Large Scale Systems With Multiple Object

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Automatica, Vol.27, No. 4. pp. 691-697, 1991 0005-1098/91 $3.00+ 0.

Printedin Great Britain. PergamonPressplc
t~) 1991InternationalFederationof AutomaticControl

Brief Paper

Large Scale Systems with Multiple Objectives:

An Interactive Negotiation Procedure*
Key Words--Large scale systems; multiobjective optimization; interactive methods; power
management; electric power systems.

Abslraet--An interactive negotiation procedure for large consideration more than one objective, including the
scale systems with multiple objectives is proposed. It is relationships among them (tradeoffs). Decision-making
assumed that there are multiple decision-makers, who have theory (Keeney and Raiffa, 1976), with a group utility
their own multiple objectives and who are dependent on function that possibly leads the decision-maker to use criteria
each other via common resources or physical connections. explicitly from the model, and the decomposition theory
The negotiation procedure includes two repeated main steps: (Tarvainen, 1980; Gomide, 1982) which helps an analyst to
the decision-makers' independent multicriteria optimization transform complex problems into a set of simpler problems
of their subsystems, and a convenient step for tradeoff with special characteristics are further examples of these
between the decision makers. Assumptions guaranteeing the developments intended to help analysts and decision-makers
convergence of the negotiation scheme are established; to search for the best compromise or preferred solution in
among these one assumption, concerning independence of complex, large scale systems.
subsystems, is essential. The negotiation procedure is applied This paper proposes an interactive negotiation
in the operation planning of two coupled hydroelectrical procedure--INP for large scale systems with multiple
power systems of the southeast region of Brazil, and objectives as a method to obtain preferred solutions for a
simulation results are included to show its usefulness in class of problems characterized by systems that have
solving real world problems. The same operation planning common resources or physical interconnections. It is based
problem is also solved by the SEMOPS method. A on the exchange of (tradeoff) information between an analyst
comparison is made from the viewpoint of methodology, and the decision-makers aiming at a best compromise
practice and computational effort. The results obtained from solution for a problem.
the comparisons show that the proposed scheme is very The INP assumes that there is a natural or induced
effective in solving complex, multiobjective problems. decomposition structure in the problem, where a set of
Finally, conclusions and further work are addressed. coupled (through resources) subproblems are selected. Thus,
problems involving multiple decision-makers who have their
1. Introduction own multiple objectives, and that depend on each other via
REAL WORLDproblems, in greater number, are complex and common resources, and where it is possible to decompose
difficult to model and to solve. Most of the time the classical, the overall problem into a set of subproblems, are members
single objective optimization theory is not enough to present of the class of problems addressed by the negotiation
more realistic solutions. The problems can involve more than procedure proposed.
one decision-maker, who needs to agree with one preferred The subproblems can be treated as a set of independent
solution. In addition, usually we have a multiplicity of subproblems if one essential assumption is satisfied. This
solutions that arise due to the several objective functions assumption guarantees the autonomy of the decision-makers,
inserted in the model to search the best compromise when the coupling resources are fixed. It is assumed that the
solution. decision-makers are not interested in each others preference
Considering that the reality does not have an ordinary and structure p e r se, that is, when the couplings are fixed, the
well known behaviour, new theories, methods and tools have decision-makers are free to tradeoff their respective
been developed to aid in looking for better solutions. An objectives in their subproblems.
example is the multiobjective optimization theory (Chankong The INP proposed in this paper is based on tradeoff
and Haimes, 1983) which enables an analyst to take into information, and there are no display difficulties. The
decision-makers have information on their interdependence
in the form of tradeoffs.
* Received 6 January 1990; revised 1 September 1990; Many others methods have been developed within the
received in final form 31 December 1990. The original framework of multiobjective decision-making problems
version of this paper was presented at the l l t h IFAC World (Chankong et al., 1985).
Congress on Automatic Control at the Service of Mankind Regarding the class of interactive methods, Zionts and
which was held in Tallinn, Estonia, USSR during August, Wallenius (1976, 1980) have proposed a procedure based on
1990. The published proceedings of this IFAC Meeting may the tradeoff concept and a surrogate problem. Their method
be ordered from: Pergamon Press plc, Headington Hill Hall, is similar to the weighting method, with a basic difference in
Oxford OX3 0BW, U.K. This paper was recommended for the type of information exchanged between the decision-
publication in revised form by Associate Editor Y. Haimes maker and the analyst to achieve a compromise solution. The
under the direction of Editor A. P. Sage. formulation assumes linear constraint set, linear or convex
t Unicamp/FEE/DCA, Caixa Postal 6101, 13.081 Cam- objective functions, and linearly additive or concave
pinas SP, Brazil. Author to whom all correspondence should surrogate function.
be addressed. Another well known method is the Interactive Surrogate
~:Villares Indtistrias de Base S.A., Av. do Estado, 01516 Worth Tradeoff procedure (Haimes and Chankong, 1983).
S~o Paulo SP, Brazil. Here, a sequence of single objective optimization problems
§ Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 1, 02150 are solved, each parameterized by the direction of the
Espoo, Finland. decision-maker's preferences as expressed by the tradeoffs.

692 Brief Paper

As opposed to the previous one, this method may be applied

to nonconvex problems. x i = ~ Cozj. (4)
Theory and methodology for a general class of hierarchical
multiobjective systems are developed by Tarvainen (1980) where n i is the number of objectives of subproblem
and Gomide (1982). In Tarvainen's work, the central i , i = 1 , . . . ,n. The constraints model the subsystem
decision-maker's preferences expressed in terms of tradeoffs behaviour (2), the feasible region of the subproblem (3), and
and there are assumed to be available two basic the couplings between subsystems (4), respectively. Cq are
schemes--the feasible and the nonfeasible--which are based matrices consisting of zero and unity elements, where unity
on a necessary condition for preferred solution. These two indicates a connection.
schemes are basically similar to those used in the single Note that originally we may have had a common resource
objective case. Gomide's work, on the other hand, considers constraint of the form
multistage systems with multiple objectives, where the
concept of stage tradeoff is introduced, and calculated ~ = qi(xi, ui, zi) <- b.
instead of assumed to be known. Several hierarchical i=1
methods for noninferior solutions generation are also
This constraint can however be included in the above
formulation by defining the following new (mathematical)
The SEMOPS method (Hwang and Masud, 1979) is an
coupling variables, systems equations, and constraints:
interactive procedure based on the aspiration level concept.
It will be briefly discussed later in the paper. x[+ ~ = y; = x; + qi(xi, Ui, Zi)
For a more systematic review of the literature associated
with the modeling and optimization of large scale systems where
within the multiobjective framework, see Haimes and Li x~ =0
(1988). x', + qn(xn, u,, z,,) <- b
The procedure herein proposed includes basically two i=l,... ,n-1.
repeated steps: the decision-makers' independent multiob-
jective optimization of their subproblems (subsystems), and a As a special case we may have couplings in only one
convenient step of tradeoff between the decision-makers. direction, that is, we may have the n subsystems connected in
As opposed to some approaches for large scale series, or one system evolving over n discrete time points
muitiobjective optimization, it does not necessarily have a (DM~ interested in the system at time i). Figure 1 depicts the
hierarchical structure, it considers multiple decision-makers, structure of the problem.
and no a priori information about their preference is needed. The mathematical model above defines the characteristics
The system's own or induced decomposition structure (such of the problems to which the INP is addressed.
as hierarchical decomposition) is easily and naturally From now on, we use the words system and subsystem to
handled. Furthermore, the INP is a method where, at an refer to the problem and subproblems, respectively. The xis
intermediate compromise solution, the decision-makers are, obviously, the coupling variables.
agree on a better, close intermediate compromise solution,
based on the local information on alternatives provided by 3. The steps o f l N P
the analyst, and so oil, until a final compromise solution is REPEAT (UNTIL NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE
reached. This type of negotiation scheme is studied very OCCURS)
little. The Stackelberg scheme (Stackelberg, 1952) is of this Step l ~ T h e analyst fixes the coupling variables at feasible
type, but it is not a true negotiation process. Local analysis values;
of preferences and domination structures that take Step 2--The decision-makers optimize their own
behavioral and psychological issues into account is subsystems;
considered by Yu (1985). Step 3--The analyst calculates the tradeoff among the
The organization of the paper is as follows. The next subsystems. This is done, for example, by
section presents the mathematical problem formulation. The calculating the tradeoffs between the first
steps of INP are then detailed. Following, the method objectives of the subsystems;
(procedure) analysis and its convergence properties are Step 4--From the tradeoff information, the decision-
established. An application of INP in operation planning of a makers agree on the direction and amount of
hydroelectrical power system in southeast region of Brazil is change of those objective functions for which the
addressed. Next, the SEMOPS (Sequential Multiobjective trade-off information was calculated in Step 3;
Problem Solving Method) procedure is used to solve the Step 5---The analyst calculates new values for the coupling
same problem. Comparisons of the two methods, from the variables;
viewpoint of methodology, practice and computational effort CONTINUE.
are presented. Finally, the conclusions and further works are
described. In the first step, the analyst starts the procedure by fixing
the coupling variables at feasible values.
The optimization of the subsystems by the decision
2. Mathematical problem formulation makers, in the second step, can be done by any appropriate
Consider a system composed of a set of n coupled technique, once the coupling varibles are respected.
subsystems where, associated with subsystem i, i = 1 , . . . , n, The concept of tradeoff (tradeoffs are calculated in the
we define x~--the input, u~--the decision, and z~--the output, third step) is to find the best, overall compromise solution
as variables belonging to spaces of appropriate dimensions. (the fourth step). It is important information for negotiation.
Associated with each ith subsystem there is a set of n i In the last step, the analyst, from the objective function
objective functions, and a decision-maker responsible for values and from the decision variable values provided by
decision-making. decision-makers, fixes coupling variables at new values.
More precisely, we define the ith subproblem as: From the steps above, one sees how the proposed
F fil(Xi, ui, zi)-1
DM,: min ] f~(x".u''z') (1) fit t fhl

subject to
Lf'.,(xi. u,, z,)d
i ~Z~
Z i = Hi(xi, ui), (2) i
lu~ i

gi(xi, ul, zi) <=O, (3) FIG. 1. General system structure.

Brief Paper 693

procedure breaks down a complicated decision-making objectives of the same subsystem, the fixed objectives fix the
problem into subproblems of lower dimensions. coupling variable associated with the particular subsystem.
If assumption 5 holds, then the tradeoffs in the subsystem
4. Analysis of the method and its convergence optimization (Step 2) are also tradeoffs for the whole system.
The INP is a method addressed for problems with multiple Thus, based on assumption 4 the method converges.
decision-makers who have their own multiple objectives. The To see an interpretation of the most crucial assumption, 5,
decision for a subsystem is normally taken by only one let us put in a weaker form:
decision-maker. However, this method can be easily Assumption 5'. Fixing the levels of objectives of n - 1
extended to solve subproblems that have more than one subsystems, fixes the coupling variables of the remaining
decision-maker. Other techniques of negotiation can also be subsystem.
used without affecting the INP.
We say that INP converges to some limits when the Assumption 5' is an independence condition for the
interactive process is continued by consistent decision- subsystems, meaning that when the levels of objectives of
makers, and if the limit values of the objective functions n - 1 subsystems are fixed, the decision variables of n - 1
correspond to the best compromise decisions, among all subsystem do not affect the tradeoffs of the remaining
feasible decisions available to the decision-makers. Now, we subsystem via changing the coupling variables of that
use the concept of utility function, that is, a function that particular subsystem.
models the preference of the decision-makers. [For group One general class of systems where assumption 5' usually
utility functions see Sage (1977)]. Thus, we say that INP holds consists of those cases where couplings among
converges if the utility function converges to a limit value. subsystems are due to only common resources. In these
Hence, the following two assumptions are needed: cases, fixing objective functions levels for n - 1 subsystems
usually fixes the amount of resources these n - 1 subsystems
Assumption 1. A best compromise solution exists; require. Thus, the amount of resources for the remaining
Assumption 2. An additive, differentiable group utility subsystem is fixed.
function, not necessarily known, exists. Above, we have suggested a simple interactive negotiation
The existence of an additive utility function is an important procedue, and considered its convergence requirements. It is
assumption to guarantee that, among the solutions found by clear that the assumption 5 (or 5') is the most crucial one. In
decision-makers when they optimize their subsystems, the fact, one can relax assumption 3: it is not necessary to have
one provided by INP is the best compromise solution for the tradeoffs between all objectives.
system. From the assumptions made, it directly follows that if the
During the negotiation steps, that is, when the procedure converges, a best compromise solution has been
decision-makers are to choose one among all noninferior reached. That is, a point has been obtained at which
solutions, the decision-makers use tradeoffs as provided by tradeoffs are equal to the indifferent tradeoffs of the group
the analyst. With the tradeoffs, the decision-makers can utility function. On the other hand, it is evident that the
analyse the rate of change among objectives. Hence, tradeoff procedure converges, except for some pathological cases. In
information is needed in the INP. Optimization of the every interaction, the group utility function will increase.
subsystems can be done by any method, that need not Hence, based on the experience with single objective
necessarily use the tradeoff concept. A strong condition, optimization, one expects an unending interaction towards a
however, is the existence of tradeoffs among the subsystems. nonoptimal solution only in some exceptional cases, with a
This means that the tradeoffs among the chosen objectives, special constraint structure.
representative of the subsystems, need necessarily to exist. It should be noted that the suggested INP can be used also
The tradeoffs guarantee decision makers negotiation. by a single decision-maker.
The third assumption is as follows: In order to outline a practical way to work with the
procedure just presented, a complementary remark is
Assumption 3. All tradeoffs between the objectives exist, necessary. There are many techniques to solve multiobjective
and all tradeoffs in subsystems optimization exist (Step 2). problems. Each of them have their own characteristics.
Among the general techniques we have the e-constraint
As stated before, the most important point of this
method (Haimes and Chankong, 1983). With this method it
assumption is the existence of the tradeoffs between the is possible to transform the multiobjective case into a
objectives chosen as representative of the subsystems. If we sequence of single objective problems. This is done by
suppose that the negotiation will not be done through the limiting the objective functions at values and including them
tradeoffs, this assumption can be discarded. in the restriction set, except one taken as a primary
Consider a group utility function, additive and objective. If we use the E-constraint, it is possible to obtain
differentiable. The indifferent tradeoff is that one repre- directly the tradeoff between objectives (Gomide et al. 1984;
senting the opinion of the decision-makers about one Gomide, 1981; Haimes and Chankong, 1983). Hence, the
noninferior point where the partial objective tradeoff is equal analysts have a way to obtain tradeoffs, and use them with
to the indifferent subjective tradeoff. In other words, we can the negotiation procedure.
state a fourth assumption as:
Assumption 4. The best compromise solution is the only 5. Application of lNP in operation planning of power systems
point where the tradeoffs are equal to the indifferent This section addresses an application of INP in an
tradeoffs of the group utility function (which ensures a local operation planning of hydropower generation problem.
maximum to be a global one). Figure 2 shows the main reservoirs of the hydroelectrical
power plants in the southeast region of Brazil. The reservoirs
Now, at the limit values of the objective functions, we
know that the objective, partial tradeoffs between repre- r MARIMBONDO
sentative functions of subsystems are equal to the indifferent SAO SIM,~O I
tradeoff of the group utility function, and that the tradeoffs
in subsystem multiobjective optimization is also equal to the
corresponding indifferent tradeoffs. But note that, in
subsystem optimizations, the couplings were kept constant. ~ R ' ~ ' M E LHA
That is, tradeoffs in the subsystem optimizations are not SOLTEIRA L~
necessarily the tradeoffs for the whole system. One simple
assumption guaranteeing that tradeoffs associated with the I I,
subsystems optimization are also tradeoffs for the whole
system, is the following: SUBSYSTEM 2 SUBSYSTEM 1
Assumption 5. When determining any tradeoff between FIG. 2. Southeast power system and subsystems.
694 Brief Paper

are arranged in two subsystems, representing two power


companies that manage and operate them. The first
subsystem comprises Marimbondo and Agua Vermelha SIMULATION
reservoirs, and the second S~o Simfio and Ilha Solteira. COUPLING . COUPLING
We will denote by i the ith subsystem, and by j the ]th ~ RESERVOIR
reservoir of the ith subsystem. Let's define the following: OUTFLO7 TFLOW
xj(k): State variable. It is the reservoir level at the period
u}(k): Decision variable. The amount of turninated water OPTIMIZATION OTHE IOPTIMIZATION]
at the period k. SUBSYS 1 RESERVOIR
y}(k): Natural inflows at the period k. OUTFLOWS [ SUBSYS2 J
The generation power (objective) functions are given by: FIG. 4. Negotiation simulation scheme.
fj(x~., u~, k) = k~x~(T) + ~'~ :r~. p. u}(k) .g. h~(x~(k)) (5) The scheme of negotiation, as used in simulation, is shown in
Fig. 4.
where From Fig. 2, it is easily seen that the coupling variable is
the decision variable u~(k), which is the physical connection
~r~: the efficiency in transforming potential falls into between both subsystems. It is clear that assumption 5 holds
hydroelectrieal power;
in this case. Thus, the tradeoffs of the subsystems are also
p: the specific weight of the water; the tradeoffs of the overall system.
u~(k): the turbined water quantity in the period k; From the utility function previously defined, we can now
g: the acceleration of the gravity; define the following subproblems:
h~(x~(k)): the difference between the water level, and the
escape channel of the reservoirs, debited from Subproblem 1
the hydric energy lost;
i,j: 1,2. max Ul[f~(x~, u~, k), f~(x l, u~, k)]

The constraints are defined by mass equilibrium equations

s.t. u12(k)=a(k); k = 0 . . . . . T - 1
and upper and lower bounds on state and decision variables x](k + 1) = x ] ( k ) +y](k) - u](k) + ~ u~(k)
as follows:
x_]<x](k)<$], k = O . . . . . T
x~(k + 1) = x~(k) + y~(k) - u~(k) + ~ u~(k) (6)
(I,m)~ i u~<-u}(k)<-C~}, k = 0 . . . . . T - 1
_x~<-xj(x)<-2~, k =0 ..... T (7) j=1,2.
_u)<--u~(k) -< fi), k = 0. . . . . T - 1 (8) Subproblem
where _x~, _u~, 2~, .~ denote lower and upper bounds max u2lf~(xL uL k), f~(x~, uL k)]
respectively, and f~ denotes the index set indicating the s.t. xE(k + 1)=xE(k)+y2(k)-u2(k)+ ~ u~(k)
reservoirs of the ith subsystem connected with the jth (I,m)~ 7
reservoir. _x~-<x~U,)_<,z~, k =0 ..... r
The generation power function (differentiable, but 2<:: 2 -2
nonlinear and nonconvex) make the problem difficult to _u/-ui(k)<-u/, k=0 ..... T-I
solve. In addition, the dimension of the problem normally /=1,2.
increases computational difficulties.
The INP method is appropriate to this problem since it Subproblem 3
allows negotiations among the decision-makers of the two
power companies aiming a better use of hydric resources.
max U[fl(x~, u~, k ), f ~(x~, u~, k ),
The negotiation scheme, as applied to this problem, is shown f 2,(x,,2 u,,2 k ), fZz(x2, u~, k)]
in Fig. 3. s.t.f~ = b, f2=c
To simulate the negotiation among decision-makers, the
following utility function has been defined for testing and x~(k + 1) =x~(k) +y}(k) - u~(k) + Z u~(k)
further comparison purposes: (t,rn)~Q i
x_)<-x;:(k)<-$}, k = 0 . . . . . T
1 2 = 0.2fI + 0.2f~+O.4f~+O.Ef2.
U(I1,1 fl,2 f2,/2) _u~<-u}(k)<~), k=O . . . . . T - I

In the subproblems above, a(k), b and c are fixed at
appropriate values during the interactive process.
Subproblem 1 models the optimization problem faced by
the decision makers of subsystem 1, with the coupling
variable fixed at a value set by the analyst. Subproblem 2 is
similar, but for decision maker of subsystem 2.
Subproblem 3 models the negotiation where all decision
makers are involved. To proceed with negotiations, objective
CALCULAT ON l CALCULATION 1 functions are selected to represent the subsystems, one for
each subsystem. Objective functions f~ and f2 have been
x~___/ANALYST selected to represent subsystem 1 and 2 respectively. Due to
its form, the objective functions values may be the same for
several points. For instance, keeping the quantity for
OPTIMIZATION OPTIMIZATION~ turbinated water constant instead of the objective function
SUBSYS 1 SUBSYS 2 ] value, we are, in fact, selecting one among all possible points
that corresponds to that objective function value. However,
DECISION the important is that any of those trajectories will correspond
MAKERS to the same value of the utility function, reflecting the same
FIO. 3. Negotiation scheme for the power system. preference of the decision maker. In this case, all tradeoffs
Brief Paper 695


Period Iteration Utility CPU time max {fl(xl, u~, k), f:~(x21, u21, k),
(months) number function (s) f 2,(xl,2 2
UD 2 2
k),f2(x2, U 2, k)}

6 3 7.95 15.56 s.t. x~(k + 1) = x ] ( k ) + y~(k) - u](k)

7 3 9.13 29.86 x~(k + 1) = x12(k) + y~(k) - u~(k) + u~(k)
8 3 10.14 43.10 x2(k + 1) = x2(k ) + y~(k ) - u2(k )
9 3 11.14 65.31
10 3 12.04 119.11 x2(k + 1) = x2(k) + y2(k) - u2(k) + u~(k) + u2(k)
11 3 12.92 118.24
12 3 13.95 162.24
x_~<-x~(k)<-~, k=0 ..... r
_u~<-u~(k)~f~, k=0 ..... T-1
i , ] = 1, 2.

are partial tradeoffs, since the levels of the objective, others As goals and aspirations levels for the objectives functions,
than those used to represent each subsystem, are kept fixed the values corresponding to the preferred solution obtained
during an interaction. by INP are taken. This is because our aim now is to compare
Table 1 presents the computational results obtained from the methods, in achieving the same preferred solution.
the procedure simulation for several time horizons. The SEMOPS method is also interactive. After goals and
The problems dependence of the initial points, the time aspirations levels are established, it defines surrogate
periods, the penalty factor and the precision requested are functions, corresponding to decision-makers' aspirations.
the reason of the variations in the CPU time values. The As goals for the generation power functions and
INP, in all cases, has converged in a few interactions. aspirations levels we have:
To solve the subproblems, an augmented Lagrangian
method has been used and implemented in a V A X 780 f ] > 9 . 7 f ~ > 9 . 0 f ~ > 1 4 . 8 f22>21.2
computer. A L l = 9 . 7 A L ~ = 9 . 0 AL 2=14.8 AL~=21.2
Figures 5 and 6 depict the trajectories obtained for
reservoirs' capacities and turbinated water, respectively, for which are the same values attained by the objective functions
a 12 month period. The natural inflow is also included in of the last section.
those figures as additional information. Figure 7 shows the The objective functions limits as well as the corresponding
evolution of the utility function value during the interactive dimensionless
procedure. f](x~, u], k)->AL]; d] =AL]/f~(x], u], k)
1 1 1
6. Application of the SEMOPS method f2(x2, u2, k)->AL21; d21 -_ AI..~/f
1 2(x2,
1 1 u2,
1 k)
We now consider the same multiobjective problem as fI(xl,
2 ul,
2 k)>_AL2;
presented in the previous section, rewritten in an
dt2_- A L 12/ f 2l(xl,2 ul,2 k)
appropriated form for the SEMOPS method (Hwang and f2(x2,
2 2 u2,
2 k)->AL2;
d 22 _- AL2/f2(x2,
2 2 2 u 22, k).

Subsystem 1 -- Reservoir 1 S u b s y s t e m 1 -- R e s e r v o i r 2
16~ 10
l I I I l
' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~} 9 1'0 1'1 ,

Subsystem 2 -- Reservoir 1 Subsystem 2 -- Reservoir 2

14 25:

~+~+~+~ + ~--..~__+ _ _ + ~ + ~ +/+,-"+ ,o//5

[ I I l I I I I I I I Oo --t--~'--? ~ , ~ ? ~ t--l-- ,+~'r---t----,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
• - - T u rbinated water --+-- Natural i n f l o w
FIG. 5. Turbinated water trajectories.
696 Brief Paper

Subsystem 1 - - Reservoir 1 Subsystem 1 - - Reservoir 2

14 12
12 /\

4 -~+\+"'+\+/+-- +--+ ~+--+--..+
2 2
0 ,
i a
i i
4 6
i L t
9 ;011,'2
ol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~2

Subsystem 2 - - Reservoir 1 Subsystem 2 - - Reservoir 2

20 25
/ ........ . ........ _\ . _ III_ • ~II


10 \

15 \
5. +-.-~.+ ,-..-+ ÷.....,+ + + +..~+ ~ +

Oq r
;) ~} zl 5 6 -/ 8 ~) 1'0 111 112 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- - - - - Reservoir level --+-- Natural inflow
FIG. 6. Reservoir's level trajectories.

Utility function value problems are solved. The decision-makers, according to

16 some criteria, choose one of the objective functions to be
14 deleted in S definition, and include it in a constraint set for
the next iteration.
12' Principal and auxiliary problem formulations for this
10 application is detailed in Cardarelli (1987). For the SEMOPS
method, see Monarchi (1980).
8 SEMOPS method application in operation planning
problem has considered the problem structure. For instance,
from the overall system topology, we see that reservoir 1 of
4 subsystem 1 is more independent than the others. For this
reason, the corresponding objective function has been
2 incorporated in the set of constraints, keeping as a goal the
o; same values of the aspiration levels previously defined. From
the results of the second iteration, and also due to the
Iteration topology, f~ has been included in the set of constraints,
keeping the same aspiration level obtained until the third
FIG. 7. Evolution of the utility function.
iteration. In the fourth iteration, the objective function f2
has been fixed in the value obtained. The results of the last
The SEMOPS method is based on a sequence of iteration are given by Table 2.
optimization problems with the following surrogate objective
functions: 7. Comparatioe analysis between the methods
The following results can be drawn after comparing the
S=~,d~ main characteristics of the methods.
(i,j)eT' The INP preserves the form and properties of the
where (i, j) determine the objective functions that enter in multiobjective optimization problem, while the SEMOPS
function S definition. does not. For instance, SEMOPS transforms a linear
In each iteration, a principal and several auxiliary optimization problem into a nonlinear one. Moreover, INP


Utility CPU time

f, f21 f2 f2 dll d] dl2 d2 di function (sec)

9.7 8.5 14.8 21.2 1.0 1.06 1.0 1.0 1.06 13.8 655.08
9.7 9.0 14.8 21.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.9 852.24
Brief Paper 697

does not require any additional information other than References

tradeoffs to be used. To establish goals and aspiration levels Cardarelli, J. R. (1987). |teractive decisions in large scale
is a basic premise for the SEMOPS method. systems with multiple objective: An application in power
Furthermore, the INP naturally exploits a decomposition systems. MSc Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
structure, while SEMOPS does not. This is a simplification (UNICAMP) Campinas, Brasil (in Portuguese).
factor. For instance, in the power system example each INP Changkong, V. and T. Haimes (1983). Multiobjective
subproblem has 48 variables and 72 constraints. In SEMOPS, Decision Making: Theory and Methodology. North-
each principal or secondary subproblem has 86 variables and Holland, New York.
144 constraints. In addition, we have an increasing constraint Chankong, V., Y. Haimes, J. Thadathil and S. Zionts
set due to objective functions inclusions in each iteration. (1985). Multiple criteria optimization: A state-of-the-art
It should be noted that information provided by the INP review. In Y. Y. Haimes and V. Chankong (Eds),
procedure has been used in SEMOPS implementation, to set Decision Making with Multiple Objectives. Springer, New
the aspirations levels. This usually is not the case. Hence, the York.
computational performance of SEMOPS has been favoured. Gomide, F. A. C. (1982). Hierarchical multistage,
From the point of view of computational performance INP multiobjective impact analysis. PhD Dissertation, Dept. of
requires much less programming and CPU time than Systems Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,
SEMOPS. For instance, to generate a compromise solution Cleveland, OH, USA.
for a 12 month planning horizon, the INP took 162.24 Gomide, F. A. C. (1981). A multiobjective, hierarchical
seconds, SEMOPS 10,186.11 seconds. optimization method for multistage systems. Progress
report no. 2, Systems Engineering Department, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Gomide, F. A. C., K. Tarvainen and Y. Haimes (1984).
Iterative negotiations on multiple objectives in large scale
8. Conclusions systems. 9th World Congress of IFAC, Budapest,
There are some important INP characteristics that we Hungary.
should mention: Haimes, Y. Y. and V. Chankong (1983). Optimization based
• It is a natural method, since it does not require any methods for multiobjective decision-making: Overview.
complementary information to be used; Large Scale Systems, 5, 1-33.
• It is an interactive method, giving freedom to the Haimes, Y. Y. and D. Li (1988). Hierarchical multiobjective
decision-maker on how to proceed with his subsystem; analysis for large-scale systems: Review and current status.
• It exploits decomposition structures to transform a Automatica, 24.
complex problem into a set of smaller and simpler Hwang, C. L. and A. S. N. Masud (1979). Multiple Objective
problems; Decision Making Methods and Applications. Springer,
• It converges rapidly; Berlin.
• It does not introduce any additional complexity into the Keeney, R. L. and H. Raiffa (1976). Decisions with Multiple
original problem. Objectives: Preferences and Value Tradeoffs. Wiley, New
Concerning INP application in the power system planning York.
example, it has been shown that it is more efficient than a Monarchi, D. E., C. C. Kisiel and L. Duckstein (1973).
previously developed method, at least for this class of Interactive malt/objective programming in water re-
problem. sources: A case study. Water Resources, 9, 837-850.
Further work shall consider the extension of INP to handle Sage, A. (1977). Methodology for Large-Scale Systems.
a broader class of problems, including those involving McGraw-Hill, New York.
uncertainties and stochastic behaviour, as well as its Stackelberg, H. (1952). The Theory of the Market Economy.
combination with knowledge-based systems to elicit pre- Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
ferences and to speed up the obtaining of compromise Tarvainen, K. (1980). Hierarchical multiobjective optimiza-
solutions (Zimmermann et al., 1984). The integration of tion. Ph.D Dissertation, Dept. of Systems Engineering,
technical concepts and basic mechanisms of human Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.
behaviour and decision-making in larger scope than just Yu, P. L. (1985). Multiple-Criteria Decision Making. Plenum
mathematical optimization is also to be addressed in the near Press, New York.
future. See Yu (1985) for an interesting discussion on this Zimmermann, H. J., L. A. Zadeh and B. R. Gaines (1984).
point. Fuzzy Sets and Decision Analysis. North-Holland,
Zionts, S. and J. Wallenius (1976). An interactive
programming method for solving the multiple criteria
Acknowledgements--This work was supported in part by problem. Management Sci., 22, 652-663.
CNPq, the Brazilian National Research Council, under grant Zionts, S. and J. Wallenius (1980). An interactive multiple
no. 300.729/86-3. The help of Prof. Jaime Szajner is objective linear programming method for a class of
acknowledged. The authors are also in debt to the underlying nonlinear utility functon. Working Paper 451,
anonymous referees for their fruitful comments. School of Management, SUNY at Buffalo, N.Y.

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