breath. But if ever a man had been most strongly breathed upon by the gods, it is
this Jesus, who, at least terrestrially, appears to have been of very low birth; but the
gods do not love the pomp of the world; whenever they walk the earth they always
hide within a most inconsequent exterior and let mortals in??? on who and what they
are only through their deeds. And this will probably be the case with this most plain
man. You all can opine and think, but I take him for a god of the first order. Because
no mortal reawakens the dead!
[9] Wherever a son of Esculop nevertheless had reawakened one seemingly dead,
with all types of balm, oils and ointments, such a purported re-awakened one never
was vigorous and sound like Cornelia, who appears to be more vigorous now than
ever before. That is my opinion and conviction and you may all think what you like.’
[10] Say I, ‘He who is right also believes that it is right so. I tell you this and ask all
those who have heard and seen this to be so good as to remain silent about it for now
and not tell anyone; for you know how wicked the world is!’ They all promise to
strictly keep it to themselves.
[11] They indeed kept quiet during the two days of My stay with My disciples at the
chief's. But as soon as I departed, this thing became known all over Galilee [Mt.
9:26]. I verily could have prevented this, had I bound man's free will, which would
have been the easiest thing for Me to do; but since I have to respect man's free will,
without which man would turn into an animal, I had to of course put up with it, in
spite of it not being within the proper order and of no use to the cause.
Chapter 130
Occasion with the blind beggars. The Lord disregards their flattery. The two
blind healed. ‘Work only out of love!’
[1] There were however at Capernaum two blind-born, who had never seen daylight
nor the glitter of the stars. These two also had heard of Me and My deed. As I was on
My way back from Capernaum to Nazareth, accompanied by the chief and his wife
and all his children and many of his friends, we unhurriedly passed a spot where
several roads crossed. Here the two blind usually sat, begging. When these two found
out from passers-by that a large crowd was approaching, including the foremost lords
of Galilee and amidst them the Saviour Jesus of Nazareth, about whom as well as His
father the legend had it that they were direct descendants of David, the said two
quickly got up from the ground, running after Me as fast as they could, crying and
saying; ‘Jesus, you son of David, have mercy on us!’ [Mt. 9:27] They gave Me that
title thinking to flatter Me, that I should be even more mercifully disposed towards
[2] On account of this however I let them follow Me all the way to Nazareth, to show
them that I laid no store by such worldly titles and vain flattery.
[3] Two hours later, on hearing that I was arriving home, the two asked those they
perceived closest to them to take them to Me. And My disciples immediately brought
them to Me inside the house.
[4] When the two felt themselves in My vicinity, they came over and wanted to ask
Me to make them seeing. Knowing full well what they wanted, I beat them to it,
saying, ‘Do you of a truth believe that I can do so?’ They spoke with brevity, ‘Yes,
Lord!’ [Mt. 9:28]. I touched their eyes with My fingers, saying, ‘Let it be with you in
accordance with your faith!’ [Mt. 9:29]
[5] And their eyes were opened, [Mt. 9:30] so that they could see like all those with
sound eyes. As they now felt the blessedness of sight, viewing the Creation with
wonder, they also in their hearts remembered their endless thanks to Me, intending to
give Me all they acquired through begging, for they would in future not be begging,
but earn their living with the strength of their sound hands.
[6] But I said to them, ‘It verily is right and good that you want to serve your
brethren and earn your living through the strength of your hands. Because he who
has sight and can work should not go around with idle hands and be a burden to his
brethren, but serve them and be of help to them one way or another, so that love
among men would grow.
[7] This your resolution therefore is fully right and good; but whilst it is commendable
that you want to present Me with your savings, out of gratitude, neither I nor My
proper disciples have need of it and so you may as well keep them.
[8] But what I ask of you for opening your eyes to light, is that you firstly keep God's
Commandments, loving God above all and your neighbour as yourselves, serving
them in everything as best you can and gladly help them. And secondly and on My
own account, I command you to tell no one, ensuring that this spreads no further.’
[9] But they said, ‘Lord, this shall be rather difficult, because everyone in the
surroundings knows that we were blind. If therefore we are asked how we, who had
been blind, became seeing, what kind of answer shall we give them?’ Say I, ‘One that
is grounded in silence!’ - They indeed promised to heed it, yet did not keep their
promise and soon went to all adjacent areas and spread My renown. [Mt. 9:31]
Chapter 131
Healing of the possessed deaf and dumb. The Pharisee’s testimony as of the
devil. Cornelius pronounces crucifixion for the wicked. Matthew talks to the
condemned. Their clever apologetics and rescue through Jesus. [Mt. 9:32-
[1] But these two had hardly left the house when new arrivals brought a man who
was both dumb and possessed [Mt. 9:32]. Several Pharisees and scribes whom we
had left behind at Matthew's house had also followed them, to see what I should do
inside the house and to where I would turn. In front of the house they encountered
the two blind, who immediately told them that one dumb and possessed is about to
be healed, but they told them nothing about themselves, for they still feared in their
[2] In response to this the Pharisees hurried, lest they should be late. On entering the
room, they recognised the possessed, who also was dumb and they said, ‘Oh, this
one we have known for a long time. With him no power has any effect. When his devil
gets wild, he uproots trees and no wall or chain is too strong for him. He does not
burn in the fire and let the fish beware if he enters the water. The best thing about
him is that he is dumb and deaf, if he could also hear and talk, then no creature on
earth would be safe with him. Oh, this man is terrible! Everything flees before him,
even the most rapacious animals. And this one he intends healing? This one only the
devils' chief can heal!’
[3] Say I, ‘And yet shall I heal him, that you should at last recognise that all beings
must obey God's might’
[4] Therewith I stretched out a hand over the possessed and spoke, ‘Come out of this
person, you unclean, evil spirit!’ Here the spirit cried, ‘Where should I go?’ Say I,
‘Where the sea is deepest, there a monster awaits you!’ The evil spirit cried out again
and at once left the man.
[5] Thereupon the man at once assumed an amicable appearance, began to talk full
of gratitude, answering everyone with propriety and the gentlest of words: all became
convinced that he had also lost his deaf and dumbness.
[6] The disciples however and all folk present began to greatly marvel, saying, ‘Truly,
this surpasses everything! This has never been heard of in Israel [Mt. 9:33]; there
has been banishment of wind and storm, even if on a much smaller scale, and there
have been revival of the seemingly dead, whilst rocks had to yield water and Manna
came from heaven in response to Moses' prayer, of course nothing to that high
degree of perfection.
[7] When Solomon was building the Temple and no workers wanted to lend their
hands for a month, he prayed to God for workers and a great many youths came and
offered Solomon their service and Solomon took them on, working with them for a
month, as tradition would have it.
[8] In short, since Abraham, quite a few wonders have taken place, but, as God truly
lives and reigns, nothing equals this wondrous deed!’
[9] This wonderment thoroughly angered the Pharisees, and not being able to contain
themselves, they spoke to the people, ‘How can you be such blind fools! Did we not
upon entering the room immediately indicate to you who could be the master of such
possessed? We told you that only the devils' chief could do this. He also healed the
possessed of course, but how? He cast out this devil through the devils' prince. [Mt.
[10] This testimony to Me in front of the people by the furious Pharisees was the last
straw to the commander Cornelius, also in attendance. Utterly outraged at these
remarks, he thundered a sentence over the Pharisees and scribes, ‘Even this very day
the cross shall be your lot! I shall make you tell the difference between God and the
[11] Hearing such thunder, the Pharisees began to dreadfully howl and despair. But
the people were jubilant, saying, ‘Ah! Have you at last found the right one to drive
out your old devil? Serves you right all the way. For you are yourselves fully the
equals of the devils' prince, you continue to fight the way he once fought the
archangel Michael for Moses' body, i.e. about the dead matter of his teaching and
persecute all with the curse, fire and sword, - everything that even remotely scents of
spirituality. Hence it is you who always act with the devil's help, lending a hand to the
lying spirit. Hence the devils' sentence is a fully just one for you Satan henchmen,
and no compassion stirs our hearts.’
[12] Here Matthew the tax collector steps over to the Pharisees, saying, ‘It is about
four days since on the last Sabbath the Master Jesus freed the old brother of my
mother from palsy, how much was said to you then by way of fundamental truths!
Children understood it almost with their hands and pointed their fingers at you. The
Master Himself spoke to you with such wisdom that you were filled with astonishment
and were forced to ask how He came by such wisdom. Yet neither His Spirit-and-
instruction-filled-answers, nor His unheard of deeds were able to open your eyes.
[13] If such deeds and teachings are not capable of opening your eyes, even whilst
your wicked hearts only get steadily more furious and vengeful, say, what do you still
lack for accomplished devilry? I tell you indeed, as I already told you, that you are
worse than all devils put together and it is therefore right before God and all better
mankind that you be extirpated like ravenous beasts.
[14] Even if I am an exceedingly sensitive person, unable to hurt a fly or tread upon a
worm, yet I could quite easily myself strike off your heads without feeling uneasy
about it. Hence I praise the chief Cornelius for condemning you to the gallows’
(synonymous with cross).
[15] When the Pharisees in their great fear saw that no one felt mercy for them or
were about to intercede with the Commander, who held the inexorable Jus Gladii over
all Galilee, they fell on their knees before the commander, averring that they had not
meant Jesus harm, the way it was taken, but had only wanted to highlight how the
obviously divine power within the Master of all masters Jesus, could and has to also
manifest by making the prince of the devils subservient to it, for it should be bad for
mankind if God had no power over the devils. If undisputedly however God's supreme
power is acting through Jesus, then it has to be able to reign over all devils as over all
angels and be capable of enforcing their strictest obedience. ‘Hence we only wanted
through our pronouncement to emphasise that his godly power extends over
everything in heaven, on and under the earth. Since however we had meant only that
and not possibly anything else by our exclamation, for which you have condemned us
to death, how is it possible that you as an exalted lord of Rome, could have
pronounced such sentence over us? We therefore beg you in the divine name of Jesus
that you would most mercifully retract the pronounced sentence.’
[16] Says the commander, ‘If Jesus, the Master, is willing to put a word in for you,
then I shall retract my word; but if He keeps His silence, then you die without further
ado even this day. For I put no trust in your words, because your hearts don't tally
with your mouths!’
[17] After these words from the chief, they all rush at Me, clamouring, ‘Oh Jesus, you
good Master, we beg you to rescue and save us. Have us flogged if you don't trust
our words not to place any further obstacles in your path. For we all are convinced
now that you are a purest servant of God to us, His unfortunately profusely
degenerated children. Oh, Jesus, do not overhear our plea!’
[18] Say I, ‘So go home in peace! But beware of more exploits, or I would no longer
say to you then: go home in peace.’
[19] They all promised, and the commander said; ‘As He gave you the peace, so give
I, taking back the sentence for now; but beware if I find out even the least about
[20] The Pharisees thank Me and the chief exceedingly and fervently, departing
hastily and keeping utter silence; for they all dreaded Cornelius terribly. But in their
hearts they hatched that much harder how to ruin Me and revenge themselves on the
chief; yet they had to, due to lack of opportunity, grin and bear it, their survival
depending on it. This nevertheless was good for My cause, for I now could for a
lengthy period, until late autumn, preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God without
hindrance in all the cities and market places of Galilee, healing all kinds of diseases
and sicknesses among the people. [Mt. 9:35]
Chapter 132
About the great misery of the people: A food and clothes miracle.
[1] There was much misery to be found among the people languishing under all kinds
of oppression, especially in the markets and villages. Physically and psychically they
were scattered and dying like sheep among the wolves without any shepherd. [Mt.
9:36] Since I deeply regretted the poor people’s desperate plight, I spoke as I did in
Sychar at the well, ‘The crop is heavy, but labourers are scarce. [Mt. 9:37] Therefore,
beg the Lord to send labourers to harvest His crop. For these poor people are ripe for
the Kingdom of God and the field where they are is large. They languish and thirst for
light, truth and salvation. But labourers, labourers! Where are they?’ [Mt. 9:38]
[2] Says the disciples, ‘Lord, if You should consider us capable, could we not spread
out and each of us take a town or a market?’ Say I, ‘We are now on the way to an
extremely poor village. Once we have reached it I shall select the most capable and
strongest among you and send you out into the different regions and places, and then
you will be doing all that which I am doing and have done in your presence. But now
let us hurry towards the village.’
[3] In less than half an hour we had reached the little village where we found truly
indescribable misery. Parents and children were walking about literally naked,
covering their nakedness with foliage. When the people saw us approaching
everybody, big and small, young and old, came hurrying towards us begging for alms,
for they suffered great want. Children were crying, holding their hands over their
tummies, for they were very hungry having had nothing to eat already for two whole
days. The parents were in despair, partly from their own pangs of hunger, but even
more so because their little children were asking for bread and milk.
[4] Peter, who was very deeply moved by this sight, asked a staunch-looking old
man, ‘Friend, who has made you so extremely miserable? How did you get into this
plight? Did some enemy come and rob you of everything, even disgracefully ruining
your houses as I notice? For I see only walls and no roofs and lofts above them and
your granaries, which I knew, are completely destroyed. How did this happen?’
[5] Says the man in a tearful voice, ‘Oh you dear and no doubt good people. This was
done by the harshness and greed of the tributary king Herod. His father was Satan’s
left - and he is his right arm. We could not raise the taxes which he had demanded of
us ten days earlier. His bailiffs gave us a deadline of six days. But what were six
days? During this time the bailiffs consumed almost all our better provisions and on
the seventh day - since we could not possibly raise and pay the exorbitant tax - they
took everything we had and we only barely escaped with this miserable life. O friends,
this is hard, immensely hard! If God does not help, we shall still today die of
starvation together with our children. Do help us in whatever way you can! If only the
wicked servants of Herod had not taken all our clothes we could have gone begging,
but where could we go in this state? For our children it is too far in all directions and
as you can see we are as naked as in the womb. O God, O God, why did we have to
be made so terribly miserable? Which one of all our sins before You, O Jehovah, has
brought such punishment upon us?’
[6] Here I step up to the old man and say, ‘Friend, the cause for this is not your sin,
which before God is the most insignificant in all Israel, but God’s love.
[7] You were the purest in all of Israel, but some worldly desires were still clinging to
your soul. God, however, who loves you, wanted to free you all at once from the
world to make you fully capable of absorbing your heavenly Father’s grace. This has
now happened and you are now safe from Herod for all times, for from those who
have been completely robbed by his greed he never again collects taxes because
those subjects who have been made beggars are struck off the tax register.
[8] And so you see, you have been freed from the world at a single stroke. That is
God’s greatest blessing for you and you can now begin to care for your soul in all
[9] However, I tell you: Do not in future build wealthy looking houses, but erect for
yourselves scanty huts, and no one will demand taxes of you, except the exclusively
privileged king of Rome; and he demands only two to three percent. If you have
something, you can give it; if you have nothing, you are free. But we shall speak
about that later.
[10] Now go to your roofless houses; there you will find food and clothes. Refresh
yourselves, put on clothes and then come back here and I shall discuss further things
with you.’
Chapter 133
A food and clothes miracle
[1] Hearing this all the poor people hurry with gratitude and faith into their half-
destroyed houses and are amazed when they find the tables laden with plenty of good
food and also all kinds of clothes for old and young, big and small and for both sexes
separately. They ask each other how this has come about, but no one knows the
[2] When they find even their larder fully stocked, woman and children say to the
men, ‘That has been done by God! He who in the desert had for forty years manna
rain and thus fed His children in an area of rock and sand where no grass grew. He
would not have let us die since we have always prayed to Him. Oh, that is certain:
God does not ever forsake the ones who implore Him.
[3] David, the great king, prayed to God when he became wretched, and God helped
him out of his great misery. God has never been known not to give a favourable
hearing to those who sought His help. It would have been an unprecedented case if
God had not granted our prayers in this our greatest distress, for God is always full of
love for those who call to Him: “Abba, dear Father!” Therefore, let us from now on
love Him above all! He alone is our deliverer! Our most holy Father sent us all this
from the heavens through His holy angels.’
[4] Says the old man who happened to belong to this particular family where the
whole village used to gather to listen to his wisdom, for he was well versed in the
Scripture, ‘My children, friends and brothers. It is written: “From the mouth of the
little ones and babes I shall have myself praised!” And look, here we have it before
our eyes and ears. The dear Father has looked at us in His great mercy and had done
this for us! To Him be therefore all our love and praise from the mouth of our babes,
for the praise from our mouths is not sufficiently pure to be pleasing to the Almighty.
That is why He has prepared for Himself the mouth of our babes. But now let us go
outside to the young who sent us to our houses and no doubt knew what God had
done for us. He must be a great prophet - maybe even Elias who is to come once
more prior to the hoped-for and already long since promised Messiah.’
[5] Says a little child that has only recently started to talk, ‘Father! Could not this
man himself be the great Promised One?’
[6] Says the old man, ‘O child, who loosened your tongue so clearly? For you did not
speak like a child just now, but like a sage at the temple in Jerusalem.’
[7] Says the little child, ‘I do not know about that, only that prior to this talking was
so difficult for me and now so very easy, - that I do know. But why should this
surprise you, since we are surrounded by God’s wonders?’
[8] Says the old man, pressing the little child to his heart, ‘Yes, yes, you are right!
Everything here is a wonder, and you are surely not wrong if you even take the young
man to be the Messiah. For us He is certainly that. But let us now go outside to Him
and dutifully render our gratitude also to Him in the name of Jehovah, for He was
obviously sent to us by God. So let us hurry outside to Him.’
[9] Now they all hurry outside to Me and the little children are the first to throw
themselves at My feet bedewing them with their innocent, purest tears of gratitude
and joy.
[10] But I gaze up at the firmament and say in a loud voice, ‘You heavens! Do look
down and learn from these little children how your God and Father wants to be
praised! O creation, how endlessly vast and ancient you are and how countless the
number of your wise citizens, and yet you could not find the way to the heart of your
Creator, your Father, like these little children. Therefore, I tell you, ‘Who does not
come to Me like these little ones, will not find the Father.’
[11] Thereupon I sat down and blessed and caressed the little children. And the little
child said to the old man who called out in some confusion, ‘How is that? Why? How
are we to comprehend this?’, ‘Father, there is more than Elias here, more than your
Messiah. Here is the Father Himself, the good Father who brought us bread, milk and
[12] The old man begins to weep, but the little child leans his head against My bosom
which he begins to kiss and caress, and after a while he says, ‘Yes, yes, I hear it,
here in his bosom the true, good Father’s heart is beating. Oh, if I could only kiss it
too!’ Says the old man, ‘But little one, do not be naughty.’
[13] Say I, unless all of you become that naughty, you will never come as close to the
Father’s heart as this dear little child.’
Chapter 134
First mission of the twelve apostles. Further explanations regarding the
choice of texts in the biblical Gospels of Matthew and John.
[1] Matthew, the Evangelist, and John come to Me and say, ‘Lord, this deed should
really be recorded since it is so extraordinary and purely divine.’
[2] Say I, ‘Did I not accomplish the same at Sychar, did I not just a few days ago
provide also My house in the same way the house of My disciple Matthew? You
wanted to record all that and I did not allow it, for which I have My very good reason.
Why should this deed which is equivalent to the previous ones now be recorded?
Leave that be. I alone know best what the world needs and shall tell you what you
may again record of a new deed and when. And your turn, My brother John, will not
come for quite some time.
[3] But now, My dear disciples, I shall choose from your midst some whom I shall
already now send out into the towns of Israel to preach the Kingdom of God to the
people. [Mt. 10:1] You, Simon Peter, are the first; you, Simian’s brother, Andrew, are
the second; you, James, son of Zebedee, are the third and you, his brother, John,
[Mt. 10:2] are the fourth; Philip, you are the fifth, you, Bartholomew, are the sixth;
you, Thomas, the seventh and you, Matthew the publican, are the eight; you, James,
son of Alphaeus, are the ninth and you, Lebbaeus, also called Thaddaeus, [Mt. 10:3]
are the tenth; you, Simon of Cana, are the eleventh and you, Judas Iscariot, are the
twelfth. [Mt. 10:4]
[4] I am giving you twelve the authority to cast out unclean spirits from men and to
heal all kinds of contagious diseases and other ailments. You shall preach the
Kingdom of God everywhere, but keep silent about certain special deeds.’
[5] After this selection the twelve chosen disciples asked Me where they should now
go, which roads to take and what they should mainly speak about.
[6] To this question I gave them the following extensive answer which the twelve
elected did not particularly relish, and only after My ascension they made full use of
these instructions.
[7] But the instructions were also given in such a way that they applied mainly to the
time after My ascension when the twelve, or at that time rather all those who spread
My teaching, experienced what I had made known to the twelve.
[8] However, before I deal with the extensive instructions to the twelve, I must
mention, for the sake of a better understanding of the whole, that the Gospels,
including Matthew and John, as they are these days available to you in the different
languages, are only excerpts from the original Gospel and, thus, do not even by far
contain all that Matthew and John did record. Here and there also some small
supplementary sentence appears by the later collector and copyist, which obviously
could have been added only later, as for instance in Mt. 10:4 the mention of the 12 th
apostle Judas Iscariot is followed by the sentence “Who later betrayed him.” At the
time of the selection Matthew, who wrote his Gospel in My presence, had no idea of
this could not possibly have added this sentence which was done by some later
[9] The Hebrew as well as Greek Bibles, therefore, always state: “Gospel according to
Matthew,” “according to John” and so on.
[10] Therefore, no one should take it amiss if when reading Matthew and John he
comes across similar texts which the actual evangelist could not have recorded in his
time since the fact mentioned therein occurred only much later. Everything is
rendered in the strictest order and I have mentioned this point here in the most
suitable place so as to prevent in the course of time rationalistic reasoners from
negative criticism.
[11] However, as already earlier in this revelation, supplementary explanations will
here and there be given which is all the more necessary since as a result of the
transcription many an important fact was not recorded quite correctly and many a
thing that did not appear authentic enough to the transcriber was even omitted
altogether. Numerous things were recorded at that time, partly by eye witnesses,
partly from hearsay, and thus it was for the quite honest transcribers most difficult to
stick to the full truth at all times.
[12] And so the two Gospels according to MATTHEW and JOHN are, except for some
small matters, THE PUREST.
[13] Here a critical rationalist could indeed ask: “Where then has the actual original
got to? Is it no longer available on earth and should it not have been possible to God,
in view of the at that time numerous people who were quickened and permeated by
the Holy Spirit, to once more bring to light the original Gospel word for word?”
[14] The answer is this: The originals have been wisely removed for the simple
reason that before long idolatry would have been practiced with such relics. This does
still happen, and even with false and assumed relics, although My true pure teaching
strictly forbids this with a warning against the leaven of the Pharisees. Now imagine a
historically proven true relic. I tell you that with such a one more idolatry would be
practiced than with the so-called Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem where, except for the
locality, not a grain of sand is authentic. That is the real reason why all the originals
have been removed.
[15] As concerns the second question, THE SPIRIT contained in the originals has been
fully retained also in the transcripts; and the letter is of no importance anyway, but
only the spirit which is unchanged. Or could there be any difference where the Spirit
of God is concerned (i.e. WITHIN HIM because there is only ONE Spirit of God) if He
as one and the same Spirit is active on this earth in endless multiplicity in the most
diverse forms and in an even more endless multiplicity on a sun? Behold, it is and
remains nevertheless always one and the same holy Spirit.
[16] Thus it is also with transcripts of My Word. May they seem ever so dissimilar
externally, they nevertheless are imbued with the same Spirit from inner depths and
no more is needed.
[17] As an extreme case, take the religions of other nations, e.g. the Turks, Parses,
Gevers, Hindus, Chinese and Japanese. How they differ from the religion I gave to
only the children from the heavens of all heavens; yet the same spirit, although
hidden much more deeply, reigns also in them.
[18] But it shall be obvious to any moderately scientific person that within the
frequently very thick and weathered bark, taken by many to be the tree itself, all
kinds of filth as well as worms and insects are found which take their bad food only
from the bark. Since it is however the bark which grows out of the living tree and not
vice versa, it too has something of the tree-life and it is understandable therefore how
within it so many worms and diverse insects find a most marginal and transitory life-
[19] Wars, persecutions, devastations are waged only on the meagre and barren
bark, whilst the tree's living wood stays fresh and sound. Hence no living wood should
trouble itself about what takes place within the actually dead bark; because the bark
shall be discarded when the wood is brought in.
[20] This interpolation was necessary for a more thorough understanding of what is to
follow at a later stage. And since no doubt can arise about it for the present, we can
cheerfully return to the main theme.
Chapter 135
Matthew the tax collector's talk to his fellow disciples. The Lord's hints for
His missionaries. Judas and Thomas talk. Simon of Cana's financial question.
The Lord's Word about money and money-orientation of the time.
[1] After choosing the twelve disciples as My messengers and forerunners, giving
them a condensed course on what they should do, the chosen twelve nevertheless
fervently besought Me for complete directions on what to do, say and teach and on
their demeanour and on what should be their lot every now and then. Because they
all had no mean fear of the many Pharisees and scribes.
[2] The only one with a trifle more courage - Matthew the tax collector, addressed the
twelve's diverse misgivings as follows; ‘What of it! I am a Greek and they can't do
much to me. I have a healthy tongue as well and two powerful arms and on top of
that I have documented Roman citizenship, on which no cheeky Jew can lay his
hands; and so I can at least officially cope with them; our Lord's almighty Spirit
however shall protect us against clandestine and murderous harassment and so I
have an abundance of the best weapons even against the most irascible adversary
and hence do not fear hell even in its entirety. But you are for the most part
Galileans, which is tantamount to anti-Templers and are more Greek than Jewish,
counting the Romans as your friends; what should you fear under such
circumstances? Yet we have to in any case be full of courage when it comes to
carrying out such endlessly great holy things. Let the earth be blasted to rubble; a
real man has to stand his ground on this, contemptuous of death and not sway like
the reeds. But I too am all for exhaustive and full directions for this holy endeavour;
because we indeed must know what we are to do and say.’
[3] All took courage with this rousing talk from Matthew the tax collector and they
began to itch at the shoulders, as if about to wing away rather than march.
[4] Thereupon I stood in their midst, saying to them; ‘Let you concentrate in spirit
then; I want to tell you everything you need to know, leaving out nothing.
[5] You shall not actually on your first assignment experience everything I tell you,
but after I shall have ascended Incarnate from this earth to My heavens, to prepare
for you an everlasting dwelling-place in My Father's house, you then shall experience
everything that I shall reveal to you for all time to come. Pay attention therefore and
take in what is for now and what for afterwards.
[6] But what I shall now tell you, those too shall find out more or less who shall fully
step in your shoes after you, in My name. You, Matthew the scribe however take
down everything I am about to say, as you did on Gerizim; because this must not be
lost to the world, as it is to be a biting witness against it.’
[7] Matthew gets ready for writing and I say to the twelve;
[8] ‘First of all do not travel upon the roads of the heathens.
[9] That is, do not like the heathens go about throwing your weight around and avoid
also notoriously wild peoples; for you are not to proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom
of God to dogs and swine. Because a swine remains a swine, whilst a dog always
avidly returns to his vomit. This therefore is what I am saying, that I counsel you not
to travel upon the roads of the heathens.
[10] Likewise, do not go to the cities of the Samaritans! Why? With these I have in
your very presence already placed an apostle and they have firstly no need of you
and secondly you would be badly received by the Jews, when they find out that you
have joined forces with their most hated adversaries. [Mt. 10:5]
[11] When you come to them, preach and say and show them in an understandable
manner how the kingdom of heaven has come near unto them. [Mt. 10:7] And if they
will hear you and accept your sermon, make their sick whole, cleanse the lepers,
resurrect their dead, - wherever desirable as shown you by your spirit, physically and
spiritually with all and above all! (NB. Matthew did not record this, because by the
commandment to awaken the dead, mainly the spiritual awakening is to be
[12] Drive out the devils from the people and safeguard them against the former's
return. But, above all, mark well, do not accept payment from anyone because you
received from Me freely and freely should you pass it on in My name [Mt. 10:8]. -
This supplement I added at the time mainly on account of Judas Iscariot, who had
began to secretly calculate how much payment he would ask for one or the other help
rendered. For resurrections, particularly of those dead who had meant much to the
very rich, he was going to demand a thousand pounds! Since I at once noticed such
arithmetic in the traitor's heart, I also at once added the above supplement, to which
the concerned one reacted with a sour face, which did not escape Thomas, who was
facing him and who could not resist making the comment; ‘Now, now, you are cutting
the face of someone working out interest at usury rates, but having his calculations
crossed through with arm-thick lines by the law courts!’
[13] Says Judas; ‘My face is none of your business. Shall I in the end have to give
account to you for my face? I am called and chosen the same as you, why are you
then constantly correcting me?’
[14] Says Thomas, ‘I am not correcting you, but a question for you on some
occasions surely will be admissible? Why was it you did not cut such sour face when
the Lord was enduing us with all sorts of powers, showing us how we could and
should exercise them? But as soon as the Lord said that we should do it freely, your
face turned to vinegar; why? Did you suffer the cramps, that your cheeks and brow
were so sourly distorted? Speak openly if you have the guts!’
[15] Says Judas to Me, ‘Lord, could you not reprimand him for once, otherwise his
constant insinuations might start to offend me?’
[16] Say I, ‘Friend! If someone imputes sin to the innocent, the latter laughs it off in
his heart, for same at once absolves him. If however someone is accused of
something, even if by sheer coincidence, of which nevertheless that person really is
guilty, - say, will that person also laugh it off? Oh no! I tell you that person shall be
infuriated at the person who reproached him as if by accident and not become his
friend for sure. Hence do not let it trouble you, otherwise in the end you shall be
admitting guilt!’
[17] Hearing this, Judas at once cuts the happiest of faces, in order not to betray
guilt. But Thomas says to himself, 'I know you fox, you won't get away.'
[18] But Simon of Cana asked, ‘Lord, what are we to nevertheless do if someone
were to offer us gold, silver or coined iron, for some healing? Are we to not accept
that either? There are many poor to whose aid we could come with such money.’ -
Judas, uninvited, quite agreeingly says, ‘Yes, yes, that's exactly what I think. If
anyone has gold, silver or iron forced upon them for some help rendered, one ought
to surely accept it for the purpose indicated by Simon of Cana?’
[19] Say I; ‘Not so, My brethren! I say unto you: you should carry neither gold, nor
silver, nor iron under your belts, because a proper workman is worthy of his gold.
(Mt. 10:9) But he who will not work, when sound, neither should he be fed! For it is
written: By the sweat of your brow shall you earn your bread. But nowhere is it
written that a workshy one should prepare his food from alms, consisting of gold,
silver and iron. Yet the weak, old and sick should in any case be taken into care by
the community as a whole.
[20] A time shall nevertheless come when mankind shall be ruled by gold, silver and
iron, determining their worth before the world. But this shall be an evil time; the light
of faith shall then go out, whilst love of neighbour shall grow hard and cold like the
[21] Hence you ought not on your journey to take a bag, or two coats, nor a staff!
Because, as I have said, a proper workman is worthy of his food. [Mt. 10:10].
Chapter 136
Judas’ questions and comments about travel without money. The Lord's holy
hints - ‘Be ye clever without guile and gentle.’ Judas' judgmental retort. [Mt.
[1] But Judas asked, saying; ‘Lord, this is in order and the people on the land shall
provide for us; but we shall surely have to also go to the cities and markets, where
erstwhile hospitality has come to an end. How shall we get on there and how go about
without money?’
[2] Say I; ‘When you go to a city or a market, find out (since you know what you are
capable of) whether there is someone worthy of you there who needs what you are
able to give. If you have found such, stay with them until you are off to somewhere
else [Mt. 10:11].
[3] It speaks for itself that you first greet the house you enter [Mt. 10:12], because
true love always precedes into a stranger's house with civilised steps. If a house, i.e.
its occupants are worthy of you, then your peace shall come over it: if however the
house is not worthy of you, then peace shall turn back upon you. [Mt. 10:13].
[4] And where an occupant of a house will not receive you or hear you speak, leave
such house at once, as also in the end such town, and shake off the dust clinging to
your feet, as a once powerful witness against it! [Mt. 10:14]. For truly I say unto you:
on judgment day in the other world once, the land of the Sodomites and
Gommorrheans shall fare better than such city! [Mt. 10:15].
[5] Behold, I send you out as sheep among rapacious wolves; hence be clever as
serpents, yet without guile, as doves, which are a picture of gentleness.’ [Mt. 10:16].
[6] Says Judas thereto, ‘Lord! Under such dubious circumstances we shall not get
very far! Of what use some future judgment day in the spirit kingdom, on which no
man believes! If we cannot or must not with divine power You assigned to us, impose
as severe a judgment day as possible upon the rapacious wolf-men, then we might as
well stay home. Because if we witness of You with even moderate loudness before
such wolves, with which particularly the cities are teeming, we shall be seized, bound
and dragged before the city halls and severely judged; and there, if judgment is not
over-severe, they shall flog us in front of the Jews in the schools and finally make us
free as the birds by thrusting us out of town. For such present truly I want to say
thanks in advance. Of what use all cleverness, truth and fullest sincerity, where
confronted by wilful power in its blind rage?
[7] Where full truth and proper righteousness have an existence, for which
contemporary mankind has not the slightest taste, there the Roman adage has to
apply also for us: ‘Let the world perish; but righteousness is to be practiced to the
full. Let the true virtue always find its sure reward; let the lie, envy, avarice, guile
and all unrighteousness however always find its most relentless punishment.’ If we
are to accomplish anything with the generally most wickedly depraved mankind, we
have to proceed like the angels at Sodom and Gomorrah; he who hears and accepts
us in Your name, let him be rewarded through Your grace; but let a plague come over
him who shall not hear and accept us. But whoever wants to persecute us and haul us
before a worldly court, let a consuming fire fall over him from heaven and do to him
what it once did to the Sodomites!
[8] If You oh Lord allowed us to act thus, we also shall work decidedly good results
from our present mission. If however we are not allowed to proceed thus with the
altogether depraved and ruined mankind, then all our efforts and work are for
nothing. We shall in the end be stoned; and You Yourself, if it were possible, shall be
killed and our countless enemies shall be walking over our bodies laughing and drunk
with victory. And that shall be about all we shall achieve with all our untimely
goodness, compliance and gentleness. In short, in order to achieve anything with
Satan, one has to either be his complete master, or serve him as a slave.
Chapter 137
The Lord's answer to Judas' missionary suggestions. Judas' soul from below.
An earthly lifestyle is the death of the spirit. Retrospection to mankind's
guidance. Now is the joyous time of the Lord's coming in the gentle breeze.
The sufferings of the missionaries. A passage from Isaiah. The disciples
comforted. [Mt. 10:17-20]
[1]  Say I, 'Since you are a man of this earth you speak also as one of this earth. But
He Who is from above speaks differently, because He recognises and knows well what
man needs at different times for the liberation of his spirit from omnipotence and
from God's wrath, in order to achieve true independence for eternity.
[2] Because the life of this earth gives neither life nor liberation to the spirit, but
death; but the death of this earth is deliverance of the spirit to everlasting life and its
true, everlasting liberty.
[3] If I have to speak as just man however, I say unto you that all this and far more
has already been undertaken with the human race; yet ask yourself where in your
opinion are the golden fruits thereof!
[4] What did not take place in the days of Noah, yet how much did many improve
temporally, above what they were in Noah's time? And what occurred soon after at
Sodom and Gomorrah?
[5] And behold, all contemporary heathens save black man and the Chinese in the far
East are descendants of Lot, as also many animalistically degenerate Scythian
inhabiting the earth's western parts; how do you find them, in spite of the lesson their
father Lot learnt?
[6] Go to Egypt and check out the peoples, how much they improved through the
seven plagues! What did Moses not do and what not some prophets?!
[7] It was for forty years that Jehovah let the degenerate Jews languish most
miserably under the Babylonian captivity, - they were treated like the most inferior
beasts of burden, fed with the fare of swine and dogs, whilst the lovely daughters of
Jews were being mortally defiled by the licentious Babylonians, day and night, with
flogging and other tortures, as were the boys and youths, who had been circumcised!
Go and ask the high haughty Jews how much they improved through such lessons!
[8] Show Me the period, the year, month or week or a day that the Lord was not
punishing degenerate mankind, both individually and collectively?
[9] Hence your advice is much belated; this has all been here already, having effected
for the spiritual path also what it had to effect; yet for man's exterior earthly state
there must and can emerge no evident effect basically, for it is not on account of this
that anything ever was permitted from above.
[10] But for proclaiming the Gospel of the kingdom of God on earth through repeated
thunder and lightning I should not have need of you; because there would be in
heaven mighty angels in overabundance who should be more conversant than
yourselves with such spreading of the kingdom of God on earth.
[11] But that time has now come which Elijah was shown when he lay hidden in the
mountain cave. It was not in the storm nor in the fire, but in the gentle breeze that
Jehovah was moving about! And that time of Jehovah's gentle breeze before the
world-cave is here now! Hence we neither want to nor can, move out through storm,
nor fire, but in accordance with God's eternal order in all love, gentleness and
patience! Yet you are not to disregard shrewdness! Because I am well aware of your
moving out as lambs among rapacious wolves; yet if you nevertheless are clever, you
shall accomplish much.
[12] Beware of certain (world) men therefore and do not mix with them; because it is
these who shall be handing you over to the courts and also scourge you in their
synagogues, - and this shortly, if you are foolish rather than sufficiently clever! [Mt.
10:17]. So long as a lamb finds itself upon a balcony which the wolf cannot reach, the
latter can with all his savagery, nevertheless do nothing to it. But if the lamb cheekily
leaves the balcony to look at its enemy more closely, it has only itself to blame if torn
up and devoured by the wolf.
[13] But later, after I shall have ascended to the heavens to prepare everlasting
dwellings for you in the Father's house, they indeed shall haul you before princes and
kings for My name's sake, for a testimony against them and the heathens, so that it
may be fulfilled in accordance with what Isaiah, My prophet, prophesied for all time
and about the foolish kings in relation to the establishment now of My kingdom on
earth. [Isa. 32: 6-20]:
A fool speaks of foolishness and his heart manipulates misfortune, to simulate
hypocrisy and preach error about the Lord, to starve hungry souls yet more and to
stop the thirsty ones drinking. The rule of the tight-fisted is harm, finding as he does
dodges aplenty to ruin the wretched with false verbiage, when he should be upholding
the rights of the poor. But the upright princes will have princely thoughts and
dispense justice accordingly.
Arise you haughty women and hear My voice! You daughters self-assured, hear My
speech but for a year and a day and you self-assured shall tremble; for where there is
no vine-crop, there shall be no picking. Take fright, you haughty women! For it is the
time of the uncovering and the girding of the loins!
There shall be wailing for the fields, for the lovely friends indeed and the prolific
vines; because upon My people-field shall be growing thorns and hedges, as also over
all the houses of pleasure in the merry cities. The palaces shall be deserted and the
crowds of the cities lonesome, the towns and citadels becoming eternal caves, for the
joy of the beasts of the fields and pasture of the herds. And this till the days of the
outpouring of the Spirit from on high.
Thereupon the desert shall turn into field and the field counted among forests. And
justice shall prevail in the desert and righteousness reign in the field. And the fruit of
righteousness shall be peace and the benefit of righteousness shall be eternal
calmness and security.
Then shall My people dwell in the houses of peace and hence in the secure dwellings
and lofty silence. But the hail nevertheless shall remain along the forest and the city
here below shall be a lowly one.
Blessed are ye that sow keenly beside the waters, sending forth there the feet of the
ass and ox indeed.
[14] If you are therefore brought before and handed over to the foolish kings by the
wicked fools of this world, as indicated by Isaiah, then do not trouble yourselves
about what to say and how to justify yourselves; for it shall be given you in that hour
what to say and how to justify yourselves! [Mt. 10:19]. For it is not you who speak,
but My Spirit - the Father's Spirit that speaks through you! [Mt. 10:20].
[15] This however applies only to the aforementioned, second sending out, which you
shall have to accomplish after My ascension; but for now, your burden is not to be an
unduly heavy one.
[16] Because just as the prophet says at the end, so I also say unto you now: blessed
are ye that are to sow at the seashores; because you may indeed, for this soil, send
your asses and oxen back and forth, i.e. your diligence for goodness and truth, for
which I have called you! There you shall not come upon a foolish king, nor upon
haughty women, but upon the poor, the sick, the possessed, the lame, deaf and
blind; naturally and even more so, in spirit; to these go forth, preaching unto them
the Gospel of the kingdom of God, healing everyone who believes, not keeping My
name secret unto them!’
Chapter 138
A proper question: What if the harvest from sowing heavenly seed, full of
love-peace, yields discord? ‘Do not be concerned about Satan defending
himself.’ More objections from Judas. The Lord's exhortation to trust and to
fearless spreading of the Gospel. [Mt. 10:21-33]
[1] Says Simon of Cana, ‘Lord, I would like to raise a question, which seems
important at least to myself, which you may be inclined to answer for us before we go
out, - for our instruction and peace of mind. I beg that You would hear me.’
[2] Say I, ‘I can read your question from your heart more precisely than you can
formulate it; but let not this stop you from voicing it for your brethren's sake! For the
question is of truly great import and worthy of a true and unspoiled Jew. Hence bring
out into the open by all means what makes you heavy breasted!’
[3] Says Simon of Cana, ‘Very well! If it be Your will that I too speak, then let you all
hear me! The question is this:
[4] We shall presently be going to those who have need of us. We shall be preaching
what You taught upon the Mount. This Your Sermon on the Mount is of a purely divine
nature and therefore of a heavenly goodness beyond all measure. But this teaching is
for the most part in strict opposition to the old Mosaic one.
[5] I am familiar with all the localities along the extensive Galilean sea coast, as also
many times no less so with its inhabitants. There are indeed many among them who
have thrown Moses overboard for Pythagoras; yet it is not these who would pose too
much of a threat for your teaching. But there are among them also many families,
who so to say live and die for Moses and actually more still for the Temple, - and the
parents generally more so than the children, although the reverse is not seldom the
case. If therefore the children of some ultra orthodox Jews receive Your in many ways
anti-Templeric teaching, but not their parents, what shall be the result?
[6] The parents shall reproach the children for disobedience according to Moses and
curse them, - a phenomenon none too rare among fanatically orthodox Jews!
[7] If this undoubtedly shall be taking place in front of our eyes, what shall have to be
our response? Because it can doubtlessly be taken for granted that such parents shall
persecute and curse us without limit.
[8] In the alternative case however it would be much easier of course, since by mere
virtue of political law itself, the children cannot be lords over the parents. Besides
blessings therefore, we shall be casting the seeds also of discord, quarrelling, rage,
hate and revenge and shall be hated, persecuted and totally cursed by thousands!
Who shall make good such damage and remove the thousandfold curse from our
[9] Say I, ‘Do not let this overly concern you! Behold, there comes down from heaven
not only the mild, all enlivening sun beam of spring, but storm, hail, lightning and
thunder as well.
[10] Everyone praises the sunbeam indeed, but nobody wants to praise the hail,
storm, lightning and thunder; and winter comes too soon for all, - yet winter is more
beneficial to all than spring; and storm, hail, lightning and thunder are as necessary
as the sunset's mild beams!
[11] I say into you: it shall come and must come that, for My name's sake, one
brother shall deliver another to death and thus a father the son; and the children shall
be outraged at their parents and help them towards death! [Mt. 10:1] And you have
to yourselves be hated by everyone of the world as it now actually is, for My name's
[12] Whosoever among you shall not be offended thereby, but perseveres until the
end, shall gain beatitude [Mt. 10:]; for Satan's paw does not easily let go of his prey!
Have you understood Me?’
[13] Says Judas, ‘It's getting better all the time! If this sending has to draw
everybody's hatred upon us, then God help such undertaking! Good luck, those who
will hate us are going to look after us and keep us like summer does with the snow.
Lord, if this is Your full earnest, then I as a simple but nevertheless quite experienced
man say to You: Let You nicely stay home with us, because this seed shall not sprout
and bring forth fruit! - Hear! If we shall have reached the stage where after our
sermon we shall be hated of everyone like death itself, what shall be left us to do;
shall we allow ourselves to also be killed on the quiet side? If that too - who will then
spread Your Word? Hey, think of what You are asking! Do You not for the sake of the
most luminescent heaven see You make Yourself sheer impossible, being therewith
Your own greatest enemy and persecutor? Where, where in the whole wide world is
he who, hating me beyond death, will listen to my sermon that is going to fill his
house with discord, hate, rage and deadly revenge? Speak, - what is to be done in
such unavoidable circumstance?’
[14] Say I, ‘You talk the way you understand it, but we talk the way we do. You
understand everything in the terrestrially crude way, whilst the discussion here is
from the heavens, spiritual.
[15] If however you or anyone else should be so scared of men, then flee from a town
where they persecute you, to another! Because, verily I say unto you: you shall not
have preached in all the cities of Israel by the time I already, as the Son of Man,
come to you again [Mt. 10:3] as One Who shall kindle judgment for everyone - a
ruinous fire in his heart, arousing the evil worm in the evildoer's breast and the fire
shall not go out and the worm not die; you yourselves however shall be justified for,
let all those beware once who persecuted and laid hands upon you!’
[16] Speaks Judas once again, ‘Yes, once we shall have been killed, You shall follow
us indeed! If however you have now given us the authority over evil spirits and the
power to heal all sickness, why do You not also at the same time provide us with the
power to call forth fire out of the earth, under the feet of those who persecute us, and
we shall in a short time convert the whole world for You!’
[17] Say I, ‘And would you be more than is your Master and Lord? I say unto you all
however - the disciple is not above his teacher and the servant not above his lord [Mt.
10:4]. It is enough for the disciple to be like his master and for the servant to be like
his lord.
[18] If however your Master does not avail Himself of extraordinary power in order to
force men into His teaching, why should His disciples and servants want this?
[19] Since they have called Me - as the Lord and Master of the house from eternity
Beelzebub, how much more shall they call you of My household so! [Mt. 10:5]
[20] Since it cannot however remain hidden to Me what they intend to or do to you,
you can also count on My help at all times! Does the lioness abandon her young, or in
times of danger not hazard her life for every cub that would be taken from her? So,
surely, I too shall know how to protect you with My life in times of danger!
[21] Hence do not fear worldly men! What I taught you at night, that speak before
them by day; and what I said to one or the other of you in the ear of your heart
secretly, that proclaim from the rooftops [Mt. 10:7] and hence fear none of all those
who indeed can kill man's body, but cannot kill the soul, which alone lives and has life
and which they are unable to damage in any way!
[22] If however you have to fear, then fear Him Who is a Lord also over your souls
and can judge same unto hell, when He will. [Mt. 10:8]. And Him you know now, for
it is He Who is telling you this now!
[23] Look there before us: a roofed barn! Behold the sparrows frolicking thereon;
they fly up, then literally fall down from the roof! At the market, two are bought for a
penny; how little is their worth! And yet not one falls from the roof without the will of
the Father in heaven. [Mt. 10:9]
[24] But I say unto you: the hairs of your head are counted [Mt. 10:30], yet none
comes off your head without the Father's knowledge and will! If however the Father
cares for things seeming so exceedingly trivial to you, will He leave unprovided those
of you who spread His Word and grace?
[25] Hence yours is a vain fear and you should never fear; for you surely are better
than many sparrows. [Mt. 10:31]
[26] Therefore, go ye out without fear and confess Me before men! Verily, he who
shall confess Me before men, him also will I confess before the Father in heaven! [Mt.
10:3] But whoever among you shall deny Me before men out of vain fear, him I too
shall deny once before the Father in heaven.’ [Mt. 10:33]
[27] Here Judas takes the word again, saying, ‘This all is spoken wisely and nicely
and certainly is also quite true; but of what use is all this. The teaching certainly is
wondrously glorious, pure and true - we certainly don't want to argue any part, -
whilst your deeds, for those of us assembled here, more than testify of Him Who
basically carries them out. But by prevalent norms, the teaching together with the
deeds not only shall hardly ever find general acceptance but, as the main cause for
strife in every household to which it is introduced, it shall be either most ardently
persecuted, or even totally proscribed by the state, making us impossibilities. What
then? When, as the spreaders of Your teaching and deeds on earth, we shall have
certainly soon expired through stoning or the sword, by fire or indeed on the cross or
the lion's den, who shall step in our place and carry on for us?’
Chapter 139
Portentous life and behavioural hints. He who loves anything more than the
Lord is not worthy of Him! The world has need of conflict. A glorious promise
for the love-faithful.
[1] Say I, ‘I already said to you that you always speak in accordance with the wisdom
of the world. To give the world it's peace would be to give it still more death than it is
imbued with already in all fullness.
[2] If you are to restore sight to the blind, shall he become seeing if you tear out his
eyes, or shall the lame be straightened if you chop off his defective foot, or shall the
dumb ever gain speech if you cut out his tongue; pest be healed by more pest, or a
burning house be put out with more fire?
[3] Behold, just so is it with worldly men today! They are spiritually dead and have no
life other than the animalistic natural one. Their souls are only flesh and their spirit,
as good as dead, resembles the spirits indwelling the stones, chaining together loose
matter by their judged steadfastness, to become stones of all kinds and forms; -
softer and harder ones, some transparent and others not and coloured in accordance
with their indwelling spirit.
[4] But should you want to liberate the spirits from the stones, will you be able to
bring this about with lukewarm water? Definitely not! I say unto you: with such gentle
and peaceable treatment, the stone shall remain firmly what it is. Here a mighty fire
has to come, so that the spirits within the stone get into a great battle. Only then do
they themselves tear the bonds of matter and are liberated. And behold, so also it
must now be here!
[5] That which liberates the spirits from the stone - the fire, the battle, the mighty
pressure and blows, that also awakens the hearts of men turned stone, liberating
them, especially the hearts of the great and the rich, who have hearts of diamond
which no earthly fire can soften.
[6] Hence take note of what I say; let go of the ludicrous notion that I have come to
bring, through you, the peace of the earth to worldly men, but rather the sword. [Mt.
[7] Comprehend Me properly! I have come to arouse the yet softer son against the
more unbending hardness of his father and the more unassuming daughter against
her domineering mother and the gentler daughter-in-law against her mean and
envious mother-in-law [Mt. 10:35]. Verily, man's worst enemies shall be those of his
own household!
[8] In truth I tell you: Whoever loves his father or mother more than Me is unworthy
of Me; and who has sons and daughters and loves them more than Me is unworthy of
Me. [Mt. 10:37] Whoever does not willingly take his burden - even if it should weigh
him down like the Roman cross of death - onto his shoulders and follow Me, is quite
unworthy of Me and shall not participate in the Kingdom of God. [Mt. 10:38]
[9] Truly I tell you: Whoever seeks the life of this world, and also easily finds it, shall
lose life eternal and on judgement day, following the shedding of his body, I shall not
awaken him to everlasting life, but cast him into hell for eternal death.
[10] But he who does not seek worldly life, even shuns and despises it out of true,
pure love for Me, shall find eternal life [Mt. 10:39]; for I shall awaken him
immediately after the death of his body, i.e. on his judgement day, or the first day of
his new life in the spirit-world, and shall lead him into My Eternal Kingdom and adorn
his head with the crown of eternal, immortal wisdom and love and he will then rule
forever with Me and all the angels of eternal, infinite heaven over all the material and
spirit world.’
Chapter 140
About the spirit world in eternal, infinite space. The power of God’s children
in eternity.
[1] Asks Simon of Cana, ‘Lord, would You not tell us where heaven, wherein the
angels dwell, is actually situated, also how large it is and how large the world of
matter, which You mentioned, might be?’
[2] Say I, ‘Friend, you are blind if you do not see and comprehend this. If I
mentioned that heaven was endlessly vast, how can you ask about its size? The
spiritual Kingdom of Heaven is everywhere as endlessly extended as this endless
universe of which you can see with your eyes but an unspeakably tiny fraction.
[3] This earth, the great sun, the moon and the stars all of which are immense
worlds, some of them thousands upon thousand million times larger than this earth -
all that taken together is - compared to the endlessly vast creation of the material
world, in magnitude and vastness not even as much as the smallest dewdrop
compared to the immense ocean which is so vast that a good sailor would need more
than twice the age of Methusalah to sail over all of its area. However, the material
world up to now, as much as has already been created, still has a limit beyond which
there exists an infinite, eternal space compared to the absolutely endless expansion
of which, in all directions, the entire aforesaid creation of the whole material world is
like a moment compared to eternity.
[4] Thus, the spirit world is quite as endless as infinite space that does not end
[5] Although space has nowhere an end in eternity and is thus truly endless in all
directions, there is in its most endless depths and distances not a single spot where
the spirit of God’s wisdom and might is not as much present as now here among you.
The true children of God, who will excel in proper love for God, the holy Father from
eternity, and also in pure love for their neighbours, shall beyond in the great house of
the Father obtain the might and the power to forever fill the infinite space with more
and more new creations.
[6] You, however, are still too ignorant and cannot grasp what I have now told you.
But this I nevertheless tell you: No mortal eye can see nor ear hear and no earthly
sense can ever grasp what beyond in the Kingdom of Heaven awaits those who
become worthy of being called children of God.
[7] For, before the eyes of true children of God the earths, suns and moons shall be
floating like glimmering dust.
[8] Therefore, do not be only hearers, but be doers of My Word.
[9] Only the deed will let you recognise whether the words I have spoken to you, and
am still speaking, are coming to you from the mouth of a man or from God’s mouth.’
[John 7:17]
[10] But just as you are yourselves to be complete doers of My Word - if you are to
be of an enlivening conviction as to Who is He that has given you this teaching and
Commandment of love, so you are to also spurn on to the deed all those to whom you
proclaim My Word, because as long as the Word merely adheres to the brain, it has
no higher worth than the braying of a donkey, which also is audible.
[11] Only when the word penetrates the heart does it become live, taking hold of the
will, which is the focus of love, driving the whole man unto action.
[12] Through such action a new man arises within the old and My word actually
becomes new flesh and blood.
[13] And only this new-man shall show you that My Words truly are of God, having
today the same authority, power and effect as eternities of eternities ago; because
everything you see, feel, smell, taste and hear is basically nothing other than God's
[14] He Who eternities ago out of Himself commanded the worlds, suns and moons to
be, placing them in their extensive tracks, the Same is now placing you into new
tracks of eternal life!
[15] But I say to you furthermore that, he who receives you also receives Me; but he
who receives Me receives also Him who sent Me unto you [Mt. 10:40] - which you
ought to comprehend properly!
Chapter 141
Missionary and behavioural hints for the apostles. Perpetual prophecy and
about true and false prophets. The first sending out of the apostles to Israeli
locations. Promise of more light upon the apostles' return.
[1] But I say yet more unto you: You are aware of how, as always was, there also are
prophets today and there always shall be to the end of the world and to every nation
upon earth, regardless of which faith. Because through the prophets alone, regardless
of whether all ties between heaven and earth may have already been severed, a
secret bond nevertheless is kept up which no dark power is capable of breaking.
[2] There indeed always were, are and will be false prophets among the true; but this
affects very little if at all the authenticity of a prophet awoken through heaven,
because the true prophet shall expose the liar to the world and he shall not escape
punishment from heaven.
[3] When a true prophet comes to a house and is accepted as such, then he who has
received him as a true prophet, or as a messenger in the prophet's name, hearing
and heeding his word in his heart, shall receive a prophet's reward in the beyond in
God's kingdom. And whoever receives one righteous in the name of one righteous,
i.e. where such stands in the reputation of one righteous and merits such title, or
where in the absence of such repute, the one receiving him acknowledges him as
such without subjecting him to a test as to whether he in fact is one righteous, such
shall once receive the reward of a just one in the kingdom of heaven. [Mt. 10:41]
[4] And yet again I say unto you more: behold these little ones here surrounding Me
lovingly! Whoever shall, in the name of a disciple, pass even a cup of water unto the
least of these little ones, I tell you of a truth, such trifling deed shall nevertheless not
go unrewarded. [Mt. 10:42]
[5] Now you have everything you have need of in the matter for which I have chosen
you. Go now to all the cities I showed you and acquaint those residing, there with the
kingdom of God, and do how and what I have commanded you; your reward shall not
be an inconsiderable one.
[6] When you shall have accomplished in the cities of Israel, of which there are not
many, that which you were commanded, then return unto Me again, that I may
initiate you into the deeper mysteries in the kingdom of God; for unto you it is given
to understand such mysteries, with which the kingdom of God is imbued.’
[7] Says Peter, ‘Lord, are we twelve to move in company or individually into one or
the other city, as well as the markets and villages?’
[8] Say I, ‘That's up to you; but better it is for you to go at least by two's or three's,
so that one can act as witness for the other; and My Spirit in you shall act more
powerfully when you assemble by two's or three's in My name, teaching and acting
[9] But that you should remain together in full number firstly is not necessary and
would secondly make it harder to be taken into a house, due to space and care.
Hence split up into either two's or three's! But choose the cities, markets and villages
first and be agreed among yourselves as to who is to tackle them respectively!
[10]  In this way you can appear in more cities and win much time, enabling you the
sooner to return unto Me again. If you are active, you shall easily have finished in
seven weeks or earlier still; but be gone now, as every hour counts!’
[11] Say Judas Iscariot, ‘Lord, the sun is close to setting; the day hardly lasts another
half hour and it is far to all places from here; to reach just the nearest village would
take two hours treading. Would it not be just as good if we break forth early in the
[12] Say I, ‘No, My friend, every minute's delay is a threat! You shall, even today still,
after sunset reach a market beyond the mountain towards the East, where they shall
need your help and you shall then be well received there; but do not remain there
more than three days, nor at another place too easily so! Stay together till then, but
then split up at the aforementioned market!’
[13] Following these words, the twelve quickly hit the road and the residents of this
destroyed little village, miraculously rebuilt afterwards through My grace, gave them
two guides who took them to the shortest road to the market.
Chapter 142
The first missionary work of the dispatched apostles. Occasion of the
weeping residents and the Herodian tax-extortionists. Missionary success.
The converted extortionists as good witnesses to the disciples.
[1] When after a couple of short hours the twelve had reached the above-mentioned
market place, they found the residents before the market-gate huddled in groups,
weeping, with some complaining most bitterly; because the Herodian tax-extortionists
were terrorising the market, plundering houses, taking from insolvent parents their
most beloved, best and most beautiful children, binding them together with ropes like
cattle and throwing them on the oxen-drawn tax-wagons. When the disciples became
aware of these abominations, they turned to me in their hearts.
[2] Hearing in their hearts distinctly the words, ‘Whatever you want shall at once take
place’, - when they perceived that, they said to the most miserable residents of the
market-town, ‘Peace be with you! May the kingdom of God, which we spread in the
name of the Lord, be with you! Come with us to your market and we shall fix your
problem with those unjust and most heartless tax-extortionists!’
[3] Say the residents, ‘Oh, there you shall not be listened to! Because those extorting
the most unjust taxes are not humans, but wildest rapacious animals, who shall
attack you most vehemently.’
[4] Says Peter, ‘Dear brethren, accept what we bring you; everything else the Lord
shall accomplish! But gold and silver do not expect of us, but what we have, that you
shall obtain from us. But now let us rush to the market, that the children may not
suffer overduly!’
[5] Moving upon the place with the residents, the disciples notice several wagons
loaded with personal effects, some with children and some with sheep and cattle, with
the tax-extortionists already giving the departure signal, not taking any notice of the
screaming and wailing of the roped children.
[6] Here Peter steps up to the chief tax-extortionist, speaking in the most urgent
tone, ‘Miserable wretch! With what right do you carry out these abominations?! Do
you not know that an almighty God dwells above you Who can destroy you and your
accomplices at once? Stand back from your abominations and return the lot, or you
shall taste the sharpness of God's wrath on the spot!’ - Says the chief tax-extortionist
to Peter, ‘Who are you, daring to talk to me in that tone? Are you by chance unaware
of the power I wield through Herod, who obtains it through tenure from the emperor
of Rome? Do you perhaps not know either that I can have anyone getting in my way
killed instantly without trial?! Step back immediately! Another word and the edge of
the sword catches up with you!’
[7] Says Peter, ‘Now then, since you - a son of Jacob notwithstanding - are a human
no more, but a wild rapacious beast, may God's judgment hit you and your
accomplices. Amen!’
[8] When Peter had exclaimed this with great zeal, fire broke forth from the earth,
consuming the chief instantly. Seeing this, his accomplices were so frightened that
they fell down before Peter, promising to do any thing he orders, if only he would not
punish them in this terrible manner!
[9] Says Peter, ‘So let go of the lot and depart in peace! But do not ever let you crave
for such service to a Herod again; because with the first step, it shall happen to you
as happened to the chief in front of your eyes!’
[10] Upon these words, the tax-extortionists at once untied and released the children,
doing similarly with all livestock, such as sheep and calves, together with whatever
they had exacted from this place; to which they, together with Herod, had no right at
all. Because this market had already purchased its freedom from Herod a year earlier,
from the Romans, as other places too had done, due to the unlimited Herodian
oppressions. But Herod was carrying out secret raids nullifying the redemption-deeds
and giving his exactors all authority with new deeds, undertaking his accountability to
the emperor.
[11] Peter now went about extolling to the extortionists their injustice towards their
brethren, whilst the former began to curse Herod and reproach themselves for lending
the tyrant their ready hands.
[12] Peter however now began to teach the kingdom of God and behold, all the tax-
extortionists - nearly one hundred in all - were converted and followed Peter, and this
was a good catch; because these very tax-extortionists became extremely active in
their own right and considerably contributed to the rapid spreading of My teaching.
[13] The residents of this market however hung unto the apostles for three days and
even permitted themselves to be baptised in My name for the apostles also baptised
with water and in My name, anyone who asked for baptism.
[14] They had not yet actually been commanded by Me to do so, but knew it was not
against My will.
[15] The residents went to all lengths to host the disciples superbly and at the end
also offered them money for having healed their sick. The disciples however did not
accept any, nor anything else, which amazed the former tax-men, who said, ‘Your
unselfishness even more than your miraculous works persuades us of the fact that
you are messengers of God, because men of this world are full of the blackest self-
[16] Judas' eyes bulged of course, on seeing much gold, which was offered him; but
Thomas was constantly at his side and so the money-hungry disciple did not this time
dare accept any, which caused him much inner sorrow.
[17] After three days however the disciples split up here into two's and between ten
to fifteen of the converted tax-men went with these, rendering the disciples good
service; for they had much courage and knew no fear before men.
[18] The twelve now did as I had commanded them and they did well everywhere.
[19] And what did I Myself do after sending the disciples out with the stated

Chapter 143
The Lord's works during the apostle's absence. More details about John the
Baptists' doubts about Jesus' Messiahship. John's inquiry of the Lord
The Lord's answer. [Mt. 11:1-6]
[1] After the disciples left the place where I gave them instructions, as outlined, I
remained there till sunset, blessing the poor little folk and its small children;
whereupon I then moved onwards a little with the numerous remaining disciples who
were about Me, to the towns upon the Galilean Sea, from where some of these were
natives and residents; and there I taught and preached what I had commanded the
twelve to teach and preach and everywhere healed the sick. [Mt. 11:1]
[2] But John, who had baptised on the Jordan, had by then been already thrown into
prison by Herod and that through the priests' of Jerusalem's lobbying, having made
strong representations to Herod toward that end; for they could not forgive John for
having denounced them as serpents and a generation of vipers. But they did not
themselves dare to attack the preacher in the desert, for they were mindful of his
being regarded by the people as a great prophet; hence they got at Herod, through
gold and through all kinds of official ordinances and Herod had him arrested under the
pretext of one insane, who was stirring up the people with subversive ideas and
driving them crazy in many ways.
[3] But basically Herod was not concerned so much with the substance of John's
teaching as making a good haul. Therefore did Herod not confine John too strictly, but
allowed everybody access to John in prison, for a reasonable fee; recognised disciples
of the Baptist had to pay only a stater per week, whilst others had to pay a silver
crown for just a day's visit.
[4] And Herod did not forbid John to preach and make as big a noise as possible, in a
large hall which had been converted to a large public prison; for it brought in that
much more money for Herod.
[5] Herod often went to see John and even encouraged him to make yet more noise
than he did in the desert at Bethabara, since he was now safe from the priests and
Pharisees and he even confided being a friend and protector of John's.
[6] John was indeed aware in his spirit as to whom he was dealing with in Herod; but
he made use of such opportunity and kept on preaching in prison and his disciples
had unhindered access to him, naturally for the minimal fee of a stater per week.
Priests from the Temple had to pay a pound if they wanted to see John and when
they queried Herod on why he let John continue preaching in prison, the cunning fox
of a Herod replied, ‘This I do for state security, in order to track down all the followers
of this threatening extremist!’ For such answer the priests praised Herod beyond
measure and showered him with gold, silver and precious stones. For they reasoned:
this is our man; him we must support in every way, for he is destined to rid us of all
this prophetic rabble.
[7] But Herod, a Greek by birth, was only after the money and was not in the least
concerned about anything else. Next to money, only the most beautiful concubines
mattered. On their account he even could show cruelty, if these desired it; but
otherwise no one got anything out of him without money; but for money he was
available for every contingency.
[8] From this authentic description of Herod, it shall become clear to all how John
could have his disciples around him in prison and how through his disciples as well as
others visiting him frequently, he could be kept in touch with My action in Galilee.
[9] Since John found out in prison therefore how I taught and acted, he sent two of
his most experienced disciples to Me [Mt. 11:2] to ask Me: ‘Are You indeed the One
Who was to come, or are we to wait for another?’ [Mt. 11:3]
[10] Here it will be asked and said, ‘How could John, who at first gave Me the
greatest testimony, came to ask a question like that?’ The reason for anyone who
could think just one span above the material was most simple and even most natural.
[11] At the time of John's getting acquainted with Me, he also fully comprehended
that I incontrovertibly was the promised Messiah and that through My mere
appearance already, the entire Jewish nation was as good as redeemed and that the
power of the worldly great was finished forever. When however he ended up in
prison, being ever more convinced as the days went by that with My appearance, the
power of the worldly great not only had not ceased but only increased, then even
John began to slightly and quietly doubt My authenticity.
[12] For he reckoned; if this Jesus of Nazareth really is the promised the Son of the
living God, how can He now let me down and not free me from prison and how could
He allow it to happen?
[13] Yet he then heard from those who visited him what unheard-of deeds I was
performing and so he then dispatched the two of his most experienced disciples to
Me, Who put the above questions to Me.
[14] I however, knowing quite well the reason for his having Me questioned thus,
answered the disciples with brevity, saying to them; ‘Go and tell John what ye see
and hear [Mt. 11:4]. The blind see, the lame walk, the leprous are cleansed, the deaf
hear, the dead arise and the poor have the Gospel preached to them [Mt. 11:5]. And
blessed will be they who shall not be offended in Me.’ [Mt. 11:6] The two disciples did
not know what to say to Me.
Chapter 144
The Lord's hints about John's works and plight. Jesus and John - sun and
‘He must wax and I wane!’ The Lord's testimony of John: ‘He is more than a
he is Elijah’ Mt. 11:7-14
[1] After some time, the older of the two asked Me why it was that John had to
languish in prison, since he had never sinned before God or man.
[2] Said I, ‘He too could be free if he wanted to! The moon indeed does good service
at night, but if it wants to compete with the sun for prominence, as if it's light even
by day, next to the sun was as important as the sun itself, then the moon is greatly
mistaken; for once the sun is up, the moon's sheen is quite dispensable. Do you
understand that?
[3] Who prevented John from following Me when I came to him at the Jordan and he
recognised Me more distinctly? He remained in his desert and constantly did rigid
penance, - yet had never sinned. Why did he do this? - He himself delivered himself
up to Herod; now he can see how he gets on with the fox!
[4] Say to him however that I did not come to take away the power from the worldly
great, but to confirm them upon their seats of power. But he who seeks disputation
with Me shall have a tough battle on his hands.’
[5] Hearing these My words, they said nothing further, but took their leave, setting
out upon their road back to John in Jerusalem at once, notifying him immediately.
[6] John however beat his breast, saying, ‘Yes, it is He; He is right, He must wax and
I wane and die off this world.’
[7] Yet, at the place of Seba, a fishing village situated at the Galilean Sea, the many
people there, as well as those who had followed Me there, were wide-eyed about John
the Baptist and said, ‘How could he have committed a sin? Was the fact of not
following You a major sin of his, which he is now atoning?! Lord, are we wrong in
judging thus?’
[8] But I retorted, saying, ‘When the full moon shines at night, all go out to admire its
light and are happy; but when the sun appears, while the moon still shows its weak
sheen in the sky, then all turn away from the moon, grazing their eyes upon the
mighty sunlight, praising same in every beaming dew-drop; because one drop of
water under the sun shines more brilliantly than ten moons in the night.
[9] But does the moon commit a sin if it is darkened by the sun during the day and
because even a dew-drop affords the beholder more light than the entire moon?
[10] I say unto you all let him who has ears hear! The Son of Man also is a sun and
John is His moon. The moon verily shines in the night of your spirit and witnessed of
the Light, which has now come unto you, which in your darkness you still have not
recognised; if however the moon's sheen turns faint when the sun of day shines
among you, how can you think of him as with sin?'
[11] Verily I say unto you, there has not since Adam, been a soul among men more
pure, indwelling and animating a body!
[12] But I ask everyone of you, as there is not one among you who did not go to the
desert where John preached and baptised, - you all heard his sermon and most of you
also let yourselves be baptised: What went ye out to see in the desert?
[13] Did ye perhaps go and see a reed blown about by the wind? [Mt. 11:7]. Or did
ye go out to see a man with soft raiments. Behold, they who wear soft raiments dwell
in the houses of kings and not in the harsh desert of Bethabara! [Mt. 11:8]. Or did
you go out to see a prophet?
[14] Verily I tell you: John is more than a prophet [Mt. 11:9]. Because it is he of
whom it is written: 'I send My angel before you, who shall prepare your way!' [Mt.
11:10]. Do you comprehend now who he is?
[15] Verily, I say it yet more plainly than I already said; of all those born of woman
from the beginning, not one emerged greater than this John the Baptist;
nevertheless, I also tell you that from now on, the least in the kingdom of God shall
be greater than he. [Mt. 11:11]
[16] But this too let you keep well in mind; from the days of John even till now the
kingdom of God suffers violence and they that do it violence shall gain it. [Mt. 11:12]
[17] Up until John, all the prophets as well as Moses' law have prophesied. [Mt.
11:13] He was the last prophet before Me.
[18] If you will receive it, this very John is Elijah who is to come again before the
Messiah! [Mt. 11:14] He also has come and prophesied before Me and has prepared
My ways, as you have found out yourselves. Say it now whether you know who John
Chapter 145
John the Baptist's spirit and soul. ‘I am the Way and the Life’ John's calling
and individual freedom as prophet. The nature of asking.
About the penitent sinner and the ninety-nine self-righteous.
[1] Say the people, ‘Lord, if so then it is wrong for You to leave him in the prison!
Judging by Your deeds, which only God is likely to accomplish, it would surely have
been easy for You to free him, since he worked for You! Lord, this You ought to do
now and not let him be stuck in prison.’
[2] Say I, ‘He who comes himself accomplishes more than by sending a messenger or
a letter; John's spirit is big and bigger than any spirit that ever acted in a body on this
earth; but his body is of this earth and out of its weakness a weak soul has developed
and it is good thus!
[3] For such strong spirit is indeed capable of raising a strong soul; but the flesh and
soul of John are weak. Hence he always sent messengers in his own stead and here
messenger or letter never effect what a person does himself in whom reside soul and
[4] Because I must not and cannot, hang My own strength and power upon someone,
be it that someone comes and takes same himself; because on My part none is
precluded from taking either life, or judgment, whatever he will, and thus neither My
authority nor power for a good cause.
[5] But whoever does not come by himself, to him it shall not be granted, other than
the grace of light, through which he would find the way to Me, here or in the beyond
and realise along the way that I Myself am the way to life and the Life itself.
[6] John indeed, like no other, attained to near mastery of his flesh. He saw the
blessings in front of him yet did not take them by force. Why not? Did he have to be
like that?
[7] Here stands before you He Who pronounces the ‘Must’, where necessary! But this
One also is telling you that He did not pronounce for John a must in this respect.
[8] His being called to make straight for Me a way, for the people's sake, was a kind
of must, behind which nevertheless there was hidden an eternity of freedom, which
however you shall not grasp in your flesh; but that he should not have been allowed
to follow Me when seeing and recognising Me, there was neither a ‘should not’, and
even less a ‘must not’. There his spirit listened to the soul, wherewith he also got into
doubts about Me and has for this reason sent messengers to Me for the second time.
He Who asks is not yet in the clear, since every question presupposes either a
complete lack of knowledge, or a doubt about whether what one knows is true. If
John were fully in the clear, he would not be sending Me messengers.
[9] No one indeed before him had led a life so strict - because he would eat and drink
nothing for days if he felt even the slightest carnal desire in his flesh and hence was
the earth's greatest penitent - without ever having sinned; I nevertheless say unto
you all: a sinner who has never mended his ways, approaching Me with a love-filled
heart, rates higher with Me than John!
[10] For he who says to Me: Lord, I am a sinner and not worthy of Your entering my
house, is preferable to Me than to ninety-nine righteous who need no penance,
praising God in their heart for not being sinners and hence better than an ever so
great a sinner. I say unto you: theirs shall not be too great a reward in My kingdom!’
Chapter 146
Kisjonah, the tax-collector's conversion. An instance of the Lord's
condescending and merciful grace. The Pharisees' and fanatical Jews' anger.
Their conversation.
[1] When I had finished talking, a tax-collector stepped over to Me from the crowd
whose heart had already been for a long time aglow for Me, although conscious of
many a sin. This one fell on his face before Me, saying:
[2] ‘Oh, Lord! Here lies before You in the dust one who is indeed a great sinner, yet
daring to love You beyond all measure. Behold, Lord, it is already high noon; my
desire to invite You and all Your disciples to lunch is great, if only I was worthy of
Your coming under my roof! I and my house are too unclean and sinful for You; but
there are clean foods and drinks in my larder. Oh, show me sinful one the grace of
letting me bring You the foods through clean hands!’
[3]  Say I, ‘Kisjonah! Arise and I shall go with you into your house to partake of lunch
there! May a great blessing come upon your house, not on account of your sins but
your true love and humility, whence also your sins are forgiven you as if you had
never sinned!’
[4] After that, Kisjonah the tax-collector got up and I together with a large number of
disciples went into the house with him. Over a hundred were served and there was no
lack of the best wine as well.
[5] But besides My disciples, a great crowd of people had come together from all the
Galilean localities, as well as from Judea, who escorted Me to Kisjonah's house; and
as there was no room in the house, Kisjonah had bread and wine handed out to them
in the open, on account of their being with Me.
[6] On such occasions, Pharisees were of course not lacking, who followed Me
everywhere from Capernaum. Since they once again saw Me eating and drinking with
much cheer and gladness and how at the table I was amicably shaking the repentant
tax-collectors' hands, calling them My dear friends even whilst they were regarded as
arch-sinners by the Jews, this again was the last straw for the Pharisees and other
ultra orthodox Jews.
[7] But what angered them more than anything else was that after the meal, I went
arm in arm with the tax-collectors for a stroll in a lovely big garden upon the Sea and
also paid Kisjonah's five well-behaved daughters much heartfelt attention, because
they really were filled with innermost love for Me. I lovingly called them ‘My brides’,
which seemed tremendously sinful to the Pharisees.
[8] When on top of that towards evening I accepted an invitation to stay overnight
and I volunteered to stay three days or even longer with Kisjonah, this was the
ultimate affront for the Pharisees and arch-orthodox Jews. 'So', said they, 'with such
rabble, with such arch-sinners and tax-collectors does he hobnob it, eating and
drinking friendship with them, getting all but drunk and playing gentleman with the
sinning daughters of arch-sinners, flattering them and in the end preaching God's
Gospel to the arch-whores, instead of calling upon us to seize and burn these
monsters! This would be a nice Messiah! And now, with the opulent five whores
having seduced him, he even wants to stay God knows how long!
[9] Let's go! Why hang around him longer? Now we know exactly what he is on
about. We have been around him for quite some time; has anyone seen him pray?
Who has ever seen him fast? The Sabbath he does not keep, his friend and joy are
the greatest arch-heretics and heathens. Greeks and Romans, tax-collectors and
arch-sinners and sumptuous and sleek whores, followed by a good meal and many a
goblet of the best wine!
[10] In other words, he is firstly nothing but a smart magician from Pythagoras'
school and knows how to deal it out! Added to that he is a smooth talker, something
all magicians have to be in order to sell their wares. He accepts no money for sure;
but is this so praiseworthy? Oh, all magicians do it in their first year, to get their
renown the sooner; once they have that, then often kings do not have the treasure to
satisfy such artists!
[11] But why should this one need money at all? His eating and drinking he gets for
nothing - as much of it as he likes and otherwise he needs nothing. To that, he is a
glutton and wine-bibber and sinner's associate, enjoying a life of ease. And thirdly he
has no need of a God and His commandments, because he deems himself a god or at
least his son, whom our God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is supposed to have
begotten through the notorious Mary of Nazareth. Which one of us is stupid enough to
not call the bluff of such newly-baked, typically heathen magic farce instantly?!
[12] In short, we are wake-ups and it is high time to let go of him, or he may still get
at us and we are of the devil! - There! Watch how he flatters the hated tax-man's five
daughters and how these properly worship him! I would bet a thousand pound to a
stater that this prophet and saviour, if he were to get to Jerusalem today, would start
it up most intimately and sweetly with the queen of all whores - the world-renown
Mary of Magdalon and perhaps even with Mary and Martha of Bethany, who are
supposed to have the second most frequent visits from the Greeks of Jerusalem after
Mary of Magdalon.’
[13] Says another with somewhat sharper eyes, to the first - a Pharisee, ‘You are not
altogether wrong; but if you think back to a similar occasion at the house of Matthew,
the tax-collector, then there too we were judging that way, yet were then so licked by
his wisdom that we could not find an answer in a thousand. What if he took it up with
us again?! Will you take up our defence?’
[14] Says the first, ‘I know that as well as you do; for I went through it too. He is
going to find dodges aplenty and is besides a smooth talker and magician's chief. But
our intellect has to show us the way and here it says, 'Leave before you are of the
devil!' And we are surely going to follow such advice? Do we really want to become of
the devil? By god no! This be eternally far from us all; for we have Abraham as
father, whose father is God and hence we do not want the wool pulled over our eyes
by this magician the way he does it with the heathens!’
[15] Says the second one again, ‘But his teaching is pure and fully corresponds with
man's nature and nothing devilish comes to the fore! Here I do not altogether agree
with you, as Moses basically taught us the same thing as this Nazarene.
[16] To love God above all and one's brother neighbour as oneself; to not return evil
for evil; to do good even to the enemy and to bless those who curse us and to at the
same time be humble and full of gentleness, - here truly nothing devilish will peer
[17] Says the first, ‘Not for you, because you already are of the devil! Don't you know
that the devil is most dangerous precisely when dressed up as an angel of light?!’
[18] Says the second, ‘If old wives tales like that are your yardstick, then one cannot
talk to you! Where stands the ox or donkey who has either seen a Satan dressed up
as an angel of God, or spoken to one? Truly, here you and all your whingers are not
fair to this man!
[19] We know nothing bad about him, but only much good and even unheard-of
miracles. Why should we judge him just for seeing him deal as much with sinners as
with righteous men, showing them much patience and much loving forbearance?
Chapter 147
The departure of the ultra-orthodox Jews and their losing their way and their
return. Their overnight stay with Kisjonah. The Lord's parable of the pipers.
The Jews' anger and their threatening of the Lord. [Mt. 11:15-19]
[1] When the second one finished saying this, the arch-Pharisees and ultra-orthodox
Jews left the second one with his more moderate supporters. Setting out upon the
overland route to Capernaum, because the sea was going strong and they did not
trust the shippers who assured them it would be safe.
[2] The entire party however, about one hundred and fifty strong, not being familiar
with the correct route, did not get far and that at an insurmountable high cliff jutting
into the sea, causing immense breakers. Immediately above this, rose a high and
steep mountain range, over which there was no pass from this part of the sea; and so
the party had no option but to back-track the extensive road of about two hours
journey, not arriving until midnight and in blackest night under storm and rain with
thunder and lightning in Kisjonah the tax-collector's forecourts, to there seek
protection and shelter, as the whole party was soaked to the skin and in a state of
near collapse from exhaustion. And the tax-collector and his people took them in
caringly and found them dry quarters, which the soaked ones found most agreeable.
[3] Fairly late the following day the soaked ones re-emerged somewhat tired, drying
their apparel under the sun's beams.
[4] It was Sabbath however, but Kisjonah and his people went about their tasks as on
any other day; and at midday the tables were set with all kinds of well prepared
[5] Kisjonah invited also the soaked and tired ones, but they not only did not accept
but started to grumble and curse such profaners and non-heeders of the Sabbath; for
a proper Jew is to neither touch nor eat anything before sunset, - he is allowed only
to drink three times a day.
[6] Since the invited returned the tax-collector's friendliness in this manner, the latter
turned to Me and said, ‘Lord! What ought to be done about these fools? I want to do
them a good turn and they curse me for it! Please tell me whether God hears the
curse of such fools, for the chastisement of those cursed by them!’
[7] Say I, ‘Oh yes, but not to the detriment of the ones cursed by them, but only of
the cursers. Who has ears to hear, let him hear. [Mt. 11:15] I will tell you how things
actually are with them. Do you think they observe the Sabbath because this was bid
by Moses? Or do you think they fast because of that?
[8] I tell you: In their hearts Moses and the prophets are not worth three stater, but
they wish to be seen as Aaron’s worthy successors by the people who pay the tithe
and good money.
[9] How can I describe this miserable generation? Are they not like the little children
sitting in the market-place and calling out to their playmates [Mt. 11:16] “We piped
for you and you would not dance; we wailed and you would not cry.” [Mt. 11:17] But
I do here not regard the Pharisees and orthodox Jews as such little, but those who
are here with us, for they are the ones who yesterday wanted in their heart to keep
these fools and total deniers of God here, and the fools have scoffed at them and Me.
The sailors wanted to take them across the Sea to Capernaum since there was a good
wind, but these fools did not trust the sailors. They went, and a bad storm drove
them again back here. Now you have invited them to the midday meal, and they
curse you.
[10] You dear little children who are here before Me sitting at the true market of life, I
tell you: Do not pipe to these fools any longer, for they are lame in their spirit and,
therefore, do not want to dance. Thus also refrain from wailing, for their hearts are
stones and have no moisture.
[11] John, about whom we yesterday talked so much and to whom I bore a most fair
witness, came and led such an austere life that he hardly ate and drank anything
except for locusts and wild honey which he laboriously got himself from earth-holes.
And these people, as well as others of this kind of rabble, told him to his face that he
was possessed by the devil [Mt. 11:18] who fed and supported him by night.
[12] And has not John piped and wailed more than enough like no one before him?
But behold - these and many of their kind would neither dance nor cry.
[13] Now the long since promised Son of Man has come into the world in Me. This one
eats and drinks. And what do they say now? Yesterday you heard it yourselves what
they thought of Me when they shouted: “Look at him! A glutton and a drinker and,
besides, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners.”
[14] But I tell you: Such wisdom has to have itself justified by its children [Mt.
11:19], that is, its own children declare them to be fools, and thus the wisdom with
which they have served us has become justified in its children; but so has Mine, for
its children recognise and accept it, and thereby both kinds of wisdom, the false and
the true, have been sufficiently justified.’
[15] Here the Pharisees and arch-Jews rose and said to Me, ‘Beware - you are a Jew
still! We have the law and the right to ruin you as an arch-heretic; because you want
to destroy Moses and undermine the prophets! Woe betide you if you do not let go of
such aspirations! We have the emperor's consent to make use of Roman law and any
governor has to accede to our demands!’

Chapter 148
The disciples want to see the Lord vindicated. ‘After this life there still comes
an eternal life.’ The Lord's pronouncement over Chorazim, Bethsaida and
Capernaum. Vision of a future judgment. ‘I thank Thee Father... that Thou
hast revealed it unto babes.’ ‘I and the Father are One.’ [Mt. 11:20-26]
[1] With these threats, My disciples stepped over to me and said, ‘Lord. How can You
listen to this? Do You not have power in abundance to destroy such vermin? The
Sycharites were chased away several times when they tried to confront You; yet You
had not worked as much at Sychar as at Capernaum!’
[2] Say I, ‘I naturally would have power for it to excess. But the Lord of life does not
need to hold judgment here; because after this life there comes another which,
whether good or bad, shall have no end, - the duration being the same. And for
yonder eternal time I of a truth now pronounce a just judgment and condemn all the
cities in which I had worked so much, yet receive now such reward, as you have just
[3] They have with all My preaching not improved [Mt. 11:20] and have remained
dumb in their hearts for all My deeds. Hence beware, Chorazim, beware, Bethsaida!
Had such deeds been done at Tyre and Sidon, they should in their days have
repented in sack-cloth and ashes! [Mt. 11:21]
[4] Yet I say unto you: on judgment day in the other world, they shall fare better
than these. [Mt. 11:22]
[5] As for you, proud Capernaum, who have been upraised to heaven, you shall be
cast down to hell! For had such deeds been done at Sodom as have been done here,
that city would still stand today! [Mt. 11:23]
[6] And yet again I say to you: on the day of judgment in the world to come, it shall
be more tolerable for the Sodomites than for you, proud, hard and immeasurably
ungrateful city! For this have I healed thousands of your sick and resurrected your
dead, so you would now curse Me?! Woe betide you on judgment day in the beyond!
There you shall find out Who was He Whom you cursed!’
[7] Following this My condemnation, many received a vision and saw how such cities
as condemned now by Myself would fare on judgment day, seeing My figure in the
clouds and seeing a curse leaving My mouth and strike the condemned cities.
[8] When this vision had passed from most of the unaffected, simple persons of both
sexes surrounding Me lovingly, these fell down before Me, lauding and praising Me.
[9] But I raised My hands above them, blessed them and said, ‘I too, as Man, now
praise Thee, Father and Lord of heaven and earth, for having hidden it from the
worldly wise and clever and for revealing it unto babes! [Mt. 11:25] Of a truth, holy
Father, it is thus well pleasing to You and Me! [Mt. 11:26] For, that which You work, I
also work, as we have been One from eternity! I never was any other but You, holy
Father and that which is Thine, has also been Mine from eternity!’
[10] These last words caused all of them to be gripped by great fear. For there had by
now been many disciples following Me who had no further doubts about My Deity; yet
it was over these that the fear came most of all.

Chapter 149
Nathanael, keeping a Gospel privately and the Lord. About judgment day.
Glorious promises for the awakened. ‘Woe betide the opponents of My order’.
‘He whom the Father has not drawn comes not to the Son’ ‘The Father is the
love of the Son.’ ‘Come unto Me, all ye... that I may quicken you’. [Mt. 11:27-
[1] Nathanael, who so to say made a spokesman among those left behind, since,
without being called by Me, he kept a Gospel in the Greek tongue, which he
commanded; and this a more comprehensive Gospel than of all those who undertook
it, came over to Me in profound dread and said, ‘Lord! You Almighty! I too received
the vision, seeing the most dreadful things, so that even my graver failed me from
fear! I beg You in the fullness of my love for You, Thou eternally holy One, tell me
whether this shall in all earnest take place in the beyond once, as I and many just
saw it?!’
[2] Say I, ‘Fear not, for you have nothing to fear! He who lives and acts like you shall
in the beyond, as also here already, be awakened to life eternal; and everyone's
judgment day shall be whenever awakened to life eternal, either here or in the
[3] Let everyone therefore strive towards being awakened here already; because he
who is awakened already in the flesh shall neither see, nor feel or taste the death of
the flesh and his soul shall not be troubled.
[4] But woe betide all these and the later opponents of My order! Verily these shall
feel it a thousandfold Who He was Whom they tried to oppose, burdening Him and His
witnesses with the curse!
[5] I verily can say it and do so; for unto you I say: all things are given Me by My
Father! But no man knoweth the Son, Who is I, but the Father; and just so, no man
knoweth the Father, but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal it.’ [Mt. 11:27]
[6] Says Nathanael, ‘In that case not even we, Your most faithful disciples, know You
for a long time yet, even though You have already revealed much to us about Yourself
and Who You are?!’
[7] Say I, ‘You do indeed know Me to the extent I revealed and showed Myself to you.
Yet you still lack much. But when you shall have recognised the Father, then you shall
also get to know Me fully and this shall be when I shall have ascended from the earth
back to My heavens. From there on the Father shall draw you up to Me, even as I
drew you to the Father. And he whom the Father shall not draw, same shall not come
unto Me, the Son. Verily, I say unto you; in that time all shall have to learn it from
God themselves as to Who the Son is. And he who shall not be taught of God shall
not come unto the Son and have life eternal out of Him.
[8] But the Son is not harder than the Father; because that which is done through the
Father's love, the same is done by the Son's love; and just as the Father's love is the
Son, so the Son's love is also the Father.
[9] But the Son speaks to you as to all men: come unto Me all ye that labor and are
heavy laden and I shall restore you. [Mt. 11:28]
[10] Take My yoke upon you, learn of Me how to carry it and do as I do - for I am
gentle and humble of heart, - then you shall have rest and all fear shall leave you.
[Mt. 11:29]
[11] For My yoke is easy and My burden light: for I know what ye are able to do.’ [Mt.

Chapter 150
The Lord exposes and deals with the Pharisees' maliciousness. Fear-struck,
they head for the sea; driven back again by the storm, fear keeps them quiet
in Capernaum.
[1] The disciples were comforted by such words, whilst the Pharisees and arch-Jews
started asking what it was they had seen and how they could have been so visibly
[2] Those asked however related what they had seen as with one voice. Here the
Pharisees became halting, mutually questioning and saying, ‘How can a magician
effect an appearance with just some yet not with others? Why did we see nothing? If
we as staunch Mosaists are cursed and to what extent, (judging by the appearance)
by him who also purports to be a Jew, then from his angle it would have been more
logical to show us the vision, to frighten us and make disciples of us. But he is clever,
not making a show in front of us, fearing that we are awake to him and call it by its
rightful name, opening the eyes of many of his followers therewith, to then see who
their highly praised master is! We shall have to take more effective measures against
this ever more threatening person, otherwise he grows over our heads, hence making
the Romans come and ruin us one and all!’
[3] Say I loudly to them, ‘For that you have been ripe a long time and it would take
only a word from Me to the Commander-in-chief and by the day after tomorrow you
would be hanging from the stocks by the thousands! Do you think that I do not know
of your secret machinations against the emperor Tiberius? Never fear! I know the day
and the hour and what the agreed signal for all Judea, Galilee and within Jerusalem's
walls consists in! But I say unto you that you shall make wondrously bad business out
of it; and the governor Pontius Pilate, who wields a sharp sword, shall hand you your
reward for your trouble outside the walls of Jerusalem, and Herod shall have much to
do to regain the favour of the governor!
[4] By all means take hold of more effective measures against Me and My disciples
and I too shall know what to undertake against you before My time!
[5] John called you a brood of serpents and a generation of vipers! I have never given
you such a name yet; but now I too give you that name and call out to you - ‘get
out!’, or I let the bears come from the woods to do unto you what was done to the
loose boys at the time of Elisha. Because for you the last spark of mercy is gone from
My heart.
[6] Had you just in some way blasphemed against Me, I would forgive you. But you
exalted and took up arms against My spirit, which is called love and is My Father from
eternity, and this sin shall not be forgiven you, neither here nor in the hereafter! And
therefore remove yourselves so that I can spend the remaining few days with My
friend Kisjonah, unmolested!’
[7] Says one Pharisee, ‘We must not let you out of sight, as we have been assigned
to it by our primate!’
[8] Say I, ‘Yes, you are set up over Me like wolves over a flock of sheep. But if you
persist with your resolve, I shall at once get bears to come for you from the
mountains and set them over you as warders and disciplinarians!’
[9] At this point a tremendous roaring, as of many bears, can be heard from the
nearby mountains. On hearing this, the Pharisees and arch-Jews quickly make their
escape to the sea, boarding the fishing vessels by themselves and thrusting off shore.
But a powerful contrary wind drives them back to shore, where here and there a few
bears can be detected. Close on two hours they battle the winds that would
stubbornly drive them back to shore each time they venture away a few yards, with
the intermittent relenting of the storm. After two hours of exasperating battling with
the wind and sea, a larger ship finally comes, taking up the exasperated and near-
collapsed from exhaustion, sailing off with them and that in a mighty storm
threatening any moment to swallow up the ship. In this way they are tormented all
day and night, only reaching shore at Capernaum at noon the next day.
[10] There they are exhaustively questioned by their superiors as to what they had
seen, heard and met with. But they are secretive, not daring to speak, for they had
acquired a considerable respect for Me and did not dare to for the present venture
forth against Me.
Chapter 151
Mountaineering. About Canaan's mountains. Kisjonah’s questioning of the
temple spies. The mountain's quaking answer and its effect. First overnight
stay on Kisjonah's alp.
[1] The superiors however appointed others and sent them after Me. But these also
had much battle with the storm; for it was nearly early autumn, called the canine
days and there were nearly constant storms in Galilee and that much more upon this
land's sea. The former therefore did not arrive at the place of My stay until the fifth
day, requesting to speak with Me. But I did not admit them, knowing what they were
after, letting them know that I shall be staying longer and then visit nearby localities,
- and would they keep quiet or suffer serious consequences!
[2] It was however the day after Sabbath just then, what is today Sunday, and a
most clear and beautiful day at that and Kisjonah came to Me to suggest to Me and all
present the scaling of a very high nearby mountain.
[3] This was as yet an unnamed mountain, because geography in this time was still in
its infancy and hence most mountains, valleys, plateaus, seas, brooks and rivers had
no official names, but only such as they were referred to by neighbouring folk. The
biggest problem was with mountain names.
[4] Mountains that did not stand isolated, such as a Tabor, Lebanon, Ararat or Sinai,
but being part of an extensive mountain chain, generally had no names of their own,
except an occasionally local or temporary one, named not seldom after some wealthy
alpine owner who grazed his herds there. If the property changed hands, then such
mountain was renamed after its owner.
[5] Hence this place, situated on the border between Galilee and Greece, was a
central toll-gate, because from there a fairly well-laid alpine mule-track led from
Galilee to Greece, used by thousands of diverse trading folk, transporting their many
wares by camels, mules and donkeys.
[6]  When the newly-arrived Pharisees heard that we were about to scale the lofty
mountain, they asked Kisjonah whether they could join the company. Kisjonah said,
‘If you are or can be of good will, then this mountain, being my sole property and
extending twenty hours in length and five hours wide, shall be sufficiently roomy to
receive you too. But as hostile spies of the Capernaumian and Jerusalemite
priesthood, I could not as a Greek and now fervent follower of the holy and by my
conviction the only true teaching, of this holy master of all masters, find any use for
you at all and would avoid your company with every means at my disposal. Ask your
hearts! If they are pure then you have clear passage; if impure, then you may depart
to whence you came!’
[7] Say the Pharisees, ‘We are pure and without guile. We are confessors of Moses
and are Jews, as Jesus also is a Jew, not being able to destroy Moses' law. But as
there is powerful renown about his deeds and teaching, we have to be very much
concerned about whether his teachings and deeds do not undo Moses. If they confirm
Moses and the prophets, then we too shall accept them; but if they are contrary, then
it speaks for itself that we have to be against them!’
[8] Says the tax-collector, ‘The way you just spoke your forefathers also spoke to the
prophets and then stoned them as God-deniers; and to my knowledge very few only
were not stoned. Yet you put on your prophets at every opportunity to boast them.
Yet your forefathers were exactly what you are and none of you is better by a hair's
breadth than your forefathers who stoned the prophets. Hence I do not trust you in
the presence of this holy prophet of all prophets.
[9] You indeed call yourselves confessors of Moses; but in your doings you are further
from Moses than this earth is from heaven! Hence examine yourselves as to whether
you are worthy of scaling this my mountain with us!’
[10] Say I to Kisjonah, ‘Let them come with us! When it gets too much for them then
they will indeed turn back; for none of their kind has climbed a mountain yet! Perhaps
this high mountain's pure air shall somewhat clean their hearts.’
[11] Kisjonah was happy with this and we commenced our journey up, with all care.
[12] And the five daughters were not missing either and were about Me like chicks,
asking Me all kinds of things about the primordial creation and the coming into being
of such mountains; and I explained all to them in accordance with their grasping
ability. The disciples too, as well as the large crowd accompanying us listened in on
our discussions, to their delight.
[13] And Nathanael, who was the most taken in with My Deity, talked to the
mountain from time to time, saying, ‘Oh mountain! Do you feel Who it is that is
setting His foot upon You?’ And each time Nathanael put such exalted question to the
mount, its reverberation was perceivable to all.
[14] But the Pharisees became most fearful and started to induce the people not to
venture up further, - this could be a holy mountain from antiquity, not to be climbed
by the unworthy and the mountain starting to quake and rage and ruin all for the
sake of the one.
[15] But the people said, ‘Then you better turn back yourselves; because this
mountain, which we have often climbed, has never yet quaked on our account!’
[16] To this the Pharisees started to grumble about the people. And the mountain
shook with the Pharisees' grumbling and these turned around and ran as fast as they
could from the mountain back to the plain and we were rid of tiresome company.
[17] We then quietly continued our journey, reaching Kisjonah's extensive alpine
ranch towards the evening, where we also settled in for the night. Only on the second
day, on account of fatigue among the women, did we set out to scale this mountain's
highest peak, from where an uncommonly glorious view was to be had over all of
Judea, Samaria, Galilee and a large portion of Greece.
Chapter 152
Reaching the peak the second day. Beautiful views and wondrous
occurrences. Communication with the souls and spirits of the departed.
Special location in the beyond for celebrities. Regions of the beyond - Satan's
exclusions from the beyond. About viewing of the spirits. Kisjonah's wish to
see the angels.
[1] We spent a day and a night on that summit and enjoyed much that was
magnificent and marvelous.
[2] There was, of course, nothing marvelous for Me since within Me lies - and must lie
- the First Cause for all the countless phenomena and happenings. But for all those
who were with Me there was a great and boundless abundance of all the magnificent
and marvelous things.
[3] To begin with, there was the extremely delightful wide view which kept the eyes
busy all through the day. Then,. When the sun had set, I allowed people’s inner vision
to open up, so that they could look into the great spirit world.
[4] How surprised they all were to see above the earth a vast world full of living and
acting beings and very vast, partly most delightful regions and areas, but looking very
desolate and melancholy towards midnight.
[5] I, however, secretly bade all the spirits be silent about Me.
[6] Many disciples discussed with the spirits life after physical death, and the spirits
gave them very obvious proof that after the death of the body there is still another
and more perfect life and what it is like.
[7] Also Kisjonah said, ‘Now all my wishes are fulfilled. By all I possess and by this
mountain which is standing on my earthly property, I would give one half of all I
possess if I could only have some of the principal Sadducees and Essenes here who
do not believe in a life after the death of the body. How beautifully these wise people
would be knocking their noses against the spirit world. Once I myself was quite
captivated by their doctrines, but eventually gave them up again as fortunately a
rather weird apparition of my deceased father set me right.
[8] It is extraordinary! One can of a truth deal and converse with these beings as with
the like of us! But what astonishes me is that among so many spirits, of whom I
personally recognise some very well, there is to be seen no patriarch, prophet nor
[9] Say I, ‘My dear friend and brother, these are alive in the spirit world just as truly
as these; but in order for them to not be accorded a kind of divine adoration by the
millions upon millions of spirits, they are kept isolated from the other spirits in a
special location called the pre-infernal, where they tarry in their expectation of being,
in this very time, freed by Me and then installed in the heavens of the primordial
dwelling place of My angels - which also shall indeed take place shortly.
[10] Besides that however these spirits of the patriarchs, prophets and righteous
kings constitute a kind of watch between hell proper and the world of spirits, to
prevent hell from darkening, polluting and leading them astray.
[11] Satan indeed from time to time is permitted to walk abroad in the natural world
to cause mischief; but entry to this spirit world is blocked off to all devils
everlastingly. Because where life proper has taken its actual inception, death remains
far away forever. 'Satan', 'Devil' and 'Hell' are judgment and hence death itself and
have therefore nothing further to do in the kingdom of life. Do you really comprehend
[12] Says Kisjonah, 'As well as I can and Your grace permitting it. I understand it, oh
Lord; but there probably is an immense amount behind it which I probably shall not
be able to comprehend until once a dweller myself, of this rather gloomy than friendly
world. Towards the East and South this spirit world truly has a most beautiful and
friendly appearance; but toward the West and North it looks more miserable and sad
than the wide desert where the great Babylon once stood. Such sight then spoils the
charm of the East and South.'
[13] Say I, 'You are right; it verily is as your feeling tells you. But the spirits whom
you are beholding now by the hundreds of thousands do not see the West and North
the way you do, for a spirit can see only what at any particular time corresponds with
his innermost.
[14] Since however neither the West nor North seen here correspond to their
innermost, they see neither West and still less the North. Only after they shall once
become equal to My angels, shall they be able to see it all the way you do now.'
[15] Says Kisjonah, 'Lord, this is somewhat dim and I do not comprehend it yet, but I
figure that this is not necessary for the present. But since, oh Lord, You are right now
so liberal with these wonderful Revelations, how about showing us, besides all these
countless spirits, a couple of angels?! I have heard so much about Archangels,
Cherubim and Seraphim and have read so much in the Scriptures and formed all
kinds of concepts about it which probably were highly imprecise and hence erroneous;
You oh Lord could provide me with a proper concept now if it were Your holy will!' -
The five daughters who were constantly around Me also asked Me for it.
[16] But I said, 'I intend to do so, but not before this earth's midnight. But for now
keep conversing with the spirits, only do not give My presence here away to them!'
[17] All were happy with this promise and anticipated the passing of midnight

Chapter 153
About time-keeping in accordance with the movement of the stars in yonder
time. Kisjonah's inquisitive daughters instructed by three lunar spirits about
the lunar world. 'Let go of wisdom and go by love'.
[1] Kisjonah however, who had a smattering of astronomy, began to estimate
whether in accordance with the stars, midnight had been passed yet; because in that
age it was a long way still to the clocks of today and one resorted to calculations,
unreliable of course, in accordance with the stars.
[2] Says Kisjonah after a while, 'In accordance with my calculations, midnight should
be over by now?'
[3] Say I, 'Friend! Your calculation is good for nothing, because we still have an hour
to midnight. Hence it is better not to calculate; because the movement of the stars is
quite different to what you think! Even your calculation in itself is wrong and hence it
shall not be likely for you to come up with the middle of the night from the position of
and movement of the stars. People who shall be capable of this have still to be born;
but now it is not time yet by far.'
[4] But after diverse conversations, midnight nevertheless came and a half-moon
rose. Kisjonah's daughters hurriedly asked Me what the moon could be actually and
how it can wax and wane like that.
[5] But I said to them, 'My most beloved daughters! Directly behind you stand three
spirits from the moon; these ask! They shall tell you exactly what the moon is and
how it constantly changes its light, sometimes losing it altogether!'
[6] Here the eldest one immediately asked the three spirits about the moon and these
said, 'Fair one! Your asking us about the moon is like us asking about the earth,
which you inhabit. Although you do not know why it is dark on earth right now, you
do not ask about it; how can you ask about the moon, which is much further away
from you than the earth that carries you?
[7] Behold, our moon, just like your earth, is a world! Your earth is round like a
sphere and so is ours. Your earth is half illuminated by the great sun, so is our moon.
With you, the duration of the night on average is about thirteen of your short hours
and approximately likewise your days; but on the moon, one night and one day each
last the duration of fourteen days and nights of your earth; and thence, as seen from
your earth, the constant changing phase of the moon - and that is a big difference
between the moon and your much bigger earth.
[8] But another big difference emerges between your earth and the moon, in that the
moon is inhabited by beings like me only on one side - not visible to you, whereas
your earth is inhabitable and mostly inhabited throughout.
[9] Ah, life on the moon is not as blessed as on your earth! There is intense cold and
much unbearable heat, much hunger and not seldom burning thirst! Hence do not
hanker after that small but exceedingly hard world, upon whose fields grow no wheat,
or corn and even less, wine.
[10] But on the side which you are able to constantly see, no beings dwell in the
flesh, neither animal nor man; but unfortunate, helpless and near helpless spirits. -
And now you know as much as you need to know.
[11] But do not harbour the wish to find out more about the moon, because such
knowledge would in the end make you very unhappy!
[12] Abide in love and let go of all wisdom; for it is better to eat at the table of love,
than to lick the scanty dew from lunar wisdom-stones!'
[13] After this account, the three lunar spirits departed and the daughters asked Me
confidentially whether the situation on the moon is as related by the three lunar
[14] And I say, 'Yes, My most beloved daughters, - it is exactly so and sometimes far
worse! - But now let us leave the moon its journey and all look towards the East!
[15] I shall summon several angels from heaven and you shall see them come from
there; hence direct your eyes there!'
Chapter 154
The three angels (Cherubim) bring the twelve disciples to the Lord on the
mountain. The heavenly meal of the eight hundred upon the mountain.
Kisjonah’s speech The book of 'Jehovah's wars'.
[1] All direct their eyes towards the East now where, as with the rising sun, it is
getting ever brighter - only for the inner vision of course, although the eye of the
flesh also is affected.
[2] Finally, after some time of steady brightening in the East, shapes brighter than
the sun appear, in perfect human form, floating towards us through the air. The light
of these three angels who on account of their steadfastness, firmness and light are
referred to by the general term 'Cherubim', the world of spirits nearly was eclipsed
and the spirits seemed like alpine mists hovering about the mountain peaks.
[3] When the three Cherubim had come into our midst, they dimmed their light and
fell upon their faces before Me, saying, Lord! Who in the eternally endless heavens is
worthy of beholding Your most holy countenance? To You alone all honour in eternity
and infinity!'
[4] But I said unto them, 'Veil yourselves and hasten down to a place where My
twelve messengers are tarrying! They have fulfilled My will and it is enough; therefore
fetch them and bring them here!'
[5] That instant the three angels veiled themselves, departing quickly and bringing, in
a few moments, the dispatched twelve to me on the mountain top.
[6] The twelve, except for Judas, were filled with joy for having been brought to Me
from a great distance in this miraculous fashion.
[7] Only Judas said, 'Forever do I say thanks for such journey! It took only a few
moments; but was I scared, and the draft!'
[8] The angels had however allowed only Judas to feel this, whilst the other eleven
felt none of all this.
[9] This happening however made the rounds among the people verbally for a long
time afterwards, namely, that the twelve disciples were brought to Me on the
mountain from a great distance by the angels.
[10] Upon the mountain nevertheless many began to fear, saying, 'By heaven, the
goings on here are too miraculous - almost too hard to bear'.
[11] Whilst the others said, 'This only Jehovah Himself can effect'.
[12] But the twelve had much to tell about their experiences in the short time.
[13] I however commanded the angels to procure bread and wine in proper
quantities, as the twelve were hungry and thirsty, as they had not received to eat or
drink for a whole day. And the angels at once did as I commanded them, bringing
bread and wine in the right quantity. The twelve then took bread and wine and ate
and drank what they needed and were fortified.
[14] The five daughters however wanted to sample such bread and wine and asked
Me for it. But Kisjonah chided them for being voracious, saying, 'To be voracious also
is a sin; hence self-denial in all things is essential, otherwise man cannot achieve
virtue, without which there can be no life.'
[15] But I said, 'Friend, let this sin be forgiven your daughters for evermore; for sins
which are basically no sins are easy to forgive. Your daughters are in all seriousness
hungry and thirsty, and bread and wine there is aplenty for everyone here. And hence
let all enjoy it in accordance with need, once the most needy twelve have been
[16] That put Kisjonah and his five daughters at ease. Whereupon I asked the twelve
disciples to hastily hand out bread and wine, and they did so at once.
[17] All in all, there were this time about eight hundred persons upon the mount,
which had a spacious top, with a flat rock of about ten yards height jutting out of it,
which also was easy to climb from the south.
[18] All ate and drank and were filled, lauding and praising Me for their being fortified
so miraculously. And Kisjonah spoke down from the aforementioned rock, which he
scaled to that end,
[19] 'Lend an ear, friends and brethren! We are conversant with Scripture, starting
with Moses right up to our time, as also with the books of the 'Wars of Jehovah',
which are mentioned by Moses and many other prophets, which we obtained from
Persia, reading the translations, since they were endorsed by many wise men. But of
all the miracles described therein, there is not one comparable to that now taking
place before our eyes. Such is unheard of not only in Israel but the entire world! Who
is it therefore that must be He Who accomplishes such deeds, which none besides
God can accomplish for sure?!'
Chapter 155
Caution towards spiritual novices. Hints about graduated spiritual
development. How God can be Man and man a god. Distinction between
scientific orientation and that through faith. How to initiate, spiritually, in
the right way.
[1] After this I call Kisjonah down from his ten yard high pulpit, telling him
confidentially, 'Keep it secret for now and do not give Me away before time! Because
there are many around here who have not yet reached your ripeness and must not
find out fully yet as to Who I actually am, or the enlivening of their spiritual liberation
would come under judgment, from which such spirit could then hardly ever ascend.
[2] It is enough that many are now getting a premonition as to Who I am, with most
of them taking Me for either a great prophet and some for God's Son - which now I
am in My exterior. More than this would be of much harm for the present; hence we
also shall leave them with that opinion and belief for now and you must therefore not
give Me away beyond that!'
[3] Says Kisjonah, 'Yes Lord, this is certainly so, but I also am a human; will it not be
to the judgment of my soul as well to not only believe without a doubt but be imbued
through and through with the knowledge as to Who You are?'
[4] Say I, 'You I have prepared through word and teaching. When I came to you a
few days ago you took Me for a very wise and highly accomplished physician and
when you saw Me accomplish unusual deeds, you began to take Me for a prophet
through whom God's Spirit acted. But being a man of much experience, you felt
prompted to find out how I had achieved such perfection. Thereupon I revealed to
you what man is and what is in him, besides what can become of man when he has
fully recognised himself, achieving fullest life-liberty of his spirit therewith!
[5] But then I also showed you how God Himself is a Man and whence you too, as
well as all beings like you, also are men. I then also showed you confidentially that I
Myself am that Man and that every man is called to become and be forever what I
Myself am. You were astonished, knowing from then on Who I am.
[6] And behold, this was a purposeful preparation of your soul and spirit, so that you
could now watch Me create an earth, or men from stones, without being harmed.
Because you accepted freely, and that in a fully scientific way, that God can be a Man
and man can be a god! And so it can no longer trouble your soul and spirit to fully
comprehend that I alone am the One true God and Creator of all things from eternity.
[7] But it is quite different with other people, who on the whole are not accessible to
the scientific approach. These only have faith and otherwise little understanding.
[8] The faith of the soul however is nearer to life than the most perfect intellect. If
the faith is a coerced one however, then it also becomes a shackle to the soul. If
however the soul is shackled, then there can be no talk of the development of the
spirit within it.
[9] But where, as in your case, the intellect first was brought to the right insight,
there the soul remains free and takes for itself light from the intellect to the extent of
her tolerance and digestive capacity.
[10] And thus through a properly educated intellect, a true, full and living faith
develops, from which the spirit within the soul receives the right nutrients, becoming
steadily stronger and mightier, - which can be perceived by any man whose love
towards Me and neighbour gets steadily stronger and mightier.
[11] But as stated, where man's intellect quite often is undeveloped, man having only
faith, which in its confined state is as it were only an obedience to the heart and its
will, such must then be approached with caution, for it to not go numb with delusion,
or be hideously side-tracked, as it is only too obviously and unfortunately the case
with all heathens and others at this time.
[12] And you will now see why I called you down from the rock before, when you
intended revealing Me to the people. Hence no blind should lead another, but rather
one of penetrating intellect, - otherwise they both fall into the abyss.
[13] I say unto you all, be assiduous and acquire a proper knowledge in all things!
Examine everything you encounter and retain what is good and true and you shall
find it easy to grasp the truth and enliven the formerly dead faith, making it into a
true lantern of life.
[14] I say into you and hence also to all: if you want to reap the proper benefit from
My teaching, then you must first understand it and only then truly act in accordance
[15] Just as the Father in heaven is perfect in all things, even so you too must be
perfect, - otherwise you cannot become His children!
[16] You have read Matthew's Scripture and My sermon on the mount therein; there I
taught the disciples to pray and that with the invocation 'Our Father'.
[17] He who says such prayer in his heart, yet does not understand it in the right
sense, is like a blind who praises the sun, yet is not able to see or form a concept of it
in spite of its mighty light. He does not of course sin therewith, yet it is in reality of
no account to him, for he still remains in the same darkness.
[18] Hence, if you want to truly educate a human heart for life, then do not overlook
the proper development of the intellect, or you should make a blind worshipper of the
sun out of him, which is fit for nothing.
Chapter 156
The cool, invigorating morning breeze. Peace-spirits. Descent from the
mountain-peak after the Lord's company's extended stay. The blind Mosaic
detractors. The Lord's hint about Moses' account of the creation.
[1] After this instructive talk, of which Kisjonah said that it left him no further
question, the coming day began to dawn in the East; and on the mountain-peak,
where we were quite snug, a very cool morning breeze crept in and Kisjonah
suggested we should move down to the nearest alpine hut until the sun came up.
[2] Say I, 'Let's leave that! This light morning-frost at this height will actually harm
no one, but rather strengthen everyone's limbs; besides, it won't last long and has to
be so, otherwise a certain variety of spirits, not to be described further here, would
bring bad weather for the day, if not prevented from rising by the powerful peace-
[3] Kisjonah was reassured and we tarried on the mountain peak until midday. After
midday however we moved down to the alpine ranch again, where we stayed another
two days, with all sorts of discussions about man's life-responsibility and the nature of
the earth, the stars and all kinds of other things.
[4] Much of it was beyond the rather dull section of the Jews and the Pharisees who
remained with Me, but they did not argue about anything; because these Jews and
Pharisees, who had turned My way already on the day of My first visit at the tax-
collector Kisjonah's house, in reality were more awake and better spirits and more
sober thinkers and had already a high opinion of Me and received My Word as Godly.
These are therefore not to be compared with those driven back to Capernaum, nor
with those who four days earlier had been driven down to the lowland by the
mountain's liveliness.
[5] But although the above-mentioned better Jews and Pharisees already were quite
firm followers of Mine, they shrugged their shoulders at some explanations about the
true and graduated coming into being of the creation of the earth and all things in
and upon it, as also about countless other heavenly bodies, saying among
themselves, 'Is not this diametrically opposed to Moses! Where are the six days of
Creation and where the Sabbath on which God rested! What is then Moses' account of
the coming into being of all that comprises all parts of the world? If this worker of
miracles from Nazareth now gives us a completely different teaching, making Moses
obsolete, then what should we say to that? But if he disposes of Moses, then he also
disposes of all the prophets and ultimately even of Himself, because if there is no
Moses, then the prophets also are nothing - and hence also the expected Messiah,
Whom he purports to be!
[6] Yet, basically, this teaching is correct and it could easily be with the creation as he
explained it now, rather than Moses' account.
Chapter 157
Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses. [Ge.
[1] The Lord continues: ‘Is it not written: In the beginning God created the heaven
and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
[2] And God said, let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that
it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light
Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the
first day.
[3] Behold, these are Moses' Words! If you were to take these in their natural sense
you should have to at once see their ultimate absurdity!
[4] What of a truth is the heaven and earth of which Moses says all was created in the
beginning? In man, heaven is the spiritual and earth the natural; this still is void and
without form - as in your case. The waters are your deficient knowledge of all things,
above which the Spirit of God moves indeed, but not yet within them.
[5] Since God at all times however sees the terrible darkness in your material world-
depth, God says to you, as manifestly even now: “Let there be light!”
[6] It begins thereupon to dawn within your natures, and God indeed sees how good
is the light upon your darkness; but it is yourselves who do not want to recognise it.
For this reason therefore a division takes place within you, day and night verily are
separated, and through the day within, you then recognise the former night of your
[7] With man, his initial natural being is late evening and hence night. Since God
gives him light however, such light is to him a veritable sunrise, and out of man's
evening and sunrise verily come man's first day of life.
[8] Hence behold, if Moses, who most certainly had been an initiate into all Egyptian
science had intended in his scripture to indicate the coming into being of the first
terrestrial day, then he would, with all his science and wisdom have noted that no day
could ever emerge from evening and morning; night proper surely always follows
evening, and day comes only after the morning.
[9] What therefore lies between evening and morning is night; only what lies between
morning and evening is day!
[10] Had Moses said, “…and hence out of morning and evening emerged the first
day”, then you would have been entitled to take this in its natural sense; but for good
reasons of correspondences he said exactly the reverse, and this signifies man's
evening and night, which also is understandable since nobody has seen the highest
wisdom in a child yet.
[11] When a child is born, its soul finds itself in utter darkness and therefore night.
The child nevertheless grows, receiving all kinds of instruction, gaining all sorts of
insights therewith; and behold, this is dusk comparable with evening.
[12] Indeed you say that it dawns also in the morning, and Moses therefore might
have said: ‘And from dawn and an actually bright morning emerged the first day!
[13] To this I say: indeed, had he availed himself of spiritual correspondences to tell
mankind the crassest nonsense! But Moses knew that only evening corresponds to
man's terrestrial state; he knew that it was with man's worldly-intellectual education
exactly as it is with the gradually waning light of natural evening.
[14] The greater the pursuit of worldly things through men's intellect, the feebler the
pure divine light of love and spiritual life in their hearts. Hence also Moses called such
worldly light of men the evening.
[15] Only when God through His mercy kindles a small light of life in the heart, does
man begin to comprehend the nothingness of all that he had previously acquired
through the intellect - his spiritual evening, whereupon he starts to gradually see how
the treasures of his evening light are as transitory as this light itself.
[16] The right light out of God however, kindled in the hearts of men is that morning
which together with the preceding evening brings about the first true day within man.
[17] From this My present explanation however you must see what a vast difference
there has to be between these two respective lights or rather cognitions; because all
cognition from the worldly evening light is deceptive and transitory. Only Truth lasts
forever and deception has in the end to come to naught.
Chapter 158
Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses. [Ge.
[1] (The Lord continues) ‘But it can nevertheless happen that the divine light is
poured out over the evening light in man's heart and be so consumed or blended that
it would in the end be no longer possible to know the natural light within man from
the divine.
[2] God then made a divide between the two waters, which bespeaks the two
cognitions with which I have now adequately acquainted you, and He thus divided the
two waters.
[3] The division itself however is the actual heaven within man's heart expressing
itself in true and living faith and not ever in a void, intellectual musing.
[4] For this reason also I call him who has the mightiest and most undoubting faith a
rock, which I place as a new divide between heaven and hell, and this bulwark no
powers of darkness shall overcome forever.
[5] When this bulwark is placed within man and his faith waxes ever mightier, then
through such faith the nothingness of natural cognition becomes steadily more
apparent. Natural cognition then moves to subordinate itself to the dominance of
faith, and therewith, out of man's evening and the steadily brightening morning, there
arises the other and by far brighter day.
[6] In this second day condition man already recognises that which alone must
maintain itself as ultimate truth forever; but proper order nevertheless still is lacking
within him. Man still continually blends the natural with the purely spiritual, often
spiritualising nature too much and hence beholding the material also with the spirit,
therefore not yet being decidedly on the side of the right deed.
[7] He resembles a world of water which indeed is surrounded on all sides with lucent
air; not being clear however about whether his water-world came forth from the
translucent air surrounding it or the latter proceeding from the water world, i.e. he is
not sure within himself yet whether his spiritual cognition developed from his natural
one, or whether the latter secretly came out of a possibly secretly pre-existent and
secretly active spiritual cognition in man; or to put it more plainly still, he does not
know whether faith proceeds from knowledge or the latter from the former, and what
the difference is between them.
[8] In short, he cannot work out whether the chicken was before the egg and the
seed before the tree.
[9] God then comes once again to help man along, provided man has done what he
could from the strength loaned to him and hence his, on this second day of his
spiritual education. And this additional help consists in the provision of more
abundant light, which then like the sun in spring, not just by greater light intensity
but the warmth effected with this, starts to fertilise all the seeds laid in man's heart.
[10] This warmth however is called love, and spiritually constitutes the soil within
which the seed starts sprouting and thrusting out its roots.
[11] And behold, this is what is written in Moses, that God said, “Let the waters be
gathered together in certain separate places, so that the dry and firm land can be
seen, from which alone the seeds can grow into living and enlivening fruit!”
[12] And it says, “..and God called the dry land earth, and the water, now gathered at
certain places, the seas”.
[13] Question: for whose benefit did God call it so? - For Himself verily He would not
have needed it; since it surely would sound somewhat divisive to attribute to the
highest wisdom in God His special pleasure in succeeding with the naming of the dry
land as ‘earth’ and the gathered waters as ‘seas’.
[14] Yet God surely could not do the naming of the dry land and the gathered waters
for anyone's benefit, since there was no being besides Himself in this creation period
to understand Him!
[15] Such saying of Moses therefore cannot possibly have a material but only a
spiritual sense, having only a potentially retrospective spiritual sense in relation to the
erstwhile creation of the worlds - i.e. from the spiritual to the material - this being
capable of comprehension only by the wisdom of angels. But the way it stands, it has
a purely spiritual sense and indicates how initially the individual and society at large
develop in time and periods from their necessary original natural state to the
gradually purer spiritual.
[16] Man therefore is being sorted out even in his natural state. The cognitions have
their place - that is man's sea, and the love emerging from the cognitions as a soil
capable of carrying fruit, washed all around by the totality of rightful cognitions,
steadily renewed in its strength for the bringing forth of all kinds of select fruits ever
more abundantly.’

Chapter 159
Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.
The fourth day - the right cognition in the heart.
[1] ‘When man's cognitions therefore surround man from all sides and are
progressively lit up and warmed by the love-flame which they had fed, then man
correspondingly grows in strength and the capacity to act.
[2] In this state God again comes to man - in Spirit of course, and as love eternal
speaks to man's love in his heart: ‘Let the earth bring forth vegetation, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself,
upon the earth!’
[3] Upon such Commandment from God in the heart, man gains a firm will, strength
and confidence and goes into action.
[4] And behold! His right cognitions take off like rain-laden clouds above the ordered
sea and move over the dry land, moistening and fructifying it. And the earth begins to
turn green, bringing forth all kinds of grass and herbs with seed, and all kinds of fruit
trees and bushes and seeds, yielding fruit, i.e., that which the right intellect,
translucent with heavenly wisdom now regards as fully good and true, then also
desired forthwith by the love in man's heart.
[5] Because just as the seed laid in the earth soon sprouts, bringing forth manifold
fruit, just so is the effect of the right cognitions if laid in the life-giving soil of the
[6] The seed however acts in the manner of awakening the love-force dormant in the
soil, and this then gathers increasingly around the seed-grain, effecting the unfolding
of the latter to growth, yielding fruit. In short, the right cognition moves to action
only in the heart, and from the action all kinds of works emerge; and it is of this that,
out of deep wisdom, Moses speaks in Genesis, and that as already rendered verbatim,
from chapter 1, verses 11 and 12.
[7] Man's former evening, raised to proper cognition through the light, thus leads to
action, which must be followed by works; and this is the third day in the heart's
development and that of the whole man in man, who is the spiritual man around
whom everything revolves, on whose account Moses and all the prophets of God
came to this world, just as I Myself now! This surely ought to edify you now!?’
[8] Says one of the Pharisees, ‘Exalted and wisest friend and master! I for my part
underwrite every one of your words, addressed to all of us, since they are totally true
and must be so. But move to Jerusalem and explain Genesis to the Temple in this
way, and you shall be stoned together with all your following, unless you defend
yourself with your evidently divine power! But should you encounter the Templers
with this might, then they are judged forthwith and it may differ very little from
annihilating them with lightning and fire from heaven in the first place!
[9] As said, it would in any case be a most daring task, in spite of such truly all-wise
and penetrating explanation of the first three days of creation, as described in
Genesis, being quite straightforward and without a word of self-contradiction. But now
comes the fourth day, on which according to the text, God evidently created sun,
moon and stars! How can you explain this differently? To all intents and purposes
sun, moon and stars are with us and no man knows a beginning to these large and
small lights on the firmament other than what one reads in Genesis.
[10] Question: where is the key to the correspondence by which this fourth day
relates exclusively to man?!’
[11] Say, ‘My friend, have you not often heard and experienced it yourself that there
are far-sighted and short-sighted as well as half and totally blind people, and those
blind as bats, in the eye of the flesh? The far-sighted see well at a distance but badly
at close range; the short-sighted on the other hand see well in the vicinity but badly
at a distance; with the half-blind it is half night and half day, i.e. they indeed see
objects quite well with one eye, but because the other eye is blind it is self-evident
that such seers can only see everything at half light. The fully blind no longer see any
object, neither during the day nor at night, although there is a feeble glimmer during
the day so that they can tell day from night. Those blind as bats do not have a
glimmer and can no longer distinguish day from night.
[12] Behold, just as men are so diversely constituted in their flesh-vision, just so but
much more markedly diverse are they constituted in their spiritual sight. And even
you yourself have a strong visual defect and much more strongly in your soul-sight
than in the eye of the flesh. Verily I say unto you: the short-sightedness of your soul
is extraordinary!’
Chapter 160
Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.
Creation of the Fourth Day.

[1] Which way do you read Genesis? Is it not written thus: “And God said, let there
be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let
them be for signs and for seasons, and for days, and years; and let them be for lights
in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so. And God
made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule
the night: He made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven
to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to
divide the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. And the evening
and the morning were the fourth day”.
[2] Behold, this is what it says about the creation of the fourth day, which according
to Genesis causes the fourth day.
[3] If you illumine this matter a little with even your intellectual power then the
crassest nonsense must strike your eyes at first glance, if you take the wording as its
[4] According to Genesis, God created the light already on the first day, and out of
the evening and morning became the first day. Tell Me, what kind of light was this
that adequately effected day and night for three days? On the fourth day God again
said ‘Let there be lights in heaven’! Question: what kind of lights that should divide
day and night? Did not the light created on the first day effect this for three days?
Why on the fourth day more lights for the same effect? On top of that there is talk of
only ‘lights’, but not the slightest mention of a moon and sun! These lights
furthermore also effect signs - what signs? Finally seasons - which ones? - and days
and years - what days and years? Is night nothing? Does not night count the same as
[5] And on top of that the earth is spherical and always has day on one side and night
on the other. According to the revolving of the earth from evening to morning (west
to east) around its own axis, there will always be day where the lands find themselves
in the sun, or more precisely, where the steady turning of the earth pushes the earth
under the sun as it were.
[6] If therefore indisputably the natural day of the earth is brought about by its
peculiar movement, where the sun does nothing other than shine at one point,
effecting day through its light wherever its light penetrates, and hence cannot and
does not want to rule the day thereby, question: how should Moses have meant sun
and moon by his lights? And had he meant the natural sun and the natural moon,
then for greater clarification of his revelation to mankind he would have named these
two lights, since all men in Moses' time already were able to name these two spheres!
[7] Besides this, Moses speaks of a firmament in heaven which in the natural outer
space exists nowhere in actuality, in that sun, moon and all stars as well as this earth
float freely in the ether, restricted nowhere, maintained in their purposeful position
through the law laid within them, having free movement without attachment to any
heavenly firmament!
[8] Because there is only one firmament in infinite and free space, and this is the will
of God, through which the former is filled with an unchangeable law throughout.
[9] If that which to your eyes appears as an immensely spread-out blue vault, with
the sun, moon and stars somehow fastened to same, how could they move and in the
case of the familiar planets, continually change their positions?
[10] The other stars, which you call fixed, appear of course as if attached to some
kind of firmament, but this is not so. They only are removed so far from the earth and
their tracks so extended that often they hardly cover these in several hundreds of
thousand years, and for this reason their movements are not perceived throughout
even a hundred human life-times. And that is the reason they appear to you as all but
fixed. But in reality it is otherwise and there is to be found no so-called firmament
throughout infinite space.
[11] The firmament which Moses means is the firm will within the divine order, gone
forth from the right understanding and love, which is the blessed soil of life. Since
such will can however only go forth from the fertile fullness of the true divine love in
man's heart, just as this goes forth from the heavenly light which God had poured out
in man when dividing the latter's inner darkness into evening and morning, just so
the heaven within man is this right love and the right insight and the right intellect,
which manifest as a living faith. And the firm will within the divine order is the
firmament of heaven in man, and into such firmament, if same is in accordance with
the love-will of God and the right order, God puts now lights out of the Heaven of
heavens, which is the right Father love in God's heart. And the lights then light up the
will, raising it to the insight of the angels of the Heaven of heavens, and therewith
raise the created man to the uncreated one, who had transformed himself, as a child
of God, through his own free will within the divine order.
Chapter 161
Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.
Continuation of the explanation of the Fourth Day.
[1] For as long as man is a creature he is temporal, transitory and cannot endure;
because every man in his natural state is merely a suitable vessel within which a man
proper can develop through God's constant participation.
[2] Once the outer vessel has reached the right degree of development, to which end
God has provided same with all essential parts and properties over abundantly, He
then awakens or rather develops His uncreated eternal Spirit within man's heart, and
this Spirit in its effect is what Moses understands and wishes to be understood by the
two great lights which God put in the firmament, the way it also was understood, and
never otherwise, by all patriarchs and prophets.
[3] This eternal, uncreated, eternally live light in the heavenly firmament of man only
then is the really true ruler of the actual day within man, teaching the former vessel
to fully transform itself into its uncreated divine being and to therewith make the
entire man into a true child of God.
[4] Every created man however has a living soul, which indeed also is a spirit, with
the necessary capacity to know the good and the true, and the evil and the false,
acquiring the good and true and banishing the evil and false from itself; nevertheless
it is not an uncreated but created spirit, and as such can never by itself gain the
childhood of God.
[5] If however it has in all humility and modesty of heart and from the free will
implanted by God, accepted the good and true in accordance with the law given it,
then such humble, modest and obedient will has, to put it bluntly, become a heavenly
firmament, because it has developed itself in accordance with the celestial placed
within it, becoming then fully capable of assuming the uncreated divine nature.
[6] The purely divine or uncreated Spirit of God now placed permanently into such
celestial firmament is the great light; man's soul however which is transformed to an
almost equally great light through the great light is the smaller and lesser light, which
however like the uncreated great light is placed in the same celestial firmament and
transformed to a co-uncreated light, without losing any of its natural nature but
instead gaining endlessly in a fully purified spiritual sense. Because by itself man's
soul could never behold God in His purest divine nature, and the purest uncreated
Spirit conversely, could not behold the natural, since there exists for Him nothing
materio-natural. But through the above mentioned complete conjunction of the purest
Spirit with the soul the latter can now behold God in His arch-spiritual purest Being
through the new spirit provided it, and conversely the natural - by the Spirit through
the soul.
[7] This Moses is saying, that a great light is to rule the day and the lesser light the
night, to determine the signs, i.e. to determine out of all wisdom the basis for every
appearance and all created things, hence also determine the times, days and years,
which is to say: to recognise God's wisdom, love and grace in all phenomena.
[8] The stars which Moses also mentions are the countless useful cognitions - every
individual thing, which latter of course all flow from the main cognition, and are
therefore placed in the same heavenly firmament as the two main lights.
[9] And behold, this at last is the fourth day of creation of which Moses speaks in
Genesis, which nevertheless, as with the former three, has gone forth from the same
evening and morning in man.
Chapter 162
Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.

[1] So that you would not in this connection ask Me further as to what to make of the
fifth and sixth day of creation, I tell you briefly that the ensuing creation of the animal
world in aggregate, and lastly man himself signify nothing other than the coming alive
in full and realisation of all that man harbours in his natural part.
[2] His sea and all his waters come alive and man becomes aware of and glimpses
within his now pure divine, uncreated light the countless and manifold fullness of the
creative ideas and forms, and in this way becomes cognisant of his purely divine
origin. And through the telling of the creation of the first human pair is signified the
perfected humanisation or inheritance of the complete childhood of God.
[3] Of course you are now secretly asking within your heart: yes indeed, all this is
quite good, wise and glorious, and nobody can doubt in the least the fullness of the
truth: how then did this earth, which surely could not have been present like this
from all eternity, arise? How was it overgrown with grasses, herbs, bushes and trees
of every kind? How and when did all the animals come into being?
[4] And how did man become an inhabitant of this earth? Was it really just one
human pair that was created, as in Genesis, or were men of diverse colour, form and
character set down on this earth simultaneously?
[5] To such not altogether unreasonable question I can only say as I said before,
namely: If you are imbued with the wisdom of angels, then you shall in a
retrospective sense be able to trace also the entire natural creation from the purely
spiritual sense in which Moses speaks in Genesis, and shall discover that the natural
creation in correspondingly extended periods of course arose almost exactly in the
same order told in Genesis; with the emergence of the first human pair falling roughly
into the same period and their test and propagation ultimately, but for a few
exceptions, hidden in corresponding images, following in that very order told in the
unfolding Genesis text.
[6] But as said, in the absence of angelic wisdom you shall not discover this, were
you to possess the wisdom of all the wise of the earth, who also had already
exchanged the most diverse views and opinions on this subject.
[7] But in this world, such knowledge is of no particular use to anyone in any case,
since man rarely improves much in his heart through great knowledge, but rather
worsens that much more usually. Because not seldom the erudite becomes proud and
haughty, looking down from his imagined height upon his brethren with scorn, like a
vulture upon sparrows and other small birds, as if these existed only for his catching
and devouring of their tender flesh.
[8] Seek ye therefore the kingdom of God and its righteousness in your heart before
everything else, troubling yourselves little about anything else; because all these
other things together with the wisdom of angels can be given you overnight. I trust
that you have now fully understood Me!?
Chapter 163
The Pharisee’s response to the Lord’s explanation of Moses’ account of
The Lord’s prophecy about Jerusalem’s judgement.
Silence to be kept on the spiritual vision and experiences.
[1] When the Pharisee and his colleagues had received such an extended explanation
of Genesis from me, they all stood in front of Me as if paralysed, and the chief
Pharisee said, after a while of visibly strainful thought: ‘Lord. Master of all Masters in
all things! I and all of us now see, not without much disappointment, that You are
fully right in all things and that everything You say is the complete, pure truth. But I
did not say “not without much disappointment” for nothing. Because this wisdom is
too holy and lofty for an evil, selfish world, and You shall, in the absence of special
miracles, preach to totally deaf ears; and if working miracles, You shall have blind
spectators and achieve little.
[2] If man, in order to fashion himself into a true human, has to be free in his volition
and action, then You can preach and work miracles as much as You like, and hardly
one in a hundred shall be converted. Because where someone is already basically too
stupid and has no education in any necessary or life-conducive field, he cannot
possibly grasp Your teaching. If however he has just one degree more than enough,
and hence a developed intellect, be it either Scripturally or scientifically, or in the
arts, tying same to some worldly gain, attaching to perhaps even personal standing,
then You can let Jehovah speak, for You under lightning and thunder, yet such people
will do what your forefathers did in the desert under Moses, where in the course of
Jehovah’s talk with Moss on Sinai, under thunder and lightning, receiving the Holy
Commandments from Him, they had cast a golden calf, to then dance around it,
worshipping it like the heathens.
[3] If I did not know what stuff the Pharisees, Scribes and the priests and Levites are
made of, especially in Jerusalem, I would hardly dare to speak to You thus; but I
know this folk only too well and basically have put a good distance between me and
it, not visiting it any more.
[4] If however You should return to Jerusalem again, then take a large portion of
omnipotence with You, or you shall be stoned as a blasphemer! For anyone wishing to
be more clever than even by a hair’s breath than the least Temple sweeper,
immediately is denounced as a heretic and blasphemer, and if not reforming, in
conjunction with a sizeable offering, stoning without mercy awaits him at the
accursed spot outside the city wall.
[5] For Jerusalem, I say unto You, my divine friend, there is only one cure - that of
Sodom and Gomorra! Other than that there is no salvation for this city and its
[6] Say I: ‘Friend! What you are telling Me I have known for a long time! Yes, I say
unto you, this also shall be Jerusalem’s end. But prior to that, all the things
prophesied over it have to first take place, so that all Scripture be fulfilled, and its
measure filled. And you shall not henceforth count seventy years, before not a stone
shall be left atop another. If anyone shall then ask; “where stood the Temple once?”,
none shall be found to tell such seeker.
[7] Many prophets were murdered within the walls of this city; I know them all - their
blood cried to the highest heavens for revenge against such evil doers; but the
measure with which hell was meted out to this city is not yet completely full, and it
was hence spared still. But now its measure shall shortly be full, and it shall be
spared no more.
[8] But before we leave this mountain, I give you a Commandment for strict
observance, consisting in that none of you divulge to anyone down below any portion
of what you have seen on this mountain, until I have given you authority through the
spirit. He who will not keep this My Commandment shall be punished with instant
dumbness; for the people down in the plain are not ripe for along time yet, nor are
you yourselves sufficiently.
[9] But discuss that which I have taught here among the likes of you as if not
emanating from Me, but as if grown upon your own ground. Only after your friends
shall have embraced your teaching in a living way you can eye to eye, let them in on
where you received such teaching, and what signs preceded it.
[10] But then do not omit to in My name give those instructed the same
commandment and with the same sanction as I have given you all here.
[11] But you shall in the short time left us on this mountain witness miraculous things
yet; for I thirst for making you as strong as possible in your faith; but keep the said
Commandment in respect of everything you are still permitted to see and hear;
because through non-compliance with this Commandment, the threatened
punishment would be visited upon you for a year!’

Chapter 164
Judas Iscariot reports on his journey through the air and asks useless
questions. The Lord's answer and Thomas' reprimand.
[1] Says Judas Iscariot, 'Lord! This is a tough Commandment! Who shall be able to
strictly keep it?'
[2] Say I, 'God also had made dying into an imperative and unalterable law and does
not in spite of much human misery retract His holy Word! You may, right now, talk
and argue as much as you like, yet you have to in the end die! Only in the beyond will
you realise how such dying was most essential.
[3] And behold, just so it is with every Commandment coming from the mouth of
God! Making it into your own commandment, you shall be able to keep it quite easily.
But if you prescribe yourself a commandment other than the one I give you, then it
shall be hard for you to keep My Commandment. Because where one commandment
is counter to another, there abiding by the one or the other shall be difficult or in the
end impossible. Do you understand that?
[4] I say unto you! Take care indeed and see to it earnestly that a counter-
commandment does not arise in you with time, which could become death within
[5] Judas says, 'But what is this to mean again? You do indeed perpetually speak in
accordance with Egyptian hieroglyphics, which hardly a wise man can still read, let
alone understand! What basically is a counter-commandment? I can either abide or
not abide by it and this is up to my free will and not a counter-commandment!'
[6] I reply, 'I say unto you, if you remain as foolish as you are now, then it is better
for you to return to Bethabara; because that way you are annoying and repulsive to
[7] Where do laws come from? From anywhere other, perchance, than from the will of
him who has the power and authority to give and sanction laws?! But does not each
man have complete power to do as he will? If he wants to make the eternal laws his
own, then he is sure to easily keep them; if he does not want that, then he has his
own will as counter-commandment and has in the end to put up with sanction of the
external law.'
[8] Judas, although cutting a sour face to this explanation, nevertheless says, 'Well,
now I understand the thing and it is good so. But when You often speak in a veiled
fashion, then I get fearful and worried and then I always have to ask until the thing is
clear, especially when it concerns a commandment which it may be quite hard for
some of us to keep and for myself, which I am not afraid to admit. But see, Lord,
when anyone else asks You, then you answer them most amicably at once; yet when
it is I that asks, You always get unfriendly and I then hardly dare to ask You again,
may it be ever so important to do so.
[9] Behold, I still can not get over my peculiar journey through the air the day before
yesterday and that with unbelievable speed, so that one could not make out anything
on the ground other than a band shooting past at immense speed; here I want to find
out from You how this was possible. Because I was possibly the furthest one from
here and that far behind the far sea-coast and would have needed four or five days to
[10] I had just finished preaching at a Greek village, but had unfortunately not found
very sympathetic ears and hearts, in spite of healing some of their sick; I became
cross and left the stupid nest. But when finding myself all alone some thousand paces
from the village - because brother Thomas did not want to accompany me to Greece,
- there came a whirlwind towards me and before I knew it I was high up in the air.
Thereupon an indescribable gust of wind pushed me in this direction and that with the
said speed, so that, as said, I could not in this flight make out in the least anything on
the earth's surface - not even the sea itself more than a flash of lightning. I did not
even have time to think how I would go if a cliff should be in my path, against which I
should have disintegrated into many hundreds of thousands of droplets! But how
astonished I was, oh Lord, to be set down so gently unto the ground before You after
such draft!
[11] Hence I would like you to just tell me a few words on how such was possible.'
[12] Say I, 'Friend! If you know Who I am, how can you ask how such is possible to
Me, or by what means this was carried out? Are not all things possible with God?
Behold, the clouds! Who carries them? You heard Me before, explaining to everybody
the nature of the earth, the moon, the sun and many other stars which for your
concepts are endlessly great suns.
[13] Behold, these large and hence immensely heavy heavenly bodies float freely
through the ether spaces, endlessly stretched out in all directions, having a speed of
movement fantastic for your imagination!
[14] Question: Who is carrying these countless ones within an unchangeable order
through the free, endless spaces? Think about it and you shall soon see the
foolishness of your question! And hence this question is answered for you with
sufficient clarity!'
[15] Thomas steps up and says, 'If only you could for once come up with a question
worthy of the Lord! Did not all those of us who were sent out go through the same
aerial journey to here? We know however that He wanted it that way and hence,
although a most unusual journey over here through the air, it therewith is fully
explained to us! If you more strongly believed What and Who our Lord and Master is,
then such question could not occur to you even in the worst and most foolish dream!'
[16] Says Judas, 'Have you got me again? Well, let you have me, if it gives you
pleasure! At least I am not upset this time because I myself realise that I have
bothered the Lord with a very foolish question - which however I am sure not to do
again in future.'
[17] Says Thomas, 'Then we shall also be quite good friends and brothers and I shall
not counsel you again.'
[18] Say I, 'Quieten down for a while, as Kisjonah has prepared a meal and we shall
afford our body some necessary fortification! After the meal it shall transpire what
else there shall be to do. And so let it be and stay so!'

Chapter 165
The Lord's entourage upon the mountain. Kisjonah's question to the three
'Why must men be born?' Pure angels, fallen spirits and men.
Flesh not as an end, but a means for soul development.
[1] All move to the huts now to partake of the meal, all being in good spirits and
hence cheerful and happy.
[2] After the meal Kisjonah says to Me, that if I have no objection then he would now
make the rounds on his alp before night settles in, to pay his shepherds and take a
look at the flocks, checking also how much wool the shepherds had clipped.
[3] Say I, 'Listen, tomorrow is the day before Sabbath, which I want to spend on
these mountains; but today, since our meal was an extended one, with the day
lasting only another two hours, let us just stay happily together here and discuss a
few important things; and this evening you are yet to go through quite a few things!'
[4] Says Kisjonah, 'Lord, Your every heart's desire is a holy commandment to me! But
now I shall come up with a question straight away and this concerns those three men
who two days ago came to us in great splendour, floating through the air rather than
straddling the mountain with their feet. These three men have now been constantly in
our company, speaking with us and eating and drinking with us, being extremely
obliging and helpful and, except for a more noble form, they look like ourselves.
[5] It seems almost as if they are going to stay with us, - which would please me
endlessly. I previously had embraced and kissed them and behold, they had bones
and a firm and strong body throughout, so that I had to wonder greatly!
[6] My question therefore is to find out from You how this is possible. Earlier on they
were mere spirits, whereas now they are physical beings like us; whence did they
take their body? And if these spontaneously obtained bodies and as it turns out, much
more perfect ones than ours, could not all men be set into this world in that way,
instead of through laborious birth?'
[7] Say I, 'You would not, to begin with, see and physically feel these three angels,
had I not conditioned you for this occasion in such a way that your soul obviously,
united with her spirit, could behold the spiritual through the body, seeing and
perceiving same as if it was on the natural plane and hence physical; it nevertheless
is and remains completely spiritual, including nothing physical.
[8] Men and spirits however are distinguished from each other, in that a spirit like
these three angels had from primordial times used his freedom wisely within My order
and had thereafter not ever sinned against it; but a proportion of spirits, too vast for
your comprehension, had misused their free will and hence plunged into the
threatened judgment; and from such spirits, of which this whole earth and all
countless worlds, such as sun, moon and stars consist, go forth by way of an
unalterable natural law, the natural men of this earth as well as those of all other
worlds; and this along the familiar way of generation and subsequent birth, having to
therefore first be reared and later instructed in human-hood and, after shedding of
the body, developed into pure and completely free spirits.
[9] Since the flesh of man is given him and hence to the spirit raised up from
judgment, mainly to undergo a free will test as if in a separate world, you can now
easily comprehend that for the perfected spirits, a body of flesh would be quite
superficial, as the flesh is only the means but not and never can be, the purpose, as
everything is to ultimately become purely spiritual and never material again.
[10] I say unto you, 'This earth and this whole, actually physical heaven such as
suns, moons and worlds, shall once pass away, after all the spirits held captive within
them shall through the way of the flesh have become pure spirits; but the pure spirits
remain forever and shall not and cannot ever pass away, just as I and My Word
cannot. - Tell Me whether you have now comprehended and understood this.' 
Chapter 166
Kisjonah's amazement and comprehension. About the creation of Adam.
About the nature of man and woman. The fall of woman and its bad effect on
man. Mankind's decline. About the Lord's Incarnation and salvation.
[1] Says Kisjonah, 'Oh God, oh God. What depths of wisdom: who has ever heard
anything like it? Verily, such exposition only God can give; here the wisdom of all the
wise comes to fullest nothingness of all nothingnesses. No, this truly is too much all at
once, for a poor mortal sinner in full measure like me.
[2] Through this Revelation all of Genesis suddenly becomes clear and
understandable, as if by magician's master-stroke, so to say!
[3] Now I understand what it means: 'And God formed Adam as the first man of this
earth from the clay of the earth.' - Out of His eternal order, God willed it that the
spirits captive within the earth under judgment, from the more pliable clay of the
earth build a body corresponding to their spiritual form, with which they can move
freely, recognising their self and from that God, to freely subordinate themselves to
the divine order, to attain to their primordially spiritual nature, namely to become
perfectly pure spirits, hence like the primordial archangels!
[4] Yes, indeed, now all becomes clear to me! And it says that woman was formed
out of Adam's rib; how clear also this is! - Just as the mountains by correspondence
are the more solid and hence more stubborn part of the earth and hence containing
also the more stubborn spirits, just so the man's more stubborn part had, as it were,
deposited itself in man's bones, which by correspondence relate to the earth's
[5] The more tenacious spiritual, the more sensual, proud and arrogant elements of
the man were by God’s wisdom and might eliminated from him and represented in a
female form similar to that of the man which, since it originates from the man, stands
in a living correspondence with him and thereby, and through the procreative act, is
capable of having a living fruit awakened within it, according to God’s almighty will.
And since a greater suffering has been imposed on her as the man’s more tenacious
spiritual part, she can perfect her spirit whereby according to Scripture it can happen,
and also does, that finally man and woman become one.
[6] For the expression that man and woman have then one body does not mean
anything else but: Although the woman’s nature is the more tenacious part of the
man, through the comparatively harder trial it eventually becomes equal to his
gentler spiritual part and that is what is meant by the expression that man and
woman have one body. What do You, O Lord, say to this?’
[7] Thereupon the Lord, ‘That is absolutely good and true. This is how it is and thus
the Scripture should be understood. Then it would be easy to talk to all men and act
in their very best interest from the heavens. But by the second misuse of their free
will people have deeply sunk into sensuousness. This is above all the case with
women who have begun to abundantly adorn their from Satan inherited more
attractive body and because of their selfishness have become inflexible, proud and
resentful thereby decoying the gentler man who, in order to be granted a woman’s
favour, had to quite voluntarily and submissively to dance to her tyrannical tune and
in the end even enjoyed being completely ensnared by her truly satanic cunning.
[8] As a result he fell from all the heavens dawning within him, became ignorant,
lascivious, selfish, vain and greedy for power and thus truly of the devil together with
the woman.
[9] From time to time the man was softly admonished by his spirit through the
awakening of love for life, to read the Scripture and contemplate God’s great works!
Many also did that by first more or less freeing themselves from the snares of
woman. But this did not help much because they no longer understood the Scripture;
and since they themselves has become materialistic like the woman they promptly
took the literal sense for fully valid and thus turned the Word of God into a monster
and God’s Temple into a den of thieves.
[10] I tell you and all present: Things have advanced to a stage when all men would
be completely lost if I, the Lord Himself, had not come into the world to save you
from the yoke of Satan and his eternal perdition. And I Myself shall have to go to the
greatest lengths in order to begin to raise only a very minor part of mankind to the
proper light of the heavens.’
Chapter 167
[1] ‘However, woe betide the world when the women again start to wear finery,
bedeck themselves and will sit on the thrones. Then the earth will be put through the
[2] Therefore, maintain good discipline with the women and let them above all
practise proper humility. They should be clean, but never dressed up in finery and
bedecked, for women’s finery and jewellery is mankind’s grave and ruin in everything.
[3] But just as a pure, well-mannered and humble woman is a blessing for a house, a
bedecked and thereby proud woman among men, fully comparable to a snake that
through its wanton glances lures the heaven’s birds into its venomous and destructive
[4] Therefore I advise, but do not wish to make this advice a command:
[5] If someone looks for a wife, let him make sure that the maiden he woos does not
bedeck her body, except cleanses it with water which is needed for the body’s health
- and does not bear an immodest face in the street, which does not befit a woman,
and does not parade her attractions, but is in every way modest, has her body well
covered with a linen garment and in winter with undyed cloths from sheep’s wool,
also does not talk much nor boast as if she possessed something. For it is most
beneficial for a woman if she possesses nothing but what is absolutely necessary.
Such a maiden is then also worthy of a man, and you shall woo her. But I tell you:
Avoid like a carrion a maiden who is rich, bedecked, wears colourfully dyed clothes,
bears an immodest expression in the street, likes to be greeted by the rich and
distinguished, but says to the poor: “Just look at the smelly beggars.”
[6] Such a maiden is a true image, on a small scale, of enticing hell, and who woos
such a one commits a gross sin against the divine order and may reckon with it that
such a woman, who on earth hardly ever changes her ways, if she dies before her
husband, will - even if he was a righteous man, but had loved his wife very much for
her earthly attractions - draw him into hell for at least a very lengthy period.
[7] For in the same way that such a woman used on this earth tricks to catch herself
the man her lewdeness had chosen, she will - only a thousand times more destructive
- in the beyond come to meet her following husband with all imaginable charmingness
and draw him into her hellish nest. And it will be most difficult for the husband to
extricate himself form his wife’s influence.
[8] Therefore, keep that in mind and let the one who woos get first will acquainted
with his bride and examine all aspects, so that he does not instead of winning an
angel become encumbered with a devil of whom it will not be easy to rid himself.
[9] I have clearly shown you the distinguishing marks; do heed the warning and you
will succeed here and in the beyond. I do not actually give you this as a
commandment that is to bind you, but only, as already mentioned, as good advice
which will be most beneficial to you and all vain women in particular, if heeded.
[10] For the one among you who will reprimand a vain and cunningly seductive
woman to make her realise her wicked folly shall once in heaven be richly rewarded.
[11] Therefore, turn your eyes away from a seductive woman, for such a woman is
secretly without knowing it in league with Satan and unconsciously serves him in his
seductive designs.
[12] If anyone of you wishes to see Satan in his worst form, let him look at a dressed
up wanton or an adorned woman and he has seen Satan in his for a man most
dangerous form.
[13] When Satan as a dragon spits war, famine and pestilence over the earth, he is
least dangerous to men, for in their misery men turn to God and begin to do penance,
thereby avoiding hell and its judgement.
[14] However, when Satan clothes his dragon in the light-garment of an angel, he is
most dangerous to the by nature sensually inclined man, just as if a ravening wolf
came among the sheep in a sheepskin. If the wolf comes to the sheep as a wolf, they
flee in all directions confusing the death-bringer, so that he stops and ponders after
which seep to run and finally has to leave without prey. If, however, he comes in a
sheepskin, the sheep do not flee, but on the contrary happily welcome the new sheep
that has joined them, which is a wolf that mangles the entire flock without a single
sheep fleeing from it.
[15] Look this instruction and this advice you should, therefore, keep in your hearts
as a shrine and strictly stick to it as if I had given you a commandment. Then your
marriages will have the blessing from heaven, otherwise - the curse from hell.
[16] Therefore, do not allow yourselves to be allured by the blind and deceptive
attractions of the world, but be at all times clear-headed and value the world’s worth
correctly. Do not trade in the gold and pearls which you have now received from the
heavens for the foolishness of the world, then you will always have peace among you
and see heaven open before you. But if you will allow yourselves to be captivated by
the attractions of the world, it will be your own fault if heaven will keep becoming
more firmly closed to you. And when in great distress you will be calling to heaven for
help, you will not get it. For it is not possible for a person who loves the world and is
firmly attached to it to be at the same time in a blessed contact with heaven.
[17] Every human being is created and made in such a way that he could not bear
evil and good, false and true in one and the same heart side by side. It has to be one
or the other, but never both simultaneously.
[18] He can and must indeed recognises both in his mind, but in his heart there can
dwell but one of them as life’s foundation.
[19] Have you now understood and grasped this My advice?’
[20] Say all, ‘Yes, Lord and Master in all divine wisdom.’
Chapter 168
About culture and schools. Priorities. The Pharisees' sadness at mankind's
straying. The Lord's hints about His Word, the world and mankind. Man's
relationship with God.
[1] Here a Pharisee steps up closer to Me and says, 'Lord and Master! This all is very
nice, good and true and not capable of contradiction. But if men do not gather all
those materials which the earth offers them so abundantly, to process them skilfully,
then the earth shall be like a desert and there shall be no sign of any culture. Do
there not have to be dwellings and schools of all kinds? Take that away and mankind
shall in the shortest time be reduced to a condition of animality. Hence the world
cannot be set aside, so long as one is an inhabitant of matter?’
[2] Say I, 'Your schools are fit for killing all spirit in the tender feelings of children
already and hence their complete disintegration would do no harm; for verily I say
unto you: if your teacher be the world, what do you want to learn from it spiritually?
[3] He who is not taught by God in his heart remains in the night of the world, and
the light of life shall remain remote from him eternally!
[4] But he who is not shone upon by the true light of life emanating from God is dead,
were he to have learned from the world all the wisdom of the angels! How long shall it
serve him?
[5] Hence remain in Me and I shall remain in you, and the wisdom of the heavens
shall eternally fill your hearts! Do you grasp and comprehend this?'
[6] When the Pharisee had received such instruction out of My mouth, he spoke
gravely and with a serious countenance: 'Oh great, holy and vivid truth! How glorious,
how great are you! How happy all men could be on earth if they were imbued with
such holy truth and adjusted their life-style accordingly! But, oh Lord, an immense
'but', so long as one drop of this earth remains, or the earth is inhabited by men,
there shall be among them greed, envy, meanness, arrogance and the all-destructive
domineering, - all those things from the bottom of hell; and upon such ground this
truth, undoubtedly from the heavens, shall nevertheless never take root and will be
persecuted to the last letter by the thousands times thousands of hell's disciples! Of
what use then such celestial wisdom?! To expect fruit fit for heaven, the greatest part
of mankind has to be eradicated from the earth and a new one put on earth and
brought up in this truth from the cradle on; but the way mankind is right now, it is
too evil for hell, not to mention for such truths from the highest heavens.
[7] Even if You intended founding a small community, which is to endure and grow
within this heavenly wisdom and truth, it nevertheless shall everywhere find itself
among voracious wolves who, if not able to harm it spiritually, nevertheless shall
constantly harass and intimidate it physically, and it shall never be able to maintain
itself in its purity; and who but God knows what, after lengthy periods, the
descendants of the pure communities shall look like?!
[8] Men are and shall remain men; angels today, devils tomorrow, and hence even
the best are not to be trusted!
[9] Did not Jehovah of a truth visibly lead the children out of Egypt; they saw Him
day and night. In the desert where He gave them the Commandments He fed them
miraculously for forty years. There it rained wonders upon wonders! Look up history
and then glance at the present life, religions and social condition, and behold the
erstwhile children of God, and no trace shall be found of what they once were!
[10] Thence I say and maintain, without wishing to pre-empt Your love and wisdom:
what everlasting waste for such wisdom and deeds of Yours; because they shall never
be worthy of them! Fire and brimstone from heaven yes; of that they are worthy, but
not everlastingly of such grace! I speak thus, confident of no betrayer lurking here.
But once we get down there again, I shall be silent as a graveyard! Tell me, oh Lord
and Master, am I right? Is it thus or not!'
[11] Say I, 'Terrestrially you are quite right; it is so and shall also become so. But all
this must not hold Me back from proclaiming to the world the truth from the heavens!
[12] Because if the world is to be judged, then it has to be first given that which of
itself shall judge and must judge it, namely: the truth from the heavens, which now is
coming through Me into the world and shall remain so, even if persecuted.
[13] Your opinion is a good one and right in respect of the evil world; but most
exceptional relationships prevail between God and the men of this earth, known by
none save the Father alone and he to whom the Father reveals it.
[14] But now no more about it! Evening is upon us, - and it shall be cold at this
height; hence we shall turn in at the huts! Let it be!'
Chapter 169
Competition for warmth in the alpine hut. Occasion with the old blind
descendant of Tobias. A special kind of heating. Fireworks on the alp. The
angels’ reprimand the derisory women. A Gospel on laughter.
[1] After these discussions we move into the big residential hut and many, especially
the women and maidens, huddle around the fire. Some of the Jews however, who
could also have done with a bit of warmth, were secretly annoyed with the women for
completely obstructing the flames. And some of the disciples came over to Me to tell
Me this, complaining and grumbling, but I chided them softly for such unseemliness;
all but one calmed down.
[2] But one, an obdurate Jew of Capernaum, grumbled continually, saying, 'Eh,
what's the use talking? I was freezing almost unbearably already outside; now when I
would warm up a little the women block off the fire and I am nearly stiff with cold!
Down below not even in winter is it as cold as it had to get tonight at this height. And
I am over seventy and of a cold disposition! I do not want to be churlish; tell the
women therefore to make room for me at the fire!'
[3] Say I to the old man, 'Do you not know that I could warm you also without fire if
you had faith?'
[4] Said the old one, 'Yes, Lord, I believe! For I have seen many of Your miracles and
hence I believe that everything You say or will, happens.'
[5] Say I, 'Then stand with the three men who came to us from on high two days
ago, and you shall get warm at once.'
[6] And the old man did so and he immediately became so hot that he could hardly
bear the heat, thanking Me profusely for such favour; but because he is now too hot,
he would like to cool down a little.
[7] But I said, 'Do as you like, for I did not tie you up with the three men. Go outside,
there you shall cool down quickly!'
[8] And the old man went outside, but soon rushed back into the hut with a great cry
of terror, ‘Save yourselves, everyone for himself, the entire mountain is ablaze and
the flames are drawing ever closer to this hut! For Jehovah’s sake, we are all going to
[9] While the old man is thus lamenting Kisjonah, who had been outside for some
time, enters and says to Me, ‘Lord, You will forgive me that I have prepared a little
celebration according to the custom of the alpine shepherds, since You told us this
would be the last evening You are spending on this mountain. My shepherds have
gathered brushwood in the forest, and now they have lighted the faggots in Your
honour and are singing happy songs and psalms. Would You not like to have a look
[10] Say I, ‘Oh with pleasure, for I love you very much.’ And I rose to My feet and
went outside all the disciples followed Me.
[11] But the woman laughed at the old Jew for earlier having seen the entire
mountain ablaze and making such a fuss as if the whole world was perishing. The old
man felt a bit ashamed and now bore the laughter of the woman quite patiently.
[12] But I reprimanded the merry women and warned them. Thereupon the women -
the five daughters of Kisjonah were not among them for they were engaged in
preparing the evening meal in the large host’s hut - asked forgiveness of Me and the
old man and said that they definitely had not meant it badly.
[13] The old man immediately forgave them from all his heart. But the three angels
turned to the woman said, ‘Listen to us, you women. This old man is a descendant of
Tobias who was blind and to whom we restored his sight with the gallbladder of a
fish. All descendants of this old Tobias, who was a grave-digger, have in their old age
for some mysterious reason known only to God and to us through Him, weak eyes.
We tell you that it is a gross offence based on a frivolous heart if someone ridicules a
blind person instead of extending his hand and guiding him over footbridges and
rough roads. If you had not known that the old man who is also called: ‘Tobias’ is
more than half blind and you still laughed, you have sinned and deserve severe
punishment. However, as he has forgiven you following your apology, also we shall
forgive you.
[14] But woe betide you if you should ever laugh at a disabled person. Then his
complaint shall become yours.
[15] Anyway, men should not laugh at all or only very seldom, for laughing is brought
about through the awakening of gloating spirits dwelling in the human body.
[16]  A friendly pulling of the facial muscles from which an expression of a special
goodwill can be recognised is heavenly whereas all other laughing usually stems from
hell. For the devils always laugh when they have succeeded in one of their evil
designs. In the heavens, however, no one ever laughs, but one is at all times filled
with the most heartfelt and friendliest goodwill towards all ever so miserable
creatures and compassion with every suffering brother who still has to go through his
time on earth. Heed this for all future times.
[17] Once men will be starting to laugh at their brother’s’ weaknesses, faith will be
vanishing like the sun after setting and love in men’s hearts will be cooling off as this
night has cooled down and there will be misery among mankind the like of which as
never before existed on earth.
[18] Do heed this warning from the heavens. Punish your children when they laugh;
hear them rather cry than laugh. For the laughing originates from hell which always
abounds with derision.
[19] There are situations where, however, only men are allowed to laugh at some silly
matter and obstinate foolishness, but then the laughing is a well-deserved
punishment for the one who deserves to be ridiculed.
[20] But if someone laughs only for fun and seeks things, events and ridiculous talk
to be provoked to laughter, he is a fool. For only the heart of a fool can be provoked
to laughter; every reasonably wise person can easily and soon comprehend life’s
sacred earnestness and he will not easily laugh about something.
[21] Therefore, do not laugh anymore in future and turn your face away from clowns
and comedians who let themselves be paid for preparing you for hell. Be always of a
calm heart, so that you may merit God’s goodwill and thereby true honour.
[22] These words made a great impression upon the women and they vowed never in
their whole life to laugh again.
Chapter 170
Occasion of the half-blind Tobias with the three angels and the Lord. Tobias
is healed. Correspondence of this healing with our time. The evening meal
upon the heights.
[1] The old man however had heard what the three angels had spoken to the women;
so he went over and said, 'I hear that you mentioned my forefather's name and
showing that my name is not unknown to you; through God's grace and power, which
is in you, you gave life and light to the old Tobias' eye.
[2] Behold, you dear and eternal friends of God, I am at the point of going totally
blind; sight of the one eye is gone completely and the other one's light is diminishing
considerably. How would it be if you gave me the full light of my eyes? This surely
would be easy for you! Have mercy on me!'
[3] Say the angels, 'Do you not see the One Who is watching the blazing flames with
Kisjonah, and hearing the shepherd's songs and Psalms? Not we but He it is Who
gave old Tobias back the light of his eyes! Go to Him; He is the Lord and can do as He
likes. He alone can give you back the light of your eyes! We of ourselves can do as
little as you of your own self. We only are His servants and wait for His hints.'
[4] Upon these words of the three angels, the old man betakes himself over to Me
and asks Me for the light of his eyes. - Say I, 'Were you not for a long time a staunch
Pharisee and one singing the praises of the Temple at Jerusalem, taking Me for an
Esssene, a magician and suchlike; how did you come by your faith now?'
[5] Says the old one, 'Lord! I too was present at Capernaum when You awakened the
chief priest Jairus' daughter to life; faith already came to me then. But I needed to
see and hear more to strengthen my faith. And I have seen and heard and now
believe that You, oh Lord, can do anything You will. If only You, oh Lord, want to heal
me, then You can do it in all fullness!'
[6] After that I said to the old man, 'It is somewhat incongruous for night-time! I say
unto you however that, spiritually, it is now night and they all are fully blind. And men
shall no longer become seeing during the day, but at night; and then for many, their
evening and morning will lastingly become their first day. And so let you be made
seeing at night!'
[7] With these words, the old one became seeing, admiring the separate fires which
previously he had seen blurred and hence as if one fire.
[8] As he became aware of such seeing light in his eyes, he fell down upon his knees
before Me, not able to praise Me highly enough, being overjoyed beyond measure.
[9] But I said to him, 'You too have heard My Commandment; hence keep silence on
everything you have seen and heard here, otherwise you shall meet with what I
threatened everyone!' Thereupon the old man rose, promising to be silent as a
[10] And so everything was good and accomplished for these heights. And when the
fires had burned themselves out, Kisjonah's daughters came and invited Me and all
those present to the evening meal. And we all went, consuming a good meal and then
going to take our rest.
Chapter 171
The Pharisees among themselves. Rhiba, the smart one, invents a story
about the Nazarene. His suggestion to kill Jesus for the sake of peace.
[1] The Pharisees however - those of the better disposition, who had also become
believers now - some more and others less, about thirty in all, went to a separate
hut, to there discuss almost through the night what they should do now.
[2] There was one among them by the name of Rhiba, with the reputation of a 'smart'
one. This one, after nothing conclusive had been reached took the floor, saying,
'Brethren, you have now traded words for at least two hours, yet have not come
nearer to a conclusion by a hair's breadth. You have gotten to know me; I have hit
the nail on the head in similar scrapes in the past and I presume that my blow shall
not miss its mark this time either, after my critical examination and listening and
watching of everything that was said and done over here. And so lend me an ear!
[3] It is by no means to be denied that this man, a carpenter's son from Nazareth,
accomplishes things and works which should hardly be possible to anyone but God; in
short, anyone lacking a certain acumen would let himself be easily talked around into
believing that this Nazarene is at least a semi-god, after the Greek fashion. I myself
came close to being persuaded of this; because the appearance on the heights of
these mountains were in all earnest of such an extraordinary nature that they could
hardly have been exceeded in Moses' and Elijah's time.
[4] Yet certain things nevertheless did not escape my secret perception, which took
the wool off my eyes, making me know exactly where I stand. Did you not notice the
three men who came to us as angels on the heights?'
[5] They affirm it on all sides. - 'Yet do you know who and whence they are?' - They
all negate. - 'I am going to open your eyes. Hear and behold!
[6] It will not be unknown to you that the Nazarene carpenter named Joseph, who
has always been in the repute of an initiate into Egyptian and Persian magic, at the
same time is a direct descendant of David, at times designating himself with the
appellation 'Son of David'. Joseph's father, whose name was Eli, also a carpenter, of
unblemished repute, secretly aspired to elevate his tribe to the Judean as well as the
entire Promised Land's throne. Under the pretext of training his son in the building
trade, he let him, in good company, travel to Persia and perhaps even to India, but
not on account of the building-trade, but intensive magic, so that Joseph, grounded in
such knowledge and craft, could dazzle all mankind as being sent by God, to sit upon
the throne of at once the Jews and Romans. Because it would then be easier to deal
with the idolatrous Romans than the Jews. Joseph would besides his secret craft, of
course have to be strict Jew outwardly and without blemish before the law, so that
not even the High priests could fault him! - Returning from several years of
journeying, Joseph, in possession of the art indeed nevertheless did not possess the
means and opportunity to put it in practice. He also, as told me by elderly people,
lacked the courage, but mainly the speaking capacity, because he was weak and
monotonous on that score. Eli realised that he had miscalculated and got his son, who
had no capacity to reign, to carry on his own familiar trade. When dying, Eli indeed
blessed his son, but telling him quite wisely to drop the agreed plans, because
nothing further transpires there. And hence Joseph did not venture into anything with
the children of his first wife either.
[7] But when after the death of his first wife, he by good fortune and probably his
magic from Persia, came into the guardianship of the beautiful Mary from the Temple,
who also was a descendant of David, the regency plans began to reawaken in Joseph;
he got Mary - a girl of barely fourteen at the time, pregnant, becoming his wife only
later, - which of course caused him great problems in Jerusalem, but from which he
extricated himself through money and magic, at the same time taking Mary for his
wife, on the advice of a close friend.
[8] Although the surviving and well-to-do parents of Mary in Jerusalem, - a certain
Joachim and Anna, are supposed to not have been very pleased with such marriage,
Joseph, having a powerful friend in the Temple - the old Simeon and especially
Zacharias, - the thing nevertheless came off without objection and Mary became
Joseph's rightful wife, wherewith her parents also had to be agreeable.
[9] Encouraged greatly by Mary, whom he loved exceedingly, he now did everything
in respect of the unborn child, if male, - (which as a man of experience in such things
Joseph could predict with much certainty), towards the said plan, whereto the not
inconsiderable means of his in-laws may now have contributed.
[10] Some weeks before delivery he sent messengers to Persia and asked the three
wise men over, whose acquaintance he had made in his youth. These also came to
Nazareth; and since at that very time emperor Augustus had ordered a census in
Bethlehem, for all of Judea, Joseph and Mary together with Joseph's children, found
themselves on the way to Bethlehem for that purpose.
[11] The three wise men, together with their great and dazzling retinue of servants,
on arrival in Nazareth did not know which way to turn, travelling up to Jerusalem and
unfortunately inquiring of the old Herod about the newborn king of Israel, pouring oil
upon the fire: Herod of course could give them no advice other than that firstly this
was something entirely strange to him and secondly that, if there was anything to it,
this family like thousands of others nevertheless was bound to find themselves at
Bethlehem for the census called by the emperor. Therewith the three wise men
hastened to Bethlehem, where they found what they were seeking.
[12] That there would have been no shortage of magical appearances for even the
Romans to be talked around, can be gauged from the fact that the old Herod would
not have otherwise ordered the infanticide. These magicians also loaned, if not
actually gave the child such treasures as would help educate it, which it was to then
send back to Persia after assuming the regency.
[13] For that reason yonder three magicians never let the child out of their sight,
looking after its perfection in magical training to this hour and now appearing again as
the purported three angels from the heavens, helping Jesus to carry out his magic
works, together with all kinds of wise sermons and miraculous works, to bedazzle the
people, who are blind and know nothing of all that goes on in secret.
[14] But they are unable to pull the wool over the eyes of those of us who are
conversant with all those kinds of mysteries and it hence is our sacred responsibility
to observe this person in all ways and alleys and put a stop to him if he overdoes it.
[15] The worst would be for him to get the Romans on his side, for that would be the
end of all our efforts! Hence we should try to most methodically proceed to prevent
this, or he will grow sky high over our heads in all earnest! Once he has made it, we
shall not be able to pull him down! What do you say to that?'
[16] The others say, 'You could be right, but if in the end things are otherwise, which
could easily be the case, what then with us?'
[17] Speaks Rhiba, 'The question in this particular case is not applicable at all. Is he
more and can he be more than a man? Who among us is like the heathens, who do
not know what and Who God is, taking certain distinguished men and even certain
animals for gods, to worship and honour them.
[18] Is this Nazarene anything more than an exceedingly distinguished man, a
genius, unsurpassable in his ways and means?
[19] If he tried to remain what he is, exercising his craft for man's benefit and also
teach them a few things in those fields where men are blind and without insight, then
he would be of indispensable worth and the land which could count him a citizen
should be envied. But the way things are, David's throne, crown and scepter are
itching him and this makes him contemptible to all orthodox and pure Jews, who have
the spirit to regard and grasp all human appearances within the right light and
understanding and not have the wool pulled over their eyes as easily as half-heathen
tax-collectors and sinners!
[20] Of what use to mankind in any case the many dazzling teachings dividing it into
diverse sects, which then only hate each other on account of their disparate beliefs -
more than the voracious beasts of the forest. Those of the old faith hate the
unbelievers and the latter those of the old faith and thus such religion achieves the
opposite always of what it preaches. Instead of friendship, love and peace, it often
creates irreconcilable enmity, hate and the most furious wars! And these have always
been the fruits of all religious revivals upon earth! But if the fruits after such
happenings, as experience always teaches, are the same ones, then it becomes the
imperative responsibility of us enlightened ones and leaders of the peoples to in time
cut the path of such revivalists, along which thousands are threatened with downfall
and ruin. Is it not better that such domineering magicians should be dispatched from
the world, rather than thousands having to be led astray by such eccentrics and be
bumped off and destroyed?!'
Chapter 172
A worthy retort from another Pharisee - the healed Tobias. His honest
testimony to Jesus and His holy teaching and deeds. About the Templer's
atrocity. A curse prophesied for the Jews.
[1] Says another, 'You are not altogether wrong, if we look at the matter from a
purely worldly viewpoint; but if there is yet another life for man's soul after death,
which I have never doubted yet, then all these worldly considerations and
relationships are altogether worthless and then this Jesus is a sun for the night of
man's spirit, showing us the right way along which we can already in our bodies catch
a glimpse of the great beyond, taking from the Father's house the glorious fare for
eternal life!
[2] And such He teaches, wanting to show blind men how without further assistance,
the air can offer and has to yield bread and wine, hence food proper, as we saw upon
the heights a couple of days ago, having eaten and drank therefrom!
[3] That the old night always has to do battle with the coming day not only human
history but the entire nature of things teaches us as occurring before our eyes and
unfolding; yet this is God's order, permission and will, against which no worldly power
ever has prevailed.
[4] What do you intend doing if this Jesus, surely suffused utterly with God's power,
were to seize you with His thoughts and utterly destroy you. What opposition could
you offer Him?
[5] Hear! A man Who is instantly obeyed by wind and sea and all evil or good spirits -
a man Who calls the dead back to life, healing through mere will every ever so old
and stubborn illness, without medicine, surely could be somewhat more than a mere
genius in magic! Have not you and I often watched and observed the magicians, how
these are surrounded with all kinds of magic symbols, magic formulas, amulets and
magic wands and always make the greatest fuss out of every trivia they produce.
[6] This Jesus however has neither amulet, nor anything pertaining to conjuring, nor
any magic ointments, nor herbs or roots and is not at all secretive or mysterious, or a
show-off, but a completely plain, good-natured and courteous, civil philanthropist and
in Himself a man in the ultimately perfect sense.
[7] He is no whinger and always good-tempered and His Words flow like milk and
honey; yet his plainness notwithstanding, anything He wills happens in the most
miraculous fashion! I am more than convinced that He could create a new earth just
through His will! I have known Him almost from birth and can tell you that as a little
boy He was already performing all the things that He performs before us now as a
[8] If however a man accomplishes deeds which are possible only to God, what
should hold me back from taking such a person to be God?
[9] I have been a Galilean from birth and am over seventy years and my eyesight has
been very feeble for thirty years, having been fully blind already in one eye and of a
completely blurred vision in the other. How many physicians from all parts of the
world, who nearly all regarded themselves as supernatural in their vocation, who
tamed snakes and wild beasts, who decapitated birds and then miraculously fused the
heads back, have I not consulted and strictly followed by prescription for my dear
money, but to no avail!
[10] Two hours ago, just after supper, He helped me through one Word in such a way
that I now see probably more perfectly with both eyes than any of you!
[11] Look up Scripture and see whether the earth ever was trodden by a human
being with such miraculous power! Moses indeed accomplished a lot through God's
power, loaned him on account of his mighty faith, like the great promise made to
Abraham! But how small Moses' deeds compared to those which this Jesus performs
before our eyes.
[12] And yet you are actually consulting on how to get Him out of the way! Ugh! This
is ignominious of you and you deserve everlasting punishment by God's sharpest
[13] Truly, in this Jesus seems the completest fulfilment of what the great prophet
Isaiah prophesied of the most exalted Servant of God, when he spoke:
Behold My Servant, Whom I have chosen; Mine elect in Whom My soul delighteth; I
will put My Spirit upon Him and He shall proclaim judgment unto the heathens!
He shall not cry nor quarrel nor cause His cry to be heard in the street.
A bruised reed shall He not break and the smoking flax He shall not extinguish, until
He accomplish judgment for victory and the heathens hope upon His name! (Isa
[14] If He were after crown and scepter, by heaven, He would be mighty to excess for
that! Because if He can carry His disciples together through the air from all parts of
the world in a moment through his invisible servants, what we saw with our own
eyes, then He could carry together all rulers of the world and quite simply tell them:
“I am the Lord and you all have ceased ruling everlastingly! If you want to be My
servants, you may remain with Me; but if you do not, then depart from Me and be
[15] But He, Who is almighty in the truest sense of the word, threatened us even
against divulging in the plain even a syllable of what took place here! He does not
therefore seek honour from men in any way, but exclusively man's spiritual
refinement and perfection. The kingdom He wants to establish among men is a
spiritual one, to lead back to the lost Paradise them who no longer know whence they
are! And for this we should want to, if it were possible, remove Him from this evil
world? Never! The curse be upon him who makes way for such thought in his heart!
[16] The earth never has carried a greater philanthropist, nor anyone more selfless
than He, - and you are going to lay hands on Him? Ask yourselves of whose spiritual
children you are and Satan, resident in your breast, shall tell you and reply: “I am
your father!”
[17] What is your Messiah to look like? Perhaps like yourselves? Or is He to make an
appearance as a thousandfold Sampson and with Sampson's weapons kill millions of
men, with one blow, so as to not seat Himself but you upon the seat of power,
afterwards letting Himself be slavishly ruled by you and playing for you the donkey of
burden, the camel, the guard dog, a lion fighting your enemies in the desert, a falcon
espying from on high the approach of your enemy, so that you can consume the
earth's booty in peace, fornicating with the most tender and beautiful maidens of the
earth?! This would be the right Messiah for you!
[18] You are going to be lords and the Messiah your servant! You would have your
Messiah only in this way! But that you should have to say, 'Lord' to the Messiah does
not agree with you, whence you would have Him out of the way!
[19] Look into your hearts and ask them whether this is not exactly so and your
hearts shall say yes.
[20] But if I have been wrong, then tell me what your Messiah is to look like and what
character-traits He is to exhibit!
[21] Shame on us who call ourselves children of the Highest, yet the heathens, tax-
collectors and sinners have a start on us in everything! The Greeks, Romans,
Egyptians, Persians, Assyrians and nearly all heathens known to us, out of gratitude
towards their idols, idolised the great wise men, because they assumed that such
were given them by their gods' grace and they accorded them divine worship,
building them temples, hallowing the localities of their residence. There are very few
precedents of atrocities on their part against such men.
[22] We Jews however who call ourselves 'God's people' have stoned a large number
of the prophets sent us by God and have uttered curses over them, yet still dare call
ourselves 'God's children'!
[23] Elijah, one of the greatest and mightiest prophets, had to flee nearly to the end
of the world, to save himself from the rage of 'God's children' and their neighbours!
[24] We are the ones who stoned God's messengers and now also want to dispatch
this good Jesus from the world, if it were possible! If however this were to become
possible - for God allows evil mankind the most wicked deeds, so that their measure
for hell be filled - then I prophesy an everlasting curse over all Jews, that they should
never again have a homeland on earth and their name, before which even the
heathens have bowed down, shall be an abomination to men!
[25] As truly as God lives this shall take place! And such our heinous deed shall find a
never-ending retribution in hell!'

Chapter 173
The Pharisees' rage against their colleague. The three angels prevent Tobias'
stoning. Continuing discussions between the faithless Templers and Tobias.
The Lord tells the drunk and sleepy Templers to rest. Climbing the hill for
[1] Some accepted what this old man, whose name as pointed out was Tobias, said;
but the greater number were so enraged that they wanted to tear up his clothing and
stone the old Tobias and all who supported him.
[2] But the old Tobias said, 'Oh, by all means proceed against us who have become a
thorn in your eyes! The three angels still here shall mete you out a praiseworthy
reward in hell and the devils shall finish the tear in your coats.'
[3] As Tobias had finished his vigorous words to his furious colleagues, with the latter
starting to look for stones, the three angels entered the hut, their faces shining like
the sun.
[4] On seeing this, the stubborn ones were gripped by great fear and they fell upon
their faces, asking the three for forgiveness, wailing.
[5]  But these said, 'If you will be adversaries of them who are driven and drawn by
God's Spirit - who then are your friends? We tell you to your faces: It is the devils!
Hence let you be converted, or you are going to taste the might of the Highest!'
[6] Those shaking with mortal fear scream, 'What must we do?' - Say the three,
'Humble yourselves and believe on the One, true Son of God, Whose soul is One with
the Father! Because the Father is in and not without Him!' - With these words the
three angels vanish and the Pharisees start to get up, desisting from their exceedingly
vociferous plans.
[7] Tobias now asks them, saying, 'Now then, what's up, what will you do? Where are
the cursed stones? Why did you not lay hands on the three, seeing you took them
earlier for the three disguised magicians from Persia?'
[8] Say those hit hard, 'You know of a truth that we have to abide by Moses' laws, to
which we have sworn by Heaven and Temple! But if this Jesus now teaches the
opposite everywhere, how should we be able to exchange our oath with this anti-
Mosaic teaching - just like that? But we will ponder and see what can be done! At this
stage we are saying neither yes nor no, because it is written that no prophet shall
ever arise from Galilee. Thus the thing, wondrous though it may be in its uniqueness,
nevertheless always shall be associated with many a disturbing feature!'
[9] Says Tobias, 'That indeed is true, - that no prophet is supposed to arise from
Galilee; but I ask - is it also written that the Messiah shall not arise in Galilee! I am
not aware of anything being written about that, nor of any special locality being
indicated for the Messiah's appearance! If, according to Scripture, there is to be no
prophet from Galilee, it can nevertheless be the case with the Messiah! For there
surely is bound to be an unlimited difference between a prophet and the Messiah?!' -
Say the affected ones, 'There you are right; that is why we want to think about it.'
[10] Says another Pharisee at the back, who had quietly listened to the lengthy
proceedings without once contributing his view, 'Friends and brethren! To get to the
bottom of this most miraculous thing requires a sober and wakeful state; we however
all are more or less drunk since supper and full of sleep as well! How can we arrive at
a credible judgment upon a matter at once so miraculous and by no means
unimportant or unportentious?
[11] Hence my view is that we now rest a little and continue our proceedings
somewhat more wisely tomorrow! Because if I am not mistaken, it is dawning already
and the morning shall not be long in coming; hence we should anticipate the Sabbath
in a somewhat appropriate manner and not with arguments and debates!
[12] The big crowd of Jesus' followers appears to be on the rise already. We want to
or ought to observe them, - but how so when full of sleep; when they may leave even
before we awaken if we should now take a little nap?!'
[13] Interrupts another, 'That is easy; we will set up a watch!' - Says the former
speaker, 'Whom? You perhaps, or someone who is just as full of sleep as you and I
and will fall asleep like us?!'
[14] Says a third, 'Sleeping will not do as the others are getting ready for departure;
hence we shall have no alternative but follow their example. Because the way down
to the plain is drawn-out and we shall not be in the village for some time after rise!'
[15] Says a fourth, 'Ah, the Master Jesus also is before the hut, making preparation
for departure; we shall therefore have no option but to quickly break forth!'
[16] Says the first, 'Ah, here we have it! Just as I thought, now we have it. This will
be a nice trip - without sleep and quite drunk from last night's supper!'
[17] Say a number of them, 'Well, there just is no alternative! They, having rested,
are not likely to wait for us! Hence away! We shall catch up with our sleep in the
village.' - All rise and quickly move outside.
[18] With the Pharisees all being ready for departure, but with Myself not actually
starting off at once, all but a few get a little indignant, asking Me whether I was not
pulling out yet.
[19] But I tell them, 'I am Lord, doing as I please and none are to ask Me, 'Why
thus?' But if someone is not pleased with how I will have it for Myself and Mine, he
can do as he will; for I bind no one! If anyone wants to go, let him! But if he will wait,
then let him wait patiently! I shall not be breaking forth before sunrise and shall first
partake of a morning meal, for the road is long and arduous.'
[20] Say the Pharisee, 'In that case we can take a short rest?' - Say I, 'Most certainly!
For the earth does not need the light of your eye for sunrise, but of a truth the light of
My eyes, so that there be light in the depths.'
[21] Say the Pharisees, 'Let him who can or will, understand this; we cannot
understand that.'
[22] Says the old Tobias, 'I understand it indeed and hence remain in the open;
perhaps a brightness shall enter upon my depth as well.
[23] Say the others, 'You old codger do as you like, but we shall return to the hut to
get some sleep.' With these words all quickly return to the hut, throwing themselves
on their bunks.
[24] Tobias however comes over to Me with reverence, to tell Me everything that took
place during the night. But I comfort him, saying, 'I know it all; for if I did not, how
could I have sent you help at the right time?! Leave it at that! Because whoever rises
up against Me before My time shall have to kick hard against the pricks! Hence do not
fear! For henceforth no more disgusting things shall get to you.
[25] But let us now go a bit further up - yonder hill actually towards the East; from
there we shall be able to see a most glorious sunrise; and that kind of thing fortifies
the soul as well as the bodily limbs, cheering up heart and kidney.'
[26] With these words all betake themselves with Me up the alpine slope, eagerly
awaiting the rise of the sun, which was not long in coming.
Chapter 174
A glorious sunrise. Tobias' fitting words. The Lord's life hints to him. Conduct
for judges and law-givers. Dealing with criminals and the condemned.
[1] When after about an hour, it, (the sunrise) took place with indescribable majesty
and splendour, all were uplifted and moved to tears, singing Psalms to the glory of
Him Who created all this so wondrously and gloriously.
[2] Said the old Tobias, after such solemn morning-hour, 'Oh Lord! This is a different
temple to that in Jerusalem, which latter always is full of filth and obscenity! How
often in my life have I sung Psalm after Psalm, yet my heart was as dry as ten year
old straw and cold as an icicle! And how warmly it now beats towards my Creator!
How often was I in the Temple, yet always glad to leave its stinking halls. Yet here I
feel like spending eternity, and from the deepest love-warmth praise the great God
Who created all the countless glorious things! You beloved Master, how can I thank
you for such previously never-felt supremely holy elixir of life?!'
[3] Say I, 'He who ventures forth into the creation feeling and perceiving what he
owes his Creator as warmly as you do, already has shown Me the best and most
pleasing gratitude.
[4] Stay with such feelings and perceptions and do not close off your heart towards
your poorer brethren even if they had once been your enemy, and you shall once
merit a great grace from the heavens! When seeing all kinds of sinners, neither judge
nor condemn them; for, understand Me well, it mostly is not them who sin but the
spirit that drives them. You yourself are not able to say what spirit drives them. There
are many who in their piousness can become haughty, wanting to then look down
from their imagined virtue-heights upon sinners with contempt and revulsion,
wherewith they then unconsciously turn into greater sinners than those whom they
despise. There then comes a spirit who drives such people towards some sin and the
proud virtue-hero discovers on himself that he is not a god for a long time yet, but
just a very ordinary, weak human.
[5] Such person then becomes humble again and repents, something for which
previously he as a virtue-hero deemed himself too exalted!
[6] And hence no one should hate a sinner for being a sinner, but all have done
enough to just hate sin and detest it in deed! Only a hardened criminal, who had
become one with his sin, you should not help! But when, as a result, he sinks into just
extremity, for his betterment, then you should think of him and if he pleads with you
then do not stop off your ear. And if you see a criminal led to his execution, you
should not feel joy at such his miserable fate, even if he were to have committed the
crime for which he is led out to death against your own house; for behold, it is not
impossible for such a criminal to attain to beatitude in the other world!
[7] Each person's predominant trait should be love in all things! Justice which is not
grounded in love is no justice before God; and if carried out by a judge therefore,
then he is ten times a greater sinner before God than the one he sentenced, and God
shall once judge him as mercilessly as he judged his neighbour.
[8] Hence judge and condemn no man, even if he were to have offended you ever so
grieviously and you shall then not be judged and condemned; because with whatever
measure you mete out, with the same you shall be rewarded in the other world. The
strictly just by whatever law, but cold and loveless judge, shall find just as inexorable
a judgment over himself, whilst henchmen and executioners shall never behold God's
[9] He who has caught a thief or murderer has done his part if he hands them over to
a just court. But the judge should not forget that so long as the criminal still lives in
the world, he is not a complete devil yet, but a maladjusted person led astray, on
whom every possible reformation attempt should be made before he can be
condemned to death as an incorrigible devil.
[10] But the right procedure for the execution is that the sentence not be carried out
immediately, but that such a person should be tied to the stake by the hands and
feet, publicly, five feet above ground for the whole day.
[11] If he pleads with genuine remorse that he shall better himself, then he is to be
taken down from the stake and placed in an appropriate, love-righteous reformation
centre, yet not freed until his betterment has shown itself unquestionably. But if the
criminal strung up shows no sign of betterment the whole day, then he is a complete
devil and hence, if still alive on the stake, after sunset is to be put to death and then
burnt on the place of execution, together with the stake.
[12] Such I tell you for your future adherence, because you too were a judge and still
are, among the Pharisees, having had to look after burial places for the dead and
places of execution for the criminals.
[13] Blessed are they who shall act accordingly; their names shall shine in the eternal
book of life.
[14] But now we shall move down to the huts; our Kisjonah has prepared a moderate
morning meal and is awaiting us with his wife and daughters.
Chapter 175
The Lord with His, back at Kisjonah's hut. Domestic hints. The Lord's
magnanimity towards His enemies. He and His, fasting. The Pharisaical
Sabbath. Descent. The Pharisee and Matthew on the Sabbath.
[1] We now quickly made our way down and Kisjonah hastens towards Me to ask Me
and the disciples to the morning meal, at the same time being apologetic about a
rather more frugal meal than usual, as the supplies are exhausted and that he had
not more brought up, being aware of My moving - on this Sabbath - down from the
mountain to the plain. If therefore the meal is a rather moderate one, then would I
not attribute it to his lack of will but rather his incapacity.
[2] I assuaged him, saying, 'Do not be troubled! All is in order and according to My
will; - I want to say unto you, as a beloved brother and friend, that you have indeed
outdone yourself in these last few days.
[3] As regards the uninvited guests - the legion of Pharisees, there you would by no
means have committed a sin by not setting them a table; for these, having gold and
silver in great quantity, could have, if they had wanted to, paid their way around
here! But you have of course not sinned by providing for them free of charge. I shall
not chide you if you want to write them a bill. But the old Tobias is My guest.'
[4] Says Kisjonah, 'That I also shall do; there are plenty of poor whom such payment
shall benefit! But now, oh Lord, be pleased to partake of the frugal meal with your
disciples; the Pharisees are still asleep in the big resting hut and I do not wish them
to eat with us!'
[5] Say I, 'Let it be! Wake and invite them to the meal! I shall be fasting till midday
with all of Mine; we shall then take a proper meal down in the plain.
[6] Kisjonah at once does as I told him, although somewhat heavy-heartedly. The
Pharisees and their colleagues nimbly get up from their bunks, rushing to the morning
meal which they consume with all haste, in spite of the Sabbath, for they fear that
the sun, which had indeed been up for quite some time, may soon reach the hut,
which was shielded by a great cliff, along which it was built, which would then prevent
them from eating until sunset, or till the agreed Sabbath-evasion ritual in the Temple
of Jerusalem.
[7] Kisjonah notices this and says to Me, 'This business really is quite funny; the
Sabbath with these does not commence until the sun shines upon the spot where
they find themselves! As You oh Lord have now seen a number of times, the sun does
not come to this hut until midday and hence these hypocrites would not commence
their Sabbath till noon, to honour it. It would be hard to find anywhere else on earth
fellows like these!'
[8] Say I, 'Let us leave them; there shall yet be multiple opportunities for rubbing
their Sabbath into their noses even before we reach the plain. This is as nothing
compared to how they outflank the Sabbath when they want to and when the
Sabbath does not promise to yield much of a harvest in their Synagogues; they then
shut the windows and doors, so that the sun cannot cast its rays into the chambers of
such hypocrites, whereupon there then is no Sabbath in the house! Neither does a
dull day serve for a full Sabbath, unless they light their seven-branched candlestick in
their Synagogues, for the occasion of a substantial offering of course! For which
reason a dull Sabbath always is preferable to them to a fine one like today.
[9] But an opportunity shall yet offer itself today, as I have said, where we can bring
this out in the open. But let us now get under way; because today shall be very hot
and travelling is not too pleasant in such heat.'
[10] Thereupon we break forth with hasty steps from the mountain towards the plain
and the Pharisees behind us are panting and angry about our rapid steps; one of
them even calls out to us, 'Why are you running so nonsensically? Did you by any
chance pinch something upon the heights?'
[11] The younger Matthew, the disciple, won't let that pass, saying, 'We walk with our
own feet and you with yours and hence walk as speedily as we please and do not
have to account to you, we hope; neither did we agree with you beforehand how fast
we shall go! Hence shut up and go your way as you will. We are not bothering with
you, why should you bother with us?!'
[12] Says one Pharisee, quite furious about that, 'What are you silly tax-collector
reeling off? Do you not know that it is Sabbath today, when none should argue?!'
[13] Matthew replies, 'Should the Sabbath apply only to me and not you?! Who was
the first to argue? It surely is not written that one cannot walk quickly on a Sabbath?
You quite on the contrary demand that one should not be tardy going to the
Synagogue on a Sabbath and hence we are not breaking even your own regulations
by moving more quickly on a Sabbath than on another day. There is a Synagogue
down in the village which we can still reach if we walk quickly; what more do you
want of us?!'
[14] Say the Pharisees, 'Those who hasten to the Synagogues and schools indeed
look like you! It is funny when a tax-collector speaks about a Synagogue! Do we
perhaps not know you?!'
[15] Says Matthew, 'Time is up for you putting bridles on your mouths, or we shall
take the liberty of breaking the Sabbath on your backs with cudgels! Just look at
these eternal loafers, what rights they would like to grant themselves over us!
Another offending word and I shall give the Sabbath and my humanity a miss and put
on bear nature for you!' - To this threat the Pharisees say nothing, but are secretly
filled with rage.

Chapter 176
Occasion with the Pharisees and the gleaning of the wheat on a Sabbath.
Mercy is better than offerings. 'The Son of Man is lord over the Sabbath'.
Healing of the person with the withered hand. The Pharisees want to stone
Jesus. Kisjonah intervenes.
The Lord departs, healing many. [Mt. 12:1-16]
[1] After a while however, much nearer the plain, we came to a field of near-ripe
grain, spread out before us. The path led through this field and we set upon this one
through the field, as it was the shorter one to the village. We therefore travelled
through the grain, on a Sabbath of course. The disciples however, having together
with Myself had no morning meal, began to pluck some of the riper ears, rubbing the
grains into their hands and eating. [Mt. 12:1]
[2] Noticing this, the furious Pharisees step hastily up to Me, speaking with self-
important mien, 'Do you not see the unseemly thing your disciples are committing on
a Sabbath?' [Mt. 12:2]
[3] Say I to them, 'Have you not read what David did when he and those who were
with him were hungry - how he entered into the house of God and ate the showbread,
which neither for him nor those who were with him it was seemly to do, but only for
the priest? [Mt. 13:4] Or have you never read in the law how on the Sabbath, the
priests profane the Sabbath and are blameless? [Mt. 12:5]
[4] You have witnessed My works upon the heights and heard My teachings and were
repeatedly told Who I am! If all this does not suffice you, then I tell you straight to
your faces - He Who is in Me is greater than the Temple. [Mt. 12:6]
[5] But if you knew what is meant by, 'I will have mercy, but not sacrifice', then you
would not in your hearts have condemned these innocents. [Mt. 12:7] You blind and
deaf Pharisees, be told that the Son of Man, Who is Myself, is Lord also over the
Sabbath.' - These words so frightened the Pharisees that they stepped back at once
and stopped denying the gleaning of the wheat to the disciples.
[6] Kisjonah however, who constantly walked by My side and whose field this was,
said to Me, 'Lord, I shall hasten ahead at once to arrange an ample meal, for I feel
sorry for the disciples and their obvious hunger.'
[7] Say I, 'There you shall indeed do well. But I shall nevertheless first visit a school
with My disciples, so that the Pharisees' anger should not wax. For they already
cannot stomach Matthew for having proven to them that we hasten on account of the
Synagogue. Were we to now by-pass the village-school, that would be the end with
them and they would start making trouble; if however we go to a school first, then we
have shut their mouths and you can without further ado then present them with your
bill, i.e. at the end of the Sabbath.' - With these words Kisjonah and his went straight
home, where they found everything in the best order.
[8] We however turned slightly left towards the school which was situated highest up
in the village. Arrived there, we at once entered the rather sparsely attended school.
[9] [Mt. 12:9] With the Pharisees at our heels, secretly fuming at having been
laughed off by the disciples out on the field, on account of their blindness, after I had
chided their objection to the gleaning of grain.
[10] On our entering, the Pharisees at once started throwing their weight around,
ushering a person to Me whose hand had been withered for a lengthy period and who
therefore was capable of hardly any work at all. Here they wanted to know, seeing
that I had said that I am Lord also of the Sabbath, whether it is lawful to also heal on
a Sabbath. But they only asked to have a witnessed case against Me [Mt. 12:10], for
their evil hearts were burning with rage and fury.
[11] But I spoke to them, 'Why are you asking Me as if you yourselves were capable
of enlivening this one's long-dead hand?! But if I intended healing him, surely I would
not ask you for permission to do it!?
[12] Which one among you would be foolish enough not to pull a sheep from a ditch
because it fell in on a Sabbath?! [Mt. 12:11] But how much better is a man than a
sheep! For this reason it surely ought to be lawful to do a man good on a Sabbath?!'
[Mt. 12:11]
[13] The Pharisees were silent; but I called the person over and said to him, 'Stretch
forth your hand!' And he stretched it out and it became whole as the other that had
never been sick. [Mt. 12:13]
[14] This was the last straw for the Pharisees; they left the school to discuss how to
kill Me. [Mt. 12:14]
[15] But Matthew, who was a bit of a spy, slipped out, unnoticed by them, soon
returning near-breathless and proclaiming aloud what he had heard. Upon this I at
once dispatched a disciple to Kisjonah, letting him know that I shall not be able to
dine with him for prudence' sake, as the Pharisees were after My life and with My not
wanting to make bigger criminals of them than they already are, I shall make Myself
scarce to this area for a while. The disciple was off with arrow-speed, knowing where
to catch up with Me later.
[16] Hardly had he passed it on to Kisjonah, when the latter let everything go,
speedily gathering a large number of folk, rushing to the school and arriving just as
the Pharisees were entering, well-provided with stones.
[17] That on this occasion the Pharisees were served up by Kisjonah good and proper
hardly needs mentioning, whereupon I then departed with a larger number of folk,
healing their sick on the way; because this area at harvest-time, being located on the
Galilean Sea, was fever-stricken and there always were many sick, especially the
female sex and these, getting news of Me, ran after the crowd and, catching up with
Me on the road, asking that I would heal them. And all who followed us were healed.
[Mt. 12:15]
[18] After their healing I warned all not to divulge it at home [Mt. 12:16] nor to
mention the place where I healed them and which direction I left. They promised to
strictly keep it and I let them depart with peace.
Chapter 177
The disciples puzzled at the Lord's apparent fear. The Lord's response. The
hungry Judas and his counsellor Thomas. Peter's timely chiding of both. The
Lord's praise. Rules of conduct.
[1] When these had been dealt with, the apostles stepped over to Me, saying, “Lord,
sometimes You are a little puzzling! Behold, we have already seen so many wondrous
things about You and ourselves experienced so many, that we could no longer even
for one moment doubt, even if we wanted to that You in the truest sense must be the
Son of the living God; because the deeds which you accomplish have not heretofore
been possible to man. Yet You nevertheless have certain moments when You seem in
all earnest to fear men, notwithstanding that we convinced ourselves of countless
hosts of angels from the heavens standing at Your service!
[2] The Pharisees, of whom each one is more cowardly than the other, together with
their fifty or so unarmed adherents, we ourselves could have fixed up properly, whilst
one little almighty word from Yourself and the Pharisees' desire to persecute You
should have left them forever! How You could therefore, with all Your Godly might
take to your heels before these fellows is a puzzle to us which we cannot grasp with
the best of will! - Could You not let us in on such intriguing behaviour therefore?!”
[3] Said I, 'You still are fairly weak and blind, not to work this out at first glance!
Behold, this took place so that you may become aware of the fulfillment of what the
prophet Isaiah prophesied of Me when he spoke: [Mt. 12:17] 'Behold, My servant,
Whom I have chosen, Mine elect, in Whom My soul delighteth; I will put My Spirit
upon Him and He shall proclaim judgment to the heathens.' (Here judgment signifies
Truth, Light and Life, for it is Truth that brings about righteous judgment) He shall not
argue or cry and His crying shall not be heard in the streets [Mt. 12:19]. A bruised
reed He shall not break and the smoking flax shall He not quench until He executeth
justice (the full Truth). And the heathens shall hope upon His Name'. [Mt. 12:20-21]
[4] Behold, therein lies the reason why I did not want to, nor could, enter upon an
argument and even less some scuffle with the Pharisees.
[5] I by the way knew in advance that Kisjonah would not let them go unpunished!
Their punishment now is tenfold of what it would have been in a possible scuffle with
us, firstly because they were grievously clubbed by Kisjonah and his people and
secondly because of all that they went through, they are not allowed to mention a
syllable in Capernaum, which is what annoys and embarrasses them most of all.
[6] Because, as threatened upon the mount, if any one comes out loud with even a
syllable of it, he shall turn dumb, deaf and where necessary, blind on the spot. That
also is the reason for their attempt on My life; for therewith they hoped to also
eliminate what they believed to be the certain consequences of My threat upon the
[7] For they still take Me for a wicked magician, who indeed can perform while still
alive, but not dead. The worst to them now is not to know where I have gone. They
have indeed already sent emissaries eastwards to track Me down - having seen us
flee east from the school; but they do not know that we should have suddenly turned
west after an hour in the forest and then sail over the sea to the other side and hence
their search shall be a futile one. Now, is your puzzle solved therewith?'
[8] Say the twelve as well as many others travelling with Me, 'Yes, now everything is
clear to us! Therefore it is actually much better than if we had laid hands on the
wicked ones ourselves. Now everything is in the nicest order again.'
[9] Says Judas somewhat laconically, 'Except for our stomachs! Nothing has gotten
inside yet, considering it is evening, except a few grains of wheat. Hence it should be
nice if something could also be done about our stomachs before we sail over the sea.'
[10] Say I, 'Today it simply is going to be fasting, at least to the other shore;
something is bound to turn up on the other side.'
[11] Thomas however reproached him for such crudeness, saying, 'But how can you,
after such exalted teaching on the Lord's part, come up with such low comments!? Do
you have no sense of decency or shame in your body?! If you actually are of such
wolf-like voracity, then take some provisions with you in future; but to make such
remarks in the Lord's presence is too endlessly crude to lose more words on it!'
[12] Says Judas, 'Yes, yes, I forgot we still have you in our midst! You are and stay
my task-master and you seem to enjoy every chance to hit me. Very well, keep doing
it if it makes you happy; it shall not bother me in future!'
[13] Says Peter, 'That will be best; Thomas nevertheless is right, although he is a bit
rough at times. But in my view we should always look up to the Lord; if He says
something then it is good for it to have been said and we should all abide by it! But if
the Lord is not saying anything, then it is even less fitting for us to say something! In
my opinion we should always observe this in the Lord's presence, for peace and
harmony to be among us!
[14] My dear brother Thomas, if the hungry Judas will not keep silent before the Lord,
he shall be even less afraid of you! If we do have to correct one another however,
then let us avoid shrillness and harshness, so that those words of Isaiah which the
Lord mentioned can apply also to us, His disciples!'
[15] Say I, 'That is correct, My dear Simon Jona! So it ought to be among you and all
mankind! Because he who is wounded and puts something rough over it shall not heal
but only make it worse and bigger. But if he covers it with balm and pure oil, he shall
also heal it soon and will thus repair the injury to the flesh.
[16] But now My friend Kisjonah's boatmen already are steering towards the shore
and he is himself among them; hence let us go down to the shore and be around
when the skippers cast the mooring, that we may pull them ashore; for their wind is
contrary and makes it hard for them. But the wind shall come in handy for our
crossing and shall quickly set us on the other side. So let us hurry, that their efforts
would not be futile!
Chapter 178
The Lord's company crosses the sea. A meal on board, on arrival. The
inhabitants' joy at the Saviour's arrival. Miraculous healing of the possessed,
dumb and blind. An upright man extends hospitality to the Lord.
[1] We rush towards the shore, arriving just as the skippers are casting the moorings.
Peter, a skillful boatman himself, grabs hold of it and we quickly pull in the boat and
board it and it takes us to the opposite side in an hour and a half, and this at the spot
where half the population consists of Greeks and the other half Jews.
[2] We reach the shore at dusk, enabling us to still make out the district quite well.
Kisjonah sends out two messengers to provide the place for accommodation for about
a hundred, but they return without success; and so we stayed on board overnight, for
the wind had dropped and the sea was near calm.
[3] Kisjonah then brought out plenty of bread, wine and well roasted fish from the
hold and his wife and daughters, who were not missing either, were serving us. That
Judas, who had already felt empty on the other side, was highly pleased with this
development hardly needs recounting.
[4] Kisjonah asks Me whether to light a fire, seeing the nights can turn quite cool,
notwithstanding any heat of day. I consented and a fire was quickly lit in the big flare,
which was well provided with clean resin, oil and other combustibles; this ship's flare
was soon blazing away, spreading a great light over the entire area. This soon lured a
great many onlookers to the shore, with many among them recognising Me from the
short distance, and they began an immense cheering for the renown, miraculous
Saviour's presence in their district, for there were many sick there.
[5] Many others rushed home from the shore, telling the whole place that I am to be
found on the ship.
[6] It did not take long before one dumb and blind at the same time and hence
possessed in this fashion, was brought to the shore and the people asked Me whether
I could and wanted to heal him.
[7] Several local Pharisees however had also hastened to the shore to see what would
happen there, saying to the people, 'To heal this one he shall well and truly leave
[8] But their possessed one I healed from the ship instantly, so that he could both see
and speak. [Mt. 12:22]. All the people of this place were horrified and Jews who were
not of the same persuasion as the Pharisees, yelled, 'This is truly David's Son, on
whom all Jews hope!' [Mt. 12:23]
[9] There was however a man in this place, upright and just; this one stepped up
close to the boat, saying, ‘Divinely great, wondrous Master! Why should you have to
let the wind and a rather fresh night on a rocking boat deprive You of a night's
probably overdue rest?! The notorious feature about this district is that the heat of
day usually is followed by proportional freshness of the night, resulting in all kinds of
disease among the local residents; I am however in possession of a roomy and well-
equipped house that could provide You and Your disciples with more than sufficient
room and you can stay for as long as You like. Neither shall there be any shortage of
[10] Say I to him, 'Yes, I shall accept your invitation, for I know that your soul is
without guile. But Kisjonah with his wife and daughters are also here. His is the boat
and he is a disciple and a man after My liking; do you have room for him too?' Says
the old man, 'Even if there were more such families! Whoever is with You is welcome
in my house!'
[11] Say I, 'In that case a great blessing shall come over your house’ (and to
Kisjonah) ‘hence let the boat by fully beached, for your easier disembarking!' This
was done and we soon reached the old man's house, who at once got his people to
organise the most comfortable lodgings.
Chapter 179
The old host's humbleness and magnanimity. Grace from above. The Lord's
glory. The people praise the Lord and expose the Templers.
[1] After the quarters had been organised, the old man came to Me with his sons,
who mostly were fishers, boatmen and carpenters, saying, 'Lord, as quickly as it was
possible, everything has been readied for Your accommodation, and You are now
invited to make full use of it forthwith. You now are, as always, the Lord also of this
house, which I have built with my seven sons. Let you command it and I with my
house shall be Your servants.
[2] Say I, 'You are the way you are, and I also am what I am; but since you are so
humble, lowering yourself, you shall once be elevated in My kingdom! Our needs for
today are just a little rest. But let the sick come here tomorrow, so I may heal them.
[3] Says the old man, 'There You shall have much to do, for it is not an inconsiderable
district and it would be hard to find a house without a sick. Although the area along
the coast is one of the most fertile, it nevertheless is one of the least salutary for
man's health; nothing but fevers and boils of every kind!'
[4] Say I, 'Let that be! Tomorrow all that shall change; but provide yourself with fish
for tomorrow, so that My disciples, who mostly fasted today, can be filled again
tomorrow! Everything shall be compensated to you!'
[5] Says the old man, 'Lord! Forgive a little rejoinder here! Thousands have already
been lodged and satiated here, and never yet have I accepted anything from anyone
and how much less from Yourself! My bills I hand over to the winds and these carry
them aloft to the stars where the almighty Father dwells. He has so far always been
My best payer and compensator and shall be so again this time as well! How many
sick and ailing have not been cared for here for months on end and yet in spite of the
harmfulness of the area, none of my household has become ill! Lord! This is a grace
from above and hence let You not speak of compensation or payment, for I would
accept neither the one nor the other!'
[6] Say I, 'Yes, but there is actually a snag to this! For if I do not compensate you,
then the compensation from the stars shall turn out somewhat meager as well!
Because My say and direction extend even to the stars and beyond!'
[7] Here the old man is taken aback tremendously, not knowing what to say. Only
after a while does he say somewhat timidly, 'For Jehovah's sake! Are you perhaps an
angel from the heavens or is one helping you, or is given You as a servant by the
Father from the heavens?'
[8] Say I, 'Let you just take yourself some overdue rest now; but much shall be
revealed to you tomorrow! But go out to the people, who still are noising about and
ask them to retire and to bring the sick here tomorrow; I shall heal them all.' The old
man went and did as I commanded him.
[9] And the people started cheering wildly, yelling, 'Praise be to the exalted Son of
David! He came to us to free us of every plague! Although we do not know whence He
came, one thing is certain - God's Spirit is with Him, as it was with His forefather
David! For were it not with Him, He would not have healed the possessed!'
[10] Some Pharisees however also had set out with the people to observe, as
Jerusalemite Temple police, everything else that I, of Whom they had been hearing
much, would do. The healing of the possessed, who was deaf, dumb and blind as well,
had jolted them mightily, and they were constantly plotting on how to cast suspicion
on Me before the people as a tramp, rogue, deceiver and even as a magician in
league with the devil. Whence they said to the people, 'Tomorrow it shall transpire of
what spirit he is! We shall no doubt be seeing in what fashion he shall heal the
cripples, the lame and leprous!' - Say the people, 'If he has healed the most difficult
case suddenly, then he is certain to heal the others with greater ease! But you should
yourselves not be talking about such things at all, because no man has yet been
healed through your expensive prayers and still less through your amulets, which you
highly recommend and sell to the sick for dear money!
[11] That One has the Spirit of God in His body, for this He has proven to us amply
already through the mere deed. But you yourselves have no spirit in you at all, other
than that of haughtiness, avarice and domination!
[12] You want to be the first after God and to receive divine honour from us men; but
we say unto you that to us you are the last, and worse by a hundredfold than the
heathens! For you do nothing at all for our benefit; you do no work and those who
attend your schools become so stupid and dark after two years that no angel is likely
to fix them up without special power from God! And this is still the best of your care
and efforts for our supposed well being!
[13] The wives of your Jewish co-religionists you seduce a hundredfold, fornicating
with their daughters; yet this is nothing. If however some other poor devil were to go
that far he is stoned, if poor; but if rich and of repute, he can buy himself out and
beside that remain your friend!
[14] Your colleagues, the Jews, do not of course know you as well as we Greeks do
and even if they know you, they must not speak up. But we know you and can speak.
Wherefore we take this opportunity to tell you what we really think of you!
[15]  But take yourselves home soon, before a storm of Greek fists comes over you!
We however shall keep watch here. Do not dare to as much as touch this Person, or
you shall be having to deal with us!
[16] We indeed also were Jews once, but are happy to be Greeks in name and law;
we nevertheless in our hearts are true Jews, - but not like you of course, who sell
their God-glorifying prayers for money, ascribing to such the most fabricated effects!
[17] We ourselves worship God because He is God and because we as His beings owe
it to Him. Hence get yourselves moving, because your presence is more repulsive to
us than a stinking carcass!'
[18] Upon these unambiguous utterances from the people, about half of whom were
resident Greeks, the Pharisees made off as quickly as possible, with the folk cheering
with victory, and at having rubbed the naked truth into the nostrils of these idlers,
which they normally called the Pharisees.
Chapter 180
The consulting Pharisees. The young Pharisee's commendable plan for
protecting the Saviour and what he said to the people.
[1] This district, otherwise, was notorious for it's witty residents. Anyone wishing to
take it up with them, specially with the Greeks, would have to be of sound mind; and
the Pharisees therefore were conscious of what it was like arguing with the people
and therefore retorted very little this time, and made their way home. But they
brooded the more at home over how to cast suspicion on Me before the people, or to
even basically destroy Me.
[2] One of a better spirit among them however, to whom the deliberations were
getting too drawn-out, finally said, 'Brethren! For whatever my opinion may count, I
suggest we now get our sleep, so that tomorrow we are all there with head and heart.
Of what use all our brooding and scheming today?! Tomorrow is another day. Let us
see what tomorrow will bring and then we shall with Jehovah's help be in the clear
about what this man is about. That this is something most singular, cannot be
questioned in the least; because the healing of the possessed at the shore, just from
the boat, without him being touched is a phenomenon that to my knowledge has not
been with us yet!
[3] And hence let us wait for what else follows tomorrow and we shall be more likely
to judge properly! For it would be too risky to blindly condemn him, especially the
way the people are worked up, since they have for a long time been siding with the
Greeks rather than us, who have been a thorn in their flesh for some time. Hence
take note of my well-considered opinion! Tomorrow is another day, which could turn
out more favourably for us than today!'
[4] Says another, 'Should we not do something about our being abused that way by
the people? Should we go to sleep on that too and grow no grey hair over it and
forget it as if it had never happened, taking no revenge?'
[5] Says the better one, 'Shake them down for a sacrifice, if you can! Or call the
culprits to account today or tomorrow, if you can! What can one do against many?!
Keeping quiet about it seems the most advisable thing to me, at least for the present.
But if you want to take action straight away, then no law will keep you from it. I for
one however shall first wait the outcome to this story before taking the appropriate
action. Let ripen the apple on the tree, if you do not like biting into a sour one! Do
you get me?!'
[6] After these words of the better Pharisee, who still was young and zestful and did
not feel much solidarity with the old money-bag heroes, several Pharisees and scribes
went to take their rest, but nevertheless still appointed one of their servants to keep
watch, so that they would not over sleep the start of the magician's story.
[7] The better Pharisee however, after all the others, including the watch, had fallen
into heavy sleep, went outside to work out how to sabotage the old ones' evil
schemes. He reasoned thus: if only I could get to this wondrous man, I could show
him how he could carry out his healings without my colleagues' molestations! But how
get to him? The agitated people surround the house and I notice that the sick already
are being escorted and carried there. But I know what I will do! I will go over to the
people and tell them straight where I stand, showing them my hostility towards the
old money zealots and that I intend to confide something to the wondrous man,
without which he shall hardly be allowed to carry on his healings. If the people let me,
good; if not, I shall at least have followed my conscience.
[8] With these thoughts he goes back to the people, who in the moonlit night can
make him out quite well as the familiar young rabbi.
[9] Those Greeks who had formerly been Jews go to meet him at once, asking in a
brutish manner what he is up to at such hour and whether he actually is a spy! But he
says amicably and confidingly, 'Dear men and friends! My skin is indeed covered with
Pharisaical raiments and as you know, I am a Pharisee in actuality; for as first-born of
a well-to-do home in Jerusalem, I had to become what my unprincipled parents
wanted. And hence I am externally indeed a Pharisee, yet in my heart less so than all
of you, although you now are Greeks.
[10] My intentions are simply this: You know my colleagues as well as I do and what
rights they arrogate to themselves. They are theologians and no one other than they
is allowed to understand Scripture, although between ourselves, they probably
understand any other thing better than Scripture; but they are selected for it by the
Temple and they exercise their purported rights and you can do nothing about it.
[11] They also are physicians and do not like anyone to come along and through his
skill diminish their income. Through this also they enjoy a Temple privilege and know
how to fight for their rights and you can do nothing about that.
[12] They are also, in certain cases prescribed by Moses, judges and Lords of life and
death over their subordinates, and can exercise such rights when and on whoever
they like without being accountable for it. They have only to submit to the Temple,
besides the yearly amount of lease for the Synagogue and school, a list every year
and are praised the more for the length of the list of those whom they have judged.
[13] Because all of these offices have for a long time been either sold or leased; here
we are only lessees and I myself only a sub-lessee.
[14] I tell you, such Synagogue or school costs much money in the Temple. And in
order to bring in the more from those to whom assigned, it is loaded by the Temple
with all kinds of frills which such lessee then will not, with the law on his side, suffer
to be diminished too easily.
[15] One cannot of course become a buyer or lessee of a Synagogue or school until
consecrated by a Pharisee by the Temple, under the strictest oaths. Once a Pharisee
however, it is no longer easy to become a non-Pharisee!
[16] And behold, although a true Jew should spit at such Temple fraud, they
nevertheless are even acknowledged and sanctioned by the state and you can do
nothing about it. I could tell you more, but it is sufficient to at least show you within
what rights the Pharisees are moving, against which, for the time being, nothing can
be undertaken.
[17] Had I not used my good offices in the good cause with the old, vindictive
colleagues, then you would have already been in big trouble, because they were
about to send for a legion of soldiers to Capernaum, to hand the entire house over to
the court! I therefore am your friend and not your enemy and even less a capricious,
hostile spy. Only do not betray me please. But if some good advice on my part does
not seem too remiss to you, then hear me with all patience!'
[18] Say the three, 'You seem genuine to us and so tell us what we should do! But do
not dare to deceive us, or it would cost you your life!'
[19] Says the young Pharisee, 'I do not fear that; and if I had a hundred lives, I
would give them as testimony to my sincerity. And so hear me: you know that, with
the Pharisees, what matters to the exclusion of everything else, is income. Go over to
them in the morning therefore and agree with them upon a sum for which the
wonder-physician residing here can heal the sick tomorrow morning without
objection; and the old money-brokers shall give you the authority without further
ado; if however you are not able to immediately put down the money, then promise
to do so and it will still work out!
[20] I would only add the following for the wondrous man - that he firstly leave this
area after the healing of the sick, or else the money-hungry Pharisees would straight
away demand a second money-payment from you. And that secondly, since such
wonder-physicians normally extend into the prophetic field, starting to work on the
people spiritually, he should not start such here, not because of me, but the old ones,
who in this respect are intolerable here precisely on account of you Greeks!
[21] And finally, that the people do not refer to him as Son of David in front of the old
foxes, for this is the scariest of all scares for my old colleagues! If all this is adhered
to, then everything - as I wish with all my heart - may come off quietly. In the
alternative case it may come to a terrifying row.

Chapter 181
The young, better Pharisee is well received by the people. The people
threaten revolt against the Temple. The young Pharisee's artfulness with his
[1] Say the three Greeks, 'Your advice is quite well-meant, yet we are not completely
happy with it! For how much longer is this cruel control by these public deceivers to
last?! We are fed up with them, although we have nothing more to do with them; yet
they keep jeering at us, holding diatribes against us in their school, cursing and
condemning us at every turn. For how long are we to put up with that? On top of that
they are our judges in official matters and if we want to enjoy any rights, we must
buy them dearly. Behold, this is a terrible state of affairs, and hence we think of
putting an end to this control once and for all tomorrow. Because tomorrow all
resident Jews are transferring over to us, and the Pharisees shall be thrown out as
useless, except for yourself, if you desire to remain with us! - Behold, this is our plan,
- already put in motion, in that there are to be found no more actual Jews among the
residents of this area! What do you say to such plan?'
[2] Says the young Rabbi, 'If you succeed, then nobody shall have less to object than
I. But proceed with the caution of ravens, or you and I shall not fare too well!
Because no one knows the outreach of these old foxes' paws better than I and their
eagle's eyes see through walls and their ears hear many hours (walking) distance,
whatever is said anywhere. But let me return home now, so as not to arouse their
suspicion, for it is dawning and the foxes shall wake up soon, and if they found me
missing, that would be the end!'
[3] Say the three, 'Go then! But mind you do not betray us to the old foxes, for then
you would be done for!'
[4] The young Pharisee makes his way home and finds everything soundly asleep,
including the watch. These he wakes however, making a big fuss over their sleeping.
That awakens the old foxes, and some go to check on what is going on.
[5] The young Pharisee however, feigning fury, said that having found no sleep, he
went to check out the watch, 'and behold and share my anger - they slept more
soundly than any of us! Ah - this is a bit thick! Had we not had Jehovah's especial
protection this night, we could have all been murdered by the incensed people!'
[6] The old ones shudder at the thought, suddenly realising the danger they had
found themselves in, and praising the young colleague beyond measure for watching
over them like an angel of God.
[7] The young one almost burst out laughing of course, barely containing the urge to
give his throat to full throttle. He kicked the watchmen not too heavily, commanding
them to get out of the way. They left immediately, seeming to make out what the
young man was at.
[8] After the watch was gone and day-break had advanced, the young man said,
'Brethren, I do not think we have much time to lose; wherefore we should get on our
way, so that nothing of what goes on should escape us.'
[9] Say the old ones, 'Yes, you are right, we must miss nothing! But did you send to
Capernaum for soldiers in case of obduracy?'
[10] Says the young one, 'Had I waited for your instructions, we should be done for!
All's attended to! Whether the soldiers will arrive soon is another matter, because it is
quite far to Capernaum, and even further to elsewhere. Hence patience is the thing,
awaiting what comes, - being or non-being’ (a favourite expression of the young
[11] It speaks for itself that the young one had not even thought of sending to
Capernaum for soldiers, because he was in secret a foe of the old Pharisees, because
he also was a secret adherent of the teaching of the Essenes and therefore would
have desired nothing more fervently than to cause the old Temple heroes trouble.
[12] The old ones however had not yet had a morning meal, and said to the young
one, 'Ay, if only those soldiers would turn up! It is of course high time we went over
there, but we could eat breakfast before they come; for surely the magician is not
going to carry on before sunrise?!'
[13] Says the young one, 'Oh, certainly not! If you do not mind I shall go for a minute
to check if anything is stirring at Baram's house yet, and you could have your
breakfast meanwhile.' (Baram was the carpenter's name, at whose house the Lord
had taken his lodgings; the name of the place however was Jesaira, currently a
[14] Say the old ones, 'Will you be fasting today? The young, 'That, no; but as you
are aware, I can never eat before sunrise; hence leave me something for after! Say
the old ones, 'All right, therefore go quickly and bring us good news - especially about
the soldiers; because without them we are done for, as you would say.'
[15] The young one leaves straight away, whilst the old ones shout after him, “Don’t
forget - the soldiers!” Shouts the young one: ‘Just trust me!’, then to himself, ‘then
you are done for’.
Chapter 182
Ahab, the better Pharisee, called before the Lord.
Sins which are forgiven. Priestly “infallibility”.
Temple-fraud. Healing miracle.
[1] As the young one comes to the house, he already finds it heavily beleaguered with
the sick and the sound; he asks someone whether I am up yet. One old, upright
Greek says to him, 'Yes, he is up, and has been before the house once, when the old
Baram called him to breakfast, whereupon he went back into the house.'
[2] Asks the young one, 'What was he doing before the house?'
[3] Says the Greek, 'Nothing more than raise his eyes towards the firmament,
seeming to as it were draw power therefrom. But his gaze was that of a great
general, whose sign millions of men and animals must obey! Although there was
something immensely amicable in his countenance, there was yet an earnestness that
my eyes have not beheld previously. I was only glad that he did not give me a solid
stare; truly, I admit I would not have been able to bear it! And yet I nevertheless felt
irresistibly drawn to him with an inexplicable power, which I would not have been able
to resist, had not Baram called him to breakfast!'
[4] Says the young one, 'What do you make of him after that? What could there be to
him in all probability, and who and what could he be, according to your usually well-
considered opinion?'
[5] Says the old one, 'I am indeed Greek, and in accordance with your saying, an
idolatrous heathen; but I am in truth no more heathen than yourself, believing in one
highest Being! But this wondrous man quite easily could persuade me of idolatry;
because if he is not at least a demi-god, then I renounce my humanity!'
[6] Says the young one, 'I really am most anxious to see him! If only one could get
into the house, then I would soon get acquainted with him. Just to trade words with
such a man would be of the highest interest!'
[7] Even whilst the young Pharisee is saying so, I come out of the house and call to
him, saying, 'Come, Ahab - Thomas of Toreh's son; if you hunger and thirst after
Truth, then you shall be filled!'
[8] Says the young one, 'Lord! We never saw each other, and to my knowledge you
have never been to Jesaira! How can you know me and my father?!'
[9] Say I, 'Quite a lot of things yet do I know of you and your entire house, but that
would not be to the point here; but that you kept watch for me and risked much, that
is of much worth before Me, and such your sacrifice shall not go unrewarded! Come!'
[10] Ahab quickly makes his way to Me through the crowd, and cannot get over how I
can know all this.
[11] Say I, 'Do not be overly astonished, for you shall be witness to things of quite
another kind! It is good that you put the old ones at home to fright; they would
disturb these people in their faith, without which it would be hard to help these many
sick. Once these are healed, then they can by all means come to satisfy their money-
bag conscience. Let you therefore stay here, and let them wait for you until I have
finished! I know everything. You have indeed told them an immense lie; but God
always forgives a sin for such a cause! Do you understand that?'
[12] Says the young one, 'I am indeed familiar with the law, and know that Moses
said, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’ - an exceedingly portentous commandment, -
which however none heed less than precisely my colleagues, because they say that
false witness in favour of the Temple and its servants is well-pleasing to God,
whereas God condemns a just witness against the Temple and its servants and such
should be stoned!
[13] Nothing like that indeed is written in Moses, but the Templers say that the
written word in the Book is dead, but that they are the living book, into which God
daily writes His will through the angels. And we have therewith actually a completely
new Bible which is the exact opposite of everything that Moses and the prophets
[14] According to this new Temple Scripture therefore, the lie at the right time and
for a good purpose, not only is allowed, but in certain cases commanded, especially
for Temple benefits! Because he who can lie the best and most stubbornly and
demonstrably in the Temple's favour, counts for much.
[15] It may not be unknown to you that the Temple always is cleaned before feasts,
with a lot of Temple dung and all kinds of unclean stuff accumulating. All of the dung
- being dry, soily and sandy, is hardly worth the removal fee; but there are certain
true dung-prophets. These go all over the country, selling the mire even by the
minutest quantities, asking for a piece of silver the weight of an egg! The Temple-dung
thus is the soul of the other varieties of dung, with which the gullible manure their
fields, with actual conviction that without the Temple-dung, their fields shall not bring
forth fruit, and even if bringing forth some, same shall forego God's blessing and hence
benefit no one!
[16] It happens that quite often, the dung-prophets get rid of the loads they scoop up
at the Temple for sale in all areas quite quickly, whereupon they load their carts along
the way with whatever street-dung, selling same as real Temple-dung, so that each of
the hundred prophets of dung sells ten times more dung than they picked up at the
Temple. Behold, here the initial sale amounts already to grossest deception, since the
Temple-dung is sure to be vastly inferior to any other stable-dung, yet that's not
enough; the blind and spell-bound people in the end must also purchase the street-
dung for genuine Temple-dung.
[17] But never mind! Such deception being for the Temple's advantage, this not only
is no sin but even virtue; - and since well-pleasing to the Temple, thus naturally also
to God! - Ah, Moses!
[18] But let someone just dare tell the folk the truth about the Temple-dung effect,
which is as good as none, even if only in respect of the second deception, with the
street dung sold as Temple-dung, and he shall be cursed a sinner against the Temple,
and then let him see how he gets away with it!
[19] And as with the dung, there are a hundred things that are nothing but lies and
deception; let someone expose it to the people, Lord, and Jehovah's grace and mercy
be with him!
[20] That I lied to my old colleagues by fathoms I do not regard as sin, especially
where, as is here the case, I can protect a man such as yourself from the hounding to
which anyone in whom my colleagues sense a spark of insight and brighter intellect is
subjected. But let you now do your thing with these sick or else the old buggers might
get here before I call them.'
[21] Say I to Ahab, 'Behold, they already are healed! The blind see, the lame walk,
the deaf hear, the dumb are speaking; and all who had been brought here suffering
from any illness whatsoever are now vital and well! I shall now just tell them to go
home, after which you can bring your colleagues here, after first telling them what
you witnessed here.'
[22] After this I bid the healed to go home, warning them to make it known neither
here and still less in Jerusalem, if ever they go there. They all promise Me to keep
quiet about it, thanking Me with tears in their eyes.
[23] But I say again, 'Let you depart now - your faith has helped you; but let you
henceforth not sin again, otherwise a second affliction shall be worse than the first!'
Thereupon all who were healed depart, praising and glorifying God, Who gave man
such power.
[24] Says Ahab completely amazed, 'Any, this has not been seen by human eye
before. Without rites, word or touch! Any, this is powerful stuff; this is too much all at
once for a man of limits like me! They actually all got fully well; no drugs, no prayer,
no word or touch! Lord! Let me in on just a little of this capacity of yours!
[25] Say I, 'This you cannot comprehend yet; but if you want to become My disciple,
then you are bound to recognise and comprehend it. But now you can go and inform
your colleagues if you wish!'
[26] Says Ahab, 'Yes, I shall go and tell it exactly the way they want to hear it! I shall
strew their eyes with a desert storm, to blind them in the ultimate way, possessing a
knack for that. They shall find out nothing about today.'
[27] Say I, 'Very well; do as seems best to you! We are friends; free yourself and
then follow Me, and you shall find Truth and Life, and Truth shall make you free!'
Chapter 183
Ahab the Templer with his colleagues: his success.
They head for Baram's house.
[1] Ahab goes off, rushing over to his colleagues. Arriving there, they all besiege him,
saying, 'For Temple's sake, what kept you?! What we have been through because of
you! Where are we? What's the magician doing? How did you fare? Are the soldiers on
the way? We are in dire straits! Are you unaware of this?!'
[2] Says Ahab, 'Why? What should I know about?!'
[3] Say the old ones, 'Imagine! Barely half an hour ago, three residents were here,
Jews of this place, telling us that the entire Jesairan market town have one and all
gone over to the Greeks, leaving us with nothing further to do here! What do you say
to that?! And listen, for all this we can thank this cursed magician, who is nothing but
an apostle of hell, harbouring Beelzebub's spirit in his breast! Yes, what say you to
[4] Says Ahab, 'If so then we are done for, and can start looking for an exit! I indeed
heard a whisper yesterday, but could not work out the drift of it. But it serves us
quite right! I have told you many times that the stupidity and darkness into which the
Temple initiated us won't get us far with the wakeful Greeks, and that it is an easy
matter for them to have us over the barrel. But this was pouring oil on the fire. Now
that has come to pass which I kept working out for you by the fingers of one hand,
and I can't see why you should now be surprised. I said to you often, let's not pull
wool over the people's eyes, because there is a limit for everything in the world! What
good will it do us to systematically confound the people into darkest fools. The
stupidity will relapse into malice and we can then take to our heels, and that's it!
[5] The people placed great store by Moses and the prophets, yet we were saying,
these are dead, and Scripture with them! God reveals His will in the Temple and
indicates what to make of Moses and the prophets. It now is the High Priest's, the
Levites' and the Pharisees and the Scribes who are the living Moses and Prophets! -
That is our doctrine!
[6] Only too clearly had I told you a hundred times that this presumption shall have
dire consequences. But you laughed me off with this having no hope of a possibility! -
It is here now! Would you still call it impossible?!
[7] But I say again, it serves us all absolutely right, because whoever does not accept
advice on serious issues cannot be helped!
[8] Over at Baram's house I went to great lengths to calm down the stirred-up folk; I
told the hotheads that soldiers shall shortly be arriving from Capernaum to discipline
them! And they laughed, saying, "For these you shall do a little waiting, because your
messenger is in our hands, as are all of you! See to it that you leave of your own
accord, or you shall be moved by other means!" That was the commendable response
to my warning and threats of the people; it wasn't worth the bother!
[9] Concerning the magician however, he is in the clear on that score, for he together
with his disciples and Baram might now be the only Jews in this place! That he could
be a magician I will not dispute, but I would not hazard to assert that he acts through
Beelzebub, although I don't wish to dismiss your view completely. Go over now
yourselves and talk to him, and be convinced of everything.'
[10] Ask the old ones, 'Has he healed the many sick yet?'
[11] Says Ahab, 'Could well be, although I did not notice. There still is a crowd of
people of both sexes outside Baram's house, mainly familiar Greeks, talking with the
really very plain magician, or whatever else he might be, but I saw no more sick
people. Perhaps he healed them at the time I was keeping watch here for you. But as
said, lets go over now, and you shall find out how matters stand.'
[12] Say the old ones, 'Is there no hazard to life!' - Says Ahab, 'How foolish a
question again! Can you say you are safe here?! The way things have turned out
against us, the open ground surely is an advantage, when we can use our legs rather
than be knocked off behind four walls!'
[13] Say the old ones, 'You are quite right; hence let's go outside, and lock up our
considerable treasures first.' Says Ahab, 'Very well, just let's get going; who is about
to rob us of our treasure?! The people of this place now have quite different things to
watch rather than our treasures!'
[14] After this the old rise, locking up everything and not telling even their servants
what they are on about.
Chapter 184
The people work the Pharisees over, cornering them. [Matthew 12:24]
[1] Getting over to Baram's house, they take in the big crowd, which is still quite
shocked and perturbed at the great instant healing. Not having witnessed the great
healing, the Pharisees are assuming the people to be still astonished at yesterday's
healing of the possessed, as these continue to exclaim as they did yesterday, "Glory
be to David's Son! This truly is the Son of David!"
[2] Hearing this, the old Pharisees get annoyed, saying to the people, 'Why are you
wondering all that much? We know better than you how this took place. He, this
magician, drives out the devils by means no other than Beelzebub, the devil's chief,
[Matthew 2:24] - and you would praise him as David's Son!' - Here some of the more
feeble became hesitant, asking the Pharisees to clarify this, and how this is possible;
and whether the devils' chief can on occasion also accomplish godly deeds.
[3] Not bargaining for this question, the old foxes did not know how to reply. But
since the inquirers sensed the Pharisees to be out of their depth, due to the
interminable lull, they said, 'Why do you give us no advice upon our very reasonable
question, that we might get to the bottom of how this purported magician drives out
the devils, and how Beelzebub can work also godly deeds? It is relatively easy to
accuse a person, regardless of exceptional procedures, to be a servant of the devil,
thereby making him suspect, but it is quite another thing to provide proof! Why do
you keep silent if you are sure of yourselves?'
[4] Say the Pharisees, 'We keep quiet because, enlightened by God's Spirit, we are
always aware of what man needs to know, and when therefore to speak. It is not
because we should not know this - but because we must not and hence don't want to
give you verifiable proof. Your business is to just believe everything we teach and not
to probe on your own, for God has placed us for this reason - to probe the innermost
substance of all things, keeping secrets to ourselves and telling people only as much
as is good for them. Do you understand us?!'
[5] Say the people, 'Oh yeah, we have understood you quite well, and having
understood you thus for a long time, we have, following such vivid understanding,
gone over to the Greeks, with whom there is no such mystery-junk! There we have
an Aristotle, a Pythagoras, a Plato, a Socrates; and these writings are clear and true.
But with yourselves all is constantly wrapped in the deepest fog-night, to the extent
of no visibility by even a span forward or backward.
[6] Why do you try to cast suspicion on this emissary Saviour to us from God?! He
has done good to us and healed all our sick, and for this you denounce him a servant
of Satan?!
[7] What then are you, who have never yet done us a favour ever so small?! When
have you, with your inane devices or pretended prayer, healed anyone?'
[8] Say the Pharisees, 'Have we perhaps no credentials?!'
[9] Say the people, 'That you have, of course, from the Temple, and highly boastful
ones at that; but where are the deeds, which according to your qualifications, you are
supposed to be capable of performing? Of these, nothing has seen daylight yet!
[10] Yet yonder one came to us without credentials, but accomplishes deeds the like
of which, one can quite properly say, man has not accomplished since the world's
existence! We can see quite clearly as to why you want to make this godly human
suspect to us, in spite of your refusal to tell us the reason. Hearken, we take it upon
ourselves to rub it into your noses, and the reason is the following:
[11] This divine human carries out deeds in all actual, wondrous reality, which
according to your Temple credentials, you are supposed to be capable of; yet up to
date you have come up with no deed, for the thirty years you have been with us.
[12] How much of the best money and other costly things did you not obtain from us,
so that you would act in our behalf; where are the effects? You indeed took our gold
and silver, but we received nothing but empty promises, which never were fulfilled.
When we asked you when they shall be fulfilled, you pointed to the rich harvests and,
praise god, our healthy herds. We however referred you to the even richer harvests
and healthier herds of the Greeks, who are cursed by you seven times every Sabbath
before sunrise. There you said, "This abundance is effected by Satan; and that the
bread from such harvests and the meat from such herds serves not for life but
damnation!' But you nevertheless did not scorn the yearly tithes which the Greeks
rendered you by way of all kinds of grain. Tell us therefore what you actually did with
this wheat, blessed by Satan according to you?'
[13] Say the Pharisees, brimming with bitter fury by now, 'We sold it to heathens,
such as the Romans and Greeks, for them to receive that much more damnation on
judgment day!'
[14] Say the people, 'How very nice! It is said that the devil is stupid enough and his
lies thick enough for grasping with the hand; yet you are ten times more stupid, -
your lies can be grasped with heavily shod feet! Was it not us who carted your sundry
grains to the Jerusalem market, with our oxen and asses, and we surely will know to
whom we sold it!? And you have the hide to tell us that you sold the Greek grain to
the heathens for their greater damnation! If you have to whitewash yourselves with
lies, then lie more smartly and not make us even more stupid than yourselves, buying
black for white and white for black without further ado - Any, such lying-atrocity!
Such has not been heard yet!'
[15] Say the Pharisees, 'You know nothing and understand nothing! Do you not know
that a Pharisee is incapable of lying?! For Temple-law states for all who are ordained
into God's service that they are not able to lie even if they desired it; for in their
mouth, even the thickest lie turns into the most luminescent Truth!'
[16] Here the people start laughing, saying jokingly, 'Indeed, indeed, we too are
aware of the Temple-law you quoted, where it also is supposed to say, 'Where a
Pharisee puts excrement in his mouth, it instantly turns into gold.'
Chapter 185
The Lord quietens the people down for the sake of the Pharisees, extending
an invitation to the latter. His precious talk to them. [Matthew 12:25-33]
[1] With the Pharisees realising that the people saw through them, and that they now
were the subject of derision, they began to spawn thoughts of retribution. I therefore
said to the people, 'Let them be, for they themselves are blind leaders of the blind,
and where they come to a ditch with their charges, they fall into the ditch together
with those they lead. In a land where they hold dominion as superiors, they can do
you more harm than you can do them. But now you set them a trap, where they can
easily fall in the ditch, more so than yourselves! For they bragged of having sold
accursed grain to the Romans and Greeks for damnation; if you report this to the
Roman chief, he will have them all over the barrel for it! But it ought in no way to
come to that! But we intend retiring into the house for now, and I shall try to make
also this spiritually totally bat-blind lot to see.'
[2] Following which I move into the house, and the Pharisees follow Me at once, and
are inside greeted by My disciples. But behind them, a huge crowd followed as well,
so that it came to a great crush inside the room. This however did not matter over-
much, as I and the disciples still had plenty of room.
[3] When things quieted down inside the house, I opened My mouth and began to
speak, mainly to the Pharisees, since I saw their evil thoughts only too well and
clearly, 'That it has come to this with you, no one is to blame - other than yourselves.
Have you not of a truth been with these people here in Jesaira these thirty years, yet
not noticed their kind of spirit! Now it is, at this time, too late to again force the
wakeful spirit of these people into sleep. Your anger is hence a vain one, for you and
no one else is responsible.
[4] I came here as an authentic Jew, and as such, truly in full possession of God's
Spirit and all its power!
[5] When I came to shore and you were enticed by the fire on the boat to rush to
shore with the people. I healed the blind, dumb and possessed before your eyes. The
people, instantly recognised the divine power in Me and greeted Me as David's Son;
you yourselves internally recognised it the same way. Since however you deemed
such recognition to set limitations upon yourselves, in everything, you asserted
against your inner convictions, "such deeds I carry out with the assistance of the
devils' chief!" - Who was it you harmed therewith? Behold, no one other than
[6] Had you only thought about this thing with greater openness, examining it more
closely, you should have instantly seen the sheer absurdity of your assertion,
recognising therewith that with this most untimely and foolish assertion, you of
necessity lost the last shred of integrity and faith from this awoken population!'
[7] Say the Pharisees, 'What then should we have done? Tell us, since you are so
[8] Say I, in a somewhat more somber tone, 'You should have thought, judged and
spoken thus: 'Every nation that is divided against itself, perishes; and every city, or
household at odds with itself, cannot endure.' [Matthew 12:25] This surely can be
grasped with the hand!
[9] If I however, being a perfect Jew too, according to your assertion cast out devils
through Beelzebub, then tell Me through whom actually do your children, who even
now travel every country as saviours, healing the sick and casting out devils?! I say
unto you: Your children too, and not only these people, shall be your judges!
[Matthew 12:27]
[10] If I nevertheless, as clearly comprehended by this population, cast out the devils
through God's Spirit, then the kingdom indeed has come unto you [Matthew 12:28],
for which reason you, as Jews, should be particularly happy in front of the Greeks,
who are heathens - for a Jew working such signs for the long-lost esteem of the Jews!
For only in this way can the authentic Jew show all the world that he alone is the man
upon this wide earth who stands in manifest association with God, working deeds
through the might of God's Spirit that are possible to no other man.
[11] When the outsiders see such in a Jew, they shall congregate around the mighty
Jew by the thousands times thousands, saying, "The Jew alone is of God. Through
him works God's omnipotence most miraculously; he is powerful and wise, and shall
be our lord forever!"
[12] If then the true Jew ever shows himself thus strong, then his entire household
and nation ought to be that strong! How could anyone then enter such a strong man's
house to rob him of its contents? Be it that he first binds the strong one, which is
impossible, and then robs the contents [Matthew 12:29], as the Romans actually
have done to us in our house, finding us drunk and asleep in our house, binding,
robbing and making us slaves. Which serves the Jews right, as they have departed
from God completely.
[13] But God has mercy on His people, and again wants to help them, wherefore I
have been sent to you from God. Since however, as you can see for yourselves, this
now obviously is the case, why do you scatter where I am gathering?!
[14] For he who is not for Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me
scatters and manifestly is against the Spirit of God, Who wants to make you free!
[Matthew 12:30]
[15] Wherefore I say unto you, after all that has already encountered you; all sin and
blasphemy shall be forgiven man; but never so the blasphemy against God's Spirit!
[Matthew 12,31]. For you knew quite well that I healed the possessed through God's
Spirit, but for despicable worldly gain and honour you nevertheless blasphemed
against God's Spirit, Who wanted to save you; and thus you have received the
deserved reward also from the heathens.'
[16] Say the Pharisees, 'We did not blaspheme God's Spirit, but only yourself, and
you yourself surely are not with flesh and blood going to be the Spirit of God? For you
are no more than ourselves - a son of man!'
[17] Say I, 'Yes indeed, that I am by appearance, but in reality perhaps somewhat
more! But if I am no more than a son of man like you, that does not excuse your
blasphemy in the least! For I as a son of man surely am not working such deeds any
more than you! But within this son of man standing before you, the Spirit of God
alone is manifesting, and it is this One against Whom you have blasphemed; for not I
but God's Spirit has effected such before your eyes, and you blasphemed against it.
[18] Indeed, whosoever speaks against Me as a mere human, such shall be forgiven;
but he who speaks against the holy Spirit, such shall not be forgiven, neither here,
nor in the beyond. [Matthew 12:32]
[19] Because where a tree is by its whole nature already bad, there the fruit also is
bad; but if a tree is already by its nature good, its fruit also shall be good. By the
fruits therefore the tree is recognised! You are the tree, and there, the Jews turned
into heathens are your fruit! Judge for yourselves whether it is good or bad!'
[Matthew 12:33]
Chapter 186
The Pharisees' incorrigible stubbornness. The Lord's sharp words to them.
Hints about diverse types of possession and the influence of evil spirits. The
Pharisees' fury.
[1] Say the Pharisees, 'This is not our fruit; this is the fruit of vagabonds such as
yourself, who come from all the world from time to time, in the shape of all kinds of
artists and magicians. To our faces they indeed carry on this miserable trade; but
comes night, and they turn into proselytes for heathen philosophy, having great
persuasive powers for casting suspicion on us and the Temple, together with its God-
given ordinances, to the most scandalous degree! Behold, such heathen-Jews as dwell
here in Jesaira are then the fruit of such individuals! We have at all times spoken
good and true, and taught them according to Moses, rightly and fairly. But if
Beelzebub turns the people away from us through individuals like you, is this our
fault?! Wherefore it is not us who are the evil tree, when Satan destroys and robs the
fruit on our boughs. Our teaching and speech is good; but your talk and deeds
originate with the devils' chief, and seduce the gullible population! Hence you ought
to be stoned, together with your followers!'
[2] While the infuriated Pharisees spoke such words, the people began to murmur and
betray intentions of laying hands on the Pharisees.
[3] But I said to the people, 'Let it be! It is enough that these evil ones are
everlastingly defeated; whence they should be spared for now! But they are now to
receive My well-deserved testimony!'
[4] Say the people, 'Yes, Lord, we implore You to show these wretches who and what
they actually are!'
[5] I now turn to the Pharisees again, saying in full earnest, 'Oh you generation of
adders! How can you speak good, since in your hearts you are evil through and
through?! But with whatsoever the heart is filled, the mouth overflows. [Matthew
12:37] A good person at all times brings forth the good from the good treasure of his
heart; but an evil person brings forth from his treasure! [Matthew 12:35] Yet I say
unto you that men shall once be called to account for every evil and useless word
they uttered, on the day of judgment! [Matthew 12:36] It will be as written in the
book of Job; 'For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy word thou shalt be
condemned! [Matthew 12:37]
[6] I have showed you before why I came here and also to other places; but the evil
sense in your heart cannot accept this, and still less grasp it, that you should become
free and blessed!
[7] For all the good that I do you freely, you want to stone and kill Me. Oh you
generation of adders, you brood of vipers! True indeed is every evil testimony the
prophets foretold you, verily only too true; 'With dead ceremony and mere lips you
honour God; but your heart is far from Him!'
[8]  There were however a few Pharisees and Scribes among them whose heart was
struck somewhat by My speech. These cut a somewhat human face, saying, 'Master,
we cannot fully dismiss your teaching; but we were prevented yesterday and today
from being witnesses of your wondrous deeds. Work another such sign, as we want
very much to see one! [Matthew 12:38] Perhaps this will suffice our intellect, and we
could in the end embrace your doctrine ourselves!'
[9] But I turned to the people and spoke thus, 'This evil and adulterous generation
wants a sign! But no sign shall be given it, other than that given to the prophet Jonah
once! [Matthew 12:39] For just as Jonah was in the whale's belly three days and
three nights, so likewise shall the Son of Man be in the middle of the earth three days
and three nights [Matthew 12:40] (N.B. Here, at the outset, middle of the earth
signifies the grave; spiritually however it indicates that the Soul of the Son of Man
shall descend to the captive souls of the departed and there make them free).
[10] Here the Pharisees looked at one another, saying, 'What's this; what will he do?
How shall he get to the middle of the earth? Where is that? Is this not everywhere
and yet nowhere? Who can know how big the earth is, and where its middle is? This
person is insane, or an evil spirit is trying to get hold of him; for it is said that any
man about to go insane, can work diverse wonders. How would he compare himself
with Jonah, who preached at Nineveh?!'
[11] Here I say again, as if to the people, 'Verily, verily, the men of Nineveh shall rise
in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it; because they repented at the
preaching of Jonah; and behold, a greater than Jonah is here. [Matthew 12:41]
Likewise, the queen of the South shall appear in the beyond with this generation and
shall condemn them! For she (Semiramis) came from the end of the earth to hear the
wisdom of Solomon, and behold, here is more than Solomon!' [Matthew 12:42]
[12] Say the Pharisees, 'Very well then, since you believe we all are of the devil, and
that we shall be condemned by one and all on judgment day then drive the devils out
of us, as you did with the blind and dumb yesterday, and we shall then be as well
able to praise you as the one healed by you!'
[13] But they did not speak thus out of a sincere desire to be rid of their many evil
spirits, with which they already were fully at one, but only to make out some case
against Me. Because once an evil spirit has made everything subject and subservient
to himself within a man, he does not manifest in an obvious fashion, but acts in a
clever and worldly way, so that none should believe such person to be possessed,
notwithstanding that he is possessed more thoroughly than some other who is still
being tormented by some spirit because not yet master in his house.'
[14] Hence also I said to the Pharisees and Scribes, 'This can for several reasons no
longer be effected in you: for the evil spirits have for a long time been completely at
one with your soul and therefore fully comprise your very own evil and adulterous life.
Were I to take them away, I should also remove your life therewith. But were I to
somehow still maintain your actual original life, this would still be of no use to you, for
your entire nature now is of the devil through and through. Because even where
through My power such unclean spirit departs from such people, he then wanders
through arid regions, looking for rest and finding none [Matthew 12:43], i.e. the devil
seeks to tempt virtuous men and knocks; but he finds no admission, and these for
him and his purposes are arid regions and deserts, where no herb grows for him. He
then says to himself, "I shall return again to my old house; for in the steppes and
deserts there is for me no place of rest, whilst in the dwellings already harbouring the
likes of me I shall find no admission." When resolved thus, the devil comes back to
his former dwelling, and he of course finds it empty [Matthew 12:44], swept and
garnished. Whereupon he withdraws, calling seven other spirits, who each are more
wicked than he. With their help he then easily obtains access to his former dwelling,
and all live in such house; and with such person, the last state then is much worse
than the first.
[15] And this is how this generation would fare. Hence it shall not be made more
damnable through Me than it already is.
[16] On hearing such, the Pharisees are aglow with rage, and would have liked to tear
Me to pieces but for fear of the people.

Chapter 187
Ahab instructed and warned by the Lord. 'To remain silent is better than
well-meant lies!' Salvation comes to all nations from the Jews. Comparison
of the Jerusalemite Temple with that of Delphi. An instance of oracular
dialectics. The Greek's testimony to the Lord. The Gospel of life to the
[1] Ahab, the young Pharisee, however, stepped aside from the old ones, being happy
that I said such truths to the old ones. But he asked Me in confidence whether he too
is such a wickedly possessed one.
[2] But I said to him with friendly mien, 'If you were so, you would not ask Me thus.
You also have been an arid region for Satan so far; see to it nevertheless that you
don't become a fertile field for him! Hence beware of your evil colleagues!'
[3] Says Ahab, 'Lord and Master! If only You will not leave me, then the power of hell
is sure to have no effect on me! There shall be no lack of zeal on my part!'
[4] Say I, 'Go over to them! Let you be strong through your faith and zeal for Me! But
see to it that your colleagues don't drive you into a corner, for their devil has a fine
nose, and sharp ears for their purposes!'
[5] Says Ahab, 'Lord, You are bound to know me better now than I do myself! My
cunning is artful and clever; the devil however, it is said, is blind, and hence they
shall all see how I have them on the ice. I shall even today put them to the test. I
shall now exchange a few sharp words with You, that they may not become aware of
what I discussed with You; but You must not bear ill-will towards me for this!'
[6] Say I, 'Do as you think fit, but be good, clever and truthful in all things; because a
lie, regardless of how good a variety, helps only temporarily, and shortly thereafter
gets men into disadvantage and harm!'
[7] Says Ahab, 'I am easy, and hence shall say nothing for the present.'
[8] Say I, 'That will be better! For to keep silence at the right time is better than a
most resourceful lie.'
[9] With these instructions, Ahab makes his way back through the crowd to his
colleagues, of whom one nevertheless had noticed his conversation with Me. This one
at once started to sound him out. But Ahab stood his ground well, to the extent of
finding himself praised by the would-be detective.
[10] But I turned away from the Pharisees and began to talk to the people. I showed
them how it is not pleasing to God to abandon Judaism, because salvation comes to
all men from the Jews, and that, as some had done already in their hearts, they
should in all truth return to Judaism, or it is not otherwise possible to attain to the
childhood of God.
[11] Says one Greek, asking, 'Are we hence to once again bend our knees before the
puffed-up Pharisees, eating their old, indigestible leaven? Friend, you of a truth are a
grand master of the Deity's might and authority, being good, wise and righteous; yet
here you are asking something very odd of us. To Moses we have no need to return,
as we have never left him in actuality, and in our hearts, the God of the Jews also is
our God; the outward name of Jew and Greek surely shall not detract from God's
wisdom? Yet to us it nevertheless is a bastion against unremitting hounding and
goading by the Pharisees! Why should we again be called Jews and Greeks?!
[12] Behold, this is not a very clever demand of yours upon us. What does it matter
that besides Moses, we familiarise ourselves also with the wisemen of the Greeks,
besides their richly poetic theosophy, whose wise parallel poetry surely is something
quite different from the expensive Temple-manure? Particularly since we don't place
much store by this, knowing only too well how the Greek and later Roman Gods came
into being, and that Jehovah alone is God over everything, Who has created all and
maintains and guides everything!'
[13] Say I, 'Friend, even though you speak, you have not understood Me, whilst those
who understood Me are not saying anything, being Greek as much as yourself. There
is of course not much in the name, but in the faith of the heart! But this also has to
be taken into account, that it is better to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and to there
with proper and intelligent devotion partake of the feasts, than to make a journey to
Delphi to ask the foolish Pythia for advice!
[14] The immense Temple excesses verily are better known to Me than yourselves,
and you heard how I am against them. But with all its evil, the Temple nevertheless is
incomparably better than the one at Delphi, whose priests and priestesses are nothing
more than fine dialecticians, knowing how to give just that answer to every question
which always makes them right in the end!
[15] After you had at one stage decided to take a wife, you first made a trip to
Delphi, and there for a lot of money asked Pythia whether you shall be happy with the
woman you intended marrying. Tell Me, what was the answer?'
[16] Says the Greek, 'All right, thus, with the woman you shall be, not unhappy
indeed!' And behold, the oracle told me the truth, because I really am happy with my
[17] Say I, 'Behold, the oracle would have been right even if you had been unhappy
with your woman!'
[18] Says the Greek, 'I don't see how that is possible!' Say I, 'Because you are
spiritually blind! Behold, the sentence goes as follows: "With your woman you shall
happy be, not unhappy indeed", but if you divide the sentence after the negation,
then the oracle is right when you are unhappy; because then, without any alteration
to the chain of words, the sentence would go: "With your woman you shall happy be
not, unhappy indeed."
[19] If nevertheless you don't believe Me, then ask your neighbour, who a year later
went to Delphi on similar business, and whether the answer he got is not the same to
the dot; yet he is very unhappy with his wife, who is a major scatterbrain. Yet with
him, the oracle is just as correct as with you, and yet you highly regard it! Judge for
yourself what is better, the Temple at Jerusalem or the oracle of Delphi!?'
[20] Here the Greek is wide-eyed, saying, 'Master, now everything is clear to me!
This, only God and no man can know. You are either God Himself or a Son begotten
of God, but not a son of man like us! Hence we intend turning back to the Temple,
although not under the Pharisees' rod, but freely. These Pharisees however must go,
for they have too greatly deceived us, relieving us of nearly all our goods, both
spiritually and materially! We therefore shall remain pro-forma Greeks, but in truth
confessors of Moses and the prophets! We also shall go to Jerusalem annually and
visit the Temple; and if same is closed to us, then the hall of strangers remains open
to us, which also is part of the Temple!'
[21] Say I, 'Do as you think fit; only protect your hearts against falsehood, anger,
vengefulness and persecution. Let you be of chaste and pure predisposition; love God
truly above all and your neighbours as yourselves; bless those who curse you, doing
no harm to those who hate and persecute you; this way you shall be god-pleasing,
peaceful, gathering burning coals over your enemies' heads!'

Chapter 188
Arrival in Jesaira of Mary, with Joseph's sons. 'Who is My mother, who My
brethren'. Baram inviting the Lord to supper; dismissal of the people. The
Pharisees' curse over Baram and their just mugging. [Matthew 12:46-50]
[1] Whilst I yet spoke to the people, mother Mary arrived with My brethren, for she
had found out at Kisjonah's house that I had gone and might be staying at Jesaira. It
was half a day's journey on foot, and she was well capable of being in Jesaira at noon
on Monday, having left home very early morning.
[2] Her concerns were on the one hand domestic, which she wanted to discuss with
Me, whilst on the other hand they reached into the spiritual, for she had found out
quite a few things about Me at Capernaum, about which she wanted especially to talk
to Me. [Matthew 12:46] But due to the crush, she could not get into the house,
whence she was waiting outside till I came out.
[3] But because she had been waiting a long time in vain, she asked someone from
Baram's house to tell Me she has been waiting outside for a lengthy period and
needed to urgently talk to Me; so the messenger forced his way into My vicinity,
saying, 'Master! Behold, your mother and brethren stand outside, wanting to speak to
You!'[Matthew 12:47]
[4] Here I said to the messenger in an earnest tone, 'What are you saying? Who is My
mother, and who My brethren?!' [Matthew 12:48] Here the messenger drew back
somewhat scared.
[5]  But I raised My right hand over My disciples and said, 'Behold, these are My
mother and My brethren! [Matthew 12:49] For he who does the will of My Father Who
is in heaven, same of a truth is My brother, My sister, My mother! [Matthew 12:50]
But step outside and tell those tarrying that I shall come!'
[6] Some found this saying hard, reproaching Me and asking whether I am not aware
of Moses' commandment regarding parents.
[7] I however rebuked them for such question, saying, 'I know Who I am, and My
disciples and My earthly mother also know, and hence I can speak according to the
truth; let you therefore sweep before your own door diligently; for I know best what I
must do.' All kept their silence after this and none dared say anything for or against
[8] After a period of silence, Baram the host stepped over to Me, saying 'Lord and
Master. Noon is with us, and the meal is ready for You, Your disciples and Your
earthly relatives, who are tarrying for You outside. Would You perhaps do me, a poor
sinner, the honour to partake of the ready meal?'
[9] Say I, 'For today I actually had planned another meal, which I am going to
consume at the sea; but since you have invited Me in such an honourable way, I
intend granting you the honour and grace at the table. But this I shall also say, that
none of the Pharisees is to come into the room where I shall dine, except for the
young Ahab, whom I am taking up among My disciples. Because with his colleagues,
who have become deeply suspicious of him as a result of seeing him speak with Me
before, he shall no longer be able to get on. But let you now tell the people that I
shall be saying and doing no more in this house, so that they would go outside and
leave us room, because with this crush it would be hard to make an exit in a natural
[10] After these My words, Baram turns to the people, saying, 'Beloved neighbours!
The godly Master has now finished speaking and shall not be saying and even less
doing anything further in this house; would you all except Ahab therefore oblige me
by quietly stepping outside, because the Master would like to speak with him.' In
response to these words all the people except the Pharisees move outdoors.
[11] When the people were gone, the old Pharisees furiously stepped over to Me and
quite impudently demanded to know what I had in mind with Ahab, whether he too is
going to be prepared by Me for hell. On hearing such question, Baram is filled with
justifiable anger and says to them, 'My taxes have I paid annually to the last farthing,
and am therefore the lawful owner of this house built by myself, and will not tolerate
any strangers like yourselves to molest in my very own house a guest I am honouring
and hosting! I therefore command you to instantly leave this my house and remove
yourselves beyond the boundary of my property, or I shall make immediate use of my
owner's privileges!'
[12] Say the Pharisees, 'So you too have become a Greek now, threatening us with
owner's rights? Should you not be aware of the fact that with the Jews, there are no
owner's rights in the presence of a Pharisee?! Is not every Pharisee the perfect lord in
every Jewish house he enters, with the actual owner resuming his lordship upon the
Pharisees' departure? Do you not know as well that as a Jew you are only a steward
and no lord of your house, nor your grounds and that we can take grounds and house
away from you whenever we please and rent it out to someone else for fifty years?
[13] Says Baram, 'This I have as a Jew indeed known to my immense anger;
therefore I am a Greek today, or more precisely a Roman, and in return for a given
rate of taxation have procured for myself an irreversible property deed, of which I
shall at once give you a taste if you don't immediately comply with my request.'
[14] Say the Pharisees, 'Show us the deed from the Roman court!' Baram pulls out a
still well legible deed, stamped with the emperor's seal, holding it up before the old
ones and asking, 'Do you know this!' They yell, 'So you too are a traitor to God,
Temple and us?! For this we can thank this son of David? Hence let you too be cursed
together with your house!'
[15] As the Pharisees pronounce such curse, Baram quickly reached for a decent rod
and proceeded with all his strength to belabour the Pharisees, exclaiming, 'Wait, you
servants of Satan, I'll pay you the right wages for your curse!' Yells one Pharisee still
out of range of the rod, ' It is written: "Let him beware who lays a hand on God's
anointed".' Says Baram, 'I know that quite well; that's why I used a rod! And Baram
lets also this "anointed" taste the rod! With this, the wicked Pharisees and scribes
with the exception of Ahab, flee outside, where they are also served up by the people.

Chapter 189
Baram apologises for his behaviour. Ahab warns against the Temple's
revenge; the Lord's comfort for both. Baram - Joseph's apprentice. Mary's
joy upon reunion with the Lord. Ahab speaks about a typical, fanatical
Temple-manoeuvre against Jesus, in view of the resurrection of Jairus'
[1] After these were gotten over the border, Baram returns, somewhat fatigued,
saying, 'Lord, forgive me! I truly find no pleasure in what I just did, but this evil and
adulterous lot became intolerable. One cannot of a truth imagine Satan to be more
wicked than these fellows, who earnestly think the entire earth to be their property
already. But this would not have upset me personally overmuch yet, but when these
fellows started to properly confront you I could no longer suppress my just anger and
had to make use of my owner's rights. But do not let it trouble you; for should these
fellows lodge a complaint, I shall know how to handle my defence, and how to
vindicate you wisely and cleverly.’
[2] Says Ahab, 'Friend, there is no harm in you taking the necessary precautions;
because these old buggers shall now have nothing more urgent to do than report this
incident in the worst possible light. Firstly, their most unfavourable prospects by
virtue of the works of this godly Master, together with the total apostasy of all Jesaira
from Judaism, together with my own behaviour, and secondly to Herod, and how he
has lost all his subjects through their purchase of Roman citizenship! This shall
awaken all evil spirits of Jerusalem, with probably quite sinister repercussions for this
place! Hence let you take precautions and assure yourself of imperial assistance, or
these evil spirits shall play up wickedly with you.'
[3] Say I, 'Ahab, let it be; that nothing shall befall Baram’s house I vouch for you; but
that the old inhuman ones shall do as said by you is the truth, yet neither Baram nor
yourself need to trouble yourselves. But now let us go to the meal, where I also
intend hearing Mary and Joseph's sons'.
[4] Says Baram, surprised at the mention of Joseph's name, 'What, my master at
Nazareth, whom I owe so many thanks? He was in those days still a young man, yet
already a master of his craft when I was his apprentice. With what patience and
lovingness he showed me all the high points of his craft, and then bringing me all the
best work, supporting me with advice and deed without fee; this truly I shall never
[5] Say I, 'Well then, Mary is his second wife, becoming his through the Temple; the
two men with her however being Joseph's sons by his first wife, now carrying on their
father's craft. I Myself however physically am Mary's son, My name being Jesus!'
[6] Says Baram, 'Oh, how fortunate for me, that my house should meet with such
honour and grace. But let us now quickly attend to the tables, to avoid undue waiting
on the part of the glorious mother and Joseph's two sons'. We at once move to the
dining room, where Mary with Joseph's two sons await us.
[7] On seeing Me, Mary burst into tears of joy, for she had not seen Me now close on
two months, as also the two brothers, who loved Me exceedingly. After we all
exchanged heartfelt greetings, we all started toward the tables, saying our thanks
and then consuming the good and abundant meal, shared by Kisjonah, who with his
wife and daughters still had not left Me, and who had much to talk about with Mary
and the two brothers.
[8] After the meal, sitting at the table and drinking watered down wine on account of
the heat, Ahab asked to speak, for he had an important disclosure to make, especially
concerning My security, for he had only during the conversation established that I am
that Jesus of Nazareth, highly esteemed by the people, but held in contempt by the
Pharisees, yet of unprecedented renown throughout the land. I say to him, 'Say what
you know'.
[9] Speaks Ahab, 'Lord and Master! You of a truth resurrected our chief Jairus'
daughter from the dead - the entire region knows this - as also about the daughter of
a Roman centurion. Whoever would even in the least doubt that even the most
appalling and cruel tyrant would show everlasting gratitude for such wondrous deed,
and make way to the right of his throne for the miracle worker, as did Pharaoh with
Joseph once, after the latter's prophecy!
[10] What however does this Temple-brood do, these true Satan-servants? They
brought out a report, which I myself too was obliged to sign, although I had not at
that time either heard about any of Jesus' teaching nor seen any of His deeds. In
accord with this report all kinds of spies and assassins have been sent out by the
Temple as well as Herod and the Roman governor, for the purpose of getting rid of
[11] In this report You are denounced to Jerusalem as a deceiver of the people, a
seducer and agitator, in a way no man had been denounced before! Jairus' daughter
was not supposed to have been dead at all when You were called to heal or resurrect
her, but that she was perfectly well, but made to act to test You! On going and saying
to her: "Talitha Kumi", the chief realised that You are a deceiver, having no real
knowledge of healing; for were You as a Saviour capable of assessing a person and
their sickness, You would have known at first glance not only that the maiden was not
dead, but on the contrary bursting with health!
[12] The Roman chief, named Cornelius I think, whose servant or daughter You are
supposed to have resurrected from death, takes exception to this; but what is he
against such mass of false testimonies!
[13] Beloved, dearest friend, Master and Lord! I could tell You a lot still; but I can see
that my account has saddened You. As this slandering of You is too dastardly infernal,
I shall be silent about the rest; it is enough that I told you the main part. The only
good thing about it is that Satan is stupid and easily excelled by the truly wise and
clever; what should be that much easier for You on account of Your exceeding
wisdom. Let it be left at that.
[14] Although I am quite a simple man myself, I nevertheless quite easily can twist
these buggers around each of my fingers, and don't consider it a sin to have Satan
heftily run up against the wall! This lets him depart from the place of conflict for a
while, tail between legs, and a wise and clever man's spirit gains time for something
more uplifting than the constant tussle with Satan.'
Chapter 190
Mary's account of her and Joseph's sons' expulsion from their property by
the Pharisees. Baram's and Kisjonah's offer to Mary pleases the Lord. The
Lord boards a ship to give His sermon on the Kingdom of heaven to the
people. [Matthew 13:1-2]
[1] Mary now says, 'My Lord and Son! What this young man told You just now is
strictly true, and it is my being driven from my house on Your account that has
caused me to come and tell You. What am I to do now, with Your brothers and
sisters, speaking terrestrially of course? For I know that You have no relatives on
earth, other than the disciples, at heart.
[2] Our little lot is gone. The wicked Pharisees have seized hold of it and have sold
our hut together with the well-tended garden to strangers! Know that I and Your
brothers and sisters are no longer young enough to do strenuous labour for a living;
and even if we tried, these evil Temple autocrats have threatened to punish any Jews
that were to give us work or even alms! What are we to do and where to live from
[3] Says both Baram and Kisjonah, 'Highly esteemed mother through whom God has
shown the endless grace of bringing the most exalted Son of all heavens into this evil
world, do not let this trouble you in the least. Behold, we firstly are no longer Jews
from the civil aspect, but Greeks - outwardly, although fully Jews according to Moses
by conscience! We both are - all praise to the Lord - wealthy; hence let you move in
with all your relatives, and you shall be lacking in nothing!'
[4] Say I, 'Friends, your offer is balm poured in My heart! My blessing and grace shall
be with you forever. But I shall nonetheless presently go home, to see by what right
these goblins have robbed the mother - the rightful wife of Joseph, of their small and
well earned property.
[5] And I shall then also trade a few words with Jairus; for his daughter is to once
again fall sick, and he shall come to Me, after which I shall speak to him. But for now,
since matters indeed stand thus, with the infernal brood having laid traps
everywhere, we shall arise and take to the sea, which has set us no trap!
[6] But I shall in the first instance from the sea reveal a few things about the
kingdom of heaven to the people through metaphors, so that none should once be
able to find excuses and say; "How should I have believed and kept it, since I never
heard anything about it?" When the old goblins arrive, let the people not obstruct
them, so that they shall once have that much less to excuse themselves with.
[7] Let you friend Kisjonah however go and make ready your big ship, for we shall be
much in need of same!' Kisjonah rises with his and goes to attend to My wish.
[8] Baram however asks for permission to accompany Me, since I am not able, or
minded to stay at his home.
[9] And I say, 'As far and as long as you have a mind to! For no honest or just
request has ever been rejected or left unheard on My part!' Baram therefore makes
domestic arrangements with his wife and children, including on how to respond to the
evil persecutors. Taking some gold with him, he then comes over to the sea with us,
even as we also are tailed by an outsize crowd. [Matthew 13:1]
[10] Nor are the old evil Pharisees missing, but in disguise, to avoid being recognised
by the people. Arriving at the shore to the people's exclamations of - "Hail to David's
Son" - the crush? swelled to where I and My relatives could not retain a foothold, and
the much multiplied disciples even less.
[11] I therefore said to Kisjonah, 'Let the half-landing be dropped, for we must go out
to sea, the land is getting scarce!' Kisjonah quickly dropped the landing, and we
boarded the ship [Matthew 13:2]. On seeing Me board ship the people thought I was
departing and loudly pleaded with Me to let them have the promised teaching on the
kingdom of heaven!
Chapter 191
The parables of the kingdom of heaven, the sower and the seed.
Explanation of: "He who has, to him shall be given; he who has not,
from same shall be taken what he has. [Matthew 13:3-23]
[1] When we all were aboard ship and the landing retracted, I asked the people to
quieten down and to settle down at the shore. And the people did so, with the only
exception being the old Pharisees, who did not settle down but stood close, near their
ship, for they were determined to not let Me out of their sight again, and were
therefore ready to also follow us at sea.
[2] But I took a seat on the spacious deck and began to speak a few things to the
people in parables, so that the stupid Pharisees would not understand it. The people
however, of a more wakeful spirit over here, on the whole understood Me quite well.
[3] To begin with, I compared Myself to a sower, saying, 'Behold, a sower went out to
sow good and wholesome grain [Mt. 13:3]. And as he sowed, some seed fell upon the
wayside, and the birds came and devoured it [Mt. 13:4]. Some fell on stony ground,
with little soil and sprouted quickly, not having depth or weight of soil over it [Mt.
13:5], but when the sun came up glowing with many beams, the sprouts that sprang
up in the cool and moist of night, withered and dried, being without roots [Mt. 13:6].
Some fell among thorns, and these, with their more abundant growth choked them
[Mt. 13:7]. And some fell on good soil, bearing fruit, some a hundredfold, some
sixtyfold and some thirtyfold [Mt. 13:8]. He who has ears, let him hear!' [Mt. 13:9]
[4] Here I was about to carry on without a break, but some of the disciples, not
comprehending these parables themselves, stepped up to Me and said, 'Why do you
suddenly now speak to them in parables? [Mt. 13:10] Those of us who have been
around You for quite some time now, hardly can understand them?! Do you not see
how they are shrugging their shoulders, some even thinking that You are either
having them on, or speak of indifferent things on account of the Pharisees, and that
everybody knows that grain should not be sown along the wayside or upon stony
ground or upon thorns! We do indeed grasp what You are getting at, but those on the
shore really think You are having them on! Or can You be seriously instructing them
in a way not comprehensible to them?'
[5] Say I to the disciple, 'What are you talking about, interrupting Me. I know why I
speak to those people in parables which they are not to understand. To you it is given
to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to these it is not given [Mt.
13:11]. For it is thus: he who has, to him it is given, that he may have in fullness.
But he who has not, from him shall be taken what he has! [Mt. 13:12] For which
reason I as Lord speak to them in parables. For, having eyes, they see not and having
ears, they hear not; for they do not comprehend it [Mt. 13:13].
[6] All the things I have worked here! And for what do they take Me? They all are
blind and deaf. A parable for them you saw yesterday, with the blind and mute. As
was he in body, so are they in their soul; wherefore I speak to them in parables, that
it may be fulfilled what Isaiah prophesied: "With the ears you shall hear yet not
comprehend, and with seeing eyes you shall see and yet perceive nothing! [Mt.
[7] For this people's heart is obstinate and their ears dull and their eyes slumbering,
lest with their eyes they might see, with the ears hear and with their heart
understand and be converted, and I could help them! [Mt. 13:15]
[8] But blessed are your eyes for seeing this, and your ears for hearing it! [Mt. 13:16]
For verily, I say unto you: many prophets and righteous men desired to see and hear
what you see and hear, yet did not see or hear it. [Mt. 13:17]
[9] But I have said, that, unto you it is given to understand the mystery of the
kingdom of God; yet I perceive that, basically, your understanding is not much better
than those on the shore. Let you therefore hear what the parable of the sower
signifies, it being thus: [Mt. 13:18]
[10] If anyone hears the Word of the kingdom of God that I speak but does not
understand it in his heart, which with its worldliness is trodden smooth as a roadway,
then the wicked one soon sees the Word not fallen in the earth but unto the trodden
world-smooth outer and exposed surface of the heart, easily plucking off what
actually is sown in the heart, yet clinging to the world-smooth outer surface; and
behold, such man is like unto a wayside unto which the grain i.e. My Word, has fallen
[Mt. 13:19]. And of this variety there are many standing at the shore!
[11] But the following is a case of the seed falling on stony ground: where a person
hears the Word, receiving it with much joy. [Mt. 13:20] But, because like a stone,
such man has little life-moisture or proper stoutness of heart, and too little soil, or
firmness of will, in or above himself, being like the stone dependent upon the
weather, whether it be moist or dry, and hence changeable, then such person, when
on account of My Word he comes to be tried by all kinds of tribulations and
persecution, turns full of anger and fury, [Mt. 13:21] resembling the sun-heated
stone, upon which of course My word cannot take root, in the end having to wither
[12] And behold, there upon the shore stand many such stones, who indeed now are
offended in Me on account of the Pharisees; but then seeing My Words directed to
them being immediately followed by all sorts of tribulation and persecution, they
deaden the Word in their heart by, on the one hand being too much offended, and too
fearful on the other. For in spite of all the signs they saw and all My living assurances
that I can adequately protect them against all kinds of trouble, they still don't believe
and hence resemble the stone upon which the seed fell.
[13] But the falling of the seed among thorns signifies the following: where a person
hears the Word and even accepts it, but is immersed in all kinds of worldly business,
and worries associated therewith on account of deceitful gain and even more deceitful
riches; such trivial worries accumulate by the day, richly proliferating in the heart like
all weeds, to but easily smother My sowed Word. [Mt. 13:22]
[14] And again behold, of such there stand many at the shore, resembling the thorns
among which the seed fell.
[15] And the following is the seed sown into good soil; where a person hears My
Word, receiving it into the depth of his heart, where alone it is at all times understood
validly, rightly and animatedly. Such man then is such good ground into which the
seed falls and, depending on man's will and strength, brings forth the fruit of good
works a hundredfold, sixtyfold or thirtyfold. [Mt. 13:23] And a hundredfold is when he
does all for Me, sixtyfold where he does much for Me and thirtyfold where he does a
good portion for Me.
[16] By analogy, there are in My kingdom three heavens; the first for the hundredfold
fruit, the one below it for the sixtyfold and the lowermost for the thirtyfold. Lower
than the thirty receives no consideration, and he who has less than thirty shall have it
taken from him and added to him who has thirty, sixty or a hundred. And it shall thus
be taken from him who has nothing and added to him who already has, that he may
have in all fullness!'
[17] Say all, 'Yes, Lord and Master; for Your wisdom exceeds all our ever so great and
presumably wise thoughts! Hence we ask You to continue speaking thus!'
Chapter 192
The parables of the tares among the wheat, and the mustard seed. The
disciples' non-comprehension. Ahab's commendable quote from Isaiah
regarding the Messiah. The uncomprehending people are sent home. The
Pharisees upon the stormy sea.
[1] I now however speak loudly enough for those standing upon the shore to hear,
'Now then, he who has ears, let him hear, and he who has eyes - in the heart, let Me
emphasize - let him see! I want to give you another parable on the kingdom of God:
[2] The kingdom of heaven also is like unto a man who sowed good seed upon his
ground. [Mt. 13:24] But while his servants slept, the owner's adversary came, casting
sheer weeds among the wheat, which then sprang up with the wheat. [Mt. 13:25]
Wherever the wheat came up with its fruit, there the weeds also came up. [Mt.
[3] When the servants saw this they came to the landlord and said, "Lord, did you not
cast prime wheat upon the field? Wherefrom came the weeds?" [Mt. 13:27]
[4] The landlord however spoke, saying, "This my enemy has done!" And the servants
replied, "Lord, shall we go and weed it out?" [Mt. 13:28] And the lord said, "Let it be,
so that you would not trample and pull out the wheat with the weed. [Mt. 13:29] Let
them both grow together till harvest! At harvest time I shall say to the cutters,
"Gather up the tares into bundles first and remove them from the field to a place for
burning, but afterwards gather the clean wheat into my barns!" [Mt. 13:30] 'Behold,
this is an appropriate parable of the kingdom of heaven! But hear Me further! I want
to give you more parables, which all depict the kingdom of God. Hence hearken!
[5] The kingdom of heaven is like unto a mustard seed which a man took and cast
into his field. [Mt. 13:31] This seed of a truth is known to be among the smallest
among the seeds. But when it grows it is the biggest among the herbs, and finally a
very tree, so that even the birds of the air come to build their nest among its
branches.' [Mt. 13:32]
[6] Here the disciples looked at each wide eyed, saying, 'What's this; who can grasp
this? Now the kingdom of heaven resembles a mustard seed?!'
[7] Say I, 'Wonder not but hearken further! Yet another parable I want to give you on
the kingdom of God.
[8] The Kingdom of heaven also resembles leaven, which a woman took and mixed
into three measures of wheaten flour, until all was leavened.' [Mt. 13:33]
[9] All the disciples as well as the twelve wakeful apostles once again looked at one
another, saying among themselves, "Who can grasp and understand this? Or does He
want to have the people on, because of the Pharisees? It is impossible to understand
why He now talks in these most muddled images?"
[10] Ahab however, who was exceedingly well-versed in Scripture, overhearing the
disciples talk, said to them, "If this One is what I now firmly believe Him to be, then
the following prophecy of Isaiah would probably apply to Him, which speaks about
Him constantly, speaking in parables: [Mt. 13:34], ‘I will open My mouth in parables;
I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.’
[11] Behold, thus spoke once the great prophet, and so sang David once in his Psalm,
78: verse 2, and this, besides a lot of other things, exactly applies to Him; and
despite of this, you can still ask: how so?, being with and around Him for a
considerable time now. He shall, if necessary, reveal these parables to us indeed; and
if not necessary, well, then we can still boast that we are ourselves able to see and
hear, what all the patriarchs and prophets would have much liked to see and hear.’
[12] All the disciples are quite happy with this interpretation; the people however,
now that I kept silent during Ahab’s talk, asked Me whether I am going to say more of
such incomprehensible things, or whether they should go about their business, -
‘they, who are tarrying at the shore for a good teaching’ - but which has not
[13] But I said, ‘Let you return home, for it was not on your account that I opened My
mouth, knowing full well your uncomprehending heart. Wherefore also your children
once shall be your masters and judges.’ Therewith all the people soon departed from
the shore, and each went to their dwelling.
[14] Only the Pharisees, noticing that Kisjonah was getting his boat ready, soon
boarded their ship, held in readiness, and took to their oars ahead of us. But secretly,
My will was that they should be seized by a strong wind. And behold, a mighty wind
soon began driving their boat, completely covering it with waves time after time.
Chapter 193
The Lord with His in the storm, stills the sea. Ahab reprehends the doubting
disciples. Judas’ remark, and Ahab’s humble testimony to the Messiah. The
Lord’s hints about Ahab.
[1] We however took off from Jesaira in a totally different direction and it was
necessary that we too had to be overtaken by a great storm on the high sea,
whereupon the disciples together with all on board were gripped by much fear, as
once before, starting to scream with fear for My help, or all should perish.
[2] And as once before, I commanded the wind and the sea, whereupon immediate
calm of wind and sea set in, with all the people in the boat exclaiming: ‘Who is He
Whom wind and sea obey?’
[3] Ahab however, who had not chimed in with this question, said to the disciples and
a few others, ‘Friends, this once again was a most untimely and foolish amazement.
You surely have been such a long time with and around Him, and still can be as
amazed as if this were His first sign that you saw Him work. I have been hardly one
day among you, and yet all this is as comprehensible to me as anything can be to a
man. If He is that, namely the great promised Messiah, Who according to David is
neither more nor less than Jehovah Himself, acting through flesh and blood, then it
should be easy for Him to terminate a sea storm, since it would hardly have been
difficult for Him to create the whole world. If such is indisputably the case, and you
know Him, how does such question and astonishment arise in your heart?’
[4] Says Judas, somewhat indignant at Ahab’s comments, ‘Friend, should we no
longer be astonished at what the Lord does before our eyes, just because we have
seen this and much else of His?’
[5] Says Ahab, ‘Brother, such be far from us. But I look at it this way: we should
indeed be amazed in all meekness of heart that He should work such before our eyes,
and that He should consider us not so worthy beings worthy enough of His love,
wisdom and power, and for working such deeds before our eyes and senses. I for
myself at least do not consider myself worthy of the least of this. But since we know
Who He is and then wonder that He Who has made heaven and earth should work
extraordinary deeds, as if this had been done by a mere man, then in the end we
would consider Him, the Lord, as no more than some other, albeit extraordinary
human. And in this context I consider your astonishment, ensuing upon the sudden
stilling of the storm, as somewhat out of place.
[6] Would it not be ridiculous to also start wondering at sun, moon, stars and earth
and all the most wonderfully equipped and shaped creatures, which surely are as
much His work as the extraordinary stilling of this powerful storm upon the sea? If
however we have to wonder, then let us wonder only at how the almighty God
Jehovah, the Unspeakable, lowers Himself so endlessly as to come to us mortal and
exceedingly weak mankind from His eternal, immeasurable heights; which should be
almost unbelievable if not already prophesied since Adam, Henoch and all the
prophets right down to Zecharias and his son John, as is now happening in the
fullness of truth.
[7] The greatest wonder, it seems to me, is that, as prophesied by hundreds of
prophets with one accord, all this is here now! What is now taking place is but a
natural consequence of the prior and most wonderful manifestation upon this earth,
namely: the aforementioned appearance of Jehovah in the flesh and blood.’
[8] Say even the twelve disciples to me, ‘Lord, wherefrom this one’s speech and lucid
[9] Said I, ‘It is not his flesh and blood inspiring him, but his most wakeful spirit, so
that it won’t take much to the full rebirth of his spirit. It does not do you much honour
however that he is a teacher to you rather than you to him; but his advantage over
you is his being deeply versed in Scripture, and I love him as I love you, there being
much meekness in his heart.’
Chapter 194
Man’s spiritual fatherland: his interior as a life gathering abode. About
Father, Son and holy Spirit. The Lord blesses Kisjonah.
[1] And now the disciples at the water’s edge ask Me, ‘Where, oh Lord, shall we be
going now?’ Say I, ‘We shall head straight for home.’ The disciples replied, ‘Lord,
there we shall not fare too well. For have not the Pharisees taken everything away
from Your earthly mother of Your body; and so home in our opinion is in a somewhat
sad state, even though we know that everywhere is home to You, and You therefore
are at home.’
[2] Said I, ‘You ought to by now be more versed in the language of the spirit! If I say
that we are heading straight for home, do I want to go to Nazareth? Understand, for
once! When I speak of going home, I mean man’s interior, which is man’s true
gathering point of life, strength, power and all wisdom. There we therefore are going.
We are in need of inner, spiritual rest, and this is a proper home; within it - not on My
but your account, we shall find what the outer flesh and blood is in need of. Do you
understand that?’
[3] Say the disciples, ‘Yes Lord, now we understand it’
[4] Say I, ‘Terrestrially however we are going to Kisjonah again. In his home we are
safe, because this is a free house, and it pays a large tribute for this to the emperor,
and the Pharisees shall be kept away. But a few days thereafter we shall indeed be
going to the terrestrial fatherland, and shall attempt to make straight what has
become exceedingly crooked.’
[5] Says Kisjonah, ‘Lord, I would that it were Your pleasure for not just a few days,
but preferably, that You stay at my, or rather in all truth, exclusively Your house,
together with all Yours, for a few moons (months), or at least a few weeks, because
in Nazareth You shall, unless You let fire and brimstone rain from the sky, find little or
no reception, especially with the Scribes and Pharisees, who are increasingly after
Your life.’
[6] ‘Friend, banish such cares, for I can only be got at or harmed to the extent that
the Father Who is within Me as I am within Him allows it. And all the things that will
be allowed for the salvation of mankind and the fulfillment of Scripture I have already
known in advance for an eternity. All the prophets would never have been able to
prophesy this without My knowing it in advance. For the same Spirit now dwelling in
all fullness within Me and speaking to you has also spoken to the prophets what you
read in the Scripture. Since now the same Spirit is personally here, He must also fulfill
what He has prophesied of Himself through the prophets. You should not worry about
it. For this almighty Spirit will surely know how to help Himself.’
[7] Kisjonah, understanding Me, keeps silent; then, after a while, beating his breast
three times, he says, ‘I am not actually worthy of Your sheltering under my roof, but
show me poor sinner grace and mercy nevertheless, and stay a few days for my
[8] Say I, ‘Feel at ease nevertheless. Because for as long as I have work to do on this
earth, I shall stay with you, together with all who are with Me; for your house shall be
My house of rest. But I shall nevertheless have to frequently leave it on account of My
work; but I shall never leave it spiritually’ (laying My hands on Kisjonah’s heart
Chapter 195
Surprise upon arriving at Kisjonah’s home town. Jairuth and Jonael’s
reunion. The Lord’s miraculous assistance through an angel.
[1] By the time we spoke thus, we hit shore, and that at the very landing place of
Kisjonah’s from where, through a big and beautiful garden, one could get to
Kisjonah’s spacious buildings and dwellings, within which everything had been readied
for our reception. Because I had already secretly notified Kisjonah at Baram’s house
that I shall be returning to his place, whereupon he at once sent home a small
conveyance of messengers with instructions.
[2] And who did we run into there? Jairuth, the wealthy merchant of Sychar, who
owned and occupied Esau’s old castle; and Jonael, the high priest of the same place
with whom we have been acquainted; both were escorted there by the angel who was
with Jairuth; for they had worthy things to discuss with Me. And so this indeed was a
pleasant surprise of a celestial nature.
[3] These two, touched to the core with fervent joy on seeing Me, were not able to
utter a word; deeply moved, they greeted Me with placing their quivering hands on
their chests with all the love of their hearts.
[4] But I said to them, ‘My cherished friends and brethren! Save yourselves the effort
of your tongue, for the language of your hearts means more to Me than a thousand
ever so beautiful words spoken by the tongue, of which the heart is often only
marginally conscious.
[5] First recover from your long and arduous journey; only then do I intend to tell
you, My Jonael, what you shall need to do at home against the High priest appointed
by the arch-Samaritans in addition to yourself for officiating in the trivial and blind
ministry at Gerizim. But, as said, you have need of first resting and recovering, so
first take to rest and recovery.
[6] You, My brother Kisjonah, bring them refreshment, availing yourself of the
servant who escorted the two friends from Sychar; for this one is not tired, and he
shall give you speedy and good services, and is an initiate to your household as if a
senior servant to you of many years. Hence let you avail yourself of him untroubled,
letting also your weary people rest a while; the day is indeed coming to an end, yet it
shall not be retarding your household if the weary ones retire a little earlier than
usual, for this servant shall adequately substitute for them all.
[7] Says Kisjonah, ‘That all things are possible to You oh Lord, of this I am vividly
convinced, and of a faith quite like unto Ahab’s our young Pharisee; but how this
delicate boy rather than youth, can not only carry out the many tasks still remaining,
then serve us, several hundreds, as well, this oh Lord, although not doubting in the
least, nevertheless baffles me exceedingly!’
[8] Say I, ‘Friend, at home you are short of milk, cheese and butter, whereas you
have an abundant supply on your alps. Let all your supplies first be brought down
from the alps by this servant; it serves you better if your supply is here rather than in
the mountains, which shall be skimmed by a horde of wild Scythians overnight to spy
them out for robbery.’
[9] Says Kisjonah, ‘Ah, I am catching on! This boy is probably one like those three
who served us in the alps? Say I, ‘Well yes, only ask and speculate no more, or it
shall be too late.’
[10] Kisjonah quickly moves over to the youth to ask him amicably. Says the youth,
‘Let you not be troubled, dear friend of my Lord and God; it shall all be fixed in a few
moments; because with me, here, there or anywhere is all the same, and although I
am one of the feeblest, the entire earth has to shake under the power of my feet.’
[11] Kisjonah was exceedingly astonished at such talk, being unable to conceptualise
such possibility and in his amazement hardly noticed that with these words, the youth
had left the room to attend to his errand.
[12] Kisjonah however, had not yet done with astonishment, and was about to ask Me
how such were possible, when the youth already stood before him lithely, saying with
a smile, ‘Well now, you are still pondering over how such is possible, and behold, I
already have it under control! Even that which your scribes did not manage to record
at the busy tolls today, notwithstanding their laboriousness, I managed to fill in, so
that now they have leisure and are un-engaged.’
[13] Kisjonah, confounded, not knowing what to make of it, says full of astonishment,
‘But, my cherished friend, you have hardly left the room, but are supposed to have
already accomplished what would take all my people together, with all their diligence,
a whole week. This seems just a shade unbelievable to me. You would need to have a
thousand hands and the speed of lightning.’
[14] Says the youth, ‘Well, then go out and be convinced!’
Chapter 196
More miraculous angelic service in Kisjonah’s house. Just one angel in
charge of the terrestrial plant world. The angel’s hints about his power,
which only is that of the Lord. The quick messenger.
[1] Kisjonah goes to the larder and finds the neatly arranged supplies of milk, cheese
and butter in their respective places, then goes to the barns, finding them full; for
even the ripened harvest of the field had been brought in. He then goes to the great
stables for cattle, sheep as well as donkeys, finding everything properly attended.
From there he goes to his big office building, checks the books and finds everything in
proper order, checking the tills and finding them all full. He rushes to the large
kitchen and there finds everything fixed up by the right quantity and selections, fully
cooked, asking the men and women cooks how this may have taken place. These can
tell him only, ‘A beautiful youth came into the kitchen, saying; place the foods in the
bowls as they are already well prepared. We checked the foods and it was as the
youth said, who immediately left us. Taste them, and you shall see it is so.’
[2] Sampling the foods, Kisjonah finds the cooks are telling the truth. He quickly
betakes himself back to the big room where I was, and the youth asks him, ‘Now, are
you happy with me Kisjonah?’
[3] Says Kisjonah, ‘Much of the supernatural has indeed already taken place in my
house, for which I could not account other than say, with God all things are possible.
Yet this nevertheless is the most incredible so far. To carry out in a moment a task
that could have taken a solid day’s work, that as said, through a man filled with God’s
spirit is understandable. But that a hundred tasks in widely separated locations can be
simultaneously carried out by one human being in just one moment is a completely
different thing, and to a mortal is entirely beyond grasp or intellectual acumen, and I
can only once again say, Lord, have mercy upon me, a poor sinner, for never shall I
be worthy of Your living under my roof.’
[4] Say I to Kisjonah, ‘Let you now cease your astonishment and have your people
bring in the foods, for we are all now in need of the same.
[5] But if you are already so much taken aback with this, what will you say if I tell
you that, of a truth, on the entire earth, only one angel is assigned the task of caring
and acting upon all the grass, shrubbery and trees: for the bringing forth of all the
most diverse fruits, as well as take care of all the animals of the sea, air and upon the
land? Such too shall be incomprehensible to you; and yet behold, it is and takes place
so. Hence do not be astonished unduly, but go and let the foods be brought in
through your servants.’
[6] Says Kisjonah, ‘Lord, my only love and life, what if You were to permit this
wonderful youth to assist me with getting the large quantities of food in here, since it
is bound to take my servants a full hour?’
[7] Say I, ‘Just so, avail yourself of him. Only cut out the excessive amazement, for
you know that with God all things are quite easily possible.’
[8] Kisjonah is fully satisfied with such advice and implores the amicably beaming
youth to assist in getting the foods from the kitchen unto the set tables.
[9] Says the youth, ‘But without all that astonishment dearest friend. Just take a look
at the tables. It already took place while you were still contemplating asking the Lord
of all glory for my assistance. But where do you have your wine?’
[10] Says Kisjonah, casually mustering the tables and secretly amazed, ‘Verily, we
nearly forgot the wine. Would you be so good and get it from the cellar?’
[11] Says the youth, ‘Take a look, once again it is taken care of. The wine is on the
table with the foods in the right quantity.’
[12] Kisjonah eyes the forty large tables set in the big dining room, and nothing is
lacking; chairs and benches are in the most beautiful order, and the lamps, for
lighting up at dusk, provided in right number on all the tables, already are burning
with clean flames.
[13] On seeing all this Kisjonah, inwardly stunned, says after a while, ‘Oh God, Oh
God, You my Jesus, my love eternal. If this is kept up, then all my dwellings shall
come apart yet today, and all wood and stone therein shall come alive’. And turning
to the youth, ‘My fairest young man, human or angel - whatever you might be - tell
me just a little of how this is possible to you.’
[14] Says the youth, ‘You are indeed inquisitive; I tell you that nothing is possible to
me without Him Who now dwells with you in this house. He alone carries out all these
things! But on how this is possible to Him, you shall have to seek His advice, for the
power within me to act thus is not my possession but the Lord’s possession, Who
right now is taking abode at your dwelling. Therefore go and ask Him.’
[15] Says Kisjonah, ‘That, dearest friend, I do know indeed; only the ways and means
on how this is possible, that is where I would like a hint. Surely you need motion? But
how speedy and sure this must be! For compared to this, lightning itself is a snail’s
pace. Ah, ah, I must think no more about it. If only you had needed at least a
hundred moments for all this, then the thing would still be understandable; but like
this - without discernible span of time - and in best order at that, this is what yanks
me right out of my usual thinking mode, so that I hardly dare to breathe for
reverence and admiration.’
[16] Say I to Kisjonah, ‘Now then, friend, are you not finished with your astonishment
yet? I suggest that we now take our seats at the table and first eat supper and
discuss further points on God’s omnipotence and His most distinct love and wisdom
[17] Says Kisjonah, ‘Forgive me, Lord! I nearly forgot why the foods and drinks are
on the table, for all the astonishment over astonishment; hence I would ask You and
all Yours to get down to the table! But where is the mother of Your body Mary, and
those she brought with her, Your supposed sisters, that I may go and fetch them to
[18] Say I, ‘Just ask about your wife and daughters; that’s where also good Mary is,
together with the daughters of Joseph, who was My earthly adoptive father. These are
now busy with each other taking in everything, for which they would of course still
have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and even later. Our young and nimble
servant shall indeed fetch them and bring them here; so be at ease.’

Chapter 197
The holy entourage at supper, and then in the star lit open, upon the hill of
snakes, where Kisjonah intends building a school. Hints about conditions on
earth. Jesus, Lord over the snakes. Clarification of the parable of the tares.
Life hints.
[1] I hardly had spoken this when the youth was already here with the women, and
we all sat down at the tables, soon consuming the supper in good cheer. But after the
meal, I said to everybody, ‘Hearken, since it is a beautiful, starlit night, we shall not
immediately take our rest, but settle down on the lawn under the sky; for today I
have yet much to say unto you and show you.’
[2] This offer was agreeable to all, and we soon rose from the tables and proceeded
into the open and unto a hill of some forty metres height which gently rose at the end
of the garden some thirty paces inland from shore. Kisjonah remarked of course that
although this hill affords a lovely view of the entire sea, there nevertheless was the
perpetual unpleasantness that it was massively infested with snakes, adders and
vipers, probably on account of its proximity to the sea. He had indeed tried
everything to chase off the vermin, unsuccessfully!
[3] Said I, ‘Let it be! Henceforth it shall not be serving this vermin for an abode, of
this you can be fully assured!’
[4] Says Kisjonah, ‘If so, which I don’t doubt in the least, then firstly I would thank
You from the bottom of my heart for such riddance, and secondly, in remembrance of
You, a proper school shall be built here for both the great and small, young and old,
expounding Your purest teaching!’
[5] Say I, ‘Such school, if abiding by the fundamentals, shall at all times enjoy My
blessings. Unfortunately however, the way the world is, it shall with time not spare
this school, just as with My purest teaching; therefore nothing is lasting in this world!
Because the world is sunk in wickedness and circumcised by Satan! But let us now go
up the hill!’ I and Kisjonah move ahead, with all the disciples and with Kisjonah’s
servants at our heels.
[6] As we come to the hill however, Kisjonah notices a hefty adder in front of him
moving up the hill, and he soon espies several of them and says to Me, ‘Lord, did I
actually not have enough faith for this vermin to have cleared out?’
[7] Say I, ‘This is for the purpose of your seeing and recognising the fullness of the
Son of God’s glory! And so pay heed! I now shall command these animals to leave
this area and not inhabit it for all time, for as long as any of your offspring occupies
this garden or hill; and you shall see how even these exceedingly dull beasts have to
obey My voice!’
[8] Here I faced the mountain and threatened the beasts. And these shot like arrows
out of their holes by the many thousands and fled into the sea; and thus the
mountain was cleansed of this vermin for evermore, and there was not seen again
upon this hill any ever so small worm.
[9] We however then moved up the hill unconcerned, and since there was already
some dew on the grass, Kisjonah had brought a great many carpets, covering nearly
the entire hill, once again enjoying also the youth’s formidable service. Thereupon we
happily settled down on the fairly choice carpets.
[10] My disciples however, who, notwithstanding all their thinking, brooding and
meditating about the parable of the tares in the field could not get to the bottom of it,
came over to Me on the hill and asked Me to clarify the parable of the sower who cast
good grain into the soil but later found tares in among the wheat.
[11] I said to them however, ‘Did you not hear what Kisjonah is preparing to build on
this hill in memory of Me, and how I told him how such institution would fare in view
of the world? Behold, this has an application with the good field that was sown with
the purest of wheat and yet sprouted a great many tares in its midst afterwards!
Behold, the signification of the parable is this: It is I, or as the Jews are want to say,
the Son of Man, Who is now casting the good seed [Matthew 13:38]. The adversary
sowing them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world and the cutters are the
angels! [Matthew 13:39]. But just as one weeds the tares from the field, binding
them in bundles and burning them, so it shall be also at the end of the world
[Matthew 13:40].
[12] The Son of Man shall send out His angels and they shall gather together from His
kingdom everything that offends, and all those men who act unrighteously [Matthew
13:41] and who have neither eyes nor ears for the want of their brethren, and still
less a heart, and shall cast them into the fiery furnace, where there shall be wailing
and gnashing of teeth [Matthew 13:42]. The fiery furnace however shall be for the
children of malice - by which is to be understood arrogance, selfishness, domination,
hardheartedness, indifference towards God’s Word, avarice, envy, jealousy,
disparagement, falsehood, deception, false promises, fornication and whoring,
adultery, false witness, character assassination and everything that is contrary to love
of neighbor and their own hearts!
[13] For just as heaven in all glory shall sprout from the hearts of the righteous, so
shall sprout what is in the unjust’s heart; a bad grain shall not bring forth good fruit
into all eternity.
[14] A hard heart shall yield no soft fruit, and one of false promise never compose
itself, and the wrath shall be the fire that shall never be extinguished! Hence beware
of all this and become righteous in everything, in accordance with the Commandment
of love!’
Chapter 198
Continuation of the clarification of the parable of the tares. Not keeping a
promise is most reprehensible. ‘Let you be loving and righteous!’ Parable of
the treasure in the field. The disciples’ comprehension. [Matthew 13:43-44]
[1]  ‘Do not ever promise a person something you then cannot or - even worse - do
not wish to keep for whatever reasons, if you truly want to become children of God.
In truth, I tell you, the worst thing is a promise that is not kept.
[2] For the one who is angry sins within himself and harms first himself; who
practices unchastity buries his soul in the judgement of the flesh and again harms
himself, but the evil of evils is the lie.
[3] If you have promised to do something for a person and circumstances arise that
make it impossible for you to keep your promise, do go to him without delay and tell
him honestly what has happened to you, so that he can help himself at the proper
time in some other way to overcome some difficulty.
[4] But woe betide everyone who makes promises and does not keep them, even if
he could do so, for thereby he causes far-reaching trouble. The one who expected his
help cannot fulfill his duty, and the hands of those who relied on him are tied, and
thus such a broken promise can cause greatest embarrassment and distress to
thousands. Hence, a promise that is not kept is the thing most opposed to the love of
one’s neighbour and, therefore, the greatest of evils.
[5] It is better to have a hard heart because that will not raise any deceptive hopes
with anyone. One knows that nothing can be expected of a hard-hearted person and,
therefore, other means are sought for the preservation of the necessary order. But if
someone expects something that was promised to him, he abstains from seeking
other ways and means, and when the time comes that the business of the one
expecting help has to be attended to and the promiser lets him down and does not
tell him in advance that for some reason, which must of course be absolutely true, he
will not be able to keep his promise, such a promiser is like Satan who from the very
beginning made mankind brilliant promises through his prophets none of which he
has ever kept, thereby plunging numerous people into misery.
[6] Therefore, beware above all of such promises which you cannot keep and, even
worse, for whatever reasons do not want to keep, for that is the attitude of the chief
of devils.
[7] Be loving and righteous in all things, for in the Father’s Kingdom the righteous
once shall shine as the sun at noon.
[8] He who has ears, let him hear! [Matthew 13:43] For I want to give you another
two parables about the Kingdom of Heaven.
[9]  The Kingdom of Heaven also is like unto a treasure hidden in a field, which a man
found; and as it was too big and heavy for him to carry home, since he was still too
far away, he went and buried it in the adjacent field at night, then went home
happily, sold everything at home and bought the field at any price [Matthew 13:44];
for the treasure in the field was worth thousands of times more than what he paid for
the field. And since the field was now his, he could safely take the treasure out of the
field since no one could dispute its ownership. Now he could easily move the treasure
to his new house, which he had bought with the field, and no longer had to earn his
living by the sweat of his brow, for he now enjoyed vast excess for life. - Do you
understand this parable?’
[10] Said the disciples; ‘This is an easy parable; for the finders of the treasure are
those who hear Your Word, and the field is men’s worldly heart, which they first must
spiritually buy for themselves through acting upon Your Word, so that Your Word
becomes their possession in their hearts and they then can work all good therewith
for self and their brethren!’
[11] Say I, ‘You have understood the parable well; for thus it is with the true
Kingdom of Heaven. But hear another.
Chapter 199
Parable of the great pearl, and of the net. Ahab’s understating of the foul
fishes. A good householder uses the old as well as the new. [Matthew 13:
[1] The Lord, ‘The Kingdom of heaven also is like unto a merchant who searched all
the lands for good pearls. [Matthew 13:45] And he found a pearl of inestimable value,
inquiring of its price, and when told, he returned to his city, sold everything he had
and then went and bought the big pearl [Matthew 13:46], which in turn was of
thousands-fold greater value than what he paid. Have you understood this
[2] Say the disciples, ‘Yes, Lord, this too we understand; for such merchant we all
are, having left everything on Your account. You, however, to us are the big, priceless
[3] Say I, ‘This parable also you have understood in all truth; for thus it is with the
kingdom of heaven! But hearken unto another parable!
[4] The Kingdom of Heaven yet again is like unto a net that is cast into the sea for
the catching of all kinds of fish [Matthew 13:47], and when the net is full, the
fishermen draw it to shore, whereupon they take out the good fish, placing them in a
container, but the sick and foul they throw away! [Matthew 13:48]
[5] Thus it shall also be at the end of the world! The angels shall go out and separate
the wicked from the righteous [Matthew 13:49] and shall cast them into the furnace
of their own wicked hearts, and there shall be great wailing and gnashing of the
teeth. [Matthew 13:50], which is a true darkness of the evil soul, which shall
constantly be in search but not find what will gratify its evil love. And after a while I
asked the disciples, who were pensive about this metaphor; have you also understood
this parable?’
[6] And these said, ‘Yes, Lord, this parable too we have properly understood now. It
resembles the one You told at the coast of Jesaira: “He who has, to him shall be given
that he may have more abundantly; but he who has not, from him shall be taken also
what he has.”
[7] And Ahab added, ‘By the sick and foul fishes I understand mainly the Pharisees
and all those idle Scribes who constantly proffer their old wares, praising nature and
its productiveness, but despise and persecute everything ever so brilliant that
contemporaneity has to offer! These too surely would be foul and sick fishes? What is
there in being a scribe and Pharisee in the brain but take oneself to be measurelessly
better than other men, and to even receive sacrifices and tithes from those men,
probably better brothers and sisters, yet having a hollow, stone-hard and unfeeling
[8] Hence I believe that in future, he who is initiated into the kingdom of Heaven in
his heart according to Your Word shall surely have to discard the old, spoilt and foul
doctrinal junk of the Pharisees, laying an entirely new foundation for Your teaching;
for Your teaching is wise and just, and hence diametrically opposed to that of the
[9] Well do I know indeed that Moses and the other prophets prophesied out of Your
spirit; but how distorted are they now! And since You are now here Yourself to reveal
Your will to us, what for still the foul and sick Moses, as also all the prophets?!
[10] Who in his heart according to You, O Lord, has actively become a learner in the
Kingdom of Heaven, no longer needs a Moses and prophets!’
[11] Say I, ‘You are quite right in what you are saying, except for a small detail which
consists in the fact that a true teacher of the law, that is one who has become a
learner in the Kingdom of Heaven, must be like a wise householder who produces
from his store both old and new to offer to his guests [Mt. 13:52] for their enjoyment.
Or should one, when the new wine is filled into the skins, pour out the good old wine,
or throw out the old grain when the new crop has been gathered into the barns?
Therefore, a true teacher of the law, a learner in the Kingdom of Heaven, must know
and observe the old Scripture as well as My new Word.’
[12] Says Ahab, ‘But surely only Moses and the prophets, excluding the no doubt
partly distorted laws of the land, the empty rules of divine service, which can no
longer be of any use since all of us are politically subject to the Roman laws anyway?’
[33] Say I, ‘That goes without saying. What has to be omitted from the ancient law
for the sake of true love of one’s neighbor, you find already written down. Here are
now My two friends from Sychar who are witnesses to My extensive Sermon on the
Mount which deals with all these things.’ With this Ahab is quite satisfied.

Chapter 200
The Samaritans’ disgraceful expulsion of the high priest Jonael. ‘The Lord
works in mysterious ways’. The Lord’s imponderable acquiescence. A
seemingly just petition.
[1] But now I call over the two Sycharites, to put to Me the case for which they came
here. And Jonael, the spokesman, says, ‘Lord, You actually had already touched upon
the correct reason earlier, and so it is! It nevertheless is hard to believe that people
who together with us have the enduringly great signs of Your divine power before
their eyes, should be so evil! They acknowledge the truth and persecute it for the
very reason that they have to acknowledge it as truth! Me they have expelled; had
brother Jairuth not taken me in, together with my family, I should be without roof
over my head!
[2] Lord, how fervently and how often I had prayed to You in spirit for You to come
and stand by me against my enemies, yet it was in vain, and you did not come to
help us out of our worst plight!
[3] Whilst it is true that You left us in Your stead visible angels to serve us, these
don’t want to always act, or in a manner I consider as desirable; for they say that
they can do nothing without Your will, for only Your will is their entire power and
authority! This is all true of course; yet with the offended old arch-Samaritans
expelling hundreds of Your followers from the country, so that they have to seek
shelter with the heathens, with the necessary consequence of the expelled
themselves becoming heathens, then surely it ought to be in order for Your angels to
intervene, to put an end to such evil doings, rather than watch all this and hang their
faces with us, sighing and exclaiming with us; Are not the Lord’s counsels always
mysterious, and unfathomable His ways!
[4] But what does this help? Hundreds turn into heathens, hundreds are caned and
mocked in public places for Your name’s sake.
[5] Joram had to leave Sychar for a time, and the house that Jacob built meanwhile
stands empty and locked up. And Joram and his wife now also find themselves in
brother Jairuth’s house, like many other respectable families who no longer were
tolerated in Sychar on Your account.
[6] Yet against all this Your angels, who dwell with us, have taken not one step! Lord,
Lord, in Your holiest name! What is the good of all this?
[7] Must all power and might over You be ceded to Satan on this earth? Or is his hell
in all earnest more powerful than Your heavens? Lord, if this continues, then mankind
of a truth shall be forced to erect temples and sacrificial altars to Satan, and pull
Yours down. A most sorry state of the times!
[8] What is now the divine service in Gerizim and even in the Jerusalem Temple,
other than sheerest Satan service! I know it through Your own mouth, Yourself being
the Lord Himself Who dwells within You in all fullness bodily, how God wants to be
honored and worshipped. Then look at the service at Gerizim, and you have the truest
and most authentic Satan service; for there, in all earnest and not denied even by
Your angels, incense is scattered to Satan in full measure.
[9] Faithfully and truly, Lord, thus it goes on, and cannot be a secret to You that it
does so, and yet You are allowing it to be so and to go on. Lord, how are we to take
this and to understand Your holy Word?
[10] And even the honest brother Jairuth, fully devoted to You, together with his
entire house, day after day is receiving threats to either declare himself a Samaritan
without delay, or suffer dispossession of all properties.
[11] Many who had already staunchly embraced Your teaching, oh Lord, have let
themselves be intimidated by daily threats and prescribed cursing and oaths, and
have reverted to the purest Satan service.
[12] Behold, Lord, such things are taking place, to which Your angels indeed are at all
times veiling their faces, but to what end such formal sympathy?
[13] Lord, You can see into my heart, totally devoted to You; and thus I speak to You
without pretence and say, here a sympathetic watching is as untimely as a fig just
three days after dropping of the blossoms. Here only weighing in forcefully with all
power will do, or Satan gains ground and root.
[14] And if already now Your disciples cannot prevail against him, what shall they do
after he has attained to full power, which should not be too hard for him, if continuing
unopposed, as is the unfortunate case up till now, when not even Your angels dare to
undertake anything against him?
[15] For the sake of Your holy name and for the sake of all those who, like us, still
cling to Your name unshakably, stand by us and free us from Satan’s slings.
[16] Did You not Yourself up on the mountain teach us how to pray; yet behold, it is
getting worse by the day instead of better.
[17] We are willing to offer up everything to You and to suffer poverty to the limit out
of our love for You. But some spot upon earth surely you will not begrudge us; for in
order to follow You, one cannot live among wolves, hyenas and bears, unless one
wished to become like unto those beasts.
[18] We are not asking for a peaceful paradise in this world, but only that we should
not have to live among devils in the most perfect hell. From this, oh Lord, protect us.’
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John

Book 3
Corresponding to The Great Gospel of John I/201 – II/58

Explanation of the Biblical Gospel of John

Revealed by the Lord Jesus to His prophet Jakob Lorber
from 1840 – 1865 by the “inner word” dictation

Chapter 201
The Lord’s hints on the twofold nature of tolerance, to test Satan and the
faithful. Hints on ministry and conduct.
[1]  Say I, ‘Friends, I did indeed know that this would soon happen, so that Satan
may complete his work. However, the ones who fled to the heathens could also have
found refuge here in Galilee, and those who cursed My name in order to save their
earthly possessions would have done better to free themselves from all their worldly
ties than by cursing My name to safeguard their possessions to which eternal death is
[2] How hard it will be for a person with many possessions to part with them one day.
And how easy will he depart from the world who did not snatch up any goods from its
poisonous bosom and suffered persecution for the sake of My name. The latter scorns
the world and will surely not be sorry when, clearly seeing it as it is, he will be leaving
this place of darkness to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
[3] Behold, as the gold is proved in the fire only thereby gaining its great value, thus
it must be with you who truly wish to be My disciples and followers. My Kingdom for
which all of us are now working is not of this world, but of that vast, eternal,
everlasting one which follows this earthly, material, short trial life.
[4] Therefore, I do not give you peace for this world, but the sword, for you have to
attain to the freedom of eternal life through the battle with the world and all it offers
[5] For My Kingdom suffers force, and those who do not seize it forcibly will not enter
[6] It is of course an easy matter, in a safely walled city and well provided for life, to
stand fast as My disciples and teach virtue to the lambs, watering them with clean
water. Verily, this does not take much! But quite another thing it is to tame lions,
tigers and panthers, transforming them into useful animals. For this of course more
cleverness, courage, strength and endurance is required than for taming sheep.
[7] Wherefore you need to take this phenomenon in Sychar as you find it and join the
fight, whereat I shall support you; but if you immediately allow men’s blindness and
evil to provoke you hands over heels into rage, straight away calling for consuming
fire from heaven over such evildoers, then you can fare no other than you have done.
[8] Nor can My angels be of service to you in such cases, for such service would be
diametrically opposed to My eternal order.
[9] If you intend to be victorious fighters for My kingdom, then prepare yourselves a
sharp sword from pure truth; but this is to be fashioned from the purest and most
unselfish love. Then fight courageously with such sword, not fearing those who in
extreme cases can kill your body but then can harm you no more.
[10] If however you must fear, then fear Him Who is a true Lord over life and death
and Who can reject or accept man’s soul.
[11] He who loses his earthly life in a just fight for Me shall regain same to full
measure in My kingdom; but he who strives to cling to his earthly life in his fight for
My sake is a coward, and the victorious crown of everlasting life shall not be his. What
rewards has he who fights gnats and kills flies? Verily, I say unto you, such hero is
not worth the pissing on!
[12] Ah, it is something quite different to, well-armored and with sword in hand,
enter a herd of lions and tigers. After cutting down the herd and returning home
victoriously, triumphal arches shall await him, and a great reward shall not be
withheld from him for his heroic feat.
[13] Return home therefore and fight as I have shown you, and you shall not forego
your proper victory.
[14] To what state Satan has brought this earth I verily know best, and I lack not the
power to finish him off; yet My outsize love and patience will not allow it.
[15] Because he who seeks to defeat his enemy only to destroy him is a cowardly
fighter, for not his courage but his great fear has prompted him to rid himself of his
enemy by killing him.
[16] He who wants to be a real hero must not annihilate his enemy, but take the
trouble to win his foe with all cleverness, patience, love and wisdom in his heart; only
then he can boast of fighting a true victory over his enemy, and his greatest reward
shall be the hard-won foe.

Chapter 202
Further hints on ministry and conduct for the Sycharites, ‘Teach firstly
through good deeds and then with simple words’. The truly free church. ‘Ye
all are brethren’. The right Sabbath. A proper ‘House of God’, and ‘Divine
[1] The Lord, ‘If you two have now understood this then return home soon with your
angels, and there do according to My word, and all the unpleasantness there shall
soon take on a different aspect.
[2] But there you must not make your appearance as angry judges but as truly wise
teachers and friends of the blind, deaf and dumb, and they shall then let themselves
by guided by you.
[3] Who would advisedly turn angry to a blind one stepping on his foot? Withdraw
your foot from the blind one’s step, and you shall not be trodden upon.
[4] If however you see a blind one near a precipice, then rush over, grab him and
bring him to safety, leading to the light which heals every soul blindness, and he shall
become your most thankful friend and brother.
[5] If however, when teaching the people in My name, then always do as I do, first
through good deeds and then with plain and simple words, and you shall therewith
soon count many true disciples.
[6] But if you dress yourselves up in mysteries way beyond the stars, and try to
impress upon men that you are called of God to judge, bless or curse them, and
besides that get angry if My angels don’t want to support you therein, then it must be
clear to you that such conduct is not at all My will as revealed to you, but that you
have created a new order and from this tried to build a safe church in place of the old
Mosaic one, before which your lambs were to bend their knees already from afar.
[7] Behold, thus it was with the mosaic church, and when it had been fenced in, it did
not bring any or only little, and usually stunted, fruit.
[8] I am now giving you a completely free church that does not need any other
fencing than with everyone his very own heart wherein the spirit and truth are
dwelling and where alone God wants to be recognised and worshipped.
[9] Because I gave you My Spirit first, you shall not imagine yourselves by a hair’s
breadth better than any other person, and you shall not make any particular office of
this gift as is done by the heathens and the twice as dark Jews and Pharisees for
there is but One who is your Master and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters,
and there shall never be any discrimination among you.
[10] Thus there shall not be any rules among you, and you shall not observe any
particular days or times as if they were better or worse as if God had laid down only
certain days on which He wants to hear your prayers and accept sacrifices. I tell you:
With God all days are equal and the best among many is the one on which you have
done a truly good deed for your neighbour. And thus only your deed shall in future
determine the true and sole Sabbath day pleasing to God.
[11] On whatever day you will be doing a good deed, that will be the right Sabbath
which is considered by God, but the usual Jewish Sabbath shall be an abomination in
God’s eyes.
[12] However, if you wish to erect a so-called house of God, then build hospitals and
homes to care for your poor brothers and sisters in which you serve them with all
they need. Thus you will perform the truest divine service which will be most pleasing
to the Father in heaven.
[13] By such a genuine and solely true divine service one will recognise that you are
truly My disciples.
[14] Do go home now and act accordingly, then your work will be blessed.’

Chapter 203
An admission of guilt. The true spirit of Jesus’ pure teaching. Further hints
on ministry and conduct. Jonael’s song of praise to the Lord.
[1] After these extensive instructions, the two say, ‘Lord! Forgive us our sin! For now
we clearly see that actually we, rather than the people, are at fault, and with Your
grace and help we shall put matters right where possible!
[2] Only now have we discovered the true spirit of Your most holy doctrine, and shall
endeavor to eagerly spread same to the people. But many have gone over to the
heathens, and we hardly know how to win them back! What shall we do?’
[3] Say I, ‘Do with them as I do with the heathens, and they shall be your disciples,
together with the heathens.
[4] Behold, this house too is now a heathen one, having for a lengthy period already
embraced the doctrines of the Greek wise men, and yet it is now more on My side
than ever a house was in Jewry! Do likewise, and soon more heathens than Jews shall
rally around you.
[5] For, he with an empty stomach more avidly consumes a meal than a person with
full stomach, especially when the stomach already is quite spoilt, as is that of the
Pharisees and Scribes.’
[6] Say the two, ‘What shall become of those who cursed Your name for the sake of
their worldly goods not being taken from them?’
[7] Say I, ‘He who has fallen, him raise and lead unto the right path, that he may
become aware of his sin and repent committing it! Let this be your special charge.
[8] I have not come to judge and destroy this world, but to seek what was lost and
raise up the fallen! If you know that now, then go and do so!’
[9] After these words the two bowed down deeply before Me and asked Me if they
could remain with Me for a few days.
[10] I gave them My approval, saying, ‘Although I said to you beforehand that you
can now return home, I wanted to therewith indicate the willingness of your heart and
its comprehension, rather than to directly return to Sychar by a specific time; and so
you are welcome to tarry here for a few days, which I shall be still spending here with
My friend.’
[11] The two, quite happy with My advice, gave Me thanks and honour, and Jonael,
deeply stirred emotionally, said, ‘Oh earth! You aged field of weed, thorns and
thistles! You life’s dark tomb - deliverer of sin and death! Are you indeed worthy of
the Lord your God and Creator’s walk upon you, with His own most holy feet,
breathing in your pestilential air and partaking of your evil fruits?
[12] We humankind, together with the animals and plants, are not worthy enough for
His glance! It all is endless grace and mercy!
[13] Hence let everything get up and praise Him forever!
[14] And you stars up there upon high heaven, veil your unholy countenance; for it is
God Your Creator upon Whom you are looking down from your height, haughtily!
[15] Oh earth, what has become of you? What name shall be given you - not on your
own account but on account of Him Whom you most unworthy one now are carrying?
[16] Ah, the more I think about Who it is that is tarrying here among His chosen, the
tighter my breast. How in any case ought this limited one to contain what all the
heavens and angels are unable to do!
[17] Oh, you holy of all holy times on earth, where that One now dwells Who gave the
light to sun and moon and determined their grand way of His love and wisdom and to
give the earth its time, night and day!
[18] Wherefore let all praise the Lord of glory from all the heavens, for His alone is all
praise, honour, tribute and love of eternal infinity!’
[19] On hearing such exclamations, the disciples say, ‘Do You not hear Jonael’s
praise, as if David’s spirit had taken possession of him?’
[20] Say I, ‘I indeed hear his praise, and am well pleased therewith; from yourselves
however I have not as yet received such; but it should not at all harm you if at times
you really gave thought to Who He is that speaks to you now! But let us now take a
little rest, as the middle of the night is long past.’
[21] After these words, all quietens down around the hill, and most are given over to
sleep. Only Jonael and Jairuth are deeply immersed in all kinds of considerations, and
are quietly praising Me.

Chapter 204
Kisjonah and Baram excel each other in charity. He who does good has wind
in his sails. Parable of the mother with the unequal sons. True love and self-
[1] At the near approach of sunrise in the morning, Jonael and Jairuth’s angel awaken
all those still asleep, whilst Kisjonah, whose quarters were next to Mine, instructed his
wife and daughters and the sundry servants to organise a proper morning meal.
[2] But I say to the hospitable Kisjonah, ‘Leave that for today, for behold, we should
also let brother Baram of Jesaira have the pleasure occasionally! Look over there on
the sea! There, not too far from shore, Baram’s fully laden ship stands, and his sons
and he are right now striving to get the morning meal over here. Hence let you be
relaxed for the day - for besides that the ship also holds a big lunch and supper, as
well as forty skins of the best wine from Greece.’
[3] Says Kisjonah, ‘Ah, look at the tight-lipped Baram! He mentioned not a syllable of
his intentions; in the evening he simply got lost; I think he became invisible just after
our arrival, and now he is here with a fully-packed ship. He must have had a good
wind, otherwise he could not have made it by a long while yet, what with all the work.
For it takes a whole day’s ruddering from here to Jesaira normally.’
[4] Say I, ‘Brother, believe it, he who has good intentions shall always be guided by a
good wind, whereas the one with bad intentions shall also be guided by a bad wind.
[5] There once were two brothers, whose mother had many a treasure. Both loved
their mother exceedingly, so that the mother could not make out which loved her
more, for the purpose of giving him the greater inheritance. But only one loved her in
actuality, whilst the other kept only the large inheritance in mind and for that reason
constantly disported more thoughtfullness towards his mother, and not infrequently
excelled his brother, who truly loved his mother.
[6] The good son, truly loving his mother, had not the slightest suspicion of his
brother and was only too glad about his brother’s making the beloved mother happy.
This went on for several years.
[7] The mother, however, getting older and weaker, called her two sons and spoke, ‘I
am unable to say which of you two loves me more, for giving him the larger
inheritance; hence I want you to share it equally after my departure.’
[8] Whereupon the good son said, ‘Mother, it was through your care that I learnt how
to earn my living for all my needs; but I shall ask God with all the fervour of my heart
to keep you alive as long as me, and that you would manage your wealth for the best
of the whole house. For if I were to possess the inheritance without you, it would
become my greatest torment, making me disconsolate each time I looked at it.
Wherefore, dear mother, keep the inheritance and give it to whoever you will. Your
heart is my dearest inheritance; would that God would keep it alive as long as
[9] On hearing such talk from her good son with deeply stirred heart, she spoke,
hiding her real feelings, ‘Most beloved son, your confession indescribably gratifies my
heart; notwithstanding this, I can’t make the inheritance over to strangers. If you
insist on having no part of it, then let your brother take the whole inheritance after
my expiry, and let you serve him and earn your keep by the sweat of your brow.’
[10] Says the good son, ‘Dearest mother, when serving and working, my heart shall
always be gratefully mindful of you and speak ‘behold, this is the way your mother
taught you to work’. Were I to possess the inheritance, I would in the end become
work-shy, passing over to indigence and in the end perhaps become forgetful of even
yourself! Hence I don’t want your hard-earned treasure, which does not bear the
imprint of your heart but only that of the emperor’s authority. Yet that which I have
taken from your heart also bears the latter’s imprint, and has a lasting seat in my
heart. Therefore, beloved mother, this inheritance, which you have given me already
from the cradle and with which I have already earned much of the good and the
costly, is to me indescribably more precious than that which you earned for yourself
with the work and struggle of your hands. Its sight would only perturb me, as the
thought would keep returning, ‘behold, this has cost your mother’s hands much strain
and work; did she perhaps cry often from pain - for being concerned about giving you
an inheritance’. And behold, dear mother, I could not then possibly be of good cheer,
because I love you so exceedingly!’
[11] Moved to tears, the mother calls upon her other son to say what he thinks and
[12] This one answered, ‘I have indeed always thought my brother noble, yet in some
ways an eccentric. There I am quite a different man. Just as much as I honour and
regard you, dear mother, just so I also respect everything you want to and will give
me. Hence I accept the entire inheritance with the most thankful heart, and my
brother’s intended services shall not go unrewarded. If however, dear mother, you so
wish, you could issue me with half the inheritance in advance, which will enable me to
purchase land and take a wife.’
[13] Says the mother somewhat heavy-heartedly to the second son’s answer, ‘What I
have spoken, by that I abide. The inheritance you shall receive only after my death!’
[14] Thereupon the second son was downcast and left the room.
[15] A year later the mother became very ill, and a maid came out to fetch the two
sons working in the field, so that the most worthy could receive the mother’s
blessings in accordance with her will.
[16] Here the good son was filled with sorrow, and on the way prayed to God loudly
that He would preserve the mother’s life.
[17] But the bad son was upset, saying to the son steeped in prayer, ‘Do you in all
earnest want to prescribe laws to nature? Whoever has once matured, whether
father, mother, brother or sister, has to die; here no asking or praying is of avail.
Hence my watchword is ‘what God wills, that also is right by me.’
[18] But the good brother was still more distraught, and prayed yet more fervently
for his dear mother’s life.
[19] As they came to the mother’s sick room, the bad son said, ‘ I knew that you
wouldn’t die so quickly!’ Whereupon he began dissuading her from fearing death.
[20] But the good son cried and prayed loudly. God, however, hearkened unto the
good son’s groans, sending an angel to the mother’s bedside, who made her fully
[21] Therewith the mother soon rose, becoming aware of a higher power restoring
her health. And upon noting the strength in her limbs, she said, ‘For this I have the
fervent prayer of my son to thank, who rejected the proffered inheritance out of his
true love for me. Truly, I say to you, my most beloved son: because, for true love’s
sake, you wanted nothing, you shall now have everything. Whatever is mine is thine!
But you other one, having loved me only for the inheritance, fervently desiring my
end - for being good to you and making everything over to you - shall receive
nothing, and become man’s slave for evermore.’
[22] Note this parable well! Which of the two sons do you think had the good wind?’
[23] Said the disciples, ‘Obviously the one who truly loved his mother!’
[24] Say I, ‘Well said! But I say unto you, as this mother acted, so shall the Father in
heaven do.’
[25] He who does not love Me for My own sake shall not come to where I shall be.
[26] Man must love God without thought of gain, just as God loves him, or he is
completely unworthy of God!’
Chapter 205
About the nature of love. Love desires and seeks gratification.
Difference between celestial and infernal love.
Baram, from love of the Lord, bring the Lord a morning meal. Hints on
reward for charity.
[1] Kisjonah says, ‘That is an exalted and deep truth, but I would like to comment on
this that - at least among humans - there cannot exist a completely unmotivated
love. Having often pondered on love, I find that love, be it ever so pure, always more
or less goes on the prowl.
[2] Look, I surely love You as deeply as anyone can ever love You; if it were possible
I would like for love to fully absorb You with my body and place You in my heart.
[3] But the question is whether I can feel that also for another person of no interest
to Me? Why not? Why do I feel it with You? The answer is supplied by the matter as
[4] I know who You are and know what You can do and also know what I can achieve
through You and the observance of Your teaching, - and that is the unquestionable
basis for my ardent love for You. For if You were not what You are, my love for You
would surely be considerably weaker. Thus, I have an enormous interest in You and,
therefore, I want and love You.
[5] I do not want to say that I love You for the sake of some particular gain, for I am
giving up everything in the world for love of You. But nevertheless my love here goes
on a special prowl, for it aims at You because You are more to it than the whole
[6] The greater worth - either material or spiritual - always determines the prompting
of love. The merchant who was looking for pearls sold everything and bought the
finest pearl he found. Why? Because it was worth much more than everything he had
so far possessed. The interest is indeed a noble one, but it is still an interest and
without that there is no love, at least not with man. And to the one who would like to
convince me of a love without an interest, which at the most may be found in God, I
say, “Friend, you may be very wise, but you have never as yet pondered deeply on
the subject of love.”
[7] Of course, the divine, true love differs from the hellish one quite considerably in
so far as divine love is also on the prowl as is the hellish one, but it returns it all
again. It only gathers for the sake of returning, whereas hellish love robs only for its
own benefit and will not surrender anything.
[8] However, if we adopt heavenly love, we know that we shall thereby never end up
with a loss or suffer damage, but are going to gain ever more the more we give.
[9] There we may be compared to a hole dug in the ground. The more earth it loses
the larger becomes its inner cavity for the reception of light and heavenly air. Lord, I
think that I am not wrong there. What does Your endlessly superior wisdom say to it?’
[10] Say I, ‘Nothing but that you are quite right, for if love were not a robber in one
way or another, it would not be love, since all love desires and wants to have.
[11] However, there is an endless gap in the motivation for having, and that
separates heaven and hell for all eternity.
[12] But now Baram’s people are bringing the morning meal; we want to therefore,
having for hours cared for the spirit, also for a few moments think of the hungry
[13] Baram brings me a most precious fish in a bowl, prepared in the finest manner,
together with a full beaker of wine, begging Me for grace to be worthy of serving Me a
morning meal from his hand.
[14] And I say to him, ‘This your deed shall not go without reward, for you have
taken the trouble out of your great love for Me, and equal love for brother Kisjonah,
with whom you empathised, thinking that perhaps, after a few days, caring for
several hundred guests may become a strain on him.
[15] I say unto you, ‘Kisjonah indeed suffers no want, as all of us could not consume
his provisions in ten years. But because you thought so in your heart, and that
Kisjonah could in the end run out of supplies coming to meet him with help from afar,
your reward shall be as if you had done it for a destitute. For God sees only the heart
of the giver.
[16] But let you now sit down and share the bowl with Me and Kisjonah, for the fish is
too big to eat for even three people!’ Baram did so, as well as Kisjonah.
[17] And so starts the morning meal, with the sun risen, and lasts for close on two
hours. For the meal was nowhere near finished with the fish, with many other
refreshments to follow.
Chapter 206
The guests’ good cheer at the morning meal, and the angel’s sadness.
About human nutrition. Body, soul, spirit.
[1] It hardly needs saying that at such morning meal, all is exceedingly cheerful and
talkative; for the wine has loosened all tongues. Even Jonael and Jairuth completely
cheered up and even asked Me to make them return to Sychar in such frame of mind!
And I let them do so after their departure.
[2] Thereto they said, ‘It is good that You allow this, for then we shall commit no sin
in being cheery; but it is debatable whether we shall be able to be so.’
[3] Said I, ‘Well then, you shall and will be cheerful!’
[4] But their angel cut a sad countenance to the prediction. Noticing this, Jonael asks
Me for the reason.
[5] Said I, ‘Because the angel knows only too well that no great distance separates
the greatest exuberance from sin! He foresees the effort he shall have, protecting you
against sin on your way home; hence his sadness. Pass him some wine too, and
maybe he shall brighten up!’
[6] Whereupon Jonael hands the angel a beaker of wine; same takes it and empties it
completely, which amazes the two; for such they had not noticed with him before.
[7] But the angel says, ‘For quite some time I have been with you now, why did you
never pass me a beaker at home?’
[8] Says Jonael, ‘But how could it have occurred to us even in a dream that an angel
takes in any material sustenance on earth?’
[9] Says the angel, ‘Strange! Have you not seen how the Lord of all heavens also ate
and drank, and yet He is the highest and most perfect Spirit; how then should we
angels not also eat and drink, when we have to put on a body in order to serve you in
the physical?
[10] Give me also some fish and bread, and you shall see how I can not only drink
but also eat quite well; for where the Lord takes terrestrial sustenance, the angels
also do so.’
[11] Whereupon Jonael passes the angel a whole fish and fair-sized lump of bread,
the angel taking and consuming both.
[12] After the angel showed the two how a spirit also can consume material
sustenance, Jonael asks him how such is possible, since he is fundamentally only a
[13] Says the angel, ‘Have you ever seen a dead person eat and drink?’ Says Jonael,
‘No one has ever seen that.’
[14] Says the angel, ‘But if a soulless and even more spiritless body which is almost
pure matter does not and cannot take nourishment, it is obviously the soul and its
living spirit that take food. Since the body being no more than an instrument for the
soul does not need any nourishment for itself, it is the soul with its spirit that takes
nourishment from the earth as long as it dwells in the body and sustains the latter by
letting it eat its excrement. For the body is nourished with the soul’s excrement.
[15] Since in the still material man only the soul, while it is in the body, takes
nourishment from the earth, should not I, as soul and spirit, be entitled to partake of
earthly fare during my stay on earth where in order to serve you I also have a certain
body which I created for myself from the matter of the air? What do you think about
Chapter 207
The bad consequences of intemperance upon the soul. Spiritual death as a
consequence of immoderance. The harmfullness of castration for the sake of
communication with spirits. The Lord’s life and teaching as our example.
[1] Both of them, and still many others who had heard the explanation by the angel
open their eyes in surprise and Peter asks Me, ‘Lord, is it right what Jonael’s servant
has just said? It does sound a bit peculiar. How can the body be nourished with the
soul’s excrement? Does then the soul too have a stomach and maybe even an anus?’
[2] Say I, ‘The angel has spoken truthfully, this is how it is. Therefore, feasting and
carousing makes the soul itself sensuous and material. It is surfeited, the body cannot
absorb all the soul’s excrement and as a result this stays in the soul, oppresses and
frightens it, so that it makes every effort to rid itself of the too much accumulated
excrement. This is done through all kinds of unchastity, fornication, adultery and so
[3] However, since these things offer the soul a certain stimulus for lust it keeps
becoming increasingly lustful, turns more and more to feasting and carousing,
becomes finally most sensual, absolutely ignorant in spiritual things and as a result
hard, unfeeling and in the end evil, proud and arrogant.
[4] For, once a soul has lost its spiritual worth - and it had to lose it through the here
described way of life - it begins to literally erect itself a throne from excrement and
finally even finds honour and authority through the fact that it is so rich in excrement.
[5] I tell you: All people who in the world enjoy the things that please their sensuality
are over their ears and eyes in their thickest dirt and, therefore, spiritually completely
deaf and blind and no longer want to see, hear and understand that which would be
of benefit to them.
[6] Therefore, you should always be moderate in eating and drinking to avoid falling
ill in your soul so that this may not perish in its excrement.’
[7] Peter, looking very doubtful, says, ‘Lord, if so, which cannot be doubted, one
should probably fast more than eat?’
[8] Say I, ‘He who fasts at the right time does better than the one who is always
feasting. But there is still a difference between fasting and fasting. A really proper
fasting consists in abstaining from sin and in all worldly things denying oneself with all
one’s might, carrying one’s cross (in those times figuratively: misery, want and
oppression) and following Me without being too scrupulous in eating and drinking, but
also not exceeding what is needed by indulging. All other kinds of fasting has little or
no value at all.
[9] For there are people who be a certain mortification of their body wish to penetrate
into the world of spirits and with their help conquer the forces of nature. That is then
not only useless for the soul, but extremely harmful. There the soul falls from the tree
of life as an immature fruit whose core of life is always rotten, hollow, empty and thus
[10] Such a mortification and fasting is therefore not only no virtue, but it is a very
gross sin.
[11] Therefore, who wishes to live in accordance with the true order, let him live as I
Myself do, and as I teach him to live, then he will see the living fruit of life blossom
within him and fully ripen. In this fruit there will not be a dead stone, but a fully alive
one for the once to come everlasting life in the spirit will be growing and forming into
the most alive self-awareness in the best of order and beneficial progress. Now you
know also in this matter what you have to do in full accordance with the divine order.
Act accordingly, and you will have life within you.
[12] But now the sun’s rays are gathering strength; hence we shall make our retreat
from this hill to the shady garden, and you My scribe Matthew can sort out your
writing tablets for a fuller rendition of the happenings and teachings but we shall now
allow ourselves a little rest.’
Chapter 208
The Lord with His in the garden. Matthew orders his Scriptures. Quiet before
the storm. The wise angel comforting the people in the face of the impending
hurricane. Earthquake, sea and thunderstorm.
[1] We leave the hill and move to the shady trees. There was a nice grassy bank
under a wide fig tree, where I sat down and fell asleep, and all the others, even Mary
near Me, took their places and slept. Only Jonael, Jairuth and Matthew sat at a garden
table, where Matthew started ordering his tablets, with Jonael and Jairuth’s angel
making him aware of certain deficiencies.
[2] Towards the middle of day Baram, who meanwhile found himself aboard the ship
with Kisjonah, noticed immensely heavy storm clouds rising over the horizon in the
west, with the water surface growing progressively calmer, it being a sure sign of
imminent and destructive tempest, combined with earth tremor.
[3] Baram therefore at once had all edibles brought up from the ship, tying the latter
down in the firmest possible manner. He had hardly finished the work when the sea
already began to rise prodigiously from afar.
[4] Said Kisjonah, ‘We shall have to awaken the Lord and His disciples; for such, the
like of which I have not seen before, may submerge the whole garden, and those
asleep could suffer harm, and the chances are that the ship will be cast ashore.’
[5] Says Baram, ‘Yes, friend, failing the Lord restraining the storm this time, there
could be nameless destruction. But I count upon the Lord; He is certain to prevent
our perishing. And I reckon that so long as He quietly sleeps, we shall have nothing to
fear from the imminent storm; let us nevertheless go up to Him and make Him aware
of the approaching storm.’
[6] Thereupon the two, together with the deck hands, rush over to Me, trying to
awaken me; for good reason this time however I do not awaken, and the angel steps
over to them saying, ‘Let Him rest, and do not waken Him; for it is on account of this
necessary storm that He sleeps! The immediate future however soon shall tell the
good reason for this necessary storm.’
[7] Says Kisjonah, ‘But what if the mountainous seas shall soon be washing over my
garden with the wildest floods?’
[8] Says the angel, ‘Don’t be troubled by that. Do you think that whilst appearing to
you asleep the Lord is not aware of this storm? Behold, this is His will, hence it is so.
Hence settle down.
[9] Asks Kisjonah, ‘Do you know the reason?’ Replies the angel, ‘Even if I knew, I
would not be allowed to tell you until that is the Lord’s will; inquire no further and do
not fear, but settle down. The eyes of you all shall be opened by what follows!’
[10] After these words of the angel, who then quietly helped Matthew to upgrade his
tablets, Baram spoke, ‘I must confess that in my whole life I have not seen a more
threatening storm, yet at the same time I never before watched a storm so
undaunted and indifferently. Just look; no more than a quarter hour average travel
time further on, the length of this bay. In just a few moments the storm should hit
[11] Yet watch now the billowing rollers move along the length of the sea towards
Sibarah, a mere quarter hour’s distance outside the bay, resembling swimming
mountains being smashed by thousands of lightnings. And yet the bay is so calm that
one can behold the storm in its external aspect, like a section of the coast; this truly
is a rare phenomenon. One has to admit that, observed calmly, it takes on a rare and
frightfully beautiful aspect. But for those perhaps finding themselves out in that high
sea shall feel quite differently to us near the mirror-smooth bay.
[12] It is at least a half hour from the weather front, yet what mighty roar of the
thunder. It must be downright deafening at that front. Now I also feel a marked earth
tremor. Do you not notice anything?’
[13] Says Kisjonah, ‘Indeed, I just wanted to tell you; nevertheless, it is a wonder of
all wonders that my bay still remains calm. For I know the spectacle of what this bay
is capable of, once it starts raging. Yet the bay, together with a considerable stretch
beyond, is totally calm. But hearken, the tremor intensifies. If only the dwellings
escape harm; I am seeing a peculiar circular swell in the bay, and the start of a tidal
wave further out. We haven’t long to go. In the name of the Lord, we can’t lose more
than this earthly life, and so let come what may. The Lord and His angel in any case
are with us. But it has a terrifying look. The Lord have grace and mercy on all
[14] Now the bay too is getting rough. Powerful wind gusts are tearing through the
trees, and countless flashes of lightning through the heavy clouds. Several hit the bay
with an unbelievably frightening racket, causing a roaring froth, yet there still falls not
a drop of rain from the glowing cloud. Lightning hits the hill on which we spent the
night; the exceeding racket of this flash now wakens all from their good sleep except
[15] As the many awakened ones take in the unprecedented din, and the storm of all
storms, fully awakening with the tenfold simultaneous flashings, they leap off the
ground, with the disciples rushing over to Me to awaken Me, shouting with fear.
[16] Says the worked up Judas, ‘But Lord, how can You sleep with these raging
elements? It is raining lightning from the sky. Who could be safe from death for a
moment? Help Lord, or the entire earth is rubble!’
[17] Say I, ‘Has lightning actually hit you?’ Says Judas, ‘Not yet of course, but what
hasn’t happened may easily still do so with this storm. I therefore speak whilst I still
live, the next flash shall probably finish off all my talking for good!’
[18] And behold, whilst Judas is speaking, the tidal wave is heading for the bay with a
mighty roar. And with the wall of water seeming to exceed our garden position by
several fathoms, all disciples are yelling, with some even turning heels towards the
next rise, driven back however by thousands of lightnings. ‘Lord help us, if You can or
will, or we perish’, cried hundreds. Only Matthew, Jairuth, Jonael and the angel
remain unperturbed, putting the finishing touches to their business.
[19] This time however I don’t curb the storm, letting it roam, simply not allowing it
to do any ever so small damage.

Chapter 209
The purpose of this storm: the demise of the Lord’s enemies. Dangers to
missionaries. The storm’s good results. The good catch.
[1] Peter however steps over to Me, saying confidingly, ‘Lord, has the Father’s Spirit
within You retreated to the extent where You are no longer Master of this storm?
Could You not try to silence this storm if possible?’ Say I, ‘There are wise grounds
why this storm, which shall not last long, has to rage its course. If you don’t doubt it
however, then be advised that there are ten hostile ships upon the sea pursuing us
for our destruction. This storm is doing to them what they intended doing to us. If so,
why beg Me to halt this most essential storm of our grace. Let it rage until it has
achieved its aim, and it then shall cheerfully stop. Look over there and tell Me what
the mountainous waves are carrying on their furious backs like nasty and spiteful
children tossing their mischievous toys up and down.’
[2] Peter looks over the exceptionally stormy, high and wide seascape and straight
away notices several shipwrecks, together with one somewhat less damaged, intact
ship; and how wrecks and ship are being tossed about by the mighty breakers like
chaff; he also sees some people clinging to wreckage and trying to reach shore with a
last desperate effort, whilst being buried by wave after wave and intermittently
tossed up again.
[3] Having watched this spectacle for a while, Peter says to Me, ‘Forgive me Lord, for
You know that I am still a sinful man and hence burdening You with a basically stupid
question. Now I am in the clear. The wicked Jesairian Pharisees went to get help from
Jerusalem; then ships with Roman centurions were fitted out to seize us over here.
They had to move by sea, as it is not easy to get here to Kis (a town belonging to
Kisjonah) on foot, and they have received their well earned reward for their trouble!
These shall harm us no more, and judging by the course of the tide, the wrecked
ships are being driven towards Sibarah, where there are plenty of reefs which with
this unprecedented storm-rage, are not likely to let anyone escape alive! Oh, this is
highly appropriate, that this evil, adulterous brood for once received this judgment!
This episode may appropriately have robbed the Pharisees of the guts to take up
arms against You again’.
[4] Say I, ‘Satan can take it on the chin a thousand times a thousand, yet after a
thousand times a thousand blows he steadily remains the same, most wicked
adversary of God and of everything good and true emanating from God’s Spirit. Those
floating dead upon the sea shall indeed harm us no more; but others shall take their
place and force us to retreat to cities of the Greeks; and not many weeks shall pass
until then’.
[5] Says Peter, ‘Lord, surely we shall be left alone during our stay here?’
[6] Say I, ‘That indeed, but other men and nations of the earth have need of the
Gospel as you do, and they are created by the same Father Who created you. To
these we must go in spite of all persecutions still awaiting us, bringing them the good
news from the heavens. They shall indeed persecute us as well, but by and by shall
be converted, and join our pen as lambs.
[7] We are good, yet the world is evil, hence we can expect nothing good of it, save
an occasional sweet strawberry among the weeds. But behold, the storm has abated,
and for this time all danger has passed.’
[8] (To Baram), ‘Friend, the storm has settled down, and midday has passed with the
storm, and hence we shall partake of lunch, to make us sufficiently strong for the
afternoon work.’
[9] It will not be necessary to say more about the lunch, or shed more light on the
effects of the preceding storm on mainly the ten ships. It suffices to know that of the
thousand men aboard the ships, only five escaped with their lives, the others
becoming prey to the sea; and upon the Sibarian reefs for over a year, human
remains, partly gnawed away by fish, were being found, together with a host of
Roman arms and chains earmarked for me and My disciples.
[10] It will hardly be necessary to relate the chastening effect such a storm had upon
the Pharisees as well as the Romans, especially at Capernaum and Nazareth, and I
and those with Me were left in peace for some weeks.
[11] After lunch on that day, nothing much of note was undertaken, and the disciples
hence went to sea with Kisjonah’s fishermen, and by evening brought in five big
catches of the choicest fish held by this sea, taking them to Kisjonah’s fish tanks, who
was greatly overjoyed therewith, and about a hundred of them had at once to be
most superbly prepared, with all kinds of spices and herbs. And so the day came to
an end, with a rest taken after supper, which had become most essential for all.
Chapter 210
Excursion to Cana in the valley. The poor Jewish farmers and the profiteering
Greek traders. Kisjonah’s debtors and his generosity. Brief life-instructions
for the people. The Lord’s testimony to Himself and His ministry, and its good
[1] The following day we made a so-called excursion to a valley which wound along
half way between the two mountain-chains toward Samaria, through which a main
road led to Damascus, and from there to all the small and great towns of Central
Asia, for which reason Kisjonah’s toll at Kis was one of the most profitable in all of
[2] In this valley there were of course a great number of small villages which were
occupied by large numbers of Jews and Greeks, mainly for trade’s sake. Most
adjacent to Kis was the locality named Cana, for which reason the Cana near
Nazareth was referred to with the appendage ‘of Galilee’; if Cana was mentioned on
its own, then it was understood to mean the above-mentioned Cana in the valley,
whose location already was in the region of Samaria, the reason also for a toll at Kis,
a border town between Galilee and Samaria.
[3] This Cana was inhabited mainly by Greeks, Greek families outnumbering the
Jewish by at least five to one. The Jews subsisted mainly from working the land, and
stock breeding, whereas the Greeks only from trading.
[4] We therefore visited this Cana, and namely the resident Jews who not seldom
were immensely cheated by the sharp and crafty Greeks, and as owners of the land
were almost exclusively subject to all the taxes and other burdens, and hence quite
often sank into all sickness and infirmities from grief and wretchedness.
[5] As we arrived in Cana, with the Jews as well as the Greeks noticing the familiar
Kisjonah, they rushed over and greeted him, pleading forbearance for their debts, as
both the Jews and Greeks owed him substantial sums of money.
[6] But Kisjonah said, ‘If I had wanted to make demands on you, I need not have
made this journey myself, but just have sent my servants to you. But I came to bring
you comfort, which I announce to you all publicly: your arrears are more than paid,
for my and your Lord has paid them and restituted me, and you can cheer up and be
[7] On hearing such, the Cana residents joyfully probe Kisjonah as to who and where
such Lord would be, who did them such great favour, that they may go and thank him
and do him honour.
[8] Kisjonah places his hand on My shoulder, saying, ‘This is He before Whom to bend
your knees.’
[9] Hearing this, the residents fall on their knees before Me, calling, ‘Hail Thee, our as
yet unknown benefactor. What favour are we supposed ever to have done you that
you have shown us compassion in our immense plight? Since you have now as a
perfect stranger and benefactor shown us such unheard-of grace, have the
forbearance to tell us how we can repay such grace, to show ourselves more worthy
of your goodness than we are, and can be, as perfect strangers to you.’
[10] Say I, ‘Let you from now on be righteous in everything, love God above all and
your fellow men, who all are your neighbors, as yourselves. Return good unto those
who do you evil; bless those who curse you, and pray for those who persecute you. In
this way shall you be accepted as children of the Most High, and in this shall consist
your only real gratitude for all I have done for you. This is all I ask of you.’
[11] Say the Greeks, ‘Lord and friend. We have many gods! Which one of the many
gods should we indeed love above all: Zeus, Apollo or Mercury, or any other out of
the twelve chief gods? Or should we love the God of the Jews thus? For the God of
the Jews, in the final analysis, appears to be no more than our Kronos; how can we
love this mythological god above all?’
[12] Say I, ‘The gods whom you Greeks worship are no more than idle machination,
made from matter by human hands. These you can beg, worship, honour and love
more than your own lives for thousands of years, and yet they shall neither hear you
nor do you a good deed, for the simple reason that they, in living truth, are nothing
and exist nowhere.
[13] The God of the Jews however, Whom the vast majority now are no longer able to
or want to recognise in fullness and in truth; and instead, in spirit and in Truth of
heart, which in reality is love, worship and honour with only the filthiest and dead
sacraments, nevertheless is the only true, eternal God, Who out of Himself once
created heaven and this earth, with everything on it, in it and under it, that lives and
has its being.
[14] I am however His Messenger from eternity, and have now come to you to
proclaim this Gospel to you.
[15] It is this God therefore Whom you are to love above all, keeping His
Commandments, which briefly consist in loving Him above all and your neighbors as
yourselves, as I said to you before.
[16] Besides that however you are to believe that this very God, Who is My Father
and hence My love from eternity, has sent Me into this world, so that all who believe
on Me should have eternal life and therefore become a child of the Most High.
[17] In order for you to believe more easily however, bring all your sick, and I shall
make all of them well, regardless of which sickness they may suffer from. Hence go
and bring them all here.’
[18] They were astounded at this My saying, calling out as with one voice, “A great
blessing has overtaken this place. How mighty and marvelous is the sound of the
divinely true words of this our greatest benefactor. Verily, no guile could reside in
such kindness and goodness, nor falseness or deception. Hence we shall do without
misgivings whatever He is pleased to ask of us. For he who was our friend before
seeing us, will be the more so after he has spoken to and seen us in our great plight.
Praised be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jakob, that He should have remembered
and be merciful to us”.
[19] With these commendable words they all rush to their dwellings, quickly bringing
about two hundred sick over to Me.
Chapter 211
Great healing miracle in Cana of the Valley. Commendable petition to the
Lord by the elders. A faith-test. The Lord’s address to the physically sick.
Gospel rules and social hints. The curse of usury. Progressive social
disintegration. Threat of punishment from above.
[1] When the sick; some escorted, others sitting on mules and some carried on
stretchers, were assembled around Me in a semi-circle, the elders of this place
stepped over to Me with a supplication, saying,
[2] ‘Lord. You Who have freed us of our debt to the mighty and exceedingly wealthy
Kisjonah - a deed for which we shall never be able to thank you sufficiently - heal
these poor if You can, that they too may enjoy with us the fullness of the great favour
you bestowed upon us.’
[3] Say I, ‘Yes, I have urged you to do this and can, and will keep My promise, but to
begin with, I ask whether you can and want to believe this? Your faith would help you
[4] Say the elders, ‘Lord, it seems to us that You are capable, wherefore we believe,
so to speak blindly, that You will heal our sick with wondrous remedies as yet
unknown to us.’
[5] Say I, ‘But what if I have no special medications with Me, neither healing oil nor
healing potions, nor any usual healing substances; how do you think I shall then heal
these sick?’
[6] Say the elders, ‘Lord. How could we possibly understand that? For we probably
have more knowledge in any field other than in the art of healing. We indeed have a
physician in this place, who however is as good as none, for he has helped no one
yet, other than into the grave. If therefore we knew even as much as our physician,
we could still not tell You anything about Your method of healing without
medicaments; hence we cannot possibly know how it is possible for You to in a
natural way make the sick whole!
[7] Perhaps You have supernatural means at Your disposal, something we cannot
know; or You could be perhaps a disciple of the famous wonder-physician of Nazareth
by the name of Jesus? Then of course such cures could be possible to You.
[8] It is an everlasting pity however that we hear how the Pharisees in Jerusalem
persistently pressure Herod to arrest and jail this most famous savior. Oh, this is a
tragedy for poor, suffering mankind.
[9] But by good fortune he is supposed to have instructed several students in His art.
It is of course rare for a disciple to become as perfect as his master. But with the
right amount of diligence, he could have in any case learnt something from him. And
that which we suppose as indwelling You to a high degree, is already a considerable
something to give us the faith You ....but....what is this?! Even whilst we are trying to
represent our faith as based on Your being a disciple of Jesus... all the sick are getting
up! The blind are seeing, the lame walking, the dumb speak, the leprous are clean.
And among them had been several choleric and some with consumption, and they are
well! Surely this is unheard of from the foundation of the world. In the great almighty
God’s will, how did this take place? Did You perhaps heal them all? Or has an angel
descended to this valley from above and invisibly touched all the sick and healed
them? What...what went on here?
[10] You did not even look around to the sick, dealing only with ourselves, yet all the
sick are well. Oh, tell us how this came about.’
[11] Say I, ‘What does the ‘how’ matter, as long as the sick, through My will and
through My Inner Word, to which all things are subject, became completely well,
something you surely will no longer doubt? But this deed did not take place so much
on account of the sick as on your account, who indeed are whole in body, but
nonetheless more sick of soul than were those physically sick.
[12] But I should be very happy if I could also heal your souls the way I healed the
physically sick. But this is not so easy, as each soul has to be its own physician.
[13] But the spiritual medicine I have already given you before, use it in actuality,
and you shall become well in your souls, and shall therewith transform yourselves
into the true children of God.
[14] The word that I spoke to you nevertheless must be kept without the slightest
addition or subtraction. And you few Jews of this place are to be perfect Jews in
heart; and you Greeks are to become true Jews, that there may be peace and unity
among you.
[15] Likewise you Greeks, through your clever spirit of usury are to henceforth desist
from forcing the already poor Jews to borrow money on prescribed land-rent rates, in
order to achieve your unjust demands.
[16] Is it you that created this earth with its diverse treasures, that you should now
act as if it was your property?
[17] Why do you demand rent from the Jews, seeing that the land was given to the
Jews by God, and that they alone therefore have the right to levy land rent from you?
You are strangers in the land of the Jews, who are children of Jehovah more than you,
and ask land rent on fields, meadows and woodlands which are the possession of
Jews since Abraham. Ask yourselves whether this can be just before God and before
all righteous men.
[18] I hence earnestly warn you against such blatant injustices in the future, or you
shall in all seriousness fare badly.
[19] Restore without remuneration the property and possession seized by you most
unjustly and regard yourselves in the land of the Jews as that which you are - namely
strangers - and you shall have a blessed part in all now bestowed upon the Jews, as
promised in the Word; otherwise the curse of thousands with its effects shall be your
[20] Regard the matter for once in its true light, and you shall see that in your eyes,
the Jews are no more than beasts of burden.
[21] You indeed cede political right of possession to the Jews, and the Jew can still
say, this land belongs to me; but you are there with your tempting wares, you have
made the beautiful daughters and wives of the Jews into vain fashion merchants, and
fools out of the blind Jews, who prefer their women and daughters dressed up Greek
fashion rather than in their simple Jewish apparel. Whereupon they signed over to
you the harvest from their fields, gardens and woodlands. And since they still needed
their life-support, and to reap some of the harvest from their fields, they had to go
into a secondary lease for land use and in addition then tithe you from the harvest.
And on top of that you let them, as the true owners, carry all taxation and other
[22] I say unto you: such injustice cries out to heaven and calls for punishment from
above. Let you therefore suffer My rebuke, or you shall not escape the sharpest
scourge from above.’

Chapter 212
The Lord’s decisive and humorous chat with Philopold, the Greek. The
hardened stoic’s loud-mouthed reply. God’s patience too has its limits.
Matthew and the obstinate Greek.
[1] The talk makes the Greeks hesitant, with some saying, ‘The usually stupid Jews
have worked this out very well; this miracle-working Jesus they assigned here so he
may have us against the wall. But we stand on solid ground.’
[2] This time however I became indignant Myself with the Greeks’ intransigence,
saying to the hard-nosed speaker, who tried to dissuade the somewhat better Greeks
from doing the right thing, ‘Hearken, you hard-hearted person. Watch that the ground
does not shake underneath you and the firmness of your stand. There have been a
great many already who called out to their surroundings with super-heroic voice, “Let
the earth be demolished, and the left-over pieces shall carry me about unflinchingly
through infinity”.
[3] I say unto you braggart of a Greek who calls himself Philopold, that the fly that
sometimes makes a business trip unto your nose stands more firmly on your nose
than you do on the ground! For should your nose suffer shipwreck, the fly still has a
second foundation on which to preserve itself quite well, such as air; where however
is your second support if the ground under your feet loosens?’
[4] At these My rather intentionally sarcastic words, Philopold the Greek, who was by
nature a bit of a satirist, became piqued, saying, ‘Look at the rare sight. Even a Jew
sarcastic? Probably the first and last in Israel. Friend, when a Greek speaks of
courage it is factual. For a Greek knows how to escape from life, seeking death. Greek
history acknowledges Greek chivalry only, but is not ignorant of the incomprehensible
cowardice of the Jews. Let the earth shake, or let all the dragons out, and watch
whether a Philopold’s expression changes by the smallest degree.’
[5] Say I, ‘Let go of your vain bragging, and do as I commanded all of you, or you
shall earnestly force me to put your courage to a tough test. Because the God of the
Jews will not be trifled with in such serious things, for even God’s great patience has
its limits in certain things.
[6] If however you and your followers want to push your luck, then you shall be
properly convinced that an angry God is not so easily appeased as to let a crude
sinner get away without a well-earned punishment.’
[7] Says Philopold, ‘This sounds typically Jewish! The Jews had certain seers; these
never opened their mouths, except for sheer warnings of which some came true upon
certain usually unspecified times. Most of them however were empty air, for the
earth’s nature surely always has been stronger than the mouth of a Jewish prophet.
The Greeks are stoics in general, and a true stoic has no fear, hence neither I. For I
too am a staunch stoic.’
[8] Says Matthew, the apostle, to Me privately, (until recently the tax-collector at
Sibarah), ‘Lord, this one I know quite well, a thoroughly annoying person. This one
always kicked up a fuss outside my tax office, whenever he was taking his wares to
Capernaum or Nazareth. With him I am still quite annoyed and feel like working him
[9] Say I, ‘Let it be. I have a little test for him, and it will shortly come about.’
[10] Matthew stands back, but Philopold recognised his tax collector from Sibarah,
saying to him, ‘Well well, you miserly turnpike jockey, how come you are here too?
What is your barricade going to do without your watching it from every angle with
your lynx-like eyes? No need for you to actually stir up this wonder savior against me,
for he shall know what to do if I get too stiff for him. But from the natural aspect you
two could have a tough fight with me, for a stoic is no rope or string that one can
bend any old way.
[11] Behold, the miraculous healing of the two hundred sick has confounded nearly all
the inhabitants of Cana; why not me?! Because I am a true stoic, to whom nearly all
of creation is hardly worth a bump on the nose, and myself and miserable life even
less. How would you therefore punish me? With death? I tell you I long for same,
together with eternal annihilation; because I owe thanks to no god for this
ignominious life. Or should one feel obliged to anyone for the most despised gift of
all? Surely it isn’t much for an almighty God to call a human into being. Who could
prevent God from doing so? The man still-to-be created surely won’t be asked
whether he wants to be created, so that as the only one really concerned, he may
utter his yes or no; of equal unconcern to the as yet un-created one is it for the
already created one as to whether or not he is followed by an as yet uncreated one.
For a God therefore, the act of creating is nothing special; but indeed so for the
created one, because he has to be something that he has never been able to request.
What could indeed be more deplorable than having to be without ever having wanted
[12] Give me to eat and drink without my work or effort, and I shall be satisfied for at
least the duration of earth-life; but having to work unreasonably hard for maintaining
this being, and hence suffer like a hunted wolf, and on top of that be obliged to thank
some god for it and at the same time keep certain commandments, only for the
creator’s selfish benefit, for this let me ‘thank you, not’ to all Jewish and Greek gods
or half-gods.’
[13] Says Matthew, ‘A few more such people on earth and Satan himself has a school
he can attend for a hundred years. Lord, what is to be done with this one? If he really
is the way he speaks, then all the angels together can achieve nothing with him in the
normal way.’

Chapter 213
About visitor-souls on earth. The earth as the only school for children of God.
About re-incarnation. The solar world Procyon. About the Lord’s Incarnation.
The angel’s messenger-wonders. Murahel (Philopold) and the Archangel
The contractual deed from the solar world.
[1] Say I, ‘Just let it be, you shall soon convince yourself that something can be done
with this one.’ And turning to Philopold, the stoic, ‘Do you think that you did not enter
upon a prior contract with God, your Creator, fulfilling all the oft-stipulated conditions
essential for life upon this planet? Behold you fool, this is already the twentieth
heavenly sphere on which you live physically; your cumulative age in the flesh in
terrestrial years far exceeds the number of sand grains in all the terrestrial oceans.
Yet besides that, what eons of time, hardly imaginable to men walking the earth
physically, had you already existed as a pure spirit of the fullest being and in the
clearest self-consciousness within endless space, together with countless other spirits,
consummating the fullest life and power.
[2] When however, living upon your most recent solar world, called Procyon by the
wise of this earth, but named Akka by the inhabitants of its wide earth (pronouncing
it with uniform intonation, because the inhabitants there speak only one language),
you expressed the most ardent desire, (after hearing from an angel that the great,
almighty, eternal Spirit and sole Creator and Sustainer of infinity and everything
within it, is to take on the flesh Himself and the full human form upon one of the most
insignificant planets orbiting within infinite space in countless numbers), that you
would be set down here for the purpose of seeing and hearing Him Who created you;
whereupon the same angel whom you see here as the seventh person, but who
nevertheless is a fully free spirit, came to you and acquainted you in smallest detail
with the difficult conditions you would have to suffer if wanting to become an
inhabitant of this planet upon which you now stand, for the purpose of achieving the
childhood of God.
[3] You accepted all the conditions, including the one that, in common with all the
inhabitants of this planet, you be barred all retrospection to your previous existence
on other heavenly spheres until such time as this same angel would call you three
times by the name by which you were named on Akka.
[4] If however things are of a truth just so, although of course incomprehensible to
you, then how unfair is your assertion that there was no contract entered into
between you and your Creator for your existence upon this earth.’
[5] Says Philopold, ‘What kind of raving lunacy is this? I am supposed to have already
lived, in the flesh, on some nicer and obviously better world as a human?! No, this is
getting too thick. Listen, you seventh one on the right, referred to as an angel by the
Nazarene, what do they call you and me?’
[6] Says the angel, ‘Just wait a little, and I shall in all haste fetch evidence from your
previous world, and give it to you for your greater insight and identification.’
[7] With these words the angel vanishes, re-appearing in a few moments to hand
Philopold a scroll on which, clearly inscribed in ancient Hebrew, appear the angel’s
and his name, together with a second scroll in which were recorded the conditions he
promised before his transfer.
[8] Handing such over to Philopold, the angel says, ‘Here, read and comprehend, old
Murahel, Murahel, Murahel! For I myself, named Archiel, have picked it up from the
same altar where you made me the great promise. But do not now ask how such was
possible in just a few moments; for with God, the most wondrous things are possible.
Read it all first and speak afterwards.’

Chapter 214
Philopold’s spiritual vision. An occasion with the family upon the solar world
The converted Philopold’s hymn of praise to God’s love. The recently-signed
contract. Reason for the veiling of our retrospection to our pre-existence.
About the relationship between body, soul and spirit. Man’s spirit a miniature
Difference between terrestrial, spiritual being, and other worlds.
[1] Philopold is absorbed with reading the scrolls, and as his inner vision opens
therewith, he says after a good while, with the greatest astonishment, ‘Yes, it is so. I
now am seeing into all the endless depths of my being, seeing all the worlds upon
which I have already lived, together with the places and locations I lived from birth to
departure from those worlds; I am seeing what I was and what I did on one or the
other celestial spheres, seeing also all my next of kin; and behold, upon Akka I also
see even my parents, my many brothers and most dear sisters. Yes, I even hear
them talk about me with concern, saying, ‘What could have become of Murahel? Will
he have found the great spirit in human form within endless space? He will not be
thinking of us, because Archiel the Messenger of the great Spirit has veiled his
retrospection, until he will call him three times by his real name.’
[2] Behold, thus I hear them speak now, even as I’m seeing them physically as well.
Now they are going to the temple to look up the documents with the difficult life-
conditions; yet they don’t find same. But the high priest of the temple is telling them
that Archiel picked up the documents a few moments ago on behalf of Murahel, but
that they shall be restored in a short while. And now they are tarrying in the temple,
giving a sacrifice for me.
[3] Oh love, love, you divine power! How endlessly far stretchest Thou Thy holy arm.
Everywhere the self-same love. Oh God, how great and holy art Thou and how
fraught with mysteries is free life. What man on earth can probe the depths that I see
now? With what insignificance miserable man walks this lean earth, waging mortal
combat not infrequently for a span of earth, even whilst carrying within himself what
billions of earths cannot grasp.’
[4] With these words, Philopold falls silent, going over to the angel to return the two
scrolls to him, remarking, ‘Restore them to where they are waiting for them.’
[5] But the angel says, ‘Behold, I also brought a writing utensil, the very same one
with which you wrote the documents in the temple up on Akka. Sign yourself doubly
on each document and your name here, and keep the writing utensil for
[6] Philopold does that, and the angel takes the documents and vanishes.
[7] After a few moments, - those he needs to talk to the high priest on Akka, he is
back among us, asking Philopold what he thinks now.
[8] Says Philopold, ‘As I handed the two scrolls back to you, the vision disappeared,
and I hardly remember more than a dream, where consciousness tells only that there
was one, whose details however no amount of memory-tugging will recall. I also
notice that I hold some strange writing utensil in my left hand, yet I hardly recall how
I came by it. Hence I would like to know why one retains either very little or nothing
at all of the phenomena from the domain of the inner life. Why so?’
[9] Says the angel, ‘Because here it is all about becoming a completely new creature
out of and in God. Once you will have become a completely new creature out of God,
and achieve the childhood of God, everything shall be added back unto you.
[10] In all the other countless worlds, you are created externally and internally what
you are to be, but here God hands the external formation to the soul, which builds its
own body in accordance with its created order. But the task of the spirit placed into
every soul, primarily is to develop the soul by keeping the Commandments given him
from without. Once the soul as a result has achieved the right degree of ripeness and
development, the spirit spreads into the entire soul, and the entire man is then
perfected, a new being, and that fundamentally out of God, since the spirit within
man is no less than a God in miniature, because fully out of the heart of God. But
man is then so, not through God’s deed but through his fully own, and is for that
reason a true child of God. And I repeat to you in all brevity: in no other heavenly
sphere do men have to form themselves, for they are so of God, or what amounts to
the same, are so through His children. But here men have to develop completely by
themselves, in accordance with revealed order, or they could not possibly become
children of God. And thus a perfected man on earth, as a child of God, is fully
identical with God, although an undeveloped one, in contrast, is below the kingdom of
Chapter 215
Archiel speaks about the Lord’s Incarnation. Philopold’s timidity,
and his being summoned to the Lord.
[1] Philopold again asks the angel, ‘But who will show us this most mysterious order?’
[2] Says the angel, ‘The very self-Same Who referred you to me. Go to Him, He will
tell you what He has already told you. Because to live as He teaches already is that
divine life-style, through which alone one can attain to the childhood of God!
[3] And He also is the very Self-Same One on Whose account you and many others
have spiritually left Akka, and for the Lord’s sake were incarnated on this earth, into
the flesh of this earth.
[4] But throughout all of Creation, and that upon all celestial spheres inhabited by
intelligent beings in human form, the Incarnation of the Lord has been proclaimed by
us; but only a few spirits from a small number of worlds were allowed to enter the
flesh of this world. For the Lord is familiar with the nature of all the worlds in endless
space, together with the nature and capacity of their inhabitants and spirits occupying
one or the other such world; and He therefore knows best as to what spirit is capable
of entering upon the flesh of this earth.
[5] Whatever was fit anywhere, also has been transferred here, and the number
transferred here is not much over ten thousand.
[6] But among these you are one of the most fortunate, because if you so desire,
then you can be accepted by the Lord as a disciple, like those who arrived with Him
[7] Says Philopold, ‘My Archiel! Since you have already done me such great favours,
please do me also the favour of taking me over to the Lord, for now that I have
recognised Him, I lack the courage to go over to Him again. If it were left to me
alone, I would rather run away as fast as possible and hide so that no man would find
me. But since I am here now, and everybody knows me only too well, I can’t do so,
for the entire valley would be filled with laughter. Hence be so good and take me to
the Lord, as my advocate.’
[8] Says the angel, ‘It is not necessary to do so, as the Lord knows what we have
need of. Hence go to Him yourself, and He shall not pull your head off your trunk!’
[9] Upon these words of the angel, Philopold plucks up courage and comes to Me with
thoughtful gait, saying from some thirty paces away, ‘Lord, will You let me approach
You? If not, then I shall make my retreat!’
[10] But I say, ‘He who wants to come, let him come; for no man has advanced while
[11] Hearing this, Philopold hastened his steps and is therefore quickly by My side,
achieving what many hesitate doing and hence frequently don’t achieve, as they are
not to be moved from the spot they occupy, in spite of being called.
[12] For so long as someone, with all his toing and froing, does not direct his steps to
Me in a straight line, all his doings and standing is to no avail to his life. And were he
to win the whole world but not Me, then the whole world is of no avail to him. If
however, in this time of revealing the Gospel, I call to someone, saying, ‘Come’, yet
he does not come, same shall be overtaken by spiritual death! And for this reason,
Philopold is a good example that everyone should follow. He who calls after Me, let
him not hesitate once called. For I shall not remain henceforth in Cana (signifying:
filled with grace in this world) but shall move on, turning My eye and ear away from
all who hesitate upon My ‘come’!
Chapter 216
Philopold’s unassuming and commendable talk. The Lord’s grace-filled reply.
Two varieties of men upon earth - from below and from above. Reason for
the Lord’s Incarnation upon earth. ‘The last will be the first’. Behavioral hints
for the healed. Hints for Matthew and John as scribes. About the current New
[1] On coming over to Me, Philopold said, ‘Lord, I have sinned without limit against
You, but only my great blindness was responsible for this. But now that You oh Lord,
made me see in the most miraculous way, and I recognise Who You are, I beg You for
the sake of Your eternal love and wisdom that You would forgive me a poor, blind
sinner, the transgressions I have committed against You and my neighbors, as you
pointed it out to me before. Had I written down Your holy Word, then by all the
heavens, not even a dot over the i should have remained unfulfilled. But I believe
myself to have memorised Your will and shall follow it to the letter. You paid off all
our debts with Kisjonah, and healed all our sick miraculously, without charge and all
this You did ahead of any due request; and I therefore believe that You will not cast
off a begging sinner.’
[2] Say I, ‘I say unto you, you are accepted! For he who comes shall be accepted. But
go and first put your affairs in order as specified by Me; then come and follow Me, for
you are not to cling to this world, as you are not of this world or from below, but from
another world, and hence from above.
[3] Because, of all those you count as around Me, there are some from your world;
others from another light-world, and only a few from this world. And these few don’t
mean much, for the world still matters more to them than I! Hence they are capable
of only little or nothing.
[4] I selected this earth however because its children are the last and lowliest
throughout all of infinity, and hence I put on the garb of the deepest lowliness, to
make it possible for all the creatures of My most endless Creation to come unto Me;
from the lowliest planetary inhabitants to those of the highest arch-primordial central
suns, all are to be enabled to come unto Me along the same path.
[5] Hence let it not astonish you that you meet Me on this most imperfect and last
planet of My entire Creation! For it is I Who want it thus; who therefore is to prescribe
to do it differently?’
[6] Says Philopold, ‘Lord, whoever would want to or could give You advice, if he
believes and recognises that You are the Lord from eternity? But now I shall depart,
in order to attend to Your holiest will immediately.’
[7] With these words, Philopold rushes off, together with all the local chiefs; but
whilst quite a few Jews accompany them, to see what the Greeks would work out on
their behalf, I Myself am instructing the healed on how to conduct themselves in
future, in order not be re-visited by their old maladies.
[8] Everyone received this teaching gratefully, and they thank Me also most ardently
for the great favour bestowed upon them.
[9] I however command them, one and all to tell no stranger what they had seen and
heard here and to as it were betray Me before time, the non-keeping of which would
cause them to fare badly. But they all promised that no other place shall find out.
[10] I then let them go and also tell the disciples not to make known this deed
anywhere outside Kis. And to Matthew’s query regarding whether to record this
matter, I reply, ‘No! Because you as My closest witnesses indeed can bear and also
grasp it. But if everything I do and say before you were recorded in books, the world
not only would not comprehend such books, but on the contrary be offended beyond
measure, and denounce you below every carcass on earth! Hence nothing should be
recorded by you, Matthew, other than what I expressly direct you to record. [John
21:[25] the publisher]
[11] Says for once also John, ‘But Lord, my purest love. This would all be fine. But if
once with time the world is handed down only fractious original documents about Your
presence and action in this world, then it shall go over into all doubts about Your
Being and operation and regard such fractions as the work of mere priestly self-
[12] Say I, ‘This is however exactly how I want it to be for the actual world, which is
Satan’s house; for regardless of whether you cast corn or the most precious pearls
before swine, it shall do the same with the pearls as with the corn.
[13] Hence it is better to present the thing to the world fully veiled, whereupon the
latter is free to wrestle with the husk, within which the living corn remains unharmed.
[14] When once nevertheless it becomes necessary, I shall indeed awaken men and
reveal to them all that took place here, and what the world can expect on account of
its incorrigible wickedness.
[15] But how all this shall take place I shall, My brother John, once reveal to you for
the rest of the world in veiled images while still in this world, when I shall again be
dwelling in My heavens.
[16] But now the Greek and Jewish local chiefs are returning from town; we shall see
how they attended to My request.’
Chapter 217
Warning against Satan’s traps. The wicked one can influence only the
but not the will of the soul.
[1] Philopold together with several Greeks steps over to me, saying, ‘Lord, as far as
was possible in the short time, we gratefully attended to Your request; but we shall
not fail to attend to the minor details too. So far as my family is concerned I am now
free to accompany You one or two or three years, if only I let my family know from
time to time where I am and what You are doing. For behold, my entire household
now believes and hopes in Your name. If You are pleased therewith oh Lord, then
please communicate it, or any further request.
[2] Say I, ‘For the present you have done everything that is right before God and
before all men who feel and think righteously; but be on your guard against all sorts
of traps with which Satan enchants you and you then fall out into all kinds of
quarreling and wrangling, where such future state would then be worse than was the
present one from which I liberated you.
[3] For the wicked spirit never rests, neither by day nor night; he runs to and fro and
like a hungry lion, rapaciously falling upon anything at all coming his way.
[4] Were he visible, then some men of courage would hazard a fight with him, yet be
defeated even sooner than if visible; for he can transform his appearance to a beauty
surpassing an angel of light, or on the other hand clothe himself with the shape of the
most frightful fiery dragon. Who would dare then to take him on in that appearance?
For Satan would then vanquish millions through either the beauty or petrifying
hideousness of form alone. Where he cannot and must not reveal himself however,
with every man nevertheless being capable of easily recognising his evil whisperings,
which always make the soul hard-hearted, selfish, domineering, deceitful, mean,
merciless, indifferent towards truthfulness and godliness, unfeeling towards the poor
and suffering but attuned to all worldly indulgence; there man can openly confront
these efforts on Satan’s part, for Satan can affect only the soul’s senses, but not its
[5] I have now given you the signs which, when these insinuate your soul, you can
easily recognise as to what spirit is bestalking you and with what motives.
[6] Whenever you perceive such upon yourselves, then hearken back to this My
teaching; lift up your souls and do the contrary to the initial enticements, to thus
become master of the wicked one! And once you have defeated him in the aspects
indicated, he shall leave you alone and you shall have no more fights with him. But if
you allow yourselves to get caught in one or the other aspect, or relent in even a
small way, then you shall not easily be rid of him again to the very end of your earth
[7] Hence, heed all those aspects that I brought to your attention. Because once
when the wicked one has achieved the acquiescence of the soul to one or the other of
the above, something not too hard for him to effect, leading of course to sin, then it
already takes a fierce fight to fully repair the damage to the soul.
[8] But when someone is firmly determined to do all he can by himself, and spiritually
hands his weakness over to Me, for such the full victory over Satan shall be easier;
but note well, only after the calling upon My name in living faith.
[9] Now you know everything you need to know; you know the One true God, and
now His will.
[10] Verily I say unto you; The Father in heaven has well-provided you with
everything you have need of; now it is up to you as to how conscientiously you want
to employ it for your true and everlasting benefit.
[11] Out of your own doing or omission all effects shall proceed, and your words and
deeds shall be your judges!
[12] You, Philopold, tarry here three more days and try to order everything; then
come out to Kis where you shall meet Me.’
[13] Philopold promised to do so. Thereupon I blessed the locality, and we made our
way back to Kis.
Chapter 218
The goings on at Kisjonah’s during the Lord’s absence. The Pharisee’s mis-
direction by Kisjonah’s servants, and their recall on the Lord’s order. The
Pharisees’ confession and request for healing of their sick. A great healing
[1] On arrival home, several servants come to meet us and tell us that shortly after
our leaving for the valley, a great many strangers had arrived, insistently inquiring
about Me, what I was up to and to where I had headed for. But they, the servants,
who presumed to recognise them as Pharisees in disguise, told them that I had left
the area a long time since, and that, in their opinion, for Damascus or possibly even
to the heathens in Persia; for I am supposed during My stay here to have repeatedly
stated: the grace shall be taken from the Jews and given to the gentiles.
[2] At this the inquirers were visibly angered, and one of them was supposed to have
said, ‘Boys can shake the fruit off young trees indeed, but not from an old one that
has to be climbed cautiously, if one wants to get to the fruit-laden boughs! This
troubadour shall have little effect upon the Jewry!’
[3] At this, they, the servants, are to have laughed and said, ‘Just watch that the tree
does not get blown over on account of its rottenness. It seems to us that your tree
has already had it for a long time, so far as fruits are concerned, and its dried-out
branches hung by you with dried figs, for a dirty-trick wonder.’
[4] At this, the obvious Pharisees were supposed to become indignant and to start
threatening the servants.
[5] But the servants said, ‘To begin with we are Greeks, and embrace the religion of
our emperor, and hence can laugh at your stupidity that you call God’s doctrine, and
you can do us no harm if we don’t do so in your temples and schools. And secondly,
there are many of us serving at mighty Kisjonah’s big house; and if therefore you
don’t leave this place soon, then we shall start showing you the way out with clubs.’
Thereupon they bit their lips balefully and went their way up the coast leading to
[6] But we would ask You, Lord Jesus, whether we acted in an appropriate manner?’
[7] Said I, ‘Except for one thing; it was not right that you knowingly told them an
untruth. It would have been better if you had told them the truth; in that case they
would have waited for us and we would have effected changes on them. For these
were mostly sick, with some Pharisees among them indeed, but of a better variety.
They are still camping upon the hill that rises from the upper end of the bay; hence
hasten over to them with donkeys and mules and bring them all here. Say to them,
‘The Lord has arrived and tarries for you! Load the sick upon the mules and donkeys
and let the healthy walk.’
[8] Although it is already late dusk, the servants get under way as I requested,
bringing all those over whom they had driven away with blind zeal.
[9] Five Pharisees step over to Me at once with proper deference, complaining of how
roughly they were treated by domestic staff, who abused and lied to them.
[10] But I reassure them, telling them that it was not from ill-will, but out of blind
love for Me, since they thought they sensed you My enemies. Whence I also
commanded them on My arrival to convey you here in as good a state as possible.
And so they had to therewith make good their transgression against you. And I
regard this matter as fixed up.
[11] Say the Pharisees, ‘Quite, it is all in the best order. But now to another matter.
[12] We have come all the way from Bethlehem, having heard of Your extraordinary
healing-miracle power. Hence we brought along our sick. Those still strong enough
had to walk of course, and the weaker ones we transported by beasts of burden. We
beg You to have mercy on the suffering and heal them of their maladies.’
[13] Say I, ‘Where are they whom you brought upon the beasts of burden? The staff
did not mention them.’
[14] Say the five Pharisees, ‘We left them at the inn beyond the bay, as we could not
know whether we could meet up with You. Because it was hard to even find out that
You were to be found here, intermittently, and that You could not be met with
certainty. And so we ventured here to either find You, or to most likely find out here
where You might be, or when You might return. Due to this uncertainty we left our
rather feeble sick at the aforementioned inn, so that they may receive care whilst we
try and reach You and beg You to have mercy on these acutely suffering. Hence we
also set up camp on the mountain above the inn, in order to be as near as possible to
our sick, quartering at the inn with barest essentials.
[15] We now have, Lord and Maser, told you everything, and we can tell you no
more. If therefore You are that way inclined, then have mercy on the poor and
[16] Say I, ‘It is indeed thus; if you don’t see miracles and signs, your faith is weak
but without the power of faith, little can be done for mankind’s well being. If you
believe however, then you shall see the glory of God’s power in man!’
[17] Say all, ‘Yes, yes, indeed Lord! All of us believe. He who can, as You have done,
call back to life a deceased daughter of the chief Jairus, can also heal all other
sickness, which is no death by a long shot. Because, of this deed we heard as far
away as David’s city of Bethlehem.’
[18] Say I with raised hands, ‘So then, let it be in accordance with your faith!’
[19] All the sick awaiting healing in the courtyard instantly became completely well,
and started to jubilate and cry for joy, exclaiming: ‘We saw a light enter our bodies,
and we are well; and we now feel as if there had never been anything wrong with us.
Hail to Him Who has made us whole so suddenly!’
[20] The Pharisees can hardly utter a word for astonishment. After a short while
however they hear more shouting and jubilation in the Kis area. The Pharisees, as
well as the thoroughly healed sick, go to at look at what the noise was. They quickly
realise it is their sick from the inn, all leaping about like lively stags, shouting; ‘Hail to
the man who healed them so miraculously.’
[21] As the healed ones join the five Pharisees, the latter ask the jubilant ones when
and how they were healed. All those healed - about thirty in number, tell with one
voice: at such and such a time, and that they saw a light entering their bodies.
[22] Here the five realised this was at the time I said: Let it be in accordance with
your faith, and that those in the inn were healed by a light.
[23] All are astonished, and the healed are exclaiming, ‘Take us to the Saviour, that
we may say our thanks and praise to Him personally.’
[24] The Pharisees lead them to Me and they fall down before Me, praising God for
imbuing man with such power.
[25] But I command them to rise, and whilst showing them to their dining room, warn
them not to make any of this known, neither at Jerusalem nor at David’s city.
[26] And they promise with one voice that they will heed this as far as possible; but
that they shall fare badly in their city when returning completely fit. But they shall do
everything not to betray Me.
[27] Calling their intentions good, I lead them into the dining room, where
refreshments and fortifications of all kinds await them. I bless the food and drinks for
them and invite them to eat and drink according to need, assuring them of no harmful
effects. And they start eating and drinking, whilst I Myself withdrew to another
chamber, where honest Baram had prepared an exceedingly plenteous supper for
Myself and Mine, with Kisjonah and his family partaking at My side.
Chapter 219
Another hint about ministry. Fermenting of the emotions. Parable of the
fattening bull. Blessing in affliction.
[1] Said Ahab, after supper, ‘It goes without saying that I am clear about Your nature
since Jesaira, and there would have been no need for such immense signs for either
myself or the likes of me, to convince us all overabundantly that You are Jehovah
Himself, acting through a physical body, borrowed as it were from this earth. But I
am curious about whether the five Pharisees, seemingly upright people, in all earnest
do not sense Who might be He that healed their sick in a truly miraculous way. If they
had but the faintest clue, they would have to be capable of grasping by hand that an
ordinary human could not possibly accomplish this in all eternity. In my opinion, one
should go and sniff them out a little and it should quickly transpire as to what they
actually make of You.’
[2] Say I, ‘Friend, you will surely not doubt that I know what they think of Me;
therefore I don’t consider it necessary to interrupt them in their deliberations. Hence,
tomorrow is another day on which a few initiatives can be taken in that respect. Let
us leave them to some real fermentation overnight! Because just as cider needs
fermenting to become a spiritual wine, just so every man’s emotions need
fermenting, if he is to transcend to the truly spiritual.
[3] Behold, if a man has everything that he needs, then he feels quite snug; he cares
about nothing, does no work, takes it easy and inquires little about the existence of
God or life after physical death, or whether man is more than the animal, or vice
versa. Mountains and valleys are the same to him, winter and summer don’t concern
him. For in summer he has shade and cooling baths, and in winter well-heated fire-
places and warm clothing.
[4] Neither does he care whether the year was plentiful or not; for he is provided
firstly with all stores for ten years and secondly with plenty of money for acquiring
anything he lacks.
[5] Behold, such a person then enjoys the leisure of a fattening ox in the stable,
prone to little more thought than the ox, and is therefore no more than a hedonistic
animal in human form.
[6] If you came to such a man to preach the Gospel of the heavenly kingdom, he
would do to you what the ox in the stable does to the blowfly, swinging his tail over it
to make it take off or be killed or at least suffer considerable harm.
[7] And behold, such carefree glutton shall direct his servants, who also are no more
than the carefree hedonists’ fly chasing and repelling tail, to chase you away. You
obviously shall quickly turn on your heels, and at a safe distance contemplate the
effect of your gospelling on the glutton.
[8] But I know how to give such oxen quite a different introductory sermon; I let one
terrestrial accident after another overtake them; this fills them with all sorts of
troubles and fears, causing them to think, seek to find out and ask how it is possible
for them to now be beset by all sorts of extremities, since they had never been unjust
to anyone, having always been orderly and respectable citizens.
[9] This however is only on account of the necessary fermentation.
[10] When such people then undergo a proper fermentation, they long for friends who
could bring them comfort; go to them then to preach the Gospel, and they shall hear
you and not raise their furiously swinging tail against you!
[11] And behold, for this reason it is good for these guests to undergo real
fermentation this night; this shall make them internally more spiritual, and your work
shall be easy with them tomorrow. Do you follow this?’
Chapter 220
Ahab’s astonishment at Divine wisdom. Self understanding is most essential.
Be not only hearers, but doers of God’s Word! The true, living rest in God.
Warning against excessive sleep and indigence.
[1] Says Ahab; ‘Oh wisdom, oh wisdom! Behold your grasp of the exalted and true,
and how immensely stupid the likes of us. It is an eternal truth that nothing can arise
without a struggle; yet I was going to hurry over to the Bethlehemites to start
enlightening them. Oh, centre of stupidity that am I! Do not the Greek wise men say:
every activity is generated from struggle, and every effect its outcome. Yet I did not
see this. Why do I see it now?
[2] Indeed, if there is no preceding contention between the inner life-elements in
man, then all external efforts with man are futile!
[3] I am now in the clear about human instruction, and could almost pronounce a life-
fundamental, without straying too far afield!’ Say I, ‘Let it be heard. I intend not to
review it within Myself until you have voiced it.’
[4] Ahab, ‘What man has not initially acquired himself from the properties given him
at the outset, no God can give him without ruining him. To God, of course, all things
are possible, but thereby man does not gain anything.
[5] Who does not know himself first, how can he know another and, finally, even
God? That would be my principle. Am I far off the mark, Lord?’
[6] Say I, ‘No, friend Ahab, you have in truth hit the nail firmly on the head., Thus it
is! What man does not acquire for himself independently with the abilities bestowed
on him, God cannot and may not provide without judging him.
[7] Therefore, all of you should not be just idle hearers of My ?Word, but diligent
doers, only then will you begin to notice its blessings within you.
[8] For life is action and not stagnation of the powers on which life depends. And so
life must be preserved even for eternity through the constant activity of all its powers,
for in the lying-down-to-rest there is no permanent life.
[9] The certain feeling of well-being you gain from rest is nothing else but a partial
death of the powers needed for living. The person who then increasingly enjoys the
inactive rest, especially of the spiritual life-powers, thereby also slides ever more into
the arms of actual death from which no God will easily free him.
[10] Oh yes, there does also exist a proper rest full of life, but that is in God and for
everyone an indescribably blissful feeling of contentment to be active in accordance
with God’s will.
[11] The is most blissful feeling of contentment and the clearest realisation to have
always truly acted according to the order of God is that proper rest in god which alone
is full of life because it is full of energy and respective action. Every other rest that
consists in the ceasing of the life-powers is, as already mentioned, an actual death to
the point to which the various life-forces have withdrawn from activity and no longer
resumed it. Do you understand this?’
[12] Says Judas Iscariot, ‘Lord, if so, then man should flee sleep like the pestilence,
for also sleep is a rest of a number of life-forces, although external ones.’
[13] Say I, ‘Certainly! Because of that late-risers will never reach a particularly great
age. Whoever grants his body five hours of sleep in his young days and six hours in
his old age will usually reach a great age and look youthful for a long time, whereas a
late-riser soon ages, gets a lined face and grey hair and at a somewhat advanced age
walks around like a shadow.
[14] And just as the body gradually dies off through too much sleep, in the same
way, but on a larger scale this apples to the soul if it increasingly slackens in its
activity according to My Word and will.
[15] Once idleness has made itself at home in a soul there soon follows also
depravity. For idleness is nothing else but a self-indulging love which all the more
flees any activity for someone else’s sake because it basically want only one thing,
namely, ,that all others should work for its benefit.
[16] Therefore, beware particularly of idleness, for this is an actual see for all kinds of
[17] The various beasts of prey may serve you as an example. Look, these beasts
become destructively active only when driven by burning hunger. Once they have
captured their prey and satisfied their hunger, they again return to their lairs where
they rest often for days, especially snakes.
[18] Now look at a robber or murderer. This man who shuns all work, who is actually
a devil in the flesh, lies often for days in one of his dens. Only when his pies tell him
that a rich caravan is due to pass his den, he lies in wait together with his
accomplices, ruthlessly attacks and robs the caravan and kills the merchants to
prevent them from betraying him. And that is a fruit of idleness
[19] Therefore, I say once more: Beware above all of idleness, for it is the road and
the wide door to all imaginable vices.
[20] After the work has been done moderate rest is good for the limbs of the body,
but excessive rest is worse than none.’

Chapter 221
The sermon at night
[1] The Lord, ‘If someone has walked a long distance and finally reaches a shelter he
will, if he does not go to bed immediately, but continues with small movements and
on the following day is on his feet already before sunrise, not feel any tiredness all
day, and the longer he will thus continue his journey the less tired it will make him.
[2] If, however, someone after a day’s march arrives quire as tired at a shelter,
immediately throws himself on a bed and maybe leaves it only at noon on the
following day, he will be continuing his journey on completely stiff feet and with a
totally benumbed head. After having covered a certain distance, he will from utter
exhaustion long for a rest, and it can even happen that he collapses on the road and
if no one comes to his aid, - which can easily happen - perishes there and then.
[3] And what has caused it? His own too great desire for rest and the delusion that
rest strengthens a person.
[4] If someone wished to achieve a great, amazing accomplishment in one or the
other art where a high degree of hand - or finger-dexterity is required - question: Will
he achieve it if instead of constant diligent practice every day he idly strolls around
day by day with his hands in his pockets motivated by a kind of anxious concern not
to tire his hands and fingers to prevent them from getting stiff and unfit for the
striven-for accomplishment?
[5] Truly, even I Myself with all My boundless wisdom could not a make a prophet
and determine the time when such a disciple of art will become a virtuoso. Therefore,
My dear friends and brothers, I repeat:
[6] Only activity upon activity for the common good of people brings you salvation.
For all life is the fruit of God’s constant, never tiring activity and therefore can only be
maintained and preserved for eternity through proper activity whereas nothing but
death does and must result from inactivity.
[7] Place your hands on your heart and feel how it is constantly active day and night.
The life of the body depends solely on such activity. Once the heart stops, that would
mean the end of the natural life of the body, I should say.
[8] And just as the rest of the physical heart obviously constitutes the total death of
the body, this same rest of the soul’s heart is the death of the soul.
[9] The heart of the soul, however, is called love, and its pulsating expresses itself in
true and full love-activity.
[10] Thus constant love-activity is the never wearying pulsebeat of the soul’s heart.
The more actively the heart of the soul pulsates, the more life is generated in the soul
and once thereby a sufficiently high degree of life, this awakens therein the life of the
divine spirit.
[11] This - as the very life, because the untiring supreme activity itself - then flows
into the soul that has become equal to it through love activity, and everlasting
imperishable life has fully commenced within the soul.
[12] And look, all this arises from activity, but never from idle rest.
[13] Therefore, shun rest and seek full activity, and eternal life will be your reward.
[14] Do not imagine that I have come to bring peace to mankind on this earth. Oh
no, only the sword and war instead.
[15] For, men must be impelled to all kinds of activity through distress and hardships
or they would become lazy, fatted oxen that fatten themselves for eternal death.
[16] Distress and hardship bring about fermentation upon fermentation in man from
which in the end something spiritual could develop.
[17] One could, of course, say: “Through distress and hardship also anger,
vengeance, murder and manslaughter arise, also envy, hardheartedness and
persecution. That is indeed true, but bad as all that is, the result is nevertheless
better than from idle rest which is dead and brings neither good nor bad results.”
[18] Therefore I tell you: Let a person be really warm or completely cold where I am
concerned; but a lukewarm one I will spit out from My mouth.
[19] I prefer an energetic enemy to a lukewarm friend, for the energetic enemy will
challenge Me to full activity, so that I may either win him over or make provision to
prevent him from harming Me. Beside a lukewarm friend, however, I become
lukewarm Myself and if I should get into difficulties, will the lukewarm friend be of any
use to Me?
[20] Therefore, also a lukewarm ruler is a pest for his people, for then the nation’s
spirit decays and the people all turn into voracious oxen and beasts of burden. But a
severe and even tyrannical ruler causes the people to be alive and there is activity
everywhere so as not to incur punishment. And if a tyrant goes too far the people will
rise in great numbers and rid themselves of their tormentor.
[21] I think I have now said enough about the value of activity and am convinced that
all of you have understood this lesson. Therefore, if someone wants it and feels a
need for a sleeping rest for his body, let him seek a bed; but who wants to sit up with
Me through the night, let him remain here.’ There they all said, ‘Lord, how could we
sleep when You are sitting up? Only the mother Mary seems to need a rest for her
body, and so You could send her to bed.’
[22] But Mary, although she had dozed a little in an armchair behind Me, heard these
words, sat up and said with great friendliness to the speaker, ‘Friend, you who usually
speak for your fellow-disciples, I tell you that your concern for me is rather futile. For,
behold, for the sake of my Lord I have sat up for probably hundreds of sleepless
nights and am still alive - and I shall still be sitting up foe ever so many and not lose
my life if it is His will. Therefore, do not concern yourselves about me all of you, it is
sufficient that One looks after me.’
[23] These words had been addressed to Thomas and he came to Mary and asked her
not to regard his good intention unkindly. But Mary comforted him and was very kind
about his concern for her, and Thomas felt easier in his mind and soon, quite relieved,
resumed his seat.
[24] For a while there was now silence. No one spoke, for they all pondered on what
had been said and found the truth of it shining ever brighter.
[25] Only Matthew said after a while to himself, ‘Tomorrow at daybreak this teaching
about activity and rest will be recorded as best as possible on a special tablet, for this
so extremely important lesson must on no account be lost to the world.’ And when
soon it began to dawn, Matthew kept his word, and this lesson was preserved for a
long time and through Jonael and Jairuth reached also Samaria, but in the course of
time was considerably distorted and, therefore, also got lost. But while it was still
around the people knew it under the name of “the night-sermon.”
Chapter 222
The five Bethlehemite Pharisees washing the Lord’s feet. A quick Gospel of
[1] In the morning, the five Pharisees came over to me, greeting Me and My disciples
in the friendliest terms, after their fashion, and even showed Me an especial honour
by asking me whether I would find them worthy of washing My feet.
[2] For in Bethlehem, it was still an old form of especial reverence the following
morning for the host to wash his guest’s feet or alternatively for the principal guest to
wash the feet of the host. Hence I permitted the five Pharisees to wash and dry My
[3] Only after this action did the five Pharisees ask me, saying, ‘Verily, inexplicably
supreme master! Would you not tell us something of the method by which you
achieve such unheard-of healings. There can be no doubt that in general terms, You
obviously effect this through God’s power; but it is another question in what way, and
in unheard-of perfection. Only of this give us a few hints, if You find us worthy,
whereupon we shall be joyfully and everlastingly grateful to You, and undertake our
journey back to Bethlehem.’
[4] Say I, ‘Even if I were to tell you that, you would nevertheless not believe Me; for
Moses’ threefold veil hangs also over your eyes, that you may not discern Who it is
that now speaks to you. Were you to know Him, you would not put such a question;
but because you don’t know Him, you ask the way you do.
[5] And were I to give you the right answer, you would still not accept it. Because you
see indeed what is and happens in the world materially; but concerning the Spirit, it’s
kingdom and action, this is strange to you, wherefore you are unable to grasp or feel
what is the being and action of God’s kingdom in man.
[6] But go and do penance on account of your many sins, and you shall perceive that
the kingdom of God has come near unto you.
[7] Love God with all your strength, worshipping Him in spirit and in truth, but loving
also your poor brother and sister neighbors. Do not persecute your enemies, nor
curse those that curse you, doing good to those offending you; and you shall heap
coals of fire upon their heads and God shall regard such your works and reward you a
[8] Do not lend your money to those who can repay you with high interest, but to the
truly poor and needy, and your money shall be invested for high interest rates in
heaven, and your Father in heaven shall be paying you interest and capital
[9] Do not crave the world’s praise, thanks and reward for your good deeds; for doing
so, what reward shall be due to you from heaven? I Say unto you: he who receives
any reward whatsoever for a good deed performed on a neighbor, forfeits his reward
in heaven.
[10] He who works for heaven shall be rewarded by heaven, temporally, and once
everlastingly; but he who works for the world shall receive the world’s base and
perishable rewards. But in heaven he shall find his earning-record void, and his
reward shall be gone, and there shall be hardly an end to his spiritual poverty.
[11] If you take this to heart and act accordingly, you shall soon be in the clear on
how I heal your sick. Now you know all you need to know. Further asking would gain
you nothing, even if you were told.
[12] But see to it that neither I, nor My action and My disciples are broadcast, either
in Jerusalem or in the city of David, for this would bring you no blessing.
[13] But when you shall have partaken of the morning meal, you can start upon your
homeward journey with cheer.’
[14] This My saying brought forth a baffled expression from the five, yet they dared
ask no further question, bowing down before Me and then moving over to their dining
room, hitting the road for their homeland after the morning meal.
Chapter 223
The five Pharisees’ opinion on the Lord. One Pharisees’ view: He is either
God or a devil! The Pharisees’ opinions on socialism. Hints on teaching.
[1] Following this, the disciples step over to Me, asking why I was so secretive with
the Bethlehemites.
[2] Say I, ‘Are you still uncomprehending, as if you had never heard Me utter a wise
word yet? These regard Me as no more than an exceptionally gifted physician, who
effects such healings with the help of secret natural forces.
[3] They are not ignorant of the Essene sect, who have some quite considerable
knowledge in the secret art of chemistry, by means of which they are capable of
healing quite a few maladies and also are capable of producing quite a few
phenomena which the layman regards as obvious miracles. If you consider this, then
you can’t expect anything to come out of this other than their taking Me for an Essene
chief, hence of the highest rank, whose knowledge is supposed to be capable of
harnessing the most diverse natural forces and direct them to his liking.
[4] Had I therefore revealed Myself to them straight-out as the Son of the Most High,
and hence the promised Messiah, how would these steel-hard Jews have started
raging beyond measure, taking Me for a self-arrogating magician, in league with
Satan; and then also as such blasphemed Me beyond measure, and the healing of
their sick would then have been the ultimate bone of contention! But thinking Me at
this stage as merely an arch-Essene of the highest order, they go home happily,
praising God for enduing man with such secret knowledge and power as to enable him
to render suffering man the surest and most miraculous help.
[5] My instruction to them therefore was just enough to, upon quieter and more
mature reflection at home, conclude that I might not be an Essene after all, since the
moral and social fundamentals I expounded to them flatly contradict those of the
Essenes. At home they shall be soberly comparing My exposition with the doctrine of
the Essenes in their possession, and after detecting the most glaring contradictions,
begin to pause, just as the five already stopped in their tracks on hearing My Words,
because as said, My teaching of them is more than just the exact opposite to that of
the Essenes.
[6] They would have liked to question Me further, but I cut them off, and they left,
not daring to put another question; for they realised that regarding My deed, I could
be on the one hand an Essene chief of the highest rank indeed, yet not according to
My address to them. But on their way home, and pre-occupied only with this
phenomenon, they are thinking: ‘Could the Essenes perhaps have two doctrines - one
exoteric and official, just for blind mankind, and one esoteric for themselves? But
that, on the other hand, that I had been direct with them and as one versed in
Scripture, gave them throw-away lines of the inner doctrine, leaving them to work out
the rest by themselves.
[7] One of the five however is maintaining that there must be something totally
different to me than an Essene of the highest order. He now is saying to the other
four: ‘I on my part cannot take him for an Essene, because I only recently discussed
all their doctrines and customs with one Essene who was most forthright about it. Yet
he knew nothing about a second, secret doctrine. I therefore regard the Nazarene
Saviour as a totally different and unprecedented phenomenon. He is either a god or a
devil, which however I doubt very much, as his doctrine is one of the most altruistic I
ever encountered; a devil on the other hand is a supreme tyrant and hence a self-
proclaimed enemy of socialism’.
[8] Behold, such a conversation the five are already having on the way, and they are
so steeped in it that they are hardly aware of whether their feet are carrying them
[9] My cherished friends, when teaching, one has to proceed most carefully; one need
not blurt everything out straight-away, or serve all foods at once at a dinner. One
enters a house quietly , and quietly knocks at one or the other door. And when giving
a dinner, one serves a second course only after the guests have consumed the first.
Otherwise, in the case of being a visitor, one’s rudeness shall become notorious; and
as a cheeky gatecrasher, one will achieve little or nothing on the host’s premises.
Whilst, on the other hand, the host would take away the guests’ appetite if he were to
set a medley of different foods on the table simultaneously; whereas, in proper
sequence, the guests’ appetite would be preserved, and the latter would praise the
host for his superb hospitality.
[10] And behold, just so must one proceed with teaching, if one is to accomplish
something. Do you comprehend this now?’
[11] Say the disciples, ‘Yes, Lord, we understand it all now, as You have spoken with
exceeding wisdom, as always.’
[12] Say I, ‘Very well, then let us all go to the morning meal.’
Chapter 224
Kisjonah and Baram compete in love. Importance of introspection.
Introspection disturbed by Satan.
[1] Thereupon we rise from our resting benches, going to the garden where an
abundant morning meal awaits us that Baram had continued to prepare for us.
[2] Kisjonah however remarks to Baram, ‘Brother, what are you doing? Do you think
my storehouse, larder and wine cellar are empty?’
[3] Says Baram, ‘I know only too well, brother, that a thousand quests a day would
not consume your reserves in a thousand years; but praise God that I don’t count
among the poor of this land, and so allow me the pleasure of serving the Lord with
my limited means! Let it be a lively day at your cooking stoves again tomorrow.’
[4] After that, Kisjonah and Baram embrace and kiss one another and then sit down
at the table too, consuming a splendid fish, with bread and wine.
[5] After the meal however, Kisjonah inquires about what shall engage us in the
afternoon, or whether perhaps I planned another excursion, so that he may provide
for our needs.
[6] Say I, ‘Friend and brother. Let nothing trouble you. Whatever time shall present,
that shall be seized upon. But today’s and tomorrow’s time shall deliver nothing or
little other than ourselves, and hence we shall have no need for special preparations.
Towards evening tomorrow, Philopold shall arrive, and he shall have a few things to
[7] But until noon we shall do some exercises in introspection, by the cool of the
shady trees.
[8] For truly I tell you: Nothing is of greater benefit for the whole man than a
temporary introspection. Whoever wishes to become acquainted with himself and his
powers must sometimes search and contemplate his within.
[9] Since this is so very necessary we shall before noon practice this, and following
the midday meal we shall go out to sea and see what will be happening there.’
[10] Some do not know how to go about this introspection and ask Me what to do.
But I say, ‘Relax and ponder quietly on your actions and the to you well-known will of
God and whether you have complied with it at different times of your life, then you
have contemplated your within and have made it increasingly difficult for Satan to
enter your heart. For Satan seeks eagerly through all kinds of external meaningless
trickery to prevent a person from such introspection.
[11] For, once man has through practice acquired a certain accomplishment in
introspection, he easily discovers within himself the traps Satan has set him and is
then able to properly destroy and eliminate them and energetically take precautions
against all further deceitfulness of this enemy. Of this Satan I quite aware and is,
therefore, busily occupied with engaging the soul in all kinds of diverting trickery and
then finds it quite easy, unnoticed behind the scene, to lay a snare for the soul in
which it gets so entangled that it can no longer manage an introspection, and this is
very bad.
[12] Thereby the soul is more and more separated from its spirit which it can no
longer awaken, and that is already the beginning of the second death within man.
[13] Now you know wherein introspection consists. Practise this quietly from now
until noon and do not let any external thing disturb you. For Satan will certainly not
refrain from diverting you through one or the other external spectacle. But then
remember that I have foretold you this and return again quickly to your within.’
[14] Now they all relax and everyone begins quite energetically with his introspection.
This continues without disturbance for a full hour.
Chapter 225
The Leviathan
[1] After an hour, however, there is suddenly a resounding bang as if a violent flash
of lighting had hit a house nearby. All get a mighty shock and start up, but then
remember My words and return to their quiet.
[2] But Satan does not waste any time, soon after the bang the relaxed but spiritually
active hear an uncanny hissing and whistling and before long an unusual monster
emerges at the seashore. The head resembles that of a wolf, but is at least a hundred
times as large. The long tongue sticking out from the jaws resembles a wildly writing
python. Both the immense ears are like those of an ox; the eyes look like two large
sheets of glowing iron; the fore-feet resemble those of a giant bear, the hind-feet
those of a lion of immense size; the body is like that of a crocodile with the tail of a
basilisk (African vampire). Its cry is a resounding bang and its breath an uncanny
hissing and whistling. Thus it emerges from the sea.
[3] Sheep, oxen, cows, calves and many donkeys are grazing on the shore and the
monster immediately begins to hunt these domestic animals and devour one after the
other. The animals now flee, but the monster heads in our direction.
[4] When several notice this, they rise to their feet and say, ‘Lord, this test is a bit too
hard. The horrible monster has already devoured some calves, about ten lambs and
two young donkey-foals. Now it is after some delicacy here and has, guided by its
sense of smell, surely selected something among us since it is slowly approaching in
our direction. In this case it should surely be advisable to get out of the way of this
death bringer. For by natural means a fight with this beast could not possibly lead to
[5] Say I, ‘Do not let this disturb you in the least. Externally all of us together could
not master this monster which is a fully developed Leviathan, but form your inner
power he will have to flee to the end of the world. So be completely unconcerned.
Another short hour and you will have broken through the barriers and boundary
defenses of hell and the domination of all the hell and its army shall be your reward.’
[6] Immediately following these My words the monster again sounds its detonation-
like voice several times in succession and then quietly, but rather fast, proceeds in
our direction clearly demonstrating its voracity by the violent movement of its serpent
tongue and the constant lashing of its long, tree-sized tail. The disciples, however,
are now in a good frame of mind and without fear and faint-heartedness allow the
monster to approach them.
[7] When it has come to about ten paces from us, I - only in My mind - give the angel
Archiel a sign and he suddenly steps up to the beast and asks it, ‘What do you want
here, Satan? Withdraw, or I shall destroy you.’ The monster now opens its jaws as if
it wanted to speak, but the angel once more bids it to withdraw. Then the beast gives
off several banging sounds and with loud hissing and whistling rushes into the sea.
[8] After it had sunk back into the sea, it for some time stirred the water in the large
bay as if by the worst storm, but all that no longer confounds any of the disciples and
with the greatest inner zeal everyone now rested in God during this last hour.
[9] Towards the end of that hour of rest there suddenly arises a mighty
thunderstorm. Wild lightning is flashing and strong gusts of wind are bending the
trees almost to the ground while heavy drops of rain mixed with hail are already
falling from the dark clouds.
[10] Some of the weaker disciples were already the point of escaping in the house,
but the angel says, ‘ Stay and recognise Satan’s empty trickery.’ So they stay and
easily put up with the empty rain. The rain does get worse and the hail stones are
dancing on the ground, but no one is hit by one and the rain hardly wets anyone’s
[11] Then the angel threatens the clouds which promptly disperse and it becomes
immediately a clear day. In a few moments the time of introspection has ended and
Baram says, ‘Lord, whatever You prefer, here or in the house. The meal is prepared.’
[12] Say I, ‘Let another half hour pass, then everything will be in order. I still have to
say a few words to My disciples.’
[13] Baram returns to his ship where in a large case several skins with the best wine
are kept. These he has now taken to the kitchen by his servants there to be emptied
into jars. He also tells his cooks to wait for half an hour and only serve up the dishes
when he gives them a sign. Then he again returns to Me and listened to what I tell
the disciples about this introspection and its usefulness.

Chapter 226
The spiritual method of teaching and about nature and effect of proper
[1] What was said is this, ‘You have now seen a new way in which man can pass from
matter into the increasingly purer spiritual and how in this way he can become a
master over himself and thereby finally also over all nature in the world. Therefore,
from time to time do practice this method in My name and you will gain great power
over your passions, thereby over all the natural world and in the beyond over all
[2] You have seen the evil phenomena Satan presented to you. They caused you fear
and terror, but relying on My word you returned to your rest and in this rest you have
become complete masters over all the bad events.
[3] But do not think that you have already completely discouraged Satan. Wherever
you will again practice this introspection you will be bothered by him as long as you
are not completely reborn in the spirit.
[4] Once you are reborn in the spirit Satan has lost all power over you forever, and
you shall be judges over him as also over all those whom he has seized hold of and
whom you will rescue from him forever.’
[5] Asks Peter, ‘How is one born again? Will the soul and the spirit have to enter and
then be born out of another woman’s body, or how is this to be understood?’
[6] Say I, ‘This you shall not be able to fully grasp for along while yet. But when I
shall once have ascended to whence I had come, with My spirit liberating your spirit,
then you shall be able to grasp the rebirth of the spirit and comprehend same in all
depth and fullness. But right now this would not be possible to you, nor anyone else.
But through following My teaching, and such life exercises, you shall in the end attain
to such light within yourself.
[7] This can be grasped through no exterior doctrine or instruction, but has to be won
from within oneself, along the Path now shown you for all time by Myself.
[8] Says Judas, ‘Lord, I have seen powerful magicians and conjurers and exorcists.
These communicated (spoke) with the souls of the departed, and these actually spoke
and revealed things hidden. How did these transcend (enter) the kingdom of spirits?
Would not this also be a type of spiritual rebirth?’
[9] Say I, ‘Indeed so, but not for heaven, which is God’s throne, but for hell, where
Satan and his angels dwell.’
[10] Says Judas, ‘If so, then Satan is also a lord, furnished with great power, albeit
evil. In my view therefore it would be better to destroy Satan than let thousands
times thousands be destroyed through him. Why must there be a Satan within the
Divine order.’
[11] Say I, ‘For the purpose of also catching you in the not too distant future, for
being too much his advocate. You are still far from even feebly recognising yourself,
let alone God’s great order, which upon earth has called forth, for wise reasons, both
night as well as day. Do you fundamentally understand the earth’s terrestrial night, or
the eternal day of every sun, each of which is an earth akin to the one carrying you?
If you don’t understand such, then I ask how you can put a question which it does not
behove a human to ask before his Lord, God and Creator! Would you not also ask why
a stone is hard and water so soft, or why fire hurts you but not cool water?
[12] I say unto you; if You don’t comprehend anything, then first learn something,
going about it quietly and with wakeful spirit; and only after understanding something
from its foundation can you talk, and put tricky questions to your brethren
[13] And behold, it is with you as with all human stupidity; they are secretly
embarrassed by it, but nevertheless would cover up with all kinds of seemingly wise
questioning, not reckoning that they therewith uncover their stupidity even more. Let
these My gentle words therefore serve you as a rebuke, or you may yet run into
something, and I shall not then hurry to pull you out of the mud!’
[14] These words cooled down Judas’ questioning zeal considerably, and he also casts
meaningful glances at Thomas, but the latter wisely feigned not to have noted the
rebuke, and so did the other disciples; and Judas felt comforted, and wisely withdrew.
[15] But I said to Baram, ‘ And now, brother, you could have the meal served up, but
this time in the rooms.’ Baram hastens to the kitchen, and has everything served up
quickly, and we follow him, and in an hour’s time the meal has been unhurriedly

Chapter 227
After the meal, a voyage at sea. Messengers herald the falling ill of Jairus’
daughter. The Lord warns Jairus’ messengers. Return to Kis.
[1] After the meal, the day being nice and clear, a sea voyage is undertaken. Baram
quickly gets his ship ready, and Kisjonah makes his own big ship sea worthy too, and
it easily accommodates half the disciples.
[2] I, and the principal disciples and Baram and Kisjonah, board Baram’s solidly built
ship, which had two sails and six rudders on each side, being capable of moving by
wind or rudders. From the Kis locality, we traveled in the Capernaum direction, not
however making same our destination.
[3] But after moving in the direction of Capernaum for some two hours, we noticed a
ship quickly steering towards our two ships. It bore the Capernaum colours, and when
we deviated from our course to test if it deliberately steered our way, it also deviated
from it’s course and hastily set out in our direction. When Baram‘s boatmen took this
in, they asked him what was to be done, as the Capernaumian ship did not bode good
intentions. Baram asked Me what I might say about it.
[4] ‘Just let it approach us, and we shall soon see its intention.’ In response to My
words Baram had the sails lowered, and the rudders retracted, whilst the boatmen on
Kisjonah’s ship did likewise.
[5] A quarter hour later the Capernaumian boatmen have caught up with us, asking
Baram whether I am aboard, for they had established at Capernaum that I was
staying at Kis. For they had been dispatched by the High Priest Jairus to ask Me to
come to Capernaum; for Jairus’ little daughter, whom only a few weeks earlier I had
resurrected from the dead, once again had fallen so ill that no physician was able to
further help her. ‘The Chief is fearing her death. A great reward would await you if
you can put us unto Jesus of Nazareth’, the boatmen said to Baram and his boat
[6] However, Baram said, ‘Judging by your talk, good intentions have led you our
way, and I say unto you: Him Whom you seek is aboard; but whether He intends to
hear you and accede to your request I cannot say. But I shall go below and speak to
Him in the cabin.
[7] The Capernaumians are happy with that, and Baram comes down to my open cell,
to acquaint Me with the Capernaumians’ petition.
[8] But I say unto him, ‘Save your breath, brother, for I already know it all, and have
already told you at Jesaira that this slanderous brood shall fare thus. In order to
persecute Me and cast suspicion on My teaching, the denied that Jairus’ daughter had
been sick and dead: she is supposed to have just slept soundly and I am supposed to
just have awakened her in a very natural way, and to have then pretended that I
awoke her from death.
[9] Now then, since such My deed was fullest deception, they shall let the little
daughter again fall soundly asleep, and she shall then also be again capable of
awakening in a natural way through any normal human.
[10] Verily, this one shall not be touched by Me until she has lain three days in the
grave! Go on deck and tell them so; but then set the sails, and a fast wind shall carry
us seawards over the great bay at Kis, and these shall not know whereto we traveled.
[11] Baram rushes up to deck, saying, ‘My esteemed messengers of the Chief! I
heavy-heartedly let you know that I can bring you no favorable reply from Jesus, the
Lord. But the Capernaumers were themselves are to blame; for when at the other
occasion He had awaked the Chief’s little daughter from visible and perceptible death,
back to fullest life, it did not take long for the Pharisees of this city, condemned by
Him, to declare Him a deceiver, telling all folk that Jairus only wanted to put Jesus to
the test by laying his healthy daughter upon a makeshift death bed, whereupon the
deceiver Jesus, having no notion of the trap set Him, was easily able to awaken her
from death to life; which He effected as I heard it said by some, after having in the
end discerned that she lives, by applying much pressure when seizing her by the
hand; and that she finally rather rose than continued to bear the painful pressure.
[12] According to what I heard, the Chief’s intention was for the little daughter not to
let herself be awakened, so that Jesus would have at once been apprehended as an
accomplished scoundrel. But through the daughter’s awakening, this lovely plan was
foiled; for the people were supposed to have been firmly convinced that the daughter,
who had for that purpose been kept artificially sick the previous two days, really was
awakened from death.
[13] Wherefore she shall not be looked at by Him, save perhaps when half
decomposed in the grave!
[14] I now let you depart with this advice and tell your Chief Priest that, so that he
would realise of what blackest ingratitude his heart is filled. Under no circumstances
shall He (the Lord) go to Capernaum; for He has blessed that locality from its
foundations forever.’
[15] Upon these words, Baram quickly sets the sails, whereupon the wind was at
hand, driving the two ships forward so quickly that the Capernaumian ship, having no
sails and being also otherwise quite unsightly, and a low vessel, in a few moments
was left so far behind that we completely lost sight of it. And after landing above the
great bay at Kis and stepping ashore, we let the ships run into the bay by themselves
empty, the wind changing and blowing heftily towards Capernaum.
Chapter 228
Jairus and the physicians at his daughter Sarah’s death bed. Borus of
Nazareth tells him the truth. The Pharisees’ threat. Borus’ retort and blunt
question to Jairus.
[1] Having climbed the considerable hill that rose above the bay, at whose foot the
aforementioned inn was built and across which the main road to Jerusalem led, we
saw from a great distance how the Capernaumian ship was battling the waves and as
the wind began to trouble it more, it raised its rudders and let itself be driven in a
straight line for Capernaum.
[2] It speaks for itself what face Jairus would have cut, on receiving My
communication from the messengers he dispatched to Me.
[3] Jairus immediately had all the physicians from the surrounds called in, including
the Nazarene one; for the latter stood in good repute as also a disciple of Mine, with
miraculous healing capacity, by having actually cured even the seriously ill instantly
by the mere laying on of hands.
[4] But when same arrived at Capernaum and looked at the sick daughter, he
shrugged his shoulders, saying to all the physicians surrounding the sick bed, ‘Only
He Who created her can help her! Behold, the girl at some feast had consumed some
cold drink and contracting a lung disease (pneumonia?); her time will be and has to
be up, in another seven days at the most. We cannot create a new lung for her, and
hence cannot help her for all the world.’
[5] Says Jairus, ‘What do you think? Could the divinely renown Jesus, who once
already awakened this my daughter from real death and who awakened also the
centurion Cornelius’ daughter from death, where my daughter contracted the disease
a few days ago, not heal her either?’
[6] Says the Nazarene physician, ‘Oh yes, He indeed, if He wanted to. But you have
already dispatched messengers there, I think to Kis, where He is now staying, mainly
at Jonah’s; but He has quite rightly given you a negative answer, only following which
we have been summoned here, and we can achieve nothing more.’
[7] Says Jairus, ‘But I had begged Him in all civility and He as the One Who preached
only love, and how one should do good even to one’s enemies, answers my
dispatched messengers like that?’
[8] Says the Nazarene doctor, ‘None other than you all deserve, who call yourselves
servants of the Most High. Tell me, what kind of person could still be your friend after
such behavior on your part? Verily, God Himself could not bestow greater favours on
you than this purely divine Jesus has done upon you in fullest measure. But how did
you return His favour? You persecuted Him like a most hideous criminal, and had you
been able to apprehend Him, you would have already killed Him long since, but
because God’s hand obviously protected Him, you still did everything evil you could
do to Him.
[9] What did His poor, exceedingly pious and God-fearing mother Mary do to you,
that you had to take her tiny house and the two little gardens from her, and then
drive her away, together with Joseph’s children, publicly disgracing her as if she were
a common criminal?
[10] Why, I ask, have you done this?’
[11] Says Jairus, ‘Because he casts suspicion on us, and denigrated the priests and
God’s Temple. This surely is cause enough?’
[12] Says the Nazarene doctor, by the name of Borus, who was born a Greek, ‘Ah,
hince ergo illae lacrimae?! (Whence his tears?). Hearken, as You all know, I am a
Greek by birth, and therefore have nothing to do with your theology, although I am
not ignorant of it. Far be it from me to belittle your Moses and your prophets, who
were mistreated by your forebears one and all; for their teaching and admonitions
were no different from those my most sincere friend Jesus has dressed you down
with, and are therefore full of truth and of God’s spirit.
[13] Alongside that, look at your current theology and your most miserable Temple
regulations, beyond all lambasting, together with the commendable Temple set up
itself, and you shall yourselves have to exclaim; Quam mutatus ab illo! (What a
[14] Just read the prophet Isaiah with unshakable faith, according to which Jehovah,
Moses and the prophets of a truth should appear as considerably more than a
welcome fable for your selfish and hedonistic aims, and you shall step back with a
shudder at the sheer heinousness with which you carry on upon the holy precincts.
[15] If, now, the godly Jesus upbraids you in the manner of Isaiah on account of your
monumental transgressions, desiring as a true friend to lead you back to the God
from Whom you have distanced yourselves beyond all measure: question: does He
earn such treatment from you?
[16] Verily! Were I imbued with His truly godly - I should say omnipotence - then we
should have been squared off a long time hence, just as the ten ships are now
squared off upon the cliffs of Sibarah, which you had launched out after Him and His
most harmless disciples from sheer altruism. Probably, on this occasion for once, He
ran out of even His godly patience.
[17] I repeat: If imbued with His factual omnipotence, I should have a long time since
emptied the entire sea of Galilee over you, to drown you like mice and rats!’
[18] Over this Borus’ forthright address, several of the attending Pharisees were
infuriated, saying to him, ‘Bridle your loose Greek tongue. For this you were not
summoned here from Nazareth. Fear us, for we have plenty of power to ruin you.’
[19] Says Borus, ‘Oh, this I believe you with all my heart, for your notorious
philanthropy attests that to me. But there happens to be a big ‘but’, in consequence
of which Borus the Nazarene does not fear you in the least.
[20] Borus is certainly not omnipotent like a godly Jesus; yet he possesses sufficient
secret power to ruin you all in a moment, without being, as a physician, accountable
to anyone. Have you understood me? Jesus however is a God, and I only human,
whence also He has more patience than I. But let you not take it much further, or my
patience runs out.’
[21] Here Borus pulls out a tiny bottle from his pocket, showing it to the vitriolic
Pharisees, with telling words, ‘Behold, this weapon has more power than ten legions;
I know how to protect my own person, but upon opening it, you are all dead instantly.
And behold, over this tiny bottle too, the big portent ‘but’ is written. If you want to
have a go at me, we shall be square soon.’
[22] The Pharisees take terrible fright at the sight of this deadly little bottle which
contained exceedingly noxious and rapidly spreading poison fumes, instantly numbing
and killing whosoever’s nostrils it reached.
[23] This poison however was an extract which subsequently suffered extinction; it
had been extracted from a shrub that occurs sporadically in the remote parts of India,
destroying all life within a wide radius of its growth. The Pharisees know of this,
making them mute with fear, and Jairus asks Borus to pocket the bottle.
[24] Borus does so indeed, but says to Jairus, ‘Friend, how can one let a Jesus, Who
did you an unheard of favour, be so shamefully persecuted? Tell me, do you actually
not realise that He is right in every one of His holy Words, or do you in all earnest
intend not to see this?’
Chapter 229
Jairus’ cowardly and timid answer. Borus’ bold and sharp reproach. About
retaliation in the beyond. Borus denies help to Jairus, and leaves.
[1] Says Jairus, ‘Friend, I understand you better than you think; yet there are things
which in the light of status in the world, must not be understood at all.
[2] As a person of standing, you have quite often to laugh when you would cry, but
often mourn when you would rather leap and dance for joy. But what can you do as
an individual in isolation? Can you swim against a raging stream once you get caught
up in its power?
[3] We humans however have a sensitive skin, and a still more sensitive stomach;
these two want gratification, and it therefore behoves us to either let go of all
understanding and common sense, or run with the crowd, or feebly expire in some
corner as a scorned beggar, like a beast wounded in the hunt.
[4] Believe me that, speaking between ourselves, I know Christ better than you do;
but what does that help in the face of Rome and Jerusalem? If you make a move it is
your last day.
[5] Jesus may in all earnest be a Son of the Most High, which I personally don’t doubt
in the least; but can I confess this openly, considering my official position? And if I did
so, what then with the likes of us?’
[6] Says Borus, ‘What then, what then: the world always has, on account of worldly
advantage thrown up such questions at some friend to whom pure truth counted for
more than all the kingdoms of a cursed world; hence holy truth always found its
grave in the skin and belly of hedonistic men!
[7] Whoever cares more for worldly advantage and exalted status than about godly
truth, may he yet be born of a congenial disposition, he shall get caught up in such
questions and considerations, then withdrawing from the divine light to the darkness
of the world, denying God and all the light out of Him; ask why? What lays that
burden into his heart? Behold, nothing but his bent for worldly comfort of every kind!
Avidly he seeks after everything that can assure him worldly comfort. And having
achieved it often through much effort and trouble, seeking same on account of
worldly sensuality, he soon chucks all truth overboard. If he fears the least constraint
to his glittering worldly living standards, then he chooses to become a tyrant against
everything that is imbued with just a spark of genuine truth.
[8] But on getting miserable and sick, and coming to the physician, he wants nothing
but truest help. Why truth here but nowhere else?
[9] Look, there. Your daughter has been laid low with an incurable illness; what would
you not now give for a true medicine to bring help to your daughter’s body. As an
experienced doctor, I tell you that there is indeed one medicine which would bring
your daughter immediate relief and such medicine in relation to the physical sickness
of your daughter would then surely be a perfect truth. Yes, for such truth you would
indeed give everything; yet for truth that would heal your soul you not only give
nothing, but you actually persecute it wherever it shows up, for worldly comfort. Say:
where does such behavior belong?
[10] You know as well as I do, that there is no curative effect in the Temple manure;
you know that such things are blatant superstition, well suited to stifle the last spark
of faith in the weak folk, yet you would persecute such ‘profaner of the Holy of Holies’
with fire and sword if any of your fellow believers were to go public with it.
[11] Think of an eternally just God however Who Himself is the Light and the most
unchangeable eternal Truth and Who will not be bargained with; what will such say to
servants like you once?
[12] Verily, not one of you shall justify yourselves. Whether you believe or don’t
believe, there nevertheless is a hereafter beyond grave’s portals, where each shall be
rewarded in accordance with one’s doing and dealing.
[13] I am no stranger to it, for I sought and found it! My eternal life is in my hands,
and I would give a thousand physical lives if that were the price.
[14] But I have it, and eternal life has taught me to scorn the life of the flesh and
only cede it enough value to benefit the everlasting life of the soul in all fullness. That
I have attained to such in all clarity and truth I thank none other than Jesus alone,
Who showed me the hidden Path thereto.
[15] And this Jesus, this God among men, you persecute with fire and sword, and
shall hardly rest until you have done to Him what your forebears did to all the
[16] But then beware! God has sent you, who most shamelessly call yourselves His
people and His children, a God from the heavens; each of His words in an eternal
truth out of God, which can be grasped even with the hand by every honest person;
yet you want to kill Him because He dismisses your old Temple rubbish.
[17] Woe betide you! God’s wrath shall overtake you soon.
[18] Yes, I could still help your daughter; I now feel the power within me. But I don’t
want to help her, because you are all devils, and no longer men. And I shall never
offer my helping hand to devils.’
[19] This went to the Chief’s heart like glowing arrows; he indeed saw the truth of it
in its depth and was ready to lay down his ministry, but feared the uproar, saying to
[20] ‘You may not be subtle by any means, but your words have the ring of truth. If I
could, without causing as it were a destructive disturbance, I would chuck my high
office overboard; I would be quite prepared to do so for the sake of my beloved
daughter’s recovery. But consider the upheaval this step would cause. Hence I have
to put it off to a more appropriate occasion.’
[21] Says Borus, ‘I have spoken, and go a better way than that over to you. For here
obviously is hell on earth, and here no angel can do any good, let alone myself as a
still weak, carnal and mortal man.’
[22] With these words Borus leaves the chief’s house unstoppably, rushing away in
agitation. - The above went on in Capernaum the day after we encountered the
dispatched messenger.
[23] I however took a rest upon the hill, foretelling the episode in detail a day before
it actually took place in all truth.

Chapter 230
The disciples’ gladness at Borus’ stand, and Mary’s thanks. Kisjonah’s gift for
Mary and Joseph’s sons: a lovely property. Joses’(son of Joseph) piousness.
The Lord’s comforting prophecy. ‘I and the Father are One, not two’. Death of
Joseph, and his testimony on Jesus. Caution when confiding spiritual secrets.
[1] After this narrative, during which all the disciples felt like embracing and kissing
the well known physician Borus, we nevertheless headed back for Kis, arriving there
just as the sun was setting.
[2] Baram however was holding the supper in full readiness, and we enjoyed it much,
after accomplishing an important work. The meal also put Judas in a better frame of
mind, and he praised the courage of Borus, whom he too knew well.
[3] It was our topic for some time after the meal, and even mother Mary could not
bless Borus sufficiently, for standing up for her with the chief, who had initiated the
seizure of her small property.
[4] Said one of Joseph’s elder sons, ‘Our well earned property might then be restored
to us in the end?’
[5] Says Kisjonah, ‘Friend, don’t make it your wish. Behold, over here you have a
much better existence, safe from all persecution; and I’m making the inn over there,
at the upper end of the bay, your own, including a hundred acres of ground; and with
this swap, you may get over the loss of your small property, and you are also closer
to Jerusalem by over half a day’s journey, compared to Nazareth.’ Joses is happy with
this, but asks Me also for My advice.
[6] And I say, ‘What is better is always better; hence take it, but never regard it as
your own, but only a thing on loan to you from God, for this brief time.’
[7] Says Joses, ‘Lord and brother. Such, our father Joseph has already taught us, and
hence we never regarded even the small property at Nazareth as some kind of
possession, but something loaned to us by God for this short earth time, for which we
also, including Yourself, thanked Him daily, asking Him to also preserve such treasure
for our earthly needs. He also preserved it for so long as it was His holy will. But I
now say with Job, ‘The Lord gave it to us, and now it pleased Him to take it away
again. His holy will be done, and His alone be the honour, praise and glory. Whatever
God takes He can richly restore. Indeed, as Your earthly brothers and sisters, we are
now in the clear about it. But they also took our tools and household implements.
Here we consider that such at least, or the equivalent, should be restored to us.’
[8] Say I, ‘Don’t trouble yourself; in three days we are moving to Nazareth, and
everything shall have to be returned to us. Have we not an angel of the mightiest
order among us? Just one hint, and all is fixed up. And if one were not to suffice us,
legions are at our disposal every moment.
[9] Verily I say: whatever in My heart I ask My Father, that He will do. And what the
Son wants, that also the Father wants eternally, and there is never a difference
between the Father’s and the Son’s will. For let you all believe it: Father and Son are
not Two but fully ONE in everything. Hence be still and believe that it is so!’
[10] Says Joses, ‘Lord and brother, all of us do believe, and how could we not believe
as we have since Your birth always been near You and seen countless signs that
proclaimed to us who You are. Brother James has even written a whole book about it
beginning with Your birth until Your twentieth year from which time until the present
You did not work any more signs and worked and lived with us like an ordinary man.
So that we would almost have forgotten who You are if the physical death some years
ago of our beloved father Joseph has not mightily shaken us up.
[11] For, as Joseph was dying in Your arms, his last words, accompanied by a
blissfully radiant smile were:
[12] ‘O my God and Lord, how much grace and mercy You have bestowed upon me!
Oh, now I see that there is no death. I shall live forever. Oh how glorious Your
heavens are, God. Children, look at the One who is now supporting my dying head
with His arm. It is He, my God, my Creator. Oh what bliss it is to die to this miserable
world in the almighty arms of one’s Creator.’
[13] After these words he passed away and all of us wept aloud, but You alone did
not weep. We all understood why You did not weep.
[14] And behold, from that moment on we could never forget who You are, for Joseph
had declared it only too clearly in the last hour of his temporal life. How should we
now not believe everything You say since we do know who You actually are?’
[15] Say I, ‘Quite so, My dear brethren. It is well that you spoke thus, for we are in
fully initiated company and such knowledge can no longer have judgmental effect on
any, bar one, if he is offended thereat. (Judas was meant).
[16] But when we find ourselves among strange children of the world, then we must
keep strict silence. But now we shall go for our rest, so that tomorrow we can attend
to some work early.’ Thereupon all went happily to their rest.
Chapter 231
Kisjonah’s people apprehend a band of Temple robbers and smugglers.
Kisjonah and the Roman judge’s orders in the case. Arrival of the ‘fine’
[1] Only Kisjonah, Baram, Jonael and Jairuth, together with the servant Archiel, go
outdoors, and Kisjonah checks out his big household. All is in the best of order, and
the barrier-keepers and guards are of good cheer, telling their lord that an important
catch shall be made, as they were notified.
[2] Kisjonah asks briskly wherein this would consist, and whether it may not consist
in some poor carrying their meager stores to some market to cover their tax dues.
[3] Here the barrier’s chief says, ‘Lord and master! You are quite aware of how we all
honour and respect your most just and exceedingly fair rules regarding poor
mankind; but no poverty is involved here, but rather a most shameful disgrace on the
part of the Jewish Pharisees, Priests and Levites.
[4] These have undertaken a diversity of the most shameless seizures and exactions
through a wide area, and at midnight shall be taking all sorts of cattle, grains, wine
and implements to Jerusalem for sale; but not along the public highway, but a
surreptitious path secretly run through the mountains.
[5] You are aware of the lack of a possible passage by land to Sibarah, (where your
advance toll that you always rent out is located), owing to the massive cliff jutting its
high and steep face into the sea, the reason for having to bring people, cattle and
other effects to a certain landing place for marine travel, unless one travels by calm
sea, a rarity in a straight line to Pirah, where also the toll is located that is leased out
for ten years.
[6] In order to bypass all your tolls however, the wealthy Pharisees have, with hired
slave labour built a secret road through the mountains, and that through what are
already Samaritan regions, and this passage they are trying out for the first time
[7] They shall break forth some two thousand paces into the valley, at the spot where
we built the bridge over the brook - the road which runs through your ground still for
a long stretch, over the brook, winding along the left side of the valley towards Cana;
but we had some two hundred well-armed guards positioned quite early along
strategic points; I tell you, father and lord, a mouse would not get through. We want
to teach Jehovah to these evil scoundrels in a way that will them think of Him for the
rest of their lives.’
[8] Says Kisjonah, ‘You have set it up well and truly and you shall not go unrewarded.
The money the merchants have on them shall be taken as spoils, whilst all cattle,
grain, flour and implements shall remain here until the culprits have named all those
from whom they have extorted them, so we can restore same to them in good
[9] But for running a road through my mountains and woods without my permission,
they shall be fined a thousand pounds of silver as penalty by the Roman judge, who
has set up office in my dwellings; two thirds thereof by law falls due to the emperor
and a third goes into my till.’
[10] At this point however the Roman judge comes over to inquire what is going on at
the barrier and whether suspects are being anticipated, and whether military
assistance is needed. The barriers’ chief however briefs him on what had already been
reported to him during the day.
[11] Says the judge, ‘So that’s it! Well, see to it that you catch the miserable
scoundrels. Then we shall give them a few lessons on Rome’s customs and laws.
These shall lose their bent for making beggars out of Roman subjects for good,
making the latter incapable of rendering their due taxes to the emperor, whilst not a
penny can be gotten out of the dark scoundrels themselves. These fellows pretend to
perpetual poverty, whilst burying gold, silver, pearls and precious stones in massive
quantities. And the Capernaumian ones are the same to boot as are the Chorazimian
ones. Well, well, have a good time, you villains, your game is up in a way that will
make you think about it for the rest of your lives!’
[12] The judge had hardly announced these words when much yelling could be heard
from the distant valley, whilst the barrier keeper was rubbing his hands with glee,
saying, ‘Ah, they have hooked up: they shall be here in a quarter hour. Quick, let us
light the flares and turn the valley into day, that not one of these scallywags may get
[13] Forty flares are lit, and the entire location turned into light; and the lighters were
hardly done when the first bunch consisting of twelve Pharisees arrives, who as
agents were to move the loot for sale in Jerusalem.
[14] The sprightly escorts line up the twelve bound Pharisees at the barrier, saying to
Kisjonah, ‘Lord, here are the main culprits; five Capernaumians, three Nazarenes and
four Chorazimians, all assassins worth their weight in gold. At the rear follows all
sorts; masses of oxen, cows calves, goats, sheep; about four hundred donkeys laden
with grain, together with fillies, with that many mules laden with wine casks, and
another five hundred donkeys and pack animals carrying superbly shaped boys and
girls, between the ages of twelve and eighteen, who had all been destined for the
Sidon market. And besides that, a great many servants to these main culprits. All this
shall be here shortly; hence organise space: let’s make room for the lot!’
[15] Says Kisjonah, ‘Let the big impounding stores on the shore be opened at once;
there, everything can be fitted in, and for the children, the big inn here on the
mountain; and see to it that they receive to eat and drink. Because these brutes are
sure to have given them meager rations on the way. Oh, God, oh God, why do you
allow such devils to power monger upon earth, over poor and peaceful mankind?’

Chapter 232
Liberation and care for the stolen children. The Lord’s instructions for the
prosecution of the Pharisaical scoundrels. Preparation for the trial.
[1] The wailing of the children, who had been torn from their parent’s arms, can now
be heard. Kisjonah and Baram, Jonael and Jairuth, together with the angel, rush to
meet the children; the judge however has the twelve seized and escorted to a sturdy
[2] Shortly afterwards the file of children arrive; the angel instantly releases them
from the donkeys and mules. The number of children exceeded the first reports by
the escorts who brought the first twelve scoundrels, as some were bound in threes on
their mules. The children were all shaking with fear, expecting something nasty. But
the angel chats to them most amicably, telling them that here they shall find
themselves in the arms of their mourning parents already the following day. This
calmed the children down.
[3] Some however were lamenting the pain the fetters had caused, some having
bloodied spots upon their tender bodies, for they had been beaten for crying, to
prevent them betraying the entire caravan. Most were naked, for they could have
been recognised if dressed on the way from Capernaum to Sibarah, which was by-
passed. Hence the barest clothing-needs had to be provided.
[4] Kisjonah at once issued a large quantity of linen, and all got stuck into making
skirts so that in the morning every child had received one; many hands make short
shrift of a large task. The children were then taken to the big inn which Kisjonah had
erected just above the barrier.
[5] No sooner had the children been lodged at the inn when the main transport of
cattle and other things arrived, and all was received into store, whilst the twelve’s
servants also were bound and thrown into a large jail.
[6] After this hustle and bustle was over and the guards dispersed, Kisjonah and his
four companions also took to their rest, which nevertheless did not last long,
beginning late, whilst the approaching day promised many and large concerns.
[7] All was at rest till day break, whereupon everyone was on their feet and
Kisjonah’s first move was over to me, to appraise Me of all that took place during the
night, and to of course also seek My advice on how to deal in a God-pleasing manner.
[8] But I anticipated him, telling him what took place this night, but also giving him
advice on how to best deal with it all in haste. The advice consisted in the following:
[9] ‘Brother, as a first step, dispatch hastily a messenger to the centurion Cornelius at
Capernaum, with power of attorney from the local imperial Court of law, that he
would send a commissioner for examining the twelve sinners, to enable him to return
a verdict on them and to restore to all concerned victims, as confessed by the twelve,
the stolen cattle, but mainly to return their children in the shortest time. Because, for
the scale of this culprit-case, the special court here has no jurisdiction and is
incompetent. But no mention shall be made of Myself.
[10] The twelve Pharisees shall yet create trouble for the High Court. It shall not be
able to get them regarding the robbery. And the avoidance of the toll shall not worry
them either, as they hold freedom of passage passes throughout the country. And
since they are children of the nation, no toll can lawfully be taken from them, whence
they also did not avoid the toll for that reason, but out of fear of the people. For they
had already paid their tuition fees on previous occasions, and for that reason forged a
secret road to Jerusalem.
[11] Hence they are lawfully accountable for only a ‘Causa’, on account of which they
may be sentenced only for substantial damages, this being for breach of forestry law
committed in your woodlands; this would not be covered by all the impounded
chattels, not even together with all the money they have on them.
[12] Hence, as a second prerequisite, let expert estimators, in company with a court
official, hasten to the forest to assess the damage, so that when the High Court
comes here for a sitting, everything is in readiness for arriving at a verdict, in the
absence of which the Court would drag out lengthy examinations, and the victims
perhaps not be compensated for a year. If however all that the Court considers
material is at hand, then a sentence can quickly be passed and carried out.’
[13] Upon this advice, Kisjonah hastens to his administrators and arranges everything
I advised.
[14] A sail boat quickly takes off with good wind for Capernaum, whilst the Roman
judge himself, together with eight assessors under oath, quickly leave for the
mountains bordering the left side of the valley from Kis, dispatching at the same time
a commissioner together with eight other assessors under oath, to the right of the
[15] By four in the afternoon, a High Court Commissioner with two scribes arrives, as
do the two parties of assessors from both mountains, together with their

Chapter 233
Intensive interrogation of the twelve Pharisees. Augustus Caesar’s favorable
certification of the Templers. How the Templers fulfill God’s Commandments.
Heavy penalty for the evil doers for breach of forestry law, and crime against
the crown.
[1] Preliminary hearings quickly get under way, and at their rapid conclusion, the
twelve are brought before the judge. In response to the Chief Judge’s interrogation,
they say, ‘We are lords to ourselves and have our own court at the Jerusalem
Temple; other than to God and that other court we are not answerable to anyone for
any doings or omissions and hence you can question us as much as you like and still
receive no answer from us. For our stand is based very firmly upon law, and you shall
not be capable of bringing up anything against us.’
[2] Says the Judge, ‘For this type of intransigence I carry a special remedy: it consists
in rod and scourge. These are bound to make you speak. For the court is no respector
of persons; all are equal before the court!’
[3] Says the first of the twelve Pharisees, ‘Oh, this remedy we are fully aware of,
together with its power and effect; but we are also aware of yet another remedy. If
we should choose to, and probably will make use of this one, then we probably are
the last ones you shall ever be putting on trial. Are you acquainted with Augustus
Caesar’s prestigious certification, written in his own hand for the Jerusalemite priests,
which reads as follows:
[4] This particular priestly caste is more pleasing to the imperial throne than any of
the others; wherefore their laws and privileges are to be protected as sacred.
Whoever would attack these, BEWARE. Such offender shall be severely prosecuted as
traitorous.’ This law is as current as it was thirty years ago. Should it not have been
known to you, then we have now called it to your mind. Proceed now as you will and
we shall do likewise.
[5] We have completely rightful possession of our distraints, and none can or has the
right to take them. Temporary power can indeed do so, for our counter-force is too
small. But when we get ourselves through this, we must be set free, whereupon we
shall know how to institute other proceedings.’
[6] Says the Chief Judge, ‘Nor do I sit in judgment here over the seizures which,
before God and all righteous men, you have wrested unto yourselves as ignominious
robbery rather than through just possession, for I am well aware of the privileges you
have wrung out of the emperor with your artful hypocrisy.
[7] Had an Augustus known you the way I do, verily, the certification you received
from him would have been of a different order. Unfortunately, he let himself be
deceived by false glimmer, looking upon your lamp shine as upon sunshine, giving
you a concession on that account.
[8] But now it is up to me and the centurion Cornelius to present you to the emperor
in your true colours, and you shall soon part company with your concession. You may,
by the way, counter-threaten me as it pleases you; for I too move upon the
foundation of law, and we Chief Judges of this land have only just recently received
new instructions concerning your machinations, of which the emperor is no longer
ignorant; and that with the request that we keep the closest possible watch over you;
and I assure you that we Chief Justices comply with this latest instruction from Rome
in full faith and conscience, having already sketched you out in a manner that is
certain not to please you. Understood?!
[9] In the fashion of African basilisks you suck the last drop of blood from the
emperor’s subjects, making them beggars, and whatever you leave over, the despot
Herod takes to keep his thousand concubines fat and voluptuous. The poor people
have to languish in sheerest misery. Is this right?!
[10] If there is a God with only as much sense of justice as my own and as much love
for mankind as my robe, then it is not possible for Him to let devils like yourselves
and Herod to lord it over poor mankind for much longer.
[11] In your Book, it says: your neighbor as yourself; as supposedly given you
by your God; how do you keep this nonetheless?
[12] Of a truth, the law that you practice unceasingly with diligence, consists in
hating all who don’t support you heftily in your life of utmost lustfulness and
lasciviousness. For this purpose you have unfortunately obtained deviously an
ordinance on which you lean for effecting unheard of extortions of all kinds.
[13] By good fortune however you have, for this impending case, in the course of this
purported rightful seizure, perpetrated a deed which no known sanctions, a deed for
which you alone stand before me at court, a lawbreaking coming under the crime of
forestry infringement, which you have committed over an extensive area in the
beautiful woods of Kisjonah, who is a Greek and a staunch imperial subject, whose
rights every Roman emperor would defend with an entire legion if infringed to only
the slightest degree, since he pays the emperor a thousand pounds annually for this,
which is no small matter.
[14] For a stretch of road extending to nearly five hours, you have in the course of
surreptitiously lying down your marauder’s road, devastated nearly a thousand
beautiful young cedars, and several thousand lesser tree trunks, causing Kisjonah
damage exceeding ten thousand pounds, according to the deposition of sworn
valuers. Now then, how will you make restitution for such damage?’
[15] Says the first Pharisee, ‘Are you not aware of the earth being God’s, and that we
are His children, to whom alone He gave this earth? Just as God has however the
right to do with the earth as He pleases, so we, as His children, can do with the earth
as we please. Even if some pagan power has wrenched such right from us for a time,
it shall not possess such for long; God shall take it from them and return it to His
[16] From the point of view of our God-given rights, we are not liable for restitution of
forestry infringements, since the earth is ours and we can do with it as it pleases us.
But on account of your greater, but of course only apparent worldly power, which you
Romans unjustly wield over us, we shall indeed condescend to restitution. Yet of the
ten thousand pounds, up to nine tenths can be dismissed. For that much we also
know - that we are capable of assessing the worth of the trees that we felled, using
only a minimal portion thereof for random bridge-building; and what, fundamentally,
is the damage? A new road now exists which the tax collector Kisjonah can employ
very well indeed. Had he himself laid it, then this would have come to at least a
thousand pounds; now he can erect a new barrier there, and in one year his takings
shall have amounted three times the cost of the road.’
[17] Says the Chief Justice, ‘In the name of the emperor and his wise law, and in
view of the damage having been assessed by sworn valuators, and because by
making yourselves out to be children of God, you arrogate to yourselves power over
the entire earth, consequent to which the Emperor himself is subject to your power,
something he probably would not as yet have dreamt of. Such shameful presumption
makes you into the barest criminals. Your seizures are declared forfeited herewith!
[18] Since however either the death penalty or permanent banishment is irrevocably
set for crime against the crown, you now have your preferred choice; either
beheading by axe, or permanent banishment to Europe’s ice region. I have spoken in
the name of the emperor and his wise law! It is to take effect forthwith. My all the
world perish, but justice be done!
[19] Behold, thus acts a Chief Justice of Rome, fearing none but the gods and the
[20] Thereupon, in accordance with Roman custom, he signals that water be handed
to him, wherewith he washes his hands. A bailiff breaks a rod in two and casts it
under the twelve’s feet.
Chapter 234
The trapped Pharisees. Steep penalty paid. Another suspicion: ambush by
the Pharisees of imperial tax moneys. The robbers take fright.
[1] Here the Pharisees get apprehensive, and the rather bold one says to the Judge,
‘Lord, cancel the second fine, and we shall deliver the first fourfold, and that within
forty eight hours’.
[2] Says the Judge, ‘I accept the offer, but stick with the banishment for ten
successive years. Are you satisfied with this?’
[3] Says the Pharisee, ‘Lord, we pay fivefold if you fully remit us the banishment.’
[4] Says the Chief Justice, ‘So be it, but with the High Court reservation that you
remain under Roman Police supervision for ten years, and that any unlawful attempt
to lead the state or its titular head up the garden path, or any evil aspersion cast
upon Rome, as well as any high-handed omission to report or confess any seizures
regardless of nature, shall carry the aforementioned banishment to Europe for ten
years, for which there then shall be no further release. The money however needs to
be deposited to this court chamber with in forty eight hours; one hour overdue and it
would not be acceptable under the present moderated conditions, but instead under
the conditions of the first verdict.
[5] And a further matter. Before freedom can be restored to you, you must give the
names and addresses of all the parties that were so shamelessly dispossessed by you,
so that I may summon them here and restore to them all the things you robbed, such
as children, cattle, grains and wine.’
[6] The Pharisees went along with this demand, giving all the precise names and
addresses. And the Judge immediately dispatches messengers to all the named
locations, and ten hours hardly passed before all the parties arrived who had anything
to pick up.
[7] The twelve Pharisees at once uncover their wagons, harnessed to mules, and
everyone was astounded beyond measure at the immense masses of gold and silver.
They carried enough silver and gold to easily pay their fines five times over. The Chief
Justice felt sorry that he had not imposed higher damages.
[8] A wise thought struck him however, resulting in his re-examining of the twelve,
starting as follows: ‘Hear me, you have indeed correctly paid on demand, and you
have the receipt for it in your hands. But since I discover on you now a colossal sum
of money, this has to make it appear to me impossible that you came by such masses
of gold and silver through rightful means; verily, if the Emperor came here today with
his cash, it would be extremely doubtful whether same would equal yours, wherefore
explain to me briefly how you came by such masses of gold and silver; for this seems
to me suspicious to the highest degree.’
[9] Says the first Pharisee, ‘Suspicious what, suspicious what? This is fifty years’ pay
saved for the Temple by all the Pharisees, Priests and Levites of this country; and the
time being up, we are having to deliver it to the Temple. It nevertheless is the
smallest sum ever delivered from Capernaum to the Temple. These are nothing but
sacrificial bequests and special Temple donations, and hence perfectly rightful
earnings and consolidated moneys.’
[10] Says the Chief Justice, ‘Lets leave the word ‘rightful’ out of this! Even if so, they
are extortion and base legacy hunting, and so, rightfulness is remote from this
[11] A month ago, the following was reported directly from Rome to myself and all
high courts: For a half year now, taxation moneys have been awaited from Asia Minor
and some of the localities in the Pontus; they are supposed to have been collected
and dispatched a long time since, and consist in gold, silver, precious stones and
pearls - the gold and silver largely in unminted form. The said sum in gold alone
amounted to 20,000 pounds; 600,000 pounds in silver and approximately a similar
amount in precious stones and pearls.
[12] I notice another five unopened wagons. Uncover them so that I may view them
[13] Visibly embarrassed, they also uncover the other five wagons, and behold, these
were filled with all sorts of precious stones, in a mostly still rough and unpolished
state, whilst one wagon, weighing over a ton, was filled with small and large undrilled
[14] On examining these carefully, the Chief Judge says, ‘It seems clear to me where
the dispatched taxes and treasures from Pontus and Asia Minor ended up! With all
due respect to your roguishness, it shall be hard for you to come up with proper
evidence; but I dare to swear before all gods and their heavens that the overdue tax
moneys and other treasures, awaited in Rome long since, here lie open before me,
and are as good as in my hands. Let you then hang around here; on arrival of the
concerned parties I shall institute a big inquiry.’
[15] On hearing such words from the Chief Judge, they turn pale and are gripped by
fever, which does not escape the wily judge, saying also to the Kis Judge; ‘Brother, I
think we have netted the big birds of prey.’
Chapter 235
The Chief Judge Faustus and the Lord. Great friends and moving encounter.
[1] Says the Kis Judge, ‘Friend, the renowned Jesus of Nazareth has been staying
here for three weeks already, intermittently, and shall be probably spending a few
more days here. I say unto you, he is a god to whom all ever so hidden things are as
clear as the sun, of which he has given us hundreds of living demonstrations; what if
we should now turn to him in this matter? He could give us a mighty light, and that
even more because he is by no means a friend of the black thieves and robbers, on
account of the Temple’s contemptuous manipulations. For I heard with my ears how
he condemned Chorazim and Capernaum, ie, their respective priests and Pharisees,
down to basest scum. Wherefore I am convinced that through him we would get to
the bottom of this.’
[2] Says the Chief Justice with astonishment, ‘What? This God-man is here?! Well,
well, why has none of you told me straight away? Verily, I should have immediately
let Him conduct the trial in my stead, and saved myself three quarters of the work.
Would you take me to Him quickly, for the centurion Cornelius, only recently, urgently
advised me to at the earliest opportunity make inquiries about this godliest of all
men, and to let him know at once.
[3] If the centurion finds out with certainty about Jesus’ staying here, then he shall be
here rapidly with his entire family. For he and his entire household actually worship
this man, and I myself stand firmly with them on this. All praise to a true God for the
unspeakable fortune, to for once see and speak with my most pure, celestial friend
Jesus! Take me to Him immediately, immediately. All is won now!’
[4] Even whilst the Chief Justice is going towards the big house, fervently longing to
see and speak with Me, I am coming to meet him; and on seeing Me, he shouts with
joy, ‘Here, but here you are, You my most godly friend and brother, if I can still call
You so.
[5] Oh let me embrace You and cover Your holy countenance with a thousand friend
and brother kisses! Oh, You my holy friend You! How unspeakably happy I now am
that I have You again at last. Verily, wherever men find themselves in greatest
distress, there You are at hand to help them. Oh, I can’t help myself for joy at finding
You here.’
[6] Say I, firmly pressing him to My heart, ‘Greetings to you too, endlessfold. For in
spite of the burdens of your Judge’s office, your heart has not been shipwrecked,
whence I love you also constantly beyond measure, and fully bless your works.
[7] Verily, for the fact that you got to the bottom of this wicked tax robbery, you can
thank only Me, and Him Who dwells in Me!
[8] But let us now go inside, where a plentiful evening meal awaits us. We shall talk
more about this after the meal.’
Chapter 236
At the meal. Faustus’ praise of Jesus’ teaching. Faustus’ love for Lydia. The
Lord as middleman. Lydia’s loving acceptance. Faustus’ memorable dream
about the glorious Father in Jesus. ‘What God has joined, man should not
sunder. Marital hints.
[1] The Chief and the assistance Judges, together with Kisjonah, Baram, Jonael,
Jairuth and Archiel, now come with Me to the dining room, and at a half hour past
sunset, partake with Me, and all Mine, of a well prepared and abundant meal whilst
the Chief Justice, a single man, finds great pleasure in Kisjonah’s eldest daughter,
saying to me, ‘My most esteemed friend, you know how much I always loved You,
notwithstanding our religious or theosophical differences, because I found in You no
sly or one-sided Jew, but rather a most frank and liberal one, yet also a man of many
sides, and well informed in every science.
[2] I therefore confide to You that Kisjonah’s daughter pleases me immensely.
Notwithstanding, I am as You know a Roman and she would undoubtedly be a
Jewess, who is not allowed to give her hand to a pagan, as the Jews call us. Tell me,
friend, what is there to be done here? Could she not become my wife under any
circumstances? Let me have Your solution.’
[3] Say I, ‘You are a Roman and she is a Greek and no Jewess, and hence, from the
point of view of nature, nothing stops you from seeking her as a wife from Kisjonah,
who shall also certainly give her to you. But the fact that, spiritually, she and the
entire household is now Jewish, in accordance with My teaching, of which you are not
ignorant, shall it be no bone of contention for you?’
[4] Says the Chief Justice, named Faustus Caji Filins, ‘Why should it. Am I not in my
heart one of the most fervent adherents to Your most purely godly doctrine? For in
my view, a god Who knew how to build a world and then call a whole range of beings
into life thereon, including man himself in the end, must be exceedingly wise. If such
God were to give man a doctrine, then he could surely give no other doctrine - I say -
to His humans, than a most wise one, as should be in the most precise harmony with
nature and with the sustaining principle among men.
[5] Now then, Your doctrine is imbued with such spirit and character and is therefore
perfectly divine, wherefore I have accepted same for my very life as completely true,
and hence also accordingly act the preacher to my entire household, and to all my
many subordinate officials. If indeed so, then that leaves only the father’s consent.’
[6] Say I, ‘Well, this you have already, together with beautiful Lydia’s love. Behold,
behind you, the thoroughly happy Kisjonah, who can hardly help himself for joy at the
honor his house is encountering!’
[7] Faustus takes a look behind him, and Kisjonah says, ‘Lord and commander over
all our Galilee and Samaria. Can it be that you desire my Lydia as wife?’
[8] Says Faustus, ‘Indeed so, as the only one among thousands, if you will give her to
[9] Kisjonah calls Lydia, same coming over visibly embarrassed with love and great
joy, Kisjonah saying to her, ‘Well, dear daughter of mine, would you be blessed with
this glorious man?’
[10] And Lydia, eyes to the ground, says after a while, ‘How could you still ask? When
this glorious Faustus arrived today and I saw him for the first time, I heard the words
in my heart: ‘How blessed must be this glorious man’s woman’, and now that he
desires me, should I encounter him with a ‘no’?’
[11] Says Kisjonah, ‘But what shall your beloved Jesus say to that?’ Says Lydia, ‘His
we all are. He is the Creator and we His creatures, whom He is now making into real
children. Notwithstanding, he remains in my heart’s depth of all depths.’
[12] At this Faustus’ eyes bulge, fully astonished at this unexpected testimony of Me
by Lydia, ‘What, what, what do I hear? Should a recent dream I had, turn out to have
true meaning? I saw all of heaven open; all was light, all countless beings light, and
at the depth I saw You, You my friend Jesus, and all beings tarried impatiently for a
sign from You, in order to instantly proclaim Your commands throughout infinity!
[13] At that time I thought to detect Zeus in Your countenance, which far outshone
the sun in brightness, and it took me by surprise that You should resemble Zeus to
such extraordinary degree; and since that time I secretly took You to be an earthly
son of the prime deity, which however Identified with the Jews’ Jehovah and the
Indians’ Brahma, taking all other gods to be just His earthly children resembling You,
which He procreated with the earth’s daughters intermittently for the purpose of
providing men with earthly leaders, teachers and enliveners from such sons!
[14] But now this dream takes on an entirely different hue; You Yourself are the living
Zeus, Brahma or Jehovah, carnally among us, teaching us personally Your divine
wisdom, probably because your former children on this earth taught it wrongly, not
properly applying same in action.
[15] Since unquestionably so, I am receiving this most beautiful woman by the hand
of my very God, my Creator, and hence do not need to ask whether I shall be happy
with her!
[16] But my desire has now taken on a much different aspect. Most beautiful Lydia,
behold the Lord! Now it is not up to our mutual desire, but up to the most holy will of
this One and Only, this Lord of all glory, this God of all gods, out of Whom went forth
all heavens, sun, moon and this earth with us all!
[17] You, my godly Jesus, in the fullness of Truth! If it is agreeable to You that Lydia
becomes my wife, then she is my wife; should it however be displeasing to You in the
least, then say so, and my life shall be no more than the active expression of Your
[18] Say I, ‘My most noble brother! I have already blessed you, and therewith you
are fully one body; remember this however:
[19] What God has joined, no man should sunder, and thus a true marriage remains
indissoluble for all eternity. A false worldly bond is no bond before God in any case
and therefore can be dissolved like worldly men and all their bonds, which are nothing
but plain whoring in advance, through which Satan’s children are brought into
miserable being. You two hence are now fully husband and wife, and one flesh before
God, Amen!’
[20] With these My words the two embrace, and greet each other with a kiss.
[21] It speaks for itself that this sudden union created quite a stir through Kis, whilst
Kisjonah was in contemplation of an ample dowry.
Chapter 237
Philopold’s arrival. The Lord’s prophecy. The trial of the Temple robbers
continues. Faustus’ effective sentencing.
[1] When this furor died down a little, the now familiar Philopold arrived from Cana,
coming up to Me at once to appraise Me of how he brought everything in order in
[2] But I greeted him most amicably, saying to him, ‘ I am aware of it all; you are My
disciple, go over to My other disciples, and these shall have much to tell you. This
night however I have much to attend to. Tomorrow however we two shall have much
to discuss, for you are to become an effective weapon for Me.’
[3] Philopold now moves over to the disciples, even as the keepers are announcing
the arrival of those summoned from Capernaum and Chorazim, asking what is to be
[4] But I say ‘ Take them to their children first and give them to eat and drink.
Meanwhile we shall have an extraordinary session with the Pharisees.’
[5] The keepers leave and Faustus asks Me whether it would not be better for Me to
examine the twelve, whilst he acts merely as actuary.
[6] But I say, ‘No, brother, this won’t do; for as far as they are concerned, you are
the only one with the official rank, wearing for that reason the emperor’s token ring of
authority, together with sword and baton; hence you must examine them yourself.
But what, and how you ask, I shall place on your tongue, and they shall not be able
to wriggle out! Let us therefore hasten to the task, for it is not early night.’
[7] We move out to the Court House, where the twelve and their thirty main
accomplices are detained in custody under strong guard, tarrying in the great fear for
the arrival of the Chief Justice; for they were now precluded from an opportunity to
get hold of a dozen or so false witnesses, to lie for them under oath. Especial grace
was promised by the Temple to all servants who bore false witness for the Temple,
when circumstances made it necessary. These had to be of course fully informed in
advance, which in the present case was impossible.
[8] We entered the court room in company with Kisjonah, Baram, Jonael, Jairuth and
the angel Archiel, together with the assistant Judge and several scribes.
[9] Already at our entering, the infuriated first Pharisee asks Faustus, ‘What manner
is this towards us, Priests of God, after we already complied with all demands: to
treat us like common criminals, in not setting us at liberty. As surely as we are
servants of God: if we are not set free at once, then God will show you!’
[10] Says Faustus, ‘Keep your silence, or I may be forced to silence you; for we have
quite extraordinary things to settle with you. Hearken to me now with attention!
[11] I have already remarked to you earlier on that your immense treasures appear
to me to be the very self-same, about which I had made questionable mention to you
earlier; I am now quite sure in all but one aspect about this would-be assassination
attempt, during the transfer to the Emperor in Rome of tax moneys and other
treasures from the Pontus and Asia Minor. And this one aspect consists in:
[12] According to the report, the taxation moneys and various treasures were
escorted by a quarter legion of Roman soldiers; it could not therefore have been a
light matter for you to overpower such powerful escort, and to either completely wipe
it out or at least force its retreat.
[13] It is now clear to me that these moneys and treasures were whisked from their
Roman escort either through trickery or power of arms, either on your own part or on
the part of still more cunning colleagues. For this we need no further proof, for we
already have over a hundred witnesses to testify for it. But, as said, I only lack the
method and means, and the correct sum, what size it had been to enable me to
dispatch an exact report wit the moneys and other treasures to the Emperor in
[14] Says the first of the Pharisees, ‘Lord, this slander of us is too great for us to let
rest upon us. And if you had a thousand witnesses against us it would not help you,
for our case is too firm, and you shall not with all your power bend one hair. Hence
save yourself all further effort, for from here on you shall not be dignified with further
answers, unless for your undoing.
[15] If you have not come to know the Pharisees by now, then you soon shall get to
know them! For such immense blot we cannot allow to rest upon us. We yielded on
account of the forestry infringement, although we need not have done so in
accordance with our laws. But for the sake of peace we accepted your most unjust
verdict. But from here on we break it off, and if you should unscrupulously dare but
touch one cent, be it gold, pledge or treasure, you shall not only have to restore it a
hundredfold, but also there shall be an end to all your glory! Because they shall in the
Temple have by now found out how most brazenly they carry on with us here.’
[16] Says Faustus, ‘Well then, it is in this fashion that you intend to get yourselves off
the hook? Good! Then I know exactly what I have to do with you. Your trial is at an
end; the matter is verified through a hundred witnesses, and your guilt surfaced. I
say to you no more, giving you an ultimatum - the executioners stand outside.
[17] Should your thirty accomplices wish to talk, their lives shall be spared. If
however, they too refuse to talk, then this very night the axe shall be theirs as well as
yours. This ought to convince you how much I fear you!’
[18] To these cold-blooded, forceful words of Faustus, the thirty accomplices step
forward yelling, ‘Lord, preserve our lives, we intend to give detailed descriptions of
how this matter took place.’ 

Chapter 238
Continuation of the trial. Public confession of the thirty accomplices.
Faustus’ mitigation of the sentence.
[1] Says Faustus, ‘Well then, speak ! By all my honour, not one hair on you shall be
[2] Says one Pharisee, shaking uncontrollably from fear of death, ‘Lord, will you spare
my life too if I talk?’
[3] Says Faustus, ‘Yours too, for you are one of the least among them.’
[4] The other eleven Pharisees scream, ‘don’t you know that one should rather die
than turn traitor on God?’
[5] Says the one Pharisee, ‘That I know indeed,but here there is no talk about God,
but only about your most shameful deception of the Romans. You knew how to
elegantly relieve the Romans of the big booty with such artful cunning, that truly, the
entire world would be astounded.
[6] You prime villain wore the regimentals of the governor in Chief, who is now
stationed at Sidon, and intermittently at Tyre; you wore the emperor’s token ring of
authority and a golden sword and ruler’s baton for all of Palestine, Assyria and Asia
Minor and the whole Pontus.
[7] Besides this, you are of an apparently equal age to that of the venerable old
Cyrenius, assuming his name and putting together a retinue and royal household,
similar to that of Cyrenius, mounted upon a magnificent steed. When greeted as
Governor by the escort, who half a day’s journey from Tyre handed the order of
command roll, drawn up by himself to you, the supposed Governor, together with the
moneys and treasures, received into possession by your Roman soldiers in disguise,
you commanded him to withdraw to the Pontus as quickly as possible, in that you had
heard from reliable sources that disturbances had broken out there on account of
oppressive taxation, and the inhabitants of the far Pontus had combined with Scythian
hordes against Roman rule, ‘Herein lies a rising threat, wherefore he as the (fake)
Governor had, on instructions from Rome, come to meet him - the toughest chieftain
of Pontus and Asia Minor, part of the way, in order to shorten his trek back for the
[8] It goes without saying that the supreme commander of Pontus and Asia Minor and
his three thousand horsemen at once tuned back, and were at such a distance in a
few hours as to leave us nothing further to fear from him. We all were threatened
with secrecy upon death and were premised two hundred pounds of silver each, which
however we have never received yet, but are not to receive until at Jerusalem. Fate
however decreed otherwise, and the prospects for the two hundred pounds look
somewhat slim.
[9] The moneys and treasures were then moved to Capernaum by night, where same
had now rested for some two moons, whilst the secret road was built only on account
of the great treasure, and does not as far as I know lead to Jerusalem, but towards a
great hidden cave in these mountains, within which rather than the Temple, quite
many a thousand pounds of gold already are awaiting retrieval.
[10] Only the twelve of us were initiates to this secret and beside us no Pharisee
knows anything about it, but for our thirty accomplices, although these are not aware
of the purpose. They are told this is being preserved for the coming Messiah, Who
shall imminently liberate the Jews from their Roman yoke. But I of course know a
quite different purpose, namely, first: a life of luxury over luxury and secondly:
mighty corruption powers in important emergencies, where it is intended to have the
mighty Romans dance according to one’s tune, or to purchase a supreme position at
the Temple, which of course is always worth a fortune of gold. Now you know the lot,
and you can now examine all the thirty and they shall tell you the same.
[11] Only the pledges were destined for Jerusalem, in order to win the Temple’s
favour; the moneys and treasures however would have joined their likes in the cave,
had they not suffered this mighty shipwreck here. Now you know everything and can
act as you see fit, only let you not be too hard and inexorable towards myself and the
thirty misguided ones.’
[12] Says Faustus, ‘Towards you and the thirty I shall not be acting as judge but as
protector. What is to be done with the eleven, Cyrenius shall decide. Only tell me one
more thing, whether any of the moneys or treasures has been stolen or whether all
that was brought from Asia Minor is here together and whether you know about the
famous cave.’
[13] Says the Pharisee, ‘Just as it all was taken into possession, together with the
wagons, so it still is here, unscathed and unwasted. Regarding the famous cave
however, I as a co-sworn know of everything it contains of course, and without one of
us twelve, no one could find either entry or exit.’
[14] Following this, Faustus praises the more destitute Pharisee named Pilah, saying
to Kisjonah, ‘Well, friend and now most esteemed father-in-law, the cave, located in
your mountains, obviously, shall be given to you as pronounced in the initial verdict;
the Emperor’s moneys and treasures however, let you take into custody for the
present; for they shall be safest in your custody pending the conclusion of this major
[15] Let Pilah be placed on my bill, but let the thirty be given good accommodation
for the night. I cannot give them freedom until the cave is cleared, then afterwards
they can go wherever they choose. Nor do I intend to have them whipped, since their
co-operation led to big revelations.’
Chapter 239
Continuation of the court scene. The eleven Temple scoundrels cornered.
They plead for mercy. Offer of further cave treasures as ransom.
[1] Thereupon Faustus turns to the eleven saying, ‘Well now, where is the ruin with
which you threatened me in such domineering fashion? What do you anointed
servants of God say to this story? Verily, it must be heinously bitter for purported,
would-be anointed servants of God to stand there as state villains. Nevertheless, just
wait, as worse is yet to come over you; this was only an easy prelude!
[2] Verily, you can be grateful to but one, for my not having you now stripped,
pronouncing the Emperor’s curse over you and then handing you over to the
henchmen thirsting for justice. And this ‘One’ is at my side, the godly Jesus of
Nazareth, Whom you have been cursing now for a long time, persecuting Him from
place to place, and that for taking the supremely honest liberty of enlightening you in
front of the poor people, deluded through you.
[3] Turn within yourselves and say whether, next to your Satan, can there be
anything more evil than yourselves?
[4] You make the people believe in a God you yourselves never believed in. For, were
you to believe in a God, in Jehovah, Whom also Moses clearly proclaimed, and in
Whom your forefathers vividly believed and hoped, then you would not be playing a
game of jeering mockery and brazen shame with Him.
[5] As purported anointed servants of the Most High, you receive godly honor from
your spiritually killed people, on top of that demanding exorbitant sacrifices, so as to
then block with bolted steel doors their way to the portals of God’s light and life-filled
[6] Ask yourselves whether there can be anywhere greater criminals against God,
Emperor and poor mankind, than yourselves.
[7] Oh for the incomprehensible patience and long-suffering of the great God. Had I
but a spark of divine power over the elements, then heaven would not have enough
of the fire that I would rain over you day and night.
[8] Lord, why were You so hard on the ten cities of Sodom and Gomorra in Abraham’s
time, and yet their inhabitants, but for their lust of the flesh, evidently were angels
compared to these goblins whose numbers throughout Judaism now are greater than
those of the ten cities?
[9] You call yourselves God’s children, saying that God is your Father. Verily, I shall
not eternally be able to make out a God Who sets down such children into the world;
for with us Romans, such God, in accordance with the myth of Pluto, is named Satan
or Beelzebub - that is your father!
[10] You are the live, wicked seed that your father always casts among God’s wheat,
that it may suffocate the divine seed, yet you call yourselves the anointed servants of
God? You servants, you are of Satan; he anointed you for the destruction of
everything godly upon earth.
[11] If you were only a trifle less devilish than you are, then on account of the one
who is here, I would have pronounced the lightest possible sentence over you. But
because you are too exceedingly and devilishly evil, I don’t want to sully my name
with you, handing you over to the Judicio criminis atri (trial of a black transgression)
at Sidon. There every Judex Honoris (Judge of Honour) washes his hands seven
[12] Hearing such words from Faustus, they start getting apprehensive, begging for
mercy, promising to completely change their ways to betterment, and wanting to
make a hundredfold restitution of all the damage they ever inflicted on anyone.
[13] Says Faustus, ‘But wherewith? The rich cave is now in our hands. Wherefrom will
you get more money and treasure? Do you have other caves bristling with gold, silver
and pearls?’
[14] Say the eleven, ‘Lord, we have another, the other side of Chorazim, where old
treasures rest, which were moved there from the Temple and other houses of God
during the Babylonian captivity. Nobody knew about it down to our time. About seven
years ago, we went hunting for woodland birds and forest bees and honey. There,
some thirty fields away, quite close to the Greek regions in the vicinity of a rising
mountain chain, we found a spot where honey and wax literally flowed from a steep
and vertical wall about eight metres in height. At the top was an opening the height
of a boy of twelve.
[15] Another wall of about a hundred and forty meters in height rose above this
entrance, so that without a ladder, the presumably honey and wax-rich opening,
swarming with bees, would have been inaccessible. A ladder was soon put together
and also straw and diverse grasses for bring out the bees, which operation soon had
been successfully completed except for a few bee stings. We recovered several
hundred pounds of the purest honey and a similar amount of wax, for quite a number
of hives numbering some one thousand cells each were already empty.
[16] Busying ourselves with the removal of the ground wax, we hit upon Temple tools
of metal, and on closer examination the metal turned out to be gold and silver. We
moved deeper into the widening cave and in its depths continued to find ever greater
hoards of priceless treasures. We left all the treasures in the cave intact, and blocked
the cave entrance off with stones and moss, putting it under the watch of sworn
guards from the hour of discovery to the present moment. And behold, all these
treasures we put in your charge if you deal with us mercifully, remitting us the
terrible punishment you pronounced over us.’
[17] Says Faustus, ‘I intend to consult about it. But now tell me also conscientiously
what there is to the cave in Kisjonah’s mountains. Did you also discover this during
another chase for honey, and already filled, or did you fill it. And if the latter,
wherefrom did you obtain the treasures and how long has this cave been filled?’
[18] Say the eleven, ‘We earned same over a course of fifteen years through lawful
trading. But because, owing to the recent Temple regulations, we are allowed to have
only a certain minimum sum to cover our basic needs, and to hand every excess over
to the Temple then if those of us placed in the country during annual checks are
found to possess substantial excess, we are ruthlessly and mercilessly punished as
deceivers of God. To escape the punishment and yet posses enough for certain
eventualities, we have chosen the most concealed cave in Kisjonah’s mountains and
therein preserved our considerable excess. This is all there is to the secret attaching
this cave.’
[19] Says Faustus, ‘Does the road you laid down lead right up to the cave?’
[20] Say the eleven, ‘No, your honour, only as far as the densest scrub, through
which one can reach the cave, detectable only to us, by a path known only to
[21] Says Faustus, ‘Good, then you shall be our guides tomorrow. For today - tonight
- this court now retires in this matter, because for the present we know enough.’
[22] The eleven plead for mercy on their knees before Faustus. Faustus says, ‘This is
no longer up to myself, but Someone entirely different. If He forgives you, then so
shall I, Amen!’ With that we leave the court chamber and head for a desirable rest for
the body.
[23] Lydia awaits Myself and Faustus, now her husband, at the entrance to the
dwelling, greeting us and voicing regrets that it probably caused us a couple of hours
heated debate.
[24] Faustus returns his young wife’s greeting, saying to her, ‘Yes, dear Lydia, this
was indeed a heated contest, but one obtaining a desirable and most brilliant
solution, owing to the purely godly help of this equally godly Friend Jesus, to Whom
be all praise. But let us leave that for tomorrow; much shall yet be dealt with.’
[25] All save the necessary guards now went to take their rest.

Chapter 240
About the true honouring of the Sabbath. Release of the eleven. Distribution
of the cave treasures. Return of the children, and compensation of the
[1] The following day, a Sabbath, Faustus, although a Roman, asked Me whether the
Jewish Sabbath is honoured over here and what is to become of the eleven Pharisees.
[2] Say I, ‘Dearest friend and brother. Every day that is filled with good deeds is a
true Sabbath, and on any day on which one has carried out something decidedly
good, one has precisely therewith truly celebrated the Sabbath. Wherefore you should
do as much good as possible this Sabbath, and it shall truly not be reckoned to you as
sin, except by the evil fools of the world who curse even the wind if it blows on a
Sabbath, as well as the rain and the flocks of flying birds. Such fools shall never be
honoured by us as models, but only serve us as an instance of loathing. For they
curse the good and would like to have their evil praised by all the world.
[3] Regarding the eleven, let them also go free, after you will have sized all their
treasures. Transmit to the emperor what is his, and notify him of any reason for the
delay you wish. But give also to the Temple its due, from the Chorazim cave,
notifying also the High Priest on how the treasures were discovered by the said eleven
Pharisees several years ago but withheld from the Temple, whose property they
basically are. Then the Temple itself shall undertake quite a decent investigation of
the eleven.
[4] Regarding the treasures in Kisjonah’s mountains, share out one third to him, one
third to yourself in the name of the Emperor, whilst one third shall be handed out to
all the poor who came here on account of the things of which they were robbed; after
which all the proceedings shall take their end for all time of times. Use the present
[5] Baram has good ships and in just a few hours you shall be fully done with the
cleaning of the Chorazim cave. Let one party attend to the clearing of Kisjonah’s cave,
and if you move but moderately, you shall have both treasures here by evening, and
have them dispatched to their destinations tomorrow.
[6] I could of course move the treasures here in a moment through Archiel, but there
are too many people here right now, and such miracle would cause too great a
sensation. Hence I refrain therefrom, yet secretly help speed up the work to the
extent that instead of taking you three days in the normal course of things, it will be
finished in one, namely today. But let you not tarry, but to and fro!
[7] Take only one Pharisee to where you go and let the others stay here in custody.
[8] Pilah shall remain here, for he is already too good for these things, with which
children of God should have as little as possible to do. Hence you need not personally
attend to the said locations either, for a commissioner, furnished by you with power
of attorney, shall suffice. We ourselves meanwhile shall undertake the distribution
here of the distraints and the children to their respective parents.’
[9] Who would have been happier with these arrangements than Faustus, this being
to his threefold advantage: firstly he stays with Me, secondly with his young wife
whom he now loves exceedingly and thirdly he has some leisure for sending the
Emperor an informative report, as well as accompanying regulatory and legal
documents, written upon good parchment; and can have all the moneys and
treasures dispatched to their destinations the next day.
[10] Once the two commissioners had departed to pick up the aforementioned
treasures, we at once set about the distribution of the distraints and the children who
had already mostly located their parents during the night. But there were some
whose parents were laid up sick at home, from grief and sadness, wherefore they
could not come to Kis to pick up their children and other things. These sick parents
then requested their neighbors to receive the children and things on their behalf, if
these still existed in accordance with the announcement. At the distribution, this too
was kept in sight, and everything accurately found its way to its owner, as well as a
sum of a hundred pounds, handed to each party by Kisjonah, as directed by Me, for a
portion of the one third of the treasure from the cave on Kisjonah’s property, after
which all the parties, several hundred of them of course, were discharged from Kis,
after some good instruction and exhortations from Faustus to all.
[11] Kisjonah had all the trading ships readied, and the entire great throng, residents
from Chorazim, Capernaum and Nazareth, were transported therewith back to their
homes, the distribution together with their transportation home, taking hardly over
seven and a half hours.
Chapter 241
A word for our time. Illness and death of children. Negative spiritual
influence on children. The material Creation as gathering place of spirits
under judgment.
[1] It could indeed in these times be asked, even as these long past events are being
recounted anew, through an especially chosen scribe on behalf of mankind, by Myself,
the same Christ Who nearly two thousand years ago, as God and Man, taught and
[2] “‘What’s this? Maybe more than half of these children, as security of the
Pharisees, had they not been intercepted here, would have been in ten or at the most
twelve days sold by packed slave traders in Sidon, Tyre, Caesarea, Antioch or even
Alexandria, yet would have been well bred children. Nevertheless, there is no
indication that I, as a foremost friend of the little ones, ever visited them or spoke a
word to them, whereas I normally would let the little ones come unto Me, hugging
and blessing them before all men.’”
[3] May the following answer such question: For a start, these children were of course
mostly aged already over nine years, and there were girls of fourteen to sixteen
among them as well as youths, and one could not therefore enter a roomful of such
half-naked people without causing offence; and secondly, these were no longer such
as could still be innocent children, such as had still found here and there, but basically
mostly spoilt, carnally and morally. For paedophilia and defilement were nowhere as
prevalent as in the border regions between Jews and Greeks. And so, even for these
very depraved children, their recent lesson, permitted by Me, was not altogether
unsalutary. Because this experience had to firstly appear as a powerful punishment
for depravity, and secondly they were warned thereby to henceforth avoid serving
Greek hedonism and live a God fearing life, in all earnest, if they did not want to be
punished by God most severely for the very next sin, something Faustus had driven
home penetratingly in his exhortation speech to the parents and children.
[4] Appraised thus, it shall hopefully be understood that I, although filled with all
godly love towards each human being, on account of the same godly holiness
nevertheless cannot and must not personally approach such sinful and unclean flesh,
for the good of its own continued existence; wherefore the familiar ‘do not touch me’
applies in all such cases.
[5] For there is an immense difference between a pure and a most impure child. The
first can be guided by Me directly, whilst the second only indirectly and that along
essentially, or as need be, thorny paths.
[6] It should not therefore be rashly asked why, not seldom children, who surely have
committed either no offence at all or who at least are not yet of an accountable age,
are afflicted by Me sometimes more harshly than aged sinners, who would find it as
hard to number their sins as the sand of the sea.
[7] Here I say: whoever has notions of making a tree lean towards some direction,
must start to do so while the tree is still young and tender. Once the tree has grown
old, then extraordinary means would need to be applied for giving it any possible new
direction; a very old tree however shall accept no other direction than the final one,
when hewn down.
[8] And it therefore happens that I, speaks the Lord, sometimes worked children and
even little ones over more severely than someone ripe in years; because nowhere are
the evil spirits busier and more ready to serve than with the children, in helping the
soul to build her body in such a way as for her body to harbour free and comfortable
dwelling places for a large number of their kind.
[9] But what does the Lord, to Whom nothing can remain unknown, then do?
[10] Behold, He sends His angel and has the work of the wretched helpers pulled
down and removed as foreign parts through outwardly apparent sickness.
[11] Consider the diverse sicknesses of children and little ones, and I say unto you,
these are nothing but castings out of the evil foreign substances, through which evil
and dishonest spirits, assisting the soul in building her body, wanted to build for
themselves free dwelling places in that self-same body.
[12] If such mischief were not constantly tackled in children most decisively, then the
numbers upon earth of the possessed, deaf and dumb, cretins and cripples would
swell to such proportions that hardly a single healthy individual could be found upon
the earth.
[13] It is of course asked again and said: ‘But how can the most wise God allow such
at the start, so that such evil and impure spirits can smuggle themselves into the
young body of a soul?’
[14] And I say: ‘Thus asks the blind man, who does not know that the entire earth
and indeed the entire Creation, in its outer apparent, material aspect is to be, so to
say, defined in all its so-called elements, as a conglomerate of spirits held under
judgment, or detention for a determinate span of time.

Chapter 242
About the secret of life-force. The cleansing effect of sickness and diet.
Importance of proper nutrition for children. The Mosaic dietary prescriptions.
Warning against consumption of maggoty and unripe fruit; potatoes and
[1] Whenever the soul demands material food for her body and such is handed to her,
she also therewith always receives a legion of liberated and still evil and impure
spirits into her body, which then must aid her in the ongoing body-building process.
[2] The spirits gradually seize one another, soon forming their own souls, intelligent
after their kind. After raising themselves to such level, they abandon the soul, as
authorised possessor of the body, starting to make such arrangements within the
body as will suit their imagined well being.
[3] With such spirits once reaching a high degree of imagined well being, as is easily
the case with rapacious souls within young bodies, then one or the other phenomenon
can and must make its appearance with such children.
[4] The foreign matter must be cast out through either an appropriate illness, unless
it is intended to let the child go over into virtual spirit possession; or, in order to not
torment some weaker child’s soul too much, one allows a soul to live on wretchedly
within such half-foreign body until a certain time, to then cause it, through instruction
either by the external or internal spirit world, to bring it to a level of insight where in
the end it voluntarily starts to drive out her parasites, through fasting and all sorts of
other self-depravations; or, where the parasites are too stubborn, one takes the
whole body away, and then develops such a soul in another world, for life eternal.
[5] Such cause also underlies the occasionally early physical death of the child, so
bitter for the parents; hence, especially parents of terrestrial wealth, should be
particularly concerned about their children obtaining the appropriate external food.
[6] If the mother eats unclean foods, as proscribed through Moses, then the mother
should not breast-feed the child but let it be breast fed by someone eating clean food,
or she shall have much trouble with the child.
[7] For this reason, since Abraham, and mainly through Moses, the clean animals and
fruits were prescribed to the Jews, and all who kept such commandments
conscientiously, never had sick children and achieved ripe old age, dying from old age
[8] In the present time however, when one makes a grab for even the most exotic
delicacies, no longer even thinking whether a morsel is clean or unclean, where in
some lands almost anything is constantly stuffed into the body that is not either stone
or clay, there it is in any case a wonder that blind mankind has not yet sunk back into
the animal forms corresponding to what, surely, they already attained in their
[9] If, currently, children in their first few years already are stricken with all kinds of
maladies, then the obvious cause lies in the most inappropriate nutrition, through
which a multitude of evil and unclean spirits are conveyed into the body, which not
seldom has to be completely removed for the good of the soul; and hence nothing but
inexcusable parental blindness alone is responsible for the early physical death of the
child, because such parents would rather follow anything than the divine advice in the
holy Book!
[10] Behold, through My angels I undertake an annual thinning out of all fruit trees,
from whose fruits men feed, upon which no apple, pear or fruit of any kind
whatsoever must ripen, within which during flowering, some unclean spirit has settled
in up to the fruit stage. And such fruit is cast down from the tree or bush while still
completely unripe.
[11] Similar care is taken with all types of grains and plants destined for human
[12] But blind man not only does not recognise this but, akin to a polyp, eats
everything that seems a tidbit to him. Any wonder that he soon gets sick, sluggish,
toilsome, crippled and therefore miserable through and through?
[13] Hence also all varieties of so-called potatoes are more than bad, especially for
children and breast-feeding nannies, as also for pregnant women, even whilst coffee
is worse still! But blindness sees nothing, avidly consuming both for the pleasant
flavor. But children get physically miserable, and in the end the woman and the man.
This does not concern the blind: does he not consume poisons far worse? Why
shouldn’t he eat these two lesser forms of poison?
[14] But I intend to once again advise the foods congenial for man’s consumption. If
he will heed same, he shall get well, be well and stay well. However, if he does not
heed same, then he shall also be ruined, like the savage beast in the desert.
[15] But now an end of this most essential explanation, and hence a return to the
main theme!


Chapter 1
Jesus and His stay at Kis and Nazareth
[01] Late at night, the treasures from Kisjonah’s cave arrive, consisting of gold, silver
and an immense mass of polished and unpolished precious stones of great worth.
These consisted of up to three pounds of polished and up to seven pounds of
unpolished diamonds, with as many accompanying rubies, twice that many emeralds,
hyacinths, sapphires, topaz and amethysts, and up to four pounds of pearls the size
of large peas. There were over 20,000 pounds of gold and about five times that much
[02] Faustus taking in this horrendous wealth, claps his hands above his head saying,
“Oh Lord! As a son of one of the wealthiest patricians of Rome have I not had
occasion to behold great terrestrial treasures; yet has my eye not seen anything like
this! This exceeds all the Pharaohs and the legendary Croesus who in the end did not
know what to do for all his wealth and would have in actual fact built himself three
palaces of gold if his vanquisher had not relieved him of his excess.
[03] Now tell me, a poor sinner, oh Lord, to whom all things are known, how these
twelve servants of Satan have come by such treasures! By even a small amount of
honesty this could never be possible much less over a short period! - How then was
such possible?”
[04] Say I, “Friend, trouble yourself no more about it! It truly is not worth wasting
more words over this satanic filth. You can of course be assured that not one honest
dime is involved. It would however be too drawn-out a thing to detail the thousand-
fold trickeries by which this brood of vipers and serpents has amassed and robbed it.
[05] That these are villains of the craftiest variety you surely shall doubt no longer; in
what way they are however even more than roguish, no man needs to know. They
have already according to Roman law, merely on account of their robbery of the
imperial tax troupe earned tenfold death; and this booty of an immeasurable treasure
lying before us is not better by a hair’s breadth, notwithstanding that it does not
concern imperial taxation moneys so plainly.
[06] Were you to even know everything, you surely would not kill them more than
once. You can of course heighten the torture, but to what end? If the torture is most
severe - in line with your legal jargon, then it is also lethal; but if less severe yet
more prolonged, well, the prisoner then feels it hardly more than you would feel a
bothersome fly; because a soul even of the most material type, fearing the death of
her body beyond all measure, soon retreats to its innermost chambers, starting to
voluntarily loosen from its body, within which there is no further tarrying, which
totally de-sensitizes the body. You then can torment such body as much as you like
and it shall feel little or nothing thereof. But were you to cause the soul’s body great
and sudden pain, then the soul shall not bear it for long and tear out, and you then
can boil or roast a dead body and it shall feel no more punishment.
[07] Therefore I am not in favour of the death penalty, because it is to no advantage
of the dead person and is even less useful as a shield or purpose to any justice
system; since you have killed one, - and thousands have sworn revenge to you
because of it! However, out of the necessary divine order I’m very much in favour to
place a criminal under the sharpest penalties and do not lift them until a complete
improvement has taken place! A corrective rod applied in a justified manner at the
right time is better than money and purest gold; because the soul is more and more
loosened from matter by the blows of the corrective rod and finally turns to her spirit.
And if the corrective rod has achieved this, it has saved the soul and therefore the
whole person from the downfall and everlasting death.
[08] Therefore every judge should according to the order of God not punish even the
greatest criminal by the death penalty, which is to no use, but always punish with the
rod according to the measure of wrongdoing. If he does this, he is a judge for the
people to heaven, however, if he does not do it, he is a judge for hell, for which he
verily will never ever be rewarded by God; because for the kingdom he has judged
the people, from the same kingdom he will receive his reward! - Now you know
enough, and so let the treasures be put under lock and key! Tomorrow those from
Chorazin shall also arrive, whereupon immediate distribution and dispatch of this
devil’s filth shall be undertaken. But now let us proceed to the dining-room, for the
evening meal is waiting for us! Verily, this whole thing is most irksome to Me, and
time is pressing Me towards Nazareth!”
[09] Says Faustus, “Lord, I see all too clearly how this whole business must cause
You revulsion beyond measure; but what can be done if the thing has taken this
course? I beg You by the way, my Lord and my greatest and best friend, that You
would not leave this place before me, for firstly without you I can do nothing, and
secondly, without You the most terrible boredom would kill me notwithstanding my
dearest little woman here! Hence I implore You not to leave this place until I have
finished with this most tiresome business! With Your help I should hope to have this
thing under control by lunch tomorrow!”
[08] Say I, “Very well! But I want to see no more of all the treasures and the eleven
Pharisees, for they repel Me more than a carcass.”
[09] Says Faustus, “This shall be taken care of!”
Chapter 2
Judas Iscariot, the gold thief.
[01] We now entered the room, namely the dining hall, where an abundant supper
awaits us. We hardly consume the meal, when two servants bring Judas Iscariot into
the hall, informing the Chief Judge that this disciple or whatever he may be tried to
steal two pounds of gold, and that they had seized him in the act, taking the gold off
him and then bringing him here to account for himself.
[02] Judas stands here terribly embarrassed, saying, “I did not have the remotest
intention of taking possession of the gold, but only to test a couple of bars to see
whether they really are as heavy as they are said to be; these fools however at once
grabbed me dragging me in as a common thief! I beg you Faustus, that this stain
would be taken from me!”
[03] Says Faustus (to the servants), “Let him go! He is one of the Lord’s disciples and
for that reason I want to go easy on him; (to Judas) but in future do not touch any
gold bars, especially at night time - unless you become an imperial tax assessor,
otherwise you shall be unavoidably punished for attempted robbery! Have you
properly understood the Chief Justice Faustus?”
[04] Says Judas, terribly embarrassed, “Lord, there was in all earnest not the
slightest intention to attempt a robbery, but of course rather an in-opportune trying
out of a pound weight of a bar of gold.”
[05] Say I, “Go and seek yourself quarters! Because from this evil which kills all
thieves through the hand of Satan, also you will soon die; for you have been, you are
and will remain a thief! While you fear the severity of the law, you are not yet actively
a thief, but in your heart which does not know any laws of justice and fairness, you
have been one for a long time. If I were to remove every law today, then you would
be the first to lay your hands on the treasures outside; because all laws of justice and
propriety are foreign to your heart. It is a pity for your head that there does not beat
a better heart beneath it! Go to bed now and be more sober tomorrow than today!”
[06] Rebuked thus and greatly embarrassed, Judas leaves the dining hall for his
sleeping quarters, lying down but pondering for two hours on how to avoid what I
foretold him but finding no way out in his heart, as this keeps raising its gold-thirsty
voice, and so he falls asleep. We also betake ourselves to rest, as the previous two
nights had been most demanding on us. Morning was not long in coming.
[07] Just as Faustus was about to turn for another morning nap, the treasure carriers
from Chorazin arrive, waking him, to which he had to go and officially view, value and
take it into custody. By the time he has finished we all are on our feet too, and the
morning meal consisting in fresh and well-prepared fish also is upon the many tables
in the large dining hall. Faustus comes quite work-fatigued into the dining hall with
his young wife at his side, seating himself next to Me.
[08] Not until after the consumed morning meal, which was not lacking of a good
wine, does Faustus tell me that his morning task, which normally with all due
persistence would have taken him two weeks, is finished and that everything had
already gone off to its proper destination. All documents were in their best order
ready on the table in the big office together with their safe-conduct warrants. The
treasure from Kisjonah’s cave was properly distributed and furnished with destination
papers, as also the taxation moneys together with the great Temple treasure from
Chorazin, all now being dispatched; a large set of carpenters tools are left over at the
office for which no owner had yet been found.
[09] Say I, “Down there, at the foot of the table sitting next to the mother Mary, are
two of Joseph’s sons named Jose and Joel; it belongs to those two! It was taken from
them as security together with the small dwelling at Nazareth and is to be restored to
[10] Says Faustus, “Lord, together with the dwelling! This I vouch for! Oh Lord and
friend. What troubles these black ones have caused me already; the foolish law
however protected them, and with the greatest determination one could not get hold
of them. Right before my eyes they committed the most hideous injustices, yet with
all the power at one’s disposal one could do nothing to them. Nevertheless here Satan
has let them down, and I now have a file in my hands before which these fellows will
shake as the storm-driven leaves in the forest! The report to the Chief Governor
Cyrenius is a masterpiece which he shall at once be dispatching to Rome together
with the certified taxes. From Tyre, Sidon and Caesarea, the imperial vessel of 24
oars and with a good wind, and equipped with strong sail and helm, can reach the
Roman coast in twelve days and be in the Emperor’s hands! Rejoice for another
twelve days after that you blackies! Quite curious barriers shall be brought down on
your arrogance!”
[11] Say I, “Friend, I say unto you: don’t celebrate too early! A crow does not peck
out another crow’s eyes! The eleven shall indeed not fare enviably on the inside.
Whilst not killed they shall nevertheless be kept inside for life. But officially they shall
be washed white as wool when justified to Rome, and only then shall further accounts
be demanded of you, and you shall be hard-pressed to answer all the questions from
Rome satisfactorily. Not one of your hairs shall of course be bent, yet you shall not
escape some troubles unless you come up with relevant witnesses and other
evidence. For this reason I shall leave you Pilah; he shall be of good service to you.
But dress him up at once in Roman garb to prevent him being recongised by his
colleagues stationed in Capernaum. For let Me tell you: Satan has not nearly so
organised his regiment as this brood of serpents. Hence, beside your dove-like
gentleness, be clever as a serpent, or you shall not be able to cope with this brood!”
[12] Says Faustus, “My eternal thanks to You for this counsel. But now that this
business has been taken care of as well as could be, we ought perhaps to be
undertaking something more cheerful.”
[13] Say I, “Quite so! I am all for it; but let us tarry for Kisjonah who is about to
finish with his tills.”
Chapter 3
Correct application of miracular- and healing powers.
[01] Shortly thereafter comes Kisjonah, greeting us most tenderly and amicably and
saying, “My most endlessly beloved friend Jesus! - This I call you only officially for
You know what and Who You are in my heart. - You alone I have to thank for all this!
A mere 5,000 pounds in all of poor Cana citizen’s debts I had gladly crossed off the
books, yet You have in return let 50,000 pounds come my way, not to mention the
inestimable worth of the other treasures which perhaps are worth that much again!
But with all my immeasurable love for You I promise that I shall use all this most
effectively for the poor and the oppressed, and this Satanic filth, shall yet be turned
into gold for God’s heavens!
[02] To be sure, I shall not be putting the gold and silver into the people’s hands, for
it then is poison for men’s weak terrestrial hearts; but I shall provide the roofless and
landless with roof and tax-free land and procure cattle, bread and clothing for them.
But everyone I provide for shall have Your Word preached and your name made
known to them, to make them vividly aware of Whom to thank for everything and
that I am myself no more than a bad and lazy servant! You, oh Lord however
strengthen me whenever I shall be serving in Your name! If however, I should have a
mind of diverting even one of my senses to the world then cause all my powers to
weaken, to make me aware of being a feeble human, not capable of accomplishing
anything out of my own strength!”
[03] Thereupon I place My hand upon his heart, saying, “Friend and brother! Keep Me
in there, and you shall not ever be lacking in power for carrying out noble deeds!
From living faith and fullness of pure love for Me, and minded to do good to men in
My name, you shall indeed command the elements and they shall obey you. Your call
to the winds shall not go uncomprehended and the sea shall know your mind. And to
one or the other mountain you shall be able to say “Arise and cast thyself into the
sea”, and it shall be as you commanded.
[04] If however, someone asks for signs, that he may believe then let no sign be
given him who asked. He who does not want to recognise truth for truth’s sake, and
for whom same is not a sufficient sign, for him it is better to stay blind; for if he is
forced to accept the truth through a sign but does not then act in accordance with the
teaching, then the sign is a double judgement for him, He firstly is forced to accept
the truth as truth regardless of whether or not he recognises it in his blindness, due
to the sign, and he secondly must obviously plunge into still deeper judgement within
himself on account of divine order if not acting in accordance with the truth forced on
him, regardless of whether he fully recognises the truth as such or not; for the
success of the sign has provided him with binding testimony. And this is already
enough; here, comprehension or non-comprehension justifies nobody.
[05] For if someone asks for a sign as evidence of a truth heard, saying:
“Notwithstanding my non-comprehension of the basis of truth from your talk, if a sign
is given me as evidence for the truth of your statement, then I intend to accept such
teaching as full truth.” Well then, a sign is given to the applicant, and he can no
longer avoid the truth of the teaching, whether he comprehends it from its foundation
or not; for now the sign stands there as an indisputable witness.
[06] Since it is however impossible for his blindness to fathom the truth and
considering the keeping of the truth-teaching as potentially most cumbersome, he
thinks to himself: “There could indeed be something to it, otherwise the sign would
not have been possible; yet I still can’t probe its basis and by following same would
demand dreadful self-denial. Hence I shall not do so, and keep to my habitual life-
style which, lacking extraordinary signs indeed, nevertheless is fairly palatable!”
[07] Behold, in this very thing already lies the punishing judgement, which the sign-
applicant has brought upon himself through the sign in response to his request, which
has delivered him the incontrovertible proof; against which he can set up no counter-
proof. Yet through his misguided life-style he nonetheless in effect fronts up as an
antagonist of eternal truth, actually widely dismissing it, notwithstanding the fact of
his incapacity to negate the success of the testifying sign as non-existent. Hence it is
incomparably better to not work a sign as testimony of the truth!
[08] However, for the usefulness and other human benefit without being requested,
you may work signs in secrecy as much as you like, and this shall then not be
counted as sin to anyone and even less as judgement. But if you have worked signs
for human benefit in advance, then you can also afterwards provide the people
concerned with a doctrine, provided they desire it; if they have no such desire then
warn them against sin forcefully. Let yourself not be drawn into further instruction, as
you shall then be regarded by those you helped merely as a doctor of magic, and the
sign shall have no further coercive, judgmental effect on them.
[09] All who were given power to work signs in an emergency shall however keep this
My counsel, if desirous to effect the truly good.
[10] Let all beware however of working signs from a kind of outburst or anger.
Because a sign should be worked only out of purest love and gentleness; if worked
out of rage and fury however, which also is quite possible, then hell has already a
part in it, and such sign then not only brings no blessing, but a curse.
[11] Since however I have already on several occasions taught you to bless even
those who would curse you, how much less should you prepare a curse for the blind
in spirit - those who do not confront you with a curse but merely a blindness of heart!
[12] Consider this well and act accordingly, and you shall be spreading blessing
everywhere, even if not exclusively spiritually but nevertheless physically, as I Myself
have done and am still constantly doing. For after a merely physical favour can have
a greater effect on the heart and spirit of a wretched than a hundred lessons on
virtue, and if its therefore also proper when spreading the Gospel, to forge a way to
the wretch’s heart with physical benevolence and only afterwards preach the Gospel
to the wholesome hearts, rather than precede with the Gospel and afterwards through
a sign dump the wretched listeners into a manifestly judgement and hence into
greater wretchedness than was the first, which affected only the body.
[13] When called to someone sick, then lay your hands upon him before the sermon,
so that he may get better. If he then asks you, “Friend, how was this possible to
you”? then, only say, “Through a living faith in the name of Him Who was sent by God
from heaven for the true blissfullness of all men!” - If he then further asks you about
the name, then give him introductory instruction commensurate with his capacity to
grasp, so that he would begin to understand the possibility of such a phenomenon.
[14] If he has advanced to that stage, then continue to give him more information in
the right measure. If you find the heart of the hearer gradually animating, then tell
him everything, and he is certain to accept it and believe everyone of your words. If
however you give him too much at once, it shall crush him and confuse his feelings,
and then he shall be hard work for you.
[15] Just as one does not give the newborn infants a mature man’s fare which would
kill them, one must even less give the child in spirit the fare of an advanced spirit, but
only food that is most suitable for such children, otherwise it would give them death,
and it would be extremely difficult to reanimate them in spirit. - Have all of you now
properly grasped and understood this?”
[16] Moved deeply, all say thereto, “Yes Lord! This is now as clear to us as the
midday sun, and we shall faithfully abide by it.”
[17] Say I, “Very well, let us proceed to the cave where the Pharisees had hidden
their treasures; for there is another cave within the cave and we intend to look
through it. But take sufficient number of flares, as well as wine and bread for there
we shall encounter very hungry beings.”
Chapter 4
Visit to a drip-stone cave.
[01] Kisjonah has it all brought out. Baram, who still did not want to leave us, also
arranges for his remaining wine and bread stores to be brought out by his people.
Jairuth and Jonael who also were reluctant to leave us ask Me if they could take part
in this expedition.
[02] And I say, “Most certainly; for your presence actually is necessary, and Archiel
shall render us services of another kind! But I also tell you another thing: A
deputation of your arch enemies right now is leaving Sychar and heading our way in
order to persuade you to an earliest return; for the people have risen up against them
and driven the newly appointed priest away two days ago. He shall be among the
deputation. They shall arrive here by tonight, whereupon we shall work them over
somewhat. But for now let us get under way!” The women and maidens also wanted
to come along with this expedition and asked Me for this.
[03] But I say unto them, “My dear daughters! This is no walk for you; hence stay at
home and look to it that we have a meal tonight in proper measure.” The women are
happy with that and Mary too, and they looked after the house; Lydia nevertheless
would have been most keen to come along, but seeing it was not My will, she too
stayed at home and did as the others.
[04] We started on our way, reaching the grotto or cave in a couple of hours, and at
once entered it with our lighted flares. Kisjonah was astonished at the roominess, and
the captivating configuration of the drip-stone, which would have been the most
noteworthy within near-Asia, which counts many such caves. Gigantic shapes of every
kind greeted the timid spectators.
[05] Faustus himself, who was not lacking in Roman valour, became quite subdued,
saying, “One cannot resist the belief that there have to be subterranean gods ruling,
who with their mighty power bring forth works of such magnitude. There are images
of man, beast and trees; but the size! What would be the huge temples and statues
of Rome by comparison? Here, this well-formed Arab. Verily, to climb him by stairs to
his head would take a full hour. What’s more, he is in a sitting position yet it make
me dizzy to look up to his head. Oh, this truly is memorable beyond all measure!
Surely this could not be the work of chance? Over there from the deeper background
a most colossal elephant is grinning at us; the sketch leaves nothing to be desired!
Lord, Lord! How did this all come into being so miraculously?!”
[06] Say I, “Friend, just take in everything that presents itself to your view, not
asking so much; the most natural explanation shall follow. Some things shall still be
emerging which will cause you far greater astonishment; but there also do not ask!
When we shall be out of the grotto in the open, I shall clarify these things to you all.”
[07] We now move on, coming to an exceedingly great and lofty hall, which however
isn’t dark but quite well lit, for there are several oil wells in this hall which had already
been lit many years ago by people who had occupied this grotto as an abode; burning
with varying degrees of brightness and intense flames sporadically, partly lighting up
this great hall, whilst fairly strong daylight also penetrated from one point of the high
ceiling through a fairly wide outlet into the open.
[08] The floor of this grotto or grotto-hall exhibited all kinds of forms. There were
snakes, gigantic toads as well as all sorts of well and not-so-well formed and half
formed animal-formations, as well as small and gigantic crystal formations in all
colours, which made an uncommonly and surprisingly beautiful sight.
[09] Here said Faustus, “Lord! This would be an abundance of imperial jewellery the
like of which verily no Emperor would yet have dreamt of! Would not this be a kind of
Tartarus as the Greek’s legend would have it? Only the Taurus, the old Charon, the
familiar three inexorable psycho-judges Minos, Aeacus and Rhadamantus and lastly
the triple-headed hound Cerberus, a few furies and finally perhaps Pluto with the
beautiful Proserpina, and the Tartarus of torment would be complete. All these blazes
out of the ground and wall, the thousand-fold varieties of hideous animal shapes on
the ground - even if dead and fossilised and masses of other Tartarus like stuff testify
only too loudly that we are either in the Tartarus itself already or at least heading that
way by the shortest route; or what seems to me the most likely; that this or some
other similar grotto is the definite origin of the Greek Tartar myth!”
[10] Say I, “The latter has much truth in it, although not entirely so, for the smart
priesthood of every nation has at all times and everywhere known how to exploit such
natural phenomena to their advantage. It also did so in Greece and in Rome and let
their evil imagination roam, whereby nation after nation were talked around and
blinded up till now, and indeed to the end of the world to greater or lesser degree.
[11] For so long as the earth with its necessary and diverse structure shall have any
observable formations, its mankind, who for various reasons are blind and light-shy in
spirit, shall formulate their imagination distortedly, adding all kinds of extraordinary
and ficine effects not being capable of discerning the foundations due to being blind.
[12] Behold your ox now, or the seaman Charon, and over there, above twelve
Klafters [approximately twenty-four metres] wide and a cubic deep (on average)
river, which latter is only a kind of pond, through whose shallow part one can easily
wade: you can in the faint light spot your three judges, several furies, Cerberus and
Pluto with Proserpina - figures which give that impression only from a certain
distance, but on close range resembling anything but that which human imagination
has made out of them. But now let us walk on, without paying Charon the Naulaum
(Shipping dues) over the ox, and have a look at Tartarus a little on the other side.”
[13] We wade across a shallow part of the so-called ox and break through a quite
narrow crevice to the Tartarus which, lit up by our flares soon begins to expose a
large treasure not yet given away by the Pharisees, and thus through Myself
everything yet so hidden is exposed to the light of day.
Chapter 5
History of the discovered treasure.
[01] Faustus, clasping his hands above head, summon Pilah over, saying, “Had you
no knowledge, since you said nothing? Speak, or you shall fare miserably!”
[02] Says Pilah “Lord! Of this I knew nothing, and had not ventured this far into the
cave before! The old ones shall indeed have known about it but kept their silence in
order to have a ransom out for any possible imprisonment. But take delivery of it all,
as it is yours henceforth, thanks to God!”
[03] Faustus asks Me as well, as to whether Pilah spoke the truth and I confirm
Pilah’s statement, saying to Faustus, “Friend, when someone has taken the daughter
from a respected house as his wife then he has also the right to expect a dowry. You
have now had much to do, and yet at the distribution of the previous goods nothing
came your way - and so take this entire treasure as your rightful possession;
terrestrially it is worth a thousand times a thousand pounds.
[04] Of the greatest worth however are the pearls each of which is the size of a hen’s
egg. An entire trove, (measuring a volume of one thousand Drachmas) is filled with
the big pearls of which each is by itself of inestimable worth. Such pearls no longer
occur on earth as newly formed, because such crustaceans besides many other
primordial animals no longer exist. These pearls however were not fished out of the
sea, but King Ninias, also called Ninus, found them in the earth when building the city
of Nineveh, during the excavations. Due to diverse wheels of fortune they ended up in
Jerusalem already in David’s but mainly Solomon’s time. But they ended up in this
cave when the Romans as conquerors of Palestine (actually nearly half of Asia) took
possession of them.
[05] The High Priests, to whom the cave had already been known for a long time,
when hearing of the Roman invasion at once gathered together all the biggest and
movable Temple treasures, happily getting them into the cave. The golden lions
however which carried Solomon’s throne and stood guard at its steps, ended up in the
rubble during the destruction of Jerusalem, by the Babylonians, but were found during
later re-construction and taken into possession by the Priests on behalf of the Temple.
These for a large part are found here; because everything of superior value that could
be gathered together in the hurry was brought here during the Roman invasion, just
as during the invasion of the mighty Babylonians, a substantial mass of Temple
treasures was brought to the familiar cave at Chorazim, notwithstanding the fact that
the Babylonians later found plenty of vessels and treasures permanently consecrated
for the Temple, to take with them to Babylon. Command your people now to move all
this out of the cave; afterwards Archiel shall seal the entrance to this cave so that no
man shall ever enter it again.”
[06] Faustus now commands the servants to move all these treasures out; but on
starting to lift them they realise they don’t have the strength to lift the many heavy
iron troves. They ask Me however to bestow strength upon them.
[07] I however call Archiel, saying, ‘so move out all this filth, and that to the great
storehouse at Kis!” Instantly the many heavy cases disappeared, but Archiel was also
back in an instant. So that no one had become aware of his absence.
[08] Says Faustus thereto, “This surely surpasses everything! My servants would
have needed three days to do that - this however was an imperceptible moment, and
not a single one of all those cases can be detected! Here I no longer wonder about
the capability for such deed; a godly sense is required to understand and assess such
appearances properly!”
[09] The Lord says, “Yes, yes, you are right. However, for man it is not very
advantageous if he would immediately understand everything which manifests itself
to him. Since it is written: ‘If you eat from the tree of knowledge, you will die!’
Therefore it is better, to accept every miraculous act in the light of its actual
manifestation, vividly realising that with God nothing is impossible, rather than
attempting to explain it from the ground of its effect in which case one will
comprehend as little after the explanation as one did prior to it.
[10] It suffices for you to see that the earth exists and is suitable for carrying and
supporting mankind. If you knew how it was basically made, it would lose its
attraction for you and you would not find pleasure in it, but have an inordinate desire
to investigate some other earth globe right to its foundation. And if there you discover
the same basis for its existence and permanency and the same with a third, fourth
and fifth one, you would no longer be interested in exploring a sixth and seventh. As
a result you would become indolent, indifferent, scornful of life and begin to angrily
deplore life and curse the hour that began to enrich you with such knowledge; and
such a state would then be actual death for your soul.
[11] However, since according to divine order everything is arranged in such a way
that man as well as every angelic spirit can only gradually, and even then only to a
certain extent, gain an insight into the divine nature within him and also within all
created things, and retains an ever growing interest in life and the love for God and
the neighbour through which alone he can and will become eternally happy. Have you
grasped this truth?”
[12] Says Faustus, “Yes, Lord and friend, I have grasped it fully. And so I will not ask
You any further about the reason for the formations in this grotto.”
Chapter 6
The emergence and collapse of the limestone cave.
[01] Say I, “And there isn’t much to it at all. Knowing or not knowing this will make
you neither life-deficient nor life-abundant. But this much you can know nonetheless,
that no human has had a hand in it but the nature of the elements alone formed such
as if by chance. Mountains constantly absorb dissolving moisture from the air. Add
frequent rain, snow and the mist that often enshrouds mountain tops. The
accumulated moisture at the top gradually to a larger part seeps through the earth
and stone, and wherever they come to a cavity, they collect in droplets which to
nearly half consist of dissolved limestone. Such droplets fall, whilst the water itself
then either seeps still further down or evaporates within the cavity. The limestone
slime gradually hardens and through their building up gradually form all kinds of
shapes which resemble one or other terrestrial formations to a greater or lesser
extent. And in this cave too these formations came about in a most natural way
although it can be assumed that Satan’s servants, for the blinding of weak mankind
additionally contributed in the greater delineation of all kinds of man-like shapes.
[02] Hence it is better that such grotto encouraging dark superstition be made
inaccessible for all future times. And so let us, move into the open again, so that
Archiel can carry out his instructions with this cave!”
[03] Faustus thanks Me fervently for this explanation, saying, “This explanation is
even more lucid to me, because of having heard Roman naturalists express such,
although more as a hypothesis. But the supplement about Satan’s participation is
priceless; for the adversary of life shall not fail to exploit such things, and in three
corners of the world the evil consequences are evident! This is now of solar clarity to
me, - but only one thing I cannot accommodate - God’s delight.
[04] Tell me: What pleasure can God, to Whom the innermost basis of all being must
be constantly and penetratingly known have in His own indestructible life?! Can such
necessary and steady clarity in the absence of being able to change out of Himself be
of benefit to Him, since this would kill every man with boredom?”
[05] Say I, “Behold these people here. These are God’s delight when they become
within His order what they are destined to become. In them God finds again of His
own, and their steady growth in cognition of all kinds and hence in all love, wisdom
and beauty, is God’s indestructible pleasure and delight! Because, all that infinity
embraces is there only on account of tiny man, and there eternally exists nothing that
is not on account of tiny man. Now you also know that!”
[06] Therewith we hurriedly leave the grotto, soon leaving its exit. Finding ourselves
outside the grotto, I give Archiel a sign, and a mighty and an instant bang follows,
the exceedingly roomy entrance now appearing as a lofty granite wall through which
no mortal would easily penetrate, regardless how determined. To preclude so to say
all possibility of entry however, a subsidence of the soil was effected after we found
ourselves some three thousand paces from the spot, so that the entry was transposed
by some hundred men’s heights from the accessible soil that had been pushed down;
an over one hundred men’s heights ladder would now have been necessary to reach
the erstwhile entry over the perpendicular cliff face. Which would still have been
fruitless because the entry itself had become a most solid and perpendicular cliff face.
[07] When Faustus and those present see this transformation, Faustus says to Me,
“Lord and friend! Verily, I can no longer get a grip on myself! The appearances are
getting creationally too big: they lie an eternity beyond my grasping horizon. I verily
no longer can tell whether I still live or whether I am dreaming! Such rarely intriguing
and wondersome things are happening that even completely sober, one stands there
as a complete drunkard and hardly able to say to which sex one belongs. Behold now
this terrible cliff face! Where was same before, when we had a comfortable walk into
the grotto along an easily negotiable footpath?
[08] But the most intriguing aspect of it is that in spite of the total transformation of
several thousand acres of land there isn’t a trace of any violent destruction. Does not
the thing stand there as if nothing had been altered since the earth’s primordial
existence!? Verily, if a thousand people had worked here a hundred years, it is
debatable whether they could have shifted such mass in a way that a cliff face,
measuring some 150 man-heights and about an hour wide, would be stood up freely
as it is now, when no trace of it was to be noticed a few moments ago, let alone
without a trace of destruction! This is in the truest sense unheard of. I am really
curious what faces seafarers shall cut when seeing this gigantic wall in place of the
former lush forest area! Many shall be unable to determine where they are, whilst
many others shall be staring like cattle at a new and strange gate!”
[09] Say I, “Therefore I tell you to keep silent about it, not telling even your women
about it, for it is the reason I did not let them come along this time, because with
extraordinary happening they are unable to bridle their tongues in spite of exhortation
to silence. Hence you are not to tell your women about these extraordinary events
that have taken place here! You can indeed tell them about the shape of the grotto
and inform them of the newly found treasures, but not a syllable more!” All promise it
most solemnly, whereupon we quietly resume our way to Kis, arriving there exactly at
sunset. The women and maidens left behind come and greet us in great number and
are of course unable to at once regale us with questions about what wonders we may
have encountered. But they are advised it is too early to ask and that there isn’t
much to the whole thing other than the picking up of a treasure still kept secret by
the Pharisees. With this the curious women are satisfied and refrain from much
further questioning.
[10] Thereupon we betake ourselves to the evening meal, for none of those who
came along had any lunch and had gotten quite hungry and hence longed for a good
Chapter 7
Faustus finds the treasures in the storehouse well-sorted and under guard.
[01] Only after the quickly consumed meal, did Faustus upon My behest go to the big
storeroom to check out the treasures moved to Kis from the grotto by Archiel.
Everything was in the best of order, together with a lengthy record of all the various
treasures and their value as found in the grotto. Faustus asks the guards as to who
made these records.
[02] The guards however say, “Lord, these we found here already when posted here.
Hence we can’t tell you who did it.”
[03] Asks Faustus further, “Tell me how these treasured actually got here, and who
brought them!”
[04] Says the guards, “We don’t know that either; a young person, whom we had
seen here for several days in company with the miraculous doctor from Nazareth just
came and gave order to guard the treasures. Thereupon we have now been on guard
here for about two hours. This is as much as we know about the treasure and how it
go here, and not a thing further!”
[05] With that, Faustus goes over to the deputy judge, asking him as he did the
guards, but the latter knew no more than the guards. On seeing that nobody in Kis
knows about how the treasures got there, he says to himself: “Since none of them
knows, I shall not keep drawing their attention to it, so that the thing does not
unnecessarily spread among the people.”
[06] With such self-counsel, Faustus goes to his dwelling, where his young wife
awaits him with open arms. Prior to retiring, he comes over to Me to discuss weighty
matters. But I ask him to come to Me tomorrow and to give himself over to the
resting of body and soul, of which he has need above all now. And Faustus then goes
to take his rest, of which he and all the others have need.
[07] As with the night, good sleep has its end, and such was the case here; it seemed
as if one had fallen asleep but two minutes ago, yet the bright morning was calling all
to leave their sweet resting places and get on with the day’s labours. The morning
meal prepared early called everyone from their various bedrooms to the large dining
hall where all partake of their morning meals as on previous days, giving Me for the
first time one and all thanks and praise in Jehovah’s name, in the manner of David
who spoke [Psalm 33];
[08] “Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright. Praise
the Lord with the harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten
strings. Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise. For the Word of
the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth. He loveth righteousness and
judgement: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the Word of the Lord
were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. He
gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in
storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand
in awe of him. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. The
Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the
people of none effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his
heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people
whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. The Lord looketh from heaven; he
beholdeth all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the
inhabitants of the earth. He fashioneth their hearts alike; he consideth all their works.
There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by
much strength. An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his
great strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them
that hope in his mercy: To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in
famine. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. For our heart
shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O Lord,
be upon us, according as we hope in thee.”
Chapter 8
About the Kingdom of heaven
[01] After they had all rendered Me this morning praise, Faustus who of course was
present at the meal and during the praise, briefly asked me, “But where from did Your
disciples get those, so worthy of You, so glorious and totally true benedictions? Never
have I heard anything so exalted.”
[02] Say I, “Obtain the Scriptures from the Pharisees and read King David’s Psalms
therein; there you shall find it all. The Primate Jairus, with whom we shall have
dealings still today, shall procure you such Scriptures for sure. Because two days ago
his daughter was laid in the grave; she died! He has deeply repented his sin against
Me, wherefore he shall also be helped, and he shall not be lost to the Kingdom of
[03] Asks Faustus, “Lord! What kind of Kingdom is that, and where is same?”
[04] Say I, “Well, My dear friend, the actual true Kingdom of God for the true friends
of God is everywhere, but nowhere for the enemies of God; because for these in turn,
everything is hell, where you can and want to cast your eyes, and other senses.
Below and above, all is the same. Look neither up to the stars, for they are all earths
like the one you tread, nor sink your eyes down to the earth, because it is under
judgement like your flesh, which once must die and decay! But instead, seek
diligently within your heart; there you shall find what you are seeking. For into every
man’s heart is cast the living seed, from which the eternal dawn of eternal life shall
[05] Behold, the space within which this earth floats, as well as the big sun, the moon
and the countless stars, which themselves in turn are again nothing but suns and
earth, is limitless! You could, with the speed of thought leave this earth and continue
at such speed in a straight line - yet rushing along at such speed for eternities upon
eternities, then after many eternities of flying at the speed of thought, you would yet
come nowhere near to the end! Yet you would encounter everywhere creations of the
rarest and most wondersome nature, filling and enlivening endless space everywhere.
[06] After death of your body, through your heart you will step into the infinite space
of God, and according to the state of your heart you will encounter it as either heaven
or hell!
[07] Since nowhere there exists a separately created heaven, nor a separately
created hell, for everything comes out of the heart of man; and thus everyone
prepares for himself either heaven or hell in his heart, depending on whether his
actions are good or bad, and as he believes, wants and acts, he will live his believe,
out of which his will was nourished and passed into action.
[08] Let everyone examine the inclinations of his heart, and he will easily discover
what kind of spirit prevails in his heart. If his inclinations draw the heart and its love
towards the world and he feels within him a longing to become great and respected in
the world, if the heart that is inclined to become proud feels discomfort with poor
mankind and has the urge within to dominate others without having been chosen and
anointed for it by God, the seed of hell is already lying in the heart and, if not
overcome and nipped in the bud, will obviously prepare for such a person nothing but
hell after the death of his body.
[09] However, if a man’s heart is full of humility and he feels happy to be the least
among men, to serve all and disregard his own self because of his love for his
brothers and sisters; if he willingly obeys his superiors in all things for the benefit of
his brothers and love God above all, then in his heart the heavenly seed grows to a
true and eternally living heaven. And this man, who thus has already all heaven in
abundance in his heart, which is filled with true faith, the purest hope and love, can
after the death of his body not possibly get anywhere else but to the Kingdom of God
which he has already carried in his heart in all its abundance for a long time. - If you
think this over you will easily comprehend what heaven and hell are really all about.”
[10] Says Faustus, “Most dear and most wise Lord, Master and Friend! Truly, Your
words sounded most wisely; however, this time I could not comprehend your words in
all their depth! How in a way heaven and hell could be together in one spot so that
one would obviously have to permeate the other, that is for me, still a very materially
thinking man, an impossibility! How finally from my heart an infinite prosperous or
none-prosperous infinity can blossom, is even more incomprehensible than everything
else! Therefore I must asked You, to give me a more comprehensible explanation
about this; for otherwise I will leave here for home blind despite all the light of the
brightest midday of the spirit!”
Chapter 9
The Lord depicts the nature of heaven and hell in parables.
[01] Say I: “So pay attention, because it matters to Me that you go home seeing!
[02] Behold, two persons are living in a house. One is satisfied with everything that
he with the sweat of his brow draws from the soil with God’s blessing. Happy and
serene, he enjoys the meagre yield of his hard work, and it is his greatest joy to
share his laboriously gained supplies with his still poorer brothers. When a hungry one
comes to him, it gives him pleasure to feed him. He never asks him with a vexed
heart about the cause of his poverty and does not forbid him to return if he should be
hungry again.
[03] He does not grumble at the order of earthly governments and when he has to
pay taxes, he says always as Job did: “Lord, You gave it to me, it is all Yours! What
You have given, You can take away again at any time. Your always alone holy will be
[04] In short, nothing can disturb this man in his serenity as well as in his love and
trust in God and therefrom in his love for his earthly brothers. Anger, envy, strife,
hate and pride are for him alien notions.
[05] His brother, however, is the most discontented person. He does not believe in a
God and says: “God is an empty concept by which people denote the top grade of
earthly heroes. Only a very stupid man can be happy in poverty just as the animals
that have no reason or intelligence are happy as long as they are barely provided with
what their dumb and dull instinct demands. A man, however, who with his intellect
has raised himself high above the animal, can no longer be satisfied with the low fare
of pigs, must not burrow in the earth with his own hands destined for something
better - which befits only animals and slaves - but one must reach for the sword,
strive to become a mighty general and enter through triumphal arches the great cities
of the world which one has conquered. The ground must tremble under the hoofs of
the charger which, decorated with gold and gems, proudly carries the mighty
commander-in-chief of the troops.
[06] A man with such a disposition then deplores his scanty existence, in his heart
curses poverty and thinks of ways and means how to acquire great treasures and
riches in order to realise his tyrannical ideas with their help.
[07] He has only contempt for his contented brother and loathes every even poorer
man. He shows not even a trace of mercy which he regards as a ridiculous attribute of
cowardly slaves and society-apes. Only generosity befits man - but that as rarely as
possible. When a poor man comes to him, he lets fly abuse at him and says: “Go
away, you lazy beast, you greedy monster with the ragged mask of a man! Work, you
animal, if you want a feed! Go to that miserable brother of my body but never of my
sublime spirit. He being himself a common beast of burden works for the likes of him
and is as merciful as a society-ape. I am just generous and shall on this occasion still
grant you your most miserable life.”
[08] Behold, these two brothers, children of one father and one mother, live together
in one house. The first is an angel, the other almost a complete devil. To the first the
scantiest hut is heaven, to the other the very same hut the truest hell full of bitter
torment. Do you now see how heaven and hell can be together in one spot?
[09] But of course you will be thinking, ‘so what? Let the domineering one ascend the
throne, and he shall be quite capable of protecting peoples and vanquishing
enemies!” O yes, this could be so indeed! But where is the yardstick which shall
prescribe to him the extent to which he can follow up his dictatorial plans? What shall
he do with people who will not bow down low to him? Behold, these he shall have
tortured in the most excruciating manner, and a human life will be to him no more
than a trodden blade of grass! But what is such a person? Behold, that is a Satan!
[10] There indeed have to be rulers as well as commanders, but understand this -
they must be chosen and called to it by God and in future be descendants of long-
anointed kings. These are then called; but let all those beware who would leave their
poor hut hurrying to wrest the scepter to themselves by all sorts of means! Verily, for
such it would be better to have never been born!
[11] I shall give you another picture of God’s Kingdom of Heaven: It is exactly like a
good soil in which the most noble grapes grow and ripen next to briers and thistles,
and yet they both grow in one and the same good soil. The difference lies solely in
the application. The grapevine converts it to something good, the briers and thistles
to something bad, useless and not enjoyable for any human.
[12] Thus heaven also flows into the devil as it does into God’s angels; but each of
the two makes different use of it.
[13] Heaven is also like a fruit tree which bears good sweet fruit. Now various people
come under its richly blessed branches who want to enjoy such fruit. Some of them
are moderate and gratefully enjoy only as much as is good for them, where as others
who like the taste of the fruit begrudge it to others and do not want to leave anything
on the tree but eat it all until the last apple has been consumed, so that the
contented may not later find some more. But they fall ill and have to die while the
contented ones feel refreshed through the moderate consumption of the fruit. And yet
both parties had fruit from the same tree.
[14] Thus heaven is also like a good wine which invigorates the moderate, but
destroys and kills the immoderate, and so one and the same wine becomes heaven
for one and real hell for the other, -and yet it is drawn from one and the same skin.
[15] Tell Me, friend, whether you now comprehend what is heaven and what is hell?”
Chapter 10
The Commandment of Order
[01] Says Faustus, “Lord, now the light is dawning within me. In all infinity there is
but One God, One power and One law of eternal order. For him who adopts this law
everything and everywhere is heaven, but the one who out of his own freedom wants
to resist this law finds hell and torment everywhere.”
[02] Say I, “Indeed, so it is. Fire is an exceedingly useful element; he who uses it
procures incalculable advantage. It would be too long-winded to enumerate all the
advantages accruing to mankind from the proper, wise and expedient use of fire. If
however someone were to use fire most unwisely and constantly only for fun and so
recklessly as to light it upon the roofs of dwellings or in dense forest, there the same
fire shall destroy and ruin everything!
[03] When it is frosty in winter, then everyone goes to the fireplace and gladly warms
himself at the crackling fire filling the fireplace with the heating flames; but such as
would fall in the fire it would kill and consume.
[04] But I tell you something else: In order to become truly God’s children men of
this world must be led through water and fire. Heaven in its primal essence is water
and fire. What has no affinity with water is killed by it, and what is not itself fire
cannot exist in the fire.”
[05] Says Faustus, “Lord, this again I cannot understand! How is one to take this?
How can one become water and fire at one and the same time? For water and fire are
notoriously mutually hostile elements: one destroy and annihilates the other. If the
fire is a mighty one, and one pours water over it, then the water is quickly converted
to steam and air; if however the water is mightier than the fire then the latter is
extinguished as soon as flooded. If then in order to be like heaven, one has to be
simultaneously water and fire then one would in the end dissolve anyway!? What
prospects then for life’s everlasting duration?”
[06] Say I, “Oh, quite good ones! Both in proper proportion whereupon the one
constantly produces and sustains the other! For behold, if there were not any fire in
and around the earth there would not be water either; and if there were not any
water in and around the earth, there would not be any fire, - for one perpetually
produces the other.”
[07] Asks Faustus, “Why? How come?”
[08] Say I, “Take all the fire, from which comes all heat, away from the earth, and
the entire earth shall turn into a diamond-hard lump of ice upon which no life could
subsist; then remove all water from the earth, and it shall only too soon turn to paltry
dust. Because fire shall not maintain itself without water that is so essential for new
creations upon earth; where however no sequential or new creations continue to take
place, there death and decay have set in.
[09] Behold a tree that has lost its fluids and you shall become aware of how the tree
shall shortly rot and therewith disintegrate. Do you understand this now?”
[10] Says Faustus, “Yes, Lord, now we all understand that too, and recognise that
You are filled with divine spirit, and that You are Yourself the Creator of all things. For
what man can fathom by himself how the entire creation functions and by what laws
it endures? This can be clear and familiar in all depth to Him Who carries the spirit
within Him, - through Whom all things were made and now continue to exist. - I can
do no more than thank You from a heart filled with deepest love for You, for all the
great spiritual and also material favours bestowed upon me here! For what else can I
poor, weak and sinful man do for the Lord of infinity?”
[11] Say I, “You are right. But for the time being keep what you know and what you
have seen and found out here to yourself, not making Me known before time, and do
not forget the poor in your earthly fortune now! For whatever you have done for the
poor in My name, that have you done for Me, and you shall be rewarded in heaven.
But now that we have finished everything in Kis that needed doing and settling, we
intend to get ready for our journey to Nazareth.”
Chapter 11
The Lord and His disciples” departure to Nazareth.
[Matt. Chap. 13: 53]
[01] Says Faustus: “So I need to give the order to load my things on board?”
[02] Say I, “It has already been done. Since your ships would not have sufficed,
Baram and Kisjonah have loaned their two big ships for the purpose, and everything
but the departure is finalised.”
[03] Says Faustus: “That it is sure to be so, I would no longer question, for what
should not be possible to the Almighty?”
[04] But now Joel and Jairuth together with Archiel step over to Me to thank Me for
everything. Parting with Me amidst much thanksgiving, and starting on their way to
Sichar, they are met by the deputation that I foretold them and are received with
much honour, imploring Jonael with the solemn entreaty to accept back the office of
the High Priest; and both Jonael and Jairuth recall how I had predicted it to them.
[05] We hove, after My repeated rendition of parables on the Kingdom of heaven
[Matt 13:53] and after letting the Sycharites go, took leave of Kisjonah with the
promise of soon calling on him again; and who upon My advice stayed home this time
and also did not accompany Faustus. About two hours to midday we boarded a big
ship, travelling with Faustus, who with his young wife had taken his place on My ship,
to the vicinity of Capernaum, where the landing place was located for this city as well
as for Nazareth, which as known is not far from Capernaum.
[06] After we landed and stepped ashore, Faustus said: “Lord, I shall go with You to
Nazareth and restore their dwelling to Your mother and Your earthly brothers and
[07] Say I, “This also is already done, and at home and out there in your large court
district you shall find everything in the nicest and best order; because My Archiel has
settled all your affairs. But go yourself to Capernaum, and when you run into the chief
Jairus - which is certain to occur - and when he complains to you about his pains,
then tell him that I shall now be staying in Nazareth for some time. If he desires
anything then he should come to Me - but only by himself.”
[08] Says Faustus: “Could I accompany him?”
[09] Say I: “Oh, indeed, but also only yourself!” - With these words we parted.
[10] I now leave for My earthly fatherland with My numerous disciples, and Faustus at
once orders a lot of carriers, packers and wagons by which he moves the treasures to
be brought along to his dwelling in Capernaum. That the moving in of the chief justice
so richly loaded by the side of a beautiful wife arousing much sensation hardly needs
mentioning; but it is even easier to imagine that the chief of the Pharisees there
named Jairus came to meet him for many reasons - for he also knew something of
the troop of the twelve Pharisees to Jerusalem, and that Faustus has been summoned
to Kis on their account.
[11] Faustus received him with full esteem, saying to him: “One honest one was
saved, and the pledges which were unjustly extorted by these Pharisees in secret
from the Jews have been restored to them to the last cent, and eleven are now
enjoying their well-earned punishment in the Temple in Jerusalem for their numerous,
unheard-of deceptions and robberies. It would be too long-winded to tell you
everything the eleven have perpetrated, but when you enjoy some leisure, come and
read all the files, and your hair will stand on end. But now to another matter! How are
things with your sweet daughter? Does she live, or has she died?”
[12] Says an exceedingly sad Jairus, starting to cry: “Oh, friend, why do you remind
me of it? She unfortunately died; for no physician could help her. The only physician,
Borus of Nazareth, said that he could indeed help her but would not because I had
sinned too exceedingly against his friend Jesus, Who is his Master. And so my most
beloved has died. It was heart-rending how the dying one cried out to Jesus, that He
should help her, and however whilst dying castigated me for sinning so despicably
against Jesus, the greatest benefactor of poor suffering mankind, that she now has to
irrevocably die, I had indeed tried everything to find Jesus, that He should help her!
But Jesus would not hear my messengers, although I have now repented my sin
against Him a thousandfold! But it is all over now! She has lain in the grave already
four days and stinks pestilentially! May Jehovah now have grace and mercy upon her
beautiful soul!”
[13] Says Faustus: “Friend! I sympathise with you whole-heartedly; but I also say
unto you that the almighty Lord Jesus is now at Nazareth. According to my wide-
ranging experience now, nothing is impossible to Him! How now, if you went to Him
personally? I say unto you, He has power aplenty to call your daughter out of the
grave into life and to give her back to you!”
[14] Says Jairus: “Even if the latter were no longer possible, I nevertheless want to
go over and ask His thousandfold forgiveness for offending and saddening Him, even
though not voluntarily of course but under coercion.”
[15] Says Faustus: “Good, then come along with me; we shall meet up with Him in
Nazareth, and that at His mother’s house. But by his explicit wish no one is to
accompany us!” Jairus, gripped by a blissful premonition, at once goes along with
Faustus’ suggestion. Both have mules saddled, trotting off to Nazareth as quickly as
possible. A couple of hours to sunset they reach Nazareth, leaving their mules at an
inn and continuing on foot to My mother’s house finding Me with Borus who was one
of the first from Nazareth to come and meet Me with open arms, for he was appraised
of My arrival at Nazareth that day.
[16] As Faustus entered the room with Jairus, the latter began to cry, falling down
before Me and begging Me loudly that I would forgive him his immense sin of
ingratitude which he committed against Me.
[17] I say to him however: “Arise! Your transgression is forgiven you, but do not sin a
second time! Where is your daughter buried?”
[18] Speaks Jairus: “Lord, You are aware of my having erected a school for the
children of the land not far from here, provided with a small house of prayer. Inside
this house of prayer I had a tomb built for myself; since my daughter died before
however, I had her brought there and laid in the new tomb, where no dead had lain
yet. This tomb is hardly two thousand paces distant from here. If You, oh Lord, would
want to view her, it would make me blissful beyond measure; for otherwise I would
be grieved to death!”
[19] Say I: “Well then, so take Me there, but none besides yourself and Faustus must
follow Me.”
[20] The disciples however asked Me whether they must not be present either.
[21] Say I: “This time no one other than the two concerned.”
[22] Says Borus: “Lord, You know me, that I can be mute like a fish; would there be
any harm in me as a physician accompanying You?”
[23] Say I: “As I have spoken, it is to be; only us three, and no one else!”
Chapter 12
Sarah’s second resurrection from death.
[01] After that, none dared to as, further questions and we went over to the tomb. I
viewed the now pestilential corpse, asking Jairus whether he opined or believed his
daughter to be only apparently dead?
[02] Says Jairus: “Lord, in my heart I did not believe this the first time either, and
knew only too well that my most beloved daughter Sarah as fully dead. I was pulled
into the false witness against You by the hair and had I not signed the evil testimony
then You would have been persecuted even more sharply, which was most earnestly
not my wish! Since I had however signed the false witness, one regarded You merely
as a work-shy vagrant who indeed makes people well every now and then to make a
name for himself in Israel as some sort of prophet awakened by God - or perhaps
even the Messiah Himself, Whom the well-off and rich present priesthood fears above
all else, because it is written that when the high priest in the order of Melchisedek
from eternity comes to earth it shall mean the full end of all other priests, and that
the new Melchisedek shall then reign with his angels over all generations of the earth
[03] I say unto you: all the high priests and all junior priests fear neither the fire nor
the big storm that passed the cave where the great prophet Elijah was hidden; but
the gentle breeze above the prophet’s cave they fear, because they keep saying that
the high priest in the order of Melchizedek will come quietly as a thief in the night and
take everything they had earned up till now! Wherefore no priest wants to live
through the arrival of God’s anointed from eternity but have same postponed as far
as possible into the most remote future.
[04] But since the priesthood in general and especially the old ones have undoubtedly
noted something like that about You on account of Your extraordinary deeds and
doctrine, they also try everything, if possible, to ruin You! Were this to be impossible,
on account of Your truly being that for which they take You, they would then do
penance in sackcloth and ashes for their trouble, expecting the almighty stroke from
above with which they have perpetually feared to lose everything or they would not
have otherwise stoned nearly all prophets. Behold, this is the reason for which I
declared You a vagabond, rather than Him Whom You surely are. For men cannot call
their dead back to life: such only the Spirit of God is capable of doing, which in my
opinion dwells and works within You in all fullness.”
[05] Say I: “It is because I secretly knew for what actual reason you denied Me that I
came to you in your great distress, to help you for a lengthy period. This is also the
actual reason why I took no one along besides you two. But when the time comes
then they too shall find out the reason. But you shall now see God’s power and glory!”
[06] Here I leaned into the tomb inside which the young Sarah lay wrapped in linen,
saying to Jairus: “Behold, night has come and the little lamp in the tomb gives only a
most feeble shine! Go to the caretaker of this school and prayer house and obtain a
strong light; because when life is given back to her, she has to see in order to climb
out of the tomb.”
[07] Says Jairus: “Oh Lord, should this indeed be possible? There is advanced
decomposition! But I do believe that with God, everything is possible, and I shall be
back at once with a stronger light.”
[08] Jairus now hurries to get a stronger light, which however he is not able to obtain
straight away, because the caretaker’s light has gone out, and it is taking the latter a
long time to kindle the two wooden rubbing sticks.
[09] But I awaken and lift Sarah from the tomb as soon as Jairus was through the
[10] The awoken one asks Me somewhat drowsily: “For Jehovah’s sake! Where am I
now? What happened to me? I had just been in a beautiful garden with lots of
playmates, and now I am suddenly shifted to this dark and confined chamber!”
[11] Say I: “Be of good cheer and calm down, Sarah. For behold, I Your Jesus Who
has awakened you from death to life the first time just a few weeks ago have now
awoken you from death again and given you a solid life. Henceforth no sickness shall
torment you, and when after many years your time shall come then I Myself, coming
down from the heavens, shall fetch you and lead you into My Kingdom, of which there
shall be no end everlastingly.”
[12] Only on hearing My voice, Sarah fully comes alive, saying with the most lovingly
friendly voice in the world: “Oh, You only beloved of my young life and heart! I knew
of course that he who loves You alone above all needs to fear no death! From an
over-mighty love for You, my first bringer of life, I became sick, because I could not
find out where You had gotten to; and on inquiring about Your whereabouts with the
most fervent love for You, I was told, to calm me down with the most blatant killing of
my feelings that You had been taken prisoner and handed over to the severe courts
as a traitor! This broke the heart in my breast; I soon became sick and died a second
time. Oh how endlessly happy I am to have You again, my only and most fervent
[13] Upon the death-bed I said indeed: ‘If my one and only Jesus still lives, He will
not let me decompose in the cold tomb!’ - And behold, what my heart told me has
happened. I fully live again, and that in the arms of my beloved Jesus. But from now
on nothing shall be able to separate me from Your godly side. As the least of your
maidens I shall follow You wherever You may go.”
[14] Even as Sarah is thus revealing her heart to Me, Jairus is at last approaching the
tomb-chamber with a resin light. I say to her however: “Behold, your father Jairus is
coming. Hide therefore behind Faustus’ back, so that he does not set his eyes on you
straight away, as it would harm his health. But when I call you then quickly step
forward with cheerful and happy mien, and such sight shall then not harm him.”
Sarah at once follows such advice, and Jairus walks into the chamber the moment
Sarah took good cover behind Faustus’ back.
[15] Jairus apologised for having taken so long getting the light.
[16] But I say: “It does not matter. For no one can sin beyond the possible, and he
who is fully dead shall not be more so in about a further quarter hour, but rather
more alive where there are any residual preconditions for life at all!”
[17] Says Jairus: “Now then Lord, if a poor sinner may also dare to beg You, then
please bestow Your grace not on account of me unworthy one, but upon Sarah the
one surely loving You above all else.”
[18] Say I: “But on one condition and one reason, that I don’t awaken her for you,
but purely for Myself! She shall henceforth follow Me and not yourself; if you also
wish to follow Me from time-to-time then you shall be near your daughter.”
[19] Says Jairus: “May everything be in accordance with Your will, if only my one and
only child could be called back to life.”
[20] Say I: “Well then, shine into the open tomb!”
[21] Jairus steps up sighing to the edge of the tomb, looking and looking but seeing
nothing but the linen and head-wrap and bindings all pressed into a heap. Not seeing
his dead daughter he gets sorrowful, asking Me: “Lord, what went on here? The smell
is here still, but nothing else! Has someone stolen the corpse? Why did he not take
the scarves and bindings as well?”
[22] Say I: “Because the now living one no longer has need of such!”
[23] Jairus cries out with delight, which suddenly overcame his grief: “How?! What? -
Where then is the re-animated Sarah?”
[24] I call out: “Sarah - step out!”
[25] The most beautiful Sarah suddenly steps out from behind Faustus’ back, saying
with completely healthy and loud voice: “Here I am, fully alive and well! But now no
longer belonging to you but fully to Jesus! Because the love of my heart for Jesus, the
Lord over life and death, which they desperately tried to make out as the grossest of
all sins, killed my feeble body for the second time. But this mighty love also gave it
life back again! And behold, father Jairus, you call me your daughter also but you
gave me life only once! What is He to me and I to Him, Who gave me life fully twice?
Which of you two is now more really my father?”
[26] Says Jairus: “You are right! Obviously He Who fully gave you life back twice, and
I here cannot contend with your love from time to time. Are you, who were
everything to me on this earth, and now again shall be after Jesus the Lord satisfied
with that?”
[27] Says Sarah: “Yes father Jairus, I am fully satisfied therewith!”
[28] Say I: “And I also! But now let us return to My house. There a good evening
meal awaits us, and My daughter Sarah must above all be properly strengthened;
since her newly animated body needs to be properly nourished with good food.
Therefore let us hurriedly leave this place!”
Chapter 13
[01] Jairus now covers the grave and locks the door behind us, whereby one could
get into the grave chamber and finally to the grave itself, and then walks with us.
However, about seventy steps outside this school and chapel is the little dwelling of
the keeper and guard located, with whom Jairus obtained the light earlier.
[02] Since the increasing moon illuminated the evening a little, the guard immediately
recognized Jairus’ little daughter, who walked cheerfully next to Me dressed in a white
sweeping garn. Horrified he asked Jairus: “What is this?! What do I see?! Is this not
Sarah, your late little daughter?! - Was she also seemingly dead this time round?”
[03] Says Jairus: “May it be as it is! You do not have to ask any questions here, but
to be completely silent about everything you see here, otherwise you will loose your
job! However, take this deeply to heart and think, grasp and comprehend, that with
God many things are quite easily possible! But it requires a firm believe and an
enlivened trust! - Do you understand this?”
[04] Says the guard: “Yes, elated master!”
05] Thereupon says Jairus: “In future stay away from me with those honour-showing
addresses and speak to me like a brother! But now, for you not have to guard a
corpse anymore, go quickly to Capernaum and tell nobody their what you just have
seen, also not to my wife! However tell her, that she must accompany immediately, if
possible, to Nazareth to the house of Joseph; because I have to discuss very
important matters with her! Take a few good mules, so that you can get quicker to
the house of the carpenter in Nazareth!”
06] The guard who himself is the owner of a quick trotting donkey bridles and saddles
hastily the animal, rides with it to Capernaum and delivers the given message to the
wife of Jairus. The grieving wife gets up quickly and follows the messenger. The
donkeys are moving quickly and within less than one hour they arrive at the house of
My bodily mother Maria in Nazareth, who is now quite happy again for being allowed
to call the old little house of Joseph her own. When Jairus’ wife entered the room
where we enjoying quite a good evening meal, which this time was prepared by
Borus, she soon notices her Sarah alongside Me, who cheerfully and happily and at
the same time looking great, was busy to consume with the greatest appetite a good,
boneless fish with salt, oil and somewhat wine vinegar.
07] The wife nearly can’t believe her eyes and says after a while, tapping Jairus on
the shoulder: “Jairus, here stands your grieving wife, for whom you have send by
messenger, as if you had to discuss important matters with me! But I already see the
importance of all importances! Tell me, Man! Am I dreaming or is this reality? Is this
girl sitting next to Jesus, looking so good, not a living match of our late, most dearest
Sarah? - O Jehovah, why have You taken Sarah from me!?”
08] Says Jairus, himself completely overwhelmed, to his wife: “Be consoled, you my
beloved wife! This girl does not only looks like our most dearest Sarah, but most
seriously, it is her! Lord Jesus, full of the divine spirit, has awakened her for the
second time, just like He awakened her from death a few weeks ago. That she now
looks so good is caused by His incomprehensible, apparent divine powers. But do not
disturb her in her appetite; since she has fasted for quite some time now!”
09] Says the wife nearly not able to get a grip on herself because of amazement and
happiness: “Tel me now, you wise master in Israel, what do you think about this
Jesus! It appears more and more to me that He nevertheless His low birth level, is the
promised Messiah!? Because such deeds have never before been performed by any
prophet not of course not by any other person!”
10] Says Jairus: “Yes, yes, it is indeed so! But it means keep the greatest secrecy
about it, since He Himself want’s it like this; because if this would become known, we
soon would have the whole of Jerusalem and Rome on our neck, and if He would not
oppose it with His divine powers, we would be in quite some trouble! Therefore, wife,
be mute like a castle wall! For this reason Sarah will, in order not to betray the divine
Master with her appearance and to recover her health completely, stay for at least a
full year under the supervision and guidance of either Himself or at least under His
loving, exceedingly wise mother Maria, and we will visit her from time to time.
Correctly speaking both of us do not really have a claim to her anymore; for we gave
her only a miserable, illness ridden life by our mute lust and did know what will
become of our act when we slept with each other. This heavenly Sarah was given to
us, who was given by God a most healthy soul, but from us a weak, sick body! Twice
she has died on us and would have been lost forever for this world! However, at both
occasions He gave her a new, healthy life! - The question is now, who is more her
father and mother, - He or we two poor sinners!”
11] Says Sarah’s mother: “Yes, you are wise, knows the law and all the Prophets;
therefore you are always right in all things, but for me it is already a heavenly bliss
that she is alive again and that we have the good fortune to see and speak to her
from time to time.”
12] Says Jairus: “Let us be quiet now; since the meal is finished and possibly He
wants to say something!”
13] But I call on Faustus and say to him: “Friend and brother, I’m quite sorry that for
today you cannot sleep over; important business is awaiting you at home and
therefore I have to let you go for a few days. However, after a few days come again
here! If there is any talk about Me, then you know what to say!”
14] Says Faustus: “Lord, You know me better than I know myself! Therefore You can
depend on me; since a Roman is not a weak culm for the winds to play with loosely!
If I say yes, not even death can force a no from me! But I’m going now and my mule
is already saddled and bridled and within a small hour I will be at home. In your
name, o my greatest Friend Jesus, the expected business will come to a good end. I
put myself completely in your love, wisdom and divine power!” With these words
Faustus leaves quickly by the door.
15] Thereupon Sarah’s mother comes to Me and thanked Me with a deeply humble
hart, recognizing how much she is unworthy of such unheard of mercy.
16] But I console her and say to Sarah: “My little daughter, look, here is your
17] Only now does Sarah gets up and greets her mother with exceeding friendliness,
but immediately remarks that she will stay with Me; since she loves Me too much to
be able to be separated from me! The mother and also the high priest Jairus praise
the daughter for this a lot but nevertheless asks her not to forget about them
entirely! And Sarah solemnly promises both, that she loves them now more than ever
before. With that both were beyond measure satisfied, became quiet and caressed
their daughter.
Chapter 14
01] Now the Greek Philopold from Kana in Samaria came to Me and said: “Lord, I
have been now over three days with You but could not find one moment to discuss
with You what I according to Your will have accomplished, and how through my
preaching which I gave them after Your departure from Kana, have converted all to
believe in You. It seems now that You have some spare time; could You also listen a
little to what I have to say!”
[02] Says I: “My very worthy friend Philopold. Would you not think that I would have
long since asked you various things concerning Cana if I did not know exactly how
matters stand? -Look at all My brothers. Do I talk with them much? For days not a
word outwardly, but all the more often inwardly-spiritually through their heart and
look. None of them come to Me asking: “Lord, why do You not speak to me?” I tell
you, as I have for a long time told everyone: I do not call disciples so as to talk with
them without any cause whatsoever, but so that they hear My teaching and witness
My deeds. For all that they know I have known already long before, and what they
want to know in particular, I tell them through their heart the moment it is needed.
And if this is so, ask yourself why My initiated disciples should require a daily
discussion. You, too, are now My disciple and, therefore, will have to submit to such
an order in My school.
[03] With other people, however, who are not My closest disciples I do have to
exchange words outwardly, for with their very worldly hearts they would not hear let
alone understand Me. I do still speak also with My disciples outwardly if and when
required, but that is then not for the sake of the disciples, but for the sake of these
who are not disciples. - Tell Me, have you comprehended this!”
[04] Says Philopold: Yes, Lord, now Your mercy is so clear to me as the sun on a
brightest midday, and I thank You for such most amicable clarification! But Lord, if I
now observe this most glorious and beautiful Sarah who with her beauty could
compare herself with every angel of heaven, then it seems impossible to me that she
is supposed to have pain in the grave for even a second. Because such vitality I have
not yet encountered. Yet it is nevertheless true that You have awoken her from death
twice. Now my heart is urging me mightily to find out from You how such is possible
to You!”
[05] Say I to him softly: “surely you found out at Cana Who I am? If you know that
then it is odd that you can ask how I can revive a dead person. Did not sun, moon
and stars as well as this earth go forth from Me, and did not I populate this earth with
countless living beings? If I could give them an existence, and independent life in the
beginning how should that be impossible for Me with a maiden that was possible for
Me with countless beings from eternity to eternity? If you know this and even
received instruction on it from an angel, how can you still ask?
[06] Behold, every stone even against which you may knock heavily is only
maintained through My will; were I to release it from My all-creating and maintaining
Will but for a moment, it would also cease to exist in the same moment.
[07] You may indeed crush the stone and through intensive heat even dissolve it into
a kind of air, as taught in secretive chemistry; but all this can take place with the
stone and every other type of matter only because I permit it for man’s benefit and
advantage. Were I not to permit it then you could move even the smallest stone no
more than a mountain. You can furthermore throw a stone high up, and it shall,
depending on your strength and skill ascend to an impressive height; but after
reaching maximum height in relation to hurling effect, it shall at once fall back to
earth. And behold, this is all My will, and My permission up to a point, where it says,
this far and no further!”
[08] A stone-throw clearly shows you the scope of man’s power and will. A few
moments in time and man’s feeble will is seized by Me and driven back into the due
order set by Me from eternity, which is weighed out to the minutest particle through
all of eternal infinity! If therefore all this depends exclusively on My will and
permission, how could it not be possible to me to revive a deceased maiden?
[09] But do go outside and fetch Me a piece of wood and a stone and I will show you
how I can accomplish all these things through the might of the Father within Me.”
[10] Philopold promptly brings a stone and a rotten piece of wood. And I say to him,
speaking in an undertone: “Look, I lift up the stone and place it in the free air and,
look, it does not fall. Do try to push it from this position.” Philopold tries, but the
stone cannot be shifted even by a hair’s breadth.
[11] However I say: “Now I shall allow the stone to be shifted by you as you please;
but once you let it go it will again take this position and will after some swaying or
suddenly be fixed to this given position.”
[12] Says Philopold: “Lord, spare me this test, for Your holy word is sufficient for
[13] Say I: “All right. It is now My will that this stone disappears, and this wood shall
sprout and bring forth leaves, blossoms and fruit of its kind.” Thereupon the stone
becomes invisible, and the old wood becomes fresh, sprouts and brings forth leaves,
blossoms and finally ripe fruit, that is, some figs since the wood came from a fig tree.
[14] Now everybody’s attention is turning to Me and Philopold, for most of the
disciples had already fallen asleep and Jairus and his wife could not stop fondling their
daughter. I and Philopold, however, had carried out our experiments further away at
a little table below a dim lamp and, therefore, had not been noticed by hundreds until
Philopold’s astonishment became too conspicuous whereupon many soon turned their
attention to us. But I told them to rest and silence reigned once more.
[15] Then I again bade the stone to be and it was once more lying on the table, but
left the fig branch with the fruits which in the morning were eaten with much pleasure
by My Sarah.
[16] But I then asked Philopold whether he is in the clear. And bowing down deeply,
he said: “Lord, now I am fully in the clear.”
[17] I said: “Good, then let’s take our rest.”
Chapter 15
Philopold’s testimony to Jesus” Deity.
[01] Philopold then went to take a rest, as commended by Me. But his sleep was not
of course a salubrious one, because the day’s happenings took a toll of his emotions;
on top of that the bunk’s were in no good shape, as the bailiffs had taken possession
of almost everything other than a bit of straw, and we thus found a literally empty
house. While Sarah was being re-awakened, Borus, my brethren and many other
disciples had indeed been engaged in moving proper bunks, tables, benched, kitchen
and tableware into the house; but to do so on short notice along natural lines for
some hundred people who partly found accommodation in the open or in other houses
was possible only for barest essential.
[02] And so I Myself spent the night on a bench with a bit of straw under My head -
and Philopold even on the floor and without straw. Hence he also was one of the first
on his feet in the morning; and when asked by Jairus, who with his wife and daughter
Sarah enjoyed quite a good straw bunk, how he had rested on the hard floor, he
[03] Philopold: “As the nature of the floor permits! But it all depends on habit; in the
course of a year the body would certainly befriend it more than during a night.”
[04] Says Jairus: “Had you only mentioned it; we had plenty of straw!”
[05] Says Philopold: “Here, behold the Lord! He Whom all heavens and worlds obey,
and for whose will all angels watch! His bunk is no better by a hair’s breadth than
[06] Says Jairus, in whom Pharisaism still resided to a large extent: “Friend, are you
not perhaps overstating the case? It is indeed indisputable that this Jesus is full of the
godly spirit, to a greater extent than any prophet ever was filled - because his deeds
exceed sky-high all the deeds of Moses, Elijah and all the other great and smaller
prophets. But that the fullness of the Godhead should reside in him seems a rather
risky assumption to me! The prophets too awoke the dead through the divine Spirit
with which they were filled; but they merely not dared ascribing to themselves but to
God. For had they ascribed the success to themselves, it would have made them
gross sinners against God, and God would have taken the spirit from them. But Jesus
does everything as if from Himself and like a Lord - and this indeed favours your
speculative assumption, and to a certain extent I am completely of your opinion, but
as said with all caution! Because this could also be permission from above to test our
faith in the one God! But if all the fullness of the Godhead were to really dwell in
Jesus, then indeed we would have accept His testimony as eternally true under all
circumstances! What do you say to that?”
[07] Says Philopold: “I am fully of the latter view and think His testimony of the
fullness of the Godhead in Him completely true. It is Him and no one else!
[08] The thing is especially hard to explain in this our miracle-working time, for one
can always say: I saw magicians there and there who of a truth performed
extraordinary deeds and the prophets of old also awoke the dead, one of them indeed
clothing a heap of skeletons with flesh and reviving them. Hence miraculous deeds
are by far no proof yet for hailing a worker of miracles as a God!
[09] But here with Jesus it is an entirely different thing. With all the prophets,
extended prayer and fasting had to precede a miraculous deed, for God to find them
worthy of performing a miracle through them; the magicians need a magic wand
together with a great many signs and formulas, besides carrying a lot of ointments,
oils, waters, metals, stones, herbs and roots with whose hidden powers they are
familiar, applying same with their performances; but where has anything like that
ever been seen with Jesus, the Lord? No trace of praying or fasting, at least during
the short time I had the privilege of knowing Him, not to mention a magic wand or
any magical paraphernalia!
[10] Besides that, all prophets spoke and wrote in secretive imagery, and none but
those coming from their school could understand them. Notwithstanding the fact that
I am a Greek, your Scriptures are not unknown to me, and I know Moses and all your
prophets! Whoever understand these one and all verily must be of a special
[11] Jesus however, expresses the most hidden things with such clarity, that not
seldom a child must understand them! He explained the Creation and I nearly
believed myself capable of creating a world! Where is the prophet, or the master of all
magicians who speaks like Jesus?
[12] Who has ever understood a syllable of what the magician says at his
performances? Deepest night reigns in their talks, and in the speeches of the
prophets it indeed dawns here and there; yet their dawn does not help anyone to
make out an object thirty paces ahead. Here however it is all sunshine on the
brightest midday. Whatever He says is deepest divine wisdom, yet bright and clear
for every man’s intellect. And whether He will happens instantly!
[13] If things are like with Jesus to a hair’s breadth, then I fail to see for what reason
I should still hesitate to acknowledge Him as the indisputable Lord of heaven and
earth, loving Him beyond all measure and giving Him alone all honour?
[14] Look here on the table! This fresh fig branch with a great many fully ripe fruits is
a live explanation He gave me yesterday, when asking Him, after you all slept
already, how it was possible for Him to awaken the fully dead. He asked for a
completely decayed, therefore completely dead branch., I brought whatever my
hands got hold of in the night. He did not even touch the dead wood, but just
commanded it, and the dead wood began to sprout, to bloom, and here you have the
ripe fruit. Take and give them to the most beloved Sarah - who will feast herself
Chapter 16
The Lord visits the Synagogue.
[Matt. 13:54]
[01] Jairus wakes Sarah, who had already began to stir, handing her the branch, and
she is overjoyed therewith, biting straight away into the honey-sweet fruits and
consuming them all. After she had eaten them all, I awaken on My bench.
[02] Sarah is the first to give Me a heart-felt morning greeting, and I ask her how the
figs tasted. And she said with great joy: “Lord, they were heavenly and sweet as
honey! Philopold, Your friend, gave them to me in Your name, and I ate them all, for
they were exceedingly good! You probably got them for me?”
[03] Say I: “My most beloved Sarah. Indeed for you; because you were the reason
last night for My showing friend Philopold how I awaken the dead, by revitalising a
completely rotten fig branch, so it might bear sweet fruit one more time for you, My
beloved Sarah. Hence you did well to consume it, for it shall multiply your lasting
health! But now let us at once move into the open, until the rooms are tidied and
cleaned and then we shall partake of a morning-meal and then turn to today’s
[04] Following these words all move into the open, enjoying the bright and crystal-
clear morning, and all were uplifted by the most beautiful morning.
[05] But Jairus came over to Me, saying: “Lord! There shall never be an end to my
thanks! Rather than ever allowing myself to be ever led astray against You again I
shall become a most zealous follower of Your holy doctrine, and Philopold shall remain
my friend for life, for it is only he I can be thankful for the true light about You.
Notwithstanding him being a Greek, he nevertheless is more knowledgeable in our
Scriptures than all the Scribes of Judea, Galilee, Samaria and Palestine! In short, I am
now fully in the clear about You, and it is factually as I have often thought secretly.
But I must be off to Capernaum, where certain concerns await me. But my wife and
daughter Sarah I leave in Your care for a time convenient to You; for not even in
heaven could they be better looked after. But if I can get away in the evening, then I
shall here with Faustus and Conrnelius and perhaps also the old Cyrenius, who is
supposed to come to Capernaum today. And so I take my leave of Your love, patience
and grace.” Thereupon he takes his leave of his wife and sweet Sarah, then lets his
fast mules be brought, mounting the strongest and trotting off at fast pace.
[06] I however now call everyone to breakfast, and we move into cleaned and tidied
rooms where a good meal prepared by Borus awaits us.
[07] After the meal, Borus beckons Me aside, saying: “My most intimately beloved
friend! I know that You have perceived well in advance what I want to share
privately; but there are some among Your disciples who I don’t thing need to know
what we are discussing, the only reason I asked You over.”
[08] Say I: “That would not be necessary, because what you want to tell Me, I have
already told My disciples at length in Kis, voicing My praise. They know everything,
and hence we need not keep it secret.”
[09] Says Borus: “Ah, in that case is shall speak openly!”
[10] Hence we go back, to the company, and I say to Borus: “My most beloved
friend! What you want to tell Me I already know, and all the disciples know it as well,
and hence we can regard the matter as finalised. But as a Greek who simply believes
in Judaism without coming under Jewish law; it is easier for you to talk to the
Pharisees; if however you were an orthodox Jew through circumcision and the Law,
then you would have had to severely bridle your tongue. But it was right that you
spoke as you did, and so let us now write the matter into the sand. But now take Me
to the Nazarene school. I shall instruct the people, that they may recognise what time
this is!” [Matt. 13:54]
[11] Mother Mary asks whether I shall be coming home for lunch.
[12] Say I: “Don’t trouble yourself about whether I come; it is enough that I carry all
burden! I shall come in the evening.”
[13] Sarah asks whether it is permitted that she come with Me to the school.
[14] Say I: “Indeed, notwithstanding that a woman is not according with the Law
allowed to enter the school in male company. But all is now going to change; because
like man, woman has equal right to My love and grace, which proceeds from God the
Father through Me. And so come along now cheerfully and confidently, learning
together with the others at the school what time it now is, hence let us go! You Sarah
stay by My side, and you shall serve Me as a mighty witness! Hence keep that burial
clothing on your body, for the dress too shall serve Me as testimony. But now let’s
15] Upon these My words we immediately went to the school.
Chapter 17
The Lord reveals a text from Isaiah.
[01] When I entered the school there were about ten Nazarene elders, together with
several Pharisees and Scribes seated at a large table discussing verses from Isaiah
reading as follows [Isaiah 1:16-24]:
16. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from
before Mine eyes; cease to do evil.
17. Learn to do well; seek justice, relieve the oppressed, give rights to the orphans,
plead for the widow.
18. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be
as wool.
19. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the Land.
20. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of
the Lord hath spoken it.
21. How is the faithful city become an harlot! It was full of judgement; righteousness
lodged in it, but now murderers.
22. Thy silver has become dross, thy wine mixed with water.
23. Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; every one loveth gifts, and
followeth after rewards; they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the
widow come unto them.
24. Therefore, saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will rid
Myself of Mine adversaries, and avenge Myself of Mine enemies: They were discussing
the meaning of such verses and could not be in the clear.
[02] I stepped forward, saying to them: “What are you pondering about something
that stands as clearly revealed before you factually as the sun at midday? Look at
your orphans, your widows! What is their state? Instead of taking care of them you
even take from them what they have, whilst the poor orphans you take to the
heathens as slaves, just as a few days ago you attempted to carry out such secretly
and would have carried it out, had not the tax-collector Kisjonah mightily prevented
[03] The Lord indeed speaks: “Come now, and let us reason together! Though your
sins be blood-red, it shall be white as snow, and though it be crimson, it shall be as
white!” - but I ask when and under what condition! How is it with you and the devout
city which is also called “The city of God”? What multitudes of the most abominable
sins crying to heaven have already been committed therein, and what multitudes are
still being committed!?
[04] “Wash and clean yourselves, and put away your evil nature from before Mine
eyes” spoke Jehovah through the mouth of the prophet. You wash your body seven
times a day indeed, cleaning your garments and whitewashing the graves of your
dead two or three times a year; but your hearts remain obstinate and are full of
obscenity, wherefore you resemble your whitewashed graves, which indeed appear
adorned and cleaned on the outside but are inwardly pestilential, full of dead bones
and stinking rot!
[05] The prophet spoke of the cleansing of your hearts, reminding you to put away
your sins before the all-seeing eye of God; but this sense you have never taken into
your heart, hence cleaning only your skin whilst letting your heart sink into all hellish
filth! Oh, you hellish generation, who has taught you thus!?
[06] Indeed you say: “The he-goat that Moses and Aaron commanded, has right up
till now been yearly laden with all Israel’s sins, killed and thrown into the Jordan”! Oh
you blind ones! How is it the he-goat’s fault that you continue to sin on and on, not
bettering yourselves in your hearts?
[07] This function was only a sign from which you should have learned long ago that
the he-goat only represents your evil, worldly lusts, such as your arrogance which like
the he-goat is kicking and stinking beyond all measure, and your fornication and
filthiness in all things, your meanness, envy and hypocrisy! With the destruction of
the scapegoat you ought to have forever annihilated your heart-goat, thus fulfilling
Moses” and Aaron’s commandment in a living way and thus reaping their blessings
unfailingly. Failing this, you have indeed killed the rams, which could be of no use to
you, but your sinful hearts have remained with you. Wherefore Jehovah has carried
out His threat and shall further do so when your evil measure is full.
[08] A nice thing it is that the heathens have now to maintain justice for the people
and to care for the widows and orphans! But hence it also is true what the prophet
speaks: “I shall be comforted through Mine enemies, the heathens, and be avenged
through them”! To where has your power gone, and where spent your strength? A
small flock of heathens is ruling God’s mighty people of yours! Ugh! For the
everlasting disgrace and shame! The children of the serpent are wiser and more
upright than the children of light.
[09] Wherefore it shall soon come to pass that this holy land shall be handed over to
the heathens, and you shall henceforth have neither land and even less a king, but
shall serve strange tyrants as slaves, and your noble daughters shall sleep with the
heathens and the servants of heathens, and their fruit hated like a generation of
serpents and vipers!
[10] You are here discussing from the prophet who wrote for your heart, as to how
you could make idle ceremony more splendid through the practice of the trivial
washing and cleaning of your bodies, clothing and sepulchres so that the sacrament
would yield you more offerings, yet you are not capable of discerning that which alone
would be pleasing to God! Oh you evil devil-servants! It is him you serve with your
ceremony - and hence shall also once reap his wages in the mire, as you have also
fully deserved it always.
[11] One cleans the body once, twice or three times a day if desirable, and one cleans
clothing when it is dirty; for this Moses has commanded for the health of the body.
Thus one also covers the sepulchres with a span of clay, and then covers such clay
with several coats of good lime, so that the covering would not develop cracks
through which particularly in the first few years of decomposition, harmful fumes
would not escape, causing all kinds of dangerous sickness to man, animal and plant.
[12] Behold, that is the reason for ordering the whitewashing of graves, which can be
grasped with the hands! How could you make this into a divine service? Oh you
absurd ones, you fools! What can this do for the soul of the departed?!”
Chapter 18
About the nature of God, and worshipping Him.
[01] (The Lord:) “After a man dies, the soul is taken from the body and prevailing as
an isolated spirit man, comes to a location corresponding to its complete living being;
and here nothing will help it other than its free will and love. If the will and the love
are good, then the location also will be good, which the soul itself shall prepare for
itself in accordance with its God-implanted strength and authority. If the will and
predilection are bad, then its effort also shall be bad - just as on earth a bad tree
bears no good fruit and a good tree no bad fruit. Go and adorn a thorn bush with gold
and precious stones and see whether it shall bear you grapes as a result! A vine
however shall nevertheless bear sweet grapes full of flavour, whether you adorn it
with gold or not.
[02] If that is so and, impossibly otherwise, ask yourselves what the whitewashing of
graves, within which reside only decaying skeletons and obnoxious filth, should or
could benefit the souls of the dead!
[03] Do you earnestly believe that God is so feeble minded and vainly foolish that He
should let Himself be served with the most vain and trivial parade of matter through
[04] I say unto you: God is a Spirit, and those who would serve Him must do so in
spirit and fullest, living truth of their heart, but not in matter through matter, which is
nothing but the transitorily shackled will of the almighty Father!
[05] What would you say to someone who came to you asking to be paid even for
devastating your crop, whilst asserting that he has given you good service? - Behold,
that which you would say to such a fool is what the Father shall once say to you in
the beyond, and you shall have to depart from Him even whilst being thrust out into
uttermost darkness, where wailing and gnashing of teeth shall be your wages!
[06] As to how you look after widow’s affairs, My mother Mary first of all is testimony,
from whom you have taken everything, and thereafter a thousand others with whom
you did not proceed any better and still don’t.
[07] Does it not cry to heaven that Jewesses have to seek justice from the heathens
and also receive it? Must it not seem really funny to Satan that his children now
exceed God’s children sky high on justice and righteousness? Yes, the children of the
world shall indeed become children of God in future; yet you shall become children of
him whom you have faithfully served at all times!
[08] Since you are reading Isaiah, did you never come across the passage where he
[09] “I delight in mercy and not burnt offering” or “This people honours Me with its
lips, but its heart is far from Me”!
[10] Since you say: “such has God spoken through the prophets”. What respect must
you have for Him if you prefer your despicable statutes to His Commandments at all
times, keeping only your own for your worldly advantage but treading the divine ones
with your feet? Oh you evil ones, you perpetual servants of the devil! How shall you
fare once before God’s judgment-seat? Verily, the Sodomites shall fare better than
you. For had such signs been given there as have been given you, they would have
repented in sack-cloth and ashes, and God would not have judged them with fire and
brimstone from above! Beware, the time is at hand when you shall fare as I foretold
Chapter 19
The spiritually blind, impudent and confused Pharisees.
[01] Here the elders, Pharisees and Scribes rise most angrily, saying: “How dare you
fluffy-beard to argue with us? - What signs occurred here?”
[02] Say I, standing the to them well known Sarah in front of these school and
Scripture Knight’s faces: “Do you know this little maiden, and are you aware of what
occurred with her for the second time?”
[03] Here they look wide-eyed and baffle-eyed, saying softly among themselves: “By
heaven, this is the Chief’s daughter to a T. Did He re-awaken her again? What
happened here? If he has awakened her, and this time as she was really dead a
second time, then what are we going to do? Jairus appears to be on his side, or he
would not have entrusted his most beloved daughter to him! Or is he perhaps not
aware of it? Did Joseph’s son perhaps secretly awaken her, wanting to escort her back
to Jairus at an appropriate occasion? Should we perhaps let Jairus know? This thing is
too conspicuous! - It is her, without any doubt it is her! And yet we all were at her
funeral, as well as previously at Capernaum when she died! What’s to be done?
What’s going to happen if this God-man accomplished such unprecedented things by
whatever craft or power?” - Here they fall silent.
[04] I say however, scrutinising them sharply: “Now then, what does your evil heart
say to that? Is this an adequate sign or not, to testify of the truth that I spoke to
[05] Say the elders: “We are neither physicians nor chemists, who investigate the
forces of nature and know how to apply them to their craft; neither are we familiar
with magic when one can learn from the devil, because this would be the most
monumental sin before God, and hence we cannot say by what craft or power you
awakened in her! We hence are agreed not to let ourselves be deceived by such signs
in our faith in Moses and all the prophets, as well as in our interpretation of
Scriptures, which in the Temple has the authority as sworn by heaven! Right now
several magicians are working signs, who come to us partly from the East and many
from Egypt; they all perform wondrous things which no Jew can comprehend, nor
wants to or is allowed because all those magic things originate from the devil. And to
sum up: Your signs, because they also belong to magic, have no value for us and
prove only your capacity to happily carry them out and you therefore are an
accomplished master therein; but far be it from us to account of your signs accept
your doctrine, which disgusts us! For a physician is no priest to us by far, and even
less a prophet, - and least of all Yourself, as we have known you already of thirty
years, and we knew your father. Hence see to it that you get out of our school quickly
together with your idlers, or we shall have to apply force!”
[06] Says Sarah: “I beg You to depart from these miserable ones! For these are
obstinate like stones, darker than night and more loveless than an abyss! Twice You
have given me back life, yet this is nothing to these miserable ones. They even
regard it as blasphemous magic and even in their crude blindness try expelling You
from the school. Lord, this is ever wicked! Let’s go, let’s go! I feel as if Satan was
standing before us in their presence.”
[07] Say I: “My most beloved Sarah! Just calm down. We shall remain here for as
long as it is My wish; for I am a Lord! Does not the earth’s mighty call themselves
lords, yet often have very little power; I however have all power over heaven, hell
and the entire earth. I therefore am quite really a lord and shall not be commanded
by anything eternally. What I do, that I do of My own free will; because I am a Lord
[08] On hearing this the elders and rend their vestments, shouting: “Away with You!
Because we heard it clearly now that You are a blasphemer! Your works You
accomplish with Beelzebub’s help and are trying with Your doctrine to turn the nations
away from Moses and God; hence we have no alternative but to dispatch You with
stones from the world!”
Chapter 20
The Templers fear the Roman court.
[01] There were stones kept for stoning in all schools as well as in the Temple, and
therefore also in this Nazarene school. As the elders, Pharisees and Scribes of this city
were blindingly enraged, they took hold of the stones to throw at Me. Then all the
disciples rose to their feet and threatened the mad ones. At this moment Faustus,
Cornelius, Jairus and the old Cyrenius entered the large hall.
[02] When the enraged priests caught sight of these most eminent and well-known
personages, they promptly put down their murderous objects and bowed very deeply.
[03] Jairus at once rushes over to Myself and Sarah, embracing Me and saying loudly
to Cyrenius: “Here stand He, the great Man of all men, and here my beloved Sarah,
who He twice awakened from fullest death!”
[04] Here the old Cyrenius steps over to Me, tears in his eyes, saying: “Oh, my God
and my Lord! With what words should I, a poor, weak human thank You for all the
endlessly great graces You have bestowed upon me?! Oh how happy I am for my
eyes to once again be inestimably fortunate in beholding You, my holy Friend! For
more than twenty years I had heard nothing more of You, notwithstanding that I
thought of You many times each day, and also often making appropriate inquiries
about You.
[05] How downcast I was even a few days ago, when the Emperor in all earnestness
began to demand the unfortunate taxation moneys from Pontus and Asia Minor, with
my not knowing where they had gotten to! Yet how happy, inexpressibly happy
indeed, was I when about three days ago not only the missing taxes, but far more
priceless treasures in gold, silver, pearls and precious stones were dispatched to me
by my upright friends, Faustus and Cornelius, and all that through Your holy
[06] My Lord, my holy greatest Friend Jesus! Oh tell me, what I can do to reciprocate
this great indebtedness even marginally! If You were willing to set my Province
Chief’s crown upon Your head, oh with what unmentionable joy and honour would I
desire to place it at Your feet!
[07] Verily of a truth, Lord, You my life as you are certain to be aware of, the
treasures of this earth mean exceedingly little to me; if that which I have already
dispatched to Rome were mine, then many thousands of poor people would have
already received help! But it was the Emperor’s and it had to be my task to produce
what had been lost! How should this nevertheless have been possible without You,
and thereafter my dear Faustus and brother Cornelius? Oh, You have rolled a world of
burden from my breast. Now it is my turn to pay and reward to the limit of my
authority! Oh, speak, most holy great friend of mankind, what should I do?”
[08] With this brilliant address of Me by Cyrenius, those who previously were about to
stone Me turn deathly pale, starting to shake all over as if gripped by high fever, in
the assumption that I would now take fullest revenge on them and complain about
them to Cyrenius, whom they feared more than death; for he never joked! The
Roman judges were notorious for their strictness in carrying out their pronounced
judgments and sentences, the reason for the Jews” inordinate fear of them, especially
these Nazarene Elders, Pharisees and Scribes, of whom some were accessories to the
Roman taxation robbery.
[09] But I said to Cyrenius most amicably: “Do you suppose that the Man has
forgotten what you had done for the Child when It had to flee before Herod, from
Bethlehem to Egypt? Oh, the Man remember this only too well that you did it all
without self-interest, because you loved Me, and I should now desire some reward
from you? No, such be eternally far from Me! But since you are in command over Asia
as the Emperor’s representative, command these recalcitrants, Satan-servants and
not servants of God, to keep their silence on all that has taken place here, or they
shall receive the most severe punishment! For all who take up stones against their
neighbours shall receive the most severe punishment!”
[10] Says Cyrenius: “Have these miserable ones dared perchance to take up stones
against You?”
[11] Says Sarah: “Yes, exalted Cyrenius! These miserable ones intended stoning the
Lord for telling them the Truth. They call themselves ‘servants of God yet are the
greatest blasphemers; for they keep only their most selfish and domineering
regulations, giving them a godly shine through the most shameful strong-arm tactics!
[12] Whoever does not allow himself to be blinded by their deceptions will be kept
blind by the most shameful high-handedness, and we no longer enjoy liberty on God’s
dear earth! One only has to read Moses and the prophets and next to that their
statutes and one can easily discover what I as a young girl not yet sixteen have
discovered a long time ago! Verily, whoever follows Moses and the prophets is their
fiercest foe. Like the Samaritans, who still are staunch mosaists and disciples of the
prophets, is regarded as cursed all the days, and he, like they, amount to the most
vehement curse from the mouth of a Jew.
[13] But as a young girl I ask, is this the Word of God, is this divine service? Jesus
clearly demonstrated to them that this can only be the word of hell, and a service that
Satan could wish for; wherefore they intended stoning Him, because He told them the
truth too convincingly before the people, who in the end could cost them a lowering of
their income.
[14] Noble lord! Already twice I have been fully in the beyond and I know what my
soul has seen. I saw Moses and all the good prophets. They were at peace and their
joy is this time which they call “the great day of the Lord”. However, I did not see one
Pharisee or teacher of the law among them righteous of Israel. So I asked where they
[15] Then an angel of light came and bade me follow him, which I did. Soon we were
standing at an extremely gloomy place; there was hardly as much light as in a
clouded night. A great glow could be seen in the distance and the angel said to me:
“Look there. That is the pit where the ones for whom you were asking are dwelling.”
And I looked but saw nothing but devils and said to the angel: “Messenger of the
Lord. I see only devils and no one else. Where then are the ones for whom I asked?”
Then the angel replied: “They are the ones you are seeing.”
[16] This gave me a terrible shock and I remembered my father who is even a head
of the Pharisees. But the angel noticed what made me tremble and said: “Do not
worry. Your father will find the right way, and you will be a guide for him on this
[17] This I have seen and heard and therefore know it; not from hearsay, but from
experience. So I need not learn anything from these fools and wicked servants of
Satan, for I have seen and learnt truth in a living lesson and can, therefore, as one
who has returned from the beyond, testify for the sake of the eternal truth which
Jesus, the Lord from eternity, is preaching, that everything these evil teachers say
and teach is an absolute lie and does not have a grain of truth in it. - I have spoken.”
Chapter 21
Cyrenius and the Templers
[01] Says Cyrenius: “Did you hear the testimony against you, by one resurrected
from the dead, which incriminates you more heavily than all robbery and murder?
What should I do with you in the light of this most truthful accusation? To hang you
upon the cross would be far too little! To scourge you for a whole day and only then
behead you would also be too lenient. But I know what I shall do, and you should be
quite happy with me.” To this Cyrenius’ address all become deathly pale, giving out
immense howling and pleading.
[02] Cyrenius however asks Me on the side whether he ought to in earnest impose a
penalty upon these miscreants, following his verdict, in accordance with which eternal
silence should be dished out to them.
[03] Say I: “Impose only the verdict, threatening its execution without further
leniency with the first violation. Thereafter release them.”
[04] Cyrenius steps forward commanding silence, saying: “Lend me your ear, you
miscreant goblins! You have only this One to thank, Whom you wanted to stone on
account of the holy truth that came to you from His mouth, that I am not having you
one and all driven into the desert, to there set you upon rocks amidst an abyss and
gouge out your eyes! But should any of you dare to so much as prattle outside this
school even one syllable about anything that has taken place here, either verbally or
in writing or by gesture, expression, or by hand signals, upon such the execution shall
be carried out with the most inexorable sharpness!
[05] Nor shall I desist from punishment upon hearing of your tormenting the people
with unlawful extortions, and the persecution by you of divine truth, for the sake of
your shameful and selfish ordinances! Teach the people God’s Commandments and
their keeping, and you shall be regarded like this godly Jesus, Who is not at all
proclaiming a new but age-old doctrine from God to nations precipitated by you into
deepest night; something He can do the more readily and truly, since He is in the
Spirit Himself the One Who according to your doctrine gave you the Commandments
on Sinai through Moses; something that you do not comprehend, yet I do quite well,
notwithstanding your declaring me a heathen! Hence beware of persecuting this holy
One; for such persecution would cost you your life twice - physically here and
spiritually in the beyond! Have you understood me?”
[06] Say all those concerned: “Yes, exalted lord, and we intend doing everything you
require of us But you also know that we men are no gods, and endued with all sorts
of weaknesses; if therefore someone were to transgress somewhat in whatever way,
so hold us to account, and as human yourself, punish us humanely”
[07] Says Cyrenius: “Greek merchants and shopkeepers indeed are in the habit of
putting up with bartering, but never the Romans! Consider same and act accordingly,
then you shall have need of no clemency; for men vex strong and into heroes of order
only through sharp and unbending laws, becoming of one mind and full of eagerness
in all lawful pursuits.
[08] If the soldier were not to have the most uncompromisingly sharp military rules,
he would be a coward, and when it came to pursuing, fighting and vanquishing the
foe, the enemy would have an easy time, and essential national security would be
done for! But by prescribing for the soldier every step upon death and life with iron
law as to his bearing before the foe, he is likely to do it with certainty. For were he
not to do so, death at the hands of the enemy is not certain, and he then can emerge
from battle as conqueror and crowned hero.
[09] The sternest rule in Rome then is: A stern law makes for stern and orderly
citizens. Wherefore we don’t allow bartering with ourselves by a hair’s breadth, and
all men are equal before the law! You are now familiar with my legal sentiments. Act
accordingly, and you shall be free under law; if you do not conform, then the law shall
judge you without every grace precisely for being law.
[10] The entire earth with everything in and upon it endures only for the unbending
will of God. Were God to admit bartering with Himself only to the smallest degree,
what would become of the earth and ourselves in the next moment? Everything would
come unstuck!
[11] A national society would fare likewise; if just one law were to slacken off then
the others too would lose their force and application, and the great edifice of state
would only too soon be in ruins! Hence my warning to you stands inexorably.”
[12] To this decisive chief governor’s retort, the elders’ and Pharisees’ faces turn
acrid, and one of them spoke in a kind of painful amazement: “Oh, Rome. Oh, Rome!
You are dreadfully hard and difficult! Jehovah! You freed Your children from
Babylonian captivity when they repented and prayed for it; will You not free us from
this thousandfold harder captivity for evermore?”
[13] Say I: “If you remain as you are and do not change from your foundations, then
you shall not only remain everlastingly subservient to Rome, but fully consumed by
the latter, as is an ass by the eagles! Only for a short time shall God be patient with
you yet, after which an acute fate shall befall you, and it shall be with you as I
prophesied to you earlier, and they shall persecute you to the end of the world. -
Depart now and be offended no more.”
[14] Upon these My words they all move to an adjacent chamber; we remained in the
school, which a large number of Nazarenes soon came to see the lofty Roman lords.
We had to eventually stand upon tables and benches in order not to be crushed, and
to be seen by the gaping folk.
Chapter 22
Healing of a palsied. The Nazarene’s witness of Jesus.[Matt 13:55-56.]
[01] Borus himself brought along one palsied, whose hands and feet were already so
withered and twisted and contracted that no mortal physician was ever likely to heal
him by whatsoever means.
[02] However, Borus after having the palsied brought over to Me in a basket through
the heavy throng by two carriers, spoke loudly before the people: “Only God alone
can help this sick one! I am one of the top physicians in all of Galilee, and the sick
come to the physician Borus from Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and he helps them; but
this one he cannot help! But I beg You, my holy friend Jesus, since nothing is to my
knowledge and belief impossible to You, that You would once again give this person
straight limbs, if it is Your will!”
[03] Say I: “Friend, there are too many faithless around here, and such healing is
consequently a hard thing to accomplish! But between ourselves I shall heal him at
your place.”
[04] Thereto some of the people started murmuring: “Oh, the carpenter’s son is
cleave! This sick one is too much for him, whence he would rather heal him secretly,
so that we should not know whether he became better or not.”
[05] I heard such talk, saying to the grumblers: “Oh you mad and crazy ones! Do you
know this girl at Jairus” side? Is this not his daughter, and was she not twice dead?
Who gave her life back? - You fools! If the Son of Man has power to call back the
dead to life, shall He not have power to say unto this sick: “Rise and walk”? But that
you may see that I indeed have such power, I say unto you palsied person that you
get up and walk with completely healthy limbs.”
[06] The same moment a fire went through the sick one’s limbs, and he felt
completely strong, got up and walked, and his limbs were totally fresh; he had flesh
and complete muscles, walking cheerfully and with grateful heart, saying after a while
of his own astonishment: “This is possible only to God! Without medicines, without
the laying on of hands, but bringing forth such healing solely through the word,
momentarily, this has not been heard of! Lord Jesus, I confess and now fully believe
that You are either God’s Son or God Himself in the human form! It appears to me
that I should actually worship You!”
[07] Say I: “Leave that go and make no noise over it. That which you feel in your
heart however that preserve faithfully. A time shall come when you have need of it,
and then you may pray to the Father in heaven, Who alone has given such power to
His Son!” With these words the healed one falls silent.
[08] The people were horrified, saying: “From where does this one get such wisdom,
not to mention such deeds and power? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his
mother’s name Mary? And his brethren; Jacob, Jose, Simon and Judas? [Matt. 13:55].
And his sisters, are not they all with us? For heaven’s sake, whence does He derive all
this? [Matt. 13:56]
[09] While they were yet conversing thus, many others vexed angry, saying: “Would
not this drive you mad! Our sons studied at Jerusalem, acquiring knowledge in all
kinds of art and science. Besides that they attended the school of prophets in
existence, fully learning the wisdom of Egypt in the interpretation of signs! And this
carpenter who has demonstrably never attended any school; whom we constantly
saw working with hoe and saw shames us and our children in a way that astounds
even the top rulers, taking the usually nearly silly carpenter all but for a God! This
truly is annoying. He is all in all, speaks all languages as if a native, being a prophet
of the first order working signs and things of which no god might be embarrassed;
our sons together with ourselves, who surely also learnt something in our time, are as
if they could not count the fingers on their hands! Does anyone of us know anything
how the carpenter has acquired all this?”
[10] Said others: “Wherefrom should He have acquired anything? Was He not until a
few months ago always at home building houses around us and other places with his
father and brethren; we never saw a trace of the unusual with him. Besides that He
was a man of few words, and when asked about anything then he either gave no
answer at all or just a monosyllable so that one took Him for mentally handicapped,
and now he suddenly stands their as a man with all the world’s attention! This surely
is too vexing for all human reason!
[11] What has taken place with this person? We indeed know that from his earliest
childhood he is supposed to have manifested some magical qualities as an almost
dumb boy! Father and mother believed that something big should once become of the
boy, but all the much-promising faculties disappeared to such extent that not the
slightest trace of them could be discovered on any occasion. Already as a boy he did
not want to attend school, and as a simple carpenter was without any scientific
education. I often asked the old Joseph how things were with Jesus, and whether he
also was so terse at home. And the answer was: even more so than outside the
house. This his brethren said so as well. If so, then wherefrom such abilities now?”
Chapter 23
The Nazarenes rebuked. [Matt. 13:57]
[01] Since I nevertheless seemed a prophet to them, on account of what they had
seen, one Nazarene elder said: “I once heard about a Babylonian traveller, such as
are often wont to travel our districts and places as extraordinary beggars, putting up
all sorts of magic and prophesying performances for a few pence, who made the
following prediction to my neighbour:
[02] “Within thy walls Nazareth, liveth a man thou knowest not. He is quiet and short
on words; when his time comes, mountains shall bow to his speech, and winds and
sea shall obey him, and death shall tremble before him and have no power over him.
Thereupon all the people of this city shall be offended with astonishment, but none
shall be able to withstand his power, and death shall flee him as a timid gazelle from
a pursuing lion. But when he intends going from this world into the heavens he will
allow his enemies to kill him for three days. After three days he shall of his own
power dismiss death and rise from the dead in all power and glory and ascend to the
heavens with flesh and blood. But then woe betide all those who persecuted him;
their fate shall be a most terrible judgement by fire, the like of which has not
occurred on earth before. Woe betide all arrogant Jews! They shall not again have a
land of their own to the end of the world but wander scattered over all the earth like
cursed game in the desert, preparing inedible bread from stubble, thorns and thistles
to satisfy their hunger, and shall die of such fare.”
[03] So spoke the Babylonian about three years ago, and it is truly memorable that
precisely such a man has arisen from within our walls in Jesus, whose speeches and
deeds substantiate almost to a hair’s breadth what this Babylonian prophesied! What
therefore is to be done? If the one has come to pass, then the other - namely the
judgement could also do so. Hence it is my well-considered view that we let him carry
on as he will and can, for it could turn out hard to fight him! Because he who can
awaken the dead must be capable of more still. We should fare badly with the one
before whom mountains bow down and the winds and seas fall silent. Hence we
should let him go, particularly since, as you can see hundreds already follow his
teaching with body and soul, taking him for the promised Messiah!”
[04] With this talk by the old Nazarene, the others get even more annoyed but none
dares to say another word.
[05] I however saw quite well that nothing could be done with these people, as they
had neither faith nor trust, and hence I said briefly but loudly enough for all to hear:
“Why are you angry? Have you not heard how it was said of old: “A prophet is not
without honour, except in his own country, and in his own house?” [Matt 13:57]. If so
however, as experience always taught of old, why are you offended? You would be
clever, but I say unto you that you are blind, deaf and full of foolishness. If I am He
Who I am, and My words and deeds testify thereof, why do you not believe? Must a
prophet always come from a far country to find faith? Does his native country have to
be unknown and his tongue foreign?
[06] Had I come from Persia, and not to mention India, doing the signs which I do
now, and as none had done before Me, then you would be prostrated before Me on
your faces, crying: “It is God’s visitation and we are full of sin and afflictions! Who
shall hide us from His wrath?” Being the familiar Joseph’s son, you ask: “How did He
come by this?” Oh you blind fools! Is not the land here as much God’s earth as in
Persia and India? Does not the same sun shine here, and all kinds of fruit made to
grow and ripen through God’s constantly ruling power and might? Are the moon and
the stars together with the sun and this earth less godly here than the
aforementioned countries?
[07] Since without any doubt everything is as godly and of God here as in other
distant countries, why should not man be so? If I perform deeds before your eyes
which were never possible to a Persian or Indian before, why should not I like any
foolish Persian or Indian earn your respect and faith? Verily, were I to go to the
Greeks and Romans today, they would build Me temples and altars!
[08] You however, among whose midst I grew up and known to you from My
childhood, ask with angry surprise: “Where does this carpenter, whom we had always
known as a real dim wit, get this from?” Oh just wait, the dim wit has ceased being a
dim wit and has done you many favours - formerly as dim wit, and now as Master and
Saviour evermore; but He shall henceforth not do so anymore.”
[09] To these words the Nazarenes were annoyed even more and left the school.
Chapter 24
Cyrenius” comments on the Nazarenes
[01] Cyrenius said thereto: “Lord and Master, as far as I can with these, stupidity
rather than malevolence is the case. For the Nazarenes, except for a few, are
notorious as fools, and a fool is always hard to enlighten. Little schooling, no
experience, mostly poor, little trade and travel. They subsist mostly from moderate
farming and some cattle breeding, and are known not to get to Jerusalem but once a
year perhaps, where they not only gain no spiritual education but always rather lose
it. Whence should they therefore obtain a better intellect to judge your godly doctrine
and godly deeds? On top of that these foolish people are usually jealous; and what I
noticed annoyed them most was that their sons, whom they sent to all kinds of
schools, are so infinitely behind You in wisdom, knowledge and the most energetic
drive! I would not ascribe evil but rather barest stupidity to them which of course can
sometimes turn into evil, but naturally not in the most harmful variety, for a foolish
person necessarily is too stupid in perpetrating serious damage to anyone. Hence we
ought to let them go!
[02] Should someone try to attack You physically, then that would worry me the
least. For a start You undisputably possess enough godly power to put an entire well-
armed legion to flight - let alone these barest fools, and secondly You have us highest
Roman rulers over all Asia fully on Your side, and hence You should never lack proper
protection! Should You find persecution here, well, then You know where Sidon and
Tyre are situated. Come there and You are safe against whatever kind of persecution.
[03] That these Nazarene townsfolk are almost without any education was shown by
the fact that they all streamed into the school more like gapers than humans, out of
animalistic curiosity, attested by the fact that they greeted neither myself nor any
other ranking lords and governors with any gesture whatsoever! Like donkeys, oxen
and stupid sheep they stormed in acting as if they alone were the lords of the world! I
cannot even count it to these people as a sin, as they are too crude, stupid and
uneducated, and I believe that You oh Lord, Who knows them a thousand times
better, shall not count it to show as sin either.”
[04] Say I: “There you are quite right. But it is most important that they recognise Me
in their heart as what I really am, for their eternal life depends wholly on this. If they
do not recognise Me, they cannot possibly recognise the One who sent Me into the
world - and even less the fact that I and the One who sent Me are one and the same
Being. As long as their heart does not recognise that, they do not have Me within
them and thus also not eternal life and are spiritually dead. For I Myself am eternal
life and through My teaching the way to it.
[05] Therefore, who does not accept Me and My teaching does not accept eternal life
either and, consequently reap eternal death.
[06] However, I may still not force anyone to believe because any compulsion would
be a judgement of the spirit which would give it death just as would the unbelief.
Therefore it is even for God difficult to work in such a way that man’s soul is not
harmed. If there is any compulsion through an ever so hidden force, he is under
judgement. And if there is absolutely no compulsion, he remains an unbeliever,
doubts everything and thereby proves that his spirit is completely dead. Who or what
shall then enliven his spirit?
[07] He does not accept My life-giving word - and thus also not Me as the sole source
of all life in the whole of infinity. Now ask yourself, where else could he obtain the life
that I brought and want to give to all men?”
[08] Says Cyrenius: “Yes, indeed I see this clearly now and also have to do so, as I
have known for thirty years Who You are; but let us now keep going and see where
we can get lunch. It is quite late in the afternoon.” We now left the school and town
and went to My house, where a good meal already awaited us. We ate and drank
cheerfully and were in good spirits the whole day.
Chapter 25
The unworthy people. [Matt. 13:55]
[01] There was much discussion about the events at Ostracine in Egypt where I spent
My childhood and the mother was quite communicative and enjoyed the talks with the
viceroy of Asia, as Cyrenius was also called.
[02] James, Joseph’s son, who was well-versed in writing, fetched a rather thick scroll
from his cabinet and handed it to Cyrenius with the words: “Noble lord, here I have
recorded everything from His birth until His fifteenth year; eventful actually only to
His twelfth year, for after that he lost his divine gift so completely that not a trace of
it could be detected. That is also why the three years –from 13 to 15 - look quite
empty except for some rather wise words, nothing notable took place, and do I did
not regard it as necessary to record the very ordinary happenings beyond His
fifteenth year. Thus this account of His early years may be considered complete.
[03] However, beside my notes there exist many false records, most likely the work
of some old, idle fishwives and, therefore, I do ask everyone to regard my description
as the only correct, true and comprehensive one. If I can thereby give you, noble
lord, some pleasure, I would like you to graciously accept this my little effort as a
small token of gratitude on my part for the many favours you have shown us.”
[04] Cyrenius joyfully takes the scroll into his hands, goes through the pages for a
while reading some of it aloud and everybody enjoys it very much. But this gives
particular pleasure to the lovely Sarah and also her mother.
[05] Sarah, who was constantly moved to tears, at last saying with a kind of
agitation: “What else is needed for grasping even with the hands what I had already
discerned from my first healing? God! Such deeds, such signs - and still no belief, no
insight, no recognition of the only too truly divine?! Lord, I as a poor weak sinner beg
You, work no more signs here. For these Nazarene people with very few exceptions
are not worth spitting on, let alone Your too holy words and deeds! I admit it openly
that if I were given the authority, I would let these people fast and hunger until they
gained insight and recognition of how greatly they had sinned by not recognising this
holy time of its visitation and grace!”
[06] Said I to Sarah: “Don’t be offended on account of these foolish and blind ones,
My one and only! I know them and their unbelief, and in accordance with your wish I
shall work few or no more signs [Matt. 13:58]. You My scribe Matthew make a note of
the fact that on account of the prevalent unbelief, I worked very few further signs in
My physical homeland, so that in remote future times all the world may know what
knuckleheads and unbelievers these Nazarene citizens were in My time! We shall
nevertheless stay a few more days and take it easy as idlers, as denounced by the
citizens! Since they are so angry, let them be more so, that they might sooner ripen
for Satan and his cursed kingdom!”
[07] Says Cyrenius: “I very much regret that, on account of grave matters of state I
am not able to remain here for more than a day; but if, oh Lord, I can do anything
about this most shamefully unbelieving folk then say so and demand it, and I shall at
once take appropriate measures! I will at once if it pleases You, have the entire town
[08] Say I: “Lets leave all that. These are already caned and punished
overabundantly through not believing on Me; for their faithlessness shall once be their
inexorable judge, for whom they shall have not one refounder in a thousand. Verily, I
say unto you, the Kingdom of God shall sooner be entered by fornicators, adulterers
and thieves than by these faithless he-goats and clods! Oh, I tell you what I know
only too well: these he-goats and clods are not as unbelieving as they make out to
be; they merely don’t want to believe in order that they can sin more freely. Because
if they accept My doctrine coercively through the signs, their conscience of necessity
would be convicted which would restrict them in their evil hustle and bustle;
wherefore they rather believe nothing, and mutually, dismiss anything evident from
their feelings, so that they may do as dictated by their evil lusts. Friend, here one
could say much, but it is better to keep silent. Hence let us leave them as they are;
for whatever is once of the devil, that is difficult to make godly along natural lines!”
Chapter 26
Hints for law-givers.
[01] Says Cyrenius: “It is good for me to know this; the rest shall transpire. Since
they don’t accept Your doctrine I shall fix them another. I shall acquaint them through
Faustus and his servants with imperial decrees which were sent to me already a half
year ago from Rome, already sanctioned for my examination. Perhaps the Gospel
from Rome will elicit more respect from them than Your Gospel from the heavens.
The decree contains a hundred items as laws, each backed by the cross and the
scourge; polygamy is abolished, fornication and whoring punished by most severe
scourging, adultery by the cross, robbery and deception by the cross, smuggling with
the scourge and a hundred pounds of silver, besides a host of property laws whose
transgression is followed by the scourge and a hundred pounds of silver. Travelling
without a passport shall be strictly forbidden; a passport however shall be obtainable
for a hundred pounds of silver. - Yes, this I shall do and implement these laws most
strictly especially in these Galilean cities and see whether no conscience at all is to be
discovered or awoken among these people!”
[02] Say I: “This goes with your governing sphere, and I can respond to that with
neither a no, nor a yes. Do as you see fit; but do not therewith complicate travelling
for Myself and Mine!”
[03] Says Cyrenius: “Definitely not; for artists, physicians, wise men and prophets
are excepted. Their references, deeds and rhetoric serve them as fully valid
passports, and the death penalty imposed on anyone hindering them. For Yourself I
shall have a certificate issued forthwith, and no one shall stop You if You produce the
[04] Say I: “Your perpetually good will pleases Me; but save yourself the trouble
nonetheless. Because for as long as I wish to travel about, no power shall be able to
stop Me! If, however I shall once desire to sacrifice Myself for mankind in aggregate,
then no power in the world shall be able to protect Me either; and even if they offered
Me such, I would not accept it. Because, friend: Him Whom heaven and earth obey
will surely be mightier than all men upon this earth, which latter would hardly serve
Me as a footstool! Hence do whatever you see fit, but not much thereof shall come to
fruition. For you may bring out an ever so tight law and soon you will see how
skillfully men circumvent the law, and you shall be able to do nothing.
[05] God’s Commandments, which were given to the people through Moses, surely
are as exhaustive as anything perfect can be; yet men, as these times show, saw fit
to quite cleverly transform God’s Commandment into their most truly own evil
ordinances that contemporary mankind has no compunction about transgressing
God’s Commandment so long as they fulfil those worldly ordinances!
[06] If people can do so with green wood, what shall they not do with a withered
block from Rome? Hence do indeed as you think fit, and it shall be right by Me; but I
also say unto you:
[07] The more laws, the more criminals, for whom with time your crosses and
scourges shall not suffice by far!”
[08] Says Cyrenius: “All that You have said to me so far is irrefutably true; but for my
very own instruction I would yet ask; what can one do about the stubbornness of men
who in the first instance, like these Nazarenes, believe in no God nor any longer in
Revelation from on high, making the most obvious mockery of God’s Commandment
with everyone of their deeds? Should one even then leave them with any most
severely sanctioned laws, that they may fearlessly indulge in loosest hedonism to
their liking, as it would please them, having for such a long time already been without
any divine Commandments starting to deal among themselves and with their
neighbours in a manner far worse than the rapacious beasts of the desert and forest?
Here it is my view that strict worldly laws would be well placed in order to return such
people gone completely wild to some order and from such lead them back to a
recognition of God!”
[09] Say I: “Quite so; because no way other than coercion through worldly law is
thinkable. But it there depends overwhelmingly on what kind of laws mankind is to be
[10] For this, an exceedingly deep knowledge of human nature is needed; and the
law-giver must not lose sight of the fundamental reason mankind was led into
degeneration, or he would resemble a physician who wants to heal all human
sicknesses with the self-same medicine, not thinking that the most diverse sicknesses
befalling man’s body are of an entirely different nature each having a different origin.
Such physician shall indeed find here and there a sick for whose problem the
medicine works, and the sick gets well; but a hundred other sick whose problem is of
a different nature not only don’t improve with such medicine but get much worse and
even die!
[11] If it is difficult to determine the right medicine even for a sick body, which surely
every doctor can see and touch, how much more difficult is it to find the right
medicine for a sick human soul!
[12] The law indeed is the medicine, provided that the right doctrine, as to how and
why it is to be kept is given in conjunction with it; consider however:
[13] Here you have an ill-tempered soul, there a timorous, over there a status-
seeking, a jealous, a mean and a deceiving soul; furthermore you find an
investigative, next to a lazy and sleepy one; inside one house are four obedient and
humble ones, in another, five stubborn ones - and so forth with countless attributes,
weaknesses and vices.
[14] Then you bring the one law for all these countless diversely natured souls; how
will it avail them? The timorous shall despair, the ill-tempered plot vengeance and
overthrow, the lazy remain lazy, whilst the exploring one shall lose courage and
pause in his good work. The mean will get meaner, the haughty shall plot with the
angry and the clever offer his services to both!
[15] Now consider these and thousands of other results that must go forth from an
unwise and clumsy law, and you shall besides that the need for a law other need,
namely its close examination as to whether it shall correspond beneficially to all
natures or not!
[16] If a law about to be decreed is not proved thus, it should not be presented to the
public for observing, as it would obviously have to cause more harm than good in
[17] Behold, God, the wisest Creator, has as it were found in the depth of His wisdom
only ten commandments that are suitable for all human character types, and they can
be easily observed by everyone who is willing, If, however, God Himself finds only ten
commandments which fully and beneficially correspond to the nature and peculiarity
of every human soul, how can a pagan Emperor in Rome find a hundred laws from
the observance of which the human souls are to gain their salvation?”
Chapter 27
Suitability of the ten commandments of God for the nature of the soul,
but their disregard by human (civil) laws.
[01] The Lord: “I tell you: As long as the Jewish people were ruled by the Judges,
who upheld only the laws of God, they complied - except for a few peculiarities - for a
long time fully with the divine order. When later, however, they had the opportunity
to see the splendour of heathen kings, how they resided in large, magnificent palaces
and how their subjects bowed before them into the dust, the blind fools among the
Jewish people liked this very much, and since they considered themselves to be the
mightiest nation on earth, they demanded of God a king, too. God did not
immediately want to grant the foolish wish of the people, but warned them and
showed them the bad consequences they would have to put up with under a king. But
God preached through the prophets to deaf ears. It did not help, the people wanted a
king at any cost.
[02] So God gave the people in Saul their first king and had him anointed by the old,
faithful servant Samuel. When the people had their king, who promptly gave them
hard to keep laws, they began to sink ever lower - right to the present state of utter
[03] And what is the main cause of this? Behold, the inept laws that stem from men
who did not know their own, let alone their fellowmen’s, nature and with the awkward
laws taking only their self-interest into account completely ruined all inner soul-life.
[04] Ask yourself and consider well: If there were somewhere in existence an artful
mechanism which had been in efficient operation for a long time in accordance with
the designer’s will, yet having stopped in the end due to some damaged part,
whereupon some conceited person along to the owner, saying: “Hand the work over
to me and I shall restore it”, and the owner did so believing the loud-mouth to be an
expert, - what shall most certainly become of the machine if the loud-mouth gets his
hands on the machine? Will not this loud-mouth, bereft of all basic mechanical
knowledge, trying only to get a few gold pieces out of the equally blind machine
owner, not do the machine more harm than good? Will he not rather damage the
machine to the extent where even the actual machine builder shall hardly be able to
fix it?
[05] If this necessarily would and has to be the case with a most rudimentary and
clumsy machine whose parts can readily be seen, counted and grasped by hand
withal, if an ignorant loud-mouth wanted to restore it, how much more would a
human who is in all his parts the wisest and most artful life-machine, of whose total
fitting together only God has full knowledge and insight, be harmed if an ignorant and
most unwise, selfish law-giver were intent on reforming him through the most clumsy
and counter-productive laws, where he has not the faintest notion for comprehending
even a thousandth part what is required to just make one hair grow upon a human
[06] Therefore, My dear friend Cyrenius, do leave your intended hundred laws at
home, for you would not better anyone through them. Instead, let God’s laws rule
and sanction them, and through the observance of these you will be making true
humans out of human machines.
[07] Once they have become humans you can present to them the needs of the state,
and as true humans they will voluntarily do more than they could ever have done as
the gagged slaves of hard and awkward laws.
[08] I say unto you: only that which man does out of free will and well-developed
insight is truly done brings benefits one way or another; every coerced work or deed
however is not worth a penny. Because alongside every coerced work or deed, anger
and revenge against the enforcer are also at work and this shall not be a blessing for
whatever labour eternally.
[09] When you have thought through these My words, My dearest Cyrenius then it
also shall become plain to you that I told you only the fullest truth!”
[10] Says Cyrenius: “Most noble and godly friend, here truly I don’t need much
thought; for Your words are as clear and true as the sun at high noon, and I shall do
as advised by You. I shall sanction Moses’ Commandments anew and shall know how
to make the people act accordingly! Noblest friend, if it should please You, then I shall
also with Your secret spiritual assistance proclaim the well-known Mosaic
Commandments to the Greeks for their strictest keeping! For that I should not be
lacking even political reasons; because the constant frictions between the Jews and
Greeks are notorious, forming from the differing faiths in God and the equally diverse
concepts of Him. The Jews assert their thing, come murder or fire, whilst the Greeks,
being way ahead of the Jews dialectically, with their smooth tongues so beat the dull
Jews that the latter cannot give the Greeks one rejoinder in a thousand, escalating
not seldom to bloody consequences, something that surely is not a desirable
consequence for differences in faith and divine Commandments.
[11] If therefore I give the Jewish divine Commandments to the Greeks as well,
sanctioning them as said even for political reasons, then such disputations shall surely
cease. Lord and Master, am I right to do so? And if I am to do it, then please tell me
from Your unfathomable wisdom how to go about achieving the said result.”
Chapter 28
The need for spiritual freedom and a free will.
[01] The Lord: “In spiritual matters of life do beware above all of the Roman “must”
for that is at all times damaging rather than useful to man. For every “must” is a
judgement and does not allow any freedom which in purely divine matters of life is
the only well-fertilised field in which the seed of life can germinate, sprout and finally
develop into a blessed and mature fruit of life.
[02] If you take a recently hatched bird to feed it for strength and rapid flying yet,
good feeding not withstanding, keep trimming its wings, - say, will even the best
feeding help him? The bird shall be subsisting for sure, but there shall be a problem
with free flying until you stop trimming its wings!
[03] Just as the bird is incapable of flying without flying feathers, so also man’s spirit
cannot attain to a free life-activity, when his free cognition is trimmed by the
sanctioned “must”. A spirit without freedom of action is dead because he does not
have what fundamentally conditions and comprises his life.
[04] For his mere terrestrial life-sphere you can give man a thousand laws sanctioned
under “must”, and you will harm man’s spirit therewith far less than if you sanction
him even one divine Commandment terrestrially.
[05] The spiritual must remain free and has to determine the sanction freely within
itself, as also the judgment associated therewith; only thus can it gain life’s perfection
in and out of itself.
[06] Free cognition of the good and true are the spirit’s life-light; out of these he then
himself determines laws that appeal to him. These are then free laws and the only
ones harmonious to free life. The spirit’s violation in accordance with his cognition is
the free law within the spirit, and the necessity to eternally act in free will is the
everlasting sanction in accordance with which no spirit surely shall act otherwise than
in free volition.
[07] And behold, this also is the everlasting self-determining order in God, who surely
has no law-giver above Himself.
[08] God’s freest will itself, in accordance with the most perfect cognition and wisest
insights within Himself determines the law, sanctioning it out of its very own,
although admittedly free necessity. And this then is the basis of all created, terrestrial
things and continuance, in so far as this essential for the development, solidification
and ultimate isolation of the spirit.
09] The human spirit should however become perfect in himself and by himself like
the primordial spirit of God is in Himself and by Himself perfect, otherwise the spirit is
no spirit but a judged death.
10] So that the human spirit can become this, the opportunity must be offered to
him, to develop himself with time, just like the divine spirit in God Himself has
developed Himself from eternity!
11] Behold, since eternity I surely would have sufficient power, to coerce all people
with compellingly inner power, to precisely act according to any given law, so that
they are not able to deviate one hair’s breath from it; but then man would cease to
be man and he would be an animal just like any other in the large kingdom of
animals. He would of course very precisely conduct his work but regarding the work
itself you would discover just as little difference as with the work of cell building bees
and countless many other large and smaller animals.
12] If you then wanted to develop such animal-humans to something higher with
your free recognition, you would achieve just as little with them as when it occurred
to you to send the bees to a school, where they finally should learn to start building
their cells in a better and more effective manner.
13] Therefore you should not judge the ability of man to sin so low and not as too
felonious; since without this ability to act against such given laws, man would be an
animal and not a person!
14] And I say to you: Sin gives man the testimonial that he is human; without it he
would be an animal!”
Chapter 29
Blessedness of free development.
[01] (The Lord:) “Therefore, it is good and right to punish sinners if they have strayed
too much from the order which God Himself has set for certain perfection attainable in
the shortest possible time. But no one should be prevented from the possibility of
sinning through an inflexible “must”. For I assure you: I prefer a sinner who
voluntarily repents to 99 righteous according to the law who never needed
repentance. The first one is a complete man, the others only partly.
[02] Thereby I do not, of course, want to say that I prefer a sinner, who is always a
sinner, to a righteous man, for to continue in sin means: to also become an animal
which lives an unclean life prompted by a false instinctive motivation. Here I speak
only of a sinner who in himself freely recognises that it was wrong to act contrary to
the law and who begins to change his attitude according to the recognised order of
God and becomes a man who is familiar with every lesson life teaches.
[03] Once in My Kingdom such a spirit will be capable of achieving endlessly greater
things than one who out of slavish fear never strayed from the law by a hair’s breadth
and in this be fear dictated observance of the law has physically and spiritually turned
himself into a machine without a free will.
[04] Take a stone and throw it upwards! In accordance with the “must” law put into
it, it shall not take long for it to fall back to earth. Is the stone to be praised for
keeping the law so strictly? You can certainly do all sorts of things with the stone as
far as a solid foundation is concerned; but create some free activity for it, and it shall
not abandon its dead rest!
[05] Hence you should not turn people into stones through “must” laws but rather
educate them in their freedom, then you have acted fully in accordance with God’s
[06] Behold, if the people highly placed upon earth were not as lazy as they are, with
rare exception they would with just a random amount of investigative spirit have
quite easily noted that any person with a certain degree of education shall not in all
eternity be satisfied with an animalistic monotony. He no longer builds a hut with
thatches, straw and kneaded clay, but masons stones and bakes clay into bricks,
building himself a stately dwelling with encircling walls, adding solid towers from
whose battlements he can espy the approach of potential enemies!
[07] And so a thousand educated people shall build themselves dwellings from which
none resembles another - neither in shape nor interior design; but in contrast look at
the nest of birds and animal retreats, and you shall never find diversification! Look at
a swallow’s or sparrow’s nest or a spider’s web or bee’s cell and a thousand other
products or efforts brought forth by animals, and you shall find neither an
improvement nor retrogression. But compare human works: what almost limitless
diversity! And yet it is always only humans which bring all this about with often much
[08] This proves clearly that God Who endowed man with a spirit similar to His own,
did not create man to become an animal, but to gain the fullest and freest God-
Chapter 30
Development and law.
[01] The Lord: “If man, irrespective of sex, colour of skin and earthly rank has been
created by God for such a supreme goal, which is now no doubt quite clear to you, his
spiritual part cannot ever be given a “must” law if he is finally to become that for
which God has destined him. Instead, every law should be given with a “shall,” and
only for wicked opponents of the free law there should be a suitable punishment,
always providing a chance for voluntary betterment, which must never appear as an
arbitrary, but as a necessary consequence of disregarding the law of order. In this
manner the human spirit will arrive at independent thinking and sooner accept the
given law and act in accordance with it, whereas an arbitrary punishment for an
offence always hardens and embitters the human heart and turns man into a devil
show vengeance will not die until he has, either while still in this world, but quite
certainly in the beyond, taken terrible revenge. This has to be allowed, for otherwise
he could not ever be bettered in the hell of his own heart.
[02] The law-giver and punisher shall never forget that man’s spirit, be it good or
evil, can never be put to death, but lives on. While he still walks visibly on earth you
can defend yourself and drive him off if he persecutes you; but once he has left the
body and is able to approach you in a thousand ways to harm you and dog your steps
without being seen and detected by you, - say, with what weapons can you then
defend yourself?
[03] Behold, I now tell you: the great calamity which would have completely crushed
you without Me, you have alone to thank those spirits whom you made into
irreconcilable enemies through your over-strict implementation of Roman state law.
Hence let this My all-embracing instruction be impressed upon your senses, whereby
you shall then become a good worker in God’s vineyard, for you lack neither authority
nor means, nor a consistently good will; that which you had been lacking however
you have now received from Myself. Apply it faithfully, and a fruition-blessed crown
shall not fail to reward you!”
[04] Says Cyrenius fully touched by the wise practicality of My instruction to him: “Oh
You my holiest, foremost and greatest friend, Master and God of my heart! Only now
am I fully in the clear. A thousand and multiple thousands of happenings in my life
now come to mind, and I now see that notwithstanding my honest and good will,
have sinned against the divine order towards those I condemned to execution will the
law’s full force was unfortunately greater than theirs. Who shall therefore be capable
of ever making good such blatant sins before You?”
[05] Say I: “Don’t be troubled. With God nothing is impossible, and I have made
everything good for you a long time hence, - or you should not now be with Me!”
Chapter 31
Jairus” talk about the effect of miracles.
[01] Says Jairus thereto: “Yes, indeed, mighty Cyrenius, you are fully right in saying
about yourself that you are now in the clear; because I too and surely each one of us
is so and is able to grasp the sheerest eternal necessity for this incontrovertible truth
from its foundation as to how things are and how man should be constituted. But
what can be done? Mankind has sunk too deeply, - it does not comprehend a gentle,
free doctrine, and to be honest, one would waste the time, because one would go into
fruitless effort, hardly bringing forth thistles and thorns for vainest fruition! Hence
through gentle means no results are possible, at least not with the Jews I know!
[02] To teach the people through signs however is doubly wrong, because persuaded
through miracles to receive the truth, man is under judgement and bonded, believing
the words reinforced through miracles not on account of the truth but solely on
account of the mighty wonders, and not from inner conviction and consequent self-
determination; hence becoming active in accordance with such word out of slavish
fear of some sudden punishment. If someone cleverly dissuades him against the
miracle, he shall also be the first to say a glad goodbye to the world with the
accompanying faith! And secondly, the doctrine supported by miracles is bad also
because the miracle as such cannot have a duration in itself, and cannot move
forward to generations to come as more than a told and not experienced one, unable
to serve more than as a children’s tale.
[03] If a miracle could be made to last, or empower all teacher’s hearing these truths
to work signs perpetually, then such lasting wonder would be relegated only too soon
to natural daily occurrences by the human intellect, losing the force of its significance.
A miracle that can be worked by all teachers of truth at all times would also secondly
become mundane like the commonplace magic of the troubadours, which certainly I
am not able to emulate, neither seeing how and by what means they are effected;
but because one sees such only too often, it loses the attribute of the wondrous,
sinking to the commonplace and unusual.
[04] Is not everything that daily surrounds us wonder upon wonder? That which we
hear, see, feel, smell, taste - is nothing but wonder upon wonder! Yet because it
endures and always proceeds in the same order, it loses the attribute of the
miraculous and hence does not bond man’s feeling as does judgement but merely
engages the attention of some scientist. These put the ear to the ground, desperately
trying to hear the grass grow; but notwithstanding all their efforts they achieve little
or nothing, not being able to find out how the grass does grow, they in the end put on
airs of comprehension. Not being able to make the grass grow, others learn ancient
and worn out bits of magic to confound those blind and therewith make the seeing
laugh at how harmlessly the blind let themselves be talked around.
[05] It is therefore certain that miracles basically have either very little or as is
usually the case nothing whatever for reforming mankind because of what I rightly
just said about miracles; they indeed normally arouse the idle curiosity of the
onlookers, but with all due effort they nevertheless don’t loosen the sinister heart-
strings of the soul, the miracle-gapers remaining as they were and at most ask each
other usually as foolishly as possible - “yet how the magician got it going!” - but the
still more foolish ones don’t see anything about the wonder-man other than devils
and their spooking anyway.
[06] However, if so few desirable fruits emerge from the sphere of the miraculous and
even fewer and inferior ones by legal coercion, according to Your most lucid
presentation Oh Lord and Master, hardly five in a thousand people being open to free
learning, then I believe myself not wrong in asking what in the end is one to do as
teacher? Miracles harm and so do harsh laws - whilst only sporadically is any man
capable of freely absorbing instruction from Your divine wisdom depth! How can one
effectively free oneself from this dilemma? How can one steer the ship past the world-
renowned Scylla and Charybdis in order not to be swallowed by either the one or the
Chapter 32
Basics about God’s nature.
[01] Say I: “You have judged correctly, My friend; but one thing you still forgot - that
to God many things are still possible which seem impossible to men. Behold and
count My disciples! There are few school-educated amongst them; I first awakened
them through the Word and only then let them experience in actuality the foretold
power of the divine word. A miracle worked after the preceding pure word is no longer
judgmental but merely a reinforcement of the Word.
[02] But I nevertheless do not place the proofs of the miracles that I work into the
miracles themselves, but into the light of the world, saying: he who lives in
accordance with My Word, such alone shall gain living conviction within himself that
My words are not vainly human ones but the words of God!
[03] Verily he who does not receive this stated proof in his heart, to him all other
proofs shall be of little or no use! For My words are themselves light, truth and life.
[04] He who hears My Word therefore and accepts same, living in accordance with it,
he has taken Me up personally within himself; he who receives Me also perceive Him
Who sent Me into the world and who nevertheless is completely one with Me. For
whatever I want, He wants too! And He is none other than I and I none other than He
right down to the skin which encloses us both. In whomsoever as in Myself, love and
wisdom reside in the heart is like Me and like He Who sent Me into this world to heal
and make blissful all who will believe on the Son of Man! - Do you all comprehend
[05] Say many: “Yes, Lord!” But some say: “This is for the first time a difficult
doctrine, and we can hardly grasp its meaning. How can You and Your Word be one
and the same?”
[06] Say I: “If you are not able to grasp what shines as brightly before you as the
midday sun, how shall you grasp greater things? If you don’t understand the
terrestrial, how shall you grasp heavenly things? What and Who is the Father? Behold
and understand: The eternal love in God is the Father. What and Who is the Son?
That which goes forth from the fire of love, - the light, which is the wisdom in God.
And as love and wisdom are one, thus also Father and Son are one.
[07] Where is there one among you who does not have some sort of love and hence
some corresponding degree of intellect? Is he on that account of a twofold nature? Or
if a lamp is burning with a bright flame that surely is a fire, must he go about lighting
flames all over in order to see within the same room? Does not one bright flame light
up the one room so well that one has enough light in the whole room? Does not the
light proceed from the flame, which is a fire? And since it goes forth from the flame, is
it therefore something other than the shining flame itself? - Oh you blind ones! -
Natural things like that you are not able to grasp, - how then will you understand the
[08] Wherefore let him who is offended in Me go home and do and believe whatever
seems right to him. For everyone shall once live in accordance with his belief, and the
deeds which he shall carry out in accordance with his belief out of his love shall be his
[09] For I shall not judge anyone, but each man’s judge shall be his love - in
accordance with the Word that I have now spoken unto you!”
[10] Following this explanation, those who previously had not understood My talk
come forward asking Me whether they can stay; because they started to see the light,
and they would spare no effort in trying to understand My Word more clearly than
had been the case before.
[11] And I say: “surely I never removed you but only advised everybody who would
be offended in Me to rather leave for their own sake than continue to be offended.
Since I have therefore not removed you, why should you not be allowed to stay? Stay
if your hearts are anger-free!” With this advice they move back reassured.
Chapter 33
Healing of an old Jew’s sick relative.
[01] Thereupon an old Jew from the district of Nazareth suddenly enters the room
asking for Me. The disciples point me out and he steps over to Me, falling on his knees
and saying in a sobbing voice,
[02] “Most beloved Master, son of my old friend Joseph! I heard of Your miraculous
way of healing the sick and therefore set out to see You in my great plight, as I heard
that You are now staying in Nazareth again.
[03] Behold, I count ninety years already and quite toilsome; I have children and
grandchildren who have looked after me with all love and attention. But now some
unknown sickness has come over them, making them all bedridden and I as a feeble
old man am the only one in the house spared and don’t know what to do. No
neighbour ventures into my house for fear of contracting the serious disease, and so I
stand there helplessly by myself and at a loss what to do. I have prayed to God the
Lord for help - even through death if that be His will!
[04] As I was praying thus, a person came to my window saying: “What makes you
doubt since help is so near you? Go to Joseph’s house! The Saviour Jesus Himself is
there; He alone can and will help you!” - Thereupon I gathered together all my
strength, handed all my sick, whom I couldn’t help anyway to God the Lord and set
upon the not too distant walk to You here. And since I was so fortunate as to find You
good, beloved Saviour here, I would also beg You with all my vital powers to go over
to my seventeen sick, who are being tormented terribly by the unknown sickness!”
[05] Say I: “I had actually decided to work no more signs for this area on account of
the exceeding lack of faith. If you believe that I am able to help you, then return
home confidently and what you have believed shall happen to you.”
[06] Deeply moved, the old man thanked Me and went home. And fortified himself,
and still approaching the house, the seventeen, as well, came to meet him, as if they
had never been ill greeting him faithfully and amicably as always, assuring him that
they suddenly got well a half hour earlier, and hazarding to get up, they had felt
stronger than ever before in their healthy state. They had looked for him everywhere
and had started worrying about him.
[07] Hearing this, the old man realised that the nasty sickness left his relatives at
exactly the time I had said to him at My house - Let it be done to you according to
your faith.
[08] Only at the house, after his relatives asked him where he had been, did he say:
“I had heard that the world-renown Saviour Jesus was again staying at Nazareth, and
so I got up and went over - and behold, he heard me and just said: “Let it be done to
you according to your faith” and you became well instantly upon this His Word! Say it
yourselves whether anything like it had ever been experienced in Israel before!”
[09] Say the healed ones: “Hearken, father, if so then He must be more than just a
wonder-healer! Father, this could in the end at last be another great prophet, greater
than Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, - in the end perhaps as great as Moses,
Aarona and Elijah! Only to these was it possible to work such miracles with Jehovah’s
help, because all spirits, under the earth as well as upon it, in the water and in the air
had to subject themselves to them. If however they are subject to such exceedingly
great prophet, then of course he has to be capable of accomplishing anything he
[10] But how did the carpenter’s son come by such inestimable grace from God? We
all know him only too well; it is hardly three years since he was carpenting for us with
his brothers. There was nothing like that noticeable with him then. He must only
recently received such gift! A pious man he was at all times indeed; his demeanour
was always highly respectable; he was a quiet worker speaking only essentials. He
was hardly ever seen laughing, but neither mourning. Thus Jehovah could well have
regarded his virtues and now given him such grace. For Jehovah never looks on a
person’s worldly standing but only upon his pure, unspoiled heart!”
[11] Says the old man: “Yes indeed, you could be right there, it is bound to be so.
But if it is indisputably thus, then we must go there early in the morning and bring
him our praise and thanks! Because everyman should bow his knees before a prophet
obviously called and anointed by God with His Spirit! Because it is not the prophet but
God Himself Who speaks and acts through the heart and mouth of same!”
[12] Say all: “Amen, let this be our first and highest duty!” These people then moved
into the house, and the young ones prepared supper, for they all were hungry.
Chapter 34
01] However, the pharisees from Nazareth have heard about the dangerous illness of
the occupants of this house and that they never will recover. They went there to
settle everything about the tenth of the estate and about the funeral; since after
death they had no right anymore to the inheritance, because the ill has departed
without their support, - in which case the state acted as heir. When thus the
pharisees arrived already late at night when the people of the house began to go to
bed, the greedy transporters of souls into the aftermath showed very disappointed
faces when they found the people of the house in the best of health of whom they
were expecting at least half of them to be dead already.
02] The first pharisee who entered with great precaution holding his breath, said:
“Yes, what is this? Are you still alive? We thought that at least half of you have
passed away already, and we come to bless your souls and to bury your bodies
according to the custom of our fathers! Who made you well again? Surely not Borus!
We know that he did not visited you when he was called; for he was like us equally
afraid of your extremely dangerous illness. Who thus was your doctor?”
03] Said the son-in-law of the old man, who was a strong man regarding work and
talking: “Why are you asking about it? You have not supported us and therefore we
do not owe each other anything! You have not come to us because of our salvation,
but for the tenth of the inheritance; and I say to you: about this you can forever stay
away from our house! For if you not can, want and dare to provide assistance to a
house in all danger, then you can go elsewhere! This house will never require any
help from you! Truly, with all your actions you are worse than the evil worms of the
earth who only devour, do no good but ruin all kind of good fruit of the earth and
make it wretched! Therefore leave our faces soon otherwise you will get mugged!”
04] Said one of the elders: “Alright, we will leave; but you could do us favour by
telling us who have helped you! Daily we have prayed for you for seven hours and
therefore would like to know if you have been miraculously healed by our prayers!
Since it would be impossible for you to have recovered along conventional methods!
Tel us therefore; it costs you in anyway nothing!”
05] Says the son-in-law: “Leave, you liars! You might have prayed for our death for
seven hours daily to obtain the inheritance tenth, but surely not for our life; for you
have not come here to greet us as recovered, but to write up the tenth and greedily
take possession of it after the death of us all! O you loose villains, I know you only
too well and your prayers as well! Therefore leave, otherwise I will be forced to make
use of my house-rights! You are forever not worthy to pronounce the name of Him
who helped us!”
06] Said the elder once more: “Now then, let it be that we are as you think; but we
still can change! Since a miracle has taken place and it can reform us in all our
thinking and actions! Therefore tell us!”
07] Said the son-in-law quite heatedly: “Nothing on this earth will change you, also
not God! If you could have changed you would have changed long ago; since you
have Moses and all the Prophets who testify against you! However, your god is
Mammon and consists of gold and silver! This god you serve in your hearts and only
outwardly wrap yourself with the cloth of Moses and Aaron for pretence, so that you
more easily as tearing wolves in sheep clothes can attack the herds with your deadly
teeth and tear them to pieces and consume them!
08] However, Jehovah knows you and soon will give you the long overdue deserved
reward! God has now awaken Jesus, the son of the carpenter, just like Moses once,
and this Jesus who healed us from a distance only by His mighty word, will also tell
you how much your reward is worth before God; since He is filled with the spirit of
God and you with the spirit of Beelzebub! Therefore let it be said to you for the last
time, that you better leave and never set foot in this house again, - otherwise you will
experience evil!”
09] After these words the pharisees leave the house and think quite strange things
about Jesus who again crossed their actions, and they started to plan how to get rid
of him, otherwise the certain possibility exists that in a short time all Jews will be
instigated against them just like this house.
10] But when they allowed these thoughts to quite animated arise in them, a mighty,
thundering bang occurred behind them so that they were immensely terrified and
began running back to town.
Chapter 35
Occasion with the inheritance-seeking Pharisees and the old man’s son-in-
[01] When they entered the dwelling they immediately picked up David’s Psalter and
with the first throw opened it at Psalm 37 and the elders starts to read:
[02] “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the
workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the
green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good: so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily
thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires
of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him: and he shall bring it
to pass. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as
the noonday.
[03] Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who
prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For
evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the
[04] For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently
consider his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall
delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plotteth against the just,
and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that
his day is coming. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to
cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their
sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
[05] A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. For
the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous. The
Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. They
shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be
satisfied. But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat
of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away. The wicked
borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.
[06] After this verse, one Pharisee rises, saying to the elder reading: “What kind of
silly stuff are your reading? Don’t you notice that this all concerns us from a bad
angle whilst from the good angle none other than the carpenter’s son? This is quite a
damning incrimination of us, yet you are reading as lightly and cheerfully as if it were
some written praise of us from the Jerusalem High Priest!”
[07] Says the elder: “Friend, it will do us no harm if we are therewith lit up to each
other a little more brightly than we are! It is better that we lit up a little in front of
each other than be lit up a little later naked before the whole world as deceivers of
the people, despised and abandoned by everyone. Because it depends in the final
analysis on God alone as to how long in our current ways and means we remain
standing un-exposed, and hence I am going to continue reading this most
extraordinary Psalm!”
[08] Says several: “You are right, do so!”
[09] And the elder continues reading:
[10] “For such as are blessed by Him shall inherit the earth; and they who are cursed
by Him shall be cut off.”
[11] Here the incensed Pharisee asks again: “Who are the blessed, and who the
[12] Says the Elder: “That we are not the blessed ones can be grasped with the
hands, with the rising persecution through the Romans! For were we the blessed then
God would not have set down such plague in our promised land! Everything else you
can easily work out yourself. But I shall continue to read,
[13] The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his
hand. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen ten righteous
forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed
is blessed.
[14] Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. For the Lord loveth
judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of
the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for
[15] The mouth of the rigious speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.
The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide. The wicked watcheth
the righteous, and seeketh to slay him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor
condemn him when he is judged.
[16] Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land:
when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.
[17] I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green by
tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be
[18] Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.
But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut
off. But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of
trouble. And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from
the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.
[19] As the elder finished the Psalm, the Pharisee furiously assails him, shouting: “Old
donkey you, do you not notice that we are described as the wicked in this Psalm,
whilst those on Jesus” side as the righteous? Do you not notice that we shall be cut
off, whilst they shall inherit the land? Are not we the ones trying to kill him, the
righteous one, whilst God preserves him? This is a nice Psalm for us!”
[20] Says the Elder: “I did not write it! It is in the Book; and if we remain as we are
we shall also have to bear it in actuality! Do you understand such, and God’s power?!”
[21] Says another: “This thing I understand better than all of you! Our friend Roban
was bound to read this Psalm; this was effected by the carpenter son’s most
inexplicable magic powers of course! For he was able to heal with one word the entire
family, where we had only just heretofore sought our gold and silver fortune then he
is equally able to force us to read only such Psalms which testify as forcibly against us
as the testimony once against David’s foes.
[22] Beside this, the old Joseph is supposed to definitely be descended from David’s
lineage, and Jesus also is referred to now as Son of David as Joseph’s second wife
Mary also is supposed to be a descendant of that same tribe, for which reason the old
Joseph who has always been a clever fox most probably caused his son secretly to
learn all sorts of magical powers, so that the latter would confound the superstitious
Romans and Greeks thereafter to then introduce himself as a son of Jupiter or Apollo,
thereupon the Romans would have to indisputably proclaim and elevate him as their
emperor! And if those lords residing in Rome are as blind as these wielding power
over Asia, whom Jesus already has in his bag to so speak, then he may not be failing
in a short time to prescribe laws to the Romans - and we are then all done for!”
[23] Says another: “surely it ought to be possible to put a stop to such undertaking
through secret correspondence with the emperor!”
[24] Says the first: “You shall find it hard to put a stop to one who sees everything
with his magical sight that you think ever so secretly. Who else but he frightened us
with the thunderclap on the way home, as he is sure to have heard what we said
against him? And who else but he caused us to read the Psalm so severely
condemning us? And why? Because he was sure to know what we intended
undertaking against him! Go and sit at the writing table and try a secret writing to the
Emperor - and I vouch for it that you shall either not be able to write one word down,
or you shall be forced to depict a dreadful self-incrimination through his inexplicable
secret magic power!
[25] On top of that our chief Jairus is now taken in by him body and soul for twice
awakening his daughter from death and backs him up in whatever the former wants -
and hence we shall also accomplish nothing against him in Jerusalem. In short, we
are nailed up on all sides, and tied up and cannot move against him. The best thing
still it seems to me is to grin and bear it or declare ourselves fully as his disciples, for
we can otherwise do nothing worthwhile against him, since we are not so much as
able to think it without him finding out instantly in the most penetrating way.”
[26] Says old Roban: “I am of the same opinion! We have only once option: that we
maintain complete neutrality, or we all embrace his doctrine and do as he advises and
commands us for one cannot kick against this prickle.”
[27] Say all: “We shall maintain ourselves completely neutral, that shall be the best;
for therewith we shall alienate neither Rome nor Jerusalem, and therein lies our
prudence along which we must order our lives.”
[28] After this all go to take their rest and each is secretly pondering what to do for
his part.
Chapter 36
The Pharisees’ elder Roban with Jesus.
[01] In the morning Roban nevertheless comes to Me in the house asking to speak
with Me.
[02] I say to him: “I know what you want to tell Me; but that which I want to tell you,
you know not, and so you may hear Me.”
[03] Says Roban: “If You intend to speak, then do, and I will hear You.”
[04] Say I: “Yesterday you were reciting a Psalm; it turned out to be Psalm 37, and it
hit you as well as your colleagues hard, and you turned somewhat inwardly and then
discussed whether to be neutral towards me or become My disciples. You decided on
neutrality. You yourself thought during the night about becoming My disciple, and
have now come to ask Me about it.
[05] I say to you neither yes or no and remain if you wish, or go if you will! For
behold, I have plenty of disciples! There are several rooms in this My house and they
are all full of disciples. Out there in the open you see tents occupied by My disciples.
Here, next to this My smallest room, is the big work and dining room; inside are
resting still the big lords of Rome, and these are My disciples as well. Inside one small
room lives the chief Jairus with wife and daughter whom I had twice awakened from
the dead. And behold, he too is My disciple. If I have people like that as My disciples,
then you can just as well also become My disciple. But as you see, I am not insisting!
Stay if you wish, and if not, leave. Because both roads are open to you.”
[06] Says Roban: “Lord, I stay, - and it is highly likely that more of my colleagues
shall come and stay like I. Because I am starting to comprehend that there must be
more to You than mere secret magical powers of an occidental magician. You are a
god-anointed prophet of a distinct order as never was one before You and hence I
[07] It is indeed written that no prophet shall arise out of Galilee; but I no longer
adhere to that, - because an obvious deed counts more with me than the mysterious
Word of Scripture which none can understand in its true depth. On top of that You are
not to my knowledge a native of Galilee but of Bethlehem, and You therefore could
quite well be a prophet. I feel myself powerfully attracted to You, and Your proximity
has an agreeable effect on me, and so I stay. I don’t actually possess great wealth,
but what I have, we could all live on for thirty years. If You charge tuition fees then
half my wealth is at Your disposal.”
[08] Say I: “Go over to My disciples and ask them how much they pay Me for tuition
and maintenance; then pay Me the same!”
[09] Roban immediately asks several disciples in attendance. These however spoke:
“Our holy Master has never yet asked us for a stater [Austrian currency. The Ed.],
although we are constantly provided by Him with everything He is bound to ask no
more of you than of us. Faith and love is all He asks of us.”
[10] Asks Roban further: “Can you actually already perform some deeds that are
beyond human comprehension? And if you are capable of doing so, do you also
understand how such is possible?”
[11] Says Peter: “If necessary we too can perform such deeds through the Master’s
power and also understand quite thoroughly how these are quite easily possible. If
you intend to be a genuine disciple of His, you too shall be able to carry out such
deeds and then understand quite well what you are doing! For here love is the law,
and wisdom carries it out.”
[12] Roban continues to ask: “And were you able to discover here or there whether
Satan perhaps invisibly has a part in it?”
[13] Says Peter: “What wicked are you poor blind man not asking! How can Satan
have a part where all the supremely highest heavens exert the almightiest influence?!
I and all of us have seen the heavens open and the angels of God descending to earth
in countless hosts; and we saw how they served Him - and us all! If so, how is
Satan’s participation possible?!
[14] If you cannot believe me then go to Sychar and inquire of the High Priest Joel
and the wholesaler merchant Jairuth who now occupies the well known castle Esau!
These our friends shall faithfully acquaint you with Who He is Whose disciples we
have the never-deserved highest grace to be! At Jonael’s as well as Jairuth’s, you
shall also encounter serving angels in seemingly physical form.”
[15] On hearing such, Roban steps up to Me full of reverence whether I have any
objection to him travelling to Sychar.
[16] Say I: “Not in the least. Go there and inquire about all these things and when
you are back again inform your brothers and colleagues of all the things you have
heard and seen. When you have completed this mission successfully, come back here
and follow Me. For you shall be able to find out which direction I headed off
meanwhile. But when travelling through the first toll-district from here, and
afterwards Kis and Cana in Samaria, and they ask you whereto and in whose name
you are undertaking this journey then mention My name, and they shall let you go for
free everywhere. But don’t travel with the outfit of a Pharisee elder, for that way you
would not get far; but put on simple and ordinary citizen’s clothing, and they shall
have no objection even in Samaria.”
[17] On hearing such, Roban at once got under way, going to foreign parts seeking
and recognising what was so close to him at home.
[18] But these are people and spirits at all times that one can see, experience and
learn more abroad than at home; yet the same sun shines everywhere. Of course one
can get to know other areas, other people and other customs and other tongues; but
whether the heart has won anything therefrom is another thing!
[19] He who goes travelling to foreign parts for idle curiosity or to amuse or divert
himself shall win little for educating his heart; but he who goes abroad to be of use to
those people and to bring them a new light, let him journey and act, and the journey
shall yield him much gain.
[20] Every prophet accomplishes more in a foreign land than in his own house.
Chapter 37
Jose the old man thanks the Lord.
[01] After Roban was gone, the old man, who was named Jose, came with his
children and grand-children who were all healed that night and gave Me thanks,
praise and honour, asking whether he and his could keep Me company that day.
[02] And I spoke to him: “Do as it pleases you! You had to put up a fight for Me last
night with the Pharisees, and you all carried yourselves well in My name. Wherefore
you shall in future be freed from all such plague, and no greedy zealot shall in future
cross the threshold of your house. But go over to My disciples now, and these shall
instruct you on what to believe and do in future!”
[03] At this point Peter steps forward and leads the entire company over to Matthew
the scribe and the latter lets them read all that has taken place with My disciples and
what I have taught.
[04] Only after these were thus looked after spiritually do Cyrenius, Cornelius,
Faustus and the Chief Jairus with wife and daughter emerge from their bedrooms,
greeting Me most amicably and thanking Me for the good and fortifying sleep and
exceedingly beautiful dreams that night; I reciprocate their greetings, pointing out the
new arrivals who had been healed.
[05] And Cyrenius steps over to them, questioning them in detail. On hearing about
the mighty machinations of the Pharisees he became enraged and spoke: “Nay, Lord,
in your exceedingly holy name, I can not forgive these disciples of Satan! I must have
them punished even if I should lose my life! Are not these wolves, hyenas and foxes
the likes of which there are none in Palestine or even all of Asia! What difference is
there indeed between these and the worst thieves and highway robbers? Oh you
wicked ones, you beasts of the first and most rapacious order! Servants of God they
call themselves, having themselves honoured sky-high and praised by day; come
night and they go most openly on the prowl! Well, just wait, I shall drive your
nocturnal prowling out of you in a way that you won’t know whether you are coming
or going!”
[06] Say I to the incensed chief governor: “Friend, let it be; for what you are about to
do, I have already done this night in the deftest manner, resulting in their early
acceptance of My doctrine. Their elder by the name of Roban was here already today
and has accepted My doctrine, wherefore I have already sent him as a converted
disciple to Sychar where he shall see and learn much. He shall return in two days and
shall quite certainly bring his disciples under My wing. And behold, this is better than
rod, cross and axe.”
[07] Says Cyrenius somewhat less agitated: “If so then I certainly retract my words
and not sentence them harshly; but they shall have to answer for themselves!”
[08] Say I: “Just not this morning, but in the afternoon. Because we want to spend
this beautiful time on something better. Before everything, lets proceed to the
morning meal.”
[09] Borus had ordered the setting up of a large number of tables in the open, with
which work My carpenter brothers of course assisted him, and thus on this pre-
Sabbath, ie. on this holiday, breakfast was eaten in the open. About fifty large tables
were provided with benches and set with eats and wine and it was delightful to see
hundreds of all kinds of guests seated straightway, singing Psalms and praise and
consuming the plentiful breakfast. In the midst of the tables a sort of stage was
erected where a large decorated table with food awaited us, and we, ie. I Myself,
Cyrenius, Cornelius, Faustus, Jairus with wife and daughter, My mother and the
twelve disciples took our seats, enjoying our breakfast ordered by Faustus and Borus
amidst all kinds of uplifting and cheerful conversations.
[10] But Lydia, the young wife of Faustus, was absent as she had been left at home in
Capernaum because of the many duties there, although she would have loved to
come to Nazareth too. My mother reproached him about that, quite gently of course,
and he regretted to have left his beloved wife at home and decided to fetch her
himself without delay.
[11] But I said to him: “Leave that alone; if I will it she shall be here about noon safe
and sound.” Faustus asked Me for this and I promised to do it.
[12] Promptly two extremely beautiful youths in light blue pleated garments could be
seen at My side. They bowed to the ground before Me and said: “Lord, Your servants
are waiting for Your holiest commands with deepest reverence.”
[13] And I said to them: “Go and fetch Lydia, so that she may be with us.”
[14] The two vanish and Cyrenius asks Me quite surprised: “Friend, who were these
two so exceedingly beautiful and charming youths? By heaven, my eyes have never
yet seen such glorious figures.”
[15] Say I: “Behold, every master has his servants, and when he calls them, they
must come and serve him. Since I am also a master, I too have My servants who
have to proclaim My orders to the entire infinity. They are indeed not visible to you,
but they are to Me; and where you do not suspect anything, countless legions are
waiting for My sign. And these My servants - although they look so delicate - are
strong enough to destroy this earth in a moment, if I should bid them to do so. - But
look, there the two are already coming with Lydia,”
[16] Now all those at My table are amazed and Cyrenius says: “How is that possible?
The two could have been hardly 500 paces from here - from here to Capernaum it is
almost two leagues - and now they are already back. That really surpasses everything
a poor human can ever experience on this earth.”
[17] When Lydia is gently led to our table by the amazed Faustus, Cyrenius promptly
asks her: “But sweetest Lydia, how did you arrive here from Capernaum so quickly?
Were you maybe already on your way?”
[18] Says Lydia: “Do you not see the two angels of God? They carried me here faster
than with the speed of an arrow. I saw neither earth nor air on the way but from
there to here was only a moment and now I am here. But do ask the two angels, they
will be able to tell you more about it than I.”
Chapter 38
About the Lord’s Deity and His humanness.
[01] Now Cyrenius turns to the two angels and asks them how such a thing could be
possible, but they with the greatest reverence point to Me with their heavenly
beautiful hands and say with an extremely pure and melodious voice: “His will is our
being, our power and our speed. We are unable to do anything out of ourselves; but if
He wills it, we absorb His will and are then able to do everything through it. Our
beauty which is blinding your eyes is our love for Him, and this love is again nothing
else but His will within us. If you want to become similar to us, do absorb His living
word into your heart and act voluntarily in accordance with it, then you will like us
have His word’s almighty power and strength within you. And if He will then call you
to act according to His will, all things will be possible to you and you will be able to do
more than we because you have gone forth form His love, whereas we originate only
from His wisdom. - Now you know how we could easily perform what amazed you so
much. Do comply fully with His word in future and you, too, will be capable of most
miraculous things.”
[02] Here Cyrenius opens his eyes in surprise and says: “So I am right after all if I
regard Jesus as the sole God and Creator of the entire world?”
[03] Say the angels: “You are indeed right, but do not make a great fuss about it, and
when you notice on Him things that are so very human, don’t take offence at it, for all
that is human would not be such unless it had not previously been of God from
eternity. Therefore if He sometimes moves within to you familiar and accustomed
forms, this is still not unworthy of Him, for every form, every thought was first in Him
before it according to His will began to constitute and direct a free will independent of
Him. There does not exist any thing or being in infinity that has not gone forth from
Him. This earth and everything in and on it is nothing but His forever unchanged fixed
thought and which became a reality through His word. If He - and this would be very
easy for Him - were to relinquish this substantial thought in His mind and will, that
same moment the earth would cease to exist and everything it contains and carries
would share its lot of destruction.
[04] However, the Lord’s will is not like a man’s will who wants today this and
tomorrow something else. The Lord’s will is eternally one and the same and nothing
can bend it in the from eternity established order. But there nevertheless rules the
greatest freedom within this order, and the Lord can do whatever He wishes and so
can also every angel and man. That this is so, you can notice in your very own being
and from a thousand other things.
[05] With your actual physical form you can do as you please, and nothing but your
own will can hinder you therein. But the individual actual physical form admits of no
variation because it finds itself within firm divine order.
[06] Equally you can change the earth’s exterior considerably, digging away
mountains and changing river bends. You can dry out seas and create beds for new
seas. You can build bridges over seas and transform desert to blessed fruition through
diligence and effort: in short, you can carry out countless changes upon earth; - yet,
you cannot make the day longer by a hair’s breadth nor the night equally shorter, and
you cannot command the winds and storms.
[07] You must endure the winter and tolerate the heat of summer, and
notwithstanding all your will-power, you can change the shape and constitution of no
creature. You shall never make a lamb into a lion nor a lion into a lamb; and behold,
that again is God’s rigid Order, within which indeed you have much freedom to act,
notwithstanding that you cannot displace God’s actual Order by a hair’s breadth.
[08] And here before you is He Who has established such order from eternity and
alone can discontinue it if He so wills just as you within this fixed divine order. On
which depends your existence and the existence of everything that surrounds you,
you are still free in your thinking, willing and acting, all the more free is the Lord and
can do whatever He wishes.
[09] Therefore, we tell you once more: Do not take offence if the Lord moves before
you in a human form, for every form is His very own work.
Chapter 39
Angelic influence upon man.
[01] When Cyrenius heard this from the two angels, he became absolutely certain and
ceased to guess that I must surely be a higher being, but said to himself: “Yes, it is
He!” Then he, full of reference, went to Me and said: “Lord, now it is all clear to me.
You are the One.
[02] My heart had told me that already long ago, but then there were always Your
human forms and movements which made my belief shaky. But now all my secret
misgivings have vanished from my mind whatever may happen now I shall remain
firm like a rock in my faith. Oh, how endlessly happy I now am that even the eyes of
my flesh can see Him Who has created me and Who now supports me and can and
will do so everlastingly.”
[03] Say I: “My beloved friend, what you now have you shall keep forever. But for the
time being keep it to yourself and for only very few of your friends who are the most
enlightened. For, if you would speak too openly about it this would harm rather than
help My mission and thereby men. Besides, remember also this that you do not take
offence if here and there you notice very human things about Me, for I was from
eternity, before any angels and men existed, the first man and am therefore surely
entitled to be still a man among My created men.”
[04] Says Cyrenius: “Do as You will, and You shall nevertheless eternally remain to
me that which You now are to me indisputably! But these two angels I should like to
have with me till the end of my terrestrial life. They are so exceedingly beautiful, dear
and wise.”
[05] Say I: “This cannot be, for you should not be able to bear their visible presence,
nor would this benefit our soul. But they shall visibly for your senses remain
henceforth with you as your guardians, as they have already been from your birth.
But for the present, since they need to remain here visibly throughout the day, you
can still associate with them aplenty.
[06] But even when you are not able to see them, you can ask them anything and
they shall place the answer in your heart, which you shall always perceive in your
heart as a well-defined thought. And this is far superior to external speech! I say unto
you: A word that an angel has laid in your own heart is more beneficial for your soul
than thousands of words heaved through the ear externally! Because what you hear
in your heart is already your own whereas that which you hear from without you still
have to make your own through action in accordance with the heard word.
[07] Because having the word in your heart but still sinning in your external being
from time to time, your heart nevertheless is not acquiescent and immediately
compels you to recognition and repentance of same, and you cease being a sinner
therewith already. If you do not have the word in your heart but only in the brain
brought there through the ear, and you then sin, then the empty heart sins as well,
compelling you neither to recognition nor repentance of the sin, and sin remains in
you and you make yourself guilty before God and man!
[08] And so My friend, it is more beneficial for you to not see your spirit guardians for
the duration of your presence in the body; when once you shall have to leave the
body, then as spirit yourself you shall have them for seeing and touching in eternity
anyway - not only these two but countlessly many others.
[09] Says Cyrenius: “Now I am comforted again, but intend nevertheless to
communicate with them most spiritually today!”
[10] Say I: “Well, how about that? Did you not promise the obstinate Pharisees in My
name that you will give them a sharp rebuke; will not that withdraw the company of
the angels?”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “Verily indeed, - that I nearly plain forgot! Oh, that is now most
inconvenient! What shall I do?”
[12] Say I: “What if I release you from your oath and you waive your intended
rebuke, since they have enough with your threat yesterday anyway?”
[13] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, if it please You then I gladly waive my intended rebuke
and leave everything to You and the old Roban, who in any case shall bring them
around within a couple of days.”
[14] Say I: “Oh, to that I shall certainly have the least objection, for I had already
postponed your intentions with the Pharisees till afternoon, fully knowing that you
would be of a different disposition. - Now that the day has turned out quite well, let
us all go out to catch ourselves some fish for lunch and dinner. Let all who come
along get to their legs!”
Chapter 40
Love towards the Lord.
[01] Ask Peter and Nathanael: “But Lord, we have no tackle with us: what shall come
of it? Should we hurry ahead and maybe borrow some from the fishers at sea?”
[02] Say I: “There is no need of that, but something else - your memory which tends
every moment to forget that I am the Lord, for Whom nothing is impossible! Hence
keep our company and instead while fishing explain to old Josa and his family the
power and authority of God also in man.” To these My words the two then introvert,
thinking about how they could be so blind as to regale Me with such worldly
questions. Even Josa says to them that he can hardly think on how they could have
asked Me that.
[03] Says Nathanael: “Friend, like yourself we are still human and too set in the world
for us not to come out with something really stupid from time to time, but we shall
pull ourselves together in future. Have we not been fishers from our youth, and when
hearing fish talk we easily step back into our old worries, forgetting the spiritual. But
we are on track again.
[04] Sarah also comes over, asking Me whether she could come along.
[05] Say I: “But of course, it is for your sake that I am organising this work. You are
My beloved, Why did you not take a seat by My side during the morning meal?”
[06] Says Sarah, trembling with love: “Lord, I did not have the courage. Just think!
The three supreme Roman commanders by Your side and I a poor maiden! Where
was I to take the courage from?”
[07] Say I: “Now, now, My darling, I have noticed only too well that you would rather
have been with Me than anywhere else. Oh, I miss nothing that takes place in a
person’s heart and, therefore, I also love you so dearly.
[08] But now tell Me, you My sweetest Sarah, how you like these two youths? Don’t
you think you could love one or the other more than I could? For, behold, in My form
I am not as beautiful as those two.”
[09] Says Sarah: “But Lord, You my forever sole love, how can You think such a thing
of me? I would not accept a whole heaven full of a thousand times more beautiful
angels for one hair from Your head let alone one of the two for You as a whole, full of
love in my heart. Although they are beautiful, I ask: Who gave them such beauty? It
was You. And how could You have given them this beauty if it had not been in You
[10] I tell You: You are for me all in all, and I shall never give You up, even if You
gave me all the heavens full of the most glorious angels.”
[11] Say I: “So it is right, this is how I prefer it. Who loves Me must love Me fully and
above all if he wants to be loved also by Me above all. Look, the two angels are no
doubt very beautiful, but you are now also dearer to me than countless hosts of the
purest angels, and so do firmly stick to Me. I tell you: Out of many you are a proper
bride of Mine. - Do you understand this?”
[12] Says Sarah: “Lord, this I do not understand. How could I be Your bride? Could I
be to You what my mother is to my father? You are the Lord over heaven and earth
and I am only one of Your created beings. How could it be possible for the lowest to
unite with the very highest?”
[13] Say I: “Behold, that is quite easy, and that for the quite simple reason that what
to you seems to be the lowest has also gone forth from the highest and is thus also
part of the highest.
[14] I am a tree of life and you are its fruit. The fruit does appear to be smaller and
less constant than the tree, but in its centre there lies a seed that is nourished and
matured by the fruit. In the seed, however, there are again trees of the same kind
themselves capable of bearing the same fruits again with living seeds like the one
they have gone forth from.
[15] From this you can easily see that the difference between Creator and created
being is in a certain respect not so great as you imagine, for the created being is in
and for itself the will of the Creator which is certainly good and worthy. If this will,
gone forth from the Creator and underbthe Creator’s own form endowed with an
independent life, recognises itself in its free isolation as what it fundamentally is and
acts accordingly, then it is equal to its Creator and in its small way fully that which
the Creator is in His infinite way, If, however, the part-will, made independent by the
Creator, does not recognise itself as what it is, it does not cease to be that, but is
unable to reach the supreme goal until it has recognised itself as what it
fundamentally is.
[16] In order to make it easier for such made independent part-wills, called “men”, to
recognise themselves the Creator has at all times sent to men from the heavens
revelations, laws and precepts and has now even come to the earth Himself in the
flesh to help mankind with their task of recognising themselves and to give them
more light to make it easier for them than it has so far been.
[17] Now you will understand the relation of Creator to created beings and how you,
as fully equal to Me, can be My bride and My wife bound forever through your great
love for Me. - Do you now understand what I have revealed to you?”
Chapter 41
True love for God is God’s spirit within every man.
[01] Says the extremely beautiful and lovable Sarah: “Yes, now this is already clearer
to me, but then all the daughters of Eve have the same right to You as I?”
[02] Say I: “Certainly, if they are as you now are. But if they are not like this, they
can become My handmaidens, also My brides but never completely My wives. The
original father of My body, David, had also many wives and was a man according to
God’s heart. Since I am more than David is, should not I be free to have many wives?
And I can add to this that I do have the means to support in great bliss as many
wives as there is sand in the sea and grass on the earth, and that each one will be
looked after in such a way that she could not ever have a wish that is not fulfilled for
her in the most satisfactory way. Since this is so, could it bother you if I want to give
this happiness, which I am giving you in superabundance, to many?”
[03] Says Sarah: “You alone are the Lord and most endless love and wisdom in
person, and what You do is done wisely; but I still cannot help it that I love You so
mightily and, therefore, would like to possess You as if alone. You must excuse my
childish heart, which in love is still so foolish.”
[04] Say I: “That is just the right way, I tell you. Who does not love Me quite
jealously as you do and wants to possess Me in his heart as if exclusively, has still not
true, living love for Me. And if he does not possess this, he also does not possess the
fullness of life within, for I am the true life in man through the love for Me in his soul,
and this love is My Spirit in every human.
[05] Therefore, he who awakens love for Me also awakens the spirit I have given Him,
and since I Myself am this spirit and must be it because there does not ever exist any
other spirit of life beside Me, he thus awakens Me within him, is thereby fully born
into eternal life and cannot ever die from then on or be annihilated; - not even
through My omnipotence, because he is one with Me. I cannot annihilate Myself
because My infinite existence cannot ever by changed to non-existence. Therefore, do
not think that your love for Me is foolish, but it is exactly as it must be. Stay with it
and you will not ever see, feel or taste any death.”
[06] This My explanation to Sarah made her very happy and she embraced Me with
all her strength and began to caress Me tenderly.
[07] Sarah’s mother rebuked her and said: “But dear Sarah, this is not proper. You
are quite naughty.”
[08] Says Sarah: “Why, proper or not proper. It is also not proper to die and be quite
dead, but when then the Lord comes and restores the dead one to life drawing him
from the grave, which is certainly most unusual, how proper is that before the world?
O mother, it is surely most proper for everyone to love the Lord before all the world
above all. - Is that not so, Lord Jesus, am I right?”
[09] Say I: “Quite right and it is absolutely true. If a person is in the world
embarrassed to love Me openly and above all, I shall also be embarrassed to love him
before all the heavens and to awaken him at the last judgement.”
Chapter 42
About judgement day.
[01] Several now asked Me when the “last judgement” would come. [In the German
language the term for “The last judgement” or “Judgement Day” is - verbally
translated - “the youngest day” and the Lord’s reply is based on this term.]
[02] And I said: “When the older day has passed, there always comes a youngest
day. And since I cannot awaken anybody on a day that has already passed, this must
naturally happen on a youngest day as a past older day cannot possibly be used. Is
not every new day of your life a youngest one? Or can anyone experience a still
younger day than the one on which he is living? Behold, all of us are today surely
living on a youngest day, for yesterday can no longer be the youngest and tomorrow
has not come yet. Considering all this it must surely be obvious that a man has as
many youngest days as days he has already lived. I tell you that all of you will pass
away on the youngest day and cannot possibly be awakened from death to life at any
other time than on a youngest day. And since a man, and all men, have to experience
this, it cannot possibly happen on an old, past day, but only on some future,
obviously youngest day. Which day will be appointed for it has not been determined
in advance, neither by Me nor by any angelic, spirit, for every coming day is very
good and useful for this purpose. - Do you understand this now?”
[03] The askers withdraw somewhat perplexed and say: “Truly, this is as clear as the
purest air and yet our stupidity made us ask. This can truly be grasped with the
hands. If we also talk often about the olden days, then these have to be also young
and youngest days! This indeed was silly of us! He really needs a lot of patience on
His exceedingly wise part in order to bear with us!”
[04] Says Sarah with a faint smile: “Indeed, the Lord is exceedingly patient with us
all! But what a youngest day is and when it shall come I have known from the cradle;
and whenever someone asked me about it I always said: “Tomorrow will come the
youngest day!” Did you in all earnest not know this?”
[05] Say the ones that asked: “For sure, we really were too stupid to know it and
always suffered the greatest trepidation about such day to once come! Now of course
we are in the clear about it but are also properly embarrassed about a thing escaping
us that surely is so clear before everyone’s eyes and ears!”
[06] Say I: “Do not worry about it, for this is a stone over which in the future many
thousand times thousands will stumble, and they will prophesy a lot about it, write
and preach to the blind people.
[07] But now let’s see how we shall cope with the fish, for you see we are now at the
beach and there are plenty of fishing boats at our disposal. Nor are there a shortage
of nets and other tackle, and so we can at once proceed with. The two youths with
which Cyrenius is most zealously engaging in conversation shall also render us good
service! Let us therefore lend our hands to it!”
Chapter 43
The Lord Jesus and His at the catch.
[01] But now everyone started to marvel, not knowing how they got here to the sea
from My house.
[02] But I said: “How can you still wonder at it? Did you not experience the like with
Me several times before? That the old Josa with his children and grandchildren should
marvel is understandable. With you, My by now much experienced disciples, it is
actually incomprehensible how you can still be astonished since it should be already
very clear to you that nothing is and can be impossible to Me.
[03] Behold, I had good reason to say “incomprehensible”, for every astonishment at
any extraordinary act I perform also implies on some small, still somewhere in the
soul latent unbelief. Man doubts in advance the possibility of some particular act or
manifestation; but if notwithstanding his doubt the act is still carried out, the witness
who doubted its success is standing there perplexed, wondering and asks: “How was
that possible?” And what does he say with this question? I tell you, nothing else but: “
I doubted the possibility of success, but it still happened. That is peculiar and
[04] It is possible for a lay person to marvel thus, but if initiates marvel then they
show therewith that they too can rightly be called lay persons! Hence marvel not in
future, lest of all before strangers when I accomplish some extraordinary deed, so
that the strangers would not regard you as strangers as well!”
[05] Say the disciples: “Lord, You know that we love You above everything else and
we know who and what You are, yet we nevertheless cannot help it that sometimes
we marvel anew at some new miracle, because Your obviously miraculous deeds take
place so unexpectedly and unpreparedly that all one’s composure and faith
notwithstanding, one still has to stand there somewhat intrigued. Behold, the sun also
has often been seen to rise and set; but where is or resides a man of moderate
feelings who is not somehow enticed to marvel at every new, glorious sunrise!? And
behold, Lord so it is also with us! You are endlessly more than countless sunrises and
hence we would beg You to be somewhat tolerant of such indiscretions which with
hearts exceedingly loving of You we are basically driven by Yourself to constantly
[06] Say I: “Now then all is in best of order again; but in future heed such advice on
account of the strangers, so that these may recognise My true disciples in you! - Now
lets get on with fishing! Here also small miracles shall take place, but act as if they
were not miracles! Let the stranger themselves come upon and judge whether these
are normal or extraordinary deeds!”
[07] After the necessary briefing the disciples quickly board the boats, spreading the
nets and casting them into the sea with very little catch.
[08] Peter remarks that it is probably due to the strong westerly, driving the fish to
the bottom whilst another reckons that not much shall be accomplished before
evening as the sun from a cloudless sky is too powerful a light for their tolerance.
[09] Here the two youths also boarded two boats, spreading a big net and casting a
mighty long way out to sea.
[10] Spoke Andrew who too was adept at fishing: “If those don’t drive fish into their
net through the power of their spirit then they can fish on the high seas for ten years
and not bring in even one!”
[11] But the two youths make a mighty draught, are back on shore soon with about
thirty good pieces.
[12] Says Andrew: “This is not a miracle, and yet indeed quite so, - catching thirty
catfish upon the high seas.”
[13] Finally I too boarded a boat, as well as the courageous Sarah. We stretched out
a fairly large net and let it down in the water. After making a draught not far from
shore the net had already filled with five hundred pieces of eels, salmon and catfish,
so that the two youths had to rush to Sarah’s assistance in holding the net. The fish
were moved to shore at once and placed into lots of small drums that were here in
plentiful supply.
[14] The disciples make another draught, but on hauling the net to shore they found
only a few tiny fish.
[15] Said Peter: “That was my last draught for today! Such draught is not worth the
effort when as an old and experienced fisherman one takes only one boat!”
Thereupon he wanted to toss these tiny fish back into the sea.
[16] Say I: “Keep what you have caught. The small fish are often quite good fish and
I prefer them to the big ones, which quite often are tough and hard to digest. Keep
this relevant manifestation in mind however!
[17] When you will be going out as fisher for men do not be discouraged if small
fishes let themselves be caught in the net of the Gospel, for I truly prefer them to the
big ones. Hence everything that is big and of value before the world is in a certain
sense an abomination before Me! - But let us now leave fishing and turn home! For
today and tomorrow we are well-provided; the post-Sabbath shall if necessary take
care of itself.”
[01] All the nets were pulled in and a lot of all kinds of fish brought ashore and put in
the drums and brought to the fairly large fish tanks near My house, which in his time
Joseph himself had built.
Chapter 44
Personal details about Borus.
[01] Coming home from the fishing about an hour past midday, a good lunch yet
again awaited us which Borus, who had not come along fishing with us on that
account, had prepared; for his biggest joy was to prepare meals for large numbers of
people, and he was especially fond of cooking in the open with his cooks of both
sexes. For he was like Kisjonah, sufficiently wealthy to feed and sup with the best
wine. For he firstly was the son of an immensely wealthy Greek from Athens who also
possessed properties in Asia as well as several small islands. Secondly he was the
sole heir of such huge and extensive properties, and thirdly he was by far the most
skilled physician of the entire Jewish nation, earning large sums of gold and silver
especially from the high-standing and rich persons, which he then on the other hand
used to give the sick and poor all kinds of free treatment, wherefore he was also
hailed as the greatest philanthropist of the land.
[02] In addition he was single, had neither wife nor children, but it nevertheless gave
him great pleasure to arrange marriages between poor young men and young and
healthy maidens, give them his blessing and provide them with a sufficient dowry.
And so he was also now in his happiest frame of mind because he secretly believed
that I would really marry the very beautiful and tender Sarah.
[03] As we were all sitting at the table, full of good cheer, eating and drinking, he
came to Me and secretly asked Me whether something might come of it?
[04] And I replied: “Dearest friend and brother. I know your very good and noble
heart only too well. I am also quite aware that in your soul you are happiest when
you have made others happy. You have hardly ever thought of yourself and since you
have noticed between me and the loveliest Sarah a truly notable great love and also
heard how this morning we were talking about bride and wife, you are secretly of the
happy opinion that a union between Me and the loveliest Sarah is close at hand. But I
tell you: There you are slightly wrong. For behold, all the women who live, have lived
and are still going to live on earth, provide they lead a pure life, are more or less My
brides and My wives as well, but such a very close union with Me does not ever
prevent them from becoming the wife of a good man. And it is exactly such a
relationship that at present exists between Me and the most lovable Sarah. Therefore,
she can quite well become your wife and in spirit be now and forever My true wife.
[05] I am now of the opinion: Since you have helped so many very poor, but upright
men to good and loving wives, which the young in their youth burning men regarded
as a very great blessing, I will now help you to such a blessing too. Behold, it is this
truly heavenly beautiful Sarah who shall become your wife. You stood up for Me after
her first raising from the dead when she was again dying, and for you I restored her
to life a second time and already then destined her as your proper reward. As she
looks now, she will also look in her seventieth year; this child will not age on this
earth. Look at the two angels with whom Cyrenius is now talking, whether they are as
beautiful as this girl. Tell Me honestly whether you have not several times looked
meaningfully at this most lovely Sarah and whether your heart has not felt anything.”
[06] Says Borus somewhat embarrassed: “Lord, to hide that from You would be
absolutely impossible. Therefore, I rather say it quite openly: Sarah is the only being
on earth whom I would rather possess myself than help someone else to possess. I
am already considerably over thirty years and she cannot be more than sixteen, but
my heart seems to have hardly reached her beautiful age. If she possibly did become
my wife I would love her a thousand times more than my own life.”
[07] Sarah had attentively listened to this conversation, and when I looked at her and
asked her how she liked the discussion between Me and the distinguished looking
Borus, she looked down, blushing and said after a while: “But You do really notice
everything. I have only once fleetingly looked at the dear Borus because he is such a
dear and very obliging man.”
[08] Say I, in a more joking tone: “But in your heart you have looked at him already
several times if I am not wrong?”
[09] Says Sarah, hiding her face even more: “But Lord, You are really beginning to
get a little bit naughty. Oh, that You have to know everything!”
[10] Say I: “Sarah, if this happened and he asked you from all his heart for your most
beautiful hand, would you refuse it to him?”
[11] Says Sarah, quite pleasantly perplexed at this question: “If I did not do that,
how could I then become Your wife? After all, I can love only You, although I must
openly admit to You that I very much respect and like the good Borus, for after You
he seems to me to be the best man in all the Jewish land, although he was born a
Greek and has only recently become a Jew by his conviction, not by circumcision.”
[12] Say I: “Well, things will work out. Do think it over and look at Lydia over there
who is also My wife spiritually, but physically nevertheless the wife of the good
Faustus. This does not, however, interfere with our relationship at all, for you still
remain My bride, My heavenly wife.”
[13] Says Sarah after a while: “Even if I may agree to marry the good Borus, I do not
know what my earthly parents will say. I would have to ask them too. I would like to
marry the good Borus because You would like that, but father and mother should
really be asked.”
[14] Say I: “Well, look at them, they have already been asked and are in full
agreement with Me: but by no means do I urge you. You have your completely free
[15] Says Sarah increasingly embarrassed: “Lord, - yes, I do know, - but - well, I
would - rather not.”
[16] Say I: “What is it that you do not want?”
[17] Says Sarah: “Ah, ah, You do embarrass me very much. Oh, if I only had not
looked at the so very dear Borus.”
[18] Ask I: “But you have not told Me yet what it actually is that you do not want. Do
now be brave, dearest Sarah, and tell me what you do not really want.”
[19] Says Sarah: “But Lord, how can you ask? You know anyway what I do not want.
Let me guess and by a slight nod I shall reveal what it is that I do not want.”
[20] Say I: “Well, since it is your wish I will let you guess what I think that you do not
want. And now listen: you no doubt do not want the good Borus to suffer from grief if
you refused him your beautiful hand in marriage?”
[21] Sarah rises to her feet, taps Me on the shoulder and says, pro forma gently
vexed: “The - is that letting a person guess when one immediately comes out with -
almost made a slip of the tongue.”
[22] Say I: “Now, out with the truth!”
[23] Says Sarah: “Well, You already said ‘With the truth’, but it is also true that this is
not ‘guessing’ if one immediately comes out with the truth.”
[24] Say I: “Now look, I was quite aware that you were more interested in My dearest
friend Borus than you wished us to see. But all this is quite in order. The maiden
should not reveal until the last moment the special feeling she carries in her heart for
a man. Only when the matter is considered in all earnest she should open her heart to
the man who wants to make her his wife. Otherwise she entices him before the time,
and if possibly obstacles should arise she only saddens his heart and troubles his
mind. And all this is then very bad.”
[25] Says Sarah: “But Lord, I did not do all that.”
[26] Say I: “No, My dearest Sarah, that is why I praised you as an example. - Now,
however, you can tell the dear Borus gradually how you really feel.”
[27] Says Sarah: “Ah, - I will not tell him yet; it will be time enough when he is my
[28] Say I: “But if he were already your husband as far as I am concerned, what
[29] Says Sarah, secretly happily surprised: “Well, what then? - Well, yes,. Then -
then - well yes - then - I would have to completely reveal my heart to him.”
[30] Say I to Borus: “Look, how indescribably sweet she is. Take her, love her dearly
and tend her like a most tender plant, for I give her to you from the heavens as a
well-deserved reward. Go to the parents that they may bless you and then come to
Me that I too bless you once more.”
[31] Borus thanks Me, hardly able to speak for joy, and Sarah modestly rises from
her seat and says in a happily exited voice: “Lord, only because it is Your will do I do
it with pleasure. If You had not willed it, I would have resisted my heart, - but as it is,
I thank you for the best man in all the Jewish land.”
[32] After these words they both go to the parents asking them for their blessing, and
when that is joyfully given, they immediately return to Me. And I also bless them for
a marriage valid for all the heavens, and they both thank Me from their deeply
touched hearts.
[33] Thus here a marriage was quite unexpectedly contracted which could be
considered as one of the happiest on earth. Hence it follows that a person never loses
what he fully sacrifices to Me, but receives it back full of supreme blessing, and that
always at a time when he least expects it. Borus was very much in love with Sarah
and would have given all the treasures of the world for her if that had been
demanded of him, for her wondrous beauty, particularly after her second raising from
the dead, was for Borus something he could not describe, but he nevertheless
sacrifice her completely to Me and intended to celebrate My imagined wedding with
everything at his disposal. Thus also Sarah had a deep love for Borus, but sacrificed
him fully to Me and definitely wanted to belong only to Me. But then the tide suddenly
turned and I gave to both what they had given Me with all their heart. Who acts like
these two, for him I shall also do what I did for them.
[34] This as a lesson for everyone who will hear or read it, for in this way one can
obtain everything from Me. Whoever sacrifices to Me everything, but nevertheless
retains much for himself, will receive back only what he has sacrificed. - And now
back to our subject.
Chapter 45
About the inner nature of angels.
[01] Following this marvellous incident, Cyrenius once again stepped over to Me,
saying: “Lord, I have discussed quite a few things with the angels; but from
everything that they told me I learnt nothing other than what through Your goodness
and grace I already knew. Therefore nothing new came out of that. But what
intrigued me was that these indescribably beautiful youths are as it were indifferent
towards all that is taking place! Their speech is full of wisdom and the tone of their
voices exceeds the most charming lyre harmony. From their faces smiles constant,
pure dawn whilst their breath is the fragrance of roses, jasmine and ambrosia. Their
hair is as purest gold. Their alabaster-white hands are so rounded and sumptuously
tender that I can verily find nothing comparable on earth. Their breasts are the fullest
measure of a maiden in bloom the like of which I sighted but once in the Pontus area.
And their feet likewise are beautiful and of burstingly luxuriant and glorious
proportion. In short, one could get crazy for love towards the two beings! Yet all
these glorious, indescribable advantages notwithstanding, from which nothing but the
fragrant love and thousandfold love emanates, through which they could reduce even
the hardest stone to wax, they nevertheless are so cold and dispassionate as a
marble statue in deepest winter. And this also leaves me just about as cold as those
[02] There is by no means anything repulsive about them, neither in their speech nor
in their conduct; yet nothing moves them and nothing can deflect them from their
over-stoic indifference towards all that is and takes place. Their utterances about
Yourself are indeed of exceedingly deep wisdom, but their speech seems to me like
the reading out of a letter in a language one cannot understand.
[03] Will You not tell me how this is possible with such purely celestial beings? Is this
the actual custom of the pure spirits in Your heavens?”
[04] Say I: “That indeed not! But these two behave here in this manner because they
have to; yet they have nevertheless in respect of themselves the freest will, and a
heart filled with the most intense love glow which would momentarily consume you if
the two were to manifest their love towards you!
[05] Terrestrial man indeed can withstand angelic wisdom of the deepest magnitude,
but their love only when the love in his heart has equalled theirs.
[06] That this is the state of things you can already discern from the quite natural
relationship between terrestrial fire and light. You indeed can tolerate the light
emerging from the fire; can you however on that account also tolerate the flame
radiating the light?
[07] The sun surely has the strongest light for this earth, yet you can tolerate it quite
comfortably! And when the heat rises with the intensifying light, you shall of course
find the light harder to tolerate; but would you be like an angel also to withstand the
unspeakable light-glow of the solar atmospheres? I say unto you: this solar
atmosphere would in one moment destroy this earth with everything it carries like the
destruction of a drop of water on a white-hot ore.
[08] He who would withstand such light and fire first has to be of the same light and
fire. This is the reason why the two angels cannot express their love toward you
because their mighty love would consume you.”
[09] Says Cyrenius: “I very nearly understand it, but not entirely like a few other
things. Because it does not yet transpire how I could be killed by excessive love.”
[10] Say I: “Well then, this also shall be made as clear to you as possible, and so
hearken: Have you not of a truth a son and also an exceedingly lovable daughter.
These two children you love almost to distraction. Your heart can hardly - for all the
love - judge how much it loves the two children, because of how mightily their love is
returned. But now vividly visualise the loss of the two through disease and ask your
heart whether it could withstand the pain of such loss! Behold, you are already
gripped by proper fever at the mere mention of the possibility as an example. How
would you bear the reality? I say unto you from knowing your heart that you could
not bear the pain a full three hours, it would kill you without fail.
[11] Well then, what is the love and the lovability of your children in comparison with
the love and supremely amicable lovability of these two heavenly messengers? If
these two were to just moderately look at you with a loving eye and gave you only a
finger to taste then the love in your heart would escalate so mightily that you could
not bear it but a few moments; and if the two angels then left you only apparently,
then such mourning would take over your heart that you would have to die!
[12] For behold notwithstanding the beauty of these My two favourite angels then
such their beauty is as nothing compared to when their being is fully penetrated by
My love in their heart! I say unto you: everything beautiful and lovely that the world
has to offer would then retreat endlessly into the background. - Now I dare say that
you have understood Me!?”
Chapter 46
About physicians” service out of neighborly love.
[01] Says Cyrenius: “Yes my Lord and most manifestly my God, now I understand
that too; their apparent coldness nonetheless is love.
[02] This reminds me of the maid’s legend who through peculiar forces of nature was
incomprehensibly beautiful and charming, the youths, men and old men seeing her
soon got into a big fight to decide whose wife she would be. But the number of
contestants was daily on the rise to their own destruction since it was realised in the
end that the gooal wols not be realise through mortal combat the fighters finally came
to an agreement, saying: “This creature is not of this earth but the high heavens and
a goddess! Hence we must settle on steep sacrifices. To whoever out of the offerers
she chooses to give her most beautiful hand shall henceforth possess her
undisturbed. Upon this agreement immeasurable treasures were brought from every
side and divine adulation accorded her. Adoration of this beauty reached a point
where adoration and worship of the gods was set aside. Therewith the gods became
furious and made the beautiful maiden even more seductive, but also on the other
hand made her breath so poisonous that on whosoever she breathed even from afar
fell insensibly to the ground, remaining prostrated for hours. In addition to that, they
fitted the tip of her tongue with such deadly sting that she could kill anyone who
came near her mouth against her will.
[03] When a youth of bloomingly beautiful shape came along, the maiden’s heart
suddenly came alive. But what was she to do about loving him, since she was sure it
would make the youth glow in love for her. If she turns her face towards him then her
darling falls stunned to the ground; kissing him he will die. Out of love therefore she
turned her face away from the youth, so he would not approach her mouth. For the
sake of preventing her darling’s death, she had to love him with the greatest apparent
[04] In similar fashion to this legend the two youths also leave poor mankind of this
earth with the deepest apparent coldness, knowing people could not bear the glowing
love of their celestial hearts!”
[05] Say I: “Just so indeed, with the difference that their breath is not poisonous and
their tongue not provided with deadly sting; but rather that their breath vitalizes, and
their tongue blesses the earth.”
[06] Here Borus stepped over to me again with Sarah, asking Me what he really ought
to do to show himself more thankful than has been the case until this overjoyous
moment for the exceedingly great grace.
[07] Say I: “Tell Me, My friend and brother, where is the person who from their
childhood would have been more favourably disposed towards Me than yourself? As a
boy you were My daily companion and did for Me whatever you saw in My eyes that it
would please Me. When you went annually with your parents to their properties in
Greece, returning a few weeks later, then I was always the first you visited, bringing
all sorts of good and often quite costly and beautiful things as presents, and were not
cross with Me for smashing the silver Diana Temple you gave Me with a hammer,
forbidding you to ever give Me such present again!
[08] After I became a youth and hardly anyone took note of Me, you were the only
one who remained steady; and just as you have always been so you shall also
remain. Hence I did no more for you here than as a friend overduly reciprocate after
many years. Hence make no big fuss about it. For sure have you received the most
love worthy and beautiful and spiritually awoken wife, - and Sarah in yourself the
best, most faithful and in every sense the wealthiest and most highly regarded man.
You shall not eternally on My part be lacking My blessing in every good respect, and
besides that you shall remain the best physician not only in this country but the entire
world. And therewith you two shall I presume be able to live quite well!?
[09] Notwithstanding this never forget the poor and not charge either money, or
through any services or grain or cattle any poor citizen and even less any servant for
your skill in healing all sicknesses, which is not achievable to any other person in the
[10] But charge your skill to the big gold-owners, brokers, moneychangers,
merchants and big landlords for whatever is justly due; for he who has and wants to
live should make an offering for his life every now and then! There shall afterwards be
no shortage of the poor to whom you can pass on that for which a man of property
buys his life.
[11] A physician like yourself sells men life, which especially for worldly men is the
greatest possession. Whence they should also have to buy it for good money and
goods and besides that there should be a person upon earth from whom one can buy
[12] For I say unto you: The truly penultimate and pure skill in the world, which no
worldly man can learn is to heal any kind of mental or physical illness through the
word, though the will and only sometimes by the laying on of hands and, besides, to
tell the poor about the Kingdom of God.
[13] At Sychar too I awakened a physician so that he can effect quite noteworthy
healings; but since he was not quite able to let go of his herbal fluids, he trails you by
a long way.
[14] My disciples shall catch up with you in a few short years as well, yet not all
whom you see here.
[15] But My most beloved Sarah also shall gain a skill, and namely that of a midwife;
because this is a most worthy service before God - to always stand by women in
great pain. And thus you two are provided for like no royal couple ever was before
[16] But I also advise you as follows: When someone sick comes to you or you are
called away to one, then always ask him earnestly: “Do you believe that I can heal
you in the name of Jesus the Saviour from the heavens”? If the sick says convincingly
thereto “Yes, I believe”, then heal him; but if he doubts then do not heal him until he
believes that you can heal him in My name. - But now a word with you Jairus.”
Chapter 47
Suggestions for Jairus. About outward sacraments.
[01] Says Jairus: “Lord, speak, and I will listen and act in accordance with Your
[02] Say I: “Very well then; if you act accordingly then you shall be happy temporally
and eternally. And so hear Me: You are now a Pharisees’ Chief and their schools of
this entire district of Nazareth, Capernaum and Chorazim, of Cana in Galilee and
many other spots, villages and hamlets. Hence your standing in Galilee is high and
not much below that of the High Priest in Jerusalem.
[03] But behold, none of this stature could save your daughter’s two deaths and even
less re-awaken from death after she had truly died.
[04] From that you see that such an office of high standing is good for little other
than to heighten the arrogance of the high official still further, making this rising
living standard into a necessity but becoming weaker and more helpless in his use
and true help towards mankind and hence confronting the needy as himself helpless
-- in helping. Because whoever is not capable or willing to help someone in need is as
helpless as the needy himself.
[05] Hence a high office, especially yours is of very little consequence. How about
putting it back in the hands of the Jerusalemite High Priest and afterwards go to your
son-in-law by whom you surely shall be better provided and with higher standing than
you currently are so by bat-blind Jerusalem? You could enlighten Borus gradually in
the Scriptures in which you are well-versed which would be of inestimable advantage
to him, whilst he would instruct you diversely in the art of healing. But I burden you
with no command over it but put it to your volition. Should you follow this My advice
you shall fare well, but if not then you shall commit no sin therewith.”
[06] Says Jairus: “Lord, here You have truly anticipated my own wishes! It has been
not just now my desire, but for a long time hence to lay down my tiresome office; but
now that all circumstances have turned so favourably for me, I shall tomorrow
already dispatch a messenger with a letter of resignation to Jerusalem with a request
to confer the office upon another. There are always plenty of candidates for the office
in Jerusalem who can pay the Temple tenfold fees for the bestowal of such office and
such application therefore shall be sure to welcome the lords of the temple shall find
such application most desirable, for they even make offers to high-ranking officials to
step down, which could give some competitor the opportunity to make the Temple
richer by a few hundred pounds of silver and gold. Quite profitable barter takes place
for such positions in Jerusalem!”
[07] Say I: “Oh, none know better than I the goings on in Jerusalem! One looks only
to the weight of silver and gold and the pearls and precious stones but never to man’s
spirit. If you came to the Temple as a prophet greater than Moses and Elijah and
started preaching as such they would soon show you the cursed stones with which
most prophets were stoned; but were you to come with 10,000 pounds of gold then
they would render you the highest honour. Just have two fat oxen driven into the
temple and you can be assured that they would be far preferable to them than Moses
and Elijah. - But lets now leave that. The time is not far off which shall give the
templers and all of Jerusalem the well-deserved reward; for these abominations shall
not be tolerated much longer. But now to another matter!
[08] What has been heard of John? Is he still in Herod’s custody?”
[09] Says Jairus: “I have heard nothing about him being released yet. But I shall
have insistent inquiries made about it through the messenger I shall dispatch to
Jerusalem tomorrow about the former matter, if it will please You, Lord.”
[10] Say I: “Let it be, for Herod is a cunning fox, and your messenger may strike
problems as a Galilean. But in My spirit I see how things are with John anyway. The
day after tomorrow we shall receive sad news which none shall rejoice in, Myself not
[11] Following these words Cyrenius and Cornelius ask Me whether this means that
they too should lay down their high offices.
[12] Say I: “Not at all. Your offices are of an entirely different order and exceedingly
necessary and of great importance. But always administer your high offices justly and
fairly, making everyone equal before the law. But, as you have heard of My mouth -
let love always precede the law, remembering that a sinner against the wide-ranging
state laws, being completely ignorant of these many laws and easily prone to act
contrary to them, also is a human destined like yourselves for everlasting life in God’s
kingdom! If you always administer your laws thus, you shall be akin to the angels
who are servants of God the way you are servants of the emperor.”
[13] Says Cyrenius: “This we want to and intend doing! But now we still have an
extremely important question, and it is, as You are well aware, we are Romans and
hence, as you say, heathens, should we remain by appearance what we are, namely
heathens, or should we officially renounce heathendom and be circumcised?”
[14] Say I: “Neither the one nor the other! Because he who like yourselves is
circumcised in the heart through faith and love towards God needs nothing further for
this completely suffices for gaining eternal life. But in a few years My disciples, filled
with God’s spirit, shall come to you anyway and baptise you with God’s spirit and
shall therewith receive everything you still lack. Now you know everything! Evening is
not far off, and on account of the Jews we shall on this pre-Sabbath take our rest a
little earlier than on another day. After the evening meal we shall then deal with
nothing further.”
[15] Here the two angels come to Me in deepest reverence and ask Me to be allowed
to stay for another few days visibly here in My physical presence, for this was for
them the greatest bliss they had ever experienced.
[16] And I say aloud: “You always possess the greatest freedom, and so do what is of
benefit to you, but do not forget the service you have to render. The central suns
require a lot of care, and you know how many there are in God’s endless space.”
[17] Say the two angels: “Lord, this has all been taken care of and will be done also
in future.”
[18] Say I: “Yes, yes, I know, and therefore you may remain here according to your
wish, for the least of all these people around me is more than countless central,
secondary and planetary suns. The suns, however, were created for the sake of men
and must, therefore, be at all times tended with the greatest care.” - The angels bow,
supremely happy, and return to My disciples for further discussions, giving them
extremely important explanations about many a thing in the world.
[19] Here Borus rushes into the house to organise a good and abundant supper.
Chapter 48
Concerning Jairus” resignation.
[01] After supper, which had lasted over one hour, Cornelius asked Cyrenius:
“Exalted brother, what will you say? Ought we to remain here today, or make off on
account of urgent matters awaiting us? I subordinate myself to your opinion.”
[02] Says Cyrenius: “I should in actuality have departed this morning because urgent
affairs are certain to await me. But tell me, who can extricate oneself knowing Who
resides here? One would already find it difficult to leave a friendly Emperor if he were
to say: ‘stay if you will! What is an Emperor compared to here, where indisputably the
Creator of Heaven and Earth is tarrying as a human among His humans and His
angels?! Besides this, His angels also had their stay here prolonged from whom we
could still learn and find out much. Ah, I simply am not leaving! Not for the entire
Roman Empire shall anyone move me from here, come what may. Just stay here too!
You have fullest authority on my part, and even if something were to turn up then
two days won’t make the Earth disintegrate. On top of that I think we are better
looked after by these two Lords than my Rome?! And even if something urgent should
come up, then in the Almighty’s hands there are ways of fixing the most urgent task
[03] Says Cornelius: “Exalted brother. With this proposition I am immeasurably
happy indeed, and I shall have no desire to leave this place for a long while yet. I put
the question solely on account of political and state affairs. But from another angle it
may be a good thing to perhaps organise our guards on a spying venture to the city
this night to see what the people are saying about our stay here?!”
[04] Says Cyrenius: “We could indeed do so if it please the Lord; but I also think that
in the Lord and in the two angels we have the most reliable secret police of all, and
that we may not need to avail ourselves of another while here. Once we are again
isolated from His holy company from the heavens then unfortunately we shall have to
resort to secret agents for keeping public opinion monitored and immediately
anticipate conspirational tendencies. But as said, if it please the Lord and it is His will,
then I am ready to order what is necessary.”
[05] Say I to Cyrenius: “Let it be, for I firstly know from Alpha to Omega everything
that is being said for and against us. On the whole no danger is lurking, because
these people are too stupid and blind even for nasty things. Hence let none be
concerned, for no uprising shall come from Nazareth, of that you can be assured.
Incidentally, Borus is himself always the best secret police. Nothing easily escapes
him, which is not difficult for such not too large city. Besides I could make My angels
into secret agents, and in one moment you shall find out more through them than if
you engaged the craftiest spies for ten years. As said however, neither the one nor
the other is necessary here, and so let us take our rest untroubled. Only Jairus will
have to go and ready a messenger for Jerusalem and furnish him with a letter of
resignation. Because tomorrow we shall get quite different things to deal with.”
[06] Says Jairus quite sad at having to now leave the company: “Lord, would it not be
possible to just draw up a title deed here and dispatch a messenger from here? The
house at Capernaum is fully my own anyway, together with everything in it. Land as
well as fields and meadows we priests were not allowed to possess anyway, and so
everything consists in my house, as You are well aware. Hence I presently have
nothing to do at Capernaum and probably nothing more later either; and my house
together with everything in it I shall give forthwith to my dear son-in-law. He shall
with my document in his hand go over and take everything into possession under
official seal just like a rightful inheritor after my death, and I and my wife shall be
quite dispensable. Concerning friends in Capernaum, these are all here. But those
who count themselves as my friends still at Capernaum verily are not worthy of a
farewell visit, for they are all friends to the face but carry no weight in the heart!”
[07] Say I: “Very well, then you remain too, and I shall send one of My present
attendants to Jerusalem in your stead and he shall complete such errand faster than
if you were to dispatch a messenger to Jerusalem yourself. Not today, but tomorrow
as on a Sabbath!”
[08] Says Jairus: “On a Sabbath it shall probably be least appropriate at the Temple;
for the High and Chief priests to observe nothing more strictly than the keeping of the
[09] Say I: “Don’t let that trouble you. They make a great deal out of keeping the
Sabbath because it is most often vital and is necessarily so, since every person quite
often is forced to do one thing or another on a Sabbath giving the Pharisees the most
numerous opportunities for saddling the transgressors with stiff fines.
[10] Just bring them as much gold and silver on a Sabbath as you will, and they shall
proceed to immediately desecrate the Sabbath and happily receive your gold and
silver. Hence let you not be troubled about the Sabbath in the Temple; My messenger
shall have much success in carrying out the errand entrusted with.
[11] Do you think that it would please the Pharisees of none had some urgent
business now and then with which to defile the day of the Lord? Oh let us be
reassured! The more numerous the defiling of the Sabbath, especially by the rich, the
more the Temple lords jubilate in secret.
[12] Hence let Me repeat: let yourself be completely at ease. Tomorrow during
Offering, which always takes place on a Sabbath, My messenger shall be exceedingly
well received! Because he shall be entering the Temple with a heavy golden
contribution and be so-to-say received by the Pharisees with the most amicable mien
and open arms; besides, ten competitors for the position of Chief are already on the
waiting list, for which they are offering large sums. And hence your resignation shall
be exceedingly welcome, particularly for the Templers.
[13] Sabbath shall at once be profaned with the familiar ceremony, and the
auctioning of the Chief’s position of Capernaum gone ahead with, and you shall even
find out your successor’s name through the returning messenger.
[14] Behold, thus stand things now in the House of God at Jerusalem, which latter
also is called the city of God, but actually is Satan’s city. But since everything is
worked out now, let us take our rest, for tomorrow shall start early for us.”
Chapter 49
Jairus” resignation. The Lord at the Synagogue.
[01] After these My words, all take to their rest; only My brethren, mother Mary and
Borus are still busy in the kitchen in order to prepare everything necessary for the
approaching Sabbath. Sarah and Lydia too are assisting Mary, happily romping about
in the kitchen. After having everything under control they too take to their rest; and
the first on her legs as usual in the morning is Mary, waking up those she needs long
before dawn, so as to have everything in order and ready before Sabbath starts
according to Jewish custom. Borus too is busy, and so the tables are set when we are
all getting up from our quarters.
[02] Outside, Psalms are being sung, and upon the many tables in the open well-
prepared fish, bread and wine are waiting for their consumers.
[03] Thereupon we move over to the morning meal, even as I dispatch the
messenger to Jerusalem upon the matter in question. Jairus anxiously awaits the
messenger’s return, who of course remains absent for only the human time it takes
him to negotiate with the Clerics. Since it took close on two hours to deal with the
Clerics, the messenger also came back only after two hours to Jairus” immense joy,
bringing Jairus besides the happy acceptance of his resignation notice also an official
letter of praise and thanks for his faithfully conducted ministry, advising him also the
name of his successor and asking him to if necessary assist same with advice and
[04] Jairus now is fully cheered, saying to Me: “Lord, I thank You from the depth of
my heart for this wonderful rescue from an office which along such ungodly
engagement conditions was bound to obviously make me a Satan’s booty!”
[05] Say I: “Now then, did I not say unto you: when it concerns brilliant Clerics”
deals, then the Sabbath can be profaned in the midst of the offering at any time of
day! From this you can see how much the Clerics think of God and His holy
[06] But now we shall nevertheless visit the Synagogue on account of the people and
see all that the Pharisees shall be doing and teaching; but we shall take our place at
the back so as not to be noticed by the puffed up Pharisees and Elders straight away!
[07] Says Jairus: “But I shall not go in, as every boy would know me; were I inside
the Synagogue then I would have to be seated at the front in the Chief’s presbytery
and You should be betrayed therewith!”
[08] Say I: “Don’t grow grey hair over it. For when I suggest what is to happen, then
you can act accordingly without misgivings, and not one of your hairs shall be bent.
And so let us get under way one and all.” – Thereon we move, shortly reaching the
[09] Entering same it proves to be quite empty, with the Presbytery occupied only by
the serving Pharisees. Gradually a few old Jews arrive, taking their place in their pews
in order to take their morning nap with gusto.
[10] After completion of offerings and dull rattling off of the Commandments, suitable
Psalms and Solomon’s song, a speaker mounts the pulpit, starting to preach the
following with a hoarse voice: “My beloved in the name of our fathers Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob! We now are living in stressful times, nearly akin to when Noah was
building the Ark and finally locking himself in with his family upon Jehovah’s
Commandment! We are now standing at the holy place of which Daniel prophesied,
seeing his prophesied abominations – how the spellbound pagan slaves had to
painfully watch and wait for their turn to be laid in molten iron by the pagan witch
Megaera even whilst watching the tormenting of their brethren – without our being
able to turn left or right! We stand abandoned like a long dead tree trunk on a
mountaintop as gaping testimony that luscious woods might have flourished even at
such altitude! But what can be done? That’s the big question. A crown of diamonds to
him who can find a pertinent answer thereto! But let him well keep in mind our
spellbound and bonded condition with the entire world’s chains!
[11] On the one hand the Romans breathe down our necks like the entire Sinai
mountain, on the other, the carpenter’s son who as if suddenly dropped out of the
clouds, has risen into a prophet, from the merest domestic fool, the like of whom
there has not lived among us since Abraham. All run after him, great or small, young
or old. If Jehovah Himself came down to earth today it is highly questionable whether
He could accomplish greater deeds! Every sickness he heals by mere word from afar,
the dead he calls forth from the grave, giving them back a completely healthy life.
Likewise he commands the winds and the waves of the sea, and they obey him like
slaves their master. When he speaks, then deepest godly wisdom shines forth withal,
and all are gripped by the power of his word, follow him from one city to another.
Besides that he has the great of Rome on his side who would stand by him with their
legions if he were in need of them. We however stand at the edge of the most
dreadful abyss, to be swallowed up at any moment, whilst having not one mortal
being on our side – other than these old dozers in the Synagogue! Here I ask again:
what are we to do?
[12] Of what use now Moses and all the prophets, and what even Jehovah Who spoke
with Moses and the prophets, and Who has now left us stuck in the deepest mire for
more than a century?! And whether we scream loud enough to be heard in the stars,
no Jehovah answers any more, leaving us in a more shameful fix than a poor, tenfold
seduced and languishing bride by her perfectly cream-puffed bridegroom. On top of
that we carry the honorary title “the people of God”, even whilst the supposedly
godless heathens stand in highest prestige and possession of all the earth’s power
and wealth the way Jehovah according to Scripture promised it to His David, but
which has never been fulfilled.
[13] Here it says, speaking in grandiose godly fashion: “And to your kingdom there
shall henceforth be no end.” Behold David’s everlasting kingdom now! Oh you
beautiful lie of a David-flattering prophet! How often there has been an end to David’s
kingdom already! He had himself already had such pleasure at the hands of his son,
and had an oak tree not captured his son, then David could have sung his sweet
Jehovah another ten thousand Psalms and Absalom would still have sat upon the
throne! But lets leave the past and look at the contemporary promised everlasting
kingdom of David. Oh you beautiful kingdom! Perhaps David’s soul migrated to the
Caesars of Rome, whose kingdom at least for the present has an appearance of by far
greater everlasting endurance than the snail’s kingdom of the man in accordance with
God’s heart. Brethren, have you not worked it out yet that our entire age-old doctrine
is a fairy tale pure and simple having nothing to it but fabricated names of yore? And
we are still the dupes sticking to it as if some real salvation could be won therefrom.
What donkey or ox would tolerate a completely tattered old coat on his body if he
could get ten new ones of the best material for it?!
[14] History and our very own experience show us with solar brilliance that there is
no more to the entire Mosaic doctrine and all the prophets than a hollow, deaf, nut,
and yet we cling to it quite starved as to some absolute calculation and out of sheer
deep-seated ancient stupidity are not to be moved from the spot even when the
water is already running into all our bodily orifices like the Jordan into the Dead Sea!
[15] Hence brethren arise and let us too join up with the carpenter’s son and we are
safe. Because he is doing before our eyes that which the elders did not fabricate
about Jehovah. Whom they saw no more than we have done. I consider that with this
talk I have answered the most ponderous question which I myself raised. Act
accordingly, and we shall at once fare better, physically and morally.
[16] Roban our elder preceded us with a good example; let’s follow him and we shall
not go amiss! Maybe it is precisely this previously sparsely regarded carpenter Jesus
is the right one to at least partly restore the truly unhappy supposedly everlasting
kingdom of David. Because with his really incomprehensible magical power, which no
worldly power can match, it is most probable to inspire such respect in the
superstitious Romans that their mighty legions could shortly grow a thousand legs for
[17] Here the Elders, Scribes, Pharisees and Levites rise, saying: “You cannot
understand Scripture properly if you can speak in such heretical fashion which in a
worldly sense indeed could have some substance but in a spiritual sense blackens
God’s indisputable majesty, on account of which we are forced to expel you from our
company to the heathens.”
[18] Says the speaker: “Do you actually think to punish me therewith? Oh, there you
err mightily! If you intend to remain fools and starve to death, then by all means do
so, so that you remain in your ancient night and darkness. You old numbskulls, tell
me a precent where a preacher of God called forth a dead from the grave back to life,
the way this our carpenter had done!”
[19] Say the Elders: “This God Himself shall do on Judgement Day!”
[20] Says the speaker: “On Judgement Day your God shall pipe something to you for
sure! No man knows anything about Jehovah, as we know Him from Scripture has
ever called any man back from death to life! Since no man ever experienced such,
having nothing certain but eternal death before him at the end of his short earthly
life, has become extremely sad, and he began in his despair to ask: “What am I, and
whither do I go when this life ceases?” And since there never was any lack of such
servants of God as we have the honour to be, these had to invent something for the
comfort of the inquirers and their own best interests, so that the acutely inquiring one
obtained some comfort, and from this emerged the awakening on Judgement Day,
which the wide heavens are not likely to ever let arise; yet we pensive fools even
allow ourselves to be talked around therewith but are nonetheless blind to the
unheard-of actual deeds and happenings that are being accomplished right in front of
our eyes, noses and ears! Is it in all earnest something lofty for an old man to be
incapable of separating himself from the complety mouldy dummy?
[21] What are you going to do with the old trash of the Jews which, with the
enlightenment of the nations will hardly maintain itself for another half century? I for
one am not going to be the fool to wait for the demise of this blind doctrine, to which
there is no more than void historical names or names and fairytales that some wet-
nurses may have told their infants ad-lib, out of which grown up infants may later
have stubbled together a fabulous God-doctrine within which no system or spark of
any logical order in the Greek sense can be detected which grown-up infants may
later have stubbled together a fabulous God – a doctrine within which no system or
spark of any logical order in the Greek sense can be detected.
[22] Should Jehovah perhaps not be capable of speaking and teaching logically like
some wretched Greek philosopher, then He may need to attend a Greek school before
teaching truth, order and wisdom to His not altogether foolish peoples!
[23] Be it eternally far from me to not imagine Jehovah wiser than a prophet who was
brought up by his nanny, and in addition to his customary stupidity, possesses just
enough natural wit to bring forth such shady doctrine as to not understand it himself
or be capable of doing so, which actually is part of his plan, so that such doctrine
would be understood even less by any other man. – Leave me alone with your
Jehovah! Verily, as an honest man I have to begin to be properly ashamed for ever
having embraced such inhumanly stupid doctrine.
[24] If however there ever was something to Moses” doctrine in the beginning, then
this ‘something” now is so distorted through lowest human dirty tricks that we
possess no more of it than perhaps even its mispronounced name.
[25] Therefore I am even from today a disciple of the carpenter Jesus! He is good,
and unlike you, shall not cast out an honest fellow!”
Chapter 50
The Elders” comments on the state of Jewry.
[01] Say the Elders in furious astonishment at the speaker: “Infidel! Blasphemer! Do
you realise that your supremely blasphemous talk deserves immediate stoning in the
Synagogue, in strict accordance with Moses? How can you dare to shake other
people’s firm faith, making them doubt God and Moses just because you have no
[02] Are you really so deficient in reason as to not see that no man’s age in itself,
even with thousands of years of experience, can bring sufficient insight for believing
only ones” own experience? Whence God has taught men lettering through which to
record their experiences, which their descendants are not likely to experience, and for
the benefit of those very descendants, so that the latter may gain beneficial
knowledge of what they could hardly experience in their own time, because every
period brings forth something different. This manifestly our few days that we have to
live through on earth teaches us, in that no year, month, week or even day
completely resembles the other in what happens! Look up the Chronicles, and we give
you everything we have if you can show us a time in which that very thing took place
which is taking place before our eyes and ears.
[03] If things are undisputably thus on earth and not otherwise, what will you have
with your loose and crude casting of suspicion upon Scripture which is a holy legacy
from our forefathers to us, their descendants teaching is in clear sketches what they
as pious, God-fearing men experienced, and what measures were taken for enabling
their descendants to more easily live a more ordered and God-pleasing life than was
probably their case?!
[04] Do you actually think that we are too stupid to evaluate what is now taking place
before our eyes? Oh, there you err mightily! But we apply the wisdom of our fathers,
who examined everything for many years before accepting it as that which it
[05] Had our ancestors been as impressionable as you, they would not have stoned
the prophets! After they saw who unbending a true prophet was under a hail of
deadly stones, not departing from his testimony by even a hair’s breadth, then his
testimony took on a different aspect, and the fathers then accepted same as going
forth from God!
[06] If our forefathers proceeded so fastidiously with a prophet’s” new proclamation
of God’s will to mankind then is it even moderately reasonable to assume that our
divine doctrine is no more than some defamatory writing of some good-natured
irresponsible young lads who got some fun out of making fools of all future
[07] You called us fools and numbskulls; but isn’t it questionable whether you are not
the biggest?! Because it does not behove a man from Levi’s tribe to judge his
brethren so lovelessly.
[08] If with your contemptible speech you only wanted to test whether with all the
extraordinary events of this time, we still are what we should be as orthodox Jews
then you have taken a bad approach and have therewith only exposed the true nature
of your heart.
[09] Because every man is betrayed most of all by his zeal, testifying of how his
feelings, are made up, because therewith he gives free rein to his favourite ideas,
attitudes and vices.
[10] But a sober listener thinks his part, having the advantage of getting to know his
friend from rock bottom.
[11] Do you think that we are not aware of how quite huge abuses have crept into
our doctrine of God, especially in its practical performance, which unfortunately not
seldom hides Moses and the Prophets more than the sun is obscured by the thickest
storm clouds? But pure, unadulterated Scripture does not lend itself to such cloud
cover, and a true Scribe shall always know where he stands with pure truth.
[12] We all can see it as well as you do how the abuses can in the end kill the divine
doctrine in people like the nasty woodworm a young tree, but only with people like
you; yet the doctrine itself shall remain pure and shall always have its staunch
[13] Have you never seen a tree upon whose bough a great many parasite growths
have taken root for the destruction of the tree for man, taking their nutrients out of
the tree? Does the tree on that account cease to be what it basically is?
[14] We men cannot of course with our foolish senses determine the grounds for such
aberrations; but that much we can work out, that these could not possibly arise
without the almighty and all-wise God’s will. Why must there be wolves only for the
purpose of destroying peaceful and harmless herds of lambs to sate themselves on
their blood and flesh? Why must there be a lion, a bear, a tiger, a hyena and other
predators; why next to the gentle dove a mighty, rapacious falcon? Behold, these are
imponderable secrets for us shortsighted men, and we are unable to shed light on
[15] A man of the land cultivates his field and it stands ready fully blessed, and he is
already enlarging his granary to accommodate the new blessings. But then in one day
there comes an unexpected stormy hour, - and the entire blessing is destroyed. Could
one not put the pertinent question: “God, if it had pleased You that this field should
bear no fruit for this man of the land due to his being perhaps a sinner then You
would have surely had sufficient power to destroy the field’s blessing in the germ
saving the man of the land cost and effort”! But behold, such occurrences happen
quite often before our eyes, and none is able to give a sensible explanation.
[16] Likewise we see to a greater or lesser extent deviations both in the Temple and
by all followers from Moses” pure doctrine. We see the traveller upon false courses.
Upon the old tree of life we see a great many parasitic growths. But what can we do
about it and how blamed? We have neither done nor desired it, but have found it so,
having to tolerate it even if ever so bitter to the palate.
[17] But on that account alone we have not been spiritually restricted by having to
buy the parasites into the bargain as equal to the tree of life. The tree itself still
remains with us in its original authenticity, and its parasites are regarded for what
they are, and no God shall have an objection to such common sense. God would be
silly indeed if He said to each one of us individually: “Go and destroy the Temple
which has become offensive, for I, God am greatly displeased with its abominations”.
Could not a weak man say to his God: “Lord, what nonsensical thing are You asking
of your poor, weak creature? If my existence troubles You it takes You only a thought
and I cease to be. But to ask the impossible of me would be like commanding a fly
with its unaided strength to put an elephant on its back to carry away.”
[18] We however think that God is too wise not to see that man cannot swim against
a raging stream.
[19] Tell us now whether you see the truth of our talk, and we shall forgive what you
threw at us blindly and foolishly.”
Chapter 51
One speakers’ testimony to the Ark of the Covenant.
[01] Says the speaker, not having lost his quite stoic composure for one moment
during this fairly convincing lecture: “Dear friends and brethren. That which you now
sermonised to me I know as well as you do, but nevertheless for the first time in my
life among you I am very fortunate to find out that like myself, you are no fools
either. What you have said is true, but it still leaves my question unanswered.
[02] It is as you have spoken, as I quite clearly perceive, although I wanted through
my seeming refutations to nudge you into opening your perpetually sealed lips. And
behold, for the first time in our joint living and acting in twenty years, you have
spoken with me openly.
[03] But neither my own nor your clear insight minimises the dilemma on which we
obviously find ourselves. The big and important question remains, what are we to do
[04] I, the son of a High Priest, grown and brought up in the Temple know only too
well how it stands with the Ark of the Covenant. The wood, silver and gold still are of
your; but the evergreen Aaron’s Rod is powder-dry, the Commandment tablets are
broken, whilst the Manna consists only in the concept. And the Pillar of Fire, where
might be same? From the Chronicles one knows that he who touched the Ark with
unconsecrated hands, being un-called lost his life; now one can climb upon the Ark
and touch it at will, and no deadly fire flashes from it.
[05] When for much money foreign travellers desire to view the old miracle under
sworn secrecy, it is granted them without any objections, but only on the day after
the permission is given. Thereupon an artificial pillar of fire is presented, but mark
well, not above the red ancient one, but above an artificial imitation metal ark! This
ark is equipped with a black cup in the middle, at the top sunk into the lid in such a
way that it is not easily detected in the dark holiest of holies, on account of the
intense flame emanating therefrom into this cup the finest ethereal naphthalene is
blended with other fragrant finest oils and lit about an hour before. In this way it then
burns forth about six spans high to represent the pillar of fire.
[06] When the curious onlookers have stared at this beautiful pillar of fire with much
contentment and then wish to see the Ark’s interior, then under much ceremonial
formality and void prayers the upper lid with its continuing flame-throwing is gently
lifted unto a golden rack. The spectators are shown the naturally new Mosaic tablets
as the genuine ones, likewise the Manna which is quite fresh, as well as a sprouting
Aaron Rod and similar other things the Ark contains.
[07] Some onlookers become deeply stirred; others, in particular Greeks, smiling to
themselves leave the Holy of Holies finally saying; “This actually is quite a cleaver
contraption!” The majority however regret that the rest of the Temple is kept in such
a filthy state. I tell you and would also bet you a large sum, that in time the old Ark of
the Covenant shall be put out of the way altogether and henceforth only the new iron
one will take its place and function.
[08] If you don’t want to believe me then let us dress up as for example Romans, go
to Jerusalem and enter the Temple as strangers; at once an obliging spirit shall
attend to us, asking us in great detail where we are from and what we are seeking in
Jerusalem, how long our stay in “The City of God” shall be, where we are heading
thereafter and whether we carry large sums; whether we have gold or silver for sale,
and whether we would not like to see the Holy of Holies for a modest fee. Then we
ask about the fee and are told something like a hundred pounds of silver. We say that
this is too much and that we are not interested in seeing such things; if it is possible
for ten pounds then we are all for it. And for ten miserable pounds we get into the
Holiest of Holies, if we solemnly promise the chief caretaker in question not to betray
a syllable of it for anything in the world either within the Jewish land nor any distant
foreign land, nor tell anyone of having been in the Holiest of Holies. This we can
promise quite easily and thus get into the Holiest of Holies as pseudo-Romans, and
you can then convince yourselves as to whether even one syllable of all this what I
have told you about the Ark of the Covenant is a lie!
09] And, dear friends and brothers, if one as a human being with a somewhat
brighter intelligence has seen with one’s very own eyes such things in the Holiest of
Holies, and where at such opportunities oneself has served as a shrewd and useful
sidekick, surely for a honest person this will become forever a bitter thing, to become
a shamefully paid deceiver and liar of the people! How often have I thought about it
and said to myself: ‘If the supposed to be living Holiest of Hollies, on which the whole
doctrine of God and all the laws are based, is a blandishment kept secret, what should
one think of the whole doctrine and of all the laws?’ - I have now spoken, now you
can speak again; I’m inclined to listen to you.”
10] Says one of the elders: “Were you then allowed to give away such secrets?
Weren’t you asked to swear an oath of everlasting silence before you were released
from the temple as an adept?”
11] Says the speaker: “Certainly; however, now I’m free not to keep this stupid oath
which does not can have any value for me, anymore, and to inform the whole world
how it has been deceived! And here in Nazareth we take these things anyhow less
serious, and therefore one can dare to brake such fraudulent oath, without having a
bad conscience about it.”
Chapter 52
[01] Say the elder: “We now admit that you are right to a certain extend, - but not
with everything; therefore you are lacking at least twenty years experience. The
temple looks like you have told us; but it was not always like this. For if you are able
to think thoroughly and logically, you must necessarily accept the statement as
undeniable true: ‘If something true and real never existed, no person could ever think
to replicate something false and untrue.’ Why does one in our over-informed time of
all kinds of arts come across false diamonds, false pearls, as well as false gold and
[02] We know that the Persians produce the best and finest scarfs and other clothes
and also add to it the most durable colours according to their secret art, which is why
their produce is highly valuable. But if you today visit the markets in Jerusalem,
Sichar or even Damascus, you must be a knowledgeable product expert, not to buy in
our country produced counterfeits, thus false and bad materials as original Persian for
a high price what one normally would pay for Persian material! - But what can be
deduced from that?
[03] Behold, had these never been real diamonds, pearls, silver and exquisite Persian
materials, it would also never occur to any person to imitate such! And if the genuine
were not so highly valued then the fake imitations also would cease, for it would not
occur to someone to imitate false limestone due to the limitless abundance of the
real. And so can easily see that a false Ark with the pillar of fire would never have
been imitated if formerly an authentic and wonderfully true one had not been in
[04] Says the speaker, by the name of Chiwar: “Quite so! This is clear; but it begs
the question: what took place in actuality, by the ancient once duying, so to speak. It
still is in existence and is occasionally found on the spot of the false Holiest of Holies
precinct, which nevertheless hardly ever happens these days because of the frequent
visits paid to the Holiest of Holies hall, in spite of it being known very well that until
hardly thirty years ago, no man besides the High Priest who had the right to sit upon
Aaron’s chair, could enter the Holiest of Holies, and even the High Priest himself only
twice a year, according to regulations; only under exceptional circumstances was he
allowed to enter the Holiest of Holies three or four times.
[05] How did it therefore happen that the Holiest of Holies is now only so in name but
is basically no more a Holiest of Holies than this Synagogue?”
[06] Says one seasoned Elder: “What may have led to it or be the cause, neither I
nor any initiate in all of Israel knows. Only this much is certain: that with the wicked
murder of the High Priest Zacharias between the sacrificial altar and the Holiest of
Holies, the Pillar of Fire suddenly went out and did not reappear with all pleading and
[07] We hope that you will understand that such goings on could not be made known
to the people. Because this would have caused a great furore among the people, on
top of the Romans in the land! What bloodbath and devastation would necessarily
have followed!
[08] In this way however in all of Israel, except us initiates, nobody knows anything
about it, whilst these Galileans sleeping here and hardly capable of hearing our
whispering even if not asleep, would not do anything even if they knew, for they are
of little faith one and all, being Greeks more than Jews and persuaded of the
expedient premise: “There has to be a religion for holding the common people down,
making them the easier for the educated classes to exploit, and that it is quite
immaterial as to what mystique underlies a religion.
[09] What concern to a real and better Galilean as to whether the Ark is authentic or
not if only it has the right effect on the common folk that is superstitious and too
easily deceived!? Here in Nazareth, in Capernaum and Chorazim therefore one can be
quite open among relatives and friends without causing damage; regarding the
Greeks and Romans, well, there we know whom we are dealing with!
[10] That was also the main reason for getting the preacher John, who hung around
Bethabara for several years, to prison, as it was feared that, as a son of Zacharias,
giving no good testimony of the Jerusalamite priests, might know and tell the people
about the false Ark!
[11] That is also the reason for persecuting the carpenter, because with his obvious
gifts of prophecy one feared he could reveal things to the people. Hence let this
remain a secret among us for now, and we must not give ourselves away too easily.”
[12] Says Chiwar: “This is of course a most exasperating tale; if only those down
there near the main entrance overheard us!”
[13] Says the Elder: “Well, we actually mumbled more than spoke and those down
there will have heard very little if anything. And even if they had heard anything, they
are mostly Greeks and Romans and don’t understand what we discussed among
[14] Says Chiwar: “I nevertheless noticed the carpenter’s son Jesus, the chief
governor Cyrenius, the Chief Jairus, the chief Cornelius, Faustus and other officials!”
[15] Says the Elder: “These are people against whom we cannot guard ourselves
anyway; it matters little whether these heard it or not. If these want to make it
known to the people then they are not likely to need our discussion, as they are likely
to have for along time now it is with the Ark in the Temple; and if they don’t want to,
then our discussion is not going to motivate them, - and so we can be untroubled! But
let us now see to it that this questionable thing is not broadcast by us. And if it has to
be done in times to come then utmost caution shall be needed.”
Chapter 53
Chiwar’s testimony on Jesus” works and life.
[01] Says Chiwar: “Verily, I must commend your wisdom. Notwithstanding the length
of time we have lived and acted together, there was never an opportunity yet for
getting to know you, my colleagues, the way I have done today and I am particularly
pleased to have you at my side as humans rather than just foolish Temple servants.
Nonetheless, the advent of the carpenter remains the most extraordinary thing
witnessed by human perception since humans settled the earth. Here Adam sinks
with all his thousand years of experience and visions! A Henoch belongs to a nation of
spiritual beggars, and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, Aaron and Elijah are poor
devils in comparison with us. Just on e day now brings more of the most miraculous
and unheard of than what all the ancient and forefathers ever experienced!
[02] I have myself played a secret observer from a distance, yesterday as well as
already today, of all that which went on inside and outside old Joseph’s house, I will
say it: nothing but miracles upon miracles! Two visible fully live angels serve Him!
Faustus’ wife was at Capernaum and the carpenter wanted to have her at the
breakfast table; but four hours time would have been required to bring her from
Capernaum to Nazareth. What happens? The carpenter gives the two obvious angels
a nod. These two disappear for just a couple of moments, bringing the completely
cheerful beautiful Lydia to Nazareth! – What say you to that? This surely is more than
we are able to grasp?!”
[03] Ask the Elders: “What else have you seen?”
[04] Says Chiwar: “You certainly know Jairus’ daughter and also that she died twice
and that the second time she had already lain in the grave several days. But that you
don’t know that Jairus’ celestially beautiful daughter has become Borus’ wife! Is not
this unheard of, that a twice fully dead female being becomes a man’s wife and a
wedding by ways and means as the earth has not experienced before?! When the
carpenter’s son had blessed her she saw the heavens open and countless hosts of
angels filled the air praising God for showing the earth’s mankind such honours and
graces. After the pair were blessed by Jesus however the heavens closed in response
the carpenter’s visible nod and only the two angels remained, as they were
previously, and as you are able to see them there in the Synagogue, - over there
standing near the door, in the shape of two celestially beautiful youths. Look at them
and say whether they can be from anywhere else but purely from the heavens!
[05] If however things all are of such wonderful nature, which none of us can deny,
why should we not take the carpenter’s son for something higher than a student of
the Essenes, whom he could not ver have seen, since he has to my knowledge never
left our district, except a couple of times for Jerusalem with his father and brethren,
and I think once to Sidon to erect a dwelling there, at all other times he was at home.
[06] Although one knows that the he was always quiet, withdrawn worker, and that
he was even regarded as somewhat stupid, one also knows that from his birth to his
twelfth year truly exceptional things took place with him; even his birth was supposed
to have been quite miraculous – according to the Roman chief Cornelius’ account,
who told me this only recently during a festive occasion.
[07] If things are thus, then I earnestly ask whether one should still have misgivings
about regarding this Jesus as at least a son of God; because such things as he
accomplishes, and how he commands the angels and how they obey at the least hint
obviously allows the conclusion that there must be the fullness of God’s primeval
Spirit behind this Jesus.
[08] If that is the case - as his deeds and doctrines testify - then I really don’t know
why we still hang unto the dead Ark, even whilst the living one is moving and acting
before our eyes. We could even in front of the people still in appearance remain what
we are, in order not to make the thing too conspicuous; but in our hearts we should
firmly convert to him!”
[09] Says the wise Elder: “Either fully or not at all! For if godliness is in him it shall
abhor all half-heartedness; if this is not the case however, then it nevertheless is
better to stay with the dead Ark with at least the memory of its former constitution,
than to embrace something whose foundations one does not know!
[10] Says Chiwar: “Wherefore we shall test the thing on your account, because it
needs no testing on my account. I am in the clear and know exactly what I do by
following him.”
[11] Says the Elder: “But do you think that the Temple will take no further steps if
one community and district after another falls away from it like ripened fruit from the
tree? I think the Temple won’t keep us waiting too long before sending its heavy
fathers into every precinct. Then beware all apostates - these shall be tormented in
every manner! Then those who embraced the wise Greek’s doctrine may still fare
better than disciples of Jesus, who are neither fully Jews and even less Greeks yet
might be, at least some of them, informed about the bad and completely void Temple
conditions together with its holy mysteries.
[12] I say unto you: nothing incenses the Clerics into more threatening disquiet, kept
secret of course than Jesus” obvious prophetic nature and that of his disciples. And
such disquiet shall seize upon every Satanic measure to destroy a doctrine, which
evidently must prepare the Temple’s demise.
[13] Or did you not hear what the Clerics did last year even with a Greek who made it
known to the people that the former were now accepting Roman gold and silver in the
Temple notwithstanding that only Aaron’s coinage was determined for this and that
no other money was to ever be accepted? Behold, he was enticed into the Temple
with promises of profit, and when gotten hold of in this way he was killed in a manner
that finds no precedent in the Chronicles. Hence the greatest caution must be applied!
We have to either become wholly Greeks and as such then join Jesus’ disciples, or on
the other hand remain completely what we are, because half-measures shall in no
way help us.”
[14] Says Chiwar: “Speaking openly between ourselves, what if this apparent
carpenter is really the promised Messiah, thus - as David calls Him with the deepest
reverence - Jehovah Himself? Should we then still become His disciples by subterfuge,
or should we not rather join up with the heavenly banner and not allow ourselves to
be intimidated by Satan’s trickery because through Him we can be assured of eternal
life even if it may cost us this insignificant, miserable temporal life which is only short
[15] At Chiwar’s proposition all became hesitant, not know how to act decisively.
Chapter 54
The angel’s counselling of the converted Clerics
[01] There the two angels step up to them and say: “Chiwar is right on the one hand,
but you, Elder, are right too in saying that one must belong fully to God since God
detests any lukewarmness. But we as His witnesses from the heavens tell you: Do not
fear those who cannot harm your soul, but rather fear Him Who is the Lord, over all
life in heaven and on earth. Without Him there is no life, neither in heaven nor on
earth. Therefore we, as His most truthful witnesses from the heavens, do advise you
to do what your friend Chiwar has suggested.”
[02] Says the Elder: “Who are you, most charming youths, that you call yourselves
before us “witnesses from the heavens”?”
[03] Say the two: “Ask Chiwar who saw us fetch the wife of Faustus from Capernaum,
and he will tell you who we are.”
[04] Says the Elder: “If so, there is no more to be reflected on and we must turn our
backs upon the temple.”
[05] Say the two: “Not this way, dear friends, for the Lord is tolerant in all things. As
long as you follow Him in your hearts, have a living faith in Him and believe that
through Him the Scripture will be fulfilled and for the greater part have already been
fulfilled, you are doing enough. Otherwise stay as you are, so that the servants of the
world and the devil of whom the temple is full are not awakened before the time.
Teach the people of Moses and the prophets and see that the true commandments of
God are observed, but regard the observance of the worldly laws of the temple as you
would lukewarm water, then you will be as much His disciples as those whom He
called and chose from among the fishermen.
[06] In two days time, you shall get a new Chief from Jerusalem who shall be very
templeristically-minded at the start but later be quite open to wheeling and dealing
and hand out dispensation after dispensation for money; because he does not believe
one iota in the Temple himself and you shall get off easily. Jairus has retired and is
going to reside with his son-in-law. But say nothing to the new Chief about all the
miracles that has taken place here!”
[07] Says Chiwar in deepest reverence: “Servants of God from the kingdom of Light
and eternal life. We shall do well if we act in accordance with your counsel through
the grace of God; but for myself I would like to take it a step further. How about my
personally join the disciples as a disciple myself?”
[08] Say the two: “Every man of this earth is free and can do what he will and believe
and say as he will; but whoever like yourselves has received divine counsel does well
to heed same because heavy days of temptation are yet to come over the disciples
constantly about the Lord, for the purpose of testing their spirit even in the fire, and
many shall become feeble and fall away. For yourselves, it shall be easier, and you
shall quietly achieve what the disciples shall only achieve under much fear and
persecution. You Chiwar can yourself now do as you wish; yet it is better for you to
remain in your position.”
[09] Says Chiwar: “Indeed I shall remain so; but for the duration of the Lord’s stay
here I would like to stay in His proximity and hear and see Him diversely. Should I let
that go too?”
[10] Say the two: “Oh, that you can indeed, although the Lord shall be saying little
here, and even less, do anything in particular, because the people here are almost
entirely without faith, taking the Lord to be a magician. You shall yourselves get
ample opportunity to teach them something better for which the Lord shall not let you
go unrewarded. Towards evening Roban also shall come back to you and bring you
important testimony of Jesus the Lord, and in him you shall have a cleaver and wise
leader; for Roban is one of the most forceful spirits among you.” – With these words
the two angels leave and join our company.
Chapter 55
The relation of the people to their leaders.
[01] After this, Cyrenius asks Me whether it were advisable to release the Pharisees,
Elders, Levites and Scribes from his sharp edict as they appear in his view to be fully
[02] Say I: “One should not as an empowered legislator be precipitating and enacting
a new law! Once a law is enacted, one should even less precipitate in abolishing a
given law, for here the law of sensibility should guide. Behold, when enacting a new
law you shall make enemies of all on whom the law imposed; if you abolish the law,
none shall thank you but rather reproach you as weak and say triumphantly: ‘Do you
see a tyrant! Seeing himself outnumbered by enemies, who is toying to re-ingratiate
himself with the people by suddenly abolishing the tough law. But he shall have few
friends among the people, for once someone is a tyrant is so a second time and
doubly so when re-gaining power!’
[03] It is therefore better to let a given law stand than abolish it too soon; but one
can instead secretly lapse it, and whose transgressions against it occur, one can show
leniency and not sentence too strictly. When a new leader emerges, it is then up to
him to either completely abolish the laws his predecessor enacted or to enact wilder
ones commensurate with the spirit of the people; or be it that the people themselves
came to you to ask it, whereupon you can remove the stricter portion of an enacted
law but always retaining the option of re-implementing it in all severity if traces of
pursuing the wilful digressions can be found which the law is designed to alleviate.
[04] Behold, this is the cleverness with which every regent should lead his subjects, if
he desires to rule with gladness! A half-hearted careless regent shall come to the
constantly sad insight that he should not have allowed the people to grow over his
head through excessive pliability!
[05] For peoples relate towards regents the way children relate to their parents. Strict
but also wise parents shall have good, obedient and obliging children who will love
and honour their parents, whilst over-pliable parents shall soon have their children
growing over their heads, expelling and driving them from home.
[06] Love coupled with earnestness and wisdom is the eternal law; he who acts
accordingly shall not stray, and the resulting fruits shall taste good and precious.
Have you indeed fully understood Me?”
[07] Says Cyrenius: “Yes, Lord, completely, and it has always been thus in the world.
An excessively good and pliable regent’s’ reign shall soon be over, but a too
tyrannical one rarely lasts long. It seems to me that in the middle path rest wisdom,
bliss and their lasing solidity?”
[08] Say I: “Indeed, so it is: midway, as I have shown you. But now let us return
home, as afternoon has quite come along.”
[09] Asks Cornelius: “But are these elderly citizens who were going to stay here,
already asleep? These people could surely carry out their praiseworthy honouring of
the Sabbath at home without disturbing those present with their sonorous snoring!
For these people’s snoring make one want to run away - a phenomenon most
obnoxious to me. I can put with plenty of hardship, but a sleeper’s snoring can drive
me to exasperation!”
[10] Say I: “Now, now, just let that be. Whilst snoring they commit no sin. It is good
that they are snoring, for had they been awake, they may have overheard what could
have extremely offended them, which would not be good. But having slept soundly
they neither heard nor saw any of all that took place and hence have taken no offence
and behold, that is good. But let us go now and let these people sleep!”
[11] After that we began moving towards the door but the Pharisees and Elders
rushed to the half open door, quickly opening the entire big door, saying: “Lord, it is
written: ‘Lift up your heads, o ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and
the king of glory – To Him be all our praise and honour from eternity to eternity’.”
[12] And Cyrenius says with friendly mien: “Indeed, so it is and shall remain forever!
The Lord be with you always.”
[13] And they shout: “And with your spirit, that you may show us grace as He does.
Because until now your decrees have oppressed us severely, worse than death. But
since we have ourselves now become fully His disciples, imposing your laws upon
ourselves voluntarily, your tough decrees are to us now as if non-existent. Yet we
nevertheless thank you for these very decrees for without them we may easily have
turned into betrayers of this most holy matter. We hence no longer ask you to abolish
the enacted, severe laws; for we, as ourselves like minded, believing and acting like
yourself ourselves abolish them to the last iota through our own doing or omitting for
all time!”
[14] Says Cyrenius: “In that sense I also waive the laws, and I am of the certain hope
of never having to re-impose the laws on you. Let yourselves therefore not be misled
again and strictly heed what the two angels of God have counselled you, and thus we
shall remain the best of friends in God, and my rule shall not oppress you. And should
it transpire that your new superintendent of your schools intends to persecute you for
being friends of Jesus, the Lord from eternity, besides being friend of the sympathetic
Romans as well, and you shall surely find your path to me, - whereupon steps shall
be taken to uphold and protect your physical and above all spiritual rights to the best
ability! And here I say once more: the Lord be with you.”
[15] And they all shout out again: “And with your spirit forever!”
[16] Thereupon they bow down deeply before us and we pass through the wide-open
door and head for home, where an ample meal consisting of bread, wine and diverse
sweet and fully ripe fruits awaits us. We seat ourselves at the tables, saying thanks
and gradually consuming everything the tables hold, - remaining seated till dusk with
all kinds of uplifting speeches and conversations.
Chapter 56
Roban and Kisjonah relate their experiences.
[01] Just before sunset, Roban, in company with Kisjonah of Kis, arrives at My house,
greeting all he encounters already from afar, and Kisjonah too rushes over to Me with
open arms, greeting above all Myself in a truly most amicable fashion with tears in his
eyes and then after a while greets his daughter who had already held his hand for
quite some time, covering it with kisses; whereupon he also greets his son-in-law,
Cornelius, and on finding out that the illustrious Roman sitting at My side is the Chief
Governor Cyrenius, he begs the latter’s apology for having overlooked him.
[02] But stirred, Cyrenius seizes Kisjonah’s hand, pressing it to his chest and saying
aloud: “Not yourself, but I beg your apology for not greeting you earlier but let my
not personally knowing you serve as an excuse. Because next to Jesus to Whom of
course be all praise and honour, I also owe you, faithful and honest man,
inexhaustible thanks. Because of all the people of the region you are sure to have
played the major part in getting me out of an embarrassment which would have
probably cost me my life! This is indeed a great pleasure, my most worthy friend to
get to know you personally.”
[03] Therewith Kisjonah once again is very happy, relating much of what he had
meanwhile met with, saying even that he had visited Sychar with honest old Roban
and these spoke much with Jonael, Jairuth and a great deal with Archiel, now living
and acting like an ordinary human, so that no stranger would dream that there is a
purely spiritual being behind him.
[04] Thus he had also visited the physician Joram and his wonderfully glorious house
and his lovely and glorious wife, finding out exceedingly amazing things from both;
and that Roban had been just ears and eyes everywhere being taken aback with
astonishment, and whenever mightily gripped then constantly saying to himself:
“Indeed, indeed, life and blood to the godly Master of Nazareth! For He cannot be
man but must be God Himself, otherwise such things would not be possible to Him!”
[05] Whilst Kisjonah continues thus, Roban steps over to Me saying: “Lord, I am
Yours, and no power other than Your will can separate me from You.”
[06] Say I: “I foresaw it indeed that you would become one of Mine, but what you
don’t know yet is that all your brethren and colleagues now count as Mine, without
ceasing to remain before the world what they were heretofore, - wherefore you too
for the time being shall stay what you were, until the new school superintendent, who
will be taking Jairus’ place the day after tomorrow, will have his edges worn off a
[07] Your brethren shall instruct you on how to act, speak and behave towards the
new Chief, who at the start shall be sweeping with a bushy broom indeed; but in
hardly a half year you shall be able to achieve anything with him for a little money,
since he has no faith in the Temple but only in gold for the present; afterwards
nevertheless he shall be capable of believing in something better. But go over to your
brethren now and appraise them of all you have seen and heard.”
[08] Upon My words Roban takes leave of Kisjonah, thanking him for all the good he
had done for him, finally saying: “There may not be too many Kisjonahs encountered
upon earth. Wherefore you are the only one to have touched my heart and found it.
May the Lord bless you for all the good you have done for me and a thousand others.”
– With these words he bows down deeply before us, rushing to his brethren who this
day are still assembled at the Synagogue – without the sleeping ones, who were
removed shortly after our departure. He received a surprisingly friendly reception,
and with glad heart tell each other under astonishment over astonishment all that
they met with, heard and saw.
[09] We too are in good spirits, for Kisjonah did not come alone but with several
loaded beasts of burden and their drovers, bringing wine, flour, cheese, bread, honey
and a large quantity of choice smoked fish, so that the mother Mary could hardly find
room to accommodate it.
[10] Hence a neighbour was requested to store the excess in his larder with care,
which he then also did although not too obligingly since he had always been a miserly
fellow. But when Kisjonah offered and gave him a couple of gold pieces for his effort
and helpfulness he was at once favourably inclined and exceedingly keen, on one
occasion due to fading light heavily knocking into the disciple John whilst carrying
bags. The latter said to him: “Friend, be more careful in your paid zeal or you shall do
damage to yourself and others. Happy you would be if you were as zealous for the
kingdom of God, which has come so near unto you, as you are for the two miserable
pieces of gold, and you would not be knocking against anyone! Oh for the great
blindness that does not want to recognise the supremely Highest!”
[11] The neighbour did not let himself be distracted, carrying out his hired service
and was not troubled by anything else.
[12] Here John asked: “Lord, is it possible that a person can be so obtuse in body and
[13] Say I: “Let him go! There are now many thousands like that in the land of the
Jews that are more obtuse and stubborn than donkeys! Wherefore they also deserve
only the reward of a donkey!”
[14] This was followed by some derision that Philopold was able to heighten with
fitting comments, substantiating how normally nothing was harder for man to see
what sits on his nose. And all marvelled at his dialectic skill.
[15] After this interlude we rose from the table and shortly took our rest.
Chapter 57
The service of the angels in the universe.
[01] Everybody now retired and slept until the morning had dawned. Also I rested
and slept for a few hours. The two angels, however, attended during the night to their
duty of managing worlds and at sunrise were already back with us, came to Me,
thanked Me and said: “Lord, everything is in the best order in the entire great cosmic
man. The main central suns are fixed in their places and their rotations are regular.
The orbits of the secondary central suns are unchanged, the orbits of the central suns
of the third order around those of the secondary are in perfect order and the same
applies to the central suns of the fourth order with their ten times hundred thousand
planetary suns, here and there more or fewer – just as You, O Lord, have established
the order from the very beginning. The countless planetary suns with their small,
mostly dark planets and moons are anyway dependent on the order of the great
leading suns, and thus everything is in the best order in this shell globe over which
we have to watch, and we, therefore, may spend another bright day here with You,
holy Father, and Your to us very dear children.”
[02] Say I: “Very well, but do make use of every minute through all kinds of useful
lessons of which My children still have great need.”
[03] The two angels now step back cheerfully and superbly happy and greet Mary,
then the disciples, Cyrenius, Cornelius, Faustus, Jairus, Kisjonah and Borus. But
Cyrenius who had heard something about many suns asks them about what suns they
had talked with Me as he knew only one sun.”
[04] Say the two, most endearingly: “Dearest friend and brother in the Lord, try not
to know what you cannot possibly grasp right now, and on which the salvation of your
soul does not depend; because that about which we spoke with the Lord would kill
you, if you could understand it to the extent that we do and have to understand it.
Because as many stars as you can see on a clear night, and many more that your eye
can’t see on account of their immense distance, all are solar worlds on a scale beyond
your understanding. The one sun that you see is one of the smallest planetary suns
yet it is already more than a thousand times a thousand times bigger than this earth.
Now imagine a central sun of just the fourth order, around which at least ten times a
hundred thousand planetary suns orbit together with their planets or light-less earths!
The volume of a central sun of only the fourth order is a thousand times larger than
the sum of the volumes of all the planetary suns with their earths and moons
revolving around them. Tell us, friend, can you now form for yourself an idea of such
a magnitude?”
[05] Says Cyrenius: “Loveliest servants of God, pray do not tell me any more about it
for this is making me quite dizzy. But since I have such a thirst for knowledge, tell me
just in general what these countless, immense suns contain?”
[06] Say the two: “In a great solar world you can find the same and similar things as
on this earth, although of a much nobler kind and often of a giant size. There are
men, animals and plants of various kinds, just as here, and besides immense and
indescribably magnificent dwellings compared with which the temple in Jerusalem and
the Emperor’s palace in Rome are the most miserable snail-shells. And everywhere is
this One the sole Lord and Creator from eternity.”
Chapter 58
About man’s free self-determination and his sinful self-degradation.
[01] Hearing this Cyrenius is overwhelmed by the greatest awe: “Friends and
servants of the Lord, only now do I realise Who the Lord is and who I am. I am
absolutely nothing and He is endlessly everything. I only do not understand our
human audacity which makes us speak with Him as if with our own kind.”
[02] Says the two angels: “He wants it to be like that, for the children have from
eternity the right to speak to the Father to their heart’s content. Therefore, do not ask
about silly things and circumstances, for it is not your responsibility that your a man,
but solely His Who created you the way you are out of Himself, not depending on
anybody’s counsel but His very own. And how could He have asked anyone else but
Himself since before Him there was no being in the whole of infinity?
[03] Therefore, if you speak with Him as if with your own kind, you do the right thing,
for God has no one except Himself with whom He could speak. But His created beings
that are out of Him have been given the freedom so that they can now speak with
God and God with them like one man with another, and thus it is quite in order for
you to speak with Him like with your own kind. For the created being is worthy of its
Creator and the Creator of His created being.
[04] Every created being is witness to God’s omnipotence, wisdom and love, and
without His power no ever so mighty spirit is capable of creating anything, which can
be done only by God. But since every created being is a witness to the divine
omnipotence, wisdom and love, how should it then not be worthy of its Creator? - Do
you understand this?”
[05] Says Cyrenius: “Oh you supremely wise servants of almighty God, how clear and
comprehensible your so very wise lesson is. Yes, it is indeed so. Man must truly not
be ashamed of that which is, for he is the Creator’s truest masterpiece provided he
lives according to the freely recognised will of God. I think he corrupts thereby and
can no longer correspond to what he originally was and is meant to be and remain
[06] And so sin must be an act contrary to God’s original order by which act man, as
himself creator of his to be developed nature, which is to become similar to God’s,
corrupts himself there by rendering himself unworthy of being a created being of the
eternal, almighty Master.”
[07] Say the angels: “There you are quite right. Every human being remains God’s
worthy masterpiece as far as his form, usefulness, ability and living freedom are
concerned, so-to-say purely a machine for a free and living expression of the spirit.
[08] But as concerns the moral development of his heart and soul, which necessarily
has to be left to him, he can degrade himself to a hellish monster, thereby
committing the greatest sin because he has within and through himself transformed
God’s greatest masterpiece into a wretched bungle, whereupon it costs God Himself
much effort and incalculable patience until the spoilt work becomes once more a
[09] Because of inexpressibly many self-spoilt works the Master has this time Himself
come into the world in order to once and for all rectify these spoilt works. However,
the works will continue to become corrupted, and because of that He will establish in
this world a new institution in which all the spoilt works will be able to rectify
themselves independently. But he who will not of his own accord make us of this
institution will forever remain corrupted if his will does not change. Do you
understand this?”
[10] Says Cyrenius: “I do understand also this completely and because of that I am of
the opinion that people must be urged through good but strict laws to make the
fullest use of this institution.”
[11] Say the angels: “This will indeed happen, but it will be of little use to mankind,
for only what man does spontaneously is of benefit to him. Everything else harms him
[12] For if man could be perfected through any kind of compulsion, be it from the
outside or from within, we would have more than sufficient power to bind and compel
all people in such a way that it would be impossible for them to ever again act
contrary to any law. Thereby we would make of man, who is destined in all freedom
to become similar to God, only a dumb animated machine that would forever be quite
as incapable of any useful free activity as the ever so sharp sword of justice, without
being handed by an experienced hand.
[13] This shows you clearly that any compulsion would not ever be of any use, but
only true teaching followed by free self-determination in accordance with the received
teaching by which everyone is shown the well-lit path of divine order, how to conduct
his life.”
Book 4
There is no copyright for this book. This is God’s Word and God’s Word is free. It may be
copied freely on condition that the text will not be changed.

Original German book: “Das grosse Evangelium Johannes” (1851-1864).

This Book 4 is translated from the German book II, chapters 59 to 158.

SAYS Cyrenius: “Yes, that too I understand unfortunately, for

I see few successes therefrom! Where are the people and how
many of them are there who are capable to just receive and then
understand a doctrine? And how many even among the instructed
ones who possess a will strong enough to convert a received instruction
into deed? I would take a thousand well-instructed ones and
would wager everything if there are found even ten among them
who have the complete determination and also the necessary
courage – especially among fanatically superstitious legions of peoples
– to put the heard and well-understood doctrine into practice! For
what would it serve them to put the doctrine of everlasting, clearest
truth into practice if already the next day they would die most
excruciatingly at the hands of selfish and cruel fanatics?

[2] You are of a truth endlessly wise and mighty servants of the
Most High, but as an experienced statesman I say: “Without some
measure of coercion, this ever so truly divine life doctrine never
find a worthwhile access! At the least, the over-crude fanatical
superstition has to be driven out with fullest power; otherwise it
would be everlasting pity to spread it just one day’s
distance from here.
[3] We of course without a doubt believe the purest eternal truth
that was amply revealed to us here, yet not quite without force;
for you two and the Lord and His deeds surely are no mean
coercive method, without which just over a thousand listeners
and disciples would hardly have assembled on this spot. If this
considerably coercive method has not transformed us to dead
machines, as shown you by this my perhaps not altogether
groundless rejoinder, then a just outwardly coercive means
should not be too harmful on people who ought henceforth to
transform themselves into children of God through this new
doctrine from the heavens!”
[4] Say the two angels: “To a certain extent you are right, and
outwardly coercive means shall not be completely left out. But
you shall at the same time gain the conviction that a purely
exterior coercion is worse than an invisible interior one!
Because Satan too uses exterior means to keep the evil
superstition in place; if however for the purpose of spreading
the doctrine from the heavens we help ourselves to Satan’s
despicable means and as it were follow in his footsteps –
question: what can we gain therewith for man’s eternal benefit?

[5] The evil superstition always found its way into the world
through fire, sword and massive shedding of blood; should the
purest word of God find access along these lines, could a man
of any spirit acknowledge it as God’s word of peace from the
heavens? Would he not have to say: “God, are You not satisfied
with Satan’s tormenting of mankind to distraction that You, the
Almighty had to come to us poor and weak mean along
Satan’s paths?”
[6] Behold most beloved friend and brother, how inconsistent it
would be of God, for the spreading of His doctrine among
mankind for their eternal bliss to ever avail Himself of means
that hell has at all times employed to gain entry to men in the
world with its hard fruits and foods!
[7] Yes, there shall once come times indeed, unfortunately,
when the polluted doctrine of Christ shall be preached to the
nations with fire and sword, but this shall be most harmful for
men! – Do you understand that?”
[8] Says Cyrenius: “Unfortunately I understand that too well
and I am still asking, whether the almighty heavens do not
intend to prevent such purely exterior calamities, or why access
for evil into the world had to be or was permitted at all.”
[9] Say the two: “Dearest friend and brother, if you possess any
wisdom, then judge for yourself whether any “pro” can ever
exist without a “contra”! Where is the man that ever became a
hero without a fight? Would these have ever been fighting
among mankind if there had been only pious lambs among
them? Or would you be able to ever test your strength if there
were no objects that were able to counter your strength? Could
there be an “up” without a “down”? Or could you ever do
something for someone if no one ever were in a position to need
your help: Or could you ever teach an all-knowing one
something that he doesn’t already know?

[10] Look, in a world where man is destined to develop into a

true child of God out of himself, he must also be afforded all
kinds of good and bad opportunities to fully practice God’s
[11] It has to be cold and warm to give the rich man the
opportunity to clothe his poor and naked brothers. Thus there
must be poor people, so that the rich may practice mercy and
the poor gratitude. There also must be strong and weak people
to afford the strong an opportunity to support the weak and that
the latter may recognize in the humility of their heart that they
are weak. Thus there have to be, as it were, foolish and wise
people, otherwise the light of the wise would be futile.
[12] If there were not any evil men, how could God know
whether and to what degree they are actually good?”
[13] In short, in this institution for men’s self-development into
the freest children of God there must be as many as possible
pro-and contra-opportunities through which the children can
thoroughly practice and completely develop in everything, or
they could not possibly become true, almighty children of the
Most High.
[14] We tell you: as long as a person is unable in various things
and circumstances to drive with his very own power, Satan
from the battlefield, he is still remote from the true sonship of
God. How could he ever gain a victory over this enemy unless
he were given every opportunity to meet him? Yes, the true
Kingdom of God costs a great struggle because of the full
freedom of eternal life: and so you must be given the
opportunity of a struggle between heaven and hell.”
HE angels continue: “Thus you will be aware of people
being driven by diverse passions. One feels the need to

possess everything that is of value; this obviously is

avarice, which is a vice. And behold, you have this passion to
thank for sea faring, because only exceedingly greedy and
acquisitive people would be moved by the life threatening
desire to find the means to swim across the exceedingly wide
sea to discover whether perhaps there are lands beyond the sea,
bristling with unheard-of treasures. After much difficulty and
threat to life they come upon a land beyond the sea that is still
completely uninhabited. The great dangers they lived through
have cooled down their vice of acquisitiveness, robbing them of
courage for return journey. They settled down wherever the
wind took them, building huts and dwellings and in this way
populated a still uninhabited land. – Now judge for yourself
whether people without the vices of avarice and profit would
have discovered a foreign land?

[2] Let us take the vice of the lust of the flesh. Overlook this
vice, and imagine mankind as celestially chaste as possible, and
you shall be well pleased with the purest maiden and most
abstinent bachelor into their graying days. But think of all
mankind as being of such chastity and ask yourself: what are
the propagation prospects of such a generation, as laid out in the
divine order? From this you can see that this vice also has to be
inherent to man, or the earth would be devoid of man! It is
certainly true that, as experience shows, one man or another
loses control over this passion, and that such loss of control is
always against God’s order and therefore sin. Yet repeated
offence against this divine order is still preferable at all times to
complete extirpation of same.
[3] All powers given to man and initially manifests hard to
constrain vices must nevertheless be capable of full positive or
negative development, or man would stay like lukewarm water
and sink into reeking indigence.
[4] We tell you: Nothing else can testify more completely and
truly to the divine destiny of man than men’s lowest depravity
opposite their greatest virtue, for only therefrom it becomes
evident with what unlimited abilities men of this earth have
been endowed. Man’s path reaches from God’s highest heaven,
which is inaccessible even to us angels, to the lowest hell.
If that were not the case, how could he attain to the sonship
of God?
[5] We have to deal with men on countless other worlds, but
what a difference between here and there. There men have been
set boundaries, spiritually as well as naturally, which they can
overcome only with great difficulty. But you men of this earth
are as unlimited in spirit as the Lord Himself and can do
whatever you want. You can raise yourselves right to the centre
of God’s dwelling, but because of that you can also fall as deep
as Satan himself who was once the very freest spirit out of God.
And when he did fall, he had of necessity to fall into the most
profound depth of all depravity from which the will hardly ever
find a way back because God had given to vice the same
endless ability to perfection as to virtue.
HEREFORE on this earth everything depends on man’s
free will and the freest possible instruction which the

Lord has arranged in such a way that in its practical part

it is immediately sufficiently comprehensible to every level of
understanding, thus no one can excuse himself with not having
understood the teaching

[2] For the “love God above all and your neighbor as yourself”
is generally as clear as day. And if a person actually observes
this brief, easy to understand, but still all-encompassing
teaching, he will as a result be guided through his heart into all
imaginable wisdom by the Lord Himself and can thereby
become a teacher of his fellowmen. And thus one can draw the
other to the point where the Lord Himself will take hold of him
and raise him to a true child of God.”

[3] Says Cyrenius: “Yes, I have understood it all. I now see the
immense destiny set for this earth and its people by God, the
only drawback is that in one and the same school so to say,
children of God are reared as it were side by side with the
children of hell, each towards their respective sphere. But I now
also comprehend that from the aspect of God’s deepest celestial
wisdom it cannot be otherwise. The Lord is wise, good and
almighty in overabundance not to also set hell a different
course. For eternity surely is long enough to not also create
within its endless duration all kinds of modalities within which
its children shall surrender together with this tempter and tutor.”
[4] Say the two angels: “Here your conjecture far surpasses our
wisdom horizons. But as a child of the Lord you obviously are
nearer to your Father than ourselves as mere creatures, and
hence are better able to discern a purely divine desire in the
heart than ourselves, but this much we know – that with God
nothing is impossible yet we are unable to tell you a syllable
more about it.
[5] If however you seek deeper clarification in the matter then
turn to the Lord Himself. To Him everything the future
eternities hold most thickly veiled is more lucid than the sun.
But we doubt whether he will reveal this to a mortal on account
of Satan’s sharp ears. For the enemy has a thousand times a
thousand ears and one has to carefully beware when speaking
about him if not intending to make him ore wicked than he
already is!”
[6] Says Cyrenius: “I am with you. Hence I shall say nothing to
the Lord about it.”
[7] Say I: “You need not speak audibly, for I understand what
you secretly say and what you ask in your heart too.”
AYS Cyrenius: “Lord, for me, thinking in the heart just
will not work, because already in childhood I was

taught to think in the head. Thinking within the heart

seems almost impossible to me. How should one go about
thinking in the heart?”

[2] Say I: “That’s actually quite easy and natural. Everything

that you feel you can and want to think in your big brain first
comes from the heart, for every ever so small thought first must
have a stimulant through which it is called forth as necessary.
Only after the thought is animated and produced in the heart in
accordance with some need does it rise to the brain of the head
for examination by the soul, so that the latter can set the bodily
limbs into the corresponding movement, so that the inner
thought may so to say become a word or deed; but for any man
to think just in the head is a sheer impossibility. For a thought is
a spiritual creation and can therefore not arise other than within
man’s spirit, which resides in the soul’s heart and from these
animates the entire man. How could any creation develop from
any ever so rare matter, since all matter, including man’s brain
is nothing but pure matter and hence can never be a creator but
only a creation?! Do you comprehend such now and perhaps
sense it already that no man is capable of thinking anything in
the head?”
[3] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, I do indeed sense this now quite
vividly. But how does this take place? It now seems to me as if
I had always been thinking only in the heart! Strange. How is
this? Indeed, I feel actual words in the heart, and that spoken
words, and it no longer seems possible to me to formulate a
thought in the brain!”
[4] Say I: “This is the natural result of the increasing
wakefulness of your spirit in the heart, which is the love
towards Me and through Me to all men.
[5] With people whose love has not yet awakened thus, the
thoughts, although forming in the heart as well, on account of
the latter being still too material, are not discerned within same
but only in the brain, where the thoughts of the heart, already
more material on account of the arousal to action, develops
pictorially, amalgamating with the images which have
imprinted themselves in the brain tablets [pyramids, the trans.]
from the outside world through the body’s sensors, becoming so
to say material and bad in the soul’s view and therefore having
to also be regarded as the necessarily evil basis for men’s deeds.

[6] Every person therefore must be born again in the heart, and
there in the spirit, or he cannot enter the kingdom of God!”
[7] Says Cyrenius to Peter who was standing next to him: “Do
you actually understand this thing about the born-again spirit
within the heart, and what and where the Kingdom of God
actually is, about which He and the angels constantly speak and
which they promise us for the future because of our faith?”
[8] Says Peter: “Of a truth I understand such, and if I did not
understand it, I would not stay here, but would be at home
attending to the household. Explore your own heart, exalted
lord, and there you shall in a short time discover more that I
could explain to you in a hundred years!
[9] Look at us, His first disciples and witnesses, nevertheless
speak more with Him than you and many others not by word of
mouth; for we speak with Him solely in our heart asking Him
about a thousand things, and He answers us in clear, distinct
thoughts and thus we have a twofold benefit. For an answer by
the Lord in a man’s heart is, as it were, already his vital
constituent whereas the external word can become a vital
constituent only through constant activity for the soul’s
[10] And in this way you can, exalted lord, ask also those
matters regarding Satan, and the Lord shall then lay the right
answer into your own heart so quietly and secretly that the
myriad-eared Satan shall be incapable of hearing it! And in the
same way you can also ask the Lord about the re-birth of the
spirit in the heart and about the Kingdom of God, and presently
the clearest answer shall be given you.”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “Of a truth, now I am clear about
something that intrigued me a few times – why you hardly ever
speak a word with the Lord. Very well, I shall try it. If the Lord
secretly shows you such grace then He will also do so with me!
Because the fact that I so to say hang up my heavy official
duties on a nail, spending time with Him and fortifying my soul
with every word from His holy mouth, proves that I love Him
beyond all measure
[12] I think that out of sheer love for Him, I am doing and have
done more for Him than all of you together, for I have known
Him as a tender child, and looked after Him and his parents and
brethren in then heathen’s land abroad. And whilst you have
sacrificed only your fisherman’s nets to Him, I am ready to at
once lay down my worldly honor for Him, if He were to accept
it, and follow Him faithfully as the least among you, putting my
life on the line for Him and yourselves, as indeed I have done
already a couple of times, not to mention what could as a result
have easily befallen me out of Rome.
[13] If I do all this out of perfect love for Him, then He should
find me worthy of His grace the way He has bestowed upon you
so richly?!”
[14] Say I: “And you possess it already, My dearest friend and
brother. But that which you already possess you do not have to
still seek and contend for as if you didn’t as yet have it. Hence
be at peace and try in your heart to ask Me whatever at all, and I
shall lay the answer clearly, distinctly, understandably and
audibly in your heart, which truly loves Me above all else!”
NCOURAGED, Cyrenius now asks in his heart:

“Concerning Satan, what will once become of him and

whether a change of heart on his part can ever be


[2] And I put the following answer in his heart: “Whatever

happens, does happen for his sake: The lost one is being sought
and the very sick is offered medicine, but his will remains and
must remain free, for interfering with his will would mean to
transform the entire almost endless material creation including
all its elements into the hardest rock wherein no life can move.
The entire material creation is the most comprehensive
judgment of the Great Spirit, who is split up into countless
worlds that, with their endless number constitute his complete
being. From this one being goes forth countless myriads upon
myriads of beings, as most men of this earth, who through
God’s power, might, love and wisdom are transformed into
complete, godlike beings, and this is a certain conversion of the
one great spirit.
[3] But once all the earths and suns will have been dissolved
into only human beings, nothing will be left of the one but his
‘self’ that in its total isolation will after eons of time have to
start turning back before it exposes itself to an eternal slow
death. Then a material sun and a material earth will no longer
be revolving in the endless, eternal space, but a most glorious
new spiritual creation with happy, free beings will be filling
infinite space and I shall forever be the God and Father for all
beings from eternity to eternity and this most blissful state will
never end. There will be one flock, one fold and one shepherd.
[4] However, when all this will take place can never be
determined in earth years. And even if I told you the figure you
could not possibly grasp it. And if I were to describe the figure
by telling you that as many thousand times thousand eons of
thousands upon thousands of years will be passing as there is
sand in the sea and on all the earth and grass in all the lands and
on all the mountains of the earth and drops of water in the seas,
lakes, streams, rivers, brooks and springs, you could not
calculate all this to determine the final time of redemption.

[5] Hence be content with this: seek above all the kingdom of
God and its righteousness, then you shall immediately after the
death of your physical body, be awoken by Myself to
everlasting life, and in the Kingdom of pure spirits, a thousand
earth-years shall pass like one day!
[6] And, friend, in My spiritual Kingdom of the most supreme
blessedness shall that which here seems too endless to you, be
there happily anticipated with ease and brevity. Right now
neither you nor any of My disciples can yet be led into all
wisdom of the heavens – but can be so when after few years
you shall be baptized with the holy spirit out of God. This spirit
shall lead you and all others into all the wisdom of the heavens.
Only then shall you behold in the most brilliant light what now
must still seem to you as dark and blurred! What has now been
revealed to you, keep closely to yourself, letting no one notice
anything of it, for this must be kept secret for a long time yet!”
[7] On perceiving such within himself, Cyrenius was taken
aback, saying after some intense thinking: “It was without
question Your Word that I heard faithfully and distinctly within
my heart as a perfect stream of words. But should the
concluding warning be heeded as strictly as that? Could not
some of this be made known in a casual manner, as if thrown
off in passing, to intimates of upright and honest thinking?! For
no man surely could be harmed therewith.”
[8] Say I, audibly: “Well, friend, a person who like yourself has
received it through the inner path shall of course not be harmed,
or I would not have made it known to you but if crowds were to
receive this from without, it would seriously harm them. The
how and why My angels have adequately revealed to you, and
so let us put this matter to rest, for we still have to work out
many other things of great consequence which for the moments
are far more essential than your question the answer to which
shall ripen only in eternity.”
YRENIUS is put at ease with this advice, but Kisjonah
now gets up asking Me whether he too could ask a

question about an arrangement I had made which turned

out unnecessary.

[2] Say I: “Speak, friend of friends and enemies.”

[3] Says Kisjonah: “Behold, when we were about to pick up
the residue from the cave in my mountains, You commanded
that bread and wine in the right quantity be taken along, as we
would meet many hungry and thirsty ones there. Thereupon I
had a large quantity of bread and wine taken along, afterwards
I waited near and in the grotto for anyone in need of the bread
and wine that might come. Yet behold, no one turned up to
whom the provisions could be passed.
[4] When we had come out of the grotto, and after You had
same blocked off for ever through Your power in Archiel, we
found ourselves without bread or wine, and none of the carriers
could tell me as to who relieved them of the bread and wine.
For sure, I did not notice it at the miraculous time, either inside
or outside the cave, but the following day, after You departed
from Kis, my entire house of course spoke of nothing other than
Yourself; and – the way people are – especially at such
miraculous happening, at least twice as many deeds were
discussed as You had performed, according to my knowledge.
I admonished the story tellers for many of the related stories
which the tellers presumed to have seen You perform, declaring
them as inventions of their heated imagination, resulting in the
end as no more than pious lies; but the telling of the
disappearance of the bread and wine that were brought along
really had me puzzled as well. Because I could really not
remember what had happened to the large quantities of bread
and wine brought along as we had not consumed any.”
[5] Say I: “I knew indeed that this would cause you to come
after Me; but there truly is not as much to it as you imagine. But
since you came to get in the clear also about this, I have to
throw some light on it for you, and so hearken.

[6] Behold, there are certain nature spirits in the mountains as

well as in the air, in the earth, the water and fire which have not
yet taken the road through the old flesh because an opportunity
has not yet offered itself where they could on the occasion of a
human act of procreation enter the flesh in order to be born into
the world through the body of a woman. There are great
numbers of such still unborn souls in all the elements.
[7] Well, the nature spirits active in the mountains have
assumed from the air somehow more consistency. These are not
particularly keen on being procreated into the flesh and then
born in the flesh out of a woman. With their sometimes quite
acute intelligence they prefer to remain as long as possible in
their free and unbound state. They even possess a sense of
justice and fear the Spirit of God about whom they sometimes
know a good deal, this means always only a few who have aged
already considerably; the young spirits accepted in this society
are normally still quite gloomy and sometimes also evil and
could cause a lot of harm if not kept on a short leash by the
elders. Their main activity is to form, produce and order all
kinds of metals in the fissures and crevices of mountains.
[8] At times such spirits also take food from nature, namely out
of the plant kingdom. Such they do during hard work in the
kingdom of the mountains when transforming the rocks, when
eroding large sections of a mountain, when emptying water
from overfilled grottos and similar tasks where these spirits
often are full out required to participate, so that they, often too
intense irritated, should lose their love for the mountains and try
to be conceived into the flesh, for especially from now on no
spirit can reach a fully living free bliss, who did not walked the
path of the flesh.
[9] These spirits, My dear Kisjonah, and especially the ones that
look after your mountains, were faced with a particularly hard
task when the vile cave had to be blocked up, and they had to be
fortified for this work with bread and wine. And I was speaking
of these when I said: ‘We shall find many hungry and thirsty
who will need such refreshment.’ It was also consumed without
any leftovers and then at My angel’s bidding the extremely hard
labor was completed to perfection. This is now the fully
enlightening answer to your question. – Is this clear to you?”


AYS Kisjonah: “Yes, Lord, this is quite clear to me and

that all the more so since the miners who are digging

for all kinds of ore in my mines have often told me

similar things, how sometimes bread and wine had disappeared
and they did not know who among them could have played such
a practical joke on them even involving theft. Sometimes when
the hungry miners vented their anger, they heard a resounding
laughter and some also claim to have seen child-sized human
beings frisking about in front of them and in a variety of colors:
blue, red, green, yellow and also quite black.

[2] Only recently my oldest miner told me that a blue little man
had suggested to him in future to carry bread and wine on him
in a leather bag, then the hungry fellows of the mountain would
be unable to steal it. Besides, no one should talk too loudly in
the mines and under no circumstances whistle or even swear,
for the gnomes cannot bear these things and do cause trouble to
those who do not observe this rule. People must also not laugh
deep down in the mountains, for the gnomes cannot stand
laughter either. If my miners would sometimes leave some
bread and wine for the gnomes, the latter would help them to
find rich veins of all the metals.
[3] Usually I took these stories for fables since I myself had
never experienced anything similar, although I had quite often
entered the mines in my mountains. But now after your so
gracious explanation everything is quite clear to me. Only one
thing I cannot grasp as yet – how these gnomes who are
actually spirits can consume natural food. How do these
somewhat weird beings eat and drink?”
[4] Say I: “Similar to how fire consumes things it seizes. Put a
drop of wine or a crumb of bread into it and you will see how
both quickly vanish. And behold, in the same way the spirit or
gnomes consume the natural food. They quickly dissolve what
is material and transform the spiritual-substantial contained in
the matter into their souls substances thereby absorbing it into
their being – and this in just a moment. – Now you know also
this and need not concern yourself about these things any
[5] Says Kisjonah: “Lord, I thank you for this information, for
it gives me a happy feeling and I now realize even more clearly
that everything surrounding me on all sides is nothing but
pure life.”
[6] Say I: “Very well, My most beloved friend. But I ask you
for one thing, that you like the others who know about this keep
it to yourself. These things are not salutary for everyone to
know, for all the Egyptian and Persian magicians, are not
seldom in alliance with spirits and goblins with whose help they
perform all kinds of magic. But all this magic is an abomination
before God and the one who practices it will truly have little
chance of ever entering the Kingdom of God. For such
magicians block the entry into the flesh to those spirits, and
when they die they become prisoners of such immature souls
and cannot easily be freed because they keep absorbing natural
elements from the immature, naked nature souls. I tell you:
Cursed be a magician. For there has never been an instance
where a real magician would have pursued an only half-way
good purpose with his magic. Everywhere you see standing out
the grossest greed and, besides, also the most shameless lust for
power, and such spirits shall receive their humiliation reward in
the deepest hell.
[7] Says Faustus, for once: “Lord, Lord, in that case the many
magician’s and fortune tellers’ prospects in the extensive
Roman empire are bad! Because in Rome these types of people
are held in almost god-like esteem and with one word are able
to dull the Emperor’s and every ever so great and brave hero’s
will – or alternatively re-vitalize them to such an extend that
mountains shake before their courage.”

[8] Say I: “Yes, friend, such pretending demi-gods shall once

not fare the best; for they are aware of deceiving those not
initiated into their craftiness in a most ingenious manner, not
seldom leading them to stray into all sorts of abominations
through such deception. Wherefore such scoundrels shall never
fare well; for these are the real non-sellers for much mommy,
and the real authors of countless abominations and sins for the
ruin of mankind.”
[9] Say several: “But if they reformed, could they still not attain
to beatitude?”
[10] Say I: “Indeed so, if they reformed then they too could
gain beatitude; but that is the sad part, that these very people are
the least adjusted to betterment. Murderers, robbers, thieves,
fornicators and adulterers you can convert, and an Emperor or
King are quite ready to lay down their crown; but a magician
will not be separated from his magic wand! For his invisible
accomplices will not allow this and are constantly his masters
whenever they would separate himself from them.
[11] Wherefore I say again, Cursed be evil magic, for through it
all sins came into the evil world.
[12] He who wishes to work wonders must possess the inner
power from God for that, and then let him work a miracle only
in cases where it is really necessary.
[13] However, who works a false wonder and prophesies
through all kinds of incantations and signs need no longer be
damned, for he is already fully damned of his own accord.
Therefore, beware all of you of evil magic and prophecy, for all
this is most detrimental to the human spirit.”
[14] Following these words all who heard them were
thoroughly scared, asking whether also the age-old weather
foreboding, trustworthy according to experience, should not be
regarded either.
[15] Say I: “For sure, if computed on a scientific basis; if not
then that also is a sin, because man then develops a second
faith, which diminishes the pure faith in God’s providence man
then manifesting a greater faith in the signs than in the only
true, almighty God.

[16] He who remains within pure faith may ask Me and he shall
be given what he asked, notwithstanding the worst foreboding
contrary signs of the earth and air confirmed through
experience. But he who relies on the signs also shall receive in
accordance with the signs. The Pharisees regard the signs,
letting people question them about it for dear money; but they
shall once be condemned that much more for it!
[17] Did God not create everything that is represented to man
through signs? If God created it all then surely shall remain
Lord over all, leading and guiding everything. If God Himself
alone is Lord and guide of all created things and appearances,
what could these have to indicate without Him? If they could
not possibly do so ever, then let man enquire of God, Who
alone is capable of everything, as to what the signs indicate. Is
not this more comforting than a thousand of the most reliable
sign interpretations?”
[18] Say all those seated at My table: “Lord this is certain and
true. If only You could cause the whole world to think and act
thus, then the world would look differently to how it looks now!
To those of us gathered around You now it is easy of course
since we have You as the cause of all being and appearing at
our side; but a hundred thousand times a thousand who don’t
have the inestimably great fortune to be in Your supremely holy
company, hearing words of life from Your mouth, fare
otherwise! These too are certain to be yearning for that which
the entire creation bears witness to; but their star-gazing shall
never discover You, and their great longing never be satisfied.
What wonder then that such people are only too easily attracted
to wonder-working magician and signs and their interpreters,
because these have something to offer to people of godly
striving, having a smattering of godliness even if false?”
ROM here on Cyrenius starts speaking on his own,
saying: “Lord, it is fully true that You certainly are He

as Whom we have recognized You for a long time, and

none from among us can question this; yet I must openly admit
to You that in this Your explanation about magicians
interpreters of signs and fortunetellers, I sensed hardly anything
of that well-known mercy and love I am accustomed in You!
Under such conditions and terms does not all this depend on
Yourself in the end – since it is Yourself Who inflicts mighty
blows upon mankind that are extremely hurtful; yet let the
beaten man beware if he starts lamenting under the mighty
blows. But I hardly think that’s right!

[2] Behold, the men of the earth surely are generally blind and
foolish, and hence evil. But I ask what is to blame, and how the
evil comes about. And the way I’m asking now, hundreds of
thousands of Romans, by no means immature, are asking the
same question.
[3] One can definitely not assume that man in the beginning
went forth from Your hand in an evil condition, no more than a
child is born into the world as a devil. If the first man was good,
how did the second and third become evil? Was this Your will,
or that of him who begot him afterwards? Everything that is
therefore had to come in accordance with Your will. If Your
will wanted it that way, why then this heavy condemnation of
people who wanted to basically only save mankind from certain
despair because You had not wanted to reveal Yourself after
their calling upon You? I beg You to be righteous rather than
harsh; because the creature has no weapon against its creator –
it can only beg, tolerate, suffer and despair!”
[4] Say I: “But friend Cyrenius! Have you already forgotten
everything that you have heard, both from Myself as well as
from the two angels? Did you not just a few days ago want to
immediately punish the Pharisees for wanting to stone Me, and
I did not let you. And now it seems that you want to almost take
their side. Or do you better understand how to position man so
that from such vantage point he must become a child of God if
he so desires? See how weak you are still!

[5] Are you so well versed in the most general history of

mankind that you have reason to reproach Me for only now
responding to those calling and seeking, but never in former
[6] Did not the first men constantly associate with Me, Who
was, beginning with Noah until Moses, the high priest at Salem,
called Melchisedec, who dwelt at Salem also as a real king of
kings? Who was the Spirit in the Ark of the Covenant? And
since the Spirit from the ark entered Me – question: then Who
am I!?
[7] Those calling did, to be sure, expect Me to descend to them
from the stars since, when I was among them, I was too
common and not sufficiently divine as I did not want to shine
like the stars.
[8] Behold, that which inspired you just now was wrong from
its foundation, and Satan, having noticed a little of your
harboring of his secret, tried you out a little, and you were ready
at once to quarrel with Me! Consider therefore whether you can
be right with your talk?
[9] Am I capable of ever being hard or unjust towards anyone?
Or am I wrong in offering you the real purest gold for the fake
manufactured ones: Or should I leave you to your evil and
useless superstition? Did not I as the Lord, have more right to
ruin the evil, stubborn Pharisees than you? Did I sentence them?
They would indeed also have fallen prey to their own judge if I
had not rescued them miraculously!
[10] See how short sighted you still are. I mean that all those
things you have heard and seen should surely have made you a
little more far-sighted!”
[11] Cyrenius asks My forgiveness, as well as all the others, and
they realize their false notions; I comfort them all saying: “Oh,
you all shall meet with much tougher tests yet; do not then
forget this happening and this My instruction to you, otherwise
you could be led into still greater temptation in spite of you
having all seen and spoken to Me and then easily fall away
from Me into all the world going over into its lies and
deceptions and completely resemble those you think had sought
and called upon Me after which, in order to more easily
condemn them, I am to have sent them magicians and
interpreters of signs in My stead?” All ask My forgiveness once
more, and I bless them all.


HORTLY thereafter a large crowd of residents come
from town, announcing that a person has gone berserk.
[2] I ask them what I should do with the raging one.
[3] The residents say: “We know that You are a wonder-
physician since the Pharisees told us today how through Your
mere will You made old Josa’s house hold completely well, and
that You are more than the familiar carpenter Jesus. And so we
beg You as our well known compatriot to make this raving one
well again.”
[4] I ask: “How did he actually become rabid?”
[5] Say the residents: “Indeed, beloved Master, this he got
from a mad dog that bit him, and it is a terribly dangerous evil,
which has not been capable of healing by any physician to date.
When he dies, the entire house has to be burnt down with him;
because whoever were to touch would shortly thereafter fall
victim to such terrible raving. That is why we have kept him
well-confined to his house, so that he would not get outside,
where he would cause much harm. Beloved Master, would You
please deliver us from this plague?”
[6] Say I: “Very well, so go and bring him out, that he may get
well, together with all whom he infected as they caught and
locked him up!”
[7] Say the residents: “Oh Master, who is going to escort him
out? Whoever touches him is as good as terrifyingly dead!”
[8] Say I: “If you don’t believe and have no trust I can help
neither him nor yourselves!”

[9] Say the residents: “Master, were You not able to help
Josa’s household, which was overtaken by similar evil, without
the sick having to be brought out?”
[10] Say I: “Josa believed, but you yourselves don’t believe and
rather have cause only to see with your half-faith what I would
do with the raving one. Hence I say unto you again: bring him
out and him and you shall be helped. Because all of you already
harbor something similar that can break out imminently; if
however you believe and bring him out then the satanic poison
in you shall be destroyed for that very reason!”
[11] Upon these My words they take off, shortly afterwards
bringing the raging one out, tied up, who looked frighteningly
wild, foaming and roaring like a hungry lion. Catching sight of
this raging one, a great fear fell over all My guests, and the
women one and all fled into the house, as they lacked the
courage to behold this terribly distorted and dreadfully roaring
appearance. Even My mother hid in the house, and My disciples
also spread out. Judas hid behind a tree and only Cyrenius,
Faustus, Cornelius, Kisjonah and Borus remained firmly by
My side.
[12] Here I spoke to the residents: “Release and set him free!”
[13] All were terrified, yelling: “Lord, now we are lost!” – And
the residents didn’t dare to do so for the screaming of the other
people together with the disciples.
[14] So I said to Borus: “Then you go and release him; for he is
already healed in My name and can no longer harm anyone.”
[15] On this, Borus went courageously over to the still raging
one saying: “The Lord Jesus be with you, and be healed in His
[16] The raging instantly became quiet, his near negro black
face became natural again as formerly, and with grateful mien
he asked Borus to release the tight bands. Borus immediately
loosened the bands which were completely clean and free of
foamings. And the healed one went over to Me, thanking Me
most fervently for this unheard-of favor, begging Me that he
should henceforth be spared such evil.

[17] I said to him: “You and all the others who through you
would unquestionably have lapsed into your evil, you are now
completely healed, but be friends of people and not of dogs in
[18] Rather take children of poor parents into your homes
instead of useless and dangerous dogs, and you shall not ever be
overcome by the most evil raving, which originates with the
satanic poison that the dogs carry!”
[19] In response to these words, all promise to destroy their
dogs this day and not keep such animals in future. But some of
feeble faith nevertheless ask Me whether they really now are
delivered completely from this evil, and whether same shall
never befall them again.
[20] Say I: “Oh ye of little faith! Do you not see that he whom
you brought has become completely well? If he was helped then
surely you will have been helped as well, since you had nearly
befallen by such raving. If I can call the dead from the grave,
then such evils surely shall not exceed death itself. Time shall
prove to you that you are fully healed. But now depart to your
dwellings in peace. Also, go over to the Elders and Pharisees,
showing yourselves as fully healed, and then make your
offering on the altar which Moses commanded for the leprous
after they are cleansed.”
[21] Thereupon they all thank Me most fervently, asking Me
how they can return such exceedingly great favor.
[22] I say: “Believe and do whatever the Pharisees and Scribes
shall teach you.”
[23] With these words they start off on their return reassured,
telling the Pharisees all that had taken place here, making an
abundant offering for it.
[24] The Pharisees, not having heard of this enraged one
before, begin to be exceedingly astonished, saying: “Verily, this
is a healing possible only to God Himself! Such has not been
heard in Israel before. Verily, this person does things which
none of the very greatest prophets ever did. There is no sickness
that He is not capable of healing, and no dead in the grave that
he is not able to call back to life. Is not this a man such as the
earth has never carried before! Go home now and come back
tomorrow and we intend to deal more about it with you.”


HE residents make their way home, returning the
completely healed father to his children and his

exceedingly depressed wife who at first can hardly trust

her senses, then breaking out into a torrent of tears of thanks
and joy, at once rushing out to Me with her ten children, all
thanking Me on their knees for this unheard-of favor, at the
same time asking Me to allow her to serve My house and
anyone I can suggest with all her strength in every possible

[2] I say to her: “Everything you will do to the poor for the sake
of My name will be considered as if you had done it to Me.”
[3] The wife cries for joy and thanks, saying: “Lord, You truest
Master, given us from the heavens. I posses a great fortune, half
of it I want to let the poor have immediately whilst the other
half I want to hold in trust for them so that they can always find
something with me. For I believe that it is good so, being aware
of the poor not capable of managing large wealth economically,
usually spending too much at the start and then having nothing
in times of need.”
[4] Say I: “Do so, dear woman! So should all the rich act, then
the poor would never have to suffer need because destitution is
an evil thing, often leading the poor into greater vice than
wealth. The wealthy at least officially stay as within his
reputation before the world and rarely offends the world as
much as the poor, whose want often makes him ready for the
worst deeds; but the merciless rich, who often uses the poor for
carrying out his iniquity is, notwithstanding all his worldly
honor a thousand times worse than the poor. Because the poor
becomes depraved on account of his destitution, whilst the rich
is the creator of vice through his inconsumable excess.

[5] But the way you dear woman now want to, and also shall
use your wealth, same becomes a blessing from the heavens and
shall both temporally and everlastingly yield its stewards the
greatest profit. For which reason he who seeks to be really
virtuous, let him be always thrifty and economical, so that in
times of need he is enabled to support the poor and the weak.
[6] I tell all of you: Let your love for your children burn like a
light, but your love for the children of poor parents should be a
blaze. For no one in the world is poorer than a poor, deserted
child, be it a boy or a girl which makes no difference. Whoever
gives a home to such a poor child in My name and cares for it
bodily and spiritually like for his own blood, he takes Me in and
with Mine also Him Who sent Me into the world and fully one
with Me.
[7] If you want to grow God’s blessing in your houses and gain
a rich harvest like from a well cultivated field, establish in your
houses nurseries for poor children and you shall be covered
with blessings like a swollen stream covers the lower plains it
floods with sand pebbles. However, if you send poor, hungry
little children away, and that in anger as if they had already
done almost irreparable damage to you, then the blessing will
escape from your houses like the dying day from the
persecution of the fast approaching night. Woe betide the
houses that have been caught by such a night. In truth, their day
will never again begin to dawn. And now, My dear woman, go
home and do what you had intended to do, and think above all
of the poor widows and orphans.”
[8] After this lesson the woman rises with her children, they
thank Me once and finally she exclaims aloud: “O God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, how great, kind and holy You are
and how endlessly mighty and wise for giving us poor sinners a
man from Your heart who is capable of healing all our
maladies, physical and spiritual! To You, holy Father, be all
praise, all love, and all glory everlastingly! O You dearest
Father, how good You are to those who rely solely on You!
You do severely punish all who disregard Your commandment,
but when the repentant sinner entreats You: ‘Dear holy Father,
forgive me who am so weak’, oh then the holy, kind Father
promptly grants his request and helps him with His almighty
arm out of every distress.

[9] Men, do take an example from me all of you! I, too, was a

sinner and God punished me mightily with His at all times holy
scourge, but I did not waver in my truest, repented my sins and
prayed fervently to the Father in heaven. And look He, He
alone, granted my supplication and helped me in a wonderful
way out of my greatest and most terrible distress.
[10] Therefore, do turn to Him and rely solely on Him. For
where no man is able to help He comes and helps the one in
distress. Therefore, all praise Him unceasingly! For He alone
can help everyone truly! And to you, dearest emissary from the
heavens, once more my thanks, for you must yourself be a holy
instrument in the hand of almighty God!”
[11] This exclamation which, unknowingly to the woman,
concerned Me alone, cost Me some tears of deepest emotion, so
that I had to turn away from her.
[12] Cyrenius noticed this and said: “Lord, what is it that You
are weeping?”
[13] And I replied: “Friend, there are not many little children
like this one on earth. Should I, as the Father Whom she praised
so fervently, not be able to be moved to tears for joy? Oh, I tell
you: More than any other father. Behold, all women should be
like this one, and she gives Me indescribable joy. But she shall
also realize what it means that I wept over her for great joy.”
[14] After these words I wiped the tears from My eyes, saying
to the woman still in the glow of love alone for God, through
and through, and to her children: “You My beloved woman!
Since your love for God and your faith are so mighty as these
has rarely been before, I can’t let you go the way you are now.
Let your husband be sent for through your oldest son, that he
may come out, as I have quite a few important things to discuss
with him!”
[15] The boy at once runs off to town and soon returns with the
healed father.
[16] I say to the two on arrival: “Friend, for the purpose of your
not being healed fully only physically, but primarily also in
soul, which shall live everlastingly, and for the purpose of
knowing where you stand in all that has taken place here, I have
had you summoned out here. Firstly you shall be My guest
throughout this evening together with your dear wife and
children, and second you shall see and hear quite a few things
from this you shall easily discern, as to Who is He that healed
you. After you and your wife shall become aware of this you
shall be also more at ease a thousandfold, and you shall realize
that you have truly been completely healed.
[17] But before dinner time comes we want to take the short
road to the new synagogue built by Jairus, his wife, and his
daughter, her husband Borus, Cyrenius, Cornelius, Faustus,
Kisjonah, your wife and your children shall accompany us.
There you will be shown something that shall strengthen your
faith considerably.”
[18] Says the healed whose name was Bab: “Master, what you
wish shall be done in the way you wish it. I am willing to
follow you to the end of the world.”
[19] Upon these words of Bab we immediately went to the
synagogue which walking at a moderate pace could be reached
in a quarter of an hour, but very comfortably in half an hour.
HUS we soon arrived there, entered the synagogue and
went into the burial-vault where Sarah had been lying

for more than 4 days and where the ribbons and shrouds
in which Sarah’s corpse had been wrapped were still lying. But
in the same vault was also another corpse placed there by
friends of Jairus. It belonged to a boy of 12 who had died of a
serious illness already a year and a half ago. This one was lying
in a coffin of cedar wood and was already fully decomposed
except the bones.

[2] At the sight of this coffin tears came to the eyes of Jairus
and he said tearfully: “What a bad thing the world is! It allows
the most tender flowers to sprout from its ground, and what is
their lot? They have to die and pass away. The fragrant scent of
the rose soon becomes on offensive smell and the tender,
innocent lily spreads a nauseous stench in its decay; the sky-
blue of the hyacinths turns a deathly yellowish gray and the
carnation lies like thousands of its beautifully fragrant sisters.
[3] This boy was – one could say – an angel. He was pious from
the cradle and by his tenth year he already understood the
Scripture and kept the commandments like a God-fearing adult
Jew. In short, his truly childlike pious way of life and his
astonishing mental abilities showed the best promise. But then
he contracted a bad illness which no physician could control,
and thus in this boy died everything one could have expected
him to soon realize.
[4] Here one really must ask why the Lord God who is full of
love and mercy allows this to happen to people who trust and
rely on Him. Thousands of poor children live homeless and
without education and God does not call them away from this
earth, whereas children of parents who can afford to give them
a God-pleasing education usually have to die. Why is this?
[5] If it pleases God to put only savages on this earth who can
hardly utter five words, then God does the right thing in
promptly removing from the earth every child that shows better
spirit and letting only the idiots live beside the apes. But if God
wished to have on this earth spiritually awakened, pious, God
recognizing and loving people, I think God should pay more
attention to the life of such children than has been the
regrettable case until now.”
[6] Say I: “My dear friend, Jairus, you speak as you understand
it from a human viewpoint, but God acts according to how He
in His divine way understands and must understand it from
eternity or you and all that is would not have an existence. But
you nevertheless do an injustice to God with your grumbling.
[7] For if God had taken from the world all the children who
already in their childhood had given evidence of intelligence
and talents, all of you who are now here with Me would already
have decayed in the earth. But since you are still here at a
considerable age your blaming God is unjustified. For also all
of you revealed in your childhood particularly much
intelligence, you were children of very wealthy parents and God
still allowed you to live while He outside among the heathens
took many thousands of poor children from this earth through
dysentery and other bad illnesses which caused their poor
parents quite as much grief as the parents of this boy are still
living and have adopted for this boy three other poor children.
These three children are now quite worthy successors of the one
child who in time, because of his great talents, would have been
pampered and spoilt too much by his parents who loved him
more than God, and in the end he would have become nothing
but a conceited, proud and self-willed poor wretch with whom
no high priest could have achieved anything.
[8] God, however, saw that in advance, removed him at the
right time from this world and in the beyond gave him to the
angels for a better education so that he might have a better
chance to sooner reach the destination set for him by God as for
every human.
[9] In addition to this, God had planned for a time to come
when for you few God’s name shall be glorified. And behold,
that is the reason why God let this boy die already a year and a
half ago so that he would be properly decomposed when the
Lord God will once more restore him to life. Therefore lift the
coffin out and open it.”
OLLOWING these words Borus and Kisjonah immediately
climbed into the tomb and tried to lift the coffin but they

were unable to move it, for it was extremely heavy

having been made from solid cedar-wood with, in addition, a lot
of heavy ornaments of iron, gold and silver. After repeated
efforts Borus said: “Lord, the coffin is too heavy, we cannot
master it at all. As far as I know this coffin was lowered with
the help of machines and by natural means it will only be
possible to lift it out again with machines.”

[2] Say I: “Then come out of the tomb. The two youths who are
here shall lift it out!” – Borus and Kisjonah now quickly climb
from the tomb and the two youths lift the coffin promptly and
with such ease as if they were handling down feather.
[3] Bab, his wife and children open their eyes in surprise and he
says, amazed at the strength of the two youths: “But what
unbelievable power and strength they possess. These two tender
boys, none of whom can be more than fifteen years old, played
– like a big wind with a down feather – with this weight which
had resisted the strength of two strong men. Ah, such a thing
has never been heard of.”
[4] Say I: “Never mind, for you will now witness much greater
things. But all of you remember this: You must not tell anyone
of this, not even My disciples. For their time has not come for a
long time yet, but once the time has come, they will get to know
everything anyway. But now open the coffin so that we may see
how far the boy is already decomposed.”
[5] The coffin was immediately opened and the boy who was
completely decomposed except for the bigger bones was by the
skilled hands of Borus freed from all the shrouds and swathes
for all to inspect. The miserable looking skeleton was viewed
by all with visible shuddering.
[6] And Faustus said: “Ecce homo! Look, that is a man, too.
What fine lot for the voluptuous flesh of mankind. A horrible
looking skull still covered with some stuck together hairs; a
shrunk greenish-brown breast-skin, here and there broken by
some half-decayed ribs, the black spine over which there are
still hanging some traces of decayed intestine covered with
mildew. Finally the feet – how horrible they look, full of decay
and mildew. And our noses also feel that we are not in the shop
of a balsam merchant, for the stench is worse than I would have
expected. No, this is a form well suited to make a man’s
existence as contemptible as possible, for in the end everyone of
us has to expect this lot. This is the reason why I by far prefer
cremation of the bodies to burial.”

[7] Say I: “But if the Son of man has the power to awaken and
recall into life also such bodies as well as all those that since
Adam are resting fully decomposed in the earth, does also then
such a sight present a picture of horror? Can death still have
something frightening when a Master has raised himself above
it? In order that all of you who are here may see that I, as a Son
of man on this earth, have the perfect power to call back into
life also such bodies and to reanimate them and make them
immortal, this boy shall be a witness for you.”
[8] Hereupon I say to the boy: “Josoe, I tell you: Arise and live
and witness that I have the power to raise from the dead also
such dead as you.”
[9] At this moment there arose a strong draught, the mildew of
decay vanished, soon the bones were once more covered by
skin and within it the body began to swell to its full form, like a
dough mixed with leaven, and in a few moments the boy arose
fully alive from the open coffin, immediately recognized Jairus,
Faustus and Cornelius whom he knew well from Nazareth and
asked Jairus: “But dear uncle, how did I get into this coffin?
What has happened to me? I was just now in a very dear
company and do not know how I have so suddenly come here.”
[10] Says Jairus: “My dear Josoe, look at the One Who is
standing beside you. He is a Lord over life and death. Your
body was dead and has been lying here in this coffin already for
a year and a half, and no power proceeding from men could
have been able to restore your life for this earth. This One, Who
does look like a man, but is much more than a man, has recalled
you from death into life. Therefore, you should thank Him
alone for this life which He has given you again.”

[11] The boy looked Me over from head to foot in surprise and
said after a while, remembering more clearly: “He is the same
who called me away from the wonderful company and said to
me: Josoe, come, for you must be a witness for Me on earth that
I have been given all the power in heaven and on earth.”
[12] And I willingly followed Him for I immediately felt that
He had come from God and carried within Him the fullness of
the divine power and authority over all things in heaven and on
earth. For exactly as He is here I earlier saw Him in the spirit
world where I surely was when I was call by Him to return to
this world.
[13] Now it is becoming clear to me and I realize that I have
already lived on this earth and then died. But what the dying
was like I do not know. For I must only just have left this world
– how and in what way I do not know – when I found myself
already in a beautiful house in a very dear company where I
was very happy. Now and then I also saw my parents and
brothers and sisters and discussed with them divine matters
which my very experienced companions showed and taught me.
But this Holy I have not seen previously, except for a few
moments before I returned to this world.”
[14] Here I said to the two youths: “Get him a garment and
some bread and wine so that his flesh may be strengthened and
he can go with us to Nazareth.” – As soon as I had bid the two
to provide this, it was already there.

HIS was too much for our Bab and his wife and she said

to her husband: “Dear Bab, do you not notice that we

two are great sinners and that here in the man Jesus
dwells the fullness of God? Is He not the One of Whom all the
prophets up to Zacharias and his son John have prophesied? Is
He not the One Whom David called his Lord when he said:
‘The Lord spoke to my Lord?’ Is He not the One of Whom the
great David speaks when he says: ‘Lift up your heads, you
gates, lift yourselves up, you everlasting doors, which the king
of glory may enter. Who then is the king of glory? It is the Lord
Jehovah Zebaoth.’ My husband, here is Jehovah and none other.
But we are sinners and unworthy to remain in His presence.
Come, let us purify ourselves according to the law of Moses,
only then can we return and approach Him.”

[2] Say I to the two who are so deeply moved: “He Who can
raise from the dead can also purify without Moses. So stay, for
Moses is not more than I and He Who had awakened him to that
which he was. Your sins are forgiven and so you are pure and
do not need Moses at all, for Moses is nothing without Me.”
[3] Says Bab: “If that is so, and I do not doubt it at all, we shall
stay, for Moses will not ever make us any purer than does the
Almighty Himself.”
[4] Says the woman: “I am only my lord’s handmaiden, and so
be it the way you wish and understand it to be right. But this
supremely holy presence of God overwhelms me.”
[5] Say I: “Woman, I saw your worship of God in Nazareth,
and what you saw Me do now, I did above all for your sake.
Therefore, you may as well bear My presence. But now I
impress upon all of you not to mention a word about this to
anyone. This is not for My sake or for yours, but for the sake of
the many unbelieving people, so that they do not believe in the
Son of man under judgment, but spontaneously when the
Gospel is preached to them.
[6] The people as they are now would be forced through such a
witness as with iron chains to believe in Me which would be
most detrimental to their free life. Their later descendants
would not accept such reports anyway, regarding them as
exaggerated, as pure fantasies of the human mind, and
consequently, reject the pure teachings and eternal truth.
Therefore, it is better that such deeds that were performed by
Me are completely concealed since they would not benefit
anyone – especially now during the early time of My ministry.
[7] You, Jairus, who shall eventually, when the time is suitable,
return the boy Josoe to his parents, shall quite conscientiously
and truthfully explain to him how he should regard this
matter. He shall believe, but not want to cause a sensation
before the people. This boy, now raised from the dead, will no
longer die physically since he has already gone through the
decomposition; but when his time will come an angel will call
him, and he will voluntarily follow the call – and then no mortal
eyes will see him again anywhere on this earth.
[8] Now that the boy has consumed all his bread and wine and
the twilight is already upon us, we shall go home.”
[9] We now leave the synagogue and Jairus and Borus close the
vault behind them after they have asked the two youths to place
the coffin once more in the tomb which was carried out by the
two in just a moment.
UTSIDE, Cyrenius says to Me: “Lord, if something like
that would happen in Rome even the stones would fall

at Your feet and worship You aloud: and we here do as

if something quite ordinary had happened. Lord, do have
patience with either our weakness or foolishness.”

[2] Say I: “If I had wanted that I would surely have come into
the world in Rome instead of Nazareth. You shall do only what
I demand of you. Everything in excess of that belongs to
heathendom and is sin. Are you still not aware that to ‘love God
above all and ones neighbor as oneself’ is indescribably more
than to erect for the lord of the heavens and earth miserable
temples of stone and timber?

[3] If, as Solomon said, already heaven and earth are too small
to comprehend the majesty of God, what uses is then a
miserable stone shell of hewn or baked stones since the entire
earth as well as the whole of infinity has been created by God?
[4] Tell Me: what would a father say to his children if they were
stupid enough to build from the father’s excrements a fly-sized
little house, or also a larger one, make an image of the father
from his excrements and when all that is ready go down on their
knees before the dirt-temple and in this way adore and worship
their father? What would you do if your children did that to you
and although you rebuked them, telling them this was stupid
and dirty and quite unworthy of you, they would crawl all the
more eagerly around the dirt-temple, worship your image of the
same stuff and against your will would even force their
sometimes maybe a little more enlightened brothers to do this
on pain of death, in addition demanding a religious tax from
them? Tell Me what would you do in that case? Could such an
extremely beastly foolish worship by your children please you?
[5] Behold, you emphatically deny this in your heart, and tell
you that such a worship by the foolish children of their earthly
father would still be better than men’s worship of God in the
temples. For the children used for the building of their temple at
least that from which the father obtained his food, whereas men
build temples from the excrements of Satan and worship their
God and Father therein. Say, how do you like such a veneration
and worship of God?”
[6] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, then I would have all the temples on
earth destroyed with a thousand flashes of lightning. Or it
would take Your two angels but a moment, and all temples
would have been reduced to dust.”
[7] Say I: “Friend, this has happened, is still happening and will
frequently be happening also in the future, but men will
nevertheless not cease to build temples, the one in Jerusalem
will be devastated and the heathenish temples will have
vanished. However, in place of the few, great numbers of
temples will follow, and as long as there will be men living on
earth they will be building temples – large and small – and
seeking their salvation therein. But only few will be attempting
to build for God a living temple in their heart in which alone He
can and shall be recognized, revered and worshipped as He
deserves because the soul’s eternal life depends solely on this.

[8] As long as men will be living in palaces and because of the

palaces have others, who cannot have palaces, honor and praise
them, also a temple will be built beside the palace to some god
who will be worshipped therein, if not in truth so at least for
enhancing the honor of the builder of the palace or temple.
[9] And so it will happen that men will be claiming for
themselves the honor that is due to God, and in that case the
reward for their works shall also be limited to what they have
taken for themselves. In the beyond, they will not be recognized
and will be thrust into outer darkness where they will be
weeping and gnashing their teeth in an eternal strife and fight
because of the great darkness. Therefore, we shall for the time
being leave things as they are, for only in the beyond will all the
knots be cut completely.”
Y the time I had explained this to Cyrenius we had
reached home, where quite a substantial supper awaited

us, consisting customarily of bread, wine and lots of

well-prepared fish. The fish appealed especially to Josoe who
was overjoyed at the laden tables.

[2] Jairus said to him: “My dear nephew, you must not
consume the evening meal quite so ravenously, since your
newly-created stomach may not yet be capable of tolerating
such copious amounts of food.”
[3] Said the boy: “Don’t let it worry you, dear uncle! He Who
awakened me from death would not have implanted such
voracity into my stomach if it really was harmful for my
stomach to take in more food than if in a state of constant
satiation; for it is no joke for a person to have been dead and
without food for a year and a half. Were you to have
experienced this yourself and to have my newly created
stomach in you, you would understand my voracity without
trouble. But not everyone can be in my position, and it is
useless to start a debate with you. Next to the One Who
awakened me, I myself know best how I am, and do not
therefore trouble yourself that a couple of fish, a piece of bread
and a glass of wine could harm me in the least!”

[4] Says Jairus: “I don’t begrudge it one bit, but only meant
it well.”
[5] Following this chat between Jairus and his nephew Josoe,
we sat down and consumed supper with cheer; there was much
talk about various things that had taken place and what they
would be saying in Jerusalem about it.
[6] The disciples were inquiring about the boy without knowing
what to make of him. First they asked the boy, then Jairus, then
the two youths who also sat with us at the main table as to what
was to this boy. It had to be something extraordinary since they
very well knew that the Lord did not deal overmuch with
ordinary boys. But their inquiries led to nothing as no one gave
them a satisfactory answer.
[7] But noticing the disciples’ anxiety, Mary said to them:
“You shall not be denied whatever you have need of but why do
you enquire about what you have no need of? Do as He tells
you and never try to know more than what He considers it
necessary to reveal to you, and you shall be living and acting in
accordance with His will and be assured of your reward.
Whatever else you desire contrary to His Will however is
sinning against His Will, being sin against your Master Who
is your Savior – physically and spiritually! Remember this
[8] In response to this wise admonition by Mary, the disciples
gave up inquiring about the boy, discussing him only among
themselves, with Peter turning to My favorite John, asking his
opinion on this boy.

[9] John said to him: “Did you not hear the glorious mother’s
loving words, that you should still itch to find out what the Lord
for assuredly the wisest reasons is not minded to tell us?
Behold, I am not itching in the least; we know what we know,
and that is enough! If we tried to also know all that the Lord
exceeds us in knowing, would not this be sheer madness on our
part, making us sooner deserving of anything rather than being
His disciples!”
[10] Says Peter: “For sure, you are quite right, but the pining
after knowledge surely also is a great attribute, laid into man’s
heart by the Lord Himself, and if man were not to have this
noble drive, he would resemble the animal, which does not to
my knowledge posses a hankering after knowledge in its blunt
soul. The divine nature of the striving after knowledge seems to
me to resemble thirst in a dream, to the quenching of which the
dreaming soul often consumes immense vessels full of water or
wine, remaining thirsty nonetheless, gaining unquenchable
thirst for much larger quantities of drinks. Our insatiable drive
after knowledge also tells us clearly and distinctly that there
must be an endless fullness of wisdom in God which shall not
ever be fathomed by any investigative spirit! And thus my dear
brother I believe that my present hankering after knowledge
may not be sinful.
[11] Behold, it is with me and several brethren as with some
nibbling children who don’t hanker after all sorts of morsels for
as long as they know nothing of such sweets, never getting to
see any. But sit them at a table loaded with all sorts of sweet
dishes, forbidding them to consume any of them, and you shall
soon see tears in their eyes and even more watering of the
mouth. You are nonetheless right; for just as a wise father, to
teach his children the mostly important virtue of self-denial,
puts morsels in front of them whose enjoying shall be denied
them, just so our heavenly Father appears to sometimes serve us
up spiritual dishes whose enjoyment He withholds from us until
we have become sturdy in self-denial to a certain point. When
we have reached such stage according to His order, then He
shall let us enjoy the dish we now crave. And so let us be
completely satisfied with what we know and have for today and
for as long as He wills it, and His exclusively holy will be done
at all times.”

[12] Say I: “My dear brother Simon Juda, thus it is right and
true. Not all knowing and finding out is suitable for awakening
of the spirit and the enlivening of the soul. For behold, it is
written: ‘(And God spoke to Adam) For in the day that thou
eatest of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt
surely die.’ And it is so.
[13] Within cognition lie the law and judgment, because until
the law be given or proclaimed to you there is no judgment to
follow the law. Hence strive to know only what I reveal to you,
and you shall on your part know enough forever. When the time
comes, then all shall become obvious to you.”
ITH this remark all disciples are satisfied and praise

My goodness and wisdom and the power of God

which dwells in Me, except for Judas who grumbled

and said in a quite audible tone to himself: “Against the
Pharisees who secretly allow the foreigners to see the Holiest of
Holy for money, He protests with sulfur rain from heaven; but
if He shows to foreigners His own sanctuary and excludes us
native children, then this is completely according to divine will!
Did ever anybody of us experience something similar? If they
do it in Jerusalem by heaven and earth it is wrong; but when He
for Himself nearly does the same, it is right and completely
according to the order of Melchisedec! One of course cannot do
anything about it; however, it is still very annoying!”

[2] Says Thomas the disciple who still keeps a sharp eye on
Judas Iscariot: “Now then, finally something is not right for
you? I’m surprised that you not long ago began to rag the Lord
for He placed the sun so far away from earth so that you can
bake your pots more cheaply in its extreme proximity than by
way of the usual wood fire!

[3] See how nice it would be to fly like birds! Yes, at times it
itched me in the shoulders, and I felt that I had to fly along with
a flock of cheerfully floating cranes; I tried to hopple and jump,
however the heavy body did not want to lift a foot above
[4] However, soon I was content with it and thought by myself:
If God wanted that people should fly like birds, He would have
given Him useful wings just like birds; but God saw that this
ability would cause man more harm than good and gave him
rather a pair of good and strong feet with which he can carry
himself quite comfortable from one place to another. In addition
to the two strong feet He gave him a pair of very useful hands
and a mind reaching above all stars, by which, instead of the a
pair of wings, he could produce for himself thousands of other
conveniences, which apparently can provide him with more
entertainment than the birds their wings; since it is quite
debatable if the birds understand to appreciate their wings to the
same extend than man his feet, his hands and his mind!
[5] See, man also struggles to move forward in water for he
does not have fins and no swim skin between the toes and
fingers; but his God given mind taught him to build ships by
means he can travel further over water than a fish, for whom a
waterhole is a dwelling from which it never wants to wander off
too far. And we can with fullest certainty assume that our later
descendants will make extremely great progress regarding the
art to build ships. Who knows whether any wise in future will
succeed to lift off into the free air by means of an artificial pair
of wings like the old Indians!”
[6] Here Judas interrupts Thomas and said somewhat irritated:
“Did I ever recruited you as my teacher, so that you can preach
to me at every occasion? Keep your wisdom for you and your
children and leave me alone, otherwise you are forcing me to
sharply shut your moth! Because this I know well if I wanted to.
With all your remarks regarding my equally free speeches and
action I never have given you a crude word, and therefore truly
do not know, why you always have to carve and plane on me!
Just keep sweeping diligently in front of your own door, since
for mine I will take care! If I don’t like something, it is for me
alone and not necessarily for you as well; I’m not your concern
and this from now on forever! – Do you understand such?

[7] Only think back to Kis when the Lord conciliated the
contentious matter between me and you; this be sufficient for
you and me, and regarding anything else we have nothing to do
with each other! If I ask you something you can give me a good
answer to my question – subject that you are able to do this!
However, you will be the last to be honored by me like that!”
8] Says Thomas: “But tell me brother Judas, was there anything
bad or offending about that which I just now have said to you,
why you are so excited about me? Is it then untrue, according to
my knowledge, that you only too often have quarreled with the
Lord that He has put the sun so distant from earth and that He
did not give you a pair of wings to fly like the mute birds under
the sky?”
[9] Continues Thomas after a while because Judas refused to
answer him: “If you want to be cross with me, be cross with me
without reason and cause! In the face of the Lord such extreme
unbrotherly behavior is not praiseworthy! A heart like yours
does not belong to the group of disciples of the Lord and you
would do a thousand times better if you would go home to your
pottery business, and no longer bothers Gods’ society and
pollute it with your profound divine-order-opposing heart. Have
you already completely forgotten about the mountain speech of
the Lord in Sichar, Samaria, where the Lord demands that we
even should love our enemies, bless those who curse us and do
good to those causing us evil?
[10] But if you do not want to follow Gods’ word and do not
want to exercise your self-denial at every opportunity, ask
yourself in Gods’ name why are you bothering our society with
your presence!
[11] You do not speak one word with any of us for days; and if
someone asks you something, you either give him no answer at
all or you treat him in an utmost raw and crude manner, so that
he will not put a question to you for a second time. Is this the
behavior for a disciple of the Lord? Ugh, shame on you and
become another person – otherwise go elsewhere!
[12] Verily, I regret it already more than have murdered
someone, for it was me who brought you to this group! I want
to beg the Lord on my knees that He removes you from us with
His almighty power, if you cannot be changed by goodness!”
[13] Says finally Judas with obvious suppressed rage but
smiling face: “Not you or the Lord can make me stay or leave!
See, if I knew that I be less a thorn in your eyes as I surely am, I
would long ago have left your society and searched for another;
but to really annoy you wholeheartedly, and will serve you as a
trial stone, where you can exercise beautifully your patience,
longsuffering and enemy-love, and want to learn from you the
applied mountain speech of Jesus to then exercise it myself! –
Have you understood me, wise Thomas?”
[14] Says Thomas turning to Me: “Lord, I and we all ask You
to remove this wretched sheep! Since next to it no brotherly
existence is thinkable, and it is impossible to apply Your holy
teaching; for he stays continuously an instigator and traitor!
Why should he be with us if he not only do not want to apply
Your holy teaching but also always belittles us if we try to live
and act according to Your word?”
AY I to Judas Iscariot: “Brother Thomas’ complaint
concerning you is justified. I tell you: admonish your

heart and become human. As a devil I find you

loathsome and you may go. For My company is a hallowed
company because it is pervaded by the Spirit of God, and in
such a company a devil cannot and may not abide.”

[2] These words make Judas immediately go on his knees

before Thomas begging his forgiveness.
[3] But Thomas says: “Friend, the apology is not due to me,
but to Him against Whose holy teaching you have wronged
me badly.”
[4] So Judas gets to his feet, quickly walks over to Me,
prostrates himself before Me and begs My forgiveness.
[5] And I say to him: “Admonish yourself in your heart, for
without the inner true betterment your plea with your tongue
only is quite worthless before Me since I see your heart and find
it altogether bad. The just outwardly friendly form may be
compared to a snake that by its graceful coils beguiles the little
birds of the sky so that they fly into its jaws to be devoured.
I tell you: beware that you do not fall prey to Satan before long.
For he does not like to let go of that which he calls his own.”
[6] Following these words Judas stood up again and said to Me:
“Lord, You call the dead from their graves and they live; why
do You allow my heart to perish in the grave of perdition? I do
want to become a better man, but still cannot, because I cannot
change my heart. Therefore, do reform my heart and I shall be a
new man.”
[7] Say I: “Precisely therein lies the great secret of a man’s self-
development. I can do everything for man, and he still remains
man. But his heart is his very own on which he must work
completely independently if he wishes to prepare for himself
eternal life. For if I first would refine a man’s heart, he would
become a machine and never gain free independence. However,
when man receives the teaching about what he has to do to
shape his heart for God, he must also voluntarily observe it and
shape his heart in accordance with it.

[8] Once he has done that and cleansed and scoured his heart,
only then do I enter it in spirit and abide in it, and the whole
man is then reborn in the spirit and cannot ever again be lost
since he has become at one with Me just as I Myself am at one
with the Father from Whom I have gone forth and come into
this world to show and pave for all human beings the way they
have to walk in the spirit in order to attain to God in the fullness
of truth.
[9] Therefore, you have to start cultivating your heart like
everybody else, otherwise you are lost – even if I had called you
a thousand times from the grave into the life of the flesh.”
[10] Says Judas Iscariot: “Lord, then I am lost. For I have a
wayward heart and cannot help myself.”
[11] Say I: “So listen to the brothers and do not be angry when
they admonish you in a loving and friendly way, for thereby
they are helping you to cultivate your heart.
[12] Look at Thomas whom all your rudeness does not deter
from admonishing you wherever you begin o give too much
free play to your evil heart. Do listen to his words of warning
stemming from his concern for you, then your heart will
gradually improve. However, if you will not accept any advice
you will soon perish and, as already said, fall prey to Satan; for
then not I, but Satan will be dwelling in your heart.
[13] Therefore, beware above all of anger and greed, otherwise
you will become a child of eternal death, for remorse and
repentance beyond the grave have little value and cannot be of
much use to an impure, black soul. Go now and ponder on these
My words.”
[14] Judas now withdraws pondering, does indeed make a halfway
decision to change his ways according to My words and
says to Thomas: “Now you will see, brother, how Iscariot will
become a new man and maybe even an example for all of you.
For Iscariot is very capable provided he has the will. Now he
wills it and as a result will accomplish much.”
[15] Says Thomas: “Brother, if you boast already in advance,
the action will most likely remain in the background whereby
you will or can become an example too, but not one to be
followed, only a deterring one – and there is not much chance
of a betterment for you in this world.
[16] For behold, if you do wish to become better than all of us
are who know our great weaknesses also without your example
and are fully aware of how miserable and unworthy we are
before the Lord, then you would have for all eternity to regard
yourself as lower before the Lord than your brothers and not
ever think of wishing to become an example to be followed by
us, but always regard yourself as the least and lowest. Then you
will indeed be, without wishing to be, that which you now in
your still considerable pride plan to become. – Therefore, live
according to this precept which has grown for you not on my
ground, but on the holy ground of the Lord, the foundation of
which is true humility and self-denial, then you will, in
accordance with the order of God, achieve that which you wish
to achieve. – Do now go to the Lord and ask Him whether I
have advised you properly and truthfully.”
UDAS calls Me asking: “Lord, is it the way Thomas has
told me in a most domineering tone?”

[2] Say I: “Yes, that is how it is. Who among you will
humble himself most before his brothers will be the first in the
Kingdom of God; any imagining himself better than others puts
him back to a lowest state.
[3] If any one of you still notices within him a feeling of
mastery and superiority, he is not yet free from the all-
consuming, most greedy hell and still remote from the Kingdom
of God; for such a man is not of a free spirit.
[4] But if someone has humbled himself below all his brothers
and is prepared to serve all as best he can, then he is the first in
the Kingdom of God and all the others could well take an
example from him. Only he who is capable of humbling himself
below all human beings is of a truly divine and great spirit.”

[5] Says Judas: “Then only a man capable of the greatest

humility can be the first in the Kingdom of God? For if he is
intent upon serving all to the best of his ability, the others must
obviously first oblige him by accepting his service thereby
helping him to achieve the heavenly priority. – But what then if
the others either do not want to accept his services or offer their
own services striving for heavenly priority? Who will then
become the first in the Kingdom of God?”
[6] Say I: “All those who strive for this with an honest heart.
But people who, as it were, out of self-love should refuse their
brother’s services to deprive him of the opportunity of
becoming a first one in the Kingdom of God, not ever striving
for such a priority themselves, will still be the last whereas he
will be the first because he truly wanted to serve all brothers out
of love and true humility.
[7] Ah, it would be something quite different if a person wanted
in this world to become the least and a servant of all only
because of the future heavenly priority. Oh, he too will be one
of the last in the Kingdom of God. In the beyond everything is
most carefully weighed and meted with the most exact measure.
Wherever there is any trace of selfishness the scales will show it
up and the measure of the heavens will not be met. Therefore,
you must have within you the full truth without any ulterior
motive, otherwise you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Only
the purest truth without any falsehood and plotting deceit can
and will make you free before God and all His created beings. –
Do you understand this?”
[8] Says Judas Iscariot: “Yes, I do understand that, but at the
same time also realize that this is impossible to carry out, for it
is not possible for man to let go all of his self-love. He must eat
and drink and procure for himself lodging and clothing – and
this too is done out of a lesser kind of self-love. One takes a
dear wife whom one wants for oneself alone, and woe betide
him who should dare to covet his neighbor’s wife. Would not
that also be a kind of self-love?

[9] If I possess a well-cultivated field and the time of harvest

comes, would I out of self-contempt and completed lack of self-
love go to my neighbors and say: ‘My friends, go and reap what
has grown in my fields, for as the least among you, as a
worthless servant to all of you, I have worked only for you.’
I am of the opinion that there the so highly praised self-denial
and self-contempt should have certain limits without which it
would even be impossible to preach Your teaching to mankind,
since this would show clearly that one regards one’s brothers as
more stupid and blinder than oneself. For to regard oneself
in spirit as superior to one’s brothers surely does show a
certain pride.
And if that is so, let us look at mankind in a hundred years, and
we shall see them eat grass like the oxen in the pasture, and
there will no longer be any trace of a language nor of a dwelling
or even of a city. – How far then is man’s self-love allowed
to go?”
AY I: “All right, so I will give you a measure by which
you and everyone may know how he stands concerning

his self-love, the love for his neighbor and his love
for God.

[2] Take the number 666 which in good or bad proportions

shows either a perfected man or a perfected devil.
[3] Divide a person’s love evenly into 666 parts; of that give
God 600, your neighbor 60 and yourself 6. However, if you
want to be a perfect devil, give God 6, your neighbor 60 and
yourself 600.
[4] Behold, it is the righteous servants, male and female, who
cultivate their master’s fields. In your opinion they should also
take the harvest since it is the result of their industry and toil.
But instead they put it in their master’s barns and granaries and
it gives them great pleasure to be able to say to their employer:
“Master, all your barns and granaries are already full and half of
the crop is still on the field. What shall we do? And their
pleasure grows when the master tells them: “I commend your
great and unselfish diligence and zeal. Go and fetch me builders
to build me in the shortest possible time storerooms, so that I
may store up the field’s blessing for future years that might be
less blessed in all produce than was this one.” Behold, nothing
belongs to the servants, they have no granary, no barns and
storerooms, and still they work for a small reward as if they
were doing it for their own barns, granaries and storerooms, for
they know that they will not want when the master’s storerooms
are full.

[5] And look, the actions of a righteous servant show the

whole relationship of every true man to himself, to the neighbor
and to God. The true servant looks after himself 6-fold, after
his fellow-servants, so that they may be well-disposed to him,
60-fold and after his employer 600-fold and thereby, quite
unintentionally, 666-fold after himself. For the other servants
will prefer the fellow-servant in whom they find the least self-
love to all others, and the employer will soon put him in charge
of all the servants. But at a servant who only provides for his
own pocket, likes to be the last at a job and puts his hands only
to the lightest work, his fellow-workers will be looking askance
and his employer will be quite aware that the selfish servant is a
lazy laborer. Therefore, who will never put him in charge of the
others, but reduce his wages and sit him at the farthest end of
the dining table. And if this selfish, lazy servant will not change
his attitude, he will be sacked from his service with a bad
testimonial and will not easily ever get into another service. But
if he has only one friend towards whom he has been unselfish,
that one may take him into his own lodging, and the master will
not reproach him for it. – Do you understand this?
[6] Everyone has, and must have, a certain degree of self-love,
or he could not live but – as already shown – only the smallest
possible degree; slightly more already destroys the purely
human relationship; and thus things are exactly balanced on the
scales of divine order. – Now you have been shown the borderlines
and we shall see how you will actually stick to them.”

[7] Says Judas: “It requires much profound wisdom to be able

to determine the exact measure of self-love. How can
shortsighted man judge that correctly?”
[8] Say I: “Let him do the best he can with an honest will, God
will then add what is still lacking. There is no reason to fear that
any man will use less than 6 parts for himself, at least of all men
of your kind.”
[9] Here Judas remains silent and deep in thought walks away
from the table to prepare himself a resting-place for the already
far advanced night.
[10] Josoe now gets up saying: “Of a truth, this person’s
stupidity has annoyed me beyond all measure! A disciple and
yet as stupid as an owl in broad daylight. I had no trouble
understanding everything You told him straight away, yet he
understood nothing, asking and interjecting all the time and
finally walking off as if You had not spoken a syllable to him.
A child’s asking is excusable, but when an old person, and that
one trying to be smarter than his fellowmen asks as well – and
that visibly for derisive rather than good intentions – then one
has to get angry! I am happy to die thrice more if this person
should ever reform. He is to all appearances a miser and
calculator as if capable to rise up to mountains of gold and
silver imminently. And as truly as my name is Josoe, I would
give all I have and suffer to man’s limit if this person ever
seizes upon self-improvement!”
[11] Say I: “My dear Josoe, let it be, for we need all sorts of
odd job men for building a new heaven and a new earth, and
Judas is just the type we can use. But now tell Me what you will
say to your earthly parents when you join up with them again!
What shall you say?”
AYS Josoe, smiling happily: “Lord, this story should be
quite easy to manage! I come escorted by uncle Jairus

into the house of my parents, still grieving for me.

These shall look quite amazed at seeing a boy who resembles
their Josoe like one eye another. Then Jairus can say that I am a
foundling who even bears the name of the deceased, and my
parents shall without much ado adopt me in place of the child,
loving me even more than their Josoe. Thereafter they can be
gradually led into the full truth through one rare turn after
another, and they shall in the end have to believe that I am the
real Josoe. At a time that You could determine they can then be
led into the fullest truth. – Is it right thus, oh Lord?”

[2] Say I to Josoe: “Every lie is an evil and produces again

[3] Says the boy: “Lord, when You smile then that is sure to be
a good sign, and I am therewith already justified before You, as
was Jacob before his blind father Isaac once with his hands
wrapped in the lamb’s fur! Behold, Lord, this was surely more
of a lie than my being introduced to my parents as a
“foundling”, and yet Jacob’s blessing as the first-born was
accepted as righteous before God! If God was able to regard an
obvious deception that was in fact a lie with eyes of grace and
blessing then the present foundling Josoe shall not be an
abomination before Him, since he is besides a most authentic
foundling, second to none upon all of God’s wide earth. I am of
the opinion, You my God and Lord, that nothing would be quite
as lost for this earth as one who had died; and, therefore, there
should also be nothing quite as ‘found’ in the truest sense as
one…, Lord, You understand whom I mean.”
[4] Say I: “Well done! I knew you would find the right reason
but I would like to hear from you nevertheless how you shall in
the end through all sorts of rare turns introduce yourself to your
parents as the real son Josoe!”
[5] Says Josoe: “Oh Lord, that surely is an easy thing. Once
inside the house, I shall behave as I always did, which should
be easy for me; I shall gradually ask about this and that as I did
formerly, also looking for my play things, using them in the
familiar manner, which shall obviously strike my parents,
finally they say: ‘This is our Josoe, perhaps awoken in his grave
by Borus and his secret methods and then fully healed by
now!’. And I grant them that view provisionally when the time
comes they shall indeed find out the truth, and I think the matter
will come off quite well.”

[6] Say I: “But here another lie emerges. Behold, to keep

someone deliberately mistaken is as much as lying to someone.
How shall you wash yourself clean on that score?”
[7] Says Josoe: “Lord, so long as You are still smiling when
testing, it is always and everlastingly a good sign; I think that a
lie can be of a quite different and twofold nature. To
intentionally dish up a lie to someone as a guaranteed truth
wickedly is and remains satanic malice. But an apparent lie that
once employs to hide the naked truth only while the full truth
could obviously still harm rather than benefit the person
concerned, cannot be evil if stemming from a good and well-
meaning heart.
[8] Every parable behind which the most exalted thought could
be hidden would in that regard also have to be the crudest lie.
And yet the wisest fathers and prophets spoke mainly in
parables. And the fact that the well known and famous
physician Borus as such characteristically here functions in
Your stead basically is no different from Abraham’s time, when
the three angels came to the patriarch in Jehovah’s place, and
no different to Joseph in Egypt’s lie when his brethren came to
him in pursuit of grain. But God Himself willed it so and is
certain not to have reckoned such behavior on Joseph’s part as
sin. And I think therefore that such apparent lie is a heavenly
cleverness, whereas a true lie belongs to the domain of the
worst hellish mischievousness!”
[9] Say I: “In that case come here, My most beloved Josoe and
let yourself be kissed; for as a tender boy you are wiser still
than an old scribe already!”

[10] With these words Josoe at once rushes around the table,
embracing and kissing Me fervently, saying afterwards with
fullest abandon, yet wisest cheerfulness: “Take a look here all
you celestial spirits, powers and forces and veil your faces!
Because what occurred here you have not experienced yet. The
eternal Holy Father here fully present before us in the Son Jesus
allows Himself to be carnally caressed by one of His creatures!
[11] Thus He Who was from eternity draws the temporal to
Himself, caressing it and thus making it into His image. Oh You
true and only Father of all men, how sweet the taste of
Your love!”
ERE the two angels step forward, saying: “Yes, fairest
boy. You have spoken rightly. This has not yet been

sighted by our eyes, which had gazed throughout God’s

infinite space long before any sun yet made its presence known
by the beams! Continue therefore constantly in the spirit now
animating you in this purely divine fashion, and we shall remain
brethren forever!”

[2] Says Josoe: “Who might you be, that you are capable of
enouncing words of such exalted wisdom? Are you not actually
humans like I am one?”
[3] Say the two: “Most beloved brother, in the spirit indeed we
are what you are and shall become more and more so; but flesh
and blood we have never borne! We are angels of the Lord to
here serve Him alone and always. If however, He should once
through His grace allow us akin to Himself to go the way of the
flesh, then we shall be completely like you also in this respect.
But for now you are considerably ahead of us. But eternity is
long and endless, and all differences shall once lose themselves
within it. But we now offer you our services as well. If you
want anything, just command us, and we will serve you.”
[4] Says Josoe: “What should I command you to serve me? All
of us have one God and one Lord and Father from eternity. Him
alone it befits the right to command me and yourselves; we one
and all created by Him, should not command one another but
obligingly serve one another out of love, if one or the other of
us, angel or man, should be in need of some service.

[5] But I regard as imperfect even him who, regardless of how

obligingly he comes to the aid of a needy brother begging him
for assistance; because only such is then going to be helped who
has the opportunity, courage and strength to make his need
known to a brother in a position to help in one way or the other.
Who is going to help someone who does not have the
opportunity or courage to beg his more well-provided brother
for help? If I cannot lend even a requested help, how much less
a commanded one?
[6] Hence I say to you in the presence of Him Who is a Lord
over life and death: when you see that I have need of some help
then help me without my asking you for it, let alone my
commanding you as if I were a lord! I could somehow serve
you; otherwise I need neither your help nor service, least of all a
commanded one, which is worse than none at all.
[7] A better off brother in some respect should therefore
diligently glance around his needy brethren for any potential
need they have, and on finding such, offer his help! In that way
he shall be, I think, well-pleasing to the Lord and Father Who
eternally acts that way, thus justifying the holy image of God in
which he was created; he however who helps his neighbor only
when same has begged him for it – oh, such helper is still far
from the full image, let alone him who waits to be commanded
[8] Behold my dear friends, if your wisdom should not extend
beyond inviting men to command you to help them when they
are in need of your help, then as a boy I would not swap places
with you; if however you merely wanted to test me then I
believe myself to have passed it quite well. And should you
have heard anything out of my mouth that might have touched
you a little hard then I beg your indulgence, for I did not open
my mouth to give you instruction but only for the sake of truth,
because you did not make your offer truthfully. You ought to as
perfect celestial spirits have seen my inward parts sufficiently to
foresee that I would surely respond to your offer in this way,
and you would then have made your offer, for which I certainly
cannot thank you from a different aspect!”

[9] The two youths somewhat humbled step back a little

saying: “Verily, this exalted, purely godly wisdom no angel
would have looked for in this boy!”
[10] Say I: “Yes, My beloved ones, God’s eyesight is of high
resolution, noting stains even in the most perfect angels, and
hence even in the purest heart of a man which is like the apple
of God’s eye. I did not permit this on your, but on the guest’s
account, so that they would find out from the pure mouth of an
awakened boy how much they are still lacking in their image
of God. On the other hand the boy’s spirit has been of an
extraordinary penetration already from birth, and none of you
should think that I Myself on this occasion place My Words in
his heart and finally in the mouth. They grew upon his very own
soil; hence he shall once become a thorough weapon of Mine.”
AYS Cyrenius: “Lord this boy I would like to take into
my care, and if he wants to join me then I shall not only

make him the equal of my children but place him above

them in everything. Verily, I should count it among my greatest
blessings if this dear boy, who is more angel than man anyway,
I count as my own. He will find it hard to get on with his
erstwhile parents anyway and it is questionable as to whether
they shall still accept him. But I am aware of it all and can make
arrangements for his parents, whom I know to be much in favor
of the temple, to quite easily recognize their Josoe with time.
They shall be free to accept him, on condition that he has to
remain in my house and to be with me where I am – at times in
Asia, in Europe and in Africa, because his wisdom has my
highest regard.”

[2] Say I: “Work it out with Jairus and the boy. It is all in order
with Me, because everywhere the boy, My beloved Josoe shall
remain faithful to Me.”
[3] Says the boy: “Father, of this You shall surely not be
doubting? Unless You Yourself were to place different
convictions into my heart. But this You shall not do in all
eternity, and hence I shall also remain faithful to You forever.
If I had the choice of deciding my future being upon this earth,
then I would forthwith stay with You. Because what could there
be more exalted, better and more blessed throughout all of
infinity and in all the old and new heavens than to be with You
the arch source of love, wisdom and all life? But this only is the
real innermost desire of my heart; for the rest I also know what
it is to obey and willingly go anywhere Your holy will may
determine me to do. I go to Cyrenius whom I respect and
esteem exceedingly, as I would also go back to my earthly
parents who also are very dearly beloved to me; yet without
Your will I shall not easily be doing anything.”
[4] Say I: “That you would like to stay with Me and eventually
also will do so is attested by your entire being; but right now
you are still in need of some rest, which you have need of in
outward isolation from Me, so that a firmer integration between
your soul and your new body can take place when this has
occurred in the course of about a year then it will be quite
alright for you to come to Me again, and you shall be able to
maintain yourself quite well in My proximity without Me
having with the power of My will, as right now, to hold your
soul fast to your body. Behold, that is the reason why for your
benefit I let you leave Me for a short while. Just ask your own
mind whether you would like to go from here with the Roman
Supreme Governor Cyrenius or whether you would rather
return to your earthly parents. It does not make any difference
to Me, only that it is true that with Cyrenius you could win
more than as an apparent stranger in your parents’ house, for
they will not know for quite a while what to make of you.”
[5] Says Josoe: “Very well, now that I know this I shall go with
the distinguished Governor Cyrenius. I should nevertheless like
to see my parents and find out what sort of perplexed faces they
will make on seeing me.”
[6] Says Cyrenius: “This we will be able to easily bring about
tomorrow when we shall be going through Sidon and
Capernaum. When at lunch at my brother’s house, whom you
see here on my side, and whose name is Cornelius, tomorrow at
Capernaum, then besides some leading officials of the city, your
parents also shall be coaxed to the table, giving you a good
chance to see, hear and observe your parents and what sort of
comments they make about you. But you shall have to guard
against giving yourself away too much by some remark on your
part! They shall not recognize you by your clothing as I intend
having you dressed up like a Roman in a toga, from my
wardrobe. But as said, you shall have to watch your mouth, to
not betray yourself before time!”
[7] Says the boy: “Let not this trouble you, for I have quite a
good command of the Roman tongue, as well as the Greek, and
shall therefore speak in these if asked anything. My parents of
course also speak this tongue, but this should not matter. In
short, with the help of the Lord, Who awakened me, all this
shall be presented in the most appropriate manner.”
[8] Cyrenius presses the boy to his chest kissing him and
saying: “In short, I love you exceedingly and from now on
regard you as my son whom I love above my natural children
and many other children to whom I voluntarily became a father
as with yourself. For you shall greatly benefit them with your
[9] Says the boy: “I am looking forward to this, for it has
always been my greatest pleasure to make myself useful to
[10] Say I: “Very well, My Josoe! If I see that you faithfully
keep to your resolution then I shall also convey power to you
from the heavens with whose help you shall then be able to
work even greater good. But what this power consists in you
shall become aware of only after receiving it. But now let us
take our rest, for midnight has overtaken us. Tomorrow is
another day and I shall not look in advance into what it will
bring, but we shall rather accept whatever it will bring. The
good shall be our portion and the bad we shall know how to
reject. Let us therefore go to our rest.” – After My words all go
to seek their rest.


HE following morning was one of the brightest, and

many of the guests, who had retired before us, were

already romping about in the open, as I and the
disciples and the Roman and Kisjonah stepped out of the house.

[2] After we had spent some time outdoors, Bab and his family
arrived from the city; for he had gone home late at night in
order not to cause My house inconvenience. But, on arrival in
the city, and namely at the Synagogue, he found great agitation
there, so much so that he did not dare to ask the cause.
Something grave must have taken place as he had never before
noticed such uproar among the servants and lords of the
[3] Say I: “This will be the result of the new broom, who will
have arrived at Jerusalem after Jairus’ resignation, taking over
and probably intend to pay a visit here at Nazareth! There is
indeed very little to it and we shall tuck into our ready morning
meal notwithstanding.”
[4] Thereafter I turned to the two youths still present: “Hasten
to the Synagogue and bring Me the Elder Roban; I need to
speak to him! But move with unhurried step so as not to betray
yourselves through a sudden appearance.” The two angels at
once do as I commanded them, whilst we betake ourselves to
the morning meal, consuming it with good cheer.
[5] Upon our leaving the tables, Roban already arrives with the
two angels, bowing down low before Myself and the highly
ranking Romans still in attendance, saying emotionally
exhausted: “Ah, Lord, over here is heaven, whilst over there in
the Synagogue hell in fullest rage! Lord I need not tell You,
knowing only too well that nothing in the whole world can be
unknown to You, yet it is truly despairing the way our most
recent Chief carries on!
[6] I relinquish my humanity if this man is not a physical
brother of Satan! For a start he not only robs us financially but
of all other possessions as well, so that we don’t know how we
shall provide for our families from here on, taking away all
flour, peas and beans, grain and smoked fish. He registers our
oxen, cows and calves as property of the Temple and shall thus
take them from us without mercy! He has furthermore declared
us as apostate from the Temple wanting on top of that to hit us
with every fine in the book, for they in Jerusalem are supposed
to be aware of all that is taking place here and he is supposed to
have instructions to have You arrested as public deceiver and
stirrer and hand You over to the courts! – What will You say of
such bestiality?
[7] Herod is supposed to know Your every move; he would
have for a long time already taken steps against You if he were
not of the erroneous opinion, which was instilled in him by a
seer that is supposed to have been a secret disciple of John, that
You are John risen from the dead; for he had John beheaded in
prison on instigation of Herodias having his head presented to
her on a platter as proof of his promise to her!
[8] From these few details oh Lord You will be able to gather
how things stand! I say unto You that unless You counter this
with all Your might, then You and all those with You here are
physically gone! For I cannot say more unto You other than all
hell has categorically broken loose; on Your head alone ten
thousand pounds of gold are set!”
[9] Here I call Matthew over, saying to him: “Record that
which you are going to hear now.”
[10] Matthew forthwith fetches his writing utensils and gets
ready to write.
[11] But I say to Roban again: “Friend, you have now tossed
John’s sad story out casually; be so good and tell it the way the
new Chief told it to you, for I am concerned that the thing
should be recorded that way.”
[12] Says Roban: “I will do so with the greatest eagerness in
the world; but I fear that I shall be missed, and we are in danger
of the Satan’s brother of a Chief coming out here and creating a
great furor!”
[13] Say I: “Fear not, for we still have power sufficient here for
putting a warden on him.”
[14] Says Roban: “If so then I shall at once render John’s story
the way the Chief told us word for word. These were his words:
[MATT. 14: 1-12]
OBAN: “Recently the Tetrarch Herod’s tax collectors
reported to this very Herod the rumors about You and

Your deeds [Matt. 14:1] telling him how You put them
to flight on the occasion of their tax-extortions and how they
were incapable of countering your power by any means.
Thereupon Herod summoned his seer. This one, firstly of a fine
feather and who secondly as a secret disciple of John could not
forgive this prophet’s murder by the former, here found an
opportunity for immediate revenge on Herod, telling him with
firm face and speech: ‘This is John, risen from the dead and is
now working such signs against you!’

[2] Herod took fright, returning shaking to his servants and

saying: ‘This is not the carpenter’s son, whom I know, for he
had barely five years ago with his father Joseph erected a new
throne for me, and although only a carpenter of the future,
showed substantial skill in spite of being a simpleton. No, this
the John beheaded by me, who has risen from the dead, and as
an indestructible spirit is now performing deeds against me that
no other man can perform. [Matt. 14:2]. Hence you should
undertake nothing further against him, for this could bring the
greatest disorder over yourselves and me.’

[3] To this his servants are supposed to have goggled their eyes,
departing in bewilderment; because within themselves they
know that You are not John – yet feared to argue with the
incensed Herod.
[4] But we asked the Chief after this account what there is to the
murder of John? [Matt. 14:3] For Herod caught, tied and threw
John into prison because of Herodias the wife of his brother
Philippus. Since we knew quite well that Herod had thrown him
into prison; but that he had him murdered as well we did not
know a syllable yet. Thereto the Chief told us briefly that Herod
at first was – albeit in a remote sense – an adherent of John,
regarding him as a distinctive wise man and hence he took him
up in his court, intending to learn secret wisdom from him.
[Matt. 14:4] Since John had said to him: ‘It is not right that you
have her.’ Since he was not however willing to give up his
iniquitous love for Herodias, his brother Phillip’s wife John got
incensed, saying to Herod in a most intense manner: ‘It is not
lawful before God and your brother for you to have her!
For it is written that thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.’
[Matt. 14:5] And he would have liked to kill him but he feared
the people since they regarded him as a prophet. This infuriated
the haughty Herod, letting John be thrown into prison, and
would have had him killed forthwith if he had not feared the
people, who regarded John as a prophet. [Matt. 14:5]
[5] It so happened that a few days later Herod was holding his
anniversary celebrations. On this day Herodias’ beautiful
daughter danced before him and his guests, which pleased
Herod immensely. [Matt. 14:6] He therefore gave the beautiful
dancer an oath that he will give her whatever she asks of him.
[Matt. 14:7] The daughter first went to her mother who had
sworn revenge on John for trying to turn Herod away from
her; and so the mother persuaded her daughter to demand
John’s head.
[6] Thereupon the daughter went to Herod, saying: ‘Give me
the head of John on a golden platter!’ [Matt. 14:8] Here the king
became really troubled, not so much for John’s sake but
because of the people who he feared would take revenge on
him. On account of the oath and those sitting with him at the
table he commanded his servants to give the daughter what was
requested. [Matt. 14:9] And the servants went and beheaded
John in prison [Matt. 14:10] after first removing several of his
disciples with certain artifices, then carrying John’s head on a
platter into the dining room to hand it to the daughter; the latter
then passed it to the mother. [Matt. 14:11]
[7] His disciples then returned, finding John’s body with the
greatest trepidation and sorrow. They carried the body outside
and buried him [Matt. 14:12] in the presence of thousands, who
wept and cursed Herod and his household countless times.
Herodias however, at the sight of John’s head was supposed to
have sunk dead to the floor with dreadful facial convulsions and
her daughter a few moments after her as well, whilst Herod and
all his guests fled the hall in terror.
[8] Lord, this word for word is the exceedingly sad tale about
John the Baptist at the river Jordan not far from the wilderness
of Bethabara, not far from where this river drains into the sea
then flowing through it to finally turn toward the Dead Sea.
What will You say to this? Is it possible that people can actually
turn into devils like that, and that at a time when You Yourself,
whom heaven and earth obey, is walking the earth as Man? Do
You have no more lightning and thunders?”
[9] After that Cyrenius and Cornelius step over to me
immensely incensed, saying: “Lord, here danger is lurking! We
can longer hearken upon Your great patience and longsuffering.
Here setting hand to task is called for instantly. This entire hell
brood together with Jerusalem and the Temple must be
extirpated from the face of the earth in ten days at the most.”
[10] Say I: “Look here, these two youths suffice to carry out in
a moment what all Roman power in aggregate could not
accomplish in a hundred years! If all this did not have to take
place on account of divine order, then believe Me it would be
an easy matter for Me to destroy all this in the quickest
moment. But such excess must take place for the development
of a new heaven and a new earth.

[11] See to it that you get away from here, because this new
Chief is an evil person, and Satan shows him a thousand ways
of harming you most thoroughly; hence get away in haste!
[12] I Myself shall be leaving here today and not return to this
area in a hurry for one has to evade a raging dog. This is one
who has a lot of gold and silver, or he could not have bought
such office for himself: with lots of gold and silver one can
accomplish much in the world with worldly people, and he who
besides that purchases such a position solely on account of
profit and domination can be trusted by no means. Hence arise
and make off from here all of you, and you Roban return home,
because you have not as yet been missed!”
[13] Says Roban: “If they ask me about You, what should
I say!”
[14] Say I: “This shall be placed in your heart and upon your
PON these words Roban hurries home, and moments
after arriving in his house, a messenger already arrives
compelling him to come to the Synagogue, where the
new chief indeed wants to discuss Me; for he had found out that
Roban had been in Sychar on My account. Roban goes over at
once, and the Chief tackles him despondently at once.
[2] But Roban says: “I am a Nazarene Elder of between 70
and 80 years old, whilst you have not lived thirty yet.
Notwithstanding you making yourself Chief with your money,
you are still a long way from being a Moses or an Aaron and
are not going to teach me anything I would not have already
known before you were begotten! We have always managed our
position to the satisfaction of your worthy predecessor and the
Temple as a whole, judging all appearances with the eyes of
pious Jews, placing barriers where needed; should you be better
versed in dealing with the situation and make Greeks and
Romans into Jews with one blow then just carry on like that,
and I guarantee you that you shall be the only Jew in Galilee
besides ourselves.

[3] Look, for this reason the substantial Jesaira area became
wholly Greek, and all Pharisees, Scribes and Priests had to
leave the areas! Go and start holding enquiries like that over
there, and the Jesaireans will have a thing or two to say to you,
and you shall be short of legs to put you to flight! Why did the
Jesaireans fall away? On account of the avid greed of the
priesthood there, and now Pythagoras is confessed there instead
of Moses.
[4] And exactly the same shall apply here now, and you and us
all can then take to our heels! Hence don’t be blind and
recognize facts!
[5] The most exalted heads of state are the Romans and Greeks,
and they love seeing the Jews come over to their doctrine. How
are you going to prevent such transfers when in Galilee the
widely held view of the Temple is that of a hollow nut? And
who but the greedy Templers are to blame, who shows the holy
of holies to rich strangers who then, even when sworn to
secrecy appraise the people afterwards with much laughter and
ridicule!? Go and ask the inhabitants there, and they shall tell
you as they told us.”
[6] Says the Chief: “What are you saying – the people know
all this?”
[7] Says Roban: “Yes, all this the people know. But go and
deprive them of such knowledge!”
[8] The Chief paces up and down the Synagogue, eventually
saying: “This shall no doubt be due in large part to the
Nazarene prophet. Hence it shall be done to him as it was done
to John through King Herod!”
[9] Says Roban: “Yes, it only needs trying to lay hands on the
miraculous doctor, and the people and the Romans, Greeks and
Jews who worship him like a god shall soon tell you a thing or
two. I as an Elder of Nazareth say unto you and give you the
faithful and expert advice: Follow in the footsteps of your
worthy predecessor Jairus and you shall fare well for a while;
but if you are going to try and turn everything upside down as
now, then you can soon look for a return to Jerusalem! Jairus is
himself in the hands of the Greeks. Borus is his son-in-law;
Borus the second wonder physician, wealthy in treasures of
every kind will only too soon be telling you a thing or two. In
short, just try it out and see whether my advice was amiss!”

[10] The Chief stamps his foot in rage, saying: “You are
already all of the devil to wit and seem to side more with the
opponents than us and followers of the public deceiver’s
doctrine! Hence, I shall throw you all out of the Synagogue and
occupy it with the new people from Jerusalem and hand you
over to the courts! Hence I ask you once more: What business
did you have with the Samaritans at Sychar?”
[11] Says Roban: “I am 79 years old and know what I am doing
and need to do! Your threat intimidates neither me nor anyone
else; should you want to hand us over to the courts then just try,
and we shall see who shall be seized by the courts – us or
[12] Fortunately we are in the good books of the Chief
Governor, a brother of Emperor Augustus and who wields great
influence in Rome, for which reason he is not going to throw us
in prison as easily as you think. But it is Jesus, whom the
Temple hates of purest self interest and domineering that the
Temple can thank you for not having as yet been razed to the
ground by the Romans!
[13] You will surely have heard about the notorious taxation
robbery, carried out by agents of the Temple under the guise of
the Chief Governor, hardly five weeks ago, whose despicable
transport – together with many other shamefully robbed and
extorted chattels were caught at Kis by the exceedingly wealthy
Kisjonah’s overseers! Behold, the same Jesus, groundlessly
hated so much by the Temple yet whom even the most exalted
Romans worship more than Jupiter was the very One Who
through His Word and unheard of miraculous deeds was
responsible for diverting that most destructive storm from
Jerusalem! But it is a long way from over; it needs only some
stubbornness on your part, and the storm breaks loose.

[14] It furthermore requires only a charge laid by Borus, Jairus

and for that matter by myself, and then I want you to look at
your Jerusalem and your Temple in three times seven days, and
you shall hardly find the place where the Temple once stood.
Have you perfectly understood me?”
[15] Here the new Chief stamps furiously into the ground
again, saying: “Who is able to attest to this by oath? Because
they who are supposed to have carried this out sit in the
[16] Says Roban: “In the Roman law, the perpetrator is not
allowed attesting by oath but only the witnesses for the
prosecution, and of these they can call ten thousand if necessary
and I think that should be sufficient against some ten
[17] Says the Chief quite subdued: “Is one therefore to no
longer believe in Jehovah, Moses and the prophets, and no one
to any longer keep their commandments on account of the
[18] Says Roban: “Just don’t you talk to me about Moses and
Jehovah and all the prophets! There is no trace of all this to be
found either with yourself and much less still with the upper
and the uppermost of the Temple; for the entire Temple has
these last 30 years been turned into a money-changer’s and
trader’s house, and there has been no trace of the real Jehovah
and of Moses encountered here for along time! Whatever is still
there is nothing but larvae and sham with the raving wolves
going about in sheepskins in order to get hold of the poor sheep
more easily. If you were keeping the commandments of Moses
then you would never have craved after purchasing this position
for much gold and silver!”
[19] The new Chief nearly burst with rage at this Roban’s
retort, saying: “Not to worry! I shall find you all a lord
nonetheless, to make you marvel right down to hell; for I also
know a thing or two that you don’t know and know a few ways
that may be unknown to you!”
[20] Say Roban: “Quite possibly, but very likely that your ways
and means are better known to us than you and it is not
improbably that we have already blocked off all the ways you
already secretly contemplated along which you had hoped to get
behind our backs. As said, just try a single time and you shall
find out all that we shall tell you!”
[21] Say the others to Roban: “But brother, why do you try
protecting this brute against his assured demise? He is in our
hands, so let him call for help from heaven if we should feel
free to let him taste the stones of Nazareth!” – Then saying to
the Chief: “We are Pharisees and Scribes just like yourself, and
more so actually; for we are descendants of Levi even whilst
being aware of your having purchased your own descent, just as
everything is these days for sale, including heaven! You hence
are an intruder into the holy of holies and therefore a deceiver
of God and as such most appropriately due for stoning; hence
you need not try much more and we shall reach for the stones!”
[22] This empathic threat made the Chief more moderate at
least on the outside, yet that much more embittered, and he
spoke after a short interval: “You ought not to misunderstand
me either, because the Temple’s shortcomings are as well-
known to me as to yourselves, and it is about now to conceal
them and how the Temple can be brought to its former
FTER which the speaker Chiwar says: “What for

such foolish grind for us initiates? Was not I a servant

in the Temple from my eleventh to my twenty-fifth

years, knowing only too well how things stand there? Had I
been bent on maliciousness, what betrayal could not I have
wrought already. But I thought to myself: the blind folk still is
attached to the Temple – as hitherto!

[2] Why should I take away the people’s faith, on which in my

opinion it still places its unlimited hopes and on account of
whom we priests still have it so good in a worldly sense? If we
should now tune our strings too tightly then they shall snap and
our song shall be done for, after which we can start looking for
fishing nets and begin to fish where the sea is bottomless.
[3] How shall we counter the power of our daily more
numerous enemies? Do you think that the Temple is then going
to protect us? Don’t entertain such hopes, because a great many
Jews already dwell in Rome in stately mansions studded with
great treasures scooped up in the Temple illegally! These shall
be as little our advocates as the present Templers who like
swallows are holding their wings extended already to take at the
first opportunity a journey over the great sea to Italy in Europe,
not intending a return to Asia.
[4] Our cherished advice therefore should be to firstly carry out
our priestly office with as much dignity and composure as
possible, and secondly to well heed the Roman “In medio beati”
(The middle way is the right one), otherwise we might have to
in a few years transfer to fishing!
[5] Besides all that, two men in this time make their appearance
whose eternally imponderable might would suffice to in a few
years win the entire earth for themselves with their doctrine.
Firstly John, who is no longer among us mortals, whose
doctrine nearly half of Juda and Galilee converted to and still is
doing so even more stubbornly now than it was in his life-time.
Herod obviously in his lecherousness could take the head of the
manifest prophet, but can he also be able to do that to his spirit
and the spirit of his godly teaching? I shall never believe so,
because only through persecution does every good doctrine
become great and invincible!

[6] John indeed has been physically moved out of the way, but
in his place stepped the renowned Jesus, compared to whom
John is what a molehill is to the mighty Mount Ararat! His
superhumanly gentle and measurelessly benevolent, most
liberal appearance and demeanor; his profoundest wisdom in
every phrase of his speeches to whose purely divine, and easy
to grasp truth no man of any intellect of even pea size
unctuousness disputes its heavenly descent for even a moment;
and finally his deeds, of which every man must say this is
possible only to God!
[7] What will we or can we undertake against him? We can
indeed make a nuisance of ourselves against such extraordinary
manifestations, but by no means for our benefit but only our
greatest harm.
[8] Hence what we need here is our most clever behavior and to
never look to the present but only the future, or we shall be
finished overnight!”
[9] Says the Chief: “What you are saying is that one should not
have this Jesus apprehended, but nicely hearken until he will
have fully destroyed us?”
[10] Says Chiwar: “Apprehend Him if you can! What have we
already undertaken against him, but to what avail? I say unto
you: to nothing other than his enriching himself by a couple of
thousand disciples, the number by which we are impoverished,
and that we nearly managed to be skipped over by the sharp
swords of the Romans who regard him for an actual God!
[11] Besides that and something not experienced on earth
before, he always keeps two angels in his company who with all
their apparent tenderness and boyish impotence possess a power
and strength of which our exceedingly abbreviated wisdom has
never dreamt yet. And upon this one you want to lay your hands
to attack him? I beseech you, be whatever you will but not
insane! You are paralyzed before you can take one step of evil
intent against him. Or do you think he doesn’t know what we
are doing here? I say you are mistaken sky high. All these here
are witnesses of how a few days ago he knew every smallest
detail of what we said and quietly decided at midnight.

[12] It is one thing to be told about a great storm at sea but quite
another to have withstood it! I tell you just attend to your office
quietly and without fuss, and no unpleasantness shall assail you
from any direction. If however you proceed tyrannically then
we guarantee that not only your Capernaum but also all of
Jerusalem shall be toppled into a heap! Going about it cleverly
we may yet keep Jerusalem going for another fifty years at best
also bring about its crash in a few weeks by our untimely
[13] The choice is yours to do as you please; it is only a cat’s
bound for us over to the Romans. They are our friends, praise
God, but for you the path may become a quite extended one.
Mankind’s cleverness always manages to present the hollow nut
as full. What are you expecting to fix out from the greedy
Temple, which has been a completely hollow nut for a long
time? Is it not much more clever to go along with a promising
development? I say to you openly that all the mightiest Roman
lords now let themselves be led by Jesus like lambs. If he has
them and his truly godly doctrine on his side then what are we
to undertake against him? Just the merest intention to seize him,
and you are as good as grabbed yourself, and no man shall do a
thing for your release. But if you behave intelligently then the
Romans shall be your friends too, and your existence shall be a
good one, like that of Jairus! But go and do as you will and the
results will show whether our advice was friendly or
[14] Chiwar’s talk did not miss its mark and the Chief settled
down and began to see that Chiwar as well as Roban were
completely right, promising to faithfully follow their advice.
And so the first storm in the Synagogue came to a happy end.
N hour later, Chiwar came over to Me to tell Me about

all that was worked out with the new Chief in the


[2] But I said: “Friend, save yourself the trouble, for you realize
that nothing can be unknown to Me. I must tell you by the way
that you and Roban did your thing extremely well, because the
Chief would have undertaken some crazy things. Now he is
convinced it would be foolish to undertake anything against the
Romans, and thus he shall be quiet at least for a time; but you
must not fully trust him for quite some time yet but be on guard
constantly and never let him out of your sight. But because you
were and still are My most zealous representative, I shall imbue
you with the capacity to heal the sick through right prayer and
the laying on of hands, to find out the new Chief’s plans in your
heart and counter with the right means what has to always occur
promptly or it would be of no effect! The right measures shall
be indicated to you. And therefore receive My blessing for it
[3] Here Chiwar threw himself on his knees before Me,
fervently asking Me for it. I laid My right hand upon his heart
and My left upon his head, and in that moment he was lit up
within. And he spoke: “Lord, all darkness has now left me; all
is alight within me, and it seems as if all my body were of some
transparent, diamond-like matter through which the light of day
can penetrate unhindered. Oh Lord, leave me this blessing
everlastingly; I shall know how to preserve and honor it most
[4] Say I: “Stay active in My doctrine at all times, and you shall
never have cause to mourn the loss of this light!”
[5] Here Chiwar rises, noticing that no further strange guest is
present except for Borus, Jairus, Mary and My domestic
brethren, not even the twelve chief disciples being anywhere in
evidence, and he asks Me what went on here.
[6] Say I: “This all had to go on thus! Behold, soon autumn and
then winter shall come. Full harvest time is approaching and I
must go out and hire workers for field and vineyard. When
everything for this year has been brought in then it shall be
good to rest in winter; come spring and we shall then get plenty
to do with renewed strength.

[7] I shall be leaving this area still today, for Herod is a clever
fox and the new Chief is in his employ. Wherefore My house is
not to become Satan’s battleground, I have already sent out My
disciples two hours ago. They went with My brother Kisjonah
and there in Kis await John’s disciples and proclaim to them
that the kingdom of God has come near them. They will come
here with John’s disciples today and then leave this place with
Me tonight. Whether we will depart, together with much else,
you shall perceive within you.
[8] Act now in conjunction with Borus and Jairus, for these are
now the two worthiest men in all Nazareth in possession of My
fullest love and through Myself the fullest grace of God.
Because none of My disciples loves and knows Me the way
these two do!
[9] All My disciples, in a certain not too distant future shall be
offended in Me to a considerable degree. But these two shall
not be led astray by any manifestation about Me, for they
thoroughly know Me. – Keep to these therefore, and you too
shall achieve what these themselves achieved!”
[10] Chiwar is completely happy with this advice asking only
what happened to the two angels because they too are not to be
seen anywhere.
[11] But I say to him: “Lift up your eyes and you shall see not
only the two but countless hosts around them!”
[12] Here Chiwar raises his eyes, seeing the two archangels in
the brilliant light but countless myriads around them all
constantly ready to serve Me.
[13] Chiwar lowers his eyes back to earth saying: “Lord, I am a
sinner and my eyes are not able to bear the overly holy sight;
but it shall be my keenest task to make myself worthy of
such sight!”
[14] Say I: “Do everything properly, and your reward in the
heavens, whose mere hem you now saw, shall be great! But
return to the Synagogue now, because the Chief who will be
staying here in Nazareth, must not miss you, because he now
places much store by your advice!”
ITH these words honest Chiwar leaves, soon arriving at

the Synagogue and realizing at once that he was very

much missed by the Chief. The Chief immediately
asks him where and what kept him busy for so long.

[2] And Chiwar said: “Lord, I had someone dangerously ill and
had to seek his help and behold, now he is healed, and as a
traveler can now continue his journey untroubled.
[3] Asks the Chief: “Where is he traveling and when and
whence did he come here? Can I still see and speak to him?”
[4] Says Chiwar: “He is a Jew, came from above and has
already left for downwards. You can no longer see or speak to
him, unless he comes back. But when? It could be many days.”
[5] Says the Chief: “I cannot be content with such foxtail
information! Where is the inn, so I can go there and make
enquiries about the one you healed and who is now traveling
downwards because such miraculous healing on the part of a
Pharisee is an important matter and has to be confirmed by
many witnesses or it shall not be believed and therefore not
found worthy.”
[6] Says Chiwar: “If you want to know more than I do then
turn to those who know more than I – I faithfully told you all I
know. How should I be able to tell you more than I know? The
inn was at the carpenter Joseph’s house. If you want to know
more, go out there! Don’t forget to protect your back, because
there will be no shortage of blows there! Do you perhaps
imagine that an extraordinary esteem for people like us is found
over there? I tell you not a trace of such! With the smallest
indiscretion, blows are available there by the alphabet, and no
God shall then take them away from your body. But as I said, it
depends only on trying, after which one can speak from

[7] Says the Chief: “From such blunt talk I can see only too
clearly that you and all the people of Nazareth have conspired
against me. But not to worry, we shall find a handle for this axe
too! No I know pretty well where I stand here. But I hope to
shortly unmask this pot fully as well; but then beware you and
the whole town. Where is the road to the carpenter’s house?
[8] Says Chiwar: “Look through this window here. At about
2,000 paces distance you can see the carpenter’s house quite
well and the road leading to it. Go over and convince yourself
of everything – but expect the blows!”
[9] Says the Chief: “But you all are going to accompany me
and serve me for guards!”
[10] Say all: “Are we crazy? This we surely will not do.
Whoever wants to receive the blows, let him go himself!”
[11] Says the Chief: “Well, in Jehovah’s name I shall go by
myself, and we shall yet see if anyone touches me as one
anointed of God; for it is written who can stretch forth his hand
against the Lord’s anointed and be guiltless? [1 Sam. 26:9]
[12] Says Chiwar: “Yes, yes, what you know we have known
for a long time! But anointed ones like us, whose anointing is
no more than miserable tokenism, counts nothing before God,
and He shall not protect our pseudo-anointed heads when justly
exposed to our enemies” fists. For as I said much earlier, the
people know only too well what is behind us and the Temple.”
[13] Says the Chief: “Nonetheless I am going there. But all of
you beware if I find things differently than you, Chiwar, told
me when I asked you where you had been.”
[14] Says Chiwar: “You shall hardly find out what you want,
but something quite different – causing you considerable pain at
best, whilst we shall certainly feel no hurt.”
[15] With these words the Chief rushes over.
[16] But walking down the road, the boys and girls are
shouting: “This is the wicked Chief who wants to ruin us all!
Let’s get rid of him!” From all sides young and all converge on
him with sticks and stones, with some stones already hitting
him, leaving blue marks.

[17] The Chief realizes soon that the Nazarenes are not joking,
swiftly returning to the Synagogue, hastily closing the door
behind him whilst a load of stones slam into it leaving their
marks showing plainly what the Nazarenes think of the new
[18] On joining the Pharisees he says ragingly: “This is your
work and I shall know how to take my revenge on you!”
[19] Says Chiwar quite incensed now: “What are you saying,
miserable fool! How can this be our work if we all warned you
against going? Only after we praise you to the people can you
talk and deal with them; as long as we don’t commend you,
they shall mistreat you every time you dare to walk the city
streets by yourself! For you are in their black books already for
buying your position. If on your arrival you want to tyrannize
us as well as the people in order to juggle things together
through tyranny then all hate you like hell, and I tell you that
you will do well to sell your position to someone more worthy
because I give no penny for your future.
[20] You would have to change sky-high if you want to
favorably maintain yourself among us. But his seems well nigh
impossible to you. Because to just put on a friendly face
externally but to be internally a raving wolf isn’t going to do
with us, because we all are strangely enough of the prophetic
spirit and can tell you to a hair’s breadth what you are thinking
in your thoroughly wicked heart!
[21] For sure, if you completely transform your heart and to let
it glow with the pure, divine wisdom and truth, then we shall
also commend you to the people, and you shall have a good
existence here; but your High Priest, your Pilate and still less
your Herod shall be of no avail to you here!”
[22] Says the Chief: “How did you know that I was in fact
thinking of these three helpers just now?”
[23] Says Chiwar: “Because I too possess some of the
prophetic spirit which sees through you in smallest detail
making it impossible for you to hide from, and just as little in
Capernaum; and were you a thousand day’s journey from here
we would still see through you from such distance! Hence you
shall find it hard to undertake anything against us without us
being able to take the most fitting and effective countermeasures
in advance! Are you therefore happy with us?
[24] For behold, we are still priests of the old school! Jehovah’s
spirit is still in us even if it has long ago left the Temple at
Jerusalem. If therefore you want to maintain yourself among us
then you too must be an orthodox priest for you shall not be
able to maintain yourself among us as an imitation priest, and
do better to dispose of your position to someone more worthy,
as I remarked to you before!”
[25] Says the Chief: “Oh you accursed whore-mongering
priests of Jerusalem! My lovely gold and silver suited your
palate, but didn’t consider that instead of a respectable,
remunerative position I was granted a veritable nest of wasps!
But wait, it shall shortly become obvious to you that Korah did
not shove his gold and silver into your jaws for nothing!” –
After an interval he turns back to Chiwar, asking: “What am I
going to do in order to gain your and the people’s goodwill?”
[26] Says Chiwar: “I, like Roban, have already indicated it to
you and on the table here lies the document which indicates
Jehovah’s will to you distinctly. Act accordingly and not by the
accursed Temple regulations, and a truly favorable existence
among us shall be your lot! You must win God’s favor and all
else shall be added unto you.”
[27] Says Korah: “Sure, this I shall do from now on, so far as it
is within my power, but will it inconvenience you if I transfer
myself here to Nazareth for at least a year? For among
yourselves I can truly learn, whereas in Capernaum, and
probably also in Chorazim and other smaller cities upon the
Galilean Sea, only miserable bootlickers are to be found!”
[28] They all say: “You will do well, and it will give us all
much joy to be able to properly serve you as our Chief. Because
here no more deception is carried on, no Temple manure sold
and there is no haggling over oxen, cows, calves and sheep in
the House of Prayer, but our small Prayer house still is what it
should be and no money changing takes place in our

[29] There may be no flame flickering over some Ark of the

Covenant but that flame and much more are truly and vitally in
our hearts, and that is more god-pleasing than all the Temple
manure in Jerusalem where not a spark of truth glows anymore;
and in the Temple fulfills itself what God spoke through the
prophet Isaiah, when he spoke: “Behold, these people honor Me
with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me”, cannot
Jerusalem’s falseness be grasped with the hand! Do not the
priests adorn the frequently false sepulchers of the prophets
annually although their forefathers stoned them? And do the
present ones act differently? Oh no, they step into their evil
forefather’s shoes. Zacharias was killed between the altar and
the Holy of Holies, and Herod had John’s head chopped off his
body! Say, what kind of God’s servants are these? We say to
you plainly: These are Satan’s servants and eternally not God’s
servants. Fortunately they are in our hands, as they are aware of
hence they leave us well alone.
[30] Should they still invite one or the other of us amicably to
Jerusalem for some feast then we are ever smart enough to not
accept for anything in the world and rather await here our
natural death than go in search of an unnatural one in the secret
chambers around the Temple. Believe us, we are still clever
enough even for the lords in the Temple and smell a roast long
before they set it near the fire. Hence let you just stick close to
us, and you shall definitely not miss anything!”
[31] Says Korah: “Now I am fully in the clear about you,
making me very happy but the Temple shall rejoice about the
diverse pleasantries that we shall render at the appropriate
[32] Says Chiwar: “Mind you, we shall not go out of our way
to deliberately cause trouble, only let it attack us an then
beware! Fore materially we surely are not lacking!”

[33] With these Chiwar’s words the cook comes to invite them
to lunch.
S all were enjoying their lunch amid diverse spiritual

discussions, Borus enters the dining room greeting all

and introducing his wife Sarah with the request that

they would register his rightful wife, since he belonged to the
Jewish faith.

[2] And Chiwar at once fetches the large marriage register,

entering both as spouses rightful before God and all the world.
[3] But the Chief asks Chiwar whether this can be done here,
since Borus is known to be a Greek.
[4] Says Chiwar: “Friend with us here everything is possible
and it would be foolish to refuse joining a couple which God
had joined long since!”
[5] Says the Chief: “How do you actually know this?”
[6] Says Chiwar: “Just as I know quite a few other things
which you won’t know for a long while yet, just so do I know
this, even if you don’t know it yet! Therefore be at ease, for
here things are done differently from the Temple!”
[7] The Chief smiles satisfactorily.
[8] Borus pulls out a heavy pouch of gold from his bag, paying
the required fee, which of course was far lower than what he put
in the pouch, taking his leave therewith.
[9] As Borus leaves the dining room, the Chief lifts the
pouch, saying: “There are over five pounds of gold in the
neatest Augustan coinage, as well as a few from Tiberias among
them! Is this the practice here? In the Temple one pound of gold
would already be an honorarium!”
[10] Says Chiwar: “Such gifts are not rare here; but Borus,
after Jesus probably the most prominent physician in the world
is too much a man of honor and wealth besides for him to ever
show himself lousy!”

[11] Asks the Chief again: “Who was this exceedingly

beautiful and personable little woman?”
[12] Says Chiwar: “It is the Chief Jairus” daughter, of whom I
already told you that she was twice in succession awoken from
the dead by the miraculous healer Jesus.”
[13] Says the Chief: “Maybe she was only in an acute swoon,
which is not unusual for such delicately charming beings!”
[14] Says Chiwar: “Sure, sure, after one has festered in the
grave for over four days, making any ever so imperceptive nose
only too acutely aware of a fetid corpse – as we all perceived,
notwithstanding every ointment, when escorting her to the
tomb, singing hymns of mourning – with such there is no
further trace of swoon! But to Jesus, the good Savior, it was
most miraculously possible, that which can be possible only to
God, to nonetheless call her back to beautiful life with just one
word and no other means, instantly; and she is now more
vivacious and healthy than in her entire life previously, for she
still is very young and hardly sixteen!”
[15] Asks the Chief: “How long is it since she was awakened
from the dead?”
[16] Says Chiwar: “Six to seven days at the most! I would not
be able to say exactly, but this much is certain, that she was
awakened from death to life at the beginning of last week.”
[17] Says the Chief, completely beside himself with
astonishment: “This really is something that has not been
experienced on earth before! The sheer cheerful freshness of
this most lovable maiden, yet in the grave as a corpse for four
days already!? Verily, this is unheard of, provided you are
telling me the full truth, what I no longer intend to question for
this place seems to be put together from nothing but miracles!”
[18] Says Chiwar: “Indeed, that is so! More particularly, the
said Savior Jesus attracts all attention to Himself. His deeds
surpass to an indescribable degree everything ever written about
the forefathers by Moses and all that we know about the great
prophets. For nothing like this has ever been before. You shall
not find a sickness that He does not heal instantly through the
mere word, without seeing or touching the sick – whatever else
He wants happens instantly!

[19] Jairus’ resignation for instance four days ago and its
simultaneous notification at the Temple in the same moment to
the High Priest at Jerusalem surely is more than just a wonder.
In a natural way this notification would have hardly been
handed to the High Priest today. As things are, you were able to
arrive in Capernaum already two days ago, and then here from
over the latter in the early hours of this morning – yet nothing
by way of protocol was overlooked. In this most marvelous
manner you have now become High Priest in fact, over all of
Galilee, and Jairus” resignation with all its addendum and
explanations is in the Temple’s High Priest’s hands, and this all
took just one and the same moment. Reliable witnesses also told
us that this self-same Jesus a few weeks ago threatened a raging
storm, and sea and wind instantly obeyed the Savior’s words. I
could tell you many more anecdotes like that, but this is not the
right occasion for it. One could thus surmise that this person is
in Satan’s pay if his words, doctrines and amicable admonitions
did not teach us otherwise!
[20] I say unto you frankly and of a truth: incomprehensibly
marvelous are His deeds which become non-essential compared
to the power of His words and teaching. There you hear truths
of which no prophet has dreamt yet. He presents human life in a
way after which no man can wonder in the least about whether
his soul is mortal or immortal. Immortality is presented in such
a lucid way that you cannot for a moment doubt that after
physical death the life of the soul everlastingly continues on
account of the divine spirit indwelling it.
[21] In short, this Jesus is a person of capabilities so
extraordinary that one has to say in the best of conscience: such
a human the earth has not had as an inhabitant since Adam! All
the elements obey Him, myriads of spirits are constantly ready
to serve Him, and I also found out from several of his disciples
that on this journey from Sychar to Cana, in broad daylight He
instantly caused a total eclipse of the sun, then a few moments
later made it shine as before!

[22] Roban and several hundred other witnesses told us upon

probing them that at Sychar, He restored two ruined old castles;
the old house of Joseph and Benjamin, and the old castle of
Esau, belonging to the wealthy merchant Jairuth in such a
fashion that all the resident builders testified openly that to
restore such castles in all diligence in the normal way would
have taken them at least a full ten years. But on top of that, the
spacious building of a most solid material did not just stand
there suddenly completed but filled out with all amenities and
that with such practicality and exceeding beauty as one would
no longer be able to meet with on this earth at the hands of
[23] Besides that a certain Greek from Cana in Samaria by the
name of Philopold told me some well-nigh unbelievable things
which nevertheless I had to believe because he introduced me to
a thousand witnesses.
[24] If by my own estimation a person is able to carry out such,
then I take him for more than a human and more than the
greatest prophet. He certainly said a few days ago – I think
during some fishing at sea – which too can be classified as a
fully miraculous one, that such could be accomplished by every
man of firm and undoubting faith. But I would add that such
faith would have to be as miraculous as the greatest miracle
itself, for such faith would have to be the result of a conscious
ability, which presupposes every imaginable success.
[25] Whoever is familiar with his powers has to also trust them
in carrying out something or any work at all, which much
experience makes him aware as being sufficient. If man is
called upon to have faith in success exceeding his conscious
powers then such faith shall in my opinion immediately be
accompanied by doubts, just as when seeing a weight to be
lifted for whose mastery he is only too consciously deficient.
[26] If for instance I see a stone of several pounds in my way
upon the road then I shall not doubt for a moment that I can get
the stone out of my way; but if a rock of perhaps a hundred
thousand pounds weight lies upon the road, then undoubting
faith shall show mighty little for itself. Regardless of how much
I firm up my will, it shall probably be of no use, because I shall
totally lack the subjective conviction to master a weight of one
thousand pounds with a lifting capacity of two hundred pounds
at the most.

[27] To this Jesus however, everything is possible as to a god!

To His will a mountain is the same as a speck of dust! Earth,
air, wind, water and fire obey Him as the lambs their shepherd,
and lightning he guides a thousand times more accurately than
the bowman his arrow. What does this amount to? As our Chief,
I implore you for your opinion!”
AYS the Chief: “If all this is so, as I am not inclined to

doubt out of hand, then he must without a doubt have

the closest link with the almighty spirit of Jehovah,

somewhat like Moses or Elijah, the latter one also being able to
call fire from heaven, which obeyed him. He may very well
have worked other signs that have not been recorded, about
which on the other hand there could be much truth.

[2] Elijah for instance, if my memory serves me correctly is

supposed to have on one occasion provided an entire heap of
skeletons upon a battlefield with flesh, skin and hair withal!
On another occasion he is supposed to have sealed the great
Euphrates’ sources for 3 years as well as simultaneously
commanded the clouds to stay clear of the sky for 3 years. Only
after people had done proper penitence he once again opened
the springs of the great rivers, commanding the clouds to form
on the horizon and give water to the parched land and many
another thing also is told about this most peculiar of all prophets
which may have been distorted with time, and it is said that this
very Elijah shall return before the end of the world and through
great signs move people to repentance, even whilst this peculiar
prophet is supposed never to have died but ascended to the
heavens in a fiery chariot. It could therefore quite easily be that
this Jesus is the bearer of this great prophet’s spirit and hence,
closely linked with Jehovah’s might, he can perform deeds
possible only to God!”

[3] Says Chiwar: “Your view is not bad at all, and I would
almost agree with you if I had not with my own eyes observed
things about this Jesus which leave all of Elijah behind by an
infinity. You will ask what for instance? But I should have to
confess that I would completely lack the words to describe
them; because one would have oneself have had to have heard,
seen and felt it, or one can otherwise form no concept of it. And
I therefore now agree with many thousands that this is without
any doubt the promised Messiah! For I ask one – all whether, if
someone were to come at a different time, will he work greater
signs!? Besides that he is according to the Chronicles, which
reach down to Joseph’s grandfather, descended in the straightest
line from David [Matt. 1:1-17]. Akim was the father of Eliud,
and Eliud the father of Eleazar, the latter the father of Matthan,
the same the father of Jacob, Jacob was the father of Joseph and
the latter the father of our Jesus. Going backwards into the
Chronicles and you end up with David in the straightest line.
But it is also written that the Messiah will descend from David
and that all shall recognize him by his deeds.
[4] In my view this Jesus lacks nothing; the descent is authentic,
whilst deeds not experienced on earth before also are present in
over-abundance. I truly don’t know therefore what should
prevent us from acknowledging him as the One he obviously is?
[5] That the domineering Temple shall not easily be swayed
thereto is of course clear; but we should by no means go by the
Temple which in my opinion is completely dead and from now
on not provide us with protection nor wisdom and still less any
lasting livelihood, unless we first give it – for one position that
ten people could be maintained quite well for a hundred years.
[6] Just work it out yourself, and you will see that you could
have, with the gold and silver with which you bought your
chief’s position from the Temple sustained yourself a hundred
years in princely fashion! But then let yourself be hailed here by
the Romans and seek protection from the Temple, and they
shall not only be unable to provide it, but not want to either, and
for a few handfuls of silver fix you up with double talk as they
fix inquirers by the notorious Delphi Oracle – of course for
much gold and silver, so that the Oracle is always correct
afterwards, regardless of whether the inquirer’s fortunes later
take a good or bad turn!

[7] Thank God I am familiar with all the Temple’s present dirty
tricks and hence do not let my conscience be bothered about
hoodwinking it for any amount, no matter how. Because my
friend, anyone not wishing to be duped by the Temple must
himself take the trouble to dupe it to the limit. Or do you think
that in the Temple you will get somewhere with an honest and
upright disposition and face? Oh, let none brag thus! But go
there with a thoroughly mischievous disposition and expression
and I guarantee you will tie the Templers around your thumb
like a string.
[8] I can still well recall a certain fellow, a circumcised Greek.
He must have been of great wealth, studded with pearls and
diamonds. This man had a properly irascible face and said little;
yet as surely as I am Chiwar so surely was whatever he said was
the most cunning lie. He only demanded a thousand pounds of
gold for a parchment roll hardly worth a halfpenny. The High
Priest shrugged his shoulders for sure, but our scoundrel cut a
face as I have hardly seen again, mumbling scornfully: “Hm,
aut Caesar – aut nihil”! (Either Caesar – or nothing! Which
means, either everything or nothing), to which the Chief turned
pale – God knows why, at once having the 1,000 pounds gold
handed over to the rascal none of which the Temple ever
received back by even a hair’s weight; for it only became clear
about a year later how this rascal was a most wily deceiver
anointed with every Satanic ointment, to scare a thousand
pounds of gold even out of the High Priest.
[9] Quite honest Jews sometimes came to the Temple to borrow
money with good pledges and they received nothing, for they
appeared too honest and with expressions to righteous! And so
my maxim is: one has to pull wool over the Temple’s eyes if
one does not wish oneself to be done in by it! And so I shall
eternally not ask the Temple whether Jesus is the promised
Messiah, because He is so to me even without the Temple!
What will you say to my view?”
AYS the Chief: “Friend, I love you, for I have not met
such an honest soul before. Of a truth you are quite

right. I know this Jesus far too little to be of your

opinion forthwith, but this much I know: unless this promise is
not entirely a hollow nut not having been verified throughout
history since David – at least terrestrially because the Romans
currently still are a greater authorities to David’s eternal
kingdom than was the forty years Babylonian captivity – then I
am quite inclined to agree with you. What now remains is
what you all say to this and also the priests and Pharisees of the
other towns.”

[2] Says Chiwar: “What I said to you here is the opinion of this
entire town; those of Capernaum, having been subject to some
stern rebukes which they drew upon themselves on several
occasions, are coming around, and concerning the remaining
cities, let that take care of itself and until something more
opportune leaves them to their time-honored delusion.
[3] If here is your future seat then leave it to me, and in a few
years Galilee shall be isolated and totally independent of the
Temple! Galilee in any case can already in the Temple is the
last parchment page. What will it matter if we tear out even this
last page? The Romans and Greeks are on our side and that
firmly as well as a little of the almighty, living Grace of God,
and it shall be mightily hard for the Temple to get at us!”
[4] Says Korah the Chief: “I agree with you in everything and
am still more convinced than before that you are right; but we
need to keep in mind that the archangel Michael, the mightiest
of all the celestial spirits had with all his strength and might
had to contend 3 days and nights for Moses” body. If Satan
therefore were to take it up with us, how should we withstand
[5] Says Chiwar: “Not just one, but I’ll take it up with a
thousand satans myself although I am no Michael for a long
while yet. One has only to have courage and block the
scoundrel off in all ways, then he won’t get anywhere even with
his hell full of devils; but once shown the soft belly where he
can tack on with ease, then the fight could get a hundred times
[6] But as truly as God has created me, I shall not build Satan a
temple on account of that nor scatter him incense in order to
back off me. Let him come if he should lust to take it up with
Chiwar, and you shall be witness that I shall dispose of him in
less than 3 days!”
[7] Says the Chief: “You wager much as a fly to take it up with
the lion and even to actually provoke him into combat, whereas
you should rather be constantly asking God to everlastingly
protect you against Satan’s harassment!”
[8] Says Chiwar: “Friend, I nevertheless know One name, and
that One suffices for legions of Satan’s and devils! Where
might he be if he has the courage to fight me?
[9] It is not to be denied that the fly is indeed a barest nothing
against a lion, yet if the fly wants, it will still drive the strongest
lion into retreat a day’s journey from here. She nudges his ear
and buzzes his ear until the lion thinks a storm is raging and the
king of the animals ignominiously takes to his heels.
[10] And so it is not strictly necessary to confront the mighty
more mightily still, but everything depends on proper
cleverness. Behold, you yourself came to us with a fair portion
of Satanism, but my probable cleverness put it to shame, and
now you stand before us as a free man, elected by us all as our
Chief, and yet Satan was not able to harm us for it, nor shall he
be able to do so in future!

[11] I know what I know and am capable of, but I can vouch for
Satan not being my master in all eternity.”
[12] Says Korah: “Friend, don’t speak too soundly, for the
wicked one is supposed to have his eyes and ears everywhere.
Of course with the help of Jehovah and your Messiah, still too
little known to myself, he shall have nothing on us; yet we don’t
want to challenge him. May God guard us against any
whatsoever visit of his!”
[13] Says Chiwar: “Certainly! I am not desirous of such
combat yet nor fear it in the least either!”
[14] Following Chiwar’s words, a boisterous, massive giant
suddenly entered the room, approaching Chiwar with furious
mockery, his thunderous voice shaking the pillars: “Are you
that fly that’s going to make the storm rage in the lion’s ears?
Have a go, you miserable dust worm, how you come off
battling me?! I too can do a thing of which you may be quite
ignorant. Look, your Messiah simply depends on my
benevolence as it is no great honor for me to enter combat with
flies, but should he play up too much with me then I’ll have him
strung up unceremoniously on the cross after which you can
pray to your Messiah on the cross! What shall you do if I
summarily shred you up to dust forthwith?”
[15] Here Chiwar rises quite softly from his seat, menacing the
giant (Satan) as follows: “Just as you miserable one came in,
just so see to it you get out – with the resolution never to tread
this holy place again – or may Jesus the Lord judge you!”
[16] At the mention of the name Jesus the giant at once moved
back a few paces, threatening with glowing fury that the
despised name be never mentioned eternally.
[17] But Chiwar says: “I surely had to produce a buzz in your
ear, so that you would see how a lion flees before a buzzing
fly!” Then starting again: “Jesus, Son of Most High judge and
punish you. Jesus, Son of the Most High, drive you out of here
forever! Jesus, Son of the Most High, afflict you for your
countless abominations!”

[18] But Satan did not wait for this last – departing in a
thunderous wail.
[19] After which Chiwar says to Korah (who was trembling in
fear like aspen leaves): “Did you see now how one can put the
lion on the retreat? Why didn’t he grind me to dust forthwith?
Behold, it’s his impotence! Let him just come again when he is
itching to, and I guarantee you that in the value of my Jesus he
will get out of here faster a second time than he did this first
[20] Says the Chief: “Listen friend, I admire your inexplicable
courage beyond measure, and – by all the patriarchs – I now
feel myself fully transferred into their marvelous times. But let
it be nevertheless told you never to challenge Satan to combat
again, for he is endlessly inventive and is supposed to take on
every form, even that of an angel of light, and I believe him to
be endlessly more dangerous in the guise of soft celestial
raiment than we had the infernal honor of seeing him right
[21] Says Chiwar: “We possess the measuring tape by which to
assess what spirit any appearance is. But now be at ease, for this
occasion will have sufficed him for some time.”
HEN Korah asked Chiwar whether I am still to be
found in this place and whether it were possible to

acquaint himself more closely with Me. He further

said: “I have now become fully aware of something
extraordinarily godly about your Messiah; for he is in no way in
Satan’s favor, and His name seems to be the greatest torment to
the former. These are two factors ascertained of course in a
most miraculous way which I shall not be able eternally to
deny, and from my settled down feelings I discern that you
must be completely right with the invocation of the Son of the
Most High, wherefore I would like to get acquainted with Him
if possible. Take me out there!”

[2] Says Chiwar: “This would all be in order, and taking you to
Him is just what I’d like to do, but the people are still incensed
against you somewhat, and with the people’s mischievous mood
we are in danger of being hurt by stones; besides that He is
getting ready to depart and we might inconvenience Him. But
towards winter He shall be coming either back here or to Kis
and will be spending winter at one of these two places, then we
shall have ample opportunity to make His acquaintance
wherefore I think we should postpone our plan for a closer
acquaintance till winter.”
[3] Says Korah: “What you are saying is all true, yet I cannot
shrug off my longing to make my personal acquaintance with
this extraordinary person, through whom – the fullness of God’s
might, power and glory! Or wait, I just thought of an episode
from the Easter celebration at Jerusalem in the Temple. It might
in the end be this Jesus who on a post Sabbath, if I am not
mistaken, drove all the buyers and sellers from the Temple,
over-turning all the moneychanger’s booths with a storm?! All
the sale animals started a terrible bawling and tore out of the
Temple salesrooms.
[4] Because this man to whom I spoke myself – of course not in
a friendly manner – was a Galilean too, also by the name Jesus
and with him were a great many others, quite common looking
men and women, and the whole company resembled ordinary
Galilean tramps; yet their leader Jesus looked like someone in
whom something extraordinary is hidden.
[5] Basically he did not say much, but what he said was
profound, true and portentous! He had also then in Jerusalem
healed many sick, but when this came before Herod who is
supposed to fear this Jesus considerably, the miracle man
suddenly disappeared from Jerusalem by night and fog, and
we could not find out which way he had turned. He could
not have gotten to Galilee – from Jerusalem or we should have
soon heard about it, for we had sent a great number of spies
after him.

[6] We did indeed after a couple of weeks hear rumors about

the carpenter’s Son Jesus, yet we could not assume that yonder
familiar, simple, quiet and quite uneducated and even illiterate
man could be the same mighty Jesus before whom thousands
had shaken in the Jerusalemite Temple as before a judgment of
God. But if it is the renowned carpenter Jesus who is working
such godly deeds then He is bound to be the same Jesus who
scared all of Jerusalem at Easter. If this is here (in Nazareth) the
noted carpenter Jesus who performs such divine acts, he is
surely the same Jesus who during Passover shocked all
[7] Says Chiwar: “Yes, it is one and the same. I know him
already for several years, as also the old Joseph who died only
about a year ago. I did not of a truth discover the smallest trace
of anything unusual about him, although, as told me here and
there – most extraordinary things are supposed to have taken
place at his birth, which took place at Bethlehem in a sheepfold,
as well as afterwards up to his twelfth year. But after the twelfth
year everything extraordinary is supposed to have disappeared,
the most exalted expectation of his parents went under, and he
remained to his thirtieth year, which is even now, a most
unremarked, most simple carpenter.
[8] He was extremely sparing in words; one could hardly get
one monosyllabic answer to ten questions out of him, although
he was on the other hand always charitable towards children
and the poor. He was supposed to have reputedly been seen
praying and crying – on the quiet side – but never laughing. He
shunned jovial and noisy groups and loved solitude most of all.
The most peculiar thing about him was that one hardly ever saw
him in a synagogue and just as little at a school, which he only
visited a couple of times a year after much parental persuading
but then shortly afterwards leaving it visibly annoyed; no one
however is supposed to have seen him in a house of prayer yet.
On account of these eccentricities he was also regarded by
many as somewhat feeble-minded.
[9] But in his thirtieth year he suddenly disappeared from his
parental house and is supposed to have stayed for a while in the
desert near Bethabara where the well-known John was beating
about, and is supposed to have permitted himself by the latter.
From there he departed as he now is, full of godly power,
teaching the people about the kingdom of God, healing all the
sick and driving the evil spirits from the possessed. This briefly
is his earthly life story, which I found out partly from himself
but mainly through hearsay.”
[10] Says Korah: “Yes indeed, you are bound to be right. This
Bethlehem story aroused great sensation about thirty years ago;
and if I am not mistaken then it was on his account that the old
Herod ordered the hideous genocide of little boys. But he
himself is supposed to have fled to Egypt. Well now, I am
cleared up! So, this is the self-same Jesus?! Well, to him
certainly there could be something extraordinary, and your
assumption will not be wide off their mark. But I am still intent
on speaking with him before he thinks of leaving this area!”
[11] Says Chiwar: “As you wish, I am easy. But we
nevertheless must have a herald preceding us openly into the
city and appraising the people in your favor, or it may be a bit
scary to move into the open streets, for I know my Nazarenes!”
[12] Says Korah: “Well then, dispatch several heralds,
proclaiming my name as a sympathetic one, otherwise he will
have moved on!”
[13] Chiwar dispatches 12 heralds forthwith and these make the
new Chief appear so favorable that they shortly after jubilate
repeatedly, starting to prepare costly presents with which to
greet the new Chief on the coming Sabbath eve.
[14] Upon the return of the heralds to the Synagogue with the
favorable news, the Chief says to Chiwar: “Now let us march
out there, or he might turn us down yet, and I am still intent on
speaking to him.”
[15] Says Chiwar: “I am ready, and it would be appropriate for
us to see him off; but let only us two go.”
[16] Chiwar and the Chief go over. However, a few paces from
the city gate, Jairus, Borus and wife Sarah and the mother Mary
approach them, saddening them with the news that the Lord
with His twelve disciples and the seven newly arrived disciples
of John had departed half an hour earlier.


HIS news distresses the Chief, and invited by Borus,

he and Chiwar enter the latter’s large palatial mansion,

where Borus organizes grandiose hospitality for the
new Chief.

[2] Bab and Roban also arrive, and the entire evening is spent
discussing Jesus the Lord.
[3] But the Chief finally asks: “But tell me the reason why,
after all that I have heard about him, he did not dare to remain
here? For it would be quite another thing if he had moved
elsewhere for a while on account of his supreme calling; this
way it would appear he left solely from fear of Herod. A man
like he however, in so far as his nature has been made know to
me, and whom heaven and earth obey and who on top of that
enjoys the Roman Chief governor’s close friendship, should
plainly have no reason to ever flee before the feeble tetrarch of
[4] Of a truth, look at the thing whichever way one will, but this
much is certain, that prophets for earth-dwellers would look
good if a god were to start fearing devils, taking to his heels
before them! Hmm, the more I think about it, the more intrigued
I am by it all!
[5] Clear this thing up for me more positively or I have to, as
dear as you are to me, openly say to you that we otherwise may
be greatly mistaken about his man; for the Almighty truly has
no reason to fear a Herod, who – may not even yet have thought
of persecuting him. For I as a favorite of this tetrarch know him
better than anyone of you and know that he has of late already
repented a thousand times for killing John. For the instant
deaths of Herodias and her daughter have precipitated the
tetrarch into such fear that he is certain not to kill another
prophet in his life!

[6] Jesus must therefore have departed from here for a

completely different reason and even if the seven incensed
disciples of John had told him ever so shocking things about
Herod, then I wonder whether an all-knowing man, going forth
from God and bound to know even what we are discussing
about him here can believe those who have brought forth
obvious lies? Can none of you offer me a better reason for his
sudden departure from here?”
[7] Says Borus: “Dear friend, this could be a problem because
we all were equally put off by his sudden flight notwithstanding
that we are fully convinced that He still is that and Whom we
have recognized and accepted. To be honest He was afraid even
of you and that was discussed by all the many disciples,
including the exalted Romans who have now been with Him
for several days. But as I see now, He need not to have fear of
you, since you are now on His side and definitely not against
Him; hence He must have a completely different reason for
determining His sudden departure than would appear to be
the case.”
[8] Says the Chief: “Tell me then how things were shaping up
before He started to make arrangements for leaving! Perhaps
even more so Chiwar or I shall then be able to work out an
intelligent reason.”
[9] Says Borus: “The thing unfolded as follows: Already in the
morning He sent His twelve disciples, whom He calls apostles,
down to the sea to prepare a ship and to probably also spy out
whether any Jerusalemite agents and paid assassins are seen
there. At Sibarah – the toll gate belonging to a certain Matthew
who is a disciple of Jesus – the disciples of Jesus ran into John’s
seven disciples, some they had already met once before I think
on the occasion where John was already in prison and had heard
Jesus’ words. These seven disciples told the apostles all that had
taken place at Jerusalem with their master. They also told how,
secretly Herod – although admitting to those who brought him
news of Jesus that the latter is the resurrected John – he
nevertheless had sent out spies and murderers, briefing them
thus: ‘If you find out for certain that the supposed Jesus is
indeed the risen John, then leave him alone and return home; if
however, it is Jesus for sure, then to try and kill him without
further ado.’ If successful, then the murder will be highly
rewarded by Herod. If however they don’t succeed due to Jesus
being a real god-man as it were, not capable of killing, then
they were still to expect a similar reward from Herod, and he
shall himself then together with his entire tetrarchy become
followers of Jesus! These tidings John’s disciples together with
the disciples of Jesus brought here with them to Jesus the Lord.

[10] Having heard this, He spoke: ‘Through such a base test

Herod is not going to become My disciple ever! The earth is big
enough and I shall yet find a spot where Herod’s despicable
apostles shall not find Me! Did the Son of Man come in order to
be through hired assassins that which He already is? Never so!
He who asks Me with murder weapons Who I am shall get no
answer eternally. But the time for our departure is at any rate
upon us, and so let us go and win more on foreign soil who
shall believe what we are without murder weapons in their
[11] Upon which words of Jesus the departure went ahead, for
He said: ‘Let us go, for it is My will now, and hence I can also
see already the whereabouts of 600 such Herodian apostles of
murder against Me; hence let us depart from here at once!’
Therewith all His disciples and those of John set upon this way
towards Sibarah and by now shall already find themselves upon
the high sea.”
AYS the Chief thereto: “Ah, now the thing takes on an

entirely different aspect! He therewith departed a long

way from fear but prudence, in order to take the

occasion of a well earned punishment away from Herod,
preventing him from getting still worse, but on the other hand
hardly any better. Ah, here he did well and I can only praise
him for it.

[2] But this Herod also is a person with whom no one knows
where they stand. On the one hand he is one way good and
charitable beyond measure but straight after by one half a devil
of the first order. Today he will make you the most
praiseworthy promises on impulse of heart and magnanimity,
also keeping them with such as were to him soon after the
promise. But let him beware who would remind him thereof the
next day; such not only gets nothing of the promised but
dismissed in a most insensitive and scurrilous manner, so that
he will definitely teach the nerve to approach him about a
promise again.
[3] It is therefore not possible to enter into some kind of
friendly agreement with him, for the one not to keep it – be
Herod! And our exalted Jesus is sure to know this as well as any
of us, and hence avoided him by hook and by crook; for even if
Herod had convinced himself a hundred times that Jesus is
invulnerable, this would prove nothing to Herod. Whatever
happened today would prove nothing to him tomorrow; for this
person either has no – or has principles by which only he and no
one else can exist!
[4] That he is a cunning fox goes without saying for he is an
artist at extorting taxes, as well as in owing the Romans the
lease moneys. I know how he does it, but let’s leave that for
another time.
[5] But I would still like to find out from you whether our
Savior Jesus is going to come back to Nazareth some other
time. Did He say nothing about it to any of you?”
[6] Says Borus: “Nothing definite, but I am hoping that He will
spend the winter with us. It is possible of course that He will
spend the winter in Sidon or Tyre, but then we shall hear from
Him and move there for a time.”
[7] Says the mother Mary, looking depressed: “He is sure to
come here again, but only for a few days again.”
[8] Says the Chief: “Oh dear mother, don’t be troubled, for He
shall not forget us, and certainly not you.”
[9] Says the mother: “That He won’t do, yet it saddens me
when I hear how the wicked and blind people willfully
misjudge this eternally greatest benefactor, persecuting Him
and everywhere meet Him with greatest thanklessness!”
[10] Says the Chief: “Behold, dear mother, people are the way
they are, and David in his affliction did not exclaim in vain: Oh
how vain is the help of men, for they cannot help the distressed.
This incidentally always has been the sad lot of all the great
men provided by God with higher and mystic faculties, being
persecuted by the earthworm-men the way the tiny swallows
chase the mighty falcon. Because the common place with all
their inconsequence desire to be great and cannot tolerate it
when a truly great man appears who makes their impotence
show up only too glaringly.
[11] Behold the great prophets! What was their lot? Always
poverty from birth and all kinds of want and privation,
resentment, persecution and finally a violent death at the hands
of selfish earthworms! Why God always wants it thus has been
a puzzle to me since childhood, but constant experience teaches
us that unfortunately it has always been like that, and we can do
as little about it as the irksome shortness of the winter day. It is
so ordained of God and we cannot alter it but hope that it shall
once be better in the other life!
[12] Your godly son would have more than enough power
indeed after what I have heard about him to put an end with one
stroke to all the worldly human nuisance. That he is not doing
it, we can deduce from the fact that he would rather flee the
earth worm Herod than destroy him with one breath. He who
could easily do it does not do so, and we cannot, and so the
familiar old evil thing remains. If he should come here I shall
have a serious dialogue with him about it.”

[13] Says Borus: “But it shall bear little fruit. For I was witness
of all the bettering social changes that the Chief Governor, who
on top of that is the Emperor’s uncle, recommended and offered
to Him; but all this was in vain! He described with crystal
clarity what mankind actually is and how they are to be led and
guided with minimal judgment and punishment if they are to
once reach this highest self god-given self-determination solely
through wholesome instruction. The governor like all of us, had
to agree with him without qualification; and the repeated firm
idea to increase punishments came to nothing. And so I can
assure you that your intended dialogue likewise will go its own
rejecting way!”
AYS the Chief: “We will see about that because from a
worldly aspect mankind is still getting worse rather than

better. What are Moses and all the big prophets now? I
say unto you: in the so-called better echelons one laughs about
them, regarding them indeed as pious but quite useless myths
for men’s spirit, putting Pythagoras’ and Aristotles’ doctrine
sky-high above all prophets, a living proof that Jehovah’s
constitution exacted and profoundly true as it is, nevertheless
definitely does not achieve its aim with the people, which,
however it should in accordance with His Word!

[2] What is the use of all revelations when the obvious means is
forever not maintain whereby it is solely possible to keep
mankind’s respect for the divine revelation in place? Just let a
married couple try to bring up their children without the rod and
we shall soon see what respect their under-age children will
have for their parent’s ever-so-wise and good instruction!
[3] Hence I have no regard for any doctrines and even laws that
does not respond on mankind without the rod and sword; for
man is evil from his foundation upwards and can only be
scourged into good men with the rod!”

[4] Says Borus: “I fully agree with you in this respect, but there
is still a big ‘but’ which you shall only get to know when once
taught by his very own mouth.
[5] Behold, when confronted with some new machine, at first
we shall marvel, but on familiarization we shall discover a lot
of short-comings, and we shall be overcome with the urge to rid
it of its obvious faults. We therefore go to the maker, telling
him a thing or two.
[6] The manufacturer shall smile however, taking us on as
follows: “Dear friends, it would indeed be possible, but still not
on the other hand, because the machine still is conditioned on
many important considerations. He who it did so in accord with
his needs; for these needs it can have only the determined set up
observed and every addition would be an obvious affliction in
itself. The machine needs to develop only a required degree of
power necessary for its determined function. If one were to
supply it with greater power then the weaver would rip up the
thread with every stroke and therewith never produce a single
yard of material. Hence for its purpose the machine has to have
precisely the right set up, and even plus or minus would itself
be the machine’s shortcoming. Oh, once the machine wears out
after extensive use, only then it will be time to restore it to its
initial state, so it may again serve its purpose.”
[7] Behold, this is what the clever maker would tell us, and we
two may in the end have to say to ourselves: the master is right,
for every master obviously has to know his business better than
a couple of us amateurs! And a somewhat similar answer we
could expect from Jesus the Lord, if we were to ask Him how
men can get so evil in the face of divine wisdom.
[8] What did we know about man’s inner setup? We indeed
often curse where God is still fully blessing, for we did not fully
understand good nor evil.
[9] Each ever so good person is imbued with a greater or lesser
degree of selfishness. With such nature he then constantly is a
judge of fellow men and judges their actions harshly in
proportion to their being out of line with his concept of self-
interest. Since each person nevertheless thinks selfishly to some
degree, nothing but lopsided judgment of fellow man are the
outcome upon the wide earth. These slanted assessments lead to
unpleasantness, then anger and envy, rage and other such
praiseworthiness. Who then other than the people themselves
are to blame for such praiseworthiness?

[10] Who then other than the people themselves are to blame
for such human degeneracy? The life-machine therefore wears
out from time to time and has to be repaired by its exalted
master every now and then or sometimes even overhauled from
its foundation.
[11] And such repair period seems to be here again after more
than a millennium, whereupon mankind for the most part shall
hold their own for a time; but the bettered mankind shall not
have more than two thousand years thereafter, and in the
beyond all will be keen-sighted witnesses of it becoming as I
said now!”
[12] Says the Chief: “Well now, I congratulate you as a worthy
disciple of your master. I can see now that I am not able for the
present to compete with you in true wisdom. But I shall try
hard, so that at my dear friend Chiwar’s side I shall shortly be
able to respond to you in those kind of things, because here one
cannot make ends meet with current Temple wisdom in
Jerusalem – it being no wonder with the present level of
wisdom in the Temple.”
HE smiling Chief had just finished these remarks when a
couple of town residents brought a sick who had
suffered from raging for many years. Since he was poor
his people had not dared to see a doctor to get him help, and
they did not try to bring him to Me either because there was a
rumor among some that whoever let himself be healed by
Myself signed his soul over to Beelzebub. A similar tale was
spun about Borus of having learnt such devilish tricks from
[2] On seeing the familiar raging one being brought by his
feeble-minded friends, Borus said to them: “Well now, what
made you bring this sick one to me? What did he do to you that
you now wish to deliver him to the devil?”
[3] Say the two: “Lord, we have now been advised differently
and hence brought him to you.”
[4] Says Borus: “And who was it that taught you differently?”
[5] Say the two: “Lord, those very ones who held captive to
such foolishness for a long time as if deceived.”
[6] Says Borus with a faint smile: “Sure, sure, but what am I to
do about this raging one? Because due to your immense
foolishness the evil has hardened up in him, and with your
feebleness of faith it shall be hard to help this person.”
[7] Say the two: “If our faith had been weak we would not have
brought the sick out to you!”
[8] Says Borus: “Well then, let’s see what God’s power within
man can accomplish!” Hereupon Borus, head uncovered,
stepped over to the sick, saying: “In the name of Jesus, the Lord
from eternity, I want you to be well, and so be well and walk in
[9] The same moment the raging one was wholly sound,
glorifying God for endowing man with such power.
[10] Borus himself praised God loudly, giving presents
generously to the healed and his two friends and called for food
and drink to be given them from the guest’s tables.

[11] Thereupon the Chief stepped over to Borus saying:

“Verily, this I did not expect out of you! At the Synagogue
today I indeed saw that an extraordinary power resides in the
name Jesus, before which even the powers of the underworld
have the most overawing respect; but that even physical
sicknesses have to bow to this name my eyes have witnessed
only over here. Verily, there must be more to this Jesus than
just an Elijah type prophet for no sick has to my knowledge
ever been healed in the latter’s name. We shall have much to
talk about this name yet, my dear friends!”
[12] With these words the Chief moved over to the healed one,
asking him whether he now felt fully healed.
[13] Replied the healed: “I have never before in my life been as
well as I am now – and I am now fifty and that surely means
being healed?!”
[14] The Chief praised him, handing him a handsome sum.
[15] But the healed one pushed it back, saying: “Lord, there are
many poorer ones here in Nazareth, give it to them. I am now
able to work!”
[16] Says the Chief: “That’s unselfishness for you! Verily, this
I was not expecting from you! Well, I am the Chief at the
Synagogue in Nazareth and all of Galilee, and shall settle down
here rather than in Capernaum, hence you shall be able to find
me if you should find yourself in want.”
[17] Says the healed: “There are not very many good people,
and so one should remember the few good ones and go to them
when in need. I thank you for the offer, and I shall avail myself
of your help when in need.”
[18] After these words, the three – the healed and his two
guides – rise, thanked Borus and the Chief and departed home
in good cheer. Their rented house stood a few hundred paces
outside the town, like My own that was known to stand outside
Nazareth, but at the opposite exit.
[19] Following this happening at Borus’ house, prolonged
discussion was called forth, and the company breaks up only
after midnight. The mother Mary remains at Borus” house for a
while, being well looked after and deriving comfort, whilst the
domestic affairs are taken over by My two eldest brothers who
had stayed at home, and Borus is providing them with
everything they had. And so My friends in Nazareth live in the
best of harmony during My personal absence and are on about
all day with Me and My doctrine and deeds which they had
experienced in person.

[20] The new Chief however, challenges everything with rising

rigor, yet is constantly being persuaded contrariwise, for he too
belonged to those who skim over what they had actually
experienced the previous day and forgot what they had
promised. Thus Chiwar and Roban had their hands full with this
otherwise good person whose desire was to always be and act
with punctilious righteousness but who nonetheless always
floated between conflicting concepts of right and wrong: for he
always pondered what was ‘real’ in the final analysis.
[21] And if one demonstrated to him a thousand times that the
right thing in actuality consisted in the living in accordance
with God’s Commandments, then today he would grasp this
most fundamentally, but come tomorrow and he finds so many
logical refutations that it was often hard for Chiwar to counter
all the Chief’s protestations. And Chiwar now understood why I
had said to him to keep watching the Chief, for he could not be
fully trusted for a long time yet.
[22] But what engaged the Chief’s curiosity most was the
power in My name. Even if he was quite often unbearable,
Chiwar easily brought him into line with My name. Borus,
however, had the greatest influence on him and steadily kept
bringing him around for at least a few days, so that he would
believe firmly in My name.
[23] Herewith is shown in general what the Nazarenes were
doing after My departure and so let us pass over to Myself
again and what else I was doing and teaching on the evening
after I left Nazareth, and where and how I went.
FTER hearing – as previously told – what the newly

arrived disciples of John told Me, which surely I had

already been aware of, or I would not have already at

the most appropriate time in the morning dismissed the entire
big company, I soon left Nazareth and went with the twelve
disciples towards Sibarah near the sea, at once entering a ship
and traveling to the vicinity above Bethabara. On board, the
disciples were telling Me what else they were teaching and
doing during the day, for which I also praised them.

[2] Upon reaching the pre-determined place, I commanded the

disciples to remain in the ship by themselves, getting to shore
by Myself – accompanied only by two disciples – to the desert
in order to seek and determine a spot where I could tarry a few
days and be safe from Herod’s pestering.
[3] But there were other vessels following our ship at a certain
distance and therefore easily finding out My whereabouts, the
easier because I had no intention of hiding away completely
from needful mankind.
[4] Therefore not a day of My stay in this desert had passed yet
before a vast number of people poured in from all cities,
markets and villages, including My old disciples numbering
already over eight hundred who had joined Me in the previous
cities and markets and whom I had sent home to their places the
previous morning. [Matt.14:13]
[5] Some of these were of Cana in Galilee and Cana in Samaria,
some of Jesaira, some from Kis and Sibarah, Capernaum,
Chorazim, Caesarea, Genesareth and Bethabara, spreading My
renown also in many other places, so that a vast throng of
people were coming to Me partly by sea and partly by walking
through the desert, together of course with a large number of all
kinds of sick and festering. As said earlier, the day had hardly
dawned when nearly a thousand pilgrims seeking after Me
found My encampment, settling down around it.
[6] My camp that I had chosen in the desert however was a
spacious cave with no rear exit. The cave was situated fairly
high up and densely overgrown with trees. There was also a
large open space in front of it where several thousand people
could find ample camping room, and upon this place the people
had settled down together with their sick.
[7] When My disciples, who were aware of My stay, saw how
masses of people streamed up from all sides, surrounding the
place where I was staying ever more densely, they became
concerned about Me. They put their ship in charge of their eight
seamen and made their way up to Me to tell Me what masses of
people were converging on Me and that they could not vouch
for Herodians not being among them.
[8] After the well-meaning and anxious disciples brought Me
the news which I was bound to know anyway, I emerged from
the grotto to take a look at the truly huge crowd, and I really
commiserated with them when with tearful eyes they were
asking Me to heal their sick.
[9] And I healed all the sick who were present in a moment
[Matt. 14:14] as well as all those still making their painstaking
way towards Me, whereupon there was of course no end of
praising and lauding. People were still streaming in towards the
evening. Although their sick became well on the way, so that
they might bring thanks and praise. The space before the grotto
was getting overcrowded until the disciples began to actually
take fright, whilst young people climbed trees to get a better
view of Me.
[10] When evening started breaking upon us, the disciples
stepped over to Me, saying: “Lord, it is desert here and night is
befalling us, and as we all noticed, nobody brought edibles with
them! Hence let the people go so they would go to nearby
markets to buy themselves bread and food! [Matt. 14:15]
[11] Said I to the disciples: “It is not necessary that the people
go to the markets for that, but just give them to eat! [Matt.
14:16] For drinking they don’t need more than water, which is
found here in rich springs.”
[12] Say the disciples, somewhat taken aback at My request:
“Lord, we have with us only five loaves of barley and two
roasted fishes. [Matt. 14:17] What is that for so many people?”
[13] Say I to the disciples: “Then bring them over to me.”
[Matt. 14:18]
[14] When the disciples had done so, I commanded the people
to all settle down on the grass, then took the five loaves and the
two fishes, looked towards heaven and thanked the Father, then
breaking the breads and giving them to the disciples, and these
gave them to the people. [Matt. 14:19] The two fishes and a
little bread this time however was left for the disciples.
[15] And all those present ate and were sufficiently filled. Since
they could not eat it all up, they gathered the left-over portions
into baskets, which people usually carried on a journey, and
these baskets normally were quite large and were carried on
their backs by means of shoulder straps, yet twelve of these
were filled with the left-over portions. [Matt. 14:20] The
number of those who had eaten – not counting the women and
children – were nearly five thousand men. [Matt. 14:21]
[16] That this feeding, lasting a good hour, aroused great
astonishment among these people shall of course be easy to
understand, as also the fact that these people decided to at once
make Me their king.
[17] Since I discerned these people’s intentions however, I
commanded the disciples to immediately board the ship and sail
to the opposite shore ahead of Me, pending My dismissal of the
people. [Matt. 14:22] But this I did to scuttle the peoples’ plan,
as men had already began to discuss these intentions with My
disciples, out of exceeding thankfulness. Nobody however
dared to approach Me personally!
[18] By the sudden dispatch of the disciples, I took the means
out of the people’s hands, and after the disciples betook
themselves to the ship on a moonlit night in response to My
word, the people gradually desisted from their intentions. After
the departure of the disciples who had already cast out to sea, I
let the people go and they went away willingly.
[19] Thereupon I climbed a nearby bare mountain and prayed
there, in order to unite My human carnal Self yet more closely
with the Father. Upon this mountain-top I then tarried
completely by Myself, and in the bright moonshine was able,
even with the eyes of the flesh, to make out the disciples’ ship
in the middle of the sea which was not very wide, struggling
heavily with the waves whipped up in their direction by a
contrary wind of some vehemence. [Matt. 14:24]
T shall be understandable that this did not put the
disciples into the best of dispositions, causing them to

make all kinds of remarks and comments about Me, and

even a Peter was saying: “Did He have nothing better for us
this night than to offer us certain death by the waves? This truly
is a bit strange of Him! I hardly dare rowing any further
because a few yards further we are unto shallows, rocks and
sandbanks, and I as a gray-haired seaman vouch for nothing
further! Hence it will be better to stay on the high till morning!”

[2] Says Thomas: “But I am anxious to know what His

intention was with quite categorically dismissing us so suddenly
to travel over here ahead of Him!”
[3] Says Andrew: “So far as I know there is no ship upon the
arid shore – question – How will He follow us? If He intends
going by land it would take Him at least fourteen hours to get to
the lower end of the sea over Sibarah where we intend landing;
if however He wants to get there buy the upper part of the sea
then it will take Him a two day journey, because there the sea is
at its widest, with many sharp inlets and extensive marshes.”
[4] Says Judas Iscariot: “You know nothing, all of you! I have
noticed long since that we have become tiresome to Him, but no
favorable opportunity came for ridding Himself of us in an
appropriate manner. And behold, the opportunity came and He
got rid of us and we of Him! And we can go looking for Him
with all the flares, yet hardly get to ever see Him again. But
between us: whether this is praiseworthy of Him is another

[5] Says John, the favorite apostle: “No, this He shall not do
eternally! There I have known Him long and well enough!
This He would not do even as a mere human, let alone the Son
of God, which He is surely without any further doubt,
embodying God’s Spirit in all fullness. That He did so is bound,
like everything else that has happened so far, to have its most
wise reason, and so this too will have its most wise reason.
And I sense it animatedly that we shall shortly convince
ourselves of it!
[6] My God, if He Whom heaven and earth obey wanted us out
of His way it would need only the feeblest breath from His
mouth, and we would all be standing on the other end of the
world, just as it was the case about three weeks or at the most a
month ago upon the alps of Kis, which can still easily be seen
from here, when it also required only one breath from His
mouth, and we had a lightning-fast trip through the air and were
with Him upon the heights a moment later! My dear brother
Judas, just don’t come to me with such absurd silly opinions
about Him, because therewith you always shall only testify your
[7] Says Nathanael, who also was in the ship: “On the whole
I share brother John’s opinion, but I would add that
notwithstanding all our scrupulousness we still may have sinned
against Him somewhere or somehow and He may not have
wished to tell us but to leave us to ourselves so that we should
introspect more thoroughly. He is bound to come back to us
once we have fully cleansed ourselves.
[8] Of course I have by now examined my conscience with
fearful deliberation, yet am unable to find what would seem as
unrighteousness to me. Verily, a conscious sin would now do
me a real favor, for it would pay to repent in sackcloth and
ashes! Verily, I now envy a sinner. Far be it from me that I
should like to become a sinner on that account, but my heart
would feel more at ease. Oh, how sweet it must be to be a true
penitent before God and men! But how can a righteous man put
on the garment of stiff penitence without making himself
laughable before God?”

[9] Says Bartholomew: “Oh what strange ideas you have

sometimes. To whom would it ever occur to extol a sinner as
more blessed than a righteous man?”
[10] Says John: “He is not altogether wrong. Of course here, a
sinner from weakness and occasional ill-considered passion is
to be understood rather than a cunning servant of hell; and there
our brother Nathanael may not be altogether wrong!”
[11] Says Jacob: “Yes, brethren! Our Nathanael is a man on
whose wisdom we all of us together have nothing, for he knows
how to fetch it from the depths. He is always the quiet one and
of few words; but when he speaks, one has to hear him! For his
words are portentous always.”
[12] Says Nathanael: “Now, now, brother Jacob, don’t always
praise me when I say something from time to time, for the Lord
knows only too well how much there is to my wisdom; for if
there was much to it then I too would have become a messenger
of the Lord long since, like yourself; but as things are I am still
only a student because the Lord is bound to know what I am
still lacking. I do indeed have a poetic, but far from prophetic
spirit; behold our young brother John here, he is a prophet
already from the cradle; this the Lord knows and has therefore
made him His secret scribe!”
[13] Says John: “Oh, what rot! What would brother Matthew
then have to be?”
[14] Says Nathanael: “He is the Lord’s public scribe – but only
yourself His secret one!”
[15] Says John: “Could be so. And if so, then the Lord wants it
thus, and we must take it as the Lord gives it to us.”
[16] Growls Judas Iscariot: “Probably won’t give you
anything henceforth. The hour glass has already run out four
times whilst we are still floating here between air and water,
which is to say between life and death, and I still don’t detect a
conveyance following after us.”
[17] Says John: “Nor does this matter, since He did not specify
a time when He would catch up with us.”
[18] Says Judas: “For this He will have His wise reason. We
[19] Says John: “Friend, say to me honestly for once whether,
after all that you have seen and heard with your very own eyes
and ears and surely felt and perceived with all your senses, you
still don’t believe that our Lord, as surely as I am John, truly is
God and that all power in the endless heavens and on this earth
for creating, managing and reigning is totally subject to Him!
I beg you, tell me honestly.”
AYS Judas: “If I were to believe this without reservation

I would have to be as weak as yourself and several of

your likes! It is hardly a half year altogether since we

have been with Him and heard and seen things which without
doubt are most extraordinary and wonderful, and you who are
simple people, having never seen or heard anything other than
this Jesus Who of course exceeds us by height of sky, have to
ascribe the full Deity to Him. For you, His works and speeches
suffice of course; but matters stand differently with me because
I have gotten around a great deal and seen and heard many a
marvelous thing. Go to the Essenes and see what works they
accomplish and I will wager that you shall take all of them for
gods, just as do the Romans and Greeks, who even make rich
sacrifices to them, thinking them to be gods.

[2] Behold all this and even more extraordinary things than
does Jesus, you can see with the Essenes. If however there are a
great many people upon earth who accomplish what our Master
Jesus accomplishes then I don’t see why we should ascribe to
Him the exclusive divine prerogatives and then say and be able
to believe; this is Jehovah as He was from eternity.
[3] You regard the awakenings from the dead, the sudden
multiplying of foods and drinks, the production of buildings and
working of signs into the moon as divine miracles. But this is
far from adequate for proving the Deity of a person who is
capable of affecting such, because such and the like I have seen
quite often with the Essenes. There the healing of the sick is
carried on just as a sideline, yet I was witness to how the
Essenes” Chief wrote into the moon in three tongues. Thus I
was witness of how he once eclipsed the sun completely in
broad daylight. He drew up his signs and a calculation and then
said: ‘In an hour I am going to present mankind with a curse;
I shall completely darken the Sun for a few moments, and it
shall be dark upon the entire earth.’

[4] To this malediction we others made wide eyes, awaiting the

threatened curse with trepidation, as it was every moment
gaining credence because it was constantly getting darker.
When the sand in the hour glass was about to run out, the Chief
stretched out his arms, saying with measured pathos: ‘It is my
will! Sun, let you be dark!’ Whereupon the sun darkened and it
was dark upon the entire earth as at nighttime. After a few
moments, and moved mostly by our vehement pleading, he
stretched out his hands again, whose fingers seemed aglow,
saying to the sun: ‘The curse is sufficient for mankind; hence
ignite by and by and light up and warm up the globe. ’And
behold, upon this his command, the sun immediately became
shining and, after half an hour, with all its warming power.
[5] There was also not too far from the Essenes’ residential
palace and within the high-walled garden a considerable slope
of about double the height of the palace. I used to go there with
cooking utensils about four times a year. On one occasion one
of the Essenes said to me: ‘If you would like to witness another
miracle from our Chief’s willpower and how even mountains
have to respond to his call, then stay here today. Behold, that
mountain is an obstacle to us; today you still see it as a slope,
but tomorrow you shall see a splendid palace in its place!’
[6] I looked at the mountain, which was hardly four hundred
paces from the residential palace away, and my eyes not
deceiving me, it was a bare rock, grown over sparingly with a
bit of moss and small bushes. I sad to the Essene with a smile:
‘If this truly is a rocky slope which I don’t doubt, then your
Chief must be imbued with divine power, if he is capable of
creating a palace from this marble mount overnight!’

[7] Said the Essene thereto: ‘Are you in doubt perhaps that the
mount is a huge lump of stone? If in doubt then come with me
to convince yourself. But I said: ‘Friend, what my sharp eyes
can see, that I do not need to touch with my hands for I can
distinguish the smallest objects from four hundred paces.’ Said
the Essene: ‘Very well then. Stay here, and I shall produce
many marvelous sights.’ I still can’t get over all that I saw
[8] The Essene escorted me to a large, dark chamber, inside
where at least a hundred corpses lay about in their death beds,
and the powerful reek told me only too clearly that the people
laying about in a wide area were living ones no longer. Whilst
we two paced about among the many corpses, running our
hands over the occasional one, four carriers brought in two
more, laying the lifeless ones unto further empty beds and then
leaving the chamber.
[9] I asked my escort how he was not scared of so many dead.
And he replied: ‘Why should I be? Whilst dead they can do
nothing to us, and once I call them back to life they will only
thank me for awakening them from certain death. Behold, there
are men, women and girls among them. What a pity there are no
children among them this time. But be steadfast and not be
frightened when they rise from their beds upon my bidding.’
[10] I stood in nice proximity to the exit, to gain open ground in
case of trouble.
[11] The Essene then raised his hands, calling with a mighty
voice; ‘Awaken, all ye dead and continue living thereafter and
earning your bread with your living hands honestly. But give
God the honor for teaching us humans such wisdom and
[12] Upon these words of the Essene all the dead rose, fervently
thanking the Essene for the awakening and for being fully
whole, with exceeding friendliness. He too greeted them most
amicably and then dismissed them.

[13] This surely is going to be an awakening of the dead too, if

a hundred and two corpses are called back to life all at one time.
I then asked the miracle man whether this took place more often
during the year, and he said; ‘It happens once every week. The
Chief is also able to revive completely bare skeletons, so that
they then live again like those I have just awakened. But I won’t
possess such power for a long while yet.’
[14] Thereupon he escorted me to another and still darker
chamber and showed me a huge number of mere skeletons,
which too were laid in rows of benches. Only a feeble light
lighted this terrible chamber, but one could make out the
skeletons quite well.
[15] We were viewing these lifeless bones for a while, when the
Chief came with terribly stern appearance, asking the guide
whether he was successful in re-awakening the corpses. And he
replied with much deference; ‘Yes, exalted and exceedingly
wise master’, to which the Chief said: “Well then, pay attention
to everything, for I want to initiate you, in this stranger’s
presence, so that you too shall be capable of awakening bare
skeletons to life. Go, and with the thumb and middle finger of
each hand touch the chest and skull of the skeletons, then
counting slowly to seven, after which call out aloud, wrap
yourself in flesh and skin, and you, life-fire, come forth from
the walls and enliven you to proper humans!’
[16] This my guide did at once, and upon his last call, powerful
and pure flames actually shot forth, and the former skeletons of
whom no trace could now be discovered, stood then as
complete humans full of life and animation, also about a
hundred in number, in front of us, greeting us and thanking the
Chief for this grace. The latter directed them out into the fresh
air, which should do good above everything else.
[17] What do you say to all that? Does not that leave our Master
far behind?
[18] Thereupon I was invited to dine, and we sat down to a
long, empty table. The Chief said thanks in some foreign
tongue, looking towards heaven, and we all followed his
example. Suddenly it banged as if the ceiling were crashing
down. And watch it, neither I nor probably anyone else could
make out how the thing came about – we indeed still sat at the
same table, but it was no longer bare but brimming with the
choicest foods and drinks, fit for a regal super. After supper I
had another look at the mount that was to be transformed into a
palace overnight, after which I betook myself to rest in a
separate room, in line with Essene practice.

[19] My guide came to me early morning already, saying:

‘Come and see.’ Burning with curiosity I went with him, and
there was not the remotest trace of the rock. In its place stood a
great kingly place in whose wide chambers I was taken around,
convincing myself that this wonder was no deception.
[20] I would ask you whether our Master Jesus has presented us
with something loftier and more astonishing. Yet you already
declare Him for Jehovah Himself.
[21] Hence you not in future, if we have the fortune of seeing
Him again, be incensed at my putting questions from time to
time which are bound not be palatable to you or Him, for I have
seen and heard much that is miraculous; and if you properly
consider this, and with some effort, then you should not be
angered and amazed if I occasionally behave somewhat
AYS John: “What you have now told us about the

Essenes I and quite a few of us have known for a long

time. But we also know more than you, which consists

in knowing that your highly praised Essenes are more superb
deceivers and scoundrels than the notorious and now nearly
universally discredited seers of the Oracle of Delphi.

[2] For these people – a remnant of the old Egyptian priesthood

case furnished with great treasures of gold, silver and the most
precious stones and pearls – have on the border between our
Promised land and Egypt erected themselves a veritable wonder
mill, and now already possess a second one in the vicinity of
Jerusalem with which they make big business as well. Behold,
this we know, and we are amazed that you, who are normally
no fool, should not know this!”

[3] Says Judas: “Have not I always had all my five senses
about me?”
[4] Says John: “And yet have neither seen nor head or felt or
understood anything! Do you think that the dead you saw
awakened were real dead?”
[5] Says Judas: “What else?”
[6] Says John: “Can you see how you saw nothing in the
deliberately darkened chamber? The dead shown you were as
live as yourself and the awakening call no more than a signal
for same to arise from the apparent deathbeds. Ask our good
brother Bartholomew who did two years good service for the
Essenes as a dead, but after two years at last found an
opportunity to get away from the dreadful cloister of these
deceivers. He shall of a truth tell you in what way the Essenes
awaken their dead.
[7] He was as he told me, each week four times dead! First in
the Chamber of the most recently deceased, and afterwards
straightaway in the chamber of skeletons where the black racks
are mounted, upon whose lids the skeletons are mostly just
painted or carved from wood and attached, and that only on the
first ones, because of the touching by the strangers escorted in.
These racks are benches with semi-circular lids, fitted to the
benches with bands for opening and closing, The live people are
mostly just painted with the skeletons are put over them. If then
a stranger or two come and that into the chamber kept in full
darkness, the awakening is contrived. The awakening call is
then merely a signal for the twelve servants, situated outside the
crypt, to respond to the call by blowing pulverized resin, strewn
inside a pipe over small, flaming pans of pitch which causes
immense flare-ups.

[8] When these flames then spring forth from the walls in
response to the call, the strangers take fright, and during this
well-calculated moment of confusion, those lying on the bench
have to quickly force the lids apart, then slowly rise from their
benches, and for sake of appearance thank and praise the
awakener in all humility. Behold, therein consists the
awakening of the dead in the skeleton chamber! Here
nevertheless stands Brother Bartholomew as a witness.”
[9] Says Judas, quite taken aback by the buffoonery: “Not bad!
The deception is quite well thought out and must bring in much
money for these scoundrels. But how did they in that case make
a palace out of the cliff?”
[10] Says Bartholomew: “The palace has already been built a
long time. Did you not however notice a cupola upon a tall
pillar above the palace?”
[11] Says Judas: “Oh yes, this I have indeed seen and
[12] Says Bartholomew: “Behold, the secret of how the
Essenes can convert this palace into a seeming Mountain and in
a half hour back into the real palace lies in this canvas cupola!
Are you with me, or need I speak more plainly?”
[13] Says Judas: “Oh, I understand you only too well! But who
would think that these fellows, acting so piously and wisely,
should be anointed with such scoundrel-grease? In that case,
what is there to the writing upon the moon, and the total eclipse
of the sun?”
[14] Says Bartholomew: “This goes into the hilarious, and I
together with fifty other strong men quite often have to hold this
artificial moon upon an immensely long pole projecting into the
air in an oblique direction from the battlement of the castle. The
moon however consists of a sieve-ring of two spans thickness
covered on both sides with white parchment. The ring itself has
a diameter of a good ten hand spans, and within the two
parchment covers at the centre, is provided with four oil lamps
which spread a strong shine inside the white parchment lids.
The side facing the castle is written over with fairly large
lettering in three tongues. When a stranger is then briefly taken
near a certain window, he appears to see the written-over full
moon in the sky, which as said is held obliquely into the air by
fifty strong people, on a pole of about twelve Klafters [about 24
meters] length, which is not noticed by the stranger from that
particular window. Now, how do you like that full moon?”

[15] Says Judas: “Oh stop it, this goes into the abomination of
all deception! In that case what is there to the eclipse of the
obviously real sun?”
[16] Says Bartholomew: “This is affected by a certain artful
calculation by which, as I was once told, a future eclipse of the
Sun can be predicted, when the moon passes over the sun
during the day. The calculation is the only substantial thing
because it really reaches into the sphere of pure science, and the
Essenes learnt it from the Egyptians. Concerning the empty
table suddenly set with food, this also stems from a simple
mechanism similar to the skeleton benches in the dark chamber!
[17] Behold, that is the substance of the Essene miracles, of
which you have not seen the hundredth part, but which are quite
fit for thoroughly confounding the uninitiated even were they
are otherwise ever so sensible and tried.
[18] Thus in a remote corner of the big garden enclosed by high
walls there is a wood where the strangers can hear the trees
speak; in another part of the garden the rocks speak whilst in a
third section you can even hear a spring, bubbling out of the
earth, speak! In a rock-pool about two meters deep, there are
tame snakes fed with milk every day. These too speak every
now and then! At another spot in the garden even the grass
speaks! There would be a lot of talk if one were to describe
everything, but it will suffice if I tell you that between thirty
and forty strangers are sent up the garden path there every day
with so much gold and silver.”
ARTHOLOMEW: “The nicest thing is that every now

and then really dead children of rich parents are

accepted for awakening, but where the re-awakened

son or daughter is not returned to the parents before one or two
years. When after much begging and for much gold and silver, a
deceased son is accepted into the Essene awakening centre, a
purported Essene Savior goes to the depressed parents,
inquiring to a hair’s breadth concerning everything about the
deceased child. The exact age as well as everything the child
ever heard, saw and learned, what were its preferred food and
drink; what its bed and its room looked like, what were the
child’s amusements and play mates, what took place among
them and on what occasion and location; in short, not the
minutest details must be concealed – otherwise, says the
Essene, the awakening cannot take place!

[2] The good parents are glad to tell everything in minutest

detail, and undoubtingly believe that the inquiring Essene
Savior really needs this for the awakening of their deceased and
well-loved child. Notwithstanding, the Essene requires it for
something quite different!
[3] On the Egyptian border the Essenes have an immense
human stocking place of all types and shapes. They make a
portrait of the deceased and then bury him deeply in the ground.
Taking the portrait to the large breeding-ground, they look
among the thousands of children for one with the greatest
likeness to the portrait, taking the child and nurturing it most
carefully, in line with what they know of the deceased, often
secretly taking it to the locations which the deceased
frequented, gradually inviting also the deceased’s friends into
the cloister and introducing the newly-awoken in a favorable
light. They familiarize him as accurately as they can with the
layout of his future parental home, describing all rooms so that
he can ask everything of his parents, who are then truly happy
with their son or daughter. In short, the thing is arranges so
cunningly that he parents have not the slightest doubt the son or
daughter retuned to them from the awakening centre is genuine.
Of course an enormous payment is made upon their return, and
that with much joy.

[4] Such miracle however hardly ever occur too poor parents,
but instead they are sincerely comforted and strengthened
through all sorts of inexpensive wonders in their belief that their
deceased child had ascended to Elysium, and this puts the
parents in a happy mood.
[5] Basically the Essenes’ actions are not evil ones; they say:
there has to be a fraternity of erudite people among mankind
who have the task of bringing happiness to their fellowmen,
regardless of the means they find suitable to this end. Such a
fraternity of literates, through years of learning, thinking and
investigating, has found that death is the last line of all things,
and that after death there is no consciousness or life of any form
or shape. The members of the fraternity are sufficiently
philosophical to scorn life, not regarding the latter as the highest
goods by any means. But in order to make the outsiders happy,
one has to preach a more perfect life of the soul after death to
them. To make this comprehensible to outsiders one has to
make use of apparent miracles. The more amazingly these are
brought about, the more effective they will be.
[6] But with this goes deepest secrecy on the part of the
initiated members at all times, and each is strictly obliged with
outsiders to steer clear of the truth more than pestilence, for
every truth makes man a slave of death, wherefore Moses also
already in a short verse in his Genesis alluded to pure truth
when he said: ‘... for in the day that thou eatest thereof (the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, -which is to say the tree of
truth) thou shalt surely die.’ And so it goes with every person
looking everywhere for truth and throwing himself into its and
therefore death’s arms. Wherefore Moses, an initiate into all
wisdom and truth of the Egyptian caste of priests, immediately
founded a priestly class for the Jews, which has maintained
itself to this day, but of course in a degenerated state.
[7] The main principle however has to be love, to which the
outsiders should be obliged by God to be steadfastly committed
in life, for which reason people should even be held to the
practice of this virtue through commandments, which God is
supposed to have revealed. In order to cultivate this virtue more
and more, gradually imagining the Deity preached to them, the
love to God before all has to be implanted in their hearts as
firmly as possible, and God Himself conceptualized as on the
one hand a good Father full of the deepest love, but to the
stubborn on the other hand as a most just judge, who rewards all
good in accordance with the love preached, but who also
punishes everything opposed to the love preached, temporally
and eternally. In this way it is easiest to keep mankind in check
and made employable for all kinds of useful things.
[8] However, should some person turn up who started preaching
the truth to fellow man whilst casting doubts on their own, then
on the Institute’s part everything should be done to put such
monster, who brings millions their death through such truth-
doctrines, out of the way as quickly as possible or, even better,
to win them over to the initiates if possible. Because nothing is
supposed to be more dangerous to the outsider than an
enlightenment in the sphere of faith in a God and an eternal life.
[9] Behold, these are the life principles of your so highly
praised, famous Essenes, Brother Judas! Taken in a worldly
sense they cannot be criticized too strictly; but spiritually, in the
quite different light we now have, they are reprehensible
beyond measure! Because an uninitiated one will not ever hear
one syllable of truth from their mouth; and if he wants to speak
truth in front of them then he signs his certain death warrant!”
[10] Says Judas, appearing quite grim: “Oh, are these not
beasts! Nay that these would-be anointed are anointed with such
ointment I could not have believed by one iota without you; but
now that you, as an erstwhile Essene tell us that, I believe it!
But how did you get away from the cloister unscathed?”
[11] Says Bartholomew: “I had my initiation rounded off,
passed my test and then came here for my Foreign Service. And
because I enjoyed their full trust I was left outside, for this favor
the cloister readily grants since it can only benefit therefrom
rather than be harmed.

[12] Now, since I have learnt to know the full truth instead of
the lie, I shall remain outside, that more certainly! I shall not be
the one from whom those in the cloister find out what I know;
but with time those outside shall find out what the Essenes in
the cloister are doing!”
AYS Peter: “This would be about the third night watch

already (about one hour past midnight) yet there still is

no vessel to be detected upon the sea.”

[2] Says Andrew, who has very sharp eyes: “I cannot discover
anything either for all my looking!”
[3] Says the tax collector Matthew: “If only the strong
headwind would settle. The boatmen are exhausted from heavy
rowing, even though we have pitched in with them several
times. Only with heaviest strain can we maintain ourselves
upon the high sea. If only it started dawning! The morning is
bound to bring us a change of wind!”
[4] Says Nathanael: “I would wish for little else if only the Lord
caught up with us, otherwise it would be advisable to go back
and look for Him should He in the end has fallen into the hands
of Herod?”
[5] Says Simon: “Oh, tell me another! He to Whom all the
heavens and elements are subject – and the miserable Herodian
henchmen! He said that He would catch up with us when He
has dismissed all the people, and that we should sail over ahead
of Him. Whatever He says is holy and hence more than true.
Long before we shall have reached the other shore with this
wind He shall be with us. For He Who commands the winds can
easily and rapidly negotiate the sea.”
[6] Says John: “I fully agree with you. Hence let us all just trust
nicely in Him for He shall not leave us in all eternity. Behold,
with this wind that has tormented us these five hours already,
our oars would have been of miserable effect against the wind,
if His might over the elements had not maintained us upon the
high sea. Without His influence we would have been back
where we started long since. Because, if I see correctly, our ship
is standing still as if bricked in on one spot, and I think that with
firm faith in Him we could stop to rudder, which has already
completely exhausted our shipmates, for the ship shall not move
from this spot regardless, and the Lord shall probably intend
catching up with us here, otherwise we would with this storm,
have already been God knows where!”

[7] Says Peter: “Yes, yes, you are completely right indeed! I
feel it too that this hefty wind shall have no effect upon us, and
our oars would not be mastering this storm if His divine power
were not obviously helping us. I shall also tell the helpers now
not to bother too much with the oars.”
[8] Peter then went over to the boatmen to tell them to take it
easy with the oars.
[9] But the shipmates say: “We can see the shore along the
desert foaming white; the surge there must be stupendous. If we
don’t hold out upon the high till morning we all perish!”
[10] Says Peter to the helpers: “If we were not disciples of the
almighty Lord Jesus! Since we are however His disciples, the
storm shall have little or no effect on us, even without the
fruitless rowing. It is not long to go till morning, and we shall
all fare better in daytime.”
[11] In response to these words of Peter, the oarsmen gradually
cease their oaring, discovering that the ship is also staying upon
the high without ruddering. And so the shipmates too gradually
begin to believe that the ship is being maintained on the high by
My power.
Y this time however the fourth watch set in. The wind
relented somewhat, and the sharp-eyed Andrew was

watching the string swell in every direction, catching

sight of a person walking upon the sea waves as if upon dry
land. [Matt. 14:25]

[2] Here Andrew called the brethren, drawing their attention to

the moving shape, saying: “Brethren, this is not a good omen, it
is a sea-ghost. When such beings show themselves then seamen
have nothing good to expect. [Matt. 14:26]
[3] All easily agree with Andrew, taking much fright and
starting to call out loudly: “Oh Jesus, why have you forsaken
us, that we would all be irretrievably lost now? Oh if You still
are somewhere then save us from certain doom!”
[4] Whilst the disciples were still screaming thus, I approached
the ship to within ten paces, speaking to those shaking with
fear: “Be of good cheer, it is I; be not afraid! [Matt. 14:27]
Whereupon the disciples calmed down.
[5] Said Andrew: “By heaven, it is Jesus, our Lord and
[6] Peter was still somewhat doubtful, saying: “If it is Him then
He must let me step out onto the sea so that I too like He would
try a firm base for my feet!”
[7] Says Andrew: “Are you going to have the courage to step
out on the rough sea if He calls you?”
[8] Says Peter: “Of course! I know only too well that the sea is
deepest here; if it is Him, then I shall suffer no harm. If it is a
ghost following us, then we are lost anyway. Then I go down
before you only a few moments earlier to prepare a dwelling
place for you all!”
[9] Whereupon Peter went down to the lowest part of the hull,
calling out to Me: “Lord, if it is You then bid me to come to
You on the water!” [Matt.14:28]
[10] And I said to him: “Come out and be convinced!”
[11] To that Peter stepped out of the ship and unto the water, to
the brethren’s screams with fear. When the brethren saw that
Peter did not go under but walked on the water like I, all doubt
left them and each believed that it is I.

[12] Peter made hast to get to Me [Matt. 14:29]. But when he

was still seven small paces distance he saw a powerful wind
whipping up high waves. He took a mighty fright, starting to
think how the lofty waves may fetch him off after all, losing
some of the strong faith, noticing that he was already sinking to
his knees. Whereupon he gave out an immense yell: “Lord, help
me!” [Matt. 14:30]
[13] But I quickly stepped over to him, stretched out My hand
after him and pulled him out, sitting him on top of the water,
which then carried him as before – saying to him however: “Oh
you of little faith! Why did you doubt? [Matt. 14:31] Don’t you
know that only undoubting faith is the master of all elements?”
[14] Said Peter: “Lord, forgive me! For You see that I am but a
weak human. The wind and the oncoming waves scared me.”
[15] Said I: “All is well again, and we are now standing upon
the ship, and so let us step down into it.”
[16] Whereupon we stepped into the ship, and the storm ceased
the same moment. [Matt. 14:32]
[17] All, the disciples and the boatmen, hastened over to Me,
praising Me and saying with one voice: “Only now do we
recognize that you are of a truth God’s Son!” [Matt. 14:33]
[18] And My John embraced and hugged Me with all his
strength, saying: “Oh You my Jesus, that we only have You
again! Now all our fear is gone! Only do not leave us ever, for it
is too terrible to be without You! Verily, this nocturnal sea
voyage I shall remember all my life! For this much fear and
horror I had not suffered yet!
[19] Now the storm can rage around us as much as it wants to,
for now we have its master in our midst who can bid it be calm,
and the monster must obey the voice of the Almighty.”
AY I: “Whether you see Me or not, I am still with you,
for, if you believe in Me, rely on My name, trust and

hope and love Me truly, then I am always with and

among you, but I am not with the one who doubts Me – even if
he saw Me stand beside him.

[2] Actually, brother Bartholomew did the right thing in

revealing – especially to Judas – the nature of the Essenes. It
will not be of much benefit to him though, but all the more so to
you others, For Judas secretly enjoys such deceptions and
thinks: “If I do not learn from Jesus how to perform miracles, I
shall go to the Essenes.” – For he is and remains a miser, and he
prefers 10 talents of gold to the most heavenly truth and eternal
life. If Herod should today make him a substantial offer, he
would betray and sell all of us. This earth will hardly ever make
him better.
[3] Therefore, nothing is more dangerous to man’s eternal life
than the great treasures of this world. And what would it benefit
man if he possessed the treasures of the whole world, but
harmed his soul? Before he realizes what is happening, his soul
will be taken from him and thrown into great darkness where
there is eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth. What use will all
this treasures be to him then?
[4] Let all of you, therefore, gather treasures of the spirit which
cannot be destroyed by rust and moths, then you will have an
abundance of everything eternally.
[5] Behold, many a ship with its cargo, its masters and sailors
lies buried at the bottom of the sea. What did they gain who
hoped to make a great profit in the markets? A storm made an
end to all their loose dealings, and their souls are buried in the
deep, too.
[6] You, however, has in your ship, which this night had to
battle against a violent storm, nothing but a cargo of
indestructible treasures for spirit and life from God – and
behold, the gale was unable with all its fierce force to hurl you
down into the abyss. And I came to you on foot across the
raging waves in order to show you actively that he who carries
only heaven’s everlasting treasures within him, can easily rise
above all the wild storms and waves of the bustle of life, can
walk over them unharmed and finally is and remains a master
over all the troubles of the world.

[7] But if he loads his ship of life with the treasures of the world
and falls prey to the storm above the waves of his worldly cares,
ship and skipper will both perish. – Have all of you understood
this properly?”
[8] Say all: “Yes, Lord, that was clear, understandable and so
absolutely true.”
[9] Say I: “Well, then let us sail across to the little town of
Gennesaret and the free little land of the same name as its
[10] The crew began to row and we landed roughly half a
league below the town of Gennesaret. [Matt. 14:34] But the sea
formed towards Gennesaret a large bay which was connected
with it through a barely ten fathoms wide channel, and this is
why the bay was called “Lake Gennesaret”. We came ashore on
the left spit of land, for the ships that entered Lake Gennesaret
through the straits had to pay a toll. We had our ship tied up
and, leaving two of the boatmen behind to guard it, we went
with the other six into the town where we bought for them
bread, salt and some wine. After this night they badly needed to
restore their strength.
[11] And I blessed the few things they bought for themselves,
so that all of them were provided with food and drink for
several days.
[12] I stayed in Gennesaret for several days, for it was a free
city where one was safe from Jerusalem, form the temple as
well as from Herod, because it was under the strict protection of
the Romans who had a permanent military camp there which
was under the command of Capernaum. This fact, being of little
consequence, is not mentioned anywhere in the Scriptures, but
this is exactly how it was.
N arriving in the city we stepped off at the inn of an

upright man by the name of Ebahl.

[2] Ebahl received us with much hospitality, saying:

“By all appearances and apparel are you Galileans from around
Gennesaret?” We answer in the affirmative and he at once
ordered bread, wine and fish for us, saying: “You shall be free
of charge for 3 days. Should you however as Nazarenes be able
to clear me up about the renown Savior by the name of Jesus
who is supposed to heal all manner of sickness in the most
miraculous way, then I shall maintain you free of charge for
life, eating and drinking whatever you will.
[3] If things stand thus with the renowned Jesus then I will do
anything to find him and accompany him on my knees to bring
Him here. Because our otherwise good and free little land
unfortunately has the unpleasant feature of constant affliction
with all kinds of grave illnesses. The sicknesses are not
necessarily of a fatal kind but that much more bothersome and
hard to shrug off.
[4] If therefore it were possible to bring this Savior to us – by
Jehovah – I don’t know what I would give. I have myself one
inn full of sick who cannot journey a step further for pain, and
some are from distant parts; even Egyptians, Persians and
Indians are among them, unable to depart. Likewise there are
Pharisees and Scribes from Jerusalem and two Essene brethren
intensively ailing, and no doctor or savior regardless of the
number having called here could master their sickness.
[5] If therefore you can bring me this Jesus of Nazareth or at
least half convince me of where I can meet up with him then as
said you are my guests for life.”
[6] Say I: “Why have you not sent messengers after Him long
since, seeing that He is staying in Nazareth?”
[7] Says Ebahl: “This I have done not once but quite often, yet
have never had the fortune of hearing from the returned
messengers: ‘we have found Him’. They indeed told me of a
thousand miraculous things about Him which they were told by
others but they themselves were never fortunate enough to
make His personal acquaintance.”

[8] Say I: “Very well, since I see that it is not self-interest that
stirred you in relation to the Savior Jesus but the one and only
desire to bring the suffering help regardless of their nationality
– what moved Me also to come here – so know to your joy and
comfort that I am the same Jesus whom you have often sought
in vain, and the sick people at your inn shall be helped instantly.
Now send your servants over to the inn asking if any more sick
are to be found there!”
[9] Ebahl was quite beside himself with joy, saying: “Master, if
it is You then I believe Your words and need not enquire
further; You are certain to be so and I cannot already in advance
praise God enough for letting my house meet with such
unexpectedly great grace. Master, great godly Master, give
commands for Yourself and yours, for now You are fully Lord
in my house. All that You find therein must submit to Your
[10] Whilst he was still talking like that, news already came
from his large inn that close on two thousand sick became
instantly well. A miracle must have occurred or this could not
be possible. The sick would come themselves and render the
innkeeper their fervent thanks in word and deed.
[11] Says Ebahl: “Go and tell them that firstly I have no need
of all that and that not the least thanks is due to myself but God
alone Who through His grace has led the miraculous Savior to
our place. Ask reasonable innkeeping fees from the wealthy that
are strangers, but nothing above that from anyone. The locals
however are to be free of charge.”
[12] With these words the news heralds leave and do as told by
their lord.
[13] Thereafter Ebahl turns to Me again, falling on his knees
and thanking Me with many tears of joy for this wonderful
favor bestowed upon his house.
[14] But I bid him to rise and introduce his wives and daughters
to Me.
[15] And he goes and does as requested by Me.
[16] After bringing his two wives and 16 children, among them
10 male and 6 female, he said to Me: “Behold me, a true
Israelite still! Like Jakob, our forefather, had a Leah and a
Rachel as wives, begetting children with both, just so I also
took on two wives who are not however sisters, having begotten
the ten boys with the older woman and the six daughters with
the younger; but as You see, the boys are already sprightly men
and youths whilst the six girls too are each already ripened to
maidens over ten years, yet I am 70.
[17] All these children have been raised in accordance with
Scripture, and my eldest son is a Scribe but not in the Temple’s
employ but only in himself and once, for his descendants. But
my other children nevertheless also are thoroughly conversant
with Scripture, knowing the pure will of God and always held
strictly to keeping with it. Thy love God but they also fear Him,
because fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. In my house
the truly wise proverbs of Jesus of Sirah are strictly
implemented. Are You great Master happy with my domestic
[18] Say I: “Your domestic set-up cannot be questioned under
prevailing norms, and I don’t prohibit anyone from having two,
three or even more wives, because the woman was created for
the purpose of human procreation. A barren woman is not God
pleasing, be it that she is barren by nature, something beyond
human control.
[19] But in future, no man should take more than one maiden,
or a widow still capable of child bearing; for had it been God’s
will that a man should have more than one woman then He
would surely have created more than one woman for Adam. But
it was God’s will that each man should have only one woman
and hence gave Adam only one woman.
[20] That men later departed from this first Commandment –
which especially with the heathens often led to depraved evil,
since especially a prince could take to himself all the country’s
most beautiful maidens and on top of that purchase others from
foreign princes – that was not God’s but men’s sensuality.
Because many of the wives of a prince or other rich man were
not wives for propagation but mere prostitutes for the
awakening of spoiled manhood and its lust. Man then does not
live fully within the divine order if not keeping the first
primordial Commandment of God.

[21] Oh, something quite different would be if one of the wives

were barren, as was the case with Rachel; there man can take
another wife unto himself for the purpose of generating a
descendant. With yourself nevertheless things are in the right
order, for you always had a God-pleasing attitude and you
therefore are righteous before God and men, or I would not
have come to your house!”
EREAFTER I blessed the children and the two wives as

one, as they were both of one mind and heart, never

arguing or bickering. After the blessing, I sent the two

wives and 16 children on their way, saying to Ebahl: “You can
be well pleased with your children, for there is not a spoilt one
among them, neither spiritually nor in the natural sense. All are
bursting with health and have crystal pure hearts, full of
piousness and obedience, whilst your two wives are still
youthful of appearance. The sickly air of this place does not
seem to affect your house.”

[2] Says Ebahl: “Indeed, for the locals, the air and water is
quite harmless, but not so for strangers; for these sometimes
need to tarry here for only two days and then taken so ill that
they sometimes don’t leave the sick bed for a year. Once they
have gotten over the sickness however, they can stay as long as
they like, yet remain well.
[3] Yet it is a great pity for this land, for we find it hard to get
laborers and the foreign travelers, unless for special business,
avoid this area like an ass, whilst a good half of those coming
with urgent business remain with us sick. Likewise some good
two thirds of Roman soldiers are bed ridden and now physician
can master their sickness. After one or maybe two years they
recover by themselves remaining well.

[4] The oddest thing is that not two of them ever get the same
sickness! One contracts fever, another some pestilence, a third
diarrhea, a fourth a burning cough, and thus everyone
something else, and no physician knows what to do with the
sick. And so there are a great number come down with all kinds
of sickness in our little country, and none that can be helped.
Mortality however is quite low, but that much greater the
number of constantly suffering.
[5] Perhaps it is possible for You to heal all the sick and then
give us a remedy for our country at large through which people
can guard against the onslaught of this area’s maladies?”
[6] Say I: “Since I shall tarry here for a few days anyway, the
native sick shall find out from the healed that I am here. Those
who come shall be helped, but those that don’t come shall not
be healed; for none in the entire country is so sick as to not be
able to make their way here!”
[7] Says Ebahl: “If it please You, my godly Master, then I
would dispatch messengers all over the country!”
[8] Say I: “Let that be, for they shall soon enough find out
[9] Soon thereafter several healed ones, among them Pharisees
and Scribes from Jerusalem and two Essene brethren arrive to
thank Me for the healing and to if possible learn of Me the
science of how I instantly heal the sick just through the word.
[10] But I wouldn’t have much to do with them, saying only:
“What are you seeking? Your obsession is this world and its
costly matter, but here we are dealing with the purely spiritual.
If however you have never comprehended what matter is, how
would you comprehend the purely spiritual? And you Essenes
in particular, preaching a god and a resurrection to your
believers, working costly miracles for gaining followers for
your blind doctrine. Your principles are: ‘one has to
benevolently deceive and lie to people in order to make them
happy, for truth kills this earth’s well-being’.

[11] If the lie were the basis on which to make people happy,
how would you want to hear the truth from Me now? You lack
everything for the recognition of God’s Kingdom on earth, and
you are the very last, although you would be first! Verily if you
remain as you are, you shall never have a share in the kingdom
of God!
[12] Of what use your good will to make people happy through
deception and lie in a worldly sense if you therewith kill the
souls of the blind?
[13] My basis for making mankind happy however is: at any
cost to the body and all its prospering, save the soul and prepare
for it a true, eternal life.
[14] But how shall you feel in the beyond where those you
deceived shall be your judges? You do not believe of course
that it shall be so, but it shall nevertheless be as I now told you.
[15] If you don’t believe My words, then believe on account of
My works, which no man has worked before Me!
[16] Yet if My works are genuine and true, bearing witness to
My words, then surely My words are bound to be true?
[17] None can tell you about India except he who has been
there, having come from there; none likewise can advise you
about the beyond other than He who has come to you from
there – and I am He!
[18] He who believes My words shall have life eternal; but he
who does not believe shall go over into everlasting death. For
My words are not like those of a man of this world; they are life
and give life to him who receives them into his heart, acting in
accordance with them and their all-enlivening spirit!
[19] The words that you Essenes preach to the people are all
lies and deception, because you do not yourselves believe what
you teach. For you have a twofold doctrine: one for the people
and one for yourselves, of which you say among yourselves that
it is true but that the people must not hear of same, in order to
be contented and happy through the purported lie.

[20] Yet I say unto you that you have nonetheless given the
people more truth with your purported lie than yourselves!
Because that which you regard as truth is a complete lie, but
what you teach the people is only a half lie, wherefore you were
also tolerated on God’s part.
[21] However, in future teach the truth and believe in it
yourselves, then you will become worthy and rewarded servants
in the vineyard of God; however, stay away forever from lies
and deceit and never make use of it, otherwise an evil judgment
will befall you soon!”
[22] Say the two Essenes: “Master, we recognize indeed that
you have spoken correctly, and concerning us two, we shall do
everything possible to preach your words in our large society,
yet we cannot guarantee anything. Our brethren are by no
means cruel, one can speak quite freely behind closed doors and
also get a hearing, but it is quite another thing as to whether the
matter discussed shall have any effect. But we two shall speak
and in advanced are assured to be heard with the greatest
[23] Say I: “Do your part, and God shall not fail to do His.
Accept the full truth, and this shall make you free eternally.”
[24] Say the two Essenes: “Lord and Master, permit us to
remain here for the term of Your stay.”
[25] Say I: “You are free and can stay for as long as you
HE two were happy with this advice, and Ebahl came

and invited Me and My disciples to lunch which he had

organized in an abundant manner; no strange guest was

allowed to partake of some other than his family. This galled
the several Pharisees of course, for they were bent upon being
the first everywhere and receive accolade from all sides. They
were indeed hosted superbly in another dining room but were
not happy on perceiving that Ebahl was paying Me far more
attention than them. They actually asked an attendant after the
meal whether the host had not considered them worthy of
dining at his table.

[2] But the attendant cleverly replied: “Due to the many sick
the Lord had a few things to discuss with the miracle physician
and hence sought him out in private.”
[3] Say the Pharisees and Scribes: “Are you unaware of the
fact that in any house where we have stopped off, all secrets
must be disclosed to us for it is us who purify you when you
have polluted yourselves and also heal you when plagued by
grave illness!”
[4] Says the attendant: “If you are such harbingers of
blessings, why are you not able to help yourselves? Had not the
Nazarene miracle healer been as it were blown here by the wind
then your intense rheumatic pains would in no way left you;
you have only His miraculous power to thank for now sitting in
this dining room completely healed. He Who is capable of such
really is owed distinction over you!”
[5] To this convincing retort by the attendant, the Pharisees and
Scribes say not another word and purport contentment, not
heart-felt but by sheer necessity.
[6] Towards evening some one hundred people plagued by all
kinds of sicknesses arrive from the city’s dwelling places and
its surrounds asking Me to make them well; and I go out among
them, making them all well by the mere word.
[7] The healed however, all praise God for giving man such
power, going home cheerfully and of sound health.

[8] In the evening a Centurion arrives who was in command of

the soldiers for this area, asking Me whether I may not also
want to help the many sick soldiers.
[9] And I said to him: “Go, and it shall be in accordance with
your faith!”
[10] And the said Centurion went to the camp and found that no
soldier was still sick in any way. He returned to me with cheer,
wanting to reward Me with gold and silver.
[11] But I rejected such, saying to the Chief: “Friend, I don’t
heal anyone for treasures of this world, but only for the
treasures from heaven; and these are firstly a living faith and
secondly a true, unselfish love for God and neighbor, regardless
of status!”
[12] Love your subordinates as if they were your physical
brethren, not treating them too harshly, then you shall reward
Me most worthily! The gold and silver which you intended
giving Me however, give to Ebahl, because his inn costs him a
lot and it is good that it should be maintained.
[13] But it would nevertheless be good if you Romans in future
built inns for the poor instead of temples for idols, for your gods
of wood, iron and stone are images made by human hands, and
you can kneel in front of them for years, and they shall not be
able to help you because they are dead. But if you look after the
many poor, the sick, the festering, the cripples, lame, blind and
deaf in properly equipped guest houses, attempting to find
healing for the sick, then the one true, living God shall regard
your good works, blessing you manifold. Your dead gods
however, shall neither bless you for the good nor punish you
for evil.
[14] And when attempting to maintain justice and order in your
kingdom then you must wield sword and spear. Then with the
weapons in your hand you only do what God would do for you
if you acknowledged God and kept His Commandments.”
AYS the Centurion: “Dear friend, I recognize quite well

that you speak the truth and that things should be the

way you spoke to me now most wisely and amicably;

but the human world is a mighty current against which it is very
hard to swim. Whenever anyone tried to do so, he was
swallowed up by the mighty whirlpools. This can only take
place in small, quiet locations to where the current cannot get
with its destructive force; whoever throws himself into the
vortex of the current is lost.

[2] It is for you therefore dear friend easy to speak the truth in a
quiet spot whose people are still compliant, not having yet
breathed the luxuriant pestilence of the big world; but go to
Rome, to Athens, to Jerusalem and if you are not fully a god
then you shall only too soon get to taste the full sharpness of the
sword of the earth’s mighty, like John of Bethabara, whom the
mighty Herod had beheaded in prison.
[3] Behold, this John surely was a man who, sky distant from
any worldly earnings, from deepest possible self-denial and
with captivating rhetoric told men the barest truth to their faces
and thousands accepted his doctrine, truly glowing with godly
spirit, repenting in free will and converting to goodness. But
after leaving Bethabara about two months ago as I was told,
starting to preach and baptize upon the big Jordan near
Jerusalem, it took only a few days and Herod’s henchmen
overpowered him and threw him into prison, to where only his
several well-to-do disciples, paying a certain fee where able to
come before his beheading, of which I was informed a couple
of days ago. Now the disciples can of course secretly tell his
doctrine to their acquaintances and relatives, and the latter to
their children; but it is questionable whether his doctrine in a
couple of hundred years shall maintain itself the way it came
from his mouth!
[4] Our Roman doctrine about God is bound to have exactly the
same origin as that of the Jews; for it is also based on a
primordial being to whom all gods are subject! Myth has given
this being many names; the Greeks still call it the unknown God
of Gods; the Romans call it the Fatum to whom all other powers
are subject.

[5] Look at the present divine doctrine of the Greeks and

Romans, and you shall find that it is composed of the most silly,
meaningless fables and fairytales, gathered together from
human virtues, but nonetheless mainly from human passions,
weaknesses and vices. And this is imposed upon mankind with
fire and sword! But do it differently if you can and you shall not
be hindered on my part.
[6] The nicest example however you will find in the divine
doctrine of Moses. Read Moses and afterwards look at the
Temple and tell me whether one iota of the wisdom doctrine
remains. God Himself is supposed in the desert near the Red
Sea to have thundered down with lightning the truly salutary
Commandments to His people on tables of stone, tying up the
old Covenant between Himself and His people. Those who
dared to deviate were punished instantly with all kinds of evil
and even death itself. But to what good end all this? Ask the
current Temple mysteries, now reaching into the abominable,
and they shall deliver the most obvious testimonies to vanity.
[7] Where is the glorious Ark of the Covenant, above which
God dwelt in a pillar of fire? Yes, you indeed get to see a
naphtha flame, if you are a Roman and offer the Temple some
gold and silver; but no trace can be found of the glorious Ark of
the Covenant.
[8] Hence in my humble opinion there is therefore nothing to
any divine doctrine or revelation. It may be ever so pure at the
outset, but in the hands of men it shall be so distorted that it
shall resemble the original one no more than a centenarian
resembles the newly born babe. Time and the diverse human
passions and needs transform the purest into the most impure.
And a great and unconquerable testimony to this truth is the
history of all periods and nations which no one can deny.
[9] Behold further, friend: although I would not overestimate
myself to the extent of imagining myself a teacher to you, I yet
believe that here and there – excluding your certainly most
profound knowledge of nature’s secret powers, I too have some
limited understanding of higher human affairs, and would
advise you as a fairly like-minded philanthropist to yourself to
flee like the worst pestilence the large towns, where humanity is
sunk to its deepest life-foundations, or this earth shall not be
trodden by your redeeming feet much longer!

[10] Don’t trust the Pharisees, Scribes, your own doctrine, and
enter Herod’s fiefdom rarely, and you shall still be able to do
much good for poor mankind. But if you go beyond this, then
you shall soon share John’s rough fate. For I am placed to know
the indescribable evil of the people of this world. Take the
sword out of Rome’s grasp today, lifting the oppressive laws
away, and the next day men shall proceed among each other
more despicably than a herd of tigers, bears, wolves and hyenas.
Men shall turn into devils and women into furies!”
AY I: “You are indeed a truly dear man and friend, and

what you said is unfortunately only too true; if I were a

man like the people of this earth then I would follow

your advice without hesitation, for there is an upright virile
heart beating in your breast; but I am a completely different
man and being than you take Me for! Behold, all power of the
heavens and this earth must obey Me, and hence I have nothing
to fear. The Scripture shall indeed be fulfilled in Me bitterly and
painfully, but not according to this world’s will but the Father
in heaven, Who now is within Me nonetheless, as I am in Him
from eternity. But My power shall not suffer the tiniest loss on
that account. For if it was My will, then this earth would be
transformed into minutest dust, together with everything in and
upon it that breathes and strives; but since My motto is to
maintain, this does not happen.

[2] It is possible that I shall be accused of stirring up the people

and of blaspheming against God, out of rage and the most
jealous hypocrisy of the Temple, and then nailed to the cross;
but none of this shall break My might or make the least inroad
upon My doctrine to the end of this world.
[3] With time, worldly-minded men shall do with My doctrine
what in the mainly the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans did with
the primordial teaching which Adam and his first descendants
received; but next to such idolatry there shall also be many who
will maintain My doctrine and power in the same original state
it went forth from My mouth and therewith possess the power
that shall be given them through a living faith in My word, both
temporally and in the beyond eternally. I therefore also am a
Lord and hence fear neither lord nor their laws.”
[4] Says the Centurion: “Friend, with a few words a lot is said!
After what you have achieved here, I almost could believe it
that something like this is possible for you, although such
healings – just not in this exceeding measure – are not
altogether foreign; for it is a known matter, that extraordinary
appearances often have a miraculous decisive influence on the
bodily as well as psychological health of a person depending
the composition of his temperament. It so happened for
example that a great shock gave a deaf-mute person back his
hearing and voice! I could tell you many similar cases – but the
time is too short.
5] In short I just want to tell you by this, that Your healing
method, however extraordinary it is and how much thanks we
owe you, cannot provide me with the full conviction, that no
other power in heaven and on earth can cause you any harm! I
do not want to argue the possibility of it – with God all things
should be possible; however friend, there exists a large gap
between possibility and reality! If I get to know you better, I
perhaps will become a more firm believer.
6] But now, dearest, best friend, I beg you, do not regard my
perhaps somewhat presumptuous speech as negative; since I
only spoke as I understand it, not from a bad heart but from a
surely good heart! But now official matters are calling to which
I must attend; but tomorrow I will be at service to you for the
whole day!”
7] Say I: “If you want to stay, you can stay; for your duties have
been concluded in your name!”
8] Says the captain: “It is already quite dusk; without the moon
it would already be dark; I will be back soon, -I quickly must
hop into the camp and see whether the guards have been
properly posted.”
9] With these words the captain hastily leaves the room and
Ebahl praises him as a commandant without equal and that
Gennesaret can regard it as a great fortune, to have in all
matters such an experienced, righteous and in his sphere very
clever military chief!
10] Say I: “This he really is to the shame of many Jews who
have Gods’ words and Gods’ commandments, but whose heart
is nevertheless full of lies and full of deceptions, full of
bickering, rage, adultery and all kinds of harlotry. Therefore it
will come to pass, that the promised kingdom to David will
according to the statement of Daniel be taken away from the
Jews and given to the heathens, and the descendants of the son
of Hagar will rule over the descendants of Isaac, although at
this stage all salvation over the whole earth originates from the
tribe Juda.”
11] Says Ebahl: “Master, you are as Savior better than a
prophet! I can still not understand it why the prophets without
exception always state something bad but never something
good! Must it be like this or do the prophets believe to sustain
their mysterious reputation by it, if they announce to the people
one judgment of God after another?
12] Dear, marvelous Master, I have noticed from your speeches,
that besides being a miracle healer you are something else,
namely a prophet similar to the four great Prophets, and as such
you could give me some explanation about the unusual being of
the prophets! As said, the prophets have always been a riddle to
me, and therefore I would like to know something more about
them from you!”


AY I: “A prophet is a simple, natural man just like you
with all kinds of weaknesses. However, since he has a

wise heart wherein neither anger nor vengefulness nor

envy or pride or adultery or various kinds of harlotry can strike
roots, the Divine Spirit cleanses his heart of the manifold dross
of the world. And when the heart has been cleansed like that,
the Divine Spirit pours a light from the heavens into such
a heart.

[2] Since the prophet easily recognizes this to be a light from

the heavens which always expresses itself in clearly audible
words, the thus prepared prophet needs only to repeat with the
voice of his mouth what he clearly and distinctly hears in his
heart and is hereby already prophesying on a fully prophetic
[3] If this is necessary, the prophet’s will is prompted by God to
speak to the people and also do before them what he hears in his
heart – and this is then called a truthful prophecy or prediction
and is quite as much God’s word as if God Himself had spoken
directly to the people.
[4] However, because of this such a prophet is not a jot more
important before God than any other person who does not
possess this gift at all; for the prophet must of his very own will
also practice what the Spirit of God has spoken through his
heart and mouth to the people, otherwise a judgment will come
upon him just as upon everyone who hears the will of God but
does not follow it – and there a prophet is even worse off than
another person. For if another one in the weakness and night of
his soul has difficulty believing what the prophet speaks to him,
his judgment for not believing what the prophet told him will be
a lighter one. But for the prophet himself there is no excuse, and
this applies also to the one who did believe but for love of the
world and its treasures did not do what the prophet had bid him.
[5] However, the reward of a prophet will once be greater than
that of another person, for a prophet will once be greater than
that of another person, for a prophet must always bear a
sevenfold burden compared with that of any other person. All
those to whom a prophet has spoken, the good as well as the
bad, will in the beyond be handed over to the prophet and he
will judge them in My name for every word he has spoken to
them in vain.
[6] But whoever in My name and the name of the prophet
himself takes a true prophet into his house, provides for him
and is his friend, will once also receive the reward of a prophet.
And who supports a prophet to ease his difficult work will also
receive a prophet’s reward; for in the beyond a prophet’s
servant will be on the same level as the prophet himself and
will, therefore, judge the spirits subordinate to the prophet
and reign over them, and his kingdom will be everlasting.
[7] But woe betide those who forsake a prophet and sometimes
in one or the other thing even distrust him, and even greater
woe to the persecutors of a prophet. For these will hardly ever
come to see God. But whoever lays hands on a prophet shall be
punished with eternal fire in the lowest hell. A prophet’s heart
is God’s and so is his mouth, his hands, feet, eyes and ears.
Where the prophet is, there is also God; therefore, you shall
enter his dwelling place with deep reverence, for the place
where he is standing is holy. That must be observed within the
heart, not for the sake of the prophet who is a man, but for
the sake of God Who speaks and testifies in the prophet’s heart.

[8] The reason why a true prophet announces judgment upon

judgment on the world is simply the fact that God awakens a
prophet only when the world has forgotten Him and has
plunged into all the worldly vices.
[9] Tell Me, Ebahl, whether you now do understand the nature
of a true prophet?”
[10] Says Ebahl: “Completely, you my highly regarded master.
But judging from this you must surely be a prophet too?”
[11] Say I: “I am not a prophet, for it is writhen: ‘No prophet
will arise from Galilee!’ But I am more than a prophet. For in
My bosom dwells that same Spirit whom spoke through the
mouth of the prophets and will be speaking much more
henceforth. For those who will be carrying My name in their
heart, fully believing, will also have the spirit of prophecy
within them.
HILST Ebahl, within whom a different light was
already dawning is still reasoning thus, the Centurion
is already returning and telling joyfully and in
amazement how he had found everything in the best of order.
And how his subordinates were astonished that according to
their witness he had now come to them a second time asking if
all was in good order, since he had already himself a half hour
previously given orders to that effect! But he got himself out of
the corner by pretending to just be checking up, after which all
were at ease without further questions.

[2] But filled with curiosity he asked who in that case had been
his stand-in, carrying out his work so laudably in his stead.
[3] Say I: “Did I not previously say unto you that all powers in
heaven and forces upon earth were under My command every
moment. Which however you were not willing to believe! Now
however you surely shall believe that I eternally have no need
of fearing death, and that I too am a Lord Who has something to
say and command!”
[4] Says the captain: “Yes, Lord and Master, You must be a
God! And our Roman divine doctrine is no longer as mysterious
to me as heretofore, for in Yourself I now have the most living
proof that now and then a God left His heaven to show himself
for a time to mortal children one way or another, enriching
them with all kinds of spiritual and earthly treasures, so that he
mortal may cultivate the otherwise barren earth for a future
abode of immortal gods! – Am I right or not?”
[5] Say I: “This is no more than empty conjecture of quite
pagan subtlety but lacking even a single spark of truth the way
you understand it.
[6] Ah, if by ‘earth’ You understand men’s cognition and will,
then you could at least be right by some good correspondence
of truth; but gods that are not and exist nowhere have never
trodden the earth’s soil anywhere. Those men, however,
through whom God’s spirit spoke to men of this earth, and
through whose will many and quite frequent wonders took
place, were no gods but prophets, humans more or less like
yourself, and who too died physically – but of course not
according to soul and spirit.
[7] In Me, however, the spirit of God for the first time sets foot
on this earth! It is the same spirit about whom all the
forefathers, all the old wise and all the prophets have over and
over again prophesied in their pure visions.”
[8] But even as I was speaking thus to the astonished
Commander, a servant came into the room saying that out there
in the open once again a large number of sick were waiting for
help, and whether I was prepared to help them.

[9] Said I do the servant: “Go and tell them that they can depart
to their homes in good cheer!”
[10] And the servant rushed outside and was not a little amazed
at seeing all those, previously moaning and lamenting in the
hallway, now cheerfully and gaily pacing about, praising God.
Only after a while did he say to the healed what I told him, and
the healed left for their respective homes.
[11] Thereafter for nearly another two hours discussions of a
similar nature as with the previous healing were conducted and
therefore can be passed over here. During the conversations we
enjoyed bread and wine and then took to our rest.
ARLY the next day the whole place was again filled with

all kinds of sick people.

[2] Ebahl came to Me and asked Me that I should help

him; since they blocked the space in front of his house to such
an extent that no person could enter or leave. He also has seen
the Centurion outside, who wanted to enter the house but could
not pass through the crowd of closely lined sick people!
[3] I then walked to the front door, lifted my hands above the
sick – and at once all of them were healed, screamed of joy and
praised God in heaven Who gave such power to the people!
[4] But asked them to keep quiet and to go home and to avoid
the sin in future! And they all obeyed and went home.
[5] Thereupon I said to Ebahl: “If during the day still others are
coming and looking for help, they should not occupy the street
but settle on the large pasture on the other side of the street,
where they will be helped; however, those who occupy the open
street will not be helped!” – Thereupon I blessed the pasture
and everyone sick who stepped on to the pasture, was healed
[6] On this day hundreds of sick came from all the towns,
markets and villages and among them was not one who was
not healed.

[7] Both Essenes made from hour to hour bigger eyes and the
group of Pharisees and scribes got more annoyed from hour to
hour, since their status also decreased from hour to hour to
nothing; for they were not looked at and were asked nothing
and Ebahl’s people made it clear to them that they became
totally obsolete in the house and since it was a nice day they
could travel back to Jerusalem. – However, they did not accept
such advice but stayed put.
[8] After a while one of the Pharisees came to Me and asked Me
if the pasture would keep its properties in future.
[9] Said I: “Only for today until sundown!”
[10] Says the Pharisee: “Why not forever?”
[11] Say I: “Because there exist people who would fence off
such pasture too soon too high and would demand a lot of gold
and silver from those who would like to become healthy again;
and since I do not want this to happen, the pasture will remain
health-bringing only until evening since the throng of people is
too large. – Tomorrow, if there are fewer people coming here to
get cured, they will be healed by their faith and their trust!”
[12] Upon this My explanation the questioners very annoyed
turned their backs and for the rest of day did not ask Me
anything further; instead the two Essenes dealt even more
busily with Me.
[13] Because of that the Centurion became annoyed with the
two Essenes and would liked to have told them that they already
had discussed enough with Me; however, out of love for Me, he
controlled himself most forcefully.
[14] In the afternoon however, I referred both of them to
Matthew and to My other disciples, among whom they soon
found Bartholomew and were very happy about it, for he also
was a Essene. They talked with the disciples until midnight
about My teachings, My deeds and about My divine being.
[15] In the afternoon I made a little excursion to the sea with the
Centurion and with Ebahl and his family where the eight
boatmen worked on the ship and diligently and properly
repaired it, for it was already somewhat damaged. When we
came to them they became very joyful and told the Centurion
how I was walking on water. Because this phenomenon was not
going to leave the heads and hearts of the eight.

[16] When the Centurion heard this he asked Me how this was
[17] I said to him: “I have told you yesterday which powers
have to obey and have to serve Me! So, how can you ask Me
about it? By the way, if you dare to put your feet on the water
and I want it, you also can walk on it for as long I want it! If all
of you want to, we could make an attempt right now! However,
you must not doubt but you have to follow Me bravely and
[18] Says the Centurion: “All would be alright if the sea would
not have been so deep close to shore! For the longest stretch
alongshore it goes vertically down into nearly unfathomable
depth! Possibly one might fail with the first step – and one goes
down where the big salamanders and monsters live!”
[19] “Man of little faith”, I said, “do you think I would dare to
be reckless if I would not know who I am, and of everything
that is subject to My will? Who from you has courage and faith,
follow Me!”
[20] Thereupon I step onto the surface of the sea – and it carried
Me like solid land. I then walked 10 steps off shore, turned
around and invited the society to come to Me; but they did not
[21] I then called the youngest twelve year old daughter of
Ebahl and the little maiden took courage and in the beginning
put the first foot quite wearily onto the water. When she was
convinced that the water did not gave way but the water resisted
the foot quite steadily like a rock surface, she started to
cheerfully run to Me and had a great joy about the fact that the
water could carry her!
[22] After the girl also the others tried it, except the Centurion
and all were well and cheerful on the of course now very
smooth surface of the water.

[23] The Centurion asked Me, now somewhat more bravely:

“What would happen if a storm came up?”
[24] Say I: “Come and convince yourself!”
[25] Finally also the Centurion attempted to put a foot on the
water and when he was convinced that the water wasn’t give
way, he finally also set the second foot on the water and making
himself light with holding his breath, he walked the ten steps to
Me and was very happy reaching Me standing on a surface
which never before have been walked on.
[26] But I said: “Now, since you have been convinced that also
to the firm believer the water is a steady surface, we want to
extend our little excursion!”
[27] The Centurion would have preferred to return to the steady
surface of the shore; but the exceedingly happy daughters of
Ebahl gave him courage by their cheerful walking up and down,
so that he together with us walked for about 5,000 steps out
onto the already considerable high sea.
[28] Suddenly a quite strong wind came up and started to drive
high waves. All started to become afraid and the Centurion
asked Me to turn around.
[29] But I Said: “Do not be afraid! The waves are only coming,
together with the wind who drives them, to convince you that
they also have to obey Me.”
[30] However, after a while when the waves were getting
higher, the Centurion turned around and ran as fast as he could
to soon reach the shore and after several feverish body shakings
he was very glad to have a none-transparent, firm ground under
his feet again. – Soon afterwards we also returned to shore and
caught up with the astonished Centurion.
HEN we all were back onshore, the Centurion said:

“Lord, now I have abundance proof that You are

either the highest God Himself or a Son of Him; for

this no mortal could have done!”

[2] Thereupon all fell on their knees and wanted to worship Me.
[3] However, I instructed them to rise from the ground and said
to them: “Listen, all this God and I do not need, since the only
true prayer consists of the sincerest love for God, the Father in
heaven and equally for your fellowmen who are your neighbors.
All other prayers have no value before God and also not to Me.
[4] God also never taught the people to honor Him with lips and
keep their hearts cold. But since Samuel prayed audibly in front
of the people, equally so several of the prophets, and because
David sang to God the Lord his psalms and Salomon his
High Song, the people came to empty lip prayer and to cold
[5] However, before God such prayers and sacrifices are
repulsive! Who cannot pray in the heart should rather not pray
at all, so as to not behave improper before God. God did not
give feet, hands, eyes, ears and lips to man to pray vainly and
vacuously, but only the heart!
[6] However, man still can pray with feet, hands, eyes, ears and
lips; namely with feet if he goes to the poor and brings them
assistance and consolation; with the hands if he grabs the needy
under the arms; with the eyes if he loves looking at the poor;
with the ears if it pleases him to listen to God’s word actively
and does not close them in front of the poor; and finally with
the lips if it pleases him to talk to the poor, desolate widows and
orphans in a comforting manner and according to his power
and strength speaks a mitigating word on behalf of prisoners to
those who often imprison innocent people, so that they can be
[7] Thus man also prays with lips if he teaches the uneducated
the true faith, the right recognition of God and all kinds of
useful virtues. All this is then also a God pleasing prayer.

[8] Since you know this now, do accordingly – and there will
never be any lack of blessings from God! For it says: worship
God in the spirit and all truth.
[9] It is, however, written that man should pray uninterruptedly,
if he does not want to fall in temptation; but how foolish and
completely clownish would it be if God would insist on an
incessant lip prayer from man! For this man had to lie on his
knees day and night and continually cackle empty, heartless and
pointless lip prayers, just like the birds in the air! When would
they perform a necessary work? But if you with hands, feet,
eyes, ears and lips are constantly active and in your hearts
always love God and your poor fellowmen, you pray truthfully
and by action incessantly to God, Who therefore always will
bless you and one day in the beyond will give you the most
blissful, everlasting life! – Have you understood all this well?”
[10] Say all: “Yes, Lord and Master, this is so clear and true
how clear and true the light of the sun and we will do all
[11] Say I: “Good then, my dear friend, let us return to the
[12] Ebahl asked some of the eight boatmen to come with us; he
wants to give them bread, wine, fish and fruit for their stay. –
Immediately six come along and Ebahl provides them with
everything copiously.
HEN we got into the house the children too wanted to

keep Me company.

[2] Ebahl nonetheless, keeping tight domestic

discipline forbade it, especially to the girls and the two wives
saying: “You have now seen, found out and heard enough;
remember it and do accordingly and you shall not go unblessed,
as the Lord also said unto you down at the sea. – But go back to
your work now!”
[3] The girls and the two mothers excuse themselves heavy
heartedly and go to their rooms, of which Ebahl’s house had
many, for it was the largest house in Gennesaret.
[4] Whereupon I say to Ebahl: “Friend, why did you get rid of
them? Behold, it is indeed good to keep up a good domestic
discipline with the children, and it is highly laudable to protect
the girls from the world; but behold, here where I am there is no
threatening world but only a most blessed heaven, and this you
should not deny your little ones!”
[5] On hearing Me saying this, Ebahl said: “Oh, if they just
don’t get tiresome to You, then I shall have them returned here
at once! But my children love to gape about and chatter, and I
removed them so as not to let them become irksome to You.”
[6] Say I: “What could be bore-some to Me in this world other
than men’s great malice? – Go and bring them all back!”
[7] Ebahl went and brought them all back to Me again and the
youngest girl promptly sat with Me and started to cuddle and
hug Me.
[8] However, Ebahl rebuked her and said that this was bad
[9] But I said to him: “Friend, let her be; since she already has
chosen the very best part! I say to you and all of you: Who does
not come to Me like this little girl, will not find the way to the
kingdom of God! She already has found it! With love, and this
with the hottest love, you must come to Me if you want to
harvest everlasting life!
[10] This little girl proves by deed what she feels in her heart;
but you make clever speeches and keep your heart cool! Do you
still not realize who I could be and also actually be?”
[11] Here all fall down and Ebahl took My feet and kisses them
all over and says after a while of confused reverence: “Lord! I
have felt it for quite some time, I only lacked the courage!”
[12] Say I: “Now, do not punish the girl who gave you all the
courage, to come to Me on the water! Here she again gave you
the courage, to love Me! Oh, this little girl is exceedingly dear
to Me! She already has what you still have to search for and
will not find so soon! Strive therefore for the true, living love
for God and your fellowmen and you will have an abundance of
mercy and blessings!”
[13] Says the Centurion: “Apart from my wife and my several
children now located in Rome, I never felt love towards anyone,
yet always acted honestly, with fairness and justice,
administering the law not according to its severity but rather its
mildness, always getting off rather well. But now I feel that one
can love people and do them good out of love, this means one
can oneself want to provide people by strength and opportunity
what one recognizes as right and necessary towards oneself –
and this is love of neighbor.
[14] If therefore one loves one’s neighbor like that then one
surely also loves God thereby, if however in loving God one
considers that God Himself must be the first and most perfect
love, on account of which alone He created the material and
spirit worlds, then this lucid thought must also awaken the
greatest love towards God the Creator within created man, and
man cannot then do other than love God as the most loving
Creator of all things, out of all one’s vital forces.
[15] If nevertheless after all that I have seen and heard from
You these last few days I accept without any misgivings that
You are either the primordial Creator Himself or at least His
son from eternity, showing and teaching us to recognize God
and Yourself, then it necessarily follows that I too have to love
You above all. Even if I don’t possess the courage to hug You
as did this tender maiden, I nevertheless hug You in my heart
and praise You above everything! And I think that this is
16] Say I: “It is alright like this; however, it is better if the love
grows like with this little girl! – Just look at her, doesn’t she
actually glows out of love for Me!”


AYS the oldest daughter who became a little jealous:
“Jarah was always someone falling in love with
everything she came in contact with; no wonder that she
is deeply in love with such a beautiful man like you are?! This
truly does not requires a great skill! I could also do this; but to
what use would it be to me since the love struck Jarah has
occupied you altogether?”
2] Say I: “Behold, you jealous sister, if you ever had a right
love in your heart, you would not talked like this! But since you
never had the right love in your heart because being spoiled,
you cannot help it to speak the way you have spoken now!
3] Behold, Jarah loves – and does not ask if loved in return!
Friend and enemy are the same to her; she is most happy if she
can enclose everything with love. Only to think of it if also she
is loved, never occurred to her; she loves you and all her
siblings as well as her parents more than being loved by all of
you! But in your love she stands at the back, which never
disconcerted her in her great love for you! Behold, this means
true love!
4] If you love, you always want to be loved ten times more!
And if your love is not responded you become annoyed and
carry all kinds of suspicions in your self-love filled heart!
5] To the contrary, look at the lovely Jarah if she ever has made
any whatsoever claim for requited love! For this reason she is
allowed to love Me with whatever her heart is capable of!
Because only for the sake of her I came here, and for the sake of
her I will stay a few days here; and as such you all have to
thank this little girl, that I came here and cured the sick as well
as the whole town and still going to heal many sick.
6] Since wherever I go, I search for the lowest and the most
oppressed! However, everything which is big and highly
respected before the eyes of the world, is an aversion before
God! Therefore strive to be like there is the lovely Jarah, you
will just as close to Me as she now, spiritually and bodily, for
now and one day forever!
7] However, if you praise someone, then praise him who truly
deserves to be praised! If the praised becomes conceited then do
not praise him anymore; since vanity is the seed for
haughtiness, and this is Satan’s spirit!”

[8] Says Ebahl: “But Lord, if You laud Jarah so highly above
her siblings, is she not in danger of vanity?”
[9] Say I: “Don’t let that trouble you! He who once has
embraced Me, such one vanity has left forever! Tell Me, Jarah,
whether you now consider yourself above your sisters on
account of my loving you so exclusively!?”
[10] Says Jarah bashfully: “Oh, Lord You my only beloved, I
can’t help it and my sister either! But I would nonetheless like it
if You were to love my sisters even more than me, for they are
much more beautiful and clever than I. They indeed always
called me the ugly and stupid one, which I certainly deserved,
for I am certainly not as beautiful as they, and – well, I really
am stupid. But I am still young and am bound to become more
clever when I reach their age!
[11] Oh, I don’t let anything be put over my dear sisters, for
they teach me all sorts of useful things, and all fervently love
me, but I also love them from all my soul and physical strength.
Lord, be nice to them too! For behold, my heart aches badly as
soon as I see my sisters troubled in anything, whereupon I
would give away everything immediately if only my sisters get
cheerful and happy again!
[12] I am not able to look at a sad or unfortunate person; I
would rather take all sadness and ill fortune upon myself, if
only all unfortunate and grieving ones could be happy and
cheerful thereby! Wherefore let You, my most beloved Jesus,
care about my sisters as for myself, for they deserve it!”

[13] Say I: “Yes – to you My most beloved Jarah I cannot of

course refuse anything! But now your sisters also realize why I
love you so much, and once they resemble you completely in
their hearts, I will also love them as much as I love you; hence
don’t let it trouble you!
14] Since behold, just as you cannot see someone being
unfortunate and grieving, without the wish to help him, it is the
same with Me – only in a much bigger sense – the wish and
together with it the almighty, firm will to help every person
now and in eternity!
15] To search for the lost, to heal the sick, and to redeem
everything which is imprisoned, is My purpose, My intention
and My will; nevertheless every person must unvaryingly be
left to exercise his most free will. – Tell Me, you My most
dearest Jarah, don’t you amicably approve of My intentions.”
AYS Jarah: “Oh, why should I not be pleased therewith?!
I too would do so if I were capable! But of what use my

altruistic desires if I can’t help? I can only at times and

concerning small things, ask my parents that they would
provide help to the poor and needy, and in that I have nearly
always received a hearing – of course also sometimes rebuked
for being too silly soft-hearted: but that never upset me – if only
the poor was helped.

[2] But the case was not always the same with my prayer to the
almighty God! Because there I also prayed often, and after
being sure that God is certain to hear my prayer, and going to
check whether my child-like prayer bore fruit – there was
nothing. The old sickness was still there.
[3] I then went to my father of course to ask him why God the
almighty sometimes is so hard of hearing!
[4] To which my father told me that God knows why He
sometimes sends the one or other a prolonged suffering for the
benefit of their soul, well-calculating how long this or that one
has to do penance, and then prayer does not help much except
where such a sinner fully reforms! And behold, this reassured
me somewhat, yet I did not give such prayer for the poor away.
[5] But on some occasions the dear great God heard me quickly,
and that also gave me immense joy! Because for a
compassionate heart there is no greater bless in this world to
find out that the great God hears the prayer of an almost underage
[6] And that You, o Lord, has come to us, appears to me as if
the great God has listened to my prayer! Since we all have
heard it from many who came here, that in Nazareth and its
region a certain carpenter Jesus performs such extraordinary
great, yes unheard of healings of the sick, yes even bring back
to life the dead; the blind see, the stone-deaf perfectly hear
again and speech returns to the mute, and the lame and cripple
are becoming straight again – in short, there doesn’t exists an
illness which He cannot heal instantly!

[7] Initially we regarded this as a fable; but when repeatedly

people were coming to us, even those who were healed
miraculously by Jesus, we started to believe that this actually
was the case.
[8] I then was gripped by an over-strong love for this man for
these things were possible, and then asked the dear God daily so
piously and confidently as it was possible for me, that He by his
omnipotence might lead you to us! And behold, and God had
actually heard me and has send You to us!
[9] When it was said that You have come, o, what indescribable
bliss I felt! O, how I would have liked to hug You, if I only had
the courage for it! But for the sake of my parents and my
siblings, I had to coerce my heart tremendously. But today for
me the indescribable happy time has arrived, to sit with You,
the Master and Lord, whom I already loved beyond measure,
since I have heard the first word about Him.
[10] O, now you are there and I have You and – o what
indescribable bliss! – may love You and also being loved by
You. O, now even the most perfect angels in heaven could not
be more blessed then I am now! – But now You should not
leave us ever again; for then I had to die of too much grieve!”
[11] Say I: “No, no, you My heart! I never ever will leave you
and say to you that you neither will see nor feel death; one day
My angels will come and take you away from this earth and
bring you to Me, your Father from eternity! Since behold, you
My most dearest Jarah, to Him you have prayed so heartedly to
get Me here, is sitting in My person with you and loves you
with the purest flame of all heavens, and you were right to say
that you are more blessed than the most perfect angels of all
heavens! – Lift your eyes and you will see that it is so as I just
now have told you!”
ERE the loveliest Jarah lift her beautiful heavenly blue

eyes to the heavens and looks as if transfigured full of

the highest delight into the depths of heavens opened to

her eyes. Only after a considerable while she begins to stammer
rather than speaking with a heavenly pure and soft voice like
this: “Ah, ah, ah, o You great, exceedingly holy God! What
endless delight do I see now! The endless large heavens are
filled with the most blessed angels! O how endless blessed must
they be! However, the poor Jarah is still more blessed! For the
everlasting throne in the large centre of the endless wide
heavens, surrounded by countless crowds of angels kneeling on
sun bright clouds and keep calling: ‘Holy is He whose throne is
standing here! O rejoice you eternities, soon He will have
completed the never describable work on earth and will come
and occupy this throne of the glory of God! Currently empty;
but He who forever has the right to sit on it, sits now as a
person with the poor Sarah! O, praise and praise Him; for His is
the everlasting throne of all divine power and glory!”

[2] After these words she collapses on to My chest after the

vision has been closed for her and says: “O You great Only-
Holy! Do not reject me poor, weak Sarah for I still dare to keep
loving you! But I can’t help it that my heart still keeps loving
[3] Say I: “Yes, you My little heart, behold, therefore I have
showed you My glory and My kingdom, because I want it that
you keep loving more and more! Love therefore as much as you
can; since such love will not harm you!”
[4] Thereupon Jarah clasps Me with both hands and presses Me
as hard as possible to her heart and I say to the bystanders who
are absolutely silent of astonishment: “There, see, and let it be
an example for you! This little maiden, only twelve years old,
shows Me love in a way I have not experienced in the whole of
Israel; but to him who loves Me like her, I will give what this
world has not seen before and Israel never has felt nor tasted!”
[5] After this above all measure edifying scene, which lasted for
about an hour, the servants of Ebahl came and asked if it was
time to bring the evening meal.
[6] Says Ebahl: “If our Lord Jesus agrees to it then you can
bring it!”
7] Say I: “Bring what you have! For love gives and enjoys and I
also want to enjoy what I have given! However, My most
preferred food is here this little girl; since she gives to Me what
eternity had not given to Me and also never was able to give!”
[8] Thereupon the servants left to fetch the prepared food. But
they make dreadfully wide eyes when nothing was left of their
prepared foods, but instead the pantry was filled with the best
and most exotic foods and the noblest of fruit and full of the
best tasting wine. Soon they return and tell with astonishingly
zeal what happened in the kitchen during their absence asking
us; and they continued to ask if they could bring the new foods
or if they should start fresh cooking.
[9] Say I: “What you find in the pantry, bring to us; for today
you all will be My guests! My disciples, the two Essenes and
the Pharisees have already been given the food which you have
prepared. Do not disturb them for they still have to carry out a
great task in My name which will heavily demand their strength
until midnight.” – Thereupon the servants went to fetch the
heavenly food.
[10] But Ebahl and the Centurion spoke with exhilaration:
“Lord, this type of manifestation no longer surprises us, since
we see only too clearly that You are the Lord to Whom nothing
is impossible! The only big question left in us is: ‘How did we
make ourselves worthy of such grace?” However, I said: “The
meals from the heavens are already coming! Let us continue the
discussion after the meal!”
[11] The foods are set down on the table, thanks is given and all
reach out and eat and drink with cheer, after My encouragement
to do so. And the Centurion confesses that he never before has
eaten such palatable, heavenly dishes nor drank such exquisite
wine. My Jarah too tucks into it, saying: “nothing like it ever
touched her palate, nor satisfied her stomach like it. In short,
none can praise the taste of the foods too highly, starting to
loudly praise Me as the good Father in Heaven.


UT I say to them:”Blessed are you all for believing that

the Son of Man has gone forth from the Father in

Heaven and has come into this world to raise up the

fallen and redeem the captive! But beware of proclaiming any
of the special signs seen from me to anyone; because this would
be a double calamity.

[2] The first half, on hearing same would be offended, not only
disbelieving what they heard but declaring you for fools,
casting aspersion on you everywhere; for one raging blind is
more dangerous than a hundred seeing ones! The other, gullible
half however would receive your witness superficially, and
ultimately put such fetters in itself as to preclude any voluntary
action. And this would mean killing man’s free spirit!
[3] However, the teachings you have heard, spread them further
to your friends and acquaintances; since My words are an
everlasting truth, which alone can free every person who
accepts them in himself, makes them a guideline for his life and
thereby recognizes that they are an everlasting truth out of God,
which is, was and always will be the being and the everlasting
life of each person, who carries such enlivened in himself.
[4] But there shall unfortunately be many who will refuse to
hear and accept such truth, and persecute it like an enemy. And
others shall flee it like deathly pestilence for fear of the earth’s
mighty. But these doing so shall not inherit life everlasting
within themselves, but partake of everlasting death!
[5] He who loves physical life, endeavoring to maintain same at
any cost, shall lose the everlasting life of the soul with the early
end of physical life! But he who flees physical life shall gain
everlasting life of the soul! – This mark well! But let anyone
desiring to put a question do so, and I shall answer him.”

[6] Says the Centurion: “Lord and Master, what more could we
ask You about We know and feel Who You are! What we need
to do we know, seeing the necessity thereof! We also know and
sense it deeply that You have eternal life in You and can and
will give it to any person who lives and acts in accordance with
Your word! To know more would be unnecessary for us
humans – the more since we can in Your name through living
faith even heal the sick, as one of Your disciples assured me.
[7] For such unexpected and eternal grace we owe You eternal
thanks and give You the most faithful assurance that You have
erected for Yourself an eternal shrine of remembrance which
not infernal power or timeless storms can erase! – And now that
it has gotten quite late into the night, we might take our rest.
But not that I insist upon it, although I shall yet have to
personally check out my team.”
[8] Say I: “Let that be! Because, like yesterday, all is in the best
of order! But I shall Myself watch past the middle of night, and
you shall see that our staying behind shall not be for nothing.
Travelers from Jerusalem shall still be arriving today, among
them Pharisees and Scribes who shall give us trouble.”
[9] Says Ebahl: “Oh, what a shame! These could fittingly stay
away! Such guests are usually the most unpleasant to me; for
each of them demands as much attention as any hundred
strangers who pay their dues, Whilst the former want
everything for free and yet not be satisfied, especially when
demonstrably traveling on Temple business! Ah, Lord here You
told me no joyful thing! Eh, ah! What preparations should be
undertaken here?!”
[10] Say I: “Don’t be troubled! The larder and cellar are full;
accommodation for hundreds has already been taken care of
long since, and nothing more is required. They were dispatched
to Nazareth from Jerusalem on My account, but finding Me
here they shall not get to Nazareth. You shall all be offended by
them tomorrow, but I shall serve them up pure wine on My part
to the extent that they shall leave this place even tomorrow full
of gall and rage!”

[11] Says Ebahl: “Then however we sall have the devil on our
neck! For these shall bear us witness in the Temple that shall be
miserable and shameful!”
[12] Say I: “It shall be arranged for them not saying much at
home!” This My explanation was followed by a quiet period,
where all in the chamber kept quite but were busy in their
(MATT. 14:35)
FEW moments later things become lively in front of

the house. One could hear all sorts of languages whilst

the Greek neighbor’s dogs started making a big

racket, and Ebahl said:”Woe us, the announced appear to be
here already!

[2] Say I: “Not yet. These are sick ones (Matt. 14:35), but it
shall not be long before the announced arrive here! The sick
shall tarry till tomorrow notwithstanding, for enough of them
were healed today. But go out nevertheless and have the arrivals
brought to an inn, and give those who hunger and thirst
something to eat and drink!”
[3] Upon these words, Ebahl and his summoned domestics at
once go out to his courtyard, finding same crammed with all
kinds of sick, among them Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. All
of these are asking for Me, that I would heal and make them
[4] But Ebahl allocated them an inn and had them cared for
each according to need. After this business he returned to our
hall, saying: “All praising to Lord. These would be taken care
of for today, causing me little effort and work; if only the
announced goblins from Jerusalem could already be similarly
dealt with! But with this we won’t get away so easily.
[5] Even while Ebahl, who had set up guards on account of the
arriving Pharisees and Scribes, was moping thus half aloud, a
servant already entered the hall, announcing the arrival of those
same ones, to Ebahl’s shock. Ebahl rushes out to welcome
them, together with his two wives and older daughters who
follow to his support, and Ebahl’s sons do the same, with only
dear Jarah staying with Me.

[6] The Centurion however who also sat next to Me, said: “If I
was in Ebahl’s place, I should know quite well what to do now!
I would order my subordinates to properly flog these fellows!
What could they do to him? And this would not be the first such
welcome they received here and there! I would proceed with
them in quite a brief fashion! And if they should come in here
them I shall nevertheless put them through a scrape that should
make them tremble physically and physically as if gripped by
pestilential fever! I shall ask them on whose authority they
approached a place under Roman occupation in darkest night; I
shall show them how every district commander has the
authority to arrest anyone, regardless of status or persuasions,
and if unable to account for his transgression, hand them over to
the court’s severity! Although not carrying it out in actuality,
I shall put the fear over their wicked heads, so that the sweat of
fear shall run down to their heels!”
[7] Say I: “Friends, you do as you will, and no barriers shall be
set you on My part; but if you are going to assert your authority
here then you have to step out now and transact such outside
with them, by summoning some of your subordinates!”
[8] Says the Centurion: “Lord, leave that to me, as I know how
to implement my laws and authority everywhere!”
[9] With these words, he summons a deputy, standing guard in
the courtyard, who steps inside at once requesting the
Centurion’s orders.
[10] But the Centurion said to him: “Dispatch the runner to the
camp fort with, and the deputy is to send me thirty men here
without delay!” – The watchman leaves the room instantly, and
in 10 minutes already 30 men together with the deputy step into
the hall, unnoticed by Pharisees resting in the street and
receiving their respects. The deputy asks the Centurion what is
to be done.

[11] Says the Centurion: “Not much right now. Only a certain
degree of discipline is to be maintained which strangers are to
observe; and should Roman camp regulations be unfamiliar to
them then we shall impress it upon them. Therefore stay quiet
and serious here, and closely attend to my words. Fait!”
[12] Soon thereafter Ebahl flings the hall-doors open and
twenty Pharisees and Scribes enter. It is obvious that the twenty
had a great many escorts with them, as well as donkeys and
mules for moving their many chattels; the escorts, animals and
luggage had to be looked after. On their full entry the Pharisees
and Scribes at once scanned the hall crowd, asking the
innkeeper what the Roman military were doing here.
[13] Says Ebahl: “It must have gotten around that you would
arrive here, and they came to pay you their proper respects.”
[14] Says one of the Pharisees: “That doesn’t look at all like the
Romans! But let it be as will – we are hungry and thirsty, so let
food and drink be brought!”
[15] Ebahl at once sets all feet and hands in the house moving
except Jarah’s, and in a few moments a large table is well set.
[16] The Pharisees wash their hands and then tuck into it. In a
short time all is consumed and 60 beakers of wine drunk. The
wine makes them talkative and they start making all sort
enquiries, soon giving the reason for traveling here, asking
about Me and saying: “Do you know nothing here about a
vagabond supposed of Nazarene birth? This person, probably a
carpenter by trade is supposed to do unheard-of magic, spreads
a new divine doctrine, heals the sick, exorcise spirit and stirs up
the people against the Temple and against the emperor. On his
account we are on our way to Nazareth, to examine this thing
there. Since he is however supposed to beat about in all of
Galilee, you might be more closely informed about him here!”
ERE the Centurion takes the floor, saying: “The man

you enquire about I know most intimately, and know

about all His deeds, and also those accomplished by

Him a few weeks ago in the location of Kis, where through His
divinely prop hectic spirit he revealed to the Court master
Faustus that the imperial taxation moneys and other treasures,
being transmitted from the Pontus and Asia Minor were taken
over from the Roman transportation caravan by the likes of you
in the most despicably brazen manner, causing the Chief
Governor Cyrenius the most acute embarrassment and putting
all of Galilee and indeed the entire Jewish state at grave risk.

[2] It is exclusively this very same Jesus Whom the entire

Jewish nation as well as yourselves have to thank that you are
still alive now! For had the said imperial moneys robbed by
your ilk not surfaced, the entire land would have been laid
waste by fire, whilst all the treasures of Judea would not have
sufficed to expiate the crime! That this has quietly passed over
for you and your likes you have only Jesus, the greatest and
wisest and mightiest prophet to thank; and it is therefore
disastrous and unjust of you to the highest degree to go out
persecuting a man Whom you have to thank for everything –
your life and existence.
[3] But that which you have just spoken, that you went to
Nazareth to catch and examine Jesus like a supreme criminal; –
that He is least of all! He stirs up no man either against
yourselves or against the emperor, or Cyrenius would not be his
friend, as I well know!
[4] But now to something else, my Temple lords! You surely
are aware of the fact that a Roman military camp has been
established here in Gennesaret for several years; wherefore
every person irrespective of standing or nationality must carry
an authentic passport sealed by Roman authority, if he wants to
have safe passage through the place of occupation with his hide
intact. Hence as Chief Commander over this place and indeed
the entire area I beseech you for such document, even more so
for coming here at night-time; in the absence of which I shall
have to arrest you, publicly having you flogged tomorrow, and
in the end send you back to Jerusalem as captives. Hence have
the goodness and present your proper traveling documents!”

[5] Says the chief of the Pharisees: “Lord, I am as a Chief of

Jerusalem the living travel certificate for all, and we have need
of no other! For just as you are a chief, so am I, and with
imperial privilege am able to travel by day or night in all of
Israel! We are anointed by God, and beware all who would lay
hand on us!”
[6] Says the Centurion: “The imperial privilege extends only
to unoccupied places and not to places where an open military
camp is established!
[7] Says the Chief: “Such law has never been made known to
us and hence we could not observe such for we are not so stupid
as not to furnish ourselves on a journey with all things
necessary for our security. But if such is required here then we
shall at once dispatch couriers to Jerusalem, and at this time
tomorrow you can have necessary travel documents in your
[8] Says the Centurion: “There shall be no need of that, for it
is up to me to believe your testimony or not. But I shall observe
you closely; should I detect anything in the least suspicious then
you are instantly my prisoners! For the present and the duration
or your stay nonetheless, you shall be under heavy guard, who
shall escort you to the border of this area for a payment of a
hundred pieces of silver. Had you the necessary passport with
you however, you would be free of all charge!”
[9] Says the Chief: “This the lord of the inn shall fix up for us,
because we are not on a journey allowed to take money with us;
for the earth is God’s and we are His servants, and from God
have the right to call the entire earth our own, and to reap
wherever we have not sowed! For every Jew knows that
whatever he has is only on loan to him from ourselves, which
we can take back from him at any time. For this simple reason
we cannot go anywhere in Israel as strangers but only as lords
and sole proprietors, entitled by God to every house, plot and
soil, money and other treasure; and hence we can very well
order Ebahl to pay the hundred pieces on our behalf, for he has
taken them from our plot and soil! And were he not to do so,
then we would give all these his possessions to someone else
who is not going to worry about the hundred pieces of silver!”

[10] Since this concerns Ebahl quite directly, he finally opens

his mouth, saying: “My lords, there you are somewhat
mistaken. Because firstly this place has been a free territory
from old times, on which no one other than God Emperor can
make demands; and secondly I have acquired this place as
dowry through my second wife, who is a Greek by birth and
converted to a Jewess through myself, since she was the only
daughter of the house, and hence all this large property belongs
no to myself but my second wife, and after her to her daughters.
Hence I possess nothing, and nothing can therefore be taken
from me. And you shall therefore have to pay the hundred
pieces yourselves! If you don’t believe it then ask the Centurion
here, who is my superior, and he shall tell you!”
[11] Says the centurion at once: “Yes indeed, so it is! You
shall yourselves pay the hundred pieces! No pleading or further
retort shall help, for here I myself am the only one to give
orders and make demands!”
[12] Says the Chief: “But what if we dispatch our messenger, a
good horseman, to Jerusalem straight away, so that he is back
here with the required document by noon tomorrow!”
[13] Says the Centurion: “That makes no difference! Because
the one hundred pieces you must pay already by virtue of
coming here without such document: hence no further talk
about this matter!”
[14] Says the Chief: “We nevertheless have no money on us,
for we never carry money when traveling, because this is our
law! Whence should we therefore take the money now?”
[15] Says the Centurion: “That shall be my concern! Where
the money is lacking, we will make use of the bail. Your
effects, which I hear you carry in large quantity, shall surely be
worth the hundred pieces!”

[16] Says the Chief: “They are indeed worth a thousand times
that much, but these are all divinely consecrated things, and
God would cause the death of whoever laid his hands upon
them! Hence you shall not be able to touch such things, far less
take them!”
[17] Says the Centurion: “It is not going to be so bad! We shall
see whether this is really the case with your God-consecrated
[18] Yell all the Pharisees: “No, no, no,! We shall yet manage
to find the one hundred pieces; our people are certain to have
money on them!”
[19] Here a Pharisee steps out, bringing in a satchel with a
hundred pieces, handing them over to the Centurion, who hands
them to the deputy, the latter having to count the money. As it is
the right sum, the Centurion commands the deputy to place the
money into the sinners’ poor-box, and the deputy does so at
[20] The Chief says however: “It is rather strange practice here
to place consecrated money into sinners’ poor-box, since we are
servant of God Are you not aware of offending God by
offending a servant of God?”
[21] Says the Centurion: “What has your God to do with me!?
I am a Roman and know what I know and believe! Your God
Whom you now serve however shall never be my God! To me
you are therefore the greatest sinner and hence your god-
consecrated money belongs in the sinners’ poor-box! – Do you
understand this?
[22] Says the Chief: “Yes lord, we understand that we are
dealing with a staunch pagan who, like all staunch Romans
deeply despises us together with our divine doctrine!”
[23] Says the Centurion: “Not as deeply as you think, for we
too acknowledge the old, authentic Jewry; only your new
statutes, your own faithlessness and your outrageous of every
kind we despise three times more than death itself. Because
there is no trace in you of the Jewry of old except for the names.
But where are the select works of those from who you are
descended and who gave the wise doctrine and laws? I know
very well how it once stood with your Ark of the Covenant. But
what does it look like now? Where is God’s spirit moving
above it?”

[24] Says the Chief: “That is still as it was in Aaron’s times!”

[25] Says the Centurion: “Or perhaps otherwise! Hearken!
Hardly 3 years ago I was myself in your so-called Holy of
Holies, and to that for a fee of seven hundred pieces of silver.
But what did I see and smell? An iron case on a rack, from
whose middle a lively naphthalene flame flickered whose
repulsive smell did not affect my nose too pleasantly! The
ingredients in question in the so-called Ark of the Covenant
were certain to be younger than Moses and Aaron, and my
purse was rather sad for my emptying it is so mightily for the
sake of your foolery and deceptions! Say not another syllable
about it to me, for I am one that sees sky-high through your
cheating! Listen, knowing what I do and if I were the emperor
would have your entire Temple leap over the sward! Your luck
is just that I am not the emperor; but what the emperor hasn’t
done to you his successor will do.”
[26] Says the Chief: “Lord, if you know this, then I beg you to
keep silent about it on account of the people, because if the
people found out then we would have to fear the most unbridled
[27] Says the Centurion: “Never fear! Because such is known
by nearly every Galilean, and yet there is not the remotest talk
about a peoples’ rebellion! Because we Romans are around, and
mighty enough to quell any revolt at the roots!”
[28] Says the Chief: “Well, lord, we have made payment and
are therefore squared off; hence let us leave this matter! But if
you have any knowledge about the notorious magician Jesus
then be so kind and tell us what there is to him and his
questionable doctrine and deeds, so we can report back to the
Temple about it!”

[29] Says the Centurion: “I have already told you that I know
Him very well, and I would have had Him seized a long time
ago, had there been the least sign of a rebellion; but the way
things are I am persuaded of the exact opposite, and hence can
give Him only the most favorable testimony. If you were like
Him then Jerusalem would be the eternal and foremost city of
God for all time to come, and God’s Spirit would still b moving
above the Ark of the Covenant as in Aaron’s time! But you are
the extremist opposite to Him, wherefore you city and your
Temple shall not endure much longer! Report this to your
colleagues, so that they may know the sandy soil on which their
city and Temple are built! – But tomorrow you shall find out
more with your eyes and ears, and so you can now go and take
your rest!”
[30] Says the Chief: “We shall remain here at table; for your
portentous words shall rob us of our sleep for days! Whoever
can slumber, let him do so; I for one shall be over-wakeful! –
Over there at the corner of the table a guest is seated with a
maiden!? Who actually is he? Do we have to take note of him
or is he a prisoner of yours, together with the maiden? Is
perhaps without travel documents as well?”
[31] Says the Centurion: “About this one you have no business
to enquire; He is under my protection! I hope nonetheless that
you shall get to know more closely tomorrow.”
FTER these words no Pharisee enquires further.

[2] Whereupon I rise, greet the Centurion, who

responds the salutation with much warmth and
sincerity, accompanying Me and Jarah to a resting place in
another chamber, in company of Ebahl and his wives and other

[3] But I say to the Centurion: “If all of you want to stay with
Me during the night, you can stay; however, if you want to go
to sleep, you can do so as well! Should you stay, no one will
have missed any sleep in the morning. – By the way, you as My
friend has negotiated very well with the Pharisees; they are now
very frightened and under pressure and will count the sand
grains in their watch and will await the coming day with great
4] It was good nonetheless that My disciples who are still
battling with the Essenes and the group of Pharisees and nearly
have them completely on their side, did not enter the dining hall
when the significant commotion took place! For this would
have created an unnecessary sensation! Yet – I wanted it like
that and therefore it could not have been otherwise! – But what
I am going to do with My dearest Jarah? This little girl will
never leave Me!”
5] Says the little one: “Lord, for as long You are going to stay
in our house, Jarah will not leave Your side; and if it would be
possible for You to die, Jarah would die with You! However,
when leaving our house again and Jarah cannot go with You,
I will stay home and grieve and ask the Father in Your heart to
guide You back to her; for without You Jarah cannot live
6] Say I: “Behold, this is a proper example how one should love
God, to be loved by Him in the same measure! Indeed, God’s
love grasps everything and forever there is no rage or revenge
in it; however, there still exists a great difference in the way a
person is loved by God. As long a person breathes and lives, it
is proof that God through His love gives him life otherwise he
would dead long ago.
7] However, who loves God like this little one here, urges
God to come and dwell in the loving heart of a person!
And God comes, and by His Spirit dwells in the heart which
loves God above all; and thereby a person has the everlasting,
imperishable life and is completely one with God!
8] Indeed, it is not given to everyone to love God as mightily as
it is the case with this My most dearest Jarah; nevertheless can
every person love God with all his strength, and God will
therefore also fill this heart with His spirit and His mercy and
forever will not allow him to fall into the abyss. And if he
stumbles he will always helped up again and the everlasting life
will stay in him forever.
9] And now, My most dearest Jarah, since you love Me so
much, you must tell us a little story; for I know that you are
richly equipped with all kinds of good stories!”
10] Says Jarah, delightfully childishly smiling: “O Lord, spare
me this! For this would really sound quite silly alongside Your
endless most wise side!”
11] Say I: “No, no, you My most dearest Jarah, this may not
disconcert you; since you can always and ever expect the
greatest forbearance from Me! Since behold, I understand the
weeping of little children, not to mention their speech!
Sometimes you have rather strange dreams, come and tell Me
such a dream!”
AYS Jarah: “Now, this I could do; but my dreams are
normally quite dreadfully and show me the world

people in their very terrible form, and instead of them, I

see only devils! And as such only recently I had a dream! I saw
a marvelous person who resembled You, o Lord, a great deal.
This person I saw bound with ropes like a criminal.
2] Those following him weeping, I asked what this marvelous
person has done that the world people treat him so badly. And
the weeping, one after the other, told me: ‘He was a mighty
benefactor of humanity. He never committed any injustice and
the brightest truth was the honey of his mouth. To the world-
and power hungry Pharisees he spoke the truth, and therefore
they have him condemned to death at the cross by the weak
Roman landlord. They now lead him to the place of execution;
come with us and see the reward the greatest human friend will
receive from the bad, most selfish people!’
3] And I went with the weeping to a low hill and saw the honest
person, who was full of blood because of the slashes and blows,
dragging a heavy cross and on his head he carried a thorn
wreath to increase his torture. At the place of execution he was
bared and thrown mercilessly like a wild animal onto the cross,
then they took many sharp nails and drove them with heavy
hammers through hands and feet and in so doing fixed him in
the most gruesome manner to the hard and heavy cross! – O
Lord, this was a terrible sight! If I only think about this dream,
I lose my senses! – Finally the cross was raised and put into an
existing hole and wedged to stand firm.
4] However, the most miraculous thing about this was, that this
above all measure honest person, even during all such torture
never uttered one single agonizing sound, while the other two
who by far were tortured less gruesome, screamed and wailed
5] At this point I woke up and my whole body was trembling.
Lord, such a dream is indeed no joke for a so tender-feeling
girl’s heart like mine! Thereupon I immediately ask the dear
Father in heaven that He should not let me have such heavy and
agonizing dreams anymore; and behold, until this hour
actually had no such heavy dreams to cope with! My father
however always told me that dreams are like empty foam and
originate from heavy blood. Can be! If I then have such heavy
blood, I also otherwise had to be more sluggish than I actually
be; but otherwise I am a agile and cheerful girl – how can I then
have heavy blood?”
6] Say I, who has become a little somber during the story: “No,
no, you My dearest Jarah, you have ether light blood; however,
your dream is of great importance! – But now nothing further
about this, time will be your teacher therein; however blessed
you are having seen such dream! Only a few prophets had the
privilege to see such in their visions.
7] However, many things on this are hidden from man. The
great ‘why’ they will only get to know in the beyond! – But
now tell Me another dream which you dreamt three days
afterwards about the same person!”
8] Says Jarah: “O, I much more prefer to tell this; since it is
many thousand times more cheerful! Suddenly I found myself
apparently still very early morning in a quite beautiful garden
from where I unfortunately could see the place of execution
from my previous dream. Such view immediately filled me with
great fear so that in my dream I began to pray to the dear Father
in heaven to spare me a similar appearance; for I unfortunately
still saw the three known crosses standing upright at the place
of execution.
9] But then a most beautiful youth came to me, consoled and
strengthened me with the words which I have memorized: ‘Do
not be afraid you tender, pure soul! What you have seen three
days ago had to take place according to divine providence
otherwise no person could become blest and see the face of
God. What has been crucified was God’s Son and God was in
Him. Now after three days this Son of God will rise from the
death of His divine flesh out of His very own power, and from
now on will rule over the whole of infinity, and His kingdom
and His rule will forever not end; and all powers and forces will
kneel before His name and those who will not kneel will be
allowed to blight. But the last, most blessed moment is near,
therefore pay attention to the heavy sealed gravestone!’
10] When the youth had spoken such to me, behold, the heavy
gravestone consisting of separate pieces lifted by itself from the
grave and from it rose cheerfully, nevertheless with an
exceedingly dignified face, the very same man which I have
seen being so terribly crucified three days ago. I even saw the
markings on his hands and feet, and I did not doubt it for one
moment that it was him.
11] And the man came to me and said with an endlessly
melodious voice: ‘This what you have seen here in a dream was
only a seeming example of this what will happen in reality in
the near future; however, before that you will see Me in reality,
and after My resurrection quite often!’ – After these words I
woke up again and have thought about them a lot. However,
except You, no man resembled him in reality!”
12] Say I: “Now, perhaps I am Him? – However, now nothing
further about this and therefore about something completely
different for tomorrow!”


HE Pharisees, who traveled here from Jerusalem on My
account and in whom our friend put the wind up in a

truly wise fashion, shall give Me a hard time tomorrow,

once they have recognized Me. But I shall for the first time
serve them up pure wine, i.e. I shall tell them the full truth to
their faces frankly.

[2] The sick that are here and those still to come shall do no
more than touch the hem for My raiment – and they shall get
well. Thereafter My disciples shall eat their morning meal with
unwashed hand, and this shall suffice to get these true arch-
philistines of Pharisees and Scribes’ heckles up. Thereupon they
shall at once come up with their notorious snare questioning,
and I shall give them answer that shall savor them more sour
and bitter than vinegar and gall, a notorious drink with which
they are want to slake the poor sinners’ thirst. – But now we
shall spend the two hours to daybreak in silence.

[3] Also My disciples together with their two Essenes and the
group of Pharisees went to take some rest and have
accomplished some good work; for they won them all for Me.
Two young Pharisees, however, Pilah and Ahab, the first from
Kis and the latter from Jesaira, both main speakers and at the
same time clever, sober people, have already been for some
time My disciples. Only arriving yesterday morning, they
immediately joined up with My disciples and have well
supported My disciples during their conversion work; for My
disciples all fishermen except for three, still have insufficiently
skilled tongues, and therefore the two young Pharisees
supported them well.
[4] You Ebahl however go over and tell the disciples that
tomorrow morning they are to eat their bread with unwashed
hands, whilst the other, converted Pharisees and Scribes
together with the two Essenes are to remain hidden until the
Jerusalemites will have departed; only then they should emerge,
and I will bless them. It is up to them whether they want to
change into other clothing, or in the eyes of men remain what
they were till now. Go and say that unto the disciples and the
others – you will know whom!” – Ebahl leaves and does exactly
as I advised him. And all are happy about this news, promising
to strictly keep to everything I have communicated to them.
[5] Ebahl returns, telling us the good response his errand had
received. Everyone is happy, and the Centurion says: “I am
looking forward to tomorrow with exceeding pleasure; but this I
also say that, particularly stirred thus in relation to the peculiar
dream of beloved Jarah, I shall not be playing jokes with these
fellows. As soon as they start playing up with me I shall have
them flogged, that their wicked blood shall flow off their backs
in streams. Because for these brutes rebukes mean nothing and
only spurn them to greater revenge; but one flogging to near
death shall cool their wicked zeal. I am not sure of doing it yet,
but not terribly uncertain either!

[6] It could quite easily turn out that with the slighter
opportunity these fellows and their henchmen perpetrate against
You, dear Lord and friend, in Jerusalem what the maid saw in
the first dream! I say, a spark of possibility, and the most
effeminate Governor Pontius Pilatus will have nailed You to the
cross just like that!
[7] Of a truth, if I were Governor of Jerusalem, then anyone
should just try to lay his hands on You! Him I would hang on
the cross ten times and only then break his legs! But I am
unfortunately posted here and could not come to your aid, nor
Your friends Cyrenius and Cornelius; wherefore one has to start
cooling off these fellows’ pernicious pluck in advance, to
thoroughly scare them off so that they would not easily
anywhere dare to lay their paws on godly men as exalted as
[8] Oh wait, you rogues, tomorrow shall get that hot that I will
make you sweat blood! When the fellows shall have received
some thoroughly rough lesson, then I would almost wager half
the Roman empire that they will give up their evil deeds – at
least in their excesses; but their evil old hide must first be
thoroughly tanned! Dixi.” (“I have spoken” – the Ed.)
[9] Say I: “You can indeed do as You will, and I shall not say
unto you ‘don’t do it’. Because you are one of My wisest
friends I’ve come across. You indeed have the proper tact in all
your words and deeds; but I say unto you that it won’t make any
difference with this wicked brood, but only make them more
wicked and mischievous. Because they who are once of Satan
are so fully yet and only through an every so now and then
rebuke can they be turned to something better, as our disciples
have done now, and as was the case at Nazareth, where the
Chief together with the Pharisees and Scribes were converted to
My teaching. But not much can be done on a big scale, and just
as little by your method! Because whilst you may drive one
devil out with the whip, ten will enter in his place, of whom
each shall be worse than the original one.”

[10] Says the Chief: “As surely as my name is Julius I shall lay
neither cane nor scourge on any of these fellows until forced to
extremity, whereupon let those fellows beware!”
[11] Say I: “There you are quite right again! One has to stretch
patience out as long as possible; once the extremist border-line
has been reached nevertheless then it is necessary without all
further postponement and sparing nothing, to hit with all
lightning and thunder, otherwise the sinners begin to think that
one is joking and playing with them as with little children!”
[12] Says the captain Julius: “These are fully my maxims too!
It takes much for me to punish; but if I am forced to it by an
incorrigible, then he shall also remember well that he was
punished by me! – But now I believe that we should take a little
rest for a couple of hours, for it has started to dawn!”
[13] Say I: “Yes, let us do so here, each upon his seat.
[14] All are quiet, and every eye is laden with a short but
honey-sweet sleep. And upon wholesale awakening, each is
fortified as if he had slept and dreamt all night, upon a soft
LL are amazed about such fortifying sleep, even whilst
the sun is already shining unto the mountain-tops.

Ebahl at once organizes his wives to take care of a

freshly and well-prepared morning meal; and the women
together with the older daughters at once attend to an abundant
and good morning meal, finding that easy since their larders are
crammed from top, to bottom.

[2] The Pharisees have already taken their table over in the
dining-hall, leaving no room for anyone else to sit at their table,
and Ebahl immediately had them served with bread, wine, a few
roasted fish and honey. Only after these were finished did Ebahl
have another large table set for Myself, My disciples, the
Centurion and Ebahl and his wives and children.

[3] Before entering the hall however I had Ebahl bring all the
sick waiting for Me into the big hall and tell them that they had
only to touch My coat and they would get well at once. – Ebahl
went and carried out My order.
[4] Thereupon I entered the dining-hall with the Centurion, My
disciples and little Jarah, who would not part with Me by one
step, and sat down at the table without glancing at a Pharisee,
let alone greet one, something that was a big thing with them.
[5] When I and the Centurion and the disciples were seated,
close on two hundred sick entered the dining-hall asking Me if
they could touch the hem of My garment. And I let them, even
while I and My disciples and the others partook of the morning
meal. Soon everyone that was sick crowded around Me
touching the surface of My coat; and all who touched it became
well (Matt.14:6).
[6] But the supremely jealous Pharisees and Scribes hid
behind some of the sick, saying to them covertly: “Do not touch
the coat of the Nazarene, who we already know, and you still
will be healed!” – And those who allowed to be persuaded by
the Pharisees and did not touch My coat, stayed ill.
[7] Upon realizing this they came to Me again to ask Me if they
could touch My coat. However I rebuked them and said: “Have
you come for the sake of Me or those Pharisees, who talked you
out of it to touch My coat? Those you believed should also help
you; go to them!”
[8] This the Pharisees easily overheard and turned red hot with
rage. They soon come over to Me, and their Chief said to Me:
“So you are the one on whose account we had to go from
Jerusalem to Nazareth?”

[9] To such question I give the Chief no answer, but the

Centurion in My proximity, sitting at the table to My right says
with thunderous voice: “Yes this is the One, whose countenance
you miserable ones are not worthy eternally to behold! Why
did you dissuade those poor from touching His garment, so that
they might have gotten well like their companions? You
miserable dogs, do you really in this world know no better than
to make people unhappy at every opportunity?!”

[10] Here I give the Centurion a sign to relent somewhat, or

there could be unpleasant things.
[11] And whilst relenting, the Centurion nonetheless demands
the Chief to conscientiously give a reason why he prevented
some of the sick from touching the divine Master’s garment, so
that they would have gotten well like the others.
[12] Somewhat embarrassed, the Chief says: “We only wanted
to convince ourselves that only those got well who touched
your raiment. And we are sure now that only those who touched
the Master’s raiment got well, and we put not further obstacle to
what can make them well.”
[13] Here the sick get up, saying: “Oh, if we were not so sick,
miserable and weak then we would, for trying out on us
whether we would get well too without touching the divine
Savior’s raiment, give you a reward that would give you an
eternity to think about; nevertheless, postponement doesn’t
mean calling it off. We shall yet somehow with God’s help get
well and then meet you somewhere; then you can beware of
what we shall do with you!”
14] However I say to the sick: “Revenge be distant from your
hearts! If you want Me to heal you, ban all rage and revenge
from your hearts!”
15] Thereupon the sick say: “Master, for the sake of You, we
do whatever You want from us; only free also us mentally
handicapped from our sufferings!”
16] Say I: “Thus come and touch My garment!”
17] Here the sick went and touched the hem of My overcoat and
all of the sudden all became perfectly cured.
[18] And the Centurion, agitated said: “Now, you blind seers
from the so-called holy city of God, are you now convinced that
the man about whom you are so despicably ill informed, and
whom you went out to examine and to catch, is this evil person
whom you described to me yesterday?”

[19] Says the Chief and also the other Pharisees: “That an
extraordinary healing power goes forth from him we are now
more than convinced; but it is far from follows that he
accomplishes this out of some kind of godly power; because
with him and those sitting at table with him, we note that they
don’t keep the ordinances of the Elders – and in view of such,
there can absolutely be no talk of any godliness!”
[20] Says the Commander: “This I do not understand; speak to
Him personally about this!”
HEREAFTER the Chief steps up to Me, asking: “Master,
who are they at table with You?” (Matt. 15; 1).

[2] Say I: “They are My disciples!”

[3] Continues to ask the Chief: “Why do these your disciples
break the Elders’ ordinances? They wash not their hands when
eating bread!” (Matt. 15; 2)
[4] Only here do I rise, abruptly facing the Chief and asking
him with a serious voice: “Why do you break God’s
Commandments on account of your ordinance? (Matt. 15; 3)
God Commanded: ’Honor thy father and thy mother. But who
ever curses father or mother shall die!’ (Matt. 15; 4) You
however teach son and daughter to say to their parents: ‘If I
make offerings in the Temple for your father or mother, it is of
greater benefit to you than if I honor you as of old.’ And to such
son or daughter you say: ‘It is well done so!’ (Matt. 15; 5) What
however are the consequences? Behold, therewith no one
honors their father and mother anymore! You have therefore
abolished God’s Commandment for the sake of your
ordinances! (Matt. 15; 6) Who gave you the authority thereto?
Having never believed in God, you are well able to do so; for he
who is spiritually dead has a conscience no more!”
[5] Here the Centurion takes the stage again, saying: “Ah, to
this has it come? Oh this I must mark well! Such servants of
God are you? For this reason you are incapable of recognizing
the godliness of our Master and Savior?! Your god therefore is
firstly your paunches and hence your gold and silver satchels!
Well well, now I precisely recognize you; carry on now!”

[6] Says the Chief: “We are servants of God in the order of
[7] Say I: “Oh you miserable hypocrites! Isaiah indeed has
written and prophesied of you: (Matt. 15:7) ‘This people draws
close to Me with their mouths, honors Me with their lips, but
their hearts are far from Me. But in vain they do worship Me,
while teaching the people such doctrines which are nothing else
than commandments of men.” (Matt. 15:8-9)
[8] Says the Chief: “Because of our ordinances, which are also
for mans’ benefit, we do not abolish God’s commandments!”
[9] Say I: “I have already shown you so with one of God’s
Commandments; do you want to also hear how you tread all the
other Commandments of God into the dust, putting your own
ordinances shy-high above them?”
[10] Says the Chief: “Leave it alone because of the people, of
whom many are here!”
[11] Says the Centurion: “In this way you only testify before the
people how our Master keeps God’s Commandments to the
fullest degree!”
[12] Says the Chief: “We cannot do this now; this can be
affected only by the Temple through the ordained High Pries!”
[13] Says the Centurion to that: “We Romans put it this way:
Ars longa, vita brevis! (Long on art, short on life -the ed.), or:
one intends to put the thing on the back burner for as long as
possible to avoid doing anything. But I tell you straight out
before the people: even your best testimony to a Master like
Jesus of Nazareth would be too miserable and evil! Should you
dare to in the Temple at home cast even one aspersion on Jesus
before your colleagues, then I shall on the spot dispatch a report
to the Emperor in Rome, and with the dot over the i and
hundred witnesses in minutest detail describe how you and your
colleagues, on your instigation carried out the infamous
taxation-robbery! Then reckon hardly another year and your
infernal nest will be so destroyed that it shall be hard to tell
where it once stood! Mark it well! For a Roman keeps what he
has spoken, even if heaven and earth should perish therefrom.
‘Peret mundus, fiat jus!’ (may the word perish, but justice be
done! - the ed.) – Have you understood me?”


N response to this Centurion Julius’ talk, the Pharisees
withdrew confounded, consulting on what to do. One of

them was of the opinion that they should give Me the

testimony demanded by the Centurion.

[2] The Chief says nevertheless: “How can we, if he despises

the Temple ordinances, treading them with the feet?! But to do
it for appearance’s sake is no use to us, for the testimony would
be produced at his pleasure, bringing all blame and punishment
over us! Let us just keep what the Centurion requires of us, for
if it leads to unpleasantries then we have a good reason to fall
back upon before our highest superiors!” – All the Pharisees
and Scribes agree, falling silent and saying not another word.
[4] Here I rose with gravity, turning to the Chief and saying:
“So it is for fear of not keeping your ungodly human ordinances
that you cannot and will not testify of Me, and for fear of your
miserable body? Oh, had you given testimony of Me, how
happy you would have been temporally and eternally; but it is
over now! The Son of Man shall henceforth not need your
testimony, for His works and words testify of Him! But that you
and your colleagues would see that the Son of Man does not
fear people, I shall now tell all the people in front of you that
there is nothing to keeping the Temple ordinances, and that
whoever abides by them according to your sense commits a
grave sin before God!”
[4] Says the Chief: “Don’t do this, or you may fare badly!”
[5] Says the Centurion: “Yes, He is going to do so, and he
shall meet with nothing bad! Remember that, you miserable
money bags! You are in my power over here; only one
suspicious move, and I will have you chopped up and cast into
the sea for dragon food, as truly as my name is Julius! Just look
at these goblins! History shows that the Templers have not done
one good thing for mankind for over three hundred years. And
if there was an occasional noble soul among them then they did,
as to my knowledge they did hardly thirty years ago to the
reverent, upright Zacharias. And no sooner does a person filled
with truth, honesty and divine power arise among them,
inundating poor mankind with favors of all kinds, then these
goblins are at once there to ruin him! Oh, this your miserable
craftsmanship shall soon be terminated!
[6] Behold, this true man of God came to this district, which is
universally notorious for its unhealthy location. Several
thousand sick were found in the area. – locals as well as
strangers; even more than half of my soldiers lay stricken with
bothersome and intense fevers, some already over a year; come
this pure man of God and healed all who sought help. Should
one not build an altar to such a man, sacrificing to him as to a
God ceding him every imaginable honor and unction? But what
good did you render to people on coming here? Ebahl’s cellar
and larder shall shortly be worth a hundred pieces fewer!
[7] And out of gratitude for feeding everywhere free of charge
like wolves, you want to destroy our greatest benefactor! A
person whom alone you have to thank for Cyrenius not
gathering all power in Asia together, to raise to the ground your
miserable robber and harlots nest! No, to think about your
shamelessness goes beyond everything. For the sake of not
having your deceptions, which you sell the people as godly
things for good money, betrayed, you seek with all satanic
wiliness to get rid of even your greatest friends and benefactors,
if you scent a bit of higher light within them! Say it yourselves
whether you are not far more evil than Satan himself!?”
[8] Here the Centurion turned to Me, saying: “Lord and Master
from God’s school, teach us unsparingly the truth, and what the
people are to do in future in respect of human ordinances!
I know that the heavens and the earth and all elements obey
You and that you can with the gentlest breath of Your mouth
scatter these goblins to the winds like chaff, as you were able to
command the sea to carry us as if it were solid land;
notwithstanding so however, I as a mere weak human, stand at
your service with all my power, which is not inconsiderable, to
the last man and last drop of blood! These miserable goblins are
to get to know the Gennesaret area!”

[9] Says the Chief with a trembling voice: “Mister Captain!

Where is your proof that we came here only to destroy this
person? We have indeed come to examine and test him, which
surely cannot be held against us; but by God, there can be no
talk about destruction! For you it is easy to speak, having had
ample opportunity to get to know him through his deeds and
speeches; we however have heard and seen little other than
today’s miraculous healing, other than your not too human
threats; and we ought to, as relative newcomers to this thing, be
free to take our measure of this miracle man!
[10] That we Templers are standing on quite hollow ground
already, is surely not foreign to us; notwithstanding this it is
however preferable to no ground at all, and the state shall have
to protect it until it pleases God to create a firmer one! Hence I
beg you not to immediately threaten us with the sword, for
trading a few words with the miracle-man Jesus! Let him do
what he wants, and should teach and preach, so that also we too
find out more than what we heard only from hearsay and many
probably false reports; on seeing that there is something to the
thing we too shall formulate different judgments within us than
up til now! For we are not quite so stupid as that, and our heart
is still quite capable of a just assessment.”
[11] Says the Captain: “The refusal of the requested testimony
does not say much for the righteousness of your heart, but quite
the contrary! Ex trunco non quidem Mercurius (No God has yet
emerged from a clot - the ed.) – but we shall see!”
ERE I called all the people together, consisting partly of
the present recovered and partly of the many residents

of the city who were celebrating the Sabbath-eve with

a holiday.

[2] When the people were gathered together and the hall nearly
filled, I said to the people: “Hearken and hear and hear Me
well! (Matt. 15:10) That which enter through the mouth does
not defile a man, but which comes out man’s mouth defiles him.
(Matt. 15:11) To eat bread with unwashed hands defiles no
man. This I say unto you all, and therewith abolish everlastingly
such manmade ordinance!” – Here the people started to jubilate,
praising Me.
[3] The disciples stepped over to Me nevertheless, asking: “Did
You notice the Pharisees’ fury on hearing You speak such
words?” (Matt. 15:12)
[4] Say I to the disciples loudly: “All plants not planted by My
Father in Heaven shall be weeded out. (Matt. 15:13) Let them
go! They are blind leaders of the blind. But where one blind
leads another there surely both fall into the ditch (Matt. 15:14)
These can rage as they like, for their father is one other than
ours; our Father is above – and theirs below!”
[5] On hearing such, the Pharisees turned yellow, green and
fiery red with rage, with the Chief saying, trembling voice
notwithstanding: “We have now heard all we need to! He has
blasphemed God and us! Now we know with whom we are
dealing and who this Jesus of Nazareth is! Hence let us get
going and loudly proclaim to the High Priest what kind of
person this Jesus is!”
[6] Says the Centurion: ”One can indeed get into a city as you
did, by your own will; but getting out again rest with the city’s
authority! It is easy to say, ‘let’s get away!’, but here the
authority steps up and says: ’You’re staying’. – The latter was
voiced thunderously.
[7] To these words the Pharisees paled earthen with fear,
starting to quake and to be incapable of uttering another word.

[8] On seeing the murderous effect of his words, the Captain

continued: “Before letting you depart, you and I shall have
much to discuss, and you shall yet issue me a couple of
documents signed by your hand and witnessed by the people,
both upon life or death, the contracts and te testimony! Well
understood! For should I find out through my sharp-hearing
spies that you did not keep even one point in the contract then
you are dead on the same day, were you to hide behind a
thousand temples!”
[9] The Captain had writing utensils brought to him at once,
writing the following: “Contract No. 1: Should any one of you
dare to say even one derogatory word about Jesus of Nazareth,
either among yourselves or to a stranger, which shall transpire
instantly – shall undergo trial and death – Contract No. 2:
Whoever among you drops a single hint of what has taken place
and been spoken here, either in Jerusalem or in the Temple,
giving Jesus adverse testimony, whether in the Temple or
another house, shall be subjected to the harshest trial, followed
by the most torturous death! And none should comfort
themselves with: ‘it surely will not come to this. As already
said, the same moment you mention even a syllable of what you
are commanded in the two contracts to keep silent, my spies
shall find out and you shall fare as threatened in these
[10] Whereupon the Centurion wrote the following testimony:
“We are and all certify in our handwriting to the truth pro
memorial eternal (in eternal memoriam) that we committed the
notorious robbery of the imperial tax-moneys and treasures
from the Pontus and Asia Minor, having relieved the
transmitters thereof with the most shameless cunning, as
disclosed on their transportation to Jerusalem in Kis through the
mediation, if not verbally by Jesus of Nazareth. We would have
been once and all condemned by the magistrate Faustus – but
Jesus of Nazareth intervened on our behalf, and we escaped
unscathed. This is the full truth, vouched for by our lives.”
[11] After finishing the writing of these three pieces, the
Centurion read them out quietly to the Pharisees and Scribes;
their faces grew longer with every line, and only after hearing
the testimony read out to them did they clasp their hands above
their heads, shouting: “What! This we are to sign?!”
[12] Says the Centurion: “Yes, it is the pure truth! If however
you are not willing, then over there the bailiffs stand ready with
the whips, scourges and sharp axes. – Here the Pharisees turned
around, seeing the terrible men. Without further argument
they demanded writing utensils. The Centurion nevertheless
reminded them to sign their real names, or a false name brings
death to anyone. Whereupon they signed their real names, and
who ever among the people was literate had to sign as witness.
[13] Said the Captain, after the three documents were thus
completed: “Now I got out of you what I’ve been wanting for a
long time, and you know what I posses. What you need to
observe you also know, and thus we have finished. Now you are
free to go wherever you please! You shall be given safe conduct
to the border!”
[14] Thereupon these Pharisees and Scribes packed everything
together and in hardly a half hour they had Gennesaret behind
them, quietly and without a word.
HEN these provers and examiners were over hill and
dale, the Captain said: “Lord, these will hopefully

keep their silence. For these three oaths may hold out!
By the way it is fully true that I do find out within eight days
whatever any one of them may have said to anyone ever so
secretly; besides that, their belief is stronger than my widely
spread scouts, and their great fear is their taskmaster. Here I
vouch for it that none of them shall divulge to anyone even a
syllable of what they experienced here!”

[2] Say I: “Yes, they shall keep silence, but that much greater
shall be their inner rage: for what they encountered here in
fullest measure none of them shall ever forget. But let you all
take precautions, for their inner malice is great and knows no
bound! In their hearts devils reside, and for these no means are
too malicious when it comes to take revenge against the
offender! Hence be careful! These are now going to brood and
brood! The testimony they had to sign is still the best binding
means! On account of that they shall indeed keep their silence;
but they are going to send more scouts of evil to breathe down
your necks than your witness against them, and they shall
engage in false witness against you; hence be on your guard, for
it is why I told you!”

[3] Says the Captain: “Lord thank you from the fullness of my
heart for this warning! Knowing this now, every stranger shall
in future feel peculiar premonitions, especially Jerusalemites
coming to this district! Verily, burning coals shall be stoked
over his head! Only one ever seized, and a second shall forever
abandon his intentions to become the devil’s informer!”
[4] Say I “Indeed, indeed, hence be on your guard, for this
generation is externally complaint as doves but internally more
poisonous than an Egyptian curly-tail grass snake! They shall
be coming in all shapes and speak this and that tongue, once as
Persian merchants, then as Greeks and Egyptians as well as
Romans, and shall be hard to distinguish from true citizens of
these nations. But on close examination you shall discover of
what spirit they are!”
[5] Says the Captain: “Oh, many further thanks to You oh
Lord! Now I know what I shall have to do in future: and should
a questionable case arise then I am sure You will permit me to
call upon Your supremely holy and mighty name and say: ‘Oh
great, almighty spirit of My Lord and Master Jesus! Enlighten
my heart so that there would be light in it!’ and You are sure to
hear such call to the end of the world!”
[6] Say I: “Ah, friend and brother, stay in Me like that and My
spirit shall be in you for your help every day and night!”
[7] Says Jarah, standing next to Me: “But Lord, You are
speaking as if You were leaving us soon!” I beg You to stay
with us a few more days; for you are My life! How could I live
without You? You must stay here, I won’t let You leave here! I
would have to die without You!”

[8] Say I in the most friendly fashion: “Oh My most beloved

Jarah, you I shall not leave eternally! And if on account of My
ministry I have to leave here personally for a few days I still
shall remain with you in spirit, and you shall speak to Me and I
shall give you well audible answers to your every question; of
this you can be certain! – Do you comprehend that?”
[9] Says little Jarah: “Yes, my most beloved Lord Jesus, this I
understand very well, knowing that nothing is impossible to
You; but I would still prefer if You also stay longer with us in
person. For behold, everything looks so transcendent and
celestial when You are with us; I cannot imagine heaven more
beautiful and glorious. Hence You have to stay with us few
days longer. Personally as a favor to me!”
[10] Say I: “Well yes, it is not possible to deny anything to such
love, especially when she has chosen the best part! Be of good
cheer, for your love shall not be forsaken!”
[11] This cheers up Jarah fully, where after she bounds over to
Ebahl, saying: “Look father Ebahl, the Lord stays with us, and
that forever!”
[12] Says Ebahl: “My dear child, this is an immense grace for
us of which no one of us is worthy; for He is a Lord of Heaven
and earth! What He does and intends doing remains hidden in
His eternal, unfathomable counsel, according to which every
hair upon our head is counted like the sand of the sea, and we
humans can change none of that. But this I also believe, that He
to Whom a thousand years is like a day, staying with us one day
longer or less shall not make any difference. Hence hang onto
Him and don’t let Him go, for among us all He loves you
[13] Says Jarah: “O, I will hold onto to him and never let go of
UIETLY I approach her from behind, pick her up from
the floor and say: “But you My most beloved little

child, how do you intend to hold Me? I am then much

stronger than you!”

[2] Says the little one when putting her back on the floor: “I
know this quite well that You are endlessly stronger than me,
nearly not a little mosquito before You; for You are carrying
with Your almighty willpower heaven and earth and holds the
sea in its depth; how should I compare my strength to Yours?!
However, what I mean, is, that You, since I love You so
indescribable much, for the sake of my love for You, You will
stay a little beyond the time!”
[3] Say I: “Yes, you are quite right again; for with love one can
achieve everything with Me! The love for you humans has
drawn Me to this earth! However, who has love like you, can of
course do with Me what he wants! Since such love is My very
spirit in the hearts of people. And what such requires and wants,
comes from the deepest depth of the divine order and therefore
you can hold Me with your heart quite nicely and I will never
ever separate Myself from your heart!
[4] However, My visible body is not important, but only My
spirit! What I do, behold, is not accomplished by Me as a
person, but only by My spirit; nevertheless, for your sake I will
stay a few days longer – for tomorrow is Sabbath and the day
thereafter post-Sabbath! For those two days I will stay longer,
but I will move on, namely to Sidon and Tyre – however, I will
then return and possibly stay with you for half of winter.”
[5] Completely delighted says the little one: “O, all praise to
God the holy Father! Now I am quite content!”
[6] All admired the 12 year old little maiden and were
astonished about its mind. And an elder said: “O, this is a
special grace from God! In this tender skin hides an angel of
God! Her body and spirit are testimony for it.”
[7] Says another: “Certainly! The girl only counts twelve and a
half years; but she looks like a maiden of sixteen years! Her
body is completely developed and her soul leaves nothing to
wish for. She truly has head and heart at the right place! Lucky
him who one day will take her in his house as a wife!”

[8] Jarah hears this and says: “A heart who loves God, does not
require a selfish bridegroom; since it is already guided as bride
into the house of God! I know to love people in their suffering
and do good to the poor at every hour by day and night; but the
certain love of a young man I do not know and will never get to
know it – except his heart is filled with the purest love for God
like mine!”
[9] Says another old Jew: “Be careful little maiden! Your
speech sounds good, as if coming from the mouth of an angel;
however, you nevertheless consists of flesh and blood, and
when one day your years will come, then you will find out
whether flesh and blood do not have anything to say in a
[10] Says Jarah: “That man is not a God, I know already since
my earliest years; however, a person can through the right love
for God become a master of his flesh and blood, because of the
certain help from God. However, whom God helps, He helps
him all the way and not only half, what you have experienced
this morning at your own sick flesh and blood! For this was not
human help, but the help of God!” – After these words of Jarah
the elders fall silent and nobody dared to reply to her with
another word.
[11] But I say to Jarah, taking her hand: “You have done well!
You already speak like a fully matured prophet!”
[12] Says dear-smiling Jarah in a soft voice to Me: “It is easy
to speak prophetically in Your presence if You put the words in
ones heart! If I had spoken out of myself, indeed, a lot of
stupidities would have come out!”
[13] Say I also in a soft voice: “Could be so My most beloved
Jarah! But from now on you will always be able to speak so
wisely, but beware not to become unfaithful to Me if you grow
[14] Says Jarah: “Lord, if this would be possible, then rather
let me die!”
[15] Say I: “Now, now, it will be impossible, indeed!?”
[16] Says Jarah, clinging firmly to My middle and pressing Me
to her chest: “Yes, such must be forever impossible! Since then
one would become insane for giving a pound purest gold for a
pound stinking mud!”
[17] Say I: “Then you still attach some value to gold?”
[18] Says Jarah: “Yes, to gold of the soul everything! The
earthly gold I only have mentioned as an example.”
[19] Say I: “Now, now, I do have understood you; but since I
love you so much, I must tease you a little!”
[20] Says Jarah: “O, just keep on teasing me, I therefore will
not love You less! For I know this quite well that God burdens
those people whom He loves most with all kinds of suffering!
So, if you really start to tease Me, only then you will really
love Me!”
[21] Say I: “O you My dearest little child, such pure hearts like
yours, God never teases, but only those who indeed love God
very much, but nevertheless at the same time also flirt with
the world; with those God uses all kind of banter to drive the
world-love out of their hearts, so that their hearts become
completely pure. – Do you understand this?”
[22] Says Jarah: “O Lord, honey of My heart, this I understand
quite well!”
AYS for a change Peter, standing sideways, more to
himself: “Can’t figure out how the little maiden is so

quick to understand! Am I not quite old, having quite

some experience, yet there is no way for me understanding
things quickly. Thus I still don’t fully understand what He
meant by the parable: what enters through the mouth does not
defile a man, but only what comes out of the mouth!” If a
person has to vomit, or coughs and then spits, how should this
defile him? Moses made no mention of it!?”

[2] Say the other disciples as well: “Here you fare like us, for
we can’t work this out either! Go and ask Him in the name of us
all as to how this parable is to be understood!”
[3] Only then did Peter step over to Me, saying: “Explain to us
the parable of “What goes into and out of the mouth (Matt.
15:15) for none of understands it!”
[4] Say I: “And are you all of so little understanding still?
(Matt. 15:16) How long will I have to bear you thus? You don’t
know yet that everything entering the mouth goes into the
stomach and is cast out than natural way? (Matt: 15:17) But
what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart and
defiles a man. (Matt. 15:18) For out of the heart come evil
thoughts: murder, adultery, fornication, robbery, false witness
and blasphemy.
[5] These are things defiling a man, whereas to eat bread with
unwashed hands defiles not a man. (Matt. 15:20) – Do you
understand that?!”
[6] Say the disciples: “Yes, Lord, we thank You for this holy
[7] Say I to Matthew the writer: “Thus write down the feeding
in the desert, then the ride during the night to here and
everything important that occurred and thereafter what took
place today with few words, short and precise! Everything else
that took place here, leave out for the time being; in time a few
things can be added afterwards – this is an essential piece of the

[8] Whereupon the disciples betake themselves back to their

room, where the several converted Pharisees and Scribes
together with the two Essenes eagerly await them. Of course
they are immediately questioned in detail about how it went
with the Pharisees and Scribes from Jerusalem, and the
disciples tell them exhaustively. Whereto the Pharisees,
Scribes and two Essenes say: “Nay, it truly takes much night
and slyness, after such signs and testimonies to persist
stubbornly with such wicked stupidity! And what does all their
slyness serve them? They are now so tied up by the tree
documents that they can’t even share their thoughts among
themselves! Are these not oxen and he-goats!?”
[9] Says the Essenes: “The thing with Jesus is of such solar
lucency as can be, and nevertheless they act so stupidly! We
surely are as educated in a worldly sense, intellectually, as one
can be after attending all Persian and Egyptian schools and
having all the wise men of Greece an ancient Jewry at one’s
fingertips. But even leaving aside all the unheard-of miraculous
deeds: regarding His speech and its concomitant deepest
wisdom, never encountered on earth before, this alone is the
most sufficient proof that this Jesus is a most accomplished
God. With this go His deeds of a kind undreamt-of by man;
deeds possible only to a God, in Whom all the powers of the
world and stars, sun and moon are united, or through Whose
wondrously almighty will they received their being
[10] We saw how in Him, will, word an accomplished deed fell
into one. The heavens opened to His and countless hosts of the
most charming ethereal beings stood at His service; He
commanded them and empty larders bulged with the fullness of
the most precious foods, and all empty skins and pitchers are
filled with the most precious wine! Well! Is this really nothing?
[11] He commands the sea, and its surface solidifies without
turning into ice, and people can walk upon its normally deadly
surface as if on marble floor! And all this was both shown and
told faithfully to these shady fellows, besides their gaping this
morning at the miraculous healing of several hundred people;
yet they remain more intrepid than rock upon which lightening
have tested their destructive forces for thousands of years!
Brethren, here everything decently human comes to an end,
making him either a dangerous animal or a downright devil! –
Say brethren, are we not right?”

[12] Say the Pharisees and Scribes: “More than completely

right and truthful! Because if one can remain unmoved by such
appearances one must in the end be a devil!?”
[13] Say the two Essenes: ”Since we now believe that such evil
spirits are to be found in this world’s regions, by whom men are
not seldom tormented and seduced to evil deeds without a
noticeable annoyance, we now fully agree with you. Because
people who have no empathy for fellow man whatsoever, and
like tigers cater only for their own bellies, are not humans but
devils. For they have no sense for anything other than a most
satisfied stomach! No means to achieve such aim is too evil for
them! What of God, what of spirit! The belly must be nurtured,
nothing else matters. They regard the arts and sciences only if
their incomes is increased therewith! – Oh Lord, what kind of
humans! Yes indeed, these are the most actual and authentic
[14] Says Judas Iscariot for a change: “Were I not persuaded
of truly godly almighty, I could now be scared and concerned
for Him. For these people would if possible pull down even
God Himself from His eternal throne in order to sit upon it; for
the Templers, who are doing endlessly well since the driving
out of the Samaritans, who were a fly in their ointment, would
risk anything rather than have their life of luxury curtailed in
any way.
[15] Says Peter: “Do you think that our Lord, with all Hiss
miraculous power is safe from the Templers’ cunning? If He
does not stand up to these parricides and matricides as a judge,
with fire and lightning from heaven, then He is in a short time a
victim of their insatiable revenge! Yes, a Jew is called to do
great things and be an angel; however, beyond an evil and
spoiled Jew no devil exists who could be worse!

[16] Hence He should beware of Jerusalem! For should He

come there as an obliging person, then He is ruined together
with the preacher John! So long as the latter taught and baptized
at Bethabara Minor (desert) he was safe; but as soon as he
moved to the big Jordan in the great Bethabara desert about
three months ago, he soon was a victim of the Temple mob,
who knew how to cleverly hide behind Herod. But Herod was
also spying about our Lord and Master already; had he been
able to get hold of Him, who knows what would have happened
already! But the Lord can see into people’s hearts and their
plans from a distance and knows how to keep out of their way!
For who is cleverer and wiser than He?”
[17] Says one Pharisee: “Once He starts avoiding them then
that is not a good indication of His security! He may want to
avoid causing a stir, and that alone would excuse His keeping
out of the way; but if it signifies the smallest amount of fear,
then I won’t stake much on His security! For I know only too
well how the Temple keeps its lethal nets spread out, making it
all but impossible to escape with hide intact! But He will only
be trying to avoid publicity for the time being, and hence avoid
it as long as possible and therewith a heaven and earth-shaking
collision; He shall encounter man’s great malice when its
measure is full! This I deem myself to read into His character!”
[18] Say the Essenes: “We think so too! Because with such
godly wisdom and fullness of hidden divine power, one is sure
to know what to do in the face of the maliciousness of the
world! Had we but a hundred thousandth part of His power,
then in just three years we would be masters of the world.
Hence we are not worried about Him! He should therefore have
to personally give Himself up to the malicious world and say:
‘Here am I, fulfill now upon Me, your Creator Himself, the
fullness of malice, so that judgment may the sooner come over
you from on high!’ And there He would still lose nothing! He
may indeed permit mankind to harm His body and to even kill it
so that their measure be full; but who will be able to do
anything to His eternally indestructible, almighty Spirit? As
said, we don’t doubt that He would be capable of such, but this
shall not be of much use to His adversaries; because before you
know it, He shall rise as an indestructible judge, judging them
with fire and sword from the heavens! Beware then all His
adversaries and devils! Only then shall they know Who was He
Whom they persecuted by all ways and means! – What do you
all say to this our opinion?”

[19] Say the disciples: ”Ah, far be if for that to happen to Him,
although we are in no position to argue your point; but much is
possible to God that man is not capable of thinking as
HILST the disciples, Pharisees and the two Essenes
were speaking thus, Ebahl was calling the guests to

table, and the disciples and their disciples also were

called, entering the dining hall with cheerful faces.

[2] I ask them what they were discussing in their rooms so

[3] Reply the Essenes: “Lord, it is easy for You to ask, because
what we were discussing was already as clear to You from
eternity as the brightest noonday sun. But You may rest fully
assured that we said nothing bad about You!”
[4] Say I: “Quite certainly and truly, and in particular what you
spoke about; for this, not your flesh and blood but the spirit of
God inspired. Nonetheless do not say more about it to anyone
else, for men are blind, foolish and evil! – Let us nonetheless sit
down at table now!”
[5] The table was well set; our 8 boatmen’ time had been well-
spent on fishing, and they had brought Ebahl a great many of
the choices fish into the house, for which he richly provided
them with wine and bread. These fish were well prepared, and
we consumed them with much appetite. The two Essenes,
whose palates were well refined, as students of Aristotle and
Epicurus, paid much attention to things culinary, and could not
praise this succinct, real fish-meal highly enough. The
Centurion too with his three deputies could not praise the flavor
of the fish adequately, and heartedly consumed a couple of
large portions, so that he began to fear potential harm.

[6] But I said to him: “Fear not, My dear Julius, for nothing
shall harm you in the physician’s presence!”
[7] This cheered up the good Julius again; this My saying
became a proverb which maintained itself among physicians to
this date of writing.
[8] At the end of the meal the Centurion asked, saying: “Lord,
today is an exceptionally beautiful one! What if this afternoon
we spent some time in the open?”
[9] Say I: “I am similarly inclined; but this time we shall climb
a nearby mountain!”
[10] Says the Captain: ”Well, the nearest mountain, referred to
by the name of ‘Morning Head’, and I think, called ‘Juitergli’ in
this language, is also one of the highest, and immensely steep
from every side, a nearly bare block of rock! If You were
intending to climb this one, then we could not reach the peak
before nightfall, whilst there could be no talk of a return! To
spend the night upon the heights may not be pleasant for any of
us either! For there is supposed to be constant snow and ice in
the crevices; the view however is supposed to be something
indescribably rewarding!”
11] Say I: “Friend, all this shall not deter us to climb the
‘Morning Head’; who knows the route gets much easier to the
top than him who has to search for it. Let us thus get underway,
before two little hours have passed, we are all at the top, this
means those who want to go with us to climb the mountain!”
[12] Says the Captain: ”Lord, upon Your beckoning I would
gladly go to the world’s end, let alone up this mountain; and if
You lead, then there be no thought of danger! Now I am really
looking forward to it! But we may want to take some bread and
wine with us, knowing how ravenously hungry and thirsty one
can get climbing such formidable mountains.

[13] Say I: “Indeed, so you can do! But what are we going to do
about our most beloved Jarah? For her the mountain shall surely
be too hard to climb.”
[14] Says Jarah: “In Your company, oh Lord, nothing can be
too hard for me; but without You one cannot do anything
anyway, and I least of all! If it pleases You, then I go not only
up this mountain, but quite literally into the fire with You, as I
also was the first to walk with You upon the water!”
[15] Say I: “You know how to always give Me the right answer
out of your heart; hence get ready to come with us on the
journey, and nothing shall become to hard for you!” – Who
would be travel-ready more quickly than Jarah, and she said as
well: “Lord, if it please You, them I am ready to depart!”
HE little maiden was wrapped in a pleated blue dress,
and with light, laced shoes on her feet; the head covered

with an artfully weave straw hat; and since I had been

rather slow in answering her first question, she grasped My
hand and said: “But Lord, You my life, say it please, whether I
am pleasing to You in this way?”

[2] Say I: “That is obvious, My most beloved Jarah! You are

exceedingly pleasing to Me! If only all people were as pleasing
to Me as you, then everything would be alright. But there are
thousands in the world and indeed thousands of thousands who
don’t please Me as you do! But these are the pure worldlings,
and you are an angel! But now it is time to go, for it is already
the third part of day!”
[3] With these words all but the domestics get up and join Me
on My way. It speaks for itself that Jarah constantly walked by
My side, as did the Centurion and Ebahl.
[4] Coming to the cliff faces within which only exceptionally
steep ravines spiraled upwards, the Centurion remarked:
“Lord, there is no thought of climbing here with natural powers;
for the ditches are terribly steep, wet and extensively overgrown
with thorn-rushes! If no other way can be found, then by natural
means we shall not get up there inside 10 days!”

[5] Say I: “Are you really so tired already, yet we nonetheless

have already more than a third of the way behind us!? Just look
behind you and you shall see how high up we are already!” –
The Chief looked around and got a shock when he realized that
we already found ourselves nearly half way up and among the
steepest cliff faces and almost vertical drops.
[6] After some fearsome astonishment, the Centurion said in a
somewhat feverish tone: “No, let this be understood by whoever
will! How we all got this far through this gorge is beyond me!
We did indeed climb steeply already, yet I did not feel any
particular strain! Nonetheless, there are now perpendicular
walls ahead of us! Question: how shall we get over these?”
[7] Say I: “Don’t you notice that we don’t stand still, but
constantly pace forward?”
[8] Says the Centurion: “Yes, this I notice indeed, yet when I
look ahead the all possibility of progress disappears!”
[9] Say I: “Behold, one just has to be a good guide, to find the
straightest path through all obstacles! Behold the gorge ahead is
already the gate to the highest pinnacle.”
[10] Says the Chief: “Yes, how can it be? How were we able
so soon to come up through these almost perpendicular rock-
faces? We are not under way an hour by far, yet are so close
to the highest peak that only a few paces separate us from
the top!”
[11] Says the very cheerful Jarah: “But Julius, how can you
ask where God the Lord is our guide?! He could just as well
carry us to the top over these cliffs, over which never ever
before any human set foot! Since we know that we have here to
do with the Almighty, every further question is futile. We can
only melt before Him with love and deepest reverence and
eternally thank Him from life’s profoundest depths that He
deemed us worthy of such unheard-of grace. But to ask Him
how omnipotence and wisdom is capable of such I find absurd!
And even if He were to let us in on it, one can ask to what
extent we would understand it, and whether we would gain
omnipotence therewith?! For sure, to the extent that He wills it,
we would accomplish the miraculous out of ourselves; but
beyond His holy and almighty will never, surely!”

[12] Say I: “Oh, you little wise one, you! Who would have
looked for so much of the brightest wisdom in you!? I say unto
you that there are very few on earth like you; but one thing I
must say unto you, not withstanding My exceeding love for
you, and this consist in asking you that in future you should be
far more frugal with you pure wisdom, and only open your
mouth when it is strictly necessary; here surely this is not
necessary, since, as you can see, I Myself am present and know
how to answer everyone’s question quite satisfactorily and
[13] Look, if our friend Julius were not such a truly wise man
then you would now have hurt him deeply; but he is a wise man
who is good and honest towards all, and hence is happy with
your childlike wise instruction. In future however you shall
have to be as unassuming as possible towards everyone, and
only therewith you shall be My true bride! – Have you properly
comprehended these My words in your heart?”
[14] Says Jarah, somewhat aggrieved: “Indeed, Lord, but I fear
that You now not love me as before, and this saddens my
[15] Say I: “Don’t let that trouble you! Now I love you much
more than before!”
[16] Says Jarah: “But the good Chief shall be cross with me!”
[17] Says the Centurion: “Not at all, my truly celestial Jarah!
I am only too thankful that you told me a purely celestial truth,
from your heavenly heart! Oh Jarah, we two shall have much to
discuss yet, for I sense it that your pure little heart is full of
heavenly wisdom, wherefore let us remain the best of friends!”
[18] Say I: “Now, My most beloved Jarah, are you satisfied
with such conclusion?”
[19] Says Jarah: “Now indeed, but I shall have to get a grip on
myself from now on! For to be presumptuous has sometimes
been my weakness; but it shall not henceforth be so – for Your
words are supremely holy to me!”
[20] Say I: “Very well the, so let us take the few remaining
steps to the mountain’s pinnacle!”
FTER a few paces we found ourselves upon the
peak, which however had a very torn, creviced and

fragmented appearance and offered standing room for

hardly thirty people free from giddiness.

[2] Our Centurion did not take well to that, and he said: “The
view is indescribably glorious indeed; but the sheer drop in
all directions, and uneven plateau take away my immense
[3] Say I: “Friend, sit down if you feel dizzy, and the rest of
you do the same! I shall Myself remain standing.”
[4] Says the Chief: “Sitting down sounds alright, but where?
Verily, the view is glorious, and one overlooks all Galilee and a
large portion of Judea – one can even see into the Samaritan
land; but the inhospitable height, and fear of a possible fall
miserable spoils my super pleasure! I know that nothing can
happen to me, yet I fear! Why this?”
[5] Say I: “Your fear stems from your not comprehending the
impossibility of a fall right now. Look at My beloved Jarah
there, she is bounding about as merrily as a Chamois
(mountain-goat), whilst her sisters and even My Ebahl stand
there pale with fear; yet no abyss has swallowed her up yet,
because she is full of the firmest faith that nothing can happen
to her in My presence. Let you all have the same firm faith, and
you shall be cheerful like her!”
[6] Says the Chief, under whose right foot a stone he had used
for support, loosened somewhat: ”Here a falcon, whose wings
secure him against falling, may gain a firm faith indeed; but a
human like me, under whose feet one rock after another
loosens, cannot with the best of will attain to a Jarah-like faith: I
would only have to try one Jarah-like bound upon this hardly
four by hundred meters plateau, and I would soon be lying
crushed somewhere below! Oh! If only I found myself back
below again!”

[7] Here Jarah jumps over to the Chief, saying: “But Julius, I
beg you not to be fearful! Nothing can possibly happen to you!
The Lord has led us here over the steepest walls; we actually
only floated past the walls through the air; for no man has ever
accomplished such journey, yet what has happened to anyone of
us despite of such unheard-of scaling of this bare and
perpendicular rock-giant? But if we came up over the most
dangerous parts so well, how should we now start fearing as if it
really were possible to fall down anywhere? Dear Julius, go and
be more cheerful, for my sake! Behold, I am unable to look at
such fearful and sad face!”
[8] Here the little one wants to take the Centurion by the hand
to conduct him around a little, but the Chief shouts: “Get back!
Three paces off, you little witch! You came close enough just
then to thrust me over the walls with your mischievous leap!
Oh, I know you well; normally you are an unusually good, dear
and even wise girl; but sometimes a capricious mischief gets
hold of you, and there I say: ‘Three paces off!’ – I usually like
you a lot; but here at 4,000 meters (2,000 mens’ heights)
altitude you have to constantly keep three paces away from me.
You have spoken rightly and wisely, but I can’t help my
dizziness at such heights. I know and believe that nothing will
happen to any of us, yet I nevertheless cannot rid myself of
this troublesome dizziness, and hence you must not play jokes
with me!”
[9] Says Jarah: “Ah, what do you think? How could you even
remotely suspect me of playing jokes with you!? Behold, I am
simply over-convinced that here nothing can happen to me or
you, and leaped over to you, fearful one, so pluckily to lift
you up! How can you bear me such ill-will and call me a
witch? Behold, most beloved Julius, that also was not very nice
of you!”

[10] Here tears fill the little one’s eyes. – On noticing this, the
Centurion regrets shouting Jarah down, saying: “Now, now,
make friends! Down below we shall stroll together over nice
lawns again; but the space is too tight, and I am not to blame for
my tiresome dizziness!”
[11] Says Jarah: “Dizziness is a sickness too! The Savior of all
Saviors is here: He to whom it was possible to heal so many
hundreds from their sickness, shall also be capable of freeing
you from dizziness! Ask Him and He shall heal you!”
[12] Says the Centurion: “Ah, look my dear Jarah, here you
did a better job than before! This was a better leap than your
previous one, when you nearly pushed me over the walls! And
look, this your advice I shall follow forthwith!”
[13] Hereupon the Centurion turned to Me, saying: “Lord free
me from my fear and dizziness of the head!”
[14] Say I to Ebahl: “Give Me a beaker of wine!”
[15] Ebahl at once passed Me a small skinful and a beaker.
[16] I filled the beaker and gave it to the Chief, with the words:
“Here, take and drink, and it shall be better with your
[17] The Chief took the beaker and drank. When he had
emptied it, all fear and giddiness left him and he cheered up
completely, letting himself be walked around the mountain
by Jarah, and able quite smugly to look down the steepest
[18] When the others had all noticed this on the Chief, they
asked Me for liberation from their tedious fear. And I had wine
passed to them all, and the height suddenly came to life a
public park.
[19] One lot were taking in the lands, another were singing
Psalms, a third were looking over the walls to find a possible
return path. But since no such spot could be discovered, even
whilst the sun was already nearing its setting, the disciples in
particular came and said: “Lord, another half hour and the sun
will be set; what then upon this height?”

[20] Say I: “This is not your concern! Whoever believes shall

this night see God’s glory shine upon this height. We remain
[21] On hearing this they silenced, looking for secure resting
[22] But the Centurion also came and asked Me whether we
would be returning soon, as the sun was close to setting.
[23] But I said to him what I said to the disciples, and he was
content therewith and sat down upon a solid, fairly level rock.
[24] Only Jarah was saying, as the sun began to touch the
horizon: “Lord You my love, we are not perhaps going to
already return home from this charming height? Here I would
so much like to see the sun rise!”
[25] Say I: “We are staying the night, and only betake ourselves
home on Sabbath morning; but like all the others you shall see
God’s glory shine throughout the night!”
[26] This so enraptured the little one that she sank at My feet in
a kind of swoon which however quickly left her.
HEN the sun had gone down however, a very cool and
hefty wind began to blow from a midnight direction,

so that all began to fear anew, and the Centurion said:

“Well, if this wind continues to grow in intensity, then it may in

the end still thrust us down into the abyss, whilst its
considerable nip is not too pleasant either.”

[2] Say I: “Let the wind blow, for this is its hour! But remember
that it is not the master of Him Who created it through His will,
holding it fast and letting it blow when He wills it!”
[3] With this explanation the Chief was happy, laying himself
down firmly on the ground nonetheless, with the others
following his example.
[4] Only Jarah stood firmly by My side and said: “But Lord,
why is it that these people are so frightened, for they have
surely being taught by many signs that You also a master of all
the elements!? This intrigues me especially about Your own
disciples! Ah, it would be different if You were not here, but
since Your are here Yourself, it amazes me quite a bit! – Lord,
if it please You then tell me the reason for this phenomenon!”

[5] Say I: “Behold, this is the world in their intestines, not fully
cleared out yet! Were this fully excluded, as in your case then,
like yourself they would not fear and would not be capable of
fearing, since the spirit is sufficiently powerful to make all
nature subject to itself.
[6] Behold, we now stand upon a mountaintop never before
trodden by man! As you can see the cliff-faces are so steep in
all directions that they are not in a natural way passable either
up or down; you saw how, after we scaled half the mountain
with natural strength, all possibility to climb the perpendicular
walls disappeared. The Chief and the others asked: ‘What
now?’ But I climbed ahead over the walls with you, and all
followed us without the least fatigue. – How was that possible?
[7] Behold, the spirit within man made this possible! During
that time I awoke the spirits in all of them, and these carried
their flesh hulls up to this height. Since their spirits were not
however accustomed to such activity yet, when I loosened My
grip on them somewhat, they went over into their bodies again
for rest, resulting in the physical body’s filling with fear. Had
the spirit within their hearts remained fully awake however,
then they would not fear; for the spirit would itself have filled
the soul with the most lucent confidence, and put the most
living conviction into the heart that all of nature must be subject
to it. But since, on account of the old world, a portion of which
their souls stills bore within them, this could not yet
permanently take place, their soul is still troubled by some of
the worldly fear which you still perceive with them here.
[8] The soul lives itself either through a wrong direction into
her flesh or through a right direction into her spirit, which is
always one with God, like the light is one with the sun. If such a
soul lives into its flesh which in itself is dead and only for a
certain time, if the body is not harmed, receives a life from the
soul, the soul in everything becomes one with its flesh.

[9] When the soul lives gradually more and more into the flesh,
so as to finally become fully flesh itself, then she is also
overcome by the feeling of destruction, which is a property of
the flesh; and this feeling is then the fear which finally makes
man in all things absolutely incapable and weak!
[10] It is however an entirely different matter with a person who
from his earliest youth lived into his spirit! There the soul
forever does not see any possible destruction! Its feeling is akin
to the state of its eternally indestructible spirit; it can see and
feel no more death, being one with its eternally live spirit, who
is lord over all the visible natural world, with the result that all
fear is far from the still incarnate man; for where there is no
death there is no fear!
[11] Hence man should concern himself as little as possible
with the things of the world, so that his soul would become one
with the spirit and not the flesh! For what does it profit a man to
gain the entire world for his flesh but suffer exceeding harm in
his soul? For all the world which we now see in its wide
surrounding, with its passing glories shall pass like water-
bubbles and also this sky with its stars in due course; but the
spirit shall remain forever, together with every one of My
[12] But it is inexpressibly hard to help people who have firmly
settled into the world, for they see and plant their life into the
vain things of the world, living in constant fear and being in the
end utterly unapproachable along spiritual paths! However, if
one approaches them along the natural and worldly path, then
one not only benefits them nothing but only fosters their
judgment and therewith death of their soul!
[13] Who from the world-people wants to save his soul, must
apply a great force to himself and must as much as possible
start to live in self-denial with regard to worldly things. If he
does so diligently and keenly he then shall save himself and
enter into life; if not then he cannot be helped in any way other
than great sufferings in things of the world, so that he learns to
despise the world and its glories, turning to God and beginning
to search out the spirit within him, to gradually unite with it.
I say unto you: The blessedness of the world is the death of the
soul! – Tell Me now, My most beloved Jarah, whether you have
understood all this.”


AYS Jarah: “Oh, Lord, my love, You my life! Due to
Your grace within me I have understood all this; but sad

it is that, mankind cannot or will not understand it!

Oh, there shall once be many dead souls! Oh Lord, make
mankind to hear such holy Truth, and then to act accordingly;
for I shall once suffer boredom living among so many dead in
this world!”

[2] Say I: “Be consoled; because therefore I Myself have come

into this world! Until now there has been a dearth of paved
ways, and the heavens were separated from Earth; but now a
righteous and firm path shall be paved, and the heaven shall be
united with the Earth, to make easy for everyone to walk the
paved road and along same to reach the nearby heaven. Yet no
man shall thereby be hindered in the slightest way in his free
[3] From now on every one striving earnestly shall be able to
gain the heavens, something not possible heretofore, there
having been too great a chasm between Heaven and Earth.
[4] Yet beware all who, hearing thereof nonetheless do not care
about it! These shall henceforth be worse off than the ancients,
who often wanted to but could not! – Do you understand that?”
[5] Says Jarah: “Lord, I have comprehended it all! The
opportunity is good, but mans’ free will! They see and taste the
world, yet neither see nor taste the heavens; and thus it shall
come that many will not want to go along the paved way, and
they shall be worse off than before! I say unto You oh Lord that
few shall step out upon the paved road, because the most
difficult thing for man is self-denial!”

[6] Say I: “Don’t be troubled, the reformation centers shall be

vastly extended, from here even to the beyond! – But our
company has fallen asleep, one and all – including the
Centurion; what are we going to do?”
[7] “Lord”, says Jarah, “this You will Yourself know best!”
[8] Say I: “Right you are! Wherefore I let them fall asleep, and
in their dream they are going to behold what you shall behold in
reality. Take note, soon you shall behold the heavens open,
and all the angels shall serve us! Tomorrow this mountain shall
get an easily accessible gradient towards the East, and we shall
be able to descend along a new natural path down to
Gennesaret. Hence pay attention to the scene soon to unfold
before your eyes!”
[9] Upon these My words, Jarah raised her eyes upwards and
gazed into the brightly star-lit sky. When nothing made an
appearance for some time, she said with an especially endearing
voice: “Lord, You my life and love, nothing is wanting to show
itself yet! What will it look like, so that with any potential
phenomenon I shall know whether to count it with the one You
[10] Say I: “My beloved Jarah, you have to gaze up with your
heart much rather than with the eyes of your head; then
wondrous things shall soon begin to appear to you in a most
brilliant light! Just try it, and you shall soon convince yourself
that I am always right and that I speak the fullest truth!”
[11] Upon these My teaching words, Jarah lifts her heart rather
than her eyes upwards and behold, immediately all heavens
open and countless crowds of God’s angels float in the most
marvelous splendor of light down to earth and sing: “All Your
heavens show all mercy to the righteous on this earth! For holy
is He, Who stepped on to it for the welfare of those who have
fallen, before a sun glowed in the mercy-light of God in the
depth of eternity!
[12] Human children who were begotten by Satan, are accepted
by Him and turned into children of His love!

[13] Hence to Him belong all honor, glory and praise, for all
that He does is well-done (good so) and His order is love paired
with highest wisdom. Wherefore He alone is holy, supremely
holy, and before His name must bend all knees in Heaven, on
Earth and under the Earth. Amen.”
N hearing such chant, she says enraptured: “Here it is
hard to tell what is more beautiful and glorious – the

word or the most brilliant, thousandfold light, or the

most beautiful forms of these numberless, ethereal choristers!
Ah, only now am I forming a concept of what God’s heavens
really are! Oh, I now would like to actually die and go over to
these most beautiful choristers. But if it please You o Lord, then
tell me what these glorious singers actually are! Are they what
they actually seem to be or are they new beings created by You
for this moment?”

[2] Say I: “These are angels, created eons before there was any
trace of material creation. Summon one over, and you shall
convince yourself that they all are perfectly true beings of their
own kind! And I will add that, notwithstanding their light
and ethereal appearance, each harbors such strength power and
might that the smallest and feeblest of them could in one
moment destroy the entire earth to the extent of not one dust
particle remaining. Now that you know this, call one over and
give him a few tests!”
[3] Says Jarah: “Lord, this I would not dare, for despite their
incomprehensible beauty, I do fear them somewhat.”
[4] Say I: “But little child, did not I just explained to you what
fear is. Behold, this you should not fear now, or I would have to
think that your heart still harbors some worldliness. Are you not
with the Lord, before Whom all these beings are bending their
knees? Whence your fear then?”
[5] Says Jarah: “This of course is only too true, but the
unaccustomed sight of such never suspected scene must shake a
poor and weak girl’s heart to its foundations! But I am going to
pull myself together, and You shall see that Your Jarah can be
fearless too.”

[6] Following these word, she waved to the nearest angel, and
the same instantly came floating over to her, saying with the
most gentle and tender voice: ”Jarah, glorious daughter of my
God, my Lord from eternity, what does your dear and pure heart
desire of me?”
[7] Says Jarah, somewhat stunned by the glitter and majesty of
the heavenly messenger: “Yes, yes, quite so, the Lord Whom
you see here tells me that each one of you is so wondrously
mighty, and I would like to convince myself of it through a test;
but what kind of test should I put to you, for I know only know
what I heard from the Lord Jesus these few days?”
[8] Says the angel: “Hearken, you beautiful flower of the
heavens, here I shall at once help you out of your
embarrassment, in the Lord’s name! – See the extensive and
deep Sea of Galilee! What if I should lift it out of its wide
and deep basin and then hang it in the air before your limbs and
eyes in the form of a great, free ball of water, for perhaps
an hour?”
[9] Says Jarah: “That would be immensely wondrous of
course; but where would the dear fish get to meanwhile and
finally the many ships resting partly upon the shores, but also
swimming upon the sea?”
[10] Says the angel: “Let it be my concern that no fish or ship
shall come to any harm! If you desire the suggested test, then
the task demanded shall instantly float before you!”
[11] Says Jarah: “Well, if no being will come to harm, then
you may indeed carry it out!”
[12] Says the angel: “Look around you! The sea is empty, and
all its water to the last drop is suspended fully in the air, quite
visible to your eyes!”
[13] Jarah was about to look into the depth, but with her brow at
once came to touch the cold and wet wall suspended right next
to the cliff-face, and having a diameter of nearly 4,000 fathom
(approx 8,000 meters – the translator). On seeing this, she asked
most timidly: “But how in the Lord’s name was this possible in
a hardly thinkable moment? And is the sea really completely
free of water?”

[14] Says the angel: “Jarah, come with me and convince

[15] Says Jarah: “How is this going to be possible?”
[16] Says the angel: ”If it was possible to lift the heavy mass of
water up in a moment, then it should also be possible for me to
bring you to the deepest bottom of the sea in a most rapid
moment, and then back just as quickly! But you need to be
willing, otherwise I can do nothing; for we respect a spark of
man’s free will more than all the God-given strength and might.
Hence you need first to desire it, and I shall act accordingly!”
[17] Says Jarah: “Well then, convince me!”
[18] That very moment she found herself upon the dust-dry and
deepest sea-bed, and the angel picked up a most beautiful pearl-
oyster from the sea-bed, giving it to Jarah for remembrance and
for the others’ instruction who, physically asleep, nonetheless
received all this through dream-visions.
[19] When Jarah had hardly put the oyster away in her big
apron-pocket, the angel asked her: “Do you now believe that all
the water of this sea is contained in the big ball floating above
us, and that its basin is completely dry?”
[20] Says Jarah: “Sure, sure I would have believed you
anyway! But now please return me up to the Lord quickly, for
without Him I die in a moment.”
[21] The latter word was hardly uttered and dear Jarah stood by
My side upon the height; and I asked her how she liked it and
what she thought of it.
[22] Says Jarah: ”I know only too well that all things are
possible to You; but how through Your will such power can
reside also in the angel’s, will be an enigma even to the angel,
let alone me telling You a reason! It is fully wondrous to the
highest degree, yet I cannot comprehend it!”
[23] Say I: “There you answered quite rightly, but you shall
with time also, in your heart discover how such things are
possible to God. But how do you like the angel?”
AYS Jarah: “He is indeed an indescribably beautiful
person, since he looks like a human; but next to

Yourself o Lord all angels and heavens with all their

light and beauty of form are as nothing! For You Yourself
alone are all their beauty! I would still not be able to love any
of them!”

[2] Say I: “But am I as you see Me here actually more beautiful

than this angel? Look, My work-worn hands, My strongly
tanned skin and My age surely are not attractive, whereas this
angel is armed with everything that the heavens would and
could call beautiful!”
[3] Says Jarah: “Lord, the external is nothing to me if the inner
is not akin to Your heart; for You alone are the Lord!”
[4] Say I: “But out of the angels everywhere radiates My love
and wisdom undisguisedly, which completely resembles Me in
everything. If however you love Me only on account of My
love and I am nevertheless the Lord, then I don’t see why you
can’t love this angel like Myself, since he surely is only put
together by My love and wisdom!”
[5] Says Jarah: “Lord, You my love, my life; all men are
composed out of these two life-elements, and yet I cannot love
them all like Yourself! I do of a truth love all people and most
of all the needy, and always do everything I can with my feeble
strength to procure help for the poor; yet I cannot love them like
Yourself; and after that fashion I also love this angel;
notwithstanding, my heart and my life belong only to You!
Only if You oh Lord were to reject my pure love toward You,
then I would get very sad, but I would think: He, the purest, the
holiest was not able to consider your still much too impure love
as worthy of Himself, and hence rejected it!”
[6] After those words the little one begins to cry, saying amid
sobs: “And that’s how it will be: I dared to go too far with my
love and in my naivety did not consider Who He is that my
heart seized so heftily; wherefore Your supremely holy love
gently rejects my still far too unholy love, giving me an angel
who is to purify my heart and raise my love to greater holiness.
It grieves me mightily indeed, yet I know that You alone are
the Lord, and thus I intend to bear all that You intend imposing
on me.”
[7] Say I: “O, My dear one, why such empty reproach for your
love! He who does not love Me as you do, loving anything in
the world more than Me, is not worthy of My love; but you,
whose heart all the angels of heaven cannot turn away from Me,
already loves Me, your God and Lord, like the angels of
heaven, and hence have been already for long a supremely
beautiful angel, with whom I am Myself in love beyond all
measure! Come over here unto My heart and obtain recompense
for this little test!”
[8] With these words the little one is fully healed again and
cuddles as close up to Me as possible.
[9] Speak the angel: “Oh bliss of all bliss! What are all the
heavens besides the sight of such love?! We perfect spirits have
indeed enjoyed so endlessly many pleasures that no tongue
could enounce their number; yet all the enjoyed supreme
pleasures are less than a dew-drop compared to when You, oh
most holy Father, take Your little child upon Your arm and
press it to Your holiest heart with visible, most intense love! Oh
what unmentionable bliss this Your little child must not feel!?”
[10] Say I: “Yes, it is exceeding bliss for the little one, but also
for Myself; but you shall yourselves also enjoy it when it shall
have been accomplished, and when you shall have supped at the
table of My children! But now let the water back into its basin!
Thereafter this My little child shall appoint you another task.”
[11] And, inclining My mouth toward Jarah’s enamoured little
head: “Isn’t that so, My Jarah, you are going to help Me give
My angel a few more jobs yet?”
[12] Says the little one with an exceedingly love-willing,
childlike innocent and gentle voice: “Indeed, out of my love for
You, with immeasurable pleasure! You need only to utter it,
and I cast myself into any fire out of my love for You, as
also over the walls of this mountain into the sea, if it is down
below again!
[13] Say I: “And yet no fire of the Earth would burn or destroy
you, because you have already yourself become full of the
strongest and mightiest fire! Nor could stones or water harm
you; for your nature within My order is more solid than a
diamond, and your feelings gentler than all the waters of
heaven! In short, you have somehow grown into My heart, and
I hence put you at liberty to command My angel to carry out
something as if commanded by Myself. Hence think of some
job and tell the angel, who is tarrying longingly to receive a
command from your heart whatever you desire, and it shall all
be carried out instantly!”
[14] Says Jarah: ”My dear messenger from the heavens, if it
can happen without damage, then in the Lord’s name please
make it that this mountain, being too hard to scale in the natural
way. Have an easily negotiable path, without danger upwards or
downwards, and also towards the sea, normally accessible only
to birds.”
[15] The angel only executes a delicate bow before little Jarah,
saying: “Ah, you most glorious commander in the Lord’s name!
Just look around you in every mountain direction, and you are
bound, to be happy with me! Behold, sometimes we are slow in
action, but if necessary then faster than lighting!”
HEREUPON the angel takes Jarah to every side of the
mountain, and she is persuaded that although the

mountain has not lost in height it nevertheless can now

be climbed from every side without danger, and especially
facing away from the sea, where it falls gently.

[2] Having convinced herself, Jarah says: “The thing is so

amazing that I begin mistrusting my senses, having to think I
am asleep and dreaming! Could you let me in a little on how
such was possible to you! Earlier you lifted up the entire sea,
keeping it afloat as a droplet in the air, and now you have made
the steep mountain accessible from all sides, and all this in a
most rapid moment! How is this possible to you? You never left
your position, yet all this was carried out! – Ah, this is too much
for me little earth-worm!”
[3] Says the angel: ”Right now you cannot of course grasp this
as yet, but a time shall soon come when all this shall be as clear
as the sun in broad daylight. But this much I can say unto you,
that out of ourselves we angels can do nothing, but only through
the one and only almighty will of the Lord, Whom you love
so much.
[4] Behold, all the world and all the heavens are but thoughts
and ideas held in place by the most unshakeably firm will of
God; if He retracts His ideas and dissolves His thoughts, then
the visible creature passes instantly; if however the Lord seizes
upon a new thought, holding it fast within His almighty will,
then the creature is there at once, visibly!”
[5] Ask Jarah: “Well, what in that case is there for you to do?”
[6] Says the angel: “We are purely receptacles of the divine
will and thereafter the executioners of same! Behold, we are so
to speak the wings of the divine will and are therefore in fact
the divine will itself, and only the faintest thought of us
combined with the power of the divine will – then the task is
already completed and thus such speed with our actions!
[7] Do you see yonder bright star towards the East? Behold, if a
paved road led there from here, then verily, the Earth does not
have the number of grains of sand for the number of years a
bird would need to reach it, let alone a man running. Yet for me
it is possible to get there in a moment! You shall not notice my
absence, yet I shall nevertheless be there and back – Do you
believe me?”
[8] Says Jarah: “Why should I not believe you such? But there
can of course be not talk of my being convinced, because I
would not want to make a journey with you there like to the
[9] Says the angel: “But why not? Are not all things possible to
God? If it pleases the Lord it doesn’t matter to me! That no
harm shall come to you I vouch for, together with all the
countless angels you see shining brilliantly on all sides!”
[10] Says Jarah to Me: “Lord, is this indeed possible?”
[11] Say I: “In this angel’s arms indeed! You can if you want to
hand yourself over to him, and in a few moments you shall be
back here with Me, well-preserved; but fetch yourself a
souvenir from there as well!”
[12] With these words Jarah assigns herself to the angel,
saying: “Behold, I have the courage; carry me there if you can!”
[13] Thereupon the angel picked Jarah off the ground, and
pressing her fervently to his bosom, disappeared. In 10 seconds
he was back here with Jarah, who had a stone in her apron
which shone as brightly as the morning star in its most
brilliant light.
[14] On recovering somewhat from her amazement, Jarah
asked Me: “Oh, Lord, are all these countless stars what yonder
star is which I have now actually beheld with my physical eyes,
or the eyes of my feelings? For that certainly is a vast world!
This world compared to that one now seems like a snail-shell
compared to this mountain! Also humans, completely perfect
humans, living in unspeakably huge yet marvelously
constructed temples there are also in yonder outsize and grand
world, but these people are so colossal that they would exceed
this mountain at least threefold if standing at the sea below.
Thus everything in yonder world is thousand times thousand
bigger than here.

[15] We stood upon an exceedingly high mountain and beheld a

never-ending area in all directions. This was criss-crossed in all
directions by the most marvelous streams, whose waves played
in continuously changing, freshest colors of the rainbow; the
soil was built up with the most magnificent gardens and
temples. The next moment we found ourselves with the temples
below, seeing the huge people and their much bigger dwelling-
temples. These people are good to look at from a distance, but
at close range they resemble moving mountains! I would have
had to put a very high ladder up against the small toe of such a
person there to climb it!
[16] In short, I could be telling you all my life about what I saw
there in just a few moments, but this would mean blubbering
the time away which You, o Lord have allocated for something
better! Only this I want to find out from You, whether these
countless stars also are worlds like the one I saw!”
[17] Say I: “Yes, My child, and that much bigger and glorious
ones! But tell Me, are you now firmly convinced that you were
upon yonder star with body and soul, in these few moments!”
[18] Says Jarah: ”Lord, my love and my life, we flew there in
four short stages; right up to the fourth stage the star had the
appearance of stars, but with the fourth stage it became as big as
our sun by day. From there it took only the shortest moment
before we were in yonder magnificent world. From the
mountain-peak where we found ourselves first I loosened a little
stone from the ground as suggested by the angel – it is this
shining lump – and took it as evidence that I really was there.
More I cannot tell You about my actually being there.”
AY I: “That is quite sufficient! But I shall now show you
another manner how a person perfected in his heart can

travel the stars without being removed from this Earth

by even a hair’s breath; but one cannot, by that method, so
easily take a stone back here as evidence! – Now, have you
memorized the star to which you have traveled?”

[2] Says Jarah: “Yes, Lord!”

[3] Say I: “Well then, imagine it fervently in your heart, look in
its direction with your eyes for a while steadily and tell Me how
it shall impress itself upon you in a few moments!”
[4] Jarah immediately does so, saying after a few moments:
“Lord, Lord My God, My love, I now see it the fourth stage of
our flight there. It now is getting constantly larger and its light
only just bearable! Ah, this is a dreadfully powerful light, but is
fortunately not hurting the eyes! Oh, now the entire firmament
is a shockingly powerful, exceedingly mighty sea of light! Oh
God, Oh God, how wonderful are Your works. Yet You are
walking in the flesh as a totally unpretentious person, among
the human worms of this Earth!
[5] Oh, Oh, oh, now I am upon the same mountain again seeing
the same region with its glories upon glories! I am seeing the
same temple again; the same people and their beautiful gardens,
and I’m seeing beautiful flowers as well, but the smallest of
them is bigger than a house on Earth; this one I could actually
pick for remembrance! Ah, but now I’m seeing also all kinds of
animals, and also the most beautiful birds, although they are
terribly huge! On the vast trees there hang exceptionally huge
fruits, and I notice a couple of people in a garden reaching after
them with their hands and also actually putting them in their
mouth! Now, on this Earth such a pear or whatever would
suffice a thousand people for a year of eating!”
[6] Say I: “Now pay attention; you shall come to a kind of city
of that world; tell Me how you like it!”
[7] Jarah clasps her hands together above her head, quite
screaming from a kind of charm, saying: “But for Your most
holy name’s will, this is a magnificence that no man’s heart
could have ever dreamt of yet! Oh, it is indescribable! What
temple-rows! What colonnades, what cupolas! No, such
splendor, grandeur and glory! Lord, I beg You to take me back,
or this unmentionable superabundant glory would kill me!”

[8] Say I: “Alright, so close your eyes and think of Me and the
Earth, and all shall be well again!” Jarah does so and sees her
star as star again.
[9 On collecting herself a little, she asks Me: “Lord, did the
angel perhaps also show me yonder star the way You showed
me? Because I saw it much better than before and yet was there
only spiritually as it were. I think the good angel shifted me
only a little from here for appearances’ sake, and then showed
me the star the same way!”
[10] Say I: “No, the angel carried out your wish completely!
But such was possible only with yourself, because your heart is
overfull with love; with any other person this would have been
completely impossible to carry out. And were an angel to do
this with an ordinary, worldly person, which he could easily do,
then just the approach of an angel would kill the worldly person
[11] But earlier you asked Me whether all the stars are such
worlds, and I said yes. Now, My most beloved Jarah, if you
want it then convince yourself along the same lines! Behold, if
a worldly young man courts a young bride, making her his
chosen one, then he discloses all his treasures to her, in order to
win the favors of her who loves his heart even more; for should
she not desire him for his own sake then she might accept him
for the sake of his great treasures. And behold, I am now doing
the same before you, that in the hour of the world’s temptation
once, you would not fall away from My treasures – that you
might see that I am not a man without means, the way the
exterior seems to suggest itself to mankind. Look, I simply am
now your beloved one, and hence show you a little of My
immense possessions!”
[12] Says Jarah: “Lord, My life, if I were to sight another star
to just guard against some inconstancy in my love of You, then
I would be sorry to have viewed the one star; for You alone are
endlessly more to me than all the countless stars and their
magnificence! Verily, in order to love You above everything I
need nothing eternally but You; but out of love for You alone
nevertheless I gladly, if You so desire it, view also the wonders
of Your might and wisdom!”
[13] Say I: “Hearken, My most beloved Jarah, I see into your
heart indeed, and read how much you love Me, knowing also
your faithfulness; but right now you are still a child rather than
a grown up maiden. You have until now been under perpetual
protection of My angels and the world’s wicked spirits could
not approach you; when however you shall be riper of years,
then you shall have to resist the evil world and its cravings from
your own strength, in order to, therefrom out of yourself win
firm ground for the unchangeable order I have set for all My
beings, upon which alone you shall truly be able to approach
Me in spirit and in truth. And behold, there the world has great
power over man, because the world is for the greater part
dominated by hell, and it takes many hard struggles for the soul
in order not to be swallowed by its own flesh and blood and
therefore by the world!
[14] Your shape is a very beautiful one. Soon worldly youths
shall cast their eyes upon you, offering you heart and hand, and
it shall be difficult for you to deal with them. When that time
comes however, then think of Me in your heart, and of all that
you had heard and seen upon this height, and victory over the
world will be light for you!”
[15] Says Jarah, somewhat saddened: “But it would have been
clear to You from eternity whether I would be capable of
becoming unfaithful to You!? And if You can see a future
faithlessness in me, how can You love me? And can You permit
a future sinner to approach You?”
[16] Say I: “That, My most beloved Jarah, is still too lofty for
you! But out of My especially great love for you I nevertheless
say unto you: Behold, I can indeed know everything that will
take place with a person from eternity, if I want to know it; but
in order for man to be capable in his maturity to act completely
freely without hindrance, I divert My eyes from him for a
certain period, taking no notice of his free action, unless he
fervently asks Me to help him with his voluntary struggle with
the world, whereupon I cast a glance after him, help him to the
right path and provide him with the necessary strength for his
struggle with the world.

[17] So behold, I don’t want to look into your future either, so

that you remain free in your action; but that is why I teach you
now, so that at the time of temptation you would remember it
actively. At that time the guardian angel also shall leave you to
yourself. Once you shall have defeated the world out of your
own power however he shall return to you again and serve you
in all things. – Have you, My most beloved Jarah understood
Me at least a little?”
AYS Jarah: “I have understood it indeed, but the thing
nevertheless is very sad for me and all humans, because

hardly one out of a thousand shall have the full strength

to confront the world in the way it pleases You!”

[2] Say I: “This nevertheless is why I have come into the world,
so that through My doctrine and deeds I place the means with
which he can easily overcome the world into every man’s
[3] Says Jarah: “This would be alright – but there are upon the
Earth immense numbers who may not hear of Your Word even
in a thousand years! How will these guard against the world
during such long periods? They surely are as much humans as
we Jews!”
[4] Say I: “It is with the nations of this Earth as with a father’s
children individually: some, born into the world sooner than
others, are brought up differently by the father than those who
have hardly come to see the world’s light three, four or five
years ago. The eldest son has already become a man of strength,
and a daughter become of child-bearing age; besides that there
are a couple of children of your age, whilst three are still being
weaned. Tell Me whether it would be wise of the father if he
were to treat the children in the cot the same way he treats the
strong, grown-up son!”

[5] Says Jarah: “This would of course be very foolish of such a

[6] Say I: “Well then, see, that is why some nations come to My
doctrine only later! They are not ripe for it yet, but shall become
so at the right time, and My doctrine shall also reach them. – Do
you understand that?”
[7] Says Jarah: “Oh indeed, that I understand quite well; but
what destiny awaits those nations in the beyond who have not
matured yet?”
[8] Say I: “This you shall get to see at once! Look, there
towards the midnight sky is a star of a somewhat reddish light;
grasp it into the eye of your emotion as you did with the
previous one, directing your physical eye there too, and in that
star you shall receive the nicest answer to your question!”
[9] Jarah does so, saying already moments later: “Oh Lord,
almighty Creator of heaven and the worlds, this is a much
bigger world still than the previous one, and in what splendid
light it is bathed! But the light is bright-red tinged, with a little
gold, whereas the light of the previous world was pure white.
But now the light of this world is getting unbearably intense!
Ah, now I have the inhabited land of this world! Oh, here it also
is indescribably glorious! What diversity! Cute, gently rising
mountains enclosing the most marvelous and fruit-studded
valleys! There are sorts of huts visible in the valleys, consisting
of only a roof that is supported with well-ordered pillars of a
ruby shine; but such huts run in interminable rows
uninterruptedly over the mountain-crests, and no matter how
distant my view, I see nothing other, with every hut resembling
the next like a man’s eye the other! As I seem to note, the oval
roofs are resting on ruby pillars of about 7 mens’ heights, but
each pillar also is like the next one! Nothing is yet visible of
humans or any other living beings, but they would have to be
present: for this already the extra ordinary cultivation of the
vast expanses of lands testifies!

[10] But it nevertheless is intriguing that in such an otherwise

super magnificent world, everything resembles itself! One fruit
tree resembles another to a hair’s breath, as does one flower
another; everything is set in rows and one cannot for anything
in the world find something outside this order.
[11] This of course all gives a marvelous impression, affording
a friendly look, but in the long run such monotony must seem
boring to people of our kind! But now I have arrived in front of
such hut and behold, there people of our kind inside! One is
standing upon a podium preaching whilst the other hundred
listen to him with great reverence!
[12] In the adjacent hut I see more people, in pleated apparel,
eating at table, yet around the eating ones there are a lot
standing who seem to be plagued by hunger, yet receive nothing
to eat! Ah, in the third hut I am seeing some really beautiful
lasses! They are standing around stark naked, having a good
time with worthless-looking men, moving up and down. In
the background a great number of seemingly lust-filled youths
are massing, beckoning the beautiful girls over, but the
youths are receiving no attention and are not too happy about it.
[13] Ah, these are peculiar domestic arrangements! As much as
one hut may resemble another externally to a hair’s breath, as
much do the occupations inside appear to differ, and this surely
is strange!? But if in this immense world things are universally
as in the area I just beheld, then I prefer our little Earth – except
for the wicked people!”
[14] Say I: “All that you are seeing now is only a school and
exercise house in self-denial and overcoming of self. Move on
with the eyes of your feelings, and something different will
show itself to you!”
[15] Jarah does so and shrieks so loudly that the deeply
slumbering ones nearly were woken, had not My will sunk them
back to sleep.

[16] I asked Jarah what made her shriek like that.

[17] Says Jarah: “Oh Lord, the splendor and the majesty there
again surpasses everything that human sense ever could grasp!
Here a palace stands as huge and high as the highest and biggest
mountain, on Earth! The walls are all of precious stones.
A thousand upon thousands of golden stairways and galleries
decorate this huge palace on the outside, which tapers upwards
into a veritable point. The palace right around is sleuthing with
the most splendid gardens, within which the sheer diversity
constantly challenges the eyes to further admiration. But there
are in the gardens also lovely lakes, upon which great artworks
are floating, probably for entertainment, but not guided by
anyone, and noticed even less.
[18] Lord, what is all this supposed to be? Who are the
occupants of this huge palace, and what are all these works of
art floating upon the beautiful lakes?”
AY I: “Behold, this palace is a chief lecturer’s dwelling
in this area you have already seen. All yonder school

huts are under his supervision, and the objects

swimming upon the lakes are employed at certain times for
instruction in higher wisdom. But the way this dwelling is, there
are many hundreds of thousands just upon the central equator of
this light world, besides an enormous number of cities of the
greatest variety. Beside this equator, of the smallest variety that
you are seeing, there are another 76 additional equatorial belts
of which each has its peculiar setup. This world, like the
previous, actually are 2 suns like the one giving the earth its
light, with the difference that the one seen first is a thousand
times bigger than the sun of our earth, Whilst the one you are
now seeing is 4,000 times so. But our sun is a 1,000 times a
1,000 times bigger than this whole earth.
[2] The men of this earth nevertheless still have a completely
faulty concept of the earth and the sun and moon and all the
stars; but when at a more remote time they learn to calculate
more accurately, then they shall also gain more appropriate
concepts about the heavenly bodies within the endless space of
[3] But you may know that around every such sun, earths like
the one we stand on are orbiting at various distances, and that
several of these earths have satellites constantly accompanying
them, like the moon around our Earth! Each sun has as many
equatorial belts as the number of related planets it supports,
with the exception of the central sun, which are destined for the
maintenance and guidance of planetary suns, and are by a
thousand times a thousand times ten thousand times (i.g. 10
trillion times -the translator) bigger than the suns you have
now seen.
[4] Such central sun no longer is divided into equators
(equatorial belts) but into as many zones upon its surface as the
terrestrial suns it has to support (i.g suns of our sun’s
magnitude), where such region then has an area between a
thousand to ten thousand times the surface area of each sun
together with its orbiting planets (areas). The number of earth-
suns orbiting a central sun however is at least a thousand times
a thousand (a galaxy or galaxy of the first order - the editor).
[5] Then, nonetheless, there are central suns around which in
turn a thousand times a thousand of the just mentioned central
suns with all their planetary suns orbit (super galaxy or galaxy
of the second order -the editor), and again central suns around
which central suns of the second type are moving (super-super
galaxy or galaxy of the third order -the editor) and finally a
common central heavenly body situated at the incalculable
space-depth of a central-sun region, having no movement other
than that around its own axis. This central body also is a sun,
but of such immense magnitude that all the planetary and
central suns of the first, second and third order, together with all
the earths and moons orbiting the countless planetary suns, in
addition to the thousands of moving comets of all sizes which,
as worlds to be, move in irregular trajectories around the
planetary suns, in total can’t make up even a one hundred
thousandth’s part of the volume of the said main central sun, if
same were a hollow sphere (centre of a universe -the editor). –
Jarah, can you now form a concept of what has been said?”

[6] Says Jarah: “Lord, who can grasp such immensity?! A

concept of course, I can formulate, but it makes me dizzy!
I have now had my fill of viewing this sun too, yet still do not
comprehend how I should find the answer therein about the
immature nations from Earth in the great beyond.”
[7] Say I: “Well then, withdraw first your eyes from the
watched sun, and hearken to Me!”
[8] Says Jarah: “Lord, it is done!”
AY I: “Then hearken to Me! Behold, all such immature
people mostly are put on the sun just seen by you, and

receive all necessary life-instruction in those extensive

schools. Thus also deceased little children are instructed in the
central equatorial region and reared there – but mainly on the
spiritual part of the sun.

[2] Upon the sun viewed by you, unripe souls receive another
body, but without birth, and this then, together with the soul
becomes spiritual and can then go over to the purely spiritual.
How such souls are transferred there and by who you have
witnessed with your own journey to the first sun. This angel
still standing beside us however is the leader and ruler of all the
worlds and suns about which I have just been speaking to you.
Wherefore you can see with what power and wisdom he is
[3] But all the countless angels whom you now see in endless
rows around you have a similar task: because in the eternal
depths there exist, for human concepts countless such solar
world regions (universes -the editor) yet, with an above
mentioned main central sun each, and every such region is ruled
by one of these angels. You are seeing immense numbers of
angels indeed, but this is not even a millionth part of just the
great ruler-angels, let alone the smaller angels to whose
supervision and guidance individual suns and planets and
smaller worlds regions are entrusted! And behold, I
nevertheless in My Spirit have to constantly care for them all.
And was I to drop any of the things shown you from My
immutable care, then it would all pass away in the same
moment, the greatest like unto the smallest! – Would you be
able to accomplish this with your spirit?”

[4] Says Jarah: “Oh Lord, how can You ask me such a
question? I, a dust particle of this earth – and Your Spirit the
only, eternal, almighty God! Oh, if only the blind Jerusalemites
Pharisees could see that, they would surely have to be of a
different mind! But they cannot and will not see it; hence they
shall also perish in their obstinacy and malice! I suppose in the
beyond their souls too shall go to that solar school?”
[5] Say I: “Not quite, My most beloved Jarah; for they don’t
belong to an immature nation, but a fully ripened one! And
souls from a mature nation once gone over into all malice, come
into the depths of the Earth, compelled by themselves; for,
having become totally material, the latter is their element, and
they don’t want to and can’t separate themselves from it.
Everything, indeed the ultimate, is done form them. All
tormenting and pain is brought to bear on them, to separate
them from matter. And where one of them is freed from matter,
he is brought to the schools that exist in the spiritual part of this
Earth; only then is he transferred to the moon. When he has
gone though every level of self-abnegation, and grown strong
therein, then he is raised to a perfect planet and there instructed
in true wisdom.
[6] When such a soul has gone into the right light, only then
through such light, if it becomes more and more intense, the
warmth of the spiritual life is produced, and the soul begins to
unify with its spirit, in such a way that in time her whole life
turns into love. If the love has then developed into the necessary
power and strength and has gone over into the true, inner life-
flame, it becomes bright and illuminated in such a soul from
within, and only then does such a soul reaches the state to be
accepted in the actual free world of the blest spirits, where she
will guided further as from childhood on.

[7] But even under favorable conditions it can take several

hundred Earth years before a soul materialized on Earth reaches
that stage. – But I read in your heart how you would like to put
another question to Me, and I say unto you: ask, for your
questions are well grounded! But this time direct your question
to the angel standing by our side, and he too shall give you a
right answer!”
ERE Jarah turns to the angel, asking: “Your and my
Lord has graciously referred me to you, dear and fairest

youth, and He said that I should ask you about a certain

thing and that you would give me the right answer. Tell me
therefore why these my worldly relatives and also the Lord’s
disciples have to sleep, whilst I am awake, and why must I
behold this with my physical eyes, and why, according to the
Lord, can I behold what they may see and hear only in a

[2] Says the angel with a most amicable of voices: “You fairest
daughter of the Lord have gone over completely into the spirit
with your soul, and have hardly any further commonality with
the matter of the world; your physical eye has become the eye
of your soul, and your soul-eye that of the eternally immortal
spirit. And hence you are fully located in your life-sphere, the
way every human should be in actuality.
[3] If therefore you take up an ever so distant star or other
object into your purest emotion, the latter being the eye of the
spirit, directing your soul’s eye through the carnal eye, to what
the eye of your spirit beholds, then an inner conflict arises
between your spirit’s image and the corresponding outer form
of the same image. By virtue of this conflict, full enlightenment
of the soul occurs in respect of the beheld object, and this then
presents itself to you as it is in actuality.

[4] And I say unto you fully and truthfully, that all men could
do so if they were constituted in their feelings the way you are;
but there are very few that equal you! These sleeping ones over
there don’t match your soul and your feelings! There soul is still
far from looking through their physical eye, whilst the eye of
their spirit is still firmly closed; wherefore their soul must first
be enabled to perceive and view the supernatural for attaining to
the spiritual, on its own, by depriving it of worldly views
through first putting the physical eye to sleep.
[5] However, the sleep of those resting here, is therefore also a
sleep of a separate nature, which a person can only very seldom
attain in a natural way.
[6] Certain psychically and spiritually strong persons can
induce such sleep in their weaker brethren through the laying on
of hands; but the weaker brethren cannot do so with their
equally weak brethren. But you shall not, I trust, by now, still
be capable of doubting that the Lord can do so through the
power of His will?”
[7] Says Jarah: “May the Lord bless you for the clarifications
you have given me, which I have understood quite well! – But
now another question! Tell me, dear and most fair youth, how
should I conceptualize your inexplicable speed?”
[8] Says the angel: “Most beloved daughter of God! This is
something that only an actual spirit can grasp, as such has
nothing to do with time or space. We of ourselves are nothing,
and what you see in us with the eyes of the spirit is God’s
thought, God’s idea, God’s word. We hence are pure spirits; no
matter can be of any hindrance to us.
[9] Since nothing can hinder a live spirit, a ‘hither’ and ‘thither’
necessarily are one and the same. Nothing material therefore is
able to gather a speed like unto ours, since it finds an obstacle
even in the most rarefied state, through which its movement is

[10] Within infinite creation space there exist the central suns of
the third magnitude in particular, which immediately are
followed by the main central sun. These suns move within
diverse, great orbits around the main central sun with a velocity
too immense for your comprehension, for the purpose of
keeping to a certain distance from the main central sun. Their
orbits are, account of their great distance from the main central
sun too extended for your comprehension.
[11] Imagine this earth for instance as a sphere many thousands
of times bigger than the portion you can see now, and that it
would consist entirely of grains of sand that you have often seen
at the coast. Now think of the number of all the tiniest sand
grains necessary to make up such a sphere! And for each one of
those grains, imagine a distance from here to that star that we
visited first; thereby you will have the approximate diameter of
such orbit! Such an orbit of a sun of magnitude three around a
main central sun, does of course take a million years at the
least; but in such an immensely extended orbit, such a sun must
in a moment cover a distance a thousand times from here to the
star we first visited!
[12] You will of course think: ‘If so, then such sun is moving a
thousand times faster than yourself as a pure spirit! For had we
flown to yonder star at such velocity, then we should have been
there a thousand times faster than with your spiritual speed!?’
[13] Here I say unto you, that the immense velocity of such sun
compared to my spiritual one is nonetheless that of a snail! For
behold, in spite of the incomprehensible speed to you, yonder
sun still needs a million years in its orbit around the main
central sun, whereas I or some other spirit of my calibre can
transit such distance in a moment so brief that you shall not be
able to gauge in any sense the time between my departure and
return; and I could in the same moment indeed cover an orbit
many millions of times greater than that!
[14] There is therefore a limitless difference in speed between
that of a spirit and that of ever so greatly speeding matter,
notwithstanding any degree of further acceleration of the latter;
for even if any matter covers the distance from here to yonder
star in a moment, it still needs a second moment for a second
such distance; and if matter covers a hundred thousand times
such distance in a moment, then it shall need ten such moments
for ten such distances, whereas I can cover any imaginable
distance in one the same moment.

[15] And behold, I and every spirit of my variety can do this,

because there is not the minutest obstacle for us in all of eternal
infinity; matter on the other hand finds all kinds of resistance,
even in the most rarefied outer space, and can therefore never
reach the velocity of a spirit! – Tell me now, fairest daughter of
God, whether you have comprehended this to any degree!”
AYS Jarah: “I have indeed, with the help of this my
Lord, comprehended it, yet I have once again began to

get dizzy! Because I have become fully convinced that a

created spirit would take an eternity to familiarize himself with
just one such main central sun of which, after what you have
said, there number within eternal endless space is countless for
human comprehension, each one of which is the carrier or
rather regent to three magnitudes of central and planetary suns
within endless orbits, whose numbers no mortal spirit could
grasp! If however each such immense main central sun would
take an eternity for a natural spirit to explore, what time span
would he need to explore all the countless others!?

[2] Oh, it would not be clever of me to want it! I shall do well to

stay at home within my love, thinking such a sun is indeed
something immensely big, and powerful testimony of the
Lord’s endless wisdom and eternal might; and yet it is
nevertheless not able like I am to see, understand and love its
God and Creator above all! – And behold, this, in my opinion,
is vastly more than to be such an endlessly huge sun at some
immeasurable depth of endless creation space! And who is to
know whether the Lord perhaps loves me as much as such
huge sun!?

[3] Behold, fairest youth, this our Earth could be regarded as

hardly a discernible dust particle upon such exceedingly huge
sun, yet the Lord, upon whose feeblest breath the countless
main central suns depend, is treading upon its ground! I
therefore think that which in endless creation space takes up a
hardly measurable part, is not necessarily the greatest in the
eyes of the Lord, but rather what is internally big!
[4] What am I as a child, in physical size, compared to our
small earth; and yet in my breast I feel a space that could quite
easily accommodate all your main central suns with all their
auxiliary suns and planets! My small eye, with one glance
overlooks a thousand stars; one can ask whether all the big suns
are imbued with such ability!? – Am I not right?”
[5] Say I again: “You are completely right, and it is so; and you
yourself outweighing a thousand solar regions (super and super-
super galaxies -the editor) which illuminating endless creation
space; nevertheless it is always good for man that he knows My
works to increase his love for Me his Father!
[6] But now it begins to dawn, and we shall start waking up our
friends. But they must be woken up gradually; you must not
however relate any of what was seen until given a hint by
Myself, and now also by your angel; whom I intend leaving you
visibly, however in a different garb, until your maturity. Let the
other angels nevertheless become invisible again; be it so!”
[7] All except the one angel whose name was Raphael,
disappear, and this one was now dressed in Nazarene style.
[8] On seeing Raphael dressed so, she says to him: “Good, this
way I like you better than in your previous, heavenly glory; for
this way you now fully resemble a human, and I shall be most
tender towards you – only it will be asked – who will take over
your guidance of the worlds meanwhile?”
[9] Says the angel: ”Do not trouble yourself over it, fairest
daughter of God, since I can always be here and there and
everywhere without you missing me, except an occasional few
moments, which is neither here nor there. I shall in my event
always rush back to you, for you have become more to me than
all the countless suns, some of which we may still have a
chance to visit together. – But now the Lord wants to awaken
our brethren, and we need to be quiet!”

[10] Says Jarah: “Yes indeed; I’m pleased to comply and

already quiet as a mouse.”
AY I to Raphael: “Go and awaken first My Simon Juda

[2] Raphael awakens Peter and same looks about in

astonishment, saying after a while: “Have I been really asleep?
It seemed to me as if I had been wide awake all night! But now
I see that I slept very well, but I had such wonderful dreams as I
hardly remember ever having before! Verily, Lord, these
dreams could not have been just empty frothing?”
[3] Say I: “Look about you a little – maybe you discover some
change in the mountain, which you are sure to have dreamt
about as well!”
[4] Peter glances in every direction and says: “Oh, Lord, of a
truth, this I saw in the dream, and – look – in every direction,
the vivid dream has come true!”
[5] Peter was about to say more, but I said to him: “Wake the
other disciples before you continue!” And Peter did so.
[6] The disciples rose from the ground and were utterly
astonished that they only now realized they had slept, whereas it
seemed to them in their soul that they had been fully awake
throughout the night, seeing unheard of things.
[7] But Judas said: “I still don’t believe that I slept! For did I
not discuss things with you, and you would not let it pass,
saying: ‘All these wonders shall not prevent you from betraying
us all for a few pieces of silver!’ Which made me furious
enough to want to cast you into the sea, over the cliff. But there
my Thomas grabbed me and tore me back to the ground!
Tell me, brother Simon, do you really not remember anything
about it?”

[8] Says Peter: “Not a syllable! I can’t even remember

dreaming about you!”
[9] Say I: “Look about you a little and see whether quite a few
things you dreamt did not become reality!”
[10] The disciples start moving in every direction of the plateau,
followed by astonishment over astonishment, with Andrew
saying: “We have already in the short half year past seen and
heard so much of the miraculous that it hardly seems possible
for anything still more miraculous to manifest: yet once again,
our senses are confounded, stiff and dumb! Our dream visions
became reality!
[11] I saw the angel mentioned by Jarah, who first raised all the
sea water to the height, making it into a huge droplet in midair,
and with my own eyes I saw the dust-dry seabed, and the
beautiful pearl-mussel that Jarah picked off the ground and then
hid in her apron; and how afterward, upon the fairest daughter
of God’s request, the angel made this mountain easy of access
from every direction, in a split-second. – And behold, all this is
now here in reality!
[12] With what words and pure deeds therefore should we begin
to praise our Lord and Master? Where is the angel that can put
the glowing thoughts into our hearts which we should find
worthy of Him? Oh, we are now nothing before Him, the
almighty God!
[13] Our fathers trembled below Sinai when, under lightning
and thunder, upon the flaming mountain, He gave Moses the
holy Commandments of love! And on coming down from the
mountain, Moses’ visage shone more brightly with God’s
majesty than the midday sun, and he had to hang a threefold
cover over his face so that the people could approach him. The
hallowed seers of the Lord prophesied long afterwards, if after
prior preparation, their head was only briefly covered with
Moses’ veil, and we still marvel today at their profound
wisdom! And here is He Himself Who thundered upon Sinai!
Sinai became glowing embers under the tread of His feet – and
we are capable of staying cold in His almightiest presence like a
severe winters’ light?! Hence let us up and over to Him, for He
alone is supremely holy! To Him alone all honor, glory, love
and worship!”

[14] To this Andrew’s exhortation, all the disciples were

spurned unto love-glowing zeal, except Judas, who called
Andrew an eccentric braggart; and they stepped over to Me,
bringing Me a glowing Hosanna for morning greeting.
HIS loud singing awakens all the other sleeping ones,
who immediately chime in with the disciples, and I let

them do so to their hearts content, and Jarah hugged My

feet, weeping with exceeding joy and happiness! After crying
from joy at My feet for half an hour, and after the disciples had
ended their morning greeting, the little one straightened up,
saying with foreboding voice: “Oh earth – when shall you be
this fortunate again, to be trod upon by these feet? Do you
dumb mother of vice feel Who is He that treads you now?
No, you don’t feel it and you can’t feel it, for you are too dead
and too small! How should you be able to grasp what is too
unthinkable big and holy even for unending space, with its
countless my raids of beings!? Where should I begin and where
finish to sing His glory even in a dew-drop? For it is He, God
the eternal, Who created the dew-drop as much as he did yonder
colossal worlds of light! Oh Lord, oh my God, annihilate me,
for never shall my heart be able to contain the fervent love
for You.

[2] When I had not yet known Your glory, I loved You as a
most perfect man. I indeed divined the Godly pure Spirit within
You, and my heart loved this holy Spirit in You inexpressibly;
yet I still thought of You as a son of the most High! But now all
this has assumed a different aspect! You Yourself are the Most
High! Beside You there is no other! Hence forgive this tiniest
worm of the dust, that dared in its hereditary blindness to love
You as a human!”

[3] Say I: “My little child, there is nothing to forgive; stay with
this love! For I say unto you all: He who does not love Me like
you, My most beloved Jarah have loved Me, such one’s love
shall not receive My regard!
[4] He who does not love God as the most perfect Man, can
love his neighbor, who is still an imperfect human, even less!
If however it is written that God created man to His image,
what should God be then – if man is in His image – other than
also – albeit a most perfect, Man? Or do I look different from a
man because you have, My little one, seen a couple of droplets
of My glory?”
[5] Says Jarah: “Oh no, You still look the same, nor has my
heart changed! Indeed, I wish that I had You wholly in my
heart, with all its pining. I would like to embrace You firmly
enough for my arteries to burst, never to let You go; yes, I
would cover Your visage with countless kisses and never cease
kissing You! In short, I cannot express all that I would like to
do out of love for You! You nevertheless are the holiest, highest
divine Being, and in my heart I think myself far too unworthy to
love You, as if You were a human; yet I can think back and
forth as much as I like, yet my heart takes no account thereof
and only loves You mightier than before!”
[6] Say I: “That is quite right so! Let your soul always follow
the impulse of your heart, kindling a bright flame therein , and
it shall brighten your entire soul; God’s Spirit shall rise within it
like a sun, and only in its light and life-heat shall God’s seed
sprout and provide the soul with the fruits of life for eternity!
[7] But God’s Spirit within man cannot be awoken other than
through love, and out of such love the love of neighbor.
[8] Therefore, continue to tarry in your love, for this is worth
more to Me and yourself than all the glories you beheld with
your eyes!
[9] But now we shall hear the others too, and what impression
this night made upon them.”
HE Centurion starts to cautiously rise from the ground,
saying: “Lord and Master! All thanks to You first of all

for still being alive upon this height! How easily I

would have dropped to the depth by just turning over three
times, which would have been the eternal end of my miserable
life in this world! But I still live, and that on the same spot
where I took my rest yesterday; and this I have only You to
thank, and hence thank you from the depth of my heart! But I
would also beg You most sincerely that You would cause
myself and the others to get to Gennesaret well-preserved from
this shocking height – and that as soon as possible; because
there can be no talk of good mood in me for as long as my
thoughts are dwelling upon the descent!”

[2] Say I: “Did you My dear friend dream nothing this night?”
[3] Says the Centurion: “Yes, indeed, nearly forgot the most
glorious dream, for all my fear! Well, if this mountain were the
way I dreamt it last night, then it would of course be a joy to
climb it even a thousand more times, but a dream remains a
[4] Says Ebahl, standing next to him: “Not at all, friend I say
unto you that this time our collective dream has assumed fullest
reality. Get up and walk around the peak edges, and you shall
be convinced that our mountain slopes off gently even towards
the sea, being without the least danger for climbing, down as
well as upwards! I have already convinced myself and am
telling the fullest truth. Come and be convinced yourself!”
[5] Says the Chief: “It’s not going to be a delusion?”
[6] Answers Ebahl: “If I and my wives and children already
walked upon this delusion in every direction, then your delusion
is surely going to have some firm ground!? Come, get off the
ground and be convinced of it all.
[7] The Centurion finally gets up, looks around and as a start
finds even the shelf greatly enlarged, saying: “Indeed, I really
do see how during the night vast alterations have most
miraculously taken place; but go ahead of me over the new
ground, so I can be sure it really is solid!”

[8] Says Ebahl: “Friend, notwithstanding your normally high

esteem, your constant addiction to doubt starts to make you
repulsive! Does my word mean nothing to you anymore? When
did I ever speak an untrue word to you, that you should place no
store by my word? Come, test it yourself and cease doubting
[9] Says the Centurion: “Indeed, friend, you are right! I shall
go and convince myself.”
[10] Here the Centurion takes steady steps towards the
Nazareth edge, saying, highly intrigued on seeing the gentle
descent: “Well, here the entire mountain has been shifted as
well! Looking over this edge toward Gennesaret yesterday, it
seemed close enough for a stone’s throw, whilst now 100
‘Feldwege’1 distant, and we shall have to be underway six hours
to reach our dear little town!
[11] Nay, whoever still doubts that our Jesus is God and Man at
the same time, cannot be helped even by a god! Yes, brother
Ebahl, you were quite right to call me a repulsive doubter, for I
really was such! But now all doubting is at an end, and I believe
and swear with an oath before you all, that our Master and
Savior Jesus is fully God, and that beside Him there can be no
second or third one; owing to what was dreamt being reality,
everything, else also is bound to be true! And here He is the
only God and Lord over all of infinity!
[12] But now let us go over to Jarah – she must show us her two
souvenirs! Because when a celestial spirit lifted the water out to
the last drop, I saw her pick up a splendid pearl-mussel from the
sea-bed, which she then put into her apron, and I also saw the
shining stone which she took with her from a solar world to
which the celestial spirit took her. If these two said objects also
are physically present like the removed mountains, then we
have more proof than we need!”

See Book 24; 75:5.

FTER these words, the Centurion and Ebahl go over to
Jarah, asking her to show them the two tokens.

[2] And the most beloved Jarah at once reaches into

the large pocket of her apron, meeting the two and saying:
“Here look, my dear Julius, here are the two tokens physically!
Do you believe it now, and will you ever step out of your
eternal fear?”

[3] Says the Centurion: “Indeed, my most beloved and fairest

Jarah, my faith now stands more solid than this mountain, and
my tiresome fear is now, with the help of the almighty Lord
gone forever, of this you can be fully assured! But your
tokens are also of inestimable terrestrial worth. The mussel with
its content is equivalent to all of Jerusalem, for it contains
24 pearls the size of small hens’ eggs, of which one is worth
one hundred thousand pounds of gold! The worth of this most
solid but transparent stone, more beautiful than the morning
star is beyond terrestrial estimation! In short, you are now not
only spiritually but also terrestrially the wealthiest maiden in
the world! Verily, you now are wealthier than all the kings
and emperors of the entire world put together! What does it
feel like?”
[4] Says Jarah modestly: “It feels like nothing at all, and these
two tokens have no value for me other than the purpose for
which I took them, namely as reminders for the indescribable
wondrous deeds of God to us poor, weak and sinful inhabitants
of the town and area of Gennesaret.
[5] The Lord will not stay always among us physically, as He
emphasized to me yesterday, but these signs shall intimately
remind us of Him in our hearts, and re-kindle our love for Him.
– This is what I think.
[6] But the Lord still left me with another sign from this
wondrous night which actually for me was the most brightest
day. This sign shall also remain with me visible, and later
invisibly, until I once again make myself worthy enough for it
to again become visible.

[7] Asks father Ebahl: “Now then, where is this sign; are you
not going to show us?”
[8] Says Jarah, next to whom the angel Raphael is standing:
“Here, it is standing next to me, if you have no objection!”
[9] Says Ebahl, who is mustering the angel head to toe: “This
of course is a still more exquisite token! But I fear that you are
head over heels in love with this beautiful youth, far too soon;
should he then become invisible to you, then you shall go blind
and deaf for sadness!”
[10] Says Jarah: “Oh, don’t let that worry you! Whoever once
loves God the way I do, for such even the beauties of all the
heavens are as good as non-existent! I do nevertheless love the
youth a lot as well, for he is wise and immensely powerful,
mighty and fast!”
[11] Asks the centurion: “Where did he come from, for I
cannot recall ever seeing him at Gennesaret, and yet he is clad
fully in the fashion of that place! I admire his exceedingly pure,
tender and yet immensely gentle streak! There lies a veritable
spell of the highest magic charm in his appearance! How tender,
soft, pure and exceedingly well-formed just his feet!
[12] The clean breeches reaching right down to the knees, the
dazzling white shirt, and the pleated coat of blue cloth, hung
casually over his shoulders, becomes him so superbly that one
can hardly imagine something of more excellent taste, whilst
his round little that adorns his most beautiful head in a manner
defying description! Verily, this supremely fair youth I would
deny no request! This one could deprive me of our empire, if he
only loved me in return!
[13] Nay, the longer I look at this person, the more beautiful
and attractive he seems! His parents shall of a truth merit praise,
to have such son; and you, my most beloved Jarah can praise
yourself as most blessed for such a present! If another such
youth were to be had in the world, then I would give all my
treasure and large properties for it!
[14] But what are you going to do with this most beautiful
youth? You are yourself a most beautiful and agreeable maiden
indeed, yet the youth considerably exceed you in beauty. You
are getting unto thirteen, whilst the youth would be about
sixteen. If he becomes your husband, then well and good; if
however he remains only a playmate for you, then your easily
aroused heart shall be in a delicate situation! Tell us nonetheless
how you shall utilize him!”

[15] Says Jarah: “You speak after fashion, not knowing the
spirit! This youth shall be my guardian and guide until my
sixteenth year, and instruct me in the wisdom of God’s heavens:
– as well as yourselves, should intend hearing him!”
[16] Says the Centurion: “But after your sixteenth year shall
be become your husband?”
[17] Says Jarah: “Oh, my dear Julius, that once again was a
question not making me bow down before you! Have I not told
you right from the start that this youth shall leave me for a
while after my sixteenth year, as determined by the Lord, which
shall not trouble me since my heart belongs completely to the
Lord, Who shall be with me everlastingly! If however my heart
is God’s property, then it cannot also become the property of
[18] Says Ebahl: “Yes, indeed my most beloved daughter, you
are quite right. But your years have not arrived yet, and when
they come then you shall have much combat with your flesh!
Good for you if you become its master!”
[19] Add the Centurion: “Indeed, your father is right! Right
now you are still a child (minor), yet there is already a kiln-like
fire in your little heart! Right now it has of course the Highest
as its desire, and is not capable of hankering after something
inferior; but once this Highest should for purpose of your
introspection, withdraw from your little heart, then your heart
shall get love-hungry. And should you go without the highest
food for long, it shall soon start stretching out its long arms
after other objects for nourishment! For, may stomach pangs be
ever so painful, love-sickness is a thousand times stronger.
[20] Let’s take a field-commander who is a loveless tyrant
towards his soldiers! All are disconsolate, and when called to
battle, they shall surrender to the enemy, to rid themselves of
their unloving lord. If however a wise commander shows
fatherly love toward his soldiers, then let come the adversary,
and they shall fall upon the enemy with valor and self-denial for
their beloved commander, to the last drop of blood, annihilating
the enemy!

[20] Yes, my most beloved Jarah, love is a mighty thing, and

this requires wise direction if it is not to consume itself!”
[21] Says Jarah on reflection: “Yes, indeed, you may not be
entirely wrong; but this much one has to suppose about the Lord
– that He is not going to tyrannize a heart that loves Him above
everything else!”
[22] Says Julius: “That not, of course! Recalling what He spoke
to you this night – He is and remains God, Whom man’s spirit
can only fully approach when, through the powers lent him,
man has shaped, developed and stabilize, during which period
of self-development He withdraw His attention from him! If so
however, then during such period, God of necessity is a tyrant
with blindfolded eyes and stopped-off ears! And when such
foretold period is upon you then, my most beloved Jarah, we
shall discuss it further!”
[23] Says Jarah: “I fully trust and believe that He shall not
abandon me then either!”
[24] Says the Centurion: “That hardly, because you are already
ahead of many of us; but you also shall perceive a small and
short abandonment as cosmically large and heavy! – But let us
now go over to Him, as He seems intent on something!”
E three of them now come over to Me, and the
Centurion ask Me: “Lord, what is the next venture? It

seems to me Your are about to do something!?”

[2] Say I: “Do you not notice the glorious dawn? Let you all
pay attention now, for you shall behold the most beautiful
sunrise! It is just the rise of the natural sun for sure, but it
nevertheless has the deepest spiritual significance, which shall
become clear to you! For here one sunrise encounters another!”
[3] Says Peter: “Lord, how are we to interpret this?”
[4] Say I: “Oh, how long shall I have to suffer you thus!? We
have now been together for quite some time, yet you don’t
notice that through Myself, a sun from the Heavens has risen
for your souls, and continues to do so day after day?!”
[5] Says Peter: “Lord, don’t let it vex You, as You know we are
simple folks, whose accomplishments don’t go much beyond
the minimum reading and a little writing! Had we understood it
then a question would have been capricious; but we did not
understand Your saying and hence asked You.”
[6] Say I: “Quite so, if one does not know that one can also
quietly discuss things with Me in the heart; if one knows that
however, then not the question itself but the method is at fault,
and only this I intended to rebuke. Look at the two Essenes and
Pharisees over there how they are widening their eyes about
you, that you could have asked Me something audibly, while, as
their masters you should know, that I am quite capable to give
every questioner the fullest answer quietly in his heart.
[7] With yourselves it is certainly not ignorance or obstinacy,
but only age old habit; but take heed in future nevertheless; get
a grip on yourselves, so that people may discern that you are of
a truth My disciples, and not lose your integrity before the
world, of which above all you are in need, for your new calling.
[8] But go over to your disciples now and instruct them,
otherwise they will start asking you about what you asked Me!”
[9] Says Peter: “Lord, we hence are not to speak audible words
with You again?”
[10] Say I: “Oh indeed, but everything in its proper time, and
when I indicate it! – But go now and do as I instructed you!”
[11] Thereupon the disciples go over to the two Essenes and
several Pharisees, saying to them: “Let it not surprise you that
we too sometimes still ask the Lord about this or that audibly,
for we too are still human, occasionally clinging unto old
[12] And the two Essenes say: “We actually thought so,
because we asked the Lord the same in our hearts, and the most
vivid answer was placed in our hearts. It hence seemed
somewhat peculiar to us that you enquired audibly. But as said,
we gathered that something like that can still occur frequently
out of sheer old habit; but we were at ease, since we have this
night seen such amazing dream visions as we cannot recall ever
before. And what is most peculiar about it is that each one of us
dreamt the same to a hair’s breath, and everything we saw in
this rare dream is now becoming true in broad daylight! Nay,
such has not been here before!
[13] Now we two believe that this Nazarene is more than just a
most perfect human. He is indeed physically like none of us, but
in His inner parts and heart dwells the fullness of Divine
strength and power that is obeyed throughout infinity! – But
now let us direct our attention to the sunrise, as commanded by
Him, in order to behold wonders!”
[14] Says Peter: “Whether a wonder is going to be seen
precisely is hard to tell; but the way the red-rimmed little clouds
on the distant horizon proclaim it, we shall experience upon this
height the most beautiful play of God’s Creation, and therefrom
obtain instruction on how a similar sunrise has come to our
soul, lasting forever!”
[15] Says one of the Essenes: “Indeed, a sunrise not only for
us, but the entire Earth and even the entire infinity! Because it
seems to us that this Incarnation of the Highest God Spirit is
meant not only for this Earth and its beings but for all of

[16] It is of course somewhat unfathomable for our spirit, as to

why the Divine Spirit has chosen this Earth in particular, since
He has – as we now know it – countless myriads of splendidly
huge light-worlds, where He could have undertaken His
Incarnation; but He will know best why He chose this Earth in
[17] When we previously still thought that this Earth was the
only world in the entire universe, the thing would have been
quite easy to grasp; for then there would have by the nature of
things been nothing other. This Earth according to our concepts
was the only, endlessly great world, whose waters reached to
the firmament, and we believed that the sun, moon and stars
were the only ones to light up this world with their light! But
now suddenly, everything has assumed a different aspect: we
now know what all the stars, moon and sun are, and know how
small our Earth is in comparison to a solar earth.
[18] Now it could of course be asked and said: How did this
grain of sand called Earth come by such grace? Of a truth, this
question shall once be a portentous one yet, and intensely
offensive to many! Hence it would in our opinion not be
entirely superficial to receive proper clarification on this point.
What do you think, can we ask Him?”
[19] Says Peter: “Try it in your heart! If an answer comes, then
well and good; but if not, then it means that we are not yet
sufficiently mature for such instruction! – But now look, the sun
is about to rise, for the tiny morning clouds shine almost too
brightly for beholding!”
[20] Says the Essene: “Of a truth! This is an indescribably
glorious sight! But don’t you notice something moving above
those clouds? It seems like brilliant stars moving about! What
could this be?”
[21] Says Peter: “What it is, only the Lord shall know, but we
fishermen call such not too rare phenomenon ‘little morning
fish’. When these appear, then it is good to fish in the water,
and towards evening there is certain to be inclement weather, or
at best a strong wind. Although I must admit to not having seen
fish of such freshness and liveliness, this manifestation is not
unfamiliar to me, although it is probably easier to make out
from this height than from the depth below!”

[22] Says the Essene: “You know what, let’s move nearer to
the Lord; I notice Him speaking with Ebahl and his children.
Much shall be revealed there again; we must hear it!”
N response to the Essene’s suggestion, they all come a
little closer to Me, and I summon the two Essenes, telling

them to pay attention to everything that shall be seen

with sunrise, for it shall be most instructive.

[2] The two Essenes step up closer to Me, saying: “Lord Lord,
that it shall be infinitely instructive is bound to be an eternal
truth; but how will our soul be capable of such profound
instructions?! We certainly gaze upon the brilliant depths of
Your splendid Creations with lustful eyes and exceedingly
astonished feelings, yet we are far to blind to do justice to even
the wonders of a dewdrop, comprehendingly, let alone those
rising and falling in immeasurable grandeur and distance,
luminously upon the firmament! We furthermore have
discussed the floating around of the luminous points above the
tiny clouds with the disciple Peter, but he could not clarify it to
us properly. If it please You oh Lord, then You might spare us a
few words about it!”
[3] Say I: “This means very little, and is quite an ordinary thing,
similar to the waving of the sea. When you find yourself in the
right spot in relation to a moving sea, where the broken
sunbeams are impacting, then you will see a similar light-play.
[4] The air for human and animal breathing by no means
reaches up to the stars, and no further than about 4 times the
height of this mountain from sea level; beyond such height
there is a sharp cut-off, such as between water and air, with a
water-smooth surface, constantly undulating like the sea.

[5] On falling on such said undulating air, sunlight is reflected

as from the water surface. If the air movement is strong, then
the occasional refraction is right down to Earth, and most easily
so when the sun is still below the horizon, when its rays fall as
it were unto the air-sea from below. And so these lively
seesawing lights are nothing more than reflections of sunlight,
their frequency depending on the air undulations.
[6] But that they are more prominent right now when the sun
appears a mere span below the horizon is because the air-
waving is increasingly picking up the shining cloud-light,
producing a kind of dallying to and fro game. – Behold, that is
the relatively natural explanation of this phenomenon!
[7] But beyond that, this phenomenon also has a spiritual
significance, and for your comprehension it is this:
8] Think and imagine yourself also the spiritual sun! The
outgoing light from it is adsorb by the continuously waving
surface of the created life-sea, and this plays with such light,
and thereby all kinds of caricatures occur which still let a matt
luster radiate from them, however, destroying every trace of the
divine primordial form; thus the whole heathenism and also
Judaism is such contortion of everything purely divine.
9] However, if you look at a completely quiet water surface,
and the sun shines thereupon, it will be reflected from the
surface in the same majesty and truth as you can see it at the
firmament. In the same manner it requires a quiet, desire-free
heart, which can only be obtained by total abnegation, humility,
patience and purest love, so that the likeness of God in the spirit
of man reflects equally pure and true like the earth’s sun from a
most quiet water surface.
10] If this is the case in a person, everything in him has matured
to truth and his soul is then able to direct its views into the
depths of the creations of God and to view everything in all
fullness of the purest truth. However, as soon as it begins to
wave in her, the primordial pictures are getting distorted, and
the soul necessarily finds herself on the road of deception and
half truths of all kinds and sorts and cannot reach a clear view
until regaining the complete rest in God again.
11] And this is the true Sabbath rest in God, and therefore God
has ordered the celebration of the Sabbath. During the Sabbath
man should abstain from every heavy, strenuous work, for
every heavy work requires the soul to lend its strength to the
flesh and thereby becomes excited with it, which stirs the mirror
of her life-water into strong movement, so that she cannot
recognize the pure divine truth in herself anymore.
12] The true Sabbath rest therefore constitutes in a reasonable
celebration from all heavy work; without an emergency one
should not lay hand on it, however, in need every person is
obliged to help his brother.
13] Even more so then to withhold oneself from all heavy work,
every soul should put aside all desires! Since desires are storms
of the soul; they disturb the life-water and the likeness of God is
torn in the soul, like the image of the sun is torn upon the waves
of the sea. Indeed, the image of the sun flashes from the waves,
however, in what distortion! And if the storm lasts for long,
soon heavy fumes rise from the moving sea and fill the
heavenly air of the soul with heavy clouds; they then obstruct
the light of the spiritual sun to reach the life-waters of the soul –
and the soul becomes dark, cannot anymore distinguish true
from false and regards the deceptions of hell as the light of
14] Such a soul is then as good as lost! There must come strong
winds, this means strong trials from above, so to tear apart the
evil clouds of the soul, who should then immediately retire to
the true Sabbath rest and thereby bringing to rest her life-sea –
otherwise there is no rescue for her!
15] Behold, this is for everyone the useful spiritual meaning,
which this beautiful sunrise shows us in its quite natural
appearance! Who shall take note of it in himself, shall remain in
truth and all light and the everlasting life shall become his
inheritance; who, however, shall disregard this teaching and
ignore it, shall die forever!”
UT now continue to pay attention! The sun is just rising
its disk, or rather its western half-globe, over the

horizon; what do you notice?”

[2] Say the Essenes: “Not much, apart from the bright area
rising surprisingly fast from the bright depth; the luminous fish-
play has now suddenly vanished, whilst the cloudlets are
thinning out and also disappearing one by one. And now the
entire disc or ball is posed above the horizon, and a fairly cold
breeze is blowing from the morning (east). But that is all we
[3] Say I: “Cast a glance also down to the Earth’s plains and
valleys, and say what you see!”
[4] The two Essenes look at the Earth’s depths, saying: “We
see the valleys filled with bright, gray fogs, whilst the sea
surface also is covered with grayish mist. The fog is lifting from
the valleys, covering the foothills. – Is this too, going to have
some spiritual significance perhaps?
[5] Say I: “Quite certainly, for nothing and without spiritual
stimulation, nothing happens on earth! But we want to see what
meaning this has!
[6] The sun corresponds fully with the being of God; the earth
with its valleys, flat areas, hills, mountains, rivers, lakes and sea
areas fully corresponds with outer man.
[7] The fog which rises between sun and earth, corresponds
with the manifold empty and petty worries of man, through
which the light of the sun can only sparely penetrate, and the
fog rises upwards and even covers the mountains; the hills and
mountains corresponds with the better comprehension of man
on this earth. This better comprehension is likewise clouded by
the petty and trifling worries of the half-blind people.
8] Therefore morning winds are coming and drive the fog from
the mountains and fields so that they cannot be destroyed and
the mountains and fields be freely illuminated and warmed by
the sun, so that their fruit of life can become ripe. -I think that
you are able to understand this correspondence!?”

[9] Say the two Essenes: “Yes Lord, this is as clear as yonder
sun! Ah, what a glory in this great, holiest doctrine! Oh, how
much men are unaware of that they ought to know the way they
know, that they live! Lord, this doctrine of the true Sabbath rest
just given us shall be our task to introduce to mankind. This
surpasses everything said so far and taught by You; for we see
in what preceded it only a preparation for the easier keeping of
this holiest doctrine! Verily, all the heavens had to open for
returning to men this holiest doctrine of all doctrines! – But
now quite a different question arises, concerning us!
[10] How can we properly thank You, oh Lord, for this purely
superlative, heavenly doctrine? In the depths of our hearts we
feel unworthy of it; only Your grace and love could give it to us
! Oh Lord, do command us on how we should laud and praise
You for it!”
[11] Say I, placing My hands on both Essenes’ shoulders: “My
dear friends, act accordingly and you shall give Me no lesser
joy than I now gave you! And your reward shall not be
inconsiderable if you spurn mankind unto it.”
HEREAFTER establish a school, teaching disciples how
to honor the Sabbath; and keep it for a couple of hours

yourselves every day, and you shall soon perceive the

great blessing there within yourselves!

[2] Should you found a school and build a large house for it, the
walls of it should be free from any barriers and any locks!
Become true freemason of your schoolhouses and the prophet
schools will become your new achievement; however, your
main concern should be directed to faithfully keep My teaching
already given to you and to be given, and not, as the Pharisees
and elders are doing, mix your own doctrine to it! Your current
doctrines must be completely eradicated from the very
foundation and My word must fully take its place, and this in
free deed, otherwise My spirit could not become effective after
the promise which was given to man by the mouth of the

[3] The Essenes thank Me for this instruction, and promise in

all earnestness to abide by it all, to the letter; but would I
nonetheless always provide them with proper protection and
sufficient strength to set these purely divine works in motion,
not only for themselves but for many other people thirsting after
it, beneficially and curatively for all times!
[4] Say I: “There shall be no failure on My part ever, but see to
it that no seniority squabbles arise among you in future. Let the
most experienced among you be the leader certainly, but let him
not presume to be more than the least among you! But this is
not to say that the weaker ones should deny him due respect. He
is to be loved and respected, and his advise followed as if law.
But let him beware who would lay hands on him! Verily, such I
shall regard with wrathful eyes!
[5] But if elect a principal and leader to your concern, then pray
that no one unworthy is given that office, for a bad and unwise
leader for a society is like a bad shepherd for his flock: When
seeing the wolf approach he flees, leaving the sheep to the wolf;
or he becomes a wolf himself, turning into killer of his lambs,
as are now the Pharisees and their High Priest. They go about in
sheep’s clothing, but are ravenous wolves within! They hardly
feed gnats but ask a camel for what they spent on a gnat!
[6] Wherefore be not like them! They reside in chambers or
stone that are well protected and regarded at all times, so that
none can approach them, and must not, lest anyone find out
about their deceptions. And should someone courageous dare to
penetrate into such Temple chamber, he would be declared a
profane of the holy of holiest and forthwith stoned!
[7] Wherefore I said unto you that you should build you
schoolhouse free and open, so all can come and go as they
want. Let every secret vanish from your school! Whoever wants
to, let him be initiated to his grasping capacity, for with My
doctrine I am not you selling you a cat in a sack. I tell you all
things openly and clearly, not acting secretively, except where
cleverness dictates it for some man’s benefit. Hence let you too
be open towards everyone in whom you see good will! Be
nevertheless clever, because openness need not extend to where
precious and costly pearls are cast before swine!

[8] I would still have much to say unto you, but you would
not be able to grasp it yet. But when the spirit of the full
truth shall have been awakened within you then it shall lead
you into all wisdom. And this spirit is God’s image within
your heart, and you shall yourselves awaken it through the
correct honoring of the Sabbath. Say whether you have now
comprehended all this!”
[9] Say the awe-struck Essenes: “Yes Lord, who should not
understand Your holy word? For these are not words like those
of men! Your words are substantial throughout – they are
completely light, warmth and life! When You speak, oh Lord,
then we feel an actual coming into being within us as if every
word out of Your mouth an immeasurably great new Creation
comes into being – and we feel an infinitive new being coming
into being within us!
[10] We understand nevertheless the essential meaning of Your
holiest word although we shall never attain to their ultimate
effect; for we vitally sense it within us that the words
pronounced by You here pertain not only to ourselves but apply
to the whole of eternal infinity! Oh rejoice Earth, chosen from
among countless worlds for treading of your ground with His,
letting His holiest voice resound in your air! – Oh Lord, how
many beings shall go forth from Your every word and from
every breath of Your mouth!? Oh, permit us to laud, love,
praise and worship You; for it is due to You alone!”
AY I: “Well now, My beloved friends and brethren.
After the soul breakfast we shall also look around for a

physical one! – Ebahl, have you any provisions left?”

[2] Say Ebahl: “Lord, there is something left, but not much!
Nearly everything was consumed last night; there is
nevertheless a little bread and wine left!”
[3] Say I: “Bring everything here so I can bless it, and we shall
all have enough to eat as well as to drink!”– Ebahl immediately
has half a loaf of bread, and about three beakers-full of wine
remaining in the skin, brought over to Me, and I blessed the
bread and the wine, saying: “Hand it out now, and if anything is
left over then we here shall also partake of breakfast!”
[4] Ebahl now hands it out, and in order to conserve, breaks off
small portions from the half loaf; but the latter is not getting
smaller. On seeing that the half loaf is not getting any smaller,
notwithstanding his having passed it up to all mountain guests
several mouthful, he starts handing out larger portions, yet the
half loaf is still not getting any smaller. Seeing the guests’
appetite, he starts another distribution, breaking off still larger
lumps. And having made the rounds among some thirty people
who had scaled the mountain with us, he has a huge lump left in
his hand, saying to Me: “Lord, this I have left over; shall it
suffice for Yourself and Raphael and Jarah and myself?”
[5] Say I: “Just give it to Jarah to serve up, then it is going to
suffice! Ebahl does so, and Jarah gives a portion first to Myself,
then to her Raphael, then Ebahl and only then, the leftover to
herself, and we all nevertheless were filled.
[6] The Centurion however noted and said: “Why friend
Ebahl, did you not include me in this last distribution? Did you
judge me as insufficiently worthy?”
[7] Say I: “Friend, let not this make you cross! For behold,
Ebahl was not anticipating any leftover, wherefore he also
started his distribution as meagerly as possible; he didn’t want
to include you among those who would miss out. But since
there was a residue left over due to My will, this only then led
to a second serving. If however the second distribution matter
much to you, which in no way is more abundant than the first,
then say so, and I shall gladly forego My portion in your favor.”

[8] Says the Centurion: “Now, now, all is fine again; it was
only a traditional Roman protocol stupidity going through my
head – but I’m alright again! However, what intrigues me most
here is that the heavenly Raphael is consuming his bread with
such voracity, as if he were the hungriest among us! This truly
is most peculiar! He surely is more spirit, rather than a carnal
man, yet eats as one having been born on Earth! This I like
immensely! – But I feel that the bread, although pure and very
tasty, make thirsty, and hence I would like to have a little
drink soon.”
[9] Say I to Ebahl: “You could serve the wine now, starting
with our friend Julius!”
[10] Says the Centurion: “Lord, I beg You, be the first to
drink, for some protocol surely has to be maintained at table!”
[11] Say I: “Indeed, I agree, but since we have no table here,
nor are invited to table as guests, let us take wine along natural
need! Let the thirstiest one drink first, followed by the less
thirsty ones – each according to his need!”
[12] With this the Centurion was at ease, emptying the beaker
handed him to the last drop, and saying: “Lord, I thank You!
This truly was heavenly fortification, and never before has wine
been so palatable to me in the morning; this indeed is a wine
second to none upon Earth!”
[13] Say I: “We are all glad that you like it so much on this
[14] The Centurion says: “Lord, forgive me if I maybe would
spoil the good mood, but it seems to me that even Satan should
be glad here!”
[15] Say I: “If you want to see and speak to him, he can be
called here, and then you can see for yourself if he enjoys it!”
[16] The Centurion says: “If there is really a personal Satan,
then let him appear here!”
HEN the captain has spoken such, a powerful
lightening flash accompanied by a most strongest

thunder occurs and Satan is standing as a gigantic

figure quite ingenuously before the captain, stamps with one
foot so violently onto the ground that the whole mountain
around us trembles and says to the captain: “What do you want
most wretched mother incest from me!? Why do you call me to
this height which is a thousand times more painful to me than
all hellfire!?”

[2] Says the captain somewhat strongly excited about the

exclamation ‘mother incest’: “Hey, enemy of all people and
God Himself, slow down, since you are not entitled to judge in
the face of God, your Lord! If I have sinned while asleep and
under great numbing of my senses, I only harmed myself but
never you. However, I belief that God is more than you, and He
never has greeted me like you wretched liar! It is true that I
slept with my mother once, when I was fourteen years old; but
I was deceived to it by my mother. Because she disguised
herself as a opulent Greek woman and carried over her still
most beautiful face a fine Greek veil, came at night to me,
uncovered all her mighty charms to me and wanted me. Since
my mother at that stage was barely 28 years old; when she gave
birth to me she was thirteen and a half years old. In Rome I was
known as one of the most beautiful and loveliest youth; no
wonder that my own mother was inflamed for me and disguised
herself to enjoy me! Wretched! If I as a fiery Roman slept with
my mother unknowingly who was disguised as a most lavish
and passionate Greek woman, am I therefore a mother incest?
Can you, blind infernal donkey, scold someone a murderer or
killer, who fell from the roof and by his fall kills a person on the
ground?! – Speak now, you old, infernal donkey!”
[3] Says Satan, very enraged about the abuse by the captain:
“I only look at the deed and not the circumstances in which it
took place; with me there are no mitigating circumstances and
by me you are seen as guilty, belongs to hell and you will not
escape my power!”

[4] Says the captain: “Look here, you old, blind infernal
donkey! Who is He standing here to my right, do you know
Him, are you familiar with Jesus of Nazareth?”
[5] When saying My name, Satan is violently thrown to the
ground, and he threatens the captain that he never again should
mention this to him most adverse name. He knows the Nazarene
and curses him because he wants to snatch power from the
Godhead and it doesn’t take a lot more now for him to become
lord of heaven and all the world!
[6] Says the captain: “Blind, infernal donkey! What He was
from eternity, He still is and shall be forever; and only He will
judge me and you and forever not you old, evil, blind and most
stupid infernal donkey! If you are then such mighty being, why
is it that only the pure name of the holy Nazarene cuts you to
size as if you never have been standing? Look, how nice and
praiseworthy it is here and how well we are all being treated!
If you would not have been such an arch-stupid infernal animal,
how easily could you not have it as nice as we are! Turn around
and recognize in your heart, if you still have one, that Jesus is
the Lord of heaven and earth, and surely you will be treated
[7] Here Satan grinned: “Did you again had to speak the to
me most adverse name?! If you don’t know to speak about
something better, at least circumscribe the name; for it torments
me more than 10,000 hells and their most terrible fire furies!
Besides, I am a spirit and must stay like this for the sake of your
everlasting salvation and therefore cannot convert myself to
your God and your Lord! I am for once and all condemned and
for me there exist no salvation anymore!”
[8] Says the captain: “If someone else other than you had
told me so, I would believe it; but from you I believe nothing,
except that you really are the old, stupid infernal donkey! If you
wanted to convert yourself, I know only too well that you and
all your followers would be accepted by the Lord; however,
with you it is only a most stubborn evilness that you forever not
want to convert yourself, because it gives you some sort of
hellish joy to oppose God the Lord with your free will. But I
say to you that the Lord nowhere near yet has closed His heart
before you and nowhere near has judged you yet! Turn
therefore to Him and He will accept you and forgive you all
your billion times billion crimes and sins!

[9] I am a heathen and in my youth have worshipped nature and

wood carvings, made by human hands and arising from their
fantasies; however, I, as a weak, blind carnal person, have soon
recognized that I am on aberrations by which no purpose can be
[10] However, you since your primordial beginning have been
created as a pure spirit by Him who now resides in the heart of
this holy Nazarene, and to whom visibly heaven and earth are
subject. For you the pure recognition of the everlasting truth is
easy, while I for a long time had to grope around in night and
fog; you only have to will and you are sitting in the old
primordial light again. Turn thus again to the Lord who stays
most wondrously physically among us, and I guarantee you
with everything, my life, what I own and what is holy to me,
that you will be accepted!”
[11] Says Satan: “I cannot do that!”
[12] Says the captain: “And why not?”
[13] Screams Satan: “Because I don’t want to!”
[14] Says also the captain now with a very excited voice:
“Then in the name of Jesus go away; because now you start to
disgust me to the point of vomiting! You are therefore a highly
free-willing incorrigible infernal beast and in me every
compassion regarding your everlasting pain and torment is gone
forever. The Lord judges you, you old infernal donkey!”
[15] Upon these words of the captain, Satan falls to the ground
like being struck by lightning and roared immensely like a
hungry lion; however I gave the angel Raphael a sign that he
should get him under control.
[16] The angel quickly stepped between the captain and Satan
and said: “Satan! I, a most insignificant servant of the Lord
Jesus Jehovah Zebaoth, command with an unalterable must, that
you immediately leave this place and this region which with
your evil breath have made it uninhabitable for a long time!”

[17] Says Satan, inflamed by fury: “Where should I go?”

[18] Says the angel: “Where your servants await you and are
cursing you! Go and leave! Amen!”
[19] With these words of the angel, Satan rose like an ominous
blazing ball of fire and fled under great thundering bangs with
lightening speed towards midnight.
[20] The angel however tore off a rock of a couple of fifty
hundredweights, on which Satan had stood and lain, and flung it
over the mountain and into the sea with such force that the rock
already in midair was pulverized into minutest dust particles by
air resistance.
[21] And all were exceedingly astonished at the angel’s power,
with the Centurion saying: “Hoy, this I would call a stone-
thrower! This one alone would excel ten Roman legions! I by
the way thank You oh Lord for this revelation as well, for now I
have also gotten to know personally as it were, the eternal
enemy of all love, light and everything good and true, and am
quickly persuaded of what he is on about. This one no eternity
or fire shall reform!
[22] All things are possible with God indeed, but here I believe
even divine omnipotence shall find it hard to bring this spirit
back to remorse and atonement. For should he be left with
free will then he shall never change eternally, but if not then he
has ceased to be, and there is then no Satan throughout infinity.
But to try moving him to repentance by the most intense
tormenting and pain would be like drawing water with a sieve
into a vessel full of holes! The wisest thing it seems to me
would be to keep him in some prison forever, but without pain;
then at least he would have no effect upon the living!”
[23] Say I: “Friend, these are things that you cannot grasp at
this stage, but they shall become clear to you once! For this
however, terrestrial time has no estimate – but an arch
primordial central sun indeed! When such has reached its end,
then it shall not be long to Satan’s potential turnaround; but
where shall this Earth and sun be then? Because a body such as
an arch-primordial central sun needs a period beyond your
mental reach, till all life under judgment within it, at present
seemingly dead matter, is to the last dust particle dissolved into
free spiritual life!

[24] But, as said, such you cannot grasp nowhere near yet! This
not even the angels can grasp. But a time shall soon come when
you shall be left with no more doubt about what you were told
now, and believe things of which you have no inkling at this
stage! But now no more about it! Let you all get up now, and
we shall slowly set upon our return journey!
AYS Jarah, who had covered her face with a cloth during
Satan’s visible presence: “Lord, now I am happy to go

back to town, because the presence of that one has spoilt

this height for me for good, notwithstanding that it shall remain
indescribably memorable to me. My feet shall never treat it

[2] Say I: “Now, now, same has now been driven out from here,
and your Raphael has at once cleaned up the place. It shall by
the way be of no consequence whether you ever scale this
height again or not. But the best height to scale is one’s own
heart; he who has penetrated its innermost has attained to the
highest life-sights! – But let us depart now, for the third hour of
today’s Sabbath has passed already. Let you all follow Me, and
we shall hit upon the most direct and best route to Gennesaret!”
[3] Said the Centurion: “Lord, if I remember correctly –
wasn’t there some talk earlier about wanting to still spend the
entire day up here?”
[4] Say I: “You misunderstood Me somewhat this time; only
the height of honoring the Sabbath in the heart was to be
understood thereby. But this does not matter now, because
several suffering ones are awaiting us below! These have to be
helped, so that after My departure from this region no further
sick should be found!”

[5] At these My words everyone got under way, and I and little
Jarah and Raphael made up the guides as it were, and the
descent from the mountain to the valley at Nazareth was quick
and easy. After about two and half hours we already found
ourselves in the vicinity of the small town of Gennesaret.
[6] Here I called all the alpine guests together, saying: “All of
you listen to Me! As I already have indicated to you on the top,
I say it to you all once more: everything experienced and seen
on the mountain keep to yourself for the time being! However,
when noticing by a major sign from heaven in your heart, then
preach such from the roofs to the people who are of a good will;
but for the evil world, such should be kept concealed for good,
just like the centre of the earth is concealed! Because such the
outer world sense will never comprehend and would condemn
you as crazy people! But this would then be the everlasting
death of their souls.
[7] In general remember this: My words and teachings are more
delightful than the unequalled large pearls of Jarah; and such
pearls should not be thrown to the pigs! Therefore be always on
guard; since everything coming from above, is only for those
who also are from above! To dogs and pigs belongs only the
feculence of the world; since a dog returns to what it has
vomited and a pig wallows in the same puddle where it a few
moments earlier has wallowed and has dirtied itself entirely.
Take therefore My advice fully to heart!”
[8] Says the captain: “Lord, if we however ask by the curios
what has taken place on the mountain, what answer should we
give to such interrogators.”
[9] Say I: “Speak the truth, and say that I have prohibited you to
make it known to the world; and the questioners will not bother
you anymore and be content with it.”
[10] With this advice our Chief was happy, and we moved into
town and Ebahl’s house.
N arrival at Ebahl’s house, the servants and domestics
at once came and said that about a hundred sick had

arrived, asking for the Lord Savior Jesus from


[2] Say I to the servants: “Go and tell them that, Sabbath
notwithstanding, they can now quietly and happily make their
way home, for their faith in the power of My word has helped
[3] With this, the servants departed, going over to the sick at the
Inn, and being quite astonished at finding no more sick, for all
who had been sick became well in the same moment,
irrespective of whether they were Jews or heathen. On stepping
over to them, the servants heard just hymns of praise for
regained health, and the healed demanded to see Me!
[4] But the servants said: “It is not up to us to allow this, but
we will send over a messenger. If He approves it then you are
free to go over to see and speak to Him; if not then you are at
leisure to depart from here, as commanded by Him – for He
does not always receive visitors, and is even less open to
discussions.” With that, a servant comes over to ask Me.
[5] But I say: “I did of a truth say unto you that they are free to
go home in peace; hence let it be so! That which they sought
they found, having no sense or understanding for anything
loftier, and thus let them go home!”
[6] The messenger returns to pass this advice unto the healed
ones. But these say: “He to Whom one wants to render due
honor and praise it is not seemly to ask in advance! Let us go
over and in all truth and propriety bring Him due praise and
thanks, and one is going to be dismissed with civility! Hence let
us bravely go over, and He shall not refuse to receive us,
knowing that we come with the best of intentions!”
[7] With these words they come over to Me inside the house,
knocking at the door; and come into the hall, as many as could
fit in, starting to loudly praise Me, expressing their thanks.
[8] I bid them to be silent, saying unto them: “God does not,
and hence neither I Myself regard the praise of the mouth, and
thanks of the lips. Let him who want to approach Me come in
his heart, and I shall regard him; but empty bawling of mouth,
not paired with any thinking, and even less a feeling heart, is to
My eyes what a rotting carcass is to the nostrils. That which you
were seeking you have obtained, and anything else you don’t
know, and your empty praise does not please Me! Hence go
home and not cause this house unpleasantries! Beware however
of fornication, whoring, greediness and gluttony – or worse
sicknesses shall befall you than those by which you were beset
and tormented until now.
[9] These words shocked the healed ones in the heart, and they
were wondering among themselves how I could have known
that their disease was caused by their lewdness. They were
overcome with fear of Me, thinking: “He may divulge yet more
of our none too praiseworthy life-style! Hence let us depart!” –
And they left the hall and betook themselves back to whence
they had come.

[10] The Centurion was struck by this, and he asked Me,

saying: “How is it that these got lost so suddenly? You had
hardly mentioned their sins, and they were driven out the door
as if by some mighty force!”
[11] Say I: “These are fornicators par excellence! They carry on
unchastity of every type and adultery has become perfectly
normal to them; for these, women are communal property, and
the raping of virgins sheer fun! But there are also pedophiles
among them, and such as carry on sodomistically with young
maidens, hoping to thereby avoid more serious infections, but
nonetheless contracting more severe sicknesses therewith. It is
on that account that I gave these people such a rough welcome
and dismissal, because only harsh words can still bring them
potential reform.”
[12] Says the Chief: “Which area do they actually come from?”
[13] Say I: “From the Gadarene area. A couple of spots, plus
4 villages. They are a medley of Jews, Egyptians, Greeks and
Romans. Greeks and Romans. They have little – and actually
no religion at all. Piggery is their occupation, and trade
therewith to Greece and Europe, where their flesh is eaten and
their fat used to spice food. These are therefore disagreeable
already by trade, which of itself would not be sinful, if in their
behavior they were not worse by far than their pigs. Their
doings put them far below swine, and it shall be hard to do
anything for them.

[14] Says the Chief: “Well, it is good that I know this. Those
municipalities still are under my command, and I shall certainly
not fail to place a moral custodian over them, who shall know
how to rap them over the knuckles for the slightest indiscretion,
in accord with orders. Nay, just you wait; tomorrow already you
shall have your lechery dealt with in a way that shall rob you of
your desire to let filthy lust rise from your heart, giving them
unscrupulous reign.
[15] Lord, although I am but a man, I nevertheless have,
through constant service to state affairs, come to the manifold
conclusion that it is of the greatest benefit for the common man
to be ruled with iron scepter, and to occasionally flogged
towards goodness. If in populous places this is not applied,
things soon get out of hand!”
[16] Say I: “For sure, there you are right – but only in the said
community; if you were to apply your procedure in one and all
cases, you would do more damage than good! The medicine has
to always suit the sickness, and not the other way around. But,
as said, in yonder specific community, your medicine will fairly
put these people off their lewdness, at best! But the rod needs to
be administered not with wrathful, but loving hand!”
AYS the Centurion: “Lord, this I understand very well
now, and yet I can recall a case in my life where the full

measure of love was unable to achieve anything; and the

case was as follows: among the many soldiers under my
command there was a young, colossally powerful Illyrian. His
sword weighed fifty pounds, yet was a feather in his hand. This
paid warrior, carrying armor and shield, accomplished more in
battle than a hundred other warriors; hence he was useful in war

– but not so in peace, where he was perfidious; and not a week

passed without him creating some new ruckus. I always treated
him with indulgence, whilst showing him and rebuking the
wickedness and shamefulness of his willful annoyance.
Whereupon he always promised complete mending of his ways,
and also kept sober and unassuming for a few days. But this
never lasted more than ten days, after which complaints came in
from every quarter, and ‘of course we had to repair the damage.
If asked why in the world he was doing this, he always replied:
‘I must drill my martial arts, and here I can spare nothing but
man, and my sword has to be tried on diverse objects!’
[2] Such martial art practice however not seldom drove him to
pay a sit to some hereof oxen, bulls, cows and calves to chop
their heads off in one blow. On one occasion he beheaded a
herd of fully one hundred oxen, afterwards boasting of such his
heroic prowess, which cost us damage worth one thousand
heavy silver pieces! Here in the end I became so furious with
this person that I could have myself torn in to shreds.
[3] Whereupon I had him shackled to a tree with heavy chains,
binding his feet and hands with heavy ropes, and had him
flogged for an hour and into utter feebleness. I then arranged
treatment for him, which fully restored him in twenty days. And
behold, this brought about the most complete change in this
man, on whom the uttermost love had no effect. He thereupon
became the most composed and humble person, whom a year
later I promoted to second in command, and he still thanks me
today for this exemplary chastisement, without which he would
never have become deputy. Yet love would never be able to
move me to such punishment, only a fair measure of rage over
this person. And thus I opine that a proper measure of anger
sometimes benefits mankind more than ever so fervent love!”

[4] Say I: “Oh, indeed, but that is then not anger actuality but
only an exceptional zeal of love within the heart, which is
imbued with curative power. I too act with this where
necessary. If love did not pose such zeal then infinity would
still be bereft of creatures; it is only the intense zeal of God’s
love which all Creation can thank its existence.
[5] And thus, what prompted your heart towards proper
punishment of that mischievous mercenary was not anger, and
thirst for revenge stemming therefrom, but a certain zeal of your
love towards yonder mercenary, who was dear to your heart
owning to his prowess. For had you been in a rage toward that
person then you would have put him to death. But love’s zeal
counted the stripes necessary, and you permitted his flogging
only to what you thought he could tolerate.
[6] Thus you can also proceed with those societies if necessary;
however, the first attempt nevertheless must take place by pure
love and by proper education. If people get to recognize that
one only give them sharp laws for their own benefit and adds a
relentless judicial office, they will tolerate this; however, if the
sharp laws appear only as tyrannical arbitrariness of the rulers,
they better nobody and finally even turn the angels of the
society into devils, who will do nothing else then to seek
revenge on him who constantly torments them for nothing and
without end and without any apparent reason. – Do you
understand this?”
[7] Says the Centurion: “Yes Lord, this now is as clear as the
sun in broad daylight, and I shall even today dispatch a
messenger with order to the deputy there, and tomorrow these
municipalities shall be made to comply. Therefore I should
like to go over to my people for a few moments to have it put
into effect.”
ITH these words the Chief leaves for home; Ebahl
however asks him not to absent himself for too long,

as lunch shall be ready shortly. And the Chief calls,

striding along: “I shall, if nothing of consequence has taken
place, be back here at once, or alternatively send a messenger
over here.”

[2] After which the Chief takes off with flighty steps, being not
a little surprised with the briefings of his deputies upon his
arrival who told him what had been taking place in the
meantime and how he will find the order for the above
mentioned societies on his desk written in his own handwriting
on parchment. He hurriedly reads them and finds it precisely the
way he had imagined it should be. He sends for an athletic
messenger and, behold, there comes in Roman soldier outfit our
angel Raphael, offering the Chief his services.
[3] The Chief, not recognizing him, thinks him to be a young
warrior perhaps assigned to him by Cornelius from Capernaum.
He hence quizzes him on whether he would venture such rather
distant errand to the deputy At Gadarene.
[4] Says the angel: “Lord of your powers, just hand it over, and
I shall have it over there with the speed of an arrow, and in a
few moments you shall have the response in your hands!”
[5] Only then did the Chief look the man over, recognizing the
angel Raphael and saying: “Sure, sure, to you such is possible,
for only now have I recognized you!”
[6] Whereupon the Centurion handed him the order, and same
was back with the answer in barely 15 minutes, in which the
Gadarene Commander confirmed receiving the instructions
from a well presented young man, and that he shall carry them
out in their spirit.
[7] The Chief no longer marveled at Raphael’s speed, but only
that the errand still took him 15 minutes to carry out.
[8] Says Raphael: “That was the time your Gadarene deputy
took to write. Hence it need not intrigue you, for I did not need
time. – However, let’s together go to Ebahl; since lunch is
prepared and the guests are hungry upon the tough trip down
the mountain.”

[9] The Chief at once leaves with the angel, who nonetheless
appears in his Gennesaretan garb at Ebahl’s house. And the
Chief asks him where he so quickly disposed of the
mercenary’s uniform.
[10] And the angel said with a smile: “Behold, we have it
easier than you; for we carry our closet filled with a wide
variety of clothes within our will; whatever we want to wear,
with that we are already fully dressed. Were you however see
me in my garment of light, you would be struck blind, and your
flesh would dissolve in front of me; because compared to the
shining of my garment, the terrestrial sun is sheer darkness!”
[11] Say the Centurion: “Friend of the Earth’s people! The
former attribute of being able just through willpower to clothe
oneself, without the material, quite appeals to me, and poor
mankind could use same to great advantage, especially in
winter. But the equally potential and exceedingly powerful
shining of your bright garment, which no man could withstand
alive, does not please me, at least in this world. Therefore we
intend not to investigate it. Yet one thing I would like to find
out from you, since we are alone right now and suffer no
embarrassment before anyone; and so you could reveal the
following to me: is there among yourselves a sexual
[12] Says the angel: “This is a somewhat clumsy question;
however, for it originates in you from a pure knowledge desire,
I want to answer it to you with No! What we primordially
spirits are, with us countless only the male-positive being is
without exception prevailing; nevertheless in each one of us
also the female-negative principle is fully present, and as such
every angel in himself represents the most perfect marriage of
the heavens of God. It entirely depends on us, if we want to
show ourselves in either the male or female form, and all this
within one and the same spiritual skin.
13] Therein however, that we are in ourselves a two-being, lies
also the reason, that we never can get old, because in us both
poles continuously support each other forever; but with you
humans the poles are separated in a sexually separated
personality and because each one exists on its own, they do not
have any support in themselves.

[14] If however the separate personal poles touch one another

externally, they diminish, resembling a wine skin, wrinkling in
proportion to being relieved of its spiritual contents. If
nevertheless you could imagine a wine-skin that can, within
itself spontaneously, reproduce what has been removed, then
you shall not discover the wrinkles and folds of aging upon its
surface. Do you actually comprehend this?”
[15] Says the Captain: “The thing is not completely clear to me
yet, but I am getting the drift of it. We shall no doubt have the
opportunity to further discuss it. But let us go to the house now,
as they shall be expecting us!”
[16] Says the angel: “Yes, that for sure, and I am feeling within
me what you call hunger.”
[17] Says the Chief: “Ahoy, are you not the purest of spirit!?
How shall you be able to consume material fare?”
[18] Says Raphael, smiling: “Better than yourself! With me
everything that I take in is totally consumed and transformed
into visible life – with yourself however only what corresponds
to your isolated life-polarity, whilst the incompatible part is
removed through the natural process; and so I am much better
off than you regarding eating and drinking!”
[19] Says the Captain: “Does one then in actual fact eat and
drink in heaven as well?”
[20] Says the angel: “O yes, but not in the sense like on earth,
but spiritually! We have the word of God from eternity in us,
just like heavens and all creation consists of this very word and
are everywhere filled with it; and this word is primarily our
being-like being and for such being also the only, most true life-
bread and the true life-wine. In our veins it rolls like in yours
the blood and our intestines are full of the bread of God.”
[21] Says the Captain: “Oh, this is spoken with immense
wisdom; this I cannot grasp – I must let the Lord Himself reveal
it to me further! – But now it is high time for us to go inside and
start no further discussion.”

EVEN while he is saying this, our pious Jarah comes to

meet him, saying: “But how long you’ve been gone! –
You my dear Raphael too seem intent on going by our
lazy world-time! Verily, this did not go as quickly as our trip to
yonder distant sun! But come in quickly now, as the foods are
on the table!” – Both move in quickly, greeting Me most

[2] The Centurion wanted to give Me thanks for looking after

him, but I say unto him: “Friend, for Me your heart is
sufficient! The foods have been waiting for you, and now it is
time to above all afford the necessary fortification to the body,
and only afterwards go back to the spiritual.”
[3] All say thanks and then vigorously tuck into food and drink,
and the Captain watching the angel, who heartily reaches for the
dishes, giving also his wine cup the desired attention.
[4] In the end the Captain could not resist saying half-jokingly:
“Now, now, the pure spirits certainly have a hearty appetite!
My good Raphael does the eating for three; nay, this surely the
Earth has not seen yet!”
[5] Says Ebahl: “I too am astonished beyond measure; but
something other than his hearty eating intrigues me even more.
Behold, his dish does not diminish therewith! Here truly the
wise adage applies: ‘What heaven takes away it gives back the
next moment!’ This table shall be kept as a permanent sanctum
with all honors for all time, for my descendants, and an annual
feast shall be kept at this table to feed and slake the thirsty poor
of this vicinity.”
[6] Say I: “Let the table be table and you remain yourself,
as you were! And if some poor one comes and you have
something, then support him on whatever day; whilst a yearly
feast helps neither the poor nor yourself, and it does not please
Me. He who remembers Me, let him do so at all hours of day;
whereas I cannot find use for a yearly commemoration!

[7] If you were to designate such feast, you would verily

resemble the Templers at Jerusalem, who also each year
celebrate three anniversaries, and because it is customary, hand
out bread to the poor, as if the poor could then live until the
next feast without further nourishment! Oh for the nonsense of
such ridiculous feasts! The Pharisees indeed on such feasts
collect so much rich offerings that they can easily last a hundred
years from such takings; but the poor have to be satisfied if
three times a year he receives a piece of bread weighing hardly
the eight part of a pound. Oh for the great foolery, stupidity,
blindness and selfish malice. Therefore let this table be what it
is, and celebrate a feast most pleasing to Me, if in accordance
with your capacity you satiate one or the other poor, at this or
some other table!
[8] And should one and the same poor come to you every day,
then do not ask him whether he receives nothing somewhere
else; for this would weigh the poor one’s heart down heavily, so
that for a lengthy period he would not dare coming to you, and
your good works would lose their merit before Me!
[9] It is not My will on the other hand that you hand out the
poor’s bread to those robust idlers able to work; to such give
work commensurate with their strength! If they carry out one or
the other job for you, then give them to eat and drink. If they
don’t accept the work, then don’t give them to eat! For he who
is strong and does not want to work shall not eat!
[10] Behold, if you arrange your dealings along those lines, you
shall be preparing Me the most pleasing commemoration feasts;
but leave Me alone with your proposed annual feasts, for such
annual feast is the greatest nonsense that a man can engage in,
since it serves nothing to anyone, except the organizer who can
obtain some gainful offerings therefrom!
[11] In what way is a year preferable to a day? He who honors
his father’s birthday once a year, same should honor the hour of
birth every day, which certainly would be better than the annual
[12] I say unto you that all such human commemoration days
are worthless before Me, unless they be kept daily, hourly and
vitally in the heart. So are the new moons, jubilees, the feast of
Jerusalem’s liberation from Babylon’s power, the feast of
rebuilding the city and Temple, the feast of Moses, Aaron,
Samuel, David and Solomon’s vain things, in which there is
nearly as much truth as the rain that fell into the sea a thousand
years ago.
[13] Initially these feasts are executed in a sort of religious
impetus and the participants commemorate a person or a
significant event which they themselves have experienced in a
still very animated way. However, in the second, third, fourth or
even tenth generation it becomes an empty ceremony whereby
thousands hardly know why it is taking place – and still later
the whole issue goes over into futile heathenism.
[14] By saying this I do not want true commemoration feasts to
be abandoned; however, next to yearly, it also should be kept in
the heart daily, otherwise they must be considered as dead and
thus ineffectively. But with this table it stays as I have told
and shown you!”
[15] Says Ebahl: “All that You, oh Lord, have now most
graciously and truthfully indicated shall be strictly adhered to;
wherefore we shall keep the day-feast that much more eagerly
in our hearts, and strive with all strength to exercise ourselves
in the love of neighbor, and herewith celebrate the most
glorious commemoration feast!”
[16] Say I: “If you abide by that then I shall abide in you, and
by that they shall know that you truly are My disciple!
[17] But now we have adequately eaten and drunk, therefore
let’s rise from the table and betake ourselves to out boatmen,
who shall have a few rare things to relate to you! Over here we
would have little peace, as another caravan shall arrive in an
hour from Bethlehem, among whom there will be a few arch
Pharisees, with whom I definitely will have nothing to do; see
to it they are even today moved on as far as Sibarah!”

[18] Says the Captain: “This shall be taken care of! For right
now no man is more disgusting to me on earth than an arch-
Pharisee!” With these words we all rise and hasten out to our
shipmates near the shore.


WE catch up with the shipmates just as they were

reading David’s Psalms; seeing us, they get up from
the ground to greet us, with their skipper coming
up to Me, saying: “You alone could help us out of a tight spot!
Towards evening last night several Pharisees and Scribes came
to us, demanding a crossing towards Zebulon and Chorazin, but
we refused on account of not being our own lords, but servants
on the ship; and that now on a pre-Sabbath we were busy with
reading the Psalters. Whereupon a young Scribe asked for the
Psalters and opened it at Psalm 47, reading:

[2] 1. Oh, clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God
with the voice of triumph.
2. For the Lord Most High is awe inspiring; he is great
King over all the earth.
2. He shall subdue the peoples under us, and the nations
under our feet.
4. He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency
of Jacob. whom he loved. Selah.
5. God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound
of a trumpet.
6. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto
our king, sing praises.
7. For God is the King of all the earth; sing ye praises
with understanding.
8. God reigneth over the nations; God sitteth upon the
throne of his holiness.
9. The princes among the people are gathered together as a
nation before the God of Abraham; since God is greatly
elevated among the shields on earth!’

[3] After he read this Psalm, he asked with gravity: “Do you
understand this Psalm!” – And we had to unfortunately answer
in the negative. In spite of breaking our heads over it since
morning, we know no more than yesterday. We thought of You
a thousand times. You could if it pleases you, shed us some
light on it.”
[4] Say I: “Behold the little maiden on My hand! Ask her – she
shall give you the proper light over it!”
[5] Say the skipper: “This maiden might hardly count fourteen
summers Wherefrom is she going to take Solomon’s wisdom?”
[6] Say I: “Yes, indeed! Not only Solomon’s wisdom, but the
wisdom of the wise of the Earth; and yet much above that
dwells in her pure heart! Up till now, no man has managed to
gaze beyond the stars; but ask her, and she shall proclaim it
unto you! She carries the legendary ‘wise men’s stone’ in her
apron; wherefore she shall be able to unravel the short, yet
portentous Psalm to you. Give it a try, and convince yourself.”
[7] Says the skipper to his helpers: “She really does look
awfully clever! But she also has a truly angelically beautiful
appearance, which does not augur for her wisdom too much!
For it has been my experience that the most beautiful maidens
are also the most stupid, something that is natural. The most
beautiful children are also made into the most spoilt and
conceited ones, and hence learn nothing or very little. But with
a less beautiful child one does not usually fuss about too much.
One easily punishes same for every indiscretion, and the child
becomes humble and unassuming; it listens, is tolerant and
learns much therewith. But we shall see what this celestially
beautiful maiden can give us about this Psalm.”
[8] After which the skipper turns to Jarah and asks her, and she
replies with an endearing expression: “Dear friends, it’s not as
if I had ever learnt it in order to know it like a Scribe, but I feel
it in a most living form within me; – what David’s prophetic
spirit predicted several hundred years ago has now been
fulfilled before our eyes in a most telling manner. This you too
should have discerned on the first try!

[9] Did you not yourselves see how He, of Whom David
speaks, and Who now dwells physically among us, walked upon
the sea as if it were dry land; and do you not see how He has in
a few days, just through His word healed thousands from all
kinds of sickness? The blind received their sight, the deaf their
hearing, the leprous were cleansed, the lame and crooked made
straight! And behold this mountain in front of us; how much
one night has changed it! Who is able to move mountains and
raise the sea from its bed? Who is He Whom all angels and
elements obey?! Behold, here He stands before us physically;
this one David meant!
[10] This one we are to clap with our hands, with works of true
love of neighbor, and shout unto Him with the pre voice of
truth, without deception, without guile or craftiness! For let him
beware who would encounter Him with the unclean shout of the
lie! For notwithstanding His charm and gentleness towards
the righteous, He is equally awe-inspiring to those who bear the
lie, craftiness and deception their hearts, as it is also written:
‘Terrible it is to fall into the hands of God; for God is a King
almighty over the whole earth; no man hides before him in
any place!’
[11] He is here, to make, through His doctrine, all the nations to
step among us, in order to partake of our salvation; and the
people by whom are meant the children of the world, are put
beneath our feet as judgment! For us alone has He made
inheritors of eternal life; for we indeed are His inheritance! It is
He of Whom Jacob spoke: ‘Oh Lord, You alone are my glory!’
And recognizing this in his heart, Jacob became a favorite of
God – a favorite of Him Who tarries among us here!
[12] But He shall not tarry among us for long, but soon ascend
to His eternal heavens, namely with the merry voice of eternal
truth, through which He has created a new earth and a new
heaven for all eternities of eternities. And He is and shall be the
Lord, and the bright sound of His trumpet, which is the word
spoken to us, shall proclaim such to all Creation upon and in the
earth, and upon and above all stars, spiritually and materially.

[13] To this one we are then, according to David’s challenge,

sing praises; for this one is our God and our sole King eternally!
[14] Since we know Who He is however, we are to praise
Him with a pure and wise heart, and not the way of the
hypocritical Pharisees, who draw close to a false Jehovah with
their lips, but close their heart before this living Jehovah,
distancing themselves from Him.
[15] He is not however just our God and King, but also of all
the heathen upon the entire Earth; for He alone sits above all
men, and above all of endless Creation; upon the eternal throne
of His unlimited power and glory. Before Him all the princes of
the Earth must assemble, as their nations before them; for He is
the sole God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He alone is raised
up by Himself above all, as also above all the shields of the
mighty of this our wide Earth!
[16] That He came to us is an incomprehensible grace even to
the angels! But He did not come unannounced; for all the
prophets prophesied of Him. But many of the prophecies could
not be comprehended by the people, on account of their
hardness of heart. Now however He Himself has come of
Whom the prophets had prophesied, and He Himself reveals
Himself to all men of good will.
[17] But to those who have a wicked and haughty heart He
cannot be other than terrible! For malice has, for all time, the
almighty eternal righteousness as an inexorable Judge over
itself! Just as a pair of good and sensitive scales shall register a
discernible weight if just one hair is added on one side, just so
there cannot persist, before Him Who is here, an ever so small
falsehood, perversion, malice, unrighteousness and any other
baseness of heart! Hence He has to be terrible to every sinner in
whose breast there dwells a hard, obstinate and wicked heart. –
Do you now understand Psalm N° 47 of David?”
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
Book 5
Corresponding to Original German book: “Das grosse Evangelium Johannes” (The Great
Gospel of John II, chapter 159-244 to Book III 1- 14)

Explanation of the Biblical Gospel of John

Revealed by the Lord Jesus to His prophet Jakob Lorber
from 1840 – 1865 by the “inner word” dictation
There is no copyright for this book. This is God’s Word and God’s Word is free.
It may be copied freely on condition that the text will not be changed.
AYS the skipper: “Marvelous maiden, who gave you such
wisdom? Verily, you are wiser than Abraham, Isaac and
[2] Says Jarah: “Did I not just show you who is He that is now
among us; indisputably so, how can you still ask from where such
my wisdom, or who gave it to me? Here before us stand the great,
holy giver of all gifts! He alone is wise, and He alone completely
good! Whoever loves Him, and in his heart believes that He out of
Himself is the Lord Jehovah Zebaoth from eternity, into the heart
of such He shall place His uncreated eternal light, and the whole
man shall be lit up; and such man shall then be filled with divine
wisdom. If you have any understanding, then it must be plain to
you as to where we all stand now!”
[3] Says the skipper: “Sure, my most lovable angel! We
understand it now, and it is going to be as you explained it to us;
but those who last night asked us to take them to Zebulun and
Chorazim will not accept this, and hence grasp it even less! We are
very simple folk and hardly need a miracle to believe it; yet with
them a miracle would yield even less fruit than none at all!”
[4] Says Jarah: “Wherefore He shall also become awe-inspiring to
them, for the winds shall carry His word over all the Earth! Let
him beware who will then still reject it!”
[5] Say I to the shipmates: “Now then, how do you like this My
daughter’s mind?”
[6] Say the seamen: “Lord and Master! If you are He who You are,
according to this most wise and dear angel of maiden, then it is no
wonder that this little maiden is so wise; because He Who in
Bileam’s time could loosen the donkey’s tongue, so the same was
able to prophesy to Bileam, to Him it should be even easier to
make the tongue of an eloquent fourteen year-old maiden capable
of prophesying!
[7] We all believe now that You are He Who this little maiden
described before our eyes and ears, and no further miracle is
needed! But since You oh Lord are He, then take note of our
feebleness and transform it into proper strength, so that we can
defend ourselves against the constant enemies of light and truth!
For it is truly sad that we Jews must now seek light and truth
among the heathens. Jerusalem, instead of being a brilliant lamp to
all mankind, now is a mud hole of grossest night and darkness, and
a murderer’s den of the ancient pure spirit of the Jews; and when
we want light and truth then we have to go looking for it in Sidon
and Tyre with the Greeks and Romans! Wherefore, Lord and
Master, since all things are possible to You, give us light and
strength, so that we see the truth and defend it against the
[8] Say I: “Peace be with you, and also among you! Let none
imagine himself above another! You all are equal brethren; but he
who regards himself least, wanting to be the servant of all,
nevertheless is the greatest and highest! If however I desire you to
be My servant, then you are in all truth also My power. An so
every servant is his master’s strength, but the Lord is on that
account his servant’s righteousness! Love one another, do good to
your enemies, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who
damn you. Return good for evil and do not lend your money to
those who can pay high interest; and you shall be imbued with the
fullness of God’s blessing and grace! Therewith light, truth and all
power and strength shall shortly be bestowed upon you; for the
way you measure out, so shall you be measured out in return!”
[9] Says a bosun’s mate: “Lord, we see and perceive that Your
doctrine is true and orthodox; but we also feel that it shall be hard
to adhere to! It certainly is praiseworthy and celestially beautiful to
do good to those who are perpetually trying to do us harm; but who
can accommodate the often too despicable human malice with
steadfast patience? And it is questionable whether one does not
thereby foster human wickedness, instead of punishing them for
evil deeds. If one were to even reward murderer and thieves for
their misdeeds, then soon there should be few people left treading
the Earth. Wherefore one has to always show the enemy a tough
hide, and surround one’s house with a thorny bulwark, to
permanently remove the adversary’s desire to do harm. This is
certain to make an enemy friendlier than to even return a misdeed
with a favor!”
[10] Say I: “For sure, this certainly is the human reasoning, but
nevertheless lacks all trace of godliness. Through punishment you
shall certainly frighten the person who harmed you, so that he may
not lightly try to harm you again, yet he shall not become your
friend for it! If however, at the right time, you do him a favor when
he is in trouble, then he will feel convicted of the sin he committed
against you, repenting it and from that hour becoming your most
ardent friend!
[11] And then the favor with which you returned his misdeed shall
reform him for good; but punishment for it would transform him
into your sixty-fold enemy!
[12] If the first transgression against you consisted only in a kind
of mischief or derision, then the second transgression shall be from
anger and revenge; hence I say unto you again: do as I said unto
you earlier, and you shall be blessed with God’s grace and
benediction in all fullness!
13] Since he who wants truly be blessed by Me, must indeed
accept My word wherein dwells all mercy, all light, all truth and
all power, otherwise it would be impossible to award him any
[14] But let you all take Me as an example, for I am of a
completely gentle and humble heart, and supremely patient with
all! Does not the sun shine in equal measure upon the good and the
bad, the righteous and unrighteous; and does not the fructifying
rain fall upon the field of the sinner as the bust? Be ye therefore
perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect, and you shall be
overfilled with the grace and benediction from the heavens. Do
you of a truth understand this?”
[15] Say all: “Yes Lord, now we understand it indeed! It is all fully
true, and hence in perfect order, and we shall make the greatest
effort to adhere to it. Notwithstanding all this, it shall initially take
much effort.”
[16] Say I: “Yes, My dear friends, in this day the kingdom of God
requires force! They who will not take it by force shall not gain it.
Every man nonetheless who takes up battle on account of God’s
kingdom, is a wise and clever builder. A wise and clever builder
however does not build his house upon loose sand, but upon solid
rock; and when the winds and floods come, it falls not, for it
stands upon a rock.
[17] So is the battle for the kingdom of God within man. He who
once has gained it internally has brought it down to himself
indestructibly for eternity. Then worldly storms of all kinds can
come upon him, but they shall not prevail against him. But he who
has not secured it with all his strength and boldness shall be torn
down by world storms, and lose also that which he already had!
This remember well; for days are coming when you shall have
much need thereof!”
[18] Say the mariners: “We cannot but express sincere thanks to
You for all this, oh Lord, and we see it but too clearly that man
cannot give God anything out of himself that he has not previously
received first from Him; but receive this our thanks nevertheless as
if worthy of Your regard, and bid us what we can do, out of honor
and love for You!”
[19] Say I: “I have already told you; and nothing further is
required! But now tell us what you have seen and heard this night
everywhere; because mariners often see quite rare things. Be brief
however, and neither add nor leave out anything you know,
[1] We all sit down around the boatmen upon the beautiful grass.
Only Raphael remains standing up, and one bosun says to him:
“Sit down, young lad, the grass is public property and no man has
to pay for sitting on it!”
[2] But the angel says: “Just start speaking, and I shall sit down
when tired of standing up! Besides, it may happen that one or the
other of you loses your balance, and I could be on hand faster to
help you back on your legs!”
[3] Says the same bosun: “You, for sure, a mother’s lad of
fifteen!? The napkins are still clinging to your legs, and you are
going to pick up the likes of us, if one fell over? This my dear boy
is somewhat overconfident!”
[4] Says the angel: “Start your story, as asked by the Lord; the rest
will show, if necessary.”
[5] The rough shipmate settles down, and the skipper starts the
following account: “It was about the first night-watch when it
became strangely bright, as if by day; yet we saw nothing shining
anywhere and thought there must be a big bonfire, akin to a
conflagration, behind the mountains, lighting up the atmosphere.
Only the brightness was obviously too intense for a bonfire;
nevertheless the brightness lasted nearly all night and sometimes
so strong that we deemed ourselves in brightest day. It is obvious
that we felt eerie. Several city folk joined us and thought it was the
[6] But we all soon became aware of another phenomenon, and
same was far more peculiar! We were all about to focus on the sea.
And behold, but please, don’t laugh at us!, there was not a drop of
water in it, and our ship rested upon dry ground; and we shuddered
at noting the gaping depth of the sea! Our ship leaned on a juttingout
rock, surrounded by a drop of several hundred man-heights.
Over there towards the Genezarethan bay however it was all
shallows; there we wandered about collecting many beautiful and
rare mussels and snails.
[7] Harmlessly engrossed in our collecting, there came immense
lightning, followed by earsplitting thunder, and we fled towards
shore, forgetting our mussels, but not daring to go and pick them
up, and they were left where we found them, except for a couple I
put in my pocket. But only towards the third watch, when the sea
again filled and flushed the shore, it began to intrigue us as to what
took place with the beautiful and big sea, that it should have totally
emptied somewhere to the last drop!
[8] But an elderly local resident said to us that this was sometimes
affected by the mountain and air spirits, to punish those of the
water! Although we laughed, any answer in need is better than
none indeed. Only in the fourth and final watch did it afterwards
get somewhat darker, and we went to our ship to lie down to some
rest. Upon wakening however, the dear sun stood already quite
high, and we started looking about for breakfast. -This in short is
what we experienced and observed this night.”
[1] Just after the skipper had finished his account, the recently
rough shipmate, on entering the ship to pick up the mussels that he
had collected in a hurry from the dry nocturnal sea-bed, skidded
after an awkward step, falling full length on the round as if he had
never been upright. The other shipmates started laughing at him,
saying; ”He is still the old clumsy fellow!” This annoyed the one
sprawled out.
[2] But Raphael leapt over, quickly helping him to his feet, saying:
“Do you see now why I remained standing? For my spirit some
how told me you would fall over today; and now you actually fell,
and I as the feeble mother’s boy picked you up fairly rapidly, I
hope, restoring you to the rather awkward use of your feed!”
[3] And the shipmate muttered into his rather thick beard: “Sure,
sure, very good; but lads like you often horse around, causing the
likes of us trouble! Oh, I know stooged like that! You otherwise
seem quite an honest lad, but a lad nonetheless, and that does it!
Every lad has a bit of the buffoon in him. Hence stay three paces
off me!”
[4] Says Raphael: “Friend, you are greatly mistaken in me, but I
forgive you, since you don’t know whom you are dealing with.”
[5] Says the mariner: “Now now, one is bound to be much at age
fifteen! Some prince from Rome or other place maybe! Or are you
perhaps a bit of an almighty adherent of our dear Lord God?”
[6] Says Raphael: “Quite, quite; something like that! But go and
get your mussels from the ship!”
[7] The muttering shipmate enters the ship, returning in a few
moments with a couple of mussels and one Nautilus snail, showing
them to us.
[8] The three pieces were most beautiful, but of no particular
value, of course, and Raphael says to him: “They are good as
souvenirs, but without worth! What are you going to do with
[9] Says the shipmate: “Oh, mother’s lad! This way you may catch
sparrows, but not gray-haired sailors! You want to rid me of these
pieces for nothing; but old Dismas is not as stupid as he may look!
These three pieces cost three silver pieces, and shall not be given
for a penny less; if you have the three pieces, then let’s have them,
and I let you have these three beautiful pieces!”
[10] Says Raphael: “The three silver pieces would be the least; but
that you want to sell something that strictly speaking is not your
property, that I don’t like! Behold, from old times, only the
Genezarethan townsfolk have enjoyed fishing rights in this bay,
and none other than those to whom they are leased. You therefore
collected these three mussels from Ebahl’s ground, in whose lease
the waters are, and they are therefore his property, strictly
speaking. If he makes you a present out of them then they are yours
and you can treat them as your own property.”
[11] Says Dismas: “My, just look at this mother’s lad! Speaking
like a Roman judge! You’d be a nice judicial customer! You
would barter my old coat off my body yet. The sea is everywhere
the mariner’s ground; whatever the water yields to him, whether in
the by or open sea, is exclusively his, and hence all your academic
rights are knocked over! Because the likes of us also know our
legal ways around a bit! Hence three silver pieces, and the three
pieces are yours!”
[12] Says Raphael: “This won’t do! As long as our Ebahl does not
declare them your property, I can’t buy them off you!”
[13] Here Dismas turns to Ebahl, asking him what he thinks of the
boy’s assertion.
[14] Says Ebahl: “Strictly speaking, our Raphael is correct and I
could indeed take these three pieces into possession; but I have
never been or will be one to take advantage of such right, and so
the three pieces are now physically yours, -spiritually however the
entire Earth belongs to the Lord anyway, and hence also those
three mussels!”
[15] Dismas is happy with such advice, asking Raphael: “Now,
how about the three silver pieces?”
[16] Says Raphael: “Here they are, but give the three pieces to
Ebahl, who shall take care of them as testimonials of this time!”
[17] Dismas takes the three silver pieces and lay the three pieces
down before Ebahl, who gives them to Jarah, saying: “Here, take
care of these, together with your other souvenirs; they shall be
precious to us!”
[18] Jarah takes charge of the three pieces joyfully, saying: “Oh,
these are exceptionally beautiful things! What kaleidoscope of
colors! Verily, here one has to shout with Job: ‘Oh, how glorious
Your works, oh Lord! He who regards them shall not idly lust after
them!’ Who taught the snail to build her beautiful house?! Without
beams or bricks, more brilliant than Solomon in all his kingly
[19] After which she turns to Raphael, thanking him for this
beautiful present, but asking him what had happened to the
animals once occupying these beautiful houses.
[20] Says Raphael: “My dearest Jarah, the animals had already
died several thousand years ago, and hence also decayed long
since; but the housings can endure several thousand years without
losing much of their form or beauty. Their materials are purest
limestone, and this does not decay in its free state, especially under
water! This much you may know for the present, whilst anything
above that you shall once learn fundamentally in the beyond.” Here
Jarah showed astonishment at such immense age.
[1] And at that moment the news comes from town that the several
announced, freshly baked Pharisees and Scribes had arrived from
Bethlehem, with a written and signed order from the Temple to the
citizens of Genezareth, to at once transport them to Nazareth and
free of charge, or face dire consequences.
[2] Says Ebahl, quite disarmed at such demands on the Temple’s
part: “Lord, this goes on year in and year out; You have been here
only five days and have already witnessed the fourth draught of
these loafers, who roam the land hither and thither, invading and
knocking every place about worse than swarms of locusts! If this
happened maybe ten times per year I could still put up with it. But
to tolerate such draught two, three to four times a week and on top
of that to give them every possible priority, would make even an
angel lose patience, and a pauper into the bargain! What am I to do
now? Verily, I gladly do everything I can for all the poor every
day; but these rogues and true bullies of poor mankind I’d like to
wish every death and devil!”
[3] Say I: “Friend, let that be; you shall always get furthest with
patience! Incidentally, leave that to our friend Julius; he is sure to
move them on rapidly, after which they shall let such prerogative
sink in and gradually travel to the Genezareth area far less
[4] Says the Captain to his deputy: “Go quickly and take twenty
men and head for the city! Explain to the impudent knaves that this
pace is under extensive military occupation and hence under
blockade, and hence not accessible, unpunished to many person
without specific permit, issued by a Roman Commander! And
should they enter, then they shall after the appropriate punishment,
have their eyes bandaged and their ears stopped off with mud and
their hands and feet tied up, after which they shall be placed in a
barque, upon straw, and then dispatched to a place determined;
whereupon they shall be freed of all their hand, foot, eye and ear
fetters, and after sternest punitive threat against repeated entry of
military areas without legal authority, thrust off manually by the
respective Roman Commander. If the Bethlemites don’t hold such
authority, then proceed with them so without fear or favor. If they
have money, then they can purchase themselves out of such
punishment with two hundred pounds of silver, but not out of the
fourfold fetters! If however they either have no money or are
unwilling to part with it then, before the fettering, they are each to
receive fifteen lashes with the scourge upon their backs, stripped
down to their loins! Dixi, fiat! (I have spoken, proceed. - The
[5] With these words of the Chief, the deputy hastens to town with
twenty men, coming across fourteen Pharisees and Scribes at
Ebahl’s house, just in process of cursing the domestics in every
way for not being willing to fully attend to their most arrogant
[6] In response to the deputy’s demand for the permit, the
impudent ones said: “We are God’s priests, here is our Temple
insignia, and besides that we need nothing in the whole wide
[7] Says the Vice-Commander: “This area is at present under
permanent occupation; an imperial edict is in place prohibiting
access to any stranger without exception without the properly
authorized permit! Ignorance of this statute absolves none! Since I
see that you don’t have such document, you are forthwith pay two
hundred pounds of silver or, if you prefer it, each is to receive
fifteen strokes of the whip upon stripped back! This will be
followed by the official fourfold Roman fetters, and transportation
to the place fo your choice. This is to immediately proceed without
the slightest objection, for every hesitation or defiant argument
shall double the severity!”
[8] On hearing such form of address, the Pharisees and Scribes call
Ebahl’s janitor and demand an immediate loan of two hundred
pounds silver. But the latter says: “Since my lord never called for
you, why should he now pay for you? Lending you money is like
throwing it into the sea! Haven’t you got fourteen loaded donkeys
outside! Just lighten these animals’s burden by two hundred
pounds, and you shall thereby save your backs from the sharp
stripes of the whip! I am not giving you a penny!”
[9] On hearing such from Ebahl’s good and trusted janitor, they cut
sour faces, betaking themselves outside in company of the dour
escort of the deputy commander, to their beasts of burden,
relieving same of two hundred pounds silver overload.
[10] On taking charge for the money, the vice-chief has them put
in the stated fetters and then placed in a roomy barque, whereupon
they are laid upon straw like cattle and then transported by water to
their desired destination, under escort of the entire vigilant
company. The youthful Pharisees and Scribes lament a plenty,
without avail of course. After one hour, the vice-commander
re-joins us, telling us how he carried out the Captains order to
the letter.
[11] The Captain compliments him, asking where he had put the
[12] And the deputy says: “Sir, for the time being I handed it to
Ebahl’s janitor for safekeeping; but from thereon you can deal with
the two hundred pounds as it pleases you.”
[13] Says the Captain: “Quite in order, and these fellows shall
have occasion to remember our Genezareth! Will they be coming
through here, or are they heading the direction of the upper small
inlet; or will they perhaps take the passage above, the small
estuary, isolated from there only by a narrow outcrop but
sufficiently deep and wide to carry a barque of some thirty men,
without foundering in the mud?”
[14] Says the deputy: “I directed them towards the passage, in
order not to create a bother on today’s Jewish Sabbath.”
[15] Says the Captain: “Well and wisely done; again! You shall be
promoted soon, this the captain Julius is telling you! These shall
remember Genezareth and not return too soon!”
[1] (The Captain): “I say unto you, with these people one has to
proceed ruthlessly, or one gets nowhere. I certainly never was the
type to hatch a desire, when forced by circumstances, to punish
some malicious tough sinner, and always weighted all the
circumstances that may have led a man to commit a crime. But
with these Jewish Temple servants I could actually quite gladly,
personally, strike the heads off their trunks, and that because they
are in all earnest the greatest and most stubborn tormentors of poor
mankind. Verily, their actual and most miserable hue of religious
morality, considered closely, reaches into the devilishly
[2] I witnessed with my own eyes and ears, when still stationed at
Jerusalem, how for life and death they coerced a person who had
been left with only a couple pennies, to place these in the offertory.
The good but of course timid person actually placed the one penny
into the box, excusing himself for retaining the other, as his was a
long way home, and he would have to perish along the road! But
this did not help at all. The Pharisees made it clear to him that it
would be most beneficial for his soul, out of love for God and his
Temple and for honor’s sake, to die of hunger on the way home! If
however he kept the penny which God demanded of him through
their mouth, then his soul would never come to see God, as
promise as longs since, and its fate would be to burn everlastingly
in the flames of God’s wrath! The man turned pale, starting to
tremble, then reached for this last penny with shaking hand, to
place it in the offertory. After which the fellows mumbled
something like a prayer over the poor devil, before telling him
to leave.
[3] I followed the poor person out, and when we were clear of the
Temple I said to him in an amicable but earnest fashion: “Good
friend, how can you be so feeble as to be talked out of your last
substance by these robbers!? What those in the Temple said to you
they have never yet believed themselves; but they know that in
their blindness, feeble mankind takes them for all-knowing halfgods,
scaring all their substance out of them on that account, to
then squander it on a life of luxury, whilst the poor dies along the
road. Here are another two pennies, make your way home! But
beware of coming back here; for this would-be house of God is a
den of thieves and murders, with which no true God would be
[4] The man gave me a puzzled look for a while, taking the money
out of my hand and finally saying: “Exalted lord! You are bound to
know more than I; you would have to be right, actually!”
Whereupon he left me for his native country.
[5] And a thousand times have I watched and heard things like that
in the Temple; I was present when such cleric worked a woman
whose mother was rich, but as a more sensible and enlightened
woman never had laid a penny into the Temple’s offertory yet. The
cleric made it crystal clear to her that she would be lost forever if
she did not make every effort to rob her mother of everything and
place the money in the offertory. Fortunately the daughter, like her
mother was of Samaritan character, and the hypocrite and deceiver
did not succeed in leading the daughter astray, causing me to
6] At such opportunities I more than once thought by myself: If I
had been governor in Jerusalem, the temple would have been
cleansed of all vermin long ago! However, as a obedient
subordinate of a Roman governor, I can’t do anything but to
execute his orders.
7] However, with Pontius Pilatus unfortunately nothing can be
done; he is a scientist, a bosom friend of the learned of Pompeji
and Herculanum, and gives little attention to government business,
leaves Herod and the clerics prevail as they like, as long as they
pay their taxes to Rome correctly and on time. Fortunately I do not
stand here under the scepter of Pontius Pilatus, but under
Cornelius and he under the wise and extreme just old father
Cyrenius, who, like me, is a sworn enemy of Jerusalem, and in
such my completely independent position from Jerusalem, I can
properly serve the Pharisees and God-denier scribes when falling
in my hands; and You now, my true God and Master, will certainly
not accuse me with a sin about this!?”
[1] Says I: “Before Me you are pure; only pay always attention to
your actions when guiding people, in that you never forget that
also the sinner is your brother!
[2] If you feel rage in your heart about the sinner who deserves a
just punishment, then put the punishing rod out of your hand;
because by your rage it will not become a salutary guide post, but a
snake, who do not breathes a salutary balm, but a deadly poison
into the wound which she caused the traveler through its bite,
bringing death to the wounded.
[3] Also do not think that you have rid yourself of an enemy by
killing him! Because if here on earth he was only a simple enemy
to you, after death of his body as a free spirit he will become a
hundredfold enemy to you and will torment you with hundreds of
different evils for the rest of your life and you will not find any
means to free yourself from this invisible enemy.
[4] Therefore, if you punish someone, punish him with love and
never with rage! Therefore, subsequently do not take it too far
even with the Pharisees! Think for yourself: ‘Behold, these are
blind leaders of the blind!’ However, it is the world who made
them blind, and this belongs to Satan whom you have got to know.
[5] Behold, in Me there is all the might and power over heaven and
earth. I could destroy them all with one thought, but still I endure
them with all patience until the right time when there measure has
become full.
[6] People also anger Me and sadden My heart by there
incorrigibility; but I nevertheless endure them and always punish
them with love, so that they can better themselves and enter the
kingdom of eternal life, the only reason for which they have been
created. If you therefore want to be a just judge, you must follow
Me in everything!
[7] It is easier to pronounce a judgment over someone than to
endure a judgment yourself; however, who takes the judgment
from someone who was condemned on himself and provides for
right betterment of the condemned, will one day called great in the
kingdom of God. What I have said now you all should remember
well! For if I order it to be and want it like that, you cannot have
and make it differently!? I am the Lord over life and death! I’m the
only one who knows what life is and what it takes to keep it
forever and to enjoy in all blessedness!
[8] If you are going to live according to My teaching, you will
receive life in all blessedness; however, should you act contrary,
you will lose it and enter death, which is life’s most misfortunate
state, a fire which never goes out and a worm which never dies!”
[9] Says the Centurion: “Lord, I see the necessity of all this only
too clearly, but also the immense difficulties of strictly living
accordingly. To negotiate small hills is certainly no problem; but
where entire mountains of problems and obstructions confront us,
there it is sheer impossible to pursue a straight path. There, oh
Lord, You must help us!”
[10] Say I: “For this very reason indeed it is that I came into the
world, to bring you all help where you could not eternally have
found your way out by yourselves! Hence always trust and build
upon My name, whereupon the seemingly impossible shall become
possible to you! But now let us move back into the house, for the
sun is close to setting.”
[11] The skipper however asks by what time the ship should be
readied for departure.
[12] Say I: “You have to all times be ready to depart, so that when
the ship’s master comes before time he will not find you idle and
inactive, docking your wages and terminating your employment.
Nevertheless, to serve God is not difficult, but is so with man.”
[13] Continues to ask the skipper: “Lord, should those Pharisees
who yesterday journeyed to Jesaira, probably as missionaries and
proselytizers, to re-convert to the Temple those Jew who had gone
over to Hellenism; should these come here again, and start
disputing Psalm 47 with us, as they promised to do, what should
we say to them?”
[14] Say I: “In that case promise them seven silver pieces if they
can explain the Psalm to you satisfactorily; but if they explain it
unsatisfactorily then they are to get nothing; and if they are not
able to explain it at all, then you are entitled to demand seven good
silver pieces from them, threatening them with military
intervention should they refuse to pay!”
[15] Says the Centurion: “Just come to me then, and they shall be
made to pay seven times seven silver pieces without fear of favor
or mitigating circumstances and further ado.”
[16] This fully satisfies the sailors, and we move into the city and
Ebahl’s house, where the domestics are eagerly engaged in
preparing a good supper since the sun has already set. The Captain
however takes delivery of the two hundred pounds of silver,
handing them over to Ebahl with the words: “Receive these into
your custody as a small compensation for the care you have taken
of the hundreds upon hundreds of poor, and of whom you have
never taken a penny! But you are the only human being in this city
who deserves to be human! The rest of the people here do not
deserve that honorable title, for they are totally dead, not caring for
anything and aiming for no goal. Do you imagine that the miracles
worked here of late have made any impression on this folk? No
way! These sissies amble about as if there was nothing here! Those
who were sick did of a truth permit themselves to be healed, but
hardly said thanks and hardly even remember it today, that they
were seriously ill and that they were healed of their illness most
miraculously! Therefore my Ebahl is the only human in this city;
everything else is animal rather than man!”
[17] Ebahl takes possession of the money with the remark that he
shall be utilizing it for only the best and most useful purposes.
[1] Following this transaction, the servants were already bringing
wine and bread and a large number of well-prepared fish, and all
take their place at the brimming table. Jarah pulls our Raphael over
to the table, putting a large fish in front of him to eat. But Raphael
says: “Dear sister, this it too much for a supper; therefore serve me
a smaller fish!”
[2] Says Jarah: “Oh, did I not see you eat several such fish at
lunch, and so you shall be able to cope with this one tonight! Just
eat! Behold, my Lord Jesus surely is an endlessly greater and
exalted spirit than you, and yet He is already eating the second fish
with visible appetite, drinking wine and taking bread with it; do so
yourself! You happen to be human among us and must not put
down our humanity on account of being one of the foremost angels
of God!”
[3] Says Raphael: “Well, if you insist, then I shall have to
accommodate your request; for are you not a most kind child, and
one cannot refuse you anything, for sheer love.” After which
Raphael takes the five pound plus fish into his hands, moving it to
his mouth and consuming t in a hardly believably short moment.
[4] On seeing such, Jarah says, puzzled: “But, for the Lord’s sake!
How did you dispose of this big fish so quickly? Friend, with such
voracity you could easily swallow an entire sea-monster! In the
end the big fish in the book of Jonah would be just fun, with one
bite, for your stomach!?”
[5] Says Raphael: “And even thousands more such fish would be
just fun for me to accommodate. Yet the one you handed me is
enough; I really enjoyed it: I could have consumed it slowly like
you, but would have made you think I am a fully terrestrial man,
and this would not be good for you, since you could fall in love
with my persona, i.e. my shape! But now in this instance I have
demonstrated that I am not a complete Earthian yet, and you are
startled, and therewith you easily stay in your track, and I in mine.
You will live to see more such willful bit on my part. I can get
quite naughty at times but my naughtiness is then based in
[6] Says Jarah: “This however I don’t like, if you should want to
achieve some god aim through naughty means! Behold the Lord
here, who alone is my only love; He can achieve every good aim
without naughty means; why not you? I maintain that the naughty
shall always bring forth naughtiness, while good is brought forth
only by good. Anyone wishing to achieve something good with me
through something naughty is greatly mistaken, and were he
thousandfold angel! This I tell you, that you better not start
something naughty with me, or you can stay away from me! I am
but a feeble maiden and indeed just a worm compared to you; yet
God’s love resides in my breast, and this tolerates nothing even
seemingly naughty. Do you understand me, my dear Raphael?”
[7] Says Raphael: “Indeed so, this can still be understood,
therefore I well understand it; but that you did not understand my
occasional naughtiness is evident from reprimanding me; once you
will have understood, you shall not be offended in me! So that you
should see however that heavenly naughtiness can also be virtue I
shall amply clarify if to you with an example.
[8] Behold, we celestial spirits can see vast distances, and your
thoughts does not reach so far as compared to what we can take in
at a single glance most vividly! It can happen from time to time
that, like on this Earth, people become mischievous. We pull back
a person from danger a hundred times, but he itches to face the
same danger. When none of this helps then we allow such person
to willfully confront such danger, allowing him to thoroughly run
up against something, so as to utterly confound him for a lengthy
period and, chastised, he learns by letting go of his foolishness,
becoming better through self-reform.
[9] Hence parents cannot warn their children often and strongly
enough against play that frequently turns extremely dangerous;
there we make our appearance with our heavenly naughtiness,
causing such children to severely harm themselves at such
forbidden games, and we indeed even sometimes to the length of
letting such a child pay for the disobedience with its life, for
deterring others. By this the children then take much fright at
forbidden dangerous games, abandoning them. Then the adage
becomes applicable: ‘A burnt child fears fire!’ (once bitten twice
[10] Also with you I have several times a few years ago applied a
similar heavenly naughtiness, and it served you well, and
afterwards becoming a really devout child. Well, what are you
saying now to my naughtiness?”
[1] Says Jarah in ‘n low voice a little affected: “Now then, if so, it
must be right of course; if you had told me earlier, I would not
have argued with you! If with the well known untouchability of the
freedom of the human will by all kinds of gentle means nothing
can be accomplished, then of course nothing else can be done, then
to apply a more drastic means. Now, now, in time we will
understand each other, you only don’t have to become so rough! If
speaking softly, I like you very much, but if you almost get over
excited and rough with your words, then it is not good to listen to
even the purest truth out of your mouth.
[2] Thus I think that in future all the even so perfect spirits of
heaven should endeavor to speak like the Lord and Creator of all
spirits, suns, worlds and people! The Lord’s voice even in very
serious matters sounds always so soft like the wool of a lamb, and
His words flow like milk and honey. Therefore every teacher and
leader should act like Him; because in a gentle voice, according to
my opinion, lies always the biggest power! Whoever shouts and
speaks loudly, often offends where he wanted to heal. Look at the
always friendly face of the Lord towards friend and foe; and who
can be surprised if the sick are getting well if He only looks at
them?! Hence, my dearest Raphael, you also must be like that in
speech and deed towards me and towards everybody, then every of
your steps on this earth will drip from blessings!”
[3] Thereupon I pull Jarah to My chest and say to all who are
present here: “Until now this is My most perfect disciple to whom
I truly can send My angels to school; for she has understood Me
the deepest and most vividly. Therefore she possesses My love to
the fullest degree.
[4] Truly, if you go out and teach the nations in My name, then
think about the words which this most beloved and tender little girl
has now spoken to My angel and your steps will be accompanied
by all blessings! Be patient and in everything full of gentleness and
you will strew the fullest blessing into the hearts of people!
However, My angel Raphael had to speak like this, so that he
enticed this my most dearest Jarah to the given teaching; by the
way is he also gentle like soft cooling evening breeze and as soft as
the most tender wool of a lamb.”
[5] All remembered these words well and completely agreed with
them. Only the captain remarked and said: “This is all divine, pure
and true; but if speak too gentle with my soldiers, I surely would
make a bad figure and the soldiers would hardly listen to me!
However, if I really start to flash and thunder everything goes well
and right!”
[6] Say I: “It is here not so much referred to an outer but rather
more to a truly inner gentleness. Where it is absolutely necessary
to make wise use of the heavenly naughtiness, one should do so;
since the actual rule of all wisdom is: ‘Be clever like snakes but at
the same time still gentle like doves!’”
[7] Says the Captain with an exceedingly happy face: “Lord, now I
have everything; thus through all heavens the actions of a just are
justified! However, at the same time one should also understand to
make calculations, so that one does not miscalculate oneself with
the supposed cleverness, and therefore I’m of the opinion of Euclid
that one should add to a certain measure of cleverness the same
measure of love, patience and gentleness, and one will achieve an
errorless result!”
[8] Say I: “Yes, yes, as such the calculation is put most correctly
and a most blessed result is a complete certainty, and all justice
and judgment will find therein its full justification! This is a
foundation on which a building can be build. Hence, always lay
such foundation before you want to build and your efforts will not
be in vain!
[9] You are out of God and therefore should also equal in
everything; but God allows Himself time to create. First there is
the seed, from it the germ. From the germ grows the tree; it first
drives buds, then leaves, then blossoms and finally the good tasting
fruit, in which again the primordial seed is placed and matures in
the fruit for further reproduction.
[10] How it takes place with a plant on a small scale, it also takes
place with a whole world. The sun does not rises unannounced
above the horizon, and a storm is always preceded by warning
messengers which are always recognizable.
[11] If God Himself most strictly and with the biggest patience and
perseverance observes in all things such order of subsequent
becoming to be, also you as My true disciples should follow Me in
everything what I have shown you and wherefore I have paved for
you the way, so that you should not get lost when making your
own way! Do you all understand this well?”
[12] Says the Centurion: “Lord, I for my part have understood it
all, and don’t think there is anyone amongst us who did not
understand these supra lucent truths from the heavens. To you
alone all thanks and honor!”
[13] Say I: “You are convinced that all those present have
understood My words? They have indeed understood them, as well
as that other one with his brain but not his heart.”
[14] These words discomfited all those present, and the disciples
asked who I had meant.
[15] But I said: “Its not yet time to proclaim such from the
rooftops; but when such time comes you shall well remember these
My words. If however some among you harbor suspicions then
hold them fast in your heart, for no tree should be felled before its
[16] After these My words the disciples discerned indeed that I had
meant Judas Iscariot, but they kept silent and gave nothing away.
[17] Matthew and John however asked Me whether to record such
glorious doctrine for posterity.
[18] Say I: “You might want for the present to merely summarize
the doctrine on love, gentleness and patience on a separate sheet,
but not with that recorded already in the main book; for I shall still
speak on the matter several times and indicate when you are to
record it. But now we shall rest and practice some introspection
again, such being a veritable celebration of the Sabbath in God!”
[19] All in the house fell silent, following these My words, and we
sat so for some three hours.
[20] Following which I said: “The Sabbath is now accomplished,
and we can also afford our limbs some necessary rest!”
Whereupon all took to the resting of the flesh, and it was late
morning before we left our quarters.
[1] After the morning meal we kept ourselves busy with all kinds
of things and I gave Ebahl some agricultural rules along which he
can work his fields and how to treat his fruit gardens and
vineyards, so that they always give him a rich harvest which he
surely always will use wisely. I showed Ebahl how he could
ennoble en increase the fruit and taught him how to utilize several
useful herbs, which have been used in the kitchen since then. I also
showed him several root fruits which he also could use as a good
food and also showed him the preparation of all this, the herbs as
well as the roots. In short, during the subsequent two days which I
still spend in Genezareth, I taught Ebahl still more things about
agriculture which previously no Jew ever knew about. I also taught
him that he always could enjoy the meat of hares, rabbits, roe deers
and stags as a pure and good tasting roast if prepared in various
ways, without becoming impure by it. But I also showed him when
such animals should be caught and killed. And as such I still taught
him quite a few things about which the honest Ebahl was very
pleased with.
[2] At the same time I and My disciples build a small kitchen
garden for Jarah, planted in it all kinds of useful plants, herbs and
root plants and instructed her to look well after this garden. She
promised this to Me under many tears of joy and should I return
soon I shall see the garden in a blossoming state. And as such
everything in the house of Ebahl was in the best order.
[3] And thus Sunday, Monday and Tuesday passed with sundry
useful ventures, and I made preparations for departure. But the
Centurion, Ebahl with his wives and children, with Jarah among
them, fervently beseeched Me to tarry at their house for the night
whereupon I stayed till Wednesday morning.
[4] In the morning some of the shipmates came and related how
the Jesairan Pharisees indeed had come the previous day, yet did
not mention Psalm 47 by even one syllable, but enquired the more
eagerly after Me, accusing Me of turning all Jesaira away from
Jerusalem. But that they (the shipmates) had given them no
answer, but of a truth had taken the several silver pieces off them,
which the Pharisees paid grudgingly and with cursing, thereafter
again boarding their ship and journeying to Capernaum, probably
to further scrutinize Me, for which they were actually engaged by
the Temple, as well as Herod.
[5] Having listened to the sailor’s faithful account, I commanded
them to have the ship ready for departure in an hour, and the
sailors went and did so promptly.
[6] But when Jarah, who had gone to her little garden in the
morning, on entering the room heard of My imminent departure,
she began to cry disconsolately, begging whether I would not stay
another hour. It would verily crush her heart to think that she is not
going to see Me again for God knows how long.
[7] But I comforted her, assuring her that she shall soon see Me
again, even physically; but to spiritually speak to Me at any time
whatever, and I would speak a most complete and clear answer.
Besides that, the angel Raphael would be left with her in My place,
visibly, who would guide her along the right path. This consoled
the crying one.
[8] After which I blessed the whole Ebahl house and departed for
the sea, where the ship was tarrying for us. It is self-evident that
the entire Ebahl house and a great many other folk accompanied
Me out.
[9] The tow Essenes and the several converted Pharisees and
Scribes however begged to be allowed to accompany Me to My
[10] But I said: “Let you remain, lest it all becomes somewhat too
much for the world! For the birds have their nests and the foxes
their holes, but the Son of Man has not a stone, fully His own, to
lay His head upon. Since however I own no worldly property
notwithstanding that a great throng of folk are in My train, they
would begin to say: ‘How does He feed them? He has no fields,
meadows, and no herds! He is either a thief or some other low
fellow.’ To avoid such, remain here yourselves, and you Essenes
go to your brethren and tell them all that you have seen and heard;
they shall change and become of a different mind!
[11] If summoned back to the Temple nonetheless in order to
inform on Me to those striving after My life, then say nothing
about all the works, but the more, and openly, about My doctrine!
Fear not those who, in the most extreme case, can indeed kill your
body, but can do no harm to the everlasting life of the soul! They
shall nonetheless not attack you. If however they expel you then go
to the Essenes, who shall receive you with open arms!
[12] Says the Centurion: “Oh, you might also abide with me; I
shall make Romans out of you, giving you Roman apparel and
sword, and you shall surely be left alone by the Temple and its
wicked servants.”
[13] Say I to that: “Sure, sure, you can do that too! Be as clever as
serpents and as gentle as doves, and thereby you shall be able to
deal with the world most effectively.”
[14] After these words I boarded the ship, together with My twenty
disciples in all, and with favorable winds sped to the opposite
shore in the direction of Sidon and Tyre (Mat. 15:21), which cities
nonetheless, along the Mediterranean were still situated at
considerable distance from the sea of Galilee.
(MAT. 15:22-29)
[1] Once we had left the ship at the far shore, we still faced a
considerable march through Greek territory, to just reach the
vicinity of the two cities. Coming to the border of the Tyre area,
passing same close on evening, a woman, native of Cana of
Galilee but who had married a Greek of this area fifteen years
earlier, on recognizing Me along the way came running after us,
screaming: ”Lord, You Son of David, have mercy on me! My
daughter is being dreadfully tormented by devils (Mat. 15:22)!”
But I let her scream, saying not a word to her and moving ahead.
[2] But since the woman was screaming mightily, becoming
tiresome to the disciples, the latter stepped over to Me, holding Me
up and saying: “Will You not dismiss her! For she has now been
screaming into our ears close to half an hour! (Mat.15:23) If You
are not willing or unable to help her, then make her leave us, or
other people passing shall think we had done the woman
something, and then hold u up with all sorts of questions!”
[3] Say I to the disciples: “I am sent but to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel” (Mat. 15:24)
[4] The disciples cut puzzled faces to this My saying, not knowing
what to make of it; and Judas Iscariot accused Me of ultimate
inconsistency, saying to Thomas: ”Sometimes He can drive you to
distraction with contradictions in His speaking and doings! With
this woman seeking help off Him He has been sent only to the
sheep of the house of Israel; yet the Romans who surely are still
more heathen than this half Greek and half Jew woman, He
favored with all kinds of help, and did not remember having been
sent only to the sheep of the house of Israel!”
[5] Thomas says to him: “This time I cannot of course completely
disagree with you, but I maintain that here He has a special reason
for not wanting to help the woman at all!”
[6] But whilst the disciples were disputing thus, the woman
approaches Me falling on her knees before Me and saying: ”Lord,
help me” (Mat.15:25)
[7] But I looked upon the woman, saying: “It is not good to take
bread from the children and cast same before dogs.”
[8] To this woman says: “Yes, Lord, nevertheless the dogs still eat
the crumbs fallen from their master’s table.” (Mat.15:27)
[9] This retort amazed the disciples, and Peter said secretly: “No,
this is powerful stuff! With a Jewish woman I rarely found so
much wisdom; and this woman is a native Greek, although here in
Cana of Galilee! I know her, and have sold her a few fish, but of
course fifteen or sixteen years ago.”
[10] But I looked upon the woman, saying: “Oh woman, your faith
is great; let it be in accordance with your will!”
[11] Whereupon the woman got up, thanking Me and hastening
over to her dwelling, finding her daughter whole (Mat.15:25). The
folk however who were at home with the maiden told the returning
one how the devil visibly, one hour earlier had departed from her
with much raging and cursing. By which the woman knew that it
had been at the same time that I said to her at the border of the
Tyre district: “Oh woman, great it thy faith; may it be in
accordance with your will!”
[12] But the evening had come, and the disciples asked Me if I was
going all the way to Tyre, or whether they should start looking for
an inn at the border area, as the city of Tyre itself was still some
three hours distant.
[13] But I said to the disciples: ”Do you know what? Let us turn
towards evening, the direction of Tyre, or mid-day-morning (south
east). There we shall once again strike the Sea of Galilee.
A Beautiful mountain rises there straight from the shore, whose
free peak we are able to reach from here in two hours; there we are
going to spend the night.”
[14] After these My words we moved ahead, arriving in one hour
at the Galilean Sea and the foot of the mountain, whose top we
also quite easily reached in one hour.
[15] Arrived upon the height, we sat upon the soft alpine grass,
resting but not quite falling asleep straight away. (Mat.15:29)
[1] After a while of enjoying rest, Peter said: “Lord, I understand
quite a lot already, but being possessed – especially innocent
children – by the devil, and that they are tormented by such evil
inhabitants of their bodies often in the most dreadful manner, I do
not understand! How can Your wisdom and Your order allow such
mischief! The little daughter of the woman who came after us, is
hardly thirteen to fourteen years old and according to the mother
she already has for full seven years been tormented daily for seven
hours by a devil spirit in an unbelievable evil and painful manner.
Why had something like this to be allowed?”
[2] Say I: “These are things which your mind is not yet able to
grasp from the bottom! However, since we are here together
completely undisturbed, I will give you a hints in this regard; and
as such listen to Me!
[3] The earth is the carrier of two kinds of people. The one and
better kind originally comes from above, whereby should be
understood the children of God. However, the other and actually
worse kind originates purely from this earth; their souls are so to
speak a composition of separate life particles, which have been
taken from Satan and kept imprisoned in the mass of the earth
body as matter, from where they through the plant world progress
to the animal kingdom, and finally developing through the many
levels of the animal world as a potency, consisting out of countless
primordial soul particles, into a world-human-soul who, by means
of especially unblessed fatherings, take on flesh in the bodies of
women and further, similar like the children of light from the
spiritual sphere of the heavens, are born into this world.
[4] Now, such children, for their whole being has been taken from
Satan, are always more or less exposed to the danger of being
possessed by any evil spirit, this means by a black soul of a devil
of a person who already lived on this earth in the flesh, which
especially and quickly can happen if such a young, from the Satan
part of the earth taken soul, starts to take on a good and heavenly
direction. Because thereby a life portion shears loose from the
sphere of Hel, and such action causes the whole of Hel an
intolerable pain, why it then does everything to prevent such
[5] You ask now of course how such action can cause Hel pain; for
such a soul, compared to Hel, must be indescribable smaller and
less insignificant than one little hair of a whole person. And I say
to you that you have judged this correctly; but take the smallest
hair on your body and pluck it out and you will become aware that
such hair plucking not only at the location of the hair, but that you
will feel an intolerable pinching pain in the whole of your body,
which would drive you to despair if it lasted for only an hour
[6] From this explanation given to you now, you will be able to see
a little deeper, why possession occurs on this earth and will occur
until the end of this earth.
[7] To be possessed holds something definitely good for the
possessed; because such a soul whose body has been possessed by
a devil, is clearly being purified by the tormenting of its flesh and
is prevented from the evil merge with her body. At the right time
however, help arrives from above and a world soul is then
completely won for heaven. Tell Me, if you have understood this
to some extend!”
[8] Says Peter: “Yes Lord, this is very clear to me; however, then it
is nearly better not to help even the worst possessed!?
[9] Say I: “If someone comes and asks you for help, you should not
withhold it from him; since My forethought will take care of it that
any participating in this cases does not get the chance for
assistance until it is the right time for the possessed to be helped.
Therefore, help should not be withheld from anyone seeking
assistance! Do you also understand this equally important
[10] Says Peter: “Yes Lord, to You alone all thanks, all love and
all honor! And therefore nothing exists in this world where the
highest love and wisdom is not fully visible for those who are
familiar with divine things!”
[11] Say I: “Yes, it is so, therefore you should not despair even
when confronted with still so disgusting events on this earth; for
the Father in heaven knows about it and knows it best why such
things are allowed to happen!
[12] Therefore also most illnesses which people have to suffer
from, are nothing else then preventions that the soul does not
become one with the flesh which even for the children of the light
have been taken from incarcerated Satan; the only difference
existing with the children of the light is, that their suffering, if their
souls want to become fleshy, is executed from heaven. But also the
pain of the children of the world are executed and allowed by
heaven, however, basically they are still pains from hell, which the
body of the world-child as fully part of hell, feels likewise, if hell
is given a great pinching pain, when by the immense influence of
heaven a part of its whole life is torn off its foundation! Do you
also comprehend such My explanation?”
[13] Says Peter: “Yes Lord, also this explanation I understand; to
You like always my love forever!”
[1] Say I: “Did you notice whether anyone was watching us climb
this mountain and settled down here?”
[2] Say the disciples: ”Lord, we saw nobody these full two hours
along the way, but would not on that account want to assert that no
one saw us!”
[3] Say I: “The woman nevertheless saw us and noticed that we
have camped here, and this suffices for thousands to come to this
hill tomorrow!”
[4] Say the disciples: “Lord, we are not that tired yet; hence let us
leave this mountain just after midnight and go some place where
this tiresome folk shall not find us, where after we can rest for
several days!”
[5] Say I: “We shall nevertheless remain here! For it is the Father’s
will that I heal all sorts of people of their physical illnesses here.
Wherefore I shall tarry three days upon this mountain. In the
morning you may go out and bring an adequate amount of bread
from somewhere!”
[6] Says Judas Iscariot: “There we shall have far to walk, for this
obviously is a desert, and we shall find no place with bakers within
three or four hours!”
[7] Says Peter: “I shall take care of that, because upon the shore of
this sea no place is unfamiliar to me, and I know where to go to
obtain bread. Two hours there and two hours back at the most!”
[8] Say I: “Very well, Simon Peter, you take care of it! Whoever
you choose shall be your companion!”
[9] Says Peter: “Lord, there are some twenty of us; if ten of us go
then we should be able to bring bread and fried fish in
[10] Say I: “That should do; but now let us take our rest!”
[11] Where after each looked for a place that promised him
comfort, and soon it was quiet upon the mount. All the disciples
soon fell asleep, and only I remained awake, only falling asleep a
little toward morning. On wakening at sunrise, Peter was already
there with a large amount of bread. For he had already left three
hours before day-break and found a ship laden with bread that
hiked from Magdala, heading for Jesaira. Peter however lightened
its load by nearly a quarter, whilst Matthew, the young tax
collector paid for the lot. The ship carried good roast fish as well
and Peter took a case full as well, also paid by Matthew. With all
this, the height was now provided; only one thing was lacking a
good spring. But on this extensive mountain not even a drop of
water was available, whilst the small reserve of wine lasted only
for half a day.
[12] So Peter and John stepped over to Me, saying: “Lord, You are
more than Moses! If You were to say to this nice white rock to
yield water, then the purest water should spring forth at once!”
[13] Say I: “If you both have sufficient faith then lay your hands
upon the stone and command it to yield water in My name, and
from the place you touched, fountains of the best, purest and most
flavorsome water shall stream forth!”
[14] On hearing this, the two selected the most suitable spot upon
the stone and laid their hands upon it. Yet the stone refused to
yield water! After holding their hands upon the stone for nearly an
hour, the same started to move pushing itself some ten paces from
its previous position; a meteorite, blocking off the only spring
upon this mountain so effectively that not even one drop could
escape. But through the shifting of the stone, the best and most
abundant spring immediately saw the light of day, together with a
five feet deep basin, dug out by the crash of the meteorite.
[15] And so this mountain was now lastingly provided with the
best water (being so to this hour). But neither Peter nor John
understood how the stone could come to free movement through
laying on of hands. Where after all the other disciples placed their
hands upon the stone to see if it would move further. But these
accomplished nothing with the stone.
[16] But when Peter and John laid their hands on the stone
again, it immediately continued its movement. Whereupon the
other disciples asked Me: “Lord, why are we not able to
accomplish this?”
[17] Say I: “Because your faith still is somewhat maggoty, lacking
proper firmness. But I say unto you: If you were of sound faith, not
doubting what you want to effect, then verily you could lay hands
upon a mountain and command it; then, like this heavy stone it
would leave its location and move to another. But for this, your
faith still is far too feeble! Verily, I tell you more: If you had a
rock-like faith, then you could say to yonder mountain that we
climbed at Genezareth: ’arise and cast thyself into the sea!’; and
the mountain would rise and fall into the sea according to your
word and will! Nevertheless, that which you are not able to do now
you shall be able to do one day! But now let us enjoy our morning
meal, for it shall not be long before we shall be all but crushed by
multitudes of people! But place the residue of bread and fish upon
yonder stone which moved on your account!”
[18] After which we partook of our morning meal, and after
consuming it together with some fish, the disciples laid the residue
upon the big, white stone, and we took in the beautiful scenery
spreading out widely in all directions before us. On a clear day one
was quite easily able from here to make out the coast of the great
Mediterranean Sea, and the towers of Sidon and Tyre and great
many other places; in short, the view from this mountain was
supremely charming, competing favorably with much higher
mountains that often needed an entire day to climb. The altitude,
according to today’s measuring, was a trifle over four thousand
feet above sea level. The plateau was extensive that one could have
built a large city upon it. Only the access from all sides was very
steep, and one had to spare quite some effort in some places to
master it. In several places this mountain was not even accessible,
but was quite easily so from the side we scaled it. And from this
side after about one hour of taking in the view we heard a mass of
human voices, and many cries of pain both young and old, and
male and female.
(MAT. 15:30-31)
[1] On hearing this, Judas Iscariot clapped his hands above his
head, saying: “No, this for once is getting too much for me! Here
yet again not hundreds but thousands of people are coming, and
there are certainly more sick than well! Farewell, quiet peace upon
this high! Turmoil upon turmoil, and no possible thought of rest!”
[2] Say I: “What concern of yours is this? No soul is going to come
to you and you shall not have to heal the sick; if however being
around Me is getting too unruly and spotty for you, then go to your
homeland and visit the markets with your pots again! For as long
as you wish to be about Me, you need to comply with My
directions, for I alone am the Lord upon My ways and means! If
however I should ever come to move about your ways and means,
then I shall comply with your directions, acknowledging you as the
lord of your thing! But here surely the opposite is the case?!”
[3] Says Judas, mumbling to himself: “Well, of course, yes, I just
have to open my mouth, and all’s gone wrong! Could actually stay
silent like a stone forever!”
[4] Says the wise Nathanael for a change: “That would on your
part be a wise move, one that I have yet to see. Indeed it is a lovely
thing to speak at the right time, for someone who has something to
say and the style; but for a fool to be quiet is much lovelier still!”
[5] Whilst Nathanael was yet reminding Judas Iscariot of certain
Proverbs of Solomon, a vast multitude began emerging upon the
plateau from every direction, bringing with tem the lame, the
blind, the dumb and crippled of every kinds of sicknesses, laying
all the suffering, close on five hundred in all, in a wide circle
around Me, as it were at My feet, begging Me to heal them. And
behold, I healed them with one single word, afterwards saying to
the healed: “Arise and walk.” (Mat.15:30)
[6] Whereupon the blind first realized that they could see, as if
newly born. After that the dumb noticed it and gave replies and
talk upon every question. Only after which the lame and crippled
tried whether their contorted and sometimes completely withered
limbs were whole. There was not one among them who might have
said: ’I have nevertheless not been fully helped.’ All the other sick
also were completely healed.
[7] When the people saw that the dumb spoke, the blind saw, the
lame walked straight, and all sorts of cripples and other sick were
completely well, they were astonished beyond all measure, starting
to loudly praise the God of Israel (Mat. 15:31). And they stayed
with Me upon the mountain till the third day, although they had
consumed all their rations to the last crumb already on the
second day.
[8] It could well be asked how these masses of humans were
spending the other two days. This could briefly be answered in that
they, these several thousand people of both sexes, had themselves
instructed in My doctrine by both Myself and My disciples. What
was remarkable was that out of these several thousand there was
not a single one siding with the Pharisees and Scribes. Quite the
contrary, they had some fairly praiseworthy anecdotes to tell about
the Templers, among them the bitterest, causing them to regret
ever having had anything to do with these blind zealots.
[1] There were among them a great many Greeks who were in the
highest degree astonished at the doctrine, with one of them saying:
“Indeed, this is a doctrine going to the heart of nature! There is
nothing more positive, more deliberate for a man to be able to have
thought this out, so that he himself, as lawgiver to millions who
have to obey, could benefit the most from it. No, this doctrine
contains laws conditioning human life from its foundations, and
hence is well suited to maintain same under the best, purest
and most favorable conditions. It evinces no self-interest and
even less tyranny, but instead takes care of each individual as
well as a limitless commonweal! Verily, under this doctrine, if
acknowledged and officially adhered to, the Earth itself would
have to turn into a heaven!
[2] But, and that a big but, for this a new generation will be
necessary! The incorrigible human rubbish of a nature shall have
to be eradicated from Earth, otherwise nothing shall ever change!
The sense of luxury and comfort has reached too high a level and
the mighty knows how to exploit impotent mankind; wherefore
only a small minority lives in abundance, whilst the vast majority
has to subsist! And thus it comes that a poor devil doubts God’s
providence, whilst the rich and mighty forgets God for all his good
fortune and well being, and the result is that ultimately both are
ending up in hell!
[3] Indeed Lord and Master, Your doctrine contains the purest
divine truth, and I would venture to say: it is life itself. But
unfortunately it is not going to be received by the haughty,
sceptical world, because same has risen to a height of heathenism
where it can maintain itself well. Compared to a Caesar Augustus
or Lucullus, even an Adam with his highly praised Eden would be
a poor devil. Everything can be achieved through Zeus, Apollo,
Mercury etc, and one can therefore thrive endlessly well in
company of these imaginary gods! Why therefore truth, love,
gentleness, patience and wisdom? In this way the Earth’s great and
mighty will philosophize about Your doctrine, and will persecute
Your truly holy and altruistic doctrine the way the hungry wolves
persecutes a lamb.
[4] How is one who achieves his easy living through enslaving
fellow man going to adjust to Your altruistic doctrine? Indeed,
Lord and Master and only true Savior of poor suffering mankind:
go and work wonders, preach everlasting slavery and show
languishing mankind that a Caesar alone has the inalienable right
to live upon Earth and the rest of mankind only as far as it pleases
Caesar! Witness boldly furthermore that Caesar alone has the
indisputable right over life and death as he pleases and to acquire
all treasures and goods of the Earth, and soon kingly apparel shall
be draped over You, and You shall move about in great
magnificence and majesty!
[5] But because Your doctrine preaches public brotherhood,
presenting every man as God’s child, You, dear and to me truly
divine Master, shall be persecuted beyond all measure.
[6] Say I: “Dear friend, what you have spoken is unfortunately
true; it shall, among the great and mighty heathens take a violent
conflict before My doctrine makes an inroad among them! But
once it does, nonetheless, penetrate, then those very Caesars and
kings shall also be the most effective and zealous apostles! They
themselves shall pull down the temples to idols and build houses
for God in their place, where the brethren shall gather and give all
honor to the one true God, and their children shall be schooled in
the house of God with the doctrine that I now give for man’s
temporal and eternal blessing.
[7] But this shall not of course happen overnight, but at the right
time and at the right circumstances; for the seed must first be cast,
whereupon it sprouts and finally brings forth much fruit.
[8] But that this My doctrine shall simultaneously be attacked
constantly by the actual world, which shall never die, I already
knew an eternity in advance.
[9] Yes, this My most gentle doctrine will in time fan even the
most bloodiest wars, but this can also not be avoided; because life
came about from a mighty battle in God, is and stays therefore
always a continuous battle and can only be maintained by the
suitable battle! Do you understand such?”
[10] Says the Greek: “Lord and Master, this is too profound for the
likes of us! This You and Your students may grasp indeed; but for
myself it is too incomprehensible and unfathomable!”
[11] Say I: “Indeed, I agree; yet it nevertheless shall remain
eternally as I have now revealed it to you!”
[12] All the other people too were astonished over such talk of
Mine, and several remarked among themselves: “Our patriarch, the
wise Greek, a native of Patmos, has spoken wisely indeed; but one
could not help notice that a mere human was speaking. When this
quite young man and Master speaks however, then it is not as if He
but God Himself spoke out of him; and every word out of His
mouth penetrates the heart like a good, old wine, cheering it up
throughout.” Many similar comments like that were made, notably
when these folk were already more initiated into My doctrine.
(MAT. 15:32-39)
[1] It should be noted that these people, full of joy and wonder at
My affability and doctrine, had forgotten that they had run out of
food and drink. But towards evening, hunger began to assert itself,
and they began asking about rations among themselves, vainly, as
they had consumed everything to the last crumb the previous day.
[2] On realizing this only too well, I summoned the disciples,
saying: “Hearken! I commiserate with the people, for they have
tarried with Me these three days and now have no more to eat. But
I don’t wish to dismiss them hungry, lest they perish of hunger on
the way home (Mat.15:32); for some of them have travelled from
afar. Hence give them to eat!”
[3] Say the disciples: “Lord, You are well aware of our dwindling
rations. It is desert here; whence should we take bread to feed this
multitude?” (Mat. 15:33)
[4] After which I asked the disciples how many loaves of bread
were left.
[5] And the disciples replied: “There are yet seven loaves and
several fish that are still good”(Mat.15:34)
[6] Whereupon I said to the disciples: “Bring the loaves and the
[7] And the disciples went and brought the breads and the fishes;
and I blessed both the breads and fishes. After which I commanded
the people to sit upon the ground (Mat. 15:35). When the people
had sat down I took the bread and the fish, thanked the Father Who
dwelt in My heart in all fullness, for the blessing, after which I
broke both into fragments and gave same to the disciples, who
gave them to the people. (Mat. 15:36) And behold, all ate to their
hearts’ content and according to the stomachs’ need and were
filled. Over and above this however they could not eat, and so
many fragments were left over that they were gathered into seven
big baskets. (Mat. 15:37) But the number of those who were filled
was four thousand men, not counting twice that many women and
children. (Mat. 15:38)
[8] After the people were thus filled I commanded them to return
home. And the people rose, for the day was nearing sunset. All
thanked Me, great and small, young and old, and hit upon their
return journey.
[9] When the people had dispersed after about a half hour and
none left upon the height, other than I and My disciples, then I too
and My disciples headed down the mountain to the sea-coast,
where a ship was just docking to wait for a load, and we came in
handy. On recognizing Me, the mariners bowed down low, for they
knew Me from Cana of Galilee. Whence they charged Me no
travel fee, but instead asked Me to bless their new venture.
[10] And I said to the mariners: “If it is not out of your way then
steer the ship towards Magdala, where I have an engagement!”
And the shipmates loosened the ship from its posts and a favorable
wind came and quickly drove the ship to the border of the Magdala
area (Mat. 15:39)
[1] At the border, there was a large inn however, frequented
usually by a large number of people of all types, Jews, Greeks,
Romans, Egyptians, Samaritans, Sadducees, Essenes as well as
several Pharisees and Scribes, and on My arrival there with My
disciples, the Pharisees and Scribes of course, in particular
enquired as to who I and My disciples were. But no one that night
could find out who we were.
[2] But there also was in the inn a maid who had been upon the
mountain with many of these and who had been cleansed of her
leprosy. This maid recognized Me and fell on her knees before Me,
thanking Me one again for her healing. Some of the Pharisees
noticed this and began to suspect that I was the notorious Jesus of
[3] On the evening of My arrival they indeed left Me in peace, but
schemed all night among themselves and the Sadducees on how
they might the next day, which was post-Sabbatical, trap Me with
word and deed.
[4] In the morning, after I and My disciples had eaten our morning
meal in the open, and having said unto the latter that not much
could be accomplished in this place, the Pharisees and Sadducee
came out of the house, stepping over to Me in a domineering and
arrogant fashion, starting to ask with a mask of amicability, and
even praising many of My reputable deeds to try making Me
talkative, wherein they were of course greatly mistaken. One
Sadducee actually said: “Master, we would of a truth be inclined to
follow you and become your disciples if, as a child and Son of
God, what many have already called you, you would give us a sign
from heaven! (Mat. 16:1) Work a miracle before our eyes and you
can call us your own!”
[5] On scanning their hearts however I found only dressed-up
wickedness; every word they spoke was a cunning lie, and hence I
said to the mischievous inquisitors: “In the evening you say:
’Tomorrow will be nice – the sky is red!” (Mat. 16:2). And in the
morning you say: ’Oh, it shall be bad weather – the sky is red and
cloudy!’ Oh you evil hypocrites! The configurations in the sky you
can judge; why not the big signs of this time, in the sphere of
man’s spiritual life? (Mat. 16:3). If according to your admission
you heard such extraordinary things from others, saying that you
understand Scripture, must it not become obvious to you that
through Myself is being accomplished what the prophets
predicted?! Your outer mien you are indeed able to make sweet as
milk and honey, but your heart is filled with gall, hate whoring and
[6] Upon this counsel the tempters stood back, deeply convicted
and offended, daring not to address Me with another word; for all
the people massing about Me gave them searching looks, and they
figure it advisable to seek not further discussion with Me.
[7] After these tempters turned on their heels, the people praised
Me for having, for once, rubbed the naked truth into these zealots’
[8] But I did not face the people, who basically did not count
among the best, but said to the disciples, as if in passing: “This
evil and adulterous generation is seeking a sign; but no sign shall
be given them except that of the prophet Jonah!” (Mat.16:4).
Where after I left the people, and even more so the clerics standing
and swiftly departed with My disciples, boarding the still waiting
ship, commanding it to be steered back to hence it had sailed in the
[9] After we had journeyed over on the finest of days, engrossed in
various discussions about the places and the people who had
favorably received us, and on finding ourselves back at the foot of
the mountain on whose peak the many thousands were fed from
seven loaves and a few fishes, the disciples suddenly realized that
they forgot to buy bread to take along (Mat. 16:5), as it was late
afternoon and hunger mostly had reminded them of it. Wherefore
some of them decided to obtain bread somewhere in this area, or
even journeying back to Magdala, because one could with
favorable wind get from here to Magdala in an hour.
[10] Consulting Me on the matter, I said to them: “Do as you will.
But beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees!”
(Mat. 16:6). On hearing this they thought to themselves: “Ah, here
we have it! It is a slight rebuke for not taking bread with us!”
(Mat. 16:7)
[11] Knowing their thoughts only too soon, I said to them: “Oh ye
of little faith! Why are ye troubled for taking no bread with you?!
(Mat. 16:8) Hear you not? I.e. understand you not? Remember ye
not the five loaves among the five thousand prior to the Genzareth
journey, and how many baskets full were left over? Nor the seven
breads among the four thousand yesterday, not counting the
women and children, and how many basket-full you gathered up?!
(Mat. 16:10) How do ye not comprehend that I did not mean the
bread you did not bring along, when saying: ’beware of the leaven
of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Mat. 16:11), by which is to be
understood the falls doctrines which these people cast among the
folks with all kinds of sweet, holistic facial affability, faithful
assurances and promises, but secretly laughing their heads off
about how they made a substantial catch of poor, foolish souls.
[12] Who preaches more zealously about the immortality of the
human soul than these very Sadducees, and about an eternal Eden
and an eternal hellfire, and yet they on their part believe not one
iota, and are the greatest infidels into the bargain! Do you now
understand what I meant by the leaven?” Only then did the
disciples comprehend that I did not mean the bread leaven but the
wicked doctrines of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (Mat. 16:12).
For this night however we stayed on the ship who in our
emergency provided us with bread and some fish. (Mt.16,12;
1 Cor.5,6; Gal.5,9)
[13] The next day however I send several disciples ahead to
Caesarea Philippi, a small somewhat armored town in the Greek-
Galilean territory, located a short distance inland from the Galilean
Sea. On My instructions they should enquire in advance what the
people of this area thought of Me and if they heard anything from
Me until now.
[14] And several disciples who were quite familiar with this area,
hurried after the morning meal to the indicated area and diligently
enquired about what the people there thought of Me and if any and
how much. However, the disciples send ahead, were very surprised
when learning that the whole area, which never was visited by Me
before, knew My name quite well and every person knew a lot of
things about Me to talk about. For the disciples also pretended only
hearing from Me by hearsay and thus the interviewed had more
room to speak of all kinds of things.
[15] That among these were the most colossal exaggerations can
easily be understood; among those were one which the disciples
strictly forbade the storyteller to repeat to others. This story
consisted in nothing less than that I could expand Myself to a
gigantic size and at the same time shrink again to a finger size
dwarf; also was I in one moment very old and then very young
again. As such I also was seen as a perfect woman. Yes, some
among them even knew more; for they had heard that I could
change into the shape of any animal I chose.
[1] While the dispatched disciples busied themselves with
reconnoitering the district and people of Caesarea Philippi, I
remained upon the bay mountain till evening, but then, about two
hours before sunset left the bay with the remaining disciples, also
arriving in the Caesarea Philippi area towards evening (Mat.
16:13), finding the advance disciples’ party in a poor man’s hut,
whose simple occupants were busy preparing supper for the tired
and starving disciples.
[2] The domestics immediately asked the advance party about who
we were, and these did not mind telling them that I was the very
Jesus about whom they had previously been speaking quite a lot.
[3] On hearing this, the host all but dropped everything, falling on
his knees before Me and saying: “What good have I poor sinning
human ever done, that You should show me such inestimable
grace? Oh You holy great man from the heavens, sent to us poor
sinners on Earth! How should I, a poor and most simple man be
able to worthily honor and praise You? What could I do to
please You!”
[4] Said I: “Dear friend, arise and see to it that we too receive a
supper, consisting of bread, fish and wine; then provide resting
place for limb, and you shall have done all I am asking!”
[5] The host rises, saying with a sad voice: “Good Master,
whatever I have I shall provide, since such immense honor and
grace has overtaken my hut; for I know that You are a son of
David and a great prophet besides, I still have stores of bread and
fish for today and tomorrow. But it is a different story with wine,
not only with myself but the entire district, and a similar position
in the not too distant city of Caesarea Philippi. I indeed posses
some raspberry and blackberry juice, but it is a trifle old and hence
sour. We drink it only with water and some honey for thirst.
[6] But I have vessels of curdled goats’ milk; if some of that would
be agree able to You then I shall have some brought in; together
with bread it is really good food!”
[7] Say I: “Very well then, bring us what you have! But I notice
that you keep several wine-skins in your house; if you never
harvest wine, what for the skins?”
[8] Says the poor hut owner: “Yes, indeed do I have skins, because
I am a maker of wine skins; but there has not been a drop of wine
in any of them.
[9] Say I: “Go then and fill them all with water!”
[10] Ask the poor host: “Good Master, what good could that do?”
[11] Say I: “Friend, ask no questions and just do as I say unto you,
hereupon you shall be blessed temporally and eternally!”
[12] Thereupon the poor hut owner at once summoned his wife
and his grown up eight children, six daughters and two sons, and
went to fill the fifty skins at the well. When the skins were filled,
he asked Me what to do with them.
[13] And I said to him: “Take them all to the rock-pool whose
entrance is adjacent to the rear of your hut!”
[14] The poor host, who kept his straw in the grotto, spread same
out on the bottom, then placing the filled skins upon it neatly in a
row; and when finished, came back and said: “Lord and Master, it
is done as You commanded. Is there anything else to be done
with it?”
[15] Say I: “It now is in the best of order. But take some of your
better stone jars and fill them from whichever of the fifty skins,
also tasting of the filled jars to see how you like it; then bring them
here and tell us how the water thus treated, tastes!”
[16] The poor one goes at once, taking twelve jars, and lets them
run full. A superb wine aroma hits his nostrils, and when he goes
on to taste the contents, he is struck with amazement, saying to his
children helpers: Hearken, this no human intellect can grasp! The
water with which we filled the skins and which I let into the jars
has turned into most exquisite wine! Taste it and be convinced!”
[17] The children tasted and could not be more astonished over
such miracle, and the oldest son said: “Father, you know that I am
well versed in Scripture! I know all the prophets and their works;
but none of them affected one like this! This peculiar person
obviously must be more than a prophet!”
[18] Say the daughters as well: “Yes father, it seems so to us too!
In the end this could be Elijah, who is to return to Earth, to prepare
mankind for the coming of the mighty Messiah! Or this could in
the end be the Messiah Himself?”
[19] Says the father: “It could be the one as well as the other! Hm,
how suddenly and unexpectedly this has come!”
[20] Whilst the poor hut proprietor is still ruminating thus, his wife
comes rushing up almost breathless for wonder, saying: “Come,
come and see what has happened in our hut! Our larder has
completely filled up with all kinds of foods and the best of bread!
This none but the same Master could have done who came to our
hut an hour ago asking for accommodation and supper!”
[21] Says the man: “That certainly is beyond all doubt! But how?
Who is going to clear it up for us? What is He? Who is He? If we
say He is a prophet we obviously understate it. If we say He is an
angel then we haven’t said much more. If however we say He is a
god, then we could overstate it, for a god is spirit; but this one is
flesh, blood and bones, and one could in the end ask whether He is
not some Greek Zeus or Apollo. But now it is necessary to, in all
meekness, love and gratitude carry up the wine, bread and fish, and
whatever other edibles there are, for this favor is priceless!
[22] Where after the man came with the filled jars and his wife and
children with bread, fish and other edibles. And the man, bowing
down low before Me, said with a most timorous voice: “Oh Lord
and Master! Who would you be, that You are able to do such
merely through Your will? I tremble in all reverence before You!
You cannot be a man akin to the likes of us; but who and What
therefore are You, that we may honor you fittingly?”
[23] Say I: “Behold, My friend, I want to tell you a thing, by which
you will be able to judge for yourself! When early in the morning
you notice that it is getting brighter in the East, with the sky
gradually reddening, you say: ‘The sun shall rise soon!’ But it gets
brighter in the East also when the moon is approaching; but no
morning red follows the feeble light; and when the full moon
finally comes up, weakly illuminating the Earth with its half-light,
no flower opens its tender chalice to such in the cold, feeble and
unenlivening beam!
[24] The strongly lit-up messengers, lucent cloudlets heralding the
sun’s imminent rise already are much brighter than the moon in its
fullness; but if no sun were to follow these messengers then things
on the entire Earth would be as in the frigid midnight (polar)
region, where no sunbeam penetrates for nine months (full moons).
And so correspondingly it is in the eternal world of the spirit,
through which alone this material one arose and is now sustained.
[25] All kinds of teachers and prophets arise, teaching mankind
this and that; now and then there is some truth to it, but next to a
spark of truth there always amble along thousands of lies, making
out to be truth themselves, next to the one spark of truth. And
behold, all such teachers, prophets and doctrines resembles the
shine of the moon, which constantly changes its light, and quite
often does not shine at all when needed most.
[26] Alongside the false teachers and prophets however there are
also genuine and true ones, from whose eyes heart and mouth
God’s light shines. These resemble the lucent cloudlets heralding
the sun’s imminent rise; if nonetheless things were left at that,
even with ever-so shining cloudlets – namely the genuine and true
prophets, then with the hearts of men it would be in the end as at
the actual midnight region of the Earth, namely frigid, cold and
dead. But following the real, lucent cloudlets preceding the sun is
the sun itself, and with the first beams that it casts over the still
gray mountains into the Earth’s valleys, everything turns wakeful,
joyful and full of life: the little birds sing psalms to the rising
mother of light and warmth, the insects, flies bugs lift off into the
lucent air, humming enthusiastically to the mother of day, and the
flowers of the fields lift their royally adorned heads, opening their
richly blamed mouths to breathe their lovely fragrance towards the
warmer of the world.
[27] From this true representation however, you can gather enough
for your edification to allocate Me a position in your heart that I
merit! Neither starlight nor moonshine, nor the golden glimmer of
the morning clouds is enough to loosen the fetters of the Earth’s
captive life and entice it to independently active freedom, this only
the light of the sun is capable of doing.
[28] Who among mankind therefore can be that One Whose voice
and will all the captive spirits within matter obey, conforming to
everything He wills, and who can be He of Whose coming all true
prophets prophesied?”
[29] Here the poor man pauses for a moment, then goes pensively
into the hut with his family, in order not to disturb us at supper.
(MAT. 16: 13-20)
[1] We are now consuming the evening meal, and the hut-owner’s
family is setting up the best possible resting-facilities for us. But
inside the house, he says to his wife and children: “Hearken! This
will be without question the promised Messiah. Hence Jehovah
Himself incarnate, the eternal, arch primeval sun of the spirit
world, who was preceded by the divine, light filled prophets as the
lucent morning cloudlets. Yes, indeed, now I know where I stand;
but what is to be done now?! I hardly dare to speak another word
with Him, the eternal most holy, who is certain to be invisibly
served by countless hosts of angels, constantly receiving fresh
Commands from Him, conveying them to the stars and all the ends
of the world with the speed of thought! And this One, at whose
back and call stand all the eternal heavens and their Edens, is
staying in our poor hut today!
[2] Oh rejoice, but also tremble with joy; for He is tarrying with us
this night! Such highest grace the entire Earth itself is not worthy
of let alone this our most ignominious hut; and we, full of sin, on
top of that!”
[3] But whilst the hut owner and his family were busying
themselves with preparing quarters for us, I asked the party of the
dispatched on reconnaissance, saying: “Who do the people of this
area say that I am? (Mat.16:31)
[4] And the questioned disciples replied: “Some say in all earnest
that You are the risen John Baptized, whilst others hold that You
are Elijah, of whom it is written that he shall return before the
great Messiah, calling mankind to repentance and to turn back to
God. Still others say You are the prophet Jeremiah, also subject to
a folk legend that he shall come down from heaven before the
Messiah. Some of them are furthermore saying that You could be
one or the other of the other prophets (Mat. 16:14); because prior
to the great Messiah’s coming all the prophets shall precede Him!
These are the more noteworthy sayings about You; but there are a
great many other opinions about You, for which however, after
hearing such, we admonished the people and persuaded them of a
better opinion of You. But many others think You are an incognito
Greek Zeus.”
[5] Say I: “Good then, you have now reported to Me what you
heard; but I now would like to hear from your mouth, for Whom
ye yourselves actually take Me. This is not at all an idle question,
but a quite serious one; because I notice that on occasion, when
our senses judge My doings as seemingly terrestrial, that you then
at once judge Me differently in your hearts from occasions when I
work a great miraculous deed! Hence tell Me openly for once as to
Who you take Me to be, upon sober and mature reflection,
fundamentally” (Mat. 16:15)
[6] Here all the disciples except Simon Judah were taken aback,
not knowing what answer to give Me. Judas Iscariot said to
Thomas: “Now do the talking are you not always so clever and
wise! This would be sheer fun for; to give our Master a fitting
answer to such peculiar question!”
[7] Says Thomas: “Speak up yourself, if you are so clever! I take
Him for what He Himself has long presented Himself! He never
calls Himself other than “Son of Man”, and “God is My Father as
well as of you all”! If He gives such testimony of Himself, what
other witness can we out of ourselves bear Him, of an actual truth?
He of course accomplishes deeds which no man has worked since
Moses and the other prophets. But if we examine the thing in its
proper light then we shall find that it is still the spirit of God that
works such through a chosen, pure man! But to God’s spirit it shall
all be the same as to whether, through a chosen man He moves
mountains or destroys them, or whether he allows some small
miracle to successfully take place through the ord of a prophet!”
[8] Says Judas: “You therefore take Him only for a prophet!”
[9] Says Thomas: “Indeed so, and that as the greatest the Earth
ever carried, which of course is not by virtue of Himself but
God’s! Because God alone can awaken man to be a prophet, as He
did with Samuel when same was still a child; and how He,
meaning God, also made the false prophet Bileam’s donkey into a
true prophet, and through the donkey, Bileam himself. If we grasp
this in the right manner and consider His own testimony of
Himself as only a Son of God, although sometimes expressing the
godly first Person, when working the miraculous power that dwells
in Him to an exceptional degree; then in my humble opinion we
can give Him no other testimony than that which He gives
Himself! He therefore is a foremost Son of God, as we are too, if
not to such marked degree.”
[10] Says Judas Iscariot: “What in that case is there to the fact that
many take Him for the promised Messiah, and the more learned
higher Romans even for the only true and almighty God?!”
[11] Says Thomas: “These are correct as well; for the power of
God dwelling in Him is also the only true Messiah, and Jehovah
Himself without further ado.”
[12] With this Judas concurs, and although I heard such, I kept
[13] But Peter noticed My silence, stood up and said: “Lord, I
notice dissension about You even among the brethren! Permit me
therefore, for the sake of the brethren to boldly add my own
testimony about You!”
[14] Say I: “Do so! What therefore do you say?”
[15] Says Peter, i.e. Simon Judah: “From the deepest conviction of
my heart I say and testify before all the world: You are the Christ,
Son of the living God!“ (Mat.16:16)
[16] Say I to Peter: “Blessed are you, Simon, son o Jonas; not your
flesh and blood, but My Father who is in heaven, has revealed this
to you! (Mat. 16:17)
[17] I furthermore say unto you: you are Peter, a rock; upon this
rock I will build My congregation (church), and the portals of hell
shall not overcome it (Mat. 16:18) And I will give you the keys to
the kingdom of heaven! Whatever you shall bind upon Earth shall
also be bound in heaven, and that which you shall loosen upon
Earth shall also be loosen in heaven (Mat. 16:19)
[18] Said Peter: “Lord, I thank You for such immense grace, for I
feel the least worthy, for having been always and still am a gross
sinner; but regarding the binding and loosening, I must admit
openly that I can’t understand it and don’t know what to make of
it; may it please You to make the thing more plain for me!”
[19] Say I: “This shall with time become completely clear to you;
but I strictly forbid you all, for the time being to tell any man,
before time, that I am Jesus, the true Christ” (Mat. 16:20)
[20] Following these important discussions, Matthew the Scribe
asks whether to record all this.
[1] The hut owner, named Mark, had a lot to tell us about the
Pharisees and would-be Scribes. Among other things he told much
about the temple cleric’s’ secret cruelties; and how they become
irreconcilable, mortal enemies of anyone they suspect of any trace
of a spiritual and hence prophetic vein. Many of such spiritual
persons are supposed to be bumped off! They are supposed to have
most amiable invitations extended to them, doing them much
honoring, smothering them with friendship. But once within the
Temple’s after-chambers, occupied by the chief Pharisees, they are
finished with this world, as none sees daylight again! It is
furthermore inexplicable, said Mark, how God can watch such
abominations for so long. Things were wicked in Sodom and
Gomorrah indeed, but compared to what goes on in Jerusalem
now, it is by hardly that of a rain drop to the sea; and yet, in spite
of Abraham’s repeated intercessory prayers, God caused these and
their satellite cities to perish with fire from heaven! Now however,
in the face of these masses of abominations of every conceivable
variety, committed in Jerusalem day after day, God acts as if He
didn’t know and no longer cared about humanity! What possible
reason could there be for this?!
[2] To this his fairly astute comments I said: “Friend, God is aware
of everything occurring! He knows all the Pharisees’ and Scribes’
numberless and nameless abominations; for this indeed I came into
world, that this brood of serpents and vipers would act out their
full measure upon Myself. And when this is accomplished, then let
that evil brood beware!”
[3] Says Mark: “Indeed, Lord, Master and friendliest benefactor of
mankind. If You at the same time do not possess the power to
blow with one breath thousands of people into the beyond, then
You are to be pitied, should You ever intend to show up in
Jerusalem, working wonders! I am surely a most plain person, yet
understand things that no Pharisee has yet dreamt of; but I am at
the same time smart enough with the Pharisees, whom I encounter
often, to play such stupid moron that I leave them no trace for
suspecting me of any arcane knowledge.
[4] Since they have now known me for quite some time as an
exceptional fool and assume that I know not the difference
between a face and a rear, they often let me look into their blackest
secrets! And there I have hit upon things which I must admit, on
several occasions made me question God’s very existence! For I
mused: ‘If there is an almighty, supremely wise, righteous and
benevolent God, and He cares for mankind the way Scripture
teaches, then it must be impossible to watch such abominations!
There is no God! Man is physically descended from the ape,
according to Plate, and his soul a descendant of the rapacious
beast. Therefore there has to be at the head of a strong community,
a strong and wise Sampson who shall shave the double animal of
the compounded animal called Man, taming him into at least a half
man over the fears.’
[5] With such and often worse thoughts, my mind had grappled
whenever coming across the hideous secret doings of this brood of
serpents, as aptly named by You! Wherefore, as said, if You want
to be bumped off this world in a most hideous and painful manner,
then by all means to Jerusalem, and You shall find that I told You
the fullest truth, without necessarily being a prophet!
[6] To show You such a small Arcanum, which however exceeds
that of the holy Temple dung-tale a thousandfold, I will briefly tell
You what I experienced only recently. Whoever gave this black
brood such supra-Satanic idea I don’t know. It wouldn’t have been
Satan for sure, as his malice would not suffice.
[1] (Mark) There is a populated region behind so-called Asia
Minor, where the women are mostly barren. I don’t know the
cause, but it is a known fact that if those women sleep with either
Jews or Samaritans, then they become as fertile as ours. Well then:
the Pharisees, who send their evil apostles into all the world, have
gotten to know these women long since, and often went there by
the caravan-full to make those infertile women fertile. This was soto-
say always a well-paid, friendly service! But this service was
not kept up, as the men of the said Asia Minor region gradually
realized themselves the deceived; because their wives did not get
quite so pregnant in the fertility clinics, which the Jerusalemites
missionaries had erected at the border of those municipalities
many years earlier; but instead the missionaries locally and also in
Judea, bought up newly-born infants, had them brought to the said
clinics, where the otherwise very beautiful and sumptuous but
barren women has to stay ten months. After the ten months, during
which time such woman was nearly slept to death by these apostles
of the Temple, such purchased child was presented to the said
woman and that in such cunning way that even the woman thought
the child to be hers! But as said, the husbands of such beautiful
and sumptuous women, with time found out about the deception,
and that through and upright Samaritan, who showed the Asia
Minorites how the would-be pious Jerusalemites apostles from the
city of God played it up.
[2] Whereupon the communities’ deceived husbands came to the
apostles in the fertility clinic, accusing them with what they had
heard of a Sycharite resident even whilst the fertilized women had
themselves confessed it to them.
[3] But the apostles, anointed with every deception ointment, soon
found a healthy alibi, portraying the Samaritans to the accusers in a
way that left in no doubt that it was the Samaritans that were the
cause of the women’ infertility.
[4] Therewith however the good Samaritans swore double
vengeance, firstly for the Pharisees’ stigmatizing of them and
secondly because the after-Asia Minorite owners of the women
began to suspect all Samaritans to be wicked magicians, who had
done this to them for the one Samaritan who had been killed many
years ago for sleeping with one of their women. But they, the
Pharisees namely, knew of an antidote which they could prescribe
and even obtain for the husbands of the barren women, for a fee!
There, dear good Master, the supra-Satanic comes to the fore!”
[5] Say I: “Continue to speak! For even if not really for Myself, it
is that much more necessary for My disciples to find out.”
[6] Continues Mark, saying: “And wherein does the Jerusalemites
apostles’ expensive prescription to make the after-Asia Minor
women fertile consist? In nothing but the commendable apostles’
advice as follows: ‘The after-Asia Minorites procuring the blood
of Samaritan children, taking it at once either in its fresh or
powdered state once they gained potency, and after them also the
women, before being slept with; this would destroy the
Samaritans’ magical powers and fully restore the women’ fertility!
But how to obtain the blood of Samaritan children?! -For decent
reward and putting in a few good words the apostles of the Temple
shall take care of it!’
[7] The offer was made, and accepted by the after-Asia Minorites.
But what happened next, and still does so today on a much wider
extent? The Pharisees went on a real prowl for Samaritan children,
in every conceivable way, doing so to this day.
[8] Such children, between the ages of one to twelve, are taken to
said fertility clinic, nourished well for certain period, especially
with nutrient conductive to multiplying the blood. When such
child appears full-blooded, it is undressed, taken to the slaughterroom
and handed over to especially engaged slaughter men. These
then tightly bind the unfortunate little ones’ hands feet, then
fastening them to a stake fixed in the middle of a bath-tub, binding
the poor children eyes, and then slashing the dreadfully screaming
children’ arm and leg veins. During their quick bleeding to death,
turning into corpses in a few moments, the apostles of god from
Jerusalem, city of God, are having a perfectly easy time. Discanted
bodies of such murdered children are then burnt in a speciallydesigned,
large oven, and their blood for the said cause, either
fresh or dried. Hell must have blessed this supra-infernal work, for
those women who enjoy such blood are said in actuality supposed
to be fertile now!
[9] Surely the good God, if He is not a mere old Jewish legend,
aught to find a remedy; but there has been no sign form above to
this hour! God is still capable of patiently and unhurriedly
watching such nameless abominations, as He did also in
Bethlehem some thirty years ago when by most tyrannical edict, up
to five thousand male children between the ages of one to twelve
were put to death in one day, and this in the most cruel fashion in
the world!
[10] God is supremely good, wise and full of mercy, as I have
learned it from the scriptures; however, if I as privy to all horrors,
view this state of affairs in the right bright light, I hardly cannot
ward off the idea that there is no God at all or if there is one, He
long ago stopped caring for the people of this earth! Can anybody
blame me for this? Surely no realistic and peoples friendly person
like me, also not even God! For in my breast still pulses a heart
which cares for poor humanity with all love!
[11] If however, Lord and Master there resides something godly
within You, then let You work a miracle also in this sphere,
destroying and annihilating such infernal monsters! I have not the
least doubt in Your accomplishing it, for my experience with You
today is my most convincing surety that nothing can be impossible
to You, if only it is Your will. Because You obviously are more
than all the prophets put together!”
[1] Say I: “Friend, what you have told Me now is hardly a shadow
of what I see and know; however, you are lacking a deeper
knowledge of the divine order, and as such you are even accusing
with some merit the ostensible procrastination of God. However,
since you possess a matchless honest and really good heart, I will
stay here for full six days with you and your family and during
such time I will enlighten you sufficiently about everything where
there is still darkness in you. But since it is now almost midnight,
let us take a rest on the already prepared resting places!”
[2] Say the disciples: “Lord, today we don’t mind whether we keep
awake upon the bunks or out here, in the pleasant open, because
friend Mark’s tale has completely robbed us of our sleep, so that
we should not be able to fall asleep for anything in the world!
Verily, every drop of blood in our veins now is boiling with fury
and rage against these most rapacious beasts of a people that go
forth from the Temple at present! Verily, in such circumstances it
would have been many thousands of times better to have never
been born! Lord, let fire rain from heaven over these beasts
forthwith! Because what we heard now far surpasses anything we
ever heard of this bestial mankind!”
[3] Say I: “For that very reason you have to sleep off your double
inebriation! Tomorrow, when more sober and of a more settle
blood, we shall be able to pass judgment more easily. “After these
My words, all went to their due rest without further talk.
[4] Morning came quickly, and I and My disciples rose from our
competently prepared resting places.
[5] As we came out into the open, Simon Judah said: “Lord, I have
slept for a good stretch, but cannot shake off our host Mark's tale.
No, this is unheard-of! This has not been here before! Verily,
sometimes I cannot grasp Your patience and long-suffering! If I
consider how, with ourselves, who cling to You like the hair to our
bodies, You become quite terse, punishing us by word or look
before one knows it, so that one would not afterwards dare soon to
ask You something audibly. Yet You are able to watch such
abominations for centuries without being ruffled! Where the likes
of us could leap out of our skins, there You can watch with
patience. But where our eyes and emotions see and feel nothing,
there You are in Your fullness as if the Creation depended on it!
[6] Behold, Lord, these are things that we simply cannot grasp.
And Mark therefore is not entirely wrong when his thoughts on
God are as he voiced them last night, with all candor. Of a truth, it
is certain that You can and probably will more than recompense all
such martyrs for the minute long suffering that came their way
upon this Earth, yet it is, all things considered, a dreadfully
shocking thing to be so abnormally tormented by mankind wanton
wickedness upon this Earth! Besides, Lord, a few moments of
torment would seem like an eternity to the tormented!"
[7] Say I: “I have already yesterday said unto you, as well as Mark,
that I shall elaborate on this further during the course of My stay
here; wait therefore until it is time, and it shall become sufficiently
transparent to you! But go now rather and help Mark to haul in his
catch to shore, for he went to work early today and I blessed it.
Hence go and help him to move the many fish to land, and into the
[1] Responding to these words, all the disciples rushed over and
helped Mark and his children; notwithstanding the two sons being
strong people, the four elder daughters together could not match
any of the two sons.
[2] After all the fish were stored, with the disciples' powerful
assistance Mark, wet with perspiration, came to Me on My quite
decorative lawn bench, saying: "Lord and Master, You could say
what You want, but since You are bound to be the cause of my
unprecedented glorious and abundant catch today, much in the way
You filled the fifty wine-skins yesterday, I rushed over to give You
my innermost thanks. And thus I thank You, Lord, with a most
fervent heart, for all the outsize and miraculous favors which You
have be-stowed upon me and mine on such en overabundant scale!
[3] Today I had cast the big net, with a length of one hundred and
fifty cubits and depths of seven cubits, and behold, it was filled to
capacity with the most glorious and select fish! And now, my ten
fairly large tanks are bristling with the fish we hauled in with the
first and only big draft of the day. If it pleases You, then I shall
have a few pieces prepared for breakfast; my wife has it down to a
fine art!”
[4] Say I: “Do so, for I have a craving for it! Afterwards you can
get your children to carry a few vats full to Caesarea Philippi city,
and they shall fetch a good price!"
[5] Mark bowed down low, rushing into the kitchen to his wife,
ordering the morning meal, and she and her daughters immediately
got it under way. The two sons however filled two large bats full
of the choicest fish and, having already consumed their morning
snack with some wine, drove them to the city, which was a little
under one hour distance away.
[6] When they had set up their cart, yoked to two donkeys, at the
market place, a large number of buyers straight away appeared,
buying up all their fish for a good price in moments. Because such
prime fish went for a good silver piece, even in those days. Having
taken two hundred pieces with them, they took close on two
hundred silver pieces which in those days amounted to more than
two hundred thaler. Two hours later the two returned with the cart,
laden with money and the empty vets, handing their father Mark
the money, who was overjoyed and praised his two sons.
[7] The sons however asked the father whether to drive back to the
city, since many who had wanted to buy got nothing. The father
allowed them, and they re-filled the vets and headed off for the
city, making an even better and faster deal with the second load.
[8] Mark couldn't help himself for thanking, being suddenly helped
out of his many years of suffering.
[9] Whilst the two sons were taking the first load into the city, we
had consumed nearly twenty well-prepared fish for breakfast, and
bread and wine had not been lacing either. We had also the while
discussed a few things, the main subject being the Temple
servants, and Marcus' eldest daughter, a maiden of nineteen,
showed us an old pot which was half-filled with the Temple
manure, asking whether this manure had, as promoted by the
pushy sellers that unheard-of fructifying effect upon the fields
and gardens.
[10] This called forth derision on the part of the disciples, to whom
the false Temple pretences were not unknown, and Thomas said:
“Oh for the shamelessness! This the servants of God have been
carrying on for fifty years. Some worthy High Priests have already
strongly objected to it but achieved little, because this manure now
earns the Temple two thousand good silver pieces annually. But
the people are blind enough to believe that their field grounds and
gardens shall be blessed through such filth!"
[11] Said the eldest daughter to that: “Oh, dear friend, this is not
so! Most people believe this fraud no more than I do; but what can
one do? If one does not buy this dung off the sellers then one soon
has to deal with hell broken loose. The sellers of this filth besides
are so pushy, rough and crude that one gladly buys some of the
filth just to get rid of them. If one then pours the filth into the
water right in front of their eyes then it doesn't bother them in the
least, and they go their way; for they know that in a year's time one
will be forced once again to buy the Temple dung off them."
[12] Says Peter: “Indeed, deception and lies of every kind are the
virtues of the Temple servants, who call themselves servants of
God! They put on human faces for sure, but their inwards are
infernal! Why, oh Lord You allow and tolerate such, You alone
and none besides in the world will know!"
[13] But I say to them all: “Let's leave that, for it is nearly midday!
The day is fine and not too hot, and we shall look around
whether there isn't a place from where we gain a good view of the
distance. Such place we shall then prepare for ourselves so we can
have all sorts of discussions there during our stay here."
[14] Says Marcus: “Just tow hundred paces beyond my hut and
actually the grotto (rock-pool) against which my hut rest, there
attaches to my meager property such a place as You are looking
for; the crest of the hill is graced with a shady old chestnut tree,
around which I have built a roomy bench, from which one enjoys
prime views over this extensive area. One can see all of Caesarea
Philippi across the Sea as far as the eye can see. On clear days one
can easily see as far as Genezareth and beyond to Kis, and some
claim to have seen Sibarah, although my eyes are too weak to
make out that place, but I can quite easily see as far as Gadarena
and plenty of other places.
[15] Say I: “Very well, let us choose that spot and spend our time
there advisedly. Take us up!"
[16] Marcus the hut dweller guided us up by a narrow but not too
cumbersome path and unto the spot which earnestly left little to be
desired; one could see Caesarea Philippi as well as overlook the
entire Sea of Galilee and a great number of places.
[1] Simultaneously we nevertheless noticed several Pharisees
leaving Caesarea Philippi and busily heading for Marcus’s humble
hut. Said Matthew, the young tax-collector from Sibarah, who
once thoroughly lampooned the Pharisees on the occasion when at
Sibarah one sick was lowered down to Me through the thick
crowd: “This brood must have found out about Your stay here! But
by Whom? Unless Marcus’s sons, who drove fish to the city twice,
gave us away!”
[2] Says old Marcus: “Could well be, because notwithstanding my
sons being normally well-behaved, they are chatterers, which has
already caused them to stir up diverse troubles. But I am going
over to ask them.”
[3] Say I: “Stay, because neither your sons nor anyone in this
district has betrayed Me, but they have come to you solely on
account of the fish. They want a present of about a hundred fish, of
which they had seen some in the city but did not buy. You are
aware of them being entitled to one tenth tithes wherever there is
any sort of harvest. But such large catch is also like an abundant
harvest, and they deem themselves entitled to demand the tithe
therefrom. Hence go down and give them a hundred fish, and they
shall praise you and quietly depart home with the fish.
[4] Says Marcus: “But how shall they be able to move a hundred
[5] Say I: “Don’t let that trouble you, it shall be their concern! Just
take a look, they are much closer, and you shall see a beast of
burden trotting among them, whose back is provided with means
for transporting fish.”
[6] Marcus has a better look at the small caravan approaching his
quarters, noticing what I pointed out to him and saying: “Lord, it is
indeed as You said. And I am rushing down, and the hundred fish
shall be ready in the large vet, which shall take them aback!”
[7] Say I: “Go and do so! But if they ask how you could have
known this, then be ready with a clever answer; but you must not
deal them a lie!”
[8] Marcus goes and has one hundred pieces taken from the tanks,
placing them in the large tub. He had hardly finished when the
young Pharisees came, asking for Marcus the fisherman. Marcus
answered, and still at the fish-tub, said: “I am over here, and here
in the tub is what you probably came for! That is the
conscientiously calculated fish tithe, consisting of the choices fish
being caught in our Sea.
[9] The Pharisees are non-pleased at such talk, with one of them
saying: “Old man, are you a prophet – that you should know in
advance why we came here from the city?”
[10] Says Marcus: “For this verily one does not need to be a
prophet, but just to have five good senses, coupled to a little
understanding, and one can work out to a hair’s breadth why you
have come out! Here, take the fish and continue on your way in
peace! I have yet much to do today, and midday is almost upon us.
We have worked much today and must go and prepare a lunch for
[11] Says one of the Pharisees: “You should however add thirty
pieces to the one hundred as penalty, for it was not very decent of
you not to send it to the city through your children, to us servants
of God who constantly pray to God for your salvation, the first
lings of your catch!”
[12] Says Marcus: “Here, here, not thirty but forty pieces added!
And now ask for your contentment and that you would leave me!”
[13] Say the Pharisees: “We are empowered by God to come and
go as we please! Load the fish into the vets we brought, and we
then intended at once to continue our journey!”
[14] Marcus at once orders his children to attend to the Pharisees’
wishes, and they lend a hand at once, filling the Pharisees’ tubs
with the one hundred and forty fish.
[15] When it was done, Marcus said: “Now all you have requested
is done; are you satisfied?”
[16] Says one Pharisee of quite cheeky appearance: “No, and
another hundred times no! Because you talk to us as to for you
tiresome worldlings, forgetting that we are servants of the almighty
God Who can ruin you with one breath! Your spiteful behavior
towards us therefore shall be avenged not only with the one
hundred and forty fish but by the confiscation of all your
[17] This rattles Marcus. He runs inside his hut, coming back to
the Pharisees with a roll of parchment on which is written in large
letters that he is a Roman, and that he can make use of all his
rights as a free citizen of Rome, at will.
[18] Asks the cheeky Pharisee, somewhat taken aback: “Now then,
how long has one been a heathen already? For one had according
to our knowledge been a Jew until recently!”
[19] Says Marcus: “Marcus has never been a Jew, but born a
Roman who has served mars with sword, helmet and shield for
thirty years. But for a trial period of three years Marcus was an
uncircumcised Jew; after convincing himself only too soon
however that the divine doctrine of the Jews notwithstanding, and
realizing what kind of Priests were they of this exalted divine
doctrine, secretly treading their God and doctrine with their feet,
pulling the wool over poor mankind’s eyes at every opportunity,
and being the most unscrupulous hypocrites who indeed serve their
God before the blind people on the outside but keeping their hearts
buried in deepest hell, and hence also carrying on in a most
shameless trade with the blood of innocent Samaritan children;
wherefore I again became fully Roman and shall die so! Take your
loot now and go home with it! I am giving it to you only because I
was still recently an un circumcised Jew for three years!”
[20] Say the Pharisees: “But Marcus, how come you have suddenly
become such a clever man? We have known you now for a lengthy
period as a person of most deficient spirituality! With us you often
did not know whether you male or female; how were you suddenly
provided with such spiritual capacity?”
[21] Says Marcus: “This was a most Roman ruse, in order to the
more easily, as a most stupid fellow get behind all your evil ploys
and infamies. But I nevertheless maintain that I understand Moses
and all the prophets better than you do, although in fact a Roman,
yet an orthodox Jew in my heart a long time since!”
[22]] Says the Pharisees: “Without circumcision no one can be a
Jew and draw near unto God!”
[23] Says Marcus: “Neither did I seek to draw near to God in your
fashion, but only through my heart, in accordance with the prophet
Isaiah’s doctrine, and that suffices me. If however I should be
condemned by God for not having been circumcised, then that
should concern you little! But I think that God is wiser than all
men, and endlessly wiser and more righteous than yourselves,
regarding only a pure and circumcised heart and not the
circumcision of the foreskin, which may have a terrestrial purpose
but is basic all stupidity spiritually. But as a Jew at heart I
nonetheless give you the tithe. Yet give it voluntarily and you
don’t have a spark of right to demand it off me, a Roman citizen.
But be on your way, or I take the fish back and let you go home
empty handed! Do you get me?”
[24] To this robust talk by Marcus the Pharisees say not another
word and go home with the fish.
[1] Marcus however quickly organizes a lunch, then comes up to
us at the appointed spit, telling us in details how he dealt with the
[2] I commend him for it, saying: “Marcus, I say unto you that; it
was once given to this people from the beginning, and the big
promise given to them has now been completely fulfilled. As these
people however are obstinate and does not recognize the great time
of its visitation, looking for its salvation in the mire of this world,
which shall pass like a dream image, it shall be allowed to fill its
measure of abominations to the full and to kill its God and Lord!
[3] Whereupon all grace and light and rights shall be taken from it
and given to you gentiles; because your will is good, and you have,
as the blind ones, recognized that which the seeing Jews have
[4] Wherefore the light is now coming to you from on high, that
you may become of a seeing heart; but the children of the light
shall be thrust into outermost darkness. They shall seek their
crumbs among strange nations, and the description “nation” shall
be taken from them and they shall henceforth not be a people!”
[5] Says Marcus: “It could therefore still happen that in their rage
they seize You and kill You physically, the way they have done it
with nearly all their prophets?”
[6] Say I: “Yes, indeed, this they shall do! But that shall be the
closing of their account!”
[7] Say Marcus: “Yes indeed, as I said last night, this brood is
capable of any imaginable transgression! Wherefore beware of the
so-called city of God for as long as possible! This one shall kill
You, unless You apply all caution and divine omnipotence; for the
servants of the Temple I know outwardly and inwardly! Whoever
dares to touch their doctrine, which for a longtime has been of the
evil spirit, same shall have a struggle with hell in aggregate. Their
friendship is the curse, and their curse death. Human life to them is
that of a fly, which no man regards for its insignificance.”
[8] Say the disciples: “The way we know our Master nevertheless,
all their ever so cunning malice shall shatter upon His wisdom; for
He Who can command death, He Who can call the dead back to
life shall be hard to kill!”
[9] Say I: “Yes, He cannot be killed in eternity indeed,
nevertheless will He be killed as a testimony against them, so that
the measure given to them will become full! If they have seized the
holy ones of God, they will also seize Me and will thereby become
the creators of their very own judgment! Who, however, want
something, to him no injustice happens if he is condemned! If they
have done to the many messengers which is an inexpressible
horror, they will also not spare Him who had send the messengers
ahead of him.
[10] But their quandary shall be that the slain One shall, after
hardly three days, as a mighty over comer of death, and all His
enemies, and for the everlasting comfort of His friends and
brethren, unscathed and in fullness of power, and trans glowing
with life, go forth from the grave! Then full of fear and
desperation, they shall hold counsel on how to slay again the One
risen from death; but they shall not be able to work it out, and their
fall shall ensure shortly thereafter.
[11] Thus shall it come, and My prophesy thereby find total
[12] You shall nonetheless be sorrowful and most fearful on My
account; but your sorrow, fear and trepidation shall turn to great
joy soon thereafter, when you shall see the slain One full of power
and all life among you again!”
[13] Say Marcus: “If so, then it truly is not too hard to let oneself
be killed, merely pro-forma, as it were! Under such circumstances
You certainly could travel to Jerusalem if You will; for nothing
can happen to You! If You are a Lord over life and death, who can
kill You? And if he kills You, or is deluded about having done so,
and You then go into battle with the for more robustly than before
the killing, then I would not like to be inside the enemies’ hides;
these shall then be consumed with the fire of all fear and anxiety.
And all their reckoning, plotting and striving shall be put to shame,
temporally and eternally! Because only then shall their most
shameful atrocities see the brilliant light of day, before all mens’
eyes, and their effective existence shall have its ends, as longed-for
by mankind’s better half. Oh Lord and Master! Be pleased to carry
this out imminently and with certainty! I have of a truth grown old
and am not likely to burden the Earth with my footsteps for much
longer; yet this I would rather like experience yet, and my death
should then be an easy one!”
[14] Say I: “It has not yet been fully determined that it must come
thus, but is more likely mot! But now the time is well past midday,
and our bodies crave for some fortification; wherefore we
shall move down again and take in some bodily refreshment!”
[15] Says Marcus: “Yes, there You are right again; lunch will be
ready and hence, let’s go down! After the meal we could, if it
please You oh Lord, come up to this spot again.”
[16] Say I: “In the afternoon we shall undertake something else;
tomorrow this spot shall be a welcome one to us again. But let us
go now!”
[1] On arrival down below moments later, lunch had already been
prepared, and we set down at the large table in the open, erected in
the thick shade of a chestnut-tree. Well-prepared fish, bread, wine
and good fresh figs were served up in ample measure, so that all of
us numbering some thirty, had more than enough to eat. The meal
was taken in with much cheer, and Marcus, the talkative old
upright warrior, told us sundry of his experiences, in his inborn,
wily manner. This gave My disciples a chance to see the world
revealed before them, and to pick out some aspects for mankind
that would be later entrusted to their guidance.
[2] Following this table session, lasting over two hours, a
messenger came to Marcus with the news that the old Chief
Governor Cyrenius had arrived in Caesarea Philippi around midday;
would he therefore, as a renown warrior come over and
acquaint him with his circumstances, whereupon the Chief
Governor would do whatever he could for him.
[3] Says Marcus to the messenger: “Would you say unto my old
companion in arms: “I lie down at his feet with many thanks for
his gracious remembrance of my poor state! But that this time I am
unable to avail myself of his graciousness, it requires my going to
the city, as I am having guests, whose Chief, Lord and Master has
most splendidly pulled me out of my former poverty. This Lord
and Master promised to tarry with me for six full days, wherefore I
would count it as a great sin to leave him for even a moment. If
however my old companion in arms should not regard it below his
exalted imperial dignity to make an excursion out here, then
everything for his most stately reception shall be undertaken here.
[4] Says the messenger: “Right so, I shall pass on your words to
the exalted master exactly as spoken!”-with that the messenger
takes his leave, mounting his mule and departing in haste.
[5] When the messenger was well out of sight, Marcus said: “I
don’t suppose the exalted Governor will take such reply too
[6] Say I: “Don’t let that trouble you! I say unto you: so soon as he
hears that it is obviously I that am to be found here, he shall not
take ten seconds to decide to come over, and you shall then have a
chance to gain a glimpse of God’s glory! For be assured that
Cyrenius has known Me all his life!”
[7] Says Marcus: “That will be so, but he is too highly placed in
the world and has for that reason, on account of foolish mankind to
avoid things which normally he would certainly do; whence I
doubt that he would be able to do the graciousness of the visit.”
[8] Say I: “Before you can get up to the familiar spot and back tree
times he shall be here! The messenger shall have hardly delivered
your response when Cyrenius who has not taken his meal yet, shall
unhesitatingly leave everything standing and hasten here with his
entire entourage to see and speak to Me.
[9] Tell your wife and children nonetheless to prepare another
meal for him and his people, as he and his people shall not have a
meal in the city, and they shall find such highly desired and
[10] Marcus summons his wife and six children from the hut and
directs to at once to prepare a meal for the arriving Chief Governor
Cyrenius, and for about thirty persons in all!”
[11] The wife gives him a puzzled look, thinking he could be
joking. But Marcus nevertheless motions her into the kitchen, and
the wife gets down to work.
[12] Simultaneously Marcus tell his sons to watch over the hill and
to let him know at once if seeing an illustrious company leaving
the city. The two sons hurried over the bend to the spot from where
one could easily see Caesarea Philippi, and noted the illustrious
company already at the end of the wide road, stepping unto the
narrow footpath along which one could reach our Marcus’
dwelling in a short quarter hour.
[13] On seeing this, the two sons rushed back almost out of breath,
telling what they saw.
[14] Marcus asks Me, saying: “Lord and Master, here we shall
have to go and meet them in true Roman subservience!?”
[15] Say I: “Not at all! He whom his salvation urges on to Me,
such will come even if we don’t go to meet him! Cyrenius
however is one strong in spirit and does not need to be met; only
where one, weak of soul and body has hit upon the road to us, do
we need to go and meet him, so that he would not tire half way
along, remaining lying down and be finished!”
[1] We had hardly finished speaking when we heard a large
number of voices from the crest. It was Cyrenius with his entire
entourage; and, riding upon a colt next to Cyrenius and dressed in
fine Roman apparel was the boy Josoe, resurrected by Me from
fullest death at Jairus new crypt.
[2] When Cyrenius reached the fairly extended yard before the
hut, he asked the two sons whether this was the warrior Marcus’
[3] And bowing down low, the sons said: “Yes, your exalted lord
and Commander!”
[4] Marcus simultaneously steps up to Cyrenius deferentially in
Roman style and says: “Exalted lord and Commander, nothing in
the world could have held me back from spontaneous response to
your most gracious summons! But I am putting up a Guest and
several of His disciples and companions, who must undoubtedly
be a God, because He effects things through His mere will that no
mortal has yet effected upon this Earth. And behold, this Guest
from the heavens I could not possibly leave, not to mention His
overwhelming me with favors to the point where my hut is not a
poor but a very rich one; for I now own nearly fifty skins of the
best wine, and my five biggest fish-tanks are full of the most
precious and best fish! Likewise my larder is crammed with all
kinds of the best foods, whilst salt and wood I have in oversupply
for life! What more should I old man want to seek and ask for? But
not only I but my eight children are superbly provided for; for
today I have already taken in over one-hundred silver pieces, what
in my case means having a lot of money, and I shall be taking in
several hundred more pieces from the same source from which I
acquired the four hundred, genuinely and honestly, today.”
[5] Says Cyrenius: “That is all fine indeed, and I am certain to be
even happier than yourself to see you, one of my oldest
companions-in-arms, in such fortunate circumstances; but now
take me over to your wondrous guest! On His account primarily I
have come from the city; because in accord with the messenger’s
testimony, I surmise that He is the godly Jesus of Nazareth, Whom
I shall not be able eternally to thank for the endlessly immense
favors which He has bestowed upon me, spiritually and physically.
Hence take me over to Him straight away!”
[6] Cyrenius had not recognized Me forthwith because I was still
seated at the table with the disciples, in the thick shade of the
chestnut-tree, whose leafy branches in some paces hung right
down to earth. Marcus led Cyrenius straight over to Me, together
with the boy Josoe.
[7] On caching sight of Me, tears of joy at once came to Cyrenius’
eyes, and he said: “Yes, it is You, just as I thought! Oh how
endlessly fortunate and happy am I again that the indescribable
grace of the heavens, You who are my everything, came my way,
after many days; once again to see, to speak and through the breath
of Your mouth to be newly blessed and eternally enlivened! Oh
Lord my supremely faithful and truly beloved Jesus, You eternal
Lord of the entire Earth and all the heavens! What immense debtor
I am to You, and that firstly for every life-minute, and secondly for
the outsize favor which came my way through Your unfathomable
wisdom at Kis, putting me back in possession of the robbed
taxation-moneys! Oh Lord, how often every single day I think
about the predicament from which Your wisdom saved me at Kis!
And then always tears of thanks come to my eyes, and I have to
worship You weeping!”
[8] Say I: “Friend and brother, come and sit at My right, and let
your company to sit over there, under the fig tree! Lunch shall be
served shortly, which I had ordered for you and your entourage in
advance; for I know that You had as yet very little to fortify
yourselves today. However, how is My Josoe doing, and how does
he get along with the angel visiting him from time to time?”
[1] Here the boy Josoe, now much more robust of appearance,
steps over to Me and says: “Lord and life of all life, I am fully
well, and still continue to enjoy eating and drinking; but I am not
too happy with the angel, who visits me from Sychar for a few
moments every three days, because he always has something to
object to everything I say to him! I certainly like to be tutored
about whatever is good, true and useful; but if today someone says
to me that one pear and another pear is two pears, but then will not
admit to it the next time I’m holding him to his own words, and
then tries to saddle me up with one pear and another pear being
three, four, five or even an unlimited number of pears; and that one
and one is not only two but can be any imaginable number, then I
always get somewhat annoyed, falling out with my spiritual
teacher and mentor nearly every time! Because on his next visit,
nothing ever counts which only the previous time he presented to
me as the most solid truth. In short, he sometimes comes up with
things against which every hair on my head bristles! Wherefore I
would like to beg You, Lord over all heavens and worlds, to tell
my spiritual counselor from Sychar to proceed with me more
sensibly or he can in future spare me his visits!”
[2] Say I: “Ah, My dear Josoe, just put up with him! He is
initiating you into the proper wisdom of the heavens; for the
spirits’ calculations are quite different from those of this world! If I
were to speak to you in the manner of the heavens, then you would
understand nothing; but, as a man of flesh and blood now Myself I
speak with people about spiritual things merely in the fashion of
this Earth, and behold, people are offended in Me because they
don’t understand Me, and many don’t intend to! Your occasional
spiritual teacher is instructing you correctly, but you shall begin to
grasp his doctrine more vividly only in your senior years, and fully
in the beyond, where no carnal dulling of your pure soul shall
occur!- Have you understood Me?”
[3] Says Josoe: “Oh indeed, Lord of infinity; Yourself I can
understand more easily than my spiritual teacher! But when same
says to me that fundamentally, anger and love are all the same,
then everything in me goes topsy curvy, as also when he states that
at the deepest level, heaven and hell are all the same! Let whoever
will grasp this; this is the most immense contradiction for my
[4] Say I: “There too the angel is right, and it is so! I shall give you
a lucid example, and you are bound to see the thing more clearly,
and so hearken unto Me!
[5] Behold the sun: when on some winter days it feels really
pleasant and mild, how it then quickens you; but when upon the
African deserts, its glowing ray starts to melt even the white sand
and you were to journey in such sunshine, then it would become
your hell! Do you understand that?”
[6] Says Josoe: “Certainly!”
[7] Continue I: “Good, hearken further! After a hot day, night
certainly is the exhausted mankind’s greatest friend and
benefactress; but let us permit the benefactress to last just thirty
days, and all men shall begin to curse and condemn it! Because
such long night would transform the Earth into such numbing
freeze up, that ultimately no organic life could persist! Behold,
there too, mankind’s great benefactress once again would become
your hell!
[8] If journeying on a hot day, thirst begins to torment you, and
you come upon a rich fountain of water, what heavenly quickening
from such quenching from a pure fountain! But deeper down in the
valley, the same water has accumulated into a wide and deep lake.
Falling in, you find unavoidable death! Behold once more: the very
water that had quickened you so celestially upon an alpine road,
shall kill you in the deep lake, becoming your temporary hell!
[9] Furthermore, you enjoy drinking an occasional small beaker of
good wine; but drink an entire skinful all at once and the wine
shall kill you, once again becoming your hell!
[10] You are fond of climbing a high mountain, and the extensive
views quicken your heart. But let a mountain fall upon you and it
will kill you and become your hell once more!
[11] When on a hot day the wind gently cools your brow, how it
quickens your entire soul! However, let it turn into a storm that
starts to uproot the trees, shall it still quicken you? Certainly not!
For you shall flee for shelter. And so the previously quickening
wind shall become your hell again!
[12] Therefore, in all things, man is given a certain measure
according to his strength, being and state. If he remains within, he
is in the right order in which God has placed him, and everything
which surrounds him, is ‘heaven’ to him; however, when he in
whatever oversteps this order and places a world on his weak
shoulders, it will crush him and become ‘hell’ for him!
[13] And as such a right measure in all things is for people as it is
for spirits a ‘heaven’; however, too much of the same things is
therefore for people as well as spirits a complete ‘hell’! Do you
understand that now?
[14] Says Josoe: “Yes, now of course I understand it well, and it
makes me overjoyed! But why does my spiritual teacher not clarify
his doctrine, so that I would understand it like that?!”
[15] Say I: “This too has its wise reason! If your spiritual teacher
were to make everything as lucent as that, you would never reflect
on anything, and ultimately achieve no independence; in that way
however he makes you think, and independent, and behold, that is
the right celestial method of teaching! When it becomes necessary
and you shall have achieved the right maturity, then your spiritual
guide shall also add lucent images for every doctrine; but you have
to beforehand become spiritually active, or you could not possibly
ever grasp the deeper truths of celestial wisdom! Are you now
completely in the clear?”
[16] Says Josoe: “Yes Lord, now I understand where I stand with
my spiritual teacher from Sychar, and I am generating great love
towards him!”
[17] Says I: “And this love shall provide you with examples! But
now something for our bodies is on the way; Marcus’ wife, sons
and daughters are coming with loads of food and drinks! Let you
all eat according to need and fortify yourselves, that you may
neither hunger nor thirst; for none is to ever hunger or thirst in My
proximity and all should be fully satiated, physically and
[18] Cyrenius and the lad Josoe have already been hungering and
thirsting, and are tucking into it themselves; neither are the
company waiting to be asked, but are heartily emulating Cyrenius.
[1] The meal having been nearly consumed, Cyrenius calls over
Marcus and his wife, thanking the former for the good meal and
his continuing hospitality, praising the woman for her culinary
skills; for he had never eaten such superbly prepared dishes,
especially the fish, which were the most palatable of all.
[2] Following this complementing however, Cyrenius tells
Marcus: “You, my old companion in arms however, go over to that
white mule! On its back it carries something for you and your
family. You had gone without for long enough, having to fight all
kinds of want and hardship; this unenviable state shall now be
rectified once and for all! In the two bags you shall find sufficient
gold and silver to easily build yourself a new house and purchase a
field and meadow to go with it, so that you and your family shall
quite easily be able to live by farming! Whatever excess the bags
contain keep for a rainy day. Because to live on this Earth by the
Lord’s will, we must not totally lack the means to subsist.
[3] So long as we are no gods, we have to earn our bread by the
sweat of our brow – one way or another; each however has enough
to do for not idling his hands. But whoever has like yourself
already worked assiduously can then take it a little easy in his old
age. Hence go and take possession of the small gift, and may the
Lord bless it for you!”
[4] Marcus tearfully thanks Cyrenius – but as it were mainly
Myself, saying to himself: although coming from Cyrenius, I am
more than fully certain that I am the foundation of everything;
hence, above all, he thanked Me for everything!
[5] But I said: “Accept indeed whatever you are given, using it, but
don’t bestow regard on it! For no matter how measured every
earthly gift, just so is man’s earthly life measureless! Today you
are master of your treasures still, yet tomorrow your soul is
demand from you! What can you then give to save your soul from
everlasting death?
[6] Hence let everyone first seek the kingdom of God, and
everything else shall be added unto him according to need!
[7] That which you receive however, do not use to hoard it, but use
it for the clever and wise advantage of self and others. Of the truly
poor you shall find a plenty; their need should revive your heart;
for to you the means are now given to alleviate such needs,
spiritually and physically, and to make cheerful the sad heart of a
poor brother!
[8] Behold, every cheerful heart that you have quickened in My
name shall once become a new heaven to you full of measureless
and numberless bliss, and shall upon this Earth already prepare a
slaking for you that not other terrestrial fortune can give you, and
bear you the true peace, a peace the world does not know! Hence
go and take possession of it all”
[9] And the old man went with his two sons, taking custody of
the two loaded bags, and storing them for safekeeping. On
re-appearing he again expressed thanks for everything, asking Me
what may have to be undertaken for the afternoon.
[10] Say I: “Make ready your boats, and we shall go for some
seafaring, the day being a fine and windless one! You can also cast
the big net into the Sea again today and make a second blessed
[11] Whereupon Marcus orders his sons and his four eldest
daughters to make sure the vessels as well as the big net are in
order and to also check whether the big, fenced-in fish-tanks are in
good shape, and to stop repair any holes with bushes and stones.
[12] Say the sons: “Father, this we did four days ago, and hence it
should still be in best order, as no storm has raged since; but we
shall nonetheless check it out, so as to be fully certain.” The sons
then left, checking it out and soon returning with the good report
that all was in best and usable condition.
[13] Say I: “So let us go out and board the small boats, of which
each can carry twelve persons without hazard!” Whereupon all
rose and followed Me.
[1] On reaching the beach, the sons at once pushed the largest boat
in front of us, which we boarded forthwith, settling down on the
readied benches, The two sons took to the oars, and our vessel left
shore with dispatch. Besides Myself in My ship, there were
Cyrenius, the Youth Josoe, the old Marcus and Peter, John and
Jacob (James). All the other disciples, together with Cyrenius’
entire retinue, followed us in the other boats. The big net, folded
appropriately, was also in our boat.
[2] About five field-length from shore Marcus asked, saying:
“Lord command us where to cast the net!”
[3] Say I: “in due course I shall do so, but not here or now! We
have been upon the water hardly a half hour and shall not disturb
its quiet, or awaken its spirits, who could in the end tease us; but
shall cast the net out towards evening (west) and nearer to the
safety of shore. But for now we shall just rest with the quiet Sea.
But if anyone has a question for Me, let him ask.”
[4] Says Cyrenius: “What is conspicuous about Marcus’ household
is that, although his two sons are, one could say gigantic of
strength, his four eldest daughters appear to be just as strong at the
oars! You, Marcus, were once quite an athlete, but your sons have
excelled you by far!”
[5] Says Marcus: “Indeed, but their strength seems extraordinary
even to me today; because their oars play so mightily and busily
that the boat glides over the sea-surface as if driven by a storm.
Verily, moving like this one could in a half day get as far as Kis or
even Sibarah, which normally is two days’ work! Like this, one
could get to Genezareth in two hours and to Jesaira in four.
[6] If my old eyes don’t deceive me, then I’m already seeing the
high mountain which on our left hides the city of Genezareth; It
still looks a deep blue, and hence distant, but that says nothing;
every ever-so deep blue distance has to make way for such speed! I
cannot however sufficiently admire my two sons’ enduring
strength! There You oh Lord will be bound to play a part with
Your omnipotent will!?”
[7] Say I: “Well, dear friend Marcus, I have to be involved in
endlessly diverse ways with My wanting and willing, wherever
there is a becoming, being and enduring, from the greatest to the
smallest, or endless space should soon be bereft of beings; and
thus my will could very well be active within your sons.”
[8] Say the three disciples on board among themselves: “This
really is peculiar about our Lord and Master! On some occasions
He speaks as the exclusive Lord of heaven and Earth, and acts
accordingly; but from time to time is completely human again and
does not give any hint of His Deity! Everything He says and does
is of course incomprehensibly wise; but that He should in the not
too distant future permit Himself to be manhandled even unto
death by Pharisees in Jerusalem, with all His godly power and
wisdom, this is something one can by no means call wise! Because
what does mankind ultimately gain by such abuse? It shall in the
end be confounded, saying: ’behold the destiny of the mighty One
becoming a victim of the yet mightier ones!’ He who awakens the
dead and moves mountains, surely should be capable with one
word to annihilate the Temple-brood!?
[9] In Noah’s time, all mankind but for Noah and his small family
had to go under, yet mankind was then far less evil than they are
generally today; and it is because mankind today is in the main so
wicked, that it could not easily be more wicked, that He wants to
allow Himself to be abused, rather than punishing them more
severely than in the days of Sodom and Noah! In short, some deeds
on the part of His Divine side are far more incomprehensible than
anything that ever had an existence!”
[1] Says John who just listened attentively to Simon Juda: “By
looking at this matter with purely worldly senses, I cannot
contradict you; however for the sight of the heart everything has a
completely different face! Since divine wisdom will of course
never ever comply with even the most wise person!
[2] Do you know why on this earth there exist so countless many
plants and flora which are not carrying any fruit? And if they carry
such, they are according to our understanding useless, and nobody
knows for what they are actually good! A similar diversity can be
observed among animals. Form the smallest mite to the sea ruling
Leviathan, say, wherefore they are there accept for our few
domestic animals? What purpose could the wild, tearing beasts
have? To what use are bears, lions, tigers, hyenas to mankind and
still many to us still unknown tearing beasts? Who, good friend,
can give the reason for such diversity of animals? Why the many
stars in the sky? Why does the moon not always give light at
night? Why it’s changing light? Why is the moon there in the first
place? Behold, all this and still thousands of other things we do not
understand, and it appears to our mind as foolish if we really
critically think about it! However, with God for all this there is
certainly a very wise reason, and therefore since we are given the
extraordinary opportunity to personally see the Lord in action
before us, we should not be surprised if we cannot understand
everything He does and still will do in future; because for
everything He apparently will have in and for Himself the most
wise reason! Are you not in agreement with me?”
[3] Says Simon Juda: “Yes, of course, you are completely right,
and one cannot argue against it! But it still is a little true, that for
the thinking person some of the arrangements of God appear, as if
in all seriousness someone wants to state that two fish and again
two fish are together seven fish!”
[4] Say I: “Yes, yes, Simon, thus it appears; but what for the
human mind appears as impossible, can be still possible with God!
Take the small net at your feet and throw it out into the sea!
(Simon does this.) Now pull it back and say how many fish are
[5] Says Simon: “Lord, precisely four pieces!”
[6] Say I: “Behold and count them; since there are seven!”
[7] Simon looks and counts and finds precisely seven fish in the
net. About this he is highly surprised and says: “Yes, yes, with
God all things are possible!”
[8] And I say to him: “Therefore, in future do not twaddle
pointless things; it is better to keep quiet than to twaddle
pointlessly! Do you understand such, otherwise you are nothing
better than a blind Pharisee!”
[9] Says Simon Juda: “Lord, You know it how much I love You,
and still You reprimand me in quite a hurtful manner about
something I said out of myself, so that I now hardly have the
courage anymore to ever ask You about anything again! I accept
everything from You with the greatest love and patience; however,
I cannot ward off an inner little secret grief, since precisely I have
become the target of Your sharpness!” Hereupon he turns towards
the sea and stares at it with a somewhat wistful look.
[10] But John goes to him and says: “Behold, Brother, you feel
somewhat heavy now because of the gentle rebuke from the Lord;
however see, the Lord’s love and wisdom knows it best why such
has been done to you, and if you look very deeply into your own
heart, you would find the reason for it quite easily yourself soon!”
[11] Says Simon: “Now, what will it be? Just tell me!”
[12] Says Johannes: “Behold, Brother, with regard to recognition
and the living, most steadfast faith, you are obviously the strongest
among us and according to the testimony of the Lord truly a rock;
however, at the same time there are still hours, when a kind of
arrogance comes over you and behold such arrogance is quite
closely related to what one calls haughtiness! And it is this what
the Lord wants to free you from by some humiliations coming your
way! I have noticed this already at various occasions before and
would have told you long ago out of true brotherly love, however
there never was the right opportunity for it. Since now such
opportunity has come up, I thought about it and told you about it,
how I felt it for quite some time most vividly in me. You surely
will accept it in the good loving sense in which I have told you
about this and will not be cross with me!?”
[13] Says Simon Juda: “Yes, yes, also in this you will be
completely right; however, I only do not understand why He
doesn’t at least once draws ones attention to it, since He is not
taciturn otherwise! One would then much easier direct oneself to
what is perfectly right according to His pure divine sense!”
[14] Says John: “He could do that; but He still doesn’t do it and
behold, this also must have its good reason!”
[15] It appears to me as if He wants it that every person must first
find himself completely, before the Lord finally puts His all life
perfect hand on to him and takes residence in this person’s heart.
[16] Out of this to me fully true reason, the Lord does not tell
anyone his mistakes of life directly, only indirectly by certain
shocking experiences by which He forces the soul to look more
closely at itself, to recognize in His light its mistakes, to ban them
from herself and as such enter the order of the Lord. This, Brother,
is my humble opinion, and I am all for it that this is the case. What
do you think about it?”
[17] Says Simon, somewhat in thought: “Yes, you also will be
completely right in this; because among us all you truly recognize
the Lord’s sense in the deepest and sharpest manner! Your word
should subsequently become very authoritative for me!”
[18] At this point Simon again turns to Me and utters a thankful
look for having such revealed to his heart through brother John;
however I indicate to Simon that he now should assist the sons of
Marcus to the put the large net into the sea according to his good
knowledge on this subject.
[19] And Simon does this with the greatest joy of the world; since
a loving look from Me means to Simon more than the whole
world, and it should be same with all people who truly want to
follow Me and thereby want to reach the true everlasting life.
[1] But whilst Marcus’ sons, with the assistance of Simon and
several disciples aboard were busying themselves with the casting
of the big net, a large vessel was oaring directly into our path from
the Genezarethan direction. It continued to approach, and when
just a few (Fathoms) distant, one of Marcus’ sons made it out to be
a Roman military vessel with several soldiers on board.
[2] Says Cyrenius: “It would be somewhat awkward for my
ranking in the world if my soldiers were to encounter me, in this
somewhat unseemly boat for a chief governor! If only one could
commence some diversionary action!”
[3] Say I: “Let you fear where there is substance; but here you
verily have nothing to fear! For behold, when the sun stands high
in the sky, it appears smaller than drifting upon the horizon; and at
its height, no one can look, because it offends the eye; but when at
the horizon, then all like to look at the coming or departing mother
of day with cheer.
[4] Were this little boat ever-so ornamented, it could add nothing
to your stature, because what you are will be the same, whether
atop Mount Ararat’s summit, or a molehill; but the most
reverential respect, paired with love you shall enjoy only where
you are most accessible to the people! And I say to you
furthermore, that this very encounter shall be of great benefit to
you, of which you shall be convinced soon!”
[5] Cyrenius is now straining with attention over these My words,
as to what this Roman soldier vessel might bring. Due to its being
held back from meeting us by a contrary wind however, Cyrenius
suggests whether it was advisable to steer after it.
[6] Say I: “Not so; for we shall meet up with it only too soon,
which will give you opportunity to catch up with all sorts of matter
concerning you. But for now, let us just watch the catch!”
[7] Cyrenius was happy therewith, gladly watching the fishermen
lowering the big net into the Sea, and it soon began to fill with
large fish so rapidly that one was soon forced to steer towards
shore. Reaching shore after about a half hour, on the very spot
where the big fish-pond in the sea was fenced in, the big net was
hauled over from every side towards the pond enclosure, and there
was such an abundance of the biggest and chicest fish in it that all
My disciples, Marcus and all the children and even Cyrenius’
servants were busy for about an hour and a half, transferring all the
catch from the net to the enclosed pond.
[8] The fish in the pond were brimming with their massive
numbers, for they were close on seven thousand in number, and
the pond could not have taken another one thousand; Marcus could
hardly help himself for joy. His mouth kept moving from one
thanks giving to another.
[9] But I said to him: “Friend, you now are grateful for the favor I
have bestowed upon you, but today you shall still receive another
gift, upon the Roman soldier vessel’s landing here! But the gift
shall not consist in fish or gold and silver, but purely in My words,
which shall forge for you a way to eternal life. This then heed,
together with your entire household, and your soul shall become lit
and lucid, for this time and eternity! Have you understood Me
[10] Say Marcus: “Yes, Lord! My heart says unto me: old, rusty
warrior, today your life shall be freed of the old rust. Your ear shall
perceive a voice from Jehovah’s heavens, and your soul shall feel
the nearness of your salvation for eternity. And thus I’m still hope
to experience something most wondrous today.”
[1] Marcus’ sons had hardly hung up the net for drying upon the
pier posts provided for it, when the big Roman vessel had come so
close to shore that one could converse with the mariners, who then
challenged Marcus’ sons to ferry the voyagers to shore, since its
draught prevented it. The sons did so, and My disciples were not a
little surprised to notice among the Roman soldiers and other civil
persons, also the Captain Julius, and finally even Ebahl together
with Jarah.
[2] The ship however also carried five captured, violent street
robbers, who carried out their atrocities on the passes between
Judah and Samaria and committed several murders. They were
clothed as Rabbis and looked quite superficially amicable; but in
each one’s heart there resided an entire legion of the most wicked
devils, who were forcing these five robbers to rob travelers in the
most brutal fashion, ruthlessly murdering them afterwards to avoid
detection. But these robberies were secretly condoned by the
Pharisees, because they made meetings between the apostate
Samaritans and the Jews in many parts all but impossible. The
Romans however also were aware of it, making them especially
adversarial towards them. And such criminals then always fared
shockingly, because these received the most painful deathsentences.
[3] Next to the five main robbers there were several political
prisoners, going forth from the Temple for clandestine propaganda
against the Romans everywhere; the transport aggregate was
heading for Sidon.
[4] I screened Myself somewhat to prevent Ebahl, Julius and Jarah
from immediately noticing Me, commanding also the domestics
and Cyrenius not to give Me away straight away, because there
were also several Pharisees upon the vessel who had secretly been
sent after Me from Jerusalem, although verbally stating other
official grounds.
[5] Cyrenius welcomed Julius most amicably, which surprised the
Captain rather joyfully; for firstly he had not expected to find the
highest Asian Head of State here, and secondly, because Cyrenius’
way towards his subordinates was usually very reserved, although
meticulously just.
[6] Cyrenius at once conferred with Julius about the criminals, and
whether Julius had passed any sentence on them already. Because
with the Romans, a sentence once handed down, fared inexorably:
only the Emperor could revoke same. But Julius had not passed
any sentence and had intended to let the Chief Governor himself
do so at Sidon. He therefore asked Cyrenius to do so with the five
robber-murderers and the several political prisoners, in accord with
the criminals’ own evidence.
[7] Says Cyrenius to Julius: “You have dealt well and wisely for
not having sentenced these wicked ones! But I shall not forthwith
sentence them either, because a still greater and mightier is found
in our proximity, and we shall let this One judge in this matter.
Hence let the criminals be well guarded until this mightiest and
wisest One comes!”
[8] Says Julius: “Exalted Commander over Asia! Does perhaps the
Emperor find himself on Asian soil?”
[9] Says Cyrenius: “No, dearest Julius, but One Who truly has
dominion over all nations of the world, and hence also over the
crowned son of Augustus, my brother! Zeus Himself with all His
godly might has come to us mortals from Heaven; His words are
works and His will accomplished deed!”
[10] Cyrenius however spoke thus in the Roman tongue to Julius
in order not to give Me away, and because he was not aware of
Julius already knowing Me.
[11] Wherefore Julius said: “Most exalted Commander, we now
live in a time of wonder upon wonder, and the gods must be
greatly pleased with us mortals; because a few days ago I too had
the most exceptional privilege in the world, to be acquainted with
a man Who lacked nothing of Zeus except perhaps a few thousand
lightening in His hand! A year would be much too short to tell you
what this most obvious Zeus has worked at My Genezareth
command, and that at the upright innkeeper Ebahl’s place!”
[12] Cyrenius’ eyes widened at that, and he felt embarrassed about
what he should now say to Julius, or ask him. For he realized
immediately that the story concerned Me, but he did not want to
shake Julius’ faith. The same however was the case with Julius, for
the thought so as soon as Cyrenius was describing the almighty
[13] Neither of them regarded the other as a converted Roman, and
so it was the two stringed each other along until I, later on, Myself
came forward, thus putting an end to their mutual doubts, which I
had nonetheless deferred for an hour.
[1] Ebahl and Jarah supported Julius’ testimony and said they were
making their journey to Sidom precisely on account of this rare
miracle-man, in order to possibly still encounter Him one more
time, as the daughters longing for Him was too intense. Cyrenius
made out to be much surprised at how the hardly thirteen or
fourteen seasons old maiden could be so much in love, particularly
since he (Cyrenius) was aware of a most endearing and beautiful
youth constantly escorting her. It therefore was even more
astonishing that the beautifully tender little maiden could, at the
side of the exceptionally beautiful youth fall so mortally in love
with an already old looking man, such as the human Zeus is
said to be.
[2] Whoever has come to know Jarah these previous events at
Genezareth knows that she won’t easily back down from a dispute,
and so she also said to Cyrenius: “Esteemed lord and governor!
How can you now in front of us betray, and count among the dead
gods of Rome, for political expediency, Him whose godly light
and grace is streaming forth manifold from all your parts!?
[3] Behold, I feel His nearness, and you do so yourself, and yet you
would, as it were deny Him; behold, this is not very commendable
of you, nor is it very commendable of Julius that he should, as it
were betray in a certain way, the most holy and righteous to you,
oh esteemed lord!
[4] It is furthermore not at all praiseworthy of you to accuse me of
a kind of coarse enamoring; for I love Him only, as all men should,
as my creator, as my God and Lord, and worship Him in my heart
as purely as can be for a mortal maiden. If so however, how am I
in love with Him in a crude manner? Here, ask this my guide and
teacher; he shall be better able than I to analyze it for you; for he
possesses more power in all things than all the world’s wise and all
heroes of the Earth’s kingdoms, with the exclusive exception of
Him Who I am seeking here. Hence just ask this youth, and you
are bound to get the right answer from him.”
[5] Cyrenius was about to ask the youth, but the boy Josoe held
him back, by saying to him in confidence: “Be certain not to take
on this youth, for he is like the one visiting me occasionally! For
this type of being tolerate nothing unclean, and hence no unseemly
questions; for their life and being is nothing other than God’s
[6] Says Cyrenius to Ebahl: “Is not this your daughter, and a Jew;
hence it is astonishing to see so much of the deepest wisdom
resides in her! This surely she could not have learnt in just a few
days from the Master of Masters, and even less from that certain
youth?! Because these kind of teachers, although extremely rare,
usually are not very successful in their instructing of us mortal
mankind! This I know from experience with my son Josoe whom,
although not fathered by me, I have accepted for good as my son.
A Rabbi comes also to him, from time to time. After they are
together for a time however, one does not really know who
actually is in the right; because after often divergent views, they in
the end are both right. This instruction in its entirety seems to be
no more than a conflict of wisdom, from which eventually both
parties emerge as victors.
[7] My Josoe frequently is so heated up against his mystic master
that he wants him removed but the master does not allow himself
to be led astray by it, asserting his often crassest nonsense, and
only lets some light come through towards the end. And so I
assume that the handsome Rabbi does similarly with your
[8] Says Ebahl: “Yes indeed, exalted Commander, it is completely
so; I on my part can never quite work out who is ultimately correct.
The thing seems to remain undecided in the main. There is never
any talk of some positive teaching. The young spirit appears to
simply try to confound his student’s concepts, and the latter then
has to straighten them out of himself as best he can. There can be
no talk of any assistance, and as such there are always undecided
matters in the end. If the student wants to fully demolish the Rabi’s
corrections, then he has to encounter the mentor with absolutely
foolproof negations, to prevent the Rabbi from moving left or
right. This is then proof that the student is in the right; but without
the fool proof rejoinders, the student is always in the wrong, even
if setting up the most justified assertions: Oh, my Jarah has had her
Rabbi in a real noose, and he himself would not know how to get
out of it, had not the maiden gotten him loose, which he conceded.
[9] Verily, the celestial method of teaching often is most peculiar.
Here it is the student who usually instructs the teacher, and the
teacher is always happy if he has learnt something from the
student. But the thing always gets on in true celestial affability, and
I am always glad to watch such teaching method, for one learns
more in an hour than from a worldly Rabbi in a year.
[10] With the worldly Rabbi, the pupil stays a slave, physically and
spiritually, for he can learn only what his physically and even more
so, spiritually crippled Rabbi is capable of, and knows himself.
Whether that be false or true, the pupil may inquire only at the
peril of a severe punishment! Of what concern to such chubbycheeked
worldly Rabbi the pupil’s inner spiritual inclinations, and
abilities:? There the thing is: eat birdie or die: In short, todays
teaching method resembles a helmet that fits all heads, or a bed in
which all men can rest with comfort! The giant Goliath certainly
would look surprised if offered a cradle to rest in!
[11] I have not seldom seen children who already in their most
tender years manifested a truly gigantic spirit. What these may not
have grown into, if they had been taught in accordance with their
ability! But they were taught basket-work like the feeble-minded,
allowing their spirit a stunting, so to say! And this I regard as
greatly unjust! For what supreme service such developed spirit
could have given humanity: But of what use when stunted? It
weaves baskets and finally catches fish and mussels.
[12] But here I see the immense difference between the vain and
mostly foolish worldly Rabbis, and on the other hand the now most
wonderfully current celestial Rabbi. This train the spirit in
freedom, helping it to get up as it were and through all kinds of
questions awakening it, from within the peculiar nature of the
individual; whilst the worldly Rabbis seek to suppress and kill it!
Exalted Commander over all Asia am I right or not?”
[13] Says Cyrenius: “Completely indeed, my worthy host Ebahl!
This has long been my view; but what has so far been done about
it? I admit it: nothing at all! Because we ourselves lacked a proper
foundation, where from should therefore those worldly Rabbis
have received it? The poor devils in the end have to teach the
children whatever they themselves received from us, and hence
they are blind leaders of the blind!
[14] We have now indeed gotten to know the holy truth from the
One, and are well able to distinguish the light from the darkness;
but quite a few baskets shall still be woven by some gigantic spirit
before all men on this earth share this light: Tell me what in the
end is to become of your little daughter? She verily is a gigantic
spirit, and is besides that being taught by a celestial Rabbi. Tell me
to what purpose in the end! Hardly for that of a housewife,
ultimately: “
[15] Says Ebahl: “Exalted Commander: Behold our girls’ schools!
How are these administered? Verily, as an embarrassment to the
human race! And this is why: a good girl’s school would indeed be
something to be devoutly wished for, because a mother, something
into which only a maiden can grow, always is the children’s most
excellent teacher. If, as they say, her spirit, heart and head are in
the right place, then her children are sure not to build their houses
upon the sand of the see, and therefore would hardly be capable of
being led astray. If however, as has unfortunately often been the
case, the mothers are more stupid than worms, then very little or
nothing is to be expected from mothers’ tuition! Esteem
Commander, am I right here as well or not!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Here too you are completely right, and I am
happy to detect a wise and honorable bade in you, and shall have
to elevate you to some public office with considerable authority.
[2] Say Ebahl: “This will be difficult, as I am still a Jew who is
strictly precluded from accepting any office or title from Rome!”
[3] Says Cyrenius: “Well, what will it take me to make you a
citizen of Rome? And once you are so you are able to accept every
imaginable official dignity, and we shall know how to thoroughly
punish the Temple if it objects! If you are therefore willing, I shall
make you a citizen of Rome!”
[4] Says Ebahl: “Exalted Commander, verily not for the high
esteem of a Roman citizen, but purely on account of the freedom
bestowed upon every upright citizen of Rome, do I accept your
offer! In heart I shall certainly remain an orthodox Jew eternally,
for one cannot escape the living conviction that the true Judaism
really once came to mankind from the heavens and that true
salvation is to be sought and found therein; but externally I shall be
as one born of a genuine Roman woman in the heart of Rome.”
[5] Says Cyrenius: “Good, you shall at once, from my own hands
written on parchment, receive a permanently legitimate pass,
imbued with all rights of a citizen of Rome! On producing such
letter to the Templers, they are certain to leave you in complete
peace, and you shall then be able to do more for mankind than it
could be the case heretofore; I want it, and so be it!”
[6] Therewith Cyrenius gave his secret scribe a sign and the latter
immediately brought the pass. Cyrenius signed it and handed it to
[7] Ebahl, deeply touched by the Chief Governor’s goodness,
thanks Cyrenius from the bottom of his heart, terminating his
eulogy with “Verily, such honor I had not expected in the vicinity
of Caesarea City! This letter shall on my part be verily used for
mankind’s greatest advantage, and that much more because the
pass empowers me to make any upright Jew a citizen of Rome,
who himself then in turn enjoys all the rights and privileges of a
Roman citizen. Verily, our area shall soon count many Roman
citizens, and the departure of Pharisees shall soon increase as the
grass in spring! Oh, how splendid this shall be!”
[8] Says Marcus, standing next to him: “Brother, you are indeed
right to be very happy about it, because it is a great thing to be a
citizen of Rome! I have been so from birth; but I nevertheless have
to pay the Temple-clerics a certain annual tribute. They take only a
tithe from Jews, but from us Romans they have by devious means
obtained from the imperia Court the right to an additional tax, and
one has to come to a certain understanding with them in order to
revert back from the tough taxation to the old tithe. This right to
compulsory taxation of Roman citizens by the Templers should be
taken back from them by Rome without misgivings; because firstly
the tax is too harsh and secondly because it makes the Templers
too powerful – and both are bad.
[9] Among the current transport of felons to Sidon again are found
several agitators who are certain to be in the Temple’s pay for their
work. It certainly is true that the compulsory taxation is permitted
as an especial burden only in certain Canaanite principalities,
where it still appears upheld by Rome; but the Templers are not
satisfied therewith, committing excesses by means of false
documentation which they present as recently originating in Rome,
compelling the Roman citizens to settle for at least the tithe. I had
to even this morning pay them the fish-tithe, otherwise they would
probably have caused me all imaginable trouble.
[10] Wherefore I think as follows: one should as soon as possible
take away every Roman concession from the Temple, or Rome
shall shortly be in danger of upheaval upon upheaval in Asia, and
Rome shall before the passage of forty summers have the
unpleasant honor of having to reconquer Canaan and the rest of
Asia a second time, from Alpha to Omega; This my opinion of
deep conviction, because I am well familiar with the Temple’s
state, and hence deeply despise it.”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “Even for this mis-shapen axe, a handle shall
be found! But when the Templers dare to start collecting taxes to
extract their tithe from it, then we shall know how to dispatch a
well-fed thunder-storm towards the Temple; for this again is highhandedness
on the Temple’s part that would have truly dire
consequences for Rome.
[12] (Turning to Julius) You shall, Julius, still today receive rolls
of prepared parchment from me whereon you shall be able to
frame a few appropriate word for the Temple, as you see fit! -You
get the picture!?”
[13] Says Julius: “This should be no problem, if only the
princedom of Judea had not been leased out to the voracious
Herod, with almost every power attached! Besides that there is
installed at Jerusalem, an apathetic governor, namely Pontius
Pilate, who is only too happy to be left alone and in peace; there is
therefore not much to be done with him! But there is another fatal
circumstance for careful consideration: prescribe a thousand ever
so hard laws to the Temple, and it shall, like a Proteus, wriggle out
of them; whence I ask what more should then be undertaken.
[14] To proceed against the Temple with force, publicly, would be
quite risky; for the people are attached to it and, particularly in
Judea, priests are taken for semi-gods and brokers between their
God and mankind. If therefore one brought to bear evident force
upon the Temple, one would have the fiercest rebellion upon one’s
neck in all of Judea. Wherefore much caution is called before
undertaking something with the Temple in all earnest.
[15] Ah, here in Galilee and namely Genezareth, which finds itself
in a state of perpetual emergency and where people are of a more
enlightened nature, one can take to the field against the black ones
quite effectively; but in Judea not at all! Wherefore this means
taking counsel, before anything against the Temple is undertaken!
[16] The Temple has been able to, in all sorts of devious ways, to
obtain all kinds of privileges from Rome which we are bound
to honor for as long as we have the fortune and honor to be
Romans. Under these conditions the Charta Albas (white
documents) shall be of little or no avail to me! I am however
myself sufficiently Charta Alba in my area! I can by the way
always find use for some anyway.
[17] For Genezareth and its extensive surroundings I have in any
case already driven the tribute and tithe-extorting out of the
Templers to where they are certain to let go of their voracity, and if
I am correctly informed, then our upright Chief Cornelius in
Capernaum has long since done the same at Capernaum, -and thus
Galilee is, except for a few Herodian extortions, fairly free of the
Temple-grinds, but this shall not be achievable in mighty Judea for
a long time yet. This is my opinion. But you esteemed Governor,
are at liberty to command whatever you will, and I shall at all
times remain your most ready servant!”
[1] Here Cyrenius praised Julius, but said quite rightly and wisely:
“Dearest Julius, you know that I highly esteem you and that your
lucid intellect always well-pleased me; however, what you have
spoken just now does not appear to have sprung up from your own
ground and soil. This you too have absorbed in your heart from
that particular One!”
[2] Says Julius: “For sure; for truth is not in the fire but only in its
gentle light; wherefore I have also become much more gentle and
forgiving since getting to know Him. Ah, if only I could meet up
with Him somewhere one further time in my life!”
[3] Says also Jarah, standing adjacently and taking it all in: “Oh,
this is also my one and only wish!”
[4] In the course of this conversation, I had come up behind Julius
unnoticed. Only Cyrenius noticed Me, saying to Julius upon My
prompting: “Look around you a little! Someone stands there as if
wanting to talk to you!”
[5] Julius quickly looks around and nearly faints for joy at seeing
Me here, and Jarah shrieks for rapture, falling like dead against My
chest; and I had to let her rest like that for nearly a half hour,
before she came out of her blissful stupor.
[6] Since it was getting close to evening however I said to old
Marcus: “You are going to take care of a dinner for us again; let
there be no shortage of fish, bread and wine!”
[7] Says Marcus: “Lord, what are we going to do with the
criminals nonetheless, tied to posts over there at the sea and
guarded by soldiers, probably awaiting their sentence with great
[8] Say I: “These we shall allow to grieve sevenfold today, on
account of the many evil spirits that possess them, and no one is to
hand them food or drink, otherwise they shall not be curable! But
you, Julius, pass sentence on them still today, in accord with which
they shall suffer a most painful death tomorrow by slow burning
throughout the day! Only tomorrow shall they then be pardoned,
and I shall then see whether they can be released. Their exceeding
fear shall make their evil inhabitants crumble, and they shall take
their leave gradually. But bind them to the posts firmly, or they
shall give you much trouble!
[9] Let the political stirrers off somewhat more lightly, since they
have not sinned in any substantial manner; pronounce them a
severe punishment and then pass them some bread and water! It
shall transpire in the morning whether their punishment can be
reduced or not!”
[10] After these words, Cyrenius says to Julius: “Go therefore and
break the rod and pronounce what they are to except tomorrow!”
[11] Julius rises and goes over to the shore, some five hundred
paces from Marcus’ dwelling taking some deputies with him.
Coming to where the criminals are tied to strand-posts, he
commands the soldiers to tie them up more firmly. Only after the
soldiers had done so with ropes and chains did Julius pronounce to
the five robber-murderers what they are to await the next day,
starting with morning; also pronouncing their severe punishment
to the seven political prisoners.
[12] On hearing such sentence the five robbers-murderers shout
panic-stricken for immediate execution, as they would not be able
to stand the pain. But Julius leaves at once, ignoring the dreadful
yelling of the robber-murderers and the other seven criminals.
[13] Coming back to us, Julius says: “This is certainly no small
thing! The wailing and desperate faces and behavior would shock
an animal! I am glad to get away from them! It is incredible,
Medusa’s face could hardly look more inhuman! I am curious what
faces these fellows shall cut in the morning!”
[14] “You see,” I say to Julius “this is affected by the wicked
spirits in them! These shall hardly be able to bear the fear till
morning, and shall as I said, mostly depart, and tomorrow we shall
have easy work releasing the people.”
[15] Asks Cyrenius: “But what shall then have to be done with
them? Shall we be able to fully free them, or keep them locked up
for a while?”
[16] Say I: “Certainly, for under no circumstances can they be
freed without abundant counseling! Neither the other seven, for no
man rids himself of sin as quickly as he fell into it! For the five, a
year shall hardly be sufficient, and a half year for the other seven.
And so we can now look forward to supper.”
[1] Says old Marcus thereto: “Lord and Master of all the world’s
masters! Earlier on You had said unto me that I shall still hear
today, many a rare thing about man’s destiny, and that I shall also
get to know the kingdom of God. Verily, most wondrous indeed!
This day I have already heard, seen and lived through more than in
my entire life previously; thus Your prediction for me has now
come fully true; and now I shall spare no effort seeing to it that our
tired limbs shall not go to their rest understand.”
[2] Say I: “Indeed, go and check whether our cooks are ready with
their art yet! After the meal, more happenings shall bring you still
closer to the kingdom of God.”
[3] Says Marcus: “But Lord, what of this dear maiden still holding
fast and covering Your chest with tears; shall she not seemingly let
You go at all!”
[4] Say I: “Ask the maiden herself, and she shall supply you with
an answer!”
[5] Marcus asks the celestially languishing Jarah.
[6] However Jarah immediately turns around and says: “Listen,
dear, old friend! Who once has seized Him, should never let Him
go; for if letting Him go, he also has let go of his everlasting life
and thus lost it forever. What I do physically, you all should do in
the heart, as also I do it always in my heart!
[7] Who loves his life, but often let go the Lord of life frivolously
because of the world, will also lose his life because he has lost the
Lord of life. However, who does not respect his life but only pays
attention to the life in his heart, namely to live only the Lord, will
keep his life forever, even if dying in his body a thousand times!
[8] Behold, when the Lord came to us I first have recognized Him
in My heart and only love Him above all; yes, if He now requires
from me to die for Him, death would be a refreshment to me!
Because I know and feel it most vividly, that the love for Him can
not die forever, for it is impossible for her to commit a sin, which
is the true death of the soul. If however, man’s soul is dead, then
also the whole person is dead. This remember well, old man; for
I’m from the school of heaven, which is the love and the truth and
the life. What I have told you now, is a teaching from heaven and
therefore you might want to pay attention to it!”
[9] On hearing Jarah speaking like this, the old Marcus said
transfused with favor: “Oh child of the heavens, far too good and
pure for this dirty Earth! Verily, should the Lord physically leave
this my home again, then I shall come to you to learn heavenly
wisdom! Oh what a difference between you and my daughters.
Whilst you are already a sun, my daughters are hardly an image of
the great light of the sky in the smallest dew-drop! Oh Ebahl, how
fortunate you are to be father of such angel!”
[10] Here tears of bliss fall from old Marcus’ eyes, and he
hastened to the kitchen to check out on the supper, acquainting his
daughters with the instructions he received from the little maiden
from Genezareth; and the daughters were astounded and asked him
to create an opportunity for them to talk to the heavenly child after
the meal.
[11] Marcus was elated about that and promised to arrange it, but
that also they should now busy themselves to get the supper ready
soon. And the daughters said: “Father, everything shall be ready in
a short quarter hour!”
[12] With that Marcus left the kitchen and commanded the sons to
quickly put wine and bread on the tables in front of the house, and
also to see that there should not be a shortage of light. Several
well-filled lamps were to burn upon the tables, and the rest of the
courtyard was to be lit up with fishermen’s flares throughout the
night! All was at once put in motion, and by the time it grew dark,
many lamps shone brightly upon the tables, and the quite extensive
court-yard was lit up by the flares. Soon after, exquisitely prepared
foods were set on the tables, well-cooked fish, bread, wine and
diverse fruits.
[13] Before the meal, Jarah recited a Psalm of David, then asking
Me to bless the foods and drinks; and I did so and we all sat down
and consumed the dishes with joy and cheer, with wine in
moderation. I was seated between Cyrenius and the delightful
Jarah, with Cyrenius on the left and Jarah on the right, with her
Raphael next to her and the old Marcus opposite him. The latter
noted Raphael’s way of eating: when Raphael put fish or bread or
fruit or a beaker of wine to his moth, everything just disappeared
before his mouth, and Marcus saw him neither chew nor swallow
any food.
[14] Josoe, Cyrenius’ foster-son, noticing the old Marcus’ quiet
amazement, said: “Old soldier Marcus! Why can’t you take your
eyes off Rabbi Raphael?”
[15] Said the old one: “Indeed, you esteemed son of my lord and
commander, this is quite a rare phenomenon! This youth puts food
and drink to his mouth, never opening it, never chewing or
swallowing anything; but the foods disappear before his mouth!
How so? What goes on? If this is not another wonder! What am I
to make of it?”
[1] Says Josoe: “You are to learn from it that nothing material can
enter heaven, and how therefore this angel first dissolves all matter
into the spiritual and takes up only it’s purely spiritual. The youth
is a most pure spirit-man from the heavens, and hence also
represents heaven to the smallest degree; the foods however depict
us worldly men who are still buried in our matter. We, the latter,
although, like the foods, are being quite well-prepared now at this
great Master’s oven, Who taught us such and now still tarries
among us physically, nonetheless we cannot with these our bodies
enter the kingdom of God.
[2] When we shall once however have been called by God to leave
this world, then an angel of God will do with us as this one does
with the food, i.e., he shall in a moment liberate from matter
everything pertaining to the spirit, then give the material over to
full dissolving, then uniting the soul and its spirit of life, as well
everything within matter that belongs to the soul, into a most
perfect human form; then ushering it into the pure world of spirits
in accordance with God’s eternal and most unchangeable will!
Behold, this is what you can and are to learn from the peculiar
eating of the mighty, celestial youth!”
[3] Says Marcus, quite astonished at Josoe’s wisdom: “I had earlier
on already noticed that you are a young man of wisdom far beyond
your age; but I could not have held you to be this wise! You have
give me exceedingly important instruction, for which I shall
always be grateful to you; but you know, man’s thirst for
knowledge gets stronger the more he knows, and now I am itching,
over and above your instruction to know how such dissolving of
matter is effected!”
[4] Says Josoe: “Friend, although it is not good for man to know
too much, however, you could remember the following! See,
matter is actually nothing else than fixated spirit by the almighty
will of God.
[5] If God therefore wishes for some reason to dissolve matter,
then same is seized, in the shape of a human being, by the almighty
will of God, the fixation or binding judgment is suspended, and all
matter instantly disappears from existence, going over to its
primordial, spiritual element, to then remain what it originally was,
but refined and perfected.
[6] Countless formerly separate forces are united into one great,
perfect individual, and this shall then be a perfected human spirit,
everlastingly in accordance with God’s will! Have you understood
[7] Says Marcus: “Indeed have I understood it, but I shall question
you no more, for your wisdom is too dazzlingly high above my
natural comprehension! But what would interest me to hear is your
conversing with the maiden Jarah, your equal in wisdom; this
should be a truly great spiritual relish that would be hard to excel
in the heavens!”
[8] Says Josoe: “Behold, that would be somewhat vain of you!
Here you have two full beakers of wine! Would it be clever to pour
one full one into another? Would not the precious wine be spilled
onto the floor? What good would come of it? What I know the
maiden is bound to know, wherefore neither I nor she could learn
from one another! Hence we shall spare ourselves such effort! Let
it be rather yourself speaking to the glorious child of God! You
and your daughters, your wife and sons shall have much to learn
from her; because there has not till now been on this Earth a
maiden destined by God to experience what this maiden has
experienced. She knows unspeakably much that no one on Earth
knows yet, other than the Lord Himself. Do you grasp such?”
[1] Say I to Josoe: “But My dear Josoe, how do you know that My
dear Jarah moves within so much wisdom, having knowledge of
things that none besides Myself knows?”
[2] Says Josoe: “Lord, how should I not know this, and how can
You ask me, since it is Yourself who placed into my heart and
from there unto my tongue whatever I am to recognize and
[3] Say I: “Very well, My dear Josoe; since you know this, give us
an adequate reason why, since all the thoughts of your heart, even
at the deepest level, are and must be known to Me long before you
have thought them, I nonetheless still asked you!”
[4] Here Josoe is taken aback, looking within himself for a
cohesive reason. After a while he says rather timidly: “Lord, for
this, and because of my restricted power of discernment, no
plausible reason can be found, at least not by me; be it that You
ask only for appearance’s sake, like a Rabbi asking his student
something that he, the Rabbi, is bound to have known long before
his disciple. And yet there is an endless difference between You
and some Rabbi testing his disciple! The former indeed knows
what he knows himself, but does not without testing know whether
his disciple knows it. But You know only too clearly and vividly,
not only what in the first instance I know for my part, but also the
most secret thoughts of all men and angels:-yet ask me!? Behold,
even therein lies the inextricable Gordian knot. Since I am no
Alexander by far I am not able to unravel it!”
[5] Say I: “Tell Me why it is that the youth from Sychar paying you
occasional visits, asks you as if he didn’t know, when in fact he is
certain to know only too well?! He actually permits himself to be
instructed by you as if he were your disciple!”
[6] Says Josoe: “Lord, this is my very complaint about him
constantly, that with all his immense wisdom he just wants to learn
from me; and if I ask him about anything, he keeps saying: ‘Ah,
this is what I wanted to ask you about!’ But I ask, and have already
asked You this morning: What teaching-method is this! Jarah’s
father earlier on expressed a clever opinion about such method,
which I could also apply to Your question to me; but I don’t fully
share his view, and hence cannot fully use it as answer to Your
Gordian-type question.
[7] With certain diversely imitated disciples, such teaching-method
certainly is the best in the world, because the otherwise still
limited disciple is steered towards intense independent thought,
feeling and finding; but apply such method to a disciple devoid of
all elementary science, and then I would like to see when and how
by such teaching method the student at last makes it to the alphabet
and finally to reading of Scripture, without a miracle!
[8] Here Ebahl’s otherwise reasonable opinion shall not be of any
use, and hence I can’t use it here.
Wherefore I tell You straight out, oh Lord, that I am unable to
answer Your Gordian question. You will have to show us the grace
to answer Your question yourself.
[9] Say I: “What if our dearest Jarah were to explain such question
for us?”
[10] Says Josoe, somewhat discomfited: “This she could do by all
means, if capable of it! Of course if You oh Lord place the answer
in her heart, then she shall easily be able to answer!”
[11] Say I: “This nevertheless I shall not do so this time, and she
shall have to deliver the answer herself!”
[12] Says Josoe: “Well, in that case she may not fare much better
than me.”
[13] Say I with amicable mien: “Well then, we shall see! Tell us
nonetheless, dear Jarah, why I, as it were asked dear Josoe
something that I was bound to know beforehand!”
[14] Says Jarah, somewhat timidly: “Lord, if I may speak, then
You seem to have put such ‘Gordian question’ as Josoe calls it, to
him in order to humble his disdainful soul a little, as he had earlier
said that he had no need to converse with me since he knew
everything that I know, wherefore we had nothing to say to each
other. Such discussion would mean pouring a full beaker into
another full one. But dear Josoe forgot that You have dished out
gifts of the spirit unequally even among Your angels, and that one
most perfect spirit therefore still can learn much from another most
perfect spirit!
[15] But it is my view, oh Lord, that when You ask in this way,
You do so for no purpose other than to lead someone haughty to a
somewhat humbling self-re-appraisal! So far as I can see with my
limited cognition of the heart, You gave dear Josoe such Gordian
question for that reason.
[16] He had earlier, somewhat self-contradict remarked to Marcus
that through grace I had experienced things as no previous man on
Earth before; yet he takes himself for an equally full beaker! If
however he credits me with such extraordinary experiences, then I
really don’t see why he doesn’t wish to enter into conversation
with me. I on my part however think that, in spite of my own
unheard-of experiences, still can learn something from him, and
don’t regard my beaker as so full that there is no room in it for
something from his beaker.
[17] And, as I have now discovered, here Jarah smirked a little, it
seems that his beaker also is not so overfilled that there would not
be room for a drop from mine!
[18] But I would not by the way want to in the least make any
sniggering comment about Josoe’s rather ebullient self-esteem. But
having been challenged, I spoke as I felt in the heart; hence I deem
myself to not have committed too great a sin! If nonetheless I did
so, then I should want to make amends to the limit of my ability!”
[19] Say I: “No no, not at all! Your most faithful heart lies to
openly before Me, and you have even done our dear Josoe a great
service; for he really was quite weak on the point touched upon in
your child-like wisdom, and this weakness would have been able
over time to lead him somewhat astray. But now he is healed also
from this aspect, and he shall be glad to enter into cheerful
discussion with you, for he has style of expression.
[1] (And turning to Josoe): “What do you say now to this dear
Jarah’s most appropriate and accomplished answer?”
[2] Says Josoe: “Oh Lord of all life, this fair maiden has probably
been no terrestrial maiden for a long time; she, the most glorious
Jarah, is a personified celestial light of the first order, compared to
which I am hardly the tiniest star! I too, through Your grace have
had experiences like few mortals, for it is, no joke to have spent,
by my estimation, two years in the world of spirits and borne up
two years later as a decayed corpse in a tomb, to finally return with
fullest consciousness, through Your grace and most wonderful
mercy on this Earth. Yet I nevertheless openly admit it that I hardly
feel worthy of becoming a feeble and untalented pupil to this
maiden. If she wants to show me the love of giving me limited
instruction then I shall accept same with the greatest thankfulness
in the world.”
[3] Says Jarah: “Yes, my dear Josoe, you are a princely son and I
the daughter of a Jew who is a mere innkeeper of Genezareth,
therefore, in a worldly sense, it would be most arrogant and pert of
me to approach you; but if you are willing to descend from your
exalted position down to me poor one, you shall find open arms
and the door open to my most humble and shabby hut!” Josoe
makes big eyes to this weighty address, not knowing how to
[4] But Cyrenius says to Josoe: “Behold, my Josoe, this is as much
as to say: you are to sit over with Jarah and talk to her. Go and do
so, because I am myself quite curious about everything you shall
[5] Says Josoe: “Ah, dearest Jarah never let on about wanting me
to sit with her, but rather about my speaking to her if, as a princely
son, I should want to descend to her level! Of course Jarah doesn’t
seem to realize that firstly, I am no princely son and, secondly, that
aristocratic pretentiousness is further from my nature than heaven
is from Earth. I am all just for truth! Anything below it I despise
most vehemently, whilst anything above it, such as God’s
mysteries, I worship, not demanding elucidation in what does not
become the worms and dust of this Earth!
[6] In God there is the fullness of the most infinite wisdom, of
which there is hardly a dust particle in us! That which we know is
only fragmentary, and we shall never find our way from Alpha to
Beta, let alone to Omega. There are myriads of lights shining in
heaven; who knows them? We don’t know the two big ones, let
alone the countless small ones, whereas God’s wisdom is as innate
everywhere as light in the eye!
[7] We know whatever God wants to reveal to us, but over that
there reigns, for man’s soul only holy yet endless night. And man
should never dare to lift the holy darkness over this endless night,
for this night would swallow him like the sea swallows a stone that
some naughty boy flung into it.
[8] We humans are vessels whose measure has been firmly set.
Once that is full, one cannot fill it further; if however man is given
a large measure once, then he shall yet be able to put much more
into same, and it shall not easily overflow as it is now the case.
[9] Men on this Earth indeed have diverse measures, but mine
obviously belongs to the smallest variety. Dearest Jarah has
obviously been more richly provided than I, wherefore I cannot
compete with her on equal terms; but if she wants to pass on
something out of her great excess, then I shall always gratefully
accept it. Yet I am nevertheless not able to sit over with her;
because firstly, she is much wiser than I, and secondly it would not
at all be appropriate for me to do so!?
[1] Finally I say to Josoe again: “Hearken, My dear Josoe! You
have now spoken most wisely, and there is much that is good and
true in it; but I nevertheless make you aware of several things! Pay
good heed therefore, for I too can engage at greater depth with
some as wise as you!
[2] You said: ‘I am all just for truth! Anything below it I despise
most vehemently, whilst anything above it, such as God’s
mysteries, I worship, not demanding elucidation in what does not
become the worms and dust of this Earth! In God there is the
fullness of the most infinite wisdom, of which there is hardly a
dust particle in us!’
[3] Yes, it is quite good, pure, right and reasonable, to be for the
truth only; however, this principle is directly opposed by a mighty
question and thereby forms with your praiseworthy principle a
perfect cross! If you or anybody else can find a solution to the
question I will give to you, My shoulders will be freed from
the cross.
[4] Therefore tell Me: What is the truth for which you stand for? Is
it a truth as you see it? Behold, everything is smoke picture from
today until tomorrow, and which might be a full truth for today,
can already tomorrow not be the truth anymore! Look, there in the
last light dim light of the long set sun floats a little cloud with the
form of a fish! Tell Me, for how long will this little cloud’s shape
remain a fish? Behold, the following moment will already prove
the present shape of the cloud to be a lie!
[5] If I put three pears in front of you, you will say that this is a
truth that there three pears in front of you; however, I tell you that
each of the three pears contains several seed kernels, where out of
each one can subsequently originate countless many trees, which
finally can produce the same pears in countless quantities! Are
these therefore really only three pears forming in themselves a
completed unchangeable size, or are they only three apparent sizes,
behind which still completely different sizes are hiding like a large
number of warriors in the belly of the wooden Trojan Horse?
[6] Where does the truth start and where does it ends? Is man as he
is the truth? Look at a child and finally look at an old man! Look at
a city build by the hands of man! Is it a full truth? Behold, today it
still stands, while tomorrow it can be already destroyed!
[7] Behold, only for him who is in himself and through himself
truth, is also completely the truth; however, for him, who is it not,
everything else must necessary only be this what he for the time
being is himself.
[8] A truth however, which is only a temporary truth, is already
therefore not a full truth, since there is no permanence at home; the
full truth must unalterable forever be to the fullest measure, what it
is in every moment. What is therefore the actual full truth?”
[1] Here Josoe widens his eyes, thinks to and fro and does not
know what he should answer Me.
[2] However, Cyrenius says: “Lord, but this is a question where all
wise men and philosophers would have lost their teeth to the last
root! Allow me, You my divine Friend, according to Your for me
always most holy words is everything what we observe with our
senses, not a full truth but at least half way a lie!? Who then can
fully depend on any given word? This Your question has verily
made also me a little sad. This time round You will have to answer
Your question Yourself; since on the whole earth no wise person
will be able to solve this riddle for You!”
[3] Say I: “Be unconcerned about it! Here at this table are sitting
quite a few, who are able to give a sufficient answer as a solution
for My question to Josoe, even without My help; for they already
know from where the wind is blowing. However, I want it that My
Jarah comes to the aid of Josoe to solve My rather difficult placed
question put to him! And as such (turning to Jarah) you try, My
dearest Jarah, to find the right answer in your heart to My
[4] Says the maiden smiling a little: “Truly, I find it a little strange
that the otherwise so wise Josoe did not immediately find a
suitable and fully solving answer in himself! What else can the
fullest, everlasting truth be than God Himself, who, from eternity
containing all perfection in Himself, is in the spirit always the
same, thus forever and in Himself unchangeable, for in Him as the
most endless perfection in Himself no further change is
conceivable. God is the only and everlasting primordial reason of
all being. Everything which exists, is nothing else than His fixated
ideas; their being is therefore also a God-being, and their life is
[5] Therefore in God everything is the fullest, everlasting truth,
because nothing can be anywhere outside God, in us people,
however, only as far as we are one with His holiest Spirit through
our love for Him. The pure love for God connects us with God and
causes that we become one with Him; if we are, everything
become purest light wherever we might turn to. And this
primordial light in its highest purity of the spirit is then the very
everlasting, unchangeable truth. This, it appears to me, is the only
right, solving answer to the question of the Lord put to the dear
[6] Say I to Cyrenius: “Now, what are you saying to this answer of
My question given to Josoe? However do not believe that I
wondrously put the answer in her heart; because she has found
such entirely on her own soil. And I say to you and to all who are
sitting at this My table: there is not one word too much or too few
and is forever fully the truth.
[7] But how does she get to it and Josoe not, who decided to be for
the truth only? Behold, this is caused by her unlimited, purest love
for Me; such her love connects her heart with Mine, and hence she
can always on the shortest route collect all light and thus all
wisdom from herself defined primordial spring of all light, all
being and all truth, which is forever unalterable one and the same
in Me.
[8] And you, My dear Josoe, who stand only for truth, what do you
say now about Jarah, who stands just for love as it were?”
[9] Says Josoe, a little embarrassed: “Oh Lord, I can see the dark
spot inside myself now; but I don’t see how to rid myself of it!
I have done Jarah much injustice, and this has to be made good,
and if You oh Lord have no objection, I shall at once sit over
with her!”
[10] Say I: “Oh, none whatsoever; for behold, the entire company
looks forward to your conversation! I say unto you that only at her
side shall you find that which you want to stand for!” Only after
these My words does Josoe rise and seat himself between Jarah
and her angel Raphael.
[1] On joining her, Josoe reaches out to her, saying: “Don’t be
cross with me, dearest Jarah! For behold, I could not have known
that you, as a child of hardly fifteen years posses greater wisdom
than all the wise who had lived on the Earth before us; but at the
same time I ask you to reveal a lot of your wisdom to me.”
[2] Says Jarah: “And you of yours; for you to know much that may
still be strange to me!”
[3] Says Josoe: “Of that the chances are slim, because my wisdomvessel
firstly seems very small and secondly riddled with holes like
a sieve! In short, not much is likely to exit me, primarily because
the contents are limited; wherefore let you commence! I am
besides too embarrassed just now to seize something worthy of
discussion. In the highest divine wisdom’s presence it is difficult
for man to speak, -but that much easier to listen and keep silent.
But you fairest Jarah possess a good bridge to divine wisdom;
from this you can fetch whenever and whatever you will! Hence let
you start, and as said, I shall listen!”
[4] Says Jarah: “But behold, esteemed Josoe, this would hardly be
appropriate! For a maiden must not be forward! You can indeed
ask and I shall answer, and when I ask, you too can answer!”
[5] Says Josoe: “It would be easy to ask, if one only knew what! In
ignorant childhood the heart was full of all kinds of questions of
course, but after one has the answer within oneself already
sevenfold, a new question is much harder than giving all sorts of
answer. Hence I would rather you asked me anything, for you are
much initiated and can ask much.”
[6] Says Jarah: “Well then, in my Lord’s name, as you insist, I will
put a question to you, and so tell me why God the Lord, as the
highest love and wisdom allows, and that in this our time, with
reference to the so-called servants of God and privileged
dispensers of the word God, to carry on as the most unscrupulous,
wicked, arrogant and domineering people, devoid of all
conscience, and that in the most shameless and usually clandestine
fashion, unpunished! Why do they not fear God, Whose might and
glory they proclaim before all men with the most dazzling
ceremonial pomp and deafening tone? Behold, this is a question of
grave import for our time!”
[7] Says Josoe: “Yes, this question is indeed of grave import, but
no answer is to be found on my ground, and you shall therefore
have to answer this yourself!
[8] Says Cyrenius: “But my dearest son Josoe, surely you shall find
something to say? Verily, your constant excuses are beginning to
bore me! I know it well and have now seen how dearest Jarah far
excels you in wisdom; yet you are not to knowledge quite so empty
that you should find no answer at all within yourself to such
question. Say something therefore! If your err-well, then there are
an adequate number of wise men at the table who can guide you
unto the right path!”
[9] Says Josoe: “Dear esteemed father and commander! It is easy
to command; but there is endless bitterness within obedience,
especially when as for myself now, to be obedient is not possible!
[10] Think of the greatest goodness, love, and unlimited wisdom
of God on the one hand and on the other, all the abominable deeds
certain to be committed unpunished by the so-called servants of
God upon mankind, at all hours of day and night! Hold these
contrasting conditions up to your soul face, and you are certain to
clearly perceive, as do I, that an adequate answer to such question
is somewhat harder to formulate than adding up three and three!
Let someone else try it and they shall realize that the question put
by Jarah is no simple issue!”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “Now now, I can see that one has to command
a high degree of wisdom to answer Jarah’s question, even partially;
but it would certainly please me to receive some adequate light on
the matter. For I have given this point much of my thought, yet
never found an even half adequate reason for it. I think that if none
other than our most beloved Lord and Master, and our fairest
Jarah, proves able to answer the question, then we shall all turn to
You, oh Lord and Master. You are certain to uncover the right
reason for us, as You also promised to do, if my memory does not
deceive me.”
[12] Say I: “Quite so, should Jarah no be able to find her way; but I
think that if she is diligent, she shall hit the nail on the head with
the first blow! Try it, dearest Jarah, and prove that I did not start up
a little garden for you at Nazareth for nothing!”
[1] On hearing this, Jarah stands up like a fully-fledged speaker,
saying;”Very well, the little garden is full of blessings from above,
and I am eager to share my little child-like application, over jus a
few days of course! The little garden has of course yielded little
material profit so far, which could not be expected from its brief
duration; notwithstanding this however, it has yielded me that
much greater spiritual gain!
[2] The little garden is for me indeed a book of the profoundest
wisdom, and in just a few days I have learnt far more than
Solomon in all his wisdom could have revealed to me; and so the
answer to My question to Josoe has already emerged vividly in this
very garden, being now in my sole possession and given to me by
the Lord Himself! For were the full answer not within me, then
verily I should never posed such question, in the blind hope that
someone else should answer it for my comprehension.
[3] Oh, I certainly have the full answer within me, and this applies
not only for this time but for as long as there shall be a Word of
God, and priesthood expounding same upon this dear mother
Earth! And the full answer to the question is this:
[4] I had cast diverse, precious and good fruit seeds into the rich
little garden’s soil. Some sprouted already the next day, and on the
second day the shoots were already four fingers high over the soil.
[5] A maiden, and especially I myself, is alway curious, and my
insatiable curiosity drove me to see, at least with some of the
strongly sprouting seeds, what actually in the end becomes of the
seed, after sprouting from the earth. I therefore dug some up and
looked at them attentively. And behold, as they say in Roman:
’Sappenti pause sufficient’ (a little is enough for a wise-man - the
ed.). I found the seed decayed, and the surrounding soil covered
with mildew! From this grave the little plant sprouted, whilst there
was hardly anything left of the seed, other than a tiny portion of the
hard, protective and seemingly imperishable pod cover.
[6] Besides this notable phenomenon I unfortunately also noticed
that some of the ungarnished seeds were consumed completely by
the mildew, and there was nothing whatsoever left from which
some fructifying sprout would or could have grown forth; but it
did not on the other hand escape my keen eyes how above such
completely rotted seeds, tiny and tender plants came forth from the
soil that did not in the least have anything in common with the
good and precious sprouts. Ahoy, I thought to myself, here you
have it! These false sprouts are also bound to be a product of the
good seeds cast into the fat soil; but the hungry soil has merely
sated itself therewith, not permitting the proper sprout to shoot
forth? But what does it gain? In place of the one precious sprout,
thirty inferior ones shoot forth, ultimately depriving the soil of
perhaps a hundred times more of the fat nutrients than the one
good seedling might have done; for everything good and precious
is also sufficient unto itself in every way, regardless of what it is.
[7] Gold, unlike lead, does not have to be constantly polished in
order to shine; it is polished once and then shines for centuries. A
vine grows fruitfully in most inferior ground, but thistles and
thorns normally seek the best soil. The good and precious domestic
animals rarely are rapacious, whereas a wolf, a hyenas and suchlike
beast would want to all but eat all day and night. Likewise the
more noble and good human is undemanding whilst the evil and
sinister worldling is ever satisfied with anything. Give him a
hundred thousand pounds of gold, and his most avid desire will
soon be to get another such lot, and it shall not concern him if all
the other people starve to death from poverty! One meanness
constantly engenders another!
[8] Behold, the soil of my little garden therefore was partly unprecious
and mean, wanting to fatten itself with the precious seeds
that I had cast in it. What was the result? Instead of feeding the one
previous and modest seedling, it had to feed a hundred rapacious
and unprecious ones!
[9] And behold, just as the foolish, mean and selfish soil does, so
do the people of this Earth who try to create a heaven full of the
most blessed enjoyments here already! In the end they have to let
go of all their painstakingly acquired supplies, and a hundred
others then squander them in the most slovenly fashion. -This now
is an introduction to my forthcoming, full answer to my question.
Receive this image deep into your feelings, and you shall very
nearly find the answer yourselves!” Here all are pondering, unable
sufficiently to marvel at the maiden’s immense wisdom.
[1] Meanwhile the maiden turns to Josoe, asking most amicable:
“And no real light is falling into your heart yet either, my most
beloved and esteemed neighbor?”
[2] Says Josoe: “Fairest and most amazingly wise Jarah! It seems
indeed as if looking through a cloth held before the eyes; but not
much can be said about clarity for a long while yet. May it
therefore please you to continue your answer to its conclusion!”
[3] And Jarah continues her exposition, saying: “If you have given
thought to my natural presentation of my first spiritual harvest
from my little garden then what follows might be quite vivid to
you. Hence take note and hear and see!
[4] Spiritually, the people of this Earth are like my garden soil, and
the Word of God, which initially came through our forefathers
from the heavens, starting with Adam and later the patriarchs and
prophets, awaken by God Himself, is like the precious and good
seeds which I laid into the soil of my little garden. But just as no
seed laid into the Earth at once becomes the new, many fold, ripe
fruit, just so is it also with the Word of God.
[5] When the word of God, through hearing, enters man’s heart, it
must, as commanded by God’s word, be enlivened through deeds,
which are akin to the enlivening nutrient powers of the soil,
towards our brothers and sisters, and thereby brought to proper
germination for the purpose of the true and full strength fruit of
spiritual life in God, therewith becoming a fully blessed and fully
ripened fruit! If however people, foremost those who take up
God’s word first like prophets and priest, instead to let it ripen in
themselves and sow it in its fullest genuineness into the large field
of all people of this earth for all times of times, consume it
themselves like the earth which consumes the noble seed for itself
to fatten itself and to use it as a means for their own fattening
alone, it then of course no wonder when finally upon the field of
the apparent false prophets and priests, for the large field of
laymen mankind only weeds, thorns and thistles germinate and
reach evil ripeness!
[6] Notwithstanding the fact that it happens so, it is not against
God’s order and wisdom, for behold, when the choice fruit ripens,
the straw and all fruit is gathered into the barns, the weeds being
left in the field, spontaneously manuring the soil which is then
fortified for subsequent sowing, to avidly take up a fresh seeding
and enliven it.
[7] So it is also with us humans. Has we from all times past been
satisfied with the most pure truth as it comes froth from the mouth
of God, verily, we should have very little craving after more new
[8] God the Lord foresees this however and allows a dulled
mankind to be served up pigs’ fare for a while, and its soil to be
much fortified through weeds; only then does mankind,
languishing and pining after light in the night enjoy the pure, and
precious fruit of the pure Word of God, as is now the most obvious
and blessed case among us.
[1] “There certainly are unheard of abominations taking place
constantly being initiated by the so-called servants of God! But
mankind, bound to hear about it, and themselves not un-versed in
God’s scriptures, increasingly ask one another daily: ‘What’s this?
What is the word of God? Can it be God’s will, and purpose of His
word, that the proclaimers of God’s Word, His love-will, grace,
gentleness and peace should be the most greedy, domineering,
selfish, loveless and impudent devils towards their fellowmen?’
[2] And behold, these are good questions, for these are the first
impulses towards peoples’ true independence of action, without
which they can never go over into true spiritual freedom, either
through benevolence and even less so through evil and so-to-say
hellish coercion, for without spiritual freedom there can be no
eternal life for the soul and its spirit.
[3] It is true, when observing the actions of the priesthood, one can
shear of just annoyance and nearly get completely dissolved by it
and one often would like to scream at top of one’s voice: ‘Lord!
Don’t You have no lightening, no hail, no sulfur and no pitch
anymore to punish these people-tigers with the most severe
sharpness of Your divine rage?’ But then a gentle voice from the
innermost heart says: ‘Be clever and wise, and watch your step! If
you see an adder lurking next to the road, sidestep it; for the whole
earth is not yet covered by adders!
[4] It has to be night just as there is day, so that people can
recognize the value of light. During the day no person has any
need for the light of a lamp; but if it gets night then every person
feels painfully the absence of light and gets himself a light as best
he can and even a weak luster makes his room more friendly then a
total lack of light.
[5] Behold, if the Lord provides the people of this earth with all
kinds of goods, they soon become wanton and start to provide too
much for their body and their soul in which the divine spirit
resides, which then soon is consumed, similar to the noble seminal
grain by the surrounding saturation greedy earth, instead of
obtaining in the right measure the strengthening from the body for
the germination of the divine spirit to an everlasting life, as such is
prescribed by God, and for which final purpose God actually has
given the soul a body. However, if the soul has been consumed by
its body, instead of noble fruits, only thorns, thistles and all kinds
of evil weeds appear, from which surely no grapes and figs can be
[6] Such a person is then spiritually as good as dead! He doesn’t
know anything about the spirit. He denies everything spiritual and
materializes everything. Accept for coarse matter nothing else
exists for such a person; his stomach and his sensuous skin are the
only two divinities for which he is day and night prepared to bring
any sacrifice. For such a person no God exists anymore, and if
such people finally become priests and servants of God as it is
unfortunately very often the case today, one hopefully will not
have to ask and say anymore: ‘Why have these pure servants of the
flesh for whom basically soul, spirit and God and His heavens are
nothing more than outdated, poetically fantastic pictures of speech,
have become priests and servants of God? ‘One has to look only at
their oversized bellies and one has the fullest answer vividly before
one’s eyes!
[7] For such broadcasters of the word of God is it of course just the
same whether they satisfy their entrusted congregationals with
bread from the heavens or with the mud from nauseating puddles;
as long as they are paid majestically well! Therefore we should not
be too surprised, if we not seldom hear things from the temple,
which quite often makes us becoming nearly stiff from terror.
[8] If a pure body person has progressed to the point that he feels
nearly less than a mushroom of the forest growing out of any earth
mud, for the worthiness to be a human being, what nobleness can
be expected from such a mud-person? One should let him lie like a
disgusting adder lurking and hissing next to the road and look for
any adderless place on the wide surface of mother earth. For the
Lord is with everybody who truly is searching for Him, and does
not abandon him, who in his misery turns to Him!
[9] Those of us living upon the shores of the inland sea have for a
long time been Temple toys. Judea was spared as mus as possible,
but in return we Galileans had to for many years already, serve the
Temple as merest scapegoats and milking-cows, for which
however we enjoy the advantage of the much earlier advent of the
most glorious Light in and above everything, whilst Judea still
finds itself in deepest night.
[10] First of all we discerned the exceeding rapacity of the
Temple-earth, by which I mean the Priest food of course, freeing
ourselves of them as much as possible. And we ourselves, as a
choice seed of God, did not squander our inner life-force on filling
the massive Temple-stomach, but instead turned to our
increasingly recognized divine order within us and now, as a fruit
with multiple blessings, stand upon God’s field free. But the
Judeans, Mesopotamians and the inhabitants of the noon (South)
shall not for a long time yet realize how they are the most solidly
deceived fools of the Temple!
[11] In this my somewhat drawn-out answer to my own question it
shall be recognized by every guest, I hope, that the Nazarene
maiden knows fairly well what to make of divine providence. You
oh Lord, however, through Your grace forgive me for chattering so
much in Your presence, and that at Your holy side; and possibly
vain things! I did not thereby intend to exhibit the depth of my
understanding, but the opportunity allowing it, to faithfully render
whatever was in my heart!”
[1] Say I: “I say unto you, dearest daughter of My heart, that you
spoke neither a word too many nor too few! Hence I also say unto
you all, and counsel you to retain everything this maiden has said,
and to well heed it and act accordingly. If however someone
desires to make any comments, then let him rise and speak!”
[2] To this My challenge our Judas Iscariot fronted up, saying: “I
do not completely agree with everything, although I otherwise
deeply admire this maiden’s wisdom, for she speaks like a wellwritten
book.” After which he dropped silent.
[3] But the youth Josoe hit out at him, saying: “Oh you dreadfully
nonsensical and exceedingly stupid person! Did you not hear the
testimony the Lord Himself gave the fairest Jarah; yet you would
not agree with every one of her points in her answer?! Oh, in that
case, come out with your dissatisfied, exceeding stupidity, and we
shall see what type of excrement it is! There, open your most
foolish eyes, you old ox, and behold here, seated next to me an
angel of God from the highest heavens; his nature is pure light.
Over here you behold the wise speaker from the heart of God, and
next to her, the Lord Himself, Whose Spirit created heaven and
Earth and everything there is. Yet you would, over and above the
Lord’s testimony, disagree with something in fair Jarah’s speech?!
Say, who are you that you would so impudently argue with God!”
[4] With these forceful words of Josoe, Judas was much abashed,
withdrawing at once and sitting back on his bench; for he had been
seized with great fear by the adopted son of the Cyrenius, and did
not move on his seat.
[5] But Josoe continued, saying: “Is this not one of the chief
disciples? His face seems familiar to me; I have seen him in
Nazareth! Yes indeed, it is him, and the same that had always
already quarreled at Nazareth with a certain disciple Thomas, if I
am not mistaken!”
[6] Say Jarah: “Leave that be, noble Josoe! Behold, if yonder
disciple were as perceptive as you and, all praise to the Lord, me
too, then, like his other brethren and companions he would remain
silent and ponder much about it in his heart; since he probably has
a very hard heart, he finds it difficult to grasp any higher and
deeper truth! And even where he accepts something, he is not able
to accommodate it, because in his shrunken heart something great
and lofty cannot be readily accommodated! Hence let that person
be, and let him not concern you!”
[7] Say Josoe: “You are once again completely right! But, you
know, a small rebuke is sure not to harm him, because I know this
person to be exceedingly impertinent. He likes to constantly excel
his mates a little, and all are to seek his advice. This of course
never happens, as the others are much wiser and sensible than he,
and it secretly annoys him and he therefore is constantly somewhat
vengeful, which doesn’t help him, because be is right now being
put right in not too gentle a fashion by the disciple Thomas, who is
quite a wise-man!”
[8] Say Jarah: “Yes indeed, you are quite right; for I too now
remember some quarrelling at Genezareth! The Lord is bound to
know better than us why He tolerates this disciple in His company;
I would have shown him the door long since! This person is
exceptionally repulsive to me, and I would not be surprised if this
person once causes the entire company much unpleasantly; for I
never trust such people, who are unable to look you in the eye
when conversing with you! They always fear that their unsteady
eyes could betray their evil heart. And this evil attribute, not
pleasing to me in the least, is part of this disciple’s nature! Well,
the Lord tolerates him notwithstanding, and must have a very wise
reason for it!”
[9] Say I to Jarah: “My daughter! Behold, in your speech you
magnificently outlined the reason, appreciated by all, as to why on
My part, next to the wheat, the weeds are tolerated as well. And
behold, this one too is such kind of weed upon My field; but when
the good wheat is gathered up into My barns, the weeds shall be
left standing upon the field and burnt, for manuring the heavy soil,
to lighten it!
[10] The soil indeed has to be loose, if the choice fruit is to thrive
but, note, it must not be too loose either; for in a too loose ground
the roots cannot find any firm ground. If heat comes, usually
followed by great storms, then the roots together with stalk wither.
And if a storm comes then such stalks are easily uprooted,
withering upon the field without yielding fruit! Wherefore the
raising of the child of God always needs a rather firm than loose
soil and ground; and hence in the heavy ground one has to
sometimes put up with an occasional tare among the wheat! For it
is not gathered for a harvest, but stays for the manuring of the
ground, so that a subsequent sowing ripens to an even more
abundant harvest than heretofore. Have you understood Me?”
[1] Says Jarah: “O Yes, Lord, You are my only love, true children
need a more firm up-bringing than the children of slaves; for the
children of the house will be educated to, after their parents or
together with them, provide for the whole house, while the
children of the slaves only need to know that much as their always
same and very monotonous service requires! Of course in this
regard the important question arises why God the Lord allows it
that on this earth one person must serve the other as a wretched
slave and as the lord of the slave even has the power from the
emperor, over his life and over his death.”
[2] Say I: “Yes My dear, to discuss this at length would lead us all
too far; however, a few similes about this I will give to you and
thereby also to all the others. Who will comprehend this will also
understand a few other things at the same time; and therefore
remember and listen good to Me:
[3] One has different varieties of grain, like the smooth and
bearded wheat, two- and four-line barley, the high grain, the oat,
the big maize wheat; then you have the lentils, the vetches and
different types of beans; and behold, these different types also
always require a different soil, without which they could not grow.
A certain variety of grain requires a firm clay ground, another also
clay ground which however must always be properly fertilized
otherwise the grain is not going to grow. Again another type of
grain requires a loose and stony and another a sandy soil. Some
types of grain require a moist and again another a dry ground. All
this is taught to the people by experience.
[4] Equally so does different kinds of people require a different
upbringing, depending on the constitution of their hearts and souls.
As it is the case with individual people from one and the same
father, it is the same with whole communities and with large
nations. There is a certain nation which requires a more gentle and
loose treatment, and grows into a large blessing for other nations
of the earth. Another tribe requires a hard approach, otherwise it
would get out of hand and waste away as a curse for the
neighboring nations. Again another nation has the distinct
inclination to tyrannize and to rule over its neighbors. For souls of
such people nothing is better than to fall into slavery for many
years, where they can be properly humiliated. If they have
accustomed themselves in humility and finally carry their lot with
all patience and without grumbling, they then will become free
citizens of this earth again and will now as an ennobled fruit on the
best and fattest ground prosper exceedingly well.
[5] Behold, this is a picture which you all can comprehend very
easily, since you already have understood quite a few other things!
[6] However, to make this very important issue even more clear, I
present to you the different parts fo the human body, of which each
part has a different form and therefore requires a different
treatment and if ill, also of course requires a different treatment, so
that it recovers. If someone feels a pain in the eye, he certainly
must use a completely different treatment than treating a pain in
the one or other foot. Who has a suffering in the belly must treat it
differently from an illness in one or other hand and as such with
illnesses of the body it must be considered if these are new or old
and stubborn evils. A young evil can often be removed by light
means, while an old illness requires a strong medicine, nearly on
life and death, to get it removed from the body. People however
always correspond with their souls to the different parts of their
body. Depending on any soul corresponding to a more noble or
less noble part of its body, the more the soul must be treated
correspondingly like that individual part with which it
[7] From this picture again the different relations of people to their
soul-moral sphere, have also be treated differently like the
individual parts, with which they correspond in their soul-moral
sphere. A bad tooth in the mouth must finally be torn out and be
discarded if all other treatments are not helping, so that the healthy
teeth are not affected; equally so must an incorrigible person be
removed from a community, so that the whole community is not
spoilt. Similar, even a whole nation, although not physical, has to
be, however, exterminated morally, so that in the end not all
nations on earth are spoilt by it.
[8] Look it up in the Chronicles and you will find how big a nation
the Babylonians, the Ninivetians, the Meders, the Persians, the
Egyptians, the old Greeks and before them the Phoenicians and
Trojans were! Where are all these nations now? Where are the
Gomorites and the Sodomites and where the people of the ten
cities? Yes, physical they still exist in their neglected descendants,
who however do not have name and never ever rise under the old
name to become any nation on this earth; since there is nothing
worse than an old name to which a lot of futile, inexpressiveness is
stuck. Such people or nations regard themselves, because of such
ancient-famous name, as much better and venerable than any
young nation, which by gentleness, humility and love towards their
brothers, find themselves in a state of righteousness and therefore
soul healthiness before God.
[9] If you look at this with just some attention, you will soon find
how good and just the Father in heaven is! Since this earth does
have the fixed destination, that on it for the whole of infinity the
children of the Spirit of God are brought up, and therefore it is
necessary that the earth is always more hard and meager than kept
too loose and too fat.
10] The weeds shooting up among the choice grain do not hinder
the growing, ripening and blessed thriving of the choice fruit, even
whilst they afterwards serve as manure for the soil, that has
become hard and meager. In short, what God allows is good,
whilst to the completely pure human, everything that the Earth
carries in and upon it is pure. Say whether all of you have fully
understood what I said unto you!”
[11] Say Cyrenius:”Lord, who should not have understood You
there? It all is lucent as the sun!”
[12] Say I:”Very well, so let Josoe give us a sincere opinion
about it!”
[1] Says Josoe:”Oh, Lord, my opinion on this is bound to be
shaky! I have indeed in outline understood what is to be
comprehended therewith, and I cannot say that I understood it
deficiently; but I feel far too feeble to make vivid reflections on it.
Hence it would be good if our fairest Jarah could substitute for me
here as well. Because even if I were to seemingly speak ever so
wisely, there shall in the end be something capable of
contradicting! And hence I would much rather listen than speak
myself. Ah, if someone presented something that were wrong and
untrue, I surely would become more assertive; but I feel too feeble
to unfold truths above my threshold, and so I rather stay
unassumingly quiet, gladly letting the wiser ones speak in my
stead, listening as someone quietly marveling, as exalted words
stream from a wiser emotion, Lucent as the beams of sunrise.
Besides, I find it myself quite superficial to make further
reflections on something of solar clarity already. Who is going to
light a lamp at mid-day in order to augment the sun’s light? But
whoever has some doubts about the most lucent words that have
streamed from Your holy mouth, well, let him say so, and he shall
be guided unto the right path without trouble!
[2] Well do I know that one should obey You blindly so-to-say,
when You have asked something of someone; but here, on account
of my humble heart, I have to prove disobedient! Because Your
request, oh Lord, could easily be some kind of testing of me
whether I am going to allow my born overestimation of myself to
grab hold of me, that I might emerge from my incidentally not too
good night-lamp in order to perhaps make the sun more shiny than
it already is! But here fortunately my comforted heart tells me:
”vain, conceited boy, take care for the Lord is testing you! See to it
that you remain in His grace!” When I hear this oh, then I know
what to do and stay humbly put! -Am I right in behaving so?”
[3] Say I: “My dear Josoe, right and yet not right; when I ask
something of you then I am certain to know why! And if you want
to get ahead in things then you must comply with Me, be it
whatever. And were I to even seek your physical life, then you
need to relinquish it joyfully; for I shall never seek someone’s
physical life to the disadvantage of him who relinquishes if for Me.
[4] But know what has somewhat paralyzed your tongue. Behold,
you were heretofore somewhat boastful in asserting that you stood
only for the truth! But I showed you that you were still far from
knowing the truth; and because Jarah, a harmless maiden from
Genezareth, obviously afterwards embarrassed you a little because
she answered My question in brilliant fashion: you thereafter lost
courage a little. But behold, this small lack of courage is basically
not so much a proper modesty but rather and under lying vanity of
feelings! And behold, this is a kind of side-effect of your
reluctance to speak! But I want you now to completely conquer
such side-effect within you; for it is better for a somewhat vain
disposition to be laughed at than along the path of triumphal
successes to always feel oneself admired and flattered! Hence just
go ahead and speak when I require you to speak about something.
And as such just give us any sure opinion about My explanation of
[1] Says Josoe: “In Your name then I shall try it with all brevity,
but whether my view is correct will be another matter.
[2] Among life’s priorities, man’s feet obviously stand below those
of the hands; but if the feet did not transport man to water then
they could not be cleaned of dust and dirt by the hands. Wherefore
I believe slavery generally to be as important as employment.
When the feet slip, the whole man falls, and it hence is good and
expedient that the feet, which by all rights can be called the body’s
slaves, are cared for more than any other body-members. Dull and
resignedly the feet have to carry the heavy and often quite indolent
body on days of journeying, to finally receive hardly any reward
other than some cleaning refreshment at some spring; whilst the
body, following a journey, having been indolent during the entire
journey, fortifies itself with food and drink. What can and what are
the feet going to say to that? Nothing, for they are created for that!
[3] Wherefore I maintain that slavery is a necessity which cannot
be abolished, if mankind is to remain within the order set for it, be
it that mankind with time discovers some other kind of
locomotion, whereupon the slavery of the feet could of course be
made redundant. And so I expect it could happen with slavery.
[4] It would of course be better if degrading slavery could be done
with altogether; but it may be a long time yet before such blessed
condition shall be kissing the Earth.
[5] Verily, among mankind, a slave is regarded as weed. But by
this rare weed, free man is superbly manured, and becomes
indigent and fully inactive, and this I consider most evil. In this
respect it would be better that there be no slavery at all. If on the
other hand slavery is a school for humbling, then of course it is a
necessity for the too highly ascended mankind, because after the
Babylonian captivity the Israelites once again had become a quite
good nation, it is merely regrettable that the captivity did not last at
least a century! Because after the liberation, there were to my
knowledge too many of those among them before whose eyes there
still swam the former brilliance of the Jewish nation, wherefore
they then also had nothing more urgent to do than to restore the
bygone brilliance. And once the walls and the Temple were rebuilt,
the old arrogance too was at hand and things soon went on more
wickedly in Jerusalem than before the Babylonian captivity. Forty
years was therefore obviously too little, but in about a hundred
years our forefathers’ taste for glitter, splendor and haughtiness
would have completely left them for hundreds of years!
[6] All this nonetheless is only my rather immature conjecture, and
is bound to attract its well-founded retorts; yet I speak from the
heart. Because anyone getting smacked shall avoid doing evil for
no longer than the pain lasts; if however God visits him with a
most painful suffering then he is not likely to commit a sin through
which he has brought such pain upon himself.
[7] Wherefore I cannot but regard long-lasting slavery as
appropriate, and now also comprehend the steely necessity for this
class, thinking to myself: basically, a good and willing slave is a
much more perfect man than a free one; for the free one is a slave
of his senses, whilst a material slave can be quite free spiritually.
[8] For there is a big difference between a man who is in control of
himself, which has to be the case with a true slave, and a person
who knows no obedience and for whom things go the way he
wants them to.
[9] And thus I now fully endorse slavery, not wishing to abolish it!
For I say to myself: when this chief school for true humility ends,
the people of this Earth shall be overtaken by great adversity!
[10] It is of course to be wished that mankind live by Your
doctrine, in which case slavery would be preposterous, and a
travesty against human rights; but as long as that is not the case
and perhaps will not be for a long while yet, slavery is and remains
for haughty mankind a true gospel from the heavens, prescribed to
Earth for mankind’s reform. -
[11] These are my feeble thoughts about Your comments on
slavery; but I beg You oh Lord through Your grace to point out the
mistakes I made, so that I can get to the full truth in this sphere!”
[12] Say I: “Dear Josoe, here you are right in everything, and there
is very little if anything to be added. But concerning the duration
of the Babylonian captivity, you were somewhat side-racked by
your zeal. Since behold, every captivity and also every slavery is
basically nothing else than a punishing judgment allowed by God!
A judgment however is and remains unfortunately always an
extreme coercion for betterment and therefore has normally for the
soul of man a rather negative than a good effect; for who avoids
the bad only because of its bad consequences and does good just
because of its good consequences, is still very far from the
kingdom of God. Only him who does good because it is good, and
avoids which is bad for the sake of its being bad, is a perfect
human. For as long man does not transport himself to the true light
out of himself, he remains a slave in the spirit and is therefore dead
for the kingdom of God. External coercion leads man still onto
other stray roads of moral love-life of which we will soon hear
more about.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Behold, a maiden of low standing went her way
by night. She was busy with some business for her Lord, but was
delayed so that she was overtaken by darkness on her way back.
Half way there she passes the house of a pious hermit, as there are
many in all parts of Judea, living a strict life-style on account of
the Kingdom of God, the way they profess it and also strive for.
The long overdue maiden upon a stormy night knocks on hermit’s
door, asking for admission and accommodation for the night.
[2] The hermit steps outside, seeing the begging one is a maiden,
obviously capable of defiling his hut on entering. Gripped with
holy zeal, he says: ‘Don’t you thing dare entering my Godconsecrated
hut, making it unclean, and me with it! Move on
whence you came!’ With these words he cheerfully shuts the door,
relieved to be rid of the danger threatening his purity, leaving the
weeping maiden to her harsh lot. Where after he turns back into his
hut, praising God for protecting him against such soul-hazard by
His grace and was not troubled in the least about the poor maiden;
not worrying whether she suffers casualty in a dark night.
[3] An hour later the storm-battered maiden comes to the house of
a reputable tax-collector, whom orthodox Jews regard as great
sinners. This one heard the maiden wailing from afar, whilst
standing watch at his barrier, being no friend of early retiring;
whence the orthodox called him a disorderly clot.
[4] The sinful clot however quickly lights a flare, going after the
moating girl; and finding her limping along crying, comforts her
and lifts her on his powerful arm, carrying her into his house and
handing her food and drink, preparing her soft lodging. In the
morning he gives her presents, saddling two donkeys for her,
accompanying and seeing her safely to her distant home fortified
and of good cheer.
[5] Behold, the hermit is a strict penitent, living in self-imposed
punishment, meticulously avoiding everything that could in the
least muddy his supposedly pure soul, assuming to greatly please
God therewith; he is nonetheless much concerned that the world
take him for a spotless holy man of God, the more so because his
chamber is said to have never yet been entered by a female. Such
moral purity of course also increases the value of his property,
which would be certain to diminish if trodden by a maiden’s foot,
for one could not tell whether she was in a unclean state.
[6] The tax-collector however is little concerned whether they
paint him black or white, they take his house to be the most
unclean anyway, so that an orthodox Jew would not enter it. Lest it
could make him unclean for ten days. Hence the tax-collector
doesn’t care what people say of him or his house, and he therefore
acts out of freedom, as his heart prompts him, thinking to himself:
even if I am a great sinner, I shall nevertheless practice mercy, so
that I may once also find mercy with God!”
[7] Tell me, My dear Josoe, which of the two would you favor?”
[8] Says Josoe, smiling: “Oh, unhesitatingly the tax-collector; for
if all men on Earth were like the hermit, then mens’ lives would
soon be in the last stage, and hence nasty! And You could steal the
stupid hermit with his moral purity off me ten times per hour!
Verily, were I to have heaven to hand out after death, the hermit
would certainly be the last, who, I would show the last spot in the
lowermost heaven, and he would not move ahead until he became
like the tax-collector! Am I right or not?”
[1] Say I: “Completely; for so it is! And I say unto you that
whoever does not become like the tax-collector shall verily not
enter My kingdom; for also I couldn’t care less about all the
loveless moral purity forever!
[2] A free, true inner moral purity, coupled to an all-sacrificing
love for the neighbor, stands above all else with Me; but one as we
saw in the hermit does not count a penny with Me. He who is pure,
let him be pure just before God, but the world is not to know much
about it; for if it praises him, then he shall receive little praise
from Me.
[3] But for man it is best to always say: ‘Oh Lord, have mercy on
me, a sinner!’; think no evil of anyone, pray for your enemies and
always do good even to those who speak evil of you and perhaps
even do you evil.
[4] Verily, he who is and does so, not only is pure before Me and
even if he were with sin that his flesh leads him into every now
and then, yet he is fully My brother and together with Myself a
king of the heavens and all their glory! Because even if a man’s
flesh often is aroused by wicked demons, his soul nevertheless
constantly moves within My spirit.
[5] Often even the angels must descend into hell, the mire of all
iniquity; but when they return they are as clean as formerly in the
uppermost heaven. And so it is not infrequently with My brethren
upon this Earth: even if in their outward parts they descend to hell
in order to there also maintain divine order and will-power, their
soul nevertheless remains pure in union with Me.
[6] In short, he who is made humble through sin like our taxcollector
has merely, as an angel descended to hell for a moment,
in order to set up peace and order there; but on his return he is at
once disgusted by it and his soul is clean as before. But he whom
his sins only make arrogant, and if he remains so, is already a
devil, even if outwardly he appears ever so clean before man.
[7] But I say unto you all: should any sinner whatsoever come to
your door for help, you are not to show him the door, but to help
him as if he had never sinned; and after helping him, try everything
to bring about a permanent change within the sinner along the path
of love and wisdom, along a true wisdom which goes forth only
from love.
[8] With the Jews, and according to Moses, and adulteress is truly
a sinner and is to be stoned at once, and in succession by those
who encountered her the soonest after the act. But I say unto you:
he who takes the fugitive into his house and tries to save her
twofold, physically and spiritually, shall once be amicably
regarded by Me, and his guilt shall be written into loose sand,
which the wind shall carry away! But he who casts a stone after
her without being completely without sin himself, same shall have
to withstand severe judgment from Myself! For he who brings Me
back what was lost shall once be found worthy of a great reward in
the Kingdom of Heaven, whereas he who judges, even if justly in
accordance with the law, shall also once be judged justly and
severely in accordance with My law!”
[9] Asks Cyrenius: “Lord, what You have now spoken is clear and
true, except for one point that is somewhat unclear to me and
should beg for a more specific explanation. And the point is this -“
[10] Say I: “The unclear point is: how a normally pure person can
through committing a physical sin descend to hell, put things in
order and to rest there, eventually returning completely pure.
[11] Behold, this is quite easily understood, if one knows what is
sin and hell, actually, both in particular and general terms! Hence I
shall try to bring these two concepts closer to your comprehension,
and hence pay heed with your soul!”
[1] (The Lord:) “Behold, the body is matter and consists of the
coarsest primeval soul-substances which, through the might and
wisdom of God’s eternal Spirit, are forced into yonder organic
form corresponding to the shape of the freer soul indwelling such
physical body.
[2] The soul indwelling such body initially is of course not much
more pure than the body, because it derives from the unclean, archprimeval
soul of the fallen Satan. Actually the body is for the as
yet unclean soul nothing more than an exceedingly wise and wellattuned
purification machine.
[3] Within the soul there nevertheless already resides the pure
sparks of God’s Spirit, with which she receives a proper selfconsciousness
and the divine order in the voice of conscience.
[4] Besides that, the body is outwardly provided with all kinds of
senses, being able to hear, see, feel small and taste, whereby the
soul is diversely informed about the external world, good and true
as well as bad and false.
[5] Through the discernment of the indwelling spirit she soon feels
within herself what is good or bad; on the other hand, through the
external bodily senses she obtains experience of good and bad,
what is pleasing and what is painful, and other impressions, and on
top of that, by way of extrasensory revelation from within and
from without, the soul is through the Word shown the path of
divine order.
[6] Thus equipped, the soul indeed is capable of free selfdetermination
within the easily recognizable divine order, which of
course cannot be otherwise, or the soul could not possibly attain to
an enduring, self-contained free existence.
[7] For every soul desiring to continue to exist, must through
means put at her disposal shape itself to become capable of
enduring existence and, as it were, extend itself, or she could either
share the body’s fate, or as three quarter undeveloped, leave the
body; where the latter, as fully spoilt, is entirely not conducive to
the soul’s further and completing development anymore; after
which the soul will be forced to continue its perfecting
development in a much more uncomfortable machine, usually
under very sad and painful circumstances.
[8] The body however, in the narrowest sense, because consisting
of particles still under deepest judgment and therefore capable of
dying, is every person’s hell; matter of all the worlds is hell in its
broadest sense, into which man is placed through his body.
[9] Hence he who cares much for his body obviously also looks
after his personal hell, feeding and fattening his judgment and
death for his most personal demise.
[10] The body indeed has to receive a certain degree of
nourishment in order to be constantly capable of serving the soul
for its lofty life-purpose; but he who is too anxious about the body,
wrangling and working and bartering for it nearly all day and
night, obviously looks after his hell and death.
[11] When the body stimulates the soul into throwing itself
headlong into hedonism, than this always stems from the many
impure nature or matter spirits under judgment, which actually in
effect make up the body itself. If the soul pays too much heed to
the desires of the body, acting accordingly, then it unites with them
and therewith descends into its very own hell and its very own
death. In doing so the soul commits a sin against the divine order
within her.
[12] If the soul persist therein with exquisite contentment, then her
uncleanness rivals that of her body’s most unclean and judged
spirits, continuing therewith in sin and therewith hell and death.
Notwithstanding her continued life in the world, like that of her
body, she is as good as dead, feeling also the death within her and
in much fear of same. For whatever the soul is doing in its sin and
hell, she nevertheless cannot find life, notwithstanding her love for
it beyond all measure.
[13] Behold, this is also the reason why many thousand times
thousands of people know no more about the life of the soul after
death than a stone by the roadside; and if anything is said to them
about it they only laugh or even turn wild, driving the sage out the
door, telling him to preach such foolishness to wild boars!
[14] And yet every person by their thirtieth year should be as
sufficiently mature for the fullest awareness of the soul’s life after
physical death of the body as flight is to the eagle in free air high
[15] But how far removed therefrom are people who are only just
beginning to ask about it! And how much further still those who
wish to hear nothing about it, even holding such belief as
foolishness not worth a laugh! Such people find themselves in
fullest hell and death their whole earth-lives long!
[16] A soul nonetheless may have already completely cleansed
itself and yet be granted often a lengthy period of earth-time for
simultaneous cleansing of its still unclean body and the latter’s
spirits, whereby the more noble parts of the body also attracts to
itself the soul’s immortality and shortly after death awakens the
coarsest particles of its being for fullest augmentation of the soul.
[17] With such cleansed soul it can occasionally still happen, if its
hell, i.e. if the body asserts itself hedonistically, thus it enters into
its own hell, so-to-speak entering into the lusts of the body and its
spirits. Such souls can no longer be made completely unclean,
being unclean only for as long as indwelling the mire of her bodily
spirits; but they are no longer able to tolerate it therein for much
longer, returning soon into their completely pure state, whereupon
they are again as pure as if they had never been unclean. Therewith
they had for a time restored peace and order within their hell, being
afterwards capable the more to move about and fortify themselves
within the light of their spirit.
[18] Whosoever among you has good comprehension, will have
understood the just spoken; and you friend Cyrenius sincerely say
whether you fully understood Me!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “You Lord and Master! But this is truly a
completely new doctrine for me, of which probably no one could
ever have dreamt about before Your time! This makes it clear
however that only You and none other ever could have created
man and all the worlds, from Alpha to Omega; because without
being self the creator of man, one can never know these things,
except in the way we now know it from Yourself.
[2] The experience of all ages indicates that it is so and cannot be
otherwise than how You explained it to us right now; but no wiseman,
even when only too often observing mankind’s evilness,
nevertheless could not say anything about the roots of it. And
wherefrom could he have taken it? Because for this it is essential
to completely know nature from its arch-spiritual to its material
[3] Who could obtain such knowledge? Who knows man’s body
from fiber to fiber? Has anyone seen a soul move freely about?
One hardly knows whether or what shape it has or what size; in
short, ignorance reigns. If so, then wherefrom should one obtain
knowledge of man’s peculiar nature?
[4] And there have to be ways and means for man to get to know
himself better, because if man cannot investigate himself to see
what he is and how to act in accordance with his nature and
destiny, to attain the purpose as set out by his Creator, then no
doctrine or laws shall benefit him! His soul, as witnessed only too
clearly with countless people, shall sink constantly deeper into its
hell, in response to the manifold demands of the body; hunger
hurts, thirst burns, cold also hurts, whereas abundant physical
provision not only offers the exacting body the necessities, but also
true, luxurious happiness!
[5] Man’s animalistic part steadily sets up its demands in much
assertive and conspicuous manner that the comparatively silent one
has to be overheard. If so, then who can be surprised if a hundred
thousand times a hundred thousand haven’t the foggiest notion of
the soul’s existence? Because their soul, already from childhood
had so united with their body that they are fully one with it, hence
recognizing no need other than the tiresome physical one.
[6] Indeed on also has to say about people of inferior and
miserable subsistence that one cannot detect even the slightest
trace of spiritual aspiration. In the most westerly parts of Europe,
we have people with whom not even the most feeble signs of
spiritual education can be found.
[7] What however is the reason for this? The most total lack of
physical sufficiency! Such man may often, day and night forage
with cudgel in dense forest, looking for game. Having killed some,
he devours it veraciously with skin and bone, as they say.
Question: with such people where can there be any talk at all of
spiritual needs, even whilst in Rome for example, where mankind
for the most part is into excess sufficiency physically, the people
long since have been educated about the soul of man and its
immortality, and therefore paying the most attention to a moral
life, with the aim to mainly further man’s spiritual life-training.
[8] It is of course often the case unfortunately that the wealthy sink
into sheer hedonism, paying little or no attention to souldevelopment,
regarding every such teaching as that of a hungry
sage; yet they are in command of a vocabulary that enables
discussion with them, regardless of deep sensuality nevertheless
arouses their curiosity, registering a gain for their souls.
[9] But with people with whom a spoken language is questionable,
no such arousal is possible. If not even that however, how could
there be arousal to a deeper spiritual soul need?
[10] Hence I would venture to say that one’s first care should be
for mankind’s physical subsistence, and it could then be easier to
progressively awaken men’s’ souls to their true spiritual needs!
Men should be supplied with at least the basics! Because, as said, a
man physically too impoverished, cannot yet generate even the
most minimal spiritual aspiration! It is hard to preach to a hungry
stomach before eating. This is my humble opinion. You oh Lord
are fully right, for You alone know your works completely!
I nevertheless don’t consider to have completely missed the mark;
for the experience of all people and periods speaks of it only too
[1] Say I: “Good and true, and I cannot at all say that you have
spoken one untrue word; but imagine a planet where all men
without any special employment or other activity on their part are
excellently provided, recognizing that they are able to live without
any trouble whatsoever, and within a short time you have your
North European inhabitants before you!
[2] Your North European people, once in Asia, the cradle of
humankind, were equally and better provided with everything than
now your Romans, and had enjoyed direct upbringing from the
heavens; and there were sages among them the like of which the
Earth has not carried until Myself; but what was the result? They
ate and drank with cheer, became more sluggish by the day, falling
into their present state by generation; but now in such their most
pitiable condition they have to earn their most meagre physical
living by the sweat of their brow, but are nonetheless not entirely
bereft of sages and teachers.
[3] And behold, such very poverty shall place them on a
developmental level that shall surpass the contemporary Roman
one in every way.
[4] Hence it would not be beneficial for man to be all but fully
provided physically. For he would then become so indigent as not
to care about anything. And this striving after indigent,
unconcerned peace is again an attribute of the so-to-say dead body.
The soul, which for the most part still has to create its formal
consistency by the appropriate activity of the body, would in the
carefree peace of the body also rest, because within her too the
bent towards inactivity originally predominates.
[5] Through the painful demands of the body the soul initially is
awoken from her lethargy; for she senses that a completely care134
free physical existence could give her simultaneous death with the
body. Hence she pulls every lever to provide for the body as best it
can be. Since she nevertheless is terribly afraid of death, she begins
next to her care for the body to also investigate life in actuality,
and whether the soul would continue to continue to live, even
though the body would be laid to rest.
[6] Out of this, a kind of faith in the immorality of the soul
develops, and this faith gradually comes alive, forming into a
human aspiration.
[7] But thinking persons, who can be found everywhere, are then
no longer content with faith alone, investigating same at greater
depth, trying out its power and endeavoring to prove same by, as it
were practical means where its power has not sufficed.
[8] People then customarily take such researchers as Seers and
Hearers, guided and impregnated by a higher spirit who, in the
course of communicating with spirits obtain deeper initiation into
the life of the soul after death.
[9] Such investigators are then usually elevated to priesthood by
the people; and these realizing their indispensability, in the end
misuse such necessary trust by their people, seeking their earthly
subsistence income through it and ultimately are no more than
blind leaders of the blind. But there is still the advantage of a
vague, residual connection with the heavens.
[10] With time and the decreasing faith even of priest, new
investigator arise among the people who examine the old
orthodoxy without completely dismissing it, blending the residual
good with their research outcomes, ultimately coming up with an
entirely new doctrine which no longer tolerates blind faith, but
demands fullest conviction based on facts which can be exposed to
public scrutiny.
[11] And behold, in this way, although in tiresome places and
ways, the latest human generation finds truth, and from much
experience therefrom also laws by which to guide mens’ lives, so
that the hard-won truth may be preserved among mankind in its
pure form.
[12] If besides such find, gone forth solely from mankind’s greater
action, a supernatural doctrine has come down to men from the
heavens as a mighty, miraculous light, then such nation is itself
saved, like an individual, as newly and re-born in the spirit; and
behold, all this goes forth not from carefree physical provision but
from want and men’s’ troubles!
[13] I say unto you: even an animal becomes inventive in crisis, let
alone man.
[14] When man has been forced to think really hard out of need,
then the Earth starts to green beneath his feet; if however he is
well-provided, then he lies down on his lazy skin beside the
animal, thinking and doing nothing.
[15] Behold, I would only need to give the Earth one hundred
consecutive, exceedingly blessed and fruitful years, and all of
mankind would begin to smell pestilential because of laziness; but
because I let good and bad years alternate, mankind has to be
constantly active, having to provide from a good year for a
potentially bad one. And so mankind remains active in at least one
direction, whereas it would otherwise go over into complete
lethargy. Do you follow this too?”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, You surely are mankind’s Master, and at
present the most living school of true life, and now I know exactly
where I stand, and what mankind is about. Only one thing I can’t
quite follow, why some nations, provided fairly above slavery
level, could in the end still sink into lethargy! About this I would
still like to hear a word or two from Your mouth, oh Lord and
[2] Say I: “Oh friend, consult the history of this Earth’s peoples;
behold the ancient, well-provided Egyptians, look at Babylon and
Nineveh, look at Sodom and Gomorrah! Look indeed at the people
of Israel in the desert, whom for forty years I had provided with
Manna from the heavens! And look further on for a great many
advanced nations, and you shall soon find where good physical
sufficiency got these people!
[3] Behold, a well-provided fashion-doll for instance in the end
shall do no more than make up and adorn herself all day long, and
ultimately she shall become too lazy even for that, letting herself
be washed, made up and adorned by others. But that may not last
too long either, and such spoilt dame in the end becomes too lazy
even for being attended to, thereby becoming quite like a swine, if
not a virtual sloth, as they exist in India and central Africa.
Question: what can still be done about such women? Of what
spiritual education is same capable? I say unto you: she is not
suitable even for a whore! Such was indeed the case at Sodom and
Gomorrah, wherefore the people began to indulge in sodomy! Do
you understand that?”
[4] “Verily”, says Cyrenius, “You have not been so generous yet
with Your true wisdom, to my knowledge! I must confess that this
time You have told me more than on any occasion I was privileged
to hear You. Everything You told us now about the arising and
being of mankind in all its relations from the roots up is clear and
lucent as the sun, but I still miss one thing: once I know that too, I
shall be well-provided for to eternity. Shall I put the question, or
are You going to read it out of my heart again?”
[5] Say I: “Ask this time, for the sake of the others, so that they
may know the subject from the outset!”
[6] Say Cyrenius: “Well, then, have the grace to hear me!”
[1] (Cyrenius:) “I have often in my fairly lengthy earth life, vainly
thought about how the first people of this Earth actually came to
the knowledge of a supreme spiritual Being, and also their own
spiritual part. I have read the books of the Egyptians, the Scriptures
of the Greeks and Your Moses’ books; and an Indian work also
came into my hand once, which I asked an Indian at Rome to read
out to me and to translate; but everywhere I found a mystic
language of imagery, from which no clever man could get more
clever, and I therefore even less, because in my youth I had always
imagined that all other people were much cleverer than I.
Everywhere there appear logical inconsistencies which, taken
literally, are nonsensical.
[2] Thus it says in Your Moses: “In the beginning God created
heaven and Earth, and the Earth was desolate and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters. And God said: let there be
light, and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good:
and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the
light day, and the darkness he called night. And between evening
and morning was the first day.”
[3] After which, in short sequences, the making dry of the land and
the creation of herbs, vegetation and trees is touched upon. With
this creation, three days pass, and nights therewith. Since days and
nights already come into being with the creation of the light upon
the darkness of the deep, I really cannot see how on the fourth day
God found it necessary to create another two great lights and to set
them in the firmament, for the greater one to rule the day and the
lesser one the night.
[4] If we now consider that in conjunction with the nature of the
Earth, and keep in mind what in accordance with Your explanation
the sun, moon and all the stars are, then the whole Creation story
of Moses is such complete nonsense as no other anywhere upon
the entire Earth, surely! Who can make sense of it? We few know
that the Earth is no endless circle but only an immense globe, as
You Yourself already as a tender child have shown me in Egypt,
and subsequently to many others in a most concrete fashion. Night
never occurs on the entire Earth at once, because one part of the
Earth is always lit by the sun. On the other hand the moon is a
most changeable customer, caring spot little about ruling the night,
except at the most, a few days per month.
[5] And it is likewise nonsense to say that a day is made out of
evening and morning, when everybody knows from life experience
that day always comes between morning and evening and never
between evening and morning; for night surely always follows
evening until morning, and day always follows morning until
evening, and logically therefore, day lies between morning and
evening, and night between evening and morning.
[6] Notwithstanding the fact that this in itself needs to be regarded
as lunacy, the notion that God saw that the light was good only
after creating it is a lunacy without parallel! For God’s highest
wisdom surely must have, as Himself the light of all light, seen and
noticed that the light was good!?
[7] In the Book of the Indians, before the material Creation there is
mention of a creation of pure spirits, which at some stage Moses
mentions later. These were pure light, and the first-created in
particular was named light-bearer.
[8] If therefore God obviously could have already at the creation of
the pure spirits of light gauged the advantages of light, if He had
perhaps before that since eternity taken His rest within deepest
darkness, which incidentally would not resemble Him, then it is
ludicrous ridiculous that God, after the creation of light upon this
earth as it were, only then realized anew that the light was good!
[9] You Yourself see that the entire story of Creation as told by
Moses is the sheerest and even maddingly annoying nonsense, if
one views the issue in only a moderate natural sense; and it
therefore is not surprising that those very Scribes of the Jews
among themselves lend such doctrine not a spark of credibility,
nevertheless maintaining same on account of the people, allowing
themselves nevertheless to be paid handsomely for it. This also all
the Patricians of Rome recognize, yet letting it go on in spite of its
crass nonsense, because the blind people still have a very high
regard about this, and thereby behaving quite nicely throughout the
[10] It is apparently clear as daylight that all principles and ancient
doctrines handed down to us are nothing but fairy tales and fables,
if taken in the natural sense; for there cannot be half a syllable of
truth to them in the natural sense. If indisputably so however, then
the fundamental question goes begging: as I had touched upon
earlier in this questionable pre-sensation: how did man arise upon
this Earth? How did he come to the recognition of God and
recognition of himself, and who first taught him the difference
between good and evil? About this, oh Lord, give us a little light,
and we are satisfied!
[1] Say I: “Dearest friend, for this I have actually given you quite a
clue, by presenting the effect of poverty upon people and nations;
but it cannot be disputed nevertheless that Moses’ Creation story,
when applied literally to the natural world, would be the most
obvious crassest nonsense for any man moderately familiar with
nature’s ways and therefore having to declare the good Moses as a
first class fool.
[2] But he who takes the further course of Moses’ books somewhat
more seriously than some of the Greek poet Alsop’s fables, must
discern that Moses’ with his language of correspondence concerns
only first man’s primeval development upon Earth, and hence not
at all the story of the Earth’s and Heaven’ creation with all the
creatures upon and in the Earth; hence concerning itself in the first
instance and almost exclusively with man’s first primeval
emotional and intellectual development; wherefore he also at once
interpolates human history with it.
[3] The story indeed can have been only the sequence of intelligent
human development and not a mute created nature, which has
remained constantly the same right up to this time, and shall also
remain so till the end of all time.
[4] Such is the case also with the Indian Books, in which first the
creation of the pure spirits and later the fall of same is treated of,
under the heading ’The wars of Jehovah’, only then passing to the
creation of the material world and the animals and finally
[5] All this is to be taken only spiritually, and explained mainly in
terms of man’s moral development.
[6] Whoever is guided by the spirit and is familiar with the
correspondence between the material- and spirit world, to him it is
then also possible to discern how the material world has gone forth
from the spirit world, and how finally the suns and planets and
satellites and all the creatures upon them came into being.
[7] But that is not so easy, because it means having to be fully
awake in the spirit. For only the arch-primeval witness to all
becoming and existence can light up yonder labyrinths for you,
behind which no mortal eye has penetrated till now.
[8] However, beyond everything, that the age of the human race in
completion, like it is today, still agrees with the calculations of
Moses, also according to matter and time, you can be fully sure of.
[9] There certainly were upon Earth, long before Adam a genus of
strong animals which, if not in shape but much more by instinctlike,
nevertheless very sharp intelligence, resembled the mind of
the subsequent human species. Today’s elephant, although
physically much more imperfect, is a variant thereof.
[10] These large animals also already cultivated the Earth and
therefore were forerunners to man. The Earth was inhabited by
them many millions of years before man.
[11] Through these large animals, the Earth’s stony ground first
had to be softened and made fertile for precious fruits and animals,
until it became capable of bringing forth man’s sensitive nature, in
accordance with Gods plan of eternal divine order, as laid into preincarnate
nature souls, already living freely within the Earth
[12] After the Earth’s ground was fully prepared, only then a most
powerful soul was called from its free atmospheric nature to form
a body for itself from the richest loam, according to the archprimordial
form of God indwelling the soul. And the first, most
mature and powerful soul did so, as urged from within by divine
power; and the first soul so-to-say entered a powerful body wellorganized
by herself, enabling her to fully behold all the material
world and the many creatures that were before her.
[13] But the large animal race, together with its precursory
creation, had long since for the greater part already disappeared
from the Earth, when the first man in his godly majesty greeted the
wide Earth. Notwithstanding this, remnants of these preinhabitants
shall still be found in all periods upon and in the Earth,
although mankind shall not know what to make of them.
[14] The wise man nevertheless shall thereby be lead to the
conclusion that the Earth is older than the short time indicated by
Moses, for which reason Moses shall fall into disfavor for a time.
But other wise man shall be awakened by Me, through whom
Moses shall then be set in his fullest light, and from thereon it shall
not take long for the full kingdom of God to seize hold upon Earth,
and death shall forever disappear from a renewed Earth. Before
then however much trouble shall yet come over the Earth.
[15] Yes, the Earth’s soil shall indeed have to undergo multiple
manuring with the blood and flesh of men yet, and only through
such spiritual manure, a period of physical immortality shall set in,
like at the times of Adam the era has begun, when the soul was
able to build herself from the fat clay humus a perfect body in its
[16] But those men, fully re-born already during their physical,
mortal life shall then forever reign over this new epoch as pure
spirits and angels, and it will be fully entrusted to their guidance.
In contrast, people who in current times had not achieved spiritual
perfection, will in this newest epoch of the earth still be placed on
this earth with immortal bodies, but under much depravation, and
will have to put up with the much strenuous servicing, which they
shall find very bitter to taste, because they shall only too well
remember their formerly happy state in their physical bodies. This
epoch shall be a long-lasting one, until finally everything have
been transcend to spiritual existence, in accord with God’s eternal
plan. And behold such is the way of God’s order of all things, all
coming into being, existence and being!”
[1] (The Lord:) “Behold a grain of wheat! When placed in the
Earth it must decay, and the tender sprout shoots forth only from
the mildew of decay. What does this say in respect of man’s
[2] Behold, the casting of healthy, lovely seed corresponds to
man’s initial coming into being! It is like the incarnation of the
more or less fully developed soul, whose pre-incarnal habitat is the
air, particularly the middle elevation of the mountains, at the
cessation of the wooded latitude, reaching to the snow or ice
[3] Once a fully assembled soul has reached its desired consistency
in the atmosphere, it descends progressively to the altitude of
human habitation, obtaining sustenance from the outer ethereal
aura surrounding every human, and stays wherever it is attracted
by the similarity of its being.
[4] In proximity to where spouses feel the urge to procreate, such a
fully ripened and spouses resembling nature-soul, through a hint
from its aura, or attracted by the increased power of the spouses’
auras, enters with some degree of compulsion during copulation
into the man’s pro-creational stream and is placed into a small egg
through it, this being referred to as fertilization. And behold, from
there on, the life-soul resembles the grain of seed, and within the
mother’s womb undergoes corresponding phases until birth into
the world, as did the grain of seed is driving the sprout up to the
[5] From thereon commence the sundry developmental phases, the
interior after the exterior.
[6] With the plant the roots remain in the soil, within the mildew
grave of the seed, drawing its material sustenance therefrom. This
food however would soon bring death to the plant if not purified
through the action of sunlight.
[7] The stalk’s first section still contains fairly dense fluids. Once
this has developed as a base, the stalk is as it were tied off by a
ring. Through this ring, much finer tubules then pass, capable of
carrying only much thinner and finer liquids.
[8] From these, a second tier to the stalk emerges. As the fluids of
the second tier are also still of a relatively material consistency and
progressively so a second ring with still finer tubules is tied off,
through which only very fine fluids can penetrate, for sustaining
the life-spirit hovering above them, akin to Moses’ statement: ‘and
the Spirit of God moved upon the waters’.
[9] With time, these juices or waters also become too coarse for
the plant life moving above them capable of: smother in the life.
And so a third ring with very fine tubules is tied off by the spirit
moving above the waters. Through such third ring, only
exceedingly ethereal fluids, with much effort are able to penetrate
through to their now exceedingly homogeneous spirit moving
above them. But the spirit is quite capable of discerning whether or
not the juices above the third ring are fit for its further
development. If it finds them too coarse after a time and hence
containing still too many traces of judgment and death, a fourth,
fifth, sixth and even seventh ring is tied, until the liquids are so
ethereally pure as to show no further trace of death.
[10] Only then a step forward to a new stage occurs. The juice now
passing through the microscopic tubules is formed into a bud and
flower, provided with organs capable of impregnation with the
lighter life from the heavens.
[11] After the flower has provided this service, it is cast off as
ostentatious wisdom gaudiness, through whose beauty and
stimulant it attracts the actual love-life ether, which in itself is
everything and does not need any further outer gaudiness. For
behold, every flower is a well-adorned bride, who ensnares the
bridegroom with making herself up! Once the bridegroom can call
her his own however, the make-up is discarded, and humble
seriousness of life commences.
[12] Only then does the true fruit of life begin to gather and
develop itself. And if the action then focuses on the more complete
ripening of the fruit, then life, having escaped all preceding
hazards, fortifies itself as in a sturdy castle against any potential
external enemy.
[13] Wherever life begins to develop and ripens too rapidly, it
shall also have feeble consistency. And behold, wherever some
external enemy approaches such premature fruit, it is too intensely
attracted by it and, entering into a relationship with it, lays its fruit
into the premature plant-life. This parasitic life then draws the
tender plant-life unto itself, spoiling and destroying it. The
resultant maggoty fruits are ample evidence thereof.
[1] (The Lord:) “But as it is with plants, so it is also with animals,
and especially with people.
[2] Consider a tender, precocious maiden just physically. Badly
twelve years of age, she is in every physical part so developed as to
give her a marriageable look. Such maiden arouses men of a
sensual nature more than a hundred ever-so beautiful lasses of ripe
years. Such precocious maiden is then exposed to a hundred
dangers, requiring exceptional parental care to protect such preripened
maiden against the adversarial suitors for all her
sumptuous attractions. If she is given away too early to a lustful
man, then she is easily spoilt in her fertility; if sheltered too much
and kept away from all polluting air, her flesh becomes, as they
say, spotty. She turns pale, becomes consumptive, sapping away
and rarely reaching a notable age. If she takes in little and inferior
food, she becomes sad and wastes away early. If well-nourished
she fattens even more, getting awkward and therewith indolent, her
blood getting stale and she soon resembles a corpse, which
obviously brings her body premature death.
[3] Such is also the case with a precocious psychological
development. Where children of few talents are forced into
exaggerated gathering of education, as if the whole world depends
on it, such souls suffer fatigue, since they lacked the time to
develop the body for usefulness under all circumstances.
[4] Hence everything takes its time within God’s order, and socalled
grandiose leaps shall not suffice.
[5] During birth of the body from the womb of the mother, the
eternal life-germ as a little spark of the purest spirit of God, is
placed into the heart of the soul, similar like the fruit of a plant if it
has cast off the flower and begins to consolidate and strengthen
itself. Once the body has been developed, the development of the
spirit in the heart of the soul begins. Here the soul must do
everything possible so that the spirit in her starts to germinate, and
must lend it progressively a hand.
[6] The soul is here the root and the stalk, and the body the soil; it
must not give the spirit coarse water as nourishment.
[7] The rings which the spirit draws, are the humiliations of the
soul. Once the last one has been drawn, the spirit finally starts to
develop by itself and absorbs everything from the soul which is
akin to it, consolidates itself and finally assimilates the whole soul
and what was related in the body with the soul, and is then forever
completely indestructible, a process which we can clearly observe
nearly in every plant more or less.
[8] When the fruit has attained near-ripeness within the proper
sequence, life-germ sparks are laid in the grains, residing in most
tender shell readied in advance; after which the kernel closes off
from the rest of the fruit for a time, consolidating as if on its own,
yet to half -way from the life-ether of the surrounding fruit.
[9] With time, the outer fruit undergoes shrinking and drying out.
Why so? Because its soul goes completely over into the life of the
germ-spirit in the kernel. And once the fruit’s life-force has gone
over completely into the life-germ spirit, the previously,
throughout living stalk dries and dies in all its parts. On the other
hand, all the life of the plant has united with the homogeneous
germ-life and can no longer be destroyed as such, regardless of
whether it is fused to the material of the kernel or not.
[10] And thus you see a uniform order everywhere and in all
things, with similar sequences.”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, forgive me for interjecting with a
question! What happens to the wheat-germ when ground to flour,
and finally basked and eaten as bread? Does the life-germ continue
to live even through these stages?”
[2] Say I: “Very much so; for if you eat the bread, the material
bread is soon discarded from the body by the natural process,
however, the germ-life is as something spiritual immediately
assimilated by the soul-life and unites to its corresponding
composition with it. The more material part of the life-germ which
always served it as a solid base, like the water of Moses the spirit
of God, becomes nourishment of the body and finally, as properly
purified, goes over to the soul and serves for the development and
nourishment of the soul’s organs like its limbs, its hairs, etc. and in
general for the development and nourishment of all this what you
from alpha to omega would find in the human body.
[3] However, that the soul consists of all the same parts as the
body, you can convince yourself tangible at the Angle Raphael
who sits at our table and converses with Josoe. (Turning to the
Angel:) Raphael, come here so that Cyrenius can touch you!”
[4] The angel comes over, and Cyrenius runs his hand over him,
saying: “Indeed, indeed, this is all nature, and so-to-say real
matter! He truly has, like ourselves, all the limbs and the same
form as the likes of us, except that everything is nobler, softer and
exceedingly more beautiful; for the attractiveness of this face is
matchlessly beautiful!, yet not at all a girlishly handsome but
masculine in all earnest, and yet more beautiful than a most
beautiful maiden-face! I have of a truth not taken much notice of
this patron till now. He actually multiplies in beauty the longer I
look at him. Heavens! This is strange indeed! (And, saying to the
angel) Hearken, you gloriously beautiful angel, do you also feel
love in your most beautiful breast?”
[5] Says the angel: “Oh, for sure; for my spiritual body is akin to
the wisdom of God the Lord. And since my life is pure love itself,
I have to feel too, since my life is nothing but purest love.
[6] How, as a usually quite wise man, could you have asked me
that? Behold, that which God the Lord has been within Himself
from eternity, such we too must be, being completely out of Him
and therefore fully His nature in everything, just as the beam of the
sun is and affects that which the sun is itself! If so however, then
how such question?!”
[7] Says Cyrenius: “Indeed, this is quite true and right, and I would
have known so without your explanation; but I had to put some
question to you in order to hear your speaking-tone. But now we
have also finished with each other, and you can resume your seat!”
[8] Says the angel: “This is not for you but the Lord to command!”
[9] Says Cyrenius: “Friend, it seems to me that, notwithstanding
your beauty, wisdom and love, you seem to be of a somewhat
stubborn nature!?”
[10] Says the angel: “Oh, not at all; but I cannot and must not
receive instruction from a mortal; because myself, quite apart from
being out of God in everything, am a completely independent self!
Besides that, I need not fear anything such as the people of this
world; because in that respect I have power and authority of which
you have not dreamt yet. Should you however wish to acquaint
yourself more with same, then ask the centurion Julius and my
disciple Jarah, as well as the Lord’s disciples. These shall tell you
a thing or two.”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, tell him to resume his seat, or I shall
seriously start to fear him intensely, for it is best not to get
entangled with the likes of him! He is getting steadily rougher and
more heated, and there is nothing one can do with him in spite of
his beauty.”
[12] Say I to the angel: “Well then, in that case return to your
seat!” And the angel instantly obeys My hint, resuming his former
seat. And Cyrenius is relieved, for he had in all earnest begun to
fear the angel exceedingly.
[13] John and Matthew immediately ask whether to record all this.
[14] Say I: “You can do so for yourselves, but need not record it
for the people; for this is two thousand years too early for grasping,
and one should not cast pearls before swine, as they are unable to
distinguish such fare from the basest pig fodder. But for yourselves
and a few others you can do so by all means.”
[15] And the two disciples do so in relevant images, to distinguish
it from what they had written in proper Hebrew under My
[1] Cyrenius nevertheless ask Me for continuation of the Genesis
Interpretation by correspondences.
[2] And I say: “Friend, what I started I shall also finish, but see to
it that you are able to grasp it just now, and before time. Because
in order to grasp Moses’ Genesis properly, one has to be well
initiated into man’s nature, which is just as hard to achieve as the
right and full knowledge of God.
[3] Wherefore I should first have to go into man’s detailed
material, psychological (soul) and spiritual structure from fiber to
fiber, and finally show how the psychological (soul) first develops
form the spiritual and the material from the psychological, and by
what countless correspondences, which relate to the countless
shades of light as well as lightlessness.
[4] From this you can see that this is not as easy and quick as you
expect, but I shall nevertheless tell you as much as you can bear
initially and in proportion to your soul-experience and preschooling.
And so hearken!
[5] When Moses says: ‘In the beginning God created Heaven and
Earth’ then Moses does not by any means want this to be
understood as applying to the visible sky and the visible, material
Earth; for as a true sage this did not occur to him, in that he only
had in his lucid mind the fullest inner truth always. But this deeper
wisdom he clothed in corresponding images, just as for a
testimony he had to veil his shining face threefold before the
[6] By Heaven however, which Moses indicates as having been
created first is meant that God has placed the intelligence ability,
once and already during that time, outside of His most eternal,
spiritually most purified centre, as it were out of Himself but as
said, only the intelligence ability. This is akin to a mirror which
also in the darkest night has the ability to reflect external objects in
it, or rather to collect them faithfully and true upon its smoothest
surface and reproduce them. However in the deepest night and
hence complete absence of objects, the mirror is obviously a
completely useless item!
[7] Hence Moses, straight after the externalization of heaven, or
the intelligence ability outside of God’s life-centre, speaks of a soto-
say simultaneous creation of the Earth. Who and what is this
Mosaic Earth? You shall say: well, the one carrying us. Oh, greatly
mistaken, My beloved!
[8] Behold, by ‘Earth’ Moses meant only the assimilative and
attraction abilities of the among each other related, externalized
intelligences, which is almost the same what the worldly-wise
Egyptians and Greeks called association of ideas (connection of
thoughts), where out of related concepts and ideas ultimately a
truth-filled sentence has to emerge.
[9] If however the relatedness and mutual attraction was already
incorporated within the intelligence abilities externalized by God,
then the third conclusion automatically follows, that the kindred
attracted and seized each other in actuality; for which deeply
spiritual process Moses obviously could not have chosen a more
appropriate image than that of the material Earth, which in
actuality is nothing else but a conglomerate of many in itself
related substantial particles with the ability to attract one another.
[10] But “darkness was upon the face of the deep” says Moses,
furthermore. Did Moses really want to indicate the lightlessness
upon the newly created Earth? I say unto you that not even in his
very first most foolish beginnings would the wise Moses have
dreamt of such! For Moses was a deep initiate into world nature,
and too well initiated into deepest Egyptian wisdom and science to
not know that the Earth, an offspring of the Central sun is at least a
billion times a billion Earth years younger than the mother sun and
could not have been in darkness at earth’s coming into being;
Moses rather indicating therewith, again through imagery, that the
abilities of intelligence and attracting relationship of the
intelligence was not yet any kind of cognition, understanding or
self-consciousness, all of which is identical to the concept of
“light”; but that it must result in the contrary, until they seize each
other, then pressurizing and rubbing each other and, as it were
fighting each other.
[11] Have you ever noticed what takes place when stones or wood
are vigorously rubbed against each other? Behold, fire and light
emerge! And behold, this is the light that Moses lets come into
being in the beginning.
[1] (The Lord:) “What is meant by light we now know; but before
that it also says that the Earth was desolate and void! That’s a
certainty, because with merely the capacity for being filled or even
a perceived need for being filled, no vessel has yet been filled. For
as long as there are no contents the vessel is desolate and void.
[2] Such was also the case with the primordial creation. There
were indeed a countless number of thoughts and ideas placed
throughout all spaces of infinity by God’s almighty will of His
love and wisdom which thoughts and ideas we previously referred
to as the individual, mirror-like abilities of intelligence, and that
because each individual thought is as it were a reflection within the
head of that which is constantly produced by the always active
heart in itself.
[3] But just as a thought or idea in itself is like an empty vessel, or
a mirror in a dark cellar, just so is the entire association of ideas
still desolate and void. However, as there is yet no activity of the
intelligence abilities among themselves, but only the potential
ability for being and action is present, it therefore follows, as
already mentioned, that everything is still cold, fire- and lightless.
[4] All these still inactive and motionless thoughts and ideas of
divine wisdom are also extremely well compared to ‘water’, in
which also countless specific elements are mixed together, from
which however, finally all body-world takes its extreme diverse
[5] But all the great thoughts and ideas developed therefrom within
the wisdom of God, and may they have been ever so true, could
nevertheless not have obtained reality, just as little as the ideas of
some worldly sage, had he been lacking the means for their
realization. Should any reality be capable of following the thoughts
and ideas, then the relevant means and therewith a real activity of
the thoughts and ideas acting upon them from within and without
must be derived from some high power and authority.
[6] If therefore some person has connected thoughts to ideas,
wanting to see them realized, then he must, apart from loving the
necessary materials, generate a mighty love towards them. But of
such love his thoughts and ideas incubate as the chicks from a hen.
Therewith the thoughts and resulting concepts become steadily
more concrete ideas. And behold, such love is then that very Spirit
of God within God Himself which according to Moses moved
upon the waters, which itself bespeaks nothing other than the as
yet formless and creatureless, endless mass of God’s thoughts and
[7] Enlivened by this spirit the thoughts of God started to connect
to become great ideas and one thought pushed another and one
idea another. And behold, then according to divine order the ‘Let
there be light! And there was light!’ happened just like by itself.
And as such also the natural great act of creation from the
primordial beginning is explained as by itself and together with it
finally also mainly the development process of the soul and spirit
of a new born child until an old man and of the first human of the
earth until our time and so on until the end of this world in
[8] Then there occurs a phrase in Moses that would make it appear
as if only after the fiery love-action of the Spirit, resulting in light,
does God begin to realize that the light is good; but this is not so
by far, but only testimony to the eternal and endless wisdom of
God, according to which this light is a truly free spirit life-light,
generated out of itself by the action of God’s thoughts and ideas
according to the order of wisdom, whereby in this manner the
thoughts and ideas externalized by God, can continue to develop
like by themselves according to their own intelligence as
independent beings, naturally under the unavoidable constant
influence of God. That is to be understood by this Moses’
supplement, and not that God only then gained the implicit insight
that the light was something good!
[1] (The Lord:) “But now follows something that is substantially
harder to grasp than the foregoing. For it says furthermore: ‘And
God divided the light from the darkness; and God called the light
day, and the darkness He called night’. This thing becomes more
comprehensible however if, for Moses’ more general concepts,
you substitute the correspondingly more pertinent, independent life
as they day, and death as the night, or freedom for day and
judgment for night, or independence for day and bondage for night.
Or, self-conscious love-life of the divine Spirit within the new
creature for day, and the as yet non-animated thou thoughts and
ideas of God for night.
[2] However, this kind of order you again shall find also in every
plant, where you right up to the tendril of the fruit find nothing but
night and gnawing death, where the spirit of God still hovers above
the water of dark deep, for the sake of the pre-developmental stage
of the life-carrying matter. Once the foundation sufficiently firms
up for the wheat-stalk of creation to have its final ring tied
underneath the ear, enabling the actual spirit-life as truly
independent to begin seize, feel and to comprehend itself in lucid
self-consciousness, there certainly is occurring a division or rather
separation of the light from the darkness, a liberated life from life
under judgment, or, actually an indestructible life destroyable
judged life, which equals death under the general all embracing
concept ‘night’.
[3] And furthermore it says: ’and from evening and morning
became the first day’. What is here the evening and what the
morning? The evening here is the state when the pre-conditions for
the eventual reception of the love-life out of God begins to
consolidate and mutually seize itself through influence of the
almighty will of God, akin to the individual thoughts and concepts
into an idea. Once these have consolidated right up to the last ring
under the ear of the fruit, the function of evening is accomplished
and the free and independent action towards the fruit’s selfdevelopment
begins. But just as man calls the transition from night
to day ‘morning’, in the same manner correspondingly was the
transition from the preceding condition of a judged creature
towards the free, independent one named ‘morning’. And behold,
here Moses by no means committed a logical error, when he
allowed the first and all subsequent days to arise from evening and
from morning!
[4] The reason that Moses lets arise six such days from evening
and morning is, because by careful observation and study
everything goes from its primordial beginning to perfection as that
what it is, precisely along the way of one and the same divine order
of six periods, until for the time being it reaches perfection in that
what it is supposed to be, just like the full-ripe wheatear on the
dead stalk.
[5] From the casting of the seed into the soil to germination: day
one. From there to the formation of the stalk and suction and
protective foliage: day two. From there to the formation of the last
ring immediately beneath the base for ear-development: day three.
From there, the formation and structuring of the pod-like vessels,
akin to the bridal chambers for generation of the free, independent
life, with which the flowering stage also is to be counted: day four.
From there, the dropping of the flower, then the rise of the actual
already life-carrying fruit and its free activity, although still tied to
the preceding, un-free stages, from which a part of the sustenance
for forming the skins is taken, although from there on the main
nutrients are taken from the heavens of light and true life-heat -, up
to the full development of the fruit: day five, and finally the
complete separation of the fruit ripened in the hull, whereupon the
kernel already completely on its own and now already perfectly
independent, demands for its fullest consolidation the pure
nourishment of the heavens, accepting same and therewith
sustaining itself for the freest, eternally indestructible life: day six.
[6] On the seventh day rest takes over and this is the state of the
now completed, full-ripest and for eternity existing life,
consolidated from the previous states, equipped with the full
[1] (The Lord:) “If you ponder at some depth what I have said unto
you with greater maturity than the average man of today, then you
shall find and understand, even if not at the profoundest level, that
with his story of Creation, Moses, with his most fitting imagery,
truthfully and in the order of eternal wisdom only meant the
corresponding origin and onward development of all things, from
their primordial beginning to their most supreme perfection.
[2] He who does not interpret Moses in this way had better not
read him at all; for reading and understanding him literally in
distorted fashion, he, with just some modest thinking about it, in
the end get completely crazy, becoming incensed with Moses’
illogical foolishness and ultimately also about the wanton
foolishness of all who, with sword and fire, impose upon mankind
such illogical and most foolish doctrine, purportedly even inspired
by God’s Spirit, regardless of it seeming crudest foolishness even
to themselves.
[3] But he who reads Moses with the foregoing and correct
interpretation, shall find Moses a most true prophet of not only the
most all-embracing wisdom, but also most profoundly saturated
with God’s Spirit, who had the broadest capacity, paired with the
firmest will to impart to all mankind a knowledge of profoundest
death about God and all created things, in the way that he himself
received it in his gigantic spirit from the Spirit of God Himself.
[4] And thus the suns originated for themselves, the earths for
themselves, and each singleness on the suns and earths for
themselves, and also in their general connection. And as such man
originated in the narrowest sense for himself and also in general,
because the whole of creation in all its generalness completely
resembles and corresponds with a human, and because every
singleness, from the largest to the smallest, of the whole spiritual
and material creation also corresponds and must corresponds with
a human, because man is the actual reason and final goal of the
whole of creation. He is the final product to be won by all the
efforts of God.
[5] And since man is that which God desired him to be and also
achieved through all the pre-creations to which you stand here as
incontrovertible testimony, everything in the heavens as well as the
celestial spheres also corresponds to man, as Moses also indicated
in his history of creation, and as also other tutors of mankind have
done, although in a more veiled fashion. But ponder everything
now, and you shall see that all is so, and cannot possibly be
otherwise! But you Cyrenius tell Me whether you are now happy
with Moses!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Lord and Master, Your wisdom truly exceeds
limitlessly whatever blessed the Earth with wisdom before! For
being a great sage is already a great thing in itself, but then it is
endlessly more to present God’s deepest and most hidden wisdom
with such comprehensibility, that people like us of limited
initiation can easily grasp it. This in my opinion is possible only to
God, because man in the end can, like Moses frame the wisdom
received through God’s Spirit in mere pictorial correspondences,
unless given to him like seeds, to be cast into the soil of people
hearts. From such seeds, corresponding fruits go forth indeed, but
men recognize such fruits no more than they initially recognized
the seeds, and little is achieved with such sowing in the end. And if
harvesting such ripened fruit, man customarily still barely knows
what to make of it and how to use them.
[2] Usually, these first sowers of the wisdom-seeds never
themselves found the right application, and their subsequent
followers much less; for had the very first casters of the wisdomseed
made proper and true use of their fruit-yield, no followers
could possibly have applied them in any but the right way. But
since the prophets certainly already erred against their feebly
understood doctrine, such small deviations were later sure to be the
ground for the larger ones in their later followers.
[3] Moses and Aaron certainly may have lived quite strictly in
accordance with the revealed doctrine, but if they also have
understood the teaching from God in the same manner as You
have revealed to us now, is a great question and is very much
doubted. Because one can quite easily record a foreign tongue and
its writing unto a page without basically understanding anything.
[4] But the way You have just clarified Moses’ Genesis to us can
leave not further doubt in a man’s heart, and keeping it correctly in
understanding as well as practice can then be the only true
[5] But since You are bing so gracious with unraveling the most
hidden truth, give us also a hint about the so-called ‘Fall of the
angels’, as first-created beings, and about the ‘Fall of Adam’, and
then about the ‘original sin ‘ as well, which was passed on to all
subsequent men as an adverse inheritance, if it is not too late, and
if we are capable of grasping it at all; please open Your supremely
holy mouth and give us something to go by, so that we should feel
middling at home with it.”
[6] Say I: “Yes, My dearest friend, this is an even harder nut to
crack than Moses’ Creation account itself, although fully contained
in the latter, lying like gold upon the open road for the keen
researcher. If however you are thirsting only after a solid clue
rather than an involved doctrine, then I can gladly do you such
favor; for we would not at all have the time for a comprehensive
doctrine about it, being it the third night-watch now. He who has
ears, let him hear!”
[1] (The Lord:) “It is the fall of the first-created spirits or the free
and animated ideas of God within infinite space that is the great
separation of which Moses says: ‘And God divided the light from
the darkness’. How this is to be understood in its true and fully
right correspondence, I have already made abundantly clear to you;
the consequence of which is the necessary material world which, in
large and small units such as suns, earth and moons, together with
everything upon them, is spread out within infinite space.
[2] Concerning Adams’s fall however, this has already more
objectivity of course than the so-called fall of the angels, yet is still
correspondingly analogous to the fall of the angels. Only with
Adam an actual law comes already to the fore, whereas with the
fall of the angels, no such commandment could yet be involved,
because at that stage only a start had been made with the
development of the beings to be liberated, and therefore no
intelligence outside of God existed to whom such law could be
[3] Wherefore, with the so-called fall of the spirits a necessary
imposed division took place, whereas the Adamic one, proceeding
out of himself, was already a voluntary one and therefore not an
enforced one, but an act of free will of the first carnal man, free in
all psychical spheres. On the whole however it nevertheless is a
foreseen act out of God’s secret order which, whilst not an
absolute compulsion, nevertheless is a permitted one, under “thou
shall: or thou shall not”, allotted to man’s free will on account of
his stabilization, won through his own action.
[4] The difference is that between an infant that has to be carried
from one place to another, and a robust man who has been walking
quite solidly for a lengthy period.
[5] Whoever once can walk, surely does not have to be carried to
the place one wants to go with an infant; one simply show him the
most direct and unmistakable rout to the place. If the healthy and
strong-legged man desires to go there, he shall with certainty reach
the destination without hazard. If however he is circuitous or
deviates knowingly, then he has only himself to blame if he
reaches the destination later and with more trouble and effort.
[6] This we note with Adam. Had he kept the absolute
commandment, then mankind, i.e. man’s perfect soul would not
have descended to the very hard, heavy and frail physical body
which is now beset with many frailties and shortcomings.
[7] But the disobedience of the positive commandment necessarily
caused the first man a great deviation, by which he then reaches his
aim much later and with much more trouble.
[8] But you are thinking by yourself: ‘how can the keeping or nonkeeping
of a trivial and just moral commandment have such
substantive effect on mankind’s nature in aggregate? Even without
his foolish indulgence, Adam would have remained the same
sensual man that he remained through eating of the apple, and he
would have had eventually still to die, as all mankind still does!’
[9] In one respect you are quite right, but also wrong in another.
The eating of an apple, which is a salubrious and sweet fruit,
certainly is not fatal, or all men eating apples should soon die
thereafter. Wherefore there is nothing to the apple itself. But if its
eating is prohibited for a certain time, and that only for further
stabilizing of the soul; and the soul, conscious of its free will
ignore and transgresses the command, then she causes as it were a
certain fracture in her being, which then resemble an open wound
which is difficult to ever heal again, because even if the wound is
reduced to a scar, the scarring then constricts a number of vessels
to the extent of impeding future circulation of life-fluids to the
soul, hence exerting a constantly painful sensation.
[10] Thereby the soul is then distracted from striving for
development of the spirit within her, and she busies herself with
eliminating the scar. And behold, this scar is called ‘world’!
[11] The soul indeed constantly strives to rid herself of this scar,
because it pains her in her worldly concerns. Yet the more trouble
she takes, the coarser the scar, producing more worldly cares in
turn. And in the end the soul has nothing further to do but concern
herself with the healing of the scar, i.e. making herself troublefree,
finally going over into the scar herself almost completely,
paying little attention to her spirit. And behold, this is the socalled
original sin”!
[1] (The Lord:) “But, it will be asked, how can such be passed
on?- Oh, quite easily, particularly within the organic soulstructure.
Whatever the latter once has accepted, can remain with
her for thousands of years, if this is not brought back to order
within her by the spirit. Think of the archetype of a society! If I
introduce you to its progenitor, then you shall all see that a
substantial resemblance has passed over to all his offspring. If the
progenitor was good and gentle man and his wife as well, then
with few exceptions the nation shall be better and more gentle
than a people with a raging, haughty and domineering progenitor.
[2] If a primordial progenitors’ feeble trait is still discernible in
his descendants physically and morally after a couple of
thousands years, how much more the character trait of the first
man of the Earth in all his descendants, in that his soul in the
beginning was much more receptive and hence far more irritable
than the later souls, in whom the father’s hereditary influence had
impregnated them already at procreation in the life-stream seed,
and hence could not subsequently in the natural process be wiped
away and annihilated. Unfortunately, such scar greatly disfigures
such soul, and God has in all times done everything to make it
possible for such soul to rid itself of such scar for all times;
however, until now not much success could be achieved, and I
came to this earth Myself in order to extirpate such old and
ugly scar.
[3] And I shall do so indeed; but this shall be accomplished
through the many wounds inflicted upon My flesh. But at this
stage you cannot grasp this; but you shall be able to grasp it when
it has come to pass, and the holy spirit of all truth shall then lead
out into all wisdom about it.
[4] But you have read in the book of Moses, where he speaks of
Jehovah’s curse over th earth, where it says: ‘In the sweat of thy
brow shalt thou eat bread.’ And soon after curse of the earth, it
says: ‘Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee.’
[5] Behold, if you were to take this materially, i.e. if this earnestly
were to be so physically, then you would be fully entitled to
reproach God for a complete lack of wisdom! But since such a
statement can be taken only psychologically and actually
spiritually, such reproach falls by the wayside, and man can blame
only himself if something in his nature deteriorates, just as he can
blame only himself if on some land the harvest is sometimes
worse than normal, because not everything about the weather
depend upon God’s will but also upon man.
[6] Once a soul is fully conscious and achieves sufficient
sensibility to well recognize God’s order then, for it has to
become active, in accordance of course with the recognized
divine order within her. If in some aspect she does not do so or
omits it, or even does the contrary, then she obviously is bound to
cause herself irreparable harm, from which she shall not be able
to free herself on her own accord, since all her action is more or
less disorderly, with further consequent soul-restrictions in time,
such as all kinds of blindness, foolishness, incomprehension,
feeble perception, fear, lack of courage, sadness, frustration,
annoyance, rage, anger and ultimately despair itself.
[7] And behold, these are the “thorns and thistles” which the soil
within the soul, i.e. the depleted intelligence-attributes shall cause
to grow within her, akin to the parasitic growths upon otherwise
healthy tree-branches!
[8] ‘God’s curse’ however is nothing other than the soul’s
realization of her own self-destruction in light of God’s perceived
order, having to as a consequence of her own blame eat bread ‘by
the sweat of her brow’.
[9] And the sweat of her brow is the aforementioned ‘worldtrouble’
scar that she herself incurred through eating of the
Mosaic apple, which she could have easily avoided.
[1] (The Lord:) “Therefore I now say unto you all, that you cast
off all unnecessary troubles from yourselves; for every worldly
concern is a material tie with which the soul ties herself to matter
through the original Adamitic scar! The more the soul binds
herself to the matter of her flesh, the more the development of
God’s spirit within her must suffer. And the more the soul then
fuses herself to the body through worldly care, which body is a
mere judgment, a regrettable necessity and therefore death, the
more she also loses consciousness and recognition of eternal,
indestructible life within her.
[2] He who therefore still harbors much fear of physical death, is
still strongly bound with the flesh, and feebly with the spirit;
because much love towards the life of this world is strong
evidence of the soul’s lack of concern for the everlasting life of
the spirit within her, and the blame lies with the old scar that
Adam has struck into his own flesh, and that of his descendants,
incarnate souls.
[3] And yet every determined soul can heal itself of such harmful
scar, because God had already in Adam’s presence taken the
precautionary measures, and Adam was nearly completely healed
towards the end of his days. Henoch was however completely
healed, wherefore, like several other forefather, he was already
transformed in his flesh. But because their descendants had
nevertheless mixed with the children of unhealed fathers, the old
Adamitic curse remained, with varying degrees of incidence for
mens’ torment.
[4] Wherefore also the women’s painful childbearing, as well as
the very painful types of death of man. Because a nature-soul
already wounded by man’s seminal stream, immediately binds
more stubbornly with the mother’s flesh, and must therefore be
born into the world under all kinds of forceful band-rupturing.
Children such as an Isaac however and many others in the world,
have been born into the world without pain on the mother’s part.
[5] Such is the case also with dying. People with strong ties to
earthly life, whose sole concern is the world, having much to
suffer already during their short earth-life, often become sick in
soul and thereafter certainly scone in body, and are in great
misery. And they have often to contend with unbearable pain
before separation from body, passing from the body in a severely
numbing pain that often lingers afterwards for lengthy periods,
especially with souls that wallowed in physical comfort in the
world. Whereas souls who in the world had reached the
commendable conclusion that all the treasures of the world are of
no use to it, since they have to sink into death with the body,
having freed themselves from Adam’s old scar as much as
possible and having instead found God’s “Atman” within them,
nurturing same with all care, have firstly very little of any kind of
sickness to withstand.
[6] Once the soul’s life is tied to its spirit, in time its body also
shall assume a spiritual direction and hence become less sensitive
to impressions from the outer material world. Because every
sickness usually arises from the shearing of some tie with the
world. In short, through the life-hungry soul the body is stuffed
with a thousand diverse needs. If, on account of climactic or a
thousand other conditions, it cannot obtain satisfaction, then one
or the other band must be broken, soon making the body sick and
to suffer exceedingly, and with it the soul, which ultimately and
together with the body is the bearer of the larger part of the pain.
[7] If however the soul, through much self-depravation has
trained to do without much of the death-bearing world-habitat,
then there shall ultimately not be many bands left between the
dead goods of the world and the body, and not much shall be left
over for painful rupturing. If therewith the basis for many
physical sicknesses is lifted, then I Myself would like to see from
where these should enter the body and the sensible soul.
[8] With such people indeed the body does not easily feel any
pain, even if severely tortured from without.
[9] Behold the youths of furnace fame! They sang joyfully and
praised God. And when in time their bodies were consumed by
the intense wicked exterior they yet suffered no pain, for they had
long since rid themselves of all ties with world and were one with
their divine spirit. And thus, secondly, such soul, fully united with
its spirit, having long relinquished all firmer ties with the material
world in place of a tender spiritual one feels no pain at all when
separating from her body, feeling rather an all pervading blessed
ecstasy, incapable of losing either consciousness at separation nor
the light of the soul-spiritual sight, nor hearing, smelling, tasting
and the most refined sense of touch, as possessed now by our
angel Raphael.
[10] But, as said, to achieve this, man must rid his body of the
old, Adamitic original sin, and this is impossible to achieve in any
way other than I have now shown you: the soul must voluntarily
throw worldly cares overboard, there is no other way! Once these
are cast off, the old divine order is regained and man is then
completely man within God’s order. And behold, this is what is
rightly called ‘original sin’! In actuality it is obviously the flesh
which one appropriately calls the ‘original sin’; but seen by
spiritual correspondence it is the manifold concerns for the flesh
which is Adam’s hard-to eradicate sin within all his descendants.
[11] This soul-scar however cannot be fully eradicated by any
means other than the one indicated by Me, and by still another
means which shall only be indicated and given to mankind by the
end of My mission into this world for the salvation of their souls;
John the Baptist in the desert had already been a forerunner for
this means.”
[1] (The Lord:) “But just as it happened on the smallest scale with
man, falling into sin and hence ruining his nature, so a very
similar event took place once at the creation of the pure spirits out
of God.
[2] Once the thoughts and great ideas arising therefrom out of
God had found the necessary consistency to form a being
endowed with limitless intelligence, in God’s arch-primordial
form, conscious of its free independence, the first thing to fully
liberate them was to give and show them the opportunity to free
action, in what way to become free, and free through acting.
[3] But how is it accomplished? Should one only, as it were say to
them: you are now alive, as if out of yourselves, and you can do
as you please? Here it is questionable whether such beings, whose
life is without experience, would be able to front up to any kind
of free activity. Yes, they shall rather, like a voracious polyp, be
consumed by satisfying their being with a corresponding
nourishment and do nothing else, as you can observe and
experience such quite natural phenomena with very spiritually
unawakened people; because their sole concern is to fill the belly,
and all their actions are focussed on the best possible satisfaction
of this body part.
[4] Another might say: Let them be told what to do in accordance
with their intelligence, and they shall start acting accordingly!
Good, I say; supposing however that the still leisure-prone beings,
having gone forth from such disinclination towards action, have
not and cannot be awakened yet towards action, on account of
which the sense for complete inactivity starts to pre-dominate,
stopping the beings from voluntary action; what then? They can
then certainly be forced by omnipotence, obviously indwelling the
[5] Granted; where however would this leave absolute
independence of action, through which alone a created being can
attain to independent, free voluntary action? Behold, without the
aforementioned full independence, every created being would
remain a machine springing into action only through the
intelligence of the manufacturer!
[6] From this you can see that there neither can, nor must be any
question about a compulsion; because only machines act under a
‘must ‘, of which machines unfortunately, together with the Earth
itself, there are still too many and crude ones upon Earth. Also
infinite space is filled with such ‘must’ machines. Because all the
countless suns, earths and moons are purely machines, together
with all physical beings upon and within them, just as the human
body in itself is nothing but an artful machine which can be set
into manifold motion by the soul’s free will.
[7] If so however, and impossibly otherwise, how should the firstcreated
pure spirit-beings have attained to conditioned,
independent voluntary action, and from there alone to full
independence? Obviously through means no other than a ‘thou
shalt’ commandment, even if not as strict as with Adam.
[8] But the commandment itself would be of no use if, together
with the commandment, the newly-created being were not also
given the drive or stimulus to trespass. If however the beings are
imbued with the stimulus for transgression, then a certain
concomitant deleterious consequence also must be furnished, as a
punishment so-to-say, and the beings must be shown the
consequences, and how they shall always follow a contra venous
action against the commandment given.
[9] Yes, the being must even be shown that there might be an
initial temporary advantage for the being transgressing the
commandment, from which however later on always a long
lasting disadvantage will arise, and it will cost it a lot of toilsome
troubles and painful efforts to overcome this. Only after being
equipped with all this, can the newly created being make a true
use of its free intelligence and actions arising from it, irrespective
of the outcome whether straight or crooked, right or wrong. In
short, the newly-created being out of itself becomes voluntarily
active, therewith commencing the true and full act of selfdetermination,
and in the end this is what it is all about all created
intelligent beings. Because self-determination is achieved in
either way, either along a shorter or longer route, and full
destruction of such a being is thereby obviated.
[10] Whether, at the outset, the independence is a blessed or
unblessed state, is one and the same, of course in relation to the
Creator; for the door is left open for every being to walk the
outlined ways to blessedness. If it desires this, well and good for
the being; if not however, that’s alright too! For no-one but the
being itself carries the blame. It retains its self-determination
forever, irrespective of whether blessed or not, for basically it still
has to conform to the Creator’s overall order.
[11] Knowing this now, it shall not be too hard to follow the fall
of the first-created, pure spirits. Because they too had to be given
a commandment, and with it the necessary stimulus towards
transgression, tied to fleeting rewards or, alternatively and even if
not with the predominant stimulus to obey the commandment, yet
a clear vision nevertheless of eternal rewards which, although
somewhat deferred, nevertheless will and must follow action with
the given commandment!
[12] That now some of the beings heeded the commandment and
others not, is obvious from the visible physical creation, which as
a judgment or threatened punishment had to follow the breach of
the commandment, and as it were spiritually seen, is nothing else
than the longer road to a most blessed, full-free existence of the
created spirits.
[13] On the other hand is also our angel here among us, a clear
proof that nevertheless countless crowds of the once created
spirits have heeded the given commandment, although at that
stage it was not a firm positive commandment as with Adam. And
now all the physical creation is subordinated to their power,
strength and wisdom.
[14] This angel nevertheless shall not be able to substantiate to
later mankind the immensely large numbers of first-created spirits
who did not transgress against the command given; but this is not
essential for man’s blessedness, particularly if a man has not
attained to a full knowledge of himself through his spirit.
[15] If any man attains to this however then, as they say, all seven
heavens stand open to him anyway, and he can obtain testimony
thereof to any desired degree. And thus all is already taken care of
[16] Tell Me My dear Cyrenius whether you are able to now form
a reasonable concept about the sinful fall of the first-created
[1] Says the now contented Cyrenius: “Lord, You are able to see
into my heart only too clearly anyway, and through my brain too,
as to whether I have grasped the thing fully or only by half! I feel
that the thing is now as clear to me as the sun at noon. But there
could still be depth upon to depths behind it that may never have
occurred yet to even the most perfect angelic spirit. I am
nevertheless satisfied with what I know now, and shall have
enough to nibble on for the rest of my life; because this far
exceeds human horizons of knowledge and insight already!
[2] Only one being is still a puzzle to me and that is Satan and his
cohorts; just a revealing word about that still, oh Lord, and my
soul shall be satisfied until my physical death! Because I am still
not quite in the clear about that. What and who is Satan and who
his helpers’ helpers, called devils?”
[3] Say I: “This too is a trifle premature for your comprehension,
from its foundation. But I shall try to give you and the others
some light on this point also to the limit of your understanding.
And thus hearken unto Me!
[4] Behold, everything that there is, that exists and that has any
existence, cannot exist, be or has any existence otherwise than by
a certain continues battle.
[5] Every existence, the divine not excluded, contains in itself a
lot of opposites, as denying and affirming, which always stand
against each other like cold and warmth, darkness and light, hard
and soft, bitter and sweet, heavy and light, narrow and wide,
broad and narrow, high and low, hatred and love, evil and good,
right and wrong, and lie and truth.
[6] No force can have any effect without an opposing force.
[7] Take for instance a thousandfold Goliath of a man, whose
power could certainly take on an army of warriors! What good his
power however if one stood him into the air like the clouds of
heaven? Behold, a breeze, here on earth, so feeble as to hardly set
a leaf in motion, would in spite of all his power, push him
unstoppably in the direction of the breeze!
[8] In order for the giant to make effective use of his strength, he
firstly needs solid ground for a foundation to act. Hence the
ground itself is already a counterpoint to our giant; because for
exercising of his strength, free movement coupled to a steadfast
foundation is needed, where he enters into union with the solid
rest of the foundation, to then in combination with the strength of
the resting foundation or ground on which he stands, apposes
every confrontational movement. Only then can the giant make
proper use of his strength. If the ground is a rock, then no
antagonistic force shall prevail against such solid rest, unless the
force is more hefty than the rock’s concentrated rest. But if the
ground is soft and hence less counteractive than the giant’s stormlike
capacity to move, the giant’s strength shall not find enough
resistance in the ground counteracting him, and he will only be
able to resist a much smaller force confronting him.
[9] For superficial clarity, let us assume that our giant has upon
solid ground sufficient strength to lift a thousand people! But put
him in a bog, with hardly enough firmness to just carry the giant
on his own! Let the giant lift the weight of just a hundred or even
ten people, and he shall certainly not get it off the ground; for the
moment he begins to conquer the weight he shall begin to sink
into the soft ground, and all his strength shall be useless, since he
has no counter force underneath him.
[10] Hence no power can affect anything on its own, if it does not
unite with an as-it-were opposing, warring one. With our giant,
the solid rest of the ground obviously fights his weight and
movement and also vanquishes same to a certain degree; and this
ground-warring victory of rest is in the end also the support of the
moving force and also a measure of the force.”
[1] (The Lord:) “From this fairly explicit scenario, we should
have a clear concept of why a being without an opposing one
would be just as good as no being at all, just as the power of our
giant in free space would be as good as none, in relation to any
effect; hence every existence needs a counter-existence in order to
be effective.
[2] This relationship therefore, in its proper measure has to be
present in everything there is, or there would be no existence
anywhere at all.
[3] And as such must also the most perfect existence of God in
itself contain in every regard the most well-formed opposites,
without them there would be as good as no being at all. These
opposites are therefore always involved in an uninterrupted fight
with each other, but always in such a way that the steady victory
of the one force serves as the support for the so to speak
vanquished force, as we have seen with the continual victory of
the firm ground over the moving gravitational force of our giant.
[4] If God wanted to create out of Himself free beings resembling
Him, He also had to provide them with the same fighting
opposites which of course He Himself had to possess in the best
and most balanced relationships, otherwise He never could have
been existed actively.
[5] Well, the beings were formed fully to His image and as such
were finally necessarily imbued with the capacity to consolidate
out of the fighting opposites put in them out of God.
[6] Every being was imbued with rest and movement, indolence
and sense of activity, darkness and light, love and rage, violence
and gentleness and a thousandfold others, as fully their own; only
the proportions varied.
[7] In God all the opposites were already from eternity in the best
order. In the created beings however, they had to attain the right
order through the free fight like out of themselves, thus through
the well-known self-activity.
[8] Now, different victories emerged. In one part the hard rest was
the prevailing winner, and thereby activity became quite
subordinated, thus constantly giving it the biggest and fiery effort
to soften the stone and to make it more resembling and more
corresponding to itself. On the other hand, movement in all its
parts won decisively and is therefore being constantly fought by
the feebler rest within it, in order to enter into a more
corresponding relationship with it.
[9] But with many beings, the opposites have achieved a proper,
proportional balance according to God’s order, making their
being therefore perfect, because the homogeneous and opposing
intelligence capabilities constantly mutually supporting each other
in the most optimal manner.
[10] Hence you see that where some force within a selfconsolidating
being, through some excessively stubborn drive
attempts to silence and subjugate all other forces to its sphere, and
succeeds on the whole, such force kills itself as-it-were, by
clearing all opportunities for manifesting its power out of the
way. But as said, a force without a corresponding countervailing
force is as good as none, as we already have seen from the
example with the giant.
[11] However, such in all parts self captivating force must
therefore have the continuing aspiration to captivate even more
forces in itself, to rid itself from the painful captivity. And
behold, this is what one calls ‘Satan’ or ‘devil’!
[12] Satan is a great personality, and corresponds too much with
rigid rest and inertia. Because this first-created, great personality
wanted to absorb all other forces into its own and has for this
reason become dead and incapable of action on its own. But the
defeated powers within it nevertheless are not fully at rest but in
constant activity, personifying themselves as independent. With
such activity however they vitalize the basic life as if with an
apparent life, obviously making it a make-believe life contrary to
a true, free life.
[13] Such vanquished forces, however denying defeat
notwithstanding, are then what are called, with regard to Satan
devils, or evil spirits. And so you see, My dear Cyrenius, how I
have now also given you a small hint about Satan and devils,
since you only asked for a small one! But speak if you desire
more, and I shall be more explicit.”
[1] Says Cyrenius: I now have a kind of thimbleful glimmer, and
it seems as if I understand some of it; but there is no talk of any
clarity yet. The thing seems to pass into such spiritual subtlety
that quite a different insight is needed than the sum of two pears
and two and pears being four pears. I am a long way from a clear
insight; because the playing off of opposing forces is so subtitle
that it is hard for a being like me to order the notion of their
reacting within a being in such a way that it attains to a complete
image of God, in every deed and omission.
[2] This I think is something which newly-created beings like us
could never accomplish on their own, and hence I don’t believe
they can be held responsible for developing within the order, fully
or partly, if not completely contrary; for who could fully blame a
person for violence if from birth he never had an opportunity to
develop by the norms of an educated mankind?
[3] But is it thinkable that primeval spirit-beings which had only
just consolidated themselves as God’s primeval thoughts and
ideas, could also have already been imbued with the insight to
develop in accordance with the Creator’s order? The so-to-say
personal, primeval being of Satan could not possibly have had the
insight of a Michael, or it would have developed itself like
Michael. In short, Lord, here I still dally between light and
darkness, not knowing how to actually grasp the light. When I
approach it too closely it seems to burn me like a flame, and if I
move away, then of course it is dark again and I am standing on
the same spot from which I came forth.
[4] And so it shall be necessary for me to put a little more oil in
my intellectual lamp on this subject, to make it somewhat more
lucid. Because I seem like someone still half asleep in the
morning. On the one hand lightless sleep is pressing the eyes,
even whilst the light of day is working on the sleepy eyes to stop
them from dropping back to sleep. Wherefore oh Lord, let you
fully awaken my eyes, or it could yet happen that with all this
morning light I fall asleep again, in spite of full recognition of the
divine order in all wisdom and love!”
[5] Say I: “Indeed, dearest friend, as I said to you beforehand,
these things shall be hard to fully grasp! But since you are serious
about gaining a deeper insight into this subject, I shall endeavour
to get you a more vivid light, through symbolism and parables.
[6] Only in one respect are you upon loose sand, in thinking that
God left the created beings to their self-development, before they
possessed the capacity to fully recognize the divine order within
themselves, and to grasp it its full depth. Much education
preceded this, and long time-periods passed between the first
coming into being of the first-created order in the first beings, and
the period when such spirits were handed over to their active selfdevelopment.
[7] Think of the time period between Adam and you, and behold,
this already quite long time until this hour is still filled with all
kind of education from all sides!
[8] And only after such lengthy preparation am I Myself finally
here, showing mankind clearly the ways they have to go, out of
their very own inner power, that so far had achieved the greatest
possible development for the pro and contra (for and against).
Only with this My presence is man given fullest free reign in his
life-perfection, and with that a new commandment of love, which
contains within itself in the proper divine fullness all other
commandments and all wisdom out of God.
[9] If henceforth a man lives in accordance with this new
commandment, he shall also unmistakably develop his life in
accordance with God’s order, and then soon thereafter be able to
enter upon the fullness of the truest and freest eternal life. If
however he does not accept such new life commandment and
does not arrange his doings in accordance therewith, out of
himself, then he certainly shall not attain the aim of true lifedevelopment.
[10] No one shall then however be able to say: ‘I was not aware
of what to do’. And regardless of how far from there any man
might still say: ’God’s call did not reach my ears’, he shall be
told: ‘From this hour on there is no man upon this entire earth
who did not receive into his heart what is fully the right thing
among mankind’.
[11] In everyone’s heart a warning voice will be placed which
will indicate to him what is good and only true. Who will hear
this voice and follow it, will attain the greatest light and it will
illuminate to him all roads of the divine order.”
[1] (The Lord:) “How short however is the period from Adam up
to ourselves, compared to what for human comprehension is an
endless duration, from the period of the first coming into being of
the created spirits, up to the point when they were placed into full
use of their free will; and after that, what immeasurable period
from their fall up to Adam, and then to ourselves!
[2] Behold, there are within infinite creation-spaces certain archprimeval
and therewith principal central suns which, on account
of their immense distance from here and, notwithstanding their
being unspeakably manifold times larger than this earth, can be
seen as hardly more than glittering points, and that only by people
of exceptionally sharp vision. These primeval suns are of an age
from roughly the period of the fall of the primeval spirits up till
today. And behold, were one to determine the age of such suns by
terrestrial years, one would not have room upon the entire Earth
to write a cipher representing the number of Earth years! And
were you to take the entire volume of the Earth, not excluding the
sea, filled with the smallest dust particles to represent a million
Earth years each, then this would be far too short a time to
represent the said sun.
[3] Such period surely represents quite a long while, and yet it is
hardly anything compared to the arch-primeval period from when
God began to first develop His thoughts and ideas, to make them
into spirits and give them independence. What endlessly many
things did not take place during such over extended period, for
the development of the fully free will of the primeval spirit!
[4] And yet there were at the end of yonder endlessly long
developmental periods of the primeval spirits those who, although
comprehending God’s correct educational paths, chose in the end
to not want to know anything of these ways, but instead chose the
much shorter one on account of temporary advantages, deviating
from the path well-mapped-out by God, entering upon the path of
their very own self-destruction.
[5] Because the principal spirit of light, indwelt by countless other
spirits of light, each one imbued most richly with countless
intelligencers, said to himself: ‘What more do I need? Within me
lie all attributes as within God, and God has placed all power
within me. Now I am strong and mighty over everything. He has
given away everything He possessed, and I have taken over the
lot. Now God has nothing left, whilst I have everything; and we
are going to see whether the advantages of transgressing the given
commandment are of all that short a duration after all. We should
think: with our present all might and omnipotence, we shall be
able to quite handsomely prolong the supposed brevity of that
span to eternities. Who shall be able to prevent us from doing so?
Besides ourselves, infinite space, now populated by only
ourselves, carries no higher might and intelligence than our own;
who should be able to contest our advantages?’
[6] Behold, thus thought and spoke the spirit of light to himself
and thereby to the host of subordinate individual spirit crowds.
No sooner said than done, and the result was his self-arrest within
his inertia, within which he had gradually solidified himself; and
the outcome of that again was the creation of matter, likewise
along the lines of divine order, because the predictable
consequence of potential non-heeding of God’s commandment
was foreseen with the same certainty as the freest state of yonder
spirits who fulfilled God’s commandment upon and within
[7] And in this way through the fall, firstly the principal spirit and
with him his related deputies made themselves captive in the most
stubborn and grueling manner. But for how long it shall please
him to tarry within such captivity none but God knows,
throughout all of infinity, and not even the angels.
[8] However, this is certain, that from this lost son of light the
individual spirits are awaken again by the power of God and are
placed into the flesh as children of the world, and the opportunity
will be given to them, just like the children from above, to rise to
the highest perfection as children of God.
[9] All matter therefore is individual spirit, who as soul in each
individual person, can be reborn in the soul’s spirit to attain
eternal life. However, once all individual spirits are lifted from a
world, then the full end of such a world has become a reality.
[10] But with a world like this earth, this takes a pretty long time
to accomplish, nonetheless, finally the end will come.”
[1] (The Lord:) “But there are parts of matter that shall never be
part of a soul, and these consist in what is known as shell or
encasement material, within which always some soul potency is
enclosed, up to a certain development of independence. Once the
special soul potency has achieved a certain maturity, it ruptures
the encasement, immediately uniting with previously liberated
similar, or at least corresponding individual potencies, afterwards
creating for itself some other husk from corresponding elements
of the air, water and soil, thus immediately another shell as you
can see tangibly with seeds of plants, trees and shrubs and notably
as with eggs of insects, birds, marine animals and so on.
[2] The encasement material is merely a fixation of willpower
going forth from God’s order, and as such containing no soulintelligence,
being only a necessary means for a soul-intelligence
to, as if out of itself in isolation and over time, actually
developing into an independent being.
[3] Wherefore the world of matter is by up to two thirds soul and
one third soulless hull, as carrier of initially individual and
gradually consolidating and finally fully mature and ripe soul-life.
The encasement material, or God’s fixed will, therefore is also a
salvation institute, through which the individual, primeval spirits
fallen through Satan’s fall can, along the established order regain
yonder perfect, independent liberty, although along a more
extended path than the first period could have been.
[4] Since time does not however trouble or tire God, because He
keeps the achievement and realization of His great ideas
constantly, as if currently before His all-seeing eyes –
independently of time-duration, a thousand years are before God
as a day or a moment; and an earth can then require more years
for the release of the spirit, captive in its husk-material, than an
unspeakably great number, like finest sand filling Earth to
capacity; and ultimately that is to God as a fleeting moment.
[5] I say unto you that there are indeed some worlds within
infinite Creation-space that have already completed their service.
But they nonetheless continue to endure as celestial spheres,
continuing to do so as carriers of the new, free beings, although
they now are much more pure and sound, and also unchanging in
their structure; like God’s solid will corresponding to His
wisdom, and eternally consistent order has to be unchanging,
since no being could have a duration without such firmness.
[6] Because even if the beings, after their spiritual perfection,
possessed a completely free existence, as if completely
independent of God, such independence could still not have any
permanence if not fixed from eternity within His order, and as one
with it. This fixation from eternity however is in actuality for all
created beings the very thing providing them their constant
duration and maintenance.
[7] However, from this it arises like by itself, that nothing which
has ever been created by God in whatever form, can never cease
to exist or be disposed of. It can change its form and progress
from a lesser to a more perfect form, also in reverse, as we have
seen such with the primeval created spirits; but nothing can ever
be destroyed, once given existence by God. Tell me Cyrenius
whether this issue is now somewhat clearer to you?”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Yes, Lord and Master, now the thing is clear
to me, to the extent that it can be clear to a stupid spirit in his
earthly existence. To be sure, there is yet many a thing I you to
ask about; but I can also see that too much knowing is not good
for man, because notwithstanding his becoming a wise man, he
shall not become a doer.
[2] A man of too much wisdom seems to me like a well-provided
man of great worldly wealth. Why should he still have to work the
ground, why harness the oxen to the plough? His barns are filled
to the gables his cellars filled with the best wine, and his
chambers bristle with gold and silver, big pearls and the most
precious stones. He realizes that it would be crazy to cultivate his
land any further, and therefore lies down to rest, enjoying his
treasures undisturbed.
[3] And, as said, an overly wise man can and has to cut a similar
face. He who is in many ways ignorant seeks and examines,
finding great joy in discovering some new truth; the overly wise
however has little more to find and has obviously become
lethargic, whereas some sect devotee might investigate day and
night to get to the bottom of some mystery, in order to gain
potential insight. Hence I am now conversant with this sphere for
the present. That which I still lack however, also shall keep me
constantly active. am I correct or not?”
[4] Say I: “Neither too little nor too much is overly helpful, but
too much still better than too little, because he who has an excess
can pass some on to those in want, which shall always yield good
results. But he who has too little shall have a problem sharing.
Wherefore a trifle excess in wisdom always is better than too
little. But this much I say too: it would not beneficial even for an
angel to be omniscient, like God!
[5] But this also God has forestalled; for just as no spirit shall
ever, like God Himself, indwell all of infinity, neither shall any
spirit’s wisdom ever be so perfect to probe or grasp all the depths
of divine wisdom. Do you understand that too?”
[6] Says Cyrenius: “Oh indeed I do, and there has always been an
adage of old with us Romans, in circulation also among the
Greeks and Egyptians namely and in brief: ‘Quod licet jovi, non
licet bovi‘ (Jupiter is granted things which an ox is not, which
means, what is good for one is not good for all). And I think that
this proverb, although the property of the heathens as they are
called by the Israelites, is quite fitting also here.
[7] Compared to God humans and angels will most probably
remain the dear ‘boves’ for eternity and this is also good indeed;
since at least I myself would not be useful at all for too much
wisdom. For it lies in the nature of things that in the end, every
created being would lose its zest for life if there were within all of
infinity nothing left that was not as familiar as the chamber of a
house to its owner.
[8] Wherefore it is most fortunate and wise of Jehovah to
forestall, for even a most perfect but nonetheless created spirit,
notwithstanding his wisdom, to ever approach God’s wisdom by
even one hair’s breadth; for that which is infinite can never be
approached by what is finite!
[9] But let’s leave that, for it would be futile to lose more words
over it, since there are many other things that would be more
urgently revealed than the yardstick by which feeble man could
measure divine wisdom. Love obviously is of a higher order than
the lofty wisdom of man and spirits.
[10] With the ever-present conviction of eventual death, and
disappearance from the world stage, man has to gradually lose
courage for loftier works, or alternatively throw himself into
every worldly delight, in order to therewith drive away all thought
of eventual certain death, enjoying perishable life as if eternal. It
hence is of the gravest importance that man be given a
commandment, the keeping of which leads him to regain within
himself the Paradise once lost through Adam, and to then
preserve it. The commandment of real and true love of neighbor
shall bring us back the one lost.
[11] But here the big question is how to keep such most important
commandment in accord with God’s order, to attain to the great
aim which You promised with certainly and not by half, but fully.
[12] Say I: “This is truly a good and most pertinent suggestion on
your part, and I shall give you a fitting reply; but first we want to
also hear our old host Marcus for once, and his concepts about the
neighbor, to whom all love is to be directed; only after which I
shall give you all the full and true reply, together with the right
explanation. And so tell us; dear Marcus, who is to be regarded as
our true neighbor, and to whom show all love indeed!”
[1] Says the old Marcus: “Lord, I am so overwhelmed by what I
and my house have now heard, that I should with the best of will
not be able to come up with a sensible word, let alone determine
who would be my most likely neighbor.
[2] Naturally, the one that stands nearest to me physically and
requiring assistance, I would have to help; if such asked me for
help, I should not withhold it. My wife and children also are my
neighbors, and I need to care for their physical and spiritual well
being and subsistence.
[3] When I was still a warrior, my comrades also were my
neighbors, and it was my duty to stand by them when in trouble.
Besides that, every person regardless of their religion, when in
need is my neighbor, and I should not pass him by if he is in need
of my help or asks for it.
[4] Indeed I think that one should not withhold help even from an
animal, when lacking. In short, and as perceived by my limited
domestic intellect, man should emulate God’s household, letting
his sun shine over all creature, as does God over all creature.
[5] Of course man as a limited being can emulate God his Creator
only in a limited way. But since he already carries a resemblance
to God within himself, and is even created n his image, he should
fully develop that too, since he was given the ability. -This is my
view, and You oh Lord shall give us all a correct explanation; for
I prefer to hear You a thousand times more than my own
speaking. Let it therefore please You to continue speaking, oh
Lord, provided it is Your intention to say more this night!”
[6] Say I: “I shall speak indeed, although midnight has come upon
us; but now let us pause and listen whether there shall be a call
for help from the Sea!”
[7] Soon after this My remark, one could hear a noise from the
Sea consisting of a lot of voices. Markus and his sons ask Me
whether to rush out to help someone in trouble, who had to bear
up to the midnight wind in some inferior vessel, or some
whirlpool, frequently occurring in the great bay.
[8] Say I: “It is an inferior, rundown vessel full of young Levites
and Pharisees. They come from the Capernaum and Nazareth
direction and are heading for Jerusalem. They have chosen the
water way over the dry one, for firstly it being the shorter and
secondly the easier, but they were able to get only a leaking
fishing-boat at Sibarah, and are faring badly in a strong midnight
wind, and if help is not rushed to them, they might go under
[9] Says Marcus: “Verily, Lord, for these I would not be sorry if
they became a meal for dear fish! Here I would even take my
time in helping. But if it is Your will, I shall nevertheless bring
them help.”
[10] Say I: “Did you not rightly say yourself that man, created in
God’s image, should try to emulate God in everything, according
to the abilities he is endued with and should let his sun, which is
His sun he carries in his heart, shines over all creature, and regard
his neighbor, friend or foe, as worthy of his help if same finds
himself in need of help?
[11] Behold, your words are right and true, whence you should act
in accord with them, otherwise the truth is not within you by a
long while yet! Because pure truth is of little if any use to man for
life eternal, for so long as he has not made same to live through
the deed. Once he has done that however the light of eternal life
shall pour out in streams, lighting up all corners of the human
soul, just as the sun sends her light into all valleys and ditches at
noon, warming them and hence filling them with her light. Hence
do whatever you want!”
[12] Says Mark: “In that case let us hasten, even should the brittle
ship be carrying bears, tigers, lions and hyenas!”
[13] Old Mark at once ran down to shore with his sons, boarding
a fit and fairly large fishing-boat, rowing out to wherefrom the
call for help kept getting more desperate.
[1] In a few moments, reaching the boat on the verge of its going
down, he called out to the unfortunate ones to quickly transfer to
his boat, taking the brittle Sibarah boat in tow and quickly
returning to shore. The number of the rescued was thirty.
[2] When the rescued ones found themselves in the dry, the
Levites asked the skipper the charge for his trouble realizing he
was an old Roman. They would certainly not have asked, had he
been a Jew, for the latter would have had to consider himself most
fortunate for Jehovah to honor him by causing His servants to be
rescued from danger. For Jehovah would let such happen now and
then for the sake of mankind, to give them a chance to strengthen
their unshakeable attachment to the Temple, which is supposed to
be God’s only rightful dwelling place upon earth and nowhere
else, eternally.
[3] But Marcus said: “Although I am a Roman, I yet know the one
true God better than all of you; because (he said further to the
rescued ones) ‘verily, if you knew God, you would be neither
Levites nor Pharisees but humans! But because you don’t know
Him whose servants you purport to be, I say unto you: ‘Cursed be
he who, having helped his brother out of trouble, should ask him
for a reward!’ For God never leaves a good deed in His name
unrewarded! If God rewards us however, Who alone can truly
reward every man, how and why should we ask a reward of each
other? Wherefore you all are bad servants of God; for you say that
you serve God, but nevertheless often take a reward from the poor
people that is beyond their means.
[4] Take instruction therefore from me, a gray-haired warrior of
mighty Rome, on how to serve the true and eternally living
and almighty God, if one wishes to be rewarded and rewarded
by Him.
[5] Wherefore I never take a reward from a person when I have
helped him in distress. If however I have done work for myself
and my house, then I accept right and proper payment for the fish
I take to market. If however you desire to eat and drink here, then
I shall accept the right and proper payment.
[6] Say the rescued ones: “Verily, from your talk it transpires that
you are a Jew and not a heathen, because we have never yet heard
a heathen speak so truthfully. Oh we shall eternally not hold it
against you. Neither do we hold as staunchly to what you rightly
criticise and dismiss in us; we nevertheless are caught up in the
stream and have to at least, under the Temple’s scrutiny swim
with it. If we had other prospects then no man would turn his
back on the Temple faster than us, because we consider that God
is nowhere less present than in our Temple. But what are we
going to do about it? Oh, we are as well aware as you are of the
Temple at Jerusalem now being no more than a splendid institute
for deception, behind which there is hardly a true word. But this
institution is now sanctioned by the great power of Rome, and so
nothing more can be done.
[7] If there still is a true and almighty God, then He shall soon put
a stop to this nonsense; but if there isn’t, then everything we
know is but an old fable, well, then we just rhyme and fantasize
along, and the world, which prefers deception to truth anyway, is
fully satisfied therewith, and cannot possibly ask more either of
ourselves or others.”
[8] Says Marcus: “You indeed are nice heroes and people! Your
teacher is Epicurus, even if not in person, for he has long since
exchanged the temporal for the eternal; but he is that much more
your voracity philosopher. Hence say whether you are going to
have something to eat or drink, and your wishes shall be
attended to!”
[9] Ask one of them: “What guests do you have over there, still
awake, near your premises? For it could be near midnight by now,
and yet so many guests before your house? Are these perhaps also
rescued ones? Because the sea today is very high, considering
there is hardly any wind.”
[10] Says Marcus: “Yonder guests are of little concern to you, and
of too high Roman rank for you to dare approach them. In short,
your standing is too far below that or yonder guests. Among them
is the Centurion Julius of Genezareth; if you have anything to say
to him, I can ask him over for you.”
[11] On hearing that name, the young Levites and pharisees took
mighty fright, and pleated with Marcus to keep that one away
from them, for this was no human but a pitiless devil. Because
there were among them several who only a few days ago had their
eyes and ears stopped off with mud by Julius, who then forwarded
them unto Capernaum under military escort. It was the reason for
their fear, as they thought Julius would do it to them again.
[12] But Marcus said: “Here you have nothing to fear, other than
perusal of your travel passes, something the Romans are
notoriously strict about.”
[13] Says one of the Levites: “This actually is to us our bone of
contention. The Temple still does not want to bow to this Roman
regulation, and we subordinate Temple-servants get into
thousandfold troubles, for which neither the Temple nor any man
then compensates us, notwithstanding that, as employed by the
Temple, we are compelled on all sorts of journeys, from one end
of the world to the other; and no damages are made good to us
from any side.
[14] We are indeed offspring of wealthy parents, otherwise the
Temple would not have enticed us into its service. Now we are
however condemned to conformity and are not able to disentangle
ourselves. The result is that we have now to play the scapegoats
for the whole world. We find ourselves under the veritable yoke
of world-condemnation. Free us if you can! On the one hand our
zealot parents and relatives, and on the other the Temple’s iron
fist. Let him move freely whoever will, bu we cannot!”
[15] Says Marcus: “Hearken! Going by your words, you would fit
in with the company in front of my house. Come along with me,
and I shall put in a word for you! Perhaps I can yet save you out
of the Temple-jaws, which according to your testimony is so
‘humanly’ concerned about you, its servants.”
[16] Say the rescued ones: “Would be fine if only that Julius were
not in attendance; for we have no travel passes.”
[17] Says Marcus: “Well, in that case he shall procure you some.”
[18] Say the rescued: “That for sure, but what kind!”
[19] Says Marcus: “Come and follow me! The passes have better
prospects than you think, for Julius, like myself is a friend of open
[20] With such encouragement from Marcus and sons, the
rescued demur, and Marcus conveys them with somewhat
measured steps over to us, cheerfully.
[1] Upon joining us, ample room was made for them at a table
adjoining ours.
[2] Whereupon Marcus comes over to Me, asking whether to
serve up the rescued ones with salt, bread and wine.
[3] Say I: “Ask them and your heart, if they want something, and
if your heart is willing to give! If they want and your heart is
willing to give, then give! Since behold, for this is also a main
rule of true neighborly love! The neighbor must ask, either
verbally by calling for help, or in the worst case by easily
observable silent need and your heart must immediately firmly
wants to become active accordingly; then the neighborly love was
carried out truly according to God’s order and the effect for the
spirit of the giver will not remain outstanding. Do you understand
[4] Says Marcus: “Yes, Lord, I understand this perfectly and will
immediately follow such your instructions.”
[5] Say I: “Go, but don’t give Me away too soon! One must not
rush them overmuch yet, as deep night still resides in their hearts;
and their souls are not for a long time yet, ready to grasp
fundamental truths. “
[6] Whereupon Marcus quickly moves over to the rescued ones,
asking them what bodily fortification they would prefer.
[7] Says one: “Friend, we are of a truth hungry and thirsty, but our
whole means consists of nine copper pieces. For this, not mus can
be ordered, in this usually bread-deprived region. If you can give
us something worthwhile however, then we shall hand you the
nine pieces!”
[8] Says Marcus: “If that’s the situation, then your nine pieces
shall not be necessary either, and you shall still be served enough
to eat and drink.”
[9] After which Marcus at once summons his wife and children,
bidding them to amply serve these newly arrived guests with
bread, salt and wine; for nothing better would be easily obtainable
at this hour of midnight. In the morning however, they shall
receive better service. All is brought in as commanded, and the
rescued ones help themselves heartily, praising the bread and the
wine profusely.
[10] Some are saying: “This is Egyptian king’s wine”. Others
think it to be Persian, one of them saying it is genuine Rome
[11] But Marcus says: “None of those, as the wine was grown
here.” This intrigues them all, for the Galilean wine was
notoriously the worst.
[12] After plenty of wine consumption however, the newly
arrived become quite cheerful, starting to unpack the truth as they
say, not feeling compromised before those of us adjacent to them.
[13] Julius, sitting nearest their table, jokingly asks one of the
young Pharisees whether he ever had any engagement in
[14] Says the asked one: “Lord, whoever you may be Caesarean
or Genezarethan, I couldn’t care less now but this hole of a town
is too lousy even for the devil, let alone for an honest person like
myself. This nest is certainly is not going to see me a second time.
A certain Roman Centurion lives there, and that’s enough.
Because by that name everything of Satan is spoken. Whatever
mortal ever has approached that one has gotten to know Satan
personally. I have never actually personally met him, but I have
tasted his commands, but assume that his person has to resemble
his inhuman orders to a hair’s breath.
[15] That Julius appears to e a resolute enemy of Jerusalem’s
inhabitants, otherwise surely he could not proceed so barbarically,
and with such Satanic mercilessness towards people like us!
[16] It is of course true that one cannot be particularly fond of the
clerics, if one is made aware of their malice, trickery and every
sort of deception. Yet one has to generally allow for special
circumstances and only call a verdict when all the circumstances
under which a person is attached to an association are known as a
person joined up voluntarily, then indeed one can rightly say.
‘Bolenti non fit injuria’. But how many are there not who,
notwithstanding their being members of a shady fraternity,
nevertheless were coerced into it under duress.
[17] A right type of judge, with a heart and head in the right
place, first finds out whether the likes of us become voluntary and
unfortunate members of such fraternity! If a volunteer, then one
can rightly be punished for every action conforming to the
miserable regulations of such an offensive college. If however
and adherent like us, as they say are ‘forced with red hot iron’ and
has to, with similar coercion, bring the aims of the institution to
fruition, then surely one should be treated differently from a
voluntary, common rogue.
[18] Supposing some honest, strong young man falls into robbers’
and murderers’ hands, and is taken to their cave. There they
persuade him into joining with threats of gruesome torture, death,
including for the slightest attempt at fleeing.
[19] But it happens that such band falls into the hands of the law;
would it be fair for the young man to share the fate of those who
persuaded him by such means? One should on the contrary try to
help such unfortunate by every means, and not together with the
others crucify him and break his legs. It is effortless to judge and
condemn, particularly for the one wielding sward and power; but
under what system?
[20] In my view, it would be better to let ten thugs go on account
of insufficient evidence, than condemn the one I cited. For such
sentence would be the most blatant transgression against
mankind’s most holy human rights!
If making a happy man somewhat unhappy is already damnable,
how much more so an already lamentably distressed through no
fault of his own, instead of doing everything humanly possible to
extricate him from his involuntary predicament!
[21] And behold, friend, we young Templers are not better off by
a hair’s breath. As sons of rich parents, we too were coerced into
Temple ordination, without being actual descendants of the
Levitic tribe; because one can now purchase such birth for money
as often as desired.
[22] We simply now are levites and cannot, with best of will in
the world free ourselves from this standing. We could of course
flee, and as robust young men join the soldier-ranks of Rome; but
therewith we would also bring all condemnation over our kin, and
no God would have saved them from the accursed water.
Whosoever has been made to drink that poison-water at any time
has died, and that in a most despicable and painful manner in the
world. [23] There is indeed talk of a couple some thirty years ago
who, after being made to drink the Satanic water, did not die;
quite possible, we were not there!
[24] Whoever therefore knows our similar circumstances, yet
seeks to treat us in a most bestial manner, has very little right to
call himself human! There the lofty Roman ‘Fiat jus, pereat
mundus’ hasn’t much going for it.
[25] At Genezareth however, our present company received a
treatment from that certain Chief Julius worthy of a rapacious
beast, and it will be understood why we shall for all the future
avoid that spot, under Julius command.”
[1] Throws in Julius: “Hm, strange about the man who normally
is in good repute as a strictly honest and just man!? But can you
give me an idea of what prompted him to be so strict a way for
setting right a wrong, otherwise it should b the end of all social
norms upon this Earth!”
[2] Says the young Pharisee: “Oh, his reasons could have been
several, but in the end they all boil down to the fact that in front
of the world, by evil coercion, a man can easily become a criminal
or at least someone suspected of a crime, without wanting to be
voluntarily! Does not your law say that for a punishable deed, evil
motivation and intent must be proven, otherwise someone
conceivably falling off a roof and killing a sleeping child below
would have to be nailed to the cross!
[3] In the eyes of the righteous world we young Pharisees and
Levite nowadays rarely are dispatched by the Temple for a
reputable purpose; we do indeed often secretly carry such
miserable Temple purpose to the harmless people in the world,
which obviously we ourselves must despise from the depths of
our hearts! But to what end?
[4] We resemble here the soldiers who are forced by their
generals to attack the country of a very peace loving nation and
destroy everything, because of some secret purpose of a general,
likely to be unknown to the common soldier for the rest of his
life; he must act as a machine, which, when becoming
incompetent for further use, will be placed in mute retirement.
[5] If however the Temple with its dastardly and secret purpose
has become a familiar institution to the Romans, giving rise to
crime after crime against both the state as well as all mankind,
then such justice-loving Juliuses should rather try to extirpate
such evil from its roots, and not always only lay hands on the
little twigs which by God are not to blame for obtaining an
existence out of a bad stem! This is my and all my colleagues
opinion here. Make out of this what you will, but I am right
before God and all just and reasonable thinking people!”
[6] Asks Julius again: “This is all good and true, and you have
obviously been done an injustice at Genezareth, which shall be
made good to you. You would not however have fared so badly if
you had not put in such a dictatorial show at innkeeper Ebahl’s
premises! But let’s leave that, because even this kind of behavior
could be in line with your Temple’s instructions. But as a friend
of every good venture, I would like to know for what actual
purpose you were dispatched to Nazareth and Capernaum by the
[7] Says the asked one: “Since you will have seen by my
forthright testimony that in our hearts we are not in the least what
we are made out to be, especially by the Romans, I can, since you
appear to be a friend of everything good and true, also give you a
more explicit reason. Behold, in Jerusalem and especially at the
Temple it has become widely known that a man is beating about
who is spreading a new, anti-Jewish and actually counter-Temple
doctrine, working great signs in support of his doctrine, so that
even long-standing and otherwise staunch Pharisees convert to it!
[8] You can see why such man cannot be regarded with
benevolent eyes by the Temple. On the present occasion we have
been dispatched under oath of secrecy, to spy out what if anything
there is to this enigmatic man. Should we find him, then we
should try to either win him for the Temple or in case of
resistance, dispatch him to the other world. This in short was the
Temple’s exalted aim, whose harmless and innocent bearers we
[9] It speaks for itself by the way that the said, and probably most
honest and good men, would have had nothing to fear from us; for
even had we found him we would not have bent him a hair.
[10] From what we were able to find out, he is by all accounts
supposed to be a truly extraordinary person, full of truth, honesty
goodness, uprightness, attributes that we know how to honor
everywhere in all men. In short, even if we had encountered him
anywhere, the Temple should not have found out a syllable about
it, for we know only too well how to keep our mouths shut.
Neither would we have tried to win him for the Temple ever,
because no one easily knows the Temple and its vileness the way
we do. But if we were only slightly of the Temple’s feather we
would, notwithstanding the wine-babbling, not have spoken to
you so openly.
[11] But our secret intention, apart from the trouble our worldly
relatives would have to expect, is to break away from the Temple
altogether, for the same is no longer tolerable. For which reason
we came to this region over the water by night, to somehow get to
Tyre or Sidon and there go before Cyrenius, who is supposed to
be one of the wisest of men, and acquaint him with our plight. But
the majority of us think that we should nevertheless first go to
Jerusalem, along the shortest and most untroubled route, to try to
get some money out of our parents, on the pretext of some pious
Temple errand, with which we could then find easy passage to
Tyrus or Sidon or even Rome itself to achieve our aim.
Simultaneously we also have to procure proper travel passes,
without which it is hard these days to travel untroubled. But such
passes cost money.
[12] It would therefore be good and necessary on the one hand to
obtain enough money from home; but I and few others say: our
breaking away from the Temple would already cause our elders,
i.e. parents and siblings every kind of problem, and even to
withstand the accused water. It would therefore be grievously
unfair to beforehand, as it were rob them of their money without
which, in the end, they may not buy themselves out of that certain
water, since the condemned ones at the Temple frequently receive
the option of avoiding the accursed water with much money.
[13] Well, here a decision becomes difficult. I for one am against
going home for the stated reason, and for another one, which I see
as the main one. Because if we should obtain some money from
Jerusalem beforehand, on pretext of a pious Temple purpose, and
it later comes into the open, then we are all hit by a Temple-curse
of the greatest extent, and with that the curse of our parents, then
God have mercy on our fate in the world! If however we depart
secretly, the Temple and our parents will think we met with
disaster. The result of the latter shall be mourning on the part of
the Temple and parents, and all shall pray for us and bless us for
all eternity. What would you think, as seeming friend of the right
and true, is the better and more correct thing to do?”
[1] Says Julius: “I like your decision, but cannot agree with the
means for carrying it into effect, as they are not grounded in truth.
Of course this an instance where the goal, as well as the means
you have set yourselves, cannot be fully realized with the
complete truth, even whilst it is not easy to find a middle ground
either. Let me think it over, perhaps I can hit upon a way which,
in the end, justifies you before God and the world.
[2] Your Temple oath appears of course as the greatest obstacle.
How can it be circumvented? If I did not honor this on account of
your fully true God, then it would cost me only a word and you
should be innocent and free of your Temple yoke before God and
all the world. But your most sacred oath hinders me mightily, and
I must take counsel with the many wise man relaxing at my table;
then we shall see how we shall be able to extricate ourselves from
this true Scylla and Charybdis!”
[3] Says the young Pharisee; “Do so, and you shall do us a big
favor! But be so good and tell me first who actually your guests
are, enabling us to show our due respects! The elderly man must
be either a Roman dignitary, or perhaps a wealthy Greek!?”
[4] Says Julius: “Let’s leave that for today, because plenty of time
for such explanations shall be available tomorrow! For the present
I will concern myself with the main part of your matter.
Therewith the young man was happy, and Julius then turned to
Me quite unabashedly in the Roman tongue, which surely I also
commanded and saying: “Lord, what shall be the right thing here?
Authority on my part would set aside all Temple oaths and
regulations; but therewith I should appear as a destroyer of the
most sacred oat, and the braking of it shall fall upon me. I do of
course, as between ourselves, regard oaths imposed for evil
purposes and given only too often, not only as nothing, but deeply
despise them, because God is then conjured up to vouch for
deception and evil, as a witness and helper. But the Temple at
Jerusalem is somewhat different!
[5] On the one hand it still is as old, for all Jews a hallowed house
of prayer, sacrificial and purifying, and in that sense hallowed as
such; on the other hand and most notoriously, abomination upon
abomination are committed there, in a most brazen manner not
easily equalled anywhere else upon beloved Earth. Just on that
account I would want to tear up and destroy every oath from its
[6] Tell me therefore what is the correct thing before God and
mankind! For verily, if things stand the way these people have
now innocently told me, then these youths grieve me much, and I
would like to help them.
[7] Say I: “We had just heretofore worked out how to practice
love of neighbor. If they ask for it, and your heart desires it, then
there you already have all your advice. You have furthermore
never yourself sworn an oath that shall honor the Temple’s evil
vows. If therefore you are not bound to the Temple by any oath,
what should stop you from doing what you think is necessary?
[8] You already often exercised power against societies who were
bonded to their old customs and tradition through oaths, and this
was actually quite good of you; for many secret atrocities often
lay in such old customs and traditions. Here you can do likewise,
in accordance with your sense of justice.
[9] Roman authority voids all bonding by oaths, i.e. when he who
had been subject to an oath, freely realizes that the oath resulted
from duress against his free will; and secondly, that its aim was a
consistently evil one, and that it is sanctioned more by worldly
rather than divine laws, as it stands.
[10] To liberate an as-it-were oath-captive from Satan’s claws, is
a great, good and true work of neighborly love, even if man of
feeble cognation were still occasionally oath-bonded, let alone in
the present case, -in fullest recognition by the said young men of a
most evil oath in the world. Hence do in accordance with your
counsel, as seems right to you, and My friend Cyrenius is certain
not to deny you his decisive help!”
[11] Says Cyrenius at once: “Not only not withhold, but in order
for my Julius to breathe more easily in the future, I shall institute
legal proceedings upon the thirty people, and let the Temple then
hold me to account!”
[12] These My and Cyrenius’ words relieved Julius beyond
measures, and all jubilated over the fitting solution.
[1] After that, Julius turned back to his young Pharisee, saying:
“We have, my friend, already found the right means by which you
and your elders shall stand completely justified before the Temple
and all its demands, and where your parents can even lay a charge
against the Temple with the Roman protectorate, whereby
sentence shall be passed upon the Temple to compensate your
parents for your loss, -on account of your of Temple-enforced
non-adhesion to Roman law in respect of proper travel
documents, which the Temple to this hour stubbornly refuses to
acknowledge, leading to your arrest and immediate conscription
into foreign legion service! Hence you are now for your own good
already under arrest. Are you pleased with that?”
[2] Say all: “Oh lord, whoever may be, this godly advice only a
God could have given you! Verily, in this way we shall reach our
goal, and no less that of our parents as well. Oh for the sweet taste
of joy, and how much wiser is the great Rome than our currently
dirtiest Jerusalem! Old host and father of this house, after this
good news for us, go and fetch us some wine, for now everything
around here must come alive! We have just been lifted out of hell,
straight into heaven! The blind Jews still await a promised
Messiah Who is to free them from the Roman yoke, yet we have
found among and within you, dear Romans, the real and only true
Messiah for all mankind! Pure truth is the true Messiah of all
mankind. This is now however in your midst, and so you are now
with the fullest and purest truth among and within yourselves, the
Messiah of all pure and honest Jews, and also of that mankind
whose feelings are bonded through and through to all the worst
laws. Old host, go, go, and let them serve us some more wine, to
the best of our redeemers and Messiahs.”
[3] Marcus at once orders more bread and several pitchers of wine
to be set up the new strangers’ table; and the young speaker again
asks Julius what guests might be among the company, and who he
is himself.
[4] Says Julius: “As I had already said unto you before, that
Julius, standing in disrepute with yourselves, will always make
good any injustice inflicted upon you, unwittingly of course; at
the right time he shall also make it good to you as best he can.
And that Julius, so much feared by you, am I myself, and opposite
me is the exalted governor of all Asia and Egypt, Cyrenius, to
whom you had intended to journey in Sidon. And now tell me
whether you are satisfied with us hard, inexorable Romans!”
[5] On hearing this, the young Pharisees and his colleagues at first
take fright; on re-gaining composure however he says: “Exalted
Commander, are you offended by my former talk, which
obviously could not have been very faltering to your ears? But I
cannot possibly be blamed, just as you yourself could not be
blamed for having us shipped to Capernaum with mud stopped
eyes and ears. Had you known us as you do now, you would not
have done that to us. But you took us for average Pharisees of the
worst kind, and it excuses your former hard treatment of us. But
now forgive us, and me especially, as you henceforth know why!”
[6] Says Julius: “I speak gladly with forthright people, and shall
never be offended by men who fearlessly and undisguised give
out the truth without reservation; but beware of those who don’t
mean what they say, and feel differently from how they talk!
Nothing abhors me more than a lie, and I condemn even a white
lie; because before God and all honest men, it is better to die than
save oneself with an untruth! But as I said, I like your frank
language. And since I know your circumstances in Jerusalem and
Bethlehem fairly well, I also know that you have presented your
case here without reproach. There is still something in your
background, but it is minor, and you will achieve that too, so long
as you show us Romans sincerity and brotherly submission!”
[7] Says the young speaker: “Esteemed lord, let it please you to
also be frank with us and tell us straight out what is still in our
background that should be part of this case! Because for sure,
there is a thing or two that we could not divulge here, firstly
through shortage of time and secondly, among such glorious
company, one cannot as it were fall into the house with the door,
especially when a most senior governor of all Roman Asia is in
attendance, whose high standing and majesty we hardly dare to
openly behold after knowing it is he. Besides that, there is also a
youth and a maiden at your table, which tells us: bridle your
tongue somewhat! When we are among ourselves however then,
esteemed lord, we shall keep nothing secret! But since you have
shown us poor sinners so much grace and mercy, please tell us
what, between ourselves, still puts you off about us, and whether
the person you consulted on our behalf in the Roman tongue also
is an exalted Roman!”
[8] Says Julius: “Well then, that which you withheld on account
of decorum is of no further importance, neither for me nor
yourselves. But your acquaintance with yonder conspicuous man
could be of the highest consequence. But no time is left for that
today either; hence more about it tomorrow!” With this the
rescued ones were most graciously satisfied, and again took bread
and wine and gave their emotions cheerful reign.
[1] Finally one of them, with some wine left in his jug, drank to
the health of the wise Nazarene as follows: “Let the one we
sought but found nowhere live with our blessings for evermore, if
he is still alive and safe somewhere. We shall never be
adversaries to his life, which is a blessing for mankind. Oh, had
he only allowed us to find him; we would have laid bare the
Temple for him in a way that would stop him hankering after it as
we have been stopped, should he still have any regard for it! Since
we could not find him however, let us drink to the health of the
good body healer from Nazareth!”
[2] This brought tears to Julius’ eyes as well as to those of the
deeply moved Cyrenius. Tears also came to Jarah and to most of
My disciples. And Jarah whispered to Me: “Oh Lord, if only I
could speak now, what could I and would I not be able to say to
the thirsty rescued ones about You!”
[3] Says I: “Well, if you don’t give Me away, then you can let go
a little, for these rescued ones shall hear your with strained
[4] Says Jarah overjoyed: “Oh, if so then I shall at once ask the
company’s indulgence!”
[5] Say I: “Do so, but you must get a grip on yourself and not start
[6] Says Jarah: “Oh Lord, that I shall be able to try and avoid!”
Following such assurance, Jarah rose and spoke in a precise and
audible manner: “Hearken, my dear friends who just drank to the
health of the Nazarene Savior, Whom you sought but could not
find! This drink I share with you from my heart and the depth of
my life; for I had the inestimable fortune to have made His
acquaintance, and that at Genezareth itself. Hence I am in a most
blessed condition to give you a brief but truthful sketch of His
character, and His unheard-of abilities, should you be desirous of
hearing it.”
[7] They all shout: “Indeed, indeed, fairest child of Genezareth!
But take your time to prepare, lest your fairest breast suffers
[8] Says Jarah: “Oh, don’t let that trouble you. My breast is strong
and can take plenty. So behold and hearken. Like yourselves, I
had heard many a thing about the newly-appeared Nazarene
miraculous Savior. Our region however always had been among
the unhealthiest in all Galilee. Because every stranger staying
there for only a couple of days, certainly fell too sick to continue
his journey. There were some that had to remain over a year,
whilst the locals were somewhat less affected; yet there were also
locals that could be regarded as sick. Hence all travellers
meticulously avoided this area, and whoever was not forced there
on business was certain not to come right into Genezareth.
[9] When I first heard of the certain Nazarene Savior, I began to
fervently pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that He
would let the Savior also come to the most unhealthy Genezareth.
And behold, I had soon been heard, because the Nazarene Savior
shortly afterwards came to Genezareth. And seeing a Savior
without medicines, one pondered: how shall this one heal all
those sick? But He soon persuaded us that He only had to say: ’I
say unto you’ or, ‘be healed’. And behold, in a moment all who
suffered from any incurable illness whatsoever were healed with
such lightning speed that no trace could be found that they had
ever been sick! The lame, the blind, the deaf, the crippled, the
possessed, the palsied, the leprous and many with hundreds of
other sicknesses, this was all the same to the Savior; His Word
and will healed them all. Julius, a Roman, besides hundreds of
others, were witnesses to it.
[10] But He healed not only the peoples’ bodies but also their
souls and intellects, sweeping blind superstition from the hearts of
the foolish and misled, teaching the ignorant in such lucid fashion
that it amazed them even more than His healing through the word.
[11] He in the end proved Himself also as a complete Master of
nature; for not only water, air, fire and earth, but I would like to
say with certainty also sun, moon and all the stars would not show
disobedience to His word; because the angels of heaven submit to
His will.
[12] He loved me very much just as I also love Him above all,
although outwardly He is not really a beautiful man; since He is
rather small in stature and His hands are rough and full of work
scars, but His head is full of dignity and His eyes probably the
most beautiful I have ever seen. Also around His mouth He has an
exceedingly friendly, nonetheless at the same time also dignified
serious expression. The voice of His month one can only call truly
manly adorable; since it sounded at least for my ears more
pleasant than the most beautiful singing.
[13] There you have the briefest possible, but most strictly true
sketch of the most renown Savior from Nazareth, which can be
verified by hundreds of the most reliable witnesses. How do you
like the Savior Whom you sought but could not find now?”
[1] Wide-eyed at Jarah’s testimony, the Pharisees say: “You did
not tell us anything special, because such and more has already
come to our ears when still at Jerusalem; and due to such
extraordinary rumors, already like daily bread, are quite familiar
throughout all of Israel, one could say; quite a few have been
dispatched from the Temple to track down this man and bring
Him to the Temple, where offers would certainly be made to Him
on the Temple’s part to put His amazing attributes exclusively at
the Temple’s disposal. And should He reject such offers, as He
could be expected to do with certainty, since He is at the same
time supposed to be a very good, loving and exceedingly wise
man, well, then he should have to make the loser, and not likely
avoid the most secure prison, be it that he is omnipotent in all
earnest. For the Temple has now become so wicked that Satan
with all his evil could attend school there instead of the people,
for a full ten years for practice in full shamelessness.
[2] Hence we say that the Savior of Nazareth would never commit
himself to the many abominations, wherefore he shall definitely
become a victim of the Temple.
[3] Many Pharisees were indeed supposed to have already been
converted by the might of his words and works; but what did this
help them? In the end they got into devilish trouble with the
Temple clerics, and in order to regain some credibility and live in
some peace with the clerics, they had on top of everything start
lying through their teeth. Because the old Temple clerics now are
and remain purely of the devil, and nothing can be done about
[4] Once the High Priest says: ‘Today the sun shall not be shining
for the whole day!’ and a subordinate Templer would dare to
make a comment about it on the same brightly sunny day, all hell
would break loose for a year! In short, no one must believe the
sun is shining, even if the heat forces him to seek thickest shade!
If the High Priest says, ‘today nothing but blood shall be flowing
in the Kidron river for seven hours’, then beware anyone who
does not see blood flowing! If a sick comes to the High Priest and
the latter says ‘my son, you are healed now – go and leave your
sacrifice and depart cheerfully for home’ even if sick and
miserable. If however he says: ’My friend, I am sick as before and
hence can give no sacrifice’ – oh God, oh God, such would fare
badly! In short, the High Priest’s word must help, and the help
paid even if no trace of real help can be detected. And beware
anyone who should cast doubt on such non-help, I would not want
to be in his shoes!
[5] With such healings for fat offerings of supreme girth, you
dearest child will understand that your Savior would be most
useful to the Temple clerics, the reason also for the Temple’s
constant hunt after your Savior from Nazareth.
[6] We thank you by the way for describing Him to us more
closely. Maybe we too shall one day have the fortune of meeting
Him somewhere. Praise be to the Almighty Jehovah for freeing us
from the Temple’s claws! Should we nevertheless, as soldiers get
to Jerusalem then rejoice, you holy Temple clerics! We shall
know how to nicely drive your holiness out of you!
[7] If however you dearest maiden can tell us some other
highlight about your most astonishing Savior, then do so! We
shall hearken unto you with the closest attention until day-break,
for this Man intrigues us beyond limit.”
[1] Says Jarah: “Yes, my esteemed friends, I could continue to
testify the rarest things to you for a thousand years continuously,
about the Savior from Nazareth, if the time has come for being
permitted to tell everything one has seen and experienced; but for
supreme wisdom’s sake He forbade it, whence I must not tell
everything that I know about Him, but only the little that He gave
me the permission to do.
[2] But before that I said to you among other things that sun, moon
and all the stars also have to obey the good Savior from Nazareth,
whilst even the angels of heaven obey Him. And I noticed that
some of you shook your heads derisively, trying to as-it-were say
therewith: dear child, your imagination is taking you a little too
far; for the pure angels of heaven obey only God, and no one else
in all of infinity! Yet I say unto you that things nevertheless are
here as I harmlessly indicated it to you.
[3] I would have given you the convincing proof earlier, had you
not smiled and shaken your head rejectingly; but now I shall hit
your doubt over the head, and you shall not lightly take me for a
little fool in love, who as customary in the world makes a fly into
an elephant as concerns the object of her heart. Oh, this may
unmistakably be the case with many worldly maiden of the big
world; but of such, not the smallest trace shall be found with me,
of which I shall deliver the most vital and obvious proof.
[4] Look there at the youth who, as second on my right, is
conversing with the son of esteemed Cyrenius; who do you take
this youth for?”
[5] Say those asked: “Well then, for a human with flesh and blood
like ourselves!”
[6] Says Jarah, with a faint smile and shaking her head: “Wrong,
by the high of the sky, my dear friends! Behold, this is a purest
archangel of God, whom the renowned Savior from Nazareth has
given me out of the numberless angels for my own benefit and
guidance, tuition and leading for an extended period! If however
you cannot believe this on my word, then come over here and
convince yourselves with all your senses; for he shall be at your
service for a few moments!”
[7] Says the former speaker: “Indeed, of this I have to convince
myself with hands and feet, otherwise the wise maiden’s testimony
goes way over my head!”
[8] With these words, the young Pharisee rises and goes
respectfully over to Jarah, saying: “Now, how are you going to
substantiate it?”
[9] Says Jarah: “Go over to the youth, whose name is Raphael, and
he himself shall substantiate it!”
[10] The young Pharisee steps over to Raphael, who rises and fixes
the young Pharisee with his eyes, saying: “Why do you doubt what
my disciple has told you? Here, grasp my hand and tell me what
you feel!”
[11] The Pharisee does so, and says with astonishment: “Him,
peculiar, I don’t actually feel anything, except my own, tightly
closed hand, where there would be no room for a fly, let alone your
whole hand! In short, I’m reaching through you and realize that
verily, you are not flesh and blood like us!”
[12] Say Raphael: “Pick up a stone lying at your feet, and hand it
to me!”
[13] The young one lifts a stone, weighing close on thirty pounds,
saying however: “If my hand goes through yours then this stone
also falls through your hand, as through air, for the stone weights
at least thirty pounds, and if it falls on my feet it shall crush them!”
[14] Says Raphael: “Should this happen, then I shall heal them in a
moment. Hence put the stone into my hands untroubled!”
[15] The young Pharisee puts the stone in Raphael’s hands.
[16] On holding the heavy stone in his hands and tossing it about
like a ball of feathers, to the astonishment of the young Pharisee,
the latter says: ”Hearken, dearest spirit or whatever it would not be
too good to pick a fight with you, for one is bound to be the loser!
But from where do you get such power?”
[17] Says Raphael: “Behold, this is nothing yet; I shall crush this
pebble stone into powder in front of your eyes!” Here Raphael
crushes the stone to visible dust, leaving a heap of the finest white
dust on the table in front of him.
[18] On seeing this second effort, the young Pharisee bent over in
astonishment, and his colleagues also rushed to get a closer look.
[19] Says the angel: “For someone who has the power, it is not as
hard to crush a stone as it is to press the dust back into its former
compactness and shape, because every man can grind up a stone,
even if not by hand, but with a very hard iron hammer. But the
later pressing together of the stone dust shall hardly ever be
possible to man, especially into its previous form. But that you
may see that this also is possible to me, pay attention and see if
you can emulate me!”
[20] Raphael pushed the stone dust on the table together, and same
instantly assumed its former shape and weight, on the table in front
of the angel.
[21] The young Pharisee and his colleagues’ eyes dilate in
astonishment, and he is speechless.
[22] But the angel says to him: “Behold, this all is nothing yet! Pay
attention now, I shall completely annihilate this stone instantly into
nothing, just through my will.” Whereupon the angel says to the
stone: “Dissolve thyself into relevant ether, and rarefy into finest
ether!” Upon these commanding words, the stone in one moment
became invisible, and no man saw anything of it. The angel asks
the young Pharisee: “Now, how do you like that, my friend? Could
you copy that?”
[23] Says the young Pharisee: “Hearken, you dear angelic spirit or
whatever, this is unheard of! I now for my part believe that you are
an angel of God. Only one thing I don’t understand, namely: how,
with all that, one might say almighty power, you can still be
subordinate to a person of this Earth! Because this maiden also
said such about the Savior of Nazareth, and now I have to believe
it, whether I want to or not.
[24] Is there upon Earth in all seriousness a means by which one
can subordinate you? How did yonder person come to that? We do
indeed have examples in the Scripture where angels served men in
response to God’s command; but the way you now find yourself
among mortal men, Scripture has no precedent! No, no friends,
here things are not going on in a normal way! You can indeed be
an angel of the Lord, but equally someone quite different, where
one says: ’Jehovah be with us!’ It now is night and indeed
midnight, when the ‘Jehovah-be-with-us’ likes to join up with
mankind. You are of course much too beautiful, gentle, good and
wise for such ‘Jehovah-be-with-us’; but one can never place much
store by that!? If however you should have honor of being
somewhat of a ‘Jehovah-help-us’, then we don’t think much of an
acquaintance with the amazing ‘Savior’ from Nazareth, because
this test with the stone has now got me thinking rather strangely,
‘Jehovah-be-with-us’!. It is not said for nothing that Satan can also
assume the light-form of heaven wherever it suits him! And if you
were to be somewhat of a ‘Jehovah-be-with-us’ then we would
prefer to fly rather than walk away from here, because things could
get scary for us here.”
[25] After these words, all are about to take to their heels, but
Cyrenius stops them from doing so, signifying them back to their
places. They sat down again indeed, but seemingly as if on
[1] Julius however says to the otherwise forthright young Pharisee:
“Verily, at the start I took you to be too wise and sensible to also
regard this visibly purest angel for a possible Satan! Ah, this goes
beyond everything! Can you not as a moderately reasonable man
deduce from our conversations and actions that we are not of the
devil? Is according to your doctrine the devil not someone whose
intention it is doing useless evil? And we constantly abhor and
punish evil? Has Satan ever proved mild and merciful towards
anyone? We however are just, merciful and gentle towards all.
How can we tolerate a Satan in our midst? Oh, you still blind
fools! Have you never seen someone possessed by a demon? I
have seen several but not one that was well-treated by his
inhabitant! If however your crude foolishness regards us of the
devil, for what do you take the Templers and yourselves, which as
is well-known to the better world, is completely of lies and
deception, and the most capricious malice, with you being its
servants? You yourselves admit that the Temple could well serve
as a school for Satan! And us, who do good upon good towards
everyone out of our faithful and good hearts, you want to also
regard as of the devil, because a spirit from the heavens has given
you a small sample of his immense might and power? I would
therefore like to hear from you about the manifestation of what is
not of the devil!”
[2] Says the Pharisee, somewhat more composed: “Now, now,
most exalted Julius, you must not count this thing too much of a
sin against us! For behold, a man is sustained by what he eats! Is
the food good, then the sustenance also is so, but if bad, then the
nutrition is also bad. A dilapidated person, who in the end eats
with the pigs, shall not excrete differently from pigs! And so it is
with us spiritually. Our soul-stomach has been fed with swinefodder
for years, and the bad remnants in the soul-stomach are not
so easily and quickly shed as some might think!
[3] For our better views and insights, still mixed with a lot of
excrement we have of course to exclusively thank our repeated
contact with the Romans and Greeks. But on returning to
Jerusalem, and particularly to the Temple, it is only fourteen days
to stupefy us again with all sorts of mystically wise-sounding
phrases. Is it surprising if, with such extraordinary circumstances,
phrases of our own emerge in our soul, like dark clouds in the sky
over our already feeble sun of cognition or youth, momentarily
darkening them to such extent that extraordinary appearances
impress us like a wanderer at darkest midnight, who through
sudden lightning indeed sees the many obstacles along his path,
which however is then followed by still thicker night!!
[4] Wherefore, be patient with us, and we shall make it after a
while! But as said, it cannot happen spontaneously, and I and all of
us are now very happy to start understanding why it actually is so,
and cannot be otherwise, because no human form shall be sculpted
with just a few blows of the chisel from a hard and rough block
of wood.
[5] We have of a truth read a fair amount about the angels of the
heavens. The three strangers visiting Abraham were angels; there
were angels with Lot; Jacob’s ladder full of angels is familiar;
Bilam’s beast of burden prophesied to the prophet mishandling it,
of an angel’s presence; young Tobias’ companion and guide was
an angel; the Israelites saw the angel of death in Egypt going from
house to house; angels were seen with the three youths in the fiery
furnace; and there is yet much more in the Scriptures about angels
of God, physically and visibly communicating with man of this
earth. Why should it not be possible here?
[6] But here the proven presence of an angel is so extraordinary,
that one cannot of course or readily grasp it in its complete truth,
the way one believes it about antiquity, which is easy to believe
because one always imagines times past as better than the present;
which latter, out of a kind of piety, one considers too unworthy for
such holy manifestations, without remembering that the Sodom
and Gomorrah time may not have been so God-pleasing, or He
would not have rained fire from heaven upon such places.
[7] In short, you have to admit that this is quite an extraordinary
thing, which to our knowledge the earth has not experienced yet! It
will therefore be comprehensible that such peculiar tests of the
angel’s heavenly nature caused us to lose our composure a little,
considering all our former life conditions. Hence, exalted Julius,
do not count our momentarily foolish demeanor as of sinfully
malevolent intent.”
[1] Says Julius: “Well, I had already said to you anyway that it was
an immense residual foolishness in your soul, from your early
upbringing. What has not been shaken off can be completely done
so with time. It cannot in indeed be done at once, because an old,
entrenched foolishness often is harder to purge out of man than
healing an old physical ailment. But the right means can ultimately
heal both.
[2] We do not reproach anyone for a born and incarnated
foolishness, because no fool can be blamed for inferior upbringing.
But when opportunity of exalted experience calls and to
communicate with people of authority, wisdom and the correct
insight in everything taking place upon this earth, then one has to
abandon one’s old, foolishness, and accept only that as true and
good that one has seen and had explained to him, by truth-andgoodness
seeking men imbued therewith. If he acts rejectingly,
then he is worth the scourge; and if this also does not bear fruit,
then such man is to be removed from the society of better men and
taken to an asylum for the insane, because men are offended too
much by his stubborn and too deeply entrenched stupidity, which
would not be good.
[3] But this does not apply in your case, because your intelligence
is too awake from the many contacts with us Romans and Greeks,
who might now be the most experienced and educated people upon
the earth, in spite of the frequent reproach that we don’t believe in
the only true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as preached by you.
If however we put the question to you whether you yourselves
believe all that staunchly, as is to be expected from all your words
and sacraments, then your unseemly and evil deeds, even if not
your mouth, which had always been your nature, shall answer: we
believe nothing at all, but only feign a faith before the foolish
people, letting ourselves be paid handsomely for such hypocrisy, at
which we are very good! If I then compare our faith in your God
with yours, then we believe a thousand times more than you!
[4] We do indeed acknowledge that yours is the only true God, of
whom our gods are just single, exalted, worthy attributes of His,
that human imagination has coveted into all kinds of personalities;
but you do not recognize your only true God and hence even less
His most exalted attributes, which we present in allegories and
worship. Whence you still have to learn a few things, proving it
and then understand how all thing stand in the world, and what
truth there is behind it.
[5] Once you have found the truth however then accept it, staying
with it thinking and acting accordingly, and you shall be children
of God in actuality; whereas you have until now been like all Jew,
who say they are God’s children but in there hearts not even
believing that there is a God.”
[1] (Julius) “Amongst the Greeks and the Romans there were
always men who, even if they were not Jews and had not been
educated in their schools of prophets, nonetheless had a divine
inspiration and recognized it as such.
[2] Once when Croesus, King of the Lydians, wanted to wage a
war against the Persians, it mattered very much to him to find out
in advance whether the war would turn out favorably or
unfavorably for him. But who would shed light on this for him? He
thought to himself for a while, and said, “There is any number of
oracles; no doubt one of them will surely be able to tell me the
truth! But who will decide for me afterwards which oracle has told
the truth? Ha!” he thought to himself again, and said, “I will sound
out the oracles beforehand and then we shall see which oracle
is useful!”
[3] After this he took a lamb and a tortoise, cut both of them into
small pieces, put them together into an iron pot, covered it with an
iron lid and then put this mixture on the fire until it boiled. But
beforehand he sent explorers to Delphi, to Aba in the land of the
Phokers, to the old Dodona, to Amphiaraos and Trophonios, to
consult the oracle on the one hundredth day after the departure
from Sardis about what was bothering him at that moment; for
during this time he was cooking his lamb and his tortoise in the
aforementioned way.
[4] Most of the oracles gave such complicated answers that
probably no one could ever make head or tail of them; but the
oracle at Delphi said, as usual, in hexameters:
[5] ‘See, I count the sand, I know the distances of the sea. I hear
even the mute, and I hearken to the silent themselves. Now a smell
penetrates my senses just as if tortoise mixed with lamb cooked in
ore. Ore is underneath, ore is the covering above.’
[6] After this test he asked the oracle of Delphi whether he should
do battle against the Persians, but received the well-known answer
that, if he went across the Halys, a great kingdom would be
brought down! He asked the oracle a third time whether his reign
would be long. And the Pythia answered:
[7] ‘If a mule one day has dominion as king over the Medes, then,
tender-footed Lydian, fly away to the stony Hermos! Do not
hesitate, neither fear the disgrace of cowardly haste!’
[8] According to the oracle’s own interpretation, which it gave
after the capture of Croesus, the mule was to be understood as
Cyrus, his victor, because he was begotten of a distinguished
Medes, a daughter of Astyages, and of a Persian father who was
subservient to her.
[9] The very same Croesus also once asked the oracle if his son,
who was mute, could not get better, and received the answer:
[10] ‘Lydian, although a great ruler, yet of a foolish heart / do not
long to hear in your palace the besought voice of your speaking
son! Trust will avail you better! Know this, he will speak first on
the unluckiest day!’
[11] And you see! On the day when Sardis was conquered, a
furious Persian went for Croesus to knock him to the ground.
At this the fear and dread loosened the son’s tongue, and the son
spoke: ‘Man, do not kill Croesus!’ That was the first word by
the mute son and in the future he could always speak his whole
life long.
[12] You see, this oracle was, as remarked earlier, no temple of
wisdom from the Jewish school of prophets! But who could
dispute the existence of some divine inspiration after the veritable
examples cited?!”
[1] (Julius) “In the same way we Romans are familiar with enough
historical traditions to know, for example, that Socrates, Plato,
Aristides and a lot of other wise men always had a guardian spirit
with them who taught them and constantly gave them wise
teachings and in emergencies sound advice according to the
capability of their heart; and whichever of them did not follow the
advice surely had also to face the terrible consequences.
[2] Now however, if we know this, partly from history and partly
from our own personal experience, then such a figure as has
appeared to you here cannot seem so inadmissible. In brief, we
know from the numerous traditions and from the experience of the
present that higher beings come down to us people not at all as
rarely as some think, and they reveal themselves to us in numerous
ways and give us information one moment about this, the next
about that; but now if this is so, then our angel is certainly not such
an unusual appearance as one is accustomed to consider him to be
at first glance.
[3] But that such a perfect spirit possesses powers
incomprehensible for our mind and therefore can carry out very
rare miracles for us, I find nothing extraordinary in that.
[4] I once had the opportunity to see people from Rear Egypt and
to talk to them through an interpreter. They were complete naked
and didn’t even cover their private parts. They considered us
Romans to be higher, heavenly beings and wondered greatly about
the great and most magnificent buildings of Rome, about the
beautiful clothes and our shining splendor; they considered
everything that they saw which had been made by the hands of
men to be works of the gods which they considered us to be, and
asked me if we also constantly ruled over the sun and the stars as
well as the moon, and directed everything according to our whim,
or whether there were other gods to do this.
[5] Of course we corrected them, and before a year was out they
knew very well that we were also only people, and they learned
very many things from us, finally clothed themselves and
experienced great joy when they had learned to make cloth
themselves and to make all sorts of clothes out of it, male and
female. After a few years they returned to their homeland again
equipped with all possible knowledge and there they have surely
founded schools and in such a way brought a little light to their
natural wilderness.
[6] So, if we in our still very great spiritual ignorance see a perfect
spirit working, then we certainly must wonder to the greatest
degree how such a thing is possible; but when our spirit becomes
just as perfect then we will also surely be able to do higher things
and we will not wonder as we do now if a spirit splits a stone into
all its elements with the power we have seen.
[7] But that we are capable of an unlimited perfection in our
spiritual sector, that is proven to us by thousands of examples; and
at this table sit people who were allowed to be quite close to the
angel and yet one was allowed to be considerably superior to the
angel, as you have heard before about the practitioner from
[8] So from now on throw yourselves principally into the greatest
possible education of your spirit, and you will then be able to
dissolve not only a stone but even a whole mountain into its
primary elements!”
[9] At this Julius turned to the angel and said, “And you, Raphael,
tell me if I have said even one false or untrue word in my rather
long-winded speech?!”
[1] The angel says, “Not at all. Things happen exactly as you have
just very masterfully explained. Therefore if the thirty brothers live
diligently according to what they will hear very soon from these
brothers of ours, they will soon become our brothers in all things.
[2] God gives to no angel and to no person, who is basically a
prospective angel, more than a complete individual life and the
capabilities in this life to mould it by themselves to be as close as
possible to the greatest divinity in all things. If a newly-created
angel, or likewise a person, knows the sure path on which he can
always reach complete God-likeness, but he does not want to walk
along it, well then, he has finally only himself to blame if he from
then on remains in a death-like God-unlikeness.
[3] Certainly, a perfect spirit may well never reach God in the most
endless completion in all eternity; but that does him no harm; for
one can still set everything in motion – of course, constantly in the
system determined by God – for whatever he may want. In the end
one can also call forth from oneself, like God, independent beings
and give them an eternal, free existence, and can then have great
joy and blessing with such beings, just as an earthly father with his
own children – and that is divinity to the extreme!
[4] I myself have already created several worlds with small suns
and completely populated them with my own beings. And all these
worlds are often better equipped with everything than this Earth of
yours. Everything reproduces itself just as here, and the spirits
there are capable of complete perfection just as here. And why
shouldn’t they be? For in the end every spirit is from God, just as
the seeds of the future plant have been already reproduced millions
of times from out of the original seed.
[5] And since you as descendents of Satan still carry the spirit of
God in you, then how much more the descendents of our divine
[6] And see, you too can achieve all this if you will walk along the
paths that are shown to you! But whoever of you does not want to
walk along it will finally have only himself to blame if he remains
in his death-like non-divinity for unthinkably long times.
[7] Therefore none of you love the world and his own flesh more
than his spirit! If each one concerns himself above all only with
that which belongs to the spirit, then he will soon receive that
which belongs to the spirit, namely complete similarity to God!
[8] But whoever always concerns himself more with that of the
world and of the flesh, he has only himself to blame for the fact
that he remains in deathly darkness.
[9] All life can cross over continuously go to an everlastingly more
complete life if it makes the effort to proceed along the road of the
established divine order. But if life comes to a standstill,
particularly at the beginning of the great path of life, well, then it
will naturally go no further, and instead stops and in the end
withers away like a stalk in winter once it has been freed of his
fruit according to the order of God.
[10] Therefore be as active as you can for the spirit! Do not rue any
step forward! For there every deed and every step is constantly
accompanied by the highest blessing from God.
[11] Do not believe that I as an angel am already so perfect that I
can now slip into complete inactivity! I now gain through this
presence an endless amount and will in the future be able to work
even more perfectly for my own highest creations. But if I as a
pure and perfect spirit can still gain so invaluably much, then how
much more will you, who are so far behind me in perfection!
[12] Therefore thank the Lord our God that He has led you into
this holy, most merciful opportunity, in which you can do more for
your spirit in one hour than in ten thousand years of your own
worldly teaching!
[13] See, such great moments of mercy are only offered to this
world by God very rarely; therefore everyone who has the great
luck to be the witness of such an opportunity should use it with all
his strength for his spirit.
[14] If God sends or awakes a prophet somewhere, then everyone
should crowd around him and listen to him speak the word of God
for his greatest wellbeing; for God awakens such men only once in
hundreds of years in the great depth of the true wisdom of heaven.
[15] But very great prophets, through whom God informs the
people of the Earth of very many and great things, are sent to the
people of this Earth at most every thousand to two thousand years,
on the one hand in order to show them in the greatest and most
elaborated ways the further new paths of God towards even higher
perfection, and on the other hand to turn them away from the many
false paths that they have made themselves and to turn them onto
the one right path.
[16] For see, in God’s great creation everything moves continually
forwards like time on the Earth which also never stands still! The
spirits clearly always make great progress. But because in the
kingdom of the pure spirits such great progress occurs continually,
the eternal beings on the heavenly bodies must not be left behind
so that they do not come to stand too far from the kingdom of
the spirits.
[17] After the appearance of such great prophets things go well for
the people by their own doing, if not in general, then at least in
specific areas. But when a great advance is again made in the spirit
world, then it is no longer done with the somewhat shrouded light
of a former great prophet; a new one is awakened and sent, and
mankind follows once again, if at first only in exceptions,
according to the great advance of the spirit world.
[18] But then humanity in a few centuries becomes more
resourceful and finally brings to light things about which the older
generations had never dreamed.
[19] But when humanity has reached a sort of culmination after
about twelve to fifteen centuries, then it would become lethargic
and would stop, as is permitted on this Earth by God so that there
should always be every conceivable level of education. Thus the
more enlightened people should learn that without revelations
from time to time humanity would remain at the same point for
thousands of years and does not take a single step forward, as you
can see with today’s Indians and South-East Asians.
[20] The Lord allows such things so that people who get there at
some time can convince themselves that the situation is exactly as
I have told you before. But you will finally educate these people in
your descendants; for the Lord never awakens any great prophet
for nations which are on a lower level of spiritual education;
instead He lets them, that is the uneducated people, follow suit
through the main nations of the Earth which have been educated
through revelations, for which the Lord has His own endlessly
wise reasons.
[21] But people on the first level before God on a heavenly body
should always recognize such a high calling most deeply and with
gratitude and then act diligently accordingly; otherwise it is their
own fault if they in the end sink below the South-East Asians, who
we would call Sinesians, and finally become as completely stupid
as the animals! – Tell me now, you thirty brothers, if you have
understood all that clearly!”
[1] One of the young Pharisees says, “Great, eminent, powerful
spirit! Much, yes, but by no means everything! But we all thank
you fervently for this; for with the great key of heaven you have
truly opened up secrets about which we had not even the slightest
idea before. From now on we will all make every conceivable
effort to proceed on the right track in life; only we would like to
know it better. For today though we have already had more than
enough; for we need time before our spiritual stomach digests it.
On the morrow we will be more receptive to higher and deeper
things than could be the case today.
[2] But now we would simply like to hear the seemingly very wise
man who is resting at the side of the high governor and talking
very secretly with him speak some words of wisdom; for he, even
if he is no angel, seems to be superior to you all – for his manner
and his certain stoic composure during your angel’s speech reveal
deep and great things!”
[3] Julius says: “You are correct; but it is not as easy as you think
to make the man speak. Whenever He wants, He often speaks a lot,
and every word is like a whole creation full of wisdom; but when
He does not want to, no one can easily move Him to it. But try it
yourself, speak to Him and He will surely give you some kind of
[4] The young Pharisee says, “No, my courage fails me; for he
could give an answer that would be enough for a life-time!
Therefore we will let it be for today with our probably very
inopportune inquisitiveness!”
[5] Julius says, “That is probably best! Tomorrow is another day;
maybe then there will be a better and easier opportunity to move
Him to words than today. But maybe He will yet say something
today and you can then listen to Him easily and openly.”
[6] At this our young Pharisees are at ease and wait for an
opportunity to listen to Me.
[7] But soon after this a constable comes from the sea where the
familiar criminals are being held saying to Julius, “Lord and
master! We cannot bear the five murderers any longer; for they say
such frightening things and make such terrible gestures that all the
soldiers are horrified and some of them can hardly be kept under
control so that they do not suddenly lay hands on the criminals
because of the most terrible and most brazen blasphemies. For they
say: We would rather die than patiently listen to such evil and
brazen blasphemy any longer!”
[8] Julius asks Me, “Lord, what shall we do?”
[9] I say: “There are still five hours until morning, and the five
criminals must bear up till then! They cannot and must not be
neglected one minute! But if the guards cannot bear the foul
language, they should draw back so that they cannot hear them; for
not one of the criminals will break through and loose his strong
bands. I give my word on this! The seven political prisoners create
no meaningful problem anyway and are quiet; they can be put with
the guards and things will go easily for them in the morning. But
the murderers will give us all enough problems. So let it be so; for
only through great torment can the soul of the evil murderers be
made freer and freer from the flesh of Satan and his very evil
spirits, a release without which any salvation cannot be thought of!
[10] At these words of Mine the guard leaves and carries out My
[1] But during this exchange the young Pharisee had heard
something about the salvation of the five murderers, which struck
him greatly, and he therefore immediately asked the captain in
embarrassment, “Great master! Is that at the end really the famous
Savior from Nazareth, or a first envoy of his? For we have heard
that he takes disciples and then, so they say, when they understand
something he sends them to all places so that they should call
students for his new teaching, which seems very successful. If that
was the Savior of Nazareth, then we would be in a nice pickle!”
[2] Julius says, holding himself rather seriously and looking
sharply into the eyes of the young Pharisee: “Why then? Why
should it put you in a pickle if that man is possibly the famous
Savior of Nazareth? Truly this question seems to me a little
suspicious on your part! Give me now a correct explanation for
your embarrassment, otherwise things will not go well for you!”
[3] This rather severe counter question of Julius’ filled the young
people with a great amount of fear, and the otherwise talkative
young Pharisee now became very embarrassed and didn’t
immediately know what he should say in answer to the rather
severe Julius.
[4] But Julius said “If you can and you want to admit the truth,
then you don’t even need to think about how and what you should
say. But if you simply want to placate me with allegedly true
phrases, then you have falsely estimated me; for I know only too
well an old wives’ tale from the pure truth. But I will tell you
something now: Make sure that I do not find you out! It still seems
to me that one should not trust you at all; for you yourselves, it
seems to me, have already been smeared with all Satan's ointments
once and for all. Whoever trusts your words easily makes a crude
traitor out of himself. Everything that you have said here can be
nothing but a pure mask in relation to your heart. But woe betide
you; for there will be no more talk of tolerating you where I myself
keep the sharpest watch! Now speak the fullest truth, or it will be
worse for you than for those five murderers who are tied to strong
stakes on the banks of the sea! So no hesitating, out with the
complete truth!”
[5] At this demand by Julius for an answer the thirty become pale
with fear and tremble; for although they probably had basically the
most serious desire to get away from the temple, they were still
concerned about white-washing their reputations in the temple too
if necessary. For the young Pharisees knew how to craftily save
their reputations everywhere in emergencies. If they ever came
back to the temple and were accused of having left the temple time
and again, then they had a lot of appropriate reasons at the ready to
explain that they had only gone against the temple in pretence.
[6] For this reason I said right from the beginning that one should
not trust them too much; for such human souls constantly resemble
the tamed wild animals which one must never fully trust because
the savagery likes to return as soon as there is an opportunity.
[7] When, after a short while of anxious silence, Julius began
to get
more intense in his enquiring, I said to him, “Friend, allow them to
collect themselves and then speak! Because they cannot fob us off
with lies, even if they wanted to. For firstly I am here, and I cannot
be lied to, and secondly Raphael is here, who also cannot be lied
to. What good would any lie do for the thirty anxious ones against
us who firstly cannot be lied to and secondly hold all the power
and strength in our hands?!”
[8] Julius says, “I see well that You, o Lord, are completely right
again this time as always, and so I will wait for the answer from
these thirty with all patience. But I would like to add that I want to
finally find out what I should do, if there is no answer for too
[9] Immediately at this the young Pharisee with some courage
opens his mouth again and says, “You have exasperatingly
obstinately demanded from us the answer to your question. But we
asked you first in the friendliest way, if a little excitedly, about the
eminent man there, who he is, whether he isn’t the famous Savior
of Nazareth, and we said that if he was, it would put us in a fine
pickle. This surprised you; you immediately felt distrust towards
us and straight away wanted to hear from us the reason with the
most threatening seriousness in the world. It is easily
understandable that we became anxious at that, since we have
already experienced your strictness.
[10] But now that we have found a defender of our embarrassment
in this great man who we actually secretly feared the most because
the thought constantly arose in us that he was perhaps the Savior of
Nazareth, we can speak easily; for now we have no more fear and
can now speak freely and openly.
[11] That we had to have a well-founded fear of the Savior of
Nazareth lies quite simply in the fact that we basically stand here
as his persecutors from the temple, even if we never were in our
hearts; we have had to make some fictitious decrees against him in
front of the world, which cannot have been pleasant for him at all,
even if they were unable to do him any harm.
[12] But we have now experienced some small tests here and
noticed that things would not go well for a persecutor of the
Savior. And so we asked you too, when we had heard of the
healing of the five murderers tomorrow, whether he was not in the
end the famous Savior from Nazareth himself.
[13] If he was definitely that, then there would surely be nothing
left for us to do in the end except to throw ourselves in the dirt
before him and to beg him for forgiveness for everything which we
were forced by the temple to do against him. And you see, that is
the pickle in which we would have found ourselves, if he was
seriously the Savior from Nazareth! But since we have now seen
the noble heart of this man he can freely be the Savior from
Nazareth and we will not be in any pickle on his account any
longer! There you now have the truest answer that you so
threateningly demanded from us; but now give us the correct
answer to our question!”
[14] Julius says, “Well then, you should know then that it is He, to
whom all nature and all powers of heaven are submissive. He is
the famous Savior from Nazareth! The maiden testified about Him
earlier and the angel obeyed His sign, when he gave you the test of
his power; but since you now know that, tell me what you will and
want to do now!”
[1] The young Pharisee and all the others with him say, “Then
praised be God in the highest, that He has given man such power
which can be the salvation of the weak mortal! It is written in the
prophets that God will send the people of Israel a Messiah. Well,
what is that, if we should recognize him as such? A Messiah
according to the promises is not allowed to be born in Galilee and
to come from there; but that is just a prophet’s language which one
basically, as far as the spirit is concerned, does not fully
understand! We have never really seen why no prophet or any
other great man should come from Galilee; since the Galileans
can’t do anything about the fact that they are Galileans. But that is
how it is written! Whoever wants to believe it, believes it; but
whoever does not want to believe it should forget it – and we
belong to the latter for the most part, so that it therefore doesn’t
confuse us in the least to accept this Savior from Nazareth as a
Messiah in the best shape and form.
[2] But in a certain way it is a somewhat highly extraordinary
special thing and a great question how this man came to such
extraordinarily high and divine characteristics! For as far as we
have found out from our research about him and his background,
he is the son of a carpenter who always, until his thirtieth year,
stayed at home and did carpentry with his father and some other
brothers, sometimes here, sometimes there, and no-one has ever
discovered anything extraordinary about him; he has never been
seen reading or writing or counting, also his behavior with other
people seems to have been very taciturn and nothing less than
[3] Yes, we were told in Nazareth itself that his father and his
mother had often quarreled with him because for one they could
not easily bring him to the synagogue, and ten he never wanted to
read aloud and had little or no respect for the Sabbath. His favorite
thing was nature and a mute observance of the things of the Earth.
[4] Also fishing was supposed to be one of his favorite activities
and he always fished with good success, thus the fishermen were
glad to have him with them.
[5] In brief, what we could ever find out about him at all pointed
towards the fact that firstly he had never been to school anywhere
and secondly it was well-known that he had always been a person
from whom only a very low level of any education emerged.
[6] But all of a sudden he awoke and showed such wisdom that
one could say with the greatest conviction that the world had never
borne a wiser man.
[7] Well, we have found out that, and naturally a lot more, from
the truest sources, we now find him here and are convincing
ourselves that he is a very unusually extraordinary man; and it
cannot therefore be held against us if we ask: How did he come to
such unheard-of characteristics which no person ever possessed
before him and certainly will never possess again?”
[8] Julius says, “But who knows the goal and the measure of God’s
spirit, how much it wants to unite with the spirit of a person?! Can
it not happen that the all-powerful spirit of God in all its fullness
of power unites with a human spirit and then acts and works, as a
pure man can naturally never act or work because he is not a god?!
[9] But where God Himself speaks, acts and works through the
infinitely strengthened spirit of a rarely suitable person, naturally
nothing but wonder upon wonder must appear for us weak mortals.
Word and deed are one – we can neither imitate the one nor the
other; for we are only humans according to body and limited spirit.
He, however, is only in the body a person like us; but in the spirit
He is a God in the highest degree and possesses the whole
[10] But since – that is, according to our Roman theosophical
concepts – the recognized pure divine is to be most highly honored
and worshipped, however and wherever it appears, it is also clear
here that we must act quite differently to the way in which act
among ourselves with a person through whom the whole fullness
of the all-powerful spirit of God works visibly and tangibly; that
will probably be very enlightening for you!?
[11] And from that you can see why we high-ranking Romans give
Him from the depths of our hearts the highest possible adoration,
love and respect and why we recognize and praise Him completely
as the Lord of the whole world. Tell me if that doesn’t seem to you
to be necessary and extremely enlightening!”
[12] The young Pharisee says, “Oh yes, definitely; for in many
ways we like your theosophy very much and in the circumstances
it is quite appropriate. Only, naturally, according to the actual
teachings of Moses that would not be quite so good and dubious to
accept; for there it is said most clearly and expressly: “I alone am
the Lord, and you shall have no other gods besides Me!”
[13] Julius says, “Quite right; but one must understand Moses not
only by the sound of his words, but much more according to the
true spirit, and one will then soon easily find that Moses and his
clear teaching can find no contradiction here, if I state the principle
that man should always recognize and honor some comment or
other – but always by one and the same spirit of God with whom
Moses spoke – for which reason the Egyptians, the Greeks and we
Romans, if finally going a little too far through a type of blind
superstition, show divine adoration to all people and creatures in
whom they discover any special, unusual power and effect.
[14] Well, but then we thought: For the pure everything is pure! If
the somewhat superstitious humankind through their honoring of
the divine with all sorts of images simply does nothing bad –
which unfortunately the constantly growing domineeringness and
greed of the priests often leads them to – to pacify the incensed
gods with cruel human sacrifices, one cannot even count their
somewhat pious superstition as a crude spiritual crime; for in my
opinion it is better in the end for a man to believe something which
still has a good reason, than to believe finally nothing and brand
oneself as an animal which has neither a correct superstition nor
any at all.
[15] A person who will not and cannot accept any beliefs can also
never achieve any true education of his mind. For whoever wants
to build a house must look around for the necessary construction
material beforehand. But how will anyone construct even the very
simplest fisherman’s hut without any materials? If there is no
system to the material at the beginning, this can still come along
later if only there is some material there at all; but where there is a
complete lack of material, all the system is useless.
[16] Thus I say to you that in the end even a superstition is of more
use to a person than no beliefs at all; for in the end even straw is
better than nothing at all! You can still make something out of
straw; on the other hand, out of nothing can only ever be made
nothing. For this reason the Romans often permitted your nation
the very darkest superstition because we still see some use in it for
the people.
[17] But the people from the temple themselves are an
abomination to us, because we know very well that they do not
believe anything and therefore make the nation believe that the
most absurd things are highly divine instead of the truth and
impose even the most unbearable punishments on these people
who as a result of their natural enlightenment despite all moral
forcing finally still cannot believe that beauty is ugliness, that the
sun shines black rather than white, and that blood flows in the river
Kidron! I consider this to be the very most harmful evil, but some
sort of superstition in itself does not hurt a person at all!
[18] Yes, if one has some ability and a good opportunity to bring
some light to the blind people, then that is certainly of inestimable
value; but as long as one is not in this position, one should leave
the people to their pious opinion! For if one cannot give the nation
anything better, then at least one should leave him what he has!”
[1] The Pharisee says, “Everything that you say, great master, is so
clearly good and true that we can say nothing other than that every
person of only a little spirit obviously gains more for his head and
for his heart through spending an hour with you than if he listened
for a hundred years to the stupidities of the temple, where nothing
sinks in except an empty torrent of words.
[2] Truly there is a lot spoken and even more is blared out; but that
is all as if one says to someone, “Friend, wash my hands and feet,
but be very sure that you don’t make me wet in the slightest!” –
And in our lessons which are held in the temple it is expressly
demanded that one listens to them with all respect and does what is
demanded. But why, and what understanding lies in the teaching,
no-one is allowed to ask – for these are supposed to be the secrets
of God, about which no-one but the high priests are allowed to
know details and then only under the strictest pledge of secrecy.
[3] What use to a person is such a teaching when he can probably
hear, and must hear the words but he cannot understand even a
single syllable?! It would clearly be just as good to never hear a
word of it at all!
[4] By God, if one looks at the matter of God’s teachings to man in
the right light, then one comes across things which could make
every stomach turn over! For even if people are often not as
foolish and obscure in their other actions and decisions as a
moonless, deeply cloudy autumn night, then they are certainly a
hundred times more so in their teaching about God! Either they
often believe enough to make a dog sick – not to mention an
honest person – or they believe nothing at all.
[5] O lord and master, you cannot believe how often I felt bad
when I had to preach something to the people as good and true,
when I was convinced beforehand that it was a total lie. I often
could have strangled myself from sheer annoyance. But what good
did it do? Once the ox is in the yoke, he has to pull – whether it’s
easy or hard – otherwise there are blows to the extreme! I have
often thought to myself in the middle of preaching and asked
myself, “But who is the more pitiful ox, I, the preacher, or he to
whom I am preaching?” And I could never fend off the thought
that I myself was always the greater and in general the perforce
foolish ox! For my listener, if he was an intelligent person could
laugh himself silly at me afterwards and make fun of me to his
friends; but I was not allowed to do that, at least in the temple,
under pain of punishment by accursed water.
[6] Therefore high master, I say: Hence from us all now everything
that is purely the devil’s in all seriousness! From now on we will
be very intelligent people and eternally no longer the slaves of
human foolishness; for it is something terrible to be a servant to
the foolishness of man! From now on weapons and true good
sense! Everything else belongs between the horns of the old
scapegoat which one must kill and burn with the fire of righteous
anger. But now about something else!
[7] Do you know, great master, what this good man of God would
desire if he took us to be his disciples only for a short time of a
number of days? For in even the shortest time there must be
exceptionally much to learn from him! Do you think that we could
ask him about it without fear?”
[8] Julius says, “Certainly, but I know very well that He never
accepts any sort of material payment, instead only the purely
spiritual! Oh, He has never even a naulum [small amount of money
- translator] on Him and nevertheless never owes anyone anything!
Whoever does something for His sake, He repays him in another
way a thousand times; for His word and His will are worth more
than the whole world. You don’t need to know any more than that
and you can now do whatever you want!”
[9] The young Pharisee says, “Quite good and right, and many
thanks to you, great master, for this enlightenment of our mind; for
now I know very well what we will all do and in a certain way
what we must do! Only now will we turn seriously to him and
whatever he says, that we will do!”
[1] After such words the young Pharisee rises and comes over to
Me and says, “Lord, Master and unique Savior! Who I and my 29
brothers are, you certainly know very well, and exactly who you
are we have also heard from the great master Julius; so we don’t
need much introduction. But since we have heard that you take
disciples at times, so we would like – even if it is only for a short
while, if it cannot be for longer – to be your disciples!”
[2] I say, “That would be fine, but you see: The birds have their
nests and the foxes their dens; but I have nowhere to lay my head!
[3] Whoever wants to be or become my disciple must take a heavy
burden onto his back and follow Me like that! Earthly advantages
for my disciples there are none; on the contrary in My name and
for the sake of My love they have to leave their earthly advantages
and property not only for a time, but for ever; even wives and
children must not hinder them if they want to become true
disciples of the Kingdom of God.
[4] They are not allowed to have money or other worldly treasures,
not even two tunics, no shoes unless necessary, sacks to fill or a
stick or hiking staff to defend themselves against a possible
[5] They are not allowed to have anything on Earth but alone the
hidden secret of the Kingdom of God. If you can bring yourself to
accept this, then you can be My disciples!
[6] Every one of My disciples must also be full of love, gentleness
and patience towards every man, just as I am. He must bless his
worst enemy just as much as his best friend and must, when the
opportunity arises, do good to him who has done him harm
beforehand, and pray for those who persecute him.
[7] Anger and revenge must be far from the heart of anyone who
wants to be My disciple; he must not complain about the bitter
events on this Earth or even begin to grumble about it in
[8] He must flee all the pleasures of sensual life like the plague,
but summon up everything to create a new spirit in his heart
through My living word and finally for eternity live on completely
in this spirit in the fullness of all spiritual power.
[9] Think about these conditions and tell Me if you agree to them,
and whether you want to bind yourself to all of them!”
[10] The young Pharisees began to scratch behind their ears at My
presentation, and no-one knew what he should say in return. The
young Pharisee however who normally talks with Julius but who is
now standing beside me says after a while, half jokingly, “Dear,
good and unsurpassable Master! The conditions set us may be
good in themselves in consideration of the achievement of even
one of your extraordinary, divine characteristics; but there will
surely be few who can accept them and live by them! And in
general such a demand can never have any value; for if every man
finally wanted to become your disciple then the Earth would soon
look as it did after the second or third of Moses’ days of creation,
namely barren, void and empty! Do you know, you will find very
few proselytes (new converts) on this path! A few yes, which obey
this so-called contemplative life and already in a certain way want
to achieve on Earth what they will first achieve in the afterlife, will
probably be able to accept this; but all people? O God, what is the
world coming to?
[11] The old teaching of Moses is still the most exhaustive and in
every aspect of the creation the most serviceable for the physical
and moral sphere of every man! There one can be a respected man
before God and before the world just like David, which is
extremely necessary for the maintenance of order on Earth. If you
make all people equal, you will soon convince yourself of where
humanity will come to very soon! A few should be in possession
of the secret of the Kingdom of God on Earth; but for all people
this is as if either sheer equal-ranking commanders found
themselves in an army, or sheer common, rough fighters without
any knowledge of the waging of war, that is, without a leader.
Truly, in the end even a few well-led old women would be a match
for such an army!
[12] I for my own self nonetheless want to become your disciple,
even if you had asked even more difficult conditions; but whether
all my comrades can accept this, that is a very meaningful
question! For you see, the temple truly demands very much, but
you demand everything – and to that, friend, very few will agree!”
[1] I say, “But that matters not; I force no one! Whoever wants to
follow Me, he should follow; but whoever does not want to and
cannot, he should stay at home!
[2] But in these days the Kingdom of God suffers violence; and
those who do not seize hold of it with violence, they will not
possess it. [Matthew 11,12]
[3] But in view of My rather difficult conditions that I have set you
I say: If you have an old and tattered tunic, in which it is an
embarrassment to walk amongst people, and a person comes to
you with a new, good tunic and says to you, Friend, take off your
old tunic and destroy it, because it cannot be used any more in
future, and I will give you here a new one for it which will last for
all time because it is woven from a material which no storm can
ever destroy! – will you be an idiot at such a request and keep the
old, rotten tattered tunic?
[4] Further you know as well as your companions that this earthly
schooling and time of testing lasts only an extremely short time
and after it the endless eternity begins. Do you really know how
and whether you will have any sort of afterlife following the death
of this body? I alone am in the position to give you and any man
the eternal, most perfect life of an angel in return for this short and
pitiful life.
[5] Will you really have some doubt to accept my offer, when I am
the only one who can prepare for you eternal life and give it to you
as yours? Truly, I ask very little – and in return give very much!
[6] Do you think then, the Earth would be barren and empty if with
time all people accepted the demands of My teaching, as will
happen one day? Oh, you short-sighted Pharisee!
[7] Here, look at my angel! He alone has so much power and
strength from Me, that he, if I wanted, could destroy in one
moment, as he destroyed the stone earlier, this whole Earth, the
great sun, the moon and all the other visible stars in comparison
with whose size this whole Earth can hardly be called a grain of
sand. But if you believe that the cultivation of the Earth depends
only on people, then you are severely mistaken!
[8] I will give you a piece of land, but set My curse on it
beforehand, and you may work in it as you will and it will never
even bring you thorns to feed the worms! The sower may well lay
the seed in the tilled ground; but My angels must work at the
sowing and so bless the field, otherwise it will eternally bear no
fruit for you! Do you understand that?
[9] But if the head workers of the earth are also my angels, then
they can take on the sowing in emergencies as they do in parts of
the Earth which no man’s foot has yet touched.
[10] But because the people suffer from an old curse and want to
work themselves with all power for their own bodies, well, My
angels can have the time off!”
[1] (The Lord) “Haven’t you read about the former Eden of the
Earth where the first human was created? This Eden was a large
garden and was planted with the best fruits of the whole Earth; and
yet the hand of a person could not possibly have worked it before
this! Thus the first people had no houses or towns; they had only
extremely few needs which were easy to satisfy, but they remained
healthy with it, always reached a ripe old age and therefore had a
lot of time to devote themselves to their inner education of the soul
and remained almost always in a visible conjunction with the
powers of heaven.
[2] But through the inspiration of Satan a certain Cain built his son
Hanoch a city of the same name; and thereby laid the foundation
stone for all the evil things on Earth.
[3] I tell you: Man needs very little for life on this Earth; but
the haughtiness, the lethargy, the arrogance, the greed and
domineeringness of man need indescribably much and nonetheless
can never be satisfied!
[4] The worries of man are mostly fed on this, and people then
quite naturally have no more time to concern themselves with what
they should concern themselves because God placed them on this
world for that reason only.
[5] From Adam until Noah the children of the mountains never
waged a war, because they had only very few needs and no one
wanted to be anything more than his brother, and the parents
asserted themselves in the most respectable way before their
children, because they always remained their children’s teachers
and advisors.
[6] But in the lowlands, where the people who were blind in their
hearts and their minds began to decorate their teachers and leaders
and advisors with too much splendor, anointed their heads,
decorated them with crowns and gave them all power and sway for
the sake of appearance, there it was the end of life with few and
small needs!
[7] Splendor has a great stomach which can never be filled. The
earth in a small surface area could no longer bring forth enough
food out of the ground and the people of splendor, who were hard
to satisfy, began to spread themselves out over the ground, called
the occupied land their full property, ensured splendor on it and
thereby awoke jealousy and envy and through this also resentment,
quarrels, discord and war and the stronger in the end became
entitled to the law and ruler over the weaker, forced them to work
for him and to be subservient in all things. The rebellious were
castigated and even threatened into unconditional obedience on
pain of death!
[8] And see, all that was the consequence of the external
cultivation of the Earth, of the love of splendor and of the
arrogance stemming from it!
[9] But if I now, coming in My spirit from heaven, want to lead
you back to the happy condition of the original man and show you
the long lost path to the Kingdom of God, how can you say that the
conditions I set to become My disciples are too hard and too
unfeasible in general!
[10] I tell you: The yoke that I lay on your neck is soft, and the
burden that I offer you to carry is as light as a feather in
comparison with that which you carry day by day.
[11] How far into the whole world reach your worries! Day and
night you have no rest and no repose; and that is all for the sake of
the world and so that you will not be held back at the cost of the
often bloody sweat of your weak brothers and sisters!
[12] With such worries, how should any time be found for the
soul, to do anything for the awakening of the spirit of God in you?
[13] Yes, your souls and the souls of millions of people no longer
even know that they are the carriers of the spirit of God, not to
mention that they could and should do something beneficial for
becoming free and independent. For your love of splendor and
comfortable life the poor and weak humanity is driven by you too
strongly to bloody endless drudgery and therefore cannot do
anything to liberate their spirit and so you are dead along with you
subordinates and are truly children of Satan and will not hear My
word, which earnestly and truly leads you to life. Instead you
defend your word, from which eternal death for you and all your
subordinates must necessarily follow!”
[1] (The Lord) “They even accuse God and say: How could God
let a flood come over the Earth to drown all life and how could He
destroy the Sodomites and the Gomorrites!?” Oh, nothing easier
than that! For why let bustling and prim lumps of flesh crawl
around the earth any longer, whose souls have strayed so far from
the old order of God that even the last trace of self-awareness in
them is gone out of pure concern for the flesh?
[2] Can there be an even thicker incarnation of the human soul
than that in which the soul has not only come into being from the
divine spirit in its every representation but which also in the end
loses itself so much that it begins to deny its own being quite
seriously and can no longer be convinced that it exists?
[3] Yes, when that situation occurs with the people of the world
then man has completely stopped being human; he is then only an
instinctively reasoning animal and above all incapable of any
further education of the soul and the spirit. Thus such a body must
be killed and decay along with the too intensively incarnated soul,
so that maybe after many millennia a soul which has become free
of all incarnation can enter the path to its self-education and
independence, either on this Earth or on another.
[4] That there are here, however, often people who no longer know
anything about their own soul for pure concern about the world
and their flesh, you can recognize partly in yourself, partly in the
Sadducees and to a great part in all people; for no-one knows any
longer who and what the soul is! One talks about it and says,
“With heart and soul” and “he is my soul mate”; but if you ask
someone “Friend, who and what is the soul?” the person
questioned stands there like an ox on a mountainside not knowing
what to say!
[5] But once a soul does not recognize itself any longer and in the
end even quite forgets what and how it is, then everything ends!
And there is nothing left for God to do except the old maneuver of
destroying the human body anew on the face of the Earth,
sometimes to a large degree, sometimes to a lesser degree,
depending on the situation of the people whether they still know
something about their soul and spirit or nothing at all.
[6] Such pure worldly and fleshly people may look very
beautiful and sumptuous, particularly the female sex; the easily
understandable reason lies in the constant greater conjunction of
the soul with the body. But such people also become weak through
this and are very susceptive to all serious physical effects. Their
bodies become sick easily and the slightest wind of a plague brings
inevitable death, while people who have a free soul and a free
spirit in it can let all the poisons of the Earth come over them and
it will not harm them in the least; for a free soul and the freest
spirit in it have power and means in abundance to face every
enemy in the most effective way, while a soul gagged everywhere
by its cursed flesh resembles a small tied-up giant who in the end
cannot even defend himself against a fly and has to allow an
insensible dwarf with a knife to slowly but painfully remove his
head from his body.”
[1] (The Lord) “Remember this! If you come to a place where
there are very beautifully-formed and dressed-up people of both
sexes, it is best to move on; for there is no business for the
Kingdom of God, because there at least half of Sodom and
Gomorrah are in force! The punishment of God is never far from
such a place; for such flesh linked souls, which for the greatest part
have laid all their conscience in the grave of their bodies, are too
bound up through and through. And if their beautiful flesh is
touched even only very slightly by the evil, rough and still very
uneducated natural spirits of the air, such bound up souls can
muster no defense and succumb along with their flesh which is
much more susceptible and thin-skinned than the flesh of the body
of a free soul.
[2] Go there and grab a tender town maid firmly by the arm or an
any other body part and she will cry with pain; if you go out to the
country however to a farmer who besides his work also takes care
for his children’ souls and his own, there you can grab the hand of
the man and those of his children as firmly as you want and shake
it and he will let out no great cry of pain or fear!
[3] You probably think that such insensitivity comes from heavy
work and the hardening through it?! Oh no, I tell you; instead the
hardiness is only a consequence of the soul freed from the flesh
through self-denial, by which then the correct toughness of the
flesh also comes into being.
[4] But wherever all concern for the tenderness of the flesh exists
and even some schools exist in which the body can be made as
tender as possible through all sorts of gymnastics and as smooth
through all sorts of ointments and oils, there is no free soul any
longer; and if only a slight wind of poison comes over such terribly
weak bodies then death reaps its harvest.
[5] Then people complain and moan and one half-believing person
after the other opens his mouth and says: But what sort of pleasure
can God have that He tries to kill the people with all sorts of
torture?! Either there is no God, or God is too exalted and no
longer occupies himself with the worms of the Earth, or God is
hungry for sacrifices and incense, one has to satisfy Him with rich
sacrifices, magical words and incense! Or God has become angry
and is taking His revenge now on the harmless weak humanity;
one has to do penance in full and cast at least twelve sacrificial
goats in the Jordan each year!
[6] But then no-one thinks that all this suffering, all sickness, all
wars, all price increases, hunger and plague come from the fact
that people do everything only for their bodies instead of for their
souls and their spirit according to God’s order!
[7] Yes, they preach the fear of God to dead souls, in whom (God)
the preacher, soul dead himself, no longer believes. Because he
only believes in what he gets for preaching and what honor and
what reputation a well studied position as preacher could bring.
And so one blind leads the other and a dead man wants to make
another dead man alive. The first preaches for his body, and the
other obeys the teaching for the sake of his body. But what sort of
advantage can there be for an extremely sick soul?
[8] I am a Savior; how, the dead and the blind people are asking,
can this be possible? And I tell you that I do not heal the flesh of
people, but instead wherever some soul is still left mixed with the
flesh I make the soul free and awaken, as far as possible, the spirit
buried in the soul. This immediately strengthens the soul which
becomes free, and it is then an easy thing to set the correct order to
the afflictions of the flesh in one moment.
[9] That is what one calls a miracle healing, while it is only the
most ordinary and natural healing of the flesh in the world! What
someone has, that he can give; what he does not have, that he
cannot give!
[10] Whoever has a living soul according to the order of God and a
free spirit in it, he can make his brother’s soul free if it is not too
embodied, and this helps the sick fleshly body. If the doctor of
souls himself has a very sick soul, which is more dead than alive,
how could he give someone else’s soul what he is lacking
himself?! Think about this!
[11] I have now shown you the conditions for becoming my
disciples, and the ills of the world down to its truest and deepest
foundation. Now do what you want! I neither take you to be my
disciples nor do I refuse you to become such. If you want to
become my disciples you must first make your souls free and
strong, otherwise the discipleship of my teaching will do you
no good!”
[1] After this speech everyone opens wide their eyes and says to
themselves: I am guilty! And at this the young Pharisee does not
know what he should say to Me. Also Cyrenius and Julius now
make rather thoughtful faces and even Ebahl and Jarah begin to
think about their female beauty!
[2] And Cyrenius says after a moment of deep consideration:
“Lord and Master, I have spent some days and nights with you here
and there and have seen many wonders performed by you and
heard you speak clearly, but nothing has made me think as much as
this speech! For according to your remarks now we are not at all in
a better position than Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of
Abraham. And all our cares, actions and dealings are quite in
optima [optimal - Ed.] for Satan. Friend, that is a very hard lecture!
Unfortunately for all the world one cannot conceal that You have
given us the bare truth here; but how can we now take the
standpoint from where we can willingly turn our backs on the
world and then turn to the cultivation of the soul and the spirit for
all time?”
[3] I say, “Friend, nothing easier than this! You remain what and
who you are, and stand before whom you have been placed before;
but not for your reputation, but instead for the various uses to other
[4] For see, when the flood came in the days of Noah over the face
of the Earth, which basically was inhabited by spoilt people, the
flood killed everything in the world except for Noah and his family
and the animals which Noah took in cages, all but the fish in the
water, of course.
[5] But how did Noah and his family remain alive high above the
death-bringing water of the great flood? You see, he was in a
secure tub which the great flood had to carry obediently on its back
and could never penetrate into inside of the boat, where it could
have become dangerous to the life of Noah!
[6] This deadly flood of Noah’s continues to spiritually cover the
face of this Earth; and I say to you that this spiritual and continual
flood of Noah’s is no less dangerous for the lives of the people of
this world than the former natural flood in the days of Noah.
[7] But how can one protect oneself from drowning in the spiritual
flood? I say to you: What Noah did physically, that you should do
spiritually, and then one is protected forever from drowning in the
great and continual spiritual flood!
[8] In other words: Give the world what is of the world according
to God’s order – but give above all God what is God’s!
[9] “Noah’s Ark” is the correct humility and love of a person
towards ones neighbor and towards God.
[10] Whoever is very humble and full of the pure, unselfish love
towards God the Father and towards all people and always actively
strives to serve other people as far as possible in the order of God,
he floats away quite safely and protected over the flood of world
sins that otherwise easily brings death; and at the end of this
earthly path of life, when the flood subsides for him and runs away
into its dark depths, there his ark will find welcome rest on the
great Ararat of the most living Kingdom of God and will become
an eternal house for those whom it carries.
[1] (The Lord) “Look at me! Must I now not associate with the
world? I eat and drink, and the world serves Me as once the flood
served Noah’s box! Well may it rage violently under the strong
walls of My box – but it can never engulf it!
[2] You are not to blame that a Roman empire has come into
being. But now it is here, and you cannot destroy it! The kingdom
however has good laws which serve well for the maintenance of
order and the humility of the people. If you are considering
becoming a lord who is above the law and therefore can wear a
crown, then you are on the wrong path for yourself, if not in
comparison with the people who have to obey the law once it has
been sanctioned with all its advantages and disadvantages. But if
you put yourself beneath the law and consider yourself simply as
the leader decided by the state and by necessity, then you are at the
correct point of view building for yourself out of the spiritual
material of the law an ark which has to carry you over the stormy
flood of the sins of the world!
[3] If, in addition, you observe the basic conditions of My teaching
which are in actuality very easy and go along well with your laws,
then you are doing enough for your soul and for your spirit. But if
I tell you that is enough, then name Me someone else who could
tell you that it is not enough!”
[4] Cyrenius says, “But consider, oh Lord, the splendor and the
luxury in which I must live for the sake of the State, and consider
what You have just said about the splendor and the luxury of the
[5] I say, “Do you love in your heart the splendor and the luxury of
the world?”
[6] Cyrenius answers, “Oh, not in the least; it is all a quite an
ordeal for me!”
[7] I say, “Well, how does this forced splendor and luxury confuse
you? No glory and no decoration can be a detriment for the soul
and the spirit if your heart does not love it! But if your heart longs
for something material and would be nothing without it, then it can
be just as harmful for the soul and the spirit as the heaviest crown
of pure gold and of the most valuable gemstones.
[8] Thus everything depends on the state of the heart; for otherwise
ridiculously the sun, moon and all the stars would have to be
counted as sins to the people of this Earth because they shine and
glisten very magnificently and because man certainly has joy in it.
So you, My dear Cyrenius, can take great joy in your glory before
the people, but no vain or foolish joy, for through that your soul is
spoiled and finally killed!
[9] Even Solomon was allowed and even ordered to dress with
such splendor as no king before him ever wore and no king after
him will ever wear. As long as he had no foolish, vain joy in this,
instead a correct one founded in wisdom, the joy was uplifting for
his soul and his spirit. But when he became vain as a consequence
of the great glitter and this haughtiness had taken control of him,
then he sank before God in all things and all better people and fell
into all sins of the luxurious world and his works and deeds
became acts of foolishness for the better people and true
abhorrence in the face of God.
[10] I tell you and all the others that it is good and even useful for
a person if he imitates the splendor of heaven on this Earth in his
soul and spirit and lifts up his mood in the correct way; for it is
more worthy of praise to build than to destroy. But only mature
people in terms of soul and spirit should do such a thing so that the
immature will see what one can do as a mature person.
[11] But whoever builds a palace in his own honor and for his own
reputation and loves himself for his splendor, he commits a great
sin against his soul and against the divine spirit in him and spoils
himself and all his descendents who consider themselves from
their birth to be better than other people.
[12] But if the hearts of the inhabitants of the palaces are spoilt
through the splendor of the palaces and thereby become full of
arrogance and full of contempt towards the people who cannot
inhabit a palace, then it is better to turn the palace immediately
into a scrapheap.
[13] So it is also not against the divine order to build a city in
which people live together in peace and harmony like a family in
one house live, work and deal and in all things support each other
more easily than if they live hours away from each other. But if
there is arrogance, luxury, splendor, envy, hate, persecution and
even manslaughter, and indulgence, fornication and lethargy, then
such a city should be turned into a heap of scrap and decay,
otherwise it becomes a field for all sorts of arch evils which with
time will poison the whole Earth through and through like the preflood
Hanoch and the after-flood Babylon and the great city
Nineveh! How great were these cities once, and now a few pitiful
huts stand in their place! But where Hanoch once stood, there is
now a lake, like in the place of Sodom and Gomorrah and the ten
smaller towns in the area of the two larger ones, each of which was
larger than today’s Jerusalem, which is also not as large as it was
in the time of David.
[14] What happened to these towns will also happen to Jerusalem,
and these are the people who will see the pain of destruction and
will enjoy it! For as I said, it is better to have no beautiful cities but
more fully alive souls than a city in which the people’s souls have
been completely destroyed for all eternity!
[15] So you, dear Cyrenius, may have everything valuable and
wonderfully beautiful that the Earth carries on its wide ground, and
you can delight in them, praising and worshipping God. But never
set your heart on it; for all these splendors of the Earth must one
day disappear if you mistake the temporal with the eternal! For
everything material is basically nothing but what I clearly told you
in a previous conversation. – Tell Me, are you satisfied and have
you understood this in the way it must be understood before God
and all the world?”
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
Book 6
Corresponding to The Great Gospel of John III/15-114
Explanation of the Biblical Gospel of John
Revealed by the Lord Jesus to His prophet Jakob Lorber
from 1840 – 1865 by the “inner word” dictation

YRENIUS says: “Yes, now I am in the clear again;
nothing is of use at all! As there is a law for every blade
of grass by which it can develop, so there is only one
accommodated psycho-moralistic law in the whole existence of
mankind under which man can achieve his complete unbound
freest independence, or there is only one unchangeable way on
which one can reach his true and eternal goal; on every other
one of the numerous paths of freedom on which people can
morally go along the great, one true goal determined by God can
never be achieved!

[2] But that the way showed to us by You, oh Lord, is the only
correct and true one, I accept that now very clearly and purely,
as clearly as the sun shines on the brightest midday. I also see
that every person, low or high, can change to the right path quite
easily if he only has the desire to do so; but I also see that no
person would have been able to find this way on his own in the
fullness of truth and corresponding with all conditions of life.
That sort of thing must be revealed from the spirit of God to the
people who have the right understanding.
[3] But if the path is now clearly signposted, in my opinion it
will still be rarely taken; for the material equipment of the world
has too strong a barrier on this single true and correct path, and
many who walk along this path will encounter it and turn back,
particularly if they do not notice within a short time some
wonderful success of their effort, which does not happen so
quickly to people who were tightly coupled to the world
beforehand, as one might first think.
[4] I hope to achieve the great goal through Your special mercy;
but I am only one, and the great Roman State has many
millions. How and when will all these, who are people just as
we are, arrive at this way?!”
[5] At this the young Pharisee says: “Greatest Master! That was
my thought too! We can now walk the path to salvation quite
calmly and happily; but how so the many millions who do not
have the opportunity to go to the source and discuss their doubts
with the greatest master of life?”

[6] I say: “That has also been taken care of! For after Me the
gate to Heaven remains open and what we are discussing now
will still be heard after a thousand years and written down as if
it was happening before the eyes of those who will walk the
Earth almost two thousand years after us; and wherever there is
a doubt one can receive advice from Heaven. For as a
consequence every man will have to be taught by God and
whoever is not taught by God will not enter the enlightened
kingdom of truth.”
[1] (The Lord) “But I say to you that it will nonetheless be
constantly difficult to remain with the purest naked truth; for the
world wisdom which in several places will become very acute
will not understand how I can be the same person spiritually
who once gave Moses the Law on Sinai under thunder and
lightning and dictated to him the five books and who supports
and rules all eternity with His wisdom, power, and strength!
Even many of you who are all witnesses of everything that
happens here and what has happened in other places do not
realize that I am one with the Father in Heaven. What will the
great wise men of the world say to that when such evidence
reaches their ears from a thousand mouths?!
[2] Therefore only the simple-minded are informed, and not the
wise of the world, for what is great for the world is a horror
before God!
[3] The plain and simple person who still has as pure a heart as
possible has obviously a freer soul and a freer spirit in the soul
and understands more easily and quickly what belongs to the
spirit; but a worldly wise man whose soul is nailed up with
sheer material knowledge and no longer has a divine spirit will
certainly not understand what you, for the most part, easily
understood and understand in the correct depth. Nonetheless
you still do not understand everything, but after My ascension
you will understand it completely!”

[4] Here Cyrenius immediately asks, “What sort of an ascension

do you mean? Will you ascend to the king of all kings on Earth
and be crowned?”
[5] I say: “That’s right, but not to a king of the world and also
not with a crown of gold! Don’t I have the power to take for
Myself a kingdom on Earth which would reach over all the ends
of the Earth? Who could stop Me?
[6] Is the essence of all things not in the hand of My Father,
who is in Me as I am in Him and likewise the life of all people?
How many breaths could you take without the will of My spirit,
who alone enlivens and maintains everything ?!
[7] What was the use to the people in the time of Noah all their
power and fine warfare? You see, My spirit let the flood come
over all the kings and their people and they were all buried!
[8] What good to the powerful Pharaoh was all his great army?
My spirit allowed the Israelites to cross the Red Sea without
getting wet and the following army of the Pharaoh drowned!
[9] So if I wanted to be a king of this Earth, what power could
ever stop me?
[10] But such a thing is far from Me and from everyone who
wants to follow me; quite another ascension and coronation
awaits Me, about which you will first find out details when it
happens. I have already given you some hints right at the
beginning of our meeting; so if you remember you will be able
to imagine the rest!”
[11] Cyrenius says: “But Lord, I now know who and what You
are, and what You can do – but I still don’t understand basically
why You flee from Herod and from those of the temple when
you have so much power?
[12] I say: “Friend, you could have saved yourself this question!
Firstly, because I already explained it to you more than enough
in Nazareth, and secondly you should finally have understood
from My speeches that I did not come to this world to make the
dead more dead than they already are, but to bring others to life
everywhere; thus from now on no one should be sentenced. For
I am now here to take on all the judgment that has been made
over this earth, and all people should find salvation from eternal
death through My taking of the judgment.

[13] So I am not here to beat (lay about one), instead to heal

every possible wound of humanity which is beset by a thousand
evils, and not to fustigate it even more.
[14] Do you think that I flee out of fear of My persecutors? Oh,
if that is what you believe, you are greatly mistaken! Look at the
many serious criminals! Truly, according to Moses and your
Law they have deserved death a thousand times over; and yet I
do not allow that to happen now, that they should be killed,
instead they should receive the mercy of Heaven. If they make
use of the mercy then they will also have a place in My
kingdom; but if they fall by the wayside with time, they will
have themselves to blame if the curse and strength of the law
kills them! For look, the Law lasts forever, mercy comes only
from time to time to help the people in distress; but when the
mercy is not respected, one has to fall back again on the Law.”
[1] (The Lord) “Look, you are the bearer of the whole Law, of
all power and all strength of Rome for the whole of Asia and a
part of Africa, and nonetheless it depends on My will to execute
the criminals or to let them go, and you cannot do anything
against My will.
[2] So I could coerce by My will all the people of the world to
do good things; but that would also be a judgment which would
turn a free man into a machine.
[3] But you are not a machine because you see that what you do
through My word is completely within the order of God; and if
you don’t understand something, then you ask and act according
to your understanding, and then there is no coercion from
outside, but from inside, which is within the system of free life.
[4] For if My will coerces you, then you are a bound slave, but
if your own will moves you, then you are a free man; for your
will now wants what your mind, as the light of your soul,
recognizes as true and good! But it would be different with the
world if it was forced to act according to My will; it would not
recognize what is good and true and their actions would then be
a like that of an animal and even worse. For the animal stands
on such a level that a force which is implanted in its nature
cannot do any further moral damage to its soul, because the soul
of an animal cannot have anything to do with a free moral code;
but the soul of a free person would suffer great damage through
an inner mechanical force, because the animal side would go
quite against its free moral nature.

[5] Now, My dear Cyrenius, I hope you can see more than
clearly from this why I keep away from those who persecute me
as if I were fleeing, and go out of their way wherever and
however possible, not to protect Me from their anger, but to
keep them who are also My blind and foolish children from the
eternal perdition.
[6] But if I see that some people who persecute Me nevertheless
have a better nature and can recognize the correct spiritual light
and pure goodness, I do not flee from them, instead I let them
come to me where they can be taught to recognize their night
and their judgment and finally become people according to the
order of God. You have just seen a living example in the 30
young but active persecutors of My feared person. Certainly I
would not have had them brought here if I had not found their
hearts to be suitable for Me when they were still far away.
[7] The powers of nature were certainly forced by My will to
bring them here; but their soul was not affected in any way
through this. Now that they are here, they will be taught, their
mind will become lighter, and they will then freely choose what
is beneficial for their souls.
[8] You see, it is now almost time for the sun to send its rays out
over the horizon and still it has not occurred to any of you to
make any noise about a need to sleep! Why not? You see,
because this is how I want it today! But that is no coercion of
the soul, only a material need which must serve the soul longer
than usual. I used such coercion on you and Myself mainly for
the sake of the 30, and none of you will be able to say that you
are sleepy or tired. But for our vigilance we have saved 30
brothers twice over: physically and spiritually. Our effort and
our vigilance is rewarded many times over and in the future will
be rewarded even more; so an external coercion does no damage
to any soul. But if I had forcibly dragged their souls into the
light, they would have been nothing more than machines, and
none of their actions would have had any more value than the
action of a machine or a tool.

[9] What use, for example, is a hatchet that chops well and a
saw that cuts well? That is only useful to a person who has a
free and knowledgeable awareness and knows how to tell the
difference between what is of service, good and useful. Or what
use is light to a blind man or a running track to the lame? It is
only useful to someone who has a correct awareness of himself,
the need, the use and the application.
[10] The same applies to the spiritual light. The holy freedom of
will of the people can and must not be touched by anyone;
instead the light must be set in an open place where it can be
noticed by everyone. Whoever wants to use it can do it without
impediment; but whoever does not want to use it, he can leave it
alone just as the light of the sun which brightens the day. But
whoever wants to use it, may use it for work; but who wants to
be lazy despite all the bright daylight of the sun, may do so and
it does not damage the world at all. For the light does not
compel any soul with free will for any action.
[11] I have power enough to turn around your cognition and to
make your free will into a bound beast of burden, and the beast
will go around humbly as My All-powerfulness decides; but in
itself it will be dead. But if I teach you and show you and give
you the correct light, then you will be free and can accept the
light or leave it. Do you understand that, My dear Cyrenius?”
[12] He (Cyrenius) says: “Yes, now I understand that too and
now I believe that I see the reason why You, oh Lord, have
chosen the level of lowliness to teach all people about their true
destiny and how they can achieve it. But in order that one
should take on a more intensive belief and a clearer insight and
conviction, You do all sorts of deeds which give Your words
more weight and a more intensive light. And so everything
happens through You for the true salvation of man in the
greatest order, and Your behavior and conduct seem to me as if
You had already decided this from eternity. Maybe I am
mistaken in this, though I find that very hard to believe.”

[13] I say: “No, no, you are not mistaken in the least; for God’s
order must be eternal! If it was not eternal it would not be an
order or a truth; for a truth must always be a truth and must
therefore have been planned for eternity. But now something
quite different!”
[1] (The Lord) “See to it, Mark, now that the dawn begins to
color the mountain peaks, that we get some breakfast; for we do
not want to approach the five criminals with empty stomachs!
They will be a problem for us until they are saved! But once
they are saved they must have salt, bread and wine to strengthen
them, for they will be very weak after the healing. But salt,
bread and wine will give them the strength they need!”
[2] Mark says: “Lord, it will all be done!” At this he
immediately orders his wife and children to check the kitchen so
that everything would be ready at the right time. Immediately
his wife, the two sons and four daughters hurry into the kitchen
and get busy; some of My disciples also offer their service to
clean fish, which as fishermen they can do well.
[3] Matthew and John are still reading over what they wrote
down from My speech in the night, but make the casual
discovery that despite their otherwise very industrious scribbling
they have nonetheless left great gaps.
[4] John asks Me if I could tell them the rest. But at My sign
Raphael gets to it and fills in everything in a moment. And when
the two go through their notes once again they cannot find any
holes, and everything is in the best order.

[5] Simon Judas also looks through the notes and finds that as
far as he can remember there is nothing missing from all the
speeches and teaching that happened in the night. The healing of
the 30 is also mentioned in detail and the disciples are very
joyful with this.
[6] Cyrenius also mentions the desire to receive a copy if he
made a good payment for the man who would write it down for
[7] At this Judas Iscariot is at his side and offers Cyrenius his
[8] But I forbid Judas such selfish dirt and say to Cyrenius,
“Look at Raphael over there. Just give him some writing
implements and he will be finished very soon!”
[9] Cyrenius calls immediately for his servants, has them bring a
large quantity of clean parchment rolls and gives them to
Raphael, who hardly touches them and then says to Cyrenius,
handing him back the rolls: “Your wish is already fulfilled; you
can now compare the rolls with those of the two disciples and
see if anything is missing!”
[10] Cyrenius examines the rolls and finds them completely
written and of course wonders because, in all his wisdom, he
cannot understand such speed.
[11] But now the 30 Pharisees and Levites look at the rolls and
the certain speaker who is called Hebram says: “Yes, what I
have now seen and read is word for word the same as what has
been discussed here; but how it is possible for the angel to write
down several rolls correctly and legibly in the same moment is
none of our business, and I don’t want to waste time thinking
about it because I am already convinced that nothing will come
of it. For we mortals will only understand the immortals when
we become fully immortal ourselves, and we will only fully
understand the performances of the spirits when we ourselves
become pure spirits; but our fleshly selves will never be capable
of this.
[12] That’s why it is better not to think about such things! There
are simply things and occurrences in the natural world which a
mortal will never fully understand. And if he, the foolish person,
begins to think about it, soon he will become crazy! It will
surely be clear to the spirits in Heaven, and it can become
clearer to us with time, but if we wanted to achieve clear insight
now, we would have to become confused! Thus I am glad to see
wonders; but it doesn’t occur to me to think about it any further.
And if one seriously understood something of it, one could still
not imitate it; and if one cannot, then insight is not at all useful!”
[13] Cyrenius says: “You are probably right in a certain material
way, but I am not concerned with imitating anything; instead
that since there is an immortal spirit in me, I would like to see
the spiritual things concerning my spirit with more than just
tightly bound eyes, and it bothers me in every part of my being
to learn such a little from out of the mouth of the wise man
amongst us about the reason for this rapid writing by the angel!
I want to see the mouth of a wise man moving, for our talk
means nothing more than threshing empty straw. We say
nothing intelligent, while a wise man’s mouth gives us
something to think about.”
[14] Hebram says somewhat witty: “That is certain, but our
surprise is due to the fact that in the end we understand the
speech of the wise man just as little as the wonder itself without
any enlightening speech of a wise man! For in order to
understand wisdom, one must be more or less wise oneself. One
cannot understand wisdom with pure understanding, no matter
how healthy; one picks up a little, but not everything by all
means. The Song of Solomon, who was a wise man, is more or
less the easiest thing for human understanding. If you read it,
you think that you understand it, but if you begin to consider it
in depth, you soon arrive at the vexed conviction that you
haven’t understood anything at all! A little test should justify
my conviction!”
[1] (Hebram) “In the fourth chapter Solomon says: “Behold,
thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes
within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from
mount Gilead. Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even
shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one
bear twins, and none is barren among them. Thy lips are like a
thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like
a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks. Thy neck is like the
tower of David built for an armory, whereon there hang a
thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men. Thy two breasts
are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the
lilies. Until the daybreak, and the shadows flee away, I will get
me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.
Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee. Come with
me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look
from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon,
from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards. Thou
hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished
my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.
How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! How much better is
thy love than wine! And the smell of thine ointments than all
spices! Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey
and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is
like the smell of Lebanon. A garden enclosed is my sister, my
spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Thy plants are an
orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; campfire, with
spikenard, spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with
all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief
spices: A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and
streams from Lebanon. Awake, O north wind; and come, thou
south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may
flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his
pleasant fruits.”
[2] You see, great Cyrenius, that is how the fourth chapter goes
approximately word for word in the Song of Solomon, who was
a wise man; and I will give you all the treasures of the world if
you with your healthy human mind are able to decipher even
one sentence!

[3] Who is the sister mentioned again and again, the dear bride
who, if she looks how Solomon describes with praise, would be
a picture of horror for all people, in comparison with whom a
Medusa would seem to be Venus?! In brief, this is the greatest
nonsense for the mind of man; what sort of corresponding sense
lies in it no mind can understand, only wisdom! Whoever has
wisdom will understand it, but whoever does not have it does
not read such things, and if he has read it he should not think
long over it; for the more he thinks it over, the less he will
understand. I have learned by heart the whole Song of Solomon
to understand it better – but in vain; gradually I have seen more
clearly that I am an ox on the mountain.
[4] Therefore appeal rather to the clear understanding of our
companions instead of their certainly large wisdom! For if they
explain to you the fast writing of our angel from their wisdom,
you will understand as much as you understand from the fourth
chapter of the Song of Solomon; if someone explains it through
their healthy mind, assuming that it is possible, well, you will
understand as much as something purely spiritual can be
understood. In my opinion one will not make any great
[5] Cyrenius says: “I see that you are no stupid person; for many
have said that we should take the thickest nonsense of Solomon
– materially understood – word for word. For that is the greatest
nonsense that ever came to my ears! But despite this, this sheer
nonsense begins to worry me more than the quick writing of the
angel. What did this famous Croesus want to say to the Jews?
Was that seriously a declaration of love to some Jewish maid
who truly must have looked especially beautiful according to his
description? Or is something else to be understood? But what –
what is another question! Is there a key to it? If there is one, our
Lord and Master will surely know best! Thus better to the smith
than to the apprentice!”

[6] Hebram says: “I am of the same opinion, and so do it!

I would be more curious about this than about my future life
after the grave.”
[7] At this Cyrenius turns to me and says: “Lord, did you hear
the certain fourth chapter of the Song of Solomon? Tell me, is
there some good sense or is it what it seems, namely sheer
[8] I say: “My friend, there is good sense there, if very
profound! Solomon wrote it down as the spirit dictated to him,
but he basically did not understand it any better than you now.
For the word of wisdom was truly given but not the full
understanding. Much seemed Scythic, for what he wrote was
told in corresponding images for the time.
[9] The solution and the key is He who now speaks to you. But
the word, a word of eternal love since eternity, which is the
purest love of God to you people, is the most beautiful bride, the
true sister of man and his dear girlfriend! Read the Song with
this key and you will understand it and find the truest meaning!
Do you now understand something of Solomon’s wisdom?”
[10] Cyrenius says: looking at Hebram, “Do you sense, young
Solomonist, from where the wind blows? These are quite
different sounds to those sung in the temple of Jerusalem!
Briefly, now I have the key, Solomon will be studied at home
from word to word!”
[11] Hebram says: “The key seems true and completely correct;
but not everything can be opened with it! We see the stars too,
and the Master has occasionally given us keys in his speeches –
the angel made a very meaningful mention of it as well; but
what else do we know about it? Explain to me now what the
bright morning star is which today shone so brightly in the
morning? And you see, as little as you can explain to me the
morning star from the key given by the angel, just as little will
you be able to see behind the whole Wisdom of Solomon with
the key of the mysterious Master! There are many images, the
key to which only the true spirit carries; but I don’t doubt in the
least at this moment that the key which the Master gave you in
general is the right one, and I will try to decipher something
myself with it.”

[12] At this Cyrenius asks Me: “Lord, what should I think about
Hebram’s speech?”
[13] I say: “He speaks well and truly; and since it is so then you
already know what to think. But now leave it, for look,
breakfast is ready! Our limbs need strength, and we want to be
strong and then go out to the criminals; for they will soon be
ready for healing!” – At this a lot of fish and bread and wine
were brought to the table.
[1] When the young Pharisees and Levites see the table so richly
covered with the best-prepared fish, bread and wine, Hebram
says: “Well, the disciples of the Master from Nazareth don’t live
so poorly at all! Now we see no reason to hold back from being
firstly Roman soldiers and then at the same time his disciples in
body and soul! How often in the temple have we had to fast for
the greater honor of Jehovah, and here they don’t fast, although
today, as the eve of the Sabbath, strict fasting is prescribed by
the Jews! And nonetheless no dishonor will be made against
God, otherwise the mouth of our Lord and Master would not
have ordered such a thing in His divine spirit! Briefly, whatever
He says and wants we will also now always do, whether it is
easy or hard for us! For the spirit which makes the sun rise on
the Sabbath just as on a working day and gives no holiday to the
winds, is certainly greater than the foolish spirit of the temple
who once ordered three pre-and three post-Sabbath holidays for
the correct sanctification of the Sabbath. But since the week has
only seven days including the Sabbath the question arose, when
should we work at all in these circumstances? The blind
lawgiver saw his stupidity and was dealt with accordingly
afterwards. Peace to his ashes!
[2] Briefly, the correct spirit of God shines out of our new Lord
and master on all sides, and therefore we want to and we will be
his disciples by death and by life and by murder and fire; but we
have turned our backs away from the temple for ever! Amen.
Therefore let it be so, and it will be so! We have fasted enough
and achieved nothing through it; but on our travels we have
neglected the foolish, exaggerated fasting, we ate and drank
even on the eve of the Sabbath and on the day of the New
Moon, in this new, humanly sensible way we have now reached
the highest point that a person can reach. Therefore be of good
spirit! We already have the prophesied Messiah, and the temple
will probably not see Him for a long time yet and if they do see
Him, they will surely not recognize Him. But we have Him and
recognize Him and therefore we rejoice and say: Hosanna to
Him whom we have found! To Him alone be all our respect and
[3]Julius says: That is right, I agree and I add: Holy and Blessed
be all people who are of a good will!”
[4] Cyrenius says: “Yes, indeed, salvation to all the world and
mercy from above, and highly praised be the name of our
Savior, who is called Jesus! Let in future all the nations of
Earth, all angels of Heaven, all spirits under and above the Earth
bow their knee!”
[5] The angel, Jarah, Josoe, Ebahl and all the disciples say a
loud “Amen!”
[6] After this Amen I say: “And now, my friends and brothers,
we want to eat and drink; for the time for the healing of the five
nears!” At this everyone reaches for the fish, the bread, and in
the end for the wine.
[7]And so the breakfast was taken in a short time, visibly with
the greatest appetite in the world; for the fish were prepared so
tastily that the good taste encouraged us to eat more than usual.
Also My Jarah reached forward valiantly and Raphael no less,
which surprised the young Levites and Pharisees so much that
they began to ask one another how the angel, who of course
must be a purest spirit, was tearing the fish and the bread and
the wine with a burning hunger and how his disciple began to
eat with gusto, not at all ashamed to keep pace with her master.

[8] But Hebram said to his companions: “How can such a thing
surprise you? The good angel, who with great ease tackled the
30-pound stone in his tender fingers, can surely tackle the soft
fish, the bread and the wine even more easily! But that his dear
disciple almost catches him up in eating as much as she can, that
is due to her healthy growth; for the girl seems to be hardly 15
springs in her appearance but is as strong as a maiden of twenty
summers, and that comes from good nutrition. Cyrenius’ foster-
son who sits between the big eater and the angel has much
desire to eat; but the girl and the angel put him to shame! But it
is a shame for the girl that she eats so much! She is otherwise
very beautiful in figure and speaks with much enthusiasm, but
eating a lot takes away from her charm. Our Master also eats
and drinks with enthusiasm. But that is no surprise for such
great spirits; every one that I have got to know was always a
great eater and drinker! In any case, not so much is being
consumed here, with the exception of the angel, who has truly
put away as much as all of us together! It is strange that a pure
spirit should eat material meals as much as we do! I would like
to know if he passes all things through himself in the natural
way, or does he take everything up into his being?”
[9] Julius, sitting near Hebram and not missing these exchanges,
says: “What stupid things you gossip about because you don’t
understand the nature of things! Look, Raphael is a spirit whom
you cannot see in his original form; but in order for him to
manifest himself as a person with permission of the Lord
amongst us people, he must hide his purely spiritual being with
a type of light material coat and needs for this much of the
lighter material which he processes in his being to be able to
appear to us visibly. There is no talk of secretion of meals in his
innards since he only rarely takes things into his being, and then
in his mouth. And see, that’s how things are! So don’t talk about
such stupid things!
[10] But the reason why dear Jarah, a wise daughter of the inn
keeper Ebahl in Genesareth, who is resting just beyond the
angel, is eating more this morning than usual is the Lord has
surely recommended her to do so because of the healing of the
five severe criminals, which will certainly be memorable
because He, who has already brought back the dead, has
specially prepared himself for this, which to my knowledge He
has never done before, and told us yesterday that it would be a
difficult healing and must be prepared very efficiently and
purposefully if it is to succeed! For this reason most likely He is
eating more this morning than on any other day. Do you
understand now?”

[11] Hebram says: “Praise God, yes, dear friend and patron!
Only light in and over an appearance and the wonderful
becomes something quite natural! Thus, if we in the future
wonder too much over a miraculous occasion, such wonder will
be good for our foolishness! For only the stupid can wonder
about something that it doesn’t understand; true wisdom never
dreams of such a wonder because the whole run of things is
known. But the 30 of us are still too foolish and there must be a
lot to wonder about from our Master, Savior and in all rights our
prophesied Messiah! But now He is making motions to me to
stand up and go, and we will therefore begin to get ready!”
[12] I say: “Yes, it is now time; so let’s rise and go out to the
beach where the five are being kept for us!”
[13] As I say this, everyone rises from the long sitting and
hurries out with Me onto the beach.
[1] When we arrive at the five, they raise a horrible cry and roar
and begin to curse everything that comes near to them.
[2] But I finally allow the soldiers, Julius and Cyrenius to stand
back and say to the few soldiers, “Untie them now; for nothing
can be done with them in such a state!”
[3] But the soldiers notice that this is not a good idea , since the
five would be too strong and angry; if they were let free worse
would be feared than letting twenty tigers free amongst people!

[4] I now order them, saying, “I command you to do quickly

what I order you; not fulfilling My demand could soon land you
in a great misfortune!”
[5] After such a threat of Mine the soldiers finally do for the
moment what I ordered, but with great care.
[6] When the five are free they run towards Me, fall on their
faces and cry, “Oh, You almighty son of David, since You have
already saved us so far, save us from eternal ruin! We do not
fear death to the body, but eternal ruin! For in this night we had
as well as all our terrible bodily torment also the sight of the
torment of the dammed spirits in hell! And we beg You to
torment us for our crimes with every thinkable evil for a
hundred years in our poor bodies on this Earth – only spare us
the too terrible eternal torments and agonies of hell which are
indescribably dreadful!”
[7] That was the language of the true souls of these five in a
moment of peace from the devil possessing their body who had
to show their hell also in its worst nakedness; but immediately
the bad in the bodies of the five come forwards and speak in a
thousand voices out of the mouths of the five, “What do you
want here, you mosquito-tamer? Do you really want to enter a
war with us all-powerful gods? Just try it, and you will fight for
the last time! Step back, you wretched one, otherwise we will
tear you into tiniest pieces of dust and give you to the wind!”
[8] I say to this, “With what right have you been plaguing these
five people for years? Who gave you permission? Know that
this is your last hour! The mosquito-tamer orders you now to
leave these five people for ever and to go immediately to your
deepest hell!”
[9] The devils roar and say in a terrible howl, “If your power
can force us, then let us rather go into the white ants of Africa;
for it is better to be with them than in our hell!”
[10] “No,” I say, “I have no mercy in my heart for you and
yours, because you have had none for those you have killed
despite their most desperate pleading; thus now without any
mercy or pity, out with you!”

[11] At my powerful command the evil spirits come out and pull
the five down to the ground.
[12] But I say: “Retreat, you miserable ones! Off to hell with
you, and may you receive your reward!”
[13] But the spirits remain a little and beg for mercy and pity;
for their evil is abating.
[14] I say: “But it is in you to be good, for you have knowledge
of good and evil; but your arrogant will is evil and unrestrained
and therefore there can be no mercy and no pity! You yourself
want to suffer and to be tortured, so suffer and be tortured
eternally! For My order lasts eternally and is unchanging, as you
well know. But you also know what you have to do to profit
from the eternal order; because you use it for your detriment
however, so enjoy the damage too, and away out of my sight!”
[15] At this there is a powerful bang, smoke and fire come out
of the earth and a crevice swallows up the sordid vermin. For
the spirits that had been driven out showed themselves to the
witnesses as jet-black snakes which now were consumed by the
flaming crack in the earth, which frightened those present so
much that they began to tremble.
[16] But I now turn to Mark, who stands ready with bread, wine
and salt, and say to him, “Give to the five some wine now, then
some bread and salt!”
[17] Now the sons of Mark lift the five from the earth and pour
some wine into their open mouths. Then they come quickly to
consciousness and did not know what had happened to them.
[18] But I said to them, “Now take some bread with salt and
then some more wine, and you will come back to strength and
full consciousness!”
[19] At this they take bread and salt and, as ordered, after a
short while some more wine, and in a few moments they raise
themselves, but naturally they still look very bad, pale and thin.
[20] And Cyrenius asks Me quite shyly what should now be
done with the five, whether they should be set free or whether
they should be looked after in some sort of care house.
[21] I say: “Leave these cares for today, tomorrow will show
what should be done in future! If they are well looked after by
us today then they will look better. But now we must rest here a
while and you, Mark, have them bring some more oil! The
tightly bound chains and cords have covered their skin with
wounds and boils; these should be rubbed with oil and wine so
that they soon heal!”
[22] Mark now brings some oil and his sons rub in an ointment
which suits the five very well; for they admit at this treatment
that it feels very good and one after the other tries to stand,
which takes considerable effort at first, but gradually improves.
[23] When the five who were saved are quite better after an
hour, they begin to ask where they are and what had happened
to them.
[24] And Mark, who naturally is nearest with his sons says to
them: “You were very ill and were brought here as such
yesterday afternoon; but here is the famous Savior from
Nazareth who brings help to all people, no matter what illness
they have, and this Savior has now helped you. You will get to
know him later.”
[1] One of the five says: “Yes, yes, it is beginning to become
clear to me! It seems as if I had a bad dream and out of this
dream I remember something, as if I was once caught by a band
of robbers and murderers, and another four with me. We were
brought to a dark hole and given over to devils. They worked on
our exterior at first, to make us like them. But since we resisted
very much, the devils seized our bodies. We lost consciousness
and a devilish longing and insistence overpowered our hearts
and we were as good as lost to ourselves. What we might then
have done in such a terrible condition is completely unknown to
us; but I can remember only that we were recently arrested by
Roman soldiers. But what happened after that is unknown at
least to me, and I don’t know how I got here or why! We must
have been heavily abused, for we are so full of wounds and
boils, which don’t hurt us however. Oh God, it must have been
very bad for us!?”

[2] A second says: “Do you know what we were before? Look,
we actually belonged to the temple and were sent as apostles to
the Samaritans to win them back again for Jerusalem. But we
were taught by a better person among the Samaritans and then
returned and wanted to make converts for Gorazim in Judea;
then we were taken by these certain devils on the border who
put a spell on us so that we no longer knew who and what we
were and what had actually happened to us. But how we got
here, I have no idea! Yes, yes, we have to thank the temple for
what has happened to us! It knows how to make people as
unhappy as possible; but one knows no example of the temple
ever making anyone happy! Only the highest people and the
high Pharisee and the oldest scribes are the happy ones in the
temple, but the others are the poor slaves and hungry traders of
the temple!”
[3] A third says: “Yes, now I can remember how we were
plagued with fasting and other penances in the temple! Oh God,
we can thank our parents for all our misfortune! It says in the
Law of Moses: Honor thy father and thy mother, so that you
may live long and fruitfully on Earth! We had honored our
parents always through obedience to what they demanded from
us; we became templars according to their will although we
never belonged to the family of Levi. But that didn’t matter for
one can become anything with money; but a lot of money is
needed! By becoming templars we became unhappier day by
day through all sorts of exercises and tests until we were ordered
to Samaria as apostles and enchanted by evil magicians! But
what happened, and what we did, how we came to this strange
area across this lake and who treated us so badly, I don’t know a
thing. Only dimly I can remember that, when we didn’t want to
become robbers and murderers, we were given over to a terrible
and dubious company by these evil magicians, through whose
evil treatment we soon lost consciousness and didn’t regain it
again until just now! But what will happen to us now? Should
we go back to the temple or should we do something else? I
would rather die; for this evil world has lost everything that
could make life on this Earth worth living for me! Who can
guarantee that we won’t end up in the hands of devils again?
Who will save us from their claws?”

[4] The fourth and the fifth say, “We completely agree! Just a
good, quick death, and then eternally no more life! O how good
is nothingness compared with an existence such as we have had!
Simply, just stop being! But stop totally! For our experience has
made existence unbearable! Why do we have to exist at all? We
never uttered a desire to exist in our pre-birth inexistence! Or
can any wise creator ever have the desire to see terribly unhappy
beings change under his all-divine power? But what can we
powerless worms do?
[5] Every animal is better off than man who believes he is the
Lord of Creation! You Romans can well fight lions with your
sharp swords, and tigers, leopards and hyenas must flee from the
loud clinking of your shields and lances; but if any of the
terrible demons attack you, what have you got against these
invisible enemies? You probably know little about them,
although a saying from Delphi often had more power than a
whole army! But we have such a secret power and strength and
had no weapons to offer you! We were supposed to become
devils, and since we did not want to, the terrible demons took all
our consciousness, the body received a mechanical life and
these machines were used for God knows what! The pitiful
appearance of our skin is proof that it was used for nothing
good! Thus give us only death; but complete death! No false
death after the grave!”
[6] The first says again: “Yes, if that were possible, he who
would give us such a death with all certainty would truly do the
greatest good deed! For why should we martyr ourselves any
longer on this most miserable world! We definitely do not want
to be devils for the greater curse of mankind. But whoever will
not be that in one way or another has always the most accursed,
pitiful existence on this world of dirt! Nothing can be done with
this world! One hides oneself from people who are now pure
slaves of Satan! What use is that?! The devils soon find their
hiding place and they cannot resist. If he follows them he is then
of the devil; if he doesn’t follow willingly then they do the most
terrible things to him and he is still the devil’s!

[7] Go on, let us leave such an accursed world and such an

accursed existence! It is too bad for even the worst devil, not to
mention for a harmless, innocent human soul! A god above all
the stars can well laugh; but the poor, powerlessly created man
must suffer, cry, curse and despair! Where is then the Savior
who gave us this miserable knowledge that we are free people?
Truly, he should never rely on our thanks; for he only gave us
over to a new misery! And for such a charitable deed we will
never be thankful, assuming that we should enjoy such an
accursed life! But if he can give us with certainty the eternal
complete death we will be extremely thankful!
[8] Who are you, splendid Romans? Things go better for you in
this world than for us! You look good! Yes, yes, whoever
knows how to serve Satan in magnificence and other splendor
has it good! Whoever does not want to be bothered by devils
must become a devil himself, and then he has rest from the
devils! Be God’s servant, oh, the most absurd thing! Desire
God’s help and love God with all our power! O beautiful words
and yet not an ounce of truth in them! We were God’s servants
in body and soul and shouted like the birds since our childhood:
Lord God Zebaoth, help us and all people who have a good will!
And look at us, how the God Zebaoth has helped us! You have
power, namely the devil in your hands and can now do with us
what you will, but we ask this much, treat us more humanely
than the other devils who tormented us all at once! But if you
want to make us into devils again, then make at least whole
devils instead of half ones! We will see then if we survive better
as whole devils than as forced half ones!”
[1] Cyrenius says: “Lord, that is a language the like of which I
have never heard before! It is evil and unfortunately still true in
many parts. What is to be done with these people? Truly,
everyone is staring; even Jarah no longer seems to know what
she should make of it and I have seen the angel crying a few
times! That seems very strange to me! So tell me what I should
[2] I say: “Look, I have told you before that they would give us
trouble. But that doesn’t matter now, some of the demons that
were driven out have remained in their hearts like a shadow and
they must get this all out of their system; only then can they be
fully helped, and no sooner. We must also remain here for a
while and then with the brightening of day their souls will
become a little more harmonious. You will hear some things
yet, but it hurts basically neither you nor anyone else. For their
souls are not mean souls and belong to the better worlds;
therefore we must also have much patience with them! When
they increase their awareness then you can look forward to a
real fight! But now give them more bread and wine; for they just
now will become very hungry and thirsty!”
[3] Mark hands them bread and wine with great friendliness and
says: “Drink, brothers, and eat as much of this good bread as
you want! For from now on things will never be bad for you on
this Earth, although it is truly no paradise!”
[4] The five say, “You seem to be a good devil; for otherwise
you would not give us, who are basically not of your nature,
such an excellent wine and an extremely tasty bread in such
quantities! We cannot replace it for you, but you shall not have
no thanks! Look, you good devil, it seems to us that we can talk
a little with you. If there were only people on this earth it
wouldn’t be so bad to live on this ground, but for every five
people there are a thousand devils, and everything becomes the
devil’s in time! The few people are controlled too much by the
devils and can never take a free breath!
[5] You see, all control goes from one devil to the other, and he
lives through spilled human blood mixed with the blood of poor
and good devils, as you are, and that is called the reign of God?!
Yes, a reign, but not of his love, but of his anger! Why a god is
angry – no one knows! Some animals are the only happy
creatures on this Earth, but the rather rare human is the beast of
burden of all the evil on this world of dirt! He cannot run fast
enough to take flight from the evils like a gazelle! His hands are
as fragile as wax, he is naked and nature has not given him any
weapons like a bee or an ant to defend himself against an
enemy. If you see a herd of tigers, all of them are tigers, and if
you see a pride of lions, all of them are lions; they are all of the
same nature, and these beasts live well among one another. But
if you see a group of people, not everything that looks like a
person is a person, instead they are mostly devils! And therefore
quarrels, discord and war are always amongst them! Everything
in the devil is terrible and there is only the plan for good in a
person which can be very easily destroyed under so many devils
and the person becomes at least a half devil, or he has to bear
what we have borne! But there are different devils among the
devils of this infamous world, big and small; but all are easy to
recognize because they want to live as comfortably as possible
without any work or stretching their strength. They want to be
the first and be honored; they know how to take other people’s
possessions, clothe themselves magnificently and persecute unto
death those who did not greet them humbly!
[6] In brief, tell me, good devil, what you want, only those like
you rule the world and the rare people hide in deep slavery and
cannot help themselves, and according to the Scriptures these
are the people of God?! Truly, if God looks after these children
as he looked after us five people for example, and the fate of the
poor children of God consists of serving the devils in their
deepest baseness, then we give thanks for such a childhood of
[7] Mark, who doesn’t exactly like the title ‘good devil’, says:
“It is probably true that the children of God on this world have
often much to bear; but what awaits them after the grave? What
an incalculable fullness of constantly growing and multiplying
holiness! If a child of God thinks that over, then he can put up
with this short life of a test of humility.”

[8] The speaker of the five says again: “Who gives you a
guarantee for that? Do you think it is the Scriptures? Get away
with this bond! Look, and say who they are who give people the
beautiful writings and are honored as servants of God! Look,
they are the worst devils of all!
[9] God Himself should come down in the form of a human and
show them all their nameless disgracefulness and make them
repent. Truly, if he doesn’t stand against them with all his
might, it is much worse than for the two angels in Sodom when
Lot made the decision to leave these places with his family
because he was being judged!
[10] But if the givers of the prophecies of God are only too
easily recognisable as the worst devils and that is incontestable,
so tell us, you good old but somewhat blind devil, what a
person, or respectively a child of God, has to expect from such
prophecies in the end! I tell you, thanks to our diverse
experiences which we have sadly had to live through, nothing,
nothing at all!
[11] There is either no God, and everything that exists is a work
of the raw power of nature which through all eternity has
created everything that there is, or there is some sort of highest
godly being which orders the great Earth, the sun, the moon and
the stars but which is too big and eminent to concern itself with
us lice of the Earth. The whole Scriptures come from people and
there is actually more bad than good in it. And what is good, no
devil and no man observes; only the bad is pushed onto the
necks of the people by the devils!
[12] “Thou shalt not kill!” God allegedly said to Moses; but the
same God allowed David to wage war against the Philistines
and the Ammonites and to destroy everything down to mouse,
woman and child! A nice life that is, and a special consequence!
Would an all-powerful God not have enough power to rid the
Earth of his hated nations? Why had a person, fully against the
command given to Moses, to be ordered to move and kill not
only one but many hundred thousands, because they were not
decent before God according to the opinion of a seer; what sort
of reason the seer had, and also the kings who were ordered by
God to annihilate whole nations from the face of the Earth, only
the seer and the kings may know!

[13] I believe that a God of love should never send evil dogs
against people that he wants to raise in love, when he himself
has the means to drive out the annoying and renegade devils in
human form. That is a truly strange god! On the one hand love
and patience and humility, but on the other hand hate,
persecution, war and destruction! Truly, whoever understands
such a business must have more sense than the average person!”
[1] But our Mark, who is already losing patience, says once
more: “I truly don’t know what I should make of this. I cannot
object much, but I cannot fully agree either. There is probably
something right in your complaint, but you seem to be more
negative in your unhappy excitement than the situation really is.
But if you consider even me to be a devil, then tell me whether
finally this whole company consists of devils!”
[2] The speaker of the five says: “O not at all! For see this man
(pointing at Me) beside you; he is a very perfect person, a true
son of God! But it won’t be long before the devils will beat him!
Behind him there is a young man and a maiden who are also
from above, but they will be persecuted enough if they don’t
want to become devils. Then I see some poor people who seem
to be fishermen; everyone else, including you and your whole
house are quite good devils on the way to becoming people,
which will need some effort still. Do you know now what you
[3] Mark says: “But tell me, since you are talking, how you can
know all this so accurately; for see I see around me only people
of lesser, higher and highest perfection; but devils I do not see
amongst them. On what do you base your claim?”

[4] The speaker of the five says: “On what I see; the bodies are
the same it is true, but the souls show a great difference! The
difference lies in the color and form; the souls of those I
described are white as freshly driven snow on high mountains
and have a wonderful form which in many ways looks more
human than the exterior appearance of the body; but your souls
have a darker color than your body and look much less human
than your body, instead there are clear traces of some kind of
animal form!
[5] But I discover in your animal souls a very small light which
has a complete human form; maybe if it grows within you it will
reach out over your animal soul like a skin turning it into a
purely human form! However I cannot describe it in more detail
and you can get advice from the perfect persons.”
[6] Mark says further: “But tell me how it is that you can see all
that and I cannot.”
[7] The questioned man says: “In my great suffering in which
hearing and seeing often failed, the eye of my soul opened, and
with this I can now see the souls of other people and perceive
the difference between people and people, between children of
God and children of the world, or, which is the same, between
angels and devils!
[8] But worldly devils can become angels – yet it costs much
effort and self-denial; but also angels can become devils. That
requires even greater effort and is almost impossible, because a
powerful might of independence is in the angels’ souls. Hell
tried to gain us five. So far their worst attempts have failed; but
how it will be in future we don’t know, only God who made us
knows, but he cares little or not at all about us so that we have
come to the opinion that there is either no longer a god or the
god which exists cannot and will not care about us!”
[1] (The Seer) There is certainly an order on the Earth and some
kind of equilibrium from which one can soon be convinced that
there must be a highest wise God who has created things as they
are now to be seen and understood; but on the other hand one
often notices again an unlimited disorder and immeasurable
capriciousness so that one had to say to oneself in the end: Yes,
there is finally no God!
[2] Just take the changeability of the weather! Where is there
any sort of order or any sort of equilibrium to be discovered?
Look at the various trees standing among one another in a wood,
or the grass in the field; further the very uneven measure of the
mountains, the seas, the rivers, the streams, the brooks and the
springs! There is no equilibrium or order, at least not for our
understanding. The sea, according to situation, makes greater or
lesser waves for its uneven banks. Only man can make a dam
here and there; nothing ever happens through the highest wise
[3] So man just creates a sort of ordered garden and orders the
vines and the fields, and he recognizes only the noble fruits and
cuts them away from the ignoble ones, cares for them and
makes them useful. But where is there a garden of any order on
the whole Earth which God has laid Himself, where an ordered
river? The plates of the Earth lie so chaotically that one can only
see the blindest power of pure fate; terribly little is seen of any
allpowerful divine wisdom and you can do what you want or
think whatever you can and want, and it never happens that they
say to us “Look, there is a quite competent order of God!”
[4] Yes, everything taken individually would obviously have
very meaningful traces of some original divine power and
ordered wisdom; but if one then observes the occasional muddle
of the created things, so it seems to me: God has either become
tired of order and either takes little or no care of all the creation
at all, as it seems to some, or he doesn’t exist at all. Instead the
accidentally created somethings, after eternities in the
endlessness of space, form themselves gradually – according to
their natural laws created through their accidental existence –
into things of some weight, gradually expand, in time become
worlds, suns and moons; the worlds then develop in themselves,
depending on their size and weight, new laws which then
become the basis for new creations.

[5] The more varied yet necessary things gradually became and
more and more developed on a heavenly body the things
gradually became, the more different if smaller things had
necessarily to follow. The finally very diverse things on the
worlds and the immense multiplication of the worlds caused
laws and effects, from which the first traces of a sensitive life
began to proceed; once just one spark of life is formed from the
previous necessities, a second had to follow, and over time
billions who created new laws among themselves, which are the
cause for the development of a more perfect life. And if life has
developed into a highest life force through the laws found
within itself, then the deeply intelligent life power, conscious of
itself and its surroundings, begins to organize the previously
mute nature and to make it subservient!
[6] But if everything came into existence in this quite natural
way, then certainly there are only life forces under highly
different degrees from the smallest mosquito to that perfection
of life which the more instructed man calls the divine. On this
way a good, but also in contrast an evil divinity may well have
developed over unthinkably long eras. Once the two divinities
have developed, they must exist as counter powers until most
probably the evil power, according to our moral conceptions, is
taken up by the more powerful good to make ordered contrasts,
out of which marriage after an unthinkably long time then
everything that is still mute, unconscious and dead will cross
over to a full life with free will and free consciousness!
[7] But in these times everything is as disordered as in a true
muddled war and seems to be due to this: the now good and
highest life power that we call God is not yet in the desired
order, instead in a continuing war of subjugation with the bad
life power that we call Satan; for the evil power would not fight
at once so that there is no reason to wage war.

[8] Satan must however have a mute pleasure in good and

therefore wants to place the whole positive life force beneath
him; but exactly through this striving he always takes more of
the positive into himself and thereby makes his evil better
without wanting to. But thereby more order comes into his
being, more consciousness and correct insight, and he can
finally do nothing else but to totally give in because he cannot
prevent through his nature and his drive that he would not be
constantly be defeated.
[9] He will always remain an opposite to the pure good after his
full conquering, but an ordered one, like salt is a contrast to pure
sweet oil; but if the oil tree did not have enough salt in the
correct order in its roots, in the trunk, in branches, twigs and
leaves, its fruit would never give a sweet oil!
[10] I am losing myself now somewhat in explanations which
certainly cannot be understood by you in the way they deserve
to be understood. But that doesn’t really matter; for it is not like
me to want to deceive you with untruthful teaching, instead just
as a hypothesis, to which a soul is led through many and
unbearable sufferings in which it receives no lessening despite
all pleading with God.
[11] The soul or the actual primitive intelligent power of life
becomes brighter through great suffering and pain of the body;
it sees and hears everything that lies far from the eyes and ears
of a natural human, and you mustn’t wonder if I make mention
of several celestal bodies. For my soul has seen it better and
more clearly than you have ever seen this Earth or will ever see
in this life, and therefore I can inform you with good reason
about everything which it has seen in endless space! But now an
end to everything, and tell us what we should do now! For we
cannot possibly remain here!”
[12] Mark says: “Only for a little while, until the Savior, who
has healed you here before our eyes, commands it!”
[1] The speaker says: “Which of the many spectators
surrounding us is it then to whom we should bring our thanks?
For we cannot offer him anything else in this situation!”
[2] Mark says: “He has forbidden us for the sake of your
salvation to reveal Him before the right time and so we are still
silent before you; but the right time will come today in which
you can get to know Him with a glad heart and through Him
some of your mistakes!”
[3] The speaker says: “Friend, the gladness of our hearts has had
its eternal way on this Earth! For souls like ours can never be
glad because of the great suffering we have been through on this
stupid world! Perhaps in another more perfect state of life; but
never in these small crumpled bodies!”
[4] Cyrenius, now standing quite near, says: “Look, I am the
Supreme Governor of Rome in all Asia and a part of Africa, as
well as in Greece! I have now got to know you and found that
you are no disreputable people. I will take you into my care and
nothing will happen to you and a suitable occupation will be
found for your spiritual powers.
[5] But you must finally let yourselves be treated a little, so that
you don’t see us Romans across the board as devils, even of a
better sort or call us good devils like my old honest Mark! We
are people just as much as you. That you have been led into
great temptations by some unknown reason of the divine
resolution and thereby in great suffering, whereby your souls
have been enlightened, as it seems to me, we, as for you
supposed devils, have little or no responsibility at all; but you
have to thank us for your healing and particularly one of us, who
is a so-called all-powerful Savior, and you probably see that we
have not acted devilishly towards you at all!?
[6] Therefore you must, as I said, let yourselves be treated along
with your basically not totally wrong opinion, and soon you will
be of a glad heart again.”
[7] The speaker, rising with new forces, says: “Friend, look at
the ground of this Earth; you see nothing but good and uplifting
things for your mind. The plants and the grass refresh your eyes,
and the soft waves of the sea lighten your breast; for you don’t
see how under all these great things countless potential devils
lift their death-bringing heads and push forward!

[8] You probably see the beautiful waves of the sea, but you
don’t see the death-bringing monsters under the playing waves!
You see life on all sides, but we see nothing but death and an
incessant persecution of all good and noble life. You see nothing
but friendship, and against your few enemies that you see, you
have enough power to keep them harmless; on the other hand
we see nothing but sheer, mostly unconquerable enemies!
[9] O Friend, with such unmistakable vision it is difficult to be
of a glad heart! Take this sad ability or give us a correct
explanation of everything that we see and we will be happy and
glad for you!
[10] After unthinkably long times when a soul has fought and
fought there must be a better fate; but where is the ironclad
certainty? Which unheard-of battles and storms will the poor
soul have to withstand until then? Will it proceed victorious or
will it perish for ever? What certainty do you have for all that?
[11] You see, we see things and relationships that you have no
idea about; but we never see anything about the certainty of a
blessed condition after the death of the body – only a constant
watching, worrying and fighting! We’ll tell you how we see it.
[12] Every life is an ongoing battle with death, just as every
movement is a constant battle with quietness. Quietness itself
however fights movement because the constant tendency
towards movement exists within it.
[13] But in the end who will win? Quietness, which constantly
seeks movement, or movement, which constantly seeks
[14] Since your original seed of life you have done nothing but
fight until this moment and will in the future constantly fight
anew; and as long as you fight you will have a life, but no other
than a constantly fighting one which is equipped only with
sparse moments of holiness! When in this eternal fight will a
true battle-free and conquering holiness come into being?

[15] Thus it is easy to say, be of glad mind and cheerful heart;

but the soul asks like you Romans: CUR, QUOMODO,
QUANDO ET QUIBUS AUXILIIS? (Why, how, when and
whereby will we be given help) Have you understood us even a
[1] Here Cyrenius, pressing the speaker’s hand, opens his eyes
wide and says to Me: “Lord, he has a very unusual way of
looking at life! One basically cannot disagree with him; it is
truly an unfortunately naked truth on the whole as well as in
detail! But what do you say to that?”
[2] I say: “Why are you surprised? I told you beforehand that
these five would give a tough time! Oh just listen to them and
you will then understand Me much easier and deeper!”
[3] Cyrenius says again to the speaker of the five, who was
called Mathael: “But could you also say so convincingly that it
is more probable that God existed before your heavenly bodies,
which I still cannot imagine? Look, I don’t know of any nation
on the Earth that does not accept, honor and worship a god full
of insight and power; and you prove now the opposite. You see,
that fills my heart with great fear, so provide us with the
counter-evidence, I, the Supreme Governor, beg you!”
[4] Mathael says: “Weak infant of the Earth, I feel sorry for
you! You have, however, as I see in my soul, understood some
words of power, life and truth and you have seen with your eyes
what God’s word may do, and still cannot understand in your
heart the profoundness of some thoughts!
[5] Yes, yes, friend, see, you still love life too strongly and are
stuck in the middle of it; but from this point of view it is hardest
to recognize.
[6] Friend, one must have totally lost life, that is, the earthly
life, and only then one recognizes life!

[7] Take a pot and fill it with water; the water will sit calmly in
the pot and you will not recognize the spirits of steam in the
peaceful water; if you stir the water actively and set it in motion
spirits of the steam will still not show, but if you put it over fire,
it will soon begin to simmer and in simmering the powerful
spirits of steam will begin to rise over the water’s bubbling hot
surface, and the spirits still resting in the water will now
recognize the powerful steam spirits which were resting quite
peacefully in the cold water beforehand, first looking at
themselves and then looking at the hot water with many
thousand eyes, and they realize that they were once completely
one and the same with the cold water.
[8] Thus during boiling the water recognizes that there were
strange spirits in it and still are down to the last drop; yes, yes,
the simmering water recognizes that it is spirit and power at the
same time, but in its cold state it could not recognize or
understand itself.
[9] Do you see an appropriate picture here? Your life is now
only pure, but quite calm, cold water in the pot of your body.
Your pot can be moved in all directions but you will not
recognize your life source; on the contrary, the more the water is
moved in its cold state, as is the case for all great people of the
world, the less the water in the fast-moving human pot
recognizes itself and its surroundings; for a moving water
surface no longer shows a pure image, but a torn one.
[10] But if your water pot of life goes to the true fire of love,
great mortification and all suffering and pain, oh, then it begins
to boil violently in the pot and thereby the released spirits of
steam soon recognize themselves, their previous cold state, the
spiritual soul and the fragile pot, and the water in the pot will
look at the spirits with a thousand eyes and recognize that it was
not a lazy carrier but that they were one and the same! But the
pot, friend, understand, the released spirits will not recognize
the pot as one of them, but only as a necessary outer vessel that
afterwards is broken into pieces and thrown onto the street.
Have you now a taste of what I wanted to say?”

[11] Cyrenius says: “It seems that I understand your image more
or less, that is, in the comparative application to our soul’s life;
but the deeper things that you wanted to disclose, I have no idea
about! Do you mean to say that there had to be a God before the
existence of all things?”
[12] Mathael says: “Of course, but you can have no idea of this
because you yourself have not even begun to steam!”
[1] (Mathael) “Look, what you call God, I call the living water;
but the water does not recognize the life in it. But when it is
brought to the boil through the powerful love which equals the
heavy pressure against the centre of its being, the spirit of life
rises in its freedom over the once arresting water, and you see
here the spirit of God floating over the waters, as Moses
describes. And the spirit recognizes itself and the water, and
knows that it has been the same as the water since eternity; and
this eternal recognition is understood under the phrase “Let
there be light!”
[2] But your spirit, friend, will also float over your boiling water
of life, then you will also begin to recognize your life and the
life of God in you.
[3] You see, all existence must begin to be, it must have a
beginning, otherwise it can never exist! If a self-recognising life
never had had a beginning it would never be there; but because
it began it has been there for a long time, as we are also here
because we once have begun to be what we now are.
[4] But we were here before this existence, like the undeveloped
cold spirits in the cold, still water; and the highest life power in
God has a double existence, firstly a mute existence and next an
inner active beginning free seeing through and through itself!
[5] Thus Moses says: In the beginning God created Heaven and
Earth, and the Earth was void and empty and dark in its depths.
Who or what is then the Heaven and what or who is the Earth?
Do you mean this Earth which now bears you, or the Heaven
which gives you air and light? Oh, how far you would be from
the truth! Where was this Earth then, and the Heaven?

[6] You see, it is only dimly pointed to, how the eternal life
power of God in its existence began to investigate and to
recognize! And there ‘Heaven’ represents the self-recognising
wisdom of its Self; but in the loving concentration of its centre
which is meant by Earth, it was still dark and void and empty,
without a deeper recognition of the own Self.
[7] But the centre became hotter and hotter, the more the outer
selfconsciousness began to press on it. And the centre became
red hot and out of the boiling life water emerged the steam
(spirit), floated now freely over the water of the mute and calm
eternal being and recognized itself through and through; and this
recognition is then the light which, as Moses says: God lets be
right after the creation of Heaven and Earth.
[8] Only from then on God like a spoken word becomes the
‘Word’ Himself, and this word ‘Let there be light’ is a free will
which becomes aware of itself thoroughly, a being in the being,
a word in the word, an all now in everything!
[9] And only from then on the original source of all life begins
to emerge, having discovered itself most thoroughly from out of
the free will. – Now do you have an idea yet?”
[1] Cyrenius says: “Oh yes, now I have a very good idea, and
that is all the easier since I have heard just in this night a very
similar explanation of Moses’ story of creation. The matter will
be like this; but it is too wise for me and I do not want to exert
myself to understand something in depth. The thing must be
easy for me if it is to be useful; if it goes too deep and too wise
then that is the end of my understanding!
[2] In short, what I said was: you will be looked after by me and
you will have every opportunity to probe into your wisdom and
to bring humanity onto the correct path – although I openly
admit that probing too deep in the being of life in general is
rather disadvantageous than advantageous.

[3] Just look at yourselves and ask yourselves if all your truly
extraordinary knowledge and wisdom makes you happy! Yes,
the human spirit can probe into endless depths of wisdom and in
the end bring forth wonderful things; but only the person who is
simple can be happy, and who is devoted to God in all things
and keeps his commandments. But if God wants to give him
wisdom like Solomon, he should gratefully accept it and use it
with a cheerful mind. But if the wisdom given to man makes the
person only unhappy, then I would rather foolishness through
which the human heart is made cheerful.
[4] I live only once and now know that I will live eternally, and
the way to the achievement of a happy eternal life is known to
me; what more should I want?!
[5] If you share my opinion, you will be happy on this Earth;
but with your deepest quest for wisdom you will hardly feel the
value and the luck to be a human being!
[6] Thus follow my advice, even if it doesn’t stem from the
chamber of deepest wisdom; but it comes from a friendly and
surely not loveless heart, and even before God that has a high
value! Why should it be of no value to you?
[7] Wisdom is not what gives us life, but love; if we remain
with love, we will not lack life and its happy perception! You
see, that is my wisdom, and I would like to claim that it is more
useful to the life of a person than all of your deep wisdom!”
[8] Mathael says: “Oh yes, oh yes, you are quite right! See, as
long as the water in the pot does not get to the fire, it has a good
and calm existence; but if it then comes to the fire things look
quite different. It must be broken some time!
[9] Whatever you want to become, you must have the necessary
knowledge. If you wan to be a general, you must have all the
knowledge for such a position, otherwise you will be a poor
general; if you want to be an apothecary and healer, you must
have the necessary knowledge for that!
[10] Now, you want to have eternal life. However, if you don’t
want to investigate and recognize life itself, how will that be

[11] You see, if I wanted to take a wife but I fled every

opportunity to get together with a maiden; I truly don’t know
how I and a woman would ever come together!
[12] But in the end you want an eternal life but you’re afraid of
the small effort to investigate this earthly temporal life a little
deeper and to ask about its roots!
[13] Yes, you dear friend, if eternal life depended only on a god
giving it to me like you give me a piece of bread, then your life
philosophies would be much preferable to ours; but the
preparation and achievement of eternal life is given to us alone!
[14] We have to do and act and must truly go through water
with our water of life and through fire with our love fire of life;
only then our water of life on the fire of the inner love towards
God, towards our neighbor and finally to ourselves begins to
simmer and boil, and we are only then aware that there is an
indestructible life force in us which from the first moment on
begins to recognize itself as such and seizes the correct means
and uses it, to hold onto it for eternity!
[15] So for the time being forget about a so-called comfortable
life, which is similar to a sweet sleep; instead one has to work
and fight and investigate without rest or repose!
[16] Only when one has won a full victory over the life which
longs to sleep and die can we speak of any blessing.
[17] You appear to us as a person who desires to sleep longer in
the morning, whose friends start to wake him, which at first
greatly annoys him; only when he wakes up with a certain
effort, he sees the benefit of being fully awake and rejoices in
his light and free life.
[18] We are in the right with our wisdom – but you are not at
all! Only when you awake will you also see how completely
right we are.”
[1] Cyrenius says to Me: “Lord and Master, what do you say to
that? What is to be made of it? Does Mathael speak the full
truth? You can best judge something like this: give us a few
words on this!”
[2] I say: “Didn’t I tell you before that you should listen to
them? If I would see that they would say something false, I
would certainly not have recommended listening to them. So
listen further to Mathael! He has a sharp but good wind of
knowledge; with such wind, even over a choppy sea, one moves
faster than with the best rowers!
[3] Just listen a little more, for until now he has spoken rather
restrained. When he warms up he will give you some quite
different arguments!”
[4] Cyrenius says: “I thank you in advance! We are already
there, considered devils! What else should he be capable of
making us? Is it not praiseworthy of me that I want to look after
these five poor devils in their earthly future, and for that they
give us a harder time than you have ever given us!
[5] Oh, I cannot listen to this Mathael any longer; his opinion
about life may well be right, but it doesn’t fit in with earthly
relationships and no man can do anything for his body with it!
[6] Yes, people like the prophets and the old priests had all the
time worrying just for eternal life; for others looked after their
bodily needs, who finally did not care whether there is an
eternal life of the soul or not! They simply received laws which
they had to observe without ever hearing the actual reason why
and what they should achieve through it.
[7] For millions that had to be enough, with or without hope of
any eternal life, but for us this should not be enough anymore?
[8] But if this is not enough for us any longer, then every man
who has a spark of true love for others in his heart asks: Who in
the end saves the millions of poor devils, since they are
condemned to eternal death despite keeping some external laws?
If they are a work of some accident, then the teaching might be
right, but if all people are a work of the highest wise and good
God, which can be seen from their highly wise mindset, there
must be a more practical way for them and all people to achieve
me of eternal life; and if there is none, then all life is the most
despicable that human reason can recognize as despicable and

[9] For if an eternal life is only for those who achieve it at the
cost of thousands of other people who must work for such an
eternal hero so that he can simply concoct eternal life in himself
– then I myself demand not even the least bit of an eternal life
and a full, eternal death is more preferable! That is now my
[10] Your teachings, Lord and Master, are pleasant to me, dear
and worthy; for an all-powerful helper is on my side when I am
weak; according to the teachings of Mathael I have no one but
myself. I alone can give myself or take eternal life and some god
has nothing to do with it except to look on with annoyed or
benevolent eyes as some poor devil works his way out of the
claws of death and so climbs up to eternal life on the
inhospitable ways full of thorns, cliffs and poisonous vermin!
[11] No, no, that cannot be; you are fools with all your teaching
about eternal life! Yes, if I can think about a giver of eternal life,
who, like You, oh Lord, can give an earthly eternal life if he
wants to, then I will do everything so that he would give me
eternal life. But if I should gather it from all kinds of wise
prophets then I need eternally nothing from an eternal life – So
speaks and spoke Cyrenius, Rome’s Supreme Governor over
Coelesyria and over all the lands of Asia, Africa and a large part
of Greece!”
[12] I say: “Friend, this time you have really offered nothing in
your empty speeches. What the five were, you know; why, you
hopefully also know now!
[13] But I have completely cleaned them and have lit the only
true, unmistakable light of life in them and thereby blocked the
path on which the terrible guests once driven out could visit
them once more.
[14] These five are now fully pure and look into the finest fibres
of all life as it was originally created and now tell everyone
openly what in the old days only few were given; how can you
possibly bear them ill will?!
[15] For look, what they say is the same as what I have told you,
only they tell it with somewhat more naked truth.
[16] First recognize the true value of what they say and grieve if
it is possible; but now, since what they say seems a little too
uncomfortable for you, you are obviously wrong to become
morose. Let Mathael speak on, and it will be shown whether
what he says is practical or not, and whether it contradicts My
[1] Cyrenius says: “Alright, I am going to listen, but I shall be a
sharp judge!
[2] So tell me, wise Mathael, if life occurs as you have already
pointedly reasoned, what have millions to face who know
nothing about all this, and the many millions who in the future
will be born on the Earth after us and will also never hear a
syllable; what happens to their eternal life?”
[3] Mathael says: “Quite good! They all had a doctrine which
was enough to keep the imagination of the soul alive too. In
such an imagination the soul in time settles and finally lives in it
like in a dream, and can live for thousands of years in such a
[4] But that is not a real eternal life by far; such souls have to
survive great battles and tests in the so-called spirit world, if
they want to enter the true eternal life, for the battle is there as I
casually mentioned before.
[5] But whoever goes here along this path achieves admittedly,
with no little effort and with true wise seriousness of life the
eternal life in all truth, clarity and full solidity in a few years
already here, which he otherwise would only achieve after
hundreds or even many thousands of years according to the
sleepy nature of the soul, if it is possible at all. If something
goes wrong a spoiled soul here or there can enjoy a highly
miserable dream life for eons and eons in which it in no way
ever reaches any notion or perception of anything true or real
outside its own existence besides itself and its highly pitiful
figment of its own imagination. Nevertheless it makes the most
bitter discoveries that it is surrounded by nothing but enemies,
against whom it cannot defend itself because it can see them just
as little as a completely blind person can see anything in this
world, and cannot see where the enemy is coming from or
where else a danger is lurking!

[6] You see, a completely blind person, despite all his blindness,
is not in the end fully without light; for the fantasy of his soul is
in itself a light, and the blind man sees things which illuminate
themselves like the things of the natural world present
themselves, but they have no substance, neither does their light.
One minute it is bright, the next it is dull again and often it
disappears completely so that such a blind man is perfectly
without light or being for a time.
[7] And look, it is similar for a soul in its full seclusion; it has
light one moment, the next, night again. But neither the light nor
the darkness of the soul has any truth; instead only a temporal
glimmer of what the soul takes up from the external world
without its own knowledge or desire, just as a drop of dew
hanging on a piece of grass takes on the image of the sun. The
drop is now well lit, but it has no knowledge of where the light
in its being came from.
[8] What I am saying here in the name of my four brothers is a
matter of our experience which was linked to great suffering and
separated from the real, truly free, independent life.
[9] You have here a suffering and constrained life, and an
independent and therefore free godly life before you; whether
you want the one or the other depends on your will alone; but
this is how things are, and no god can give you any other valid
[10] Look, now I will tell you something else. My soul, which is
now crossing over to a constantly clearer vision, sees and
already recognizes the Savior who through the power of His free
godly life freed it just recently from a large number of invisible
enemies of the higher, free life; look, there is more in Him than
in the whole visible realm of creation.

[11] He, as the self-aware focus of all being and all life since
eternity, now wants to reconfirm His life, and thereby the life of
all people, even more through His life; but He will only achieve
this through unheard-of self-denial. He will forego this present
life of His in order to enter the eternal magnificence of all life
for Himself and thereby also for all people. Only then will all
creation in a certain way take on another face and another inner
order; but nonetheless the phrase will remain: Each one must
take the burden of external misery onto his own shoulders and
follow Me! Do you understand this now?”
[12] Cyrenius says: still a little moodily, “Yes, certainly, I
understand you well and cannot avoid agreeing that you have
spoken the truth; but nonetheless such conditions for life are
hard to listen to!”
[1] Mathael says: “These conditions for life are certainly not as
pleasant to listen to as the fables of a spring fantasy, in which
life flutters around like the birds of the air or the butterflies and
golden mayflies which dart from flower to flower and savor the
sweet dew from the blooming cups; but such a lustful life can
only be called a temporal day to day life which firstly is hardly
aware of itself and secondly is actually no life at all. What use is
such a temporal butterfly life to man? Think about the length of
this life! Seventy, eighty or ninety years are a good age, the
body becomes very weak and helpless; it is only a somewhat
evil breath of wind and that’s it!
[2] But I ask: What will follow? Who can give you a certain
answer, if you have not mobilized everything during your whole
earthly life so that your whole being becomes a living answer
within you before this evil breath of air?! If you have found this
holy answer inside yourself, you will certainly no longer ask
anyone with fear: What will follow, once this short life has
come to an end?

[3] That’s why they say that you should not leave your water of
life to stand in the comfortable coolness for the body, but
instead go to the fire to make it boil and rise in mighty steam
and create a new life, otherwise everything else is in vain; and
my words may seem to you very unpleasant, but the truth
remains eternally the truth – and only through the truth can one
achieve true and full freedom of life, without which no true
eternal life is possible!”
[4] Cyrenius now says in a much softer voice: “Yes, yes, my
dear friend Mathael, I now see well that you are in possession of
the fullest truth in all relationships of life, and basically nothing
can be objected to! You are fully on the home ground of life, but
people like us are still far from it!
[5] One only can long for you to package you life doctrine into a
certain system with which one could teach the children, so that
they could achieve in this way more easily what must be very
difficult to achieve for an adult man!”
[6] Mathael says: “What you desire has already happened in
part, and more will still happen! Look, the great and mighty
Savior who healed us has already taken every precaution in this
respect. We five now know the way too, but it would still be a
difficult task to bring everything together as general education
in some sort of ordered system; but for people like you we could
even do this if required! For it is not completely impossible for
a person who is on the way to the truth in all things; for the
actual free life is the same, whether it is in God, in an angel or in
a person.
[7] But naturally even in a perfect free life there are still
powerful differences; for a life which has only recently begun to
recognize itself can obviously not be as powerful as a life which
recognized the fullness and depth of clear truth eternities ago.
Such a life is now a lord of infinity and all heavenly bodies are
subject to the power of this life along with everything that they

[8] Friend, we will probably never reach that ourselves; but in

union with this life we will in the end be able to do like from
ourselves what the great eternal life of God is capable of for
itself. There are also certain perfected life forces which
obviously are the first after the eternal power of God.
[9] These powers are much higher than our still so free and
independent life forces; we call them “angels” (messengers).
They are special representatives of the general godly life force;
but we can resemble them if we become one with the general
life force of God.
[10] Yet you will not endure as much as we have endured to
possess what we possess now, and you will also possess what
we possess; for the souls from this Earth, being on home
ground, have it so much easier than those who were placed here
from a more perfect world.
[11] But as it has been decided in the basic life of God for all
eternities that this little Earth should be the place of His mercies
and that in a certain way like the whole infinity will have to join
this new order, if it will want to have common part in the
endless bliss of the unified life of God; so one must give in,
whatever the cost!
[12] Truly, if we hadn’t found an end to our suffering, which we
began gradually to fear, a perfect death would be endlessly more
desirable than a few more days of a life, tormented above all
description and we would have been able to immediately go to
all God’s blessing!
[13] But, as we are seeing it more and more clear, the great
Savior has put an end to our suffering before the said time and
we are beginning to be happier and happier and now see that the
great spirit of God in all seriousness wants to make this Earth
into a place for his mercy and He will do this – but
unfortunately also into a stage of great persecution, arrogance,
pomp and the greatest possible enmity of everything which is
spiritually pure, good and true!”
[1] (Mathael) “Oh, friend, it will yet become so terrible on this
Earth that even Satan will not dare to visit communities of men
in whatever form; but there will be other people among them
who see more being blind and hear more being deaf than we
with the most open eyes and ears.
[2]There will come a time when men will measure the live
power of steam in water in degrees and will harness it like the
Arabians do their steeds and will use it for all kinds of
incredibly difficult work; also the heaviest wagons will be
driven by the hidden forces in water and will move as fast as a
flying arrow.
[3] They will also use the force of water before great ships and
they will drive the ships faster than a storm wind over the
water’s waves, yes in the end they will even defy the storms and
drive through it without suffering any injury of significance;
only cliffs and sandbanks will bring danger and harm.
[4] But soon after this time life for man will be very bad on the
Earth; for the earth will become infertile, heavy price increases,
wars and famines will appear, and the light of faith in the eternal
truth will disappear in many places, and the fire of love will dim
and cool, and the last fiery judgment will come over the earth!
[5] Good for those who have then not erased the water of life in
themselves for earthly gain; for when such a great fire of
judgment comes from the Heavens, they will not be touched, for
their own water of life will protect them.
[6] Only after that the true peace of life and its order of God will
reach their hands for ever, and discord and discontentment will
no longer be among those who live on the purified earth in the
company of the angel of God. If our brittle and fragile bodies do
not, then our seeing and understanding souls will bear witness
all the more of everything that I have revealed you now.
[7] You see, I would not have told you; but I felt a pull in the
heart of my soul, or better of my being. And this pull comes
from where our healing has come! Do you now understand me

[8] Cyrenius says: “Oh, now we are in the best order with and
among one another; now I hope to learn much from you and I
have made a positive find in you! My opinion is the same; for
your earthly need should be looked after by me, but you will
bear the worry for the needs of my soul and of my large house.
[9] Certainly this is a poor reward for the great thing that you
will do for me and my house; but who can help it if one meets
the giver of a high and eternally lasting gift on this earth with
nothing better to give in return?! Are you satisfied with this?”
[10] Mathael says: “Oh, how can you ask? Where we can serve
someone and be useful, we are more than fully satisfied! For
one may never underestimate an Earthly gift if it comes with a
truly good heart for the sake of good and true; for through the
giver and the reason for the gift it gains a fully spiritual value
and so equals a spiritual gift.
[11] For where the material supports the spiritual as the spiritual
supports the material, in the end everything becomes spiritual
and receives the richest blessing from God in full.
[12] But wherever the supposed to be spiritual is only given for
the sake of the material, as in the temple in Jerusalem and the
material only for the spiritual and also the hoped-for material,
then everything in the end is material and has not even a low
spiritual value and can never have blessed consequences from
[13]So be quite unconcerned about whether your material gift is
too low for our spiritual gift brought to you; for it will become
spiritual through the giver and through the true reason for
giving, and the blessing from above will be richly spiritual and
also material; for the spirit is also a lord over all material which
is basically nothing other than a judged, highly captive spirit,
and must always blindly obey the freest life spirit of God, from
whose endless power comes the judgment of all material and he
alone can reanimate them however and whenever He wants!”
[14] Cyrenius says: “Oh, exquisite and superb! Now I do not
want you to leave my house for any kingdom on Earth! We will
hopefully get on better and be indispensable for each other! But
now all praise and all our love to the one Lord that He had
mercy on you and led you to me; for without Him we would all
be as good as lost for ever!”

[15] At this the five say, “Amen, He alone is worth all honor, all
praise and all love not only of this Earth, but also from all
infinity! For He alone is the one who creates infinity anew!
Endlessly holy is His name!”
[1] At this Mathael said again, “He is amongst us, but there are
two who look very similar so that it is hard for the outward
senses to decide which is actually He. I think that it is he who
spoke many times with Cyrenius. But it could also be the other;
for both faces emanate a certain degree of wisdom! This man we
have already heard, and his word was great, clever and serious,
but this person could speak just as well; but the other has not
said anything yet, perhaps because he does not want to be
recognized before the right time. Which of us has the courage to
speak to the silent one?”
[2] This silent one was Jacob major (the greater one), who
looked physically very similar to Me and also wore the same
clothes as I tended to wear.
[3] At Mathael’s order the other four finally rose from the
ground and discussed which of them was the silent one and how
he could be addressed. In the end all five lost courage and
Mathael turned to the friendly Cyrenius and secretly asked him
if the silent one was not the eminent powerful Savior, or if it
was actually Me; for they wanted to know for sure so that they
would not incorrectly give someone the honor!
[4] Cyrenius says: “I have still not received any precise order
from Him to describe Him to you; He looks above all at the
heart of a person. But your hearts are now certainly in the best
order of the world, and nothing else is needed at the moment;
but if it is His will and when it is right for your healing, He will
make Himself known to you. But I think rather that will not
escape your eminent wisdom who is the true and powerful one if
you observe us carefully over the course of this day.”

[5] At this the five were satisfied and now began to look around
the area, and asked each other where they were. They already
knew that they were close to the Sea of Galilee; but they could
not tell in which part.
[6] Then Cyrenius says to them, because he has listened the
most: “You are now in the area of the town of Caesarea Philippi
and are on the land of the old Roman soldier Mark who gave
you wine, bread and salt from his stores. He is not here at the
moment because he has to prepare something in his house for
this afternoon; but when he returns you will get to know him
better in your present brighter condition; for when he gave you
bread, wine and salt, you were more on the other side than this
side and have certainly noticed very little of his really honorable
[7] Mathael says: “True, true, you are quite right! Truly the
inner clear condition has remained which we had at the
beginning of our awakening; only everything looked much more
terrible and quite especially gloomy. But now everything has
taken on a more friendly appearance and the whole area has
become much brighter and friendlier, we have also become
friendlier, brighter and more cheerful, although we cannot
neglect our inner true opinions.
[8] The truth, friend, remains eternally the truth! But this world
is very changeable and also its children, everything from today
to tomorrow. One cannot rely on anyone; for today one is our
friend, and tomorrow he is either no longer or some doubt has
put an evil reputation about you in his ear, and he has stopped
being your friend and will be a sharp judge of you in secret!
[9] And so there is no constancy on this world, neither in things
nor among people! Yet the Lord will navigate everything for the
best for man!”
[1] A second of the five says: “Yes, brothers, our hopes are
based on this alone! He Himself will have to face a powerful
battle with the power of death; but we no longer doubt in the
certain victory! For He knows the swoon of death and knows all
his limits and also knows that the only power which death still
has is only a bound urge to live; and this single power cannot go
against him, but only for Him and with Him into battle against
it, to prevent to render itself unconscious and therefore fully
[2] The fighting life which He is Himself, must remain in
eternal advantage against the power of death because the actual
perfect death is every power and it is a pebble in the powerful
hand of a flinger who can do whatever he wants with it.
[3] But if there is power in death or in the physically animated
flesh of man, it is also a life, if on a very low level; but this life
will not wage war with true life for fear of its own destruction,
instead it will hang on to life and fight against the power of
death, just as a fatally ill flesh grabs onto its cup of health with
greed and brings it to its mouth to live a little longer and to be
taken up in the end by the same.
[4] If life has found itself, as in our Savior who we have not yet
personally recognized, since it is perfectly divine and there
cannot be another power besides him which could succeed
because there can be no other power besides this!
[5] We know what this Earth is, what the sun, moon and
countless stars are; they are mostly incredibly great celestial
bodies, some even indescribably greater than this Earth of ours.
They are probably dead, depending on their great body; but the
power of the life of God nevertheless enters all the countless
bodies in one necessary movement, and that is not simple, but
very varied.
[6] What can all these countless giants do against the immediate
urgent power of free godly life? Nothing! Like a dust from a
storm they will be driven by the power of the life of God in
immeasurably great paths and all uncountable many can never
resist the freest power of life, as little as the myriads of grains of
dust can resist the storm which lifts them from a barren heath
driving them into the wind in great distances!

[7] Thus He will win and has actually won a long time ago! But
for the sake of people, so that they have part of the victory of
life against death in themselves, a new and final battle will be
[8] And so I see then over the whole infinity with eternally
shining words, and the words say (listen!) “He, the life itself
from eternity, has fully vanquished death with the weapons of
death itself; and death must destroy itself so that all life will be
free through Him alone, the fighter of eternity! Therefore all
holiness be to You alone, You eternally great One!”
[9] These words shocked all those present so that they through
themselves on the ground and exclaimed with all power, “Yes,
yes, yes, to You alone, You eternally great One, all bliss be with
[10] Through this act the five finally recognized Me, and
Mathael, in tears of thanks, finally said with the greatest
emotion, “So You – You – are the eternally great One! Oh, what
a sight for us dead, to see the only living One!” – At this he was
silent, sunk, as all the others present, into deep contemplation.
[1] But I said to all those still lying on the ground before Me,
“Get up, friends and brothers! Your honor is justified for it
serves Him who is in Me, the holy Father of eternity! But He is
always in Me, as I, and all of you are in Him, and you should
therefore lie in the dust before Me in highest reverence. But that
would certainly not be pleasant for you or for Me, and neither
you nor I would gain anything from it.
[2] You see, it is enough for ever that you believe in Me, love
Me as one of your best brothers and friends, and act according
to My words; more than that is nothing, since I did not come to
this world to be given idolatrous divine honor from man, like
Mercury or Apollo – instead I came to make healthy all those
sick in body and soul, and to show the people the correct path to
eternal life! That is all I demand of you; everything above this is
vain, foolish, idolatrous and leads to nothing.

[3] It is certainly true that man should worship God, his creator,
without ceasing, since God is holy and worthy of all worship;
but God in Himself is a spirit and can therefore only be
worshipped in the spirit and in truth.
[4] What does that mean, to pray to God in the spirit and in
truth? – You see, it means this – believe in one true God, love
Him with all your power above all things and keep His dear
[5] Whoever does that, prays firstly without ceasing and
secondly he prays to God in the spirit and in all truth; for
without deeds every prayer is an utter lie which does not honor
God as the eternal truth, instead dishonors Him!
[6] So stand up as free people, as My brothers, as My friends,
do not further perform any idolatry before Me and do not betray
Me before the correct time; for that would hurt the world more
than it would do good!”
[7] After My words they all rise again from the ground and
Mathael says: “Yes, truly, only so can a god speak full of the
highest wisdom and love! Oh, how differently I think and feel
now from how I thought and felt before! – Oh Lord, only do not
leave this favor unheard: Never allow our souls to go through
such a test as that which Your love, mercy and power has just
freed us!”
[8] I say: “Remain in Me by hearing My word, keep it and live
by it, and My power and My love will be in you and will protect
you from all temptation!
[9] But My disciples have already recorded the most necessary
things that people need most; read it, understand it and do
accordingly, and you don’t need anything else before My
[10] But I turn to Cyrenius and say, “Friend, here we are at an
end, and we want to now go to the others and see how heavily
they have sinned against the laws of Rome. But take care – it
will not be easy to talk to them; for they are tough customers! –
But let’s go there now!”


[1]At this Cyrenius asks, “Lord, what should happen now to
these five? Look, they are more than half naked! Should I clothe
them? I have clothes with me; but they are official clothes which
no one but Rome’s officials may wear. Therefore they cannot be
used. I also have Roman servants’ tunics; but these five seem to
me too eminent for such tunics, with their tangible high
wisdom; what should we do here?”
[2] I say: “A tunic has no other significance than that it covers
the nakedness of the body, whether it is an official tunic or a
servant’s tunic; it is of no matter whether you cover the five
with an official tunic or a servant’s tunic. A servant’s tunic
seems better to me than an official one, so give them the
servant’s tunics; for in an official’s tunic they will be the joke of
the world due to the tunic and they are too good for that,
although actually no one in the world is good! In time they will
have to suffer enough ridicule in my name and I don’t want
them to be ridiculed before time.”
[3] When Cyrenius hears this, he immediately send several
servants to fetch the best servants’ tunics. In a few moments the
tunics are brought and Cyrenius has them distributed among the
[4] But the five say to him with gratitude, “The great one among
us will reward you! For in our torn rags we were hardly able to
hide our private parts from the world; so our most friendly
thanks to you for this!”
[5] After this the five take off their old rags behind a bush and
then appear as good-looking Roman court servants. When they
come up to us quite satisfied, we turn to the other political
criminals who already awaiting us with great longing.
[6] When we get to them, they immediately fall on their faces in
the earth and beg for mercy. There are actually eight of them;
but there are some more who had just travelled with them and
thus were arrested along with them.
[7] Here I say to Julius, “Friend, it is your business to listen to
them and then to bring them to responsibility in the correct
[8] When Julius hears this he says: “Lord, although such
business would not cause me any headaches, nonetheless I’m
beginning to get a bit dizzy with this. You here, an angel here,
Cyrenius here, Your extraordinarily wise disciples here, the 30
young Pharisees and Levites also here – and now the five here;
and I don’t even want to mention the wise Jarah! And Lord, the
five, oh, the five! And I should listen to these political prisoners
standing in front of us in front of all these? Oh that will not be
easy! The best of the whole thing is just that I don’t really know
ex fundamento (basically) why they were captured and brought
here in chains! The whole thing consists in them being envoys
of the temple and must have spread evil rumours about Rome
under temple orders. But there is no witness here! How can we
bring them to confess?”
[9] Mathael, standing behind Julius says: “Don’t be afraid!
What concerns the witnesses, we five are here, but not to their
disadvantage, instead only to their advantage. You see, we
ourselves witnessed and heard how these had to take on the
order so they could avoid drinking the accursed water; for we
know them all the better, at least externally, since we were sent
to the Samaritans almost at the same time as them. As innocent
as we five are in everything that happened to us, these must be
just as innocent. Now you know enough and you can now begin
your examination in all peace and do not have to be embarrassed
by our inner wisdom.”
[1] As Julius heard this from Mathael, his heart became easier
and he turned immediately to the political criminals still lying
on the earth, saying, “Stand up without fear and hesitence; for
men like you must be able to look naked death in the face
without fear and trembling! For we Romans are not tigers and
not leopards, but people who rather seek to lessen the
misfortune of people than to spread it! But this should be said to
you: we do not tend to punish criminals as hard as we punish a
lie! Death is placed on those who bear false witness and an
unashamed lie! Therefore give me truth to every one of my
questions and I as God’s judge will try to save you from evils if
you come to me with proven truth, than to bring damage to you!
Thus stand now and speak openly to me!”
[2] At Julius’ words the political criminals rise from the ground
with a miserable appearance and I say secretly in the Roman
tongue, “Free them first from their bonds; for the bound hands
and feet have also a bound tongue!”
[3] At My words Julius commanded the soldiers to take off the
shackles from the bound men.
[4] This happened immediately and when the total of twelve
stood quite free of all shackles, Julius asked them, “Who are
you, where were you born?”
[5] One of them said in the name of the others, “Lord, we have
no document with us! But if you will believe my words we are
accursed templars through the temple as well as through the
terribly pious sense of our foolish parents are children of
Jerusalem. The Law of Moses, as far as the relationship of the
children towards their parents is concerned, should as a
consequence of the pure human sense go through a change, so
that through coincidence and contact with truly wise people
sensible children should not remain subservient to their parents;
for many children of spiritual and physical misfortune come
from indescribably foolish, proud parents smeared with all bad
[6] Truly, no high and wise God can have given this law to
Moses for the poor humanity! Truly, this law, without
exception, is too bad for the animal kingdom, not to mention for
the kingdom of man! Through the strict obedience of this
foolish law, the giver of which was hardly God, instead Moses
alone or some follower of Moses, we now stand as criminals
before you, id est before the judge over life and death! A very
pleasant reward for our constantly faithful obedience to our
more than foolish elders! At this very pleasant reward either the
honorable cross or the lowest ship’s service in eternal chains
will follow! For if we must give the full truth about our freely
triply forced action, no god will save us from the most merciless
strictness of your law! And yet it says in Moses’ law: “Honor
your father and mother, that it may go well for you and your
days may be long on the Earth!” Lovely! Here we are now!
How good it is for us poor devils, anyone can see, and how long
we have yet to live depends on you alone! The divine calling to
the fourth commandment of God has been so beautifully
fulfilled that truly all devils are laughing at us and in the end
they will piss on us!”
[7] Julius says: “But my dears, that is irrelevant, instead you
have only to answer what is asked!”
[8] Suetal (so the speaker was called) answered at this in the
name of the twelve, “Lord, if certain death sits on your neck,
everything is relevant! We cannot possibly deny that we are
obvious criminals against Rome, and what follows you will
hopefully not be able to dispute; for you wear your sharp sword
and have the law and power – things against which the poor
worm in the dust can do nothing!
[9] But because the lords of Rome by strength of their laws are
still more human than the black lords in the temple, according to
whose whistle even the dear Lord God must dance, we think to
present you strict, but still somewhat more human lords not only
our crime anti Romam (against Rome) but also the reason for it;
perhaps you will act more humanly with us poor devils, for we
are no longer people since the time that we exchanged the
devil’s water for the contract against you Romans.”

[10] Julius now asks, “Why did you have to drink the accursed
devil’s water? How have you made yourselves punishable by
the temple and its laws?”
[11] Suetal says: “Quite the reverse, when we made ourselves
punishable against you! We were betrayed as secret friends of
you Romans, and thus the devil’s water was threatened! But as
young people to escape the devil’s water we had to become your
enemies and our foolish elders had to pay a heavy fee of several
hundred pounds of silver to the temple and deliver a thousand
fat sacrificial goats, of which probably none has tried to swim in
the Jordan, instead they have, like Joseph, travelled under good
cover to Egypt for a hefty sum of silver, where they have been
[12] There you have the reason which prepared the devil’s water
for us in the temple and your enmity on the way to receiving the
pardon of the temple! The difference is this: If we had taken the
devil’s water we would have gone to father Abraham long ago;
but since we found mercy in the temple we will probably only
now have to pay the dear father Abraham an eternal visit. Soon
we will hear from your fine mouth the familiar I LICTOR (go,
executioner!) and we will have reaped the forbidden fruit for the
exact observance of the fourth commandment of God under the
title: Good and long life on Earth! If we should really go to the
cross, we ask you to put this title above our crosses.”
[13] Julius says: inwardly quite cheerful, but outwardly playing
the strict judge, “You push, as it seems to me, all guilt onto the
fourth commandment of Moses; but I notice that you either
really or possibly superficially don’t understand this
commandment or don’t want to understand. For it says in the
Law that one should honor ones parents, but not that one should
obey them in everything like a dictator; for if I become, as a
child and then as a man, an experienced and wise person, I will
see that a correct love to my still living parents is the actual
correct honor which God ordered through Moses.
[14] Thus if some weak parents demand something from their
children whereby they plus their children could be
disadvantaged, it is the duty of the children to show their parents
as clearly as possible the danger of their desire with all love and
patience and the parents will surely stop; but if they continue,
disobedience out of true love for the parents is truly no sin,
neither before the highest wise God nor before all logically
thinking people.

[15] In addition even Moses himself added an explanation

concerning the obedience of children towards their parents in his
theocratic (god ruling) scriptures, a clear explanation in which
children have to obey their parents in everything which does not
contradict the Law!
[16] With that the Law of Moses is more than justified, and the
guilt lies, if it is as you have told me, either truly in the
foolishness of your elders and in the misunderstanding of the
law by the same, as well as your misunderstanding of the divine
law through Moses!
[17] Or the guilt can lie in your thickest mischievousness which
will certainly come to light here. For you see, you have shown
your sharpness not very carefully through your humorous
apology and seem to possess many evil jokes; and we Romans
never accept apologies of such Proteuses
[shape changer, an old man of the sea in Greek mythology who
could change into different forms, ed.] as the complete truth!
Therefore you will have to bring me more serious and more
truthful looking apologies, otherwise you cannot expect any
good judgment from me!”
[1] This very appropriate counter enlightenment took the
listeners aback, and Suetal didn’t know what he should answer.
After a while however he said quite seriously, “You are quite
right, but we are no less right! You see, if you always tell a child
from the cradle on that two nuts and two nuts make five, this
child will believe you and repeat what you said, and it will be
difficult in the end to set the mature youth free from this
craziness. Who explained the Law of Moses to us before now
like you? What was there to do but to take the Law as it had
been explained to us since the cradle?! Our elders never
understood it better and the whole temple probably does not
understand it either, or it does not want to understand it. Where
should we have got a correct understanding? As prospective
templars we never got to see the whole of Moses, because that is
only permitted for the eldest and the scribes! And now tell us
from where we should have got the correct understanding of the
Law! Who should have explained it correctly like you?”
[2] At this Julius says: “But one should be able to accept that
people, once they are servants in the temple in the clothes of
priests, understand the teachings of God at least as well as a
heathen (old believer)! To me the religion of every people has
always been very important because one can get to know a
people in all their action and inaction right down to the basics;
and so I believe with some justification, that every individual
person in a nation must endeavour to get to know the religion of
his fathers as exactly as possible, because such a religion alone
can be the guide line of social interaction! In addition you are no
longer disciples, but men, from whom it can be expected that
they – even as priests – should understand their religion at least
as well as I, who am a stranger! Now tell me, what is taught in
your schools?”
[3] Suetal says: “We learn to read, write and count, finally we
learn also all sorts of foreign languages and then a certain
excerpt from the great Scriptures, in which above all we are
urgently demanded to accept everything that the temple wants
and teaches as coming perfectly from God. But if so, then it
begs the question from where we should take a deeper insight
into our religion! It’s easy for you; for you are a lord full of
power and sway from all sides. You can go into a main
synagogue and just demand. Every leader will surely allow you
insight into everything – and woe to him who withholds
something from you! He knows well that you will then order a
search through everything and what he can expect if you found
something hidden! Oh, you see, a leader of the synagogue
knows that well and will therefore show you everything and
disclose everything, just as the high priest of Jerusalem must
show the high and mighty strangers every day the holiest of
holies where he himself may only enter twice according to the
belief of the nation; but should the like of us try to fulfil such a
desire and the devil’s water would soon be at hand!

[4] Some temple servants, the so-called most secret, certainly

know how the inner sanctum looks; but they are firstly very well
served and secondly threatened with a hundred death sentences
for the slightest betrayal, so they know how to keep their mouth
shut. Now we ask more intensively from where the true light
should come to our highly mysterious religion!
[5] If everything happens as we have told you, you as judge and
person can have no other judgment than a completely just one!
[6] You already know what our crimes consist of; you can
hopefully take quite clearly from this which guilt we bear, what
we have told you about ourselves without fear or withholding. If
you know something further about us, then forgive us, and we
will inform you without fear; for whoever can die courageously,
knows how to speak courageously!”
[7] Julius says quite relaxed: “I have no intention of putting
further mistrust in your speech, since I am too convinced that
things occur in the temple as you have said, and I therefore set
you free from guilt; for whoever falls from the roof and through
his fall injures a child playing beneath the roof can not bear any
guilt, and in this way our hearing is at an end, and you are
declared free of guilt and punishment in this respect.

[8] But there is another hitch! I will ask you another question
about it; it will much depend on the answer to that question
whether I will be your friend or foe – and so listen carefully!
[9] You will surely have heard in this time that in Nazareth a
certain Jesus, a son of a carpenter there, is supposed to go
around as a Savior and do great, unheard-of things as deeds
before the eyes of every man and spread a new religion! If you
have any knowledge, so give it to me openly, for it means a lot
to me!”
[10] Suetal says: “We have certainly heard something
whispered from afar, but we know hardly a hundredth part of
what you probably know for a long time. Firstly we were always
more in the southern areas occupied with fulfilling our good
order and only came to this realm of Galilee a few days ago and
were soon seized and therefore can know quite terribly little
about your certain Savior. But his reputation has spread to
Damascus and Babylon, that is quite certain; but what sort of
person he is, what he does and how he heals the sick, we know
nothing about that and are highly curious to find out more
details! Yes, if there is still a God somewhere, he can no longer
watch the terrible activity of the temple and has to send the
people a Savior!
[11] We say to you, whatever a person in his great turpitude, in
his most satanic fantasy can think up, is put into action inside
the thick walls of the temple. Uncountable acts of vice are
committed upon mankind there and with such an indifferent
cheek that you cannot imagine! The high lords of the temple
seem to value the people as one values an idle sparrow. I don’t
want to say a word about the most superficial transgression of
all of God’s laws; but new atrocities are invented and committed
which the good Moses never dreamt of, for otherwise he would
have placed on them a hundred deaths and ten hells as
punishment! But the healing of the people, on that we don’t
waste any more time!
[12] One would certainly do mankind a great service if once at
night the temple could be destroyed along with its inhabitants
with one blow. Therefore man has long been in need of a
Savior; but he should free humanity, not us Jews from you
Romans – for you also belong to our Saviors – but from the pure
hellish draconarchy (dragon reign) of the temple! Then, Lord,
the poor humanity will jump for joy that they have been freed
from their worst enemy!
[13] Friend, can there be a cheekier thought than that God the
allmighty put a most evil worm of dust over all people and over
all the other creatures, so that now this worm can go unpunished
according to his most evil will with God Himself and with all
people and with all creation?! No, no, lord! There is either no
God, or God lets such devils do their worst as in the days of
Noah and Lot! Oh great, holy God, where are you, where are
you whiling? Truly, what the temple does now exceeds all
human imagination! Outwardly it shows the same comforting
and helping face as in the days of Solomon, but inwardly it has
become the hell of hells! But it is better not to speak of it any
longer and we will be silent and wait to hear more from you
about the Savior of Nazareth!”
[1] At this Julius says: “As far as the evilness of the temple is
concerned, we Romans have already been taught that you
cannot tell us anything more new or surprising; and so the time
of punishment will be soon, of this you can be quite sure.
[2] But that we have not brought the temple to reckoning, it
happens for the sake of the foolish and simple nation which still
considers the temple to be a sanctuary and seeks salvation in it.
If we attack the temple now, the whole nation with few
exceptions would be against us; but if the at least the majority of
the people soon become aware of what the temple consists of,
then our work will be easy to put an end to the temple. For this
purpose the new pure teaching of truth by the great Savior of
Nazareth will be decisive, even if it is spread only among few
people; for this doctrine is as pure as the sun on the brightest
midday and is easily understood by everyone who has a good
heart. Naturally where the human heart is destroyed completely,
this lesson will not be accepted, no matter how divinely pure it
is! But the Romans will then use a sword to give a law such as
the world has never known; for God’s arm will be with the
Romans – that is to calm you down!

[3] But now about something else! You have already mentioned
that your terrible state of affairs against Rome drove you more
into the south of the Jewish lands and that you only recently
came here to the area of Galilee. I ask you then what success
you have had with your instigations against Rome and what
moved you to cross over to Galilee?”
[4] Suetal says: “Lord, in the south we only ate and drank and
didn’t dare mention a word against Rome since we found most
people to be well disposed to Rome! But we did send out very
significant news about the loose business of the temple,
wherever it was possible; but we have just recently burnt
ourselves during our anti-temple rather than anti-Rome
activities in an arch-temple place. They began to search for us,
and there was nothing left to do but run away quickly.
[5] In a cloak and dagger operation we moved across Samaria
and came over the mountains after many days to this land. Then
we soon met people who either did not complain about the
pressure from Rome for a good reason, or they did it just to trick
us blind gawks; briefly, telling the difference was not in our
powers. We agreed superficially with their song and
occasionally commented propter formam. But before three days
had passed we were suddenly stopped and captured by Roman
soldiers and another four or five of these who we were agreeing
with. And we were beaten up and brought here. And now you
have everything that you can have from us, and can make proper
judgment on us.”
[6] Julius says: “My first judgment remains, according to which
you are declared completely free; but there is now the matter of
something else, and that lies in the question: What will you do
now? You cannot return to the temple, you can hardly go back
to Jerusalem to your old ways; there it would not be best for
you! What are you thinking of doing now?”

[7] Suetal says: “Lord, this is a very sore point! Give us some
time to think it over!”
[8]But Mathael, standing nearby, says to Suetal: “Listen to me, I
want to give you some advice, and if you follow it things will
not go badly for you!”
[9] Suetal says: “Are you not one of the five who were brought
here with us?” (Mathael answers in the positive.)
[10] If so, how can you, as a certainly temporarily evil fool, give
us advice in this extremely difficult situation?! For you five
were brought here in heaviest chains as evil and dangerous
fools, or maniacs. Who healed you? For you now speak quite
clearly and must have been healed! On the ship you only roared,
once like a bull, then like a lion, and then again like a wolf; and
when you spoke words with the most shrieking voice of the
world, it consisted of blasphemy, curse and enchantments!
Briefly, you are the same whether you now wear a Roman tunic
and I cannot wonder enough how you came to such clarity;
someone out of this large company must have healed you! But
who? Where is such a wonder healer?
[11] But wait! Now something comes to mind! The Lord who
listened to us asked us about a savior of Nazareth; he wanted to
know whether and what we had learnt about this man. We said
as much as we knew from hearsay.
[12] We asked for more details about such a rare man, but we
received no answer as we would have liked; you yourself lead
us on the track now! That you and your companions were
healed, there is no longer any doubt; but there also seems to be
no doubt that the Savior of Nazareth so casually mentioned by
high Roman lords is here! He must be here; for no mortal on
Earth could have healed you! Tell us if our question is correct;
only then do we want to accept your advice about our future!”
[1] Mathael says: “You see, brothers, we were templars and had
to share the same fate, only you went south and we had to go
east. But we fell into the hands of a band of devils personified
and our bodies thereby became the dwelling of many devils; but
there was a Savior here, probably the greatest that the world has
ever borne, and he has healed us without any reward simply
through his powerful word which rules over all life.
[2] He is here! The very same, of whom the Roman governor
Julius made mention to you in his question; but the time is not
yet right for us to enter into a closer acquaintance with him. He
himself will decide when you should get to know him better! So
do not ask any further and hear what I have to say to you!
[3] It’s true that you are still children of this world, but you can
join the true, free and living childhood of God, if you want.
These masters of Rome will gladly give you the means to do
this. The master who questioned you will certainly not hesitate
for a moment to set you on the right path, and now it is even
easier since the supreme Governor, Cyrenius of Sidon, is also
present here.
[4] You see, there behind you are another 30 templars! They
already belong to the foreign legion and are now Romans
through and through. If you become the same, you are helped
for all time and for all eternity! But in Jerusalem there is no
longer any happiness for us; for you know the nature of the
temple, and hopefully that of all Jerusalem too, as well as the
accursed water! What person can ever have the desire to revisit
the main nest of all devils and sins? If you want to die, then go
back to Jerusalem; but if you want to live and to find eternal
life, become Romans according to the body and become true
Jews according to Moses in the soul! – Do you understand
[5] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, yes, we understand that; but only it is
unspeakably strange that you have now come to such an
enormous clarity! Now I recognize you as my temple colleague
and know that you were a competent speaker and that you quite
boldly told the truth several times into the face of the high
priests, and the consequence of that was that you – and another
four like you, I believe – had to move to Samaria! Yes, yes, it is
you, and we are all glad to see you here again quite healthy and
pure! Your advice, friend, is probably quite good in itself; but
the polytheism of the Romans –“

[6] Mathael interrupts Suetal: “-is still a thousand times better

than the very most dubious monotheism and actual full idolatry
of the temple! Tell me, which priest in the temple still believes
in a god? I’ll tell you: their stomach and their salaciousness is
now the true god of the temple! They serve death, sin and every
devil! You can have the commandments of Moses for just a few
pieces of silver, as you like them, but they do not give in an inch
in their rules about gluttony and satisfying their lust! They no
longer have a life and yet they present themselves as lords of
life and as such want to be highly honored!
[7] They no longer have any idea about what is life; all of them
understand not a jot anymore of the Scriptures, and they
understand the prophets as much as you understand the end of
the world. They all lost all life from their soul a long time ago
and therefore they are actively stick-in-themuds. How could
they then show the eternal life of the soul from out of their most
complete death, and give it to others?
[8] Life must be most profoundly understood in the battle of life
against life and death and in such a realisation must constantly
receive more and more active strength, if it is supposed to exist
as a true life; but how can a dead person show you what life,
which has not been recognized by him, is in and around
himself?! I’ll tell you: eternal death has been dwelling in the
temple for a long time now; but eternal life is truly dwelling
right here! And you see, the Romans understand it and become
full of life, while the temple will never understand it because it
is already dead for eternity. What is better then: the polytheism
of the Romans or the monotheism of the temple?!”
[9] After these words by Mathael the twelve cannot wonder
enough about Mathael’s highly correct opinions and his decisive

[10] Next Suetal says to Julius apologetically: “Great master,

forgive us for making you wait so long for an answer; but you
heard Mathael’s wise words yourself, didn’t you, and we
became too inspired by them and couldn’t yet give you the
desired answer. But if you will have a little more patience with
us, we will certainly give you a very solid answer!”
[11] Julius says: “Do not leave Mathael out, for he understands
more than I do or many thousands of others like me! Whenever
he speaks I want to be silent for a thousand years and listen to
him! So if you just discuss it with him, he will be able to give
you the best advice!”
[12] Suetal says: “Yes, he has already given us advice, and it
now depends only on you to take us into the foreign legion!”
[13] Julius says: “Very good! That is already as good as done;
but nonetheless the wise Mathael will be in the very best
position to give some very wise teaching!”
[14] Suetal says: “Yes, we feel that, although such a
characteristic now seems to us even less comprehensible than
the air! How he came to such wisdom is purely inexplicable!
The wonderful healing from his madness is understandable; but
where he gained wisdom – understand that, he who can!”
[1] Mathael, who has clearly heard these words, says: “Make
your soul as free as possible from all ties to the world, and then
you will soon understand very easily from where a soul can
quickly achieve the greatest wisdom! But as long as the soul lies
yet firmly buried in the old heap of the decay of death, which is
your body, there can be no discussion and no comprehension of
any special divine wisdom!
[2] There, a few steps in front of us, you can see a tree stump
which seems to be firmly stuck in the earth. Go there and sit on
it, and I give you my word that you will not move it from the
spot even after many years; only when it becomes rotten and
totally brittle will you fall to the earth along with it. But if you
cannot separate yourself then from your favorite seat, you will
then certainly decay along with it in the end; for everything that
is dead must first be completely destroyed, if it is to cross over
to any sphere of life again. But if you go down to the water, get
onto a boat, untie it, raise the sail and take hold of the rudder, in
this way you will no longer remain on one spot, but instead you
will soon reach a new land in which you will learn many new
things and enrich the treasure chamber of experience. You see,
as long as you look after your flesh and your sweet and
comfortable life, you will sit on that stump and cannot move on;
but if you completely give up the overwhelming worry about
your flesh, and only concern yourself with what affects the life
of the soul and its spirit, you board the ship of life and will soon
move on. Do you understand this image?”

[3] Suetal says: “What did you just say about a spirit in the soul?
The soul is what one calls the spirit, isn’t it?!”
[4] Mathael says: “Yes, friend, if you don’t know yet that a
spirit of all life lives in every soul, you can certainly not
understand from where my little bit of wisdom comes! You
know, it is still difficult to talk to you; for with your open ears
you hear nothing and likewise with your open eyes you see
[5] The soul is only a receptacle of life from God, but by no
means life itself; for if it was life itself, which ox of a prophet
could ever pretend to know anything about the achievement of
eternal life, or on the other hand about a possible eternal death?
But since the soul can only achieve eternal life on the path of
true divine virtue, as can be proven by very many examples, it
cannot possibly be life itself, instead only a vessel to hold life.
[6] What one calls the spirit of God and actual life is only a little
spark in the centre of the soul. This little spark must be
nourished with spiritual food which is the pure Word of God.
Through this food, the little spark becomes larger and more
powerful in the soul, finally it even takes on the human form of
the soul, fills the soul finally once and for all and in the end it
transforms the whole soul into its being; then the soul itself
becomes complete life which recognizes itself as such in all

[7] When life fully recognizes itself in this way and becomes
quite clearly aware of itself, it recognizes the truth in its
foundations; but as long as that is not the desired case, there can
be no talk of wisdom!
[8] True wisdom is the light of the spirit in the eye of the soul;
but if a soul still asks what the spirit is in it – where should the
light of the spirit and of all life come from into its otherwise
completely blind eye?”
[9] Suetal says: “I beg you, friend, stop talking like this and
pause for a moment until I become more receptive to this; for I
see very well now that I am still much too stupid and blind for
this! But we all want to take as active a note of your present
instruction as possible! For I now see that you are completely
correct; but to understand your deepest wisdom quite thoroughly
requires great preparation which was completely impossible for
us until now! But as I said, we want to become very strong
disciples for you!”
[1] Mathael says: “An honestly good intention is as much as the
job half done; but man must not rely on a good intention alone
for too long, instead he must put it into action as soon as
possible, otherwise the intention cools off with time, loses its
vigour and in the end becomes too weak and powerless to
perform a good deed.
[2] You see, as long as the water in the pot is boiling, one can
boil various fruits soft and transform them into dishes which are
easy to digest; but when the water in the pot becomes lukewarm
and in the end quite cold, softening of fruit is no longer
[3] That’s why the will of a person is the same as boiling water
in a pot. Love for God and for all good things in the life from
God is the correct fire which brings the water of life in the pot to
an active boil; but the fruit which should be cooked soft are
those deeds and actions which we accept as good and true but
which we have not yet put into action, for which reason we must
put them into the water now while the water is boiling
powerfully, otherwise they remain rough and indigestible and
are therefore of no use for life.

[4] Whatever one wants one must do, otherwise the will remains
constantly a lie in comparison with life, and in all eternity the lie
will not become the truth!
[5] But life is truth, and the lie is death; so seek the truth in all
things, it is life, and flee from the lie in and around you, for it is
the real death!
[6] Or what do you have if you imagine that you own
something? You see, it is nothing but the nothingness of your
imagination! And what is that? You see, it is nothing, and this
Nothing is the real death!
[7] But if you want to build and you don’t have any materials or
any builders, how will this house look that you want to build?
You see, it will never take form! But the material is the actions
and deeds of a living will, but the builders are the powerful will;
these then construct a correct house from your good will and
this house is your true life in God which will be eternally
indestructible. But no house is built with a tiny effort, and least
of all the house of life; thus it is written: be active in all fullness
of the power given to us, otherwise it must go badly with the
[8] When Noah built the ark, he is supposed to have begun his
commanded work very dilatorily in the beginning. When his
adversaries noticed this, they constantly destroyed by night what
he had built during the day. Only after many years did he begin
to work on the ark day and night and placed guards there; only
then did the construction proceed towards its completion with
swift steps and offered protection in the time of the flood, as we
know, to those who were inside and kept them from an
otherwise certain demise.

[9] I tell you that we are basically all Noahs. The world with its
lies and deceptions and all the temptations that come from this
are the perpetual flood. In order not to be consumed we must
most diligently build the commanded ark; this ark is the
consolidation of the life of our soul for the maintenance and
final complete education of the life of the spirit of God in the
[10] When the flood of enticing world temptations then finally
sinks into the depths of emptiness, the life of God will come out
in all strength in and around the soul and will begin a new work
in the pure and new sphere of life in the most unrestricted
freedom without any hostile highwayman and thereby bless
through and with God the whole infinity from eternity to
eternity! Do you understand this image?”
[1] Suetal is quite silent in wonderment and asks Julius, “Lord,
it is incomprehensible where this man has received his wisdom!
I know him very well from the temple where he was not known
for any wisdom! When we were brought here on a ship from
Genesareth, he was seized by the most evil frenzy and had no
human appearance. Now hardly twenty-four hours have passed
since the time of madness and the man stands in a field of
wisdom which Solomon in all his depths of wisdom probably
never even dreamed about! Do tell us what has happened to
him! How did he get to such light?”
[2] Julius says: “Don’t you know then that all things are
possible through God? Just observe actively what he has told
you and then you will find out yourself how a person in a short
time can achieve such wisdom! Ex trunco non fit mercurius: so
the Roman saying goes; a tree stump is immobile, and no action
is noticeable, while in the metaphorical polytheism of the
Romans no god has as much to do as Mercury. By Mercury, a
correct busy activity is understood and by a stump, the greatest
inactivity possible, and therefore Mercury cannot come into
being from out of a stump. Thus it says in the words of wisdom,
hurry to be active to achieve true wisdom, otherwise there is no
known way to it. It cannot be learnt like any other science, but
can only be gained in and from itself through the true activity
according to the teachings of wisdom.

[3] Thus if you want to find out exactly how Mathael has
achieved such wisdom which amazes you so much, you
yourselves must first reach the same path of activity towards
wisdom, otherwise all your questions are in vain and every
answer to your questions is in vain.“
[4] Suetal says: “That is all quite good and correct; but where is
the right path very recognizably signposted?”
[5] Julius says: It is not yet midday, and there is still ample time
until evening; you will yet hear and learn some more things and
the path will be made quite clear to you. But now consider what
you have heard and everything that follows will become quite
clear and lucid for you. But now you are declared free and
completely exempt of punishment, only never let yourselves be
tempted to go against us again, for then it would be much worse
for you than now!”
[6] After these words Julius comes a few steps back to us,
namely to Me and to Cyrenius, and asks Me whether the trial
and the judgment was quite in order.
[7] And I say: “Is your heart satisfied, that is, the innermost
voice of love in your heart? What does it say?”
[8] Julius says: “The greatest satisfaction reigns and at the same
time a worry about setting these people on the correct path in
[9] I say: “Well, if that is so, then everything is quite right and
in the best order, and the best goal will be reached for these
people, but naturally they will still have to face some small tests.
It is good that you are taking them into the foreign legion; but
you must let them have an adequate opportunity to progress
along the recognized path of salvation. But if you want to
distribute the five, with Mathael at the head, among the legion,
they will give you all good service in My name and in a short
time they will have a good effect on their innermost wisdom.
But for the moment they must not remain in Galilee; for not
much time will pass before the temple gets wind of the fact that
forty-seven members have gone missing, and Herod will start a
hunt for them; but if they are not found anywhere in Galilee, the
seekers will then return again without having achieved anything
and they will consider the forty-seven to have had an accident
somewhere and lost and will no longer worry about them in the
future. And so you Romans remain in the clear, and the forty-
seven because of you, and you will have been helped without
any white lie being necessary!”

[10] Cyrenius asks, “But will they be safe in Tyre and Sidon?
For there are only very few Jews there.”
[11] I say: “Oh yes, they are safer there than anywhere in
Galilee, but they would be even safer somewhere either in
Africa or in a city on Pontus Euxinus.”
[Black sea area.]
[12] Cyrenius says: “Very good, I will find out about some
suitable place for them where they can remain safely
unchallenged by the Jews and if these seekers should manage to
reach them, well then, we already have the means to drive them
[13] Julius says: “I am truly sorry, particularly for the five; for it
is truly amazing in what a depth of wisdom they find
themselves, and one could reach one’s true goal in life much
faster through them than in the way one decides for oneself.”
[14] I say: “Friend, I alone am the only signpost, way and goal!
Who gave the five what they have? Look, I alone! But if I can
drag wisdom of the wise out of these five terribly possessed
madmen in a short time, then I will certainly be in a position to
do the same with you who are not a terribly possessed madman!
[15] For I alone am the Truth, the Way and the Life! If you have
Me, how can the five be of more service to you?! Yes, they
should and will give many and good services to humanity
through Me and only in My name; but you do not need them,
especially as in the little town of Genesareth there lives a certain
Ebahl, a Jarah and even a Raphael! Where else on this Earth is
there another place which is better equipped from a spiritual
point of view?

[16] Didn’t you hear Suetal’s question, who wanted to learn

how and through whom the five achieved deepest wisdom so
quickly? You see, you know it well, but for them, namely the
five, it is still a puzzle, but certainly not for you! Now if you
know what the five do not know, how can you consider the five
to be almost as wise as Me?”
[17] Julius, somewhat shocked, says: “Lord, because I was
foolish, that is the reason; but now everything is in the best
order again, and I have now the greatest joy in Your order for
the sake of the forty-seven people, and everything will be
obeyed immediately! But You, oh Lord, must forgive my little
stupidity with God’s mercy!”
[18] I say: “I cannot forgive anything; but if you are at peace
again in and with yourself, then everything is in order for Me,
and so all your sins are forgiven.
[19] But now go and have bread, wine and salt brought to the
twelve, for they also have hardly eaten more than a fly in the
last two days! Until now My will alone has kept them
strengthened; but since the opportunity is there now, they should
naturally also be strengthened with food and drink now, and so
let it be so!”
[1] When Julius hears such things from Me, he quickly makes
his way first to our host, Mark, who, along with his household,
is very busy with the preparation of a good midday meal, and
brings him My order. And Mark immediately hurries to the food
store which was now never emptying, and takes a very large
loaf of bread, a beaker of salt and has both his sons fetch two
great jugs of wine; and all this is brought to the twelve as fast as
[2] When they first spot the bread and the wine, a powerful
hunger seizes them, and Julius says to them, as he notices their
hunger: “I know that you are hungry; but if you want to remain
healthy, do not eat too quickly now, instead give yourselves
time, and everything will be well for you!”
[3] The twelve say, “Yes, yes, good lord, we will pace ourselves
moderately!” But nonetheless they are finished with a great loaf
of bread in a few moments, likewise with the wine and salt, and
want to eat some more.
[4] But Julius says: “Friends, that is enough for an appetizer;
soon the great midday meal will come, after which you will not
leave hungry.”
[5] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, very good, that is enough for our
needs; we will satisfy ourselves at the midday meal! But lord
and most noble friend, we have nothing with which we can
reward the host!”
[6] Julius says: “You are now citizens of Rome and no longer
need to worry about who will pay the bill for you! For a Roman
never remains in debt to anyone and the host has been rewarded
already for many years in advance; we can run up a bill here for
a whole year and he will still be at an advantage. So don’t worry
now about who will pay the bill in the end!”
[7] The twelve say, “Brother, that is a different language than
that of our temple, where one gets almost nothing to eat, but
must fast and pray all the more; but the high priests fast and
pray little and consume every day a quantity of alms and
sacrifices for the greater honor of Jehovah, while the young
templars can fast PRO POPULO until the very bones in their
limbs begin to rumble! Oh, why didn’t we become Romans long
ago?! Everything is here: wisdom, goodness, rights, and
strictness where necessary, and there seems to be no lack of
bread and wine! We want to be totally and utterly Romans in
soul and body! Long live Rome and all its authorities!”
[8] Julius says: “Very well, my new friends! Your reasoning is
good, although understandably there is still much self-love
there; that alone will hopefully be lost with time. But today you
will yet see and hear very unusual things; they will be a light to
you! Yet do not ask much, instead let listening and seeing be
your job, the explanation will come of itself!”

[9] The twelve are made curious through this, and they now ask
one another what the high Roman might have meant by saying
that on this day they would hear and see many extraordinary
things from which they would be able to learn, and that all that
would explain itself in a certain way! What would that be?
[10] The talkative Suetal says: “Well, what does it mean? Have
you never heard of the Olympic Games of the Romans? They
will probably put on such a thing here; but we will now be able
to take part ourselves as Romans, and will perhaps see and hear
some things which will be good for us. It must be that and
certainly nothing else.”
[11] Another of the twelve says: “I hardly believe that. You
eight don’t know what I know; for you have been here since
midday and know little about what happened recently to the
Galileans. You know that I and another three from the mountain
area of Genezareth were taken along with you for participation
in your attempts at instigation and brought here. Barely three
days before your arrival in our mountains unheard-of things
happened in Genezareth; the miraculous Savior from Nazareth
previously mentioned by the Roman governor came there and
simply through his divinely all-powerful word he healed all the
sick from whatever evil had taken hold of them!
[12] I myself have a brother who is now at home and has taken
on the inheritance. He was drawn up into a lump by the gout, he
could neither lie nor sit, and naturally there could never be any
talk of standing. We put him in a hanging wicker pannier which
was filled with straw. Often he cried for days on end, plagued
by the most atrocious pains, at which he would then usually fall
into such a total unconsciousness that he fully resembled a dead
man. Everything imaginable had been tried to make him well
again, even the water of the pond of Shiloh – but everything
in vain.
[13] When we received the news in our mountains that the
famous Savior of Nazareth was staying in Genezareth and
healing all the sick, I brought my totally fragile brother with my
servants and mules to Genezareth with the most unspeakable
effort. There, having arrived after so many hardships, it was said
that the Savior had undertaken a journey up a mountain and no
one knew when and whether he would ever come back again. I
stood there now like a column beside my lamenting brother,
began to cry myself through sadness and begged God fervently
to put an end to the bitterest sufferings of my brother, because I
was not to have the luck to meet the miraculous Savior again.
I made an oath to give him all my rights to possession as the
first-born and to serve him my whole life long if he could be

[14] Now see, soon after this, servants from the great
guesthouse came to me in the alley and said that the Savior
concerned had healed each and many such cripples in a moment
so that they then looked as if nothing had ever been wrong with
them! But this Savior was with his disciples, with the lord of the
house and with others from the house and the village on the high
mountain which no mortal had ever ascended because of the
steepness being too great. He would return, but when, they
didn’t know, but that was not the matter; this Savior had blessed
a pasture and I was allowed to lay my brother in faith on this
blessed pasture and things would be better for him.
[15] I immediately asked after the blessed pasture. The servants
showed it to me and immediately I carried my poor brother onto
the said pasture and laid him on the grass of this pasture. And
you see, in the moment that the sick brother touched the ground
of the pasture he began to stretch quite enjoyably. All pain was
blown away as if by the wind and in a few moments my brother
was as healthy as I! Before one saw only skin and bones on him,
and I assure you, he stood there beside me so completely well
nourished that even today I cannot wonder enough about such
an unheard-of transformation!
[16] But I kept my oath and gave my now very happy and pious
brother everything and gladly did for him all the jobs of the
least of my former servants, although the good and most
thankful brother always kept me away from it.

[17] But I had hardly been a servant to my brother, whom you

have seen and spoken to, for more than a few days when you
came to us and were the actual reason that I and another three
servants of my brother find ourselves here, luckily as innocents.
[18] But with this I just wanted to draw your attention to the
most wonderful, famous Savior of Nazareth, about whom you
have already heard here and there according to your own
[19] Now see, to judge by the question of the captain of
Genezareth, who I know very well, it seems to me – which
clearly proceeds from the healing of the five madmen – that this
miraculous Savior of Nazareth is here right now and at work.
[20] By speaking of what we should see and hear, the governor
certainly wanted to draw our attention to some deeds and
speeches which are to be expected on the part of the most
wonderful Savior, and by no means to Rome’s Olympic Games
which would certainly seem very ragged to us, and from which
we certainly cannot take any particular wisdom, and of which
the captain himself seems to be no particular friend! What do
you think in this respect?”
[1] Suetal says: “You are probably quite right! Things will
certainly turn out in this way, and I am now beginning to burn
with curiosity about getting to know this most famous of all
saviors personally. I didn’t want to say too much to the good
captain before when he asked us about this unusual man; but
you can believe me; even all of Samaria and all of Sychar is full
of him! In Sichar one considers him directly to be a person
through whom the whole fullness of the divine spirit is working!
And that, allow me, will hopefully be nothing small!
[2] And in the temple! The great priests study day and night
how they could rid the world of such a Savior. But if such
powers are at hand for him and the visible friendship of the first
Roman authorities, all templars can sweat themselves into
countless drops of blood and they will in the end do less against
him than a mosquito against an elephant!

[3] It was said He has once been to the temple – sometime in the
spring – and cleaned it with ropes and whips of all the money-
changers and dove-sellers. And all that happened barely a
quarter year after this Savior began to be reputed!
[4] Oh, in the whole of Judea one tells the strangest things about
him! The ordinary people who are hidden in the darkness of the
temple believe that he works such things through Beelzebub,
whom one names the most supreme devil; the betters consider
him to be a great prophet; Greeks and Romans consider him a
[5] The Sycharites honor him already as a god, which is also the
case among some Greeks and Romans! And I wouldn’t like to
bet much that these Romans also consider him to be that; for
among them the old non exsistit vir magnus sine afflatu divino
(No great man is without divine whiff) is still believed very
strongly, at least it is good that they don’t seem to be enemies of
great ingenious people and that they constantly support the
ingenious with advice and deeds, which also seems to be
undeniably the case here.
[6] But he should not come to Jerusalem too often and carry out
a purification of the temple, if he is not equipped with more than
extraordinary human powers! For there he could come into
difficulties; he may be a great prophet or magician, but he
cannot protect himself for much longer against all the hellish
intrigue and incessant persecution plans and in the end he will
fall to them as a contemptible sacrifice.
[7] In brief, whoever comes against the temple from Heaven
without lightning, thunder and rain of sulfur, has little or no
effect against the temple!”
[8] The previous speaker from the mountains near Genezareth
says: “The temple will not be able to do much against him! For
if they have not accused him and arrested him for the driving
out of the temple, it will be difficult to do it a second time; for
his will must already be completely filled with a truly divine
power! But wherever that is the case, every human power must
as good as stop!”

[9] Suetal says: “Friend, you don’t fully understand! You see,
when he purified the temple at Easter from those mentioned, the
temple gained at such an opportunity several hundred pounds of
pure silver and gold; oh, he could morally clear out the temple
every day and the greats of the temple will put no nameable
obstacles in his way! But if he just once attacks the temple itself
and its unspeakable deceptions, we will see how things go for
him! Truly, I would not like to be in his shoes then!
[10] How long ago is it now that they quickly put an end to the
famous prophet John, who ran his business of baptism and
repentance for a time in the Jordan, where even the power of
Herod took him into his protection! The temple slid unnoticed
behind the terrible mother of the beautiful Herodias and Herod
became in the end the murderer of his famous ward. The temple
has ten times a hundred thousand means to persecute a person
who seems dangerous to it, and very rarely does something go
wrong for the temple.
[11] The secret machinations of the temple go so far that even
the Romans have a certain respect for them; true, much has been
betrayed, but what use is all that if one can never get close to
these people?!”
[1] Here Mathael, who had listened to this conversation from a
short distance, steps up to the twelve and says: “You are truly
still strongly men of the Earth, but namely you, Suetal, with
your seven colleagues, you still have no idea about what is
happening here!
[2] The Savior of Nazareth is here, yes, He is here – but who He
is, you have absolutely no notion, and therefore you speak
annoyingly foolish things about Him and His works!

[3] The correct person according to the correct order should not
speak, however, except the truth alone; if he doesn’t know it he
should be silent, seek and investigate. And when he has found
the truth, then he should speak! For whoever speaks and has
not yet recognized the truth, lies, even if he accidentally speaks
the truth!
[4] But a lie should never pass the lips of a true person; for
through the lie the soul bears witness itself of the fact that it is
still walking in death and not in life!
[5] Whoever delights in a lie does not recognize the value of life
at all; for life and truth are one! Only the truth makes your soul
free and opens to it the infinity of God in essence, being and
[6] But if you think and speak as I just heard, you give clear
proof of yourself that your soul is living only in a pig-sty
instead of in the great temple of all light and all truth!
[7] Why make considerations if one is completely devoid of all
reasons? Didn’t Captain Julius of Genezareth tell you very
wisely everything that you will yet see and hear today, and that
you should not even ask so much about it, but should take it in
into the love of your heart and act accordingly, and the
explanation will come of itself! And look, the captain spoke
correctly and truly!
[8] So leave superfluous talk without any basis of truth, pay
good attention to everything, and believe it in your heart, and so
you will soon gain more by this than if you were to lie to one
another for many years in the mistaken belief that you have
spoken the truth!
[9] Asking is certainly better than explaining something about
which one has no basis oneself; but if you ask, you must know
who you are asking and what you are asking for, otherwise
every question is just as much nonsense as a false answer from
out of the air.
[10] For I must have in myself, through experience, the full
conviction that the person I ask can give the truth in answer; and
finally I must have first reckoned exactly with myself that what
I am asking someone is no nonsense, otherwise I betray through
my question either my great foolishness or my hidden evil!
Remember this rule for life, and you will stand on the face of
this Earth at least as modest people!”

[11] Suetal says: somewhat indignantly, “But dear friend

Mathael, you are giving us here in a certain way a rebuke and
we have not seen anyone giving you an order to do so! Your
advice is probably good and very true, but a certain friendliness
is lacking in it, and it does not make the same impression at all
on us that it would certainly have made if it had been shared
with more friendliness. We will follow it because we see the full
truth in it; but nonetheless we still believe that the truth remains
no less the truth even if it comes to us in friendly clothing!
[12] Look, two and another two make four! That is a truth and
certainly remains such even if it is pronounced in a friendly
manner!? Or is it all the same if I am leading a blind man,
whether I hold him tightly so that it hurts him or whether I lead
the poor man on to the good path with a soft hold? I consider
holding him softly when leading a blind man to be more
preferable; for if I hold him too painfully tightly, he will try to
get out of my hands and who knows whether he will not fall in
that moment and severely injure himself in that he was escaping
my too strongly pressing hands!? But if I have held him gently
and led him, we will reach the goal quite cheerfully and gladly.
Am I right or not?”
[13] Mathael says: “Oh yes, when the circumstances permit it;
but if you spot a blind man on the edge of some precipice and
you also see that you can save him with a powerful grip and a
pull, will you then firstly advise yourself how strongly or how
tenderly and softly you will touch him?”
[14] Suetal says: “Yes, were we here then so spiritually close to
a destructive precipice?”
[15] Mathael says: “Quite certainly, otherwise I would not have
attacked you so strongly! For you see, everything that leads to a
lie and thereby is a lie itself, even if it is still very unapparent for
outer person, is a precipice towards death for the soul!

[16] A tender, quite unapparent lie is much more dangerous for

the soul than one which is as big as a fist and tangible for the
hands! For a fist-sized lie will certainly not prompt you to any
action; but a very tender and unapparent one will prompt you to
act as a truth does and brings you quite easily to the edge of all
destruction. But only he whose inner eye of the soul has been
developed can see this! So you do not need to be indignant that I
grabbed you somewhat more tightly; for a tender lie was
creeping around amongst you like a poisonous adder, which I
and my four brothers noticed very clearly, and you may now
seek the reason for my somewhat rough handling. Do you
understand that?”
[17] Suetal says: “Yes, if it is so, your somewhat rough manner
with us certainly takes on another face, and I cannot refute
anything else. Naturally we do not see our spiritual state and
must believe you that it is so; but we recognize that you stand on
very firm ground and therefore believe your words. But about
what should we twelve talk? Being quite silent is very
desperately boring, you know, and there is still another
significant snag in the truth.”
[18] Mathael says: “Friend, if you had to go through a dense
mountain forest on a very dark night and you knew that this
forest was rich in steep, wide gaping slopes and precipices,
would it not be better for you to stop and wait for the light of
day, than to follow some sort of false light and to fall with the
same down a precipice? It is nothing desirable to spend the
night in a mountain forest, but it is certainly incomparably better
than to continue on a terrain on which your next step could
bring certain death! What do you think of that?”
[19] Suetal says: “Do you know, there is no point in speaking
to you any more, for you are always correct, and one cannot
deny anything you say; and so we will follow your advice
instead, and you will then certainly have nothing more to say
against us.”
[1] Mathael says: “Oh, one more thing, and this thing is of
considerable significance!
[2] If it costs you an effort and you are not doing it particularly
out of love, then leave it be and do instead what you want to do
out of love; for what a person does not do totally out of love has
little value for his life, for love is truth of the actual element of
life, it is the original life itself.
[3] Accordingly, whatever seizes love is seized by life and
passes over into life; but whatever remains untouched by love
and whatever a person does simply because he either fears
terrible consequences or because his little piece of arrogance
wants it in order to appear to others to be a wise man, does not
turn into life, instead only into death, because it was seized only
by the element of death instead of by the element of life!
[4] I tell you, every law, no matter how wise, does not bear life,
but death, if a person does not observe it out of love; and the
wisest advice resembles a seed which instead of falling in the
good earth, fell on rocks, where it withers and finally cannot
possibly bring forth fruit.
[5] I tell you also, because I see that it is so: everything in a
person is dead except for their love! So let your love reign in
fullness over your whole being and feel love in every fiber of
your being, and so you will have the victory over death in you,
and what was dead in you has been transformed into
indestructible life through your love; for love which feels itself
and recognizes itself from out of such a feeling is life itself, and
whatever passes over to it also turns into life!
[6] Following my advice very exactly would be of little use to
you if you only observed it for the sake of its truth and because
you feared some sort of bad consequence if you didn’t observe
it; but such observance would not be of any use to your souls.
Ah, it is something quite different when love and truth seize one
another and work together; then love constantly creates a newer
and more perfect life from the light and in the light of truth up to
full divinity!

[7] The love or the spirit of God in a person is an image of God

right from the beginning; but to achieve fully active, living
similarity with God it must first lift itself up on the path which I
have now shown you. Do you understand this?”
[8] Suetal, now looking very cheerful, says: “By God the
Almighty! You are truly one of the greatest prophets; for so
truly, so clearly and so wisely has no prophet yet spoken to his
people! You have truly more perfect life in your little finger
than we have all together in our whole body or actually in all
our souls together. Yes, yes, it is so, brothers! Truly a divine
breath speaks through Mathael and we can never thank God
enough that He has brought us together, one might say, so
wonderfully! Oh, but if your wisdom is so decidedly greater
than ours, how great must be that of the Savior of Nazareth who
is yet unknown to us?!”
[9] Mathael says: “What glistens so wonderfully brightly in a
drop of dew hanging on a blade of grass?
[10] You see, it is the image of the sun which shimmers so
wonderfully brightly on the clear drop! But the image of the sun
does not only shimmer, but it acts too! In the centre of the drop
the light of the image of the sun condenses, the drop in its centre
turns into a great warmth of life, in this warmth of life it turns
into the element of life in the end and enlivens the little plant
which is fighting with death; but the image in the drop is by no
means the sun itself, but only a representation of the same,
equipped with a little part of the same power and effect which is
natural to the real, great sun itself!
[11] And see, there is also such a difference between me and the
Savior of Nazareth! He is the sun of life itself, and in me just as
in a drop of dew the small image of the eternally true, great
sun rules wonderfully brightly, out of which countless myriads
of such drops as us suck their holy food of life. Do you
understand that?”
[12] Suetal says: “Oh God, that is a great and holy language!
Friend, you are already more than a drop, you are a whole sea!
Oh, we will never get so far; it is too movingly great, holy and
eminent! But in such circumstances and in very divine
circumstances we as very crude sinners do not dare to remain
here; for this place begins to become holier and holier!”

[13] The other eleven also begin to speak very humbly and also
want to move away from there; but Julius does not allow this
to happen.
[14] But Suetal says: “Lord, once when Moses went to the
burning thorn bush on the mountain to find out what was
happening, a clear voice spoke from out of the flames:
Moses, remove your shoes from your feet; for the place on
which you are standing is holy ground! Here according to the
tangibly clear statement is what Moses encountered on the
mountain; therefore this place is holy and we sinners are not
worthy to set foot on it!”
[1] Mathael, standing nearby, says at the demand by Julius, who
didn’t know how to respond to Suetal with anything special:
“Who told you then whether you are worthy to set foot on this
place, or whether you are not worthy? In which book of wisdom
is it written then that any sick man is not worthy of his doctor?
You know, such an assumption by you comes from the woolly
wisdom of the temple which allows to be burned on the fire the
hands of he who reaches with an unordained hand for the
threshold which leads to the Holiest of Holies! But if the high
Pharisees secretly lead the foreigners there every day for a good
payment and show them everything and explain cleverly, the
hands of the foreigners will certainly not be burnt on the fire!
[2] What did God actually want to say to Moses in that he called
him to take off his shoes?
[3] You see, God said to Moses: Take off your material and
sensual elements, cleave from yourself the old flesh-Adam
through your will and stand as a purely spiritual person before
Me, otherwise you cannot understand My voice and I cannot
make you the leader of My people!

[4] But what does the ascension of the mountain imply?

[5] You see, Moses was fleeing from the persecution of Pharaoh
because of the murder of a high official of the king, an official
who was as good as a son to the king.
[6] Moses also meant a lot to Pharaoh, so that it was still very
doubtful whether he would not someday receive the reign over
Egypt like Joseph and so would lift up his people.
[7] God showed him such ambition in the desert through the
ascension of the mountain, whose peak, however, he was not
allowed to reach; for he was prevented in it by the burning bush.
[8] And further it was said according to our linguistic
understanding: You will become the Savior of My people, but
not in the way you believe, but as I, your God and your Lord,
will describe to you!
[9] You shall not become king of Egypt and make My people,
who I have raised in humility before Me, sensual, self-loving
and haughty, instead the people must leave this land and move
into the desert with you! I will give the people laws and I
Myself will be the Lord and leader of these people; and if they
prove themselves true to Me, I will give them the land of Salem,
in whose streams flow milk and honey!
[10] You see, with such sense in the picture language of that
time God did not want to say to Moses that he should really take
off his footwear, but the old Adam or the greed of an externally
sensual person, which fulfils the same function to an actual man
of life as the shoes to the foot of a person which are the lowest,
most outer, last and most dispensable clothing.
[11] But the place which God calls holy is only a humble state
of the soul, without which in respect of eternal love, which is
the truest fire of the element of life, it cannot exist.
[12] But the thorn bush which is burning there is a sign that the
way of a prophet will be a very thorny one; but his great love
for God and for his brothers, which shows itself in flames over
and through the whole thorn bush, will scorch the thorns of the
bush and in the end will consume the whole thorn bush and
make a thornless path.

[13] You see, that is the sense of what you mentioned before!
But if it is unmistakably so, how can you then consider any
earthly place to be more or less holy?
[14] If you also fully take off your worldly shoes and humble
yourselves in all aspects of life, you will also stand here as
worthy as all the rest of us; for we as people are all quite equal
here before God and the One who is here, and no one has an
advantage over the others!”
[15] When Suetal hears such a speech from Mathael, he says:
“Yes, once one is filled with such an abundance of all wisdom,
one can then easily be without fear; for a seeing person can
easily move forwards, but a blind man must constantly feel
beforehand whether his next step will be a safe one, and despite
all care and faithfully investigating caution one nonetheless
always collides with something. But if one has a guide such as
you are, dear brother Mathael, even as a blind man one can still
move forwards! Oh, now we will remain and are exceptionally
excited about getting to know what you have given such a great
witness of for tangible, clear reasons!”
[16] Julius, with a friendly grip of Mathael’s hand in a most
friendly way, says: “Eternal thanks to the Lord, who has
powerfully healed you and your four brothers! I have learnt so
much from you, and it was only so clear and easy to understand,
and I notice that it is beginning to dawn in my soul; and if that
continues I hope to walk in your footsteps very soon!”
[17] Mathael says: “It cannot be otherwise! For there is only one
God, one life, one light, one love and only one eternal truth; our
present life on Earth is the path to it. We have proceeded out of
love and out of light through the will of the eternal love in God
in order to become an independent love and an independent
light; we can do it, we must do it!
[18] But how? You see, high brother, alone through love for
God and through its never-resting able activity! For our love for
God is the love of God itself in us and directs our soul to the
constantly rising activity of the true, eternal life, which is in
itself the fullest truth and the brightest light. If accordingly it
begins to dawn in a human soul, then it is already very near to
the eternal goal of life and can impossibly do anything other
than to achieve the goal of eternal life, which is all in all what
the completed life in all freedom and in the fullest independence
can ever achieve eternally!

[19] Therefore be glad and cheerful, high brother, soon your

soul will also get to see what mine now sees in ever clearer
light! On the full day of your soul you will understand the
greatness of Him whom you with some shyness still call the
“Savior of Nazareth”.
[20] As a person He is probably the same as you or I – but His
spirit! It penetrates eternal infinity with His power and His
light! Have you, high brother, understood me well?”
[21] Julius says, quite moved to tears: “Yes, dear brother, you
really stand much higher than I; truly, I could just squeeze you
to death out of love, and I can now no longer look at the Savior
Jesus of Nazareth without tears of love, and I understand only
now the great love of the maiden who can actually no longer be
led from His side!”
[22] Suetal says: “Praise the Lord, now he will no longer be
difficult to recognize for us! We must only see at whose side
this certain maiden walks; and it will be he!” – And so they paid
[1] But now at My bidding Jarah walked with Raphael and with
Josoe and discussed with both of them Mathael’s wisdom which
had so suddenly appeared, and so the twelve were doubly unsure
which of the two men surrounding the maiden was I. But at the
same time they thought of me as being a man, and with Jarah
there were only two boys of about 12 to 14, according to
appearances, and so the twelve could not put the parts of the
story together. And one of them says to Suetal: “Friend, you
have rejoiced in our name a little too soon this time! The
maiden, who is probably a young daughter of the great
innkeeper Ebahl from Genezareth, because we highlanders from
the area have often seen her in the inn if we had something to do
in the area, is walking between two boys, probably sons of the
Supreme Governor. These boys, either one or the other, will not
be the Savior of Nazareth. But that now begs the question:
Which is it? I tell you, brother, with our wisdom we will not
work it out at all; so for the moment silence is undeniably our
best means!”

[2] Suetal says: “I now completely agree with you; but here the
high lord Julius actually had us fooled a little, which we actually
deserved; by the way; why do we have to open our mouths all
the time! Silence, hearing and seeing is truly the best, and in a
certain way the beginning of all wisdom!” After these words the
twelve are silent, and their souls are full of all sorts of thoughts.
[3] Now I go to them and ask Suetal: “I have heard everything
of your earlier conversations because I have very keen ears; but
since you have already spoken much about the certain Savior of
Nazareth amongst yourselves with wise Mathael and Captain
Julius, but through it all your whole face has remained
constantly covered, I would like to learn quite openly from you
who you actually consider him to be in your mind. Only speak
openly without shyness; for I guarantee you that nothing evil
will happen to you because of it! For I know the Savior too well
for him to let harm come to you, if you give Me unashamedly as
one of his nearest and best friends your innermost insight!”
[4] Suetal says: scratching himself a little behind the ears, “You
seem to be a Greek by your clothing, but to judge by your hair
and your beard, you are a Jew. It is true, the Romans say not too
favorably about the Greeks: graeca fides, nulla fides (Greek
trust is no trust); but your face seems to be much too honest for
that, and as a man of certainly some wisdom you will surely see
that people like us cannot behave quite so thoughtlessly at such
an extraordinary appearance!
[5] Everything, which even the wisdom of Mathael gave us to
understand about the Savior, accepted immediately as the
complete truth, is for people like us no little thing and our
judgments about him will likewise be very inadequate; until
now we have only ever heard him speak, and the four
highlanders from the area of Genezareth have felt extraordinary
power and might from him, but they too have not yet seen him
or spoken with him.

[6] We ourselves have experienced the extraordinary healing of

the five evil madmen, and we were told about it here; but even
there we were also not eye-witnesses, but only the healed
themselves gave us the certainly tangibly clear and true account,
as well as the tale by the captain and by the healed themselves.
[7] The extraordinary facts on the one hand and the clear
judgments and explanations particularly on the part of wise
Mathael could not fail to awaken in us an image of this Savior,
which at least for our earthly understanding, without any higher
wisdom, reaches into the realm of pure divinity!
[8] But whether we as people without science or wisdom are
finally on the correct path with our image, our thoughts and
ideas! But who can and will present it at least for us, blind to
science and wisdom, so that through it either the one or the other
becomes as clear as the midday sun?
[9] You see, the science of man has already progressed very far
in our times, and no one has yet set limits to the wisdom of man,
and so a person in Nazareth can very well, supported by
particular spiritual abilities, have found some sort of stone of
wisdom about which the world has never thought until now! He
can therefore do incredible things, beside which we must stand
like oxen on a hillside; he can move mountains and freeze the
sea in summer, yes, he can wake the dead and make thousands
pass away through his will, those are all things which were
made to happen by people long before him!
[10] In Egypt this sort of thing is not unheard-of; here with us
such a thing is somewhat rarer, particularly because all
conjuring is strictly forbidden to us Jews, and so in the end
every extraordinary occurrence which is made to happen by a
person, even by perhaps quite natural means, is damned as
conjuring and the conjuror, if he is a Jew, is stoned or even
burnt alive, as a foreigner he is exiled far beyond the border; he
would only have to pay a significant fine to the temple and he
would be allowed to perform his art and his conjuring secretly to
the Greeks and Romans alone. People like us see nothing of it in
Jerusalem; but as an apostle of the temple travelling to a foreign
land for the conversion of foreigners to Judaism, one got to see
then some things which was supposed to remain inexplicable to
people like us.

[11] So now the famous Savior of Nazareth likewise performs

all unheard-of things, also concerning the healing of all sorts of
sick people, yes, he is even supposed to be able to wake the
dead! But I say this, that all that is no valid proof by a long way
of any sort of particular divine nature in him and gives no
uncontestable evidence.
[12] For people like us, performing wonders in word and deed is
no great art for those who are capable; for it is easy to preach to
the blind about colors, but the seer does not need much of a
sermon in any case, since he can distinguish between the colors
even without any sermon.
[13] By the way, the Nazarene Savior could be a very good and
extraordinary prophet as well, anointed in all seriousness by the
spirit of God -like Moses, Joshua, Samuel and Elijah – and may
carry out his works through the pure divine spirit in him, which
we consider to be more likely since he is a Jew and as such
certainly could never have the opportunity to visit the most
secret school either of the Essenes or of the Egyptians.
[14] If such a thing was provable on him, it would then not be
too difficult to guess from where he received all his secret
knowledge; for the Essenes wake dead children in their dozens,
of which I have convinced myself completely! And God knows
what sorts of illnesses they are able to heal!
[15] From this you, as a Greek who seems to understand
correctly, will be able to judge for which reason we are
penetrated to our insides by all manner of thoughts for and
against, despite all the extraordinary things that we have
heard here.

[16] To accept everything as the truth would be just as crazy as

to reject everything right from the beginning; waiting, hearing,
seeing and testing everything exactly is all one can do, and we
will then see whether we should go with the pro or the contra;
for we never buy doves in a sack, since it could then happen that
we would be sold vultures instead of doves! Tell us now
whether we are right or not!”
[1] I say: “In one way, yes, but in another way not at all! Yes, if
the Essenes can wake the dead like the Nazarene then you are
right in every respect. But there is a real Essene among the
disciples of the Nazarene. He was sent out either to fully win
the Nazarene for their great institute of illusions or at least to
entice out of him the secret of how he heals his sick and wakes
his dead.
[2] But when he soon convinced himself that everything was
accomplished by the Nazarene openly in front of everyone’s
eyes and without any artificial tricking devices, simply with the
old words: ‘Let it be’, he left his fraudulent Essenism, revealed
all the tricks and became a true disciple of the Nazarene himself.
He is standing there under a tree quite alone; go over and
discuss it with him!”
[3] Another of the eight answers, “Friend, there is no need for us
to do that; for I know Essenism down to its basics. It is splendid
and praiseworthy, but basically a deceit, and the Nazarene has
never gone to that sad school! But I am for the Egyptians; for
the Nazarene must have great friends among the Romans and
through them one can get to Egypt!”
[4] I say to the second speaker, who was called Ribar, “How did
you uncover the secrets of the Essenes? For as I have heard,
such a thing is hardly possible without danger of death!”
[5] Ribar answers, “Friend, with much money and a certain
amount of all sorts of smartness you can go anywhere. Naturally
one must not be born yesterday, so that behind what one is
shown, one also sees the other things that are not shown! But
obviously a considerable amount of a particularly cunning
sharpness is also required; and so I would like to check out the
good Savior of Nazareth just once and I set my word on it that
he will not fool me.

[6] But if he really has what one says about him and what the
really highly wise Mathael demonstrated, well, we will know to
value him like Mathael! Only one thing confuses me, and that is
that he takes disciples. I say: if his business is purely divine, no
disciple will ever be able to imitate him even if he studied in his
school for a full eternity. But if the business is human, then the
disciples are quite understandable; for what one person does,
another person can also do if he has the knowledge and the
adequate means. But if the business is, as I said, purely divine,
imitation will eternally be impossible! For the whole
omnipotence and wisdom of God is needed for that!”
[7] I say: “My friend Ribar, you do not speak bad at all, but you
are basically wrong; for a god can certainly also pull some
special ones out of the numbers of people and educate them, as
he educated Enoch, Moses and many other prophets so that they
then become teachers of humanity and pronouncers of the divine
will to the people on this Earth. With this exception you seem to
be on the wrong path and will not be able to get the better of the
Savior of Nazareth!
[8] With cunning you will encounter a very powerful and
invincible opponent in the Nazarene! I know him and know that
a human cannot get the better of him; for in a thousand things it
is difficult to reply to even one!”
[9] Ribar says: “It all depends on a test! I have often heard such
antiphonies and preludes, but in the end it all came down to a
saying of the Romans: si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses (had
you remained silent, you would have remained a philosopher).
And so the before never mattered to me only the afterwards. I
never anticipate and never pass judgment on what I have not
tried myself; but if I have tried something once, then I rarely
make a bad judgment, instead I almost always hit the nail on the
head. Are you perhaps one of his disciples?”

[10] I say: “Not exactly, but still one of his foremost friends and
I know him the best!” At this exchange, several people can
hardly restrain a hidden smile, and no one misses even a word.
[1] After a short while Ribar says again: “I would like to at least
experience from a disciple everything that he has learnt at the
side of the miraculous Savior!”
[2] I say: “Oh, that can happen very easily! It is true that it is
already time for the midday meal, and the innkeeper will soon
be ready with it; but there’s just enough time for a little
disciple’s test, and a disciple shall come here and show you,
as a strict examiner, everything that he can do already! Do you
want this?”
[3] Ribar says: “Certainly, for without a test a judgment cannot
be made about anyone!”
[4] Here I call Raphael, who is basically and strictly also one of
My disciples, even if he is a spirit now clothed in light material.
Hardly is he called, and Raphael is standing in lightning
quickness before Ribar and says: “What sort of a test are you
demanding from a disciple of the Lord?” Ribar thinks about this
question and tries to think up something which would be
completely impossible for a person, something that no man
could possibly do.
[5] I say to this, “Well, I think that the affair has somewhat
taken your sharpness to task!?”
[6] Ribar says: “Oh, you just leave things alone! “Festina lente”
(haste makes waste) say the Romans! Hostis cum patientia
nostra victus (victory comes with patience)! I will give the
disciple a difficult task which will test his mettle!
[7] Then Ribar bends down to the Earth, lifts a stone from the
ground which is several pounds in weight and says to Raphael,
smiling: “Dear disciple of the divine Master, who is supposed to
perform things that could only be possible to God alone! If you
have learnt something all-powerful from him, then make this
stone into good, sweet bread!”

[8] Raphael says: “Test whether the stone is still a stone!”

[9] Ribar tests this and says: “Yes, of course!”
[10] Raphael says: “Try it again now!”
[11] Ribar tries it again, breaks the stone apart and realizes that
the stone has really become bread. Such a miracle in his hands
takes him aback quite violently. Yes, he was visibly seized by a
significant fear and now didn’t know what he should say to this.
[12] But Raphael says to him: “Try it too; for the eye is easier to
deceive than the tongue! Give it to your friends to try as well, so
that we have witnesses of this transformation to say that it is
[13] Ribar tastes the miracle bread, somewhat carefully at first;
but since the taste pleases him, he bites deeply into one half and
gives the other half to his companions to taste. Everyone finds
the bread tremendously tasty, sweet and full of an inviting
[14] But I then ask Ribar: “Well, dear friend, let Me hear your
judgment; what do you say to this deed carried out by a
[15] Ribar says to Suetal: “Brother, you speak now, you are
somewhat cleverer than I! This goes too far over my level of
[16] Suetal says: “There are very many such people as you in
the world who like to be insolent in the beginning; but if
something then happens which reaches far above their
understanding, they stand there like a wife caught having an
affair! What else can be said now except for this: Mathael was
right in every syllable with which he certainly bore the truest
witness of the great Master!
[17] If his disciples are capable of affecting such things, what
must the divine Master then be capable of doing?!”
[18] Ribar says: “That is all true, and none of us can deny it; but
in the temple one also says and teaches as a decided truth that
certain special magicians are supposed to be able to perform
extremely rare things through the power of Beelzebub which is
at their disposal. Even the Romans say: in doctrina aliena cauti,
felices (happy he who is careful with a foreign teachingà and
sapientia non incipit cum odio deorum (Wisdom does not start
with hating the gods)!

[19] Suetal says: “Stop your stupid Latin sayings and you can
stay away from me eternally with your donkeyish Beelzebub!
Didn’t you hear the divinely wise Mathael speaking earlier and
weren’t you easily able to see that the teaching of the great
Master leads every person to God through the truth, love and
deed? Well, in addition the great Master is supposed to serve his
listeners with all lies and all deception? The blind donkey that
you always were, was that bread a lie or was it true bread?
[20] If Beelzebub had done it for you, which he would never be
able to, you would now have a stone in your stomach instead of
the best bread; but because it is real bread as if coming from
Heaven, you now feel, as I feel, the truly divine taste of the best
effect in your whole body, as I do in mine!
[21] Where in the whole Scriptures have you ever read that
Satan ever succeeded in performing a miracle like this one?
Look at the miracles of Beelzebub in the temple! What are they?
Nothing but a despicable and well-known deception in order to
rob the men who are as blind as you of their gold and silver and
then to use it for other harmful purposes!
[22] You see, those are the miracles of Satan and as such are
extremely easy to recognize!
[23] But here there is no possible deception, but alone the easily
recognizable all-powerful will of Jehovah! How then can you
still ask whether such a thing would not also be possible through
Satan’s power?! Where then has Satan ever been able to prove
that he has any true power?”
[24] Ribar says: very moved, “Well, didn’t he win on Sinai
when he fought with Michael for three days over the body
of Moses?”
[25] Suetal says: “Yes, he won the dirt of Moses! A beautiful
victory! What else do you know?”
[26] Ribar says: “Well, is the temptation of Adam and Eve
[27] Suetal says: “Can one call it a miracle like this one?! If a
voluptuous maid shows you all her fleshly appeal and invites
you with very lustful eyes, is it then a miracle if you sink into
her beautiful white arms out of sheer carnal lust? Such miracles
like Adam and Eve’s unfortunately happen only too often
nowadays, but they always belong to the lowest and crudest
nature, and there is really no trace of a miracle there, except a
miracle from the very beginnings of creation! Do you know of
another such miracle of Satan?”
[28] Ribar says: “It is difficult to talk to you! But what are the
familiar miracles of the images of Babel and Nineveh? Were
they not performed by Satan?”
[29] Suetal says: “For blind donkeys like you, yes, but not for
seeing people, for they knew that the stomach of the famous
idol of Babel which had been made glowing white with fire in
the night could very easily consume in its very natural glow the
sacrifices thrown through the wide throat into its belly. You can
perform such miracles every day with the help of a good fire
and you don’t need any Satan in the least! I myself will bring
you a number of all sorts of miracles of Satan by means of the
concession of some bought servants, without needing Satan’s
help at all; for the evil and profit-seeking will of Satan in any
bad person is more than enough for this.
[30] Satan can never do anything – except to destroy some flesh
which anyway has no value, and he can then take his extremely
foul payment; but he can never perform a miracle for the soul
and spirit because his very being is the densest judged matter!
Yes, through Satan you can become even more material than
you already are, but you will never become spiritual for even a
moment through him! And now speak on, if any other miracles
of Satan occur to you!”
[31] Ribar says: quite crushed, “If everything is like that, then I
certainly don’t know of any more miracles of Satan and I want
to recognize this purest miracle which the young and very
physical disciple of the great Master has performed. But you
could have spoken more naturally with me and I would still
have understood you!”

[32] Suetal says: “You are probably right, but you already know
that I always become incensed when a person, particularly one
of some education, comes with the old fairy-tale about
Beelzebub as if the people of the world are not Beelzebub’s
already! But particularly at such a purely divine occasion!
Truly, each time I could jump out of my own skin in anger!”
[33] Ribar says: “Well, well, everything is alright again! In
medio beati say the Romans, never too heated and never too
tepid, is the core of wisdom and all intelligence. The truth is
understood in the end, brother, even without a donkey and dirt!”
[34] Suetal says: “Yes, certainly; but in justified eagerness one
has difficulty weighing up the words with which one corrects
someone else when he begins to show very foolish thoughts!
But now that you are beginning to see the truth somewhat
clearer, you will not easily get to hear similar expressions from
me again!”
[35] At this I say: “Well, are you alright?”
[36] Both say, “Quite completely!”
[1] I say to Ribar, “But now what about your judgment about
what you have just seen?”
[2] Ribar says: “I have just explained myself to Suetal and I
now recognize that most wise Mathael is quite right in all
things. The test has been done and nothing further is now
needed! I no longer simply believe, instead I have seen it with
my own eyes, and now I would like to get to know the great
Master myself!”
[3] Suetal says: “Yes, I would like that too, if it could be so
easy, although I no longer insist upon it quite so much; for what
I have now seen is enough for me for my whole life! He cannot
be more than God, but according to what has happened, he
cannot be much less either! And that is enough for me; I would
only like to hear something about his new teaching!”

[4] I say: “Mathael has also already given you several essential
points about that; anyway his teaching can be very briefly
summarized in that one should love God above everything and
love one’s neighbor as oneself.
[5] But of course, to love God above everything also means to
recognize God and His revealed will and then act accordingly
out of true inner love to the recognized God, and for God’s sake
behave towards every other person as every reasonable person
behaves towards himself; naturally we are speaking here about
the pure love, as unselfish as possible, both towards God as well
as towards every neighbor.
[6] As everything good wants to be loved purely because it is
good and therefore true, God also wants to be loved because He
alone is highly good and highly true!
[7] But your neighbor must likewise be loved because he is the
reflection of God, just as you are, and just as you he carries a
divine spirit in himself.
[8] You see, that is the actual core of his teaching and it is easy
to observe, yes, very much easier than the thousand laws of the
temple which are mostly filled with the exploitation of its
[9] Through the most exact observance of this new teaching as
is possible, the spirit bound within a person will become freer
and freer, it grows and finally penetrates the whole person and
pulls into its life everything that is a life of God and therefore
must last eternally, and in the highest possible holiness as well!
[10] But every person who is in a certain way reborn in his spirit
will never see death, neither feel or taste it, and the freedom
from his flesh will be the greatest bliss to him.
[11] For the spirit of a person, fully one with his soul, resembles
a person in prison, through whose narrow light hole he can look
out onto the beautiful surface of the Earth and see how free
people cheer themselves with all sorts of useful occupations,
while he must still languish in prison. But how glad he will be if
the prison keeper comes, opens the door, frees him from all
shackles and says to him: Friend, you are free from every
further punishment, go now and enjoy full freedom!

[12] So the spirit of a person resembles the fruit of an

embryonic bird in the egg; once it has become mature through
incubation inside the hard shell binding its free life, it breaks
through the shell and enjoys its free life.
[13] But man can only achieve such things through the exact
and honest observance of the teaching which the Savior of
Nazareth announces to the people.
[14] But now man, if he is reborn in the spirit more and more,
also receives other perfections, which simple natural fleshly
people cannot imagine.
[15] The spirit is a power in itself, like the divine one; whatever
such a perfected spirit in a person wants, that will happen and
must happen because there can be no other power and might in
the whole of God’s infinity except for the life force of the spirit!
[16] For the true life is alone the Lord and Creator, Governor,
Lawgiver and guide of all creatures, and everything must
therefore be led by the power of the eternal single living spirit.
[17] You have now seen the disciple’s test of this, and so you
can believe Me for the moment that that is how it is. But the
insight about the How, Whereby and Why will only come to
you when you have achieved freedom for your innermost
spiritual life.
[18] But Mathael has already shown you enough what insight an
even half reborn spirit can achieve, and so you now have
tangible proof in your hands for everything and therefore with
great care you can decide your life accordingly. Are you
satisfied with this explanation?”
[19] Suetal says: “Friend much more satisfied than with the
explanation by the quite annoyingly wise Mathael! What you
have now said to me is just as wise as everything that I heard
from the mouth of Mathael and in a certain respect it is even
wiser; but in front of Mathael one becomes anxious and afraid,
because one doesn’t really see any in or out. But now with very
simple words you have at least made the issue so clear that
I cannot think of anything clearer; I now know exactly what I
have to do and what I must necessarily achieve, and so I am
fully satisfied since I have no further questions.”


[1] I say: “Good then; but tell me now quite openly whether you
wouldn’t like to be personally introduced to the great Master of
Nazareth! If you want, I can lead him to you.”
[2] Suetal says: “Honestly speaking, this man hiding the fullness
of the divine spirit in himself is too endlessly high for people
like us in each and every thing, and I am decidedly afraid even
to see him from afar, not to mention to come into his near
presence! Thus I prefer not to get to know him personally. You
see, I am ashamed now even to be in the presence of this young
disciple of his, and honestly speaking, I wouldn’t even mind if
he returned to his companions again. He passed the test, and that
is enough! Anyway he wouldn’t let himself be put through a
second one, and it would be unnecessary; because for whomever
one test does not provide adequate conviction, another thousand
miracles will not be enough for him. And so I would prefer if he
went back to his companions, we cannot reward him for it,
because we do not possess anything but ourselves. So tell him,
dearest friend, that he may return to the society of his equals!”
[3] I say: “Ah, why then?! He is free and can go whenever he
wants; and he will go when he has nothing more to do here!
You are now fully satisfied, but not all of your companions are,
even Ribar is not, who agrees with you in everything. He is still
chewing over the first miracle and still cannot come to terms
with it. Therefore, because there is still time, we will ask him to
do another sign!”
[4] Suetal says: “That would be fine, and I myself would like to
see something of him; but that only begs the question whether
that would also suit the holy, great Master; for the masters do
not like to see their disciples producing too much.”

[5] I say: “Don’t worry about that; for I will take responsibility
for all that Myself and will know how to be answerable when
the time is right, if I could be held to account for it. But
nevertheless we must ask Ribar and the others in which fashion
they want to see a sign, otherwise one of them could soon say
that we prepared the sign a long time in advance and had
organized ourselves quite exactly; but if they decide the sign
themselves, there can be no trace of an earlier decision. Do you
agree with that or not?”
[6] Suetal says: “That is thought and spoken as wisely as
Solomon, and one must agree with it!”
[7] I say: “Well then, we shall ask Ribar! Tell us, Ribar what the
following signs performed by the disciple should consist of!”
[8] Ribar says: “Friend, if he wants to perform another, then he
should make this stone that I am now holding in my hand into
one of the noblest fish which live in this sea!”
[9] I say to Raphael pro forma, “Will you be able to solve
this task?”
[10] Raphael says: “We will try; but the asker should firstly
stand firm, otherwise the fish will throw him to the ground. The
most noble fish in these waters are big and strong, so that a man
cannot overcome them; thus if Ribar stands very firm, an eighty
pound fish will immediately take the place of his now barely ten
pound stone.”
[11] Ribar says: “Oh, don’t you worry about that! I am a little
bit of a Samson and have already mastered hundred pound fish!
In any case, I am now standing quite obediently firmly.”
[12] At this Raphael says: “Let it be, what you have
demanded!” Raphael had hardly uttered these words, when a
good eighty pound noble fish in the hands of Ribar to the shock
and incredible amazement of all present made such a hefty
thrust, that Ribar actually fell on his back and the fish flapped
quite violently up and down, the witnesses fled from all sides,
and even Ribar, who had quickly picked himself up again from
the ground, showed no more desire to touch the great fish. But
Mark’s son was also nearby; he came quickly with a strong little
hand net, threw it over the yet strongly flapping fish, bound it up
and carried it to a tub full of water.

[13] When the fish found itself in its natural element, it

naturally became quiet, and everyone now came to the tub and
watched with wonder the great fish, and Ribar said: “Now I and
all my empty wisdom are completely defeated and I now believe
everything that I have heard about this great Master! Here all
human wisdom ends and the majesty of God reveals itself in an
only too tangibly true way! Mathael was right with every one of
his words, and the friend as well, whose goodness we have to
thank for the two never before seen miracles. So great God, and
eternally praised be His great name, that He has given the
people of this world such power! We are highly unworthy to see
such pure miracles of God with our sinful eyes, but since God
has made us worthy of Himself, let His great name be eternally
[1] Suetal says: “Amen! That is also my word! For no mortal
eye has ever before seen such a thing! The magicians in the days
of Pharaoh threw sticks which became snakes; but we were not
around then! And if we had been there, we would probably have
seen quite the same artificial trick that we once saw in
Damascus, where a Persian conjuror threw bread crumbs onto
an area of drifting sand spread out wide before him, and when
the crumbs, once they had been well thrown, buried themselves
in the sand so that one could not see it any more – which
naturally happened in just a moment – a rat or a mouse soon
rose out of the sand and ran away! This conjuror pretended that
he would change the bread crumbs thrown on the sand in to rats
and mice but I inspected the sand afterwards and found the
bread crumbs quite untouched; but I also found only too visible
traces of how the conjuror, without any witnesses, had held a
certain quantity of rats and mice in the sand by laying certain
favorite nibbles in little holes made by him in several places,
with which the rats and mice placed there remained quite quiet
and comfortable until the cleverly thrown bread crumbs caused
them to spring out of the holes and run away.

[2] The foolish people showed the Persian magician an almost

godly honor and filled sacks full of all sorts of valuable things;
and when I wanted to convince some of the somewhat wiser
ones of it, they called me a sinner and I had a very limited time
to get away from them. I became convinced thereby that firstly
magicians are quite fine old fellows, who through their
knowledge and experience in the wide field of nature know how
to make use of the foolishness of the many other people who
live like cattle, and secondly that correctly indoctrinated foolish
people can never be fully corrected even with the best will of a
wise friend of humanity.
[3] And in this way probably all the celebrated miracles of the
priests and magicians in all Egypt and Persia will look the same,
and the miraculous deeds of the Essene will have no other
[4] But these two miracles which the disciple of the great Master
performed, and the wonderful healings that we have heard about
which were performed by the great Savior are so purely superior
to all the magical deceptions, like a sun with its bright and
purest light is superior to every low and deceptive swamp light.
With these two miracles, as I said, every human wisdom finds
its decisive end; no thinking or testing is of any further use, the
omnipotence of God is working there, for whom, of course,
nothing can be impossible.
[5] But for us the teaching remains that we should follow all the
more actively what the great Savior teaches because through
him, as it now begins to seem to me, an old prophecy of Jehovah
will come into fulfillment perhaps even in this day of ours.”
[6] I say: still not personally recognized by the twelve, to Suetal,
“Are you of the same opinion with some conviction?”
[7] Suetal says: “Friend, my opinion is now becoming surety, at
least in me! For look, I have a quite simple but sure reason to
accept it! God is too endlessly good and wise to awake a man so
powerfully and fill him with all His all-powerful spirit simply so
that he can then heal several sick people in the flesh and make
bread and fish out of stones. God certainly has another higher
purpose unknown to us as yet for such a person who stands far
above Moses and all the other prophets like a sun entirely alone!
Because for the very inferior purposes, to work all sorts of
miracles before the eyes of curious and miracle-seeking, blind
people, God, as I said, did not put such a man of God on this
Earth! I would like to discover in him the great Messiah of the
Jews as announced by almost all the patriarchs and prophets and
I am, dear friend, almost fully convinced of this!
[8] However if it is not him, then I really wouldn’t know for
whom we should still wait, who could do even greater things
and things more worthy of God! What opinion do you have,
dear friend, assuming that you as a Greek are familiar with the
Scriptures of the Jews?!”
[9] I say: “Yes, I have exactly the same opinion as you; for I am
very familiar with the Scriptures of the Jews. But now I would
like to learn from your companions what they say to our quite
well-founded opinion! Ribar is more or less a speaker for the
other ten companions. We will ask him about it and see what
sort of an opinion he will give. You ask him!”
[10] Suetal says: “He should begin right away; for now he will
hopefully have seen enough of his fish!”
[1] At this Suetal turns to Ribar, plucking him at his tunic and
saying: “Hey, Ribar, there is an extremely important question
and issue, namely for us Jews; perhaps you can give us this not
unimportant information, since you are, as far as I know, better
than a lay Jew in the Scriptures. Look, we are familiar with all
the great prophecies of, let’s say – beginning with Adam up to
our days; according to these prophecies which were not simply
grabbed out of the air we expect a Messiah who should free the
Jews in particular as the old People of God from all the physical
and spiritual evils! Well, we have seen the works of the famous
Savior with our own eyes and we have heard even more with
our very own ears from the near presence of eye-witnesses and
ear witnesses about everything that he does and has done. I ask
you whether God Himself, coming down to the Earth from His
highest Heaven, would do more – and more wonderful things
than the Savior of Nazareth does! The answer to this question
can only be “No”!
[2] Approximately 3 weeks ago we were shown a house which
belongs to a healer – I think with the name Joab or may be
different – as something extraordinary, that the Nazarene had
created from a positive heap of a ruin only through his will
[3] We were also told about a merchant near to Sichar, whose
house was expanded and highly decorated in the same way.
[4] The stories of healings from Genezareth are familiar to us
all. We have all seen the healed brother of our companion from
the mountains in the area of Genezareth ourselves and spoken to
him; now we have as good as seen the extraordinary healing of
the five madmen who accompanied us yesterday. The
incomprehensible wisdom of Mathael, who with his companions
is now discussing something with Captain Julius and another
high Roman, is more than a secure guarantee!
[5] Now there are two more miracles carried out by a – let’s say
– disciple. The question: Does this not justifiably lead us to the
acceptance that the great Savior of Nazareth is the predicted
Messiah? What do you think?”

[6] Ribar says: “Yes, yes, you may be completely right! You
know, I went around quite secretly with this thought, as a
pregnant woman with her fruit. But that is a doubly thorny
issue, both for the temple as we as for the Romans, for whom
such a genuine Messiah of the Jews, as he is called, comes at a
very inopportune time. But with very good reasons the temple
reckons the arrival of the Messiah to be at least a couple of
thousand years in the future, according to the calculations of the
cabbala (concerning secret teachings); they now, when things
are going so well for them, do not need a Messiah at all. But the
Romans must obviously prefer it if he was on their side and not
on the side of the Jews!
[7] So I am clearly of this opinion: One believes in silence
whatever one wants in respect of the prophecies; but one no
longer speaks out loud about ones beliefs any more clearly than
what is already clearly evident! Now one must have very
significant troubles with this belief. In general you are not on
the wrong track with your opinion as well as with your reasons,
but quite on the right path according to my feelings and my
thoughts; but dearest friends, remain with us for now for the
sake of our salvation!
[8] But you, brother Suetal! Observe with some attention the
young, miraculous disciple! What might he have in his senses?
Firstly he never goes back to his company, and secondly he
looks at us always so smiling. As if we were a pair of very
foolish fools. What is wrong with him? Just look, now he is
turning around and positively laughing behind his hands! If the
youth was not so terribly all-powerful, I would take him to task;
but absolutely nothing can be done with such a person; for it
would only be a joke for him to turn the like of us into a very
comfortable donkey, and then where would we be?”
[9] Raphael says: turning around and laughing even more, and at
the same time with My permission placing a quite healthy
donkey beside Ribar, “You see, just like a real one is standing
beside you now!”

[10] Ribar looks around, greatly spooked and says after a while
of ever more terrible amazement: “Oh, oh, oh, what is this
then?! Where did this well-fed donkey suddenly come from?”
[11] Raphael says: “From the same place that the fish came
from! But now I am asking you, for which reason do I
embarrass you? Have I ever done you any sort of harm?”
[12] Ribar says: “Dearest and at the same time most beautiful
young friend! Look, you are too all-powerful for us and you
look a little like a scamp; so we have a singular respect for you
and we become quite terribly fearful and afraid in your
presence! But because you are already here and do not want to
go back to your companions, come closer and describe to us at
least what the great divine Master of Nazareth looks like; for
our souls are never satisfied hearing about the incomprehensible
miracles that you have performed before us! If you, which is not
at all to be doubted, know how to speak as well as you perform
purely divine miracles, open your beautiful mouth and speak,
describing his outer appearance!”
[13] Raphael says: “If I could, I would be glad to do it; but I
may not, despite all my omnipotent power which I have from
the eternal Master of all things, to give the game away before
the right time.
[14] It annoyed you all, and in particular you, because I was
forced to smile at you. I assure you that there was no so-called
roguishness in it; for there are often situations among mortal
people, particularly among those who are still walking in the
twilight, when a spirit enlightened through and through, as I am,
cannot hold back a smile. For me, for example, I am always
prompted to smile when some very wise and correct-thinking
people are standing together in a forest and in the end cannot see
and recognize the wood for all the trees! Yes, friends, when
such a thing happens I have to laugh, and I can do nothing
about it!”
[15] Ribar says: opening his eyes wide, “Are we standing in a
forest and do not recognize the wood for all the trees?”
[16] Raphael says: “Not materially, but spiritually yes, and
that’s why I have to laugh. Tell me why you fear
acquaintanceship with the great Master of Nazareth so much?”
[17] This time Suetal says: “You see, dear, wise disciple of the
great Master, we have already spoken quite openly with this
friend here who called you over, for which reason we prefer
not to meet him personally, and our certainly not bad wish
should be kept!
[18] You already are much too high for us poor sinners, and it is
becoming quite terribly uncomfortable for us in your presence;
for we cannot possibly have the slightest idea about your
wisdom and knowledge, and so we feel very strange in your
presence. But what is a disciple in comparison with his master?
But if you as the youngest disciple of the great Master can
already perform such unheard-of miracles, what must the Master
be able to do?! But we already feel very terribly uncomfortable
in your presence; how uncomfortable would we feel in the
presence of the great Master?! We would not be able to bear it!
So for the moment let’s not make the personal acquaintance of
the great Master.
[19] Only his teaching can be of use to us, the basics of which
we have already heard from your friend here; for the moment
we are quite happy with it. If we ever become more perfect than
we are now through the most exact observation possible of this
divinely pure teaching, we will then certainly have enough
holiness to make the acquaintance of the great Master
personally. But give the donkey conjured up here to the
innkeeper for us; for we have nothing else that we could pay
him in return for what he has given us!”
[20] Raphael says: “Well, give him then the quite healthy beast
of burden and the fish; for both the animals were created
for him!”
[1] But now Mark comes to tell us that the midday meal is ready
and that we should go to the table.
[2] Suetal says to Mark: “Listen, my good old friend! You see,
we twelve are totally poor and have nothing with which we
could pay our bill; but look, this young disciple of the great
Master of Nazareth who is staying somewhere in your house has
conjured up for us through his miracle powers one of the most
noble fish of surely almost one hundred pounds and afterwards
this donkey! Take these two animals into your possession
instead of our unpaid debt; for what should we do with the
donkey and the fish? We have already found out what they say
symbolically to us as a reprimand! For a fish and a donkey, as
far as we know, were never used as symbols of wisdom, rather
always as symbols of stupidity! Therefore be so good and take
both the animals which are certainly worth something, instead
of our unpaid debt!”
[3] Mark says: “I will gladly do that, although you do not owe
me anything; for everything that you have consumed here and
that you will consume in the future, has already been paid more
than a hundred times over! But now just look around for a table;
for the midday meals will be brought along immediately!”
[4] Suetal says: “Friend, tell us who has so magnanimously paid
the bill for us in advance, so that we can give him our owed
[5] Mark says: “I am not allowed to say that; so just content
yourself with what I have said to you now!” With these words
Mark moves away at My secret wink, takes the donkey at the
same time and gives it to one of his sons to look after it for the
time being.
[6] After Mark has gone, Suetal says to Me: “Friend, is the old
man not a wonderful person?! You see, there are very few such
honest people to meet in this world! But what do you think then
who might have paid the bill so superhumanly magnanimously
for us?”
[7] I say: “Who else, but the great Master of Nazareth?! For he
never demands anything for free. Whoever does something for
him is repaid ten-fold, and whoever does ten things for him is
repaid one hundred-fold!”
[8] Suetal says: “Yes, but we have neither done one thing nor
ten things for him, and nevertheless he has already paid a
thousand for us!”
[9] I say: “But this Master is also all-knowing and therefore
knows that you will yet do something for him, and thus he pays
you for it in advance!”
[10] Suetal says: “We will allow this and will be prepared to
repay such goodness of his with our diligence and great
enthusiasm, if we will only find out what service he wants
from us!”
[11] I say: “Yes, you see, in the end it will be necessary to enter
into a closer acquaintanceship with him! In the end he might
even take you to be his disciples?!”
[12] Suetal says to Ribar: “That would be something! In the end
we might also soon be able to bring about something like this
fine young person here!? Truly, under such circumstances I
would like now, if it is easily possible, to make his personal
[13] Ribar says: “Me too, and actually all of us as well! But the
first meeting will probably be much more terrible than my
former meeting with the desperate fish.”
[14] Suetal says: “Who knows? The apprentice often hammers
much harder on the anvil than the master, in order to show that
he also knows how to use a hammer. If there is a suitable
opportunity during the midday meal, perhaps this good Greek
friend of ours could draw our attention to him through a hint!?”
[15] I say: “Oh yes, I can easily do this favor for you; but when
you have recognized him, you must behave very calmly and not
make a fuss, for he doesn’t like that! He looks only at the heart
and is completely contented when a correct, living homage is
paid to him quite silently in it!”
[16] Suetal says: “Oh, we can do that, and it is also much more
intelligent and wiser; therefore, dearest friend, just be so good
and draw our attention to him at a suitable opportunity during
the midday meal!”

[17] I say: “Very well, very well; that will happen! But now the
dishes have already been placed on the tables; so let us go there
and occupy the nearest one! You see, there under the great lime
tree there are two tables! I must take My place at the long table
for the sake of the high Romans; but you sit right at the next
table and then we will be able to converse with each other quite
[18] “Yes, yes,” says Suetal, “that is the best thing to do! But I
am now truly extremely eager to get to know the great man, the
true Messiah of the Jews, personally for the first time.”
[19] I say: “Very good, but now let’s go to the tables!” I go
forward and the twelve follow Me; and Raphael walks beside
Suetal, which makes him feel uncomfortable, so that he asks
him whether he wouldn’t be willing to sit at their table.
[20] And Raphael agrees to this with the greatest friendliness in
the world, which doesn’t suit Suetal too well however, because
he still has an immensely great respect for the all-power of the
angel. But because Raphael speaks in such a friendly way with
him, he gradually begins to become fonder of him and the
presence of the latter doesn’t disturb him nearly as much
[1] People are now coming from all sides to the tables, which
through the hard work of old Mark and his two sons, also
trained in carpentry, have increased by four; for Mark had quite
a store of boards of oak wood because of building his fishing
boats, and in a moment Raphael increased them significantly for
him with My permission, and so it was easy for Mark to set up a
quantity of dinner tables along with benches in his orchard.
[2] Raphael sits down between Suetal and Ribar. But at My
table, however, at which we had sat in the same order as the day
before, Mathael and his four companions were also allowed and
they had to sit between Julius and Cyrenius. On My right sat
Jarah again, beside her Josoe, then Ebahl and after Ebahl My
disciples, respectively the apostles.

[3] At the other tables of course were those who were in

Cyrenius’ and Julius’ entourage; and the 30 young Pharisees
under the leadership of their speaker, Hebram, had a long table
behind My back, so that they could see My table and the twelve
at the small table.
[4] A suitable amount of the best-prepared fish was brought out
everywhere, and there was no lack of the best bread and wine.
We began to eat, and the twelve could not praise the fish enough
and tucked in heartily; but Raphael consumed the most. He
more or less swallowed one fish after the other, which began to
surprise Suetal very much, and he didn’t know what he should
make of it.
[5] But as Raphael lifted the last fish from the dish and laid it on
his board, began to divide it into pieces and then began to push
one piece after the other into his mouth with a certain haste, this
was too much for Suetal and Ribar, and Suetal said to Raphael
quite courteously, “Oh, dear, finest young friend, what sort of an
enormous stomach must you have then that you have room in it
for such a quantity of fish and so much bread?! There were
certainly almost twenty fish in our large bowl; we have only
eaten twelve, and you have tackled the eight largest all on your
own! Such a young man and so much food?! That cannot
possibly be healthy! Well, it is fine to me, and God bless you for
it! Does it belong to the teaching of the great Master then, that
one should eat so much to achieve wisdom and omnipotence?”
[6] Raphael says laughing: “Of course not! But if I like it and it
is there, why should I not eat as much as I like?! Look at the
temple in Jerusalem, how many of all sorts of sacrifices are
consumed daily in the name of God! Could one not ask more
justifiably and say: But Jehovah is a true glutton; every day He
consumes a quantity of oxen, cows, calves, sheep, lambs, hens
and doves and fish and goats and many great loaves of bread
and many gulps of wine and after all this powerful consumption
He still has a greed for gold, silver, pearls and all sorts of
valuable stones!?

[7] Have you ever asked whether God is really such a glutton?!
No, you have never done that; for you knew that only the
servants of God are the gluttons! What are my eight fish in
comparison with the hundred oxen, cows, and calves and so
on?! If the servants of God in the temple can have the
unpunished right to consume such an enormous amount in the
name of God, why should I fast then, when I am surely more of
a servant of God than the gluttons in the temple?!”
[8] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, you are quite right; I was only very
surprised how you, as a very tender youth, have overtaken us by
far in eating and took no consideration at all of us and whether
we might also have liked some of the good fish!”
[9] Raphael says: “Have you even experienced the servants of
God in the temple taking any consideration of whether those
sacrificing have something left to eat at home? They take their
sacrifices and their tithes without any consideration of whether
those sacrificing might die of hunger in the next hour! And you
see, they want to be servants of God, and that is what they are in
the eyes of the blind nation! But you have never taken these
servants of God to one side even quite secretly in your home
and asked them: why are you taking so much care of my health
when I have actually proven that I am a genuine servant
of God?!”
[10] Ribar says: “Friend Suetal, it doesn’t seem good to
exchange words with him! The youth sounds like Mathael and
could tell us our whole life’s story to our faces just like that!”
[11] Raphael says: “You don’t need to speak so quietly,
otherwise I have difficulty understanding you, and clearly
Suetal even more so!”
[12] Ribar says: “Yes, yes, I just spoke too loudly!”
[13] Raphael: “And you didn’t want to be understood by me!
You see, I hear and see your thoughts; how should I not hear
your words then?! Look, that animal that I placed beside you
earlier has so many similarities with you! But I tell you, if you
do not first become as humble as that gray animal, you will
never find the tiny door to true wisdom!”

[14] Ribar says: “But tell me, friend, why did you embarrass me
so much in front of so many people!?”
[15] Raphael says: “I have just told you clearly that you are still
so blind in your souls that you cannot see the wood for all the
trees. And as blind as you were, you are still so blind now, that’s
why you ate too few fish! But if you want more fish, just say so,
and there will surely be an abundance more in the sea!”
[1] A third one from the party of twelve, who was called Bael,
says: “Friends, let me say something for once! True, I normally
speak little and prefer to hear something wise quite silently; but
in all your speech very little wisdom has been seen until now.
The young disciple is right in all seriousness when he makes fun
of you very heartily; for I say to you too that you don’t see the
forest for the trees. Consider who we are and who the great
party is; then thank God that we are still alive! We are pitiful,
weak and quite worthless worms of the Earth, and this party
consists of rulers before whom the whole Earth trembles; and
we worms dare to exchange words with them in the most foolish
way!? Why were you embarrassed, friend Suetal, that this high,
miraculous and truly all-powerful youth just consumed eight
fish before our eyes?! Are we not being fed for free then, and
didn’t we eat enough? I believe: Since we have now been
satisfied more than enough, what more can we want? If the
nature of this youth is so created so that he has to eat more than
we starved rogues of the temple in order to be satisfied, we have
no right to cast a critical eye on this! For firstly he didn’t eat
from our bag, and secondly it was extremely unseemly on your
part to call him to question in this way! I beg you, become more
astute! All the elements obey this disciple, and you speak to him
as if he was your equal. Oh you truly foolish donkeys! He
deserves all our honor more than the prophets of old, for the
sake of the spirit of God which moves through him, and you
treat him like an equal of yours! When you have to enter the
temple before the high priest, you shake in sheer awe; here there
is a million times more than a thousand high priests on one spot,
and you behave like a couple of the very greatest idiots! Tut, tut,
you should be ashamed! Be silent, listen and learn something;
only then speak to people who are less wise than you! But leave
the divine disciple in peace; otherwise I will have to become
rough with you in the name of all the other brothers who sit here
at this table!”

[2] Raphael says: “You spoke well, it is true, dear Bael, but such
crude reprimands are never in order because they do not have
love in the background, but a hidden arrogance. For when you
reprimand your brothers so roughly, you burn with anger,
become infuriated and you talk yourself into a rage and then you
cannot do anything good; for grapes and figs do not grow from
thorns and thistles, and no grass appears on a burnt patch for a
long time.
[3] If you want to lead your brothers, you must not grab them so
tightly at the arm like a lion its prey, but as a mother hen leads
her chicken, so you with your brothers; then you will be
accepted by God because you acted according to the order from
[4] First always test the power and strength of love, what they
can do, and how far it extends! If it should be shown that in its
softness little or nothing is achieved, only then cover the love
with the clothing of full seriousness and thus lead your brother
out of deepest love, holding him tightly until you have brought
him onto the correct path! Once he is standing on it, then
uncover your love and the brother will eternally remain your
heavenly friend full of thanks! And that is better because it is in
God’s order for eternity.”
[5] Bael opens his eyes wide at this reprimand, and Suetal and
Ribar press Raphael’s hands in sheer joy; for they were well
pleased to have found a representative of their human rights in
this supposed young disciple.

[6] But the young disciple says to them: “Friends, gratitude for a
good service is good if it has a good reason; but if the reason is
not fully good, yes, actually more bad than good, then all the
rich gratitude is not a jot better than the reason itself!”
[7] At this comment by Raphael Suetal and Ribar open their
eyes wide, and Suetal asks Raphael, “But, dearest young friend,
do tell us what you mean!? It seems to us that you are not at all
satisfied with our gratitude!”
[8] Raphael says: “You see, according to the order of God
everything in a person must be in God’s full order. Pure love as
the basis for all life just as in God, so also in a person, must
shine out of every action. You are now grateful to me for
reprimanding Bael, because his reprimand directed at you was
not based on reasons of love, but of anger, which is a child of
rage and revenge. Bael had clearly injured your pride and you
were burning with anger in your hearts about it and you were
cultivating the desire that Bael would be given a very rough
reprimand for it. And you see, such a wish is the youngest child
of the thirst for revenge which belongs only in hell! But now I
forestalled your desire and showed him clearly the wickedness
of his reprimand, and you both took joy in this and were
thankful to me for it.
[9] But your joy did not stem from the fact that I had brought
brother Bael onto the correct path of the order of God, but
because I dealt him a heavy blow on your behalf and in your
opinion, whereby your thirst for revenge was slaked a little and
you have another reason to reproach him in order to often slake
your thirst for revenge. And you see, because your gratitude was
based on such a reason, which is bad because there was no love
in it, the gratitude itself cannot be good!
[10] Oh, but if your gratitude is the fruit of a genuine heavenly
joy that a somewhat confused brother has been put back on the
correct path, then it is also a fruit of the order of Heaven, which
is called love, and is for this reason good.
[11] If you want to be true children of God, as you have been
called, any reason must never prompt you to commit an act
which is not based in all its parts on pure love; there can be no
trace of anger, a thirst for revenge or even the slightest gloating
in your hearts, for that belongs in hell and not in Heaven.

[12] You see, if in your house a brother lay down severely ill in
his body and was in great danger of death through the illness,
whereby you could lose a dear brother causing great sadness,
you would surely offer everything in order to help your brother
from his suffering and to save him from the danger of death!
What a joy would you have if your brother became better from
hour to hour through your effort!
[13] But if you feel such a joy over the physical improvement of
your brother in yourself – how much more will you, as children
of one and the same father in Heaven, rejoice when a spiritually
sick brother who is standing on the way to possible eternal
destruction is healed again and given eternal life? Do you agree
or not?”
[1] Suetal says: “Friend, no person of this world speaks as you
do! You must be a higher being from God’s Heaven! Are you
actually the great Savior of Nazareth himself?”
[2] Raphael says: “Oh, not at all! I am eternally unworthy to
even untie His shoelace! I am quite high up according to the
spirit, but now according to this likewise earthly body I am only
what and who you have got to know me as!”
[3] Suetal says: “But now, since we, like many other guests,
have already eaten, I would like to get to know the heavenly
Master in order to show him my deepest honor!”
[4] Raphael says: “I have not yet been empowered to do that;
when the right time comes, you and your brothers will recognize
Him! But look, there are still some impure things in your hearts!
You must recognize that and avoid it as such and get rid of the
fact that you as a consequence and from the moment on when
you recognize the dishonest part, never again exert it in any
opportunity; then you will be suitable to recognize the great
Master completely!

[5] But now pay attention everyone! The friend with whom you
spoke earlier will now, judging by his looks, make a speech; for
I have noticed that Supreme Governor Cyrenius, sitting beside
him, has just asked him something – and look, when the great
people speak, the little ones must be silent and listen when such
a thing is allowed! Therefore we will now be silent and let our
great neighbor speak for once!”
[6] Suetal asks Raphael once more, “Could you, dearest young
friend, not tell me, who is the good friend who wants to
speak now?”
[7] Raphael says: “No, not now, for now we must be silent and
listen! For when he begins to speak about something seriously,
it is always of the greatest interest to listen to him! So from now
on, until he has said everything, no more loud word at our
[8] Suetal and all the others make do with this and wait with
impatience for the beginning of My speech. But I couldn’t begin
My speech sooner until Cyrenius had finished with his very
weighty questions about marriage, adultery, divorce and
sleeping with a virgin who was still single.
[9] Suetal asks after a few minutes of silent waiting, “Well,
when will he begin then?”
[10] Raphael says: “But you blind and deaf person, don’t you
see then that Cyrenius has not finished asking his question!? Or
can one begin to speak and answer a question before the
question has been fully asked?! Be patient, the answer will
follow shortly!”
[11] Suetal is satisfied with this decision for the moment, but
Cyrenius extends his question through all sorts of side-
comments, and I cannot get to answering. Cyrenius speaks quite
quietly for the sake of Jarah, who is sitting nearby, so that our
neighbors naturally understand very little of the question and
begin to get bored, because they cannot hear a loud word from
any side; for with the Romans it was a major tradition that
thousands would be silent if a high person made a motion to
signify to the others that he wanted to speak.

[12] Now several minutes pass again, and I am still not

speaking; Suetal says to Raphael: “My friend, both men speak
so quietly to each other! We will not benefit much from this
perhaps very wise conversation and we could begin to speak
about something amongst us, which would even be desired by
our neighbors! For if such great lords speak silently between
themselves they make the surrounding little people understand
that they don’t want to be heard! We are therefore wrong if we
are completely silent and thereby lay our bad manners before
them; thus we should talk about something!”
[13] Raphael says: “Look, look, what a sharp one you are! –
Look over there, a second serving of well-prepared fish and
bread are coming to this table, and several beakers full of the
best wine, because you have all been left hungry because of my
significant appetite!”
[14] Suetal says: “God be praised therefore; for I at least have
some emptiness in my stomach! The fish which I consumed
earlier was not one of the larger ones, and there was actually no
significant affluence of bread at our table, and so such a second
helping is only too welcome.”
[15] Now Mark had come to our table with the desired second
helping and said: “Forgive me, dear friends! This table was
much less richly served than the others earlier, and so I have let
another helping be prepared from my large store. God the Lord
bless it for all of you!”
[16] At this everyone except the angel reach hungrily for the
dish and consume with haste the very well prepared fish, they
don’t spare the bread either and start on the wine. It doesn’t last
long and the table is fully freed of its new load.
[17] When they have cleared the table without the help of the
angel, Suetal says: “God the Lord and the only good father of
angels and people be all praise! Now I am as satisfied as I have
not been in the last half year! Now I can be silent and wait with
all patience for the promised speech by the wise Greek, who
probably is a secret advisor of the high Governor of Coelesyria
and respectively the Governor of all Asia. But the speech by our
young friend makes us wait a long time!

[18] The Governor is not finished with his certainly very

complicated question and the other cannot give him an answer
sooner before the Governor is finished with his certainly very
important question! That will last still another long time! Also
the 30 young Pharisees and Levites are pricking up their ears!
But it’ll be a long time before the speech!
[19] I like the young girl quite well; but she seems to be head
over heels in love with the Greek! She never turns an eye away
from him and seems to read all sorts of things in his eyes; she
has no eye for the young son of the Governor, although he sits
beside her officially clothed and, as it seems, is beginning to get
bored! Oho, now another four pretty maids are coming out of
the house! That must be the daughters of the innkeeper! What
will they do now?!”
[20] Raphael says: “I think that you, friend, are a gas-bag and
cannot be quiet at all! Don’t you see then that the house maid is
coming to collect the empty dishes in order to clean them for the
evening?! Are you then of such a limited spirit that you don’t
see this at first sight? Truly, you will not be like Mathael for a
long time yet!
[21] Try once more to see if you can be silent and think just in
silence; for a certain inner rest is necessary to awake the spirit,
without which this very important act of life can never become
fulfilling reality!”
[1] Raphael: “Look, let’s take the inside of a house. Everything
has long been in the greatest disorder; its rooms are full of dirt
and all sorts of feculence. But the lord of the house has always
something to do outside and therefore never takes time to clean
the inside of his house; but since he has to take rest during the
night and breathe the impure air, he becomes ill and weak and
hence it will be difficult for him to clean his house and recover
in the bad air.
[2] And you see, your heart is likewise a house for the soul and
above all for the spirit! But if you are always active on the
outside, when will you clean your house of life so that your
spirit will thrive in the good air of your soul?
[3] So for the thriving of the soul and the spirit, whatever you
do, external rest is essential!”
[4] Suetal says: “But Mathael said that life is a battle and one
111 cannot achieve it in the comfortable rest of the flesh;
Mathael speaks differently to you, and you now speak
differently to him! Which of you is then right?!”
[5] Raphael says: “I and Mathael! Life is certainly a battle, but
not an exclusively external one, but a quite powerful inner one
against the outside! The external person must in the end be
completely conquered by the internal, otherwise the inner
person dies along with the external! Let the inner person put a
bridle on your fleshly tongue, so that it will rest and let the inner
tongue of thoughts of the soul become active and recognize how
misty and unclear things are in your house of life!
[6] Do not concern yourself with all the external appearances of
nothing; for little depends on whether one understands their
reason or not! But in the true celebration of the Sabbath
recognize the true reason for the inner life of the soul and the
spirit; everything should matter a lot to you and to every person!
[7] What use is it to you, if you know so well and feel that you
exist and you live, but you don’t know in the next moment
whether you will still exist and feel that you are?! What use is
all knowledge and such high sciences if you don’t recognize
your own life and do not feel any science in yourself about its

[8] But if you want to recognize your innermost being, you must
direct you sense above all towards your insides, just as your
eyes must turn to where you want to discover something; how
will you see the sunrise if your eyes are turned towards the
west?! Do you not see, you, who were a rabbi yourself, that you
are as blind in your own sphere of life as an embryo in its
mother’s womb?!”
[9] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, yes, I see that very well and we will
all now be silent like a statue of stone!”
[1] At this it becomes silent at the table, but the 30 young
Pharisees and Levites become annoyed with one another
because their speaker, Hebram, has also ordered silence.
Particularly annoyed is a certain Risa, whose parents possess a
lot of property which he would inherit after their death as their
lone heir. He prickles when Hebram reminds him that he should
rather consider the wise words of Mathael and in particular
those of the Savior of Nazareth in peace and silence than to
whet his mouth about his futile inheritance.
[2] But Risa makes the dirty counter comment to Hebram,
saying, “The poor devils in the end constantly become pious and
reach all wisdom because they know that they don’t have much
to expect from the world; and the great people and the rich also
sometimes become pious and wise so that they can lead the
violent poor devils easily back to gentleness and patience and in
the future humbly accept their very pressing poverty!
[3] The rich man goes to the synagogue and prays in the face of
the poor man in order to make him believe how pious one must
be to be so blessed by God; and the poor man prays just as
much, firstly, in order to be blessed by God, and secondly, so
that the rich man sees and therefore gives him alms. What is the
difference between the two? There is no difference! For the rich
man deceives the poor man and the poor man as much as
possible the rich man in order to receive something from him.
But no one deceives me, not even a miracle-worker; for the
miracle-workers know very well for whom and why they
perform their supposed miracles! If they are very great masters
of their art, they are positively honored as higher beings and
thus become rich and powerful!

[4] Briefly, it is easy to be a painter for the blind; you paint a

bear for them and say: Look, that is an attractive virgin! And
they believe you. But if someone performed a miracle before
me, he would nevertheless not deceive the eagle-eyed Risa and
would deserve and receive no alms!
[5] Everything in the world is deception; whoever can do it most
skillfully is always the highest up! But whoever is somewhat
less skilled in his deceptions will never make great progress on
the bumpy road to happiness!
[6] Happy is only he who right from the beginning is the rich
owner of all sorts of goods and of the greatest possible
perspicacity so that a bear cannot be painted before him instead
of a tender virgin! That is my healthy opinion of the world and
all its relationships without being befogged by any poor cunning
devil! So it has always been and so it will always remain!
[7] But don’t even talk to me about an eternal life after death!
For what follows, every grave as well as every tree in a forest
that has fallen through old age shows us. Whatever comes out of
the earth, becomes earth again and otherwise there is nothing –
except the pious imagination on behalf of the poor devils that
are willingly supported by the rich!”
[8] Hebram, as already mentioned, is very appalled at such
comments and says to Risa: “So for you Moses and all the great
and small prophets are nothing more than either real or invented
deceivers of the blind humanity and the present Savior of
Nazareth means not a jot more to you?!”
[9] Risa says: “If not an evil deceiver, then at least a better sort
of deceiver; for everyone knows very well how to present to the
blind people, if not a bear, then at least an ape instead of people,
and an X instead of a Y!

[10] As far as the Savior of Nazareth is concerned, however, he

certainly became very familiar with the secret powers through
study; he can now use them; and we look at the uninitiated like
an ox in the new gate and don’t know what is going on!
[11] But his teaching is good; for if all people had such a
religion and followed it, in the end it would have to be good for
all people! But who will announce such a religion to all the
people on the wide Earth? And if that was somehow enabled, I
ask: which unconquerable troubles and hindrances would such a
job encounter?!
[12] For in all things people are more accessible than in the area
of their diverse religions and faiths!
[13] The average person is everywhere much more animal than
human. He lacks every higher intelligence and he will not lift
himself from out of his thousand-year reasoning despite all its
tangible duplicity and sweet foolishness; but the more intelligent
person will think: It’s good to live according to the old
foolishness, why have something new of which we have no
experience of how it should be accepted, and how to live by it?
Therefore such enlightenments are suitable only for individual
places and should be kept as secretive as possible so that they
should keep the value which makes at least a few people happy
from the wider world; once such a thing goes into the general
public, it loses its value, soon becomes laughable and then no
one pays any attention to it any longer. Whatever a – let’s say –
person can effect, thousands then copy him once they have been
only a little initiated in the business!
[14] And so, I think, this otherwise good Master from Nazareth
will also soon leave his mark, particularly when he has taught
his secret sciences to other people, as we have just seen with the
young, fine person who has already achieved a masterful
capability in miraculous works!
[15] But if a disciple already performs such unheard-of things,
what remains then for the master to do?! If the disciples can be
obediently silent, then at least a profitable institute can be
created if it isn’t spoilt by the rulers of the world; for these
willingly support such institutes which are quite suitable due to
their extraordinary effect to hold the nation in control through
great prophecies in the other life to come, consisting usually of
reward or endless punishment.

[16] But as soon as such secret knowledge comes to a nation

and the truth is told, then it is over! Finally everything is
criticized and mocked, no person thinks anything of it any
longer and every previously inspiring noble value is irrevocably
lost, and people devise something even more extraordinary but
usually cannot find anything more as long as they remain bright.
Only after centuries, when some old, sweet foolishness has set
in again, can any adventurous smart fellow subjugate some
small nation for several centuries if he sells himself cleverly.
But if he presents himself even a little stupid, he will soon have
to see how he can escape with his skin intact.
[17] You see, I am truly no prophet as there has probably never
ever been before! But I dare to claim now that the temple with
its formidable fleecing will hardly remain another century,
despite all its supposed care! For once such an institution
becomes too profit-seeking, it betrays itself, loses its halo and
that’s the end of it! But two thousand years seem to be the
longest term that a doctrine can last; then it falls back into
obscurity, and one can only get to see individual bits of it in
some chronicle or other.
[18] Only the art that the old Phoenicians are supposed to have
invented, and which was much expanded by the Egyptians and
the Greeks, can never pass away because it contains truths
which are very reasonable for everyone, most useful and
therefore they are indestructible.
[19] But every other religious doctrine which demands all sorts
of sacrifices from the people and, if one has picked it up, offers
no other advantage than that it makes quite a few sick people
healthy again and in emergencies can perform other little
miracles, cannot last! For in the first place it does not rest on
any mathematically provable basis, and in the second place it
never remains, even with the best insurance on behalf of
its founder, as simple and pure as it was when created by its

[20] Usually one begins with all sorts of explanations because

every founder of a religion is more or less a subscriber of old
mysticism and fills up his otherwise often very wise religion
with all sorts of incomprehensible mystical scraps which he
probably has not even understood himself at first and which his
followers can understand even less. Then gradually a religion
becomes wider and wider, the old mysticism in it becomes more
and more mystical, great halls are built and all sorts of
ceremonies are performed with an awfully serious face in order
to make the old holiness of a once very simple religion all the
more obvious and vivid. But that is all no good, for in time the
eyes of the people are opened through all sorts of appearances
from the realms of nature and healthy reason, and then all the
old religion is as good as finished; for the pieces that still remain
here and there can never be joined again into a complete whole.
You see, that is my opinion which I nonetheless do not want to
and will not force upon anyone.”
[1] Hebram says: “Friend, many times already I have heard the
matter presented in the way you have now quite sensibly
presented it; but it does not apply here, for over there is sitting
more than a usual magician who is well-versed in all Persian
and Egyptian conjuring!
[2] Just think about Mathael’s speech and the deeds, teachings
and speeches of the great Master himself, and it must be clear to
you that you are on the wrong track despite all your seemingly
very healthy reason!
[3] I also know a little about magic and know the various
methods of Persian and Egyptian magic; but to carry out
everything that has already been carried out here, and all the
teachings that we have already heard here, point clearly to a
higher origin than we are capable of imagining at present.

[4] That disciple over there with the twelve transformed a stone
into dust on the table before our very eyes, put the dust back
together into the previous stone and finally made it vanish. And
as he then made bread out of the stone, then the fish which we
can still see, and in the end produced a complete donkey in
optima forma, friend, those are appearances of quite another sort
to those few empty and meaningless little miracles by a few
Persian magicians whom we saw in Damascus! Whoever there
could only count a little more than ‘one plus one’ was easily in a
position to grab the deception with his hands and make an
explanation in optima forma; but who can create another
explanation to that which Mathael gave us about the sole power
and strength of the basic life in and from God?!
[5] Therefore you are acting very wrongly here if you put what
is here into the familiar category of tiresome deception, as you
are very wrongly doing right now, when you put Moses and all
the other prophets into the same category; for Mathael has
shown us amply what is hiding behind the great liberator of our
nation from the hard yoke of the Egyptians.
[6] Moses was such an extraordinary spiritual leading light
before God and before people that until these times the Earth
has nothing greater to show. But here, friend, He sits in human
form, before who’s most holy countenance the great Moses hid
his face; thus it is extremely unwise of you to speak about Him
as if about an ordinary person!
[7] Count the guests who are fed here three times a day with the
best and most noble fish which have no bones, with bread, wine
and all sorts of fruit, with honey, milk, cheese and butter! But at
the same time consider that our host is basically a poorer person
rather than rich! His ground is three yokes large, has only a few
fields and these are, as we can see, very stony. The fishery is
still the best; but what can it do for so many guests? We must be
about four hundred men in all now, and everyone is completely
satisfied. Add to this the many beasts of burden of the Romans
and Greeks, and none suffer any need. But if you go into the
larder of out host, you will find it stuffed full of all sorts of
fruits and with a mass of the very best bread, and the deep cellar
in the cliff is so full of wine that we would never finish it in a
year even if we tried hard! But if you then ask the truly honest
and truth-loving host how he came to all this, he will answer
you with nothing more than: Only through wonder upon wonder
on the part of the great Savior of Nazareth!

[8] But if this is so, who can dare to claim that this is all a
deception which the powerful people of the Earth have cooked
up in order to thereby deceive the blind and foolish crowd and
to make them more submissive and eligible to pay dues?! I tell
you: There is more here than the understanding of the wise men
of the Earth will ever comprehend; here God’s power prevails,
as it already prevailed now and then on the Earth and will still
prevail in the future! If even your healthy reason does not
understand that, it is nonetheless just as I have told you now; but
go there and convince yourself of everything, and then say
whether we are dealing with natural things!”
[9] Risa says: “Yes, yes, if it is so, then certainly I am obliged to
retract many of my claims, and I do not want to deny Moses and
the other prophets their divine value; but this one thing remains
true, that in the end no teaching in its purity, even if it was of a
very divine origin, lasts even a few centuries!
[10] Moses was still on the mountain and heard there the orders
of Jehovah, and the people in the valley danced around a golden
calf; but what a quite different face Moses’ teaching received
when King Saul stepped into the place of the judges, and how
different again everything began to look under David, and how
it changed under Solomon and his followers?!
[11] Constantly something pure and divine fell by the wayside
and was replaced by worldly human statutes, so that effectively
only the names have come down to us, otherwise the whole of
Moses has almost totally disappeared; only what gives the
temple servants a certain divine halo has been kept. They have
kept the penitential function in order to be able to torture the
poor people from a certain divinely authorized bossiness; but
the actual divinity has been eradicated long ago; no one cares
for gray and hairy penitential robes for the sake of the Ten
Commandments of God any more. Adultery among people who
are very rich is still accepted because such people must buy
themselves off from getting stoned with a lot of money. They
then only receive a so called accursed water to drink which does
not make their stomachs burst; for such sinners can still be well
used many times for the many needs of the temple! But if the
high servants of the temple commit adultery, no one pays any
attention; only if a poor devil commits adultery at some point,
he will then certainly be stoned quite pertinently.

[12] But now we read with what an unheard-of effort of divine

power and strength the Ten Commandments were given by God
to the people under thunder and lightning which makes the ends
of the Earth quake, and how such a divine seriousness of fear
was repeated many times throughout several centuries. How
often has the nation been warned by God according to the
Scriptures of the great and lesser prophets! However, what use
was all that for this time? We know how things now stand, and I
don’t need to tell you anymore! Truly, if there is any sort of hell,
it cannot look any worse!
[13] But if his supposedly pure divine revelations only bring
such fruits to sorry show, as we now see it among the Pharisees;
I then ask every man with a healthy brain whether it will be
difficult in the end to give up all beliefs in whatever natural
divine revelation and providence!?
[14] What you have said here about the great Savior is all
correct and true, and his teaching may also be crowned with
better success than all the religions until now; but I would like
to be a witness after only half a century with my present
consciousness and see what a face then this new religion will
have in general, assuming that its actual observance is obeyed
like all the previous ones by the free will of the people!
[15] Only one leader at the head in the beginning, and in a
thousand years it will seethe with such leaders who will not
forget their stomachs during reading of this pure religion! Tell
me whether I am so much on the wrong path with my opinion as
you just said!”


[1] Hebram says: “Yes and no! In this purely earthly human
way you are correct, in my opinion, but according to the purely
divine you are very wrong and are therefore still on the false
path; for God’s plans look different to ours. You see, if we had
placed the stars in the firmament we would also have placed
them there more regularly; but God, the single All-mighty,
placed them there as spooky little lights! Why so?
[2] Look at the grass of the field, how weeds are mixed among
it! Why is there no order in which our symmetrical sense could
take some kind of mathematical pleasure?! Wherever you may
turn your sense, you see much more chaos than any symmetrical
order in all creation! And nonetheless the Creator must also
understand symmetry; for the most tangible all-convincing proof
of this lies in our human form. If the good Creator is capable of
observing the highest symmetry in one way, but on the other
hand seems not to take the least consideration for it, there must
certainly be a very unknown reason to us worms of the dust
from which the Creator observes on the one hand the highest
symmetry and on the other hand the very direct opposite! But
why is one year then not like the next, why is one day not like
the next?
[3] You see, if you look at the thing like this, the so-called
symmetrical healthy human reason must find some things with
which it could find fault with the obedient sharpness of its fake
light; but then comes the great Master Himself and says:
Trickster, you can judge only as far as your effort goes– but no
[4] But as we see that there in the great Creation of God a
seemingly highest, purely chaotic disorder is connected to the
highest order, likewise it seems to me it is also connected to the
various revelations of God to the humans of this Earth. He as the
sole creator knew best what was the most suitable in the various
time periods and for the various peoples for their spiritual

[5] But with time from certainly very wise reasons he also lets a
once given religion likewise fade away, as on the face of the
Earth countless weeds and flowers fade; but the seed which
develops out of the flower like the pure, living truth, does not
fade away, but remains living on and on.
[6] But if we see that the creator with time lets all the beautiful
exteriors decay for a time and in the end uses all care for the
development of the inner life with all the living things that are
known to us, can we wonder if we see this happen with the
[7] Without an earthly word no pure religion can reach us; but
the external word is already materially there and in the end must
fall away when the innermost pure spirit has developed. And so
in the external religions the external splendor necessarily
transforms over time always into something more unpleasant;
but in the background the purest spiritual strength and truth of
an earlier revelation by God to man develops more and more. Is
that not so, friend Risa?”
[8] Risa says: “Brother Hebram, I marvel at you! By God, you
have now changed my whole way of thinking with your truly
wise speech, for which I truly owe you thanks! It is truly as you
have told me; I may think as I like, I find the issue constantly
more clear! In brief, you have been victorious over my reason in
every way! I owe you very many thanks.”
[1] Here I turn around and say to Hebram, “Well, well, you have
already made great progress in wisdom, as you all have; truly,
one can take great joy in such disciples and they will soon be
able to be used as good workers in God’s vineyard! But I want
to draw all your attentions to one thing, and it consists of this:
[2] You now resemble the spring flowers which majestically
raise their heads in the spring quickly over the dead earth. If no
frosts come straight away, such active flowers are then quite
happy; but if a few days of shivering frost follow some warm
days, as usually happens in the spring, such early flowers let
their beautifully adorned heads hang and often wither
[3] I tell you: A person often sees a truth clearly; but if dull
clouds, heavy with all sorts of testing storms, often begin to lift
over the mind of a person, it becomes duller and duller in the
person’s heart, and it no longer sees some things that beforehand
were so clearly illuminated for his soul.
[4] Therefore keep in yourselves what you have now
experienced and lift your already decorated heads only over the
ground of the Earth of your external humanity when the testing
frosts are over; truly, then your knowledge can no longer be
destroyed by any evil hoar!
[5] But everything takes time until it becomes sound and
durable; also with the science of man. In a good situation some
things are quickly learnt and understood as well – but other
apparitions are just as quickly forgotten again! So understand
everything that you hear with your mind more than with your
brain, and then it will remain!
[6] When you look at a flower, you surely take great joy in its
beautiful shape; but what use is such a joy which is necessarily
as transitory as the flower which awoke such joy in you?!
The strength of the flower must be deposited in the depths of the
vase in which the living seed is tended and cared for, however,
and so your external joy must also wither away and its strength
must descend into the deepest ground where the eternal life of
the spirit is tended and cared for; then a joy, which lasts
eternally in the spirit, about its true inner beauty will be created,
where no hoarfrost can harm it.
[7] But now pay good attention; for I will now illuminate a little
more each piece about which Cyrenius desires nearer
[8] ere no But at this I turn to Jarah and Josoe and say to them,
“And you, My very dearest little children, can now go into the
kitchen to the daughters of our Mark for a little while, they will
be able to tell you some things that they have experienced
during their cooking over the last several days, which will do
you good to hear; for what I will now say to the guests is like
bread that is as hard as stone, and you need very strong and
well-formed teeth to be able to chew such a hard piece of
bread so that it does not irritate the very sensitive stomach of the
soul and cause it pain and damage. Later, when the teeth of
your mind become stronger, such things will also be shared
with you!”
[9] Jarah does not like to leave her seat, but Josoe says to her:
“Come, dear Jarah, just come with me cheerfully! For whatever
the Lord wants, we must always do it with a joyful heart; you
understand such a thing even better than I, so get up now from
your seat and come with me according to the will of the Lord!”
[10] At this Jarah gets up and goes with Josoe into Mark’s
house, where they are very friendly by his daughters, according
to the tradition of the house, and one word soon follows the
other, and the children amuse themselves quite comfortably and
instructing each other mutually almost until evening.
[11] But I turn now to Cyrenius and say, “Well, dearest friend,
you can notice what I will give you as an explanatory answer to
your quite drawn-out question; you should then stick to it and
everyone that hears it!”
[12] Here Suetal wanted to whisper yet another cheerful remark
about the fact that I would finally begin to speak; but Raphael
motioned to him seriously to be silent, and he was silent then,
and I began to speak further:
[1] (The Lord) “You see, the conception of a person is a
peculiar thing! In order to produce a correct and healthy fruit,
two mature people, namely a man and a woman, must have a
correct kinship of souls between one another, without which
they will achieve with difficulty or often even not at all a fruit
through the familiar act of reproduction.
[2] Now if a man and a woman are of a similar nature in their
hearts and in their souls, they should then take part in this act of
reproduction, wedded and according to the order that is easy to
find in nature, in order to achieve a living fruit in their image;
more than is necessary for this goes against the order of God
and of nature and therefore is an evil and a sin, which is not
much better than those of Sodom and Gomorrah!
[3] If a man has a lot of semen, well, he should put them in
another field, according to the decent way of the old fathers and
patriarchs, and he will not sin. But if he goes out secretly in
order to satisfy his desire with maids who sell themselves and in
this way to enjoy himself without the creation of a fruit, he
commits quite certainly a crudely sodomite sin against the
divine order and against the order of nature!
[4] Only a young, fertile man, if he is seized too much by the
sex appeal of a girl so that he is hardly master over his own
senses, can sleep with a virgin, with or without conception; but
after the act he must then do what Moses decreed for this case.
And if a fruit is conceived from such a conception of need, he
must provide the virgin ten to one hundredfold of what he
would owe according to Moses if no fruit had been conceived;
for a virgin brings such a person a great sacrifice of life and
death! If a man can marry such a virgin, he should not fail to do
so; for as I said, she has brought him a great sacrifice and freed
him of a numbing burden.
[5] But as a consequence such a fertile man should take a proper
wife immediately and if need be also a concubine, with the
permission of the legal wife, so that no discord or
discontentment arises; but if such a man can abstain, he will be
partake in a higher spiritual mercy in his inner life sooner than
another person.

[6] But how one should take a legal wife, this has already been
decreed by Moses according to the order from Heaven, and
must remain in the future until the end of the world.
[7] But you will easily see from what has already been said what
fornication means and why it has been forbidden by Moses as a
great sin; for everything has been decreed by God according to
the divine order. Whoever remains in such an order will also
reap the fruits of the blessings from above; but whoever acts
against such an order will reap the fruit of the curse.
[8] If any fiery passionate man can, feeling an urgent need, not
succeed in any natural quenching of the tormenting fire, I advise
him to bath diligently in cold water and to pray wholeheartedly
for the lessening of this torment, and this torment will be soon
taken away from him; but any other way to quench it comes
from evil and creates evil, but the evil is a sin and creates
more sins.
[9] At the same time all parents should be very concerned with
not presenting their adult children with the dangers of attraction!
For a flammable material can easily catch fire; but once the
flames attack from all sides, the fire can often no longer be
stopped, and there is no flame that does not claim a victim!
When it is put out the damage that it has caused is soon seen.
[10] Therefore particularly the virgins should be well dressed
but never dressed to attract, and the young men should not give
in to idleness; for idleness is always the producer of all vices
and sins.
[11] But whoever has taken a proper wife is bound to her until
death, and Moses’ letter of separation does not cancel out
adultery before the order of God, if such a man then married
another wife; but if the divorced wife marries, she also commits
adultery. In brief, whoever marries again after a divorce is an
adulterer, but whoever does not marry is not an adulterer.
[12] But if the marriage is spiritually broken by him who sees a
woman who is already married and harbors in his heart the plan
to lead her to adultery through all sorts of tricks, even if the act
is not actually carried out.

[13] But if you see the attraction of your neighbor’s wife and let
yourself be affected, you have committed adultery; for in this
way you have made your neighbor’s wife into a whore and have
whored yourself. And it is a great and crude sin before God and
before mankind, even if you have produced fruit with the other
wife. But naturally the evil is much greater if you have casually
whored with your neighbor’s wife for the sake of blind and mute
lust. Such sinners will only with difficulty partake in Heaven.”
[1] (The Lord) “But if your neighbor’s wife, for example,
cannot conceive any fruit from her lawful husband but she has a
great longing for the awakening of a fruit within her and desires
you, contact her husband! If he agrees, you can comply with
such a desire without sin. If the woman becomes pregnant and
after the pregnancy she again has a desire and her man agrees,
you may once again show the woman your kindness, if you are
single. But if you yourself are the husband of a fertile woman,
you should not deprive your strength of your wife; for Moses
allows you in this case to take one or more concubines as
necessary besides a legal wife, particularly if the woman is
infertile, but always with the permission of the legal wife. But if
she becomes very sad about it, then it is time to get rid of the
concubines, just as Abraham sent away Hagar, whom he had
taken because of the long infertility of his wife, Sarah.
[2] But if a woman has run away from her right husband into a
foreign land to someone as a single woman concealing that she
is already a man’s wife, then he who takes her to be his wife has
no sin, even if he finds out afterwards that she is already a
man’s wife, but secretly left him because of his harshness and
infertility; for when he took the foreigner to be his wife he
didn’t know that she was already a man’s wife, and when he
discovered this she was already his wife, from whom he now
cannot be separated, without committing adultery, by anything
but death.

[3] But in such situations there have happened often very cruel
cases. The new husband, if he was under the Law of Moses,
then tried to rid himself from the foreign wife if she became
annoying by secretly going to her first husband and betraying
the unfaithful and adulterous wife. The consequence was that
such a wife was then stoned and both men could legally court
again. That should no longer happen!
[4] And I say to you: In this case a single man should not marry
a foreigner before he has investigated all her previous
circumstances! If he hasn’t found out anything and he feels very
attracted to the foreign wife, he should then take her to be his
wife; and if he discovers later only accidentally the previous
circumstances, he should not be a traitor to his wife, but should
keep her in the good faith that he took her. But the wife can
atone for her previous sin through great faithfulness towards her
new spouse; for God is no unjust judge and knows how to weigh
up the weaknesses of the human flesh and to take account of
them. But a man who beats his wife to death is worse than an
adulterous wife!
[5] But assume two neighbors, one of whom could not engender
a fruit in his wife because in his youth he had weakened his
fertility too much through poor care, while the other neighbor,
judging by his many healthy children, possesses a very powerful
fertility in that he has lived everywhere and always in the best
order and in his youth was kept in good chastity. What would be
if the infertile neighbor went to the fertile neighbor and asked
him to conceive a fruit in his wife with his great fertility in his
place, and if the fertile neighbor did this out of true love for his
otherwise good and trusting neighbor without having even the
slightest thought of committing lecherousness with his
neighbor’s wife, which would be very sinful? You see, that
would be neither a sin nor even less adultery, but such an act
would be even a praiseworthy secret service of love under
mutual silent agreement; secretly because apart from the
mentioned people no one should learn anything about the
marriage of the infertile neighbor, so that no one will be
annoyed about it.”


[1] (The Lord) “But if a single or an already married man has
sexual intercourse with a voluptuous wife of his neighbor
without his knowledge, this is a shameful whoring. Such a wife
is then a genuine whore, and these kinds of men are those who
run after whores and who as such will never enter God’s
Kingdom because such a shameful whoring consumes all the
good senses in their soul and kills every spiritual element.
[2] But such whoring is also no better than genuine adultery,
yes, even often much worse than adultery. For in adultery such
circumstances can hide in the background which alleviate the
crime of this sin very much and deserve to be considered by a
judge; but in whoring any alleviating circumstances can never
be taken into consideration; for the stinking lecherousness is
involved and deserves no usual natural consideration before the
[3] A wife who lets herself be led to this without any provable
need is bad and does not deserve the least consideration; for the
weakness does not excuse her here, since each wife can achieve
a sufficient strengthening through correct trust in God. But even
worse is a wife who entices men herself into her wooing net in
order to be lecherous with him in her husband’s absence!
[4] But just as criminally shameful is a man of single status, and
even worse if he is married, if he attracts women to him, has sex
with them in secret and then pays them at the end of this
whoring; for such a man firstly leads the women to shameful
unfaithfulness and secondly makes them almost fully infertile,
and thus destroys her like an evil storm destroys the fields, so
that a seed can never more be planted and be of any use.
[5] In quite a similar category a single man can also be placed
alongside a married man, if he lets single maidens (girls) come
to him so that he can commit sexual acts with them for some
payment; and every girl who sells herself is as much a whore as
any married woman who sells herself for money or other gifts.
[6] The maidens should only be diligent and hard-working and
then they will never need to say that need has prompted them to
do it; for every honest man is fond of an industrious and hardworking
maiden and will not let them suffer want. But if some
employer is a mean and hard person, well, leave him and his
service and seek another; it will not be difficult at all for an
industrious and hard-working maiden to find a good service
where she will certainly suffer no want!
[7] At worst, however, will be those who make an active effort
to induce to lewdness such hard working but immature maidens
or even girls through all sorts of presents. Truly, such men,
whether single or married, resemble rapacious wolves in sheep’s
clothing and will reap their benefits!
[8] But whoever drags a maiden or a young girl to him with
violence should be judged here already! Violence may consist
of whatever it likes, whether strength of hands or in enticement
through very valuable presents, it makes no difference in the
crime. Also the strength of speech or the use of magically
numbing means, through which the female sex seemingly
willingly gives herself to the randy will of the man, does not
alleviate this sin at all, even if a fruit is conceived through this
whoring; for such a conception is against the will of both parts
and therefore does not contribute at all to the mitigation of
the crime.
[9] But the very most shameful whoring consists of the violation
of boys and of the sullying of other limbs and parts of the
female body, as are ordained by God (for that purpose of
procreation), or even in the violation of animals; such violators
are to be completely eradicated from all human societies
[10] But in the sentence upon such crimes it should always be
taken into consideration to which level of education such a lewd
man or woman belongs; likewise it should be seen whether the
lewd person is not possessed by some evil spirit which drives
him to do such things. In the first case the community should
ensure that such a weak-minded person is brought to a place of
correction in which he should be disciplined like a spoilt child
until he has become another person; for once a person has
conquered over the animal nature of his flesh and his
understanding has become clear, he will begin to lead a purer
life and will not lightly sink back into his old animal nature. In
the second case, in obsession, such a lewd person should also be
put behind lock and bar; for such people should be removed
from free human society because of the great offences.

[11] Once they are in good safe-keeping, they should be healed

through fasting and prayers should be said over them in My
name. Once they have been healed and it shows that they have
become free of their impure obsession, they then can be fully set
free again.”
[1] Cyrenius says: “Lord, would natural means not also be
possibly useful for the second case where there is not yet any
spiritually strong person, about whose power of words and will
such terrible spirits which possess the body of a person must
bow, at least in so far as such a person could then be freed
through the power of words and will of a spiritually not yet very
strong person from his evil?”
[2] I say: “The first natural means from the field of nature is
fasting. If one gives such a person every day just about half a
pound of rye bread and with it only a jug of water, in between
one can give him every other day a little aloe juice, mixed
according to the creation of the nature of the obsessed person
with one to two drops of Henbane juice (Hyoscyamus niger)
such natural assistants will be of good effect; but such things
alone will not help him fully without prayer and without the
laying on of hands in My name.

[3] Above all the judge in such cases must constantly consider
in his heart that he has before him in the criminal only a
strongly confused person and no full devil.
[4] But if the person is stubborn in his debauchery, but is neither
uneducated nor obsessed, one can proceed quite sharply with his
[5] If such a person improves and begins to abhor his sins with a
good insight, then he should be treated with more love; but if
such a person does not improve at all and obviously hangs on to
his dissipation with pleasure – which such a lecherous buck can
never mask – then he can, if he is otherwise a man of some
education, either be thrust out from the community into some
distant, barren land, where the great want will bring him to his
senses; and if he improves, things should go better for him – if
not, the desert land will consume him.
[6] But if there is a person of little education and neither
punishment nor fasting have any success, he can be castrated by
a knowledgeable doctor, and his soul can be saved in this way.
But there are some people who have maimed themselves for the
sake of the Kingdom of God. So there can be some – but only in
the mentioned case – who are maimed for this by the
community, for in this case it is better to come into the Kingdom
of God maimed than to go to hell whole! Now you will surely
know how all of this which comes from the desires of the flesh
should be treated in court! Only I add, that in the future it should
only be judged according to how you have just heard from Me,
for all time in similar court cases.
[7] Moses ordered stoning and death by fire for such crimes; but
the like should only be applied in extraordinary situations to the
most obdurate sinners for the sake of dissuading others. I do not
refute Moses, however, but I recommend to you only to proceed
in all things in mildness until a too great turpitude demands
extreme strictness.
[8] As judges be gentle and just through true love for others, and
you will one day find a tender and gentle court also; for with
whichever means you measure, with the same means will you
also be measured in return.

[9] If you are merciful, you will also find mercy; but if you are
strict and unforgiving in your courts and judgments, you will
also find the strictest and most unmerciful judge one day.
[10] Consider in such courts that the soul and the spirit of a
person are very willing and obedient; but the flesh is and
remains weak, and there is no one who can boast of the strength
of his flesh.
[11] For now those who are reborn in the spirit in the true sense
cannot yet exist; for people will only achieve true and full
rebirth of the spirit when the Son of Man has completed in him
the change in all fullness.
[12] Keep these and act accordingly!”
[1] Cyrenius says: “All my thanks to You for this; for now I am
quite enlightened in an affair which constantly gives me much
to deal with in order to hold a correct court in such cases, and I
believe that there can now hardly be a case which could bring
me into doubt whether I should judge this way or that way. Only
one thing crops up as a very concerning question, and it is this:
Is there then absolutely no case in which one could completely
dissolve a once completed marriage so that the separated parties
could marry another person without making themselves guilty
of the fatal sin of open adultery?”
[2] I say: “Oh, yes, of course there can be such cases, for
example: A man had a wife who otherwise was very well
equipped with all female attraction; but at the exposure it was
shown that the wife was a hermaphrodite. In this case such
dissolution of the completed marriage would be put into action
if it was demanded; but naturally if there are no prosecutors then
there is also no judge on Earth. A law should be made for this
case in which such a marriage should not be made at all, and the
party who knew well that he is not suitable for a maritable
conjunction would be considered a deceiver to responsibility
and damages. But whatever is said here is applicable for the
female party as well if the male party was no complete man. If
the wife leaves him and marries another, she does not commit

[3] But there can also be among the men such people who either
have castrated themselves because of the Kingdom of God or
such who already in their youth were castrated for some worldly
reason, as there are also such castrated people in the mother’s
womb; all the named are fully unsuitable for marriage, and their
full unsuitability decides the full dissolution of the marriage
from the beginning.
[4] Or one or the other married party could have such a body
handicap with which the other party cannot possibly live, then
the marriage would have to be completely dissolved – but only
in the case that one party had not been able to find out anything
about the affliction before the marriage; but if he knew about the
handicap and nonetheless entered into marriage, the marriage is
valid and cannot be dissolved! Such afflictions however, which
allow a full dissolution of an already consecrated marriage, are:
hidden possession of one or both parties, likewise a periodical
madness, a covert leprosy of an evil kind, cancer boils, lice, an
incurable consumption, epilepsy, full bluntness of at least two
senses, gout and a pestilence-like bodily or breath smell.
[5] If the healthy party had no information before the marriage
that his other party was burdened with one of the just named
afflictions, after a consecrated marriage he can immediately
achieve full valid dissolution again and he must be allowed to
do this! For in these cases the healthy part has been deceived
and the deception dissolves every contract and therefore also
that of marriage.
[6] But if such spouses do not want to be divorced according to
the will of the healthy party, the marriage must be considered
valid and can later not be separated, except a separation from
bed and board1; for your saying is valid: volenti non fit iniuria.

[7] Except for these cases, however, there are almost truly no
others which could be accepted as the reason for a valid divorce.
[8] In all other unsuccessful cases of marriage the marriage
partners must have patience with each other until death; for if
the young marriage partners had been happy with the honey of
marriage, they must then be satisfied with the gall of the
[9] The honey of marriage however is the worst part of it; only
when the bitter part begins, will marriage start the golden
seriousness of life. But this must occur everywhere; for if this
did not come, things would be bad for the seed for Heaven.
[10] In often bitter seriousness of life the spiritual seed begins to
activate and to develop, which would be stuck in the constant
honey life like a fly which falls into the honey pot with all greed
and loses its life from the too great sweetness of the honey. Are
you now fully in the clear?”
[1] Cyrenius says: “Yes, Lord and Master from above! But there
is something else, and just a little word about it, and everything
which concerns marriage is then exhausted.
[2] You see, if any man, who otherwise keeps a good order in
everything, had a wife who was of a very fleshly sensual nature
– as there are unfortunately very many such never satisfied
wives. Such a randy woman demands even very often the
satisfaction and calming of their flesh from their man in the day.
The man says to the wife openly: You have received and now
need for the time that was decided by God rest, so that you in
your blessed condition do not draw any damage and any
unnecessary suffering to yourself through the useless
satisfaction of your flesh.

A separation from bed and board is a judgment which frees the spouses from their obligation
to live together but the marriage is not dissolved.

[3] The sensual wife however does not want to hear or know
anything about such a good lesson and demands with
impetuousness that her husband fulfill her demands. If the
husband fulfils his wife’s will, he does the same with obvious
lack of decency and in this way commits a sin against the divine
order according to your words, but if he holds her back he sins
against his wife’s will and prompts her to all sorts of unnatural
satisfactions or to adultery and whoring with other men.
[4] On the other hand there are also types of randy bucks of men
who will not give their poor demure wives any rest often even
few hours before birth. There are often loud complaints; but
what should a wise judge do for a correct valid claim before
God and before all the better world?
[5] If the normal man or the demure wife demands a divorce
because of the order and the Kingdom of God, should it be
given or not?”
[6] I say: “Yes, according to demand a divorce can be given to
one or the other party, however not completely, but nonetheless
more than a separation from bed and board, instead also from
the mutual responsibility to care and from right to inheritance,
two things which dissolve in a lesser reason for divorce only
when one party distances himself completely from the other
party, who was only separated by bed and board, for more than
3 years without any consistent reason and has no longer taken
care of the party left behind, but has acted according to its own
[7] But with divorce which should follow at the demand of the
good party in your mentioned case, every further usual natural
claim for rights dissolves also at the same time.
[8] But it can be plainly seen that the divorce is only to be given
when it is demanded by the good party and the bad party agrees
to it; if the latter does not agree and promises to improve,
divorce is not to be given to the good party, instead a simple
remark should be made and he will be recommended to have
[9] But if in this case the divorced spouses want to get together
again in good consideration, they need no new marriage bond,
but according to the will of both parties the old bond comes into
full strength and a casual divorce demanded for the second time
cannot divide them any longer, except in an emergency
separation from bed and board.

[10] But if a man has a very desiring wife and keeps his wife’s
demand with soberness of his heart, his power permitting, he
does not commit too great a sin against the order of God; for
such a nature of a woman resembles a dry ground which the
gardener must water in the hot summer time often, if he wants to
keep his plants. But if then comes the damp autumn, every
ground will have dampness in abundance, but the sober man
should work on his wife industriously and educate her
spiritually and she will bring him good fruit.
[11] But patience is constantly better than the very best right.
[12] However a demure wife has more right to desire a divorce
because of the too great randiness of her husband than a man
because of the great randiness of his wife; for the once blessed
[pregnant] wife needs rest for the time which God has decided
in the nature of the woman. No time has been decided for the
man however, and therefore he needs less rest of his nature than
the blessed woman; thus a blessed wife rather than a sober man
is to be listened to in court.
[13] With a man it can still be seen what sort of life he led
before the marriage, whether a riotous youth hasn’t made him
sober and incompetent through much sinning. But with a
woman who desires much, this question is almost not to be
considered. For if she already as a girl threw herself into an
indecent life for the sake of gain, her nature is already very
blunted and if she should become the proper wife of a man, his
desire will seem very icy; but if a woman as a virgin has been
held very chaste with her hot blood, afterwards the certainly
punishable reason is not to be sought in her virginity, instead in
the nature of the wife, for which reason in this case the court
hardly needs to be considered.
[14] But against the power of nature every such wise
judgmental saying is useless and if the corresponding means
were to be used for a hot-blooded wife in the field of nature and
a corresponding teaching of the heart of the wife, it might be
better for them. You see, in this case this is how we should act.
But if you have another concern, let us hear it!”


[1] Cyrenius says: “You have just mentioned something about
natural means; what might that consist of?”
[2] I say: “Of the natural temperance of life! A hot blood is
constantly more destructive in nature than a cool one; thus hot-
blooded people are also more gluttonous than the cool-blooded
and have an ever-growing desire for much and good-tasting
meals and drinks.
[3] But if such people keep moderation or are kept in
moderation, in that one explains to them with a friendly heart
why one is doing it for them and recommends moderation and
greater leanness of food, the blood will soon pulse cooler and
the sensual drive will begin to lose much of its power without
the least disadvantage for the rest of the health of the body and
the soul.
[4] But if a very desiring wife even through longer observation
of the golden moderation of nature has not received any
noticeable reversal, she should take at waning moon in the
evening the water of cooked Senna leaves (Senna alexandrina)
with some aloe juice, about four tablespoons full, but not every
day, just every third or fourth day and it will thus begin to look
better for the heated nature of the wife.
[5] But should this all as well as the observed good teaching
bear little or no fruit, then at the demand of the husband the
earlier discussed separation procedure from bed and board can
be started.
[6] But in any case the sober wife plagued by the randy man
should be listened to ten times more – especially if she finds
herself in blessed circumstances – than a man plagued by his
randy wife; for a sober man has besides moral means also a
number of natural disciplinary means with which he can cool his
wife’s heated blood and it will not damage the hot-blooded wife
if the man shows a little seriousness from his good will
sometimes. Only such a person must never act from a
background of grief or anger but always from the background of
true love for the neighbor, otherwise he will be of no use for
anything and will only cause damage.

[7] But that is all in all what concerns marriage and the sins in
all directions, and the world should be decided accordingly in
all places.
[8] There should be a legal order created by the State that
marriages once consecrated should be maintained morally as
much as possible, and that people who are afflicted with
physical and spiritual illnesses should not be allowed to marry;
for out of such marriages a fully blessed fruit can never emerge.
[9] However, even with those free of affliction a test should be
carried to show whether the young bridegroom and the young
bride are suitable for one another.
[10] If an authorized, wise examiner then finds some unpleasant
facts, he should hold back the approval of full marriage and
discuss the grave consequences vividly with those who want to
marry, and point out to them that the valid permission for a full
consecration of marriage cannot be given as long as the
problems remain.
[11] Also an official registrar should make those eager to get
married perfectly clear about the seriousness of a consecrated
marriage and the heavenly high purpose of such.
[12] If it turns out thereby that those who want to marry begin to
behave more and more soberly, get rid of their worldly knots so
that they want to legally bind themselves only because of
mutual human value, only then should such an authorized
person issue the permission for a valid marriage. He should
enter the oath of faithfulness in a book to show the insolubility
of marriage with addition of the year and day of the marriage
consecration and should constantly remain in the knowledge of
the following marital circumstances – as they develop, whether
positive or negative.

[13] Such wise proxies for the conducting of marriages should

therefore not be foreign to a community, but only locals who
know the people, whether young or old, as well as they know
themselves; thus the many unsuccessful marriages will thereby
be prevented and there will be much blessing on such a purified
[14] Thus it would be good to place a matrimonial court in
every larger community which would constantly watch over all
the affairs of marriage. Of course such a court would have to be
of the highest unimpeachable character and at the head there
should be a man such as Mathael.
[15] This man should also observe the marriage conjunctions, so
that a young man under 24 and a maiden of less than 20 should
never join in marriage. For this time is at least necessary for the
full maturity for a good and in the spirit held marriage. For
spouses who are too young spoil themselves through mutual
sensual enjoyment, soon become disgusting to one another and
the crisis is at hand.
[16] Therefore all true happiness of marriage should in the
future depend on the discussed marital judge; in whichever
community a very wise high judge carries out his important
duties things will soon be most blessed.
[17] Such a high judge will then also keep an eye on the
upbringing and the good discipline of the children in the
community entrusted to him, and hold them in his heart and will
know how to prevent all annoyances with the corresponding
means; he will know how to punish the rebellious and praise and
reward the diligent for all their goodness and truth, in that he
will draw their attention to the blessings of their housekeeping.
[18] But there he should not, as was already the case here and
there, set certain awards because such external motives are not
at all suitable for the spiritual education of a community; for
there the members strive for good only because of the material
award, but not just because of the good which alone should
decide everything for a person.

[19] It hardly needs to be mentioned afterwards that finally –

apart from the fact that such marriages are held purely in the
order of God and their fruit can rejoice in the blessing from
above – also for such great nation and its anointed leader the
greatest moral and physical advantages must emerge; for if a
nation wants to have good servants, it must begin to educate
them when they are still in the cradle, otherwise they will
become wild and will be a torment for their parents instead of
comfort and support in their old age.
[20] But if the marriages are kept in good order, also children in
good order will stem from such marriages, and such orderly
children become orderly citizens, and such will then become
complete citizens of the Kingdom of God in their hearts; and
thus everything is fulfilled that the divine order can ever
demand from the people of this Earth! Is this now clear and
[1] Cyrenius says: “Yes, Lord and Master in Your spirit of
eternity! Now I have no further questions to ask in this area.
Only it would be very desirable that everything would be
written down word by word; for this forms the basis for a
complete and best constitution.”
[2] I say: “Look, Raphael will do it for you; so have writing
materials brought to him!”
[3] At this Cyrenius immediately orders his servants to bring
writing materials, and they go and right away bring a large
number of clean rolls of parchment as well as some copper
plates for engraving. When these have been brought, I call
Raphael and he quickly proceeds to our table and asks Cyrenius
how he would prefer to have it written, whether on parchment
or on the copper plates.
[4] Cyrenius says: “Things would probably be better for use on
parchment, but on copper plates they could be kept better and
more durably for the later descendants; but once I have the
things on the parchment, I will then get a copy made on the
copper plates.”

[5] Raphael says: “Do you know what, since it costs me no more
or less effort and work whether I now write the thing once or
twice, so I will write on the rolls and the plates at the
same time!”
[6] The twelve at the adjoining table raise their eye-brows and
are now very curious to look and see how the young disciple
will write with both hands at the same time.
[7] Suetal says especially to Ribar: “Well, I am very curious
about this double writing! The great master of Nazareth must be
a competent teacher then; for I have never encountered such a
great writing before. But until he has written down everything
that the truly wise Greek – who certainly is also an older
disciple of the Nazarene – has just said, the sun will have
rather set!”
[8] Ribar says: “That depends very much how quickly he is
capable of writing! Perhaps he has some sort of magical
advantage in writing about which we know just as little as we
know about how he carried out the miracle earlier. But we have
seen it and also felt it, but how and through what he carried it
out we have certainly no idea! Thus we should never place in
doubt any accepted fact beforehand with these people who
before our eyes have achieved such great things until we have
been taught by the failure of some accepted deed of another
[9] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, I have the same opinion, but it is just
that one says something at all!”
[10] Ribar says: “Brother, it is much better to be silent from
now on and alone to watch and listen! Look, the boy is setting
out the rolls and the plates! So now pay good attention; for he
will now certainly begin to write immediately!”
[11] Suetal now stands up and observes exactly how the
supposed young disciple will write; but as he begins to watch
more sharply, he discovers that all the rolls as well as the plates
are all already fully written on. Extremely amazed about this, he
calls out loudly, “No, there is no miracle above this one! We
were waiting for the disciple to begin his double writing and
look, he is already finished with everything! Ah, that is once
completely far above all human understanding, and nothing
similar has ever been heard of!”

[12] At this exclamation by Suetal, all the twelve now stand up,
look for the open rolls and for the small written plates, and
everyone convinces themselves that both the rolls as well as the
plates have been fully written with a good, pure and legible
script and ask themselves quite silently: How can such a thing
be possible?”
[13] But Raphael notices well such amazement of his table
companions and says to Suetal: “Look, that’s what the eight fish
have done that I consumed and which you were jealous of me
for; one must collect strength if one wants to complete a deed
well! Or do you here think something different?”
[14] Suetal says: “Dearest and most wonderful friend, you enjoy
teasing me a little; but that doesn’t matter anymore, for I see
that you possess an enormous dose of the divine omnipotence
and one cannot argue with you! But the eight fish have certainly
not given you such power; instead alone the great divine Master
of Nazareth has given it to you! So make sure that we get to see
him soon! For now our heart gives us no more rest; we must see
and speak to Him! For now also we would like to see and speak
to Him!”
[15] Raphael says: “Be patient just a little longer, until I have
ordered these writings here, then we will go and see where the
great Master is hiding from the blind and the deaf!” With these
words the twelve are satisfied and demand now nothing further
for the moment.
[16] But Raphael now puts the rolls together in a good order and
gives them along with the plates to the likewise no little amazed
Cyrenius, who begins to look through them immediately and
cannot wonder enough at their correctness.
[1] But while Cyrenius with great joy looks through his rolls
only as fleetingly as possible and also constantly makes one
honoring face after the other, I say to Raphael that he should
now free Jarah and Josoe again of their present, short
banishment and should now bring them to the table. The ready
servant of Heaven does this now very quickly and as Jarah
arrives, she says a little worried: “But, oh Lord, You My eternal
single love, that was a very terribly long conversation which I
was not allowed to hear any of it! I really thought that it would
never end before night! But to You alone all praise, it is now all
over, and I have You again!”
[2] But the angel in this time turned again to the twelve, of
whom Suetal is the first to wonder greatly about Jarah and says:
“But listen, my beautiful young disciple, what has the girl,
counting hardly 14 springs, to do with the wise Greek? She
seems to be head over heels in love with the good man!? When
you came in, I thought you would put the Master of Masters in
our sight; but you brought this maiden in love! That means to be
disappointed in one’s hope! Is she also a miracle-working
disciple of the great Master, and has she now received some sort
of education in the house in a hidden chamber? Truly,
appearances constantly pop up with you from which one
becomes more stupid rather than wiser, the more one thinks
very maturely about it. On the one hand miraculous deeds of the
very most unheard-of sort, on the other hand appearances of
quite usual human sort; so tell me how an honest person of our
type should take this thing, as I now seriously do not understand
why the great Master, who earlier wanted to kind of impose
himself on us through the wise Greek, when we actually, as is
true, didn’t want to see him at all, will not let himself be seen at
all! What have we done then that we must do without his sight
so long, or will we in the end not get to see him at all?”
[3] Raphael says: “Yes, my friends, if you are so blind that on
the brightest midday you don’t even see the sun, then you
cannot be helped! If such a person is too stupid, there is no use
saying to him: Look, it is this or that! He will still not believe it;
for an awakened understanding is required for belief, which in
emergencies copes even on its own. But wherever the
understanding of a person is still too joined to the thickest
material, no hint can be of any use in anything, instead such a
person must first bang his head ten times and only then he will
begin to think about it why he beat his head bloody! And so it
must pass! Until you do not become clever from out of your
own damage, no God will make you clever!

[4] What do you want then from the great Master of Nazareth?
If something is lacking that He could help you with, or do you
just want to see from pure curiosity, like the foolish people press
forward to gawk at a dancing bear? Truly, the Savior is not there
to be stared at by foolish and educated people out of sheer
curiosity! Truly, if your heart cannot find Him in the number
here, your educated high understanding will find even less – I
put my word on it!
[5] Humble yourselves first in your hearts, otherwise you will
not get to see the holy great Master; for His being is filled with
the fullness of the spirit of God even physically!
[6] He is a lord over Heaven and Earth, and before His name
every knee shall bow in Heaven, on Earth and under the
Earth; for His name is holier than Holy!”
[7] At these quite sharp words the angel rises, leaves the table
of the twelve and takes a places again at our table, where
Cyrenius thanks him again most friendly in My name for the
extraordinary favor; for in the writings was everything kept
word by word, as he had asked Me and as I had answered
his questions.
[1] But the twelve don’t like Raphael’s speech and so they begin
to think of means how they could quite secretly recommend
returning to Jerusalem, even if empty-handed. “For,” says
Suetal, “we have not yet undertaken anything punishable against
the temple. What violence had to do with us, we can’t do
anything about that; but all the templars cannot investigate our
innermost thoughts eternally, and so we must be taken back into
the temple again and we will certainly rise in their favor if we
tell them all the extraordinary things that we have encountered
on our most dangerous wanderings! The high priests will listen
to us with the most open ears in the world and will become
benevolent to us and our luck is secured. We will then perhaps
be sent out again into foreign lands; but such a thing will no
longer embarrass us for we are fine old fellows and we now
know exactly what we have to do and for whom we have to
work on the nation!
[2] But here in this strange society of conjurors or gods it can no
longer be withstood! They always speak of love, as such was to
be taken from the truly wise speech of the Greek; but if one asks
such a miracle-worker about something, he always gives you
only an evasive answer and becomes as coarse as a stubble-
field! Well, he should begin to talk to me about humility,
gentleness and love and then he’ll get one on his head so that he
will no longer be capable of answering me anything!
[3] Whoever reminds his brother of humility must first be
humble himself, otherwise he should first give himself an
elbow-long sermon on humility before he reminds his brother of
humility! There the person should look once at a young miracle-
worker, how rude he became with all of us in the end! How does
his miracle act affect us, and what use should it be to us if we
cannot imitate him?! Does he need to be so rude to us then?
[4] The fact that I have made my totally unsuggestive remark
about the young girl after what every person here can see with
their own eyes cannot offend a person who is even a little wise;
for what I noticed is at least for the like of us a quite normal
human sight and is devoid of any prophetic stroke. I only
touched upon the contrast that has surely occurred to all of us, in
that here on the one hand it is obvious from the deeds that
miracles are happening; but as far as the decent sphere of life is
concerned, no normal human eye can see anything but
something quite normal and natural – and my very innocent
remark broke the mould of humility and gentleness so much that
he firstly scolded us very harshly and secondly turned his back
on us so that he avoided any retort on our behalf! Truly, such
behavior belongs clearly in a madhouse, but not among people
of some education and least of all in the company of sheer
preachers of love, humility and gentleness! Therefore I truly do
not want to be in this company for long; for there is no more
fatal being among men than he of whom one can never see the
depths and also cannot know how one should act with him and
how far one should trust him! Truly I would not like to give
these masters even the most foolish disciple for all the world!
Am I right or not? What do you think about that, brother Ribar?
What do you think – should we go or still remain since we are
now free and from now on can enter the foreign legion or go

[5] At this Ribar answers, saying, “I think that we should

nonetheless still remain; for we have basically been a little
chided by no old bearded man, but by the yet firmly unbearded
miracle youth – probably because of your pushiness about the
great Master and wanting to see him!
[6] My opinion is this: The youth has surely still been forbidden
for whatever reason not to betray the Master before the correct
time; but now you have been nosing around and he has slipped
out of your snare in that he turned his back on us all because
you approached him too forcefully. My opinion therefore is this:
that we should stay a little longer and see whether we might not
still make acquaintance with the great Master!
[7] Certainly we feel quite particularly good here, where on the
one hand we are really almost among gods, but on the other
hand it all seems quite naturally human! There is of course no
talk of fasting on the Sabbath; for most of those present are
Romans and Greeks. One also sees little praying; but what is
said often abounds with wisdom greater than Solomon’s. In
short, things are quite strangely mixed here; we are among
people who seem to be called by God to bring Heaven and Earth
closer together, in order to prepare in time another field for the
education of the people of this earth in their spirit and with the
necessary material strength! Therefore I cannot bear the youth
any bad will despite all his rudeness; for such a person who
shakes us up is not at all bad, because we reach insight much
faster than with a hundred modest lessons.”

[8] Suetal asks somewhat thoughtfully, “How do you mean and

understand that?”
[9] Ribar says: “You shall hear that now from me quite openly!”
[1] (Ribar) “You see, the boy in my opinion didn’t call us deaf,
blind and foolish quite without reason; also the donkey which
he had earlier placed at our side said to us through the deed
basically the same thing!
[2] See, it seems to me more and more and now in particular,
that exactly this very relaxed looking Greek is the great
Nazarene! I have always kept my eye on Him and so much has
occurred to me about him that I wouldn’t like to doubt a minute
longer that it is He! Everyone turns their eye, ear and heart to
Him; the powerful and otherwise so relentlessly proud governor
actually worships Him; the youth does everything at His least
hint and call, and His speech is clear and full of wisdom!
Besides, I noticed how He gave the governor also natural
medicine against the too great lust of the young wives; you see,
only a Savior can do this! In addition His teaching, which He
lectured to us, must be written down as fast as possible, and in
the most wonderful way in the world! If you hold all that so
nicely alongside each other and you yourself will find that I am
not totally wrong, and the youth neither when he called us deaf,
blind and dumb! What do you think about that, and what do you
all think in this respect?”

[3] Suetal says: “You know, you are not totally wrong; for a
little light is beginning to go on in my head! But if that is the
case, then the youth really did us no wrong; for we were
seriously so blind that we would not have seen the forest for all
the trees! But now wait, I will keep a sharp eye on the Greek
from now on, and it should soon be seen how far you are
[4] From then on Suetal observes Me with great attention and
besides that also the behavior of all the guests and after a while
he says to Ribar: “Brother, you might well be correct; he must
unmistakably be it! For from all faces it shines clearly forth that
they honor him certainly as the representative of the whole great
society and not even the governor dares to do anything without
his agreement! This supposed Greek must be simply an inner
and wisest friend of the great Master, as he presented himself to
us, and thus would one give him the greatest attention!? If he
had not firstly presented himself to us as an intimate friend of
the great Master, I would have greeted him as the great Master a
long time ago! But it would then have been very strange of us if
we had accepted the honest man as something different to that
which he said himself; for that cannot be accepted from the man
so penetrated by the spirit of God, that he before us quite
harmless Jews should hide or not!?”
[5] Ribar says: “I see it somewhat differently, for through the
fact that he presented himself to us as the great Master’s closest
friend, he did not tell us an untruth at all if he was the actual
Master himself; for you see, everyone knows themselves best
and therefore is one’s own closest and best friend! Now if
someone in a certain good mood says such a thing about
themselves, there is no trace of untruth; in addition such a wise
man can certainly have some hidden reason why he doesn’t
reveal himself immediately to some people and we will later
find this out. Just look at the wise Mathael, how he is always
almost moved to tears whenever he looks at the Greek! Brother,
that has certainly its good and very significant reasons!

[6] The great love, which the otherwise extremely spiritual

looking maiden shows to the Greek, seems to me to speak more
for than against my claim. For just look at the truly super-
heavenly beauty of our young miracle worker! I think that the
thousand times a thousand women and maidens who are on this
place must fall head over heels in love with him!? And yet the
maiden hardly pays any attention to it, although he as a youth is
truly a thousand times more beautiful than the maid; but she
would like to practically step inside the heart of the Greek! I tell
you, brother, it is not that! This maid must therefore have
another reason why she is so in love with the Greek; with more
exact observation it seems to me as if the maid was only in love
with the divinity in him and doesn’t pay any attention to his
body! Just watch her eyes shining more from a certain awe than
from some sort of sensual love and you will easily notice that
there is no trace of any sensual love in the maid!”
[7] Suetal says: “Brother, you bear your name truly not in vain;
for a fisherman must have a sharp eye! Already a hundred
things occur to me which I had not noticed before; they all point
to your claim. But now something occurs to me about our
youth! He has been sent a few times by the great Master into the
house; but I didn’t see him going, instead – he was there! His
walk is like his writing: wherever he wants to be, he is already
there! Brother, that doesn’t seem right to me! If he didn’t only
ever do what the supposed Greek ordered, I would consider him
to be the Master; but since he only ever does what he is called to
do by the supposed Greek, one can only consider him to be a
servant and not a lord! But it is truly extremely strange how far
this young person has come in the certain purely divine magic!”
[8] Ribar says: “What you have now remarked about the youth
occurred to me earlier; but I have, you know, noticed silently
something very strange when he was consuming his eight fish,
that he actually didn’t consume any fish with his mouth as we
do; he brought the fish up to his mouth – and that was it! The
fish disappeared along with its skin and bones, likewise he
consumed the bread and the wine; everything disappeared in the
moment when he brought it up to his lips! It was very
uncomfortable for me at his side! Truly, unnoticed I looked
under the table at his feet a few times; but these were always so
pure and heavenly beautiful as I have never seen in my life
before with a virgin, not to mention a youth! That calmed me
again and I could have, if I hadn’t been ashamed, looked at his
wonderfully attractive beautiful feet with the blessed desire for
an eternity! Truly, if an angel now came from Heaven, he could
impossibly stand on more beautiful feet!”

[9] Suetal says: “You see, that is something that I have not
noticed; but to judge by his otherwise wondrous beauty, one
would have to begin to judge that he is a higher spiritual being –
for his form and his special miracles seem to be almost
screaming proof of it! But here we meet again the situation that
he was presented to us as only a youngest disciple of the great
Master who has come so far in divine magic, which of course
says as much as: If this youngest already achieves so much,
what will then the older disciples be able to do?! At such a
natural acceptance the thought that the boy is a higher being
falls away; for if he was that, the present great Master would
have lied to us openly, and that cannot be imagined from such a
man! What do you think?”
[10] Ribar says: “Yes, it seems to be that way; but it seems in
this sphere that before our eyes the old veil of Isis has not yet
been aired! But if the great Master actually was what Mathael
said about Him earlier, then even an angel from Heaven could
be His disciple! Am I right or not?”
[1] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, the thing is coming together! Only
the expression “youngest” has a problem; for if an angel who
has lived for half an eternity could impossibly be a youngest
disciple in comparison with the people of this Earth!? If
an angel was certainly rather familiar with heavenly magic
before the sun shone in the firmament?! What do you think
about that?”
[2] Ribar says: “That is certainly a significant point on which I
can get stuck; but nonetheless something else occurs to me: You
see, the Master can have pointed to that in that He presented
the boy to us as the youngest of His disciples, just for this
moment, for the reason that this boy, clothed in an earthly shell,
has perhaps only been in the company of people for a number
of days!”
[3] Suetal says: “Yes, if that was possible, then you would
certainly be correct again; but you know, accepting such a thing
is really a little far-fetched! Either that or Moses; for both
cannot exist alongside each other in such circumstances!”
[4] Ribar says: “I don’t see that at all! An angel, as is still told
from mouth to mouth nowadays, could certainly be Tobias’
leader for seven years; why should this one not be able to bear a
number of days on the Earth?! This Earth is just as much a work
of God as he is himself!”
[5] Suetal says: “Yes, yes, if you are telling the truth and
Mathael is also irrefutably correct then this youth can, worldly
speaking, certainly be the youngest disciple of the eternally
great Master! The form and his deeds obviously proclaim a
higher being from Heaven; if this being says himself that he is
the youngest disciple of the great Master of Nazareth, this
Master must obviously be a Lord over all Heaven according to
His spirit. But if that is true, then the great question arises,
what we can do in the face of the physical very Highest and
All-mighty and what will we do! For that would truly be no
small thing!”

[6] Ribar says: “True; but could we do it differently if things

were as they now seem to me doubtless to be? You see, the
Deity is free and does what It wants, and the mortals cannot put
any limits on It! If It had come to us as a judge, we would surely
be in a bad position; but It came as a most gentle benefactor to
us mortals in order to bring us nearer to It from out of the old
love preached by Father Enoch
[=Enoch], and in such circumstances It is not frightful. But as it
seems to me, It gives us to understand only love alone in Its
genuineness, because love was certainly the single motive for
Its coming here. But It cannot be recognized with understanding
and with all our highly praised reason.
[7] And look, some things are becoming clearer to me! The
supposed Greek came to us earlier in such a friendly way and
asked us whether we wanted to make the acquaintance of the
great Master of Nazareth; but we spoke definitively against this
with a sort of fear and countered Him with all sorts of empty
logical reasons. We feared the Master because the disciple had
already shown us how damned weak our reasons were.
[8] Until now we still calculated with our reason and got very
little out of it; and we have to thank the quite strong conjecture
which is beginning to become louder and louder now in our
mind to the side kick which the wise youth gave us, now that his
patience is running out. For, as I am now beginning to notice
clearly, he had strongly suggested before the Master’s long
speech that this Greek must be the Master and no one else! But
our truly pig reason had always pulled the wool over our eyes
and so we couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
[9] Now that due to the side kick we have some love for the
Greek, a few layers of scales seem to have fallen from the eyes
of our soul and we now begin to make some conjectures. And I
now believe that we should throw our reason overboard into the
sea and follow only the feelings of our hearts, and so we will
surely reach our goal faster than through our reason which was
only lent to man as using a spoon for the pot when cooking a
meal, namely to stir the food. But once the food in the pot is
cooked, the spoon is no longer indispensable! What is your
opinion now?”

[10] Suetal says: opening wide his eye, “Friend, I see well that
you have settled on the Greek more and more. It is the same
case with me, and I share your opinion completely; but I do not
agree at the moment with throwing away reason. For if we lay
aside a feeling that is bubbling inside us, what do we still have
in us over the animals of the forest, which have no reason and
thus must follow their instinct?
[11] You see, man is often overcome by all sorts of feelings; if
he followed his feelings with no discretion and without seeking
the advice of his purer reason, where would he end up!
Therefore in my opinion it is necessary above all to purify the
reason as much as possible. For only led through enlightened
reason can our better feelings become a true blessing to us.
[12] The feelings of a person are like a many-armed octopus in
the sea who always stretches out his many arms towards food;
but there is no intelligence at all in this animal.
[13] Now if a person sets his reason aside, he would obviously
resemble such an animal; for the simple raw feeling of a human
is more food and enjoyment-seeking than any other animal.
Only educated and purified reason rules and orders the feelings
of a person, cuts out the bad ones, then keeps only the good
and pure ones and in this way makes a true person out of the
fake person.
[14] Therefore you must not want to throw divine reason
overboard; for without reason any donkey and any ox can rule
over us!
[15] The other ten agree completely with Suetal and all share his
opinion; but Ribar shrugs his shoulders thoughtfully and Suetal
says: “Well, you surely cannot have anything to say against
that?! For my statement stands before God and all the world as
firmly as Mount Sinai on which Moses received the
commandments for a nation powerfully endowed with reason!”
[1] After a while Ribar says: “Friend, there are still some
counter statements to be found against what you have just said!
But because you are still a very strong hero of reason, you
would nonetheless know what to respond to them again. I don’t
want in any way to disagree with you in this area, and the
human education must proceed as you have just said. This
education must constantly be a necessary forerunner for the later
higher education of the spirit; but it should not be an ultimate
education and it can never become that even with every most
refined improvement.
[2] For as reason was given us as an original regulator of our
feelings for the greatest possible refining, then something
correspondingly similar must lie in the thereby mature feelings
like in a ripe fruit on the tree. But so that the fruit can reach
maturity, the light of the sun along with its warmth was
necessary, and likewise now and then a fertilizing rain. But once
the fruit has become ripe, one will take it from the tree and keep
it well in a good pantry so that it will become even riper and
tastier; but if you leave the ripe fruit hanging on the tree it will
not gain any more from this, instead it will totally spoil!
[3] And so it is certainly the case with the feelings of a person.
Once they have reached the certain maturity, they must then
leave the external reason care and be brought to a higher
maturity out of themselves, otherwise the whole initial maturity
of the feelings was purely in vain. For this reason I told you that
we, since we cannot achieve anything more with reason, should
throw just this external reason over board and from now on
devote ourselves to our mature feelings for further life
[4] Suetal says: “Brother, a divine breath must enter you from
somewhere! For I know you; that is not your language! You are
already transforming into Mathael’s wisdom! Yes, look, I
cannot refute anything you say; for I feel through and through
that you are seriously completely correct and stand in truth! I am
still not that far, but I feel that I am now progressing.”

[5] But now the other ten also say that they are beginning to feel
the same.
[6] After these conversations Raphael returns to the twelve
again, claps them in applause on the shoulders and say, “So, that
is correct, friends; I like you much more like this than before
with your mangy reason, and I can now tell you that you are
completely on the right path!”
[7] After these words of Raphael, Ribar stands up, hugs Raphael
with all the strength of his love, presses him to his heart and
says with great emotion: “Oh, you Heaven and you, my
heavenly one! Why could I not love you earlier with all the
glow of my life!?” For since Ribar saw the foot and the hand
and the eyes
of the angel more closely, he immediately fell doubly in love
with him.
[8] But Raphael says: “Friend, love is certainly better than no
love; but it is not suitable however in the area of the soul and its
innermost life. You love me for my form which is now my
natural exterior; but love is actually the innermost of a person
and should never depend on something external; for the
innermost thereby becomes the external and thus the image of
hell. Thereby the divine order of life is turned around, the spirit
of the soul which is love is turned to the outside and it must thus
waste away as a premature baby must waste away which is
driven out of its mother’s womb before time by a violent push
from the outside.
[9] My external form must not fascinate you, but only the truth
which you take from my mouth. This will remain with you and
make you free of everything and truly happy in your soul; but
my present external form serves you only as proof so that you
see how beautifully the full love is paired with love in its purity!
Do you understand this?”
[10] Ribar, standing back from his powerful hug, says: “I
understand very well; but at the sight of you our reason truly
becomes a mountainous burden!”
[11] At this Suetal says to Raphael: “That has always been an
old evil with my friend Ribar. He cannot bear a beautiful form,
whether male or female, without becoming passionate; but it is
all the same to me. I also like a beautiful figure clearly better
than an ugly one but I never become passionate about it! So up
until this time every very beautiful woman and girl has had rest
from me!”
[12] Raphael says: “But such a thing is not due to your merit,
but to your nature! For a blind man can have no merit in that he
is not attracted by some sort of beauty of the world, and it is no
virtue to the deaf if his ear is not laid on the earhorn. But people
of this sort are much more difficult to awake in their soul than
those whose mood in the beginning of the spiritual development
is more open than any other.
[13] You see, with Ribar the spiritual, even if not purified, is
already poured out through his flesh, since everything externally
beautiful must have clearly a spiritually more complete reason
in it; and so a certain external falling in love with a beautiful
object a mute but nonetheless mutual spiritual recognition and
warming. Only it must be entrusted to a good leadership,
through which it will be lead back to the real reason for life,
which is no difficult job since the actual spirit of life, which
proclaims itself through love, is the real intelligent being in a
person and thereby easily perceives and actively understands its
nature and order.”
[1] (Raphael) “The so-called external falling in love in a
beautiful object is thus in itself not a sin, but it can become a sin
– that means a mistake in the order of life – if it constantly
depends more and more on the external form, where it then
naturally becomes more difficult to separate such a spirit from
the beautiful exterior and lead it back to the place of its order.
[2] In such cases the Lord allows all sorts of painful
admonitions and even scourging, through which a confused
spirit returns with time to the old order and leaves everything
external, returns the nobility to its order and thus truly enlivens.

[3] It is therefore a great difference between people of your sort

and people of Ribar’s sort. What you might seek for years in
order to receive it, a person such as Ribar can achieve it in a few
days, yes often in a few hours if he gets the right leading and
seriously wants it himself. Do you understand this?”
[4] Suetal, seeming somewhat gloomy, says: “Yes, I understand
it well, but on the other hand I don’t see the reason why the
creator puts a person into the world so mature and spiritually
receptive and another again as thick as a piece of wood!”
[5] The angel says: “Yes, my dear, if you begin to ask such
things we will not be finished for a long time; for your spirit is
still stuck too deeply under the skin of your flesh while Ribar’s
spirit has already risen much higher than his skin and it is thus
easy to talk to him. You could just as well ask why God has
created so many stones on the Earth and why not sheer soft
fruitful earth, why so much water above whose wide area no
fields and vineyard lay root, why so much thorns and so many
types of thistle which truly no grapes and no figs grow. But I tell
you that everything is extremely necessary and that one could
not exist without the other; but to show you all the wise reasons
for it would need briefly and superficially a time period of many
thousand years, while everything endlessly much can possess an
awakened and mature spirit in a few moments if it is interested
in it. But since a perfect spirit has quite higher and better things
before it in life than to investigate the ground of the stones, the
water, the thorns and the thistles, he leaves such things to the
wisest care of the Lord of infinity.”
[6] Suetal says: “If that is so, then it is not my fault if I am
stupider than Ribar who as far as I know despite his open lying
spirit has still not brought the divine wisdom into himself!”
[7] Raphael says: “People like you must have a sharp
understanding so that their much stupider soul has a path to their
spirit which is certainly much longer and bumpier than that
which the spirits of love have to walk on; for a spirit of love
obviously has as the element of life what the blunt spirit per
longum et latum (in a complicated way) with correct use of their
sharp external sense can achieve.

[8] You see what effort it would cost you to reach love! But
Ribar is full of love. This needs only to be a little regulated and
ordered and it is then quite finished; but you must come to love
through your boring reason in order to possess it without which
it is impossible to regulate and order! Do you understand that?”
[9] Suetal says: “If so, then God is unjust and very biased!”
[10] The angel says: “In a certain way of course, but naturally
only seen from the angle of the short-sighted human
understanding; but if you are building a house, why do you
build a foundation using the biggest, heaviest and hardest
[11] What have these stones ever done to you before that you
push them firstly into the darkest trench and lay all the burden
on their backs? Don’t you have any mercy then with the poor
stones? What pressure must the stones under the enormous
burden of a mountain bear?
[12] Or don’t the roots of a tree deserve your mercy that they
constantly must hide in the dark depths of decay of the Earth
while the branches of the tree are proudly resplendent in the
ether of air and the all enlivening light?
[13] You see, are those not sheer cases of “unjustness” in the
lowest layers of created nature?! How could such a wise God as
the Creator act against all healthy understanding indifferently
and unfeelingly?
[14] Likewise even your feet could complain about your hands
and say, “Why are then we, who are just as much flesh and
blood as you, dammed to carry you while you without effort can
move around in the free air so cheerfully?”
[15] And so a number of other limbs could also raise a very
justified sounding complaint against the head; but who would
not immediately see the foolishness of such a complaint?
[16] You see, in the same way the Lord has given talent to the
people of this Earth, some with greater and some with lesser,
but to no one is the gate in the great temple closed completely,
but the way is given to everyone, and therefore no one can
complain and say: Lord, why didn’t You give me the talents too
which my brothers can rejoice in extremely?! For then the Lord
would say to him: Do you feel a lack, go to you brother and he
will help you out! If I had given every person the same, none
would have a lack in comparison with another, the brother
would never need his brother! How would then the enlivening
love for others be awakened and strengthened in a person?

[17] What would a person be without love for his neighbor, and
how would he find the true love to God without it, without
which an eternal life of the soul cannot be thought about?!
[18] You see, in order that a person can serve others and thereby
achieve their love, he must however be able to do something
that another cannot do so easily because he is lacking in
appropriate talents; thereby a person will become a need for the
other and through mutual needed service the love is first awoken
and through the good of such mutual service constantly more
and more strengthened.
[19] In the strength of the love for another, however, lies
the innermost revelation of pure divine love and in this the
eternal life.
[20] But if you now can claim in yourself that nothing can
attract you to any love, neither a beautiful figure nor any other
excellent good act, then I would like to hear from you through
which third unknown means love can be awakened in a person’s
heart and through what can it strengthen it until the power of
revelation of the divine, purest love in the heart!?
[21] But wherever this is not revealed in word or deed, then the
eternal life of the soul after death of the body looks very gloomy
and overcast!
[22] Briefly, if in your hearts there is any doubt about the
further existence of the soul after the death of the body, the
revelation of life has not been successful; but whatever a person
does not have, he doubts in it constantly that he will ever have
it, if he wants to have it. But if you have found eternal life of the
soul through the revelation of the pure divine love in your heart
like a lost penny, then you will never have any doubt about the
full possession of what you in all truth and reality possess!

[23] But such a thing can only be achieved through love for
your neighbor; and therefore Ribar is much closer than you to
the true goal of life, who has enlightened your brain with the
natural light of this world but your heart is allowed to stagger
around without fire or light like a wild animal in the darkest
denseness of the swamp forests of Europe!
[24] Therefore I advise you to pay attention to what I have said
to you, otherwise your mind will become hollow and the golden
fruit on your tree of life will be eaten by worms long before
maturity; and the worms mean doubt which at the end will eat
through your whole skull and your fruit of life will become a
stinking carcass which will serve as contemptible food for the
birds of prey! Have you understood me?!”
[1] Suetal says: “Well understood, but I would almost prefer not
to have understood it! How can I then urge myself to love if I
from my nature am almost incapable of it? I know only one
approval of my understanding in appearance and acts; but love
in my heart is foreign to me! Do tell me then what will happen
to a person – or how will he recognize that love has become
awake in his heart? There must be some sort of sign of
realization in life of a person, otherwise all the love is in vain,
for he can perhaps possess it in all its fullness, but not know that
such a pull in his life is called love. How does all the whole love
serve him then and help him!?”
[2] Raphael says: “Don’t you remember then not so long ago,
when you were yet a child? What did you feel for your parents
then who loved you very much and looked after you as their
darling with all sorts of good deeds?”
[3] Suetal says: “That is very long ago; but I can still remember
some events when I was really so moved that tears came to my
eyes. Is such a childish feeling supposed to be love?”

[4] Raphael says: “Yes, yes, that is love; if this is lacking, he has
in the end nothing that belongs to life and such a person is then
only a machine of his natural brain and hardly knows about the
being of his very own soul!
[5] The love of children must thus be wake again in the heart of
everyone who is like you, otherwise it is impossible to lead such
a simple reasoning person in to the inner kingdom of life.
[6] What use is it to you if you understand everything with your
reason and may not understand your own life and see how it is
and how it forms and educates itself?!
[7] What use is it to a gardener to admire in a different garden
the luxuriant growth of all sorts of noble plants but to leave his
own garden fallow and to let the weeds grow as they wish?! One
should cultivate the beds of one’s own garden, clean them from
weeds, put the correct dung on them and sow them with seeds
from noble plants so that at the right time one will rejoice in the
luxuriant plants of the own garden! But now nothing more about
that; for something new will be now undertaken by the great
master and that means to have heart and head in the right
[8] Ribar says: “But tell us, you heavenly one, whether we
should not first go up to the Master and thank Him for all the
goodness that we have received through His great goodness and
mercy physically and spiritually for enjoyment!”
[9] Raphael says: “He only looks at the heart; if that is in order,
then everything is in order. If He finds you mature, then He will
call you and give you the measured wisdom, what you have to
do in the future.
[10] But now you should keep yourselves ready in your hearts
and in all your being; for if He does something it is meant not
only for us on this place, likewise not for this country or for this
whole wide Earth, instead it is valid for all infinity and eternity!
So it means understand it in its profoundest depth! Understand
and keep it in your heart! For every word from out of the mouth
which is put in motion by the eternal spirit of God and every
following act has always the most endless consequences! But
now I must leave your company for a time and must follow the
will of the great Master.”

[11] At this the angel left the company of the twelve and went
again to Josoe, who now had many a subject to discuss with
him; for the much talking on all sides had somewhat confused
Josoe and Raphael had now work to do to set his disciple
[1] But I said now, “Friends, our physical and spiritual midday
meal has lasted almost four hours this time, and therefore it is
time for us to rise from the table! We want to look out over the
sea to see whether something might happen which is worth the
attention of all of us!
[2] At the same time I would like to point you to the fact that we
will experience a total eclipse of the sun in half an hour.
However, none of you need make anything of it; for such an
eclipse happens quite naturally!
[3] The moon, floating in the West at a distance of 98,000 hours
(ca. 367.500 km) over the Earth, will move in a straight line
across the sun as a massive, non-transparent body and thereby
prevent the light of the sun falling on a part of this Earth; the
total eclipse will only last a few moments; then the sun will
show itself again over the edge of the moon and it will become
lighter and lighter on the Earth. But during the full eclipse you
will get to see the beautiful constellations of winter which one
can otherwise never see in summer.
[4] I am telling you this in order to take away all foolish fears at
such events and to show you the full naturalness of such events;
therefore have no fear when the event happens!
[5] But at the same time we will discover three merchant vessels
on the high seas; these must be brought on shore before the
eclipse begins, because otherwise evil superstition will force the
sailors to throw the very exceptionally beautiful and virtuous
daughter of an honest Greek into the sea along with her father
who is accompanying her.

[6] For both of them are travelling to Jerusalem to see the

temple and to become familiar with the religion of the Jews at
its source, and for this purpose they are bringing with them on
the three ships great treasures, which afterwards would fall into
the thieving hands of the terrible Greek sailors as a good booty.
[7] Therefore there is no time to lose; for the planets proceed
unstoppably along their path according to their law. If one
checked them on their course, great damaged would be caused
for the Earth which a thousand years would not wear away; but
if the three ships are brought with a somewhat miraculous speed
to shore, no one will suffer any damage thereby, instead a very
great natural and spiritual gain will be shown for many of the
poor of this area. Thus quickly now, get to work!”
[8] Everyone hurries to the shore and places themselves along it
in a continuous line. But I also have difficulties in this: for
Cyrenius with his entourage, My twelve disciples and some who
have been accompanying us for a long time – around sixty in
number – the 30 young Pharisees and Levites among their
spokesmen Hebram and Risa, the five with wise Mathael and
the twelve with Suetal, Ribar and Bael press themselves towards
Me and everyone wants, as much as is possible, to be very near
to Me, while Ebahl with Jarah and Raphael with Josoe are in
any case firmly beside Me and Jarah will not even let go of My
tunic. Old Mark with his wife and children wants also to be very
near to Me now, and so the lack of space in which I now find
Myself is explicable. But Raphael soon puts everything into the
best order, since in a moment he distributes the guests on the
shore to comfortable places, but I board a ship with Cyrenius
and old Mark and sail up and down close to the shore in the face
of all the many guests, with which the guests and also My
disciples quite agree.
[9] But now the moon is drawing pretty close to the sun, and I
call Raphael, saying: “You know what’s got to be done, so tarry
no longer!”

[10] And Raphael says: really for the sake of the guests, “Lord,
all at once or over some time?”
[11] I say: “After twelve moments, all at once!”
[12] But the three ships are so far off that one could hardly
notice them; it must have been around four hours’ journey
(14 km, 9 m) as the crow flies.
[1] Cyrenius strained his eyes in vain; he could not perceive
any part of a ship. It was just as bad for Mark; but other very
sharp-sighted people noticed the ships like three little flies
moving across the sea and said: “Lord! With a favorable wind it
will take them a good two hours to get to this shore!”
[2] I say: “Just you don’t worry about that; My sailor will have
the ship on shore at the right time!”
[3] The 30 young Pharisees ask, “Where and who is the person
for whom such a thing is possible?”
[4] I say: “You know the young mentor (educator) of Cyrenius’
adopted son; that is he!”
[5] The 30 ask fearfully, “Where then is a ship ready for him?”
[6] Raphael now says: “I have no need of one!” and disappears
in this moment. Everyone is shocked, believing that the youth
has jumped into the water and that he will now aim for the ships
in the water as fast as a fish. For many did not yet know that
Raphael was actually an angel and therefore a quite pure spirit;
many considered him to be Josoe’s mentor, while he was only a
mentor of Jarah’s. But since he was spending more time here
with Josoe than with Jarah, he was thought of by many here as
the young mentor of Josoe.
[7] But before the inquirers looked around, Raphael was already
at the shoreline with the three quite large ships and was standing
on board the ship in which the pious Greek was, full of
amazement and terror, with his even more pious daughter; for in
the first place the incomprehensible swift landing on a for him
unknown coast seemed to him like a dream, and in the second
place he didn’t know what he should make of the young sailor
and could not account for this wonderful event; for the
transformation happened too fast and surprised him too much.

[8] The sailors were also standing like columns by their oars and
didn’t dare put their oars into the water again. After a short
while of deepest amazement and wonder the Greek asked the
youth in deepest respect, saying, “Who are you, powerful being?
Who called you to bring us so quickly to a good shore and for
which reasons?”
[9] Raphael says: “Don’t ask, instead look at the sun which will
now soon lose its light for a few moments! If you were at sea,
the ship’s boy’s evil superstition would have thrown you and
your daughter over board and then divided the treasure that you
brought along with you; but our great, divine Master saw such
things in advance and thus sent me to your swiftest rescue. You
are now in the most complete safety, but nonetheless unpleasant
things will yet happen to you, and therefore I must remain in the
ship with you during the dark catastrophe, otherwise you would
still have to face much hardship with the rough ship’s boys.”
[10] The Greek now looks round at the sun and notices to his
and his daughter’s terror that there is only a very narrow edge
left of the sun, rises from his seat and thunders a curse up to the
evil dragon that is now threatening to totally consume the sun.
[11] It was the pious custom of some heathens from Asia Minor
to send up a pile of the worst curses to the terrible dragon on the
occasion of a solar eclipse, so that he would be afraid and spit
out the consumed sun again and then it would shine out again.
But the old man was not yet finished with his pious curses when
the sun was completely hidden by the moon.
[12] Then a sudden wild howling went up among the ship’s
boys, but also among the Roman soldiers on the shore, and the
ship’s boys, almost rioting through fear, fell upon the Greek and
wanted to throw him into the sea along with his daughter and
with Raphael; for they blamed the three for the most terrible
scourging by the gods, and wanted to pacify them in this way.
But Raphael lifted all the ship’s boys out of the ships and set
them on the land; but he threw the worst one into the sea who as
a good swimmer had work to do to reach the land, very
exhausted, quite far from the ships.


[1] During this catastrophe the sun broke forth again from
behind the moon on the other side, and the old cheerfulness
entered the souls of everyone present again; during the total
eclipse alone Cyrenius and also Julius remained completely
calm beside Me.
[2] Even My disciples became somewhat uneasy, and Jarah and
Josoe hastily jumped into My ship touching the shore and
trembled with fear; but their fear was nonetheless more a
consequence of the wild howling of the ship’s boys than of the
darkness. For Jarah and Josoe knew very well the reason for the
eclipse of the sun, but they were not prepared for the wildest
howling and therefore jumped into My ship in great fear and
pressed themselves against Me as close as possible. But in the
meantime Cyrenius and Julius have delighted in the beautiful
constellations of winter which they had never before seen in
[3] Gradually it became brighter, and the old cheerful spirits
returned to the unsettled souls of the people, and the ship’s boys
returned to their three ships and begged the youth for
forgiveness for being so hostile to him previously.
[4] They also begged the Greeks for forgiveness, and he (the
Greek) said: “What someone’s faith tells him to do, he should
do, if he finds no wiser counter reason in himself; but your faith
should be brighter as a result, and you will then see that the high
gods do not demand any human sacrifice from us, in that they
themselves have countless means in their hands to take people
from this Earth in their hundreds of thousands as they desire.”
[5] The ship’s boys are satisfied with this lecture on the part of
our Greek and swear that at similar events in the future they will
be and remain fully mindful of his wise lecture. At this the
ship’s boys ask the Greek whether he will now continue his
journey or whether he is thinking of staying here.

[6] But the Greek says: “Don’t you see this powerful youth
among us?! He has shown me goodness and saved me from your
blind angry faith; I owe him my life and the life of my only,
very dearest daughter. He alone is now my commander and
whatever he says: I will do; but without his word and his will I
am not going to travel an inch further, even in ten years!
[7] In addition, a good inner voice says to me that I have found
more in this barren place than in all of Jerusalem. Therefore I
will remain here. I will now speak with the inn-keeper of this
place to see whether I can stay here. If such a thing is possible, I
will then immediately leave my beasts of burden here on the
shore and then all the treasure that I brought with me, and you
can then sail off in your ships again.”
[8] However, during this conversation I, Cyrenius, Julius, Mark,
the old inn-keeper and Jarah and Josoe also come onto the ship
in which the Greek was, and Mark speaks to him immediately
and says: “Friend! You see that an honest landlord never has a
lack of guests. You see, I am the innkeeper of this place and
give accommodation in my little hut and under my tents to all
the dear guests that you see here; but for you there is also still
room if you want to stay!”
[9] The Greek says amiably: “Friend, I just need an area of 30
steps in length and ten in width, and I will immediately have my
three good and sumptuous tents set up by the servants I brought
with me, and I will then already be provided for; for I bring
meals and drinks in great quantities with me and I possess much
gold and silver in order to buy some more if what I brought with
me should run out. So I also possess feed for my beasts of
burden and in this way I am best equipped for everything
possible; I have only no place to accommodate all this, and so I
will rent it from you for a time. What do you demand for the
discussed area from day to day?”
[10] Mark says quite amiably: “I know well that you Greeks
always keep exact accounts; but it is not usual for us Romans
and better Jews. You can remain here as long as you wish, and
nothing will be demanded from you except your true and honest
friendship; but if you want to do something for some poor
person who has lost his way and found himself here, that will be
left to your discretion without any bill. Therefore have your
things unpacked and make yourselves as comfortable as in your
house in your town; for as long as you are here not only the
piece of land you demanded but also my entire not so very small
premises are at your disposal, and my tables will be laid for you
also! Tell me whether you are satisfied with this!”
[11] The Greek says: “Yes, friend, when you speak like that,
you shame me and I am in great embarrassment if I cannot
reward your great, highest selfless friendship in some way, and I
hardly dare to make use of your truest generosity!”
[12] Mark says: “Friend, your friendship will surely be more
valuable than all the great treasures of the Earth which you bring
with you, which I do not need since I now possess perhaps even
greater things than you; but certainly they are less material than
[13] The Greek says: “So you have already had for a long time
what I and my daughter here have been vainly seeking in all the
corners of the Earth?”
[14] Mark says: “What the whole Earth and all the stars and the
sun and the moon cannot give you, neither the temple nor any
oracle, you will find here in this place. Thus unpack right away,
for you are now already in the right place!”
[15] The Greek now immediately orders his 14 servants to get to
[1] But I say to the Greek, “Listen, My friend! Your 14 servants
may well be very industrious and skilful people; but since you
have many things with you, it will surely take your 14 people
quite a long time to put everything in good order.
[2] Look, this supposed youth is one of My many servants and
in one moment he can do more than all your 14 servants in a full
hundred years; thus your servants should rest this time and this
only servant of Mine who is present here will put all your things
in order in a moment, according to your usual custom, like your
14 servants would hardly do in 3 days!
[3] If you want, I will order him to do this!”
[4] The Greek says: “Friend, if such a thing is possible on Earth,
then I beg you to do it! For in any case my servants are already
extremely tired from the journey and would therefore need a lot
of time for the unpacking and setting up!”
[5] I say to Raphael, “Show what is possible for a pure spirit in
the fastest moment!”
[6] At this Raphael makes a low bow and says: “Lord, You have
commanded and see, everything is already in the best order!”
[7] Next I say to the Greek, “Well, friend, stand up and look
around to see whether the work has been completed according
to your liking!”
[8] Here the Greek rises, claps his hands three times over his
head and says: extremely amazed, “Yes, by all the gods! What is
that then?! The boy never left us, did he, and all my tents have
already been set up in the best way, and everything seems to
already be in the best order! No, no, no! This cannot be a natural
thing! Now I must go into the tents and see how good the order
is inside!”
[9] At this he leaves the ship and heads, led by us and his
daughter, into his tents and finds to his great wonder that
absolutely everything is in the best order.
[10] But now it is too much for him. As if seized by a sort of
dizzying wonder, he (the Greek) says after a while of his never
ending amazement, “Either I am among the arch magicians of
Egypt or among nothing but gods; for what I have experienced
here is unheard-of and has never occurred in human memory!
And You, friend, (turning to Me) seem to be the master among
the many here, or Zeus himself!? Flesh has not conceived You,
neither this youth; You must have been created from out of the
spirit of eternity! Oh gods, gods, what strength must lie within
You, that You are capable of achieving such things, and what a
pitiful thing is the poor man, the blind worm in the dust, in
comparison with You?! You can do everything, but the mortal
worm in the dust of his nothingness can do nothing! Friend,
You, who are a god and to whom everything is at Your disposal,
what can I as a mortal do for You, immortal God? What should
I give You, who rules over the whole Earth, over sun, moon and
all the stars?”

[11] I say: “Friend, you have much natural light, and judge what
has happened, the miracle as it seems to you, with tact, but you
must not place people too low under the comprehension of your
gods; for I say to you: all the gods that you know and worship
are actually nothing in comparison with one person who is filled
with the true spirit of God.
[12] You see, these many people that you see here, are mostly
just as powerful as this youth here, and yet they are only people
of flesh and blood!
[13] Touch Me, and you will see that I also consist of flesh and
blood in the external apparent body; but this flesh and blood is
filled with the spirit of God who alone is all-mighty, and whom
all must obey in the power of His will.
[14] And see, we act here simply out of the strength of the spirit
of God who is within us, who thinks within us and wants what
His all-seeing and all-feeling highest wisdom considers to be
necessary and good.
[15] Well, for now truly only I possess this characteristic to the
greatest degree and am therefore a master in it; but I can also
enable every person who is of some good will.
[16] But naturally a person who has an evil, adverse will can
never be given such an ability; for firstly one must be fully
familiar in the holy order of the spirit of God before the gift of
the power of the eternal spirit of God is given, and this cannot
consist of anything else but that the pure person is penetrated
right to his soul by the spirit of God. The soul that has been
penetrated by the spirit of God now only wants what the spirit
of God wants; but whatever He wants must happen, because He
alone is the eternal strength and power in the whole of infinity!

[17] For everything that exists, lives and thinks in endless space
is this eternal spirit in the order created by Himself of decided
and unchangeably maintained thoughts, according to the
spiritually living component, and the idea formulated from out
of it, which is, however, according to the nature of its being,
likewise capable of transformation into the independent
[18] You see, friend, that’s how things lie, touched upon briefly!
You are a good thinker and will soon understand much; but for
now let this be enough for you!
[19] But I will give you as a companion a certain Mathael, a
man full of wisdom; you will learn much from him and will
understand Me afterwards much better than now!”
[20] The Greek, full of amazement at My wisdom, is quite
satisfied with this and greatly desires to see the man.
[21] But I immediately call Mathael and say, “There, dear
friend, is a somewhat dilapidated house; you are a good
carpenter and will know what needs to be improved there!”
[22] Mathael says: “Lord, with Your help the house will become
good and solid!”
[1] After this act Ouran (that was the name of the Greek, and his
daughter was called Helena) was silent and began to gather
himself, in order to be able to exchange words as a man of some
life experience with Mathael, who had been introduced to him
and who with a few words already gave people to understand
that he was a man of higher wisdom, and to observe at every
opportunity the sapienti pauca (the wise needs little) in order
not to appear as a man lacking in all better knowledge. When
Ouran had recovered a little and had come to correct composure,
he asked Mathael after quite a long pause whether the latter
wanted to accompany him on his world travels and what he
would demand for it in return.
[2] Mathael says: pointing at Me, “Look over there, that is a
Savior for body, soul and spirit! Hardly twelve hours have
passed since I was still a most pitiful being on this Earth. My
innards were so possessed by the very most evil spirits that my
whole being became an earthly devil. I was the terror of the
whole area among a horde of the worst street robbers, for all my
limbs had to serve the devils; but my soul was paralyzed and
didn’t know what was happening to its poor body. Friend, you
can see from that how pitiful I was! But who could help me?! I
was the greatest terror for anyone who came near me; you
would have found it easier to manage ten hungry tigers than me
alone. Only a cohort of the most daring Roman soldiers could
become master of me and my companions; bound and tied like a
barrel I was brought here with my four worst companions to be
sentenced to death.
[3] But over there you see the great healing master, who came
from Heaven to us pitiful worms of this hard and devilish Earth
in order to heal also us physical devils through word and deed;
He healed me and my companions and for such a healing He did
not demand anything at all from the five of us, instead He did
even greater good deeds for us physically and particularly

[4] Now this divine Savior of mine called me for the first time
to a service for which you have now asked me, what
compensation I would ask from you. Oh friend, before I have
paid my due to this great One, I cannot possibly demand
anything from you; for I serve thereby only Him who called me
and not you!
[5] But I will always remain in all eternity a greatest debtor and
only through my service can I reduce my great debt in some
way. Thus you, friend, will never be indebted to me for a service
done to you – except for your true friendship and brotherly love!
[6] For I have received it for free, and for the same price I will
give it to you! Gold, silver and jewels you will not receive from
me; but what I have should be given freely to you as well, as I
have received it. Thus spare me in future from any similar
[7] Ouran says: “Friend, you are one of the noblest people that I
have ever encountered! Therefore you must become the wise
leader of me and my daughter and remain such throughout
my life!
[8] I will, it is true, never ask you again, as you wish: 'What do
you ask in return?' but that you shall never suffer with me any
want as a friend and a genuine brother, you will surely accept
that from me?!”
[9] Mathael says: “There is still the question whether you will
accept something, or everything, or even nothing at all from me!
For my gifts, as I have already experienced a little, do not taste
as sweet to the senses of your palate as a wine sweetened with
pure honey in the way that the Greeks enjoy it now and then, but
instead often bitterer than gall and the fresh juice of an old aloe!
And sweet-loving palates do not often enjoy this! Thus we want
to see first how our mutual talents can be exchanged!”
[10] I say in the middle of this, “You know what, since we now
have another full hour of sun and the evening will also be very
pleasant, let’s take a walk together up Mark’s hill; there we can
get to know each other a little better! Let your servants guard
your tents for the moment, however, for you will only see them
again and make use of them after midnight!”

[11] Ouran says: “There are many and great valuables in them!
But I believe that this area is safe!”
[12] I say: “Friend, when you were in the greatest danger an
hour ago and you were close to losing your life and everything,
who saved you then?”
[13] At this Ouran paused; only after a while he says: “Yes, yes,
great Master! You are right, I am only a little stuck in my old
habit and now I see the full foolishness of my fear; it will not
happen for a second time, and I will go right away now without
any further hesitation with you wherever you want!”
[1] At this the daughter Helena steps up to Me somewhat shyly
and asks, “Lord, you incomprehensibly great Master and Savior!
Oh, do not hold it against my old father; for you see, I as his
daughter have known him my whole life long and can bear the
truest witness that he is a good, gentle and very accommodating
man, and I cannot ever remember him putting himself before
someone else, even if he had the right on his side and the other
person was rather wrong than truly in the right. He has never
fought with anyone or become annoyed about a wrong done to
him and grumbled about it! But the high gods never let him sink
because of it, and the blessed goddess of happiness was always
best disposed towards him.
[2] Thus you also, who seem to be a little bit of a god yourself,
will not take such an out-spoken care by my father as something
which offends your highness! If you are nonetheless so hard,
then take my life as penance for my father whom I love above
all else!”
[3] I say to everyone standing around, “Have you ever seen such
an example of the love of a child in all of Israel? Truly! She
may well be a heathen, but she puts all of Israel to shame, which
received the commandment from Moses to obey, honor and love
father and mother!”

[4] They all say: “No, Lord and Master! Such a thing has never
been heard of in Israel!”
[5] I say to Helena, “Do not be afraid, My daughter, for I have
known your father for a long time and you as well; and if I
didn’t know him and you, you would both have been buried in
this evil sea!”
[6] Helena, says: “But you extremely wise, powerful and
nonetheless friendly Master! How can you have known me and
my father for a long time? We have hardly known you for an
[7] I say: “Oh Helena, look over there, the sea and all the Earth;
look, those are already very old things, and nonetheless I was
there before all that!”
[8] At this Helena starts and asks me most reverently: “In the
end are you the highest Zeus himself?”
[9] I say: “Dearest dove, do not worry your heart with empty
things! I am not Zeus, because in truth there has never been a
Zeus. But I am the truth and the life; those who believe in Me
will never see, feel or taste death in all eternity! Do you know
now who and what I am?”
[10] Helena says: “But if you alone are the cold truth and the
pure life from it, how does it happen then that I am beginning to
feel very much love towards you?”
[11] I say: “Dove! That should only be revealed to you on the
mountain! But now let’s go, otherwise the sun will rather go (go
down first)!”
[12] We then leave the truly regal tents of splendor and make
our way up the mountain which we soon climb because of its
insignificant height.
[13] When we were at the summit, Cyrenius noticed how
magnificent and beautiful the whole extended area looked, and
that he could now observe such magnificence for hours without
becoming in the least bit tired. It was only a shame that the day
lasted too short a time.
[14] After a while Simon Judas came to Me and said: “Lord,
today You could truly say to the sun like Joshua: Be still, sun!
So that the children here could enjoy the magnificence of the
evening for longer and would praise highly He who made it!”

[15] Cyrenius says: “Oh Simon, you old true fisherman and now
disciple of our great Master and Lord, that was a good thought
of yours, and it would be very much easier for our Lord to do
this than it was for Joshua, for well-known reasons!” Then
Cyrenius also turned to Me in this matter, and Jarah supported
such a request.
[1] But I say: “You are truly still very inexperienced children
and ask for something that is not at all allowed to occur in the
way that you understand it and mean it; for you see, the sun
does not go down, but always stands still over the Earth! Truly
the sun also makes great movement, but that affects the Earth as
little as a speck of dust on your tunic cares for your movement
from one place to another.
[2] But what gives you the day and the night is the Earth
moving in a very rapid revolution around its own axis; for I
have explained to you at times that the earth is a great ball and
turns from evening to morning (west to east) and therefore one
part constantly turns after another towards the sun. Thus there is
always morning in some place on the whole Earth, at the same
time in an earlier place it is midday, at the same time in a place
lying even further towards the east it is evening and ever more
to the east it is midnight, and these four named points push
unstoppably forwards, so that within 24 hours on any place on
the Earth it is morning once, midday once, evening once and
midnight once. That is an order which, as far as its movement is
concerned, everything on the Earth must not change an inch,
under danger of complete destruction!
[3] For should I now let the sun in full truth shine for another
hour over this area, I would have to hinder the whole Earth in its
revolution for a moment – which is so large in the great circle of
its circumference that a few moments would already cover a
distance from here to Jerusalem. Thereby all the free bodies,
however, which are not too securely connected to the Earth,
would get such a hefty push that not only all living things like
people and animals, along with all their houses and huts and
palaces for hours around would be thrown towards the east with
the greatest strength, but also such a push would also drive the
sea out of its depth over the mountains, and the mountains
would fly over each other like starlings!

[4] For these very natural reasons I have now given you, I
cannot listen to your plea; but I can, as in the days of Joshua, set
up a false sun for a few hours which will shine just as much as
the genuine natural one. But this sun will then naturally
disappear again after a few hours because it will only be a pure
[5] Therefore now pay good attention all of you! When the true
sun goes down, the false one will rise in the west and then will
remain shining for a full 2 hours over the horizon.
[6] But even for the appearance of this discussed false sun no
extraterrestrial means come into use, but instead very natural
ones, although animated and brought forth through
extraordinary powers from the sphere of Heaven through My
innermost will. Do you understand what has been said at least
a little?”
[7] Cyrenius says: “I at least understand it completely; for still I
possess the wonderful orange from Ostracine! Lord, you
understand me!? But whether all the others present here will
understand it, I would almost doubt!?”
[8] I say: “That doesn’t matter! Whoever doesn’t understand
that, will understand it later; for the salvation of the human soul
does not depend on it at all. People who know the Earth very
well in time get too much desire to travel the whole Earth in all
areas – which anyway will not remain – and thus pull their souls
too much to the outside; these become very material and profit
[9] Thus somewhat less knowledge about the nature of the
material Earth, but more knowledge of one’s self is better.

[10] For whoever knows his inner self fully, will also soon
enough reach knowledge not only of the whole earth, but of all
the planets in the endless creation materially and spiritually, of
which the latter is alone of significance and of the greatest
importance, but the simple outer knowledge of the nature of this
Earth will not lead the way to immortality for any soul.
[11] But now pay attention; immediately the natural sun will go
below the horizon and the false sun will step into its place in a
[1] Now everyone directs their eyes to the natural sun which
already has sank half its disc behind the mountains; but in the
moment of sinking the false sun rises with an equally strong
light for this area and also for the nearby bordering lands and
areas. Naturally such a light does not reach the stars; thus some
of the guests present could discover several stars of greatest
size, particularly towards the east, since the firmament remained
somewhat dark, because the light of the false sun could only
weakly reach the far-off lands in the East, and wondered much
about it.
[2] Now Ouran also came to Me then with his daughter, Helena,
in great respect and said in a voice somewhat trembling with
sheer reverence, “If I am not deceived by what is around me,
and I myself am no deceiver, then You are a god over the gods,
the spirits and all people, all animals, all lands, all seas, all
lakes, all rivers, streams and springs, and everything that is in
them and lives! Even the winds seem to be subservient to You,
the lightning and the frightfully rumbling thunder; also the sun,
the moon and all the stars take note of Your will!
[3] But if You, although formed like a person as I am, can do
such things alone through Your word and Your all-powerful
will, I ask then all the wise men of the world what more could
You still have to be the first and most perfect God of gods!?
[4] I, Ouran, a small prince from the area of the great Pontus
(Black Sea), recognize You; and if Zeus himself and Apollo
came here and said a laughable 'No', I would call even them the
greatest stupidity!
[5] And now you, my dear daughter Helena, come nearer and
look at the god of gods. Look at what a mortal eye has never
seen before!
[6] You see, a most holy temple has been built among us Greeks
and also in other nations to a highest, unknown god, but will
never be opened! We called this unknown god meanwhile the
unknowable Fatum (fate, destiny), before whom even the great
Zeus according to our religion is shaking like a leaf in a storm.
[7] And you see, this frightful god now stands before us and has
just ordered Apollo to stop the cart holding the sun according to
the wish of this revered, venerable Roman who probably is also
a small prince of some happy province!
[8] And see, daughter, Apollo does not move any further until
he has received the secret sign from the highest, unknown god,
whom simply the servants of the temple in Jerusalem are
supposed to know well – but which could also just as well be
very untrue; for if they do not recognize this One as the only
true One, they are on the worst path in the world!”
[9] The beautiful Helena says: “They will perhaps know
something better about Him, but certainly only in symbolic
pictures; I would bet a lot that they do not consider this miracle
worker to be whom you consider him to be, and what He in all
probability seems to be! There is only one thing that I do not
understand very well, that my heart is constantly filled with
more and more true, serious love for Him; and yet every person
is supposed to only fear and honor a god and bring him
[10] You know how strictly our priests who have to serve
Apollo forbade me love towards a god; for such a love is firstly
too unholy for a god like Apollo, and secondly, if it became too
intense and attracted a high god, one would soon awake the
jealousy of the goddesses and then inevitably get the severe fate
of Europa, Dido, Daphne, Euridice and Proserpine eternally
around one’s neck – and that would be truly something highly

[11] After the truly wise teaching of our Apollo priest I have
now succeeded in my soul, as you know, so that I would not be
any less terrified by the possible appearance of the most
beautiful god than by the most terrible head of Medusa, Gorgon,
or Megera!
[12] Therefore in such circumstances there can be no longer be
any talk of love towards a god! And see, I admit it to you
openly, that despite all my inner battles and despite the most
frightful images that I call to my memory because of the
awakened love to a god, I love this God constantly more and
more! Yes, out of love for Him I would to go to the bitterest
death if He would only grant me one friendly glance!
[13] Oh Heaven of Heavens! How unspeakably worthy is He of
love despite his seriousness! Oh, the gods have not done well in
that they have forbidden us people to love them!”
[14] Ouran says: “Yes, my daughter! The gods are highly wise
and know what they have to grant the people! We must first
make ourselves so pure through our life on this Earth that there
is no spot to be found any longer on our soul even at the
harshest court of the three most merciless judges Aeakus, Minos
and Rhadamanthys; if we are declared fully pure before the eyes
and ears of all the gods, only then will the eternal Elysium be
granted to us as the greatest of all benedictions – to be allowed
to love the high gods at least in secret!
[15] But here in the world in impure flesh you must take care
above all not to fall in love with this most high and most serious
God! For that would truly be the most terrifying thing of all
terrifying things! If you really feel a sort of love for Him
already, it would be best for us to distance ourselves as fast as
ever possible from this place!”
[16] Helena says: “But that will no longer be of any help to me;
for I have him already in my heart and cannot bring him out
again! But just look at that yet very tender girl who seems also
to love him very much and yet seemingly nothing bad is
happening to her!”

[17] Ouran says: “Love, do you know then whether that is not
some sort of goddess? You would have to fear not so much
Him, but her! Who knows then whether she is not at least ten
times a Juno?!”
[18] Helena says quite gloomily and with tears in her eyes:
“Yes, yes, you could well be right! Oh, how happy are the gods
and how unhappy are the people in contrast! A heart that is not
allowed to love is probably the most unhappy thing that a person
in the world can call unhappy! If my eye annoys me, I can blur
it; if a hand annoys me, I can have it cut off, the same with a
foot, and if my whole tender and white skin annoys me I can
have it purged with whips and then smear myself with faeces;
but what can one do with a heart if it begins to annoy me? If one
has a pressure in the stomach, Aesculapius recommends the
juice of aloe and it will then be better in the stomach; but against
the pressure in the heart there are no means recommended as far
as I know!
[19] But now something occurs to me. Look, this God is also a
Savior of all Saviors! If we ask him, he would perhaps help
me?! For He helped us when we could not possibly ask him
since we did not know Him; so He should help me now that we
know Him and if we ask Him and are certainly ready to bring
Him any sacrifice He demands!?”
[20] Ouran says: “You see, that was a good idea of yours, and
perhaps it will bear good fruit for us! But since the highest god
himself has given us wise Mathael for our education, we can
turn to god only through him. Mathael himself seems to be at
least a very powerful half-main god, just like this youth whom I,
you know Helena, consider to be the god Mercury in secret but
nonetheless unmistakably.”
[21] Helena says: “Yes, yes, yes, that will be correct, and the
boy is Mercury! But now something else occurs to me! In the
end we are already dead on the Earth, have passed the severe
judgment, have drunk the waters of oblivion and thereby lost
our memories that we lived on the Earth and perhaps only died
recently?! Perhaps we are still in Elysium but the gods don’t
want to reveal this to us and let us recognize it through all sorts
of situations!?

[22] Just look at the indescribable majesty of this area! Can, I

ask, Elysium be any more majestic?! A sun goes down and
another rises in its place, and also the stars are not lacking in the
majestic eternal east! If so, father, then my love is truly nothing
bad anymore!”
[23] Ouran says: “Child! There is a lot to be said for this remark
of yours, although I would not like to subscribe to it as the full
truth! In brief, Mathael was not given to us for no reason, he
will give us the correct explanation!
[24] If we are already in Elysium, then we are new-comers and
do not know anything in this world by a long shot; but the
leader Mathael will soon correct us! Now it looks very like
Elysium here in any case; yet previously during the whole
eclipse of the sun it did not look like Elysium, but rather a little
like Orcus. But now, yes; just as I heard it, this Elysium
magnificence can only last a bare two hours more – and then,
we cannot know it, but perhaps it will look very tellurian!? But
in short, we have Mathael – he will give us the most correct and
true information about it! But you speak to him, Helena; for I
don’t have enough courage for that! You women always
succeed better than us men!
[25] It is true, he is deep in conversation with the old prince
now, and the god is also speaking to a Roman captain! As I said,
I don’t have the courage at the moment, and someone might
hold it against me in the end; but you are a female, no one will
take any little pushiness for something evil – so you try your
luck first!”
[26] Helena says: “Now I am also becoming somewhat anxious,
and I don’t know how I should tackle the issue cleverly; but
give me a little time, then the thing will go well!”
[27] Ouran says: “Hurry slowly!” is an old saying by the oracle
of Dodona, whose discoverer is supposed to have been wise
Plotin who apparently lived before Homer; thus you can always
give yourself time!

[28] Whatever a person does, he should do it cleverly and at the

same time constantly think which consequences could come
from it; one should thus avoid every hurried step and one will
easily avoid a pitfall! Slowly, but surely is always better than to
jump with courageous haste over a deep ditch whose width you
have underestimated beforehand and therefore you fall into its
depths! Oh, old Ouran is also clever and wise in his own way
and has never had to regret a step before; perhaps the good
geniuses will protect him even in the future!”
[1] After this clever heathen conversation both are silent, Ouran
and Helena, and wait for courage that at least Helena should
possess for the intended speech with Mathael about speaking to
Me on their behalf; but the longer both wait, the more concerns
enter their minds, and these hinder the courage that should
come, instead of enlivening it and strengthening it. Both notice
the magnificence of the evening, it is true, but constantly with
some fear; for the fabulous light of the false sun, the foreign
little-cultivated place, the extraordinary deeds and My presence
give both their minds no peace in which they can enjoy the rest
of the evening.
[2] When Mathael notices such things, he goes up to Ouran
and says: “Friend, you are not cheerful and your most
beautiful daughter looks somewhat ill! Tell me whether
something is wrong!”
[3] Ouran says quite secretly to Helena: “He’s got us! Only be
clever now, right, true and just, otherwise we are making a very
easy step towards the place where Cerberus guards and the
merciless Pluto reigns! Speak little and slowly, consider every
word, otherwise we are lost!”
[4] Here Mathael claps Ouran, who has become very afraid, on
the shoulder and says: “But friend, why are you silent then?
Before you were able to speak quite courageously to me!? What
has gone through your mind then all at once?”

[5] After a while of trembling Ouran says: “Ah, ah, ahahah –

that was a real blow! There is nothing wrong with me, to be
honest, but I and this, my daughter, as it has suddenly become
clear to us, as mortal wretches have reached you immortal gods
and, as it seems, to the veritable Olympus, as a main residence
of the eternal immortal gods!
[6] Things are happening too inhumanly wonderfully! The too
great holiness of this place fills us with fear and terror, and all
the more so since my daughter is beginning to fill her heart with
love for the great God of gods, as she says and complains.
[7] According to our Greek laws of the gods, such a love is one
of the worst crimes against the unlimited holiness of the gods,
particularly against the unknown very highest god of all gods!
My poor daughter, however, cannot defend herself any longer
against such a love! She doesn’t want to, and her heart says a
relentless: you must!
[8] The poor, honest girl entrusted me with such things ad I
have therefore made the decision to ask the great god through
you in all his mercy to free the heart of my poor daughter from
such a love; for such a love does not come from her will, but
certainly only from a foreign circumstance totally unknown to
us! Would you, as certainly a supreme half-god, like to show us
such mercy? Would you like to ask the great god for the healing
of my daughter’s heart which has become sick and to offer me
at the same time as a sacrifice for such mercy?”
[9] That brings our Mathael to a benevolent sympathetic smile
for the first time since his recovery, and he says then to Ouran:
“You are a genuine pagan and as pure as possible! You seek
truth and a correct light across half the world; and when you
find it, you can’t recognize it out of sheer pagan foolishness!
[10] I tell you that I pity you very much and regret your
shortsightedness right from the heart; but I hope that there will
soon be an end to your old stupidity!
[11] Look, what your daughter feels in her heart as love for our
great, most holy Master is the only and true sign of life of the
own divine spark of spirit in her soul! If this spark becomes a
flame in her breast, only then will she fully recognize the single,
true, eternal divinity of Him who now has created and animated
this spark in her otherwise purest heart.

[12] I tell you, love is the only union through which God pulls
His creations to be children to His all-powerful fatherly heart
and then in the end makes them equal – and you, most blind
heathen, now ask to be freed from this highest divine mercy
which God Himself pours into your hearts in His great mercy
for the development of your inner life!?
[13] Leave your old foolishness and become a person for whom
it is possible to receive life in one’s self and from the strength
given to him by God, to truly recognize oneself and God, and
thereby enter true, eternal happiness!”
[1] (Mathael:) “But so that you learn where your gods come
from and how they are in themselves nothing at all, I tell you in
the name of the Lord who is among us here, that they are now
nothing but names which do nothing for you; but earlier they
were the descriptive expressions of the characteristics of the
One, only true God whose spirit now reigns in all fullness in this
Master who now stands before you.
[2] 'Ceus' is the description which in the days of the original
fathers always stood before a given law which always stemmed
from the flowing spirit of God in the minds of the fathers and
meant as much as: The father wants it! For through Ce, also Ze,
was represented the expression of firm, unchangeable will and
through –us, or rather –uoz or –uoza, the expression of the
constantly creating and all-ruling father in Heaven.
[3] Likewise the expression “Jupiter”, or Je-u-pitar, through
which the old fathers represented to the children a
corresponding vessel for love and wisdom from God; for Je-u
pitar means as much as: The U, a sign which represents the
outer line of an open heart, is the true container of the drink of
life; for pit means to drink, pitaz is a drinker, and pitar, also
pitara, a holy drinking vessel, and pitza, also piutza, a general
drinking cup.

[4] But as your Ceuz or Jeupitar is nothing for you but an empty
name, because the knowledge of the meaning of this original
expression has been lost to you, likewise and often actually even
less meaningful, and therefore also even less-existent are the
empty names of all your other gods and goddesses.
[5] For example your Venuz or Avrodite (Venus or Aphrodite),
who is a goddess of female beauty, meant according to the very
depictive expressions of the old fathers a very beautiful female
person, but not to her spiritual advantage; for even the old
people had been taught by experience that a very beautiful
woman, with rare exceptions, is usually very stupid and does not
hide any wealth of knowledge in her because she is vain and
constantly occupied with wondering at her own beauty and thus
finds little time to achieve other useful knowledge. Thus the old
fathers name such a female beauty a true Ve nuz, also Ve niz,
which means: 'She knows nothing' or 'She does not have a clue!'
[6] The expression a v rodite means almost the same. If there
was anywhere O V rodite, it expressed giving birth to pure,
divine wisdom, and slou rodit, giving birth to human wisdom;
but a v rodit means giving birth to the earthly foolishness born,
and Avrodite then means as much as some beautiful cleaned
woman, who is always a bearer of stupidity because she is
mostly stupid herself.
[7] The old fathers always represented under V the sign of a
[vase]. If a holy O, which described the imitation of the
roundness of the sun and correspondingly also God in His
original light, stood before the V, the V stood for the taking up
of the light of wisdom according to the O representing God; but
if an A, through which the old fathers described everything that
was purely and vainly earthly, stood before the V, this sign of a
container represented taking up void earthly foolishness. But
rodit means to bear, and A V rodit means to give birth to

[8] Tell me whether the actual being of your gods is not

beginning to dawn upon you!”
[9] The faces of Ouran and Helena now begin to cheer up a lot,
and Helena is no longer afraid because of her love for Me.
[10] Ouran then says to Mathael: “Friend! Your wisdom is
great! For what you have now told me in a few words, all the
schools of Egypt, Greece and Persia would never have done in a
hundred years! You have now wiped out all the gods of Egypt,
Greece and Persia with one sweep, down to one unknown God
who I have, however, found here, as it is now becoming clearer
and clearer to me, and hopefully I will find more and more. In
short, you are now a man whom one cannot repay with any
gold! Firstly I thank you as a person and a friend from my whole
heart – everything else will follow.” Helena also thanks Mathael
for such a wise instruction.
[1] But Mathael then comes to Me again and asks Me whether
he did right with his voluntary explanation of the names of the
pagan gods – whether such a thing did not happen too early.
[2] I say: “Oh, not at all! You have succeeded here in fullest
truth, and you now have really achieved more for to extinguish
the dark paganism with a few words than some wise teachers in
many years! For whoever wants to raise a person sensibly and
wisely must first get rid of all the old stupidity from out of him.
If the person has become an empty but thereby pure container,
then one has a light, very usable container to fill with all sorts of
wisdom from the Heavens; that will now also be the case with
these two.
[3] I say to you, very soon these two will now easily become
two people in whom My heart will have more joy than in ten
thousand Jews who consider themselves very just according to
Moses, but who are as people further from My heart than those
who will only be born on the Earth in a thousand years.

[4] And I further say to you: If you should ever take a wife on
this Earth, it should be Helena! But far be it from Me to induce
you to do it, instead your own heart will inform you and then
you will follow it.
[5] But now go over there and be friendly; the old man, who
otherwise is a knowledgeable person, as well as his truly
marvelous doubly beautiful daughter, will now demand from
you some more explanations about the names of old. You are
now a guide, and it will be easy for you to give the most
convincing answer to each question by both of them.
[6] At the same time, such a conversation of yours will also
make a good impression on the Romans, and thereby the first
battering rams will be laid at the many temples of the pagans;
and greater effects will be brought to pass in paganism in many
decades, even if always with some effort, than such as could
otherwise be achieved in a millennium.
[7] It always remains a difficult thing to preach about light at
night; but once the day has arrived, then almost any teaching
about the light of day is in any case dispensable; for the day then
gives the light of itself. But the old man will come to you with
very weighty questions, and thus it is given to you to answer
also with very weighty answers. Go now in My name and do
your job well!
[8] We will all take a very attentive part in your negotiations;
that even those standing far off should understand you, that will
be taken care of by Me!
[9] I will now let the false sun shine for some hours, which will
draw many people out of the town into the open air, partly out
of wonder and partly out of fear at such a never-ending day. But
soon you will have done much with the two.
[10] But after I have extinguished the false sun we will then all
take a good evening meal here on the summit, at which then
quite a lot will be dealt with and discussed. Now you know for
the moment everything that is of use; everything further will be
given to you later on!”

[11] Mathael thanks Me for this command – and secretly also

for the command regarding the beautiful Helena, who already at
first glance had surprised him very much in his heart, so that he
secretly whispered to himself in his heart: By all the Heavens –
such a most beautiful female figure has never been seen before
in Israel!
[12] All the Romans, not even excepting Cyrenius, had also cast
their eyes on the beautiful Greek, and it cost them much effort to
look anywhere else than only at the beautiful Helena, whose
body seemed to be formed out of a purest ether of light and thus
had now almost more attraction than the whole wonderful
fake sun.
[13] Mathael pulled himself together particularly now; yet what
he felt in secret, no one noticed but Me.
[1] He (Mathael) went up to Ouran and to the most beautiful
Helena with a very serious step and asked both of them whether
they had already now thought very maturely about the
explanations he had given.
[2] At this Helena says with the friendliest face: “But look, one
says that I am also a beautiful girl, yes, I have often been called
a second Venus; do you think that this name is meaningful for
me according to your explanation? Do tell me, you dear, wise
[3] This question made our Mathael a little embarrassed at first,
because he discovered right at the first glance that Helena’s
heart was a little insulted; but he soon composed himself and
said: “Dearest sister in God! What I said to you was only
appropriate for the children of the world; but the true children of
God can be as beautiful in outer appearance as they like, but
they are nonetheless wise in their hearts.
[4] With these people external beauty is only a sign of their
inner spiritual beauty; but with children of the world it is a
deceptive whitewash over the graves which then, when they are
whitewashed, look very beautiful and inviting, but on the inside
they are full of decay and disgusting smells.

[5] But you are seeking God – therefore you are also a child of
God. But the children of the world seek only the world and are
therefore also its children. They flee from the divine and seek
only the honor and the respect of the world.
[6] If they call the world great, magnificent and beautiful, their
bliss is complete; but if one begins to talk to them about divine
things they know nothing, and in order to hide their shame, they
clothe themselves in all sorts of trumpery of the world, with
haughtiness and with arrogance and persecute with anger, hatred
and scorn all the wisdom that is poured by God into the hearts of
the children of God.
[7] There is therefore a great difference between the beauty of
the children of God and the children of the world. The first is, as
I said, a sign of the inner beauty of the soul, and the second is a
whitewash of the grave, and this is represented by Venuz – but
not you, since you seek God and have already found Him;
therefore you must not relate my earlier Venus explanation to
yourself at all. Have you understood me well?”
[8] Helena says: “Oh yes, but that I am a child of God seems to
me somewhat daring! We are certainly all creations of one and
the same God; but there can be no talk of the certainly most
endless superiority of the true children of God in us, who as
coarse and clumsy material people are visibly filled with all
sorts of weaknesses and countless imperfections leading from
this! You, dearest and otherwise wisest friend, have certainly
gone a little too far!”
[9] Mathael says: “Oh, not at all; for you see, what I have said
to you I have received from the great One! But what He taught
me is and remains eternal truth!
[10] You see, if you have a dove that can fly well; to prevent her
to fly away from you immediately and so that she becomes tame
and trusting, you clip her wings. Then the dove can no longer
fly up and away like a butterfly, but instead must remain with
you and let herself be tamed.

[11] Tell me whether the dove in the time that her wings have
been clipped is less of a dove than before when her wings had
not yet been clipped! Will the wings of the dear dove no grow
again in a short time? Yes, soon the dove will have her wings
again and will be able to fly as well as before; but she will be
tamed and will like to remain with you. And if she makes a
flight from time to time, you will only need to call her and she
will hear you in the high air and make a swift flight to you and
let herself be caressed by you.
[12] Certainly the children of God in this world have also some
weaknesses which prevent them very much from rising up to
God their Father; the holy Father has only allowed these
weaknesses to come to His children for the length of their life
on this world for the same reason that you made your dove
unable to fly.
[13] But the children should recognize their Father in such
weaknesses, they should become gentle and humble and ask
their Father for the right strength and invigoration; and He will
then give these to them if it is the correct time for them.
[14] But despite the weaknesses that are even in the children of
God, they are no less His children than the dove is and remains
a dove even when her wings are clipped for a while because of
taming. Do you understand that now, most blessed Helena?”
[1] Helena says: “Yes, yes, it’s true albeit with some horror, but
the issue begins to become clearer to me, and I hope that I will
see it even more clearly in time. But tell us, dear friend, how
this now happens that I now love your great One even more
strongly, but my heart is free of pain!? For since I now know
from you that such a love is no burden, but only a virtue above
everything else necessary to every person in the face of God, the
now much stronger love no longer causes me any pain in my
heart, and all trepidation in my breast is as if blown away! Oh,
tell me where such a thing can find its reason!”

[2] Mathael says: “But dearest, that is as clear as day!

Previously you had a consuming fear because your heart
surrounded a god with love, which according to your foolish
religion was presented as extremely damnable. But now you
have learnt to see your old stupidity tangibly and you have
recognized the will of God at its source and now see that such a
love must be the first and greatest virtue of every person; and so
it is quite easily comprehensible why your love no longer causes
you any pain in your heart, but necessarily only the sheerest
opposite! Don’t you understand such a thing on your own?”
[3] Helena says: “Oh, yes, now I understand it well; but without
this explanation of yours the thing would not have become fully
clear to me for a long time! Ah, now I am in order!”
[4] Mathael says: “Well, if you are now in order, you will then
not need to learn much more; the just growth of love in your
heart will give you the missing parts. But now enjoy also the
magnificence of this day that the Lord gives us in abundance
from His endless love, wisdom and power; for after us
thousands of idle years will pass again and the people will never
again see the magnificence of such a day!”
[5] Ouran says: “There, noble friend, you have spoken very
truly; such an extension of the day in the evening is wonderful
beyond all measure and extremely memorable! Such a think
would stand out less in the morning, in that people in the Pontus
area have often noticed that not rarely one, two or three suns
rose one after the other before the true sun and thereby created a
significant prematurity of the morning. Such a morning
apparition was also very interesting and strange, but not as much
by far as this extension of the evening now through the pause in
the firmament of a sun that is quite identical to and equally
bright as the natural one. Yes, yes, such a thing, as far as I
know, has never been experienced and will only be experienced
again with great difficulty!
[6] But the actual strangest thing about this apparition is
nonetheless the visible stars in the east; and yet these in a way
divinely artificial stars seem no weaker than the natural ones.
Tell me, dear friend, are they seriously natural stars or are they
also just false stars!? It is certainly already time that the stars
should take to the firmament; but why only in the east alone,
and why not in the whole sky?”

[7] Mathael says: “Friend! That has actually been touched upon
once today, but you will have missed it and so I want to explain
it to you as well as I have understood it.”
[1] (Mathael:) “You see, this sun presently shining in the sky is
in a straight line hardly as far away from us as a good rider
could cover in half a day; but the real sun is so far from the
Earth in a straight line that, if it were possible, a good rider
could hardly cover in ten thousand years this extremely long
extended line even if he rode day and night without rest. How
far do the beams of the natural sun reach and what an
immeasurable space they fill, and how short in comparison are
the beams of this false sun! They reach to the east only weakly,
which one can make out very well from the greater darkness of
the east, and the air is not as brightly illuminated as with the
natural sun. The bright illumination of the air far surrounding
this Earth means that we can never see a star during daytime.
[2] If the light of the sun was not as strong, we would also see at
least the great stars in the daytime; but as a consequence of the
too strong and too immeasurably far-reaching sunlight seeing
even the greatest stars by day is not possible. Do you understand
that a little?”
[3] Ouran says: “Yes, certainly, I understand now about half,
but there can be no talk of me understanding the whole thing;
for I have constantly known the least about the stars and their
movements. So I can never bring together how it happens that
soon after the setting of the sun a quantity of familiar stars come
into view across the whole firmament. But afterwards still more
come from the east, and those that were already there go down
again in the west; but some remain in winter and in summer
with small changes to their position in the firmament. It is
particularly the case with the stars that adorn the northern sky;
but the beautiful stars of the middle sky are very changeable and
one sees different ones each season. Then there are also certain
planets which never remain faithful to the otherwise well-known
and constant constellations, but move from one firm
constellation to another without so much as a by-your-leave.

[4] The moon also seems to have no order to its rising and
setting; one moment it goes direct north and then the next,
directly south again. Well, friend, since you certainly understand
somewhat more than I and my daughter, explain to us this riddle
of the sky!”
[5] Mathael says: “You know, in order to make that all so
completely understandable to you, the time would run short here
and you would obviously not have the patience to listen to me
until the end, Thus let us postpone such a discussion for a more
appropriate time; but I can at least tell you something small for
your consolation and so listen to me very attentively!
[6] You see, the stars, the sun and the moon do not rise and set,
but only the Earth, which is no circular flat area but only a very
great ball of several thousand hours circumference, turns around
its middle axis in approximately 25 hours according to our sand
clock measuring system, as the Lord Himself has explained
previously. Through this turning everything that you asked me
about comes to pass. There you have a very brief summary of
the explanation.
[7] Stars that you constantly see as firm constellations stand as
suns themselves so endlessly far from the Earth, according to
the explanation of the Lord Himself and according to my highly
personal opinion given to me, that we cannot notice either the
size of their distance and just as little their movement. Only in
many millennia does a fixed star let any change be noticed; but
many hundred years do not show any difference in the position
of the fixed stars.

[8] But those stars that constantly change their place stand much
closer to this Earth, but are only smaller planets and not a sun,
move around our sun and therefore their movement can be
noticed. That is the most important things; everything else you
shall find out from me at another opportunity soon! Are you
satisfied with that?”
[9] Ouran says: “I am satisfied in any case, but I have become
such an old tree that is difficult to bend, and therefore you must
always have a little consideration.
[10] You see, from the earliest childhood to my now quite
advanced old age I lived quite honestly and conscientiously in
the old foolishness and found that one never heard anything
better than what one believed, with sometimes quite notable
confirmations of it; but here one encounters everything quite
new, and everything old must be thrown overboard into the sea
of the fullest nothingness – and that is quite difficult for me.
[11] Now if I then hear a completely new religion, never
dreamt-of previously, it constantly costs me then a certain effort,
until the nothingness of the old man and the truth of the new
became fully clear; you have to therefore have some patience,
particularly with me. Gradually I will become a very reasonable
disciple for you despite my very advanced age.
[12] With my daughter you will have to make a much lesser
effort; for this girl has an easy talent for picking things up. But it
can still be done with me too, only naturally with somewhat
slower steps; I will never catch a deer again, but I can still keep
quite equal steps with a quite modest ox.
[13] Yes, the stars, the stars, dear friend, the stars, the sun and
the highest changeable moon! Those are quite unusual things,
and in addition our Earth as well; whoever knows all about it
very well would stand at the extreme heights of human wisdom!
But until one brings all the impenetrable secrets and mysteries
into daylight, particularly for the likes of us, oh friend, the good
moon will have to climb over the horizon many times in its slow
course! I feel that what I have heard from you now are complete
truths; but they still lie so individually and unconnected in my
head like the first building blocks of a new great palace that
should be built. Every stone is good in itself, that is, a truth as
solid as rock; but how these first foundation stones are later
joined by a building master to make the base of the palace, that,
friend, is still very far off for me, and I believe that this will be
no easy piece of work for you!”


[1] Mathael, with a very cheerful mood, since the very
appropriate remark by the old man had really struck a chord
with him, says: “Dearest friend Ouran! You have now spoken as
a person from out of your natural side truly so wisely and as
truly as possible, and it was dealing with the comprehension of
new, previously never existent truths exactly as you have
spoken about it. But on the other hand I must make the
following counter remark: You see, in Egypt and exactly in the
old schools of this kingdom, there was a most curious way of
bringing up those children who belonged to the priests’ class,
which was basically not bad at all.
[2] The new-born children were immediately put in
underground, very spacious chambers into which the light of
day could never penetrate. They were well looked after there
and never saw any other light than the artificial light of some
well constructed naphtha lamp, of which the Egyptians were
known to be inimitably great masters. In such underground
chambers the person had to remain until his twentieth year and
received education from the beautiful upper or actually outside
world which he had never seen however.
[3] He created images in his fantasy of it as much as was
possible; but he could not possibly make himself any true
picture of the far expanse of the areas, and of the great light,
namely of the sun, of the moon and of the countless stars, as
well as from the strength of its light and its warmth.
[4] Such a very cheerful disciple of the underground dark school
rooms therefore had only sheer pieces of truths about the upper
world and its relationships in his head, but he could not, despite
all his industriousness and all his attentiveness, as one says:
piece it all together.

[5] Those were then also sheer individual solid and truthful
building blocks whose joining together into a great palace was
still significantly far off and naturally purely impossible in the
underground chambers.
[6] But if then such a disciple of the underworld had reached the
demanded level of education according to the judgment of his
teachers, it was shown to him that he would soon and directly
through the mercy of God reach the illuminated upper world in
whose light he would experience and learn more in a moment
than in many hours in the dark underworld.
[7] The disciple of the underworld looked forward to this very
much, of course, although he would actually have to die in a
very curious way first. Death consisted of a very deep sleep,
while the disciple was brought into a magnificent palace of the
upper world.
[8] What wide eyes of amazement did the disciple make when
he woke from his sleep for the first time and found himself in
the divine light of the sun! How did he seem to himself in white
clothes which were trimmed with red and blue stripes! How
must the friendly, just as beautifully dressed people of both
sexes seem to him! How did the well prepared new dishes taste
to him! But what must his soul first feel when he came out from
the friendly people into the open air, walked through the
magnificent gardens there and breathed in their ambrosian
smells, when he saw before him for the first time the whole of
nature in concrete fullness, lit by the sun, before his above all
human comprehension blissfully drunk eyes!
[9] You see, from this picture that you can further imagine
yourself in your own fantasy, you see your own present level of
understanding as far as all the new truths are concerned that
were revealed to you here!
[10] What you now hear in the dark chambers in which your
soul still exists, is only pieces and cannot be something whole
and completed; but if your spirit is awakened in your soul
through true love towards God the Lord, and from this love also
a love for your neighbor, then you will look into the brightest
light of life in your spirit and see all that in its fullest
connections and there you will see an immeasurable sea of light
full of the highest truth where you now are hardly capable of
seeing an individual drop.

[11] Our first and most preferable task will therefore be this: to
make the spirit in the soul free and to bring the soul into its
light; once we have achieved that, friend, then we will no longer
need to collect little drops, but we will immediately have to do
with the immeasurable seas full of the highest light of wisdom
from God.
[12] Then, friend, you will certainly no longer ask me about the
relationships of the moon, our Earth, the sun and all the stars;
for all that will become clearer to you even at one glance than
the sun on the brightest midday.
[13] But another school will begin for us about which you
cannot have any idea yet. Tell me friend, whether you have
understood this image a little! How did you like it?”
[1] Ouran says: “You know, dearest friend, I liked that all very
much, and this must happen to us people; and if it was not so
and if it had to happen otherwise, you would not have come to
your wisdom!
[2] You have certainly been raised before very much in the dark
underworld of your flesh, and then you died in your soul for
your flesh and are now in the palace of light of your spirit and
have gone on a pleasure stroll in its truly elysian garden. The
previous individual little drops have become a sea for you; but
for me that is still a long way off. And I therefore do not
understand the sense of each of your individual speeches, but
the great connection will only occur to me when my soul leaves
the dark catacombs of the flesh and is led into the palace of light
of its spirit and into its gardens, whose ambrosian smelling
fruits mature in the light and in the warmth of the eternal sun
of life.

[3] You see, I am beginning to feel a certain sweet conception in

me about how it can be and how it certainly will be; but there is
no time period for the dear When, and one does not even have a
symbol inside through which one would learn only many days
later when the poor soul will be led out of the dark catacombs!
[4] But what can a person do? Nothing except bow in all
patience to the will of this all-powerful leader who has
awakened your soul, without having shown it to your flesh
beforehand, in the palace of light of your powerful spirit.
[5] But now I would like to hear from my Helena how she
liked the image and what sort of reflections she has made about
all that!”
[6] Helena immediately says: “Oh, the best in the world! The
image was magnificent and very appropriate, and if the old
Egyptians had such institutes of up-bringing, they were certainly
no foolish people, as their great works in this area bear a very
vocal witness. But only it would have been much better had they
spread such wise schools for the whole population; for I cannot
imagine that it can lie in the plan of the great creator, that a part
of humanity, and namely the greatest part, should remain stupid
and totally blind all their lives. But in the world it is so that for
every wise man there are always more than ten thousand stupid
and blind people; it is always so. But why must it be that way,
that is naturally another and certainly very difficult question to
[7] We have now gathered certainly around four hundred people
on this wide-topped hill, but there will hardly be fifty among us
who are wise; all the others can hardly only be more or less
disciples of wisdom! The Roman soldiers and the countless
servants of the governor will not be counted among the very last
[8] From here one sees very well to the near town, and the eye
discovers masses of people who are staring at the magnificently
shining false sun which constantly remains on one and the same
place, and they certainly do not know what they should make of
such an appearance. There is certainly no wise man among these
masses of people, although perhaps some of them imagine that
they are, which is actually worse than if he thought in the
correct humility of his heart that he was the very stupidest
among all his companions. How must such an appearance seem
to such people!? How will they now ask each other willy-nilly
and say: What is that?! What does that mean?! What sort of
consequences will there be?!

[9] But who will answer all these questions of yours? They
came out of their houses foolish and blind, and they will return
to the same even more stupid and blind! Does that have to be,
do these masses have to remain stupid and blind then?!
[10] The people present here, if not exactly disciples, have at
least knowledge that this is not the real, but only a false sun
created by the now familiar power of the great master, and make
very cheerful and happy faces at such an apparition, as one can
easily see. They understand the apparition as little as I do; but
they know that it is a consequence of the wonderful power of
will of the great Master known to them. And if He extinguishes
this great light after an hour, no one will make anything of it; for
everyone will know who has extinguished this light.
[11] But when the other people who know nothing about here
see this sun suddenly extinguish after an hour on the spot where
it is now, they will be seized by great shock, fear and a
despairing fear, and everyone will quite certainly have the belief
that the gods are extremely offended and will destroy the Earth
in the most terrible way!
[12] Therefore it would even be necessary for the calming of the
people that envoys should be sent out from here who will
announce what will happen to the excited minds, and that this is
only a false sun. What do you think then, good, dear friend?”
[1] Mathael says: “Oh dearest! That would be now very
inappropriate; later yes, but now in the moment of highest
excitement such an action would be exactly what in the spiritual
sphere of life as if one poured boiling hot oil on cold water.
Everything would go up in bright flames!
[2] But in many days after this appearance the people can be
used quite positively for something higher in this wide area;
naturally not everyone, but the greater part certainly.
[3] The appearance will hit the Jewish priests hard. Firstly the
total natural eclipse of the sun will have affected them a lot; for
these people take everything that is material and have even less
of an idea about an inner spiritual sense since they do not even
understand the corresponding imagery in which Moses and a lot
other seers and wise men have written in their days.
[4] It was written namely by a prophet who was called Daniel, a
speech about a certain abomination of destruction, and they
speak about the eclipse of the sun and about many other terrible
things which all have just a profound spiritual meaning.
[5] But since, as remarked earlier, the Jewish priests have
become quite material in this time and therefore they understand
the Scriptures only quite materially, every eclipse of the sun
puts them in a more than panicked shock because of the
supposed downfall of the material world. While the old wise
man only understands the very desired downfall of the
traditional material world in the hearts of people, they mean the
downfall of the physical material world and therefore always
have a quite terrible fear whenever a solar eclipse occurs!
[6] If then after a short hour this sun is extinguished very
suddenly, a great fear will befall them; for they will not get to
see the moon today, since it has already gone down. But the
great fear will cause in their eyes an event of the type which
happens to drunkards, since they see the stars swirling around
their heads as a result of their confusion. This occurrence will
bring them to the thought that the stars are falling from the sky,
according to the prophecy, and the day of fear will have arrived
for many blind fools. You will hear afterwards how at the
sudden extinguishing of this false sun of ours the masses will
begin to howl terribly before the city, but it does not harm them
in the slightest, for they will become softer and gentler and
thereby more receptive to the pure truth.

[7] The pure day of tomorrow will bring them to a more restful
sense again, and much can be done with them! For tomorrow
they will come to the sea in hordes and see whether the sea
water has not become blood and at this opportunity many a sane
word can be spoken to many.
[8] And our holy Lord and Master has allowed this occurrence
because of this city which is not in the best light! Whatever He
does, has all the time an endless many-sided good purpose, only
whatever people do without him counts for nothing and is useful
for nothing.”
[1] After these words by Mathael, Ouran says: “I must admit to
you openly, however, my now ever more worthy friend, that a
sort of fear is created at the thought of the sudden extinguishing
of this sun; for I see the whole impotence of a person against the
unlimited all-power of Him who is in our presence but basically
is too holy and endlessly eminent for the likes of us, who know
his being, to draw near to him! Or that I would dare to talk to
him in a very intimate tone like to you or to another person!
[2] It is quite a peculiar thought and it puts my teeth on edge:
He is all in all and we are all perfectly nothing in comparison
with Him!
[3] Certainly that comforts the likes of us again that He in
Himself is the highest and purest love and therefore has the
greatest patience, care and mercy with us pitiful, mortal people.
[4] But he is God after all, and unchangeable for eternity and
completely immortal, and the whole infinity in its existence
hangs like a drop of dew on a loose ear of grass on his will; a
lightest counter breath of his mouth could destroy the whole
infinity, as only a quite light breath blows the very light dew
drop from the tip of a blade of grass.

[5] You know, when one considers such things with a sober
mind quite calmly in oneself, one cannot possibly get away from
this thought: There is and remains a certain something in the
visible proximity of the All-mighty which on the one hand one
could call the highest bliss; but on the other hand one would
rather stand far off from him. To honor him from a certain
distance would be a great pleasure for soul and spirit and would
certainly build up a person very much, but here nearby one can
only do that secretly in one’s heart.
[6] So I would like to speak to Him now. I am longing
powerfully to do this, but one cannot gather courage because of
His too endless size of spirit, although He looks in His
appearance like a very undemanding and fully comfortable
person! The certain, purely divinely all-mighty type remains all
the same, and one sees it in His eyes, on a hair and on his brow
that Heaven and Earth must bow before His will, beams of light
positively come out of His eyes, and His brow orders into being
which never existed before.
[7] Yes, friend, that is a crushing sight, to see the creator of the
worlds and Heaven in the body of a simple and fully
undemanding person before one’s very eyes! Truly, there is no
longer any talk of any joke! But it is so, and to the Lord alone be
all praise, that it is now so, for without Him we would be in a
very desperately bad situation under today’s circumstances!”
[8] Mathael says: “Certainly that, I and you in particular; for the
wicked would have strangled me, and the eclipse of the sun
would have consumed you! But now let us pay attention; for
from now on the false sun will not last too long, and at this
sudden extinguishing of this quite rare sun the spectacle will be
[9] Then all become quiet and look at the false sun.
[1] Some moments before the extinguishing I say loudly to
everyone, “Prepare yourselves for the extinguishing, and you,
Mark, light now all the oil lamps and tar torches first, otherwise
the sudden strong darkness following this strong light would
affect your eyes dangerously and painfully!”
[2] Mark and his servants now hurry to light the lamps of all
sorts, and Cyrenius and Julius order the soldiers to light
brushwood, and when everything is burning as it should, I say
loudly, “Extinguish, you false light of the air, and rest to you
active spirits!”
[3] After My call the false sun suddenly disappears, an
extremely strong darkness covered in a moment the whole area,
and one clearly heard the great howl of fear from the town lying
quite nearby.
[4] The people saw of course many lights on the mountain on
which we were sitting quite comfortably, but none of the
thousands summoned up the courage to set even a foot further;
for the Jews in their great fear saw the stars fall from the sky in
seriousness and several lie on our mountain; but the heathens
thought that Pluto had stolen the sun through his fury from
Apollo, who had perhaps looked at some female beauty, and
now another war of the gods would descend on the earth.
[5] But a war of the gods was no desirable appearance on the
Earth according to the myths (sagas) of the pagans, because the
war that had happened once already was so frightening, in
which the enormous gods of the underworld had thrown whole
burning mountains with great strength against Olympus, at
which of course Zeus naturally did not miss the chance to throw
a suitable counter gift of countless lightning bolts and hail the
size of mountains and thereby had conquered the evil powers of
the Underworld.
[6] Since from the town the false sun apparently was above the
mountain on which we were standing, but after the
extinguishing the mountain seemed to glow with lights and
bonfires, the pagans thought that the sun had been hidden by the
Furies in this very mountain and the princes of the Underworld
had now set up watch with burning Orcus torches, and woe
betide him who would draw near to this mountain, which on all
sides had really several deep caves and grottoes to one of which
Mark’s house was built, and as was known, served Mark as a
very spacious cellar and other storage rooms.

[7] So the Jews went out of fear of being hit or burnt by stars
falling off the mountain, and the pagans moved out of fear of the
Furies not to the mountain and moved gradually back to their
houses when their eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Some soon
fell asleep, but others remained awake the whole night out of
fear and terror of the expectation of terrible things which should
come over the face of the Earth according to Daniel’s
prophecies, and the pagans waited for the first bolt of lightning
and rolls of thunder from Zeus and for the terrible noise of the
world that Apollo would begin against the robber Pluto.
[8] In short, in the whole, quite significant town there was
confusion which would not have put the once great Babylon (at
the confusion of languages) to shame. But things were very
comfortable for us on the mountain; for we had the well
prepared evening meal brought to us on the mountain. Raphael
ensured in a moment that all the tables came to stand on the
mountain and also the food, without any effort by Mark and his
family, who had had enough to do beforehand with the
preparation of the meal. Also the Roman soldiers got enough to
eat and were soon very happy.
[1] When we had taken the evening meal, Ouran, who had also
eaten on the summit, came to Me and said: “Lord, for the size
and eminence that no mortal tongue knows the name which You
are worthy of, how should I, a pitiful worm of the dust, thank
You for the eternally invaluable treasures that Your divine
graciousness here has provided for me, and how should I praise,
honor and respect You, You eternal most eminent one!?
[2] Oh Lord, what are we mortals then, that You pay attention to
us?! What can we do then in order to please You?”
[3] I say: “Come on, friend, and now do not cause such a
powerful stir! For look, you are what you are, a person with a
mortal body, it is true, but in which lives an immortal soul with
an even more immortal spirit from God; and I am also a person
in whom a divine immortal soul and the spirit of God lives in
His fullness, as far as is necessary for this earth, and that is the
Father in Heaven, whose son I am and whose children you
also are.
[4] But you were all blind and still are in many ways; but I came
into the world seeing, in order to show the Father to you all and
to make you see as I do.
[5] I have received the fullness of life from the Father, and can
also give life to every everybody who wants life; for the Father
decreed Me before the world was created that in Me all fullness
of life would live and through Me all people should live. And I
am this decree in respect of My soul; in the spirit I am one with
Him who made Me.
[6] You see, I am the way, the truth and the life! Those who
believe in Me will never see death, neither feel it or taste it, even
if they could die more than once in the body; but those who will
not believe in Me, they will die, even if they had life a thousand
times over!
[7] For every person has a body, and it must die one deay– My
body will also not be spared this; but the soul will only become
freer, brighter and more alive after the laying off of the body,
and will be fully One with Him who created them before the
world for the salvation of everyone who will believe in the son
of man and keep his commandments.

[8] So think properly, and keep the easy commandments which

are given to you, then you do not need anything more; for I did
not come to take reputation and honor from people! It is enough
that the One praises Me who is above everything in Heaven and
on Earth; but if someone will honor, praise and worship Me, he
should love Me in deed through his works and keep My
commandments and his reward in Heaven will be great.
[9] Be now cheerful, do not overestimate Me, and do not
underestimate yourself too much, then you will walk along the
correct path and will gradually get to know Me and yourself
more perfectly.
[10] For now stay with Mathael, who together with your
daughter will bring you along the correct path forward! But if
you and Helena have a particular request, just come to Me and I
will listen to you any time; but you must leave aside the great
[11] For see, we must only speak and act towards one another as
people, friends and brothers, for every person has a divine spirit
in him, without which he would have no life, and such a spirit is
no less divine than the primordial divine itself.
[12] Thus be a correct disciple of Mathael and you will be able
to be a very efficient apostle of Mine in your own land! Did you
understand Me?”
[13] Ouran says: “Yes, Lord, I understand You, but I only now
completely recognized what I and my daughter had been told
about the true God. Before I had never dared to think about it!”
Then the Greek was silent; for his feelings got the better of him,
and he cried out of love for Me.
[14] But I took his hand gently and asked him, saying, “What
did it consist of, what Mathael said about God?”
[15] Ouran sobbed again, but nonetheless said: looking
reverently into My eyes: “Oh, that God is the purest love in
himself! Oh you most holy One, let me die in this my love
for You!”

[16] “No“, I said, “You should not do that for a long time yet;
for you shall become an effective tool for Me on this Earth! And
when the time of the flesh has passed for you in this world, you
will not die, but will be awakened by Me in your flesh. Thus be
comforted; for you have found the correct path!
[17] Whoever seeks as long as you have been seeking, will find;
whoever asks as you do, will be given, and whoever knocks on
the right door, as you now have just knocked, to him will it be
opened. But now go over to Mathael and tell him everything
that I have just told you!”
[18] Ouran now cried even more from sheer love and highest
living gratitude to Me, hurried back to Mathael and told him,
still sobbing for a long time, how I had accepted him, how good
I was to him and everything that I had told him.
[19] But Mathael and Helena were so moved themselves by the
very solemn tale by old Ouran that neither could hold back
tears; and Mathael said after Ouran’s account, “That is the alone
incomprehensible thing about the incomprehensible, that He, as
the highest divine being in His spirit, talks and acts with us
people as if He were not the Lord of infinity, but a person like
us, like a best friend to the best most intimate friend, yes, as a
true brother to brother; in short, He lets himself be played with,
and yet every look, every movement of His hands, every step of
his feet and every so insignificant sounding word from his
mouth is a deepest lesson in wisdom. His deeds bear witness of
his incontestable divinity, and everything that He does is
already planned as if from eternity for the achievement of the
best purposes. Oh you will soon see, hear and experience
[1] Helena, also still sobbing from love for Me, says: “But tell
Me who then are the twelve very respectable men who say
almost nothing but nonetheless are constantly around Him!
They must be very wise men! One looks just like Him, another
is still a disciple, but always listens to him the most
enthusiastically, and writes some things down on a slate. Who
are they then?”
[2] Mathael says: “As far as I know they are His oldest disciples
and are all except one very wise and powerful men over their
flesh and over nature! But one seems to be to be a mischievous
rogue! Truly, I would never like to count him among my
friends; it seems to be an premature birth of a poor devil in
human flesh! The Lord will know why He puts up with him!
Devils are also creations of His power and hang on the whim of
his will. Therefore we have not to ask Him why His love
practices such wonders even before the eyes of a devil! But he is
a strange being! I would like to sound him out, in order to see of
what spirit he is! But let’s forget that! It is enough that the One
knows him! But I would like to exchange some words with the
others at a good opportunity; they must be very deeply
[3] Helena says: “Yes, of course, they must be very wise men
and already at the beginning must have laid bare much talent for
wisdom, otherwise He would not have accepted them to be His
disciples! I would also not be disinclined to exchange a few
words with them about certain matters; but it will not be so easy
to get close to them in any good way! What do you think, dear
friend Mathael?”
[4] Mathael shrugs his shoulders and says: “God the Lord has
fully awakened me, it is true, and my spirit is one with me; I
know therefore myself and God in as far as I am permitted, to
recognize such things from the basics of all depths of life in the
human heart to read like in an open book and to recognize its
innermost laws of life, that can only He alone and he to whom
He will reveal it.

[5] Ah, for a pure person of the world, whose innermost life is
still completely lifeless and locked fully dead, and whose whole
thinking and wanting comes from his brain and from his
external senses, one can decide very exactly how and what he
thinks, feels and wants. But it is not so for people who think,
feel and want now from fully awakened spirit from the
innermost foundation of life; for such people then carry infinite
things in themselves, and that can only be recognized by God in
the depth of truth.
[6] Therefore one cannot start a conversation with such men as
with a quite usual every-day person. If it was necessary for us,
the Lord would certainly order it and allow it; but if it is not
necessary, then we can consider it advisable to do without such
a pleasure. But most blessed Helena, how do you like the stars
that are now sparkling so magnificently in the firmament?”
[7] Helena says: “The stars have always extremely interested me
since my earliest childhood, and I remembered a lot of the so-
called constellations. Those of the zodiac were shown to me first
as the most important. I learnt to recognize them completely in
the course of a year, and afterwards also the other wonderful
constellations and even the individual large stars. I know all the
stars by name, I know where they are and when they come up
and go down in every month; but what use is all that!? The more
I concentrated on these magnificent lights of the Heaven, the
more such hard questions there were for my mind, for which no
mortal has ever found a satisfying answer. Since I could not
bring anything out the dear stars, their names bothered me even
more, which are naturally ages old.
[8] Who discovered first the zodiac and gave the twelve pictures
their names? Why did they receive exactly these names that we
know, and why no others of a particular type and sort? What has
a lion to do with a virgin, a crab with the twins, a scorpion with
a balance scales, an ibex with an archer? How do a bull and a
ram get into the firmament, how a fisherman with the fish?
[9] It is very strange that in the animal world there are also four
human images and the image of an object. If you can give me
some reason for this you will make me very connected to you!”

[10] Mathael says: “Oh, most blessed Helena, nothing easier

than this! Just have a little patience during my explanation and
the issue will become quite clear to you!”
[1] (Mathael:) “The discoverers of the zodiac were obviously
the native residents of Egypt, who for one reached a much
higher age than we do, secondly had always a most pure sky and
could observe the stars much more easily and constantly than
we with our often thickly clouded sky, and thirdly most people
slept the whole hot day through. Only in the evenings did they
go out into the open and completed their work in the cool of
night. There they had constantly the constellations in sight, soon
noticed the unchangeable figures and gave them names which
corresponded with some natural event occurring at a particular
time or with a duty of the land.
[2] Multiple observance of the zodiac led the watchers soon to
the belief that the zodiac is a great circle, which is divided into
twelve almost equal parts. In each of these parts there is an
individual constellation.
[3] Even the oldest peoples considered the stars of this Earth
to be further away than the sun and the moon and therefore
they let the sun along with the moon move on a path inside the
great zodiac.
[4] But the zodiac also moved in a way that the sun, which
rounds the Earth every day, stopped in another sign after 30
days due to the great movement of the zodiac. But that the moon
always came into another sign every couple of days, they
explained from its slower daily course around the Earth, by
which it never comes to the same place at the same time like the
sun – therefore they often called the moon the “tardy star”.
[5] But there were some wise men who claimed exactly the
opposite of the moon; yet the teaching of the tardyness of the
moon prevailed.

[6] You see, that’s how the zodiac was created, and now you
should also soon learn how the twelve constellations got their
peculiar names!
[7] In the season of the shortest days, which especially in Egypt
is always accompanied by rain, (and with this easy to remember
time of 30 days one always let a new year begin) according to
the calculations of the elders the sun was situated exactly under
the constellation that is known to us as Aquarius; therefore the
constellation was first given the form of a shepherd when he
comes with his water bucket to the trough created to give the
domestic animals something to drink and pours the whole
bucket into the drinking trough. The elders called such a person
the water sprite (Uodan) and secondly they named the
constellation thus and thirdly also this time. Later the vain
fantasy of people soon made a god out of this good image and
gave him divine honor, because it was seen to revive the
withered nature – See, most blessed Helena, thus the familiar
first constellation received its name and the first 30 days of rain.
Let’s go to the second sign that is called Pisces!”
[8] When Mathael began to explain this second sign, Simon
Judas said to the other disciples, “Mathael’s explanations are
becoming very informative, we should listen to them more
[9] I say: “Go there and listen; for Mathael is one of the top
chroniclers of this age!”
[10] At this all the disciples pressed towards Mathael, which at
the beginning made Mathael a little embarrassed; but Simon
Judas said to him, “Dear friend, just carry on! For we only came
closer to you to learn something very useful from you!”
[11] Mathael says: very modestly, “For you, my dear very wise
friends my wisdom must be a little weak; for you are already
older disciples of the Lord, and I have hardly been with you for
16 hours!”
[12] Simon Judas says: “Do not let that confuse you; for you
have already passed tests through which we have been placed
somewhat in the background. But everything comes like this
from the Lord. What he often gives one person in a year, He can
give to another person in a day. Therefore just continue with
your explanation of the zodiac!”

[13] Mathael says: “With your great patience and under your
likewise great care I will immediately continue; and so listen to
me further, you most blessed daughter of the Pontus!
[14] After 30 days the heavy rain in Egypt usually comes to an
end, and in the heavy swollen Nile there are always a great
quantity of fish to be found, as well as in the side streams, which
have to be caught at this time, of which a great part is eaten
immediately, an even greater part is salted and fried in the air
which at this time blows very strongly in Egypt and is stored for
the whole year.
[15] This action with the fish is ordered in the mentioned land
by nature and must be handled before the Nile sinks too much
and the many significant side streams dry up, whereby a great
mass of fish must rot and thereby poison the air with the most
evil smells.
[16] What is still tradition today in Egypt was a necessity for the
oldest wise inhabitants of this blessed great land. But since such
time was used for fishing by the inhabitants of this land right
from the beginning and the sun came to stop at the start of this
fishing season in a new constellation, this constellation was
called the sign of the fish (pisces) and the time was also called
thus, and it was named Ribar, also Ribuze.
[17] But since the people at this time were very easily suffered
from fever, partly because of the enjoyment of very fatty fish,
and partly as a consequence of the air full with many impure
smells, this time was later called the “fever time”, and the vain
fantasies of the people made from this time soon a goddess and
showed her for the prevention of this stomach sickness another
type of divine reverence – Now you have the whole natural and
true story of the naming of the second zodiac sign, and so we
progress to the third!
[18] This sign is called Aries. After the fishing period the
original inhabitants turned their worries to the sheep. The males
became active and it was time to shear the sheep, their wool was
taken from them. This whole task lasted a good 30 days.
Naturally in the meantime one had some other daily tasks, but
the previously mentioned was the main job for this time
described and because the sun came to stop again under another
sign, this sign was called the ram (Aries).
[19] Later on as one has the most storms in this period, where
everything was in battle, one element against another and the
heat against the cold or rather the coolness of this land, this
period was dedicated to battle, for whose occurrence the human
fantasy soon saw a picture which was soon given a divine honor
and made it into another main god in the later times of war. If
we split up the name ‘Mars’ and we get the original ‘mar iza’,
also ‘Maor’iza’. What does that mean? Nothing else but: warm
the sea.
[20] In the abovementioned two signs the sea cools down,
which the coastal inhabitants must have noticed well; but
through the greater strength of the sun, through the battle of the
warm air from the south with the cold northern air, then through
the volcanoes that usually awoke in this period and the veins
under the sea the sea became warmer and warmer. And because
this was seen as a consequence of the storms occurring in this
period, the expression ‘maor izat’ means as much as ‘to fight’,
and this period was, as shown, represented in images as a
harnessed fighter who was later made into a god – There you
have the third sign of the sky now, and you can easily see what
is behind the your god of war, Mars.”
[1] (Mathael:) “Let’s move on now to the fourth sign! Again we
see an animal, namely a very courageous bull. After looking
after the sheep the old shepherding tribes cared above all to the
cattle. In this time the cows were mostly beginning to mate and
the strong were divided from the weak and the main concern
was for good breeding.
[2] The bull, which the Egyptians valued above all, yes, even it
was given the place as a scribe because he formed different
figures in loose sand through his blowing, was represented
standing almost on two back legs. So what was more natural
than that the constellation, under which the sun entered this
period and in addition the external circumference lines
suggested the form of a bull, was called ‘taurus’?
[3] Even the Roman taurus originates from this and through
time was only shortened from the original ‘T a our sat’, or ‘Ti a
our sat’, which means: Time (sat) of the bull = stand on the
back legs.
[4] Later this period was also called ‘Aprilis’, namely by the
Romans, which however in the Egyptian tongue means nothing
other than: A (the bull) uperi (open) liz or lizu (the face), also:
Bull, open the gate! – of the open pasture. It hardly needs to be
mentioned that in time the old bull was made into a god by the
Egyptians. So we have now the creation of the fourth zodiac
sign before us faithful to nature and true, and we want to see
how the fifth sign was created under the name and form of the
twins as Castor and Pollux!
[5] This will be very easy to understand, if we think that the old
shepherding nation of Egypt had a lot of care and effort of the
year with the looking after of the cattle. After this time the heads
of the community came together and chose one or two
knowledgeable and possibly understanding judges and at the
same time judges for this period, who had to look around and
check whether all former effort was carried out uniformly well
and beneficent. According to the position, an inquirer was
named. ‘Ka I e stor?’ was the question and translated meant,
‘What has he done?’ Then followed the serious admonition with
the demanded sentence: ‘Po luxe men!’, also ‘Poluzce men!’ –
‘Give me light on the matter, an explanation!’

[6] These later became the twins; but basically the twins were
only two sentences, namely a question and then the demand,
naturally not only through words, but in deed.
[7] But since around such a time of inquiry and checking the
sun entered the familiar two-star constellation, they were called
‘twins’ and in the Roman tongue Gemini or also Castor and
Pollux, which naturally later were also worshipped as gods
through the vain fantasy of the people.
[8] We have now got the fifth zodiac sign before us explained
just like the previous signs faithfully and truthfully; but now we
come to the sixth sign, and there we suddenly see the ‘crab’!
How did it come to the great starry zodiac? I tell you, quite
easily and naturally just like the previous ones!
[9] You see, in this period of time the day lasts longest; then it
begins to become shorter in length, and the elders compared this
returning length of the day with the movement of a crab. But at
the same time it was the sixth period of 30 days, in which the
dew in this country became very strong at night, particularly
near to the river. At such a time the crabs climbed out of their
marshy holes at night and paid the nearby grassy and dewy
meadows a very refreshing and nutritional visit. The old
inhabitants of the land on the Nile noticed this very easily and at
the beginning made an effort to drive the uninvited guests out of
the fat meadows, which particularly for the first inhabitants of
this land was no easy job, since in this time the quantity of these
great mud insects became countless. At first they encountered
them with burning torches, collected them in piles and burned
them, which did nothing to the large number, however. In
burning however there was always a very good and very
inviting smell, and the elders soon thought that the animals were
perhaps good to eat, But nonetheless no one wanted to be the
first to eat of the roast.
[10] Later they were boiled in great pots and the soup was found
to be very tasty; but no one wanted to dare. They were given to
the pigs that had already been raised by the elders, and these
gorged themselves on them and became very fat, which was a
very welcome discovery to the Egyptians, for they used much
fat from the animals, as well as the skin and the intestines; but
they did not enjoy the meat and used it for the additional food
for the pigs.
[11] But when in time lazy people began to degenerate and to
sin against old and wise laws which had come from the pre-
flood religious leader Henoch, soon huge prisons were built and
the criminals were placed inside. These were fed with boiled
crabs and alternately with salted and roasted pork and only a
little bread. But one noticed that the criminals thrived with this
food and later on in a bad year the free people also tried the
terrible-seeming prison food and found that it tasted better than
their old traditional food. This realisation was then soon the
cause that the enormous quantity of the great and fat Nile crabs
soon decreased very much, since they were hunted too much.
[12] Later the Greeks and Romans also ate this mud insect and
thrived on it; only the Jews even today do not eat it, although
Moses did not exactly forbid it.
[13] But from all of that it can be more than tangibly seen that
the old Egyptians could not choose any better image for the sign
of this sixth period of 30 days than this animal that gave them so
much work to do in this time period. This picture also lets us
think that it received a type of divine honor. Greeks and Romans
later dedicated this time period to the goddess Juno and named
the time thus in her honor.
[14] But now there is the question how this goddess was
actually invented and how she received her divine personality.
The wise men have different opinions which are basically not
badly founded. But the real reason is nonetheless that which was
hatched in time just as with the personalities of Castor and
[15] Around the time of the crabs it became too hot for manual
activities, and one therefore devoted this time to spiritual
investigation in great shady temples of which then several were
built by the original inhabitants of this land.

[16] A main question at the beginning of all spiritual

investigation was whether the pure divinity could also be sought
in any material conjunction.
[17] As all questions by the wise men were only very short, but
needed a very long answer, thus was it with this weighty
question the same case. They said: ‘Je U (un) o?’ translated: ‘Is
that separate divinity, if put next to each other, still a whole
[18] You ask: How could then these simple letters mean this
pronounced sentence? You shall learn the very natural reason
right now! The U for the old Egyptians was represented by
means of an open semicircle with extended ends, and meant in
this way a receptacle for everything divine that comes from
above to the people on Earth. It goes without saying that the
wise elders understood by this mainly a spiritual gift of light for
the soul of a person.
[19] The N was represented by a similar semicircle but turned to
face downwards, and described dead matter, in itself completely
spiritless and lightless. The round roofs of some houses and
particularly the temple therefore had the form of an up-turned
semi-circle and showed that in such places the divine was joined
with the material, creates a temporal life and reveals itself to the
people at times. From this was created the old, important
question: ‘Je U o?’, because the O represented the full divinity
in its purity.
[20] The answer to this old weighty question then meant that all
created matter relates to God almost as a wife to her husband
and lord. God created in one movement in and through the
material His myriads of children of all types. He pollinated
the material in one movement with His divinely spiritual
influence, and the material bore Him then the countless children
conceived in it. That was certainly a very eminent thought
which the old wise men had placed as an answer to the familiar,
weighty question!

[21] In time, particularly for the later descendents who were

lusting after the senses, there was no longer any idea about the
old Egyptian wisdom, and the question Je un o and the defined
femininity of all material was made into a personal goddess and
she was given the name at first ‘Jeu no’, then simply ‘Juno’, and
she was married to the likewise non-existent god Zeus.
[22] The old wise men then considered from wise and very
natural reasons the material to be hard, unbending,
unsubmissive and thought that one could only gain anything
from it through great hard work and great effort. The old
imperfections discovered by the old wise men in matter were
foisted by later descendents to the god wife Juno, with whom
Zeus constantly was lacking. Do you now understand your
goddess Juno?”
[23] Helena says: “I beg you, my very dearest Mathael, just
continue; I could listen to you without interruption for days!
Your explanation is not as pictorial and decorated as that of
Homer, but it is wise and true, and that is of a thousand times
more value and more attractive than all the magical flowery
adornment of the great folk singers! Therefore just continue
uninterrupted in your tale!”
[24] Mathael says: “Are you telling me what I want to hear!?
For look, the truth wants to be understood, but never flattered!
But I know that you are not flattering me, only the truth, which
does not come from me but from God, and so I can continue.”
[1] (Mathael:) “Listen then! After the crab we see the lion in the
great zodiac. How does this wild beast then come among the
signs of the sky? Likewise just as naturally as everything else
that we have got to know up to now!
[2] After the crab hunt, which lasts its 30 days and sometimes
also an extra one or two – because the month of the crab (June)
and not the month of the fish (February) was decided as the
month of balancing out by the old Egyptians – another calamity
began which created a lot of cares and worry for the elders.
Around this time the lions usually give birth and are there, full
of hunger, concentrating most on the hunt and move far and
wide over the deserts, the mountains and the valleys into areas
where they expected some fat herds.

[3] Since the fatherland of the lions is actually hot Africa, and
Asia Minor is also often conquered by these kings of the
animals, it is therefore understandable that it was not difficult
for them to press forward to middle and lower Egypt and there
cause devastation among the peacefully grazing herds. Just as a
great cold drives the wolves into areas occupied by people, so
the great heat of Julius (July) drives the lions into the somewhat
cooler northern fields where there is a good prey.
[4] But in this month in upper Egypt the heat is the strongest
and most unbearable and therefore often drives the lions north to
the Mediterranean where it is obviously cooler than in the area
of the glowing hot sandy desert. In short, at the beginning of this
period the inhabitants of Egypt constantly receive visits from
these feared guests and must defend themselves quite efficiently
against them in order to keep them from their herds. And since
the sun at this time enters a constellation that just like that of the
bull represents more or less the form of a furious lion, the elders
called this heavenly body with the name of a lion, and in Egypt
this time was also called the name ‘lion’ (Le o wa), ‘Le the evil
one’ or ‘the descendent of evil one’, in contrast to ’El’ the good
one or ’the son of good one’, O the sun of god, wa, also wai
flees; Le o wai therefore means: The evil one flees the sun.
[5] The Romans named their hero Julius Caesar in honor just a
few decades ago this time period with his name, because he
knew how to fight as cunningly and bravely as a lion. There you
have the seventh heavenly or zodiac sign which also became
idolized in a way by the later descendents.
[6] But after the lion we see a “virgin” follow; that seems not to
suit what has happened before?! Oh yes, it suits it completely
and quite naturally! With the conquering of the time of the lions,
the main worries of the year were now in a way finished, and
one turned here to a greater cheerfulness and put on festivals,
which particularly served to give presents to the good and
demurely pure virgins, in order to encourage them to further
demureness; it was also tradition in this period to celebrate
marriages. Only a virgin found to be pure could be taken as a
wife; one who had not kept her virginity, however, was
excluded from marriage and could only in the very best case
become a concubine of some man who already had one or more
proper wives – otherwise the only thing left for her was the
despicable and low status of slave. And so this time had a very
weighty importance, and because around this time another very
nice constellation of the zodiac came to stop over the sun, it was
called the “virgin”. But only several years ago did the vain
Romans give this period the name of the Caesar, in the honor of
Caesar Augustus. And so you know now also, dear Helena, how
a virgin came after the lion in the stars. But now let’s move on!

[7] We have now seen how a virgin also came among the
constellations of the zodiac; but now something enters that we
will soon see. We see a balance scales, as the grocers and
pharmacists use for weighing their specimens and medicines.
How did this instrument for testing weight come among the
stars then? I tell you: Very easily and again just as naturally as
all the earlier ones!
[8] You see, after the time of the virgins’ test and the marriages,
by which this previous time was mostly characterized, came the
time of the testing of the most harvest, of the grain – which the
oldest inhabitants of this land had farmed, of course alongside
the cattle – of the fruits, the figs, the dates, the oil, the
pomegranates, the oranges and more of the same.
[9] Every community had its elders as representatives and
leaders of all business and likewise a priest who had only to
occupy himself with the spiritual and to teach the people on
certain days and to prophecy at important events. It does not
need to be mentioned that the status of priest soon much
increased, and this status did not have much to do with coarse,
physical work, except with new attempts and improvements in
every possible respect.

[10] It was also the priests who explored the metals of the Earth,
collected them and made them suitable for use. But for all the
many technical things they needed as well many henchmen and
well trained artisans who all had no time to devote themselves to
farming and cattle-breeding, and thus such people had to be
supported by the community. But how should that be measured,
that every member of the community should give a
corresponding part of his harvest to the priests and their helpers?
[11] The tithe was decided, and every member of the
community had to give the tenth part of all their harvest to the
priests. But how was the tithe measured? Quite simply: with the
scale! There were larger and smaller scales available for use in
the way just mentioned. Every community owned several such
scales, and before the eyes of the community council all
harvests were exactly measured by filling both scale pans
completely; the filled pans were emptied out nine times into the
box of the community member, but the tenth time into the box
of the priests. The high priest was at the same time the protector
of the whole tribe or the shepherd with the expression ‘Vara on’
(‘he protects’ or ‘he is the shepherd’). In later times the Varaons
became the genuine kings of the land under whose dominion the
priests also stood.
[12] But now we see from this historically true representation
that the period of time just after that of the virgin was attributed
mainly for the weighing of the harvests for the tithe-giving to
the priesthood; and because at exactly this time the sun once
again entered a new sign, this sign was therefore called in the
zodiac ‘the scales’ (Libra). That will be clear to anyone who is
even a little familiar with the traditions and habits of the ancient
[13] It hardly needs to be mentioned that in the time of the
scales all sorts of corresponding meanings were laid aside and it
was used also as a symbol of the divine as well as the wordly
justice, yes, that it is still worshipped in a way by some yet
undeveloped peoples, as the Indians do to the plough here and
there. On the one hand the fantasy of people and on the other
hand the constantly growing profit-seeking of the ever
increasing priests and teachers idolized in time whatever seemed
time-honored and useful for all humanity.

[14] In this way we have now seen how a human tool came into
the great zodiac, and we therefore also want to see further how
the highly dowdy insect “the scorpion” came to the great
[1] (Mathael:) “After the period of the scales came a pretty
lethargic period. The herds devoted themselves more and more
to rest, that is, they grazed, but they did no longer bop around
the pastures as boldly as in the spring; the fruit trees as well no
longer showed such activity as was the case in spring; the fields
lay fallow, and so the people had also a certain rest from work.
They would certainly have embraced doing nothing for much
longer if the Lord of Heaven and Earth had not urged them on in
this lazy time with an extremely annoying insect whose home is
mainly Egypt.
[2] The scorpions began at the beginning of this period to show
themselves everywhere and increased their number until the
middle of this otherwise lazy period like flies in a dining hall.
The sting of this insect is known to be not only very painful, but
also very dangerous if one does not have the correct antidote to
hand immediately after the sting.
[3] But since the old Egyptians must have learnt only too well
both the danger as well as the annoyance of this little animal, it
was also not difficult to think of a means through which they
could become at least in some ways master over this being. All
sorts of deterrent were tried; but they all together helped little,
until they finally came upon the bark of a Nile plant, cooked it,
and with its steam at least freed the rooms from this spiky
scrounger. Also they dampened the bark of the mentioned bush,
spread it on the floor and laid it in the beds, kept the spiky
vermin away killing at the same time.

[4] After this method to drive away and kill the insect they
called the insect itself, which of course had previously no name,
‘scoro’ (= bark) ‘pi’ or ‘pie’ (= drinks) ‘on’ (= he).
[5] With this name the descendents were made aware as if by a
recipe through which means one could counteract this pest most
effectively. Even nowadays we receive from Egypt, from Arabia
and Persia a powder through which one can destroy not only the
scorpion but also almost every very annoying insect without the
least damage to human health; and this powder is made
alongside other ingredients mainly from that ground bark. And
now back to the main issue!
[6] At the first appearance of the scorpions in this lazy time the
sun entered a new constellation in the great circle and it was
called after the annoying insect that was spreading most in this
period and annoyed cattle and people. This sign has until now
been given the least divine reverence, except that is always
honored as a very effective old recipe against this annoying
[7] The lazy period ended with the destruction of the scorpions,
as well as the thunder storms that often occur in Egypt in this
period, for which the Egyptians always had a great respect; for
they said: “The shot from Zeus is always faster and more
accurate than the pitiful shots of people!”
[8] Around the time after the scorpion all sorts of wild animals
began to come down to the valleys from the mountains, among
them all types of rapacious animals, although not of the very
worst type.
[9] This appearance forced people, and namely the men, to span
their bows and set off on the hunt. Rabbits, hares, gazelles,
small bears, badgers, foxes, panthers, a number of vultures and
eagles, also crocodiles and the hippopotamus (old Egyptian ‘Je
pa opata moz’ = the horse of the Nile begins to exercise its
strength), began to move, and thus there was no time to be lost
for the hunt; there was also a very significant prize for the
killing of as many crocodiles as possible.

[10] It doesn’t belong here to say how all sorts of hunts were
carried out, instead it is enough just to know that in Egypt
around this time there were all sorts of hunts, and we know
everything that we need to know.
[11] Around this hunting period the sun entered a new
constellation again in the great zodiac, and it was called
Sagittarius the archer, because this time provided the most work
for the archer. The archer was given in time a sort of divine
honor, but not too much, except for Apollo, who was also
honored as a god of the hunt.
[12] We are then finished with the archer and now come to
Capricorn, actually the strangest of the signs in the whole
zodiac! You see, an ibex, the inhabitant of the highest cliff tops,
shimmers in the southernmost parts of the great cycle! How did
this inhabitant of the high mountains then get into the great
zodiac? I tell you, just like all the others, in a very natural way!
[13] In this last period of the year all the wild animals search the
valleys in order to find whatever food its nature demands.
[14] The ibex was something too valuable for the Egyptians for
them to let it enjoy its cheeky visit to the valley just like that! In
short, all sorts of watches were set up as soon as the time began
to draw near, in which this animal was discovered in earlier
times more often grazing on the lonely fields and jumping
around. As soon as one was noticed, after the signal was
received everything that had legs was on his feet.
[15] But it was no easy piece of work to catch such an ibex, and
there were some ibex periods when no ibex were caught; but if
several were caught in a good period, it was a positive triumph
for the whole of Egypt! For everything about this ibex was a
most wonderful medicine, and with just a little one could heal
every illness, and the horns were the first and most valuable
decoration for the king of Egypt himself, more than gold and
jewels. Yes, in the antiquity the value of a Varaon was even
jugged by the number of ibex horns that even the high priests
wore gilded ones on them as a sign of their high wisdom and
highest power.

[16] But since the ibex has such a high reputation for the
Egyptians, as you can convince yourself even today in this
country, it is more than understandable that the old Egyptians
dedicated this period of time in which they had a visit from the
ibex to the valuable animal, and then called it after the animal,
as well as the constellation in which the sun entered in this
period of time.
[17] And now we have looked at all the twelve signs of the great
zodiac in this way, and have found nowhere anything else but
something very natural, and besides we have also seen how and
in which way all the many pagan gods were created, and that
there is nothing behind them but the very natural that we have
just seen.
[18] And so it will hopefully never be difficult in future to
recognize the true God alone in the correct and truest light.
Never has any fabricated divinity done anything of all the
wonders that have been ascribed to it, and the few wise-seeming
words that are supposed to have been said to the people by gods
have been shoved into the mouths of the non-existent gods by
the old wise men for the sake of greater weight.
[19] But here are deeds to be seen and words to be heard which
before have never been experienced in reality – and there we
have finally reached the place where we can recognize the true
God in completion. Helena and you too, old Ouran, tell us
whether this explanation of mine about the zodiac was
enlightening or not!”
[1] Helena says: “Oh, you very dearest Mathael! Nothing has
ever been made as clear and lucid to me on this Earth through
pure words! As a consequence of your living way of describing
I was quite actively present myself in all the deeds and action in
ancient Egypt and saw the greatest truth rain down before my
very eyes.

[2] But only tell me one more thing now: in which way or in
which school did you discover all this so efficiently! For by the
Heavens, such a thing cannot be produced just like that, like
some ears of wheat from out of a sack! So how did you learn all
this so solidly?”
[3] Mathael says: “Oh, Helena! Yesterday I was several
thousand times blinder and unknowledgeable than one of your
stupidest servants and in addition was so ill that only God alone
could heal me from such a never heard of sickness; such a
healing would not have been possible for any human art!
[4] But after I was healed I received not only all my bodily
strength again in almost a moment, but the Lord of Heaven and
Earth awoke among others my spirit in my very gloomy soul.
And look, this spirit teaches me now everything in its basics that
ever were and are and some other things that will be!
[5] You see, that is all a pure gist of mercy from the Lord,
whom alone you and I owe all praise, honor, thanks and love,
and I have never learnt such a thing in any ordinary school!
[6] The Lord alone is my everything, my school and all my
wisdom; what I know and can, I know and can only through
the Lord!
[7] And I tell you: He who does not know about something from
there, be it whatever it may, knows nothing at all; for all his
knowledge is a vain, fully void and useless piece of work!
[8] Therefore be diligent in the single school of the Lord, who
now in all His divine fullness moves among us physically, and
you will never need another school in all eternity! Do you
understand that, most blessed Helena?”
[9] Helena says: “Oh yes, I understand you well; but how can a
weak mortal person, for example I and my father, get into the
school of the Lord?”
[10] Mathael says: quite excited, “Oh Helena! You most blessed
of the whole great Pontus, how did you get to such a blind and
stupid question? You must forgive me if I give you a very harsh
answer to your question which you have not considered in the
least! You and your father are already in such a school; how
possibly can you ask how and when you will get into such a
school? Yes, don’t you see at all yet how the Lord has worked
such greats signs for your sakes?!”

[11] Helena says: somewhat embarrassed, “But I beg you,

dearest Mathael, do not hold it against me! I now see my
foolishness very well and will never come to you again with
such a question; but you just have patience with us and always
consider that Rome was not built in a day! Gradually everything
can be achieved! If my father is old, so I am still young. And
see, I am no girl that is hard to direct; all my teachers confirmed
that, and my father knows it too! Oh, I will certainly not put you
to shame, dearest Mathael; but only sometimes a little more
patience would do no harm! I beg you for this!”
[12] Mathael, quite affected by the great gentleness of Helena,
says: “Oh, most blessedly gentle Helena, never again will you
have to ask me for patience! I never mean it unkindly when I
sometimes look a little serious, and through a more serious word
I only want to bring someone quicker to their goal than can
happen with very mild words. But I see that you are gentler in
your mind than the tamest dove, and so there is no further need
to wake you serious sounding words.”
[13] Helena says: “Nonetheless therefore have no consideration
for me! If you can bring me further with serious words, just be
as serious as the great Pontus when his mountain-high waves
enter into a violent battle with the hurricane; if you can bring me
and my father just as far with gentle words and lessons in the
same time, that would be much preferred. But now about
something else! Yet another very short question, and I will then
have time enough to think!
[14] Tell me now who has named all the many other
constellations and for what reasons!”
[1] Mathael says: “Oh my very dearest Helena! Your question is
really very short; but a complete answer would demand from
me more than a full year! Therefore we will postpone this
answering of this short question of yours to a later opportunity
and for now just say that the names of all the constellations have
quite the same origin as the twelve great zodiac signs, which
Greek sounding name of this cycle is quite wrongly named the
Animal Cycle, because people and things also occur in it, of
course only in name.
[2] According to the old Egyptian tongue, the syllable Zo or Za
means “for”, dia or diaia “work” and kos “a part”, also the
“separation”; and Za diaia kos (also kose)means when well
translated : division for work.
[3] You see now that the thing can never behave differently in
the beginning, and so my explanation to you of the Zadia-kos
(Zodiakus) must be completely correct! For in the beginning the
elders divided the great cycle according to the periodic events in
their work; but the later descendents decided afterwards their
work according to the already divided cycle; for every
constellation that occurred warned the Egyptians in advance
with which work they had to occupy themselves in the next
period. And in this way the naming of the cycle was also quite
correct – but only not in the false sense of the Greeks and
[4] But the way that the elders named this cycle and its images
correctly, they also named many, even if not all the other
constellations, and also were the first discoverers of the planets
known to you apart from the sun and the moon, which are
basically, at least for our Earth, not at all planets, in that the sun
does not go round the Earth, but the other planets along with the
Earth go around the great sun in different spaces of time, under
which we are not to understand the seemingly daily orbital time
which stems from the turning of the Earth itself around its own
axis, but that which the Earth makes in a year, which Venus and
the rarely seen Mercury make in an even shorter time; but Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn need a longer time for their orbit than
the Earth.

[5] But the moon in any case belongs to the Earth and moves
with it once in a year around the sun, while as a constant
companion of our Earth it moves in addition every 27 to 28 days
once around the Earth at a distance of one hundred thousand
hours away.
[6] Alone those are things that you cannot understand; but if the
spirit of God is awake in your soul, then you will recognize that
and many other things without any external, clumsy teaching.
[7] Therefore there is above all only one thing lacking, and that
is: to recognize oneself and God and love Him above all else,
everything else then comes of its own accord.
[8] In any case we both have spoken more than enough, and it
will be very good if we now rest a little, so that the other friends
who are much wiser than us can also make a few good remarks
about us.
[9] One must never speak too much about one thing, but instead
let others speak and listen to them; for no person on the whole
Earth is so wise that he cannot learn some times something from
a less wise person, not ot mention from someone more wise –
than oneself! And so you, very dearest Helena, will forgive me
if I do not speak myself for some time, but instead I will listen
to the others – naturally assuming that they want to say
[10] Then Helena says: “Oh, very good, very good! Now just
rest a little; for you have now spoken for a few of hours without
a break.
[11] Perhaps at this opportunity someone will tell us something
more about the great Master who is now among us and yet
hardly lets us know that He is who He is!”
[1] At this Simon Judas says: “I marvel at Mathael’s truly great
wisdom and the knowledge hidden in it about the antiquity!
Yes, such wisdom is lacking in this age too just as much as the
deep recognition of the truths of life coming out of the mouth of
God! Truly, we could talk the ear off a nation which has already
been wasting away in the very most absurd dirt of the most
dubious superstition for more than a thousand years! In that case
one word just as a hundred thousand of the most beautiful words
is purely in vain; it does not recognize its own foolishness and
blindness, and even less so the most beautiful and purest truth
preached to it.
[2] What else should one do there with such a nation? Work
miracles? A nation only becomes more foolish and superstitious
thereby! Punish it? Oh, such a nation is in any case punished
[3] But if one seeks the more accessible ones of the nation and
preaches to them in the way our Mathael does against paganism,
in one hundred years at most with the mercy of God there will
be no more pagan temples!
[4] Judge, brothers, whether I have spoken correctly or not! A
simple mind of a child is worth more than the understanding of
all those who understand on this Earth; but here understanding
is also fully appropriate. What is your opinion, dear brothers?”
[5] Everyone except Judas says: “We totally agree with that, and
we cannot refute anything!”
[6] Now Judas steps forward and says: “No, no, some things can
be refuted!”
[7] Simon says: “What then? Speak! I truly don’t know of
anything here that could be refuted!”
[8] Judas says: “If you conquer those who are powerful, you
will then be able to speak very effectively to the weaker ones
even without this knowledge!”
[9] Mathael says: looking at Judas somewhat excitedly, “Aha,
you want to announce the message of freedom from Heaven to
the poor in spirit and the earthly goods with whip and sword!
Indeed, you are a very strange person! You seem to me also to
be otherwise a being from the underworld, thus this opinion of
yours which would truly do no injustice to any devil! You are an
exceptionally rare devil!

[10] But do tell me how you could have smuggled yourself into
this otherwise purely heavenly company!
[11] But I say to you: If you as a devil want to speak to people
and act, you must wrap yourself better in sheep’s clothing,
so that one doesn’t see the rapacious wolf among them at the
first glance!
[12] Make sure that you get out of my view, otherwise I could
be tempted to make disclosures about you that you perhaps now
would not be in the best mood to hear; for my spirit knows you
now inside and out!”
[13] When Judas hears such things from Mathael, he raises his
eyebrows and says: “You are mistaken in me, Mathael; for I
also belong to the number of chosen ones, I have already
fulfilled errands in the name of the Lord and I was carried
through the air just like my brothers a number of weeks ago by
the angels!”
[14] Mathael says: “Oh, I know all that, and nonetheless I do
not retract one syllable of the words I have just said! You sure
do belong among the twelve, but my spirit says to me: There is a
devil among them! – and look, you are the devil!
[15] With this proof that my spirit gave about you, you can be
satisfied for the moment. But if you want more, it can be
attended upon; for I am just about to discover quite a big room
full of ugly proof against you, and you will not have to do much
to get them all in your face! For you are also a thief! Do you
understand me?!”
[16] When Judas heard such thunderous words from the wise
Mathael, a powerful shudder ran through him and he drew
very modestly back and in going back he received some quiet
kicks from Thomas as well, with the words, “Did hell prick
you once again?! Just carry on like that, and you will hear more
than just now! You poor soul, you’ll never be a match for
Mathael, whom the Lord has so wonderfully healed in body,
soul and spirit!

[17] See, even the angel of the Lord does not dare to draw near
to him, and you want to contradict him in something that he has
said from out of his deepest wisdom which has never been seen
since Moses?!
[18] Don’t you see then such foolishness of your most asine
heart screaming across all the Heavens?! Can you not be still,
and listen and continue to learn?!
[19] All the wisdom of all the Heavens and all the Earth is here
in one place together, we are sitting here together in the centre
of the divine heart, words and deeds go past us that even amaze
the angels, and you with your truly terrible cravings as the
greatest donkey among us cannot resist pulling not only
discussions but also counter views from your puddle of stupidity
into the present divine daylight! Oh you top blockhead!”
[20] Judas says: quite sulkily, “Hey, leave me alone! If I am
such a donkey then that affects me and not you! And if Mathael
has now beaten me so much, than I bet that what you want, that
these very pure, divine teachings should be announced to the
poor heathens not with gentle words of peace but with the sword
and all sorts of deadly shots!
[21] No one will be asked whether he has understood it, instead
he will be forced to swear on the new belief! And if with time
he leaves the never understood belief, he will be declared guilty
of the most harmful prerjury and at best burnt alive!
[22] And if at the spreading of this divine religion one does not
ensure above all that the authorities are won over, then I would
truly not like to count the numbers of blood witnesses who will
bleed under the sword of the great heathen rulers, even if I am a
devil! No matter whether it is divine! The devil is also divine! In
time even the purest and most eminent divinity is also devilish!
[23] For example, if we just look at the most divine religion of
Moses! What is it in the temple of the once heavenly wise
Solomon?! Therefore I say as Mathael’s devil and also as a
donkey: Mathael is correct, and I recognize his wisdom as well
you do, but as much as Mathael is correct, I am correct too!

[24] I tell you, this religion of peace from Heaven will spread
the greatest dissatisfaction across the whole surface of the Earth
in a very short time and will put nations one after the other in
the greatest, irreparable disharmony, discontent and war!
[25] You will probably not experience this so much in your
body; but your spirit will be a certain witness of everything that
I have just said to you, and you will only then agree that the
devil and thief Judas also prophesied truth! Now I ask you
whether you have understood me well!?”
[1] Thomas says: “You now think that you have made a great
prediction and we would not have learnt it without you?!
Despite all the highest wisdom you have heard now in more
than half a year, you are still a poor, foolish twit!
[2] At what time have light and darkness not opposed each other
as enemies? When have life and death ever gone walking
together hand in hand? When have the furious hunger and full
satisfaction reached a hand towards one another in the peace of
paradise? Idiot! It goes without saying: If the highest and
clearest light penetrates the thickest darkness of the Earth from
Heaven, it will not happen without counteraction!
[3] Look at the immeasurable ice fields of the enormous Ararat!
They do not melt at the least warmth, as the wise Egyptians
decide according to color and thickness of the ice and snow; but
just let the heat of summer from Ethiopia reach such ice fields,
and soon all the ice will become water! But woe to the valleys,
which then are flooded by this water!
[4] And look, whatever would be materially unavoidable, will
certainly remain even less spiritually in the future!
[5] But if we begin to preach the gospel of God with a sword in
our hand, we will awake the sword of the world against us all
the sooner; if we begin it with the weapon of peace, which is
called love, we will also find peace many times over.

[6] It goes without saying that such a gift from Heaven will see
war and all sorts of battles over time, as long as the material
world remains due to the divine order what it always was, still is
and will be and remain, and this needs no prophecy; but due to
the fact that paganism will be shown to be basically laughable
and foolish in its fullest emptiness to people of any more mature
insight in the way and manner of Mathael, at least the too
powerful and destructive counter-battles will not be called
against us in an all-devastating intensity!
[7] If you have appreciated even a little what I have just shown
you, the fullest nonsense of the prophecy that you made to me
must seem to shine like the midday sun into the eyes of a man
fast asleep!”
[8] Judas says: “Yes, yes, you are truly always wise Thomas,
and everything that I say must be foolish! I should think about
things well before I put them into words – and look there, I just
opened my mouth and everybody attacks me because of the
foolishness I speak, like the lion a lamb! Yes, one must want to
explode in anger like a puffed-up bullfrog! From now on I will
not say another syllable, but will be as quiet as a log, then you
will have nothing to disagree with!”
[9] Thomas says: “Yes, do it, then you will be a wise man!”
[10] Here Mathael calls Thomas and says to him: “I thank you
in the name of good things that you have given brother Judas
such a modest pointer. For it did not hurt him in the least, and
perhaps what he sees as an insult to his mind will be useful to
him in the next world; for there is still no trace of any inner
wisdom and there will probably never be any in his life.
[11] But leave him for now; for his soul is not from above, and
his spirit is too small and too weak to soften his worldly soul
and to animate it like yours!”
[12] Here I step up and say to Mathael, “Truly, there are few
tools such as you, and I must therefore give you My praise! Just
you continue, and you will be an apostle for another whom I
will awake only later from among My enemies, an efficient
fore-runner among the heathens! And now I will give you the
fullest assurance that you and your four brothers will never fall
back into your illness that was so hard to bear! But you will
have to distribute your four brothers and show them the fully
correct path.

[13] We will from now on remain a few more days here, and
tomorrow as the Sabbath some things will happen where you
can give Me good help; for you are one who does not fear the
world or death, and therefore you are a very efficient tool
for Me.
[14] But now lead Me to Helena; for she has an extra-large
secret longing for Me, and so we want to visit her and
strengthen her!”
[15] Mathael says: “Oh Lord, what an endless mercy for me!
You, my creator, let me lead You to her who is as much Your
creation as I am! But the maiden is pure and full of good will;
she certainly knows nothing about sin and therefore it is worth
the effort to strengthen such a heart through which later a
thousand times a thousand can be strengthened!”
[1] After these words I, Mathael and our Jarah, who does not
move from My side, turn to Helena and to her father Ouran.
[2] When Helena sees Me coming towards her, she bursts into a
flood of tears of joy and says after a while: “I already doubted
that this grace would be granted to me to see You, the Lord of
my life, beside me and to speak to You! But now everything is
very good! For You, whom my heart and my mind has only got
to know here so endlessly wonderfully, have come to me
Yourself! Oh, now rejoice loudly, you my otherwise so poor
heart; for He whose spirit has counted the beats of your pulse
from the cradle to the grave, stands before you and brings a holy
strength in which death will taste sweeter than honey!”
[3] Then she becomes quiet again and I say to her, “Helena!
Hearts that love as yours have eternally no death to fear and will
never taste it, neither sweet nor bitter!

[4] For see, I Myself am the life and the resurrection, and those
who believe in Me and love Me as you do, will never see death
in all eternity, neither feel it nor taste it!
[5] Truly your heavy body will one day be taken from you, but
it will not affect you painfully or knowledgably, instead in one
moment you will be transformed from your heavy, captive life
into the brightest life of your soul through My spirit of love
which is in you and grows until full similarity with My eternal
spirit! Do you now understand this, dearest Helena?”
[6] But Helena cannot produce a single word from sheer
emotion and now weeps with the loudest sobbing of her heart. It
lasts a long time, and Helena is still so moved in her mind by
the joy that I came to her, that her tongue is constantly paralysed
anew with tears of joy, as soon as she wants to give me further
words of thanks.
[7] But I say again to her, “My dearest daughter, do not try to
speak; for this language of your heart is much more preferable
to Me than any chosen by your mouth!
[8] For you see, on the Earth there are some, and in future there
will be more, who will say to Me: Lord, Lord! And I will
answer them and say: Why are you calling, strangers?! I don’t
know you and I have never known you! For you have always
been children of the prince of lies, of arrogance, of evil, of night
and of all darkness! Therefore, out of My sight, you constsant
doers of evil! And I tell you that among them there will be much
howling and gnashing of teeth!
[9] They will seek their god in endless, never reachable
distances and depths and will not find him, because they
found it beneath them to seek Me in their vicinity, namely in
their hearts!
[10] Truly, whoever does not seek God as you have sought Him,
will not find Him, not even in all eternity!
[11] God is in Himself the highest, endless, most powerful love
and therefore can only be found through love!
[12] In the beginning love drove you to it, although you
imagined to sin by loving Me; and look, you found Me. I came
to you more than half the way, just as your father Ouran. But
likewise everyone that wants to find Me should seek Me, and
they will find Me as you have found Me.

[13] But those who seek Me with their arrogant intellect will
never find Me in all eternity!
[14] For whoever seeks Me with reason, resemble a man who
bought a house about which he had heard that there was a great
treasure hidden under its walls. When the house became his, he
began to dig in it one moment here, the next moment there; but
he didn’t make any proper effort, only dug a shallow hole and
thus did not find the treasure which was buried deeply. Then he
thought: Aha, I know what I will do; I will begin to dig around
the house from the outside and will certainly find the trail of the
buried treasure much faster!
[15] And so he began to dig outside the house, and of course did
not find the treasure in that it had been buried deep in the middle
of his house, and the further he dug new ditches away from the
house for the sake of the treasure, the less he found the treasure
for whose sake he had bought the whole house. For whoever
seeks something there where it is not and can never be, can also
impossibly find what he is seeking.
[16] Whoever wants to catch fish, must reach into the water
with a net, for no fish swim in the air. Whoever wants to dig for
gold must not seek it with a net in the sea, but in the depths of
the mountains.
[17] You cannot see with the ears and hear with your eyes.
Every sense has its own goal and therefore has been determined
for a certain purpose.
[18] Likewise the heart of a person who is closely connected to
God has alone the goal of seeking God and also finding Him
and then taking a new, indestructible life from out of this God
once found. But whoever seeks God with his other senses can
find Him just as little as a man who binds his eyes can find and
see the sun with his ears or nose.
[19] The correct and living sense of the heart is love, however.
Whoever therefore awakens the innermost sense of life and
begins to seek God with it, must certainly find Him just as well
as a person who, if he is not fully blind, must find the sun with
his eye and see its light.

[20] But whoever wants to hear a wise word must not stop up
his ears and try to hear with an eye; for the eye certainly sees the
light and all the illuminated forms, but the more spiritual form
of the word cannot be seen, instead only heard with the ear. Do
you understand all that?”
[1] Helena finally says: who had recovered a little from her too
great joy of her heart, “Oh yes, I have understood all that; for
your words have all the light, strength and life and emit from
Your holy mouth as brightly and clearly as the purest source of
the pasture of a high mountain, lit by the morning sun. But what
should I do in order to calm my heart only a little more!? Lord,
kill me if I rejoice; but my love for You surpasses now all my
borders of life! Oh just allow me to touch Your hand!”
[2] I say: “Oh, do that in any case! Whatever your heart orders
from out of its depths, do it, and it will never be a mistake; you
can be fully assured of that!”
[3] At this Helena took hold of My left hand and pressed it with
all her strength to her heart, cried again from sheer joy and said,
sobbing: “Oh how happy must they be who can always be
around You, oh Lord! Oh if only I could also always be
around you!”
[4] I say: “Whoever is with Me in their hearts, I am always with
them, and he is always with Me, and there lies the most
important thing! For what use is it to someone who is all the
time around Me personally, but his heart is nonetheless far from
Me and rather depends on the mad world?! Truly, he is
nonetheless more distant from Me than everything that you can
only think as being the furthest away from Me!
[5] But whoever is as near to Me in their hearts as you are, My
dearest Helena, then always remains right beside Me, if it seems
externally that a many thousand times greater space separates
him from Me than what separates us now from the last and
smallest star, that your eye only glimpses for moments only as
shimmering down out of limitless space.

[6] Yes, I tell you, whoever loves Me and actively believes that
I am the One whose descent the fathers awaited, he is also fully
one with Me, as I, as you feel Me here, am fully one with My
Father in Heaven! For love joins everything; God and creation
become one through it, and no space can ever separate what the
true and pure love from the deepest depths of Heaven has
[7] Through your love you will also constantly be the very
closest to Me, even if for a short time in this world space
separates you from My person; but one day, there in My
kingdom of the purest spirit and of the fullest truth, you will
never again be separated from Me! Have you, My dearest
Helena, now understood even a little what has been said?”
[8] Helena says: “How can I not!? For in me it is now as light
and bright as if a sun had risen in me, and it seems to me
therefore as if it was clearly understandable what You, oh Lord,
say to me, and my heart understands Your deepest sense.
[9] But now another highly important question comes from a
not yet enlightened corner of my heart, and this is: How will you
ever be able to thank Him who has showered you with such an
effusive mercy? The very powerful love cannot count as thanks;
for it is itself, as the whole life, a present of mercy from You!
What a sacrifice and what worthy gift can I give you, my
creator, in return as Your creation, as the most deserved thanks
for such invaluable mercies? You see, oh Lord, it is still dark in
my heart despite all this sunlight, and I cannot find an answer
to such a highly important question! Oh Lord, wouldn’t You
like to help my heart out of embarrassment through a
merciful word?”
[1] I say: “Oh, dear Helena! What should you sacrifice from the
world for Me that is not Mine already, and that I hadn’t already
given you before the beginning of the world?!
[2] You see, that would be a very vain demand from Me then
and would be in complete contradiction with Me and My
eternal order!
[3] You see, love does everything! Whoever loves Me above all
else, also brings Me the greatest sacrifice and the very most
pleasant thanks; for he sacrifices for Me the whole world.
[4] But besides the love for Me there is another love, namely the
love for the neighbor. The poor in spirit and the in the temporal
necessary earthly goods are the true neighbors; whatever
someone does in My name, he does it for Me.
[5] Whoever takes in a poor person in My name, takes Me in,
and he will be rewarded on the last day; and whoever takes in a
wise man for the sake of their wisdom, will also reap the reward
of a wise man; and whoever reaches a thirsty man even a beaker
of fresh water, will be rewarded with wine in My kingdom.
[6] But if you do good deeds to the poor, do such a thing in
secret with all friendliness and do not show it to the world;
for the Father in Heaven sees it, and the gift of a friendly giver
will be pleasing to Him, and He will reward the giver a
hundred times.
[7] But whoever wants only to flaunt themselves before the
world with his good deeds, has also already taken his worldly
rewards and in the future has nothing more to expect.
[8] You see, in this consists the only manner of sacrifice and
thanks that is pleasing to Me, and apart from this there is no
other; for all the burnt offerings and other types of sacrifice are
an evil smell before the nostrils of God, and all lip-service is an
abomination before God, with which the hearts are far from the
true love for God and the neighboring poor brothers!
[9] For whom can the senseless bawling in the temple be of any
use, if the thousand poor and hungry brothers outside the temple
are not considered?!

[10] Go and strengthen first the needy, feed the hungry, quench
the thirsty, clothe the naked, comfort the sad, free the
imprisoned and preach the gospel to the poor in spirit, then you
will do endlessly better than to blare day and night in the
temples with your lips, while your hearts were cold and
unreceptive to your poor brothers!
[11] Look at the air, the Earth, the sea; look at the moon, the
sun, the stars; look at the flowers of the field and the trees, and
observe the birds in the air, the fish in the water and all the
animals on the dry land; look at the high mountains and all the
clouds and the winds; you see, all that proclaims loudly the
honor of God, yet God, unlike man, never looks at all this like
full of conceit, but instead only at the human heart that
recognizes and loves Him the only true, good, holy Father. How
should He then like a twisted heart or a vain ceremony with all
sorts of lip-service, behind which lies nothing but the greatest
selfishness, pride, lust for power, all sorts of whoring, falsehood
and deceit?!
[12] Therefore you now know that firstly God does not need to
accept the honor from blaring people; for the whole infinity is
full of His honor.
[13] But what kind of honor, then, foolish, blind man can give
to God then, since he himself has no other than that which he
received beforehand from God through the mercy of being a
man?! Or can this redound to God's if men sacrifice an ox for
Him but at the same time they hold on to their sinful hearts and
after the completed sacrifice they are ten times worse than they
were before the sacrifice?!
[14] Oh, I take no honor from the people; for there is the Father
in Heaven who honors Me more than enough! But if the people
keep My commandments and love Me above all else, then they
honor Me and My Father thereby, and I and the Father are
completely one.
[15] If it is so, as it is according to the fullest and most eternal
truth, he cannot dishonor Me Who does the will of God as
Moses and all the other prophets have announced, and as I
announce it Myself to you all.

[16] Do you now understand how we have to thank God and

praise Him for all the goodness we have received?”
[1] Helena says, moved through and through by the truth of this
lesson of Mine: “Oh Lord, every one of Your holy words has
been met with the best response in my heart, and it strikes a
chord in my soul: That is the purest and most divine truth!
[2] But such a lesson can only be given to the people by a God;
for no human sense suffices! Yes, now I know much and know
most exactly what I have to do in the future!
[3] Oh, how magnificent it is to learn the will of the only true
God and to act accordingly with all the power of life; but how
bitter it is to act where the human arrogance gives laws
claiming: This is God’s will!
[4] I always thought that a true God can have only one perfectly
true will which can never stand eternally in contradiction with
itself, as the human laws, of which one often totally lifts the
other out of its foundation; if you keep it, you fall into
punishment because of an earlier sanctioned law, and if you
don’t keep it, the new law punishes you! I ask: How then can a
person exist and live?!
[5] Let’s take our old laws of the gods! According to the mouths
of the priests: If you make a sacrifice to Pluto, you anger Zeus,
and if you make a sacrifice to Zeus, you anger Pluto; but if you
make a sacrifice to their priests, who are the only ones who
know how to appease the anger of the gods, then you do well!
For they alone are the effective intermediaries between the gods
and the people. The priests have then often taken all the
sacrifices for themselves and in addition let themselves be given
an almost divine reverence by the poor, blind people that were
bled dry by them, and the people had to tremble in fear. Oh, this
purest teaching can and will no longer allow this!”
[6] I say: “Don’t let that worry you! But in the end everything
that comes purely from above, whether spiritual or material, is
all the same; as soon as it touches the ground of the Earth it
becomes defiled and impure.
[7] Look at a raindrop! No diamond could be purer than such a
raindrop; but as soon as it touches the ground of the Earth the
purity is gone!
[8] Go up a mountain, and you will not be able to wonder
enough at the purity of the air; but look down into the valley and
you will see a great difference between the purity above
and below!
[9] How pure fall the snowflakes from the clouds! Look at the
previously so splendidly white snow after two moons and you
will find it already very significantly dirty!
[10] Look at the wind when it blows from the heights down into
the valleys, how much it is bothered by the annoying dust, and
even the sun and the moon and the stars lose much of their shine
when they draw near to the horizon; yes, even the beams of light
of the midday sun often become too easily and too much
dimmed by the dusts of the Earth so that in the end the whole
sun, despite its very brightest light, cannot be seen so much so
that one could say with some sureness: Look, it is here or there!
[11] And so it goes constantly with all the spiritual gifts from
the Heavens; No matter how pure they may be in the beginning,
as time goes by they become as tarnished as all I have just
shown you through the dirty worldly interests.
[12] And so it will be the same with this My very purest
teaching; no iota will remain un-criticized and untouched!
[13] The temple that I am now building up will be likewise
destroyed, just as the Romans will destroy the temple in
Jerusalem in not too far a time, where no stone will remain on
[14] But this temple of Mine I will rebuild, but the stone one in
Jerusalem never more! But don’t you worry about all that; for I
know about everything and why it must happen!
[15] For you see, no one pays any attention to the daylight and
heat in summer; but when the night comes, then the light
becomes valuable and one only learns to value the heat in the
cold of winter.

[16] And it is likewise with the spiritual light and with the
spiritual warmth. Whoever walks around in freedom, hardly
pays attention to the freedom, but when he is languishing
captive in prison, oh, then he knows what a great thing
freedom is!
[17] And now see, My very dearest Helena, therefore troubles
of everything pure are also allowed so that a person can learn
the value of the pure light in a time of greatest troubles!
[18] If then the pure light comes on show in the great night,
soon everything that lives and breathes moves towards the light,
as in winter the loveless mood of man soon begins to huddle
around a warm heart, just as the shivering poor from the cold of
winter around a fire place.
[19] But I tell all that to you only and a few others. Keep this for
yourself and do not tell it further; for My religion does not
consist of this! I have only told it to you, dearest Helena, for
your own comfort; but it should not concern a third person at
all! All the necessary external is ensured by Me, and it is enough
for every person if he cares only for the purification of his heart;
if this is in order, all the external things will then be in order too.
Have you now understood all this, My Helena?”
[20] Helena says: “Oh yes, Lord! It is unfortunately not very
cheering to learn such a thing in advance; but nevertheless
everything has its good and very wise reasons, and You
certainly ensure only the spiritual best for people, and therefore
it must happen as You, oh Lord, have revealed to me in Your
endless merciful condescension! Your will be done in all time
just as in all eternity!”
[21] After these words Helena fell into a veritable love trance
while continuing to press My hand firmly to her chest, which
almost began to hurt My Jarah, because during the conversation
with Helena I had said almost nothing to her; but the pain soon
subsided again when I gave her a friendly look.

[1] But after a short while Jarah, come to herself again through
My friendly glance, says: “Lord, my only love! Was I not
somewhat insulting to You, a little too impertinent with my
seeming jealousy because of this magnificent Helena? And if I
was, so forgive me, my only love!”
[2] I say: “Be calm, My daughter! If even an evil person cannot
be insulted by love, how possible is it then for Me? If you loved
Me less, you would not be afraid that My love for you could
become weaker if I also seize this Helena with all My love; but
because you really love Me above all else, such a fear
transformed you for some moments and that happened to you
simply for the reason that you for a few moments lost from the
eyes of your soul who I actually am. But now that you have
become clear again in this and now know well who I am, Helena
does not bother you any longer.
[3] Look at the sun in the sky, how it shines on the flowers of
the field! Tell me: Would it not be foolish of any flower if it
became angry with the sun because it also gave its neighbor the
same amount of light?
[4] Look at the great stars, of which it was granted to you to see
some nearby and in their nature! Look, all these and endlessly
much more that no fleshly eye will ever see, exists and live out
of My love! But if My love for these endlessly many and great
boarders is enough for eternities of eternities, how can you, My
dearest little daughter, ever fear that you would be lacking in
My love because of Helena?! Do you now see the vanity of your
fear that lasted a few moments, that you could be lacking in
My love?”
[5] Jarah says: “Yes, Lord, my love, my life, I will be a very
good friend to Helena from now on and will make some of her
virtues my own. Ah, if only my older sisters were the same as
Helena, what a joy that would be for me! But they are very
worldly-minded, and one cannot speak to them much about
spiritual things; the daughters of old Mark are much more useful
than my sisters! If there were only a means to make my sisters
more spiritual!”

[6] I say: “Leave that, and when you go home you will find your
sisters more receptive to spiritual things than they were before!
In addition Raphael is on your side and with him you will be
able to bring your brothers and sisters around.
[7] In any case this does not work as fast for more worldly-
minded people as you imagine. Often much time and patience is
needed in order to purify a soul from all ashes.
[8] But before such a total purification can be successful, there
is not much to be done with the basically spiritual; for to occupy
the mind with this means to build a house on the sand.
[9] The heart must seize the issue; but if this is still full of
material things, the purely spiritual cannot find any starting
point! Therefore you must above all ensure that your sisters’
hearts are fully free of everything that is material, then you will
have an easy task with your sisters who you are now worried
about; but I praise your concern and tell you that it will not last
much longer! My very dearest Jarah, have you now understood
that well and clearly?”
[10] Jarah says: “Oh yes, as far as a girl of 14 years can
understand such a spiritual thing! There may yet be endless
depths hidden behind what You have just said to me that my
mind will not yet understand; but I believe I have understood
what can be understood in the moment of the life on Earth, and
You, oh Lord, will certainly not let anything damage the
understanding of my heart. But our dearest Helena has now
fallen deeply asleep, and I will not be able to speak much
to her!”
[11] I say: “That doesn’t matter; for we have enough people
around us with whom we can discuss very well, if we absolutely
have to speak to someone! But soon something will happen that
will take all our attention and there will then be little time again
for empty speech!”
[12] Jarah asks quickly, “Oh Lord, what will happen then?”
[13] I say: “Look, you don’t need to know that in advance;
when it happens you will learn it soon enough!”

[14] Now Ouran, relaxing immediately opposite Me with

Mathael on a grassy bank, asks Me, “Lord, will some sort of
apparent danger threaten us?”
[15] I say: “Hardly us, but the other people who are not with Me
on this hill! Just turn your eyes to Caesarea Philippi, and you
will soon discover what is going to happen!”
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
There is no copyright for this book. This is God’s Word and God’s Word is free.
It may be copied freely on condition that the text will not be changed.
Original German book: “Das grosse Evangelium Johannes” (1851-1864).
This Book 25 is translated from the German book III 115 to214.
HE Caesareans were in great fear about the expectation
of the terrible things that in their opinion would come to
pass on the Earth. The Jews were expecting Daniel’s
judgment and the pagans expected the war of the gods, and the
general people were indignant that their leaders were refused
any further obedience and began themselves to destroy
whatever they came across; in short, in a few hours there was
the greatest anarchy in the city, which was mostly the fault of
the stupid priests.
[2] For there were among them several instructed in Egyptian
wisdom and experience who did not make much out of the false
sun that had suddenly disappeared because they had heard from
old Egyptian sagas that such phenomena had already taken
place many times without any damage to the Earth; and some
Jewish Pharisees thought to themselves that some sort of second
Joshua had arisen and had ordered the sun to shine for longer
because of some sort of important action!
[3] A certain sect of the Jews also had the belief that the sun, as
an eternal reminder, remained longer in the sky every hundred
years on the day of the complete victory over Jericho without
any further evil influence on the Earth; these Pharisees therefore
had almost no fear at all at the event that took place.
[4] Many oriental magicians, who because of their journey were
also in the city said that the sun always, whenever it was
completely darkened in the day, shone longer in the evening
afterwards, in order to replace the damages done to the Earth
that it had caused by its day-time darkening. These had
therefore no fear of the event that had occurred, but they all
wanted to make use of the event in that they drove a very hellish
fear into the people.
[5] True, after the extinguishing of the sun the people seized
every means of atonement that the priests recommended; but
that was all too little for the bottomless greed of the priests, for

the people did not give everything that they possessed that was
expensive or valuable.
[6] But an old, venerable Greek, who was also an efficient
natural wise man, noticed such dirty tricks, quickly took some
more sober people to his house and briefly explained to them, as
well as was possible, the very natural and completely nonharmful
possibility of such an appearance – but besides this he
drew their attention to the unscrupulous tricks by the priests
with the comment: You see, if there was something to fear from
the strange occurrence that has taken place, the crafty priests
would not run around the alleys so actively with their sacks and
blackmail all sorts of unheard-of sacrifices! If then after several
hours the sun goes up again just as usual, these deceivers of
mankind will run through the alleys again and demand sacrifices
of thanks from the people! Go and tell the poor, betrayed nation
that the old, wise Greek tells them so!
[7] Now, this old, Greek natural wise man had a good reputation
among the general people and his statement went like wildfire
among the people. Barely within an hour after this the latest
decree was turned around and the priests had to give all the
sacrifices back again and then head for the hills as fast as
possible; for the people became more and more bitter and there
was no anointed servant of the gods who was safe of his life any
[8] I saw all this in advance, of course, and made Ouran aware
of it in the moment just a few seconds later that we began to
discover the unmistakable traces of the people’s rebellion
against the priesthood – although there were still many who
were waiting outside the city for terrible things in great fear.
[9] Soon after My announcement we noticed how at once
several buildings began to catch fire and a great howling began
to penetrate even up to our ears.
[10] Here Cyrenius hurried to Me with Julius and asked Me
worriedly what was happening to the city; for the whole story
seemed to them very much like a civil rebellion! But I told him
and Julius very quickly the whole contents of the matter, as I
had just disclosed it.
[11] When Cyrenius and Julius heard such a thing, they became
quite calm again and simply asked Me whether there would be
any other bad consequences to face.
[12] And I said: “Not in the least for you, but for the priests who
live there; for now the clever ordinary people are appeasing the
gods with burnt offerings in that they are burning the houses of
the priests and the temples of the gods! And don't tell me you
have pity for these priests, for this too evil nest of vipers must
be extirpated! The false sun had a good light; for it showed the
blind people the turpitude of its servants of the gods, and these
now are receiving their well-deserved reward!”
[1] Here Helena awoke again from her most gentle and blessed
slumber of love and was quite shocked when she noticed the
heavy activity among the people on the mountain and at the
same time the city in flames. But Jarah took her immediately by
the hand and explained to her the whole event, at which Helena
quickly calmed down again and said: “A good hour ago just
before the quick disappearance of the false sun it seemed to my
mind that this city stood before such an unavoidable fate; and
look, it is the realization of my somewhat hazy foreboding
before my eyes and ears! You, Lord, have certainly predicted
such a thing with the false sun and now the actual reason comes
onto show why You let it shine!”
[2] I say: “Yes, yes, My dear little child, things may well have
been so! A light that I placed in the firmament has always a
number of good purposes and not only because of the light,
which is actually only a very subordinate side-effect.
[3] Look at the light of the sun! The light in itself would be
something extremely little; but just observe all the free and
captive creations on the Earth according to their external nature,
and you will discover the effects of the light and the warmth of
the sun, of which no natural wise man on the Earth has ever
dreamed! All effects of the sunlight!
[4] This Earth has so many and various miraculous effects of the
sunlight, that in many thousand years you would not be able to
survey them with your fleshly eyes and even less count them!
[5] But around this sun, whose light calls forth such great
miracles on this Earth, circle many other and greater planets, on
which the same light calls forth very new and on this Earth
unimaginable wonders, and on every planet lit by this sun quite
new and not occurring on any other planet! And look,
everything is the reason and effect of one and the same light!
[6] And so you can assume very certainly that I also did not let
the false sun shine simply because of some longer light! What
do you think of that, My most beloved daughter?”
[7] Helena says: “Oh Lord, You great one, You only Holy one,
every human opinion stops here for all eternity! For You are too
endlessly great and wise, and who can fathom the depths of
Your omnipotence?!
[8] It is certainly something endlessly great that I can love You
above all else and can be blessed in such love, which my heart
is eternally not fully worth! But to want to investigate your holy
divine inscrutable being further, that I would consider the
greatest rage of a human heart! That, oh Lord, is my opinion!
[9] Truly, You are to be loved above all else, and that I consider
to be the greatest blessing; but You are not to be investigated by
any spirit in eternity!”
[10] After these words by the beautiful Helena, still drunk with
her great love for Me, old Mark comes and says: “Lord, I
suppose the many and beautiful fish that I gave the priesthood
as a tithe will be nicely boiled and roasted as well on the fire!?
You know, oh Lord, that I am hospitable from all my heart
towards everybody as far as I am able. Truly, I always had
perhaps more joy as donor, if I could provide someone with
something, than the recipient; but the tithe for the Pharisees has
annoyed me right to the soul! And as I notice, most of the
Jewish priests’ houses are in flames! That is a good repayment
for these unscrupulous idlers and deceivers! I prefer that to if
someone had given me ten of the most beautiful houses in the
city! I have truly never been a gloater; but this time – forgive
me, oh Lord – I am totally so!
[11] For to give to someone who is in need is a blessing for a
good human heart, and to give a worker the deserved wage and
more is the holy duty of a person. And to pay the measured
lawful taxes to a sovereign is also the holy duty of every honest
citizen; for the sovereign has great worries and expenses for the
order and security in his land, and the subordinates are obliged
through love for the neighbor to do everything gladly that the
regent sees as healing and demands from the subordinates.
[12] There may of course be selfish tyrants who fully bleed the
nation dry, but after a tyrant there is usually a good regent and
soon the nation recovers again.
[13] But the priesthood remains the same; it tyrannizes like a
vampire the nation for thousands of years, taxes it often in an
unheard-of shameful way and gives the nation nothing in return
but the greatest deception, and that in every possible direction!
Yes, an honorable person must praise God the Lord if He ever
lets a judgment come over these seven fold haters and fraudsters
of the people! And so it is like balm to my heart if I see the
beautiful houses and synagogues particularly of the Jewish
Pharisees covered by the most beautiful flames and in addition
on the day before the Sabbath! Tomorrow is the Sabbath, and
the boys are not allowed to gather or do anything else; oh, these
old, never-satisfied villains have deserved this beautiful lesson
for a long time!”
[14] I say: “But do you know that the illumination of the city is
meant precisely for the Pharisees and also the pagan priests?”
[15] “Oh,” says Mark, “I was just downstairs and have ordered
something for tomorrow for the poor who are probably going to
visit me tomorrow, and there came three young Greeks to whom
I had bread and wine given, and they told me in passing what is
now happening to the city; and I would have paid them a great
pearl for every word, such a joy I had at this! The false sun
brought this beautiful effect to pass!”
[16] I say: “But tomorrow you will nonetheless have to pay for
your joy; for many of the Pharisees will come to your table.”
[17] Mark: “Very willingly, for this joy I will feed the lads for
eight days, perhaps one or other of them will become a human
being – with You, oh Lord, all things are possible!”
[1] After these and other casual descriptions on Mark’s behalf
and by several who had heard old Mark, Helena notices an
extraordinarily bright white flame shoot high so that the whole
area is brightly lit by it; Cyrenius also notices this flame rise
from the centre of the city, and the flame became constantly
brighter and larger and higher.
[2] Well, by night every light has the deceptive characteristic
that it seems always to come closer to people who are not
familiar with the tenet of vision, the bigger and brighter it
becomes at the very distance it remains. Proof is that little
children often reach with their hands for the full moon. They
believe it to be very close because of its brightness, and dogs
bark at it for the same reason.
[3] So it also seemed to Helena here, that the flame becoming
ever greater and brighter was coming closer to us, and she
therefore asked Me to forbid the evil flame from coming close
to us and causing us damage.
[4] There I said: “Don’t be so childish! The approach of the
flames is only a very normal optical illusion; however, the
brightness of the flame has the following reason: The fire has
penetrated into the pantry of the great palace of the leading
Jewish Pharisee. In this were kept around one hundred tithes of
the purest and best oil in sealed barrels, also several barrels of
the purest naphtha for lighting the palace, and besides there was
also a large store of butter, milk and honey. These all caught fire
and now burn so beautiful and bright, and at this opportunity, as
you, old Mark, secretly wished before, your tithe of fish will
also be as beautifully roasted; for in the great food store there
was already a great number lying ready for tomorrow. What do
you say about that now, Mark?”
[5] Mark says: “Lord, You who can see into my heart as purely
and well as into the great store room of the high Pharisee, You
know that I was neither then nor now a gleeful person. I was
very strict in my service as soldier, yet I have never done harm
to anyone by my own will except he whom the law had
previously damned – about which I could naturally do nothing.
Yet I have never felt a certain joy at it, if the harshness of the
law swallowed someone up. So also here I have no real heartfelt
joy at the accident itself, and that my beautiful and good fish
now will just be fried for the spirits of the air, but that now these
old tormentors of mankind finally get a lesson from all sides
gives me real joy!
[6] For the consumption of the treasures through fire is the least;
but the total belief in their religion consumed along with it is the
actual irreplaceable damage that is done to them, but it is a very
great use for the deceived people. For they will now have a very
open ear and heart for taking in the pure divine truth and that is
what makes me so happy. And perhaps it is possible that the
unhappy priesthood, if they are not too nailed in their heads and
hearts, will become more accessible for the truth than they were
when they were rich. I think that tomorrow’s day will let us
experience some thought-provoking tests! Tell me, Lord,
whether I am right or whether such a joy of mine is damned
before Your eyes!”
[7] I say: “Oh, not at all; for if I had not had the same reason to
let this happen, at which you really rejoice, you would not have
seen the false sun and this scene of fire would not have
happened. But first you had a malicious joy in your heart
because you were cross towards the Pharisees because of the
heartless and unscrupulous tithe. And look, that was actually
what I reprimanded you a little beforehand and therefore you
will feed several burnt-out priests tomorrow, but it will not do
you any harm either!
[8] You see, a correct and perfect person must be perfect in all
his feeling, thinking and acting, otherwise he is not suitable for
God’s Kingdom of Heaven!
[9] We see for example a very coarse, mischievous transgressor
of the law of good human order, a real scum of all civility, in
short, a fellow who can just as well be a brother of Satan. For a
long time man has been practicing his very coarsest malice
without being punished; for one cannot arrest him, because his
genuine satanic cleverness protects him from it. How many
people wish nothing more than that the villain would meet the
punishing arm of the law soon!
[10] Finally the court was able to get hold of the brash sinner, to
hold him to account and to condemn him to his long-deserved
strictest and most humiliating punishment! Now old and young
rejoice, the villain has been sentenced to his long-deserved
punishment. Yes, among them are the very worthy, those whom
it pains to have no legal authority in this sentencing, those who
would themselves serve as executioners of this despised
criminal, and smite him mercilessly to their hearts' content!
[11] But now let us ask ourselves with a pure heart, but also
with an equally pure mind whether such joy is suitable for a
perfect person! And a pure heart and a pure mind would surely
answer: I am certainly pleased that the people who have been
troubled by this villain for years are finally released from this
evil and can now live quite peacefully; but I would rejoice even
more and greater if the villain recognized his wickedness,
regretted it, and then improved himself, changed himself to a
valuable person and so according to possibility strive to repair
the damage caused!
[12] Tell me which pleases you better: the joy over the
punishment or the one which is combined with a pure and truly
humanitarian wish?”
[13] Mark says: “Then there is no other choice; for the second is
fitting for people, and the first is in my opinion still very rough,
selfish and brutish!”
[1] Ouran says: “I have never heard such supreme humanitarian
thoughts before! I am a person myself and ruler over many
hundred thousand people, and they say from far and wide that
my subordinates are the happiest on the Pontus; but nonetheless
I had to let the law remain as it came to me from Rome with
only a few changes for which I as a ruling sovereign received
permission from Rome. But even the softened laws seemed very
harsh to me!
[2] How little consideration is given to the nature of people, and
to what extent is not considered at all whether a law is possible
to be kept for some people, according to his nature and
characteristics! How fatuous it would be to claim that a shoe
would fit all feet and how even more fatuous would be a law
which would ignore characteristics and traits.
[3] But after You, oh Lord and Master, have now pronounced
the laws of life, every person can direct himself accordingly, no
matter what nature or characteristics he has, and can observe
such a very human-friendly law very easily! If I now get home
again things will soon look very different in my land!
[4] Mathael and his four companions, who now are completely
dressed as Romans, will receive Greek official clothing from me
and help me to direct my little state in the beat way; and
Mathael I now name as my first advisor and since I have no son,
also to viceroy.”
[5] Here Cyrenius steps up and says: “And I as the Roman
governor over all of Asia and a part of Africa, equipped with all
powers from the hand of Caesar Augustus (23.9.63 BC - 19.8.14
AD) who was my brother, and now also from his son (Tiberius),
confirm this most superb choice! You, Ouran, could not have
found anyone more worthy in the whole world! Dixi. –
[6] At this I say: “And I confirm him too, for he has already had
My anointment in the spirit for a long time; but you, Ouran, can
already anoint him with the Nard oil before the people and
before all the personalities of your kingdom, so that they know
who they are dealing with and what they owe him. He will
protect the kingdom from attacks by the Scythians better than a
whole army of the most chosen soldiers. I will give him in
addition an extraordinary power when he begins to take on this
position; he does not need to for now, and his wisdom is enough
for him!”
[7] Ouran says: “Lord, would it then not be time and not
possible to convert the very dangerous Scythians to the better
recognition of Your being? It is a pity for the otherwise so
magnificent breed of people that he finds himself in a most
uneducated situation. One sees among them such magnificently
formed people as otherwise nowhere else on the Earth; but their
spirit is a complete nothingness.
[8] It is often amazing when such a majestic shape of a man or a
more than paradisiacal beautiful maid comes forward and both
often know no language, but often just grunt like pigs, which
certainly they neither understand or anyone else. I don’t want to
have these Scythians under me for some desire of territorial
conquest, but in order to educate them. Could such a thing not
happen without a sword?”
[9] I say: “In that Mathael’s companions will do you good
service, and your desire will be fulfilled many times over; but
all Scythians you will not bring under your scepter, for their
realm has an extremely great spread. But those living around the
Pontus (Black sea) you can have for your own and educate them
according to your discretion.”
[10] Ouran says: “Lord, eternal thanks to You in my name and
the name of all the people who will be awakened in the spirit
through Your teaching! Truly, you will never lack in my effort
and my persistent will; just give me Your mercy therefore!”
[11] Cyrenius says: “And I say to you that you can call your
own property whatever becomes yours from the Scythians! If
you want to hand it over to Rome secretly then you shall be let
free of ten consecutive years of taxes for all your land, and your
offspring shall have full right of inheritance; and in future after
thirty years your land will not be given to the highest bidder.
Tomorrow you will receive the confirmation of everything that I
have told you written on parchment for eternal times into your
hands. Only a strange, foreign enemy could take it from you
with violence; but from Rome it remains yours for all times.”
[12] I say to Cyrenius, “Give it to him today in writing; for
tomorrow is the Sabbath and we do not want to harm the poor in
[13] Cyrenius says: “Lord! How can I now write the
confirmation at midnight? But tomorrow I will do it before
sunrise, and that will not cause an annoyance to anyone!”
[14] I say: “Look there, My Raphael is already finished with it;
here take these documents and read them to see whether they
correspond fully to your will!”
[15] Cyrenius takes the documents, sets up a torch and reads
them, finds them true word by word and then says: “If this was
the first, it would amaze me endlessly; but I have already
several pieces of proof from Raphael, and so it doesn’t amaze
me any more for such a thing is just as possible for him as it is
for any person to penetrate with his eyes to the furthest star.
Well, since the documents are finished, my Ouran should take
them into his possession immediately.”
[16] Here Cyrenius in a moment gives Ouran the documents
with the words, “Take them as proof for you and your offspring,
and make sure you win the people for the Kingdom of God, the
kingdom of love, for the kingdom of eternal truth, which has
come to us mortals in Jesus, the Lord from Nazareth, so
wonderfully from the heavens! We are in Him and we live in
Him now and shall live eternally.”
[1] Ouran thanks Me and Cyrenius very heartily and also
Helena, who however adds the question saying: “But my father
doesn’t have any male descendants! Who will follow him in the
[2] I say: “But My very dearest Helena, haven’t I given you then
a most wise descendant whom your father has named as
Viceroy? Do you not approve of him?”
[3] Helena says, almost crying with joy: “Well, do we ever?!
But I had to ask to be quite sure of Your alone holy will! Lord,
forgive me, if I have offended You by this question!”
[4] I say: “Just take it easy, for no person can ever insult Me and
least of all you! But because you have now asked Me for
something that you could have known very well without this
question, so I ask you now for something that I also possibly
know before your answer!
[5] Look at Mathael! He has now been named by your father as
Viceroy and as such confirmed by Cyrenius and Me. He is still a
young man of barely 28 years; would you like to take him for a
[6] Here Helena casts her eyes down a little modestly and says
after a while, "But Lord, truly nothing is safe before You, be it
ever so well hidden in the heart. You looked into my heart and
found there that I am exceedingly fond of Mathael; and you
have now revealed me before I really wanted to be revealed. But
since my heart has now been revealed, I can answer Your holy
question with nothing but a perfectly true Yes. I certainly love
Mathael very much; but it is a different question whether he will
love me."
[7] I say to Mathael, “From now on, friend, you can now speak
on quite comfortably!”
[8] Mathael says: “Oh lord, You very most eminent one! You
are never greater in my heart than when you speak with us so
humanly! Whether I could love this pure virgin, who is totally
devoted to You in her whole being, in such an intensive way as
I love You, oh Lord!? But she is the magnificent daughter of a
king whereas I am the poor son of a commoner, not exactly
from Jerusalem but from the vicinity of this great city of one
hundred gates and more than ten times a hundred thousand
people, where I and my family not even belong. There, there is
the snag."
[9] I say: “Well – so what? Who was David from birth? Who
was then Saul? Who has anointed them Kings of Israel?
[10] But if I now do to you what I once did to both of them, how
should you not be of equal birth as Helena? Do you then think
that I don’t possess enough power to set you in a moment on
Caesar’s throne in Rome?
[11] You know the power and strength of the angel Raphael,
here present for our service, and at the moment a thousand
legions of such angels are at My disposal; who will want to
engage battle with them?! For Raphael is enough to turn this
whole Earth to dust in an instant, not to mention dethroning a
Caesar in Rome and setting another quite happily on the throne.
But nothing of this kind happens although I do not lack the
power to do so, for I know why I leave also the present
emperors on the throne at Rome. But likewise I have also the
most unlimited power to give you whatever I want, and to make
you whatever I want; who will dispute us?!
[12] Behold, God’s power goes further than the power of an
earthly king! Or does the life of a king not lie just as much in
My hand as that of a beggar? The slightest breath of will of My
spirit, and the whole creation is no longer in existence!
Therefore, friend, do not be concerned! What I say is said for all
eternity, and to what I choose a person, that is what he is and
remains unchallenged and sacrosanct; for I alone am the Lord
and do everything according to My highest own love and
wisdom, and no-one can say to Me effectively, “Lord, why are
You doing this and that?” Yes, whoever asks Me in the love of
his heart, I will give his heart an educational answer; but
whoever wanted to disagree with Me will receive no answer,
only a judgment! Therefore be calm; if I make you a king, you
are then truly a king, and whoever does battle against you will
be crushed! Thus take Helena’s hand and look, she is and
remains your dear wife!”
[13] Here Ouran rises and says, filled with the highest gratitude:
“Oh Lord, All-mighty of eternity, how can I, as a poor, sinning
person, ever show myself thankful to You in even the smallest
way worthy to You? You fill me with the highest grace and
good deeds! What a great and long-lasting worry You have
taken from my heart!
[14] How hard it is for a feeling father to choose a man for his
single dear daughter about whom one could claim in advance
with a certain certainty that he is fully suitable for his daughter
and that she will be happy with him! What sorts of sacrifices
have parents often laid in the Hymen temples for the good of
their married daughter and thought that they would reach a
happy marriage thereby; but the sacrifices were only too often
in vain! The marriages were nonetheless unhappy, and the
married daughter only too soon became a true slave instead of a
friend and most faithful companion of her husband.
[15] But here comes true, what I heard from the elders, that the
true marriages are made in the heavens by the gods. Of course it
goes without saying that the mistaken expression “gods” should
be left out; for once one has found the one and only true God
then the false gods ceased to exist.
[16] This marriage is therefore determined and tied by You, oh
Lord, Yourself, and I can now wait in the calmest hope that it
will also not escape Your blessing, which certainly must be
earned through the exact observance of Your holy will,
otherwise it will not be given.
[17] Helena, my beloved daughter, would you have thought
when we set off on our far journey with the intention of seeking
the true wisdom and the unknown god and then to bring all that
back to our nation and thereby make them as happy as possible,
that we both would be made so unspeakably happy here on this
deserted, void and highly unpleasant place?
[18] Do you see daughter, how the teaching I often told you:
„Whoever wants to find everything should seek nothing but God
alone!” has been most magnificently fulfilled here! You sighed
as we left our city with the secret intention in our hearts not to
return until we had found the truth and the single true god, and
you said longingly: „Father, then we will probably never get to
see this city again and this beautiful land of ours!”And I said
to you: „Be calm of heart, my daughter, we are going not on a
rape and not to threaten our neighbor with war, but we are going
to seek the highest happiness for us and for our land! No god
and no power in the world can call our plan bad!” Then you
became calmer and we set off on our journey courageously. But
at that moment I ask you whether you ever had the slightest idea
of everything effusively good and happy that we have found
[1] Helena says: “Oh father, which mortal could ever have had
even the slightest idea about this! In addition we were still in
our better thinking too deep dug into our paganism and were not
capable of any pure idea, in order to imagine even the slightest
possibility of everything that we have received from the single
mercy of God the Lord here directly from Him Himself!
[2] But now and forever we can do nothing for Him except to
continuously love Him above all. And our brothers and sisters
who are our subordinates we want to love them like our own
life, so that we can announce to them faithfully and truly the
name of the most eminent and holy single true God and give
them carefully such a state of mind, through which they can
become people pleasing to God the Lord on the path of true love
and humility. And Mathael, now my dearest husband, will offer
us with his brothers his strong arm and his powerful wisest heart
and, and so our well-being in the name of the Lord will also be
his and his well-being will be the well-being of all our many
[3] That is everything that I can profess as faithful and true
before God the All-holy in the most grateful depths of my now
very contrite heart. Oh Lord, be always clement and merciful to
me, a poor sinner before You; for You alone know best how
much I can bear the earthly burden of life! I do not want to go
through this life without a burden and I will carry it with the
power that you give me, Oh Lord; but do not tempt me beyond
that, Lord!”
[4] I say: “My yoke is gentle and My burden is light; but
sometimes a little additional weight does not bring you any
lasting damage, instead only a great use for soul and spirit.
[5] Your husband Mathael will tell you at the right time what
burden he had to carry in order to get rid of everything that was
of the world, so that his heart could grow to such strength. What
he has now, no power and no eternity can ever take away from
him; but what you now have taken in from the outside
resembles a seed sown very recently in the earth and that must
pass many a test before it becomes a true, blessed, mature fruit.
[6] Therefore do not shy away from the multiple burdens that
will meet you here and there on this earthly path of life; for I
will send it to you for the strengthening of your soul and your
[7] If then now and then something comes over you, then think
that it is I who lets such a strengthening occur! For the more I
love a person, the more he will be tested by Me. For everyone
should become equally perfect to Me; for that, however, there
will needed be much self-denial, patience, gentleness and the
fullest submission to my will.
[8] But whoever moves entirely in My will, will also become
perfect in his spirit, as I am perfect, because such a spirit
becomes fully one with Me – Tell Me now whether you have
understood all this clearly and well!”
[9] Helena says: “Oh yes, in as far as it possible for a mortal
person to see the word of God in his temporal, deep
[10] I say: “Well that’s good then, and we now want to relax a
little after the work we have done! Whoever would like to sleep
a little, sleep; but whoever wants to stay awake with Me and
pray, should stay awake and pray!”
[11] Then many called, “Lord, we want to watch with You and
[12] I say: “Then do as you wish! But we’ve got to prepare
ourselves for tomorrow; for it will be a hot day. (Turning to
Cyrenius) Tomorrow your brother Cornelius and the Captain
Faustus will come here to see what has happened in this area;
for they do not suppose that you are here and even less that I am
staying here. But nonetheless it must be ensured that they find
accommodation here with their entourage. This time there will
be no accommodation to be found in the city, for the fire will
cause damage to the town, because with this burning of the
temple and synagogue other buildings and civil houses have
been destroyed with them. Tomorrow we must have our wits
about us, and it is therefore necessary that everyone prepares
themselves well. But whoever is sleepy should sleep; but I must
watch and pray!”
[13] With these words I left the party and went onwards up the
mountain in order to be alone and to join the eternal spirit of My
Father more deeply with My whole being.
[1] But many who were on the mountain and had heard this
order of Mine began to wonder; Helena and Ouran also
wondered a little and immediately asked with many others,
saying: “Strange! Now He is going to pray and to prepare
Himself for tomorrow! Whom can He invoke, and to whom can
He pray? Is He then despite His deepest wisdom perhaps not the
Supreme Divinity? He is not going to pray to Himself, is He!?
And if He did, one could very well ask: What’s the use of that?
Strange! He goes to pray and prepare Himself for tomorrow as
if He as the highest Divinity has not been very well prepared
since the beginning of eternity! Strange, strange! Hm, hm, hm;
what is that supposed to mean!? Before He spoke as only a true
God alone can speak! It depends on the slightest breath of His
will whether the world exists or not, and now He is going to
pray Himself, bids us to sleep and rest or to pray as well and
prepare ourselves for the morrow! Well, if He Himself goes to
pray to some Divinity known certainly only to Him, who should
we pray to then? To Him, or the Divinity that is completely
unknown to us to whom He is praying?! No, that is even more
than what one could dream in a most silly dream!”
[2] Here Mathael suddenly gets up, somewhat worked up, and
says in a loud voice so that many can hear it, “Why are you
judging here like the blind about colors?! Oh, you blind, all of
you that are here, with the exception of the angel Raphael and
you, His old disciples, who are also very blind and thus foolish!
[3] Doesn’t He wear flesh and blood on this Earth, just like all
of us, out of which His soul evolved like ours in order to be
capable of entering into a full bond with the eternal, divine
[4] Only the spirit in Him is God, everything else is human, as
we are humans. When He prays, then that means in other words:
He lets His being be completely penetrated by His eternal spirit
of God, from which all other spirits come, just as the small
image of the sun in a drop of dew originates from the real sun.
[5] According to His spirit He is the real sun, but we and all
spirits are only living images of this eternal original primal sun,
God. – Do you now understand what it means if He says that He
is praying?”
[6] Jarah and Helena understood it first; but the others could still
not fully align themselves, because they were still putting soul
and spirit together in the same basket! But then Mathael began
to teach them properly, and many then caught on. But everyone
praised the truly deepest wisdom of the intrepid Mathael, and
Helena grabbed Mathael’s hand, pressed it to her bosom and
said: “Yes, my very most magnificent and God-given husband,
if your wisdom constantly progresses so magnificently, then I
would like to know how strong I will love you in the end! If you
had not come to all our aid with your wisdom, in the end we
would have begun to doubt the divinity of the great Master,
apart from all the never-heard-of most wonderful deeds
performed by Him before our eyes. But now everything is in the
best order again, and we all now know very well to whom we
should pray and call on in fullest trust!”
[7] Cyrenius says: “As much as I am happy to see you, my dear
friend and brother Mathael, positioned as well as possible, I
would have been even happier to have you constantly at my
side! For there is no-one among us, with the exception of the
angel, who is now talking to Suetal, who is as entirely
enlightened in all things as you! How blessed is a nation whose
regent you will be and actually you are already in your
character! But nonetheless we will see each other often; for
either I will come to you or you will come to me!”
[8] Mathael seizes old and venerable Cyrenius’ hands and says:
“Most noble Cyrenius, we will work hand in hand, and let it be
our principle to make the nation as wise and happy as possible
in the name of the Lord! It is true, we will constantly direct our
attention mainly to the spiritual well-being of the nation
entrusted to us by God for leadership, but also in the natural
respect no-one should have to complain about any pressing
need, particularly if he is spiritually in good order.
[9] In the great Roman Empire such a people’s leadership would
no doubt have a lot of difficulties to battle; but in a small
country it is very easy to implement, and happy little states then
usually become a mirror in which the great ones check to see
whether they have any dirt on their faces or whether their hair is
in order.
[10] A mirror is usually only as large as the palm of a hand, and
yet a person, if he wants, can look gradually from the head to
the tip of a toe; thus, a small land can easily become a mirror for
a very great kingdom. But if a small land wanted to take a great
kingdom as their model, it would thereby very much decline and
all its subjects would fall into the greatest ruin! Thus we prefer
to be a small mirror than a giant that looks into! Am I right or
not, high Cyrenius?”
[11] Cyrenius says: “I would only like to know him who would
say you are wrong! You are always correct; for out of you speak
forth the awakened spirit of God.
[12] But just look at the city! The fire seems to be stronger and
stronger. In the end will this important city burn down? Our
Raphael could surely help there if he was worried about it!?”
[1] Jarah says: “Oh, he surely could! If he receives a sign from
the Lord in a way that is certainly invisible to us – otherwise he
does nothing! He has been given to me as a teacher and
protector; but if I say something to him that he should do this or
that for me, that’s when he does the least! And if I would like to
learn something from him, not only does he say nothing, but he
asks me then immediately about it and I am supposed to tell him
just what I want to learn from him. Therefore it is a shame to
waste words. I am truly very fond of him, but I would be a
thousand times fonder of him – if he was only a little more
obedient! He is always extremely friendly, it is true, but one
cannot ask him for anything; for everything is a wasted effort.”
[2] Mathael says: “I wanted to see whether he could not be
moved to at least protect some of the civil houses from the
flames! I will call him over and see whether the most blessed
Jarah is correct about everything!”
[3] At this Mathael calls Raphael and says to him “Friend, look
at the city! It seems to me that now even some poor huts are on
fire; if it is so, couldn’t you prevent this?”
[4] The angel says: “In any case, if I were permitted to; but my
will is now entirely the Lord’s, and I can only want what He
alone wants. If the Lord wants it, you cannot imagine a fast
enough moment and I will be finished with the extinguishing of
the fire! But without the will of the Lord I can do it just as little
as you; for I have not carried out all the miracles I performed,
but only the will of the Lord through me.
[5] We angels are in our being nothing but the emanations of the
divine will, or we are the will of the Lord personified and
cannot do anything of ourselves, because we actually cannot be
thought of as existing and living as independent beings devoid
of the pure divine will, as you cannot think of any effective
image of the sun in truth in a mirror before your eyes, if
beforehand a beam of the true sun does not fall on the surface of
the mirror.
[6] But in order to understand my being even better, I will draw
your attention to a type of concave mirror or burning glass,
which the famous mechanic Archimedes from antiquity
invented quite by accident. These mirrors have the very natural
characteristic of concentrating a number of sunbeams falling on
its surface into a point at a certain distance. These sunbeams
concentrated into a point then have both in light as well as in
heat an often greater power than the simple beam, as the focus,
having in its greatest concentration hardly two thumbs”width
in diameter, is taken from a square of the mirror’s surface,
which is often a man’s height in diameter.
[7] Such a focus then has certainly more than a thousand times
greater strength, both in lighting as well as burning, than the
natural simple beam of sunlight, but is unthinkable without the
[8] It, namely the mirror, only joins the beams of the sun into
one powerful and fast-acting focus; but without the sun it is
devoid of every strength and effect and possesses only the
characteristic of intensifying the beams of the sun when they
fall on its surface; but without the sun the effect of the focus is
[9] Thus we angels, as I said, are in ourselves only the focus to
take in and intensify the divine will, and where we then act, we
act through the focus of the divine will intensified in us, and you
can then see nothing but wonder upon wonder. Do you
understand that?”
[10] Mathael says: “Oh, I now understand that extremely well,
only I didn’t know that Archimedes was the inventor of concave
mirrors; for these were originally accredited to a certain
Hamerod and then the famous Thales, who also is supposed to
have created a lightning machine!”
[11] Raphael says: “Quite right, but Archimedes was a woodturner
and discovered both the existence of the very useful
concave mirror, the lightning generating cylinders and plates, as
well as mainly the levering machines through a successful use
of his own invented and well calculated screw, after which
invention he said: “Give me a solid point outside the Earth and I
will unhinge it for you!” („Give me a place to stand on, and I
will move the Earth” - Wikipedia).
[12] But from all this you can conclude that out of myself I
cannot comply with your well meant wish. But if the Lord
designates me for it, then everything will be promptly done.
Therefore just turn to the Lord!”
[13] Jarah says: “You cannot concern the Lord now; for He
recommended us to rest or pray if we stay awake. And we
should do that; for what He says has its reasons. What does it
bother us if the whole city burns down?! The Lord has His
reasons why He let this happen to the city, and the reason can be
highly good and full of divine love and mercy. If we now want
to change something, we would not make the situation any
better, but only obviously worse; at the right time the Lord will
do His will without our contribution. There is and remains
nothing to be done about my Raphael; for without the will of the
Lord he is an empty skin.”
[1] Mathael says: “Oh, you little Jarah, you! Look, I would not
have sought this wisdom in your flesh, by heaven! Very good,
my dearest Genezarethine; but now I would like to hear from
you how you actually pray!”
[2] Jarah says: “I put myself with all my thoughts and feelings
in the deepest depths of my heart, where the love for God
dwells. Thereby this holy love is nourished, as if you lay a good,
dry and very easily inflammable log on quiet embers that no
longer flame up.
[3] The wood will soon wake the quiet embers so that they
begin to drive very small flames over themselves; these little
flames will then soon seize the log and then the whole thing will
transform into the brightest flames, and then it will become
extremely light and completely warm in the heart. It is only then
that the thereby awakened godlike Spirit in the heart speaks:
[4] “Oh, You, my holy Father in heaven! Hallowed be Your
name! Let Your fatherly love come to us poor sinners full of
death and night! Your single, holy will be done here on this,
Your Earth, as in all Your heavens! If we have sinned against
Your eternal, holy order, forgive us our madness and have
patience and leniency with us, as we will also have patience and
leniency with those who have sinned against us! Do not allow
us to be tempted in our fleshly weakness above our strength by
the world and by the devil, but deliver us through Your great
mercy, love and compassion from the thousand evils through
which our love for You, oh holy, great, dear Father, could be
dimmed and weakened! But when we hunger and thirst,
spiritually and physically, then give us, good, dear Father,
according to Your holy discretion, what we need daily! Alone to
You all my love, all honor and all praise eternally, eternally!
[5] You see, that is how I pray, but which praying before God
obviously only counts for something if beforehand the love for
God in the very depths of the heart has crossed over into the
light and bright flames in the prescribed way through the union
of all thoughts and feelings in the divine centre of the heart; if
this prelude is missing, every prayer with simple words, no
matter how beautiful they are, is an abomination before God and
will not be accepted and listened to.
[6] For God in Himself is a spirit and therefore must be prayed
to in the spirit of love and in the most flaming bright light of
truth. Do you understand now what the fullest truth about prayer
means according to my mind and according to my
[7] Mathael says: “Oh, you most blessed girl! Who would then
ever have sought such a depth of wisdom in you!? Truly, I could
still very well be your disciple, and I am not in the least bit
ashamed to admit such a thing here before everyone loudly and
openly! Yes, only now I understand your unconquerable
similarity to the Lord and vice versa, as the Romans say! You
also seem to have been awakened by the Lord very recently,
like me?!”
[8] Jarah says: “Whoever loves the Lord God above all else,
will soon and easily be awakened; but whoever seeks Him with
the mind in order to love Him, when he has found Him very
firmly with the mind, he has then taken on a great and vain task,
with which he can never reach the desired goal on this world.
Therefore you have quickly reached the intense light of mercy
from God; for in the heart of your soul there always must have
been a strong flame, although you were occupied in your body
for a time by the worst spirits of hell!”
[9] Mathael says: “Yes, divine child, there you must be very
right! I loved God from my childhood above all, therefore my
parents had me devoted to the temple, where my flesh was only
turned into a true machine of hell, but my soul nonetheless
remained as it had been since the original beginning of its
existence. But no more word about this; for I do not like to
remember it. And now tell me, my most beloved Helena, how
this wise girl has pleased you! Is it not amazing how wise this
child is?
[10] Helena says: “Where are and who are her parents then?”
[11] Mathael says: “Well, well, that is all common knowledge
now, and you have already seen and spoken to her father Ebahl,
the inn-keeper from Genezareth, also present here, in the
evening in your three huts down below! Have you forgotten
already? Rather tell me how you like the extremely pithy
wisdom of this girl, and whether you do not feel the living
desire along with me to be just as wise as her, this very dearest,
blessed little one! Truly, I know a lot – but this child knows
more! I see her in my mind, how her chaste bosom hides things
about which we have not even the slightest idea. But she seems
not to have a very special esteem for Raphael! How do you like
all this, my most blessed spouse Helena?”
[12] Helena says: very wistfully instead of cheerfully and
happily, “Oh my Mathael, poor Helena will never get that far! It
seems as if the heart of the All-mighty is directly within the
heart of this maiden; for that is an experience in the sphere of
the innermost life of God in a person, as one can only take from
the mouth of the Creator! Then it is certainly understandable
why she does not have a great opinion of the angel; for she must
be as close to the true wisdom as he is, as one eye resembles the
other. It cannot be doubted that the angel possesses an endless
power and strength from the Lord; but I would doubt whether he
is stronger than this maiden in the true wisdom in love for the
[13] I would like to enter into some conversation with her, if I
didn’t have so much respect for her wisdom! For the like of us
can only let out a foolish word to the girl and then you would
receive a reprimand from her mouth so that one would not dare
one’s whole life long to let another word pass over the lips.
[14] If the girl was poor, I would give her all my treasure that I
have with me; but she seems by her quite expensive clothes to
be a child of well-off parents, and a present from me would
certainly not find a good response, particularly with her
enormous depth of wisdom, which in any case despises all the
worldly splendor even more than we do, and particularly I, who
am not capable of giving her even the smallest drop of wisdom!
[15] I am indescribably fond of the girl; but nevertheless in her
vicinity I become positively fearful and afraid.
[16] But for the information, how we should pray to God, I
nonetheless owe her great thanks; but how will I be able to
present this child with deserved thanks?”
[17] Jarah, who in the meantime was discussing something with
Raphael, says: “Most graceful, high queen, love me as I love
you – anything else is unnecessary! You know in any case what
I think of all the treasures of the world and you have just spoken
very wisely; and if it really depended on us greeting each other
with mutual coarse material treasures, I could certainly offer
you more than you me. But what is all the splendor of the world
in comparison with only a smallest spark of the true, living love
for God in our hearts!? My friend, we must keep this jewel
faithfully, protect it and look after it in our hearts, so that it does
not become estranged to us! If we possess that in ever greater
splendor, in purity as well as in the intensity of life, then we
possess more than what all heaven can understand! Do you
understand that?”
[1] Helena says: “What you have just said so truly, I have
understood very well; only one thing I don’t understand is how
you became so wise!”
[2] Jarah says: “Don’t let that concern you; for that is a thing of
the Lord, who gives the people different gifts of favor according
to their capabilities and sows among them like a sower the
wheat on a tilled field. Where the seed falls on good soil, it soon
and easily bears much fruit. I think that your heart is also a good
[3] Helena says: “It should be; but I lived too long in blind
paganism that still chimes in me like a badly tuned tone on a
wind lyre! I surely know the truth now, and it has now become
my life; but considers my great nation at home that still firmly
depends on paganism and on its tin gods! What effort will it
cost us now to give the nation another light and to take away
their superstition! If the Lord’s all-powerful will does not
support us, we will achieve little or nothing!”
[4] Jarah says: “But you along with your father were a heathen,
and it did not cost too much effort and work to bring you to the
pure truth!”
[5] Helena says: “Truly I cannot compete with your wisdom in
purely spiritual things; but in this world there are also very
different issues, and mostly in conjunction with the diverse
religions of the people who are much harder to remove than the
mistakes of a heresy.
[6] First you have to deal with the priesthood who has set up a
teaching about gods where they make the most and at the same
time can survive well. But the temple needs a lot of equipment
and always employs a number of artists and craftsmen and other
servants and laborers. All these people live from the temple and
lose their earnings and their bread with the loss of the temple.
Can you imagine the trouble they would cause!?
[7] If one could give these people some other income, things
would go much better and easier. But where in a not too large
kingdom can a source for jobs be found for thousands, and from
where the food for so many people!? For several years we
would probably not be at a loss, but for many years?! Which
source to use and still remain fair and honest!?
[8] Besides, the priesthood possesses the greatest faith among
the people and enjoys the highest reputation; the evil priests
must only say to the people that the gods have cursed us and we
will then see how we can escape this land with a safe skin. You
see, friend, those are things which force us to ponder much! As
I said, only miraculous help from the Lord can give us advice!
[9] Here in this Jewish kingdom it will be difficult to spread this
purest light from the heavens, because the old religion of Moses
is already too much peppered with such falsehood and deceit
with which the priests have become too rich and now live too
well. At the same time the priests know how to deal with the
rulers and make themselves indispensable to them in all political
[10] The rulers usually give them then too much freedom and
privileges with which the priests then win over the blind people
for themselves through all sorts of illusions and the rulers at the
end of the evil game must put on a good face if they do not want
to be lost. In such circumstances it is difficult to become Lord of
a people. One must be very satisfied in the end that one can and
may play at being a lord, even if one is no longer such in reality.
[11] Believe me, the actual lords of the people and the peoples
have been the priesthood for a long time, and the emperors, the
kings and princes are simply their secretly very morose dogsbodies,
and many want to make things better and get rid of all
the obese and well-fed servants of God, if they could! But they
cannot, and least of all in a humane way; and look, if I now
think about it, my hair neatly stands on end! Do you see this
[12] Jarah says: “In any case, and I also know that not
everything that glistens is gold; but in addition the fact also has
to be considered that for us people many things are not possible
that are very possible for God and with His help!
[13] Thus just do as much as you can and leave the rest to the
Lord, then everything will reach its desired, proper goal!
[14] Then you have Mathael who is equipped with much
wisdom, strength and power from the Lord, and his almost as
wise and powerful companions; they all will in time achieve
something, and so you can now relax!
[15] And when Mathael begins his teaching in your country, as
he has done with you, it will not be difficult for him to win over
even the priesthood whom he can then give a new position; and
they will know how to bring the rest to the people. But as far as
the artists and manual workers are concerned, they will be also
of use for other things for the converted priesthood!
[16] But if you, dearest friend, now want to throw over on your
return everything old, even if mistaken, certainly it would be
understandable why such an effort and such work would be
badly rewarded.
[17] The correct wisdom from God must know how to create the
correct means everywhere; if it doesn’t know, then it is by no
means a correct wisdom from God. What it does with one
person, it does with thousands, only naturally more time and
patience is demanded than with one person; but everything can
happen in time and with the suitable means. Rome was not built
in a day, and you cannot empty a well with one bucket. And so
it is everywhere; the good will, the time and the correct means
can move mountains and dry up a sea!
[18] Nothing is impossible for God; where He helps spiritually
and naturally, everything is possible! Therefore be comforted,
and trust firmly in the Lord, and then it will go much better than
you now imagine! Tell me, dear Mathael, whether I am right or
[1] Mathael says: “In any case, who will want to underestimate
it; but my dearest spouse imagines the matter to be much too
enormous! Yes, it will certainly not be easy work – but by no
means like the Augean stables which Hercules, the giant, was
supposed to have cleaned in a set short time! I am not afraid and
think that things will go quite easily with the help of the Lord!”
[2] Helena says: “I hope so too; but I know my people and all
the traditional institutions of the land and I tell you that among
them, that is, among the people of my kingdom it is very
difficult to be and remain a normal human being!
[3] To fight some mistakes of people is easy, but it is a huge
task to battle the fanaticism of the diamond hard superstition,
which the priesthood knows to activate through all sorts of false
[4] One would only be capable of effecting enormous counter
miracles. But that begs the question whether anything is gained
with the people! One would only drive them from one
superstition to another, if they are not given the correct light to
distinguish a genuine wonder from a false wonder; but how can
one do that if one knows the substance of the false wonders too
[5] But the old priests, who have already performed so many
false miracles before the eyes of their people for the
authentication of their deceptions, will never recant! For if they
do that, all the people will descend upon them and rip them to
pieces; for an entire, great people can never be instructed as fast
as an individual person.
[6] The old priesthood must be looked after quite differently,
and the nation must be prepared immediately for such a massive
change, and we will be lucky if after ten years we will have
managed to talk with the people about spiritual matters!
[7] Do you know, my very dearest husband Mathael, I do not
doubt for an instant your great wisdom, neither the necessary
extraordinary help of the Lord; but I know all the massive
difficulties that will face us, and it will then be very likely that
we will have to seek foreign lands again!
[8] This religion is divinely pure and magnificent, and endlessly
blissful in addition; but the world is too much in disorder, and in
my opinion it will always be a very difficult job to preach to the
devils in Orcus God’s gospel of peace!”
[9] Mathael says: “Oh, certainly it will not be an easy job; but
we will have an even greater joy when we are successful with
the Lord’s help! But we must succeed, even if the whole world
should fall into ruin! For I am a very peculiar person; what I
undertake, must be carried out! And now let’s talk about
something different!”
[10] Ouran says: “You are very correct when you turn your
conversation to something else! I have had a small but very
refreshing nap in the meantime and in my dream I have seen
wonderful things, but here and there I have overheard a bit of
your discourse and I tell you that the little one (Jarah) is quite
right, and you, my son Mathael, are also right; but the fear of
my good daughter if not totally unfounded, is still somewhat too
[11] I know my people as well as I know myself! For the most
part they are traders; they get to know all sorts of nations and
alongside that their traditions, habits and religions. In the middle
of the land there are certainly communities that still hang on to
their oracles; but on the coasts you could buy their whole
religion for a few farthings. The priesthood has had a most evil
reputation with most of them for a long time, and the
philosophy has replaced the actual religion.
[12] In Taurien over whose southern side I also command,
polytheism is already over, to which the Roman poet Ovid
staying there through his Metamorphoses – through which he
made a mockery of religion in an honest and poetic way – made
no little contribution. Plato, Socrates and Aristotle are now the
gods of today, and with them this religion will take root easily;
for these three wise men preach also only one true God and
totally reject polytheism as the real thing and observe it as only
comparative to features of the one and only true God.
[13] We ourselves had hardly ever travelled to this land of the
Jews, had we not heard that in the temple in Jerusalem the only
true God is almost visibly present, whom particularly Plato
describes in his Symposion, and how one can unite spiritually
with this one true God! My nation is not unaware about this, and
something honest can surely be built on it!
[14] I would naturally have let myself be initiated in everything
in Jerusalem, and had I found something satisfactory, I would
have then brought it from there to my people. But that we came
here, directly to the smith instead of to the apprentice – which
now is no longer doubtful after everything that we have
experienced, heard and seen – is probably a freer and more
extraordinary act of mercy by the Lord God for our earnest good
will, about which we do not and never will claim to be worthy.
But we will have an easier job to do at home because we can be
completely prepared for every situation with the divine help that
has been tested here.
[15] We have, my most beloved daughter, not sought nearly as
much as we have found. If we had only found a little more than
in Plato’s Symposium, we would have gone home again
endlessly satisfied. But what now, when we have found
something of which Plato in his Symposium never dreamed?!
Now we will return home with great cheer and will announce it
loudly to the nation what we have experienced, heard and seen
on our search! I must tell you that I am now really looking
forward to it with my whole heart!
[16] I therefore do not understand how you, Helena, could get
into such a fear about it!
[17] I cannot dispute that you have some justification; but it is
not suitable for our land, but perhaps rather for Judaism, which,
now that I know it somewhat better, is full of deceit, full of
domineeringness and full of evil will. There the fear would have
a more appropriate grounding than with my true lambs of
people! What do you think, my most beloved and honored son,
[18] Mathael says: “I quite agree; for in the temple in Jerusalem
things are really monstrous, and it would be very daring to
appear there with this teaching! In the temple, where once
Jehovah’s spirit was visibly present in the holy of holies, rules
everything that can be named bad and evil, there is no trace left
of anything divine in reality, instead only empty names! And the
priests are wolves and hyenas in sheep’s clothing. If one day we
are alone, I will tell you quite a bit more about it, since I was a
templar myself! But for now let’s leave it; for here there is
something better to talk about than the now fully godless temple
of Jerusalem!
[19] I must now turn to my dearest Jarah; for she hides in her
breast secrets about which we all never had any idea. So Jarah,
tell us something about your experiences!”
[1] Jarah says: “Oh, very willingly – but you would hardly
believe me! You, dear Mathael, know a lot about the stars; but I
perhaps even more, which is certainly not to my credit, but
instead a pure extraordinary favor from the Lord. Wait, I will
ask you something! If you can give me a satisfactory answer,
then you understand as much as I do; but if you hold back with
an answer, only then will I be free to tell you some things that I
know. What do you consider the small stars in the firmament to
[2] Mathael says: “My very dearest Jarah, this is a somewhat
strange question! As far as the sun, the moon and other planets
are concerned, I could perhaps give you a not unsatisfactory
answer; but the eye of my soul has not yet penetrated to the
fixed stars. I suppose that they are also far-off worlds, as the
Lord once suggested; but how they were actually created, and
what their nature and composition is, that I naturally cannot tell
you and I would like therefore to ask you, if you want to give
me some instruction about it!”
[3] Jarah says: “Dear Mathael, if you cannot believe that I have
travelled to some of these stars in my flesh and blood, then my
telling is almost completely useless! But if you can believe it, I
can then tell you something about it!”
[4] Mathael says: “My very dearest child, faith is truly put to an
extremely difficult test there, because the physical possibility
for this is unthinkable. In spirit, in a type of ecstasy of your soul
such a thing is possible, and I want to believe you, what you
will tell me all about the far-off fixed stars; but when you say to
me: in flesh and blood, there, dearest, I cannot believe the first
thing, and the tale, perhaps quite true and correct in itself, loses
much of its effective truth, as even the intention must seem
purely impossible.”
[5] Jarah says: “Why should it be impossible then that I have
been on some of these stars in complete flesh and blood? Are
not all things possible for God?”
[6] Mathael says: “Oh, in any case, for God nothing is
impossible; but God has placed everything in a certain order,
and this order is a law that He Himself observes most
conscientiously and also must observe, otherwise the whole
creation would no longer exist in the next moment. The Lord
performs many miracles here, but nonetheless for the exact
observer everything is constantly within His eternal, holy order.
[7] When we wished that evening to have the day extended, He
did not let the Earth or seemingly the real sun stand still – which
in His own highest words would be against His order – and if
He did such a thing, all life on the Earth would be in the highest
danger of death. Whatever would not be destroyed by the too
enormously powerful throw, would then all the more certainly
find death in the waves flooding all the land.
[8] You see, as I now know the Earth and the regions of the air,
I know that at a height of only ten hours above us no being can
exist any longer, just as no fish can live out of water, although a
fish could still be kept alive out of the water for longer than a
person a ten hours distance over the face of the Earth. Now
think about the endless distance from this Earth to the next fixed
[9] Even the distance of the sun from us, which my free soul can
measure exactly, is something frightening; an arrow once shot
would have to travel for more than fifty years at an even speed
before it would arrive at the sun. But now according to the
feelings of my soul, which are certainly not fully reliable, the
next fixed star is ten times a hundred thousand times more
distant from us than the sun, so the flight of a fired arrow would
take more than a million times fifty years! But if a person could
move as fast as a fired arrow, the air rushing against him would
rip him apart in an instant; but what would happen to him first if
he, namely a person, cut through the terrible space in a few
moments?! What would happen then to his flesh and blood?!
[10] You see, the laws of nature are also given by God and can
only be cancelled by nature itself; but as long as nature remains,
the unchangeable law of nature also remains. There can be no
exceptions; for such a little exception would have to bring forth
an unpredictable disruption to the whole nature of things, which
all hang together like links of a chain. But it only takes one link
to break and the whole chain is devoid of its binding effect!
There you now have my reasons why it is not easily possible for
me at the moment to believe that you seriously travelled to
certain fixed stars in flesh and blood.
[11] Truly very much is possible for God that I cannot see now
despite all my wisdom; but your claim, my dearest Jarah, does
go a little too far into the extraordinary, and I cannot accept it as
true before you have clearly shown me in an understandable
way the reasons for its possibility, which are in accord with the
divine order decided since eternity.
[12] But you don’t have to be indignant about it, for
nevertheless I do not fully deny it; only I cannot accept this as
instructively true for the reasons I have just given you, which I
have not pulled out of the air. Perhaps you have convincingly
true proof, however, which I cannot know! If you do, then let
me hear them, and I will then no longer doubt whatever you
want to say to me!”
[13] Jarah says: “Yes, yes, you are seriously a very wise and
unusually clever man; but you do not see everything by a long
shot! You see, if there was something that could be done with
Raphael, he could bring me here some natural objects in a
moment, which I took from these stars to this Earth as a
souvenir and as proof that I was really there; but you can’t do
anything with him, and therefore I cannot deliver you such
tangible proof. It is true, as a simple person of nature you could
still doubt their genuineness; but your soul, filled with the
divine spirit, would then at least easily recognize that the pieces
of souvenirs that I brought with me do not belong to this Earth.
For there is a splendor and value in them, in comparison with
which everything that the Earth has of value is simple carrion.
That would be an imperial piece of immeasurable value! But
let’s leave that now; it is beginning to dawn in the east! The
Sabbath is approaching, and it is important to prepare us for this
day of the Lord!”
[14] Mathael says: “You are completely correct; but will we
therefore not get to hear further proof today concerning your
physical travel through several fixed stars!?”
[15] Jarah says: “How can we do that? Your counter evidence is
too solid and too well-founded in the existent, unchangeable
divine order, and I cannot give you any other proof of my true
visit to the fixed stars than this, that for God all things that still
seem so impossible to the human mind are nonetheless possible.
[16] Did you count and measure the time in which the Lord had
Ouran’s ships brought from the middle of the sea to the shore by
my Raphael? Whose hair was even touched by such a very fast
transfer? How much time did Raphael need to set up Ouran’s
great tents and all the possessions he had brought with him,
which were in part very fragile, on the shore in the best order?
[17] Didn’t you notice Raphael’s flash writing?! Doesn’t that
contrast with the natural laws, even only a little strictly
speaking, and yet you saw it happen before your very eyes?!
Can you then claim according to your own rationale that such a
thing is impossible?!
[18] You see, I can tell you, because I, as no other mortal on this
Earth, have experienced physically that in the most endless
space there are such enormously large suns which, if they were
hollow, would have a greater space inside them than this whole
heaven that you see here up to the fixed stars of first, second
and third distance! These enormous suns, around which whole
solar systems with their countless many central suns and
planetary suns, move around an even more endlessly great
central sun for the sake of sustenance, and the movement is so
fast that you would not be able to even catch them with the
speed of thought!
[19] From here to every fixed star of first, second, third and
even fourth distance the flight would hardly last seven
moments, and we with our sun and our planetary sun, which
makes exactly the same fast orbit as the previously mentioned
and described central sun of the solar system, make quite
completely the same movement, and that is certain according to
natural laws and all higher accounts! Do you feel anything of it,
or is some planet mistaken, or we ourselves, if we now in one
instant fly through such an immeasurable distance of endless
[20] But if such enormous heavenly bodies can hurry on with
such an unthinkable speed without damaging their essence, how
much easier is it, if the Lord wills it, for a body such as mine!?
[21] Do you now have a somewhat better grasp of the
possibility that I in my body actually travelled to some of the
nearest fixed stars?”
[22] Mathael says: “Oh, child, a whole heaven of wisdom is in
you, and I am only beginning now to believe the possibility of
what you have just said in the strangest way! But now don’t
speak any more about it, for our souls are not yet extended
enough to understand such great things; for that I myself need
several years more, as open as my soul is now.”
[1] At this Mathael is silent in quiet contemplation of what Jarah
said, and Helena and Ouran observe Jarah quite silently, seized
by the deepest amazement; Jarah, however, is watching the still
fiercely burning city and waiting with great longing for My
return. It is now fully silent on the mountain, only in Mark’s
house it is lively for the announced foreign guests, namely for
Cornelius and Faustus, and the morning becomes brighter and
[2] Thus it was quite calm on the mountain for around a good
hour, except, as already mentioned, that in Mark’s house things
were very active because of the new guests announced, but also
because of the new arrivals who were certainly to be expected
from the wrecked city.
[3] But during the quiet towards the morning several fell asleep.
Even Cyrenius, Julius, the boy Josoe and several high state
officials present here with Cyrenius fell asleep; but the thirty
young Pharisees who were watching the fire in the city most
attentively, remained awake and discussed the happenings and
what was heard, likewise the twelve with Suetal, Ribar and
[4] Mathael, Helena, Jarah, Ouran and at Mathael’s side his four
companions, Rob, Boz, Micha and Zahr also remained awake
and were full of great thoughts; but they were all silent and
thought about everything that Jarah had said to them, and they
did not dare to ask her about anything else. But Jarah also
considered whether she had not said too much to these people at
[5] Only after a long while, as the horizon already began to
redden, the otherwise very taciturn Rob opened his mouth and
said: “Dear friends, I still cannot find any peace in myself with
all my thinking. Everything here is truly so extraordinarily
strange that it always seems as if one is dreaming, and one can
do whatever one wants, but one can never accustom oneself to
everything that has been seen and heard so that one feels at
home in this knowledge! And this ever-growing feeling of
foreignness is still the most natural thing that a thinker’s
thoughts can occupy themselves with. Everything is nothing but
wonder upon wonder of the most colossal sort!
[6] You, brother Mathael, have here become king of a great
land, and we to your consuls! The great, holy Master only has to
look out over the wide Earth and it shakes like a child before the
whip! Then in addition the young head magician comes from
heaven and performs things before which our hair stands up like
mountains! Now this maiden comes as well and again tells
things that could make one crazy without any effort whatsoever!
Tell me whether it is possible to come to terms with these things
in some way!
[7] But where has He been for so long? It must be a good three
hours ago that He left us, and still He has not retuned!”
[8] A second of Mathael’s four companions, who is called Boz
and was also no talkative person, says: “What you feel, I feel
also, and I cannot begin to feel at home here for everything in
the world! Everything that happens seems to me as unexpected
as possible, and in its own way it is always so eccentrically
great that one cannot imagine anything greater. Every deed,
every word and every tale beats everything that the human ear
has heard before and that the eye has seen so much into the dirt
that nothing remains, including Moses and all his miracles, but
[9] There is not the slightest doubt that through the most
remarkably good and great Master, who, born in Nazareth, is in
his body a son of the carpenter there, the complete fullness of
the divine spirit is working. But which mortal can feel at home
beside such immensity? If He speaks, it is not He who is
speaking, but the eternal spirit of God in Him, and if He acts,
then I would like to hear from a great wise man what God is
supposed to be able to do over that which He can do! He is
completely God in word and deed, His will commands most
actively the whole of infinity, and yet He walks as a simple man
before and among us and eats and drinks like we do!
[10] Where are all the sayings of wisdom of Solomon, who said
at the dedication of the temple: Lord, I truly know that heaven
and Earth cannot encompass You – where all creation ended,
You are still eternally and infinitely powerful – but nonetheless
we have built You, oh Lord, a house, in order to meet with pure
and regretful hearts, in order to thank You, oh Lord, for all Your
favors and blessings and to tell You in hardship of our affliction
and our misery (1 Kings 8:12).
[11] Even if that is not word for word what is written there, it is
nonetheless the brief sense of what the wise builder of the
temple said in great, wise words at the dedication of such;
would he also have spoken in this way, if he had seen and talked
with him and got to know our Master, born in Nazareth, as we
[12] For His personality the temple is still several thousand
times too large, and the all-powerful will of our Master that
rules everywhere is not the Master, God Himself, but only an
incomprehensible strength of one and the same Master whom
we can see, hear and speak to and nonetheless thereby get to
know His personal extent as well as we know our own. How
does He do that, that His will reigns over all infinity and eternity
and His eye and His ear are fully present for everyone? You see,
those are all things that no spirit can fully understand, and the
consequence is that one cannot feel at home in it!
[13] Yes, if the spiritually great divine Master was a Samson or
Goliath, things would be somewhat more familiar, for one could
say: an all-powerful spirit must also have a corresponding body;
but our Master is rather smaller than big, as far as His person is
concerned, and yet His spirit plays with infinity as a boy with an
apple! That is the incomprehensible thing, and all wise men
with their teachings about the being of God suffer here the very
most violent shipwreck; but although we have been taught
differently here, we nevertheless cannot now feel immediately
at home!
[14] In short, I am now actually dreaming much more than
feeling fully awake and at home. My soul now sees a lot, yes, I
can see the whole formation of the world, my gaze penetrates
right down to the deepest depths; I see the moon as a very sad,
miserable, small world, designated for even smaller and more
pitiful people and other creations; I see Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn and in addition other similar planets, big and
small. Saturn looks strangely wonderful; it is much greater than
our Earth and floats in the exact middle of an enormous ring,
above which, let’s say, seven moons, greater than ours, buzz
around like bees around their hive; I also see the wonderful,
widespread realms of the great sun; but with all this I feel not
nearly as foreign here as in the strangest vicinity of the Creator
of all the countless worlds and its wonders!
[15] Perhaps you others feel more at home, since you perhaps
do not perceive this thing as calmly and deeply as I and brother
Rob; but if one begins to observe the issue correctly with calm
and in the greatest depth possible, compared with everything
that one has ever seen or heard in the world or read in the old
books, then one begins to feel even more strange. Yes, one
becomes so absorbed in the end in one’s own existence that it
seems like a very perceptible nothingness! Tell me whether I am
right or not!”
[16] Micha then says: “You are both correct, and I also have the
same feeling, but I feel very much blessed nonetheless.”
[17] Rob and Boz say: “Yes, there is no talk of that! It blesses
us also very much and above; but that does not cancel out the
feeling of complete foreignness in this issue! God is and
remains God, and we can think and feel however we want, but
we will never fill in the rift!”
[1] Micha says: “It is not even necessary! Let’s be glad that we
are what we are, and that we finally have before us physically in
all the most endless sphere of effect what the elders strove for in
vain but always got totally lost in thin air!
[2] Observe Moses and all the prophets, then take the wise men
of Egypt and Greece on top, summarize their enormously
mystical spiritual ideas about God’s being, and you still have
not even a grain of sand of that which we have here tangibly
physically before us in fullness!
[3] Moses, the greatest prophet, wanted to see God on Mount
Sinai, but he received from the flaming cloud an answer with a
voice of thunder that made the Earth tremble: No-one can see
God and live! But we now see the same God, speak to Him, are
happy witnesses of His wisdom and omnipotence and still live
very well and very comfortably! If the good Moses sometimes
felt somewhat strange on the mountain, particularly when a
thousand times a thousand of the most powerfully cracking bolts
of lightning played around his head at the same time, then that is
very understandable; but if we here speak of a particular
eeriness in the presence of the so very good and most pleasant
God, then we fully deserve the harshest mocking!
[4] Didn’t our fore-fathers enthuse about a holy father in
heaven, but nonetheless could never gain any understanding of
Him!? We now have the same Holy Father in all most tangible
truth before us on this Earth, which is now the heaven of all
heavens, and we feel not at home!
[5] It is true that one must feel quite unaccustomed and different
here than a child at home with his conceited toys; but for that
we are now also in a very curious school of life! When a child
goes to school for the first time, he will certainly not feel as at
home as with his toys in his parents’ house; but when he goes to
school for a year, then he will also feel as at home there as with
his toys at home.
[6] But how He, our God, Master, Lord and Father nonetheless
penetrates everything with His all-powerful will in the whole of
infinity from the greatest to the smallest thing and is most
clearly aware of all His endless and countless creations from the
greatest to the smallest, that, brother, is none of our business,
and there is certainly nothing for us but to know and see that
things are so, and must be so, otherwise all things would
obviously instantly have to lose their objective existence.
[7] We must just have patience! Today we know this much,
tomorrow we will obviously know more, and in a year we
should know much more than now at the beginning of our
spiritual development, in which we nonetheless stand much
higher than Moses and all the great and famous prophets before
us, who with their most holy visions can hardly have guessed
spiritually and then written down with highly mystical words
and signs what we now can touch with our hands without any
mysticism. If we just consider that actively, we will
immediately feel a lot more at home than Saul once felt among
the prophets!”
[8] The others say, “Yes, yes, you are completely correct, and
we all feel much more at home already! What a person’s
reasonable word is capable of doing!”
[9] Zahr, who until now had still been silent, but otherwise
always full of cheerfulness in his mind, says: “It is laughable
what foolish things the cleverest men often say! Micha, the
weakest among us, has nonetheless brought to light the very
cleverest opinion! How could one feel here in the least strange
and eerie? Quite the opposite! We are now in exactly the right
spot! We are with God, our eternal Creator and Father. We
began with Him and have now turned back again as far as
possible; what are we talking about feeling uncomfortable for?
We have only just come home! No, what strange opinions
brothers Rob and Boz have! What do you say to that, Mathael?”
[1] Mathael says: “You are correct, but these two also; this thing
is highly personal! You and Micha are from the same bright star
in your souls; those two are children of this Earth, but with the
same right to the Lord’s love and mercy as you! Your souls
were already closer to the spiritual at the very beginning than
the souls of Rob and Boz, and there is therefore nothing to be
amazed about if they, finding themselves here in such nearness
to the very purest spirit, feel stranger and more uncomfortable
than we, who right at the very beginning stood closer to the
spiritual than they both. They will gradually begin to feel more
comfortable and now they feel much more at home already; but
one day cannot give what a year can. After a year they will feel
and speak quite differently than now, when their spirit becomes
more and more at one with their souls. Do you understand such
[2] Zahr says: “Oh, I now understand that very well; for my soul
has become very bright through the great suffering that we have
withstood, and I now understand everything easily. Only I
cannot quite handle optima forma (in the proper way) the
maiden with her travelling around the fixed stars, although I
believe the child and in a certain way must believe her. But the
How is another thing!
[3] Well, we are now in a certain way in the centre of the very
highest, divine force; why should things not happen in such
vicinity to the very highest God that otherwise never come to
pass in the whole of infinity?!”
[4] Mathael says: “With your constantly cheerful mood you
often bring things to light which say more than a whole
Solomon’s temple full of the most appropriate wisdom! Our
Micha has just made a very useful speech as well, and we can
be grateful to him for it. And so you, brother Zahr, have also
represented the possibility of this girl’s physical journey to
several fixed stars in such a way that I can no longer doubt the
possibility. It is really classically true; we only have to think
where we actually are, and the possibility for everything lies
clearly before our eyes, ears, hands and feet!
[5] But the remark that one of you made, that one can imagine
the endless power of the divine spirit more easily in a physical
giant than in the more smaller human form of the Lord, is
certainly something for the simple sensual perception, because
something colossal always makes a more powerful impression
on the human senses than something small; but for the purely
spiritual understanding it is nonetheless sheer nonsense. For the
divine power needs no material form in order to become more
or less effective according to the extent of the material quantity,
but the material itself is basically just an expression witnessing
the spiritual power of the divine will, for which it is all the same
to call a whole world or a grain of sand into being. What is a
physical giant good for? The divine will needs only an eternally
unchanging base from which to be effective in endless rays
everywhere in the endless space of the worlds and being in the
same strength and power, and to hold this holy, eternally
unchanging all-powerful base truly no giant body is needed.
[6] True, the Egyptians have often presented almost everything
that is in any way concerned with the divinity in terrifying giant
forms, in order to fool the lower classes who they wanted to
keep in the dark; they were supposed to fear the divinity in
terror and quake and before the words of the priests to tremble
in all remorse like leaves before the storm! But have these giant
god figures made the people better? Oh no, in time the nation
got used to the terrible figures and thought nothing more of the
Sphinx’head rearing thirty men high over the ground and
wondered more at the patience of some old sculptor who
chiseled a head out of a rock of granite.
[7] Therefore let us be cheerful that the Lord Himself has now
visited us in the fullest and most unveiled truth as a very simple
person, not characterized by anything particular, and is teaching
us in the simplest way in the world to recognize everything
about our destiny, ourselves and Him in the fullest truth! This is
all we need, and we can seek counsel for eternity about
everything else.”
[8] Zahr says: “I thank you, brother, that is very true and good!
We have now mutually set ourselves up to bear good fruit in the
name of the Lord and Master, and things have become
beautifully light. But as I notice, everyone except us has now
fallen asleep before the dawn – and I must admit that I do not
feel the slightest trace of any tiredness in me, and you must all
be quite wide awake as well!”
[9] Everyone says: “Quite perfect! We have never felt so
strengthened before!”
[1] Here Raphael steps up and says: “I am not sleeping either,
and yet you said that everyone except for you is now sleeping!”
[2] Zahr says: “Friend, the fact that you are not asleep and that
you can never sleep at all will be clear to any person who knows
you as well as we do! Therefore you might well have saved
yourself such a remark. You see, dear angel, it is quite enough
that we people here are sometimes somewhat stupid, and we
need no support on your behalf to become even more stupid
than we are in nature; but you can truly instruct very
magnificently us in many things as a consequence of your
immense and immeasurable wisdom and experience, which is
older than the world itself!”
[3] Raphael says: “Who am I then that I am not supposed to
have any sleep?”
[4] Zahr says: “But I beg you, my heavenly friend, don’t speak
to us and ask us so pompously! You are an angel of the Lord
from heaven, here equipped with a light body by the Lord out of
necessity! You can throw off this body in more than lightning
quickness and destroy it!
[5] You are quite a different being, according to the body, to us
still mortal people of this Earth. You were never born, except
for the Lord God you have never had any other mother and
father, out of whose body you were produced like us. You only
know an immeasurable holiness since the most unthinkable
times; you only know the names of pain, suffering and sadness
and the better regret, but not from your own personal experience
and therefore you cannot talk to people in the fullest truth about
earthly human things; you can only talk to us about spiritual
things that we will accept from you very thankfully, for you
must be fully at home in them; but you cannot talk about
physical things because you have never had to complain in a
[6] Raphael says: “Look, look, all the things you know! Even if
I have never been inside a body, I nonetheless know better what
a body is and what every fiber in it does than you could ever
learn in a thousand years with all your industriousness!
[7] Are we angels not those who have to care for everything that
concerns the being of a person from his creation to his departure
from this Earth?!
[8] Are we not those who purify your souls through the
suffering and pain worked in your flesh making them capable of
receiving the spirit of God, and we are not supposed to know
then what are your diverse sufferings and pains?! What do you
think then in your mind if you can make me such a reproach!?
[9] Believe me that we angels are also capable of pain and
suffering! And I tell you that we often bear more pain and
suffering than you, since we have to experience only too often
how the stubborn people crush all our great efforts with scorn
and mockery under their dirtiest feet and constantly turn their
backs on us.
[10] Friend, if you had as much patience with a person over
whom all power would be granted if you constantly showered
him with the greatest good deeds, but the person despised you
extremely for all that and didn’t want to hear or know anything
about you and only constantly directed all his thoughts and
striving to getting rid of you as his greatest do-gooder and
friend, possibly even to harm you for all your cares and efforts
for his salvation, to destroy your good reputation and name and
to make you into the craftiest traitor!? Tell me, if you were only
like Cyrenius, what you would do with such a person! Would
you have the patience to treat such a villain right until the end
with all patience and measure and tenderness?”
[11] Zahr says, raising his eyebrows at these words by the
angel: “No friend! I would never have such patience in my life!
Even without power I would have no patience, not to mention
with power!”
[12] Raphael says: “You see, and I have so much irresponsible
power and strength that I quite alone could destroy and quite
annihilate in the fastest instant this whole Earth, the moon, the
sun and all the stars that are visible to your eye which are sheer
enormous great space bodies, with everything that they carry;
and yet I have always such a patience with the unchanging
people of this Earth through my own free will!
[13] But all that would be nothing, and would be an evil that is
easy to bear; but consider now the continuing very most willful
behavior of Satanas and her angels, who, as very powerful
spiritual beings, constantly go around with the ‘laudable’ plan to
destroy not only us, but God as well and to take away all His
[14] Such a thing can never happen, of course! But enough, the
indestructible evil plan is there and they do not stop trying to
carry it out, constantly suffer the greatest pain and agony for it,
which they cause themselves through their most evil desire; but
that nevertheless never totally puts them off their evil forever.
[15] You see, we see all this and have the power not only to
tame them in the most sensitive way but also to destroy them
completely forever, and that all without responsibility before the
Lord God!
[16] And nonetheless we treat them as our fallen brothers with
all patience and consideration and direct things strictly so that
their free will is never limited by us in any way, but is and
remains always free, only we always prevent with all care the
effect of such things. Friend, what would you do in such
[17] Zahr says: “There I would thrash around like a bear and
would see whether such spiritual beasts would not show me
obedience, particularly if I possessed your power and strength
without responsibility!”
[18] Raphael says: “But don’t you see now that an angel of God
is no such a light thing as you had imagined, and that I also see
a little of the actual humanity, and recognize it and therefore can
talk to you about it?!”
[19] Zahr says: “Oh yes, I see that very well now; but only tell
me now whether you have to be here, or is it also your free
[20] Raphael says: “Oh yes, I could just as well leave you
according to my own freest will; but I want to stay with you,
because such a thing pleases the Lord. But pleasing the Lord is
also my own will, and even God Himself can do nothing against
that, for therein consists the maintenance of all creation, about
which you with all the countless stars cannot see even the eon
part, not to mention the endless entirety and the being itself! But
now the sun is close to rising and the Lord is coming back;
therefore we should be fully attentive again for every sign of
[1] Zahr says: “Shouldn’t we wake the sleepers then?”
[2] Raphael says: “They will wake up soon enough when the
Lord is fully with us again!”
[3] Jarah jumps up most hurriedly and asks with a passionately
loving force: “From where, where is He coming from, the love
of all love!? My eyes still don’t see anything!”
[4] Raphael says smiling, “It doesn’t matter; if your heart just
sees Him, your eyes will soon catch up! He will be here at the
full sunrise!”
[5] Helena, who has also remained awake, says: “Jarah, let’s
hurry towards Him! Oh, what bliss it is to meet Him!”
[6] Jarah says: “Yes, yes, friend, you come along too! Oh, what
a joy that will be if we see Him from some distance coming
towards us!”
[7] Next both hurry like the wind towards the wood in the west
and soon disappear in it.
[8] Ouran, who was also awake, looked after the two and said,
when they disappeared in the wood: “In the end they go astray?
The mountain rises quite sharply over there, as it seems,
towards the south, and must be several hours away!? They will
run on in their haste and the Master might come from another
side and they will seek Him and in the end not find Him!”
[9] Raphael says: “Worry about something else! These two will
get lost just as little as I would or could get lost. Where the heart
is once in such a very strongest light because of love, going
astray in anything is henceforth purely impossible! They will
certainly get deep into the forest; but they will find the Master!”
[10] With this Ouran calms down, directs his glance once again
towards the still fiercely burning and also very strongly smoking
city and discovers with his far-seeing, sharp eyes a number of
groups setting off in all directions. He also sees whole
processions coming towards our mountain and says: “Well,
health to every one! If they all come to us, where will we get
enough bread for that many people? These will eat old Mark
along with his household completely out of house and home!”
[11] Raphael says: “Worry about something else! The whole
Earth and all creatures on it certainly need very much of
everything in every moment, and the Lord nonetheless satisfies
the whole Earth itself and all the beings on it! But what is the
Earth in comparison with the sun, which is more than ten times
a hundred thousand times larger than this Earth and constantly
needs an immeasurable amount of food to maintain its powerful
light and to maintain the countless creatures on its wide pastures
of light; and the Lord cares for them as much as for you, noble
[12] But now think about the eternally immeasurable space of
creation full of suns and earths of even greater size than this
Earth and its illuminating sun! All of them are constantly most
richly equipped by one and the same Lord with everything that
they need for their existence. Nowhere is there a lack, but
everywhere there is the greatest abundance! But if it is so and it
is eternally impossible in any other way, how can you then
worry from where we will get enough bread for so many, who
are now on their way to us here from the city?”
[13] Ouran says: “Yes, yes, you are quite correct! I am no wise
man, and I often forget for moments where I am now; but now I
am quite in order again!”
[14] Hebram, who has also remained awake among his thirty
companions, comes over and says: “But that will cause great
confusion today as the strict Sabbath! If this fire had happened
on a working day, we could support those who were burnt out
and come to us with advice and deeds, but as it is, it will be a
difficult task today even for the great Master!”
[15] Raphael says: “You also, worry about something else!
Have you ever seen the sun celebrating the Sabbath, or the
moon, or the stars, or the wind, the rain, or the growth of the
plants and several other things? But why do these creations not
celebrate the Sabbath? Because the very most active will of the
Lord never celebrates a Sabbath, whose Lord He is!
[16] Or how can you imagine an annoying law that God has
ordered for the people only for their salvation for as long as it
seems to Him to be advisable?!
[17] But if God neglects the Sabbath and its celebration, what
are you then trying to achieve with your foolish Sabbath?
Wouldn’t you like to dispute the Sabbath with me? Should I
also bless the Sabbath through useless, purposeless and
senseless idleness? Oh, wait, exactly today as a Sabbath I will
make such a storm that your hearing and sight will disappear for
[18] Hebram says: “Oh, you heavenly friend, you don’t have to
take my question badly! Just always think that we are people
and even with the best will possible we still always fall into old
habits in extraordinary circumstances, like a pig in a poke! But
you, oh powerful servant and angel of God, protect us all in the
future from this; for we are all sheer weak and very fragile
[19] Raphael says: “Go over to your brothers and calm them; for
they all are floating in the same foolish worries about the
Sabbath, with which you came here! Show them the great
foolishness of their worries! They are now gradually becoming
awake.” Hebram goes and does with good success what Raphael
[20] When this is in order, Ebahl from Genezareth wakes up and
immediately asks Ouran about his Jarah, but the latter informs
him about what has happened and how Jarah and Helena went
to seek the Lord in the forest.
[21] Ebahl says: “Oh, oh, they should not have done that! The
wood will probably already be populated with all sorts of guests
from Caesarea! How easily might something happen to them
that could affect them most unpleasantly!”
[22] Raphael says: “You worry about something else as well!
Both of them reached the right place a long time ago and will
soon be here again. The Lord is coming at the full sunrise and
both of them will not be far behind him!”
[23] Ouran says: “How long do we have until the full sunrise?”
[24] Raphael says: “About another short half hour!”
[1] With this everyone is satisfied and it is peaceful once again
on the outlier, which is separated by a small saddle from the
higher range stretching towards the south; but below at the sea it
is becoming very lively, for several parties from the city have
arrived at Mark’s home and naturally lament in very vivid
colors about their distress and their undeserved misfortune.
[2] Mark’s kitchen it is very active, and both sons prepare
several field ovens with Mark in order to prepare the
considerable number of meals for so many guests.
[3] Some of those who arrived from Caesarea head for the
mountain, because they have already seen people on it from far
off. But when they see Romans, they immediately pull back
again; for they believe that the latter are keeping a sharp watch
here in order to round up those fleeing and to direct them back
to the still burning city to help put it out, which would have
been very particularly inappropriate for the arch-Jews on this,
the Sabbath. For in Caesarea lived some arch-Jews who, without
being exactly Pharisees, took Moses’ laws very terribly
seriously. And this was a new moon Sabbath, which was always
treated more strictly than a usual one! Therefore they were, after
the disastrous events of the previous evening, as if newly
refreshed with ashes on their shorn heads and with torn clothes,
much stricter than on any other Sabbath of the new moon. It
would therefore have been highly fatal for these highly strict
Sabbathists if they had been sent back by these Romans who did
not respect the Sabbath, to put out the flames; therefore they did
not stay long on the mountain at the sight of the Romans,
although these were still asleep, and as already mentioned,
returned again straight away.
[4] Raphael smiled and said to Mathael, “Did you see them, the
strict Sabbathists? They quickly cleared off at the sight of the
Romans! But rejoice, they will yet give us a lot of trouble
[5] Mathael says: “Friend, with love, wisdom and patience and
particularly with the help of the Lord everything can be done!
Blind in heart, naked in understanding – they are stuck in their
foolishness like an old rusted nail in a beam, the poor people!
Well, perhaps we can heal them all!”
[6] Raphael says: “Friend, as long as a person is foolish, things
are easier; but if arrogance, domineeringness and pleasureseeking
joins foolishness in a firm bond, then improvement is
difficult and most difficult of all with the priesthood of the highranking
sort and type!
[7] Just take whatever position of a human you like, for example
a general or some other high ranking imperial servant! As long
as he stands in his office, he will make use of the respect and
honor awarded to him, and it is acknowledged; but with time he
can become unsuitable for his position and then he is put into
retirement, and he is de facto nothing any longer and no longer
worries about his earlier, arduous position! The high priest
however retains his reputation until the grave, and after his
death the surviving priests have a temple-like monument set up
to their own honor and exaltation and give him a divine
reverence! The priesthood therefore knows how to keep the
position untouchable for long periods and to protect it in all
thinkable situations.
[8] Just go up to such a die-hard priest, with whom you can
easily notice how much he is in the wrong and stuck in lies, you
will achieve nothing with him! He keeps his position high above
that of an emperor, because he thinks himself to be a
representative of God on Earth; he therefore will not exchange
his position with any other in the world.
[9] If you want to buy his position with much gold and silver, he
will say to you: I have enough gold and silver; but my position
is worth more than all the treasures of this world; for I am an
official of God and no official of a worldly prince, and my
position remains in eternity! After such a retort you then no
longer hold the reins and you have to dance to the tune of the
confirmed high priest! Therefore I believe that there is not much
that can be done here with these arch-Jews! In addition your
sense is quite perfectly worthy of God; everything is possible
for the Lord God however, what often seems impossible for us
angels and you people.”
[10] Mathael says: “I thank you for these words; but now the
sun is rising and we must keep ourselves ready for the arrival of
the Lord!”
[11] Raphael says: “You are quite right, for the Lord is the true
sun of all suns! If He rises in a person’s heart, then it is the day
of days for that person. Can you already see Him coming from
the wood, since you are looking there so studied?”
[12] Mathael says: “The sun is already over the horizon; but
there is nothing to be discovered of the Lord and of the two who
hurried to meet Him. It seems to me, taking things quite
accurately according to your statement, that you have
miscalculated a little even with your heavenly prophecy! The
rising of the sun and the return of the Lord do not coincide at
all! Look, the sun is already standing high above the horizon
and there is still no trace of the Lord! Now tell me how I should
interpret your prophecy to us!”
[13] Raphael says: “But you must also direct your eyes over
there to where He is coming from, and not over there from
where He is not coming! Look around, and you will then
immediately convince yourself that I have not made any false
[1] Mathael, Ouran, Ebahl and Mathael’s four companions all
look around quickly and see Me coming up the hill with old
Mark and hurry towards Me.
[2] When they reach Me, they all greet Me in the friendliest way
and thank Me for coming back; but since they do not see Jarah
and Helena with Me, they become afraid, and Ebahl, extremely
concerned about his daughter, asks Me somewhat anxiously
whether both girls had not come to Me in the forest, since they
had hurried towards Me after Raphael’s words in the morning.
And since they were now not with Me, they must still be
seeking Me in the forest; I should therefore send Raphael after
them so that he would bring them back again to the company
[3] I say: “Why are you worried about these who are seeking
Me? Do you think then that I can only protect someone from
dangers if I am physically near to them? When you, Ouran,
were I great danger, who told Me then that I should look for you
and save you? Don’t I know where both of them are and where
they are seeking Me? Just leave them and they will come back
[4] Both of them have found Me in their hearts, which is easy
for everyone. But whoever goes to seek Me physically, although
he knows that I can only be sought inwardly, must learn this
lesson, for example here that a simple external seeking and
meeting Me does not put them in a position to come nearer to
Me, but instead only to lose Me more and more! You can bear
that in mind on this Sabbath morning! In any case both found
my track and will now soon be here.”
[5] Ebahl says: “Well, if that is all, then everything is in order
again! They would otherwise have certainly stayed with us if
Raphael had not brought them so quickly to a decision through
his words! The good boy sees everything nearby, even if it is
still far away, and one can easily be taken in by him! He will
never advise you against it easily, even if in the end it was
something bad; for in that way he wants to bring someone to the
right path through bitter experience. And so he did not advise
these two earlier against going to meet You, but instead only
spurred them on, and therefore they are now sitting somewhere
tired out and do not know how they got there! Well, my Jarah
deserves it; since she knows Raphael’s ways and means and
knows what she has to do! She was taken in by him once, and
that is quite healthy; but he can rejoice when she returns, then
he will receive a very particular lecture and will once again
wonder at Jarah’s eloquence!”
[6] Right at this moment Raphael comes past, who in the
meantime had wakened the sleepers, and Ebahl said to him,
“You have once again been the cause of a somewhat
unfortunate undertaking by Jarah, and with her also Helena! I
have to honestly admit to you that the ways and means that you
deal with the people entrusted to you and lead them does not
please me at all! If a disciple of yours wants to do something
that is not quite in order, you must distract him from it through
word and deed, but not, still advising him in some way, let him
commit the sin and finally keep him from a future sin only
through the evil consequences of the path of personal
experience! That may well be very good and purposeful for
spirits of your sort, but for people such a thing is never suitable
as far as I can see!”
[7] Raphael says: “You are a thoroughly honest and just Jew;
but as far as the secret path of the Lord is concerned you are as
foolish as a fish! Do you really think that what I do, I do of
myself?! I am a finger of the Lord and do what the Lord’s spirit
urges me to do! If you had more insight, you would see
that very well; but I know how far your insight stretches in such
things, and therefore I ignore such weaknesses of yours. You
can see that the two have not got lost at all in that they are now
coming towards us quite healthily and preserved over the
mountain from Mark’s hut, accompanied by a daughter of
Mark’s, who brings us the news that the breakfast is ready
for us!”
[8] Ebahl says: “Yes, but how did both of them get down there
without being seen by us!?”
[9] Raphael says: “Didn’t the Lord say before that they had
found His tracks?”
[10] Ebahl says: “Well, well, I am quiet again; because they are
here again at least for me everything is good again!”
[1] After this conversation Mark announces that the breakfast
stands at the ready and all the tables are already laid with food
and drink. Then we head down from the mountain and towards
the tables which are found in the same order in the morning, and
none are missing.
[2] Here Ouran says to Helena: “When you were down below,
did you see whether our tents are still up and in order? And have
our servants got enough to eat and drink – and are our beasts of
burden all cared for?”
[3] Mathael says to Ouran: “Friend and Father-in-law, in the
presence of the Lord every worry is in vain! Now think about
nothing other than the Lord; for He thinks for us and for the
whole of infinity!”
[4] When we headed down from the mountain towards the
tables after this remark by Mathael to Ouran, Cyrenius asked
Me on the way, “Lord, should I order a division of my soldiers
to put out the fires in the city? For if we do not bring any help to
the city, by tonight it will be a glowing pile of embers!”
[5] I say: “Dear friend, if I wanted that, I would have sent My
Raphael there long ago, and the fire in the city would have been
extinguished in a moment; but I want this city, which is bad for
both God and the emperor, to be humbled, and therefore I am
allowing everything to be destroyed by fire except the homes of
the poor and sober. But everything else shall be turned to ash!
In the future better people shall settle here and the offspring of
our old Mark shall rule over this city and area with a just
scepter, with the emperor’s permission, and it will remain their
inheritance from child to child and from grandchild to
grandchild; but if they forget about God, then the same thing
will happen to them as has happened to the inhabitants of
this city.
[6] If the fire had happened to this city of whoring on a working
day, it would have been put out long ago; but on the Sabbath,
and particularly on the first Sabbath of a new moon, no arch-
Jew moves even the tip of his little finger in fear of being soiled
before God.
[7] The conscience of the arch-Jews is very sensitive in this
respect; but the neglect of good deeds does not disturb their
conscience in the least, neither does material and spiritual
adultery and all sorts of fraud.
[8] They even are of the opinion that a sin against the
commandment of God on a working day is hardly a sin, and one
could purify oneself again before the evening; but on the
Sabbath one would have to remain impure until the evening,
during which time the prince of night would begin to rule. And
then it would be easily possible that an envoy of Satan might
come, meet someone unclean and in this way take possession of
this unclean soul!
[9] Sin harms people only at night, and then only until midnight,
because in this time Satan is allowed to go on the hunt. By day
he has no power, and one can then sin as one wants and it
doesn’t matter; only one should bear in mind that one should
purify oneself before the going down of the sun according to
method prescribed by Moses, and one then has nothing to fear
in the night from the sins committed by day.
[10] These blind people do nothing for the sake of God,
even if they have committed very many sins against His
commandments during the day! The only thing that matters is
that they do not fall prey to Satan; and because such a thing can
happen most easily on a Sabbath, when they are not allowed to
kill a goat, a lamb or a calf, yes, they cannot even wash
themselves seven times, they beware as far as possible to keep
themselves pure during the Sabbath, so that the devil cannot
take control of them once the sun has gone down!
[11] You now have the reason why these sinister characters in
all things prefer to let their houses become ash on the Sabbath
than to move a hand and extinguish the fire. Therefore a Roman
general, who will not be unfamiliar to such coarse and
irremovable foolishness of this people, will one day have an
easy game to drive this race apart with one blow if it becomes
rebellious, particularly on a winter’s Sabbath, and to transform
their great city into a heap of rubble.
[12] But now let us have breakfast, otherwise a number of not
very cheerful visitors will come upon us, whom we will have a
job getting rid of in some good way!”
[13] At this everyone moved to the tables, and the excellent
breakfast was consumed with great zeal this time, and there was
no-one who did not give old Mark the fullest praise. Also Ouran
and Helena remarked that they had never before eaten such
well-prepared fish and such tasty bread. Mark however directed
all praise to Me and said: “That is the salt and the best spices of
all food, of all drink and of all things; to Him alone bring your
just praise!”
[14] But there was not one among the guests who had not
understood what Mark had said, and everyone praised Me
silently in their hearts. But Mathael said loudly, “Yes, yes, old
Mark, where the Lord is the chef of all life and all in all, one can
live incomparably well; for their spirit, soul and body must
receive the best food! You have done very well, in that you
directed the praise that you were given back to the Lord; but for
this reason your name will not die in the hearts of those people
who got to know you as a friend of the Lord!”
[15] Mark thanks Me therefore that I had paid his house such an
effusively great honor; then he thanks Mathael too for his good
words and declares himself to be fully unworthy of everything.
[1] After the breakfast is consumed, Cyrenius and Julius ask Me
what is now to be done.
[2] I say (to Cyrenius): “Wait here a little and there will soon be
something to do! Look at the coast! There like lazy cloud
formations creep several arch-Pharisees with their archdisciples.
They already know that you are staying here for
reasons that are unknown to them. They suppose that you are
inspecting the areas on the Sea of Galilee, but are nonetheless
holding a sort of camp here. Ouran’s splendorous tents confirm
them in their hazy opinions. They are now paying attention to
see whether you will come over the sea in a ship or perhaps out
of a tent. Then they want to entrust you with a plea for
compensation, since they believe that the heathens have set their
homes on fire.
[3] But they will soon and easily learn that you are already here,
and we will have them round our necks. Then you can already
imagine what a job they will give us to do! I tell you all that
only so that I will not be revealed before time! They must first
be properly driven into a state, only then will the fear of fears be
announced through My revelation. But you will soon find out
what effort and debating we will have to sustain with this
adulterous lot!
[4] Mathael and Raphael will do good service for us; but until
the middle of the day we will hardly get rid of them. Therefore
let us now be quiet for a short time, and you collect yourself; for
you now know what will happen to you!”
[5] At this everything becomes quiet, only the soldiers and the
servants hurry about the mountain somewhat loudly.
[6] After a while Mathael asks Me whether he is allowed to
speak to the arch-villains quite without any retention.
[7] I say: “Certainly; but you will have to gather yourself
exceptionally! I do not believe that it will be easy to deal with
these armed heroes of the night; for these are armed to the teeth
for every case!” Thus Mathael also began to gather himself.
[8] But My disciples also asked Me how they would have to
behave in this situation.
[9] I say: “You have neither to speak nor to do anything;
observe the whole thing as mute witnesses, and if any of the
Pharisees ask you something, direct them to Cyrenius and admit
that this is none of your business, and they will leave you in
peace. I Myself will do the same at the beginning.” With this
decision the disciples were also satisfied, and we waited for the
annoying arrivals in peace.
[10] After a short half hour those waiting for Cyrenius on the
seashore got the news from a Jew from the city who knew
Cyrenius and who had passed by us that Cyrenius was in the
garden of the old soldier. At this news all the arch-Pharisees and
the other arch-Jews turned around and headed very quickly over
to us.
[11] When Mathael saw them coming towards him, he said:
“Well, my high friend Cyrenius, gather yourself; now the storm
will begin! I am very curious to learn what these lads will
bring out!”
[12] Cyrenius says: “I am no less curious, although I openly
admit that I am least fond of dealing with these people; for if
you show them even half the little finger they immediately want
the whole hand, and that is not possible, of course, because
there are other people who are really poor and therefore really
need other people to take care of them.”
[13] At that the petitioner had already arrived, of course with
the leader of the synagogue at their head. He recognized the
supreme governor immediately and spoke to him thus: “Highranking,
enlightened and all-authorized Lord Supreme Governor
of Coelesyria, yes, of all the Jewish lands, of the rest of Asia
Minor and Major and of a part of Africa! It will not be unknown
to you what an unheard-of misfortune happened this night to us,
the inhabitants of the city Caesarea Philippi, ever devoted to
God and to the emperor. If we had even the smallest guilt to
measure, we could now curse our negligence and cry deeply and
further bear with patience what God the All-mighty has let
happen to us; but we have not given the slightest cause for this
misfortune, as far as we know, but instead the evilness of some
mischievous heathens has done it to us! Therefore we are then
actually here to beg for a corresponding compensation from
[14] You will certainly let such a thing come to us by law and
fee all the sooner since we are firstly full subjects of Rome like
the mischievous heathens, but secondly we as priests and
servants of the only true God are capable of turning the people
towards the emperor more in our balance for Rome than many
thousand swords and lances. But if we are ever anti-Rome, then
our tongues achieve more in a few hours than a hundred
thousand soldiers in one year. Here one hand washes the other!
[15] Fulfill our plea, take away our temporary begging stick and
let our destroyed buildings, our teaching and prayer houses be
built again at the expense of the State, and you will find in the
name of the emperor no ungrateful support, yes, if there is no
other way, we oblige ourselves also to pay back to the State
such an advance after twenty years with interest. Consider, high
supreme governor, our plea and grant it to us! It will be of
disadvantage neither to you nor to the emperor; for we know
who and what we are, and what we can do! If we are the
emperor’s friends, he will rule his empire easily; but if we are
enemies of the emperor in our closed minds, crown and scepter
will soon become an extremely heavy burden to him! Therefore
consider our present affliction, consider out pleas as a clever
man and act according to your discretion!”
[16] Cyrenius says, hardly concealing his inner bitter anger:
“Before I say either yes or no, I will first have everything
checked most accurately, how and for what reason the city and
your houses were set on fire. Whether you are quite so innocent,
I could hardly know; for I have just heard this night from
someone how you as a result of yesterday’s total eclipse of the
sun and then later more because of the sudden disappearance of
the evening sun the nation began to harangue you because of the
imminent judgment of God that is supposed to happen now and
was prophesied by one of your prophets. On your part, the
priests of the Greeks did not neglect to exploit the strange
occurrence of nature to their own favor. Both of your priestly
groups have misused the known natural occurrence in order to
force the people to the most unheard-of sacrifices because of
protection from effective prayers that attain God’s will. The
people who have been made deaf and blind since childhood did
everything in their power that it could do in order to escape the
latest judgment announced by you.
[17] Luckily there was an intelligent and experienced man there
who called some of the superior people from the people whom
he knew and then explained the appearance that took place in all
peace and calmness with perfectly natural reasons and as
something he had often seen. But he also was clever to draw
their attention to support his explanation that the priests, if there
were some truth in their statement, certainly would refrain from
blackmailing the people from huge sacrifices for a few
remaining moments of existence on this world full of lies and
deception! The never-satisfied greedy and heartless priests knew
as well as he did that there was nothing in the whole affair but at
most a natural change of weather the following day. They knew
the people’s superstition and sinned at this opportunity in the
most scandalous way!
[18] You see, such a thing was told to me in the night by a very
most faithful witness! Well, what was the consequence of this
wise and very timely lesson? The several with few words welleducated
people hurried at this to the desperate nation and
screamed at the top of their voices: Comfort, comfort, comfort
upon comfort! Listen to us calmly for your best! Then they
instructed the nation in a very easy to understand way. The
nation, seeing such a thing, was seized by anger and fury against
you and prepared then a little bit from Daniel’s Day of
Judgment for you. Since I see only too well now from this
faithful evidence, that actually it was not the mischievousness of
the heathens, but only you yourselves, that in this night the
otherwise beautiful and significant city becomes ash for the
reason of justified anger of the population about your deceptive
sense, then you will hopefully see very well that I not only
cannot listen to your very cheeky plea, but that I on the contrary
as Vice-regent here for the best of my emperor and for the best
of the people will hold you to the strictest responsibility and to
the full replacement of damage to the people, which I will
collect most exactly, and judge – assuming that everything
happened as I heard this night from a believable witness! What
have you to put forth against this? Speak if you have something
that you can say against this!”
[19] Already during Cyrenius’ tale the black petitioners changed
their colors like chameleons, and one noticed easily their inner
anger glowing out of their genuine wolf’s eyes; and when they
should now justify themselves, they could hardly pronounce a
word for sheer anger.
[20] Cyrenius waited a little while, and since no-one else
wanted to speak he became worked up at the grimaces of anger
by the petitioners and said in somber seriousness according to
the tradition of showing the fullest mercilessness of a genuine
Roman: “Speak soon, otherwise I will be forced to take your
furious silence as a full admission of what you are accused of
and in addition to immediately to pronounce your well-deserved
judgment without any further consideration and to commit you
to the execution of this judgment! Speak, for you know that we
Romans never tend to joke!”
[21] Finally the leader says: “Lord, the slander is too great! One
cannot gather oneself so quickly and speak in return, but instead
it is required to collect oneself and think how such slander is
possible, and to consider the most powerful means to beat it into
the dust of nothingness. Who can prove to us that we forced the
people to make sacrifices?! We preached what we felt and
feared ourselves! Who can prove to us that we acted differently
to how we had to feel according to the prophecy?! Were the
signs not there?! Or does history not show us a quantity of
examples where God’s patience came to an end and suddenly a
most terrible judgment came over the people?! But we have also
examples in the largest quantity where God allowed His great
mercy and compassion to come to the improved people, despite
a determined and unavoidably pronounced judgment, if the
people turned back to the true repentance and regret.
[22] But if your wise man who instructed the few against us was
of such an honest character, why did he then not come to us and
show us what he showed to those few unhappy people who are
always against us? Only a person who does not know our
eminent religion and has no idea about the word of God through
the mouth of a prophet and of the effect of such in a time of
signs in the heavens, can act so shamefully evilly slanderously
against us! And a supreme governor of Rome believes such a
person rather us!? They will tell us: If such a wise man had
come to you and had taught you as he taught the desperate
people, you would not have listened to him and would have
judged him or lapidated him! But who can claim such a thing
about us before he has tested us!? Only after the deed do we
tend to judge and condemn, but before the deed, according to
appearance and some evil supposition? Never! Our religion
speaks for our behavior; but who can step up and prove to us
that we believe differently and act differently?! Malevolent
slander or an evil supposition proves nothing for us, and your
witness may well have told you whatever he wanted, but we
declare his claim to be nothing until he can prove to us that we
truly acted differently to what we believed ourselves and that
we would have let the wise man go who incited the people
against us with his wisdom, if he had come to us!
[23] We actively shared the fear of the people; and if the people
brought us masses of sacrifices to atone for their sins in the
belief that they would appease God in this way, should we not
have accepted the sacrifices?! Where is the opposite written?!
[24] Noble Governor, consider that you are here dealing with
true arch-servants of God and not with templars of the new kind
who unfortunately understand only too well how to sway with
the wind! We know that well, and the temple is therefore not
disposed to us; but unfortunately few of us stick to the old faith,
to which night flies, who whisper falsely judged things in your
ear, will not part with! We have today certainly a magnificent
day of the Lord, and there is nowhere a trace of a divine
judgment except that our city has fallen victim to the flames –
but not through God’s judgment, but through the unfortunately
dubious evilness of some constantly hostile pagans. Would it
have been that impossible for God to treat this area like what He
did with Sodom and Gomorrah? If such a thing were impossible
for God, who can step up here and say that after the previous
signs it could not have happened?! We don’t want to say that
God has protected this area from His threatened judgment
because of our many prayers and sighs; God can have done it
because of some pious person fully unknown to us, because
both our prayers and the prayers of the pious have reached the
foot of His throne. But who can prove against our religion and
against our convictions that it is not so, but fully completely
different?! I have now spoken in the name of my people and
you, high lord, judge now a just judgment before God and all
[1] Naturally Cyrenius was not prepared for this retort and now
didn’t know what sort of objection he should make to the high
priest. Therefore he called Mathael and said to him in a low
voice: “Now you speak on; for I have reached the end of my
wisdom! For these people are much craftier than I imagined at
[2] Mathael says: “High friend! It will truly become more
difficult for us; for to prove to them what they would have done
if the circumstances had so happened is a difficult thing. And if
they had secretly had the evilest intention, which I do not want
to dispute, then even the attempt to execute it is in vain. Where
then is the single fully punishable execution of the evil intention
that they truly have but also could not have? But what sorts of
thoughts can form in a person’s mind if he is attacked from all
[3] If the heart beats stormily, no person can bear too easily a
purification of his quickly changing thoughts which run in and
out of each other like heavy storm clouds; and if in time the
storm is laid in the heart, the person now calm rarely remembers
any longer everything that happened in the storm of his
passions. There may have been much damnable among it; but
which God, I even say, will want to set himself up as a judge?!
If they are really arch-believing people and have shared the fear
of the people for one and the same reason, which we must
accept as long as we cannot prove the opposite like a god, their
plea must be granted to them, assuming that the granting of such
a plea in extraordinary cases, as this one is, is ordered by the
Caesar! We here can only make a judgment on what lies open
before us, as long as we are not able to make anything stick
against them; our thoughts however can never serve as proof,
and even if we question the whole city we will not know any
more than we know now.”
[4] Mathael had only whispered these words to Cyrenius in a
low voice, and Cyrenius, scratching behind his ears, said to Me,
“And what do You say then to that?”
[5] I say: “My time is not yet here, therefore act now with each
other just you two and with them; but take old Mark along too
who knows them along with his two sons better than you! Ebahl
from Genezareth also knows them, and Julius knows them more
or less. Have them called over, and you will soon hear another
[6] Cyrenius immediately sends for Julius, who in the meantime
had gone up the mountain to see to the soldiers, in order to
observe the still very powerful fire. Both of them came quickly,
as well as old Mark. When all those called were present,
Cyrenius read out the petition of the arch-Pharisees and the high
Pharisee’s speech, as well as what the high Pharisee brought
forth as undeniable evidence.
[7] When Mark heard such things, he wondered much about the
enormous cheek of the high Pharisee and said to him, “You now
so extra-honest and highly pious seeming high Pharisee! You
came now as good as called by me and desired against all my
long expectation in my great net! Think back just about three
years, what an effort you made to bring me to your belief! You
dispensed me of the somewhat annoying and also painful
circumcision of an old person. If I signed myself and my entire
household over to your belief that was perfectly enough! You
even promised me a number of advantages in doings and
dealings when I answered you in return that I have a conscience
and do not like to exchange the religion of my fathers for
another one whose basic creeds I know much too little and
about which I do not know which new responsibilities can arise
for me. I told you then quite openly that I was not fully against
changing my somewhat clumsy religion for a better one, only I
must first be initiated into the entire essence of the new religion
to be taken on.
[8] You said however that that was not necessary in your
religion; for every religion was in any case nothing more than
the cradle philosophy of children and must also be kept for the
sake of the children. Once a man has his educated intellect
however, he no longer needs the cradle philosophy of the
children anymore and sticks to it only for the sake of the
children; he himself however would be called an idiot if he
seriously saw something in it! But a man like I could also judge
whether it was not smarter to admit a religion outwardly which
sets the least obstacles in the way of my doings and dealings.
[9] I agreed to this and committed myself and my entire
household to your religion. But soon afterwards my eyes were
opened wide when I soon was condemned to all sorts of
annoying taxes and I then saw even better what a despicable
exchange I had made by accepting your religion.
[10] I had to give you a tithe of everything and the first of all
fruits. Very often I feared complaints from the Roman officials,
but I did nothing; for I was always pulled up and told: Volenti
non fit iniuria! (There is no injustice for he who agreed.) Why
did you let yourself be caught as an old intelligent Roman?
Repent now for your unconsidered foolishness!
[11] But if I came to you and told you of my misery, you would
not listen to me and always said in your great arrogance: Thus is
it written! And I could withdraw again with a sad and frustrated
face and mind without having achieved anything.
[12] If I wanted to know your Scriptures in more detail, I was
told: We are the Scriptures and the living word of God! Thus
no-one has to ask further for anything, but instead everyone
should do what we teach and demand! No-one needs anything
[13] You see, you old, evil oracle of the Jews from Caesarea
Philippi, that are your words and your behavior! And you now
suddenly want to whitewash your reputation?! I swear to you by
everything that is holy to me that you will not move from this
spot before you make well again at least for me all the highly
unjust damage! The worthy supreme governor can lift the cross
onto your back on my behalf and there will be no injustice done
to you! Do you understand, you old, bad oracle?!”
[14] Cyrenius says: “Ah, that’s how things are?! Well, well,
now we have something! Well, you wise high lord of dubious
oppressors of the people, what do have to say against that?”
[15] The high Pharisee says: “Do you know Moses entirely and
all the prophets enlightened by God?”
[16] Cyrenius says: “I know Moses quite well, but I only know
the prophets by name.”
[17] The high Pharisee says: “Very well; then go and learn
firstly all my bitter responsibilities by heart and punish me if
you can prove that I did not follow them all! If you want to read
– we have the Scriptures with us here as the only goods that we
can carry with us today on this high day of the Lord, if there is a
danger that it could be destroyed!”
[1] Mathael says secretly to Cyrenius, “That is another difficult
task which we are too weak to solve! Mark did his thing very
well; but what can we do if we cannot prove any neglect of duty
from what they say? Let’s listen to Ebahl and Julius now! But
what they will say will not be of much use to us either; for the
old fellow is too sure of himself and is capable of completely
justifying every very shameful act from the Scriptures. What
can be done then against this?”
[2] Cyrenius says: “Alright, then I in my complete power will
damn every piece of scripture that goes against the healthy
sense of a person and we will have him then in chains!”
[3] Mathael says: “That cannot be done, because he can then
say: Healthy human sense however also demands that a law is
given and sanctioned before someone can be judged by it. What
will you have then to say against that? One must collect oneself
quite unusually carefully in order to be able to do anything
against these lads from a human point of view! Now Cornelius,
Faustus, Kisjonah from Kis and a certain Philopold from the
same area should be here soon; they will certainly be of great
help! I am looking forward to their arrival very much!”
[4] After a measured while of consideration about what has
been said both on the part of the high Pharisee as well as about
the somewhat more secret remarks by Mathael and about his joy
about the announced arrival of Cornelius and his entourage,
Cyrenius orders Ebahl to say something tenable about the arch-
[5] And Ebahl rises and says: “High friend! Foxes and your
proteuses (fickle, easily changeable people) are hard to catch;
the foxes, because they always have two ways out, and the
proteuses because they can change into anything, even into the
elements themselves. Therefore my opinion is this: Since after
what has been said about these people by the most true and
faithful witnesses whom you know as well as I, you can have no
doubt at all whether things are so or not, on the other hand
however as a worldly judge you can only come to a judgment of
the world which can convince your eyes and ears, my advice is
thus the following: Let these annoying proteuses go without the
least granting of what they want, and without damning them to
any punishment by a judgment! Thereby you have done enough
for the inner spiritual truth and the senses of the world! That
would be my opinion!
[6] I could tell you hundreds of facts about the many deceptions
and the unscrupulous oppression of the people which I have
experienced at some occasions with these wannabe servants of
God; but what good would that do for you? They will certainly
find a hole through which they can slip into freedom! They
cover themselves very carefully against every potential outer
damaging wind with the cloak of Moses and with the coat of
Aaron and the prophets, and no wind however cold can cause
them even a sniff!
[7] But everything that can be done to external understanding
from the Scriptures of the prophets, we know very well; for they
are fit for everything, as long as one does not know their inner
spiritual sense, and that is the main hiding place for these
people. Therefore nothing much else can be done except what I
have advised you.”
[8] Cyrenius says: “Yes, yes, you are quite right, I recognize
that completely in its depths; but nonetheless I believe that one
could counter these people perhaps with somewhat provable
criminals where they then could certainly no longer get away!”
[9] Ebahl says: “Oh dear, with anything but that; for these lads
know every jot of the Roman law and know how to get around
the Law better than any lawyer, so that no Satan can touch
them. They will have committed such crimes either personally
or participating in a group. Before God they will certainly not
be able to hide; but we cannot touch them if we want to deal
with them legally! Perhaps Kisjonah, Cornelius, Faustus of the
Greek Philopold? But among us, except for the Lord and the
angel Raphael, no-one can touch them!”
[10] Cyrenius shakes his head and says: “I could nonetheless
have them guarded as suspicious people; perhaps such
seriousness would then be a little sobering for their minds!?”
[11] Ebahl says: “Try it; but I put my word on it that you will
not be able to withdraw the guards from the high Pharisee after
the first protests fast enough! We have not a haze for the outside
world about any Causa criminis. There are no prosecutors, and
therefore there can be no judge! The quiet statement of the Lord
cannot be seen as a complaint for two reasons. Firstly there is a
lack of any worldly supervision, and secondly the Lord Himself
would only be half a witness before the world; for at least for
now one could not consider His divinity, neither His prophecy,
legally applicable Ante forum romanum! We know exactly
where we stand with them; but the dry Roman law does not
know our Lord and Master at all and thereby neither His
statement from His wisdom, and yet now, despite all your
innermost conviction about this person, you can only judge
from what you can discover from the people as proof of guilt.
And a prosecutor is needed, and only then come the witnesses
under oath! Or is the statement by a prophet or an oracle valid
for something if neither belongs to your religion?”
[12] Cyrenius says: “Yes, in extraordinary circumstances,
particularly when the prophet has proven himself first before a
proper court as worthy of complete belief! If the court bears no
concern against him, he can serve as complete proof like a
statement of a tested oracle! For only the judge has the right to
accept the validity of a witness or not, and to decide whether he
is admissible or not!”
[13] Says Ebahl: “Good, but what if the prophet can be used
neither as a prosecutor nor as a witness? How can you force him
to it?! As a witness rather; but as a prosecutor – never! Here we
certainly have one; but how will you force this great one and the
angel Raphael to appear either as a prosecutor or witness?”
[14] Cyrenius says: “Certainly no force can achieve anything!
Let’s wait; for those announced will not be waited for long! It
seems to me as if I saw oars at quite a distance on the sea!”
[15] Mathael says: “I have been noticing that since half an hour;
but they seem to remain at the same spot! Well, how is the trial
going? Are you still at the same point?”:
[16] Cyrenius says: “Not an inch further! You were right, and
Ebahl was right, and I see that we with all our authority in
worldly things can achieve little or nothing, and the arrivals will
most probably not help much either.”
[1] (Cyrenius) “But just now something occurs to me! I will
immediately send a messenger to the district governor who will
have to send me all sorts of prosecutors and witnesses from the
city. They will have something to say about these foxes and we
will then soon corner them!”
[2] Mathael says: “The thought has something in it! At least in
that way you can put them under guard. But that must be put
into action quickly!”
[3] Cyrenius immediately has two riders come past and explains
to them what he wants from the district governor. They instantly
hurry off towards the city.
[4] But when the arch-Pharisees, murmuring among one
another, notice this, the high Pharisee steps up to Cyrenius again
and says: “Lord and ruler, why do you allow the riders to go to
the city? Did you send them there on our behalf? Do you want
to destroy our legal claims which have even been sanctioned by
your law? Lord, that will be difficult; for we have the law and
God on our side! You only would have to give new laws which
can be of as little use for the moment as the old ones; for the
effect of a new law can never be retroactive!”
[5] Cyrenius says somewhat annoyed, “You speak when you are
spoken to! I know your request and your responsibility too! It
now depends on me alone. I must seek advice with my official
people whether you are worthy of the emperor’s granting of
your petition!
[6] If you are found to be worthy after the strictest test, your
demand will be granted; but if you are found to be unworthy,
not only any granting is cancelled but a punishment will follow
for the cheekiness that you have undertaken by desiring mercy
from the State to cover your sins as punishable people! Pay
good attention! A supreme governor of Rome judges quite
differently to you! He never judges according to favors and the
external appearance of the person, but always without difference
of status according to laws and rights.
[7] Thus be very careful how you stand with your conscience in
secret before God and before people! For a much stricter
account is demanded from you as so-called servants of God –
although God needs no servants since His omnipotence and allwisdom,
His all-presence and all-knowledge already serve Him
best throughout eternity – and from you as teachers of the
people than from the uneducated people who often hardly
knows a few laws in need and even then has no idea which spirit
they hide inside themselves.
[8] But you know the law and the spirit and must recognize it
and must be indoctrinated in all truth. Therefore you will also
see why you are dealt with on my part much more strictly for
the sake of the people than with a private person! For either you
must be as pure as the sun, or you have never been worthy of
your office! Therefore you do not have to worry about what I do
either to accuse or excuse you! But go and put your petition on
parchment and then hand it over so that I have more proof in my
hands either for or against you!”
[9] The high Pharisee says: “High lord and ruler! Today is a
new moon Sabbath on which every activity is forbidden. On this
holy day man has to occupy himself while his body is resting
alone in spirit with God; we are only allowed to speak, but we
cannot write until sunset. But after sunset we want to give you
our petition in writing.”
[10] Cyrenius asks: “Did Moses give you the law about this
particular observance of the new moon Sabbath?”
[11] The high Pharisee says: “Not Moses exactly, but his
follower, through whose mouth the spirit of God often spoke
like through Moses’ sacred mouth.”
[12] Cyrenius says: “About that I would like to raise a strong
doubt! For the divine spirit looks out of the pure laws and orders
of Moses in a tangible way; but as far as your new moon
celebration is concerned nothing is to be seen except the deepest
superstition and a whole ship’s cargo full of coarse human
stupidity. What is the new moon? You don’t know it, but we
know and must therefore laugh about your full moon celebration
most heartily. And our wise men who understand a lot are
amazed at how it is possible that in the nearest neighborhood of
the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians there can be such idiots and
crudest sinister characters who don’t even know what the moon
is and what the new moon is! But do tell me what you imagine
the moon to be!”
[13] The high Pharisee says: “Rather you tell us what you, high
lord and ruler, think of the moon, then we also want to say to
you what we think about the moon!”
[1] Cyrenius says: “So listen! The moon is a planet about fifty
times smaller than our Earth, and accompanies the Earth
constantly on its great path around the sun; while the Earth
covers the great way once in 365 days, the near moon has
circled it almost thirteen times.
[2] With these orbits the moon necessarily has to go through
various positions. Since it is just as much a dark planet as our
Earth, it is also illuminated by the great sun like the Earth is. If
the Earth stands nearby between the sun and the moon, we see
the moon quite illuminated, and that is the full moon; but if in
approximately fourteen days the moon stops between the sun
and the Earth as a result of its swift movement, and we get to
see only very little of its illuminated surface thereby, it is a new
[3] But if the moon somehow accidentally moves exactly
between the sun and the Earth, as was the case yesterday, it
covers the sun and prevents its light from reaching a certain part
of our Earth, that means on the spot which makes a direct line
from through the moon to the sun, and then a very natural solar
eclipse occurs; but that part of the Earth which is not exactly in
the direct line does not get to see such an eclipse, namely those
who are on the opposite side of the Earth to us. For this Earth on
which we live is just as much a ball as the sun and the moon and
only has a day and a night through the fact that it turns once
around its axis within twenty-four hours, in which time it
gradually pushes all its countries and seas from the North Pole
to the South Pole underneath the sun and lets them be warmed.
[4] That is alone the secretly well-calculated and clearly
understood truth of which the layman of course knows nothing,
because he is lacking in the necessary background knowledge
for such insight and teachers such as you also must lack this; for
what one has not got oneself, one cannot give to others. And if
you had it, you would not give it to any layman, because the
layman brings you more foolishness than the best wisdom! I
have now shown you clearly what the new moon is; but now
you show me too what you think the new moon is!”
[5] The leader says: “High lord and master, we already learned
in secret ways what you have now told us, and I for one am for
this; but just look at Moses’ story of creation, and no trace can
be discovered of all that you have now told me and what was
not unknown to me for the last twenty years.
[6] But we sit before the people, out of necessity of course, as
the first main confessor and announcer of Moses’ religion,
which contradicts this quite understandably true opinion, on
Moses and Aaron’s chair. What else can we do except to keep
the better conviction for ourselves in secret, but nonetheless tell
the people what we received from Moses!?
[7] But today one of us should just try to announce another
religion to the people other than Moses’ in whatever respect,
and I swear to you that he will be stoned!
[8] Certainly some people say: what Moses said has quite a
different meaning, and it says something quite different to what
can be seen in the dead letters. I also admit that quite freely; but
how could we tell this to the great nation, whom not we, but our
fore-fathers made foolish, without damage?! Firstly the spiritual
sense is so deeply hidden that one cannot find it clearly oneself,
and secondly there is the question of how one should teach a
darkest, foolish, highly superstitious nation, for whom all
elements of higher knowledge are more foreign than the North
Pole, when one quite honestly doesn’t have a clear idea oneself!
[9] Thus there is nothing more reasonable than to leave the
people their old belief and as the representative of the old
religion and laws to observe most strictly the religion and laws
at least in the face of the people; but if one is alone without
foolish witnesses, then one should do and believe what one
always recognizes as true! If you act differently, you will see
this beautiful land only too soon in its worst rebellion! Now you
can speak again and prove to me that I said something false in
my speech!”
[1] Cyrenius is amazed about the high Pharisee’s wisdom and
says to Mathael, “Friend, it is very difficult to talk to him! For
you just get everything thrown back at you! He is filled with all
sorts of knowledge in secret, and how splendidly he knows how
to justify his situation! Ah, that has never been seen before! One
cannot finally be angry with him! But now at least those from
the city must be almost here, and then we’ll see what they will
bring to light.”
[2] Mathael says smiling: “Nothing at all, I tell you that; for
these arch… are too slippery and find loopholes everywhere to
escape through! In short, in order to trap these people in some
way we need more than just human strength and human
knowledge! I trust myself to heal hundreds of Greeks and
Romans in a day from their foolishness; for whatever I say will
be new to them, and they will even accept it with grateful
curiosity. But there is nothing new that one can give these
people; they are mostly indoctrinated in all knowledge and
know how to represent their cause in such a crafty way that it is
difficult to contradict them.
[3] Therefore I also think that the Lord Himself drew back a
little because He already saw in advance that it is not easy to
deal and talk with the Zealots! And so I also believe that the
prosecutors and witnesses from the city will also achieve as
little as we.”
[4] Cyrenius says: “Well, then there is a very notable hearing
for the moment which under such circumstances does probably
not occur twice on Earth! If only the vice-governor would
appear soon!”
[5] At this a messenger arrives out of breath and says to the
whole company, without paying attention to where Cyrenius
was, “Friends, hurry up and get out of here; for a terrible revolt
has broken out! Everyone is looking for the rascals who fled,
the arch-Jews and Pharisees, and the Romans and Greeks are
butchering everyone that even half looks like a Jew! I am a poor
Greek, today I put a Jewish tunic over my naked body out of
necessity, and I barely escaped with my life!”
[6] Cyrenius says: “Boy, I am the supreme governor! Explain
yourself more exactly! How and why did a revolt break out?”
[7] The messenger says somewhat embarrassed about the
unexpected presence of the supreme governor, “High and
almighty lord! Things are as simple as this: When the sun or
some other light apparition illuminated the evening yesterday a
few hours longer than is usually the case, and afterwards
suddenly disappeared from the firmament – a rare but not
unknown event on this great and wide Earth – the Jewish
priests, who saw this thing certainly just as much as we did out
of the basis of human experience and human knowledge, began,
instead of offering the people of their religion the complete
truth, to announce this event to the blind, superstitious people as
an enormous judgment by God from their mystical books of the
prophets. Thereby a fearful howling went up among the foolish
Jews; their priests as supposed friends and servants of God were
now sworn to convince God, for every sacrifice demanded, to
mercifully remove His punishing justice.
[8] When the smart Jews heard such support only too clearly
and truly, they answered in the priestly mystical pathos: If you
want to have God’s severest judgment on the world turned away
from you, you must now bring all the gold, silver, jewels and
pearls that you possess as a sacrifice, as well as your best
fattened oxen, the cows that are richest in milk and the fattest
calves, so that we can then sacrifice them to God in a worthy
[9] The Jewish rogues of priests had hardly said this when a
positive cloudburst of sacrifices appeared! Our not so stupid
priest also saw this and sought to persuade their people through
a lucky shot to give generous sacrifices. They also found
something from the old religion which served them well for the
purpose of sacrifices. They let the good Apollo fall for a new
Daphne and pay her a dirty visit. His enemy, Mr. Pluto,
immediately noticed this and swiped the sun; and Gaia, Apollo
and his new beauty now found themselves in a terrible pickle!
Every Greek and Roman could see that a most terrible war of
the gods would occur from this! Perhaps, if powerful Zeus was
targeted with sacrifices and pleas, he could avoid this most
dangerous situation! This invention brought much gain to our
priests, but not nearly as much as what the Jewish priests were
brought by their judgment by God announced to their sheep.
[10] A very wise Greek having heart and head in the right place
taught some sober thinkers and these taught the oppressed
Greeks and Romans about the natural event, as far as was only
possible in the great confusion, and showed then very nicely
tangibly the crafty profit-seeking priest casts, who might well
lose the desire to demand and take sacrifices if only one true
word hung on their ominous announcements. They should
compare both announcements, namely the positively conjured
up Jewish one and the Greek and Roman one, with one another,
and they would then soon see that both could not be real! For
either what the Jewish priests had said or what the Greeks had
said must have happened! But the gods would not be so foolish
and cook up a separate benefit to every individual nation when
they otherwise usually distribute their gifts from heaven among
all believers and non-believers alike!
[11] Such instruction and similar things brought the people to
their senses. Those who were known to be better Jews were also
given similar instructions; but it was a futile attempt. These
calves of God on the contrary gave threats and accused the
paganism of being the cause of the evil occurrence!
[12] Such things soon led to assaults and the Greeks and
Romans inflamed a final judgment over the heads of the foolish
Jews and demanded from the priests the return of the sacrifices
which had been blackmailed from them in need in the most
unjust way. When this was not granted, they came with force to
the Jewish priests who well did escape the violence and took to
their heels through the smoke of the city burning in all the
Jewish corners.
[13] The wise Roman city governor however had made
important extensive investigations on the Jewish arch-villains of
priests and then showed the people how they alone were the
reason for such an imminent catastrophe. Then the revolt rose
on the part of the Jews and became a very dreadful business; for
the Jews are being massacred indiscriminately now, and in the
city there is almost more blood than milk and wine.
[14] As it seems to me, the Jewish priests who escaped are
standing over there under the great Cypress tree! Well, hello,
things will go badly for them if they do not take to their heels
immediately, which I will certainly not advise the villains to do!
I will knock a few down with this spear which was thrown at me
when I was fleeing here in the belief that I am a Jew, but which
luckily did not hit me! The two riders met me at the city gates
and will have a job trying to reach the governor! Lord, lord,
now you know everything; and what I said to you is the pure
and naked truth, for which I would pay you with my life!”
[15] Cyrenius says: “I am very grateful for his news; you did
things very well! But now remain here, and if you are hungry
and thirsty, take bread and wine! I will send a few cohorts to the
city in the meantime to put down the uprising; then you will
serve me as a good witness against those Jewish priests!”
[16] The messenger takes this request willingly, since he was
already very hungry and thirsty; and Cyrenius only made a sign
to Julius and he already knew what had to happen there, since
he had listened to the whole announcement by the messenger
[1] When Julius has carried out the will of Cyrenius and both
cohorts leave, the two riders sent out previously come back and
report the same things that the messenger had said. At the same
time they report on behalf of the town governor the very most
obedient assurance that he, as soon as the storm has died down
even a little, will hurry out and give the high, high master the
most accurate and conscious report about everything. Cyrenius
rewards both riders and orders them to take some rest, and they
salute Cyrenius and head back to their companions. But
Cyrenius turns again to the messenger and asks him who has
actually sent him out as a messenger.
[2] The messenger says, now somewhat more courageously than
before: “Lord, lord! Necessity! I myself, a citizen of the city,
since the fire finally made no distinction between the Jewish
houses and ours, have lost all my belongings and am now a
beggar. I took this coat, which now covers my body through
need, from the body of a Jew, beaten to death, and threw it over
my shoulders, otherwise I would be naked like my wife and my
three already quite grown-up daughters, who are now behind the
hut of old Mark, all four of them with a great linen cloth.
[3] But I released a call to flee for all the Jews of the city who
are present here so that they would flee and I could recognize
them more easily, in order to take revenge on these main
villains with this sharp spike to my heart’s desire. But if they
flee, they can only escape by sea; otherwise patrols have been
sent out from the city on behalf of the governor, and these
would capture the rogues, when things will truly not go well
for them!
[4] Lord, lord! I am a Greek and I know a little about waging
war; but now it is good, these rogues will never get past us! In
any case it would not hurt if a few patrols were placed on the
shoreline; for otherwise the fellows could quickly take
possession of a boat and sail off with it.”
[5] Cyrenius says: “Don’t worry about that; it has already been
best seen to!”
[6] Now Cyrenius turns to Mathael and says: “well, what do you
say to this news now by the messenger?! I will nevertheless wait
for the town governor and am curious to hear what these arch…
will say against this.”
[7] Mathael says: “You will not gain much through it; for you
still know all the thousand holes much too little through which
they could reach the most beautiful freedom. But you are much
better than you were before!
[8] But now above all we must ensure that the messenger’s wife
and children are looked after! Helena, you must have a few day
clothes with you, even if they are only shirts, so that for the
moment they can be protected from nakedness!”
[9] Helena immediately calls one of her servants and orders her
to carry out the order. Straight away the servant goes into one of
Ouran’s tents and brings four good shirts and four expensive
Greek lady’s skirts. When she comes to Helena with them, the
latter says: “Have the messenger lead you to his wife and
daughters, dress them and bring them here to this table!”
[10] Tears of gratitude come to the messenger’s eyes at
Helena’s goodness, and with a cheerful heart he leads the
servant to where his crying wife and his three sad daughters are
waiting. But when he says to them, who are still wrapped in the
linen cloth and crying: Do not cry any more, my dearest’s; for
look, we have found a most powerful savoir! The supreme
governor Cyrenius is here, and probably his daughter has sent
you finer and more expensive dresses than you have ever seen!,
the wife and daughters jump forward in joy and get dressed
quickly. But the messenger folds up the linen cloth and puts it
under his Jewish tunic. Then he leads them all to Helena and
they cover their dresses with tears of warmest thanks.
[11] Helena lets the four women take a seat at her side and
immediately serves them with bread and wine; for the four
women were also very hungry and thirsty already. Helena and
Ouran chatted to the four and they told them about the
Pharisee’s pressure on their believers. Then Cyrenius says to the
messenger: “Friend, I spoke to you rather harshly right at the
beginning with the somewhat disrespectful name “boy”; but
since I now know you better I regret having been disrespectful
to you in such a way for even a moment. For this you shall now
be given clothes of honor by me!”
[12] At this Cyrenius ordered his servants to immediately bring
forth a Roman robe of honor, consisting of the finest pleated
shirt from Byssus, reaching to the knee, then a toga which was
trimmed with gold braid and was woven and finished in Indian
silk in the most beautiful blue color and the noblest Roman
footwear and a finest Egyptian turban with an adornment of
feathers and jewelry which consisted of a valuable emerald. In
addition our Cyrenius had six finest undershirts and a hundred
pounds of silver brought to the messenger. The messenger was,
of course, beside himself with joy, and hardly knew how he
should begin to thank Cyrenius for all these good deeds.
[13] But Cyrenius himself smiled with joy and said to the
messenger, who was called Herme, “Go into the house of my
Mark, wash, dress yourself and come back as a noble Roman;
then it will just be time to bring the Pharisees here to a main
hearing! For this time they will not escape me, I swear it!
And you, my noble friend Herme, will perform a good service
for me!”
[14] Herme says: “It is my will, and I have never lacked in
knowledge of war! But these people are too cunning for the
Furies, not to mention for us on the way to a proper court case!
If one wants to catch these people, one must only listen to what
very reliable witnesses say about them; for as one listens to
them, one becomes confused, in the end considers them
innocent and agrees to their desire. Therefore my opinion would
be to catch these rogues and throw them into the sea for the fish
to eat, so that no cock will ever crow for them again! Then one
has done enough justice for everyone! If tigers, hyenas and
wolves settle in an area and the people thereby come to great
fear and harm, should one first have a proper questioning for
these beasts?! No, I say! Their harmfulness is too well-known;
therefore away with them if they begin to become too dangerous
to human society! Lord, lord! These people are proteuses who
cannot be caught! The more we make an effort to catch them on
the political path, the more we will be caught ourselves by
them! I know them, even if I am a Greek! But now, merciful
lord, permit me another question!”
[15] Cyrenius says: “What is it then? Speak!”
[1] Herme says: “Lord, lord, over there ten feet from this table
stands with a young girl a man of a wonderfully friendly and
also highly wise appearance; a very sweet and warm-hearted
young girl is talking to him, and if he says something, she
shows an indescribable happiness! Who is this very dear man
then? How noble is this person’s form in such a wonderfully
magnificent figure! Almost all eyes are directed at him! Judging
by his clothes he is a Galilean! Can you tell me something about
this man? Oh gods, the more I observe the man, the more I
become positively in love with him! I don’t hold it against my
wife and my three daughters that they almost cannot divert their
eyes from him! I would bet my life on it that this man is a good,
honest and wise person! But who, who, who and what is he?
Tell me about him, lord, lord, and we will then immediately
begin to work on the main villains! Oh, they will not escape
from us in any case; only we must not take their statements into
consideration at all!”
[2] Cyrenius says: “Friend Herme, as far as that man is
concerned, I will tell you for the moment only that He is as
good as a god among us people! He is for the moment only a
practitioner from Nazareth – but what a practitioner! This Earth
has never borne anyone similar! You will learn everything else
later! But now let’s get down to business and in the future do
not say to me: Lord, lord any longer, but friend and brother!
[3] Herme says: “Very good, I know how to respect every order
and I would like to die of thanks for this in the very highest
reverence and love for you! But now tell me first, high friend,
who is that so beautiful youth near the practitioner? Is that his
son and the girl his daughter?”
[4] Cyrenius says: “Yes, yes, friend, you have already judged
correctly, but now down to business!”
[5] After these words Cyrenius has the head Pharisee come
close again and asks him whether he knows the messenger.
[6] The first one says: “Who does not know the famous singer
and zither player? We have often taken great enjoyment from
his songs! It is only an eternal shame that he cannot be moved
over to the religion of our fathers; truly he would be superior to
our great David! He is an extremely honest, trustworthy and
sensitive person; only he is not disposed to us, which we
willingly overlook however, since we cannot demand that he
should understand our often very severely inhuman-seeming
statutes in their spirit!”
[7] Cyrenius says: “This Herme, however is your harshest critic
and has now confirmed to me only too directly for the second
time what a most believable witness said about you previously!
You now stand before me as a very shameful and mean
criminal, but you still have the most despicable cheek to
demand from me compensation for the fact that you have
become the most depraved and wily arsonists through your own
highly evil greed! What do you say to that?”
[8] The head Pharisee says quite relaxed, “As far as Herme is
concerned, we have absolutely no quarrel with him; for we have
long known that a person who does not possess even a very
little knowledge or other about a thing cannot judge differently
than how the thing seems to his limited understanding. Who
could ever be filled with wrath against a person who falls from
the roof and thereby kills a person sitting under the roof? If the
good singer Herme now wants to be our enemy, so be it;
but we will nonetheless never become his enemies! Basically
everything that he has said about us is true. But there is
supposed to be a dangerous point in the sea in Europe near
Sicily which is call Scylla and Charybdis; whoever sails through
the Scylla without misfortune is swallowed up in the Charybdis!
But we tonight also floated in a true moral Scylla and Charybdis
and we ask you now: What should we actually have done that
would have been fully justifiable to you Romans?”
[9] Cyrenius says: “But if you know what the matter was in
yesterday’s occurrence, why didn’t you explain to your flock
the true content through which all the minds would have been
calmed?! Why do you lie to the people and create a reason for
the greatest ruin and confusion and present rebellion against
yourselves?! Why do you blackmail the most unheard-of and
very most tyrannical sacrifices from the people since you know
what the appearance was and that it hides no trace of the
prophecy of Daniel?!
[10] Give me information about it and justify such unheard-of
behavior on your part against the poor and blind people made
foolish and superstitious!”
[11] The head says: “I have just informed you about your Scylla
and Charybdis; however, you seem not to have understood the
issue! You see, when the sun yesterday brightened the evening
unusually long as in Joshua’s days, it struck many of our most
eminent believers. They came to me in the synagogue, asked me
about it and also informed me that all the Jews were filled with
much consternation about it. I spoke to them as well as I could
right from the first visit and explained the occurrence as
something very natural at the time of the approach to the time of
equal hours of day and night. They went, but could not calm the
people; for they said that they had seen stars falling in the sky in
the east and immediately pointed those calming them to
Daniel’s prophecy. At the same time the people became
threatening if such a thing was being kept a secret from them!
But after a time the sun or the light appearance suddenly
disappeared and to our terror it became as black as pitch. But
now attempts to calm them were futile! Now it had to be the end
of the world; a word on our part against this would have
instantly meant our end!
[12] You see, that was our Scylla. We were therefore obliged by
such circumstances to preach Daniel fully and to demand the
severest atonement in accordance with the gravity of the
situation in order to keep at least some hope among the people
of God’s care in the people’s minds! But we saw very well that
we would end up in the Charybdis in today’s pure harmony; but
if one has to choose between two evils, one rather chooses the
first and rather lesser seeming evil than the second which must
immediately bring our downfall. We therefore acted according
to the circumstances that had arisen without our asking correctly
and justly, because it was impossible to act differently. How can
you then, as a just Roman, want to judge us for that? Explain
that to us!”
[13] Cyrenius says: “Yes, yes, that may well be true; but the
question remains, what did you do with all the sacrifices you
took?! For the end of the world, for which you demanded and
took the sacrifices as prevention, did not come today, as we can
see! Would you ever have given them back to the poor people?”
[14] The high Pharisee says: “High master! That is truly a
strange and superfluous question! It goes without saying that it
had to happen with all cleverness and care for the sake of the
blindness of the people; but now just ask the question to the fire,
which consumed all the sacrifices and all our stores, what it will
do now!
[15] Because of our sermon, demanded through circumstances
and necessity, of Daniel’s prophecy it was not necessary to burn
our houses and synagogues, which happened to us because of
your wise companions in faith out of wrath against us. We came
therefore, not because of us, but to ask for our people, in that we
have now become beggars without our own guilt. How might or
how can you now judge us, instead of helping us, and even want
to punish us?! Consider the whole situation, the reason and the
facts and you must be in the greatest darkness if you then
consider us guilty!”
[1] Cyrenius says: “Let that be far from me; but what is and
must be important to me is that I would only like to make you
into better and true people! You can truly cover your inner
being with external well-considered clever words, and here all
the more easily because the circumstances have formed
themselves to your benefit in a certain way and none of us can
claim with provable sureness what you would have done with
the taken sacrifices if the fire had not occurred for example. But
now I will tell you something else and ask you whether you
would also have said what you told me with the purest and
calmest conscience to the all-knowing prophet Elijah or an
angel of God who can put you through the acid test?
[2] It is veritably true, by my imperial word of honor, which is
true and powerful, I tell you: there are numerous wise men here
in my company – not of my faith, but of yours – to whom the
most secret human thoughts are as bright and clear as a most
publicly performed deed! If they would test you would you
respond to them with as clear a conscience as me, since you
know well that I am lacking in all-knowledge, if not in
understanding and astuteness?! I have tested these people
harshly and have found that you have to take them seriously! In
this way I will test you too. If things happen in the way that you
told me, then you will be granted everything and even more
than what you asked for; but if the mentioned wise man says
something else about you, then the brother of the great emperor
and uncle of the ruler sitting on the throne will know well what
he will do!”
[3] The leader says: “How can you give us the assurance that
these wise men mentioned are our friends and not our enemies,
and whether they will not abuse their wisdom against us? For
we are Pharisees and are hated as such in Galilee because we
stick firmly to the statues and only preach Moses and the
prophets while almost all of Galilee adheres in secret to the
Egyptian and Greek philosophy. If your wise men are Galileans,
they will not use their wisdom to our benefit, and we are
defending ourselves therefore in advance against all hostile
Galilean wise men!
[4] In addition it is also written that a prophet can never come
from Galilee because the Galileans as Jewish heretics are too far
removed from the old wisdom of Moses! But if there are wise
men from Judea, then we want to hear them!”
[5] Cyrenius says: “The wise men that I mentioned are so placed
in my belief and in my heart that every word from their mouth
comes as good as purely from heaven, although I don’t really
see whether something that should be true should come directly
out of heaven; for every truth remains as much truth on the
Earth as under the wings of light from heaven! For a pear and
another pear must be as much two pears in heaven as on Earth –
if not, then heaven is a lie!
[6] Another question for you, amongst other things! You have
just mentioned the Galilean wise man, and from that I take it
that you perhaps have another reason than Greek philosophy! A
man is supposed to appear in Galilee who performs great things
of the most wonderful fashion, teach the people a new religion,
supposedly from heaven, and confirm it through never heard-of
miracles! Tell me whether you have not yet heard of this person,
and what you think of him!”
[7] Mathael remarks secretly: “Now you have got them in the
right place! Now they will immediately begin to change their
colors and words!”
[8] The leader then answers: “Have then the deceptions of a
very evilly reputed quack, for whom the carpenter’s axe has
become too heavy, and who would rather seek progress in sweet
idleness than in any solid work, reached our ears? Look, you
want to condemn us as legal priests at any price, as we have
understood only too well from your words and manners; but
such a Galilean, such a leader of the people with the help of
some learned oriental conjuring tricks has a passport from you,
can do whatever he wants and his word must have greater
weight before you than ours, for whose truth understanding,
better reason and a human feeling in the legal order speaks
loudly! I know the Galilean that you mean, and with this I have
already said everything!”
[9] Cyrenius says, quite excited by this statement: “Very good;
you have now given me your opinion about a man which could
never have been more to your disadvantage! But this time you
have at least spoken the truth in that you are showing your
innermost as it is. I know this Galilean of yours only too well
and know all about him; but I now know you all perfectly too
and know now all about you! I will deliver to you the most
certainly undeniable proof that I do not accept everyone
immediately as what they seem until I have tested them right
down to their last atom!
[10] Here before you stands the present King of Pontus.
Yesterday morning he stood before me as a small bound
criminal and would have easily be damned to the cross; but I
checked everything exactly, found all his innocence and made
him from a very wise man into what he is now!
[11] I am stricter than every other judge, but I am full of justice
against everyone. If harm comes to someone during the
necessary examination, and I found him innocent, then I know
how to turn his misery into joy and happiness as much as is in
my power, which your new king can do for you.
[12] But I tested this Nazarene worse than everyone else and
found that he is such a perfect person, the like of which has
never been on the Earth before him nor ever will be after him.
But he is filled with the true spirit of God and penetrated right
through and acts and speaks only out of endless, never
measurable strength and power. Thus I have got to know the
Nazarene and now I am glowing with the highest reverence and
love for him, although he is an arch-Jew in the realest sense of
the word.
[13] Oh, we Romans also know how to respect Judaism when it
is as it should be according to Moses and all the prophets: full of
spirit, power, love, truth and wisdom; but Judaism as it is now
observed is for us spirit- and truth-loving Romans a torment of
the fullest destruction in the holy place as your prophet Daniel
did announce in advance! Now you have my proof about the so
deeply despised Nazarene. What can you say against that?”
[1] Here all the arch-Pharisees raise their eyebrows and one
quietly makes the remark, “Well, our astute leader has
succeeded once again! What a prime camel! Now we can see
how we will lift us out of this puddle! Could this camel of a
leader not have praised the Nazarene to the face of the powerful
master? Then the whole story might have had a different face?!
The camel must have seen things as well as Cyrenius that he has
been won over completely for the Nazarene and yet he pulls
away from the supreme governor’s darling as if he were really
God knows how strongly convinced of his shamefulness, and
had never seen, spoken to or tested him! Ah, we could do
without this cow of a leader! He is to be deposed! For if he
carries on speaking we will end up on the cross today! There’s
no joking with the supreme governor!”
[2] After this remark the others say to him secretly, “Go over
and ask the supreme governor for a word; but the ass of a leader
must not speak one word more! Perhaps we will still get away
with it! And you shall become our leader if you can get us out
of this pickle!”
[3] The speaker says: “Good, I will try it – even without
wanting to become a leader!”
[4] At this he steps out of the crowd before Cyrenius and asks to
be allowed to speak too.
[5] Cyrenius says: “I am still waiting for a second judgment on
the Nazarene on the part of the leader!”
[6] The speaker, also a Pharisee without parallel, says: “High
master, he has finished already; his cleverness has suffered a
mighty blow, and therefore he is as silent as a camel in the
desert! He slipped up and entangled himself in the net and no
longer knows how to get free. The good Nazarene probably
gave him an invisible slap in the face and then his mouth
dropped open and now does exactly what he has always done!
[7] You, high master, must have convinced yourself a long time
ago that this leader of ours is a great ox! If I or another one of us
had been allowed to give the introduction, the trial would have
been over long ago; therefore listen, high master, no longer to
him, but let me speak!”
[8] Cyrenius says: “Good, then speak! We want to see what you
will bring to light!”
[9] The speaker carries on: “High master! As far as the
accusation that we were the actual cause of the fire is
concerned, what the leader said to you can only be valid at a
pinch, although I must admit to you openly that we are not as
white as snow and innocent despite the very prickly
circumstances as our leader was trying to whitewash; for the
demand of total sacrifices was his command. Whether it was
necessary for the establishment of order and calm to strip the
poor believers of everything down to their shirts if they would
not have given it freely is another question! So it is very
difficult to answer the question about the return of sacrifices
taken from the people! One would have lent them money and
things for significant interest; but with the return which the
leader explained as a matter of course there would have been a
problem! It made us highly indignant when we had to listen to
our camel of a leader chattering away so brainlessly; however
we could not say anything against him because only the high
Pharisee may speak on a high Sabbath. But Satan can happily
take our leader even on a Sabbath for this foolish speech, for
which we all might easily be taken to the cross!
[10] I am now speaking quite openly about what is in my and
other’s hearts. If our camel of a leader had a particular love for
such exaltation, he should just let it happen to his wicket
person! We will not drown in tears over him; but we do not care
for the moment for such a particular Roman decoration!
[11] Now, what concerns this Nazarene whom you, high master,
told us about, we cannot possibly for Jehovah’s sake from quite
natural reasons say anything for or against; for we have only
heard from some distance some things being whispered. Some
things sounded very praise-worthy, then others, probably
stemming from his enemies, were certainly very adventurous if
not simply bad. He is supposed to have really completely
brought the dead back to life again! Well, we didn’t see that and
we only heard about it; but if one thinks about what that means,
to bring the dead back to life, then it is very pardonable, I
believe, if one doubts it for highly tangible, natural reasons! I do
not want to question the possibility, but instead only to represent
the great difficulty and that more than only the most educated
and perfected physical and spiritual life forces of a person are
[12] Truly one says about the prophet Elijah that he once
embodied a heap of dead bones and animated it; but we were
not there. This is also only a saga from mouth to mouth and it is
not written in any book, not even in the apocryphal part of the
Scriptures! How difficult is faith for a thinking person!
[13] The Essenes also woke the dead for money, and normally
for a lot of money; but we have already seen behind this secret
and we know how things lie.
[14] But since you now bear such a valid witness of the
Nazarene, and that as a highly educated man enriched with all
experience, who deserves all faith above a thousand other wise
men, than I and all these colleagues of mine cannot help giving
all due justice to the Nazarene.
[15] This is now my answer to your question, high master. It is
as pure as can be, and things happen the way I have now told
you faithfully. These people all stand here as witnesses right
down to our leader, and you, high master, give us mercy!“
[16] Cyrenius says: “Obviously I am more satisfied with your
statement than with that of the high Pharisee, who wants to be a
very crafty fox and avoid my net as long as possible; but since I
extended the net, he still got caught up nonetheless and now
stands as a cunning, bad liar. However a true regret and full,
faithful admission can make everything good again; for he
belongs to those people who are secret friends of all sorts of lies
and deception, but nonetheless want to stand before the people
with a high and very most honorable reputation. They want the
reputation of a prophet; but they want to act like a thieving and
nomadic Scythian!
[17] Therefore a true regret, full of changes in life, improvement
and open admission of the true content can make everything
good again; for I did not come here in order to hold the strictest
court within my power over sinners of any kind, but to help
them onto the correct path in life. But they must not put any
obstacles in my path of highly benevolent efforts! How can one
as such a wise-seeming man, not to mention as a supreme priest,
lie so infamously?!
[18] My leader, just speak and say the full truth; for your
colleagues have not said everything that corresponds with the
complete full truth! They want to save their skins at the cost of
yours, and I do not praise that at all! I know what I know, in its
foundations, and you can lie as you wish and can, but it won’t
help you; for you cannot possibly deceive me! Now speak the
[1] Here the leader is meditating and is very unsure whether he
should step into the daylight with the truth or not. Only after
quite a while he says: “High master! Many dogs are the death of
a hare! I am convincing myself more and more that now the
witnesses are gathering against my word like mushrooms after
the rain. What more do I want than what you want to know and
claim to know to bring evidence of my conviction?! Yes, I may
not say anything against my conviction, and No is useless to
me! Therefore accept your witness and I will make no further
effort to remove any just or unjust accusations on the part of the
many witnesses! If you find me guilty, well fine, you have all
the power to punish me as you wish; I have no power as a
totally poor person to place against you!”
[2] Cyrenius says: “It is written in your books: Woe to him who
attacks one anointed by God! Therefore I also know, as long as
it is possible, to respect your law.
[3] Saul, your first anointed king, was at the end a doer of all
evil, and David, as the second anointed by Samuel to king of
Israel, had Saul often in his power and could have destroyed
him; but the spirit of God spoke from David’s heart: Woe to you
if you attack the head of My anointed one!
[4] And behold, although I am a Roman and a heathen
respectively, I also hear the same voice of the spirit which says:
You can try My anointed ones and if they have slipped from the
recognizable path, then lead them back to the correct way
through advice and deed; but woe to you if you try to judge any
one of them!
[5] If the arch-angel Michael did not dare to judge Satan himself
for the lost three-day fight, but instead gave him over to the
Lord’s judgment, how should I dare in the face of God to judge
you; but I want to investigate you, show you the great deeds
devoid of all conscience and all love against your brothers and
then set you on the correct path in life! But since you know that
I only want this, why do you not speak openly with me?”
[6] The leader says: “If you in any case know everything, then I
truly don’t see why you demand now another open admission
from me! I saw you before very moved by my certainly very
open confession, because I was not able to give the same valid
evidence about the familiar Nazarene as you were, who have
already made his acquaintance; and so I will just stop giving
you any more open confessions! I have already told you
everything and you said it yourself, that you know everything;
why should we lose more empty words?!
[7] What I know about the Nazarene is not in my field and I
could not tell you anything but what I have heard myself from
others! Now that I heard another witness from you, I am now
thinking differently about him! Or should I do something else?!
Who can prescribe to me to say something good about a person
if only evil and no good things have come to my ears about him
before? But since only now the best information about the
Nazarene has come to me, I can now bear as good witness as
you, and I think now as you do about the Nazarene. Is that now
not good enough for you yet?”
[8] Cyrenius says: “Yes, that would be correct if your heart
spoke as your mouth does; but your heart, if one could hear it,
speaks another language! For your Pharisee-hood is only too
familiar to me! I know certainly that you like the Essenes do not
actually believe, but for your material benefit you want to make
the people believe everything that comes into your heads so that
they will pay you interest.
[9] Now if a man comes who has an inner true light from God,
and shows the people who stumble around in night and darkness
the correct and light way of life, where it cannot be avoided that
your old deceptions become common knowledge, you will
become angry with such a prophet of light from God and seek
him in every possible way to destroy him; for this is an old
shameful reputation of yours, that you with the exception of
Elijah and Samuel killed all the prophets sent to you by God
throwing stones at them and thereby preached to the people that
you have done a good service for God.
[10] Only after a hundred years you accepted the prophet– but
never for your sake, but only because you could use his sayings
to terrify the people very well – and have painted and adorned
his grave, whether genuine or not, that was all the same!
[11] You see, that was always your way of acting that is only
too familiar to me! If things happen this way according to the
truth, how can I possibly give your words even the least faith?!
Tell me whether things have ever happened differently to you
concerning the truth! Do you believe in your heart even a jot of
what you preached to the people?”
[12] NB.: That Cyrenius could speak in this way came from the
fact that I had laid the words in his heart and mouth; so what he
said then was as good as spoken by Me, but in Cyrenius’
individual way.
[1] After a while of deep contemplation the high Pharisee says:
“But how can you prove to me before the whole world that I
think differently in my heart to how I speak with my mouth and
that I don’t believe what I am teaching the nation?! If my
ancestors attacked the prophets, what I cannot and will not
deny, which guilt can then be given to me for the fact that I have
always honored all the holy seers of God to the highest degree?!
If thousands of my colleagues in any case have no belief in what
they teach, where is the proof that I should not believe such a
[2] Cyrenius says: “The tangible proof lays in the fact that
you, to judge by your speech, are much too clever a man to be
able to accept the greatest nonsense as a truth that comes
from God! You understand the high art of mathematics, and
mathematicians do not so easily mistake a fly for an elephant,
which you will never be able to deny in any retort!”
[3] The high Pharisee says: “But where is the nonsense then that
I could impossibly believe as a mathematician?!”
[4] Cyrenius says: “Do you believe in your heart, for example,
in the wonderful fertilizing effect of the temple dung that you,
as far as I know, have promoted so highly in the rule for all
these years?! Do you believe in the healing effect of the regular
new moon?! Do you really believe that Jehovah still lives in
the newly-created Ark of the Covenant like He lived in the old
one of Moses now long rejected?! Do you believe in the
correspondence of the naphtha flame on your shelf with that
strange holy column of fire or smoke over the Ark of the
Covenant which illuminated Moses out of Egypt?! Do you
really believe that it is of more use to the people to make
sacrifices in the temple than to love their parents according to
God’s commandments and to be obedient to them in all things?!
[5] Tell me openly whether you believe your religion besides a
thousand similar statutes completely devoid of human sense!
For if you really believe in it – which seems impossible to me –
then you are seriously more foolish than a camel and are more
suitable for anything other than a teacher of the people; but if
you don’t believe it and nonetheless you teach the poor people
with murder, fire and sword such an evil nonsense which you as
a man of otherwise much knowledge and science can never
believe, then you are a very most despicable deceiver of the
people and deserve for political reasons to be eternally in a
prison as a criminal than to be a teacher of the people!
[6] You see, that is obviously the end of your Scylla and
Charybdis! I will decorate you with an imperial medal of honor
if you can bring me any middle road as an excuse!”
[7] At this the high Pharisee begins to scratch himself quite
actively behind the ears and now no longer knows what to say.
[8] Herme, the singer, or previously the messenger from
Caesarea Philippi, says to Cyrenius, “High ruler! Only now one
is quite sewn in and cannot find the way out of this weave! Oh,
that happens perfectly just to this brute against everything good
and true! If I didn’t know him as well as I do, then I could even
pity him, for I feel sorry for such an evil sinner if he comes into
great embarrassment; but I could see this fellow burn alive and
it would even be a pleasure for me! It is not the time and the
place here to speak of what this high Pharisee has said
confidentially; but you can be sure that there is not one good
hair on all his body!
[9] Many will be sentenced to crucifixion by your laws who are
much better people than this most unscrupulous rogue over
there! I am no judge and therefore I have no-one to sentence;
but I nonetheless have a great joy that this lad has become so
[10] Mathael says smiling, “But we still must pay very good
attention that he does not tear the net and in the end laugh into
all our faces! Until now he remained on the fence with his
language; but if he is once driven into a corner, Cyrenius, you
will soon see how he begins to parry! I only now know him
fully, although I knew him from the temple! You see, it is he
who thirty years ago laid hands on the high priest Zachariah and
murdered him between the sacrificial altar and the holiest of
holies separated by a curtain! (Matthew 23:35). But now
nothing further about that!”
[11] Herme says full of joy: “Oh, I know a lot of such facts
about him; but they are not strictly provable enough and so there
is little or nothing that can be done!”
[12] Cyrenius says, quite amazed at Mathael’s statement: “Ah,
what are you telling me now?! So this fellow extinguished the
light of life of that high priest, according to every person’s
witness a highly pious and wise man? Well it is good that I now
have a hint about it; I will sort everything else out then!”
[13] Here Cyrenius gave Captain Julius a sign to set up patrols
so that none of the arch-Pharisees could get away from him.
[14] Julius immediately gave the secret order, and what
Cyrenius had commanded happened immediately; but the high
Pharisee nonetheless noticed something of it and asked
Cyrenius, “For who is all this movement?”
[15] Cyrenius answers: “Neither you nor any of your
companions have the right to inquire after this; for Cyrenius
does not answer monsters such as yourself any longer! For you
are not only a most pitiful deceiver of the people, but also a
spiritual and physical murderer of the people. I am now waiting
for the report by the governor from the city and for the arrival of
Cornelius, Faustus and Jonah from Kis; then I will tell you why
I have had the guards set up now!”
[16] The leader says: “Good, but then I will tell you only then
why I am actually here!”
[17] At this the leader takes a roll of parchment out of his tunic,
shows it to Cyrenius and says: “Do you know this ensign and
this signature?!”
[18] At this Cyrenius starts, saying: “That is the emperor’s seal
and his signature! What is that supposed to do with this?”
[19] The leader says: “If it is necessary, you shall get to know
the content! I therefore advise you to hold back from every
further investigation against me, otherwise this role will present
very significant trouble for you! I still honor you as an honest
man; but mark me well, do not take things too far, otherwise I
could make very unpleasant use of this role which you have to
respect as highly as anyone else!
[20] Truly, I would not have taken this fearful weapon out of
my tunic pocket if you had not forced me to; but you began to
step on me like a worm and it is therefore the right time to show
you that you are not the only lord in this sovereign territory by
any means! I now think that it would be better to withdraw the
guards because otherwise I could be forced to place mine beside
yours despite the Sabbath!
[21] Come on, does my now very altered language embarrass
you a little?! But you truly cannot be helped; for yours also
embarrassed me somewhat! Briefly, I know you now, and you
now know me! Now do what seems clever and good to you, and
I will do the same! Have you understood me well?!”
[22] At these words the high Pharisee turns his back on
Cyrenius like a ruler, moves to the shore of the sea with his
colleagues and behaves there as if he were a man who was
granted great power in an emergency by the emperor; but
Cyrenius finds himself now in great embarrassment and now
does not know what he should do.
[23] Now Mathael says: “Do you see, dearest, how such a
fellow is best equipped with everything which is necessary for
his safety, physically and morally, and like a fortress?!
Therefore it is highly difficult and actually completely fruitless
to act as judge, because these people – the Lord knows in which
illicit ways – knew how to create the very highest secret
privileges, against which it is now extremely difficult to act!”
[24] Cyrenius says: “But do tell me, dear, wise Mathael, how
this human hydra possibly came upon a document of safety
from the hand of the emperor without my knowledge and
permission?! Yes, nothing else can be done except to put on a
good face at this evil game! I am very curious to see what the
Lord will have to say to this!”
[25] Mathael says: “He will now not like to give a correct
speech and answer; for He has already known in advance why
He gave you this club as a test, and seems to have paid very
little attention to the whole affair!”
[26] Cyrenius says: “But we must now ask for advice!”
[27] Mathael says: “In any case; there is now the greatest
necessity for this!”
[1] On the shore however the high Pharisee says to his
colleagues, “You have done your job well; for the appearance
supposedly against me was at just the right time at which I gave
you the sign through my silence! Now they are trapped and no
longer know what to do! If only the three announced people
would not come, who could make life a little difficult for us! Or
if they even brought the famous Nazarene with them! Yes, if so,
then we are completely written off! There nothing would help
us anymore!
[2] Therefore my opinion is this: we should now strive to get
away by water early and to turn towards Jerusalem linea recta
(in a straight line); for once the officials have arrived, it will be
too late for us! Cyrenius has withdrawn the guards, we have no
obstacle! If we therefore move along the shoreline on the sea
several miles upwards, we will meet the vessel of a Greek
fisherman on which we can bring ourselves to safety!”
[3] The previous speaker says: “But the people’s guard from the
city! How will we escape them? For they will spy on us from
behind the bushes and once they have us, we are lost!”
[4] The high Pharisee says: “That is certainly a very desperate
story! How would it be then if we were to demand quite
cheekily a safe escort from Cyrenius?! He cannot and must not
deny it to us because of the imperial document! Go, speaker,
and do that!”
[5] The speaker does it; but Cyrenius has sought advice from
Me beforehand, and naturally I told him everything that the
Pharisees had said and decided on the shore, and Cyrenius now
knew what was going on and what he had to do for the moment.
[6] When the speaker made his demand as cheekily and
domineeringly as possible to Cyrenius, Cyrenius said: “My
friend, the certain document did shock me beforehand; for I did
not know that it is false! But since I have now seen things in a
different light, I am no longer shocked and will not follow the
demand of your high Pharisee!
[7] In any case, go there and tell your high Pharisee that he
should deliver to me the familiar document immediately,
otherwise it will be taken from him with violence; but should he
make the effort to destroy the document, he can consider his
crucifixion to be prepared for today! Go there and tell him that!”
[8] The speaker now makes a deep bow and goes away with
great trembling in his whole body. As he nears the high
Pharisee, he says stuttering in great fear, “We are – lost! The
accursed, false document – was – the straw – that broke – the
camel’s – back! – If not – today – then certainly tomorrow – to
the cross! – Hand over immediately without vacillation or
hesitation the accursed document to the supreme governor,
otherwise you will hang today on the cross! – A devil must have
betrayed you! – Cyrenius knows everything!”
[9] When the sinister party along with their head hear this, they
and he all feel quite ill, and the high Pharisee takes the
document, gives it to the speaker and says: “There, take it, and
take it over there; we are lost, for with that our last hope is
[10] The speaker does that, brings the document to Cyrenius and
says: “High ruler, here is the document! We are all great and
coarse criminals and appeal now alone to your human heart!”
[11] Cyrenius takes the document, reads it through and says
after a while, “Look, how nice and clever! Tell me now nothing
other than at what opportunity the high Pharisee came upon this
Charta alba!”
[12] The speaker says: “High lord, I know much; but that I
really don’t know! As high Pharisee he brought it with him from
Jerusalem; but who gave it to him there I do not know!”
[13] Cyrenius says: “But do you know for certain that he
brought this document with him right from Jerusalem?”
[14] The speaker says: “He showed it to us all and told us and
then took us into his power. That is everything that I know;
none of us know any more!”
[15] Cyrenius asks further: “How did he act then as a person?”
[16] The speaker answers, “I know nothing bad about him; he
always represented his office strictly and according to the
Jewish spirit. That he in addition often carried out his business
in a not very merciful way is well-known; yet I hardly knew that
he was ever too hard against someone. He may perhaps have
something on his conscience from before, which he certainly
never revealed to us; but since he took office here we know
nothing, except that yesterday he demanded the sacrifices
somewhat too harshly at the wondrous occurrence. However, it
was the people who were the greatest cause!”
[17] Cyrenius asks further: “Has the high Pharisee often made
false use of this document?”
[18] The speaker answers, “Until today we have never noticed
anything of that.”
[19] Cyrenius asks: “Is that all the purest truth that you have
now informed me?”
[20] The speaker says: “High lord, I would rather die if there is
even a grain of untruth in it!”
[21] Cyrenius says: “Good then! Go there and tell the high
Pharisee that I now want to speak to him and that he should
therefore appear before me; for I want to see what can be done
for your well-being in this matter!”
[22] This time the speaker approaches the high Pharisee with
more courage and less anguish and tells him this. The high
Pharisee considers for a while and then says: “Well now, what
else do we want to do here except to put on a friendly face to the
evil game?! It is always better to lose only something than
[1] With this the high Pharisee goes over to Cyrenius and says:
“Here before you now stands a powerless person. This man
imagined for a time that he as a person of this Earth could make
use of every right that people of this Earth use; but he
miscalculated, as a mathematician himself, and came to the
conviction that the high ones do not want to have any other high
people among them! Therefore from now on I will be the very
lowest; perhaps I will be more pleasant to the high people
[2] Cyrenius says: “You will do well to do that! But just tell me
now one thing, for what reason you showed yourself to be
different before me than how you are! I offered you my hand
like a friend, and you rejected it! What did you actually want to
achieve through that?”
[3] The high Pharisee says: “Think about the high status of a
person! Besides this there is always a secret letter of arrogance
which is called: Honor and power to the authorities! With this
one very easily begins to sin; but once one has begun to sin, one
becomes blind and deaf and sins more and more. Unfortunately
one then finally comes so high to the point where it is said: Only
up to here and then not a step further! I have now arrived at this
point and will be very glad to find myself as soon as possible
very deep at the bottom! I am already seventy-eight and have
little more to expect! From now on, if you will grant me the rest
of my lifetime, I will occupy myself only with the purely
[4] Cyrenius says: “Go then – over there near to Mark’s house
you will find bread and wine! Strengthen yourself with it, and
then we will settle the affair before those announced arrive!”
[5] The high Pharisee now makes a cheerful face, thanks
Cyrenius and goes quickly to the laid table. The old man was
already very hungry and thirsty, and this was extremely desired.
[6] But while the old fellow strengthens himself, I go to
Cyrenius and say to him, “That is correct; you have lead things
very well. The testimony that you gave the Nazarene was also
quite in the best order; but to fully disclose Me to these people
would still be too early. Once things have been carried out in
order, as has happened so far, it will even be possible to win
over these people entirely for us; but hastiness could ruin the
whole thing.
[7] I will now place Raphael at your disposal. He will do
whatever you say to him; but be careful with a miracle! Do not
do anything about the rebuilding of the city which is still
glowing here and there, although the angel would certainly be in
a position to rebuild the whole city in an instant. For I want this
place to remain in a humbled position for a while, and finally
Mark and his children shall be the ones through whom the place
will be improved. But he can do everything else – but
nevertheless always with a certain safe caution!”
[8] Cyrenius asks: “Lord, what will You do in the meantime?”
[9] I say: “I will remain near you and act like a stranger, as until
now. But if towards midday you see a ship coming, go down to
the shore and receive the arrivals in My name; but tell them that
they should also not make Me known for these people’s sakes
before time, so that the thing with the Pharisees will not be
spoiled. But have the singer and messenger Herme come to My
disciples; they will give him the appropriate instruction for our
affairs. But I will discuss with Ouran the future state of his
country and likewise with Mathael and with his wife. Now you
know what you have to do!”
[10] Cyrenius says: “Certainly, my Lord and my God; but how
will I know that these some fifty arch-Jews are ready for you?”
[11] I say: “You will learn that at the right time after the midday
meal which we will take today an hour later. Therefore do not
worry, and do everything else well and in accordance with My
eternal, divine order!”
[12] Cyrenius was highly satisfied with this order and full of joy
that I was satisfied with his handling of the Pharisees; but I now
immediately called Raphael and placed him at the disposal of
Cyrenius’ will.
[13] Raphael came past quickly and said: “I stand here to serve
God, you and all people who have a good will, in the power and
strength and in the name of the Lord. But be careful what you
order, for I will carry everything out!”
[14] Cyrenius says: “Friend from heaven! If I acted according to
my understanding, nothing but one crazy thing after another
would come out. I have only the Lord alone to thank that I
succeeded with the extremely crafty Pharisees; for He gave me
words and the correct sense in my heart. Therefore what I
deserve equals nothing. Thus I hope and believe that it will
continue right to the goal! Under such auspices, friend, we can
certainly dare together to carry out the work that has been begun
with the Pharisees according to the will of the Lord! What do
you think, my friend from heaven?”
[15] Raphael says: “Ah, that is something quite different; with
this reasoning a sin in this situation is unthinkable! And so we
will then begin the work again with the united divine strength
that is in us!”
[16] In the meantime the high Pharisee Stahar had strengthened
himself, came back to Cyrenius again and thanked him from his
heart for such a good deed done to them.
[1] Cyrenius pushed away the thanks, saying: “Friend! The Lord
of heaven and Earth is alone due all thanks and all praise; but
you will now give me for my education as a person most highly
indoctrinated in all Judaism and as a perfect scribe the
explanation of what meaning you attach to the notion of ‘angel’.
What are the angels of God actually, and how do they serve God
and mankind?”
[2] Stahar says: “High ruler, that is a very prickly question,
especially since it has not yet been completely proven that
angels really exist! The Scriptures mention them at certain
moments; but it never mentions even a syllable about what and
who the angels actually are, and how and in what way they
serve God and mankind!
[3] According to the Dahahlmud (Talmud, ed.) we understand
them to be only the powers emitted by the divine being in the
form of bundles of flames, which move in the most unthinkable
speed of thought in all directions from the eternal, uncharted
centre of God, approximately like the beams of light which are
emitted by the sun. That seems to me to be the most acceptable;
but whether that is the correct and truest definition is another
question, about which a mortal person will probably not be in
the position to give a true answer.
[4] According to the Scriptures the angels have often been seen
to serve people on the Earth as youths of incredible beauty!
Well, for deep thinkers that is a piece of deep belief; I and all
my colleagues have at least never got to see something similar!
It could be so! But it could just as well be an old, lyrical way of
speech, through which one personified the spiritually effective
powers for the sake of greater symbolization, giving them a full,
youthfully active, powerful form of a most beautiful youth; for a
female angel has never been mentioned in verse – probably
because the enthusiastic poet never assumed that great strength
would be in a perfect and attractive virgin like in a full and
healthy young man.
[5] You see, high master, thus the opinions according to pure
reason are very different! Something real seems to exist
everywhere in this issue; but what is actually true cannot be
measured by us people. The best thing is to leave the people
with their imagination because one cannot offer anything better
in return! But that is now everything that I can give you in
answer to your very important question; for I cannot come to
you with what one tells the people!”
[6] Cyrenius says: “So you do not fully believe in the possibility
of a physical personal appearance of an angel?”
[7] Stahar says: “Not only not fully, but not at all; for I have
never had the honor and the luck to see such a thing even in
dreams, not to mention in reality. Just as well all my colleagues,
with whom I have had an open discussion on this topic, could
not tell me anything different to what I have already
[8] It is true that I do not want to fully deny the most extreme
possibility except for me personally; but it is certain that such a
spirit of an angel can present himself to us much less as a formal
being without a natural medium than a beam of light can
manifest itself as such when it cannot find any retrospective
[9] The beam of sunlight cuts through the air much easier than it
touches the ground of the earth. But in the air, as a too weak
medium, it cannot become grass; but on the ground of the Earth
it can change itself like a Proteus into anything if he finds the
appropriate method in the material world.
[10] And so I think that one can discover a certain order in the
great nature of all things, but one never sees anything be created
where no suitable cause led the way, and where no suitable
medium would effectively be in the foreground, since one never
discovers any leap no matter how carefully one observes nature,
I am then also against all so-called miracles and against the
formal personal appearance of a spirit under whatever name –
be it an angel or a devil, a god or its opposite.
[11] Yes, a higher spirit can manifest itself, but never as
anything other than flesh and blood; above that is either a
fantasy of a spiritual person or a complete lie!
[12] Unfortunately we, who recognized the truth a long time
ago, have to be mystically looking and acting spreaders and
maintainers of the lie and the deepest superstition! We have to
make pious faces where we could explode in anger over the
great foolishness! But there is Moses, there are the prophets –
sheer domineering people who had to destroy the people first
with all sorts of natural spooks so that they can then crown them
as their all time leaders and give them the right to tyrannize
them with everything that is called “evil”!
[13] But once a people has been talked round and blinded by
many miracles into the deepest foundations of life, then just
give such a nation light, but a true light, and it will fall upon you
like a tiger and tear you to pieces!
[14] Therefore it is better if one leaves a very foolish people to
its old, foolish belief and renews and enlivens it through false
miracles, rather than trying to enlighten such a people because a
very foolish people in general can no longer be enlightened!
[15] There was once a time for me in which I attacked every
person, who obviously made an effort to make the already very
foolish humanity even more foolish with a miracle, like a tiger
full of fury and anger for his shameful undertaking and even
killed him if possible; but in time I came to the conviction after
many sublime attempts that the foolish people cannot be
enlightened, and found also that I was very wrong to wage war
against any person who sought to strengthen the people in its
old superstition in an effective way through artificial miracles.
[16] I think I have now been honest about myself. You will
hopefully see without anger that I of course had to take a stand
against the people! But that I always thought differently, my
inner, better conviction speaks for me, which I would never
have been able to show if it was not at hand in myself! But now
I don’t care about people who perform miracles; only they
should not wage war against awakened people like me through
professional jealousy, but instead they should join us, and we
will all make a good living.
[17] For one must never let the unenlightened humans notice
that there is actually nothing behind us, but instead through
artificial miracles one must keep them in their opinion and their
blind faith that unfathomable secrets are behind us which only a
priest, filled with the spirit of God, and a prophet awakened by
God can understand completely.
[18] It is enough that only a few see that all religions about
some divine being are nothing but – just between us – vain, old
fables, which have a basis in human imagination and otherwise
nowhere else.”
[1] Cyrenius says: “I am not of your opinion at all; for I believe
strongly that there is a God who has created all the spiritual and
material world out of His own highest complete power, and
namely out of Himself, only in a somewhat longer period of
time, of course, than that given by Moses, who is either badly or
not understood at all. But there are men here who understand
Moses better than you!
[2] I also believe in an eternal life of all people who actually
fulfill the commandments of God with a good will, I also
believe perfectly in the formal personality of all spirits and also
the angels of God, I believe firmly in a real revelation of God
through the mouth of the prophets and I even believe in a
divine-human personality!
[3] And I believe all this not simply from hear-say, but instead
from my innermost and most living conviction, and it therefore
disconcerts me very much that you believe nothing of all that!
[4] What would you say then if I said to you quite seriously:
Look, this charming young man here is just one of those angels
of God that you never believed in and can prove himself to you
as such at any time through deeds? What would you be able to
say to me in return?”
[5] Stahar says: “High lord, I cannot say nothing to that except:
You are now pleased to go easy on me before all people! This
charming boy is surely only a promising son of yours, and you
will not have omitted to teach him from his earliest childhood in
all possible arts and sciences, and therefore it would all have
been for nothing if he did not now possess certain capabilities
that the likes of us have never dreamed of.
[6] If I were such a gullible ox, you could certainly pull the
wool over my eyes; but as it is it would be difficult to do. For I
know what I know, and it will be the same case for you – only
you seem to want to put me to a new test again here.”
[7] Cyrenius says: “Well, if you consider it so, then put him to
the test in the name of the Lord God, and it will be shown
whether I have told you the truth or not!”
[8] Stahar says: “Good, if you grant that, I will immediately lift
you triple Moses cloth from your face so that you can see
clearly what your angel really is! Come over here then, my
blessed young angel!”
[9] Raphael steps up to Stahar and says: “What do you want me
to do, you unbeliever?”
[10] Stahar says: “Look, in this sea there are a large quantity of
fish; could you fetch out of the depths one of the best and
present it to me on a plate already cooked and very well
[11] Stahar had hardly said this when Raphael held out to him
the desired fish on a large plate and then invited him to now
consume the fish.
[12] When Stahar saw such a thing he became terribly
embarrassed and didn’t know what he should say to this
unexplainable occurrence.
[13] Raphael however invited Cyrenius as well to try the fish,
which has been very well prepared. The fish was cut into pieces.
Cyrenius immediately took a large piece, ate it and praised
greatly the good taste. At this Stahar also tried a piece, ate it,
and found Cyrenius’ praise justified, and finally other guests
took portions of the fish and found it to be extremely tasty.
[14] When the fish had been consumed in this way, Stahar
turned humbly to Raphael and said: “Are you really an angel of
the Lord, or are you only a young, extraordinary magician from
Europe or Africa or from the great Asia? The deed is truly
incomprehensible and wondrous like never before; but there are
also conjuring tricks and great magicians among the people,
through whom a layman can very easily be confused. Therefore
tell me truly whether you are possibly an angel of the Lord – or
perhaps really a magician?!”
[15] Raphael says: “What use is my yes or no for you?! The
doubter needs tangible evidence! Test me and recognize
yourself whether what I do can be done by any magician!”
[16] Stahar says: “Yes, yes, it would be good to test you if one
only knew with what – hm – yes, nothing occurs to me that I
could test you with, blessed boy, and in addition the realization
of this first test demanded by me so laughably is already so
extraordinary that something even less impossible cannot even
be thought of! Judging by your endlessly charming figure I
would much rather believe that you are seriously an angel of
God than a magician! Only you seem to really have a body, and
that seems to be no spirit. Let me just touch you to see whether
you have bones!”
[17] The angel lets Stahar feel him, and Stahar finds everything
about Raphael appropriate and compact; he shrugs his shoulders
violently and says: “Hmm, hmm, everything abounds in
completely, desperately voluptuous fullness of flesh; it doesn’t
look very spiritual at all! The deed, yes, nothing can be said
against that; but the whole desperately beautiful, full,
voluptuous body surpassing by far all virgins, this magnificent
arm, compact and of such high-quality. Yes, nothing looks
similar to a spirit! One could, to be quite honest – apart from the
fact that one is already an old dullard, and apart from the fact
that you belong to the male gender – even with the greatest ease
fall terribly in love and become as sensually as at all possible!
And look, there is nothing that one can call purely and heavenly
spiritual with full right! It had to then be so that you, like a
young Tobias secretly invisible to us mortals were supported by
an angel, that is, that from your birth on like Samuel you were
an extremely pious lad! If that was not the case, you could stand
in secret conjunction just as well with the “Evil One”, which I
certainly suppose less, since you otherwise have such a
heavenly pious and beautiful appearance, and because I, if I
admit it openly, never really believed firmly in the “Evil One”.
Even my complete faith in God suffered, all the more then in
His opposite!
[18] Therefore despite my external strictness I am no Zealot, but
instead a sensible naturalist and therefore cannot accept any
occurrence spiritually as long as it cannot be explained
[19] Your deed carried out now allows no natural explanation
for my understanding; but I have also never imagined that I
understood everything that comes to light in the great field of
nature. Therefore your miracles can have no natural base which
will be well-known to you and perhaps to others. You will
rather not tell it to me; alone that is all right, for in nature some
things happen that in itself is a miracle whose reason we cannot
see. Should we view it then as a full miracle?!”
[1] (Stahar) “Look, blessed youth proficient in magic! About
three years ago some Orientals came to this city, from South-
East Asia as they said, where there are supposed to be such high
mountains that their peaks almost touch the moon when it
moves past. Well, that may be; but the foreigners exaggerate
everything in order to attract a lot of attention, and likewise the
height of their mountains!
[2] Let’s leave that; for it is no matter whether their mountains
should be several cubits lower! These extremely strange-looking
South-East Asians asked me for permission to be allowed to
carry out their true miracles before the people for a moderate
[3] But I said to them through a translator: Before I had
convinced myself in private, as they say, what their miracles
consisted of and whether it was advisable to perform them to the
blind people, despite the fact that I myself am a great friend of
everything extraordinary, I could not give them the permission
to produce miracles, no matter how innocent, before all the
[4] The miracle workers were all the more satisfied with this
decision of mine when I assured him of a good fee for their
production simply before me and a few reasonable colleagues.
[5] They went to the accommodation they had rented in the city
and came back after an hour with all sorts of magical items that
I had never seen before; there were staffs, rocks, strangelooking
metals and large and small variously formed containers,
of which none were of a form familiar to me.
[6] I asked their leader what he needed them all for, and he said:
Actually for nothing; but there must be something familiar near
him, otherwise he would not be able to carry out a demanded
miracle as well and as safely. He then asked me what I wanted
to see or know from him.
[7] I said: Good, if I only need to demand, you will not make
any great steps with your magic! I asked him whether he could
tell me what I was thinking then. I thought about Rome and the
name of the emperor. He then laid both his hands on my chest
cavity and told me my thoughts. You can easily imagine that
that amazed me no less than your deed now!
[8] Next I set a jug of water before him and said: Turn this
water into wine for me! He went over, made a few hand
movements over the jug and over the water and then said: Try it,
lord, see how you like the wine! I tasted the water immediately
and you see, it was totally wine! With this I actually was even
more amazed.
[9] Then he took a clay bowl that was completely empty, and
poured the rest of the wine into it, supposedly to strengthen
himself on the long journey home soon. But when I observed
the container afterwards, which otherwise looked very empty,
but didn’t even find it wet, not to mention something in it; but it
truly smelled strongly of wine, and the magician remarked that
he preferred to take the wine with him in a dry and spiritual
condition in case of spillage.
[10] I asked him whether he could now bring back the liquid,
drinkable wine, immediately or ever, from out of this smell of
wine. He then asked me and my three colleagues whether we
wanted to drink. We said yes to this, and he took the visibly
empty container, which was visibly smaller than my water jug,
and then poured so much wine into my jug that the wine began
to overflow!
[11] Yes, young, blessed friend, our hairs then began to stand on
end; for that went much too far over our horizon of wisdom! I
didn’t know what I should say to that! We then drank the very
good wine very thirstily, and – another miracle – the jug never
became perceptibly emptier!
[12] When, very enthused by the wine, we marveled more and
more, the magician said: But my lords, wine without bread is
not good at all! Do you see several rocks here; how would it be
if I turned them into bread? I said: Do that! Next he swept his
hand over the rocks and then said: Take a knife and slice the
bread! I did it and you see, it was bread, good, tasty bread!
[13] I then said: “But friend, if you are capable of such things, I
would then like to know now why you need payment for your
exceptional art?” The magician said: „Simply for the novelty’s
sake and to have means to survive in places where one cannot
and may not perform miracles.”
[14] I was satisfied with this answer, supplied the magicians
with two pounds of silver, which he took gratefully, but because
of the too great extraordinariness could not give him the
permission to display his arts openly before the blind people; for
the people had given him an almost divine reverence,
particularly the Greeks and several Romans.
[15] He said to me that he was capable of a great quantity of all
sorts of miracles which were even more notable than what he
had already done! But I had truly no particular desire any longer
to demand and look at anything more. What had happened had
already made my head spin, and I was very glad to see these
South-East Asians leaving our city; for they would have made
the people quite rebellious.
[16] I asked the magician at the end whether he could explain
just one of his skills to me for money and good words. He
waved this away, not quite dryly, but demanded so much money
for it that I began to shudder, and I then left the artist with an
easier mind.
[17] Look, my very most blessed boy! The magician from
South-East Asia was certainly also as little an angel of Jehovah
as I am, and had nonetheless performed amazing deeds; why
should you therefore be an angel with your very heavenly
beautiful body, because you are also capable of performing
extraordinary things for my coarse human understanding?!
[18] You must give me more purely spiritual proof of your
divine angelship, otherwise I cannot accept you as an angel of
God, and even if you performed a hundred greater miracles for
me than that of the fish that we have just eaten! And I think that
no truly sober, reasonable person will be able to raise any
objections to my highly reasonable request!”
[1] Raphael says: “The point now only is whether you spoke the
truth or not! I can certainly say to you that you, simply to test
my spirituality further, have now lied quite atrociously and
stinking in your unbound imagination, and that of all you have
told now, not a syllable is true!
[2] The imaginary magician is supposed to have guessed your
thoughts; and I have now guessed that you have lied to us all!
And there the lie about the magicians has now become truth for
[3] The false magician turned water into wine, according to your
lie; look, I can in fact also show you that! Look, there is an
empty jug; let’s fill it with water! (The jug was filled with
water.) Look, it is standing here full of water! I have not
touched the jug, and yet the water has become the best wine!
Taste it and see whether you like it!”
[4] Stahar tastes the water and now seriously finds that it has
become the best wine.
[5] The angel speaks on, “But the magician then made the wine
disappear in another jug; and look, I am not touching the jug,
and yet now there is not a drop of wine left in it! (The jug was
empty and dry.) But the false magician then made wine again
out of the smell; and look, this jug no longer smells of wine, and
nevertheless I want it to be full of the best wine again! Look, the
jug is full!
[6] But you have no bread to go with the wine and may not
drink the pure wine easily! Your magician needed several stones
in order to change them into bread; I need nothing but my will –
and look, already a quantity of bread is lying before you! Try it,
and see whether it tastes better than your false bread!
[7] You then gave your magician two false pounds of silver; and
I will create two hundred pounds of real, quality silver out of the
air as a good payment for your lie! Tell me whether you are now
satisfied with that!”
[8] Stahar raises his eyebrows at this and says after a while,
“No, that cannot possibly happen with natural means and
powers! Obviously something more than an unfathomable
natural force is working here! There is an all-powerful divine
will behind it, and you, young man, are either a real, personified
angel, or you are one of the greatest prophets of God like
Samuel or like Elijah!
[9] Yes, now I believe that you are a messenger of God from the
heavens to us poor, sinning people, in order to set us who have
turned far away from the right path back onto it again!
[10] It is true, great, blessed messenger of the Lord, that my
story which I just told you about the South-East Asian magician
was as good as fabricated by me – but nonetheless only after the
pattern that was once told to me by someone else. I only told it
in order to test you further, but I found that you can truly look
into our hearts and minds, and that for your will even the most
impossible thing is child’s play.
[11] And I also now firmly believe that you are a complete
messenger of God, despite your beautiful body, and I now have
a great joy in my heart that I have also experienced what is
written there in the Book, that the pious fathers also experienced
such things now and then in the old days!”
[12] The angel says: “But it is not for the first time that you
experienced something that the old fathers experienced! Thirty
years ago you experienced something similar in the temple, at
which the High Priest then fell mainly by your hands between
the altar and the Holy of Holies! Why did you not believe then
in the obvious miracle, and why did you even become cruel to a
High Priest?!”
[13] Stahar says: “Dearest, all-powerful messenger of the Lord,
do not remind me about a time in which I certainly saw the light
of the world only through a curse, and about a deed which I
deeply regretted a thousand times afterwards! But it was almost
impossible to do otherwise for my soul and to my knowledge!
[14] I had already secretly got acquainted with the philosophy
of the Greeks again and again, and I knew why I had become a
human being. Plato and Socrates, as well as Aristotle, were a
thousand times dearer to me than all my dubious and highly
mystical prophets whom I even today do not yet understand and
will never understand, because they actually cannot be
understood, but particularly the Songs of Solomon, which rather
resemble that of a lunatic than a wise man. I had felt a proper
anger against everything that disagreed even a little with the
pure reason of Euclides, by whose works I actually became a
[15] My all-powerful, heavenly friend! If someone says to me: 2
and 2 are 4, and that the day has light and the night has
darkness, then he has spoken the complete truth, and I will press
him to my heart as a friend. But if someone comes and claims
fixedly to my face that 2 and 2 are 5, and that the day is dark
and the night is light, I would beat such an ox to death with one
blow; for such a mental murderer seems much worse to me than
any thief or mugger or murderer!
[16] And you see, so it was then in the temple! They had
already begun to claim the most absurd things, and even placed
punishments on it if anyone undertook to express the least
remark against a wise saying by Solomon, no matter how
dubious and foolish!
[17] That High Priest was a real follower of Solomon and stuck
strictly to the most mystical wisdom; he even began to sing the
praises of a brightest light that was coming to the world. This
would now illuminate all the darkness of the night so
powerfully that even the darkest holes under the Earth would
shine brighter than the sun on the brightest midday; but the day
of the world would become the darkest night, and the darkness
of the day would become so great that men and animals would
die from it. The light of the night was already in the world
and was already illuminating the darkness of the night, so that
even those born blind could see like a seeing person on the
brightest day!
[18] What I have now said is just a little introduction, which of
course is a greatest lie from the Alpha to the Omega, since until
today, over a full thirty years I have never noticed any night
light apart from the full moon – except yesterday’s extended
evening light, which could just as well have not occurred,
whereby much misfortune would have been avoided. No-one
was allowed to ask him what was to be understood by this, and
nonetheless he demanded the fullest faith.
[19] I could bear this in Jehovah’s name – for a little more
nonsense on the top of much nonsense matters little, because
one can still think purely and truthfully for oneself – but then all
at once he began to say: 7 now becomes 1, and 666 becomes
111, and 777 and ½ and 1/3 and ¼. Whoever can count should
now count differently; for the old way is now judged and
[20] Such nonsense created the greatest worry, fear and anger
for me and several scholars of Euclid; we conspired and put an
end to the insulting foolishness through a number of well-aimed
[21] But we did not gain much by this; for the successors of the
murdered man were a hundred times worse. Then the likes of us
could no longer remain in the temple; I reflected, pretended to
be a big hypocrite, and as a result of that I was soon placed here
as a leader with all the rights of a High Priest. But here I let
nothing pass me by and outwardly I played the role of a strict
believer; but inwardly I was very good and full of good things.
There you now have the reason why Zachariah was killed! What
do you now say to that?”
[1] Raphael says: “But that had a tangibly spiritual sense and
not a material one! It concerned the Messiah who was coming to
the world at that time, about whom all the prophets prophesied,
yes even Adam and Enoch, as well as Kenan in his enthusiasm!
[2] The time has now come in which all prophesies have come
into fulfillment! Zachariah prophesied as the last prophet in a
spiritual way about the successful arrival of the Promised One,
and you killed his flesh for this and thereby sealed another
faithful bargain with hell, which Cain had first opened for the
blind, foolish and evil humanity in his fight with the pious Abel.
[3] But it cannot be held too much against the too blind and too
foolish people if they commit sins of all sorts of cruelties in
their blindness, and therefore all the less because you have again
and again very seriously regretted such a heinous deed, which
will be counted in your favor; but now begs the question what
you would do if you stood before the face of the Messiah who
has walked and taught among the Jews on this world for thirty
years, and what your fifty colleagues would do! Would you give
Him the deserved honor and recognize Him in your heart as
what He is?”
[4] Stahar says: “My all-powerful friend, we could bang our
heads and legs against a brick wall trying to answer that
question! Who is the very mystically promised Messiah?
Where is He? What does He want and what does He teach?
Before one knows that, one cannot give any certain answer, for
Jehovah’s sake!”
[5] Raphael says: “He is what David sang about Him, when he
said: „Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient
doors that the king of glory may come in!” Who is the King of
glory? It is Jehovah Zebaoth (Psalm 24: 9-10). You see, he
gives such a proof of the Messiah who is now holy, holy, holy
in this world as physically as we are!
[6] But if David now says such clear things about Him, your
questions are answered, and you now know what to make of
the Messiah; but now I demand a clear answer to the question I
set you!”
[7] Stahar says: “If so, which I in my subjective field would not
want to doubt, I ask however: What do we do with Moses then,
who said quite categorically clearly: No man can see Jehovah
and still retain his life!? At the same time we find in Moses a
positive interdiction on the part of Jehovah for the great seer,
according to which no-one shall ever represent God in any
image, no matter how eminent! But you say that the Messiah,
according to what David said, is walking around as a person in
corpore (physically)!? What happens then to the interdiction of
God according to Moses?! One of them must be thrown away,
either Moses or your Messiah, for both Moses and David cannot
possibly be correct!”
[8] Raphael says: “Neither Moses nor David! For both announce
to the people the right, the good and the true! Moses did not say
in his promise of Jehovah that He could not appear among the
people as a person; he only forbade a graven image to be made
of God, somewhat like the golden calf. Thus Jehovah also said
to Moses that no-one could see Him as God or spirit and live;
immediately afterwards however Jehovah nonetheless said to
Moses: Look there – but remain behind the rock! And Moses
saw Jehovah’s back.
[9] But what does that mean? You see, Jehovah’s back, which
Moses saw, represents the humanly physical form of how He
will be visible to man as the most perfect person! If that is so,
how can one reject Moses if one accepts David’s evidence?
[10] You have set aside the old Ark of the Covenant for thirty
years because the column of fire and the cloud of smoke had
disappeared from the old one, and you set a new, very material
one in the place of the old! But such a thing is also, without you
understanding it, proof for this time and means that Jehovah no
longer floats majestically as a single spirit over all matter, as
once over the waters of the night, but instead He Himself left
such a place in which He could make Himself known as Creator
and Father to the other children through the awakened seer only
with difficulty and uncertainly. He therefore stepped into the
flesh of a person and now teaches the people Himself and
confers with His children!
[11] Don’t you see here a new Ark of the Covenant, of which
the dead new one in the temple is a warning symbol? But the
spiritual life of Jehovah, which previously floated over the old
Ark, was laid by Jehovah Himself into the God-man thirty years
ago, and He is now here in the world and personally teaches the
people to recognize Him!
[12] If things happen in this way, can you then still say: one
must reject either Moses or David in order to accept that?
[13] It is also written: But in those days the heavens will be
wide open and the angels will go up and down to the people of
good will, and they will bear witness of the eternal, personified
word that is God Himself! That is now happening right before
your eyes and ears! How can you then ask anything further?! Or
do you still consider me to be only a human being?”
[14] Stahar says: now much contemplating the angel’s words,
“Hmm, now I feel very strange! It is quite true, and the truth
shines out of every word of your heavenly mouth. I am now
converted; but there is the issue of my colleagues, that they will
also be converted, and then there is the issue of where we can
meet the great Messiah in order to hear Him ourselves!”
[15] Raphael says: “Go and tell your brothers, so that they may
also believe and become blessed; then come and learn where
you will see and speak to the Holiest One!”
[16] Stahar now immediately goes to his colleagues, who are
still in the dark.
[1] Stahar’s colleagues however are for the most part spread
along the shore, but several were going around in the courtyard.
But Stahar called them all to the shore and said to them when
they were all together, “Friends! Have you heard that youth
speaking and seen him acting?”
[2] The colleagues say, “Some things, but not everything; for it
seemed to us to be too well arranged by the governor, in order
to pull us into his web, and we thought: The further away, the
better! We have anyway lost everything that we had – we are
beggars! The city is still burning! What should we do? The
Romans know who we are to the people; without our favor,
which is hard to achieve, their rule in Africa will cost them
dearly! Oh, a Roman such as Cyrenius, who has at his disposal
the richest means of all the three continents, can do everything!
[3] Just give me a lot of gold and silver and I will also become a
miracle-worker, perhaps not in the way of that young conjuror –
but I will perform miracles of the most amazing type!”
[4] Stahar says: “Friend, you are crazy if you speak like that and
don’t even know how to tell the difference between a genuine
and a false miracle! I have already offered every objection and
contradiction that comes with good reason, but I failed
shamefully with all my contradictions when the boy began to
read my most secret thoughts! Only then I recognized my old,
great mistake and now I come to you to tell you what I have
seen and heard!
[5] The boy is unmistakably an angel of God, and he bore
witness that the promised Messiah is already in the world and
makes the blind see and the deaf hear and understand, and that it
is even possible that we will get to see and speak to Him here.
[6] I now believe everything, and all of you will also believe it!
For I am certainly not one to accept and believe everything; I
have to be thoroughly convinced of something in detail before I
accept it; but once I have the conviction, then it remains as solid
as granite, and no-one can take it away from me again!
[7] But since things are so, you can believe me without any
further consideration! For all of you together are not capable of
bringing any greater doubts to this issue than I did; but all my
objections were belied! And since I finally began to accept the
case of the Messiah as well as I accept that 1 and 1 are 2, then
you can also fully believe me now!”
[8] The colleagues say, “Everything is correct; but there is now
only the matter of what we should believe from you!”
[9] Stahar says: “Are you deaf then?! Didn’t I tell you that that
youth is an angel of God in all truth, that the Messiah is in the
world, and that we will soon see Him and speak to Him?! That
and nothing else is what you have to believe!”
[10] The colleagues say: “Very good! If you believe it and are
even mathematically convinced of this, then we cannot doubt it;
but with such new, previously unheard-of events one must
always consider that often the bet swimmers drown first, the
most daring climbers fall from the mountain and the so-called
firm believers in the end begin to have all sorts of doubts before
someone who did not understand something incomprehensible
very quickly and therefore placed no great faith in it!
[11] You have never believed things lightly, as we know, and as
such we accept your word as true; but some reserved care never
hurts! For we know from the Scriptures how some miracleworking
prophets became quite simple, weak people towards
the end of their lives! The consequence only shows what sort of
spirit the prophet had. That should also be taken into
consideration here.”
[12] Stahar says: “I take responsibility for all that. Truly I know
that we are not allowed to approach the temple with this, but we
will know how to protect ourselves! On the outside we remain –
only a little more reasonably, however – what we were, and pay
the determined tribute; but in our insides things must become
quite powerfully different, and in time we want to introduce the
people into something better as well.
[13] If you now share my opinion and my belief, let us now go
over to where the governor and the boy are; there we shall be
given more light!”
[14] The colleagues agree and go over to Cyrenius, and when
they arrive, Stahar says: “Here we are now, and stand one and
all at your disposal; whatever you want, we will do and be, and
no-one will ever go against you! But may the dear, all-powerful
messenger of God strengthen these, my brothers, in their belief
in everything that I myself found difficult to believe!”
[15] Cyrenius says: “Look now, we Romans are not as strict
judges as you have long thought; but we want strict justice and
full truth! Whoever is satisfied with that is our friend, receives
the right to Roman citizenship, and no court except the court of
Rome can ever pass judgment on him.
[16] The first thing that I will do for your well-being is that I
will give each of you a Roman letter of citizenship! You are
fifty in number along with your leader; you shall immediately
be served with these! Once you have it, then we will see
everything that can be done for you!”
[17] At this Cyrenius ordered his servants to bring 50 rolls of
parchment. The servants went to Cyrenius’ bags and quickly
brought the demanded rolls. Once these were on the table,
Stahar asked Cyrenius, “High lord, we will surely have to give
you all our names?”
[18] Cyrenius says, pointing at the angel: “Look, he is my swift
scribe, he has already known for some time what he has to do
and he also knows your names; he will complete the letters in
your presence!” At this Cyrenius requests Raphael to do this.
[19] Here Raphael quickly stepped up to the table on which the
fifty rolls were lying, spread them as well as was possible on the
table, then took a pen which was filled with black ink, moved
across the rolls with lightning quickness and then said to
Cyrenius, “Here, friend, are the demanded letters in Roman,
Greek and Jewish language; now pass them out among those
[20] When Cyrenius now began to distribute the letters, horror
seized all the fifty. For this miracle was too great and powerful
for the fifty, and, trembling, they all began to see that they were
in the presence of God. They thanked Cyrenius for such double
mercy; but no-one dared to speak or to ask anything.
[1] But the thirty young Pharisees present also saw this and
among them Hebram and Risa, and had great joy that Cyrenius
had succeeded in transforming the fifty stubborn ones for the
good work as well.
[2] Hebram now stepped up to the head, Stahar, and said:
“Look, we thirty are here as we were sent by the temple into the
lands in order to bring heathens to the temple; a sour business!
Compared to the temple Jews the heathens are approximately
two hundred years ahead in their education; and now we should
make the seeing blind and put them under the temple’s accursed
water!? We can’t do that, and we can’t do anything else! That is
what our understanding heart tells us, and we therefore have all
become Romans, and our evidence against the temple will bring
light for many people. But we have received another great, holy
testimony here which gives a brighter light than a thousand suns
at once, and that is a light from eternity which even before the
creation of the world illuminated the angels who were the living
flames of the eternal flame in God, which is called love.
[3] We found this original light of all light, this eternal love
here; and you have also found it for the most part and you will
find much more yet.
[4] But it makes us an extremely great joy that you here have
also found what we have found. Certainly it has cost you your
external, good existence; the fire has consumed all your goods
and still licks around it; like we, you lost everything! But it is
once and for all the will of God: we people, if we truly want to
draw near to God and to carry the serious desire and will in our
hearts to be cared for by God in everything, we must first
completely turn our backs to the world out of great love and out
of the strongest trust in the all-powerful Father, and lose every
worldly thing that was dear to us in the world, down to the last
atom; for only then is God prepared to accept us, deserted and
despised by the world, as His children and to care for us totally,
when we will then be truly cared for in all eternity.
[5] Once we have been cared for by God, we then see clearly
how very badly we were cared for by the world!
[6] What use to a person are all the treasures of the Earth which
he cannot take with him when he has to leave this Earth
forever?! Will he be able to take them with him? But God’s
treasures, which He created spiritually for soul and spirit,
we take these with us into the great beyond, and they will be all
in all: food, drink, accommodation and clothing and the
complete, eternal life full of clarity, full of light and full of
the highest bliss!
[7] Therefore do not be sorry for all you have lost from
yesterday up to now; for the Lord has already cared for you
before you recognized Him as you do now. Sacrifice your love
to Him willingly; for He will reward you a thousand times in the
spirit for what you have lost in the material world!”
[8] Stahar says: “I thank you in the name of all these faithful
colleagues and brothers of mine for this very appropriate
comfort, and look there on the table at the big and solid lump of
silver that the angel conjured out of the air! With that we are
already more or less compensated for our loss; but I and all of
us now place very little value on this compensation. For what
we were, we will never become again, since the wise governor
will have a very different disposition with us all, as I secretly
suppose. So much will certainly be done for us so that we don’t
starve and can clothe our body in need; we don’t care about
anything else any longer! We will also leave this two hundred
pounds’ weight of silver here for the inn-keeper Mark, partly as
a deserved payment for the food and for the drink that he had
brought to us and will have brought to us in future.
[9] There is only one thing that we would like to learn, and that
is: whether the long promised Messiah, already present in the
world, is staying anywhere here in the vicinity of this place! To
see Him and perhaps to hear a word from Him would be a
treasure of all treasures!
[10] Just between us: We have a small suspicion about someone
about whom we have already heard some incredible things,
which no longer seems incredible to us after we have seen the
angel’s deeds!
[11] Well, this person, actually God Himself clothed as a
human, seems to us to be that Nazarene called Jesus, about
whom such highly wonderful rumors have spread from place to
place among the people that we became very embarrassed
before the people when we were attacked by them for an
illumination of what they saw with their own eyes and heard
with their own ears.
[12] The governor asked me a very awkward question, the
answering of which was very embarrassing! And so I suppose
now nothing else except that this wonderful Jesus of Nazareth is
unmistakably the Messiah confirmed by the angel as now being
present in the world; and this Messiah is perhaps even here
among the many present, but who will not let us recognize Him
out of surely very highly wise reasons before we are somewhat
worthy of it, as has been the case until now!
[13] I therefore believe, and say quite openly before you all: If
things happen thus, we will turn our backs to the temple and its
worthless holiness forever and join the Messiah of the Jews with
every fiber of our being! What do you think?”
[14] The others say, “Certainly we have nothing to object to
here! Whatever you do as our leader, we will do too; for we
know the essence of the temple and know that there is no
holiness in their walls any longer, because there is no truth, no
love and no loyalty to be found in it, but instead only
domineeringness, arrogance, anger, revenge, lies of all sorts,
food and gluttony and all sorts of incest and whoring and
adultery! Those are now the elements of the essence of the
temple! What salvation can be expected from such an
institution? Curse and ruin, yes, we can only desire this much;
but there can no longer be any talk of salvation!
[15] We have now considered things very maturely during your
speech and now will turn our backs on the temple forever, and
that with complete justification; for we have not gullibly
accepted something new. We have tested everything very
intensively beforehand; even the greatest miracle could not turn
us like the wind turns a leaf in the air.
[16] But now that we have convinced ourselves fully of the full
truth, we cannot do anything other than to accept the truth, as it
came from heaven, as what it is – and all the more so since time,
circumstance and the sovereignty of Rome are more suitable for
us than we could ever have expected!
[17] We are now looking forward very much to seeing the
Messiah, most certainly from Nazareth! Is it not he in the large
group who is wearing a pink-colored tunic and under that a
Greek Merino cloak of light blue color, and truly has the most
beautiful hair that we have ever seen on a man?!”
[18] Stahar says: “Yes, you may not be quite incorrect; for I
have been very keen for a long time! I also saw how both the
angel as well as Cyrenius constantly looked towards Him during
their speech and acts and asked at the same time whether
everything that they said and did was correct!
[19] Also all the others show him a certain hidden reverence
which did not escape my eye! If that is not an imperial prince
from Rome, then I would like to swear that this person is the
Messiah, and no other!”
[20] The others say, “Ah that is no Roman with such beautiful,
blond hair! But what could happen to us if we were to go to him
and ask him about this and that?!”
[21] Stahar says: “We would rather turn to the angel first, or to
the supreme governor; we are Roman citizens and have a full
right to this.”
[1] At this everyone moves over to Cyrenius very cheerfully and
asks him what should be done in these circumstances.
[2] And Cyrenius says: “It is more fitting that you should wait a
little longer, but draw nearer to Him internally in your hearts,
and then He will come to you Himself and will tell you Himself
who He is and what you have to do! Nonetheless for the
moment I can tell you that you are on the right track! For you
have already been able to tell from our presence that the great
man of God must be staying here! For we would not have
stayed here almost three days for the sake of something less!
[3] Thus He is here, you can now be fully assured of that; but
draw near to Him firstly in your hearts, and seize a serious
desire to thoroughly turn away from all your old habits and sins,
and then He will soon come to you Himself and give you the
divine instruction of what you will have to do for the future!
[4] But He is truly the one you yourselves were thinking that He
was! Observe Him and consider: That is Jehovah Himself as a
man among the people! This is the One who created heaven and
Earth and everything that is in and upon it!
[5] I tell you: He is the eternal original cause of all being and all
life! In the never to be fathomed power of His will resides the
whole infinity; all the angel’s power is only a slight breath from
His mouth, and all light shines forth from Him!
[6] In brief, consider that this is truly the same person that gave
Moses on Sinai the commandments for the people of Israel; but
this people have forgotten Him and once again fallen into all
vices! And He has now come to establish His people once again
and to make them free from all evils of the soul.
[7] He wears therefore a beautiful pink tunic to show how much
He still loves His people. But with the loose, blue coat He
shows that He has also come to us heathens in order to turn us
into His children as well! The coat covers the whole world and
all the heathens belong there too.
[8] Now just consider everything that I have now said to you,
and it will only too soon begin to manifest itself that I have not
told you any untruth!”
[9] Stahar and all his colleagues express their great thanks for
such an unexpected explanation on the part of Cyrenius and
withdraw in reverence.
[10] Having reached the seashore at a leisurely pace, Stahar says
to his companions, “But it is strange; I feel very strangely
happy at the almost open explanation by Cyrenius about the
Messiah! A certain feeling of being cared for has overcome me,
as if nothing in the least can be taken away from us all in this
world any longer! At the same time however I feel a highly
strange shyness and fear before the Lord of eternity; for we can
now no longer deny, after everything that we have seen and
heard, that He is truly what Cyrenius described Him to us to be!
A conversation with Him will create in us a very strange
sensation! Our otherwise very active tongue will certainly
fail us!”
[11] One very courageous one in the midst of the fifty says:
“Yes, yes, you have spoken very correctly and truly; but
nonetheless I think: We cannot help the fact that we are humans,
because we certainly did not place ourselves in this world!
Neither can we help our circumstances in life, through which we
became what we were; our elders, our up-bringing and the needs
of every shape and form which were awakened through it have
made us this.
[12] If we had been children of poor country folk, we would
certainly have also been what our parents were; but it pleased
God to give us to very respected and rich parents. They had us
brought up in the temple and then totally dedicated to the
temple. We cannot possibly do anything about that! The will of
the All-mighty certainly had something to do with the fact they
we became what we were!
[13] That we then allowed ourselves certain things that were not
quite in order according to the commandments was certainly our
problem; but I always think: If your parents had brought you up
to be a fisherman who had to earn his hard living, then some
things must not happen which a well cared-for person would
have been allowed because the well fed flesh and blood urged
one on! Thus our crimes against the law are in part a
consequence of the circumstances in which we were placed
from birth and up-bringing.
[14] If the great Messiah comes to us now, I could speak to Him
in a way quite without fear and particular shyness; for I can be
no less than I am, and He certainly no more than He is from
eternity to eternity!
[15] Tell me quite openly: Can a tree help the fact that he is
moved quite violently back and forth by a storm?! Or can the
sea help the fact that angry winds churn up the flat surface or
make one wave engulf another as a predator devours its prey?!
Or can the weak reed prevent being bent in all directions by the
[16] We are no original force and depend on all sorts of secret
forces acting upon us. What is the use of a good and serious will
never to fall, if a bridge over which you have to cross has
become fragile without you knowing and collapses at the
moment when you are quite harmlessly strolling over it?! What
is life, what support does it have, on which we can build with
security?! Who knows the foundations of thought and desire?!
Life is created by animals and men in one and the same way
through the animalistic mute cohabitation, almost devoid of all
serious thought! Neither the animal nor the person has a spark
of consciousness of how through sensually mute cohabitation a
living organism is formed, whose simple materially technical
part has been put together so highly skillfully that a great wise
man would have to study for a thousand years in order to see
and recognize all the individual components and their
connections even superficially! But then he would only have the
machine before him; but where then is the principle of life itself,
how does it function in the machine, and how does it make use
of all the countless individual parts?!
[17] We know, of course, that we now exist, that we live and
think and desire, we also become aware of the most various
excitements and driving forces in us; but how are they created in
us, who calls them out of sleep, and where do they go to when
we have satisfied them with what they forced us to do?
[18] You see, these are important considerations, through which
by every god at least four fifths of our lifetime could be excused
according to pure reason, and I fear therefore no spirit and no
god! I have never committed evil to anyone, except that now
and then I as a man took pleasure in a voluptuous maiden; and
my nature is to blame for that! Why did the voluptuousness of a
maiden have to attract me so much? Did I myself place such an
overwhelming desire in my being? I know nothing about it!
Who gave me the feeling then of love that is hard to satisfy?
Who is the creator of thirst and hunger in me? Why must I eat
and drink? You see, those are all higher forces in us which we
cannot counteract with any law! We can certainly deny
ourselves to a certain degree, but after that not an inch more! If
things are so, which pure reason and wisdom can be capable of
dragging me before a court for the sake of my status and my
actions? Not a human one – all the less a very highest and
brightly divine one! Why should I then have a highly silly fear
of a god?”
[19] Stahar says: “But it is written that man should fear God, in
that God is all-powerful and man is highly powerless, who can
never stand against God with his power!”
[20] The speaker says: “Quite right! He should fear God; but
that is only said to moral people – but not to complete people in
all their functions of life! But even this fear is actually only a
fear through love, which should be a similar leading ball of
string in life to the free will of demure people as the loving fear
of a child to his parents. But let God give you a commandment
which forbids breathing or digestion or the pulse or growing
old, the growing of hair and nails or smelling and tasting and
feeling desire and pain! What anyway wise god could do that?!
Where do we have the yardstick against which we could exactly
measure where man has taken his positively determined
viewpoint in all his thoughts, desires and actions in his moral
absoluteness free of all necessary functions of life?
[21] Who knows the threads with which the natural life with the
purely spiritual and free life are connected, and to what extent it
can move completely independently from the threads?! Yes, you
can really see that every man is free in a certain way – he can go
where he wants, he can stand or sit, he can look with his eyes in
every direction – but all that presupposes a necessity which
comes from the limited natural life!
[22] It begs the question where the actual free moral viewpoint
of a person between the necessary natural life and the free,
spiritual being in a person is placed! As long as this has not
been conveyed, there can be no talk of either a sin or a virtue!”
[1] Stahar says: “Friend, I know that you are a great wise man
of the world, and that one finds it hard to contradict you; but the
strange deeds of the angel cannot possibly have escaped you!
Was he performing these for our natural life or only for our
[2] The speaker says: “We saw it with our own eyes; did they
see it in Jerusalem as well? No! Because they did not see it with
the living eyes and therefore cannot believe it if they are told
about it, should they be informed. Can we then as reasonable
people be angry with them or even damn them to all sorts of
[3] The necessity of faith has only just been shown to us
through our senses; without our eyes we were as much confused
as those in Jerusalem. Tell me where the actual demure stance
begins! Wipe the eyes and wipe away the necessary vision, and
then determine for me the absolute moral viewpoint!”
[4] Stahar says: “Friend, I see well that we will not easily
become equals! Such things must be clarified to us by a higher
spirit! I now see the angel coming towards us; you must speak
to him, and I would be very curious to learn how you will settle
the issue between you!”
[5] The constantly sober speaker says: “Dear friend! The angel
does not bother me a jot more than you do, and I will speak to
him as with you, and will give him even less than you in that he
is a holy spirit and rejoices in every perfection, while we must
still crawl on the hard and dirty ground of this Earth as worms
in the dust of nothingness! There is only one truth, and that
applies to an angel just as well as to the dirtiest rogue in the
[6] With these words the angel was beside him and said:
“Floran, you do not fear me then at all?”
[7] The speaker says: “If you know my name, you will also
already know the reasons in me why I can have no fear before
God, neither before you, even if you performed a thousand of
the greatest miracles! I can even think of a thousand miracles,
but not carry them out; what difference does it make?! If I could
perform them, then yours would not seem miraculous anymore!
Or should I then be sad if I cannot shine like the midday sun or
fly around like a bird in the air?! I am satisfied with what I
know, what I am and what I can do, and I do not need anything
more at least for this world!
[8] But what I know, am and can, is a gift from God for me
personally, for which I am grateful to the Creator; I do not need
anything more and I do not envy anyone who has more!
[9] Should I fear you then because you are infinitely more
powerful than I? Oh, not at all! If you were more foolish than I,
you would have either no power or it would be crude, and I
would be able to meet it with my pure reason just as well as the
power of the storm; but you are much wiser than I and that gives
me the confidence that you will do me no harm, particularly as I
have never been able to do you any harm nor have I wanted to.
And if you wanted to have a joke at my expense, I would not be
angry with you, but I would also not praise you as a lion of
wisdom, of whose seriousness one says that he is no beginner.
But God is endlessly wiser and more powerful than you, thus I
fear Him even less than you.”
[10] The angel says: “But don’t you know that God can destroy
you for eternity, or that He can set an eternal highest scourge on
you if you do not respect Him?! And in this way should God not
be feared?!”
[11] Floran says: “Without intruding on your wisdom even the
littlest bit, I must admit honestly that this question of yours –
speaking straight – did no particularly heavenly justice to your
wisdom! To doubt that God can destroy me as the most
all-powerful being would be an even greater madness than your
strongly silly reminder of my subjective and objective
nothingness. What will happen then if I become nothing again
as I was an eternal nothing before this existence?! The nothing
is nothing, needs nothing and has eternally nothing to care for!
Thus forget the eternal destruction of my nothingness, and I will
give you the assurance that I as pure nothingness will never call
you before a court! But should it please a god, the certainly very
wisest being, to persecute me for eternity and to torture me, his
wisdom is not far off; for such a longing would hardly appear
for a tiger of a tyrant.
[12] But history can show us no example that ever any tyrant
was a wise man; and what could you and your God answer me if
I prove to you that you were highly unwise instead of highly
wise?! But no-one can claim that about God who has made only
one glance into the highly wise decision of any creation! God is
therefore highly wise and certainly highly good.
[13] Equipped with such very most perfect characteristics, He
can impossibly have created any creature in all the whole
eternity for eternal torture! Ah, through all sorts of bitter and
painful experiences to purify a being, here or in the afterlife that
is something quite different; for man is a work of God that has
to perfect itself according to the wisest order of God in the
demure sphere in order to become what was determined by the
[14] But the Creator only allows such short-lasting painful
moments of betterment to occur and does not create them
himself in order to torment a person for some time for His
pleasure for a mistake, but only to lead him back to the sober
recognition of the order and thereby ease his self-fulfillment.
But as a dictatorial punishment I can eternally never see such a
purely divine safety precaution out of which only love and a
highest good will shine!
[15] Therefore you cannot insult God any worse than if you
present him to me as an eternal tyrant! I think that you will have
understood me!
[16] I can only love God above all else and worship Him as the
most holy best and wisest being; but fear Him – never!”
[17] At this the angel taps Floran on the shoulder and says
smiling: “You did that well, and do not believe that I wanted to
enter any sort of battle of words with you; for you are right, as I
am also right! I wanted only to offer you the opportunity
through my somewhat shallow questions to express your
opinions before your brothers more than was the case before,
and I say to you that you are now mature enough to meet the
Lord! Therefore follow me – I myself will lead you to Him!”
[18] Floran says: “So it is fully true that the old prophecy has
been fulfilled here?”
[19] The angel says: “Yes! The fullest truth, of which I am
certainly a most audible witness from heaven; now therefore
follow me alone!”
[1] Floran says: “Why not Stahar, our leader, and my other
brothers then? Are they any less people than I am? Go there
alone! If my brothers are not worthy to be introduced to the
Lord of eternity, then I am even less worthy because as far as I
know they are better than I!
[2] Remember this, angel – if you can remember anything – that
I am an enemy of every preference towards my person! Yes, I
want to rejoice in the preference of my brothers, but I want to be
always the least among them! I truly love the people; but what
one loves, one gives willingly every preference and advantage
and is nonetheless quite blissful! Ask all my brothers whether I
have ever thought or acted differently! And I should now let
myself be chosen first in the faces of my brothers for the first
time in my life?! No and eternally no! A thousand legions of
such powerful spirits as you, and ten all-powerful Jehovahs will
never change my mind as long as my thoughts and will are left
[3] You see, my all-powerful friend that is a rule which no
enticing, even by a thousand open heavens, and no fear of just
as many open hells will make me break!
[4] Now go alone to the Lord! I will never more follow with a
free will! And I am amazed that you as an all-knowing spirit
have not seen through my diamond-solid mindset beforehand
when you made this suggestion! I stick firmly to my statement!
You can carry my body there, it is true, since you possess power
and strength to the extreme; but you will never change my heart
unless – it is possible for you to take my mind and set another
one in instead! But then you have not changed my present self
at all, but instead you have only destroyed it and placed another
in this fragile machine instead!”
[5] The angel says with a friendly expression, “But dear friend
and brother, who told you then that I prefer you at all by
bringing you to the Lord first as the most mature according to
His will? Have you ever seen all the fruit on a tree becoming
ripe at the same time, and who would ever reasonably consider
preferring a pear which has ripened first simply because it
became ripe first?! One enjoys it earlier than those that ripen
later – but with us in heaven there is no talk of preferring it
more than the later ones! Then Moses must also be more
preferable to the Lord Himself now because he was called
almost a thousand years before Him! Oh, that gives you no
advantage – on the contrary! Who is to be preferred here: he
who breaks the way, or the army leader and his entourage who
stepped on this path and led his army on further?
[6] You see, friend, you have not worked that out too well! I
truly know the quite rigid sense of your heart, but I only put it to
an external test, but also found in the background of your
otherwise most sensible heart a hidden peck of arrogance which
had made the correct humility into a preference of your person
above the others, so that in a certain way you might seem
unique and unsurpassable and no-one equals you in this sphere!
And in the end this is the question: who is the more arrogant of
the two: he who wants to be the last and lowest of all people or
the first and highest!
[7] Don’t you know the Greek story of King Alexander of
Macedonia and the certain most unsightly man Diogenes? You
see, for years he lived in a barrel on a sandy bank which he had
made his home!
[8] One day the great hero and king visited this eccentric, who
certainly was the only one of his kind. Alexander placed himself
before the barrel; he liked this stoic and he asked him: What do
you want me to do for you? And Diogenes answered
imploringly: That you move away from the side on which the
benevolent rays of the sun warm me!
[9] The great hero however liked this stoic indifference; but
nonetheless he said: If I was not already Alexander I would
prefer to be Diogenes!
[10] But what was Alexander saying with this? You see, this is
the meaning: The whole world pays me homage; but what a
battle has it cost me! This man enjoys an almost all-surpassing
view of the world and makes himself immortal – and all this
immortal reputation cost him only an old barrel!
[11] Don’t you think that there was no particular difference
between the arrogance of Alexander and of Diogenes?! On the
contrary Diogenes was in his way even more arrogant than
[12] It is quite right to want to be the last out of true love and
humility; but correct love and humility does not exclude the
obedience to the all-mighty Lord of heaven and Earth. Thus if
you have the right mind, do only what the Lord wants and
everything will then be correct; for the Lord knows best why He
wants something!”
[13] Floran finally says: “Yes, I will follow you now because
you have convinced me in a friendly way that I was clearly
incorrect in my mind.” And Floran followed the angel, who
brought him to Me.
[1] When both come up to Me, the angel says, bowing to the
Earth before Me: “Lord, here is a ripe apple! His flesh is like
that of all people; but in the spirit He is strong and full of
unspoilt power. Thus to You alone be all praise and honor from
eternity to eternity!”
[2] I say: “Good, My Raphael, such fruits are pleasing to Me
and very valuable! He is one of Moses and Aaron’s kind, it is
true; but he has also appropriated the teachings of Plato,
Socrates, Pythagoras and Aristotle and is therefore no windvane
that is blown this way and that, but a solid cedar from
Lebanon which knows how to spite the storms! It stands calmly
and quietly; but when the storms beat against it, it does not
bend! But I will let this tree be until Jerusalem is re-built; it
shall give Me roof and gable in My house!
[3] Tell Me now, Floran: Are you joyful to see Me?”
[4] Floran says: “Lord of life! Who cannot be joyful to see
You?! But I am a sinful person and Your holiness says to me:
Get away from Me! And look, that is what gives me no joy! I
would like to stand before You worthy of You and without sin;
but it is impossible, for I have sinned, therefore I am a sinner
and I am ashamed before Your holiness. That gives me no
joyful heart, but a bitter regret; but this is not suitable to cheer a
heart. And yet I am man enough and have understanding which
shows me an apology for my sins before You and also shows
that I am a person consisting of very many elements, who
reaches his completion when the many elements have been
dissolved through sinful ferment like a young wine in a skin and
has become a pure, tasty wine for everyone.
[5] You are the Lord and man is the fruit of Your eternal fight
for eternity, nothing but a battle with victory and defeat, in order
to one day rise to a new life like a Phoenix out of the ashes of
the fire that destroyed it, which becomes one in itself but
outwardly remains and must remain an eternal battle!
[6] Lord, therefore do not forgive my sin, for it was necessary to
call me to the battle to become a new person; but forgive the
shame of my frequent defeat and I will rejoice in You, oh
[7] I say to the disciples: “You see here a person in whose soul
there is no wrong! I have loved this person for a long time!”
[8] Simon Judas says: “Lord, he seems to be a second Mathael!”
[9] I say: “Do you think that one can only be a wise man in the
way that Mathael is wise? Look, this Floran is exactly the
opposite of Mathael, and nonetheless he is just as wise as
Mathael! Mathael has the knowledge of the things of nature and
of the tongues of the elders; but Floran knows all religions and
all worldly wisdom and cleverness of the elders. And therefore
it is more difficult to speak to him than to Mathael; but as he
now has been won for us, he will stand as an instrument against
all false belief that is among the people of this Earth and will
battle with much talent and good success without the addition of
miracles. And that is better for the children of this Earth, so that
they do not hold even tighter to the captive court in the soul! For
children from above the miracles are a mercy – but not for the
children of this world.
[10] Since you know in your hearts who I am, you can remain
free in your soul if you see Me doing God’s work on this Earth;
but not so the children of the world; for they are forced and
captured and have no free thoughts any longer and even less a
free mind.
[11] But if Floran does them with his worldly cleverness, they
are placed in a certain light which will brighten the steps in the
temple of their hearts enough; once they are there, they have
been totally won for all eternity! But you all together are not as
clever as Floran alone!”
[12] But Floran did not hear that, since I had only spoken to
the disciples in their hearts; he asked Me therefore what he
should do.
[13] And I said: “Go over to your brothers and tell them that I
shall also come to them soon!”
[14] Floran says nothing at this, but simply makes a bow and
hurries to his brothers.
[1] When he finds himself among his people again after a few
steps, Stahar immediately asks him: “Well, how are things? Are
we on the right track?”
[2] Floran says: “Completely! There is no doubt any longer! He
is a person like we are, it is true; but there is something in His
being that can only be felt, nut not described with words. If He
speaks, it sounds as if every word is valid for all eternity! One
notice in His words quite clearly that with the words: Let it be
so! A world of miracles could be called forth in an instant!
[3] He cannot hide His divinity, and if I had come to Him
instead of all previous preparations, I would have said to Him
on the spot: You are no usual person, in Your breast must live a
fullness of the divine spirit!
[4] But the wisest preparation was also good so that we could
see very easily and clearly with whom we are dealing. He will
soon come, He promised me. But when He is here, you will be
convinced that I am right!
[5] But now I am beginning to comprehend who did the whistle
blowing about our behavior in the city to Cyrenius, which was
certainly not very praise-worthy – that is, our behavior; but now
everything has changed! The situation, about which our
Messiah-Jehovah will have had surely a very significant
foresight – if yesterday’s second sun was not all His doing – has
freed us from the old yoke of stupidity with one blow, about
which we can all be extremely joyful; for what annoying and
insulting madness will the empty temple create for the people in
the future, for whose realization we will have to lend a hand
again! But now they should just come to us! We will certainly
hold our Roman citizenship before their faces so that hearing
and seeing will pass away in the best way!
[6] We now have the Messiah and an angel from heaven on our
side, firstly and most importantly, who seems to be much more
powerful than he that lead the young Tobias; and secondly in
the world we have the supreme governor of all Asia and a part
of Africa on our side, who is an uncle of the ruling emperor in
Rome. All hell should break loose in Jerusalem and we would
still be able to master it in the same way as the angered lion can
become lord of any sly fox! What do you say to all that?”
[7] Stahar says: “Just that we will be fine for all eternity! Now I
fear no-one any longer! To fight for God is good and easy; for
God’s power is a protective wall which no enemy can destroy in
eternity! But I would only like to learn something from one of
you – if only very generally – what sort of an assignment will
we have for the future! Does anyone of you have an appropriate
thought? What do you think, Floran?”
[8] Floran says: “I don’t think about it and I don’t consider it
worth the effort under the circumstances, only with a fleeting
thought to turn in that direction! We are now with God, and
therefore we are cared for not only for this time but for all
eternity! Thus, brother, you could have spared yourself this
[9] Now nothing bothers me in this world any longer; for He
whom we found here is everything to me above all! Whatever
His will desires, will be my future for all ages of ages! For only
He knows totally what we are, what we should be, and what we
have to do for the future in order to be what He wants us to be.
Therefore every vain care on our part is madness; only when He
says to us: Do this or that! then the time will come for us to
worry whether we will be able to perform His will, to do which
His holy will becomes our duty. Look, brother Stahar that is my
basic opinion!
[10] But let’s be calm now; for I notice that the Lord and
Cyrenius are getting ready to come over to us! We must collect
ourselves in our hearts; otherwise you will not bear His
presence! Correct, they are coming! Also the angel and a girl
are coming with them; the girl must also be an angel!”
[11] Stahar says: “Ah, the girl cannot be an angel; for there has
never been a female angel, there will never be and there cannot
be! For something must be written in some Scriptures! Thus this
maiden can only be the daughter of some rich Jew. She is not a
Roman, as you can see from her clothes; the boy, whom
Cyrenius is leading by the hand, is certainly a Roman or even
the youngest son of the old lord. But the maiden, looking firmly
at her, must also be terribly wise; for her solid and gentle gaze is
undeniable proof of it.”
[12] Floran says: “Yes, yes, you must be right; but I do not
completely agree with your claim that there are no female
angels! There will probably be no gender differences between
them; but there will certainly be differences in mind in such a
way that they relate to each other like a dear husband to his
dearest wife on this Earth. And look at the angel; tell yourself
whether he resembles rather a very most tender girl than any
young boy! Put female clothes on him and you have a girl
before you NON PLUS ULTRA, as the Romans say! But now
enough talk about nothing. They will be here soon!
[1] With slow steps we now come to the fifty, who immediately
bow to us deeply. I command them to stand upright as men, and
they then immediately straighten themselves up completely.
[2] And I ask them, saying: “Do you believe that I am He about
whom all the prophets have foretold?”
[3] They all say, “Lord, none of us doubt it; but since You are
He, how can You then ask us about it, since You know our most
secret thoughts before we have even begun to think them?”
[4] I say: “May none of you be annoyed with Me because of it;
for it is not a matter of what I have, of course, known since the
beginning of eternity, but instead a matter of your verbalizing!
You will not be able to understand Me before your interior has
become your exterior!
[5] You can certainly see Me with your eyes and hear My voice
with your ears; but nonetheless your heart cannot hear or
understand Me in the spirit and in all truth! And therefore I ask
you questions; and the answer that you give Me has quite a
different effect on your whole life than the one that you give to
a person tarred with the same brush as you.
[6] Therefore I now ask you once again whether you truly
believe quite without a doubt that I am He whom Moses and all
the other prophets foretold! Tell Me now without fear what you
think in your hearts!”
[7] Floran says: “Lord, You understand our nature better than
we do! Everything happened so suddenly: the second sun
yesterday and its sudden disappearance; the result is still
smoking and hides the whole area in clouds; our loss – we have
still heard nothing about our wives and children! We fled here,
were arrested and brought before the judge; and then the angel’s
miracles and now You Yourself – and all that in eighteen hours!
It is truly no joke, and yet one cannot rid oneself of every
previous thought at one go!
[8] It seems like a dream to me, and surely to all my
companions as well! Everything is true and correct, and nothing
that happened here can ever be disputed; but so many
extraordinary things happened in a short time that one cannot
comprehend it all at once. We believe firmly what is and
happens here; and we are as sure and certain that You are
clearly the Messiah of whom all the prophets foretold as we are
quite sure and certain that the old Roman is the Supreme
Governor of all Asia, that is, as far as it has been conquered by
the Romans. But we will need a long period of time before we
accept that into our lives!
[9] One cannot fell a tree with one stroke, and nor can we quite
fully understand such a thing in one go; but we will certainly
make every effort and strive above all else to value in all depth
of correct understanding everything that happened here namely
for our sakes, and what we experienced! No man can experience
more profound or higher things anywhere on this Earth!
[10] Thus we all believe firmly and without a doubt that You
are the prophesied Messiah, despite Your more or less known
unsightly parentage, as far as earthly possessions are concerned.
Your earthly parents are poor, and Your father was a carpenter
in Nazareth, as far as we know. We do not know about Your
mother’s background, and it is therefore all the more
extraordinary that the Savoir of all mankind as announced even
to the first people of this Earth could come into this world in
such most extraordinary humility and poverty, since in the spirit
He must have had all the advantages of a noble birth at His
disposal right from eternity.
[11] If You had come into the world from the lap of an empress
and did such deeds, where would there be a nation on this Earth
that would not be subservient to You in all things!? But as the
very highest and greatest person, yes, even as the only God
Himself in human form, to enter this world to such a lowly birth
is something which will annoy many people very much!
Certainly that does not matter to us any longer, and we are
therefore more satisfied; but not all people will think as we do
now – by no means the proud Jerusalemites, and least of all the
templars! For we know them; they know only one person in the
world whom they love and revere – everything else is rubbish –
and this person, for every templar without the least exception, is
himself! He alone is loved and honored above all by each
person, every other, even if he were a god, is extremely
despised; only at times an extraordinary external gleam can
impress them a little.
[12] If You, oh Lord, would come to Jerusalem today and allow
it, they would kill Your flesh in the first three days; for the
Templers recognize no-one – except someone from among
themselves. One may well kill the other; but since one is useful
to the other to achieve his highly selfish purposes, one mutually
tolerates the other under the mask of the most feigned
[13] No-one trusts the other further than he can throw him; but
nonetheless each person feigns towards the other an
unconditional trust. But if he needs him for any business, his
neighbor cannot place enough bond money on him so that he is
obliged to act honestly. But even the bond is of no use! If he
who is entrusted with a business errand sees himself at an
advantage despite the bond placed on him, he will forfeit the
bond money and put the much greater advantage nicely into his
[14] There is much that can be said about people there; but since
You, oh Lord, will anyway be very familiar with all that, every
further word from my mouth would be idle madness, and I tell
You therefore that we believe quite firmly in You; for You had
to come in order to put an end to all these atrocities for all
[1] I say: “Listen, My dear Floran, you have humbled yourself
before Me much more than I demanded of you; but it doesn’t
matter, and it was quite right for you to do so!
[2] Yes, I will put an end to the atrocities in Jerusalem and in
other places, but many must share your conviction! There are
still many who in their great blindness still stick firmly to the
temple and expect every salvation and all help from its halls; if
one were to take these blind people away from the temple now
immediately, they would not see it as a great blessing from
above, but as a most terrible punishment, and would become
most terribly and wildly desperate, which would then have a
much worse consequence than the present blindness, no matter
how complete. You now are seen as the representatives of the
temple and the distributors of the salvation which fills the
[3] But what am I trying to say with this? Nothing but this: you
should show the people gradually, and, wherever there is a good
response, also all in one go what the temple is now, what its
servants do and how they are conditioned!
[4] But at the same time you should draw their attention to what
you have seen and heard here, and then the terrible business of
the temple and the temple itself will be buried under the best
and most effective order, and in the end it will sink into
nothingness and thereby stop being what it is; and in its place
will enter the new temple of the spirit of God, from which a
very new Jerusalem will be built in heaven.
[5] Certainly you will have to begin this good business as
secretively as possible; you can do that all the easier since you
are now full Roman citizens and the temple cannot touch you
because the sword of Rome is between you and the temple and
stands guard.
[6] This is therefore a duty which I entrust to you. Guard it and
the reward will not be forgotten; you can be fully assured of
that! Do you agree to this?”
[7] Stahar says: “Lord, will we take up our old post in Caesarea
Philippi again, or should we turn elsewhere?”
[8] I say: “You will remain here in Caesarea Philippi and be
under the direction of this host of ours, Mark, to whom Cyrenius
and I will give power over this whole area, and to whom it has
actually already been given for the most part. The area of
Caesarea Philippi is large and encompasses many hundred
thousand people; once they find the light, the light will then
spread out of its own accord. But it will be left to your own
discretion to put this into practice!”
[9] Stahar says: “Lord, that would all be quite good and correct,
but now the whole city is a heap of rubble and ash! We have no
houses, and our synagogue was one of the first buildings that
succumbed to the flames. Where will we sleep?”
[10] I say: “Let that be the least of your worries! If I wanted it, a
complete world, not to mention such a little town, would stand
before you in an instant! In any case Cyrenius will put every
means, supported through My mercy, to active use and thereby
take care of your accommodation. In addition the high guests
expected since this morning will soon arrive here and then much
will be determined and decided.”
[11] Stahar bows deeply and then says quietly as if to Floran,
“The Almighty nonetheless speaks like a person, and this
pleases me very much; but He could put a final end to the
temple and to arrogant Jerusalem with just one thought! Why
then the extended erosion?”
[12] Floran says: “Look, brother that happens because we are
both still asses who have no idea at all about the divine order !
[13] If you see a very green, unripe and rock-hard fruit hanging
on a tree in spring, then you would immediately like to have
some all-power! You would like to say effectively: Fiat! (Let it
happen), and all the figs, apples, pears, plums and grapes should
become ripe in an instant! But the all-mighty Creator has
decided things otherwise, as daily and yearly experience shows.
Should we then ask: The Almighty knows the needs of man;
why does He then hesitate so much with the ripening of
the fruit?
[14] Man must also remain a foolish child for years, in order to
gradually grow up into a man, while the sparrow is a quite
complete sparrow only fourteen days after its birth and knows
all about its airy home very well. Yes, most animals already
have the most sufficient knowledge about their home right from
their birth – and man needs almost twenty years to only begin to
know a little about the dear world! He, the lord of nature, must
wait the longest in order to be what he has been determined!
Could one not say: Lord, You Almighty One, why have You not
better looked after man, Your favorite – why must a human, of
all things, have to wait so long to become a human?!
[15] You see, that is how things are in the certainly very
incomprehensible order of God, and it will be so also in the
measure of His order that we must undermine the temple
gradually; for a sudden destruction would put the many blind
people, to whom the temple is all-in-all, into the greatest despair
– which would be much worse than bearing the deceptions of its
crafty servants for a little time longer!
[16] You see, I have recognized the Lord’s sense a little and I
don’t understand how that has completely passed you by! I also
don’t understand how you could ask the Lord about our worldly
accommodation! Is it not enough then when He says that we
should do this and that?! It has been long known that he who
employs me for work will also give me accommodation! If even
the selfish people do that, however, how much more will the
Lord of heaven and Earth do without us having to ask Him!
[17] You see, that was very human of you, my dear brother! For
through such a question you have obviously brought to the
brightest light of day your multi-faceted disbelief, and with
rights nothing other can be thought of you than that you still
hide a hefty portion of disbelief in yourself, to which you must
bid farewell now for all time!”
[1] I say to Floran, “Friend! Your flesh does not tell you that,
but instead the spirit that is within you from above! There is a
spirit in Stahar as well, it is true; but it is still dormant and so his
flesh speaks more than his spirit. But each man worries above
all about what is dearest to him. The dearest thing for someone
through whom an animated spirit speaks is his spirit, therefore
his care is directed above all towards what concerns his spirit;
but he who is more flesh and thinks and desires from the flesh
loves the flesh the most and he therefore cares above all about
his flesh and pushes the care for his spirit into the background.
[2] That’s how people and things are in this world; but when our
Stahar is of a more animated spirit, he will also take care above
all of those things which are of the spirit.
[3] You see, that is the correct concern for the spirit, that your
heart will be full of love for God and for your neighbor!
[4] It is easy to love good and honest people and to get on with
them; but to go to the sinners and bring them to the correct path;
that is a task which demands much self-denial.
[5] For if you walk in the street with a whore and an adulteress,
people will point their fingers at you and do things to you which
will not honor you before the world; but if you bring the whore
and the adulteress back to the correct path, you will be given a
great reward from God, and the smallest part of this is of more
value than a whole world full of the most shining honor.
[6] Whoever brings a lost person back to Me will receive more
reward than one who has guarded well a hundred lambs on a
safe pasture. For it is a very easy task to keep an honest person
honorable and virtuous; but to lift someone who is despised by
everyone up to honor again and to make a virtuous hero out of
an arch-sinner says significantly more! And only that is seen
favorably to Me – but the former is only work of a lazy fellow!
[7] I am the all-highest, if you will accept that, and I seek and
take only the despised and lost in the eyes of the world. For the
healthy certainly do not need a doctor!
[8] If you accordingly want to completely be My true disciples
and servants, you must also be what I am in all things.
[9] If you see a blind man strolling on the street and also see
that the path he is treading is a highly dangerous one
particularly for a blind person, will you not immediately take
the blind walker by the arm and say to him: Listen, friend, the
path that you are now walking is very dangerous; let me lead
you so that you do not fall off a precipice! And if he then trusts
your word, will you be ashamed to lead a blind man? Certainly
none of you all!
[10] But a sinner is often much blinder spiritually than the
physically blind; therefore who can be ashamed to take a blind
man by the arm?!
[11] Therefore in the future let no sinner be too great for you so
that you are ashamed to be a leader for him!
[12] Remember this lesson above all, and consider it in your
hearts, and you will begin to see clearly and plainly the light
path of life and everything else coming from it!
[13] But now ships on the sea are nearing this shore; these are
bringing the guests we talked about. They will bring you much
[1] Mark and both his sons notice from the house that ships are
arriving; they hurry to the shore as good sailors and look to see
whether there is something wrong with the ships.
[2] Cyrenius and all the Romans and Greeks also hurry to the
shore to see what the three ships are bringing. But these are still
quite far away on the sea and are still about an hour’s journey
from the shore, and all the observers cannot yet make out what
is on the three significantly large ships.
[3] Cyrenius therefore asks me about it and I say: “Those who
we have been awaiting since this morning! They have had to
sail against the wind, and the sea was rough; they had to seek a
harbor on the other side in order to let the wind run its course,
and that is the reason for their delay. It is already a full hour
after midday and they would need another full hour to reach
here, since they still have to fight a gentle counter-wind with
their oars. But it is now up to us to help them, and that will
shorten their path and the time by a lot.”
[4] Cyrenius says: “Lord! Don’t You want to send Raphael to
them, as You did yesterday for Ouran?”
[5] I say: “It is not necessary at all; for there is no danger
threatening these people as Ouran was threatened yesterday!
Mark and his sons will manage very easily with these three
medium-sized vessels, and we will have them here in a short
half hour!”
[6] Cyrenius says: “But Lord, don’t You want to perform any
miracle at all today?”
[7] I say: “Haven’t you read in Moses: And on the seventh day
the creating spirit of God rested, and the seventh day therefore
became the Sabbath?! If I now keep the Sabbath a little, then I
am doing right, since I have worked industriously for a full six
days beforehand! In addition I have now all sorts of servants
around Me who now are and can be active in My name and in
all power!”
[8] Cyrenius says: “Lord that means something special once
again; for I cannot understand the sense of Your teaching at
[9] I say: “Well, then ask someone and everything will be made
clear to you! But I am now taking a short rest not for My sake,
but for yours, in order to give you the opportunity to act, and so
I am also active in all of you. Don’t you understand that then?”
[10] Cyrenius says: “Yes, yes, now I understand it! I can also
now imagine why!”
[11] I say: “There you have no difficult task, since I explained it
to you all very clearly this morning! Before the midday meal I
will do nothing of My own doing, there will be enough
opportunity after the meal to be able to do something; but if I
speak, then I am nonetheless doing something before the
midday meal.
[12] But now Mark must be told to send both his sons towards
the ships, but that he himself should see to it that the tables will
be well prepared; for the expected guests will arrive very
exhausted and hungry and thirsty, likewise their servants and
the poor, tired sailors.”
[13] At this I signal to Mark, and he understood My sign, had
both his sons set off powerfully across the sea, and he hurried
into the house and put everything into the most active motion.
[14] It also became lively in Ouran’s tents; for Mathael and his
four companions, his young wife Helena and Ouran the king
noticed the ships from the tents which they had occupied an
hour ago with Herme’s family, the familiar messenger from
Caesarea Philippi, in order to change their clothes and to dress
Mathael in regal clothes so that he would stand before the
arrivals as what he is.
[15] Ouran hurries to Me and asks Me in all humility: “Lord,
what will the ships bring? Will it be the expected very high
[16] I say: “My friend that was asked very arrogantly! In our
presence there are no high and no low guests, but instead only
brothers from A to Z. If I can be called your friend and brother,
why should there be high and low among you people? I tell you:
The Almighty is alone a justified Lord among you, but you are
all brothers among each other and servants of the Lord!
[17] Or do you think that the kings are more highly regarded by
Me than their lowest servants just because they are kings? Oh,
not at all! Only the heart decides; the king must know in his
heart why he is a king and the servant, why he is a servant,
otherwise king and lowest servant stand before Me on the same
level, down at the bottom.
[18] So remember this, My dear friend Ouran, that there are no
high and no low guests before Me, but only children, brothers
and sisters!”
[19] Ouran, however, was also quite satisfied with this
reprimand bowed deeply and then asked nothing further.
[1] But when he came up to Mathael, he (Ouran) said: “Today
one cannot talk to the Lord! I asked Him very modestly whether
the high guests that were announced were arriving, but I
received such a strict lecture for my words that I will certainly
remember them all the better since they were just so harsh and
dry! Today the Lord is like another person! Yesterday He was
love and kindness itself, but today everyone that comes near
Him will receive a very measured lesson! I don’t understand it
at all!”
[2] Mathael says: “But I do! How could it ever occur to me in
my dreams to ask the very highest, all-mighty Lord which
“high” guests are coming from somewhere or other?! What are
we people, and who is He?! And He makes nothing of Himself
in our presence, is full of love and humility, and we wanted to
speak before Him about some high guests?! That, my very
dearest father-in-law, was truly a little too strong, and the Lord
could not possibly give you another answer to this question; for
if you had asked me the same thing I hardly know whether my
answer would not have been even coarser and harsher! But the
Lord, as the constantly gentlest person, dispassionately allows a
mistake only so that we should recognize that we have erred. Go
over there and admit it, and you will immediately receive other
words from Him!”
[3] Ouran says: “You are completely right again; oh, if I have
erred, the mistake must be made good again immediately!”
[4] With these words Ouran immediately left his tents again,
headed over to Me and said: “Lord, I made a great mistake
earlier with my vain question before You! Forgive me; for I did
not do it through my own will but – speaking honestly – through
my habitual foolishness, as You, oh Lord, will have seen quite
[5] I say: “My friend; whoever recognizes his mistakes and
repents, is forgiven forever, and whoever then turns to Me is
doubly forgiven!
[6] But whoever recognizes his mistakes, but keeps them in his
nature, he is not forgiven, even if he came to Me a hundred
[7] For I tell you: whoever comes to Me and says: Lord, Lord,
he is not my friend by a long shot, but instead only he who does
My will; this will however does not want you to elevate
yourselves above other people because of a position!
[8] Yes, you should always be faithful to your position, act well
and just – but never forget for an instant that those over whom
you perform your duty are completely equal to you in birth and
are thus your brothers!
[9] True love for your neighbor however can be learnt through
the true love that you have for Me as little children.
[10] When it is necessary, make use of your reputation and the
honor of your position, but you yourselves be full of humility
and love, and your judgment over your brothers and sisters who
have gone astray will always be just according to My order!
[11] I told you what I have told you only in order to show you
My order and My will; for I tell you: whoever does not get rid
of every smallest mote of arrogance will in the future not have
My kingdom revealed to him in the spirit, and he will not go
there before he has removed the very last mote of arrogance
from himself!
[12] Now go and tell this to everyone who you discover has any
trace of arrogance!”
[13] After these words Ouran bowed again deeply according to
his custom and quickly headed to his people. And Mathael
asked him how I took his words.
[14] Ouran then says: “The Lord was very merciful to me and
showed me the truth and the order and the justice in true
humility, and I am as happy again as before.”
[15] Mathael says: “Yes, father and brother in true humility!
Our position is truly an eminent position in comparison with
millions of our brothers and sisters – but also a difficult position
in the face of the almighty God! One must be very careful that
one does not get caught up in the eminence of the high position,
where one then becomes very proud and arrogant and considers
oneself to be more than a person who has been anointed by God
to serve his brothers as best he can and so in a certain way to be
a servant of servants.
[16] And whoever exalts himself because of our position and
standing will be easily humiliated, as we can easily see in the
whole line of kings of Judea. But how it was then will remain
also until the end of the world! It is very difficult to rejoice in
gold and jewels and nonetheless be more humble in the heart
than any of one’s servants! Only the mercy and great
compassion of the Lord can keep a king in the middle of his
earthly splendor at the same point in the order of heaven!”
[17] Ouran says: “Yes, you are right! But now the three ships
are coming very close to the shore; let’s go there so that we can
greet the arrivals!”
[18] Then everyone hurries down to the lower berth.
[1] When the arrivals step onto the land and immediately catch
sight of Me, they all spread out their arms wide and weep with
joy to see Me again.
[2] Cornelius also immediately greets his brother Cyrenius and
says: “Yes, if you are all here, there will certainly be no other
job for me to do than to rejoice head over heels to be blessed to
be among you again!”
[3] Faustus, Kisjonah and Philopold however cannot yet
pronounce a single word; but the servants are also amazed to
meet Me again here.
[4] Cyrenius asks Cornelius when he had heard about the fate of
the city of Caesarea Philippi.
[5] Cornelius says: “I actually didn’t hear it from any
messenger; instead I only strongly suspected it myself!
Yesterday was a spectacular day in every respect: first a full
solar eclipse which gave us a complete night for a good thirty
moments in the middle of the day; but in the evening when it
should actually have been night, it pleased the sun to remain a
few hours longer over the horizon, which naturally made an
indescribable impression on the Jews, Greeks and Romans.
[6] If the present leader of the Pharisees, who is now a great
friend of our old Jairus, was not a very wise and sober man, and
his neighbor in Nazareth likewise both cities could have been
consumed by flames; but the leaders gave very clever speeches
to the outwardly anxiously excited people, and they accepted
the lesson and for the most part calmed down. I had those who
were too worked up brought into custody, instructed them and
set them free again this morning.
[7] But while I established peace again in Capernaum and
Faustus in Nazareth, Faustus soon came to me in Capernaum
out of breath; for in Nazareth he discovered a strong glow of
fire from this direction and thought that something might have
happened in Capernaum. But when he arrived in Capernaum he
found everything at peace, nonetheless he came to me and gave
me the news of the strong glow of fire. I went with him and with
many servants on the most significant hill in the vicinity of
Capernaum. We saw the redness increasingly better and
stronger from there; but it was impossible for any of us to
determine which place the misfortune had befallen. Only this
morning, when the sun allowed us to recognize the area without
a doubt and I, although from a great distance, recognized from
the heavy smoke that it must come from the area around
Caesarea Philippi, I decided to steer in this direction per mare
(across the sea) with Faustus and to find out what had fallen to
the flames here.
[8] Just as I came down to the sea and wanted to board a ship,
our Kisjonah arrived with Philopold and brought me the
message that he had unmistakably seen Caesarea Philippi in
flames from a significant height in his mountains.
[9] At this news, which the temporary seer Philopold also
confirmed, we hurriedly boarded the ship of a friend of
Kisjonah and sailed straight here, as well as was possible
despite a head-wind. On the way I convinced myself many
times on the rough sea that it was Caesarea Philippi, and was
greatly afraid of what would have to be done here.
[10] But now here, this unexpected holy meeting with the Lord
of all magnificence, with His disciples and with you, my dearest
brother! Ah, now all fear has gone! For everything has long
been in the best order!
[11] But now to You, my all, my greatest friend, my holiest
Master of Eternity! Oh, my best friend Jesus! Look, now all
Your omnipotence is of no use against my too great love for
You! You must now let me smother You in an embrace! I have
done it many times every day in the spirit; but now I am finally
doing it also in physical reality!”
[12] With these words Cornelius embraced Me, pressed Me
almost painfully to his heart and covered My head with the
warmest kisses and tears of the highest joy. After he had
satisfied the desire of his noble heart in this way, he gently let
Me go again and said, touched through and through: “Lord,
Master, God and Creator of infinity, spiritually and materially!
Do tell me what good things I should do now! You know my
[13] I said: “You also know My heart! Do what your heart tells
you in My name, and you will have then done enough for you
and for Me! But since because of the desire in your heart you
have done such a powerful thing to Me as no-one has ever done
to Me before, I will also do another powerful thing to you on
this Earth soon after My ascension, as a consequence of which
neither you nor any member of your house shall ever see, or feel
or taste death in the body!
[14] Your display of love has cheered Me right into My
innermost being, and you have thereby shown Me something,
the like of which eternity has not yet shown until this moment –
except by small children who sooner recognize the Father than
adults. But now let Me embrace you in return!”
[15] Cornelius, crying with joy, says: “Lord, Master and God, I
am eternally unworthy of such endlessly holy mercy!”
[16] I say: “Well then, I make you worthy of it; come to Me!”
[17] Cornelius came to Me and I embraced him. At this he
began to cry loudly and sob, and many thought that something
was wrong with him, since he was crying so. But he got control
of himself again and said: “Be still! Nothing is wrong with me,
instead everything is most right with me, and the joy unleashes
these tears.”
[18] Now Kisjonah steps up to Me asking Me quite sadly,
“Lord, are You also considering me and are You not annoyed
with me?”
[19] I say: “My brother, how can you come to Me with such a
question?! You love Me above all else and I love you to the
same degree – what more do you want? Don’t you know then
how I said to you in confidence that we will remain friends and
brothers for eternity?! And look, whatever I say remains so for
eternity; if you also remain as you are, this will apply to you to!
Are you not satisfied with that?”
[20] Kisjonah says: “Oh Lord, I am indescribably satisfied with
that, and I am truly blessed to hear once again a most holy word
from Your holiest mouth!”
[21] I say to Kisjonah, “You will hear a lot more! But look at
the fifty Pharisees and you will recognize some who were there
at the great event which befell you!”
[22] Kisjonah, Cornelius and Faustus observe the fifty intently,
and Kisjonah, who had a particularly good memory for facts,
immediately found eight men who had been with the great
transportation across the mountains, and then said: “Well, what
are they doing here?! Are they here as prisoners, since they
were perhaps caught at another transport or other rogue
[23] I say: “None of that! Yesterday’s late sun and the following
fire in the city, for which they of course bear the greatest blame,
brought them into our hands, but they are now completely ours
and are full citizens of Rome.
[24] For look, I have been staying here about seven days, and
that is simply because of the good fishing spot; here one gets the
noblest fish from the natural sea and likewise also the noblest
spiritual fish from the spiritual sea! And we have already really
reaped a highly remarkable and notable harvest in this time!
[25] Just look at the fifty; that is today’s catch, and no bad ones
among them! Furthermore you see there another group of thirty,
all in perfect health – yesterday’s catch! Then you see twelve at
the table, also very healthy; likewise a catch from yesterday!
There by the tents you see another five of the most exquisite
type; also from yesterday! Tell Me whether that is not honest
[26] Kisjonah says: “Yes, truly; if these have all been won over,
then the Kingdom of God on this Earth that You have
announced has taken a great step forward, and all the more so
because they seem to be almost all sheer templars, among whom
the older ones are very difficult to transform! Naturally once
they have been converted they have a conviction as firm as a
[27] But I notice also the upright Ebahl from Genezareth with
one of his daughters; does he not belong to those who were
[28] I say: “Certainly; but he already came into our net at the
great catch in Genezareth with his whole house, and the girl was
one of the noblest little fish among them! You will get to know
all that better and will take great joy in her; as far as the purest
wisdom of the mind is concerned and also the purity of the
heart, very few people here can equal her! I bear this witness of
the girl, do you want a better and more believable one?”
[29] Kisjonah says: “Oh Lord! Your witness supersedes
everything else! But I am looking forward to being able to talk
to the girl at all.”
[30] Faustus asks Me: “But are those king’s tents over there!?
The old man with the completely regal clothes – also the young
man who is now speaking to the young woman! Do they also
belong to the captives for the heaven of all love and all light?”
[31] I say: “Certainly; that is a king from the Pontus! His
kingdom is big, and he has led his people very wisely through
mild laws which nonetheless must be extremely strictly
followed. He became aware that in order to make a great nation
very happy one must first recognize the truth and the only true
God oneself. He set off and moved south, since he had heard
that such a thing could only be found in Jerusalem. On this
journey he came to this inland sea and wanted to cross it in
order to reach Jerusalem.
[32] But he was in great danger because of yesterday’s eclipse,
from which I had My angel save him and bring him here, and so
he is now here. He and his daughter Helena were the only ones
who came here with their small crew of servants.
[33] But the young king was formerly also a prospective
templar and as a very talented person he had to go out into the
world as a missionary. But on the border between Judea and
Samaria he and four companions fell into the hands of robbers
and were obliged to become possessed by them along with his
companions. Sunk into anger and desperation the souls of the
five hid under the wings of their spirits, and their bodies were
taken fullest and most active possession of by the extremely
most stubborn, worst spirits of infernal background. Only the
significant power of punishment by the Romans succeeded in
capturing the five devils, as the people called them. Only under
the strongest cover and thoroughly bound with the heaviest
chains could they be brought here the evening before last.
According to the strict laws of Rome they expected nothing
other than the most humiliating execution in Sidon.
[34] But I saw their souls and their spirit, purified their bodies
from the terrible spirits of hell, and you can now talk to them in
order to convince yourself with whose children you are dealing!
But namely Mathael – now the husband of the daughter of the
king and now himself a king – is a person before whom every
respectable citizen should remove his hat.
[35] He is, as far as it was possible so far, fully reborn in the
spirit and will be an effective instrument for Me against the
heathens of the great north. If you speak to him you will learn
yourself what kind of a spirit he is.”
[36] Cornelius asks: “But Lord, who is that youth then – not
Josoe, whom we already know from Nazareth, but the other,
who is talking to the girl right now?”
[37] I say: “That is the angel about whom I said that he had
saved the old king along with his daughter yesterday. He has
now been among mortal people almost three weeks, and I have
given him particularly to the girl as a teacher; however, he is at
the disposal of all who are Mine.”
[38] Philopold asks: “Who is the inn-keeper here, and what
name does he bear?”
[39] I say: “He is a Roman veteran, an extremely faithful and
truth-loving soul; he has six children in all, two sons and four
very dear, dutiful daughters, and likewise a model good wife,
who knows no other will than that of her honest husband.
[40] Therefore it pleased Me also to take accommodation with
this previously very poor family; and you will see how these
eight people now will prepare a midday meal for hundreds of
people, in which you can take a real joy. Look, the old innkeeper
is already coming towards us in order to announce to us
that the midday meal is completely prepared!”
[1] Once I had said this, our Mark was also already there and
said that the midday meal was ready, and asked whether he
should have it brought out; for it was already around the ninth
hour of the day (3 pm).
[2] And I said: “Have it served; for the expected guests are
already present, and everything is in the best order!”
[3] Cornelius calls old Mark and says: “Well, old brother in
arms, don’t you recognize me anymore? Don’t you remember
how you were with me in Illyria and Pannonia? I was then more
a boy than a warrior; but since that time 45 years have gone by
and I am almost sixty now!”
[4] Mark says: “Oh high Master that is still very fresh in my
memory! A lot of seriousness was required to keep those
quarrel- and strife-loving people in a bearable order. In the
beginning things didn’t go too well for us on the Upper Ister
(Danube) in the area of Vindobona (Vienna); but in a few years
we had done it and we experienced very happy hours there.
[5] The customs and traditions of those Germans were truly
somewhat rough for us Romans; but once we gradually
managed to give them more open-minded education, things
were then quite bearable. The wine they made was truly weak
and bitter; but it was drinkable once one was used to it.
[6] But not far from the area of Vindobona (Vienna), upstream
on the Ister (Danube), where we hunted boar and also, I believe,
caught about forty of them, we found a long-bearded German
seer and priest who sat on an oak during our boar hunt and
watched us fighting with the boars. This man said something in
the Roman language and also said to both of us, when we were
slaughtering a boar under his oak:
[7] Remember this well, both of you brave boys! In Asia, in the
land over the waters, something great is waiting for you! You
will see something there that no mortal eye has ever seen
before! Here reigns only death; as the powerful boar met his end
under the sharpness of your lances and swords, so everything
meets its end in this land of death! But in Asia life is blooming;
whoever is there will never see death!
[8] Then he fell silent and when we pressed him further he gave
us no more answer, and we went on, looking for more boars.
But look, the old man prophesied in full seriousness and we are
now experiencing what the old German prophesied!”
[9] Cornelius says: “You know, I had almost forgotten that old
German! Correct, correct, you are right! We must talk in more
detail about that!”
[10] Old Mark went to lay the tables with the dishes with the
help of Cyrenius and Julius, and Cornelius said to Me, “Lord,
what do You say then to the prophesy of the German, which
was actually made many years ago in Europe to me and to old
Mark, who must be about ten years older than me?”
[11] I say: “All the nations who have been scattered across the
wide Earth have been given a prophesy about Me and My
present coming to the people of this Earth right from the first
man of the Earth, and their priests always knew how to beat a
certain path to spiritual enlightenment through myths and the
inner desire in their hearts and often prophesied in very
confusing images which in the end even they themselves did not
[12] Only in repeated ecstasies of enthusiasm could some
sometimes achieve a clearer sight and then explained their
previous visions a little closer.
[13] It was the same with the Germans. And this German found
himself in a clairvoyant ecstasy on his oak, whose vapor, along
with the fear of your lances and spears, helped him reach this
state – and then he prophesied to you. When he awoke from the
prophesying again, he did not remember anything that he had
said, and could not give you any further answer to your
[14] You see, that is the essence of such prophesies! If you want
to accept it, the witch of Endor was also in a clairvoyant ecstasy
in those days when Saul forced her to evoke the spirit of
Samuel, although she generally was only connected to the
unnatural being of the terrible spirits and therefore prophesied
lies and guile and deception.
[15] No man is so dead and evil that he would not bring forth a
correct prophesy at a certain time; but this is no reason for every
prophecy of his to be true, but instead is only true for this one
[16] The oracles of Dodona and of Delphi often made very wise
prophesy; but after every true one followed a thousand false and
untruthful ones.
[17] So it cannot be denied that certain clairvoyants and
prophets even worked miracles; but at the same time others
invented a large number of illusions through the influence of
evil spirits and through the worldly understanding awakened by
these beings, and they then led whole nations astray for
thousands of years, and they lived well and quite carefree until
some enlightened seer pointed out and stopped their crafty
[18] But that was never easy; for a once mistaken nation does
not easily let itself be brought back to the correct path, and their
false priests least of all, because their great, worldly advantages
are put at risk.
[19] You all have the opportunity to convince yourself now how
difficult it is even for Me, and yet I speak as no seer has ever
spoken before Me, and I do deeds that were never heard of
before Me! All heaven stands open, angels come down and
serve Me, and bear witness of Me and yet there are even
disciples who are now always around Me and see, hear and
experience everything, but their belief still resembles a wind
vane and a weak pipe which is turned in every direction by the
wind, from wherever it comes! Well, I am not even talking
about other worldly people here!”
[1] (The Lord) “I could certainly convert all people in an instant
through My all-powerful will, of course; but where would that
leave the power of sustenance and freedom of their spirit which
can be gained on its own?!
[2] You can now easily see from this that it is no easy task to
deal with the mistakes that have crept into the nations
effectively and without damaging the freedom of their will and
its spiritually necessary self-determination.
[3] But it is also just as difficult to prevent such mistakes
returning again; for true and false, and good and bad must be
presented to the spiritual part of a person for his free
investigation, recognition and choice, otherwise he will never be
brought to clear thinking.
[4] He must find himself in an ongoing battle, otherwise he will
fall asleep and his life must constantly have new opportunities
to exert itself as such and thereby maintain itself, strengthen
itself and in this way achieve its perfection.
[5] If I did not allow mistakes to ever occur among the people,
but only truth with its determined and fully necessary effects,
people would resemble a very richest boaster and voluptuary,
who finally take care of nothing other than dumbly ensuring that
his belly receives its fill at the right time!
[6] If we only provide what is best for a person’s body, you can
be completely sure that there will soon be no priests, no king, no
soldiers, but also no townspeople, no peasants and no workers
or artisans anymore; for why should he work or be active in
anything, since he is already supplied anyway in abundance
with the best of everything for all his life?!
[7] Therefore there must be need and misery among the people,
and pain and suffering, so that man does not die in a most
inactive lethargy!
[8] You now see from that why everything must be just so
among the people, so that they are encouraged to take on all
sorts of activities; and for this reason it is then just as impossible
to prevent mistakes creeping in as it is to get rid of the mistakes
at the end.
[9] And the constantly bad consequences which follow the
mistakes are finally the most useful means to drive out the
mistakes and to spread the truth.
[10] Man must begin to feel deeply and actively the screaming
necessity of truth and seek it fully and seriously through
affliction and misery, which stem from lies and from the various
forms of deception, just as old Ouran from the Pontus sought it,
then man will soon find the truth as Ouran found it, and only
then will the truth, which has been sought under all sorts of
necessary afflictions be truly useful to man; but if he (man)
found it as easily as the eye finds the sun in the bright
firmament, it would have all too soon no value for him any
longer, and he would chase after a lie, in order to amuse
himself, just as the wanderer seeks as much shade as possible
during the day; and the denser he finds it, the dearer it is to him.
[11] The people of this Earth are just as they must be in their
foundations in order to finally become a human being; but then
all their outer circumstances must come together so that the
person, forced by these, will become a true person!
[12] But the full, naked truth cannot be given to man in general
not even by Me now, but only hidden in parables and images, so
that he (man) can work it out from these images by seeking. I
only speak to you few without retention; but those you tell it to
should also not receive it completely naked, but also a little
hidden, so that they will have the opportunity to think freely and
act freely. And so that you yourselves do not become lukewarm,
I also say to you:
[13] I have a lot more to tell you, but you would not be able to
bear it yet; but when the spirit of truth comes over you and your
children, it will lead you into all truth. And so you will then do
the same for this Earth in all truth and will then receive the key
into your hands to the endless many truths of heaven, through
which constantly new and deeper unfolding you will also
receive more and more to do in eternity!
[14] But now Mark is calling us to the table, and that is also a
truth, and we want to follow it!”
[1] Cornelius throws himself around My neck again at this
speech and says, deeply moved: “Yes, only a God, and never a
person, can say such words to the people!”
[2] I say: “Yes, quite right and in all order you bear Me a good
witness, and it will bring forth the best fruit for you! Your flesh
and blood does not give you this, but your spirit, which is of
God, just as Mine is, and therefore you are a true friend and
brother to Me.
[3] But now, since we are in the flesh, under the cover of
external need let us follow the call which goes forth from the
[4] Everyone complies, and we go to the tables on which wellprepared
fish of the noblest sort are waiting for us.
[5] At the table where I sit down, Cyrenius sits on My right,
beside him Cornelius, and opposite us sit Faustus, Kisjonah,
Julius and Philopold; on my left sits Jarah, then Raphael, the
boy Josoe and then Ebahl. The lower long arm to the left is
occupied by My disciples and the upper right arm by the royal
family of Ouran with Mathael, Rob, Boz, Micha and Zahr.
[6] The fifty Pharisees take another very long table; this runs
parallel to My table and is before My eyes, and Stahar and
Floran sit right in the middle so that they can see My face.
[7] The thirty young Pharisees and Levites occupy a third table,
behind Me; their spokesmen Hebram and Risa sit directly
behind My back, but with their faces turned towards Me.
[8] Beyond the left arm of My table which is beyond My
disciples, is a shorter table at right angles with the twelve under
their spokesmen Suetal, Ribar and Bael; and at the uppermost
arm right behind Ouran there is another small table at which
poor Herme, the familiar messenger from Caesarea Philippi, is
sitting with his now stately-clothed wife, three daughters of his
own and a fourth adopted daughter. So everyone who belongs to
Me is now well looked after.
[9] But the servants have their tables more outside and were
likewise best cared-for, as well as the several hundred soldiers
who had to look after their own accommodation in their camp,
as was always the tradition among the Romans.
[10] Everyone including us is now occupied with the necessary
strengthening of the limbs and the intestines, and everyone
praises Me for such an extraordinarily strengthening serving.
[11] The fish, the bread, all sorts of good and sweet fruit – like
figs, pears, apples, plums and even grapes – cover the tables,
and there is no lack of the best wine anywhere; there is not even
one person at any table who was not possessed by a healthy
desire to eat, and old Mark, both his sons and also a couple of
his older daughters hurry here and there and leave no-one
[12] Gradually the wine loosens the tongues, and it becomes
louder and louder here and there at the tables. Also at My table
all sorts of wonderment is expressed about the food and drink,
yes, even My Jarah becomes more lively and cannot praise the
sweet grapes enough, especially since it was not yet the season
for grapes.
[13] My disciples also begin to become very talkative, which
was seldom the case. Only Judas Iscariot was silent; for he still
had a great fish to tackle, and the significant beaker of wine
before him also occupied him too much for him to take the time
to enter into a conversation with anyone. Thomas had actually
nudged him a few times; but Judas had noticed nothing, and that
was good, because otherwise he would have soon brought
something improper to light.
[14] But on My left side Jarah was paying very good attention
to whether an opportunity would arise for her to give this
disciple whom she very much disliked a very firm blow; but this
time Judas Iscariot could not be torn away from his desire to eat
and drink at any price.
[15] But when he had finally finished his great fish, he made
another motion as if to grab another one, no smaller; but
Raphael was somewhat faster and got there before Judas
Iscariot. Well – that gave call for a little smirking cheerfulness,
and My Jarah could only suppress the outbreak of a loud laugh
with difficulty.
[16] I asked Jarah what was wrong with her then.
[17] And the maiden said: “Oh Lord, my love, how can You ask
a person whose innermost is more open to You than the exterior
form of a beaker is to us?! Did You, oh Lord, not notice then
how the disciple Judas Iscariot had sought out the very greatest,
certainly ten-pound-heavy fish for himself and also the largest
beaker?! A few large pieces of bread went down into his
stomach besides!
[18] But now he wanted to take the second-largest fish for
himself as well, but my Raphael, noticing the justified
annoyance of the other disciples, reached forward before the
gluttonous Judas Iscariot and so saved the fish from the eating
frenzy of Judas Iscariot. Well, that is the actual reason why I
could hardly hold back a laugh!
[19] I know very well from Genezareth that one should actually
never laugh except alone out of love and friendship; but here
things were seriously so amusing that I could hardly hold back a
laugh. I think that it is not such a great mistake if one laughs at a
very gluttonous greed if he fails with a highly selfish matter; for
one can also think that such an act would improve him – and it
should then be allowed to smirk a little!”
[20] I say: “Sin, My very dearest Jarah, it is not exactly; but if
one can avoid it, one has done something better. You see, if one
observes such a greedy person with a certain seriousness, he
admonishes himself and stops his greedy tendency; but if one
laughs at him, he becomes angry and then makes a point of
carrying out his tendency towards greed twice as much!
[21] Judas Iscariot is greedy, and also a thief on occasion; for
whoever constantly seeks to betray his neighbor, and actually
betrays him, is a thief.
[22] If he sees laughing faces at his selfish action, he believes
that they take pleasure in his joke-like trickery, and then carries
out his villainy even more intensively; but if he is observed, as I
said before, with a certain strictness from all sides at his trickery
and at even the first attempt, he will drop his bad habit and save
it for another time. For there is not easily a hope of totally
improving a greedy person! But it is nonetheless good to
prevent him as often as possible from carrying out any selfish
action; he gradually loses thereby the terrible courage because
of the constantly unsuccessful attempts and leaves the bad
things, if not out of contempt, then at least out of anger.
[23] Look, My very dearest little daughter, for this reason that I
have just shown you it is therefore better not to laugh at anyone
for having some planned trickery not succeed!”
[1] Jarah says: “Yes, Lord, my only love that would be correct
in all things and actually best of all if one only had a purely
divine teaching at one’s side at the same time! But we people
are often so blind – and especially in the moments when we
should see the sharpest – so that we do not see the wood for all
the trees! And it is not a pick better with the true wisdom of life
in the important moments of life. There where we need it the
most, it fails us; and when we do not need it to a great degree,
we are full of higher thoughts and ideas! Therefore it is always a
strange thing with us people!
[2] Nothing seems to me as good as my own will; but even that
cannot finally be boasted of so much, because it is lacking in the
full strength of completion. For one often wants something very
good but either does not do it, or one does exactly the opposite
of the good that one wants. I do not know the reason for that;
but I know from personal experience that it is so.
[3] Lord, my love! Through Your all-powerful mercy I have
been allowed to take a most wonderful look into Your great
planetary creations and I now know more in this respect than all
the wise men of the Earth together. I know what the endless
depths of Your heavens hide; but why do I not know myself
[4] I say: “Because you yourself are a much more wonderful
being than all the great suns and worlds together! There is a
much more wonderful heaven in the heart of a person than the
great one there which you see with your eyes.
[5] You see, all material is a judgment and an iron necessity!
You can look at it from outside and from inside as much as you
like, and some pharmacists (physicists) possess the knowledge
of how to divide material up into its original elements. And this
rare knowledge is called the knowledge of division, which will
be perfected more and more over time.
[6] In the same way that you can recognize a stone quite
accurately from the outside and from the inside, you can also
recognize a whole world! Our Mathael is very familiar with this
art; also My disciple Andrew, who also stayed with the Essenes,
is a qualified pharmacist, an art which he learnt in Egypt. These
two will explain to you the matter of the whole world with
much skill and much truth. Truly there is still something inside
matter which no scientist will ever find out; but he can
recognize the actual elements of which some matter consists,
although never the elements in themselves, because they are
made of the spiritual and can only be thoroughly recognized by
a pure spirit. For something infinite is hidden in the elements!
[7] But something even more infinite lies in the human soul and
his spirit! That cannot be discovered by any chemical or
physical analysis, and I Myself therefore had to come to you
people in order to teach you what no man could ever have found
out by himself.
[8] Therefore you can see that I came out of the heaven of
heavens to you for the sake of your observed indecency, and I
am teaching you what no-one else could teach you!
[9] Now you certainly do not yet understand how you can have
something in your will but nonetheless do not act according to
your will, but instead you act according to some external
motivation which you do not know, and the mute desires of the
flesh often decide on an action against the will of the spirit. For
the will is not part of the flesh and blood and of the soul, which
formed the flesh and blood and then even took the food for its
construction out of the same, but instead it is part of love which
is My spirit in you, and therefore you are not only My creations,
but also My true children and you will one day reign with Me in
My kingdom for all eternity.
[10] But for that you must be reborn again fully, otherwise such
a thing would be impossible!
[11] Do you understand this, My dearest little daughter?”
[1] Jarah says: “I understand the necessary information well; but
by no means quite thoroughly! I cannot get to grips with the
becoming reborn in the spirit, no matter how many times I hear
it! How should that be properly understood?”
[2] I say: “Now, neither you nor anyone else can fully
understand it; for if I discuss earthly things with you, you do not
fully understand Me – how could you then completely
understand Me if I were to deal in very heavenly things with
[3] Yes, I tell you: If I now begin to speak about very heavenly
things with you, you would all begin to get annoyed and say:
See how the man has become so absurd! He speaks about things
that are against all reason and nature! How can one accept this
information to be true?!
[4] Therefore you will all only fully understand the birth, or
rebirth, from the spirit and in the spirit when I as a man and the
son of man, am taken from this Earth under your very eyes like
[5] Only then will I scatter My spirit from the heavens full of
truth and power over all those who are Mine, whereby only then
the full rebirth of the spirit and in the spirit will be made fully
possible, and only then will you understand and recognize the
rebirth of your spirit.
[6] But until then no-one can be fully reborn in the spirit, not
anyone, beginning from Adam; not even Moses and all the
[7] But through the works which I have performed before you
and all the others, everyone from Adam onwards will take part
in the full rebirth of the spirit if they were born into the world
and had at least a good will in the life of their body, even if they
were not always active accordingly.
[8] For there are many others who have the best will to do and
carry out something good, but they are lacking in the means and
the outer strength and skill, which are as necessary as the eyes
are for seeing. Well, in such cases the good will means as much
to Me as the deed itself.
[9] You see, if, for example, someone fell into the water and
you saw it! Now you might well want to help the unlucky
person – but you know that you are completely incapable of
swimming. If you jumped after the person who had fallen in,
you would both be swept away by the water; but if you could
swim very well, you would certainly jump after the unlucky
person without any further thought and save him. But because
you cannot swim, you do not jump after the unlucky person
despite the best will in the world, but instead you quickly look
for someone who could and would save the person!
[10] Look, look, My little daughter, a good will is as much as
the completed deed itself; and that is the same in thousands and
thousands of cases where the good will alone is accepted instead
of the deed.
[11] I will give you another example! Look, you had the best
will to help a very poor person who came to you, but you had no
fortune yourself, and yet you wanted to help the poor person
with all your strength! But since you have no fortune yourself,
you go to one or another person who has a fortune and beg them
with all your power for a good help for your poor person, but
you do not receive it because of the hard-heartedness of the rich
person and you have to let the poor person move on without
support, crying for him and pleading for him to the Lord God.
[12] You see, your will is then just as much as the completed
deed itself!
[13] And there were many such people before us, there are now,
and in the future there will be more; they will all participate in
the rebirth of their spirit in their soul!
[14] If you cannot yet really understand what the actual rebirth
of the spirit consists of, like everyone else, well I have shown
you the reason as clearly as possible; but if the time will come
when you will be reborn in your spirit, only then will you fully
see what and why you still cannot see it now! Do you
understand the reason now why you still cannot understand
Me yet?”
[15] Jarah says: “Yes, Lord, my only love! Now I understand it
well! But one must understand You, for You illuminate things
as purely as the sun in a cloudless sky illuminates the Earth at
[16] After these words she thanked Me for the lesson and also
promised Me that she would never laugh again at the foolish
behavior of another person.
[1] But Cornelius was immensely amazed about the wisdom of
the girl; also Faustus and Philopold wondered to the same
degree, and Cornelius asked Me whether he was allowed to
discuss some things with the girl at the table. And I allowed him
this. And Cornelius is as joyful about this as the girl and
everyone at the table, and I recommend him to ask wise
[2] However Cornelius, as soon as he should ask a question to
the girl, begins to wonder very much what he should actually
ask. For by My command to only ask the girl wise questions,
Cornelius understood that the conversation should not be
pointless chit-chat, but something purposeful, and he thought a
lot what this could be in a company who always had the
opportunity to hear the highest things.
[3] The longer and stronger he thought about this, the less he
found something which seemed to him to be worthy to ask the
girl and enter into a mutual discussion with her. He thought of
this and that and found nothing which could seem to have any
particular value.
[4] After quite a while of thinking he (Cornelius) said to Me:
“Look, I thought that this would be easier; but the longer and
deeper I think, the less I find anything which would be suitable
for such a wise child!”
[5] I say: “Well, if you find nothing extraordinary, then ask the
girl the next best thing!”
[6] Cornelius says: “That would be all very correct and good,
but there’s also a problem with that! For I cannot ask her about
something too every day, and I would hardly know something
better that has not already been discussed here many times!”
[7] But the girl, noticing Cornelius’ embarrassment, said: “Oh
high, dearest friend, if you cannot find a question for me, then
allow me to ask you; for I am not easily embarrassed in asking
questions – I already have ten questions at the ready!”
[8] Cornelius says: “That would certainly be very good, my very
dearest little child! But if you ask me a question, then it is
already a foregone conclusion that I must answer it; if I were
not capable of this – which could very easily be the case, since
you seem to me a very thoroughly clever child – what then?”
[9] The girl says: “Well, what then?! Then I will answer my
own question and you can judge the question and the answer
and then can tell me whether I have been mistaken! Oh look, it
is also by no means a little thing for me to ask and answer; the
Lord, as my eternal only love, worries me the least, because
every comparison of His infinite wisdom and our most limited
wisdom is in any case useless.
[10] Whether we say something more or less foolish, this does
not change the relationship between us and the Lord in the least;
for we are nothing in ourselves in comparison with the Lord,
and that there is something in us of worth for Him, that is He
Himself in our hearts through His mercy.
[11] But there are some wise men among us, and even at this
table, for whom I have all respect; it is not good to reach into
the same bowl with such people!
[12] I truly know some things which until this moment no-one
but I and of course Raphael and the Lord can know, because
every experience is lacking in such an unbelievable relationship;
but what use is it to me to be at home in the far-off stars, but at
the same time to be a stranger on this Earth that is our home?!
Then I am beaten a hundred and a thousand times over!”
[13] Cornelius says: “Who at our table is then so first rate,
before whom you have such a particular respect in a very human
[14] Jarah says: “The vice-king over there, who will now rule
over the whole Pontus with the old Ouran! His name is Mathael.
He could give me some hard tasks to solve! I believe that would
not be in a position to give him a single intelligent answer to
one question in a hundred!”
[15] Mathael says: “Oh, dear little child, suddenly you are now
extremely modest! Since quite a while you cannot be cornered
by me; for I know all too well the keenness of your mind! If a
Raphael has to summon all his strength, how much more then
we! And Colonel Cornelius does very well in considering what
he should speak to you about! For you are like very few of your
gender! It is true that I also understand a few things and know
some things; but nevertheless I would never like to enter into a
contest of wisdom with you, which would also be a vain
craziness! But it would always be very dear, valuable and
worthy to me to be taught by you.”
[16] Jarah says: “That’s what a poor girl has, if she knows
something and no-one dares to speak to her! Therefore it would
almost be better for her to know a little less, in order to not
appear unpleasant to the wiser friends! But what can I do now?!
It is impossible to begin to know less than I know; for I cannot
make the light of my heart weaker than it is. But this light gives
me in an ever greater measure the love for the Lord, for the
holiest Father of the fathers of the fathers of this Earth! Yes, if it
were possible for me to weaken this one and only love even in
the least, then I would immediately become more foolish; but
such a thing is impossible for me! And what I know from this
light is not mine, but the knowledge of the Lord in my heart,
and therefore certainly no-one should be ashamed, just as I
should not shame anyone! Therefore you, noblest friend
Cornelius, and you, noble Mathael, should also be able to speak
to me!”
[17] Cornelius says: “Certainly, certainly! But do you know,
very dearest Jarah, there is even a problem with that; for it is
somewhat difficult to speak to you, as I am already beginning to
feel very clearly, because in your heart you really understand
the purest truth too much. Oh, you are otherwise infinitely
blessed and dear, and one could listen to you all day long; but to
ask you a question or to have you ask a question, that is another
story. You could be asked quickly, but afterwards comes the
answer, and then I will look very inadequate!
[18] A little thought has not yet quite left me, and I fear nothing
in the world as much as shame, which is certainly not justified;
but I cannot do anything about it, for in childhood I was brought
up like that, and such an old habit does not disappear as quickly
as one would like to believe.
[19] But just wait a little longer, something very clever will
occur to me; and I will then take great joy in hearing something
very wise from you!”
[1] Jarah is satisfied with that, and Cornelius begins to scan his
brains; but still he cannot find anything suitable.
[2] Finally, after a while something occurs to him, and he asks
Jarah about the following, saying: “Well, now I have found
something, and so tell me what actually is the sun, and which
elements does it consist of, since it pours out over the face of
the Earth such a very strong light and a hardly believable heat!
If you, blessed Jarah, are in a position to tell me something
about this, I will reward you regally, if you will accept it!”
[3] Jarah says somewhat ironically, “Do you know, high master,
in this way one fetches the rotten fish out of a pond and wants to
purify it in this way because the rotten fish make the water stink
and make it impure and therefore also unhealthy! Understood,
lord leader Cornelius?!
[4] If you have superfluous treasure, you will find the poor,
particularly here in this city which has been destroyed by fire, in
a great number, whom you can give your regal support! But I do
not need a reward from anyone on this Earth; for I have all the
love of the Lord, and this is my only and highest reward!
[5] Oh yes, I will answer your question, I do not want to remain
in debt to you for anything; but therefore I will not let myself be
rewarded by you at all – least of all in a worldly fashion! For I
consider such a thing to be one of the greatest sins; for first of
all I would be taking it away from the truly needy poor, and
secondly I would have taken away the opportunity for you to do
something truly good, especially since I am not a poor child of
the Earth in any way, and basically I even possess material
treasure which you could not pay for with all your great
kingdom, which I actually need just as little as the regal reward
which you have just offered me.
[6] But do not believe that any sort of arrogance is speaking
through me, but instead the quite purest and most harmless
truth; for if I possessed even the smallest spark of pride in
myself, I would not sit in this place beside the Lord of lords and
beside the Master of masters! That, my otherwise very dearest
friend Cornelius, was a little bit of a failure!
[7] You see, people who possess mercy from the Lord as I do, if
through and through undeservedly, must be judged and treated
quite differently to the people of nature and the world!
[8] You thought that I as a young, barely fourteen year-old girl
would be of as vain a nature as the other maidens of the world
and would even have the greatest joy in being dressed in regal
clothes; alone such vanity is further from me than the smallest
star in the firmament that your eye can discover from this Earth,
and that says a lot! Therefore take your offer of reward back
quickly; otherwise I will not answer your question in any case!”
[9] Cornelius says: “Well then, because I ended up with such a
sharp retort, I will take it back very willingly according to your
wish and will then do what you advised me to do; but you must
answer my question to you out of friendship!”
[10] Next Jarah began to gather herself and said: “You now
want to learn from me what the sun is and which elements it
consists of, since it pours out such a strong light and such
powerful warmth over the Earth?
[11] Well, I can give you quite fully true information about this;
but what good would that do you?! You can well believe me, as
a blind man believes someone who tells him that a flower is
beautifully red. Will the blind man be able to convince himself
that that flower is truly so wonderfully red? That would be very
difficult in this life, and in the next life the free soul will
certainly worry very little about it; for in any case it will in a
better position to see more in one instant than can be learnt here
in fifty industrious years of every effort.”
[12] Cornelius says: “Most blessed girl, there you are quite
right! I will never ad personam mean (personally) be able to
convince myself about the things you have told me about the
sun, and that the things you have just said are seriously true; but
I also know now that you cannot lie to me, because everything
that you know you can only know from the Lord. And therefore
I can accept everything that you might ever say about the sun as
the perfect and undoubted truth!”
[13] Jarah says: “Well then, good! I will see whether you begin
to shrug your shoulders! And so listen to me!”
[1] (Jarah:) You see, the sun is also, just like our Earth, an
inhabitable and also fully inhabited planet; only it is a thousand
times a thousand times larger than this Earth of ours, which, as
you see, is not small either. But the light that is emitted by that
great world is not the inhabited ground of the sun, but instead
only the air surrounding it entirely, whose smoothest surface,
constantly rubbing firmly against the surrounding ether in all
directions, firstly creates an uncountable amount of the strongest
flashes of light all at one time, and secondly takes in the light
from eons of suns onto this such an enormous reflective surface
and then sends it out again in all directions.
[2] The Earth, as well as many other earths, which we call
planets, is illuminated and heated through such a light by this
sun of ours. However the heat does not come to the Earth along
with the light from the sun, but instead it is created on the spot
by the light.
[3] The light truly comes from far away, but the heat is only
created here, and namely through the fact that the certain natural
spirits in the air, in the water and in the Earth are put into great
motion through the light. And exactly this activity creates what
we feel as heat, and at an even higher activity by the previously
mentioned spirits, as heat, and we call them thus. But as the
light can always be increased more and more into infinity,
likewise the warmth and the heat can be increased.
[4] But, you will ask, who can exist on the sun then? For
because the light must be the strongest there, the heat must also
be no less! It is not so. Hardly a thousandth of a thousandth part
of all the strength of the sun’s light can penetrate to the inside of
the actual body of the sun, and therefore it is not much brighter
and warmer on the surface of the sun than here on our Earth,
and God’s creations can therefore exist and live there just like
on this Earth. Only there can be no night there, because
everything on the sun finds itself in its own indestructible light.
[5] The inhabitants of the sun therefore know nothing about
night – but they can still see the stars and all the planets circling
the sun along with our Earth very well during their eternal day.
This makes the extremely pure air, reaching 1,200 hours out
in all directions around the sun, which is truly dulled from time
to time by many and very dense clouds, but which also has very
cloudless periods and areas where the outer worlds can be
very well seen and observed, much better than that of any
other planet.
[6] The sun rotates around its own axis, but not within almost
twenty-five hours like this Earth of ours, but instead within
twenty-nine days. The inhabitants of the sun can therefore see
the whole sky during this period, particularly the inhabitants of
the middle belt, which according to my feeling must be the
wisest and most beautiful people of the sun. The inhabitants of
the other belts correspond more to the various planets.
[7] But as far as the inner construction of the enormously large
body of the sun is concerned, my feeling tells me that even more
planets are hidden inside the other like in a hollow ball and
could be separated from each other by distances of two, three
and four thousand hours, which is not to be taken as something
concrete, because these internal suns often stretch out very far,
to shrink back to the normal state then another time. The hollow
spaces are either filled with water or with all sorts of air.
[8] But why things must be like this, I cannot tell you; for only
the Lord and Master of eternity sitting beside me now knows
about it. If you want to learn more, you must turn to this One
and Only!”
[9] Cornelius says: “I thank you, my dearest, very friendliest
little child, for the message that you have just given me, which
even I with my reason accept in full belief from the alpha to the
omega; for I cannot find anything contradictory there. But how
far must the sun be from our Earth since it appears so small to
us despite being such an enormously large world?”
[10] Jarah says: “There is no measure for that on this Earth; the
Egyptians however had such a thing, and the later descendents –
but in Europe and not in Asia – will invent this measuring stick
again. But I can nonetheless tell you that an arrow which was
shot from the Earth with all force towards the sun would have to
travel almost a full twenty Earth years in the least in order to
reach the sun!
[11] Now you can work it out yourself. Measure the time that a
flying arrow needs to travel a thousand human paces; you will
find that the arrow at all speed nonetheless needs two instants of
time to carry itself across a thousand human paces. But an hour
needs 1,800 of such double moments; and a day has 24 hours,
and a year consists of 365 days, which is well-known to you. If
you now know that and can count just a little, you will soon see
how far the sun is from the Earth! I cannot tell you anymore; for
even if I knew it too, I would not have the yardstick and the
appropriate number! Imagine 40 times 1,000 times 1,000 hours
of journey, and you have the distance of the Earth from the sun
more or less accurately!”
[12] Cornelius opens his eyes wide and says: “No, I would
never have expected that from such a girl; she counts with the
greatest numbers in the world like one of us with the small
numbers on our fingers! She is far above any Euclides, the
greatest mathematician! No, I have never seen such a thing
before! Lord, tell me now whether I should accept all this! It
seems to me at least that the girl has hit the nail on the head!”
[1] I say: “This certainly no gospel; but it is what it is, a truth
which you will also benefit from in time in order to heal the
people from some superstitions. For people have no more
massive superstition in any area than in the field of the light of
the starry heavens. But it is not yet the time to let the people
come to full conclusions about this; for now it is above all
important to form real and true people from out of the present
human larvae.
[2] However, that can only be achieved when man recognizes
firstly himself and then God, and loves Him above all else with
all his strength. Once man has become firm in such a belief and
is capable of receiving the Holy Spirit from God, he will then
become receptive to all other still undiscovered truths and will
be capable of understanding them!
[3] But if one immediately filled his head with these things, he
would not be able to understand it and would rack his brains so
much that he would go crazy!
[4] Therefore this is the basic principle: Mankind must first
become true people before receiving all knowledge, otherwise
any sort of knowledge would harm them much more than
something pious. For all knowledge occupies only our reason
which is in our brains; but the heart, as the basis of life, remains
untamed, raw and wild, like that of a predatory animal, and with
the help of knowledge practices even more evil than without it;
for knowledge is a true light to a godless heart for evil of all
type and category!
[5] Therefore, My friends and brothers, give the blind firstly the
correct light in their hearts, and then let such a light illuminate
the reason of the soul, and then all knowledge will be a true
blessing to man!
[6] It is certainly praise-worthy to know much, because in this
way one can give another person good advice; but it is better to
love much and truly! For love awakes and animates; but
knowledge only satisfies curiosity and then lies down again on
the bed to rest!
[7] And so knowledge truly helps someone a little for a time,
but harms him for the awakening of his spirit; but if it comes
forth after some time as a certain side-effect of the light of the
spirit, it is then also full with all the warmth of life and animates
like the light of the sun which not only illuminates as no other
light but also animates, because its light contains the warmth of
life and wherever it falls it passes it on and animates and draws
out whatever is there even more.
[8] Believe Me, the countless wonders that go around there in
immeasurable spaces are dormant hidden in everyone’s spirit;
therefore strive above all that your spirit will be fully awakened,
and you will then always see in the greatest clarity what no eye
has seen and no sense has felt, and through the other senses you
will also be able to feel it most genuinely.
[9] Those who truly recognize and love God in Me, the Son of
Man, will receive an abundance of blessings in this life, the
magnificence of which no human sense has ever felt before this
hour! But on the pure path to knowledge a person will never get
there! Do you understand this, Cornelius?”
[1] Cornelius says: “Yes, Lord, what You say is filled with truth
which has never existed before according to the measure of pure
human life; for if it had ever been spoken or had ever been here
before, certainly some people would have accepted it as what it
is and lived by it strictly, and the effect of it would certainly not
have fallen by the wayside.
[2] But to my much encompassing knowledge it has never been
here before, but instead there was quite the opposite among us
heathens; and therefore Socrates, Plato, Plotin and Phrygius are
to be greatly admired, as well as several great men of Rome,
who through sheer heroic efforts and pains against the laws of
polytheism nonetheless managed quite successfully to find the
path to You, the one and only true God.
[3] Plato found that the one and only true, if unknown, God
must be pure love. The more he thought about the unknown
God, the warmer it became in his heart; and when he found that
this benevolent warmth was growing, and a doctor told him that
this was an illness, Plato laughed and said: If that is an illness,
then I desire even more of such an illness in my heart; for it
makes me feel much better than any highly-valued health!
[4] And Plato loved the Unknown One more and more and told
how he had seen this God in the highest moments of his love for
the unknown God, as if fully united with him, and what an
indescribable bliss he had felt at this.
[5] The other great wise men tell similar things; their teaching
would have been very comforting for people if the familiar
servants of God had not stood in the way of spreading it with all
manner of abominations.
[6] But it was always so, and it will probably continue to be so.
The pure truth can never find take hold because over time its
closest servants themselves, led by highly mean interests, stand
in the way. They put it in a labyrinth and then bend the original
ever straight and open path into thousands of crooked ways
which, surrounded by a gloomy wall, never allow the seeker to
find the centre, where the old temple of truth once stood.
[7] Lord, one day Your religion will also suffer the same fate, if
only one priest will excel himself in it! There must certainly be
teachers, but there is surely one rowdy in ten who incites the
others only too soon, and then the truth already has a flaw!
[8] Moses, the wisest man in Cairo, the adopted son of the
Pharaoh’s daughter, indoctrinated in everything, wrote the
divine truth on marble tablets and ordered with the power of
God to announce it to the people and obey it despite all the
hardest punishments, to live according to such a religion and to
act accordingly; hardly a thousand years have passed since him,
and how do things look now for the holy religion of the marble
tablets?! There is no trace of it any longer except for the name!
Where is the old Ark of the Covenant, the wonderful, fruit- and
life-bearing Ark? Where are the original tablets that Moses
wrote with his own hand as if for eternity? You see, Moses’
followers have destroyed everything, simply because of their
evil worldly interests!
[9] Therefore I say: without by any means being a prophet: As it
always was, it still is and always will be if You, oh Lord, lay
Your religion in the hands of men for safe-keeping. In a
thousand years things will look very crooked, and people will be
allowed to seek the truth in it like Diogenes on the clearest day,
but never find it.
[10] Ah, the full truth will certainly remain with some
individuals; but in general there will be nothing further left than
what remains of the children of Abraham in the times of Moses,
namely vessels and empty names! Who understands any longer
the spirit of Moses’ statutes?
[11] Therefore I say: and remain by this: Man was always so,
and with small differences will always remain so.
[12] Something new will always make them curious and
excited; but once the people have got used to it a little, even the
most eminent thing will soon become every day, worthless and
indifferent to them! If there is something attractive in it still, it
must often be refreshed with all sorts of rarities, and some
change must always occur, of course not harming the main
issue, otherwise humanity begins again, out of sheer boredom
and under constant thunder and lightning, to form golden cows
again and to dance around them in amusement.
[13] Yes, even some priests are to be excused for selling the
people, instead of the real goods, the most miserable junk as
something purely divine; for if the current of darkness has
become too powerful, swimming against it is impossible, and
the best-intentioned priest, even if he possesses in secret some
correct idea of the truth, must swim with the current Nolens seu
volens (whether you want it or not), otherwise he will
immediately go under!
[14] Lord! As old as the humanity of this Earth is, evil was
always its faithful companion, which can never be denied; can
man ever be healed totally and radically from this old evil? For I
see no reason why man should constantly be ruined time and
[1] I say: “Yes, listen, my dearest! That is something of the
greatest necessity on the planet where people are designated to
become by their own effort true children of God!
[2] The least spiritual limitation by Me of the freest will would
totally ruin my purpose
[3] Therefore here (on Earth) the freest room for development
must be provided completely, right down to deep below the
worst hell in order to achieve every thinkable burden, as well as
up above every heaven in order to achieve the highest virtue,
otherwise there is nothing that can be done in order to become
the children of God on this Earth which was designated for this!
[4] And there is the secret reason why even the most wonderful
religion will be trodden on like dirt in time!
[5] No one will be able to say about My teaching that it
demands even something unnatural, unfair and impossible; and
yet in time such hardships and impossible to carry out adjuncts
will set in, which no man will be able to observe in their
[6] One will massacre people in their hundreds and thousands in
an exaggerated eagerness, worse than the wildest forest beast,
and will believe that they are performing an extremely pleasant
service for God.
[7] Yes, I Myself will have to let Myself be caught and finally
even killed by the people, if they want it, in order to give the
people the freest and highest playground for their will; for only
through this highest and very most unlimited freedom were
people placed on this Earth completely in a position to rise to
the truest and most perfectly god-like children and gods
themselves in all things.
[8] For as I Myself am God from eternity to eternity only
through My very most unlimited strength of will and power,
likewise the children of My love must be it too eternally!
[9] But in order to become that, every spiritual education is
needed, which does not yet suit you so well. But just think about
it a little and you will find that it cannot be possibly otherwise!
[10] Where the highest is to be reached, the lowest must also be
[11] Here Cornelius considers a little and says after a while,
“Yes, yes, Lord, it is beginning to dawn a little in my heart! I
should understand things well; but there are still some clouds
and fog, through which my soul still does not yet see the full
light. In certain moments however, I notice that it is becoming
lighter and then I understand some things, and so I understand
now also that it would not be possible for me to raise any doubts
against this; but there we cannot speak at all of me being in full
clarity and at home in this familiar sphere of wisdom!
[12] You, oh Lord, could certainly put an only somewhat
powerful light in my heart in this sphere as well!”
[13] I say: “I could certainly do that – but then the stronger light
would not be yours, but only purely My work and also
something alien in you; you would not need to seek then, nor to
ask or to knock anywhere.
[14] But I want, and must want, every man to progress along the
path that I have shown you and to achieve with his own effort
and sacrifice what he needs for here and for afterwards,
otherwise he will never be able to become fully self-acting and
therefore never independent.
[15] Full independence however is one of the most necessary
prerequisites to receive the highest possible blessing.
[16] Look at a very well-placed servant! He has almost
everything under his master that his highly prosperous master
has; he can enjoy the best dishes and drink the wine from his
master’s guest table. If his master makes a journey on water or
across land, he takes his servant with him, and whatever the
master enjoys there, his servant enjoys also. But nonetheless the
bliss of both is different.
[17] The servant often thinks, “I have a good master and he does
not demand anything from me that I could call unfair, and I am
very well respected and looked after; but if I ever get above
myself, he could nevertheless say to me: My boy, I looked on
you like my own son and therefore demanded only an easy and
minor service from you. But you got above yourself and began
to play the master; therefore I can no longer use you as my
servant. Therefore leave my house! Then I would have to go
and would be a beggar; but my master would remain the lord of
his possessions.
[18] You see, my good friend, this thought often ruins the
servant’s bliss! But the master is truly happy – whether he is
already very fond of his faithful servant or not, he does not need
to fear that he will lose him; for he could easily get hundreds in
the place of this one. He remains nonetheless the wealthy master
and independent owner of very many goods and immeasurable
other treasures. His blessing can therefore not be dulled, while
the casual blessing of the servant can come to an end at any
moment. And you see, it is the same here!
[19] As long as I, as the Lord of all life and all light, must
inspire life and light into you all at once, you are only my slaves
and servants; for I can provide you with life and light as long as
I alone want to. From where will you then get light and life?!
Must not the thought alone of the possibility of what I said
awake in you a very significant disquietude?!
[20] But wherever some anguish, fright or disquietude can be
awakened in a soul, there is no possible chance of a perfect
[1] (The Lord) “It is exactly for this reason that I Myself came
to this Earth designated for the creation of My true children, in
order to free you from the bands of creative necessity and to
show you the way to true, independent, eternal freedom of life
through word and deed and to pave the way and to smooth it
through My example before you all.
[2] Only on this path alone will it be possible to enter the
immeasurable magnificence of God, My and your Father.
[3] For as a man I am a human being like you; but within Me
live the original fullness of the divine magnificence of the
Father, who is pure love. And it is not I as your fellow man who
is now speaking to you, but the word that I say to you is the
Word of the Father who is in Me, and whom I know well, but
whom you do not know; for if you knew him, it would have
been unnecessary to send Me. But exactly because you do not
know him and have never known him I came Myself in order to
show Him to you and to teach you to know him.
[4] But that is the will of the Father, that everyone who believes
in Me, the Son of Man, and that I was sent by the Father, should
have eternal life and the magnificence of the Father in him, in
order to become true children of the Almighty and to remain so
for eternity!
[5] But in order to achieve this, heaven and hell must come
together in this world! There is no victory without a battle!
Where the highest thing is to be achieved, the highest activity
must be fully undertaken to achieve it; in order to reach one
extreme, one must first break away from the opposite extreme.
[6] But how could a highest extreme be conceivable without the
lowest?! Or can someone among you think of mountains
without the valleys between them?! Are the summits of the
mountains not measured according to the greatest depth of a
valley?! There must therefore be very deep valleys, and
whoever lives in the depth of the valley must climb up the
mountain, fighting with many obstacles, in order to win the
freest and furthest view. But if there were no valleys, there
would also be no mountains, and no-one could climb any height
with a view which only reaches a little over what is usual.
[7] That is only a material parable, it is true, but nonetheless
things which are similar and correspond to the infinitely great
spiritual truth are hidden in it – for him who can and will think,
things will constantly form themselves more significantly.
[8] In the sphere of inner life, however, you are called and
chosen to reach the highest point – so there must also be
something under you, and so you have the most perfectly free
will and the power to fight the lowermost things in yourself with
the power that God has given you as your own for eternity.
[9] You see, My dear friend Cornelius that is how things stand
in connection to life in this world, because that is how they must
be! And hopefully you will now hardly need to ask any other
[10] I could lead you in the spirit to another planet where you
would see everything in perfection, as you see the concoctions
of the animals in an inimitable perfection; but what good is this
constantly identical reappearing perfection to them? It only
covers their highly puny and monotonous requirements for life;
but only an inch further and you will find nothing!
[11] Can the children of God really be raised in such
[12] But there are infinite things in you people, only it is not
developed; therefore a child can do nothing when it comes into
the world and is more helpless than the newborn of any species
of animal.
[13] But exactly because it is so naked, so weak and totally
helpless and stands just a little better than an octopus of the sea
as a completely empty vessel, it can climb to the highest divine
awareness and become capable of all perfection!
[14] Therefore pay attention to everything that I have just said
to you, and act accordingly, and you will also inevitably achieve
what you have been called and chosen to be for all eternity! Tell
Me now, friend Cornelius, what you think about this Earth now
and its people in light and in darkness!”
[1] Cornelius considered for a while and finally said full of the
greatest wonder, “Lord, Lord, yes, very good, yes! But there is
still the fact that if You entered under the roof of my house I
could never be worthy of this! For You alone are the One about
whom the great king of the Jews, David, whose psalms I read in
my youth, prophesied, when he said: “Lift up your heads, o
gates, and be lifted up, o ancient doors, that the king of glory
may come in! Who is the king of glory? The Lord strong and
mighty, the Lord mighty in battle!” (Psalm 24: 7-8)
[2] As I said, I have known these things since my youth, and
strangely: it had to be so that I was a witness of Your birth in
Bethlehem and at the same time the one who showed Your
earthly parents a way to flee from the cruelest persecution by
old Herod.
[3] But then I was only 25 years old, and I am now a good 30
years older, I have lived through much in this time, seen much
and heard and experienced much; but despite everything the
strange words of David and Your birth and all the
accompanying events float as vividly before my eyes as if I had
experienced them firsthand, as one says, only yesterday or the
day before. And in the meantime I hear again and again, “Lift
up your heads, o gates, and be lifted up, o ancient doors that the
king of glory may come in! Who is the king of glory? The Lord
strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle!”
[4] And in secret I said this text to myself even before Your
birth, and when You, oh Lord, healed my servant and I then had
the greatest mercy to meet You, I said this verse to myself in my
heart which reveres and loves You above all else! And so I now
say and bear witness that You alone are the great, eternal King
of Glory, about whom the wise king of the Jews sang in his
prophetic spirit! And if You were not that King Zebaoth, how
could You say such things about the people of this Earth as You
have just spoken?!
[5] Yes, if Your holy words will only remain firm in the
memories of the likes of us! But unfortunately my memory was
never my strongest point; however, the main thing, the core,
remains in me all the same! But what You have now told us
goes far beyond all human understanding, and although I
understand more or less what is said, things are nonetheless like
a bright dream, and I will at home have a lot to do to explain
things to my house as clearly as possible, because my memory
cannot retain all the points as well as they came out of Your
holiest mouth.”
[6] I say: “Oh, that can soon be easily helped! You see, we have
the angel Raphael; give him a few pages of good leather paper,
and he will immediately write down for you this whole speech
of Mine, which is of a very powerful importance!”
[7] With the greatest joy in the world Cornelius immediately
calls his servants and has them bring about twenty of the best
pages of parchment, some ink and a golden writing pen.
[8] The angel only touches the paper with the pen which has
been dipped in ink, and in an instant all twenty pages are filled
to the same degree.
[9] Next the angel gives the twenty pages to Cornelius to look
through, and Cornelius cannot wonder enough how the angel
was possibly able to put it all down on paper so endlessly
quickly. For Cornelius had not been witness before when our
Raphael had brought proof of his fast writing to light on other
occasions, therefore he wondered all the more that this angel
was finished so quickly with the writing down of the words I
had said, and in addition in Greek and in Latin, and so true to
word that there was not a dot missing.
[10] But then Kisjonah, Faustus and the mentioned Philopold
also became very attentive and full of wonder, and the highly
inquisitive Philopold began to ask Raphael about the possibility
of writing something down at such enormous speed.
[11] But the angel says: “Friend that is very easily possible for
the likes of us at any time and with the help of the Lord – but
purely impossible to explain to you how. For this is a
characteristic which every perfect spirit possesses, not only such
writing, but also to complete any great act in an instant. If you
want to have a whole long mountain range destroyed or
annihilated, or a lake dried out, or sea turned to land, or a whole
Earth destroyed or the sun which is a thousand times a thousand
times greater, or if you wanted to send me to one of the very
furthest stars and demanded at the same time a sign that I had
actually been there, that would also happen in the shortest
moment that you would not be able to perceive with your senses
that I had been even the slightest bit absent. Well, how this
happens, and can possibly happen, can only be understood by a
pure spirit!
[12] Once you are reborn again completely in the spirit, you will
understand it, see it and make a comparable image; but as long
as you have not been reborn in the spirit, you cannot possibly
recognize such characteristics of the pure spirits, even if I were
to show it to you quite clearly uncovered! But just ask yourself
how your thought can be in Rome or in Jerusalem in the shortest
instant and back here again! If you can explain that to yourself,
my friend Philopold, you will also soon understand my speed.”
[13] Philopold says: “Yes, yes, you magnificent, wonderful
angelic being, the thought is going to and fro, and no-one can
measure its speed; but nothing comes of the thought, it is a
highly fleeting image. If someone wants to realize his thoughts,
he must become very active with his hands, and a long time is
needed until the image of the thought becomes visible in reality;
but the thought is already a wonderfully completed work for
you. You see, that is the very powerful difference between my
thoughts and yours!”
[1] The angel says: “No difference at all! Just let your spirit first
achieve rebirth, and your thoughts will appear in everything
which is established in God’s order as a completely perfect,
divine miracle!
[2] Do not believe that it is I who acts in this way and does this,
but instead it is the spirit of the Lord who acts, works and does
everything, who actually makes and fills my innermost being;
for we angels are basically nothing other than focus of the rays
of the divine spirit! We are in a certain way the personified,
powerfully active will of God; our word is the speech of His
mouth and our beauty is a little reflection of His endless
magnificence and always immeasurable majesty.
[3] But if the Lord God is also infinite in His majesty of wisdom
and power, He is nonetheless a limited person in the love of the
Father here with and among you. And exactly this love, which
makes Him a person before you, also makes us angels into
people before you, otherwise we are only light and fire, darting
through all the infinite space as great, creative thoughts, filled
with the word, the power and the will from eternity to eternity!
[4] But you people of the Earth are only now receiving the sprit,
and even more so the own flame of love from the heart of God,
as a consequence of which you will become true children of
God, and as a result you are unspeakably preferred above us,
and we will have to walk along your path in order to become
equal to you.
[5] As long as we all remain angels as we are now, we are
nothing but the arms and fingers of the Lord and stir and move
ourselves only to act when we are prompted to do so by the
Lord, as you prompt your hands and fingers to act. Everything
in us that you can see in me belongs to the Lord; nothing can be
called our own –actually all we are is the Lord Himself.
[6] But you have been called and designated to become in
fullest independence what the Lord is Himself; for to you the
Lord will say: „You must become perfect in everything, even as
your Father in heaven is infinitely perfect!
[7] But if such a thing is said by the Lord to you people, you
will only then fully see to what a great thing you have been
called and designated to do, and what an endless difference
there is then between you and us!
[8] Now you are certainly embryos in the womb which cannot
build any houses with the smallest strength of life that you have
been given; but when you are reborn out of the true womb of the
spirit, then you will also be able to act as the Lord acts!
[9] I will tell you something else which the Lord will say to you
Himself if you remain completely active in faith and all love for
Him. Look, He will say this: I do great things before you, but
you will do even greater things before the whole world!
[10] Does the Lord say such things to us as well? Oh, certainly
not, for we are the will and deed of the Lord, opposed to which
the Lord will make such a prophecy to you as if testifying
against Himself.
[11] But the Lord’s endless love, mercy and extremely great
compassion will also determine a way for us angelic spirits, on
which we will become fully equal to you.
[12] The path which the Lord Himself now treads will become
the path of all original spirits of all the heavens – but certainly
not from one day to the next, but instead gradually in an evenly
continuing unfolding of the never-ending eternity, in which we
from God move up and down as if in an endlessly great circle
without ever touching the outer edge of the circle. But even if
something must be waited for a long time, it nonetheless
happens in the end because it is kept faithfully and true in the
great order of the Lord; whatever finds itself once within this
will happen – it really does not depend on the When! Once it
has happened, it is there, as if it had been there since eternity.
[13] You, dear friend Philopold, had not been born a hundred
years ago and therefore were not here as you are now here; but
doesn’t it seem to you as if you had always been here? Only the
cold calculation of your reason shows to you that you were not
always here; but your feeling and your most living perceptions
show you the sheerest opposite.
[14] Likewise your cold reason shows you that you will die one
day and as what you are you will pass away from this Earth
forever and eternity; but on the other hand ask your feeling and
your perception and both of these will not know, and will not
want to know, anything of an act of dying or passing away from
this Earth.
[15] Well, who is right and true – the cold reason or the warm
feeling of life? I tell you: Both, the reason and the warm selfperceptive
feeling of life! Reason, as the ordered mental library
of the soul, will clearly pass away from the soul, as well as the
soul itself. Along with the other parts of the body and its limbs,
its material capacity to perceive and calculate must also have
the perception of passing away within it; but it is different with
the feeling of life and with the being-aware-of-oneself, which,
because it comes spiritually from God, has never had a
beginning and therefore can also never have an end!
[16] For this reason it is also impossible for the soul even in its
material form to think of itself as temporary and ending. And so
the soul becomes lighter and lighter, and if it is fully one with
the spirit of God living in it, then the feeling of life becomes so
clear and powerful that the feeling of temporality in the cold
calculation of reason loses every meaning and power.
[17] The reason for this is that all the life-force of the spirit of
the Lord in the soul also penetrates even the spiritual nerves of
the body and takes away every feeling of passing away. This
occurs because finally all the actual, ethereal bodily matter of
life becomes immortal like the substance of life in the soul.
[18] You, my dear Philopold, who are also from above, will
now easily see that a spirit can expect everything and a time
period, no matter how long, is actually nothing for it; for once
the blessing will come to it according to the order of the Lord,
and it is then questionable which part of eternity will be longer
for it – the part which it has lived and acted or the part which is
yet to be lived and acted?!
[19] It is true that I am still what I am, and this make believe
body is not by any means a conceived and born body, flesh and
blood filled with a substantial soul; but it is nonetheless a more
meaningful approach towards it, and the time of full realization
of this mercy will not be too far off, and I will be what you are
[20] Do not praise me therefore, because you have seen me do
miracles; for because I am not yet a being, but my being is just
the casual will of the Lord, only the Lord alone should be
praised and revered for His miracles, which would have
performed even without me endlessly greater things.
[21] But it is He who gave the great and holy speech to
Cornelius, which I wrote down for him; you already know him
from Kane near Kis, and you will know him yet deeper. But
now there will soon be something which He will say, pure
words of all life.”
[1] Philopold then turns to Kisjonah sitting next to him saying:
“Have you now finally got a good idea about an angel of God,
as I have? You see, this was always my claim as well, that the
angels are actually not persons, but only ideas filled with the
will of God and are only seen in a particular form when such a
thing is decided to be necessary by God. But since God has an
eternal number of all sorts of greater and lesser sub-ideas, it is
certain that these ideas, if they should be realized in any sort of
way, must be filled with the power and strength of the divine,
unchanging will, otherwise it could never become an acting or
already effective being.
[2] All creations which exist either for a time or forever in a
designated visible form – for example, like a whole world and
everything that it includes and bears, and what it consists of –
are ideas emitted from God which are already found in a created
being. But in order to bring into existence a being, formless,
quite freely acting ideas must be emitted by God which are
filled with His will, but only to work and to create forms, but
not to be a form oneself in which power and intelligence are
united in order to have an effect on the objectively emitted ideas
as so divine, that they become a purposeful form in a certain
planned order, but instead to be constantly formless and to be
appropriately effective for all forms, as the wise Plato claimed
about the origin of the human soul.
[3] This angel certainly has a form, but this form is actually
nothing in itself, because it does not remain; but it is there as it
is, nonetheless standing free and independent from itself and the
basic idea of God as a great thought, to work for itself, partly
with the now separated, own material, and partly with what also
constantly flows from God.
[4] But the great idea about the actual, true childhood of God
seems to me to lie in this. For as long as an idea is identical to
the divinity, not isolated, no self-activity and also no
independence can be conceived out of it; but only when it has
been made equal to all the people of this Earth in all things, it
can then become what we people are called to be in everything.
[5] Tell me, is my opinion correct or not?!”
[6] Kisjonah says: “Yes, yes, I find nothing to be wrongly
judged! Certainly I am no less than any wise man, but
nonetheless I find with my very natural worldly reason that you
have spoken very wisely, and I rejoice to have such a wise
friend and brother in the Lord. We will have a lot more to speak
about at home; but now I am longing, however, for another
word from the mouth of the Lord!
[7] The angel there certainly announced something; but nothing
is happening, and the Lord, as I notice, has fallen asleep a little
during our discussion about wisdom, and that then seems to
suggest that He will not open His holy mouth soon.
[8] The wise girl who gave Cornelius so much to think about
has also fallen asleep, also the supreme governor, and as I now
notice, several are now dozing at our table; but at the other
tables things are very lively! It seems to me that this table has
become very sleepy through the discussion of wisdom by the
angel and particularly by you!?
[9] Do you know, my dearest Philopold, I love to listen to you
when you begin to speak about extra-sensory things; but here in
the presence of the very most wise you perhaps over-did things!
Well, the angel gave us a long speech, but he spoke purely
through the Lord, and so it was more or less the same thing as if
the Lord had spoken Himself. But then when you began to
speak, it was only your opinion, after everything that you had
heard from the angel, and that, it seems to me, called forth the
sleepiness at our table! Don’t you think so yourself?”
[10] Philopold says: “Yes, yes, you cannot be too wrong! I am
now seriously sorry that I have let myself be led so far away
from my reason; but I still cannot undo what has been done,
although I still am of the conviction that I have committed no
[1] Here I sit up quite alert again and say with a very friendly
face to Philopold, “Oh, by no means!”
[2] Your observation about the difference between an angel and
a true person of this Earth is quite right; it is very accurate how
you have summarized things and developed them quite
superbly. My gentle dozing was only a consequence of the
bodily tiredness; for we have now worked for almost two full
[3] But since you are such a true platonic sage, explain to
us now the actual reason for My descent into the flesh of
this Earth!
[4] What I am in the spirit and was since eternity, you know; but
that I also have a body with flesh and blood like any other
person, that you see and feel as well as everyone here at this
[5] Why did I clothe Myself with a mortal shell? Why did the
original reason for all existence and life clothe himself in a shell
of obvious mortality?! Must it be so, or is this only a whim of
the eternal spirit of God which is in Me and resides and works?
If you can uncover these things satisfactorily, you shall receive
a token of wisdom from the heavens even in this life!”
[6] Philopold says: “Lord, to be honest, I suspect it, and my
night of life is beginning to dawn like early morning, obviously
through the gift of Your mercy, oh Lord! Yes, I feel the endless
greatness of what is to be disclosed; but the words fail me!
[7] Things cannot be explained with an eon of earthly wisdom;
one would have to have the native language of the spirits, and
this would have to be understood by everyone, otherwise one
would be speaking to deaf ears.
[8] But firstly, where should one find such a language, and
secondly how could one give the people the correct
understanding?! Look, oh Lord, in my opinion those are very
essential things, without which a very high revelation of
wisdom is totally and utterly impossible!
[9] But nonetheless I feel very acutely the great and blessedly
wonderful truth in me; but I also feel the fullest impossibility of
clothing this greatest and most blessed of all truth in our pitiful
words for the purpose of correct understanding. You, oh Lord,
will mercifully see this reason and therefore dispense me with
such a very most enormously high and great revelation of
[10] I say: “Ah, that is vain, so much is not needed as you think!
In the brain, where the soul usually harvests its wisdom, you
will certainly find the appropriate words with difficulty; but in
the heart it is all the more so, since that is the carrier of the spirit
from the heart of God.
[11] Seek then, and you will find that even the greatest depth of
wisdom can be revealed for everyone with the simplest and
shortest words in the world much better than with the high
words of Solomon’s wisdom! What use is this Song of Songs if
you understand it as little at the thousandth reading as at the
[12] But Solomon had to write like that because it was not yet
the time then to completely reveal the deepest secrets of heaven
to the incapable people, who were still completely devoid of the
spirit in their hearts, but to give them only hidden pointers in
order to make their souls keen for what was to come. But there
was no talk of understanding the texts.
[13] For Solomon understood just as little of his Song of Songs
as you do; for had he understood it, he would not have sinned
and would not have become a complete idolater and adulterer a
thousand times over.
[14] But what he wrote through the spirit of God, which passed
through his soul in certain moments, is nonetheless God’s pure
word – but not given to be understood with the brain, but with
the capable spirit in the heart from God, which has only been
placed in the hearts of a few people as exceptions in this time
since My descent, so that they will recognize Me and
understand Me, for their own sake and for the sake of many
other yet spiritless people.
[15] But in your heart the mentioned spirit has already been laid
like an embryo in the lap of a mother; you only have to look
around a little in your own heart and you will find the spirit
from God already in you, and this will then lend you words with
which you can easily reveal to this table what I have asked
[16] Philopold says: “Lord! That would all be very correct, and
it may well be that I can find the key in my heart; but for You,
oh Lord, it would be a very easy thing to reveal this deep secret
to us, and we would then be Your very most attentive listeners.
But for me it would be something terribly difficult, and in the
end I might be completely laughed at, and with reason!”
[17] I say: “Oh, not at all, firstly it is within My order that I
should be revealed also by you people quite freely, in order to
have a purpose in your lives, and secondly things are not at all
as difficult as you imagine in your brain.
[18] I could very well tell you and others, and you would also
understand Me if it was necessary; but your soul would store it
just as well as everything else for your brain alone, where it
would then be of no use to your soul. For what the soul stores in
the palace of its brain, dies and passes away in time along with
the brain; what use then can the spirit draw from what has
happened and what has stopped existing?!
[19] But if you develop such a thing from your heart, it will then
remain there for ever in something that is eternal, namely your
spirit, and likewise through that forever in your soul; but what
the brain seizes, passes away, and nothing is left of all the
worldly wisdom in the soul when it one day leaves the body.
[20] Therefore you must all take everything to heart and bind it
in your heart and reveal it; for what the brain creates is suitable
only for the passing life on this world and for the mortal body.
[21] Soul and spirit do not need this; they need no earthly
clothing, no house, no field and no vineyard. All cares from the
recognition of the brain is directed at the covering of the bodily
needs which unfortunately have such a high degree among the
people that they can never be counted and even less achieved
for the largest part of humanity.
[22] The earthly intelligence of the brain can therefore never
accept and understand something purely spiritual, because it has
been given to man only for the necessary care for his body.
Such a thing can only be done by the divine spirit in the heart; it
must therefore be practiced from early on. Once it has reached
some degree of solidity, the correct order in life will have been
as good as established; and so just try to unfold what I demand
of you, and your spirit will gain a great advantage!”
[1] Philopold says: “In Your holiest name I will try then to see
what I can unfold out of myself.
[2] I reckon, if even an ordinary person must have a reason for
any quite ordinary action, otherwise he would not have put his
limbs into motion, all the more so can we assume that God, as
the only eternal true and pure all-powerful spirit, must have had
an extremely cogent reason to squeeze itself into the limited
form of flesh and so as the Creator of all things become a fellow
creation for His creatures, as we people are.
[3] But as only love alone is the powerful incentive for whatever
action for us people, likewise love was certainly also the single
high motive for encouraging You, oh Lord, as the holy
consequence of this, to walk among us and teach us to recognize
Your will freely in us, to make it our own and then to act
independently to please You, oh Lord.
[4] This is how it seems to me in my heart quite naturally and
actively: You once in eternity changed Your ideas into truly
solid forms. At first the forms were rigid and stiff, as now
everything which stands before us seems to be completely
lifeless to our senses. From these great and seemingly dead
forms You developed from time to time gradually more and
softer and more self-aware forms of life with less or more free
movement and action. All this is and was only a preparatory
school and first test of fully free life in all the fully free people
coming afterwards, to whom You, oh Lord, gave the main and
fundamental form of Your own fundamental existence.
[5] Now man was there, became aware of himself and of his
divine freedom, had a great joy in his existence, in his beautiful
form and could tell and count the things that were around him.
[6] But soon he began to ask after his origin, likewise the things
that had been given to serve him; and when You, oh Lord, saw
that, You became joyful in Your divine heart, and You gave him
the opportunity to feel You more and more and to think.
[7] Through the inner silent and secret revelation in the heart of
the now free man who was Your equal in everything, Your
eternal spirit led him to begin to discover that he, along with
everything around him, must be the work of an all-powerful and
highly wise and good being. Through such an ever increasing
and brightening recognition the new, magnificent man had to be
filled not only with the highest respect and honor before the
Creator of all things, whom he could feel ever more acutely, but
also with a longing love for Him in his heart to see Him just
once and speak to Him, in order to recognize with faithfulness
that his great idea of the existence of such a high being,
constantly awakening honor and love, was no vain fantasy!
[8] This great longing rose and rose higher and higher, and the
holy demand for You, oh Lord, in Your spirit, became warmer
and warmer in the pure and still unspoilt breast of the first
human couple.
[9] True, these first people loved each other; but they did not
recognize each other and therefore their love for You, oh Lord,
united them, and created in them the ever increasing and more
determined confidence that there must be a great, holy and allpowerful
Creator who had set the people as lords over the whole
Earth and over all the things, because all other creatures of the
Earth bowed before their will.
[10] When such a longing to get to know You personally had
reached its highest culmination, You then were also awakened
in Your godly heart and opened the inner eye of the people,
created an ethereal human form for a moment and showed
Yourself to the people longing for You.
[11] Only then did man see the great and holiest truth and the
fullest reality of his presentiment and had a great joy in You, but
also a great fear of You who had given him, along with
everything else, his existence.
[12] At that time man was as good and pure as a sun; nothing
dulled his senses, and what one calls passion was far from his
sacred breast.
[13] But You, oh Lord, knew well that only the human form
was animated by the breath of Your will, and that he was now
capable of beginning to work on his own inner formation, in
order to achieve free independence.
[14] You directed him and showed him the way – one, leading
to divine, freest independence, and the other leading to the
captive and therefore utterly dependent existence.
[15] A commandment was the threatening pointer and the
questionable double path itself.
[16] But so that the commandment became what it should be for
the new people, You had to give man a tempter, so that he
would prompt him to disobey the commandment and man
would then hold firmly to the commandment through his own
firm will and would observe it faithfully.
[17] This lasted for a while; but You Yourself saw that man
could not finally reach that high level of complete independence
which You had pinned out for him through the strict obedience
of a commandment.
[18] In order to achieve that, man had to be separated from You
ever further and deeper; he had to fail and fall and then only
begin to pull himself together again in such highest division
from You with great effort and under all sorts of temptations
and complaints, and then search for You with a humbled and
purified heart.
[19] When the fallen man had risen again to You by such a
painful way out of his profound depth, You came to him again,
showed Yourself to him once again in a much more extended
form and likewise in a greater educational revelation to the
people, and made the great prophecy of what You have now
performed before our very eyes, that You too would become a
fellow man for man, so that he could stand before You in
complete independence for all future times and You would have
the greater, more magnificent and certainly more blessed
pleasure to face Your children not immediately as a God, Lord
and Father spread through all eternity and therefore never to be
seen and never to be touched, but instead as a visibly loving
Father, whom the children can love, and to lead all the good
children personally into Your wonderful heavens.
[20] What a blessing could that be for a never-ending God, if He
could see His dear children, but they could never see Him as
anything but an endless sea of light?! In this way You have
prepared the greatest blessing for the people and thereby as the
true, only and most loving Father of Your children also for
[21] For what desire could You have even in the best and most
pure of heart of all Your children in the certain knowledge that
they will never see or hear You speak in all eternity?!
[22] Thus You, oh Lord, have done all this for Your and the
people’s will, so that the pure can become happy in You and
that You can enjoy the highest bliss and happiness in them!
[23] And if now all the angels come down from heaven and can
give me another reason for You present fully and even
materially formal human existence, I will give up forever my
humanity and will stop existing, or I will be an animal forever
[24] If You, oh Lord, had no love in You, You would have
never called any of Your most magnificent ideas into a visible
and formal existence; but since You had a great pleasure in
Your godly heart in Your wonderfully magnificent and great
ideas and loved them before Your endless wisdom and power
had ever called them into externally visible and formally
secured beings through Your strength, Your love, which was
also becoming more and more fervent and active, forced You to
give Your ideas an existence apart from You and therefore also
a continuing life.
[25] This life, however, is nothing but Your highest, most
powerful and purest divine love!
[26] All creation breathes out their life and in this love of Yours,
yes, their whole being is nothing but Your love, and all forms
are also only Your love! Everything we hear, see, perceive,
sense, feel and taste are only Your love! Without it a sun would
never have lit the Earth and warmed its fields!
[27] But if only Your love has done all that with Your
magnificent original ideas, should it then do nothing for itself in
order to achieve in all fullness what originally forced it to
prepare a free, independent life for its ideas?!
[28] I am now of the opinion that I have spoken the full truth,
from which goes forth that You, God of eternity, inevitably had
to become in time a person like us, driven by Yourself!
[29] And I also believe, as far as is possible for my human
wisdom, that I have exhausted the question that You gave me! I
beg You, oh Lord, to now speak Your judgment on this quite
[1] Everyone is amazed by the deep insight and wisdom of
Philopold. Kisjonah looks at him from head to toe and cannot
understand how this person otherwise well known for his great
experience now suddenly amazes everyone with his deep
wisdom, and even Mathael says: “I also have some knowledge –
but my spirit has never reached such a depth as this! His spirit
or soul must already have been schooled in another, better
[2] Jarah also looks at the wise man and can hardly come to
terms with his wisdom through sheer amazement.
[3] But I say to him, “You see, My dear friend and brother,
how well you succeeded and how you have hit the nail on the
head with your magnificent answer to the question I placed on
your heart!
[4] I tell you that you have now revealed the fullest truth in My
name to all My disciples, friends and brothers in the most
faithful, truest and most easily understandable way, and I do not
need to say anything else except: So it is, and so have been all
things since eternity!
[5] You see, there is more wisdom in this than in the whole
Song of Solomon, who understood it just as little as anyone
else; for if he had understood it, he would not have fallen into
the sins of all sins and been destroyed!
[6] Therefore seek wisdom only in your hearts and the correct
revelation from Me, than you will understand it easily and keep
it for your whole life and forever”
[7] Then Peter says: “But Lord, we have been with You now for
almost nine months; why do we not understand how to speak
from ourselves as this friend from Kane near Kis?”
[8] I say: “The Romans have a little saying, and say: Ex trunco
non statim fit mercurius. (A stump will not turn into Mercury
easily). And so it is more or less with you, and I Myself want to
ask you now and then: How long will I have to put up with you
before you understand something in your true base of life?
[9] Have I not told you repeatedly that you should not begin to
create thoughts in your heads, but only in your hearts, in order
to reach a fullness of wisdom which would truly make you free
in life? Why don’t you do that then and why do you remain with
material things which have nothing and can give nothing?! Do
what I teach you, and then you will also speak as Philopold does
in true wisdom!”
[10] Peter says: “Lord! We have tried that often; but the
thoughts in our hearts just don’t work. Only sometimes I feel
something – not so much true thoughts as more actual words in
my heart, and these I cannot really call thoughts, since it seems
to me that these are only spoken in the heart after they have
been thought in the brain!”
[11] I say: “That is a start; practice it and you will soon manage
to be capable of the deepest and freest thoughts in your heart!”
[12] Peter says: “Thank you, eternally good Master; if it is so,
then we will soon progress!”
[13] I say: “Yes, yes, but not completely before My return
home; but afterwards, yes!”
[14] No one at the table did understand that and so they asked
what I meant by this.
[15] But I say: “Do you think then that the Son of Man will
remain until the end of this Earth in flesh and blood among you
people and teach and perform miracles?!
[16] Yes, I will truly remain until the end of the Earth among
the people who are of a good will, comforting, strengthening,
animating, teaching and also performing miracles, and I will
come to all those who truly love Me and keep My
commandments and will reveal Myself to them – but not in this
mortal body, but instead in a transfigured and eternally
immortal one! Whoever has senses, will understand this!”
[17] The disciples say, “Lord, we have senses – but we still
cannot understand this!”
[18] I say: “I have not made you responsible at all! Every
apprentice needs a certain time before he becomes sure of what
he has learnt; once he has done that, he is released and is from
then on responsible for his own mistakes! Therefore, if you now
understand some things, you are without blame; but later it
will be different! But now you must collect yourselves! For in
just a moment something will happen which will give us a lot to
deal with!”
[1] I had said this out loud so that also the guests at the other
tables heard it, and our Stahar, the governor of Caesarea
Philippi, rose solemnly from his seat, came up to Me and said:
“Lord! I heard everything that was said and judged at this most
illustrious table, many miraculous, eminent, deeply wise, fully
true and in every respect undeniable things; everywhere Your
purest divinity shone like a sun on the brightest midday, and all
the angels of heaven could not claim otherwise.
[2] But nonetheless I always missed something; and that is the
certain divinely eminent nimbus1 which nowadays one sees only
1 Mythology: A shining cloud sometimes surrounding a deity when on earth.
too clearly in the temple and particularly in their holy of holies,
as soon as one only sets foot in that place!
[3] The certain holy mysterious quietness, the sacred aroma of
sacrifices – here quite absent – constantly make a thoroughly
earth-shattering effect on the people, and certainly to their pious
people! What an unspeakable gap between God and man!
[4] How low does a man feel in comparison with the fearfully
eternal, divine majesty, yes, how does he sink back to nothing
and feels in his full nothingness the great divine All-in-all and
his purest nothingness, which is highly healing for the humility
of the human heart which likes to puff itself up in pride!
[5] In a nutshell, in my unmeasured opinion man should not feel
so at home in the presence of his God, his Creator, as if he was
sitting with a bowl of lentils and was consuming them quite
[6] Thus there is no lofty nimbus here! We are sitting as sheer
friends and even brothers among one another, and whoever says
something speaks enormously truly and wisely, but also quite
without the certain ancient, very prophetic nimbus; once he has
said everything, he is finished – but unfortunately we are almost
as well finished with the particular most high respect, which
man should constantly have before God!
[7] We are feeling so comfortable in Your presence, and even
the magnificently uplifting Sabbath in the heart of a person,
otherwise spent in respectful rest, makes no better impression
on our mood than any other very usual workday, and now
something is supposed to happen which will certainly cheer us
as ordinarily on the New Moon Sabbath as only something quite
usual, most commonplace can do!
[8] Could Your omnipotence not be used so that at least the
remaining two hours of this Sabbath day rest will not be made
too similar to a working day and destroy every divine nimbus?”
[9] I say: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and have you
never heard people say: A dog always returns to what he has
thrown up, and the pigs always return to the puddles in which
they have made themselves unclean!?
[10] What’s all this about your empty and fully godless,
eminently scenting temple nimbus?! Whose eyes of the soul
have ever been opened and who has been taught the ways
of life?!
[11] Did I create man for the nimbus or only for the all-rejoicing
[12] Tyrants and violent oppressors of their fellowmen tend to
surround themselves with your nimbus, throw sand in the eyes
of all the seeing people and choke the poor and the weak,
simply to raise your eminent aura of fear around them – and you
call that good and even serviceable for the human soul?! Oh you
old blind fool!
[13] What good would I be to you then if I was an allconsuming
fire among you?! Would that ever increase your love
and your trust to Me?! Or is it possible to love someone who
instantly threatens to strangle you as the most powerful with
eyes glowing in anger, if you only make the slightest mistake?!
[14] Do you and your dubious temple know better than I why
God created the people and how God and man behave
[15] What is that then that you call a nimbus? Look, it is the
actual, very worst and most poisonous smell from the very
lowest hell with which Satan surrounds his similar, faithful
servants so that they stand in a terrible reputation in order to
thereby lead many human souls into the kingdom of Satan with
little effort!
[16] But it is written that everything which appears before the
world surrounded by this nimbus is an abomination before God!
[17] Have you ever seen two people who truly love one
another act arrogantly as if surrounded by a nimbus and then
hardly deign to give the other a friendly look and even less a
tender word?!
[18] Or have you then seen a truly tender and passionate young
bride meet her groom with the greatest possible nimbus of
arrogance and the groom meets her with an even greater one?!
Do you really think that that can become a married couple? Yes,
it can certainly become one according to the power of the Law
for this world, but never for heaven! For where there is no love,
there is also no heaven!
[19] I tell you: That is the curse of hell and no light, no path, no
truth, no love and therefore also no free life, but instead only an
eternal judgment which suppresses those who cursed themselves
and holds them in the tightest check!
[20] It actually seems less divine and worthy of God here to you
because you do not actually get to taste anything of hell and of
its despicableness!
[21] Look what the blind humanity can achieve! They have a
point of belief that they are doing God a just and pleasing
service with hell! They could not have gone any further in their
blindness, stupidity and evilness!
[22] If it seems to you to be so edifying and worthy of God in
hell, then go there again and serve God there with your eminent
education and be happy in your nimbus!”
[23] At these words Stahar falls on his knees before Me and
begs Me for forgiveness, saying: “Lord, forgive me, a foolish
old, blind idiot, and I thank You for this justified correction;
only now am I fully healed!
[24] You see, I was thus brought up and lulled into thinking this
way, and the impressions in the cradle are very hard to be
removed from the mind! But now it is as if a new sun has risen
in me, and I now see the whole despicableness and the total
perversion of the temple service; now come what may, I will
remain as firm as a granite cliff in the sea in this new teaching
which is most worthy of God from Your holy mouth.”
[25] I say: “Stand up, brother! But go and tell your brothers
what you have heard; for they also are stuck in their foolish
nimbus to over their heads! Explain to them what the nimbus is
and explain to them who I am, also without such a nimbus, and
what I really want!”
[26] After these words Stahar rises, bows deeply before Me,
hurries to his brothers and begins to talk very energetically, and
it soon becomes very loud at that table at which it was
previously very quiet, and Stahar has a job with his brothers
who are somewhat animated by wine.
[27] But Floran, his spokesman, supports him and so things are
soon evened out.
[28] Philopold however says to Cyrenius, “Great master! It
is extremely strange how some people cannot see the wood for
the trees!”
[29] Cyrenius says: “Habit is a powerful support for all
foolishness. In Europe there is a nation where everything is
decided with beating and scourge: for every little crime there is
the stick, the scourge or a firm whip in the most painful fashion.
My brother Caesar Augustus wanted to do away with it; he
placed educators there who actively worked against it, and even
had men and women brought to Rome so that they could learn
the blessing of humaneness; and look, these people became very
homesick for their own land where they certainly in every
month were beaten black and blue!
[30] But once a material hell becomes such a habit for a man
that he longs for it when he does not find any more in a
humanitarian people, how much more then the spiritual hell
which gives man so many mundane advantages!
[31] I however was not surprised by Stahar’s comment. This
person had been very well physically for many years in his
nimbus, and now wanted to say a few words about it, in order to
always be in favor. But now it is good so, and let his nimbus
[1] In the meantime, however, Herme, the messenger and singer
from Caesarea Philippi, went up the mountain to see how things
were going with the burnt out city, and found it still in powerful
flames here and there; but at the same time he also discovered
that a very violent storm was beginning to form at a very rapid
pace in the direction of the city and in his opinion it would not
be long before it would begin.
[2] He now came back down from the mountain as a
meteorological prophet and said to old Mark, “Dear neighbor,
there are so many guests here, and it will hardly be half an hour
before we will all be standing under the most violent storm!
Have you roof enough to protect us from all sorts of adversity?
For with such a storm it is not safe to stand in the open! I don’t
mean to say too much about wind and rain; but hail and
lightning are really a little too uncomfortable to be borne out in
the open! If you have too little roof, then we should make
[3] Mark says: “As long as the One who is here says nothing
and orders nothing, there is certainly no danger! This One is our
very best and most reliable everything. If he wants provisions to
be made, however, then they will be made in an instant!
Therefore, my friend and neighbor, be unconcerned; everything
will be sorted out in the best way!”
[4] I call both of them and say to Mark, “The storm that will
soon be over us will give us a lot of adversity! Therefore some
roofs as in Herme’s opinion would be good; but the material is
quite lacking! Where can one find it in such a great hurry?”
[5] Mark says: “Lord, as long as You are with us and among us,
I say: as I said before to friend Herme: You are our very best
all-in-all, and we need no better and more durable!”
[6] These words by old Mark are now repeated by many bystanders
loudly and full of trust, and I say: “Let it be so then!
But if a strong hailstorm would come, accompanied by lightning
and cloudburst?”
[7] Everyone says: “Lord, let in addition an unheard-of
earthquake shake all the mountains and let the stars fall from
heaven, we will still laugh heartily in Your presence, for what
can harm us if Your all-powerful hand protects us?!”
[8] I say: “You must also speak like this in the storm and in the
danger in your hearts and not only with your mouths as you
speak now, then My protection will serve you through your faith
and through your living trust; but if you begin to fail in the
danger, then My protection will not do you any particular
[9] Everyone says: “Oh, Lord, who will be swayed in their faith
and trust in You?! But we nonetheless take possession of Your
love above all and Your all-powerful will; for if You, oh Lord,
hold back Your will, we will be in a very bad situation despite
all our faith and trust! But You are extremely good and just, and
You will not want to harm our trust!”
[10] I say: “Oh, by no means! You should get to know on this
very evening the power and magnificence of God! But in
addition this storm must come for the sake of the burning city,
otherwise it will burn for another few days. It will last for about
three hours, as you have never experienced before, and
nevertheless it will bring more use than harm.
[11] But nonetheless let us go now out on the sea; for there our
presence will be most necessary! You will also be able to see
the angry elements the easiest, and the magnificence of God will
be more illuminating to you there than under a roof!”
[12] At these words everyone now hurries out onto the calm sea.
But one can already see the black clouds moving closer and also
over the eastern and southern mountains massive clouds are
building up, and everyone now realizes that this will be a
massive storm; over the sea however a number of storm birds
are immediately showing up.
[13] Ouran therefore begins to look after his beautiful and
expensive tents, he comes to Me and asks Me to take under My
protection his travelling treasure; for at the sight of such a giant
storm the tents might well be blown away!
[14] I say: “Didn’t I tell you then how the magnificence of God
will be revealed here the most clearly? How can you still be
concerned with your pitiful tents, as if any salvation of the
world lay within them?! Look, the tents are large and very
spacious; when the storm stands above us with all its force, let
the female guests go in, and also those males who might take
too great fright! For the storm will be no joke by any means; but
nothing will happen to your beautiful tents, except that they will
get a bit wet!”
[15] Ouran says: “I thank You for this prophecy, which has now
as good as come true. My tents, which certainly do not let in a
single drop of water even at the heaviest rainstorm, are now all
at the disposal of those who want to use them. I myself will,
however, remain outside with you, oh Lord.”
[16] I say: “Aren’t you afraid of the hail?”
[17] Ouran says: “I have already shared my opinion with all the
others and now I say once more with the wise saying of the
Romans: Si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae.”
(Even if the world collapsed the intrepid will top the ruins. Ed.)
[18] I say: “Very well; but now the mutual storm clouds are
beginning to shake their damp hands, and it will therefore soon
get going! Also on the sea crashing waves can be seen here and
there, and it is therefore time for the frightened to go into the
[19] Fish are jumping out of the water in order to catch the lowflying
mosquitoes; likewise a constantly growing number of
seagulls and storm petrels are frolicking over the surface of the
water and helping the fish to reduce the number of mosquitoes.
The water becomes very rough in places, and in the high air the
clouds are becoming ever denser and more colorful. In the west
the thunder rolls incessantly, and the hurricanes out at sea begin
their frightful and booming battle.
[1] As the preliminary noise of the fast approaching storm
becomes ever stronger and more threatening and almost a
complete darkness begins to spread over the sea and over the
whole area, the more fearful begin to head into Ouran’s tents,
and no longer have any joy in remaining outside with Me. The
disciples also begin to release all sorts of worries among one
another; not one of the fifty Pharisees remains in the open air
when they see several pound-weight balls of hail fall on the
ground before them.
[2] Ebahl commands Jarah to head into one of Ouran’s tents
with him; but she is not to be moved from the spot, and says:
“Who can then be so afraid in the presence of the Lord?! Should
such a storm be able to do more than the love, omnipotence and
highest power of the Lord?”
[3] Ebahl says: “By no means; but at the falling of poundweight
hailstones there is nonetheless a little fear, particularly
when the clouds shake them out in very dense masses. Such a
ball of ice as just fell beside me could very easily shatter a head!
[4] I believe that not one, even at the heaviest fall, will touch or
injure me or my little daughter; but nonetheless the old fear
comes undesired to a man such as I am. But now I will not fear;
for I cannot let myself be put to shame by my Jarah!”
[5] Now it really begins to hail somewhat more heavily. Balls
the size of two fists fall with great strength on the ground, the
sea begins to drive waves as high as a house, one flash of
lightning follows the other, and the rain begins to fall in streams
along with the dense hail.
[6] Here Hebram and Risa and the thirty boys also become
flighty and try to save themselves under the table; but Suetal,
Ribar and Bael, the first of the twelve former criminals, remain,
and My disciples also remain right down to Judas Iscariot. The
Roman soldiers seek protection in the house and in the Mark’s
fishing huts and under the cliffs.
[7] But immediately next to Me are Cyrenius, Cornelius,
Faustus, Julius, Philopold, Kisjonah, Ebahl and Jarah, Raphael
and Josoe, then eleven disciples, old Mark with his two sons and
also Mathael with Ouran, Rob, Boz, Micha and Zahr.
[8] But Helena, now Mathael’s wife, likewise fled with the wife
and the daughters of Herme into the tents; but Herme remained
with Me.
[9] But when we stood on the shore of the sea, no-one was
touched by any hailstones or rain, no matter how close they fell;
also the spot where we were standing remained completely dry.
Lightning flashed before and behind us in the Earth and
bothered nothing but our ears with their loud crash. But now a
hurricane began with all force to churn up the sea, and at the
same time waves like little mountains rose and created quite a
frightening sight for human eyes.
[10] Then Mark said: “Lord! I have now become an old man
and have seen and enjoyed storms in Calabria and Sicily; but
such a genuine Noah’s storm has never happened to me before!
Lord, this hail is destroying the region for many years! And the
terrible streams of water are washing all the good earth into the
sea! That will give the poor people quite a business! And this
story will not stop, but instead it is becoming heavier and
denser! Those over there under the table will drown if they
don’t stand up! The tables do not protect them any more
anyway, since they have been hit many times! Lord, how much
longer will the storm last?”
[11] I say: “It has not yet even properly begun, and you want to
end it already?! When it strikes around, then you will see its
strength! In any case, don’t worry about this storm! If it was not
necessary, it would give way at a sign from Me; but it is
necessary for the maintenance of the Earth, as the eyes are
necessary for you to see. Therefore let’s allow it to storm itself
[12] But on the other hand the certain friends of the nimbus
must really taste something of a true nimbus which happened to
me! Look over there at how they peep out from the openings in
the tent and cannot understand how we are capable of standing
so well-protected in the open air! But they nonetheless have no
courage to come out; oh, how tiny their faith is!”
[13] Mark says: “That’s all right; but what will the poor people
live on? For You see that the never-ending hail is destroying
everything and the floods are carrying all the earth into the sea!
And thousands of people and animals are being hit, and those
that escape with their lives will later succumb to starvation!
That is really a little too harsh and too heavy a punishment,
carried out with the very heaviest whip in the world!”
[1] I say: “Do you know, My dear Mark, everyone speaks as he
understands things, and you are now speaking as you
understand things! I tell you: The Lord sweeps rarely; but when
he sweeps, he sweeps everything out!
[2] Do you know this wide region? Yes, you know it, and you
know that it as one of the most fruitful ones will be possessed
only by the most arrogant rich Greeks; but the poor Jews must
work for the rich Greek dogs with the sweat of their brow for a
token payment and they must bring all the fruit to the store
houses of the Greeks. They then run a very profitable trade in all
the parts of the world, and our Jews must begin winter and catch
fish if they want to live!
[3] Look, the Jews can always do that and the sea will always
remains full of fish!
[4] Has a Jew then ever received a piece of bread from a Greek
when he was hungry? Oh no, he had to travel across the sea and
beg there for a piece of bread from his fellow Jews! There is My
Kisjonah and My Ebahl! Ask them, and they will tell you how
thousands of poor Jews from this area received their bread for
winter alone from them!
[5] I have watched this outrageous horseplay for a long time in
great patience; but now I have had enough, and I want to
castigate these extortionate dogs, devoid of all faithfulness, so
that they will be left forever dumbfounded.
[6] Look at your garden and your little field; neither water nor
hail is doing any damage there; but then just look at the other
areas, and you will find such destruction as has never happened
anywhere else!
[7] With this punishment the Greek extortionate dogs will be
driven out of this land. For on the bare stones they will harvest
no wheat, no corn, no barley, no maize, no lentils and no beans
any longer; therefore they will leave the desert land and move to
[8] Exactly for this reason I mainly allowed almost the whole
city to be turned into a heap of ash and rubble; for where man
can find no accommodation and no building ground, he soon
leaves the empty and void cities and moves on.
[9] But for the poor Jews there will be more than enough
building ground around the sea, and the city will be rebuilt for
the true Jews – but in a purer and better style than what has been
the case so far! This is still a very young city, and it has been a
city for barely seventy years, since before it there was only a
quite insignificant settlement in its place; but from now on it
will no longer be called a city, but it will be and shall remain
only a fishing village. The splendor of the Greeks must
disappear; but the magnificence of heaven shall be revealed
here, as such is now happening and progressing. Do you, old
Mark, now agree with My housekeeping?”
[10] Mark says: “Yes, if that is so, then allow, oh Lord, the
lightning to strike ten times harder! That is really the purest
truth! Nothing more could be said to these rich Greeks, and
there was no talk of loving one’s neighbor any longer. Whatever
one wanted to have from them had to be paid most richly in
silver and gold; but if they bought something from us, one
always had to take other items in exchange. Oh, therefore it is
now very good, and I have a great joy in this heavy storm! Oh,
now it can become at least ten times heavier!”
[11] I say: “Don’t worry, the appropriate measure will be
[12] Cyrenius says: “You mean therefore that this area should
remain quite deserted?”
[13] I say: “Not exactly; but the rich Greeks must leave this
area; I tell you that this storm will drive away at least a thousand
of the wealthiest families in the area; for I have seen this long in
advance! But they will still remain Rome’s subordinates.”
[14] Cyrenius says: “Is it not good then for an area or for a
whole country if it has very rich inhabitants?”
[15] I say: “Oh yes, if they are like My friends Kisjonah and
Ebahl; for then they are true fathers of the people for all the
poor inhabitants of the land, and every land can be very proud to
have very many such fathers of the people.
[16] But these rich Greeks are true blood-suckers of the country
and think that the poor Jews should be very happy that they can
share their meals with the Greeks’ pigs in return for their heavy
work! For Me those are no longer people, but pure devils full of
hardness, and I have no sympathy and no compassion for their
miserable, arrogant flesh! They should now follow the storm
which will have died down in an hour, only lay their much gold
and silver on the bare stones and sow the seeds over it, and we
will see whether even a straw will sprout up!
[17] And look, in this way I have now destroyed a number of
evil flies with one blow; the lying priests must seek other
pastures, and now even the usurious Greeks will do the same!
Their palaces lie in rubble, and their great fields, gardens and
pastures have been fully washed away. If they look around their
ground after the storm and convince themselves that every
future effort is a vain exertion, they will begin to pack up and
mostly head towards Europe; but then I have more than enough
means at My disposal to make this area flourish again as much
as possible in a short time.”
[18] But now the storm is on the wane, and although the hail has
stopped, the rain is now falling in such sheets from the clouds
that the water immediately collects on the flat ground as high as
half a man and then flows away with the most terrible bluster,
so that even the sea begins to perceive the violent river, which is
certainly no little thing. Houses, huts, trees and thousands of
other things stream towards the sea. The sea also gets to taste a
number of animals, as hens, birds of all sorts which the hail has
struck, pigs in a huge number, donkeys, cows, oxen, sheep,
goats and hares and deer, and the vast number of fish which this
sea hides will perk up much from this, then become very fruitful
and multiply, and that will be a good supplement for the poor
Jews, who in any case cannot lose anything here because they
possessed little or nothing. The few wealthy ones had already
become quite hard and unfeeling in their minds like the Greeks,
and it does not harm their soul at all that they now have to rely
on fish and begging along with the others.
[19] When it now began to rain so heavily, everyone got up who
had previously sought shelter under the tables, head to Me quite
soaked through and could not help being amazed when they saw
Me and everyone that had remained outside with Me quite dry,
as well as the somewhat eminent places, so that not even a drop
of water was hanging on a blade of grass.
[20] Hebram asked Me, after he had pushed his way forward to
Me, “Lord, how is that possible that this place and you all have
remained dry under this unheard-of downpour, while we are as
soaked through as if we had fallen into the sea, and we are
freezing now as if in winter, but here on this spot it is so
pleasantly warm as it was this morning?! Lord, how can that
happen then?”
[21] I say: “It happens exactly as it should! I can truly give you
no other answer to your question! For you should now know
and even actively perceive, after everything that you have heard
and seen, who and what is here! And if you understood that in
your soul, how could you then ask Me such a question?!
[22] The morning was very good; but the evening seems to have
brought an evening to your soul again! Oh, you frightfully blind
humans! You are enlightened for a moment; but the light does
not remain, because it was not created by yourself, and in a few
moments the night takes the place again of the morning of your
[23] Hebram says: “Lord, what is it then that You wanted to say
to me and my twenty-nine brothers?”
[24] I say: “Nothing except that you and your brothers are sheer
blind fish in muddy water! Tell Me what drove you under the
tables and benches in My presence!”
[25] The soaked people answer, “Lord, a very natural fear and
shyness remaining from our childhood of such enormous
[26] In our blind fear we did not think about where and with
whom we were; now we see our foolishness very well, and we
also see how blind we all were, and how much we failed before
Your holiest face. We can do nothing else now except to beg
You, oh Lord, with all the truest and most living contrition of
our hearts for forgiveness! Lord, forgive us our great
[27] I say: “I have forgiven you long ago and I have never
opened a book of punishment for anyone for the sake of
foolishness; for every fool has only himself to blame if he
comes to harm. But another time, since you will not have Me
with you as now, think in the correct living belief in My name,
and it will protect you better than any weak and fragile board!”
[28] The thirty are satisfied with this correction and beg to be
allowed to remain on the dry spots.
[29] I say: “Well, that goes without saying! Remain and dry off;
for the rain will last another good half hour!”
[30] The thirty become very happy about this and remain and
dry themselves and take great joy in getting dust- dry under the
heaviest rain.
[1] I however call the angel and say to him loudly for the sake
of the guests and the disciples, “On the sea a quite large decked
ship with twenty people of both sexes, not counting the eight
sailors, are suffering great affliction. The ship stopped at the
beginning of the storm at the harbor on the other side not far
from Genezareth; but when the storm turned around more
strongly than before, it tore the ship, ready to sail off, from the
shore and drove it with the greatest strength into the open sea.
The sailors and the travelers worked with the greatest effort and
exhausted almost all their strength in order to save themselves
from going down. Well, they are in danger of being consumed
by the sea; therefore go and save them – but not in a way that
they will not understand, instead set loose a boat and steer it as a
clever dingy to help the afflicted ship and bring it here, because
the ship in any case wanted to steer towards Caesarea Philippi!”
[2] After these words of Mine the angel leaves our party in an
instant, sets loose a boat – which was full of water; but Raphael
soon had every drop of water over board – and sailed towards
the heavy hurricane like an arrow and had reached the afflicted
ship in a few moments.
[3] When the afflicted see the pilot, they fall on their knees,
thank God and say, “Oh, this is no ordinary pilot! That is a true
angel, whom God has sent to our rescue at our pleading! He will
certainly save us all!”
[4] But Raphael asks them pro forma (in pretense): “Where do
you want to go in this storm?”
[5] The afflicted say, “We wanted to go to Caesarea Philippi,
but only after the storm; but the too strong storm tore the ship
from the shore and drove us here with all force. We do not
know where we are, for the heavy rain does not allow us to see a
familiar shore on any side. Have we still far to go to where we
want to be?”
[6] Raphael says: “Not with this wind; but since the rain and the
storm will certainly last another half hour and you will only now
come into the high waves where you would have been lost
without any helpers, I came as the most experienced and
pluckiest pilot to bring you and your ship to full safety. Do you
have much water in the ship?”
[7] The sailors say, “Pretty much!”
[8] But after a few more moments the water which had
penetrated their ship has disappeared to the last drop, and the
sailors say to the friendly sailor, “But this is extremely strange!
Look, noble young sailor, we were mistaken before; no drop of
water has penetrated our well-covered ship! We certainly
thought that we had discovered some water in our ship; but it
may have been a mistake as a consequence of our justified fear,
for now we cannot find a single drop of water, which seriously
looks somewhat wonderful. Yes, yes, it is all a miracle what the
Lord decides; but this is really something strange that not a drop
of water has entered our ship despite all the eons of rain and
your open boat is hardly damp at all!”
[9] At this the travelers say to the sailors, “Do not speak in vain!
This is all tangibly the mercy of God, for which we have to
bring Him a first most and very tasty sacrifice in thanks, and the
young courageous sailor is a sailor from heaven! For just look at
how the rain is still pouring down in the heaviest streams and all
around the waves are rising like mountains; but our ship, like
his boat, is floating so calmly as if the sea was as calm as glass,
and the rain is falling neither on our ship nor in his boat! Also
the lightning sizzles and crashes around us like lively Mayflies,
and none of the glowing and crashing death-bringers touches us!
Look, that is a mercy, yes, a highly undeserved mercy from
[10] The sailors say to the travelers “Truly, truly, you are all
correct; that is a miracle that is a true mercy from above! We are
saved! Look, we can already see a shore very close! A number
of people are standing on the shore despite the enormous rain,
and look, many, yes, they are all waving to us in a friendliest
welcome! Oh God and Lord! How great and magnificent are
You even in a storm to those who have always honored and
praised You faithfully, and have always brought You the
prescribed sacrifices with joy! Eternal honor alone to Your
holiest name!”
[11] After these words they steer slowly towards the port, and I
secretly order now the storm to cease and to stop completely.
[12] And everything soon ends, and everything becomes still, as
if a storm had never happened. The ship comes to shore easily,
and the travelers are taken ashore.
[13] When the travelers come onto the land, they cannot help
being amazed at everything that they encounter there.
[14] The storm and the rain have quite calmed down, the surface
of the sea is beautifully calm and the sky is free of clouds; only
very light woolly clouds decorate the blue background here and
there in the rosy light of the sky. For the sun is already behind
the mountains and has left the Earth where we were only a very
magnificent evening twilight as a farewell gift.
[15] The place where the travelers come ashore is totally dry, all
the guests here with Me look very cheerful and friendly, and our
old Mark welcomes them in a very friendly fashion, asks them
also immediately whether they will not take some refreshment
and food, since this journey in the storm has certainly tired them
out very much.
[16] In short, all that has such a positive effect on the travelers
that for sheer amazement they can hardly hear and see what is
going on around them.
[1] After a while of the greatest amazement, one of the travelers
says: “Where then is our pilot, so that we can ask him about our
great debt? It is certainly no joke to face such a danger in order
to save a ship full of travelers!”
[2] But the sailors come to the travelers and ask them whether
they should wait here for a night and a day before the return
journey, or whether they should now travel home on the calm
sea to the port on the other side which was still a good 5-6 hours
distance from here as the crow flies.
[3] But the travelers inform the sailors to wait for them until
they have completed their business with Caesarea Philippi.
[4] Mark hears this and says to the travelers, “Dear friends! You
can really save yourself the trip to the city; for there is nothing
further or more of the whole city than a few huts of poor Jews
and a number of burnt-out and terrible ruins! It sadly but
justifiably succumbed to the flames all last night and today, and
it was impossible for anyone to become master of the flames!
[5] If you have something so sort out, you must do it now and
here, since the highest political and spiritual authorities are now
staying here with me!”
[6] The travelers make a quite amazingly concerned face at this
news and say, “Friend, if so, then there will be quite terribly
little for us to do here, despite the present very highest lords
over the world and the spirit! For we had significant trade
agreements with the Greek merchants of this city, and they have
taken much from us, but still owe us the whole last delivery!
How will we get our money?
[7] We are good artisans in the working of silk and camel hair,
we have also delivered the finest sheep’s wool in all colors and
floral material for all sorts of temple clothing, and the last
delivery had a value of ten thousand pounds of silver; for we are
Jews, it is true, obligated to Jerusalem, but we live in Persia,
have our great factories there and were constantly good and
[8] We kept the Law of Moses more strictly and accurately in
our land than all the Jews in Jerusalem and always brought rich
sacrifices to the temple; we maintained a synagogue which was
not much inferior to the temple in Jerusalem in everything that
concerns greatness and splendor!
[9] We are good and very benevolent people to all the poor who
are of Moses’ religion, and have always kept the best upbringing
and order, as is known! Why has Jehovah then treated
us so harshly?!
[10] You see, we really would give half of the ten thousand
pounds to the temple if we could get our justified money; yes, in
addition we also would give another five thousand pounds to the
very poor brothers in faith of this region, if we could only
receive from the heathens all the money for the trade and the
[11] Mark says: “Yes, my dear guests and friends, despite your
very respectable pledges, it will be very difficult for you! But
speak to the supreme governor Cyrenius, who in now here with
another three great Roman rulers! He can perhaps do
[12] The travelers say, “Where is he, that we may go over and
bring him in all subordination our affliction? Perhaps something
wonderful will happen there?! For our rescue by the young
sailor was obviously a miracle, and no small one at that! But our
sailor has now lost himself somewhere and does not come into
sight so that we can give him the fee for our rescue!”
[13] Mark says: “Over there on the little hill by the sea, where
the supreme governor and the other great people are, is the
sailor also among them. You can head over there quite without
embarrassment and decide everything with one another.
[14] But there is also a certain person there who is covered in a
sky-blue coat and wears under it an unsown, rose-red tunic, and
over his shoulders flow very rich blond locks; if you can win
Him over, then you can really speak about the greatest
happiness! For He is capable of everything, and in a way
nothing is impossible for Him! But in your situation it will be
somewhat difficult to speak to him!”
[15] The travelers ask, “What and who is he then? Is he perhaps
even someone imperial from Rome, or perhaps a king of a great
[16] Mark says: “Neither the one nor the other; but just go over
there, and you will perhaps discover who hides under the blue
[1] With this our Mark leaves the travelers and heads into the
house, in order to see to the evening meal. But the travelers now
discuss among themselves whether they should all go to the hill,
or whether they should just elect a few from their midst. But
they soon agree to elect only two of the wisest from their midst.
The vote is done, and both immediately head for the hill.
[2] When they reach us, they bow deeply before us, and the first
person they bow to is the pilot they have now found again, to
whom they immediately address their debt in a most friendly
[3] But the pilot asserts saying: “I am just a servant of my Lord,
from whom I have everything I need; therefore I cannot accept a
reward from anyone because it’s only owed to my Lord!”
[4] The representatives ask the pilot, “Where and who then is
your happy lord?”
[5] Raphael points with his right hand to Me and says: “It is He,
there, go to Him and ask Him, and He will tell you what you
owe Him!”
[6] Both bow before the angel and then immediately head
towards Me. Once they have reached Me, they fall down on
their faces according to Persian custom and, lying on the
ground, they say, “Lord, whose shining face we do not dare to
look at! You sent Your extremely skilled and daring pilot to us
in our greatest need, without whom we obviously would have
been lost! But we are not poor people who would not have to
reward such a service with a fee. We are very rich people and
do not demand from anyone a service for free, all the less so this
inestimable one. What do we owe for our rescue from the
greatest life threatening peril?”
[7] I say: “Firstly that you rise as men and, as is our custom,
stand up straight before us; for we are no vain and highly
arrogant great ones of the slave kingdom of Persia. Thereafter
we want to speak among ourselves a little about this rescue
[8] At these words of Mine both rise and ask Me gratefully to
decide their fee for the rescue.
[9] But I say: “I know where you come from and why you came
here, I know that you are rich in gold, silver and jewels as few
Jews are in all great Jerusalem; I know that you would pay as
much for your rescue as you are owed by the Greek merchants
in this now devastated city and therefore have to demand, and
which you will only hardly ever receive!
[10] Therefore the reward which I could ask from you,
especially since you are Persians and our members, could
justifiably run as massively high as your certain loss from these
Greek merchants, now seeking shelter in the forest huts; but
what would you gain through it? You would take it up there and
then lay it down again here! Then you would return home again
the way you came!
[11] But I do not charge anything for the rescue, and I even give
you the assurance that your stay here, even the journey here and
back again through Genezareth, from where you came by ship,
shall not cost you a single stater! (For this was one of Ebahl’s
ships, and they were also his sailors.) Are you satisfied with
[12] Both the representatives say, “Lord, you are still full of the
blooming strength of youth, but at the same time you also seem
to be full of genuine wisdom of Solomon and you are this in all
truth – what you have now pronounced as the price for our
rescue, we already wanted to give the half of this to the temple
in Jerusalem and the other half to the poor Jews of this area, if
the merchants of this places wanted to pay us the not
insignificant sum.
[13] But since they have had such a harsh fate, this loss no
longer matters to us at all, and we are prepared to help them
with a sum of money twice as large, and without repayment or
taxes, but to also give you besides the decided ten thousand
pounds as reward for our rescue with the friendliest hearts in the
world! For you see, Lord of this area, we are very rich; we could
not bring all our earthly treasures here on a hundred thousand
camels, even if each carried a burden of 4,000 pounds. (A
Persian pound was equal 5 to 6 Lot today: J. Lorber – with one
lot equaling 17.5 grams the Persian pound is between 88 and
100 grams or about 0.1 kg). In addition we possess much land
and many and great herds. Therefore this is as little as nothing
to us; just demand from us whatever you want, and we will only
rejoice to have acted according to your will and pronouncement!
For we still have ten times as much in the cities of Judea! We
will give you then gold immediately or else the most assured
[14] Whatever is more pleasing to you, oh Lord of this area that
we will do; for we were never greedy and mean! We know, of
course, that wealth finds itself in the hand of the Almighty, who
can give it to a man overnight and take it away again the next
minute! We are only the guardians of his possessions; the single
Lord over it is the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
[15] You can already see with what sort of people you are
dealing; therefore just command, and we will act according to
your certainly very wise dictum!”
[16] I say: “What I have said to you once remains so! For I
know you and all your circumstances, and you do enough if you
follow My demand; but if you truly want to do more for the
poor, no-one will lay an obstacle in your path. But there is
something more to be had here that is of endlessly greater value
than all your almost immeasurable treasures! But more about
that later!”
[17] Both the representatives say: “You seem to be a very
strange wise man! The treasures of this Earth cannot move you;
also you seem to be no particular friend of a perhaps
exaggerated benevolence! Mental treasures surely are worth
more to you than all the gold of the Earth! You are completely
correct in every such respect; for the treasures of the spirit last
eternally, while the earthly ones last for every man only until
the grave, and then it is over for him who is taken away from
this world!
[18] Yes, you wise Lord, give us the treasures of wisdom – they
will be dearer to us than all our gold, our jewels and heavy
masses of silver! But now we want to go and report all this truly
and accurately to our brothers!”
[19] I say: “Yes, yes, go, tell all this to your brothers, and come
again with your brothers; for you are only twenty in all, without
the sailors, and easily have space here!”
[20] “Certainly!” say the cheerful representatives, “We do have
space; but there is only the question of whether you have the
goodness to share with us some wisdom. For at home in Persia
genuine wisdom is becoming ever rarer, and in its place the
conjuring of the pagan priests becomes ever more wide-spread
and will certainly put an end even to the wisdom of all the Jews
living there – particularly if the domineering and greedy priests
and idolaters receive power from the king, which is very much
to be feared, since they pester the king above all measure and
nag him day and night.
[21] We have kept ahead of them so far through our great
wealth; but these evil people also know how to procure
immeasurable treasures, and exploit the wasteful king at every
opportunity. And so it will surely happen that they will end the
tolerance of the otherwise soft-hearted king. But more about
that later; now we must inform the longing brothers about
everything that we have heard here!” With these words they
bow and hurry back to their brothers. Once there, they faithfully
report everything that they heard and now discuss some matters
with their male and female companions.
[1] But Cyrenius says to Me: “Lord and Master, truly, I have
never met such generously-minded and kind people in all
seriousness; I must give these people protection against the
attacks by the idolaters – no matter what it costs! The Persian
king is also only a vassal of Rome and is subordinate to me; oh,
a stop should soon be put to the work of these vile creatures!
Also You, oh Lord, should give these people a particular mercy;
for they seem to me to be fully deserving of it!”
[2] I say: “In any case, otherwise I would not have had them
rescued from certain drowning by My angel; for where I
perform something miraculous, there is certainly a very good
reason. And here there is no lack of reason!
[3] A great earthly wealth in the hands of such people is a true
blessing from the heavens for a whole land; if such people also
possess a higher wisdom, they can perform miracles for the true
good of humanity.
[4] But a great wealth in the hands of a greedy person or a
usurer is a curse from hell for a whole kingdom; for he seeks
only to seize everything for himself at the cost of all people! No
misery moves him, neither affliction, nor the tears of poor,
deserted widows and orphans. Thousands can be on the brink of
starvation before the cold face of a usurer, but he will
nonetheless never give anyone a piece of bread to satiate him!
[5] Therefore I also tell you that the whores and adulterers and
thieves and savage murderers will enter the kingdom of God
one day, but the soul of a greedy person and a usurer never; for
it cannot be corrected and therefore becomes the matter out of
which the devils will build their deepest hell!
[6] A usurer is a true machine of hell, constructed for the ruin of
all man, and as such it will remain for eternity the full property
of hell!
[7] Put a king’s crown on the head of a usurer, give him a
scepter and sword and a powerful army in addition, and there
you have placed a Satan as tyrannical regent over the poor
people who will not spare his subordinates the last drop of
blood! He will rather strangle everyone than let them out of
paying a single stater! Therefore let every greedy man and every
usurer be cursed by Me!
[8] But such people who have become extremely rich through
the industriousness of their hands under the influence of mercy
from heaven are a good and noble fruit of this Earth. They are
constant collectors for the weak and poor, they always build
new houses for the homeless and weave clothes for the naked
brothers and sisters. Therefore their reward will be great; for
they carry the most beautiful and highest heaven already within
themselves on this Earth!
[9] When their soul will one day leave their body, heaven will
unfold from their hearts and place it in the centre, just as the
rising sun spreads out its own light and revels then in the great
centre of the all-animating and creating light emitted by it!
[10] But other good human souls will only be blessed like the
planets which rejoice in the warming and animating beams of
the sun, but which still have a dark side however!
[11] Yes, My dear Cyrenius! To be rich on this Earth and only
use as much for yourself as one really needs for the maintenance
of oneself, that is, to be sparse towards oneself, in order to be all
the more generous towards the poor, this, this is the greatest
divinity even in the flesh on this Earth! But the greater this
genuine and only true divinity exists in a person, the more
blessings and mercy constantly flow to him from the heavens!
[12] It is just the same for such a person as for the sun! The
more she lets her light flow out over the Earth, the brighter she
shines in herself; but if she become more sparing with her
sharing of the light in winter, even if only seemingly, then she is
also in herself of a poorer and weaker light, even if only
seemingly so!
[13] Whoever gives much with love and joy, to him will also be
given much!
[14] For if you place a strong light in the centre of a room, it
will also shine back again from all the walls towards the middle
of the light and will seize the strong light with a powerful
aureole, and thereby the original light will become even more
magnificent, powerful and effective; but if you only place a
weakly flickering lamp in the centre of a great room, the
weakly-lit walls will only give back an extremely small light,
and the glory of the original light will look very poor!
[15] Therefore you, abundantly equipped with the goods of this
Earth, be generous, just as the sun in the sky is generous with its
light, you will be the same and will reap just as the sun does!
[16] For you cannot sow a good seed in good earth without it
bringing you a harvest a hundred times greater. But good deeds
of a good heart are truly the best seeds, and the poor humanity is
the best earth; never let it lie barren, but sow this earth lavishly
and it will always bring you a hundred times greater harvest
here and a thousand times greater harvest in the beyond, for
which I stand here as firm warrantor!”
[1] (The Lord) “Certainly, one might well say here and there
and also judge: Yes, yes, it is good to preach about the virtue of
generosity and to present greed as a most despicable vice; but
who could actually help the fact that the overwhelming
tendency towards wasteful generosity has a strong motive in one
person, while for another it is the very sheerest greed?! For both
people it is the same thing, an external appearance of their inner
love, from which a blessed feeling awakes of its own accord
which he then, like every other, keeps for himself. But the first
man only becomes sad if he does not possess such abundance
that he cannot make his poor neighbors happy, and the second
becomes sad when he does not receive as much as he wishes –
or even loses! That being so, everything lies in the nature of the
person from his origin, and then basically there can be neither a
vice nor a true virtue. For the greedy person generosity is a vice
– and for the generosity greed is just as much so. Can water help
the fact that it must be of a softer and more flexible nature, and
who can damn a stone because of its hardness?! The water must
be what it is, and likewise the stone.
[2] On the one hand, this is certainly true; it is the nature of the
generous to be generous and the nature of avarice is the exact
opposite. But the matter stands thus: Every human is born as a
child with the impulse for selfishness and avarice, and such a
soul always has within it the coarsest material animal element,
which applies particularly to those souls that are not from above
but only from this earth. However, also the souls coming from
the stars to this earth are not quite free of this element.
[3] If man is brought up in this animalistic element, he
transforms it more and more into his own life’s ground, i.e. into
his love. But because this is so animal-like, man remains a wild
animal and has nothing human about him but the miserable
form, the loosened tongue and due to the orderly construction of
his brain a good capacity for cognition which, however, is more
and more activated into base activity by the animal element. It
can, therefore, recognize as good and conducive to bliss only
that which the purely animalistic elements wants.
[4] Therefore, if someone wishes to maintain that in the real
meaning of truth there is no virtue and, thus, novice and that it is
wrong to condemn avarice as opposed to generosity, let him be
referred to this My explanation; let him consider and ponder it
[5] But if a gardener plants two fruit trees in his garden and
cares for them as he should, it will surely be of no matter to him
if only one of the trees bears fruit, but the other, being of the
same kind and standing in the same earth, nourished by the
same rain and dew, the same air and the same light, does not
bear any fruit, yes, not even a satisfactory canopy to provide
shade? The insightful gardener will say then: That is an
undutiful, ill tree which consumes all the juices that come to it;
we will see whether it cannot be helped! Then the gardener will
try all the means he knows and if all these means do not help in
the end, he will cut down the unfruitful, ruined tree and plant
another one in its place.
[6] A miserly and selfish man, therefore, is a spoilt man, within
and through himself, and cannot bear any fruit of life because he
consumes all life within him.
[7] On the other hand a generous person is already in the correct
order of life because he bears abundant fruit outwardly.
[8] But a tree cannot help the fact that it bears fruit or not; for it
does not form the fruit itself, but the spirits rising in its
organism from the just richness of nature form them through its
power and through the highly simple and therefore also very
limited intelligence. But man stands on a point through which
the unlimited intelligence of his soul begins to form and to
transform itself into a tree bearing the richest abundance of fruit
of life.
[9] If he does that, for which he has all the means, only then will
he become a true person in the true, eternal order of God; but if
he does not do that, he remains an animal which has no life in
itself as such and therefore also cannot bring any life to his
neighbor through good and kind deeds.
[10] But therefore the present rescued Persian Jews are already
very well-ordered people, and it is now an easy thing to lead
them to higher wisdom; for if a lamp is so full of oil that it
begins to overflow, and has a well-placed and powerful wick for
the life in itself, one only needs to light the fuse and
immediately the whole lamp becomes full of light and
illuminates well and brightly everything around it in a wide
[11] And these Persian Jews along with their wives whom some
have bought along with them, are already such well-filled
lamps; it will not take much more to make them all full of
[12] At this Cyrenius says: “Lord, that is once again a highly
important lesson and should be written down and remain until
the end of the world!”
[13] I say: “You are right to be concerned, and I have therefore
ensured that the most important things have been written down
on your rolls. But every such document is only as useful for life
as a dead guide to a hiker on the many roads and mazes of this
world. But what can help everyone and give him wisdom,
power and life, will be written down in every man’s heart, and
in such an indestructible way that these scriptures of eternal
correct life and its multifaceted circumstances will be read aloud
in the human heart at every action which contradicts the divine
order, and the soul will long to return to its original, divine
[14] If man follows this inner voice, he is instantly on the right
road. However, if he does not heed it but acts in accordance
with the raging passion of his flesh, he will only have to blame
himself if he is swallowed up by the judgment taking place
within him. But I can see our Persians are approaching; we will,
therefore, expect them joyfully."
[1] But while I was explaining to Cyrenius generosity and
greed, the Persians were discussing amongst one another that I
could be. Some considered Me to be a prophet; others
considered Me to be a wise man who was familiar to all the
schools of Egypt, Greece and Jerusalem; a few even thought
that I was a Roman prince, know all the circumstances of the
great empire and therefore possess a great state wisdom. One
had to therefore be very careful before Me; for otherwise the
proud Roman Cyrenius, as supreme governor of all Asia, would
not act so humbly before Me! But one of the two representatives
said: “Let things be as they are; he is in any case a higher
person, and we can learn something from him, and that is what
we all need the most at this time!”
[2] Everyone finally agreed with this and came up to Me on the
hill, although it was already beginning to get quite dark.
[3] But at the same time old Mark also came over and asked Me
about the evening meal and the tables which had been destroyed
by the hail and the ground which was still very damp, and what
should now be done.
[4] But I showed him the Persians and said: “Look, a great and
very tasty dish for Me; these must still be consumed by My love
before the evening meal! Until then you will find time for a
physical meal, in order to prepare it and put the tables in order;
for only some of them are broken and these will be repaired at
the right time. But soon light the lamps so that the people do not
walk in darkness!” At this Mark headed back cheerfully and put
everything in motion.
[5] The Persians came to Me, however, bowed again to the
ground as was their custom, but nevertheless straightened up
again afterwards and did not remain lying on their faces.
[6] One of the previous two representatives seized the word and
said: “Lord, and surely great friend of people who are of a good
will, look, here we are! You know our circumstances and the
reason which drew us to this area. We see it as a miraculous act
from above and say like Job: Lord, to You be everything,
heaven and Earth, air and water! You give and take away, when
and how You desire; You can give a beggar crown and scepter
and bend the king’s head down into the dust of nothingness!
Therefore it does not pain us; for the man who always carries
the almighty God’s will in his heart never is sad, except when
he has sinned before the face of God. Therefore we are also not
sad about our significant loss; for if God’s will had not been
acting on this seemingly sad occasion, we would now, as is
otherwise the case every year, have certainly come to our
money without any reduction. But obviously the will of God
was in the game, and we gladly sacrifice this bagatelle – and
would gladly like to bring greater sacrifices if the Almighty
demanded it from us; for He alone is Lord, we are only His
slaves who serve and obey Him always.
[7] We love and fear God alone and have therefore no fear of
people; if the Lord of heaven and Earth has harmed us somehow
before the people, He has certainly had the best reason for doing
so! For man commits a sin before God only too easily and
carelessly which always brings a great prejudice for the soul;
but then the Lord comes with the good rod and helps the person
back onto the correct path!
[8] You, dear Lord and friend, can see from this that we are
people who have not forgotten God at all. You may perhaps be a
very wise heathen and be very familiar with the powers of
nature; but we know only one all-power, and that is only in the
Lord God. We will accept no other teaching!
[9] If you want to teach us some true wisdom, do not forget that
we are unchanging firm adherers to the divine teaching of
Moses! Nothing contradictory will be accepted by us, no matter
how wise it would sounds and be! For we all would prefer to be
fools before the wise world than sinners before God!”
[10] I say: “It is just right so, and you are on the best path! But
even in Moses, as particularly in the prophets, there are things
which might still be quite unclear for you. And I want to
elucidate these for you so that you yourselves and your brothers,
wives and children realize what period we have now!
[11] When Elijah lay hidden in a mountain cave, the spirit told
him to stay in the cave until Jehovah Himself would pass by.
And Elijah drew close to the exit and listened. Suddenly a
violent storm passed which made the whole mountain shake.
Then Elijah thought it may have been Jehovah Who had passed
by. But the spirit answered: 'In the storm Jehovah was not.'
[12] Then Elijah listened again, and behold, soon after a
powerful fire passed in front of the cave! It burned and crackled
so powerfully, and the outer walls glazed before the power of
the heat. Then Elijah thought that this was Jehovah! But the
spirit spoke again and said: Neither in this fire was Jehovah!
[13] Then the great prophet considered: So neither in the storm
nor in the all-powerfulness of the fire is Jehovah present in the
primal essence of His love!
[14] When he was seriously pondering over it, a very gentle and
soft rustling went past his cave, and again the spirit spoke,
saying: “Behold, Elijah, in this soft and gentle rustling Jehovah
went past and let this be the promised token, namely, that you
can now walk freely and leave this cave, hidden in which you
had to wait for deliverance.”
[15] Then Elijah stepped out of the cave cheerfully into the
great open air and the path to his great home stood free of
danger and open (1 Kings 19: 9-15).
[16] If you know the Scriptures so well, then explain this
strange parable to Me!”
[1] At this question of Mine and the previous revelation
everyone opened wide their eyes and did not know what to
answer. For the more they thought about it, the more confused
their understanding and their mind became.
[2] One of the two deputies made a remark after a while, saying:
“High, wise friend! You seem to me to be very experienced in
the Scriptures, although you are perhaps a Roman or a Greek.
The highly mystical picture of the prophet Elijah that you
described to us was extremely correct; but it has never been
understood by anyone before now. It would be truly strange that
a heathen should shed light on it to us Jews. But we ask you for
it nonetheless; for I have already had some dubious points from
the prophet Isaiah explained to me by a wise heathen from the
east and had the most justified reason to be amazed about his
deep wisdom. But here this seems to me to be a similar case.
Therefore we all that are here ask you to explain this parable to
us according to your opinion!”
[3] I say: “Well then, so be it! But above all I must correct your
mistake that I am a heathen, for I am no heathen, but from My
birth a Jew like you; now truly I am everything with everyone in
order to win everyone for the Kingdom of Light, for the
Kingdom of eternal truth! Whoever has ears, hear this, and
whoever has eyes, see this now!
[4] Elijah represents the pure soul of man, and the cave in which
he was hiding – the world and actually the flesh and the blood
of man. The spirit speaking to Elijah, or to the human soul, is
the Spirit of God with which the soul is to be united but cannot
be as yet because Jehovah has not yet passed by the flesh- or
[5] The passing storm describes the time from old Adam until
Noah, the fire – the time from Noah until these days.
[6] But the time of the soft breeze before the cave of the prophet
is now upon us, which will give every soul which has a good
will the full redemption in the spirit and in all truth, and, nota
bene, you also find yourselves now at the point of receiving the
freedom of Elijah!
[7] The ship which brought you here was also like a prophet’s
cave. It was at first at the mercy of the great force of the storm,
and you were in great distress and fear; and when the storm
drove you out to the bottomless sea, a thousand fold fire
crackled around your small, frail world of rotting boards. But
Jehovah was not in the fire, although He brought you with His
arm (an angel) deliverance and preservation.
[8] But now you are in the place where after the storm and fire
the soft rustling goes past you. Who could possibly be in this
soft rustling before you and close to you?"
[9] Here the Persians are amazed beyond measure, and the
representative says: "Strange, strange! This very picture is
surprisingly like that ancient one of the prophet Elijah. Also our
rescue was miraculous and that by no means in a small measure,
and now on this hill I truly sense physically and morally that
strange, mysterious rustling, of which the spirit said to the
prophet that Jehovah had gone past in the same. What do you
think, all my brothers and sisters? What do you think of this
[10] The others say as if with one voice, “It seems just as
miraculous to us as to you; but we will not reach the light on our
own! Let this wise man speak for you and for us all!”
[11] The deputy says: “Yes, that would certainly be the best
thing to do; but one cannot immediately demand this or that in
this place where Rome’s highest rulers are staying and kings
and princes, but instead we must first beg for the merciful
permission to ask for something that we would like!”
[12] I interrupt: “Friend that is not needed here at all! This is
certainly a custom in Persia, but it shall always be far from us!
Before God, My friend, a foolishly demeaning humility of the
human soul is as much craziness as any other which occurs in
paganism – all the more so a too great humility of a person
before simply another person. Such a too bootlicking expression
of humility of a person before another person only makes them
both worse; the former, because he only feigns such humility
and thereby pulls his neighbor to even greater arrogance, and
the latter because he thereby really becomes more arrogant!
[13] That humility which comes from pure love is a correct and
true humility; for it observes and loves in its neighbor a brother
as a brother, but makes neither itself nor the neighbor into a
god, before whom one should fall on ones knees and worship.
[14] Whatever you want or would like, demand it as a person
from a person and as brother from your brother; but no person
should crawl in the dust before another!
[15] What God never demands from a person, all the less should
a person demand it from his fellow man! That is also a correct
wisdom in the fullest order of God; therefore observe it and act
accordingly, and you will be pleasing before God and before
[16] But now about something else again! So that you can
understand the gentle breeze before the prophet’s cave a little
deeper as corresponding with this time, I will now give you
another question, since you are still in a manner of speaking
solid Jews.”
[1] (The Lord) “What do you think then about the promised
Messiah, who according to the prophecy of all prophets should
come right at this time to free the Jews? Do you, as intelligent
people, seriously think something of it, or do you, like many
others, think nothing of these too mystical prophecies for the
human understanding?”
[2] The representative says: “My eminent friend! That is an
extremely prickly issue! To think nothing of it would be too
presumptuous for a genuine Jew, but to consider it seriously is
also a very daring move; for one can thereby open the door wide
to the most dubious superstition and prepare for its freest entry!
[3] Whether it is preferable to have no faith at all before the
most dubious superstition, or vice versa, I leave that gladly up to
a wiser man than I. But so much says my ever sober reason: that
zero faith at all in a dubious superstition seems to be
significantly preferable.
[4] For no belief at all, in my opinion, equals a new-born child
or an empty, barren field, in which nothing has yet been sown.
The child can become a fully wise man through a good upbringing,
and in the barren field every type of noble fruit can be
sown; but if the field has become overgrown with all sorts of
weeds and a grown-up child has been taught all sorts of foolish
things, then the wise education is either impossible or certainly
extremely difficult. And how difficult it is to clear a field of
weeds, every honest farmer knows that who has ever had to
clear his land of weeds and then keep it clear! Well, eminent
friend that is more or less our sober opinion.
[5] We say neither yes or no as far as the promised Messiah is
concerned; but if some correct wise man, knowledgeable in the
Scriptures, wants to enlighten things for us, he will oblige
himself to us as Jews and people. If you know something solid
about this, then tell us; there will be no end to our gratefulness
for it!”
[6] “Quite correctly judged!” I say to the representative. “No
belief is better by far than a dubious superstition; but it
nonetheless still has some bad growths which in the end, once
they have been completely hardened, are just as difficult to heal
as a field full of weeds is hard to clear.
[7] But the field full of weeds at least shows that its ground is a
good one, otherwise no weeds would grow there; this is not
shown by a completely barren field however.
[8] You know, if the so-called mathematically determined world
reason has seized a rock-solid position in a person, then to
accept a sublime faith in something purely spiritual – no matter
how eminent – is very difficult! Such a person of reason wants
to have proven everything in the end mathematically. He will
not take any notice of things that he cannot see and measure.
[9] Now judge yourselves whether things are easy with such a
person as far as the adoption of purely spiritual things are
[10] The representative says: “Certainly, eminent and most wise
friend! But then one can claim with significant confidence that
there are few such people, and one shouldn’t count one’s
chickens before they are hatched! Such educated people are
nonetheless much more accessible for the truth in the end than
all the black heroes of dark superstition, particularly where this
has become a lucrative belief! As such nothing can be done with
it, and it seeks to persecute with fire and sword everything that
could compromise it in any way. We are experiencing such a
thing from our priesthood, for whom no means are too bad to
protect their black deceptions from persecution!
[11] But I do not want to make the claim as if the priests had
any faith in what they force others to believe on pain of death
and burning; for their motive is bread, the best bread, and much
gold, silver and jewels. But the extremely dim humanity
nevertheless believes it, and often with the greatest and cruelest
[12] Well, even the firmest person of reason is enormously
further and further advanced towards holiness than such a crazy
man of superstition! He is at least a friend of a truth, even if it is
a highly stereotypical one, while the very superstitious humanity
fends off any sort of truth and prefers to think that a tree trunk is
a monkey, rather than see what it really is.
[13] But a friend of the truth is in some reasonable way always
accessible, while it is very difficult to think of even apparently
approaching with reason the deeply superstitious people with
any sort of truth.
[14] It is well-known that it is difficult to bring determined
mathematical people to the true belief; but once such a person
has accepted something, even if only as a hypothesis, he will
hold onto it with iron grip and sacrifice everything in order to
prove it as the solid truth even in a mathematical way.
[15] Would a dark superstitious person do that?! For him feces
and genuine gold is the same thing; and I still maintain firmly
that no belief at all is much better than a belief such as us, for
example, have at home!
[16] But as we have heard, even the temple priesthood in
Jerusalem is not much better than our Persian. The wonderful
Ark of the Covenant should have had its proven way a long time
ago; for we know only too well when and where a new one has
been created for the old one – of course not in Jerusalem, but
instead with us nicely deep in Persian lands, so that it would not
be betrayed. But that was not much good to them; for they had
to pay the Persian artists in the end ten times more for their
silence than the whole Ark was worth, and the artists still told
the locals and the Jews afterwards. Therefore, eminent friend,
we remain true to Moses’ teaching, although there are some
things that in the natural course of things are sheer nonsense;
however no-one knows how to give a healthy interpretation, and
so no-one complains further about it. But as far as the Law and
morals are concerned, it is unsurpassable good and wise, and
no-one can dream up something wiser or better even in the
brightest daydream!
[17] We call this part of the Scriptures the only divine part; as
far as everything else is concerned, it does not affect us at all,
namely the prophetic part which no man can understand.
[18] The image of Elijah that you explained is truly very
appropriate and lovely in relation to the promised Messiah, who
most probably can only be accepted spiritually – but what the
other prophets foretell about it is highly mystical, and needs a
strong explanation and an even stronger faith, which is
fortunately no longer to be found with us!
[19] It is positively praise-worthy for us that we have little or no
faith at all in such extravagant things; but in its place we believe
all the more intensively in one true God, who spoke most
truthfully to the children of this Earth through Moses!
[20] But we owe much of our convincingly firm belief in God to
Plato, whose writings we read and follow. Moses is practical
and shows the way of life with sharply marked lines; but Plato
is thoroughly spirit, soul and shows the soul to the soul and the
spirit to the spirit. And taking all that together: Moses, Plato,
Socrates and several prophets, understood in the right light, that
is what we call the actual Messiah who will come from above,
from where all light comes, to the Earth and to the people who
are of a good will.
[21] Well, eminent and wise friend, I have now revealed to you
who we are, what we think and what we feel; it is now up to
you, if you know something better, to make us familiar with it
too, if you will! What do think for example about the opinion of
prophets and the promised Messiah?”
[1] I say: “Have you never heard then in your land how thirty
years ago in Bethlehem, the old city of David, the king of the
Jews was born to a virgin in a stable?
[2] Three wise men from your oriental lands saw a star and
asked their spirit what this unfamiliar star meant. And the spirit
called them to follow the star; it would lead them to the newborn
king of the Jews, who will establish a kingdom on Earth
which will eternally have no end.
[3] The wise men took gold, frankincense and myrrh, mounted
their pack animals with a great and shining entourage and
followed the star, which did not rest until the birth-place of the
new-born had been reached. There the three asked after the
new-born and came to Herod, who also could give them no
information, but instead sent them back to Bethlehem again,
where the wonderful star was resting, and urged an industrious
investigation with the plea to report back to him immediately so
that he could come and pay the new-born his respects.
[4] When the wise men then found the new-born and brought
him their sacrifices, a spirit from heaven immediately warned
them not to announce their discovery to Herod, at which they
then took another road back to their land.
[5] Tell Me whether and what you have heard about this!”
[6] The representative says: “Yes, yes, you remind us of
something which made everyone talk from Persia right to India;
for the three wise men, as there are many on the border with
India, made much noise about the event, so that such things
even came before the king, who however did not think much of
it, because he knows the wise men, who always tend to make a
mountain out of a mole-hill! Such things never make a
particular impression on us, just as in higher places all the
miracles of conjuring have lost all their particular and
extraordinary value, because people of better places already
have knowledge of all the miracles of conjuring. One still looks
at well-chosen and successful conjuring tricks if one is in a good
mood, and then laughs in addition when some droll things
happen – but, as we said, such conjuring is quite without value
to us.
[7] Only pure truth proven with figures is valid for us; all other
miraculous enthusiasm lost their value for us a long time ago,
and we, quite frankly, think nothing more of them! There may
be very true things hidden here and there; but these are so
hidden in all mysticism that no human reason can bring them
into the undeceiving daylight, and you, eminent friend, will see
yourself that it is more sensible to direct all your senses towards
the pure truth than to pay homage to such great poetic fancy!“
[8] Here Cyrenius says to Me silently, “Lord, as it seems to me,
nothing can be done with these very valuable people for our
cause; they are too deep in their truth of numbers and decide
against everything that we tend to call religion! Likewise they
seem to be positive enemies of any performed miracle, which is
always used by You in extreme circumstances as the most
undeniable proof of full divinity.
[9] You will hardly be able to get close to them with a miracle,
in order not to make them completely unwilling, and other proof
as explanations of the texts in the prophet Isaiah and in David
and Solomon which make reference to You will do nothing for
them, because the prophets have a bad reputation for them; and
so I seriously do not know any other option! For with the means
of numbers it cannot be proven that You are the actual Messiah,
and otherwise they seem to be quite inaccessible!”
[10] I say to Cyrenius to one side, “Just let things be, that is My
concern! If we have corrected Mathael and the leader Floran, we
will also be able to correct these people. But the most persistent
was the leader Stahar, and he is now in the best order – these
honest people will be brought to the correct order all the more
easily and sooner!”
[11] Cyrenius says: “I do not doubt that all things are possible
for You alone; but for my still very human understanding things
are not at all so easy to fulfill.”
[12] I say: “In any case, but therefore not completely
impossible; one must only give them the opportunity first to
express themselves completely. Only afterwards, when they are
finished with the expression of their innermost thoughts and are
at an end, a new fruit can be laid in the purified garden of their
[13] While I exchanged these few words with Cyrenius, the
Persians whispered to each other secretly and our spokesman,
who was called Shabbi, said to his companions, “It seems to me
more and more as if we were standing on glowing coals! The
story of the Messiah must be very common here. The fine-nosed
Romans have surely heard something about it and are now
probably investigating every corner of the Jewish kingdom in
order to get hold of that man who here on Earth should establish
an eternally indestructible and also unconquerable kingdom, to
the obvious disadvantage of the world rulers. Therefore we must
be terribly clever here in order not to get trapped by the
[14] The man who has just spoken quite secretly to the supreme
governor is obviously a very fine examiner of Rome, anointed
with all ointment! If we only believed even a little in the coming
Messiah and we would be as good as sacrificed! Therefore we
must remain with the stereotype of mathematicians, listen more
than we speak, and if something is mentioned again about the
Messiah, we know what we have to say for common appearance
for the sake of our earthly salvation! We already know for
ourselves what we as Jews have to think about the prophets; but
we do not need to place that before the nose of this supposed
hero! The judge and examiner has gone through our Scriptures
from A to Z through all our scribes and could catch us out; but
we are also clever and wise, and he will not succeed, despite the
fact that we were saved by this wonderful man from certain
drowning. Therefore let’s just stick to our mathematics and we
will escape quite safely with our skins! But the least comment
against it could throw us into great misery!”
[15] The others all agree with Shabbi, and promise him to
behave all the same and not betray a single syllable of
everything that they believed concerning the Messiah.
[16] But now I step among them again and say to the
representative, “But Shabbi, why do you think so badly in your
hearts against Me and against the harmless Romans?!
[17] Do you think then that it has escaped Me what you have
just decided secretly with your companions? I tell you: not a
syllable was hidden from Me! For He who saw and knew when
you were in great danger, otherwise He could not have let any
help come to you, now sees the depths of your hearts! Since He
means well and quite honestly with you, however, why will you
not trust Him?”
[18] Shabbi says: “You are truly very clever and wise; but what
good will your wisdom do for us? But we are nobody’s fool
either, and we believe that we can see you through! The highest
Romans at your side – not far from here Roman soldiers are
camped, probably in order to seize someone somewhere if one
gave a message through all sorts of clever questions and
speeches!? But you do not need to seek that with us; for you
will never find anything!”
[19] Cyrenius now says to Me again to the side, “Ah that is so
strange with these people! Now even a unique type of disguise
comes to light! Who would have sought such things with these
people?! But now they are really nailed up and barricaded, and
so that they cannot be tackled from any angle! What shall we do
now with these people?! They have a fixed, totally false idea of
us, which unfortunately has penetrated them so much that we
actually cannot meet them. That leaves only the question, what
can we do with them?”
[20] I say: “There will be a lot that we can do; now they stand
much closer to their goal than before! Secretly they have always
had this caution since the beginning, because they saw you
Romans here! For terrible stories have spread for some time
now among them: In the Jewish lands the Messiah has really
appeared in all seriousness and is doing great things, but the
Romans have heard about it and are now persecuting the
Messiah in the cruelest way; for they have not only attacked
the Messiah sharply, but also anyone who shows even a trace of
a belief in a coming or already arrived Messiah. And look, that
is the whole reason for their pretence, which we will soon
cope with!”
[1] Cyrenius now realizes how things stand with the Persians;
but he does not understand how such a satanic denigration by
the Romans could have crept in among the Persian Jews, and
who could have spread such a hideous seed there.
[2] I say: “Has the temple not been aware of My actions for nine
months?! Go and find out! All the negative and false reports
about Me, about My deeds and also about you Romans originate
there, since they know that you are not against Me! John the
Baptist would still be alive if the temple had not known how to
hide behind the mother of beautiful Herodias!
[3] Everything starts from the temple and its arms reach far
across the face of the Earth; but they will soon be cut short! You
see, that’s the present situation and you will now hopefully see
that it is now somewhat difficult to deal with these people, but
nonetheless not in vain! And they must be brought into the
correct light, otherwise it would seriously be very bad for Me,
My teaching and for you!
[4] You’ll now also begin to understand the reason why I saved
these Persians from drowning on the sea. I would have sent no
angel to rescue them simply for the sake of the maintenance of
their physical life; but since the correct enlightenment about
Myself and about My task is of great importance to these
people, because they exert a great influence on their great land
and on their numerous people, I had to save their lives, because
we would have no effective means without them to free the
Persians from their delusion.”
[5] Cyrenius says: “All praise to You alone, oh Lord; now
everything is good again, and I am now completely clear about
everything! Deal with them immediately; for I now see very
well that success of the best type can and must be expected!”
[6] But while I corrected Cyrenius to one side, the Persians
were thinking quite differently, and our Shabbi said to his
companions: “Look how both great men discuss quite
secretively there in what a new, crafty way they can catch us
out! For until now they have got nothing out of us; but now they
must attack us ten times harder! Until now they have just been
testing us with small weapons, now they will most probably
begin with the battering ram; and if we do not stick together
firmly, we will be broken like a light oar! Therefore everyone
be on their best guard! For these people should never get our
deepest belief out of us like a bucket of water out of any cistern!
The questioner wanted to drive fear into me before when he
claimed that he knew all our innermost thoughts exactly, and
likewise that he had seen and recognized our need on the water.
But I thought secretly to myself: Oho, you crafty fox! You want
to come of this hole?! Oh, by no means, my cunning friend! But
he quickly saw that he could not catch me with this net,
therefore he immediately went to the supreme governor and
now has certainly discussed with him which trap should now be
laid for us in order to definitely catch us; but we will not be
caught in any trap! But we must stand on the look-out like
cranes in their marsh – otherwise we are lost!”
[7] One of them says: “How does he know your name then? He
could not have learnt it from us!”
[8] Shabbi says: “That is truly a little strange, but it must not
lead us astray; for the ways and means that such people who are
up to every trick possess in order to know and learn some very
secret things from other people are countless. One must not let
oneself be wrapped around anyone’s little finger!
[9] Only God is all-knowing – and a person only when he is
called by the spirit of God to reveal things to other people which
a normal human brain could never have found out. However,
such a person animated by God comes only rarely to this
terrible, selfish world – and never among the darkest heathens
who are full of selfishness lust for power.
[10] But these people who are connected with the whole world
and all its wise men are quite thoroughly cunning foxes and
know very well how to entice secrets out of the people!
Goodness, strictness, generosity, patience, even indoctrination
in their secrets in order to awake the fullest trust in the person
being examined and to loosen his tongue, and such tricks are
used in necessity in a great quantity, in order to get behind the
often even most hidden secrets of the people. But once these
heathens who are devoid of every merciful feeling are in proven
possession any secrets going against their domineering plans,
then woe betide those who have betrayed themselves to them!
They are clever and evil and can only be kept in check through
an enormous counter-craftiness! They can truly slip in behind
great secrets in all sorts of hidden ways – but never into the
secrets of the heart if the person being examined knows how to
cover his tracks carefully!
[11] Friends, we now stand here before the most merciless
judges! The real and most hated topic by the heathens is the
Messiah, who has now appeared in earnest, as we have heard by
the most reliable assurances from all sides. He is supposed to
have hidden somewhere in Galilee until His right, well256
reckoned time would come. The heathens therefore are hunting
Him, and the belief in the possibility of the appearance of the
great Savoir of the Jews from the hard and sharp tiger claws of
the heathens is certainly death-bringing! You now know what a
ground carries us here, and will also therefore know what is to
be done!”
[1] The other says: “You are truly always carefulness itself, and
carefulness is the mother of wisdom; but here you seem not to
be using it in the right place! For we also have a little
knowledge of human nature, and the longer we observe the
examiner, the more every thought dwindles, as if something bad
could be hidden behind him! I, your fellow representative,
perked up my ears a little earlier and heard some things from the
secret discussion of the examiner with Cyrenius, and this
consisted only of a little worry over the possibility of healing us
from our delusion! It seems we were indirectly quite falsely
informed about the Messiah and the Romans by the temple in a
most malicious way, and have therefore a blind fear now before
them and hide our very correct and good faith!
[2] When we arrived here, we had some opportunity to observe
the Romans who are everywhere, and we could despite all our
very clever questions never learn anything from which we could
take it that the Romans were seriously so cruel; on the contrary
one always and quite freely and cheerfully spoke the best
opinion in the world. You however, always said: If they were
cruel in this case, they would know how to hide it from the eyes
of the world in order not to create unrest among the people
before the time! But I do not share this opinion; for every man
belongs to some sort of family, and these must then notice his
absence and finally begin to investigate where the valuable
family member has gone to! But until now there has been no
trace of this, and so I believe here that this otherwise very
praise-worthy carefulness goes a little too far, particularly
towards the very open and faithful-looking examiner!
[3] But I now notice something else here, and it is something
quite extraordinary, and I am very amazed that such a thing
could have escaped your sharp eye completely!”
[4] Shabbi says: “Well, what then?! I should have noticed
something too; for otherwise things do not easily escape my
eyes, and my feeling is as fine as morning dew. I should wonder
that you have discovered something that had escaped my eye!”
[5] The second representative, whose was Jurah, says:
“Nonetheless! Don’t you remember what the examiner wanted
to hint at when he explained to us the story of Elijah in the cave
so beautifully tangibly – as if referring to himself?”
[6] Shabbi says: “And what did he mean to say by that?”
[7] Jurah says: “Nothing other than that he himself is the
promised Messiah, before whose power all the rulers of the
Earth have to bow! Look, I have found out what has escaped
your great caution! My very keen ear also heard how the
supreme governor called your examiner his “Lord” just a
moment ago! Something unheard-of from a top Roman general!
And look, those are all things from which one should not lightly
run away because of exaggerated caution! But what then if this
strange man was possibly the prophesied Messiah?!”
[8] Shabbi says: “Well, he would then be only extremely
satisfied with my well-founded care; for my caution comes from
the fact that I want to protect the holiness of our religion from
the drivel of the heathens! There may be something in your
perception; but we must not accept something without the
sharpest secret test – unless we are obliged to do it through the
most tangible proof. For nonetheless everything that you have
perceived could still be a fine mask, and we would then be in
the place that I fear! Therefore just one step at a time, my
friend! Man always accepts such things, however true they may
be, early enough; for a too hurried acceptance could bring one
into great embarrassment!”
[1] Now I come once again to the Persians and say, turning
mainly to Shabbi: “Well, what have you decided in the
meantime? Do you still consider Me to be a cunning fox who is
only attempting to deliver you all into the merciless hands of the
present world leader for punishment because of the Messiah of
the Jews, feared by the Romans? Do I seriously resemble such a
despicable traitor?”
[2] A little embarrassed, Shabbi says: “Good, eminent friend!
The face is truly mostly a mirror of the soul – but not always! I
knew a man whose appearance perfectly resembled the very
gentlest and most loyal angel as one healthy eye resembles the
other, and yet it was only a natural mask, since the man in
question was a complete Satan in optima forma in his soul! This
person was even a minion of court thanks to his beautiful and
gentle figure and was as enlightened in every thinkable arts and
sciences as a most beautiful spring morning; but his soul was
blacker and darker than the thickest pagan Styx! Woe betides
those who approached him in friendship! Everyone was lost!
The female population ran after him as if possessed, although he
liked any woman who drew near to him as much as a sacrificial
animal, as certainly as a raindrop that the cloud can no longer
carry falls on the Earth! But he was constantly the most
innocent, gentlest and purest person! Everywhere there were
only unforeseen circumstances; but it was remarkable that the
unhappy circumstances never affected his own person. He
always managed to save his own bacon; only those who drew
near to him got to taste the heaviest burden of life and death
from the evil circumstances! Oh, he was the most faithful
servant for his king, but for every subordinate he was a quite
miraculous devil!
[3] In the regal city a rich Greek, who however let himself be
converted to our religion, had a young, beautiful and
enormously sweet wife, who was as faithfully devoted to her
husband as this right hand of mine is to my body and my will.
But it was not long before the cheeky Satan heard news about
the beautiful woman and immediately set up a way to be noticed
by the beautiful woman. As things would have it, the Greek
ended up in a terrible argument with a real Persian in birth and
tradition because of a refused repayment of a very significant
and justified debt that the Persian had run up with the Greek.
The Persian had his like-thinking compatriots as his judges, and
so our Greek could not prove his rights over the faithless and
promise-breaking Persian. Then the wife, who knew well that
this good-looking courtier had often his eyes upon her, said:
How about if we could find protection from the king for our
good rights through this good-looking courtier? The Greek said:
Yes, I know that he has often looked at you with his lustful
eyes, and a word from you or from me might do a lot, even if
nothing hid behind it but a totally blind hope as reward; but one
hears nothing positive about this beautiful courtier! Yes, it
would even be better to be his enemy than his friend! Whoever
has entered into friendly terms with him came right into a great
misfortune! The loss of our demand seems to me therefore a
smaller evil between the two, and we would do better to bring
the first and smaller one as a sacrifice to the Lord our God.
[4] The beautiful young wife agreed to this. But a short time
later our courtier showed up in the shop of our Greek himself in
order to buy something; for our Greek is a jewel trader and sets
jewels in gold and silver. He acted very friendly and tenderly
and filled the Greek with trust, although the wife noticed very
well that she involuntarily became quite afraid of this very dear
and otherwise highly splendid and extremely generous person;
for it had never happened to her that a person immediately paid
the first mentioned price for a jewel without trying to knock
down the price. Something else was behind this!
[5] The Greek, very good in such things, said: Ah, this person
must simply have a large number of enviers because of his
beauty and modesty and because of his luck at court, who seek
to make him out to be a terrible being and suspicious at court;
he speaks so soberly and as wisely as a prophet! Truly, there can
be nothing terrible behind this person! Not long after our
courtier came back to the Greek and bought a large diamond set
in gold, for his turban, which the king had given him. The price
of the diamond was a hundred pounds of gold, which the
courtier also wanted to pay immediately; for he always had a
great entourage which had to carry the necessary treasure. But
the Greek said to him: Most beautiful, wise and very eminent
friend, help me with the cash that N.N. owes me – and this
valuable jewel will be yours free! Your word means everything
to the great king; I will be thankful to you!
[6] The courtier said then: Tomorrow your good right will in
fact be done; but nevertheless take the gold for this jewel! But
since I am doing you a great service without any interest,
I demand only a little service from you in return. In seven days I
am putting on a great celebration for the king’s birthday in the
great paradise garden, and I invite you to this celebration, and
you should turn up with your wife in very decorative clothing;
I will introduce you to the king and bring you and your wife to
the king’s table where you and your wife can then ask a number
of graces!
[7] This seemed very good to the Greek, since he had long been
the court jeweler. Yet his wife mentioned: We cannot change
things anymore; but very little good will come of it, neither for
you and even less for me! This person has evil intentions for
me; and it could happen to you that you will be sacrificed at my
side! The best thing would be to pack everything up and flee
like the wind from here, before the unfortunate seventh day will
[8] But the Greek said: Dear wife, caution is good, but to raise
too great mistrust against people who have never given you any
tangible reason to do so and about whom one knows nothing
than what evil tongues have created and spread about them –
something which can happen even to an honest man – is just as
unwise as condemnable carelessness! The tender wife accepted
this very reasonable correction. The following day the indebted
Persian had to pay the Greek the last Stater.
[9] The calamitous seventh day came like an iron fate, and
everyone headed to the king’s paradise, dressed most festively.
Everything was flame and light, from all sides gold and jewels
shone brighter than the brightest stars in the night sky, and
music and song floated through the thick leafy alleys of the
great garden. But both did not have to wait long before they
were discovered by the courtier and immediately led to the king
in the great garden temple and received most friendly by the
same. In the middle of the great columned temple tables and silk
cushions had been brought in a large number and of
unspeakable splendor, and on the tables were great gold plates
full of the best dishes, and in great crystal beakers tasty wine
flickered and also a number of other spiced drinks.
[10] Our Greek had to take his place at a table beside the
great king’s table; but his beautiful wife was immediately drawn
to the king’s table. For a time they ate and drank quite
comfortably, but our Greek began to feel very unwell; for he got
a drink that was mixed with poison, and had to be carried to his
house. But the wife was brought to the king’s chambers and had
to allow everything to be done to her there until they had had
enough of her. The Greek did not die from the poison, it is true,
but he remains a paralyzed person to this day; and you can
easily imagine how the poor wife looked when she returned
home only after seven days!
[11] That was the fruit of a too hurried trust towards a person
whose exterior lent everyone every trust, while his heart was
inhabited by a whole horde of the worst devils. But both people
who experienced this not long ago are sitting somewhat to the
side because of their weakness and can confirm what I have just
said! Friend, if one has experienced such things, then one truly
knows why one is careful!”
[1] I say: “Go, and lead both of them to Me!” Shabbi goes and
brings both of them to Me.
[2] But I ask them whether they would wish to become fully
healthy and strong again.
[3] Both say, “Yes, Lord, if this is possible! But the strange
poison has made me quite paralyzed in all my limbs, and I can
only move myself forwards with great effort; and look at this
poor, withered flower of a wife – she is ruined in her body for
all her life! Oh, Jehovah, why did such a terrible thing have to
happen to us?!”
[4] I say: “But I want you to be as healthy and cheerful and look
as you did when you got married!”
[5] When I had said this, something like a flame rushed through
both of them, and they were immediately as healthy and strong
as if nothing had ever been wrong with them, and their bodies
looked the same and even more so than on their wedding day.
They were extremely amazed, for such a thing had never been
experienced before in Persia.
[6] Shabbi also begins to raise his eyebrows more and more, and
almost cannot believe his senses; but Jurah nudges him and says
to him somewhat secretly, “Hey, I think that we are in exactly
the right place, and we cannot be too far from the person that
you are trying so carefully to deny! I tell you, it is He – or in all
eternity no-one else! Now judge according to your senses!”
[7] Shabbi says: “Yes, you must have almost hit the nail on the
head! This sudden healing of the both simply through his word;
that is more than what all human wisdom can comprehend!
Now our rescue also seems somewhat clearer to me. A person in
whose will such a power exists that even crude matter must
obey, must stand higher than all other people of the Earth; a
fullness of divine power must live in him, and his soul must be
the living print of the divine will – or it is the godhead itself!
Perhaps I went too far in my caution, but I cannot possibly have
sinned by it; for I wanted to protect the divine, which could be
an abomination to the heathens, and I didn’t want to let it be
poisoned by them, which would have done no good for either us
or the most eminent religion!
[8] But as it seems here, the heathens are not as bitter at all as
they were portrayed to us in Persia. It can hardly be accepted
that the endlessly proud supreme governor Cyrenius should not
know what was behind this miracle-worker?! But if he knows it,
and calls him a lord, he will then have the very best reason for
it! For all the weapons of Rome must be too few and too weak
against such a will!
[9] That was no conjuring and no miraculous healing in the way
of our magicians and priests, who persuade completely healthy
people with the means of money and other advantageous
promises to pretend to be deaf, lame and blind, to make a
pilgrimage to an idol in a dirty temple and then at a decided sign
to become seeing, hearing and upright as a tree. In this way a
number of feeble-minded people will be persuaded and then if
real lame, blind and deaf people come and beg and sacrifice, it
will nonetheless be no better for anyone. For always they say:
Your faith is too weak, and your petty sacrifice will not please
God! Yes, you know that our magicians even bring the dead
children of rich parents back to life, but we have known for a
long time how, and we also know that such children awakened
from death are not their blood relatives. This man here will also
certainly be able to call at least the seemingly dead people back
into life!”
[10] I step up to them and say: “Yes, He can do that without
sacrifices, oil and herbal juices! Look down to the beach; the
two sons of our innkeeper have just pulled three drowned
people out of the water, man and two girls.
[11] He is a poor father with his two daughters, a poor Jew. His
wife saved her own life thanks to a tree which was floating in
the water; but her husband and both the daughters, who all
hurried to help their mother as she was in the greatest danger,
were washed out to sea by the ever increasing current and
drowned in the undulant tides. But the sea’s tide threw them
ashore completely dead, and the strong sons of our inn-keeper
found them now lying dead and have just brought them to land
just below us here.
[12] But I also want the unfortunate wife to be here too, who is
still to be found clinging to the tree, crying, trembling and
calling for help.
[13] For this I will use My pilot again; then you shall see the
glory of God and believe in Him who has saved you all!” Here I
call Raphael and give him simply a sign which he understands,
and in barely a minute’s time he brings to Me on the hill the
lamenting wife, who at first cannot be comforted at all.
[14] But I touch the woman and say, “Now be calm, woman,
and believe and trust; for through God all things are possible!”
[15] Then the woman becomes calmer, but says: “I know well
that all things are possible for God; but I also know that I as a
sinner am not worthy of the mercy of God! Oh, what a purest
heart must a person have in order to be worthy of the very least
mercy from God! But this door to mercy has long been closed to
me. God will surely take little notice of me now in my
affliction, since I took too little notice of Him in my happiness.
But God already showed me a great mercy when He chastised
[16] I say: “How would it be then, if I gave you back your
husband and both your daughters?!”
[17] The woman says: “Only God will be able to give them
back to me on Judgment Day; for they lie buried in the flood
and are dead! You could certainly give me the dead, if they have
been pulled out of the sea by Mark’s sons – but living, never
again; for they must already have been completely dead for
several hours!”
[18] Then I say to the angel, “Bring the three corpses here!”
And the angel immediately brings the three to the hill and lays
them at My feet.
[19] The woman immediately recognizes in the corpses her
husband and her two daughters and also immediately begins to
weep bitterly.
[20] But I say: “Woman, be calm; for you can see that they are
just sleeping here!”
[21] The woman says: “Yes, they sleep the eternal sleep, from
which a person has never awoken!”
[22] I say: “Woman, you are wrong; there is no eternal sleep as
you mean, since you have no complete belief in a life after
death! But I will wake these three so that you and many others
will become stronger in faith and trust in the living name of
[23] Then I say loudly to the corpses, “Rise and stand up from
your deathly sleep!”
[24] Immediately the three corpses began to stir, and soon they
stood up in great amazement. They looked around them with
wide, bright eyes; for they did not know what had happened to
them and where they were now.
[25] But I now say to the woman, “Go and explain to them
where they are now, and what has happened to them! When you
have composed yourselves again and recognized each other, we
will speak in more detail about it!”
[26] But the woman falls before Me to the ground and for
amazement cannot pronounce a single word. Only after a while
the woman was able to fully stand up and began to laud and
praise Me to a great degree; for she was gradually convincing
herself more and more that her husband and both her daughters
were alive and looked quite healthy and happy.
[27] But I turned her attention again to the risen, so she could
talk to them and explain that she was the rescued wife of the
man and the true mother of both the girls. Then the woman went
to the risen people with hurried steps; for if someone was healed
by Me or raised from the dead, I would move away from the
healed or risen person for reasons known only to Me.
[28] Reaching the risen, she immediately identified herself and
was immediately recognized by the risen with the greatest and
most cheerful amazement and greeted in the warmest way.
[29] But I forbade the wife to betray Me as the Savior and reawakener
to the risen, who were now in full consciousness
again, because such a thing was not suitable for a newly
awakened life; only after she would receive a sign from Me
could she give Me away – something that the woman observed
although her husband begged her most imploringly to show him
the miracle-working benefactor.
[1] This event, however, made the right impression on our
Persians. Now this was the last straw and our Shabbi looked
first at Me, then at the risen, felt their pulses and asked them
diligently whether they had really been dead, and whether they
could not remember something about what had happened to
[2] But the man said: “Ask this stone, and he will be in the same
position to give you an answer as I am! I now know only that a
powerful current of water pulled me with it to the sea and then
made me so unconscious and then dead that I do not know
anything from this moment on what happened to me. I only
remember this – but only in the soul – that I quite sadly found
myself with my daughters soon after the drowning in the deadly
tides on a great meadow and did not know why I was actually so
sad. But soon a light cloud came upon us from all sides and I
felt so blissful in this light! But we saw no-one except for
ourselves, and a sweet sleep came over us in this bliss of ours,
and we awoke from that sleep here. Now you know everything
that I can tell you – judge for yourselves!
[3] There is surely as little doubt that I was dead as that I am
now alive! For if you step into the depths of the sea, remain
there more than two full hours under the water, and I guarantee
you that you will be completely dead in the body after this!”
[4] Shabbi says: “Yes, yes, you were completely dead, and the
miracle-worker raised you again, simply through his allpowerful
word! No, no, the Earth has ever experienced such a
thing before! But what now?!”
[5] Jurah now calls Shabbi and says to him, “Well, friend
Shabbi, what do you say now at this event?”
[6] Shabbi says: “What should, or what can one say to this?!
Jehovah’s power is working here and nothing else! For that goes
too endlessly far over every horizon of human experience and
no knowledge has ever scaled this terrible height. Now I am
becoming really confused!”
[7] I say to Shabbi, “Well friend, how do things look now for
the story of the Messiah which the famous wise men from the
orient made known in your lands thirty years ago? Do you still
consider it to be a fairy tale of astrologers?
[8] For behold, that person who was born then to a tender virgin
in a sheep pen in Bethlehem and to whom the three wise men,
who you call kings of the stars, brought gifts of gold,
frankincense and myrrh is Me – then a new-born child and now
a fully-grown man! How do you like the strange coincidence of
circumstances, and how do things look to you?
[9] There are two other very living witnesses here of the fact
that I am certainly the same; one is the Captain Cornelius, the
youngest brother of Caesar Augustus, and the other is the
supreme governor Cyrenius, who led and assisted My flight to
Egypt and who is an older brother of Caesar Augustus! Now
that you know these things, tell Me now what you think about
the Messiah whom the three astronomer kings announced to
you! Is there something in it, or is there nothing in it?”
[10] Shabbi says: “Yes, now there is everything in it; but then it
certainly seemed like a star king fairy tale! For one must only
know our kings of the stars, and one will quite easily understand
how they know how to use every new appearance in the sky to
their advantage. Firstly they are completely familiar with all the
scriptures of their own land and of other lands. They know the
Jewish prophets as well as the Indian ones; they know the Sen
scrit and Sen ta veista of the Persians, Gebers and Burmese as
well as they know our books; they also know the schools of the
heathens and their books. Secondly however, no star exists in
the sky that they do not know and was not named by them a
long time ago.
[11] If any star unknown to them appears, for example a comet,
well, it is used for all sorts of prophetic interpretations; if the
inhabitants do not believe the interpretation, it is taken abroad
and will find a place there where the story creates a stir. We
enlightened ones know that all too well, and thus the reason is
given why at the time the announcement of the prophesied and
new-born Messiah of the Jews made no particular impression on
us. It was to the material advantage of the astronomer kings,
who announced it to us when returning home with terribly great
pomp. They took things very seriously; but we have an old
saying: He who cries wolf too often will never be believed, even
when he speaks the truth!”
[12] Who would ever have dreamed then that the astronomer
kings could actually finally have discovered something true?!
[13] Now the story has become something quite different, and
You in Your wisdom will not count our unbelief in those days
as a sin, would You?!
[1] I say: “Not quite; but it is also true that the trades people of
this world only too often go beyond and disregard all spiritual
things a little too easily, which was also the case with you – Am
I right or not?”
[2] Shabbi says: “yes, eminent friend full of divine power, it is
probably true that worldly trade and the treasures of this Earth,
their gain and just use gives one a lot to think and to worry
about, but one can then easily make all sorts of useful
experiences and awakens some dozing spirits in people to all
sorts of useful things through well-used wealth, gives man a
useful occupation and removes him thereby from lethargy,
which normally is the father of all vices and sins.
[3] Just look at the priesthood of almost every nation! As long
as these people had to work and win their bread like every other
person in the sweat of their brow, they were also the best friends
of truth and discovered and calculated many things which with
good reason still amaze us today. They brought harmony to
human thought and established schools for the true education of
the human spirit and the recognition of themselves. In those
days such priests found the way to God and led their fellowmen
to the same realization full of the spirit and seriously good will.
[4] But when the people later recognized the great benevolence
of the beautiful and most eminent efforts of the old and true
priests more and more and saw their extremely great use, they
took all the heavy work of the priests, whom they respected and
loved above all else, onto themselves, brought in their tithes
and decided that the priests had only to care and work for the
human spirit. But then the priesthood soon became lethargic,
began to philosophize, walled up the bright truth in dark
catacombs and began to feed the gullible people of that time
with all sorts of fairy tales and fables; and so the lethargy of the
priests became the clear reason for the decay of even the most
eminent and divine doctrine by the great and true priest, Moses.
[5] Just read Moses and the prophets and compare the present
ado of the descendents of Moses and Aaron in Jerusalem, and
one will soon and easily find out that they neither believe in
Moses nor even less in a god. For if they believed in Moses and
in the God that he announced to them, they would not be the
most shameful liars and deceivers of the nation which they
serve physically and spiritually! But that is all a necessary
consequence of calumnious idleness! And so I think that the just
wealth in the hands of wise, benevolent and active people is
more of a divine temple for the needy people than Solomon’s
one in Jerusalem!
[6] Certainly we trading people do not have much time to
devote to all sorts of mystical poetry of the privileged idlers and
to complain about how much truth is in it; but we teach the
nation to flee idleness and to become true, useful people! So I
believe that in this way we are making good our little mistake
which you pointed out, that we often hurry up and away from
some spiritual things quite frivolously! For I for my part think:
It is better to do good by action than to write the most beautiful
lessons about it – but to never practice it oneself.
[7] What use is our, oh so deep brooding and driveling
however? A mortal will never see behind the true wisdom of
God, no, not even lift its outermost veil!
[8] But if such a thing is useful for man, God’s mercy will
awaken another Moses who is a true Messiah, as you now seem
to be. He will then certainly lead us in the true wisdom of God,
and we will surely accept it as a genuine gift from heaven at any
price willingly and gratefully and also be active according to it,
because we traders are always good friends of all useful activity
for mankind and only use our great earthly wealth to occupy
man, which constantly tends towards lethargy and idleness in
their nature, with all sorts of good activities for their benefit and
for that of others.
[9] Tell me, eminent friend, filled with the spirit of God,
whether our opinion is good, useful and therefore true, or
whether you are in a position to give us an even better one in
your wisdom!”
[1] I say: “Oh, not at all! Goodness and truth are the same,
whether a man discovers it by active searching or whether it is
revealed to him directly by God; for finding the truth oneself is
also a revelation from above, but an indirect one, and the means
for it was active searching.
[2] Through such research the soul frees itself from the rough
bond of matter and awakens thereby for moments the divine
spirit in itself, or it comes more into the living centre of its
heart, to there flows God’s light and compassion constantly and
ceaselessly and likewise creates for the soul life and spiritual
growth, as the sun fills the furrows of the earth with light and
warmth and thereby awakes, maintains and encourages the life
and flourishing of the plants until a free, independent and fully
ripe fruit is created from the plant, whose own life is no longer
dependent on the plant, but persists on itself.
[3] When the soul comes into the mentioned living centre of the
heart in true, lively moments, it has also reached the revelation
of the spirit of God in every human heart and can do nothing
else but find the eternally unchanged truth from God in itself.
And that is an indirect revelation and differs from the direct
revelation only in that God, at the occasion of great darkness of
nations, awakens suitable people without their own initiative
and leads their soul into the centre of life in order to create eyeopening
light again for the other blind people.
[4] And there is another difference between the indirect and
direct revelation, and this consists of this: The indirect
revelation gives the seeker only a correct light on a matter
which he particularly wants to understand. It is like a lamp with
which one can illuminate dark room quite brightly; but the
direct one is like the sun on the brightest midday, whose
powerful light illuminates the whole world in all its great and
little trenches, so also the direct revelation.
[5] This one (the direct revelation compared to the sun) is not
only valid for the people to whom it is given, but for all people,
and immediately for the nation to which the prophet belongs;
but because there are genuine and true prophets called by God,
we can also easily imagine that there will also be false ones, and
for the following reasons which are easy to understand:
[6] A true prophet must come to a sort of esteem among his
fellow people; for his prophecies and also his deeds as proof of
the divinity of his awakening must create a certain respect
among the ordinary everyday person – whether he likes the
prophecies or not, and whether they correspond with his earthly
interests or not.
[7] A prophet, however, grows among people of better sense
without his will into an unreachable giant and can never escape
the certain pious respect and reverence, no matter how humble
he is and must be otherwise.
[8] Now, other worldly people see that, whose reason is often
very inventive; for there has never been a lack of snake like
cleverness among the children of the world. These worldly
people also want a reputation and an easily visible earthly gain.
[9] They begin to study and often invent things with the help of
Satan and make seemingly wise statements so that the lay
people do not know how to distinguish in the end between what
is true and genuine and what is false and evil.
[10] But how can one nevertheless tell a false prophet from a
genuine one? Quite easily: in their fruit!
[11] For one cannot gather grapes and figs from thorns and
[12] The genuine prophet will never and impossibly be selfish,
and any arrogance will be foreign to him. He will probably
gratefully accept whatever good and noble hearts give him; but
he will never demand fees of anyone because he knows that this
is an abomination to God, and because God can keep His
servants very well!
[13] But the false prophet will allow himself to be paid for
every step and deed and for every so-called divine act for the
simulated and lied good of humanity. The false prophet will
thunder on about the judgment of God and even judge in the
name of God with fire and sword; but the genuine prophet will
judge no-one, but only advise the sinner to repent and will make
no difference between large and small and between respected
and non-respected people. For only God means anything to him
and God’s word – everything else is a vain madness for him.
[14] There will never be a contradiction in the true prophet’s
speech; but bring speech of the false prophet into the light and it
will be crawling with contradictions. No-one can ever offend
the true prophet, he will bear everything like a lamb, whatever
the world may do to him; he will only rise up in fiery anger
against lies and arrogance and beat them down.
[15] The false prophet is constantly a deadly enemy of every
truth and every better progress in thought and in deed; no-one
but he should know anything or have any experience so that
everyone is always and in all things forced to seek expensive
advice from him for money.
[16] The false prophet thinks only about himself; God and His
order are annoying and laughable things in which he has not
even the smallest spark of faith, therefore he can make a god out
of wood and stone with the lightest conscience in the world,
however he likes. That then such a god can easily work wonders
for the thoroughly blind people through the hands of the false
prophet will be very easily understood!”
[17] Shabbi says: “Oh, eminent friend, I know, and all of us
know, how the false fellows present themselves and how they
perform miracles; for me they are beasts and no longer people!
For I find in the world no greater shame than if such a spiritual
deceiver of the people demands that his unknowing brothers
believe something which he laughs about, and personally hardly
understands how humans can be so terribly stupid as to accept
such a terrible nonsense as pure gold.
[18] Oh, eminent friend, what you have said just now, I know
very well! But I could not tell the difference between an indirect
and direct revelation; but I am glad that what the will of a
person has found and discovered through his active
investigation is finally also a revelation from above. Naturally
not every person can be a prophet for all the people; but if the
indirect prophet has found and discovered something very
useful in a specifically personal sphere, even if only for the
purpose of physical advantage, with time this will also come
into use for the benefit of a whole nation, and then the indirect
exceptional prophet can be and become a general one!
[19] Let’s take the certainly pre-flood invention of the plough!
This invaluably useful agricultural tool was certainly invented
by an active and thinking person on the way of indirect
revelation. His name has not been written down through history,
it is true, but what an incalculable use his invention has brought
to humanity! And so there are a large number of such generally
useful inventions of hundreds of tools and implements which
have an infinite value. But their inventors were certainly very
active, modest and undemanding people, otherwise the scribes
would certainly have written down their names just like the
names of those who ruled over the people and in general
brought them very little use.
[20] I am of the opinion that those people are the greatest
benefactors of a nation, who they taught to think according to
the truth and enriched them with useful inventions!
[21] The use of the general, purely spiritual prophets is still very
much up in the air these days. They certainly rebuked wild
afflictions of the nation and tamed the terrible mischievous
wrong-doers. They mostly announced God and His rule and His
desire and His intentions in strongly enwrapped words; but the
people did not understand them in the clearest sense and
therefore still did what they wanted according to their worldly
desires and let God and His eminent prophets be good men.
[22] This way the obscure paganism was created and with it, all
imaginable variations of darkest superstition, but the plough
remained plough and the saw a saw, and the axe an axe – and
the heathen, just as the arch-Jew, make equal use of such useful
[23] There is finally the big question of what sort of genuine
prophet finally has a more general value for humanity!
[24] People think very much, it is true, and understand quite a
few things, but to understand a Daniel, or an Isaiah, or a
Jeremiah, or even a Song of Solomon – human thought is of no
use – it is all in vain! Only God or some spirit of an angel can
understand it, or a prophet specially awakened to this purpose.
Only these three types of spirits can possibly understand this;
for every other spirit it is purely impossible. But now begs the
question what a high wisdom is good for if no mortal can
understand it!?”
[1] I say: “Friend, look up at the stars! Do you know them and
do you understand what they are and why they exist? Should
they therefore not exist because no man has been able to
understand them so far? Do you understand what the sun and
the moon are? Should they therefore not exist because you do
not understand them?!
[2] Do you understand the wind, the lightning, the thunder, the
rain, the frost, the snow, the ice? Should all that not exist
because you and all other people do not understand such
[3] Do you understand the thousand species of animals, their
forms and their characteristics? Do you understand the world of
plants and their forms? Do you know what light and what
heat is?!
[4] Should all that not exist because you and all other people
cannot understand it?!
[5] Do you understand life, then, and how you can see, hear,
feel, taste and smell? Should man not see, hear, feel, taste and
smell because he cannot understand all that?!
[6] But since there are so many things in this material world
which humanity can never fully understand, so go and think
now a little and then give Me your opinion!”
[7] Shabbi says: “Lord and Master full of divine power! I do not
need to think it over much, I have already understood
everything that you wanted to say to me with this. You wanted
to direct me and show me that in investigating the spheres of
higher wisdom things are just the same as in the sphere of
material creation. We people understand actually nothing of this
except the outermost image and what we can perceive with our
coarsest material senses and what we can distinguish in the
form, the color, the smell and the taste of created things. Oh,
how little and actually nothing man understands and knows, and
yet he considers himself to be well-versed in wisdom and is
proud of his miserable bit of knowledge! And what is that which
he knows? Nothing, but absolutely nothing!
[8] Oh, how blind and foolish are all people! They cannot even
manage to see that they are nothing and cannot see or
understand that they are nothing and do not see anything. The
grass grows, and the seeing and feeling man rejoices in it; but
what is involved to create grass and make it grow and in the
same way to maintain it always – which mortal can see this?!
[9] Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and
Elijah were certainly the wisest men that the Earth has ever
borne; they had much of the light of God in them. But how the
grass springs up, grows, brings seed, and how the circumstances
come together in the seed so that an eternally large number and
variety of the same type of grass can come forth – all the named
fathers of wisdom had certainly never dreamed about!
[10] But we do not even know how the very simplest moss
grows and multiplies, and how the little worm writhes in the
dust, what can we say then about the elements and about the
distant stars?! But since we people know nothing, we know and
understand even less who and what the stars are, why and from
what they were made!
[11] And behold, great and eminent master, you wanted to
direct me, by pointing out my complete lack of knowledge, and
say: God, the very wisest, places much before the eyes of man
and before all his external senses and through these at the same
time before the senses of the soul in order to force man to think.
But the explanation must be sought by man himself; for if God
gave it to him, man would become very idle and in the end
would become quite inactive and lazy above all.
[12] For what a person has once taken in and understood, his
lazy nature has no benefit in any longer, it is amply filled with
general experience and needs therefore no new proof any
longer. And so surely man would act the same way in the purely
spiritual sphere, if he understood as clear as daylight what the
great prophets had written from God in the books of wisdom.
He would soon go to sleep and in the end not think about
anything anymore; what should a man think about, if he already
understands everything?!
[13] God knows therefore very well how He has to maintain the
people so that they think, want and finally must be very active;
it is the same in all things – beware of idleness!
[14] I know see very well that the story of the Messiah and all
things concerning him would not have made by far the active
impression on me if I had understood a minimum of all the
appropriate texts from Isaiah. I would have at most laughed at
the three astronomer kings if they had come to me with their
mystical tirades of wisdom; and it would have been no better for
anyone else who had come to me in the same respect!
[15] But since everything has remained for me in a dim belief, I
now feel an all the greater blessing because what was so hard
and dubious to believe has now spread itself before my eyes so
clearly and I now see before me Him for whom all the Jews
including me have been waiting for so longingly! Lord and
Master, have I understood you or not?”
[1] “Exactly, exactly!”, I say, and give him the following
question: “Well, dear friend, since you seem to be a very
intelligent person in every way before the eyes and ears of man
and you judge many things quite correctly and sharply, so tell
Me according to your best conviction what you imagine by the
Messiah that I am now supposed to be! What purpose then has
the present appearance of the Messiah actually?!”
[2] Shabbi says: “Yes, most eminent friend, that is a quite
strangely captious question, that is, not according to my
previous, quite mistaken opinion, as if you wanted to entice
from me through incomprehensible miracles and the cleverest
questions some sign of enmity towards Romans, but instead
purely in respect to the mystical personality of the Messiah
himself, about whom Isaiah says highly strange things, which
no man can make head nor tail of. For at one moment the
Messiah is the son of a king, then a strong and powerful hero,
then the son of God, then the son of a virgin! Isaiah says once
(Isaiah. 25: 6-9):
[3] On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all
peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, of fat, of marrow,
of wine without yeasts. On this mountain he will take away the
veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all
gentiles. He will destroy death forever. The Lord God will wipe
away the tears from all faces; the reproach of his people he will
remove from the whole earth; for the Lord has spoken. On that
day it will be said: "Behold our God, to whom we looked to
save us! This is the Lord for whom we looked; let us rejoice and
be glad that he has saved us!"
[4] Behold, most eminent and master, those are the very
distinctive words of the prophet; but what should one actually
make of them? Who and where is the mountain on which the
Lord will prepare for us a quite special looking feast of rich
food and choice wines, fat, marrow, and again of yeast less
wine? Whoever will taste this food must have a very healthy
[5] This meal cannot have a natural sense, only a spiritual one;
but who can find this out? Which mountain is this, which the
strange fat meal? If you ask me, it’s actually a hoax at the cost
of mankind! The Lord, that is, according to my understanding of
the Messiah, will remove the veil that covers the peoples here
on this mountain and take the cover from the face of the
gentiles. That would be understandable; but the mountain, the
mountain, where is that then, and what is it?
[6] That He can swallow up death and will also do it, and take
away the dishonor to his nation in all countries, even in our
Persia, that is at least clear to me now because I have seen how
You called the dead back to life.
[7] But then Isaiah on the mountain has the happy people call:
That is our God, that is the Lord! Is that the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob? If so, then You are therefore the same One
who gave the Law to Moses on Sinai; who thundered there: I
alone am your God and your Lord, you shall have no other Gods
besides me!
[8] If Isaiah was with Moses’ laws, he could not possibly have
allowed another God appear in the Messiah; but since Isaiah
explicitly lets Him appear as God, You must then be the same
God who on Sinai spoke to Moses!
[9] What can You say to me now as a consequence of the
statements of the prophets if I now fall before You and begin to
worship You loudly as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?!
[1] I say: “If you believed in the fullest sense actively and had
an inner conviction, I could certainly tell you nothing if You
began to worship Me as your God in a fitting manner; but since
you lack some full spiritual conviction, and least of all in your
soul, you would idolize Me just as much as if you showed
idolatry to any other human being or a carved image.
[2] Whoever wants to worship God truly and fruitfully, must
first recognize God most actively in his heart, he must first have
God in the spirit and in all truth in the recognition and in the
love, only then can he give Him the honor and fully worship
Him; without that man would commit an abominable idolatry
even with the true God!
[3] How can a man worship the only true God in a dignified and
effective manner if he has never before recognized Him as to be
adored except from hearsay?! What difference will there then be
between the worship of the only true God and that of an idol?!
[4] True worship of the only true God consists of love for Him
and love for our fellow man. But who can love God if he has
never recognized Him?
[5] Or can a young man ever burn with love for a virgin that he
has never seen or recognized? And if he should imagine that
there is one somewhere and if he begins to love her powerfully
who in reality does not exist at all, then he is a fool and
therefore indulges in self-love to the highest degree, and that is
an abomination before God.
[6] All idolatry is therefore the greatest madness of mankind
and a terrible blindness. For in the end the strict idolaters think
themselves to be gods and have incense spread around them and
have themselves worshipped as gods – and this is Satan’s
triumph in the human heart! But woe betides those imagined
self-worshippers in their utter delusion! Their fate will one day
be a very sad; for such arrogance is a worm that never dies, and
a fire that never goes out!
[7] I tell you: It is Satan’s delight, to get the blind people as far
as possible away from the order of God through the arrogance
planted in them; but if they one day become disciples of his
school, he will repudiate them and use them for his lowest and
most abominable services, in which they have to remain for
eternity according to his most evil will!
[8] Satan, as Prince of Darkness, allows man to be exalted to
gods here only to degrade them to become one day his lowest
most horrible creatures.
[9] But God demands here a wise and humble heart in order to
lift man even higher and to give him greater bliss.
[10] Such power will, of course, be taken from Satan and the
people will be able to act fully independently and free according
to their will; thereby the good will shine all the more, and those
who are themselves evil will end up in even worse and lower
parts of hell; for their evilness will not be recorded on Satan’s
ledger but on their very own, and they will be dealt with all the
more harshly by Satan and his servants.
[11] It is, therefore, every man’s foremost duty, in all humility
of his heart to seek God in spirit and in truth, and only after he
has found Him to worship God also in spirit and in truth.
[12] But the main prayer should consist of the humble heart
remaining humble and loving one’s neighbor more than oneself,
but God above all as the one true Father of all people and
[13] But no one can love God in his dark flesh while at the same
time hating his brother; for how could someone possibly love
God, Whom he does not see, while not loving his brother,
whom he sees?
[14] But it is by no means enough to say: I love my neighbor
and am very friendly to him! The true and only valid love
before God must consist of deeds when the neighbor needs
them, spiritually or physically. This love is the magic key to the
light from God in one’s own heart.
[15] I tell you and your companions: Had you not found that
golden key and accepted it in your heart, you would never have
found the way here. But the significance of you and your
companions' coming here, although it happened through a
mighty storm in outward life, you are now beginning to suspect,
but you will presently be led into the true light. Once you have
recognized Me fully, you will also understand whether I deserve
to be worshipped or not."
[1] At these words of Mine the Persians become very
contemplative, and Jurah says to his companions, while I turned
to the three who had been risen from the dead and had them
physically looked after, “Friends! He gives a very strange
speech which sounds even more wonderful than his deeds which
can be seen, although they are of a type about which we have
never seen anything similar. But one miracle always looks like
another, and the inexperienced person in this area is blind and
does not look where he should see the best and brightest! The
healing of our jeweler is certainly extremely surprising, but
perhaps it is not impossible that it can be performed in a natural
way. We certainly do not know how such a thing would be
possible, but we know from experience how the Indians heal the
bite of the most poisonous snake without herbs and juice and
oil. He has healed these two without herbs, juice and oil too,
how, we do not know and neither can we know!
[2] The three who were drowned have truly been brought back
to life again, but it still leaves much to be proved whether they
were really completely dead, or whether they were not
pretending to be drowned! In brief, the deeds do not prove
everything by any means! But his powerful word proves more
in my opinion than both the miracles, for no mortal tongue
speaks so infinitely wisely and eternally true! Just think, Shabbi,
about the explanation of the only true worship of God, and you
will see what an all-encompassing wisdom lays in it, that proves
to me something enormous, yes, even something that I hardly
dare to say!”
[3] Quite surprised, Shabbi asks: “Well, what is it then that you
hardly dare to say?”
[4] Jurah says: “Just deliberate it yourself, and you can name me
anything if you do not soon come to the same conclusion!” Here
Shabbi begins to think deeply and nonetheless does not know
very well what he should actually make of the question of Jurah.
[5] After a while Shabbi says to Jurah, “I would like to say
something to you and I believe that a very unusual thing will
come to light, but it is and remains very daring! Just think, if
now almost without a doubt this is the Messiah, then he is not
only the very simple person according to Isaiah who has spoken
to us here, but instead also God according to His soul, the Only
True One of eternity! But if it is so, what then with us? How
will we weak people stand before Him, the Almightiest? What
will we do next, where will we go?”
[6] Jurah says: “Yes, that is my worry too and now my greatest
concern! I suspect that something will come to the brightest
light here, only I do not understand the high heathen; for they
seem to hang on his every word as on their own lives!”
[7] Shabbi says: “Did you hear what is written in Isaiah: „And
He will take away the cloak that covers the gentiles! That means
as much as: He has already revealed himself to these first
heathens! They already know what He is and are therefore
disposed towards him with reverence. They will soon have the
fullest conviction that He, as the Almighty of eternity, can
scatter them for eternity with one breath, like loose chaff, and
therefore they have the most endless respect for Him, and as it
seems to me, they have already been won over by Him and the
good Jews are free! That is my opinion!
[8] And then later it also says in the prophet: „And the Lord will
wipe tears away from all faces and will remove the disgrace of
His people from all the Earth!” That means: certainly us too,
who are in Persia; only we will now obviously not be the first
for whom He will do this, but nonetheless our turn will come,
and this seems to be the moment in which He has thought about
the Jews in other lands. He made a start with us to dry our tears
and to remove our disgrace! As far as our worldly situation is
concerned we are exceptionally in such a good situation that we
do not have any cause to cry tears of need in foreign lands, and
we suffer no disgrace; but thousands of our brothers and sisters
live there who suffer great need nonetheless. They are often
cruelly despised by the heathens and looked down on by
everyone; but we are well in the position to help them all and to
dry their tears in His name and from their faces and to remove
their long-lasting disgrace! Therefore the Lord seems to us, who
now obviously is here, to have saved on this modest mountain,
in order to use us as His tools among those who live in foreign
lands. That is my opinion in all things. And now speak, my
[9] Jurah says: “Yes, you have hit the nail on the head in my
opinion! Things will behave exactly in that way! But since now
quite certainly everything must behave this way, the great and
significant question comes again: How will we draw near to
Him, since we are stuck in over our heads in sin? And yet it is
written: No-one may draw near to God who has a sin in him!
We will be many times over unclean! Where will we be able to
purify ourselves? Where is he who will take a suitable sacrifice
from us that will clean us from our sins before God?!”
[1] Now I step up to them again and say: "I Myself; and just as I
could say to the dead: 'Awake from death and live!' just as
effectively and validly I can say to you: 'Be pure, and all your
sins are forgiven!' and you are now pure and without sin before
Me. Do you now believe this?"
[2] Jurah and Shabbi say: “Lord, we believe it! For according to
Your eternally most holy advice things happened for the healing
of all Jews and heathens, so let us poor sinners be merciful and
full of Your mildness and compassion before You! Oh Lord, be
with us and from now on with the spirit of all those who have
been awoken to eternal life through You, now, as in all eternity
of eternity! But now, Lord, since we have recognized You and
now are devoted to You in our hearts in the fullest love, let us
give air to our hearts and worship You most fervently and in the
full contrition of our mind!”
[3] I say: “My dear friends and brothers that cannot be! You
have read what My spirit spoke through the mouth of the
prophet when he said: This nation honors Me with their lips; but
its heart is far from Me! And I Myself repeat it to you: Every
kind of pure lip prayer is an abomination before Me!
[4] Be truly reasonable and have a decent heart, do good deeds
to everyone who needs your help! Yes, even do good to your
enemies, and bless those who curse you! In this way you will
resemble Me, for I let My sun shine on the good and the bad,
and My worst enemies are daily covered with good deeds from
My all-powerful hand; but My whip is only used on extreme
evil doers. Yes, I say to you: You are all children of My heart
and brothers of My soul. Therefore, if you pray, do not pray like
the heathens and the Pharisees with their lips, using words
formed by the fleshly tongue, but instead pray as I have told
you, in the spirit and in truth, through living works and deeds of
love towards your neighbor, then every word in My name will
be a true prayer that I will always and without a doubt hear; but
the sigh of lips I will never hear! Do you understand well what I
have just said?”
[5] Shabbi says: “Oh Lord, You are so different to what we
imagined! Who should not be able to love You above all else,
who has once recognized You?! You are Yourself love and the
greatest gentleness, and how endlessly far from every night and
darkness is Your most holy teaching, and how easily
understandable is every word from Your mouth! Yes, only now
do we fully believe that You are truly the expected Messiah, and
there is no other besides You!”
[6] I say: “All right, all right, My dear friends! I knew you and
led you on the road to Me as was shown to the prophet Elijah. In
the mighty storm was My will, in the fire My power; but in the
gentle rustling I am Myself. And thus, in order to come to Me,
you had to go through a very mighty storm and through water
and fire. But now you are with Me, having found Me, for Whom
you have looked for such a long time. Difficult as I am to find
by many a human being, yet once I have been found it is many
times more difficult to lose Me! Those who have seized Me in
their hearts will also be seized by Me; however, he who has
seized Me can indeed let go of Me again, but I shall never let go
of him again. For My love does not last only for a while but
forever, and who has received it into his heart can never be
separated from Me. For My love keeps a tight rein on him
forever, so that he can never go completely astray from Me.
And so it will be also with you. You will certainly be placed in
situations and worldly circumstances where you will find it
somewhat difficult to bear witness to My name and remain
steadfast in the faith – for before long things will happen,
because they have to happen, which will cause you to become
faint-hearted where I am concerned, but I will strengthen you
again at the right moment and fully enlighten you in the little
chambers of your heart. Then you will never come into
temptation for the sake of My name, but henceforth you will
remain in My love and My power.
[7] But now something else. You will return to Persia. When
you are there again shortly, preach faithfully, without adding
anything, of what you have met with here and all that has
happened to you here for the salvation of all men on earth. In
this way you also become workers in My vineyard. Preach it
also to your king so that he will know what to do!" He should
give up dark paganism and should never listen to the deceiving
words of the magicians who call themselves the priests of God
and are basically the servants and slaves of hell. He should also
drive the terrible apostles from Jerusalem out of the land, who
cross the lands and seas in order to make Jews of the heathens;
and once they have made any heathen into a Jew, he is then
many times more a servant of hell than he was as a heathen.
Besides such remarks the terrible apostles of Jerusalem also sow
bad rumours like that about the cruelty of the Romans, which
you openly confessed to us, that you acted so terribly careful
towards Me out of fear of the Romans!
[8] Therefore in order to counter all this evil I called you out of
your land before many thousands of thousands, in order to lay
this easy duty on your shoulders, as you possess the fullest
power and means to complete it in abundance! Your reward will
not be little in My eternal kingdom one day.
[9] You now know what you have to do in My name, and
besides also in the name of the Romans who are being very
shamefully slandered there; do not lack in good will,
industriousness and action, and I will also let nothing lack
for you!
[10] But now I see Mark coming out. He will invite us to an
evening meal that today will happen a few hours later then
normally; but the storm is to blame for that. The hail has
damaged many benches slightly; these had to be repaired again.
But now everything is in the best order again, and the food has
been very well and richly prepared, and so we will now tuck in
again after another great work!”
[1] Now our old inn-keeper Mark came and said to Me, “Lord
and Master, the evening meal is prepared; if it suits You, I will
have it set out on the repaired tables immediately!?”
[2] I say: “Do that, for today even I am already quite hungry and
I am looking forward to a good fish, a good piece of bread and a
pure and good wine!
[3] But both your sons should have a look at the sea by the
beach! Some corpses are floating in the sea; they are some poor
Jews with their wives and children. I do not want them or
anyone else to find death while I am here. The sea is calm as
glass, and the stars are shining particularly brightly today. Your
sons will easily achieve this task, and all the more so because
they can be supported by the sailors of Kisjonah’s, Ebahl of
Genezareth and by Cornelius’ sailors. About nine people are
floating at most an hour and a half away from the shore, they
should be brought here; but they must then be laid face down on
a sloping ground and stay there until the morning! I will only
raise them tomorrow!”
[4] Mark asks: “Lord, why not today then, why only
[5] I say: “Friend Mark, do not worry! I know why the grass
that will color the pastures green next year has not grown this
year! Therefore do not worry about this, for I understand the
order much better than you, My dearest Mark! Go now and
ensure that everything is brought into order which can be done!”
[6] Mark goes, and immediately has the dishes brought to the
tables, and also tells his sons their task, who immediately board
a big boat and ask the other previously mentioned sailors for
their help.
[7] But we leave our spot and head for our tables which had
been occupied in the familiar order; the three risen people with
the woman, however, go to Mark’s house, where they receive
food, drink and a good bed for the night – and that is all
according to My will, in order to strengthen them for the
[8] When we get to the tables, the inhabitants of Ouran’s tents
begin to come out into the daylight and to look around for the
tables designated for them.
[9] Here Jarah plucks My clothing and says: “Lord, my
constantly greater love, look over there, where the brave fighters
for Your kingdom now begin to creep out into the open air,
driven by hunger from their hiding places! Truly, there are very
few spirits there apart from Mathael! Oh, it was so comical to
see how the sight of the first pound-weight ball of hail that fell
drove the fifty Pharisees with great haste into the great tents!
[10] They knew as well as I that You are the most certain
protector against every adversity, nevertheless they became
poor in faith and very hesitant and sought material protection.
Now they are obviously ashamed that they did this, and do not
really dare, as it seems to me, to come before Your eyes, oh
Lord! Well, Mathael would have stayed with his companions;
but he had to follow his young, very beautiful royal wife. So he
can be forgiven, in my opinion, but the weak trust and small
faith was the fault of the others, and I cannot therefore respect
them very much.”
[11] I say: “You are quite right, My little daughter; but let’s
leave them who are still weak in one thing or another – time and
multiple experiences will make them stronger in everything!
Just think how much you have experienced at My side, and you
can therefore easily possess more courage; but these have
experienced much less, and therefore their fear was greater than
their trust. But in the future they will also be more trusting. Do
you understand that?”
[12] Jarah says: “Yes, I understand that for sure, but I also know
how everyone in Genezareth experienced just as much as I did,
and yet at the beginning no-one but I dared to walk on the water
with You, not even Your disciples! Where then lay the lesser
[13] I say: “Again in your greater experience; for My angel
carried you visibly in his hands, and you had experiences that
no person until now has ever made. And in addition you had
certainly the greatest and most powerful love for Me, in which
the greatest trust also reigns.
[14] Therefore do not wonder too much why your trust in Me is
stronger than that of other people, for your great love gives you
[15] But, as I already hinted to you in Genezareth, in several
years you will have to face many temptations with which you
will have to fight, despite the great trust in Me. But through the
power and strength of My name you will defeat all temptations
and will from then on walk freely in My light.
[16] For what a person wants to have freely for himself from
Me, he must fight for it with his own strength! You, My dearest
little daughter, have not yet fought any fight yourself, and the
actual time and the true opportunity was not there; that will only
happen for every man when My work is completed on this
[17] I am only the sower and I lay the good grain in the living
field of your hearts. The seed will only sprout there, and then
become capable of producing the most blessed fruit; only then
will you have to care for the fruit yourself on your own soil with
some effort and self-denial! Truly he who brings the fruit that I
sowed in his heart purely and richly into the barns of My spirit
that I built within him, will be blessed! Truly, he will never feel
hunger or thirst!
[18] Therefore what you, My dearest Jarah, have now, is only
the seed laid by Me in your heart. After several years it will be
there as a field of waving corn and faced with all sorts of
storms; but then you must powerfully and trustingly protect the
waving field from the threatening storms through the selfdenying
love for Me, so that it does not come to destructive ruin
and destroy the magnificent field of corn that I Myself have
sown! For once a dominant storm comes across such a field, it is
almost impossible to hold it back.
[19] You will still remember several weeks ago how I
established a garden for you in Genezareth and filled it with all
sorts of useful plants!? The plants grow well and very
luxuriantly; but the little garden and the plants must be cared
for, the weeds wherever they shoot up must be taken out, and if
it is very hot and dry, the watering can cannot be neglected.
[20] And behold, I have also laid such a garden in your heart
and have filled it richly with all sorts of useful growths; the
waiting and further care of this garden is your job alone. If you
pay all attention and all industriousness to the care of this little
garden, you will soon be able to harvest it richly! Do you
understand this image well?”
[21] Jarah says: “Yes, Lord, my only love, I understand it
completely, but I could become sad about it because I still have
to withstand some storms before the harvest! But I hope an
believe: You will not let You poor maid be destroyed if she
calls out to You for help in her affliction; for You have heard
my pleading and listened when I did not see and recognize You
as I do now!”
[22] I say: “Everyone that recognizes Me and calls Me in their
heart and trusts in the power of My name will never come to
damage and shame in all eternity; you can be fully assured of
that! But now we must sit down at the tables and eat was has
been placed on them!”
[1] Then we all head quickly to the tables and consume our
meal. This time there was no talking during the meal; but after
the wine had been enjoyed, it began to get very lively in the
company. Beside the table at which I was sitting with Cyrenius,
Cornelius, Faustus and Julius, with My disciples, with Ebahl,
Jarah, Kisjonah, Philopold, with Ouran, Helena, Mathael and his
companions, with the angel Raphael and the boy Josoe, a new
table had been set up for our Persians; all the other guests that
we already knew sat at tables which had been specially set up
for them, according to how they, as we knew, belonged together
in society.
[2] But everyone wondered at the pleasantly warm evening after
such a terrible storm; and in particular they wondered at the
complete dryness of the ground where only a few hours before
the water had been a few shoes’ high. Ouran asked Me what we
would do about accommodation for the night for so many
people. He was willing to take in as many as his tents would
hold, but since we were dealing with the accommodation of
several hundred, his tents would not be enough by far!
[3] I said: “Friend! Adam and his first descendents had neither
tents nor huts nor houses comfortable for anything; the ground
of the Earth and a shady tree was their all, and they spent very
many nights under the open sky and were healthy and strong.
They did not have even a cover for their body; a wreath of fig
leaves to cover their private parts was their entire clothing, and
they all reached an age of several hundred years! But now
people have discovered all sorts of comforts of life and have
created many hundred thousands of paradises for a lost earthly
one, and behold, now reaching the age of a hundred has become
a miracle!
[4] Look, the effeminacy of man is to blame, who distance
themselves from the nature of this world, which has the
designation in all things to bear the people and to feed them and
to keep them strong and healthy!
[5] Therefore, My Ouran, do not worry about shelter for all
these many guests; the good and healthy ground will
accommodate them all very well! Whoever is overcome by
sleep can rest very well on a pillow of stone; if the stone
beneath his head annoys him, then the person is no longer tired
and too much in need of rest, and then he can stand up again and
go to work!
[6] Soft beds make people soft and take away the necessary
strength of their limbs, and a too long sleep weakens the soul
and the muscles of the body. The nature of a person is like an
infant whom nothing feeds as well as the mother’s breast; and
those children who received food from the breast of the strong
mother for a long time – assuming that she is as healthy and
unspoilt as Eve – become as strong as giants and the battle with
a lion will not tire them out.
[7] To the same extent the nature of this Earth is a true mother’s
breast for man, if they do not distance themselves from it
through all sorts of unnecessary softeners. But once the people
have distanced themselves from this great mother’s breast and
isolated themselves from her strong influence, then if they ever
have to come to a breast that is rich in milk, they act in the same
way as a grown man if he has to drink the milk from a mother.
He is so disgusted he could throw up. What strengthened him as
a child and fed him in the best way makes him sick and
nauseous as an adult who has long grown away from his
mother’s breast.
[8] Now, man cannot always drink on his mother’s breast to get
strength and life for his muscles; but he should never distance
himself too much from the breast of Mother Earth if he wants to
become healthy, strong and old in the body.
[9] Moses said: “Honor your father and mother, that your days
may be long and healthy on the Earth! With this Moses not only
described the biological father and mother, but just as well the
Earth and its constant life-giving power. Man should not turn
his back on this, but instead keep it in high respect, and he will
receive every blessing for that which Moses physically
prophesied. The respect for the physical father and mother is
good and necessary when the circumstances are according and
seemly; but if what Moses prophesied is the word of God, then
it must also have a general and uninterrupted effect like the
[10] But if Moses’ prophecy is only limited to the fact that only
those who respect their parents have to maintain a long life and
health on the Earth, then things obviously look very bad for
those who have often lost this in the cradle and were then
brought up by strangers! How should they respect their true
parents whom they have never known?!
[11] Many children are often found on paths and streets; cruel
mothers have conceived them in their lust and thrown them out
somewhere soon after their birth. Such foundlings are often
taken in by some warm-hearted and compassionate person and
looked after; they then owe all their love and respect to these
people. Moses says nothing about such adoptive parents, instead
only about really true parents!
[12] But now the well-brought up foundling cannot possibly
honor his true parents, because he firstly does not know them at
all, and even if he did, he would secondly truly have no
obligation before God or before all people to respect them, who
conceived him through sinful lust and who, when he was born,
immediately gave him over to death. But because such a person
then according to Moses cannot possibly love and respect his
true parents, would he then have no claim on Moses’ prophecy?
Oh, would this then be very pretty indeed and would it be
terrible as the word of God!
[13] And then there are parents who bring their children up in
all things that can only be called bad. Already in the cradle they
plant a genuine satanic arrogance in them and teach them to be
hard and insensitive to everyone; such tiger parents teach their
children at an early age to be cheeky, liars and deceivers!
Should Moses really have meant his commandment for such
children who respect their vicious parents with all badness and
evil because the parents want this from their children?
[14] What do the children of thieves, robbers and murderers
really owe their parents? They can only naturally honor their
parents if they are the same as their parents to a very great
degree and do what their parents always do, like: through theft,
robbery and murder of foreign travelers! Can Moses’ prophecy
really apply effectively to such children as well?
[15] The only somewhat clear world reason must tell you that
such a prophecy along with the Law of Moses would be a
scandal of the first category for all divine wisdom! How can
God, the highly wise, give a law as a consequence of which
even an angel in a fleshly body would have to owe love and all
honor to parents who incarnated from the lowest hell?!
[16] You see that Moses’ Law, seen from this point of view,
would be the greatest and craziest nonsense!
[17] So on the one hand it is clear and proven that everything
that Moses said and decided is the pure word of God and
therefore can eternally hide no nonsense in itself; but on the
other hand, if one examines and observes Moses’ Law in the old
familiar and foolish way, as it has been examined and observed
so far, it must be the most obvious nonsense before the judge’s
seat of all better human reason!
[18] Wherein lies the reason then that the Law of Moses, as it
has been observed so far, must be nonsense despite the purely
divine origin? It lies in the powerful misunderstanding of what
Moses showed mainly with this Law, the general parents of the
great nature, namely the Earth, as the created world for the
human race as father, and its lap, from which countless children
of all types and sort are born, as the true mother! These original
parents should constantly be honored and obeyed by man, and
his back should never be turned to them in an effeminate way.
Only then he will receive a long life in a healthy body and also a
true well-being.
[19] A diligent person can also learn from these old parents the
most goodness, greatness and truth, and build a great ladder on
which the original father Jacob saw the angels of heaven
climbing up and down. Whoever seriously researches nature
will force many blessings to come into the light for himself and
for his brothers for their well-being.
[20] Therefore, My dear Ouran, do not be afraid if you have to
spend a night in the lap of your old physical mother – nothing
bad will happen to you!”
[1] Ouran is now quite contented and says that he has never
heard anything as truly and practically wise, and he will also
follow this advice very carefully. But most of all our Persians
are amazed.
[2] Jurah says: “Yes, that is a light from above; for no mortal
has ever discovered that! So I would like to have all Ten
Commandments explained to me! Things are so close and so
clear, and we have never been able to reveal them with all our
sharpness of reason! But I must ask something nonetheless!”
[3] Shabbi says: “I truly do not know about which point there
could still be any more question!?”
[4] Jurah says: “Don’t you know then that as far as the
obligations of the children towards their parents are concerned,
there has long been a new law, according to which a son or a
daughter would do better to lay a sacrifice in the temple than to
honor his father and mother?! This new law does not replace the
old, it is true, but it represents a better means to achieve the
prophecy of Moses than Moses’ Law itself. But I would like to
speak to the primary law-giver himself, since the extraordinary
circumstances have now come together so wonderfully, and
learn what the Lord says to such a new law!
[5] On the one hand, if a child has very bad and corrupt parents,
this law seems to me to be correct; but if a child who is
frivolous in nature has very good and worthy parents, who
deserve all respect, love and honor from their children before
God and all people, then this law, which seems very grabby like
the temple, is not correct at all. The whole law has a strongly
human smell, and there is very little divinity in it; but there
again is another law which says: „Those who sit on the chairs of
Moses and Aaron, those you should always listen to and do
what they command!”
[6] But this law is a real camel on which the Pharisees have
already brought many false and bad wares disguised as genuine
to the temple, and the nation must buy it for the very high price
of their moral freedom as completely genuine. That is a bad
thing, and such a law which only gives certain people the
privileges seems to me like a hellish hole through which Satan
always has an entrance to holiness; for these privileged holy
people overstrain themselves, are surrounded in the beginning
quite piously with a cover of a holy nimbus of a prophet, but
then later they become seriously domineering and supertyrannical,
arrogant and extremely proud – but still sit on the
chairs of Moses and Aaron! But I think, brother – you know,
just between us – here Satan might as well take possession of
these holy chairs! And such true representatives of Satan on the
chairs of Moses and Aaron have introduced many evil human
statutes replacing the divine, and we have to taste them because
the camel-like law of hell orders us to listen to them who sit on
the holy chairs and to do what they command.
[7] Yes, the law in itself would be quite in order if one had the
assurance that only the most worthy followers of Aaron and
Moses would be preaching on the holy chairs; but what a true
dragon nation has sat on the chairs and thrown the most
indignant laws into the eyes of the seeing people like rough sand
so that the largest part would go blind! And such laws
transcending all craziness exists then for the greatest torture for
humanity, and no-one trusts themselves any longer to shake off
this yoke. Then in the end pure reason begs the question
whether God knows anything about it, or whether there is a god
at all who can see such an abomination in his sanctuary!
[8] Well, such a revelation from Him would certainly be in the
best position to show us the purest and truest content, and I
would like to now ask Him a question right away! What do you
think, should I risk it or not?”
[1] I immediately answer instead of Shabbi and say: “Listen,
My friend Jurah, your question is just and of great importance;
you do not need to repeat it to Me for I know anyway what is
bothering you!
[2] You see, it is true that there is a commandment, but only
since the time of the judges, where it is commanded from the
mouth of a seer to listen to those who sit on the chairs of Moses
and Aaron and to do what they order from the spirit of the Lord;
but only if their works are good. If their works are bad, they
should be pushed off the chairs by the most worthy descendents
of Levi.
[3] But those on the mentioned chairs knew very well how to
disguise their deeds. Instead of the worthy descendents of Aaron
and Moses only vicious wolves sat and are still sitting on the
holy chairs and as such they have scattered laws among the
people as divine will, before which the world even must
[4] But think back to how often I have let these false
descendents of Moses and Aaron be chastised through the
mouth of the holy prophets, and how often I have tamed them
with the sharpest rod! But what good did it do? Things became
better for a time; but soon after they became worse than before,
until it has now become so bad that it can never get any worse.
They have filled the barrel with every vice, and only a few
drops more and it will immediately begin to overflow and will
destroy them all like Noah’s flood; of that you can be fully
[5] But like many, the law of sacrifices in the temple has also
replaced Moses’ law concerning the obligations of children
towards their parents. At the beginning it looked very good and
just appearance and concerned only those children whose
parents – as was often the case – were true throw-backs of
humanity. But these strangely often had very good and honest
children, who devotionally saw and knew the cardinal sins of
their biological parents very well. The demands which their evil
parents placed on them made their hairs stand on end; but in the
misunderstood Law of Moses it was written that they should
honor their parents above all through obedience!
[6] For such reasons, at the time when the temple was still good,
such unhappy children asked in the temple what they should do,
and said: “It is in any case true that Moses commanded from
God to obey the parents and to respect them highly and to honor
them all one’s life, so that one would live long and things would
go well on Earth; but Moses also commanded not to kill, not to
steal, to speak no untruths, to commit no indecent acts with
virgins and even less to covet the neighbor’s wife. But their
terrible parents now demand such things from them! What
should they do now in order not to sin against Moses’
[7] Then the High Priest, filled with the spirit of God, spoke:
Leave these parents of yours, sacrifice a gift instead of the bad
obedience, and pray to God, and it will be better for you and
also through the mercy from above for your undutiful parents!
[8] And then it happened that such children left their wicked
parents, brought a sacrifice to the temple for themselves and for
their terrible parents and then sought to enter service with good
people in order to lead a life pleasing to God.
[9] So far and in this much the law was entirely of divine origin.
But with time the vicious wolves who sat in sheep’s clothing on
the chairs of Moses and Aaron generalized this law, and then
even the undutiful children of quite good and honest parents
could buy themselves free of obedience towards their parents
through sacrifices, in order to then be able to sin quite freely and
without a conscience!
[10] In this way the double commandment of God was also
twice suppressed and in its place a purely hellishly human
statute was set which naturally must be an abomination before
God because it is quite against His order; for only a somewhat
pure-thinking person must see at first glance that such a statute
can never be divine, but only of a hellish and satanic origin! In
any case, this all shall soon have an end, and then there will not
be much more to strive against.
[11] Otherwise it is surely in order that a weak man lets himself
be led by a strong man! But parents are always stronger than
their children; and it is therefore quite in order that the children
let themselves be led by their parents; but if the weak man
notices that the strong man wants to throw him off a deadly
precipice, the weak man would do well to get away from the
strong man and find himself a safe place.
[12] Incidentally only he is entirely fulfilling the Law of Moses,
who behaves as I showed the old king Ouran perfectly clear
earlier. Did you understand that now?”


[1] Says Jurah: “Well yes, here is light, love and the highest
truth concentrated together in one spot! Yes, Lord and Master of
eternity, I would truly like to have a little light shed on the
whole of Moses’ Law that way, and then we could live and
move quite unchangingly firmly in Your eternal order! Then
afterwards Satan would certainly no longer find any hole
through which he could sneak into Your brightly-lit kingdom
like a wolf in sheep’s clothing and make human statutes out of
Your holiest commandments!”
[2] I say: “My friend, the hour has not yet arrived in which the
dark prince of the world will be judged; but it is very close! But
when he will be judged, there will nonetheless be only too soon
people who will behave even worse with My purest laws than
Satan himself. Light will always have to fight darkness on
this Earth!”
[3] Jurah says: “Lord, but why? If all people would only
recognize the light as I do now, Satan and all his malice will be
eternally put out of work on this Earth! It will have to be certain
and unchangeable through all time that our children and
children of our children will then be brought up in the same
light with the best conscience and will remain in it until the end
of the world, just as it can be accepted certainly and
unchangeably that two units of the same type and another two
units of the same type will always make four units of the same
type for all time! No man doubts that on the whole Earth,
because it is an irrevocable and tangible truth. Your illumination
of the Ten Commandments of Moses makes the same into a
mathematical principle. But if so, to whom would it then
remotely occur to call into question such truth?!
[4] But as no-one could doubt that any longer, he would have to
also act as a consequence of such a clearly recognized truth,
otherwise he would have to appear as the sheerest idiot or he
would hear this said about him from every sensible person’s
[5] But of course, if the holiest and most important truths for us
people are constantly given in a certain puzzling cloak and man
can often interpret what he likes, then there are certainly a huge
number of liars, through whom Satan and his terrible entourage
can keep his totally free movement in the company of people.
[6] Therefore give us, most eminent Lord and Master, the truth
clearly and openly, so that in future any approach by Satan
towards man will be barred by the strong wall of the most
unchangeable truth.
[7] I want to mention as an example just that Law of Moses,
through which he forbids unchastity as a sin. What actually is
unchastity then? Does this only consist of sleeping with a
woman with an unwashed body and then not washing again
after the act? Or does it mean the desirous lasciviousness and
sleeping with a woman, a virgin, a whore, a concubine or a
young widow?
[8] Does blind fornication belong in this category, or even the
mute, sodomite sin, or even if one has something with the very
desirous wife of another husband? Should one, in order to be
fully chaste, totally suppress this most powerful of all natural
impulses? But if that is so, then the marriage bed certainly
nothing other than a workplace for unchastity which is
accepted in society; for who can guarantee us that the man does
not sleep with his lush wife more often than is necessary to
create a fruit?!
[9] I have seen and known people who one could call true
people of gold as far as goodness, love, patience, kindness and
compassion is concerned; but in the vexed question of chastity
they were and remain weak. They did everything, it is true, to
become stronger in this area, but it was not in their nature, not
even when the natural, full impotence fell on them; a lush virgin
still made the same lustful impression on them.
[10] And on the other hand I have seen and known people who
remained as cold as a stone at the greatest female beauty, true
examples of chastity, but otherwise in their lives they were
insensitive to everything! Nothing moved them! Affliction and
misery of the poor were laughable things for them, tears of
suffering were tricks to wake sympathy; a woman was
contemptible to them and very easy to do without, something
which had no other purpose in the world than a field for the
sowing of any kind of grain. They found marriage to be one of
the most laughable institutions in human society. In their
opinion all healthy women should be locked up in a great
building and let strong men well capable of producing heirs
sleep with them so that only beautiful, healthy and strong people
would be created; but the ugly and weak women should be
weeded out or used for the lowest jobs like cattle and work until
they perish! Those are facts that I have experienced!
[11] Now I ask whether people who are weak in chastity do not
have a very great advantage over the ice-cold heathens of
chastity in the eyes of every man! As far as I am concerned,
they do! Well, I do not know how things stand for You, most
eminent Lord and Master, and nor can I know. In order to come
into a sort of order in these points which are forbidden by
Moses as a consequence, in order not to be in the constant fear
of having sinned before God with such an act, and if the act is
always a sin, then You, oh Lord and Master, will certainly know
some medicine against it through which one can drive out the
desire and the pressure like a cold! For there is nothing more
miserable for an honest person than to be dragged by the hair to
sin by a certain side; nature forces the flesh with an irresistible
power, and if one falls through the free air as a normal body,
then one has also committed a deadly sin! That is then a little
too strict, particularly for a person who for the sake of God has
carried his head and heart always in the right place as far as
possible. Therefore, Lord and Master, I would like to have a
clear explanation about this from You! For that seems to me to
be at least one of the prickliest points!”
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
There is no copyright for this book. This is God’s Word and God’s Word is free.
It may be copied freely on condition that the text will not be changed.
Original German book: “Das grosse Evangelium John” (1851-1864).
This Book 8 is translated from the German book III 215 to IV 68.
SAID: “If the life of a person is no flirting joke, but
instead a very holy earnest, the act of creation can also
be no flirtation, but also only a very sacred seriousness.
Understand the reason, and you will soon within you clearly
comprehend all of it.
[2] The pleasant sensations of the act itself should not be the
motive for the action, but alone that a human being is
[3] If you grasp this, you will soon find that the pleasant
sensations are only accompaniments which facilitate the
begetting of man in the nature of the flesh. If you are urged on
by the main reason, then go and act and you will commit no sin.
But there are nevertheless some points to be properly
[4] This act must not happen outside the sphere of true love for
one’s neighbor; but a main reason for true love for one’s
neighbor is this: Do to your neighbors what you would have
them do unto you!
[5] Well, suppose you had a blossoming daughter who is a joy
to your fatherly heart. You will care for nothing more than for
the true happiness of your most beloved daughter. Your
daughter may be mature and, therefore, capable of conception,
but how would you feel if an otherwise healthy man came,
driven by the urge to beget a child with a virgin, and by force
begot a fruit with your daughter?
[6] You see, that would fill you with a fearful rage against such
an offender, and you would never again let him out of your sight
without the sharpest possible chastisement!
[7] And nonetheless this person would have committed no sin
against decency because he was seriously urged not to sow his
seed outside a good vessel, whereby a possibility of conceiving
a person would be cut off. But the act is nonetheless sinful, on
the other hand, because true neighborly love was grossly

[8] Imagine that a serious desire meets you abroad, you met a
woman there on a field, and you persuaded her through money
and words to give in to your desire, and the woman agreed, you
would have not committed a sin against decency, nor adultery,
even if the person was the proper wife of a man. But if you had
thought about what great and highly dismal embarrassment and
prosecutions the woman would suffer if her husband said to her:
Woman, speak truly, who laid this seed in you, since I have not
touched you since this or that time? You see that you have
destroyed the domestic peace between the married couple; that
is a crude sin against love for one’s neighbor! For you should
have been able to save yourself for a more decent opportunity
even if your desire was serious and not mere lustful passion.
[9] You can see from this that a man, at such an otherwise very
correct act not contradicting true chastity, must consider all
other human side circumstances, if he does not want to sin
against some law.
[10] But a man can commit unchastity as well with his wife as
with a whore and even worse. For with a whore there is nothing
left to ruin, because everything has already been ruined anyway;
but a wife can become overexcited and thereby run into a
passionate desire, whereby she then can become a much greater
whore than a single woman.
[11] Whoever lies with a single woman sins against chastity
because his act only served – and had to serve – the gratification
of mere lust but not the begetting of a human being, as pure
reason must tell him that one does not sow wheat on the
[12] Beside the sin against chastity, the one who lies with a
whore violates his and the whore's human nature because he
thereby easily does great damage to his nature and hardens the
blind whore, making her more incorrigible, which again is a sin
against the neighborly love.
[13] But whoever lies with a woman who has been made a
whore sins in the same way twofold and fourfold if he is himself
a husband, because thereby he also commits adultery.
[14] As you are a pure-thinking man, I think now that this little
is enough for you, all the more so since a man like you anyway
knows what is befitting for a man who is decent in every
[15] Jurah says: “Yes, Lord and Master, now everything is clear
to me, and I also know now where the many bad species of
unchastity must lead! Yes, now everything is clear! In all things
there is only one truth valid before God, which is founded in the
eternal order – everything less, more and besides is of evil!”
[16] I said: “Yes, that’s how it is and how it will also eternally
remain. But now the sailors that were sent out are coming back
with their dead people, My servant (Raphael) must now go there
and help them to lay the corpses in the correct way, otherwise
their healing tomorrow will be made more difficult!”
[17] Raphael quickly hurries over and establishes everywhere
the best order. The sailors however only then head to their
evening meal.
[1] With all this which had befallen and happened after this
Sabbath meal, the day’s work could be seen as over; but one
never rests in heaven from doing good, just as hell never rests
from doing evil, and so for this Sabbath something very special
had been held back and had to be actively ended before
[2] An argument had developed between the fifty Pharisees, at
whose head were the leader Stahar and the speaker who was
now well known to us, Floran. These half-baked people had
thought up all sorts of doubts in one of Ouran’s tents during the
storm and the present laying out of the corpses confirmed some
of their doubtful opinions about Me and My deeds. Only among
them the opinion was shared that the better part accepted very
celebratory that I was an extraordinary prophet, something like
Elijah – but a darker part thought that despite all great study of
the scriptures I was only a scholar from the catacombs of Egypt
and had learnt wisdom and genuine magic in the temples of
Korak (Carnac). I was therefore so well accepted by the
Romans, for among the Romans the genuine magicians were
revered more than the gods, for the Romans considered such
magicians to be the fingers of the god Zeus, who works among
the people and is very disposed to the great people! But the
Romans were very clever people and knew that the Jews were
not to be trusted until they had become Romans, body and soul.
Such a thing could be ensured most easily if one worked the
Jews, who were the most miracle-seeking, through such an archmagician
from the school at Korak, but so that the Jews also
found their Moses and their prophets in it. And that had
happened now, and with the most visible success in the world;
for whoever did not convert thought words and miracles, several
cohorts of Roman soldiers constantly stood at the ready to
frighten him into conversion. Therefore at every opportunity the
temple in Jerusalem was incriminated with all power; one would
raise only the bad things, but the good things would be left
unnoticed and never mentioned with even one syllable, while it
was of course well-known how much good the temple was
untiringly performing!
[3] Stahar and Floran, who certainly had more than the others a
better conviction about Me and the Romans, truly made a great
effort to dissuade their colleagues from such opinions; but they
did not manage much, although they presented Me with all force
as a prophet in the category of Elijah.
[4] The opponents said: “Look over there, how medically
workmanlike the nine drowned people are laid with their heads
facing out and their faces to the ground! Why then that?! A God
is all-powerful enough to animate the drowned people without
such preparations; but where such genuinely artificial provisions
must be made, in order to possibly bring the drowned back to
life, pure miracle-working has a significant problem! Also the
three drowned who were previously risen from the dead had to
be brought into a room so that the cold night air would not harm
them and they would then have a better and fresher appearance
the next morning! We know that business very well now!”
[5] But Floran asked them about their judgment of Raphael,
who had then performed the most unbelievable miracles.
Certainly, a few stopped and did not know what they should
[6] But nonetheless a main opponent said: “Friend, we know
actually nothing; but that is certainly to be accepted that there
are very many secret and undiscovered powers in nature about
which none of us had ever dreamed. These have made
themselves familiar with it in Egypt and understand how to
restrain the secret natural powers in a way that is totally
unknown to us, so that such suppression of the mute nature must
obviously seem to us lay-people to be the purest miracle. If this
young person showed us the reason and the tangible advantages
and means, we would also be able to perform miracles. Oh the
people can perform very curious things and make the whole of
nature subservient; but they nonetheless cannot make something
out of nothing, only God alone can do that! And that is the great
difference between the all-power of God and the power of
miracles of some enlightened people.
[7] Let that young man only create a new Earth with everything
that is, lives and breathes on it, and he would certainly become
short of breath at such a task! Yes, manipulating the already
existent nature is certainly no particular skill for those who
understand it; but to create a world out of nothing, or even a
piece of grass without seeds, or even a person – but out of
nothing at all! – then it will soon be shown how far the
omnipotence of such people reaches!”
[8] Floran says: “Yes, friend, I would not like to bet a large
piece of gold on it that both these people, if it really has to be,
would not be capable of creating a world out of nothing; I
would truly not like to take a chance!”
[9] Stahar says: “Nor would I; for both have done immense
things already! At the same time such a great wisdom speaks in
both of them in all matters, through which all my knowledge
and all my experiences are completely beaten down; but where
a great wisdom lies visible, God’s spirit is working there for
whom nothing is impossible.
[10] If we look back to everything that was possible for Elijah
and for Moses, we will also be able to understand thereby how
both of them could always put their incomprehensible miracles
through the same all-powerful spirit into action!
[11] Well, what is it then?! If we know that only for the allpowerful
spirit of God things are possible which are impossible
to all men, then the same spirit of God is very easily active
which once called the Earth into existence out of nothing and
later performed the most wonderful things through Moses
and Elijah!
[12] Moreover I must mention something here, and I ask you:
where, apart from in the circles of the children of Israel, did a
people ever exist which would have been deeper in wisdom and
in its power than we, as true descendents of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob?! Who could not have found the true wisdom and power
in the house of Jacob, where else would he have found it?!
Truly I know also something about the secret school of Egypt
and know what was taught there! Yes, this school in Korak
came into the fore-court at the most; but it never into the holy of
holies, the center!
[13] But to both of these men the holy of holies, the innermost
place, which can be seen at the first glance at them, seems to be
as familiar as the inner of a parlor to a housewife. One can
immediately see on the cheerful face of a housewife who takes
care of everything domestic that the parlor is well stocked; and
that one can also see very well with these two however, just by
observing their faces a little and one sees how they are full of
the most cheerful and unworried peace and total lack of
[14] Whoever is equipped with such wisdom and power and can
look at the world with such a truly divine calm, and who frets
for the greatest storm just as little as the first winter which the
father of fathers Adam experienced for us, he is in the holy of
holies, a Lord himself and the freest arbiter! He needs no school
of wisdom in Carnac because the spirit of God has laid a better
one through His Self into the heart! That is my opinion and now
also my firm belief; and that this belief of mine is good, I can
recognize in the fact that I also begin to feel a very divine and
free rest in it, which I have never previously felt or sensed.
[15] As your former leader I cannot order you to believe such
things, it is true, because they can never be commanded; but I
can nonetheless tell you that things are like that, and you with
your Egyptian school are walking in the darkest catacombs
without a guideline!”
[16] At the words by Stahar, the speaker now says to the
opponents, who have now got smaller in number by a few
heads: “Yes, yes, dear friend, you have spoken very
appropriately and correctly, but our objection is only against the
laying out of the nine drowned people according to a doctor’s
demands; for the doctors as well as the experienced boats-men
lay out the drowned in this way, and it often happens that they
already come back to life because of this, for the water comes
out of their lungs through this positioning, and if every little
spark of life has not yet been extinguished in the heart, then life
returns; for the soul is supposed to remain in the body of the
drowned for another three days, therefore then in this way,
which rests on age-old experience, the reanimation of the
drowned is even possible if they have lain in the water for two
full days. Well, if the true spirit of God lives in this Elijah of a
prophet, why does he need this medical preparation?!
[17] According to legend, when Elijah animated a whole pile of
dead bones and clothed them in flesh, he did not need any
medical preparation, but instead his word and his will were
enough. Deeds were previously performed by this Elijah as well
alone through the power of the word; why now such actions
with the nine drowned people, as if he had become devoid of the
power of the divine spirit in Him?!
[18] You see, friend, if you make a tiny dirty spot on an already
thoroughly dirty cloth, it will not stand out to any sharp-seeing
eye; but on a perfectly purely white cloth even a dark spot will
embarrass you! And it is the same with this great prophet in
whose heart the fullness of the divine spirit is supposed to live;
every little thing embarrasses it that does not correspond to the
great most eminent expressions and with the very highest worth
of the divine spirit. If he had only not done that, I would have
been able to consider him to be Jehovah himself, for his
previous speech and deeds were quite of a divine type, but
through this manipulation of the nine drowned people he has
wiped away the whole previous divine nimbus, and I cannot
fully accept it now and never more!”
[19] Stahar says once again, “Friend, if that embarrasses you so,
then I wonder very much how in the end the belief in Jehovah
has not embarrassed you, if you have observed the slow growth
of the plants, animals and people often enough! Why does the
all-powerful spirit of Jehovah need to make such annoying
actions?! For what does He need the trees at all, the bushes and
plants, in order to let various types of fruit gradually become
ripe on them?! If He only wanted it, they would fall from the
clouds to the earth already ripe! Why does He need a field on
Earth?! The spirit of God could prefer to let the purest and ripest
grain rain from the heavens, and even better still, the best and
most tasty bread! Why the procreation of animals and people?!
Why must a man be first born fully helpless and as weak as a
fly?! He could fall to the Earth already strong, wise and
equipped with everything!
[20] Don’t you think that such a thing would be much cleverer
and worthier for the omnipotence of the divine spirit than the
familiar path of dilatoriness, as a consequence of which a
starving child often must observe a tree for weeks until the fruit
becomes ripe on its boughs?! What joy would a couple
concerned about the well-being of their children have, if they
already came into the world with all the wisdom of Samuel?!
Yet they must be born with much pain, and then it needs at least
twelve years until a child has managed to become capable of
higher education, and then it has to use hard work until it comes
of age so that it receives the demanded firmness in some skill or
knowledge. Do you think this appropriate according to the
highest wisdom of the divine spirit?!
[21] But if with all this the endless divine wisdom does not
suffer, how can you now criticize this prophet if he lays the nine
corpses according to the doctor’s order?! Speak now, my
[22] The adversary, who was called Murel, says: “Yes, yes,
friend Stahar, you are right, and I now see the nothingness of
my previous remark! But despite all that there is still something
in what I have just said, and that is the dilatoriness of God
which seems to me very correct in many things, but in many
other things not at all! Yes, in some ways even more could be
dilatory, as for example in destructive lightning and the too
short days in winter; also the full moon should keep its full light
longer than just a few days! If the lightning did not shoot with
such a cruel speed, one could avoid it, and it would then be less
damaging; also the storm winds could blow in slower gusts,
whereby much damage could be avoided! One finds in creation
mostly an enormous power of God, which harms the animated
nature, but where in my judgment a longer, often waiting too
long has no advantage, there is almost never any progress.
[23] Well, every man knows from personal experience that this
is so. But why must it be that way, and why must I then not
recognize it as good, if it is good, and besides become impatient
and annoyed? Why does it often rain when according to the
recognition of all farmers the sunshine would be the greatest
advantage, and why does the sun often shine for months without
any rain in the meantime? Yes, friend, you see, those are sheer
important questions; but who can answer them for me?”
[24] Stahar says: “There, the great Master! Go to Him and I bet
He will shed a correct light on it for you. For your questions are
too much for me, yes, so much that I could almost call them
foolish; but not because they are really foolish, but instead
because they seem foolish to my lack of understanding.”
[25] Murel says: “Oh, you are a cool customer and are much
wiser than I and you bear such a witness to my question!? How
should I step before the very wisest One with this?!”
[26] Stahar says: “Well then, if you see that, do not ask for the
reason of such things and apparitions which God’s wisdom has
decided since eternity! We people understand very endlessly
little, yes, we actually understand nothing at all; for all our
understanding is against the divine wisdom hardly a speck of
sunlight, and he would like to have the justification from God,
why He ordered this and that?! We have not even come up to
the first line of the alpha and already we ask about the omega!
Oh, how blind and foolish we must still be!
[27] In the school at Korak (Carnac) in Egypt among the blind
heathens such a thing can certainly be normal; but among the
children of Israel who are supposed to see, such questions
should certainly not come up. For if the blind do not recognize
themselves, then we should recognize that our recognition has
achieved the highest possible peak of wisdom if we have
reached the opinion that all our knowledge and recognition is
sheer nothingness in comparison with only a spark of divine
[28] Certainly, the pondering spirit of man sees well in the area
of the most wonderful creations of God some things that he
cannot approve too much in the limitation of his understanding;
but then he thinks back to his childhood in which his wise
parents often withheld certain subjects that would have certainly
done him as an inexperienced and frivolous child great harm if
he had known about it! If God’s love and compassion now
withholds some things from us immature and inexperienced
children which, if we knew about them, would certainly bring
us to some great and unforeseeable damage, then we can only
praise and worship God for it! For if we become capable of a
greater wisdom, it will surely not be withheld from us by God!”
[1] Here Cyrenius says to Me: who had listened very attentively
to this rather noisy discussion, “Lord and Master, our leader
Stahar has proven himself! I would not have expected such
wisdom in him! He silenced his adversaries very easily, and it
should be most wondered at that he defeated Murel; for I have
known him as a first class speaker and consider him to be a
person who has made the greatest experience on the dear Earth
in all places and ends and therefore knows how to say much,
and what he says always has a solid basis. I know him because
he constantly came to me as a representative when the Jewish
priesthood had a particular concern. He always knew how to
clothe his petition in a way that one could never completely
refuse it. And therefore I am all the more surprised that Stahar
has now fully defeated this Murel.
[2] I am sure You, oh Lord, also just laid some little word on his
tongue; for otherwise Murel would have been the obvious
victor! Murel also had a point. His suppositions were not
entirely built on sand; but Stahar countered him and showed
him things that naturally stand on much firmer soil.
[3] Actually I must admit that there are men among the Jews,
even in this most degenerate time, the like of whom cannot be
found anywhere else in the world, and I can therefore no longer
be their enemy. But I must in any case give Stahar back a
position in which he should have a very fruitful sphere
according to his wisdom; for he is now completely on Your
[4] I said: “Yes, he is, and I have known for a long time that he
achieve this – but Murel will be even more important; for
Murel’s spirit is one of great firmness, and very many good
useful experiences form the basis of his soul, with whose help
he can differ very well between all the true things from the false
and all the good from evil. This Murel we must awake even
more and show him the only true order of the divine spirit, and
he will then be able to show it to the others with immense
[5] Cyrenius says: “But what surprises me very much about
Your actual disciples here is that they are there as if they were
not here at all! They only listen and always open wide their eyes
in attention, but there is not talking and speaking among them!
Why do they behave so passively then?”
[6] I said: “Because all of them but one already knows very well
what they have to do! Whoever is silent and listens, collects
continually; but whoever speaks himself, scatters and never
comes to real abundance. But if My disciples, who were already
with Me at the beginning, have once collected very much, then
they will also speak, and the salvation will then be announced
through them to the nations of the Earth. There are extremely
wise men among them, although they mostly are poor
[7] But now back to our Murel again! He will still give us a lot
to deal with, but after that he will cross over to a true giant
strength of spirit out of his own self-development.”
[8] Cyrenius says: “I am looking forward to this task very
extraordinarily much; for I always have great joy when some
blind men can see again and the mute can speak.”
[1] While Cyrenius is making such remarks, Murel joins us,
greets Me and says: “Lord and Master, before, only two spoke
for everyone, it was Stahar and Floran; I was silent, it is true,
since I agreed with some things completely – but then there
were other things with which I did not agree or see. Stahar has
now given me a big insight, and I now see much better than I
saw before; but there are nonetheless some things which I still
do not see clearly enough! And since I now think quite
differently about You than I thought before, I would like to
receive some light from You as well.
[2] I was a Pharisee, just like my colleagues, it is true, in as far
as Pharisanism bore my refined notions and insight, and I know
that you are no particular friend of these prophets of the night!
But there are also among this class of people some who have
not yet quite lost all the better spirit, and I have always counted
myself one of them, and under this auspice I then also dared to
come to you and to ask you – not as a Pharisee hated by you,
but instead only as a very simple person enriched by some
experiences – about some things that not only I, but also every
man needs to know.
[3] But there is now a certain pre-question, and this consists of
this: I am a sinful person and you are a saint of God; will you
dignify me with a satisfactory answer?”
[4] I said: “Whoever recognizes his sins as sins and actually
abhors them, loves God above everything else and his neighbors
as himself, is no longer a sinner before Me!
[5] But to love God above everything means to keep His
commandments and not want to live outside the order of God; if
this is case for you, then speak, and I will listen to you and
answer you!”
[6] Murel says: “Then friend, fare you well; for we will have
very few words to exchange with one another! What use is it to
recognize my sins and to abhor them as much as possible?! One
evil hour of temptation comes along and one falls back to the
same place a thousand times over where one has fallen a
thousand times before!
[7] One keeps the commandments of God constantly with a
good will; but the deed is often simply too difficult.
[8] I also always loved my neighbor, if he was no blackguard or
rascal; but if they were the latter, then I obviously did not love
him and was certainly not his friend. If they become honest
people, then I will also love and respect them again, but
otherwise not easily! You now know from my own mouth
which spirit’s child I am. If you will or can dignify me with an
answer, then show me such a thing unashamedly; but if you
cannot, just say so, and I will also be satisfied with that!
[9] Arrogance and willfulness are quite foreign to my mind; but
in any case there is also no fear in me, because I am no
particular friend of any life. So much lies on this life as on the
last plank of Noah’s ark. The non-existence would be much
more preferable to me than this shabby existence!
[10] Why did I have to come into being at all and now continue?
Have I ever been able to ask a god for a creation and an
existence?! I was created without my own will, I now continue
to exist without my will and must have all sorts of laws and
other adversities placed on me, for which I have nothing but a
dubious promise, according to which there should be a less
miserable life with an eternal existence after this miserable life.
In order to be able to take part in this, I should here defeat this
life with all the strong temptations and stand there after the laws
purer than the sun at midday, a condition which cannot be
fulfilled, except if one had just as divine a nature as you, most
respectable friend!
[11] But why all of that?! Away with this life; for one needs
neither a bad, temporal and even less perhaps in the best case
scenario a somewhat better eternal life! The complete
nothingness is the truest bliss in itself!
[12] Ah, if I had certain prospects of an eternal, perfect life, then
things would be quite different! One would know how and why
one must do something in this life so that the following eternal
life would be much better equipped with the highest confidence
expected; but it is never the case!
[13] Wherever one goes, in whichever school one is initiated,
everywhere one finds a blind faith in the society of a fully
unfounded hope rather than a clear opinion. And so the people
have made commandments everywhere for the, let’s say,
possible realization out of the hope springing from the faith they
have, with which they and their fellow men torture themselves
in the often most unbearable way for nothing and again nothing.
[14] I travelled over all of Egypt and sought a clear conviction
for life on the other side! What did I find after all these tortures
of initiation? Nothing – except an artificially created brighter
dream, and they taught me how to analyze the dreams and give
them a mystical and prophetical interpretation which usually
was suitable for all occurrences!
[15] If I were a weak-minded dreamer like many others, such
things would have a particularly great impression on me and I
would believe the foolishness very actively; but as it is, I saw
the foundation of all things immediately, despite all the
illusions, recognized the deceived in myself and the master of
the high school as the trained and willing deceivers who do not
believe even a syllable of what they teach the others.
[16] These people are still the most intelligent; the others who
nonetheless believe something are naturally significantly more
foolish and no longer recognize the bright truth which rests on
countless identical experiences: ‘Man, you are living only from
today to tomorrow!’
[17] I paid the demanded school and initiation fees Korak and
left there with the clearest conviction that I had paid the heavy
tax in vain – that is in comparison with what I actually wanted
to achieve.
[18] On my way I found a person who joined my caravan, who
had been in Persia and even with the Old Believers (Burmese),
about whom he told me miraculous things. We agreed after
three days to travel to the famous old believers via Persia. Our
journey there, coupled with numerous dangers and obstacles,
lasted five whole weeks. There we found a terribly strict-living
nation of penitents, who otherwise were very hospitable and
really took us in with much love. Certainly I had difficulties
with the language; but my leader mastered it, became my
interpreter and could put me in contact with the famous old
believers, who are supposed to descend directly from Noah. In a
short time I had learnt so much of their language that I could
talk with these good people. My inquiry was of course above all
concerned with finding out what their conviction about the
afterlife was.
[19] The answer was: only their highest, immortal priest knew
this, who could talk to God decently and could see also the other
world and everyone who had crossed over. But this priest was
never accessible for any mortal! No one was allowed to near his
residence, except once a year, but only up to half an hour away
from the great cliff on which he showed himself on the Sabbath
morning at the rise of the sun to the mortals for a few moments.
But they all had to believe and hope, if they keep the martially
unbearable laws; but if any of them sinned, he had to do
atonement which would make even Satan shiver!
[20] Several such atoners were shown to me, the sight of which
made me leave my senses! What happens in the schools of
Egypt more seemingly – only to awaken fear and terror – even
worse happens there in naked reality! And why do these people,
these most foolish animals, do all this? Simply for the sake of
hope of a better future life!
[21] They force themselves into a false hope so firmly that they
even consider these evil deceptions of their poor souls in the end
to be the most undeceiving truth!
[22] Unfortunately the priests contribute here everything,
because such a deception of the people always gives them a
respectable life. The people are foolish in abundance and
therefore allow such a deception happen to them. But this has
not been the case with me for a long time; I want either certainty
or a releasing death!
[23] I left the old believers after a torture-filled year and went
home with a Persian caravan, that is, to Jerusalem, and soon
became a Levite and then a Pharisee1 in the temple and soon
after I came here, where I have now been in the service as a
Jewish priest for eleven years.
[24] I have certainly not made the people more foolish than they
already were, neither through words nor deeds, but I have also
not made them any wiser; for I thought to myself: whoever is
happy in his foolishness should be left alone! For one gives him
nothing better even with the most proven truth! – I have now
shown you how I actually think and what my intentions are.
1 Varizaer = protector, shepherd.
[25] If the laws made by man, which are hard to keep, decide
about a person whether he is innocent or a criminal, then I am
obviously a sinner before your legally purest being and can and
may not argue with your holiness.
[26] If the law made by man was not before you or before me,
but instead man alone, as he is in his nature, then you can just as
well argue with me as I with you, despite your divinity, which is
actually none of my business! But therefore expect neither
thanks from me nor any honor – even if you were Jehovah
Himself; for then I am his work and see no reason at all why I
should fear you or love you or honor you!
[27] Ah, if I had been able to ask you for an existence, then the
circumstances would be quite different, even if I were a friend
of life; but I have become an enemy of life because I found the
poor, honest humanity constantly lingering under the most
miserable pressure from all sorts of foolish and empty laws.
Only people who understood right from the very beginning how
to oppress their fellow man are happy, because they know how
to lift themselves above every law.
[28] These people pulled the wool over the eyes of their poor
fellow men through all sorts of prophesies about the afterlife, so
that they themselves could lead a good life here all the more
freely. I know these things and know what I have to think and
expect from a future afterlife. Therefore I also have no fear –
neither of the all-powerful God, nor even less of any great and
powerful world ruler.
[29] I do not fear God because He must obviously be too wise a
being for it to be truly a pleasure to torture a poor worm in the
dirt that He, if He was tired of it, could destroy a thousand times
over with the slightest breath of His mouth. As a highly wise
being God cannot reasonably demand any honor or worship and
also no love from me, because, without me asking or demanding
it, He brought me into this miserable existence, which teaches
me to hope for a happiness in the afterlife through the mouth of
domineering and profit-seeking people, and I am supposed to
consider this teaching as sheer truth, while thousands upon
thousands of experiences on all sides tangibly show me the most
complete opposite and the great nature shout loudly out of every
grave: Man, your whole life lasts only from today to tomorrow!
[30] You can see that there is nothing that can be done for me
with the old reputed faith and with its comforting companion of
dear hope, nothing at all! Therefore give me the truth that will
feel alive in me like this existence of mine and I will be able to
do without every faith as well as every empty hope!
[31] Wise and powerful man of Jehovah do not give us any long
and shiny teeth that afterwards do not get anything to bite! I
would not have harried you so much, wise friend, if I had not
taken from your previous speech and teaching that the truth
lives in you and you are also one who means honesty with the
poor humanity.
[32] However, should You have a different reason, then leave
me with the truth which I have learned hard and bitter through a
thousand findings.”
[1] I said: “Friend, if you have lost something and you then seek
it in a foreign place where you have lost nothing, and stop there
however if you do not find the lost item and you wonder why
you after such long searching and all industriousness and much
sacrifice nonetheless have found nothing – even if you are a
clever and sober man, in this case you would truly not be it!
[2] Behold, right at the beginning of your recognition you found
Moses and all the prophets quite empty, spiritless and truthless,
you considered them to be something like a vain work of man,
you had never even taken the time to look into the spirit of the
Scriptures, you preferred to waste time and money in order to
seek the truth where it never was not to be found!
[3] So you found yourself deceived everywhere and found
nothing but lies, hypocrisy and thickest deception. Your many
experiences were therefore also necessarily bitter and were no
good to you up until this day, except that they made you even
hate life and took away all your love and respect and honor
for God.
[4] But if you had sought the truth only in the right place, you
would have certainly found it long ago, just as many before you
found it!
[5] Believe Me, the truth does not demand any belief in the way
that you call it belief, also no empty, insubstantial hope, but
instead it creates in the innermost life a confidence as bright as
the sun, and let’s no tiny doubt over the coming life! The fullest
and most tangible conviction lives in your spirit, if it becomes
awake through the love for God and for your neighbor!
[6] But of course neither in the heathen school in Korak in
Egypt, or even less among the old fools in India can such a
thing be found!
[7] That all lies much closer to man and is for every industrious
seeker very easy to achieve; but he must seek it there where it
can be found – otherwise every effort and work is in vain! One
never harvests grapes and figs from thorns and thistles, and the
corn does not grow in puddles and quagmires.
[8] You also said that you owe God neither love nor fear nor
even thanks, in that you have never asked Him to give you
existence! If your spirit were already awake, it would certainly
have shown you what you owe God, the Father of all people.
Your flesh and your blood know truly just as little of it as your
tunic knows when you are hungry.
[9] Here at this table however you will find a certain Philopold
from Kane in Samaria. He thought just like you several weeks
ago, and his words resembled yours too. Discuss with him, and
you will come into some light; but then I would like to give you
the right light, and it will then be seen whether God is worth any
true and faithful love from you or not! But there opposite Me
sits the man with whom you should talk! Go over and follow
My advice; he will certainly do you more good than the school
at Korak!”
[10] Murel now heads towards Philopold, going round the long
table, and says: “The master has now sent me to you in order to
have some light shed on something by you that worries me very
much. Tell me therefore something good and true!”
[11] Philopold says: “Friend, I have heard everything that you
have said before us all in the face of the Lord! I recognized that
I once did not think and speak much differently; but the reason
lay in me myself. I also sought where I had never lost anything;
but where I had lost something, I did not seek there and
therefore found nothing either. Only when this Lord and Master
from above and from eternity came to us, my eyes were opened!
I realized who I am and why and I also realized what man is at
all, and why he is there! And now, friend, everything is light in
me, and no dubious doubt shadows my brightly-lit being any
longer! Therefore it will certainly soon be the same with you!”
[1] Here Murel asks Philopold to give him a satisfactory
explanation. At this Philopold says: “My friend and my dear
brother! You have experienced much and you came even to the
Indians and to the countries that lie very far beyond the Ganges,
right to the mountains on which no mortal has set foot, and you
went so far into Egypt to where the Nile rages and roars over the
cliffs. The old cliff temple of Ja bu sim bil was not unknown to
you, and you heard the columns of Mem’n’on sound on a
morning. You observed the old hieroglyphs and you sought to
decode the even older horn writings.
[2] The teachers from Korak should have explained everything
to you since you wanted to pay them abundantly for it; but they
nonetheless did not do it, because they could not do it. For the
wise men and educated people of Egypt of today are not a shade
of those who were the founders of such schools and temples in
the days of the old Varaons. They care for the old wisdom even
less than the scribes and Pharisees in Jerusalem, and the
Burmese are even worse off. They have gone over to such
ascetics, that it is a shame for humanity, and what is this
ascetics other than an unlimited arrogance on the one hand and
for that reason an unlimited foolishness on the other!?
[3] The people once possessed also the true wisdom, as father
Noah possessed it; but in time, as the families had grown to one
nation that obviously had to have more needs than a small
family, the physical powers of people were taken too much into
demand for anyone to be able to occupy himself with inner
wisdom alone.
[4] The peoples elected from among them the wisest, gave them
the holy business and obliged them to ensure that the
recognition of God was always kept upright and the inner
wisdom did not get lost, but instead that it remained among
them and their children.
[5] At the same time the people took the right of the
representatives and keepers and guardians of wisdom to
command laws according to wisdom, for the sanction of which
the whole nation from the first to the last stands as guarantor
and executor, and so that the sinners against such holy laws
should be most severely chastised.
[6] At the beginning of such an institution things went quite
well and had a beneficial effect. But later on the priesthood
expanded and needed much for their physical upkeep. Then
soon new laws and commandments came out under the mystical
title of coming from God. Things began to swarm with fines and
atonements and all sorts of miracle-like deceptions, and also the
methods of relief were not forgotten; whoever wanted to be
freed from the fines at the transfer of some supposed divine law,
had to pay a barely affordable ransom. The poor people of
course had to forget about the atonement, and take the martial
example. That things there are even worse today is obvious!
[7] And look, friend, there you went to find the truth and the
deepest wisdom!? It is understandable that you could not
possibly find it there, just as that you had to become a proper
enemy of life; but that it did not occur to you to investigate the
scriptures yourself as a priest and person educated in the
scriptures, whether and how much truth and wisdom was hidden
there, and whether one could reach an inner outlook on life
according to the rules of the old school of prophets, that is a
little incomprehensible to me!
[8] I was certainly not much better off than with the recognition
of the truth, and my wisdom consisted mostly of Greek
philosophy, although I considered the divine scriptures of the
Jews higher – but I was lacking in the basic principles, therefore
this magnificent tree could not bear fruit with me.”
[1] (Philopold:) “When the priceless chance to meet this divine
Master was given to me a number of weeks ago, immediately all
the dull clouds disappeared and the sun of divine life shone in
my soul! I finally recognized in this holy light my being and the
being of God; only then I finally saw what I owe God, the only
Holy Father, He who has always been the purest love through
all eternity.
[2] I recognized myself entirely and realized that I had entered
into a very strange contract with the divine spirit in order to
become the child of God before my birth on this Earth, which
alone in all infinity has the designation to bear the children of
God for the conception and raising according to the eternal
order of God’s love.
[3] Look up, all the countless stars are worlds very much greater
and more magnificent than this Earth, and on each of these
worlds you can find people who completely resemble us in
form, and you can find great wisdom everywhere among them,
and they also do not fully lack love; but they come into the
world, almost like the animals of this Earth, already complete
and do not need to learn everything that they want to know and
should know right from the beginning. The language is one and
the same almost everywhere, and there are very distinct limits to
its understanding; but everywhere the recognition reaches the
highest spirit of God, a recognition which is more a guessing
than recognition.
[4] In short, you can find people on all the countless planets
who are almost fully the same as the better heathens of this
Earth, only with the difference that the people on the planets
basically do not invent anything new; but what is there is in the
highest perfection possible, while the heathens can always
invent something new and therefore the way to an endless, ever
progressing completion is not and in no way limited.
[5] But on the great worlds (suns, planets etc.) there are also
wise men here and there who from time to time meet with
higher spirits and learn about the deeper recognition of God.
Then it happens from time to time that here and there the desire
appears in a more enlightened person to also become a child
of God!
[6] For on all the worlds the wise men know through the higher
spirits which are revealed to them that there is one world in the
wide creation on which the people are the children of God, and
that a soul, once it has become loose of its body in its world, can
enter that happy world (earth) anew but in a very rough physical
body. But from that moment on, when someone seriously
expresses the desire, everything is explained to him/her in great
detail what he/she will have to experience on this world.
[7] For one, all memory of the previous good status will be
removed from the soul in a way so that it will, in the new world,
born into the physical world by a woman with an imperfect
body, in an almost unconscious, lowest animal like situation
where is not even in a position to give the very least account of
its new existence. Only gradually, after about a year, a new
consciousness begins to develop out of the images, events and
perceptions that have been acquired through the senses; memory
and the fresh recall of perceptions are then the only pointers and
helpers on the new path of this earthly life. There no higher
spirits are sent by God to lead the child to a higher and deeper
recognition, but instead the parents must strive with their own
personal experiences to bring the child onto a better path. The
child must then learn a lot, must begin to decide itself, must
seek and beg, must bear fear, hunger, thirst, all sorts of pain and
lack, must let itself be humiliated to the very last point of life,
and in the end of such a life then a painful and serious illness
usually comes to take the life of the flesh person.
[8] Once the person has fulfilled all the demanded and
prescribed conditions for life, if he has loved God above all else
and his neighbor more than himself – even if he had persecuted
him like the worst enemy – then he has activated the light of the
spirit of God laid in the heart of his soul and awoken it in order
to grow.
[9] Only from then on does the God grow in man, penetrates the
soul, makes it equal, and so the previous natural person has
become a child of God from out of the deepest mud of
nothingness who can rejoice in such a perfected condition of all
those perfections which are in God Himself.
[10] Look, friend Murel, as I have just informed you now, as
generally and as short as possible, in this way will it be
presented to a person in a world of stars; and if he then demands
it completely and dead serious, he will become free of the light
body in a second and, just as quickly, unconsciously brought to
conception on this Earth, and there such a man already stands
before you like you and I.
[11] Knowing this now, do you know whether we, before we
came to this Earth, had not made a voluntary contract with the
Lord God?
[12] But God keeps the word unchanged from His eternal order,
nothing can change His sense; but whether we also have done
the same according to the Law that He Himself gave for all
people through Moses and through the original fathers of this
Earth and also wrote in the heart of every person, that is another
[13] We will certainly observe it from now on, which I do not
doubt; but it is not thanks to our effort but to the single mercy of
God. Tell me now whether you are satisfied with my little
[1] Murel says: “Listen, friend Philopold, you have disclosed
things for me which no person had an idea about before! Those
are all wonder upon wonders; but tell me in complete
seriousness whether that is not perhaps one of your fantasies?
For it seems so strange and extraordinary like any of the first
fables of heathen belief.
[2] But it can also be completely true, what I am not in a
position to judge, since my knowledge of the stars is certainly
my weakest point! But whoever could imagine that the stars,
these little sparks of light in heaven, are worlds, and greater
even than our Earth, which no man has ever seen all of?!
[3] I beg you, confirm this for me; for you have awoken in me a
too powerful desire to learn more now about this highly
memorable matter! One cannot find any trace of this in Moses –
yes not even a hint; for there is not even a syllable in his
Creation story. Actually no one can make head or tail of his
Genesis and what he wanted to say in it!”
[4] Philopold says: “Friend! Whoever understands Moses
correctly can find even that in it; but there it takes more than
what one has put into his memory in the most direct sense! But
whoever ever loved God above all else, the spirit of God would
have given him the right light on the matter and he would then
know that Moses’ Genesis is not so much the actual creation of
worlds, but actually above all just the spiritual up-bringing and
education of the entire human being and his free will, going in
and beyond the divine order. Whoever understands that and sees
it, also then sees the other, because it can be found on the path
of the most unmistakable analogy, what I could show you most
tangibly myself. But for that the time today would be too short.
[5] But I have something else, which was given into my hands
from above as undeniable proof through the wonderful mercy of
the Lord, who is truly here in our midst even in the flesh, as all
the prophets announced quite faithfully.
[6] In those days as now a spirit of an angel dressed with an
ethereal body is among us, that is as the Lord visited us in Kane
from Kis. This angel loosened the blinds from the eyes of my
soul at the behest of the Lord, and immediately afterwards the
full consciousness of my previous, or better, my other-world
being returned into my whole being.
[7] Immediately I recognized the magnificent great world in
which I had lived and acted before this existence on this Earth
in the flesh; yes, I even saw my parents and dear brothers and
sisters who were still living and acting there in the flesh, and the
angel even fetched me some of my our utensils here to this
Earth which I immediately recognized as the undeniable
genuine gadgets.
[8] When such an enormous spiritual light was lit for me, I saw
then very well everything that I owed God the Lord and now
even the most loving Father!
[9] Only then I understood the value of my life and also that of
all humans and now I can never enough commend, love and
praise the Lord God and all my fellow men.
[10] But prior to this miraculous act I was an enemy of life like
you were, but I am already now convinced that you will soon be
and think like now think and am,
[11] The greatest, most reliable witness among them is the Lord
Himself, however, who sent you to me so that you would learn
from me whether a person then should owe the Lord God
neither praise nor love, in your opinion!”
[1] Murel says: “I thank you, my deeply awakened friend and
brother Philopold! You have now given me such a revelation
about which probably even Solomon in his highest wisdom
never dreamed! The issue is so extremely extraordinary that
every thinker would have to doubt it right from the start,
because not even a spark of an idea exists in our external human
intellect; but nonetheless I cannot have even the smallest doubt
any longer. For if things were not founded on your sober
personal experience, you could not possibly have told it to me,
because such a thing, as long as the Earth carries the people,
could never have been thought up by a person and you could
also never have thought it if you had not been led by the clearest
experience. For such a thing is not pulled out of thin air; it is a
very highest, most wonderful revelation from above, and I
accept it as obviously true as if I had experienced it myself.
[2] But tell me now a little bit about the worlds of the stars; for I
still cannot imagine how these tiny lights can be worlds!”
[3] Philopold says: “Yes, dear friend, that will be a little
difficult because you still have no understanding about this
earthly world of ours and have no idea how it all looks and how
it placed in comparison to the other worlds! I have to tell you
therefore how this Earth looks and how it is placed and you will
then be able to have a better idea about the other worlds.”
[4] Here Philopold described to Murel the whole Earth, like a
genuine Professor of Geography, and gave him proof based on
events and experiences that Murel had certainly made on his
long journeys. He showed him also the reasons deriving,
through which the night and day on the Earth always had to
change regularly one after the other, and besides he explained to
him the moon, its nature, distance and designation, as well as
the other planets which belong to the sun.
[5] When he had come to end with these explanations,
illuminated as clearly bright as possible, only then he moved on
to the fixed stars and continued:
[6] “You have now learnt about the existence of our Earth, the
moon, the sun and the other planets around it as perfectly as is
possible in such a short period of time, and you can no longer
have any doubt about the “so, and in no other way”; and I can
only say to you that all the greater and smaller spots of light in
the sky are also nothing other than pure, extremely large sun
worlds, some of which are hardly believably larger than this sun
of ours, about whose size you almost became dizzy.
[7] But that they seem so small to us is a consequence of their
distance from here. If you can imagine the great distance of our
sun from the Earth four times a hundred thousand times greater,
then you have the actual distance of the next fixed star from our
sun. And from this you can easily see the reason why they seem
so small to our physical eyes, since even our sun, which is so
large, in order to encompass a thousand times a thousand of our
Earth’s quite easily in itself, seems to us hardly as large as the
palm of our hands.
[8] Other fixed stars, which we also see, are so unspeakably far
away from us that we do not even have numbers to describe
their distance. If you have now understood all that, it will be
very clear to you how the little spots of light can very well be
enormously large worlds, even if they don’t appear to the
human eye to be what they are! Have you understood all this?”
[1] Says Murel: “Friend, I am now relieved and fully in the clear
about everything that was previously unclear to me; but I also
see now that a person without an extraordinary support from
God would never in all eternity have managed anything! Who
can make such a clear look into the endlessly great house
accommodation of God except a spirit from heaven?! Only the
spirit of God can see through such matters and then reveal them
to us people who are at least of a good will. But if the people
wanted to discover something with their mind without a
revelation from above, they would certainly never discover
anything from eternity to eternity except something foolish and
banal; but God the Lord and our Father of all cares for His
children and allows good things come to them from heaven if
they thirst after it!
[2] Oh, therefore now all praise and my love to Him, the only
truly good and holy greatest benefactor of mankind! How
eminent and great is the bright thought which like a sun is rising
out of the darkness of night in my heart!
[3] We people on this Earth are all brothers and sisters, and the
holy, good Father leads us through His all-powerful and wisest
disposition towards the most eminent holy goal!
[4] Oh, brother Philopold, what a never-repayable service you
have done for me! How can I, or how should I repay you?!
Friend, if I from now on had to live as long as Methuselah and
all temples and catacombs of the earthly-human wisdom were at
my disposal, in the end I would know hardly as much about all
the truths you have now revealed to me as I knew about them
when you began to reveal the miracles to me! Now hardly an
hour has gone, and I now stand illuminated like Moses on Sinai,
when the flames of the light of God flickered high above his
head and he was literally penetrated through and through with
body and soul by the divine wisdom!
[5] Oh, how good I feel now in this holy and true light of God!
Yes, but how should I begin to praise and worship Him who
first awoke you forcefully so that you were now in the position
to awaken me so very powerfully and brightly?! Is it ever
possible for a human tongue to pronounce words that would be
worthy of Him?! No, no, never! Here every mortal tongue must
fall silent when the living Word starts to blaze in the most
powerful flames of the newly-awakened love to God, the Holy
[6] Oh, how endlessly great and eminent are You, holy Master,
above us now! Who understands You entirely?! Not us people,
and neither eternity!
[7] Since You, holy Master, know about such things about
which only He can know who created them, then I said: if You,
holiest Father, are clothed in the flesh before us, then my heart
recognizes You nonetheless! You are quite the same who gave
Your chosen people the holy commandments of life through
Moses on Sinai and always spoke to the people through the
mouth of the holy prophet! You are the prophesied one and now
fulfill the great Word of God of Your eternal fatherly love to
Your now still weak and immature children. Oh let us soon
become manly and strong, and out of our hearts and out of our
immortal mouth a praise shall be brought to You, the like of
which heaven has never brought to You, oh holiest Father!
[8] Oh Earth, you are small as a world in comparison with the
great worlds there above which rotate in their endlessly great
and wide orbits in the immeasurable creation – but how great
you are now in comparison with all those above, since you
alone now carry Him whom they all cannot grasp!
[9] Oh, all you brothers, why do you still tarry to rise and praise
him above all, since you must now know as well as I who is
before you?! And should you perhaps not fully know, than I tell
you all: Here is He, the Lord, the Father of eternity; heaven and
Earth are filled to overflowing with His great and eternal
magnificence! Praise Him, praise Him with me, and help, you
who have already been made powerful in His great mercy and
[10] At this I say to Murel: “It is enough, it is perfectly enough,
My dearest friend Murel! I knew you for a long time and knew
well what was hidden in you. Because you have understood so
much in such a short time, you will also understand even more!
[11] But now come here to Me and drink out of the cup from
which I have drunk, a purest wine; afterwards you will realize
quite different things to what have just been revealed to you by
friend Philopold! So come to Me!”
[12] Murel says: “Oh, you call of calls, you voice of voices, you
word of words, for the first time recognized and understood by
my stupidity! Who can resist You if he has recognized You in
his heart?! Oh, how eminent, holy, great and lovely, and how so
very familiar You sound out of the holy mouth of the Father to
the weak children who have been so long exiled from Your
heart! How many thousand upon thousand blessings flood to me
with a breath from the mouth of Him who once thundered out
the ‘Let There Be” into endless space, at which it then began to
rain and to move through all the endless spaces which eternity
cannot conceive and will never conceive!
[13] Tremble and shake now everything in me which ever lent
me power for a sinful deed; but you, my new-born heart, rejoice
and jubilate! For behold, your creator, your God and Father has
called you; therefore follow the call of this voice which
breathed life into your fibers!
[14] Oh voice of the father, what a pleasant sound you are to the
ear of the childish love in the heart of a child awoken from a
deadly sleep!”
[1] After these truly meaningful words Murel approached Me
and sobbed and wept with joy. When he came to Me, he said
loudly to Stahar and Floran: “Come here too, and open your
eyes which are still very dim! You may have gone further than I
in the fore-court of the temple and have taken me with you as a
friend to where you were already; but here there is more than
your courtyard, this is the true holy of holies!”
[2] I said: “Be what it may; take the beaker and drink! For you
have now spoken much and are therefore quite dry in your
throat. Therefore wet your breast with the wine of truth and
love, so that you will become strong and a useful tool for Me to
fight against night and its consequences!
[3] Behold, the night has been transformed into the brightest day
here, it is true; but all around us the deepest night floats over the
souls of the people and it will take more and stronger light in
order to drive away the darkness of night; and you shall serve
Me as a strong torch!”
[4] At this Murel takes the beaker with a joyful heart which was
full, and empties it down to the last drop. Full of astonishment
at the extraordinary quality of the wine he says quite
enthusiastically: “Oh you most magnificent of wines that I have
ever drunk! You were truly never pressed from the grapes of
this earth and were never matured in a skin, but instead you
were created for the Lord of magnificence of all heaven from
heaven itself! Oh tell me how we have deserved that You
dignify us with such an incomprehensibly great mercy and
[5] I said: “The reason is the powerful bond between the Father
and His children, and again like a bond between bride and
[6] I in My eternal spirit am your Father of eternity; but in this
flesh of Mine I am nonetheless like a bridegroom, and you are
all like My dear bride – through the fact that you accept My
word and My teaching and believe it actively in your hearts that
I am the One, the promised One who should come in order to
free all people from the old sin that is a creation from hell, and
to open to them the way to eternal life and to the true childhood
of God.
[7] Truly I tell you: Whoever believes in Me and keeps My
word in deed, he is like a bride of heaven in Me and I in him as
a true groom of eternal life. But whoever is in Me and I in him,
he will never see, feel or taste death in the future!
[8] Whoever believes in Me and loves Me and thereby keeps
My easy commandment of pure love, it is he who recognizes
Me also in the fullest light of his heart as the Father! And to him
will I Myself come always and will reveal Myself to him, and
he will be taught and led by Me in the future, and I will lend
his will the power that all elements should obey him in cases of
real need!
[9] In the real world My people will not celebrate any shining
triumphs; for all people of this Earth are not casually My
children, but instead children of the prince of lies, night and
darkness. These do not love My light and will not love those
who bring My light to them; but My followers should not resent
them, for the triumph in My kingdom is reserved for them!
[10] I tell you that you will have to put up with some
persecution and despising from the real world from time to time
for My name’s sake; but it will then be the complete opposite in
My kingdom, of which you can be completely assured, and your
willpower will also be covered with great shame on this side,
and you will frolic in secret for the sake of My name! For you
know who I am and what I can give you all; the world, the
terrible adversary of light and of My love, does not know it and
will also never get to know it!
[11] But you know it, and here on this spot it is coming into
fulfillment what the prophet Isaiah prophesied:
‘On this mountain the Lord Zebaoth will provide for all peoples
a feast of rich food and pure wines, of fat, of marrow, rich food
and wine without yeasts.
(On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich
food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats
and the finest of wines - NIV).
And on this mountain he will remove the veil that covers all
peoples, the blanket that covers all heathens;
(On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all
peoples, the sheet that covers all nations);
He will destroy death forever. The Lord God will wipe away the
tears from all faces; The dishonor of his people he will remove
from the whole earth; for the Lord has said so.
(He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will
wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace
of his people from all the earth. The Lord has spoken).
On that day and on this mountain the peoples will exclaim
“Behold this is our God, for whom we are waiting; and He alone
will help us all. Yes here truly is the Lord for whom we are
waiting so that we rejoice and be happy in His salvation! The
hand of the Lord rests on this mountain!”
(In that day they will say: “Surely this is our God; we trusted in
him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us
rejoice and be glad in his salvation”).
[12] But Moab (Jerusalem and its evil ways) will be trodden
down as straw is trodden down in the dung.
(But Moab will be trampled under him as straw is trampled
down in the manure).
He will stretch forth his hands among them as a swimmer
extends his hands to swim. He will bring low their pomp as his
hands (angels) sweep over them.
(They will spread out their hands in it, as a swimmer spreads
out his hands to swim. God will bring down their pride despite
the cleverness of their hands).
The high-walled fortress (self-love and arrogance) He will bend,
and strike it down level with the earth, into the very dust
(greatest humiliation). (Is. 25: 6-12).
(He will bring down your high fortified walls and lay them low;
he will bring them down to the ground, to the very dust).’
[13] Behold, what Isaiah prophesied on this spot, on this
mountain at the sea, when he came to Galilee that is now
coming true before your very eyes! Count all the nations that are
represented here, and the thick veil will be taken from
everyone’s eyes, and to everyone a purest wine without yeast
will be given, and whoever drinks it and takes up its spirit into
his soul, will have taken eternal life into himself, and will be the
same for everyone that is here and that enjoys My word as the
purest wine from heaven, and who will get to drink it in the
future and will consume it like you in great mouthfuls, their
death will also be consumed by Me and they will never more
feel or taste death!
[14] Yes, this wisdom is a fat meal, that I have prepared in your
nation here on Earth – yes, you are fed and satisfied here with
the meat of deepest wisdom and eternal truth.
[15] But now go over there if there is no lack of just and great
provision, to the whole world to the lost brothers and sisters and
to all the widows and orphans and dry their tears from their
faces, and give them richly to drink from this purest wine that I
have given you to drink here in abundance!
[16] But the time when you should do such a thing will be
shown to you all through My spirit in you. If you then act in My
name truly and faithfully, My spirit, My being, will always and
eternally be with you all.
[17] From now on you will not have to think what you should
say in My name; for at the right time it will be laid in your heart
and in your mouth.
[18] The spirit of this wine, which I gave you to drink, will
never volatilize from your souls; for it is called eternal truth.
Therefore falsehood will never be able to seize a place within
you, for in this wine lies eternal truth. The falsehood is death,
ruin and an eternal judgment; but the truth itself is life, and I am
this Myself in you, and I am in all eternity the truth, the light,
the path and the life itself!
[19] Whoever therefore has Me in their heart, has everything;
for apart from Me there is eternally no other truth or life!
Tell Me now, Murel, above all, if this is all plausible and clear
to you!”
[1] Says Murel: “Oh Lord! How could that not be clear to me?!
For the wine that I received to drink was likewise without yeast
like this doctrine of Yours; and I now say to You too that I have
completely understood Isaiah this time, for the first time in my
life! This spiritual wine had no yeast for me any longer and
certainly neither for all those who have taken part in this rich
spiritual meal; and from the wine of the prophet which has been
fully refined through You, oh Lord, I have now recognized You,
oh Lord, quite clearly as well and I now understand how I
belong to those who call on this mountain: You, oh Lord, are
our God for whom we have been longing, and You now truly
help us, and therefore we are helped for eternity! But Moab has
also been thoroughly thrashed; it now lies there like empty
straw and like the dirt that the worms and flies have gnawed
away. Oh, what an unspeakable joy that is for my poor soul
which has thirsted after truth for so long, but here was richly
repaid for all the efforts that were a burden for the discovery of
the purest truth!
[2] Yes, Lord, You alone are our God and Lord, and besides
You there is eternally no other! To You alone therefore be all
our love in eternity! And also to you, dear brother Philopold, my
everlasting thanks; for you first opened my eyes so that I could
see what I otherwise was seeking in vain in all the places and
ends of the Earth!
[3] But now a great favor from You, oh Lord, from us all! Since
You have let Yourself be found by us, so never leave us, Your
children, again, lest our descendents will have to seek You for
another thousand years without being able to say: ‘Oh Lord, we
have found You again! Oh Lord, we have found You again!’
This we all most urgently ask of You, oh Lord.”
[4] I said: “In My Word, which is My Spirit and My love, I shall
from now on remain with the men of good will until the end of
the world. You can all be assured of this.
[5] But not ever in this My physical body composed of matter,
which I shall finally transfigure in accordance with eternal
[6] For I have through this body taken upon Myself all judgment
and death, and this body must for three days be given over to
death so that henceforth your souls will have eternal life.
[7] For this My body is the representative of your souls. It must
give up its life so that your souls may live, and this given up life
will be to the benefit of your souls forever.
[8] But on the third day also this My body will resume life,
wholly transfigured, and the abundance of My eternal Spirit will
then penetrate you and lead you into all truth.
[9] Only in this truth will you, like My body, be transformed in
your hearts and your souls, and you will yourselves take freely
and independently the eternal life from the abundance of My
Spirit. Only then will you become, be and remain truly God's
children forever.
[10] But now you are all only being prepared for it. Listen to
My voice and hear My word!
[11] Nobody will ever come to Me in My Kingdom unless he is
drawn by the Spirit out of Me. But who is the Spirit? This is the
Father of Eternity Who will draw you to Me.
[12] This Spirit has no name, but His essence is love. If you
have this, you have also the Spirit – and if you have the Spirit,
you have also Me; for I, the Father and the Spirit are One.
[13] Therefore strive for love for God and for your neighbor,
particularly to those closest neighbors who are poor and need
physical and spiritual help, and you will awake with this love
the love for God, particularly if you do not look at the world and
its slack judgment; for whoever of you is ashamed of his poor
brothers and sisters for the sake of the world and will flee from
them in order to seem to have a respectable reputation, he will
not be recognized or accepted by Me!
[14] In short, I say to you: Whoever is ashamed of My poor
brothers and sisters for the sake of the wicked world, of him I
also shall be ashamed!
[15] But whoever will recognize My spirit also in the poor, I
will also recognize him eternally as My child! Let that be told to
all of you! But now we want to take a three-hour strengthening
rest in this place!”
[1] My disciples were probably the first to fall asleep, the
Romans were also tired; everyone made a pillow of their arm,
lent on the table and slept as if on the softest bed. But our Murel
and Philopold did not go to sleep, but instead they withdrew a
little and discussed the whole night everything that had
[2] Our Mathael also joined the two and said: “I cannot possibly
sleep now after all I have experienced and seen here in the last
two days. Just think, three days ago I was still possessed by a
legion of devils and was, although certainly unknowingly, the
most feared bandit!
[3] Wherever I was suspected of being, no caravan would dare
to cross the path, and whoever fell into my hands, certainly did
not continue his bleak journey on unhurt! And now I am the
son-in-law of king Ouran and co-regent of the great land on the
Pontus up to the kingdom of the Scythians! The kingdom
reaches from the Pontus to the Caspian Sea over a great
mountain range. Is that not a wonder above all wonders?! Yes,
things happen here that no man anywhere else on Earth can
[4] But there is now a great question to be asked, and this
consists quite simply of this: Will people understand it and keep
it pure, the people who either live very far away from here, or
who will live very far away from now according to time? For
even if the religion is so pure and true, one will probably
consider it to be the expression of a great prophet – but to accept
that God Himself in the flesh and blood of a person taught this,
that will be a heavy and shaky doctrine, especially since He is
supposedly the natural son of a certain Mary, who later became
the wife of a carpenter called Joseph! Well, such things have
been known manifold among the people, and it is therefore
difficult to give the nation the certain human feeling concerning
the Lord, although there is no longer any doubt in us.
[5] We are completely convinced that there is nothing in Him
which resembles us natural human beings except for His
external form alone; body, soul and spirit is God! For one can
say: In Him is the fullness of the Godhead in physical form! For
He only needs to desire something and it happens in an instant.
[6] The greatest and most tangible proof for His divinity,
however, lies in His words and in the angel who constantly
stands in His service and who commits deeds before the eyes of
all those present that are less explicable for a mortal than
Philopold’s explanation of the world of stars.
[7] In short, for us, who see, it is the holiest extraordinariness in
broad daylight; for we have the screaming proof in greatest
[8] But this will not be able to happen everywhere or always
that way. But I already noticed here that some people still have
difficulty, despite all the screaming proof, to see the divine
being of the Lord and to understand; and I also saw that the
clarifying word always works more wonders concerning the
realization of the Lord and His purely divine majesty than the
greatest miracle. The reason seems to lie in the fact that we are
already so used to the ever puzzling real or artificial miracles in
these days that they actually demand no particular amazement
any longer.
[9] In particular in the last circa sixty years since the Romans
became our masters the land has simply been swarming with
magicians and miracle-workers! The person who is
inexperienced in secret magic now throws a true and an
artificial miracle quite easily together in the same cooking pot,
makes no distinction between true and false – and nor can he,
because he is lacking in all the elements needed to recognize it.
So it happens very easily then that a miracle can never make the
same effect as a clear word.
[10] In brief, one obviously has a greater effect through the
correct awakening of human understanding than through any
sort of miracle!”
[1] (Mathael:) “Yes, for us the extraordinary deeds are already a
very powerful proof, because we now possess enough awakened
understanding to differentiate all that is wrong from what is true
at first sight!
[2] For the conjuring tricks of the magicians have been known
to us for a long time, and nothing brings much new to light; but
these deeds here demand more than simply a magician from
Egypt or from Persia, these demand God’s limitless creative
power and a never-ending depth of wisdom, they demand the
original and basic priority of the divine spirit, whose willpower
keeps all the spirits and all the worlds in check like a good
horseman reigns in his team of horses who he more or less pulls
and forces his otherwise unruly animals to act according to
his will.
[3] So the fullest primary divinity is visible, while it can never
be visible with the magicians, because it never is and never was
there. But we can also accept that our forefathers must have
performed many miracles through the divine power in them; for
without the true miracles the false ones would never have
[4] But now we have once again seen quite perfectly true
miracles before our very eyes; but I do not want to be a bad
prophet, saying that in several centuries there will be more false
miracles in the name of the Lord than true ones!
[5] It is true that it is all in the hands of the Lord; but the
following can be fully accepted as certain. First, that the Lord
will not always remain physically visible on this Earth among
the people and will not stand at the service of the people as at
the founding of a new religion with bodily advice and physical
deeds; and secondly, He will also give the people more free will
than previously before this ever most memorable epoch, which
makes even this Earth never pass away and must one day set it
in the central point of the heavens.
[6] For a world which He has once set foot on with His own feet
must remain for eternal times at least in a transfigured form. But
if the people remain in possession of their free will and if they
are born into this world always so unknowingly and almost
without any intelligence so that their later realizations depend
alone on the original external lessons, then we cannot think
anything other than that the darkening will come again and the
domineering people greedy for a good life will make a ten times
greater paganism out of this new purely divine religion which
will concede nothing to the one of India!
[7] We will not experience it in our bodies, but as inhabitants of
an illuminated spiritual world that it as yet unknown to us we
will experience it all the more surely! It will still be swarming
with deception, lies, haughtiness, egoism, selfishness, fear,
searing, lip-service, hypocrisy, persecution, judgment, revenge
and cruelties of all shape and size!
[8] The Lord Himself said that everything must be allowed for
the sake of free choice and true education of every individual,
without which no one can become a true child of God and can
also never enter the eternal magnificence of the Father!
[9] But if the Lord Himself gives us such a prognosis, what
should we think other than that it will be exactly as I have now
just said?! The best protective means against it is and still
remains a clear language with mathematical certainty. For
mathematical proof cannot be eroded by the passing of time, it
is the same for Indians as it is for the Persians and Arabs,
Greeks, Romans and Jews!”
[1] Murel says: “High, wise friend! This teaching has more, as
far as clarity is concerned in my opinion, than anything based
on firm mathematics and thereby leaves no doubt. Therefore I
am also of the opinion that this doctrine will never be able to be
[2] Mathael says: “It would be desirable; but nonetheless it will
not be the case! However, so very mathematically firm it does
not stand because of its purely spiritual nature as you imagine!
Just think what it cost you before you began to get just an idea
about the truth resting within, and before you came fully into
the clear!
[3] You were very prepared and enriched through much
knowledge and experience, your intellect was like sublimated,
and yet you did not understand Moses and Isaiah; it needed
some words before it finally began to be light and bright in
your heart!
[4] But now think about the people who neither have any higher
knowledge nor experience, and an apostle of the new doctrine
announces to them this truest gospel out of the light of the
heavens! How will such people accept such an announcement?!
[5] Therefore I think that we should mainly ask the Lord to
show us how we should teach the word of life with
understandable speech actively convincingly, awaking a new
life for those who will listen to us! For I deem that to be the
most necessary and henceforth the only fruitful one for the
prized matter!”
[6] Philopold says: “High friend, dressed in the robe kings are
adorned with! You have spoken very well and correctly; but the
Lord Himself just made the prediction that we should not have
to consider what we will say in His name, it will be laid in our
hearts and minds at the right time! If that is certainly and
unmistakably the case, then I do not know for which reason we
then should ask the Lord again!
[7] But I am of the opinion that we as future spreaders of this
doctrine should not go without any miracle working power; for
against the raw powers of people only miracles can achieve
anything. The person who is two thirds an animal must first be
brought to stop and think through a miracle, before one can say
anything about God and about the eternal designation of man
to him.
[8] With people of only some education a wise word would be
enough without miracles in the best case, but in comparison
with raw force there is nothing without miracles! All these half
and totally savage nations have mostly become half-animals
through their rulers and priests and through their false miracles.
But they do not understand the word; but a true miracle which
must be stronger than a false one, gets them to begin to hold on
to the stronger forces, and once one has them won over, one can
then start an appropriate school.
[9] This is my opinion, and I also claim that one will always
achieve more with a miraculous deed, even with very
enlightened people, if it is truly genuine, and one will reach the
goal faster than with any refined speech! For even the
enlightened person lives in a certain rationale that is false
because it is in fact a rationale, and such rationale cannot easily
be removed from the soul with mere words!
[10] Let us look at ourselves and ask what tore us out of our
justifications! We cannot hide it! It was the works that showed
us who He is that performed them!
[11] And so I believe that above all we should ask the Lord for
the power to perform a miracle in emergencies!”
[1] Murel says: “Dear friends, without wanting to step on
someone's toes in the least or to say that your wishes were not
founded in the divine order, I make only quite simply without
any unnecessary words the remark that we should take advice
purely for the turning of a single hair, while the Lord has
already ensured everything certainly for a long time!
[2] There will certainly be darkening about our spiritual sun
with time, just as often the dark clouds dim our beloved sun to
such an extent on bright days that one firstly has not even a
trace of which part of the sky hides the sun, and secondly on top
of this it becomes so dark that one must light a lamp at midday
in order to be able to see something. But the clouds bear then a
fruitful rain and on the next sunny day the fragrant meadows
laugh and abound with the blessings from heaven.
[3] And so I also believe that the highest love and wisdom from
the Lord about our spiritual Earth will often also allow dull and
dark clouds to come over the holy face of the sun of our spirit at
the brightest midday of human cognition, in order to make the
people all the more thirsty for light. In the loss of light we first
realize how great and invaluable the value of the true light of
life really is.
[4] The people then soon begin to ask anxiously: Where is the
light of life? They sigh and cry and tears, the rain from the
spiritual clouds, fall on the furrows of the heavy heart and
animate once more the roots of the holy word in the soul that
have been atrophied here and there, and we live anew then with
the roots and with the newly-strengthened sight we soon see the
sun of life again in our newly lit heart and rejoice then to
extremes at the new light, which we had to do without for a time
in all quarrel and strife.
[5] I say to you: The Lord knows very well what will come on
our natural and spiritual Earth, and why!
[6] Therefore our consultation seems to me at least purely in
vain. We will certainly receive word and power from Him, if He
deems us to be suitable for His purposes; but we cannot
prescribe it to Him through our foolish opinions what He should
give us above all and what He should do!
[7] For if we did not know who He is, then we could certainly
negotiate with Him like a man of our stature; but since we all
know only too well who He is, then that is no longer possible!
For in accepting that we are either very foolish or that we now
think ourselves to be wiser than Him in the end! Consider that
well and tell me whether I have judged well at the base of
all bases!”
[8] Mathael says: “There is no longer any question of whether
you alone are completely right! But my opinion actually only
came from the fact that I realized by myself what was necessary
there in order to help humanity to remain with the light of life.
But I also realized at the same time that both of you, and
particularly friend Murel, have judged much brighter than I. In
any case I think that none of us are lacking in good will, and the
Lord Himself will do the best! But now, friends, about
something else!”
[1] (Mathael:) “How will this story be accepted in Jerusalem?
We know the night of the temple, their unlimited
domineeringness and greed and the hidden enmity against the
Romans. If the Lord now would move towards Jerusalem for
once – which was to be expected from some of His previous
words – what a face would the temple and the domineering and
luxury-greedy Herod make at it?!
[2] I believe that this will have a quite terrible agitation of every
type and sort as the most unavoidable consequence in
Jerusalem! Then it will either be: let fire rain from heaven or
flee from the city of all ruin in order not to be insulted in the
most infamous way! But the one will be of as very little use as
the other! For where Satan has once built his nest, no doves can
be hatched any more, just as any hens in the holes of snakes.
One can do whatever one wants, but Satan will remain Satan as
long as the last grain of sand of this Earth remains. What do
you think?”
[3] Philopold says: “That, high friend, seems to be a little too
high above our horizon of understanding! Everything will be
possible to the all-mighty and all-wise spirit of God, and
therefore also the taming of Jerusalem!? Look at the proud city
of Caesarea Philippi! Where and what is it now, the proud
people that began to pave their streets with gold and jewels?!
You will find a pitiful heap of rubble! Do you think the Lord
would not also let such a thing happen soon to the whoring city
of Jerusalem?
[4] I tell you: in a hundred years one will surely not know the
place where the proud Jerusalem once stood! So let us leave
Murel’s opinion; for the Lord will know best what is to be done!
[5] Nothing should worry us now, than for us to remain in the
light of the Lord; everything else He will decide alone and
decree in the best way! Do you both share my opinion?”
[6] Mathael says: “Everything is as Murel and Philopold have
just said; but I now know something else that you both probably
do not know, and I know it from the mouth of the Lord Himself,
and because I know it, I also speak to you as I did.
[7] The Lord as a human being will go to Jerusalem at a certain
time, and will teach there and perform great signs. The temple
will be greatly impaired through this, and will become
extremely furious and attempt to seize the Lord and kill Him –
an action of the temple which they already have the greatest
desire for. And listen! The Lord will let Himself be seized by
the temple and be killed physically! Those are His very words.
[8] But He will only remain seemingly dead for three days, of
course only as far as his body is concerned, and then He will
rise again and destroy all night and its power. He will only then
give all His apostles the right power and equip them will all
strength of His spirit, His wisdom and love.
[9] His twelve old disciples, who are and have been witnesses of
everything, He will certainly send out into the whole world, in
order to announce His holy gospel.
[10] But what will happen to us from then on? As we were not
witnesses from the beginning, will He give us any of His
mercy? Well, that will certainly happen! But what will happen
to us then? Both of you have it easier and can somehow laugh at
it; but I must leave, perhaps tomorrow or the day after, far from
here in the cold areas of the Pontus and will have to lead and
rule the crude peoples there and in the future no longer be a
witness of everything that will be taught and done by the Lord!
Who will tell me then about it, and who will say to me whether
my leading of the people will be fully corresponding to the
divine will?”
[1] Here Raphael, who of course was also not asleep, stepped up
to the three and said to Mathael: “Do you think that we
countless angelic spirits, and here particularly I, are only at the
Lord’s service on this hill?
[2] Look, as is now visible before your eyes, we are standing
constantly at the ready for the high service of the Lord and carry
His will from one infinity to another, and be assured that we
will find you quite certainly in your Pontus lands and will give
you knowledge of everything you need to know according to the
order of God! Happen what may, you, if you keep a firm will,
will be given knowledge about everything that you need in an
instant, and in the meantime you need nothing else.
[3] But if you as king went over to the usual ruler’s arrogance
and turned away from the Lord in this way and also from us,
then surely you would learn nothing more about the kingdom of
God and His immeasurable mercy!
[4] Thus, if you concern yourself with nothing other than
remaining in the mercy and full love of the Lord, everything
else will come to you of its own accord!
[5] If you had been able to convince yourself of everything that
the Lord will perform personally on this Earth in the future and
you would then nonetheless let yourself be enticed in some way
by the world, everything that you have seen and heard would
then be of no use to you as if you had seen and heard nothing at
all! But if you continue to remain in the mercy and love of the
Lord in that you not let yourself be deceived by the world, but
instead you love the Lord above all else from now on and your
neighbors all as yourself, then you will nonetheless be initiated
in everything that the Lord will ever do, even if you were in the
furthest and strangest world – in as far as that is demanded for
the salvation of your soul. For not everything that the Lord
wants and commands in the whole of eternity is necessary for
the salvation of your soul!
[6] Behold, the Lord gives orders for something on each of the
countless worlds that has to happen; but such a thing is suitable
only for one world, for which it has been designated and that is
not suitable for the salvation of your soul at all! The Lord has
also got some things to order for the maintenance of this earth
which do not affect you at all; but what He orders for the
salvation of the human soul will not be withheld from you! Are
you satisfied with that or not?”
[7] Mathael says: “My noble friend from God’s heavens! I am
fully satisfied with that and need nothing more than just this
thing that I am admonished by you if I go astray in the least
from the Lord and from His order through some circumstances!
For a push at the right time is worth more than a whole world of
the greatest treasures!”
[8] Says Raphael: “This too would always happen without you
demanding it. For look, every person has a spiritual organ in his
heart, which always remains open to us angels and to God and is
completely accessible! This organ always represents the simple
concepts of good – bad, true – untrue, right – wrong.
[9] If you in future do good, true and right, the agreeing and
good part of the organ will be touched by us, and in you the
rewarding feeling will be created that you have done and spoken
well and correctly.
[10] But if you have ever acted or spoken wrongly, the opposite
of the organ will be touched by us, and a fear will seize you and
tell you that you have stepped out of the divine order. And this
organ is called in the moral speech quite simply the conscience.
[11] You can rely faithfully on this voice, it will never deceive
you! It had only to be that someone let this organ be dulled so
that in the end does not even perceive a too material touch of
ours; then it would be as good as lost with the spiritual part of
the human! But that will certainly never be the case with you,
because you have already made too great progress in the mercy
and love of the Lord and the Lord has formed you quite new and
organized you along with your companions. Your soul is truly
still the old one in which the love of the Lord began to rule as
His spirit very powerfully, but your old, bad flesh has been
changed by the Lord so that it does not press your soul.
[12] You would merely have to be firmly determined to
apostatize from the Lord, then your flesh would become brutish
as was once that of Esau, who against his father's will took more
pleasure in hunting for wild animals than in the tending of his
father's tame herds. But also such brutalization is with you
impossible because your soul is already too mightily and all
over penetrated by the spirit of God's love.
[13] Within a short time your love for the Lord will through the
exercise of neighborly love change into the concentrated
essence and form and become fully united with the soul. Then
you will be reborn in spirit and in truth and enter into the
spiritual marriage with the primal love in God and thereby also
become united with it.
[14] Thereby God's love for you will also become substantial
and take form, and you will then always be able to behold God
and speak to Him. And the Lord, as He is now physically visible
and perceptible to your heart, will be and remain forever your
guide and teacher. And it will indeed be no longer possible for
you to turn away from the Lord in your heart and cognition, for
you will then, as a true son of the eternal Father, in your volition
and cognition be completely at one with Him. – Do you
understand that?”
[15] Says Mathael: “Yes, indeed I do understand it and my mind
is at rest about everything.”
[1] But while Mathael wanted to say something more, a big and
very bright meteor flew quite low and caused its own very
audible whistling in the air through the fast flight; for it was
only about eight hundred fathoms away. Behind the meteor a
long tail was visible which seemingly followed the flying
meteor. All three were alarmed at the sight and asked in the
greatest hurry the angel what that had been.
[2] But the angel, instead of giving the three an answer and
explanation straight away, dashed after the meteor and brought
it to the three in a few moments as a somewhat plump ball of
two and a half fathoms in diameter, placed it on a free spot and
then said to the three, “Well, come here then and observe this
phenomenon without fear; no one of you will have a hair bent or
[3] The three rise and near with great modesty the still brightly
shining meteor. Near to it they notice a very strong smell of
sulfur, and the whole, significant lump looks like brimstone
close up, and bluish-white flames shoot out of the great pores
and cause their own hissing sound and slight whistles and
crackling noises. Some little flames are still very bright, but
others are already dull.
[4] Only now Mathael asks the angel again: “Well, what is this
then, how and where was it created? It seems to be quite a firm
mass and must have a great weight for our human strength. Go,
dear, heavenly friend, explain this to us a little!”
[5] The angel says: “This lump was still part of the sun half an
hour ago. Through a great fiery crater, in which things were
vibrating violently, it was thrown out along with many others
with an incomprehensibly large force into the great space. It was
directed towards this Earth quite by chance. With more than
lightning speed it flew through the ether and reached already
behind the continent of Europe the atmosphere of this Earth,
which at the beginning it only stroked the surface of. When it at
the next moment however sank deeper and found a great
resistance in the constantly denser atmosphere of this Earth, its
speed of flight was greatly reduced; until it came to this region,
it was covering only twenty hours‟ journey in four moments.
When I caught up with it, it was nonetheless almost over all of
Asia and would have fallen into the great sea in ten instants; but
the Lord wanted you to also receive an explanation and didn‟t
want you to immediately believe that an evil spirit was flying
over the Earth in order to cause harm to you and your fellow
man. Now you have the evil spirit before you and can learn
from it that this is a very natural occurrence between the great
objects of space.”
[6] Murel says: “But how did it happen then that it shone so
brightly in the air, and here it is becoming duller and duller in
its shine?”
[7] Raphael says: “The strong light is caused by the abnormally
fast flight through the air; it rubs powerfully against the
particles of the air and presses them very strongly, because they
cannot get out of its way fast enough. But the air, as it is here,
catches fire, when it is too strongly pressed or pushed; and
because the air on the whole path of such a meteor catches fire
immediately, then also at the position of such a meteor it is
always bright as lightning. Finally as behind the fast flying
meteor a vacuum is created whose walls are still fiery excited,
one sees behind the meteor also always a decreasingly glowing
tail which in itself is only an apparition and no reality.
[8] Just feel this mass, how glowing hot it is still, and you will
convince yourself very easily and completely what I have just
explained to you! I can give you another proof in quite a natural
way, because such an experiment is possible for me. I will take
one of these stones and throw it through the air with lightning
speed. The spirits that serve me will bring it back here again
after a few moments. Then you will see for yourself how this
only several pounds heavy stone immediately will glow just as
bright as this meteor shone before.”
[9] Here Raphael threw the stone with the most terrible force
into the air and the spirits at his service drove it for a few
moments with more than lightning speed in a circle only a few
fathoms high in the air. Besides a strongly whistling noise the
stone shone as brightly that the whole area round about was lit
up as on the brightest day and the three actually saw only a
circle shining as bright as the sun because the motion of the
stone was too fast for a human eye to perceive its progress.
[10] After a few moments the stone was laid on the ground
again by the serving spirits quite peacefully before the three
amazed observers, still glowing extremely, and Raphael said:
“There you have the fast and very easily performed experiment
before you now; do you find a difference between the artificial
and that natural meteor?”
[11] Mathael says: “No, quite the same occurrence; only the
volume was of course different! But a question nonetheless rises
in me, and that consists of this: that it is certainly possible for
you, who already had given us some tests of your indescribable
skill and power, to throw a stone with the most unbelievable
force and speed so that the air also begins to burn by the
enormous speed of the stone and the stone itself must soon start
to glow – you are in addition one of the most powerful angelic
spirits, who could play with the whole worlds as we play with
hazelnuts and even throw a sun in one moment in such a depth
of the endless creation that a bolt of lightning would have to
travel for a hundred thousand times a hundred thousand years in
order to reach it! For such an experiment you have certainly
been given by God the strength and power that is
incomprehensible for us; but how can the sun as a simple
natural body develop such a power out of itself?”
[1] Raphael says: “Oh, do you think that there are no
ministering spirits in the sun? I tell you and also you two others:
neither in the sun, nor on this Earth does anything happen
without a ministering spirit; for everything that you see and
touch is basically all spirit. The crudest matter even is spirit,
soul – but only in judgment (an organized condition). If you
insult the spirits that rest in the deepest judgment too much
through flight, push and pressure, they will soon let their
strength and power be felt!
[2] Look, the air is certainly something very soft and very
tender; but if it is brought out of its balance by a too powerful
push or pressure and disturbed too much in its rest, it rips the
thickest and strongest tree trunks out at the roots, makes the
Earth quake, lights a thousand bolts of lightning and becomes
the most fearful element!
[3] But who rages so fiercely through the air then? The
spirits and souls under judgment resting in it and actually
composing it!
[4] If you beat with two stones very heftily against one another,
the spirits trapped in them will soon let themselves be seen and
the whole mass of stone, no matter how hard it may be, will be
destroyed into the tiniest little pieces of dust, at which
opportunity there will be no lack of fiery appearances!
[5] Take water and set it under the greatest possible pressure!
First you will produce a lump of ice, which will destroy the
strongest container holding it; you could put the ice under even
greater pressure and it will suddenly dissolve in fiery steam and
destroy with the most terrible noise and crackling everything
trying to contain it!
[6] As long as the spirits and nature souls confined in the
appearance of the matter are not offended, they rest peacefully
as if dead and let much be made out of them; but once they are
woken out of their ordered rest too much, woe betide those who
are nearby!
[7] It is quite easy to recognize the presence of spirits in matter.
Whenever they are coerced into an extraordinary activity, you
will observe a glow which varies with the strength and intensity
of their spiritual activity. The stronger the glow, the more
forcible is the activity of the spirits aroused in a certain matter.
[8] The sun’s fiercest light, therefore, is proof of how active the
sun’s air spirits are, particularly on its surface.
[9] From the intensity of the sun's light you can form a vague
idea of the violence with which such a lump is ejected by the
sun during its great eruptions, when the spirits of its matter are
aroused to the greatest agitation and activity.
[10] Yes, I assure you: In the womb of the great sun there are
not seldom eruptions that manifest a force which would play
around with lumps the size of this earth just as easily as on this
earth the wind plays with chaff. And, thus, you will find it all
the more comprehensible how and with what ease this lump out
of the sun came down to this earth.”
[11] Murel says: “But if undoubtedly so, then this lump is in the
end of immeasurable worth and one should bring it to a museum
as something extraordinary for eternal memory!”
[12] Raphael says: “Then you would have to put the whole
Earth in a museum; for the whole Earth is just as much from
there as this lump is!”
[13] Murel says: “If that is so, what is then to be considered of
the story of creation by Moses?”
[14] Raphael says: “In this respect you should turn to friend
Mathael! He knows this topic in and out; Philopold also has
very significant knowledge of this!”
[1] Now Murel asks Mathael the same, and he says: “What
Moses says about the creation has actually nothing to do with
the creation of the world, but instead only with the formation of
man from the cradle until his perfection; thus also the
foundation of the church of God on Earth until these days is
insinuated right on until the end of the world.
[2] By „heaven and Earth‟ we are to understand the new Earthly
human right from his birth onwards. The ‘heaven’ describes his
inner, hidden, spiritual capabilities, and the empty and void
‘Earth’ describes the newly-created man, who is hardly aware of
his own existence – the first stage of a human.
[3] With time the child reaches self-awareness and begins to
dream and to think. That is the ‘Let there be light’ in the human,
so that he knows that he exists – the second stage.
[4] And so it goes through all the other days of creation until the
rest of the completion of man! Tell me whether you are
beginning to understand any of that!”
[5] Murel says quite amazed about the biblical wisdom of
Mathael: “No, high friend, this wisdom I would never have
sought! Ah, in this way that I now recognize to be the only
correct one, I would like to have the whole Scriptures explained
to me! Yes, there is a lot there until the human soul has reached
this depth of wisdom! But how did you get to it all?”
[6] Mathael says: “My friend Murel, there is no question of that
any longer in this spot where we are now! The Lord among us –
here an angel from heaven who was sure witness of all material
creation! I myself was already a scribe from my youth in the
temple, from which reason I was sent as an apostle to the
Samaritans; but before I could yet speak a word with the
Samaritans, Jehovah thwarted my plans: I ended up among
terrible bandits and had to become a terrible bandit myself in
order to survive.
[7] But since I saw myself as left alone so powerfully by God,
without being able to find a reason for it myself, it annoyed me
very much. I became an unbeliever in the beginning, all the
Scriptures became for me the work of man; but I was soon
taught otherwise through a strange occurrence.
[8] A man full of bitter seriousness came to me one night as I
kept watch alone before the horrid den of thieves. I instantly
went through him with my sword. But he said: make no effort
with your pitiful weapon; for no mortal’s weapon ever kills an
immortal spirit! I am the spirit of Abraham and I ask you why
you want to leave God and persecute His name!
[9] I, Mathael, said then, full of anger: Why did God persecute
me first, since I was sent in His name to the Samaritans in order
to win them all for the temple!? My intention was honest and
fair before God and before all men, because it was honest and
fair in my thoughts. God has since the beginning of my
existence given me only my conscience as judge, and I lived
justly before this inner strict judge. I myself did not send myself
to the Samaritans, but instead the high priest as the
representative of Aaron and Moses.
[10] Was it unjust that I was sent to the Samaritans, then God’s
wisdom would not have needed to chastise me, but only he who
sent me; but since they seized me, the innocent one, I am from
this moment on an enemy of Jehovah, whose apostle you seem
to be to me!
[11] Then the spirit spoke, looking even bitterer: Do you know
the power and anger of God? How will you, powerless worm of
the dust, defy the all-powerful God?! Can His power then not
seize you and destroy you in a pitiful way as if you had never
been there?!
[12] I said: “It can certainly do that; for I can only eternally
curse such an existence as I now have! If I no longer exist then
my just anger and fierceness against it has an eternal end!
[13] The bitter, serious spirit said however: You cannot order
God to destroy you! He can torture you, eternally, with the most
terrible pain and anguish, and it would then be seen how long
you would offer defiance to the all-mighty power of God!
[14] Then I said full of glowing anger: God can do that if it
gives Him a particular pleasure to torture a creature simply in
order to show it His omnipotence! But I swear to you, you bitter
serious spirit that God will eternally never bend my mind with
all the tortures He can think up, even a thousand times more
powerful than He is!
[15] With goodness, tenderness and provable justice He can do
everything with me, He can make me a lamb of lambs; but with
His anger to a devil of devils! Until now the omnipotence of
God has only given me a tormented life, for which I will never
thank Him; perhaps it will occur to Him to be more merciful to
me and to make good to me what He broke in me in a almighty
caprice, and then I will also be thankful! But, as things now
stand, I am Jehovah’s most decided enemy! For in His name I
moved from Jerusalem to Samaria very seriously in order to
announce His honor and praise there; but for that He let me be
seized and overwhelmed by devils!
[16] It may well be that my sending there was not pleasant and
pleasing to Him! But when He could show the false prophet
Bileam through this donkey, why not me and my companions
through this donkey of ours, which carried us and all our
baggage?! Why did He deliver us to the devils in their claws?!
[17] Give me an answer, or out of my mouth a curse will hit
you, the like of which has never been spoken over the face of
this Earth! Then the spirit disappeared and I fell to the Earth
[1] (Mathael:) “From this point in time onwards I lost the clear
self-awareness, and as much as I can remember now, my body
was taken into the active possession of the most evil spirits, and
I became a terror to the whole area! My flesh was not pierced by
any lance or spear, and the thickest shackles fled from my hands
like chaff! The fight with one or a thousand people was all the
same to me; those who took hold of me were very evilly dealt
with and many were killed! Yet my soul knew nothing of this.
[2] Due to God’s will we five were recently captured by the
Romans and brought here the day before yesterday. Here the
Lord freed us from our great torment. My soul became the only
fully intelligent inhabitant of my flesh again, and Moses was in
it as before. But the Lord enlightened all the wrong paths that
my heart had taken – and listen! – I only now understood Moses
and the prophets!
[3] If Abraham’s spirit now came to me, I would certainly speak
quite a different language with him than about five years ago! I
cannot give you the exact time but certainly several years have
passed. Now you know how I came to understand the
[4] It is true that I wish no one to take my path in order to
understand Moses, because there is now an easier one; but
because you, Murel, have asked me how I came to understand
the books of Moses, so I had to show you my sad way, and you
can now imagine the rest yourself quite easily!
[5] The other and infinitely easier one is now the mercy of the
Lord which can give you in a few moments what I have
achieved on the thorniest path.
[6] But here stands the angel of the Lord, ask him, and he will
show you how very truly I have now disclosed to you the fate
of myself and my four companions! What do you say now to
all that?”
[7] Murel says: “Oh, friend Mathael, you have borne a terrible
amount and had a courage which is to be sought in the world!
You were a devil, it is true, and yet your heart was not ruined,
since it demanded truth, justice and love, and because it
demanded that, it received also what it had demanded; for the
Lord does not let any decent heart be destroyed!
[8] But why did the Lord take you to task so harshly?! For I
cannot imagine then at all that the one and only reason for such
a rebuke was due to being sent to Samaria to convert the
Samaritans to the Jewish faith! Something else must have been
behind it all!”
[9] Mathael says: “Certainly, but I know nothing about it even
today, and honestly speaking – I didn’t have any desire about it;
but now I would really like to have a little light about it! Our
Raphael could certainly shed light on it for us if he was in a
good mood!?”
[10] Raphael says: “It never depends on me or my mood, but
instead only on the will of the Lord; for my existence is nothing
but the pure will of the Lord! Turn to the Lord in your heart and
your request will certainly be fulfilled!”
[11] Mathael says: “That would all be fine if the Lord was not
sleeping; but He is now asleep, and it would certainly be very
inappropriate to wake Him for this!”
[12] Raphael says: “You too are still a little weak! His body
truly sleeps now a little; but His soul and His eternal holy spirit
never rest! What would happen to the whole of creation if the
Lord forgot about it for even one moment?! It would be the end
of everything in a split second. No sun, no moon, no star in all
the whole eternal infinity and no Earth that bears you would
exist any longer, nor any angel or man would be able to
maintain themselves on their own!
[13] Everything that is, is permanently maintained by the allpowerful,
eternally same and unchanging will of the Lord,
without which no existence is imaginable
[14] If things are so and cannot possibly be otherwise, how can
it occur to you to think that He could ever sleep and thereby in
sleep not be conscious, which the infinite creation needs in
every moment of its being.
[15] The Lord knows most exactly what you are now thinking
and what you want. Since I know it, the Lord must have known
it long before, because otherwise I could not possibly know it!
For everything that we angels know and realize, we know and
realize only through the Lord. But now I know about all your
tests and hard trials; who otherwise but the Lord alone could
reveal it to me? Not you, or the mouth and mind of another
spirit, because I could not hear such things without the mind and
will of the Lord!
[16] But as I now understand, realize and know everything
alone through the Lord, so can you also – but certainly only in
as far as you are capable of it in your heart!
[17] Therefore ask the Lord in your heart, and we will see
whether an answer is laid in your heart!”
[1] Here Mathael placed the aforementioned question in his
heart on Me, and I immediately laid the following answer quite
openly in his heart, which he immediately spoke loudly to the
three: “The Lord was with the Samaritans who had separated
themselves from the poisoned teachings of Jerusalem and had
turned back to the pure teachings of Moses and Aaron. You,
Mathael, however, were a well-experienced, powerful speaker
and had an unbending sense in what you had heard. The Lord
knew it and saw that you would have caused Him great damage
among the pure, believing Samaritans if you had come into
didactic contact with them. Therefore the Lord let you and your
companions come among the most infamous highwaymen,
knowing well that you would not get free of them before your
stiff sense had been made quite soft and bendable. As long as
you were a fellow robber in full consciousness among the other
robbers, your sense did not want to bend at all, on the contrary
you had created a very crafty plan and have brought the about
fifty robbers along with their wives and children to a point
where they developed sympathy for the basically false doctrine
of Jerusalem, because they found in it even assurance and a sure
asylum for their thievery.
[2] When you had come so far with them as to attack Samaria
the next day as the leader of fifty-five apostles (including
yourself) for the well-being of Jerusalem and yourselves and to
carry out the teaching of Jerusalem with the most merciless
strictness and to make every opponent face the sharpness of
your sword, then the Lord allowed you to be admonished by the
old spirit of Abraham.
[3] But since this appearance also could not change your mind,
only then did the Lord allow your soul to be hidden in the flesh,
but for this you body was taken captive by many devils. Since
then you were terrorized the area along with your companions!
[4] Even your fifty robber apostles fled from the area and
became decent people, and because they saw very well what
terrible things had happened to you and your four companions –
because of the vicious conversion plan of the Samaritans – they
also gave up every intention to convert the Samaritans for
[5] And so the Lord had made a very effective and healing blow
through your highly disordered calculation and let you remain
shackled in the courts of hell until a guidable sense had taken
hold in your soul.
[6] But the Lord also knew where your soul came from, and
how and why it was so rigid, and therefore He let such bitterest
things happen to it, because it could never have been corrected
in any other way.
[7] In a far distance there is another Earth (world) among the
planets that circle this sun, which until now hardly any
astronomer’s eye has seen. On this Earth (Uranus) there are very
hard-headed people who cannot be distracted from a plan or
intention that they have once made until it is realized. Even
from there, souls are placed on this Earth in the flesh for the
achievement of the childhood of God and they keep very much
of their stubbornness of thought.
[8] But you are in a certain way such a foreigner on this Earth,
as according to your soul you come from that world and were
therefore so strong-minded and unyielding in your intentions.
[9] In order to make your soul flexible and to form your otherworldly
nature of your soul so that it was receptive to the
correct and freest truth from God, in order to be able to enter the
divine love and through it into the fully true childhood of God,
this way was the only true and effective one.
[10] You had to obtain a certain maturity in the hell of spirits
and souls of this world, just like the souls of the children of this
world, you had to go through the narrowest gate in order to be
able to rise to the higher region of life as an ennobled sap of life.
You now stand as such before God, the Lord of all life.”
[1] When Mathael had spoken the answer that had been laid in
his heart before the three, he himself was amazed at such truth
in himself and the inner speech that had never been felt so
clearly before.
[2] But Raphael said to Mathael: “Do you now see how awake
the Lord is, even if He now sleeps in the body, and how you
now heard the speech of the Lord clearly and distinctly in your
heart and then spoke them out loud with your fleshly mouth!?
You see, in this same way we also hear the Lord’s word and
will alive and actively in us, and in such a way that we are then
also entirely His word and His will! But if we are that, we are
also as His word and His will the completed deed itself,
therefore word, will and deed all in one! Do you understand
that, friend Mathael, now purely and clearly?”
[3] Says Mathael: “Although one is aware inside of a certain
reassuring belief and imagines one can now easily understand
everything, immediately something else crops up of which one
has never dreamed before. I can see from all this that there is
such an immeasurable abundance and depth in divine wisdom
that no spirit will ever be able to grasp it fully. We shall,
therefore, have incessantly to learn and comprehend new things
in plenty. And that is quite good so.
[4] Truly, I would not at all be pleased if I knew everything now
as clearly as the Lord Himself. If in the whole of infinity there
were to be nothing unknown to me, I should soon become bored
with life. Yet there is such an endless number of densely veiled
things with which we could never finish in eternity, and I must
now frankly admit that I would not regard God's bliss as
enviable if we, as His created beings and children, would see
everything as clearly as He Himself, and His eternal and infinite
total wisdom must turn into the most horrible boredom if He
had to use it merely for Himself.
[5] But He filled the endless space therefore with countless
works which correspond to His endless wisdom and power, and
created thinking beings also endowed with much wisdom.
These, constantly moved by such a depth of wisdom and power
from God, investigate and wonder at the same time the divine
depth of wisdom and power of the Creator, and at every
revelation they are brought to further amazement and worship
and to the most intensive love!
[6] Well, this alone must be for God the real bliss. For Him, as
the Creator and Father of angels, worlds, men and children, this
alone must be the greatest delight, namely, to give ever more
bliss to all those who more and more recognize and love Him
and His words!
[7] In order to prepare an all the greater holiness for us people
of the Earth, for you angels of all heaven and for all creatures of
the whole infinity, He came Himself as a person to this Earth in
order to reveal Himself as a person Himself with flesh and
blood like a human to the others. Friend, being or angel of
eternity, or person as I am, the Lord does not do it just for our
sake, but for His sake as well; for over time He would be bored
to death if in His omniscience then had to acknowledge that He
as an extremely formless, eternal, if also most complete
intelligence could never be seen by His created beings and even
less spoken to and thus would have to remain unrecognized!
[8] Would it not be utterly sad for an earthly father who had for
instance twenty very lovely children, but all blind and deaf, to
whom the most loving father could never speak a word and
show himself as a man? Just imagine such a relationship: An
exceedingly well-to-do father with twenty children of both
sexes and of a very handsome appearance, but all deaf and
blind. Question: Would not such a father spend enormous sums
so that his otherwise lovable children might become able to hear
and see? How sad will he be when he finds out that there is no
remedy in the whole world to give hearing and sight to his
[9] Well, we humans are seeing and hearing for one another, it
is true, and have great pleasure in one another – sometimes even
more than is necessary – so that we even can forget the creator;
but the holy good Creator, the very wisest Father, would have to
do without this holiest pleasure forevermore to be ever
recognized, heard and seen by His children! That would not suit
at all an eternal Father full of the highest and purest love for His
[10] In Him is certainly the greater longing to see us, His
children, in the state that makes us capable according to
His order to see Him, to love Him personally, and to confide in
Him without fear for our existence – than to see in us His
children who have no understanding of the primal essence of the
eternal Father.
[11] Therefore, my claim is not too far-fetched when I said: the
Lord has not only for our sake, but also for His own, put on
flesh and blood and thus come down to this earth to us, His
certainly still very uncouth children. He had been planning for
eternities what He would do; yet we are now witnessing the
realization of the eternally great plan. – Tell me, Raphael,
whether I have judged rightly or wrongly!”
[1] Raphael says: “Not you, friend, made this judgment, the
Lord Himself laid this judgment in your heart, and therefore it
must be right!”
[2] Says also Murel: “Everything that is heard here is wholly
unlike this world. And yet, pure human reason cannot object to
it. Our boredom if we should suddenly become wise and
omniscient like God and, on the other hand, God's boredom in
the after all imaginable situation where He would never be
perceived, felt, heard and seen by His created beings, children
and even angels – these truly are two opinions and possibilities
every deep thinker must necessarily respect. Certainly, no
templar has ever dreamt of it; yet it is true. No matter how I now
think and reason, I cannot find any objection to it, although the
expression 'God's boredom' sounds somewhat peculiar. But no
matter how I look at it, it remains true, and very true at that. I
just remember another very fitting example for this new truth
which I have to tell you!”
[3] Says Mathael: “Brother, out with it at once! For we can only
expect something real, good and for this matter useful to come
from a mind enriched by so many experiences!”
[4] Says hereupon Murel: “Not actually because of that, but so
that you should see how I have understood all this. I imagine a
man endowed with all wisdom and all alone on God's earth. He
would certainly try to communicate with other people, provided
they were there. He searches all over the earth to its remotest
corners, without finding a living and thinking being. His great
wisdom becomes a burden to him, for whatever he does and
creates is recognized and admired by no one. How would such a
man feel after a greater length of time? Must he not despair?
Would not the most horrible boredom consume him?
[5] How indescribably good he must feel to come, finally, upon
an ever so humble maid or a coarsest servant. With what
indescribable love would he cling to such a find.
[6] Oh, there it becomes obvious what one man means to
another and what bliss there is in doing good to the neighbor
[7] What a terrible fate would it be for a lonely man not to be
able to find another man on the whole earth to whom he could
do good! For that reason love is a purely heavenly life element
because it must make men utterly unhappy not to be able to
actively communicate with others!
[8] Of what benefit would the moving tone of his voice be to a
singer, of what the sound of a well-tuned harp if he had forever
to listen to it alone?! When a lone bird in the woods hops from
tree to tree, through certain plaintive sounds searching for his
like but not finding it, it becomes frightened and soon stops
singing, becomes sad and soon leaves the forest which to it is
deserted and empty.
[9] Even the animal has enough love to evidently long for its l
like, how much more, then, a human being endowed with deep
feeling, mind and reasoning power! What good would be to him
all the great capabilities and talents if he could thereby benefit
only himself?
[10] Following my observation I can quite reasonably assume –
that is, according to our human concepts – that the Lord God
would certainly in the end become terribly bored, although he
had the whole of infinity full of wondrous worlds without,
however, a being which recognized and loved the One Who
created it out of His love, and had a great delight in the
countless wondrous works of His wisdom, power and strength.
But in order to be recognized and loved, the Creator must come
to meet the created being, and the Father the child, and reveal
Himself to it in such a manner as to make it possible for the
created being, and especially for the child, to recognize the
Father as such.
[11] If this condition is not met, God has created angels and
human beings and everything that exists in vain. He would
forever remain alone and His ever so beautiful creatures would
know as much of Him as the grass knows of the one who cuts it
and dries it into hay.
[12] Yet God has always in the most suitable ways clearly
revealed Himself to His created beings who, endowed with all
reason and intelligence, are striving for the true freedom of fife,
and has prepared them for this His coming. With this coming all
that was promised has been fulfilled: The beings behold Him in
the flesh and blood just as themselves; He walks among them
like a man and as Father of eternity teaches them to recognize
their great and eternal destiny.
[13] In this way everything is now in the best order, and it now
depends solely on us people to apply the recommended
measures painstakingly so that the great twofold goal is reached,
namely: The child has recognized its eternal, true Father, looks
at Him exalted with loving eyes and is delighted in Him beyond
measure; and the Father also is delighted beyond measure
because He is no longer alone but in the brightest light among
His children who recognize and praise Him, love Him above all
and again and again marvel at His wondrous works which they
highly admire, praising His infinite power and wisdom. And
that must mean, for both the creator and the created being, an
abundance of bliss. And that must then be filled with bliss for
the creator and for the creation! – Have I judged that falsely or
[1] Raphael says: “Quite perfectly, so it is and not otherwise!
But you did not create that out of your flesh and blood, but
instead out of the spirit of the word of the Lord. But it is enough
that you now know such a thing! But what you now know in
this sphere, keep with you! For in order to understand that, it
takes souls like yours; for the others it is enough that they
recognize God and love Him as Father above all else. But if you
ever find truly great souls, however, you can then announce
what we have just been talking about for the last two hours. But
now, dear friends, something else!
[2] You will often have the opportunity on your ways and paths
as workers at the kingdom of God that your disciples will ask
you urgently and say: Your teaching is truly very eminent,
beautiful and touching; but the prophecy that you made to us
has still not come into any fulfillment. We should hear the voice
of the Father in us, yes, it was even prophesied that we
would see and speak to the Father; but we have so far not
experienced any of that. If your teaching contains the truth, then
your prophecies that you made to us must also be true. We
observe everything, and still we feel nothing of the fulfillment
of a prophecy made to us! Give us reason and answer, and
tell us faithfully and openly why your prophecies to us do not
and never want to come true! – What will you say to them in
this case?”
[3] Here all three raise their eyebrows and Murel says: “Friend,
if we make prophesies at the most faithful word of the Lord and
our disciples follow and the teaching in deeds, the Lord may
then naturally not leave us in the lurch, because otherwise it
would obviously be cleverer not to publicize the teaching than
to incite the people against it!
[4] And I would even like to make the honest claim here that
similar divine neglect was always a very significant reason for
the fall of religions! For the prophesies made were for some
hidden reason either not fully and very often not at all put into
fulfillment for the believers. Now the teachers had to seize
artificial means in order to not be mistreated by the nation! That
soon turned the nation’s sense towards the outside and there was
then no longer anything spiritual that could be done with a
nation that had once been deceived.
[5] The Lord should no longer do that to all His people who
spread His teaching; He should no longer leave them in the
lurch and particularly in moments when His prophesies have
established as certainly true as the main proof of truth and
divinity; for I at least would rather be a meanest sweeper than a
viciously tortured Jeremiah! And it would be nothing for the
existence if one as such could be of use to someone; but there
can eternally be no talk of any use, if one only becomes a
nuisance to humanity!”
[6] Raphael says: “But, dear friend, you are getting away from
what I actually asked you in your enthusiasm! The Lord will
always and forever do what He promised for His people; but it
only depends on whether you know the exact conditions
according to which the Lord lets the prophesies be fulfilled!
[7] For it can often depend on a detail with a person, for whose
sake a prophesy, once made, does not come into fulfillment;
then you must know exactly as true teachers what the disciple is
lacking, for which reason he cannot become a master. And look,
that pertains to the question I asked you before!”
[1] (Raphael:) “But since I see that you cannot answer the
question that I gave you in any case, I will then answer it
myself in a way that is comprehensible for your awakened
understanding. But you must remember well my answer and
write it deeply in your hearts, for much lies on it, yes, finally
everything, so that you know the circumstances most accurately
which are necessary for the full childhood of God because it
must be necessary for the unchanging divine order.
[2] You know that every person must form and transform
himself according to the recognized divine order, quite
independently from the omnipotence of the divine will in order
to become in this way a free child of God.
[3] The recommended powerful and thereby most effective
means for this is love for God and to the same degree the love
for your neighbor, be he a man or a woman, young or old, it’s
all the same.
[4] As a partner of love stands true humility, tenderness and
patience, because the true love cannot exist without these three
attributes and is no true and pure love.
[5] But how can man experience in himself that he resides in the
pure love quite faithfully according to the divine order?
[6] Let man put himself to the test whether he is urged in his
heart to give with a glad heart and abundantly, completely
forgetting himself, when seeing a poor brother or a poor sister
or when these come to him for help. If he feels this within but,
of course, in earnest and in full truth, he is already mature and
ready to be a true child of God, and the made promises awaiting
such a prepared child of God begin to become a reality and
show up wonderfully in word and deed, and you will thereby as
teachers appear justified before your disciples.
[7] But those disciples for whom the prophesy will not come
true will direct themselves accordingly and have only
themselves to blame if the prophesies made to them still do not
come into sight; for they have not yet opened their heart enough
to the poor fellow man.
[8] The love for God and the willing following of His
recognized will are the proper element of the heavens in a
human heart. They are the chambers and rooms of divine spirit
in every human heart; the love for one’s neighbor however is
the door into this holy room.
[9] This door must be opened so that the fullness of God’s life
can move into such a room, and humility, tenderness and
patience are the three wide opened windows through which the
holy chamber of God in a human heart is illuminated most
brightly by the most powerful light from heaven and warmed
with all the fullness of life from heaven.
[10] Everything therefore depends on the free and cheerfully
generous love for a neighbor; the highest possible self-denial is
the revelation of the prophesy itself. There you now have the
correct answer to the most important question of life. Think
about it and act accordingly, and you will be justified before one
another, before your brothers and before God! For what the
Lord does now himself, people will also have to do this in order
to become similar to him and so His children. – Have you
understood all this?”
[1] When Raphael had finished his speech through Me, the three
were massively amazed, and Mathael said: “We understood
these truly vivid holy words well and also for the first time
completely what David wanted to say when he spoke in his
divine Psalms: „Lift up your heads, o gates, and be lifted up, o
ancient doors, that the king of glory may come in!”But the
living fulfillment! Oh, where is this written then?! What is
needed in order to carry that out in life!
[2] One certainly gives a poor man something and one is then
not sorry for the small change which one had given to a needy
person; but reason much more than any feeling of love for one’s
neighbor drove this action! Oh God, how far is the person from
the goal through his reason and through his cold judgment
devoid of all love! Whoever gives something to a poor man with
true love for a brother and neighbor and then also has a correct
humble joy in having done one’s best for the brothers and sisters
in the name of Jehovah, and constantly has the desire in himself
to do even more good and to make all his poor brothers and
sisters as happy as possible through all friendliness, advice,
word and friendly deed, yes, how immeasurably high stands the
soul and spirit of such a person before the Lord God! But where
do we still stand with our hard hearts and small gifts of reason?!
[3] Oh friend from heaven! You have cleared things up for us
with your question and answer! Now we know very clearly
where we stand and what we are! Lord! Awake our hearts and
light them in the true and living love for our neighbor, otherwise
Your whole purely divine teaching of life is nothing but a vain,
moral, aesthetic game of words without power or effect!
[4] Now I see also my whole way of life until this point of time;
it was basically a misguided one, and I could therefore never
reach a goal!
[5] Only now I begin to recognize the actual true path, and I
now know what the prophecies and their fulfillment consists of.
I now know what I am lacking and what will be lacking for
those who will not see the prophesies fulfilled despite accepting
the divine teaching, and how they will be brought to the correct
path; but besides I also see that I will still have to do a lot for
myself in order to come into the fullest order!
[6] Truly we have a great advance in the area of faith, because
the Lord Himself is walking among us here, teaching us through
word and deed – so the whole of heaven also stands wide open
to us, and God’s angels are teaching us the wisdom of the
heavens and the eternal order of life from God; but the
formation of the heart is nonetheless left totally up to us alone!
But we will manage it with the help of the Lord!
[7] Knowledge is something else and so is feeling. One can
achieve knowledge through the driest effort and worldly
cleverness through experiences; but there is more to true feeling
than just much learning and experience!
[8] Much knowledge makes the human heart not feel and
always desire correctly, and the experiences can make us clever
in bad ways as well as good; only a correct feeling animates
everything and organizes everything and gives peace and
blessing. Therefore we should look above all at a person’s heart
at the initial formation of a person into a true person!
[9] If the heart has not been worked over at the beginning, but
instead only the reason, the heart will become hard and arrogant
soon after the demands of the reason! But once the heart is
arrogant, it then takes with difficulty a formation of feeling;
then proper tests of fire must come, consisting of all sorts of
misery and affliction, and the heart must feel all sorts of
pressure so that it will become soft, gentle and feeling liked
kneaded wax for the affliction and for the misery of crying
fellow people!
[10] We thank you and through you the Lord for this very most
important teaching, through which I only now know very
clearly what I will have to do for all the future, for myself as
well as for all those who will receive the most magnificent and
purest light from God through me.”
[1] Raphael says: “I deserve neither thanks nor honor, but the
Lord alone!
[2] But it is good that you have understood that in the true depth
of life! You will be able to meet anyone at any time with these
means and will come to you and say: Friend, I have well
understood and believed what you taught me, but until this
moment there has been no sign of the promised effects! What
else should I do? I have left my good old religion of my father
in which I often found all comfort, the best advice and the
necessary help in all sorts of afflictions, and this new religion
leaves me along with my neighbor as orphans; no plea is ever
heard and no dubious doubt is illuminated! Where then is your
magnificent God about whom you promised all happiness and
other wonderful things?!
[3] But you will then be able to answer him easily: Friend, the
religion Is not to blame, but your lack of understanding! You
have truly accepted the teaching in your reason, and you have
also tried to act strictly according to it and were waiting for the
fulfillment of the prophecy which would bring you advantages;
but you did the good deeds only for the sake of the advantages
and not just for the good! You were only active from your
reason, but never from your heart! This remained hard and cold
like before the conception of the purely divine teaching, thus
you achieved neither the deed nor the fulfillment of the
prophecy through the dead and blind faith!
[4] Wake your heart now! Do everything that you do out of the
true reason for life! Love God for His own sake above all and
likewise your neighbor!
[5] Do good for the sake of good out of the foundation of life
and do not ask for the fulfillment of the prophecy based on your
faith or your deed whether it will come or not! For the prophecy
is a consequence of the fact that you believe actively in your
heart, feel and become active out of the most living love. But if
you were like a person, as you have thought and acted until
now, who ploughed in a dream and sowed and wanted then in
woken situation to reap, but found neither field nor sowed fruit.
[6] The knowledge of human understanding, faith and action is
a vain dream and has no use for life. Man must take everything
to his heart in which the life is living; whatever he lays in the
heart will bloom and bear the promised fruit.
[7] Whoever there does not know or does not want to know how
to manage his life and is selfish also through his faith and
through his thoughts, will never achieve the fulfillment of the
promise; for that is the fruit of the activity of the heart!
[8] If you will respond him who asks you about the not yet
fulfilled promise in this way, then you will be left in peace and
he will begin to desire to become truly active in his heart.
[9] If he does this, it will soon begin to be shown with him that
the promise of God’s teaching is no vain empty promise; if he
carries on however to only follow his own reasoning and to act
accordingly, then he will only have himself to blame if he never
reaches any fulfillment of the prophecy made for the whole of
his earthly life – and also on the other side with great difficulty!
Tell me whether you understand all this so well out of the base
of life!”
[10] Finally Philopold says for once, “Oh friend from the
heavens! Who could not understand that! Whoever lives only in
the heart as you do, and thinks and feels, he understands all the
circumstances of life of the heart very easily and clearly; but
whoever only lives, thinks and feels in his brain, for him are the
circumstances of life as good as nothing. We have now
discussed this issue very tangibly clearly, and as I see, it is
beginning g to dawn in the east and the Morning star already
stands significantly high. Therefore I believe that we should
now move on to something else!”
[1] Murel says: “Yes, yes, that would be splendid, good and
beautiful if one only knew to what! How would it be then if the
dear friend from the heavens told us something about the
Morning star? For if we become teachers of the living work of
God, we can never know too much about everything possible!
For we will have to deal with all sorts of spirits who will ask
about all sorts of things. We will not be in a position to give
them a satisfactory illumination, so they will flee, mock and
despise us; but if we can give them a satisfactory answer about
everything, then they will also listen to us in other things and
accept our gospel! What would you, Philopold, give someone as
an answer if he asked you what the Morning star is then?”
[2] Philopold says: “Friend! Then I would point out to him that
he will experience everything from himself and from his inner
perceptions, if he directs his life according to the religion of
salvation from heaven; but if he does not do that, then all my
explanations would be of no use at all because he could not
become convinced of all this. Blind faith is no good for anyone,
for one day it is here, the next a stronger faith takes over, and he
believes the stronger one by its word, certainly with no more
use for his life than the one that he believed us the day before.
[3] Man must therefore be led so that he perceives the being of
the near and the distant things in himself, becomes aware of it
and then looks at them from the living light of such an inner
consciousness. If he has managed that which is no impossibility,
he then no longer needs our teaching!
[4] In my opinion we are doing enough if we show the people
the fully correct and clear way in life, everything else will then
come of its own accord, as also our heavenly friend has
marvelously shown that one only needs to lay the right fruit in a
field, and it will bear and ripen then of its own accord. But for
us and our strengthening the heavenly messenger can open our
eyes just as well for the sight of the Morning star as he once
opened the eyes of old Tobias through the gall of a fish; for
he seems to me to be the same Raphael that once led the
young Tobias!”
[5] Mathael says: “But you could very well be perfectly right!
The names are the same and the wisdom likewise, and if our
heavenly friend is a true eye-doctor and can illuminate the
Morning star for us in a little more detail, if he wants to and
may! As everything for him depends very strictly on the will of
the Lord; he himself has no will of his own, even if we have a
perfectly own and most free will.”
[6] Raphael now remarks, “You have spoken very well, but my
will is not quite as unfree as you understand it! I am also a
receptacle and not just a purest beam of divine will. I feel very
well what I want, and then what the Lord wants.
[7] But I perceive the Lord's will more easily, distinctly and
quickly than you people, and I instantly and completely
surrender my will to the will of the Lord. Therefore, I can just as
well be regarded as a pure emanation of the divine will; but I
have nevertheless a wholly free will and could, just like a man,
act contrary to the Lord's will. Yet this cannot possibly happen
because I possess such a high degree of wisdom so as to be able,
as a spontaneous light out of the divine primal light, to
recognize only too well the eternal, immutable justice of the
divine will as the greatest value of life of all men, angels and
worlds. So I quite spontaneously fulfill only the well-recognized
divine will, at all times wholly surrendering my own to the
divine will.
[8] If you, therefore, want me to unveil the morning star, which
is called 'Venus' by the heathens, I can indeed do this out of my
will, provided the Lord's will is not opposed to it; but if that
should be the case, I would indeed not give you enlightenment.
Therefore, what I say I speak of my own cognition and wisdom
which can certainly be none other than the divine because I am
always penetrated only by the divine will which prompts me to
action and speech. If you, therefore, wish to know the morning
star as it is in its nature and reality, I shall do you the favor and
show it to you.” – Say all three: -Do that, sweetest friend from
the heavens!”
[1] Here Raphael laid his hands on each person on the forehead
and breast at the same time, and at the same moment the three
found themselves with the eye of their soul on the planet Venus
and looked well at its ground, creatures and order, even heard
the people there speaking, and that was all in a collection to
honor the great spirit of all spirits. And what was spoken there
said: “You people of this beautiful Earth which the Great Spirit
created according to His eye, we have gathered here in order to
bring this Great Spirit our praise and our honor! Highly
powerful and wise is the Great Spirit however; therefore we can
only honor Him in that we show Him in every action towards
Him that we are wise in ourselves. The true wisdom however
consists in the greatest order possible; the highest degree of
this order however is symmetry. If we observe ourselves as
the culmination point of all creation! What a balance in the
formation of our limbs! How much does one eye resemble the
other, one ear the other, one hand the other, one foot the other!
Let us look at our figure! Who can say that between us there is
not the highest physiological similarity? If there was not a
difference in our characters and temperaments, we would not be
able to distinguish ourselves from one another!
[2] We see from this as from many things that the wisdom of the
Great Spirit must have the greatest pleasure in the most perfect
symmetry, and so we want to observe the strictest symmetry
then in everything that we do and make! No one should build
his house even a hair’s width higher than his neighbor, give it
no other form and do not set it a hair outside or inside the
straightest line; for such a thing would displease the Great
Spirit, and He would not bless such a disorderly house.
[3] So we notice in all creatures that the round shape is the
favorite for the Great Spirit; for the more perfect a creature is,
the more it is distinguished by the roundness of its form.
Therefore we should also give a rounding to everything that we
do; for the great spirit has a very particular pleasure therein and
must have it, because we, as beings created according to His
measure and gifted with His sense, have also the greatest
pleasure in rounded things. It is therefore a commandment to
round off everything that we make very obediently. Whoever
brings into being something angular and even spiky without
need and just permission attracts the displeasure and anger of
the Great Spirit to himself!
[4] Therefore we further see that the beautiful white color, here
and there a little reddened, must unmistakably be the very most
pleasant color to the Great Spirit, because He gave us such a
color as His preferred creatures. So we must particularly
observe this color in our clothes above all, and choose and must
not let ourselves be led astray to perhaps put any other color on
our clothes, for also this would be unpleasant for the Great
[5] Also we should only make use of the straight line where it is
needed, as also the Great Spirit likewise makes use of a straight
line only where it is unavoidably necessary! Everywhere else
we notice rounded shapes, and it is therefore necessary in order
to be similar and perfect to the Great Spirit in all things to
strictly observe this measure and this form too.
[6] But we know that we can only achieve everything most
exactly through the perfected art of counting and skilled
measuring. So it is again everyone’s strictest duty to strive for
this art and knowledge above all; for without this the person
would have to appear in just one day a thousand times ugly and
despicable to the Great Spirit! For the Great Spirit sees
everything and measures in one moment everything; wherever
He meets a neglect in such a pleasing order to Him alone, He
withdraws His eye and with it His blessing too, without which
we cannot do anything!
[7] But if we are in the fullest order in these main issues, then it
goes without saying that we must also be in order in our
thoughts and desires; for the outer perfect symmetry in all
things must necessarily have the innermost of the soul as a
consequence, which the Great Spirit sees above all of course.
[8] How quickly would arrogance and a destructive lack of
respect by a person towards another sneak in and poverty,
misery and lack of means; only through the strictest observance
of symmetry in everything are such terrible things always kept
away from us, and we live therefore all happy, since no one can
imagine anything that would make him more exquisite than his
[9] Where the Great Spirit Himself has ordered imbalance as
necessary, it will do us no harm, but instead only good. So we
cannot all be all of the same age. It is a mistake, it is true, in the
strict order; but it is fully leveled out by the great spirit in that
the old age, rich in knowledge and experiences, makes youth
just as rich as it is itself!
[10] And so there are several more similar imbalances in the
equality of the commands of the Great Spirit; but they serve us
only as our teaching, so that there are also imbalances besides
the highest order which however are not blessed because they
are allowed, but only because we can recognize the bad in them
all the more easily. No one should walk around with torn
clothes, but instead patch up the hole immediately with the same
cloth, if he cannot get any new clothing!
[11] But it has been noticed among many that they, if they have
to make a long journey, use a stick or staff to help them. That is
something improper and should be avoided! Whoever already
uses a stick because of his age, should immediately take two
equal sticks, one in each hand for the sake of balance, in order
not to appear ugly before the Great Spirit!
[12] It was also remarked that some give their garden a different
layout and organize it differently to what is ordered among the
beautiful gardens of the very order-loving neighbors. The Great
Spirit has no pleasure in this, and envy and jealousy could
develop between you, which would be something quite terrible
before the Great Spirit! Therefore ensure that there is the same
order in your gardens and on your fields! If gardens and fields
stand so beautifully, the eye of the Great Spirit finds great
pleasure in this and the blessing comes with the pleasure.
[13] Also observe such an order in your houses, so that if one
neighbor enters the house of another it will not seem strange to
him there, but instead it will be as homely as his own house!
The Great Spirit sees that also with the greatest pleasure; for
you are all one family before the Great Spirit and should never
estrange yourselves from one another.
[14] If then someone came to us from the end of the world, it
must then seem to him completely as if he was in his full home
and in his own house! Such a thing is well looked upon by the
Great Spirit, and His blessing remains not by the wayside.
[15] Some have begun to build by the great water strange
looking buildings which disfigure the area; but the Great Spirit
has no pleasure in that. But what the Great Spirit does not like,
we should also take no pleasure in!
[16] Look after the tame domestic animals and treat them well;
for they are also works of the Great Spirit and are designated to
be of use to you. They are living tools for our use and we must
therefore keep them in all honor.
[17] So no one should destroy even the smallest little plant
without need, for such a thing would be a lack of thanks towards
the Great Spirit for which we would not be able to count on any
blessing. But the paths should be kept pure and you should
never let grass grow on it so that it will not be crushed underfoot
and destroyed in its growth! Do everything most exactly and
you will never have need among you!
[18] Observe my words as the will revealed to me for you of the
very wisest and all-mighty Great Spirit, and act in strict
accordance with it, and you will be happy here. And on the
other side you will be blessed in that world about which the
souls of those who have left us tell us that they are extremely
beautiful and magnificent, and in which we often will get to see
face to face the great spirit and His light servants.
[19] As a conclusion I must still tell you something however
which a bright spirit told me a long time ago and again now, and
this time much more certainly than the previous time. You see
well at night the shining great star which is accompanied by a
smaller one. The beautiful bright Kapra1 you know only too
well; but you all do not know what Kapra is. I also did not know
it previously. But the spirit told it to me and showed me in a
dream-like state Kapra as a just as large world and earth as the
one that bears us.
[20] The small star always accompanying Kapra is likewise an
Earth, but significantly smaller than Kapra itself. This little
1 This is how the people of Venus call this Earth.
earth is very barren and half of it completely void of living
[21] But the spirit showed me a person on that great Kapra and
said: Look, this is the Lord! In Him lives the fullness of the
eternal, Great Spirit. From now on this spirit will be in the most
perfect human form accessible to all of His intelligent created
beings like one person to another. The people of Kapra however
are mostly like His children, and a great, divine power is given
to them all when they, these children, fulfill the will of the man
of all men; but those who do not fulfill His will remain foolish
and weak and are not accepted as His children, but instead they
remain animals like the souls of animals until they have made
the will of the great spirit, which lives in this One person, fully
their own!
[22] We people should therefore always have a particular
respect for the beautiful, bright Kapra! We should also love the
great spirit who now lives as the most perfect person on that
Kapra as a woman here loves a man and as a child loves the
father and mother, then we would also be become able to see
and speak to the great spirit one day as a person – which would
very much increase our bliss that we expect; yes, the spirit that
revealed this to me even said that it will not be impossible for
some from our Earth to be made equal to the children of Kapra.
[23] Since you now have experienced such a thing through your
ever truest teacher and leader, then believe it, and in your minds
pay attention to that star so that the beams of blessing and of
mercy of whose light may flow richly to us!”
[1] As such a thing was announced to the community on planet
Venus by the teacher and leader, the three were awoken again
by Raphael. But in the meantime it had become fairly light and
only less than an hour was left before sunrise, Mathael
wondered greatly about what he had now seen in a highly vivid
dream. He recounted the dream, and both Murel and Philopold
were even more amazed because they had seen and heard
exactly the same thing what Mathael told about his dream.
[2] But Raphael said: “Well, how did you like it on the
Morning star?”
[3] Mathael says: “Yes, if that was unmistakably the Morning
star, which I no longer doubt at all, then I liked it very much,
and the people with their teaching and strict observance of
symmetry are not at all stupid and must behave morally very
high; for in such circumstances a sin is a sheer impossibility!
But at such circumstances of life would be unbearably boring
for me; eternal monotony and no progress that is life like an
amphibian! A snail and a Venus person have obviously one and
the same need; whatever goes beyond affects neither of them.
No, friend Raphael, the Morning star shines very beautifully and
can be seen from this Earth of ours enormously magnificently;
but as a world with its people and other creatures I do not like it
at all!
[4] It is probably true that at such a constitution among the
people of that world a war could never break out, since there
can be no talk of even a sin; but nonetheless a true sinner on this
Earth is much more preferable to me than such a Venus person
with all his pure decency! Such pure decency can also have no
value because besides it no spiritual perfection can take place;
for if a person could become of a more perfect spirit, he would
have to totally despair at the symmetrical behavior and actions
of the whole humanity of the Morning star, because the inner
drive would push him forward but he would have to remain
standing on one spot like a tree!
[5] A spiritually perfected person on Venus would resemble a
tree that could think and desire, but nonetheless with its roots
must remain firmly attached to the ground!
[6] Tell us, dear friend, do the Venus people have no spirit then,
no love, no free will and no desire?! They must be able to think
and count because their teacher recommended mathematics
above all in the most careful way; but if they can master that,
then some spiritual progress must also be conceivable!?”
[7] The angel says: “In any case – but they do not want any
outwardly appearing progress, but only an inner one; for they
say and recognize that an outer visible progress is an obstacle to
the inner progress of the spirit. One should make everything
outer as stereotypical and marked as possible, organize it
according to the needs of the body – but should go then no step
further, for every advance in the outer and material realm would
be a step backwards in the spiritual, inner one.
[8] Among people who cultivate the external too much,
conscienceless barbarism reigns inside. Equipped with an inner
silent spiritual progress, a nation has never enticed any envious
neighbor to war; but if a nation has placed its inner spiritual size
of spirit through easily performable external deeds into daylight,
it also immediately awakes the jealousy of the neighboring
nation, and war is then on your doorstep! But if that is and can
never be the case with these Venus people, are they then worse
than the people of this Earth?
[9] There the human has no external advantage at all, neither in
its form nor in its clothing or accommodation; therefore
everything there is only valued according to its inner worth. As
a consequence of the same external formation all people have
exactly the same build which is made even more similar through
the always similar clothing than it basically is.
[10] People who are not consumed by all sorts of passions will
externally look very similar like a brother and sister. But the
more the so-called external form of a person is different, the
more this is a sign of inner absent-mindedness as well, because
every inner has organized itself according to the outer endeavor
which can never become similar however, because the never
satiated greed, envy, jealousy, arrogance, pride, haughtiness and
domineeringness of a person sticks to it.
[11] If you are wearing a green coat, your neighbor a blue one
and a third a red one, you will soon run into quarrel and strife
because of the preference of one or other color; but if all three
of you have a coat formed in the same way from one and the
same color it will never occur to you in your wildest dreams to
begin a silly, meaningless quarrel among one another about the
greater or lesser value of the colors and forms, and you will
have time to talk about better things and issues.
[12] You have seen the full similarity of all the people that you
saw and their physiognomy on Venus. One man looked as
similar to another as one eye the other, likewise a girl and a
woman; everywhere one and the same form, but in itself highly
beautiful and perfect. That is also very good.
[13] On this Earth the difference in forms, according to the
extent of the imagined greater or lesser beauty, causes not rarely
the reason for quarrel, love, hate, despising or an exaggerated
external preference and tendency, but there is no trace of all that
on planet Venus. The people love each other only according to
the extent of wisdom; the more someone knows how to tell of
the goodness, power and wisdom of the Great Spirit, and the
gentler and humbler he becomes, the greater the value and
the greater the respect he has from his community! Tell me
whether that is not also a highly wise organization on behalf of
the Lord!”
[14] Mathael says: “In any case, and I would like such an order
to exist on our Earth! But now the Lord is getting up and all the
people with Him! Now we should keep out eyes and ears open,
for there will surely be something that must soon be done! The
nine who drowned?!”
[1] When I got up and everyone else who rested with Me rather
sweetly for more than three hours, I immediately call the three
to Me and ask them, why they did not consent to the
strengthening three hour sleep.
[2] Says Mathael: “Lord! You Marvelous, You most Wise! Who
can sleep, if he through Your word anyway receives the
mightiest strength! All three of us are anyway strengthened to
such an extent, as if we had slept very well for the whole night!
But we have used the three hours – as much as it was possible
for us – in Your name and have subject to Your merciful
admission learned things, which most likely no mortal ever have
dreamt about. For that we would like to give to You our
sincerest en warmest thanks; You are the Lord, and everywhere
You are all in all; therefore to You alone all our love and
highest respect!”
[3] I said: “Good then, I know what you have discussed and
learned during the time planned for you! But since you have
learned it, keep it for the time being to yourself and also
afterwards do not make misuse of it; since the children of this
earth cannot understand this, because they are not from the same
place where you came from. But you will experience much
bigger things; after the Holy Spirit has come over you, whom I
will soon pour out over you, who will lead you into all truth!
This will be the spirit of love, the Father Himself, who will
draw and teach you, so that you all can come there, where I
will be.
[4] Since truly I say to you: Nobody will come to Me, if the
Father is not drawing Him towards Me! You must all be taught
by the Father, thus by the everlasting love in God, if you want to
come to Me! Therefore you all must be perfect, like the Father
in heaven is perfect! Hence, a lot of knowledge, also the most
plentiful experience will not bring you there, but only the living
love for God and in the same measure to your neighbor; therein
lies the great secret of the rebirth of your spirit out of God and
in God.
[5] However, everybody will have to walk with Me through the
narrow gate of the fullest abnegation, until he becomes what I
am. Everybody must cease to be something for himself, so that
he can become everything in Me.
[6] To love God above all, means: to completely rise and
become one with God – and to love your neighbor also means:
to completely know and understand your neighbor, otherwise
one will not be able to love him completely; because a partial
love is of no use to him who loves, nor to him who is loved.
[7] If you want to have a full view in all directions from a high
mountain, you must in any case climb to the highest peak;
because from any lower vantage point, a considerable section
will always remain concealed. Therefore in love everything and
the outer must occur from within, so that its fruit can be
revealed to you.
[8] Your heart is a field, and the active love therein is the living
seed kernel; but the poor brothers are the fertilizer for the field.
Those of you, who will place many seed kernels into the well
fertilized ground, will also reap a full harvest. The more you
will fertilize the ground with the poor, the stronger it will
become; and the more you place good seed kernels into it, the
richer the harvest. Who will sow plentiful, will also harvest
plentiful; who will sow sparsely, will also harvest sparsely.
09 But therein lies the highest wisdom, that you will become
wise by the liveliest love. However, all knowledge is of no use
without love! Therefore, do not strive too much for a lot of
knowledge, but rather that you love a lot, then love will give to
you, what no knowledge ever can give to you! It is quite alright
that the three of you have used the three hours for the multiple
enrichment of your knowledge and your experiences most
eagerly; but all this would be of little use for your souls. If you
in future sacrifice your time with the same eagerness to love
your neighbor, then only one day will be of greater use for
your souls!
[10] What use is it to you before Me, if you nearly dissolve
yourself because of amazement about My power, greatness and
never fathomable magnificence, but outside your house are
crying poor brothers and sisters of hunger, thirst and coldness!
How wretchedly would sound and to no use would be a loud
cheering and praising for the honor and glory of God, if you
cannot hear the hardship of a poor brother! To what use are all
the rich and most magnificent sacrifices in the temple, if in front
of its doors a poor brother perishes of hunger?
[11] Therefore your search should especially be directed
towards your poor brothers and sisters; to them bring help and
consolation! And you will find in a brother, who was helped by
you, more, than having travelled to all the stars and have praised
Me with tongues of Seraphim!
[12] Truly, I say to you, all angles, all heavens and all worlds
with all their wisdom, cannot give you in eternity, what you can
achieve, if you truly have helped a poor brother, who was in
misery, with all your strength and all your means! Nothing
stands higher and closer to Me than true, active love!
[13] If you pray to God, but does not, while you are praying,
can hear the complaining voice of your poor brother who came
to you for help during your hour of prayer, then your futile
chatter is damned! Since My honor exists in love – and not in
the futile twaddle of your mouth!
[14] You should not be as Isaiah has shouted: ‘See, those people
honor Me with their lips; but their hearts are far away from
Me!’, but if you pray to Me, do this in the spirit and in all truth!
Since God is a spirit and can only be worshipped in the spirit
and in the truth.
[15] The only true prayer in the spirit appealing to Me, does not
consists in the movement of the tongue, the mouth and the lips,
but only in the active exercising of love. What use is it to you if
you have decorated the grave of a prophet with many pounds of
gold, but failed to hear the voice of a suffering brother?! Do you
think that it can pleases Me? Fool! You will be looked at with
angry eyes by Me, because you have for the sake of a dead
failed to listen to the voice of a living!”
[1] (The Lord:) “See, I already provided that the places which
we are going to visit now, will, within the next 100 years,
disappear, so that in time no too crude idolatry is carried out!
[2] My Nazareth will not be found, however, another over the
mountain from here towards evening1. Genezareth will
disappear, only Tiberius on this side of the sea, will remain.
1 Meaning ‘west’.
Caesarea Philippi, where we are now, is already extinguished,
but one will remain above the Merom Lake, from where the
Jordan is coming, and one in the direction of the evening, not
far from the large salt lake, not far from Tyre and Sidon. The
land Samaria will only partially remain from here in the
direction of midday (south) up to the large sea, but the smaller
portion, which lies more towards the morning with the true
Sichar and the true mountain Horeb, will be wiped out, and the
later descendants will search for it and will find it not far from
the large sea; but only the name will remain and a rough
mountain, but not the truth. And so it will happen to Jerusalem
and many places of the promised land, which to a large extend
will be transformed into a desert.
[3] All of you remember this well; since it will happen like that,
so that the people do not stop listening to the voice of their poor
brothers and sisters when idolizing these places! They should all
become confused about it! They should search in the wrong
Nazareth for My hut and become stupid; since the real Nazareth
will shortly after I have ascended to My kingdom, be wiped off
the face of the earth.
[4] Who will search for futile things, will find futile things and
die because of it; but who searches for the real Nazareth in his
heart, will find it in every poor brother and a real Bethlehem in
every poor sister!
[5] There will be times when people will travel to this place
from far away and will search for these places. The names will
remain, but not the villages! Yes, the nations in Europe will go
to war to own these places and will think and believe, to do Me
a good favor thereby; but they will leave their wives and
children and brothers and sisters at home to perish in poverty,
need and misery!
[6] However, if they in the beyond come to Me, to receive their
assumed reward for their troubles and sacrifices, I will reveal to
them their big foolishness and will show them, what misery they
have created by their foolishness which I never have asked them
to do; firstly under those who were entrusted to their care,
namely the poor, weak wives, children and other needy people
of the house! And it will be indicated to them, that they will not
come to the light of My mercy, until they have made completely
good all the misery they have caused – what will be very hard
for them to do, since they will for that possess only extremely
meager means in the dim light of the spirit world above and
under the earth.
[7] I say to you: Because of the great foolishness of the people,
these places will be put under the control of the heathens. And
through those heathens I will allow the false supporters of My
teachings in the direction of sunrise (east) and sundown (west),
at noon (south) and in the area of midnight (north) to be
[8] Therefore take care, that foolishness and blind superstition
does not spread roots in My teaching of life and true recognition
of God along the only way of deed-active love; this will give to
everybody the true light and the right and unlimited view of all
things of the natural and spiritual world! This is and will forever
remain the only true and effective way to Me and My
everlasting kingdom.
[9] I, as the love from eternity, am the only light, the way, the
door and the everlasting life; who wants to enter in another way
into My kingdom of light, is like a thief and a robber and will be
banished into extreme darkness, already here, and even more so
one day in the beyond. – Now you know what to do, and what is
right before Me. Do accordingly, and you will walk on the
right path!
[10] But now we want to go to the nine who drowned, and you,
Marcus, bring wine to them; since we will need it!”
[1] Thereupon we went quickly to the nine, and I asked that
their faces should be turned upwards with their heads lying
uphill. When they were placed like this, I said to Markus: “Give
each one a few drops of wine in the mouth!” This was easy to
accomplish, because all of them had an open mouth. When this
was done, I said to all present: “Go, and every weak believer
among you should make sure whether the nine are completely
[2] Among the 30 converted Pharisees there was also a doctor,
who was able to recognize if a body was completely dead or
not. He came closer and said: “Not because I have the slightest
doubt about the death of these drowned, that I come here to
examine them, but to give you, as a skilled expert, a full-valid
proof, that these nine are completely dead.” Hereupon he
touched the nine, looked at their eyes, the hypocrite nose as a
sure sign of complete death and the complete extinguishing of
all physical life-spirits.
[3] After a very precise inspection and also the co-testimony of
all who confirmed his findings as valid and true, he delivered
his judgment loudly and added to it: “Not now, but already
yesterday, one hour after getting into the water, they were
already completely dead as they are now! Judging by the nose
and the smell, decay has already started. No human science,
strength and power will call these nine back to life! This is only
possible for Him, who will raise all the dead from their graves
to life on judgment day!”
[4] I said: “So that you upon this valid testimony of the doctor
will recognize the glory of the Father in the Son of man, I call
loud to the Father and say: ‘Father, glorify Your name!’”
[5] Here many heard a voice like many thunders: “I have
glorified him through you, My most beloved Son; because it is
in You, that I find My true pleasance! The people should listen
to you!”
[6] Many heard these words, but many heard only a pure
thunder and began to ask, why it was thundering. But those who
heard words in the thunder, gave testimony about what they
have heard, and the others were surprised by it and said: “This is
odd! We only heard the thunder, but since many of you have
heard the same words, we believe you as if we have heard it
ourselves. Nevertheless from this we can conclude that this
Master here is only the Son, but not the holy almighty Father,
who lives in heaven and whom no person has ever seen, but
only could speak to in sanctified moments. Moses was therefore
also a son of the Almightiest, since also he has performed
extraordinary signs, and the other prophets too in equal
measure; this Nazarene may be the biggest prophet, because he
does the biggest and most signs.”
[7] Said Murel, who listen to this quite well: “No, you are
mistaken; this is still a very large misunderstanding of yours!
Who has announced Moses before Moses through the spirit of
the Lord, who Elias, who Samuel, who any of the four great
prophets? They were like by coincidence awakened by God and
prophesied! And of who did they prophesied most? Actually
about Him who is now in front of us! The voice which could be
heard as a mighty thunder, was very much His very own voice,
which He uses to speak to us with His bodily mouth! The only
difference consists therein: With His mouth of the body, He
speaks as a person to us, but by means of the thunder voice, He
could be heard as Him, who was, is and will be forever – who
has created everything there is and who gave to His people the
law under continues lightning and thunder on Sinai. Therefore
only for Him everything is possible, also this, that He out of the
highest love for us, His children, could become a man like us,
otherwise He could forever not be seen and be recognized by
His children He loves above all!”
[1] Here I step closer to Murel and say: “You have done this
well, My son! You have truly penetrated the truth very deeply,
and those who have seen things a little skew, you have taught
them according to the fullest truth. Therefore you will become a
competent weapon for Me against the Jews and the heathens;
your reward in heaven will therefore not be small!
[2] But let us now go over to action, which I have determined
for you, so that everyone can touch it with his hands, that it is
truly only Me, who must have come according to the prophecies
of all the prophets up to Simeon, Anna, Zacharias and John,
who was decapitated by Herod! See, these nine should all
become alive and will go home to their families! If they fully
strengthened will wake up, do not detain them, but let them go
immediately; only if I have left this area, you may inform them
what has happened to them.
[3] When I have finished speaking, I said to Markus: “Put again
some wine in their mouths!”
[4] Markus did so, but Cyrenius and Cornelius asked Me why
the drowned must be given wine before making them alive
[5] I said: “To revive these nine this is absolutely not necessary;
but since they will leave immediately after being revived, they
need strengthening of the body, and this is accomplished by
putting some wine in their mouths before reviving them. It will
be absorbed by the nerves of the palatal and tongue and in this
way shared with all the other life nerves. When these nine
become alive, the soul, returned to the body, will already have a
strengthened tool, which she can immediately use for all kind of
activity. If it wasn’t for this pre-strengthening, the newly
revived would need to stay for a while, to strengthen their limbs
for any activity. At the same time this pre-strengthening will
leave a nice taste in the mouth of the concerned, which is also
necessary since the murky water smell would cause them to
become sick after been awakened, from which they could not
been completely freed for a long time. Now you also know this;
do you still have any concerns in this regard?”
[6] Said Cornelius: “No, not really, Lord and Master; however,
the thought came to me, how You as the Almighty, who’s will
is capable of doing everything, here and there still make use of
completely natural means to achieve a certain goal!”
[7] I Said: “And why should I not?! Are the natural means not
also a creation of My will – namely the wine out of the cellar of
Markus, who’s empty tubes and other holders I alone filled with
wine miraculously?! If I therefore make use of natural means,
then this is not less a miracle than using no natural means but
only My will! Do you understand this now?”
[8] Said Cornelius and Cyrenius: “Yes, also this is now very
clear to us; we are already looking forward to the reviving of the
nine drowned people! Will this take place immediately?”
[9] I said: “Only a little more patience, until they had been
given some wine in their mouth for a third time, so that they can
have sufficient pre-strengthening in them before coming to life
[10] With that all the curios were being satisfied, and Markus
gave on My instructions to the nine for the third time some wine
in their mouths.
[11] Thereupon I say to the many bystanders: “This task has
now also been completed! But let us distance ourselves from
this place and sit at the tables where a well prepared morning
meal awaits us! If we would stay here, we would only confuse
the newly awakened, and they would think that something
extraordinary had happened to them; but if they do not see
anybody close by, it will seem to them, that they, because of
yesterday’s storm, completely dazed and worn-out had fallen
asleep on this hill and only awoke from a deep sleep this
morning, the day following yesterdays Sabbath! Because of that
they will completely unconcerned and quietly rise from where
they are lying now and return to their homes, where they of
course will be welcomed by their families with the biggest joy
and be refreshed.”
[1] Upon this My word everyone immediately carries out My
instructions, but many quite reluctantly, since they would have
liked observing the miracle from close by; but no one dares to
make any comment. We walk to our tables and sit down and
reach for the fishes, which were this time tastily prepared
and we eat with a joyful mood.
[2] This time especially My Jarah is in a good mood and says: “I
really don’t know why it is, that I’m in such a good mood today.
But I also have noticed something else, and this is that not all
the others are in such a good mood like I am! I am a girl and
should have been tormented by curiosity more than others, but
here it is just the opposite! The men are all the time peeping to
make sure if the nine have already awaken, but I have not
peeped once, nevertheless, I already have seen them walking
away, one after the other one, but the men and lords and kings
still keep looking and ask themselves in their souls, if they
really became alive again? Oh, already al little half hour ago!
Immediately after arriving at the tables, the nine started stirring
and one after the other rose from the ground, rubbed the sleep
out of their eyes and left. I observed this very easily through the
trees which partially covers the view from here to that particular
place, since I’m small I could easily look underneath the
branches; but you are big, and the branches blocked your view
to see the miracle of the power of the divine will. But now it is
already too late; even if you went there, you would find nothing
than perhaps the place, where the nine were lying. Also those,
which the Lord already yesterday shortly after the storm has
awakened, left with the nine for home.”
[3] Said Cornelius: “But you have very good eyes and notices
everything. If everything is done, then everything is in anyway
fine and good, and we don’t need anything else than the assured
success of that, what the Lord arranges and wants; since
only one single failure would cause some doubts among the
hardliner believers. Did you really saw the nine getting up and
walking away?”
[4] Says Jarah a little excited: “Now then, I hope not one is
contemplating a liar in me!? As long as I live and can think,
never ever did a lie come over my lips – and at the side of my
Lord, my God and most true Master should I bring forth a lie, to
satisfy thereby your curiosity?! Oh, then you, elevated lord, do
not in the least know Jarah! See, in the still so bright mind also
resides the lie; since you can have explained something to
someone out of your mind, as it made sense to you; but your
made-sense-to-you was utterly wrong, and thus have completely
lied with your explanation – because you have mislead yourself
and your neighbor. But the true and pure love never lies and
cannot lie, since it honors its neighbor, and as also a child of
God, more than itself and God above all! But I am full of love
for God and therefore also for my neighbor – and you think
I’m able to provide you with wrong information?! Elevated
Cornelius, this imposition coming from you was not wellbehaved!”
[5] Said Cornelius: “But, most lovely Jarah, never ever did I
meant it in such a way! I asked you in this way, because it is a
completely normal way of asking, however, not in the remotest
sense did I think, that you could have told me something which
is untrue! Ask the Lord Himself, who surely knows, what goes
on in my soul, if I intended to accuse you, most guileless and
loveliest girl, of a lie! The nine have been awakened by the will
of the Lord and have also already departed according to the will
of the Lord, and the whole matter is thereby concluded, but I
gave you the somewhat ungainly question as a pure habit and
actually did not thought anything of it. – Will you be cross with
me about that?”
[6] Said Jarah: “O not at all, but in future you must think about
your questions more carefully! But now let’s talk about
something else; since we have long enough talked about empty
[7] Said Cornelius and Cyrenius: “Yes, yes, you are absolutely
right; every minute which we spend on idle chatting, is a great
loss, if the Lord is with us! Let us give to only the Lord the
honor to determine and arrange something!”
[8] I said: “Let’s leave it at that; we now have time for fishing
and want to provide Markus with ample stock! After midday,
however, something else will come up!”
[9] The old Markus, who overheard Me, instructed immediately
his sons to prepare the necessary vessels; because the fish in the
large, fenced off container in the lake, was severely damaged
during yesterday’s storm.
[1] While we were discussing at our table this and that, an
argument started between the 30 young Pharisees and the still
present twenty Persians. The Persians considered the awakening
of the nine drowned persons as a proper miracle; but the 30
young Pharisees in a small way doubted such. Especially Risa,
who earlier strengthened Hebram for Me, was the strongest
against the same.
[2] Hebram said: “Friend Risa, if a person for once is dead by
the body, like those nine were dead, you can place him as you
like, and the following day likewise and you can put the same
wine in his mouth, he will still never come to life again!
This is an act of the divine willpower, and the placing and
pouring of wine are serving no other purpose, then letting the
water run out of the stomach and the lungs by a correct placing,
and that by the wine the still unsettled nerves receive a
necessary pre-strengthening and not to provide the palate with a
disgusting taste. But in connection with the later awakening of
the dead body, not the placing or the wine is of any importance.
The Lord only allowed this to happen, because He has decided
to bring those nine back to life again by His will, and that the
souls immediately find an inhabitable and useful body! – Don’t
you see the logic of it?”
[3] Says Risa: “Yes, yes, I can see it and you will be probably
right; nevertheless, it still requires effective proof, to convince
oneself scientifically, that the placing and the later triple
administering of wine on its own cannot make the body of a
completely drowned person alive again! If one is convinced
about that, only then does this awakening becomes a perfect
miracle! This is my opinion.”
[4] Said Hebram: “Now then, if you insist and the Lord wants it,
it might happen that during the newly arranged fishing trip
another corpse is found, and with him you can apply exactly the
same placing- and wine-administering experiments to revive
him again, however, you will find that you will not achieve any
joyful results!”
[5] Said the Persians: “We share this opinion! Since what is
only possible for the power of the divine will, is not possible for
any person who is only a creature himself – except if the will of
God acts with and through a person. This is our opinion, and we
do not believe to be on the wrong path with it. But now all are
proceeding to the water, and therefore also we want to mount
our vessels; since with this opportunity most likely some sort of
miracle will occur, and of that we must be witnesses.”
[6] Thereupon a general departure to the water takes place,
which during this morning is very quiet and suited for fishing.
This time My disciples, except for Iscariot, work together with
the sons of the old Markus and help them to spread and throw
out the big nets.
[7] But Judas Iscariot entertained himself privately by going all
by himself to the completely ruined city, to investigate what was
going on; since he earlier had overheard, that the wealthy
Greeks wanted to pave some of the streets with gold and silver.
But he thought and was under the impression, that the wealthy
had already made considerable progress in this regard; he
therefore went unseen to the burned down city, to fish for gold,
silver and other valuables lying in the open.
[8] But this time his dirty tricks did not paid off – except on his
back; since when he was as a stranger discovered to chase after
gold and silver in the back streets, he was soon arrested by the
guards and suffered a hard beating. Thereupon he of course
left the ruins of the old town which was still smoldering
despite yesterday’s storm; the towns ancient name was ‘Vilipia
Philippi’ and only recently under the emperors of Rome
received the additional name ‘Caesarea’.
[9] When our gold fisher arrived with hurrying steps back at the
house of Markus, he of course met no one except the wife and
daughters of Markus, with whom he were not able to get far,
since they had their hands full with preparing lunch and had
therefore no time to pay any attention to him. Besides, they
already believed firmly in Me and were therefore not at all in
the mood, to answer the somewhat cheeky questions of Judas
Iscariot; in addition this disciple was not in their favor, because
during the past few days he proved himself to be greedy and
[10] Since he was not welcomed in the women house of
Markus, he left the house and went to the sea to look for us, but
could not see us, since we had to steer onto the high seas to
make a good catch, because of a fish trail occurring only twice a
year according to the direction of the Jordan, coming from the
Merom Sea, carrying a lot of fish consisting mainly of the best
[11] Since the disciple who stayed behind was very bored and
did not know what to do, he went to the tents of Ouran, to
investigate if everything has been removed and at the same time
using the opportunity to find perhaps a few superfluous gold- or
sliver pieces, which were left behind by someone! But also there
the world was nailed shut with boards; since Ouran has left in
each tent three guards behind, with whom it was not advisable
to speak during the absence of their master. With a lot of anger
he left the tents and went to look for a shady tree, under which
he lay down and fell quite comfortably asleep.
[12] But shortly afterwards his sleep was also interrupted, since
the flies gave him no rest – in short, Iscariot was tormented for
three full hours and was near desperation. He then saw our ship
and his heart felt a little lighter and he regretted it already quite
a lot that he left My company.
[1] But we made a true million catch of the best fish, and on the
high seas two completely naked female corpses were found
drifting around, which earlier fell into the hands of pirates who
robbed them of everything, and afterwards threw them alive into
the water. Both, maidens of nineteen and twenty-one years of
age, very well formed, were from Capernaum and daughters of
a wealthy house, who wanted to travel to Gadarene, and
entrusted themselves to the sea. Their ship and the ship’s crew
were in order. But in the middle of the lake they bumped into a
Greek pirate who took the ship. The crew of four and the two
maidens lost their lives. The four crew men were killed before
they were thrown into the sea. Towards both maidens the pirates
were a little more humane; they took off all their clothes, raped
them and only then threw them into the sea. But the perpetrators
were even before daybreak today caught by the arm of justice
and the court, and those devils will not escape their sharpest
[2] The maidens were, however, firmly tied together with their
hair and drifted completely dead on the water. This was very
good for the placing- and wine experiment to perhaps revive
someone who drowned, as believed by Risa. Therefore both
corpses were wrapped in cloths and put into the ship.
[3] But there was now a lot of work to do, and Markus did not
know how to store all the fish; but I instructed Raphael to help
Markus, and very quickly everything was in the best order. But
Risa took charge of the reviving effort of the two corpses and
laid them in the same manner on the ground as I have done a
day before.
[4] And Thomas quickly greeted Judas Iscariot and asked him
somewhat ironically how his fishing expedition went? Judas
Iscariot grumbled something into his thick beard, but did not
dared to start a controversial conversation with Thomas; since
he remembered that it in fact was Thomas who warned him
beforehand, not to go to the city and search for gold, and
therefore he did not want Thomas to know how it went! Thus
Judas Iscariot kept quiet; but I gave Thomas a sign, that he
should no longer pursue the gold seeker, because it would bare
only little fruit.
[5] However, it came to pass that a servant of Ouran, on the
account of Judas Iscariot, reached into the treasure bag of
Helena and stole 30 silver coins. The servant came hurriedly to
our table and said: “A thief, a thief! When the high masters were
at sea to attend the pleasant fishing expedition and nobody,
except for the Roman soldiers who camp around the mountain
and are busy exercising, were close by, I had to leave the large
tent to relieve myself; at that moment a disciple of the great
Prophet, whom you rightly call your master, crept into the tent
and stole, before I was back in the tent, from the treasure bag of
the princess 30 silver coins!
[6] When I entered the tent, I found him embarrassed in the tent,
with his eyes searching the ground, as if he was searching for a
lost item; I spoke to him quite gruffly, since he looked
suspicious to me, but he was frightened and immediately left the
tent. Initially I did not expect any wrongdoing by a disciple of
the big prophet; but when I walked up and down in the tent, I
noticed the treasure bag of the most elated princess, because it
was not in the same order as it was known to me before. For
being a confidant, I was familiar with the numeric content of the
treasure bag, I took the bag and counted the precious content,
and see – 30 silver coins were missing! Those 30 delightful
silver pieces could impossibly been taken by anyone else, than
the previously indicated disciple! Most submissively I want to
report this in time, so that in the end no suspicion falls on me
who is innocent.”
[7] Says Helena: “Servant, why do you apologize, even before
anybody has cast any suspicion on you?!”
[8] Says the guard: “Most merciful princess! I do not apologize,
but most dutifully I simply report the theft carried out by the
disciple of the great prophet!”
[9] Says Helena: “When did you previously search my treasure
bag without my knowledge?!”
[10] Says the guard: “Oh, immediately after the elated, most
merciful princess left the tent in my care! There were in all
600 coins; but now there are only 570 – apparently there are 30
coins missing, which nobody else could have taken than this
disciple! Since I’m as guard responsible for the elated treasures,
I must know what and how much I have to guard, and as an old,
loyal servant I cannot be blamed, if I on time familiarize myself
about what and about how much I have to guard! I now have
noted the reported missing goods and have most dutifully
reported it.”
[11] Says Helena: “Very well, very well, later we will look into
the matter in more detail and find out who the culprit of the evil
was, and he will not escape a just punishment! Perhaps it is also
a possibility, that you made a mistake when counting the first or
the second time, and it would be wrong to accuse the disciple of
the divine Master, who entered the tent because maybe he was
bored, for what he even had a right to do so, since no rule was
given by us, that nobody was allowed to enter the tents! Go
back to your post; I shall soon go there myself to investigate
everything very thoroughly!”
[12] With this answer the guard went away and his first task
was, to put the 30 coins as quick as possible back into the bag,
so that the princess was right with her remark, in that he made a
counting error. When he was finished with this operation, he
became very embarrassed, what he was going to say during the
investigation. So he thought that it would be best to go back to
the princess, to ask her for forgiveness and thereby show to her,
that he made a counting error and that he did a great injustice to
the disciple. – Thought and done! After a few minutes he
returned and explained it to the princess and at the same time he
ask her to let go the promised investigation, since no crime was
committed anymore.
[13] When doing so, he still looked very embarrassed, since he
knew that king Ouran punishes nothing more sharply than a lie
and theft. Helena felt pity for the old goblin, who never before
proved to be disloyal and she said to him: “Stand up and go
your ways! It wasn’t nice of you, that you wanted to revenge
yourself in such a low manner on the disciple of the Lord, just
because you don’t like him, but who never did any harm to you,
except that, since we are here, you can’t stand him! See, this
was evil of you, and you deserved to be sharply punished; since
now everything is quite clear to me how you have acted!”
[14] Here the servant starts to tremble, and Judas Iscariot who
listened with great attention to this dialog from a distance, came
to the servant and said to him: “Indeed, you have acted bad
against me and without any reason; but I forgive you! Yes, I
was in the tent, and when I was nearly only a few moments
inside, you fiercely confronted me from behind and I went my
ways; but there was never any mentioning that the treasures of
the tent had been violated! And if you would not have
confronted me so fiercely, the treasures which you have been
guarding would not have suffered any damage by me. In short,
let it be as it may be – I have forgiven you; but with your
masters you must see to it yourself how to get along well!”
[1] With that Judas Iscariot stepped back, and I said to Helena,
Ouran and Mathael: “Leave everything alone; since we have
more important things to discuss! Keep the servant and do not
punish him; because he would never have undertaken this loose
prank, if it wasn’t for a spirit who drove him to it! But he was
driven, so that he did a prophecy for us, which will be fulfilled.
But nothing further on this topic; since we have now much more
important things to discuss!”
[2] And Cyrenius asked me quite surprised: “Lord, what will
that be? It appears to me that there can be nothing more
important, than what we already have encountered here! O
speak, Lord! My heart is trembling from desire to learn about
Your new arrangements and decisions, so that I can act
[3] I said: “Just be a little patient; since everything must have its
time to reach ripeness! Therefore a little rest is now above all
necessary. Thus rest with Me a very short while!”
[4] After that all rested and the matter between Judas Iscariot
and the guard of the treasures of Ouran, which bothered Ouran
and Mathael in anyway very little, was settled. Both of them
were discussing very important government matters with
Cornelius and Faustus; since Ouran was very anxious, because
he already began to think about it, to return to the people of
whom he was the king, with this great discovery of truth, and
make them happy as much as possible. He wanted to be a king
of sensible and wise people and not of pure human larvae and
machines, who, without knowledge and without a will, walk
through life like animals.
[5] But Risa observed his two corpses and only thought about it,
if they would become alive again by his pre-manipulation which
he copied and finally by the power of My name. Others around
Me, thought about it, what the very important matter could be,
which I after the short rest will attend to. In short, although it
looked as if all were resting externally, they were in their inner
soul in the highest degree active, and nobody knew wherefrom
and whereto! Philopold, Murel and Kisjonah stuck their heads
together and deliberated feverishly about what was supposed to
happen; Cyrenius and Ebahl and Jarah were also thinking a lot
and could not find anything that still could be happening. It
appeared to them that everything was already exhausted.
[6] Schabbi and Jurah, the two Persian delegated speakers, said
to their colleagues, who pressed them strongly: “Stop it! It
would mean to tempt the power of God in our hearts! What do
we know, how we are constituted within! But if we do not know
anything about ourselves, how should we know how God is
constituted within, and what He will do?! But this we know, that
everything He will do, will be most wise and it will be aimed to
our best advantage; no matter what will happen now, more or
less spectacular as there was before, it should bother us only
very little! We are and will stay merchants and everything
which is aimed to our best, we can use exceedingly well. In the
end we regard everything equally spectacular, valuable and
important what is coming from Him, the only Lord of eternity
and the infinity of all His countless deeds and works.
[7] Since we do not know ourselves, we therefore also cannot
know what else we still need, above everything we already have
received; but He knows it and, hence, He can designate what
will be coming as something big and as very important!
Because for the Lord of all order from eternity it is impossible
to start counting at 13 or 14, but always only at 1. And as such
He also knows pure and clear, what we according to sequential
order need for our inner life perfection; therefore we can wait in
complete tranquility, for what He still wants to undertake
[8] This quite wise advice calmed the souls of the Persians
completely; but also the souls of those sitting at My table,
calmed down and waited with tensest expectations and joy for
what I later on will do very openly.
[1] But the old Markus came out of the house, where he was
busy with preparations for a midday meal, to Me and said very
softly: “Lord, forgive me if I disturb You with my concern for a
few moments!”
[2] I say to him: “Friend, go and tell the lurking spies of Herod
behind your house: ‘the Son of Man acts and speaks openly
before the eyes and ears of all the world and does not want to
make any secret deals with anybody; who thus wants to talk
to Me and wants to discuss something with Me, must come to
Me and must also speak and act completely openly! With Me
nothing is quietly and secretly whispered into one’s ear and no
negotiations and meetings take place in secrecy; this is a
damned custom of the worldly children, if they have evil in
mind and therefore do not dare to come openly and fast enough
to daylight with it, because they fear the people for the sake of
their evil intentions. But I act openly and say everything loudly
and am not afraid of the people, because My intentions with the
people are good!’
[3] Markus bowed most deeply to Me and went, to fulfill My
instructions with the biggest punctuality. When he whispered
this with all seriousness into the false faces of the lurkers which
were sent out by Herod into all directions, one of the crowd
said: “Friend, it seems you do not know that we have received
every authority, even over life and death, from Herod and have
the right to immediately destroy every cheeky opponent!”
[4] Said Markus: “Also over a citizen of Rome, as I am?”
[5] Said the cheeky spokesman: “If we destroy him, we will not
held responsible by Herod!”
[6] Said Markus: “But instead even more certain by God and the
Roman upper governor Cyrenius, who fortunately is staying
here with me for quite a few days already, with many high
ranking individuals from Rome! Beware, if you dare to touch
my house with only one hostile finger!”
[7] Said the cheeky: “Are you saying that the upper governor of
Rome is here – just a few days ago he assigned the open sword
right through the governor of Jerusalem to Herod?”
[9] At this point Markus send one of his sons to Cyrenius with
the instructions, to inform the upper governor immediately
about it. When Cyrenius heard this with a deep wrath, he
immediately ordered Julius with one-hundred soldiers to arrest
the 30 spies straight away and to kill without mercy everyone
who does not immediately surrenders and handover his
[10] I said: “Not to kill, only arrest!” – And this was followed
straight away.
[11] When the spies saw that the Romans furiously stormed
them, they wanted to flee; but they did not succeeded. The
Roman soldiers warned them very loudly, that they would kill
everyone mercilessly, who dared to fight back. This very furious
and serious sounding promise was effective; the cheeky spies
surrendered and were immediately tied up with cords and
chains, and, with terrified faces, were brought under the
precedence of Markus and Julius to the upper governor.
[12] When standing in front of Cyrenius and Cornelius and
Faustus, Cyrenius asked them with the usual roman dictatorial
seriousness: “Where is your written authority and the order
instructing you to pursue the Prophet of Galilee wherever
He goes?”
[13] Said the leader whose name was Zinka: “My Lord! Gagged
at hands and feet, I cannot take them out of my concealed bag!
Allow your soldiers to undo me and you should have the
documents, so that you can see, that also we have a lord in the
background, who rules above us and we have to obey him,
because he expensively bought the right from you Romans, to
be in your place lord over our lives and can – irresponsibly
towards you – kill at will whenever he wants!
[14] We do not mind if ten-thousand prophets swarm all over
Galilee; if they leave us alone, we certainly cause them also no
harm. But if a mighty ruler calls us and pays us handsomely and
in case of service refusal he can also kill us by his many
executioner, it becomes a completely different matter! We then
must pursue everyone on life and death, irrespective of the
pursued being a most honest person! Or are your soldiers and
mercenaries transgressing by carrying out your orders on life
and death? If somebody is responsible before God, provided
there is one, then it can be only a lord, but never his faithful
servant! Let your soldiers undo me, and I immediately will
show you our authorization written by Herod’ own hand in
3 languages; only then you can make a full-valid judgment
about us!”
[15] Cyrenius allows Zinka to be untied, who immediately
reaches into his concealed pocket, takes out a parchment role,
hands it to Cyrenius and says: “There, read it, and then judge
rightly before all the world, whether our pursuit with regard to
the Galilean prophet, a certain Jesus from Nazareth, is lawful or
[16] Cyrenius reads the authorization, which is under singed by
the name of Herod. In short it reads word for word like this:
‘Based on the rule over the entire Jewish country, which I, the
sub-ruler Herod, have obtained from Rome for 1,000 pound
silver and 100 pound gold, I order, relying on the support by
Rome which I have paid for dearly, to arrest the prophet from
Galilee, who appears to be a threat to me and my institutions,
and hand him over to me dead or alive – in the former case I
myself will examine him and see of which nature he is. My
henchmen, however, have, with this document written by
myself, the fullest right to search, pursue and arrest the accused
on all roads and paths, on all lanes and streets, and if he opposes
his arrest, he must be killed with all his followers, after which
he must be brought to me, and everyone who was part of his
arrest will receive a reward of 300 silver coins. – Written in
Jerusalem at my own palace.’
[17] Said Zinka: “Now, what do you say to this? Are we 30
within the law or not?”
[18] Cyrenius thinks a little and then says: “According to my
knowledge and will, Herod was never given such authority in
this way by Rome. According to my loyal knowledge he was
only given the authority, to exercise the sword right himself in
his own house in an emergency, but outside his house only then,
if any conspiracy against us Romans would exist and a roman
occupation unit and also a proper court for the place where the
riot takes places, would be too far off and Herod and his guard
of honor would be present; these are the only circumstances
under which he is allowed to exercise the sharp sword right!
[19] This is how the written authority from Rome to Herod
reads, which I have seen and whereby I myself was involved to
set it up; since every order from Rome to Asia must go through
my hands or through the hands of one of my representatives,
who always have to report back to me within the shortest
possible time, about everything that has happened. Therefore,
this authority is thereby declared by me as nil and void, and this
until such time when I have been instructed by Rome to the
contrary regarding how, when and why such a comprehensive
authority was given to Herod, which must fill us faithful romans
with just fear and concern.
[20] This authority will not be given back to you, until it has
returned from Rome; in the mean time you will be my
prisoners! Although you are by yourselves legally no criminals,
you are nevertheless tools, with whom the one criminal can
commit one atrocity after the other – and for horror deeds Rome
has never given an authority to anyone and surely would not
have given it to Herod either!
[21] But I am aware how the Herods are misusing their
concessions under one or the other patriotic false pretext! The
murders of the most innocent children committed by the old
Herod, still serves me as clear proof, how these clever Greek
foxes know how to abuse their rights admitted to them by
Rome, for their own advantage, to turn the Jewish people in
masses away from the Romans.
[22] O, I know how to put Herod back between those barriers;
this will be a very serious matter for me! The old Herod has
tasted my old-roman sense for justice, although at that stage I
was not much older than 30 years of age; know I’m nearly an
old man, have more experience and have become more serious –
and regard a strict law as even more important! Now I fully
keep to it: Pereat mundus, fiat jus! (Even if the world perishes,
the law will be upheld!)
[23] Straight away I will send two messengers, the one to Rome
and the other to Jerusalem to Herod, asking him for all
authorizations of Rome which are kept in his hands. He and his
servants, workers and servant’s servants will be sorry if his
authorization does not correspond with the content of this
authorization given to you!”
[1] Says Zinka: “Lord! This certainly will not also be our evil
case? Our lord and master was until now Herod. Yes, he in fact
committed certain horrible injustice to poor mankind – I
recognized this quite clear and well, but what else could one do,
but to make his orders a sad reality? What can one of your
executioners do, if you command him to cut off the head from
the body of a real or even an ostensible criminal? He may have
one-hundred times by himself the fullest conviction, that the
condemned in all seriousness is innocent – he still must put the
sharp hatchet to his nape!
[2] Did we not realize the fullest innocence of John who was
beheaded a short while ago? Oh, we did knew it and loved the
wise God devoted eccentric; since even in the dungeon he gave
us the nicest teachings, admonished us to all kind of patience
and perseverance and warned us about sins against God and
against the neighbor, and also indicated to us that now in
Galilee a prophet of all prophets and a true priest of all priests
has risen, of whom he is not worthy to undo his shoe laces! He
announced it to us, that it will be him who will release us from
evil and show us the way of light, of truth and the everlasting
life. In short, he taught us guards as if we were his disciples and
his best friends.
[3] When asked by Herod what the prisoner is doing, and how
he behaves, all of us could only say the best of him. This
pleased Herod so much, that he himself visited John to be taught
by him. It surely wouldn’t have taken a lot more for Herod to
give him his full freedom, if John, as an otherwise extremely
wise man, wouldn’t have committed a very foolish thing, by too
early telling the lustful master, that his relationship with the
beautiful Herodias was extremely sinful. Yes, John nearly
convinced Herod, to turn away from Herodias!
[4] Unfortunately during that time, Herod celebrated his day
with a big show, and Herodias more or less familiar with the
weaknesses of Herod, dressed up very unusually during that day
and thereby increased her charm to an incredible height.
Dressed up like this, she came with her dragon mother to
congratulate him, and since there were harpists and pipers and
violinists in his house, Herodias danced in front of the
completely aroused Herod. The randy Herod was so pleased by
that, that the fool committed himself to a heavy oath, to grant
her every wish whatever she would asked from him! Now our
John was as good as dead, since he was standing directly in the
way of the damned greed of the mother; she gave the youth a
sign, that she should asked for the head of John on a silver
platter, what the youth – although secretly horrified – did.
[5] Now, to what use is our love for John, what our conviction
about his fullest innocence, what our regret? To what our loud
cursing of the old and young Herodias? I myself and a
henchman had to go to the prison, to inform the good John
about the despicable will of the mighty ruler, and was forced to
bind him and let it happen that his venerable head be separated
from his torso on the damned block with a sharp hatchet. During
the event I cried like a child about the too great malice of both
women and over the saddest fate of someone who became a
dear friend of mine! But to what use is all this against the dark,
blinded and hardened will of one mighty brute?!
[6] Likewise we have been send out to capture the prophet who
operates in Galilee and who is probably the same of whom John
told us great things, and deliver him to Herod. Can we help it if
we are servants and attendants recruited under oath of this
brute? Or can we leave his service if we wanted to? Didn’t he
place the dungeon and death on a disloyal desertion? If we are
and act, like we are forced to be and act, then you, lord, show
me the just judge who can condemn us for that!
[7] Let all angles and God Himself come down from heaven to
earth and impose a condemning judgment on us, it will be
exactly fair as the decapitation of John. If there is a just God, He
apparently must be wiser than all the people! But if He is wiser
and almighty on top of it, then truly I do not understand on what
grounds He allows that such monsters of people arise and even
become powerful.
[8] This is also the only reason why I and my 29 accomplices do
not believe in any God anymore. The last spark of believe was
taken away from us by the disgraceful decapitation of John;
because if I were God I rather would have shattered a thousand
Herods with a hundred-thousand lightening strikes, than allow
the beheading of only one John! It might be true that God is able
to repay John a thousandfold in the beyond, if he endured the
cruelty committed here with patience and devotion; however,
based on my judgment I will not give to the dear God half a life,
in which conviction I currently live, for a thousand most blissful
lives, of which no person ever had any convincing certainty
[9] Who has the power, can dictate as he likes; but we
weaklings and powerless must serve him as pack-animals on life
and death. If he commits murder, it means nothing, since he has
the right for it by his power; but if we commit murder, we are
criminals and are in turn murdered. But I asked you and all lords
and wise men of your council, what God can allow this as right!
I beg you, lord, give me a clear answer about it!”
[1] On this remark Cyrenius’ eyes widened and he said with a
subdued voice to Me: “This person has truly not fallen on his
head and it seems if he has quite a lot of soul. He should be
helped! What do You think, o Lord, should the man and also his
colleagues be turned to us?”
[2] I say quite openly: “Not even a somewhat strong tree is cut
down with one blow! But with some patience one can achieve a
lot. You should also not, the one you want to lead, let him look
into the full midday sun. Because if you give him all at once too
much light, he will be blinded for a longer period of time;
however, if you bit by bit make him used to the light, he will be
able to see everything with great clarity in the brightest light and
will after that not become blind again.
[3] This person has provided me with a good service, since he,
as an eye and ear-witness, has correctly stated in front of My
disciples, how My precursor John who has preached and
baptized in the area of the Jordan, has been arrested and killed
by Herod. Not for Me, but for the sake of My disciples he also
should state, why did Herod ordered John to be arrested and
thrown into prison. Ask him this question!”
[4] Says Cyrenius by turning to Zinka: “Friend, my judgment
should not be understood in such a way, that I also allow the
servants and attendants of a brute to be punished, if they in their
souls are not remotely of the same inclination as he is, but only
then, if they were like him and stubbornly and in a certain way
already willfully want to carry out the evil intentions of their
despotic brute! But people like you, who only too well
recognize the inhuman of their inhuman master and deeply
abhor it in their hearts, I will always understand to treat them
according to what is right and what is fair!
[5] But why God in many instances allows evil to triumph in
this world, while at the same time virtue suffers and is crushed
up to the bodily death, for that, friend, a marvelous answer
exists, but lies for your current state of mind much too deep,
that you and your colleagues, who’s mind appears even much
more outwardly than yours, could understand it; but there will
come a time – perhaps in the near future – that you will
comprehend it very precisely, even with your whole soul, why
the Herods also must exist!”
[6] Says Zinka: “Lord, you just showed me the mercy to address
me with the word ‘friend’, but do not let this purposeful word
become an empty sound, as it is unfortunately mostly the case
among people! But if you have used this word in the true sense,
then show me the friendship and allow also my twenty-nine
friends to be freed from the heavy ties! That neither I or they
will run away, will firstly be prevented by the strong guard, and
secondly mainly by your friendly word. Believe me, I speak
freely and openly. With the deepest aversion we all are what we
unfortunately are! If you could free us from this yoke, you
would have accomplished the most humane and most just
[7] Says Cyrenius: “Leave it there; I will worry about that! Look
around and you see many which have been saved from the
downfall! There will be only a few, who according to our strict
roman law would not have earned either the sharp hatchet or
even the cross; and look at them, how they as true people stand
before us like the purest gold and nobody wishes to leave our
company! I hope that you will feel in the near future likewise;
since with God all things are very easily possible, of which I
have the most living conviction.
[8] But now allow me to direct a very important question to you,
which consists of the following: you have provided us all with a
rather weighty service, by completely openly telling us, why
and how the worthy seer of God has been killed by Herod; now,
you were probably also present when he was captured!?
Couldn’t you also tell me the actual reason why Herod arrested
John, since he certainly didn’t do him any harm? He must have
had some reason for doing it!”
[1] Says Zinka: “If I may speak completely freely and openly
without any bad consequences, I could give you the true reason
since I myself was an accomplice to the most innocent of all
most innocent people; but if there is perhaps too much dry hay
on the roof, it then is much better for me, if I may keep quiet
about the matter, which I cannot remember without the greatest
heartbreak, but also not without the most bitter and most
poisonous rage!”
[2] Says Cyrenius: “Speak completely free and openly, because
among us you will not find any very dry straw on the roof!”
[3] Says Zinka: “This is good, and now listen to me! I said
previously to you, that I do not believe in any God anymore;
since everything what is taught in the temple about Him, is a lie,
the darkest and most shameful lie! Because such a God can
forever never exist! Our unlucky friend John taught the people
in all seriousness to recognize the right God, and his teachings
were long overdue and did good deeds in the highest degree to
every person who does not belong to the temple and who wasn’t
a Pharisee. But therefore his teachings were an even bigger
horror to the temple. As a very reasonable man, you will now be
able to slowly and gently start to understand from where the
storm is blowing.
[4] The temple clerics would have liked for quite some time
already to have the poor John eliminated, if it wasn’t for the
people whom they were afraid of, of whom the majority already
started to realize the most shameful lies and the darkest
fraudulence. They therefore devised a plan, to make Herod
believe, that our John secretly had a plan, to incite the people to
a most terrible mutiny against the oppressor Herod, by all kinds
of very subtle disguised pretenses.
[5] In the end Herod was influenced by this plot to such an
extent, that he himself, accompanied by us, rushed to the very
desolate area of the Jordan, to convince himself, if the case with
John was in fact really such a dangerous matter! On arrival at
John, even by the utmost critical investigation, he couldn’t find
the slightest sign of anything, of what the temple clerics had
tried to make him believe. In the end he himself was fiercely
upset about such indescribable wickedness of the temple and his
[6] After the temple was putting pressure on him, to demobilize
John, he said with a threatening face in my presence to them:
Upon the advice and will of wretched, greedy dogs, he will
never condemn a person against his conviction!
[7] Upon such vigorous response the black knights withdrew
and kept quiet. Nevertheless, did they rest by forging new evil
plans; while outwardly presenting a friendly face about the
bad situation for them and pretending as if they weren’t
worried about John in the slightest sense anymore, they
secretly hired assassins, who were supposed to eliminate the
man of God.
[8] When Herod became news about this, he felt pity for the
honest, harmless seer. He called us together and told us, what he
had heard and finally said: ‘Listen, I must save this person!
Go out under pretence with weapons and cords, bind him
lightly, tell him my secret plan and he will follow you! Here I
will protect well him in a good prison; but he will be allowed to
communicate freely with all his disciples!’
[9] This then also happened and John was as much as possible
content with the circumstances. But the black vipers’ brood of
the temple learned very soon, that Herod kept John under false
pretence in prison, at the same time allowing him all the
freedom to communicate with his disciples. They then again
started to consult with each other, how they in the end could
influence Herod, that he himself will lay his hands on John.”
[10] Thereupon Zinka was quiet, but Cyrenius even begged him
to continue telling his story. And Zinka continued to speak:
“The black servants of the temple quickly learned that Herod,
who was half Jew and half still a heathen, liked to see the young
Herodias, but as a Jew he did not really dared to enter into a
closer relationship with her, because of committing adultery.
By himself he would really not care too much about it; but
because of the loudmouth temple he was forced to follow at
least the outer decor.
[11] The black knights were aware of all this, so they send a
rather mischievous double talker to Herod with the proposal,
that Herod, for a small sacrifice into God’s offerings bin, it was
alright for him to keep a concubine because of the known
infertility of his wife and that he can be fully assured that the
temple will not take any exception.
[12] Herod jumped at this proposal, gave the messenger of the
document a few pounds of gold and the matter was concluded.
He immediately send a messenger to Herodias, and she of
course did not objected too much to comply with the wishes of
the lease-ruler Herod, since in addition she has been persuaded
and driven to it by her mother; because the old Herodias was a
woman as if made for Satan. There was nothing good in her, but
instead more evil. The old woman, terribly richly made up,
presented her daughter for the first time to Herod herself and
recommended her to his mercy. Although Herod caressed her
very affectionately, he still did not commit a sin with her. He
gave her many presents and granted her absolutely free
admission to himself.
[13] When she returned home to her mother, she questioned her
as to what she had spoken and done with Herod. The daughter
spoke the truth, praised Herods’ friendliness but, nevertheless,
very level headedness, and that he gave her many copious
presents and that he permitted her completely free access to
him; she only should remain loyal to him in her heart.
[14] But the old witch thought by herself, what I could read like
a clear written script from the eyes of the old woman, since I
had to accompany Herodias back home: ‘See, there is
something behind this! If Herod did not let him be caught by the
great charms of my daughter this time round, he will also not
get caught a second time!’ But since the old woman will lose
her right to asked Herod for compensation for the daughter
losing her honor, she gave the daughter a fine lecture how she
should go about the next time, to persuade Herod sleeping
with her.
[15] Annoyed I soon left the house of the witch, got back to
Herod and told him everything what I have observed; that
Herod was not very pleased with this, everybody can see for
himself. He soon went to John and told him the whole story.”
[1] (Zinka:) “But John said to him: ‘Do not have anything to do
with Herodias and her mother; since the old woman is a snake
and the youth an adder! Besides, you know the will of the
almighty God of Abraham, Isaacs and Jacob and knows His
order, in which He from the very beginning of all creatures,
gave the man only one wife. Fertility or no fertility of a woman
who has been matrimonially connected to a man, does not give
you the right to take on a concubine; but if you endure in all
patience, it is easy possible for God to still awake a living fruit
in the lap of your wife in her old age! Read the story of the
patriarchs, and you will find that patience and surrender had
brought for them even in their old age the most plentiful
[2] Therefore, do not have anything to do with Herodias and
under no circumstances accept a divorce letter from the temple;
since God never prescribed a divorce letter! Moses has done this
out of himself as a human being, for the sake of the manifold
hard heartedness of the people; but he did not do the right thing,
and God the Lord was not very pleased by such institution, this
you can be very certain of! Therefore keep to your wife and do
not allow Herodias coming near you! Give Zinka (namely me)
the authority, and he will know what to do that the adder will
not come into your house anymore! If you follow this advice,
you will stay within the friendship of Jehovah, but if not, you
will go under and become an enemy of Jehovah!’
[3] Herod took this to heart and decided to keep away from
Herodias. But the old snake and the young adder did everything
possible to deceive Herod. They knew when he went out and
where he was going and Herodias knew to cross his path,
always as charming as possible made up and dressed. He did not
do anything with her, nevertheless, in his heart it started to glow
more, to such an extent that he in the end himself searched
for opportunities, to meet with the beautiful Herodias as much
as possible.
[4] When it finally started to get closer to his day, Herodias
applied all means that she could come to the great feast. In the
mean time also the temple clerics enquired with Herodias, what
progress she made with Herod. And she couldn’t tell them
anything else, that despite all her tricks and evil maneuvering
she was still on the same old spot; who or what was the
problem, she couldn’t tell, although she only too clearly can see,
that it pleases Herod to see her and he secretly more and more
tries to meet with her.
[5] When the temple cleric heard this, he said quite openly to
the two: ‘This is nobody else’s doing than this water and
baptismal prophet in whom Herod started to believe! He himself
arrested him at the Jordan, in order to protect him against us; but
this will be no use to him! The water-prophet must and shall
fall! He is for you and for us the most dangerous man! If it can’t
be done earlier, it will happen on the day of Herod! Try to
destroy the prophet at all cost, and you will be able to wind
Herod around your finger!’
[6] With that the two women had more than enough clarification
to understand the reason why their efforts failed. They both
discussed it with each other how they could destroy John, and
the youth told me her secret and promised me a lot of gold and
silver, if I could find a good way to kill John. I of course did not
consent, but in time I pretended to go accord with their plans;
but I only did this to understand with certainty what their evil
Satan’s plans were, which were cooked up by the two women
and the temple knights against the poor John.
[7] Herod scratched himself behind the ears and said to me:
‘This is how things stand, as I see it for a couple of days know;
but what can one do? The best might still be, that we isolate
John even more from open visits, and only allow his most well
known disciples to come to him but show every foreigner the
door. Because it easily can happen that an assassin bought by
the two women or by the temple, pushes a knife into the heart of
our John, and the temple would have achieved their goal. Since
you can believe me, also the women are influenced by the
temple! In order to save John, I will allow the two women,
namely Herodias, admission, therefore go and tell Herodias that
from now on she can and may visit me!’
[8] As the servant I was forced to obey, although I only too
clearly could see that with this help, John was helped in a bad
way. From then on Herodias came nearly daily into the house of
Herod and knew like nobody else how to obtain his growing
inclination towards her. Only too soon the black temple clerics
learned about it, and they continuously lay in the ears of the two
women, in exchange for a lot of gold to use every opportunity to
persuade Herod, to kill John, who turned so many people away
from the temple. The old woman swore by the temple, to make
this a reality: she will not rest until the water prophet has fallen!
The youth also knew how to prevent Herod from visiting John
and to obtain new advice from him. I as a servant did not dared
to remind Herod about the words of John, since I only knew him
too well, what brute he becomes, when his soul is passionately
seized by something.
[9] And so the evil matter dragged on until the day of Herod;
only a few days before the day of Herod, something must have
happened between him and Herodias, otherwise she would not
have stayed away for a few days. But those few days made
Herods’ hart even more excited for the beautiful Herodias, and
the triumph which she was going to celebrate over Herod on his
day, was an even greater surety.”
[1] (Zinka:) “That and how she celebrated him for me and
thousands, is known; but to you all it will not be known, that
among the disciples of John the legend exists, that John has rose
again and moved to Galilee and again is busy with his activities
where he originally started. Such legend also came to the ears of
Herod and Herodias, who, after the death of John, started to
strangely waste away together with the old dragon of a mother.
This filled the hearts of Herod and Herodias with great and
mighty fear, and therefore Herod send me, as a proven friend of
the victim, out to bring him back to Herod, so that Herod could
repay him for the great suffering which he brought over him.
Also Herodias cried over every hour in which she listened to her
mother, and now like to reconcile with the offended John again!
[2] I just know it too well that John did not rose again; but I
myself heard from the mouth of John, that a great prophet has
risen in Galilee, whom he is not worthy undoing his shoe laces.
I said this to Herod and he said to me: ‘Go anyway and bring
him to me, of whom John spoke with such great respect; since
he can possibly help us as well!’ I also told him what I have
heard about the great prophet, namely that he performs
extraordinary signs to emphasize his teachings. I told him that
the prophet from Galilee awakes the dead and moves mountains
and controls a storm and similar unheard of things. I further told
Herod, that I can only achieve very little or even nothing at all
against the power of such a prophet, because he could kill
thousands with a single thought. But Herod and Herodias did
not back down from their desire and Herod only said: ‘300
heavy silver coins to the one who brings him to me’, with the
addition: ‘if it was not possible to bring him alive, he would like
to see him as dead!’
[3] Quite bravely I said to him: ‘If he doesn’t come voluntary,
we will without fear go and look for him! Until we have killed
him, we will not have been alive for a very long time; since he
knows about the most secret thoughts of the people and also
about their intentions; therefore he will kill us before we even
have seen him! When this is the case, I really do not see the
reason, why we should go after him!’ But he said to me: ‘I want
it, and my will is good; if the prophet is good he will also
recognize my will as good and will come to me! That I will not
do to him what I have in my blindness done to John proves my
tears for the good John. Go and carry out my will!’
[4] Thereupon we went out and are therefore here – until know
completely unsuccessful, although we are already travelling
around Galilee for nine weeks with the same intentions! In the
meantime I have send numerous messengers to Herod to clearly
explain to him our fruitless mission; but to no avail! He knows
it from other sources that either the risen John or the great
prophet are present in Galilee and performing great signs; we
therefore should do everything to get hold of him. Every
laziness from our side will be most strictly avenged.
[5] And thus our search routes have brought us here, since we
heard that great signs should have occurred around Caesarea
Philippi! We actually found nothing here other than the totally
burned down city, an area which was devastated by the cardinal
storm from yesterday and you the most rigorous Romans!
[6] Provide for us and free us from the fool who cannot be
trusted in his fury, and we will be grateful to you, of that you
can be completely sure of! What I have told you now, is the
fullest truth; you know now precisely how things are standing.
Act now according to what is right and in fairness! Once you
Romans are our masters, we are no longer interested in Herod!
We are prepared to serve you a thousand times more faithfully
than the old fool and brute! Since with you there is at least some
of a human attitude, where Herod is a monster when struck by
his fury!”
[1] Said Cyrenius: “What you wish, will happen to you; since
I’m quite satisfied with your description of Herod and know
now how I have to deal with him. But tell me, whether his subrule
authority is in fact as you have described it to me earlier!
You didn’t see my name signed at the bottom? Or did you ever
had the opportunity to have a look at that document? Be truthful
and tell me exactly what you know!”
[2] Says Zinka: “Nothing easier than that, since I know how to
write and can speak three languages, I already have made about
fifty copies of this document, which each time Herod had to
take to the governor for verification with the original in
exchange for 10 silver coins! I did not saw your name, however,
only the name of the currently ruling emperor. I cannot tell you
anything more about it.”
[3] Says Cyrenius: “This is then apparently a new authority,
with a completely different content as the one I myself has
undersigned! Could you also tell me the time when Herod
obtained the infamous authority from Rome?”
[4] Says Zinka: “Oh, nothing easier than that! This authority he
already obtained a year before, which I know very precisely,
since I wrote the application for it. It was indeed requested in
the application, that the emperor as a complete sole lord and
ruler, should pass over all subordinated positions, and should ad
personam (for his person only) provide an authority to cover
him in a way and manner, as stated under the remark in the
application. But now comes the actual main issue, behind which
– thus only according to my view – lies a big fraud!
[5] That Herod actually made an application to Rome, I can
vouch for as a trustworthy witness, since I, as said already, has
set and written the application myself. This extraordinary
request could obviously not be possible without adding a heavy
load of gold and silver to Rome. The couriers were five of the
highest ranking Pharisees, who at the same time in their very
own capacity undertook a trip to Rome. A few days before their
departure they came to Herod and asked him, if there wasn’t
anything they could do for him in Rome.
[6] For Herod they came as called; since for four weeks already
he considered every possibility, how and by whom he could
deliver the extraordinary application to Rome in the safest and
most secret manner. This opportunity was welcomed by him
even more so, since he had a good relationship with those five
most clever Pharisees and regarded them as the most
trustworthy of their kind. When he asked them for their delivery
fee, which normally from Jerusalem was not under two-hundred
pounds, they said it will cost him nothing; because what they do
for him they do out of pure friendship, since he also had done
quite a lot of important friendship services to them!
[7] With that Herod was more than completely content and gave
to the five the application together with the heavy load which 30
camels had to carry. In this way the extraordinary application
went according to word to Rome, but according to the truth
most likely somewhere else, that we cannot know!
[8] A trip from here to Rome lasts under favorable weather
conditions three full weeks, otherwise also a month; one stays in
Rome for a few days, sometimes even for weeks, and it takes
time until someone gets to the emperor. Such an application is
in the most favorable case not completed in less than half a year,
because he has to deal with thousands of more important
government issues. Now we get to the return trip which must
take up the same time as the forward trip! From many
experiences accurately calculated, according to my knowledge
nothing has returned from Rome earlier than three quarters of
a year.
[9] However, the five messengers handed the requested
authority, precisely according to the remark in the application
written by me, to Herod within the time frame of less than six
weeks, complete, written on nice parchment with all known
signatures of the emperor and congratulated Herod with all kind
of pomp; I kept my thoughts for myself, but I still put my head
on a block, that the five messengers during the opportunity at
hand, were just as little in Rome as myself!
[10] The scoundrels have hidden the heavy attachment and the
30 camels well, forged the signature and other signs of the
emperor and have given Herod a confidential imperial authority,
of which he knows as much as you do, elated lord and master!
Just note, elated lord, this is only my personal opinion; it is
possible that the authority did in fact come from the emperor!
Perhaps the ships had a good wind, forth and back, this would
explain at least in some way the trip to and fro, and by chance
they could have found the emperor at leisure, business free hour
immediately at their arrival in Rome. He allowed them to see
him immediately and issued them with the requested authority,
whereupon they immediately found a ship steering back to Asia
and with a most favorable wind they reached the coast of Judea!
In short, I do not want to be a judge! Everything is just my
surmise and calculation.”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Friend, this is more than a surmise; this is
completely the purest truth! Even if the emperor had given
Herod the requested authority within the quickest exchange, it
would have been impossible to be sent back from Rome to
Jerusalem within six weeks, since each order coming from
Rome to Sidon takes under the most favorable wind conditions
already forty days. Along the high seas, where the route might
be shortest, no ships sail anyway; if someone sails along the
coast of the great Mediterranean Sea or the Adriatic Sea past
Greek to here, it requires at least forty days, and therefore
nobody can make the trip to and fro within the same time.
[2] In addition each foreigner who comes to Rome and wants to
ask the emperor for a favor, must stay seventy days in Rome,
before which time none other than a general or high ranking
dignitary be allowed to see the emperor but surely not a foreign
messenger or privateer. Since it is a set custom in Rome that
every foreigner who wants to obtain a favor from the emperor in
Rome, must first make a sacrifice to the city by consuming as
much as possible and by bringing other presents and sacrifices
to the many institutions and events, what so to speak each
foreigner coming from faraway countries is able to do, since he,
without being very rich, could not come to Rome and ask for
any special favors. Because for the common, poor working
class, laws and fair judges are appointed and confirmed. If
someone has difficulties, he knows where to go. If he goes, he
will be helped fairly and according to the law; since with us
Romans there are no exceptions, and the principle applies
throughout: ‘Justitia fundamentum regnorum!’ (Justice is the
foundation of all nations/empires!) and ‘Pereat mundus, fiat
jus!’ (The world can go under, but justice to everyone!) These
are not only empty words with us Romans, but principles, which
have been up to now followed very strictly.
[3] Therefore it is not unfair for those who come to Rome to
bring a sacrifice to the big city of nations, before being regarded
worthy fo any kind of imperial mercy. And from this in turn it
can be derived, that the five messengers from the temple could
not have been come before the emperor in less than seventy
days, and therefore it would be impossible for them to make an
effective trip to Rome and back within six weeks. But if they
could not do this, the certain judgmental conclusion is reached
by itself, that the five kept the treasures of honor for the
emperor for themselves and handed a forged and therefore
completely falsified authority to the power hungry sub ruler!
Herod thinks to own a greater jurisdiction as was originally
issued to him by Rome as a sub ruler. However, soonest he will
be given the clearest wine about it!
[4] Yes, now I understand why Rome has not given me any
report whatsoever about it! Since I, as the most unrestricted
power bearer of Rome over the whole of Asia and an adjoining
part of Africa, must be informed about everything no matter
what Rome has imposed upon Asia, otherwise I would be forced
to regard an imposition unknown to me, becoming active, as a
provincial arbitrary action, thus an uprising against Rome and
its powers, and had to intervene against it imminently with all
powers available to me! Therefore you will understand, that the
authority of Herod must be false! But if the authority is false,
you must understand that I have to inform Herod about the
fraud, and secondly to take away his false authority and send it
to the emperor, so that he himself can punish the evil villains for
dishonoring his person!”
[1] Says Zinka: “High Friend! High lord! We all see this quite
clearly; but in addition we see something, that you apparently
don’t see!”
[2] Says Cyrenius: “And this would be?”
[3] Says Zinka: “It is the dear state politics according to which
in nearly all times and in all countries of the earth, priesthoods
posses certain privileges, whereby they can do many things,
which would be regarded as a crime for the rest of humanity.
Priests are daringly enough to impose themselves almost as
gods onto the people and carrying the supposedly word of God
according to their own interest in their mouth before the people.
And nobody stand up against them, and even the emperor must
watch this cheeky game with a friendly face, for the sake of the
old habitual national superstition, through which the people are
kept in a certain obedient, modest position and not rising up
against the king of a country, if he nearly always gives them
laws which are difficult to follow and imposes heavy taxes
on them.
[4] But if the priests are allowed to do as they please in the
place of God, even the emperor will not act too seriously, if
those nation-numbists in requisite circumstances sometimes
secretly or even openly slip into the skin of a monarch, to speak
in his name or even impose laws, if they regard it as salutary for
the ruler, for his country and of course also for themselves, what
especially in those provinces must appear forgivable, which
are very far away from the rulers residence, as the Jewish
homeland here.
[5] If the emperor today demands from them an explanation and
responsibility for the false authority, they will speak the
absolute truth, that they have done this without any instructions;
but alongside they will also be able to give the emperor a very
good reason, whereby they have done this only to the best
advantage of the monarch and his state! And they will also try
to prove in great detail and sun bright clarity, why such an
imposition was necessary, and what use it yielded for the state
and the monarch. And in the end the emperor will be forced to
praise and reward them.
[6] Question them today, and after the interrogation you will be
able to punish them just as little as the emperor himself and in
the end you will even be forced to confirm the certain authority
for Herod, if they can proof to you that such an act was
necessary, namely to put up certain barriers for Herod’
imperiousness of, because without it, with his immeasurable
treasures and wealth, he could easily set up a large army unit,
putting him in the position to categorically start negotiating with
you Romans! However, they discovered the plot and by
enlightenment from above they immediately used the right
means, whereby Herod received a pro forma privilege form the
emperor’s willpower, which he otherwise would have taken by
force in the near future. If the temple knights come with such
explanation to you, what else can you do other than praise and
reward them?”
[7] Says Cyrenius: “I’m not yet completely convinced about
that! If Herod had such an evil plan in mind and wanted to carry
it out, why wasn’t I informed about it in a secret way? I also
could have seized the correct means against it! It isn’t that far
from Jerusalem to Sidon or Tyre! And finally, how are the
temple clerics going to explain the large treasure and the 30
camels which they have taken away from the emperor? I think
this will be somewhat difficult for them!”
[8] Said Zinka: “High friend, high lord! Apparently you possess
a lot of thorough state knowledge, but in this matter you seem to
be very inexperienced – like someone who never held only one
house scepter in his hand! Firstly: Danger by delay; and
secondly: Avoidance of any dangerous publicity in the matter!
If you had known it too early you would have immediately
besieged the whole of Jerusalem and have guarded it
thoroughly; this would have caused a large excitement among
the people and they would have hated you bitterly for it. Herod
then would have used such mood against you to his advantage,
by which entirely different quite unpredictable consequences
could have originated!
[9] Taking all this into account and knowing it beforehand, the
temple in its divine wisdom did something, whereby without
any noise the bad matter was remedied; at the right time
they would have anyway informed you and the emperor quite
gently about what had happened, accompanied with the
advice what should be done further. The treasures destined
for the emperor they could have handed to you in anyway only
after they had found it advisable to inform you about
[10] If you, high friend and high lord, would most certainly
have received such answers to some of your questions, tell me,
if you according to true state politics could have done anything
else, than praise the temple clerics highly and reward them
according to the law, like every good and honest businessman
must be rewarded with ten to one-hundred!”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “But if I by myself am only too convinced
about the extraordinary wickedness of the temple clerics, can I
still praise and reward them? Isn’t there any means or way to
get hold of these brothers of Satan?”
[12] Says Zinka: “If Zinka or you know the evil knights better
and abhors them more deeply, is a significant question; if I
could destroy the temple and all synagogues with one breath,
believe me, I would not need more than two moments to think
about! But the situation is as such, that even a God can give you
no other advice, than, for the time being, look at the evil
game with a friendly face. If the time comes later, advice will
also come?”
[13] According to my calculation and the calculation of John, in
40 years time from now on, they will be completely ripe to fall
down, and you will be forced to conquer Judea again and the
whole of Jerusalem and must destroy their nests from the
ground upwards; before that time very little or even nothing can
be done against them by force, except what I have advised you
before. In time you can asked them about the things and matters
under discussion; however, if you receive an explanation
apparently immediately, then act as I have told you, otherwise
you will give the matter a bad ending!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Friend, I acknowledge your great insight
and cleverness, and Herod has raised an advocate in you for
himself, whose equal cannot be found in the whole of Judea!
But now you are not like a Herod anymore, but Roman, and you
will never more need to represent the case of Herod, but purely
ours, and this for us; therefore you can learn more about certain
things which have concentrated at this point along the sea, and
actually why! However, above all, just tell me what you would
do, if suddenly from somewhere the great Prophet from Galilee
would appear!”
[2] Says Zinka: “I?! – Nothing; I would let him go his way! Of
course I would like to talk to him, to see, if John was right to
say, that he was not worthy to loosen his shoelaces! John was a
highly wise prophet and had more light than all the old prophets
together. Now, if John gives such testimony about Jesus of
Nazareth, how great, how wise and how mighty must he be!
[3] You know, high friend, if I seriously wanted to arrest Jesus –
even only to pretend I have, I could have done it long ago; since
most of the time I actually knew where Jesus stayed! But I truly
do not wanted to do this, and said in all honesty – I had a certain
fear of this man! According to everything what I have heard
about him – and this from plausible witnesses, even from
Samaritans, he must have the fullness of any sort of perfected
divinity – or he must be a shrewd magician from the old
Egyptian school! Under no circumstances I want anything in
particular to do with him; since then I would get all the dust in
my face. Verily, I only want to see and speak to him, but only
under the friendliest circumstances; but not even from far away
in this my henchman clothes!”
[4] Now I Myself ask Zinka and say: “Dear friend, I’m also
someone who knows Jesus of Nazareth as good as myself, but
can tell you about Him, that He is nobodies enemy, but a
benefactor of all who come to Him and looking for help from
Him. He is an enemy of sin, but not of the sinner who regrets
his sin and returns in humility to the good. No person has ever
been judged and punished by Him, even if his sins would be
more than the sand in the sea or the grass on earth.
[5] His teaching consists in short therein, that man should
recognizes God and loves Him above all and loves his neighbor,
irrespective what and who he is, high or low, poor or rich, male
or female, young or old, just as himself. Who does this all the
time and avoids sin, will soon experience it in himself, that such
teaching is truly from God and has not come out of the mouth of
a person, but out of the mouth of God; since no person could
know what he should do, to attain the everlasting life, and in
what this consists. Only God knows this and in the end also
him, who heard it from the mouth of God.
[6] He also teaches, that all people who want to reach the eternal
life, must be taught by God; those who only hear it from people
what they should do, are still far away from the kingdom of
God. Since they hear the words slipping from a mortal tongue;
but like the tongue which gave the words, is mortal, it is the
same with the word in the person who heard it. He does not pay
attention to it and does not make it alive by deeds. But the word
coming from the mouth of God, is not dead but alive, moves the
heart and will of a person to the deed and thereby the whole
person becomes alive.
[7] But once a person has become alive by the word of God, he
stays alive and free for ever and will not ever feel or taste death
– even if he could die a thousand times by his body!
[8] See, friend, this is in all shortness the core of the teaching of
the great Prophet from Nazareth! – Tell us how you like Him,
and then what you think about Him!”
[1] Zinka thinks here a little and says after a while: “Dear
friend! Against such teaching, although somewhat risky, cannot
be said anything; it is as if there is a God who looks a little like
the mortals, apparently of a divine nature! There were in fact
also other great wise men who founded the principle, that love
is the basic germ of all life, and that man should maintain love
the most, since only out of love can blossom any salvation for
man; but they did not explained the pure being of love. But love
has as many good sides as bad sides, and in the end you don’t
know which side of love you should maintain to bring salvation.
[2] But here it is clear as sunshine, which kind of love man
should maintain and make it his life principle. Therefore such a
teaching can of course originally not come from any person, but
only from God, and proves among others, that God in fact
exists. Now, now, I’m very grateful to you, my dear, completely
unfamiliar high friend – even if you are a heathen; because you
did me, and also to my friends who have not fallen on their
heads, a great service! We all were more or less without God;
but now it at least appears to me that we have found the lost
God again, which is very gratifying and pleasant for me.
[3] John also went through a lot of trouble to convince me about
the existence of an eternal God; but he did not succeeded in this
matter. I knew how properly square up with him, and he could
not resolve my doubts, and as such I got stuck in my old doubts
until this very moment. But suddenly all my doubts came to an
[4] Strange! Yes, yes, it is so: If somebody does not find the
right door in a maze, he will not get to the palace of the king,
who has build his permanent residence in the middle of the large
maze; but you have showed and opened me the right door and it
is thus easy to enter the big and eternal king’s palace soon.
[5] Be so kind and also tell me where you were so very
fortunate, to meet with the great man! Surely he is no magician,
but a person equipped with higher powers of God; since this
proves his truly divine teaching! Tell me thus where you have
spoken to him! I myself want to go there and listen to such
living words of salvation out of his mouth.”
[6] I said: “Just stay here; after a short course of the proceeding
discussions you will find Him by yourself! It is also already an
hour after midday. Our good landlord Markus is also ready with
the midday meal, and it will be served straight away; but after
the meal we will find plenty of time to talk about all kind of
things. You stay at our table – your 29 companions, however,
can sit at the table next to our table.”
[7] Markus now serves the food. When the food was on the
table, Zinka became aware of the fact, that so many large tables,
being served by just a few people, were at once fully laden with
food and wine mugs.
[8] He (Zinka) asked Ebahl who was sitting next to him, by
saying: “Friend, kindly tell me, how so many large tables could
all at once be served with such a mass of food and this by only a
few people! Truly, I am in the highest degree astonished by it!
I’m on the verge to point out that things are not quite naturally
around here! Does the old innkeeper in all secrecy have serving
spirits, who assist him with such tasks?”
[9] Said Ebahl: “You might not have paid proper attention while
quite deepened in your conversation, in which time without
being specifically noted by yourself, all the tables could easily
being served with wine and food. I myself have not paid any
attention to it; but it surely would not have taken place in an
unnatural manner!”
[10] Said Zinka: “Friend, believe me, no matter how deeply
involved in any discussion, nothing will happen around me
without me noticing it, and I know it very specifically, that a
few moments ago not one bread crumb was on any of the tables
– and now all the tables are bending under the load of all the
food! Allow me, for any person with heart and mind a question
will be permitted, particularly if one is a foreigner!? It does not
matter anymore if someone gives me an explanation or not;
nevertheless, I stand by it, that things are not at all quite natural
around here! Look at my twenty-nine companions who discuss
the same point among each other; only all of you, who probably
have eaten quite a few times here, are indifferent about the
whole story, because you know what is happening! But it
doesn’t matter – later on I will get behind this secret!”
[1] After that, Zinka, who was a very big man, stands up and
looks at all the tables, which of course were packed with bowls
full of the best prepared fishes, and with bread loafs and with
many mugs and jugs of the best wine; and he also notices that
all the guests already engaging passionately, without one
noticing that the food becomes less. In short, our Zinka, the
longer he keeps observing, the more he becomes dumbfounded,
so that in the end he starts to feel dizzy. Only a strong appetite
and the good smell of the food require him to sit down and
start eating.
[2] Ebahl puts the best and largest fish in front of him and adds
that this is one of the most noble species of the sea of Tiberius:
since this was the name of the large bay in the Sea of Galilee
around the quite large surrounding of Caesarea Philippi. Zinka
eats the fish with increasing zeal, because it tastes outstandingly
to him, at the same time he does not spare the honeysweet
tasting bread and he diligently greets the full mug, which does
not want to become emptier, just as he is not able to finish the
fish, although eating it with a healthy appetite.
[3] As it goes with him, it also goes with his companions. They
wanted to become rather joyful and cheerful and very much
talkative, but the continuously growing amazement about the
rare phenomena at the meal does not allow them any time for
that; because these are phenomena which they never have
experienced before. Therefore they are already full as it should
be – nevertheless, the good taste of the fish, bread and wine
tempts them to keep on enjoying the food; but also this they do
not understand where this is coming from.
[4] Finally Zinka asks Cyrenius and urges him to tell him, what
this is all about.
[5] But Cyrenius answers and says: “If the meal is over, the time
has come to talk about a few things; but for now, eat and drink
according to your hearts’ desire!”
[6] Says Zinka: “Friend and my high lord and master! In my
whole life I was never a gourmet; but if I will be around you for
much longer, then I certainly will become one! I just don’t
understand why I keep eating and drinking!? I am full and my
thirst is satisfied, nevertheless, I still can keep on eating and
drinking! And the wine is better and more spiritually than any I
have ever tasted before; but it is of no use, I just don’t get
[7] I still stand by it, that things are not natural around here!
Among this large crowd there must be a great magician and
performs hereby a sign with his inconceivable miracle strength!
Or we are close to this great prophet, which I have searched for
with my twenty-nine companions!? If this would be the case,
then I submissively ask you, to let us thirty go wherever you
want us to go, or you have to bind us again; since if we would
meet with the prophet coincidently, we would be forced to lay
our hands on him, because of our heavy oath to Herod. It would
be of no use to us, however, for the sake of the oath we had to
dare even if it means our downfall!”
[8] Says Cyrenius: “What – where does this comes from?!
Where and in which law is it written, that an evil, coerced and
damned oath should be upheld?! Your oath is already nullified
because you and your twenty-nine companions are my
prisoners! From now on it means you have to do what I and my
subordinate generals will order you to do, and forever not what
your stupid Herod instructed you to do! You are released from
your evil oath for all times and for everlasting!
[9] If the great prophet came from somewhere into our midst,
nobody of you dare to touch him with only one finger; but who
still wants to do it for the sake of his silly oath, will learn the
heaviness of the Roman seriousness!
[10] My friend Zinka, because of your truly intelligent remarks I
previously regarded you as a quite wise person; but by this last
statement of your mind you have lost quite a lot of points with
me! Was the former then only a pretence of yours?”
[11] Says Zinka: “No, no, certainly not, high lord and master! I
and all of us think and want exactly what we have thought,
wanted and spoken earlier; however, you must recognize, that
one under such phenomena as they occurred here and are still
occurring, as a person of some intelligence start to make large
eyes and in the end becomes somewhat embarrassed and
confused in his thoughts, will, words and actions.
[12] If I ever had seen something similar, I surely would also
behave as quietly like all of you; my wise neighbor nearly was
not finished saying that the midday meal will be served, and see,
within a few moments the tables started to bend under the load
of the food and drinks! It is possible for some kind of artificial
apparatus to exist, whereby such work can be completed a little
faster than normal; but that fast!? Certainly, no mechanical
device would be sufficient! In short, you can tell me what you
want, but I stand by it and say: this was either extraordinary
magic or a perfect miracle!
[13] You, high friend and lord, can easily stay calm because you
surely know the reason of it; but with us it is an entire different
case! Just look at the fish which I’m still eating! I have eaten
from it already more than enough, and still by a wide margin the
bigger half is left! I’m completely full but can still keep on
eating! Here is my mug from which I already have drunk easily
a full measure, and look at it – the level of the wine is hardly
three fingers below the top! Yes, as a thinking man one cannot
take this completely indifferently, as if this was so to speak
nothing! I’m your prisoner here and cannot demand an
explanation from you regarding this miraculous phenomenon;
but I can ask you for it, do I? Therefore I was asking you, but
you told me to wait!
[14] To wait would be alright, if instead of an eagerly learning
soul, a dead rock was nursing its sluggishness in me; but my
soul is no rock, but an always light thirsty spirit. His thirst
cannot be satisfied with a cool refreshing drink, but an
explaining word that comes out of the mouth of a spirit who
already drank. You have this ethereal drink in abundance and
are filled up to the neck with it; but me, the diligent thirsty, you
do not want to dribble one drop of your abundance onto my
burning tongue! See, this is what bothers me most and confuses
my senses! If I, under these circumstances, become a little
confused – can you, high friend, be astonished by it?
[15] However, nothing more about all this! I already become
quite annoyed by myself about the whole issue and will leave
this miracle on the side! Man should not know everything and
do not need to know everything. For the necessary acquisition
of the daily bread, man does not need to learn, to experience and
to know much. A real fool if he tries to strive beyond it!
Therefore keep on drinking and eating, while still something is
left! If I’m not allowed to know something, I rather don’t want
to know anything at all! Since what one wants oneself, one can
easily endure; only the foreign will is for each honest soul heavy
to digest. From now on you can be at ease, to ever be bothered
again with a question from me!”
[16] With these words Zinka felt silent, ate quietly his fish and
took with it bread and wine; also his companions did likewise
and took very little notice about what happened around them, or
what has been said.
[1] Secretly, Cyrenius asked Me, what should be done with this
[2] But I said: “Quite a lot! They still will become quite strong
tools for us; but now they need a little rest, and this is why I let
them fall into this indifferent state.
[3] Believe Me! A soul, who becomes thirsty for a higher
knowledge once, does not so easily falls into full sluggishness!
With such a soul it is the same as with a young engaged man,
who is dead seriously in love with his chosen maiden. But the
maiden, since she is a maiden but not a honorable young
woman, takes it with the love of her betrothed a lot easier and
thinks by herself: ‘If it’s not him, there are many others!’
[4] But after a while the fiancé gets to know this and his heart
becomes sad. Full of annoyance and fury he decides very
seriously, to never again think about the disloyal loose girl; but
the more he tries to forget about her, the more he thinks of her
and secretly he wishes that all the bad things which he heard
about the maiden by foreign mouth, are pure lies.
[5] Finally he sees the maiden in company of someone else!
Secretly he wants to explode because of his rage and with all
force tries to forget about the disloyal girl: but then real
glowing hot thoughts start to trouble him, so that no other
healthy thought can exist alongside. Day and night he finds no
rest or sleep; he sighs and often cries bitterly and curses the
disloyal girl.
[6] Yes, why all this? Didn’t he seriously decide not to think
about the non-worthy anymore?
[7] During his torture a good friend comes to him and says:
‘Friend, you are doing your fiancée a little injustice! See, with
her ostensible carelessness she only wanted to test your love;
since she knew and had to know, that she was only a poor
maiden while you are stuck in wealth. She hardly
comprehended the possibility that you ever wanted to take her
as a proper wife; she regarded your promised love more than
half as a prank and thought to put you a little to the test, if you
really love her as your words say, before giving you her hand!
Since too often the poor maiden made the sad experience, that
such rich youth, as you are, are only playing a loose game with
the poor maiden. But your maiden has now realized that you are
serious about her, and loves you therefore more than you ever
could believe; since the time she gave her love to you, she
wasn’t disloyal in her heart to you. – Now you know, blind
fanatic, where you stand with her! Do now what you want!’
[8] Do you, Cyrenius, think, that the deeply hurt lover still does
not want to see and hear anything from the poor but most
beautiful maiden, as he decided a while ago? O, by no means!
The words of his friend were most appreciated by him, and he
couldn’t wait for the moment in which he could give his hand to
his fiancée for ever.
[9] And the same will happen to our Zinka! He eats and drinks
as if not bothered by the miracles anymore; but within he is now
much more active with it than ever before. Therefore no worry!
[10] I know all the people and know everything that takes place
in their hearts. In addition the steering of feelings in the heart
are done only by Me; where it is necessary, I know what I have
to do. Let us therefore be cheerful and eat and drink what has
been placed in front of us; since for this afternoon we need a
little more bodily strength and will only late tonight have our
evening meal!”
[11] All are now quite cheerful and glad, and many praise God
the Lord. A few even started to sing; however, except for
Herme, there were no good singers present. He was asked by a
few that he should sing something; but he was quite hesitant
since he was afraid for the criticism of the good-hearing
Romans, and therefore he had to be asked several times.
[12] But he (Herme) said: “My friends and lords! To God our
Lord I sing a song in my heart; the Lord of Israel listens to it
probably with pleasure! If I would sing the same song loudly to
your ears, you would not like it because of a perhaps few
impure tones. This would then fill me with embarrassment and
annoyance, which would not be good for me nor for you;
therefore I rather not sing the song of my heart loudly, but very
quietly in my heart. To whom it is dedicated, certainly
understands it!”
[13] I said: “You are right, Herme, just keep on singing in your
heart! This kind of singing sounds in the ears of God a lot more
pleasant than a loud, pointless noise by which only the carnal
ear is tickled, while in the meantime the heart remains cold and
[14] However, when occasionally also sung outwardly, it should
only be done if the heart is to such an extend overfilled with the
feeling of love, that it must get some air through the voice of the
mouth, to so to speak not suffocate because of the too mighty
surge of love for God. Then of course even the outwardly
singing will please God; but it should be sung with a pure voice
which elevates the soul even more.
[15] Because an impure and not melodious voice is like murky
marsh water poured on a blazing flame! Everyone can think for
himself what the result will be.”
[16] When I gave this explanation about singing, the charming
Jarah said to Me: “But Lord, how would it be – since we are
sitting so cheerfully together – if Raphael would sing something
for us?”
[17] I say also jokingly to her: “Ask him about it! Perhaps he
will do you a favor by doing something like that. I of course
will not say or have anything against it.”
[18] Jarah immediately grabs Raphael and urges him that he
should sing something.
[19] And Raphael says: “You of course do not have any idea
how we are singing; but this I tell you upfront, that you will not
be able to endure my voice for very long, since it will and must
sound too affecting, because it is build out of too pure elements.
Your flesh cannot endure the sound of my voice; if I sing to you
for a quarter of an hour, you will die due to the charm of the
sound of my voice which cannot be compared to anything on
this earth! Ask me now if you, most charming, want to hear me
singing, and I will sing; but what the effect of my singing will
be on your flesh, I nearly cannot predict!”
[20] Says Jarah: “Sing at least one single tone; it surely will not
kill me!”
[21] Says Raphael: “Good, so I will sing one single tone to you,
and all who are here should listen to it, and also those who are
live quite a distance from here, so that they should investigate
which sound they have heard! But I must prepare myself a few
moments for it! However, be steadfast for it; since also this
single tone will have an immense effect on you!”
[1] These words are of course also heard by our Zinka and he
asks Ebahl who sits next to him: “Is this lovely boy really such a
capital singer? Have you listened to him before?”
[2] Says Ebahl: “He says it; I have heard him many times
speaking, but never heard him singing before and I’m therefore
also very curious about his single tone!”
[3] Says Zinka: “From where is he and who is this girl?”
[4] Ebahl answers: “The boy is staying in my home in
Genezareth, and the girl is my lovely daughter. She is only
fifteen years old, but has the whole script in her head and in her
heart – and also the boy and he is for the time being a teacher in
my house. I know him thus very well! But that he is also such
an amazing singer, up to this hour I didn’t know one syllable
about; I’m therefore now very curious about his single tone.”
[5] When Ebahl has said this, Raphael said: “Now listen and
pay attention!”
[6] After that many heard like from far away a very faint but
such indescribable purest tone that all became enraptured and
Zinka exclaimed with great enthusiasm: “No, no earthly singer
sings like that! Only a God can sing like that or at least an angel
of God!”
[7] But the tone became increasingly stronger, fuller of life and
mightier. In its peak strength like coming from thousand
trombones, it sounded like a quad-sext accord in Des-Moll,
reaching from the small octave stroked in between with the
repetition of the octave, decreased after that and in the end was
lost again in a weakest A’s (stroked in between) of a never
heard purity.
[8] From this single tone all were to such an extent enraptured,
that their sensory life was in a way numbed so that they fell into
a kind of unconsciousness. Upon a sign from Me the angel had
to waken them again.
[9] All woke up as from a most blissful dream, and Zinka, full
of enthusiasm, stormed to Raphael, embraced him with all his
strength and said: “Boy! You are not a mortal! You are either a
God or an angel! Yes, with such a voice you must be able to
wake up the dead and enliven all stones! No, no, no! Never ever
have any mortal on the whole earth heard such more than
heavenly sound! O you more than heavenly boy! Who taught
you to produce such sound from your throat?!
[10] Oh, I’m completely gone! All my life fibers are still
trembling from the indescribable beauty and purity of this single
tone! It didn’t seemed to me as if you produced the unheard
most pure tone from your throat, but it rather gave me the
impression as if all heavens opened and a harmony out of the
mouth of God was poured over the dead earth!
[11] O God, o God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – You are not
an empty articulated sound from a mouth! You are the only
truth and the most pure, eternal harmony! Oh, this tone, this
tone! Yes, this tone gave me everything lost, it gave me back
my God, my holy Creator and Father; it was for my soul a
purest gospel from the heavens! What perhaps thousands and
again thousands of words could not have achieved was caused
by this single tone from the heavens; it perfected a person in
me! My formerly stone heart is like wax in the sun and so tender
feeling like a hanging dewdrop!
[12] O John whose death I had to announce with a most broken
heart! If you had heard such tone in your last moments of your
earthly life, verily, the death of your body would become a
bright lighted gate to the heavens of God! But inside the dark
dungeon, which held you, holy man of God, captive, only tones
of wailing, suffering and grief could be heard!
[13] O people, people, people! How evil and how dark it must
look like inside your poor souls, which have not heard what I
just heard, and could not feel, what I have just felt and will feel
for the rest of my life! O you, great, holy Father in heaven – if
one day I have to part from this grieving and deathly world, for
a few moments let me again listen to such a tone, and most
blissful I shall leave this earth, and thereupon my soul shall
praise your most holy name forever!”
[1] After this beautiful exclamation of Zinka, deeply uplifting
the souls of all present, Jarah said: “O Raphael, Raphael! What
completely different being are you now than you were before!
You completely broke my heart! Oh, you rather should not have
sung the tone!”
[2] Said Raphael: “Why did you urge me to do it?! I did not
want to do it anyway; but since I cannot take the tone back
anymore, it does not matter so much! Think, that in the heavens
of God everything must resemble this tone, so that in future you
even more seriously will strive to organize your life in such a
way that it resembles this tone in all its appearances, effects and
facilities; whose life does not resembles this tone, will not enter
the kingdom of the eternal and purest love.
[3] Since the tone you heard is a tone of love and a tone of the
highest wisdom in God! Just remember this very well and act,
so that you completely resemble the tone, and you will become
just in all love and wisdom before God, who has chosen you as
a bride of heavens and has therefore made me your guide!
[4] But what happens here, happens before God and before His
heavens; but it does not happen for this world, because it never
will be able to understand this; therefore the world will only
learn very little or even absolutely nothing about this, and will
also not learn anything about this tone. Look at the people at the
other tables, how they judge differently and even quarrelling;
but let them judge and quarrel among each other! Nevertheless,
even collectively they will not bring forth anything; since the
worldly mind can never understand this!
[5] The Lord stays here already for several days; but tomorrow
it will be the last! What will happens afterwards, nobody knows
but only the Lord. Therefore fill your heart with all love and
meekness and keep covertly in your heart the special and
extraordinary things which you have heard and seen here; since
to retell this to the worldly people, means to throw the most
noble and largest pearls to the pigs, which is to no use of the
world people. All this you must remember and act accordingly,
so that you can become a useful tool in the hands of the Lord in
heaven and on earth. – Have you taken note of everything?”
[6] Says Jarah: “O dearest Raphael! Surely I have noted
everything; but it is not really very pleasant what you just have
told me – namely the departure of the Lord from here which you
have announced for tomorrow! You know how much and how
above all I love Him! What will happen to me if I can’t see Him
anymore, or listen to Him or speak to Him?!”
[7] Says Raphael: “You will be doing very well, even if you
can’t see Him, you will be able to always listen and talk to Him;
since if you ask Him in your heart, He will also answer you in
your heart.
[8] See, what is it what we have to do!? I am now, as you can
see, here; but if the Lord wants it, I immediately must go from
here to a most far away world and stay there for as long as it is
necessary according to the order of the Lord. Believe me, that
we from the personal presence of the Lord are quite often very
far away, but not from the spiritual presence; since there we are
always in God, just as also God is in us and executes His never
measurable great deeds.
[9] Who truly loves God the Lord, is continuously with God and
in God. And if he wants to hear or know something from God,
he must ask Him in his heart, and through the thoughts of the
heart he will immediately receive the fullest answer, and in such
a way every person can always in all things be taught by God.
From this you can see that it is not always necessary to see, to
be blessed in the Lord, but only to hear and to feel – and you
have everything, what is required to be truly blessed in God.
[10] See! Also I will not always be visible around you; but you
only have to call me in your heart, and I will be with you and
will answer you through your heart, by however very quietly,
but nevertheless very clear perceptible thoughts. If you have
received them, then think, that I have breathed them into your
heart! You will also recognize them, and see that they have not
grown on your own ground. But if you have recognized them,
act accordingly!
[11] Since to only know what is right and good and what
pleases God, is not sufficient, yes, by far not sufficient – also
not, even if one had the only most decisive and biggest
appreciation for the teachings out of the heavens, however,
could never with absolute seriousness decide to act accordingly
in all and everything what is prescribed by the teachings coming
from the heavens.
[12] Therefore it says, to properly hear the teachings, to
properly recognizes it and then to properly act accordingly!
Without the strict execution of the teaching, nothing remains
and nothing is going to happen!”
[1] (Raphael:) “You know, my dearest virgin Jarah, when the
Lord was staying in Genezareth, He Himself taught you all
kinds of gardening cultures! He taught you all kind of useful
plants, showed you how they must be cared for and how to use
them. He made a little garden for you and planted it with all
kind of useful plants and told you of each one in particular what
form it will have, how it grows, when and how it will blossom,
what fruit it will bear, for what they are good for, how one can
enjoy them and how one can store a rich harvest so that it does
not go bad. In short, the Lord Himself gave you the necessary
lessons how your garden should be maintained.
[2] Now, you had a very great joy about it! Would the joy on its
own already be sufficient?! Would the garden have brought you
any fruit of the blessing without the actual diligent
maintenance?! Because of your great pleasure and because of
your joy about the teaching out of the mouth of the Lord,
nothing would be growing in your little garden – except some
weed! Since you diligently put your hand to it according to the
teaching, your little garden soon started to blossom into a little
earthly paradise, and you can look forward to make a proper
harvest from your little garden!
[3] And see now! Likewise is also the heart of every person a
little garden; if one diligently maintains it according to the
teaching out of the mouth of the Lord and does not shy away
from any trouble to turn everything one has heard into action,
one will soonest possess enough blessing and enough mercy out
of the heavens in one’s own heart, so that one in the end for the
soul and spirit can live out of one’s very own means and will
not all the time require our advice and our help!
[4] Since this is what the Lord wants to achieve with man,
namely that he becomes a completely independent citizen of the
heavens according to the eternal unchanging order of God; who
has achieved this, has in fact achieved everything. – Did you,
dearest Jarah, understand this all quite well? Are you getting a
little familiar with the purest tone which I have sung to you?”
[5] Said Jarah: “Oh, now so well and so clear like the purest sun
on a bright, cloudless midday! Your words gave my heart a
mighty consolation, and I will also raise them to full action, so
that they become for me the most joyful and blissful truths of
life. To teach me and see to it that the teaching is turned into full
action should not be the most difficult task of life for you! But
will also all the other people do what you have so loyal and
truthful advised me to do?”
[6] Said Raphael: “Worry firstly only about yourself, the others
will be provided for by the Lord!”
[1] Of course Zinka did not only heard part of this teaching, but
everything, and he asked Ebahl, whom he probably trusted
most, by saying: “Friend, this strange youth, who just now let us
hear a tone out of the heavens and who gave your daughter a
strange mystical kind of teaching, in such a way – openly said –
that I have never encountered something similar before, looks to
me as if he does not completely belong to this earth like us;
tell me if it is not him, about whom my John regarded himself
too unworthy to loosen his shoe laces! He just looks too young
to me; because he is supposed to be in his thirties already!”
[2] Says Ebahl: “Dearest friend, the youth is indeed not Him,
but rather a main disciple of Him! I must openly confess to you,
that the Prophet from Nazareth possesses such power and
wisdom, that there are even, as one might say, angles from
heaven coming down to earth, to listen to his teachings and to
admire his deeds and to praise the almightiness of God in Him!
[3] As proof of my statement serves very much this youth, of
whom you don’t know what you should make of him! As an
earthly person he is in fact a little too heavenly, and as an angel
he perhaps looks a little too earthly! He lives already for one
moon with me and is the educator of my daughter; that he does
not have a father or a mother on earth and possesses a power in
all things, which is simply fabulous; you can believe me rock
solid! A further genealogy I cannot give you. By the way, you
can talk to him yourself and he will not keep you waiting for an
answer! In his hole being there is no haughtiness!”
[4] Says Zinka: “I know enough, and know, for what I should
take him during these extraordinary times! But now I want to
know if this great prophet from Nazareth is not among us!?
Because without him I will forever not understand what a so to
speak angel must do! Since according to your explanations he
must be a complete divine being! Therefore just show me by
means of an only very slight sign, if he is there and who he is!”
[5] Ebahl says: “Dearest friend, just be a little patient; you will
get to know Him! But this much I can tell you to your bigger
reassurance – since you are not a henchmen or catcher anymore
– that He is actually among us, otherwise the high ranking
Romans would not be here!”
[6] Says Zinka: “Also enough; I do not need more! Now I will
find him!”
[7] With that our Zinka was satisfied, but already paid very
close attention and did not took his eyes off Cyrenius, Cornelius
and from the angel, since he was of the opinion that they would
betray me soonest, but he was of course a little mistaken, since I
immediately had put it into their hearts what they had to say and
in which direction they should steer Zinka’s attention. The
session was also adjourned and the tables were cleared, and we
went to the shore and talked there about less important matters.
Zinka and his companions of course kept a close eye on us.
[1] But during our walk up and down the shore of the sea, we
came to the place where our Risa cared about the two drowned
persons and waited for them to become alive again.
[2] Cyrenius said to him: “Now, friend Risa, does the two
already start to show very faint signs of life?”
[3] Said Risa: “High lord, every effort is pure in vain! Those
two surly getting more dead instead of alive; for them every
effort and further treatment is in vain! Only the omnipotence of
God can make them alive again! Putting them in this way or that
way, or pouring wine into their mouth are of any use!”
[4] I said: “Is this your opinion!?”
[5] Says Risa: “Lord, just look at the blue spots and smell the
already quite advanced process of decay, and You Yourself will
agree with me that those two will only become alive again by
the omnipotence of God on Daniel’s Judgment Day!”
[6] At this point also Zinka pushed forward, since he was quite
knowledgeable about dead people, if they really were
completely dead, and looked at both drowned persons. After
completing his examination he said: “The friend was speaking
the truth! Those two have to wait until Judgment Day in their
complete state of death, provided that there ever will be one on
this earth – what is difficult for me to believe! Since I know
what will become of such a heap of meat: moths, worms, flies,
beetles, all kind of grass and other plants! How many are torn
and eaten by wild beasts! How many die in a fire! Will all this
just like that come together again on Judgment Day like it is
now, because then I will completely give up to be a human
forever! I, Zinka from Jerusalem, knowledgeable in many
things, state here, that on the supposedly coming Judgment Day
even the omnipotence of God will take its time, when it comes
to reviving those two female heaps of meat! It will give to their
souls a new, spiritual body; but in those two bodies no soul will
be bothered with a headache anymore!”
[7] I say to Zinka: “Friend! You know a few things and quite
often you hit the nail on its head; but in this case, strictly
speaking, your blow is a little off the mark! You are quite right
that the soul in the beyond will never again walk in this body,
but those two bodies should at least for some time become
useful carriers for their souls! If I want it, those two must awake
again! One of them will even become your quite fertile wife and
you will love her beyond measure; the other should become the
wife of the still single Risa, but he will not wake a fruit in her!”
[8] After that I call both drowned, and in a moment they stand
up and look very surprised around themselves and cannot grasp,
where they are, and what happened to them.
[9] But Risa and Zinka fall on their knees before Me and Zinka
calls: “It is You, which John has announced! But You are not a
prophet, You are Jehovah Himself!”
[10] During this awakening scene also the Persians who were
still with us and the known Schabbi came closer and Schabbi
said to Zinka: “This time, you have, as I feel it, judged
correctly! Yes, it is like that, friend – this is Jehovah! And the
youth, who let us hear this heavenly tone, is an archangel,
actually the same, who already has guided the young Tobias on
this earth. This is how things stand: this is the great Messiah
who has been prophesied by all the prophets and seers, and with
Him starts a new, spiritual kingdom on this earth!
[11] It is Him that many will become annoyed about and want
to attack Him and do with Him what Herod did to John; but all
who will do that, will shatter at His power and become stupid
and blind like the darkest night before His wisdom! Since the
earth has never carried His likeness in its flesh!
[12] What I tell you in the name of my twenty companions,
I tell you without shyness; since from now on I do not fear the
world anymore, because I got acquainted with Him, who is
the only one to fear from all those who would and will raise
against Him! Oh, He will thoroughly examine the sinners and
thousand times woe to the sinners! He will fight nobody with
the sword in His hand, but the power of His word will judge and
destroy them!
[13] About the power which lies in His words, you still have the
completely naked truth in front of you! These two maidens were
completely dead, so that nobody could raise any doubts about it!
He only said: ‘Stand up!’ – and the two stood up and are living
now like new born, revived and healthy and have a perfect
clearest consciousness; it would only be nice if the two dear
creatures could get dressed! But I know what I will do! Among
the Persians are a few women who carry a triple set of clothing
with them; each one can contribute one dress and these two can
be helped!”
[1] Here Schabbi turned to Me and asked, if he may do this.
[2] I said: “Oh, just carry on; nobody has ever sinned before Me
by performing a good deed! Go, and let the two get dressed!”
[3] And Schabbi went, and within a few moments he returned
with two sparkling white colored shirts of the finest silk and
with two sky-blue dresses of the finest cashmere, as well as two
pairs of the most expensive festival sandals with long, silk lined
ribbons; the two newly awakened were also given two diademlike
combs and golden forehead braces, decorated with precious
stones. However, they refused to accept the jewelry which they
regarded as too valuable.
[4] But I said: “If I want it, just take what has been given to you;
because it is fitting for brides to be adorned!”
[5] After that the two also accepted the jewelry; and after being
dressed and adorned and standing there as two daughters of a
king, they showed a great and thankful joy.
[6] But while standing in front of us in radiating beauty, Zinka
said: “No, no, this is again a miracle! When I looked at them
when dead they looked like two women in their forties and their
shrunk shapes did not show any special sign of beauty; even
after being miraculously awaken, nothing in particular was
showing; and now they have become two beauties, like my eyes
have never seen something similar before! Now they are two
maidens not counting more than twenty years! Yes, this is also a
miracle of miracles! Where is the young Herodias now?! Now,
if Herod would see one of them and she would insist on it, for
the love of her he would let all Jews be beheaded! Should I poor
sinner really be worthy of the mercy, to take one of those two
angels as my wife, then Jerusalem would never ever see me
again; since this would be such a bait for Herod and also for all
the other many holy men of the city of God!”
[7] Says Cyrenius: “If those two miracle children do not have
proper parents anymore or if the actual parents have lost any
right to them because the intervention of death, they will
become my daughters and will receive from me a proper
[8] Says the older one of the two, called Gamiela: “Both of us
are, strictly speaking, without parents; and those we called
father and mother, should basically not be close relatives of us.
We came as little children of two and I three into the house of a
Greek merchant, who only later converted partially to the
Jewish believe; according to the testimony of an old maid we
have been brought by a slave trader from Sidon to Capernaum
and bought by the said merchant, who we called father, for five
pigs and three calves and eight sheep.
[9] The seller also gave the merchant a document, in which our
names and the names of our real parents are written! Our real
parents are supposed to be Romans of very high parentage. How
much of it is true, we don’t know; but the trip on which we had
the accident, we undertook secretly with the aim to learn the full
truth from a relative of our false parents who lives in another
place, if we are the actual or in fact are only bought daughters of
our parents.
[10] But then we fell into the hands of the evil pirates, have
been robbed of everything we took with us, had been undressed,
despite of our begging we have been tied together by the hair
and thrown alive into the deep sea. What happened after that
with us, we don’t know, and also not how we came to this
completely unfamiliar place, and who gave us back our lives;
since we must have been dead, when we were found after being
washed ashore by the sea at some shore or beach! – Where are
we actually now, and who are you good and marvelous people?”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Only a little patience, my dearest children
and daughters! – Your name is Gamiela, and what is the name
of your younger sister?”
[2] Says the younger one: “My name is Ida; this is how I was
always called.”
[3] At that point Cyrenius embraced Me and said: “Lord, yes,
how should I thank You?! O God, o Father! In this way you
have given me back my two dearest daughters, which were
taken away from me by the cheekiest hands seventeen years
ago! How this was possible despite the guarding of my house, is
still a mystery to me!
[4] Straight away I send scouts into all directions, to look and
ask for the lost sisters and a courageous captain said to me:
‘Even if Pluto has stolen them from you, I bring them to you!
But if the sea has devoured them or any greedy predator, then
all trouble will be in vain!’ He went and for three years all his
efforts were in vain.
[5] I also send scouts to You, o Lord, to Nazareth. They were
asking about you, but returned with the disastrous news home,
that there is nothing about You anymore. You were actually a
very calm, but otherwise an absolutely stupid boy between
thirteen and fourteen years, not even mentioning anything about
[6] Your own parents gave a very tiresome testimony about You
and said, that with Your twelfth year any sign of any wisdom
was completely lost and that You are, regarding mind and
insight, taking second place to every other normal earthly boy.
For the sake of me they have urged You, to only this time make
a prophecy for my messengers; but You kept quiet and said in
the end that You not have come into this world to prophesy, but
to work like any other person!
[7] When You were asked, if You could remember everything
You have done from the cradle to your twelfth year, You said,
what there was, is no more! And when You were asked about
the reason, you did not speak again, left the room and went
outside – and my messengers returned empty handed home!
[8] And as such all my searching was in vain. For seven full
years I mourned about my two dearest daughters – and see, here
they are! At that time You have kept them from me, to give
them back to me in a double wonderfully manner! Yes, Lord,
how should I actually thank You for that?”
[9] I said: “You have already done this by taking care of all
those who were caught here and you have troubled yourself to
make arrangements for their accommodation and for their better
destination in future, as what they had experienced up to now!
In short – you, My first friend Cyrenius, has already done so
many things for Me, that I cannot let you unrewarded on this
earth! But one day in My kingdom in heaven, you will therefore
also receive an even bigger reward!
[10] But since you have your daughters back in a complete
healthy state, think of them, to whom I have given your
daughters as brides! The two men are not of royal parentage;
however, they are now so to speak My sons – and this should
also be sufficient for you!”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, Your will is a most pleasant
commandment for me, and for my two sons in law I surely will
find means and ways, whereby they will be placed in such a
way, to be most useful to the spiritually and physical poor
[12] But now come you my dearest daughters to me and let me
press you against my heart; since I’m now one of the happiest
fathers of the whole world! How happy will your mother be to
have you back; since she was disconsolately about you! If she
could see you, her happiness would be even greater; but despite
her great lovingness she nevertheless is blind. Being blind she
became my wife, after which she received the eye light for a
while, but later on went blind again! But she has very sharp
senses, so that I bet that she will recognize you immediately.
Oh, how infinitively happy I am know! Come here, all the poor,
I want to make you happy with all my strength!
[13] If I think about it, how we found you floating in the sea,
tied together by the hair! If at that time I only had the faintest
idea that you were my daughters, how terrible unhappy the sight
of you would have made me! Only now, after being alive again,
the Lord allowed a close acquaintance with you, so that I could
become blessed as much as possible! And now I am, and
therefore to You, o Lord, all praise and all my love!”
[1] Zinka steps closer and says: “High lord and master! Since
circumstances are, of which also I could never have the faintest
idea, things are getting a completely new face. They are
therefore not daughters of a merchant from Capernaum
anymore, but they are daughters from the emperor’s house in
Rome; on these trees do not grow any apples for us! Because for
such children, other children must be found who are
descendants from royal parents. I’m only a common Jew’s son,
although a descendent from Juda; but what is this compared to
you, who is a brother of the great emperor Augustus and as such
carries the tribe of the oldest Patricians with yourself?! In
addition you are incredible rich, and I have nothing than my
paltry portioned wage for an immense work.
[2] Irrespective how happy Gamiela would have made me, if I
had received her as a wife by a miracle from heaven, but since
she as your daughter, high lord, is standing high above my
nullity, I can never take her as a wife! You, high lord, would
give her to me today because of your pure spiritual mood; but
tomorrow you could regret it! Could I object if you take her
away from me again? How much grief and how much sorrow
would I feel then! If I take her as my wife with the fullest
assurance that she remains with me, I surely will take her and
become the happiest person; but I never can ask for her, since I
know my state and also yours.
[3] Give me on Roman ground a small holding; by the diligence
of my hands I will work the land and support myself and my
colleagues! Only let me stay away from Jerusalem and the
whole Jewish land! Because I want to have nothing to do
anymore with either Herod or the temple!”
[4] Says Cyrenius: “Let everything be good! I cannot take away
my Gamiela from you anymore, since the Lord in a certain way
has given her to you before giving her to me – and His word and
will is holy, more than holy to me! What the Lord only remotely
wants us to do, we must do, if we want to become equal with
His angels! Yes, on this world I am something for as long he
keeps me alive; but on the other side in the big beyond we are
all equal, and our treasures here remain part of the dead crust of
the earth and will become food for the all consuming time.
[5] My high status should therefore not bother you; I only carry
it for the well-being of humanity as much as it stands in my
power to do so. And should you, whom the Lord of infinity, of
life and death has brought close to my heart, be excluded from
this? No, no, never ever! You are and will remain my son!”
[6] After listening to these words, Zinka says: “Yes, truly, only
a soul entirely devoted to God the Lord can speak in such a
way! What the Lord wants, I certainly want also: because He
who had awakened the two, is the Lord Himself, of that I’m
fully convinced. Even if billions testify against it, Zinka will
never stagger in his faith! To Him all my love and all my true
worshipping from now on! To Him all honor from eternity to
[7] With those words Zinka kneels before Me and says: “O
Lord, forgive me all my sins, so that I can pray as a cleansed
person to You!”
[8] I said: “Stand up, My brother! Your sins have long since
been discarded before Me; because I knew your heart for a very
long time, I finally allowed it to come to me. You actually were
sent out to catch Me, and I allowed Myself to be caught by you,
but only for your heart and for your welfare! Stand up and be
full of joy in My name and become a good, useful tool for Me!”
[9] With that, Zinka stands up and only then starts to properly
think about the greatness and about the meaning of this
occurrence. But when he will be sitting alongside Me, only then
we will hear him speak again. Since after Mathael, he is
probably the biggest spirit in our company.
[1] After we managed to give Zinka some rest in this way, also
Risa, as the second son-in-law of Cyrenius, came and started to
make similar excuses.
[2] However, Raphael touched him on his shoulder and said:
“Friend! Remain only with the truth of your heart; since by
quite a margin you are not Zinka! You are good and honest, but
you should never talk differently from what is in your heart! –
Do you understand this?”
[3] Says Risa: “Yes, friend out of the heavens, I understand
what you have told me, and I will speak, if I speak, according to
what is in my heart, and no untruth should come over my lips!
I’m still a young person and have less experience than some of
the others; but I have particularly little experience with the
female gender and was never in love with any maiden. But I feel
my heart exceptionally drawn and feel it, how I will be beyond
all measure happy, if the heavenly beautiful Ida would become
my wife; but I also feel how terrible stupid I will appear by this
great happiness. Because of this very reason I would like to
miss out on this happiness!
[4] For now my love for Ida has not become a passion, and I can
renounce this expecting luck with my soul quite easily; but if
later on I become more inflamed, and the luck would not
become part of me, it would cause me a lot pain in my heart,
which would be then quite difficult for me to get rid of. Because
of this reason I would like it to have it from the Lord and from
Cyrenius, to free me from every hope on such luck!
[5] See, you my heavenly friend Raphael, this is how I feel, and
this is what I have spoken! If you can help me a little, do it
before it is too late! Since a proper help must also happen at the
right time – otherwise it is of little use!”
[6] Says Raphael: “Friend, for this you will require only very
little or even no help at all from me; therefore it stays like the
Lord has instructed it to be! You yourself can renounce
everything – because against the free will of man the Lord never
determines anything, except for the measure and form of the
body -; but it does not bring man a lot of bliss, if he regards too
little, what the Lord, even when indicated by a slightest sign,
has advised. – Do you also understand this?”
[7] Says Risa: “Yes, also this I understand and say therefore
nothing else than: The will of the Lord must always happen;
since who carries out the will of God, can never go wrong.
Since God the Lord must always knows it best, what is best for
us people. Therefore, from now on, I will always accept
everything with the greatest thankfulness in my heart and do
what the Lord will prescribe! What man can do very easily,
because he already has a longing in his heart for it, he should
always do and never try to be more. There is enough of a battle
with other things, in which man’s weak will finds it quite
difficult to become a winner. Should he with easy and very
pleasant things also become weak, he will not make good
progress with regard to the true virtues! – Did I spoke the truth
or not?”
[8] Says Raphael: “Very much so; but it should also be said to
you, that it is better to do a lot of good, than speak a lot of good!
If people see you doing a lot of good, they will do likewise;
however, if they hear you a lot talking good, they will also try to
do likewise. But since many are lacking the right wisdom to
make truly good speeches, they are forced to speak a lot of
nonsense and thereby doing a lot of damage to many weak souls
and to themselves, since it makes their hearts to become
haughty and egocentric. By an unnecessary desire to talk, in
time all kind of false teachings are spread, and poor mankind is
blinded and brought into all darkness, so that it afterwards
becomes quite difficult to enlighten them again; but by many
and good deeds, mankind becomes noble and open hearted. A
noble and open heart is in anyway the best plant school for true
wisdom and will then also understand to speak good and right,
where necessary.
[9] I have told you this, because quite often you carry a great
desire to speak in you, but are still lacking a lot, what is required
to make a perfectly good speech; therefore you should speak
less, but instead listen and act even more, and you will become
a true disciple of the Lord, and this according to His will and
according to His pleasure!
[10] Those who in time should speak and preach, the Lord will
select them Himself; but those who are not specifically chosen
to speak and teach, are destined by Him to only act according to
His word and according to His teachings and should always
only do, wherefore they have undoubtedly the assignment from
the Lord. In this way they always can find joy to be pleasant for
God and in obtaining any special mercy. Say this also to your
friends and work companions; since also among them there are
those, who think a lot of themselves, to be able to speak orderly
and smooth! They are not destined by the Lord to speak, but
only to act.
[11] The reason for the Lord allowing you to become earthly
happy, is, so that one day you can do a lot of good things;
however, if the Lord would have chosen you as a speaker and
teacher, He would say to you: ‘Come and follow Me, wherever
I’m going, and learn about all wisdom of the kingdom of God!
[12] See, how pleasant is Cyrenius for the Lord; surely not
because of his good speeches, but because of the good and
manifold noble actions! But who does many good and noble
things, can if necessary, also make a good and right speech;
since an open and noble heart does never stays without light
from the heavens. But who has this according to the measure of
his many good and noble deeds, to him it always will also be
very clear, where, when and how much he must speak. Do you
understand this, what I have spoken to you, very clearly, my
dear Risa?”
[13] Says Risa: “How can I not; since you have spoken the
purest truth, and this is always for everybody clearly
understandable! I will always keep strictly to these your words.
What I have learned from you, I will also immediately convey
to my companions; there is only one thing I would like to know,
if Zinka is also called to only act or whether he also must teach
[14] Says Raphael: “My friend Risa, between your and Zinka’s
experiences exists a great difference! He is a great soul coming
from above, and has many and great experiences behind him,
despite being only ten years older than you; and, hence, he is
destined by the Lord to act and to speak. But once you also have
many experiences behind you, you will also have to speak and
teach. But for now collect experiences and become rich in good
and noble deeds!”
[1] Risa writes this very deep into his heart and goes to his
colleagues, who start to congratulate him to his luck; but he
opens his mouth and tells them word by word what he heard
from Raphael.
[2] When he finished, Hebram said to him: “This is truly a
marvelous speech, just like coming from the mouth of God; but
some remark about it should be made, not the speech itself, but
about him who gave us the speech. It contained many and even
noteworthy true words, coming in good order successively into
being; but the speaker, nevertheless, first spoke rather than
acted! Nevertheless, I find this quite in order; since every good
action, must certainly always be preceded by a good teaching,
otherwise it is impossible for the actor to receive any directive
for his actions.
[3] However, at the heart of reason Raphael is still right; since
man soon knows what is good and right. Simple laws give it to
him! He only needs to properly will, and a good action cannot
stay away. But the knowledge on its own appears to me as a too
small motive to act well, especially with very material people,
who are only too easily seduced to act badly by a selfish
material advantage. In this case the pre-teaching must be
expanded to such an extent, that thereby the disciple is given
clear, tangible and irrefutable proofs as motives to act good, so
that it must appear to the disciple nearly impossible to act
against them, just as it is impossible to cross the sea without
a boat.
[4] Once one have brought a disciple thus far, then doing good
is an easy matter; but without the added tangible and solidly
proven reasons, it will always remain a problem, whose
goodness is well recognized, but since the doing accordingly is,
nevertheless, connected to some difficulties and self-denial, one
rather gives in to dear sluggishness and tiresome selfishness and
leaves the many good deeds for better days. Without change one
follows one’s carnal desires and after 30 years one is still the
same animal person, as one was, quite actually, in the cradle.
Therefore according to my humble opinion, it is also important
to add to the above mentioned proofs to the teaching of doing
good, which require quite a lot more than saying: ‘This and that
you should do, because it is good, and this and that you should
not do, because it is bad and evil!’”
[5] Says Risa: “You are quite right, but, nevertheless, basically
you say nothing else as was tangible clearly described by
Raphael, namely, that only he should teach and speak who is
called by the Lord in the spirit. Such a teacher will give to his
disciples the teaching together with the necessary proofs to
motivate them to act, just as the angel Raphael unfailingly
convinced me to act. But if both of us would perform as
teachers, we certainly would talk a lot of silly stuff, and if a
sharp and well polished speaker would come along and started
to put some really powerful opposing arguments to us, in the
end he would confuse us, and perhaps we even had to dance to
his whistle! But if we act well, with all mind reasons of the
world, he would not be able to find the slightest objection or
opposing remark. Therefore, for many it is better to act than to
teach. – Is this still not quite clear to you?”
[6] Says Hebram: “O yes, now absolutely, and also earlier, and
it is good! People are strange – I notice this by myself! Just
think of it: When we were reading and studying the script often
enough, how inconceivable sublime the wonderful stories,
events and here and there occurring teachings, appeared to us
filling us with the deepest reverence! Finally, because of our
highest reverence making us blind, we did not dare to
pronounce the spirit of God which here and there actively
appeared! When reading something about an appearing angel,
we were touched by it to our inner core! Moses appeared so big,
that nearly all mountains seemed to bend before his name!
[7] Now we stand before the same God who thundered his laws
on Sinai! The same angel who has guided the young Tobias,
walks among us like an ordinary person and teaches us with
sweet words to recognize the will of God! In addition miracles
over miracles of the most unheard manner occur on a continues
basis, but, nevertheless, everything appears to us already quite
ordinary, as if we are used to it since childhood. Tell me, what
might be the reason for it!
[8] We are supposed to be completely overwhelmed by surprise
and adoration, but instead are as blunt as an old, rusted sword of
an old warrior! What might be the reason for it? If I think about
it, I could shear off my own head from my body from
[9] Says Risa: “Be calm, friend! The Lord wanted it like that; if
we – and this is understandable – keep on dwelling in a state of
highest excitement of our souls, we would miss a lot of what
happens and is said here. The Lord knows how to keep our souls
within the boundaries of soberness, and therefore we can coldbloodedly
listen and observe everything what occurs and is said
here – even if it is of an incomprehensible high nature, and
record it even deeper in our souls. If this is all over, our souls
will start to become excited in a most colossal manner! Oh, we
will not escape it! But for now it is much better like it is! – Do
you have a different opinion?”
[10] Says Hebram: “Not at all – your opinion is again perfectly
correct, and most certainly it is like that! But it does no harm if
one reminds oneself, that one easily feels too little uplifted
during this most holy extraordinary opportunity which never
occurred before, while reading the extraordinariness of the past
has touched us so deeply and made us so excited. If this spiritual
sluggishness would depend on us alone, I had to regard it as a
big and most coarse sin of life; but if, according to your opinion,
the Lord causes this in us by His almighty will, we must be
grateful to Him, and everything He speaks and does, we must
more seriously and deeper contemplate and think about it, how
we can turn His word into full action. But that Zinka is such a
deep spiritual man – while he was and still is only a senior
servant of Herod, is a riddle to me! Where did he got his
overwhelming wisdom from and collected so many
[11] Said Risa: “That I don’t know; but a big lord like Herod,
surely would have checked out his servant very thoroughly,
before making him one of his first and most senior servants. In
addition Zinka was according to his own testimony a special
friend of the prophet John and certainly would have learned
quite a lot regarding important matters of life, and it is therefore
no wonder that he is wiser than us. He will talk about something
which I am very curious about. But now it appears if the Lord
wants to say something, thus let us keep quiet for a change;
because our talk is not so bright anyway!”
[1] During the dialogue of the two, I gave to both awoken the
opportunity, to recognize Me as Him, who, a couple of month
back, also awoke a few from the dead in Capernaum, and soon
both recognized Me as the same and also knew Maria and the
others of the house of Joseph. Gamiela also mentioned, that she
still can remember when the old carpenter master Joseph with
his six sons build a new sheep stable at her foster fathers
residence in Capernaum, and that she also could recall that she
has seen Me at work as the youngest of the sons of Joseph; but
at that stage she of course could not have had any idea, that the
spirit of the Most High was hidden in Me.
[2] But Ida added to it: “Yes, yes, dear sister! It was the last
evening, when the building was completed and our foster father
paid the old Joseph for the work, but in the end deducted a few
coins according to an old business custom of him, prompting the
holy man to go to the merchant saying: ‘Don’t do this; since this
will bring you no blessing! You are a heathen, but, nevertheless,
believe in the God of the Jews. And see, this mighty God lives
in My heart, and if I ask Him, He gives to Me for what I have
asked Him! He also lives in the heart of all righteous before
Him and their requests please Him. If you act hard against
Joseph who completed heavy work for you, I would ask My
God and Father to repay you, and soon you would be repaid in
an evil manner! Think about it, it is not good to offend those,
who are one with God!’ But my stepfather did not listen and
insisted on his deduction. However the old carpenter said: ‘See,
I’m honest and say it to you honestly: The few coins would be
the total profit for this heavy work, and I could have paid my
house’s tax with it! Since you are a rich man and the coins are
so important to you, keep them; but you keep them unjustly, and
this is never good!’
[3] But I and Ida cried from annoyance about the stubborn
hardness of my father, went into my room and gathered in secret
all my savings, and Gamiela did after me the same, and we
secretly put 100 coins into his toolbox. Nobody noticed this,
accept You, o Lord! And thereupon You said: ‘Both of you
maidens will someday be highly repaid, for what you have done
to us! During those words you looked like someone who is
beatified. Thereupon you stood up and left our house. It was late
at night and by foot it was a few hours walking to Nazareth;
therefore I said to You: ‘don’t you rather want to stay for the
night here, than to walk the unsure, far road, especially when
the night is so dark because of the heavy storm clouds covering
the sky and a thunderstorm is approaching?’ Then You said
what stayed always noteworthy with me: ‘Who made the day, is
his Master, and who the night, is also his Master; therefore the
Lord of the day as well as the night, does not need to fear the
day nor the night; therefore nor the night nor the storm will be
able to cause us any harm! Keep well, both you angels!’ With
that you left our house, and heavens know – you barely left the
threshold of the house, no sign of you could be seen anywhere!
[4] Oh, I often thought about You, o Lord, but could later until
this hour not meet with You again! However, still in the same
night Your words were dreadfully fulfilled regarding my foster
father! A terrible thunderstorm came and the new sheep stable
was hit three times by lightening where during its completion
already seventeen-hundred of the best sheep were kept.
Everything burned down within a few hours and with all efforts
nothing could be saved! Our foster father regretted having
sinned so severely against the loyal carpenter; since he said:
‘This punishment comes to me from above because I have
earned it. Never ever will any loyal worker in this house be
deprived again of one single coin of his well-earned wages!’
[5] About half a year later we came to the big market of
Nazareth and enquired busily about the old carpenter and his
sons; but it was said that they were called far across the country,
where they had to build a few houses – and without achieving
anything we went back to Capernaum. After that we did not
hear anything about the carpenter’s family anymore. About
3 years after that, our foster father heard that Joseph had moved
to High Nazareth, which is located in the mountains towards
Samaria because of extended work there. However, we could
not find anyone of his family there! Nevertheless, I would have
loved to get closer acquainted with the young carpenter whose
name according to my knowledge was Jesus!
[6] Notwithstanding – what was not granted to us at that stage,
You, o Lord, has wonderfully kept until know! Only now did
we receive a light about the mysteriously spoken words by You
at the same evening when You left our house in a pitch dark
night! Now we know who the Lord of the day is, the night and
the thunderstorm! But now we bring You again with our heart
and our mouth our gratitude for all the nameless mercies and
reliefs, which You, o sweetest Lord Jesus, showed to us without
any of our merit!”
[7] I said: “Oh, you are not without all merit; just think of it
what you have done to the old Joseph! How much he
appreciated the 100 coins when he found them the next morning
in his toolbox! Initially he thought that your foster father did
this to him secretly; but he soon was corrected by Me in his
mistake. He praised your good hearts, and I promised him that I
Myself will manifold repay such goodness to you, and have
therefore given friendliest and joyfully back your life and your
true parents. Go now and give them true joy; since his joy is
also mine!”
[8] Only then did the two went to Cyrenius and hugged him, and
he cried of joy like a child.
[1] After a while when Cyrenius cried his heart out from joyous
pain, whereby his two daughters, Zinka and also Risa who came
along, supported him with joyful strength, he came to Me,
hugged Me and said sobbing: “O, you eternal, purest Love!
Who cannot love You above all?! O Lord, o Father, how good
and how holy You are?! O Lord, let me die in this my love!
[2] Lord and Father! For as long I had the never fathomable big
mercy, to know You from Your earthly birth, I always loved
You, and You were always the hinge point of all my thoughts!
But I was not always an equally strong master over my own
world in me and over the world outside me; but know I believe,
by Your mercy and strength to have reached the necessary
strength, to walk the rest of my living days in all and everything
according to Your holiest will in a humanly manner.
[3] I of course rule mostly only heathens, whose gods teachings
I unfortunately have to protect here and there – this is truly a
great evil; but no tree falls with one blow; however I will make
it a priority and strive to spread the recognition of the only true
and living God at least in my territory of rule among the better
heathens as much as possible!
[4] With the priesthood we will have the most trouble; since this
caste lives for several centuries off their nation darkening
matters. The old will call lightning and thunder from heaven,
and the young will make fierce faces to that; but in the end they
will be forced to leave their old habits and go to work on our
new field. The saddest, however, for the honest person on this
earth is, that he easily finds the lie without any trouble, but the
truth only by a very laborious search, which reach is not seldom
connected to many and great dangers.
[5] The old Egyptians had organized their schools in a very
categorical manner. Who only wanted to learn this or that for
the outer life, had to pay a fee and he was shown the manifold
advantages; but who came to search and find the truth, by which
the inner life of man is caused, for him his ominous search was
made in a nearly unheard manner difficult. And if he had found
the great truth of life, he was forced to stay a priest, and under
the heaviest oath he was not allowed to tell no layman even one
[6] The holy truth was thereby always difficult to reach, while
the regiment of lie spread over the whole world free of charge.
But because the old lie always led the scepter over the people,
the people got used to the lie; it became second nature to them,
and this even easier, because many, however, not all, found it
quite agreeable and still finding it quite agreeable. Now, to let
go the lie and there would be not too much of a protest, as I see
it; but to let go of the advantages enjoyed so far will certainly
pose a problem which would be quite difficult to solve!
[7] But patience – everything will come right! One can promise
and give to the priesthood other advantages, show this caste,
which does anyhow have no faith, friendly under four eyes the
truth and recruit them – at least the better part – for spreading
the truth, and I think that in this manner the otherwise biggest
difficulty can be turned into a very easy task. However, whether
one ever can become a master of the lie on the whole earth, is
another question all together! Good and righteously minded
people, whose souls are full of truth, will surely do everything,
to at least give their neighbors a better light. In short, around
such lights it will always look brightly lit. But further away
from the light it will become darker again, and very far away, in
space as well as time, the full night will just like now hold the
[8] This is my opinion. You, o Lord, could perhaps do it
differently; but You also know, why it has to be on this earth
like that! Hence, only Your holy will should always remain!”
[1] I said: “My dear friend! I like your views quite a lot, and the
holy Father in heaven always is quite happy, if His children
discuss things with Him in a wise manner; but there are certain
things, which must be like that, and this and that has to take
place, as it takes place, to reach a certain goal, without, the goal
would be impossible to achieve.
[2] Hence, God has given a twofold law. The one is pure
mechanically and is called ‘Must’! From this law all forms and
their structure are evolving, according to which the usefulness
of the form is derived; at this mechanically law forever no hair
is allowed to change. The other law, however, is called
‘Should’. And only this law is relevant to the teaching of life!
[3] According to the law of life you can eradicate, destroy or
even annihilate all the smallest particles of the whole, it does
not matter too much and is just the same; for what should
become free, must be free from its earliest development! Even if
it completely wrongly develops itself in the free inner being, it
cannot lift the must-law above it; the germ lies always in the
form, which starts to sprout again according to the right order,
which takes from the free life-sphere that which has gone astray
and pulls it into the right order again.
[4] As such you can see nations stuck in all kind of corruptions
regarding the soul; but their form remains, and if you see them,
you must acknowledge that these are humans. Indeed, their
souls are distorted by all sorts of lies, falseness and malice;
however, at the right time I let more warmth penetrate the germ
of life, and it starts to grow, consumes the old disorder of the
soul, just as the grassroots consume the already decayed drop of
water, and a complete healthy, life-strong and in all parts pure
blade of grass with blossom and seed arises.
[5] Because for this reason you should never judge a spoilt
nation too harshly! Since as long as the form remains, also the
pure germ in man remains, but if this remains, even a devil can
become an angel!
[6] Normally misconstrued teachers, lust for power and avarice
of a few powerful people and a temporary possession by evil
spirits, which creep up on the flesh and the nerve-spirit of
people, are the reason for corruption of people and their souls.
But a complete corruption even of the most inner life-germ, is
[7] Look at Mathael and his four companions; how badly were
they corrupted by evil spirits! I released the five from it and
woken the life germ in them, and see, what perfect people they
have become!
[8] Of course there exist differences between people! Some
souls are from above. They are stronger, and the evil spirits of
this earth can only do little or no harm at all to them. Therefore
such souls can withstand a stronger flesh life test, without
suffering any significant damage. If with those people the spirit,
that is the primeval life germ, is awaken and penetrates with its
eternal life roots the soul through and through, then the little
corruption of such a soul is immediately healed, and the whole
person is perfected – as you can see from Mathael, Philopold
and many others.
[9] The souls of some people are even previous angles of
heaven. Now, with them nothing can be corrupted so easily!
John the Baptist and several prophets, like Moses, Elias, Isaiah
and others, can serve as examples, and currently there are more
on this earth, who came from the heavens, to go with Me
through the narrowest path of the flesh. Such people are able to
go through quite a strong flesh life test and endure it with the
biggest sacrifice.”
[1] (The Lord:) “In addition there are also differences of souls
which are from above, in a manner, that some of them are
originating from the perfect solar worlds. Those are stronger
than those, who are coming from the small planets, similar to
this earth, to reach the childhood of God on this earth.
[2] The less perfect a planet is, in the same degree his emigrants
are also weaker. They have to endure a lesser life test, but their
souls can be harmed more extensively. Nevertheless, they have
a strong primeval life germ in them; if awoken in the right
manner, then these souls will soon be back in a full life order.
[3] Finally, most often, there are souls who descended from this
earth since the primordial beginning. They are the most actual to
be called to the childhood of God, are the weakest and can on
their own easily become totally corrupted; but this is also not
that easily possible, because for every one-hundred there are
one or two strong souls from above, by whom the weak souls
are hindered and protected to become completely corrupted.
Even if there among them are already very lost sheep, in its time
they will be found again.
[4] However, every soul – no matter how weak, frail,
fragmented and corrupted in itself – does carry in itself the
primordial life germ, which can never get corrupted. If a soul is
brought with the right length of time to the point, that the
primordial life germ can be awakened in her, she becomes
immediately blissful and in all things love-strong and wisdomstrong
and is then just as well a child of the Almighty as an
angel-spirit who became a person or a soul from a central son,
from a lesser planet son or from any extraterrestrial other dark
and by itself lightless earth body, of which there are more in the
wide space of creation as there is sand in the sea and all the
grass on earth.
[5] Who for instance of you is already a more complete person,
can put his hands on a no matter how stupid and superstitious
sinner of a proper animal person, or give him soft strokes from
the roots of the nose over the temples down to the pit of the
stomach, the person will thereby be brought into a raptures
sleep. In this sleep the no matter how distraught soul will be
freed from the teasing spirits of her body, and the primordial life
germ appears immediately for a short time actively in the soul.
[6] Ask such a raptured sleeper a few questions and you will
become answers, which will surprise your wisdom to the
highest degree!
[7] If such a person after a short while, according to his own
instructions which must be followed, is brought back into the
earthly life, the primordial life germ has returned into its
previous resting place, and the soul withdraws back to its old
flesh bonds and remembers nothing from what has happened to
it while its body was in a raptured sleep. She knows nothing of
all the wisdom which she has spoken through the mouth of the
flesh, and is then just as stupid and superstitious as before.
[8] This serves you as a proof that basically no soul can be
corrupted to such an extent, that it cannot be cured anymore.
[9] Of course, with some souls it will take quite some time
either here or even longer in the beyond, until she has reached
that independent, healthy firmness, which is necessary to awake
fully the primordial life germ in herself, to be penetrated by it in
all parts. But to think that this act of life cannot take place in a
soul which appears to be already completely corrupted to the
very bottom, would be just the same coarse sin against the love
and wisdom of God, as the soul itself which is believed to be
doomed and appears as a sputum of hell and stands in front of
the judging world eyes as a mountainous and dense knot of sin.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Therefore you should not judge the people, so
that you do not become judges on yourself!
[2] Wouldn’t it be the most inhuman foolishness, to judge a
bodily sick person and then impose an unscrupulous punishment
on him because he has become sick and miserable?! How much
bigger and many times more inhuman foolishness is it not, to
judge and condemn a soul sick person, whose soul has become
weak and sick because of the above mentioned reasons!
[3] You call such people according to your laws and regulations
criminals and submit them to relentless, hard punishment; but
what are you achieving by this? You punish a soul because she
basically became sick without her fault! Ask yourself, how your
judgment must look before God.
[4] Ask yourself, you My person-friendly Cyrenius, what would
you have done with the five main criminals as the highest judge
of Rome and bearer of power over life and death? See, you
would have to listen to the nefarious, evil deeds and finally hand
all five over to the death on the cross! Could it ever have
occurred to you that behind these five could reside such spirits?
O no! That thought would never have entered your mind!
[5] You would, completely incensed about their misdeeds,
sentence them to death with the coldest blood of the world and
would on top of it still be of the soothing opinion to have
delivered to God and humanity a good service! However, what
damage would you have caused humanity by exterminating
such spirits from the earth, who now as completely cured – in
soul and body – shine for the people of the earth like a spring
sun and will warm and revive thousand times thousand hearts of
people to good and truth!
[6] And see, this is the case with all worldly courts on this dear
earth! For the bodily illnesses and ailments doctors can be found
who can prepare all sorts of medicines; but for the illnesses of
the poor soul no doctors and medicines exist accept for a most
heavy book full of laws which are often very difficult to keep –
and behind the laws the judging sword!
[7] Would it not be more decent, wiser and more humanely to
institute doctors and medicines for souls who became ill rather
than for their bodies, which within a short period of time
become the food for worms?!
[8] That it is more difficult to heal an advanced soul illness than
same of the body, surely I know best; but none is incurable,
while for each body in the end a final illness exists, for whose
cure no herb grows on the whole earth! Nevertheless, you
people are doing so much of the wrong thing!
[9] For the rotten, totally mortal body you establish remedial
institutions over remedial institutions, pharmacies and baths,
ointments and plasters and salutary drinks; but for the immortal
soul you have not established only one remedial institution!
[10] Of course you say in your heart: ‘How would it be possible
without You, o Lord?! From whom should we have taken it and
from whom should we have learned?!’ This is of course true –
this knowledge requires certainly a deeper understanding of the
total nature of man, other than to know from old experience
which herb juice soonest cures the complaints of an overstuffed
stomach; but the immortal soul of man is also worth, that one
should pay a little more attention to its manifold compositions,
than to the composition of an overfilled stomach by gluttony!
[11] At all times true soul doctors, filled with the spirit of God,
have been send into the world who have preached the right way
to cure souls. Some have taken note of them and were infallibly
cured; but the so called great and powerful of the earth regarded
themselves in any way as soul-healthy, ignored the soul doctors
which I have send to earth, in the end pursued them and forbade
them their remedial work for ill souls – and thus it always
happened by the great and powerful of this earth that the
teachings of mercy to cure ill souls, could never take those roots
by which it could have grown into a strong remedial tree.
[12] And if somewhere a strong seed has been planted, the
selfish and power-hungry human children of this earth knew to
clean the tree for so long, by taking away the superfluously
seeming branches and twigs and continuously scraping off the
bark, until, finally, the whole tree had to dry up. And thus up to
this hour no other remedial institution for ill souls exists than
the sharpest law, arrests, investigations, prisons, terrible penal
dungeons, the sharp, most unmerciful sword and all kinds of
tormenting and torturous execution and killing instruments,
have been produced for use. These are also products of ill, but
strong souls, which must be helped above all, if the curing of
the small, weak and subordinate souls should become any happy
success on this earth.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Because of that I Myself had to come to this
earth to establish for all ill souls a permanent and for all times
effective soul remedial institution, since man would never be
able to do so.
[2] Nevertheless, it will always be difficult with the permanent
establishment of an institution under discussion for ill souls,
because certain people thereby start to feel impaired in their
rights of their world of illusion.
[3] Self-love and love for the world, which is a breath of hell in
the chest of man, will always struggle against it and does not
want to be cured of its evil illness and will not let go of its
worldly means, which are difficult to follow hard laws and its
judgments and punishments.
[4] However, after Me there will be always many, with whom
My newly established soul remedial institution will remain for
many who want to use it. Indeed, such real remedial institutions
will suffer some and often a lot because of My true and living
name, by the worldly mighty but in them self very ill souls; but
I Myself will know how to protect them!
[5] Should, however, too self-willing, severely sick worldly
people souls intend to ruin one or the other remedial soul
institution, because of a kind of insanity, I will know how to
seize them by an effective extraordinary judgment and let their
soul curing take place in remedial institutions in the beyond,
where progress is only very slow and before recovery a lot of
howling and crunching of teeth will be heard!
[6] Already in this world a very effective medicine for the body
tastes normally quite bitter; but the medicines in the beyond to
cure souls tastes by far more bitter, because it must be very
strong, to heal a dangerous sick soul there, since here on earth
no cure was possible anymore. Yes, eventual they will be cured,
but it will take very long and it is a desperately bitter road to
walk! Therefore, good for those, who will cure their soul in
remedial institutions on this earth!
[7] Based on all those reasons as indicated, you mighty judges
are true soul doctors in future, and judge every ill soul with the
right judgment to cure her and not to make her even worse!
[8] Verily, by as much you have made an already very ill soul
even more ill through a by itself soul sick judgment, your souls
will become more wretched and more ill, and in the beyond
your cure will be much more bitter than the soul which has
become more wretched by your evil judgment! Since such a
soul is and stays, despite your evil and senseless judgment,
simply ill and can also in the beyond by a simple cure be
restored; but a senseless soul of a judge will once for each
unsuccessful and evil judgment, be overcome double by the
illness of the soul which was severely judged by him, and his
very own basic soul sickness will thereby necessarily increase
twofold. That the healing in the beyond of such highly wretched
and ill soul of a judge will be a bitter and long process is quite
evident when you think about it!
[9] If you as a clumsy doctor are ill yourself and been ask to go
to a dangerous ill person, and because of the profit you go there
and gives him because of your clumsiness a medicine which
does not help, but makes the patient here and there even worse –
what use is this to you?! Since you did not help him, you are not
getting paid – as it is your custom – at the same time you
attracted the dangerous illness and firstly did not received any
money and secondly you have instead of a single a double
illness to cope with!
[10] If now in your place a knowledgeable doctor comes along,
will he not cure the ill person with an effective, simple
medicine, while with you, since you are suffering from two
illnesses, he surely has to use two types of medicines to possibly
help you?! And such a twofold medicine will cause in your
suffering flesh at least a twice as big revolution as the simple
medicine with the formerly treated person with only one
[1] (The Lord:) “I think that this should be clear to you, and so I
take the word further and say: By that, you should not, because
I have told you such, destroy all prisons and holding places
which are nevertheless a necessary evil against the big evil of
very ill souls, and break all chains and all swords; o no, this is
not what was said! Since very contagious ill souls must be
carefully separated from healthy souls, and kept in safekeeping
for as long until they are cure from the very bottom.
[2] But not your rage and your desire for revenge should keep
them save in strong rooms, but your great charity and the tightly
connected innermost worry regarding their possible complete
recovery! Should the right spirit of love is indicating to you, that
the one or another heavily sick person requires a bitter tasting
medicine, then you should not withhold it from him, because it
would be a very unripe and untimely mercy! But only in true
love for your neighbor should you administer a bitter medicine
to a seriously ill person, then it will surely provide him with the
desired cure, and you will receive a lot of blessing!
[3] The medicine, which I administered earlier this evening to
the five, was surely not sweet and well tasting; but My great
love for them recognized it as inevitable for their complete
recovery, and therefore also this medicine was a highest act of
My love for them. Because of that, they could be healed in the
morning so much easier, and they should say whether they are
cross with Me regarding the bitter medicine!
[4] But if somebody, lead only by rage and a desire for revenge,
torments and tortures the putative criminal in a pitiless manner,
then he is already a manifold bigger criminal and someday he
will have to tastes even more bitterness.
[5] The measure you are using will be the same measure you are
going to be measured by one day! Who measures with true love,
will one day also be measured with true love; but who measures
in rage and revenge, will one day also receive the same
medicine in a double measure to be cured, and he shall not be
released one second earlier from the most bitter institution in the
beyond, until each hard fiber in his soul is made white and soft
like wool!
[6] I have now shown to you the general true nature and
composition of man, and you cannot say anymore: ‘Such we did
not know!’ Since you know this now perfectly well, act
accordingly and teach such to those, who are standing below
you and as themselves ill, do not know, what they are doing,
you will be as true and healthy coworkers in My kingdom on
this earth become active in a right and best measure, and My
benevolence will accompany you on all walks of life; should
you however, somewhere work according to your old ways
again, then think, that your soul has become ill again, and ask
Me that I cure her and you are not befallen by a twofold illness!
[7] O you, who are judging and with your judgments make the
poor ill souls even more ill than they were before, think in all
seriousness what you are and what you should be in all truth,
and what you are supposed to be doing according to the order of
God! You judges and chief rulers over the weakness of the
nations, who are in the final analysis also your power, might and
respect, should be true fathers of your nations, and as such
should look after the health of the souls of the many children
entrusted to you with all love and true fatherly care! You do not
need to be doctors for the body – but the more so doctors for
[8] If you see your children often disregarding the rules of their
parents and now and then even strongly sinning against them,
would it be becoming of the parents if they take one of the
children and torture it as a deterrent example and even hang it to
the cross?! This can perhaps only been carried out by a most
power-addicted father; but the world’s history will not be able
to show many such examples! But you better parents will at
least reprimand the transgressing children in a pretending
serious manner and in the most severe case even punish them
with the salutary corrective rod. Should the children thereafter
better themselves, your surely will have a great joy about them;
since it will be a right desire for you to see the souls of your
children fresh and healthy before you.
[9] In the same manner, you mighty judges should act against
all people, and your joy will never end! Think yourself in the
place of those who must listen to you and accept and follow
your laws! Wouldn’t it be pleasing to you, if they as your judges
would be merciful and proceed very carefully with you?! What
you wisely wish that they should to you, if you would stand
before them with ill souls, do likewise to them if they are
standing with sick souls before you!
[1] (The Lord:) “See, in this lies all the practical explanations of
the law of Moses and all prophesies of all the prophets: Love
God as your eternal Father above all and your poor and often ill
brothers and sisters but under all circumstances as yourself, then
you will be as true soul-healthy children of the eternal Father in
heaven just as perfect as He Himself is perfect – what is actually
your calling! Since who will not be as perfect as the Father in
heaven, will not come to Him and dine at His table for ever.
[2] See now, you My Cyrenius, with this you have everything
what you previously have regarded as an evil of the world
which is difficult to defeat! Of course it is quite difficult to
defeat the lie which has taken root among the people of the
world, since this is a severe basic illness of the soul; but with
the truth, which arises out of love just as the light arises out of
the flame, one can conquer the lie quite easily. If you only need
a light to light up a dark room, will someone praise you as wise,
if you put the whole room in flames and thereby destroys it?
Therefore My word and my teachings should not be spread with
the sword!
[3] If you want to heal someone who is tormented by a wound,
then you should not next to the existing wound cut him a fresh
tenfold more severe wound; because if you would do this, it
would be better, you have left the wound of the wounded
[4] Verily, he who wants to spread My word and My teachings
with the sword in his hand, will not receive a blessing from Me
for his zeal, but be pushed himself into the greatest darkness! If
you illuminate a room with pure oil lamps during the night, then
everybody who is in it will have a joyful light; but if you burn
down the whole room, everybody will start to curse you and flee
you like a furious fool.
[5] Who preaches to cure souls, should speak with a clear voice
but at the same time in a gentle manner and should not shout
like a raving who foams of fury and rage; since a person who
foams of fury does not better anybody with his wild shouting!
He either causes that his listeners are mocking and laughing at
him, or, if he goes too far with his shouting, they finally will
chase him with batons and fists away from their congregation.
[6] In the same manner someone should not speak a
conciliatorily word to his brother, if he still feels the sting of
annoyance in his chest; since finally he convinces himself in his
annoyed zeal, becomes infuriated and did not only manage not
to convert his brother into forgiveness, but has irritated him
even more to the opposite and has pushed the imagined good
purpose far into the background!
[7] Yes, when spreading My teachings you should always make
a friendly face; since with My teachings you are coming with
the friendliest and most joyous message from the heavens to the
people and therefore must announce it with the most joyous and
friendliest approach!
[8] But what would somebody tell you, if you came to him and
would invite him to a joyful meal, but your invitation would be
as follows: ‘Listen, you unworthy sinner, damned by God!
Indeed, I hate you because of your sins and the righteousness of
God, but, nevertheless, I order you with all means in my power
to come to my feast of joy, to make sure that I do not have to
curse and damn you forever, should you object; should you
attend, than at least you can be assured of my mercy and my
goodwill for the joyful day!’
[9] Tell me, what would the invited say to such an invitation,
and if the feast of joy planned for him would indeed be a feast
of joy for him! I think, that even the most stupid person would
say thank you but no, thank you to such an invitation! He
would, if he feels weak, come to get the severe threats from his
back; but if he feels strong, he will attack the unmannered
messenger and throw him out of his house. And that he will not
accept such invitation goes without saying.
[10] Therefore, when spreading My teaching, which is also an
invitation to a joyful meal from heavens, above all it must be
taken care of, that all those who will spread My teaching among
the people of the earth, as true messengers from heavens are full
of friendliness and love to preach the gospel. Since something
exceedingly joyous and good can certainly not be conveyed
with a rage inflamed facial distortion. And if someone would do
something like that, he would be either a fool or a joker and as
such totally unsuitable for the spreading of My word. – Did
you and also all the others have clearly understood what I
have said?”
[11] Said Cyrenius, completely contritely about the truth of such
My admonition: “Lord, You the only true person, I have
understood everything quite well, and concerning myself, I will
strictly keep to each and everything! Naturally I cannot give any
warranties for all the others; but I think that they have
understood You as good as I did. But at the same time I
recognize now how often I have most coarsely sinned against
mankind with my best possible knowledge, conscience, wish
and will! Who will make good such my sins to those, against
whom I have sinned?”
[12] I said: “Do not worry about that, but only about the future!
But now something new will come up!”
[1] Cornelius steps closer to Me and ask: “Lord, during the
course of Your above godly speech and teaching, You have
mentioned that a spiritually perfect person can put his hands on
another person, and that this person will soon afterwards fall
into an ecstatic sleep and make wise speeches with a healthy
soul – irrespective of being a however blind and completely
stupid person! If I only could see the process of such a
treatment, then I would know how such salutary experiment is
to be carried out on someone, if it is necessary. But if one is a
layman regarding the treatment process, even with the best will
one cannot undertake anything and therefore achieve nothing. –
Would You like to entrust me with some further details?”
[2] I said: “O yes, with pleasure, since this act is absolutely
necessary for the recovery of a lost bodily- or also soul health!
Since for once the pure laying on of hands eases the most severe
bodily pain, and in addition it is most often the case, that the
person on whom the hands had been layed with a firm believe
and a strong will to cure him, will become clairvoyant and can
determine a suitable medicine for himself, which, according to
his own prescription applied, must bring him complete
recovery. Naturally, if somehow, against his prescription,
opposing cases have taken place, it will not go well with the
complete recovery; but if the prescription is carried out as an
undisturbed treatment, full recovery most certainly will take
[3] But if any human person is brought into a clairvoyant sleep
during this healing treatment, he or she should not be disturbed
or weakened by all kind of pointless questions, but only be
asked what is necessary.
[4] Whoever lays his hands on someone, must do it in My name,
otherwise his treatment would be of no use and has no effect.
[5] It requires a firm, unshakeable believe and an equally
unshakeable, firm will.
[6] Such an endeavor must come out of the heart’s deepest
ground and must arise out of true neighborly love, than the
power of love will fill the hands of the hand-layer, and
penetrates through his fingertips and flows like a soft dew into
the nerves of the patient and heals the often stinging and often
burning pain.
[7] However, it is quite important to note, that it requires more
to place a man into an ecstatic sleep than a woman! In certain
cases a man can also be placed into an ecstatic sleep by a
woman; the devout woman, however, could only achieve
success with such a treatment with the help of an invisible angel
standing next to her, which she made serviceable to herself
through prayer and pureness of the heart.
[8] Such devout women could provide relief to especially those
who give difficult birth and with great pain. This would be
better, than midwives usually travelling to Bethlehem to learn
the art to assist someone giving birth, whereby a heap of all
kinds of superstitious means are applied in the most silly
manner which always cause more harm than usefulness.
[9] Which extremely silly and ridiculous ceremonies are carried
out especially during the first births! If a girl is born first, than
all kinds of silly laments must be sung and it is required to sigh
and bawl pitifully for three days. If a little boy is born, calves
and lambs must be slaughtered and buns be baked and all
singers, pipers and violinists must come together to make an
ears-tearing noise for the whole day, which supposedly should
provide relief for her labor pains! Therefore, instead of such
stupidities, the above mentioned birth support would be much
more useful!”
[10] Said Cornelius: “Certainly yes! But how does a woman
achieve such devoutness?”
[11] I said: “Very easy! Foremost a good upbringing is required,
and then a thorough education of an fully ripe virgin!
Irrespective how ripe the maiden is, the education must only be
given after examining the true devoutness of her heart.
[12] But also men can assist during birth by laying-on of hands
to provide great relief!”
[1] Says Stahar standing nearby and paying close attention:
“Wouldn’t something like that defile the man for a whole day
according to the rules of Moses?”
[2] I said: “From now on nothing can defile you other than evil
and impure thoughts, desires and wishes, malicious gossiping,
lies and dishonoring, contempt and defamation. These are things
which can defile people; everything else does defile a person
either not at all or only externally on his skin, and therefore he
has enough water to clean himself from any external impurities.
[3] Moses primarily gave such rules to the Jews because of their
great attachment to impurities in all external matters; since
people who already outwardly become real pigs, will even
easier become likewise in the heart. Therefore Moses
recommended to the Jews especially the outer hygiene.
[4] But the actual cleaning of a person occurs only by true
repentance, by the remorse for a committed sin to his neighbor,
by the serious intention not to sin anymore and by the thereby
complete betterment of life.
[5] If this does not happen, you can spray one-hundred thousand
goats with blood, curse and throw them into the Jordan for your
sins, your hearts and souls will stay just as unclean and impure
as before! With water you clean your body and with a firm,
good and in all devoted will to God, heart and soul; and just as
pure, fresh water strengthen the limbs of the body, a firm and in
all devoted will to God strengthens the heart and soul.
[6] Such strengthened souls can in My name lay their hands on
an ill person who is most faraway, and he or she will become
[7] However, who is still weak in the perfection of his heart and
his soul, should make use of the strokes as indicated earlier in
My main speech, and he will provide great relief for a person
suffering from a bodily illness. He will also be able to send
somebody into a raptured sleep, and the treated will prophesy
for him in his sleep, which can help him. The prophecy must
then be applied precisely, and in time the ill person will get
better, but of course not that fast, as if a spiritual perfected
person would lay his blessed hands on him, whereby the healing
can and will take place immediately.
[8] In such a way everyone can convince himself, that in a
raptured sleep even the otherwise most silly soul, even of a
child can prophesy, because she is for the moment connected
with her most spiritual life germ. If after the raptured sleep the
most inner life germ is brought back into his resting place, the
soul awakens again in her flesh, and from all which she has seen
and spoken out of herself she knows absolutely nothing. But this
proves, that nowhere a soul can become so corrupted, that she
cannot be healed anymore.”
[1] (The Lord:) “But that you can practically see this, I will
arrange for a really stupid and bad person to arrive from
Caesarea Philippi. He will be treated by one of you, and you
will see and hear the surprise-worthy wisdom of this silly and
bad person when placed in a raptures sleep. But if he awakens
again, he will immediately become the same evil and silly
person as he was before, and we will have quite some work to
do, to breath into him in a natural way only some kind of
enlightened concepts of God and man.”
[2] Says Cyrenius: “Lord! I’m exceedingly glad about this;
surely we will be able to experience and learn a lot! Is the said
person already on its way to here?”
[3] I said: “Yes; he is looking for you and will ask you in a very
clumsily manner for support, since during the fire he has lost a
hut, two sheep, one goat and a donkey. But he learned, that you
are here and provide aid to those in distress, and therefore the
otherwise quite silly person is on his way, to asked you to
replace his suffered damages. Although a poor wretch, he did
not suffer too much; since he stole the two sheep from
somebody else two days before the fire, and the donkey and the
goat became his property already a year ago in a very similar
[4] From this information you can see, that our new arrival is
quite a bad scoundrel, but at the same time also quite silly, what
with such people originates from the animalistic blind greed. He
could very easily save his hut with all his belongings; but during
the fire he sneaked around everywhere, to pocket in an unlawful
manner some finds. Now, he did not find anything, and when he
sullenly returned home, he found his hut in the most beautiful
flames, and his four animals were already burned up to the
[5] Until today he wailed around his hut; but when an hour ago
he learned that you are present here because of the above
mentioned reasons, without giving it too much a thought he
decided to come here and see for himself, if you are really
present and if you are also actually compensate for damages.
[6] I have painted him for you a little in advance, so that you
know with what person you have to do and how you have
behave at least in the beginning; the better you will learn from
himself afterwards.”
[7] Asked Cyrenius: “Should I give any compensation?”
[8] I said: “Not now, since you must first question him in a real
Roman manner; only after the treatment, if he becomes a little
more humane, the other can be arranged! But Zinka should
carry out the treatment on him; since he possesses the most
strength for it. I will lay My hands on Zinka beforehand, so that
he have more strength to carry out the treatment.”
[9] And Zinka, who was around Me all the time not to lose one
single word, came to the fore and said: “Lord, how will I be able
to cope, since I’m not familiar enough with the treatment?”
[10] I said: “Place the right hand on the forehead and the left on
to pit of the stomach and he will soon sink into the discussed
sleep and also start speaking, but with a weaker voice than in his
natural state! If you want to awake him again, then you only
have to place your hands in the reverse order for a few
moments. As soon as he awakes, you withdraw your hands, and
the treatment is over!”
[11] Zinka now agrees with everything and is also full of the
firmest faith, that he will manage, and awaits longingly his man,
but still asks Me, if he should carry out the treatment
immediately after his arrival or if he should wait for a sign
from Me.
[12] I said: “I will show you when you have to act. Since first
you have to be familiar with his silliness and roughness, which
means, the state of the illness of his soul. Once you have
recognized this sufficiently, only then it is time to observe his
soul in a healthy state and to recognize from this, that no person
should be judged by you people and condemned into full
downfall, while every soul carries a healthy life germ inside
him. But be prepared and pay attention; he will be here soon!”
[1] I nearly haven’t finished speaking, when our man, whose
name was Zorel, arrived with a very groggy expression on his
face, wrapped in half-burned rags and making a lot of noise.
[2] I indicated to Julius to meet him and ask him what he
wants and what he is looking for here in the afternoon. And
Julius with a very serious face goes and does what I have
advised him to do.
[3] And Zorel positions himself and says with a firm voice:
“I am a completely burnt down citizen from the town and only
learned today, that the great Cyrenius is here, to support by rich
means those who suffered from the fire. I also took the courage
to come here, to firstly see for myself if Cyrenius is here, and if
he really does something to support the victims. If he does
something according to the honorable Roman custom, I surely
will not have come here in vain; but if he, for whatever reason
does nothing, he certainly will not make an exception with me!
Therefore tell me, you honorable Roman, whether Cyrenius is
here, and if he, as I have heard, exercises charity, so that I can
go to him and beg for it!”
[4] Says Julius: “Yes he is here and carries out significant
reliefs, but only to those who are known to him with a
completely irreproachable reputation! If this is also the case
with you, you will not return empty handed home! He is sitting
there at the long table in the shade of the high cypresses and
cedars and gives audiences in all directions. Go there and
introduce yourself! But be thoroughly prepared; since he is
sharp sighted as an eagle and often sums up the character of
a person at first sight! He never is more critical than when
distributing reliefs!”
[5] Upon this preface Zorel starts to think deeply about what he
should do under the given circumstances. After a short while
he decides to limp to Cyrenius, which is in fact a silly false act
by him. When arriving at Cyrenius, he bows three times
touching the earth with his head. After completing the third bow
he speaks with a shaking shrieking voice: “High lord and most
strict ruler! I, Zorel, former little citizen from the burnt down
town Caesarea Philippi, begs your highest Roman strict rule, to
help me an unfortunate poor victim with something small, even
ordinary money and some clothes, since I do not own anything
else, except these rags.
[6] I was the fair owner of a small hut with an added share of
two mornings1 meager agriculture land. I had a wife, which the
gods immediately took to the Elysium two years ago. I did not
have any children, but I still have a maid, which is still living
1 Old land-measure. Can be very different, depending on the region. Actual meaning: as much
land as could be plowed in one morning.
with me, but also without children. My moving property
consisted of two sheep, one goat and one donkey, and a few bad
agricultural tools and some clothing. Everything went up in
smoke and flames, when I was busy extinguishing other houses.
[7] I am now, like hundreds with me, a complete beggar; even
my maid which was the only life support I had, left me, because
I could not give her anything anymore – which, however, shall
be remembered! Since should I have the extraordinary luck to
obtain a hut and some other property again and she wants to
return, I will certainly know how to send that thoughtless person
away from the house!
[8] Generally in the future of my life I will flee and despise
everything what is called woman; since no woman is worth
anything! They say, that I’m a stupid animal, and do not
understand how to handle a woman, and that my wife has died
because of grief! If this was the case, then I would not have
mourned nearly for one year for her, and my maid would not
have stayed out of her free will with me until the accident,
despite not being able to give her a large wage.
[9] It is in general quite a disgrace that a man is also born by
woman; under the circumstances it would be nearly better if my
body’s mother would have been a female bear!
[10] If the gods have arranged everything wisely, they surely
made a blunder with women, and this is not to their honor!
Therefore it is completely right, if Juno continuously causes
Zeus a lot of trouble! Besides, it seems that all the divine family
is not yet fully cooked; otherwise it would not be possible for
them to make such real silly jokes – even too dumb for human
[11] I am a religious person and honor the gods because of some
wise institutions in the world; but if they sometimes smell of
stupidity, I’m not a friend of them anymore. Would our town
have burnt down if Apollo would not have caused one or the
other stupid prank?! He fell – just as our wise priests firmly
state – for some unusual fine-fleshly earth nymph, perhaps even
paying her a dirty visit, while in the meantime Juno or Diana
played a practical joke on him, and we poor beggars must pay
for this nice joke of the gods!
[12] That a person gets weak from time to time, normally out of
a shortage of sufficient experiences, is understandable. Can the
weak stalk help it, if blown by the wind back and forth?! But if
the immense cedars, which are symbols of our dear gods, just
like the stalk are also bending and bowing in all directions
according to the wretched earthly winds, sometimes even in a
dirty direction, it is incomprehensible, and only a little soberly
thinking person must view this as quite silly!
[13] What about a god now? If he acts wisely, as it is worthy for
a god, he merits all admiration; but if he from time to time acts
like a mortal weak person, and we poor people undeservedly
coming to harm by a careless prank of the gods, then this is silly
of a god, and therefore I cannot honor and praise him.
[14] You, high ruler and actually self a little of a half-god, will
surely recognize, that only the gods can be blamed for my
misfortune – especially Apollo who fell in love!? I therefore beg
you, to replace the damage!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “How much do you wish that I should give
[2] Says Zorel: “Not too little, but also not too much; if I can
only reinstate what has been lost, I have been covered!”
[3] Says Cyrenius: “Are you also familiar with the laws of
Rome, which has been given to the nations to protect their
acquired property?”
[4] Says Zorel: “O yes – not all like a legal scholar, but I
know about some of them! Against those which I’m familiar
with, I never have sinned. A sin against unknown laws is in
anyway zero!
[5] By the way I’m Greek, and we Greeks have never taken the
strict mine and yours too seriously, since we are more for a
communal property than for a single owner property. Because
communal property produces friendliness, brotherhood, true and
durable honesty and goes against the lust for power among the
people, what surely is a good thing! However, single ownership
always produces greed, envy, poverty, theft, robbery, murder
and the most extraordinary imperiousness, from which finally
all earthly evil arises for mankind like from a Pandora’s Box!
[6] If there would be no excessively sharp laws in favor of
single ownership, there would also be far less theft and all kind
of fraudulence. I say and maintain, that the single ownership
protective laws are the fertilized ground, on which all
conceivable vices are flourishing to ripeness, while with
communal property neither envy, imperiousness, envious
addiction, backbiting, deception, theft, robbery, murder, nor any
war and other misery could ever establish itself!
[7] Since I always recognized the laws for the protection of
single ownership as a horror of devastation for a friendly and
brotherly society and still recognize, I – at least regarding
smaller things – never was bothered much by a conscience, if I
have acquired them in an illegal manner; if somebody has lend
something from me in the same manner, he surely would never
be pursued by me.
[8] My hut and my land are legally mine; now – with that what
was in it as my moving property, I never looked at it too
precisely, because of the cited true reasons and because I’m a
Spartan. The one who knows Sparta and its old and wisest laws
knows clearly why I never had any special conscience because
of a so called small theft. The two sheep, the goat and my
donkey were actually not bought, but also not really stolen
goods of my property; since I found them in the woods grazing
like game, not all at once, but nevertheless one by one. The
owner of those large grazing fields in the woods is also the
owner of many thousands of the same animals. The small loss
certainly did not cause him a lot of harm – while to me it was
extremely useful!
[9] By that I surely have not sinned too severely against the
Roman property protection laws, particularly since I have found
the mentioned animals in the large hourly long and -wide woods
as individually wandering around and as such regarded as lost
by their legal owner! The secondary harvest is even allowed by
the Jews, who have a law from the highest God Himself in this
regard. Why then should it be a criminal act with us Romans?!
[10] Only with the sword in the hands of the earthly powerful,
this means by the power of wild bears and lions, can such
absurd single owner protection laws be defended, but never by
reason! Even if all ten-thousand gods are in favor of it, I still be
against it for as long I live with the ability to think purely as I
have done now and always have thought!
[11] You, high ruler, carries the sword of power and can punish
me poor beggar as it pleases you, but the straight lines of my
life principles you will not be able to bend with all the weapons
of Rome; but if you have other and more convincing reasons for
a strict legal property, I will listen to them and adapt my future
way of life accordingly!”
[1] With his eyes widening, Cyrenius says to Me somewhat
secretly: “Lord! You earlier made the preliminary remark, that
this person is quite silly and evil, but now this person speaks so
organized, as if he was one of the first advocates of the
heathens! He has not accepted a lot from Judaism, but with our
laws and in those of the old Greek’s empire he is knowledgeable
just as one of us, and there is not much to say against it! All the
time I’m waiting for a real stupidity; but in vain – he only
becomes brighter and defends his theft in a manner, that nearly
nothing can be said against it! Under the given circumstances
what should be done with him?”
[2] I said: “Leave it at that; he himself will disprove in a very
striking manner everything which he according to his very silly
idea regards now as completely reasonable! Examine him just a
little more; since it is quite important to Me, that you clearly
learn to distinguish between the humanly so called mother wits’
reason and the reasoning of the mind!”
[3] Says Cyrenius: “Now then, I’m in the highest degree curios
what will be the end of it!”
[4] Says Zorel, asking: “High ruler of Rome! What can I
expect? Are you sharing my opinion or should I convert to
yours, which you of course have not yet pronounced?”
[5] Says Cyrenius: “We still have to discuss quite a few issues
with each other before I will concede or not concede to your
request! It seems that you are a mother-witty owl, and your
honesty appears to have not very deep roots! Lets put aside for
the moment, if you have found the four animals under
discussion as lost for their legal owner wandering around the
forest or perhaps in another way, and if you only have found
your other house tools. But now I tell you something else and
this is, that here in my company and also in other places are
clairvoyant people, who already have provided thousands of
proofs of their clairvoyant ability, and that I believe their highly
common sense advice to such an extent, that same cannot be
weakened by one-hundred-thousand counter arguments!
[6] See, such a Man told me, even before you could have left the
city, that you will come, and what you want from me. Before
even seeing you, I already knew that misfortune has befallen
you. But you also could have easily prevented it, if you would
have stayed at home; but your illegal perceptions about property
protection laws, drove you into the streets of the burning town,
to somewhere obtain something along illegal means. In the
meantime your straw-hut caught fire and this quickly destroyed
your illegal possessions. The fact that at this opportunity your
maiden has left you stuck in excrements is understandable, since
she knows you and knows that you are a person who cannot be
trusted in such circumstances.
[7] Irrespective of how much you are against the legal single
ownership laws, in your home you want to be completely
assured of them and exercise them freely. Now, the fire has
illegally destroyed your property, and you cannot hold the
element strictly responsible, since it will not give you any
reason and answers; but you would have come down very hard
on your maiden, and under all kind of maltreatment you would
have claimed from her that on life and death she had to replace
the damages, since you firmly would have insisted, that the fire
destroyed everything only because of her negligence.
[8] See, this and also other things were said about you by such
people in advance, whom I believe fully, more than all the gods
of Rome and Athens! But in our laws is written a proverb which
says: Audiator et altera pars! (Also the other party is heard!)
And according to this you are allowed to provide me with
rebutting evidence. To justify yourself, tell me everything what
you know and what you can; I will listen to everything with the
greatest patience!”
[1] After thinking a little Zorel says: “High ruler! If you already
claim in advance to believe rather one of your proven
fortunetellers than hundred-thousand others witnesses, then I
really want to know, for what it will be good that I give you in
any case a mania-witty answer from my side! Against your
unchangeable believe based on whatever reasons, it is
impossible to provide you with any rebutting evidence. In
addition you hold the great power in your hands! Who could
start to argue with you?!
[2] What use is it to me if I most convincingly tell you, that this
is not the case? You will introduce the fortuneteller to me, who
will again tell me in my face what you already have told me,
and I will be left sitting with my reply in the puddle of all
puddles. In short, with your over-one-hundred-thousandbelieve,
nothing further can be done, than to let you keep it
good-naturedly; since you still will believe the fortuneteller
more than one-hundred-thousand proofs put by me to you! To
such pre-assertion I can say nothing else than: High ruler,
forgive me that I have approached you!
[3] By the way, I still stand by my principle that single
ownership protected by sharply sanctioned laws is a thousand
times worse for human society than a free communal property!
I already have expressed my reasons for this real Pandora’s
Box, and therefore it is not necessary to repeat them. Only this I
add to it, that in future, because of a tiresome must of the outer,
raw power, I will let go the practice of my principle!
[4] Indeed, I do not see any good for poor mankind regarding
ownership protection laws, which is basically the biggest
irrationality; but what can a single person, wrapped in the most
wretched rags, do, against hundred-thousand times hundredthousands?!
Even by legal ownership, smaller evils within
communal ownership may be used as an argument based on the
fact that every evil brings also some good with it; but the
argument of smaller evils does not stand in any relation with the
horrors which arise and must arise out of the undermined single
ownership system!
[5] I therefore have finished speaking. Under the given
circumstances I certainly cannot expect anything good, and
therefore it will be better, with your merciful approval, that I
leave. But only with your approval! According to the like true
appearing accusations against me and known to the gods, of
which you will be full of from your fortunetellers, I’m standing
as a criminal before you; and they must be punished before
releasing them again. The law must be satisfied with the blood
of a poor beggar, before giving him his freedom again!
[6] If I stand according to your perceptions as a punishable
criminal before you, then punish me immediately, and then give
me my freedom or death! It doesn’t matter to me anymore,
because I stand completely defenseless before you; you Romans
are and will be dry knights of the law, and nobody can protect
his reason and his need against the revenge of your laws! Say,
high ruler, may I, as I have come, depart again, or must I wait
here for a punishment imposed on me?”
[1] Says Cyrenius in a serious but nevertheless human soft
voice: “You are not allowed to depart, however, you have not to
stay awaiting punishment, but only for your own welfare! We
Romans had never any pleasure to punish any sinners, but only
regarding their true and complete betterment. If this can be
achieved without the sharp punishing stick, we would prefer this
always a lot more! We only take the punishing stick in hand, if
all other means fail. Thus nobody is called to the strictest
responsibility for sinning against the salutary law once; this only
happens then, if he repeatedly commits the same sin, either from
too great carelessness or out of a all destroying willfulness.
Whoever repeatedly commits a sin by willfulness must also be
punished willfully!
[2] Now, according to your old Spartan principles you only have
sinned out of need and for the first time are standing in front of
a judge! Based on this fact alone, you will not be damned and
judged; but you must discard your evil and silly principles!
Your ill soul will be cured, and you must recognize the blessing
of the wise laws and only then start to act accordingly, and only
then you will depart from here as a completely freed man, and
you will have a great joy, because you will become a truly pure
and free man.
[3] But for such healing to be effective, a pure and physical and
spiritual strong person from our society will lay his healing
hands on your head and your chest; and only such extremely
tender treatment will awaken and enliven the slumbering
concepts inside yourself, whereby you will recognize the
welfare of the well-organized and sharply sanctioned laws of
Rome and you will be even glad about it! – Do you agree with
[4] Says Zorel, somewhat more cheerful as before: “High lord
and eminent ruler! I already agree with everything not called
beating, decapitation or even crucifixion! However, that such
treatment will make me better and provides me with more
reasonable principles, I cannot vouch for; since an old tree
cannot that easily be bent again. But I do not want to completely
daub the possibility! Where is the man who will lay his strong
hands on me?”
[5] Cyrenius ask Me on the side if the time has come.
[6] I said: “Just a little more patience; give the soul a little more
time to digest! This person is now full of excited thoughts and
would be difficult to bring him into the raptures sleep; it is also
not allowed to point Zinka out to him as the one who is chosen
for it, until the right time has come! I will give you a sign.”
[7] After these My words and after such My orders everyone
was quite for a while, and our Zinka waits with a fearing joy for
My sign to treat Zorel. But he was busy with all kinds of
thoughts regarding what they in all seriousness are planning to
do with him, either good or bad. He examines all our faces and
says by himself: ‘No, from these people I do not detect any
cunningness; one can trust them! They can only do good,
however, never something bad!’
[8] Now, this preparation out of himself was necessary before
the treatment, since without it, the laying on of hands by Zinka
would be a fruitless effort. Because at these treatments the
patient must place himself in a sort of faithful and trustful state,
otherwise it would not be possible, even with all humanly
possible and over flooding soul-substantial-strength, to bring
him into the salutary raptures sleep.
[9] Ah, it is something completely different with perfected
people who out of the spirit and in the spirit are reborn! They
only require, just as I am, their excited will – and the act of
healing is accomplished! However, with people who are not yet
fully reborn, the treatment of an ill person must be accompanied
by an awakening and regeneration of the person to be treated
beforehand, otherwise – as said – the whole treatment would be
a wasted effort and work.
[10] Now our Zorel is ripe and soon I will give Zinka a sign, to
lay his hands on Zorel.
[1] I now give Zinka a sign and he goes immediately to Zorel
and says: “Brother, the Lord who is almighty and full of mercy,
goodness and love and wisdom, wants it that I should heal you
by laying on my life-strength hands. Do not fear anything but
trust and become another person, and nothing, whatever you
need for your bodily and spiritual true welfare, will be withheld
from you! If you want to, and if you trust me, your true friend
and brother, then allow me to lay my hands on you!”
[2] Says Zorel: “Friend, with those loyal words you can send me
to the Tartarus, and I shall go! Therefore, just go ahead and put
your hands on me, where and how you ever want, and I will not
oppose you!”
[3] Says Zinka: “Now then – sit on this bench and I want the
power of God to flow through you!”
[4] Says Zorel: “Which God? Probably Zeus, Apollo, Mars,
Mercury or Vulcan, Pluto or Neptune? I beg you, just keep
Pluto out of the play; because I truly do not want to be
penetrated by his hurricane force!”
[5] Says Zinka: “Let the gods be, who existed nowhere else than
in the imagination of people who were blind for a long period of
time! There exists only one true God, and this is the God you do
not know, for whom you heathens also build a temple, but until
now has not recognized Him. But now the time has come, that
also you will get to know this only true God! And see, by this
God’s mercy and strength you will be penetrated for your
welfare, if I lay my hands on you!”
[6] Says Zorel: “Ah, if so, then just go ahead to lay your hands
on me in a way which you know best!”
[7] Thereupon Zinka puts his hands on Zorel in the previously
described manner and Zorel immediately falls into a magnetic
[8] After a bih quarter of an hour, Zorel, otherwise fast asleep,
starts speaking with strongly closed eyes: “O God, o God, what
a wretched and evil person I am, and what honest and sincere
person I could have been, if I only wanted it to be; but therein
lies the curse of sin, the lie and haughtiness, which are both the
actual basic sins, always reproducing anew and increasing like
the grass on earth and the sand in the sea!
[9] O God! I have so many sins and flaws on my soul, that I
can’t see my skin because of all the sins; yes, I’m stuck like in a
dense smoke and fog because of the force of my countless sins!
[10] O God, o God, who will ever be able to free me from my
sins?! I am a main thief, I am a liar, and if I lie I keep lying
anew, to strengthen the old lie by a new one to, trying to make
some truth of it. O, I am a hideous lying dog! Everything I own,
I only took possession of by lying and deceit and by secret and
open theft!
[11] Of course, in my great blindness I regarded everything as
no sin, but I also had quite often the opportunity, to be
convinced by the truth. But I did not want to be convinced!
I always used Sparta and Lykurg and despised the wise laws of
justice of Rome! Oh, I am too much of a common bad
[12] Now, the only thing which comforts me, is that I not yet
have murdered anyone; but it was close! If my maiden would
not have run away before I have returned home, she would have
become a sad victim of my devil-bad fury!
[13] Oh, I am an execrable monster! I am worse than a bear,
worse than a lion, worse than a tiger, worse than a hyena, much
worse than a wolf, and much much worse than a wild pig! Since
I’m also clever like a fox, and this makes me a true devil in
[14] Oh, I’m very sick in my soul, and you, brother Zinka, will
only be able to heal me with a great effort or not at all!
[15] It starts to get a little brighter in me, and the thick smoke
and the dense fog around me dwindles! See, they are getting
thinner, and it appears to me, if I can breathe more easily; but in
this greater brightness I can really see my true monstrosity, full
of all kind of leprosy, full of bulges and disgusting growths!
O, o, my figure is a true monster! Where is the doctor who can
cure me?! My bad body is healthy though; but I wouldn’t mind
the bad body, if only my soul would be healthy!
[16] O God, if someone could see my soul, he would be
horrified regarding its too great ugliness! The brighter it gets
around me, the more terrible my soul appears! Brother Zinka,
doesn’t there exists any means, whereby my soul could become
just a little better appearance?!”
[1] Zorel starts to sigh in his sleep and some think that he will
wake up now.
[2] But I say to them: “O definitely not! This was only the first
stage of his sleep; he will keep on sleeping for over an hour and
will soon start to speak again, but in another and higher stage of
his soul-life. This stage consisted in him unwinding the soul
from her carnal and worldly-sensuous passions, which he saw as
many illnesses on the form-body of his soul and against which
he was seized by the deepest loathing. For such soul illnesses
there exists no other medicine other than firstly by recognizing
them, then the deepest loathing and finally the firm will to get
rid of them as soon as possible. Once the will is there, the
healing can progress much easier.
[3] Just pay attention, soon he will start speaking again! If he
again asks you about something, friend Zinka, then answer him
just with your thoughts, and he will hear and understand you
quite well!”
[4] I nearly finished giving Zinka such instructions, when Zorel
started speaking again and said: “See, I cried about my great
misery! From my tears a pond was created like Siloah in
Jerusalem; and now I bath myself in this pond, and see, the
water of the pond heals the many wounds, ulcers and bulges on
the body of my soul! Ah, ah, this is a true healing bath! I still
see the scars, but the wounds, bulges and ulcers have
disappeared from my body of my so poor soul. But how is this
possible, that a visible pond was created from my tears?
[5] The pond is surrounded by a quite beautiful landscape; it is a
landscape of consolation and lovely hope. Also in my emotions
it appears, if I can hope for a complete recovery. – Ah, the
landscape is so delightful; I would like to stay here forever!
The water in my pond is now very clear, while before it was
murky; and the clearer it becomes, the more it has a salutary
effect on me!
[6] Ah, now I also notice, that something like a strong will starts
to stir within me, and behind the strong will I notice something
like a word drive, and it speaks loudly: I want to, I must – I
must, because I want to! Who can restrain in me, what I want? I
am free in my will; I’m not allowed to will what I should, but I
want what I myself want! What is true and good is what I want,
because I myself want it, and nobody can force me to it!
[7] I now recognize the truth; it is a divine light from the
heavens! All our gods are shadow figures; they are nothing,
absolutely nothing. Who believes in them is worse off than a
real fool; since a real fool will never believe in such most
trifling gods. Nowhere I see the gods, but I see the divine light
and hear the divine word. But nowhere I can see God; since He
is too holy for me.
[8] The water of my pond has changed into a lake around me!
The lake is not deep; the water reaches up to my loins. And it is
clear, so tremendously clear; but there are still no fish in it! Yes,
there will never be fish in there; since the fish are originating
from the breath of God, and this is truly an almighty breath! I’m
only a very weak human soul, whose breath cannot create fish
of God.
[9] Oh, it requires a lot, one must be very almighty if one wants
to create fish with one’s breath! Oh, never can a person do that;
since a person is much too weak for it! It would not really be
completely impossible for a person, but then he must be full of
the divine will and the divine spirit! For a right person this is not
impossible; but I’m not a right person, therefore it is completely
impossible for me!
[10] But the water is pure, and the bottom consists also of a lot
of pure, beautiful grass; it’s quite miraculous: under the water so
much beautiful grass! And see, the grass continuously grows
and starts to displace the beautiful water! Yes, yes, the hope
becomes mightier than knowledge and its accompanying fear!
[11] Ah, ah, now I see a person on the quite distant shore; he
waves to me! Yes, I want to go to him, but I don’t know how
deep the lake is! If somewhere quite deep places would occur, I
could go under and would be lost!
[12] But there is a voice coming from the water: ‘I’m equally
deep everywhere! You can walk without fear and anxiousness
through me; go to him who calls you, who is going to lead and
judge you! This is extraordinary; here even the water and the
grass can talk! No, this never occurred before!
[13] I now go to the friend on the shore. He must be a friend,
otherwise he would not have waved to me! Zinka, it is not you,
it is someone else! Now I can see you also behind him; but you
are by a great margin not as friendly like him! Who might that
be? But I’m very much ashamed before him, since I’m naked.
My body looks quite good now; I nearly do not detect any signs
of illnesses on it anymore. Oh, if I only had a shirt! But I’m
completely naked, like someone who takes a bath. But I must go
to him; his waving draws me immensely! I go now, and see, it
goes quite well!”
[1] Here a break occurs in the monologue of Zorel and Zinka
asks: “How does he see all this and how does he walk through
water but still lying motionless as if he was dead?!”
[2] I said: “His soul sees now only the circumstances leading to
his betterment; from this an own world forms in the mind of the
soul, and this what you here call a movement of thoughts,
appears in the kingdom of the soul as a movement from one
place to another.
[3] The pond which originated from the tears and the waters
healing his soul, represents his remorse for the committed sins,
and the bath therein indicates real repentance which arises out
of remorse. The clear water indicates his just recognition of his
sins and shortcomings; and the expansion of the pond into a lake
represents the powerful wish to be cleaned and healed out of
himself. The beautiful grass under the water indicates hope for
achieving full health and the higher free mercy of God. This
already appears on the still quite distant shore; I Myself
representing this in the spirit and in the will. The movement to
Me through the waters of true remorse and repentance indicates
the progress of the soul to true betterment.
[4] All this is for his soul only a corresponding appearance,
from which the soul can see of what she consists of and what
she plans and does in her mind to better herself, of course in this
state only in the will, without any outer, real action. This must
only follow, if in an awakened state and the soul is fully
connected to the body again.
[5] Soon he will be with Me and will start talking again. Just
pay close attention; everything he is going to say now
corresponds with his inner soul state! There still will appear
some confusion until he reaches the third stage, which is a
temporary connection with his pure life-germ.
[6] In the third stage you will be able to convince yourself how
coherent and wise he can speak! At the moment only his
purified soul is speaking; but during the third stage his spirit
will speak out of him! And then you will not detect gaps
anymore; he then will talk, letting you feel quite warm in your
[7] He now comes to shore and says: ‘Ah, this was a rather
laborious trip! Now I’m with you, noble friend! Do you have a
shirt for me? See, I’m dreadfully ashamed about my nakedness!
[8] I say to him out of My now visible spirit and will: ‘Get out
of the water; you will be dressed according to your actions!’
[9] Says Zorel’s soul: ‘Friend, o, do not speak about my actions;
since they are vain bad and evil! If I receive clothes
accordingly, then it will look terrible black and ragged!’
[10] I said: ‘If so, then there is plenty of water here to wash it
until it is white!’
[11] Says Zorel: ‘O friend, this means trying to wash a black
man until he is white! This will not end well! But something is
better than nothing. Therefore I will come out of the water!’
[12] By My feet lies a toga with many folds, but very dirty,
although the basic color is white-gray, a peculiarity of the
heathen dress color in the spirit world. He takes the dress and is
disgusted about its dirt, what is actually a good sign.
Nevertheless, he takes it, runs with it to the water and starts to
rub and rinse and finally wrings it.
[13] Now he has finished washing and the dress is clean. Since
it is still moist, he doesn’t dare to courageously put it on. But I
indicate to him that he nevertheless should put it on; he
previously did not mind the water, so why should he now have a
sort of loathing for a little moist dress?! Now he says – just
listen, since he will say it loudly!”
[14] Zorel: “This is true! Earlier the whole lake did not bothered
me, and now the moist shirt should do something to me? Just on
the body with it! Ah, this feels good!”
[1] Now Zinka makes with his thoughts a question and says:
“Does the soul also has a body?”
[2] Zinka asked this question since he himself does nor have the
slightest idea how the soul looks like and of what it consists of.
Because the general Jewish concept of a soul was, that they
imagined it as a sort of misty fog and said: the soul is a pure
spirit who has a mind and a will, but certainly does not have a
form and even less anybody.
[3] Therefore Zinka’s eyes widened when Zorel gave him an
answer to his thought question: “Of course does the soul has a
body, however only ethereal, but for the soul her body is
nevertheless a perfect body, just as for the flesh the flesh is a
perfect body. The soul body has everything whatever is present
in the body of the flesh. Of course you can’t see this with the
eyes of your flesh, but I can see, hear, feel, smell and taste
everything; since also the soul has the same senses as the body
as a means to communicate between it and its soul.
[4] The senses of the body are the leading reins in the hands of
the soul to control her body for the outer world. If the body
would not have such senses, it would be totally useless and an
intolerable burden to the soul.
[5] Just think of a person who is completely blind and deaf,
would not feel pain or the ease of health, and would also not
have any sense of smell or taste; think for yourself if such a
body would be of any use for the soul! Wouldn’t she completely
despair with her otherwise fullest and clearest consciousness?
[6] To the same measure the sharpest senses of the body would
not mean anything to the soul, if she would not possess exactly
the same senses in her ethereal body! Because the soul
possesses the same senses as the body, she notices easily and
precisely with her sensitive senses what at first the senses of the
body have taken in from the outer world. Now you know that
the soul is also a bodily form.
[7] Now you know it, since I have told you as I see, feel and
notices it bodily; but if I wake up again, then you will still
remember it, but I will not know anything about it, since I see,
feel and notices it only with my sensitive senses of my soul, but
not at the same time with the senses of my body.
[8] If I would observe everything here also with the senses of
my body, they would engrave certain markings on the nerves of
my brain and on the life-nerves of the flesh-heart, and I, the
soul, would find them again in my flesh-body and recognize
them completely. But since I’m now standing completely free,
nearly without any link to my body, and therefore are not able to
leave an impression on the senses of my body, I will not
remember anything at all about what I now see, hear and feel
and speak and everything that happens to me now, after the
re-entry into my body.
[9] But also the soul has the ability to remember and
accordingly can remember every minutest and most unimportant
detail about what ever happened to her; but she can do this only
in her free state. But if she is in her completely dark body,
which dazes everything spiritual, she can only see, hear and feel
the coarse and overpowering rustling and raw impressions;
about herself she barely knows her own existence, not
mentioning that she recognizes any higher and deeper spiritual
impressions residing inside her.
[10] You also have a soul, just as I myself are now a complete
free soul; but you also knew very little or nothing about
yourself. The reason for this lies in the darkest flesh, with which
every soul is wrapped up for some time. Only now, because I
have left some impressions on the nerves in the back of your
head by the voice of my living body’s mouth, and you as a soul
through such impressions can read the same primordial
markings in yourself, you now know also as a soul and not only
in the flesh, that you have a soul and that, based on your
thinking and desiring, you are a soul yourself, which in her
ethereal bodily being has the same figure as your body.
[11] However, do not be surprised if I tell you, when later
waking up again in the earthly life, I will not know about
anything, what I have said now; since I have explained the
reason for that already!”
[1] (Zorel:) “Now the friend says to me: ‘Come, Zorel, leave
this place, I will take you to another place!’
[2] I go now away with the good friend, far away and away
from the lake. We are strolling now through a marvelous
avenue, and the trees are bowing before him whom I’m
following. He must be something big in the kingdom of all
spirits! Oh, some of the trees nearly break while bowing!
[3] You, Zinka, are also going with us, but you look very foggy
and seem not to notice how the trees are bowing in front
of my friend! This is something unusual for this world, but
nevertheless is true!
[4] Strange, strange! Now the trees even start to talk! They
shout loudly in a well perceptible whispering: ‘Hail to the Holy
of all holinesses, hail the great King of all kings from eternity to
[5] Don’t you think that this is highly unusual?! Annoyingly
you still pretend as if you do not notice it, or that it is a very
ordinary appearance like a decaying rain on earth!
[6] Yes, yes, the friend, to whom the trees bow and praising
him, tells me, that this what is similar to you, is not you, but
only a shadow-like outer picture of your soul and only produces
itself in our atmosphere. From your soul are radiating certain
life beams, similar to those of a light; as soon as they touch our
atmosphere, they form in a similar manner an image, like the
radiating beams of a person in daylight falling onto the surface
of a mirror, also forming immediately the image of the person
from whom the beams are originating.
[7] I will only look at your feet and convince myself that you
are not walking, but only gliding with us. Quite right, you are
not moving your feet, neither your hands, but nevertheless
follows us in a distance of about seven good steps! Yes, now I
understand why you can’t see the trees bowing or hear their
marvelous whispering!
[8] But the avenue becomes narrower and narrower, and the
trees are getting smaller, but standing closer together; but
the bowing and whispering therefore does not end. The path is
also getting more difficult. The avenue is now so narrow and the
path so full of thorns and bushes, that we only get through with
great difficulty! The end is still not in sight, although the friend
says, that the path will end soon and we will have reached our
destination. Oh, now the bushes are getting quite dense, and the
surface nearly rocky, and between the rocks everything is full of
thorns and thistles; it is almost impossible to make any
[9] I ask the friend, why we have chosen such a hopelessly bad
path. But the friend says: ‘Just look right and left and on both
sides and you will see the sea which is bottomless deep! This is
the only firm land tongue, although at the end very narrow and
thorny, which winds between the two endless big seas. It
connects the entire earthly world with the great Paradise land
for those who are blessed in the beyond. Who wants to get
there, must put up with this path since it is the only one!
[10] You see, Zinka, such strange answer gave me the friend
and leader of my insignificance! I ask him again and say: ‘On
earth there are also many bad roads, but the people help each
other; they take mattocks, staples and shovels and repair the
road. Why isn’t it done here?’
[11] But the friend says: ‘Because this immense undergrowth
protects this land tongue from very powerful storms of the sea!
If it wasn’t for this land tongue to be protected by this so dense
and firm undergrowth, it would have long since been washed
away by the mighty waves from the seas on both sides. Because
this thorny undergrowth is so closely knit, especially towards
both shore lines, the strong waves break against it and the foam
is settled between the dense twigs, which in time hardens to a
rock and by this action this important land tongue becomes
stronger and stronger. But this land tongue has the name
humility and firm basic truth. Both, humility and truth, have
always been full of thorns for the people!’
[12] Behold, Zinka, this is what the friend has spoken, and
inside myself it gets strangely bright, and I start to notice, as if
something starts to stir in my heart; and what is stirring, is a
light, and the light has a form in the heart like an embryo in the
mother’s womb. It is completely clear, I see it. But now it gets
bigger and mightier! Ah, what a marvelous and completely pure
light this is! This is most likely the actual life-flame out of God
in the true heart of man! Yes, yes, this is it! It still grows
continuously, and, oh, it does me so good!
[13] We still stroll along the narrow path; but the undergrowth
and thorns do not bother me anymore; I also do not feel any
pain if from time to time a thorn stings or scratches me! Now
the undergrowth gets thinner, the trees are getting bigger again,
and a marvelous avenue opens up. The undergrowth has stopped
completely, the land tongue gets wider, and the shores of the
seas are getting further and further away from us, and in the far
distance I already can see a marvelous land with the most
beautiful mountains, and over the mountains shines a most
marvelous red of dawn! But we are still inside the avenue which
gets bigger and wider, and the now very large and high trees
still haven’t stopped to bow their majestic crowns before my
friend and leader, and their whispering sounds now like the
most marvelous and purest tuned harps!
[14] O Zinka! There, yes there, there it is already indescribably
marvelous! But you are still gliding with us and still are mute
like before, but you can’t help it; since it is not you, but only
your cursorily effigy. Oh, if you only could see it as well, but
also to keep alive the good markings while returning to the
earthly life, what an unforgettable person you could be!
However, the friend says, in time the living memory to
everything will be given back to me; but before that I also have
to walk in the flesh this thorny road, which will find itself.”
[1] (Zorel:) “Ah, my inner life-light gets tremendously strong; it
already penetrates all my intestines! Oh, how pleasing is this
light for my whole being! I see it now in the form of a four year
old child with a extremely friendly expression! And it must be
very wise; since it looks like a most purely thought small god,
but not like a fantasy god of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans,
but like a wondrous effigy of the true God of the Jews! It is a
effigy of the true divinity!
[2] Oh, now I can see very clearly that there is only one true
God; but only those will see His holy face who have a perfectly
pure heart! For me it will be quite difficult to see Him, since my
heart is already very impure! You will, friend Zinka, because I
can’t detect any impurities in your heart, except the spot and the
thread, the necessary means by which you have to be connected
to the world for some time!
[3] But now I can see the wide end of the avenue in quite some
distance. There is no sign of the sea anymore, everywhere the
most lush and most beautiful land and gardens and gardens on
end; everywhere the most beautiful houses and palaces! Oh, this
is an indescribable splendor!
[4] My friend says that this is far short of heaven, but it is
Paradise. No mortal has made it into heaven as yet; because up
to now no bridge has been build to there. All the good people
who lived on earth since the beginning of creation stay here
with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those high
mountains form the border of this wondrous magnificent land.
Who would get onto those mountains could see heaven with the
great crowds of angels of God, but nobody could enter until a
firm bridge is build for ever over the bottomless great abyss.
[5] We are walking now as fast as the wind. The light-person in
me is already the size of an eight year old boy, and it appears to
me that his thoughts are penetrating my whole being like
lightening. I can feel their incomprehensible sublimity and
depth, but I still do not grasp their forms. Something wondrous
must be in it! Every ejected thought flash causes me an
indescribable feeling of sensational happiness! Such happiness
is unknown to the whole world, which cannot feel it! Because
the whole world is only a merciful judgment of God, but
nevertheless a judgment; in the best judgment happiness is
always distributed meagerly.
[6] Now we are getting quite close to the high mountains, and it
gets increasingly marvelous! Which indescribable variety of
miracles over miracles! To describe them all, thousand lifetimes
would not be enough!
[7] And look at that, on the mountains are living countless of the
most beautiful people! But it seems that they do not notice us,
this means me and my dear friend; since they passing us with
quick and always happy steps, but do not show that they can see
us, while even the trees are noticeable greeting my friend! These
are strange spirit people!
[8] Ah, ah, at this opportunity we have reached the summit of
one of the high mountains! O God, o God, there we are standing
now, and especially me, like a true ox at the mountain! I see
increasingly clearer in the farthest distance a great, exceedingly
bright horizon. It is the beginning of the heaven of God, which
continuously expands, higher and higher forever!
[9] But between here and there opens an abyss, greater than
space between earth and the sun! A bridge will be build across!
With God everything is quite possible!
[10] But now my inner light-person is as bid as I’m myself, and
strange, I’m starting to get sleepy, and my friend tells me to rest
on the green and odorous lawn! I will do so!”
[1] I said: “See, only now he will enter the third stage; pay close
attention to what he has to say!”
[2] Ask Cyrenius: “Lord, if Zorel falls asleep on the lawn which
is invisible to us, what is the reason for this? Is this a must, or
could he enter the third stage without falling asleep?”
[3] I said: “If a soul would be pure, it would also go without a
certain sleep; but as long as the soul is connected to the body by
certain bonds, a certain anesthesia must occur between the
changeover of stages, in which the soul unnoted passes over into
the next stage. What the soul of Zorel has seen and spoken in
the second stage, was, except for himself, a circumstantial
appearance; only in the third stage will she become truly
clairvoyant, and what she is going to say there, will be a full
[4] Ask Cyrenius: “What actually is this sleep? How and
whereby does it originate?”
[5] I said: “Is it really necessary for you to know that? Now
then, if you really want to know this, I must explain it to you,
and therefore listen!
[6] If you carry a shirt on your body and has according to the
Greek custom trousers on your legs, shirt and trousers live
because of the movement of your body, this means they must
submit to your will, just as the limbs of your body must submit
to the will of your soul. If you in summer plan to take a bath,
you take off your clothes, because you not need them in the
bath. Shirt and trousers are in a necessary state of rest while you
are in the bath, and have neither motion nor movement. If you
are getting out of the bath again, your shirt and trousers will
immediately have the same motion and movement as before and
will so to speak live with you. But why did you take off your
clothes to take a bath? See, because they were getting heavy and
started to press you! But you strengthened yourself in the bath,
and your heavy clothes will feel completely feather light after
the bath.
[7] If your soul becomes tired and weak from the discomforts
during the day, the need awakes in her for a revitalizing and
strengthening rest. The tired soul then soon takes off her jointed
flesh garment and enters the restorative bath of spiritual water
and bathes, cleans and strengthens herself; if she got her
strength back, she again puts on her flesh garment and moves its
heavy limbs with great ease.
[8] But now you surely have seen, or rather observed real lively
by the monologue of Zorel, that in his soul another inner lightperson
out of the heart of the soul started to sprout, to whom the
soul stands in the same relationship, as the material body to the
soul. Now, this light-person in this his soul as his jointed
garment, never before received any strengthening whatsoever;
he was lying in the heart of the soul like the egg in the woman
without the male stimulation, excitement and awakening. By
this very treatment the actual primordial life germ became
stimulated, excited and awakened for the moment by My and
Zinka’s word, and since this has happened to him, he started to
grow for as long as his entire soul, which is his garment, was
filled with his pure spiritual being.
[9] But the soul, although been purified as much as possible for
the moment, still contains certain material parts in her, which
are too heavy for the pure spirit, since he never was used to
carry such a yoke before. This spirit person, who was so to
speak awakened in an artificially spiritual manner and was
forced to grow rapidly, is still much too weak to carry the slow
moving heavy soul and longs for rest and strengthening. Thus
this false sleep of the soul on the mountain lawn is therefore
nothing else than the spirit taking off the most material parts of
his soul; he only keeps what is similar to him in the soul, while
the other must rest in the meantime, just like the body rests
silently while the soul is strengthening herself, or like the shirt
is resting when you take a revitalizing, strengthening bath.
[10] During the strengthening of the nobler human sphere and
the simultaneous resting of the coarser and less noble outer
parts, there still exists a connection. If somebody would come
while you refresh yourself in the bath, and would take away
your clothes and started to destroy them, then your natural and
necessary love for your clothes would immediately raise an
immense and fierce veto. A much closer connection exist
between the body and the soul; who wanted to take away the
carnal garment and try to destroy it before its time, would be
treated by the soul in a very strange way.
[11] But the connection between soul and spirit is much more
intensive, because the soul, especially if very pure, is herself a
spiritual primordial element, and the spirit would make a very
terrible movement, if one tried to take away his body and dress
completely. He immediately would become the highest fire and
would destroy everything getting close to him.
[12] But the soul must rid herself of all matter completely, until
the spirit can attract what is related to him in her as his own, to
become a perfect I with it. The matter of the soul is visible to
the spirit in that, whereby the soul is dressed. You have heard
when Zorel spoke of a dirty shirt, which he himself washed in
the lake, then wringed and put on as a still moist garment. See,
this garment is still the material outer side of the soul, which
must be taken off and put to rest, before the most inner, divine
spirit person can penetrate the now closely related soul fully and
to become one with her.
[13] It always requires a little time during the moment of
transition, because everything belonging to the sphere of a free
life, must first enter with the new and more noble being in a full
relationship (spiritual marriage), before the new being or the
new, heavenly person can by himself start to feel, think, see,
listen, smell, taste and to act independently. The necessary
transition takes place in the certain sleep; if the transition is
finished, the new person is completed and requires for his only
completely pure spiritual existence for ever no further transition
[14] In such a state a person is then totally perfect and his being
cannot become even more perfected; only with regard to
recognizing and a continual perfection of the most pure love and
wisdom of the heavens and their ordering, ruling and leading
power of the entire infinity, there is a continual increase to
eternity and thereby also achieving a continual higher bliss as a
result of the continual higher love, wisdom and power.
[15] Our Zorel will soon appear as such a perfected spiritperson
and will continue to inform us by his carnal mouth about
the perfection of him to the highest level of a perfected human
being. Just pay attention; soon he will start talking again!”
[1] After I explained such to Cyrenius, Zorel, who all the time
was lying there motionless like dead, started to move and
became the appearance of someone who was transfigured, to
such an extent that even the present Roman soldiers were placed
in great reverence by his appearance and one of them said:
“This person looks like a sleeping God!”
[2] Cyrenius also said: “Truly, an indescribable elated human
[3] Finally Zorel opened his mouth and said: “Thus he is
standing perfected in his wisdom before God, who only now
recognizes, loves and adores Him!” After this there was a pause.
[4] After the pause Zorel continues speaking and says: “My
whole being is light, and I see no shadow, neither in me nor
outside me; since also around me everything is light. In this alllight,
however, I see a holy light of all holiest lights; it shines
like a mighty sun, and in it is the Lord!
[5] Previously I thought that my friend and guide is a human
soul just like we are; it is just that in my previous state there
was still a lot of deception in me. Only now I recognize the
Guide! He is not with me anymore, but in the sun I see Him,
who is holy above holy! Endless crowds of the most perfect
light-spirits are gliding around this sun in all directions and in
smaller and wider circles. What infinite majesty! O humans!
To see God and to love Him above all is the highest joy and the
highest bliss!
[6] But now I do not only see all heavens, but my view is also
penetrating into the creation of the only almighty God. I can see
our meager earth through and through and see all islands and
main lands of the whole earth. I see the bottom of the seas
and everything that exists below it, all the many creatures in the
sea from the smallest to the largest. Which infinitive variety
lives among them!
[7] I can also see how the grass is build by all kinds of small
spirits, which are quite joyfully and hardworking. I see how the
will of the Almighty obliges them to be hard working, and see
the precisely defined objectives and work of each of the
countless many spirits. Like the bees working on their wax
cells, these little spirits work on and in the trees, bushes, grasses
and plants. However, they all doing this if seized and penetrated
by the will of Him, who was my Friend and Guide on the
narrow and thorny road of my self-trials of life up to here and
now resides in this never reachable sun which is His primordial
light from where His will reaches into all infinity.
[8] Yes, He is the only Lord, no one is equal to Him! Big and
small must follow His will. Nothing exists in the whole of
infinity that could oppose Him. His power is above all and His
wisdom can never be understood. Everything that exists is from
Him, and there exists nothing in infinitive space of His creation,
which has not arisen out of Him.
[9] I see the forces coming from Him like the rays of the rising
sun in the morning, penetrating all direction with lightening
speed, and where the rays reaches something, it starts to stir, to
become alive and to move, and soon new forms and shapes
arise. However, the form of humans is the boundary- and end
marker and its forms is a real form of heaven; since the whole
heaven, which boundaries are only known to God, is also a
person and each society of the angels is also a perfect human.
[10] This is a great secret of God, and who does not stand on the
spot where I am standing now, for him it is impossible to
understand and comprehend such; since only the purest spirit
out of God in man can comprehend and understand and see
what the spirit is and what there is in him and outside him, and
how it originates and remains, and why and what for! Nothing
exists in the whole of infinity which would not be there for man;
everything is aimed at man and his always and everywhere
[1] (Zorel:) “God Himself is the highest and most perfect, most
everlasting primordial Man out of Himself; this means, man is
in Himself a fire, whose emotion is love; a light, whose emotion
is mind and wisdom; and warmth whose emotion is the life
itself in the fullest sphere of his about-himself-consciousness. If
the fire gets more intense, also the light becomes more intense
and more powerful the warmth which creates everything and
finally shines far into distance, and the ray is light itself,
contains the warmth in itself, and this creates in a far distance
just like in itself. What is created, increasingly absorbs more
light and warmth, shines and warms increasingly further and
further away and again creates where it reaches. And in such a
way everything reproduces forever out of the primordial fire,
primordial light and out of the primordial warmth and fills
continuously more and more the infinitive space of creation.
[2] Thus everything takes its origin out of the primordial being
of God and develops itself until it resembles the primordial
being of the primordial Man, in which resemblance it then exists
in an entirely independent freedom in the form of a man out of
God, just like a God by himself in the necessary archfriendliness
with the primordial God, since it is the same what the
primordial God Himself is.
[3] Where you can see light, fire and warmth, man is either
completed or in the beginning. Billions of light-, fire- and
warmth atoms cocoon themselves and produce forms. The
individual forms seize each other anew, cocoon themselves into
larger forms which already correspond more to man, and
develop themselves therein into a being. This being now
produces already more of the fire, the light and warmth;
together with this a higher need for a higher and more perfect
form arises. The many, nevertheless already more perfected
forms in themselves, tear apart their outer skin, seize each other,
and with the substance of their will they again cocoon
themselves into a higher and more complete form. This
continues until the perfection of man is reached, and then man
develops himself until the state, in which I am now, and
therefore completely resembles the primordial fire, primordial
light and primordial warmth, which is God, whom I now see
with a steady view in His primordial light, in Him the full fire
and the full warmth, which is the only God from eternity to
[4] Man therefore is firstly a man out of God and only then a
man out of himself. For as long he is only out of God, he
resembles an embryo in the mother’s womb; only if he becomes
a man out of himself according to the order of God, then he is a
perfect man, because only thereby he can reach the true
resemblance of God. If he has reached that stage, then he stays
like a God in eternity and has himself become a creator of
further worlds and beings and people. Because it is strange, that
I now can see all my thoughts, emotions and desires, and my
will is equal to the outer skin of that what I have thought and
what I have felt! See, in this way the creation continues
always anew!
[5] The emotion as warmth, and therefore love, has the need to
be a being; however, the more the emotion becomes stronger,
and the more flames and warmth are produced in itself, also the
light of the flames is getting stronger.
[6] In the light the need of love is expressed in forms. But the
forms arise and immediately pass again, just like the so called
eyelid pictures of a person with closed eyes and who has a
heated imagination; but instead others arise again, become
bigger, stay longer and take on more defined forms. But with
perfected people, like with me now of course for just a short
while, the form remains, because immediately seized by the
will, it is quickly given an outer skin whereby the appeared
form is kept steady and cannot change anymore; but since the
outer skin is originally only highly ethereally tender and
therefore translucent, continuously more light and warmth from
the creator penetrates the now caught thought. This increases
the caught thought’s own light and warmth, the two spiritual
elements from which it originally originated, and soon the
caught thought begins to develop more and more according to
the light of wisdom and the most perfect realization, which
arranges necessarily and purposefully organically the even most
delicate construction more clearer than the brightest day in all
its necessary parts, connections and limbs. Once the thought has
an organically arrangement, an own life conscious of itself,
starts to come into being and directs itself.
[7] Now one can imagine that a perfected person in a few
moments can think and organize a countless number of all kinds
of thoughts and ideas and furnishes them organically
completely. If he wants to put a skin around them with his will,
they will survive and develop and in the end themselves
resemble the Creator in their natural highest limited selfperfection
and shall reproduce and create their own and by
doing so out of themselves accomplish the endless
multiplication of their own kind in the same manner in which
they have stepped into being. Even the material world can show
tangible proofs of that.
[8] Self-reproduction of the body you find with plants, animals,
humans and with celestial bodies, which also reproduce.
However limits have been placed to their reproduction. A seed
pellet of a certain kind has only a certain number of reproduced
identical seed pellet’s assigned to it, which number cannot be
exceeded by it; the same with animals, namely: the bigger the
animal, the more limited the reproduction! It is just the same
with people and a lot more so with celestial bodies. But in the
kingdom of spirits of the perfected people, the emotion and
thinking continues for ever, just as with God. Since according to
the previously described manner each thought and each idea can
be surrounded with a skin by the will of the spirit who created
it, and finally could become independent, it is understandable,
that the everlasting reproduction of beings can never come to
an end.
[9] You, Zinka, are now asking in your soul, where in the end
all the endlessly multiple created beings find space, if the
creation will continue to increase forever in such an enormously
multiple measure and relation. O friend, just think, that the
physical space itself is infinitive, and if you forever in every
moment could create ten times hundred thousand suns, they
would, if moving with the greatest speed through space, be lost
forever in the infinitive space as if no sun had ever been
created! Nobody, except God, comprehends the eternal infinity
of space; even the greatest and most perfected angels cannot
grasp the eternal depths of space, but only tremble before the
endless depths of everlasting space!
[10] O friend, I can see now with the eyes of my soul the
entireness of the material creation! This earth, its moon, the
great sun and all the countless stars which you can see, of which
some of them, appearing to your eyes as a faintly shimmering
speck, are in fact immeasurable large solar and world territories,
containing milliard times milliard of suns and even more
planets, are less in relation to the present entire creation, than a
tiniest and finest sun dust particle compared to the entire space
full of stars visible to you! In addition I can tell you, that among
the many stars which your eye can see, are quite a few which
diameter is many thousand times larger, than the line itself from
for you barely visible farthest star to another star in the opposite
direction with the same distance – a distance, even if you would
travel with the speed of lightning, it would take you longer than
one milliard times milliard earth years!
[11] Thus, even individual bodies are of such puzzling size, and
still they appear to your eye as barely shining specks of light,
because of their too great distance from here! Nevertheless, all
this compared to the entireness of the entire creation, is, as
already stated, a tiniest dust particle which can be easily carried
by the rays of the sun! I say to you: you can create one milliard
suns with all its planets and moons and comets and spread them
out in this sun-territory-globe, and they will just as little restrict
noticeably this globe-space, as a drop of water would noticeably
enlarge the sea and its wide seabed; and a milliard times
milliard globes would be in the entire present territory of
creation, just as little noticeable than a milliard raindrops in
the sea.
[12] Look at the whole world! How many thousands of brooks,
rivers and streams are flowing into the sea, but despite this it
doesn’t expand one little bit; now imagine as many creations
over creations as you like in each moment, and they will get lost
in the infinitive space, just as myriads times myriads drops of
water falling into the sea each moment, are lost in it. Therefore
you do not have to worry small-heartedly about the many
creations; since in infinity there is forever sufficient space
available for the infinite, and God is powerful enough, to
maintain everything forever and to finally guide everything to a
main objective!”
[1] (Zorel:) “I can tell you even more, Zinka! Everything what
you ever have thought, spoken or did on this earth since your
youth, and also what you have thought, spoken or did in your
pre- earthly soul existence, is written in the book of life; of this
you carry a copy in the head of your soul, but the very big copy
lies always wide open in front of God. Once you have been
perfected, just as I am now standing perfected in front of God,
you again will find in great detail all your thoughts, words and
deeds. In that what was good, you will of course find great joy;
but that what was not according to the good order, you will not
be very happy about, but, as a perfected person you will also
feel no grief about it. Because from that you will recognize the
great mercy and wise guidance of God, and this will strengthen
your pure love to God and in all patience towards those poor
and imperfect brothers, who will be entrusted to your guidance
by God the Lord, irrespective if in this or any other world.
[2] From these, your recorded thoughts, some day new creations
will arise. Normally from these recorded thoughts, words and
deeds, larger or smaller world bodies are created in the near
future. They will put into the fire of suns, to reach a certain
ripeness; when reached such, they are guided out into space of
creation with the greatest force, and in time gradually handed
over to their own development. With time in such a newborn
world the many thousand times thousand single thoughts and
ideas are developing more and more by the life-germ-like fire
and light – like seed pellet’s which have been placed into the
earth, to serve the new world as a basis for the later origin of all
kind of beings, like minerals, plants and animals, from whose
souls in time human souls are formed.
[3] Such new worlds you can see from time to time to the
biggest part as misty nebulous stars, also as tail stars flying
through space. Their primordial origin is the recorded thoughts,
ideas, words and actions in the book of God.
[4] From this you can see, that even the slightest thought which
ever was thought by a person, either on this or on another earth,
is impossible to ever get lost; and the spirits, from whose
thoughts, words and ideas and actions such a new world has
been formed by the will of God, are soon recognizing in their
perfected state, that such a world is a result of their thoughts,
ideas, words and actions, and are pleased to take over with a
great feeling of bliss the guidance, management, development
and full revitalization and purposefully inner organization of the
world body itself and finally of all things and beings, which
must exists on such a world body.
[5] You now look at this earth and see nothing than deadseeming
matter. I also see the dead-seeming forms of matter;
but I see much more in it, what you can’t see with your eyes. I
see in it the banned spiritual things and beings and feel their
aspirations, and see, how they continuously grow in the inner
development and better and more focused shaping and
evolvement of their purposefully forms, and again I see
countless spirits and little spirits, who are incessantly active like
the sand in a Roman hourglass. There is no talk of any rest, and
by their incessant activity the entire purposefully formation of
all and every life in nature is produced.
[6] I say to you: In each dewdrop, which trembles so brightly on
the tip of a blade of grass, I see like in the sea already myriads
of beings busying in all direction! The water in the drop is only
a first and general enveloping skin around a thought of God.
From this the caught little spirits in it are taking their individual
envelope and thereupon immediately exist already as a more
specific form, which is already quite different from the outer
general form; however, thereby the drop as a water pearl
disappears, and the newly formed forms as already life carrying
little cocoons are creeping on the plants and other things, where
the drop of water was formed. However, these cocoons seizing
each other, soon transform in to other forms, and hundredthousands
become one. A new skin is formed around the new
form; in it the many little forms are converted by the influence
of the light and the warmth in to a purposefully organism of the
new and bigger form, and the new being starts a new activity in
preparation for a repeated transformation in to a more and more
developed form, in which it again starts to become active for the
transformation in to an even higher and more complete form.
And in this way the visible activity of a being entered in a
certain form, is nothing else than the right preparation for a
higher and more perfect form for the increasingly greater
firmness of the soul-life and finally for the pure spiritual life in
the human form.
[7] What I tell you here is no fantasy, but the purest and eternal
truth. I could still tell you a lot of things about the order of God,
as I see it know with the clearest realization! But I also realize
now, that the time of this my perfection comes to an end;
therefore I must hereby add a request, that you, if I become a
very silly and amongst others an annoying person again, will
have patience with me and will guide me on the right path of the
order of God which is now known to you. You will be most
surprised, if I wake up in the world, that I will be silly and dark
again and will not know one single syllable from everything
what happened to me; nevertheless everything will still be to my
[8] For a while, my spirit being forced to become ripe, will
become tired of this unusual and untrained state and will remain
sleep mute; but he will by the now still necessary rest be
strengthened and will wake up and feel the urgency of the real
life perfection, which blest sweetness he was able to taste, and
thus will contribute substantially to the quicker full education of
the soul, so that she soon become ripe in him in all truth and
right ability, to fully integrate with the spirit penetrating her.
[9] I will be once more sleeping for another half an hour, after
which you have to wake me by the opposite placing of your
hands. But if I wake up again, then do not let me go, until I
haven’t fully recognized the Person of all persons at this table!
Since He is one with Him whom I still can see in the sun of the
eternal large spirit world.
[10] Thank you for laying your hands on me!”
[1] After these words our Zorel slept peacefully and Zinka said:
“No, what this person has revealed to us! If all this is true, then
we have received some knowledge, of which any prophet hardly
ever could have dreamt of! No, I’m completely distraught about
this person’s deepest wisdom! Truly! No angel can possess a
deeper wisdom!”
[2] Says also Cyrenius: “Yes, this person must be helped; since
so much of the highest wonders of Your divine order have been
revealed here! The revelations of Mathael were big and made
me think; but what this Zorel has revealed to us, is unheard of!
Nearly unbelievable and unthinkable that such most inner
depths of wisdom can be couched in human words and made
clearly understandable! Briefly, I am completely beyond myself
about this Zorel! If he could say this also in the following
awakened state of the flesh, oh, I would place him on a throne,
from which he could preach to the people the high truth, so that
they all with more certainty achieved the true and perfect
destination of their being and life!”
[3] I said: “Very good, friend Cyrenius! For the time being it is
not that important what he prophesied during his third stage –
although everything is absolutely true, but rather a lot more that
you in future should not break the stick over any person, just
because he is an ill soul. Since all of you have heard and felt it
now, that in any soul, no matter how ill, rests a most healthy
life-germ; and if the soul is healed by your brotherly efforts, you
have made a profit, which forever no world can pay you! How
useful can such a perfected person be! Who can gauge his
influence?! You people do not know it, but I know it, how much
of such an effort is worth the trouble!
[4] Therefore I say it to you: Always be merciful even towards
the great sinners and criminals against your and against the
divine laws! Since it is only possible for an ill soul to commit a
sin, but never for a healthy soul, because for a healthy soul it is
impossible to sin, since the sin is always the result of an ill soul.
[5] Who of you people can judge and punish a soul because she
was violating one of My commandments, since you are all
standing under the same law?! One of the laws by Me explicitly
states, that you should not judge anyone! If you judge one of
your neighbors who have sinned against My laws, you also sin
in the same measure against my law! But how can you as being
a sinner yourself, judge and condemn another sinner?! Don’t
you know, that, when condemning your soul sick bother to hard
atonement, you have served a double condemning judgment on
yourself, which one day, if not under circumstances already
here, will be fulfilled?!
[6] If somebody from you is a sinner, he should resign as a
judge; because if he judges someone, he judges himself into
downfall twofold, from which he will recover more difficult
than him who was judged and condemned by him. Can a blind
man ever lead someone else and put him on the right path?! Or
can one deaf person tell another deaf person something about
the harmonic effects of music, as it was practiced in the purest
form by David? Or can one disabled person say to another:
‘Come here, you poor man, I will take you to the inn!?’ Will not
soon both slip and fall into a ditch?!
[7] Hence, remember this above all, not to judge anybody, and
make sure that also those who one day will become your
disciples take this to heart! Because by practicing this My
teaching, you will make angels out of people, but through nonobservance
you will create devils and judges against yourselves.
[8] It is true, nobody on this earth is perfect; however, the one
who is more perfect in his mind and heart, should be the guide
and doctor of his ill brothers and sisters, and the strong should
carry the weak, otherwise he succumbs with the weak, and both
will not make any progress!
[9] So that you can recognize this from the ground in all truth, I
have given you with this Zorel a tangible example, from which
you can recognize, how terribly wrong it is, to judge a criminal
according to your ways! Indeed, your way to judge will always
remain the way of the world, and it will be difficult to ever
completely crush the hard, diamond-like head of the dragon of
tyranny, because for this very reason the earth is a test world for
My future children. But among you it should not continue, since
among you the heavens are strewing fruits filled with plentiful
seed kernels.
[10] If you enjoy the fruits of My zeal now, do not forget to
strew the leftover seed kernels copiously as possible into the
hearts of your brothers and sisters, so that it can grow and carry
plentiful and healthy new fruit! But how a new and wondrous
new fruit is produced from the seed kernels placed into the
heart, has been clearly shown to you by Zorel in the greatest
detail. Act accordingly and you will as if out of yourself create
life and receive the perfection of the everlasting life as shown to
you right now! After this act of laying-on of hands it is given to
you to follow and act accordingly in the most precise manner.
[11] But now the time has come for you, Zinka, to lay your
hands on Zorel in the opposite manner, so that he can wake up
again; if he wakes up, you Markus, give him wine with some
water, so that his body can regain his former strength! If he
wakes up and starts talking like before, do not become annoyed
and do not remind him of anything what he has said during his
raptures state; because this could course a bodily disadvantage
in him. Do not laugh at him either, if he says something silly! In
good time you can guide him very gently towards Me; but do
not be too hasty, otherwise it could harm him for quite a long
time! And now, Zinka, perform your duty, since Markus has
already returned with the wine and water!”
[1] Zinka now placed his hands in reversed order on Zorel, who
opened his eyes and woke up. When Zorel had completely
woken up, I gave the old innkeeper Markus a sign, to give him
the little bit watered wine, since he was very thirsty. Markus did
this straight away, and the very thirsty Zorel emptied the quite
sizeable mug in one go, and asked for another full mug, since he
was still thirsty. Markus asked Me if he could do so. I affirmed
such question with the only added remark, to add more water
than wine for the second time. And Markus did that and it
made Zorel to feel better. After he had strengthened himself,
he looked around and scrutinized his surrounding, which he
still remembered quite well, despite the sun already being close
to setting.
[2] After a while he (Zorel) said, his eyes steadfast pointing at
Me: “Zinka, this person there looks very familiar! I must have
seen him before! Who is he and what might be his name? The
longer I look at him, the more he becomes alive, that I must
have seen him somewhere! Zinka, I have a great sympathy for
you – therefore entrust me who this man is!”
[3] Says Zinka: “This Man is the son of a carpenter from
Nazareth, which lies above Capernaum, but not from the place
with the same name which is located behind the mountains and
is inhabited mainly by dirty Greeks. His character is this, that
He is a Savior and exceedingly skilful regarding his occupation;
because if He is helping someone, he certainly is helped. His
name corresponds with his character and hence His name is
‘Jesus’, which is a Savior of souls and ill body limbs at the same
time. He has much greater strength in His will and in His hands
and is at the same time good like an angel and wise. Now you
know everything what you have asked about; if you want to
know anything else, then ask – otherwise the high lords will
undertake something and we then would have little time to
discuss some matters in more detail!”
[4] Says Zorel in a low voice to Zinka: “I thank you for what
you have told me, although I still don’t know what actually has
happened to me; since I cannot get clarity about the reason why
this man looks so familiar to me! It seems that somewhere I
have undertaken a long trip with him! I have been travelling, a
lot on water and on land, and I was accompanied, but I cannot
remember having seen and talked to this man; nevertheless, as
said before, it seems as if I had a lot to do with him during a
trip! – Explain to me why this might be the case!”
[5] Says Zinka: “In the most natural manner of the world!
Somewhere you must have had a quite lively dream, which you
only now can remember very vaguely, and this will be surely
the reason for your current emotion!”
[6] Said Zorel: “You might be right! I quite often dream
something which I only remember after a few days, if I have in
certain way been reminded about it by a similar outer object;
otherwise everything is lost, and I cannot remember any dream,
nevertheless how lively I have dreamt! But it will be like that;
since in reality I have never seen this man from Nazareth
[7] But now something else, dear friend! See, I have come here
to receive from the high governor certain alms. What do you
think? Will he be able to help me? If it is without hope, could
you at least approach him on behalf of me, so that I be allowed
to go home. Since what should I do here? About all this
theosophical and philosophical wise junk I couldn’t care less.
My theosophy and philosophy are very short: I believe in this
what I can see, this means nature, which always renews itself
since eternity. In addition I believe that eating and drinking are
the two most essential pieces to live; in anything else I do not
believe lightly.
[8] There surely exist some strange things in this world, like all
kind of magic and other skills and sciences. But between them
and myself there is the same relationship as between the fire and
me: as long as it does not burn me, I do not blow! I do not feel
any need in me to know and understand more, as I already know
and understand; and therefore it would be quite stupid of me to
hang around for much longer, to catch any quite difficult to
understand teaching of wisdom, so that I could brag in front of
some silly guys.
[9] You see in me a nature person, who dislikes all wise
institutions and laws of people, because they too much impair
the innate freedom of man in a often too hard manner, for the
only reason, so that a few can become very rich, powerful and
highly respected, for which of course millions must languish in
the deepest misery. Would I understand more than I already
understand now, I then would be able to see the reason of even
more of such injustice, which would made me even unhappier,
but as it is, my stupidity saves me from a lot of grief, because I
do not quite see fundamentally the reason of all human
[10] Where the evil, wise appearing people could not invent
themselves enough laws to suppress humanity, they setup
thinking and very inventive heads, who, walking around with
ecstatic distorted faces, appearing fallaciously with all kinds of
laws from the gods, to start anew tormenting poor and weak
mankind with the most ridiculous threats of the most awful,
everlasting punishments and with promises of the greatest
rewards, but of course only after the death of the body, where it
is easy to reward, since the dead do not need anything anymore.
[11] Nevertheless, regarding punishments, the people did not
wait until after death, forestall their fictitious and trifling gods
and punished the transgressors of the laws of the gods rather
immediately here, so that in the beyond nobody is running short
regarding the threatening punishment. But the devout had to
wait for their reward until after death; there never appears in this
life any free advances, except one allowed oneself to be beaten
nearly to death for one of the big! Everything which is and
exists in the federation of human society is highly aimed at the
interest of the individual, so that every sober thinker
immediately can recognize the reason on which it is built: the
godly lawfulness and the human-social element!
[12] Friend! If only one wants to live as a most free lord of all
magnificence of the earth, then of course all other faint-willing
and strength-weak mankind must cry, including the earth on
which they are standing. For the oppressors of humanity, for the
most heartless tyrants a corresponding reward in the beyond
would be quite in order; but who will serve such to them?! In
short, there is nothing! A pure, loose puppet game!
[13] Who is able to make the others, this is the rest of mankind,
serviceable to himself, is right and is doing good; since a silly
person is not worth more than a silly dog! The stronger and
more clever should kill him, take possession of all his property
and should then on life and death protect it in every conceivable
manner against all foreign attacks! If he is able to do that, soon
he will become a great and free lord; if he can’t do that it only
serves him right, that he has undertaken something, which he as
a wise man, should have anticipated that he will not succeed. In
short, for the silly nothing is better than annihilation; if they are
not there anymore, all laws, all pursuit and all inhuman
punishments have ended for them forever! Not to be, if one
must remain in misery; one hour of real misery does not weigh
up against 20,000 years of the greatest happiness!
[14] Dearest friend Zinka, see, this is my harmless creed, to
which not easily anything can be said against it on this earth. It
is the truth that nobody likes to hear; everyone lulls his being in
all kinds of false imaginations and regards himself to be quite
happy! Just keep on! Everyone should wallow in the kingdom
of the lie and searches for consolation in the fantastic
imagination, once misery starts to step mercilessly on his neck!
[15] Dull yourselves, you wretched, with the poppy poison of
the lie, and sleep as long as you live under the sweet pressure of
insanity, and it serves everyone right if it makes him happy;
only to me it is unfair, since I must feel very unhappy under the
eagle’s wings of truth, if I always have to see, feel and even
must break the same and fatal dive from the truthful heights,
which awaits me and others similar to me! Who will catch me in
the fall, if the loose rope breaks, by which my stupidity has
fixed me to the mighty wings of the eagle?!
[16] People! Let me in peace consume my loot, since I’m doing
nothing to you; just give me of your abundance that much, that I
can replace what bad chance has taken away from me, and you
will not find a ungrateful beggar in me! But if you want to give
nothing as usual, then let me at least go home unflustered, so
that I as a poor faun, of course in an unlawful manner, can
gather sufficient wood, to build myself a most makeshift hut, at
least as good as the beaver builds his hut! The one or the other
you surely will grant to me; but to make me even more
wretched than I already been, you surely will not do! However,
if this is your intention, then rather kill me immediately! Since I
certainly do not want to become more miserable than I’m
already be! Because if you do not kill me, then I know what I
have to do! I will understand how to kill myself!”
[17] Finally Zinka speaks again: “Stay far away from such act!
You will also not be obliged to do such a most insane deed,
given your particular good knowledge and experiences; because
when you were asleep, Cyrenius has catered for you in the best
way, but only if you will recognize, that this what you just have
recognized as the truth, is in fact the biggest untruthfulness!
Thus do not be concerned and accept a better teaching, and only
then you really will become completely happy!”
[1] Says Zorel: “Your words are sounding quite friendly, good
and tender, and I’m convinced that you speak just as you feel it
in your heart and that the matter will be true; but the question
arises which teaching should I accept, under which luminous
torch I can recognize this, what I regard now as the highest
truth, as something utterly wrong! Two and another two
together give four, this is a mathematical truth, and even from
all heavens nothing can be said against it, and there can be
impossibly another teaching, which could condemn this
everlasting truth as a lie! If I am a superstitious fool to be able
to accept, that the sum of two and again two together are equal
to seven, then of course a change in believe would be possible
with me; but with my current recognition this is completely
[2] That somewhere there must be an intelligent, everlasting
primordial power, from which at least their first regulation
originated, cannot be denied by whatever pure reasoning; since
wherever there existed at one time two, before that there must
also have been existed one. But how ridiculous and exceedingly
silly is it not of the stupid, blind people, if they imagine the
primordial power – which must be equally distributed and
spread out through the whole of infinity, since it basic power is
also be equally perceptible in the whole of infinity – to be a
form, even a human form, yes, amongst others even a beastly
[3] The Jews would, if they had been holding on to their
primordial teaching, basically still have the most reasonable
image of an general primordial power, which they call
‘Jehovah’; since a sentence of them states: ‘You should not
imagine God in any form and even less so make a carved
picture of Him!’ But they have completely abandoned it and
their synagogues and temple are full of pictures and ornaments
and besides this they believe in the most ridiculous things, and
the priests are punishing those of their followers, who do not
believe the things they teach. They call themselves servants of
God and therefore enforcing to be honored tremendously; but in
return they torment poor mankind with all kind of things which
they were able to invent for such purpose. Should I, under such
circumstances, become a Jew? No, forever no!
[4] It is said, that they received the laws from God Himself,
which He gave to them by their founding teacher Moses on the
mountain Sinai. The laws are actually quite good, if they would
serve everybody as an essential rule of life; but what good is it,
if you most strictly forbid the poor people stealing and cheating,
but yourself, sitting on the chair of magnificence, is robbing at
each opportunity the slavishly subordinated mankind, steals and
cheats them wherever possible, and does not have the slightest
conscience in spite of the divine law! Tell me, in which light
must appear such laws and guardians to a pure thinking person!
[5] If a poor faun is coerced by need, to take from the
abundance where he can find it to serve his own urgent need,
with all extreme severity he will be held accountable and
immediately punished over and over; but the law enforcer who
robs, murders and cheats every day and at every opportunity,
stands above the law, does not follow it in the slightest and by
himself believes in nothing, except in his quite demanding
temporal advantages! Can this be any divine institution, which
stands in a too garish contradiction with the very small demands
of poor mankind?! Which only somewhat pure reason can ever
approve of it?!
[6] What is pleasant to me that one does to me, this I also must
think of my neighbor, that it also will be pleasant for him if I do
to him what he regards in a modest manner that is pleasant for
him! If I am stuck in need and poverty above my ears, have no
money to even acquire the most basic needs, go, search and
plea, not receiving anything from nobody in response to my
pleadings and only in the end take what I need – can any law
condemn me for that?! Do I have no right at all to take
ownership of something I really need, since certainly the strong
forefathers did not commit any sin, by taking full possession of
a whole country?!
[7] Yes, if I would be stealing because I’m work-shy and
continue to steal, than no reason could regard itself as offended,
if I held be accountable for it; but if I take so to speak unlawful
possession of something in extreme need, then even no God can
and should hold me accountable – not mentioning a selfish,
weak person, who in some regard commits more injustices in
one day than I am in a whole year! I do not want to make a
downgrading remark against the property protection law; but in
it’s rigor it does not better and makes mankind more humane,
but only harder and loveless!
[8] The prison law to bring about order and moral is equally
very raw and coarse applied, without any regard for the nature,
time and strength of people. Just think of it to what conditions –
no matter if male or female – they are exposed to! Often no
education at all, sometimes an education which is worse than no
education! He often must take food and drinks which excites his
blood quite severely; he often finds an easy opportunity to
satisfy his mighty physical desire and also satisfies it. But the
story surfaces and he is punished as a sinner without any
consideration, since he has transgressed a divine law.
[9] O you fools, including your divine laws! Why haven’t you
published a divine law, according to which a true and best
education is catered for, and only then consider if any other
following laws are necessary?! Isn’t it unspeakable silly of a
gardener who plants a straight row of trees and only then tries to
bend the trees with all might and force, once the trees have
grown for a few years and have become big, hard and
unbendable?! Why didn’t the silly gardener bend his trees
during a time when it was still easy to bend them without any
danger?! A God or even a person forming a mouthpiece of God,
should first provide for a just and wise upbringing suitable for
the moral nature of man, and only then provide wise laws, if the
best educated person still needs it in any way!
[10] O friend Zinka! You are a Jew and you are much more
familiar with your teaching than I am; but what I know from it
by coincidence, I can say nothing else to you other than what I
already have told you, and from that you will recognize, that I
certainly cannot depart from my recognition based on pure
reason and mathematical principles, for the sake of a donation
from the high Cyrenius. Under such swap conditions I reject any
still so shining donation, become rather a beggar and spend the
rest of my days on this earth in poverty; what afterwards nature
will do with me, will be one and the same for a dead and
someone returning to the old nothingness! You can speak now,
Zinka, whether I am right or not right according to your view!”
[11] Says Zinka: “Friend and brother Zorel! Basically I
absolutely cannot disagree with you; but I must add, that there
exist very peculiar things, of which you cannot even imagine the
possibilities. If you start to comprehend them, only then you
yourself will recognize how much good and truth is contained in
your current basic assertions!”
[12] Says Zorel: “Yes, yes, right so; if you know something
better, then bring me your arguments and I’m ready to answer
[13] Says Zinka: “That would be of little use to you and to me;
however, turn to that man over there, of whom you say that he
looks familiar to you! He will give you a right light, and you
will immediately clearly start to recognize the truth or the
opposite of your assertions!”
[14] Says Zorel: “Good then, I will do it immediately and does
not fear him; however, in me he will find a hard nut to crack!”
[1] With those words, Zorel, wrapped in his very wretched rags,
leaves Zinka, steps closer to Me and says: “High lord and
master of healing profession, this dress which covers my
wretched body, are rags of a wretched way; but at least they
cover the privates of a person, who is really sorry for
unfortunately also being a fellow-person among these many
would be or should be people! Accept for the clothes, we all
have the same form; but between the beings there seems to be a
sky-high difference.
[2] I am a person who understands to quite clearly distinguish,
that two and two does not equal seven, but four! Zinka tells me
that you are a man, who could ignite an even brighter light in
me, than there is my own, which at least provided me with a
stamp of mankind under my co-believers; but I never boasted
with it and even less so do I plan to boast , if you want to ignite
another light for me. Zinka told me that you are the only one
able to do this.
[3] You have heard my principles which have not been taken
out of the blue. For me they were unfortunately a too tangible
truth; but if you can give me something better, then do it, and it
would be a pleasure for me to whole heartedly let go of all the
truth junk! I, however, do not know with which title I should
greet you, but I think that also you are a person of the truth, and
for such people it does not matter what title they are given. I call
you ‘High Master’ and honor you as such, although I only know
you from hearsay. Should you however be able to provide for
me in deed, then I will worship you!
[4] Thus tell me, if it pleases you, how close or how wrong am I
with my truth principles! Are we now more or less people than
those who lived as the first reasonable people on this earth? Am
I not allowed now, since the people have invented the property
protection law, of which they claim that God has given it to
them, as a poor faun who often hasn’t a bite to eat for three days
and couldn’t get anything by begging either, to take from the
abundance of another person, only to protect me from dying
from hunger, since every earthworm has the right to feed itself
with foreign property without having to buy it, because it is also
an inhabitant of this earth and unfortunately has to be, since
mighty nature has arranged it in such a way? Or should a human
being have a lesser right to feed himself with earthly fruits
agreeing with his nature, only because he couldn’t buy himself a
good piece of land, than a bird in the air of which everyone is
certainly a dedicated thief?! I asked you, to give the right
answer in this regard!”
[5] I said: “Friend, for as long you are setting your human rights
equal to those of animals, you are perfectly correct with your
basic nature laws; and in no way can I say anything against it
and every property protecting as well as any other moral law is
in that case the most absurd ridiculousness! How stupid must be
someone, who wants to give to the birds in the air, the animals
on earth and the fish in the water property protection laws and
any other moral rules; since any only a little reasonable
person, or even a God, must know it, that those beings have
nature as their only law provider! Hence you are quite right
with your views, if man for the time being is nothing else and
has also nothing to expect than any animal as it stands there in
his nature.
[6] But if man is there or should be there for any possible kind
of higher purpose, of which until now of course nothing could
have gotten into your mind, what becomes only too obvious by
your wisdom fighting only for the lowest needs, your
mathematical principles may stand only on very weak and
shaky feet!
[7] But that each person has been placed on this earth for a
higher purpose, you already should have recognized from the
fact, that he as a new born being stands deep below any animal
and only after a few years of intensive care starts to become a
person. He must enter some kind of order and with all sorts of
justified troubles and fair struggle he must earn his bread.
Therefore he received laws, so that he should consider them as
the first direction signs to a higher destination, and also to keep
them out of his free will for the sake of further self-development
and self-determination, what is the only way by which he finally
can reach his higher destination, but never as a however biting
clever animal-person, but as a perfect human person.
[8] For as long you are only worried about the need of the flesh,
you will not make much progress as a person; ah, but if you
have recognized that there also resides another completely
different person inside you, who has completely different needs
than your body and has also an entirely different destination, it
will not be difficult for you to recognize, how much you are
digging with your principles in loose sand!
[9] See, I know about your otherwise good will and your search
for the truth and about the reason of all evil, in which mankind
on earth is currently truly stuck up to their ears! Your thoughts,
since you always had a particular pleasure to steal, have
indicated to you that the protection law for property and rightful
ownership are a Pandora Box; and because you were in your
younger years a hedonistic friend of females, the moral law
always embarrassed you, since it reminds you and everyone else
that the abuse of intercourse is a sin.
[10] Yes, as an animal person you are also completely right with
your principles, equally so, that an upfront law should exist
before all other laws, by which all children should have such an
upbringing, by which the social order should be drilled into
them to such an extent, that during adulthood it would become
completely impossible for them, to ever transgress any law,
which would make any additional legislation of course
completely superfluously.
[11] Yes, behold, this order was also made applicable to the
animals by the Creator of all worlds and all beings! Every
animal gets your required primary upbringing substantially in
his whole nature already in the womb, and needs no other laws
later on; since the primary upbringing in the mother’s womb has
everything what it requires for its whole life! But He, who
created all angel spirits, the heavens, the worlds and man, surely
knew what it requires, to create man as a free person with a later
education and not just as a judged animal.
[12] If you take a closer look at your mathematical correct life
principles, you soon will find, that speech is a great evil for
people, since by speech people can educate each other in all
kinds of evil things and matters. Similar the lie would never be
part of people, if they could not speak, either by signs or by
words; yes, even to think is dangerous, because by that people
can get into all kinds of malice and cunningness! Finally they
should also not be able to see clearly, hear clearly and also not
to taste and smell; since all those senses in a clear and pure state
could easily make a person greedy and lascivious, what would
be coincidentally bad! Now look at your human being according
to your mathematical principles and ask yourself, whether there
exists any difference between him and a sea polyp, with the
exception of the form!
[13] But what do you want to do with such a person, regarding
the higher purpose for what each person is created? What
education can you give him? When will such a person reach the
recognition of himself and then recognize the true God, the
primordial reason of all things and all light and all bliss? Look
at the constitution of a healthy person, observe and explore him
precisely with your critical mind, and you will find, that such a
wise and exceedingly artful constructed being must in the end
have also another destination, than to only fill his stomach daily,
to be able to relieve himself of a large amount of waste
[1] (The Lord:) “You are using of course here your poverty and
the poverty of many other people as protection, and want to use
the required portion of right from the divine property protection
law for you, so that you as a hungry and thirsty person can take
in an urgent emergency without sinning against the said law, to
feed yourself. I can tell you from a most reliable source, that
Jehovah, when giving laws to the Israelites through Moses,
thoroughly thought about this need and impressed it on the
people to also regard this as a bylaw, by saying: ‘You should
not prevent the donkey, working on your field, to take his food
from there, and the mouth of the ox pulling the plough, should
not be laced up! However, when carrying the bound sheaves
into your shed, do not collect the ears which were left behind, so
that the poor can collect them for their need!’ Everyone should
always be ready, to help the poor, and who says: ‘I’m hungry’,
do not let him move on, until he is fed!’ Behold, this is also a
law of Jehovah, and I think by that, also to poverty sufficient
thought was given.
[2] But that not every person born on this earth can become a
property owner, is obvious from the things of nature. The first
few people could of course easily divide the ownership of land
among themselves, since at that stage the whole earth was
ownerless; but now the earth, especially the fertile land, is
inhabited by countless many people, and among these are those
families who have worked the land in the sweat of their faces
for a long time and have purified and fertilized it under many
life threatening dangers, and one cannot just dispute their
assigned land ownership, but one must strongly protect it for the
sake of the general welfare, so that the share of the land is not
taken away from those who have blessed it by their diligence,
because they own it not only for themselves, but for hundred
other people who have to work the land on an annual basis and
who cannot own any land.
[3] Who owns a lot of land, must have many servants, who, like
the owner himself, live from the same land. Would it be good
for the servants, if each of them would be given an equal large
piece of land? Could one man work it properly?! And if he
could do it for some time, but what happens if he would become
ill and weak? Isn’t it then by far not better and wiser, if only a
few own something unmovable and have store rooms and stock,
rather than all people, yes even the newborn children, would be
nothing else than individual land owners, by which institution in
the end, and this most certainly, nobody would have any
supplies in time of need?!
[4] Further I asked your mathematical mind: If there would be
no property protection laws in societies of people, I would like
to see your face, if others came along who were never keen to
work, and took away your little supplies to feed themselves?!
Would you not shout at them and say: ‘Why haven’t you
worked and collected?!’ And if they have answered you:
‘Because we did not feel like it and we knew for certain that our
neighbors are working!’, would you not regard a protection law
as highly effective and wish that such loose criminals would be
punished by some sort of court and finally be forced to serve
and to work, and would you not wish that the supplies taken
away from you to be returned? See, all this is also demanded by
the pure reason of man!
[5] If you then really regard your mathematical principles as the
best in the world, walk from here a thousand field-paths to the
east; there you will still find a lot of entirely ownerless land in
high and wide stretching mountains! There you can immediately
and unhindered take possession of many hours long and wide
land, and no person will dispute your ownership. You are even
allowed to take a few women and some servants with you, to
establish in this somewhat distant mountainous region a real
state, and in thousand years no person will disturb you in your
property; you will only have to get rid of a few bears, wolves
and hyenas, otherwise they could disturb you somewhat at
nighttime. Along this way you would at least experience
firsthand the considerable difficulties with what the owners of
these lands had to cope, until the land was finally brought to the
current level of culture! If you would have tried everything
yourself, you also would have recognized, how unfair it would
be, to take away the ownership from the primordial land owners
and hand it over to some sluggish and work-shy crooks.
[6] See, because you are not a particular friend of work and
even less of asking, the old property protection law was always
an embarrassment for you, and hence you took the law into your
own hands, where you could take something without being seen
and without being punished! Only the two morgens big field
including the hut you have bought, but also with money which
you have not earned by working, but which you have taken
from a rich merchant in Sparta in a very clever manner! Now,
there was a time in Sparta when stealing was allowed, if it was
carried out in a very smart way; but nowadays also in Sparta
does exists since many years the same property protection laws
like here, and thus you have completely unlawfully stolen from
this merchant and made him a few pounds of gold lighter. And
with that you have as a fugitive bought yourself the said piece
of land including the hut; but everything else what you have
owned, you stole in Caesarea Philippi and the adjacent
[7] But woe to him who would steal something from you. You
would have strongly reminded him the property protection law,
that you hate so much, in such a way that would surely not have
been a disgrace to a Roman bailiff! Or would it please you, if
someone would harvest the ripe fruit of your land, just because
he is completely poor?! See, what is not right to you, will also
not be right to someone else, if with your mathematical true and
correct life and upbringing principles you would steal his
harvest! However, if the matter can practically only be like I
have described it to you just now, do you still regard your life
principles as the only true and undisputable correct ones?”
[8] Here Zorel is completely puzzled, since he sees himself
entirely overmastered and defeated.
[1] But Zinka comes from behind touches him on the shoulder
and says: “Now, friend Zorel, will you now accept the
maintenance from Cyrenius or not? Since it seems to me, that
your life maxims, as good as they originally even sounded to
me, have all in all fallen into the well!”
[2] Says after a while Zorel: “Yes, yes, only the Savior is right!
I now recognize my nonsense quite brightly and clearly, and
everything is exactly as he has stated it about me. But how
could he know all this?! Yes, everything is true, and
unfortunately just too true! But, where should I begin, what
should I do?”
[3] Says Zinka: “Nothing else, than asked for the right
instructions, listen to them and act accordingly; everything else
leave to those who want your well being and can help you and
also will, if you do what I have advised you to do!”
[4] Hereupon Zorel immediately falls on his knees before Me
and asks me for instructions, and I refer him to the apostle John
for it. Zorel asks me know very respectfully, why I do not want
to give him any further instructions.
[5] But I said: “If a lord for a matter has all kind of servants and
attendants around him, is he wrong when assigning also work to
them according to their good abilities? It is not necessary that he
does everything with his hands himself, to complete it; the
lord’s spirit is sufficient and the work will nevertheless be
completed by the skilful hands of the servants. Therefore just go
to him, to whom I have referred you, and you will also find in
him the right man! It is him, at the corner of the table, who
wears a light blue coat over his loins.”
[6] After these My words Zorel rises and hurries to John. When
meeting John, he says to him: “You loyal servant of this
exceedingly wise man over there! Even if you have heard, who I
am and how I am constituted, give me for my complete
betterment the teaching, which will make me worthy to be
accepted among those, who are with a true right calling
themselves people! For becoming a true human being, I do not
demand any supplies anymore, but only for the sake of the truth,
do I want to hear the full truth from you!”
[7] Says John: “In the name of this Man over there you will get
it! But first you have to give me the assurance to completely
change your life in future and make good any harm which you
have caused to other people against their will; even the
merchant in Sparta must be refunded with his two pounds of
gold! In addition you have to completely let go heathenism and
become a new Jew; since your grandfather was a Jew from the
tribe Levi. Forty years ago he moved to Sparta to preach the
only true God to the Greek and to convert them in spirit to Jews;
but in the end he himself was persuaded and with his whole
house became a silly and very blind heathen, and you were the
same since you only came into this world in Sparta. But your
brothers who are living now in Athens, even became heathen
priests because of their good ability to speak and still to this
hour consecrate their empty services to Apollo and Minerva,
and your only sister is the wife of a merchant, who is loosely
trading with Ephesians gods and pictures and alongside also
conducts quite profitable business with all kinds of pleasure
girls and harlots, partly by selling but mainly by coupling. This
is your brother-in-law, once also a Jew, and now what I just
have told you.”
[8] Zorel was completely overwhelmed by everything John
knew about him, which he himself, because of very specific
reason, would never have mentioned to anyone; therefore
he couldn’t think otherwise of the man from whom he just
heard all such information, that he must have been in Greek
and knew about everything what happened there and still
occurs right now.
[9] Hence Zorel asks John a little hastily by saying: “But why
repeating everything in front of all these people? Isn’t it enough
that you and I know such things?! Why must all surrounding us
hear this?”
[10] Says John: “Be calm about it, friend! If I did this to harm
your soul and body, I would be a bad person and would be
worse off before God than your loose brother-in-law in Athens;
but for the sake of your well being I have to completely reveal
you before the people, so that you do not stand in front of
anyone as something which you are not! If you want to become
perfect, you must discover yourself, and no secrets are allowed
in your soul; only if all disorderly is removed from you, you can
start working on your perfection. You could also in quietness by
yourself renounce all your many sins and become a better
person, so that the people could respect and honor you for that;
since they only would knew the good about you and nothing
bad, and many would follow your good example! But if after a
while they would hear from a credible witness what coarse and
big sinner you have been in secrecy, with what doubtful eyes
they, who respected you as a pure person and followed your
example, would look at you?! All your virtues would turn into a
sheep’s fur, behind which they would be imagining a tearing
wolf, and despite all your flawless virtues they would flee from
you and avoid your otherwise instructive company.
[11] From this you can see, to be perfect, you must not only
avoid the being of evil, but also the seeming of evil, without, it
will be difficult to really be useful to your neighbor, what
finally must be the main occupation of every person, since
without it, no truly happy society is thinkable on this earth!
[12] What use would it be for a society of people, if every
person by himself is perfect, but keeps himself hidden from his
neighbor? Then one would start to distrust the other, and if a
single mosquito is humming around the head of a harmless
neighbor, one would see many flying dragons and elephants!
But if all are getting familiar with you regarding who you are
and what have you been before, what you have done and how
you have lived before, and you better yourself and become
another person full of insight of your previous evils and full of
true and lively disgust against them in front of all eyes and ears,
then every person will recognize you with sincerest trust and
goodwill and love you as one pure brother loves his other pure
brother. Therefore everything must be revealed, before you can
actively take on a new teaching.
[13] Many things have already been revealed, but not all, and
since confessing is not easy for you, I make it easier for you, by
telling on your behalf completely faithful to the word and sense
everything of your life which is brightly clear as the sun to me!”
[14] Zorel asks: “But how is it possible for you to know all such
things? Who revealed it to you? Never before have I seen or
spoken to you!”
[1] Says John: “Don’t worry about that; if you are perfected,
then everything will become clear to you; but now back to our
[2] The worst of your being is, that you secretly have become a
slave trader, the last time with twelve- to fourteen year old girls
from Asia Minor, and sold them to Egypt and Persia, and such
noble girls often landed in evil hands and only a few in good
hands. That such girls by those who bought them, were soon in
the most contemptible manner violated, you can easily imagine.
If it was just for the natural coitus, it would not contribute that
much to the dept; but how badly have some of them been
abused in Alexandrian, in Kahiro, in Theben and in Memphis!
And how much they are still being abused! If you could see
such a poor girl, how she is cut to pieces by the rods and whips
of her devil of a lord to increase his sensuousness excitement,
you would yourself with your little human feeling curse
yourself, because you have exposed a person to such
indescribable misery by disdainfully greed!
[3] How many thousand curses and most horrible
condemnations have already been imposed on you, how many
hundred-thousand times hundred-thousand tears of too great
pain because of the too devilish abuses have already been shed!
How many of such tender girls have already died in the most
horrifying desperation because of too much unbearable pain!
And see, all this, you have, condemning yourself, on your
conscience! Because see, you conducted your secret, loose trade
on a grand scale, especially two to three years ago, and the
number of those which you have made so very unhappy, has
become large and reached already the manifold of eightthousand
heads! Question: How will you ever be able to make
this good? What have these girls ever done to you, that you have
made them so very unhappy? Speak now and hold yourself
[1] Here Zorel is completely dump-founded and dismayed, and
only after quite a long pause he says: “Friend, if at that time I
have recognized and known, what I recognize now, you can
think for yourself, that I would have done anything else rather
than becoming a slave trader! I am a citizen of Rome and to my
knowledge no law ever prohibited the slave trade; it is and was
always permitted, and what hundreds were lawfully allowed to
do, why should I have been prohibited from doing so?! Even the
Jews are allowed to buy children, especially if they are
childless, why not any other educated nation, to whom the
Egyptians belonged since human memory without any doubt,
and in the same measure also the Persians. The girls were
therefore not sold to any wild and uneducated nations, but in
every respect civilized people on this our known, wide earth,
where one can rightfully expect, not to aggravate the homely
sad lot of such children, but apparently only to improve
their lot!
[2] Go to the lands of Asia Minor, and you will find there such
masses of people and especially children, that you as a wise
man in the end have to ask yourself, from what these people are
going to feed and maintain themselves without starting to eat
each other! I can assure you, each time when coming to the
lands of Asia Minor, I have been stormed by the citizens with
children. For a few loafs of bread I could get girls and boys in
abundance; and the children came cheering me and would not
leave me alone anymore. Many were bought by the Essenes,
nearly all the boys, irrespective of age; often also girls were
taken. The Egyptians only bought the more adult girls, partly to
work, but partly probably also for pleasure. That there were
some randy he-goats among them who torment the slave girls
for lust, I do not doubt, but surely there not that many.
[3] According to my knowledge not many have gone to Persia,
which were mainly bought from Persian merchants and all kinds
of artists, where they have been used for all kinds of useful and
good work. In addition there exists in Persia already for a long
time a quite wise law, by which every slave and slave-girl after
ten years can attain full freedom, if they behaved well and
finally can do what they want. They can remain there, start a
craft or can go home. Therefore those going to Persia truly
cannot speak of being unlucky! Now then, that some of them in
Egypt are not treated too well, I will not deny; but let us just go
to their fatherland, and we will meet many, who are as free
persons are not one hair better off than those unlucky ones in
Egypt! Since firstly they have nothing to eat and many eat raw
roots which they collect in the woods, and there are many, who
in summer and winter are walking around completely naked
because of the lack of clothes, and beg, steal and tell fortune.
Some of them obtain some rags by begging or stealing;
however, most of them do not succeed with that, and therefore
walk around completely naked, always with a lot children
attached to them.
[4] From those moving around, I and my companion have
always bought the largest number of supernumerary children
and in such a way looked after them. The permanent inhabitants
of the Pontus are calling them ‘Zagani’, which means ‘the
expelled’. There are swarms of those people; in great hordes
they are moving around and do not have any roof or work, nor
any land or field. Caves, holes in the ground and hollow trees
are normally their homes; and now I ask you, does one not
already show these people some relief, if you take their children
for nothing and look after them, not to mention buying them
from the naked and exceedingly hungry parents for money, for
clothes and for good bread?
[5] If one weighs this according to my previous way of thinking,
how some of these people previously were the most tiresome
slaves of the biggest poverty and later brought by me to people
who properly looked after them as slaves, one easily will find
that the misfortune, which I have brought according to your
account over these people, is not so enormous large, as you
image it to be. But also this I would not have done to them, if I
earlier would be thinking like now.
[6] By the way, I can tell you confidentially, although I am
astonished about your pious and God-devoted wisdom, that it is
a little strange of an all-good God, if he intervenes with the
destinations of mankind, to let crawl such a large number of
quite well formed people around the earth like wild animals! An
almighty God could least do so much, that such people find a
somewhat better lodging on this dear earth!
[7] For a thinking person it is a little strange, if he sees hundreds
of thousands of otherwise quite well formed people moving
around in the highest degree untidy, hungry and naked and with
the best will of the world not be able to help them! Would it be
a surprise, friend, if one starts to doubt the existence of an
all-wise and extremely gentle God, when seeing such people?!
And my former assertion against a at least to serious property
protection law, might become in the end some validity when
looking at so many wretched people!
[8] Now, friend, you have my responsibility and justification of
the heaviest reproach you have made against me; do now what
you like, but never forget, that a very world-wise Zorel is
standing in front of you with a tensed bow, despite the rags
covering him now, and is not exceedingly afraid of any wisdom!
But give me now better reasons for that, that everything what
there is, must be like it according to the wisdom of God, and
with easier breathing I will be very thankful to you! Because
this you must recognize just like I am, that on this earth
according to my human insight, there is a lot of unnecessary
misery in this world, alongside the occurrence of too many welloff
individuals! Why does one have everything – and hundred
thousands next to him nothing? In short, explain to me the
misery of all the Zaganians in Asia Minor! Who are they, where
do they come from, and why must they endure such everlasting
[1] Says John: “If you measure the true wisdom of God with the
yardstick of a little woken up mind, then you are right, not to be
afraid of any wisdom. But since the true wisdom of God is
never measured with the short yardstick of the mind, but like
everything else out of God with the yardstick of eternity and
infinity, your mind will surely be a little too short! But let’s
leave it at that and return from where we have started.
[2] You told me from the good knowledge of the matter, how
badly it goes with the Zaganians in Asia Minor, and how
wretched they are, and that it is quite a relief for their children,
amongst others truly is, to be bought by the slave traders and
sold somewhere else. Let’s leave it at that; you bring up some
sort of goodwill from your side, and one tenth of it I grant you!
But out of the chamber of your conscience I still have
something in the background, and this strange something nearly
nullifies your one tenth completely, so that in the end nothing
than bad can be ascribed to you! I doubt whether your mind can
award any righteousness to you.
[3] Tell me, regarding only yourself, with what do you justify
the violation of girls, executed by yourself! Aren’t you also
finding any sound reason, not against the divine law of Moses,
but against the Roman state laws, which with strong
punishment fights the violation of unripe girls?! Did the
immense fear and screams of pain of a little girl standing in the
face of your great lust, ever touched you?! And did not five,
although in earlier times, otherwise well-formed girls died in the
most miserable manner of this world, because they were most
terribly violated by you?! Your companion even indicated to
you the money loss which resulted for you by that, because the
five ten- to twelve year old girls could easily be sold for fivehundred
pounds of silver in Kahiro because they were well
formed. Indeed, the significant loss were hurting you, and
therefore you quite often cursed your strong lecherousness; but
you never cursed it because you became a blind murderer of
five charming little girls!
[4] Now take all this together and tell me, how do you feel as a
human being amongst humans, and if the yardstick of your mind
can also here find a justifying reason for you! With that, as if
you were an uncultivated, raw person of nature, who hardly can
distinguish between bad and good, you cannot excuse yourself;
since previously you have quite nicely showed me, how
unfortunately wretched the Zaganians live, and how such a
neglect of a whole nation cannot be a particular honor for God
the Lord and His love and wisdom! Yes, you even asked me to
tell you the divine reason for such wisdom, why God allows it
that a big nation can live so very miserably! You therefore have
quite a respectful sense of justice and a perfect knowledge of
good and bad. Therefore, how could you handle those girls in
such inhumane manner? Indeed, you have treated them
according to your bad medical knowledge afterwards; however,
you thereby harmed them even more than by your earlier
lecherousness! – Speak now, and justify yourself before God
and the people!”
[1] At this point our Zorel is completely beaten and cannot
come up with anything which could save his honor. He
seriously starts thinking what he could take from his mind’s
storeroom to justify himself; but everywhere he finds a barrier,
and not even the smallest hole is showing anywhere, so that he
could escape.
[2] John admonishes him to speak and to make use of his tensed
bow; but Zorel still doesn’t want to open his mouth.
[3] But Cyrenius asks Me, somewhat astonished about Zorel’s
wickedness: “Lord, what should be done in this case? This
person under all these circumstances is exposed to the courts!
Since our laws regarding the slave trade are allowing slaves
including their children, if they have any, to be sold to anyone,
but children of free people, especially of the female sex, by
severe punishment are not allowed to be brought to the market
before reaching full fourteen years. This is a crime!
[4] Further, everyone who wants to trade with slaves must have
his own, properly certified permission and must provide a
significant collateral to the state for this permission, alongside a
separate sizeable annual taxation. With him and his companion
there is not the slightest sign of anything; hence, they have
conducted an unlawful trade, which again is a great crime
against the existent laws, and under such aggravating
circumstances a ten year imprisonment in a dungeon is placed
as punishment.
[5] Added to this there is a five-fold most unscrupulous
violation, which was followed by death because of a too serious
injury! This is again a criminal act, on which under such
aggravating circumstances at least fifteen years most heavy
dungeon is placed or even death!
[6] Still added to this are in the foreground all kinds of stealing,
fraudulent behavior and an abundance of lies!
[7] Lord, You know my state duties and my oath on everything
which is holy and dear to me! What should I do? With Mathael
and his four companions their total possession was a certain
protection against my harsh duties as highest judge of the state;
but here nothing protects him from my duties as a judge. He is
a perfect villain! Will I not be obliged to carry out my
strict office?”
[8] I said: “Understand – since I’m coincidentally the Lord here
and your oath at the bottom of all reasoning is only owed to Me
and I can defer it for you how and when I want to, meanwhile
only I have to determine in what order something must be done
for the healing of a sick soul! Besides, you have sworn your
oath to the gods, who forever do not exist; and since the
protectors of your oath do not mean anything, also your oath
will not mean anything. Therefore your gods and your oath are
equal to nil. Only as far as I am regarding your oath loyal sign,
it is worth something; but as far as I’m regarding your oath as a
nil, does it also not have the slightest validity before Me, and at
least for now you are quite relieved from it.
[9] I say it to you, that the examination of this person is not
finalized as yet; something will appear which will seize you
even more!
[10] This is truly a strange person, and you should know him
better by now, because he revealed himself quite a lot already
during his raptures sleep, although somewhat more in general as
what he has done now, especially during his first penitent stage.
The current open revelation is of course more specific, because
it must be more specific; but it mustn’t appear to you
indecently, since I allow it to take place, to show you a really
totally ill soul and finally also the medicine, by which she
possibly can be cured. I previously have told you how clumsy
and silly it is, to punish a bodily ill person with sticks and
dungeon, because he became ill; but how much more clumsy
and silly will it be to punish a person bodily and morally with
the deadliest slashes for the sake of his sick soul! – Tell Me, you
My friend Cyrenius, have you in your zeal already completely
forgotten about such My teaching?”
[11] Says Cyrenius: “No, o Lord and highest Master of eternity;
but You know, from an old habit of mine, wherever a real
villain appears, a little storm rises inside me! But You can see
how fast I can be admonished and recognize my old silliness!
I’m already looking forward to the further examination, which
John seems to master quite well! But for this you need the
wisdom of John and his inner discernment, led of course by
Your spirit. The nicest thing of all is that Zorel basically does
not notice that something miraculous is taking place,
nevertheless, it should strike him that the wise John tells him so
nicely his most serious mortal sins from all countries where he
committed them, as if he had been everywhere an eye- and ear
[12] I said: “Just listen very carefully; since John will approach
him again!”
[13] Cyrenius is now full of attention again; but I instruct all
present women and maidens to meanwhile withdraw to the
tents, because the following hearing should only be conducted
by ripe men. All the women, including Jarah and the newly
revived daughters of Cyrenius and Gamiela and Ida, went to
the tents.
[1] The curiosity of the women was quite big; but My word
nevertheless was more powerful and all went into the tents of
Ouran, where they had to stay for as long until called again.
[2] After the women were looked after in this manner, John said
to Zorel: “Now, how about triggering your tense bow? It seems
to me that you have wasted all your sharp arrows into the blue.
Despite this you earlier wanted to enter into a fight with the
infinite wisdom of God! I say to you, that you should talk if you
still has something to say!”
[3] Finally Zorel says: “What should I say? To you – the gods
will know from where – everything is anyway known what I
have done from the cradle onwards; why should I tell you
anything further? I could still speak; but why should I continue
to justify myself? As I was and for the biggest part still am, I
acted accordingly; because I could not act otherwise to what I
have been in my soul! Can lions and tigers help it, that they are
tearing beasts? This is their nature, and at the bottom of all
reasoning they are not faulty, because they are, what they are! If
they are evil, then only He who created and made them like this
is guilty!
[4] Why are there thousands of people who are more devout
than lambs, and why not I?! Did I then make myself to act in
this way?! If I really wanted to be bad, I could deny everything
what you have told me out of your wisdom; because sayings of
wisdom of the individual never counts in front of a forum of a
world-court as evidence, as long as they are not confirmed by
other statements of witnesses. But I recognize your wisdom and
believe to perceive you as person, who does not want to harm
me, but want only to help, and therefore confess as true
everything you have stated about me. I do not deny the truth of
everything in the least; but certainly I still am allowed to justify
[5] You have in anyway the free prerogative over me to report
loudly what I ever have done according to my inclining nature;
because more than kill me for that you cannot do, and death I
can courageously look into the hollow, dark eyes and does not
fear it! From that you can see, that I’m not a fearful rabbit. If
you still know some more terrifying spectacles of my life, just
get them off your chest; because for a long time already nothing
in this world can embarrass me anymore!
[6] By the way, regarding the five maidens you are burden me
with too much, if you accuse me of feeling only sorry for them
because losing a sizeable profit by their death, which in fact did
not only occurred because of a gentle violation, but because of
the disintegration of a bad leprosy; I could even bring you a few
credible witnesses who have heard that I most imploringly
begged Zeus to save the maidens, and made an oath to the gods
to keep the five maidens forever, if they could be cured and
stayed alive. But when after 30 days all of them died despite all
my care, I became disconsolate and once more took an oath not
to touch any girls anymore and to stop slave trading. This I kept
up to this hour – I have moved therefore to this place and
bought myself a piece of property, but by the fire I now lost
everything that I ever acquired. – You can speak now, whether I
also have told the truth this time round!”
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
There is no copyright for this book. This is God’s Word and God’s Word is free.
It may be copied freely on condition that the text will not be changed.
Original German book: “Das grosse Evangelium Johannes” (1851-1864).
This Book 25 is translated from the German book IV 69 to 168.
SAYS John: “Yes, yes, you did that later; but in the
beginning you were only minded as I have said it!
The suggestion that you helped yourself with the girls in
only a gentle manner is also now a coarse lie! Only one you
have handled a little more gentle, and this was the last one,
when your lecherousness failed you the contemptible service;
the first four you have not spared in the slightest, but have
served them very dreadfully! Can you deny this? – See, you
keep quiet and are shaking! Afterwards the girls attracted a
dangerous leprosy, which of course accelerated death; but also
for that your lecherousness was the actual and only debt
bearer! But this chapter is closed and we are moving now to
something else!
[2] You know, there is still something which lies on your
conscience and is something which of course is not attached to
your will; but the deed and the consequence is there! Therefore
a person should never act in rage; since bad consequences
always follow the deeds carried out during a rage like a shadow
on the heels. Can you still remember when especially your
mother Agla, who was a very responsible person and cautioned
you seriously to stop your dissolute pranks and let go of your
nefarious society, what you did to her?”
[3] Says Zorel: “O gods! I can vaguely remember something
like in a dream; but I can’t say anything specifically about it!
Therefore keep on speaking, since you are at it! I know that, that
I never did something evil with a premeditated evil will;
however, that I am suffering from violent rage, I can’t help it
just as little as a tiger can help it, that he is a blood thirsty,
tearing beast! – You can speak now!”
[4] Says John: “We will address this only later; but at that time
you seized a pot which was lying on a bank and flung it with all
your strength against the head of your mother, so that she sank
to the ground completely dazed. But you, instead of helping her,
took the said gold pounds and escaped on a pirate ship to here

and joined for a few years the nice pirates craft, at which
opportunity you also became a slave trader. Shortly afterwards
your mother died, partly as a result of a severe brain skull injury
and partly from grief about your incorrigibility. And as such you
also have, alongside all your many other sins, a mother
murderer on your conscience, and as a crown for your many evil
deeds the most bitter curse from your father as well as from
your siblings rests on your head! – Now you have been
completely revealed; what are you saying to all this as a person
with a sound reason?”
[5] Says Zorel: “What should I say to all this? Done is done and
cannot be undone anymore! I now see some of the things of my
earlier actions which were highly wrong; but what use is all this
insight to me? It is the same as if you could make out of a tiger
an insightful person, who looks back, and sees what bloodiest
horrors he committed; to what use is this all to him?! Could he
make what is done undone, he surely would go through every
conceivable trouble to do so; but how could he helped it during
his tiger state, that he in fact was a tiger and not a lamb?! There
is also the remorse for a despicable deed and the best will to
completely rectify any wrongdoing, which is so in vain as the
stupid trouble to make yesterday the current day. From now on I
can become an entirely different and better person; but there,
where I was an evil person, I can impossibly make a better
person of myself than I was. Should I shed bitter tears of pain
for the many evil deeds I have committed? This would be so
ridiculous as if a tiger that became human would shed the most
bitter tears of remorse, for being a tiger before!”
[1] (Zorel:) “From my onwards I had a violent temperament.
Instead of damping this by a soft and reasonable upbringing and
by education of the mind, I was corrected by punishment of
every conceivable manner. My parents were always my biggest
torturers! If they had combined mind with a good will, they
could have made an angel of Jews of me; but by the thousand
punishments I became a tiger! And who carries the guilt that I
became a tiger? Firstly, before being conceived and birth,
I could not select more wise parents, and secondly, when I was
born, I surely was not a Plato or Phrygius and not a sign of a
Socrates and could therefore not give to myself any education!
But what should have been done that I would become a better
person and not a tiger?
[2] I regard you as too wise that you could not find a reasonable
answer to this question by yourself. With you Jews there have
always been people who have been possessed by evil spirits, as
I have just a few weeks ago have seen one at the Gadarenes, and
this would one of a better kind; one actually should be your
Jewish devil, who holds its dreadful state of affairs during the
darkest nights! But the day-devil was worth his money; since
whole crowds of people could achieve nothing with him. He
carried out deeds that gave all mankind the shivers of the skin
and made it wrinkled of fear. If possibly such a said possessed
person could be healed, tell me, what ox of a human judge could
be so blind and gloomy stupid, that he showed to the cured
person all his unheard atrocities which he committed when
possessed, and requires from him tearful remorse and
betterment?! Could the person help it that he committed such
atrocities when possessed?!
[3] Tell me, friend full of wisdom: From a big height a heavy
rock falls down and kills twenty people who coincidentally were
standing underneath it. Why had this to happen? Who is guilty
for this calamity? – To this I add the least thinkable possible
case, that a mighty magician appears and transforms the rock
into a human with all insight and intelligence fitted, in the
manner of Deucalion and Pyrrah. As the new person is standing
there, a wise and merciful judge comes along and says to this
new person: ‘Look at that, you despicable! This is your evil
work! Why did you fall with as a rock with such might onto
these twenty people? Justify yourself, or receive the heaviest
punishment for this deed!’ What would the new person say to
the silly judge? Nothing else than: ‘Could I as a heavy and
absolutely unconscious boulder help it, that I have been
separated by some foreign power from my equals, and secondly
for that, that I have been so incredibly heavy, and thirdly that I
have called these crushed people to sit here until I fell down and
killed them all?!
[4] You will hopefully recognize the extremely unreasonable
accusation of this new person by a super clever judge, but
perhaps also that I, who became a new person from a raw block,
cannot be held responsible for all my evil deeds, just like the
rock-new-person which I have shown to you just now! If you do
not want to be a silly judge, then judge me according to the
justice of pure reason and not after your wise seeming mood! Be
a person, just as I am also only a person!”
[1] John begins to think deeper about these words of Zorel and
finds, that they are not without any reason, and turns quietly in
his heart with a question to Me, namely what he further should
do with this person, since it appears that he is starting to grow
above his head.
[2] But I say to John: “Give him some time; I will then put into
your heart and on your tongue what you should say to him, as I
have done so until now!” – John follows this advice.
[3] Cyrenius, who listened with great attention to the
justification of Zorel, said to Me: “Lord, I must openly confess
to you, that this is quite a strange human being! It now looks
though, that he even got the wise disciple John thinking. In
short, I, for example, would be completely at an end with my
wisdom and had to release him from all his guilt!
[4] However, it is incomprehensible to me, how this chief
scoundrel with all his actions is overcome by such
overpowering acumen! That people like for instance the chief
clergy Stahar and also Zinka, could have spoken sharply
reasonable to their advantage before making a closer
acquaintance with You, is understandable, because they were all
educated people and deeply experienced in many other things;
but this person was surely always a first class scoundrel, but,
nevertheless, this enormous acumen! Ah, something like that I
never came across in my whole life! Just tell me, o Lord, how
this person came to it!”
[5] I said: “He never was that empty; since the Greeks have
always been the best advocates of Rome! They know the
inconsiderate sharpness of the Roman law and therefore study
them very carefully, so that they, if a judge holds them
accountable for any kind of transgression, are ready with the
most solid response; and such people, who have decided to
deceive the state in the most severe manner, have unusually
thoroughly made the rights of the state and mankind their own
and have also made the writings of different worldly wise men
extremely intensely their own. And to such category belongs
also this Zorel.
[6] But before the raptures sleep, he would not have spoken
with such determined acumen; but from his sleep some sort of
after-smell has remained in his soul out of his spirit, and this is
why he is so sharply critical. But this sharpness would soon
loose itself, if he would again continue with his old life-sphere;
but with this kind of treatment he will become even sharper,
what I in particular allow to happen for My disciples, so that
they at this opportunity can taste a little the most extreme
sharpness of the human worldly mind, what is very salutary to
them. Although they are very modest people and possess an
already very sensible heart, so now and then a I-am-better-thanothers
thought rises in them, and for that such a person is quite
an excellent stone of exception.
[7] John already acknowledged the shortcoming of his wisdom
to Me, and the other disciples are thinking now, what it might
be; but I let them still think for a while, so that they can find
themselves better. If they have found themselves a little deeper,
I will help them again a little to move forward. But he will still
place some mosquitoes in their ears, so that they all will start to
scratch themselves behind their ears! But then they will be able
to make a step forward. – but now I will loosen the tongue of
John again, and he will start speaking again; therefore just pay
very close attention!”
[1] After a short while John says to Zorel: “I cannot quite deny,
that you have touched on some issues with your mind, which
are not without foundation; but they fit your life very badly or
not at all, since your soul in herself was always to such an
extent educated, to be able to distinguish between false and true.
If a soul is able to distinguish good from evil with such
sharpness as it is the case with you, and she does this, then she
sins against her own recognition and conscience; but who sins
against his recognition and his conscience, can only be cleaned
from the old feculence of his sins by true remorse and
repentance and then accepted by God.
[2] You want and should become a better person! If you want
this, you also must recognize, that you yourself are guilty of all
your evil deeds; if so, it is now up to you to recognize, that it is
not right to shift the guilt to someone else, but you yourself
should recognize it as completely your own and therefore feel
true remorse, since in many aspects you have recognized true
and good quite well, but with your actions you have decided to
do the opposite.
[3] Yes, if you would not have the slightest recognition about
the pure truth and by that what is good in you, but remained
only in the darkest superstition, as confirmed in the sphere of
your life, your actions – no matter how evil in front of the
judge’s chair of the most purest reason – could not be added to
your guiltiness, and you would be just as sin-free as you tiger
and rock becoming a human being, and nobody would have the
right to say to you: ‘Better yourself, regret your misdeeds and
do proper repentance, so that you can become appealing to the
true God!’
[4] You then had to be educated in all truth, shown the right
way and leading you for some time on that road! If somebody,
as perfectly educated in this truth, still throws himself into the
old wrong and acting equally evil as before, he would sin
alright, because he would act against his firm believe and place
his conscience into a blustering restlessness. Hence your
presented pictures are only good for people, who, like the
animals, have never recognized any truth; but regarding the
right truth you are not a layman, but recognizes as nearly as
good as I recognizes it, and recognized this already long ago.
And your conscience has also always accused you about all of
your evil deeds; but you paid little attention to it, and always
tried to drown it with all kinds of false reasons. You also always
felt remorse each time you did something evil against your
recognition and against your conscience; but until now you did
not got so far to repent and truly better yourself.
[5] It is therefore that God the Lord let you get into great
misery. Now you have nothing; also your former slave trader
companion deserted you and is already in Europe where he is
using up his considerable profits. Now you are standing naked
here and are searching for help. It will be given to you; but first
you have to make yourself worthy of it, thereby, that you
voluntary out of yourself transfers the only truth and good into
your active life. Only then you have been truly helped for now
and forever.
[6] But if you remain with your actions by that, what you as
good as I am recognizes as false and evil, you remain wretched
for the rest of your life, and how it will look like in the beyond,
since there is a pure life after the loss of the body, your own
pure reason can give you quite a good answer about it, if you
take into account, that this temporary life is the seed and the life
in the beyond the eternal fruit.
[7] If you plant in this your life garden a noble, good seed into
the ground of this very your life garden, you also will harvest
noble fruits; but if you put thistle and thorn seeds into the soil of
your life garden, you will one day harvest the seed you have
sowed! Because this you will know, that on thistle shrubs, on
figs or on thorns no grapes can grow!
[8] See, I have not judged you, but only showed to you what
you should do in future, and my word was not hard against you,
and the tone of my voice was soft! Take these my words to
heart, and I assure you as a friend with my life, that you will
forever not regret it!”
[1] Says Zorel: “Ah, in this way you can speak to me, alright;
since this really sounded humanely, and I will do everything
possible, to do, what you as a person, not as a judge, will tell
me, dear friend! Now I know myself precisely and my inner life
core seems not be the worst; but my outside is entirely bad! If it
would be possible to completely rid myself of this flesh and its
bad soul attachments and to surround the inner life core with a
better flesh mass, then I would be a very rare person; but with
this the current constitution of my body nothing can be done! Of
course I’m not such a scoundrel as I was; but my flesh can never
be trusted. Nevertheless, it is strange that my will never
accompanied all those my so bad looking deeds! I have always
been drawn to them like by coincidence; from what I actually
wanted, exactly the opposite happened! How is this possible?”
[2] Says John: “Yes behold, the will of a person is twofold: the
one will is where the recognition of the truth always has a
somewhat weak hauling- or guiding rope; the other will,
however, is, where the sensuous world with its joyous smelling
demands also has a hauling rope, which by all kinds of habits
has become quite strong and powerful. If the world shows you a
pleasant bite together with the possibility to obtain it, then the
strong rope starts to strongly pull at the will cluster of the heart;
even if at the same time the lesser strong haul- and guide rope of
the truth recognition begins to stir, it is of little or no use,
because the strong has always carried victory over the weak.
[3] The will that should be effective, must act with serious
determination and not be afraid of anything. With the most stoic
indifference he must be able to laugh off all the advantages of
the world and even at the cost of his bodily life he must follow
the bright path of truth. Only then has the usually weak
recognition will become strong and mighty and has made the
purely worldly emotional- and pleasure will completely
subservient. Finally it will also completely transform itself into
the light of the recognition will, and so man has finally become
united in himself, which is of the greatest essential importance
for the inner perfection of the immortal human being.
[4] Because if you in your thoughts and in yourself cannot agree
with yourself, how can you then say: ‘I have recognized the
truth in its depth and fullness, but in yourself you are still in
complete disagreement and therefore in yourself you are
nothing then a pure lie?! But the lie is in contrast to the truth
nothing else like the thickest night in comparison to the
brightest day. In such a night there is no light, and man in
himself a lie, cannot recognize the bright truth, and therefore
with all worldly people who are still full of disagreement the
haul and guide rope of recognition will have become so weak,
that it at the slightest opposite pull of the worldly pleasure will,
is thrown overboard and thereby defeated.
[5] If with some people the worldly pleasure will has defeated
and crushed the recognition will forever, so that thereby also a
kind of unity of darkness occurs in the inner man, man has
become dead in the spirit and is thereby condemned in himself
and can in all eternity not get to the light anymore, except
through the fire of his coarse matter, ignited by the pressure of
desires. But the matter of the soul is many times more stubborn
as this of the body, and it requires quite a powerful fire, to
consume and destroy all the soul-matter.
[6] Since such a soul will not allow such an exceedingly painful
purification to happen to her for the sake of love for the truth or
the light, but instead will out of its old pleasure and gloomy lust
for power try to avoid it, as a Proteus endeavors to withdraw
from the catch, it is a person, who in this world has become
completely united in his night of life, and is therefore virtually
lost forever.
[7] Only the person who, by his energetic clear recognition will
has completely defeated the worldly pleasure will, and has
thereby in himself become unified in the light and in all truth
and as such also in life itself. But for that, as I earlier have
indicated to you, it requires a truly stoic self-denial, but of
course not that of your haughty Diogenes, who thought he was
more and higher as a of gold shining king Alexander, but a
humble self-denial like Enoch, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If
you can do this, you will be helped for life and forever; but if
you can’t do that, and not out of your own strength of truth
recognition, then it is over with you, and you cannot be helped
on the one side nor the other. But I am of the opinion, that you
will be able to achieve this; since you do not have a shortage of
insight and recognition. What does your inner reason say to
[1] Says Zorel: “He says: ‘Zorel can do everything, if he – as
the real Zorel – wants to, and he wants it now, and therefore he
surely will receive help! If I could at least stay a few weeks with
you, clearly the matter would go easier and faster!”
[2] Says John: “If you only have taken a perfectly serious will to
become a better person, you will stay among men, who are just
as powerful as we are in the most immediate vicinity of the
great and living light out of God!”
[3] Says Zorel: “What and who is actually your God, which you
Jews call the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?”
[4] Says John: “This question you will clearly find answered in
yourself, once you have become united in your light, just as we
have found it; if we wanted to explain this more clearly to you,
you would not understand us for your whole life. But this you
should know in advance, what idea a true person should have
about God, and therefore listen!
[5] The only true and united God is in Himself an everlasting,
purest spirit out of Himself, equipped with the highest degree of
self-consciences, with the deepest and brightest truth and with a
firm will, to who nothing is impossible.
[6] God is the Word in Himself, and the word itself is God. This
everlasting word has now taken up the flesh, came in this world
to those who belong to Him, and they do not recognize the light,
which thereby has come into the world. For this reason this light
will be taken away from the children and given to the heathens
(superstitious believers) as responsibility. Since the heathens are
now searching for the truth, however, the children of the light
are fleeing it, like the great criminals the courts. Therefore it
will be taken from the children and given to the heathens, as is it
the case right now and is taking place.
[7] Because the primordial children of the light are living in
Jerusalem, outlawing the truth from God and cling more and
more to the night, to the lie and its loose works. But the
heathens travelling the world and are searching for the truth, and
once they have found it, they are very joyful and praise the
Giver of the light beyond measure truly in their hearts and
with deeds.
[8] Here, look around you, and you see quite a crowd of people!
The biggest numbers are heathens, who have searched for the
light out of the heavens. They have found it and are glad about
it; but Jerusalem, the city of the Lord, are only sending out
captors and henchmen, who should crush the light! But those
who were sent are cleverer than those who were sending them;
they came out of their great darkness to the light, were very glad
about it and stayed in it. They indeed have captured the light,
but not for the dungeon of Jerusalem, but for themselves, for
their hearts, and are now our brothers in the light of God, and
are glad about it and Him, from whom the great light emanates.
[9] You came here as a heathen, though not to find a light for
your life’s night, but for gold and silver. But who comes out of
the dungeon to the light of the sun, will not easily be able to
avoid, that he becomes illuminate. And so it happens to you.
Even if you did not search for the the light, you will
nevertheless become illuminated, since you came to the sun, this
does not mean the light of nature which just now touches the
setting horizon, but the light of the spiritual sun, which
illuminates the whole of infinity with all wisdom, so that all
beings who are able of thoughts, can think and will out of that
light, as on this earth and countless other worlds, with which
infinite space has been filled out by God.
[10] Therefore, let this light shine through you, which you now
start to notice a little, so that it shines through your intestines,
and by the smallest spark of this light you already will become
happier than be able to take possession of all the treasures of the
world. Search now yourself for the true kingdom of truth, and
everything else will be given to you for free, and you will not
have a shortages of anything!”
[1] Says Zorel: “Friend, you are right: What a person enjoys in
darkness does not prosper! That I live in a dense spiritual night,
I notice myself; since your words have given me a right and
great light despite their mysterious sound, and I already have a
great joy about it. However, if your word also can achieve
something with Cyrenius, then ask him, that he at least gives me
an only somewhat better coat; since I cannot be seen any longer
in these rags in your society. Cyrenius surely will have some
kind of old outworn servant’s coat!”
[2] Cyrenius calls one of his servants and says: “Go where our
luggage is, and bring me a good shirt, a toga and a Greek coat!”
[3] The servant goes and brings what is required.
[4] Thereupon Cyrenius calls Zorel and says: “Here, take these
clothes, go to the back of the house and get dressed!”
[5] Highly thankful Zorel takes the clothes, goes behind the
house of Markus, dresses and thereby obtains quite an
impressive appearance.
[6] Within a few moments Zorel is back with us and says to
Cyrenius: “Elated lord! Not our trifling gods anymore, but the
one, true and everlasting living God will reward you! You now
have dressed a naked, poor person; and this is a noble deed,
which I’m not worthy of! But if there exists a true, almighty and
highly wise God, whose children we are all, or at least His
creation, and as He showers us with good deeds, which we do
not deserve, and for which we can only thank Him but nothing
else, I also now here stand in front of you, elated lord and ruler:
from the bottom of my heart I can only thank you but nothing
else! If you want to accept me as one of your last servants, I will
give you my field as a present!”
[7] Says Cyrenius: “The field does not belong to you, but to
him, whose money you used to buy it; therefore we will sell it,
return to the owner or his children the money, and only then you
can become my servant!”
[8] Says Zorel: “Elated lord and ruler! What you want, do this!
Everything from you is mercy; but please do not leave me, and
give me your service as a present! Just as I have got rid of all
my old rags for good, I will also take off my bad, old person and
become an entirely different person! This you can believe me!
Just as bad I was, I want to become good, to expiate with the
rest of my remaining life, all bad which I have caused.
[9] If I had ever met a person who had ignited such a bright
light for me about right and wrong like this John over there, I
would never have sunk so deep into all vices; but without, I
myself always had to be the most clever person to myself! But
how far I got with my own great cleverness, you know, and it is
not necessary for me to repeat my big disgrace before you all
again. Therefore be from now on clement and mercifully to me;
because in future you should not get any opportunity to be
discontent with me. I’m able to perform various arts and an
expert with writing and making calculations, and the history of
nations up to this point is not foreign to me. The whole Herodot
(Greek history writer) is familiar to me; also the Jew’s,
Persian’s and the old Babylonian’s chronicles are not unknown
to me. And thus you should be able to utilize me somewhere.
[10] Says Cyrenius: “About that we will talk later; but for now
just return to your friend John, and let him show you the right
way! If you have that – everything else will be provided for
[1] Upon these words of Cyrenius Zorel bowed deeply before us
all and immediately got back to John, who again received him
with all friendliness, and asked him how he felt now.
[2] Says Zorel: “I’m very well, what you clearly can see from
my clothes; once you own a healthy shirt, a toga and carry a
Greek coat made from blue Merino around your shoulders, you
feel earthly seen quite well! Of course regarding the spiritual
well being, I say to you, there is still a tremendous shortfall! If
God wanted me to look newly dressed in the spirit just like my
body now, I surely would feel much better; but this will take
more time!
[3] A question, friend, you surely will allow me to ask and it
reads like follows: You are people like me, you have flesh and
blood and the same senses as I am; but you have given me proof
of your spiritual strength, that exceeds sky high everything
which I have encountered so far! The question is now, how did
you get hold of it. Who taught you and your colleagues this?
How did you come onto this road?”
[4] Says John: “To explain this to you, would mean nothing to
you; but if you do what I will tell you now, you will find the
teaching in yourself, and your awaken spirit will, strengthened
by the spirit of God, guide you in all truth and wisdom. If you
want to learn any kind of art, you must go to an artist, so that he
can show you the skills; then comes the diligent practice, so that
you can make the skills to such an extent your own, that they
completely match those of the master, and then you are an artist
just like your master.
[5] If you want to learn to think, you must go to a philosopher;
he will draw your attention to causes and effects, and thereby
you will start learning to think and to conclude and will say:
While the water is a liquid body, it can easily placed in a state of
unrest; because of its weight it must flow down the valley, since
according to the most general experience until now, everything
with weight must turn itself to the depth of the earth, because of
a gravitational power inside the depth of the earth, and must
continue to strive towards it according to the unchanging will of
the Creator, who is a must-law in the whole of nature.
[6] If the water has reached the deepest bed in the sea, regarding
flow it comes to rest, but in itself it still remains a liquid body;
and if a stormy wind blows over the wide surface, it brings the
otherwise quiet surface of the water into a wavy movement, and
this waving of the water is in fact nothing else than a striving of
the liquid body of water to find rest. But since nothing has such
a strong desire for rest than water, it can also in the easiest and
fastest manner brought out of the balance of its rest.
[7] Therefore a final conclusion can be made: the more liquid
any kind of body is, the more it bears the desire for rest in it;
and the more desire for rest it expresses in its bodily being, the
easier it can be placed in a state of unrest. But the easier it is to
bring an elementary body in a state of unrest, the more liquid it
has to be. From this example you can see, how one can start to
learn to think in a school of philosophers, and how one can start
to conclude the effect of a cause and also vice versa.
[8] Only, this way of thinking moves within a circle, from
where there is nowhere any escape to be found and also cannot
be found. All this thinking has therefore very little or no use at
all for a person, with regard to his inner, spiritual being, will and
thinking. Just as you can only make any kind of art from an
artist, and an orderly rational way of thinking from a
philosopher, your own, you also can only learn the inner,
spiritual way of thinking from a spirit, namely from the
everything penetrating spirit of God in yourself – this means:
only a spirit can awaken a spirit; since one spirit sees
and recognizes another spirit, similar like one eye sees and
recognizes another, that it is an eye and how it is constituted.
[9] The spirit is the most inner eyesight of the soul, whose light
penetrates everything, because it is a most inner and therefore
purest light. From that you can see now, how it is with learning
of different things, and how you have to have for everything
you want to learn the most suitable teacher, otherwise you
remain an everlasting blunderer; once you have found the most
suitable teacher it also depends very much on doing very
precisely and diligently, what the master instructed or advised
one to do.
[10] If your spirit awakens within you, you will notice his voice
as light thoughts in your heart. You must very careful listen to
them and direct your whole life sphere accordingly, hence, you
will thereby provide for your own spirit an ever increasing
space of effectiveness; thus your spirit will grow inside you to a
manly size and will penetrate your whole soul and with her your
entire material being.
[11] If you have reached with yourself this point, then you are
also be able, not only to see and recognize what all natural
people can see and recognize with their senses, but also such
things, which cannot be explored by normal people, as you have
discovered in me, since I, without ever seeing or knowing you
before, could precisely tell you everything what you ever had
done on this earth and what you kept a so closely guarded
[12] Now I have given you a small pre-taste from the
circumstances, so that you can see and recognize how things
stand regarding the spirit. But all this still means very little or
nothing at all to you; you must now experience, what you must
do to awaken your spirit. However, to mark this out for you, I’m
not entitled to, but someone else who is also among us, and
whose whole being is most densely penetrated by the spirit of
God. Only He will show you the way of the truth and call, as
Himself the spirit of all spirits, through your flesh your spirit:
‘Wake up in the love to God and from it to your brothers in the
name of Him, who was forever, is, and always will be forever!’
– and now tell me, how you have experienced everything I have
told you!”
[1] Says Zorel: “I find your teaching you have given to me
absolutely brilliant, true and good, and everything must be like
it; otherwise you could not have told me my most secret deeds
like reading them from a book. Therefore as a person one can in
every case reach a nearly unbelievable perfection, and coming
to such conclusion now is sufficient for me; I’m also not
yearning for such perfection as observed in you, in order to read
a poor sinner at a similar opportunity his committed sins, to
thereby provide a true consolation for myself and in quietness
feel happy about myself! I never want to be a teacher nor an
even so gentle judge; I only want to serve as a perfect human, so
that in future no person should come to any harm by my
[2] This is the only reason, why I want to reach your perfection.
The demand for this in my life can consist out of anything it
wants, I sure will comply with it; because if I want something,
no sacrifice is too heavy for me! It will be executed, even at cost
to this my bodily life! Since of what value can a life be, if
composed by all kind of imperfections?! With imperfection one
cannot reach any perfection, but I surely have no desire for
anything imperfect anymore!
[3] But you said, that another person, who is full of the spirit of
God, will teach me about that what I have to do; you know him
– show him to me, so that I can go to him and ask him about the
means to awaken my spirit!”
[4] Says John: “It is Him, who earlier sent you to me! Go to
him, He will awaken you!”
[5] Says Zorel: “An internal notion told me after my awakening
that this carpenter’s son from Nazareth indicated to me before,
must be more than just a person. Finally the truth emerges, what
I previously only anticipated as premonition! It is above all very
strange, that actually this man looks so familiar to me! But how
did he come to such perfection? Can you provide me with any
information about that?”
[6] Says John: “About that I can tell you nothing else, than that
you are forgiven to ask such a question; otherwise it would be
same as if you would ask, how and in which manner did God
obtained His perfect wisdom and perfect almightiness. God
Himself chose Him as His bodily dwelling! This is the great
mercy that comes to all nations by this chosen One. The human
side you see in Him, is equal to the son of God; but in him
dwells the spirit of God to the fullest!
[7] But if so, one cannot ask, how He came to such infinite
perfection! This, what He is now, and will be forever, He
already was in the mother’s body. Indeed, He went along with
all the pure humanly aspects, except for the sin, which humans
always more or less commit; but it didn’t contributed to His
spiritual perfection, because He was since eternity already
perfected. He did and still does everything only, so that all
people should have a most perfect example in Him, to follow
Him as the primordial reason and primordial master of all being
and life.
[8] Now you also know with whom you are dealing in Him.
Therefore go to Him, so that He can show you the right way to
your spirit, which is in you as the pure love for God, and by
your spirit or your love to Him, who stays among us as the true
welfare of all mankind, who ever lived on this earth, now live
and who will live in future.
[9] However, if you go to Him, go with the love of your heart to
Him and not with the purity of your mind! Because only
through love can and will you win Him over and also
comprehend His divinity; but with your mind you will achieve
forever nothing! Since only love is able to increase forever,
while there have been placed limits for the mind, which he
forever is not able to surpass. But the love of humans to God is,
as He Himself says, able to increase forever, and the stronger
the love for Him in you grows, the brighter it will become in
your whole being! Because the pure love to God is a living fire
and the brightest light. Who walks in this light, will not see
death in eternity, as He Himself has said. – And now you
already know quite a lot; awake yourself in your heart and go
to Him!”
[10] However, because of all the reverence upon this message,
Zorel does not know what to think or what to do. Since this last
teaching leaves him no doubt anymore, that I carry the Godhead
in all fullness in Myself, and therefore, because of his
continuously growing reverence he becomes more small-hearted
and without courage, and says after a while of deeper reflection:
“Friend! The more I think about your words, the more difficult
it becomes for me, that I, His mercy most unworthy, should go
to Him and ask Him, that He Himself should show me the bright
lighted path to life! It is, to say it directly, nearly impossible for
me to go to Him; since I feel a strange holiness emanating from
Him towards me, and this keeps on telling me: ‘Step back, you
most unworthy! First repent for a few years, only then come and
see if you can touch the hem of My garment!’ Tell me from
where comes this extraordinary fear which penetrates my
whole being!”
[11] Says John: “This is quite true; the true love to God the Lord
must always be preceded by the meekness of the heart! Where
this is not the case, love never ever can emerge in a true and
living way. Remain for a little while longer in such right
humility of your heart before Him! But when He calls you, do
not wait any longer, and go quickly to Him!”
[12] After these words Zorel finds some reassurance in himself,
but strongly thinks about it, how good and blessed it would be,
to stand without sin before the Holiest.
[1] To his highest surprise and biggest astonishment I say to
Zorel: “Who recognizes his sins ruefully and performs penance
in the true, living humility of his heart, is more welcome to Me
than ninety-nine justified, who never needed penance. Come
therefore to Me, you penance-ready friend; since the right
feeling of humility rules in you, which is more welcome to Me
than the justified from the primordial beginning, who call in
their hearts: ‘Hosanna, God in heaven, that we have never
desecrated Your holiest name by a sin according to our
knowledge and will!’ They speak like that and are justified to do
that; but therefore they are also looking at a sinner with judging
eyes and flee his presence like a plague.
[2] They resemble those doctors who themselves glow of the
fullest health, but therefore shy away from going to places,
where a sick person is calling for help, out of fear to become ill
themselves. Isn’t a doctor better and more noble, who does not
fear any illness and rushes to every ill person who called for
him?! Even if sometimes co-seized by an illness, he is not
annoyed about it, still helps the sick person and himself. And
this is right!
[3] Therefore come now to Me, and I will show you, what My
disciple couldn’t show you, namely the only true way of life and
love and true wisdom thereof!”
[4] Upon these My words Zorel was encouraged and came with
very slow steps to Me.
[5] When he was close to Me, I said: “Friend, the way which
leads to the life of the spirit, is thorny and narrow! This means
the following: Everything, you are encountering in this life from
people like annoyance, bitterness and unpleasantness, you
should fight with all patience and gentleness, and who does evil
to you, you should not do the same to him, but the opposite,
then you collect glowing coals on his head! Who hits you, do
not repay him likewise, rather take another blow from him, so
that peace and unity can be between you; since only in peace
does the heart and the growth of the spirit in the soul prospers.
[6] Whoever asks you for a favor or a gift, do not deny him
anything, provided, that the service which is required, does not
oppose the commandments of God or the laws of the state, what
you will be able to judge for yourself.
[7] If someone asks you for a shirt, give to him also the coat, so
that he recognizes, that you are disciple out of the school of
God! If he recognizes this, he will leave you the coat; if he takes
it, his recognition is still very weak, and you should not feel
sorry about the coat, but about this, that a brother hasn’t
recognized the nearness of the kingdom of God.
[8] Who asks you to walk an hour with him, go with him for
two hours, so that this your willingness becomes a testimony,
from which school he is from, to whom such a high degree of
abnegation is own! In this way even the deaf and blind will get
the right signs, that the kingdom of God has come nearer.
[9] It will be recognized in your actions and deeds, that you are
all My disciples! Because it is easier to preach right, than to do
right. But what does the empty word means, if it is not made
alive by the deed?! To what use are the most beautiful thoughts
and ideas, if you do not have the means to ever put them to
work?! Thus the nicest and truest words are also useless, if you
do not have the will to put them above all to work. Only the
deed has value; thoughts, ideas and words are worthless, if they
are not put to work. Therefore, everyone who can preach well,
should also do well, otherwise his preaches are not worth more
than a hollow nut!”
[1] (The Lord:) “A large number of dangers exist for the soul in
the world. On the one side you have poverty; its concept of
mine and yours are getting weaker, the more a person is pressed
by the same. Therefore do not let poverty to grow to large
among the people, if you want to walk safely!
[2] Who is poor should ask the wealthier brothers for a
necessary support; if he bumps into hard hearts, he should turn
to Me, and he will be helped! Poverty and distress does not
excuse theft and robbery, and even less manslaughter of
someone who has been robbed! Who is poor, does know, to
whom he has to turn.
[3] Poverty surely is a great plague for the people, but it carries
the noble seed of humility and true modesty in it and will
therefore always remain among the people; nevertheless, the
wealthy should not let it become too mighty, otherwise they will
be very much in danger, here and also one day in the beyond.
[4] If there are poor people among you, I say to you all: You do
not have to provide for them, so that they also become rich; but
at the same time you should not let them suffer distress! Those
you can see and know, help them according to what is right and
equitable! But there are still many on this wide earth, who are
extremely poor and are suffering a terrible distress. But you
don’t know them and do not hear their cry of distress; therefore
I do not make them your responsibility in your hearts, but only
those you know and who come to you.
[5] Who from you is a friend of the poor with his full heart, to
him I also will be a friend and a true brother, temporary and
forever, and it will not be necessary for him to learn wisdom
from another wise person, but I will give it to him in all fullness
in his heart. Who loves his poor brother next to him as himself
and will not spurn a poor daughter, regardless of which tribe or
age she is, to him I will come Myself always and reveal Myself
to him in truth. To his spirit, which is love, I will say it, and he
will fill with it the entire soul and her mouth. What he will then
speak or write, this will be spoken and written by Me for all
times of times.
[6] But the heart of the hard hearted will be occupied by evil
spirits, and they will destroy her and make her equal to the soul
of an animal, as it will be revealed in the beyond.
[7] Give with pleasure and give copiously; since the way you
are distributing, it will be redistributed to you! Who possesses a
hard heart, it will not be penetrated by My light of mercy, and in
him will dwell darkness and death with all its terrors!
[8] But a gentle and soft heart will be soon and easily penetrated
by My light of mercy, which is of a tender and exceeding
gentleness nature, and I Myself will enter into such a heart with
the fullness of My love and wisdom.
[9] Such you can believe! Since these words which I have now
spoken to you, are life, light, truth and accomplished action,
whose reality everyone must experience, who will follow
[1] (The Lord:) “Now, we have worked through poverty and
have seen the hostile issues which start to appear if they start to
dominate; but we also have seen how it can be remedied and
why, and what advantages for people can grow out of the
observance of this My teaching to you all for everyone. And
thus we are finished with this plague and annoyance and
alongside come to a new field, which does not resemble what
we just have worked through, but, nevertheless, stands in close
relationship with it. This field is called: lust of the flesh.
[2] Therein lies more or less the actual main evil for all people.
From this lust originate nearly all bodily illnesses and most
certainly and surely all evils of the soul.
[3] Man can rid himself from every other sin easier than this;
because the others have only outer motives, but this sin bears
the motive in itself and in the sinful flesh. Therefore you should
draw your eyes away from the appealing dangers of the flesh for
as long, as you have not become masters over your flesh!
[4] Keep the children from the first fall and preserve their
innocence, and as adults they will easily control their flesh and
not easily come to a fall; but only once overlooked – and the
evil spirit of the flesh has taken possession of the same! No
devil is more difficult to be driven out of man than the flesh
devil; only through a lot of fasting and praying can it be
removed from man.
[5] Beware to annoy the little ones or to stimulate them by
excessive cleaning and to stimulate them by stimulating clothes
and to ignite their flesh! Woe to him, who sins against the
nature of the little ones! Truly, for him it would be better, if had
never been born!
[6] The sinner against the holy nature of the youth, I Myself will
punish him with all the might of My wrath! Because if the flesh
has become damaged once, the soul does not have any firm
foundation anymore, and her perfection makes bad progress.
[7] What amount of work does it take for a soul, to cure its
damaged flesh and to make it completely without scars again!
What fear does she not have to cope with, if she notices the
damage and weakness of her flesh, her earthly home! Who
carries the guilt of it? The bad supervision of the children and
the many annoyances, which are given to the children by all
kind of things!
[8] Above all is the depravity of moral standards in the cities
always greater than in the countryside; therefore, once as My
disciples, draw people’s attention and show them the many bad
consequences, which arise out of an too early break of the flesh,
and many will take note of it, and many healthy souls will
appear from that, in which the spirit is easier to awake, as it is
currently the case with so many!
[9] Look at all the blind, the deaf, the cripples, the lepers, the
gouty person; look further at all the different illnesses and with
all kind of bodily illnesses afflicted children and adults! All are
the result of a too early break of the flesh!
[10] No man should touch a maiden before he is 24 years old –
you know it, how and where it is mainly to understand – and the
maiden should be fully 18 years of age or at least fully 17; under
this age she is only grow ripe and should not recognize a man!
Because before that time she is only here and there grow ripe; if
she is touched too early by a randy man, she is already a broken
flesh and has become a weak and desirous soul.
[11] It is difficult to cure the flesh of a man, but many times
more difficult this of a maiden, if she is broken before her time!
First of all she will not that easily deliver healthy children into
this world, and secondly she will become from week to week
more sex-addicted and finally become a whore, which is a most
wretched disgrace mark for mankind, not so much for itself, but
much more for those, by which negligence they have become
like that.
[12] Woe to him, who uses the poverty of a maiden to break her
flesh! Truly, for him it also would be better that he never had
been born! Who has sex with an already spoilt whore, instead of
turning her away from destruction by using the right means and
to help her on the right path, will one day have to cope with a
repeatedly strict judgment before Me; since someone hitting a
healthy person, did not sin so severely, as someone who
mistreated a cripple.
[13] Who slept with a fully ripe and healthy maiden, has in fact
also sinned; but since the caused evil is not of a particular
harmful nature, especially if both parties are completely healthy,
only a smaller judgment is placed on it. But who out of a pure,
already old lecherousness does this to a no matter how ripe
maiden, what he would do to a whore, without fathering of a
living fruit in the lap of the maiden, will encounter a double
judgment; but if he does this with a whore, he will have to cope
with a tenfold judgment!
[14] Since a whore is a maiden which is in her flesh and her
soul completely ruined and broken. Who is helping her out of
such great distress with a reasonable and loyal heart to Me, will
one day be large in My kingdom. Who sleeps with a whore for a
contemptible pay and makes her even worse as she was before,
will one day be rewarded with the reward that every willful
killer receives in the mud pool which is prepared for all devils
and their servants.
[15] Woe the country, woe the city, where prostitution is
conducted, and woe the earth if this evil is getting out of control
on her ground! Over such countries and cities I will place
tyrants as rulers, and they will have to burden the people with
unreasonable loads, so that all flesh is starving and let go of this
most sacrilegious activity, which one person can commit against
his poor fellow people!
[16] But a whore should lose all honor and respect, even with
those, who have used her for a contemptible wage, and her flesh
will in future become even more afflicted with all kind of
incurable or at least difficult to cure epidemic. But if one
betters herself properly, she will be looked at with merciful eyes
by Me!
[17] But if any lecherous reaches for other satisfying means
except the vessel which I have put in the lap of a woman, he
will not easily reach the point to see My face! Indeed, Moses
has ordered stoning for that, which I do not completely repeal,
because it is a hard punishment for similar offences and
offenders who already have fallen to the devil, but I only give
you the fatherly advice, to ban such sinners from society, to
expose them to severe distress in a place of exile, and only if
they come, nearly completely naked, to the borders of their
home country, to re-accept them, take them to a soul heal
institution, which they should not leave, until such people have
been completely rehabilitated. If they, many times tested, for a
longer period of time are able to completely prove their
betterment, they are allowed to return to society; but if the
slightest signs of sensuous challenges are recognizable, they
rather should stay imprisoned for the rest of their lives, which is
many times better and healthier than the uncontaminated people
in a society become contaminated by them.
[18] You, Zorel, was in this regard also not very pure; since
already as a boy you were afflicted with all kind of impurities
and was an irritating example for your fellow youth mates. But
it cannot counted as a sin against you, because you did not
received such upbringing, from which you could have learned
any kind of pure truth, which would have shown to you, what,
according to the order of God, is perfectly the right thing.
Something better you only started to recognize, after you got
familiar with the rights of the citizens of Rome, by an advocate.
From then on you were actually not an animal man anymore,
but otherwise a first class law distorter, and cheated your fellow
neighbors wherever possible. But this is all over now, and your
are standing according to your better judgment as a better
person in front of Me!
[19] But despite all this I notice that there still exists a lot of
fleshly lecherousness in you. I especially draw your attention to
this point in which you should be very careful; once you are
stuck in a somewhat better life, your flesh which is full of holes
will start to stir in its still by far not cured fragility, and you will
have your troubles to calm it and to finally heal its old fragility
completely. Therefore be aware of any immoderateness; since in
immoderateness dwells the seed of carnal lust! Be therefore
moderate in everything, and never allow yourself to be tempted
to immoderation with regard to eating and drinking, otherwise
you will have a hard time to tame your flesh!
[20] And as such we have also gone through the field of the
flesh a little, as far as it is necessary for you. And now we want
to enter another field, which can also be regarded as strong
in you!”
[1] (The Lord:) “This is in connection with the clear concept of
what is mine and what is yours, Moses says: ‘You should not
steal!’ and again: ‘You should not desire what belongs to your
neighbor, except such, which is fully justified!’
[2] You can in all honesty buy something from your neighbor
and own it before all people as justified; but to take something
from someone against his will is a sin against the order which
God gave to the people through Moses, because such action
apparently goes against every form of neighborly love. Since
what must be in a justifiable manner disagreeable to you, if
someone else did or does it to you, you should also do not do to
your neighbor!
[3] Theft originates mostly from self-love, because forthcoming
from that are sluggishness, the inclination to a good life and
inactivity. From this a certain despondence arises, which is
surrounded by a haughty shyness, resulting to avoid a somewhat
tiresome request, but rather opt to secretly steal or just take
something. In theft therefore are resting a lot of shortcomings,
among which the too strongly grown self-love is the most
apparent reason of all. With a properly alive neighborly love
this soul evil can be combated best at all times.
[4] Now you think explicable in your brain: ‘Neighborly could
easily be exercised, if one only has the means for it! But among
one-hundred people there are scarcely ten who are in a position,
that they could exercise this marvelous virtue; the ninety are
mostly those, to whom this virtue is extended by the ten
wealthy. If therefore exercising neighborly love is the only way
by which the vice of theft can be combated effectively, then the
ninety poor will find it difficult to protect them against it; since
they do not have the means to effectively exercise this virtue.’
[5] According to your mind you have thought quite right, and no
one can argue against it with the world mind. But in the mind of
the heart you read a completely different language, which says:
Not only by gifts the works of neighborly love are conducted,
but much more by all kind of good deeds and honest and
reasonable services, where of course the good will must not be
[6] Because the good will is the soul and the life of a good deed;
without it even the best deed would have no value before the
judging chair of God. But if you have the living good will
without any means, to help your neighbor either way when you
find him in distress, and you feel sorry in your heart because
you can’t do it, then your good will counts with God a lot more
than the deed of somebody else, who first had to be enticed by
whatever means.
[7] And if a wealthy person has put a completely impoverished
society on its feet again, because the society, once wealthy
again, give him the tenth and show him some sort of
submissiveness, his entire good work does not count anything
before God at all; because he already has taken his reward.
What he has done, any usury miser would have done for the
sake of the profit.
[8] From this you can see, that before God and to the advantage
of the own inner, spiritual life, every person, either rich or poor,
can exercise neighborly love; it depends only on a truly living
good will, whereby everyone with all devotion does with
pleasure, what he is able to do.
[9] Of course, the good will alone would be also of no use, if
you possess the one or other wealth and there would be no
shortage of a good will either, but you still have some
considerations, partly for yourself, partly for your children,
partly on behalf of your relatives and partly for some other
reasons, and you give to him who stands destitute before you,
either only a little or even absolutely nothing, because you can’t
always know, whether the person looking for assistance is either
a lazy scoundrel, who is not worthy to be assisted. Thereby one
would only support the laziness of a scoundrel and thereby
withhold the support from someone more worthy! Comes along
a more worthy, the same doubts come up again since one cannot
completely be sure that he is actually worthy!
[10] Yes, friend, even with the best will, he who starts having
doubts when doing good, whether he should do a little good or
not, his good will still has a long way to go before having the
right life; therefore neither the good will nor the good works
does count anything special before God. Where there is ability,
the will and the works must be equal, otherwise the one takes
away from the other the value and life worthiness before God.
[11] What you do or give, do and give with a lot of joy; since a
friendly giver and doer has a double worthiness before God and
is also double closer to spiritual perfection!
[12] Since the friendly givers heart resembles a fruit, which
becomes easily and early ripe, because it is full of the right
warmth, which is of the highest necessity to ripen the fruit, since
in warmth the corresponding element of life, namely love,
[13] Therefore the givers and doers happiness and friendliness is
this fullness of the right inner, spiritual life-warmth, which
cannot be recommended strongly enough, whereby the soul for
the full reception of the spirit in her entire being, becomes more
than twice as fast ripe and must be so, because this very warmth
is a transition of the everlasting spirit into his soul, which,
through such transition resembles her spirit more and more.
[14] An otherwise very keen giver and benefactor is even more
further away from the purpose of the true inner, spiritual life’s
perfection, the more acidly and unfriendly he is when giving or
doing; since the unfriendly and acidly behavior when giving still
contains something material worldly in it and is therefore from
the pure heavenly element a lot further away than the joyful and
[15] Therefore, when giving or doing, you should not add
serious and often bitter admonitions; since these often produce a
significant sadness in the poor brother, and he starts to develop
a strong desire in his heart, not to receive anything from the
benefactor who admonishes him with a serious look. The
benefactor, however, becomes by these untimely admonitions
not seldom a little proud, and the receiver feels himself thrown
too deeply underneath the feet of the benefactor and starts to
seriously feel his distress in relation of the wealth of the
benefactor, and then it happens, that the taking becomes by a
distance more difficult than the giving.
[16] Who is wealthy and has a good will, gives easily; but the
poor taker is already afraid of the friendly giver, if he sees
himself forced by his poverty, to burden the even so friendly
benefactor. But how heavy must feel his heart, if the benefactor
walks towards him with a grim face, and provides him, besides
the relief, with several wise lectures, which in future will
become for the receiver too much of an obstacle, to come to the
admonishing lecturer’s door again in an emergency, because at
his second visit he is expecting even more wiser, longer and as
such more urgent preachings, which according to his
understanding says as much as: ‘Do not come soon or even all
together back again!’, although the giver never ever has thought
about it.
[17] This, very much, provides the friendly giver with such a
great advantage above the grim admonishing lecturer, because
he comforts and elevates the heart of the taker and puts it in a
thankful mood. It also fills the taker with a loving and
prosperous trust towards God and other people, and his
otherwise so heavy yoke becomes a more lighter burden, which
he then carries with more patience and devotion than he carried
it before.
[18] A joyful and friendly benefactor is to a poor and needy
brother just that, what to skipper on a stormy sea is a safe and
friendly harbor. But a grim benefactor in distress resembles a
sea bay less exposed to a storm, which in fact safes the skipper
from completely being shipwrecked, but still keeps him in fear,
about a terrible and perishable spring tide entering the bay after
the storm, as it happens from time to time, which could bring
him a bigger damage as the storm of the high seas before.
[19] Now you know completely how, according to the measure
of God, the true and the spiritual perfection of an easy and
earliest implementation of neighborly love must look like; do
accordingly, and you will easily and soonest reach the only true
purpose of life!”
[1] (The Lord:) “But now comes another very important field of
life, whereupon one only can reach truly the full rebirth of the
spirit in his soul, which is life’s truest triumph and highest end
goal. This field is completely contrary to pride and arrogance
and is called – humility.
[2] In each soul lies the same feeling of highness and ambition,
which at the slightest opportunity and reason only too easily
ignites into an all destructive raging passion and cannot be
damped or rather completely extinguished, until it has
consumed the offending victims. However, by this horrible
passion, the soul becomes so damaged and material, that she
becomes many times less suitable for an inner, spiritual
perfection – than the glowing hot sand of the great desert of
Africa to quench a thirst!
[3] By the passion of the wretched arrogance the soul finally
itself is transformed into a glowing desert sand, in which not
one wretched little moss plant can grow, never mind any other
more juicy and more blessed plant. This is the soul of a haughty
person! Its wild fire singes and burns everything from the
ground which is noble, good and true in life, and thousand times
thousands of years will pass, until the sand desert of Africa will
change in friendly and blissful fields. It will take for the whole
sea many times to drive its floods over it!
[4] Look at a proud king who was offended by his neighbor
about any small matter! His soul is getting more and more into
the wildest fire; from his eyes flames of rage are spraying, and
the irrevocable resolution is: ‘The most dreadful revenge to the
offender who forgot nobleness!’ And a most disastrous war
whereby hundreds of thousands must allow themselves to be
killed in the most wretched manner for their proud and wanton
king is the well-known and sad result of it. With great pleasure
does the rage inflamed king overlooks from his tent the most
insane battles and murders and rewards proudly each raging
soldier with gold and gemstones, who was able to inflict the
greatest and most sensitive damage to the opponent.
[5] If such a king has robbed his insulter of nearly everything
with his overwhelming power, it is by far not enough for him!
He wants to see him tortured in front of him in the most
gruesome manner! No imploring or begging is of any use. And
even if the insulter has died in front of the king’s proud eyes
under the most painful tortures, on top of it his flesh will be
cursed in the most horrible manner and scattered as food for the
ravens, and never will any remorse enter the diamond heart of
such a king, but the rage or the glowing desert of Africa
remains, bringing continuously the most fearsome death to
everyone who ever dares not to show the highest honor to the
place where the proud king was standing.
[6] Such a king has of course still a soul; but how does it look
like? I say to you: worse than the most glowing spot of the great
sand desert of Africa! Do you think that such a soul can ever be
transformed into a fruit garden of the heavens of God? I say to
you: A thousand times sooner will the desert of Africa produce
the most marvelous dates, figs and grapes, than such a soul only
the smallest drop of heavenly love!
[7] Therefore all of you, beware above all about haughtiness;
since nothing in the world destroys the soul more than the ragesnorting
haughtiness and pride! An always present thirst for
revenge is its companion, just like the everlasting and
unquenchable thirst for rain is the continues companion of the
great, glowing sand desert of Africa, and all animals putting
their feet on its ground, will also soon be seized by the same
plague, just as the servants of the proud king finally becomes
also tremendously proud and revenge-thirsty. Since who is a
servant of pride, must in the end become proud himself; how
could he then otherwise be a servant of the proud?!”
[1] (The Lord:) “But how can a person protect himself against
this most evil passion, since the seed for it is present in every
soul and quite often has already reached an usury climax in
children? Only through humility is this possible!
[2] And therefore poverty is so predominantly large in
comparison with richness of the people, to keep haughtiness
always on a sharp rein. Just try to put a king’s crown on the
poorest beggar, and you will soon be convinced, how his earlier
meekness and patience has evaporated with lightening speed.
And therefore it is a very good thing, that there exists only a
very few kings and a great number of modest beggars.
[3] Every soul has, hereditary from God, whose idea and will
she is, a feeling of highness, which presence one can already
notice by the shyness of children.
[4] The feeling of shyness of children is a sensation of the soul,
when she begins to feel herself, by the mute expression of
discontent, since the soul as something spiritual sees herself
trapped in a cumbersome and unmanageable flesh, which she
cannot get rid of without pain; the more tender and sensitive the
body of a soul, the stronger will be her feeling of shyness. If a
right educator understands to lead this feeling, that cannot be
eliminated, to the right modesty, he creates from this feeling a
protective spirit and places it on the way, on which to continue
it easily can reach an early spiritual perfection; but only a little
skew guidance of this hereditary feeling, can immediately
transfigure into haughtiness and pride.
[5] To guide the feeling of shyness into the so called childambition,
is completely wrong; since then a child immediately
begins to think he is better than others. It is easily offended and
hurt and therefore cries bitterly; with this crying it expresses
clearly that its feeling of highness is violated by someone.
[6] If now weak and very shortsighted parents of the offended
child try to calm it by, even if only apparently, call for
accountability and punishment of the offender against their
child, they have already placed the first seed in the child for
quenching its thirst for revenge; and if the parents continue to
calm the child in the same manner, they not seldom create a
devil for themselves and for many other people. But if the
parents are clever and from early on show the child always the
greater value in other people and children and in so doing guide
the feeling of shyness into a right modesty, they will raise their
children into angels, who will later serve as true examples of
life for others, similar to the most beautiful stars shining in the
night of the earthly life, and will revive them with their
gentleness and patience.
[7] Since children only very seldom receive such upbringing, by
which their spirit will be awaken in their soul, the adult person
reaching a purer recognition must above all attend to it, that he
with all his strength makes the true and right humility his own.
Before not eradicating the last drop of the feeling of highness,
he cannot either here nor in the beyond pass over into a
complete perfection of a purely spiritual heavenly life.
[8] Who wants to examine himself, if his meekness is
completely perfected, should ask his heart if he still can be
offended by anything, and if he can easily forgive his greatest
offenders and pursuers from the bottom of his heart, and do
good to them who harmed him, and if he does not have from
time to time any desire for any worldly magnificence, if he feels
good about to be the smallest among the smallest, to serve
everyone with everything. Who can do all this without sadness
and grief, is already here an inhabitant of the highest heaven of
God and will remain as such forever; because through such just
humility, a soul does not only becomes one with her spirit, but
also to the greatest part the body.
[9] Therefore such a person will not feel nor taste the death of
the body, since the entire ethereal part of the body – as the
actual living natural body – has already here become immortal
with his soul and her spirit.
[10] By the physical death only the feeling- and lifeless shadowpart
will be separated from the soul, which cannot cause the
soul any fear and no further pain, because everything with an
alive feeling of the body has long since become united with the
soul; and therefore can such a perfected person after the
separation of the anyway always insensible and therefore dead,
outer shadow-body feel not anything, just as someone cannot
feel anything when cutting his hair or fingernails of his body
when still alive, and where it grows out of the flesh, or losing a
scale of the skin, which separates from the anyway insensible
upper surface of the skin. Since what in the body never had a
sense of feeling, can also not have a feeling when the soul
completely exits the body, because everything of the body alive
and with a sense of feeling, has already earlier become
completely united with the soul and now forms one being with
her, which will never be separated from her.
[11] You have now seen what the right humility is, and what it
is able to do, and therefore you will in future give a lot of
attention to this virtue! Who now with great loyalty follows
what I have said to you, will convince himself that these easy
understandable words, however given without any oratorical,
empty splendor, are not originating from man but from God.
And who lives and acts accordingly, walks on the right path to
the true most inner, spiritual life’s perfection. But now, tell Me
also, if everything has become absolutely clear and insightful
for you!”
[1] Says Zorel, completely mortified by surprise about the high
truth and pureness of this My somewhat lengthy practical
teaching of life: “Lord and everlasting Master of all being and
life! I for my person have recognized You even without this
preceding practical life’s exercise – that such from Your mouth
could not have been spoken by a person, but only by a God who
has created heaven and earth and people; nevertheless, I will
even more intensely transfer everything practical into my life,
what You, o Love of all love, have mercifully taught me!
[2] I have understood everything; since it strangely appeared to
me, that somewhere I have heard similar words before and also
practiced. But it could have occurred also in a dream; because in
real life I truly wouldn’t know, where and when such mercy
would have been given to me! But it remains strange how every
word out of Your holy mouth has stimulated me so familiar and
so exceedingly friendly! Therefore everything was also so very
clear to me! Nevertheless, it can be as it wants to be, such words
and such teachings, which so deeply, true and faithfully touches
everything what is called life in man, have never been spoken
by a mortal mouth of any person!
[3] Who after these words could not find the right path to his
inner, spiritual life’s perfection and not experience the mighty
desire, to direct all his actions accordingly, should truly either
not be human at all, or he must lived himself quite mightily into
the silly, dead world, and his soul must have become completely
like a diamond, otherwise it could not be thought of, how a
person, who has heard and understood this teaching, not direct
his whole life accordingly, since by that he must be able to see
the final goal so brightly and clear as he must see the midday
sun before him! By that, however, I do not want to boast as if I
already have achieved something; but a life- consciousness
penetrating and perfectly clear understanding of the purest truth
of such a teaching already counts for something, which – at
least for me – has already a quite considerable life’s value.
[4] However, who sees this holy matter as clearly as I am, he,
including me, will surely not be a fool anymore, who rather
plunges himself with all such most living insight and
recognition into the excrement puddles and pools of the world,
to fish for the smelling mud, in which he finally must suffocate,
then to climb the illuminated heights of Horeb and Lebanon and
to collect the healing herbs, which cure and completely heal the
ill soul for the everlasting life. Under the curing herbs on the
illuminated heights of Horeb and Lebanon I understand the
works, which one only can find, o Lord, on the illuminated
heights of truth-recognition of Your teaching, this means, by the
actions according to the word, which was received from Your
mouth. But under ‘Horeb’ and ‘Lebanon’ I understand the
divine-truth and the divine-good – which is according to my
reason the meaning.
[5] Great, Holy and above all Elated are You, o Lord, who
stands here before me, but never greater, more holy and more
elated than in the people, which Your love and wisdom has
transformed into your children!
[6] See, Lord, it also must be for You a greatest joy, if a creature
with a previously only human form, begins to listens and
understands Your father-word, yes finally takes freely by
himself the unalterable decision, also to walk and to act, in order
to reach this holy perfection, which You as God, Creator, Father
and Teacher has placed as a most blessed goal!
[7] How big must Your joy as a father be, if a person has
reached perfection in Your holy order! But how big must also
be the joy of a child, which in and out of its created nullity in
the fullness of its true humility in its inner perfection finally
recognizes You as the true and only Father! I would like to
know the heavenly angel-spirit, who, with a sun-bright
imagination, can describe such joy – and also him, who out of
this his present spiritual poverty could grasp such depth of such
imagination, as only partially successful it could be understood!
I have sort of a vague premonition – yes, it appears to me again
if I had felt somewhere in a dream something similar; but this
only seems to be a blest backward effect of this, what Your
teaching, o Lord, has created in my heart and my will!
[8] It is the joy of a sower, who has the consciousness, that his
field will be cleared from all weed and that a pure seed will be
placed into the furrow, which surely awakens the most beautiful
hope for a blest harvest.
[9] My field is good now, what You, o Lord, certainly has seen,
otherwise You would not have wasted the purest seed by
sowing it so plentiful. This consciousness might actually
produce the indescribable feeling of joy in me; since I’m sure of
the results, because I’m perfectly sure of the possibility, that I
will bring Your holy word to the fullest reality in me. Once the
cause is completely there, the great, holy effect cannot remain
under way. I do not want something half, but the perfect
completeness; therefore regarding my actions, there should
never be a half measure, but only the complete wholeness as
Your word is coming in actions to the fore!
[10] As scoundrel I was able to achieve something complete,
where I could not expect with any certainty any results to be
blest; only a somewhat bad draught and all my so prosperous
hopes were lying on the bottom of the sea! And still no one can
accuse me of any tepidness and prove me any half measure. If I
could be something complete as a scoundrel, often without any
prospect of any only halfway spiritual effect, how much more
will I be able to avoid any half measure along this path turning
away my thoughts, words and deeds from this what the world
requires; since it has guided me long enough on a fool’s leash.
[11] No seed of any worldly thoughts and no sign of a worldly
deed will rise in me again, this means, according to my once
taken will certainly never! But for that, what I cannot control,
like the orderly needs of my body, I cannot vouch for; since
they, o Lord, are in Your almighty will’s hand. But my
thoughts, my ideas, my words and my actions will one day give
me the testimony, that also a Greek can keep his word and once
taken intentions!
[12] It can also happen that I in this my blest inflamed soul, I
have said things too rash; but it doesn’t matter! Zorel will not
forget what he has said here; and if he doesn’t forget it, he will
act strictly accordingly – and should it cost his earthly life!
Since I clearly know and feel it most vividly, that after the
separation of the flesh-life most certainly and true there exists
another, incomparable more perfect life, and therefore this
flesh-life is worth to me a hollow nut! So many times I had to
place my life at stake for a trifling, earthly profit – why not now,
where I’m sure of the profit, which I now think, feel and
[13] O, I do not speak like an intoxicated fool now, but with the
most sober senses of the world, and I say this as a testimony,
that I have understood and comprehended the fullness of truth
of the word of God! That I fully understand it, proves that I now
want to sacrifice my earthly life for this holy truth – which I do
not just say to give my words some kind of oratorical respect
before you, but I speak how I really feel it in my heart.
[14] There are people, who, seized by the extraordinary
opportunity, speak, as if they wanted to turn the whole earth into
a garden already the next day; but if the opportunity is over,
they begin to think about everything they saw and heard, but the
decision to act dissipates from day to day more and more, and
the old, silly habits soon take the place of the new decisions.
But with me it never was the case; if I have recognized
something as true, I acted strictly accordingly for as long as I
fully convinced myself of something better.
[15] My earlier actions never stood in any conflict with my life
views, which were even before the forum absolutely not
opposed to the purest and largely philanthropic views of a
worldly reason. But how could I have ever anticipated, that I
will ever come into a life contact in this world with the Master
of all being and life, where my views of reason against His
purest wisdom and most true life view, are melting like wax in
the sun! But the unthinkable has taken place: The God in all His
fullness of His everlasting power and wisdom perfection is
standing in front of us all and teaches us not only the temporary,
but also the everlasting destination of man and his life, with
such tangible, clear words, that nearly even a blind and dumb
must understand them right to the bottom of all bottoms! And as
such one can’t help it, to take a life decision, from which, even
if a world is crushed to ruins, will forever not dissuade me!
[16] Yes, people, who are nothing else than vain coward sissies,
will always orientate themselves more according to the world
than the holiest truth out of the mouth of the only true God;
since the world also has its advantages for the time being like
gold and silver and gemstones! For such excrements weak
people let God soon become a good man; since He does not let
gold and silver rain out of the clouds for them. But I have now
become familiar with the purest gold of the true heavens of God
and therefore despise from the deepest ground of my life this
tempting excrement of the earth! You, almighty Lord of
eternity, punish me now, if there is one false word which has
left my mouth!
[17] However, you, high Cyrenius, I begged only in my silliness
and spiritual poverty for a little support; but now I take my
inappropriate request back! Since where I have found the
treasures of heaven in such abundant measure, I do not require
the earthly ones anymore; also my field and my burnt down hut
I don’t need anymore, because I have recognized and seen the
hut of God in my heart. Sell everything and pay those to whom I
owe something in an earthly way! But I will work and serve the
people with everything what is right before God; because I can
work, have taught myself certain skills during the time of my
life, and are therefore a useful person. Hopefully the necessary
amount of time will be granted to me everywhere, to be able to
correspond in my actions, to what I have committed myself for
all times and forever?!”
[18] I said: “Because I knew your soul quite well, I have called
you in the spirit, otherwise you would not have come here; but
since you have been so much transformed, you will also be
provided for further on. You will become a good instrument for
Me among the Greek on the coasts of Asia Minor and also with
those in Europe. There, some exist who are longing for the light,
but are not able to obtain it from anywhere. For the time being
you are taken into the house of Cornelius, who is a brother of
Cyrenius. In that house you will be provided for with
everything. But when the time comes that you should go out and
make known My name to the nations, I will let you know at the
right time. When you have to speak, it will not be necessary for
you to think about it, but at the hour it will be placed into your
heart and mouth, and the nations will listen to you and praise
Him, who gave you such wisdom and power.”
[1] (The Lord:) “However, now it has become evening and our
landlord Markus has prepared the evening meal, and since we
have made a good catch with you, we will also enjoy the
evening meal in the best possible manner on this earth;
however, in My kingdom in the beyond one day things will be
somewhat better! After the evening meal we will not deal with
sleeping, but with something completely different, and
tomorrow, before the sun comes up, we will part for a while;
since I still have many places to visit. But you, Raphael, go now
to the women and let them return here; since the negotiations
which concerned them little or nothing at all, is over, and the
time for the evening meal has approached!”
[2] Raphael goes and calls all the women and Jarah comes to
Me and says: “O Lord! You my love! It seemed like an eternity
to me, until we were called again; but now all thanks to You,
that I’m allowed to be in Your presence! Were we female
beings really not allowed to hear what You, o Lord, has
discussed with Zorel?”
[3] I said: “No, because it would be much too early before the
right time for you female beings; by the way, you really have
missed anything – since at the right time everything will be
revealed to you. But now comes the evening meal, and you can
enjoy yourself quite a lot with Josoe and with Raphael, whom I
will only introduce to Zorel after the evening meal; because he
doesn’t know anything of him yet.
[4] Today after the meal we again will stay awake until
morning, and you all will this last night, which I will spend
bodily among you, see and hear such a mass of miraculous
things like never before; since in this night you should
completely get to know, who He is, who just now has spoken
such to you. But about this, nobody is allowed to know
something beforehand! But you, My Zorel, stay close to
Cornelius; since he, and not Cyrenius, will from now on your
[5] Says Cyrenius: “Lord! I do not grudge my brother anything
which is in anyway good; but I also would like very much to
have Zorel with me!”
[6] I said: “Your wish makes My heart very joyful and counts as
the work itself; but from all those who have been converted here
you have in any case taken the biggest number under your
wings! In Zinka and his companions you have a treasure, you
also have Stahar, Murel and Floran, Hebram and Risa, Suetal,
Ribar and Bael, Herme with his wife and daughters, and also
have now your two daughters Gamiela and Ida, including those
which I haven appointed as your sun-in-laws, and the miracle
boy Josoe; and it goes without saying that all their staff is given
to you, and therefore you can be very contented! Your brother
only gets Zorel, and he will for the time being provide a good
service to his house and later to the foreigners, for which I have
awaken him. You will anyway visit your brother quite often,
and then you will be able to discuss quite a lot with our Zorel. –
Are you still sad, that I did not give Zorel to you?”
[7] Says Cyrenius: “O Lord! How can You ask me something
like that?! You know it, that only Your holy will is my highest
bliss, irrespective of what it says! In any way there does not
goes one full month by where I visit the brother or the brother
me, either officially or because of old brotherly love, and then
there surely will be an opportunity to speak a word with him!
[8] But earlier you have told the lovely Jarah, that You will
perform a lot of miracles during the night, since we all have
been sufficiently introduced to Your being; now, what might be
the main event of the miracles?”
[9] I said: “Dearest friend! This you will observe and hear with
all the others at the right time! But now behold, the old Markus
most diligently carries food to the tables like wine, salt and
bread, and above all his daughters are requiring a good
strengthening; therefore we will not undertake, speak or discuss
anything before the completion of the evening meal!”
[1] Markus is now giving the sign to sit down on the set long
benches and Cornelius invites Zorel to take a seat along his right
[2] Zorel refuses this and says: “High lord and ruler! Don’t do
this to me! You see, I belong there close to the hut of wood at
the most simple table made from rafters, where your last and
lowest servants and attendants are sitting, but not here, and
certainly not to your right where the main table is set! This
would be a nice exercise for humility, which the Lord of all life
above all has impressed on my heart!”
[3] I said: “Friend Zorel, here your will is sufficient! Therefore
do Cornelius the favor! True humility in anyway does not lies in
the showing of an outer work, but in the heart, according to the
full truth. Go to Jerusalem and have a look at the Pharisees and
all the scribes, with what humble faces and clothes they are
walking around; but at the same time their hearts are full of the
most stinking arrogance and they hate deep beneath the hell
everyone, who does not want to dance according to their tune –
while a king with crown and scepter, if he does not place it
above the value of a person, can have such a humble soul like
the least beggar on the street! If you think about this carefully,
then it will tolerate you at the right of Cornelius at our table.”
[4] Says Zorel: “Ah, if so, then of course it will be alright!”
He now goes to the table and sits down according to the wish
of Cornelius.
[5] But Cornelius says to him: “So, dear friend, I’m glad with
my whole heart! Subsequently we want to live and work
together in the name of Him, who has enlightened us!
Regarding true humility I think about it like that: One should be
in the heart full of true humility and neighborly love, but one
should not brag with it to the outside; since if I outwardly bow
too deeply beneath other people, I make them arrogant and
refuse myself the opportunity, to serve them with everything
which is useful.
[6] A certain respect, which I have to expect as a person in any
way from my fellow human beings, I am never allowed to give
up completely, because without it I cannot do anything good!
Therefore both of us will be in our hearts as humble as possible;
but from our necessary external respect we do not want to give
away anything!
[7] Quite often we will encounter opportunities and see, how
some poor people have to engage in very low and most
unpleasant jobs to support themselves. Should we, to put the
crown of humility on our heads, also go and clean puddles and
sewage tanks?! I do not think this is necessary outwardly; it is
sufficient not to regard such people who have to do such jobs, as
lower than ourselves, who have been given totally different
offices to manage.
[8] First we have to have a high regard for the office, not for the
sake of ourselves but only in front of the people for the sake of
the office. But if it is a necessity, we are not allowed to clean
the puddles and sewage tanks ourselves, but must leave the
work to those, who have been destined by the Lord and nature
for it. We also could not stand it, because we have not been used
to it from our youth. And the Lord will surely not expect this
from us; but this he expects as Father of all mankind, that we in
our heart should not despise any person, even not the greatest
sinner, but to do everything possible, to save his soul! And in
this we way, I believe, we will act rightly before God and all
[9] I said: “Yes, this is right! True humility and true neighborly
love are truly residing in your hearts – and not in the outer
appearance like the Pharisees!
[10] Who mixes himself with bran and malt without need, must
in the end not complain, if eaten by pigs!
[11] The right humility does also not require, that the pearls of
My teaching should be thrown for the pigs. Because there are
people who are worse than pigs, and for them My teaching
means nothing; since these kind of people you should rightly be
used to clean puddles and sewage tanks, before making My
name and My teaching known to them!
[12] But in this case do not look at the clothes or the external
dignity, but only at the behavior of a person according to his
heart and soul! If this is noble, gentle and patient, only then
preach him the gospel and say: ‘In the name of the Lord peace
be with you and all people on earth who are of a good will!’ If
the person, who is blessed in advance, has a truly good will and
heart, the blest peace will remain in him, and the gospel which
has been revealed to him, will soon start to bring the most
beautiful fruits of heaven. And so I think and believe according
to your human manner, that you all regarding the right humility,
are completely at home!
[13] And since the food is already in abundance on the table, we
all shall eat and drink according to our heart’s desire and full of
joy; since I am as a true bridegroom of your souls sitting among
you, you may most joyfully and with cheerful senses consume
the well prepared meal with Me! But if I in the near future will
not be among you anymore, you again can sit with less appetite
and cheerfulness at the food table!”
[1] All are digging in and eating cheerfully with a great appetite;
especially Raphael put several large fishes in front of him for
everyone to see and consumed them miraculously fast, what
was noticed by Zinka and Zorel, especially Zorel, who at this
stage did not know who the youth was. He therefore asked
Cyrenius, how the youth could eat such large fish with such a
great appetite, since he doesn’t look at all like a glutton.
[2] Thereupon Cyrenius answers him: “This youth is a
wondrous being; he is a person and spirit at the same time, is
animated by a strength and power, which you could never could
have dreamt of; my brother Cornelius, who sits next to you, can
give you the same testimony!”
[3] Hereupon Zorel asks Cornelius, what the special
circumstances were regarding the youth.
[4] Says Cornelius: “See, dear Zorel, it is what my brother
already has told you; I can’t tell you anything more about this
wondrous youth for the simple reason since I, quite frankly put,
do not understand it myself. He is the same angel who,
according to the myth of the Jews, once served the young
Tobias as a guide. I was certainly not present, to serve you as a
living witness in this matter; but I believe that it was like that –
and why should one not believe something like that?!
[5] Here again are happening wonders which will difficult to be
believed by our late descendants – and, nevertheless, they are
true before our eyes and ears, because we see and hear them! So
many wonders are taking place right now that in the end one has
to believe all the wondrous things which are told in the scripts
and books of the Jews. For if here one wonder can cover
promptly the next, why not in those old times – and as such this
strong eater could a couple of hundred years ago served the
devout young Tobias as a guide! I for my part believe this
rock steady and am of the opinion, that you will not take
exception of it!”
[6] Says Zorel: “Certainly not; since everything wondrous is
something special and does not resemble any appearance in the
natural environment. It dismisses the conventional laws of the
natural world and is in itself the actualization of the fantasy of a
poet gifted with all wisdom. Since everything what an
imaginary rich person can think of, is realized in the area of the
[7] To a God everything must be possible, because the
continued existence of a world and the starry sky serve as
permanent witnesses! Because the first creation of a world must
have been incredible wondrous to us! But once a world with its
maintaining laws is created and populated by beings under the
same maintaining laws, it of course cannot, for those who live
on it, appear so miraculous anymore!
[8] But if the Creator comes to the population of this so
miraculously created world, like now under the most
extraordinary circumstances, they certainly must start to be
hugely astonished anew, if the old Almighty starts to perform
works before their eyes, which of course are only possible to
him but nobody else in the whole of infinity without His will.
[9] Thereby I do not deny that any spiritual fully perfected
person also is able to perform wonders; perhaps as a completely
perfected, pure spirit he is also able to create a small world, but
without the assistance of the divine will surely never ever! Such
a spirit will also be able to speak and teach highly wisely, but
without the divine spirit in his chest forever not!
[10] I vaguely can remember from the Jewish history, that a
donkey was speaking very wisely to the prophet Bileam. Yes,
during the very early times even the wild and tearing bests have
taught the obdurate people! According to your words we were
also not present; nevertheless, there could be some truth to it.
But such animals were seized for the moment by the spirit of
God and were forced to serve Him as tools! And not much
different it will be with the wisdom of the most wise people and
spirits; the real, big difference will consist only in consistency
and growth!
[11] This is my opinion! I of course do not want it to be put as a
certain apodictic truth – since I already once have gone under
with my views of reason and on life and death do not want to
make such a leap again; but only in a way as one speaks in a
reasonable manner of it, one can without any ground put
forward a view against another and finally obtain the insight, if
and how much truth there is attached to it or not!”
[12] Says Cornelius: “Friend, you are talking like written, and
there might be some truth in your modest opinion; but I now
have another opinion for you, and this consists thereof, that you
now should consume your fish and do not observe too much,
how the heavenly youth eats one fish after the other and still
expresses an appetite, from which it very easily can be
recognized, that he is able to effortlessly put another ten fishes
under the belt! But also you should eat now, and show, that you
at least can master one fish and one mug of good, yes, of the
best wine!”
[13] After these words Zorel starts to eat and drink in peace
with a great appetite and is less concerned about the things
happening around us.
[1] But the wine started to loosen the tongues at the tables, and
therefore it became increasingly livelier and livelier. There even
originated different opinions about Me, and one could say, that
here at the evening meal the first splitting of the church took
place. Some stated that I directly was the highest God-being; but
others said: this is true, but not directly, only indirectly. Again
others said: I actually was only a son of David according to
parentage and was destined to be the Messiah of the kingdom of
David and therefore be equipped with the miracle strength of
David and with the wisdom of Salomon. Still others thought:
I was a first angel of the heavens, walking now in a pro forma
flesh on earth, and have an adjutant from the heavens with Me.
[2] Some, to whom even some of My apostles belonged,
declared Me as the son of the most Highest. Although having
the same properties as My Father, I, nevertheless, was a
complete different personality, and even the often discussed
spirit of God might finally form a third personality, which,
under certain circumstances can speak on its own behalf!
[3] With this opinion however, only very few agreed. Some
asked Peter what he thought.
[4] But Peter said: “He, the Lord Himself, has asked us, when
travelling around this area, what the people were thinking about
Him, who He was, and what finally we ourselves were thinking
about Him. At that stage also this and that was stated, and when
finally I was asked, I said it bluntly as I felt it in my heart: ‘You
are the son of the most Highest!’ And with this my testimony
He was fully content and even called me the rock of believe, on
which He will build His church, which will not be besieged by
the ports of hell. Thereby my once expressed opinion was
approved and confirmed by Himself, and therefore I do not act
wrongly, if I stay with that as a rock!”
[5] But John was nevertheless considerable opposed to this
opinion of Peter and said: “In Him the fullness of the Godhead
resides bodily! As the son, who nevertheless cannot be another
personality, I only recognize His body as far as it is a means for
a purpose; but on the whole, He nevertheless is identical with
the Godhead which resides in Him in all fullness!
[6] Or is my body then another personality as my soul? Do not
both form one person, despite the fact that originally the soul
had to build her own body and one therefore could argue: The
soul has build a second material person around herself and by
doing so arranged for a second personality around herself? One
can therefore say that the body is a son or something which was
produced by the soul, but because of that it does not form a
second personality with her or even without her! And even to a
lesser degree it can be said from the spirit in the soul; since what
would be a soul without the divine spirit in her? She only
becomes a perfect person if she is completely penetrated by the
spirit! Therefore spirit, soul and body are absolutely one and the
same personality!
[7] In addition it is written: ‘God created man completely
according to His own image.’ But if man as a perfect image of
God with his spirit, his soul and his body is only one person and
not three, surely also God as the perfect primordial spirit,
encircled with a equally perfect soul and now also in front of
our eyes with a visible body, can also only be one God and
forever never not a three-god or even three separate persons!
This is my opinion, which I forever will hold on to, without
saying that I have a rock-steady faith!”
[8] Say all at My table: “John has spoken the truth!”
[9] But Peter wants to correct himself and says: “Yes, I also
mean it that way; I am just not that verbally agile, to express my
inner comprehension so quickly, although this matter will
always be difficult to understand!”
[10] Says John: “Difficult and again not difficult! According to
your way no person ever on this earth will understand it –
according to my way, this is what I think, however very easily!
But only the Lord should now be a right referee between us!”
[11] I said: “Believe can achieve many things, but love can do
all! You, Simon Juda, are a rock in believe; but John is a pure
diamond in love, and therefore he also can look deeper than
everybody else of you. He therefore is My real preferred writer;
he will get a lot from Me to write down, which will be a riddle
to you! Since in such love there is plenty of space for many
things, but in faith only for certain things, therefore it says: ‘Up
to here and not any further!’ Just keep to the statement of My
beloved one; since he will bring Me to the world as perfected!”
[12] Thereupon Peter feels somewhat embarrassed and always
very secretly a little jealous about John. For this reason, Peter,
after My resurrection when I asked him to follow Me and
pasture My lambs, complained that John also followed Me
without being instructed to do so, what I, as it is known,
rebuked Peter for, and whereby I promised John a full
immortality – wherefrom the legend rose with the people, that
this disciple will never, even bodily, die.
[13] But Peter asked John, what he is doing, to always obtain a
much deeper insight than himself, namely Peter.
[14] But John said: “See, I do not reside in your soul and you
are not in mine, and I do not have a scale for it, to be able to
determine why my opinion is deeper and more correct! But
since the Lord has said it loudly before us, namely the
difference between believe and love, then take this as an answer
to your question! Since kidneys and hearts can only be
examined by the Lord, and therefore He will know very
precisely what difference there is between our souls.”
[15] With this answer Peter was content for the time being and
did not ask any further. But now the meal came also to an end,
and we got up and all of us went up the mountain.
[1] When all of us arrived one by one on the top of the already
known mountain and took our places, the old Markus with his
wife and his children came to Me and asked Me most
imploringly, that I also should stay the coming day with him,
since it is too painful for him if I would leave him already
before sun-up.
[2] I said: “Be unconcerned about that! I can go and stay, time
does not force Me; since I’m also the Lord of time and all times!
Time never grows above My head. Nevertheless there are still
many places which I have to visit and shall visit; but with Me it
does not depend on a day and an hour, where I have found true,
living love.”
[3] Says Markus with tears in his eyes: “O Lord and Father,
forever thanks to You for such exceedingly great mercy! Only
Your holy will prevails! But, Lord, the night is very dark,
because the clouds have covered the sky quite densely; should I
not bring torches up here?”
[4] I said: “Leave it, we will arrange for light!”
[5] Hereupon I call on Raphael and says to him: “In the centre
of Africa, there were the high Komrahai-Mountains are standing
and the first fountain of the Nile bubbles from a rock, you will
find ten men-heights beneath the surface rocks a rock the size of
a person’s head; bring it to Me, it will sufficiently illuminate the
night for us! After you brought it here, put it on this bare tree
trunk, so that its light penetrates far and illuminates the whole
surrounding! That I have spoken with you now like with another
person, took place for the sake of the people, so that they should
know what is going to take place, and recognize My power
during the execution of My will.”
[6] With that Raphael disappeared, but was like a flying light
meteor immediately back with us including the sun bright
shining stone.
[7] But before Raphael could place the stone on the designated
hollow and bare tree trunk, a few wanted to inspect the stone
from close by.
[8] But when Raphael brought it closer, nobody was able to
look at it because the light was so strong, as the sun for the earth
on a shortest winter day, this means for the sight of the human
flesh eye, and Raphael had no choice but to put it at the
designated location. From there it’s intensive light illuminated
the surrounding to such an extent, that one could still discern
things in quite a distance.
[9] That Zinka with his people and especially Zorel hardly dared
to breath because of all the astonishment can be easily
understood. Zorel tried very hard to say something really
sensible about it; but he was unable to say anything, because his
still very much mathematical stereotypical concepts were now
exposed to logical impossibilities by the appearance of the quick
collection of the stone and its vehement light, which he,
according to his experiences and his scientific knowledge, was
unable to conquer. Firstly he was several times in Egypt with
his female slaves, and one time even a few days travelling
beyond the Cataracts. Therefore the distance to the upper
Egyptian areas were not entirely foreign to him, since even with
good camels he always needed about five to six weeks travel
time to reach the Cataracts.
[10] According to his calculations a hurricane would take three
days and an arrow half a day to travel the distance. What speed
of movement the boy must have had, to cover a certainly three
times longer distance in only a few moments! Is the youth a
spirit – how could he carry matter, and how could the matter,
itself of the hardest type, be protected from destruction by the
resistance of the air?! It doesn’t exist in the laws of nature! Then
there is the completely heat-free, sun-resembling intensive light;
it just doesn’t exist! No experience has ever discovered
something like it, except with rotting wood, but this produces
actually only such a matt light, that during the night, even in the
strongest degree, it hardly equals the light of solstice worms!
[11] Zorel thought about it for a while and said afterwards to
Cornelius and Zinka: “This I want to call a real wonder; because
something like this has never occurred on earth before! What
type of rock this might be? From all the times until now, such a
rock has never been discovered before! What value must this
rock have for an emperor or king, provided that it does not lose
its light after a while! Since on the wide-stretched coast of
Africa up to very far behind the Hercules Pillars, till the area
where the lower parts of the high Atlas are greeting the Atlantic
Ocean, in late summer one can also see here and there very
white and during the night at certain hours very luminous rocks;
but their light does not last long, and if you take such a rock into
a dry room, it’s luminosity quickly fades away, and the stone
therefore has lost its value. But with this rock it seems to be
quite peculiar circumstances! It surely will never lose its light
and therefore must have an incalculable value!”
[12] Says Cornelius: “Not only because of its luminosity, but
much more because of the way it was brought here! But let’s
leave it for now! Tomorrow during the day we will be able to
investigate and assess it much easier as today; since then our
eyes will be less sensitive because of the sun light than today,
which means now in this thickest night, where the heavy clouds
are making a blest face for a considerable country rain. But let’s
be quiet now; since the Lord will begin, what He has promised
us down at the tables!”
[13] With that Zorel is content and is completely eye and ear.
[14] But now Ouran comes to Me and says: “Lord, what will
happen to the stone tomorrow, and will it continue to keep its
[15] I said: “With this question you actually have expressed the
wish that you want to own it for the crown! But this is not
possible; because to conquer this rock, great en very destructible
wars could erupt. Therefore My angel will take it back from
where he collected it, and this will end all quarrels for good.”
[16] With this answer Ouran is fully content and returns to
his place.
[17] But Cyrenius says: “Lord! As a present for the Emperor
this luminous rock would surely make a mighty impression.”
[18] I said: “This for sure, but in the end it would also there,
because of its high value, lend its light to wars, and that would
be quite terrible! A few granules of it you can have, but
certainly not the whole rock!”
[19] Says Cyrenius: “But how and in what manner does this
rock have the ability of luminescence? What is its name?”
[20] I said: “These rocks does not actually belong to this earth,
but is only indigenes to solar worlds. Now, in the big solar
world large eruptions occur from time to time with a for your
concepts all exceeding power release, by which quite often such
rocks are caught and hurled with the biggest throwing power
into the wide space of creation. And there you have one of
[21] Its luminosity originates from its for your concepts most
smoothest surface, on which continuously a lot of lightening fire
accumulates, which through the named fire arouses anew the
spirits banned in the exceedingly hard matter. In addition this
rock is in the highest degree transparent, and therefore every
inner activity of the spirits is also easily actively visible in the
outer appearance of illumination and is of course increased by
the outer activity of the fast passing spirits of the air on the
highly smooth surface of the sphere.
[22] These rocks are not found on the sun in a natural state, but
are produced by the art of the hands of the people living there.
Mostly they are already found in a spherical shape in the area of
the great waters and originate always with eruptions. There in
the highest degree molten mineral elements are driven far into
the ether filled space and always take on the shape of a round
drop in free space, according to the centre point striving and
searching for the resting law, which is placed in all matter.
[23] The falling back of such spheres, which can be of very
different sizes, often takes days, weeks, months and with greater
ones often many years, depending on how far they have been
hurled away from the sun. Now, some fall on to the mountains
of the sun and getting smashed; but many fall into the great
waters, stay undamaged and are easily collected by the people
of a solar world. Since the sun’s people can easily stay under
water for many hours and work on the bottom of the sea like on
dry land, and this even more easily, since besides such nearly
amphibian-like properties they also possess exceedingly
effective diving instruments.
[24] If a large sun building has been sufficiently provided with
such spheres, they, despite already having in anyway a very
smooth surface, are smoothed and polished with a lot of skilful
diligence, namely to the degree where they start to illuminate
during polishing. Once polishing has progressed to this point,
they are placed on designated build pillars in the abundant
occurring underground, catacomb-like, long aisle, where always
a strong draught is present, and thereby more than sufficiently
illuminate such underground aisles and serve at the same time
as a special decoration for such aisles, which are in particular
looked at on a solar world; since there not seldom a completely
ordinary residence is by far more decorated and ornamented,
especially internally, as in Jerusalem the Salomon temple. And
therefore it can be easily understood, that the solar people,
particular those of the middle belt, also muster everything
possible to decorate the underground aisles.
[25] However, we are not gathered here, to provide an earth
description of the great solar world, but for the sake of
strengthening your faith and will. But to achieve this, a
completely different than a however precise and comprehensive
earth description of the great solar world is required!”
[26] Ask Cyrenius: “Lord! If this illumines sphere is beyond all
diamonds compact, how can one separate a few granules from
its surface, which I’m very keen to own as a memorial of this
[27] I said: “Sometimes you are still thinking quite earthly!
There, from where this light ball originates, are still many more,
be it now in Africa or on the sun itself – for My angle the
distance is everywhere the same. From this light ball however,
of course no mortal can break loose a few granules without
destroying it, and if he wanted to smash the sphere, the pieces
would immediately loose the property of illumination; but the
small spheres will always keep the illumines property. But now
seriously enough about this matter!”
[1] (The Lord:) “We straight away want to undertake something
else! Zorel, and you, Zinka, come a little closer to Me and tell
Me, what you above all still want to see and know!”
[2] Both who were called came now closer, and Zinka says:
“Lord, this is for people with an imperfect nature like us a very
difficult question to answer! Since there are many things we still
would like to see and know, because there is so much left for us
to see and to know, despite that we already saw and experienced
quite a lot. But what among the endless many things is the most
necessary for us, is a completely different question, which we
are not able to answer, because we are still a far cry from
knowing, what is really most important for us; therefore You
should act without our request according to Your infinite love
and wisdom, and everyone will see, hear and feel the best!”
[3] I said: “Now then – I will see what can be done! I think, a
rather confident insight of the continual life of the soul after
death of the body, should be for you all of the greatest
importance and necessity; therefore we will take this matter
under closer investigation!
[4] Through words I already have shown you several times,
what the actual death of the body consists of and in which
different ways it can take place, and what the consequences for
the soul and her spirit are and must be. If I have to explain this
to you by long theoretical sentences, we would not be able to
finish within a year’s time. For your thorough understanding of
this matter, I will show it to you with words and actions, and
you will then understand it.
[5] But before we get to the actual matter, I nevertheless have to
explain in advance, how the soul is connected to the body.
[6] And so listen to Me: The soul as a mixed and seizing
composite, is through and through of a ethereal-substantial
nature. Since the body in its being contains basically also
ethereal-substantial, it is as such related to the substantial being
of the soul. And this relationship is actually what connects the
soul to the body for as long as with time it has not become too
much purely material, in which state it has too little or often no
relationship at all anymore with the essentiality existence of the
soul – and if there is still some left, it must first through the
process of decay be separated from the body and in the beyond
be guided back to the so to speak naked soul.
[7] But if the soul has absorbed in the end too much material
from her body, the bodily death also reaches her, and she must
decay together with the body to only awaken after some earth
years as highly imperfect, where it will be very difficult for her
to reach a higher light, because everything is a dark earthly
thing for her, where there is only little light and a lot of darkness
rests in all corners.
[8] There can be no talk of awakening the spirit for as long,
time, hardship and all kind of humiliation has separated and
swept away the worldly darkness and the coarse- or so to speak
bodily-substantial from the soul; and in the beyond this is much
more difficult than here, because the soul in the beyond must be
kept in a certain isolation for a long time on her own, so that
she, as a still too naked and so to speak a being without skin or
clothes, not be consumed by another being, which is already full
of a higher life fire and stands in its full strength, like a drop of
water is destroyed and consumed on a red-hot iron plate. Since
for every still so imperfect soul in contrast to an already
perfected spirit, it applies, what I once said to Moses, when he
requested to see Me: ‘You cannot see God and live!’
[9] The higher a raised life has become the more powerful,
mightier and heavier it stands on its own, and all life which is
still standing at a lower level, can never assert itself towards a
raised life, except in certain distances. What is a mosquito
against an elephant, what a fly against a lion?! What is a most
tender little moss mould plant against a more than hundred year
old cedar on Lebanon, what this earth against the big sun?!
What is a drop of water against a mighty fire?! If someone of
you steps on an elephant, it will probably do nothing to the
elephant; but if someone of you steps on an ant, it physical life
is completely ended.
[10] What already in outer nature appears, to be grasp with
hands, this is even more developed and pronounced true in the
kingdom of spirits. In every already on its own existing life the
insatiable need is present, to unify even more life in itself; but
the principal of unification is at the very bottom of all reason,
love. If this principal above all would not be part of a life, there
would be no sun in infinitive space or any earth, and likewise
also no creatures on them and in them.
[11] But because the principal of life unification exists in life
itself and every free life continuously strives to unify with
another to itself similar and related life, from many separated
lives and separated intelligences, in the end only one life and
therefore a manifold and wide ranging intelligence is formed,
and from the many small beings with little reason one being is
created equipped with a lot of reason and a lot of mind.”
[1] (The Lord:) “If now according to this being and life most
necessary and unalterable principle a so called poor and naked
soul in the beyond, immediately gets in contact with a spirit,
like for example our Raphael here, it would be immediately
consumed by him, like the sea consumes a single drop of water.
Therefore care is taken by Me throughout the whole of infinity,
that a small, weak and still stupid-naked life is always kept in
isolation, so that it exists individually as on its own and only
such life potencies are allowed to come near it, which are not
very much stronger than the individual life on its own in its
isolation and nakedness.
[2] Such life potencies cannot consume each other, because the
separate I-potencies are of the same power and strength; but
they still form associations and hold meetings, from which,
however, never any good is forthcoming, because the wisdom of
each separate being is exactly the same. Imaging a council
consisting of a group of very silly people, who want to decide
something quite wise and to execute it with combined forces!
What will be forthcoming from their meetings? Nothing but
silly stuff!
[3] Even today we still have on this earth, and mainly on the
islands, nations, who are living undisturbed on their islands
since the times of Adam; they are descendants of Cain, who are
still standing on the same cultural level, where they were
standing two-thousand years ago. Yes, why don’t they have
made any progress regarding their culture, but rather have
moved backwards with all their many council meetings?
Because the most wise among them was sillier and more blind
than a still so stupid pig shepherd in this country! But if the
most wise does not know anything, what should the others
know, who are coming to him for advice?!
[4] One of course can ask here and say: ‘Now then, why didn’t
God send any prophets who are filled with His spirit to these
nations?’ With that we have come to the main point!
[5] In these nations there still reside too unripe and naked souls.
A higher revelation would consume them and would
encapsulate them with a judgment, from which it would be
forever impossible to free them. The highest and purest truth
would transform them into the thickest superstition and they
would bind themselves to such an extent to it, that in the end
even I Myself by no means would be able to free them from it.
[6] Therefore it is necessary that they stay as they are for
another thousand years. Only after such time will they receive
visits from pure mind awakened people, however, not to receive
any lessons for quite some time, but only to obtain an
awakening example. By so doing from time to time they will be
quite often given such awakening surprises. If this occurs for a
few hundred years, then such naked nations will become
somewhat more dressed, bodily and in the soul, and only then
become in time ripe for a higher revelation.
[7] And in exactly the same manner, and even more
significantly troublesome, the development and life perfection
of a naked nature soul progresses in the beyond. She must be
left by herself in complete darkness for as long she is not
pressed by her own suffering, to awaken herself out of her still
partly material lethargy and starts to think about whatever more
specific thoughts in her heart.
[8] If the thoughts become an increasing distinctive and certain
outline, a very faint dawn starts to appear in such a soul, and she
starts to get a ground, on which she can stand a little and in time
can walk around a little. This walking around corresponds with
one thought passing over to the next and one emotion to
another. This is a search, and a search must be followed by a
finding, because otherwise the seeker, if for a too long time does
not find anything, he finally will tire because of his fruitless
troubles and would fall back into his earlier lethargy.
[9] But if the diligently searching soul starts to find something,
it gives her a new and higher impulse for a further and more
diligent search and inquest, and if she then find signs of a
similar being like her own, she pursues this like a tracking dog
and does not rest, until she has found something, which at least
testifies of a close-by being similar to her.
[10] By this increased searching she becomes more ripe and
tries to satisfies her hunger with everything, what she, like
coincidently, finds to cover her substantial soul body. Here and
there she even finds something, no matter how meager, to fill
her stomach and to satisfy her burning thirst. Since once a soul
becomes properly passionate because of the inner, increasingly
livelier life-fire, she continuously finds more, for which a need
arises in her soul.”
[1] (The Lord:) “The spirit, who guides and leads such a soul,
like from a certain distance, must take the greatest care, that she
only finds on the search path, what furthers her life perfection.
[2] In time she can also find a similar soul, who is pressed by
the same needs, with whom she of course immediately starts to
communicate, like two persons in this world who are pursued by
one and the same fate. They mutually question each other, feel
sorry for each other and in time council each other what they
could do, to make their circumstances somewhat more tolerable.
[3] It goes without saying that the second soul must only
ostensibly resembles the first soul, who only recently left full
isolation; otherwise a blind would be given to anther blind as a
guide, whereby only too easily both could fall into a pit, and
could find themselves in a worse state as it was during the
earlier period of isolation.
[4] The perfected spirit person meeting with the young
searching soul as by chance, must be careful not to show
anything about his perfection, but must in the beginning be
completely what the young soul is. If she laughs, he laughs with
her; if she cries, he cries with her! Only if the soul becomes
annoyed and complains and curses about her fate, the spirit does
not comply, by always plays the indifferent one, who doesn’t
care whether it goes this or that way with him! If it at all
doesn’t want to go better, now, it has to stay like it is! Thereby
the young soul becomes more pliant and will be content with
even a small advantage, which again, like by chance, will
presents itself.
[5] If such a soul has found a small place in the beyond, she is
left there for as long she does not feel any desire to improve her
fate; since such souls resemble such persons here, who are
content with only a very small piece of land, which barely
yields them enough, to make a scanty living. According to their
desires they do not have a longing for anything higher and more
perfect and better, and they are also not concerned by it. As
long they have something to eat and have a good rest, they
already are very happy and forever does not wish to have
anything better.
[6] It is similar with a soul in a second stage, who, as shown,
has stepped out of her isolation and by her troubles is looked
after in such a way, that she regards her circumstances as
tolerable and is not further concerned by anything, yes, even has
a fear and shies away from it, because she abhors everything
which could bring her any form of trouble.
[7] We now have provided for a soul in the beyond in such a
way, that she for example has found employment with quite
good people, who provide for her with what is necessary, or
somewhere she got, or even better found, an abandoned
property with a little house and a richly set fruit garden and a
few goats with milk, perhaps even a male or female servant; the
guiding spirit then for the time being has nothing else to do then
leave such a soul unhindered with her property.
[8] For some time he even is leaving her, and pretends, as if he
is going to search for something better, but returns and talks
about having found something better, but this ‘better’ is much
more difficult to obtain, and it can only be earned by a lot of
trouble and hard work! The soul then surely will inquire what
this trouble and work is all about; and the guide will explain this
to the questioning soul. If the soul feels inclined to it, he will
lead her there; to the contrary he will leave her there, but he will
make sure that the garden will continuously yield less and less,
until in the end it will not even yield what is absolute necessary
to survive!
[9] This soul will now apply all diligence, to make the garden to
deliver a greater yield; but the guide must not allow that the soul
reaches her goal, but must make it happen that the soul must
recognize the fruitlessness of her troubles and expresses the
desire, to give up the whole property and take on employment,
where she, with surely not more trouble and work, can still be
provided for.
[10] If such a wish is sufficiently vividly expressed by the soul,
she will be guided further and given employment with a lot of
work. The guide will then leave her again with some excuse, as
if he also found very hard but otherwise quite well endowed
work at another location. The soul will now be given work,
which she has to execute very precisely. It is said to her and
impressed on her heart, that every neglect is punished with a cut
of the negotiated wage, whereby a voluntary harder worker
above the requirements, is substantially rewarded.
11] The soul now either will do what is required or even go
more, or she will be unhappy about the work, will become
sluggish and fall into even greater suffering. In the first case she
will be elevated and placed in a freer and considerable more
pleasant state, where she gets more to think and to feel about. In
the second case the guide will leave her in significant suffering,
let her return to her earlier meager property, to find a little but
by far not what is enough.
[12] After a while when a state of urgent need occurred, the now
already much better looking guide and already lord and owner
of many properties, will come and ask the soul, what came over
her to neglect the good and prosperous looking job. The soul
will now make excuses about the hard and too heavy work
which is beyond her strength; but it then will be shown to her
that her troubles and efforts on this most meager small plot is
much greater and still there is no hope, to ever reach only the
most necessary advantage.
[13] In this manner a soul will be brought to recognition, will
again take on a job and surely do more good than before. If she
does well, soon she will be assisted to move forward, but she is
still left with the feeling that she has not yet died bodily; since
material souls do not feel this for quite some time and must be
educated about this in a suitable manner. The news about that
becomes only tolerable to her, once she, as a complete naked
soul, has reach a soul-bodily firmness dressed in already good
clothes. In such a firmer state they are able to receive smaller
revelations, because the spirit germ starts to stir within them.
[14] Once a soul has progressed so far and has recognized that
she now lives in the spirit world and that her everlasting lot
solely depends on her, the only right way of love to Me and the
neighbor will be shown to her, which she has to walk according
to her absolutely free will and out of her completely free selfdetermination.
[15] If this is shown to her, alongside what she in any case most
certainly must achieve, the guide will leave her again and will
only return if she most seriously calls for him in her heart. If she
does not call him, she in anyway walks on the right path; if
however, she deviated from it and went down a bad road, he
will let her encounter a corresponding great suffering. If she
recognizes her misstep and wishes to see her guide, he comes
and shows her the complete triviality of her efforts and
[16] If thereupon she expresses the wish to amend herself, she
again is given employment, and if she fulfills her duties, she
will be promoted again, but not as quickly as the first time,
since she could easily fall back into her old, material lethargy,
from which it will be much more difficult to free her than the
very first time, because with every relapse she hardens more and
more like a growing tree, and from year to year becomes more
difficult to bend than during the early growth periods.”
[1] (The Lord:) “It goes without saying that here there can be no
talk of an individual case, but only about the basic norm,
according to which, during the guidance here and in particular
also in the beyond, a soul is lifted out of the life-restraining
physical state.
[2] In addition there are countless deviations, of which each is
treated a little differently; but irrespective of all this there must
exist a fundamental norm, according to which all the others
must be directed, similar to the earth which must be fertilized by
rain, so that in it the sowed germs can start to germinate. But
how can the various types of seeds which are resting in the earth
waiting to become alive, attract out of the raindrops which is
familiar to them? This is a matter of the specific intelligence of
the spirits who are residing inside the germs and know quite
well how to provide for their residence.
[3] I tell you this, so that you should recognize how difficult and
troublesome the progress is in the beyond regarding the
perfection of the inner life, and how easy and unrestricted it is,
where the soul still has the material body around herself, where
she can foremost deposit all her present physical state, how and
whenever she wants to do this; but in the beyond this is not so
easily possible anymore, because the soul does not have a
material body anymore and cannot glide with her feet over a
material earth anymore, but only over a spiritual, which is built
out of the thoughts and ideas of the soul, but which is certainly
not suitable, to adsorb and bury forever the physical state which
has been expelled by the soul.
[4] Since whatever falls from the soul onto her earth, is nearly
the same as taking a stone and hurling it away from this earth
into infinite space. Yes, who would possess the strength, to hurl
a stone with such speed-power up or away from this earth, to
exceed the speed of a shot arrow by thirty-thousand times,
would most likely be able to remove the stone so far away from
earth, that it never falls back again; but every lesser speedpower
would never manage such effect. It would drive the stone
more or less far from earth; but if the throw-power becomes
necessary weaker due to the continuously far out reaching
gravity power of the earth, the stone eventually would turn
around and fall back onto the surface of the earth.
[5] And see, similar it stands with the material sin lumps still
attached to the soul in the beyond! Even if the soul removes
them from herself and throws them onto the surface of her
world, the trouble is of little use to her, yes, now and then even
absolutely nothing, because the surface of the soul, on which
she stands and moves in the spiritual world, forms very much
part of her, like in the physical world the gravity of this earth,
which forms part of this very earth, nevertheless how far out
reaching it is, it will not allow even one atom to be remove
from it.
[6] If the soul in the beyond wants to rid herself of everything
coarse and physical, a higher power must become active inside
her; and this is the power which lies in My word and in My
name! Since it is written, coming out of the mouth of God:
‘Before Your Name all knees will bend in heaven, on earth and
underneath the earth!’. By this is meant all human creatures of
the countless other worlds in the most infinite space of creation;
since in heaven are residing the already forever perfected
children of God – on this earth however, pay attention, entirely
and only the children of God to be. Since only to this earth the
high privilege is given, it implies its worthiness is standing
above all other world bodies; they are therefore standing
morally underneath this earth and hence also their inhabitants,
by which must be understood ‘who are living underneath the
[7] Therefore only through My word and through My name the
soul can completely be purified. But this cannot be done so
easily in the beyond as one might imagine it; it takes large
preparations! The soul must in advanced be practiced in all
possible self-activity and must carry quite a substantial strength
firmly in herself, before it is possible for her, to accept My word
and finally even My name.
[8] Once the soul is able to do this, it will be easy for her to
remove even the last material atom from her entire territory to
such an extent, so that it forever cannot fall back again. How
and why, will be shown immediately!”
[1] Says Cyrenius to this, who listened with the greatest
attention to everything: “Lord, I cannot really say that I have
understood everything; still everything is quite clear to me –
only it seems to me, as if all this could at one stage become
again unclear to me on this earth, and this would make me
unhappy! Since everything what I have heard from Your holy
mouth, is, nevertheless a little too high above the most wakened
human mind; therefore shedding a little light afterwards over
some issues can perhaps not called superfluous!”
[2] I said: “Friend, you Romans have a quite good proverb,
which says more or less the following: Longum iter per
praecepta, brevis et efficax per exampla! (Long is the way by
teaching, short and effective by example). Behold, it can be
applied quite well also here! Wait for the later following
examples, which I will allow you to see in quite a miraculous
way! They will illuminate what is now still unclear to you; but
the complete purity of the matter you will only understand, once
the pure spirit of the everlasting truth will come over you and
guide you in all truth of heaven and all worlds.
[3] But haven’t you noticed that in nature only one law exists
for the growth of all plants and animals?!
[4] See, all plants grow and multiply from within; they draw
from the moisture of the earth their corresponding substances
and finally, purified by many thousand channels and small
pipes, in themselves or into their lives.
[5] Animals take their food basically from the same source –
with the only difference that it is either by the organism of
plants or in the already much more refined flesh of the lower
level animal species much more purified than in the original
humus of the earth.
[6] People finally enjoy the already most refined and purest
from the plant world as well as the animal world. Hay, grass and
straw does not feed him anymore. From plants he uses mainly
only corn and from trees the most noble, honeysweet fruits.
From animals he enjoys mainly only the recognized purest and
is disgusted by the meat of completely impure animals.
[7] But how many deviations, aberrations and detours exist with
only the physical unfolding of the plant- and animal world, and
still each reaches its goal! It cannot go unnoticed to the
observant eye of a researcher of things in the physical world,
how always one thing serves the other and how one is present to
lift and further animates the other.
[8] Life must work itself through the different physical
elements. First it is in the ether; it collects itself by seizing the
same with the same, similar and related. Thereby it becomes
heavier and at first sinks in itself in its own centre, becomes
heavier and heavier and becomes out of itself the already
heavier and noticeable substance of life.
[9] In the air it collects itself again as high in the ether, from that
clouds and fog are formed, which again collects itself, become
water drops and fall in the form of rain, hail, snow and dew to
the earth and in certain areas are remaining as a constant
haziness and moisturized precipitation from the air.
[10] Water, as a still very subordinated, but already over ether
and air standing element of life, must already start to serve the
already quite manifold and higher standing life condensation
institutions. First it must soften the life in the coarse matter
which has hardened as rocks and must also serve as reception
and further transportation in itself, which means assimilate into
the element of the water: this is the first manner of serving.
[11] Thereupon it must give its spirits of life or so to speak
soul-like substance particles to the plant. If the particles in the
plant with time have developed more and more into certain
intelligent forms, they will again be absorbed by the water and
the hazy air, and the water must provide them with substances
to become new and more free life forms. Therefore the water
still serves in its sphere, although from it hourly myriads times
myriads small-soul-life-intelligence-particles become free and
more and more independent.
[12] However, the plant life must again accept and provide
several and already more complicated services. The services of
the water are still very simple, while the services of plants to the
further promotion of life are by some close inspection of an
even very simple plant, is already very much involving.
[13] Even many times more and very significantly are the
services to promote the soul-life itself in the very first and
simplest animals. And so the serving becomes increasingly
complicated in every higher standing life form.
[14] Once the soul life has completely and entirely transformed
into the human form, to serve is its first destination. There exist
different physical services which is given to each human form
as a ‘must’; with it there also exist a countless number of freer
and an even greater number of most free morally services,
which a person is given to execute. And if he in all directions
made a loyal servant, he thereby has elevated himself to the
highest perfection of life. Now, this in fact takes place with a
few people, who already from birth have been placed on a
higher level; but with other people who are so to speak still
standing close to the line of animals, it doesn’t happen on this
earth, and their further development can only progress in the
beyond, but always along the fundamental path of serving.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Humility is primarily promoted by serving,
often the more subordinated a service appears, the more suitable
it is for the true development of life. Humility itself is nothing
else than the increasingly and stronger condensation of life in
itself, while haughtiness is a loose formation and a scattering
into infinity and finally a complete loss of life, which we can
call the second or spiritual death.
[2] In haughtiness all serving has come to an end and therefore
also all further development of life. If with the development of
life a haughty ruling over others would be required, surely such
a order would be created by Me, that every person has an
unlimited right to rule; but since this is against My eternal order,
every person and angel must take up the apprenticeship of
serving and finally find in the everlasting always increasing and
expanding way of serving the highest joy and bliss.
[3] Without serving there actually does not exist any life, no
durable continuation of it, no happiness, no blessedness and no
love, no wisdom and no joy of life, neither here nor in the
beyond; and who thinks about heaven without any service, full
of laziness and full of idle revelry, is grossly mistaken!
[4] Actually because of it, the most blest spirits of the highest
heaven obtain a strength and power which resembles Mine, to
provide Me and all people already here on this trial-world for
life with a good-quality service. For what other purpose would
be the possession of an even creative strength and power
useful?! Does one then need strength and wisdom to do
nothing?! If their work and usefulness is already of an for you
indescribable importance for this world, how great must be their
importance not for the spiritual world and from it for the whole
of infinity!
[5] I surely has not come to you to make idlers from you, or to
teach you to only carry out agriculture or cattle breeding or
similar, but to make competent workers for the great vineyard of
heaven form you. My teaching to you is aimed firstly to truly
perfect you in the field of you inner life, and secondly, that you
as self life-perfected can become already here and especially
one day in the beyond in My kingdom, the most competent and
strongest workers for Me.
[6] If this would not be My final goal and I say to you: ‘Be
active only here; one day in the beyond in My kingdom you will
be able to revel with the best food and wine to eternity and rest
and gawk at the marvels of God!’, then I must have been more
stupid than even the most stupid among you. Yes, you will have
to marvel about the magnificence of God forever, but not
without action; since it will actually depend on you, to increase
the wonders of heaven and to make them continuously more
marvelous and more divine!
[7] I want it, that from now on all My thoughts and ideas,
become only through you a full reality, already here for soul,
heart and spirit of your brothers and sisters, and in the beyond
regarding all the great realities from their inner most spiritual
sphere of origin up to their most outer material development,
and from there to the repeated return to a increased, pure and
independent spiritual, perfected life. And for that, friends,
infinitively much time, patience and a great activity is required
and an equally great and all-encompassing wisdom and
[1] (The Lord:) “Just don’t think that a small earth like this one
can be created within a day and be populated all at once! For
that for your concepts unthinkable many myriads of earth years
are required. What unthinkable long time periods are required,
until a world is ripe for germinating a human being! How many
plant and animal species must not have fertilized the earth’s soil
by fermentation and decay, until in its soil and in its plant- and
animal mustiness this particular humus is formed, from which
the first strong soul can take its body and organize itself
according to the divine order, so that it could serve her and be
able for reproducing similar descendants, so that the free souls
without, however, a body, does not require hundreds of years to
pull together from the haze a body, but can produce it on a
much shorter way in a with everything necessary equipped
motherly womb.
[2] See, for all this a lot of time, a lot of wisdom, a lot of
patience and an infinite strength is required! Since you and even
to a lesser degree I will ever stop to think and generate ideas,
the creation continues for ever; since Me and also you could not
think empty! Once a thought is felt as something, it must be
present as a form; but once it is present as a form, it already is
spiritually wrapped in a skin, stands as an object before us
capable of adsorbing light, otherwise we could not observe it as
a shaped something. Therefore, for as long as I create thoughts
and ideas out of Myself and you out of Me, for as long creating
will impossible to stop. In infinity there will be forever no
shortage of space and will not bother us with idle boredom.
[3] But where there is a lot to do, many services are required,
depending on the degree of service capabilities of those, to
whom a task is assigned. Who has acquired himself many
properties within My order, will also be placed above many
things; but who has acquired only very few properties, will also
be placed above only a few. But who acquired here no
properties at all, will in the beyond certainly suffer in all
darkness for as long, until he through his inner, free and
independent efforts has come so far, to only take up any kind of
the most insignificant service. If he carries out the most
insignificant service well, he will be given something more
significant; but if he performs it only bad, he soon will even
loose that, what he could have acquired quite easily with his
limited abilities.
[4] Who has, will be given even more, so that he will have
plentiful; but who doesn’t has, from him will also be taken the
little what he already had, and again night, darkness, hunger,
misery and all kind of suffering will be his lot for as long he
decides to firstly become active in himself, to thereby obtain
any further ability to serve.
[5] Therefore be very active here, and do not let you be blinded
by the treasures of this world, which will disappear like the
present form of matter of the entire creation visible to the eye of
the flesh; instead collect even more spiritual treasures, which
will last for the entire eternity! Be clever innkeepers and
landlords of your hearts; the more spiritual treasures you will be
storing by all kind of good works, the better you will be off in
the beyond! But who spares and frisks here, will only have to
ascribe it to himself, if he finds the pantries of his heart
nearly empty.
[6] It is easy to collect here; since everything that somebody
does with a good will out of love to God and his neighbor, is
accepted as the purest gold; but in the beyond he must out of
himself and in himself acquire and pay for everything with the
purest gold of the inner and purest self-activity. And this, My
friends, is somewhat more difficult in the kingdom of the
beyond, where there exist no outer gold- and silver mines!
[7] Here you can make gold from the most common street
excrements and buy heaven with it, if your heart in all truth was
present during the purchase; in the beyond you will only be able
to produce the precious in yourself from the most precious, and
this will be even more difficult than to produce gold from the
most common pebbles here on earth. But who already has
produced a mass and large amount of gold here by his noble and
good works, will not have a shortage of it in the beyond; since
out of a grain of sand of this spiritual noble metal, a world-size
lump is formed in the beyond, and this already provides for a
large stock.”
[1] (The Lord:) “But now I see in some of you an evil thought
rising, which Satan has secretly whispered to you! The thought
reads as follows: It cost you a lot of troubles and work to obtain
the gold for you and your descendants, and you should waste it
to those who squandered their lives with all kind of
sluggishness?! Let them work and earn their bread from you,
and be scantily rewarded according to merit! Who cannot and
does not want to work, should perish like a dog on the open
[2] Oh, I say to you, this is an evil thought that was given to
you! How should a blind work? And still he is your brother who
has the same right to live just as you are, who can see and hear
and have straight limbs. How should poor old people and weak
children of impoverished parent’s work, who does not have the
necessary strength for it? How should the lame and cripples
work for your wages, which you want to pay the least as
[3] How should those people work, who are looking for work
day by day and does not find anything? Since to whoever they
come to, they are referred away, for there currently is no work
for them. Nevertheless, your evil thought still rebukes them to
look for work, which he cannot find anywhere else just as with
you. This person will eventually turn into a beggar; then you
revile him and call him a lazy day thief. Another becomes a
thief; he will be chased like a wild animal, you abuse him and
then throw him into the dungeon. A third even becomes a
robber and murderer or at least a street robber. If you catch him,
he is sentenced, thrown into the dungeon for a short while and
afterwards tortured and killed.
[4] See, these are mostly the results of your evil thoughts, which
very secretly the lord of darkness has breathed into you at all
times. But from now on it should be different! Such thoughts
belong to the hell, but in your souls they should never rise
[5] It therefore is not required by you, that you should distribute
all your possessions among the poor, while being a disciple of
mine; however, you should become wise administrators of the
property entrusted to you, so that you should not let suffer and
languish the blameless poor, if coming to your door!
[6] Look here the friend Ebahl from Genezareth! He has, since
he is an innkeeper, accommodated thousands of all kinds of
locals and also foreigners, and this never with aversion or with a
kind of timidity for the sake of his own – and still his wealth
was never reduced! To the contrary, he now owns so many
earthly treasures, that he could buy himself a large kingdom; but
he only values all those treasures for one reason, and this is, that
it places him in the position, to support even more poor people.
He does not think of his whole house and about his children
only in so far, that they all should become strong in the
recognition of the one and only true God; therefore I look after
everything else about his house, and guaranty you, that his
house never will suffer any shortages!
[7] But to the fearful, I leave the provision for their house to
them, and never shower their storage rooms with wheat and
grain, and their cellars will not overflow with wine. Their
garden trees will not be sagging with the gravity of My blessing,
and their ponds will not become too clouded because of too
many of the most noble fish, and their herds in the fields will
not be the fattest ones! Since, like here so also there – and
nowhere a too great profit can be expected! Who builds with a
weak trust in Me, should also harvest according to his trust! I
will give to everyone according to his trust and according to his
believe, which is always a fruit of the love to Me and to the
[8] Therefore be always and constantly merciful, and you will
always find mercy with Me! The way you are behaving towards
the poor brothers and sisters, I will behave towards you. I say
and advise it to all of you: Be always prepared to serve each
other, outbid each other to do good, truly love each other, just as
I love you, and you will show to all the world that you are truly
My disciples and in your spirit are fully My true children.
[9] This is the destination of all My children, that they on this
earth should continuously exercise themselves regarding the
business in My heavens; since there everything has to do with
love only, and each wisdom which does not originate from the
flame light of love, will forever never find any acceptance in
My heavens and likewise will not get anything to do!”
[1] (The Lord:) “Who of you has a lot of money should not
always loan it to those who bring him usury interest and repay
the capital on the negotiated time, but also to the poor, who
cannot repay him capital or the interest, then he will invest his
money with Me, and I will repay him, already here tenfold and
in the beyond hundred times the capital and interest. But who
lends his money only to those, who can repay him capital and
interest on time as negotiated, or in certain cases must pay by
judicial compulsion, has taken his entire reward already here
and must not expect anything from Me; since by that he did not
serve Me, but the world and himself.
[2] However, you will say: ‘If you lend money to someone who
is in trouble, then this is also charity; because the borrower
could help himself by that, became a rich man and can then very
easily repay capital and interest! Since the lender took the risk
to lose his money under unfavorable speculative conditions! But
since it was useful to the borrower, no God with all His wisdom
can have anything against it, if he, the borrower, repays the
lender the capital plus the negotiated interest! Since the lender is
in the first place also a person to whom any other person has the
same obligation as he to him, and secondly it is quite possible
that the money that was lent was the lenders only possession,
from which he, as the farmer from his land, must live! But if the
lender does not get repaid the capital and also not the interest,
from what should he live? Or can the borrower have the
slightest wish, to keep the borrowed money, since he benefited
so much from it and surely can and must realize, that this was
the helpful lender’s only possession?!’
[3] In addition I said: “Everyone who has money, and a friend
needs it and comes and wants to borrow it, it should not
withheld from him. Who lends it to him to the legal interest rate,
has already committed a good deed, which will also find its
worthiness in heaven. However, it is also the duty of the
borrower not to repay only the borrowed sum and the negotiated
interest, but more; if he profited a lot, he should, by a free
impulse of the heart, share the profit with the lender, since he
only made the profit with his money. However, the lender
should not in any way expect this! All this you can do in all
friendliness, but therefore not let entirely go the other!
[4] But if a very poor person comes to the lender who has
money to lend, and it is expected that he is not able to utilize the
large sum profitable and effectively, no person is obliged by Me
to lend to such a poor person the requested money, because in
this way he intentionally has thrown away his money, without
really having been useful to anyone, and has prepared for the
borrower the opportunity, by which he would start to feel
pushed to all kinds of excessiveness and according to his nature
also had to. Such a deed would therefore not be very good, to
the contrary, if not really bad, it can be called very silly – what
cannot be to the liking either to My love and even less so to
My wisdom.
[5] Ah, it would be something completely different, if a poor
man comes, about whom you know that he knows how to work
with the money and that he became poor only by opposing
coincidences, and requests from you to borrow some money;
you certainly should not keep it from him, even without interest
and without a certain surety, that the lent capital is ever being
repaid! If the man has used the money well, he, as a brother of
you, will also know what he has to do afterwards; since he has
the same obligations towards you as towards him.
[6] But if he is not able to repay the borrowed sum, you should
not become cross with him or search for your money with his
descendants; since this would be hard and totally against My
order. However, should the descendants, especially the children
or the first grandchildren, become wealthy, they would please
Me a great deal, to repay the debt which their poor father or
grandfather has received from a friendly neighbor!
[7] If I therefore say to you that you should lend your money to
those who cannot repay it to you, I just want to say by that, that
you should work with your money or other property as I just
have shown to you; anything below or above would either be
silly or a considerable evil, thus a coarse sin against true
neighborly love!”
[1] (The Lord:) “To serve is therefore the great password
through all the spheres of infinity, in the great kingdom of
nature as well as the endless kingdom of the spirits!
[2] Also the inhabitants of hell understand this – only with the
immense difference between ‘serving’ of the inhabitants of the
heavens: In hell basically everybody wants to be served; and if
someone serves another, this is only eye-service, thus always a
highly self-interested pretended service, whereby the one wants
to deceive the other, to make sure to get him even better under
his claws at another opportunity, and to draw an advantage for
himself from his downfall.
[3] For that reason a hellish soul lifts his superiors upwards, like
a certain kind of vulture along the shore of the sea does this with
tortoises. Such a serviceable vulture sees a tortoise creeping
around a marsh. The toad tries to reach land to search for herbs
to satisfy its hunger. The flesh-hungry vulture first provides it
with the service to lift it out of the marsh and puts it on dry land
full of herbs. Soon the toad starts to search for the nourishing
herbs. The vulture watches it for a while and makes only subtle
attempts to test the hardness of its shell. Since its sharp beak
cannot shear a piece of meat from the shell, it leaves the poor
toad grazing quietly for as long until it sticks its head out of the
shell more courageously and perky, avaricious for the herbs.
[4] When the vulture notices such confidence of the toad, it
grabs the soft, fleshy head with its claws and lifts the toad high
into the air and carries it to a place where it notices a hard rocky
surface. There it let’s go of the lifted toad, and its deadly
downfall begins. Reaching the rocky ground quickly as an
arrow, it smashes into pieces, and the vulture who accompanied
its victim with the same speed, is equally quickly at hand to take
the reward for its earlier diligent service and to stuff its
continuously hungry stomach. There you have a true picture of
nature for the hellish service diligence.
[5] This is also a service, but an extremely selfish one, and
therefore every more or less selfish service which people
provide each other, is more or less related to the service of hell,
and can impossibly, as far as related to hell, have any value
before Me and all My heavens. Only a purely unselfish service
is also a true and therefore purely heavenly service and has a
true and perfect value before Me and all My heavens.
[6] If therefore you serve each other, serve each other in love
and true brotherliness, as it is the usual way in heaven! If
someone requests a service from you, do it in all friendliness
and love, and do not ask the service provider before delivering
his service for the reward; since this is also done by the
heathens, who do not know the true Father in heaven and have
learned their customs more from animals than from God! Proof
of that to this day are the old Egyptians, who’s first
schoolmaster was a bull who urged them to think, why they still
until today paying a divine worshipping to it.
[7] If somebody has provided you with a good service, you
should not ask and say: ‘Friend, what do I owe you?’, but you
should reward your friend for the good delivered service in the
best possible manner according to your strength out of all love
and joy of your heart! If he, who provided the good service to
you, notices it, he will hug you and say: ‘Noble friend, see, I
have only provided a very small service to you, and you reward
me to generously! See, a tenth of it is more than sufficient, and
even this I accept only as proof of your brotherly heart which is
so dear to me!’
[8] If the service provider will talk to his service lord in such a
manner with true and life-deep feelings, will not the servant and
the employer become immediately true heavenly brothers?!
Very much so, and thereby the true kingdom of God will come
to you and heavenly rule over you with the scepter of light and
all mercy.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Oh, surely it is not enough only to know and to
believe what is good, right and true according to the order of
God and all heaven, but one has to act accordingly in all love
and joy of the heart, only then comes the kingdom of God and
His justice truly under you people and only then makes you to
true children of God!
[2] What use would all insight and knowledge be to someone,
but he would not act accordingly, but would stay with the old
habits of worldly customs?! Would he not resemble a foolish
person, who receives a palace as a pure present, where he
should live with his family peacefully and in all comfort?! This
person, however, would have a great joy about the most
marvelous and most comfortable facilities, but he is used to an
uncomfortable living in his old, small and dirty hut since
childhood, and despite his recognition of the good and
exceedingly effective, marvelous and exceedingly spacious
palace he nevertheless stays in the moist, unhealthy and highly
uncomfortable hut with his family and continuously complains
about the great shortcomings of his small dwelling!
[3] Yes, if such a person is not a fool, then nobody is a fool in
this world! But a still by far much bigger fool is he, who has My
teaching and has recognized it as the everlasting truth, but in all
his actions nevertheless remains an old yoke ox!
[4] I say it to you all: My yoke put onto your service nape is
quite soft and the burden put on you to carry is exceedingly
light. Who will carry it, will have little trouble. But who does
not want to carry it, will have to ascribe it to himself, if he feels
bad, bitter and wretched. Show each other the right love, and
you will rest on gentle and exceedingly soft cushions! But if you
rather prefer stones under your heads, you can have them; but
when the morning of life appears nobody should complain, that
his head became sore and painful!
[5] If you have a loyal and a disloyal servant, would you not be
enormously stupid, if you let go the loyal servant because he is
for a much shorter period in your house than the real, old rogue
who have cheated you at every opportunity?! Therefore all your
old ways of worshipping must disappear completely; since it is
not suitable for the pure teachings out of heaven, and this
teaching is not just a new piece of cloth to repair an old,
completely torn dress, but on its own it is an entire new, ready
dress, for which the old, bad dress must make room!
[6] I do not imply under the old dress Moses and the prophets –
since they are a purest gold from heaven -, but I refer to your
people’s law by the picture of the old, torn dress. From them
and the doctrine of the temple, nothing can be done anymore;
because if you wanted to place a completely new patch on a
wide gaping shear, one would not be able to stitch it on, since
the rotten material of the old dress would not be able to hold the
[7] In the past Moses has given a constitution to the Israelite
people for the entire household and for all needs and
emergencies of mankind; but this has been completely
disfigured, and even as refigured again it does not serve My
teaching anymore. Since if one ploughs, one cannot harvest; but
if the sowed wheat grain has become ripe, you hire reapers, and
then the plough is of no use to the reapers. Moses has ploughed,
the prophets have sown, and now the reap and harvest time has
come, where Moses with the plough in his hand is of no use
anymore. We will harvest now and gather into our sheds
whatever is ripe; but after the harvest the plough of Moses will
again be given to you for a repeated breaking up of the ground
for a new sowing of the purest grain out of heaven, and there
will be placed guards, who will keep an close eye, that the
enemy does not come and sows weed between the purest
[1] (The Lord:) “Yes, the earth will be ploughed anew and the
purest seed will be strewn into the fresh furrows, and guardians
will guard the field, but nevertheless, I already see a lot of
weeds among the new wheat! How does this get under the
[2] Yes behold, this is a sin among the guardians! They fell
asleep when night came; since they thought and said: ‘who
dares while we have the field surrounded?!’ When the people
were asleep, the enemy came and sowed weeds between wheat
and went away.
[3] But when they slept, the enemy crept onto the field and
quickly strewed an evil seed onto the field. When the seed grew
and brought fruit, also the weeds were present. The servants
came to the landlord and said: Lord, didn’t you sow a good seed
onto your field? Where did the weeds come from?
[4] And when in the morning the guardians noticed, that a lot of
weed appeared between the wheat, they of course hurried to the
lord and said: ‘Lord! The purest wheat as you has given it to us,
we sow it into the equally pure earth and guarded well the most
beautiful field; but to what use was this all?! The enemy still
came, somehow secretly without us knowing, and strewed a lot
of weeds among the wheat! Now it rises wildly! Should we
remove it or should we let it grow?’ He said to them: ‘the
enemy did that. And the servants said: Do you want us to go and
remove it?’
[5a] What will be the response of the lord to them? I say to you
what he will say: ‘While you were not awake during the time of
the night, which is a life test for every person, it was easy for
the prince of darkness to sow these weeds between my wheat!
Let both grow until the time of the new harvest; then we will
say to the reapers: ‘First collect the wheat and bring it to my
barn, and after that also collect the weeds and bind it in bundles
and make a fire and burn all weed bundles, so that its seed does
not get into the ground anew and make it impure!’
[6] You now ask busily in your hearts and say: “Why, how so,
how can one understand this?”
[7] And I say to you that this can be understood quite easily.
The field is like the hearts of the people of this earth; the purest
wheat is my teaching; the One who ploughs and sows I am now
Myself and you with Me. The recruited guardians are also you
and those who will be recruited in My name by you. I am the
lord and My barns are My heavens. But Satan is the enemy, and
his weeds are the evil world with all its evil and deadly
cravings. The newly recruited reapers are those messengers,
which I will at the time awaken anew out of heaven and send
them to collect the wheat and burn all the evil weeds, so that it
would not easily pullute the field and the wheat in future. –
Now, you will understand the true picture?
[8] ‘Yes’, you say, ‘now we understand it! But You, o Lord,
could with Your almightiness and Your all encompassing
wisdom easily prevent it, if sometimes during the night of the
life test sleep comes over us, that the enemy does not sow his
evil seed among the purest wheat!’
[9] And I say to that: ‘My almightiness cannot have anything to
do with that, where there should develop a free life in My
children. I Myself cannot do more, than you yourself among
each other. I give you the field, the plough, the wheat, and hire
the reapers; but you work yourself! And if you work properly,
and if you lack the necessary strength, by now you will know,
that I will always equip you with that, if you request it from me
in your heart, and you will be able to work well with new
strength; but I can forever not work for you! And if I would do
that, it would be of no use to your freedom and independence of
your lives; then you would become pure machines, but forever
not free, out of themselves living, thinking and acting people!’
[10] From all this it must now be absolutely clear to you, that
the mutual serving according to My teaching, is the main
condition of all life! – Understand this quite well!”
[11] Says Cyrenius: ‘Lord, You the most true in eternity, there
is no one equal to You! Your words are clear, are the truth and
life! I only now start to live, and it appears to me, as if I had
been woken from a very deep sleep. Thus, as You, o Lord, has
spoken now, can only speak a God and not a person, since no
man can know, what is in him and what makes him alive, and
how he can fruitful cultivate life! We, o Lord, are now provided
for and protected by You directly forever; but those who will
come after us, will already, nevertheless their serving zeal, have
to battle with all kinds of weeds on Your field between the most
marvelous wheat! But whatever is in my power, it will be not
that easy for hell to sow its weeds into the field, which You just
have shown to us!
[12] But now I want to hear from Your mouth, how hell and its
prince will influence the people! How does they bring the weeds
on the field of the heavens?”
[1] I said: “Nothing easier then that! I already have shown you,
how every person must walk the path of the law, if he wants to
reach the freedom and independence of his being and his life.
But if a law exists which has been given to man like from
outside, there also must be stimulus in man to transgress it with
ease and joy, even if only for a moment, instead of following it
strictly. In this way all spirits were called into existence by Me
before all material creation, what and how, I already have
shown to you, so that you must comprehend and understand it;
since you yourself follow currently exactly the same order, if
you want to create something.
[2] First you make all kinds of thoughts; from those you then
form ideas and forms. Once you have developed a certain form
from the thoughts and ideas, it will be surrounded with a skin by
the will, to give it permanence. Once it has come so far, it stays
as a spiritual entity totally indestructible, and you can always
picture it whenever you want to picture it. But the longer you
look at such an almost formal object, the more you are
becoming inclined towards the formed and spiritually skin
surrounded idea; there awakens love in you for this spiritual
form. The love for it increases, it flames in your heart for it, and
by the warmth of life and by the light of the flame of love, the
now continuously better defined idea becomes in itself more and
more developed, complete, more beautiful, and you start, from
its increasingly greater perfection, to discover all kinds of
usefulness of it, and take the decision, to transform the now
more developed idea into an external work.
[3] Initially you make drawings on parchment, and this for as
long as the drawing completely resembles the already developed
spiritual picture in yourself. If you do not find any differences
between the drawing and the spiritual picture, you consult with
experts, how this can be transformed into a real material work.
And the experts think about it and soon find there way around
the developed idea and say: ‘This and that we need for it, the
time of a few years, and so much it will cost!’ You then set up a
contract, the work will start, and within a few years your idea is
standing before you and thousands of other people to look at,
marvel about it and make use of it.
[4] See, in this way you create your houses, tools, cities, castles,
ships and thousands of other things! And just in the same
manner I create the heavens, the worlds and everything what is
in it and what it carries. The creation of a world of course takes
more time, than it takes for you to build a hut, a house or to
build anything else; since you already have the ready matter
before you, but I first have to create matter and take it from the
most unalterable firmness of My will.
[5] I also could create any matter immediately, yes even call a
complete world ocean in a moment into being; but such a world
would not have any prolonged permanence, since it has not been
fed by Me sufficiently before reaching full maturity. Once a
great world idea has become properly ripe in Me and has been
fed by My love and wisdom, it will also become more and more
intensified and will thereby become more and more permanent.
[6] It is the same with you, wherever you have to do with
already formed matter! A house which you have build in an
emergency within one day, will surely not survive for a hundred
and even less so for a thousand years! But with buildings,
whereby in the beginning the formed idea has been ripened in
you for a longer period of time and becoming continuously
clearer by the reflection of your idea, about what is required to
transform such a form into a most possible permanent and most
perfect workable existence, then you will also create something
durable like the pyramids, which already by now, as known to
all educated mortals, are standing nearly for two-thousand years
and weather all storms and will stand for more than four times
their current age, externally only little weathered.
[7] If the old pharaohs did not long enough thought about it, to
build such buildings as preservative institutions for their secret
arts and sciences, which should not be destroyed by the tooth of
time during thousands of years, those pyramids would never
stand as monuments of the primordial art of construction; but
because the builders did nurture for years their once taken idea
which was transformed into a full form and in this manner
brought to maturity, it is therefore understandable why their
idea transformed into matter, and still today fills the traveler
with amazement.
[8] Indeed, subsequently people learned to think quickly and
were able to quickly develop out of the sum of their thoughts an
idea, which was sometimes even quite complicated, and most
often transformed it into reality; but since the idea was quick
and easily developed, it was also quickly put into reality. The
work however, was therefore very easy, and because of the
insufficient pre maturing of the idea, the work soon became
transient. In short, everything easy stays easy, and everything
difficult stays difficult!”
[1] (The Lord:) “When in the first beginning I placed the spirits
as My matured ideas, outside Myself and filled them with My
power to such an extent, that they themselves started to think
and to will, they also had to be shown an order, according to
which they had to think, to will and finally to act. But with this
shown and given order, an impulse had to be placed in those
first beings to ignore the given order; otherwise they would
never be able to make any use of their will. Only the impulse
placed in them, produced a true life emotion in them,
according to which they began to decide, to chose, firmly to will
and to act.
[2] It is, if you know this, quite easy to understand, that already
in the first created spirits a certain weed had to begin to show,
because the impulse lifted many of the first created spirits out of
the order and finally by the continuously mightier growing
opposition they had to harden, and in this way laid the
foundation of the material creation of the worlds.
[3] The first main central suns were created, and out of them
finally all the countless other suns and world bodies and with
them everything else what you can discover and find on, above
and in them.
[4] Everything what is and called matter, was originally
spiritual, which voluntary has stepped out of the good order of
God, founded itself in the wrong impulses and hardened therein,
which then formed matter. Matter is therefore nothing else then
out of itself hardened spirit under judgment; or stated more
clearly, it is the most coarse and most heavy skin or shell of
the spirit.
[5] However, the spiritual can with all the still so hard and
coarse surrounding shell never become so quickly complete
matter, but continues to live and exist in matter, irrespective of
its nature. If the matter is very hard, the spiritual life in it is also
severely bound and cannot express itself or unfold any further,
if it is not given any help from the outside.
[6] In a hard rock life can only reach some expression, if the
rock over a long time is soften and is getting more and more
eroded by rain, snow, dew, hail, lightening and other elements.
Thereby some life escapes as ether into the air, some part forms
itself a new and lighter wrapping, initially in the form of tender
mould- or moss plants; but over time dissatisfied with this
wrapping, the more freer life seizes each other and creates soon
a new wrapping, wherein it can move more freely and
[7] As long as the new wrapping is tender and soft, the
imprisoned spiritual is quite happy and does not asked for
anything better. But the initial very tender wrapping becomes by
the inner activity of the spirits, which now increasingly pushes
the pressing matter to the side, again harder and more coarse;
therefore the spiritual life strives upwards, hence forms the
blade of the grass and subsequently the trunk of the tree and
tries to protect itself from the below following increasing
hardening, by the continuously produced and increasingly
narrower rings and incisions. But since in the end by this
activity no rescue from total solidification can be expected, they
narrow the lower trunk as much as possible and escape further
into the small twigs, threads, leaves, little hairs and finally into
the flower; but because eventual all this will within a short time
become harder and harder and the biggest part of the spirits
recognize, that all their efforts are in vain, they start to preserve
themselves so to speak into cocoons which they quite firmly
surround with to them corresponding better matter.
[8] Thereby all kind of seeds and fruits originate. But the most
selfish part of the freer life in a plant does not gain much; since
that what enclosed itself in a firm germ shell, must complete the
journey as many times as the seed gets into the moist and life
saturated earth. The other more patient part of life, which
allowed itself to become a guard and carrier in the lower matter
for the most keen, most timorous and most impatient life, soon
decays and passes over into an even higher and freer life sphere,
still continues to wrap itself, but normally already with
corresponding animal forms; and what has been consumed as
fruit by animals and even people, the coarser part will be used
for building and feeding the flesh, while the more noble part
becomes nerve-strengthening and enlivened spirit, and the very
noble part becomes soul substance.”
[1] (The Lord:) “If you look a little closer at this process, it will
truly not be difficult for you, to recognize in all right depth of
truth, where the weed on the pure field of life is coming from.
[2] Everything which is called world and matter, is something
which is wrong and inevitably always opposing the true,
spiritual order out of God, since originally it had to be placed as
a counter-impulse into the enlivened, well-formed idea, placed
outside of God as individual beings, to awaken their free will,
and should therefore be seen as the true weed on the only true
and spiritual pure field of life.
[3] Even if the weed was originally a necessity to establish a
complete free, spiritual life, the free created human beings must
finally recognize it as such and voluntary remove it, because it
is impossible for them to continue to exist together with it. It is
a necessary means for a purpose, but can never become one
with the purpose itself.
[4] The net is also a necessary means to catch fish; but who will
submerge it into the water, then pull it up again and instead of
the fish, roast it on the fire en enjoy it as food?! Thus the net is
only necessary to catch fish; and once you have lifted the fish
out of the water and put them into the pantry, one puts the net
away and uses the yield achieved by it.
[5] Hence the impulse to transgress the commandment must be
there; since it is an awakener of the ability to recognize and an
awakener of the free will. It fills the soul with desire and joy for
as long she quite well recognizes the impulse, but not giving in
to it, but keep fighting it with the same free will, which was
awaken and enlivened by the very impulse in her, and the free
soul uses it then as a means, but not as an in it achieved
[6] The tube is never ever the wine itself, but only the holder to
preserve the wine. But who would be so stupid to bite into the
tube and damage it because of its attractive smell, since he
knows to just open the tube at the right place, to get the pure
wine out of the tube?!
[7] The weed or the impulse to transgress the law is therefore
something subordinated and may never ever become the main
objective; whoever makes the subordinated the main objective,
resembles a fool, who wants to feed himself with the pots in
which the good food is cooked, and throws the food away!
[8] But of what does this weed consists and through which
decomposed life should it be fertilized? What name does
therefore carry this counter-legal impulse which was placed into
the enlivened forms? It is called self-love, selfishness, arrogance
and finally lust for power. Indeed, by self-love the enlivened
form goes into herself, but with a greed to draw everything into
herself and to lock and preserve it forever in herself, to make
sure that it cannot be beneficial to anybody else, out of fear not
to run into any shortage herself! By such locking-up-in-herself
of everything which it continuously draws from the Divine
order which feeds and maintains everything, a continuously
growing solidification must take place and a certain temporary
solidification and superiority and by that a special liking of
itself – and this is in the full-true sense of the word and meaning
selfishness, which it feels as something very weighty and tries
to elevate with all strength, power and all available means above
every other being, and even if it is in the most worst manner.
[9] If selfishness has achieved what it wants, it rises above
everything which is similar to her and looks so to speak delightdrunkenly
and with disdain down on everything; and this is
what one calls haughtiness. Therein is already a lot of matter
and a complete field full of the most worse weed.
[10] But haughtiness is in itself of the biggest discontent,
because it still makes the observation, that still not everything
serves it, as he wants it. It now examines all his means and other
powers and finds in order to make everything serving it, that it
must play in a political manner someone easygoing and
bounteous. Thought, tested and done! Because there are always
more hungry than saturated, the easygoing haughtiness has an
easy task. Soon all the hungry small forces gather around him
and allow to be strictly ruled over them, because also they
become something to catch from the wealth of haughtiness.
They now obey slavishly the haughtiness, thereby increasing his
power, and the haughtiness strives immediately to rather make
everything serviceable and tributary to itself. And this insatiable
striving is that, what one in the truest sense calls the alldestructible
imperiousness, in which no love prevails.
[11] In such imperiousness already the thickest matter expresses
itself; by it a planet completely hardens as granite with all
possible evil elements in the best manner fully provided. But
that imperiousness and with it the real dictatorship is equal to
the most dense matter, is proven by the exceedingly firm castles
and fortresses, behind which the rulers hide. The walls have to
be a few fathoms thick and equipped with strong fighters, so
that nobody dares, to penetrate the coarsest matter and to limit
the ruler in his most arrogant rest. Woe the weak who dares to
touch only one stone of the ruler’s fortress; he soon will be
crushed and destroyed!
[12] I do not refer here to the rulers and regents, which were
placed as pillars by the order of God to decrease imperiousness
of each individual person and to keep upright meekness and
modesty of love and patience; since those by God placed
regents of the nations must be that what they are, and cannot be
different, as they have been driven and guided by the will of the
almighty God to improve the nations. Here is only meant the
general imperiousness of every individual spirit and person, and
is shown what it actually is in itself. Yes, there were in fact
rulers, which can be called evil tyrants! They have risen out of
the nation, rebelled against the rulers which were placed by
God, like once Absalom against his own father David. Such
rulers are not placed by God, but by themselves, and are
therefore evil and a real weed and corresponding forms of the
most thickest matter.
[13] But you, My Cyrenius, and your emperor are not like that,
but that according to My will, what you are – although still
heathens! But to Me you are as heathens more pleasing than
many kings, which as supposed to be guides of the children of
God were true bodily and even more spiritual murderers of
them, therefore the old thrones and crowns and sceptres are
forever taken away from them and the responsibility given to
you most wise heathens. – I necessarily make here this addition,
that you, My Cyrenius, should not think, as if you and your
nephew would be sitting as a usurer on the imperious throne
before Me. – And now further with our consideration about the
weed on the good field!”
[1] (The Lord:) “Behold, just like people are now becoming to
such an extent full of matter by self-love, by haughtiness and by
the thereby resulting imperiousness, that they for many
thousand times thousands of years cannot be completely freed
thereof – in the same manner primordial created spirits existed,
who also became too self-loving, selfish, arrogant and finally
imperious by the impulse given to them, and the result was, that
they changed into the purest matter.
[2] They have secluded themselves in large associations and set
themselves up in for you unimaginable large distances. Each
association didn’t want to hear, see and learn anything from
another in order to world-thickly indulge in self-love. By this
continuously growing acceptance of self-love and selfishness
and by this more and more awakened haughtiness and absolute
imperiousness, the countless many life-forms finally shriveled
into an exceedingly large lump according to the law of gravity,
which developed by itself out of self-love and selfishness – and
the physical primordial sun of a shell-globe was completed.
(Shell-globe = the total of an immense number of sun-areas,
which, like individual planets around the sun, circle around the
primordial central sun in immeasurable wide orbits - J.L.)
[3] But now there exists in infinite space likewise an immense
number of such systems or shell-globes, where everywhere such
a described primordial central sun serves countless worlddominions
as a common centre, and those primordial central
suns are those shriveled primordial spirit associations, from
which in time of times all other solar-universes, solardominions,
adjacent-central-suns, planetary suns, planets,
moons and comets originated.
[4] But how did this take place? See, inside the primordial
central sun the pressure became too powerful for many of the
large spirits! Rage-glowing they ignited and freed themselves
from the primordial pressure. They literally fled endlessly far
away from their first lump of association. For some time they
swarmed totally free and harmless completely independent in
endless space and had the good intention, to return by
themselves to the pure spiritual order; but since they could not
rid themselves of the element of self-love, they finally started
again to shrivel to a firm lump, and formed central suns of the
second order, which originated inside one and all the other
countless shell-globes.
[5] In those central suns of the second order the main spirits
incensed in time of times because of the increasing pressure,
ignited and freed themselves in countless masses from the
unified lump of the second order. They again had the best
intentions for a pure spiritual transformation; but since they in
time again found a great liking in themselves and could not
completely give up self-love, they again grew in material weight
and shriveled also to a large lump, and central suns of the third
order were formed.
[6] But soon the same circumstances developed there as with
the earlier central suns. The higher spirits, less in numbers, were
in time too much pressurized by the subordinated spirits,
became again infuriated and with great power thousand times
thousands broke loose from the common lump, with the firm
intention to now finally return to the pure spiritual. For
unthinkable long periods of time they floated like far from each
other separated ethereal fog masses in wide space.
[7] In recollection of the mighty pressure they had to endure,
they liked this freedom. But in this inactive freedom with time
they starved and they started to search for food in space – thus a
saturation from somewhere outside. They found it and had to
find it; since desire resembles those Nordic magnetic rocks
which attract with irresistible power all iron as well as all
ferrous minerals.
[8] But what was the inevitable result thereof? Their being
thereby started in time to become more dense; with that soon
self-love and its consequence awoke, and the inevitable result
was the shriveling into a common lump, which of course
required an uncountable number of earth years.
[9] Only, what is a still so long duration of time for the eternal
God?! A seer from the prehistoric time once said: ‘Thousand
years are before God like one day!’ I say to you: Thousand
times thousand years are before God in all seriousness not
nearly a moment! Who is an idler, for him hours become days
and days years because of boredom. For the diligent and
manifold active, however, hours become moments and weeks
days. Since eternity God is filled with infinite active diligence
and is continuously infinitely active, and the most blessed result
of it is, that for Him for you unthinkable long periods of time
must appear like a moment – and the full development of a sun
lasts before His eyes only for a very short time.
[10] From the latter shrivelings originated and still originate the
planetary suns, as the one giving light to this earth. These type
of suns are in their being much gentler and softer than the
central suns, but still have an immense mass of heavy matter as
a result of the self-love of its eon times eon spirits, whose selflove
lumped together such a sun. The more noble and better
spirits in this light lump experiencing in time a too heavy and
unbearable pressure from the common spirits who have become
completely matter; the result of this is, as with the earlier suns,
violence, eruptions over eruptions, and the more noble spirits
are freeing themselves.
[11] Here then awakes in them already the very serious will, to
go over into the pure primordial spiritual by the observance of
the true order of God. Many fight the impulse placed in them
and become primordial created angels, without going through
the flesh for the time being. Those however, who want to
undergo the route of the flesh, either immediately on the sun or
even on this earth, are allowed to do so, what actually also can
take place on the earlier described central suns, but not so often
as with especially this planetary sun, which provides the light
for this earth, produced mainly by the great activity of its spirits.
[12] But some spirit associations, who freed themselves out of
the sun lump with the best intentions, could, however, not free
themselves completely from self-love and slowly started again
to give in to the primordial impulse placed in them; one became
two and so on in an unnoted way!
[13] Soon, already quite material, they became visible as misty
comets with a long tail. What does this tail mean? It indicates
the hunger of the already matter becoming spirits and the great
desire for material saturation. This desire draws from the ether
its corresponding matter, and such a comet, as a compendium of
already quite material spirits, wanders than for many thousands
of years around in ethereal space and searches for food like a
tearing wolf.
[14] By this continual soaking up and feeding, it also becomes
increasingly denser and denser and heavier and heavier. In time
it will be attracted again by the sun from which it got away,
where it must begin to orderly orbit around it. Once it had to
obey such order, it becomes a planet like this earth, the
morning- and evening star, or Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and
some which are unknown to you.
[15] Now the planet is formed but still has an immense hunger
and since it is closer to the sun as earlier when still a comet, it
gets sufficient food from it, which is at the same time a bait, to
draw the wanting runaway always closer and closer to itself, in
order to bury it again completely after a long time – a creditable
wish of the primordial created spirits in the sun, which,
however, regarding the great planets, including this earth, never
becomes in its own way a reality; since although the spirits
banned in the planets are still very material, they are familiar
with the matter of the sun and do not have a particular interest
and no desire, to ever unify with the sun completely. They
accept with pleasure the spirits and small spirits coming from
the sun as a good strengthening and food, but about a complete
unification with the sun, they want to know nothing.
[16] By times it also happens, that the once fugitive spirits as a
material lump compendium been baited and attracted very close
to the sun; but the tremendous diligent activity of the freest
spirits surrounding the hard lump of the sun, to which mainly
the shining of the outer surface of the sun is attributed, causes,
that all the spirits in the shriveled lump instantaneously raise to
the highest level of activity, break up and each for itself, as one
might say, make a run for it.
[17] The result of such awakened activity in a planet or at least
already more ripe comet of the spirits lumped together for a
long time, is the sudden and total dissolving of the lump and the
redemption of many thousand times thousand and again
thousand times thousand of spirits, of which the most, taught
and seasoned by such lesson, are immediately turning to the
right order of life and become primordial angel spirits and
becoming useful guardians of their less free life brothers, as
well as those languishing in the hard lump and contribute a great
deal to the quicker redemption of the same.
[1] (The Lord:) “However, part of such dissolved spirits still
want to make the way through the flesh on any of the planets.
Some go through it on the sun, on any of the belts which of
course is most suitable to them; however, only to this earth are
coming very few, since the way through the flesh appears to
them too difficult, because here they even have to give up all
recollection to any former state and enter a completely new
being right from the beginning, which is not the case on other
planets and world bodies.
[2] To start with the incarnated spirits there still have a
dreamlike recollection of all the former states, and the result of
this is that the people on other planets and world-bodies are
fundamentally a lot wiser and sober than on this earth. But
therefore they are not able to progress any further to a higher
level of free life. They resemble, like said already before, more
the animals of this earth, which have by nature a certain
instinct-like education for there being, by which they always
express a great skill and perfection, so that man with all his
reason is not able to copy them with respect to certain actions.
[3] There are however those who take on the necessary training,
that they in an emergency can be used for very simple and most
coarse work, like the ox to pull, the horse, the donkey and the
camel to carry, a dog to sniff out, hunt and pull; but beyond that
you will not be able to teach them anything more, and regarding
speech absolutely nothing can be achieved. The simple cause
lies therein, that a blunt recollection to their former states
imprisons the animal souls like a judgment and continuously
keep them busy, so that they live in a certain anesthesia.
[4] Only with all people of this earth it is the case like nowhere
else, that they lose all recollection and therefore have to start
right from the beginning with a completely new life order and
new education, which is setup in such a way that every person
can grow to the fullest resemblance of God.
[5] Therefore such a soul can only be incarnated on this earth,
which either originates from the sun where still all the
primordial elements are present, already went through the way
of the flesh there and as such have collected all those soul
intelligence specifics, which are necessary for the perfection of
the highest spiritual life – or a soul originates directly from this
earth and has previously passed through all three so-called
nature kingdoms, from the coarsest stone matter through all
mineral layers, from there through the complete plant world and
lastly through the complete animal world in the water, on earth
and in the air.
[6] Of course, here one should not think of the physical body,
but the soul-spiritual element which is present in its shell; since
in the further analysis also the shell is soul-spiritual, but in itself
it is still too common, too sluggish and too ungainly and is still
a too heavy expression of self-love, selfishness, haughtiness and
the most sluggish, lazy pleasure of the greediest, stingy and
death-bringing angry imperiousness. Such matter must first by
manifold decaying and only partial transformation be adsorbed
in a more pure soul-skin- and dress-substance; however, for an
actual soul substance it will most likely never be usable.
[7] For this reason on this earth there exist many more different
types of minerals, plants and animals than on all other planets
and suns, of course each regarded individually. All together
would probably make a greater type-sum, but every other
world-body individually seen in the whole space of creation
does not even contain one in a hundred thousand of the many
types like here on this earth in each of its three kingdoms.
Therefore only this earth is destined, to carry the children of
God in the truest sense.
[8] But how and why is such? There are extremely peculiar
circumstances related to this earth. As planet it belongs to this
sun; but it is, strictly speaking, not like all the other planets –
with exception of the one between Mars and Jupiter, which
because of certain evil reasons, was already destroyed sixthousand
years ago, or actually was destroyed by itself and its
inhabitants – from this sun, but originally comes from the
primordial central sun and is in a certain regard for you an
unthinkable time older than this sun. Nevertheless, it actually
only became a body, after this sun has long since started, as a
developed world-lump, with its first orbit around its central sun,
but, nevertheless, has attracted its actual physical body mainly
from this sun.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Before many thousand times thousand of earth
years, this earth was bodily significant heavier and its spirits
were severely pressed. The worst spirits got angry and separated
together with a great deal of the most coarse material mass from
it, and swarmed many thousands of years in a very disorderly
path around this earth.
[2] Since all the parts, accept for a few lumps were still very
soft and partly melted and the whole mass was constantly
rotating, finally the whole mass formed a large sphere, for
which the rotation around its own axis was way too slow for its
small diameter, to keep the liquid on its not quite insignificant
surface evenly spread, and because its orbit around the earth
was very fast, resulting in the liquids concentrating always at
the side facing away from earth, as a result of the old centrifugal
[3] Thereby the actual point of gravity of this round lump was
continuously pushed to the side where all the liquids
accumulated, in time the too slow axis rotation had come to a
halt – after the lump became itself more compact, through
which the water could not that easily trickle through and the
waves taken along started to heavily oppose the rotation by
surging against newly formed high mountain walls, and the
entire lump started to show the earth, from which it was ejected,
constantly only one face.
[4] And this was also good, so that its stubborn spirits could
enjoy, how good it is, to be stuck in a most dry and nearly all
food absent matter. Since people are living on this earth, does
this part of the moon (since the lump under discussion is the
moon) also serves the purpose, that the most world-loving
human souls are send thereto, and from there, encapsulated in a
airy-material skin, can amply watch their beautiful world from a
far distance of over hundred-thousand hours walking for a few
thousand years, and feel sorry for themselves that they cannot
be its stingy inhabitants anymore. But that they despite all their
desire cannot return to this earth anymore has been most
properly provided for. But a few eons of earth years will in time
bring even the very most stubborn to their senses!
[5] You have seen now how the entire material world creation
has originated, up to the moons of the planets, which have
almost everywhere where they exist, originated in the same
manner, have the same nature and serve now the same purpose.
[6] How and for which reason the entire material world creation
up to the moons has originated out of and in themselves fallen
spirits, in exactly the same manner have in time on the hard and
heavy world bodies originated the mountains as the first
gigantic plants of a world, and later on all kinds of plants,
animals and lastly man himself.
[7] Better spirits continuously extricate themselves with force
from the increasing pressure of matter, dissolving their own
with the power of their will. They could immediately go over to
the order of the pure spirits; but the old stimulus still exercises
also its old power. Self-love immediately awakens again, the
plant sucks, the animal eats, and the soul of man searches,
hardly entering the old God-form, most greedily for material
food and a similar, sluggish well-being; therefore she must
immediately encapsulate herself with a material body, which is
nevertheless, more tender than the old, sinful matter. Despite the
more tender body, the soul in it, nevertheless increases self-love
to such an extent, that she would again become the hardest
matter, if I wouldn’t have placed a guard, a spark of My spirit of
love, in her heart.”
[1] (The Lord:) “You have heard of the hereditary evil – at least
the Jews! What is it and how is it made up? See and hear!
[2] It is the old self-love as the father of the lie and all evil out
of it; but the lie is the old, sinful matter, which is in fact nothing
else than a loose and sinful appearance of self-love, selfishness,
haughtiness and imperiousness.
[3] All this originated out of the necessary stimulus, which I had
to place into the spirits for the sake of recognition of the own
free will; although the stimulus was necessary, the sinful
coming into existence of the material world was absolutely no
necessity. It was only allowed out of My order, as an
unfortunate necessary consequence of the so many spirits which
did not wanted to resist the stimulus, although they were able to
– just like six times as many primordial created spirits were able
to, of whom only one is standing here to serve us and carries the
name Raphael.
[4] The enemy who always strewed the weed under the pure
wheat, and still strews, and will be strewing for a long time to
come, is therefore the old self-love, and the consequence as
known to you is the weed, and in the furthermost sense the
perfect example of all kind of matter, lies, Satan and devil.
[5] But My word is the noble and pure wheat grain, and your
free will is the field, in which I as the Sower of all life, strews
and sows the purest grain of My eternal order.
[6] Do not let yourself be overpowered by self-love, but fight it
easily and powerful with the glowing sword of the true, most
unselfish love for Me and your next brothers and sisters, and
you will keep the field free of all weed and soon you will
yourself enter My kingdom as a purest and most valuable fruit,
and see and lead new and pure spiritual creations in eternity!
[7] But pay attention that the enemy, or self-love in you, does
not take up an atom size space in you; since this atom is already
the seed of the true weed, which can in time completely take
over your free will, and your pure spiritual then goes
continuously more and more over in weed or matter, where you
yourself become a lie, because all matter as that what it is, is
obviously the most cardinal lie!
[8] The smallest atom self-love in you, My current disciples,
will in a thousand years become entire mountains full of the
most toxic weed, and one will immure My word on the back
streets and streets with the worst excrement, so that no lie full of
haughtiness and hate can be offended by it! Just stay pure in My
order, then you soon will see the wolves and lambs drink from
the same brook.
[9] I now have given you an explanation of something which
had never before given to any spirit in his mind, so that you can
infer from it, who is He, who is the only one who can give you
such teaching and why. Surely not only for the sake of the
teaching, but because of the true deed according to it! Therefore
you should not only become futile and surprised listeners of My
teachings, which never before have been preached to mankind
so openly like now by Me. It is also not enough that you now
clearly recognize, that it is God Himself, the Father from
eternity, who has spoken to you, but you must seriously
investigate your heart, that its love does not contain any atom of
weed. If you find it, weed it with all the still so smallest roots
and become active galore according to My for you not unknown
order, and you will forever harvest the true life use from it!
[10] So that you also can see that everything is like I have
explained it now, I will open your eyes for a short period of
time, so that you can see and experience everything by yourself.
Therefore pay close attention to everything you will see now!”
[1] For easily understandable reasons nobody was prepared for
this explanation, and there was amazement and surprise among
all present, which, just like My explanation, did not have its
[2] Many hit themselves on the chest and shouted very loudly:
“Lord, Lord, Lord, kill us, since we are standing as too big
sinners before You; and everything by our very own deliberate
and unaware guilt! Only You are good and holy; everything
else, however, which carries a material shell, is evil and curseworthy
in itself. O Lord, for how long do we have to walk
around in our own matter? When will we be released from the
old curse?”
[3] I said: “Right now, since I Myself blesses all matter thereby,
that I Myself have incarnated Myself with your old curse and
thereby have brought a blessing to it! All old order of the old
heaven including the heavens comes to an end, and on the
foundation by which I have blessed matter, a new order and a
new heaven will be made, and the entire creation, as well as this
earth, must be equipped with a new constitution.
[4] By the old order nobody could get into heaven who once
was stuck in matter; but from now on nobody will be able to
truly come to Me in the highest and purest heaven, who did not,
just like Myself, has gone through the way of matter and
the flesh.
[5] Whoever is from now on baptized in My name with the
living water of My love and with the spirit of My teaching and
in My name according to strength and deed, from him the old
heredity sin is forever wiped off, and his body will thereby not
be the old murderers pit of sin anymore, but a temple of the holy
[6] But everyone should guard himself, not to get a new
contaminated by the old, toxic weed of self-love! Beware only
of that, than you will also sanctify your flesh and blood; and
when the pure spirit in you becomes the sole ruler, then in him
and through him not only the soul will rise to a perfected,
eternal life, but also the flesh and blood of the body including
skin and hair!
[7] See, which difference there exists between the former and
now! As it will be arranged now, it will remain like that to
[8] The sun, which was previously full of a curse, will from now
on be full of blessings, and also everything which in endless
space has any form of being! Since as I have told you, I now
make everything new, and all old relations must be changed,
because I Myself have changed Myself, thereby that I Myself
have clothed Myself with matter.
[9] But this I add to it and say: Who does not believe and is not
baptized with the water and the spirit in and on My name and
My word, for him it will remain by the old! Such will not get to
My kingdom and will not see Me in the beyond, but will stay at
the most outer borders of My kingdom, where there is a lot of
darkness and night and a lot of howling and grinding of teeth.
And heaven’s purest light will not in any other way penetrate to
them, as the light of a small fixed star to this earth, and about
My true life heaven they will know just as much, as the people
presently know, how the fixed stars look like, and what is in
them. And the people can day and night for thousand times
thousand centuries ponder about it what these shimmering dots
are, even after that long period of time they will just know as
much, as they currently know. Certainly, in time persons will
rise, who will invent weapons for the eyes, to see distant objects
just as if they were standing close by; however, with the fixed
stars they will nevertheless, never achieve anything, since they
are much too far away from earth.
[10] In the beyond also the heathens, who did not believe and
have not been baptized, will in their best sphere be placed
similar, and will from a most far distance observe My heavens
and think about them like the present people are looking now at
the earthly starry sky, and the views they have about them. After
a thousand years they will surely know more about it than now
and will eventually discover that these are all suns; but what a
sun is, how it gives light, how big and how far away it is, how
many planets orbit around it, and how they look like, which
inhabitants they carry, what cultures, languages and customs are
present there – they will not be able to discover with their
[11] And if you, who know much now, would possibly tell
them, they would still not believe you; since a pure world mind,
like it is firmly at home with so many heathens right now, does
not believe anything what he can’t see and can’t touch with his
[12] Yes, I will in those future times here and there among the
true supporters of My name, awaken men and maidens, to
whom are given by Me all secrets of the heavens and the worlds
in their loving hearts; but there will be only a few who will
accept this as a convincing truth!
[13] However, to whom it will be revealed, will see it, and will
have a great joy and will praise the name of Him, who has
revealed such things as a fully convincing truth to them, to
which otherwise no person’s mind can ever penetrate.
[14] Yes, there will come a time when there will be persons on
this earth, to whose sight the entire creation will be unrolled like
a secret writing of God; but nobody, who did not previously
believed in My name and is baptized therein, will not share in
such mercy!”
[1] Ask Cyrenius: “Lord, I believe everything, what You, o
Lord, teaches; am I therefore also already baptized?”
[2] I said: “No, indeed, your not baptized as yet; but this doesn’t
matter! Since who believes like you, friend, is virtually baptized
in the spirit, and with all blessings of the baptism.
[3] The Jews have the circumcision, which is a pre-baptism and
by itself like before Me has no value, if the circumcised does
not at the same time has a circumcised heart. Under a
circumcised heart I understand a purely swept and with all love
filled heart, which is more valuable than the circumcision of
Moses right down to us. After the circumcision, for some came
the water baptism of John, and is continued by his disciples.
However, this baptism is in itself also nothing, if the required
penance is not already preempted or with great certainty will
[4] Who let’s himself baptize with the serious intention of
betterment, does not commit a mistake; but he should not
believe, that the water purifies his heart and strengthen his soul.
This is only effected by the own, completely free will; the water
causes only a sign which indicates, that the will, as the living
water of the spirit, has now cleansed the soul of all sins, just as
the natural water cleanses the head and the rest of the body from
dust and other types of dirt.
[5] Who has taken the water baptism in the true actual sense, is
perfectly baptized, if during or already before the baptismal
action, the will in the heart of the baptized has become active. If
this is not present, the pure water baptism does not have the
slightest value and does not produce any blessing of matter and
even less so any holiness thereof.
[6] In the same manner also the water baptism of children has
absolutely no value, except as a purely outer sign for the
admission in a better community, and that the child gets a name,
which obviously does not have the slightest value for the soul
whatsoever, but only an outer political. Because of this reason
one could give the child a name without circumcision and
without the water baptism of John, and it would be before Me
just the same; since no name brings holiness to the soul of a
person, but only the free, good will, to act rightly according to
the best recognition for his whole life. Every name can become
holy by the will and by the action; but vice versa it is forever
impossible the case.
[7] When John was baptizing, they brought to him as well as to
his disciples children to be baptized, and he in fact baptized
them, if conscientious substitutes presented themselves for the
child and sanctimoniously promised, to most keenly provide for
the spiritual upbringing. Now, in this case also a child can be
baptized with water for the sake of a name; but the baptism
sanctifies the soul and body of the child only for as long as the
child has reached the true recognition of God and himself and
gets to the use of his free will. Until then the substitute has most
conscientiously make sure, that the child in everything is in the
best way looked after, regarding whatever is necessary for
reaching the true sanctification – otherwise the substitute gets
all responsibility loaded on his soul.
[8] Therefore it is better, to perform the water baptism only
then, if a person by himself is able to fulfill all requirements for
the sanctification of his soul and his body based on his
recognition and by the voluntary self-determination. By the
way, the water baptism is not necessary for the soul and the
body at all, but only the recognition and the action according to
the right recognition of the truth out of God. But if baptized
with water, it does not require only the water from the Jordan,
since John has baptized in the Jordan, but every fresh water is
good, although spring water is better than cistern water, because
it promotes bodily health more than decayed cistern water.
[9] The true and with Me only valid baptism is the one with the
fire of love for Me and for the neighbor and with the living zeal
of the will and with the holy spirit of the eternal truth out of
God. These are the three pieces which give a valid testimony in
heaven for everyone; these are: Love, as the true Father; the
will, as the living and actual word or the Son of the Father; and
finally the holy spirit, as the right understanding of the eternal
and living truth out of God, but as vividly active in a person and
only in a person! Since what is not in a person and does not
takes place out of the very own will’s impulse, does not carry
any value for a person, and since it does not and cannot have
any value for a person, it cannot have any value for God.
[10] Since God in His Self does not mean anything for a person
for as long as the person does not recognizes God by His
teachings and makes His will his very own through love and
arranges all his actions through the most living zeal of his will
according to the recognized most highest will. Only then does
the image of God in man becomes alive and grows and soon
penetrates the person’s whole being. If so, it then happens, that
man penetrates in all depths of the Godhead, since the image of
God in man is the most perfect symmetry of one and the same
God in eternity.
[11] When this takes place in man, then everything in him is
sanctified and the true baptism of rebirth of the spirit has been
reached. Through such baptism a person makes himself a true
friend of God and is in himself just as perfect as the Father in
heaven is perfect. And I say to you all explicitly, that you all
must strive for it with all your strength, to become equally
perfect as perfect is the Father in heaven! Who is not that
perfect, does not get to the Son of the Father.
[12] But who is the Son? The Son is the Father’s love. He is the
love of the love, He is the fire and the light, He is the Son of the
love or the Father’s wisdom. But if the image of the Father is in
you, it must be in all as perfect as the primordial Father
Himself, otherwise it could not be the image of the Father; but if
the image is not perfect, from where will man obtain wisdom, or
how should man get to true wisdom?
[13] Just as the Father always finds Himself in Me, I also find
Myself in the Father, and in the same way you must find
yourself in yourself, then you also will find yourself in God, and
God will find Himself in you. Like I and the Father are one, you
also must first become one with the image of the Father in you.
If so, then you have become one with Me and with the eternal
Father in Me, while I and the Father in Me are perfectly one
from eternity!”
[14] Here the disciples said: “Lord, we do not understand this!
You are becoming hard with Your teaching! We ask You most
imploringly, that You explain Yourself in this regard more
[15] I said: “Are you then also still imprudent?! For how long I
still have to endure you like that?! O you still strongly blind
type! But to you it will be given, to understand the secret of the
kingdom of God on earth!
[16] Where do you have the thoughts of your hearts?! Several
times I already have explained to you who the Father is and who
the Son is. That Father and Son relate to each other like the
relationship between love and wisdom, or like warmth and light.
I have shown to you, how the light is of no use without the
warmth, but also a warmth without light cannot ripen the ears
on the field. I have shown to you how from warmth always a
light originates, because the warmth is the first expression of
any given activity; but the appearance of an activity is the light,
which increases as any orderly activity increases, and still you
don’t understand the ‘unity’ of the Father and the Son, and the
‘unity’ between you and Me!”
[17] Say the disciples: “Lord, do not become cross with us! We
now understand it, and any shortcomings we will be able to fill
in and catch up according to what is right and to our ability!”
[18] I said: “I certainly know this, that this will be the case; but I
said this to you, because I noticed that asking was more
important to you than the knowledge.”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “I was surprised myself that your disciples
didn’t understand this, what I and surely all the others have
comprehended quite well! But now, since You, o Lord, are in
the mood to explain things which nobody ever had done before
You, I also want to know from You, what are the circumstances
involved regarding the ban on the enjoyment of impure food
and the touching of certain things considered impure! We
heathens enjoyed everything and did not become impure
according to our teaching! The old Egyptians also ate
everything what time and experience presented as enjoyable,
and I don’t know anything about pollution – to the contrary I
know from history, that Egypt carried very pure and truly great
spirits on its land; they also existed with us Romans at all times.
Why did the Jews have to forgo all kinds?”
[2] I said: “Because their gender, as received from Adam, was
from above and to the biggest part still is today and is destined,
that I in their midst could come to the world and in this matter
for the salvation of all creatures. You certainly have heard, how
by Me the entire matter has been blessed and sanctified, since
also I Myself have clothed Myself in matter?! You affirm this in
your soul! See, before My coming to this earth, as you know, a
curse was more or less lying on the same – not because God
condemned it, but because by self-love, selfishness, haughtiness
and imperiousness as a lumped spiritual it became selfcondemned!
[3] There existed and still exist in matter different degrees and
levels between a lot, more, less and nearly no hardness. The
harder any matter is, the wilder and more impure it is, since the
lumped spiritual in it consists in the same ratio out of even more
of the well-known weed.
[4] The animals, which right from the beginning of the
population of this earth joined the people – like cattle, the sheep,
the goat, and among the birds the hen and the dove -, are surely
of a purer nature and of a softer character, and their meat was
for the people, who came from above, for the purer maintenance
of the soul, more accommodating; only, even these animals had
to be perfectly healthy and were also not allowed to be
slaughtered during the rutting season, since during such time the
otherwise pure animals are more impure.
[5] In time still other animals joined man – like the horse, the
donkey, the camel, the pig, the dog and the cat -, but even right
from the beginning more so to the children of this world, while
with exception of only the donkey, and later on also the camel,
the formerly named animals did not have a close relationship
with the Jews, as it is still today the case.
[6] Still today, a real Jew has a peculiar fear of a horse, of a dog,
is no friend of a cat and does not trust too much a camel. He is
antipathetic to tame water birds, and for the whole world he
surely has a dislike in turkey and chicken, and it will still take a
long time until he becomes a friend of these animals. While a
real Jew is immediately terrible disgusted, the Greek as well as
the Romans regard it long since as a good tasting and very
popular roast.
[7] From now on things are of course completely different and
will still become very different, once I will have gone home! As
a sign of all this I will after My return to the large garden of
brother Cornelius, show to one of My disciples, who still is a
arch-Jew in all his bones, what food in future can be eaten
without any concern.
[8] Now I have shown you the reason also of these Mosaic
eating statues of the Jews, and you and you all must realize this
properly! Therefore it is now time to talk about for which we
actually and primarily came to this mountain!”
[1] (The Lord:) “I said, that you will see wonderful things of the
rarest kind; now, except for the light ball which was brought by
Raphael from deep within High-Africa, nothing further has
happened, although the middle of the night has already been
crossed. Earlier on I have drawn your attention to this, that for a
short while I will open your eyes, so that you as an introduction
can see how the world actually looks like.
[2] However, before I do this, I say and instruct you all, that you
absolutely cannot tell anybody about your visions; since for this
mankind of the world will not nearly be ready for a very long
time, and basically it is also not necessary for the salvation of
their souls, that mankind of the world learn about something
like this! If only they very much wanted to accept, to love God
above all and their neighbor like themselves, everything else, as
far as necessary, will be revealed to them anyway.
[3] But you, as the first fundamental pillars of My teaching,
must by yourself secretly know more than all the others
together, so that you after a while surely not be tempted to
renegade from this My teaching.
[4] Nevertheless, all this will still not get lost, and if a thousand
and nearly again thousands of years has passed and My teaching
has been completely buried in the dirtiest matter, I will during
that time again awaken men, who conscientious will write down
word-for-word in a large book what has been discussed here by
you and by Me, and will be given to the world, by which many
eyes will be opened again!”
[5] Nota Bene: You, My servant and writer, now think, that I
did not mention it at that time?! Do you also want to become
weak in your faith, as you are still weak in your flesh?! See, I
say it to you, that I even gave your and a few others names to
Cyrenius and Cornelius, and who are now the joyful witnesses
of everything what I tell you in the pen. But at the end I also
will give to you the names, who from now on in 2,000 years
will write down and do even greater things than you are now!
Remember this for the time being and write down everything in
full faith!
[6] About this Cyrenius was very surprised and Cornelius asked
Me about the men to whom this will be given.
[7] And I gave them the standing and the character and even
their names and added: “One of them, to whom will be revealed
more than to you all now, will in a direct line be a descendant of
the oldest son of Joseph and will therefore according to his body
also be a true descendant of David. Thus he will be of the same
weak flesh as David, but therefore even stronger in the spirit!
Good for them, who will listen to them and arrange their lives
[8] But even the other great-awakened will mainly be
descendants of David. Since such things can only be given to
those, who even regarding the flesh descended from there, from
where also I descended according to My flesh; since even I
descended from David via Maria, the mother of this My body,
because Maria is also a completely pure daughter of David.
However, during that time the descendants of David will mainly
live in Europe, but they nevertheless will be completely pure
and true descendants of the man according to the heart of God
and therefore able to be carriers of the greatest light out of the
heavens. They surely will never sit on an earthly throne, but
even more will wait for them in My kingdom, and I surely will
always think of My brothers! But also most of My disciples,
who are here, descend from their fathers side from David and
are therefore in all seriousness My bodily brothers, accept for
one who is not from above but purely from this world. He was
not supposed to be among them, and still he has to be there, so
that that, what has been written, is being fulfilled!”
[9] Says Cyrenius quite amazed: “Thus only to the descendants
of David You will always reveal Your will? Are Mathael, Zinka
and Zorel also descendants of the great king? Since You also
reveal to them the same as to the descendants of David!”
[10] I said: “Friend, this here does not take place in a manner of
a secret revelation, but by way of an open word perceptible to
every flesh ear! But it is something completely different to
receive the secret, inner word, which comes from My word into
the heart of him, who hears it in himself; and for that a certain
prepared line of people is required, whose inner is capable, to
endure the omnipotence and all-power of My word! Since every
unprepared would already be destroyed and killed by only one
word coming directly from Me. Once it has been written, then
people with a good will and a good sense can read it; it will not
only not kill them, but strengthen for the eternal life.
[11] But if evil world people would read it, to mock about it,
they also would be destroyed and killed, although it is only
written! Now you also know how these things are standing; and
I say now, that you be prepared, to see the wonders of origin,
being and permanence forever!”
[12] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, we are prepared to see, what Your
great and very special mercy will show us; but only a very small
question I still want to be answered by You, if it is permitted!”
[13] I said: “Just keep on asking, and I will answer you!”
[1] Says Cyrenius, asking: “Lord, if for hearing Your holy word
for later on in the spirit, only those who in a certain way even
bodily and especially in their souls prepared are capable, it is of
little use to the incapable, even if they have achieved the true
rebirth of the spirit by a very austere life: they still will not be
found worthy by Your mercy, to hear Your heart’s word in their
hearts! Since they cannot bear it, because they have not been
prepared and made suitable for it by David. But I think that all
people, irrespective if from above or from below, when living
according to Your will, should also obtain the same abilities!
The spirit who penetrates the soul and finally even their body,
will certainly be capable to endure a word from You?!”
[2] I said: “Friend! You are a very dear, beloved and esteemed
friend of Mine; but with your question you again have judged
this matter like a blind about the most beautiful colors of the
rainbow. With such your judgments I could be quite astonished
that the limbs of your body have not already a long time ago
started a revolution against your head, because they are not
equipped with the same abilities with what your head can boast.
[3] Your feet on their own are deaf and must despite being
poorly equipped do the most difficult job. Your hands must
outwardly execute your will and must do this and that but still
do not have the eyes to see the beautiful light, and no ear to
listen to the marvelous harmony of song; they also do not have
any smell nor any taste to taste the spicy attraction of life! Do
you think that those limbs are worse off compared to the head?
[4] Or could not a thorn hedge complain against grapes and say:
‘What did I do wrong that I are not allowed to receive the
mercy, so that also I for a change can boast with marvelous
[5] Do you still don’t know, that everything is precisely
calculated by Me and that everything has its destination?! As it
stands with the different limbs of your body, that each with its
own abilities serves all other limbs, it is the same with all kinds
of abilities of people and can be serving each other in a useful
manner, and this is actually what causes the highest bliss of life.
[6] If your head and your heart are cheerful, also all other limbs
will be cheerful and happy; but if only the smallest limb ails,
then the cheerfulness and happiness of the head and heart and
all other, on their own completely healthy limbs, is gone! All
are sad for the sake of one and will do everything to help the
one limb and cure it again.
[7] It is certainly a beautiful occupation, to own the ability, to
hear the voice of My love, to write it down to convey it to those
who lack this ability, if they are thirsty for it; but it is a similar
beautiful ability of the heart, to hold on to the heard in the heart
and to live accordingly. If it has brought a person who
originates from below, to the rebirth of the spirit, he will surely
find the best allotted reward for it and will just as little complain
against the one with the ability to receive the word, like ever
any of your small fingers has complained that it does not have
an eye of your head! – Tel Me if you are satisfied with My
[8] Says Cyrenius: “Lord – more than perfect! I will not come to
You with such a highly stupid question again! Your mercy can
now completely undisturbed let us see something!”
[1] I said: “See, for this purpose I have asked for this our light
ball to be brought here from the deepest center of Africa, to, say
without miracles, disclose to you the world of nature spirits, and
this in a more natural way that was not known to you until now.
[2] The light of this stone has the property, to influence the life
nerves of the pit of the stomach to such an extent, that the soul
pulls her eyesight thereto after a prolonged exposure to this
light, and thereby starts to see herself even the most concealed
things. Your sight will now be completely moved thereto, and
thus you will see better with closed eyes than with the widest
open eyes of the flesh.
[3] For some people also the moon has the same effect,
however, never in such a high and powerful degree as the light
of this very rock. Just close your eyes and convince yourself, if
you can’t see better with the pit of your stomach than with your
natural eyes!”
[4] Upon these My words all closed their eyes and were
completely surprised about the most sharpest eyesight of the
soul through the pit of the stomach.
[5] Only Mathael and his four companions said: “This wondrous
way of seeing is not foreign to us at all; since in this manner we
often saw the strangest things and often walked over places,
over which in a natural awakened state no mortal could ever
cross without the most severe fall, and at the same time we saw
all the air, as well as the waters of the seas and lakes, rivers and
streams always filled densely with all kind of strange grimaces
and larvae, which moved quickly then slowly in all known
directions through the air; they also floated up and down, turned
slowly, sometimes quite swiftly in circles. Some sat, so to
speak, like snowflakes on the surface of the earth and some
quickly crept into the furrows; some were absorbed by the
plants like dew, others by the soil, and still others by all kind of
[6] Those creeping into the soil and absorbed by the plants- and
mineral world, did not appeared again; however, where any tree
or herb or something animal-like decomposed, initially they
rose looking like a light, gleaming smoke of all kind of new
entities, who soon seized each other by the hundreds of
thousands and melted into an already quite well developed
[7] Once the form was completed, it did not take long, that this
form, with some sort of an own consciousness started to move
and acted like a dog who searches for something and whose
nose has picked up scent.
[8] Normally we saw those beings floating towards herds of
sheep, goats and cattle. Once they reached such, they stayed
among them; and when mating took place, to which it seemed
they encouraged the animals, they were again absorbed by the
animals that were mating, like dew by somewhat dried out
grass, and did not appear again.
[9] Many of these forms also moved quickly towards waters and
swam easy gliding for some time on the surface. Some dived
purposefully into the water; some crowed together in a misty
mass and after forming a new form, which not seldom
resembled a water animal, they disappeared under the surface.
[10] However, the oddest thing of all, we saw how thousands of
grimaces, larvae and forms rose from the water, and they had a
similar form of all kind of flying insects, as well as of small and
large birds of any kind. They had quite good developed wings,
legs and other limbs; but they did not used them like the birds,
but everything just hang on them, and they floated more than
fluff or flakes in the air. Only when a swarm of real birds flew
close to them, one saw real animated movement of these misty
larvae and forms; they then moved along with the swarm and
were in a short time sort of consumed by it.
[11] But from above we always saw like a bright dust raining
down, sometimes more, sometimes less dense, and there was a
lot to see especially above the surface of waters. If one had a
closer look at this dust, one could also find some sort of form in
it, which resembled either small eggs or extremely small water
animals, and this dust was also immediately consumed by
the water.
[12] O, a lot could be told if one had the time for it! But what
we saw earlier in our unfortunate state, we see now again with
really closed eyes and this sight awakens in us the memory,
which calls to us loudly: ‘All this you have seen every evening
and every night for many years!’ Sometimes, during rather
murky autumn days, we had the same visions, but of course we
did not knew what to make of it, and what its origin was, and
what it was! To You, o Lord, all honor, all love, all thanks and
all adoration therefore!”
[1] Says now Jarah resting next to Me: “But Lord! What are
these little men? They came out of the woods and surrounding
us in large crowds and in all colors! Some seem to have a misty
dress; but most of them are completely naked and all have the
size of nearly two year old children.”
[2] I said: “These are natural, already concrete human souls,
who did not have gone the way through the flesh as yet. Until
now they also do not have a great desire for it, because they fear
too much a new imprisonment in matter. The clothed ones even
have some sort of a language, which of course is quite limited;
but they all possess a certain intelligence of apes!”
[3] Says Jarah: “Would the clothed understand me, if I talked
to them?”
[4] I said: “Just try it, hit or miss!”
[5] Hereupon Jarah gathers some courage and asks a misty
clothed light blue one: “How are you then, and what do you
want form us?”
[6] The light blue little man comes quite close to Jarah, stares at
her with quite stiff eyes and says: “Who gave you permission,
you stinking flesh, to ask us pure?! Except for one and another
you smell disgustingly of matter; and this is the biggest enemy
of our noses! Therefore in future ask only then, you stinking
cadaver, if you are ordered by the almighty spirit of all spirits to
do this – otherwise take care, how you can rid yourself in good
manner from your fleshy moth bag!”
[7] I ask Jarah: “Now, My little daughter, how does this answer
[8] Says Jarah: “Lord, Lord, o, these beings are terribly raw and
rough! Am I really such a stinking cadaver? I cannot help
myself because of so much melancholy; yes, I could quite easily
[9] I said: “Behold, behold, My little daughter, the little spirit
has even done you a favor! Why are you hurt by that?! The little
spirit could have said it to you with more sweet word, that in
you quite secretly still resides a little bit of beauty haughtiness;
but this little spirit is no linguistic artist, does only have a
limited vocabulary and talks more out of his feeling rather than
any form of understanding.
[10] Is your soul happiness destroyed, because you have spoken
to the light blue? If you had ask one of those glowing red
something similar as the light blue, he surely would have given
you an answer, that you would have fainted being so furious.
But now thank him for the good deed which the light blue has
given to you and it will be easier to talk to him!”
[11] Jarah takes this to heart and says to the little spirit, still
stiffly staring at her: “I thank you, dear little man, for this boon,
which you have given to me by your straight, bare words; just
don’t be cross with me about it! Right, dear little man, you
surely will not remain upset by it with me?”
[12] Here the little man laughs brightly and says, still laughing:
“The one who said this to you, is quite alright, but you snowy
gosling, still falls short by quite a margin; since on your smelly
soil neither the thought nor the will for it has been growing! But
you are now more tolerable to me then before; but your little
beauty haughtiness I certainly do not like. Just don’t think too
much of yourself; since everything belonging to you, is bad –
the good belongs to someone else!”
[13] Says Jarah: “But tell me, dear little man, from where do
you know all this?”
[14] The little man laughs again and says: “What you see, you
do not have to know! You also see now more than what you
otherwise could see! But I see now even more than you are,
since I do not have put a stinking flesh around myself; and
therefore I can see precisely what you and everybody else is
made of. I tell you, just don’t fancy yourself because of your
advantages; since with you they are not nearly your property!”
[15] Says Jarah: “Yes, why so? Explain this to me better!”
[16] Says the little man: “If someone who travelled a lot and has
thereby collected all kinds of knowledge and experiences
through many troubles and discomfort, and tells you all this
what he has seen and experienced, then you will also know what
he himself knows; can you thereupon take any pride therein?
Since that what you now know more then earlier, is only a
double reward for him, who in the first place with great trouble
and many sacrifices has collected such knowledge and
experiences, and who secondly was so kind, to tell you about
everything in great detail. Tell me, if you can reckon the
acquisition of such experiences and knowledge to your own
[17] See, you are only standing there as a useful book written
full of good knowledge and experiences, but you are not nearly
the wise writer of the book! To whom belongs the credit for the
good which has been written into the book, the book or to him
who has written everything into it? See, you are a book written
full of good things, but not nearly a writer! Therefore, just don’t
fancy yourself!”
[18] Hereupon the little man laughs again and stands upright
like a general and says to his army: “If you have satisfied your
curiosity about this society, let us move on; since here it just
smells too much for me!”
[19] Suddenly they withdraw and disappear in the woods.
[1] Says Jarah: “Who would have searched for so much wisdom
in these very little men?! Nevertheless, basically I’m very glad
that they moved on again; since in time they would have made
us quite some trouble, although it seems that their nature is quite
cold. It seems that there is not much love in them; but they
certainly know how to distinguish right from wrong. What will
become of these beings if they do not want to make the way
through the flesh?”
[2] I said: “At one stage they will go through it; but it will still
take a long time, until they decide to do it. The light blue ones
earliest, the others not before long!
[3] Because the souls who originated and still daily are
originating from nature of this earth, are very difficult to decide
to do it; only many experiences and a lot of recognitions and
from this emerging the best hope, is what motivates them, after
having come to the certain realization, that by way of the flesh
they never can lose anything, but only profit a lot, and in the
worst case can again become what they are now.
[4] These nature souls live mostly in the mountains, but also go
to the residences of simple, poor and unsophisticated people and
do good to them; they just don’t have to be offended. In such a
case it is not good holding a meal with them.
[5] Secretly they also visit schools and learn a lot from people.
To the miners they quite often show the best and richest metal
deposits. On the Alps they serve the shepherds and the animals;
they just don’t have to be offended.
[6] There are still quite a few of such nature spirits living on this
earth, who nearly have reached five times the age of Methuselah
and still not made the way through the flesh. They would accept
everything else – just the loss of recollection mainly prevents
them, since they view this as a kind of death of their
current being.
[7] Now you also know this, what are the circumstances of these
beings. Now pay attention to other things which will present
[8] Says for a change our old Kisjonah from Kis: “O Lord, a
few weeks ago when You mercifully stayed at my house, what
great and elated things did I not have seen and heard! But
everything that has taken place and what I have heard and seen
during the past few days of my presence here, nobody in the
entire Galilee could have dreamt about! Lord, forgive, that I
dared with my clumsy mouth to interrupt You in anything!
Since one should here never say a word, but only listen and
watch; and if one does not understand something immediately,
one should just be a little patient and the explanation will follow
by itself! – I already have finished speaking!”
[9] I said: “O, just keep on speaking and asking, My dearest
friend Kisjonah, since the speech of your mouth sounds
exceedingly pleasant in the ears of My heart; because the sound
of humility is with Me by far the most beautiful harmony.
[10] Yesterday during the day you also have listened to the
marvelous tone, which My angel Raphael sang; but
nevertheless, how heavenly beautiful this tone sounded, the
purest sound of true humility is in My ears incomparable more
[11] You are also a right man according to My heart, and during
the winter I will stay in your house, and there will be ample
opportunity to enlighten you and your whole house about a few
issues. Keep on be of good courage, and observe everything
very carefully, the explanations will not stay behind!”
[12] Says Kisjonah: “O Lord, I’m surely not in the least worthy
for such great generosity, but such a winter will be the most
blessed time for me! O, what great joy will there be in my
house! But now not a single word over my lips!”
[13] Says Cyrenius: “Then I also will from time to time become
a resident of your house and will contribute to provide for the
poor of the whole area in an appropriate manner!”
[14] Says Kisjonah: “High ruler, that will be very nice of you
and it will be a great pleasure for me! But I beg you, no further
interruptions for now; since wonders over wonders are floating
past us, and we observe them with too little attention!”
[1] Said Mathael: “Oho, what tremendously big tangle is
floating from the area of the town in our direction?! It comes
closer and closer. Look, look, how it disorderly curls and snakelike
winds! What are all these strange figures?! I notice
distinguishable like oxen, cows, calves, sheep, chickens,
pigeons, all kinds of birds, flies, all kinds of beetles; donkeys,
also some camels, cats, dogs, a few lions, fish, adders, snakes,
lizards, crickets, straw, all kinds of wood, masses of grain,
clothes, fruit, even all kind of tools and a great amount of
everything which I does not recognize! What does this
represent?! Are these also souls, which are sewed into an
exceedingly big and completely transparent bag and swirling
around on the inside like loose chaff in a whirlwind?!”
[2] I said: “These are souls or respectively spirits of a lower
kind, a disaster company held together for some time, which
only then will part, once it has become riper inside the
nourishing bag.
[3] Everything that exists anywhere on earth is soul matter. If its
physical material cohesion is by whatever means destroyed and
thereby freed as a soul, it seizes each other after the destruction
in its earlier material form and continues to exist for some time.
If in time this form has become more mature with intelligence,
bit by bit it will start to leave the old form and goes over into a
form with a greater life potential.
[4] This tangle is a collection container for everything; whatever
has been destroyed by the fire and through the fire, you will find
in this tangle as soul substance, with some intelligence attached.
That they all appear together and mixed up in this bag like a
cage, is due to fear.
[5] If for example at any point on earth large elementary
revolutions are to take place shortly, what of course is caused by
a big movement of nature spirits or – souls, also all animal souls
are struck by a great fear. Then all different kind of animals start
to accommodate each other quite friendly and form a very
peaceful society. The adder is not concerned about its venom
anymore, the snake too; the tearing animals do not attack the
peaceful lambs; the bee and the wasp have put their sting like a
warrior his sword inside the scabbard. In short, everything
changes its nature; even the plant world let their heads hang
down sadly, and no plant raises its shy head before the calamity
is over.
[6] Really everything – with the exception of man – which was
destroyed by such an opportunity, unite with each other as soul
substance after the destruction in the continuing fear and if
necessary protects itself by an outer skin. If such a loose soul
tangle has floated around for about a century, the original
different soul elements have attracted each other more closely,
in time they start to unite, and then form one or even more
powerful nature human souls.
[7] This floating tangle before us contains everything which has
been destroyed by the fire of Caesarea Philippi. This tangle will
need more than a hundred years until it is fully developed; but
then more than a hundred mature nature human souls will
penetrate the light outer skin and about another hundred years
later make their way through the flesh.
[8] During blazes, at fire-spitting mountains, also with great
floods, similar tangles are forming. Where there are less animal
elements, the transformation takes longer; but if there are
animal elements mixed in, like here, it normally takes less time.
[9] It is not necessarily the result, that from a tangle where there
are no animals present, still nature human souls should develop;
there can also develop nature animal souls or even again more
noble plant souls, where the latter normally develops from
decaying mists or from all kind of so called volcanic steams and
smoke masses.
[10] In short, if with mists it can be proved, that they either
originate from decaying coarse-animal and also from coarse
plant material or just from fermenting processes of minerals,
only all kind of plant souls are developing and unite according
to the largest parts through the roots, according to the somewhat
more noble parts in the leaves and according to the most noble
parts when the opportunity arrives of flower mating with a from
a germ bursting and active becoming plant soul, and form
thereby the blissful multiplication of seeds and their germs.
[11] The coarser of such plant soul specifics stay in the matter
like the trunk and in the wood fiber material, the more noble are
getting into the tender leave construction, the still more noble
determine the fruit itself including what occurs before and after,
and the most noble already unite in an intelligent germ life,
which has the ability to either awaken itself to a similar new
life, to start the old activity anew, or unite immediately with the
soul of an animal or even human soul by being eaten by an
animal or human respectively.
[12] Therefore man mainly only enjoys the fruit of plants, so
that the plant germ souls can immediately unite with his soul,
the coarser parts of the core and the fruit only with the blood
and flesh and with the cartilages and bones, which after the
separation as still impure has to reach purity by several cycles in
the kingdom of the plant world, until it fully matures as a germ
spirit to be taken up in a new animal- or even human soul. –
Now you know by the way, how these tangles originate and
what happens to them, and what their final goal is, and therefore
you can continue with your observations and see, if there is not
another appearance coming up!
[13] But this, what you see here, is the explained ladder of
Jacob, through which he saw heaven and earth connected and
saw the powers of life and saw the thoughts of God rising up
and down. Jacob certainly saw the vision, but neither he nor
anybody else up to this hour ever comprehended it. I now have
revealed it before you; but for that you all had to be placed in a
sort of bright sleep, to see the revealed Jacob’s ladder and
finally understand it by My word, so that you know how the
heavenly is linked to the earthly on the same ladder – the one
always going over to the next. – Look over the lake, this means
with your spirit or rather soul vision, and tell Me what you see!”
[1] Says for once Zinka: “Lord, I see on the surface of the water
like an immense number of fiery snakes moving to and fro;
some dive below, however, the speed of their movement is not
hampered by the water mass. I see right to the bottom of the
lake; at the bottom there are large number of monsters of all
kind, also countless many fish, and all snap at these fiery
snakes. If the fish or another monster has devoured one or more
of such fire snakes, they become more active and alive, and an
expressive kind of lust flashes from these water beings.
[2] I now see these fire snakes, but only much smaller and less
bright, also floating around in the air; in the region of the water
they are most dense. Birds, which are in the habit to amuse
themselves over the surface of the water at night, seem not to
love them very much; but the fish are jumping out of the water
to catch them. Those swimming above the water have the
strongest shine and have a movement as quick as an arrow! –
What, o Lord, is that? How should we understand this?”
[3] I said: “This what you see there, is the actual nourishing
material of life, it is the salt of the air and the salt of the sea;
some time in the future the nature-wise (scientist) will call this
element oxygen. They will not see it, but observe it, and they
will determine its properties and its occurrence more or less or
also its complete absence.
[4] Water, as the main life element for plants, animals and
people, must have this oxygen in abundance, especially the
large world oceans. The animals in the water would not be able
to live, if the water would not be continuously be filled in
plentiful measures with this material.
[5] This material is originally the actual soul substance and
corresponds with the thoughts, before they are even combined
into an idea. But where you can find this soul life material in
sufficient quantities compressed together, soon a form will
show, either animated, this means as tender and moving, or as
completely stiff like a rock or like a piece of dead wood. Just
look especially at the shores, and in some places you will
discover a particular, dotted stinging lightening; this originates
from the crowding together of this life material.
[6] You can see it now how our fire snakes here and there are
coming together like a lump by the hundreds of thousands in
numbers. Such a lump formed like by coincidence, produces for
a short period of time a very bright light. This intensified
lightening is the moment of seizing-each-other of a great
number of these life fire snakes; with this seizing an idea with a
form is already completed.
[7] Once the form is in order, a state of rest takes place, and the
particular lightening has stopped; but therefore a creature has
already been formed. It shows either in the form of a crystal or
as a seminal grain or egg or even already in the form of a
completed water animal or at least as a little water moss plant –
which is also the reason why you quite often see with your eyes
of the flesh the shallow and level shore areas covered richly
with all kinds of water plants. And where such plant location are
present in abundance, there will also be no shortage of all kinds
of larger and smaller water animals.
[8] You ask now, who models these life spirits, of which the one
looks the same as the next, into either stiff or life-moving
shapes?! This question will be best answered by My Raphael.
Come, Raphael, speak and show yourself to be practical!”
[1] Here Raphael comes forward and says: “God in Itself is
everlasting and infinite. Infinite space is filled only by Him. He
as the highest, purest and greatest thought and the everlasting
most perfect idea in and out of Himself, can only, as everything
from eternity, create continuously thoughts in His whole infinite
space, and it is full of the same out of Him; we (the primordial
angels), as His for you people unthinkable times already
matured and now independent life ideas full of light, wisdom,
realization and will power, have an infinite number of serving
spirits underneath us, who so to speak form our arms and
recognize our will and execute same immediately.
[2] The pure thoughts of God are the substance, out of which
everything which infinity contains, has originated: originally
only we by the will of the most highest and almightiest spirit of
God, but then all these things and beings through us, who were
the first and most superior receptive vessels for the thoughts and
ideas coming out of God – and will from now on in an elevated
and increasingly more perfect manner remain such forever.
[3] We take the life thoughts coming from God, which present
themselves visibly to you in the shape of long tongues, combine
them and form continuously according to the order of God in us,
forms and beings; and if someone would ask you, from where
God or we as His so to speak already everlasting servants,
messengers and workers, have taken the physical material to
form the beings – there in front of you, you have it now! These
snake-like and fiery long tongues are the spiritual building
blocks, out of which everything, whatever the whole of eternity
contains as material being-like, is made of.
[4] How this making is executed, the Lord Himself has already
shown to you very clearly. But you will all this only then
understand in the fullness of true life clearness and perfectly
comprehend, if you are yourself completely as life-perfected
standing before God the Lord in the spirit and not in the heavy
flesh anymore.
[5] But so that you according to the will of the Lord, as it is
possible for you now, can see, how we mighty and old servants
of God from these thoughts of God which are floating around in
this space, can create forms and beings, look with the eyes of
your souls, and you will learn something, what until now no
mortal has ever seen on this earth!
[6] See, in the name of the Highest I now have instructed my
serving spirits, to bring quite a lot of this necessary material
here to me! And look, we already have a bright shining lump of
our fiery long tongues in front of us, which does not have any
other form than this of a round ball of fire! Just look, how these
fiery long tongues are cuddling and crowding together, as if
each one wanted to creep into the centre! It seems that after a
while they are coming to rest; nevertheless, this is no rest, but
only an obstacle by the increased crowding towards the centre,
to get closer to the centre.
[7] Yes, why then does everything strive for the center? See, if I
have separate same size balls to throw, then the one which is
heaviest can be thrown with the highest speed and will travel the
farthest distance, or it will at an equal distance and concurrent
start certainly arrive first at the set target! It is similar with the
endless many being-like thoughts emanating from God. Among
them there are so to speak quite heavy ones, which are almost
already equal to an idea, whereby the less heavy ones are still
just very mature thoughts; then there are lighter thoughts which
are less mature and less light-fed, following are very light
thoughts which just have been thought as something, and finally
there are very, very light thoughts. They are those which can be
compared with early-germs or better the early buds of a tree.
In themselves they are already something, but do not as yet
have reached the required divine maturity, that, when looking at
them in isolation, one could say: ‘They will take on this or
that shape!’
[8] If now someone of us wants to form a being from this now
known life-substance to you, according to order of the divine
will and actually must according to the most inner impulse of
the most highest spirit, he calls the spirits serving him, and they
have to bring together sufficient quantities of this known
substance; and it is here spiritually as easy understandable as of
course physically seen, that the heavier thoughts will be here
quicker than the lighter and even very light ones. The heaviest
apparently form the centre, while the lighter, arriving later, must
be content with the more and more outer zones, while the very
light ones are forming the extreme outer shell.
[9] Since the central thoughts are already most richly nutrientfed,
the more empty, poor and still hungry are crowding against
the rich, to yield something from their abundance to become
saturated. And therefore you have the phenomena in front of
you, how and why the most outer fiery long tongues
continuously strive for the centre and finally seem to come
increasingly to rest, although their striving is still the same, to
come to the centre as close as possible, in order to consume
more of the nutrient rich centre.
[10] Thus you see here a lump, which is to the greatest part still
very hungry and does not want anything else than sufficient
saturation. It is similar to a ball polyp of the sea, who sucks its
food from the mud of the sea with its thousand times thousand
little sucking proboscises, until the ball polyp finally starts to
grow protrusions from overeating, by which means he can reach
further away from him and in time also can move away from its
location. With the gluttonous arms it also obtains a more
personal and distinctive form and distinguishes itself to quite an
extent from its original ball shape.
[11] All of you are secretly astonished about this my derived
explanation of the first primordial beginning of a being and its
form by means of a presentation of a growing being, as it only
can be and never could be otherwise; just turn your sight to the
outer nature of things, and you will find the same only too easy
and soon!
[12] Just take for example the ovary of a hen and look closely at
the clustered little egg lumps! You will notice that some are still
very small, like small peas, others are already like berries, and
still others like small apples. Inside a light skin is nothing else
than the yellowish yoke material! Still how shapeless is this
[13] But now this central material becomes more fed and begins
to deposit the clear. After a while of feeding the coarsest is
separated from the clear, however, it does not move away from
the egg, but it deposit itself as a very firm shell around the egg
and serves it as protection against being damaged during birth.
Observe now a laid egg; how different is it not from the first
egg-embryo in the mother’s body!
[14] Now the hen sits on the egg and warms it for some time.
What changes are taking place inside the egg! In the yoke it
starts to stir and to bring order, the right thoughts (fiery long
tongues) find and connect with each other and attract the closest
relatives to them. They unite again partly with the first and even
more among each other, but attract immediately the closest
relatives from the outer, this means the lighter ones, to them.
Within a short time you will already discover the little chicken’s
heart, head, eyes, entrails, feet, wings and little down feathers.
Once the being has progressed so far, the orderly arranged
parts attract more and more of the same kind from the
available material to it and develop from moment to moment
more and more.
[15] Once the form and the organism is nearly completely
developed, during such continuous activity also the original
main- and middle thought was more and more being
strengthened, supported and saturated and begins now, with the
exceeding abundance of its life, to go over into the organism
and takes over the reins, and the being becomes visually alive
and only then completes its development completely.
[16] Once it has been completely developed, the life-thought
which has been gone over into the whole organism, which is
actually the soul, soon discovers that it still lives in a prison.
Because of that it stirs with more strength, breaks open the
prison and walks completely exhausted and full fear into the big
world, since it does not feel sufficiently strengthened. It
immediately starts now, to take in outer world food, and thereby
immediately starts to grow further, and this for so long until it
has placed himself with an easy feeling into balance with the
outer world nature.
[17] And we now see a fully developed, fertile hen in front of
us, which again has the ability, to take in, partly from the air,
partly from the water and to the largest part from the already
soul-containing organic food, the feeding soul-specific parts,
where the spiritual parts are used for the further development of
its life soul and the coarser parts, not only for the preservation
of its organism, but also for the new creation of little egg lump
deposits, from which according to the orderly development as
shown to you, again a hen, male or female, will emerge.
[18] The gender originates from each times greater or lesser of
the original heaviness, degree of maturity and strength of the
living soul basis thoughts. If this is already from the beginning
fully matured, so that it is already in itself an idea, its
development will lead to a male form; however, if the primitive
of the basic life thought is standing on the second and lighter
level, the development will move towards a female shape.”
[1] (Raphael:) “Through mating by animals only the impulse is
provided for the orderly activity of the basic soul-life-thought
already present in the egg, since without this impulse it would
remain in its dump gorging rest, live from its neighborly
surrounding and this vice versa from it, and this goes on for so
long, until they have consumed each other up to the last little
point. But this can also happen with the other eggs which have
been excited during mating, if the necessary later development
requirements have been missing or are not added in the right
[2] With all animals the act of mating provides only the impulse
to what is already present in the female body; since plant- and
little animal soul lumps continuously gather in certain numbers
and arrangements at certain places in the mother body. Once
they are there, they first excite the mother, she excites through
her excitement the male, and he then fertilizes the female, but
not like placing a new seed in the mother, but only for the active
awakening of the little life lump which is already present in the
[3] This occurs thereby, because the male seed, consisting of
more free and unbound life-spirits, as such encourages the
bound life-spirits in the little life lumps of the mother to a
proper revolution and force them to become active, since
without such compulsion they would remain in their sweet
sluggishness, and never would seize each other to form and to
get organized to become a being. The male seminal spirits
continuously tease and itch the life-spirits in the female and give
them no rest, while the mother’s life-spirits continuously oppose
such teasing, yes sometimes, if they are very powerful, can even
make the male seminal spirits go quite – which act in the
agricultural language is called ‘spilled’, what quite often
especially happens with cattle, but also with other animals and
even occurs very often with people. Because the life-spirits in
the mother life lumps are destined too much for rest, rather than
too pleased being engaging in any continuous and orderly
activity. But once they are sufficiently and properly excited, the
process will move forward.
[4] And see, exactly such a mother life lump we have here in
front of us for an open observation! Look, how it already came
to rest during the time of my explanation to you! If I would
leave it like this, it would in its striving shrink more and more
towards rest, since its parts would more and more be drawn to
the centre, sucking it completely empty and finally have to
waste away with it. Because such life-spirits are so to speak like
little children, shy and timorous, and take, once they have
wrapped themselves up, no food from the outside anymore, but
keep sucking continuously in their mother centre, they must
shrink up to a point size little lump. But now we will draw
strong and as such excited primordial male life-spirits closer for
activity only, and let them continuously stroke this sluggish
female lump, and you will see, what effect this will have on the
female lump.
[5] See, by means of the many subordinated service spirits I
now have according to the will of the Lord, as you can see, the
very bright shining, long-fire-tongue like primordial thought
life-spirits, which were playing at the water there, drawn to
here! Look rather closely now, how they start to eagerly romp
around the floating female life lump in front of us! And see,
already all the smaller female life spirits begin to stir again, and
are trying to get rid of those lively, male life-spirits; but they
never give up, and the excitement of the female life-spirits goes
deeper and deeper up to the main life centre!
[6] Now also even this start to act, and since the life-spirits
surrounding the centre become quite hungry by the strong
activity, they are obliged to take food from the light of the male
life-spirits, and thereby become themselves again brighter and
fuller, but also the central main life-thought gets a male
nourishment. Compelled by this activity, the core surrounding
spirits receive an impulse from within to get more and more
organized into a kind of well ordered bulwark. However, the
more powerful life-spirits towards the centre, now properly
bright, recognize themselves and their purpose and their order
and group according to their kind of purpose and their
relationship; and already you can see organic connections
forming form it, and the outer changes into a form, which more
and more starts to resemble an animal being.
[7] By this activity and by this battle all life parts become more
destitute for nourishment, and this is increasingly provided by
the males. The outer life-spirits which are getting more and
more organized, are starting to become familiar with the male
spirits disturbing them, the old fear and shyness disappears, and
this also transmits to the inner spirits. Everything starts to stir
and move more freely, and the result is a perfection of the
being, which in a very short time has developed to such an
extent, that you are, the children of the Lord, can already
determine which type of animal is starting to appear. See, a very
strong female donkey grows from it, and the Lord wants it to
stay and does not get dissolved anymore!”
[8] Note Hebram and Risa: “The good Raphael must be in the
mood to create donkeys! Two days ago to our astonishment he
also was quickly ready with one!”
[9] Says Raphael: “Let it be, what at that time had to take place
for your education! This female donkey means something
completely different here; it is for you all a necessary symbol of
the right humility. It is also with you people on earth not
otherwise, if you rush your judgments and decisions, and finally
as a result normally only a donkey or at least a good piece of it
appears. Here the issue is, to show you in a very short time the
development as from the primordial beginning, and because of
the rush also a female donkey appeared, if you had to joke
about it.
[10] This female donkey will be mated by the donkey from
yesterday, and in the following year a person from Jerusalem
will buy both of them, and its colt will be thought of for
[11] But nothing further about that; it is sufficient that you have
seen, how from primordial life-spirits (single thoughts of God)
a natural being originates without a mother, like from the
primordial beginning. But if you want, I also can produce other
beings in all quickness!”
[12] Say all: “Mighty servant of the Lord, this is absolutely not
necessary; since for our education this one quite wondrous
example is more than enough! More could only confuse us than
enlighten us!”
[13] Says Raphael: “Good, then listen a little longer to me! I
now have shown to you the fathering and the development of a
being, irrespective of its kind, once in an already existing
mother’s womb and here now a free one, as it is and exists on
every new planet, or on any newly formed island on an already
old planet, what from time to time always takes place.
[14] But now you should not associate this example with the
coming into being and fathering of people, namely on this earth;
although many similarities take place, nevertheless the reason
about it is very much different!
[15] A female person also contains some nature-material in
herself; but if fathering takes place in the manner familiar to
everyone, also a little lump is fertilized and excited, but it is torn
off like a single grape from a bunch, brought to the right place,
and an already completed soul is added, looks for some time
after this life grape, until the material in it has developed to such
a state, that the continuously contracting soul can penetrate into
the still very fluid embryo, which activity takes the soul two
month to accomplish. Once it has completely empowered the
embryo in the mother’s womb, the child becomes immediately
noticeably alive and quickly grows to its orderly size.
[16] For as long the nerves of the flesh child are not fully
developed and are not active, the soul works with selfconsciousness
and with all zeal and arranges the body according
to its needs; once the nerves are all fully developed, its
continuously developing spirit becomes very orderly active, the
soul then is getting more and more to rest and finally goes to
sleep in the area of the kidneys. It now does not anything of
herself anymore and only vegetates, without any recollection of
an earlier naked nature state. Only a couple of month after birth
it slowly starts to wake up, what can be observed quite well by
the decrease of sleep addiction; but until it recovered some of
her consciousness, it requires a longer period of time. Once a
child masters speech, only then does the right consciousness
gets into the soul, although without any recollection; since this
could certainly not be of any use during the higher development
of the soul.
[17] But the soul, completely stuck in the flesh, sees and
recognizes now for the time being nothing else, than what is
presented to her it by the senses of the body, and cannot
recognize anything else in itself, because it is and must be
darkened by the flesh mass to such an extent, that it most of
time does not know, that it exists even without the flesh. For a
long time it feels completely identical with the flesh, and it
takes a lot, to bring a soul in the flesh so far, that it starts to feel
and to view itself as something self-like – what is again
absolutely necessary; since without it, it could not hold a spirit
inside of itself and of course never could have awakened him.
[18] Only when the spirit starts to awaken in the soul, it
becomes lighter and lighter in the soul; it starts to recognize
itself more precise and discovers deeply concealed things in
itself, with which it of course does not know much what to do.
[19] Only if the spirit and its mighty light becomes a full deed in
the soul, then all recollection returns to the soul, but of course
everything in a transfigured light. There is not any delusions or
deceptions anymore, but only the most bright, heavenly truth,
and the soul is then one with her divine spirit, and everything in
it and outside it becomes the highest joy and bliss!
[20] Do you all now understand a little the picture of the
mysterious ladder of Jacob? – Until this far me, what further the
Lord Himself with you!”
[1] “What can there be what we still do not understand?!” said
all present after the lesson by Raphael.
[2] And the captain Julius added: “If this goes on like this, we
ourselves will be transformed into gods! Would it be possible to
maintain this clairvoyance whenever we choose, we could, with
a strengthening of our will, become gods ourselves and produce
wonders; but this our clairvoyance is only the result of the
magic light from the sphere over there, and our will is weak like
our recognition, and therefore we are and stay only weak
[3] When I just look and think all the things which are possible
for the angel, however, not one iota of it for the most willpowerful
person, one only then recognizes the infinite
difference between God and between humans. One can
understand it with the hands: God’s everything and human’s
nothingness. May these great depths of God’s wisdom and
power amuse anyone, but do not please me; since I feel just too
clearly in me, that I am a perfect nothing compared to such an
angel as Raphael. What am I then compared to God?! No, no,
this is and called: nothing!
[4] One knows and realizes quite a lot and sees miracle over
miracle, so that one can lose ones sight and hearing about it, and
should one try afterwards one’s own will, if according to it also
such long fire tongues might move and struggle to form a pure
lump only, o, not one single atom will move from its locality,
not mentioning one of these fire tongues! Therefore I regard it
as better, if one knows and recognizes a lot less, because then
one is not tempted, to also produce miracles. I’m already getting
fearful and frightened because of all this enormous amount of
knowledge and recognition! Why must I see, hear, recognize
and know so enormously many things?”
[5] I said: “So that you at the same time also can recognize, how
little a person is out of himself, and that his being, knowledge,
recognition and ability only depends on God!
[6] With your own will you of course will forever not achieve
anything, just as this angel could not achieve with his own will;
but if you have made My will your own will, then you also will
be able to do what this angel can do!
[7] But for now it is alright that you recognizes and understand
all this, but at the same time also practically begin to
comprehend, that your own will beyond your body can do only
very little or nothing. You can recognize and understand
everything what the angel understands and recognizes; but if
you do not have made My will and also My wisdom your own,
all knowledge and recognition is of course of no use to you. It
serves you, if you are addicted to action, only as a torture. And
this is also good; since only by humility does man become man
and a true child of God!
[8] By the way, this is not shown to you to imitate, but only, so
that you can completely recognize God in Me, to even more
determinedly do, what I as the Creator of all life, have taught
and recommended to you for the sake of the perfection of life.
[9] You thereby must first reach the rebirth of the spirit, since
without it My will cannot vigorously take root in you. If you
only can take hold of My will in so far that you voluntary
subordinate your will to Mine by the deed and practice this
diligently, so that My will as recognized by you totally gets the
upper hand, then My spirit will become fully alive in you and
will soon penetrate your complete being.
[10] My earlier diligently practiced will by you will reach its
full power in you, and what he, completely equal to Me, then
want, this will happen; however, as said, only then – and not
[11] The recognition, however, should only be the reins, by
which you can draw your will into Mine; since you have to
recognize by My deeds, that I surely am, as what I continuously
present Myself to you.
[12] If you fully recognize this, it will be so much easier for
you, to follow My will, which has its roots in the everlasting,
most unmistakable truth, and make it thereby your property.
[13] If someone recommends a road to you, and you notice in
his speech that he himself is not completely familiar with it, you
will certainly hesitate, to walk the road which he has shown and
described to you, and you will say: ‘O, then we rather stay
where we are!’ But if you quite easily notice from someone’s
speech, that he is completely familiar with the road, since he
from there, to where he described the road to you in every detail
correctly and truthful, you will say: ‘He has knowledge and the
best will, he cannot and does not want to deceive us, and we
will walk the road without any hesitation!’ See, thereby you will
on the grounds of the good and firm trust, subordinate the own
will to the will of him, who, as a complete expert, has shown to
you the good and right way!
[14] And see, the same is here the case! If I would appear before
you in a misty and mystical half measure, then there would
always remain some doubts in you, and it would be very much
forgivable, if any doubts would rise in you. However, since I
already have revealed Myself to you to nearly the last atom in
word and deed and show to you with all My wisdom, love and
might, that I really am as what I have introduced Myself to you,
the outcome is certain! First it is impossible for you to have any
doubts about Me, and secondly the observance of My will,
which is the only way by which your spirit can reach the fullest
rebirth, must be very easy for you, because you will only too
clearly recognize, that by following My will is not just hitting
the blue, but must lead you to reach the everlasting true reality. I
think that you now will recognize, why I do all the unheard
before you and fully reveal and show Myself to you!
[15] A quite perfect wise master does nothing without a reason,
and as such also I do nothing without a reason. I do not teach
you only for the sake of yourself, but also so that you later on
can become teachers, guides and a roadmap for your other blind
brothers and sisters in My name, and therefore you must even
be deeper introduced into the secrets of My kingdom, My being,
and also must understand your fellow-human in his entire being,
from his deepest origin up to his highest and possible perfection
and fullest God-resemblance!
[16] Since by your fullest and most living trust can soon a
similar trust be awakened in your disciples, whereby also they
soon can see and understand the hidden things which you are
now able to see and understand.
[17] Do you have understood Me quite well, and do you
understand why I reveal all this before you?”
[18] Say all deeply moved: “Yes Lord, our Master, our God!”
[19] I said: “Now then, awaken again in the physical world, so
that I can show you still other things; since you must recognize
and understand other things still further and deeper!”
[1] After this My word all went back to see with their eyes of
the flesh again and are full of highest amazement about
everything they have seen and heard, and all started to praise
Me loudly for half an hour.
[2] After all expressed their recognition by their loud praising,
that they have recognized Me in the true depth of life, also Judas
Iscariot came to Me and said: “Lord, for a long time I was an
unbeliever; but now also I fully believe, that You are in all
seriousness Jehovah Himself, or at least a right son of Him!
But there is something which I still cannot understand about
You, and this is the following:
[3] How could You as Jehovah who is infinitive, leave this Your
infinity and squeeze Yourself into this highly limited form?
However, during this, the old infinitive space stayed the same as
it was from eternity! You as Jehovah are the very infinitive
space itself! How can this exist in its unchanged, endless being
and You as the infinite One Himself in this narrow human
[4] See, Lord, this is an important question! If You could give
me a proper light therein, I will be most zealous among all Your
disciples – otherwise always a small doubt will cloud my soul!”
[5] I said: “How is this possible that all can see now and only
you have become blind?! Do you think that this shell encloses
Me?! Or is the sun with its active light only there enclosed
where it is active?! How could you see it, if it would not have
reached further than to its most outer skin surface?!
[6] I’m only the everlasting centre of Myself; from there I still
fill forever in an unchanging manner the infinite space.
[7] I am everywhere the everlasting Me; but here among you I
am in the everlasting centre of My being, from where the whole
of infinity is forever and ever and unchangingly maintained in
the same manner in its most infinite, everlasting extent.
[8] Since eternity I resided in My inaccessible centre and in My
inaccessible light out of Myself. However, for the sake of the
people of this earth it has pleased Me, to step out of this My
very same inaccessible centre and the very same light – which
since eternity was also entirely inaccessible to the highest angels
-, came to this earth and am now accessible from all sides by all
of you people and you can endure My light.
[9] When we moved away from Sichar and went to Galilee and
rested after midday on a mountain, I showed to quite a few of
you by deed, that My will also reaches to the sun. Recall this
from your memory, and you will see how I am everywhere at
home and can be by the outflow of My everywhere equally
powerful active will!”
[10] Says Judas Iscariot: “I can recall that at that stage You
made the sun for a few moments lightless, if I remember
correctly! Now, this is of course not a trifle matter – however, it
is said, that also the old Egyptian magicians were able to do
this; how, this is of course another question! In the great nature
there exist strange, secret powers; You know them, and the old
magicians have also known them and used them. Of course,
according to our knowledge until now, nobody has performed
such deeds like You!
[11] However, even You are not without any worldly school!
Since quite a few things are said about the skills of Your father
Joseph and even about Your mother Maria, who was a disciple
of Simeon and Anna; and if an intelligent young man has such
parents, he can achieve something. But this is only my worldly
opinion; since I for myself believe, that the spirit of Jehovah
resides and works in fullness inside You.
[12] What use would the everlasting invisible Jehovah have for
me, who sits high above all stars in His inaccessible light and
never shows Himself to His creatures, performs no miracles
except for the daily stereotypes, which, however, could just as
well been performed by nature itself?! Therefore You are, at
least for me, a real Jehovah, since You have shown Yourself
before our eyes only too openly and too tangible as a perfect
master of all nature and creatures through words and actions.
Like You have given back the life to the dead, and rules the
elements, and call out of the air brand new donkeys and fish into
being and to fill the pantries of the old Markus with bread and
wine also out of the air, is for me the only true God, and all the
others I don’t care! You could have gotten Your pure divine
abilities from wherever You want, You are still a right God for
me! Am I right or not?
[13] I have not really fallen on my head to such an extent as
thought by my brother Thomas. I know what I know and what I
say; but if brother Thomas always thinks that I’m a donkey or
an ox, he is greatly mistaken with me. If I could speak with him
as I can, upon a thousand he would not be able to answer me
only one! If I did not have smelled the true Jehovah in You for a
long time, I would have went back to my pottery business a long
time ago; but since I perhaps know best with whom I have to do
in You, I stay and leave my very profitable art, despite that I
also not an enemy of gold and shining silver – since I prefer
rather Your spiritual gold and silver!
[14] But that Thomas secretly whispered in my ear, when the
angel according to your will called a completely healthy donkey
into being, that this miracle took only place for the sake of me,
to show to me in a living picture, who and what I am, I just
cannot accept that so easily! If Thomas thinks he is wiser as
what I appear to him, then he should do so; but he should leave
me alone! Since I do not put anything in his way, and even if he
calls me a thief, I surely never have taken anything from him!
[15] Before you have given us all a marvelous and exceedingly
divine wise teaching about the sickness of a human soul and
showed us in its foundation, how one should have even more
patience with a sick soul than with the sick body of a person!
Why does a wise Thomas does not write such teaching behind
his ears, regarding me who also can be still soul sick, if there is
no place in his heart for such pure divine teachings?! I do not
claim at all that he should ask me for forgiveness, because it
pleased his wisdom to call me a donkey – since as meek as he
thinks he is, I’m likewise! But I was urged, to openly confess
here, that I am actually a soul sick person, but do not envy a
Thomas for his great soul healthiness! I therefore still want to
always stay his friend and a good brother, as I always was, but
there is only one thing I wish from him, that he in all future
should test his correctional zeal with someone else than me;
since until now I’m still what he is, namely a disciple like him
called by You, my Lord and my God!”
[16] I said: “It is not very creditable from the side of My
Thomas that he always keeps you in his sights; but it is also
known to Me, that you first have made a very untimely joke
during the completion of this here still present donkey, which
was the actual reason why Thomas hit you a little with your
own words!
[17] Tell me, on what grounds did you made the remark,
according to which you said and actually meant: in the end all
My miracles would end in the production of completely healthy
donkeys! See, this your remark was quite spiteful and very
much deserved the opposing remark from Thomas! I do not
reprove your faith, according to which you view Me as your
only God and Lord, I only admonish you that such your opinion
only exists in your words rather than the life of your soul.
[18] Since in all truth you still regard Me as a real old-Egyptian
wise man and as magician familiar with all the secret forces of
nature, who quite well understands how to use these forces, that
they do not deny their services to him. You see, this is very
reproachable in you!
[19] What hundreds take as the purest truth with their hands,
you still can raise one doubt after the other and quite openly
make assertions, which always puts Me in a doubtful light with
some weaklings. When I gave back the life to a few totally
drowned people, you immediately stated that here the place
itself and the position of the stars contributed a great deal, and
that it therefore was very easy for Me to perform all kind of
miracles; at another place I would not at all be able to do this! In
Nazareth, Capernaum and in Kis, in Jesaira and even in
Genezareth I also performed great miracles, but not as many as
at this very place. But if you in all seriousness regard Me as
your only God and Lord, why do you always cast suspicion
about Me with strangers?!”
[20] Says quite perky and resolutely Judas Iscariot: “When
watching very closely the world and nature, it seems that God
always considers the favorableness of the location, if He wants
to produce something extraordinary! If we go on a very high
mountain, for example the Ararat, and we will see nothing than
bare rocks and snow and ice. Why do no grapes and figs, apples,
pears, cherries and plums grow there? It is my opinion that
Jehovah does not regard this place as sufficient favorable, to
produce these sweet miracles there as well! It then seems if
Jehovah Himself considers the favorableness of a locality very
much, otherwise He surely would also have placed the
nourishing sweet-miracles there!
[21] And I believe, that I do not take anything away from Your
divinity, if I assert that You for producing miracles always
regard one locality more favorable than any other, like for
instances Nazareth, where You did not overreached yourself
with miracles. As Jehovah you could also easily transform the
great desert of Africa into most blissful and flourishing fields, if
You would regard this territory as favorable! However, since
the mentioned territory is still a desert and most likely will stay
that way for a very long time to come, I believe, that You will
not suffer any limitation regarding Your divinity, if the great
African desert Sahara will stay what it is for a long time to
come. – This is my opinion, although brother Thomas will
probably not agree with it!”
[22] Comes Thomas on a sign by Me closer and says: “What
you have said would be quite in order, if you also would feel
like it in your soul and would regard and recognize this as the
full truth; but about this no trace of it can be found inside you!
According to your inner recognitions the Lord is in the first
place is still a wise eclectic person, who understands it, to pull
together from the many to him known teachings, one most wise
teaching, and secondly has mastered all magic to such an extent,
that at certain opportunities and favorable conditions nothing
can fail Him. Only this is yours together with Satan’s closely
related idea, that such a quite great magician, who understands
to submit all the even most secret forces of nature to his will, in
the end cannot be a real God!
[23] It shows here, that the Lord Jesus from Nazareth
corresponds perfectly with such your requirements, and so you
also have no scruples to totally dethrone the old God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to place this your magician on
the throne instead! That you regard the spirit of this holy Man
from Nazareth as the same who once thundered His laws to our
forefathers on Sinai, you do not have even the slightest idea in
your heart.
[24] And since it still looks the same with you, I cannot
otherwise than to reprimand you at every opportunity, if you
want to show off at such opportunities and show your always
perfidious, bad double tongue; since everyone who thinks and
feels otherwise than what his tongue is saying, is a betrayer of
the holiness of truth. Therefore you should hereby accept this
admonishment and in all future never speak differently from
what you think and feel! Since this is the manner of the tearing
wolves, who walk around in sheep’s furs, to make it easier for
them to get an innocent and gentle lamb into their deadly paws.
Understand me well; since I completely look through you and
admonish you only then, if you appear loudly, because then I
can immediately see that you are always a liar, since you speak
differently from what you think and feel. As a sick soul I am
certainly not your enemy, but against the sickness itself I am!”
[1] Says Judas Iscariot: “If this is how things are standing, then I
must state my case; because the Lord always gave to others the
opportunity to rid themselves completely of their evilness and
falseness. If this privilege was given to strangers, why is it kept
away from me, who actually belongs to your group and always
have shared happiness and grief with you?!”
[2] Says for a change Bartholomew: “With foreigners it is an
entirely different case! In them from ancient times there was
mainly already established falseness. Basically they could not
help it that they were bad and evil; but when they heard the light
words of the everlasting truth, it started to boil and cook in
them, and they started to rid themselves of the old feculence,
and became pure. But you are standing for a long time already
in the fullness of the spiritual truth-light and have for the fullest
authenticity of it already received thousands of the most living
evidence in words and all kinds of miracles! But all this does
not make an impression on you; but you would like to work
wonders yourself, so that you, just like the Pharisees in the
temple, can earn as much gold and silver as possible. For
yourself you do not need a God, except for one, who can
provide you with a lot of money, so that you can live on earth in
all extreme comfort and without consideration of the truths of
life heard here from God, and sin yourself to death!
[3] And with such your inner way of thinking, there is nothing
when it comes to ridding your inner self, since it cannot better
you and does not provide us with any means whereby we, by
words and actions could create a new heart in you, and without
it you will stay as you are.
[4] But if the Lord’s almighty word is not able to change you,
what can our human after word achieve with you?! Rather go
back to your old place and in future do not disturb us with your
most trifle chatter! – I have finished speaking!”
[5] Upon this very forceful reprehension Judas wanted to say
something; but Cornelius said to him: “Open your mouth only
then, if someone asks you to do so; otherwise keep quiet and do
not disturb the Lord at work! But if you really want to talk, go
deep into the nearby forest and speak there with the trees and
bushes; they will not back chat, which could annoy you and
finally offend you! Or go down to the lake and talk there to the
fish; they also will allow you everything! Because of this what
is spoken here, and what happens here, you anyway understand
as much as nothing; and your sullen stupidity and from it the
continuously anew awakened selfishness and greed disturbs us
in the for us so necessary deeper considerations of the great lifetruths
out of God the Lord above all!”
[6] After these words Judas Iscariot retreats far into the
background and does not speak a single word anymore; since he
had an immense respect for Cornelius because he just knew too
well his zeal and sense for Me and My teaching.
[7] After this was appeased again I said to all: “To him, who
has, will be given even more; but who does not have, from him
will also taken what he had!
[8] You now have convinced yourself that worldly greed and
avarice are evil things; therefore preserve your hearts carefully
from it! Since for a greedy heart it is impossible to comprehend
spiritual things and can also not be enlightened towards this end,
to understand what is necessary for its salvation.
[9] You all have now comprehended quite difficult things,
although only being a few days around Me; this disciple is now
already nearly half a year around Me and was an eye- and ear
witness of all kinds of miracles and teachings, and still he
cannot grasp the truth! The reason for this lies in his excessive
greed for money, resulting from his severe laziness and
[10] A truly diligent person easily acquires his daily need, and
even something beyond which will be quite useful to him during
his old days; and even if he could not save anything, because he
willingly gave of his access to the poor and needy, during his
old days he will still be provided for.
[11] But a lazy person loves idleness and wants to ride on the
back of his diligent neighbors; he therefore becomes a liar, a
swindler and a thief to gather as many treasures to be able to
live like a king.
[12] But with such greediness he darkens his soul to such an
extent, that it cannot understand anything anymore about some
pure spiritual matters; and even if his soul is enlightened by the
highest and purest spiritual light, it soon transforms it into its
selfish, most coarse being and again only recognizes nothing
else than material things.
[13] But how the spiritual transforms into matter, you have seen
from the coming into being of this grazing donkey here, and I
do not have to explain it any further to you. Since those of you
who have comprehended this, have understood this easily and
immediately; but who did not understood it easily and
immediately, will not grasp it for a very long time, and certainly
not ever in this world!
[14] Therefore all of you should ask yourself, where you are
standing with your ability to understand! Who has it, has it; who
does not have it, will not have it for a very long time. In whom
the soul is spiritual, can easily understand spiritual matters; but
in whom the soul longs for matter, can impossibly understand
this highest and purest spiritual!”
[1] (The Lord:) “There must be differences among people; but
nobody has been placed in this world with such a neglected
soul, that it had to become completely matter. Since also not one
single human soul has been stuck into the flesh without the free
will and individual intelligence.
[2] The main reason for the destruction of the human soul lies
principally in the original, normally baboon-love upbringing.
One let the little tree grow as it grows, and by the untimely
pampering and all other things, let the trunk grow askew as
possible. Once the trunk has hardened, normally all efforts to
make it straight again are of little or no use; an askew grown
soul very seldom becomes a completely straight trunk again!
[3] Therefore you all should straighten your children during
their easily steerable youth, and soon there will nearly nowhere
be such a material soul, which could not understand the spiritual
and easily submit itself to right actions on the road of the true
life order out of God! Remember this well; because therefore I
have shown to you the incarnation of a soul in the womb!
[4] A child until the seventh year is still by far more an animal
than a human. Since this what is human in a child, lies generally
buried in a deep sleep. Because a child is by far more animal
than human, it also has many animal-like, but only very few
truly human needs.
[5] Only the necessary should be given to them! One should
accustom them from early on to all kinds of privations, never
praise the well-behaved excessively, but also not be too hard
against the less capable and less behaved, but treat them with
the right love and patience.
[6] Exercise them in all kind of good and usefulness and do not
make even a very much well-behaved child vain, self-loving
and regarding itself better than others. Also with children,
especially those who are formed quite well, one should not
make them even more vain and proud by beautiful and rich
clothing than such children already love to be by nature. One
should keep them clean, however never turn them into so called
house idols, and they will be placed right from birth on that
road, that they can attain during their more adult youth what you
all have attained through Me only just now.
[7] The virgin will reach full of chastity and discipline the state
of a respectable mother and the youth will with a man-mature
soul and awakened spirit in it, enter adulthood and will be a
blessing for his family and for the earth and all its creatures.
[8] But if given in too much to the animal-like desires and
passions of your children, you will open with them a new and
wide gate for all vices, by which they will penetrate in masses
into this world bringing destruction; and once they are there,
you will in vain fight them with all kinds of weapons and will
achieve nothing against their great powers and rule!
[9] Therefore look after the little trees, so that their growth
becomes heaven-striving straight, and clean them carefully from
all after outgrowths; since once the trees have become big and
strong, and are full of bad curvatures in form, which the evil
winds have caused them, then you will not be able to straighten
them with all kinds of violent means!
[10] Earlier you have seen the fire tongue lump before you. In
its soul specific loose and free state it was by far not
determined, that it will become a donkey mare; only after the
subsequent arrangement by the angel the parts started to seize
each other to become an organism so that in the end the form of
a donkey had to appear.
[11] But since the donkey is already perfectly completed, a
transformation into another animal is almost impossible! There
is in fact nothing which is impossible for God; but then this
donkey had first to be completely dissolved and all basic
specifics had to recombine into a completely different organism
with the acceptance of new specifics and with exclusion of
many required for the being of a donkey. But certainly this
would be a hundred times a bigger effort and work than to
create from the primordial thoughts in the right ratio a
completely new being, which never existed on this earth before.
[12] Similar it is also much easier to make anything from a
child, while a man or an old man accept only very little or
[13] Therefore be especially concerned about a true and good
upbringing of your children, and it will be easy for you to
preach to the new nations this My full gospel, and the good seed
will fall onto a good and pure ground and will bring a
hundredfold harvest! But if you let grow up your children like
the apes their young, they will, as weeds, be as useful to you as
the young apes to their parents: what the old gather, the
children consume and destroy intentionally; and if the old
want to prevent them from such wrongdoing, the tender
young immediately show them their sharp teeth and chase the
old away.”
[1] (The Lord:) “In the disciple (Judas Iscariot), however, you
have a speaking example. He was the only son of a very wealthy
father and also a fool of a mother who loved him to death. The
result was, that both parents spoiled their son to such an extent
that they allowed him everything and also gave him everything
whatever he desired; the further result of that was, that the son,
when he gained strength, chased his parents out of the house
and amused himself with venal prostitutes whatever his nature
could stand.
[2] It did not take long and the son squandered the wealth of his
parents to such an extent that both became beggars and soon
afterwards died of grief and distress.
[3] But the son, also now completely poor, went a little inside
himself and finally asked himself and said: ‘Yes, why did I
became like that and not otherwise? I have not born myself,
even less conceived myself; I also could not have educated
myself – and still every person shouts me in the face, that I am a
wretched scoundrel and villain, who by his dissolute and evil
pranks squandered the wealth of his parents, turned them into
beggars and also brought them to their early grave!
[4] How can I help it? All this might have been quite bad by me;
but what can I do about it if the old did not educate me better?!
But what should I do now? Poor, without money, without home,
without work and without bread! Stealing and robbing would be
the easiest, and it would be the quickest way to reach a good
destination; but as a unskilled thief and bloodily punished, does
not taste sweet at all! With robbing it looks even worse! But
now I know what I will do! I learn some skill, and even if it is
the old stupid pottery, which has made my father rich!’
[5] Said and done! In Capernaum he went to a quite cozy potter
as an apprentice and learned with a lot of diligence his art
within a short time. But the old potter had a daughter who soon
became the wife of the art scholar.
[6] But just as wastefully our Judas was earlier, he now became
hard and stingy as a potter master. His wife quite often had to
endure his hardness. He made good products and started to visit
all markets, and left his people at home suffering and work
sweating blood. If he returned from a market with a lot of
money, he gave little to the diligent workers; but if he returned
with only a small prey home, hard things occurred in his stingy
[7] To earn some extra income alongside his pottery business,
he leased a fishery business and a few years ago began with
natural magic, because he quite often saw in Jerusalem, how
much money some of the Egyptian and Persian magicians
earned. But he did not make a success of it despite spending a
lot of money on it. He also took some lessons from a few
external Essenes, who made him believe, if they wanted to,
could create a world with everything it consists of and carries.
[8] But he soon realized that he was the one being cheated and
turned his back on his fine masters. During that year he heard of
all the things I did, and that it exceeds everything in the highest
degree whatever is called on this earth a ‘miracle-making’.
[9] This was then also the actual reason why he joined Me, left
everything at home, only to learn from Me to perform miracles
and after that to earn a lot of gold and silver.
[10] My teaching concerns him only very little. When he pays
attention to My mouth, he only wants to hear an explanation, in
which way and with what means I produce the one or other
miracle. Now, about that he never hears something useful for
him and is therefore always sullen.
[11] By the way, regarding this world he will find a terrible bad
account with me. A perfidious action and afterwards the darkest
desperation will make him commit suicide, and a rope and a
willow tree will be his sad end on this world! Since he is
someone who wants to tempt God, which is and must be a great
sin. However, who dares to commit a crime against God, will
not omit to carry it out on himself. First against God and then on
[12] But I say to you, that in the beyond self-murderers will not
likely ever see the face of God! I also could even show to you a
mathematical specific reason for that; but it is truly not worth
the trouble. It is sufficient that you believe Me what I have
given you, which is the result of suicide. Its reason is always a
kind of stupidity, arising from desperation, and this is a result of
any crime against God or against His commandments.”
[1] (The Lord:) “One finds the laws of God quite good and
right; but you also find people who do not according to action
want to know anything about it, and only living for the world.
With such people one of course can do no business or only the
worst of the world. Who enters in a business arrangement with
them, is from the start seriously cheated and outwitted. But him,
who gets involved with such worldly people, to profit
something from them, must be quite stupid; since otherwise he
would have scrutinized his allies more closely, before entering
into business with them.
[2] However, such an at least half-stupid person is still better
hearted, although still somewhat profit addicted, but because of
his stupidity fainthearted and trusts God very little. He always
thinks and says: ‘Let me first become quite rich! Only then I
will become the best person of the world and will acquire all
means, by which it will be possible for me, to familiarize myself
and get to know the mystic being of God better and brighter! I
will then carry out all conceivable charity for the poor world,
and millenniums will carry my name in their mouth! But let
only the rich world people become servants of mine, and
everything else will suddenly become right!’
[3] With such blind hopes such a fool walks around, make plans
and attempts and approaches with his plans the great and rich,
who will see with their sharp world intellect a use for
themselves in his inventions. The stupid speculating person falls
for them and is at the same time cheated in an unspeakable
manner and lead behind all light.
[4] Now he is standing with all his plans and hopes completely
plundered and without any means and does not know how to
create a way out. The faith in God and a more firm trust in the
power, goodness and help of God were ever since almost zero.
Through deception, which made him loose everything, he lost
all contact with the world. His mind is too stupid and cannot,
despite all searching and despite all efforts, find a way out.
[5] What is the result of that? Desperation and the most burning
tiredness of being, since no only half-tolerable prospects want to
become visible for it! In such a heated state of mind such a fool
normally takes his own life and becomes a self-murderer. That
he thereby causes his soul not seldom a boundless harm, you
can clearly infer thereof, that such person for a very long time
continues to destroy himself more and more, since he once has
created the most deadly hate against his being, for without it he
could not have become a self-murderer. Nobody has been born
with a deliberate stupidity, but is only the result of a bad and
wrong upbringing.
[6] Who truly loves his children, it certainly above all must be
important to him, to form their souls in such a way, that they are
not devoured by matter. If the souls are brought up in the right
order, they soonest will become able to absorb the spirit in
themselves, and never become stupid and there will of course
never be any talk of suicide.
[7] But with your ape-like upbringing of children, especially in
the cities, it cannot happen otherwise. Accustom your children
from early on to search for the true kingdom of God in their
hearts, and you thereby have decorated them more than a king
and have given them the biggest and best inheritance time wise
and forever!
[8] There will never ever come something life-big from spoiled
children! Even if nothing else bad happens to them or they
otherwise do not turn into something bad, in time a certain weak
side begins to develop, which no person is allowed to offend,
not even touching it. If such a weak side is touched or even
offended, then such a person is at break point. He will become
quite raving and fierce and will try to revenge himself in any
conceivable manner with the offender, or at least give him a
terrible serious warning, to avoid such jokes in future, since to
the contrary he will have to deal with horrible negative
[9] Such a weak side is basically not something bad arising out
of the free will and recognition; but it is still a leak in the soul,
where she can be injured, and this not only here but also for a
long time in the beyond.
[10] Therefore you should take extreme care that no so called
weak sides develop in them, because they become for the soul
that, what the so called chronic, half-scarred illnesses are. If it is
always nice weather and a good wind together with it, they are
quiet, and the person, who owns them, feels quite healthy; but if
the air starts to prepare itself for some bad weather, the leaks in
the flesh immediately start to stir and often drive the person to
despair because of pain.
[11] Nevertheless how difficult it is for a doctor to cure such old
bodily harms, it is often even more difficult to heal such old
soul leaks. If the skipper wants to protect his ship of the leaks,
he must not sail to places where there are all kinds of rocks and
coral reefs, but only there, where the water has the necessary
deepness. In the same way the educator of children as a truly
life knowledgeable coxswain, must not guide his little life ships
into all kinds of worldly rocky shallow waters, but must venture
immediately to the inner life’s deeper parts, and he will preserve
the little ships from the dangerous leaks and thereby earn the
crown of a true life’s coxswain!
[12] Good to everyone who also takes these words to heart; they
will not be without any blessing for him and his family!
[13] And now, since we also have discussed this secondary
matter which arose by the appearance of the disciple Judas
Ischariot in a useful way, let us return again to our
considerations of coming into being and the ostensible
destruction and take a special closer look at the latter!”
[1] (The Lord:) “The becoming to be of a thing, a being or even
a person does always carry something joyful in it, but the visible
disintegration and the dissolving, especially of a person, is only
something sad, which fills the feelings of every person with
[2] But I ask and say: Yes, why so, if there is still a belief left in
people about the immortality of the human soul?! The reason
lies deeper than you might think. Foremost this sadness
originates from the fear of death and afterwards many others,
which I cannot reveal to you all at once, in order not to confuse
you in this and soon in something else.
[3] Once a soul has been completely reborn and gone over in all
true life activity, all sadness and all the empty fear of dying or
passing away is of course something of the past; but with souls
who do not have reached the right degree of the inner life
perfection yet, there always remains something of a sadness
about their diseased next of kin and in themselves something of
a fear about death, of which they in this world can only
completely rid themselves, if their soul in their spirit and the
spirit in it has grown up.
[4] Just look at a properly spoiled child, if it has not been in
time made used to more and more activity, what a terrible sad
face it will make, if after the twelfth year it must perform a
serious and continuous work, although within the boundaries of
its strength! It starts to cry, becomes full of sadness, full of
sullenness, full of annoyance and also full of rage against those
who started to drive it to a continuous work.
[5] Compare it with a child of the same age, which has been
from its earliest youth kept busy with serious work according to
its compatible strength! How joyful and with how much
pleasure will such a child romp about the whole day, without
becoming tired!
[6] Just like a sluggish soul has a great fear about all serious and
continuous work, from the same source originates the fear about
death in the soul, yes even about a somewhat dangerous illness.
[7] You also will have quite often experienced the opportunity,
that quite diligent and very busy people by far does not have
such a great fear about death, as those work-shy but
nevertheless pleasure seeking and lascivious people; and this
fear does not disappear, until such souls have taken up the
serious job.
[8] You of course think that this fear is only a result of the
uncertainty of knowledge and recognition of the beyond. But I
say to you all: Absolutely not, it is only the result of a deep
rooted work shyness of the soul, and because the soul feels it
secretly that with the removal of her body her further existence
will be highly active, she is quite disconsolate about it and falls
into a kind of fever, in which then also a kind of uncertainty
about the future existence arises. – think about this a little and
we will continue with this very important matter!”
[9] Upon these My words, Mathael stands up and says: “If it is
permitted, I want to add a word to this matter for the better
[9] I said: “Just keep on talking what you know and how you
understand it; since your knowledge and insight is standing on
the best ground!”
[1] Thereupon Mathael started to speak and his words sounded
as follows: “Dear friends and brothers, I do not know how I
came to it, that by times from my earliest onwards I could see
spirits and could even talk to them, what then also was a main
reason why I in fact stepped into the walls of the temple; since I
was told that therein the spirits who became quite tiresome
would not have any power over me anymore, and that from then
on I also would not see them again. Now, this was correct and
quite in order; because when I dressed myself with the
consecrated clothes of the temple, my seeing of spirits came to a
complete end! How and why I cannot say; but it is completely
true and correct.
[2] Although I have been freed from this plague by the walls
and the clothes of the temple, the spirits still knew how to
revenge themselves in another manner. My subsequent dreadful
state of being possessed was surely a sorrowful result of it!
Anything further about my extremely unfortunate state is known
and I do not have to waste a single word about it. But from my
earlier state of seeing spirits I still remember a few occurrences,
and if I tel you my new friends and brothers now a few events, I
think that at least at this occasion I can serve you with a small
[3] When I was about seven or already eight years old, five
people suddenly died of a plague-like epidemic; it was the
neighbor’s wife, two of the elder daughters and two otherwise
absolutely healthy maidens.
[4] It was however strange that from this unusual epidemic only
grown up and otherwise absolutely healthy maidens and women
died. When in the neighbors house the wife became ill, while
the day before already the two daughters and the two maidens
died, the neighbor came full of desperation and grief to us and
imploringly asked us help him to, if possible, save his wife from
death; for my father, who owned quite a nice property nearby
Jerusalem and who also lived there most of the time, was also a
doctor during emergencies, and it therefore was more a kind of
duty, to follow the call of the unfortunate neighbor. That I was
not allowed to stay at home you will easily gather from the
circumstances, that I not very seldom gave my father quite good
remedies, since my spirits not seldom trustingly revealed them
to me.
[5] My father was very confident that I will meet with spirits in
the house of the neighbor, who will tell me something to cure
the critically ill neighbor’s wife, and so I was nolens volens
(meaning: if I wanted to or not) taken along. My father was not
mistaken; I actually saw a lot of spirits – surely a mix of good
and bad ones. But with the recommendation of a curing remedy
there was nothing happening this time round; since a great spirit
dressed in a light gray pleated dress, said to me, when I
approached him about a cure on request of my father: ‘Look at
the person who passed away! Her soul already rises above the
pit of her chest, which is the usual exit of the soul from
the body!’
[6] I now had a closer look at the dying person. From the pit of
the chest a white smoke rose, increasingly expanded above the
pit of the chest and also became increasingly denser; but I could
not see anything about a human form. When I looked at it
questionably, the light gray large spirit said to me: ‘Just look
how the soul leaves her earthly residence forever!’ But I said:
‘Why does this parting soul has no form, while all of you who
are also souls, have very proper human forms?’ Said the spirit:
‘Just wait a little; when the soul has left the body completely
she will collect herself properly and will then become quite
beautiful and friendly to look at!’
[7] When I saw the mist still expanding and condensing above
the pit of the chest of the ill person, the body was still alive and
groaned now and then like someone who is plagued by a heavy
dream. After about the quarter of time of a roman hour, the mist,
the size of a twelve year old girl, floated about two spans above
the dying body of the woman and was only connected to the pit
of the chest by a finger thick column of vapor. The column had
a reddish color, became longer and shortened again; but after
each elongation and shortening this column of vapor became
thinner, and the body entered into a visible painful convulsions.
[8] After about two roman hours of time, this column of vapor
became completely free from the pit of the chest and the lower
end looked like a plant with many root fibers. In that moment
when the vapor column was completely separated from the pit
of the chest, I observed two appearances. The first consisted of
the complete dying of the body, and the second, that the very
white misty vapor mass transformed within a moment into the
well-known wife of the neighbor. She immediately clothed
herself with a white, pleating rich shirt, greeted all the
surrounding friendly spirits, but also asked pertinently where
she is right now and what happened to her; she was also quite
amazed about the nice area where she was now.
[9] But from the area I couldn’t see anything. I therefore asked
my large light-gray where this nice area could be seen. And the
spirit said: ‘You cannot see this from your body; since it is only
a product of the life imagination of the person who passed away
and will only later change into a larger and more permanent
reality!’ With these words I was put off and the spirit started to
speak in a tongue completely foreign to me; but he must have
said something very pleasant to the now free soul because her
face became very joyful.
[10] But it was odd to me, that the now free soul apparently did
not worry at all what has happened to her earlier body; she
immediately conversed quite well with the spirits, but
everything in a very foreign tongue. After a while also the two
daughters and the two maidens who passed away were guided to
her and greeted her former mother and mistress in a most
friendly manner, but not as if the first two were her daughters
and the other two were her former service maidens, but as real,
true, good friend and sister, and this in a foreign and completely
incomprehensible tongue to me. But no one looked like if
worrying in the slightest about their former body which
certainly is kept in honor; it also seems that they do not see
anyone of us mortals.
[11] Though strange, that the soul of the just passing away
woman, immediately after the exit from the body, still expressed
her amazement about the beautiful surrounding in Hebrew; but
after she has so to speak collected and condensed herself more,
she made use of a language, which, according to my poor
knowledge is not spoken on the whole earth and among all its
mortal people.
[12] I therefore turned again to my light-gray and asked him:
‘What is it the five new arrivals in your kingdom are talking
about and in what tongue?’
[13] Said the light-gray: ‘What a curious boy you are! They are
talking for the sake of you in this specific spirit tongue, because
they do not want to be overheard by you; since they know and
feel it quite accurately, that you are here as someone who can
see and speak to the spirits from his body just like a Burmese
from High-India. They also know and feel it that their bodies
are still here; but it does not concern them more as an old shirt
to you which you have, as totally shredded, thrown away. You
could now show them all the kingdoms on earth with the
prospect of a life full of health for a thousand years, they would
still never return to their bodies! But this what they are talking
about you would not understand, even if it was in your tongue;
since they now see in this very moment, that the great promised
One is already as a person on the physical world, although only
as a tender child. If you are a man, you will recognize Him
in Galilee.’
[14] This was all the information which the light gray quite
courteously and friendly revealed to me. This was certainly a
very memorable occasion, which I have seen as a boy at that
time just as true and vividly as I see you all right now; and that
the light-gray did not tell me any untruths, the proof lies therein,
that I now have found You, o Lord, actually in Galilee, just like
the light-gray have told me.
[15] I just want to know a little more why the soul during the
moment of separation rises as a mist from the pit of the chest,
and why not as a fully developed human form. – Lord, You
most loving, You wisest Master of all life, could You give us an
explanation about it?”
[1] I said: “This you should have straight away; and so listen
then! The visible mist – nevertheless the size of a person is the
result of the great distress of the soul during the moment of
separation, in which she, because of all the fear and terror, is for
a few moments kind of unconscious.
[2] It is an extraordinary activity strain for the separating soul,
to maintain herself in her self-conscious existence. All her parts
are placed in an exceptionally violent vibration, so that even the
sharpest eye of a spirit cannot discern any specific form.
[3] An example from nature would be the deep sounding string
of a harp. When pulled strongly, for some time it will quickly
vibrate back and forth so that you can see the body also only as
a transparent mist-like thread; after the string has ended its
vibration, its actual form becomes visible again as a result of its
state of rest.
[4] You have the same phenomenon when looking at a
humming fly, whose wings you can only see as wings after the
fly has stopped flying and thereby also stopped humming;
during the state of flying you only saw it surrounded by a small
cloud of mist.
[5] When the soul exits during the moment of separation from
the destroyed, sheared and in future unusable body, it often
vibrates in span long oscillations, and this so fast, that you can
take it as one thousand oscillations to and fro and up and down
in one moment; during the time of such soul vibrations it is for
the allotted viewer completely impossible to discern any kind of
a human form. After a while the soul subsides more and more
and becomes visible as a human form; once it enters a state of
complete rest, which occurs immediately after the final
separation, it can be seen as a perfect human form, provided,
that it is not too much deformed by all kind of former sins. – Do
you understand this?”
[6] Says Mathael: “O Lord, You most Wise, how could I not
understand it most clearly? You have made this phenomenon so
clear that I can touch it with my hands! But now, Lord – forgive
me my thirst for knowledge – I also would like to know, in
which tongue the five souls talked to each other! I myself am
able to speak various tongues; but despite this I could not
understand one syllable what they have spoken to each other. Is
there in this world any similar tongue?”
[7] I said: “O yes, the Burmanese priests are in possession of
this tongue (i.e. Sanskrit), and this was the primordial language
of the first people on this earth; yours, the old Egyptian, and
amongst others also that of the Greek, originates nearly
completely from this one and first language of mankind. Do you
think that you would understand father Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob if they would be here talking like they have talked once?
O certainly not, you would not understand one word! You
already have difficulty to understand the books of Moses, which
are nearly a thousand years younger than Abraham, how much
less the arch fathers themselves! Yes, many things have
changed for the Jews, also the language, without a second
Babylonian language chaos. Do you also understand this?”
[8] Says Mathael: “O Lord, also regarding this I’m in the clear
now; I believe also all the others, and as such in the name of all
I would like to implore You for further teachings!”
[9] I said: “These will not be missing; but you have made a lot
of experiences in the field of dying and must therefore tel us the
most noteworthy for the sake of your brothers. If something is
unclear to you or somebody else, I will make it clear for you.
[10] I have previously showed you the becoming to be until the
point of transition by the loss of matter. The bodily death is still
the fright of all creatures. The reason for it I have explained to
you in all shortness; same will at another opportunity be
explained more extensively to you. But now you can start
speaking again!”
[11] Says Mathael: “O Lord, only because of Your so
exceedingly loving instructions I will tell more such cases, as I
have seen them with the eyes of my soul!”
[1] (Mathael:) “When I was a boy twelve years of age and
already able to think and to speak seriously like a man, several
robbers and murderers of the worst kind were destined to be
crucified in Jerusalem. There were seven of them. At that stage
it caused a great sensation, not only in Jerusalem but also far
and wide in the whole country. At that time a certain Cornelius,
a Roman senior captain, was the ad interim governor. He was
exceedingly upset about these arch villains, since they killed the
trapped people truly tiger-like and in an indescribable horrible
manner tortured them to death just for pleasure and the longer
they were able to torture them the more fun they had. In short,
the reference ‘devil’ would be far too good and honest for
[2] Here Cornelius interrupts him and says: “Friend, do not
forget your words that are very precious to me! But I must note
here in support of your faithful story, that I was this Cornelius!
And now you can continue; since until now there was not a
single untrue syllable among it!”
[3] Continues Mathael: “Very quietly and notion-wise I thought
so, since your face is from that time on still familiar, and it is for
this my story even better, that in your high personality certainly
a speaking and most trustworthy witness is present! And as such
hear me out!
[4] Because the described seven were such evil devils,
Cornelius decided to carry on with them in a most gruesome
manner as a deterrent example. This included that they were
prepared for death for fourteen full days and during that time
tortures which they could expect were read to them daily in the
most glowing colors; by the way, during this time of fright they
were quite well fed, to make them experience life’s
pleasantness, so that the expected most tortures death appears
even more bitterly to them.
[5] I have visited these criminals with my father five times, and
in the end saw them steaming and smoking still like a halfcharred
and still glowing wooden log; and this smoke and steam
spread at least for my nose an intolerable stench which most
certainly does not have its likeness on this earth! The longer
they were exposed and the nearer their doomsday came, the
more penetratingly became the steam, smoke and stench. It goes
without saying that the seven devils started to change their color
more than a chameleon.
[6] Finally their doomsday arrived. The henchmen and bailiffs
came and the seven were openly in the presence of thousands
undressed except for their private parts and were bloodily
castigated. I could see this execution only from far off, but still
could see how during this treatment a great number of black
bats left the castigated like a swarm of bees and flew away; also
like small flying dragons rose from the castigated, and they
already steamed and smoked quite less.
[7] But when looking a bit closer I discovered soon and easily
that this steam and smoke seized itself in all kind of horrible
forms, which then as the earlier indicated black bats flew away;
also the small dragons developed from it. How many of such
creatures from hell might have left the seven during the past
fourteen days?!
[8] After the seven have been castigated in a most barbaric
manner, I discovered that their earlier very devilish looking
faces started to look somewhat more human and that the
offenders began to become weaker and more frightful; they
appeared to me like drunks, who almost have no idea what is
happening to them. The whole thing looked quite peculiar to
me, how these former brutes began to change into a kind of
lamb nature.
[9] After the castigation seven crosses were delivered and each
criminal had to carry one on his shoulder to Golgotha, which
was for a long time already the general place of execution of the
Romans; but nobody was able to carry the load of death for only
one step, despite being pushed, hit and abused. Therefore a big
cart was brought in with two strong oxen in front, first the
crosses were loaded and then the criminals on top and
everything was tied together with cords and chains before
driving out to Golgotha.
[10] On arrival, alongside me and my father not too many folks
followed because of the too dreadful cruelties, everything was
untied, the blood dripping criminals thrown off the cart and one
by one bound enormously solid to the cross bars with very
coarse ropes containing entwined thorns; the crosses were then
placed into the holes which had been previously carved into the
stone. Only now the criminals started to howl and wail most
[11] This must have caused them unbearable pain; since first
they were already completely torn to pieces by the flagellation –
secondly by the ropes with entwined thorns, and thirdly by the
coarse and rough wood! Because a cross like this, nevertheless
how firm, is still left as rough as possible and must cause any
very healthy person tied to it the most unbearable pain at the
hands, feet and body, not mentioning to those who already were
torn to pieces beyond measure. I have only added this to the
scene which I observed very closely, that you my brothers in
the face of the Lord can more easily understand the following,
but at the same time also to show, how the high Cornelius
fulfilled his judgment unchangingly to the dot.
[12] The longer the seven hang on the cross, the more hideous
became their screams and the more awful their blaspheme and
curses, until after about three hours very hoarse and completely
voiceless only a bloody slaver was driven from their mouths
since they have bitten their tongues and lips in small pieces.
After seven full hours they started to quiet down and it appeared
if a nervous impact were hitting them simultaneously.
[13] I must openly confess, as much as they have acted as true
devils in their free state and certainly no person in the whole of
Jerusalem and Judea existed who would have pitied any one of
the seven, in the end the matter did not appeared to me as quite
right! But as the case may be, the law prescribes this and in the
eyes of the world they deserved it!
[14] What we have now heard and seen out of Your mouth, o
Lord, at that stage of course no person had the slightest idea
about, and so it was right and equitable, to punish these seven
with the sharpest severity of the law as a deterrent example for
the many who walked similar ways. But as outraging horrible
the whole story was until now, everything was purely nothing
against that, what I will tell you immediately afterwards.
[15] From the seven a strange kind of absolute soot-black mist
and smoke started to develop above the area of the pit of the
chest and grew and grew to double the size of those hanging on
the cross; I also noticed a certain rope of mist whereby the
exiting mist was connected to the still feverishly and
convulsively twitching body. The black smoke mass, however,
did not develop into a human form, but into most horrible,
biggest and completely black tigers that were striped as with
blood. When these black monsters were sufficiently developed,
they soon started to terribly frightfully rave and tried to separate
themselves from the body with all force. But to no avail; since
the life strings were so stubborn, that they could not be torn by
any violent act.
[16] The scene looked too chaotic and horrible to me, and since
it was already a good hour after midday, I and my father went
home, and only when on our way I told my father everything I
have seen during the crucifixion. He confessed to me not having
seen something similar, but observed diligently my eyes and
from their staring to and fro he knew that I was seeing
something unusual; and from the loyalty of my words he
accepted that I did not tell him anything untruthful. He, as a
doctor in an emergency and at the same time a philosopher and
theologian, found a lot of noteworthiness in it, although, despite
all his philosophy and theology, could not make anything more
of my narrative than I am; but he decided to go back to the
scene in late afternoon, so that I could make more observations,
and to tell the Sadducees when the opportunity would arrive in a
rather crude way, that they are the biggest oxen and donkeys, if
they deny the immortality of the human soul.”
[1] (Mathael:) “We ourselves had an arch Sadducee with all his
family as a neighbor, who was as a person quite civilized, good
and tolerant, but with whom one never could speak a word
about God and the immortality of the soul. He regarded
everyone as highly limited minded who believed in such things
and about me he said that I had the best talents to become a
poet, since I had such a living imagination. In short, by times
my father spend a lot of effort on him, but it was all in vain.
[2] This time my father asked him if he did not want to come
with us to Golgotha. And he said: ‘Not for the whole world! I
cannot look at an animal dying or even been slaughtered, not
mentioning humans, despite they had committed even more
atrocities than those seven. If tearing beasts come close to us,
good, you hunt them down to put them out of action, and by
doing so you have served humanity well! One should also do it
with such people who are not good anymore for a peace loving
human society! One should simply kill them, but they should
not be tortured; since they can’t help it in the least that they
have become tearing beasts! Nature, temperament, complexion
and upbringing are always the causes for such degenerations.
[3] But if one says that this is done as a deterrent example, I can
only start laughing about it; since we, as peaceful and properly
educated people, do not need a deterrent example, and for those
who are targeted will not be any fools, to come here, to quite
comfortably look at the seven deterrent examples!
[4] But most certainly will these examples have the
praiseworthy effect, that the other criminals who are not yet
caught – perhaps a thousand in number – will subsequently
inflict a lot more cruelty to those falling into their hands than
until now! Especially a Roman can be congratulated who easily
can be lucky enough to become a victim of the still free
criminals! Truly, for all the treasures of the world I do not want
to be in his skin! This can be the only advantage of such too
martial law!
[5] Who cannot remember the times before the Romans?! The
laws were always of a serious nature, but at least reasonable,
and one never heard something about great cruelties. But now
the wise heathens have blessed us with the most sharpest
political and martial laws, those high pompous improvers of
worlds and conquerors of countries and cities, and despite the
tenfold reinforced roman guards, on the roads of our promised
land cruelties are committed, which a civilized person cannot be
told anymore, without fainting ten times! Therefore just go
alone and look at the seven examples of the true roman cruelty,
which will soon have a seventy-fold response from the other
side as a result!
[6] People should stay people since everlasting nature has raised
them as humans above itself! But if man with all his so high
praising mind in the end becomes an even by far more gruesome
animal than all the most tearing beasts of the woods, than man
has lost it all, and it is high time that we go to the wild and
tearing beasts in the woods, to learn from them natural
humanity! Just go to Golgotha, to this most cursed place on
earth, which is saturated with the blood of people like a
butcher’s booth with the blood of cattle, lambs and goats! What
you will learn there will truly not be of any good reputation!
[7] You recognize a God and believe in the immortality of the
soul and still can light heartedly look at, how spoilt and deeply
lost people are tormented namelessly painfully for the whole
day until their death by even greater brutes! Believe me, these
seven would never become so evil without the Roman severity,
as they of course were, shuddering to the skin! But who made
them like that? Those, who torture them with pleasure for the
whole day!
[8] And you as holy and in God believing Jews can look at, how
the most despicable torment and torture the despicable?! You
are rather nice people and neighbors! Truly, in my donkey
stable it looks by far more humane and civilized as in your God
believing house! Understood?’ – With that he left and we went
our way.”
[1] (Mathael:) “Within half an hour we were back at Golgotha
and except for guards nobody else was there. But the seven
presented a sight of the deepest terror. I do not want to talk to
much here about the awful appearance of the seven half corpses,
but rather about their souls which were still not detached from
their bodies, but made every effort to destroy and tear their
bodies. Theses black and dark red bloody striped tigers attacked
their own bodies and bit into them; but for that they had to feel a
painful response from their still nerve-alive bodies. Since after
each bite into their bodies, they made a painful furious face and
immediately put their paws onto the place where they had bitten
into their half-dead bodies.
[2] This maneuvering we watched for about an hour, and I had
to tell my father what I observed at the seven. But the roman
guard superintendent noticed this, who also watched my
unsteady eyes for quite some time with the greatest attention.
He came to us and asked us in the roman tongue, what we saw
at the seven, since we, especially I, observed with great
attention and had to report to my father. We should do this in
his tongue, otherwise he would be forced to asked us to leave.
[3] My father talked to him in Greek, which he was more
comfortable with than Latin, although both of us understood
Latin quite well; since in Jerusalem even as a child one had to
know three languages if one wanted to converse with the
many foreigners. My father explained to him, the guard
superintendent, that he was a doctor and that he with his son and
at the same time also scholar, conducted medical diagnosis and
psychological observations, and that he encouraged me to
describe all the symptoms in great detail; alongside he was also
explaining to me this and that according to the teachings of
[4] But the guard superintendent, a knowledge thirsty person,
liked this, and requested my father to make his explanations in
the Greek tongue, so that he also could profit from it. Now we
were caught! Since that my father explained something to me,
was only a feint to put the guard superintendent at ease, because
it was only me making a report about the psychological scene to
my father, which was certainly of such nature that the guard
superintendent would have laughed into our faces, if he would
listen to it. What should we do now? Both of us were helpless!
[5] But now I saw a spirit, standing in the air on a cloud
descending, and in his right hand he carried a big, shiny sword.
‘What will he do here?’ I thought by myself. But the
superintendent saw my fixed researching eyes and immediately
asked me if I could see anything unusual. And I answered him
in my way very brief and a little gruffly: ‘certainly, but if I told
you, you still would not believe me!’
[6] The guard superintendent wanted to know more from me;
but at that time it was already getting late and from Cornelius an
order arrived to break the legs at the feet with axes according to
the custom of the Romans, and if anyone was still alive, to put
an end to him with a blow to the head and on the chest, so our
guard superintendent had strict orders to carry out and we could
continue our observations unhindered.
[7] I now looked at the Great Spirit, who was dressed in a dark
sky-blue pleated garment, and what he would be doing at this
scene. Listen! As the leg breakers waited for the command to
smash the legs of the seven and to end the life of those who are
still alive with the said blows, the mighty spirit lifted the sword
and cut the strings by which the black tiger souls were attached
to their bodies.
[8] When those awful souls were relieved from their bodies,
they suddenly became a little more human appearance, walked
on their hind legs, but absolutely silent and with a very sad and
sorrowful expression, and the spirit said in a sharp voice to
them: ‘Go to the place of your evil love; it will attract you!
As your deeds, so is your reward!’ But the seven souls shouted:
‘If we are doomed there would be sufficient time for it! Why
was it necessary to torture us, if the everlasting damnation
awaits us here?!’
[9] Said the big, mighty spirit: ‘Everything depended and still
depends on your love! Change this according to the order of
Jehovah known to you, and you will be your own saviors;
except for yourselves nobody in the whole of infinity of God
can save you! The life is yours, and the love is yours; if you can
change your love, then this will transform your whole life and
being! And now leave!’
[10] Upon these sharp words of the great and mighty spirit, the
seven, under a horrible howling, quickly ran away; however, I
was so perky to ask the Great Spirit, what will finally become of
the seven.
[11] And the spirit rose again and said nothing else than: ‘Their
very own will! With them it was not a lack of upbringing, not a
lack of recognition, and they were not possessed – accept by
their own evil will. The vermin you saw escaping when they
were exposed and when flagellated, were no foreign daemons,
but all of them products and creations of their own evil will.
Therefore the judgment is fair; since it had to deal with seven
perfect devils, for who in this world existed no teaching, no
word and no improvement! But here with us, where everything
is revealed, their destiny will be as they want it to be out of their
love. The opportunities, even if only in appearance, will be
plentiful to tempt themselves to more evil or also to betterment.
Understand this, youth, and also explain this to your father, to
whom is not given the sight for this!’
[12] With these meaningful words the big and mighty spirit
disappeared, and the leg breakers began with their work. With
five no blood came out of the wide open wounds; but with the
last two there was still some blood. They immediately received
the ending blows, which, however, were a complete futile work
and exercise; since when the good or evil soul for once has left
the body, the body is for certain completely dead.
[13] After this rather not too inviting nice action, the henchmen
went home and the corpses were handed over to the undertaker
and his servants for further disposal. The way of disposal,
however, was different and still does, with the only restriction
that they were not allowed to be buried. Normally they were
burnt with the cursed wood or dehydrated in the cursed water
and only afterwards thrown to the wild animals as food. But the
wild and tearing beasts who ate from it, normally perished,
which was the reason for the undertaker to simply cook the
corpses in the cursed water and sold it then rather well for quite
a lot of money to people who wanted to kill wolves, hyenas,
bears and foxes.
[14] This, o Lord, is now once more a little history which I have
experienced during my youth, of which everything is clear to
me, except the appearance of the souls, which were without any
human form, and the previously countless many despicable
vermin leaving the criminals as bats and small dragons. The big
spirit did indeed gave me some explanation, that these were
only products of the evil will; but how – this is entirely a
different question, which, except for You, o Lord, nobody can
answer and solve! Those two, o Lord, You could solve for us, if
it pleases Your most holy will!”
[1] I said: “What you have personally experienced you have
presented very good and true. The reason for the bestial
appearance of the soul of the said seven great criminals lies in a
certain free order, but of course only to this extent, as the
working soul-specific-parts in the body seize or exchange
themselves anew, similar to a cluster of worms creeping
disorderly over and about in a continuous search for a more
comfortable resting place. If they found it as either a good or
bad type, the outer form will for certain become likewise to the
good or evil type.
[2] Look here at the different plants; there is an alimentary plant
and there a poisonous one! In the sun-bright light of our light
sphere, look at the forms! See, how smoothly, delightfully, soft
and modestly is the form of the alimentary plant to look at, and
how corner-like, sheared and here and there quite suspiciously
smooth the form of the poisonous plants looks like, but still both
species consist of the same primordial substances, standing in
the same earth, slurp the same dew, the precise same air and the
same light!
[3] You have seen how a little while ago out of the absolutely
similar glowing tongues or floating fire snakes, which could not
be seen with the eyes of the flesh because of their tininess, a
perfect, quite comfortable donkey has formed; do you think that,
given another order for the seizing of the primordial substances
into organic forms, just as well a tiger, a camel, an ox or
elephant or anything else could not have developed?! O, most
certain! And another orderly seizing would also have a complete
different nature and characteristics in itself, which would be
quite hostile towards another, and the reason for this is, that
each differently organized individual form has the continuous
main aspiration, to convert everything else and which is
somewhat weaker into its own order.
[4] Out of this property goes forth love, the inner warmth,
aspiration, greed, hunger and thirst. If this greed, which is equal
to a lust of power, becomes here and there too big and tries to
grab too much to push it underneath its own original order, the
consumed entity not seldomly becomes too powerful, seizes the
first in being already existing soul-organic order, and pulls it
into its own good, better, or easily also worse, more worse and
finally most worse order!
[5] But what happens by that? Mathael, now we are coming to
your seen tiger-like criminal’s souls! The souls were too
excessively taken over by the too greedily absorbed primordial
soul substances which did not fit their (the souls) order; and
only those absorbed primordial soul substances have turned the
souls into their own exceedingly bad and thereby have changed
the human souls into true tiger souls, and of the same origin was
also all the vermin which you saw leaving in masses the
frightened criminals. But now all of you tell Me, if you have
comprehended this rich teaching in all its facets!”
[6] Says most of them: “Yes, Lord, we understood the teaching
at least to some extent; but to boast that we feel quite at home
with it, would be a lie. From the earlier forming of the donkey
we have observed and seen, how from the spiritual primordial
substances a thing or being is developed. We could almost see
the grass grow, and how so to speak a donkey, by itself, created
itself from the fire tongues. Yes, by Your goodness and mercy
we even know, what, who and wherefrom these fire tongues are,
and who they as related to each other can seize each other to
create a distinctive idea and form. We know quite well how
these Your countless primordial thoughts, of which the whole of
infinity is overfilled with, although from the outer appearance
looking similar, are nevertheless in themselves very distinctive,
lighter and heavier, depending on the purpose and intelligence
they carry which might be somewhat deeper, more serious and
more good-quality, and how the related ones seize each other
and start to form some organ.
[7] As said, all this we understand quite well; but there is still
something which is a strong riddle to us, which You, o Lord,
could resolve for us, if it would please you. But we all surely do
not have to tell You where we are running short; since You
know all gaps which are in us, and will fill them with Your
mercy, if You regard as necessary! If it is not of a great
importance to us, then we are more than perfectly happy with
that what we have and understand.”
[8] I said: “To understand the secret of the kingdom of God in
all depth of depths, you all first must be reborn in the spirit,
which is now impossible for you. Only if the Son of Man has
returned from where He has come, He will send to you the spirit
of all truth which is holy; he will awaken you entirely and
complete your hearts and waken the spirit of all truth in you,
which means, in the heart of your souls, and by this act you will
be reborn in the spirit and see and understand in the brightest
light what the heavens contain in theirs.
[9] But this, what I show and explain to you right now, is only a
preparation for what the spirit will give you in all fullness.
There are many things which I still have to tell you, but you
would not be able to endure right now; but if the spirit of all
truth will come, he will guide you in all wisdom! Since you
know this now, we immediately want to start with a further
considerable preparation at this place, and our widely
experienced Mathael will tell us another little history from his
[10] And as such you, Mathael, can start working again and tell
us the well seen story experienced in Bethany! We still have
four hours until sunrise and therefore can still learn and
experience a few things, and you, Mathael, can immediately
begin with your narrative!”
[1] Says Mathael: “Lord, am I also allowed to mention the
strange phenomena of nature, which I and my accompanying
father observed in the middle of the night towards the east when
travelling to Bethany?”
[2] I said: “Certainly yes; since it has a strong relation with the
occurrence which you have experienced seventeen years ago in
Bethany! Therefore you can start right now!”
[3] Says Mathael: “Lord, I see, that nothing is unknown to You
in the whole of the infinitive sphere of creation! For You I
certainly do not have to tell the story; but for the sake of the
other friends and brothers it pleases me to tell such higher
things, especially where I can see that I believingly being listen
to. Everything which I will tell you now has a very mystically
and magnificently looking character; nevertheless, everything is
true what you will hear, and as such pay me your attention
once more!
[4] Listen! It was already late autumn of the year. The high
mountain peaks were covered in fog, and a quite unfriendly
north wind whirled the dry leaves of the trees through the air;
only in the east there were still some places, where the lovely
stars looked down to earth like crying, which was a nature scene
which I and my father, who was a great friend of nature also
regarding its unfriendly workings, observed until midnight.
When we got ready to go inside to take our rest, we discovered
a person walking hastily towards our house with a lantern, made
from the urine bladder of a sheep, in his hand, and it didn’t take
long and a quite sad, but still quite young man stood in front
of us.
[5] Recognizing my father immediately as a doctor, he said in a
wistful tone of voice: ‘Friend and doctor! I’m coming from
Bethany; my name is Lazarus and I am the son of the old
Lazarus, whom I love above all! Quite suddenly he fell ill today,
and it looks very bad with him! Our rabbi, who in an emergency
is also a little of a doctor, does not know what to do with my
father! He himself sends me to you, since you are an
extraordinary doctor and brought help to ill people in cases
where no other doctor could find any remedy. Come and cure, if
still possible, my suffering father!’
[6] Says my father: ‘If another doctor has brought an ill person
close to death, we have to perform miracles! Everything would
be alright, if it would be possible to do this immediately and
everywhere! I will with this my only son, who must be at hand
since he has the gift to see spirits and also in extreme cases can
speak to them, go with you and see what can be done; if you had
brought some horses which would have brought you quicker
here and us more quickly back, an easier cure could be
performed. But if the Hippocratic signs of death have already
shown with him, there is no cure possible; since against the
power of death no herb has grown, not on the Alps and even
less so in any garden!’
[7] The messenger Lazarus was contented with this answer and
regretted it badly, not having taken any horses along.
Nevertheless, with a great hurry we started our journey; since
with good feet it lasted about an hour to reach our destination.
[8] When we, absolutely quiet and deep in thoughts, walked our
way, the fog in the east disappeared completely and it became
lighter and lighter – yes, after about a quarter of an hour it was
so light like half an hour before sunrise. This has taken up our
attention to such a degree, that we, despite all the hurrying, had
to stand still to see where this strange light was coming from.
[9] Finally it became completely daylight and above the eastern
horizon almost a real sun rose, but with a much greater speed as
the ordinary one, or – as one is used to say – the daily sun. But
with this quickly rising light appearance, the lower end of the
eastern horizon did not started to appear.
[10] This light phenomenon turned into a column of light, which
within a few moments pushed its head up to the midday line and
soon spread such light and heat, that we were forced to go
underneath a still dense leafed fig tree, not to go blind because
of the light and not to perish from the heat. But soon this
column of light became thinner and thinner and the light and the
strong heat produced by the column of light, disappeared.
[11] After a very small quarter of an hour the light phenomenon
was gone, but also our sight; since afterwards, when the light
disappeared completely, it was so dark and our eyesight was so
weakened, that we were not able to properly discern the lantern
of our messenger.
[12] Only after about thirty moments our eyes started to win
back the necessary eyesight, and we could again barely see the
road by the very weak light of the lantern, during our walk. The
whole story nevertheless delayed us with a good half an hour
time and my father immediately asked me, if I had seen any
spirits during the light phenomenon.
[13] And I said to him according to the fullest truth: ‘In the
light, which was in anyway much less to look at as the sun
during midday because of its extraordinary brightness, nothing
could be seen, but certainly with us on earth. A great number of
figures were becoming halfway visible, but all like a very busy
movement towards the west; their movement was thus
homogeneous with the light appearance. Only one single spirit
figure which came very close to us, was entirely visible, had a
serious, old-manlike expression and appeared to have a great
joy about the light appearance. But when the light phenomenon
began to disappear from the sky, also the spirit figure
disappeared quickly, and as it appeared to me, also to the west,
but more so in the direction of Bethany!’ I didn’t see anything
else and therefore could not report anything further to my father.
[14] Our guide was surprised about my seer’s gift and believed
my statement; since he thought that my fantasy and power of
imagination could impossibly have reached such intensity, that I
could so easily produce something like that. In this he was right;
since I was never very inventively and as a boy and youth I had
almost no fantasy or imaginative powers, but I had a lot of talent
for learning foreign tongues.
[15] During these little small talk considerations we finally
arrived in Bethany and there at the very respectable house of
Lazarus and found the sick person in his last convulsive
minutes, of which it is said that for this no herb is grown.
[16] Around the bed were standing two people crying, but
otherwise very lovely daughters of the dying person, and also
quite a number of other relatives who sobbed and wept as it was
customary at such opportunities. Our guide, as son of the house,
also wept and because of all the sadness forgot to ask my father
if it was still possible to help or not.
[17] Only the little rabbi came to my father and asks if there was
still anything one could do for the old man to regain his
consciousness for at least a short while. My father did not
answer the question immediately but asked me in all quietness
how it was going with the old man and if the soul was already
starting to rise from the body.
[18] But I said to the father quite harmlessly what I saw: ‘The
entire soul floats already half the size of a man above the body
in a horizontal position and is only connected to the body by a
hair-thin light thread which according to our experience will not
likely lasts more than sixty moments; it will shear any moment.
However, it is strange that the immense column of light which
we saw on our way with the eyes of the flesh is again present
above the head of the soul, has the same powerful light and also
exerts a very wholesome feeling heat. The soul does not turn its
eye away from the light column and it appears if the soul has a
great feeling of well-being in it.”
[1] (Mathael:) “When my father heard such from me, he turned
immediately to the already somewhat impatient little rabbi and
said: ‘Friend, as I have observed this case, it would be a pity to
waste even one drop of the strongest life balm; since his soul
floats already man size high above the already practically dead
body. Therefore you can begin to sing your sorrow psalter, and
as a priest tell the people that no earthly help is able to do
[2] At this explanation the rabbi made a somewhat angry face
and asked the father how he was able to notice this. The father
was never a man of too much politeness and said with dry
words to the little rabbi: ‘How and from where I can see and
know this is none of your business; just do your part and I know
exactly and quite well what I have to do!’
[3] In this moment the soul was completely separated from the
body and a few very serenely and wise looking spirits received
it among them, gave it like from the whitest byssus a marvelous
pleated garment and one of them took the light column, bent it
around the loins of the now free soul, and it became a belt with
a brightness of the sun. At the same time a mighty spirit put a
equally bright shining hat on the head of the free soul and said:
‘Brother, be forever decorated with the light of wisdom of God
shining out of you!’
[4] With that all the high spirits present together with the now
free soul, immediately left the house, what I also straight away
reported to my father, and the father said to the rabbi: ‘Now,
since the soul of the old man has entirely separated from the
body, you can go to the nearly blind weeping relatives and
announce the complete death of the old man?!’
[5] Said the little rabbi: ‘O, why not! Now I will give him a
stimulating drop on his tongue, and we will soon see, if his soul
– provided and assuming the existence of a special soul in a
person – already left his body! According to my well proven
opinion, no person has a soul which reaches beyond the life of
the blood and the nerves with a special spiritual life. Man, once
he is dead, he is completely dead like a rock or a dry piece of
wood, and to all what I can call holy, I swear to you, that then
nothing stays alive in man. However, there exist arcana (secret
remedies) in nature, which can awaken life anew in an already
dead body; and that I will do now and will prove to you as a
stiff Jew, that the soul has not left the body yet and also that it is
not able to leave the body, since there never resided a real soul
[6] Here the rabbi pulled a golden little flask out of the pocket,
showed it to my father and said: ‘There friend, see here! In here
is the soul of a person who is already dead!’
[7] Said my father with a smile: ‘Just go ahead! My entire, large
property which you might know about belongs to you if the
dead person is moving for only a short while after receiving
your drops; since your arcanum is familiar to me. I also have it,
and with false dead people it served me well; but with false
dead people the soul is still very much in the body. Therefore
this arcanum is very useful with dead people where no
Hippocratic symptoms are showing; but once the most well
developed Hippocrates is showing on the face of a dead person,
the soul has left, and you can give the dead ten-thousand of
these little bottles, and still the body will not move, but be
completely dead and lying there without feeling like a rock or a
dry piece of wood. But now keep on going with your real
Persian Farren herb oil, and as I have told you in front of many
witnesses: my property is completely yours from the moment
when this dead person, where already very slightly the smell of
putrefaction starts to develop, only makes a single move upon
your drops!’
[8] The little rabbi is somewhat concerned about this quite
vigorous remark from my father, but, nonetheless, goes to the
dead person, opens his mouth and dispenses him ten drops
instead of the usual one, two at the most three drops on the
already completely dry tongue. He closes the mouth again and
waits now with great attention for the dead to move only a little
bit. However, after one full hour and another hour, it already
started to dawn, the dead did not show any signs of any
[9] My father now asks the little rabbi if he still was of the
opinion that the dead will start to move because of the real
Persian Farren herb oil and perhaps even start to speak.
[10] Says the little man: ‘Let’s wait for another hour, let’s wait
until the sun comes up, and the dead surely will start to move;
he also will speak!’
[11] Says my father, again smiling: ‘Keep going, I will not
intervene; to the contrary I gladly would sacrifice my property
for the recovery of this old, to me well known, God devoted,
honorable person! And should you lose against me, I do not ask
anything from you, except that you believe in the true, forever
living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and in the fullest
immortality of the human soul!’
[12] Says the rabbi: ‘Yes, friend, this I will do; but I know it in
advance, that you will lose this trade! Because secretly I belong
to the reasonable sect of the Sadducees and want to curse my
temple clerics right into the large sandy desert of Africa! But if
you really should win me over, I will be glad to serve the temple
again with everything I have!’
[13] Everything was quiet now and all waited with great
anticipation for the moment of the revitalization of the old
[1] (Mathael:) “Meanwhile the young Lazarus came to my
father and asked him whether the secret drops of the rabbi
indeed would not awaken the father again.
[2] Said my father: ‘I’m terribly sorry, my best friend, that I as
doctor and as a human must confess to you in the fullest sense
of the truth! In any way, what does it mean to keep a person
suspended with blind hopes which never ever can take on any
reality! But for your consolation I can tell you something much
better, and this consists therein, that I give and can give you the
most living and most truthful assurance, that your father is alive
and in truth has never died!’
[3] Said sadly the young Lazarus: ‘Look at the bed! He is not
alive and is over and over dead!’
[4] Said the father: ‘Yes, he for sure; but he was not your father,
only the flesh coat of your father! My son, however, who is a
perfect seer of spirits, can tel you something else; go and ask
him about it, and you will find great joy in what he will tell you
about his vision he had here!’
[5] The son of Lazarus now turned to me, the son of my father,
and asked me what I as the doctor’s son can tel him for
consolation. And I told him in every detail and very extensively,
what I have seen. There were a lot of hearing ears around me,
but only a few with such a believing heart as our young Lazarus.
The more I told him about my vision, the more joyful became
his face, what also was noticed by his two sisters who still
belonged to the most tender female youth, and they asked him
what it was that he suddenly became so happy. Lazarus pointed
to me and said nothing further.
[6] Then the two maidens came to me and ask me shortly and
modestly what I have told the brother according to which he
suddenly lost the great sadness and is now so cheerful as if
never something sorrowful happened in the whole house. I
should also tell the same to them!
[7] But I was at that stage a little naughty and said: ‘O, it causes
you girls not the slightest harm if you mourn a little! I tell you
nothing; at the right time you will be told by your brother
[8] After that the two girls did not asked me any further, that I
should tell them what I have told their brother. But they
nevertheless became less sorrowful, and my father turned to the
rabbi since the son was standing completely crimson above the
horizon and said: ‘Now friend, where do you stand with your
Persian Farren herb oil drops? The dead person still lies there
motionless like an old piece of wood! How is it then? The sun
has already come up, and everything is quiet and dead calm!
Who won the bet, me or you?’
[9] Said the rabbi: ‘Friend, I give up, and from now on I will
believe what you believe! You are a wise and widely
experienced doctor, who does not easily believe something
without a good reason. Even if I do not see the reason, I still
will believe, because you are believing it, and surely knows the
reason for it! I hereby take the belief of respect and remain with
what you have told me. You have won this important bet and
I’m your prisoner!’
[10] Said my father: ‘Not my prisoner but a freest man in the
name of Jehovah!’
[11] Hereupon the rabbi asked my father: ‘Friend, what must I
do, to completely win your friendship?’
[12] Said my father: ‘You already have it! Believe from now on,
and through your believe you will come into the right light!’
[13] I now went to the father and said what I just have seen: It
was a great spirit who came into the room and gave me a sign
and said that the children of Lazarus should get ready, their
fathers spirit will return once more and bless them and give
them a great promise. I also told my father that he should
announce it to the three; and the father did that. The son of
Lazarus and both of his still very young sisters, maidens of
fourteen and sixteen years, were very happy about it.
[14] It did not take long, and the spirit of the dead Lazarus, full
of a heavenly brightness entered the room, and all three could
see him and also could hear his voice.
[15] But the spirit of light said to his son: ‘You are an adult; be
a good foster father for your young sisters! Let no evil thought
penetrate your heart; because look at me, I live and have not
died! What has happened, the Lord wanted it like that. He has
chosen our house, and the miracle of all miracles will take place
in this house.
[16] The Lord already walks this earth as a son of poor parents.
He, the Everlasting, the Holiest, has already begun with the
great task of redemption. He wants to become a Father for ever
to all people who are of good will. From now on the people of
this earth should not have an invisible forever inaccessible, but
an accessible and always visible Father. And this God, who
created everything that exists in the everlasting infinity, will
visit this house on a regular basis. Therefore keep your hearts
from impureness, so that this house becomes worthy, to endure
Him, whom heaven and earth cannot enclose!
[17] That I live you can see; but also see to it that you will live,
like I now live forever in God, my and your Father! With that
take now my true father’s blessing, which I give to you now, not
in the flesh anymore, which lies there on the bed as a worn out
old coat and awaits redemption by the jaws of worms, but as a
perfect spirit in the Paradise of God, the kingdom of the pure
spirits! Keep the commandments of God and praise and love
Him above all and you will already on this earth make a bigger
harvest as the one, which I now enjoy in the brightest Paradise
of God! God the Lord will be with you, Amen!’
[18] Hereupon the spirit disappeared, and the three children
became full of joy, which I could not describe.”
[1] (Mathael:) “All present were astonished about the joy about
the incomprehensible edifying cheerfulness of the children of
the old Lazarus. Except for me and the three children, nobody
else has seen anything; but nevertheless it was noticed by all
present. Some thought that the three must have had a comforting
vision. A few Pharisees who also were present, thought, that the
children, because of too much grief, became insane; but the
little rabbi thought that my father has enchanted them in a very
secret manner.
[2] But then I intervened with the little man and said loudly:
‘Man, don’t you remember what promises you have made to the
face of my honest father?! How can you judge the extraordinary
mercy of God in this way?! Be careful that Jehovah does not
punishes you this very moment! Because you are not a person
but a wretched animal!’
[3] Now, these my words made such an impression on the little
rabbi that he became hypocritically pale like the corpse on the
bed, and he started to tremble with his whole body.
[4] My father noticed this, went to him and asked him what has
happened to him, that he became pale like a corpse. But the
little man told him with a shaking tongue all the evil things I
have revealed to him.
[5] But my father said to him: ‘It serves you right! Why didn’t
you stay with your believe which you have promised me so
dearly?! With God and His spirits one cannot make any jokes!
Do you understand this? Either you believe, even if only on the
grounds of those whose experience can forever not be denied –
or you stay as you are!
[6] What you are, be it entirely, either an angel or a devil!
The worst of worst however is: wanting to be a double being, an
angel and a devil in one and the same person! Sure, both of the
arriving Pharisees made by their entrance your head and your
heart glowing?! You became fearful and began, as an earlier
follower of the sect of the Sadducee, to dance according to their
music, like the Greek let their bears dance to their music in
before us; but at the same time you forgot to whom you
have broken your oat! What do you want to do now, you
wretched person?’
[7] But the rabbi covered his face and went away, and retreated
most likely to Jerusalem to his living room, to think about all his
mortal sins. What has happened further to him, until this hour I
don’t know; I only know that the father as well as I am, has seen
him in Jerusalem at several occasions, but he always
purposefully avoided us from far away. Why, out of rage or a
kind of shyness, I also don’t know. He also never came back to
the house of Lazarus, although he forgot his enchanted flask
there – which we easily learned, since the young Lazarus and
his sisters visited us afterwards quite often.
[8] Now, Lord, this is the story of me and my father in Bethany
which we experienced as true and faithfully as I have told it
here. At that stage everything of course was a indissoluble
riddle to me. A lot is now much clearer to me, only the two
phenomena are still a riddle to me, and despite Your many
explanations I still do not understand them. And these two
phenomena are: firstly the light meteor at the physical sky at
midnight and the accompanying spirits towards the west, and
secondly the similar, pure spiritual light above the head of the
already free, floating soul above the corpse.
[9] Also, with this soul I did not saw an actual mist cloud
beforehand, but only the same very properly developed form of
a human, which only was connected to the body with a very
light purple thread, which also sheared completely, upon which
the soul immediately as completely free was standing with a
brilliant-white pleated dress of the finest byssus among some
wise and mighty spirits, as I have mentioned earlier.
[10] How these things and appearances are interconnected, I and
certainly also all the others, would like to hear from Your
mouth! O Lord, explain this to us!”
[1] I said: “I will explain it to you; but all of you must be very
attentive, otherwise you will not understand the whole matter!
Since this death is a quite peculiar case, has not occurred for a
long time and will not appear for even a longer period of time.
[2] The old Lazarus as a great, primordial created angel spirit,
was according to his very own will incarnated into the flesh of a
person, namely under the most difficult living conditions
imaginable everywhere on this earth. From the cradle until his
forty-seventh year on earth he had to endure things and trials,
which cannot easily be repeated here. How many times did he
have to fight with many dangers of life! Who from you is
familiar with the life history of Job, can only form somewhat of
a picture from that which happened to our Lazarus.
[3] Several times he was promoted to the highest world honors
and came to great wealth, had a wife and the most beautiful and
most well-behaved children, five in number, who loved him
dearly as a good and wise father. When he was nineteen years of
age he married the only daughter of one of the richest people in
Bethlehem; his gold and silver and the most beautiful pearls and
precious stones could not be easily carried away by a hundred
camels. However, this great earthly luck lasted for only a short
time. His treasures evaporated from year to year because as a
good and too lenient person he was quite often seriously robbed;
finally a fire erupted in his out of cedars built house, and from
all of his treasures he could not save anything else except the
life of his wife and children and was forced to live from alms
for three years.
[4] During the three years his wife and all his five dear children
died. He himself became full of leprosy which he suffered from
for a full year. Finally a doctor from Egypt came with an
arcanum and cured him completely from this illness. After that,
as still an attractive man of thirty-four years of age, on his way
he was attacked by secret henchmen from outer Persia and was
brought there as a slave without any consideration and sold to
an extremely hard master.
[5] But since he was among all the many slaves of his master
the most loyal one, and has endured all the hardness of his
master with the biggest patience and abidance, his master called
him after ten years and said to him: ‘I have watched you during
all my hardness against you, that you were most loyal to me and
did not shy away from great troubles and work to bring me quite
often great fortune. If I requested a lot from you, you always did
more and quite often to my advantage. I am a hard master – all
the world gives me this testimony – nevertheless I’m not
without eyes and not without insight and recognition; and since
I’m not that, I give you the full freedom! You can go safely
back to your home in your country. In addition, as a token of my
appreciation for your loyal service, I give to you one-hundred
camels, ten of my most beautiful female slaves and ninety
servants; and so that you everywhere can buy something, can
live and trade and carry on, my treasurer must pay you thousand
bags of gold and two-thousand bags of silver! See, this is how a
hard master rewards a most loyal slave and double this most
loyal servant, which, however, I unfortunately never had! Go
safely with everything you have received as a gift from your
hard master!’
[6] Lazarus bowed deeply in front of his master and wanted to
thank him. But he said with serious words: ‘Friend, who earned
his reward like you, does not have to thank the giver after
reception! Therefore go in peace; so be it and it happens!’
[7] Moved in tears, Lazarus left the hall, and when he came to
the large palace yard, everything was ready: Camels, the ten
female slaves and the ninety servants, and each of the strongest
camels was loaded with gold and silver.
[8] Lazarus mounted his camel, and the march started. After ten
quite joyful days of travel, he reached Bethlehem, stayed at an
inn and enquired about his earlier property. But this was,
according to Roman law, because the legal owner, despite all
proclamations by special heralds, did not respond, sold as
government property and became already three years ago the
full property of the new owner. Since for seven years he was so
to speak only a tenant; if the previous lost owner returned
during the seventh year, he still could exercise the repossession
law – he only had to repay the new tenant the highest offer
including interest, since he was seen as a manger without
contract and had to be rewarded for his troubles to run the
estate. However, after seven years the tenant becomes the
untouchable, full, new owner of such property. And this was
also the case in Bethlehem with the property of Lazarus. The
tenant was now the full owner, protected by Roman law, and
our Lazarus, achieving nothing, had to move on.
[9] For a whole year he had to live in the inn, until finally a
considerable piece of land became available for sale in Bethany
which belonged to a Greek. For fifteen-hundred bags of silver
Lazarus became the full owner and married in his forty-seventh
year one of his most loyal female slaves, who also was a Jew,
and with her he fathered the young Lazarus and his two sisters.
After ten years he also gave the fullest freedom to all his
servants from Persia; but nobody left Lazarus and today fiftythree
of the servants are still alive. Already after two years all
converted to the Jewish faith and became even more valuable
and pleasant for Lazarus. The wife only died two years ago, and
was an example of female tolerance and devotion; and since
then the three, very well-behaved children managed everything
alone; except for God they nearly have no needs and do a lot of
good for the poor.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Since the old Lazarus completed his earthly
life so very well, he not only has lost anything from his former
heavenly perfection, but has gained so much, that at the time of
departure of our deeply tried angel who passed his test in the
most excellent manner, myriads of the most perfect angels
united and influenced the nature spirits of this earth in such a
way, that they were forced to perform on the same level of
activeness as the nature spirits of the sun must be active. By this
extraordinary activity of myriads of spirits concentrated in a
small space, the light originated which was seen by you, your
father and the young Lazarus, precisely in that moment when
the angel soul and spirit of the old Lazarus began to unwind
from the bonds of the flesh.
[2] The spirits you saw, accompanying the light towards the
west, are not really especially related to the phenomenon, other
than that they were also being unusually excited by the
extraordinary activity of the nature spirits which normally stand
under their command and, not knowing what was going on,
were urged to a partly transient partly sharply observant
movement and fearful activity.
[3] That the movement could be seen going from east to west
according to your language art, means an important earthly
death, corresponding to it, as everything on earth awakens with
sunrise and everything dies in sleep with the setting sun. At the
same time, however, the earthly evening corresponds
completely vice versa with the spiritual morning and vice versa
the earthly morning with the spiritual evening; since with the
earthly morning, most people start as far as possible to engage
in worldly worries, and this is a true and deep spiritual evening
often without dusk, thus actually already a spiritual night. Only
in the evening, tired of the worldly worries, many reluctantly
start thinking about the flight of the temporal and turn to God,
and this corresponds at least with a spiritual dawn.
[4] Thus this has explained according to your understanding
only too well, and you now know how and why about the
spiritual and physical relationship of the great light phenomenon
and about its spirit-like company.
[5] Now we go to the death room of the old Lazarus! There you
saw no disfigured smoke figure floating above the corpse, but
already a complete human figure. The reason for this lies in the
great love for activity, what indicates an already more
completed inner, spiritual life, which is entirely without any fear
about the coming great activity in the endless kingdom of the
heavens. The fear vibrations of the soul can then not take place,
and therefore the human figure of the soul is immediately
during its first exit from the body already perfected and can be
seen as a fully restful condition, of course only to him who does
posses the rare ability to see like that.
[6] The small and extremely thin thread between the soul and its
body indicates the always very smallest sense for the earthly
and therefore also the most easily and painless separation from
the body. The same light phenomenon above the head of the
soul indicates foremost the mightiest will of the soul herself,
and by its extraordinary activity according to the order of the
heavens expresses itself as a column of light above the head – a
column, corresponding to its inflexibility, and as light which is
always a product of a just activity, corresponding to the divine
order of the heavens of God, which light always penetrates and
fully enlightens the ability of recognition of the soul, so that the
will does not act blindly but always with the brightest insight.
[7] But since the just thinking mainly occurs in the heart, just as
the seat of love and the will can only found there, the free willlight
of the soul, which during the earthly life acted in unity
with the reason of the head, now becomes visible as the belt of
the garment of love and justice, patience and tolerance around
the loins of the free soul; but the hat is a testimony for a new
gift of the purest light from the heavens, which, however, is
only given to those, which already have accepted the true
heavenly wisdom and from it have become humans full of love,
wisdom and the true heavenly justice. Such a light hat is then a
product of the wisdom will of all of the primordial created
angels of heaven and expresses with him who carries such a hat
on his head, that he now is an entirely perfected being
resembling God and is inaugurated in all wisdom and in all
recognition of all heavens.
[8] Such a spirit of the heavens who also went through the flesh
of an earthly life, recognizes on his own as much as all the other
primordial spirits combined who have not yet entered the way
of the flesh, because such a hat is, just as a person’s soul is a
compound of all earthly intelligence particles, also a compound
of all intelligence of the heavens, which surely says endlessly
[9] I am of the opinion now that you all will understand this
somewhat unusual appearance. But if someone still has a query,
now, he should ask, and there be light for him! Since the
heavens give a right light to those, who are just and do have a
good will. Therefore ask without fear, if there is something
which you still don’t understand!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, we all cannot thank you enough for
this infinitively great lesson which You have given to us all, and
I do now understand an enormously lot more! Also from the last
appearance, which viceroy Mathael once more gave us from his
rich experience, there is nothing unclear to me; only the two or
three great and mighty angel spirits who received Lazarus, I’m
still completely unfamiliar regarding their status! Perhaps we
could at least know their sanctified names, and what are the
perhaps more detailed circumstances regarding the teaching to
the children during his later appearance. The history was
otherwise quite unusual, although I, frankly said, would be very
pleased to know, how and where the body of the old Lazarus
was buried and what became later of the little rabbi. Also a
closer explanation of the famous Farren herb oil would not be
undesirable. Would You, o Lord, give us some further details
about it?”
[2] I said: “But friend, these are just quite unimportant side
issues, which existence we, regarding the main matter, can
accept as absolutely not necessary, since it does not have
anything to do with it and nearly bears no relationship! What
lies in the empty names of the angel spirits who met Lazarus?!
They did not need a travel document according to law, neither
any worldly protective court. To what use would the names to
you?! But since you are insisting, they were the archangels
Zuriel, Uriel and deep in the background also Michael in the
form of John the Baptist, of whom Zinka has told us a lot.
[3] But there were also many other spirits present, which
Mathael could not see, since they, as still completely pure
spirits, cannot be seen with the eyes of the soul, but only with
the eyes of the purest spirit himself – an ability which Mathael
never owned. Then, what lies in the burial of the body of
Lazarus, what about the Farren herb oil which alleviates rigid
cramps and kills the worms in the stomach if it is real; if it is not
real it has no effect whatsoever! Therefore let’s leave it at that
what is only very little or no use at all to us, and see to it to
extend our recognition and knowledge with only spiritual
[4] Ask therefore rather about something spiritual, still out of
the spiritual sphere of what Mathael has seen, instead of things
which are just as insignificant to the spirit as the snow which
has covered the wild fields of the earth a thousand years before
Adam! What matter is and how it originated, exists and still
originates, has already made tangible clear to you, and as such
we only have to worry about spiritual things. Of what use are all
the knowledge and science of the whole world to man, if he
does not recognizes himself up to the deepest root of life, in
particular in his soul and his spiritual life and sphere of
[5] Will he ever can become truly happy, even when owning all
earthly goods, if he from time to time has to ask himself and
says: ‘What will become after death about me? Will I continue
to live with a conscience, or will it be over with me forever?’ If
the fearing questioner does not obtain a satisfying answer, either
from someone who is more experienced or even less so out of
his own dark world life chamber in which never has penetrated
a spiritual light of truth – what then? Will the serious
questioner, no matter how rich a man, enjoy his great treasures
and wealth? With only a little conscience of love for life,
certainly not! Since what use can it be to man, if he earned all
the treasures of the earth, but suffers damage to his soul?
[6] Therefore let’s rid ourselves what can be destroyed by rust
and moth! Only what is of the spirit, remains unaltered forever;
however everything belonging to matter is often subject to
countless changes until it has reached the state of the spiritual.
Therefore ask about the spirit and the soul but never about
anything earthly!”
[1] Thereupon Cyrenius said, somewhat embarrassed: “Lord, no
one but me has asked You anything, and it looks as if You,
as God, as my Lord and my Creator, bear me a grudge because
of this.”
[2] I said: “How can you misunderstand My words to such a
degree? How can I bear you a grudge when I show you in full
earnest and forever truly what is most necessary for your life
and that of every other human? Behold, how limited your power
of judgment still is. When will it become of age? To whom can
the purest original love of all love in God ever bear a grudge?
[3] Whenever you read about a wrath of God you should
thereby understand the eternally even and firm earnest of His
will; and this earnest of will in God is the innermost heart of the
very same purest and mightiest love from which infinity and all
the works in it have gone forth like the chicks are hatched from
the egg – surely, this love can never bear anyone a grudge in
eternity! Or does anyone of you think that God, like a foolish
man, could be angry?”
[4] Here the old senior priest Stahar comes to Me and says:
“Lord, forgive me if I allow myself to make a remark regarding
the point of the wrath of God!
[5] If one, connected with a firm believe in God, looks at the old
world history, one cannot completely deny it, that God at times
when man became too unruly, let them feel His wrath and His
revenge in a especially pitiless severity.
[6] ‘The wrath is Mine and the revenge is Mine!’, speaks the
Lord through the mouth of the prophet. That it is like that, is
demonstrated by the casting out of Adam from Paradise, the
great flood during the times of Noah, the acceptance of the
curse of Noah over one of his sons; later the destruction of
Sodom, Gomorra and the surrounding ten cities at the locality
which we today call the Dead Sea, still later the plagues
befalling Egypt and the Israelites in the desert; then the most
murdering wars against the Philistines, the Babylonian exile
and, finally, the total subjugation of the People of God by the
might of the heathens!
[7] Lord, who looks a little at this behavior of God against the
sinners, who are nobody else than we the people, and takes this
to heart, can impossibly come to no other conclusion than a real
wrath and the most perfect revenge of Jehovah!
[8] Of course one could say: This is how God raises in all
seriousness His people and entire, large nations with the
appropriate punishing stick in His hand! But the strikes and
blows certainly does not look like coming from the hand of a
most loving father, but everywhere a terrible furious judge on
life and death and pestilence and fire is visible, even if in certain
aspects quite justifiable!
[9] This is just my opinion, this means if the world history is
telling us the full truth; but if all the sad examples of this what
God has done, is only fiction, than this what one calls wrath and
fury of God, can indeed be the core of His everlasting and
purest love. I only have brought this forward, since You,
o Lord, have mentioned the topic regarding wrath and fury
Yourself earlier on!
[10] It will most likely be as You, o Lord, have told us earlier;
but it is strange that always during historic times when the fury
of God was announced and people dit not better themselves and
did not repent their sins, the most material punishment without
mercy followed, and this on a large scale but also localized, and
in general but also specifically! Now, how this is harmonized
with the most pure love without wrath or fury, it would surely
be worth the trouble if we can be a little enlightened about it
during this opportunity!”
[1] I said: “Friend, as you now have spoken about the wrath and
revenge, justice and love of God, in the same way a completely
blind person speaks about the harmonious splendor of the colors
in a rainbow!
[2] “Have you not understood as yet that all five books of
Moses, all prophets and the writings of David and Solomon can
only be understood and comprehended by way of inner spiritual
[3] Do you seriously think that God chased Adam out of
Paradise by an angel carrying a blazing sword in his right hand
as a weapon for expulsion? I say to you: even if it was put to
Adam as an appearance, it was only a correspondence of what
actually took place in Adam himself and formed part of the act
of his education and to establish the first religion and primordial
church among the people on earth.
[4] However, on earth there never existed a material Paradise
where the cooked fish swam into the mouth of the people, but
they had, just like now, first be caught, cooked and only then
consumed sparingly; but if the people were busy and collected
fruit which the earth had offered them, and thereby build up
stock, then every place on earth which was cultivated by man,
was a real earthly Paradise!
[5] What would have become of the spiritual development of
man, if he would have lived in a truly laziness and gluttonous
paradise where he would have no worries whatsoever and, as
said, the best fruit would have grown into his mouth when lying
on the softest lawn and he only had to wish and everything
would be there, and he only has to open his mouth and the best
food would enter his mouth?! When would such a person
according to such methods of education reach the necessary life
independence?! I say to you that man according to your
concepts of paradise up to this hour would be nothing else than
a quite well conditioned gluttonous ox or a gluttonous polyp on
the bottom of the sea.
[6] What was therefore presented by the appearance of the angel
with the flaming sword? What does this metaphor say? Man
was naked; since until now no person ever entered this world
with clothes. Even if he had no childhood just like this donkey
here, and had a height of twelve shoes and Eve not that much
less, regarding the original experiences about the workings of
the earth, he nevertheless was a child and had to be educated
mainly by experience.
[7] During the warmer days in spring, summer and fall he was
able to endure the weather with his naked skin; but in winter he
started to feel the pinch of cold, and he asked himself in his
heart which God increasingly awakened in him by spiritual and
physical influences: ‘Where I am? What happened to me?
Earlier I felt so comfortable and now I’m cold and the cold
winds causing pain to my skin!’ Obviously he had to look for
shelter to protect himself against the winds and started to cover
his body with all kind of leafs from trees. By this forced activity
the process of thinking increased and soon became orderly.
[8] But he also got hungry; since many trees and bushes had
empty twigs. He walked far distances and searched for food and
found trees which were still full; he collected the fruit and
carried it to the cave which he used as a good dwelling. And his
already more experienced heart again told him: ‘During this
time the earth is cursed, and you person can only gather food by
the sweat of your face!’
[9] However, after the first human of this earth endured winter
once in the cave on these heights which forms the north-easterly
border of the promised land, to which also belongs our Galilee,
he and his wife found the time to look and searched deeper in
themselves. There he found the need for a greater society. In a
dream he was taught what he had to do to get to such greater
society, and after such teaching he started to father Cain and
soon afterwards Abel and Seth.
[10] It was his wife who gave him the first impulse to father;
since the wife received the first vision how the process of
fathering was going to happen. We do not want to extend on this
matter, and I now say to you, My friend Stahar; everything
progressed quite normally and nowhere something unnatural has
happened. But Moses still realized that everything occurred only
to the will of Jehovah; by the spirit of God he realized, that all
this quite natural guidance along the way of experiences was
guided by Me, which means by My spirit, and therefore he
placed God by corresponding metaphors at the side of the first
human couple and also personalized My influence with the
shortest, but nevertheless corresponding metaphors, as they
were customary at that time and also had to be, since
everywhere such metaphors were necessary to guide the nation
and nations.
[11] By the way, it is self explanatory that God and the angels
realized and understood it quite well, to let grow up the first
human couple in one of the most fertilized places on earth.
[12] When later and specifically admitted natural phenomena
forced the first humans to leave their first food garden and to
look for places elsewhere on earth, this also did not happened
because of a kind of divine rage, but only out of love for the
humans, so that man was awakened again from his sluggishly
becoming sensuousness and become active again and to make
extended experiences.
[13] When Adam and his wife and his sons found that nearly
everywhere on earth there was something to eat, they started to
undertake more extended travels, whereby they got quite
familiar with Asia and Africa. This added a wealth of all kinds
of experiences to them. Secretly guided by the spirit of God
they returned to their first Eden and stayed there, from where
the population of the whole earth took place.
[14] Tel Me in your heart: Do you recognize any rage or
revenge of God in this?”
[1] (The Lord:) “Yes, God's wisdom can surely become angry,
when already developed and at least half matured people
wantonly and willfully defy God's order; but this is what God's
love is for, which in its great patience knows how to find the
appropriate means by which to guide people back onto the right
road, whereby My final goal for mankind must always be
reached, without forcing man, like a machine, through some
almighty revenge on the part of God.
[2] But even these means are not to be regarded as a
consequence of divine wrath, but purely as a consequence of the
wrong actions of man. Yes, God gave the world and nature its
necessary and immutable must-laws in the right order; but man,
too, has such laws as concerns his form and his physical being.
Whenever man tries to rebel against this order and change the
world he is not punished by a spontaneous wrath of God, but by
the offended, severe and fixed divine order within the very
things which must be what they are.
[3] You are now asking yourself whether the Great Flood is also
to be regarded as a natural and necessary consequence of wrong
actions. And I tell you: Yes, it is! I awakened more than a
hundred prophets and messengers, warned the people against
their own actions which were contrary to the natural and the
divine order; for more than a hundred years I seriously drew
their attention to the terrible consequences arising from such
actions for body and soul. But in their willful wantonness they
went so far as to not only in their blindness mock, but even kill,
the messengers, thus engaging in a veritable battle against Me.
However, I did not become angry or revengeful because of this,
but allowed them to continue in their actions and experience the
sad fact that foolishness and ignorance – being responsible for
what they are – can by no means deal with the great nature and
order of God as they please.
[4] See, you are free to climb on the nearly five-hundred manheight
high rock located there towards the south from here, and
then throw yourself headfirst over the edge! According to the
necessary laws of gravity of all bodies, such wantonness will
most likely cost you your life. Ask yourself if this happened to
you because of My wrath and My revenge!
[5] There, towards the East, you see high, densely wooded
mountains. Travel there with a ten times hundred-thousand men,
set fire to them and burn all the forests; and the mountains will
soon be completely bald. What will be the consequence of this?
The many nature-spirits that will now be naked and deprived of
all action will begin to rage and storm in the free air, and
uncountable flashes of lightning, most violent cloudbursts and
incessant hailstorms will ravage the land far and wide. All this
is a natural result of the devastation of the forests. Say whether
this has anything to do with the wrath and the revenge of God!
[6] When ten times hundred-thousand men strive eagerly to
level mountains and fill in great lakes or construct the broadest
highways to facilitate warfare; when people escarp whole
mountain ranges extending over several days' travel to a height
of 400-500 fathoms or dig 200-300 fathom deep moats around
the mountains, thereby tapping the earth's interior waterreservoirs
so that the mountains begin to sink into the now
empty great reservoirs and the water begins to rise so much so
that in Asia it rages, like the sea, almost over the highest
summits – add to this that, along with the mountains, also many
hundred thousand times hundred thousand acres of the
healthiest forest land were destroyed, on which occasion
countless myriads of earth and nature-spirits that formerly had
been fully occupied with looking after the most beautiful and
lush vegetation have suddenly become free and unoccupied -,
ask yourself what an uproar the spirits might have started in the
atmospheric regions. What storms and what enormous cloud
bursts, what masses of hailstones and what an uncountable
number of flashes of lightning have thereby been flung from the
clouds to the earth for more than forty days, and what enormous
masses of water must have risen over nearly the whole of Asia,
and all this for natural reasons! Say, was that again God's wrath
and His implacable revenge?
[7] Moses described this event, like everything else, in the
manner then in usage, that is, in metaphors – in which he,
inspired by the Divine Spirit, always let My providence work -,
which can only be presented by way of genuine and true
[8] Therefore, can you call God a God of wrath and revenge,
because you and many others have never understood His many
great revelations?
[1] (The Lord:) “I say to you: Live only for fifty years according
to the proper divine order – and you will never again see, hear,
taste and endure any calamity!
[2] I tell you: All calamities, epidemics, all sorts of disease
among humans and animals, bad weather, lean and
unproductive years, devastating hailstorms, great, all-destructive
floods, gales, great storms, locust-plagues and such like are
merely consequences of the wrong actions of man!
[3] If man was, as far as possible, living within the given order,
he would not have to expect any of these things. The years
would pass by like pearls on a string, one as blessed as the
next, and the habitable part of the earth would never be afflicted
by too much cold or too much heat. However, since the clever
and exceedingly shrewd people undertake projects by far
exceeding their needs, as for instance, erecting too great edifices
and under-taking excessive improvements, leveling whole
mountains in order to construct highways for making war,
destroying many hundreds of thousands of acres of the finest
forest lands, digging too deeply into the mountains for the sake
of gaining gold and silver and, lastly, living in continual quarrel
and discord with one another, while on the other hand, they are
at all times surrounded by a great number of intelligent nature
spirits who are responsible for the earth's weather as well as for
the purity and wholesomeness of the air, the water and the soil –
is it any wonder if this earth is more and more visited by an
infinite number of evils of every kind and type?
[4] Miserly and avaricious people equip their barns with locks
and bolts and even keep armed guards who watch over their
overflowing treasures and possessions, and woe betide him who
would approach them without being authorized; truly, he would
instantly be sharply dealt with!
[5] By this, I do not mean to say that nobody should be allowed
to protect his hard-earned property; I am here talking of the
highly unnecessary, excessive abundance. Would it not be
advisable to build also barns which are open to all the poor and
weak, although under the supervision of a wise donor, so that no
one might take more than what he needs? If, in this way, avarice
and miserliness disappeared from the earth, also – now listen
well to what I am saying! – All meager years would disappear
from the earth.
[6] You ask how this is possible. And I answer: In the most
natural way of the world. Anyone in the least familiar with
the inner workings of the whole of nature must soon
understand this.
[7] There, in front of us, is still the healing herb and there, a
little further to the front, the very harmful poisonous plant. Do
not both get their nourishment from the very same water, the
very same air, the very same light and its warmth? And yet, this
plant is full of healing properties and the other full of deadly
[8] Why is that so? Because the medicinal plant, being of a
well-ordered inner nature, in keeping with its good qualities
influences all its surrounding nature-spirits so much so that
these, in peace and harmony, conform to it within and from
outside and nourish it. Thus, the whole plant becomes
wholesome and healing, and in the sunlight during the day its
evaporations and the nature-spirits surrounding it up to a good
distance, exert a most beneficial influence on humans and
[9] With the poisonous plant, whose nature is of a selfish and
angry character, the surrounding nature-spirits are seized by that
same disposition and thus become perverted. They then,
likewise, conform to the plant, nourishing it, and their whole
nature then becomes homogeneous with the plant's original
nature. Also its surroundings and evaporation, as it were, are
poisonous and harmful to man, and the animals, with their
sensitive nostrils, keep out of its way.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Even more so, an avaricious and greedy man is
an exceedingly large poisonous plant of a far reaching
influence. All the nature-spirits surrounding him up to a great
distance, his emanation and his whole outer life sphere, will
conform to his inner nature. And the corrupted nature-spirits
around him will keep perverting into their own evil, avarice and
greed the still good nature-spirits joining them.
[2] Since these nature-spirits are in constant conflict, not only
with man, but also with the animals and plants, the water and
the air, they invariably give rise to many battles, frictions and
unnecessary movements in the air, the water, the earth, the fire
and in the animals.
[3] Whoever wants to see a practical example of this, let him go
to a very good man. All the animals surrounding such a man
will be of a much gentler nature. The best example are dogs;
within a short time, they fully adopt the nature of their master.
The dog of an avaricious man will certainly also be an
avaricious beast, and when eating it will not be a good idea to
come too close to it. But go to a bounteous, gentle person and
you will notice, if he keeps a dog, that this animal will have a
very good-natured character; it will rather retreat from the food
bowl than involving itself in a vicious battle with any uninvited
guest. Also all other domestic animals of a gentle and
kindhearted owner will be significantly softer, yes, even with
plants and trees a person with sharp senses will observe a
significant difference.
[4] But look at the servants of a avaricious man, if they in
general are also not becoming jealous and stingy and for that
matter backstabbing, false and deceitful! Even an otherwise
quite good and bounteous person, when for a longer time not in
the presence of a miser who is stuck up to his neck in gold and
silver, will finally also adopt a sparing system and start to think
hard about exercising acts of charity.
[5] Added to this is the fact that, on earth, it costs much less
effort for the bad to change what is good into its nature than
vice versa!
[6] Look at a rather furious person who wants to destroy
everything around him because of his fury and anger!
Thousands of quite good people looking at him, will finally
become furious themselves and want to attack the raging person
to drive the fury out of him, if only their sharp, action addictive
hands could find a place to grab his skin. Why does one furious
person excites thousands to counter rage, and why not the
thousands good-natured influence the one furious to become
eminent good-natured?
[7] All this is based on the fact, because, especially on this earth
and for the sake of the upbringing of the children, the
temptation for the bad and evil is by far greater, and must be, as
for the good. The reason for that in general I already have
explained to you and do not need to explain it here again.
[8] Look again to these two plants and imagine yourself a very
large steel boiler! In such boiler we want to brew a thousand of
such medicinal plants to a healthy tea, and who has a chest
illness and drinks from it, would soon start to notice its healing
power; since the good nature-life-spirits would soon transform
the few bad ones in his chest.
[9] However, if we take this particular poisonous plant and
throw it also into the kettle in which a thousand plants are
cooking to become a health drink! Behold, this single poisonous
plant will turn the entire remedial material into its deadly
poisonous matter, and woe the sick person who would dare to
take a sip from this tea! Truly, it certainly would cost him his
life, and he could not be helped in a natural manner!
[10] But let’s consider the opposite case! If we cook a thousand
of such poisonous plants in the same boiler to a tea of death and
finally add only one of these remedial herbs to the boiler with
the thousand poisonous plants! O, just how quickly will all its
good and remedial nature spirits be converted to the deadly
poison of the thousand poisonous plants!
[11] But from this it is sun shine clear, that on this earth for the
reasons given, the bad many times easier turns the good into its
evil, than the other way round.
[12] Imagine now a great number of bad people in an area, or
even in a whole country, and ask yourself according to what you
already have heard, if in all seriousness it really depends on
God’s rage, if all kind of evil is occurring there! I say to you and
especially to you, friend Stahar, that all this only and solely
depends on the way of life and actions of its people, and that the
wrath of God and His revenge has forever nothing to do with it,
except, that I have placed such order in the nature of things,
which naturally, as long as the earth exists, must remain
unaltered, otherwise the earth would dissolve and could not
provide man with a place to live during his trial life.
[13] Therefore it takes to seize all the good with all seriousness,
with all strength and force, so that one does not get consumed
by the many evil things.
[14] Try therefore to perfect your inner life by the actual
observance of my teaching, so that the poisons of the world are
not able to cause you harm anymore!”
[1] (The Lord:) “But for now let’s again return our cauldron of
poison wherein a thousand pieces of poisonous plants are
cooking! See, ten- or for that matter a hundred thousand of such
medicinal plant will not be able to detoxify this cauldron full of
poisonous tea! But on this earth, on the Indian High Alps and
also at the Sinai, grows a very small plant and only a very small
piece of it, about the size of an average blade of grass, if thrown
into the cauldron full of poison, it would change in an instant all
the poison into the most wholesome remedial tea!
[2] ‘How is this possible?’ would you, wise Stahar, ask quite
surprised now. And I say to you, that this takes place in a very
natural way. How, will in all clearness explained to you and all
the others right now.
[3] See, if it is really pitch black dark in a moonless stormy
night, it will appear to you if the whole of infinity is equally
dark. This darkness, which is at least for the time being a deadly
poison for the light of the eyes, because it robs the eyes of its
ability to see, can be removed in an instant by the smallest spark
of light from the sun and turned into a bright light.
[4] Can you already gauge where this is going to? You can
gauge and feel, but you certainly cannot know for sure! Since
you cannot know this, therefore listen!
[5] How can a spark of sunlight scare away the whole darkness,
and why is it without the light in the first place darkness? The
air consist out of the same spirits during the darkest night time
as well as the brightest day!
[6] Once the sun has set, the nature-life-spirits soon come to
rest, each one specifically for itself, and since they rest in
themselves and their light little shells do not vibrate, the eye of
the flesh do not detect their presence and being, and the tangible
result for the flesh eye is the dark, lightless night.
[7] You of course say, that the wind also blows at night and
therefore the nature-life-spirits do not rest! O, you are mistaken
and do not have an idea of the inner specific movement of a
nature-spirit! The wind surely moves at night and therefore also
the nature-life-spirits are moving, but not an individual
movement in themselves, but only a general movement in a
certain direction, forced by a higher standing spirit. If however
at a certain point a nature-spirit or an entire, large society of
nature spirits, which are those fire tongues that you and all
present here have seen, excited to an extraordinary internal
vibrating movement, it will at that location become extremely
bright and light for the eye and this moment is an indication of
seizing each other and that something is created.
[8] However, in such a moment an uncountable number of
nature-life-spirits in the widest vicinity are also excited, and it
becomes light and brightness in the whole surrounding. The
more the neighborly spirits are excited by the active vibration
nature-spirit sphere, the brighter the light of the whole
surrounding, and in this way a whole crowd of spirits who
seized each other also have a similar striving; and the light
of the sun delivers through its productive force and influence
on world bodies, which are sufficiently close by, the most
obvious proof.
[9] The free nature-life-spirits on the planets are not the only
ones who are excited by the sunlight to create something, but
also those in free ether space; since often things originate by
such seizing-each-other of the free nature-life-spirits, of which
your wisdom could never have dreamt about.
[10] But as you have seen now, that a single spark of light
according to the power of sunlight can instantly turn a
tremendously large dark space into a bright light, in the same
manner the said little medicinal herb can turn a large cauldron
full of poisonous tea into a wholesome drink, because the
nature-life-spirits in the small medicinal herb are too intensive
active in the right order and therefore are able to force the more
sluggish and disorderly spirits of the poisonous plant instantly
into an orderly activity.
[11] It is the same with the influence of a truly life-perfected
person – for once on his neighbors but also on the still free
nature-life-spirits in a wide surrounding.
[12] Actually good and well-arranged people will under more
and less good influence also act good, and the less good will
have quite salutary herbs in them. But if these only naturally
quite good people come among ground-bad, evil and playful
people, who carry their evil hairs on their teeth, they will easily
get spoiled as well, since their inner life ordering strength
cannot offer them any counterbalance; but if a person is
perfected in himself, he resembles the small medicinal herb in
the large cauldron with the poisonous tee and the little sunlight
spark in the wide night space.
[13] If you also have considered this properly, you will finally
fully understand, how all evil among the people on this earth
does not come from the wrath and revenge of God, but only
from the order of life of the people, just as the good often
originates from one single perfected person.
[14] And since I have brought you on the right path by this
instructive manner, it is again up to you, to ask Me about
something else, which could be foreign to you regarding the
dying story of the old Lazarus. – One of you still have a small
question in the background; he should tell us!”
[1] Says Mathael: “Lord, this one will apparently be myself!
Since in all seriousness I still have a little thing in the
background, which, despite all my sharp thinking, I cannot
make sense of!”
[2] I said: “Yes, yes, you are the one; let us know what
troubles you!”
[3] Continues Mathael: “When I and my father went from our
house together with the young Lazarus towards Bethany and
saw the large light appearance on our way, we felt at the same
time a considerable warmth. But when the light phenomenon
disappeared, together with the sudden total darkness it became
very cold, so that I started to shiver through and through. The
reason for this coldness I cannot figure out; if it pleases You, o
Lord, I would like to know the reason of it!”
[4] I said: “Now, the reason for it is so close you could almost
step with your feet on it! If you rub two pieces of wood against
each other, they will get warm, heat up and finally ignite and
start to burn. Why does this happen? Because the nature-lifespirits
inside the cells and organs are awakened and excited
from their dumb and dull state in a too forceful manner into a
heavy individual vibrating movement, and start to show a light
and fire, whereby the still sluggish adjacent spirits are also
getting excited and finally all nature-life-spirits in the most
excited movement vibrating or straight said, igniting. If the
excitement or the burning comes to an end, all the nature-lifespirits
are quickly cooling down; the more violently the
excitement is activated, the quicker the fatigue of the naturespirits,
together with rest and with coldness.
[5] A glowing piece of wood or a glowing coal is even in its
strongest burning state not nearly as warm as an equally
glowing piece of metal. The reason for it is, that the naturespirits
inside the metal have the ability to become much more
excited than those in the wood; but if the coal and the metal are
cooling down at the same surrounding temperature, the metal
will cool down quicker than the coal and in the completely
cooled down state it will feel significantly colder than the
completely cooled down piece of coal.
[6] If on a summer day it is very hot and muggy, the nature-lifespirits
start to move, and this increasingly mightier movement
also generates the increasing warmth and mugginess. If this
becomes greater or more intensive, it is the result of the said
spirits who start to press against another and soon become
visible even to the flesh eye in the form of fog and clouds.
[7] But how at such opportunity the clouds are become denser
and denser, is known to you, also how finally lightening will
originate in the clouds and how it will start to heavily rain and
sometimes even to hail, which is the effect of the peace-spirits
with whom you are already familiar with.
[8] The more violent and brighter during a storm the lightening
is, the colder the air will become afterwards – which is the result
of the excited nature-spirits coming to rest, to which they are of
course forced by the mighty peace spirits. It was the same with
your great, mighty light phenomenon, and because of the same
reason it became quite cold afterwards. – Are you also clear in
that now?”
[9] Says Mathael: “Lord, I thank you for this clarification; I’m
also clear in that!”
[1] I said: “If so, then you still have to tell us about the death
case of a young boy who fell from a tree and shortly afterwards
departed, and at the same also about the person who threw
himself into the lake and drowned, thereby committing suicide.
However, be short and only tell us the main points!”
[2] Mathael immediately started to talk and said: “I only beg
you for a little patience; since I want to tell both cases at once
and therefore I have to collect myself a little!”
[3] I said: “Do this; but I will put the right manner in your
mouth, and it will just fine without collecting yourself!”
[4] Said Mathael: “Yes, if so, then of course I do not need long
to collect myself and will immediately begin to tell both
occurrences as faithfully and true as possible since they still
stuck quite well in my memory!
[5] Say all loudly: “Now then, high viceroy of the nations
around the Pontus up to the Caspian Sea, we are all especially
glad to hear your story; since in telling stories you are an
unsurpassed master!”
[6] Says Mathael: “For telling stories one need above all a few
language skills and a great love for the truth. Who tells the truth
always has an advantage above writers of fables! Nevertheless,
what I have to tell you according to the wish of the Lord, is one
of the stories which I have experienced many of them from the
cradle until my twentieth year. I will give it to you with the
tongue as I have experienced it during my seventeenth year
alongside my father, who was always at my side and became
very wise because of my visions. Both stories are as follows:
[7] It was the time of the general cleansing of the Jews, where –
as it is known – at the Jordan river a scapegoat is slaughtered
and sacrificed for all the sins of the Jews and is finally thrown
into the lovely Jordan river under all kinds of noise and prayer
formulas and curses. Now, to say only one word more about it,
would be a futile and worthless chatting, since these ceremonies
are all too familiar to even the most simple Jew.
[8] What might be less known to you is the fact that during that
particular scapegoat sacrifice ceremony an exceedingly huge
crowd was present. Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Persians
were plentiful present. In short, there was no lack of inquisitive
[9] That the boys also wanted to see something of this spectacle
is understandable to you, and equally understandable that the
curiosity drove the non-seeing boys into the trees. It did not take
long that finally the inviting trees were filled and the boys on
the branches started to quarrel. Quite often they were asked to
keep quiet, but these well-intentioned reprehensions were of
little or no avail.
[10] I and my father were sitting on our camels, which my
father received as a present from a Persian whom he cured from
a bad illness; both had double humps and were for riding much
more comfortable than the single humps. We therefore had a
good view over all the proceedings. Not far from our point of
view stood a rather nice and high cypress and on it’s already by
nature weak branches were sitting three boys quarrelling. Each
one tried to entrust his weight to the strongest branches.
[11] But since this quite old tree actually had only two branches
of such solid strength that one could entrust one’s life to it, the
three boys quarreled about the possession of the two strongest
branches, while the third was forced to be satisfied with one of
the twigs rather than a branch. Thus, on a height of 5 manheights
the third boy sat on his branch, which was more a twig
than a branch.
[12] The case went on for about an hour when towards midday a
quite strong wind came up, which caused the top of the cypress
to sway quite dangerously and the smoke from the severely
steaming sacrificial altar blew straight into the faces of the three
boys, to such an extent that they had to cover their eyes to
prevent shedding a stream of tears in vain.
[13] In this extremely doubtful position I observed the boy
sitting on the weak branch. When the smoke was, as one could
say, blown really pound heavy into his face, I suddenly saw two
quite large bats flying around his head. They had the size of two
fully grown doves and drove the poor boy even more smoke
into his face.
[14] I drew the attention of my father to the scene and told him
that something bad was about to happen. I also told him what I
saw and that the two bats did not appear naturally to me,
especially for the reason that they sometimes got bigger and
than smaller again.
[15] The father steered his camel towards the tree and called to
the boy on the tree, that he should quickly climb from the tree,
otherwise he would have an accident. Whether the boy had
heard my father’s quite loudly spoken words or not, I cannot
really tell; since I only observed the earlier scene and how the
boy sitting on the very questionable branch was increasingly
rubbing his eyes, offended by the thick smoke, with both hands
and must have been almost blind by now.
[16] Since my father saw that his warning call to the boy was
fruitless, he distant himself from the questionable tree, came
back to me and ask me if I still had the same vision. I affirmed
the question according to the truth and emphasized that the boy,
if not removed from the tree immediately, would surly suffer an
inevitable accident. Said the father: ‘Yes, my son, what can one
do?! We do not have a ladder, and the boy will not leave the tree
by calling him; one is therefore forced to wait, what God the
Lord will let happen to this disobedient boy.’
[17] My father had just spoken the last word, when the weak
branch, bended too many times to and fro and up and down by
the continuous movement of the boy, broke, and the boy of
course without support fell from the height of five man-length
with full force headfirst on a rock lying underneath the tree,
smashing his skull and braking his neck, and thus died instantly.
[18] About that a spectacle originated among the people; all
crowded around the fatally injured boy. But to what use, since
the boy was already dead?! The Roman guards finally drove the
people away and my well-known father was called to examine
the boy, whether he was really dead or whether one could apply
resuscitation attempts to bring him back to life. My father
examined the shattered skull and the neck and said: ‘No herb
and no ointment will be of any use anymore! Since he died not
only once but twice and will not live again in this world!’”
[1] (Mathael:) “Simultaneously the father asks me, if I have
seen anything else about the boy.
[2] In Greek I said to him: ‘The large two bats have unified
above his chest, namely in the form of a very sad looking
monkey, and are trying to separate themselves from the body,
but it appears if they still strongly attracted by it, so that it is for
the time being not possible for them to completely separate
from the body; but the longer their efforts lasts, the more they
become one, and – there, now they are as a volatile being freed
from the body! It still crouches and jumps around the body as if
it is still looking for something!’
[3] ‘This will not be the soul of the boy?’ said my father
[4] Said I: ‘Yes, this I truly don’t know myself! Should such a
neglected boy in all seriousness not have a better soul?! Now
this strange being still sits at the bleeding smashed head and acts
as if licking the blood from the large wound. But it does not
succeed at all! It only slurps the barely visible blood steam and
by that obtains a little more of a human appearance, but now
carriers arrive who probably want to take the corpse away! I am
curious if this monkey-like being will accompany it!’
[5] In this moment four bearers with quite a long pole arrived,
bound the corpse with linen cloth to the pole, lifted it up and
carried it away.
[6] Said I: ‘However, the being stays and looks around like
someone in a large emptiness, where he can see nothing. It
appears that it cannot see us bodily humans. It now crouches at
the place where the boy has fallen from the tree, and gives the
impression if it wants to go to sleep. In all seriousness, it must
be the soul of the boy!’
[7] Said the father: ‘Now, fortunately the scapegoat slaughter
proceedings are nearly completed! Only the aphorism
(judgment) over those, who are because of their too evil sins
have been excluded from this general cleansing and it will be
over! Like all the years: always the same old story – for me
without blessing, power and use, and I believe, also for
everybody else!’
[8] Thereupon the father was quiet, listened to the judgment and
was quite annoyed when the first curse was imposed over the
Samaritans, only then over all the heathens, over the Essenes,
Sadducee and, and in a lighter way also over unrepentant
incestuous persons, brother-, father- and mother murderers,
animal violators and adulterers and – with a severe judgment –
at the end over the critics of the temple and its sanctums.
[9] After this certainly not edifying ceremony, at which each
curse caused the garment of the high priest an immense tear, all
retreated back to the city; only one person, who was probably
more deeply affected by the well-meant curse judgments, kept
standing at the pond, which was not far away from us and was a
deep hole created by the Jordan river, of which some fools
drivel that this hole with a diameter of about one-hundred manlengths,
drained all the water from the Great Flood from the
whole earth within one year and a few days. That this pond is
very deep, is true, but it will surely not be without a bottom.
[10] My father was quite suspicious about the way this person
was looking so very glassy and confused into the black pond
from a protruding rock. He asks me if I could see anything
unusual around this man.
[11] I said as it was the full truth: ‘I can’t see anything;
however, I cannot deny that I do not like the person at all! I
believe one does not go wrong in saying: He will soon, with his
very own body, investigate how deep the pond is!’
[12] I give it to you as faithfully as I have said it at that stage,
although my father never approved of it, when I started to joke a
little about very serious matters – for what I had quite a special
talent. Therefore, o Lord, be also merciful with me, if I use the
same words here which I have used at that time!”
[13] I said: “The way you speak is right; since I want it like that,
and besides, I Myself place so to speak the words in your
mouth! Just continue to speak; all are listening to you with great
[14] And Mathael continued to speak and said: “I nearly haven’t
finished speaking the last word, when the person raised his
hands and said loudly: ‘The high priest has damned me because
I was an Essene and have left the temple, to learn another and
better wisdom, which I, however, did not found there just as
little I couldn’t find in the temple of Jerusalem either. But I have
ruefully returned to the temple and have prayed and sacrificed;
but the high priest rejected my sacrifice, scolded me a worst
kind of temple desecrator and cursed me forever, by tearing his
garment seven times. Now, through this general cleansing I
hoped for an alleviation of his curse; I only waited in vain for
this! He only confirmed more so the old curse and made me a
damned person before God and the people! Hence, I am cursed!
– So be it that I am cursed!’ – with these words which he
screamed exceedingly loud, he threw himself from the cliff into
pond and drowned.”
[1] (Mathael:) “It did not take long and I saw something like a
gray human skeleton floating slowly on the surface of the water,
accompanied by very strange looking black ducks. There
number was about ten. Only the feet, but only below the ankles,
had a little meat on; everything else was skin and fleshless
bones, which appeared highly odd to me. In the beginning the
floating skeleton had its face turned upwards; but after about an
hour it turned around, started like a skilful swimmer to work
with hands and feet and seemed to defend itself against the
black ducks. However, they were persistent and did not want to
let go of the gruesome looking swimmer.
[2] In this way the puzzling figure drifted for an hour around the
surface of the pond in all direction, sometimes faster and then
slower again, even dived a few times beneath the surface and
appeared again. I would have taken this monster for a water
animal, if my father also could have seen it; but despite exerting
his otherwise very sharp eyes to the extreme, he nevertheless
couldn’t see anything, which had me to believe that the floating
dead skeleton must have been something unnatural, thus soullike
and spiritual. After an hour it was completely still, and the
black ducks acted as if nipping some last pieces of flesh from
the skeleton.
[3] Since nothing happened of any importance, we returned to
our monkey, who just started to get up and tried to stand on the
two hind legs and even to walk shakily. But the walking went
badly. Every five steps the being sank on its front legs to the
ground, but quickly got up again and all the time was looking
around in all directions, and from the appearance of eagerly
looking around one could conclude that the being was afraid of
something or that it was extremely hungry and was looking for
some suitable food. With these walking- and standing efforts it
came to our already mentioned pond. There it soon saw our
skeleton which floated around the pond in the society of the
uncanny ducks.
[4] When our monkey, or the soul of our fatally injured boy,
saw the skeleton, it yelled a loud whistling cry and observed the
skeleton with a peculiar attention. After about half an hour it
stood erect just like a human and I could clearly discern the
words in a kind of lisping voice: ‘This was the unfortunate
father of my bad body! Woe him and me; since the wrath and
judgment of Jehovah has caught up with us! I still can be
helped; but how can he be helped?’
[5] Here the monkey paused and showed a very sad face, while
in the pond the black ducks still quite cheerfully kept teasing
and chasing the skeleton which was not expressing much life.
This state again continued for half an hour and at that
opportunity all the people had left, except for a few Romans and
Greeks, who however were consumed in a business discussion
and did not at all took note of our quiet observations.
[6] My father was asking me whether I could see anything else.
I said no and said shortly: ‘Not the slightest!’
[7] Then my father said that we should go, since everything
notable and see-worthy was taken note of and anything further
Jehovah will undertake with those souls, should not concern us.
[8] But I said: ‘Father, we already spent three hours with those
two souls and do not have gained anything except a quiet, sad
spectacle before my eyes; let us spent therefore another hour –
perhaps something interesting will still come up!’ The father
was with my recommendation quite content and we stayed.
After a few moments of this exchange the matter suddenly
became a different face.
[9] The monkey suddenly full of rage stood completely erect,
jumped onto the surface of the water and started to catch the
uncanny ducks, and woe for each he managed to catch! In a split
second it was torn into a thousand pieces! Except for five he had
them all destroyed; the other five, however, flew away.
[10] After these evil ducks disappeared in this way, the monkey
lifted the skeleton out of the water and placed it about five steps
away from the pond on a quite nice piece of lawn where I could
see them and he said: ‘Father, in your great poverty, can you
hear my voice, can you hear my word?’ And the sitting skeleton
nodded with the apparent skull and by doing so gave to his son a
clear indication that he was able to understand him.
[11] And the monkey who increasingly took on a more human
appearance, stood up as if he had a lot of power and said with a
voice which was now very perceptible to me: ‘Father! If there is
a God, there can only be a good and just God! This God does
not curse nobody; since if man is a product of this God, he
could not be a botch-up, but only a masterpiece! However, if
there would be a master who in all seriousness curses his work,
he would be standing below the worst bungler; since even a
bungler does not curse his own work, but regards its as
something good. And God as a grandmaster of all masters
should be able to curse His own work?
[12] Cursing and condemnation is an invention of people as a
result of the blindness and lack of education of the human
nature. The lapses which are committed by a developing person,
are tries for the independent becoming person how to use his
freedom of will, and the actions of man are an exercise for
determining his own destiny in the sphere of recognition as well
as in the sphere of the free will in a certain order, which is set
through all the endless rows of the great creation of the one wise
Creator, and that only in such an order an existence of the
beings for temporary and everlasting is and can be conceivable.
[13] The curse of man is an evil piece from his dark side; they
destroy themselves and their fellow people and finally cast
entire nations into the biggest misery, biggest despair and in all
desperation. You, my poor earthly father, were killed by the
tenfold curse of the high priest, although you have made
yourself not worthy of a curse by God. In your biggest despair
you have taken your own temporal bodily life and now you are
here as a saddest product of a pure human god-haughtiness; but
perhaps I have received mercy from God and the necessary
insight and power, to remove the tenfold high priest curse which
tormented you in the form of the black water birds, and now you
are in the open and on dry land. But I will do now everything
possible, to help you in your great misery and poverty, as much
as my life’s strength allows me to!’
[14] During this speech the former monkey man took on more
and more of a human form, and at the end of the speech the
person had fully developed into a quite graceful human form
and was dressed like from the air with a light-gray pleated dress.
Next to him something was lying on the ground wrapped in a
cloth. The now quite beautiful boy unpacked it and took out a
long, but dark-gray shirt and said: ‘Aha, this is a dress for you;
allow me to dress you with it!’
[15] The skeleton person nodded affirmative, and the boy put
the dress onto him in an instant and bound the cloth which was
of a little lighter color around the forehead as a kind of turban,
and the skeleton thereby became somewhat of a better look. The
now very brave boy grabbed the old man under the arms and
wanted to help him to stand erect; but he did not succeed.
[16] After a couple of attempts, the boy, already the size of a
youth, called with a penetrative loud voice, which even my
father pretended to have heard, but without articulation:
‘Jehovah! If You are somewhere, send me and my father some
help! He has not sinned but their greatest sin, of those who
claim for themselves a divine reputation to draw even more
respect and use from the world, have crushed him like a stone
falling from the clouds, and now he lies here as a soul
condemned by the world! Will he therefore also be condemned
forever by You? Give him at least a skin over the apparent
bones! Since I feel very sorry for my father’s horrible
nakedness! Help Jehovah, help!’
[17] Upon this call, soon two mighty spirits appeared and
touched the skeleton at the temple. In an instant it got tendons,
skin, a few hairs and – as it appeared to me – also eyes, but very
empty and deep seated. However, no one of the two spirits said
a single word, and immediately disappeared after this action.
[18] Thereupon the now already quite pleased looking boy tried
to make the old man stand on his feet; and this time he
succeeded. When the old man was standing, the boy asked him
if was able to walk. The old man affirmed such with an
extremely screamingly hollow voice; but the boy immediately
grabbed him under the arms and both moved now towards the
south and became invisible to me.”
[1] (Mathael:) “These were the two histories which I have
experienced. What happened further with those two in the spirit
kingdom, I surely don’t know; and even despite Your earlier
explanation I also do not understand what the two bats mean
when the boy was falling down the tree, who later melted
together into a monkey figure, and why the soul of the selfmurderer
appeared to me as a complete skeleton floating around
the surface of the water. From where came the ten black ducks
and why did they tease the skeleton? How could the still
monkey-like figure of the boy become the master of the birds?
What do the dresses mean, from where was it coming, and what
was its effect on the two different souls?
[2] Yes, there would be other things, for asking a lot of
questions; but for me especially these points, about which I have
made known my lack of knowledge through the questions, are
of a particular interest, and about which a merciful explanation
would be quite appreciated. If somebody else from us also
wants an explanation of any trifle matter, will surely be allowed
to ask about it?!”
[3] Said Cyrenius: “Friend, during those your stories I felt quite
strange! The human life appears to me like stream on top of a
plateau flowing quietly and harmlessly. But at the end of the
plateau, the former so quiet stream dives with a thundering
roaring and a most awful seriousness into an unpredictable
depth and drills itself a dreadfully deep bed, but does not find
any rest! Since it own falling power drives it further and further
away from its rest with great force, and it must flee and flee,
until somewhere it is consumed by the omnipotence and
immeasurable depth of the sea.
[4] O Lord, for our consolation, explain to us such frightening
moments of the otherwise beautiful life! Just take the person,
according to the story of our brother Mathael, who jumped into
the pond, with which I’m quite familiar with, to end his life full
of desperation. What frightening change immediately after he
jumped! What uncertainty, what misery! Therefore, o Lord and
Master, give us a comforting explanation about everything that
brother Mathael has told us in such dreadfully faithful manner!”
[5] I said: “Yes, of course we here see some terrible sad looking
moments of life, which surely are full of seriousness. But what
do you want to do, to rescue a life which has been totally
shredded by the influence of the world and its hellish cravings,
and with time put the life back on the right path again, so that it
doesn’t melt away completely? Must such life not be seized
with all seriousness?
[6] Yes, it is true, this moment of seizure really is highly
disgusting for the spectator! The transition through a most
narrow opening is of course not so pleasant to look at, as at the
face of a completely healthy maiden bride; but it guides the
actual person into life, namely into a true and forever
indestructible life! And for that reason such a serious moment of
life, finally is for him who understands it, more comforting than
the smiling spring face of a maiden bride. But now we will
go over to the explanation of that what we have heard from
[7] Even before, Mathael saw two big bats, flying around the
boy when he fell from the tree and immediately lying dead on
the ground. First, the boy was a pure descendant from this earth.
However, the pure earth children, as you have heard by many of
My explanations and also clearly comprehended, are according
to soul and body composed from the entire organic creation of
this earth. Proof for this are the most widely different types of
food for the body consumed by humans, while the choice of
food for animals is very limited. In order for man to feed all
intelligence particles of which his soul is composed, with the
corresponding soul food from the natural nutrients he consumes,
he is able to take in such a wide variety of food parts from the
animal, plant and also mineral kingdom; since the substantial
form body of the soul is fed and ripened, just like the flesh
body, by the consumed natural foods.
[8] Now it also depends from which preceding creature sphere,
according to climbing levels, a purely earthly person has
received his soul. And it is then, especially with children, one
has to consider the circumstances, that their souls still carry
traces of those pre-creature types in them, from which the
human form initially was composed. If a child is brought up
properly right from the beginning, the pre-creature form is soon
transformed into a human form and more and more hardens in
it. However, if the upbringing of a child is neglected, the precreature
form in the soul comes more and more to the
foreground and even draws the firmly formed body to the said
pre-creature form, and with some raw people it is quite easy to
recognize which form undoubtedly predominate their soul.
[9] When I thus said earlier that the boy according to soul and
body purely originates from this earth, you will understand with
regard to his neglected upbringing, why his soul, when still on
the tree before falling down, was in that moment visible as two
bats, because he lapsed into a convulsive unconsciousness partly
due to too strenuous holding on to the tree and partly by
suffocating by the thick smoke, which kept him for a while in
the tree, although by himself already not knowing what was
going on.
[10] Since as long a soul during the moment of dying, is not
completely separated from its body, for as long is it completely
without consciousness, due to frightening perturbation. It feels
like someone who is bound face upwards on a spindle, which
rotates with extreme speed. He can look as much as he wants to,
he will still not be able to see anything; he only might be seeing
a matt-colored misty circle around him, which by increasing
rotational speed and thereby increasing unsteadiness of the
visual organ turns into a complete night.
[11] But just like the visual organ must have rest to look at an
object to see what it is, the soul equally requires a certain inner
rest, to obtain a steady and bright consciousness of itself. The
more the soul is disturbed in itself, the more its clear selfconsciousness
vanishes; and once the soul is placed in a state of
highest possible unrest, then it does not know anything about
itself anymore, until it has returned to a state of rest again. And
this moment happens to dying people in a more severe state, the
more the soul was standing on a lower life development level.
Ah, with a life perfected soul this somewhat sad looking state
does of course not take place, as Mathael has seen this quite
clearly during the dying moment of the old Lazarus, since his
soul was never in any kind of unrest.
[12] The boy on the tree was for about a quarter of an hour
bodily nearly completely dead and did not know anything about
himself; his soul as well as his body were therefore surrounded
by the most dense darkness. And a soul which gets to a state of
too much unrest, starts to properly divide itself into the former,
smaller and imperfect pre-life creatures; therefore the two bats
were visible. Only after the boy by the smashing of his brain
lost all bonds with his soul, came soon more rest into the
destroyed soul, the two pre-creatures seized each other, and
soon a monkey as the last pre-creature became visible; but it
required a longer rest to a complete seizing itself, and even
more rest until recognizing itself again and gaining its selfconsciousness.
This is why it crouched for a while at the place
where its body fell from the tree, more according to instinct than
knowing what has happened.
[13] Gradually, consciousness and self-awareness returned, and
the monkey, looking more and more human, began to raise itself
up. Its constantly expanding outer life-sphere enabled it to
perceive the nearness of the soul of his perished earthly father.
He left the spot where he was crouching and, following his
inner promptings, moved over to the pond and now fully
recognized the soul of his father, burdened and tormented by a
tenfold human curse.
[14] At that moment, the filial love awakened in him and with it
also the question about God and His true justice. Moreover,
there awakened in him also a just anger against the curse which
men in their boundless pride dare to fling at their poor, but
actually much better, fellowmen. With this, the now much more
perfected monkey-man became aware of his own strength to
take it up with the ten curse-devils which in the form of black
ducks tormented his father's soul unduly.
[15] With this increased self-awareness the monkey-man leaps
into the pond and, driven by the love for his father, begins to
play havoc among the ten curse-devils. In a few moments they
are destroyed, and by that action the monkey-man now looks
almost completely human.
[16] Now his love also begins to take new roots in the dead soul
of his father. This fills the son with even more love and strength
with which he pulls his father away from his place of
destruction and perdition and onto dry land where, through the
son's love, a solid resting-ground for the father's future existence
forms and is found. However, as the son's love is growing, also
his light keeps growing. Out of this light, he recognizes the
limitation of his own strength and now properly turns to God,
asking Him to help his father. And help is not long in coming;
clothing is provided and the strength to move on to a better and
more perfect life-sphere. There, the father's soul is nourished by
the son's ever growing love, attains once more a spiritual flesh
and blood and, finally, becomes able to recognize God and enter
into His order – which is always exceedingly difficult in cases
of suicide.”
[1] (The Lord:) “However, there are different kinds of suicide.
The worst kind is when someone takes his own life because his
great pride has been too much humiliated by someone else, and
there is no possibility for him to take revenge. Such kind of
suicide can never be completely amended in a soul. It requires
thousand times thousands of years for a soul to be brought to a
point where its withered, loveless phantom-bones can at least be
clothed with some thin skin, let alone an incarnation (Here in
the sense of a full wrapping of the soul skeleton with spiritual
‘flesh’) of its whole being; since the incarnation is actually a
product of love and, in turn, awakens love.
[2] If somebody looks at a maiden, who is very completed in the
form sphere of her flesh and is full of voluptuousness, he is
immediately through and through seized by such figure, and his
heart will immediately express a love-glowing desire, to call
this maiden his own. Yes, why is this so? Because the maidens’
fully developed physical appearance is a product of a lot of
love! The material which forms the basis of love can and must
also arouse in the fellowman, what itself is.
[3] If we however are going to another maiden, who is terribly
thin, and I say to you, that she will not turn on anyone’s heart in
a passionate manner; secretly one will feel sorry for her, but it
will be quite difficult for anyone to fall in love with her. Why is
this so? Because her bones are covered with too little of the
material, which is purely a product of love!
[4] A soul that already here has been pure love appears in the
beyond immediately most appealing, luxuriant and absolutely
perfect where its form is concerned. An avaricious and very
selfish soul, however, appears very thin in the beyond. But there
is still some flesh and blood left because such a soul has at least
love for itself, whereas a self-murderer is also completely bare
of this love, and his soul must necessarily appear as a skeleton
in the beyond. The only question is, whether as a human or
some animal skeleton.
[5] We have already mentioned that there are several kinds of
suicide, and I have dealt in detail with the worst cases. Well, a
suicide of the worst kind does not appear in the beyond in the
form of a human skeleton, but as the skeleton of a dragon, a
serpent or some other wild, ferocious animal. Why? That you
can easily think for yourself! Such a soul will never be able to
fully attain its life's perfection.
[6] Then there are those who committed suicide out of jealousy
because of a virgin who, without her own fault, preferred
another to the jealous fellow who, whenever they met,
tormented her with all kind of reproaches, accusing her of
infidelity which she never even thought to commit. Such a selfmurderer
arrives in the beyond as the skeleton of a wolf, dog or
rooster, because the inner nature of these animals guided the
mind and will of such a jealous fool, since as pre-creatures they
are representing the actual main traits of the soul. Also these
kinds of self-murderers will someday find it very difficult to
attain even to some degree the perfection of life.
[7] Then there are still other suicides who have secretly
committed a bad crime which they know is punishable by a
disgraceful and painful death. They know that their crime must
come to light. What does then usually happen? Driven by his
terrible fear and his justified pangs of conscience, such a furtive
criminal sinks into the fullest and deepest despair and kills
himself. Such a soul appears in the beyond in the shape of the
skeleton of its pre-creatures such as, for instance, salamanders,
lizards and scorpions, which are all huddled together in a heap
and surrounded by a glowing wall, usually in the shape of a
glowing giant serpent. Also the glowing wall is part of the precreatures
of one and the same soul and forms an intelligenceelement
of the same.
[8] In short, once a soul, on account of a bad upbringing, has
become devoid of all love, even of self-love, the whole soul is
permeated by hell as the worst enemy of life. The soul in itself
then becomes an enemy of its own life and being and always
endeavors to destroy the same in some painless manner. Being
thus inimical to life, in the end life itself must fall apart, and
such a soul cannot possibly appear in the beyond other than
dissolved into its individual primordial life-forms, and even then
only in their fleshless skeletons which carry their necessary
judgment within.
[9] With both man and animal, bone is that part which is under
the most judgment and most devoid of all love. Since in bones,
just as in stone, no love can exist, these remain in the end, even
though only as substantial soul development particles, in which
there can never be any love. But it is still easier for human
bones to clothe themselves with life than it is for animal bones,
let alone for the skeletons of insects and the gristle, cartilage
and bones of amphibious animals.
[10] Now you can imagine what will happen when such a
suicide, as described, appears in the beyond and what a difficult
and long-drawn-out process it will be before such a soul can
even begin to assume the shape of a human skeleton and clothe
itself with a skin and even with some flesh.
[11] But, inwardly, you are now asking whether such a soul will
also suffer any pain. And I tell you, at times the worst and most
burning pain, and at other times none at all. When the soul is, as
it were, stirred up by approaching spirits intending, if possible,
to bring it back to life, it feels a terrible, burning pain in all its
parts; but as soon as it comes to rest again, it has neither feeling
nor consciousness and does, therefore, not feel any pain.
[12] There are still many more kinds of suicide which are not so
detrimental for the soul as the two just described. However, no
act of suicide has any good consequences for the soul.
[13] The case described by Mathael was still one of the better
kind, and therefore the resuscitation and rescue of that soul
proceeded quite easily and quickly. Nevertheless, there will
always remain a leak in such a soul, consisting therein that such
a soul can hardly ever succeed to become a child of God.
A suicide soul can hardly ever reach the first, outer most and
thus lowest heaven, not even its borderland.
[14] For the most part only souls from all other worlds attain to
the first or wisdom heaven, and from this earth the souls of
those wise heathens who have lived a decent and just life, yet
also in the beyond do not wish to hear of My person. If,
however, they in time accept some of this knowledge, they can
certainly enter into the second, the higher or middle heaven. But
they cannot ever enter into the third, the inner most and highest
heaven, the true heaven of love and life. For there, only those
will enter who have already fully succeeded in becoming a child
of God.”
[15] I think that also these kinds of deaths as told by brother
Mathael, have been explained sufficiently; if, however,
something is still not clear to someone, he or she is free to ask.
There are only two hours left before the sun will appear above
the horizon, and then we all will undertake something
completely different. Who therefore wants something, should
[16] Say all: “Lord, everything is clear to us; since with such
living manner of explanation nothing can be unclear to
[1] Says again I: “Now then, since we still have a couple of
hours left, Mathael should tell us a last, in a way most
memorable death scene! But before that, since it is already
dawning, Raphael should bring the ball of light back to its
location and at the same time collect a few promised granulates
for Cyrenius!”
[2] Raphael was soon finished with that and brought Cyrenius
seven of such light globules, which were the size of a full pea.
The pea-size light globules which Raphael handed to Cyrenius
had such a bright luminosity, that nobody could look at them;
since with a luminosity of more than ten-thousand most brightly
burning lamps, one was already so bright that it could illuminate
a large hall if placed in the centre on a higher point.
[3] Cyrenius did not know how to save keep these seven light
globules and ask Me about advice; and I again called on
Raphael to bring Cyrenius a suitable holder for save keeping the
seven light globules.
[4] And Raphael was already at hand to give to Cyrenius a box
from pure gold, lightly filled with stone flax (asbestos), placed
the seven globules in it and covered the box with a lid, which
was decorated with meaningful and elated workmanship. After
the seven globules were safely stored in this manner, he handed
them to Cyrenius and said: “Keep them for yourself! Never
should any of these most precious stones decorate any king’s
crown, so that not another king’s desire for such a crown
becomes a reason for war, where thousands of people tear each
other apart like raging wolves, hyenas and bears, just for the
sake of such a light globule!”
[5] Cyrenius thanked Me and also Raphael, who, however,
immediately rejected the thanks and diverted it over to Me.
[6] But I said: “It is good, that also this matter has come to a
conclusion! The promised globules for you, Cyrenius, are
stored; never make any worldly use of them and never boast
about them, even not to your next of kin! If you want to
prophesy, place the holder on the pit of your stomach and you
will have bright visions; but this should only be known to you,
that you are strengthened to prophecies by the possession of
such stones! The people should hear such prophecy and act
accordingly, but nobody should know its origin! If you ever
have heard something about the stone of the wise, you now have
it in those seven globules; but only for you and nobody else!”
[7] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, however, if one day I will die, what
should become of theses seven globules?”
[8] I said: “Then give them so Josoe and he will know it in
himself, what he should do with it for the sake of the well being
of the world! But now nothing further about that, and you,
brother Mathael begin with your story; since it is thousand times
thousand times more valuable to you than hundred-thousand of
such luminous stones! Be short, so that the very memorable
sunrise of today will not interfere with it!”
[1] Mathael bows and immediately begins to tell the following
memorable death case; and the story is as follows: “In a small
place between Bethlehem and Jerusalem lived a strange widow.
She was married twice. The first husband already died after one
year. With him she had one daughter, who, however deaf and
dumb from birth, was otherwise fresh, healthy and very
cheerful, which is seldom the case with deaf and dump persons.
[2] After being a widow for one year, a second quite strong man
courted for her hand and married the widow, who was at stage
still very beautiful. But the man did not last much longer with
this woman than his predecessor; since he lived only for two
years and a few months and died just like the first one of the
general emaciation.
[3] This scarred off all the other men, so that in future nobody
dared to court for her hand. With the second, quite strong man,
she did not have any child at all, while the deaf-mute daughter
grew up strongly and already in her fifth year she was big and
strong like nearly no other girl in its twelfth year, had a very
beautiful face, and every man looked at this deaf-mute girl with
great and often already quite desirable pleasure.
[4] The widow lived afterwards for another twenty years,
remained very beautiful and even quite attractive, and her
daughter enchanted every man; since something more beautiful
and more attractive did not likely existed in the whole Jewish
country! This girl was at the same time quite intelligent and
quite well educated and by way of sign language knew how to
communicate with everybody quite well, and always in a really
artistically elegant manner, that every man was very happy to
have communicated with her. Many wanted to marry the girl,
but since according to law deaf-mute people were excluded
from marriage, of which a sensible reason still eludes me,
nothing could be done in this regard.
[5] The widow was quite wealthy and owned extended
properties, and as such many servants and maidens, and was
towards poor people very charitable. The woman would have
liked to be married again; but since nobody courted for her hand
anymore and the woman also did not dare to look at anyone, out
of fear and good will at the same time, not to become the
murderess of a third man, she stayed single, led quite a moral
and withdrawn life and was the comforter of many people
in distress.
[6] At one stage a Greek doctor arrived and wanted to cure her
from her odd peculiarity; but she send him away and said – as
she has told my father at a later stage, and if my otherwise good
memory does not deceives me, with the following words -: ‘My
parents were good and god-fearing people, and as a girl I was
known as an example for living puritanically. Prior to my first
marriage I never have recognized a man. How such a bad
property could have entered my otherwise well formed body, is
a riddle to me; I am, however – Jehovah be praised above all!
Otherwise very healthy and therefore does not need any
medicine. It is thus God’s will, which I will endure with
pleasure! You, pseudo Aesculapius (Aesculapius was the Greek
and Roman god for the art of healing), can go, otherwise I
breathe at you, and you are also hopelessly lost, irrespective that
you are a doctor and want to help me, but as I can see, you are
not even able to cure yourself from the hideous cervical goiter,
as well as the limping of your left foot! A doctor should himself
be a flawless and healthy person, if he wants to help the sick!
The freshness and full healthiness of the doctor must give the
sick person a certain confidence, so that he can believe that the
doctor knows something; but if the doctor is standing there as a
cripple himself and wants to help a healthy person, he should be
laughed at hundredfold and if he becomes obtrusive in a home,
he should be expelled immediately!’
[7] When the doctor received such a praising, he left the house
growling and grumbling, but returned after one year, enquired
about the condition of the beautiful widow and started to court
for her beautiful hand.
[8] The widow, however, became impatient and breathed from a
distance of three steps towards the doctor and said: ‘Go and do
not come closer! Since you walk into this breath, you are child
of death; not one year will go by and you will be rotting in the
[9] The doctor however laughed and slurped the ejected breath
with joy and desire, to show the beautiful widow how little he
was afraid about the trifling poison, since he was convinced that
it would not harm him at all. The best about it was, that also the
widow herself did not believed the slightest what she was
saying, but only used it as a threat, because the people were
spreading such rumors and therefore nobody dared to come too
close to her.
[10] However, the people were not so wrong after all. If this our
widow was not passionately excited, her breath was good and
healthy; but as soon as she got a little agitated, it was not
possible to keep up with her. Whoever took in too much of her
breath did not live longer than a year and was a child of death.
He became a kind of emaciation and could take whatever any
proven wonder doctor could possibly prescribe to him, it did not
serve any purpose; the sickness progressed with an iron
perseverance and the sick person infallibly became its victim!
And this also happened to our Greek doctor; soon afterwards he
started to waste away and within eight month he became a most
wretched and totally emaciated corpse, against which a by
3,000 year old Egyptian mummy would still look quite well fed!
[11] Our widow soon found out about it and from several sides
it was whispered to her that she will be taken to court. The
widow was very much disturbed in her heart by this; finally she
herself began ail and send for my father, who of course took me,
his indispensable seer with him, to get to know something about
this strange woman through my seer gift. With some care we
came to the house of this strange woman and found her lying
completely exhausted in a bed. Her deaf-mute but otherwise in
all seriousness heavenly beautiful daughter and a few maids
were with her and supported her.
[12] It should be noted here, that her strange breath only
effected men, but was not harmful to any women or maidens.
[13] My father said, when he came in to the room holding a
little his breath: ‘Here stands the called doctor from Jerusalem;
what does the lovely widow wish from me?’
[14] Said the widow: ‘What else does a sick person wants from
a doctor, except that he should make her well?! Help me if
you can!’
[15] Said the father: ‘Allow me to observe you for a while, then
I will know if you can be helped or not!’
[16] Said the widow: ‘Do what you think is right!’
[17] Thereupon the father said in Roman to me: ‘Pay attention if
you are able to see anything around here; since her illness must
have a very special reason!’
[18] I immediately tried very hard to see something, but initially
was not able to see anything spiritual or uncanny. But about
after an hour I noticed a bluish smoke developing above the bed
of the widow and asked my father if he also could see it. He
denied this and concluded that this was already something
unusual. I continued my observation with the most concentrated
attention and discovered within the blue mist a great number
about finger long rattle- and grass snakes, which swam inside
the blue mist like fish in the water, and flashed with their steellike
tongues quite exceptionally; but none of the many beasts
moved outside the so to speak fixed mist circle. I immediately
drew my father’s attention to it and told him my opinion that it
was not at all advisable to get too close to the bed. My father
confirmed this my opinion, but also asked me at the same time,
whether I could not find out about any means whereby the
widow could be helped.”
[1] (Mathael:) “As I was standing there, completely turned to
the inside of me, I heard a voice as if someone was whispering
in my ear: ‘Catch a rattle snake and a grass snake, chop off their
heads, cook them properly and give such soup for the widow to
drink, and show her, that the court which she so endlessly fears,
cannot have anything against her, and she will immediately get
healthy again! Should, however, someone in future starts to
waste away by her poisonous breath, see to it that he drinks the
soup of the said snakes, whereby also the old Aesculapius’s
emaciation can be cured, and soon he will recover completely!
The said snakes, however, one can find in abundance on the
southern slopes of the Horeb.’
[2] This advice which I very clearly heard, I conveyed briefly to
my father. He, completely beyond himself with joy, said
immediately to the widow that she should not worry; since he
will surely help her. However, foremost she should not be in the
slightest way concerned about the court regarding the Greek
doctor, since she does not carry any guilt about his death. He
himself was quite familiar with Roman law and does not know,
that such a case ever was suitable for prosecution.
[3] The completely serious representation of the innocence of
the widow calmed her down to such an extent, that the bluish
smoke above her bed disappeared completely, what I
immediately conveyed to my father, about which he felt a lot of
joy, and he immediately send for Horeb for the said snakes.
There lived some of the best snake catchers and -spellers, and
within a few days a few pieces of each specie arrived, of course
already decapitated and properly sealed in clay, so that they
properly were sealed from the air, and were prevented from
decaying; since at the Horeb a kind of fatty, yellow clay could
be found, in which corpses could be preserved for hundreds of
years without decaying.
[4] After the snakes were transported on a camel, a section of
them was cleaned from the clay, depending on how much was
required at one time, and then put on a fire in a good pot and
cooked for about 3 hours, without the widow, still lying in bed,
knowing anything about it. The time from sending a request for
the medicine to Horeb until the actual cooking, took four days,
during which time my father had to console the widow a couple
of times per day and promised her a full recovery within already
four days. Because of that the widow day by day became visibly
better and already wanted to get out of bed on the fourth day.
But father didn’t wanted her to leave the bed, keeping her away
from the preparation of the snake brew; because if she had seen
something about the preparation the healing of the widow would
become highly improbable. By keeping her in bed, she did not
saw anything, and when my father handed her the brew to drink,
she drank it with noticeable pleasure until the last drop and
finally admitted that the brew-like medicine tasted quite well.
[5] After a couple of hours father gave her another final portion
of the brew, and afterwards the widow started to feel better, so
that it was nearly impossible to keep her in bed for the fourth
day. But on strict orders from father she had to stay in bed at
least for also half of the fifth day since we have arrived here,
after which she left the bed fresh and completely recovered. She
rewarded my father extremely copiously and did not forget
about me either.
[6] When we departed she asked my father confidentially if he
knew the Greek doctor and if he would be able to help him.
[7] But my father said: ‘Yes indeed, I have known this wretched
charlatan quite well; he surely never have helped anybody –
except into the grave!’
[8] With this remark the lovely widow was quite content and
sent us on our way with a lot of goodwill. Father carefully
packed the remaining sections of the in clay preserved snakes
and together with other things and items of great value, tied
them on the back of the camel; we also mounted our
dromedaries and travelled quite cheerfully back home.
[9] With this medicine of the strangest nature, my father
afterwards had healed many emaciating sick people, thereby
earning a lot of money and a famous name. Of course, because
of that, he was not very much favored by the temple clerics
and also not by the Essenes; but instead the Romans respected
him even more, gave him all protection, elevated his art and
science up to the stars and gave him the honorary name
Aesculapius Junior. Whenever the snakes were used up, my
father immediately ordered a new shipment from Horeb and
cured with it the emaciating, of which, in all seriousness,
nobody died.”
[1] (Mathael:) “A few years have passed since the healing of the
widow, without us hearing anything about our widow.
Suddenly, one early morning, precisely on a Sabbath, a
messenger from our widow appeared and requested the father to
be on his way as soon as possible; since the known widow,
together with her daughter, all of a sudden fell ill to such an
extent, that nobody out of the circle of deeply saddened
neighbors, dared to think about her recovery.
[2] That we upon this news were soon on our dromedaries,
despite the Sabbath, goes without saying, and that father did not
forget to take along the right quantum of the strange medicine is
also self-evident; since he quite naturally was of the opinion,
that the widow fell into a relapse of her previous illness, as this
was not too seldom the case with this kind of sickness, and
every doctor knows that a relapse of an old illness is much more
stubborn than the first-time appearance.
[3] After a couple of hours we arrived at the familiar house. But
already from a half hour walking distance I noticed that the
whole, large dwelling was covered in a thick, blue smoke; and
the closer we came to the well-known house, the more clearly I
could see the already familiar beasts swimming inside the blue
mist. ‘Stop’, I said to father when we were still about sixty steps
away from the house, ‘for the sake of our bodily safety we
should not go one step closer, if we do not soon want to become
a victim of death; since the evil blue mist with its extremely
uncanny inhabitants is now wrapped around the whole house!’
[4] My father, now completely puzzled, suddenly stopped. He
sent the messenger into the house of the two sick people, so that
he could bring him news, in which state the two were. The
messenger immediately hurried to the house and found both
unconscious and in a full struggle with the relentless death.
[5] When father heard this from the messenger, he said to him:
‘Friend, I cannot perform miracles, and as such I have no other
choice but to turn around, and the quicker the better! Since it is
not advisable to come too close to both of these sick people!’
[6] But the messenger asked us that we should stay for another
hour; since one could not know for certain, if these two could
not regain their conscience again.
[7] Said the father: ‘You of course not, but the more certain I
know about it! Everything in this world does quite often have in
a wide circle around itself certain signs, from which someone
knowledgeable with great certainty can conclude, how a case or
thing is made up; and the same is also here the case! I even can
recognize it from the house that both of them will and cannot
live longer than one hour! Here every rescue attempt could be
called futile!
[8] All of you male servants of this house, look for rattle and
grass snakes, chop of their heads, clean them and cook them and
drink the brew several times, otherwise you all will die within
one year of total emaciation; since the odor of those two female
beings, which you do not know about, is of such nature that
every man, who especially now is getting too close to them and
is captured by it, will at the most not longer than a year and half
from now turn into a complete mummy!’
[9] The messenger thanked for this advice and wanted to give
valuable presents to my father; but the father did not accept
anything and started to turn the dromedaries and the pack camel
around, a work which is always not that easily accomplished
with these animals, especially when they were exhausted and
hungry. Father always was a little irritated with the turnaround
of our carriers, but this time it was to both our advantage. Since
if our animals had quickly submitted to our will, we both,
especially I, would have missed out on one of the most
memorable scenes.
[10] In time the blue mist increased at least by half, raised soon
above the whole big house like a giant ball and was filled not
only by the two snake species, but with an exceedingly large
amount of all kinds of nasty and among others also very gentle
natured creatures. They flew around the giant ball like cranes
when leaving the ground. However, the whole ball hang on only
two weak looking strings or better straps. The one somewhat
smaller half of the ball was somewhat lighter than the other half.
[11] It seemed very odd to me that a quite strong early evening
wind was not able to cause the slightest disturbance to the
hanging balloon. While I looked at the appearance in
amazement and reported everything to my father in the Roman
tongue, I finally discovered increasingly more examples of
greater animals like rats, mice, rabbits, chicken, doves, geese,
lambs, goats, hares, roe deer, stags, gazelles and a great number
of other animals, fully developed floating inside the large ball.
[12] The father noted to me: ‘Son, are you speaking the full
truth? Since this story is getting a little out of hand!’
[13] But I strongly confirmed to father that I only, as always,
tell him what I clearly see before my eyes and not one word
more and also not one word less. Father then was quiet and paid
great attention to each of my words.
[14] When I looked at this most bizarre picture of an once in a
lifetime experienced appearance more intensely and with greater
excitement, the two straps on which the great ball seemed to be
connected, suddenly sheared, and now there were floating
suddenly two large separated balls, about two man-heights
above the house. The continuously increasing stronger wind did
not move them at all; like build the two balloons floated above
the large dwelling.
[15] I did not saw any about the vermin animals in the separated
balloons anymore, of which the one seemed a little smaller and
was also more brighter than the larger one; the smaller one also
contained a mixture of all kind of more gentle animals, while
the bigger one also contained wolves, bears and a lot of foxes,
which alongside the many gentle animals quite peacefully
floated up and down. It was also strange that I could see
everything as clearly as if it was illuminated by the midday son,
despite it already being significantly dark dusk.
[1] (Mathael:) “For about half an hour the position remained the
same; but afterwards the situation started to change
considerably. The reason for it was a quite naturally looking
swarm of magpies flying by; there probably might have been
one-hundred or so. They started to disturb both balloons to a
considerable extent. The many creatures began to amalgamate
and soon in both balloons only two gigantic, gray-white eagles
could be seen, who snapped quite aggressively at the magpies
pecking at them. Woe one of them which was caught; it
immediately disappeared from its balloon-teasing existence!
This story did not take too long – and all the magpies were
[2] When I faithfully told this my father, he said: ‘Yes, it
certainly looks like if this were the souls of both the dead!?
Look at the scene more carefully and tell me, whatever you see;
since truly, such strange death scene you have never told me
[3] Said I: ‘Father, what I see I immediately convey to you! The
balloons are just becoming smaller and the gigantic eagles are
changing into – bluntly said – two cows but without horns and I
see a perfect human at the scaffolding of the roof climbing up
and down, holding in each hand a bundle of hay; he certainly
does not intend to feed the cows with it? Right! Both cows have
floated downwards so that they quite easily reach the hay with
their tongues; and now they quite casually consume the hay!’
[4] In such a way I told father immediately what I saw. After
consuming the hay the person on the gable of the roof
disappeared; but soon their came another who did not have the
slightest resemblance with the first one, carrying two buckets of
water and gave the water to the cows to drink, and both cows
drank the water to the last drop.
[5] After this appearance also the second person disappeared
with the buckets; but soon afterwards the cows started to rotate
with great speed in a circle. The former misty balloons became
completely invisible and because of the quick rotation I could
not make out the form of both beings anymore. However,
during this rotation the beings became increasingly brighter and
finally reached the illumination of a setting moon.
[6] Soon the rotation stopped and in place of the former
cows floated two somewhat meager looking human figures.
Since their backs were turned to us, I could not make out the
gender; but judging from the height it were most likely two
female figures.
[7] After a while of a quarter of an hour I again saw a human
being climbing onto the gable of the roof with two bundles and
handed each of the two figures a bundle. The bundle bearer
immediately disappeared again and both figures quickly untied
the bundles, took from it a light-gray pleated dress and in one
moment covered their bodies with it; only now I recognized
with certainty that the two figures were in fact those of the
strange widow and her deaf-mute daughter. They looked quite
starved but nevertheless it was undoubtedly them!
[8] When they were standing as perfect female figures at the
roof gable in front of my view, the two male figures in light
green coats reappeared on the roof again and waved to the two
to follow them, what the two also did without the slightest
[9] They travelled towards midday. Soon they disappeared
completely from my view; thereupon I heard the clear words:
‘To God the Lord alone all thanks and all praise and all honor
for saving these two poor beings!’
[10] Who had spoken those words, I don’t know; but I heard
them very clearly! They could not have come from those two
male figures, since they were already long gone. Somebody
somewhere behind me must have spoken these words. But how,
is an entirely different issue!
[11] Whoever had spoken them, it has very little to do with the
whole story; but that the words were good and contained a lot of
meaning, is certain! Since both beings have all in all lived good
and virtuous, were very charitable towards the poor and on top
of that also very God-fearing, why it is difficult to understand,
why the voice has especially for the rescue of this widow and
her deaf-mute daughter given thanks, praise and honor to God.
This voice therefore must have known more, what my mind was
able to comprehend.
[12] You, o Lord, does know anyhow, what will remain to us a
riddle regarding this death case! I therefore does not want to ask
any particular questions about the whole matter, since the whole
story from alpha to omega is a question; therefore, o Lord,
rather explain everything since I don’t know where to begin to
ask! Already the illness was on its own quite puzzling, not to
mention the appearances during and after their death! The rising
of the apparently soul-like bluish steam above the whole house,
the animals therein, finally the separation of the one large
balloon into two smaller ones, the teasing magpies, the gigantic
eagles, the transformation of them into cows without horns,
etcetera – in short, everything is a fable, which cannot believed
by anybody if told by someone in a light-hearted manner! If
therefore You, o Lord, could most mercifully make this story a
little more transparent to us; since up to now between it and me
is hanging more than the threefold blanket of Moses!”
[1] I said: “Is this story to all of you equally unclear?”
[2] All affirmed this question and asked for an explanation.
[3] And I said to all: “You have read about the children of the
snake and act with this story as if you are completely lightless!
See, on this earth there are poisonous minerals, poisonous plants
and also poisonous animals known to you! The poisonous
minerals are very toxic, the poisonous plants to the largest part
and the poisonous animals, with regard to their whole being,
only to their smallest part. But you also have heard that the
souls of the people of this earth are a conglomerate of mineral,
plant and animal souls. This is a matter which I already quite
often have explained to you, although I only have spoken more
in general than specifics and until now have not shown any
special exceptions; but this is such a special exceptional case,
and I want to make you all more familiar with it.
[4] You all know the just and true order of God, but also are
familiar with the exceptions with it; you can think, feel and
sense them! However, what you can do, also God can; He surely
knows His everlasting order in the best and clearest manner, but
in addition also all the possible and most diverse exceptions and
violations of this order, must therefore also be able to think
and deeply feel them.
[5] Yes, God must even place in the free and independently
becoming creatures who also want to become free, especially in
angels and people of this earth, as you know, the stimulus for an
anti-order, so that therefrom for the named a true, freely acting
self-determination can become a truthful reality. From this,
however, it is clear, that the anti-order must be just as well
known to God as the good, true and living order.
[6] The thoughts and feelings of the anti-order in God as well as
in man among the orderly thoughts and feelings are
corresponding to the poisonous minerals, poisonous plants and
poisonous animals. Since, however, they are also God’s
thoughts and God’s feelings, they cannot disappear, but also
stay in the form of fiery-tongue primordial intelligence
formations, can as related seize each other in the negative
sphere and form a separate string of beings.
[7] From this primordial source the greatest part of the whole
physical and judged creation actually originated. However,
since this is destined to serve the spiritual creatures not only as a
testing life poison, but also as a salutary life balm when used
orderly, the order is also arranged to such an extent, that the
too anti-order primordial substantial thoughts separate from
the much less anti-order and as already mentioned, form a
poisonous string of beings in all three realms of the visible,
outer, physical nature of things.
[8] At first the poisons are in the coarsest matter of the minerals,
then they are getting, already somewhat softened, into the
therefore suitable plants, and already reduced to a trifle they are
becoming dangerous in the better, thus positive outer life of
certain low level animal species, and can even under certain
conditions injure the inner, very positive, true life, but not
destroy it.
[9] Now, the soul-specific-potencies of these poisonous beings
inclusive their intelligence ability finally seize each other, and
in the end they also become a form, but only a female form,
which then of course does not exists without a quite dangerous
portion of poison. These souls are finally also getting on the
road of the flesh by way of the known act of fathering.
[1] (The Lord:) “Once such a soul is living in the flesh, it places
its poison into the flesh and blood of its own body, which does
not really affect the body health wise in its life sphere too much,
since it has been arranged to such an effect from the primordial
[2] But for a person originating from the positive order, it is
never advisable to come too close to such a person; although it
cannot really harm his soul, it can harm his body since it has not
been suited for the adsorption of such poison. And now we are
standing close to our widow again!
[3] Her otherwise quite good and in a good order passing soul
has deposited its poisonous primordial element in the spleen and
liver of her body, which behaves quietly and as such harmless,
as long she is not excited by anything in a passionate manner;
but once such a truly poisonous person has become excited, it is
for every man high time to immediately withdraw from her
poisonous sphere.
[4] Since this poison residing inside her body is of a nerve-ether
nature, it penetrates the person’s outer-life-sphere. Who merges
his own nerve-ether with the impregnated poisonous sphere
by inhaling or prolonged close-by presence, is bodily lost,
especially if he does not know about the antidote.
[5] Now, the antidote would be, if not all the nerves have
already been too much irritated, the said brew; at the same time
such animals should be suffocated in a large jar filled with olive
oil and simultaneously with drinking the brew, the whole body
should be rubbed quite well with the snake oil. Only thereby a
complete recovery can take place, because the poison resting in
the nerves partly unites with the primordial element of the brew
in the stomach or with those resting in the oil and thus is unable
to re-effect the nerves and cannot be harmful to them anymore.
[6] When you, Mathael, were requested to visit her the first time
with your father, the widow became ill by her own poison
because the Greek doctor has excited her too much and could
have died at that stage just as well as later; since it is very
seldom that such poisonous people die because of any other
illness rather than their own poison.
[7] The visible blue mist, in which a number for you unlikeable
animals swam around, was such a release of the poisonous ether
and by its visible inhabitants it clearly expressed who’s spiritual
product it was.
[8] When your father by his clever eloquence considerably
calmed down the inner very excited fear of the widow, the evil
ether withdrew again to the calmed spleen and liver; but the
excess hardened in the gall of the stomach, was finally after four
days totally adsorbed by the said brew and excreted by the
natural process, and the widow thereupon fully recovered. But
the voice which told you about the antidote came from a spirit
who was one of the spiritual protectors of the widow.
[9] But when you and your father were called for the second
time, the widow had a strong annoyance because of her deafmute
daughter, who, despite her deaf-muteness, quite strongly
began to fall in love with a somewhat playful person. Thereby
the poison of the widow and her similar natured daughter was
too intensely excited; both were like bitten by thousand of the
most poisonous snakes in all their life nerves, and from this
moment on, no bodily cure was possible – except of course by
My power it would still be possible. Because of the great
excitement both souls nearly completely dissolved, which
means, they dissolved into their primordial elements and
expanded, occupying necessarily a larger space, high and above
the house in which both were lie dying.
[10] When the total separation from the body occurred and after
subsequent further calming the primordial elements inside the
life-mist-ball belonging together began to recognize each other
again, and the former intertwined balloon divided into two
separate balloons of which the bigger contained the life
primordial elements of the widow and the smaller those of the
daughter. However, the life primordial elements, by now
already calmed down considerably, recognized each other more
and more, seized each other, and immediately a higher level
animal species became visible inside the balloon.
[11] When in the ball of life and in its inner forms again more
calm took place, the former soul forms recognized each other
more closely and transformed into two female eagles. Soon you
saw a swarm of magpies disturbing the balloons; these were the
outer life spirits, which also had to unite with the two souls.
When this happened, visible to you in a corresponding manner,
immediately two cows appeared. This would already be close to
man; but something of the primordial elements were still
[12] The two male souls, who were the former husbands of the
widow, recognize this lack and bring it according to good order.
Then a new life appears in the cow forms, everything is
becoming mixed up, through which a new organic order
originates, and soon two new perfect human figures appear.
They are embraced by the two male souls with love, and this
love immediately forms the just primordial material for
corresponding clothing, and so the former much divided souls
again become forever complete human forms, equipped with the
necessary recognition, what is clearly indicated by the departure
towards the evening.
[13] But the last thanking voice, which you, Mathael heard at
the end, was again the same protective spirits, which gave to
you two years earlier the right antidote to heal such illness. The
spirit recognized the great difficulties which were required, to
create from a direct anti-order a truly and heavenly order; since
also there one can turn with a little poison a lot of balm into
poison, but it is nearly impossible to turn a lot of poison with
only a little balm into a healing balm. Only by God everything
is possible, and therefore the last call for thanks by the
protective spirit to God the Lord!
[14] Have you understood all this properly? To whom
something is still unclear, should ask, and there will be light
form him!”
[1] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, You the only wise and just, regarding
this story, it is totally clear to me; since I see this truly divine
work of art created by You in its natural progression of creation,
I see Your everlasting order and also see, that within this order
all things are possible for You. But one thing which keeps me
seriously in the dark, and I can think whatever I want, but it
does not want to become brighter in me.
[2] I still do not understand why our human soul, before
becoming a fully intelligent human form, must exist completely
divided in thousand times thousand plants, yes, even minerals
and in more than that number animals. Before becoming a
perfect human soul, it must freed by lightening and rain from
rocks – and who knows from what else – so to speak be broken
loose by fire and then be washed out?! Afterwards this soul
migration and soul amalgamation story continues boringly
enough through the whole plant- and animal world, and finally
it has the honor, as a stronger becoming human soul, to be
slaughtered in at least twenty oxen and alongside also in about
one-hundred sheep, calves and donkeys?! This is what we
Romans call a Doctrina dura (a hard lecture).
[3] Would it then not be possible for God to immediately create
a perfect human soul and then to clothe it with flesh and blood?
What for such a boring progress? There, look at our Raphael!
What is he lacking for a perfect life?! What are we patched up
souls against him?! Does he not have in his small finger more
power and wisdom than we are in our whole body composed of
legions?! I do not want to see the destruction of a thousand
legions of the best soldiers; in one moment he would crush them
all to dust! This I call life perfection! Can it be given to him by
You, why not to a human soul?! Or was it also for his spirit as a
former soul necessary to have gone through this immense
journey of who knows how many levels? This, o Lord, is my
dark side! Give me also therein sufficient light, and I will not
bother You furthermore with such a silly question!
[4] In your Moses it says: ‘And God the Lord made man from
the earth’s clay, and blew him a living breath into his nose. And
so man became a living soul.’ According to these of course
quite misty words – if one can take them as they are written –
did You as God indeed blew man an already perfect soul into
his nose, and the whole man would then be according to Your
image become an already perfect soul. However, there the one
is lightless as the other. Therefore I ask You, give us all just a
little emergency light in this regard!”
[5] I said: “Yes, My dear friend Cyrenius, when here and there
your memory starts to fail you, I can’t help it; since this, what
you want to know now, I already have at great length explained
to you quite some time ago! You just have forgotten about it; I
will awaken your memory a little, and everything will become
illuminated to you!”
[6] Says Cyrenius: “Yes, yes, Lord, You are always right! I am
already completely in the clear now; on this mountain and in
this night everything has been explained to us to the last detail,
when we by the magic light of this certain light ball saw
everything floating in front of us, namely the manner of creation
and even the outflow of Your thoughts and ideas, their endless
diversity and even our very own thoughts in the form of fiery
tongues and little tongues! Yes, yes, all this we have not only
already heard, but also properly seen!”
[1] (Cyrenius:) “Nevertheless, I still cannot really befriend
myself with Moses. It must contain many extraordinary great
and true things; but who, except You understand what he has
[2] Especially his history of creation is kept in the dark! At one
place it says: ‘Let us make people, an image equal to us, who
rule over the fish in the sea, over the birds under the sky, over
the cattle and over the whole earth and over the worms,
creeping on the earth!’ And God created man according to His
image, to the image of God He created him; and created a male
and a female. And God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be
fertile and multiply and fill the earth and submit it to you and
rule over the fish in the sea, over the birds under the sky and
over all animals creeping on the earth!’ And God said: ‘Look
here. I have given you all kind of herbs, which seeds itself on
the whole earth, and all kind of fertile trees, which seed
themselves for you as food, and all animals on earth and all
birds under the sky and all the worms living on earth, so that
they eat all kind of green herbs!’ And it happened like this.
And God looked at everything what He has made, and see,
everything was very good! And from the evening and the
morning became the sixth day.’
[3] With this text one should regard the history of creation as
concluded; only, this is by far not the case! Later, after God the
Lord looked at His creation and found everything very good,
Moses again let God create the first human from clay or lump of
earth and let God breathe a soul through the nose in him, and
man would be perfectly completed; it only seems that God has
forgotten, that a man must also have a woman!
[4] In the earlier text it says, however: ‘And God created a man
and a woman’; but now, later, Moses leaves Adam alone for a
long time and only then, in a deep sleep, let’s God create the
first woman from his rib! Now, who can connect this in a
sensible manner, apparently understands more than me!
[5] According to the first text, God immediately indicates to
Adam and Eve, that they should rule over the whole earth and
all creatures on it. He blessed them immediately; since it says:
‘And God blessed them.’ And therefore He also must have
blessed the earth and its creatures; since it also is written, that
God Himself found everything as very good, what He has
created. However, what God regards Himself as very good, can
impossibly other then already be highly blessed by the
contentment of God!
[6] Thus, in the first text the whole earth and the first human
couple appear as blessed in the highest degree! However, in the
after text everything becomes a completely different outlook:
The earth has only one inhabitable garden, which of course must
be pretty large, since in its centre four of Asia’s largest rivers
originating. There the first man was made by God from clay and
a living soul was breathed into his nostrils; he saw and named
the trees and herbs, the fish in the sea, the birds under the sky
and all walking and creeping animals on earth.
[7] The insects, flies, bees, wasps, hornets, butterflies, and a
great number of the smaller inhabitants of the air, which one
cannot call worms, just like many of the countless inhabitants of
the sea, except for the fish, Moses seems to have forgotten;
since he talks in the air rather than under the sky, only about
birds, and in the sea only about fish. This is also a little strange!
[8] But let’s leave it at that; since under the word ‘birds’, in the
broadest sense one can finally understand everything living in
the air, and under the general concept ‘fish’, all the animals
living in the water. But if Moses stretched his concepts as wide
as necessary to correctly understand, I would not dare to say!
[9] Nevertheless, as it may be, with that one I still could go
along; but how he in the preceding text on the sixth day of
creation let God create, just after God’s call ‘Let us create
people according to the image of God!’, a man and a woman,
but in the after text God has formed the man from clay long
before, and the woman only very much later from the rib of the
man, the whole earth also by far appears more unblessed, and
there is no mentioning of a blessing of the first human couple, to
the contrary by threatening them with death and cursing of
the whole earth they are forbidden to eat the fruit from a
certain tree, and as it happened that after violation of this
commandment the earth in all seriousness was cursed and shall
only carry thorns and thistles, and in addition that he must die
and that he will be earning his bread with sweat in his face –
yes, here not the slightest trace of any blessing and the
mentioned highest contentment of the completed works of God
as stated in the preceding text, is visible! Yes, You our most
divine friend, this surely is also a Doctrina dura (hard lesson to
comprehend), and even with the best intentions one cannot find
your way around!
[10] Frankly said: What You, o Lord, are and what You teach, I
believe more than rock fast; but with the somewhat strongly
confused Moses, stay away from me! If it is possible for You to
enlighten me about it, it is appreciated; but if this is for the time
being and according to You order not possible, at least for me, I
couldn’t care less! I and all of us have a perfect light from You
and therefore can easily get along without the after light of
Moses. To what use is a teaching to us, if we cannot understand
it in its primordial truth?! Better one comprehensible teaching
word, than ten-thousand words which nobody understands!”
[1] I said: “Your remark about Moses is not that bad, if
measured with the scale of the actual world mind; but judged by
the mind of the spirit, Moses is something entirely different as
what it seems to you according to the letter of the word. By the
way, according to the letter of the word, the preceding text does
not differ too much from the after text, as you imagine; since the
after text rather comments on the preceding text and describes
the manner – although in an actual spiritual corresponding
manner – more closely in which the creation of man has
[2] The way coming-into-being should be understood in the
natural sense, I already have explained, even to night, as far as it
is necessary for you to understand. And Mathael who is quite
familiar with the science of correspondence, has explained to
you a day ago, how the scriptures of Moses should be
understood; and I must again make to you, My friend Cyrenius,
the remark, that you truly has a very short memory! I already
have a while ago invigorated your memory, so that you, if you
really want to, can move a bit more freely therein; with your
doubts regarding the creation of man according to Moses, in a
correctional manner I want to add that much, so that you and
also a few others, can learn from it, how things are really
standing with this matter.
[3] See, everything that Moses is saying with his genesis and
actually wants to say, refers foremost only to the upbringing and
spiritual development of the first humans in general, and only
by correspondence also to the very first human couple.
[4] By the way, Adam’s body has been formed and created
according to My will and determined order, as I have showed
you right now, from the ether particles of the finest clay of the
earth; after becoming full of experience by My will and once
has reached that particular strength, by which with him a most
intensive outer life sphere must have formed, and when he at
one stage, tired by work and travelling, fell into a deep sleep,
the time has come, to place a nature soul composed of all the
levels in nature familiar to you, into the outer life sphere
of Adam.
[5] This soul, being present in the outer life sphere, immediately
began to form from these for her very lovely outer life particles
of Adam, or from the richest life mist, like still today some
souls of dead people are doing, if they want to appear to people
for a few moments, a corresponding body according to My will
and My order, and completed it within three days.
[6] When Adam awoke, full of amazement and full of joy he
saw his image beside him, which of course was very fond of
him and had to be, because bodily it originated from his being.
[7] However, in the area of his heart he felt as if something was
pressurizing him, but quite pleasantly, at times he also felt an
emptiness – this was the beginning of sexual love – and he
could never separate himself from the image, which caused him
so much pleasure. Wherever he went, the wife followed him,
and wherever the wife went, he surely could not let her go
alone. He felt the value of the wife and her love and therefore
said in a clairvoyant moment: ‘We, I as a man and you as a
woman, grown from my rib (area of the heart) according to
God’s plan, are therefore one flesh and one body; you are my
life’s most lovely part, and so it will be, and the man will leave
father and mother (the man’s seriousness and his worries) and
will hang on to his wife!’
[8] But where it says that God covered the part of Adam with
flesh, where he took his rib, hopefully nobody of you will be as
stupid to assume, that God really wounded Adam by taking
away a rib, so that from this a large woman can be formed.
The ribs are an outer, firm defensive shield for the soft, inner
life organs.
[9] When David said: ‘God, our firm castle and a strong
shield!’, is God then really a steady castle build with bricks, or a
large, metal shield?!
[10] The same applies to the rib of which Eva has originated!
She, the rib, is only a sign for the issue; but the issue is the
inner, mighty love life of Adam. And the rib, as the shield for
this life, was used by Moses in his scriptures for the following
reason: first, since it protects the life and therefore, being the
outer shield for the life, it also represents it figuratively;
secondly, later on a good, loyal and dear-good wife can also be
regarded as a protection, shield and screen of the life of the man
and can therefore also very pointedly in a corresponding manner
be regarded as a rib of the man; and thirdly, the outer life ether
is also a most powerful protection of the inner soul nature life,
without no human could live longer than ten moments.
[11] Now this Eva, according to its tender bodily being, has
originated from the exceedingly abundant outer life ether of
Adam; and since this life ether arises from the area of the ribs
and pit of the chest and afterwards surrounding a person in all
directions for a considerable distance, Moses could, who had a
fluent use of the corresponding figurative language, quite rightly
let Eva originate from the rib of Adam and let God cover the
wound with the flesh of Eva. Since Eva actually was the flesh
which originated from the outer life sphere of Adam and with
which God replaced the missing outer life sphere of Adam and
thereby covered the wounded place with the to him most
pleasant flesh of Eva, which was in fact also a flesh of Adam.”
[1] (The Lord:) “See, Moses must be read in this manner and
also understood in the natural mind! Of course there exists a
deeper, inner, pure spiritual meaning, according to which the
whole of Genesis must mainly be comprehended as God’s
business to develop man, so that they recognizes and love each
other and Him as their everything. In this sphere God walks
with Adam spiritually and teaches him, gives him laws,
punishes him if he transgresses, and again blesses him, if Adam
or in general the first primordial mankind of this earth
recognizes God, loves Him and walks in His Order.
[2] Even if this did not take place too much in the physical
world, it nevertheless happened spiritually, and this also with
very pure, unspoiled and extremely simple people as well as
quite visibly natural. One can therefore read Moses even fourfold
and always understand him quite well.
[3] First: purely on a physical level, from which one can
recognize a necessary coming to be in certain periods according
to the everlasting unchanging order of God. From that all
physical scientist can replenish their minds and draw their
impossibly otherwise than extremely shallow conclusions; along
that road they can discover quite a lot, but thereby will never
reach a firm and steady ground.
[4] Secondly: physically and spiritually mixed. This likewise
highly truthful sphere is suited best for the people who strive to
please God, since there both take place hand in hand, clear in
action, and became visible and comprehensible in appearance.
(Nota Bene: In this manner also the ‘Household of God’ is
[5] Thirdly: pure spiritually, whereby not the slightest
consideration is given to the physical appearances and its
temporary steadiness and changes. There only the spiritual
development of man is referred to, which Moses quite pointedly
has presented with corresponding figurations from nature. All
God-wise people, to whom the inner education of people is
entrusted, have to understand this.
[6] And finally, fourthly: pure heavenly, where the Lord is all in
all and everything is in relation to Him. However, how this must
be understood, you cannot comprehend until you have become
one with Me through the full rebirth of your spirit, as also I am
one with the Father in heaven, however with the difference, that
you all will become one with Me as separate individuals, while I
and the Father, who is My love, are perfectly one with each
other as a forever inseparable personality.
[7] I now hope from you, dear Cyrenius, that you have a better
opinion about Moses; or do you still think that Moses –
according to your interpretation like a blind man – did not know
what he wrote?!”
[8] Says Cyrenius quite contritely: “Lord, let me feel completely
embarrassed and be very quiet and dumb; since I already realize
my great and coarse stupidity. From now on I just want to listen
but not speak one word anymore!”
[9] Comes Cornelius to Me and says: “Lord, now, before the
sun will be up entirely, allow also me to speak a little word and
to perhaps ask a not too unimportant question or actually make a
[10] I said: “Just go ahead; whatever is bothering you, must
come out!”
[11] Continues Cornelius: “With the scriptures of Moses it will
certainly be as You have now given us the most clear
explanation about it, and we humans probably would be able to
decipher the first, second and third sense by corresponding
considerations; since there must exist correspondence between
all spiritual and physical. But who, except You, has the right
key for that?
[12] That, what You now have explained to us, we understand
of course quite well; but as far as I know, Moses has written
five books. They have more or less the same style and the same
spirit. Who can read and understand them? Now, would it not be
possible to give us just a kind of general instructions? Because I
for my part will from now on keep myself busy mainly with the
Holy Scriptures of the Jews, since I was able to obtain a good
copy from the temple, but I also want to understand what I read
[13] I am also completely fluent with the Hebrew language and
fully understand the words of the scriptures; but what use are to
me the words and its material meaning, if I cannot fathom the
spirit thereof?! Therefore, o Lord, give us some instructions
therein, so that we can understand what we read!”
[1] I said: “Yes, My friend Cornelius, there does not exist any
rules or instructions in the outer life sphere for that; the only
thing providing you with a key for the spiritual understanding of
the scriptures, is your own, by Me and My teaching reborn
spirit. As long you are not reborn in the spirit, no rule is of any
use to you; however, once you are reborn, then you do not need
a rule anymore, since your awakened spirit will easily and
quickly find its equal without any rules.
[2] But if you want to understand the physical sense of
scriptures better as it was the case until now, then you have to
familiarize yourself quite well with the language of the Illyrians,
which has the biggest resemblance with the old Egyptian
tongue, and this is nearly one with the primordial Hebrew
language. Without this language knowledge you will never be
able to properly read the scriptures of Moses, not even properly
understand the meaning of the words. Therefore, if you do not
even understand the earthly pictures contained therein, how do
you want to obtain the hidden spiritual meaning, even with
many thousand rules and instructions?!
[3] The present tongue of the Jews is nearly totally foreign
compared to the original language which was spoken by
Abraham, Noah and even Adam. But you stay with Me in faith
and in love, and the right understanding will be given to you by
itself, and this in a not too long time from now on! By the way,
it will do you no harm if you read the Script more often; since
by doing so, your soul will remain active in searching and
thinking. – Are you happy with this answer?”
[4] Says Cornelius: “Certainly, Lord and Master! A just and on
save ground standing hope is worth more than the full
ownership of this what one is hoping for. And thus I will be
happy for what I own form You. Receive my heart’s warmest
thanks for it!”
[5] After our Cornelius was satisfied with this, immediately the
former head Stahar came to Me and said: “Lord and Master,
this, what we all now have heard from Your mouth, is a
teaching which we will understand now; but will also somebody
else understand it, if we convey this to him? How many things
did we already have learned, heard and seen, so that we also are
able to understand this; but those who we should educate, have
not learned, heard and seen anything before! How will they be
able to understand this in a useful manner?”
[6] I said: “Friend, where did you have your ears, when I right
in the beginning said and even commanded you, not to disclose
to any person anything which you have seen and learned during
this night?! This must be kept hidden from all the world! Who
truly is reborn in the spirit, to him everything will be revealed
anyhow; but who stubbornly remains in his worldly outer
appearance, this will be a foolishness to his great annoyance, if
he heard something about it. Therefore it is better that the world
does not learn anything about it; but for you it is for the sake of
your strength necessary, to understand the secrets of the
kingdom of God, and this is enough for all the world!
[7] What you should teach in My name, to the largest part you
know already; everything else is a blessing for you, where you
more or less has been elected to be teachers for the people, so
that you undoubtedly believe, that I am alone be the Lord and
Master since eternity. Because if you have the right and
invariable steady believe, you will also easily awaken the same
steady and living believe in your scholars, by first showing them
your own strength of faith. However, so that you can show them
this with all power, it was necessary that you have recognized
Me first, that I have gone forth from the Father, to show you all
in your flesh the path of live.
[8] If you hopefully have comprehended this, then you will also
know, what you at this stage, once you will have been sent out
by me, have to preach to the people. Love God, your everlasting
Father, above all and your neighbor as yourself and keep the
commandments, which God has given to all mankind by Moses,
then you already have everything together what you preach to
the people; it does not require anything else.
[9] Everything else, however, what you learn here, belongs to
you, as I have explained it to you repeatedly just now. Now you
hopefully know, what you have to do and to observe for the
future, and can therefore again go back to your place!” – With
that Stahar returns to his place.
[10] Now the king Ouran rises and asks Me by saying: “Lord,
Master and God! You know why I undertook a trip! What I
searched for, I have found. This find pleases me a great deal; it
will certainly please everyone likewise, who found it just like
me! But without teaching, nobody can find it! The question
therefore arises, who should teach and what does it take to be a
teacher for the people! Should the teachers like messengers
travel from town to town and move from country to country, or
would it be better to found public schools, equip them with
qualified teachers and prescribe laws to the people, so that they
have to attend such schools? Lord and Master and God, I beg
You, to give me most mercifully some instructions in this
regard; since I will and shall do everything, what You want and
wishes, that I should do!”
[1] I said: “I like your truly serious will; but also your memory
is somewhat short – since about that I gave you, and especially
Mathael as your senior advisor, sufficient instructions. Just
think a little and you will find it! By the way it goes without
saying that he who wants to lead the blind, must be able to see
himself, if he does not want to fall with them into the same pit.
You cannot say to your brother: ‘Let me take the splinter from
your eye!’, if a whole beam is stuck in your own eye.
[2] Hence, a true teacher must be free of flaws which can be an
obstacle to him during the execution of his duties; because there
no teacher is better than an imperfect one! Since I train you as
teachers, I therefore show and explain to you so many unheard
issues; thus every perfect teacher must be taught by God, just as
you are taught by God. The Father in heaven must draw him,
otherwise he cannot get to the truth in its fullest light depth; but
who doesn’t get there and does not become light himself
thereby, how should it be possible for him to illuminate the
night of his neighbor?!
[3] What should illuminate the night and transform it into a day,
must itself be like the sun, which is about to rise. If the sun
would be dark and black like coal, could it transform the night
of the earth into the most beautiful day? I think, it will make the
night even more black and lightless, as it was before.
[4] Therefore a teacher, who is not educated by God as a
teacher, is worse than no teacher at all! Since such a dark
teacher is nothing else than a bag full of bad seeds, from which
all weed of the darkest superstition is strewn into the furrows of,
by nature necessarily spiritually always poor human life.
[5] If you want to learn your people to read and to write and to
calculate, you can employ suitable worldly teachers and teach
already the children in the schools; however, My gospel can and
may only be preached to the people in a useful and blessed
manner by those, who possess the properties in the fullest
measure, which I pronounced earlier and are a requirement for
such an office.
[6] For that, however, it does not require any special school
buildings, but a right heavenly messenger goes from community
to community and says: ‘Peace be with you; the kingdom of
God has now come close to you!’ If the messenger is accepted,
he should stay and preach; but if he is not accepted by the
community, which is too much of the world and the devil, he
should move on and should even shake off the dust from his
feet! Since such a community is also not worthy that such a true
heavenly messenger carries its dust on his feet.
[7] However, this My message should not be forced on
anybody, but one or several members should first hear the
effusively great advantages of My preachings from heaven. If
the members want to listen, it should be preached to them in a
short and summarized manner; however, if they do not or
showing little interest for it, the heavenly messenger should
immediately move on – since the valuable pearls should never
be thrown to the pigs for food!
[8] Now you know, how the spreading of My teaching is carried
out; but from now on you should not again forget these My
instructions! By the way, leave this holy and most holy task to
Mathael and his four companions; since they know exactly what
they have to do and to arrange and will also remain in their
hearts with Me in dialogue, which is also a necessary
prerequisite for the true spreading of My teaching.
[9] Since who teaches his brothers, high or low, in My Name,
must not lade from his own, but always from My well! It should
not be necessary for him to think: ‘What shall I say about the
word of the Lord, if I get to him or her?’; since when necessary
it will be given to him in his heart and tongue what he
should say.
[10] But to whom this mercy is given, should not hesitate to
speak loudly about it perhaps out of fear or shyness in front of a
ruler, as if he could offend or even anger him with that! Since
who fears the world more than Me, is not worthy of Me and also
not of My smallest mercy, and is never suitable to become a
heavenly messenger.
[11] However, in your kingdom you will have less difficulty
where you are a lawmaker and uppermost judge and the people
are fearing you, because they know your unchanging judgments;
but where a teacher as a messenger of heaven gets to a place
which is ruled by a hard monarch, he clearly requires more
courage as you are who is a feared monarch in your wide
[12] But who is or want to be a true messenger of heaven,
should not carry a stick, nor any other weapon, he should also
not carry a bag with him to put something into it; since I Myself
will awaken friends for him, and they will to him what he needs
as a person of flesh and blood. In the same manner a true
messenger of heaven, except in winter or in the cold northern
countries, should not wear more than one set of clothes, so that
nobody can accuse him of having too much and somebody else
too little instead. However, should someone give him a second
or third, he should accept it; since he will find more than enough
opportunity, where such devout gifts come in quite handy.
[13] With that, Ouran, you have all the rules under which a true
teacher should operate; only one thing I add to this and say:
Every true messenger of heaven will receive the ability from
Me, to cure every sick person by laying on of his hands. And the
true messengers should also heal any sick in a community; such
will awaken a good inclination in the community, and they will
more easily accept the new teaching from heaven, than any still
so well-prepared speech.
[14] Every person anyway rather listens to the words of a doctor
than to those of a still so shining prophet. What I do, also should
be done by a true messenger from heaven, send by Me to all the
countries of the world. A true messenger of heaven should also
recognize, if an illness is not of such nature, whereby the person
is already more in the beyond than on this side. Once the true
messenger of heaven sees a soul outside the body, he should not
lay his hands on him, but only pray for him and bless in My
name the parting soul from this world. In short: every true
messenger of heaven, when the time comes, will recognize what
he should do. – Are you, Ouran, in order with all this what you
wanted to know?”
[15] Says Ouran: “Yes, Lord and Master and God, the only True
One! My warmest loving gratitude for this! And my people all
over the country should and will thank and praise You, that You
have given so much undeserved mercy to their old king, through
which also they will benefit. Therefore, once again my most
loving gratitude for it!”
[1] Upon this really warmly felt and with all warmth spoken
gratitude, Ouran went back to his place; and in this same
moment the sun started to rise in a manner never seen before,
and because of the brightness of the whole horizon nobody
hardly dared to look at it. Thousands of little clouds waited in
the brightest light, like shaking in deepest reverence for the
marvelous day-mother.
[2] After a few moments the great sun started to rise with the
brightest light of a rainbow over the far away mountains. The
diameter, however, seemed this time ten times bigger than
otherwise; at the same time many present noticed great crowds
of birds circling more or less high up in purest, light-colored
ways of the air, which also added a worthy side movement to
the rising sun.
[3] The wide mirror surface of the lake was covered by a light
mist, which reflected the rainbow colors of the sun in the most
marvelous manner. At the same time a great many large, white
seagulls flew over the wide, brilliant white shining surface of
the lake, and their wings shone as if they were diamonds
and rubies.
[4] At the same time a pleasant, fresh smelling, cool morning
breeze was blowing, so that Cyrenius and many others with him
exclaimed loudly: “No, never before has a mortal eye seen such
a marvelous morning and no person’s sense has ever felt such
revitalising morning freshness!”
[5] Also Jarah, who was quiet for the whole night and kept busy
with seeing and listening, suddenly screamed of delight: “O, this
is a morning, like the angels enjoy it in heaven! O, o, what
beauty, what indescribable enchantment! This is a
corresponding morning like the one which rose in the most
exceeding abundance in our hearts during this night! Isn’t it
true, o Lord, You my only love, this is such a quite meaningful
heavenly morning?”
[6] Said I with a smile: “Quite so, My most dearest rose
daughter, if everything in a person has become heavenly, also
everything surrounding him will also become heavenly! The
mornings become heavenly mornings, the days heavenly days,
the evenings true heavenly evenings, and the night becomes a
rest of heaven, but not dark anymore, but full of the most
marvelous light for the pure soul united with its spirit in a
person. Just enjoy to the fullest extent the strengthening beauty
of this most fresh smelling morning!”
[7] The girl cries tears of joy and rises from her seat to indulge
with her whole body this fresh morning smell.
[8] Just now also Marcus the innkeeper arrives. Since he
arranged for the morning meal, he missed the rising of the sun.
But since the sun shines in its fullest and brightest rainbow
colors from the sky, he asks quite astonished, what special
morning this was; because he was already quite an old man, has
travelled Europe, Africa and Asia far and wide, but he never has
seen the sun and the little morning clouds in such a light! I
should tell him what this means.
[9] I said: “See, if the emperor from Rome would come here, all
the subservient nations would arrange all kind of celebrations
for him, partly because of joy to have the opportunity to see
their emperor, but partly also to receive some mercy or
forbearance, if he would be in a joyful mood. See, here in My
person, there also sits an emperor and a sole ruler over all the
heavens and worlds!
[10] The inhabitants of the heavens, like our Raphael is one of
them, know, what great revelations of life I have given to you
this night, and that it is allowed to see Me among the people as
Father face to face, teaching and visiting in this My person. The
highest and most blessed joy which they feel right now, they are
also expressing by the activity of the nature spirits of this earth.
[11] However, not only on this earth, but on all worlds in the
whole, infinite creation celebrations are held during this time,
namely for the duration of seven hours. During this time in the
whole creation no created creature will die and also not
procreated. Once the seven hours have expired, the celebrations
will end, and everything will proceed normally.
[12] Now you know the reason of the marvelousness of this
morning! But go now and arrange for us an especially good
morning meal; since also we want to celebrate a special
[13] Marcus hurries to fulfill My will; all present, however, join
the joy of the heavens and praise Me, but Jarah the most.
[14] After all present have praised Me for an hour long, Marcus
arrives and invites us for the morning meal. But many want to
stay for a while longer on the mountain.
[15] But I say to them: “Down below at the tables in the open
the same morning occurs like here on the mountain; on the short
route below you will enjoy it, and below you will enjoy it twice
as much! Our bodies need strengthening, therefore let’s quickly
go to the tables below!”
[1] Upon these My quite natural words, one of the thirty young
Pharisees remarks: “Now, for a change also a natural word out
of the mouth of Him, in whom resides the very highest spirit of
Jehovah in all its fullness of His divine wisdom, love, strength
and power. Nevertheless, one still cannot trust it, whether
behind it does not lies a deeper, spiritual meaning. Who can find
it, except Himself, should be rewarded with a kingdom! I will
not become a king.”
[2] Says a colleague to him: “This remark was already too
stupid to think it very quietly, not mentioning handing it over to
the air loudly! How can He say something without an inner,
deeper spiritual meaning?! Even if it appears to us still so
normal, it still remains a remark by the very highest spirit and
therefore cannot be otherwise than full of the most deepest
spiritual meaning! Both of us will most likely in all eternity not
fathom the depth of this so lightly breathed sentence; but I feel
it clearly that something infinite is hidden in it. Therefore
refrain from such exceedingly silly remarks in future!”
[3] Says the first one: “Now, now, certainly this was silly of me,
I admit this quite willingly; nevertheless, nothing evil was
meant by it!”
[4] Says the second: “Now then, do you feel sorry that you did
not mean to make a joke about it?! During this night together
with me you have heard, seen and felt so much of the highest
wisdom – and now suddenly it occurs to you to permit yourself
to make some lukewarm jokes?! See, because we are so stupid
and closed up and pitch black like darkest autumn night, the
Lord did not call on us to tell a miraculous event like the exalted
Mathael! Quite a nice difference between us and Mathael! I
already feel like nothing; and you still want to joke – in this
infinite exalted society!”
[5] Says the first: “You are quite right, brother, just give it to
me! I do not deserve any better! But now I’m going to punish
myself for that! You know, I would enjoy the morning meal a
great deal; but no, certainly not! Until this evening not a single
piece of food will go over my lips! O, I will understand to
punish my lazy jokes!” – With that the young Pharisees goes
back up the mountain and does not come to the morning meal.
[6] But also his colleague says: “Yes, if you are fasting, I’m
guilty of that by my rebuke directed towards you, and therefore
I will help you to fast, so that you endure it more easily! Indeed,
you have transgressed, but you immediately recognized your
mistake and deserve forgiveness and proper support for yourself
corrective actions. Hence, I fast with you!”
[7] Says again the first: “You shouldn’t do that; since it is not
right if the innocent suffers together with the guilty, as it is
unfortunately very often the really saddest case in this world!”
[8] Says the second: “As if I didn’t know that! But tell me,
where these cases occur so quite often, that the innocent of my
kind suffer with the guilty voluntary!”
[9] Says the first: “Now, such cases are not really occurring that
often, but the more so those where the innocent involuntary
have to suffer with the guilty, for example: An emperor who has
an exceedingly large empire and is powerful by his large army
is offended by a smaller and less powerful king. The emperor
could take revenge for the offence only at the king; but no, he
floods the land of the king with his armies and horribly destroys
it! He does not spare animals or people; everything must die by
the sword, and villages, markets and cities are destroyed by fire.
How many innocent must suffer here with one guilty! I think
this example will be sufficient and you will recognize that so
now and then I also can be right!”
[10] While those two staying behind exchanged their words
with each other, we reached the tables and sat down to a very
abundant and best prepared morning meal. Except for Myself,
nobody missed the two young Pharisees, who were of cause no
Pharisees anymore. Therefore I immediately said to Marcus that
he should go to the mountain and in the name of the Lord call
them to the morning meal.
[11] Marcus quickly went to the mountain and conveyed to
both My will. Thereupon both got up and followed Marcus on
the foot.
[12] When they arrived below, I said to both of them: “Simon
and Gaby! Come here and sit at this table; since after the
consumed meal we will see, if in this My natural instructions on
the mountain regarding the going below to the morning meal, in
all seriousness no spiritual, inner meaning can be found! But
first let us eat and drink; since the body needs for its temporary
existence its food and strength just as the soul, if it should grow
in recognition and in strength of the will.
[13] Therefore eat and drink and leave the fasting for another
time! As long I’m with you as a true Father of your spirit and
bridegroom for you souls, you should not fast neither bodily nor
in your soul; however, if in time I will not be among you
personally like now, then you will have to fast in all kind of
[14] An exaggerated and reasonless fasting is just as foolish and
even can become a sin, like excessive indulgence. Who wants to
live in a true order, should be moderate in everything. Since
every excessiveness must lead to unfavorable consequences for
body, soul and spirit! Eat and drink without scruples and be
joyous and cheerful in your heart!
[15] A joyous and cheerful heart is much more pleasing to me
than a sad, plaintive, grumbling heart which is discontent with
everything, thereby ungrateful and surely contains little love;
since in a joyous heart resides love, good hope and undoubted
confidence. If someone who is saddened by some weighty
reason comes to a joyous and cheerful person, he soon also
becomes joyous, his soul starts to move more freely, and the
light of the spirit can illuminate the rested soul more easily –
while a sad soul shrivels substantially and finally becomes dark
and sullen.
[16] I suppose that under joy and cheerfulness of heart you
surely will not confuse it with playful, impure and indecent
joke-making, since such should remain far from you! But I
mean the joy and cheerfulness which fill the hearts of a
respectable and totally healthy couple, or experienced by
humble people after committing good and God-pleasing actions.
Have you understood this well?”
[17] All confirmed this and were cheerful in My joy. Thereupon
from all sides the bowls were seized properly, and the large,
good fishes left nothing to desire! Also the wine was consumed
in good measure.
[1] But after half an hour our large society became alive, and
Simon started to free his rather witty jokes. Gaby, a more
serious young man of about twenty years old, plucked Simon
quite often indicating that he should not go too far.
[2] But Simon said: “Who plucked once at David when he
rather playful danced in front of the ark? His wife, out of
shyness, advised him to restrain his joy madness; but David did
not take any notice! And see, I also will not care about your
correction plucking, but will only become more cheerful! Thus
do not pluck me anymore, otherwise I also had to pluck on you!
[3] Look, there sits the Lord; He alone is now our corrector!
What do we sinners want to correct each other? Since each of us
corrects his fellowman mainly out of his own self-love! The
niggard admonishes his fellowman to restraint, soberness and
thrift and has its custom sayings for it. But why does he do it?
He is afraid that somebody might become impoverished, whom
he as a wealthy person, however not out of neighborly love, but
because of a disgraceful duty, had to support him.
[4] Somebody else who cannot walk that fast, will in precise
medically terms explain to his companions the harmfulness of
walking too fast. Somebody else who is not a great friend of the
usefulness of heat, will argue as much as possible the
advantages of shade. A wine drinker will not seriously
recommend to his friends the drinking of water. A young, or
even already an older man who has his eyes on a certain young
girl, will always preach to her the dangers being in the company
of other men and nicely warn other men about the immorality of
the irresponsible company with the female gender. In such a
warning there certainly is quite a nice piece of self-love
[5] And therefore until now I always have made the remark,
quite frankly, that together with the so often occurring
admonitions, always a little self-love appears on the side of the
scolder, which no scolder, if he thinks a little about himself, can
deny. Anything that touches him in an unpleasant manner, doing
it, he will warn his fellowman the most under all kind of
morally looking reasons.
[6] If someone is in love with a maiden, he soon in a loving
manner will seriously warn her about other men, who also, as it
occasionally happens, might have an eye on her. Why does he
not warn all the other maiden about the wickedness of men?
Because with the other maiden his self-love does not play a roll!
[7] From the type of the different warnings and admonitions
which people are giving to each other, I can precisely determine
the so called sides of people!
[8] Not in vain did our God Master on the mountain made the
marvelous and very striking remark for the certain unwelcomed
admonisher who should not that easily tell his fellowman:
‘Come friend, that I remove the splinter from your eye!’ They
first should take care whether there is not a whole beam stuck in
their own eyes! Only if they went to some trouble to remove it,
they would have earned the right to say to his brother, if it
would be convenient for him to also remove his little splinter
from his eyes!
[9] You see, friend Gaby, this is also morality which I of course
does not want to force upon you as you want to enforce your
admonishments onto me, although I’m quite convinced that
there is very little untrue about it!
[10] I have spoken and will now attend again to a fish! In the
mean time you, my friend Gaby, can give your preacher tongue
some work to do! However, spare me the wisdom of Solomon;
since for him both of us do not have any hair on our milk-teeth!
By the way we both are lucky to be still alive; but Salomon, let
him be a good man! And his High Song should sing whoever
wants to sing it; hopefully our voices will never reach that
height on this dear mother earth!”
[11] Gaby, however, looks a little sad about the stinging
remarks about Salomon, but, nevertheless, keeps quiet out of
pure reverence for Me.
The Great Gospel according to Jesus
Christ thru John
Book 10
There is no copyright for this book. This is God’s Word and God’s Word is free.
It may be copied freely on condition that the text will not be changed.
Original German book: “Das grosse Evangelium Johannes” (1851-1864).
This Book 25 is translated from the German book X 219 to XI 77.
SAY to Simon: “Is your friend a great friend of Salomon?
And what does he understands from the High Song? Tell
Me how far you already have progressed with it!”
[2] Says Simon: “Lord and Master of heaven and this earth, may
I speak freely as my tongue has grown, then I talk with pleasure.
If however I have to search for words, I’m completely shut up
and nothing will come out!”
[3] I said: “Speak like your tongue has grown; since your jokes
and humor originates from a good seed!”
[4] Says Simon: “Ah, if so we will be able to say something!
But of course it will not reach beyond my very simple mind;
however, my opinion will not be unhealthy!
[5] You, o Lord and Master have asked how far we have
progressed regarding the High Song! Help, Elias, I haven’t
made any progress at all; since I would be sorry for the time
lost! But Gaby already has memorized the whole of the first
chapter. He still licks and chews at it and by times takes two
cheeks full; but about the meaning of this chapter he knows just
as much what I know about the deepest bottom of the sea. The
best about it is that the more one reads the first chapter of this
song, the less one understands it! And if you finally have
memorized it, one understands nothing at all!”
[6] I said: “Yes, do you also know the first chapter by heart?”
[7] Says Simon: “He – droned it so many times to me, that
unfortunately I also, to my biggest weariness, knows it word for
word by heart! To talk to the Scythians (barbarian rider nation)
is much more entertaining than listening to the High Song of
Salomon. Who finds something in it must be child of very
curios parents. I regard it as nonsense! As beautiful, true and
good the Proverbs of Salomon are and also his sermons, just as
silly and meaningless are his High Song. Who finds more in it
than the work of a fool, apparently has a perfect sick brain!
[8] For example what does it mean: ‘He kisses me with the kiss
of his mouth; since your love is lovelier than wine.’ Who is ‘he’

and who is ‘me’ who kisses with the mouth of the equally
unknown ‘his’!? Does this ‘he’ also have other foreign mouths
in his face? This must be quite a miraculous odd being!
[9] The post-sentence of this first verse apparently seems to
contain the reason for the desire expressed in the first part of the
sentence; but there ‘he’ is referred to in the second person and
one cannot be absolutely sure that under the expression ‘your
love’, which is lovelier than wine, is meant the love of ‘he’. And
if you don’t know who is ‘he’ and who is ‘me’, how should one
know who is he, who’s love in the second person is lovelier than
[10] By the way, with that, love is not really complimented, if
one says it is lovelier than wine, without pre indication that the
wine is especially delightful indeed. Since there exist also very
wretched and bad wines! If however, love is only more
delightful or lovelier than wine, irrespective its quality, then
such love is truly not so special! Above all this chatting there
surely might me some extraordinary meaning in it, but on this
earth I never will find it.
[11] To still add some more to the abundance of nonsense
already shown, I want to stick the second sentence to the first,
which reads as follows if my memory serves me right: ‘That one
smells your good ointment; your name is spilled ointment, this
is why the maidens love you.’ According to my understanding
the second verse fits precisely the first one like a whole house
on one eye! What is this ointment and to whom does it belong?
Who should smell the ointment? How can somebody’s name
be a spilled ointment, and why should he especially of that be
loved by the maidens? What are these maidens?
[12] Therefore just go, great Salomon, with all your high
wisdom! Just one word from You, o Lord, holds for me a
thousand times thousand times greater value than all the high
wisdom of Salomon! Now I already have said enough about
Salomon! O Lord, I ask You, do not ask me anymore about
further verses, since they surpassing the Scythians by far!”
[13] I said: “Very well, My dear Simon, could you also recite to
Me the admonishing words, which I spoke to those who did not
wanted to leave the mountain because of the most beautiful
morning, upon which words you stated that they surely would
not contain any inner, spiritual meaning? If you still can
remember them, recite them to Me once more!”
[14] Says Simon with a somewhat embarrassed face: “O Lord
and Master, if my memory does not deceives me, the few words
were as follows: ‘Below at the tables in the open the same
morning is present like here on the mountain; on the short route
below enjoy it, and below you will enjoy it twice as much. Our
bodies need strengthening and therefore let’s quickly go down
below to the tables!’ I believe that You, o Lord and Master,
have spoken these words?!”
[15] I said: “Very good, My dear Simon! You have recited the
sentence word for word absolute correctly. But what would you
say, if I now say to you, that such spoken admonishing sentence
is the same and regarded fulfilled, as the two verses of the High
Song of Salomon which you have recited to Me?! Can you think
of any possibility to this extend?”
[16] Says Simon: “Before understanding this, I rather
understand how this considerable lake will turn into the most
flourishing dry land by tomorrow. Since what You, o Lord, has
spoken on the mountain, was totally clear, and we all
understood only too well what we, most pleasantly, had to do,
namely going below cheerfully and sit at the tables to strengthen
our bodies with a most well prepared morning meal! Who
doesn’t have understood this, must have been stone-deaf.
[17] But who also understands the two verses of the High Song?
According to the natural sense, as I have shown, they are utter
nonsense! But if so, who can in all seriousness look for a highly
wise, spiritual meaning therein? This appears to me as if I had to
imagine that a dump idiot, who is more animal than human,
should be a wise Plato! By the way, everything is possible, why
not this?! I just state here as I feel it right now.”
[18] I said: “Even the better; since the more impossibilities you
find therein, the more marvelous you will experience the
illumination afterwards: But it is also likewise miraculous that
you and others with open eyes still cannot see and with open
ears still do not hear! But let’s leave it at that! Since you know
the High Song so well, recite the third verse to Me as well, and I
will be able to solve the inextricable riddle fully to your
[19] Says Simon: “Oh no, even the third verse?! Out of love for
You, o Lord, I’m pleased to do everything You ask of me; but I
can assure You that this nearly turns my stomach upside down!
[20] The third verse is quite confusing. If my memory serves me
right, the famous third verse reads as follows: ‘Pull me behind
you, and we walk! The king guides me to his chambers. We are
rejoicing and are happy about you; we think more of your love
than your wine. The devoted love you.’
[21] There it is! Who can digest it, should digest it! If only at
the start it would have said: ‘Pull me behind you, and I walk!’;
but in the after sentence it only says: ‘and we walk!’ Who is
‘he’ who wants to be pulled behind, and who are ‘we’ who
[22] ‘The king guides me to his chamber.’ Which king, the
everlasting or any temporary and worldly one? Nevertheless,
this sentence is still one of the best.
[23] ‘We rejoice and are happy for you.’ Here I only want to
know who is ‘we’ and who is ‘he’, that we should be happy
[24] Further the certain strangers think about the equally
unknown love more than the wine, about which it is also not
said of which quality it is!
[25] Who in the end is the highly unknown ‘you’, who should
be loved by the devoted? Oh, the most undetermined of all
manners of speaking!
[26] What poorest fools are we humans on this earth! He starts
with nothing, lives with nothing and finally ends with nothing.
Even if he believes to understand something during his better
and brighter periods of his life, but unfortunately gets in contact
with the High Song of Salomon, the fool is fully made; since the
moment a person is made attentive by another person through
word or scripture, that his wisdom is absolutely limited, then the
whole person has come to an end, which means, he still
continues to live, but as a fool who is not able to understand and
comprehend anything further! Once a person like me has come
to this point, where he cannot go further, he turns around and
begins to vegetate just like an animal. What for any further
troubles for nothing and a thousand times nothing?!
[27] Truly, Lord and Master, You have shown us during this
night on the mountain things like no mortal human has
ever seen on this earth. I now understand a great deal, but why
do I not understand the wisdom of Salomon? Is it for no
person at all not allowed to understand it, or is it actually – as
it appears outwardly – a devote insanity, thus completely
incomprehensible? Or are any secrets hidden therein, which are
of the greatest importance for life?
[28] If the one or the other, say it to me, since only You I
believe what You in all seriousness has to say about it; since
You can understand the High Song if it can be understood in
any way! But if the whole High Song is only a last Salomon
wisdom scam, then also tell me, and I immediately will throw
the High Song into a mud pool, so that its inhabitants can study
the wisdom of Salomon!”
[1] I said: “Friend, you are getting a little too far with your
jokes, and I also want to say to you, what once a famous painter
has said to his shoemaker! But with you, up to now, it cannot be
otherwise; since according to Salomon everything has its time
on this earth. But now gather yourself properly and with a lot of
good will, and the High Song of Salomon will be made clearer
to you, and how it completely corresponds with My short
admonishing words on the mountain.
[2] Salomon in his High Song has done nothing else than
describing prophetically My current being to the people under
all kinds of metaphors which are full of correspondence, from
deed to deed, from position to position and from effect to effect.
I am his only object; the ‘he’ and the ‘you’ and the ‘him’ are all
referring to Me. But who speaks out of Salomon with Me, is his
singular spirit, and in plural all the spirits of the people under
the king- and rule spirit of Salomon, who so to speak are
presented as morally one person.
[3] Where it says: ‘He kisses me with the kiss of his mouth’, it
means the following: The Lord speaks out of His truly own
mouth to me, Salomon, and through me to the nation of Israel
and through it to all the nations on earth; the Lord does not
speak pure words of wisdom anymore, but words of love, of life
to me! Since a word of love is a true kiss of the mouth of God to
the hearts of people; and therefore Salomon says: ‘He, (the
Lord) kisses me with the kiss of His mouth!’
[4] Now the after sentence fits quite well to it, where it says:
‘since your love is lovelier than wine’, or: Your love is more
useful to me and all the people than wisdom. Since ‘wine’
always refers to wisdom and truth.
[5] When Salomon in the first imploring sentence asks for the
word of love, and sighs to Me in the third person, he indicates
that by pure wisdom he is still far away from Me; by the second
person in the after sentence, where the reason of the request in
the first sentence is expressed, Salomon indicates the already
greater approach towards God by the way of love rather then
along the way of pure wisdom. The kiss of love, however, for
which Salomon has asked in his High Song, you all receive
from Me right now, and as such, My dear Simon, the first verse
of the High Song will be a little clearer to you than it was
[6] Says Simon: “O Lord, now of course the second is also
already clear to me, and I dare to explain it to me!”
[7] I said: “Do this and we will see how you have
comprehended the second verse out of the light of the first one!”
[8] Says Simon: “This apparently means the following: Lord, if
You kiss me with the kiss of Your mouth, if Your Word
becomes love, thus a true ointment of life, this ointment, this
Your divine word of love, will become comprehensible to all
mankind. Since quite often in normal speech one uses ‘smell’
instead of ‘understand’. Often one says: ‘Do you smell where
this will end? or: ‘He already smelt the roast or the ointment!’
[9] Now You, o Lord, are with us as in the first request by
Salomon in the first verse! We have Your name, Your holy
word of love, which is more precious than the pure wisdom of
Salomon! We now have the spilled ointment before us, Your
name, Your love, Your holy word of life, everything
comprehensible before us.
[10] Now, the maiden who love You for this, are apparently also
we, seen from the point of view of our limited insight and
understanding! Since a maiden is a delightful being, is not
completely without insight and mind, but at least generally seen
there cannot be any comparison to a great manly wisdom.
Therefore we are clearly the maiden, who love You, o Lord,
above all, since Your word of love is comprehensible to us, for
therefore a spilled ointment, in which delightful smell we
wonderfully enjoying ourselves. Tell me, o Lord, if I according
to the first verse have interpreted the second correctly!”
[11] I said: “Completely right and fundamentally truthful! With
the quite incomprehensible seeming High Song it is the case,
that it can be understood very easily if someone only has
comprehended the first verse along the way of correspondence.
Since you have interpreted the second verse absolutely right, try
the third verse; perhaps you also will hit the nail on the head!”
[12] Says Simon: “O Lord, now I dare to take on the whole
High Song! But the third verse is as clearly revealed before me,
as this marvelous morning!
[13] ‘Draw, o Lord, me behind You, and we will walk!’ Who
can otherwise move spiritually, as only love can?! And the
result is, that those, who are with and by love are learned and
drawn, understand and comprehend in one moment more,
thereby truly walking in growth of recognition, than by dry and
cold wisdom in many years. The simple person in the first
sentence is thus only morally one and appears in the after
sentence as divided manifold, who are clearly we, and
afterwards the whole of Israel and finally everything on earth
called human.
[14] The King, the Everlasting, the Holy guides me and all of us
to the of course most holy and brightest love and life chamber
of His most Holy Father heart. And we are happy and are out of
bounds cheerful about You and think about Your Father love a
thousand times more than all of the dry and cold wisdom! Only
in Your Love are we full of meekness and simple and thereby
devoted in our hearts; we thereby are devoted and love You, o
Lord, only completely in this our devotion.
[15] The wisdom morning, corresponding to the top of the
mountain, is also marvelous and beautiful; but down here at the
hospitable love-meal-tables in the large, holy chamber of Your
most holy Father heart, the same morning of true life is of
course also present. On top of the mountain we enjoyed,
instructed in true recognition, the marvelous life light morning;
but there were no tables laden with feeding and life
strengthening delightful foods.
[16] The light of the deepest wisdom pleased us; but You
already saw in perhaps some of us the germ of arrogance
springing forth from the furrow in the little life garden of the
heart, and said with the most fascinating love words: ‘Children,
down below in the depth of humility we have the same
morning! If you climb down the short distance from the height
of arrogance, which normally is the result of high, pure wisdom,
to the depth of humility of love, you will enjoy the same light
morning! And down below it is present just like here and you
can enjoy it twice as much; since there is not only the same
light, but also in love and humility the source of light and love
of life! Down there are standing the full tables for strengthening,
nourishment and maintenance of life in its entirety!’
[17] There, o Lord, You have drawn us by the true kiss of Your
holy mouth, and we did not hesitated anymore, but followed
You and love You now as truly devout in all love and humility!
Lord, did I comprehended and explained the matter correctly
and has guessed the inner meaning of Your admonishing words
on the mountain?”
[1] I said: “Quite excellent! If I Myself would have explained to
you and all the others the verses of the High Song and in
comparison My admonishing words on the mountain, I would
have used exactly the same words. You therefore have
explicated a good case to My fullest satisfaction. But since you
have become the explainer of the High Song, you could try
another few verses from the first chapter! Or is there somebody
else among you who want to try this?”
[2] Say all: “Lord, we are still not capable, although it seems to
us that we are up to it!”
[3] Says Simon: “O Lord, in this regard I’m fully confident. I
suddenly understand this very well and certainly also correctly!
[4] A further verse says: ‘I’m black, but quite lovely, you
daughters of Jerusalem, like the hut of Kedar, like the carpets of
Salomon.’ This translated to our natural tongue can mean
nothing else than: ‘I, the Lord, now in the world with you blind
and often haughty people, mostly not recognized and deeply
despised by your high world, but in Myself I’m still full of the
deepest meekness and gentleness, patience and love for you
daughters of Jerusalem!’
[5] Who are the daughters of Jerusalem? They are haughtiness,
pride, lust for power and avarice of the descendants of
Abraham; these are the beautified daughters of Jerusalem, to
whom, however, the despised, thus the black Lord before them,
the first human of all humans, was still merciful and benevolent
and is more lovelier and more loving than the from outside
wretched looking hut of Kedar (Kai-darz), which, however,
from the inside was abundantly equipped with all kind of
treasures for distribution among the justified poor and suffering
and also lovelier than the most valuable carpets of Salomon,
which outer surface was of a dark-gray, rough material, but the
lower and inside was made from the most precious Indian silk,
interweaved with the finest gold.
[6] It further says: ‘Look at me, how black I am (before you
daughters of Jerusalem); since the sun (your worldly pride) has
burned me (before your haughty worldly face)! My mother’s
children are angry with me.’ Who else can be Your mother
in You, o Lord, than Your everlasting wisdom, just as the Father
in You is Your everlasting Love? Your mother is also equal
to Your everlasting order, who’s angry children are filling with
You, o Lord, the everlasting infinite space and by their order are
angry about the great disorder of the children of Israel.
[7] Since this holy order ‘was placed as guardian of the
vineyard’, which means: Your will united with all You powers
of heaven, has given to mankind this order through laws, so that
by it the vineyards, which are human societies, stay within the
order of the heavens.
[8] ‘But my vineyard, which I had, I have not guarded!’ Which
means: ‘My everlasting, divine, inaccessible height and depth I
have placed outside the flood!’ of which Your very much
accessible presence here is hopefully for everybody the most
solid proof. You have left the highest and most inaccessible and
brightest heaven, to appear here in the deepest humility, thus
black before the children of this earth, and to guide the justified
poor into Your chamber, the just hut of Kedar. O Lord, tell me,
if I have interpreted also the next two verses as asked by You,
[9] I said: “Quite right; therefore give us also the explanation of
the sixth verse added to the five!”
[10] Says Simon: “To You my fullest love and my innermost
gratitude, that You, o Lord, found me young fellow worthy, to
uncover through your mercy and love for those who love You,
the deep secrets which since they have been written, not been
uncovered by nobody until now. My soul rejoices about this
mercy beyond measure. Nevertheless, there is no haughtiness in
it; to the contrary I’m getting increasingly more modest, the
more I recognize and understand Your everything and my
complete nothingness. But You, o Lord, knows it, that I always
have something to do with good humor, and the delightful wine
encourages me more so, and therefore with this required sixth
verse I cannot otherwise, irrespective of its seriousness, to add a
little humor to it!”
[11] I said: “Just speak as your heart and tongue is grown!”
[12] Continues Simon: “If Salomon or his soul filled with all
wisdom, had the opportunity to be present in our midst, he
surely would not have written down the sixth verse; since in the
sixth verse Salomon says: ‘Tell me, you, who my soul loves,
where you are grazing, where you are resting at midday, so that
I do not have to move to and fro between the herds of your
learners!’ Since then Salomon’s and through him his people’s
soul would have found You pasturing Your sheep in the
morning, midday, evening and also at midnight; thus always
active and not only resting at midday!
[13] I mean, the everlasting midday of Your rest – which is this
infinitive long period of time when You not like now were
among the people, but have left them to Your learners who
always became sillier and haughtier – is over now and a new
and everlasting life morning has risen, and those who have
recognized you, will surely not search for you to and fro among
Your now quite stupid and sluggish becoming learners.
[14] What do You think, o Lord: did I at least have to some
extend touched on the right meaning?”
[15] I said: “Completely, despite the humor, which you have
added here quite befittingly! Since we also have seen now that
also the High Song of Salomon can be revealed and you, Simon,
yourself have taken on a totally different opinion, also your
corrector Gaby should tell us something interesting; I actually
want to know from his own mouth the reason why he so highly
regarded the High Song of Salomon, without having understood
it in the slightest way! Gaby, open therefore your mouth and tell
us something!”
[1] Gaby gets up, bows low and then says with a very unsteady
voice, which even made the otherwise very serious Romans
smile a little: “O Lord and Master! I never have searched for
glory; since this was never my case and therefore I also do not
look for glory here and never wanted any glory in my whole
life, and because I don’t want to look for glory, I rather say
nothing and keep quiet! I’m already finished with my speech!”
[2] Says involuntary Simon: “O, what is this then? Otherwise
you liked to chat a lot, always wanted to be a main speaker and
did not really decline some attention?! Strange!”
[3] Says Gaby: “What I do, I do, and it does not need to concern
you! It is easy to speak among people; but here is God and His
angels present, and then no person’s voice should become too
cheeky, but to keep quiet in all humility! My name is Gaby the
quiet one and not Simon the cheeky!”
[4] Says Cyrenius smiling: “Aha, hinc iliae lacrimae (therefore
those tears!)! See, see, the young man does not look for glory,
however, he seems quite hurt because his companion Simon
earned, o Lord, Your pleasure for the explanation of the High
Song! Truly, I do not like this from Gaby at all!”
[5] Says even Jarah: “I also don’t like this! Since I find a lot of
joy, if I notice how the love and mercy of the Lord wondrously
begins to reveal itself in someone’s soul; but a false cowering of
a soul is something offensive. Who is asked by the Lord to
speak, but because of a false shyness declines and says that he
does not look for any glory, lies to himself and to all the others,
and to lie is something very offensive!”
[6] Says again Simon: “So get up and justify yourself properly,
and give to the Lord an answer to His holy question!”
[7] Here Gaby gets up again and asks for excuse, that he opened
his mouth in such a silly manner in front of the Lord before.
He wants to answer now if it pleases the Lord.
[8] I said: “Now, so speak! Since I did not have taken back My
question to you as invalid yet; to the contrary we all still wait
for a modest answer from you! Thus, speak, and tell us what
you know!”
[9] Says Gaby: “Since the question was put to me concerning
my love for the High Song of Salomon, despite me not
understanding it, I will openly give the reason for such my love,
although finally in all honesty I have to admit, that I did not had
an actual reason for it, this means, I mean, a good reason, when
speaking of a reason; since something stupid and actually bad
can never be seen as a valid reason for any behavior, because
something bad is pure sand which never can serve as a solid
foundation for a house, spiritually or naturally speaking. Now,
what was therefore the actual prime reason for my love about
the High Song of Salomon? Nothing else than a secretly large
stupidity and vanity only known to me!
[10] I wanted to be regarded as a wise and well learned man of
the script, not only among my colleagues but also with all the
other people, and therefore selected from the whole script
precisely that as a hobby, of which I was convinced that from
the whole crowd of scribes nobody was understanding it just as
myself. But I was very smart and pretended to be clever, serious
and wise.
[11] When people saw me reading the High Song with a
pretended cheerful look, I was often asked if I really understood
the inextricable mystic of the Song. My answer was very short:
‘which fool reads continuously what he impossibly could
understand?! If I would not understand the mystic of the Song,
would I also be the fool to read it, and would the reading touch
my heart if I wouldn’t understand it just like you?!’ They
pressurized me, they implored me, yes, I even was threatened
that I at least should make my knowledge available to the highpriest.
But to no avail; since I knew my way regarding making
excuses of all kind, I could not be persuaded to disclose any of
my secrets, which was easy to do, since I really didn’t have any.
[12] Only Simon, as my most intimate friend, knew, but only
partially, what it was all about my Salomon-like wisdom. He
often approached me and proved to me that I, with the High
Song of Salomon, was either fooling myself or for that matter
the world. ‘Because’, he often said to me, ‘with your otherwise
limited knowledge and experience, will you understand the
High Song since you have laboriously memorized it by heart?!’
Still, I nevertheless tried to make him believe by saying to him
that I have the highest predilection for those deepest, most
unclear and most muddled mysteries and that I imagined
something enormously big must lie behind it. He finally
believed me; but he was greatly mistaken. Since by myself I
was an enemy of Salomon’s wisdom, through which he finally
became an idolater.
[13] Now I did not want to deceive anyone any longer, but I
also did not want to reveal myself unnecessarily to such an
extent, as if I previously only tried to deceive the people to,
frankly said, someday become a competent Pharisee, which was
regarded by me as nothing small, until 3 days ago when giving
us this goal completely, since the more clever and devious a
Pharisee is, the greater his reputation is with the temple.
[14] I actually do not wanted to think about the whole stupidity
anymore and wanted to let go of it very quietly; but since I have
been asked by You, o Lord, to speak about this, now, I have in
all truth spoke about it and everybody now knows how things
were standing with me and where I stand now. In this case I was
extremely willful, and there wasn’t much what could be done
with me; but know I’m in the perfect and best order again,
recognize the only true light of all life and will never again try
to deceive anybody.
[15] But if I have behaved improperly in the presence of the
Lord, I first ask You, o Lord and Master, as well as all Your
friends, great and small, from the deepest bottom of life, for
forgiveness! Since through my first silence I do not wanted to
harm anybody, but only to cover my old disgrace a little. But
this didn’t work in front of Your all-seeing eyes, and therefore I
have showed me like I was, and how I am now. And with that
I’m completely at the end of my speech and does not know
anything further.”
[1] I said: “This was extremely good for you only, that you fully
have expressed yourself; nevertheless everything, you still have
to tell Me one thing very faithfully, but again, not for the sake of
Me, but only on your behalf! See, when you were sworn in at
the temple, didn’t you at that stage believed in no God at all,
because with all your senses you immediately began with
deception, to become a fully fledged Pharisee with all malice
possible? Didn’t anybody tell you, that a Pharisee is a servant of
God and priest following Aaron and never be a selfish and
power-hungry swindler of people? How could you ever let such
a fundamental evil sense sprout in your heart?
[2] Is helping people, wherever possible, not already a lovely
principle of life in itself, which already the old pagan sages
regarded in high esteem and have observed? Did not once
Socrates say: ‘If you, mortal human, want to honor the gods in a
worthy manner, then serve your brothers; since they are, just
like you, the most delightful work of the gods! If you love the
people, then you sacrifice to all the gods who are good, and the
evil will not be able to punish you!’ The Romans said: ‘Live
honorable, harm nobody and give to everybody what is his!’
See, such was the value of the Romans, who were heathens;
how could you, therefore, as a Jew, take up such hellish sense?
[3] Couldn’t you just at least a little think by yourself, that there
must be a God, who does not want anything else than good and
who could not have created man just for the short span of life
here on earth, but must have created him for eternity?! See,
about this you still have to give Me a strict true account and
express yourself completely! And now speak!”
[4] Said Gaby: “God, Lord and Master since eternity, if I ever
had the opportunity to hear only the hundredths part of what I
have learned in these most noteworthy three days, I certainly
would not have taken up such evil sense; but – Exempla trahunt
(examples entices!), also discovered by the Romans – I had such
examples and patterns before me, who were worse than worse!
And these bad examples and patterns lived quite well at the
same time, and always the better, the more they mastered the
art, to blatantly deceive the people and keep them in the dark.
[5] Since they said: Nature – not God, who was nothing else
than an old peoples poetry – has given the brighter human
already from the cradle the direction, that he, if he really wants
to live well, have to exploit above all the stupidity of the people;
who does not understand this, stays a fool for his whole life and
should remain a human work-animal equipped with some
reason, and feed himself from thorns and thistles and lie on
[6] As peoples teachers one should only be worried, to keep the
common human work-animals in the thickest superstition! As
long as this is affected, the actual spiritual people can live well;
however, as soon the common people are shown the truth and
given the light, the actual spiritual people had to pick up
mattock, plough, spade and sickle themselves and with sweat in
their faces had to eat the hard earned bread.
[7] The real human must strive for it, that he is regarded by the
human work-animals at least as a half-god. If he reached this
goal, he must lock up his light like an Egyptian grave and
surround himself with all kind of false luster and deadening
mist; then the human work-animals will soon start to worship
him, and this even more so, if he from time to time shows them
some kind of apparent usefulness. In short, he must be able to
fundamentally, but nevertheless falsely, prove to the human
work-animals, that it is to their incalculable advantage, if they
are abused or even beaten to death by their supposed half-god!
[8] One should give them hard laws and place as sanction the
sharpest temporary and most severest threatening eternal
punishments upon them, and promise to the faithful follower of
the laws, certainly no earthly advantages, but the more so
greater everlasting advantages after death, and under such
conditions one should be standing as a true human in front of
the countless human work-animals! If his successors are able to
keep the mob in the darkest night of superstition, thousands of
years would not be enough to enlighten them; however, if they
are unable to do so, they, exposed as swindlers of the people,
had to pitifully flee as far as possible.
[9] Moses and Aaron were such true people, who by their
awakened mind and by their abundance of knowledge, soon
discovered the weaknesses of the Israelite people, took over the
leadership of the people as guides and by bringing prosperity,
and through a finely thought of, but nevertheless extraordinary
swindle, misled the people to such an extent, that they even
today are still as stupid as they were nearly a thousand years ago
at the foot of Sinai and will stay that way for still many
thousand years to come. But basically this is still a relief for the
people; since humans from the beginning are lazy beasts and
must therefore be ruled with an iron scepter and must be
whipped with rods to do good!
[10] Lord, what I revealed here is not just futile poetry of my
imagination, but the full truth! This is the inner view of the
divine revelation of every perfect Pharisee, which becomes even
more valuable, the more incomprehensible it is. The High Song
of Salomon fits this setup just perfectly; also the prophets,
including Moses, are very useful! And this was also an
additional reason, why I decided to go for the High Song.
[11] I am again at the end and believe, to have proven at great
length that my earlier disposition could impossibly be different;
since like the instructions, so are people, and also are their will
and their actions! That I now look back on such really infernal
instructions with the deepest disdain is self-explanatorily! But I
also expect from You, o Lord, that You, according to Your
Love and Wisdom, most leniently forgive me my thinking and
actions as revealed here faithfully and truthfully!”
[12] I said: “How could I keep it from you, since you yourself
have banned all these works of hell from yourself forever?
Since for this very reason I asked you to rid yourself loudly in
front of all of us from this, so that your heart could become
completely free, and its most inner foundation of life can now
belong to the fullest truth! Simultaneously I effected the goal
that all present here should hear from the mouth of reliable
witnesses, what the Pharisees of today are really are, and why it
was necessary that I Myself had to come into this world
personally, so that all mankind does not perishes and is lost.
But now you two, balance yourself again completely, and you
Simon should now express your most inner opinion about Me to
us all!”
[1] Says Simon: “O Lord, with that I will be finishing rather
quickly and easily! You are the Son out of God in the spirit and
are before us God and human at the same time, and out of
Yourself You are also the only in heaven as on this earth. In the
whole of infinity nobody is equal to You! An angel never
submits to the will of a person; but if You give to him only the
slightest sign, he fulfills in a nearly inconceivable quickest
moment Your will. What You want, happens inevitably; any
word spoken by You is already a completed action!
[2] Your eye sees in one moment through all spiritual and
material creation. The most secret thoughts of angels are as
clear to You as if You have thought them Yourself, and what we
poor, mortal people might think so deeply in us, You see more
clear as we can see this marvelous bright sun. You know about
everything what the sea holds secret at its deepest bottom, You
know the number of the sand in the sea, those of the stars, and
what they contain and carry, and the number of the grass on
earth, the herbs, the brushes, the trees and the spirits in the
whole, infinitive space is more known to You than the number
one to me! If I not only believe this most lifelike, but also most
vividly know this, it will not be difficult to say: Lord, this is my
most inner opinion about You, as far as I have to get to know
You during the past three days! I wouldn’t know to say anything
[3] I said: “But including today you are already more than three
days with Me! Why do you only speak of three days?”
[4] Says Simon: “Lord, why should I be concerned about the
three material days?! I only count the three spiritual recognition
days; those are firstly the true recognition of matter, secondly
the recognition of the being of souls and thirdly the recognition
of the pure spiritual. These are the true three days of life, which
we are with You!”
[5] I said: “Ah, this is of course something completely different!
With that I’m quite content with you; since regarding
correspondence you are quite familiar with, but not completely
with the recognition of your inner self! And as such is also the
opinion about Me, which you have taken from your innermost;
there still sits something of which you have to rid yourself!
Indeed, it is only a smallest granule of a temporary doubt about
Me, and see, this granule must be removed from you, otherwise
in time it will start to germinate and can grow to a forest full of
the darkest doubts in your heart, which would be quite difficult
to exterminate! Just look quite deep into your heart, and you
will find the evil granule of doubt!”
[6] Simon looks a little confused at Me and also at the other
people at the table, thinks about himself and says after a while:
“Lord, truly, I can search wherever I want, I still find so speak
nothing! Since all still so quietly rising doubts about You, are
discarded in one moment, and there can be no one left!”
[7] I said: “And still, and still – just think and you will find it!”
[8] Says Simon: “Lord, You make me fear myself! Should I
very secretly be a monster? I can do and think whatever I want.
I still find not nearly anything, what You, o Lord, want from
me. Wherein and in which manner could I still have a doubt or
at least a reason for it?”
[9] I said: “But friend Simon, look at Me! Do I really seriously
look so penal-greedy and revengeful, that you are afraid to
openly confess, what so to speak already lies on your tongue?”
[10] Upon these My words Simon got a fright and says: “But
Lord! Must also this little thing, which loud expression I
regarded as inappropriate, be expressed loudly?
[11] Man can think by himself quite a few things; yes, he does
not really think this by himself purposefully! The thought comes
from somewhere breathed into my heart and sometimes stays
for a while; finally it is blown away and one nearly does not
recall it ever again. And as such also this little my little doubt
thought came from somewhere flown into my heart, and I
thought it, but discarded it immediately again, because I carry
thousands of the heaviest proofs against it in my head and heart.
In addition I found the loud mentioning of this thought as
somewhat improper. If You, o Lord, insists on it, I’m pleased to
speak about it. – Dear, great friends of the Lord, take it, as I
already have totally discarded it!
[12] However, this is the thought: From the time I’m here, I all
the time see the extremely charming and most beautiful maiden
at the side of the Lord, and therefore, but truly like by itself, the
of course ridiculous thought forced itself upon me, if the Lord
could also be sexually in love, at least for as long He walks on
this earth in the flesh! But if so, what would happen then to His
absolutely pure spirituality? God can purely love all His
creatures. However, if He also in particular could love an
exceedingly beautiful girl on this earth in a sexual manner, to
affirm or to deny this was for my intelligence a little difficult,
although I called in my soul to myself: ‘with You every love
can only be in the highest degree pure, also one what we would
call among us humans as completely impure!’
[13] Lord, there it is, what You wanted from me! But now I’m
finished with all granules and germs, and You, o Lord, make
from it what You want! Or does Your divine all-seeing eye still
sees something else inside me? Should there be something else
which I cannot see, then make me mercifully attentive to it, and
I will immediately without any fear, come forward with it!”
[1] I said: “Now you are pure, and there is nothing in you,
which could ever disconcert you in your faith in Me; but now I
want to show you and also all of you, what most dense doubt
forest could have grown in you, if you did not rid yourself of
this little doubt granule. In time you simply would have started
to philosophy as follows:
[2] What would become thereof, if I transgressed with a maiden
and a fruit would arise thereupon in the lap of the maiden? If it
would be a male, would it also be a God? And if it was a
female, what then? Would it weaken the Law of Moses if I
would have transgressed? Would it not make My God-person
incapable to keep the divine spirit? Or would I, regarding My
person, be capable of such an act or not? But how could I
animate such an act in people, if I Myself are unable of it?
[3] If this deed is a sin in the flesh and weakens soul and spirit,
why did I have placed this sinful act in man’s flesh and soul to
reproduce? Could I not have arranged the reproduction to take
place in a purer manner?! But if this act of reproduction out of
the order of God is the only right and possible one, a God must
be able to do it just as a person! Why is this act for the people a
sin and for God not; or can God under certain circumstances sin
against His own order? How can God be the purest love, if He
becomes guilty of a sinful human weakness?!
[4] God as God can impossibly sin against His own order! But if
He has taken up the nature of man, is his flesh able to sin or not!
Must also He fight against all attacks of the flesh? If He has
them, who allows it to come over Him? Is there still another
higher and older God, who is steadying this young and to-be-
God by all kind of heavy tests and makes Him reborn in the
spirit? If this young God now sins like a man, could He also be
rejected as man?
[5] Could the old Egyptians not be right regarding their
genealogy for the main gods? Uranus produced with Gea,
Cronos (Saturn, time), who all the time destroys his works.
Zeus, as the will of Cronos, is saved by love, grows up in
secrecy and becomes exceedingly powerful. The power of Zeus
places Uranus and Cronos in everlasting retirement rules
absolutely alone and creates the people on earth, for which he is
tormented a lot by all kinds of human weaknesses, according to
the destiny of the terrible, unfathomable Fate as the primordial
oldest God. The Fate seems to be the unknown great God; but
now, sort of tired of ruling, he invisibly and unknown has
placed a God-spark in a pure maiden and has now become
youthful and by this son created himself a successor, and it is
Him standing now in front of us and makes His first attempts
to rule!
[6] I could still tell you a great number of such offshoots, of
which such a doubt forest consists, and in which other
undergrowth and weed it can generate. But since the seed has
been destroyed in you, you are now clean, and there can be no
talk of any further blossoming of the weed; and since you have
been completely cleaned, you are suitable to become one of My
first disciples.
[7] By the way you will now understand, how and why this little
maiden with all her love clings on to Me. Since as much as this
little maiden loves Me, nobody of you loves Me; since your
love is more an amazement about My wisdom and about My for
you incomprehensible miracles. But this little maiden loves Me
completely purely for sake of Myself, since she knows who is
residing in Me. And this is worth more than to admire Me as
God, since it must be clear to everyone, that with God all things
are possible. This is also good, but the other is better.
[8] What would you prefer more: if people love you, because
you are a person, or only because you are a wise person and
knowledgeable in all kind of arts? The first love originates from
life and seizes again life; the second, however, originates from
the sense of art and only seizes the art and science of him, who
possesses it. Tell Me now, which love do you regard as higher?”
[9] Says Simon: “Obviously the first! Since who loves me
already as a person, will also love me even more so as a wise
man and artist; but who loves me because he is of the opinion
that I’m a wise man and an artist, will soon be finished with this
love, if he learns that I’m not wise and not be an artist!
Therefore is this purest love for You, o Lord, of this little
maiden, truly an example love and by far exceeds all of us in a
high degree!
[10] Of course, certainly does a maiden loves a man for the sake
of himself easier and more natural than one man another man;
if, however, a man with his mind and heart regards deeply the
value of a person, a brother, he will, feeling and recognizing his
own value, also respect and love his fellowman irrespective his
properties. And if in future he discovers some secret, quite
venerating properties of him, his love surely will intensify! – O
Lord! Every word and teaching of Yours is great and elated and
in all eternity of eternities the truth!”
[1] (Simon:) “I can see now that You, O Lord, are revealing
Yourself to the people completely and nowhere You are holding
back or keep any secrets like the old Prophets have done, who
revealed You to the people only under cover of the thickest veil
and nearly showed only the hemline of Your dress to the
mortals. Indeed, they founded a religion and a church; but what
religion and church was this? Religion was a nearly invisible
star, sending a most sparing ray of hope from somewhere of
infinite space to earth covered in the thickest night, and the
church, a building of hard rocks, a temple, surrounded by many
labyrinths and gloomy forecourts, which the people could enter,
but never the innermost of the temple, where all the great
secrets of life are lying revealed on the golden tables.
[2] However here, not only the innermost of the temple is made
completely accessible to the people, but also God, the
everlasting Inaccessible, totally reveals Himself personally to
the people, as He was, is and will be forever. Therefore it is also
necessary, to accept God not only partially, but entirely with
body, soul and spirit, by the exclusive sole love for Him. Such
obligingness like this of the Creator towards the created,
therefore also this from the created towards the Creator, must
finally result in the full identification between the creative
primordial Being and the created after-being.
[3] God becomes one with us, and we become one with Him,
without the slightest limitation of our personal individuality and
the most perfect freedom of will! Since without the most perfect
identification of the created with the Creator, a most perfect
freedom of will is unthinkable, because only the will of the
Creator can be present in the most perfect unlimitedness and
the will of the created only then, if it has perfectly become one
with the will of the Creator.
[4] If we want what the Lord wants, our will is perfectly free,
because also the Lord’s will is perfectly free; but if we does not
want this or only partially, we are the most wretched slaves of
our own blindness. Only in God can we become perfectly free;
except for God there exists only judgment and death!
[5] Lord, You see that I do not fear to speak; and I believe that
also this time I have hit the nail on the head! However, add
Your almighty blessing to it, that this most marvelous wheat
grain, which You Yourself, o holiest Father, have planted from
Your everlasting heaven here on this unfortunately very meager
earth, in the earth of our still stupid hearts, so that it can produce
thousandfold fruits! O holiest Father, become one with us, Your
creatures, with Your still poor children, so that we one day,
resembling You, also can become one with You!” – Here
Simon, completely captivated, breaks out in tears.
[6] But I get up and say to Simon: “Come to Me, you My
dearest brother, and hug in Me not Your Creator, but your
Brother, so that you are the first one to become one with Me!”
[7] Says Simon quite contritely: “O You too holy Father! This
mercy the sinful Simon is not worthy of forever!” And he cries
again. In return, however, I go to him and press him with a
repeated brother’s greet to My heart.
[8] After a while, when Simon recovered from his captivation
and I reassuringly influenced his heart, Simon said: “My Lord
and My God! What did I do, that You suddenly are so lenient
and merciful towards me? See, I’m a sinful person; since my
flesh is quite loose. The beautiful and attractive maiden leave a
mighty impression on me and from time to time quite indecent
thoughts are forcing themselves upon me. And quite often I
willingly engage with a kind of lust and joy in these thoughts,
although not in deed because of a lack of opportunity, but still in
my heart, which behaves quite affirmative during such estrous
[9] But then also quite bright moments appear in me and I have
reasonable views and considerations about this point; but to
what use? If I again see a beautiful maiden, all the brighter
moments, all the reasonable views and considerations are gone
in an instant, and the old scapegoat, armed with all its indecent
intentions, is back in its place. Of course, I do nothing; but this
doing-nothing is nevertheless not a true doing-nothing, but
simply a doing which is prevented by a bad opportunity. The
fear for temporary punishment and disgrace is preventing one
thereof, but not so the own free will, who at such opportunities
contains a lot of desire, and at a good opportunity surely will not
reveal any negation! I know my loose flesh unfortunately just
too well and therefore are a sinful person and not worthy of
such a great mercy from You.”
[1] I said: “Friend and brother, why are you concerned about the
flesh and what happens in it?! If I had not implanted such
property in the flesh, would ever a man take a wife and awaken
a living fruit in her?!
[2] If I had not put the desire into the stomach to eat, would ever
someone consume any food? In what other manner could
nature-specific-spirits enter the blood and other fluids of the
body, from there into the nerve-ether and, in such manner
purified, become soul-substance? Through My wills power,
certainly, among the primitive order; but what would then
become of the everlasting continuance ability? By no other
means than by a hard, continuing judgment; but what would
then become of the independence and future spiritual freedom
of life?!
[3] See, if just one point in My once arranged order is moved,
and an all independent life with the fullest freedom becomes
forever an impossibility. Have I not given the eyes the ability to
see and the ears the ability to hear, the tongue the ability to
speak and to taste and the nose the ability to smell?!
[4] Are you therefore a sinner because from time to time you are
getting hungry and thirsty? Do you sin, if you are seeing,
hearing, tasting and smelling? All these senses are given to you
to perceive the form of things, to listen to the wise meaning of
speeches and to perceive good and bad and harmful spirits of
the still unfermented and raw matter!
[5] Of course, you can also sin with the eyes, ears, nose, the
palate and the tongue, if you do not use these senses according
to order, if you only direct your eyes into the direction, where
the flesh is given an account, if you with preferably and
desirously only listens to sacrileges, invective and scurrilous
speeches, if you only smell stinking things for pleasure, which
pollutes the flesh and make it ill and incapable to work. You are
also sinning with the palate and the tongue, if you do not curtail
the too big lasciviousness for the most expensive delicacies;
since why should your palate be tickled with the most expensive
things and delicacies, while alongside you many poor must
perish because of hunger and thirst?! If you are hungry and
thirsty, satisfy yourself with simple and freshly prepared food;
but if you are engaging in gluttony and overindulgence, you are
clearly sinning against all order of God.
[6] Now see, all this is not the case with you; to the contrary,
you already have achieved some quite glorious victories over
your flesh by yourself! You also have been moderately in all
things and acted soberly in your desires. What was more or less
evil in you, consisted in your disbelief regarding the scriptures,
which you earlier could not understand; but your disbelief was
passable, while the disbelief of Gaby was of a real Pharisee-like,
impassable nature. You, however, did not reject the scriptures;
you only wanted light and illumination and therefore also
studied all Egyptian and Greek world wises. But it nevertheless
did not give you light; outwardly you stayed a Pharisee, but
according to the inner you were always a diligent researcher for
the truth. And since I knew this, I have awakened you, and
have opened for you as well as all the others, the gates to the
clearest truth.
[7] Now you can never get into the night again and therefore
you should become a promoter for My kingdom of the spirit on
this earth! Through you the heathens in Persia should get a lot
of light! Now eat and drink again; since you are still hungry and
thirsty and you have eaten only half of your fish and your mug
is not empty yet! Therefore just help yourself, My young
brother Simon!”
[8] Simon is still touched to tears, sits and eats bit by bit his fish
with bread and wine.
[1] Also the other guests still help themselves, and especially
again Raphael, which gives Cornelius finally a reason to make a
somewhat laconic remark, which he so to speak whispers to the
Romans sitting alongside him. These Romans were Faustus and
Julius, and the remark of Cornelius was as follows: “To people
of flesh and blood these most well prepared fishes are tasting
quite good, and they can eat a great number of them; but the
spirit Raphael, who does not have any flesh and blood, could
measure up to the giant Hercules and the Philistine Goliath!
Strange, how such a spirit can eat so much! He already
consumes the twelfth fish, and for a spirit this is truly
miraculously quite a lot! I have not eaten one fish, while the
angel in the same time has eaten twelve! No, this is too much! I
belief he could eat another twelve!”
[2] Says the angel: “Not only twelve, but ten times hundredthousand
times twelve in one moment, even if all of them would
be large wales, like the one in whose belly the prophet Jonas
took up some a little uncomfortable accommodation for three
full days!
[3] I do not need the fish for food, but certainly for the forming
of this nature-spiritual ether, from which I according to the will
of the Lord must form and temporary maintain this visible body,
which, although spirit, does not have a shortages of flesh and
blood. Now Look, are these no veins and this no flesh?!
[4] That it is in my from the Lord received power, to dissolve
this body in an instant and to pull it together again, lies in my
until now highest possible spiritual completion of life; but I’m
not only able to dissolve this my body with my wills power in
an instant, but also yours and in the same time span also the
whole earth.
[5] However, does your body not consist of flesh and blood,
because I could dissolve it in an instant?! Or does the earth not
consists of the most firm matter and of water, air and a countless
number of primordial materials, if I also, if warranted by the
Lord, could dissolve it in its primordial specific particles within
an unthinkable shortest instant, so that its volume to your eyes,
even if they would be something material, would appear as
absolutely nothing?!
[6] Therefore, friends, think, think, before letting flow a word
over your lips, so that you as disciples of the Lord never speak
any nonsense, with which you truly do not honor your Master!
You now already have seen, heard and experienced quite
something; but about the inner spiritual greatness and might of
a, say angel spirit, not even mentioning the everlasting spirit of
God, you certainly do not have the slightest idea! But still you
are able to make some sarcastic remarks about that, what an
angel requires for its temporary, pseudo bodily preservation?!
[7] Do you really think that you could endure my true
primordial light form, if I would show myself to you?! See, the
fire of the light of my primordial being is powerful enough, to
destroy a countless number of primordial central suns, not
mentioning you and this whole earth! So that this does not
happen by my presence, I must form this pseudo body according
to the almighty will of the Lord and cover my actual being to
such an extent, that every disturbance of the order in the
judgment of matter is avoided. Nevertheless, the matter must be
prepared by my inner life fire, to be able to serve it as a
protective shell! And therefore I must necessarily take in more
material food than any of you.
[8] You did not know this and couldn’t know this; however, you
should have known, that someone like me has not been called
by the Lord in this appearance, to be a glutton or joker or a
quick-magician to your annoyance, but to be useful to you in
many aspects, and to give you tangible proof of the presence of
the angels of God and their power! But if you understand this,
how can you make sarcastic remarks about my eating habits?”
[9] Says Cornelius: “Dear, most marvelous messenger of the
Lord from heaven, do not be angry with me; since you can see,
spiritually we are not more than nearly newborn children in the
cradle and more a dream-life than any already completed selfconsciousness!
In future eat as much as you like; no one of us
will ever again dare, to have even the slightest thought about it,
not mentioning speaking about it. At the same time we hereby
thank you for the extraordinary lesson which you, in your
justified annoyance, has given us regarding our pertinacious
stupidity. Since we now know about the ‘why’, we certainly
will not make a skew judgment about the ‘therefore’! But if the
‘why’ is foreign to us, how should we know about the
‘therefore’? Therefore, again our special gratitude for your great
and important lesson!”
[10] Says Raphael: “Gratitude belongs only to the Lord, who is
your as well as our Father in eternity! Let this lesson spill over
to all other experiences and appearances in life, and soon you
will see us angels standing as worthy brothers at your side! You
should not criticize or laugh at anything, except at lies and
deception! Since the liar should always stand in disgrace and the
deceiver be exposed, so that he tastes the fruit of lies and
[11] At any other opportunity you should gently teach the erring
people. If they take note afterwards, it is fine and good; if they
are not taking note, you then can pull the wires more taut! If this
is also to no avail, lock such willful into a correctional facility
and let them fast and if necessary punish with rods; since with a
right and good punishment, the rod should not be absent! Also
we, as your secret educators, make use of it with the people who
are willful and very stubborn. Keep also this lesson and do it
where necessary, and you will walk among people; otherwise
among all kind of wild animals, who are stuck in human
[12] Says Cyrenius: “Lord, did the angel take this out of himself
– or did he took everything from You?”
[13] I said: “My friend, your memory has again become a little
short! Didn’t I, a few days ago, has explained carefully to you,
what the angels are, and how they think, want and act, and now
you again ask about it! If they are only animated forms by Me,
what self-like do they have? What thought can they think for
themselves, since they are only an extension of My will and a
collection vessel of My thoughts and My ideas and intentions?
[14] If they should think, want and act independently, they first
had to dine like you at the children’s table and bless this earth in
your flesh! From this it is clear like daylight, that this, what the
angel Raphael now has told you, is My word, My speech and
My will, which you have to observe, just as if I Myself had
spoken directly to you.
[15] You must take My words deeper at heart, then they will not
become so easily unfaithful to your memory; since everything
what the heart has accepted in a living manner, stays most firm
also in memory, and you can access it quite easily at a suitable
opportunity. But if you only want to memorize what I have told
you, you will largely forget about it within one year at least a
hundred times; since when you are older, the memory is not as
juicy as in the youth. However, already the youth forgets quite
easily what they have learned, not mentioning older people. But
what the heart has seized has entered life and stays forever!
[16] I say to you, whatever you have absorbed into memory in
this world, not one iota will remain in the beyond; therefore all
dry world scholars appear in the beyond like deaf, blind and
mute, does not know anything and cannot recall anything. Not
seldom they arrive in the beyond bare of any concept, like a
baby born into this world from the mother’s womb. They first
have to learn and experience everything from the first elements,
otherwise they would stay deaf, blind and mute into eternity and
would have nothing than a vague feeling of being, however,
without feeling that it is them who already were on earth. All
this must foremost be taught to them bit by bit in the most
sensual manner.
[17] Where there is darkness in the heart of a person, also the
whole person is dark; but where there is light and brightness, the
whole person is illuminated, and he can never become dark
again! Therefore, take immediately to heart what you hear, and
soon there will be light in you!
[18] If all of you have understood that and absorbed it into your
hearts, let us prepare for something else! What soon will arrive,
will make you think a lot; but you also will learn a great deal
from it and when the times comes, make the best use from it.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Most of you are familiar, at least according to
legend, with the old-famous Egyptian’s Land.
[2] Behind the great waterfalls of the Nile lies a very fertile and
large mountain land, and has the name hAbi ie sin (this is Son
of hAbi). This hAbi is a descendent of Cain and not Noah; these
highlands, like also other counties of the earth, were spared by
the great flood during the times of Noah.
[3] The son of this hAbi was, like Nimrod, a mighty hunter. He
invented the club and the bow, and all animals, never mind how
tearing, fierce and wild, already from far away fled from him;
since he was a giant. His voice made rocks shake, and with his
mighty club he smashed rocks, and with his bow he shot ten
pound arrows over a distance of a thousand steps; and at
whatever he aimed, he surely hit and made it his prey.
[4] Simultaneously being a master of all the animals, also all his
weaker brothers and sisters obeyed him. He was very serious,
but never cruel towards the people, yes, not even hard: but what
he instructed had to be executed.
[5] He believed in a far away, almighty God, who originally
made all things. But this God has uncountable many and
exceedingly mighty servants, visible and invisible. Some had to
rule over son, moon and all the stars, some over the earth, some
over the water, some over the fire and so forth, some over the
grass, over the trees, some over the waters above and in the
earth, some over metals, some over the birds in the air, some
over all the animals in the water and some over all the animals
walking and creeping on earth.
[6] These invisible servants and often visible servants had to be
highly honored by the mortal people, by strictly obeying and
following the laws which they from time to time give to the
people. They always punish disobedience in a most severe
manner by all kinds of catastrophes which they send over the
disobedient people, which do not respect them, does not follow
their laws and also behave in an unfriendly manner among each
[7] In short, this son of hAbi was the first ruler of this ancient
little nation and at the same time the first priest, who taught
them the scanty concepts of God and other spiritual beings, and
was in line the sixth descendent of Cain and the seventh of
[8] He taught them to get to know the tame animals, and to use
them in their households and was therefore the first founder of a
shepherd’s colony and also taught them how to use some fruits
as food, and to grow, maintain and ennoble them in a garden; he
also taught them to build huts from rocks, palms and clay and
use it as a save residence.
[9] He himself cleaned the whole, large country from tearing,
wild beasts. Already his equally gigantically mighty sons reaped
the blessing from the restless efforts of their powerful father.
During the course of a few hundred years, this black skin little
nation grew to a large and mighty nation and had good customs
and a quite effective governmental arrangement, even cleverer
and better than Egypt itself under the first head shepherd
[10] However, this rather happy nation blockaded all possible
entrances, that even the foreign wild animals found it almost
impossible to visit and cause harm to the rich herds of this wide
extended large country, which was five times the size of the
Promised Land. Because of that reason, until this hour no
foreign enemy penetrated the green fields of this country,
although the nation has expanded far beyond the old borders.
Also the borders of the newly occupied lands were to such an
extent blockaded by this nation, that it was not that easy for any
enemy to penetrate the boundaries of such lands.
[11] Towards Egypt, where the last and quite coarse feet of the
Komrahai Mountains start, they have the only access road. It is
a very terribly narrow pass, which after four hours walking
through many deceiving windings and mainly underground,
ends in the most upper part of Egypt and leads through a very
narrow cave, which exit was only found, during the times of
Moses, by the natives, who actually were fugitives and as great
state criminals fled the feared punishments. When pursued, they
fled into a hole in the rocks to hide. When they advanced for
about five-hundred steps inside the cave, armed with bows and
arrows, they discovered daylight on the opposite side and ran
towards it; they soon reached it and were very happy getting
away from their pursuers. On the other side, reaching a never
seen open land, they closed off the exit with rocks, so that it
would not be possible for their pursuers to ever reach this wide,
beautiful, free land.
[12] The number of fugitives counting 70 heads, among them 36
men and 34 women; the one not having a wife, they made him
the leader because he was the most experienced; and one was
still too young to have a wife and was therefore chosen as a
servant for the leader.
[13] The fugitives lived in this land for a year and a half.
However, they were not able to master the cleaning of the area,
although spending most of their time hunting tearing beasts.
After expiration of the aforesaid time, they moved along the
Nile northward and after a few weeks reached the Cataracts,
which, from Egypt seen, are called the second. There they
encountered many troubles and a lot of work to make any
[14] On the right shore of the Nile they would have made easier
progress, but they were on the left shore, and there the area is
very cleft and does not have a shortages of all kinds of animals,
which are not quite friendly towards people. Since the
difficulties of the way forward did not ended, they wanted to
return to the earlier land, when a large herd of cattle and sheep
followed them also to the north. This appearance made them
believe that their pursuers had tracked them down. They
therefore moved onwards as fast as possible and after a
troublesome day’s travel they finally reached a beautiful, large
and exceedingly fertile land.
[15] There were an abundance of dates and figs, and there were
large herds of sheep and cattle which moved around and grazed
completely without owners. But those herds which forced our
black people society to move forward, was lost in the gulches of
the cataracts and did not followed them anymore, which pleased
our society a great deal, since they thereby believed that the
supposed pursuers did not follow them anymore.
[16] In this new land the society searched for the best place to
live, fortified it and settled there. It was a beautiful, smooth hill
alongside the Nile and covered with dates, figs and beautiful
palms; except for a few monkeys there was no trace of any
tearing beasts to be found.
[17] Here those people multiplied and within a few hundred
years developed into a considerable nation, which seized all of
the free herds and build huts and even villages and lived quite
well. But all had the faith, the ethics and habits which the son of
hAbi had introduced.
[18] This large, once very beautiful and fertile land the black
inhabitants called with the name ‘Noua Bia’, which translated
means ‘New Dwelling’.
[19] In time this nation also made its acquaintance with the
Egyptians, which later made every effort to subjugate these first
black people, in which they, however, not succeeded altogether.
These were also the first completely black people which the
Egyptians became to see.
[20] In the beginning the Egyptians regarded these people as big
apes; only after they discovered that these people spoke a
language close to their own, they started to regard them as true
people, bought cattle and sheep from them, and in return these
black people learned all kind of arts and sciences from the
Egyptians, which they could use quite well, especially regarding
the preparation of metals, of which they until now had no
[21] With these people their old religion and all their old
customs and habits which they took over from the son of the
hAbi, remained until today.
[22] In this year a seer has risen among the people and has
revealed to his brothers and sisters an extraordinary vision,
which he had seven consecutive times. He described to them
the way he had to go, to reach the place where He could be
found, who would teach the people the truth and the great
unknown God.
[23] And see, this seer from Noua Bia will arrive with quite a
considerable society before midday here in the area of Caesarea
Philippi; we therefore will send a messenger to them, so that he
can bring them here! They have come on many camels and have
brought many treasures and will, what they are consuming here,
pay with gold and precious stones.
[24] You, Marcus, see to it that these Nubians are looked after
quite well! Because when you yesterday evening ask Me to stay
for another day, I adhered to your request, otherwise I and My
disciples would have left already this morning before sunrise to
meet the caravan who are searching for Me. I, however, stayed
and this stay will provide a lot of work for your house:
nevertheless, you will be paid well.”
[1] Marcus asks Me with an exceeding joyous face: “Lord, You
Omniscient! How many persons are in the caravan?”
[2] I said: “It consists of exactly 70 heads, amongst them, just
like their fugitive ancestors, 34 women and 36 men. The one
without a wife is the seer, and the second without a wife is his
[3] See, this is the way these blacks became fugitives nearly a
thousand years ago, namely on the grounds of a renewal of the
law, which of course during the times of Moses was not what it
was before the Great flood! The old leader who became a
fugitive, wanted to revive the old customs and habits;
nevertheless, he only met a lot of enemies, who started to pursue
him and his followers in a quite despicable manner, so that
finally he had no option than to flee the blind, fanatical
superiority of his many enemies.
[4] The escape was therefore a prophetic portent for the
reception of a higher light and indicated, during the times of
Moses, also to the better descendants of Cain, that during this
time also for them a light of redemption will rise. These blacks
will not reach the old well of Jacob like the children of
Abraham, but nevertheless, they will still drink from the
marvelous water, if they are thirsty for it.
[5] And now let’s choose a messenger, who masters the upper
Egyptian tongue! In the camp of Julius is a spokesman; call him
to Me, so that I can instruct him how he can recognize the
leader immediately, and what he has to tell him!”
[6] Julius himself got up immediately and hurried to the camp,
called the spokesman and brought him to Me.
[7] When this arch Roman came to Me, he said: “Son of the
most highest and most elated Zeus! What is it that You instruct
me to do? I am in the highest degree unworthy, to receive an
order from You – the Son of the highest God only gives orders
to under gods, those to the princes of the earth, those to the
senior most generals, those to their seniors and captains, and
only those to their slaves, which we have the honor to be, but
You, most Highest, want to make an exception here, and
therefore I ask You for Your holy instructions!”
[8] I said: “Very good, very good, My dear friend! You are still
an arch Roman, but nevertheless faithful and honest to your
faith and your status. You have served for some time in Egypt,
have learned to understand and speak the old Egyptian
language, and now you should be messenger for Me to the area
of Caesarea Philippi. You are a good rider and by horse you will
soon be at the right place.
[9] In the vicinity of the burned down town you will meet a
caravan consisting of seventy black people; in front, riding on
two white covered camels, are the leader on the right and his
servant on the left. The leader will already greet you from a far
distance. He is dressed completely in white clothes; but his face
you will find coal black. Likewise his hands and feet; but in his
heart it looks much brighter than the skin of his body. Say to
him: ‘You have reached the goal of your efforts; follow me!
Within a few moments you will be standing in front of the face
of Him, whom you have searched for after your seventh vision!’
[10] Such say to him with the old Egyptian tongue, which you
can speak rather well! Go now, saddle your horse and go
quickly; where the main roads cross, you will meet with him!”
[11] When the spokesman heard such from Me, he bowed
deeply and said: “A Roman veteran never bows except before
the gods; but You alone are worthy of all admiration and all
worshipping! And now I will carry out Your instructions!”
[12] The already gray warrior hurries away, was quickly in full
armament on his Arabian horse and galloped like an arrow to
the indicated place, and a dust cloud in the distance was so to
speak a sure sign, that the large caravan was approaching the
place. Our messenger was within a few moments at the
indicated place and still waited for a quarter of an hour for the
full arrival of the large caravan. We could see them when
looking around the corner fo the house; since to the crossing it
was only a weak half an hour walking away.
[13] When the leader arrived at the to the teeth armed
spokesman, he asked him according to Roman war custom,
where he was heading and what determined him in his native
country to carry out such trip.
[14] The leader came to a halt, looked the Roman firmly into the
eyes and said in a very serious sounding voice: “Roman! Who
asked you to expect me here? Today we already came from the
great sea and crossed through steppes and forests. From
Alexandria ships carried us over the wide sea; only birds could
see us from Egypt to here! You are the first person whom we
have met during the complete trip; how could you know that we
would arrive? Who revealed our arrival to you? Are you a seer;
since you should know, there exists a foremost and most high
God-being above all your gods and above all people,
irrespective of which skin color they are!
[15] Seven times I had the same vision; in this vision I always
saw this area in an indescribable light. A little group of people
of white and brown skin color was already standing in this great
light and shone themselves like sons. But among these light
people, there was standing one who shone brighter than a
hundred-thousand suns! From Him all light originated; yes, it
gave me the feeling, as if the whole of infinity was full of His
most immeasurable light! But irrespective of His indescribable
bright light, it nevertheless caused no pain, like with us the
much weaker light of the sun.
[16] At the end of the always same vision I always heard the
clear words: ‘Go there, you black one, there also your night will
become illuminated!’ Such I told to all my black brothers and
sisters, and we decided to undertake this trip from Nouabia, and
are now on our way for already three month.
[17] I knew quite well to where we had to travel: since my
spirit, who accompanied me already for seven years, had told
me, that the place which I saw in my vision, was lying in Asia
along the coast of the great sea. From the sea I immediately
recognized it, which I have seen seven times in my vision.
When we were at the right place, we went on land. Immediately
a road was showing, on which we travelled to here, and here
you are meeting us! O tell me, who told you about us? O speak!
I anticipate greatness!”
[18] Said the Roman: “You have reached the destination of your
laborious travels! Within a few moments you will be standing in
front of the face of Him, whom you have searched for, after
seeing Him seven times in your vision!”
[19] The leader immediately instructed all to follow the Roman;
since he was clearly a messenger of Him, whom they were
searching for.
[20] The Roman immediately led the way and the whole
caravan followed him.
[1] The ride went smoothly and our spokesman brought the
whole caravan to us, who were still sitting blithesome at
the tables.
[2] When My Jarah saw the pitch black faces with nearly blood
red lips and markedly white eyes, she was frightened and said:
“O Lord, these beings wouldn’t harm us? They really have a
dreadfully black appearance! I already have seen Moors, but not
so dreadfully black like these! Just look at the strong set of
teeth! Truly, Lord, if I wouldn’t be with You, I would begin to
be terribly afraid! To love such a black person, would really be
a challenge for a tender feeling heart of a girl!”
[3] I said: “Alright, My dearest daughter, but be clever, My little
child! Who would be afraid of a color? Now you have been a
little childish, but this doesn’t matter! Just pay proper attention
to everything; because there will be important issues
[4] Says Jarah: “However, about that I most likely will not
understand a great deal; since regarding the old Egyptian tongue
it is night with me, and these blacks cannot speak any other
[5] I said: “Everything will be translated; be therefore calm, do
not speak, but listen!”
[6] Upon this Jarah is quiet and I immediately let the leader and
seer come to Me and ask him, what made him and his
companions travel so far. I of course knew this from the roots;
but I nevertheless had to ask him to provide him with the
opportunity to express himself and reveal his request.
[7] Upon My question, which I put to him in the Hebrew
tongue, the leader, also in our language, gave the following
answer: “For me nameless, most elated person on this earth,
forgive me poor, weak half-person, if I dare to make the shy
remark, that I recognize in you the very same person, which I
have seen four month ago in my seven always similar visions in
an indescribable brightest light, and which I also started to look
for nearly to the end of the world, and, deeply touched in my
heart, believe to have truly found it! Would you, most elated,
not tell me, if my recognition is correct?”
[8] I said: “It would be of little use to you if I say yes or no; you
must recognize it yourself! Search, and it will be clear to you!
You have come so far, then you also get even further; but you
yourself have to want it seriously and firmly! Every outwardly
tuition is of no use, if not simultaneously accepted from within.
See, you now speak Hebrew quite well! Can you remember
having ever learned this language somewhere? Ask also your
companions who also now understand this language quite well,
if they at some stage have learned this language! Go and
convince yourself!”
[9] The leader guides his camel to his companions and speaks in
Hebrew to them. All understand him and also answer him in our
language. About this the leader is completely overcome with
amazement and cannot explain to himself, how he and all his
companions came to the knowledge of the Hebrew language;
since he doesn’t know that I can provide such.
[10] After this experience the leader returns to Me, still sitting
on his camel, and says: “Most elated person on earth! In my
black skin I am at a loss here; since this is my first trip which I
ever have made! I never ever have made acquaintance with
languages and customs of other countries and am totally poor
regarding all kinds of experiences. And at home in my own
country things are very simple. The land is good and beautiful,
but it does not offer anything new. It is therefore possible that
this land has the property that a foreigner, as soon as he enters
the land, also takes in the spirit of the local language and be able
to immediately speak to the natives, as if he himself would be a
native. If such is possible or impossible, I cannot say; therefore,
could you give me an explanation for this! In my own country I
was never able to test this, since never ever did a foreigner came
to us!”
[11] I said: “First dismount your camels, lead them onto the
field nearby the sea, so that they can take a quite necessary rest,
to be able to take you back to your country more easily; because
the way back is not shorter than from there here to us! Do this
and come back again; it then will show how much light you are
able to endure!”
[12] The leader bows and says: “Most elated person of persons!
You are quite right, if we only dare to put our most unholy feet
on this holy land; since according to my visions, this land must
be of an immeasurable holiness!”
[13] I said: “If it is for the feet of your camels not too holy, it
will certainly not be too holy for your human feet!”
[14] Says the leader: “Yes, truly, truly, truly so! O most elated
person of persons of the earth, you are most kind and
exceedingly wise!”
[15] Thereupon he guides his camel back to his companions and
extends My wish to them. Immediately the camels are lying on
their knees, and the riders climb onto the ground. Thereupon
these well trained animals stand up again and are led to the field
at the sea where they start to graze quite comfortably. Ten
Negroes are ordered to look after the camels, the rest together
with their leader immediately return back to Me.
[16] When they arrived back where I was, I first ask the leader
about his name, and he says: “My name is equal to what I am; in
our tongue it is Ou bratou vishar. With us nobody has a name
except for his manner of activity; otherwise we are called
equally: Slouvi.”
[1] I ask further: “Where did you get this quite commendable
[2] Says Oubratouvishar: “About ten years ago I and my servant
went along the Nile, accompanied by another twenty of the
strongest under servants, who led a nice herd of cattle; because
if someone wants to travel there, he must take along a rich herd,
otherwise he might perish along the way. Figs and dates do not
grow everywhere, but only on good and fertile ground; but
there is no shortage of grass along the Nile, and therefore he
always has the nourishing milk of cows, which is the spice of
every food.
[3] Thus equipped, we tried, as said earlier, ten years ago or ten
rain seasons ago, to make a trip downwards. For a few days we
made good progress without any problems; but at the third day
we already heard from far away a mighty thundering noise. We
hurried our steps and after a time in which one would count a
thousand stones, we came to the first downfall of the Nile.
There we had a good view to move forward. One of our best
climbers climbed onto a high rock, to investigate, how the area
looks like. When he came back to me, he described a route to
me, which went quite far away to the left of the Nile, but far
downwards again returns to the Nile. I decided to follow this
route. There surely was no shortage of rocks and other
unpleasantness on this detour. Only in the evening did we
finally arrive under a great heat at a field overgrown with many
palms and papyrus trees and a rich spring in the centre, which
we and the herds appreciated a great deal. Here we rested for a
full day.
[4] At the second day we were moving again with the first crack
of dawn and continued our journey. At sunrise we again reached
the Nile and came to a broad road never seen before, on which
we within half of a day came close to the city, of which our
grandparents had much to tell about. About two-thousand steps
outside the city we setup camp; however, I and my servant rode
into the city, to ask for permission, to setup camp nearby the
city with our herds.
[5] When I and my servant got into the city, we were
surrounded by a crowd of very brown people, who asked me
who I am and where did I came from. Others immediately
guessed and said: ‘Thot e Noubiez!” (This is a Nubian!), and I
said: ‘Yes, I am a Nubian and I want to experience and learn a
few good and beautiful things from you perfect people!’
[6] Then these inquisitive people send an old man to me, who
asked me in great detail about many things, and finally even
went with us to our campsite and only there he revealed himself
completely, stating that he was the high priest of this city and at
the same time was a governor appointed by Rome for the city
and its wide surrounding. I immediately gave him a present in
the form of seven of the best cows and two bulls and twenty of
our sheep with the finest wool.
[7] This made the old man very friendly and he said to me: ‘Our
old and pure wisdom will be very useful to you! But do not take
up any of our totally spoilt customs; since they are worse than
worse! This city was once the pride of the country, which is still
very clearly expressed in its name: Memavise (Greek:
Memphis) = ‘has the highest name’; now this nameless highest
is only a large heap of rubble, as you soon will convince
[8] The people who still live here, partly does not have any
believe left in a highest God being, and partly is stuck in the
darkest superstition, of which it can never be freed. Only a few
of us still live in the old, true recognition of the one, everlasting,
true God. The people, the blind and stupid, believe in a few
thousand gods; even to animals and their remains a divine
worshipping is attached and we have to leave it at that.
[9] Most likely our ancestors have already planted the seed for
it, namely thereby, that they paid to some animals, because of
their usefulness, a type of semi divine respect, in order to
encourage the people to look better after these useful land- and
domestic animals. By that the elders of course only wanted to
portray to the still very low standing people the multiple
radiation of the divine love and wisdom; but in time this
people’s story became more and more venerable the deeper it
sank into the past, and appears more and more covered in a
certain divine breath, and evil and unscrupulous so called
people’s teachers had an easy task, to attach to all events from
primordial historic times some divinity, to bury the blind people
as deep as possible in the deepest superstition.
[10] Therefore take great care, you honest Nubians, and only
accept what you will hear from me, as a correct truth; however,
everything you will see and hear from the people, turn away
from, since it is worse than bad! You will see them sacrificing
and conduct all kinds of empty ceremonies; yes, at great
festivities you will even see me with shining ornaments at the
front. Do not take exception to it; since with everything only my
skin is involved, but my inner is and always will be with the
one, everlasting, only true God, whose love is my life and
whose light is my true knowledge and recognition.
[11] But you and your servant come by foot with me to my
residence in the city, where I will give you all the necessary
instruction, how you and your companions have to behave
yourself here; I also will show you the right place to camp with
your herds, on which you as foreigners can stay for a full year,
without being bothered by anyone. However, you and your
servant will stay with me, so that I can instruct you in many
[12] Said I: ‘Good uppermost! You will allow us, that the
present which you mercifully has accepted out of my hand, to
bring it along to the city?’
[13] Said thereupon the dear-friendly and truly good governor:
‘Not now, but only after three days, when you have moved to a
different field! However, there you have to put shoes on your
feet, according to our custom; since at night a lot of little insects
and worms are creeping on the sandy grass surface, get
underneath the toenails and in time cause great pain. In my
house I will provide you with these as best I can; since I have
many servants, attendants and slaves.’
[14] We, I and my servant, went with the high priest to the large
city. After about four-thousand steps we came to a large open
place in the city, which was surrounded with impressive large
buildings made from square formed rocks. A few of these large
buildings were already considerably damaged, but many were
still well maintained. One was build from many columns and
inside the wide stretching colonnades one could see all kind of
gigantic large statues; the columns were also engraved with a
number of all kinds of signs and scriptures, which the high
priest explained to me many times afterwards. Next to the hall
of columns there was a tremendously big palace in which there
was a lot lively activity.
[15] The governor said: ‘See, this is my house; just come in and
look at everything there is!’”
[1] (Oubratouvishar:) “In front of this palace were standing two
tremendously big columns, completely freestanding, which
were on all sides fully written with all kinds of signs, figures
and scriptures; also in front of the large column hall were
similar two columns constructed.
[2] With shy steps we entered the house of the high priest and
had to walk for a while before coming to the living rooms. O, in
there it was so marvelously beautiful, leaving us completely
[3] In the spirit I compared my poorest hut at home with this
residence and said to myself: Why are we blacks so amazingly
poor in our knowledge and recognition? Why can’t we produce
such buildings? Why are we still not able to produce metals?
We still have no other cutting tools than those, which we
exchanged from the Egyptians for our raw nature products!
How wretched are our looms, how badly finished our clothes!
Among us there is no spirit, no talent, no zeal; we are hardly on
a little higher level than our monkeys!
[4] When I was lost in such thoughts, my heart broke, and I
started to cry and said loudly: O, why are we blacks not entirely
animals that can neither think nor feel anything?! What
marvelous things can true humans, these true earth gods, create,
while we black half people and half animals can do nothing
compared to this! And still we have to mightily feel about all
these marvelous things, which the true humans have created!
[5] Then the governor said to me: “Don’t be bothered by that!
We already have become old men for whom these marvelous
things cannot provide joy anymore, since we have already overlived
ourselves; but you are still children full of strength and full
of increasingly more and more awakening zeal. For this world
we already have completed our lives, our crowns are lying
wilted in the grave of oblivion, our palaces are collapsing, and
our present knowledge and recognition is worse than very bad.
Here we have just a few smiths and a few weavers left; all our
technological needs we have to satisfy either from Rome or
from Greece.
[6] Yes, once a few thousand years ago, in this country were
living of course more gods than humans and erected works,
about which the later descendants of this earth will still be
amazed! But what we currently produce is equal to destruction
only, physically as well as in the soul. But you are still an
unspoiled, primordial grown and young and strong nation, can
think and want, and therefore soon can become greater in your
works than the people of this country ever were.
[7] But if you as people want to really live happily on this earth,
stay with your old simplicity! Firstly it costs you little troubles
and work, and secondly you only have very few needs, which
are easily covered. Your cattle breeding on the rich grass lands
makes you have little worries and problems, and your
agriculture, which you only do on a very limited scale, is
anyway accounted for as nothing; also your clothes are simple
and easy to produce. You therefore need only very little time to
serve your physical needs, and therefore can engage more and
exclusively in spiritual considerations! And see, this is much
more valuable, than to build such palaces with the bloody sweat
of hundred thousand times hundred-thousand human lives, so
that time, the tooth of destruction, has thousands of years to
gnaw on it!
[8] And finally, what is such an artificially heap of rocks placed
on top of each other, compared to only a blade of grass, which
was built by the great spirit of God? I say to you: nothing!
Every blade of grass, every tree is a building of God, grows out
of the dear earth without our troubles and work, and within a
short time refreshes our palate with a sweet fruit. But which
troubles and frightening work does such a palace costs the
people! And what do they gain from it afterwards, when their
work after many bloody years is completed? Nothing but a
wretched nourishment for their haughtiness, the awakening of
jealousy of foreign nations, leading in time to war and all kind
of pursuit!
[9] Truly, you my dear black friend, this is the wretched fortune
of my people, who were so stupid to cover their most beautiful
and most fertile grass lands with such dead palaces, on which
otherwise many hundred thousands of the most fertile trees
could pour their noble fruit into the lap of the people living in
very simple huts! See, on the land on which this city is build,
ten thousand people together with their large herds could easily
find enough space to live; where currently of course a hundred
thousand people live in these damaged walls! But what a live
most of them have!
[10] Previously, as the history of this country teaches us, this
land was a breadbasket, from which, in time of need, foreign
nation were supplied with bread; now, not seldom we have to
import the grain from far away countries and nations! Our herds
are in a most terrible condition. Thousands of people in such a
city does not work at all because of their little gold and silver,
day after day idly walking around, keep venal prostitutes and
not seldom converse with them in a lowest, animal like manner;
this always produces a lot of illnesses – something that you
don’t know about at all. During the day, as long as the sun
shines, you will see this large city completed depopulated; only
when the cooler night has come, they come out their artificial
rock caves like predators and talk to all kinds according to their
desires. And see, you simple son of nature, these are the
blessings which the people earn from their great stone culture!”
[1] (Oubratouvishar:) “Therefore stay in your great and original
natural purity and never long for such a wretched land culture!
Never build any cities! Stay in your simple huts and you can
stay for all times of times the happiest nation on earth, and this
even more so, if you stay with the true recognition of the
everlasting true God, and only honor and love Him! Even if you
cannot see Him, He can see you, and He always will provide
you with the power, which is necessary for you to combat any
elements hostile to man. According to the original laws of
nature, man is in charge of everything which lives and breathes
on, under and above the earth.
[2] You are still, what humans should be! The fierce lion, and
tiger, panther, hyenas, wolves, bears, snakes and adders are
fleeing your presence; only the tame herds follow your every
step! With such properties equipped, man is still standing on
this elevated primordial level of being, on which the Creator has
placed him in the beginning of all creatures. Ly down on the
lawn where the rattle snake and the poisonous viper are having
their loose game, and they leave the holy place, on which man,
as master of nature, is taking a rest! The evil ants – the curse of
some forests and steppes – emigrate as soon as man in his
primordial strength enters the area and builds a house for
himself. The lion, the panther, the most evil tiger are keeping
away from the herds which are guarded by true people, and the
crocodile, the dragon of the Nile, is never seen in those
countries, which is inhabited by humans. The Ibis, the stork and
the icz ne ma (ichneumon = does not have poison) willingly
serve man and cleaning the land of all creeping animal vermin,
and the sharp seeing eyes are searching for all cadavers and
consume it, so that the air is never polluted by it.
[3] O, what a marvelous being of true people in every area, and
what wretched life of people in the cities, which are full of
haughtiness and full of stinking self-love! In them all the
primordial life strength is gone; they are foreign bodies, foreign
beings in the large kingdom which surrounds them, and who are
standing outside any connection with God and therefore also
with any other creatures. They must build hard castles to protect
themselves against a hostile nature!
[4] Today I will let spend hundred people the night on the grass
land which I indicated to you where you can stay, and the next
morning not one will survive with his life; since these are not
people anymore, but weak silhouettes of the same, and their
crippled bodies are true dwellings of all kinds of evil and
unfermented nature spirits and unnatural behavior. Their outer
life-circle is not their divine individuality anymore, but of an
animal-like nature, and therefore there is no power left in them
anymore and even less so outside them. The outer nature does
not sees in them the highest culminating goal of their being
anymore, but only a total depravity and complete destruction of
that level, on which all creatures are supposedly reach their
highest goal. Therefore all creatures are acting hostile against
such people and are trying to destroy them in every possible
manner, because there is nothing to expect from them anymore.
[5] Therefore, my noble, black skin friend, you and your whole
nation should be happy, that you are black and that you are still
living in life’s innocent spring huts; because especially therefore
you are still that, what a true person should be according to the
order of the highest spirit of God! Therefore, always stay as you
are now, also with regard to your latest descendants, then you
will never have to complain about distress and misery of the
human life!’”
[1] (Oubratouvishar: The governor:) “‘And now we want to go
out to the place, which I will show you where you can stay!
At the same time I will provide a guard for you for the whole
period of your stay here, who will keep the bad people away
from you; because they would not make a lot of it to destroy
you to the ground, and this physically and morally. I do not ask
you if you have understood me completely; since I know that
you have understood me well and in future will understand me
even better!’
[2] Upon these words the governor gave a sign by hitting a
strong resounding metal plate, and like a miracle a large number
of armed men of dark brown color appeared and the governor
gave them instructions in a to us foreign tongue, which we did
not understood. But when the truly good governor noticed my
uneasiness, he comforted me by explaining to me, what he had
spoken to the armed men. It was about our best possible
protection against the obtrusiveness local spoiled inhabitants of
the city, which he regarded not as people anymore.
[3] One of the leaders of the guards, who was dressed nearly the
same as our friend who showed us the way, remarked to the
governor, that the otherwise rich grass land was a place full of
snakes and adders, on which no person or cattle could live.
[4] Said the governor: ‘Spoiled people including their cattle of
course not; but these are still real primordial people, who are
still true masters of all of nature and its creatures of whichever
nature! They will not harm them, and also they will, together
with their brood, leave this otherwise most beautiful place
immediately. And you as their guards will not have the slightest
problems with this vermin, of this you can be fully assured of!
But now, bring me twenty-two leather band shoes, which we
will give to these unspoiled people, so that they do not
unnecessarily hurt their feet on our sharp sandy soil!’
[5] Soon the shoes arrived. Me and my servant immediately
received the most comfortable shoes; on instructions of our
governor the other twenty were taken to our companions by four
of the guards, and when they also had put on the shoes, they
were asked by the guards to follow them to the new grass land.
But the governor, I and my servant and the other guards walked
through many streets to the place outside the city, where the
beautiful grass land was situated, fully covered with the best
grass, many dates and figs and oranges and a lot of other fruit.
But I also could see that the land was visited very little by other
people; since from quite a distance we could hear the rushing
sound of countless rattle snakes.
[6] Soon afterwards also my companions with the large herds
and camels arrived. When they arrived at the field, they did not
wait until the vermin fled before us and our herds, but without
the slightest fear took possession of the land and its fruit,
immediately walked across the large pasture, and all vermin fled
to the Nile to such an extent that for half an hour long the
surface of the Nile was covered with vermin; also four Nile
dragons fled before my companions and our herds.
[7] The governor also explained this phenomena to the guards
assigned to us and said, that they could, without any fear, go
with us to all parts of the field; since he was fully convinced that
already for the first night they will not find a single adder or
snake on the whole field. And it was so: Already after an hour
in the evening, the pasture was cleaned from any vermin of
whatever nature.
[8] On the other side of the Nile we could see whole herds of
Egyptian sheep fleeing from the pursuing poisonous emigrants,
and the shepherds were fleeing with the herds. The shepherds
screamed terribly, nevertheless escaped onto a Nile bridge; but
the herd suffered damages, since quite a few lambs were caught
by the large beasts and were consumed. There were also masses
of rabbits on the other side, which were also surprised by the
unexpected visit; since many of the young were consumed by
the creeping beasts.
[9] The guards took note of the earlier inaccessible nicest dates,
figs and oranges, and also of the most beautiful roscize
(Johannes bread), which was generally used for camel food.
[10] The captain of the guards said to the governor: ‘Honor Isis
and Osiris! Finally we also can harvest here, what was not the
case since human memory!’
[11] But the governor said: ‘The harvest for a full year will
belong to those, who cleaned this field; only what they allow
you to take, you can take, but not a single leave from a tree
unilaterally! In addition refrain from calling to your trifle land
gods in front of these highly unspoiled people; since among you
is not one whom I did not teach the only true God! Stay with
Him, but certainly no Isis and also no Osiris, nor Apis anymore!
Because all this is and will forever be nothing!’
[12] After this the governor said to me: ‘As you now can see for
yourself, you have been supplied with everything with the help
of the Highest! I will leave you now, but tomorrow with the first
crack of dawn I will be with you again; then I will give you the
right lessons, here in the great, open temple of the Highest! And
what you have learned from me, you will also pass on to your
companions! And now keep well under the protection of the
[13] With these words he returned to the city. He had to enjoy
for quite some time already a great respect from the Egyptian
people; since whoever met him, bowed to the ground before
him. But he pretended not noticing any of the homage, but went,
as if deeply in thoughts, quickly straight his way.
[14] When the sun had set, many onlookers came from the city;
but nobody dared to come closer than twenty steps towards the
infamous snake field. Some called to us to leave the field,
otherwise we would inevitably suffer the greatest harm.
However, the guard pushed the curios back and explained to
them that there was no danger anymore, since through our secret
powers all the poisonous vermin had swam across the Nile.
[15] Thereupon the curios people went back and we attended to
our herds, which gave us this evening so much of the best and
most nutritious milk, that we were not able to consume it all.
We asked the guards if they also drink milk. They confirmed
this with joy and we gave them so much milk that they also
were not able to enjoy anymore of it. The considerable rest we
poured in containers which we brought along, to make cheese.
[16] For a whole year we lived here and have learned a lot from
the good governor, namely with regard to the true recognition of
the most high God being. With the greatest friendliness we were
allowed to depart after a year and returned happily to our
[17] Soon afterwards I had my visions, immediately arranged
for a caravan and only wanted to travel to Memphis, to inform
the governor about my visions. But he already knew about you,
most Elated, and showed the way to here, showed me the very
wide way to Alexandria and entrusted me to an expert skipper,
who brought us here. He also gave me a translator, but whom I
did not take with me.
[18] Now you know, most elated person of all persons, how
I came to my little wisdom; but now tell me with certainty that I
am standing at the right place, or if I have to move on, since
I cannot stay for long, because my way home is quite far.”
[1] I said: “I already have told you, that it is of little or no use to
you, if I told you: ‘I am it!’ or: ‘I am not it!’ That you must in
anyway find by yourself; and this you can do quite easily, since
you have no shortage of the spirit. Just think what is possible for
people and what is impossible for them! Didn’t you noticed
anything, or didn’t you have noticed anything at yourself or
with somebody else?”
[2] Said the black: “As I have noticed earlier – except that we,
with entering this land, simultaneously were able to speak your
tongue, nothing unusual occurred to me; I speak openly and
clearly! When I came here, for the first moment a few things
appeared so to speak miraculous to me; but the longer I stay
here, the more natural you all occur to me.
[3] The language is therefore the only thing bordering a miracle,
however, it can be, as I have remarked earlier, quite natural,
although an unexplainable special property of this country.
Since I have experienced similar occurrences during my travels
through the large country of Egypt: we met with Romans and
Greeks; they spoke their tongue, and we understood them quite
well and could also converse with them. With talking it did not
went so easily like here; but this can be a result of the
composition of the country, its air or odor!
[4] As basically very simple people, we are much more
receptive for all kinds of appearances and impressions. As such
we can see the souls of the dead, also those who according to
their own confession, never carried a body. These nature souls
can also be recognized, in that they suddenly can change their
form and dissolve in all kind of smaller beings, and again pull
together back in a human form, which is a phenomenon that we
have never observed with souls of our dead brothers and sisters.
[5] We asked the wise governor in Memphis, if he has seen such
with his own eyes. But he said: This was only a property of very
simple and elementary nature people, who do not know any
artificial life even by name. With him and the Egyptians it never
has happened. So now and then isolated cases occur, but so
undetermined and so unexplainable as possible, while with us
everything is defined, natural and therefore also explainable.
[6] From that it also is quite explainable, how we could so
quickly understand and speak a complete foreign language. If
you, most elated person of all persons, consider this, you with
your most outstanding wisdom will realize, how during our
short stay here, nothing unusual has been noticed by us, from
which we irrefutable could infer, that we with great certainty
have already reached the place, which I have seen in my vision.
[7] A lot corresponds with it: at the shores of a small inland sea
and a fisher house build against the mountain; a lot of people of
high standing and reputation; also you, in all seriousness, have a
lot in common with the beyond all concepts shining person,
which I have seen seven times in my vision with the highest
delight. But this light person made everything happen through
his word; he spoke it, and it was there! Heaven and earth was
under his control, and uncountable crowds waited for his signs!
[8] Now, most elated person of all persons, this is surely not the
case here! I found here in you, just like two years ago with the
governor in Memphis, rather good and wise people, but from
that what I expected, until now I have found nothing and
therefore ask you, if I have came to the right place or not. If you
say yes, I will believe it and stay; since your word is perfectly
sufficient for me, since you are in every case a deep wise
person. However, if you say no, or doesn’t say again nothing,
we will start with our journey back home and get our herds
back, which we left behind in exchange for gold and silver in
Memphis according to the recommendation of the wise
governor, as well as the unused sum, which the governor has
loaned to us for leaving the herd, but of which he had the use in
the mean time.
[9] You, most elated person of all persons, can see, that I and all
of us, irrespective the fact that our flesh is not adorned with a
white skin, are not false nor sly; we all are searching for the full
truth, which is of the only importance to us, and we have the
living hope, to find it either here or anywhere else! If we
therefore are at the right place, confirm this, and with pleasure
we will do everything, whatever you ask from us!”
[10] I say to Raphael: “Go and give them a sign, so that they can
know, where they are!”
[11] Raphael immediately goes to the black (Oubratouvishar)
and says: “Friend, what is it that you have left behind in your
fatherland, for what you wanted to return when in Memphis, to
go and fetch it? You wanted to give it to the governor as a
special present for all the troubles he had with you, and
therefore have wrapped in fresh linens, but afterwards forgot
about it because of your hurried departure, namely in a corner of
your hut, where it still lies. If you wish, I bring it to you in one
moment! Speak – as you wish, it will happen!”
[12] Says the black: “Not to convince me that I have been at the
right place, because already thereby, that you have told me,
what I have forgotten at home, I know, that I’m at the right
place, since such only a all seeing eye of God can see, but you
would do me quite a good favor; since on my way back, I want
to make the governor happy, since he is a great friend of rare
forms of nature! Actually, the whole thing can have no other
value than an imagined value, but certainly not a real value!
Nevertheless, it is most beautiful!”
[13] Here Raphael gives the in linen wrapped, beautiful form of
nature, to the black and asks him if this is the right item.
[14] At this opportunity the black nearly fainted and screams,
saying: “Yes, this is it, this it is! But how possibly could you
bring this jewel here, since you have not left for one moment
my presence?! Have you stolen it from me as a young,
courageous Egyptian, in service of the governor, in a for me
incomprehensible clever manner? Did you actually a year ago
have secretly followed us, when we returned from Memphis
back home, up to my hut and has remembered the location of
my hut?
[15] Yes, but why all these my stupid questions?! A few
moments before our departure I was holding it in my hands, but
while packing my camel and getting together my herd, I placed
it in a corner of my hut and covered it with a pumpkin shell!
With getting together the herd and packing the camel, I forgot
about the beautiful natural statue; you could not have stolen it
from me! You obviously have collected it; but – how, how, how
is this possible for you, a person from visible flesh and blood?!
Since here, there and again here was a quickest moment! This is
an action that is only possible for a God! You are either a God
yourself or a true servant of him!”
[16] Says Raphael: “Not the first, but certainly the second!
However, see, when collecting your beautiful natural statue, I
still forgot something, namely the pumpkin shell with which
you have covered your little jewel! But you should have it as
well! See, here it is! Put your little jewel in it and reveal it to us;
since there are many here who want to see your found treasure!”
[1] Here the blacks were overcome by complete dizziness from
surprise over surprise; since this was something they regarded
above everything. They are pure, still completely unspoiled
nature people and as still true masters of nature, they are able to
perform some events by the firmness of their full believe and
will, which must appear to an already deeply downgraded
person of worldly commonness, as a great miracle, and it would
be therefore quite difficult, to make an impression on these
souls by any other miracle. The healing of an illness would be
quite misplaced; since these real children of nature do not know
any illnesses. Their old people always reached a high age, and
their death is always just a quiet and painless falling asleep.
[2] Their children never die, because they were fathered in the
right order, and were born into this world as fully ripe and
healthy to the core; afterwards they were fed in a natural way
and therefore no ill material could be deposited in them. If one
had healed any illnesses in front of them, one first had to
explain to them what an illness is and whereby it originates.
However, with that one would have caused them more harm
than be of any use; since to be knowledgeable about sin and its
consequences, means as much as nearly having committed it
[3] Somebody might be of the opinion that an awakening from
the dead might be quite effective. Would also be not suitable for
these people! Since they view the death of the body as a great
relief of God towards the people and would regard such an act
even as a transgression against the order of the most high spirit
of God, for as long they are not taught anything completely
better about Myself. The calling up of a great storm they would
view with absolutely natural eyes of their extremely sensitive
souls; since they themselves always have a mighty influence on
the nature-spirits of the air, the water, the earth and the fire.
But a movement which surpasses the speed of one of their shot
arrows by incomparable magnitude is a true miracle for these
people, which only can be performed by God and His highest
servant spirits, but never by a reasonable weak and mortal
person of this earth.
[4] After the blacks had recovered from their complete
amazement, the leader said to his companions: “Brothers! I and
all of you have now seen a deed, which can only be performed
by God; since even with our thoughts we cannot move that
quickly to our fatherland and from there back again to here, as
fast as this servant of God has went to and fro with this my little
jewel! Therefore we are at the right place and must only move
with the greatest reverence and continued inner worshipping of
Him, who sits their at the big table with an inconceivable most
divine and most elated expression.
[5] What He will speak to us in His inexpressible mercy and
grace, will from now on our holiest commandment, which we
will keep as the clear rocks of our fatherland, also in our
descendants until the end of all times, which this earth still has
to go through! You know what the wise governor has
prophesied of this most elated God person’s everlasting dignity!
It is in fact so, of which we are now fully convinced! Since it is
so and not otherwise, we also know what we have to do to
[6] The trip to here was far and difficult; even if it was by a
thousand times further and also a thousand times more difficult
as it were, it would not in the slightest manner weigh up against
this greatest, incomprehensible highest, in all eternity
undeserved mercy! Since there sits the everlasting, almighty
spirit in human form, who made heaven and earth and
everything that there is, only by His will and from His will, just
as the wise governor in Memphis has amply explained to us.
[7] We are now standing in front of the true, everlasting God,
who made us and has given us life. Every moment of our life is
in His hand; if He wanted it, we would not be there anymore. In
short, only He is everything in everything, and everything that
there is, is not without Him! This is what my vision means and
what the governor in Memphis had taught us, and therefore we
have to accept this and believe it forever. – It now seems if the
everlasting Lord and Master wants to talk to us! Therefore be
attentive, as if we are on a most dangerous lion hunt, how it was
described to us by the governor in Memphis!”
[1] After the black man has made this rather worthy speech to
his companions, I called the leader and asked him, if he and his
companions were not hungry and thirsty, and, if they would be
hungry and thirsty, what they wish to have to eat and to drink.
Since the trip along the sea is exhausting, and they surely need
something to eat and to drink, and therefore they should let hear
their voices and they will be served immediately!
[2] Says Oubratouvishar: “O what mercy! You everything in
everything asks a wretched earthworm that he should express
his needs before You, You most elated, everlasting spirit!
However, the worm rolling in the dust before You, because of
exceedingly overpowering reverence does not dare to express
one word before Your divinity, in order not to say a clumsy
word to You, everlasting Most Holy, which might displeases
You, making You look at us with angry eyes. We still have
from Egypt a few bags full of dried figs and dates and also some
bread that was backed twice, which should be sufficient for our
short stay here taking into account our moderation! Therefore I
bring You with the most thankful and remorseful heart my little
or even nothing meaning gratitude for Your exceedingly large
mercy granted to us!”
[3] I said: “Yes friend, if you always come to Me with such
immense and more than three quarter unnecessary reverence, it
will be even for Me nearly impossible, to give you a light which
you can take to your fatherland! By the way, you are not really
honoring Me a great deal, by regarding yourself, apparently also
being My work, as nothing and placing yourself deeply below
the dignity of a worm rolling in the dust of all nothingness!
Because through such low self-consideration of yourself before
Me, your Creator, you also downgrade Him quite extensively,
who has created and formed you out of His highest wisdom
and love!
[4] See, if a person shows you a work of art, which he has made,
and you buy it from him for yourself, because you like it, would
you thereby honor the wise artist, if you praise above all his
other works and the artist himself, but for the marvelous piece
of art which you have bought, you cannot find enough bad
words of criticism, because it now belongs to you?
[5] See, this manner of humility before Me is therefore not at all
wise, but foolish and boorish! Since if you regard yourself as
too bad and worthless, you thereby say quite easily
understandable to My face, that I am a wretched bungler
regarding My whole creation.
[6] Ah, if you also recognize My value in a justified manner in
yourself, and does not regard yourself as too infinitive small,
wretched and bad, in order to discuss this and that with Me, you
are honoring Me in yourself and recognizes My divine
excellence also on your own ground; with such disposition, you
can draw from My presence this true and living use, for which
you actually have travelled here. By the way your exceedingly
great humiliation before Me, is not a sin from your side towards
Me; since it is based in your arch-devout education from
[7] But now you also have received a right opinion about this;
since with this your current opinion, we would not get along
with each other; because you would have a continuous
unlimited devout shyness about Me, and it would force you, to
leave this place as soon as possible, which is too unbearable
holy for your devout feeling, and back in Memphis and finally
back home you would twaddle a great deal about My for you
extraordinary and unbearable holiness! And this would be the
only use, which you for yourself, for your people and your
people’s descendants have taken from here! Would you be
content with that?
[8] Certainly not! Since during a more illuminated moment of
your life, you had to ask yourself loudly by saying: ‘Yes, what
is this now all about?! Have I undertaken such a far and difficult
trip upon my own decision, only to continuously despair of such
deepest reverence on the so laboriously found place of
destination? No, this was such a terrible delight and bliss,
of which I do not want a repetition for the rest of my life!’ See,
this is what you would have, for making the trip to here!
[9] Therefore it also says here, to let reason prevail a little and
think, what is right and fair in every situation of life, and you
will get trough everywhere with goodness and honesty and you
always will profit the living use for life. Let go of your
excessive reverence for Me! Love Me as your Creator, Father,
Master and Lord with all life’s strength, and also love your
brother like yourself, and you will do more than enough! And if
you want to address Me, simply call Me Lord and Master, what
I actually am. Everything else, however, does not belong here!”
[1] (The Lord:) “Earlier I have asked you if you are hungry and
thirsty, and I was asking you this, because I can only see too
well that you are full of hunger and thirst; the day is already
four hours long, and since yesterday noon you haven’t eaten nor
anything to drink; on the ship you could not have any milk, and
the water was already scale and as such bad. And therefore My
immediate concern for you is, that you should receive bodily
strengthening; since without it you could not take up the
required rest, which is necessary to take up the spiritual food
more long-lasting. Because to preach someone the Gospel,
where the hunger and thirst comes out of his eyes and ears,
before feeding him, would be the crown of human self-loving
foolishness! Therefore also you should first be fed bodily; only
then we will look after the Gospel!
[2] However, here, you will have to be content with My table,
contrary to your custom, and your moth-eaten dates and figs for
your camels to eat. Therefore sit at the tables over there which
are empty, and soon you will be provided with sufficient food
and drinks! You, Oubratouvishar, sit here; since also you are a
real king for your people, and this is a table for kings, who have
to decide among each other how to lead their people and
develop them to become true human beings!”
[3] Everybody obeys to what I said, and our Marcus with the
help of invisible helpers is at once ready with a sufficient
quantity of the best fishes; and when the blacks were sitting at
the tables, fish, bread, salt and wine is placed on the tables, and
it is indicated to the guests, that they should consume what has
been placed in front of them. Soon they started to eat the still
steaming fishes, took bread and wine, and found everything
very good and good tasting.
[4] The leader who already had more courage, said: “Lord of
my life, such good tasting food has never before touched my
palate! At times we also eat fish at home; but this is penance
food for us. Who behaved disobediently against the existing
order, have to eat fish; if we could prepare them like this, truly,
they would cease to become penance food!
[5] What kind of water is this, what we are drinking here? This
tastes indescribable good; one could drink this without being
thirsty and keep on eating this honey sweet bread! In Memphis I
sometimes also got a piece of bread to eat from the governor,
but this wasn’t by far not as sweet as this. However, above all I
admire this water! Where is the spring of this water? Can one
buy it here from you? I want to take some of it to my fatherland,
so that they can taste a water from the earth of this heavenly
[6] The earth is also much more beautiful here than with us!
Here exists an extraordinary variety! Everywhere there is an
abundance of growth of herbs, brushes and trees; with us there
are only certain fields which are grown like that, otherwise
everything is bare, desolate and blank. Here most of the
mountains are covered up to the top with the most beautiful
trees and look quite softly; with me at home they are naked
rocks, only on a few places covered with some gray-red moss.
They look as if destroyed and weather-beaten. Their color is
mostly burned red and dark gray, and in most cases they are so
steep that one climbs them only here and there under the biggest
endangerment of one’s life. Once you have reached the top, one
cannot endure the heat, in the afternoon not at all, since then the
mountain tops begin to glow, so that fishes placed on the rocks
are cooked within a few moments through and through, also the
meat of lambs and goats. In the afternoon even the eagles
cannot sit on a mountain top, and the ibexes climbing down to
the fields and the rushing of the Nile.
[7] O, we live in a very hard and extremely hot country, where
in times it is quite difficult to be and live as a person! Especially
during the after-summer, it would be quite impossible to live far
away from the Nile; since then there are days when the rocks
and the sand begin to melt, especially if in the afternoon the
wind begins to blow from midday. Then one almost can see
flames rolling over the wide sand desert floor, and people and
animals have no other choice then to hug the good Nile, which
miraculously is a very cold stream in our region.
[8] Towards the last three month of the year, before the rain
month arrives, it is the most terrible time of all, because then the
fire storms are coming. It becomes dreadfully muggy. Clouds
like incredible flame columns are rising from behind the
mountains and finally cover the whole sky, and countless
lightning strikes come crashing down from the gray-black
blanket of the sky with the most fearsome thunder roaring and
causing great terror to people and animals. Although they are
not causing a lot of damage, because they dissipate high up in
the air; however, it is no joke, to have to listen to this cracking,
roaring, hissing and thundering for sometimes forty days and
nights and also living with the fear to be horribly burned by one
of the lightning strikes coming too close to earth, which happens
so now and then, especially to those people, who during that
time do not diligently smear their bodies with fat.
[9] If the fire time is over, it starts to rain and rains for about
four to six weeks or moon change times. The rain falls thinly
but dense, and on some of the mountain tops it sometimes
snows. Towards the end of the rain season it often gets
sensitively cold, so that we have to warm ourselves at the fire.
This is also not particularly pleasing, but nevertheless better
than to live during the after-summer.
[10] This is our life and how we live and do things! We have to
endure a lot of hardship and have only very few pleasantries.
O, what heaven are these regions compared to ours! How much
joy must there be to live in these true heavens on earth, and how
desolate and sad does appear our country in comparison! But
You, o Lord, wanted it like this, that we, stuck in our black
skins, should not have it otherwise, and it will be perfectly
alright as it is, and never ever has anybody grumbled against
such Your divine arrangement!
[11] Our coal-black skin is in some regard quite a burden for us;
since firstly it attracts, according to our manifold experience,
heat by far more than any brighter color, and secondly we are
deterrent ugly compared to your white appearance. For example
how beautiful is this heavenly form of this here present maiden,
and how ugly a maiden with us! We see and feel it, and still we
cannot change our color! What beautiful hair you have, and
what ugly, totally twisted, black short wool we have to
embellish our heads! But we do not grumble and are content
with everything, what You, o Lord and Master, have given us!
[12] But now I must show you my beautiful natural statue, and
You, o Lord, will mercifully determine its value!”
[1] Here Oubratouvishar unwrapped his jewel from the cotton
linen and placed it before Me, saying: “There it is, like I have
found it between the rocks on a hillside, and could not do
otherwise, than to pick it up and to keep it! Surely, never ever
did any human hands have anything to do with it! It seems
therefore to be a pure product, a so called play of nature. What
is it, and what value can it have? Since I never want to give to
anyone a present which is worthless.”
[2] I said: “This is a most valuable precious stone, namely a
biggest cut diamond. Nevertheless, it was cut and polished
through the hands of humans, and during the times when the
Persians made war against the Egyptians and at that opportunity
also penetrated the desert of Nubian, it was lost by a general
when fighting with a large herd of hungry lions and panthers;
with that you are going to present the governor of Memphis
with an earthly enormously valuable present, and this because
of its extraordinary rarity.
[3] See, this stone has been cut and polished for one-hundredand-
seventy years, and became the crown jewel of some kings
of Persia, until finally a king honored one of his greatest
generals with it; and actually this general lost it at the desert
border of your country, where at that time there were swarms of
lions and panthers. At that time I have placed these animals
there, otherwise those at that stage very warlike Persians would
have found you and would have thinned out your herds very
[4] However, like you have been destined, to even find earthly
the most valuable treasure, which has lain under the rocks for
some hundred years, you also have been called, to find the
greatest and most valuable treasure for the spirit and from there
for your souls. You have searched and have found it in a most
honorable way! Your black skin should not burden you and will
remain one of the most respectable colors for Me.
[5] This gospel, which I now will preach to you, will only be
kept pure with you. You will become My pre-apostle for your
black brothers and sisters! However, within a short time I will
send to you a post-helper, who will guide you to a very
fortunate land in your region and will teach you agriculture and
other useful arts, which are of a great necessity for the life on
this earth.
[6] In this to you still totally foreign country, you will be a
contented and happy nation and will preserve the purity of My
word and My teaching. Woe those, who will try to look for you
during later times, to make you suffer and subjugate you;
against them I Myself will pick up the raging sword and slay
them to the last man! And as such you blacks should live in an
isolated, very large corner always as a free nation until the end
of times.
[7] However, should you in future disagree among each other –
what must remain a possibility for the sake of your freedom, the
mighty among you will make themselves kings, will torment
you with hard laws, and your golden freedom will for a long
time or even forever come to an end! Then your children will
live in great suffering and long for redemption; but they will
have to wait for it for a very long time. Therefore organize
yourself in such a way, so that no kings arise among you –
except those, like yourself! Since you are not a suppresser, but a
true joy-maker for your people, and this is also inside My order,
and this is how it should remain with you!”
[1] (The Lord:) “My name is Jesus from Nazareth, earthly as a
person, and Jehovah from eternity; but from now on Jesus will
stay forever. In this name you will be able to do and to affect
everything, not only temporary, but forever!
[2] Love Me as your God and Lord and Master above all and
among yourselves like everybody himself, then you will remain
in My love, in My strength and power, and My light will never
leave you!
[3] However, if you become weaker in the love for Me and your
poorer brothers and sisters, it will become dark in your hearts,
and My strength and power in you will dwindle and become
very small! Even if you call on My name and want to act
through it, it will not provide you with My strength and power
anymore; since all strength, all power and all successful doing
in My name, will only be maintained by the love to Me and
from it to your fellowman!
[4] My name on its own, does not achieve anything, but only the
love in it, through it and for it, and therefrom to your
fellowman! If a poor person came to someone and begs him for
help, but this someone says to him: ‘Go and earn it for
yourself’, truly, he does not have My love and will not
overcome any power and any strength!
[5] Go now and tell this to your companions, and then come
back, and I Myself will teach you another gospel! So be it!”
[6] Oubratouvishar bows before Me and went to the tables of his
companions, to tell them, what he heard from Me. But how big
was his amazement, when he, instead of the twenty who this
time travelled with him, also found thirty-four women sitting at
the table. He of course recognized them immediately as his
neighbors and next of kin, and it is obvious that his first
question was none other than: how and when have you
followed me.
[7] And they answered him: “To see and hear for oneself is
better, than to be informed about the miraculous events out of
the mouth of even the most trusted eye and ear witness! We
always were half a day’s travel behind you!
[8] We would not have undertaken this trip, if it was not for a
rather indescribable beautiful shining white youth, coming like
from the air to us and almost forced us to do it. We gathered a
herd of cows, bulls and a small herd of sheep and came with it
to Memphis; there, the good governor and his people already
met us far outside the city and said, that he also received a
message from a similar youth and therefore went out to meet us.
[9] He (the governor) told us about you, took in the mean time
our herds in good safekeeping and provided us in exchange with
gold and silver in different weight and value categories, to
exchange these wherever we went for all kind of food stuffs and
other things and items. We thanked him and he gave us an
escort up to Alexandria, who provided for us on our way with
all kind of necessary things and also arranged for a save water
basket in Alexandria, in which we were brought here over a
never ending large water.
[10] When we put ashore, we found your tracks unscathed
pressed into the sand and followed such tracks. Finally we came
so close to you, that we clearly could see the dust thrown up by
your camels; only when you were lost behind a forest and
mountain, we couldn’t see you any longer.
[11] But then the youth met up with us and brought us in a
manner to here, that we could not say anything further, only that
we ourselves are full of surprise that we are here! How we came
from there to here, we do not know more about than even a very
bad dream!
[12] However, this most Elated has instructed you to give us
something! What is it? Speak! Since according to his figure he
looks exactly like you have told us repeatedly from your
visions, the very reason why you and we have travelled to here!
Speak, speak!”
[1] Says the leader: “We, my brothers and sisters, believe it,
because we have been eye- and ear witnesses of this, what is in
front of us and exists! All human wisdom, all mind and even the
purest and most sober reason cannot grasp, that this can be
possible, only to think about what is here.
[2] O, you cannot have a premonition and can form no idea,
about this what is here! After having my visions, I have come
close to imagine something immeasurable big, which will await
me here; but about something most immeasurable and most
infinitive, even my biggest and most daring thought did not dare
to reach such height, but nevertheless it is so and is there,
unmistakably before our astonished eyes!
[3] You know, what entirely I alone and the governor have
negotiated quite loudly in front of you one year ago in
Memphis, although the governor quite often thought, that it
would be sufficient, if only me have to learn his deep wisdom.
But I said: ‘See, lord, here my brothers and sisters! No one is
lesser than myself; therefore you, lord, should not make an
exception of me in front of them!’ And thereupon he always
opened his mouth loudly.
[4] When he about six month later led us to Kar-nag in Korak,
to lift the old-famous Isis veil, more than half of you were also
present and has heard and seen everything like myself.
[5] There we saw two strange pictures: firstly that the I-sis (the
nourishing being of primordial life), covered behind a dense veil
and next to it the picture of Osiris (Ou sir iez; the pasture of the
pure, spiritual person).
[6] The first picture presented a gigantic woman, with many
breasts seen at the breast; at times also a cow has been
depictured instead of the woman with many breasts as seen by
[7] The second picture of Ou sir iez presented an odd being. A
man was standing on a wide, rich pasture, surrounded by many
herds, eagerly grazing, and the odd man was standing in the
middle of all kind of fruit, and his position was like someone
who is eating.
[8] Through these two pictures the Egyptians depictured, as you
yourself have heard from the mouth of the wise governor, firstly
the primordial being of the creating, feeding and maintaining
God-being is depicted in a covered manner, and by the second
uncovered picture everything created, living and consuming of
the whole creation is presented.
[9] Here the governor began to explain to us all with deep words
of wisdom the being of the only, everlasting, primordialcreating
God, and we recognized that there must exist an
almighty, most highest and exceedingly wise primordial being,
from whom all beings in the whole, most everlasting infinity
have originated and also are continuously nourished and
[10] This primordial God-being cannot be seen or understood by
anybody, since it fills the whole of infinity and is most secretly,
omni present in space as well as time, which was the reason
why the picture of I-sis was always covered. Nobody could and
was allowed to lift the immense veil of I-sis, except the high
priest at certain, especially holy times, but also he, only the
lowest hemline in front of the people.
[11] At that stage you obtained the deepest respect of the
primordial Godhead, and not less I myself. On the way from
Kar nag (not naked, therefore dressed and covered) to Ko rak
(modest like a crayfish) we spoke about nothing else than the
primordial Godhead, and at each tree the governor explained to
us that the inner is also covered from everyone’s eyes, the
covered picture of I-sis, and our amazement and reverence
increased with each step of our camels carrying us.
[12] In every object of nature we began to see the puzzling
picture of the covered and veiled I-sis, and the governor found a
lot of joy in us, his black disciples, and from Kar nag we saw all
of nature with complete different eyes as before.
[13] Which marvelous and great conversations did not took
place afterwards between us, and of which reverence our whole
heart was overcome, when in our labor free hours we guided our
thoughts and words to the one, everlasting primordial Godbeing!
How many times haven’t we talked about this with the
good and wise governor in Memphis, what nameless happy
feeling it would produce in a person, if it was in any way
possible to only once hear only a single word from the highest
God-being, even if it was only very softly but nevertheless quite
distinct, in ones heart!”
[1] (Oubratouvishar:) “We asked the governor, if something
similar has never occurred to an extremely just person on this
[2] The governor shrugged his shoulders and said: ‘Directly
most likely never; but for indirect communication there are true
examples in the scriptures and from verbal transmissions over
generations, that very just and devout people in moments of an
enraptured state, saw the spirit of God as a light penetrating all
spaces of infinity, and they themselves were part of this light.
To all, however, to whom such mercy was given, confess that
they were seized through and through by such indescribable
feeling of joy in this light, and started to prophesy; and what
they prophesied always came true. However, never ever has any
mortal seen the true primordial God in another form!
[3] Man in a limited form, wants to bring the primordial God
closer to himself, his heart is thirsty for it, to see the Creator in
an accessible human form and with Him the everlasting
primordial spirit, and to exchange words with Him like with a
person. However, this is nothing than a foolish desire of the
retarded people, which is in a certain way forgivable, but
forever cannot be realized. Since the finite can never become
infinite – and the infinite never finite!’
[4] This is what the wise governor said to us, and we understood
this as best as our weak intelligence allowed us to.
[5] Nevertheless, despite of everything, in each one of us like by
itself, a still so large divine personally started to grow, since we
felt too much lost in the divine infinity and could not completely
find our way therein. Our heart longed for a personal God who
could be seen and loved, while our mind always declared war
against our poor heart, which felt way too small, to comprehend
the divine infinity with all our love, although the governor
recommended to us, to love the primordial Godhead.
[6] The governor told us, that there was a nation on earth, by the
name ‘Jews’. This nation had the most correct recognition of the
most high God. A first of their wise, a born Egyptian named
Moi ie sez (which means: ‘my admission’, a name which was
given to him by a princess, when she saved him from the Nile),
had spoken to God for a period of 50 years. The spirit of God
strictly forbade him to never imagine Him in any form of a
picture! Also this wise at one stage expressed the desire
according to his heart, to see Him personally, however got the
answer, ‘You cannot see God and live!’
[7] But when nevertheless the desire in the heart of the wise
became more intense, the spirit of God instructed him to hide in
a cave and come forward if called. The wise did that; and when
called, he came forward and saw in a distance the back of God,
shining brighter than a thousand suns! His face became
thereupon so bright, that no person could look at him for a
period of seven years without going blind, which was the reason
why this person had to cover his face with thick materials for
the entire period. All this, as you know, was told to us by the
very wise governor.
[8] To what extend all this was so or otherwise, we would not
know how to judge; we only know that never one untrue word
has come over the lips of the governor. As he has heard it, in
precisely the same way he gave it to us.
[9] You know, when we asked him, where in the whole land of
Egypt, the true, everlasting primordial Godhead was ever
worshipped and highly revered according to the most possible
truth, he said: ‘Not very far from here, namely in the great rock
temple of Ja bu, sim, bil (which means: ‘I was, I am and I will
be’)! Through a large and high gate the way leads to the inner of
the big mountain hall. This is adorned with columns, which are
carved from the rock. Between each column stands an armed
giant of at least twelve man sizes, as if carrying the sealing of
the temple.
[10] The inner is divided by an arch into three halls; in each, on
both sides, are standing seven such giants, altogether fourteen
giants in each of the three halls. These are symbols of the seven
spirits of God. The hall is counting in its three sections six times
seven such giants, this shows, that God already from the
beginning of all creation has set six time periods, and that in
each of these endless long and always each other penetrating
time periods, the same spirits have always carried everything
and have worked everywhere. Each of the six long sides of the
three part temple hall is engraved with all kind of signs and
figures, which could be deciphered by him who was
knowledgeable about the old wisdom, namely what the spirit of
God has revealed to the primordial arch-wise of this country.
[11] At the end of the three halls, again the covered picture of
the I-sis could be found, the uncovered Ou-sir-iez, and on the
altar in front of the I-sis, the words engraved in hard rock: Jabu-
sim-bil! At the entrance on both sides of the temple gate,
there are two giants each in a sitting position, representing the
four main element forces of God in nature; that they are sitting,
indicates the order of rest, in which they have been placed by
God, to serve all creatures according to the will of God.
[12] An inscription above the gate reminds the visitor of this
holy site, that he always should enter the holy halls with a
collected spirit. Who comes to the first hall, will find the first
columns engraved with quite strange signs and figures; these
indicate a sort of world war under the expression ‘God’s wars’.
[13] Now, in that I have not been too knowledgeable about the
old wisdom, to explain this to you any further and deeper!
Within 7 days I will lead you there, where you can see all this
for yourself. Of course, the sharp tooth of time has damaged a
few things at this ancient holy place; but most of it is still
preserved quite well, and you still can learn a lot from it!’
[14] Now, what feelings were starting to grow inside us! And
we hardly could wait for the day on which the governor would
lead us to the described holy place. When finally the day
arrived, and we trotted on our camels there, how were our hearts
glowing, when we began to come closer to the pre-temple,
which should be nothing else than a grave of a few ancient wise
men! How much did our hearts pounded, when we came to the
great rock temple! Which indescribable impression made the
four personified elements, and didn’t we nearly became
speechless, when we entered the halls with burning torches?
Why did all this seize us so mightily? Because we thought we
are closer to the highest, true God-being then anywhere in
[15] When we left the marvelous temple under many tears and
sighs and the governor told us a few things from the ancient
times of the earth, how we were moved by all this, so that
finally we started to regard the whole earth as a large temple of
God! Whether the few days were hot or more cool, we did not
noticed; since our hearts had too much to do, namely with
everything which could bring the primordial spirit of God closer
to us. And still we completely missed the point. We surely knew
a lot then; but the I-sis stayed covered and veiled, and no mortal
was ever able to lift this mysterious garment of the everlasting
[1] (Oubratouvishar:) “Only back home in our hot country did I
got the visions! I told them to you as faithfully as I have
received them through the apparent mercy of the Most High
Spirit, and you all had the greatest joy about it, making you
jumping up and down like young lambs on the pasture. Despite
your happiness and cheerfulness, you nevertheless envied me in
a honorable way in your hearts, because the wish was growing
inside you to also have such visions. When I started the trip to
here with my twenty companions after receiving secret
instructions seven times, you could not endure it longer than
half a day without me. You followed me and miraculously
caught up with me here.
[2] Now we are at the holy place of the directions in my visions,
and here we have infinitively more than Memphis, Karnag at
Korag and the greatest temple in the world Ja bu sim bil,
infinitively more than the most secretive I-sis picture! Look at
the large table! In the centre of it, dressed in rose red clothes
and a blue pleated coat, over His shoulders flowing dense,
golden-blond hair, sits not only the most highest divine spiritual,
but also bodily the most highest God-being, the most living
picture of the uncovered I-sis!
[3] When the governor laid the love for the infinitive God-being
on our hearts, we felt, that the small human heart is completely
incapable of such love, and thought and also said it, that we
could love a personality carrying the fullness of the spirit of
God above all, however, an infinitive divinity or infinity filled
by the spirit of God, as something incomprehensible could not
be loved, except if the love for such an infinitive God-being
consists of the wondrous pressurizing of the too small, trifle
person by the infinitive primordial divine omnipotence.
[4] How much were we not refreshed by the statement of the
governor, saying that Moisez finally has seen the back of the
primordial everlasting Godhead, even if his face shone so bright
for seven years because of the indescribable highest light, that
no person could look at him without going blind, and therefore
the wise during that time had to cover his face with a threefold
blanket. O, this story of the governor has refreshed us a lot,
because by that we began to imagine the possibility of a
personal God! From then on we began to love the most high
God-being, and as a result of our love I infallible received my
seven visions as invitation to here, since without it we would
never could have come here.
[5] We now have the most high God-being personally in front of
us, and He instructs us to do nothing else for our completion,
than to love Him above all and each other like everyone
necessarily loves himself!
[6] What are you saying to all this, my dear brothers and sisters?
What are you feeling now, and what thoughts are keeping your
hearts busy? O speak now and worship the most holy,
everlasting primordial spirit, this God, whom until now, no
mortal could imagine! Speak, speak! What are you thinking and
feel right now? What are you experiencing now?”
[1] Say the black companions who were still capable of
speaking full of the highest possible astonishment: “Is this in
any way possible? This quite plain and simple person should be
the carrier of the most high God-being? What irrefutable proof
do you have for this? Don’t you know that one has to be very
careful by being imprudent to fall into a gloomy, superstitious
idolism, which finally can become worse than a thousand
covered I-sis pictures?! Just think of the dangers and misleading
detours in which we could fall, if finally it is not the case! Think
of the endless colossal concepts, which we received in Memphis
and specifically at the great rock temple, about the primordial
God-being by the mouth of the wise governor, and all this
should be united and hidden in this man?! With God everything
is possible; however, here not the slightest probability is visible
to us! What indisputable proof do you have for this?
[2] Yes, if it is so, as you have told us now with your always
most truthful expression, we then of course would have found
the highest of the most highest, our life would have found its
most elated goal, itself in its primordial reason, and there would
be nothing left for us to look and search for! Since who found
himself and God and the primordial reason of being, has found
everything and has reached the holiest and most blissful goal in
all fulness as shown by the governor!
[3] However, that we have found here all this, must be shown
and proven quite strictly and more tangible, otherwise we could,
as remarked earlier, end up in all kind of the greatest confusions
because of our too great gullibility of which the governor has
warned us against above all!
[4] Look at the infinitive large firmament with the countless
many stars, which according to a very secretive teaching of the
governor are immense worlds and only appear so small due to
their immeasurable distances! Look at this our exceedingly
large earth and everything on it what lives, is, stirs and moves!
Look at the sea, the mighty Nile, the sand, the gras, all the
countless bushes and trees and all the animals in the waters, on
earth and in the air! Look at the clouds of heaven and their
power, the moon, the sun! Can you imagine and rationally think,
that this certainly very wise person can oversee, maintain and
guide the whole, everlasting infinity from the largest to the
smallest, from this nearly hand wide ground surface? Yes, he
even can perform miracles for us, as a person who is closely
familiar with the secret forces of nature, as we have seen many
of them in Cahirou and Alexandria; but what is this compared to
the everlasting infinity and its countless, to us forever unknown
beings and things?!
[5] Think about the great words of the governor, how he
faithfully warned us about these venal cons and magicians, how
he called them! A person, who with his magic art connects to a
otherwise quite customary wisdom, as the governor has said,
would, with the greatest ease try to become a ruler of the people
of this earth and finally a God, and this person appears until
now, to possess the best and richest talent for it! Therefore it
means we have to be especially careful and demand proof,
which in every regard is suitable, to bring the necessary light to
this biggest matter! Since the greater, holier and more important
this matter is or seems to become, the more all carelessness
must be removed from it!
[6] If this is about the removal of a small stone which dirties the
footpath, it is not necessary to have a special meeting for it, how
this stone should be removed from the path. The next best
person picks it up and throws it to a place where it does not
bother anybody. But it is something completely different if a
mighty rock, which have rolled down a mountain and has
blocked a narrow path and thereby separates people from
people, neighbors from neighbors, parents from their children,
brothers from brothers and sisters from sisters! Ah, then the
whole society will meet to discuss what should be done; since
the path must again made passable! Here, however, it concerns
the most important moment of our lives, for which we are all
have undertaken this very far and highly difficult trip!
[7] Are we at the right place according to your visions, we have
won everything, what the pointing proofs will show; should we
however still be far away from it, we must either return home
empty handed or continue with our journey, once we have paid
the good innkeeper for what we have consumed. Just speak
frankly, if you have any proofs in your hands for that, what you
have said about this person and what are these proofs!”
[1] Says Oubratouvishar: “Do you think that I am more gullible
than you are? O, there you are greatly mistaken about me!
Haven’t you seen the proofs this exceedingly beautiful youth,
apparently a spirit from heaven, has given me in response to all
my doubts, upon only a slightest sign from the Lord?”
[2] Says the twenty: “We saw all kind of things and also
overheard here and there the one or other word, however, could
not decipher any meaning from it and even less find any
connection; since this table is too far away from the main
[3] Say the new arrivals: “We indeed arrived in a somewhat
miraculous manner at this second for us empty standing table, in
the moment when you bowed deeply before this Lord and came
back to us, and therefore could impossibly know anything about
what you have negotiated with this dearest youth! Therefore
speak what you know and have seen, and we immediately will
recognize where we are standing!”
[4] The leader said: “Very well, then listen to me once more:
All of you know about my latest finding in a ditch full of rocks.
I wanted to bring it along when we departed and give it in
Memphis to the governor as a quite beautiful present; during our
departure I forgot about it completely, only remembered it only
later, and what was found, wrapped in linen, was therefore left
in a corner of my hut, covered by a pumpkin bowl. When I
demanded proof, just as you have demanded it from me, this
marvelous youth reminded me about the finding which I forgot
at home and described exactly to me where and when I have
found this beautiful stone, where I have hidden it in my hut, and
to whom I wanted to give it as a present.
[5] Friends and dear brothers! This truly had to appear to me
most strange and surprised me to the highest degree! How could
this youth know about a secret, which was lying so far away
from here, hidden in a deepest corner of my hut?
[6] Friends and brothers, to know this, it requires more than all
wisdom of all people! For me this would already be sufficient
proof, since I can understand, what in a most fundamental wise
case is possible for a person to know! But the youth, upon
receiving a sign from the Lord at the table there, did not left it at
that, but asks me if I would wish that he brings this said find
from the hut in Nouabia, to here! This proposal had to surprise
me to the highest degree, and I accepted the proposal of the dear
[7] You now would assume that the youth would have required
me to wait for a while? O, certainly not! In the same moment he
handed me first the stone and immediately afterwards also the
pumpkin bowl, with which the beautiful find was covered in the
deepest corner of my hut, and thereafter it was explained to me
where this beautiful stone was coming from!
[8] So that you do not think or accuse me of being gullible, have
a look at this stone and this pumpkin bowl, if it is not the same
as I have showed to all of you at home! And here also my
servant knows where in my hut I have kept it! What are you say
to this? Can this also be done by even the most famous
magician in Cahiro? (Kahi roug = the horn, which was regarded
holy, of one of the biggest bulls of this region) – I have spoken;
now it is again your turn!”
[9] Say now all: “If so, which nobody of us doubt, than heil to
us all, since here the most unbelievable becomes the most
enlivening and clearest truth! Hale us and our country and all,
who are waiting at home for us with great longing; since also
under their black skin it soon should become sunshine bright!
[10] But now tell us, how can you explain this to yourself, that
this person at the same time can be the highest God-being, of
which the whole of infinity is filled with, and who effects,
guides, maintains and nourishes everything and everywhere in
an almighty powerful manner. Where in him is there room for
such everlasting unlimited wisdom and such almighty will
power?! Here, just like us, only a limited person, and there the
most unlimited highest power effective in the whole of infinity
with the highest insight and wisdom; here and at all countless
points of the whole earth, just as the furthest depths of the
infinitive creation, equally seeing, knowing, feeling, calculating
and performing with never weakening, everlasting strength and
power?! Do you comprehend this inconceivable possibility?”
[11] Says the leader: “I surely do not grasp this fully; but I also
do not understand, just as you are, how this youth there could
have brought the forgotten stone to me within the quickest
moment! Let us therefore be patient in all humility and true love
for this only One, and there will be more light given to us!”
[12] With that all for the time being are content, deep in
thought, and are waiting for what else will come.
[1] Says Cyrenius to Me: “Lord, I would not have expected so
much wisdom and perfect clear reasoning from these Moors;
already the many knowledge and wondrous experiences they
have, are really surprising me! The governor from Memphis, by
name Justus Platonicus, is known to me as a very wise man; but
that he is familiar with all the old Egyptian mysteries, I surely
did not know!
[2] That he always was a strong philosopher, I know. As a son
of a highly respected house in Rome and rich like Krösus,
already during his youth he became familiar with the Greek and
Egyptian philosophers and made Egypt the culmination of all
his studies. Ten years he spent in the land of the old wise and
was taught everything. With an accompanying document from
my brother, Caesar Augustus, in hand, all mysteries from the
beginning to the end had to be revealed to him, and this is how
he came to his current wisdom. And because he was so
thoroughly knowledgeable in all Egyptian affairs, already
Augustus appointed him more a civil- rather than a military
governor in Memphis in Upper Egypt. There is some military in
Memphis under the command of Justus Platonicus, but he is not
a general.
[3] That he is a great scholar, I know; but that he now became
also a wise man and actually a priest, I of course did not know!
From now on I have to think higher of him; since through his
troubles with the Moors, he acquired a lot of merit with me. He
would be exceedingly happy, if he could be here! What would
be Your opinion about this my Justus Platonicus? How does he
as a heathen, including me, relate to the kingdom of God on
[4] I said: “Why do you ask about this? Justus is a man
according to My heart, he loves God above all and his
fellowmen more than himself; and who does this, is already in
My kingdom, irrespective if Jew or heathen! I say to you, that I
would more easily get along with him, than with all of you, but
you are also alright for Me! However, to preserve My word,
nobody is more suitable than these blacks; since what they have
understood properly, stays pure and unchanged like a cut
diamond. Everybody can vouch for them, that this My teaching
will after two-thousand years be as pure as they have received it
from Me!
[5] These kind of black people have the peculiar property, to
keep a teaching or custom for thousand and more years
completely pure, as if they have received it in the very
beginning. They will not take anything away or add anything to
it; but all this is not an indication that they are more advanced
than you white people, however, as descendants of Cain they
are standing on a lower level and it is very hard for them to
reach the childhood of God, since they are pure planetary people
belonging to this earth. They are pure earthly creatures,
equipped with reason, mind and conscience, but with a lesser
free will than you white people.
[6] However, the lesser free will they have, are a lot firmer than
your totally free will! What they want, they put into action,
even if it takes to level mountains! During the course of the day
they will provide us with some examples of their firm will,
which will amaze you! However, that they in all their doings are
more unchangeable than the descendants of Seth, is already
testified by their forms.
[7] See, the leader is apparently the oldest among them, and his
disciple is twenty-eight years younger than he! Look at both of
them and see whether according to their outer appearance the
one looks only one year younger than the other; they resemble
each other like twin brothers! It will be very difficult for you to
judge their age. The same goes for their natural strength and
cheerfulness. The seventy year old jumps in competition with a
youth of seventeen years!
[8] You whites are often become ill, and your skin is subject to
all kind of sicknesses; however, they, as long as they stay with
their natural food, do not know any bodily illnesses. Most of
them die of old age weakness. But just like their outer physical
appearance stays unchanged compared to yours, so is also
their inner soul character completely different and many times
firmer than yours; however, nevertheless, regarding the full
development of their spirit, they will therefore make much
lesser progress than you, because they nearly lack the flexibility
in their will completely. Their will can also be bent to some
extend; but it always requires a lot of seriousness and hard work
and patience.
[9] However, the supremeness of the soul and the spirit in
it, does not lie in the so to speak more animal-like firmness
of the will, but in the soul’s property of easy recognition,
whereby it quickly grasps and understands the light of the
truth, and in the more easily flexible will, so that the soul
sees the true and good and also grasps this quickly with the
will and turns it into a deed, since without it no recognition
would be of any use to a soul.”
[1] (The Lord:) “See, from now on these people will come into
countries of awakened and developed nations and will see the
agriculture, wine culture and large cities with the most beautiful
palaces! But if you after a thousand, also two-thousand years
could see them again, they would still live in the same hut and
not be able to build themselves a proper house of wood, and
even less so of bricks.
[2] We do not want to deny them the ability for it, they can quite
easily learn the art of building; but they will lack the easy
flexible spirit of enterprise, which is necessary for every person
to execute any kind of work!
[3] Therefore the trip to here was for them since ancient
mankind, one of the most gigantic undertakings; for you this
would only be a joke! It is quite a distance to them, and this
country’s heat makes travelling quite difficult; but for the
physical composition of these people, the heat can reach a
considerable degree, until they really start to experience heat.
They have a much more sluggish blood, which contains very
little iron, and as such their blood is thicker and more gall-like
than this of whites and requires a lot more heat before becoming
properly liquid.
[4] In a severe winter, like in the northern countries of our
Ouran, these people would feel quite uncomfortable. In the first
winter their skin would burst, since their blood which is too
thick, would not flow properly in their outer body parts, which
would lead to stoppages, which under strong pressure of the
vessels would make them burst, entailing bleeding and
considerable pain as a result. However heat, nearly making a
black stone glowing, does not affect them too much. To the
contrary, however, if a real north Scythian would come to
Nouabia, and if he would go there during high summer, he
would perish within a few days and therefore die quite soon.
[5] Now of course you think and say in your heart: ‘Must there
be so many temperature gradations on earth? Couldn’t it be
equally cold or warm everywhere?’ If you would be more
familiar with the ball figure of the earth, as it is the case now,
although you have been taught by Me about the form of the
earth when I was a tender child, you would not have thought
about this question!
[6] The different temperatures are an inevitable result of the ball
round shape of the earth. The round form, however, is
necessary, because with every other form the light of the sun
could impossibly be distributed so effectively like with the very
ball form, otherwise the earth had to be illuminated by three
suns, namely one each over the poles and one over the equator!
But who could then firstly endure the heat on earth, what would
happen to the strengthening night of all creatures, and secondly
what would happen to the movement of the earth, if it would
depend on the equally powerful attraction of three equally large
[7] I have explained to you and others, how big the sun is and
must be, and how small the earth in comparison! It must circle
the sun in a corresponding distance and speed, otherwise it
would fall into the same or when having an excessive speed,
would fly into infinity. In the first case the earth would nearly
dissolve in an instant in the extreme light intensity of the outer
atmosphere of the sun, into its primordial state or into the
primordial spirits caught in its matter; in the second case it
would freeze to a most hard lump of ice! In both cases any flesh
life on earth would be unthinkable.
[8] From this you can see, how according to My order, one
necessity leads to another, and that on this earth a constant
temperature from pole to pole can impossibly take place,
however, it is still necessary, so that the earth as far as possible
can be populated everywhere, so that the freer becoming souls
going forth from the pre-creatures, can enter a body
corresponding to their nature. What else can be done than bodily
place such people in such hot regions of the earth, whose nature
can accommodate such hot weather, and for the colder weathers,
those whose natural composition can to some extent live and
cultivate the still so cold regions.
[9] If you can comprehend this to some extent, you will
understand, why in the hot Central Africa the previously
characteristic described people, had to be black and had to be of
a very own composition of heart. Tell Me, if you have
understood this well!”
[10] Says Cyrenius: “O Lord, I’m also now completely in order
regarding this highly salutary teaching for me; since I can see
now that all world arrangement is most wise and most effective,
and that everything must be precisely as it is and can never be
otherwise! Therefore to You, God and Lord only, all honor, all
love and all praise; since the whole earth and all heavens are full
of Your love and wisdom!
[11] However, what will You, o Lord, further undertake with
the blacks? Because they do not look completely in order; I
notice this from their deep thinking behavior.
[12] Their leader has introduced Your Godhead to them in a
truly convincing manner, and the story about the transport of the
big diamond had initially stunned them; but now they are
directing all kind of questions to his conscience, and one who
turned around a few times to look at us, just now has asked the
leader, if he not in all secrecy has brought the diamond and the
pumpkin bowl along himself, to mislead them in a miracle-like
manner. What these blacks still will come up with! They will
have to be convinced by an even bigger miracle! The good
leader apparently has his hands full with them, what I notice
rather well!”
[13] I said: “Only a little more patience, until they start to
ferment properly, only then we will come to aid the leader;
since with them everything goes much slower than with us! In
addition, for the first time they now have received completely
foreign food and wine, and for the moment this makes them
even slower to comprehend, than before. But it is good that it is
like this, otherwise it would not be so easy to convince them
about something, which is still too much contrary to the
concepts of God which they had absorbed in Memphis.
[14] It is impossible for them to bring the infinity of God under
one roof with My personality; but once they are properly
fermented, they will quite easily and soon accept it! Meanwhile,
however, their leader is working with them regarding their
suspicion about his miracle deception, what is also right; since
whoever raises a loose suspicion about a true miracle, should
also receive a real punishment by the rod! The more these
blacks are now punished and humiliated with words, the firmer
and more easily they will remain for us forever!”
[1] (The Lord:) “However, this is an old experience that people,
who easily accept something without being tanned properly
beforehand, also easily let go again of the easily accepted
matter, while people who accept and comprehend a teaching
through a lot of suffering, does not that easily let go of it again.
[2] O, there are those, who have quite good talents and in
addition have also other abilities! They quite well grasp and
understand everything quickly and easily; but when the time
comes for the necessary trials, they think about their worldly
advantages, are afraid to sacrifice too much and try as far as
possible to forget and get rid of those spiritual things, which,
although tangible true, does not yield them any interest in this
world. Such people look like nearly completely transparent
dayflies, which play the whole beautiful day long in the light
and are full of life as they are illuminated and glowing; but then
comes life’s trying night, and their light and glowing comes to
an end and also their light!
[3] Therefore those people, who in the beginning accept any
higher truth with somewhat more difficulty, are more suitable
for the kingdom of God than the easy-acceptor; since they then
keep what have been accepted faithfully and life-warm, while
the easy-acceptors are playing with the light of heavens in the
same manner as the dayflies with sunlight, but subsequently do
not have a greater use of the light of heaven than the dayflies
from sunlight.
[4] There are, however, also exist people, who accept the truth
easily, also keep it and shine forth like bright stars at night, and
produce for themselves and others great use; but these people
are few and are rare.
[5] However, all these Moors belong to the slow-understanding;
but once they have grasped it, it belongs to them, and they will
shine forth and forth in their latest descendants, like the stars in
the Orion and like Sirjezc (Sirius) in the great wideness.
[6] The thorough acceptance and the right understanding of My
teaching is nearly the same as the acquisition of great wealth:
Who came in a very easy way to great wealth, will also quickly
and soon be finished with it; since he never was accustomed to
privation, and he never tried to save. Once he came into great
wealth by inheritance or other easily achieved profit, he will not
respect the inheritance; since he thinks and also feels it, that
great wealth can be easily acquired. But who acquired
considerable wealth by the diligence of his hands, knows all the
difficulties and hard work and knows how many drops of sweat
each groschen has cost him; therefore he respects his hard
acquired wealth and surely does not wastes and squanders it in a
frivolous manner.
[7] It is the same with spiritual treasures. Who acquires them
easily, nearly pays no attention to them, since he thinks and
feels it in himself that he either could never lose them, or, even
if he would lose some or even all of it, that he quite easily could
get it back again. But this is not so; since who loses something
spiritual, will not acquire the lost something as easy as the
first time.
[8] Since matter takes immediately the place of the lost spiritual,
which is a judgment, it cannot be pushed out that easily as in the
beginning. Since like all spiritual becomes continuously more
spiritual and freer, also the physical becomes more physical,
worldlier and fuller of judgment and death; for who is stuck in
the judgment once and is tied up in its will and recognition,
returns freedom to himself quite difficult or even never.
[9] Who once has My word, must keep it and stay in it
unchangingly not only by knowledge, but mainly through deeds
and works according to the word; because all knowledge and
faith without works, is as good as nothing and can have no value
for life!
[10] What use is it for someone who wants to undertake a trip to
a destination of which he only knows the name but does not
know the way to get there, and someone knowledgeable about
the way, gives him a detailed description, but he does not walk
the route, turns around and walks off into the opposite
direction?! Will he ever reach his destination? I said: He can go
where he wants, but will never reach his place of destination;
since where you want to go, you also have to walk in that
[11] These Moors are for certain the most knowledgeable
people in the whole world regarding the description of the earth!
However, without the governor Justus Platonicus, they never
would have found the way to here according to their knowledge;
but after the governor has described to them the way to here
accurately, they travelled exactly as he has described, and their
current presence here is sufficient proof, that they have executed
the instructions of the governor very precisely, and this required
a steadfast firm will, which is in a high degree inherent to them.
However, who wants something really hard, he surely also
executes what he wants.
[12] Who therefore has My word and My teaching and acts
with a firm will accordingly, must reach his destination, and
nothing can stop him; however, who acts a little according to
My word and at the same time does what the loose world
desires, is like a person who walks half the distance to a place,
and when reaching the halfway point, turns around and walks
same way back.
[13] He also resembles a servant who wants to serve two
masters, which are opposed to each other. Will he get his work
done with the two mutually hostile masters? Can he love both,
even only ostensibly? What will the two masters do, once they
find out that the double servant is equally loyal to both of them?
Will not the one just as the other say to the servant: ‘O you
joker of a servant, how can you love my worst enemy the same
as me?! Serve only me, or resign from my service!’ Since
nobody can truthfully serve two masters at the same time; he
must adhere to the one and despise the other. And see, such a
loose and rogue-like servant will finally be chased away by both
masters and will find it quite difficult to obtain a third
employment and it will be with him like sitting on the floor
between two chairs.
[14] That these Moors do not want to serve two, but only one
master, you can easily deduce from the way the leader is
fighting his colleagues, to whom the words of the governor still
mean too much and cannot that easily be removed from their
[15] The only thing, what the governor has told them out of
Moses about a divine personality, is a clue and a bridge, on
which they can be brought to Me. And it is on this bridge on
which the leader is primarily trying to convince the stubborn. If
I do not send him the angel to assist, he will not be finished with
them in a years time; however, I now will send the angel to him
and the case will present itself!”
[16] Says Cyrenius: “O Lord, then I would like to be closer, to
be able to listen to the negotiations more clearly!”
[17] I said: “It will not be necessary; since the wind will bring
everything to our ears!”
[1] Thereupon I call the angel and say to him loudly for the sake
of the table companions: “Raphael, Oubratouvishar has now
returned to the right point with his companions again, and you
can stop the quarrel with one blow! They are now well
prepared, to accept his opinion and insight about Me, if he can
proof it to them, that the stone really was brought by you from
Nouabia to here. Go then and bring to each one from his hut
what he wants, and the whole quarrel issue will be completely
[2] Since these firm willed, but otherwise difficult
understanding people, must be converted by a miracle, because
the word possesses too little persuasive power for them. These
people are also not harmed too much by a miracle like you and
especially some Jews; since they, as people of nature, can
perform considerable miracles themselves by their firm believe
and by their unbending will, what they of course regard as quite
a natural thing. Of this we will be convinced later. A great
miracle is regarded by them only as half, and therefore they can
without any harm be prepared by miracles. Therefore go to
them! What you have to say and do lies already in you.”
[3] With these instructions now known to us all, the angel goes
to the table where the blacks, becoming even more lively by the
enjoyment of the wine, are holding their quite loud dispute.
Once there, he says with a penetrating loud voice: “Why do you
accuse this your greatest friend and benefactor, to whom you
owe everything good, as if he wanted to deceive you and force a
false faith onto you?! Why are you distrusting the miracle which
I have performed on instructions of the Lord to convince him, as
if I was ordered by him as a crook, to assist him, to deceive you!
What proofs do you want, which are sufficient to fight the
doubt-addiction in you, to convince you? Must I bring
something from your huts to here? Ask and I will do it!”
[4] Upon this short and energetic speech they became absolutely
quiet and out of fear did not know what to do.
[5] But the leader said: “This is God’s help! It will justify me
before your already quite strong accusations! Ask and convince
yourself; since nothing else can break your great foolishness!”
[6] Thereupon the one who doubted him most, got up and said:
“In my hut is a hidden treasure; except for me and my wife, who
is here, nobody knows about it. Bring it here and I will fully
believe you!”
[7] Said the angel: “How long should it take that I bring the
treasure to here, which you have wrapped in linen and reeds and
have buried in a corner of your hut towards sunrise, two shoes
deep in the sand, at a place where outside the hut a large palm
tree is standing? It consists of a thirty pound heavy and
absolutely pure lump of gold. Tell me the time!”
[8] Here the skeptic’s eyes widened and he said: “But in all
heavens name, how possibly could you, dearest boy, know this
so precisely? Already with that you have destroyed my doubt;
now everything is clear to me, whatever our leader and elder has
said about this young man over there! But with all this, this
matter becomes terribly strange! If beyond all doubt the fullness
of the primordial everlasting spirit of God resides in this Man,
how can we survive in front of Him! Our doubt must have
offended Him to the highest degree? O, o we are all lost!”
[9] Says the angel: “O certainly not, you are all saved now! But
now determine the time, in which I should bring the treasure
[10] Says the skeptic: “O loveliest, this is not necessary
anymore for the sake of my disbelieve; but if you miraculously
want to bring it here, take it easy! If it has a particular value for
someone here, he can have it in exchange for some other useful
tools; since it is of no use to me anyhow! It is beautiful and has
places which are shining brightly in the sun; and if you look at it
very carefully, it consists of all kinds of signs, which are visible
on the surface. Some are dark and without shine, but some are
shining brightly in the sun. Therein lays for me the actual value
of the considerable large and very compact lump. If you,
loveliest, most beautiful youth, want to bring it here, you do not
have to rush with all your wondrous strength!”
[11] Says the angel: “Look at me! In this moment I fetch your
treasure; count the moments I will require to go there and back
[12] The sceptic and his colleagues are observing the angel with
sharp eyes, to see, when he will leave and when he will return.
[13] However, the angel does not leave but instead asks the
skeptic: “Now, did you notice my absence?”
[14] Says the skeptic: “No; since until now you are still standing
like rock at the same place!”
[15] Says the angel: “O, certainly not; just look down at your
feet where your treasure is lying completely undamaged!”
[16] The skeptic looks under the table and his recognizable
treasure is lying in its unscathed wrapping at his feet! The
skeptic is frightened so much about it, that his otherwise red lips
are getting white and he starts to tremble.
[17] Also the others are making strangely affected faces about
this appearance and shout: “But for the sake of the Lord’s
power! What is this, how can this be?! You loveliest did not
leave your place for one shortest moment! How is this
[18] Says the angel: “With God everything is possible, and you
can deduce from this, how God as Lord, although He is present
here like any other person, guides, rules and maintains with His
most infinitive will-power the whole of infinity, and that there
forever can never be anything hidden from His omni seeing
eyes, about which He does not know about in the greatest detail!
[19] That the everlasting spirit of God has taken on the flesh on
this earth and personally Himself has become a person, is the
result of His exceedingly great love for you people on this
earth, and thereby also for the people of all the countless other
world-earths, to be a God and Father that you can feel, see and
speak to in all love for all everlasting times! Since He as God is
the mightiest and purest love, no person and no angel can
approach Him in any other manner, except through love only.
[20] If you want to come to Him, you must first love Him above
all and among each other as true brothers and faithful sisters;
without such love any true approach to Him is as good as
impossible! But now, you frightened hare, pick up your treasure
and place it on the table and look at it if it is the right one!”
[1] Here, the Moor, recovering from his first fright, bends down
and placed the quite heavy lump on the table, undid the reed and
the linen and within a short time the gold lump was lying naked
on the table; and many went and looked at this rich treasure.
Also our Judas Iscariot could not tame his curiosity, looked at
the treasure and regretted secretly very much that he was not the
owner of it.
[2] When the treasure had been looked at and admired enough,
the Moor asked the angel, who would be most worthy to whom
he could give this lump as a present, because he did not want to
carry it all the way back home.
[3] And the angel pointed to Cyrenius and said: “See there, to
the right of the Lord sits the upper governor of Rome! He is in
charge of Asia and a large part of Africa; the whole of Egypt
resorts under him, and therefore also the governor of Memphis!
To him give this treasure! Also you, Oubratouvishar, would do
better to hand over your stone to this upper governor than to the
governor in Memphis, who does value this kind of treasures
only very little or not at all! – By the way, this is only my
advice, and you can do as you please!”
[4] Says the leader: “Your wise advice is already a command to
me, what I also would execute at any price, since you only can
give me the most wise and best advice anyway!”
[5] With that both get up – the skeptic with the gold lump and
the leader with his large diamond – and go to Cyrenius.
[6] When arriving there, the leader says: “Earlier I did not know
who you are. I also did not ask for anyone else, then only the
Lord, since I thought by myself: ‘Only one can be the Lord and
ruler, and all the others are his servants and attendants!’ But
now this shining white wondrous youth told me, that you,
earthly seen, are a great lord and ruler, and therefore I and this
my colleague have according to the wise advice of this loveliest
most wondrous youth, freely decided, to give to you our so
miraculously brought treasure for your disposal, for which you
nevertheless can give us some necessary and useful house tools,
so that also we can furnish our houses to produce bread, which
tastes so good.
[7] Our hacking and cutting tools are bad and getting blunt quite
easily; since they are made from wood and animal bones. In
Memphis we have learned about all kinds of cutting tools,
which even stones cannot make blunt so easily, and those tools
we could use better than our yellow shining metal, which is soft
and useless! – Therefore, be so good and accept these two
[8] Says Cyrenius: “Good, friends, I accept these two
exceedingly precious pieces from you; however not for me, but
on behalf of these impoverished Galilee people, who are already
in considerable arrear with Rome regarding their taxes! With
these two pieces Rome is in anyway covered for ten consecutive
years with taxes for this country in advance, and the country can
recover during this time period.
[9] If you return home again, I will take care that a just amount
of all kinds of the most necessary and useful tools and
appliances will be given to you, and if you wanted to place
yourself voluntary under Roman protection, you would from
year to year be issued with new tools and appliances! Otherwise
you had to at least every few years issue yourself with it in
Memphis, of course by trading for those metals!”
[10] Says the leader: “To decide on that, we had to hold a
general peoples council, which is always a difficult matter with
us, because our country is very large and the inhabitants are
living in many and often quite difficult accessible corners, and
therefore it is very difficult to call a national council. The better
will be, however, that from time to time we will collect what we
need most in Memphis.
[11] Your Roman laws might be quite good; however, they
would not be suitable for our land and people. The governor in
Memphis has already made the same proposal to us, which we
could not accept just like we cannot accept yours now. Even if
you could penetrate our country, it would serve you no purpose!
You would wander around in the glowing hot desert and perish
by the hundreds and would still find no people, but find
hundreds of herds of lions, panthers and tigers who would tear
you to pieces; you also would not survive the fight with the
snakes and adders!”
[12] Says Cyrenius: “How are you then getting along with so
many tearing beasts? Are they in all seriousness not harming
[13] Says the leader: “Just now you have heard from the mouth
of the youth and from the most holy mouth of the Lord himself,
how we are created! How can you beyond that, also ask me
about it? It is, like the Lord Himself has said about us; how,
whereby and why, we do not know ourselves! I therefore ask
you, to spare these kinds of questions; since the answers would
not be of any use to you!”
[14] Hereupon both bowed deeply before us and returned
immediately to their companions and told them everything what
they had talked with Me.
[1] But his companions said: “How could you have talked to the
Lord, when you have not spoken one word with Him?!”
[2] The leader said: “Here, where He is present, everything goes
forth from Him, and we therefore have only to do with Him,
irrespective if we negotiate with His disciples!” – With this
answer they were content and said nothing more.
[3] However, some said to the angel: “Listen, you wonder boy,
wouldn’t you also bring the quite interesting treasures of the
five of us to here, which we keep hidden in our huts?”
[4] Said the angel: “Just pick them up from your feet under the
table, and we shall see what it is!”
[5] Here the five Moors look underneath the table and to their
biggest surprise they see the only too well known, considerable
large bundles, place the same on the table, and another four
considerable lumps of Gold appear, which together weigh over
hundred pounds; however, in the fifth bundle seven rather large
river stones appear, which Marcus who was standing next to the
angel regarded as completely worthless.
[6] But the angel said: “Just wait, soon you will discover that
these seven stones, earthly seen, have the greatest and
incalculable value! Just bring a hard, iron hammer, and we will
examine them!”
[7] Marcus hurries, since full of curiosity himself, to his
workshop and soon appears again with a hard, iron hammer and
hands it to the angel. He takes such a stone into his hand and
hits it carefully several times, whereupon the whitish, silica-like
crust comes loose, and a pearl the seize of a human head
appears, leaving everybody absolutely speechless.
[8] On the surface of this wonder pearl were hieroglyphics and
other signs engraved. Amongst others there was also a quite
good drawing of the temple Ja bu sim bil during the building
period, namely when the four gigantic figures after a hundredand-
seventy years work full of sweat and other sacrifices were
completed and people still were working lively at the facades
and through sculpturing engraving gigantic scriptures and other
signs into the flat, large surfaces, and when at the same time
they were starting to cut open the gate in the middle between the
gigantic figures. Who could decipher these signs and scriptures
which were clearly visible, had the origin of this temple in front
of him and also the reason, why it was built by the ancient
Egyptians, namely near the Nile river.
[9] This pearl therefore does not only have an incalculable value
as a giant among its kind, but also a historic value. At the same
time it also originates from a time period of the earth, when it
still took many thousands of years, until the first human in flesh
stepped onto this earth.
[10] At the earth’s time, when such gigantic shell animals lived
in the sea, huge waves of the world’s sea were still covering the
largest parts of the low lying countries of Africa. The ancient
Egyptians found the mother-shell during the foundation
diggings of the first pyramids, and when they opened the
mother-shell they found these seven pearls in it, of which the
angel has now freed one of them from its crust.
[11] Naturally, the angel now was stormed with questions, and
he explained the circumstances as it was given here in all
[12] When Raphael finished the of course only superficial
explanation of the first revealed pearl, he said: “What you need
to know for the time being, I have briefly explained to you as
clear as possible; let us now move on to the exposure of the
second pearl, which is somewhat smaller than the first!”
[13] Here the angel took the second pearl and freed it in the
same way from its crust as the first one. It also was full of signs
and scriptures. On one of the smoothest surfaces the little
temple of Ja bu sim bil was engraved and next to it a head,
similar to this of the great Sphinx. And the angel was again
stormed, to explain all these signs and inscriptions.
[14] And he (the angel) said: “Friends, without the full
awakening of the spirit in the soul none of the currently living
people will be able to interpret everything, what is written and
drawn on this pearl!
[15] Although this pearl is as old as the first and largest pearl, it
has only been engraved and in-scripted a hundred years later,
namely during the time of completion of the smaller rock
temple, in which, however, the inner of the larger temple was
not fully completed. Therefore the smaller temple is here
presented as fully completed.
[16] The head presents the already seventh shepherd-king of the
time, who gave himself the name Shivinz (wrongly ‘Sphinx’),
the lively, the entrepreneur. He nearly reached the age of three99
hundred years, and his head was colossally sculptured from a
large granite rock, which still today is quite well preserved and
[17] This Shivinz introduced large improvements in the schools,
as well as in cattle breeding and in agriculture. However, he also
enjoyed from his people a nearly divine worshipping. The signs
and scriptures indicate the very many good things and
improvements, which he introduced to this country with his
extremely active spirit.
[18] He did not started to chisel the large temple, since this was
done by two of his ancestors who were very much devoted to
the invisible spirit of God; out of great respect he had them
chiseled from rock in a colossal seize not far from the great
temple in a sitting position on a beautiful plain near the Nile, as
an everlasting memory. And since the two had no name and out
of modesty did not want to carry a name, he gave them a name
and called them ‘The Nameless’ (Me maine oni, = badly
translated in later times: ‘Memnon’), of which both picture
columns are still quite well preserved and visible until this day.”
[19] Said the leader: “Yes, yes, we have seen and admired all
this! But how old would all these extraordinary things be?”
[20] Says the angel: “Near to three-thousand years, and the next
three-thousand years will not completely eradicate their tracks!
– Just wait a little, we will now reveal the third pearl; on its
surface we will next to the two ancestors of Shivinz, already as
statues, still see other major events engraved, which will make
you think a lot!”
[1] Here Raphael took the third pearl in his hand and freed it
from its crust.
[2] When it was naked, Raphael drew the attention of the
knowledge thirsty and rather burning onlookers to the quite
good engraved Memnon statues and said: “See, there they are
already, the two Nameless! But there above you can see, as in
front of the Nameless, seven gigantic figures of clothed humans,
and around them you see a lot of very small figures of people!
What has the wise Shivinz, who himself has drawn all of the
pearls, wanted to express thereby?
[3] Listen! It is the same time about 107 years before the first of
the two nameless ancestors, when a large planet in deep space
was destroyed into many pieces by the permission of the Lord.
Many gigantic large people lived on it.
[4] By the sudden, by nobody foreseen destruction, although it
was often announced to these people, it happened that seven of
the mentioned earth-people fell in upper Egypt on several open
places of the large country and by their heavy fall caused a very
strong earth tremor.
[5] This people rain lasted more than 10 days, this means from
the first fall to the last. The inhabitants of this country had to
endure a lot of fear and fright during that time; especially at
night they were frightened that one of the giants would fall onto
them and terribly smash them. Therefore they looked with
fearing hearts continuously to the sky, if not another uninvited
guest from the clouds would pay them an unwelcomed visit.
[6] For nearly ten years they had posted permanent guards, to
see, if not another gruesome traveler would come from the air;
but after ten days there was no one to see, and in time the souls
of the people calmed down again and they even dared to go to
the large, completely dried out gigantic corpses, which lay
spread out up to one quarter day travel from each other.
[7] The wise among those ancient Egyptians speculated quite
correctly that it were giants from a large and far away country
who were punished by the spirit of God, because they sinned
against God, and God in His just rage had picked them up and
thrown them here, to show the Egyptians, that He does not spare
even the mighty giants, if they acted against His will. In short,
they finally started to burn these giants piece by piece, and after
fifty years not one sign could be found anywhere of them.
[8] However, what the Egyptians remembered about these
gigantic human figures, was this, that from these giants stuck in
their memory they went over to a colossal sense for everything,
of which their first sculptures was more than a tangible proof.
[9] In the temple of Ja bu sim bil, in each of the three divisions,
seven giants were illustrated as so to speak bearers of the roof,
which means chiseled into stone, namely in the specific clothes
in which the travelers from the air have arrived; and the
Egyptians who previously walked around almost completely
naked, started to dress themselves in such manner, which is the
reason that one until this day sees all the old leftovers dressed in
this manner. Their mummies and sarcophagi are full of this kind
of decorations.”
[10] Asks the leader, what it was that the old Egyptians in all
reality meant under the sarcophagi and why they had called the
large and also smaller very massive coffins like that.
[11] Said Raphael: “This you will hear right now and very
thoroughly! You know, that it is in large parts of this country
not that easy to just bury the corpses, since in the dry ground a
body decomposes very slowly and therefore cannot be
destroyed by rotting. In the more moist nearness of the Nile one
also did not wanted to bury the dead, for the very wise reason
not to pollute the water of the stream. To let lay the corpses on
the surface or throw them to the wild animals for food,
especially the old Egyptians were too much human and
respected even the corpses of their dead brothers too much, than
to cause them such disrespectfulness. However, what else could
they do?
[12] See, they had a very clever idea! From stone they chiseled,
partly very large and later also very small coffins, in which
there was comfortably space to the most one, two or three
corpses. Each coffin was provided with a relatively large and
heavy lid. When in such coffin one or more corpses had been
placed, after they had been rubbed properly with mum (Muma,
also mummy, = earth resin, earth balsam), the lid was made
glowing hot and the coffin was then covered so to speak forever
with this glowing hot lid. By that process the corpses
completely dried out and with very hot lids sometimes even
charred or completely burnt up to ash.
[13] However, in the bigger towns and societies there were also
general coffins, which were opened every seven years. They
were then again filled with corpses and completely covered, and
on top of the lid a proper fire was made, whereby the corpses of
course turn to ash. If such a coffin was full of ash, it was not
opened anymore, but was left standing as a honorable
monument in memory of the temporariness of everything
[14] In time vaults and pyramids were build around and above
it, which is the reason why one still finds today in the vicinity of
the pyramids many such coffins in sometimes very narrow and
sometimes very wide vaults (Kai-tu comba, which means
hidden chamber). These now clearly described the coffins which
were then called sarcophagi, because according to the tongue of
the ancient Egyptians, sarko means ‘glowing’ and vaga (vascha)
means ‘heavy lid’.
[15] There you have your sarcophagi; but now let us continue
with the third pearl and we will see what it will reveal to us!”
[1] Carefully the angel picks it up with his hand and chips off
the crust.
[2] Here the leader asks the angel and says: “O wonder boy, you
service finger of the Most Highest, do not be annoyed when I
bother you with a question! See, with your otherwise
miraculous power I’m bothered by the hammer! Is it absolutely
necessary or are you using it only to reveal yourself to us in a
greater natural manner, so that we can observe and listen to you
in a more fearless and calmer way?”
[3] Says the angel: “Not any of the two, I only do this, to show
you how to handle such stones when you come across similar
events, to expose them should you again find any! Since
especially in upper- and middle Egypt these encrusted stones
occur in large numbers, namely widely spread in the desert; of
course there will only be few such pearls left among them.
However, also the other stones are decorated with all kinds of
signs, scriptures and pictures; since the old Egyptians for a very
long time did not yet have any paper to write on. Therefore they
used stone plates, to initially engrave with bones and later with
iron styluses all kinds of things they wanted to memorize.
[4] The very first recordings did of course indicated nothing else
than the very simple events of their herds; but the later ones are
containing, like these pearls, great and important events, not
only for this large country and nation, but also for the whole
earth. Since the Lord wanted it to be a very thorough pre-school
for His Coming, which also is the reason why He send His
closely chosen nation, the Hebraemites, to a long continuing
school in Egypt. And Moses, the great prophet of the Lord, had
at the Horn of the Kahi (Kahiro), in Theben (Thebai, also
Thebsai, = house of fools, later of course a large, people rich
city), in Kar nag at Korak and in the oldest cities like Memphis,
Diathira (Dia daira = place of corvee) and at Elephantine (EL ei
fanti = the descendants of the children of God) completed his
school and was lead by the spirit of God to a highest
inauguration only at an age of fifty-seven, when fleeing at
Madan over the Sues from a cruel Varion (Pharaoh), from
where you can read his later history in the scriptures.
[5] In short, Egypt was destined by God to become a pre-school,
and the inhabitants of this oldest inhabited land of the earth
were already from ancient times onwards gifted with a lot of
wisdom and conducted trade with nearly all better nations on
earth. You will now understand, how and why especially in this
country everything, which can be found, has very often a very
deep routed meaning.
[6] And now to our exposed fourth pearl!
[7] There we see several illustrations of hunters with quivers,
bows and arrows and a large herd enclosed by lions. This
signifies a great battle of the Egyptians with lions, which at that
stage attacked in large numbers the fat herds of the Egyptians.
[8] And see, more to the right of this scene you see the pastures
already enclosed with walls, and on it are lying heads of bulls,
with the horns pointing up, then down and then sideways, all
indicating that the herds, before the tremendous enclosure of the
large pastures, were always in great danger and were completely
defenseless. At each corner of the walls you see a large dog, like
ready for fighting, sometimes standing, sometimes lying down;
the name which the old Egyptians gave to this watchful animal
was Pas, also Pastshier, guardian of the pasture.
[9] Here, still further to the right, you again see the shepherd
king Shivinz (Sphinx), at his side a gigantic large dog, and in
front of the dog some pieces of the lion. Still to the right,
however, a little higher up, we can see the same dog, under it
the picture of the sun and the moon. What does this mean?
[10] Listen! Our Shivinz as a king of the shepherds, in fact had
one of the largest dogs, and in its presence no lion and no
panther was sure of its life. For a long time this dog protected
the herds of Shivinz. However, when the dog died of old age,
Shivinz determined, out of respect and as a memorial, to always
symbolize this animal with a constellation in the southern sky.
He gave the constellation the name the Great Dog, who loyally
protected the king’s herds for many years. That the king gave
his dog a place among the stars, is indicated by the sun and the
moon underneath the belly of the dog. Everything, under which
sun and moon can be seen, can be found symbolically among
the stars as memorial of a great and important event.
[11] Nowadays a very large and watchful dog is – especially in
this country where there are nearly no tearing animals – not of
any special importance anymore; however, in ancient Egypt,
where there were whole herds of tearing beasts and in parts still
exist, a large, strong and courageous dog was an exceedingly
great necessity. Since firstly such a dog was the most loyal
protector of the herds. His maintenance was very easy, since
this large dog race fed itself from the uncountable many earth
mice, of which this country never had a shortage of; they also
ate the large grasshoppers by the thousands per day. Only once
per day did they receive some milk, which made, that the dogs
remained faithful to the herd.
[12] Together with the great dogs, also a species of smaller dogs
were quite well accepted with the ancient Egyptians; their name
was Mal pas (small dog). These were the noise makers; Poroshit
means according to the old tongue ‘sign’ or ‘noise maker’. If
something foreign came close to a house or herd, the small dogs
started to bark; this made the large ones attentive, who then
filled the area with their immense barking, bringing respect to
the wild beasts, whereupon they began to retreat.
[13] Quite often the small dogs were also the guardians of
chicken and the brood, for which they have been specifically
trained for. All this was the invention of Shivinz, who made
these birds into useful domestic animals and showed the
Egyptians, how good tasting their meat and their grilled and
cooked eggs were. In this way he taught this already very large
nation of this large country new types of food and new herds,
whose roasts and eggs tasted only too well, otherwise there
would not have been during later times a proper chicken war,
which was even mentioned by the Greek historian Herodot in
some mystic manner.
[14] Our Shivinz, who attached the great dog to the skies, also
gave the little dog a place among the stars and gave it the name
Porishion (Prozion). Close by you find the old Kokla (hen); later
this constellation received the name Peleada, also Peleadza, and
under a false legend of the Greek was given the name Pleaden
by the Greek.
[15] Here at the very top of the pearl you can also see this quite
well engraved, and you can recognize from this how intelligent
our Shivinz was. It was not his major aim to continuously recall
to memory of his disciples his dogs and chickens by easily
recognizable constellations, but rather to teach them the
progress of time by the stars.
[16] It was also Shivinz who at Diadaira (Diathira) setup the
first zodiac (Sa diazc = for the workers), he was the first to
invent it at the firmament and gave the constellations their
names according to appearances and country events occurring at
a particular time, as we will see it soon on the revealed fifth
[1] (Raphael:) “Just pay attention; there is the fifth pearl! How
such ancient relics should be handled and how they should be
exposed, I already have shown you, and therefore I’m going to
reveal the last three pearls by just using my will power, and see,
we already have the fifth pearl revealed in front of us!
[2] See here the zodiac of Diathira before us, drawn on the
pearl’s most beautiful and largest surface! There is a colossal
temple; 365 most massive columns are carrying an equally
massive arch of reddish granite ashlars, constructed most
artfully and exceedingly precisely to building practices and very
strongly. The highest point on the arch is 66 man heights high.
The whole arch has exactly 365 openings, which are build in
precisely such a way that during a period of one constellation,
under which the sun is present, the light falls precisely at the
middle of the day onto the centre point of a column standing
vertically in the centre of the temple. The light coming through
the other openings was also falling onto the altar during the
different times of the day, but did not passed through the centre
point, but one or more degrees sideways.
[3] This most meaningful constructed arch still exists today,
although somewhat chewed by the tooth of time, and will still
stand for a long time to come and serve the astronomers as a
[4] You ask, to which actual use did the great Shivinz build this
arch with the greatest effort of the world? Before that there was
no defined time keeping. The small change in shorter- or longer
days was hardly noticed. The moon was still the most reliable
time keeper. In Diathira, as the town where the workers became
sluggish due to punishment, it was necessary to have a certain
time keeping system during the day as well as night, and for that
purpose and for the sake of a more precise order, our Shivinz
made this arch, which, however, took him ten years and onehundred-
thousand workers to complete.
[5] The arch was of course very wide, and for every 30 and 31
round openings the symbol of one of the twelve constellation
signs was painted on to it, above which, normally red painting,
the constellation was faithfully painted in white on top. You can
see here on the pearl the inner of the arch drawn clearly with
fine lines, which then have been rubbed with a dark red color,
and you can now imagine, what an awakened spirit our Shivinz
was, and what unlimited respect the nations of Egypt had for
him! The result of this was as such, that he only had to wave,
and hundred thousands of people started to stir with all energy,
and the most extraordinary work was raised out of the earth!
[6] The most wise of the nation he made into teachers and
priests: established everywhere schools for all kinds of subjects
which were useful for the peoples activities. The highest
teaching of God, however, could only be achieved in Kar nag at
Korak and finally in secrecy through many and hard trials at Ja
bu sim bil.”
[7] Here the old innkeeper Marcus asked the angel, interrupting
his explanation: “Most dearest friend, while you are at it
revealing your pearls, couldn’t you also explain to us the strange
circumstances about the Sphinx which as half woman and as
half animal gave on life and death to the people the famous
riddle: namely what animal was it, which walks in the morning
on all four, at midday on two and in the evening on three feet?
Who couldn’t solve the riddle, was killed by the riddle sphinx;
however, who was able to solve it, was allowed to kill the
sphinx! – Is anything about this a fact or not?”
[1] Said Raphael: “Look here, this sixth pearl will answer your
question! Here we have it exposed; what do you see at
first sight?”
[2] Says Marcus: “There I see again the colossal image of
Shivinz and some pyramids; in front of the largest are standing
two upside down cone shaped columns, called obelisks, and
towards the side of the great pyramid, in reality perhaps a few
hundred steps away, what one cannot determine precisely from
the picture, there again a quite considerable colossal statue is
visible. It has the head of a woman, female hands and a strong,
female chest. Where the chest ends at the point of the stomach,
a recognizable animal body begins. Behind this strange statue is
a far stretched circular wall, enclosing a vast pasture. It appears
to form a whole and unified something. What does this mean?”
[3] Says Raphael: “The colossal chest picture is the very
Shivinz, which the people, to honor the great, build out of their
own initiative by the best chiselers and builders and also to their
very own cost. The great pyramid with the two obelisks was a
‘Man, Recognize Yourself’ school. The inner had large
chambers and long running passage ways in all directions, in
which all kinds of odd facilities were present for the selfrecognition
and from that the recognition of the Most High
Spirit of God. Sometimes the facilities looked quite gruesome;
but they rarely missed their objective. The other pyramids are
mainly only signs of those underground places, where there
were many sarcophagi, which have been permanently closed
off, as was already explained earlier.
[4] During current times, however, there still exist many
pyramids and all kind of temples along the exceedingly long
Nile valley, which very much later were build during the times
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the pharaohs; these are not
referred here, only those, which were build under Shivinz.
[5] Piramidai was the actual ancient name and means: ‘Give me
wisdom’ and the two upside down cones by the name
oubeloiska mean: ‘the pure searches for the elated, beautiful,
pure’. ‘Belo’ means actually ‘white’; but because the
completely white color meant for the old Egyptians pure, elated
and beautiful, it was also used to indicate the elated, pure and
[6] The good effect of such schools soon became known all
over, and soon foreigners came to visit such schools, and there
were so many, that they could not be accommodated and
supplied. Because of that our Shivinz thought out some means
whereby the foreigners could be kept away, so that they did not
visited too often the schools established by him. But what was
his means?
[7] Here on this pearl you see the half person and half animal
statue. It was hollow and inside a person could, by a spiral
staircase, get into its head and speak through its downward
directed funnel-shaped mouth, loud and clearly, and because of
the strong voice it had the appearance as if in all seriousness the
colossal statue could talk.
[8] If now the foreigners came there to be accepted to the
school, they were directed by a servant of the statue, to stand at
a certain place in front of the statue, which was dead on the
outside but alive on the inside, namely one by one. There,
everyone who wanted to become a disciple of the pyramids
received a puzzling question on life and death from Shivinz. If
the ask has solved the riddle, he was accepted, and with
admission he was also allowed to ask the statue a counter
question and in case where the statue could not give him a
satisfying answer, he was allowed to destroy it and so to speak
murder it.
[9] The question, however, was given to the clients three days
before to think about; on the third day however, when they
received the same question out of the mouth of the statue on life
and death, surely nobody dared to, but retreated in all humility,
paid the required pre-question fee and travelled to his quite
often very far fatherland.
[10] Falling into a later time period, a myth said, that a Greek
was successful to solve the old riddle; with hundred-thousand
others this is a fable and is without any truth! Since the famous
riddle was solved by Moses, however, who did not destroyed
the statue, since also this statue, although somewhat chewed up
by the tooth of time, can still be seen today.
[11] Of course, the inner structure cannot be found anymore,
since it is entirely full of sand and mud; since the Nile severely
floods its banks normally every hundred, sometimes also twohundred
years, so that in the narrow valley areas the waves are
driven more than thirty ell (1 ell = 1.143m, the translator) above
the normal water level. Thereby a lot is laid to waste and made
useless, since a huge amount of gravel sand and mud is
deposited on top of the earlier most beautiful pastures.
[12] After the time of Shivinz there were two Nile floods, where
the waves went high above the peaks of the pyramids. Such a
flood also took place, counted from now on, 870 years ago,
whereby the temple of Ja bu sim bil was nearly halfway sanded
and silted up, and since that time it was not possible anymore to
clean it and other memorials from all the sand and mud. And it
is the same with our puzzling statue; on the inside it is full of
hardened mud and sand, who nobody can remove anymore! So,
my dear Marcus, this is the truth about the puzzling sphinx! –
Are you now in the clear about it?”
[13] Said Marcus: “During the course of 2,000 years, did no one
have the courage to let the sphinx present him the known riddle
at the risk of his life? And if he would have done it, what would
happen to him, if he, quite understandable, could not solve the
[14] Said Raphael: “At the spot where the ask was standing,
there was a pit installed, by which he quickly would sink into
the ground; and once at the bottom, a few servants would have
taken him to the school by underground passageways because of
his bravery, although he did not solved the riddle correctly,
from which he could not get away earlier, other then becoming
a perfect person. However, it never came to it; and at the times
when the riddle was solved, this ancient facility was to such an
extend silted and sanded up, that it became completely useless,
and the first shepherd kings and their people were long since
defeated by an Phoenician nation to such an extent, that the
pharaohs even at the times of Abraham, were already
[15] Now you also know about this in short, and we now move
over to reveal the seventh and last pearl!”
[1] (Raphael:) “See, there it is! What do you see on it? You see
something, but you don’t know what it is; on this very beautiful
pearl all the constellations have been drawn, and rubbed with a
brown-red color, and under the crust it stayed preserved until
this hour.
[2] We do not learn too much from this pearl which is
significant; but we still derive from it, that our Shivinz knew the
stars on the firmament quite well and that he for sure was the
first one who arranged the constellations into a certain system.
And as he named the zodiac, they are still called the same name
[3] Before his reign it looked quite meager with the old
Egyptians, regarding making drawings and the subsequent
writing, as well as the right recognition of oneself, and even
more meager regarding the recognition of God. However, our
Shivinz has with a lot of inexpressibly troubles brought order
into all this, and made from the former wild nomadic tribe one
of the most educated and wisest nations of the whole earth, what
of course produced a lot of envious people in time. Since the
foreigners were soon greatly pleased by such extraordinary
land- and peoples culture; everything what they saw, appeared
heavenly wondrous to them, so that once getting there, they
could not separate from it anymore.
[4] The more they started to traveled there, the more they started
to settled there, and in this way the first subjugation of the
ancient people and their rulers occurred mainly in quite a
peaceful manner.
[5] The descendants of Shivinz became increasingly soft and
spoiled people, lived luxuriously, depended on the fame of their
forefathers and neglected to a large degree the business of
governance. The result of this was that soon the immigrants,
who were hardened people, were easily elected by the natives as
leaders and placed in ruling positions, and all this without the
[6] To some extend this was quite good and right, but the
ancient natives did not won too by this changeover. Since the
foreign guardians (‘varion’; badly translated pharaohs) formed
only too soon an armed force and became true tyrants and
people dominators. Only a few people got access to the schools,
and what still has been taught there, was a far cry from earlier
teachings, which also was the reason why soon from the former
purest truth the most absurd idolisms connected to the
thickest darkness developed, behind which the ancient culture
of this country – even for great wise men – was hardly visible
[7] It is therefore that these seven pearls are of such incalculable
great value, because they originate from a time, when Egypt
was standing on top of its highest spiritual development, and
they therefore cannot be kept well enough!”
[8] Ask one of the Moors, at which opportunity these pearls
have ended up in the sand of the Nile and were lost in the sand
of the stream.
[9] Says Raphael: “I already have told you how the Nile at
certain times grows to a true Deluge! About 567 years after
Shivinz, our Nile rose to a puzzling height; in narrow places it
rose to over hundred-and-sixty ell (1 ell = 1.143 m) above its
normal water level! All cities lying in valley bottoms were
entirely over flooded for five weeks, and at that opportunity the
pearls including the houses where they have been kept, were
swept away by the force of the waves and were covered by sand
and mud just as the blocks from which the buildings were
[10] During the nearly three-thousand years of being buried the
crust has build up around them, as you have found them, and
from which I have freed them, initially in quite a natural and
later in a wondrous manner possible to me.
[11] Now you also know this and have in this seven pearls
seven books, which can give now and for all times a quite
complete teaching about the country, which is partly also
inhabited by you. Therefore keep them save; since each of these
pearls is worth a lot more than a large kingdom!
[12] For the time being Oubratouvishar, as the most wise among
you, should hold them in save keeping; and if at one stage he
will leave this world, he should decide who is worthy to save
guard this incalculable treasure. Woe an unworthy person who
wanted to seize them because of avarice!
[13] I, as a messenger and will executor of Him, who sits there,
believe to have done enough wondrous things to enliven your
believe; if this is not enough for you, anything further would
also not be enough! Do you now believe that the One sitting
over there is He, for whom the great Shivinz and his two
ancestors has build the large rock temple at Jabusimbil?”
[14] Say all “Yes, yes, yes, you wondrous powerful messenger
of the Lord, we hereby confirm it from the deepest grounds of
our lives!”
[15] With that the angel left them, and Cyrenius asked Me, if
these actually rather pure historic facts of Egypt are also
forming a necessity regarding the gospel out of My mouth.
[16] And I said to Him: “One of the biggest! Because after a
few centuries all kinds of researchers will rise and search this
land in all detail, and they will find many things which were
mentioned by the mouth of Raphael. This will confuse them a
great deal, just as it also would severely confuse you and
already your closest descendants; but this fully true revelation
will clear up for you everything in this regard. In later times,
however, I will again awaken men, who will again reveal to the
people, the searching and studying these old riddles. But now
we ourselves want to go over to them and give them the true
gospel from the heavens.”
[17] We rose and went to the Moors who waited for us.
[1] Finally, when the beautiful morning sun took on its natural
light again, we rose from our table and quickly went to the
Moors. When I arrived, they all got up from their long table and
bowed in deep reverence with their hands laid across their chest.
[2] And the leader said with a good Galilean-Hebrew tongue:
“Lord, Lord, Lord! Now there is not a single nonbeliever among
us anymore! Every word out of Your holiest mouth will be for
us a never estimable great mercy of Your most truly friendliness
and charitableness for all times of times, yes even for eternity!
[3] If You, everlasting Holiest, regard us blacks as worthy for a
closer teaching about our duties and then also about Your being,
make us happy with only a few words out of Your mouth, and
we will thereby for all times of times also in our latest
descendants feel exceedingly happy, to have seen and spoken to
You as the Creator and Lord of all the physical and spiritual
[4] This shining light, which I have seen in my visions as an
everlasting life splendor around Your holy being, is now visible
in Your great love, friendliness, and in Your wisdom, which
does not have its equal in the whole of eternity.
[5] We are now willing lambs, even when covered with black
wool; but just like the black color absorbs more light and
warmth then the white – why we also wear white clothes, to
keep away from us the abundance of light and warmth, I also
believe, that we blacks will also absorb the holy light of Your
spirit deeper and more intense in our souls, than many who’s
flesh is covered by a white skin, but their souls reject the spirit
more than our white clothes the natural light and its warmth, as
we have seen many such examples in Memphis, which the
governor called ‘moving life shadows’. They live like dayflies
that are created by the morning and are killed again by the
[6] We also do not have nothing with which we could boast
before You, o Lord; however, this we know, that we are not
more than just people, and that we are all works of one and the
same Creator and therefore could never think, that one has more
than the other, as if he in all seriousness could be a ruling halfgod,
as we have seen among the whites, where someone
imagines himself a lord and all the others must bow before him
to the earth, and those who did not do this, were immediately
punished with rods. Lord, we did not like this behavior of the
whites at all, and this kind of punishment shows very little
[7] We never hit our children, also no animal; but we have
patience and endurance and we exercise our children
continuously in everything, which we have recognized as good,
true and necessary. When our children then grow up and
become strong and sensible, we do not treat them as our slaves
anymore, but as our completely equal brothers and people, who,
just as we as their parents, emerged from the hand of God with
all rights of life. And still, our children love us very much, and
never did any son or any daughter sin against the father or
[8] Among the whites we saw the children creeping out of fear
and whine like dogs before the austere faces of their parents!
One could think that in this manner angels could have been
brought up. However, when at times such children are out of
sight of the parents, they were like exchanged and could easily
be regarded as disciples of the devil, whose evil presence in the
bad abysses of the earth were told to us by the governor in
Memphis. For such punishing upbringing we forever say no
thank you!”
[1] (Oubratouvishar:) “With us true upbringing consists therein,
that we firstly improve the souls of our children as much as
possible; once the soul is in order, then the mind gets the
education, which we possess ourselves. But the whites begin to
educate their children’s mind as soon as they start to babble, and
think that once the child has a perfectly educated mind, it will
also look after the soul!
[2] O Lord, how silly the many whites are in this regard, that
they cannot see, that a pre-educated mind is always a murderer
of the soul! Since the pure mind makes the child arrogant
and haughty; however, where arrogance, self-conceit and
haughtiness has taken ownership of the soul, it is a daunting
task for anyone to change it again, and he soon will learn, that
an old, crooked-grown tree can never be made straight again.
[3] With us there are no courts, no court houses and no prisons
and no dungeons, but also no other laws than those, which are
prescribed by a properly formed soul to man. Therefore with us
there exists no sin known to us and no crime by any name and
therefore also no punishment, since the way every one of us
thinks for himself, exactly equally and even better he thinks for
his fellowman.
[4] With the white mind-people we have found exactly the
opposite. Nearly all are holding everything to themselves and
regarding their fellowmen only as much as they are in any way
useful to their own selfishness. If the selfish decides that the one
or other fellowman can or will not be of any use to him, then
every animal is more important to him than such a fellowman!
[5] With us, however, one values a person first as a person.
Should a fellowman be of no use to me, I still can be of use to
him, and in this way it cancels each other. I also have a servant;
but I never have forced him in whatever manner to serve me, it
is his completely own free will. We serve each other certainly
more, than the whites have ever served each other for the
wretched duty remuneration; however no person’s will is made
a slave of somebody else by any external means, but what he is
doing, he does freely and completely unforced!
[6] We therefore do not have any palaces and large dwellings
build from bricks, but very simple huts, absolutely identical in
appearance. Who does not yet have a hut and can also not be
accommodated in another hut, does not have to build himself a
new hut with his own strength and own means, or does not have
to go to another society to beg, but we voluntarily out of love
and respect for him being an identical human as we are, will
build him an identical hut as our own; and so there exists peace
and unity in always the same measure between us.
[7] This our house order is for the whites, as we have got to
know them, completely foreign, and some have blatantly said it
to our faces that this was an all culture opposing foolishness.
But how is it then that all animals and even the elements are
obeying our unified will, while the whites with all their mind
culture could not dare to approach a herd of lions?! Woe the
most hardened fighter with a sword! He should just try it;
already one lion will show him, that the lion is his master and
not vice versa!
[8] We, however, can walk among lions and panthers as among
our camels, cattle and sheep and goats and do not know one
case, where such a beast has ever attacked a human, also not our
herds; since they are getting their meat only then, when animals
of our quite large herds have died of old age. For that each
society has a certain place a considerable distance away, where
they take daily one or more dead animals, where immediately
the sharp tooth food eaters come and consume the dead animals
with skin and hair and bones. Since nobody of us eat meat,
except this of the fish and chicken, as long they are young and
soft; the old are also left for the wild animals as food.
[9] What can do a white person with all his mind education if he
has fallen into the water? He goes under and drowns! We,
however, as it pleases us, can walk on the surface of the water
just like on any dry land. Only if someone wants it, he can also
dive beneath the water; but it costs him always quite a lot of
trouble and effort.
[10] All snakes which are poisonous flee our presence; mice and
grasshoppers we only got to know in Egypt; evil ants are shying
away from us and our chickens, and vultures and eagles are
feeding themselves with the flesh of dead lions, panthers
and foxes.
[11] And as such it appears that with us blacks there still exists
the order, as it existed and had to exist among people,
irrespective of their color of skin, according to the will of the
Creator from the primordial beginning; since if the first human
pair was placed on this earth with the present bad order of the
current white skin people, I would like to know, how they could
have protected themselves against the attack of all kind of wild
and tearing animals!
[12] Since before the first human pair set foot on this earth,
there were swarms of all kinds of tearing and fierce animals, as
was shown to us very clearly by the wise governor in Memphis.
If the first human pair, according to the teaching of the
governor, would be as weak in all its life elements as the white
skin people of today, how many times would they have been
torn and eaten by the many herds of the wildest beasts?! They
had to come to this earth from the air like the exceedingly
strong giants before Shivinz was coming to Egypt, and had to be
dressed in massive iron clothes and armed with the sharpest
weapons, if they wanted to stand up against these beasts with
their natural strength – and even then they still would have a lot
to do, to successfully combat the enormous monsters!
[13] However, if the ancient people of this earth had similar
inner life elements as we are now, they of course would not
need any weapons and were masters and rulers of all animal-,
plant- and element world with their soul powers!
[14] I therefore think, because we are like this, Your words of
life directed towards us, will take deep roots in our lives! And if
You, o Lord, give us any laws or rules to live, we surly will live
very strictly accordingly; since this we know how to do, to keep
an order which we have recognized as good and true, like
perhaps only very seldom any white person.
[15] Since we have the extraordinary luck to be with You, o
Lord, You Everlasting, You Creator of all spirit- and material
worlds, which must be a miracle of all miracles to even Your
greatest angels, we ask You through my mouth, one heart and in
all complete unified mind, to add to all the wondrous things we
have seen in this shortest of time, also this miracle that You will
speak to us a few words!”
[1] I said: “Not only a few, but many words I will direct to you!
I will not give you any new laws, but only reaffirm the old ones,
which I Myself have since the beginning of your being engraved
into your hearts with an indestructible writing.
[2] I actually and mainly came into this world, to lead mankind,
who completely degenerated from all of My original order, by
teachings, examples and deeds back to this primordial state, in
which the first people as true masters of all other creatures were.
[3] These people with a white skin therefore need My teaching
and My deeds very much, so that they can recognize, who is He,
who teaches them and what He wants. However, you still live in
this marvelous primordial state. Your life school begins with the
right means at the right place. You start to teach the people
initially as people there, were they have to be taught first and
foremost, and in future the whites should do likewise; since now
I show them the way how to do it.
[4] But it will still take a lot of troubles, teachings and deeds
and time, until these whites will get there where you are now.
They are the stray, the wrong and the lost ones, who must be
rehabilitated again; they are the sick and therefore need the
doctor who can cure them.
[5] I also could have come to you, since you are now
incomparable better than the whites; but you never needed My
presence. However, now I need your presence here as witness of
My primordial order and therefore I guided you by My will and
finally urged you to come here, so that these whites can see,
what man is and should be in his primordial state.
[6] Therefore you will now perform in front of these people a
few examples of your still real primordial humanship, to teach
these your many blind and still very wrong brothers! There are
some among them, who are quite near to perfection; but no one
of them is as a human as far as the least of you! – Will you out
of love to Me, do this?”
[7] Says Oubratouvishar: “O Lord, whose love, goodness and
mercy already fills those spaces of infinity, in which only after
passing eternities new creations will praise Your most holy
name in deepest humility, what is it that we do not wanted to do
with the greatest submission to Your holy will? Everything,
everything! O Lord, only give us instructions!”
[8] I said: “Now then, show us first your primordial
magnificence over the element of the water and walk on its
surface as on dry, steady ground, and also show us your great
agility on the moist field!”
[9] Immediately the leader calls upon his sixty in numbers sootblack
companions and asks Me, if this would be enough. I
affirmed this, and the sixty of both genders went to the sea and
kept on walking on its surface like on dry land before. Finally
they demonstrated some speed exercises and shot around the
quite calm surface with such speed, that no swallow even in its
quickest diving flight would have caught up with them. Within a
few moments they were so far away from us, that we could not
see them anymore, and within a few moments arrived back very
near at the shoreline with a hurricane-like noise.
[1] I said: “Only a few things more, which you know of, for
example what you do on the water during a flaming hot wind
flow, and how you catch fish!”
[2] The leader returns quickly to the sixty and tells them My
wish, and suddenly all fall on their faces, respectively onto the
water, and lie for a few moments like dry wood on it. Soon they
become very restless and begin, stretched out, to spin
exceedingly fast around their own axis.
[3] (The Lord:) “They do this to always keep wet on all body
parts, not to be burned or being burned to ashes by the glowing
hot Kamb’sim (to where should I flee?); since the Kamb’sim
(also Kam beshim = ‘to where do I flee now?’) is by far the
hottest wind in the desert of Nubia and Abyssinia. The ‘Samun’
(for pitch = the wind melting earth pitch) is by far not that hot as
the Kamb’sim. Even less hot is the ‘Giroukou’ (the southeasterly
wind blowing over the pastures), since the wind coming
over the great pastures ‘Giri’, lying precisely in that direction in
relation to Memphis, were already named like this from the
most ancient times. However, both winds were so hot, except
the Kamb’sim, that the people retreated to the moist caves.
[4] What they are doing now, they do only during the
Kamb’sim; and if it continues for long and increases in
intensity, only then they begin to dive beneath the water, as they
are showing it to us now. However, they can never stay under
the water for too long, since their strong inner and outer life
sphere make their bodies specific gravity lighter than this of
the water.
[5] They now sit on the water and in this position they will show
us, how they catch their fish! See, by the strong power of their
will, they drive the fish from far away towards them! They then
take them by hand out of the water and place them according to
their need into the opened up pinafore dress, which they always
carry around their loins, and drive in a seated position quickly to
us on shore. Their sails and oars consist only in their will; as
soon as they want to make a quick movement on the water, they
want it with their undoubted believe steadiness, and everything
happens as they want it to happen!
[6] See, they now have finished fishing and will drive in their
seated position over the surface of the water and will arrive with
the speed of an arrow here on shore! See, they now are
departing and arrive already here on shore! They quickly stand
up and carry their catch here to us.
[7] Marcus, tell your sons, to immediately take care of the many
and very noble fish in water, otherwise they will go bad!”
[8] When the blacks come to us with their aprons full of living
fish, Marcus himself leads them to a fish container, where they
unload their fish, a few hundred in number. After that they again
quickly return to Me.
[9] And the leader immediately addresses the whites with the
following words and says: “This, white brothers, what we have
done just now, appears to you totally foreign and as never seen
before? However, with us very simple people of nature, all this
what we have performed on the water before you just now, is
something very natural to us like with you to see, to hear, to
smell and to feel.
[10] The soul hardened and wrong-acting person will also
become a much heavier body and is like a stone which does not
float on water, because it is heavier than water. But we are like
wood, whose inner life spirits are already much freer than those
of a stone which are still under severe judgment.
[11] Pay attention, let a soul person come here, who should,
however, not have felt any haughtiness and no power hungry
self-love in his chest; he should go into the water, and I
guarantee that he will not sink! Place next to him a power
addicted and very self-loving person on the volatile element,
and he will sink as a stone! He had to be very fat, which,
however, is rarely the case with very self-loving people, then
the fat would keep him at least up to two thirds of his body
afloat above the water, this means if he is really fat, however, in
his normal state of flesh he sinks like a stone.
[12] With us the water is regarded as a good test for the inner
honesty of a person. If the water does not carry a person
properly, his soul most likely has suffered some damage, and
the element will not be friendly to him and provide him the
necessary service. As we have moved with the most evident
casualness on the water and also have shown, that the animals in
the water are subject to our will since the beginning of our
being, the same was the case with the primordial people. For
them streams, lakes and even the sea were no obstacles, to walk
across the whole world; they did not need any ships nor any
bridges. However, you are often devoured by the water
completely including your ships and bridges, and not one water
mosquito obeys your will! How far you thus away from the
genuine mankind!
[13] You must have all kinds of weapons, to make the enemy
escape; we never have used them. Until today we did not have
any other tools than a cutting tool made from bones, what we
use to prepare our huts and clothes in a quite laborious way; but
despite this we never had to walk around naked, and our
troubles have never become punishing to us. If we take the
necessary tools from you with us, we will use them with an
increased neighborly love; but they will never serve us as
weapons, thereof you can be completely rest assured!
[14] But now you can make a test on the water, and show to us,
how life-competent you already are!”
[15] This type of language made the Romans feel deep down a
little offended, but they kept it, as one might say, quite willingly
under the lid.
[1] The leader, however, asked Me, whether there was anything
else unusual which they should demonstrate to the whites.
[2] I said: “Yes, My dear, old friends! See up there, about 5,000
steps towards midday at the lake you see a hill, which drops off
very steep towards the lake. It is covered with very poisonous
snakes and adders, and you can chase these beasts away for Me!
All of us will accompany you to there!”
[3] Said the leader: “Lord, You Almighty! If it concerns only
the expulsion, it only costs You a thought, and the hill is free
from all vermin for all times of times; but if it here also
concerns an example, which power is hidden in primordial
mankind, we do this like everything else according to Your
highest holy will!”
[4] I said: “It is self-evident that I ask you for it for the sake of
an example; therefore let’s go!”
[5] We started to go and moved quickly over to the described
hill and reached it after half an hour. When arriving there, the
quite stretched out hill was alive because of all the snakes and
adders; a hissing and nearly intolerable whistling started, so that
one hardly could understand one’s own word. All those many
thousand beasts hurried into the sea and swam with the speed of
an arrow over the widely spread waves of the water, and within
a few moments the hill was clean.
[6] The leader came to Me and said: “Lord, all the snakes and
adders, from the oldest to the most recently hatching the eggs,
are gone; however, there are still as many stuck in the eggs!
Who will remove them from the many holes and nests?
Because if they are not removed, within six month this hill will
be covered again like it was until now! Who will clean the
hill then?”
[7] I said: “Do you have no means to also destroy these?”
[8] Says the leader: “Accept for the Ich nei maon (does not have
any poison) we do not know any other means! One had to heat
up the whole hill for some time. Thereby the destruction of the
nests and eggs would be possible along natural means; since to
stay here, to suffocate the beasts by our permanent outer lifecircle,
we cannot do.”
[9] I said: “Let it be! You already have performed your
miracles, and I do not ask more from you; I will take care of it!
Since this hill is freed from its evil inhabitants, we will climb it,
and you will give us some more examples of your human
[10] Thereupon we climbed the hill, where there was room for
at least 2,000 people on its top. When we reached the top, about
thousand feet above the surface of the water, long rows of
cranes moved through the air.
[11] And I said to the leader: “Friend, are these birds also still
submissive to you?”
[12] Said the leader: “These are foreign, never seen specie;
however, I do not doubt it for one moment that also they feel
our will and will direct themselves accordingly!”
[13] Here the leader looked at his companions and said: “Be
with me, so that we can fulfill the will of the Lord!”
[14] As soon as the leader had spoken these words, the cranes
began to descend and were within a few moments on the hill
among the blacks; but they avoided the whites. Shortly
afterwards the leader indicated to the cranes to continue their
flight, and they flew away.
[15] And again a couple of vultures of enormous size were
flying high up in the air, and started to circle above our heads.
[16] And the leader said to the whites: “Call them down, the
circling pair!”
[17] Said Cyrenius to the leader: “But why this a little haughty
looking request to us? Since you know it anyway, that we
spoiled people are not able to perform such primordial human
deeds! Just fulfill the will of the Lord; for everything else the
Lord will take care, and according to His teaching also we as far
as possible!”
[18] Says the leader: “You think that I have put the request to
you whites for enticing the two floating vultures above us, from
a kind of self-rise feeling? Oh, about such opinion of me you are
quite wrong! I put the request to you my white brothers, to life
deeply remind you about your great wrongness, for which you
of course are finally little or not to blame at all, but nevertheless
it cannot do you any harm!
[19] How should we be able to boast about our natural
properties?! Or do you boast about your vision or hearing?!
Since if we could be proud about our to you appearing
wondrous properties, we long ago would not possess them
anymore; however, since this is something impossible for us, we
still possess our to you wondrous appearing properties, of which
you whites will soon get new proof of! – Come down you two
inhabitants of the air!”
[20] When the leader finished speaking quite loudly, the two
mighty vultures shot down like arrows and sat with all
gentleness and visible friendliness, as if properly trained by an
animal tamer, on the right hand of the leader.
[21] In this moment a magpie flew by and the leader instructed
one of the vultures to catch it unharmed and bring it to him.
Like an arrow the gigantic vulture shot after the quickly
fluttering magpie and brought it within a few moments back to
the leader without flying away. The vulture was holding the
shouting magpie firmly in its claws, however, without harming
it, and only let go of it when the leader got hold of it. Thereupon
he stroked the two vultures and let them go again, whereupon
the two large birds of prey quickly rose high into the air and
were on the lookout for a fat prey for them.
[22] The magpie, however, the black gave to Cyrenius as
remembrance to this deed, which appeared rather wonderfully to
the upper governor and all the other Romans and Jews.
[23] Cyrenius handed the magpie to his two daughters, who
were also present, for carefully looking after it, and said to Me:
“But Lord, this is absolutely miraculous, what these blacks are
capable of, if in all secrecy Your will was not playing a little
roll in all this?!”
[24] Said I: “I said it to you before, that I will let act them
completely on their own! Why do you doubt this now?! O just
be patient; I will let them do a few other things, which will
make you feel quite dizzy!”
[1] Thereupon I again call Oubratouvishar and said to him:
“Show us now, how much you are familiar with the power of
the air; since in the beginning it was given to man in his purity,
to rule also the spirits of the air, so that they are serviceable too
in all circumstances, if he would need their services! Show us
thus, to what degree you are still equipped with this primordial
life ability!”
[2] Immediately the leader calls ten of his most competent
companions and instructed them to form a circle around him,
with each one’s right foot covering the left of his neighbor and
stretch their hands towards him. This took place straight away,
and our leader began to turn around, left the ground, floated
now completely in the air, namely by a good man length high
above the earth.
[3] In this position he asked me if he should swing even higher,
or if this was sufficient as a testimony.
[4] And I said: “this is sufficient, therefore come back!”
[5] Immediately the ten left the circle and the leader was quickly
back on earth again, bowed deeply before Me and asked Me if
he should produce some more.
[6] And I said: “How do you uproot trees and move large rock
[7] Said the leader: “Lord, our country has a significant shortage
of strong and big trees; only the higher mountains have the
pleasure to have them. On the high lying pastures which the
Kamb’sim cannot reach, where our herds are grazing, here and
there we find an old Bohahania tree which normally serves the
apes as a dwelling. Here and there one also finds a cypress and
myrrh, wild dates and buck and chicken-bread. This is already
the whole tree vegetation of our country.
[8] In the planes and in the wind shadow corners of our country,
only the noble dates, the fig, the ouraniza (orange) and the
semenza (seminal apples or pomegranate) and several
significant shrubs are growing, which supply us with the
building material for our huts.
[9] To uproot them, requires truly no extraordinary power;
however, on the stronger trees we have not yet tried our
strength, although we have no doubt that also they, just like the
heaviest and largest rocks, must obey our will. Here on this
mountain is standing an immense tree, of which we of course
cannot know its name, and also about its other properties;
however, we can try if it is possible to uproot it by our will
or not!”
[10] Says the old Marcus: “Now, most obedient servant of all
lords of the world! This is at least a five-hundred year old cedar!
Seven men are nearly not enough to enclose it, and four very
strong and seasoned loggers will hardly have chopped this cedar
down within two days, and now six men and seven women want
to go there and want to uproot this tree without mattock or ax?!
Now, this story, if not secretly supported by the almighty will of
the Lord, will surely become a little rare!”
[11] I said: “Just be patient, My old warrior! Also this time I
will stay with My will completely at home, and still, within a
short time the tree will be lifted from the earth with all
its roots!”
[12] While speaking to Marcus, the blacks very gently put their
hands on the trunk, namely in such a way, that the right hand of
one Moor always covers the left of its neighbor. They remained
absolutely quiet for about half of an quarter of an hour in such a
position next to the tree. After this time the tree, initially began
very slowly to turn and a tremendous cracking sound could be
heard. Then all present started to be amazed in the highest
degree, and nobody understood, to only partially decipher this
[13] When the tree now, including the thirteen very slightly
clasping it, began to turn more and more, one could see that it
together with the earth lump and the clasping Moors, were
already freely turning in the air. Then some, especially the
women, started to scream; since they thought that the falling
tree will squash a few Moors.
[14] However, I said to the timorous: “Do not fear; the tree
will be laid down very gently and nobody will be harmed by
its fall!”
[15] With that all were at ease, and in the same moment the
clasping Moors let go of the tree and very suddenly jumped
from the mountain and came to us. In the same moment the tree
started to sway back and forth, finally inclined towards its
natural point of gravity and after a few moments very softly lay
down on the ground.
[16] When the tree was uprooted in this way, I also showed the
Moors a rock whose weight was at least 5,000 centner
(1 centner = 50kg), and said to the leader: “Lift also this rock
and place it in the same hole which originated by the lifting of
the tree!”
[17] Quickly the same Moors went to the rock and clasped it in
the same manner as earlier the tree. Even sooner than the tree,
the rock floated in the air. Because of its larger size, it was of
course clasped by quite some more of the Moors; but it was
clear to everybody that a thousand of the strongest people would
still by far not be enough to master the weight of this rock.
[18] In about a very small half quarter of an hour, the rock was
standing firmly in the hole, and the Moors came back to us, and
the leader asked Me if there was something else to do.
[19] However, I pretended as if thinking about something,
which the leader immediately noticed, and he said to Me: “O,
there will again something immense be forthcoming, since You
are holding council with yourself! Because we were of the
opinion, that for a God already from eternity everything is
exceedingly clear, what He wants to do!”
[20] I said: “O yes, this is so! But I only granted you some rest;
since this, what you still have to do for me, is always your most
unfavorable task, and you needed for the two tasks which
demanded a lot from your external outer life-sphere, a little rest.
You have now rested, and now you have to show how you
prepare a fire and how you are also masters of its element!
Go and make fire and thereupon demonstrate that you are
its master!”
[21] Straight away all Moors present formed a semicircle
around a large but for quite some time already very dry bush
and stretched their hands and fingers ray-like towards the bush.
Within a few moments the bush began to smolder; the smoke
became stronger and stronger, and suddenly the bush was in
flames. When, however, the bush was burning properly with
high reaching flames, all the Moors lay in a closed circle around
the fire on their faces, and within a moment the fire went out to
such an extent, that one could not find a single glowing little
spark in the whole half burnt bush.
[22] Thereupon the Moors came back and asked Me whether
they have performed their act satisfactorily. And I gave them the
best testimony. They immediately wanted words as a teaching
for them; but I indicated to them, to wait a little, since I first
have to explain their deeds to the whites. With that the Moors
were satisfied and we went back to our tables.
[1] When I took my regular seat at the table with My disciples,
Romans and Greeks, the leader came to Me and asked Me, if he
with some of his companions may be present during My
[2] I said: “Without any objection; since from now on you have
to recognize your life in full! You are still in full possession of
the primordial life strength of man. To My pleasure you are still
as people complete masters of the whole of nature. All this lies
in your most perfect trust and your undoubted faith and firmest
will. However, you do not know your strength, just like
somebody does not know the power which makes the limbs of a
person move, and drives the blood in the veins, and makes the
heart pulsating and forces the lungs to breath the air in and out
according to the need to live and according to its inner activity
in relation to more or less warmth, which mainly is produced in
the blood by greater or lesser activity of the body limbs.
[3] These are daily experiences of every person, and still
nobody understands them, because nobody knows himself
properly; how much less are understood your extraordinary life
properties, which apparently lie deeper than only those which
are actively expressing themselves in your living organism!
[4] However, if I explain to you the deeper lying, you will
understand them more easily, than when I would explaining to
you the body’s organism and its relation to the soul. Such
cannot actually be explained, since the for you nearly countless
multitude of the different organs would occupy you longer than
the age of Methuselah, namely close to a thousand years, to only
count them from the first to the last, not mentioning to
understand the individual composition and functions of each
organ and to learn the general connection, the interaction and
thousands of different things of every organ.
[5] For example: Two hairs are standing firmly next to each
other. You might think that they require the same treatment, and
when exchanged would also grow. With the hair on the body it
cannot be done, like replanting trees, shrubs and plants in the
ground! One hair only grows with a unique organism at only
that place, where it occurs; at any other place it would not grow
with its unique construction of its root organism.
[6] In the human body organism exists in a highly orderly
selection and for you an almost unbelievable diversity. To
understand the organic construction of the human body and to
know about every smallest atom and to recognize the reason of
the ‘so and not otherwise’, one first have to be perfected in
the spirit.
[7] When the soul and the spirit have become one, than the
completed and fully illuminated soul sees its body from the
insight, recognizes then with one glance the very artfully build
construction of the body and remembers the reason and cause of
each individual even so smallest part of an organ of its body and
recognizes its most effective construction. For as long a soul
does not reach its life’s completion, in even thousand and again
thousands of years it cannot come to a thorough recognition of
the organism of her body.
[8] But it is a completely different story with the pure spiritual
ability of the soul! It can be explained to it in general terms, and
it is also necessary, so that it recognizes it sooner and more
easily. Since without this practical recognition, the soul could
never reach a true unification with its spirit, and without it such
an inner and deeper recognition of oneself is impossible.
[9] Therefore pay attention how I now will explain to you the
right, orderly primordial life of the first human as clearly as
[1] (The Lord:) “This, say, first human pair could impossibly
otherwise than according to the right life order in a completed
state been placed on this earth by Me. The soul-life had to
appear as perfectly developed in this world, in order not to
quickly fall prey to thousand times thousand other hostile
creatures and elements.
[2] The actual level being with My primordial divine being was
already perfected in the first human pair, and therefore could
most effectively exercise the magnificence over all creatures.
However, how does such effectuation take place? Listen!
[3] The perfect soul in the heart, is personally also in a perfect
human form present in the body; but its awareness, feeling and
will radiates, just like the light rays from the sun, far and in an
effectuating manner in all thinkable directions. The closer to the
soul, the more intensive and effective is also the continual
outflow of the thinking, feeling and will.
[4] The outer light sphere of the sun, in which this earth, the
moon and a large number of all kinds of other world bodies are
present, is so to speak the outer life sphere of the sun, through
which everything, which is present in its realm, is awakened to a
certain physical life. Therefore everything must more or less
submit itself to the order of the sun, which thereby becomes a
lawgiver and a lord of all other world bodies, which are present
somewhere in the field of its light radiation.
[5] One of course cannot say of the sun that it can think and
will; however, its light is still a great thought, and the warmth of
the light is quite a firm will, but not from the sun, but emanating
from Me and effectuating through the organic being of the
sun body.
[6] The closer a world body is to the sun, the more it must
perceive effectively and decisively the life effectuating power of
the outer life sphere of the sun, and must submit itself in
everything, what the light and the warmth of the sun wants to
produce in and on it.
[7] Just like the sun effectuates wondrous things on the world
bodies simply by its outer life sphere, an unspoiled and in its
original manner perfect soul, which is full of life, thus full of
love, full of believe and full of a firm will!
[8] Such a soul is completely light and warmth and radiates far
out, and this radiation then forms continuously its mighty outer
life sphere. Just like My will expresses itself wonderfully
effectively through the outer life sphere of the sun, and no
power can oppose it, similar the will of a perfect, unspoiled
soul, which – because of My order – is also My will, expresses
itself in a wondrous effective way.
[9] If I would allow it for the sun to became completely
wrecked, getting destroyed in its highly artfully and wisely
created exceptional organism and mechanism and its great
nature-soul of all nature-souls would finally become frightened
and deteriorated, and would have nothing else to do and nothing
to worry about, other than getting its in little pieces wrecked
body organism in order or in the worst case even abandon
everything, and leave the greater pieces to dissolve on their
own, what would then happen to the all enlivening outer life
sphere? In its planetary region immediately the greatest chaos
would occur; all vegetation and all flesh life would come to an
abrupt end!
[10] Even if the people would survive on all kinds of supplies
for some time, illuminate the everlasting night for a while with
torches and lamps and heat up the rooms with the available
wood of forests of the earth, this could continue with the most
richly provided people of this earth at the most for ten years.
However, after this time surely all vegetative and creature-like
life on this earth would have come to an end. All the plants
would not grow anymore and would not produce any living seed
anymore; the animals would not find food anymore and would
perish from hunger and freeze to death because of too much
cold; the earth would leave its orbit and either collide with
another planet, or would after many thousand years come into
the light region of another of the countless many suns, in whose
light and warmth it would start to thaw up and in a changed
order slowly begin to revive again, but could never return to its
current, quite happy, best ordered being!
[11] All this would be effect and result, if the sun in its being
gets into great or even greatest disarray. It would not be lord and
lawgiver for the many other, smaller, orbiting world bodies
anymore. They also would, as said, soon get into a horrible
chaos and by their mighty fall would become hostile to the sun,
what it never could prevent, since it would not possess any outer
life power anymore, to either stop the untied gravitational forces
of the planets or at least to temper them.
[12] But that a not becoming and quite avoidable and only
briefly occurring local disarray on the great surface, thus only
on the outer skin of the sun, expresses itself immediately
unfavorably, is proved by the not seldom occurring black spots,
which you have seen on the sun during sun rise and sun down.
Should you see such a spot only as a smallest dot, you can be
sure that such disarray soon begins to express itself in a stormy
and bad weather.
[13] But why this? The sun is then so far away from earth, that a
strongly shot arrow would require about fully fifty years to
reach the sun; what can have an influence on the life-powerful
earth, if it happens at such a distance on the sun body?
[14] Yes, what occurs directly on the sun body would not have
an effect on earth; however, the black spot on the sun is not that
small, as it looks like from this earth! In reality it is a few
thousand times bigger than the whole surface of the earth. This
effectuates for the highly sensitive life spirits of the earth an
already noticeable lack of light and warmth. They immediately
become frightened and begin to be exceedingly active, and
howling storms, clouds, rain, hail and snow, at times even at the
warmer countries of the earth, are the result of such a very
smallest disorder on only a certain point of the sun, since the
local disorder expresses itself also unfavorably on the world
bodies in the external life reach of the sun through the outer life
sphere of the sun, which reaches still far beyond this earth into
the wide space of creation, just as the otherwise undisturbed
light and warmth order of the sun expresses itself quite
favorably through the outer life sphere of the sun on the
world bodies.
[1] (The Lord:) “Imagine yourself a human soul in its original
unspoiled state as a true sun among all the various enlivened
creatures containing a soul, which all have to submit to the
human soul, since they take from its outer life sphere, when this
like the soul, is in perfect order, their life light and spiritual life
warmth to vegetate in their further rising soul life sphere, and
thereby become gentle, tolerant and obedient. Since the souls of
plants as well as animals have the to you of course still much
unknown destination, once to become human souls themselves.
[2] The plants and even more so the animals are nothing else
than suitable pre-vessels according to My wisdom and insight
for accumulation and successive development and for seizing
each other of the – you might say – general nature-soul life136
power in the immeasurable space of creation, from which also
your souls originate, if originally on this or also on another earth
world, does not matter. These animal souls feel the emanation
of a proper human soul and the sphere formed by its outer lifelight
and outer life-warmth.
[3] In this perfect outer life sphere the animals are prospering,
like the planets in the light and the warmth of the sun, and not
one soul of any animal is capable of rising against the will of a
perfected human soul, but circles modestly around it like a
planet around the sun and develops in such spiritual light and in
its warmth quite excellently for a further transition to a higher
[4] To give you a more practically insight, we will look a bit
closer to some domestic animals and their owners! Lets go to a
hard hearted and arrogant owner and look in the spirit at his
domestic animals! His dogs are more evil and wilder than the
wolves of the woods, his cattle are shy and quite often
frightened and dangerously wild. His sheep and goats are
fleeing every human form and are difficult to catch. Through the
garden of his pigs, which he keeps for the sake of their fat, it is
not advisable to walk, to avoid being attacked murderously by
their total wildness. The chicken and other poultry are also shy
and are difficult to catch. Also with his donkeys, horses, camels
and oxen it is not advisable to become too trusting; since very
little of any animal culture is noticeable. Only by a continuous
wild shouting and cursing and continual hitting, bumping and
stabbing can they be used for a certain work, whereby most of
the time some accident occurs!
[5] Yes, why are with this our hard and arrogant owner the
domestic animals are so raw and wild and so very much
unbendable? The soul of their owner is for them a life-sun in
complete disarray! His servants and workers are soon as their
master, therefore also not nearly a life-sun for the ice cold souls
of the animals given to them to guard and to lead! Everybody
shouts, curses and hits to what he is capable of! How could the
animals of such an owner be in a wholesome state, of which one
can say that they are in order?!
[6] But let’s go now to a really old-patriarchal good and wise
owner of many and large herds and observe his domestic
animals! What a nearly unbelievable difference! Neither the
cattle nor the sheep leave their good shepherd! Only a single
call of him and they hurry to him, surround him and with a
nearly visible attention listen to him, if he wants to say
something to them! And if he does this, they obey and
wondrously bid the will of the good shepherd, where they have
refreshed themselves with his soul-light.
[7] The camel understands the slightest sign of its good guide,
and the courageous horse does not become shy under the saddle
of its rider. In short, all domestic animals of a gentle and good
landlord are gentle, obedient and listen to the voice of their
guardians and their master, and with all animals one quite easily
notices a certain gentleness, as you can recognizes it at the
noble trees with a first glance, that they carry noble fruit; since
there the trunk, the branches and all the foliage are softly
rounded, smooth and without sharp points and prickles, and the
fruit is tasting lovely.
[8] The reason for this is, as said, one or more healthy,
unspoiled souls with a lighted being, spreading a soul-like lightsphere,
which contains everything, what the soul as life-element
contains in itself, namely: love, faith, trust, recognition, wanting
and success.”
[1] (The Lord:) “However, if the soul of a person is buried in all
kinds of worldly material worries, or if it begins to bury itself
therein, it then clouds its light-being, and finally it will become
completely dark in it. Then there is no stock left of any mighty
love anymore, and the very little left is nearly not enough for
itself; then comes self-love, which cannot go over to anybody
else anymore. But if the love becomes so small, from where
should come a mighty faith and will, since faith is the light from
the flame of love and the will the power of the light that is
active everywhere?!
[2] If such love-poor people could finally, even if very dull,
begin to recognize, that because of the weakness of their love
they cannot succeed with anything, and they most of the time
see a line crossing out each of their calculations, of which they
are guilty themselves, since there can be no effectuation, for
which the necessary strength is lacking, they still could be
helped; but as such they only become angry and full of
bitterness about every success with other people.
[3] Rage is also a light, but a destroyable one. In such infernal
light they soon see all kinds of deceiving means, by which they
could come to great wealth. They soon try out such means;
however, most of the time they fail, since they are deceiving
means. However, the repeated failure does not teach them, but
makes them even more angry. They become proud and full of
haughtiness and begin to turn to violent means and actually use
them. An occasional success makes them perkier, they are
becoming cruel and try to remove everything from their path,
what they regard as an obstacle to their perceived luck. They
thereby have accumulated for themselves by all kinds of bad
means considerable wealth, and now recognize this road as the
only right and true, on which they themselves have climbed to
[4] If such people have children, as it is usually the case, they
will educate them in no other manner, than the way by which
the parents themselves have climbed to their worldly happiness,
namely by all kind of worldly cleverness! They then let their
children learn all kind of things, however everything for the
world! No consideration whatsoever is taken for the education
of the heart, and cannot be taken, since the parents and the
teachers and educators, who, because of greed want to please
the parents, do not themselves have any idea about the heart and
the soul.
[5] Everything is done to as early as possible develop the
sharpness of the mind. For that the child is motivated as much
as possible by all kind of presents and honorings, is thereby
from the earliest time on as much as possible exercised in
selfishness and greed with the education of the mind, wears fine
and decorated clothes and quite often does not know himself
because of all the haughtiness before reaching the age of ten.
Woe the poor child or also any other person, who does not show
the expected respect to such spoiled child, or even dares to
mock it! Because he has made himself a permanent enemy of
such a spoiled child!
[6] Under such circumstances, where in such people would be
the inner life strength resembling Me?! Where is man’s
magnificence over the whole of nature and over all the
elements, out of which finally everything created consist and
must consist?!
[7] However, if the heart in man is developed first, and only
afterwards a quite easy and effective education of the mind is
added, the awakened mind will become a living light-life-ether,
which surrounds the soul like the light-ether surrounds the sun,
out of which then all these marvelous effectuations start to
appear, which you see living on this earth everywhere.
[8] During the right education of the soul of man, the soul
remains inside and active, and what you call ‘mind’ is the
emanating effectuation of the inner activity of the soul. The
outer-light of the mind illuminates all the still so critical
external relationships, and the will then enters this outer-light
and effectuates everything fertilizing and growing; if man’s
order is set like this according to My order, then the will and
trust is also something emanating out of Me or out of My
almighty will, which most certainly all creatures must obey.
This what such an orderly person wants, must happen in a wide
vicinity, because the outer life-sphere of a person is actually
filled with My spirit, to whom all things are possible.
[9] If such a person is then completely reborn out of his spirit,
he is completely equal to Me and in all his life’s freedom he can
do, within My order which he became himself, whatever he
wants, and it must be there and happen according to his free
will. In such life perfected state, because completely resembling
Me, man is not only a master of the creatures and the local
elements of this earth, but his magnificence then reaches, just as
My own, to the whole creation in endless space, and his will can
prescribe laws to the countless worlds, and they will adhered to
them. Since his transfigured vision penetrates everything, just as
My own and actually with My own, and his clearest recognition
sees the needs everywhere in all of creation and can prescribe
and create and help, wherever and whatever it will be; since he
is in everything one with Me.”
[1] (The Lord:) “Only this degree of the most high lifeperfection,
nobody could have reached before My incarnation;
and therefore I have come to this earth, to make you My true
children by the rebirth of your spirits in your souls. Thus, if I
now speak of a perfect soul, it refers to a soul in which My spirit
is already active, but has not yet become completely one with it.
[2] Based on the earlier mentioned reasons, a perfected soul
therefore is not only able, to perform wondrous things as a
master of all creatures, but will also have momentarily visions
about the pure spiritual spheres because of its more awakened
spirit, and can hear the word of the spirit of God, as this was the
case with all seers and prophets, who alongside with their gift of
seeing and prophesying out of My spirit, also had a certain, for
all physically thinking mankind, visible miraculous control over
the elements and over all creatures.
[3] Moses performed miracles, his brother Aaron the same,
also Joshua and later Elias, and after him still many prophets
and seers.
[4] A prophet by the name of Daniel (son of the day or the light)
was thrown by a cruel king into a lion’s den containing twelve
hungry lions as executioners, because Daniel gave him an
admonishing speech. They had been fed for years with all kinds
of unlucky criminals. Upon the sharp admonishing speech, the
angry king, despite loving the prophet because of his wisdom,
threw Daniel without any mercy and mitigation into the den of
certain death.
[5] Only Daniels perfect soul was also a master over the hungry
lions! When he was thrown into the den by the henchmen, the
lions did not only do anything to him, but crouched in visible
reverence around him as their natural lord and master. Daniel,
knowing how he could survive among the lions, asked his
disciples for his writing board and wrote for three days the
prophecy, unscathed in the death pit among the twelve lions.
When this was reported to the king, he regretted what he did to
Daniel, and he ordered to pull Daniel out of the pit with a basket
and gave him his freedom.
[6] At the same time there were three youth, who refused to
bend their knees in front of Baal. Upon this the stupid king
became so angry, that he ordered for a limekiln to be heated
excessively for three days, in which the three youth would be
thrown, if they continued to oppose the king’s commandment
any longer. However, the soul-perfect youth stood by their wellfounded
intention and did not express the slightest fear of the
glowing kiln. The three days passed, and the three youth were,
upon the fierce orders of the king, seized by the henchmen and
thrown over the glowing edge into the wide fire hole. However,
not a single hair on their heads was harmed, while each of the
henchmen were caught by the too great heat and burned to coal.
[7] Yes, what was it then protecting the youth in the fire kiln?
The perfected, in My primordial order being soul! Finally there
appeared an angel and led them perfectly unharmed out of the
terrible hot fire, which no other person could come closer
than thirty steps, without the danger of being suddenly burned
to death!
[8] These are nothing else than examples of the marvelous
strength and power of a perfected soul!”
[1] (The Lord:) “These Moors here again provided the most
speaking proofs of it, that it is like this and cannot be otherwise,
and the sun provides on a daily basis in every plant and in every
animal a by far more tangible proof, about the power of its
power and effectuation in its wide-stretched outer life-sphere.
[2] All this must appear to the wrongly brought-up world and
mind-person like a fantasy, and he sees therein anything else
than a fabrication of a heated imagination, which all appears to
him as sheer foolishness. These are for his recognition pure
foolishnesses, whose effectuating appears to him as impossible,
because it is of course impossible for him to do this and must be
impossible to him because of very wise and necessary reasons.
Since who can perform some handy work without hands or walk
without feet?!
[3] If the sun would be a completely dark lump, as it, despite its
size, could as well be like black limestone, it would not bring
about any natural life on the worlds. However, its inner
extraordinary, for your understanding admittedly still
incomprehensible organic construction is composed to such an
extent, that from its inner intestines continuously a lot of fine air
types (gases) must develop. By that the exceedingly large sun
body is forced to turn around its own axis, which rotating
movement brings the large atmosphere of the sun into constant
friction with the surrounding ether (primordial air), by which,
secondly, the activity of the countless many nature spirits inside
the large sun-atmosphere are constantly agitated anew, which
activity in turn is then transferred to the nature spirits resting in
the ether to such an extent, that they, as very easily being
agitated, within one moment for more than two-hundredthousand
field-lanes (1 field-lane = 125 steps?) in a straight line
away from the sun are also agitated and in each subsequent
moment for the same distance further and further, and for each
following moment (equal to one second) still further and further
into for you immeasurable distances away from the sun.
[4] Through this co-excitement of the primordial nature-spirits
in the immeasurable space of creation, the original light of the
sun is allotted in a manner, which I have explained to you
already extensively, to the in its region orbiting earth bodies or
planets and causes in the smaller atmospheres of the planets a
similar agitation of the already more dense nature-spirits, where,
the lower down the more intensely the agitation is observed and
felt, since the spirits becoming more and more dense. Since
when rubbing two stones against each other, the friction will
certainly be more intense, than when rubbing two feathers
against each other, which is also the reason why it is in the deep
valleys of the earth more lighter and warmer than on the highest
mountain peaks of the earth.
[5] But somebody among you who is good with calculations
might think: ‘Yes, if this is effectuated by the reproduction of
the sun- and every other light, then the light must be the same
everywhere, and it is then impossible to distinguish the picture
of the sun more separate and by far stronger illuminated, than
the other light-firmament!’
6] Yes, I say to you, this would be infallibly the case, if I not
had made the eye in such a way, that all light and reflected light
of everything illuminated and the most excited contour rays,
originating by a certain backward effect, are cutting each other
as lines with a certain angle, and reach the highly sensitive
retina through a very tiny opening and from there the even more
sensitive optic nerve.
[7] By this arrangement all only simple excited light outflows
are eliminated, and only the main contour rays reach as broken
up (diffracted?) the highly sensitive retina and from there the
optic nerve, through which only then the picture is engraved by
the suitable organs on the little brain boards in a the picture
corresponding manner or in corresponding signs and as such
presented to the soul to see.
[8] If the eye would not be constructed in such a way, you of
course would not see a separate sun as a light picture, but
everything would be a homogenous sea of light, equal to what
various enraptured people have seen spiritually, in which
they could not even discern their own I as a being in the
general light.
[9] A wise Egyptian Greek, Plato, gives in his writings left
behind testimony of this, and alongside him various wise from
ancient times. They fell asleep and found themselves in a sea of
light, in which they could think to be in it, but could not see
themselves, and therefore had the highly pleasing feeling to be
fully one with the primordial light, which they called the actual
[10] The reason for this was lying in the not yet fully developed
view of the soul. And it was therefore not fully perfected,
because its original up-bringing, although strict, was still wrong;
since wherever one places the education of the mind above the
formation of the heart, the up-bringing is wrong.”
[1] (The Lord:) “What fruit would a tree bring forth, if not the
heart appealing appearances of the blossom of the first fruit
would lead the way? How can fall be in the place of spring and
spring in place of the fall, which normally is followed by a
freezing winter? Would not the frost of winter destroy the heart
uplifting blossoms and kill the hope radiating leaves together
with the true fruit, which first is blessed and enlivened to
become a growing being by the blossom? The wood of the tree
would increase, but nobody of you would see a fruit ripening on
the same!
[2] And so it is also with a person and especially with his soul!
Everything becomes coarse matter, of which no fruit is
forthcoming, other than those which are finally chopped off and
burnt as wood in the fire of judgment, to finally at least yield
some ash for the use to fertilize and clean the bad and meager
[3] Who begins to awaken and educate his children by the mind,
begins to build a house at the roof and scoops water in a bucket
full of holes. It will be wet, for as long the scooper will be busy
with such a vain work; however, there will never be a drop of
living water left therein, and with the wonderful expressions of
the soul-life there will be nothing for a long time to come. The
vessel full of holes had to be blocked off one by one requiring a
great deal of work, until it will hold the water. But how easily
does a little not properly set plug gets bad, and in time the
vessel can become completely life-water empty!
[4] It should be understood as follows: A mind educated person
can by a lot of self-denial bring it to an effective, subsequent
education of the heart; but if he is not very careful and does not
pay attention to the many stoppers, with which he patched up
the many holes (earthly weaknesses) of his life-vessel, he will
soonest convince himself, how the accumulated life-water has
left him, and soon he will convince himself how he
unnoticeably became the old person again, without any inner
[5] Therefore I above all recommended to you neighborly love,
which comes from the love to God! Since only this can make
from your total wrongness, again people in My order. Do not be
blinded by the world; since everything it gives you, is death and
judgment, a fruit of the pure mind! Only love can transform you
into life!
[6] Therefore I have come into this world, to show you the right
turnaround back to My order and the right way, to stay with it
until achieving the true rebirth of the spirit in the soul, after
which no evil fallback is thinkable and possible anymore.
[7] This must be introduced to you now, since those, who once
became wrong, are helped only a little with the patched up
turnaround of the soul. The soul first must completely turn
around, before the rebirth of the spirit in the soul can take place;
however, the plugged and patched up, thus on the right path
brought better soul-state, is not lasting, because by the power of
the world and its temporary advantages, a purely patched up
soul only too easily falls back into its old accustomed
[8] To prevent this from happening, I have paved the new way,
for My spirit, which I now place as a spark of My Father-love
into the heart of each soul, becomes fed through your love to
Me, and from there truly and active for the neighbor, and must
grow in your soul and after reaching the right greatness and
power, to fully unite with the improved soul and become one
with it, which act should and shall be called the rebirth of
the spirit.
[9] Who has achieved this, is of course standing incomparable
higher than an even so perfect soul on its own, who also can do
a lot, however, forever not nearly all this, what is awaiting the
completely reborn.
[10] However, this spark of My love is only then placed into the
heart of a human soul in full, if a person has heard My word and
has accepted it in his heart faithfully and with all love as the
truth; as long this is not the case, not even a most advanced
perfected person can reach the rebirth of the spirit. Since
without My word, which I speak to you now, the spark of My
love cannot enter the heart of your soul, and if absent, it can also
not grow and prosper in a soul and therefore also not be reborn.
[11] However, in future, also the children, if signed and
baptized in My word and in My name, they will receive the
spirit-spark of My love in the heart of their souls; but it will not
grow when educated wrongly, however, certainly with an
upbringing according to My to you most clearly explained
order, where above all the heart, and from there correspondingly
the mind, should be educated. However, the heart is to be
educated by true love and by gentleness and patience.
[12] Teach from early on the children to love the Father in
heaven, show them how good and loving He is, how He has
created everything there is, most good, beautiful and wise to the
best for the people, and how He is fond of especially the little
children who love Him above all! At each special occasion
make them attentive, that all this is arranged by the Father in
heaven who makes this take place and let it happen, then you
will turn the hearts of the little ones to Me, and your easy effort
will soon bear you the most gold fruit, otherwise, however,
thorns and thistles, on which will grow neither grapes nor figs!
[13] But tell Me now openly, if you now comprehend, how and
for what reason these our black brothers are able to perform
such deeds, which for the time being were and had to be a
puzzling miracle to you!”
[1] Says the leader of the Moors: “Lord, You almighty and all
wise God! I and my companions have understood You quite
well; but whether also the whites, for whom You actually has
given this explanation, have understood this in the right sense
and in the right spirit, I of course cannot say for sure! How it
seems to me, for a few, some of the things might still be
[2] However, if somebody is still pressed by something, he will
announce himself, if he is more interested about the pure
recognition, than the thereby putatively forfeited mind’s honor!
Because also among these whites there probably will be some,
who do not ask anything, since they do not want to betray their
mind’s weakness by the question! Now, as a black I would like
to give to them the advice, to rather let go of the trifle honor of
the mind and declare themselves for the pure truth, which can
only result from a complete understanding, since a
misunderstood truth can be for the disciples nothing better than
a flat lie; since a misunderstood truth is just as useless to anyone
than a lie!
[3] Nobody will make actual use of a recognized lie, hence it
can neither harm him nor be of any use to him; however, a
misunderstood truth can also be of no use to anybody, because
as misunderstood it can either brought to no use at all or at least
applied wrongly, and is in such regard for the user by no means
better than a blatant, perfect lie.
[4] This would be my opinion; perhaps somebody has a better
one, and I will be glad to be silent and become an attentive
[5] I said: “Your remark was quite good and very true. I Myself
know a few here, who did not understood this My explanation
deeply enough; but they are ashamed to betray the weakness of
their mind by a question and are therefore rather content with
half an understanding.”
[6] When I made this remark, several immediately asked,
whether it was them who did not understood this marvelous
explanation deep enough. But I kept quite. Then also Cyrenius
asked Me quite fearful, if also he did not comprehended this
truth deeply and truthfully enough.
[7] I then said: “Not only you, but most of you! Only two of My
disciples fully understood this My Explanation about the perfect
state of the soul. All the others, with exception of the Moors,
not! You only have a general idea of this issue but not at all a
clear conception, which with quite a few of you even the leader
saw and noticed, making his remark perfectly well placed.
[8] Yes, a primordial life perfected soul does, alongside the
wondrous effectuating power as master over all creatures of this
earth, also have this particular property, to recognize and even
to see in specific excited moments the thoughts of people and
what goes on in their hearts; since the strongly satisfied outer
life-sphere of such a person immediately recognizes this in the
outer life-sphere of another person, and therefore such soul-lifeperfected
persons can absolutely not be deceived. With their
highly intensive outer life-sphere they often recognize from a
very far distance, what a person who approaches them, thinks or
what he wants.
[9] If an enemy approaches, such soul-life-perfected people can,
by the unification of their outer life-sphere, let him flee in panic,
in the same manner as they lift a mighty tree out of the earth by
the unification of their life-spheres, or transporting the immense
rock, or finally as you have seen them making a fire, which
straight away seized a sizeable bush and turned it in to ashes.
[10] Therefore nobody of you should be annoyed, if the black
leader tells you a few things and hits you like a best learned
shooter his target; since your outer life-sphere tells him, brightly
illuminated, even your most inner thoughts, as long as they are
unified with the slightest will. The pure brain thoughts,
however, which are actually no thoughts, they do not recognize,
since such thoughts consist only of pure little brain-boardpictures
and do not have a life; but the thoughts of the heart they
recognize most correctly, especially if they find themselves in a
somewhat heart excited state, like now.”
[1] (The Lord:) “You still don’t understand living-clear
sufficiently, what in depth the outer life-sphere of the soul
means, and how this power can express itself by effectuating,
feeling, hearing and even seeing! For your ability to
comprehend this is a little difficult to understand, because in the
outer, for your flesh eye visible world, no suitable example can
be set up, since all spiritual matters are very difficult to be
dressed in a material picture. However, since you understand
this highly important matter not sufficiently, I will illuminate
this for you some more. But you must gather your senses rather
firmly, otherwise you will again not grasp this most important
matter of life deeply enough!
[2] That this is most important, you can see and recognize from
the fact, that I kept the explanation of this primordial life secret
for last of our current visit. Nevertheless the things that I have
shown to you the previous 7 days and also earlier at other
locations are still the greatest. And because of this, which was
the most important until now, all the rest has been shown to
you, because without these miraculous things that have
happened and the preparations it would be impossible for you to
understand even the smallest part of it.
[3] But why do I rate this as most important? This is very easy
to guess and to see! Who truly wants to better his life and uplift
it to the actual life, he first have to recognize it in all its parts,
how it exists, how it expresses itself, how it under certain
conditions and processes expresses itself so or so; how it, if
spoiled and made wrong, can be bettered again and how a fully
bettered life condition can be maintained and also be
transplanted to his fellowmen, so that finally there can be one
Shepherd and one herd.
[4] However, that for a true person the full recognition of life is
the most important, was realized and stated by the wisest men of
all nations at all times; they only found the way to it very
troublesome and difficult or in most cases not at all. But now, I
as a Lord and Master of all life and being since eternity, have
come to you Myself and have in a miraculous manner brought
everything together on this place which is to the largest part still
detached from the world, to put before your eyes the true lifebeing
as clear and tangible as possible, and in time and with the
right patience you will understand this; but then it will also be
your duty, to explain to your fellowman as thoroughly as
possible what you have understood!
[5] Because, in a country where only one or two persons see,
understand and make use of it for themselves, it will be just as
much useful to them, like a wise man in a madhouse among all
the fools or in a donkey- or ox stable! Will they understand the
wise man, if he out of his innermost depth of wisdom will tell
them with the friendliest words the most elevated teachings?!
[6] A wise man can only be recognized and understood by wise
men! From the life of animals and actual fools nothing can be
made, since what must become of it, has been provided for by
My everlasting order; however, from the life of people, you can
grow anything along the right way of truth, love, patience and
[7] And if you have grown from the people true brothers and
friends for you, who in time will resemble you in the
recognition of life, you will also enjoy true happiness and bliss
among each other and become strong in all that is good, which
will be easy for you to execute! Since one-hundred arms can do
more than just one, one-hundred eyes, pointed into all
directions, see more than two, and the outer life-sphere of
thousands united, is quite a strange powerful lever to avert all
kinds of dangers and evils, irrespective from which side they
may come, and what name they might have.”
[1] (The Lord:) “You have seen the power of the combined
effectuation through the unification of the outer life-sphere of
several of these now our Moors! How much normal manpower
would be required, to lift such a tree like the old cedar there,
including the heavy earth lump?! How much natural manpower
could have moved or rolled this very large and exceedingly
heavy rock from its former place?! The few Moors have pushed
or actually carried it in front of your eyes through the air! From
this undeniable fact you had to conclude, what power and
strength must ly in the unified outer life-sphere of a natureperfected
[2] If already these Moors, who didn’t know anything about the
power and strength of My name, could have performed such
extraordinary things by only the power of their unified outer
life-sphere of their nature-perfected souls, how much bigger
things should you be able to perform, if you could work through
My word and through the almighty spirit of My Love in your
unified outer life-spheres of your perfected souls!
[3] Truly, truly, I say to you: Not only such trees and rocks, but
you could move whole mountains, if you according to the clear
insight of your wise hearts regard it as necessary; however,
whatever is necessary, you would certainly in every moment get
to know through My spirit in you, which is always present
through My always living word in the heart of your souls!
[4] Would this not be an extremely desirable state of a perfected
person in My name, and even more desirable of a whole society
or even a nation?
[5] Its possible effectuation lies before your eyes, and it is
therefore extremely necessary, that you as My closest disciples
completely recognizes this most important state in you and to
also teach all other people in the right manner to recognize this!
Since who has a light, should not put it underneath a basket,
where it’s the darkness illuminating rays are of no use to
anybody, but the light should be put on a clear table, from
where it can illuminate all present!
[6] Indeed, it is easy to put a natural light on a table! With the
light for heart and soul it is surely incomparable more difficult;
however, a good and firm will brings also this about, and with
My certain help in such most important matters of life, even
with less effort than you might think. Of course, everybody
must first own what he wants to give to his neighbor, otherwise
he resembles a blind who wants to lead another blind; if they
finally reach a ditch, both will fall into it!
[7] Hopefully I now have sufficiently explained to you the
greatest importance of such a state of the true life-strength of a
perfected human soul and have also showed to you the greatest
importance of a full self-recognition, which with children must
be brought about by a correct upbringing, and can be
accomplished to the largest extend in already spoiled people
who are not to be blamed for it, by the right measure of humility
and patience and mainly through the true, active love to God
and therefrom to the neighbor. The deeds of the soul life strong
Moors, which should lead you to the right self-recognition, I
already have explained to you, which you, however, have not
sufficiently understood in all its life depth. It is therefore now
up to you, for the sake of the importance of the matter, to ask
and by the question express yourself, where and what you are
still lacking!
[8] You first must vividly feel what you are lacking, otherwise
you could never be concerned about it with your freest will;
because if someone has lost something and he doesn’t know
about it, will he ever begin to search for what he has lost? One
therefore has to feel quite vividly that one has lost something,
and of what it consists of what is lacking, and also must
recognize the great value of what is lost, otherwise one will not
begin to search with the necessary living zeal!”
[1] (The Lord:) “The ordinary worldly person can of course not
even dream about the true and highest life’s value; since, if his
belly is sufficiently provided for, why should he be concerned
about all the other important issues of life?! He then has plenty
to eat and also to drink if he is thirsty, has a beautiful and
comfortable dwelling, a soft bed, nice clothes and still many
other luxuries of life, and also does not have any shortage of
beautiful and appealing maidens and other lavishness things!
What should such a holder of earthly goods still be lacking?!
[2] The poor beggars must of course reach for the shelter of all
kinds of wisdom and recognition which is continuously
provided to them by their hungry imagination, to win over the
favor of any rich to live off him and entertain him in return;
however, about all this nothing can be regarded as true, other
than the need of the hungry wise and the sluggishness of his
hands, and that he rather fills his hungry stomach with his
effortless imagination and fantasy about any God and about the
everlasting life of the human soul, than with the more
troublesome work of his hands!
[3] See and recognize from this life true picture, if someone
with ample earthly possessions is lacking anything! What does
the most important self-recognition means to him, while without
it a true recognition of God is unthinkable? Will he ever, what
he surely is lacking in the highest degree, ever begin to look
for? Most certainly not; since he suffers no hunger and no thirst,
which are supposedly the levers, by which the work shy, poor
beggars are encouraged to wisdom and knowledge!
[4] How could he otherwise recognize what he is lacking for a
true life? Only hunger and thirst – according to the well
provided for indulger’s opinion – are the only motives for any
activity; who thus do not suffer any hunger or thirst, does not
need to look for any wisdom! In short, who according to his
own opinion does not have anything lacking, also has no desire
for anything, and who has lost nothing, what should he search
for as if he has lost something?!
[5] It is the same with a teaching, which has been delivered.
Who thinks that he has understood it completely, will not ask
any further questions. The satisfied does not ask for more food;
if he gets hungry again, then he will of course look again for
food. But what will he do if the food master is not present? Will
he be able to prepare a meal for himself?
[6] Therefore every one of you should now look for food, for as
long the food master is among you! When he will return again
from where he has come, many will begin to look for the right
food; but then it will be difficult to obtain some.
[7] Many of you who are now around Me, are earthly well
provided for and immensely rich with all kind of earthly
treasures and now strive with all zeal after spiritual food, which
is not brought to the daylight from the gold tunnels of the earth!
It will be given to you in abundance. However, you should not
think that quantity is sufficient to clearly understand everything.
[8] You quite well understand each word spoken to you by Me,
as far you as people can understand it; however, everything
which is hidden therein in endless abundance, you will not be
able to understand! You also do not ask about it, because you do
not recognize what you do not understand! But why do you not
recognize it, and why did Oubratouvishar recognize this about
you, that you have not fully understood My explanation?
Because his primordial perfected outer soul-life-ether penetrates
your rather still imperfect quite easily, just like you can feel in
an even pitch dark night if some ones head has many hairs or if
he is bald, if you touch his head with your hands!
[9] With your still very weak outer life-sphere your feeling
starts only there, where the body begins; beyond this your souls
do not have any little spark of feeling!”
[1] (The Lord:) “The ability of these Moors to feel and to notice
can in a greater excitement reach for many hours walking, and
they therefore can easily determine, of which type of spirit those
are who approach them. However, they will not be able to
recognize a deeper spiritual being in someone, but the actual
state of the soul quite indeed!
[2] When they arrived this morning here, they recognized My
soul and its wisdom and power from already quite a distance;
they only could not recognize the spirit in the soul, since the
spirit of God can only be recognized by another spirit out of
God. For that I first had to place a spark in their hearts by My
word; and when the spark in a perfected soul found in
abundance the right food, it became stronger and soon they
recognized also Me in My spirit and are now more certain than
you are, with whom they are dealing in Me.
[3] All this is the result of a perfect soul. Your souls will, except
for a few, as souls for themselves never reach such recognition,
but they will, by My exceeding love for you, be purified, so that
they will become highly suitable for the full admission of My
spirit. If you then become spiritually reborn, it will not be by
your merit, but only by My love, mercy and compassion, and
you will be able to do bigger things than these Moors, but not
out of the power of your perfect souls, but from the power of
My spirit penetrating your weak souls, by which of course also
your souls become forever life stronger!
[4] However, I do not want to make miracle performers out of
you, but true benefactors for the people! If My awakened spirit
in you becomes fully active, it will become light and illuminated
in your mind, and thereby you will along quite natural ways
learn about the powers of nature and make its spirit serviceable
to you or respectively the soul-like primordial specific
substances; thereby you will achieve great earthly life
advantages, which you however should use for poorer mankind!
[5] If the great advantages, to which My spirit will lead you, are
used within My order, it will bring you a thousandfold blessing
in everything; should you however in time begin to use them
against My order selfishly, they will become for the people the
brooding place for a

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