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I would like to introduce myself first, although we have probably exchanged

e-mails, we have not met personally.

My name is Leo and I am currently working as a project planner and

controller, monitoring the execution of the planned projects in order to
achieve the project objectives in time and with the allocated resources.

The purpose of this presentation is to give an introduction to what we are

currently doing with DEV and how we could extend it to all parts of swivel in
order to optimise the way the company's projects are currently managed by
the team leaders.

I hope that this time there will be no technical problems like on Monday.
Lamina 1
In many organisations and even though projects are largely defined by the
management side of the company they are often not executed in the most
appropriate way. This often happens for the reasons we can see in the
Most of these points are everyday problems that we can actually meet during
the execution of the tasks that are part of a particular project.
In most cases these projects are completed successfully but at a cost that is
impossible to quantify in terms of timeliness, hours invested and deadlines.
Lamina 2
In this slide we will look at the minimum requirements we should consider to
get off to a successful start in order to implement effective project planning
in swivel.
We have probably all heard all of these things at one time or another in our
lives, although many of them seem logical, in practice without proper
induction they can be difficult for most people to understand.
Later in the presentation we will expand a little more on this and apply it
more specifically to the particular generalities of swivel.
Lamina 3
In the specific case of the work that has been done, at the end of last year we
have obtained these results
Out of twelve projects that were implemented with their planning,
satisfactory results were obtained by presenting an average progress of
ninety-five percent at the end of the end date of the projects.
With these results, it is certain that if used extensively in other areas of the
company, the implementation of the projects to be carried out this year
could be significantly optimised, improve the competitiveness in the market
and reduce the costs associated with each project.
Lamina 4
We will now look at how we can begin to make this transition.
The first step we need to be clear about is the projects to be implemented.
These projects must be defined on the basis of a specific objective that is
possible to execute with the resources we currently have available.
Currently in swivel there are two main groups of needs that require to be
attended to in order to maintain and capture a share of the security market
These are the internal and external projects, which in more or less words can
be defined as shown in this diagram.
The primary difference between each is from whom the need for attention
arises at any given time. In internal projects, the need arises from within the
organisation itself, while in external projects, the need arises from a third
From a project management point of view, how does it affect us?
The answer is that some can be planned, while others cannot be planned. But
this does not mean that they cannot be managed efficiently with the least
possible impact.

This happens to the measure that we efficiently manage the resources at our
disposal, which we will see below.

Lamina 5
These resources come in the complete form of what would be part of the
minimum requirements we need to identify to start effective project
The identification and quantification of the resources we have is one of the
most important parts as it will allow us to define our capacity to deal with the
project in a given timeframe.
For practical purposes of project planning, resources are considered to be the
personnel and the time available for the execution of the project. In the past,
the physical resources available were considered as part of the planning, but
today it is assumed that we have all material resources for the execution of
the identified tasks. Any other resources needed should be considered within
the project, as long as they are necessary for execution.
Project staff should be assigned on the basis of their skills that will enable
them to perform the assigned tasks effectively in the assigned time.
Time is the most valuable resource that every company has. Once it is lost,
there is no way to recover it and this translates into lost opportunities, lost
money, lost sales or lost contracts. Every project must be framed in a finite
time frame for their execution.
Both variables are connected, if we define very long periods of time of
execution we will be having idle time of work while if we make a bad
assignment of manpower in a task it will not be able to be completed in the
established time.
In the particular case of swivel, external projects are a major cause of
disruption to the company's internal projects, so any internal planning must
take into account the unexpected occurrence of this element.
This particular issue can be stated simply but it is a complex problem that
should quantify the percentage of work that is used between the different
units when an external requirement arises and allow the most cases to be
dealt with.

Lamina 6
In addition to the concepts we have seen, we also have other terms that we
need to handle in order to understand the planning process.
Scope: this is defined by the objective we want to achieve when the project is
completed. So if we want, for example, to fix something, the scope of the
project is given exclusively by the start-up of what we want to fix when all
the tasks to carry it out are completed.

Start/end date and project closure: The start date is the date of execution of
the first task of the project. The end date and the project closure, at first
glance seem to be the same date but it is not so, the end date is the date of
completion of the last activity to be executed in the project while the project
closure is defined by the acceptance of the project by the client who requests
it. In the case of swivel this client can be the same organisation or an external
client, basically it is the completion of a project but it is not ready to be
implemented or delivered. Si un proyecto terminado presenta algún tipo de
retrabajo posterior a la fecha fin debe de reabrirse y replanificarse. If a
finished project presents some kind of rework after the end date it must be
reopened and replanned.

WBS/predecessor task: WBS is how we are going to structure the tasks that
make up the project, in this way we can group these tasks into subtasks or
microprojects within the main project. Predesessor tasks are defined as those
tasks that have to be performed before the next one can be executed, in a
formal sense they can be defined as prerequisites that have to be completed
before starting a new activity.

the last and most used in project monitoring

Project progress: Defines the actual progress in terms of the amount of work
invested to complete an activity. For example, we have a project with 2 tasks,
one has an estimated duration of nine days and the other task has a duration
of one day, if the one day task is completed we will have a progress of only
10% even though fifty percent of the total activities have been completed.

Lamina 6
To carry out the planning, once we have all these variables, there are many
tools. of all of them we have the project server in swivel. This tool allows us
to simplify and explain the projects planning in terms that allow us to take
decisions from the strategic viewpoint of the company.

This tool also allows us to quantify the work performance of the project
members as well as to estimate costs if necessary. The use of the project
server requires that we have defined at least -the tasks, -timeframes and
-resources used in the project
Lamina 7
In the specific case of the projects that we have been working on so far and
for which we have been able to have a preliminary planning, we have the
four that are presented in the slide.

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