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1 0000 0001, . [5-1] Christ was born. Caesar Augustus begins his rule as Roman emperor.

peror. Philip, Herod Anitpas, Archelaus - tetrarchs of Palestine. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour". Tiberius Caesar - emperor of Rome. Pontius Pilate, provincial governor of Judaea. The gospel of the Kingdom is preached. 0001, , . . , . , 14.000 , . (4 ..) . , . . . 0001, . In ancient times, calendars generally were renumbered with each new ruler. It was not until 525 A.D. that Dionysius Exiguus, a Catholic monk, proposed that years be counted from the birth of Christ. During the next 500 years this dating system was adopted throughout the Christian world. Modern chronologists, however, position the actual birth of Jesus closer to 4 BCE. It was not until 1622 that the papacy officially adopted January 1 as the beginning of the new year, instead of March 25. 0001 - 400 CE Jesus possibly travels to India, Tibet and Britain to be initiated into the esoteric traditions of East and West. Crucified for his radical political and religious ideas (c. 33). Joseph of Arimanthea establishes first Celtic Church at Glastonbury (c. 37). Invasion of Britain by Roman legions and suppression of the Druids (40 - 60). Paul travels to Asia Minor and Greece preaching his version of the gospel (50). Jewish revolt against Roman rule led by Zealots (66). Essenes suppressed and Dead Sea Scrolls hidden in caves. Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Romans (70). New testament written. The Nazarenes break away from Judasim to found the Christian Church (c. 80). Ormus is converted to Esoteric Christianity by Mark. Mithrasim and the Mysteries of Isis compete with Christianity in the Roman Empire. Mani, a Persian high priest of Zoroastrianism, is crucified (276). Emperor Constantine declares Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Council of Nicea defines heresy, condemns paganism and lays the theological foundation for the Catholic or Universal Church (325). Constantine's successor Julian the Apostate (361 - 363) briefly re-establishes the pagan old religion. Emperor Theodosius outlaws the worship of the pagan gods in Rome and closes the pagan temples (378). Invasion of Rome, Greece

2 and Europe by the barbarians led by Atilla the Hun (395-480). Withdrawal of the Roman legions from Britain (395). Foundation of the Order of Comacine by ex-members of the Roman College of Architects. THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard 0004 -- Birth of Jesus of Nazareth, accompanied by various Illuminoid trappings: three early Men-In-Black disguised as the Wise Men; strange lights in the sky; miracles such as visits from angels, prophecy, and suspension of time are reported. - 0006, -41, . Judea, Samaria, and Idumea formed into a Roman province (ludaea) under a praefectus beginning of 1st cent. death of Hillel. Tiberius expels the Jews. Claudius, Roman Emperor, as recorded in "Epistolae," "{Jews were} fomenting a general plague on the whole world." 0006, . The Pannonian tribes, joined by the Dalmatians, revolt, posing the gravest threat to Italy since Hannibal's invasion. After the revolt is put down, Pannonia is organized into a separate province and garrisoned with three Roman legions. Pannonia was an area corresponding to present western Hungary and parts of eastern Austria, Slovenia, and northern Yugoslavia (Vojvodina). It's capital was at Vindobona (Vienna), called Sirmium by the Romans. (Britannica) 0006, . Judaea (Judea, Palestine, Israel) becomes a Roman province. 0006-41: Judea, Samaria, and Idumea formed into a Roman province (ludaea) under a praefectus beginning of 1st cent. death of Hillel. Tiberius expels the Jews. Claudius, Roman Emperor, as recorded in "Epistolae:" "{Jews were} fomenting a general plague on the whole world." 0006, , . 0009, . The Cherusci under Arminius destroy a Roman army led by Varus in the Teutoburg Forest in Germany. 0010, . Saul is born in Tarsus, a town on the Mediterranean Sea, in what is now Turkey. His parents are prominent Jews of the tribe of Benjamin, and from them, he inherits Roman citizenship. He will be known by his Roman name, Paul, after converting to Christianity. 0014, . Emperor Augustus dies and is succeeded by Tiberius (to 37). 0018: Red Eyebrow Rebellion in China 0018, . The Marcomanni kingdom breaks up after a war with the great German leader Arminius. The Marcomanni (Marcomani), were a Germanic tribe that settled in the Main River valley

3 soon after 100 BC. They were members of a Suebi group that migrated east to Bohemia to escape Roman aggression in 9 BC. Under their king Maroboduus they had built a powerful confederation of tribes. 0019, . Maroboduus, king of the Marcomanni, becomes an exile in Roman territory. For many decades thereafter, the Marcomanni and their neighbours the Quadi were clients of Rome, receiving frequent subsidies. Many Roman traders settled in their country. 0020: Green Forest Rebellion in China 0026, , 36, Pontius Pilate praefectus. 0026, . Emperor Tiberius retires to Capri leaving Sejanus, prefect of the Praetorian Guard, in charge of Rome. 0027, . Jesus (Christ) travels from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by his cousin John the Baptist. At first John resists. "This isn't proper," he said. "I am the one who needs to be baptized by you." (Matt. 3,13) 0028, , . , . 0028, . Saul (Paul), who has been brought up in the strict faith of the Pharisees, moves to Jerusalem where he studies as a disciple of Gamaliel and soon becomes a determined persecutor of the early Christians. 0030 -- Assassination of the radical Jesus, allegedly on Illuminati orders; more Illuminoid trappings: an eclipse; an earthquake; visitors from the sky roll away the stone from the sepulcher and liberate the crucified Jesus. - 0030, . [ 33], , , , , , . 0030, 12 . Saul (Paul) spends twelve years, from 30-42 AD, hunting down, torturing, and executing early Christians, the very people who had actually witnessed and personally heard the teachings of Jesus Christ. 0030, . Jesus (Christ) is crucified outside Jerusalem. A Roman centurion, possibly Gaius Cassius, pierces Christ's side with a spear, and in doing so, fulfills an ancient Jewish prophesy describing the Messiah. Gaius Cassius is said to have converted to Christianity on the

4 spot and becomes known to the early Christians as Longinus (the Spearman). 0035, . Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. The Gospel comes to the Gentiles; Cornelius baptized 0036, . [], . 0037, - 41, . Cahguta. Crisis caused by Caligula's insistence on being worshiped as a deity. Anti-Jewish riots in Alexandria. 0037, . Emperor Tiberius dies and is succeeded by Caligula to 42. 0037-41: Cahguta. Crisis caused by Caligula's insistence on being worshiped as a deity. Anti-Jewish riots in Alexandria. 0040, . One of the world's earliest Christian churches is erected at Corinth, Greece. 0040, . Legation of Jews of Egypt lead by Philip to Rome. Until 40 Philo writes in Alexandria. Believers first called Christians at Antioch. 0041, - 44, . Agrippa I. Claudius issues edict of toleration. 0042, . Caligula is assassinated by the Praetorian Guard and is succeeded by Claudius to 54. 0042, . Saul (Paul) claims to have an encounter with the spirit of Jesus on his way to Damascus. After seeing a bright light and hearing a voice from above, he quickly converts to Christianity, using his Latin name, Paul. Paul claims his vision of Jesus is his investiture as an apostle of Jesus Christ, who had personally charged him with the mission of spreading his "holy" witness to the Gentiles. It is Paul, not Jesus, who somehow rationalizes that Christians need not be circumcized nor follow the ancient Jewish laws. 0043 AD: Roman emperor Claudius invades Britain 0043, . James beheaded by Agrippa I; Peter freed from prison by an angel. 0043, . Emperor Claudius invades England with a force of 40,000 men. The British under Caractacus are defeated at Medway and Britain is soon added to the Roman Empire as the province of Britannia. 0043, . The city of London is founded by the Romans, who at about the same time learn the use of soap from the Gauls. 0043, & . After being forced to flee Damascus, Paul spends 15 days with Peter and James in Jerusalem before returning home to Tarsus.

5 0044, . . 0044, . Barnabus comes to Paul in Tarsus and takes him to Antioch which in 45 AD becomes the center of his missions to the Gentiles. Paul soon begins a period of zealous missionary work traveling through Asia Minor and Greece, gaining converts, setting up churches and writing most of the chapters of the New Testament. Only two of the Gospels are believed to have been written by original deciples, the First Gospel, thought to have been written by Matthew (85), and the Fourth, believed to have been written by John (9096). 0045, . . Paul's first missionary journey. 0045, . Paul (Saul) sets out on the first of his missionary travels. 0046 . According to Masonic tradition, Ormus started an order in Alexandria having the "rose-cross" as symbol. 0046 , ! : TIBERIUS Julius Alexander b. c. 15. Procurator of Judea from 46. Tiberius came from a wealthy and influential Jewish family in Alexandria. His father was head of the community and his uncle was the renowned philosopher, PHILO JUDEUS. As a young man, Tiberius turned his back on his Jewishness in order to make a career in the Roman army. He rose to high office, becoming commander of Upper Egypt, procurator of Judea, prefect of Egypt and second-incommand to Titus during the siege of Jerusalem. As the highest ranking Jew in Roman service, he dealt with the local Jewish population strictly in the course of duty. His two years as governor of Judea seem to have been fairly uneventful. In Egypt, he sent in troops to deal with violence involving the Jewish community in Alexandria. JOSEPHUS claims that Tiberius was not in favour of destroying the Temple in Jerusalem in AD 70. 0046, . The Book of James is said to have been written by Jesus' brother James. Where it was written is uncertain as is its exact date, but its purpose was to provide Jewish Christians with practical instructions in Christian life. The problems addressed show the difficulties troubling the church, pride, discrimination, greed, lust, hypocrisy, worldliness, and backbiting. "Faith without works (good deeds) is dead," James writes. (James) 0047, . Council at Jerusalem. 0048, . Paul writes to the Galatians. Paul had preached to the inhabitants of Galatia on his first missionary journey, but

6 shortly after his departure, a group of Jewish believers arrived to insist that the Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians submit to the laws of Moses in order to be saved. In his letter Paul vigorously defends himself as an apostle and attempts to convince the people that adhering the laws of Moses is unnecessary (49 AD). (Galatians) 0050 AD: the Romans found Londinium in Britain 0050, . A Gothic kingdom is set up on the Lower Vistula River. 0050, . Paul's second missionary journey. 0050, . Paul establishes a Christian church in the Greek city of Corinth on his second missionary journey. 0050, . Paul writes a letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians). On Paul's second missionary journey he had been forced to flee from Thessalonia because of intense antiChristian persecution. After making his way to Athens and finally to Corinth, Paul heard from Timothy, whom he had sent to inquire about the Thessalonians. The believers were standing fast Timothy told him, in spite of their suffering. Paul's letter was meant to comfort and encourage the young believers. 0051, . Paul writes a second letter to the Thessalonians (2 Thessalonians). It seems that either Paul's first letter or a forged letter pretending to be from him had disturbed the Thessalonians concerning the second coming of Christ. Adding to the confusion was the continuing persecution they were forced to endure. Paul writes to assure the believers that Christ will certainly return to comfort the believers and to punish their persecutors. 0052, [ 58], , " ". 0053, . Paul's third missionary journey. 0054, -68, . Nero accepts Judaism and becomes a Jew. Rome under Nero is partly destroyed by fire. 0054, . Emperor Claudius is poisoned by his wife Agrippina and succeeded by her son Nero (to 68). 0056, . Paul writes a letter to the Corinthians from Ephesus in Ionia. Many things had gone badly since his departure, and he felt it necessary to write them concerning the many problems that had arisen. This letter will later becomes a book of the Holy Bible (1 Corinthians).

7 0057, . Paul writes a second letter to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians) while at Ephesus. Paul's earlier letter had not settled all of the problems. It had some good effect, but much more remained to be done. In particular, Paul had to settle the problem concerning his own authority. Deep suspicions had been aroused about him for reasons we still do not fully understand. 0058, . Paul writes the Book of Romans while at Corinth. Paul was on his third missionary journey and was planning to go to Rome, but had never been there. This book of the bible is actually a letter written to introduce Paul to the church and to summarize his theological teachings. It is said to be the most systematically put together of his writing. (Romans) 0059, . Nero has his mother Agrippina killed. 0059, , , , . " ". 0060 . A "ship" was seen speeding across the Scottish night sky. 0060, . Paul at Rome 0060, . An important letter is written to Jewish Christians (Book of Hebrews) who were perhaps thinking of returning to their old ways in Judaism. The author and the place where the letter was written are uncertain (60 -70 AD), but its purpose was to show that now because Christ (the Messiah) had come there remained nothing in Judaism for the believer. The time of fulfillment has arrived its says, and it would be futile to return to the old life. 0060, . Paul returns to Jerusalem and is quickly seized and thrown into prison. 0061, . Boadicea, a widowed Celtic queen with legendary golden hair, leads an uprising against the Romans. Her warriors, though brave, prove no match for the well-armed and organized Romans. 0062, . After spending two years in prison, Paul claims his rights as a Roman citizen and appeals to King Herod Agrippa II. As a result, he is sent to Rome and is held there as a virtual prisoner for two more years. 0062, . Nero has his wife Octavia killed and then marries Poppaea Sabina. 0062, . Paul writes a letter from prison in Rome to friends in Philippi (Philippians) as a response to their sending money to him in order to meet his needs. He begins by expressing his

8 confidence in them and then describes some of the problems he faces in Rome. Whether he will live or die he does not know; but if death does come, he says, he will rejoice in the presence of Christ. 0063, . Paul writes a letter to the Colossians while still a prisoner in Rome. He had never visited Colosse, but had heard of its Christian believers while living in Ephesus on his second journey. Paul is concerned because he has heard news of strange pagan theories that were said to be creeping into the church, a mixture of astrology, magic, and Judaism (Jewish/Egyptian mysticism) which downgraded Christ to being some sort of angel (messenger). Paul wrote in an attempt to correct this situation. (Colossians) 0063, . Paul in Rome writes a letter to a Christian in Colosse named Philemon whose slave Onesimus had run away to Rome and joined the church. Paul asks that Philemon take Onesimus back -- not as a slave but as a Christian brother. This letter becomes the book of Philemon in the Christian New Testament. (Philemon) 0064 . A disastrous fire sweeps through Rome. The Emperor Nero blames the Christians. Persecution of both Christians and Jews erupts. Tradition has it that Peter was crucified during these Neronic persecutions and buried, eventually, under the site of the present altar of St. Peter's church. 0064, . Nero intiates the first persecutions of Christians by Rome. Prior to this time, persecutions had come mostly from orthodox Jewish groups and organizations, spearheaded by the Pharisees. 0064, . Peter the Apostle, possibly in Rome, is said to have written to Jewish Christians living in Asia Minor (1 Peter). It's purpose is to convince and encourage them not to return to Judaism to escape persecution. The Christian church, he writes, is now the "chosen nation" and the priesthood of God -- and God has an imperishable reward reserved for those who trust him. 0064, . Paul writes a letter to his associate Tomothy, whom he had left in Ephesus to correct problems in the church (1 Timothy). Paul is near the end of his life and it is uncertain where the letter was written. Paul instructs Timothy concerning doctrine, church practice, church government, and various aspects of Christian living. There are also certain regulations given for the ordination of church officers as well. 0064, . A widespread tradition holds that Peter also traveled to Rome, met with Paul, Mark and Luke, and was later crucified and buried on Vatican hill.

9 0065, . Seneca commits suicide at Nero's orders. 0065, . The Book of Acts is thought to have been written by Luke between 65 and 70 AD. It is said to be a continuation of the Gospel of Luke, showing that what Jesus began of earth, he continues to do in the life of the church. The place where it was written remains uncertain. (Acts) 0065, . The Book of Jude is said to be written by Jesus' brother Jude, who urges the believers to stand firm against some false teachers and the false doctrine they bring. He closes with an exhortation to the Christians to stand fast in the power of God "who will keep us from falling." Where it was written is uncertain (65-70 AD). (Jude) 0065, . The Gospel of Luke is written, proably in Caesarea, by Luke, another follower and companion of Paul. Luke is said to have written his gospel for a cultured Greek named Theophilus in order to show the true humanity of Jesus and his place in history. (Luke) 0065, . The Gospel of Mark is written in Rome by Mark, a follower of Paul (Saul), who supposedly had written down the remembrances of the apostle Peter. Mark's purpose seems to be to put together an expanded Gospel message, centering on the acts of Jesus rather than his words. Mark adds a large amount of material to the last week of Jesus' life. (Mark) 0065, . Rome burns and Nero persecutes Christians. Death of Paul; Nero commits suicide. 0065, . Paul writes a letter to Titus, an associate he had left on the island of Crete to help strengthen the churches. Paul goes into some detail regarding qualifications for the office of elder, as well as instruction on the basic doctrines of the faith. (Titus) 0066, . Peter the Apostle, possibly in Rome, is said to have written a letter (2 Peter) to "all" Christians shortly before his death. He warns them of false teachers who would destroy the truth by exalting their own ideas over those of the church, and points out that Christ will return some day to destroy the old order of the world and as a result Christians should not become too attached to it. 0066, . Paul writes a second letter to Timothy (2 Timothy) at Ephesus. Historians say this is probably the last letter Paul ever wrote. It is a personal letter expressing Paul's deepest feelings and convictions about life and death, and in closing he exhorts Timothy to stand firm in the face of the coming persecution. 0066, . Jews in Judaea (Judea, Palestine, Israel) rise up in revolt against the Romans.

10 0066, . Members of the Christian Church in Jerusalem flee to Pella for safety. (Britannica) 0066, . Massacre of the Jews at Alexandria. Beginning of revolt against Rome. Jews revolt against Roman rule as they become tired of the type of oppressive Roman taxes they now impose on modern Americans. Masses of Jews rioted and wiped out the small Roman garrison stationed in Jerusalem. Cestius Gallus, the Roman ruler in neighboring Syria, sent in a larger force of soldiers. But the insurgent Jews routed them as well. The next exchange would be different. The Romans returned with 60,000 heavily armed professional troops. The Romans first attacked in Galilee in the north, where they killed and sold into slavery an estimated 100,000 Jews. The Jews who survived the Galilee massacre fled to Jerusalem for their final stand and prepared for a siege by the Romans. During the summer of 70 AD, the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem, and initiated an orgy of violence and destruction. Shortly thereafter, they destroyed the Second Temple. This was the final and most devastating Roman blow against Judea. It is estimated that as many as one million Jews died in the revolt against Rome. This precipitated the Jewish diaspora leaving Judea and the movement from temple worship to decentralized Rabbinical Judaism. In addition, that great document of Jewish ethnocentrism, the Talmud Yerushalmi, was assembled in Tiberias, modern day Israel soon after the final Jewish defeat in Jerusalem. 0066-70: Great Jewish Revolt, the first of three Jewish-Roman wars that took place in Iudaea Province against the Roman Empire. 0066, , . 0066-73 AD First Jewish revolt. Fall of the Jewish Second Temple to Romans in 70 AD. 0067, . Little is known of Paul's last days. He is said to have been beheaded in Rome sometime during the persecutions instituted by Nero between 67 and 68 AD. 0067, . St. Linus becomes the Christian church's second pope. (Timetables) 0067, ! , . Vespasian conquers Galilee the Zealots take over in Jerusalem. 0067, . Peter the Apostle is believed to have been executed. Christian tradition says he was executed in Rome where he served as the first pope. 0067, , [ 70], .

11 0068, . June Nero commits suicide and is succeeded by Galba (to January 69). 0068, . Flavius Josephus writes "History of the Jewish War." 0069 . ERETZ ISRAEL Johanan ben Zaccai received permission from Vespasian to retire with the rabbinical leaders of his generation to Yabneh. There the foundation was laid, for the survival of the Jewish people in dispersed communities without a central Temple. Their proclamations included the replacement of sacrifices by charity, repentance, and the fixation of initially set prayers (the Amidah, Shemah and Alenu). In addition they began the establishment of an educational system for children, the fixing of the Biblical cannon and the separation between Judaism and Christianity. 0069, [ 70], , . 0069, -79, . Vespasian. 0069, . December Vespasian succeeds Vitellius as emperor (to 79). 0069, . April Vitellius briefly succeeds Otho as emperor (to December 69). 0069, . July 01 Bataafs nobleman Gaius Julius Civilis is proclaimed Emperor of Syria. 0069, . January Otho briefly succeeds Galba as Roman emperor (to April 69). 0070 . FISCUS JUDAICUS (Jewish Tax) (Eretz Israel) As a result of the war, Vespasian ordered the donations of a half-shekel, given by most Jews to the Temple, now be paid to Rome. This marked the first time that a disability was imposed on religious grounds. Anyone who tried to deny their Jewish origin was subjected to a humiliating examination especially under the reign of Domitian, brother of Titus. 0070 . May 21--From Flavius Josephe Jewish War Book CXI: "On the 21st of May a demonic phantom of incredible size... for before sunset there appeared in the air over the whole country chariots and armed troops coursing through the clouds and surrounding the cities." 0070 . (9 Av 3830) JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) Fell to Titus after 4 years of fighting. The Temple was destroyed. According to Josephus, some 1,100,000 Jews perished during the revolt and another 97,000 were taken captive. 0070, . Romans under Titus, the Emperor's son, recapture Jerusalem using battering rams to assault the walls. The city is razed and the ancient Jewish Temple is destroyed. Titus

12 is said to have later carried the contents of the Holy of Holies back to Rome. (Timetables) 0070, . Jerusalem besieged and conquered by Titus; the Temple destroyed. Destruction of Qumran community. Sanhedrin established at Jabneh by Johanan Birth of Zakkai. 0072, . An ancient European tradition holds that some time after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathaea fled the country for a Jewish community in southern France. (see Templars, Habsburgs) 0072, . Judea completely conquered; the "Fiscus Judaicus" instituted by Vespasian. 0073 JONATHAN THE WEAVER (Libya) Convinced the poorer Jews of Cyrene to revolt by promising them as a "prophet" that he would walk them through the desert. The Roman Governor, L. Valerius Catullus, had them executed. At the same time the Governor also murdered a few thousand wealthy Jews and appropriated their property. 0073 . April, MASADA (Eretz Israel) Roman General Flavius Silva succeeded in breeching the Judean desert stronghold held by Elazar ben Yair. Of the 960 people who took refuge on Masada, only two women and five children survived. The rest chose suicide rather than slavery. 0073, , . Temple in Leotopolis closed. Fall of Masada. 0079 ; When a comet appeared, astrologers wondered if it would mean the death of Emperor Vespasian. Vespasion, alluding to the term "long-haired star" used for comets, joked that the comet must have been meant for the Parthian King, who wore his hair long, not for himself, Vespasian, who was bald. Despite his clever pun, Vespasian died within the year. 0079, . Eruption of Vesuvius destroys Pompeii. [7981] , Titus. Josephus completes Jewish Wars. 0079, . Titus succeeds Vespasian as Roman emperor (to 81). 0080 AD: the Romans invade Caledonia (Scotland) 0080 . From medieval reporter Conrad Wolfhart: "When the Roman emperor Agricola was in Scotland, wonderous flames were seen in the skies over Caledon Wood, all one winter night. Everywhere the air burned, and on many nights, when the weather was serene, a ship was seen in the air moving fast." 0080, . Christian persecutions under Domitian. 0081 . ARCH OF TITUS (Rome, Italy) Which commemorates Titus' conquest of Eretz Israel, was erected by his brother Emperor Domitian. There is a Jewish custom not to walk under

13 the arch which depicts the taking of Jews into captivity as well as the vessels from the Temple. 0081 (;) . September 13, DEATH OF FLAVIUS VESPESIANUS TITUS (The son of Vespasian). He played an active part in the capture of the Galilee during the Jewish revolt. Upon Vespasian's appointment as ruler of Rome, he was given command of the Roman forces in Eretz-Israel. Titus' name is forever linked to the devastation of the Temple and the brutality of the destruction of Jerusalem. This is based on the writings of Tacitus, a Roman historian. Josephus tried to whitewash Titus and claim that he was against the burning of the Temple. According to talmudic legend Titus challenged God to punish him, where upon God sent in a gnat which ate at his brain causing him terrible headaches until he died. Upon his death he ordered his body to be burned and his ashes scattered so as to prevent the "God of the Jews" from punishing him. 0081, . The Arch of Titus is erected in Rome. 0081 , ! TITUS, Flavius Vespasianus c. 40 81. Emperor of Rome 7981. The son of VESPASIAN, he served in Germany and Britain and commanded a legion under his father in the Jewish War that started in 66. He subdued the Galilee and spared the Jewish commander JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS after the sack of the town of Jotapata where Josephus had been in charge. He then went on to attack the last stronghold, Giscala (Gush Halav), where the leader, JOHN OF GISCALA, refused to negotiate surrender terms on the Sabbath. While the Romans were waiting for the end of the day, John and a few of his followers escaped to Jerusalem. When Emperor Nero died in 68 Vespasian sent his son to Rome to pay tribute to his successor, Galba, who died before Titus reached Rome; he then returned to the Judean campaign. His father left it to him to take Jerusalem and went off to Egypt. After a long and bloody siege, Titus took the city on 8 September 70, destroyed the Temple and ended the Second Jewish Commonwealth. He returned to Rome for a triumphal procession, and his father ordered the great Arch of Titus to be built to commemorate the defeat of the Jews. Titus remained in Rome with the title of Caesar but outraged Roman society by his affair with BERENICE, the sister of Agrippa II of Judea. Titus set her up in the royal palace, but when she began to behave as if she were the empress, Vespasian insisted that she be sent away. Titus succeeded his father to the imperial throne in 79. 0081, . Domitian succeeds Titus as Roman emperor (to 96).

14 0085, . The Gospel of Matthew is thought to have been written in Antioch by Matthew, a former tax collector, called by Jesus as one of his early disciples. Matthew is said to have been an eyewitness to many of the events he describes. (Matthew) 0085, . John the Apostle is said to have written a short letter to his friend Gaius, encouraging him to support the traveling evangelists who are preaching the "truth." He warns Gaius about men such as Diotrephes who refuse to help in spreading the gospel. The letter, too, was probably written from Ephesus (85-96 AD). (3 John) 0085, . John the Apostle is said to have written a very personal letter in his old age to believers who were dear to him. He addresses them as little children and gives them instructions for Christian living. The letter was probably written from Ephesus, but this is uncertain (85-96 AD). (1 John) 0085, . John the Apostle is said to have written a short letter either to a Christian woman or a church personified as a woman. Its purpose was to encourage true Christian love and to warn against the decievers who were "coming into the world." This letter also was probably written from Ephesus (85-96 AD). (2 John) 0088, . Both the Marcomanni and their neighbours the Quadi attack the Romans. 0088, . Clement I becomes the third pope (to 97). After Clement the history of the popes in unclear until 189. 0090 The "Beowulf" is written 0090, . The Book of Revelation is said to have been written by John the Apostle while on the island of Patmos in the Aegean. There are two major sections in this complex book, the first being seven letters to seven churches in Asia Minor, and the second being a series of visions dealing with the life and persecution of Christians, the overthrow of evil, the return of Christ, the last judgment, the millennial state, and heaven on earth (90-96 AD). (Revelation) 0090, . The Stoic philosopher Epictetus is expelled from Rome with other philosophers by the emperor Domitian, who was irritated by the favorable reception given by Stoics to opponents of his tyranny. The rest of his life was spent at Nicopolis, Epirus (Greece). Epictetus described philosophy as learning "how it is possible to employ desire and aversion without hindrance." True education, he believed, consists in recognizing that there is only one thing that belongs to an individual fully -- his will, or purpose. God, acting as a good king and father, has given each being a will that cannot be compelled or thwarted by anything external. Men are not responsible for the ideas that present themselves to their consciousness, though they are wholly responsible for the way in which they use them. "Two maxims," Epictetus said, "we must

15 ever bear in mind -- that apart from the will there is nothing good or bad, and that we must not try to anticipate or to direct events, but merely to accept them with intelligence." Man must, that is, believe there is a God whose thought directs the universe. As a political theorist, Epictetus saw man as a member of a great system that comprehends both God and men. Each human being is primarily a citizen of his own commonwealth, but he is also a member of the great city of gods and men, of which the political city is only a poor copy. All men are the sons of God by virtue of their rationality and are kindred in nature with the divinity. Thus, man is capable of learning to administer his city and his life according to the will of God, which is the will of nature. The natural instinct of animated life, to which man also is subject, is self-preservation and self-interest. Yet men are so constituted that the individual cannot secure his own interests unless he contributes to the common welfare. The aim of the philosopher, therefore, is to see the world as a whole, to grow into the mind of God, and to make the will of nature his own. (Britannica) 0090, . The Gospel of John is thought to have beeen written at Ephesus by John the Apostle. John begins with a prologue unique to this gospel where Jesus' pre-existent life with the Father is depicted to show that Jesus what not simply a great man, but of the essence of God. John also describes a number of miracles and many teachings of Jesus not found elsewhere in the bible (90-96 AD). Ephesus was an ancient seaport (now ruins) in an area on the west coast of Asia Minor (Ionia). 0093, . Josephus completes Jewish Antiquities. 0095 . (Succot) JEWISH DELEGATION TO ROME Was led by Rabbi Gamliel II, along with Rabbis Akiva, Joshua and Eleazar to request that Emperor Domitian rescind one of his anti- Jewish proclamations. 0096, . Nerva succeeds Domitian as Roman emperor (to 98). 0098 ; From medieval reporter Conrad Wolfhart: "At sunset, a burning shield passed over the sky at Rome. It came sparkling from the west and passed over to the east." 0098, . The Roman Colonia Nervia Glevensis, later to become Gloucester, England, is founded. 0098, . Trajan succeeds Nerva as Roman emperor (to 116). Under his leadership the Roman Empire reaches its greatest geographical extent, controlling more lands and peoples than at any other time in its history. (Timetables) 0100 -- Hero of Alexandria devises primitive steam-engine. -

16 0100 . Hero of Alexandria devises a primitive steam-engine. 0106, . Emperor Trajan divides Pannonia. The western and northern districts constituted Pannonia Superior, which later will the focal point of the Roman wars with the Marcomanni. The southern and eastern districts are organized as Pannonia Inferior. Romanization proceed rapidly, especially in the west. Pannonia was the birthplace of several Roman emperors of the 3rd century, including Diocletian, and the province provided large numbers of troops for the Roman army. 0115 - 117 . THE SECOND ROMAN REBELLION (Roman Empire) While Trajan (98117) was busy fighting against the Armenians and Parthians, a revolt which was mainly led by Jews, broke out in Cyprus, Egypt, and Cyrene on the north coast of Africa. In Cyrene, it was led by a Jewish "king" called Lukuas, and in Cyprus by Artemion. In Eretz Israel violence flared in the Jerusalem area and the Galilee where it was known as polemos shel Kitos (War of Quietus) named after the Moorish General Lucius Quitus who put down the rebellion. After almost a year of fighting, Trajan's General, Marcius Turbo, succeeded in putting down the rebellion. In all of the cities, there was widespread destruction including the capital of Cyprus, Salamis, much of Alexandria, and most of the Island of Cyrene. In Alexandria, the great synagogue and library were destroyed as well. As a result, Jews were forbidden to live in Cyprus. The rebellion forced Trajan to abandon his campaign to conquer Babylon which continuted to provide a refuge for the Jews. 0115, , . The Jews of Babylonia, Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus, Cyrene, and Libya rise against Trajan. 0115-117: Kitos War, the second Jewish-Roman wars. 0116, -117, "War of Quietus." 0117, Hadrian succeeds Trajan as Roman emperor (to 138). 0117, . Tacitus writes his famous "Historiae." 0118, . The Jews of Palestine rise against Trajan and Hadrian; "War of Lucius Quietus." 0120 . (18 Sivan 3880) RABBI GAMLIEL II This day marks the Yartzeit of Rabbi Gamliel II. Rabbi Gamliel was the successor to Rabbi Johanan Ben Zakai who had set up the talmudic academy in Yavneh after the war against Rome. Gamliel helped establish a new spiritual leadership and designing the foundation for survival in the Diaspora. He played a key role in keeping the peace between the Jewish community and Rome. 0120, -130 . Basilides, a "heresiarch" (Gnostic) of Alexandria is supposed to have written twenty-four commentaries on the

17 Gospels, wherein he claimed that Jesus did not die on the cross and that a substitute, Simon of Cyrene, took his place. The Koran held the same argument in the seventh century. 0122, . Hadrian visits Britain. A wall now called Hadrian's Wall is built from Tyne to Solway (304). 0122, . A Jewish uprising under the leadership of Bar Kokhba breaks out in Judaea (Judea, Palestine, Israel) and continues until about 135. 0122: Hadrian's Wall is built along the northern frontier to protect from the Barbarians 0125 to 150 -- Simon Magus, Menander, Valentinus, and others develop Gnostic religious doctrines of esoteric knowledge (illumination). - 0125 to 150 . Simon Magus, Menander, Valentinus and others develop Gnostic religious doctrines of esoteric knowledge (illumination). Simon Magus was a contemporary of Jesus and has been called his most dangerous rival. Clement I called him "God's left hand" and the counterpart of Saint Paul. He found "wisdom" in a brothel in Tyre and preached a Gnostic philosophy summed up in his work The Root of All. He has later been called the founder of all Gnostic teachings. 0130 10% . C. BABYLON The Jewish population numbered between 800,000 and 1,200,000, which was between 10-12% of the entire population. The Jews were semi-autonomous and had full freedom of religion. 0132-135: Bar Kokhba's revolt, the third and last Jewish-Roman wars. 0132 135 ! ; BAR KOCHBA REVOLT (Eretz Israel) According to the Talmud the revolt was a reaction to the decree of the Roman governor of Judea, Tinneius Rufus, banning circumcision. Others believe it was provoked by the establishment of a temple to Jupiter on the site of the Temple. 0132, ( 135), . . 0132, -135, Bar Kokhba war. Fall of Bethar; Aelia Capitolina established; Akiva executed. 0133, Rebellion of Bar Kokba against Hadrian; restoration of the Jewish state.

18 0133-135 Second Jewish revolt under Bar Kochba crushed. Judea renamed Palestina. Jews are banned from Jerusalem by Hadrianus Caesar. 0135 -- Approximate date Ptolemy records 1,022 stars in Almagest; also recorded astrological ideas from Enuma Anu Enlil in his Apotelesmatika. - 0135 (9 Av 3895) BETAR (Eretz Israel) The last major stronghold in Judea fell against overwhelming Roman forces. Simon bar Kochba (bar Kosiba) the leader of the revolt was killed. An estimated half a million Jews perished in this revolt which left over 985 villages and 50 fortresses in ruins. So great were the Roman losses that the emperor in his annual report to the Senate left out the customary: "I and my army are well." 0135, Fall of Bethar; end of Bar Kokba's rebellion. [135-138], Persecutions of Hadrian. 0136 JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) Hadrian built a pagan temple on the site of the destroyed Temple. He renamed the city Aelia Capatolina and forbade Jews to enter into the city. 0136, Emperor Hadrian inexplicably announces as his eventual successor a certain Lucius Ceionius Commodus. That same year, young Marcus Annius Verus (future emperor Marcus Aurelius) was engaged to Ceionia Fabia, the daughter of Commodus, but later, after the death of Hadrian, the engagement will be annulled. 0138 - 161 ANTONINUS PIUS (Roman Empire) Roman emperor and successor to Hadrian. He repealed most of Hadrian's harsher decrees. 0138 - C. 220 (15 Kislev 3980) JUDAH THE PRINCE (Judah HaNasi) (Eretz Israel) Known simply as Rabbi. He was the first acknowledged Patriarch (Nasi) responsible for both the Sanhedrin and for acting as the political head of the community. For the most part, Patriarchs like Judah the Prince were chosen from descendents of Hillel. The last Hillelite Patriarch was Gamliel VI (b.370- d.425). Judah HaNasi's greatest contribution was collecting and codifying the Mishna. 0138, -161, Antoninus Pius. 2nd cent. Canonization of the Ketuvim (Hagiographa). 0138, Antonius Pius becomes Roman emperor (to 161). 0138, Commodus dies and Hadrian adopts Titus Aurelius Antoninus (the husband of Marcus' aunt) to succeed him as the emperor Antoninus Pius, arranging that Antoninus should adopt as his sons two young men, one the son of Commodus and the other Marcus, whose name was then changed to Marcus Aelius Aurelius Verus. Marcus thus was marked out as a future joint emperor at just under 17 years old, though he was not to succeed until his 40th year. It is sometimes assumed that in

19 Hadrian's mind both Commodus and Antoninus Pius were merely to be "place warmers" for one or both of these youths. (Britannica) 0140 USHA (Eretz Israel) After the disaster of the Bar Kochba revolt, the Lower Galilee replaced Yabneh as the center of talmudic learning and the Rabbinical Court (Sanhedrin) in Eretz Israel. Among the Tannaim studying there were Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Simeon b. Gamaliel, Rabbi Judah HaNasi and Rabbi Judah b. Ilai. One of their important contributions was Takanot Usha (Ordinances of Usha), which included the following laws: 1. A father must support his daughter until marriage and his son at least until the age of 12. 2. Limiting the amount of charity one can order given away upon his death to a fifth. 0140, Sanhedrin at Usha. 0145, Marcus marries his cousin, Emperor Antoninus' daughter, Annia Galeria Faustina. 0147, The imperium and tribunicia potestas, the main formal powers of emperorship, are conferred upon Marcus. Henceforth, he will serve as a kind of junior co-emperor, sharing the intimate counsels and crucial decisions of Antoninus. His adoptive brother, nearly 10 years his junior, will later be brought into official prominence. 0150 -- Roman Mithraism competes with Christianity. Yellow Turban Society subdues northern China, Triad cult formed in opposition. - 0150 Roman Mithraism competes with Christianity. Yellow Turban Society subdues northern China, Triad cult formed in opposition. 0150 C. SEFER OLAM RABBAH (Eretz Israel) Was written by Jose b. Halafta. R' Jose, who was one of Rabbi Akiva's gifted students, lived in Sepphoris where he became the head of the Beit Din. His Sefer Olam Rabbah (The Great book of the World) was written in three parts: Part one - from creation to Moses; Part two - from Joshua to Zechariah; and Part three - from the murder of Zechariah until the Bar Kochba revolt. Although there are historical discrepancies (especially in the Persian period), it was of vast importance as a chronological framework of biblical history 0150, . Manichaeism (named for its founder Manes, or Mani, the so-called "ambassador of light") seeks to reconcile Zoroastrianism with Christianity into a new, world religion. Manichaeism, like Mithraism, spread from Persia to the Roman Empire and quickly came into conflict with Christianity. 0150, . Earliest known Sanskrit inscriptions in India. 0155, , , .

20 , 3915 155 .., " , , , , , , , , , ". [ , . 127]. : " , ". [ , . 127]. 0161, March 7 Emperor Antoninus Pius dies and Marcus Aurelius along with his adopted brother Commodus become co-emperors. For the first time in history, the Roman Empire has two joint emperors with formally equal constitutional status and powers. For many generations in the West, Marcus Aurelius has symbolized the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. Yet, in general, he is said to be a historically overrated figure, presiding in a bewildered way over an empire beneath the gilt of which there already lay many a decaying patch. His personal nobility and dedication, however, survive the most remorseless scrutiny. (Britannica) 0161, . The Parthians, a major power from the East, invades Syria. 0162, Rome counterattacks the Parthians who have invaded Syria. The war that follows is nominally under the command of Verus, but subordinate generals, notably Gaius Avidius Cassius, take the campaign to its final conclusion. 0163, . The oldest known Maya monuments are built in what is now Mexico and Quatemala. 0164, Gaius Avidius Cassius advances into Mesopotamia and sacks Ctesiphon, Parthia's capital, and Seleucia -- both located in presentday central Iraq. 0164, Revolution in Palestine against Antoninus Pius. 0165, Gaius Avidius Cassius is made commander of all Roman military forces in the Eastern provinces. 0165, , 1/4 [ 1/3] , 500 . , , 30 - 40% . "", - . 0166, The returning armies of Rome bring back a plague which rages throughout the empire for many years (to 180) and -- together with the German invasion -- fosters a weakening of morale in minds

21 accustomed to the stability and apparent immutability of Rome and its empire. (Britannica) 0167, Marcus and Verus together set out on a punitive expedition across the Danube. Behind their backs a horde of German tribes invade Italy in massive strength and besiege Aquileia, on the crossroads at the head of the Adriatic. The military precariousness of the empire and the inflexibility of its financial structure in the face of emergencies is now revealed. Desperate measures are adopted to fill the depleted legions, and imperial property is auctioned to provide funds. Eventually, Marcus and Verus fought the Germans off (168 AD). 0167, The Marcomanni with many allies invade Roman territory and penetrate into Italy. The emperor Marcus Aurelius expells them but is involved in war with them almost constantly until his death in 180, having apparently decided to annex their country. The wars of the Marcomanni and the Quadi will continue until 175. 0169, Marcus Aurelius spends three years, fighting were still needed, to restore the Danubian frontier. 0169, Verus dies suddenly, probably from a naturally death by stroke or heart attack. 0170 BETH SHEARIM (Eretz Israel) Became the new center of learning under Judah HaNasi. 0170 C. MELITO, BISHOP OF SARDIS (Asia Minor) Published a sermon "On the Passion" in which he blamed the Jews for the persecution and death of Jesus and absolved Pontius Pilate and the Romans from any guilt. Although there was much evidence to the contrary his stand served to rid the Romans of any responsibility or shame and thus encourage them to convert. This is one of the first times the Jews were officially accused of deicide. 0170, Marcus Aurelius is accompanied by his wife Faustina during his wars against the Danubian tribes. She becomes known as mater castrorum ("mother of the camps"). 0170, Sanhedrin at Bet She'arim. 0172, Gaius Avidius Cassius suppresses an agrarian revolt in Egypt. 0172, Marcus Aurelius spends three more years campaigning in Bohemia to bring the tribes beyond the Danube to peace, at least for a time. 0175, Gaius Avidius Cassius, who earlier had served under Verus, and is now virtually a prefect of all of the eastern provinces, including control of the important province of Egypt, takes the occasion of a rumour of Marcus' death to proclaim himself emperor. 0175, Marcus makes peace in the north with those tribes not already subjugated and prepares to march against Avidius, but the rebel

22 general was assassinated by his own soldiers. Marcus uses the opportunity to make a tour of pacification and inspection in the East, visiting Antioch, Alexandria, and Athens -- where, like Hadrian, he was initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries, though that esoteric religious cult does not seem to have impinged at all upon his philosophical views. (Britannica) 0176, Empress Faustina, who had once again accompanied Marcus Aurelius on his journey to the east, dies suddenly during the journey. Divine honors were bestowed upon her and a school for the education of the daughters of the poor was established in her memory. 0177, Christians are martyred at Lyon. Though it appears that Christian blood flowed more profusely in the reign of Marcus the philosopher than it had before, he was not an initiator of persecution. Marcus disliked the Christians, but there was no systematic persecution of them during his reign. Their legal status remained as it had been under Trajan and Hadrian, Christians were ipso facto punishable -- but not to be sought out. This incongruous position did little harm in times of general security and prosperity, but when either of these were threatened, the local population might denounce Christians, a governor might be forced to act, and the law, as the central authority saw it, must then run its course. (Britannica) 0177, Marcus proclaims his 16-year-old son, Commodus, joint emperor. Together they resume the Danubian wars. Marcus is determined to pass from defense to offense and to an expansionist redrawing of Rome's northern boundaries. 0180 BALKANS Jewish communities could be found on the Danube river near present day Nikopol. 0180, March 17 Marcus Aurelius dies at Vindobona (Vienna; also Sirmium, Pannonia) and is succeeded by Commodus (to 192), who abandons his fathers plans to annex the lands of the Marcomanni. After this time there is no further mention the Marcomanni in the surviving records. They probably formed part of the later Alemannic confederations. 0180, . The Romans Legions in Scotland are defeated and are forced to retreat behind Hadrian's Wall. 0184: Zhang Jiao led an unsuccessful peasant revolt called the Yellow Turban Rebellion during the later Han dynasty, which later collapsed due to destabilization and lack of co-ordination with other Yellow Turban forces across China. 0185, . Earliest Secret Chinese Societies. The earliest notice we have of a secret Chinese league is towards the close of the Han Dynasty (A.D. 185).

23 0186 Mount Taupo in New Zealand erupts, Romans record 3 days of global darkness. 0189, Victor I becomes pope (to 199) of the Christian church. He is the first pope identified since Clement I (88-97). 0192, Emperor Commodus is murdered. 0193 - 211 LUCIUS SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS (Roman Empire) Numbered as one of the emperors friendly to the Jews. Part of his attitude was in response to the support he received from the Jewish communities in his war against Pescennius Niger, who had once told a Jewish delegation that he was sorry he couldn't tax the air they breathed. In spite of this, Severus forbade Jews from converting anyone to Judaism. Under his reign Jews could be appointed to public offices, but were exempt from those formalities which were contrary to Judaism. 0193, May 28 Marcus Didius Juliuanus a wealthy Roman senator becomes emperor (to June 1) by being the highest bidder in an auction for the support of the Praetorian Guard. 0193, Septimus Severus becomes Roman emperor (to 211). 0197, Albinus proclaims himself emperor in Britain, but is killed at the Battle of Lyons. 0200 - 275 SIMEON BEN LAKISH (Resh Lakish) (Eretz Israel) Studied under Judah HaNasi and was known for his mental and physical prowess. According to the Talmud, he had once been a gladiator and was brought back to Judaism by Johanan bar Nappaha. He was outspoken and very independent. He viewed the story of Job as a moral creation or parable, and the names of the angels as being of Persian rather than Jewish origin. 0200 ! TERTULLIAN c. 3rd century. Early Church Father. Tertullian was the author of the first anti-Jewish polemic in Latin, Adversus Judaeos, dated around 200. Like many theologians after him, he maintained that the one true issue was whether the Messiah had already come, and whether he was Jesus. The Jews refusal to accept this meant that they were rejected as the Chosen People of God, and their law superseded. Tertullian was the originator of the idea that the separation of Judaism and Christianity had taken place in the days of Cain and Abel. Cain, the older brother, was rejected by God and thus slew Abel, the younger brother, that is, Jesus. This was the beginning of the reinterpretation of the biblical history of the Jews from a Christian angle. 0200 First book of the Kabbalah, Sefer Yetzirah, compiled. - 0200 First book of the cabala, Sepher Yetzirah, compiled. 0200, Afghanistan is invaded by the Huns (to 540). 0200, Formation of the Neo-Hebrew language. (Timetables)

24 0200, Jutes from Jutland (present-day Denmark) invade Britain during the 3rd century A.D. 0200, Sanhedrin at Sepphoris. 0200, The bishop of Rome gains his predominant position as pope. 0200, The period of Neo-Platonism, last of the Greek Philosophies. 0200, . The worship of Mithras, Persian god of sun and truth, is the last great Asian cult imported into Rome before establishment of Christianity. It is said to have resembled early Christianity in some doctrines and rites. 0203 SEPPHORIS (TZIPORI) (Eretz Israel) Judah HaNasi moved the seat of learning from Beth Shearim to Seppohris, mainly for health reasons. 0205 HIPPOLYTUS OF ROME Wrote Contra Judaeous, which blamed the harsh conditions of the Jews on their rejection of Jesus. 0210 BARAITOT (Also called apocryphal Mishnayot) were compiled. They are included in the overall term Talmud (Gemara), which embraces both the Jerusalem Talmud and the more famous Babylonian Talmud. 0210, Reduction of the Mishnah to writing. 0211, Emperor Septimus Severus visits Britain and dies at York. He is succeeded by his sons Caracalla (to 217) and Geta, the latter being murdered by Caracalla. 0212 - 297 RAV HUNA (Babylon) Succeeded Rav as Resh Metivta (director of the academy) at Sura and served for 40 years. He was instrumental in declaring intellectual independence from Eretz Israel. Successful yet modest, he was a philanthropist in all spheres of Jewish life. In addition to serving as the Resh Metivta, who was the spiritual and intellectual ruler, he was also the Exilarch (Greek for "Prince of Captivity" - Resh Galuta, who usually could trace his liniage from King David through Zerubavel). He was received by the Court and was responsible as Chief Justice for criminal and civil matters, including the appointment of judges, police and civil administrators. 0212 EMPEROR CRACALLA (Roman Empire) Allowed all free Jews within the empire to become full Roman citizens. . 0212, Roman citizenship is given to every freeborn subject in the Roman Empire. It is called "Civis Romanus sum!" 0212, . "". Jews (together with most of subject of the empire) become Roman citizens.

25 0214, , , : " 3974, 214 .., , 200 , , ". , , , 115 .., , . , 220.000 3 . , , " , [ ], , 240.000 , , ". , , [: , " ", . 49]. 0216 to 276 -- Life of Mani, the Illuminator, who founded Manichaeism, based on ideas from Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, etc. . 0216 to 276 Life of Mani, the Illuminator, who founded Manicheism, based on ideas from Judaism, Christianity, Zoroasterism, Gnosticism, etc. 0217, Emperor Caracalla is assassinated. 0218, Heliogabalus become emperor of the Roman Empire (to 222). 0219 ABBA ARIKA (RAV) (175-247) (Babylon) The word "Rav" means master. He was a student of Judah HaNasi and after his death, he opened the Torah academy at Sura, which became one of the pillars of Babylonian Jewry. At its peak, over 1,200 students studied there. The beginning of the third century saw a rise in Jewish activities and a decline in the supremacy of Israel. The decline was due to the constant despoiling of Israel by the weakened Roman army and the rise of another ruler in Palmyra (ancient city of central Syria), who heavily taxed the inhabitants of Israel, reducing them to poverty. This directly affected support for schools of learning, which soon migrated to quieter, more tolerant, and more affluent shores. Rav was noted for improving moral and intellectual positions through his responsa (ordinances), including a ban on marriage without courtship and forbidding fathers to betroth a daughter without her consent. These responsa came in the form of questions. They became a popular way of maintaining contact with dispersed communities and, in various contexts, they still continue today.

26 0220 - 470 AGE OF AMORAIM Expounders of the Mishna (also called the Talmud or the Gemara). The Talmud is comprised of both the Mishna and the commentary of the Amoraim. This commentary includes both Halacha (law) and Agadah or Hagaddah (legends). The latter was designed for spiritual and moral education and consists of parables, fables, folklore and historical anecdotes. Academies were established and served as the focal point of Jewish life, while preparing for religious survival in the Diaspora. The commentary of the Amoraim was written in Aramaic, the common language of the area. 0220 END OF THE AGE OF MISHNAIC ERA Was marked by the death of Judah HaNasi. Known as the age of the Tannaim, this age commenced with Hillel the Elder around the beginning of the Common Era. The actual compilation of the Talmud began in 135 in the aftermath of the Bar Kochba revolt, and in response to the fear that the Oral Law may be forgotten. The Mishna itself is a compilation of Oral Law which serves as a second teaching of the Bible. According to rabbinic sources, this Oral Law was given to Moshe at Mt. Sinai and passed down from generation to generation. It is divided into six "orders": Zeraim (Seeds), Mo'ed (Festivals), Nashim (Women), Nezikim (Damages), Kedushim (Holy Matters) and Taharot (Purity). There are a total of 63 tractates. It was compiled in concise Hebrew and was intended to be memorized. The Mishna and the later Talmud (Gemara) served and still serves as a code for regulation of all Jewish life. 0220, . The Goths invade Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula. 0220, . The Han dynasty in China comes to an end and is followed by four centuries of division. 0222 - 235 ALEXANDER SEVERUS (Roman Empire) Reigned as emperor. His respect for Judaism enabled Judah II (President of the Sanhedrin - the Jewish Supreme Court located in Eretz Israel), to obtain a revival of Jewish rights, including permission to visit Jerusalem. 0222, Alexander Severus becomes Roman Emperor (to 235). 0222, Urban I becomes pope (to 230). 0226 - 691 NEO-PERSIAN EMPIRE IN BABYLON Founded by Ardusher I. Despite occasional outbursts of Zoroaster fanaticism and persecution, Jews were welcomed and Jewish schools of learning were encouraged. This open atmosphere helped create the great centers of Torah study. 0235, Emperor Alexander Severus is murdered during an army meeting and Maximinus becomes Roman emperor (to 238). 0238, Emperor Maximinus is assassinated by his troops and is succeeded by Gordian I and II, Balbinus, Pupienus and Gordian III (to 244).

27 0240, . Origen translates the "Hexepla," the Old Testament in six Hebrew and Greek tests (249-250 AD). 0244, Philip the Arabian becomes Roman emperor until 249 AD. 0245, Diocletian is born at Salonae, Dalmatia (now Solin, Croatia). 0247 JUDAH BEN EZEKIEL (Babylon) Inaugurated the academy at Pumbedita where he focused study on practical daily laws. Two years prior to his death in 299, he headed both Babylonian academies (Sura and Pumbedita). 0247 SAMUEL (Babylon) Samuel became the acknowledged leader of the Jewish community in Babylon. A friend and colleague of Rav, he lived and taught in Nahardea where he was head of the academy. He was also an astronomer who composed a fixed calendar. He did not publish it, however, out of respect for the Patriarchate in Eretz Israel. In monetary and civil matters his rulings were accepted as binding. He also instructed Jews to adopt the laws of whichever land they dwelt in (Dina d'malchuta Dina), thus preparing them for survival in foreign environments. He served for only seven years. 0248, Rome celebrates its 1,000th anniversary - from 753 BC. 0249, Decius becomes Roman emperor (to 251). 0250, The persecution of Christians increases. A number of martyrs become revered as saints. 0250, . Birth of Arius (250-336), a Christian priest of Alexandria, Egypt. His later teachings give rise to a theological doctrine known as Arianism, which was strongly repudiated by the early Roman church as heresy. Arianism was a Christian heresy first proposed by the Alexandrian presbyter Arius. It affirmed that Christ is not truly divine but a created being. Arius' basic premise was the uniqueness of God, who is alone self-existent and immutable. The Son, who is not self-existent, cannot be God. Because the Godhead is unique, it cannot be shared or communicated, so the Son cannot be God. Because the Godhead is immutable, the Son, who is mutable, being represented in the Gospels as subject to growth and change, cannot be God. The Son must, therefore, be deemed a creature who has been called into existence out of nothing and has had a beginning. Moreover, the Son can have no direct knowledge of the Father since the Son is finite and of a different order of existence. (Britannica) 0250, . 0251, [ 256], 165. , 5.000 , . "-" .

28 0252, -712 The Holy Grail of the Last Supper kept in Aragon, Spain, according to Catholic tradition. 0259 NEHARDEA (Babylon) The Jewish community and academy were destroyed by Odenathus of Palmyra while fighting for Rome against the Persians. The academy then moved to Pumbedita. These two foundations ruled Jewish life for approximately 800 years. 0268, . Goths invade Greece. 0273, [;] (. Nisch ) (Flavius Valerius Constantinus). 306 , , , . , (York Cathedral, ), (Basilica) (Ebor, *), , . . *: = Ebor, = Eboracum, Evorakon, > , , , , , , York New York! Jew York 0279 RAV AMI AND RAV ASSI (Eretz Israel) Headed the academy of Tiberias at a time when the center of Torah authority was being transferred from Eretz Israel to Babylon. The Judean Amoraim subordinated themselves to their Babylonian colleagues. 0280, Flavius Valerius Constantinus (Constantine the Great) is born in the Roman province of Moesia (later Serbia). His father, Constantius, is a member of an important Roman family. His mother, Helena, is the daughter of an innkeeper. 0281, The Holy Lance (Helige Lanz) is said to have passed to Mauritius, a Roman tribune and commander of the Theban Legion. He is said to have been a direct descendant of Longinus (Gaius Cassius). If this is true, the ancient spear would had been in the same family for more than 250 years. (Passio Martyrum Acaunensium - Passion of the Martyrs of Agaunum, Bishop St. Eucherius of Lyon, France) 0283 -312 . , . 0283 -312 . .

29 0284, Diocletian an army chief is ordered by emperor Carinus to join Numerian, Carinus' brother and coemperor, together with the Illyrians, to fight a campaign against the Persians. During this campaign, Numerian is found dead in his litter. When Diocletian appears for the first time in public dressed in the imperial purple, he is acclaimed as emperor by his soldiers. Diocletian declared himself innocent of Numerian's murder, and instead accused Numerian's adoptive father, the praetorian prefect, Aper, of having killed him in order to seize power. Diocletian then personally killed Aper in front of his men. Aper's guilt was accepted by contemporaries, but a prediction had been made to Diocletian previously, telling him that he would become emperor on the day that he killed "a boar" (Latin, aper). Numerian probably died either of natural causes or from a stroke of lightning, but by eliminating Aper, Diocletian rid himself of an eventual competitor and retroactively provided his act with sacred meaning. (Britannica) 0284, November 17 Diocletian is proclaimed emperor (to 305). Diocletian possessed real power only in those countries that were dominated by his army (i.e., in Asia Minor and possibly Syria). The rest of the empire was obedient to Numerian's brother Carinus. Little is known of Diocletian's origins. His father was a scribe or the emancipated slave of a senator called Anullinus. Diocletian's complete name, found in official inscriptions, is given as Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus. He received the name Diocles first, then the name Valerius, after the name of his daughter, Valeria, who married Galerius in 293. Diocletianus, is said to have entered history like so many of those emperors who emerged from the shadows through force of arms, brought to power by the army. 0285, Diocletian appoints Maximian, an Illyrian, the son of a peasant from the area around Sirmium (Vienna, Vindobona) as his Caesar (assistant emperor) 0285, July Carinus, after having put down a revolt by Julianus, a troop commander in Pannonia, whom he attacked and killed near Verona, attacks Diocletian. An indecisive battle near the confluence of the Margus (modern Morava) and Danube rivers, not far from present-day Belgrade, would have been a defeat for Diocletian had Carinus not been assassinated by a group of soldiers. Thus, Diocletian became master of the entire empire. 0285, July Diocletian had scarcely come to power when he made an unexpected decision -- to share the throne with a colleague of his choice. The empire was too great, he said, for one man to administer. Nearly every week, either in Africa, or somewhere on the frontier that extended from Britain to the Persian Gulf, along the Rhine, the Danube, the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea), and the Euphrates, he was forced to suppress a revolt or stop an invasion. Diocletian, who was more attracted

30 to administration, required a man who was both a soldier and a faithful companion to take responsibility for military defense. Diocletian soon began restoring efficient government to the empire after the near anarchy of the 3rd century. His reorganization of the fiscal, administrative, and military machinery of the empire lays the foundation for the Byzantine Empire in the East and temporarily shored up the decaying empire in the West. His reign is also noted for the last great persecution of the Christians. (Britannica) 0285, The Theban Legion, composed mostly of Christians from Egypt, is sent to Gaul to crush a revolt by peasants near Octodurum (now Martigny, Switzerland). After their Tribune, Mauritius, learns that the leaders of the uprising are Christians, the legion refuses to fight and soon withdraws to Agaunum (now St. Maurice-en-Valais, Switzerland). 0286 EMPEROR DIOCLETIAN The Roman emperor (284-305) visited Eretz Israel as part of his campaign against the Persians. His reign is viewed favorably in the Talmud. 0286, Diocletian chooses Maximian as his augustus (co-emperor). Maximians' strength and determination in dealing with the Theban Legion may have been one of the reasons he was chosen for the job that required "a man who was both a soldier and a faithful imperial companion to take responsibility for military defense." Maximian was now also the possessor of the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz). Maximian became in theory the colleague of Diocletian, but his role was always subordinate. Assigned the government of the West, Maximian failed to suppress revolts in both Gaul and Britain. 0286, Diocletian divides Pannonia Superior into Pannonia Prima and Pannonia Ripariensis (or Savia). Pannonia Inferior is divided into Valeria and Pannonia Secunda (to 305). 0286, January Diocletian, who now resides in Nicomedia (Izmit, Turkey), the eastern capital of the Roman Empire, begins dedicating himself to restoring civil order to the Roman empire by removing the army from politics. 0286, Judah III., son of Judah II., patriarch, collects a tax from foreign communities. 0286, March 1 Diocletian adopts the gens name Aurelius. He did not begin using this name until after his accession. 0286, The tribune Mauritius (St. Maurice), a Manichaean Christian and possessor of the Holy Lance, along with 6,666 members of the Theban Legion, all Christians, are martyred at Agaunum (St. Maurice-en-Valais) after refusing Maximian's order to worship the pagan gods of Rome and destroy the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz). Mauritius was decapitated and his "holy" lance was seized by the Roman governor of Gaul, Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus (Maximian), who will soon

31 be appointed western emperor. (Passio Martyrum Acaunensium (Passion of the Martyrs of Agaunum), Bishop St. Eucherius of Lyon, France) Although Maximian was a bitter enemy of Christianity and had ordered the burning of scriptures and churches, he could not carry out his own order to destroy the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz). He took it from the lifeless hand of Mauritius and carried it away, believing that it indeed was a spear of the gods which had brought about the willing death of more than 6,000 brave legionnaires. (Britannica) 0287, Diocletian begins calling himself Jovius (Jove) and Maximian is named Herculius (Hercules) to signify that they have been chosen by the gods and predestined as participants in the divine nature. Thus, they are charged with distributing the benefits of Providence, Diocletian through divine wisdom, and Maximian through heroic energy. Later designated as dominus et deus on coins and inscriptions, Diocletian surrounded himself with pomp and ceremony and regularly manifested his autocratic will. Under Diocletian, the empire took on the aspects of a theocracy. (Britannica) 0287, Marcus Aurelius Carausius, who had fought for the Romans in Britain against the Frankish and Saxon pirates, revolts and names himself emperor in Britain. Carausius will reign in Britain for nearly 10 years.0 0289, Constantius I Chlorus separates from his wife Helena, mother of his son Constantine, in order to marry Theodora, Maximian's stepdaughter. Constantine is brought up in the Eastern Empire at the court of the senior emperor Diocletian at Nicomedia (modern Izmit, Turkey) and later at the court of Galerius at Sirmium (Vienna, Vindobona). 0293, Constantius I Chlorus captures Marcus Aurelius Carausius' mainland base at Gesoriacum (modern Boulogne, France). 0293, Diocletian takes the title of "Augustus" and gives it to Maximian as well. He also adds two more colleagues, Galerius, a former herdsman, and Constantius I Chlorus (Constantine the Great's father), a Dardanian nobleman according to the legend of his house. These additional collaborators were each given the title "Caesar" and attached to an Augustus, Constantius to Maximian (with a residence at Trier), and Galerius to Diocletian himself (with a residence at Sirmium, i.e. Vienna, Vindobona). 0293, Galerius marries Diocletian's daughter, Valeria, further cementing their relationship. 0293, The Roman empire now has four masters, celebrated by the authors of the Historia Augusta (a collection of biographies of Roman emperors and caesars, published in the 17th century) as the quattuor principes mundi ("four princes of the world"), and Diocletian consecrated this human unity by forming a religious bond. Because he believed that

32 he had come to power through divine will, as revealed by a "fateful" boar, he regarded himself and Maximian as "sons of gods and creators of gods." (Britannica) While the empire remained a patrimonium indivisum (undivided inheritance), it was nevertheless divided administratively, Diocletian, residing in Nicomedia, watched over Thrace, Asia, and Egypt; Galerius, residing in Sirmium, watched over Illyria, the Danubian provinces, and Achaea; Maximian, residing in Mediolanum (Milan), over Italy, Sicily, and Africa; and Constantius I Chlorus, residing in Trier, over Gaul, Spain, and Britain. In order to strengthen the union of the colleagues, each Augustus adopted his Caesar. 0295, Diocletian begins construction of a magnificent palace at Split (Spalato) Croatia. It will not be completed until 305. The palace now constitutes the main part of a UNESCO World Heritage site that was designated in 1979. 0296 (296-303) , . , , . , , , 5 , . , , , , . , Liber Pontificalis, . , , . , (250) (395) , . 0296, Constantius I Chlorus invades Britain and defeats and kills Allectus, who had murdered Carausius and succeeded him in power. Constantius returns Britain to the Roman Empire and sets about restoring its frontier defenses. Strong measures are taken to eliminate Frankish and Saxon piracy.

33 0296, Diocletian reconquers Egypt which had declared itself independent under the usurper Achilleus. 0297, Diocletian is forced to fight Narses, king of Persia, who has invaded Syria. Since he was still occupied in Egypt, he assigned this operation to Galerius, who, after a protracted campaign, finally wins victory for the Romans. Tiridates, the king of Armenia and a protg of the Romans, is able to return to his throne. The Tigris becomes the eastern border of the empire; and peace reigns in that part of the world until the reign of Constantine I (306-337). 0298, Constantius I Chlorus triumphs over the Alemanni in Gaul. 0300 ABBA ARICHA see RAV. ABBAHU c. 300. Palestinian amora. Abbahu lived in Caesarea when it was the administrative centre of the Roman rule over Palestine. He was an extremely handsome and well-built man but of great modesty. He refused to head the Caesarea academy in favour of a colleague of his from Acre who needed a livelihood. He himself held the position of dayan (judge) and sat in judgement alone instead of the usual practice of a court composed of three judges. The Romans liked and trusted him and regarded him as the spokesman of his people. He visited many Jewish communities abroad. He was a man of wide learning, both in aggadah and halachah. He believed in learning for women and taught his daughters mathematics and Greek. Although a tolerant man, he was bitterly opposed to all the sects prevalent in his time, particularly the Christians. He refused to recognize the Samaritans as Jews and decreed they must be regarded as gentiles in all religious matters. In spite of this he was extremely popular and when he died, he was mourned by Jew and Roman alike, so that it was said even the marble pillars of Caesarea wept. 0300, , , : " , , , , , ". : " , , , ", [: , , 1717, 108]. 0301, The Edictum de Maximis Pretiis is issued. Its purpose is to fix wages and establish maximum prices, so as to prevent inflation, abusive profits, and the exploitation of buyers. About 1,000 articles were enumerated, and violations were punishable by death. Severe penalties were exacted from black marketeers, but even so, regulation of prices and wages was not enforceable, and the edict was later revoked.

34 0302, November 9 According to Masonic tradition, four mysterious men, now known as the Quatuor Coronati, are said to have been executed in Pannonia. (Ars Quatuor Coronati, Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London) Note, Masonic legend says they were sculptors or master stonemasons. 0303, Constantius I Chlorus' enforcement of Diocletian's antiChristian edicts (303) is deliberately lax. He is said to have demolished some churches, but not to have executed any believers. 0303, Diocletian publishes four edicts against Christianity and begins the last major persecution of Christians by the Romans. Diocletian had promised that Christian blood would not be spilled -- but his vow went unheeded. Persecutions spread through the empire with an extreme violence that did not succeed in annihilating Christianity but instead caused the "faith of the martyrs" to blaze forth (304). (Britannica) The reasons for this persecution are uncertain, but various explanations have been advanced, the possible influence of Galerius, a fanatic follower of the traditional Roman religion; the desire to restore complete unity, without tolerance of a foreign cult that was seen as separatist and of men who were forming a kind of state within the state; the influence of antiChristian philosophers such as Porphyry, and governors such as Hierocles on the scholarly class and on the imperial court; the fear of an alienation of rebellious armies from emperor worship; or perhaps the disturbances provoked by the Christians themselves, who were agitated by doctrinal controversies. Christianity was a major issue of public policy. During the persecution of the Christians that began at the court of Diocletian at Nicomedia and which was enforced with particular intensity in the eastern parts of the empire, Constantine undoubtedly came into contact with Christians. It is even possible that members of his own family were Christians. (Britannica) 0305, Constantine, the son of Constantius I Chlorus, emperor of Gaul and Britain, escapes and makes his way through the territories of the hostile Severus to join his father at Gesoriacum (modern Boulogne, France). Together they soon cross to Britain and fight a campaign in the north before Constantius' death at Eboracum (modern York) in 306. Constantine had been a virtual prisoner at the court of Galerius, the Eastern emperor, at Sirmium (Vienna, Vindobona) since his father's appointment by Diocletian in 293. 0305, May 1 Diocletian renounces (abdicates) the imperial crown, retires to his magnicicent palace at Split (Spalato), Croatia, on the Adriatic coast and lives there until his death in 316, which goes almost unnoticed. (Britannica) Diocletian is said to have aged prematurely through illness. Perhaps he decided that, after 20 years of reign, his abdication was also "fateful." Of his own volition he decided to entrust

35 the affairs of the empire to younger men and returned first to Nicomedia, then to his palace at Split. 0305, May 1 Flavius Valerius Severus is appointed Caesar (junior emperor) to Constantius I Chlorus (ruled 305-306) and is given control of Pannonia, Italy, and Africa. (Britannica) 0305, May 1 On the same day that Diocletian abdicates at Nicomedia, Maximian reluctantly abdicates at Mediolanum (Milan). Later, as the new tetrarchy (two augusti with a caesar under each) begins to break down, Maximian reclaims the throne to support his son Maxentius' claim to be Caesar. 0305, November 9 According to the Roman Catholic Church, four unknown men, now known as the Quatuor Coronati, are executed in the Roman province of Pannonia. The identities of these men, the reasons for their executions, and even the place of their deaths remain a mystery. The Church later claimed that they were four (possibly five) talented sculptors in the quarries of Pannonia who in 305 had refused to carve a stone image of the Roman god Aesculapius for a pagan temple. For this they were condemned to death as Christians, put into leaden caskets and drowned in the River Save. Pannonia is an area of present day Austria southwest of the Danube River. Later another legend sprang up in Rome, according to which four Christian soldiers (cornicularii) suffered martydom at Rome in 307, two years after the deaths of the sculptors in Pannonia. Their offense was refusing to offer sacrifice to Aesculapius. Both stories lack historical foundation and are believed to be merely tentative explanations of the name Quatuor Coronati, a name given to a group of authenticated martyrs who were buried in the catatomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus, but whose origins were unknown. (The Catholic Encyclopedia) The Pagan Daybook lists November 9th as the Feast Day of Quatuor Coronati, the Four Crowned Martyrs, an ancient and mysterious celebration said to be recognised both by Freemasons and the Roman Catholic Church (see also Quattro Coronati). It's origins date back to at least the Fourth Century and quite possibly even earlier. Masonic tradition says the martyrdom occurred in AD 302. 0306 -324 0306 -324 0306 COUNCIL OF ELVIRA One of the earliest Christian councils, it decreed that intermarriage and social intercourse with Jews were forbidden. 0306, -337, Constantine I. 0306, Council of Elvira forbids Christians to eat with Jews or to intermarry with them. 0306, July 25 Constantius (Constantine's father) dies at York in England and Severus is made augustus of the West by the remaining

36 emperor, Galerius, who controlled the East. Severus soon becomes unpopular after he imposes higher taxes on the people of Rome and of Italy. Meanwhile, Constantius' army hails Constantine as its new Caesar. 0306, Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius with the support of his father Maximian is elected Roman emperor in the West. 0306, October 28 A revolt breaks out in Rome, led by Maxentius, son of the former emperor Maximian, who had abdicated in 305. Severus had become unpopular after imposing higher taxes on the people of Rome and of Italy. 0307 - 337 CONSTANTINE (Roman Empire) United the Roman Empire. Part of his policy was to protect Jews who converted to Christianity. Constantine also founded a new capital city in the East at Constantinople (modern Istanbul). This reflected the increasing weakness of the Western part of the Roman Empire and the strengthening of the Eastern part. 0307, April Severus marches on Rome from Mediolanum (Milan), but his troops desert him and he is forced to take refuge in Ravenna. He later surrenders to Maximian on condition that his life be spared, but was executed shortly afterward at Tres Tabernae, Germanica Superior (now Saverne, France). (Britannica) 0308, Constantine marries Fausta, daughter of emperor Maximian, and legend says he was presented with the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz), the spear that tradition said had pierced the side of Christ, as a wedding gift. 0308, Maximian is again persuaded to abdicate by Diocletian and spends the rest of his life in Trier at the court of Constantine, who had recently married his daughter Fausta. 0310, Maximian, Maxentius' father and former emperor, dies in Trier. He was either murdered or committed suicide, shortly after the suppression of a revolt raised by him against Constantine. Constantine's adherence to Christianity was closely associated with his rise to power. According to the account given by the Christian apologist Lactantius, Constantine fought the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312) in the name of the Christian God, having received instructions in a dream to paint the Christian Cross on the shields of his troops. A somewhat different version, written by Eusebius, tells of a vision seen by Constantine during the campaign against Maxentius, in which the Christian sign appeared in the sky with the legend "In this sign, conquer." Despite the Emperor's own authority for the account, given late in life to Eusebius, it is in general more problematic than the other; but a religious experience on the march from Gaul is suggested also by a pagan orator, who in a speech of 310 referred to a vision of Apollo received by Constantine at a shrine in Gaul. (Britannica)

37 0310, , [ 312], 98-99% . 0311, Constantine, after ruling Gaul for five years, invades Italy and marches on Rome. 0312 Constantine and his army all beheld in the heavens a luminous cross. He claimed to have been shown a cross on the Sun as a sign from Christ that he would triumph over Maxentius. 0312 ' 20.000 (100.000) () . 27 , " ", . . : " , ". " ... , ..." 0312, As Constantine approaches Rome, Maxentius comes out of the city with his army and meets Constantine at the Milvian Bridge. Constantine's men sweep the Roman defenders into the Tiber River, and Maxentius is drowned. A triumphal arch erected in Constantine's honor at Rome after the defeat of Maxentius ascribed his victory to the "inspiration of the Divinity" as well as his own genius. A statue set up at the same time showed Constantine himself holding aloft a cross and the legend "By this saving sign I have delivered your city from the tyrant and restored liberty to the Senate and people of Rome." (Britannica) 0312, Constantine is said to have a vision of a burning cross before a crucial battle and afterwards converts to Christianity. 0312, Shortly after the defeat of Maxentius, Constantine met Licinius at Mediolanum (modern Milan) to confirm a number of political and dynastic arrangements. A product of this meeting has become known as the Edict of Milan which extended toleration to the Christians and restored any personal and corporate property that had been confiscated during the persecution. 0313 EDICT OF TOLERATION (Roman Empire) The Emperor Constantine and his co-emperor Licinius officially recognized Christianity. This edict authorized the toleration of different religions in the Roman Empire yet gave supremacy to Christianity. 0313 . 313

38 . . 0313 . 313 . . 0313, Constantine confirms the alliance he had already entered into with Licinius (Galerius having died in 311). Constantine becomes Western emperor and Licinius shares the East with his rival Maximinus. Licinius later defeats Maximinus and becomes the sole Eastern emperor. (Britannica) 0313, Constantine issues the Edict of Milan which establishes the toleration of Christianity throughout the Roman empire. The extant copies of this decree are actually those posted by Licinius in the eastern parts of the empire. But Constantine went far beyond the joint policy agreed upon at Mediolanum. By 313 he had already donated to the Bishop of Rome the imperial property of the Lateran, where a new cathedral, the Basilica Constantiniana (now S. Giovanni in Laterano), soon rose. 0313, Constantine writes a letter to the proconsul of Africa, saying, "The Christian clergy should not be distracted by secular offices from their religious duties... for when they are free to render supreme service to the Divinity, it is evident that they confer great benefit upon the affairs of state." 0313, Constantine writes a remarkable series of letters from 313 to the early 320's. In them his personal "theology" and opinions concerning the Donatist schism in North Africa emerge with particular clarity. The Donatists maintained that priests and bishops who had lapsed from the Christian faith could not be readmitted to the church. Constantine's chief concern was that a divided church would offend the Christian God and so bring divine vengeance upon the Roman Empire and Constantine himself. (Britannica) 0314 AD: British bishops are summoned to the council of Arles 0315 CODE OF CONSTANTINE (Roman Empire) Constantine's first anti-Jewish decree. It limited the rights of non-Christians. 0316, Licinius, the Eastern emperor, loses territory in the Balkans to Constantine and a period of tension with Constantine and the West begins.

39 0320 Constantine visits the Shrine at Delphi and leaves with a prize collection of bronze statuary. He is one of a long line of Roman plunderers of this sacred site. In spite of this, the Oracle continues to reside at Delphi. 0321 December 11, THE RHINE (Germany) The first evidence of Jews along the Rhine was found in a letter from Emperor Constantine to the prefect of Cologne regarding special taxes. 0321, Jews in Cologne 0323, Constanine removes the last of the pagan gods (the relatively inoffensive "Unconquered Sun") and their legends from all Roman coinage just over a decade after the defeat of Maxentius. It is significant, not that the pagan gods and their legends survived for so few years, but that they disappeared so quickly. In just ten years Constantine had managed to fundamentally change Roman opinion, which up to now had expected of its emperors not innovation but the preservation of traditional ways. (Britannica) 0324 , . . , , . , , . 0324 , . . , , . , , . 0324, Constantine attacks Licinius, the Eastern emperor, routing him at Adrianople and Chrysopolis (respectively, modern Edirne and skdar, Turkey) and becomes sole emperor of East and West. After his victory over Licinius, Constantine wrote that he had come from the farthest shores of Britain as God's chosen instrument for the suppression of impiety, and in a letter to the Persian king Shapur II he proclaimed that, aided by the divine power of God, he had come to bring peace and prosperity to all lands. (Britannica)

40 0325 -- Council of Nicaea in which Christian orthodoxy begins to rigidify. - 0325 COUNCIL OF NICEA (present Iznik Turkey) Officially changed the date of Easter from that of Passover. It also forbade Jews to own Christian slaves or convert pagans to Judaism. (It should be stressed that neither this nor the consequent bans on Jews owning slaves had anything to do with the Church's attitude to slavery. It was solely a matter of not allowing the slaves to be owned by non-Christians.) This began a total separation between early Christianty (most of whose adherents were Jews) and Judaism. 0325 . Council of Nicaea in which Christianity begins to rigidify. The Book of Enoch, having been suppressed by the Church, was declared apocryphal by St. Jerome. Eusebius, Bishop of Caeseria, sets out the list of New Testament books still in use today. He also lists books which he considers "doubtful," such as the "Acts of Paul," "Revelation of Peter," "Gospels of Peter, Thomas, Matthias," and many other ancient books. Constantine orders Eusebius to have fifty Bibles made of vellum. The amount of vellum required would have taken the skins of about 4500 animals. Some of these Bibles still exist today in Leipzig, St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, and London, in the British Museum. 0325 . . , . [ , .] (), , , . 0325 . . , . [ , .] (),

41 , , . 0325, First Nicene Council separates the celebration of Easter from that of the Jewish Passover. Christian Church formulates its policy toward the Jews; the Jews must continue to exist for the sake of Christianity in seclusion and humiliation. 0325, July The Council of Nicaea is called by Constantine to deal with the Donatist schism and the Arian heresy. The Council opened with an address by the Emperor, who had already written a letter to the chief protagonist, Arius of Alexandria, in which he stated his opinion that the dispute was fostered only by excessive leisure and academic contention, that the point at issue was trivial and could be resolved without difficulty. His optimism was not justified, neither this letter nor the Council of Nicaea itself nor a second letter, in which Constantine urged acceptance of its conclusions, was adequate to resolve the dispute and this was only the beginning of a long-protracted dispute. For more than 40 years after the death of Constantine, Arianism remained the official orthodoxy of the Eastern Empire. (Britannica) The Nicene Creed states that the Son (Christ) is homoousion to Patri ("of one substance with the Father"), thus declaring him to be all that the Father is, he is completely divine. Today, the Nicene Creed is accepted as the basic doctrine of most Christian churches. 0326, Constantine visits the West to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his reign at Rome. Constantine's refusal to take part in a pagan procession offends the Romans, and he leaves after only a short visit. He will never return. While away Constantine orders the deaths both his eldest son, Crispus, and his second wife, Fausta under mysterious circumstances. 0328, At Rome, the great church of St. Peter is begun and lavishly endowed by Constantine with plate and property. Other churches at Trier, Aquileia, Cirta in Numidia, Nicomedia, Antioch, Gaza, Alexandria, and elsewhere owe their development, directly or indirectly, to Constantine's interest. A lavish spender, Constantine was notoriously openhanded to his supporters and was accused of promoting beyond their deserts men of inferior social status. More to the point is the accusation that his generosity was only made possible by his looting of the treasures of the pagan temples as well as by his confiscations and new taxes; and there is no doubt that some of his more prominent supporters owed their success, at least partly, to their timely adoption of the Emperor's religion. (Britannica) 0329, . Constantius forbids, under penalty of death, marriage of a Jew with a Christian woman, and circumcision of slaves

42 0330 RABBA BAR NACHMANI DIED (Babylon) Although extremely poor, he had been appointed to head the academy of Pumbedita after Judah Bar Ezekiel's (the founder of the academy) death. A position he held for twenty-one years. He endeavored to reconcile contradictions in the Mishna and was known for beginning his lectures with a witty quip. His nephew Abbaya, admired for his integrity by both Jews and gentiles, was appointed his successor. Abbaya's talmudic debates with Rava (who opened an academy at Mahoza on the Tigris River) became famous and are known as Havayot (Reflections) d'Abbaya v'Rava. They both encouraged elementary education for children. 0330 . 11 330 , , 324 330. 330 , . . . , Jus Italicum, , , . 0330 . 11 330 , , 324 330. 330 , . , . . , Jus Italicum, , , .

43 0330, / , , . , - , -, , , , . , , (1009), . ( ) , , . , (1054), . , , 19 . - , , .. , 20 ., . 0330 , . , . , , , , , , " , , ". 22 337. 0330, May Constantine moves his throne to Byzantium (Istanbul) to face the Goths who are threatening his empire. The ancient Greek city of Byzantium on the Bosporus is enlarged and enriched at enormous expense. It is then dedicated as "New Rome," but it is generally called Constantinople, "the city of Constantine." The dedication of Constantinople confirmed the divorce, between the emperors and Rome, which had been in the making for more than a century. Rome had long been unsuited to the strategic needs of the empire, it was now to be left in splendid isolation, as an enormously wealthy and prestigious city -- still the emotional focus of the empire -- but of limited political importance. (Britannica) 0330, , . Percy Bysshe Shelley ' , "... ... , , , ,

44 , , ", , The Complet Works of P. B. Shelley, London, 1965, VI, 38. 0331 - 396 ST. GREGORY OF NYSSA (Asia Minor/Central Turkey) Was considered, together with John Chrysostom, to be the most vicious formulator of anti-Jewish doctrine in the Byzantine Church. 0331, -36 Constantine rules as a despot, surrounded by Oriental pomp and ceremony. After admitting bishops to his council, his laws concerning the treatment of slaves and prisoners show the influence of Christian teachings. Before his death Constantine divides the empire among his three remaining sons. Above all, Constantine's achievement was perhaps greatest in social and cultural history. It was the development, after his example, of a Christianized imperial governing class that, together with his dynastic success, most firmly entrenched the privileged position of Christianity; and it was this movement of fashion, rather than the enforcement of any program of legislation, that was the basis of the Christianization of the Roman Empire. (Britannica) 0336, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre built at great expense by Constantine is dedicated in the northwest quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. Since that time the church has been damaged and destroyed many times and the present church dates mainly from 1810. 0337 - 361 CONSTANTIUS (Roman Empire) Son of Constantine. Weaker than his father Constantine, he relied on his Church advisors and began a series of anti-Jewish decrees banning Jewish pilgrimages to Jerusalem, the circumcising of Christian or Pagan slaves, and protecting Jewish converts to Christianity. 0337 -361 , . , , , (337), (340) , (353), . , , , , , () 359 360. . ,

45 341 , , , ( ). . , . 0337, -361 Constantius II. Death of Abbaye. Constantius II prohibits marriage between Jews and Christians and possession of Christian slaves by Jews. 0337, Constantine dies in Constantinople and is buried in the Church of the Apostles, whose memorials, six on each side, flank his tomb. This is said to have been less an expression of religious megalomania than of his conviction that he was the successor of the evangelists, having devoted his life and office to the spreading of Christianity. In leaving the empire to his three sons, Constantine (who considered himself the 13th Apostle) reestablished a dynastic succession, but it was secured only by a series of bloody political murders after his death. (Britannica) 0337, Constantine's son, Constans, sympathetic to the orthodox Christians, becomes emperor in the West (to 361). Another son, Constantius II, becomes emperor in the East (to 364) and is sympathetic to the Arians. 0338 ABBAYA DIED (Babylon) Upon his death, Rava (R. Abba bar Joseph) became the acknowledged head of both Sura and Pumbedita academies but stayed at Mahoza. Rava's deep analysis of the Mishna became very popular and is considered by some to be the perfect example of talmudic dissertation and elucidation. 0339 CONSTANTINE (Roman Empire) Declared intermarriage with Jews and the circumcision of heathen or Christian slaves punishable by death. 0341, A Church council held at Antioch issues an affirmation of faith that omits the homoousion clause. The Nicean Creed stated that the Son (Christ) is homoousion to Patri ("of one substance with the Father"), thus declaring him to be all that the Father is, he is completely divine. (Britannica) 0342 - 420 JEROME Early church father of Christian parentage. His major work was a Latin translation of the Bible known as the Vulgate. Jerome believed that Mosaic law was a trick by G-d to destroy the Jews.

46 0342, Another Church council is held at Sardica (modern Sofia), but again little is achieved. 0342 342 (343;) , , , , , (. Mansi, Summa Conciliorum, Actae Synod. Sardic. Decreta). 0345 - 407 ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE Referred to in Catholic literature as "the man with the golden tongue". A virulent hater of Judaism, he disseminated his views through violent writings and preachings. He considered it meritorious to kill Jews. 0350 C. JEWISH COMMUNITY IN BUKHARA (Central Asia) The first definite evidence of Jewish presence in Bukhara is related in the Babylonian Talmud (Av. Zar. 31b) regarding an amora (Samuel bar Bisna) who lived in the town of Margwan, i.e., Margiana, the medieval Merv (now the region of Mari, the Soviet Turkmen republic). There are some archeological remains which suggest a Jewish presence as early as the first century. The Jews from the area of Tajikistan were later referred to as Bukharim, named for the Emir of Bukhara. 0350, Constantius II becomes sole ruler of the empire, and under his leadership the Nicene party (orthodox Christians) is largely crushed. The extreme Arians then declare that the Son was "unlike" (anomoios) the Father. 0350: the missionary Ninian establishes the church Candida Casa at Whithorn in Galloway, Scotland 0351 June, A SERIES OF PERSECUTIONS (Eretz Israel) And local violence erupted under the corrupt rule of Gallus, brother-in-law of Constantius II. Beginning in Sepphoris under Patricius, it spread to Tiberias, and Lod. Many towns including the above were destroyed, and with them the talmudic academies. This blow resulted in the further weakening of the centers of Jewish learning in Eretz Israel. 0351, . Jews and Samaritans revolt against Gallus; destruction of Bet Sh'earim. 0352 - 427 RAV ASHI (Babylon) First to compile the Babylonian Talmud. He did this orally since it was still considered unlawful to write it down. He renovated the academy at Sura, whose prestige had declined since the death of Rava in 352. Rav Ashi re-established its authority, and served as its head for nearly fifty-two years. 0352 (352-366) : ,

47 . , . , , , . , . , . : , , (, A. D. 357 : De Script. Eccles.). : Haec est perfidia ariana! (Fragment. Histor., VII). , 11 , (Liber Gratissimus, . 16). 0354 - 430 ST. AUGUSTINE Bishop of Hippo (North Africa), called Jewry a corruption and proclaimed eternal Jewish guilt for the death of Jesus. 0357 0357 0357, These anomoeans (extreme Arians) succeed in having their views endorsed at Sirmium (Vienna), but their extremism stimulates the moderates, who assert that the Son is "of similar substance" (homoiousios) with the Father. Constantius at first supported the moderates (homoiousians) but soon transferred his support to the homomeans, led by Acacius, who affirmed that the Son was "like" (homoios) the Father. (Britannica) 0359 HILLEL II (Eretz Israel) Issued the Jewish calendar based on the lunar year. Previously, only the Sanhedrin could announce the new month and oncoming festivals. Due to the dispersion, every individual had to be able to determine the exact days for himself. 0359, Permanent calendar committed to writing. 0360, The views of the homomeans, are approved at Constantinople, where all previous creeds are rejected, the term ousia ("substance," or "stuff") was repudiated, and a statement of faith was issued stating that the Son was like the Father who begot him. 0360 A.D. Roman Emperor promises the Jews he will rebuild the Temple of Solomon. In the year 360 Julian, a cousin of Constantine, was proclaimed Roman Emperor by the army. Constantine, who had

48 prepared for battle against him, died on the way; this made easier the final victory for Julian and his proclamation as Emperor of the Orient and Occident. The policy of Julian had three principle aims: I. To renew the Pagan belief and to again declare it a state religion of the Empire, so that Rome which according to his view had declined through Christianity, might return to its old glory. II. To destroy Christianity. III. To concede to Jewry its old positions, from which it had been expelled by Constantine and his sons; even the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon was to be arranged Graetz likewise establishes that Julian called the leader of Jewry in the Empire, the patriarch Hillel, literally his respected friend, and promised him in a personal letter to make an end of the misdeeds committed by the Christian Emperors against the Jews. Further, Julian made all necessary preparations in order to begin the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. He addressed a letter to all Jewish congregations of the Empire, in which he spoke in friendly way of the leader of Jewry in the Empire, the Patriarch Julos (Hillel), as his brother. He promised the abolition of the high taxes laid upon the Israelites by the Christians, guaranteed that in future none should accuse them of blasphemy, promised freedom and security and promised to have Jerusalem rebuilt at his expense, as soon as he returned victorious from the Persian war. For the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem Julian commissioned his best friend, Alypius of Antioch, to whom he gave instructions to spare no expense, and commanded the governors of Palestine and Syria, to assist with everything necessary... 'The death of Julian close to the Tigris (June 363) robbed the Jews of their last ray of hope...' 0361 - 363 JULIAN THE APOSTATE (Roman Empire) The only non-Christian emperor since Constantine, he preferred Judaism to Christianity, considering Judaism closer to his conception of the GrecoRoman viewpoint. He planned to rebuild the Temple and even began construction, but he was killed on the battlefield. His plans died with him. 0361 -363 . , . , . , . , .

49 0361, Constantius II dies and the orthodox Christian majority in the Western Roman Empire struggles to consolidate its position. 0361, Restoration of the Temple at Jerusalem undertaken under Julian the Apostate. 0361-363 . , . , . , . , . 0362, Julian the Apostate abolishes the Jew tax. 0363 -364 . . 0363, Julian the Apostate allows Jews to start rebuilding the Temple. 0363 (361-363) . . . . 0363-364 . . 0364 -378 (364-375) . ( , , ) . 15 . 0364 PERSIA Shapur II (309-379) forcibly transferred approximately 7000 Jews from outlying territories to the interior of Persia.

50 0364, Valens, a supporter of Arian Christianity, becomes emperor in the East (to 378) and begins a persecution of orthodox Christians. The success of the teachings of Basil the Great of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianzus leads the homoiousian majority in the East to realize its fundamental agreement with the Nicene party. 0364-378 (364-375) . ( , , ) . 15 . 0367 The first major witch-hunt in the modern sense occurred by order of the Roman emperor Valerian. 0367, Gratian becomes emperor in the West (to 383) and takes up the defense of orthodox Christianity. 0370 - 425 GAMLIEL VI (Eretz Israel) The last patriarch and descendant of the House of Hillel, which was founded by the Tanna, Hillel I (d. 10 C.E.). A descendant of King David, Hillel founded a school, Beit Hillel (House of Hillel), which preached tolerance and patience. He was one of the first scholars to devise rules of interpretation for the Torah. When Gamliel died without a male heir, the Emperor, Theodosious II, abolished the position of patriarch, thus ending the last semblance of Jewish national organization in Israel. All Jewish leadership now passed to the Diaspora. 0370, . Asian Huns invade Europe. 0378 (364-378). . . 0379 - 395 REIGN OF THEODOSIUS I (Roman emperor) A general of Spanish origin, and the son of another general, was chosen to replace Valens who had been killed fighting the Visigoths. He refused to condemn Judaism believing that it was a legitimate religion. Theodosius prohibited the destruction of synagogues by zealot Christians. 0379 -395 (375-392). (foedus) , , .

51 , , , . . , , . , 381, , . , , . , 390 , , , . 0379, Theodosius I becomes emperor in the East (to 395) and strongly supports orthodox Christianity and the Nicene Creed. Arianism soon collapses. 0380, , . 0381 COUNCIL OF LAODICIA Forbade Christians to rest on the Jewish Sabbath. 0381 . . , , . . 0381, The Second Ecumenical Council meets at Constantinople. Arianism is proscribed (outlawed), and the Nicene Creed is approved. Although this officially ended the heresy in the empire, Arianism continued among some of the Germanic tribes to the end of the 7th century. In modern times some Unitarians are virtually Arians in that they are unwilling either to reduce Christ to a mere human being or to attribute to him a divine nature identical with that of the Father. The Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses is also said to be a form of Arianism since they regard Arius as a forerunner of Charles Taze Russell, the founder of their movement. (Britannica)

52 0386 , . The beginnings of a society called HUNG, or "The Brotherhood of Heaven and earth", containing many Masonic traditions. 0388 August 1, CALLINICUM (Mesopotamia) The synagogue located on the Euphrates was looted and burned by Church officials. St. Ambrose, one of the four Latin doctors of the Catholic church (others were St. Gregory, St. Augustine, and St. Jerome), defended the action. He reprimanded Theodosius the Great for ordering the local Bishop to pay restitution, even though expropriation was illegal under Roman law. St. Ambrose offered to burn the synagogue in Milan on his own. 0390 AMMENMAR (Babylon) Re-opened the academy at Nehardea 131 years after its destruction by Odenathus. 0392, Christianity is made the state religion of the Roman empire, and rival cults are suppressed. Christianity, which had begun as the faith of simple people, now became an organized Church that would militantly attempt to dominate the Near East for centuries. In the course of the 4th century there were two developments that contributed fundamentally to the nature of Byzantine and Western medieval culture, the growth of a specifically Christian, biblical culture that took its place beside the traditional Classical culture of the upper classes; and the extension of new forms of religious patronage, between the secular governing classes and bishops, Christian intellectuals and holy men. (Britannica) 0393 . Strange lights were seen in the sky in the days of the Emperor Theodosius. On a sudden, a bright globe appeared at midnight and shone brilliantly near the daystar, (Venus). This globe shone little less brilliantly than the planet, and little by little, a great number of other glowing orbs drew near the first globe. The spectacle was like a swarm of bees flying around the beekeeper, and the light of these orbs was as if they were dashing violently against each other. They blended together into one awful flame, and bodied forth to the eye as a horrible two-edged sword. The strange globe, which was first seen now appeared like the pommel to a handle, and all the little orbs, fused with the first, shone as brilliantly as the first globe. 0395 NEW TESTAMENT Was canonized. 0395 . ( , , , ), , , . ,

53 . 378 ( ) , , . 383, , 20 , , , , , 392 . (395-428) (395-408) . . 0395, The Romans are forced to withdraw from Pannonia by the barbarians. From that time, Pannonia ceased to exist as a separate unit. 0395 ( ?), : THEODOSIUS I c. 34695. Roman emperor 37995. Theodosius was the last to exercise undivided rule over the whole of the Roman Empire, before it split into East and West. While a devout Christian, he was anxious to assert the supremacy of imperial law. Since the practice of the Jewish religion was lawful, he protected the Jews against the fanaticism of the clergy, and intervened against the burning of synagogues. He had frequent occasion to try to restrain the zeal of John CHRYSOSTOM of Antioch, who fulminated against the Jews from the pulpit. The emperor continued to recognize the authority of the Jewish patriarch in Palestine, confirming his right to excommunicate members of his community, and forbidding the secular authorities to interfere in the domestic affairs of the Jews. On the other hand, he damaged their economic life by allowing Jewishowned slaves in certain cases to be converted to Christianity and lost to their Jewish masters without redress. 0398 . A thing like a burning globe, presenting a sword, shown brilliantly in the sky over Istanbul. It seemed almost to touch the earth from the zenith, "Such a thing was never recorded to have been seen before by man."

54 0399 HONORIUS FLAVIUS (364-423 C.E.) The Western Roman Emperor and son of Theodosius. He confiscated gold and silver which had been collected by the synagogues to be sent to Jerusalem. He defined Judaism as an unworthy superstition (superstitio indigna). He was greatly influenced by St. Ambrose, and his legislation is considered to be a repercussion of the reign of Julian the Apostate. 0400 - 600 ROMAN EMPIRE Was broken up by German tribes the Huns, Vandals and Goths. The Papacy was established. 0400 -- Estimated date of carving of stone statues found on Easter Island. - 0400 Copies of the Mandylion, "the true picture of the face of Christ", alleged to have been given to King Abgar of Mesopotamia by Christ himself, spread all over the Christian world. 0400, Moses, the False Messiah of Crete. Death of Judah IV 0400, November 9 The Craft of operative masonry (craftsmen who atually worked in stone and built large structures throughout Europe) adopts the Quatuor Coronati as the patron saints of all Masons (see November 9, Constitutions of the Masons of Strasburg, 1459). According to Masonic tradition, the Quatuor Coronati were four builders or stonemasons whom were martyred in 302. (Ars Quatuor Coronati, Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London) 0400, Saxons from Friesland, the Frisian Islands, and north-west Germany invade Britain during the 5th century A.D. 0406, . Vandals invade Gaul; Romans leave Britain. 0408 -450 . . (414) (442 ..) . . 0408 The Middle Ages began for Jewry with Theodosius II (408450), a very talented Emperor, but guided by monks, and whose weakness granted freedom from punishment to the fanatical zeal of some bishops and fostered cruelty. Edicts of this Emperor forbade the Jews to build new synagogues, to celebrate on Thursdays the synagogue service communally for Jews and Christians, and to keep Christian slaves. In addition they contained some other bans of lesser importance. Under this Emperor the Patriarchy finally fell. 0408-450 . . (414)

55 (442 ..) . . 0410 AD: the Romans withdraw from Britain, and Britain disintegrates in clans of Celts (Britons, Angles, Picts, Scots) as well as Germanic people (Angles, Saxons, Jutes, etc) 0410 ROME Was sacked by Alaric, king of the Visigoths. The treasures of the Second Temple fell into his hands. What remained was taken to Carthage by the Vandals (455). 0410 . 4 5 . , 4 , , , , , , (magister militum), . , 24 410 . 0410 . 4 5 . , 4 , , , , , , (magister militum), . , 24 410 . 0410, Alaric, king of the Visigoths, sacks Rome. The historian Procopius wrote that Alaric made off with the treasures of Solomon which in the olden time had been taken from Jerusalem by the Romans. 0415 ST. CYRIL, BISHOP OF ALEXANDRIA (Egypt) Incited the Greeks to kill or expel the Jews. He forced his way into the synagogue at the head of a mob, expelled the Jews and gave their property to the crowd. The Prefect Orestes, who refused to condone this behavior, was set upon and almost stoned to death. Only one Jew,

56 Adamanlius, agreed to be baptized. Within a few years Jews were allowed to return, but a majority of them returned only after the Mohammedans conquered Egypt. 0415, 1, . Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, drives the Jews from Alexandria, . 415 .. , , , , : "... : , , . , , , ". [ , ' : , , ^ , . , ]. 0415, 2, " , , , ' , . , , , , , . ' , ". [ , ' , , . , , , , , ]. 0415, 3, " , , , ". [

57 , , ^ - , , -]. 0415, 4, " , . , , . ". [ ' . , , ]. 0415, 5, " , , , , . , , , . , , , , ". [ , ^ , . , , ' , . - , ' , , , -]. 0415, 6, " , , . ' , .

58 , , ". [ . . , , , , , - -, , . , . 1901, . 452]. 0415, 7, . , ' , ' ; , " , , , ", [ : ", , ", . 97]. , " , , , , , , :" [ , ^ , , - , , , ! -]. 0415, 8, " , , . , . , ". [ , , . , , . , , - !

59 , , ]. , , " , , , , , , . , ". [ , , ^ . , ]. 0415, 9, " , ' , , , , ". [' , , , , , - , , ' , , , , , , , . ; 0415, 10, " 600 , ' , , ' , , ". [ , , , ]. , , , , , , , , " " , ' . 0418 MINORCA (Balearic Islands off Spain's eastern coast) Severus, the bishop of Minorca, claimed to have forced 540 Jews to

60 accept Christianity upon conquering the Island. This is the first we know of Jews on this Island as well as the first case of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion. Although in general forced conversions (as laid down by Pope Gregory I) were officially frowned upon, they were considered valid - and backsliding was usually considered heresy. Harsher "no choice" forced conversions began in the 9th century. 0418, Jews excluded from all public offices and dignities in the Roman empire. 0418, , , , . , , , . . 418, 419, A.D. 419. Socrates (Hist. Eccles., Lib. VII, Chap. XVI) gives an account of a case at Inmestar, a town between Chalcis and Antioch. , , ' , , The Syrian Posidonius (135-51 B.C.), and the first century Greeks Apollonius Molon and Apion had previously reported that it was a Jewish custom to sacrifice annually a Greek boy, specially fattened for the occasion. The probable reason for the Ritual Murder accusation being made against Christians themselves in the early years of the Religion was that many of these Christians were of Jewish origin. 0419 BARSAUMA OF NISBIS (Eretz Israel) A monk gathered a group of followers and for the next three years tried to destroy synagogues throughout the country. 0425 . , 31 (10 ) (10 ), ( ), ( ) ( ). . 0425 . , 31 (10 ) (10 ), ( ), ( ) ( ). .

61 0425 -455 . , . 0425 ST. AUGUSTINE AND ST. JEROME Branded Judaism a corruption and called for the enslavement and severe persecution of Jews until they agreed to convert. 0425, Extinction of the patriarchate. Patriarchate abolished. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invade Britain. 0425-455 . , . 0427, Death of Ashi. 5th cent. Yose b. Yose earliest liturgical poet known by name. 0429 THEODOSIUS II (Emperor of the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire) Ordered that all funds raised by Jews to support schools be turned over to his treasury. (They are still known as the patriarchal funds.) 0430 VANDALS (a Germanic tribe) Established a kingdom in North Africa. The Jews there lived peacefully and flourished until the Almohad conquest of the 11th century. 0431 . - . . 0431 . - . . 0433, . Attila the Hun begins reign 0435 DATE OF THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH R. Judah HaNasi predicted that the Messiah would come in this year (365 years after the destruction of the Temple). R. Hanina, his student, predicted that the Messiah would come in the year 470 (400 years after the destruction). This, coupled with persecution and natural disasters, resulted in the appearance of false messiahs. This phenomenon became so widespread that most rabbis forbade predictions of the coming of the

62 Messiah, since often people bereft of hope would convert after grave disappointment. 0438 - 527 MONOPHYSITE DISAGREEMENT (Byzantine) With the Orthodox church over the divinity of Jesus brings a temporary end to anti-Jewish legislation. During this period the clashes between the sides left the Jews alone, leading to a relatively peaceful and flourishing era in Eretz Israel. Many synagogues in both the north and south were rebuilt. 0438, The Theodosian Code bans all beliefs and cults in the Roman Empire except Christianity. All other religions, esoteric beliefs and schools of mysticism are forced underground. (Creative Mythology, Joseph Campbell) 0438, Theodosius II Novellae against the Jews and heretics. 0439 January 31, CODE OF THEODOSIUS II (Byzantine Empire) The first imperial compilation of anti-Jewish laws since Constantine. Jews were prohibited from holding important positions involving money, including judicial and executive offices. The ban against building new synagogues was reinstated. Theodosius was the Roman emperor of the East (408-450). The Code was also readily accepted by Western Roman Emperor, Valentinian III (425-455). 0439 . 439 438. , Codex Theodosianus, , , . 0439 . 439 438. , Codex Theodosianus, , , . 0442 - 450 . 0442 JOSE (MOSES OF CRETE) Proclaimed himself the new Moses and predicted that on a certain day the sea would open and the Jewish people would walk on dry land to Eretz Israel. On the given day he and many of his followers dutifully jumped off a low cliff into the sea. The sea didn't split and he couldn't swim. Rav Ashi cautioned against exaggerated enthusiasm at the imminent coming of the messiah.

63 0443, Attila the Hun lays seige to Constantinople, but spares the city in return for a tribute of 6,000 pounds of gold and the Holy Lance from emperor Theodosius II. 0447, Mergovee becomes king of the Franks, and becomes the first of a series of kings known as the Mergovingians. Mergovee worshipped the Goddess Diana and belonged to the cult of Diana. 0448, , , ... . ' . [ 400 , ]. 0449, The Angles, from present-day Schleswig-Holstein in Germany, settle in Britain north of the Thames River. More foreign invaders will soon follow. The words "England" and "English" both come from the word, "Angles." 0450 -457 . . 451 , , . 453 , 455 . . 0450: Saxons invade England, while the rest is split among Welsh kingdoms of Rheged, Gododdin and Strathclyde 0450: the Saxon invasion prompts Roman-British inhabitants of Britain to migrate to northern France (Brittany) 0450-457 . . 451 , , . 453 , 455

64 . . 0451 . , , . 0451, . Attila invades Gaul, but is forced to withdraw by the Visigoths. 0452, Attila invades Italy and devastates the city of Mediolanum (Milan). 0452, Attila reaches the gates of Rome before being forced to withdraw because of famine and pestilence. Legend says Attila rode to the gates of Rome and hurled the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz, see AD443) at the feet of the officers sent out to surrender the city. "Take back your lance" Attila cried, "It is of no use to me, since I do not know Him that made it holy." 0455 ROME The Vandals plundered Rome for two weeks. Many of the Temple vessels were taken to Carthage. 0455 . 455 , . . , . 0455, Persecution of the Babylonian Jews under Yezdegerd III. Jews forbidden to keep the Sabbath. 0455: the Saxon leader Hengist takes over the kingdom of Kent and founds their capital at Canterbury 0457 -474 , . (magister militum praesentalis) . . . 0457 . A report from Brittany in northern France, "a blazing thing like a globe was seen in the sky. Its size was immense, and on its beams hung a ball of fire like a dragon out of whose mouth proceeded two beams, one of which stretched beyond France, and the other reached toward Ireland, and ended in fire, like rays."

65 0457-474 , . (magister militum praesentalis) . . . 0458 . There is a text preserved in a Buddhist Monastery in China which tells of some monks who voyaged 7000 miles east to a new continent. The text describes them making landfall on a coast with mountains and rivers, (California?) then traveling inland to the east where they discover a large canyon with stratified colors and a great river at the bottom (the Grand Canyon?) They then travel south over a great desert with strange trees that have many thorns, (cactus?) and find a civilization far to the south. Some stone carvings with oriental features have been discovered among the civilizations of South and Central America, and the similarities between Chinese dragon sculptures and Central American dragon sculptures are striking. 0458, Childeric I, son of Mergovee, becomes king of the Franks. He is said to have practiced witchcraft and consulted a crystal ball. 0465 COUNCIL OF VANNES (Gaul) Prohibited the clergy from participating in Jewish feasts. This was designed to place Jews further beyond the pale of Christian civilization. 0465, The Council of Vannes (Gaul) prohibits the clergy from taking part in Jewish banquets 0470 - 500 PERSIA War of Mazdaism vs. Zoroastianism. The Mazdeks or Zendeks, avowed communists, banned marriage and property ownership. The Zoroastians, who were fire worshippers, defeated Kobad, a Zendek, but he soon regained power in his own province. Many Jews were killed by both sides. 0470, Persecutions by the authorities; Huna b. Mar Zutra the exilarch and others executed by the authorities. 0470, Priscian (Priscianus Caesariensis), best known of all the Latin grammarians, is born at Caesarea in Mauretania now, Cherchell, Algeria. Priscian later taught grammar at Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey). His Commentarii grammatici, in 18 volumes, was long a standard text, and was the basis of works by Rabanus Maurus during the Middle Ages. 0471 FIRUZ (Pheroces) of Babylonia Added to the edicts of Jezdegerd II, who banned keeping the Sabbath and reciting the Shema (unity prayer), on the grounds that the Jews had killed 10 magians

66 (priests). He ordered the execution of the Exilarch Mar Huna (Mar Zutra's son), two scholars and half the population of Ispahan. Jewish children were to be abducted and raised in the Zoroastrian religion. 0471, Persecution of the Babylonian Jews under Firuz (Perozes); the exilarch Huna Maria and others suffer martyrdom. 0472 ISFAHAN (Persia) Although for the most part Jews had lived in peace under the Zoroastrians, anti-Jewish riots spread through the city after rumors began that the Jews killed two Zoroastrian priests. 0473 YOTABE (Gulf of Aquba) After its conquest by Persia, Jewish merchants set up a semi-autonomous colony. Emperor Anastassus recognized it as such in 498, but in 535 Justinian revoked its autonomy. 0474 -474 0474 -475 475-491 . , , . 0476 -491 0476 . , . 0476, End of Western Roman Empire. Goths depose Western Roman Emperor, Romulas Augustus; Middle Ages begin. 0476, The barbarian, Odoacer, overthrows the emperor Romulus Augustulus, ending the Western Roman Empire. 0476: the Saxon leader Aelle founds the kingdom of Sussex (South Saxons) 0476 (475-476) 475 2 . 476 . 0481 . (325) (431) , . . .

67 , (484) . . 0481, -511, Clovis I king of the Franks. 0481, Clovis I, grandson of Mergovee, becomes king of the Franks, the only barbarian group to create a lasting state. Clovis, their first great leader, establishes a kingdom in Gaul that will later become known as France. 0482, 3 . 0483 . , . 0486 0488 0490 JOSEPH RABBAH (India) Arrived with a group of Babylonian Jews to the Malabar coast of India. Rabbah was granted a mini-state in Granganor and freedom of religion. Eventually some Jews settled in Mattachary near Cochin, which became known as "Jews Town". 0491-518 , . . 513, . , . . , , , . . , , .

68 . , 65 , , . 0495, -502, Revolt of Mar Zutra the exilarch, [ ]. 0496 Merovingian Dynasty 0496, Clovis I converts to Christianity. Many barbarians had become Christians earlier, but most held the Arian doctrine, condemned as heresy. 0496, The Bishop of Rome grants Clovis I authority to preside over a "Christianized" Roman Empire. 0496 A.D. - A Merovingian is crowned King of the Holy Roman Empire. "The implications of the visionary eagle are incredible. It may well represent the historical development of the Roman Empire. May I point out that the Habsburg Dynasty provided most of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire from 1273 to 1806. And before that, in A.D. 496, King Clovis, the grandson of Merovee, was crowned emperor of the Western Roman Empire following the death of Constantine, and the division of the government. As incredible as it may seem, the family crest of the Habsburg Dynasty is a two-headed eagle. "Could the vision of Esdras be accurate after all? His three headed eagle appears to be an uncanny portrayal of the history and development of Roman rule -- or perhaps we should say, of Merovingian rule, for the Roman Empire was started by Aeneas, a Trojan prince, whose ancestors were Spartans, who claimed to be of the stock of Abraham! 0496: Mazdak leads the Persian socialistic movement and overthrows Shahanshah Kavadh I of the Persian empire 0496, , . 0499 (13 Kislev 4260) DEATH OF RAVINA II (Bar Huna) Marks the closing of the Amoraic era and the beginning of the Saboraic era. During the Amoraic era, it was decided to commit the Oral Law (Talmud) into writing, despite protests that only the Bible should be written down, for fear that persecution would cause it to be forgotten. The compilation of the Talmud, begun by Rav Ashi 100 years before, was completed by Ravina II. There are some who believe it was Ravina I (his uncle) who worked with Rav Ashi. 0499, . Babylonian Talmud completed. You may ascertain by turning to top Jewish authorities today that the Babylonian Talmud, the written form of the Tradition of the Pharisees, is the sole authority of the so-called "Jewish" religion, or Judaism.

69 0500: Abu-Kariba, Kimyarite king, adopts Judaism, converts his army and his people. 0500 - 658 SABORAIC PERIOD Linked the Amoraic and Geonic periods. Sabara means opinion, hence the opinion makers. The exact dates of this period are in dispute. It probably started with Mar Jose and ended with Mar Isaac. During this time the Talmud was edited and Midrashic literature and liturgical poetry developed. Although the text itself wasn't changed, topics were edited and some, such as sacrifices which were currently not relevant, were de-emphasized. The Saboraim were skillful stylists who produced smoothly flowing presentations. 0500 - 1,000 CE Mohammed founds Islam (dies 632). Celtic Church outlawed by Council of Whitby (664). Foundation of first Sufi secret societies (c. 700). First written translation of Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Charlemagne founds alleged first Rosicrucian Lodge in Toulouse (898). Foundation of the Cathars, Druzes and Yezedi (900). Heretical Catholic monks found first Rosicrucian college (1,000). THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard 0500 -- Chinese use of gunpowder. 0500 THEODORIC (Italy) King of the Ostrogoths (an Aryan tribe). After conquering Italy (489) he issued an edict confirming protection for the Jews and safeguarding their privileges, which included the right to determine civil disputes and freedom of worship. He also protected their synagogues and persons against incitement by the Church. 0500, Abu-Kariba, Kimyarite king, adopts Judaism, converts his army and his people. 0500 A.D. to 1300 A.D., the Jew merchant was dominant all over Europe (except Scandinavia, where he was never permitted to enter) and this dominance included control over the eastern trade routes to the Levant. There was to be no relief from this situation until the Jews were evicted from Europe in the century directly preceding the Renaissance. 0500, The Middle Ages begin. They are said to cover a period of about one thousand years from AD 500 to 1500. 0501 July 23, ERETZ ISRAEL A massive earthquake hit the coast. Acre was partially destroyed. Cities as far inwards as Jerusalem suffered damage. 0502 MAR ZUTRA II (Babylon) Revolted against the fanatic Kobad the Zenduk (488-531), establishing a Jewish state in Babylon with Mahoza as its capital. It lasted seven years. Eventually his army was overcome and he and his grandfather, Mar Hananiah, were crucified on the bridge of Mahoza. Many Jewish leaders were forced to flee and their institutions were closed. 0503: most Scots leave Ireland and build the kingdom of Dalriada in Argyll on the west coast of Scotland

70 0506 The Council of Agde a city in South Gaul which took place in the year 506 under the protection of Saint Caesarius, the primate of the province of Arles, and was tolerated by Alaric, ordered the following: Law 34. Concerning the acceptance of Jews who wish to be converted. Since the falsehood of the Jews often breaks out again, they shall, if they wish to be converted to Catholic law, be catechism pupils for eight months, and if it is revealed that they come in purity of faith, they shall be baptised after this period. 0507 July 9, DAPHNE (NEAR ANTIOCH) (Syria) A sporting event was held in the form of a chariot race between two parties, the greens and the whites. For no apparent reason the supporters of the greens attacked the local synagogue, killing the Jews inside. 0508 ARLES (Gaul) Was attacked by the Franks and Burgundians. Jews played a significant role in its defense. 0516 SOUTHERN ARABIA King Ohu Nuwas adopted Judaism, perhaps as a bulwark against encroaching Christianity. He was eventually defeated by King Eleboas of Abyssinia, with the help of Justin I. 0516, (May 14, 15) Uprising against Jews of Clermont; synagogue destroyed. 0517 CHURCH COUNCIL OF EPAON (Gaul) Reinforced the decisions of the Council Of Vannes (465) in prohibiting Christians from participating in Jewish feasts. 0517 0517, The Council of Epaon forbids Christians to take part in Jewish banquets. 0518 -527 0518, . Persecution of the Jews by Kobad, King of Persia. 0518-527 0519 RAVENNA (Italy) After the local synagogues were burned down by the local populace, Theodoric the Ostrogoth ordered the town to rebuild them at its own expense. 0519 , 0524, The Abbey of St. Maurice is founded. Maurice relics can still be found at the Abbey of St. Maurice in Brzeg, Poland, and at Turin, Italy. To this day, devotion to St. Maurice and the Theban Legion is found in Switzerland, along the Rhine, and in Northern Italy. The feast of St. Maurice is celebrated each September 22. (Buechner) 0525, A Catholic monk, Dionysius Exiguus, proposes that calendars be instituted whereby the years would be counted from the birth of Christ. This practice was adopted throughout the Christian world over

71 the following 500 years. Modern chronologists, however, position the actual birth of Christ closer to 4 BC. 0525, . The Goths destroy Mediolanum (Milan). 0525, . End of Jewish kingdom in southern Arabia. : YUSUF Asar Yathar Dhu Nuwas (Masruk) c. 51725. King of Himyar, in South Arabia. Yusuf was of royal descent and had converted to Judaism before he ascended the throne of Himyar. He established the unity of the kingdom and set out to enlarge its borders. He had to contend with the active opposition of Ethiopia, on the opposite side of the Red Sea, whose inhabitants had accepted Christianity. The Christians of Himyar, mainly in the two towns of Zafar and Najran, acted as fifth columnists for Ethiopia. Zafar had fallen into the hands of the Ethiopians in 517, but after a great battle was retaken by Yusuf. The inhabitants of Najran, however, broke into open revolt and some Jews of the city were killed. Yusuf proposed peace terms, and when these were rejected he conquered the town. The number of Christians killed in Najran provided an excuse for a war of vengeance against Yusuf, encouraged by the Byzantines and undertaken, by the Ethiopians. Yusuf met the Ethiopians in battle in 525 but was defeated, and he and his army were wiped out. According to legend, he leapt into the sea on his horse and was drowned, but a rich tomb found in Ghaymen is now thought to be his burial place. With the death of Yusuf the independence of the Jewish Kingdom in South Arabia came to an end. 0527, August 1 Justinianus I succeeds Justinus I as Emperor of Byzantium. 0527-532 . . . 531 532 . 0527-565 . , . . . . , .

72 . . ( ) . 0529 . Codex Justinianus 529 528. (Codex), , 530, (Digesta), (Institutiones) , (Novellae) . , , , . , 16 Corpus Juris Civilis, . 0529, "" , , . 0531 EMPEROR JUSTINIAN (527-565) (Byzantine Empire) Ruled that Jews cannot testify against Christians. He also censored part of the synagogue liturgy for being anti-trinitarian. Justinian is famous for his Codex Justinianeus (Corpus Juris Civilis), which he began in 527, as well as his new regulations known as Novels (Novellae Constitutiones Post Codicem). In his Codex and Novellae, he revised many of the older ordinances and added some of his own. These included new anti- Jewish imperial directives and restrictions. In general, his code united church and state making anyone who was not connected to the Christian church a non- citizen. These regulations determined the status of Jews throughout the Empire for hundreds of years. 0532 -537 0532 . , , . , , . , 11 19 532. 18 ,

73 , , . , . 18 , 35.000 . , , . , , , , , . 0532, Justinian I, decrees that the testimony of Jews shall be valid only in Jewish cases 0532: the Saxon Cerdic founds the kingdom of Wessex (West Saxons) 0533-535 . 534 (reconquista) . (534-540). 0534 BELISARIUS (Byzantine Empire) Justinian's general. He captured Carthage. The menorah and other Temple vessels were taken to Constantinople. Believing that they would bring him bad luck, Justinian sent them on to Jerusalem. It is not known whether they ever arrived. 0535 BORION (North Africa) By order of Emperor Justinian, the synagogue was closed and all Jewish practices were prohibited. 0535 COUNCIL OF CLERMONT (Gaul) Banned Jewish judges and prohibited Jews from holding administrative positions. 0535 ( ) 0537, Justinian declares Jews incapable of holding any official dignity. 0538 THIRD COUNCIL OF ORLEANS (Gaul) Prohibited Jews from appearing in the streets during Easter because "their appearance is an insult to Christianity". Childbert (a Merovinian king) approved the measure so as not to offend Christians. Until the reign of Charlemagne (800), France (Gaul) consisted of small principalities ruled by petty kings. The decree of a king was not valid beyond the borders of his kingdom, so if Jews were banished from one kingdom it did not affect the Jews in another kingdom.

74 0538, The Council of Orleans forbids Jews to appear on the street at Eastertide. 0539: , . . 0540 KHOSROE I (Syria) Destroyed Antioch but took care to protect the rights of Christian and Jewish minorities. 0540: the monk Gildas writes the "De Excidio Britanniae" 0540-545 0540 Bubonic plague engulfs the Roman Empire until 592. Tsarion 0541-544 . 0542, [ 543], [ ], 100. 000. 000 . 0543 EMPEROR JUSTINIAN (Byzantine Empire) Tried to force Jews to postpone Passover until after Easter. 0544: Ciaran founds the monastery of Clonmacnoise in Ireland 0547 CAESAREA (Eretz Israel) Massacre of Jews and Samaritans by local Christians. 0547 0550: the Saxon kingdoms of East Saxons (Essex) and Middle Saxons (Middlesex) are established 0552 Council Of Constantinople declares reincarnation to be heresy. 0552 0553 . , , . , , . 0553 . , , . , , . 0553, Justinian interferes in the conduct of Jewish worship. 0553 .., , (Novella), 146, " , , -, , , , ". 0553 Justinian convenes the Second Synod of Constantinople, issuing a decree that bans the doctrine of past lifetimes or reincarnation, as well as removal of all veiled references to preexistence from religious documents. Tsarion

75 0554, . 0555 ITALY Conquered by Justinian's generals. 0558 0561, (Diocese of Uzzes) . 0563: the Irish monk Columbanus founds the monastery of Iona off the coast of Scotland, soon to become the main center of the Columban school 0565 -571 () 0565 Genesis of the Loch Ness Monster. According to a written account, Saint Columba, a Christian missionary to Scotland, saved a swimmer from the monster by shouting, "Think not to go further, touch not thou that man. Quick! Go back!" In obedience to the Saint the creature fled. Ever since then there have been vague accounts of "something" in the Loch. 0565 0565-571 () 0565-578 0567 Gregory of Tours reports that just before the Bubonic plague invaded the Auvergne region of France, three brilliant lights appeared around the sun and the heavens appeared to be on fire. Tsarion 0568-569 () . , , , . 0570 to 632 -- Life of Muhammad, founder of Islam. - 0570, [ 632], , - , . Muhammad is born at Mecca. 0570, Mohammed, the Prophet of Islam and the founder of the Islamic religion, is born at Mecca in southwestern Arabia. His parents died while he was still a child and he went to live with his grandfather. After his grandfather's death he lived with his uncle, Abu Talib, a chief of the Quraysh tribe. (see Muhammad, Mahomet)

76 0576 CLERMONT-FERREND (Gaul) Because the Jews demonstrated against conversion, Bishop Avitus offered them a choice: accept Christianity or leave Clermont. Most emigrated to Marseilles. 0576 PARIS (Gaul) During a procession, a recent convert was drenched with rancid oil by a former co-religionist. In response, Bishop Avitur incited the crowd to destroy the local synagogue. Many Jews were forcibly baptized. 0578-582 0581 HORMISDAS IV (Persia) Tyrannized the Jews, forcing many to flee, including the leaders of the academies. 0581 PRISCUS (Gaul) The royal jeweler to Chilper I (Gaul) was forced into a debate with Gregory of Tours, a respected Christian theologian. Despite the fact that the king also put pressure on Priscus, he held his own and even Gregory conceded that the debate ended without a winner. The king tried forcing Priscus to convert together with other Jews. When that failed, Priscus was imprisoned and then murdered by Phatir, a recent convert. Phatir was granted a royal pardon, but was killed within a few days by Priscus' relatives. 0582 -602 0582 . 0583 COUNCIL OF MACON (Gaul) Expanded the edicts of the Council of Clermont and included a demand for Jews to respect the Christian clergy. Furthermore, Jews were forced to sell slaves at a lower price than market value if the slave declared his desire to convert. 0584 The Bishop of Tours in France, is perplexed by curious "domes and golden globes that raced across the sky" 0584 . , ( ) . , () (), . , - . 0587 RECARED OF SPAIN Adopted Catholicism. Jews were banned from slave ownership, intermarriage and positions of authority. Recared also decreed that children of mixed marriages must be raised as Christians.

77 0589 NARBONNE (Gaul) The Council forbade Jews from chanting Psalms while burying their dead. Anyone violating this law was fined 6 ounces of gold. In addition all Jews married to Christian woman had to baptize their children. 0589, Reccared, Visigothic King of Spain, completely isolates Jews from Christians. Beginning with the period of Geonim. 0590 Another historian reports that bright lights in the sky precede the plague in another province in France. Tsarion 0590 POPE GREGORY THE GREAT Formulated the official Papal policy regarding Jews; they were to be tolerated according to the regulations passed by the previous council. Gregory objected to forced baptism, but valued converts. 0590: England is divided among several kingdoms (Kent, Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, etc) 0590-600 . 10 , 597 . 600 , . 0591 . 0592 EASTERN EMPEROR MAURICE (Syria) Punished the entire Jewish community of Antioch after a Jew violated one of his laws. 0595, Mohammed, at age 25, enters the service of Khadija, a wealthy 40-year-old widow. They will later marry (though she was 15 years his senior) and concieve six children, two sons and four daughters. The two sons died when very young. Mohammed's daughter, Fatima, married Ali, the son of Abu Talib, and they had two sons, from whom many Moslems trace their descent from Mohammed. (see Muhammad, Mahomet) 0595, Pope Leo IV orders the relics of the Quatuor coronati (some 850) from Pannonia and others from Via Albano brought to the basillica of Quatuor Coronati on the Calien Hill in Rome. 0597, Augustine, an Italian monk sent by Pope Gregory I to win the Angles over to Christianity, lands with 40 followers on the coast of Kent, England 0597: Pope Gregory I dispatches Augustine to England with forty monks 0600 ARABIA Jews had formed many warlike tribes. They were renowned, especially in Yathuolb (Medina), Khaiba and Taima, for their advanced knowledge of irrigation. They introduced the date palm, grape vines and the honey bee.

78 0600: Taliesin and Aneirin write poems in old Welsh in Strathclyde 0601: Augustine converts king Ethelbert of Kent and establishes the see of Canterbury with himself as its first archbishop 0601: king Aethelbert of Kent promulgates the first English code of law 0602 - 628 PERSIAN CAMPAIGN - KHOSROE II (King of Persia) Attacked Heraclius, the Eastern Roman Emperor, and succeeded for a time in reconquering all of Western Asia and some of Egypt. In 628 Khosroe was assassinated. 0602 -610, . , . . , . 0602 , . . 0608 - 610 BYZANTINE EMPIRE Anti-Jewish pogroms broke out from Syria to Asia Minor. 0608 September, ANTIOCH (Syria) Upon receiving word of the imminent approach of the Persians, the Jews rioted, killing the Christian Patriarch in revenge for the severe repression they had suffered. This facilitated the entrance of Persian troops. 0609 . , , , , , . . 0610 , , . , II . . ,

79 . 611, 613. 614, , . . 15 . ' . 5 , ' , . . , , , . . , , , , , , . ' , , . 0610 - 620 REIGN OF SESBUT (Visigothic Spain) Liberator of much of Byzantine Spain. He prohibited Judaism after many of his antiJewish edicts were ignored. Those not baptized fled, but returned under his successor, Swintilla. This was the first incidence where a prohibition of Judaism affected an entire Christian country. 0610 -641 0610 , . 0610 Muhammad began to receive the Koran, from the angel Djibril, (Jibril, Gabriel), while meditating at night in a cave outside Mecca. The revelation continued for 23 years. 0612, Sisebut, Visigoth king, forces the Jews to accept baptism or to emigrate. 0612, . [612, 633, 638], Severe legal measures against the Jews in Spain. 0613 TIBERIAS (Eretz Israel) Led by the wealthy Benjamin of Tiberias, the Jews gave their assistance to the conquering Persian forces. 0613: Rebellion by Yang Xuangan in China was crushed by Sui Dynasty. 0614 ERETZ ISRAEL Jews joined Persia in a revolt against Emperor Heraclius and Christianity. Eventually disillusioned with

80 Persian promises, they offered to side with Heraclius in return for immunity for acts against Christians. 0614 FIFTH COUNCIL OF PARIS (Gaul) Largest ever meeting of Merovingian Bishops. They decided that all Jews holding military or civil positions must accept baptism, together with their families. 0614 JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) After a 20 day siege, the city fell to the Persians under the General Romizanes. 37,000 Christians were deported. Jews were given permission to run the city. At that time there were approximately 150,000 Jews living in 43 settlements throughout Eretz Israel. 0614 Persians conquer Judea and Jerusalem. . 0614, . The Avar incursion in Croatia comes to an end. Inhabitants of the ruined city of Solin (Salona; Diocletian's birthplace) take refuge within what remains of the nearby palace of Diocletian at Split (Spalato). Though the huge palace is badly damaged, they build their homes, incorporating the old walls, columns, and ornamentation into their new structures. This area now comprises the nucleus of the "old town" of Split. (Britannica) 0614, . The persecution and destruction of White Christian people by the Jews is not a recent thing but reaches far back into history. Writing in April, 1921 issue of the "Hebrew Christian Alliance Quarterly," the Rev. M. Malbert stated, "I am going to show that real religious persecution is uniquely Jewish... In the time of Justinian, in the sixth century, the Jews massacred Christians in Caesarea and destroyed their churches. When Stephanus, the governor, attempted to defend the Christians, the Jews fell on him and slew him. In 608 A.D. the Jews of Antioch fell upon their Christian neighbors and killed them with fire and sword... About 614 A.D. the Persians advanced upon Palestine and the Jews, after joining their standard, massacred the Christians and destroyed their churches. Ninety thousand Christians perished in Jerusalem alone." (The International Jew, Vol. IV (1922), pp. 171, 173) [614-617], Jewish rule established in Jerusalem under the Persians. 0615 OATH MORE JUDAICO (Italy) The earliest referral (in the Justinian codes) to the Jewish Oath also known as Juramentum Judaeorum. It was originally established by Emperor Justinian 75 years earlier. The idea was based on the concept that no heretic could be believed in court against a Christian. Various methods were used to ensure that the Jew would tell the truth. These included swearing on an opened Torah scroll while standing on a pig skin or while wearing a belt of thorns, or even standing on a stool wearing a "Jews hat." In 1555 the oath became standardized throughout Europe and only was totally abolished in 1914 (Romania).

81 0616 The Jewish historian Cecil Roth notes that, after the Visigoths had gone over to Catholicism, they began to show the traditional zeal of neophytes. The Jews immediately suffered the unpleasant consequences of such zeal. When, in the year 589, Reccared came to the throne, ecclesiastical legislation began to be applied to them down to the smallest details. His successors were not so strict, but when Sisebutus ascended the throne (612-620), a narrow-minded fanaticism predominated. Perhaps goaded by the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius, he passed an edict in the year 616, in which he commanded all Jews of the kingdom to take baptism under threat of banishment and the loss of all their goods. According to the Catholic chroniclers, ninety thousand embraced the Christian faith. 0617 JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) After only three years the Persians reneged on their promises and forbade Jews to settle within a three mile radius of the city. 0619 0620, . Vikings invade Ireland. 0622 , . 622 . , . , , . , (Djihad) . . 0622, Muhammad's flight to Medina. 0624 - 627 JEWISH ARABIAN TRIBES Were attacked by Mohammed. These tribes had lived in Southern Arabia for centuries. Legend has it that they were sent by Joshua to fight the Amalakites at Yatrib. The majority immigrated to Arabia after the Roman persecutions in Eretz Israel. One by one they were destroyed for refusing to convert to Mohammedanism. Two of the strongest tribes are known as BenuNadhir and Benu-Eruzia. 0624 MOHAMMED (Arabia) Fled Mecca. (This journey is known to Moslems as the Hejira.) 0624, The Banu Kainuka's, a Jewish-Arabic tribe, driven from Arabia by Mohammed. [624-628], Jewish tribes of Arabia destroyed by Muhammad.

82 0625 THEODOSIUS (Eretz Israel) Commander of the returning Byzantinian army. He promised amnesty to Jews who joined the Persians. He too was greeted by Benjamin of Tiberias. 0625 (625) . , : , , , , (. Mansi, Sum. Concil., Acta VI Concil. Gener., Sess. XIII). . . , (aeterna condemnatione muletati sunt), . . , , : Honorio ab Orientalibus post mortem anathema sit dictum, sciendum tamen est, quia fuerit super haeresi accusatus... (Adrianii II, epist. Synod. Concilii Romani, quae in octavae Synodi Actione VII et lecta et approbata est). , , , , . , , Somme des Conciles Abbe Guyot (Paris 1868) XIII , (. . , . 315). Breviarium Romanum , 28 , , . Breviarium . 0625-629

83 0626 ARABIA After Mohammed's conquest of the Banu-Nadhir Jewish tribe, he attacked the Banu-Kurarza who were betrayed by their Arab co-fighters. Forced to choose between conversion and death, over 600 Jews spent the night in prayer and were beheaded the next morning. Only 3 or 4 agreed to convert. 0626 - 0627 COUNCIL OF CLICHY (France) Decreed that Jews accepting public office had to convert. 0627 SEFER (PEREK) ELEYAHU An aggadic apocalyptic midrash appeared predicting that the Messiah would soon appear to free the Jews from their misery. 0627, Emperor Heraclius forbids Jews to enter Jerusalem, and harasses the Palestinian Jews. 0627: Pope Gregory I sends the Italian monk Paulinus to found the see of York and convert king Edwin of Northumbria 0628 Emperor Heraclius defeats Sassanid Persians, reconquers Jerusalem. 0628 . . 591, , 614 . 0628, -638, Dagobert I expels Jews from Frankish Kingdom. 0629 DAGOBERT (Gaul) Encouraged by Emperor Heraclius, he expelled all non-converted Jews from Frankish dominions. For the next 150 years, little was heard from any Jewish community there. 0629 DEATH OF MARHAB AL-YAHUDI (Saudi Arabia) A Jewish warrior from a family of renowned warriors and opponent of Mohammed. According to Arab historians, he died in a duel during an attack on Khaybar. 0629 629. O / , Ceuta, 711 o- . . 711-719. - - ' 732-739. -

84 742. 754-6 . 794 Graecia Graecs. . . , . , . . 1012-1046 . 0629 March 21, BYZANTINE EMPEROR HERACLIUS (Eretz Israel) Marched into Jerusalem at the head of his army with the support of Jewish inhabitants. The Jews who had previously fought with the Persians against Byzantine rule decided to support him in return for a promise of amnesty. Upon his entry into Jerusalem the local priests convinced him that killing Jews was a positive commandment and that his promise was therefore invalid. Hundreds of Jews were massacred and thousands of others fled to Egypt. Thus, much of the rich Jewish life in the Galilee and Judea came to an end. 0629 . . 0629, Dagobert orders the Jews of the Frankish empire to accept baptism or to emigrate. 0630 ARABIA-KHAIBAR Despite the surrender of its Arab allies, the Jewish Khaibar tribe succeeded in defending itself. They negotiated a deal whereby half their produce would go to Mohammad and they would be left in peace. Other Jewish tribes, e.g. Fadattr, Tedma, and Magna, concluded similar deals. The Kaibar community continued at least to the 10th century. Other communities weren't so lucky. The Kurazia tribe surrendered after a long siege. 600 males were slaughtered. One beautiful Jewess, Rihana, was added to Mohammed's harem. 0630 0632 - 634 EMPEROR HERACLIUS (Byzantine Empire) Forced baptism on North African Jewish communities. This was probably the first case of officially sanctioned forced baptism. Until this time Jews

85 were protected by Theodosian Law which protected them from forced conversions, though it imposed limitations on Jewish freedom. Once breached there was no longer any hesitation on the part of Christian leaders to use forced conversions as a political tool whenever they wished. 0632 MOHAMMED DIED Rival Muslim sects were formed after his death 0632, Death of Muhammad. Heraclius decrees forced baptism. 0633 FOURTH COUNCIL OF TOLEDO (Spain) Under the presidency of Saint Isidor, Bishop of Seville, King Sisenand renewed Sesbut's (612-620) decrees. Converts were forced to adhere strictly to Christianity and were forbidden to socialize with unbaptized Jews. 0633, Visigothic king, and Isidore of Seville, forces converts from Judaism to Christianity. 0633: during the reign of the Saxon king Oswald conversion of Northumbria is completed 0634 - 644 OMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB (Arabia) Second caliph. Omar is credited with laying the groundwork for the Islamic legal system and calendar. Omar, as part of his belief in spreading Islamic rule, conquered Egypt, Eretz Israel, Syria, and Mesopotamia. Despite this, and his later "pact", he was know for his tolerance and is viewed benevolently by Jewish tradition. 0634, Muslims begin conquest of Near East and Africa. 0635: Cynegils, king of Wessex, converts to Christianity 0635: Iona bishop Aidan founds a monastic community in the island of Lindisfarne off the coast of Scotland 0636 GAZA (Eretz Israel) The principal Jewish community in Byzantine Judea, was conquered by Omar. 0636 . , , . , , (Yarmouk) . . 0637 CAESAREA (Eretz Israel) After a 7-month siege, a Jew named Joseph led the Moslem attackers through a tunnel to capture the city. There were an estimated 100,000 Jews in Caesarea. After the fall of the city, the anti-Jewish tenets of the Pact of Omar was enforced against them.

86 0637 PACT OF OMAR Omar, the second successor to Mohammad, determined the place of Jews in Moslem society. Jews were not allowed to build new synagogues, had to pray quietly and were forbidden from preventing other Jews from converting. They were also forbidden to ride horses or hold judicial or civil posts. In order to be easily distinguished from Moslems, they were eventually forced to wear a yellow patch (850), a practice the Christians later adopted. They were also banished from "Holy Arabia". In many Moslem countries (Saudi Arabia) some of aspects of the pact are still in effect today. 0638 Arab conquest of Jerusalem (slightly earlier or later according to different sources). Caliph Omar provides the Christians of Jerusalem with a Covenant guaranteeing their protection. Land divided into the Jund of filastin, in the south (capital in Al-Lod and later in Ramlah), and the Jund of Urdunn in the north, with capital in Tiberias (Tabariyeh). 0638 JERUSALEM (Eretz Israel) Omar accepted the Christian surrender and agreed to the Christian Patriarch Sophronnas' demand not to permit Jews to return to Jerusalem. Despite his agreement he soon allowed 70 Tiberian families to settle in Jerusalem. 0638 SIXTH COUNCIL OF TOLEDO (Spain) King Chintilla decreed that only Catholics were permitted to live in Visogothic Spain. Despite this ban, many Jews continued to live there. In addition, it was enacted that each King had to swear to continue a policy of "not permitting the Jews of infringing this holy faith." 0638 / 0638 . ( , ). , . , , , . 0638 .., . , , . , .

87 ' , ' . , : . 0638, Chintila enacts that only professing Catholics shall remain in Visigothic Spain; Jews emigrate. Jerusalem conquered by the Arabs. 0639-640 0640 MOHAMMEDAN ARABS TOOK OVER EGYPT Jews who had previously lived there gradually returned. 0640, Omar, the second calif, banishes all Jews from Arabia; the "Pact of Omar" imposes restrictions upon Jews in the whole Mohammedan world. [640-642], Egypt conquered by the Arabs. 0641 (610-641). . . 0641 '. . . 0641 . . '. . . . 0641 HERACLIUS DIED IN CONSTANTINOPLE (Byzantine Empire). Despite the constant suppression of Judaism, many Jews had remained in Constantinople and they became the target of anti-Jewish riots. 0641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia) After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed. 0641 0641 .., , Radioislam, : Jewish Slaughter Christians in 641 AD Jerusalem as the Agents of the Persians. A History of Palestine from 135 AD to Modern Times, p. 81, Oxford University Press, New York, 1909. According to A History of Palestine from 135 A. D. to Modern Times, by James Parkes [Oxford University Press, New York, 1909], Persians in 614 A.D. invaded Palestine, a part of the Christian Roman Empire of the East, and took Jerusalem. Here is Mr. Parkes' s account: "There is no doubt that the ... Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was consider able. Once Jerusalem was in Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians took place, and the

88 Jews are accused of having taken the lead in this massacre [op. cit., p. 81]" 0641, . Bulan, khan [chaghan] of the Chazars, becomes a Jew. 0641-668 . . '. . 0642 0642 BOSTANI OR BUSTANAI (Persia) The first Exilarch to be recognized by Arab rulers. His birth and much of his life is surrounded by legend. As a token of appreciation, Caliph Ali gave him the daughter of the Persian king Yazdeger for a slave. Eventually Bustanai married her. 0642, . 0647 0648 . , , , . 0649, July 1 Pope Martinus I is elected to succeed Theodore I. 0650 One night in the hot season, in India, a man named Hariswami and his new wife were laying on the roof of the summer house. The veil on the womans face slipped off in the night while a demi-god was seated in his car over head. His gaze suddenly fell upon her. The demi-god lowered the car and placed her asleep within. She was never seen again. (As told by Hariswami, translated from Hindu by J. Platts) 0651 0651, Dagobert II, a descendant of Mergovee, is born in Austrasia, now a region of eastern France. 0654 February 18, TOLEDO (Spain) Receswinth, King of the Visigoths, forced Judaizing Christians (converted Jews who still kept Jewish traditions) to swear loyalty to the Church or die. They were forced to spend Jewish and Christian holy days with the clergy, but were not forced to eat pork. 0654, , 654 . [, ]

89 0656 - 661 MOSLEM CIVIL WAR (Medina) Broke out between the followers of Uthman, the third Caliph (ruler) and the followers of Ali, the fourth Caliph, who was the son-in-law of Mohammed. The war began when Ali murdered Uthman and proclaimed himself leader of the Moslems. 0656, Dagobert II's father dies and he is forced to flee to Ireland. 0658 - 1000 GEONIC AGE (Babylon) The task of the Geonim, was to broaden the study of Talmud and emphasize its practical application. The two great academies, Sura and Pumbedita, once again became the center of Jewish intellectual life. They established their influence by inviting questions (shealot) on Jewish law from far flung communities and sending answers (teshuvot). The exact date for the beginning of this period was probably the Arab conquest of Babylonia in 657, with the first Gaon being Mar Isaac, head of the Sura academy. Others believe that it began around 589 C.E. with Ravai of Pumbedita. The last Goan of prominence was, Hai Gaon, who died in 1038. The title Gaon eventually became used to describe someone who had a great knowledge of Torah. 0660 . , 644, . , 660, , , . 0661 - 750 UMAYYAD DYNASTY (Syria) Reigned from Damascus, Syria. This repressive rule failed to unite the Arabs and embittered non-Moslems by their harsh persecutions. The Umayyads were the first to rule after the first four Caliphs which were directly linked to Mohammed. Mu-awiwa was its first Caliph. Depending on the Caliphs the Jews did not fare badly. The Umayyads were overthrown by the Abbasid family, who claimed the right of supreme power. 0661 BABYLON The massacre of local non-Moslem populations by the first Caliphs gave way to a practical accommodation, including Omar's encouragement of the Jews to return to Babylon (Persia). 0661 KING LANGOBARD (Northern Italy) Perctarit - son of Arupert the First. Catholic ruler of the Teutonic Langobard. He forced the Jews to adopt Christianity or be killed. Many Jews survived by outwardly accepting Christianity. 0664 . At a monastery at Barking near the Thames, England, "a great light appeared in the sky at night and shone over nuns who were singing in the burial-ground. They reported that it lifted up,

90 moved to the other side of the monastery, and then ascended into the night sky. Priests said the light surpassed the brightness of day." 0664, England forcibly dissolves the unique and beautiful Celtic Communion in Ireland and imposes a more Roman Rite as practiced in England. 0664: Iona monk Wilfrid is appointed bishop of York 0664: the synod of Whitby brings the Celtic (English) church into conformity with Rome 0666, Dagobert II moves to England. He lives in the Kingdom of Northumbria. A Bishop named Wilfrid soon helps him regain the throne of Austrasia. 0668 -685 0668: the monk Theodore of Tarsus is appointed archbishop of Canterbury 0669 ENGLAND The earliest reference to Jews appeared in Liber Poeintentialis by Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury. These were rulings against social interaction between Christians and Jews. There is a question as to whether these rulings were of a general nature and thus not a proof that Jews lived in early England. The first documentation of early Jews were mostly traders from northern France was in 691. 0670 -- Callinicus invents Greek Fire, primitive incendiary bomb. - 0670 Estimated date of carving of stone statues found on Easter Island. The Frankish Bishop Arculf of Perigueux claims to have seen the "Shroud of Jesus" in Palestine. 0670: the Anglosaxons convert to Christianity 0671 . Flaming object was seen flying to north from many countries in Japan, one year before the war of the Jinshin. 0671, Dagobert II marries Gizelle de Razes of the Spanish Visigoths and they settle in southern France at the Mergovingian castle of Rennes-le-Chateau; marriage celebrated at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. 0672 HILDERUC (Spain) Governor of Nimes in Spain, he revolted against King Wamba. Many Jews joined him. Duke Paul was sent to put down the rebellion, but converted to Judaism instead. Nevertheless, the rebellion failed and the Jews of Narbonne were expelled, only to return within twenty years. 0673 to 735 -- Life of the Venerable Bede, the greatest scholar of Saxon England whose Ecclesiastical History of England (731) contained many occult and unexplained occurrences - an early Ambrose collection. -

91 0673 to 735 Life of the Venerable Bede, the greatest scholar of Saxon England whose Ecclesiastical History of England (731) contained many occult and unexplained occurrences. 0673-678 . 673 674 . , 678. , , . 0674: Benedict Biscop founds the monastery of Wearmouth in Northumbria 0675, St. Boniface is born in Devonshire, England. His original name is Wynfrid. It was later changed to Boniface when he became a bishop. 0679, December 23 Dagobert II is murdered by Pepin the Fat, who soon places his son, Charles Martel (Karl the Hammer), on the throne 0679-681 , . . 681, , , . 0680 SPAIN King Erwig began his reign by enacting 28 antiJewish laws. He decreed that all converts must be registered by a parish priest, through whom all travel permits must be obtained. He also ruled that all holidays, Christian and Jewish, must be spent in the presence of a priest to ensure piety and to prevent "backsliding". 0681 TWELTH SYNOD, TOLEDO (Spain) The Talmud and other Jewish books were burned in Spain. The synod was a local church council whose decrees were not enforced by the entire church. 0681 . . 0681: Benedict Biscop, a native Anglosaxon, founds the monastery of Jarrow in Northumbria 0682 February 1, KING ERWIG (Visigoth Spain) Pressed for the "utter extirpation of the pest of the Jews", and made it illegal to practice any Jewish rites. This put further pressure on the Jews to convert or emigrate.

92 0683, . 0685 -695 (685-695) (705-711). , . . 695 , . 705 . 711 . 0685: king Ine of Wessex conquers Sussex, Devon and Cornwall 0685: the defeat of king Ecgfrid ends the domination of Northumbria over England 0687: the Vikings (Danes) destroy the monastery of Whitbey in England 0690: English missionary Willibrord evangelizes in Holland and Denmark 0691 FIRST ACCOUNT OF JEWS IN ENGLAND (Although reports indicate there was no permanent settlement prior to the eleventh century.) These early Jews were mostly traders from northern France. Some may have come to England with the Romans. 0692 TRULAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL (Italy) Also known as the Quinisext council since it combined the fifth and sixth councils. In addition to ratifying over 100 previous decisions, it intensified the Eastern Church's segregation of the Jews. Clergymen were forbidden, on pain of excommunication, to bathe in public baths with Jews, employ a Jewish doctor or socialize with Jews. 0692 . . 0693 DAHRA (Dahiya) AL- KAHINA (Carthage) Defeated Hassan ibn Noman whose huge army was sent by Caliph Abd al-Malik to conquer the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. It took Hassan ibn Noman five years to regroup and carry on his conquest. 0693 EGICA (16th Council of Toledo, Spain) King Erwig's successor forced Jews to return to his treasury all land, slaves and buildings bought from Christians. 0694 17th COUNCIL OF TOLEDO (Spain) King Egica believed rumors that the Jews in North Africa had conspired to ally themselves with the Moslem invaders. He therefore declared that all Jewish children over the age of seven should be taken from their homes and raised as Christians. In towns where Jews were deemed indispensable to the economy, this law was not applied.

93 0694, -711, . Jewish religion outlawed in Spain. 0694, All Jews in Spain and Gallic Provence declared slaves; children under seven forcibly baptized. 0694, November 9 Spanish King Egica accuses Jews of aiding the Moslems and sentences them to slavery. 0694, , , "" ( ) , " ", . 0695-698 0697 -713 0697 0698-705 0700 -- Sufi mysticism begins. - 0700 ABU ISA AL-ISFAHNI (Persia) Began to preach a national Messianic movement, much to the anger of Caliph Abd al Malik. 0700 JOSE BAR JOSE (HaYatom) First known payytan or liturgical poet, he was known for his New Year and Day of Atonement pieces. Some of the prayers date back to talmudic times or even earlier. This "poet" added to and completed many of the daily and special prayers. Most of his compositions are devoid of rhyme and without meter. At first, not all talmudic scholars welcomed these additions, but eventually many of his writings were included in the siddur (prayer book), although some were only adopted by specific communities. 0700 . Sufi mysticism begins. 0700, Britain is invaded and occupied over a period of years by the Vikings, also called the "Danes," during the 8th century. 0700, , -. 0700-704 0702 DAHRA (Dahiya) AL KAHINA (Southeast Algeria) Jewish "priestess". She led an alliance of Berber tribes which was defeated by Moslem forces. She was said to have lived 127 years and ruled with her 3 sons over the tribe of Jerava for 65 years. 0703 0705, St. Boniface is ordained a priest at Nursling after joining the Benedictine Order. 0705-711 0708 0710-716 .

94 0711 -713 . . '. ' . 0711 July 19, TARIK IBN ZIYAD (Spain) A Moslem general. He defeated King Roderick, the last of the Visigoth kings, at the Battle of Rio Barbate (Guadalete) near Xeres de la Frontera. The Jews backed him in his battles. After each city was conquered (Cordova, Granada, Malaga), Jews were often given positions of safeguarding Moslem interests. One of his generals, Kaula al Yahudi, had many Jews under his command. 0711, Spain conquered by the Arabs. 0712 March, TOLEDO (Spain) The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of SpanishJewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate. 0713 -715 0715 -717 0716 RAMLE (Eretz Israel) Was founded by Caliph Suleiman to be the administrative capital of the country. Many Babylonian and Persian Jews settled there. Ramle was the only town established by Arabs in Eretz Israel. 0717 - 720 CALIPH OMAR II (Syria-Eretz Israel) Did his best to force Jews and Christians to convert to Islam. This was after a period of respite during the Umayyad dynasty. This religious revival was partly due to the Arab failure to capture Constantinople and the feeling that the end of the world was imminent. 0717 - 741 LEO III (The Isaurian) (Byzantine Empire) Reigned in Constantinople. After narrowly defeating the Arab army at his gates and preventing the fall of his empire, he decided that the weakness of his empire lay in its heterogeneous population and therefore, in 722, he forcibly converted Jews as well as those known as the "New Christians". Most of them converted outwardly while secretly remaining faithful. 0717 -718 . , 717, . 717-718, . 0717 -740

95 0718, Boniface sets out on a missionary journey to Frisia (now the province of Friesland in The Netherlands). 0720 SERENE (Babylon) A Syrian Jew promised to recapture the Holy Land. He also urged that the Talmud be abolished. Caliph Yezid, Omar's successor, arrested this "Messiah" and handed him over to the Jews in Pumbedita for punishment. Natronai ben Nehemia (Gaon) urged the Jewish community to readmit their brethren into the fold. They eventually did so, though they were initially reluctant. 0721 BCE, the former was captured by the Assyrians, and taken into captivity. British Israel writers developed the belief that these "10 tribes" became lost to history and wandered far from the Middle East. They stated that the stone used in the coronation of King David was transported to the British Isles where it exists today as the Stone of Scone. The latter stone is still used for the coronation of British queens and kings. The writers promoted the belief that divine authority was transferred from ancient Israel to England along with the stone. British Israelism was quite popular during the ascent of the British Empire, but quickly lost favor as the Empire was disbanded. In reality, the lost tribes of Israel are believed to have been simply assimilated by local tribes. The origin of the Stone of Scone has been traced to rock outcroppings in Scotland. In the early years of the 20th century, Charles Parham and John Allen were the main teachers of British-Israelism in the United States. Parham later went on to found the Pentecostal movement. Allen' s book "Judah' s Scepter and Joseph' s Birthright" spread the concept through the Adventist and other churches]. 0721, , Appearance of the false Messiah Serenus in Syria causes many Spanish Jews to emigrate to Palestine. 0722, Authorized by Pope Gregory II, Boniface also works in the German states of Thuringia and Hesse. He is so successful in winning converts that he is consecrated a regional bishop and given the name Boniface. His first action on returning to Germany is to destroy the sacred oak of Thor, the chief god of the heathens. The courage of this act wins him great respect and many new converts. He then goes on to expand and organize the church and its membership on a firm foundation. 0723 . However, we come back to the iconoclastic Emperor Leo the Isaurian. In this connection it is worthy of note that the Jews experienced the same with him as with Martin Luther. At first he allied himself with them against the orthodoxy. But when he recognised the enormous danger which they represented for his kingdom, he attempted to evade this danger. He therefore seized upon the same lamentable methods as the Catholics and compelled the Jews to be converted to Christianity. He laid before them the choice of being converted or severely punished. Concerning the honesty of this new

96 general conversion of the Jews in Greece, the Balkans, a part of Asia Minor and the remaining regions of the Byzantine kingdom, the Jewish historian Graetz writes the following: Leo the Isaurian, a farmers son, whose attention the Jews and Arabs directed to the idolatrous cult of saintly images (icons) which was practised in the churches, therefore fought to eliminate these images. Since he was accused by the clergy before the ignorant masses, who revered these holy images, of being a heretic and Jew, Leo again began to take his orthodoxy seriously and persecuted the heretics and Jews. He ordered in a decree, that all Jews of the Byzantine kingdom and of the mountains of Asia Minor, under threat of severe punishments, should accept the Christianity of the Greek Church (723). Many Jews fitted themselves into this Edict and allowed themselves to be baptised against their will. They were thus less constant than the mountain dwellers, who in order to remain true to their conviction, assembled in their house of prayer, set it on fire and perished in the flames. The Jews who allowed themselves to be baptised were of the opinion that the storm would soon pass and he would then allow them to return to Judaism. Therefore they certainly converted themselves outwardly to Christianity, but in secret they held to the Jewish rites... And the renowned Jewish historian closes with the following, very interesting comment: Thus the Jews of the Byzantine kingdom vanished before the constant persecutions and for a time they remained concealed from the eyes of history. This vanishing on the part of Jewry, in order to remain hidden from the eyes of history to use this fortunately chosen expression of Graetzs was always the most dangerous thing in the affair, since they grew from a visible Fifth Column into a secret force, an invisible power, which is more difficult to combat as such. In the course of time the Balkans were completely undermined by this secret power and were later to become the most dangerous centre of the secret sects of the Cathars and later of the treacherous Fifth Column, which delivered the Christian kingdom to the Mohammedan Turks. In modern times the Balkans had become a breeding ground for the conspiratorial and terror organisations which had such great influence on the unleashing of the world war of 1914-1918. We will see later still how a similar vanishing act by Jewry, in order to remain concealed from the eyes of history, took place in the whole of France, England, Russia, Spain, Portugal, in isolated districts of Italy, Germany and other Christian countries, and in the long run had catastrophic consequences for these nations and the rest of mankind. 0726 , . . 18

97 16 . , . 0726-843 . 8 , 120 . , , 726 7 787, 815 843. , , . 0730 -- Fictitious Al Azif written in Damascus by Abdul Alhazred. - 0730 Al Azif (Necronomicon) a book supposed to have been written by the black wizard Abdul Al-Hazred who lived at Sanaa in Yemen. The book which has been translated by John Dee is also known as Al Azif or the whispers of demons. Today most agree that The Necromicon is a compilation of spells, recipes and other texts taken from older grimoires as The Key of Salomon or the Kitab al Uhud from Araby which were among the famous magic library of Assurbinapal. 0730 0731: Bede of Jarrow (Northumbria) writes the "Ecclesiastical History of the English People" 0732 - 33 , , 0732 BATTLE OF TOURS (France) Marked the greatest infiltration of Moslem rule into Christian Europe and the beginning of its retreat. The Moslems were defeated by Charles Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions. 0732, Charles Martel defeats the Saracens at Poitiers, saving Christian France from domination by the forces of Islam. He is said to have carried the Holy Lance into battle. 0733 Charles Martel defeated the Moslems with the aid of the Holy Lance, the spear that pierced Christ's side. 0737 - 843 CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE Lasted until the Treaty of Verdun. The Carolingians were the second dynasty of Frankish rulers after the Merovingians. During the height of its rule it encompassed Gaul,

98 and much of Germany and Italy. The Jews were generally well treated, especially under Charlemagne and his grandson, Charles the Bald. 0740 - 1259 KINGDOM OF KHAZAR The King Bulan converted his people to a vague form of Judaism ("religion of Abraham") after ordering a disputation between the three major monotheistic faiths. Ibn Shaprut, the foreign minister for Abd ar-Rahman of Cordova, corresponded with King Joseph (960). Most of our knowledge of the Khazars is based on these letters. The Khazars were eventually overcome by the Mongols under Genghis Khan. With the spread of Christianity by the Russians, many Khazars were forcibly baptized. The rest fled. Some went into northern Hungary where villages still have names such as Kozar and Kozardie. Tshagataish, the language of the Khazar Jews, is spoken by the few remaining Jewish Krimtchaki of the Crimea. The Khazars' campaign against the Muslims (730-740) succeeded in checking the Muslim advance on the eastern flank of Europe. The Khazars succeeded in defending themselves for 500 years against Muslims, Byzantines and Russians. 0740, . Conversion of the Khazars to Judaism. In Asia (northeast of Turkey), an entire Mongol/Turkish tribe, called the Khazars, allegedly convert to Judaism en mass, all 4,000 of them, on orders of their leader, Bulan. This will allegedly become the Ashkenazim (largest) branch of world Jewry. New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, page 179, [GCP pg. 68] "ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM ... constituted before 1963 some nine-tenths of the Jewish people (about 15,000,000 out of 16,5000,000)[ As of 1968 it is believed by some Jewish authorities to be closer to 100%]" 0741 -775 0741, , : . . , , , : . . , --, . , 1975, . 322. 0741-752 0747 China: Huge flame-breathing dragons were reported being seen in skies, accompanied by men in airships. 0748 ABU ISA (Ispahan, Persia) Convinced that he was the (Dai) precursor to the Messiah, he formed an army. During the general upheaval against Mervan II by the Abbasids under Abu I Abbas, he attacked Mervan II, the last Umayyad caliph. He advocated abolishing

99 divorce and added four extra daily prayer periods. Although he fell in battle (799), his adherents organized their own sect (Isarits) and lived according to his doctrine - the first new Jewish sect since the fall of Israel. They existed as a separate sect until the tenth century when all mention of them ceased. 0748, Boniface becomes archbishop of Mainz. He resigns a few years later to continue his missionary work in Frisia. 0750 - 1258 ABBASID DYNASTY (from Abu Abbas) (Persia) Expanded intellectual horizons and world trade. The Abbasids gained control from the Umayyads after the assassination of Marwan II in Egypt and moved the control to Baghdad. Eighty members of Marwan II's family were also killed at Antipatris near present day Rosh Haayin. Abd ar-Rahman, one of the surviving members of the Umayyads, reached Cordova and set up his own Caliphate (see 756). The Abbasids gave more power to the Persians and Turkish tribes, with Caliphs taking upon themselves absolute authority. Although, as with the Umayyad Dynasty, the Jewish position depended on the current ruler, in general, Jews began to play an important role in world trade and banking. 0750 MISHNAT HAMIDDOT The oldest Hebrew treatise on mathematics, it deals with geometric equations. Some attributed it to the 2nd century Rav Nehemiah, but most scholars believe it originated in the middle of the 8th century, although the author is unknown. 0751 . . 751-756 . , , . 755 756 , . 0753 : . . ' . . . 0754, , . . , (858-867), ,

100 . , . 0754 0754 , , 754. . 1929 . , , . ( . !). , , , , , , , , , , . 0755-763: Rebellion by powerful Jiedushi An Lushan in Tang Dynasty, which caused heavy damage in China in terms of population and economy. 0755, Boniface is killed by a band of pagans. St. Boniface is now known as the "patron (or apostle) of Germany." St. Boniface Day is June 5th. 0756 - 788 ABD AR-RAHMAN I (Abd Al-Rahman I) (Spain) An Umayyad caliph, he made Spain independent of Baghdad. His court was open to poets, scientists, and philosophers. At the same time that the influence of Babylon was waning, Spain was becoming the center of Jewish thought. The Umayyad rule in Spain was to last 250 years and provide peace and stability for its inhabitants. 0756-775 0757: the kingdom of Mercia dominates England under king Offa 0759 NARBONNE (Carolingian Empire) Moorish occupation ended after just 39 years. During this brief time the Jewish population greatly increased. They played a pivotal role in the formal occupation of the city by Charlemagne, who granted them 1/3 of the town under their own ruler (Nasi). 0760 - 764 RAV JUDAH (Yehudai) GAON OF SURA (Babylon) Also known as Judah the blind. He was one of the leading presenters of the liturgy, or Shliah Tzibbur, and favored the new practice of professional cantorship (hazzanut). Yehudai wrote the first work on traditional law since the completion of the Talmud, called Halachot Ketuvot. 0760, Halakhot Pesukot (attributed to Yehudai b. Nahman). 0761, . The Karate schism led by Aan ben David.

101 0762 . . , , . 762 . 0762, -767, Aan b. David lays the foundation of Karaism. 0763 - 766 BAGHDAD (Persia) Baghdad was built as the capital of the Abbasid by the Caliph Al Mansur (754-775), successor to Al Abbari. The Jewish mathematician and astronomer Masha'allah, together with a Persian astronomer Ab-Naubakht, were responsible for planning the city, which by the 13th century had a perimeter of 20 miles, 10,000 streets and a population of almost 2,000,000. 0763 Meath County: While King Domnall Mac Murchada attended the fair at Teltown, ships were seen in the air. 0767 ANAN BEN DAVID (Babylon) Founded the Karaite (Bnai Mikra) sect. He was originally supposed to become the Exilarch, but his younger brother, Hanina, was chosen instead by the incumbent Geonim, Judah the blind and Dudai. Anan left for Eretz Israel where he established a synagogue in Jerusalem. The Karaite sect believed only in literal Biblical translations and not in the Oral law. The Karaites considered themselves mourners of Zion, abstaining from wine and meat, spending much of their time in fasting and prayer, and signing all letters "mourner" (avilai tzion). The Karaite sect divided Judaism into two bitterly opposed camps. Some, including Sa'adia Gaon and Abraham ibn David, wrote treatises refuting and condemning the sect. The Karaites slowly diminished in numbers and influence, with the few remaining mostly living in Lithuania and Volhynia. For the most part they disappeared during the Holocaust. Their greatest opponent - who succeeded in stemming the spread of Karaitism - was Sa'adia ben Joseph (882-942). The power of the Exilarch was weakened as a result of the Anan conflict. From then on the Geonim had the final say on all religious matters. 0768 - 772 POPE STEPHAN III (Carolingian Empire) Complained to the Bishops of Narbonne and Septimania about the Frankish Kings allowing Jews to own land. 0768 8 . (, 768-814) , . -

102 0768 - 814 CHARLEMAGNE (Carolingian Empire) A Carolingian king who created the first broad-based European state. A devout Christian, he protected and helped develop Jewish culture and commerce in his kingdom. Jews were permitted to employ Christians and could freely practice their religion. As the Muslims controlled much of the Mediterranean, the Jews began to take on the role of commercial mediators. Charlemagne saw the Jews as an economic asset and prevented excessive demands being made on them by the Church. The Emperor and his successor considered Jewish property as their own to be bartered but not sold outright. 0768, -814, Reign of Charlemagne begins. 0768, a Jewish kingdom was founded in Septimania. The kingdom was practically independent and Mosaic law was enforced. Toulouse and Narbonne were the most important centres for the Jews. Many Jews had Christian slaves. One of the kings was Guillem de Gellone, who was nick-named Hook-Nose. He was also the duke of Toulouse. The town of Gellone became a centre for Jewish studies and had a Jewish academy. Guillem died in 812. The Jewish kingdom of Septimania ceased to exist in the year 900. 0772 -- Charlemagne allegedly established Holy Secret Tribunal which becomes the Holy Vehm. - 0772 The "Holy Vehm", a secret society founded by Charlmagne who wrote the Code and Statues of the Holy Secret Tribunal of Free Courts and Free Judges of Westphalia for this order. 0774, Charlemagne incorporates the region around Milan (Mediolanum) into the dominions of the Carolingians. Life in Milan quickly began showing increased vitality. 0775-780 : . ' . . . 0776 From an chronicle by W. R. Drake: At Charlemagnes castle at Sigiburg, as the Saxons were laying siege to the castle, "Those watching outside in that place, of whom many still live to this very day, saw they beheld the likeness of two large shields, reddish in color in motion above the church, and when the pagans who were outside saw this sign, they were at once thrown into confusion and terrified with fear and began to flee from the castle." 0776, Rabanus Maurus Magnentius, archbishop, Benedictine abbot, theologian and scholar , also known as Hrabanus Magnentius, is born in Mainz, Franconia. His work so contributed to the development of German language and literature that he received the title Praeceptor Germaniae ("Teacher of Germany").

103 0780-788 0780 ' (780-797) , . 797 . 0781 0785, , 0786 - 809 HARUN EL RASHID (Persia) An Abbasid Caliph. His rule marked the zenith of Abbasid power. Jews and Christians did not fare well under his rule. 0786 PUENTE CASTRO (near Leon, Spain) One of the oldest tombstones in Spain attests to the existance of a significant Jewish community in northern Spain. "The tomb of Mar (an important title) Jacob bar Rabbi Isaac who was murdered... in his 45th year" was written on it. A number of other tombstones were found in the same area. 0787 CHARLEMAGNE (Carolingian Empire) Brought Kalonymos, a Jewish scholar, his family and his nephew from Luica to Mayence. Kalonymos strove to improve Jewish and general culture in France and Germany. 0787 EMPRESS IRENA (Byzantine Empire) Decried the practice of forced conversion. With clerical support, she called for conversion only of those who voluntarily confessed and rejected Judaism and its "customs and pursuits". 0787 . . 0788 -797 0789 SUNDAY Was declared a day of rest as well as a holy day, thus further separating Christianity from any contact with Judaism. 0792 0793: Vikings (Danes) raid the monastery of Lindisfarne and destroy the monastery of Jarrow 0794, ' . , . 0794 8 .. . .

104 . (742-814), , . 794 , , , . 0794 , , 794 ( ), (787) 809 ( ), Filioque. . 0796, (796-816) filioque. Filioque Filioque ( ) . 0797 ISAAC (of Rachen) (Carolingian Empire-Persia) An interpreter for Charlemagne, he was sent on a diplomatic mission to Harun al Rashid. The other members of the mission died, but he succeeded in carrying out the mission, thus renewing relations between the rulers of the East and West. He is also credited with establishing contact between the rabbis of France and the Geonim. 0797, Isaac sent by Charlemagne on an embassy to Harun alRashid. 0797-802 : . '. 0800 KHAZARIA. Obadiah, the leader or Khaqan of the Khazars, adopted rabbinic Judaism two generations after their conversion. 0800 . . 800 , , . , , , . 0800, Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor, 25 , .

105 , . 0800, Charlemagne, grandson of Charles Martel, becomes emperor of the "Christianized" Roman Empire. Charlemagne uses the Holy Lance as a force to unify and consolidate nearly all the Christian lands of Europe Charlemagne carried the Holy Lance in 47 successful campaigns, always slept with it close at hand and supposedly believed it was the source of his legendary clairvoyance. (Encyclopaedia Britannica) 0801, Rabanus Maurus is ordained deacon at the Benedictine monastery of Fulda in Saxony. 0802 -0863 ( ) . , , -, . , , , . , 802 811. , , , , , , , . , . , , , , . , , . - 844, , . , . , . , , , , .

106 , 863. 0802 -811 , ( ) . 0802- 0873 . ' (802-811), . , , . . , ' (811-813) . , , , ' , . ( ) . . , , , . , , . . , , . , "", . , . , , . . , , . , . (842-856). ,

107 ( 843). . . , (829-842). , , , . . , . () , . 5.000 . . ( 835). . , , "". , , , " ". , . , , , , . , , . , , . , . , , . ' (856-867), , . 856 . . , , . , 862. ,

108 . , . 863 . , , . . . 863, . . , . ' (867-886) . , . , , , . . , , , . . " " . 873, . , . , . . . . 0802 ' (802-811). . . . . 0802, Rabanus Maurus is sent to France, to study under the noted scholar-monk Alcuin at the abbey of St. Martin of Tours, one of his most famous schools.

109 0803, After a year of study, Rabanus Maurus is recalled by his abbot and becomes a teacher and, later, head-master of the monastic school of Fulda. His fame as a teacher spread throughout Europe and Fulda became the most celebrated seat of learning in the Frankish Empire. 0805 . . . 0809, . 3 , , , . 0809 . 809 . 809 , 780 Filioque . , 800 ... (855-858), ' ", , , , , , 94, 6". . : (1007-1072) Filioque. Filioque. 11 , , . 1054 .

110 0810 St. Gregory of Tours, a historian, wrote of Charlemagne: "Alcuin, the secretary and biographer of Charlemagne, and author of the Vita karoli, states in the thirty second chapter of his work that in 810 when he was on his way from Aachen, he saw a large sphere descend like lightning from the sky. It traveled from east to west and was so bright it made the monarch's horse rear up so that Charlemagne fell and injured himself severely." 0811 -813 . 0811 . , . . 0811 0811-813 . . 0813 -820 : . ' . 0813 According to legend, the grave of Jacob was found at the site where the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela later was built. 0813 0813 813 820, . , , . (. , . Mahala Kalesi), . , , , , . , - (Amr al-Aqta), . , , . , ,

111 . 834 / 835. 0814, "Capitula de Judefs" of Charlemagne and Ludwig decide that Jews should not have church utensils in pledge. Arabic numerals are established. 0814, Rabanus Maurus is ordained as priest. Unfortunately, Abbot Ratgar's mania for building temporarily impeded the intellectual development of Rabanus and the school at Fulda. 0815-816 30 . 0816 1046 ( !), . 816 Filioque , , , : , , . , / (879-880), , / , Filioque. 0818, Abbot Eigil takes office in Fulda and allows Rabanus once more able to devote himself entirely to his vocation of teaching and writing. Rabanus through hard work and dedication becomes one of the most learned men of his age. 0820 -823 . . 820 ( ) ( ) . , , , (821823). , , . ,

112 , , , ..., . 0820 -829 0820 The Great Pyramid of Giza was broken into for the first time. It was done by an Arab team on the orders of Caliph Mamoun. 0821 , (821-824). . . . 821 80.000 . . 0822, Gottschalk (Gottschalck), German theologian and son of the count of Saxony is placed as a boy in the monastery of Fulda. He did not wish to be a monk, but is forced to remain by Rabanus Maurus Magnentius, his superior. 0822, Rabanus Maurus becomes abbot of Fulda (to 842). His zeal for learning and his excellent administration made the school and library at Fulda an outstanding source of intellectual light. 0824-827 0825: the Saxon king Egbert III of Wessex conquers Kent and Mercia, thus reigning over all of England 0826, Muslims ate expelled from Omayyid Spain and establish a base in Crete. 0827 -902 0827 A synod meeting at Mantua decides to subject Venetians to a new Patriarch of Aquila on the Frankish controlled mainland. Venice however, in a bid for independence in church affairs, decided to obtain the body of a potent saint. Two merchants--Buono of Malamocco and Rustico of Torcello--sail to Alexandria, set out for the church containing the body of the apostle St. Mark, and promptly steal it, substituting into the shroud the body of St. Claudian from a nearby tomb. In order to avoid discovery by Muslim customs officials, they smuggle the holy relic back to Venice in a barrel of salt pork and cabbages. 0827, Eberard, "Magister Judaeorum" under Louis I. the Pious, king of the Franks, protects the Jews against Agobard, Bishop of Lyons. 0828: Failed rebellion by Kim Heon-chang against Silla 0829 -842

113 0829, A Catholic synod frees Gottschalk (Gottschalck) of his vows, but instead he travels to the monastery of Orbais, where he is ordained a priest. He soon begins to teach an extreme doctrine of predestination, holding that God had selected in advance whom God would save and whom God would condemn. His views, which he apparently derived from St. Augustine, created great interest at the time. 0830, Jewish families begin settling in what is now the Rhineland of Germany. 0830: "Historia Brittonum" by Nennius 0831: Vikings (Norse) invade Ireland and found Dublin 0834: Vikings (Danes) raid England 0840 As he was coming out of the Cathedral at Lyons, France, Archbishop Abobard saw a mob stoning three men and a woman alleged to have been seen alighting from a aerial ship. 0840, Rabanus Maurus flees from Fulda, probably to evade taking the oath of allegiance to Louis the German. In the political disturbances of the times Rabanus had sided with Louis the Pious against his rebellious sons, and after the emperor's death he supported Lothair, the eldest son, who was conquered by Louis the German. 0841, Rabanus Maurus returns to Fulda but resigns his abbacy early in 842, compelled, it is believed, by Louis the German. He retires to nearby Petersberg, where he devotes himself entirely to prayer and literary work. 0842, Rabanus Maurus begins assembling De rerum naturis, also known as De universo, an encyclopedic compilation of current knowledge, between 842 and 846. The earliest edition was edited and printed more than 600 years later by Adolf Rusch (the so-called "RPrinter") about 1466. 0842-867 . (858-867 / 877-886) , , / , , ( ) . 866 , , , 24/9/867 , . , ,

114 . , . 0842 ' (842-867). . ' 0843 -866 . , , . , (magna aula) , . 9 . 0843 . . , , , . 843 . 0843 . . 0843: Kenneth MacAlpin unites the Scots and Picts in Scotland 0843 . , . 843/844, , , , , 5.000 , . 844 , . , . 851 853 , , - (Al ibn Yahya al-Arman), . ,

115 . , , , , , . . 856 , , , , . 859, , . , . 860 , . 0844 , , . ( , . Divrii ), 844 856, ( , . Arguran) ( , . akrsu), 30-50 . . , (, , , , ). , , . , , . 0845, Council of Meaux, under Amolo, bishop of Lyons, enacts anti-Jewish decrees, renewing those of Constantine and Theodosius II. 0845: Rebellion by famous naval commander Jang Bogo against Silla. Rebellion was ended when Jang was assassinated. 0845, Rabanus Maurus is reconciled with the king and returns to Fulda until his retirement in 1847. 0847, June 26 Rabanus Maurus, who had retired from Fulda, succeeds Otgar as Archbishop of Mainz. His immense stock of

116 knowledge was encyclopedic rather than original. Among his works are De rerum naturis, also known as De universo, an encyclopedic dictionary, and De institutione clericorum, a course of study for clerics. Rabanus had an eminent role in spreading the Carolingian revival, and both Gottschalk and the poet Walafrid Strabo were his students. 0848, Rabanus and Hincmar, who have worked to suppress Gottschalk (Gottschalck) for years, finally succeed in deposing him from the priesthood, and the Church soon imprisons him in the monastery of Hautvilliers. 0850 -- Ismaili and Fatimid missionaries throughout Islamic Empire preach revolution against the ruling Sunni order and 'Abbasid state. - 0850, Al-Mutawakkil orders the "Peoples of the Book" to wear yellow kerchiefs. 0855, . 0856, February 4 Rabanus Maurus, also known as Hrabanus Magnentius dies in Winkel (Vinicellum), Rheingau, Germany, and is buried at the monastery of St. Alban in Mainz. Later his relics are transferred to Halle by Archbishop Albrecht of Brandenburg. 0858 An "evil spirit" threw stones and made the walls shake in a small farmhouse, this was the first recorded poltergeist case. 0860 0860 . () . , , , ( ). 860, . 0860, August 1 The Peace of Koblenz is signed by Charles the Bare, Louis the German and Lotharius II. 0862, Viking Russ tribe seizes control of Northern Russia. 0863 0863 . (, ) 863 . , . , . ( ), . 869. ,

117 . , (867-886) . 869 . , , 870. . 871 , , . , . 872 , . , . (. Kalnrmak) , , , . . 0864 . . , , . . , , . 0865 the Vikings (Danes) invade East Anglia 0867 . 0867, , , Contra Graecorum haeresim

118 de fide Sanctae Trinitatis, , "". 0867, ' [ 867], ', ( ) 962-3 1009 () . 0867 - 1009 . 867 ', . 0867: the Vikings (Danes) under Ivarr the Boneless establish a kingdom in York, Northumbria. 0867 ' (867-886). . 25 . . . 200 . 0868, Gottschalk (Gottschalck), German theologian and son of the count of Saxony, who was censored by the Catholic Church dies. 0869-883: Zanj Rebellion of black African slaves in Iraq. The Zanj Rebellion was crushed in 883 by the Abbasids. 0869-870 . , , . , , . , , , .

119 . ( 863 867 ) , . , , 869-870 . , 879, . 0870 . 870 , , . 40 ? . . 0870, Enee , Liber adversus Graecos " " Ratramnus, Contra Graecorum opposita. 0871, II (855-875) [ 794] 1 (867-885) , " . . () , . ." 0871: Alfred becomes king of Wessex 0872, ' . Filioque . 0874, Vikings settle Iceland. 0875 Landulf II of Capua excommunicated from Sicily when his alliance with Islam was unveiled. According to the medieval Chronicler Echempertus he had, in the mountains of Monte Castello in the southwest of Sicily, discovered the Temple of Erix at which priestesses had once guarded the Oracle of Venus. (Qalat al-Bellut, the Fortress of the

120 Oaks). There he is said to have performed evil rituals and according to Adolf Hitler's personal notes from c. 1910 he was the source of Klingsor in Eschenbachs Parsifal. 0875-884: Rebellion by salt smuggler Huang Chao against Tang Dynasty China, which later collapsed due to the destabilization caused by the rebellion. 0875, Nahshon b. Zadok researches on the Jewish calendar. 0876, Sens. 0878 0878, Ibrahim ibn Ahmad orders Jews of Sicily to wear a badge. 0878, The Danes would probably have wiped out Christianity in England if it had not been for Alfred the Great, king of Wessex. Alfred defeats the Danes' great army at Chippenham and forces the Danish leader to sign a treaty agreeing to leave Wessex free. The Danes also promise to be baptized, and many become Christians. 0878: Wessex king Alfred defeats the Vikings (Danes) 0878 . , . , . 873 , , , . , . 878 . , . , . 0879, 8 , , , , . 0879-886 . K 879 886 , . ,

121 , . 0886-912 . 9 11 . . (.. ), (, , ), (), . . , (Scriptoria) . , . . , . , , . 0895 O O B. O , , . B , .. P. O E. O - 894-896 O , O 955. 0896 . , ,

122 . . , 893, 927, , . 0896, 5 8 ! ... , , . 0896: Alfred occupies London and pushes the Danes outside Wessex and Mercia to the north of England 0899: Alfred's son Edward becomes king of Wessex 0900 -- Beginning of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, a Manichean sect, roots of Cathari. - 0900 . Beginning of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, a Manicheian sect, and the roots of Cathari. 0900, Spain begins to drive out the Moors (Arabs). 0902 -904 0902 . 0902, August 1 Aghlabidisch emir Ibrahim II destroys Taormina, Sicily. 0902-904 0904 . 904 . , . 31 904 . 0904, 3 [ 911]. , ... . . " ". 963 " ". 0906-907 ,

123 , , . , , , , , . , , . 906 . , ( 907) . , . , , , , , , . 0907 P K. O P O K. . , , . 0909 -- First Fatimid caliph in Egypt. - 0910: Alfred's son Edward defeats the Danes and annexes to Wessex every town south of the river Humber 0912-913 , , . , . . . 13 . 0913 -959 0913 . , ,

124 , , . 913 . , , , . 0913-959 0914-917 . 914 , . , . . 0917 () . 917 , . . ( ) . 0919 An object like a flaming torch was seen in the sky in Hungary, together with spheres, which flew over giving out a brighter light than the stars. 0919 . , , . . . 920 , 921 , , , . 944,

125 , , , , , . 20 . . . (De cerimoniis aulae byzantinae), (De Administrando Imperio) , . 0920 to 1003 -- Life of Pope Sylvester II who allegedly visited the Nine Unknown in India. - 0920 to 1003 Life of Pope Sylvester II who allegedly visited the Nine Unknown in India. 0921 -923 0922 . ? , . , . , , , . , , (, ) 30 . 0923 0924 0924 . 924 . . , 924-926/7

126 (924) (926). 926/7 . , , , , , . 927 , , , . () . 0924: Edward's son Aethelstan becomes king of Wessex 0926 (936?) Edwin, a mythical son of Athelstan, presided according to tradition over a Masonic meeting at York where certain charges where agreed upon for the government of the Brotherhood. 0927 A report from France: "In the town of Verdun, like the whole eastern part of France, saw fiery armies appearing in the sky. Flodoards chronicle reports that they flew over eastern Reims on a Sunday morning in March. Similar phenomena happened several times under King Pepin the Short, under Charlemagne, under Louis I, the Debonair. These sovereigns capitularia mention penalties against creatures that travel on aerial ships." 0927 , 0927: Wessex king Aethelstan conquers most of England, except the five boroughs of Leicester, Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby and Stamford 0928 /934 . 927/8, . . , (, , ) . 0930 The first legislation against witchcraft (and banning of Sunday trade) by King Athelstan. 0932, Printed books from wood blocks are developed in China.

127 0933, Heinrich I, duke of Saxony and king of Germany (also known as Henry the Fowler), drives the Hungarian Magyars from Germany. Legends say he used the powers of the Holy Lance. 0933, Legend says Henry I later presented the Holy Lance to Athelstan, king of England. Athelstan later returned it to Germany as part of a dowry when his daughter married Otto I. (Britannica) 0934-976 . , , . (934), , , , (943), (958), 941 , 961. 965 , 969 . 0936 0937: Aethelstan defeats the Danes at the battle of Brunanburgh and establishes the kindgom of England 0941 0943 . 0944 ' (944-959). 54 . . 0944 August 15--The "Mandylion", a picture of Christ "not made by human hands", (acheiropoieton), arrived at the church of Our Lady at Blachernae in Constantinople from Edessa. 0944 - . . , . 0950 -- Al Azif translated into Greek as Necronomicon. - 0955, Otto I carries the Holy Lance during consolidation of the First Reich, using it to defeat the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld near Augsburg. 0955, , 11 3. , , , , , ... . 0957 , , . . ,

128 , 957 . , , , , . , , (980-1015) , . 0959 -963 . , . . 0959 0959, November 9 Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (913-959), dies. 0959: Edgar the Peaceful becomes the first king of a united England 0960 970 . . , , . , . , 0962-963 8 1009, , . 0962, . The term Holy Roman Empire comes into existence. Otto I, first of the Saxon kings powerful enough to assert

129 control over both Germany and Italy, is crowned emperor by Pope John XII. 0963 -969 . . . . 0963, Otto I forcibly replaces Pope John XII with Leo VIII. 0965 AD, a Jewish merchant named Ibrahim ibn Jakub noted that the Jews of Prague were important persons and active in both local and long-distant trade. According to the Letter of King Joseph, Hasdai ibn Shaprut, who was foreign minister to Abd al-Rahman, Sultan of Cordova, made first unsuccessful attempt to resort to the Byzantine embassy to transmit his letter to the king of the Khazars. But, the envoys of Boleslav I, who were then in Cordova, and among whom were two Jews, Saul and Joseph, suggested a different plan. They offered to send the letter to Jews living in Hungary, who, in their turn, would transmit it to Russia, and from there through Bulgaria, to its destination at Itl. As the envoys guaranteed the delivery of the message, Hasdai accepted the proposal. 0968, , '. Imperator Graecorum, ( !), ... , , . , , . 0968: Brian Boru expels the Vikings from Ireland 0969 -976 . . . . . 0969 0970 .

130 , . . 970, , . , , . , . 0970 AD, the Byzantine emperor John Tzimisces, himself of Armenian origin, transplanted as many as 200,000 Armenian Paulicians to Europe, and settled them in the Balkans, which then became the centre for the spread of their doctrines. Settled there as a kind of bulwark against the invading Bulgarians, but the Armenians, instead, converted them to their religion, eventually evolving into what is known as Bogomilism. 0972 . . . , 10 , . .. , , , 732, , . 927 , . , , , , . 11 . , . 0972

131 0972 - 0975 , , , 0975, Modern mathematical notation brought into Europe by the Arabs. 0976 -1025 0976, Building of St. Marks in Venice begins. 0980, , , , , , . . 0981, Eric the Red begins settlement of Greenland. 0985 . (972) , . , . , . , 1014 . 0988, the Fatimids established the university of Al Azhar, the oldest university in the world, and the most prestigious educational institution in Islam, though now under the orthodox Sunnis. 0988 /989 . , 988, . . , . , , .

132 . 0988 . . , , . 0994 -999 . 0996 . 928 . . , , , . 0998 . End of Khazar Kingdom. 1000 - 1400 CE Foundation of the Order of the Devoted of Assassins by Hasan-i-Sabbah (1034-1124) and the Order of St John (1050). First Crusade to the Holy Land (1095). Capture of the city of Jerusalem by Godfrey de Bouillan, founder of the Priory of Sion (1099). Assassins infiltrate Thuggee cult in India. Foundation of the Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem (1118). Charter granted to the Priory of Sion by Pope Alexander II (1178). Crusade launched against Cathars (1208). Inquistion created to fight heresy (1215). Massacre of the Cathars at Montsegur in Southern France (1241). Troubadours practising their cult of courtly love. Occult schools teaching the Cabbala and alchemy established in Spain by the Moors. Count Rudolf von Hapsburg crowned as Holy Roman Emperor (1273). Knights Templars arrested by King Philip of France on charges of devil worship, heresy and sexual perversion (1307). Last official Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, burnt at the stake and the Order goes underground (1314). THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard 1000 A.D. KHAZARIA was the largest kingdom in eastern Europe and one of the wealthiest (in loot not culture). Yet, today, Khazars have been virtually deleted from world history because JEWS want the world to forget they are direct descendants of Asiatic Khazars. JEWS

133 want us to believe they are descendants of Biblical HEBREWS. They are NOT! Therein lies a story. 1000 -- Approximate founding of Yazidi cult by sufi Shaikh Adi in Iraq. Abode of Learning active in Cairo. Spread of Cathari Manicheism throughout Europe. Leif Ericson explores North America. . 1000 Approximate founding of Yezidi cult by Sufi Sheik Adi in Iraq. "Abode of Learning" active in Cairo. Spread of Cathari Manicheism throughout Europe. 1000, A nail, supposedly from the cross of Jesus, is inserted into the blade of the Holy Lance during the reign of Otto III. A fracture occurs and the two parts were fitted together with an iron clamp. 1000, Vikings begin exploration of North America. 1000: 7 million people live in France, 7 million in Iberia, 5 million in Italy, 4 million in Germany, 2 million in Britain 1002 . ( , ). 1004 AD, the Fatimids establishment of the Dar ul Hikmat, or the House of Wisdom, as a wing of Al Azhar. Under the direction of this Grand Lodge of Cairo, the Fatimids continued the plan of Abdullah ibn Maymuns secret society, with the addition of two more degrees, making nine in all. At first, the initiate was persuaded that all his former teachers were wrong, and that he must place his confidence solely in the Imams of the Ismailis, as opposed to the twelve Imams of the Twelvers. Eventually, he was taught to disregard the prescriptions set out by the Prophet Mohammed, and taught the doctrines of dualism. Finally, in the ninth degree, the adept was shown that all religious teaching was allegorical, and that religious laws need be observed only to maintain order, while he who understands the truth may disregard all such constraints. 1005: Malcolm II kills Kenneth III and becomes King of Scotlant 1007, Persecution at Rouen by Robert the Devil. 1009, 18 , 8 [ 1014], , , [ 1054], , . (1009-1012) . 1009 ' '

134 (), () . 1009 1009 , ' . Filioque, , . 1009 10 . , . , 1009 , Filioque. , . 1012, (Mayence). Jews driven from Mayence by Emperor Henry II. Expulsion of Jews from Mainz. 1013, (Apr. 19) Massacre at Cordova by soldiers of Sulaiman ibn al-Hakim. 1013: the Danish chieftain Svend Forkbeard (Svend I) invades England 1014 . , . , 100 . . , . , . 1018 .

135 . 1014, 8 . [ 1024]. 1016, The Danes once again invade England, and Canute, king of Norway and Denmark, makes himself king of England. 1016: the Danish king Canute (Knut) II defeats the Wessex king Edmund at the battle of Alney and annexes Mercia 1017: Canute converts to christianity 1017: Edmund of Wessex dies and Canute annexes Wessex 1021, Al-Hakim renews the Pact of Omar' in Egypt. Muslim Druse sect is found by Caliph al-Hakim. 1021, August 1 At the Synod of Pavia, Emperor Henry II convicts a married priest. 1025-1028 . . 1027 August--In Egypt, a number of "stars" were seen to fly over Cairo and the Nile Delta. 1028 -1034 . , , , . . , , . , ' 1028: Canute, already king of England and Denmark, conquers Norway 1033, 9 12 , . [ 1045. , , , ' ' !]. 1034 -1041

136 1034 A rare typeset book from 1493 contains what may be the earliest pictorial representation of a UFO. The book Liber Chronicarum, describes a strange fiery sphere, seen in Europe, soaring through the sky in a straight course from south to east and then veering toward the setting sun. The illustration accompanying the account shows a cigar-shaped form haloed by flames, sailing through a blue sky over a green, rolling countryside. This may be the first work that actually contains actual illustrations of UFO's. 1034 to 1124 -- Life of Hasan-e Sabbah, founder of the Assassins of Persia. Member of the Ismaili sect, Hasan seized fortress of Alamut in Daylam in 1090; split with Fatimid dynasty in 1094; Assassins flourished for next several centuries. - 1034 to 1124 Life of Hasan-e Sabbah, founder of the Assassins of Persia. Member of the Ismaili sect, Hasan seized fortress of Alamut in Daylam in 1090; split with Fatimid dynasty in 1094; Assassins flourished for next several centuries. 1034: king Duncan of Strathclyde conquers most of Scotland 1035: Canute dies, leaving Denmark and England to Hardacnut and Norway to Swein 1038 -1040 1040 . , , , . 1040: MacBeth kills Duncan and becomes King of Scotlant 1041 ( ). , , , . . 1041 1041 ' (1041-1042). . . 1042 .

137 , , 1042 -1055 . , , , . . . , , . , , , , . 1042 1042 . , , , , 1042, , . 1043 . 1042 () 1042, After the death of Canute, his empire falls apart, and the Danish dynasty in England ends. 1042: Hardacnut dies suddenly and Edward the Confessor, heir to both Wessex and Mercia, regains the throne of England to the Anglosaxons 1043 . . 1046 . 1044 . ,

138 . , 1044. 1045 . , , . , , , . 1045, Milan as a result of tensions engendered by the authority of the archbishops and because of the increasing growth and stability of the city as a whole, constituted itself as a commune (comune), with permanent and autonomous governmental structures. In the resultant struggle for primacy among the cities of Lombardy, Milan became involved in a series of long battles against its less prosperous neighbours -- Pavia, Cremona, Como, and Lodi. 1046 , . 794 , 1054, . , 2.000 . , , . 1046-1053 . . 11 , . 1036 1045 , . , 12 . 1047 1050 -- Approximate date of founding of the Order of Hospitallers in Jerusalem. -

139 1054 The super nova called the Crab nebula appeared on the sky and was pictured in rock paintings in some parts of the world. 1054 . . , ( filioque, ..) . , . , . 1054, Schism between Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity begins. 16 1054, , , . , . 260 . , , (. . ). 1054, , , . . . Byzantine Empire breaks with Holy Roman Church. 1055-1056 1056-1057 1057 -1059 1058 -- Member of the Abode of Learning sect gains temporary control of Bagdad. - 1059 1059, The village church of Renne-le-Chateau, France, is consecrated to Mary Magdalene. 1059-1067 1060-1091

140 1065 , 1065: Westminster Abbey is inaugurated 1066, Banishment of the Jews from Granada. Jews settle in England. England conquered by William of Normandy. Jews enter England with the Norman Invasion and establish banks. 1066, December 25 William the Conqueror (Duke of Normandy) is crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066. 1066, October 14 THE NORMAN CONQUEST - King Harold is killed during the Battle of Hastings and William, duke of Normandy, emerges victorious. The Normans were North Men, meaning Vikings from Scandinavia, who had settled in the Normandy region of France beginning in the 9th century and over the years assimilated themselves to the French language and culture. During this period, the English language was much influenced by French. 1066, September 28 William the Conqueror (Duke of Normandy) invades England and lays claaim to the English throne. 1066: Edward the Confessor dies, leaving no Saxon heir, the Norwigian Harald III Harraade invades northern England and is defeated and killed at the battle of Stamford Bridge by Harold Godwinson of England, who is in turn defeated at the battle of Hastings by William of Normandy (the Conqueror), who thus ends the Anglo-Saxon rule of England and unites England and Normandy. 1067 -1071 . , . , ' . 1067 From Geoffrey Gaimar's Lestoire des Englis: "In this year people saw a fire that flamed and burned fiercely in the sky. It came near the earth and for a little time brilliantly lit it up. Afterwards, it revolved, ascended on high, and then descended into the sea. In several places it burned woods and plains, and in the County of Northumberland this fire showed itself in two seasons of the year." 1067 1068, November 9 Agnes of Poitou, Duchess of Aquitania and mother of German Empress, dies. 1070, The Order of Knights Hospitallers of St. John is founded in Jerusalem by Amalfi merchants. 1070: Lanfranc, an Italian lawyer, becomes Archbishop of Canterbury, establishing the primacy of the see of Canterbury over York 1071 -1078 . , .

141 . . 1081. 1071 () . . , . 8 . . . ? , , , , . 10 . 1071, , , , , , , . . 1071, . . , ' . 1071 . . , ' . ' , 11 , ,

142 . , . ( -1978) 1072: William I the Conqueror invades Scotland 1072-1077 Bodin 1075 Geza . 1071 ( 1064) , Geza. Geza (1074) (1075). , , . 1075 ' , , . 1075, - - : . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Patrologia Latina, . J.P. Migne, Paris 1844-1890, . 148, 107. . : . , , 1994, . 336. 1075, ' , ,

143 . , 1071 , . . , , ' . ' , ' , , , , , , , . ' . . 1076, Emperor Henry IV is excommunicated by Pope Gregory VII. Popular uprisings soon force Henry to beg for absolution. 1078, Pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand) promulgates canonical law against Jews holding office in Christendom. Jerusalem conquered by the Seljuks. 1078: William I orders the construction of the Tower of London 1078-1081 . . . , 1080, . . . 1079, . Jews repulsed from Ireland. This is the origin of St. Patrick's Day, as when he drove the snakes from Ireland. 1080 The "Order of St John" founded in Jerusalem? 1080

144 1081 -1118 . . . , . 1081 - . . 1081-1084 . . 1081-1118 . . . , . 1082 1083 , 1084 , 1085, Pope Gregory VII. protests against Jews being placed by the King of Castile in authority over Christians. 1086, August 1 English barons become submissive to King Willem the Occupier. 1086: the "Domesday Book" is compiled for taxation purposes 1087 9 1087, 1054 (1071) , -, , , , . 11 San Nicola , ,

145 9/11 2001. . . 1087: William I the Conqueror dies and is succeeded as king of England by his son William II Rufus, while his other son Robert becomes duke of Normandy 1088 A.D. - A Merovingian becomes Pope setting the stage the First Crusade to reclaim Jerusalem. "1088: Urban II, French Prior of Cluny (Reformed Benedictines) becomes the pope. Urban was of the 'Eudes' family, not only the name of the King of the Franks, Eudes, who ruled 888 to 898 and considered one of the antecedent kings of the Capetian House of France, but also the name of the Royal Capetian line of Burgundy, great grandson of Hugh Capet, Eudes I the RED of Burgundy who acceded 1079, NINE years before Urban (Eudes) became pope. And Eudes the Red acceded in that specific year because his brother, Hugh I of Burgundy, had abdicated to become the Prior of Cluny! Now something is very amiss here ! Is this just coincidence ? Both were sons of Henry of Burgundy who married Sibylle of Barcelona. Henry was son of Robert I of Burgundy, who was the son of Hugh Capet. Barcelona, home of their mother, was part of the Spanish March connected to Septimania and, here too, the Duke of Aquitaine in 1012 was Eudes of Aquitaine ! And Aquitaine and Septimania are extremely significant : It happens that Septimania (Languedoc) is exactly where the Jesus-Magdalene heresy flourished, and where there was a large population of Cathar Jews who were given independent status by Pepin, Carolingian King. Thence their own kings ruled as: seed of the Royal House of David, each acknowledged as King of the Jews, most famous of whom was Guillem de Gellone, the Prince of Orange. Confusing this issue, these kings also claimed to be of Merovingian descent..." 1089/90 1090 Hasan-e Sabbah created out of the Ishmaelians, (a Shiite subsect), the "Order of the Assassins". 1090, "Fuero" (decree) of Alfonson VI, appoints duel means of settling litigation between Christian and Jew. Henry IV, grants Judah ben Kalonymus and Jews of Speyer protection to life and property. 1090, ,

146 ! 1090, [Priory of Sion]. 1092 -- Assassins murder Persian minister Nizam al-Mulk. - 1092 1093 1094 1094, El Cid, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, captures Valencia from the Moors. 1094, St. Mark's cathedral is completed in Venice. 1095 -- First Crusade. - 1095 The "Queen of the Universe" appears in Arras, France. 1095 1095, 1 . 1095 , , . , . 1095 1270, , , , . , , , . 1099, , 70.000 . , 1204 , 1095 : Rebellion of northern nobles against William Rufus 1095 A.D. The First Crusade to reclaim the Holy Land. The picture that was emerging was of a group of European noble families, descended from the Jewish lines of David and Aaron, who had escaped from Jerusalem shortly before, or possibly even just after, the fall of the

147 Temple. They had passed down the knowledge of the artifacts concealed beneath the Temple to a chosen son (not necessarily the eldest) of each family. Some of the families involved were the Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouillon, St Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinville, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs If the Rex Deus group did exist, it is easy to see how the First Crusade provided these families with a God-given opportunity to return to their Holy Temple to recover the treasure that was their birthright - and it would be done at exactly the same time that the Jewish writer of the Gospel of John the Divine had predicted! The Rex Deus families were at the forefront of the First, and every Crusade. Medieval scholars have long wondered why it should be that the same families drove all of the Crusades for their entire duration, and now we had a possible answer. Once the Christian armies had secured Jerusalem, the non-Rex Deus leaders were quickly removed and the families infiltrated the Jerusalem monarchy and the Church, to ensure that they would not be blocked in the holy endeavor of the Kings of God to regain what their ancestors had left for them. The story of the Rex Deus families explained how the band of Christian knights knew exactly what they were going to find, and the naming of Roslin now made perfect sense. Henri St Clair took the title that displayed his excitement at regaining the ancient knowledge passed down the generations. Following the fall of Jerusalem, a contingent of elders from the Jerusalem Church escaped the carnage and headed for Alexandria, which had, in many ways, become the second city for the Jews. Here, the small group took stock of their position and decided to head for Greece from where they eventually spread out to other European cities. They adopted communities, taking names that made them seem less foreign. They were highly intelligent people, descended from the aristocracy of the Jews, and most prospered. As each generation came and went, all memory of their origin faded, but one son was chosen and, when he attained the status of full manhood, was told of his strange birthright and the secrets of the Temple. Over time, some of the individual families lost contact with each other, but the chosen sons knew that others existed and how to recognize them if approached. By 1095, the members of the Rex Deus families group were almost certainly fully Christianised, yet each of them must have had at least one male member who held the traditional history of their high-born Jewish roots close to his heart. No doubt they saw themselves as super-Christians, descendants of the very first Church, and privy to the greatest secret this side of heaven. They were a silent elite the kings of God. They realised that the taking of Jerusalem by the Seljuk Turks was the foretold attack of Gog and Magog and they used their considerable influence to

148 plant the idea of a great Christian crusade into the mind of Pope Urban II. They told him that the prophecy of John the Divine had come true and it would be his great role to lead Christendom to rescue the Holy City from the heathen invaders. Indeed, the history books record that his leadership marked the papacy's assumption of the leadership of Western Christendom... It struck us as a strange coincidence that the two key figures of the First Crusade both died the very instant that Jerusalem was secured. Had the warrior chief, Godfrey de Bouillon, and the spiritual leader, Urban IIserved their purpose, and been quietly dispatched? 1096 . . 1096, -99, First Crusade; Jews massacred along the Rhine and elsewhere. Contemporary history deletes the killing of Jews and falsely records the Crusade was to oust the Muslims from the Holy Land. 1096, August The First Crusade leaves Europe for the Holy Land. 1097 -1098 , , , 1097 1097, July 1 Crusader forces that have already defeated the Turks at Dorylaeum conquer Sultan Kilidj Arslan at Nicea. 1097, King Henry IV returns to Germany from Italy. 1097-1098 , , , 1098 The alleged "Holy Lance of the Passion" found by the Crusaders in Antiochia in the Church of Saint Peter. 1098 . . . 1098, June 15 Peter Barthelemy, a Provencal pilgrim, tells the leaders of the crusade that he has dreamed three times of the head of the holy lance that had pierced the side of Jesus Christ. Digging started on this date. Peter said the head of the lance was hidden under the high altar of the church. If found, it would bring victory to the crusaders. Many, including Bishop Adhemar, were skeptical, but Peter was said to have found the spear. His discovery, real or feigned, fired the crusaders with valor. They rushed from the fortified city gate of Antioch and routed the Turks. (Compton's)

149 1098, The Crusaders capture Antioch, but are then besieged by a Turkish counterattack. 1099 Christian Crusades to free Palestine from the Muslims. (To 1270). Tsarion 1099 Crusaders conquer Jerusalem, slaughter most Jewish and Moslem inhabitants, expel Jews. 1099 Godfroi founded the "Order of Sion". 1099 13-14 . . 1099, April On Good Friday, to prove the lance found in Antioch was indeed a miracle working relic, Peter Bartholomew (also spelled Bartholemy) walked between two roaring fires while holding the lance high above his head. Twelve days later he died of his burns. 1099, Godfroi de Bouillon is offered the title "King of Jerusalem" but chooses to decline. 1099, Godfroi de Bouillon is said to have founded the mysterious Order of Sion. 1099, July 15 The Crusaders capture "the holy city" of Jerusalem. 1099, The Jews of Jerusalem burned in a Synagogue by the Crusaders under Godfrey of Bouillon. 1100 -- Approximate date Sufi Gilani founds Arabic school of Illuminati, Kadiri Order of Sebil-el-ward, in Bagdad. Assassins infiltrate Thug cult of India. Bogomil leader Basil burned in Constantinople. Albigensian Cathari sect flourishes near Albi, France. Avengers and Beati Paoli active in Italy. Joachim of Floris founds primitive Christian sect, Illuminated Ones. Robin Hood active in England. - 1100 Approximate date Sufi Gilani founds Arabic school of Illuminati, the "Kadiri Order of Sebil-el-ward", in Baghdad. Bogomil leader Basil burned in Constantinople. Albigensian Cathari sect flourishes near Albi, France. Avengers and Beati Paoli active in Italy. Robin Hood active in England. Vimanas (silent flying machines) written of in Indian texts. "Dervish Orders" appeared (Islamic-mystic brotherhoods with hierarchical structure, initiations and exercises designed to bring man in direct contact and oneness with God). 1100 Prince Madog of Wales brings the last of the Druids to America and erects rings of blue gray stones in the hills near what would one day be Mobile, Alabama. 1100, King Henry IV (1050-1106) has the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz) fitted with a silver sleeve which bears the inscription "Clavus Dominicus" (the nail of our Lord) in reference to an ancient nail already inserted into its blade.

150 1100: William Rufus is assassinated and is succeeded by Henry I, son of William the Conqueror, who fights with Pope Pasquale II on the issue of lay investiture (the king elects the bishops) 1103, The "Constitutio Pacis" of the imperial court at Mayence assures the Jews of the emperor's peace. 1106: Henry I defeats and captures his brother Robert, duke of Normandy 1107: the Concordat of London finds a compromise between Henry I and Pope Pasquale II on the issue of lay investiture (the king elects the bishops) 1108 1110 . . 1110 , , ( ) . . 1111 1111, The Milanese capture Lodi, and the city is razed to the ground. Milan then initates a bitter struggle against Como lasting from 1118 to 1127. 1113 . "Hospitallers of Jerusalem" founded, St Bernard of Clairvaux founds monastery, to protect a "great secret". A group of churchmen from Laon in France were going from town to town in Wessex, England, bearing with them relics of the Virgin Mary, which they used to perform miracles of healing. At the coastal town of Christchuch, they were astonished to see a dragon come out of the sea, "breathing fire out of its nostrils." The "Order of St John" achieved their legitimate status by a decree by Pope Paschalis II. 1113: the order of St John is founded 1114: Matilda (Maud), daughter of king Henry I of England, marries emperor Heinrich V 1117, , Persecution at Rome; appearance of a false Messiah at Cordova. 1118 -1143 1118 Hugh de Payens, a vassal of the count of Champagne, France and eight other Crusader knights form the "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon", later to be known as the "Knights Templar". They were approved as a holy order by the Vatican, and proceeded to fight in the Crusades, gain converts, and ultimately re-take

151 the city of Jerusalem and the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. While there, they carried out what would now be called archaeological investigations, digging in and around the Temple. While no one knows for sure, they may have found a great treasure. Later authors will speculate that this treasure is the Shroud of Turin, or an occult manuscript. They were a strict order of warrior/monks, and the Rule of their Order was based on obedience, poverty and chastity. They were a major force in the Crusades, and although individual members were permitted to own nothing, the order itself grew rich. They gained lands, castles, money, power, and prestige. They were also the forerunners of the banking business. They provided such services as safe deposit, agents for collection of debts and taxes, trusts for heirs, mortgage brokers, and issued paper money which could be exchanged for hard currency with any other Templar outpost. They also had the best communications network in the world. All their outposts were connected by courier, and they used codes and ciphers for private messages between each other. This was doubly effective since most people were completely illiterate, and couldn't have even read a plain message. It was networks such as this, and similar networks in other sacred orders, which started to bring Europe out of the dark ages. During their existence, the Templars also made many enemies. They were rich, powerful and secretive. They were accused of performing occult rites in their round temples. 1118, . The Knights Templars are organized by Hugues de Payen (Hugh of Payens) of Burgundy. Payen and Godfrey of Saint Adhemar, a Fleming, along with seven other knights are credited with founding the Order whose headquarters are on or near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 1118, [Knights Templar] . 1118-1143 1118 A.D. Patriarch of Constantinople and Knights Templar conspire to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. In 1118, nine Knights Crusaders in the East, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hugues de Payens, consecrated themselves to religion, and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius. The avowed object of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret object was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel. This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would

152 become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe; the East would prevail over the West, and the Patriarchs of Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal power." - 552 ("The Johannite Legend of the Templars") 1119 -- Knights Templar founded in Palestine. - 1119 Founding of the Knights Templars. Tsarion 1120, Calixtus II, issues bull "Sicut Judaeis," the charter of the Roman Jews. 1122 . . 1123 -- Abode of Learning suppressed by Turkish Vizier Afdal. - 1123 1123 AARON OF LINCOLN c. 112386. English money-lender. Aaron became the wealthiest Jew in 12 century England by loans to the Crown, the nobles and the Church. Aarons money helped to build nine Cistercian abbeys and the cathedrals of Lincoln and Peterborough. He owned a house in London near the present-day Mansion House. No ghetto existed in England at this time and the Jews were free to live where their means allowed. On Aarons death in 1186, King Henry II, prompted by greed, declared his property escheated to the Crown, including outstanding debts to the sum of some 15,000, equivalent to three-quarters of the royal income in any one normal year. A special branch of the treasury, called the Exchequer of Aaron, was set up to collect the debts over a period of years. Some of them were re-sold to Aarons son Elias. The king had Aarons treasure and bullion loaded on a ship in 1187, so that it might be used in the war against Philip Augustus of France. The ship foundered in the Channel, and the treasure was lost. 1124, Ladislaus I, of Bohemia decrees that no Christian shall serve Jews. 1124: David becomes King of Scotland and extends his reign 1125 ABRAHAM Ben-David of Posquires (Rabad II) c. 112598. French talmudist. 12-century Provence, which had flourishing Jewish communities in Narbonne, Bziers, Marseilles, Lunel and Montpellier, was the centre of a Jewish renaissance. Chief among the talmudic scholars known to later ages as the elders of Narbonne or sages of Lunel was Abraham ben-David. He was born in Narbonne, and married the daughter of Rabbi Abraham ben-Isaac, the presiding judge of the rabbinical court (av bet din) in that city. On the whole Provenal Jewry was in a fairly tolerable position both socially and economically. They were allowed to pursue their affairs in peace under the protection of the

153 counts of Languedoc. However, they were not free from outrages, especially attacks by the mob on Christian holidays, with ecclesiastical connivance. Abraham ben-David settled in the small community of Posquires. In 1165 he is mentioned as the head of a rabbinical academy there which had already become famous. BENJAMIN OF TUDELA described the school, in which all the poor scholars were entirely supported by Abraham ben-David, who was a man of means. In 1172 he was exiled from Posquires in rather confused circumstances, probably as a result of a power struggle between two local noblemen anxious to proclaim their status as protectors of the Jews, a valuable source of revenue. He returned some time later. So widely respected was he that his fame reached Cairo, where MAIMONIDES described him as the great rabbi of Posquires. His influence on contemporary Jewish scholars was based on his commentaries on the Talmud, his Baale ha-Nefesh, an important codification of the Law, and his masterly critical commentaries on the work of ALFASI and Maimonides. 1126 1127, After nine years in Jerusalem, the Templars return to Europe wealthy beyond belief and soon institute an international banking system across Europe. Rumors said the Templars had discovered the ancient treasure of the Jewish Temple. 1127, Como is destroyed by the Milanese. This becomes the pretext for an intervention by Frederick I Barbarossa, who had decided to bring Milan under the direct authority of the central imperial power of his Holy Roman Empire. 1127, The German Hospital of St. Mary in Jerusalem is believed to have been founded. 1127, , -. 1128 1129, January The Council of Troyes recognizes the Templars as a holy order. 1129: emperor Heinrich V dies and empress Matilda marries Geoffrey the Handsome, Count of Anjou 1130 The first documented presence of the Templars in Spain--in the northeastern part fighting against the Moors. 1130, , , , 2. , . The highest aim of the Jewish Fifth Column in the clergy has always been to gain control of the Papacy and to place a secret Jew on the chair of St. Peter. For this would make it possible for it to use the Church

154 for the revolutionary Imperialist plans of the Synagogue and to cause harm to our religion. In the year 1130, 832 years ago, Jewry nearly attained its goal. For the investigation of this horrifying chapter in history we have also made use of recognised Jewish and other sources, which are free of Anti-semitism. 1130: Geoffrey of Monmouth creates the myth of Arthur 1131, King Alfonso I of Aragon and Navarre attempts to turn over his kingdom to the Templars, Hospitallers, and Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in his will. 1134 The Holy Grail present at the Saint Juan de la Pena Monastery, Spain, according to catholic tradition. 1135 1135 . , , [Moshe ben Maimon, : Abu Imran Musa bin Maimun bin Abdullah al-Qurtubi al-Israili], (1135-1204), , , Mishnah Torah, , , , [= , , , ], , !, [: , 11:4]. , , . [ ], [= ], , , . 1136 1136 ABRAHAM bar-Hiya d. c. 1136. Spanish philosopher. Abraham spent his life in Barcelona, then a centre of learning and scientific activity. That he was a man of high standing can be deduced from the two titles customarily affixed to his name: ha-Nasi (the prince), which shows that he held office in the Jewish community; and savasorda, indicating that he was a functionary at court. His gifts as mathematician, astronomer and linguist made him of use in court circles. He was the first to write original philosophical and scientific works in Hebrew, and the first Jewish scientist to write a book on astronomy, The Form of the Heavens and the Shape of the Earth. He later wrote a treatise on the calendar, including astronomical tables. His philosophy can be found mainly in Heyon ha-Nefesh ha-Azuvah, (Meditation of the Sad Soul), which is ethical in emphasis and was perhaps designed to be read during the ten days of penitence, between the New Year and the Day of

155 Atonement. Further philosophical elements can be found in the Scroll of the Revealer, an attempt to determine the end of time. Some of the ideas in this last work influenced Judah HALEVI and went beyond Jewish circles in translations into Latin and French. Because they were written in Hebrew rather than in the Arabic customary in Spain at that time, Abrahams works had a wide circulation and endured. One of his mathematical works was translated into Latin by Plato of Tivoli, a gentile translator with whom Abraham collaborated, and in this way his work became known outside Jewish circles. There is some evidence that Abraham travelled to France. He is last mentioned by Plato of Tivoli in 1136 and is thought to have died in Spain in that year. 1137 . 1137, , , , . , . . . 1138 Monks at the Brunia Monastery in the Trier region of ancient Prussia (now Germany), founded by Charlemagne's father Pepin the Short, reportedly captured a dark-skinned dwarf in the basement of the monastery, after they discovered several wine casks that had been emptied onto the cellar floor. They confined the little man, who refused to speak or eat, until he escaped back down through the cellar and into a sloping tunnel that was accessed via a displaced stone. 1138 1139 Pope Innocent II granted the Knights Templar the unique privilege to build their own churches. The east front of Chartres cathedral is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and inside is a relic: the robe she is said to have been wearing at the moment of her Assumption into heaven. 1139: Matilda claims the throne of England 1140 -- Rapid growth of Cathari sect begins. - 1140 Rapid growth of Cathari sect begins. 1140 . . von Schulbach, . 1141: Matilda is briefly queen of England before being usurped of the throne

156 1143 -1180 . . . 1143, Two sources of Pope Celestine II mention a German hospital in Jerusalem in some kind of dispute with the Hospital of St. John. The German hospital was put under the supervision of the Hospital of St. John. 1144, Alleged martyrdom of St. William of Norwich (first case of blood accusation). 1144 A.D. Norwich, A twelve-year-old Christian boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be supplied; Theobald said that last year the lot fell to Narbonne, but in this year to Norwich. The boy was locally beatified and has ever since been known as St. William. The Sheriff, probably bribed, refused to bring the Jews to trial. (Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm, London, Winchester and Oxford) There is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the Ritual Murder and Sacrifice of St. William; the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the Power of the Jewish Money has had it removed. No one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a Ritual Sacrifice. (J.C. Cox's Norfolk Churches, Vol. II, p. 47; Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906, Vol. II) The Jew, C. Roth stated, in reference to this case, "Modern enquirers, after careful examination of the facts, have concluded that the child probably lost consciousness in consequence of a cataleptic fit, and was buried prematurely by his relatives." (The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1935), C. Roth) How these so-called enquirers arrived at a conclusion like that after all those years, Mr. Roth does not say; nor is it a compliment to the Church to suggest that its ministers would allow the boy's death to be celebrated as a martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that the wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and the piercing of the side. John Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the Church records this Ritual Sacrifice, as did the Bollandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew) it is made clear that his career, apart from this Ritual

157 Sacrifice, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage. 1144 : WILLIAM OF NORWICH d. 1144. The first English victim of a ritual murder charge. The body of William, a young skinners apprentice, was found in a wood on Easter Saturday. It was uncertain how he had died, but a rumour spread that the boy had been lured into a Jewish house during Passover and there crucified in mockery of the passion of Jesus. The body was buried in the cathedral and miracles were attributed to it. The Jews living in the town were protected by the sheriff, and they took refuge in the castle. A Jewish apostate, Brother Theobold, later claimed that he could give witness to the ritual murder, and that an assembly of Jewish rabbis and elders met each year at Narbonne in France to decide on the next place for a human sacrifice. This absurd story contained two sinister elements which had a tragic development in anti-Jewish propagandathe claim that the Jews were bound to kill a Christian boy at Passover, and the assertion that an assembly of Elders of Zion met periodically to plot the overthrow of the Christian world. 1144 , , , 1144. , . , , , , . , . , . 1145 , 1145, St. Bernard visits the Cathars in the Languedoc region of France and declares "no sermons are more Christian... and their morals are pure" 1145, 3 (1145-1153), ... ! 1145-1202 Life of Joachim of Fiore, a Calabrian hermit, claimed to have found a trinitarian system of ages in the Bible (the theory came to have a big influence in history). 1146 Knights Templars adopted the splayed red cross as symbol. (The same as those of the Assassins or Hashishim.)

158 1146, -1148, Second Crusade; Jews massacred throughout France and Germany. Beginning of the Almohad persecution in northern Africa and Southern Spain; Jews flee, or pretend to accept Islam. 1147 . . 1147 Everard de Barree, Grand Master of the Templars, saw the Passion relics in Constantinople while in company with Louis VII and Eleanor of Aquitaine. 1147, The Second Crusade fails to destroy the growing Muslim power. It will continue to 1149. 1147, 2 . -. 1149 -- First Cathari bishop established. - 1149 The ancient Sterling Lodge claimed to represent the Masons who built Cambies Kenneth Abbey. 1150 -1153 1150 The tale of the green children dates from the middle of the twelfth century, in the realm of either King Stephen or his successor King Henry II. In Suffolk, England, according to medieval chroniclers, two green children, weeping inconsolably, were found wandering in a field. Seized by reapers, they were taken to the nearest village, Woolpit, and held in captivity at the home of Sir Richard cle Calne where local people came to gape. According to William of Newburgh, the children were clad in "garments of strange color and unknown materials." They could speak no English and refused all food offered them. A few days later, on the brink of starvation, they were brought "beans cut off or torn from stalks," wrote Abbot Ralph of Coggeshall, who allegedly had the story from the Calne himself. The children "broke open the beanstalks, not the pod or shell of the beans, evidently supposing that the beans were contained in the hollows of the stalks. But not finding beans within the stalks they again began to weep, which, when the bystanders noticed, they opened the shells and showed them the beans themselves. Whereupon, with great joyfulness, they ate beans for a long time, entirely, and would touch no other food." Soon the children were baptized, and not long afterwards the boy weakened and died. The girl learned to eat other foods and was restored both to health and to normal skin color. She learned to speak English and took employment in service to a knight and his family. She "was rather loose and wanton in her conduct," Ralph of Coggeshall wrote. Asked about her native country, "she asserted that the inhabitants, and all that they had in that country, were of a green color; and that they saw no sun, but enjoyed a degree of light like what is after sunset. Being asked

159 how she came into this country with the aforesaid boy, she replied, that as they were following their flocks they came to a certain cavern, until they came to its mouth. When they came out of it, they were struck senseless by the excessive light of the sun, and the unusual temperature of the air; and they thus lay for a long time. Being terrified by the noise of those who came on them, they wished to fly, but they could not find the entrance of the cavern before they were caught." In William of Newburgh's account, the children said their country was called St. Martin's Land. Its people were Christians. There was no sun there, but across a broad river a bright, shining land could be seen. Eventually the woman married and reportedly lived for years at Lenna in Suffolk. Newburgh remarked, "Although the thing is asserted by many, yet I have long been in doubt about the matter, deeming it ridiculous to credit a thing supported by no rational foundation, or at least one of a mysterious character; yet, in the end, I was so overwhelmed by the weight of so many competent witnesses that I have been compelled to believe and wonder over a matter I was unable to comprehend and unravel by the powers of my intellect." A modern writer, British folklorist Katharine Briggs, says, "This is one of those curiously convincing and realistic fairy anecdotes which are occasionally to be found in the medieval chronicles." Another recent chronicler, Paul Harris, speculates that the children were not aliens from another realm but simply lost, undernourished children who had wandered into flint mines in the vicinity of Thetford Forest, near the village of Fordham St. Martin. "Perhaps from the twilight of the thick woodlands the children could see a less forested and therefore sunnier land across the river Lark," he writes. They may have spoken in an English dialect "unintelligible to the insular 12th Century farmworkers of Woolpit." 1150, -1200 Sepher-ha-Bahir, a Koranistic work, appeared in Southern France from unknown origin. It contained the first reference to the Tree and the Sephirot. 1150, Statutes of Aries appoint a special Jewish oath. 1150-1153 1152, March 4 Frederick I Barbarossa is elected King of Germany in succession to his uncle Conrad III. He will later become a crusader and opponent of the Pope. 1153 An old legend tells how the knight Owen visited a cave on Station island in County Donegal. Ireland, in the year 1153, leading to an underground plain and a "cloister" where he met monks who warned him of the temptations ahead. The knight travels to a black, icy realm and also sulfurous pits of molten metal in which the wicked suffer, finally arriving at the earthly paradise below the earth.

160 1153: Henry of Anjou, son of Matilda and husband of Eleanor of Aquitaine, invades England, 1154 , 1154, Nicholas Breakspear becomes Pope Adrian IV and almost immediately gives Ireland as a gift to Henry II of England. 1154: an Englishman is elected Pope Adrian IV 1154: Henry II Plantagenet is crowned king of England, establishing the Plantagenet dynasty over England, Burgundy and Aquitaine 1155 . , 1155 , ! JEWESS OF TOLEDO 12th century. According to a story that has formed the basis of many literary works, Alfonso VIII, king of Castile (11551214), was so enamoured of a beautiful Jewess called Fermosa (or Raquel) that he ignored his wife, the daughter of Englands Henry II, for seven years and paid no heed to the government or to any other matter. In the first account of the story, related by Alfonsos grandnephew, Alfonso x in his History of Spain, the notables (perhaps goaded by the queen) resolved to remind the king of his duties by murdering his mistress. Fermosas story became a popular literary theme in Spanish, French and German. The most recent version appeared in Lion Feuchtwangers novel, Raquel, The Jewess of Toledo, published in English in 1956. Over the years, Fermosa or Raquels fictional character varied from that of a scheming whore to that of a second Esther. 1156, Jews of Persia persecuted on account of Pseudo-Messiah, David Alroy. Civil wars fought in Japan. 1158 . , (1155-1156) . , . 1159 1160, Gloucester, The body of a Christian child named Harold was found in the river with the usual wounds of crucifixion. Sometimes wrongly dated 1168. (Recorded in Monumentsa Germania Historia, Vol. VI (Erfurt Annals); Polychronican, R. Higdon; Chronicles, R. Grafton, p. 46)

161 1161, Abraham ibn Daud completes Sefer ha-Kabbalah. Chinese use explosives in warfare. 1161-1167 . 1167 , , , . 1162 to 1227 -- Life of Genghis Khan, conquerer of China and Russia, invader of Europe and Islamic Empire, destroyer of Assassin power. Approximate beginnings of the wandering of the Gypsies of North India. - 1162, Milam yields to Barbarossa's armies after a nine-month siege. The city's fortifications were razed, and the destruction of the city was such that the Milanese were forced to seek refuge in the surrounding countryside. 1164: Henry II's constituion of Clarendon limits the authority of the Pope over English matters 1165 The Cathars are condemned by an ecclesiastical council in the French village of Albi, from which the name Albigensian Crusade is derived. 1167 -- Cathari council near Toulouse. - 1167 Milan is rebuilt under the auspices of the newly founded Lombard League. 1168, Latins and Greeks, Jews and Saracens, granted right of being judged by their own laws in Sicily. Maimonides completes commentary on the Mishnah. 1169 1170 -- Assassination of Thomas a Becket. - 1170 A certain Welsh prince, Madoc ab Owain Gwynedd, sailed away from his homeland, which was filled with war and strife and battles between his brothers. Yearning to be away from the feuds and quarrels, he took his ships and headed west, seeking a better place. He returned to Wales brimming with tales of the new land he found--warm and golden and fair. His tales convinced more than a few of his fellow countrymen, and many left with him to return to this wondrous new land, far across the sea. This wondrous new land is believed to be what is now Mobile Bay, Alabama. Time has left several blank pages between the legend of Madoc and the "history" of America, with its reports of white Indians who speak Welsh, and these blank pages have been the subject of much controversy in certain circles over the five centuries since Columbus discovered the New World. 1170 1171 -- Last Fatimid caliph dies. -

162 1171 -1179 . (1167) , , . . 12 1171 . . 1179 . 1171, Thirty-one Jews and Jewesses of Blois Burned on the charge of having used human blood in the Passover. Destruction of the Blois community; Blois, France, At Passover, a Christian child was crucified, his body drained of blood and thrown into the river. (Monumenta Germania Historica, VI, 520; Magd. Cent. 12, c. 14 and 13, c. 14) 1171-1179 . (1167) , , . . 12 1171 . . 1179 . 1172 A German monk named Theodorich writes Guide to the Holy Land. 1172, . Persecution of the Jews of Yemen. Messianic excitement. , . . 1174, Sultan Nureddin Mahmud removes all Jews of Syria and Egypt from public offices. 1176 -- Peter Waldo founds the Poor Men of Lyons. Sultan Saladin invades Assassin territory, gains truce. - 1176 Milan plays a major role in the defeat of the German forces under Barbarossa at the Battle of Legnano. 1176 Peter Waldo founds the "Poor Men of Lyons". 1176 1176: Henry II establishes the "common law" of England

163 1177 August 1 The Peace Treaty of Venice is signed between Emperor Frederik I and Pope Alexander III. 1178, Riot at Toledo, at which Fermosa, the Jewish mistress of Alfonso VIII., is killed. 1179, The third Lateran Council passes decrees protecting the religious liberty of the Jews. Jews of Boppard and Neighborhood slain because body of Christian woman found on banks of Rhine. Jews expelled from Bohemia. Pontoise, A Christian boy named Richard was tortured, crucified and bled white. Philip Augustus's chaplains and historians, Rigord and Guillaume l'Armorician, attested this case. The body of the boy was taken to the Church of the Holy Innocents in Paris and he was canonized as St. Richard. (Acta, Vol. III, March, 591; Magd. Cent., 23, c. 14; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; and Cosm. Munst., 23, c. 14). 1179, , 12 , , . , , 3 , . 25 . 1180 A term equivalent to our "flying saucer" was actually used by the Japanese approximately 700 years before it came into use in the West. Ancient documents describe an unusual shining object seen in the night as a flying "earthenware vessel." The object, which had been heading northeast from a mountain in Kii province, changed its direction and vanished below the horizon, leaving a luminous trail. 1180, First Maimonidean controversy. Maimonides completes Mishneh Torah. 1180-1183 . 14 . ' . . 10 , . . 1181, Bury St. Edmunds, A Christian child called Robert was sacrificed at Passover. The child was buried in the church and its presence there was supposed to cause "miracles." (Rohrbacher, from the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury). 1181 , , (Rodbert),

164 . , ' . 1181, . 1181, 15 , , 80 , , , . 1181 (Braisne), , , (Dreux), , . , , . . , , (Saint Ger main en Laye), , . 80 . 80 (: Jean Dubraive- Histoire de Boheme livr. XVIII). 1182, (April) Philip Augustus of France banishes the Jews from his hereditary provinces and takes one-third of their debts. 1183 -1185 . , , . . . , . , (1185). . . . , ,

165 - . . , ' . 1183 12 ' . . . 1183 The Peace of Constance brings an end to the conflict between Milan and the Holy Roman Empire. 1183 . 1183 , , 1184 -- Waldenses excommunicated, suppressed. - 1184 "Poor Men of Lyons" excommunicated, suppressed. 1185 : (1185-1195) (12031204). . . . 1195 . . 1203 . 1204 ' . . 1195 ' 1185 The Church of the Templars in London conscecrated. 1185 1185 , 1185 - 1185 1185

166 1185 - 1185, , 80.000 , . ' , "... , ". 1185-1195 . . . . 1186 ABRAHAM ben-Moses ben-Maimon 11861237. Egyptian community leader. Abraham, the only son of MAIMONIDES, was born when his father was fifty-one years of age and had already written most of his great works. On his fathers death in 1204, he was appointed nagid (head of the community) although he was only eighteen. The office gave Abraham the right to appoint judges and to punish offenders. He introduced several reforms. The use of the cherem (ban) was forbidden unless agreed upon by three leading members of the community. Fines collected from offenders were to be paid to the poor or to the synagogue fund. In the synagogue service, Abraham abolished the custom of placing important members of the congregation with their faces to the community and their backs to the Ark, because he felt this showed lack of respect to the Torah scrolls. He also tried to introduce the habit, like the Moslems, of full prostration on the floor in the synagogue. He was less successful in making this a generally accepted custom. When the great controversy over Maimonides work broke out in France, Abraham sent a strongly worded rebuke in which he defended his fathers rationalism, although he himself tended to take a mystical approach to Judaism. He wrote Kifayat al-Abidin (Comprehensive Guide to the Servants of God), which dealt with the Jewish religion and its forms, and attacked mechanical piety. Like his father, he was a physician, and worked in a hospital established by the Arab ruler Saladin. 1187 /8 . . 1187 .

167 , , . . 1187 July 4 The Battle of Hattin is lost by cthe Crusaders; Hospitallers, Templars. The "flower of the nobility" is devastated. 1187 May 1 The Hospitallers and Templars are defeated by the Muslims at Nazareth. 1187, the twenty-two year old Philip August (1180-1223), who had assumed power in 1180, when he was just 15 years old, decided to banish the Jews from France, confiscate part of their wealth and cancel the debts of their loan-takers. But a few decades later, there were once again Jews all over the country. 1187 October 4 Jerusalem surrenders to Muslim ruler Saladin, and soon afterward the Grand Master of the Knights Templar is accused of treason. 1187 Saladin (Salah-al-din) reconquers Jerusalem 1187 , 1187, Jerusalem captured by Saladin. 1187/8 . . 1187 . , , . . 1188 "Prieure de Sion" separated from the Templars. 1188, the Order of Zion gained a new name the Prieure de Sion and their own Grand Master - Jean de Gisors. At the same time a second name Ormus was taken, which was used until 1306. 1188 The Cutting of the Elm, supposed split between the Templars and Sion. Order of Sion allegedly changes its name to the Prieure of Sion and uses as a subtitle Ormus, the name of a first century Gnostic "adept" who founded a mystical Christian sect in Alexandria about 46 AD. 1189 -1191

168 1189 September 3 England's King Richard I (the Lion-Hearted) is crowned at Westminster Abbey in London. 1189 The aged emperor of Germany, Frederick Barbarossa, socalled because of his red beard, calls for a Third Crusade to free Jerusalem from the Muslims. Barbarossa carries the Holy Lance as his emblem of faith and Christian dedication. 1189, Attack on the Jews of London at coronation of Richard I. Third Crusade. Last recorded Viking voyage to North America. 1189: Richard I "Coeur de Lion", son of Henry II, becomes king of England and continues the rule of the Plantagenets 1189: the third Crusade is led by king Richard of England, king Philippe Auguste II of France, and emperor Friedrich Barbarossa 1189-1191 1190 AARON OF YORK 11901268. English money-lender. Aaron was the richest English Jew in the reign of Henry III. From 1236 to 1243 he filled the office of Presbyter Judaeorum (Jews bishop), who served the king as an expert on Jewish affairs and was expected to supply the court with money in exchange for exemption from special taxes. In 1243 Aaron had to provide the huge sum of 4,000 silver marks and 400 gold marks on the occasion of the marriage of Richard of Cornwall, the kings brother. In 1248 and 1250 he was fined 5,000 gold marks on two unsubstantiated charges of forging deeds. So ruthless were King Henrys extortions that Aaron died in penury. 1190 June 10 Barbarossa accidentally drowns in the Saleph River in Asia Minor and the German expedition soon collapses. The Holy Lance (Helige Lanz) is hidden. 1190 Saladin, a noble (Kurdish) Islamic leader issues a manifesto inviting Jewish resettlement of Jerusalem, from which Jews had been expelled during the rule of the Crusaders. Jews everywhere have held Saladin in high esteem for his respect of their holy places and his encouragement of a resurgence of Jewish life in the area. (Rabbi David H. Lincoln) 1190 September King Guy of Jerusalem is awards the Teutonic Order (Teutonic Knights) a portion of a tower in Acre and the bequest was re-enforced on February 10, 1192. The order may have shared the tower with the English Order of the Hospital of St. Thomas. 1190 The "Order of St John" founded a monastery in Eskilstuna, Sweden. On orders of King Henry II, who had heard that the legendary King Arthur was buried there, workers began digging between two ancient, pyramid-shaped pillars located at Glastonbury, in Somerset. At a depth of seven feet they found a leaden cross which was engraved with this inscription: HIC JACET SEPULTUS INCLYTUS REX ARTURUS IN INSULA AVALLONIA ("Here lies buried the renowned King Arthur

169 in the Isle of Avallon"). Excited over this find, the excavators doubled their efforts. At sixteen feet their shovels struck a large oaken tree trunk which had been hollowed out to serve as a coffin. Breaking the trunk coffin open, they found the skeleton of a man who once measured close to nine feet tall. Beside him lay the remains of a woman of average height, whom the excavators took to be Arthur's queen, Guinevere. About a century later the bones of the two were reinterred in the great church before the altar in the presence of King Edward I. "From that time," says the Encyclopedia Britannica, "the Isle of Avalon has been identified with Glastonbury and romances connecting Arthur and Glastonbury are still being written." 1190 The Livonian Brothers of the Sword is founded. 1190 The Order of Teutonic Knights is founded, their Latin name is Ordo Domus Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum (German Order of the Hospital of St. Mary). 1190, (May 17) Self-immolation of 150 Jews at York to avoid baptism. Anti-Jewish riots; massacre at York. Maimonides completes Guide of the Perplexed. Genghis Khan begins conquest of Asia. 1191 February 6 A questionable bull by Pope Clement III approves the German hospitaller order at Acre. 1191 July 12 The siege of Acre ends in crusader victory. Richard the Lion-Hearted and Philip of France capture Acre, putting 3,500 innocent men, women and children to death. 1191 The "Teutonic Knights", (the "Order of the Hospital of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the German House of Jerusalem"), founded as a field hospital at the siege of Acre. 1191 . . 1192 . 1192 Richard fails to capture Jerusalem, but signs a three-year truce with Saladin that permits pilgrims to visit the Holy Sepulcher. 1192 Richard leaves the Holy Land. On his way to England, he is captured in Austria and imprisoned in Vienna by his old enemy, Duke Leopold, and held for ransom. Richard will spend only six months of his entire reign in England. 1192, Winchester, A Christian boy crucified. (The Jewish Encyclopedia says this was a false charge) Braisne, Philip Augustus attended to this case personally, and had the criminals burnt. It was a case of the crucifixion of a Christian sold to the Jews by Agnes, Countess of Dreux, who considered him guilty of homicide and theft. (Histoire des Ducs et Comtes de Champagne, IV, 1 st part, p. 72, Paris, 1865, by A. de

170 Jubainville; Spec. Vinc., 129, c. 25; Gauin, L. 6, De Francis; Magd. Cent., 12, c. 14, col. 1670) 1194, "Ordinances of the Jewry" passed in England for registering Jewish debts, thus preparing the way for the exchequer of Jews. 1194: King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England, taken prisoner upon the return from the Crusades, ackowledges hiself king Philippe Auguste II's vassal, thus losing all French possessions of the Plantagenets 1195 -1203 . 1195 April Count Palatinate Henry of Champagne provideds Teutonic Knights with the house of Theodore of Sarepta in Tyre. 1196 December 21 Pope Celestine III took the "Hospital of St. Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem" under his protection. 1196 Hermann von Salza may have accompanied Landgraf Hermann von Thringen to the Holy Land. 1196 March Count Palatinate Henry conferred possessions in Jaffa (Joppa) on Teutonic Knights. 1197 July 18 Henry VI gave Teutonic Knights a church and cloister (of the Holy Trinity) in Palermo, Sicily. 1197 May 20 German emperor Henry VI gave the Teutonic Knights a hospital in Barletta, Italy. 1198 March 5 The Teutonic Knights are established as a military order in a ceremony in Acre's Temple which is attended by the secular and clerical leaders of the Latin Kingdom. 1198 The first military action of the Teutonic Knights with King Amalric II of Jerusalem; Amalric gave them (in August) a tower in Acre that formerly belonged to the Order of St. Nicholas. 1198 The Teutonic Knights assume a military character under the leadership of Hermann von Salza. They are said to have carried the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz) to Prussia after transfering their center of activity from the Middle-East to eastern Europe. 1198, Jews permitted to return to France by Philip Augustus for 15,000 livres in silver. 1198, 3 [ 1216]. 1.000.000 , . 1199 February 19 A Bull by Pope Innocent III confirms the Teutonic Knights' wearing of the Templars' white mantle and following of the Hospitallers' rule. 1199: John Lackland, son of Henry II, becomes king of England. 1200 A 13th century historian, Saxo-Gammaticus, wrote down the folklore and myths of Scandinavia. He recorded the ancient Viking belief

171 in "Hadding Land", a subterranean world where giants, superhumans, tribes of black dwarfs, and "snake people" lived. These strange beings, and even stranger animals, were said to occasionally surface in the outer world and create chaos. 1200 A report from England: William of Newburgh describes a silvery, flat, shiny disc-like object, which appeared near the abbey and frightened everyone near it. 1200 Joseph d'Arimathie, a poem written by Robert de Boron, describing Joseph as the first keeper of the Holy Grail. 1200 July 1 Sunglasses are invented in China. 1200 to 1300 -- House of Wisdom in Cairo, roots of the Afghan Roshaniya. Origin of the Mafia in Sicily. - 1200 to 1300 "House of Wisdom" in Cairo, roots of the Afghan Roshaniya. Origin of the Mafia in Sicily. 1200, Bishop Conrad of Mayence issues an oath in German for Jews of Erfurt. 1200, . , " , ... , ...". 1200: the Jews are expelled from England 1202 Gerold of Bozen gave the Teutonic Knights a hospital in Bozen. 1202 The Fourth Crusade is launched not for the Holy Land, but for Egypt, and is inspired not by religious zeal, but political and commercial greed. 1202 . November Bankers in Venice force the Crusaders to seize Zara, a commercial city on the Adriatic, and a rival of Venice. Ironically, Zara was already a Christian city. 1203 -1204 . . . . 24 2003 17 , . . 1204,

172 . , 1204 partitio Romaniae, 1204 . 13 1204 . . . 1203 August 1 Alexius IV Angelus is appointed co-regent of Byzantium. 1203 July Crusaders take Constantinople even though Pope Innocent III has forbidden the expedition. 1203 The "Shroud of Jesus" was exhibited in the Blachernae church, Constantinople. 1203: Philippe Auguste II of France conquers Normandy and expels the English 1204 -1214 1204 -1222 . 1207, . 1204 . , , 1203 , 1211, , , , , , 1205, , , 1206, . 1204 April Constantinople falls to the Latin crusaders. 1204, Crusaders capture and sack Constantinople. 1204, 13 , 4 , , , 20 . , 5 80 , , . .

173 , , ' , . 1204-1214 1204, , , , . : , , , , .. . 1204 1453. (Ernle Bradford). . , . , . 57 , ( 16 ., 17 . 18 .). ( , , ...), . 15 ., , , 18 .: . , . 1204-1222 . 1207, . 1204 . , , 1203 , 1211, , , , , ,

174 1205, , , 1206, . 1204 . . . 10 . ' . 1204 ' (1203-1204). . 5 1204 ' . . 1204 ' . ' . . ' . . 1204-1261 . . partitio Romaniae . , , , , . , , , , , . 1204 . , , , , , . ,

175 , 1204-1261. 1205 -1216 1205 William of Champlitte and Geoffrey of Villehardouin conquere Patras, Andravida, Pundico Castro, Modon, and Coron in the Morea; The Battle of Koundoura is won by William of Champlitte and Geoffrey of Villehardouin with about 600 men over 5,000 Byzantine Greeks. 1205, (July 15) Innocent III. writes to Archbishop of Sens and Bishop of Paris laying down the principle that Jews are bound to perpetual subjection because of the Crucifixion. 1205-1216 1207 Gervase of Tilbury, England writes in Otio Imperialia about an aerial ship which caught its anchor on a pile of stones. An occupant came down from the ship and managed to free it, however he was asphyxiated by the atmosphere. 1208 -- Albigensian Crusade begins suppression of Cathari heresy. - 1208 April 13--"La Iglesia de la Vera Cruz" (Knights Templars church in Segovia, Spain) was consecrated. 1208 January 14 Pierre de Castelnau, a papal legate, is murdered in Languedoc and the Pope blames the Cathars "heretics." The so-called Albigensian Crusade is soon launchedagaonst the Cathars in France. 1208 . "Albigensian Crusade" begins suppression of Cathari heresy. 1209 30,000 knights and foot soldiers invade the Languedoc region of France and begin a 40 year war with the so-called Cathar heretics. 1209 The Teutonic Knights side with Hospitallers and barons in Acre against the Templars and prelates. This dispute is said to be the origin of the long-standing opposition between the Templars and Teutonic Knights. 1209, Council of Avignon issues restrictive measures against the Jews. (July 22) French Jews attacked and plundered; 200 murdered. 1209: Cambridge University is founded 1210 -1645 1210 October 3 Probable date of election of Hermann von Salza as grand master of the Teutonic Knights; the date coincided with the date of the marriage in Tyre of John of Brienne to Mary; it was also the date of John's coronation as King of Jerusalem.

176 1210, - 1211, French and English rabbis emigrate to Palestine. Settlement of 300 French and English rabbis. 1210, Jews of England imprisoned by King John. Extortions of John Lackland. Mongols invade China. 1210-1645 1211 Burzenland settled by the Teutonic Knights with the authority of Hungary's King Andrew II. 1211 During a Sunday mass in Gravesend, Kent, England it is said that the congregation saw an anchor descend and catch on a tombstone in the churchyard. The churchgoers rushed outside to see a strange "ship" in the sky, with people on board. One occupant of the vessel leaped over the side, but did not fall: "as if swimming in water" he made his way through the air toward the anchor. The people on the ground tried to capture him. The man then "hurried up to the ship." His companions cut the anchor rope, and the ship then "sailed out of sight." The local blacksmith made ornaments from the abandoned anchor to decorate the church lectern. 1211 September Frederick II is chosen as king in Germany. 1211 1212 -- The Children's Crusade. Genghis Khan invades China. - 1212 Adomadana is given to the Teutonic Knights by King Leo of Armenia. 1212 July Peter II of Aragon defeats the Moors at Las Navas de Tolosa. 1212 The First "Children's Crusade" is launched. The German phase in Spring and the French phase in June. 1212, The Jews of Toledo killed by Crusaders under the Cistercian monk Arnold; first persecution of Jews in Castile. 1213 September 12 Simon of Montfort wins the battle of Muret; Peter II killed. 1214 February 24 King Leo of Armenia granted Teutonic Knights Amudain, the castle of Sespin, and more. 1214 , 1214: pope Innocent III, the claimant Friedrich II and French king Philippe Auguste defeat German emperor Otto IV and English king John at the battle of Bouvines, and Friedrich II ascends to the throne of Germany 1215 -1230 . . 1217

177 . 1224 1215 the Catholic Church, at the Fourth Lateran Council, broke the back of European Jewry with a set of restrictions designed to curb their commercial monopoly. These decrees restricted Jews to residence in their own communities, prohibited absolutely their hiring of Christian employees and prohibited them from engaging in many types of commercial activity. 1215 CATHOLIC 4th LATERAN COUNCIL restricted JEWRY for slave trade, prostitution, and pimpery. 1215 June 15 King John of England is forced to set his seal to the Great Charter (in Latin, Magna Carta) of English civil liberties. 1215 November Innocent III called the Fourth Lateran Council; new crusade proclaimed; Hermann von Salza probably at the Fourth Lateran Council representing his order. 1215 . The Dominican Order of the Roman Catholic Church is founded. A Spanish monk named Dominic Guzman spurred by hatred of heresy creates the monastic order that bears his name - the Dominicans. 1215, Magna Carta of England signed by King John which limits rights of the crown in Jewish debts to the principal. Pope Innocent III. Among many anti-Jewish measures, decrees the Jew badge. 1215: king John I Lackland is forced by the English barons to sign the "Magna Carta", a constitution that grants rights to the nobility, the clergy and the townspeople 1216 /7 1216 December Hermann von Salza attended Frederick II's court in Nuremberg; first meeting between the Teutonic Knights' grand master and the emperor. 1216 February 18 Innocent III issued a bull of protection for the Teutonic Knights. 1216 The Dominicans created by a Spanish fanatic. 1216: Henry III becomes king of England 1217 -1219 1217 June 24 Frederick II grants the Teutonic Knights the same status as the Templars and Hospitallers in the Kingdom of Sicily. 1218 May The Fifth Crusade invades Egypt and continues until 1221. Hermann von Salza lands at Damietta. Saphadin dies and alKamil, his son, becomes caliph (1218- 1238). The crusaders capture Damietta.

178 1219-1228 1220 April Hermann von Salza travels to Acre with King John of Jerusalem. 1220 Leopold VI of Austria presents the Teutonic Knights with the site of the castle of Montfort near Acre. 1220 November Frederick II is crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Honorius III in Rome. Hermann von Salza travels with Frederick II to Italy. He is first identified by name as Hermann von Salza in documents of this period. 1220, - (Vissembourg) , , , , . 1221, Jews killed at Erfurt. 1222 -1254 . . , , . 1222, Golden Bull of Hungary refuses Jews the right to hold public office. Council of Oxford imposes restrictions on the English Jews. 1224 . . , . 1224-1246 1225 . 1225 , , , , . . 1225, , . , - . .

179 ' , , . ' , , . 140 , . 1225, 13 . . 1225, , 140 , , , , , . 1227, Council of Narbonne reenacts the anti-Jewish decrees of the fourth Lateran Council. 1228 German emperor Frederick II leads a Crusade to Jerusalem. Tsarion 1228 March 18 Frederick II is crowned King of Jerusalem at the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. He then held high court in the house of the Hospital of St. John. 1228 The Sixth Crusade begins. 1228, Sixth Crusade results in capture of Jerusalem. 1229 Frederick II of Sicily, emperor of Germany, frees Jerusalem by peaceful negotiation. 1230 1230, (Dec.) "Statutum de Judeis" in France by Louis IX prohibits Jews from making contracts or leaving their lords' lands. 1230, [ 1291], , . 1232, Winchester, Christian boy crucified. Details lacking. (Hayamon's History of the Jews in England; also in Annals of Winchester; and conclusively in the Close Roll 16, Henry III, membrane 8, 26.6. 1232) 1233 -- Founding of the Inquisition to suppress Cathari and other heresies. - 1233 , . .

180 , (). 1233 July 1 Earl Otto II van Gelre grants Arnhem (Netherlands) state justice. 1233 The Dominicans begin conducting what is called - the Holy Inquisition. 1233 The Dominicans started the "Holy Inquisition" to suppress Cathari and other heresies. The Inquisition founds the blessed "Society of Leopold". The Society begins to suspect the presence of vampires in the Church. 1233, (1227-1241), 1233 1234, (Dec. 10) Jews of Fulda find a murdered Christian; 261 Jews killed as a consequence. 1235 to 1315 -- Life of Dr. Illuminatus, Ramon Llull (Raymond Lully) in Spain. . 1235 1235 . What might be called the first official investigation of a UFO sighting occurred in Japan in 1235. During the night while General Yoritsume and his army were encamped, mysterious lights were observed in the heavens. The lights were seen in the southwest for many hours, winging, circling and moving in loops. The general ordered a "fullscale scientific investigation" of these strange events. The report finally submitted to him has the "soothing" ring of many contemporary explanations offered for UFO phenomena. In essence it read: "the whole thing is completely natural, General. It is... only the wind making the stars sway." 1235, Norwich, In this case, the Jews stole a Christian child and hid him with a view to crucifying him. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates (1847), says, "They (the Jews) circumcise and attempt to crucify a child at Norwich; the offenders are condemned in a fine of 20,000 marks." (Huillard Breolles, Grande Chronique, III, 86. Close Roll, 19 Henry III, m 23) Blood libel at Fulda. 1235, , , , , . 1235 ADRET, Solomon ben-Abraham (Rashba) c. 12351310. Spanish rabbi and scholar. Adret studied under Rabbi Moses NAHMANIDES, and after some years of business activity was appointed rabbi of his native city, Barcelona, a post he held for forty years. He was known as Rashba from the initials of his name in Hebrew, Rabbi Shlomo ben-Abraham. He was regarded as the foremost Jewish scholar and

181 personality in Spain, respected by the secular authorities and esteemed by the royal House of Aragon. His opinions were sought from all over the Jewish world. As well as over three thousand replies to Jewish communities seeking his advice, Adret wrote a number of manuals on such subjects as ceremonial law to be observed in the home, commentaries on talmudic tractates, a book dealing with the laws of the Sabbath, and a polemic against Islam. Adret is mentioned regularly in the secular archives of the Kingdom of Aragon from 1263. Like many Spanish Jewish scholars of his day, he was a wealthy financier who made loans to non-Jews and occasionally to the royal treasury. The notes in the archives refer to such loans, and sometimes also allude to his conducting the defence of Jews in the civil courts, which indicates that he was fluent in Latin and well-versed in secular as well as Jewish law. Adret was also a student of the Cabbala (Jewish mysticism), but opposed to the ecstatic type of mysticism, and in this respect severely condemned Abraham ABULAFIA and his prophetic Cabbalism. Such a widely recognized scholar could hardly escape being embroiled in the chief Jewish controversy of the time, the dispute over the philosophic works of MAIMONIDES. Adret came to the latters defence after 1280 when a group of European rabbis attempted to ban his works. Finally, however, he agreed to a cherem (ban) being placed on the study before the age of twenty-five of Greek works of science and metaphysics (except medicine). In effect, philosophy should not be begun until after a thorough study of the Torah and Talmud. In Adrets time, the traditional prestige in the community of learning was being challenged by an emerging class of rich and aristocratic Spanish Jews. The form of communal leadership Adret favoured was a scholarly autocracy, with leaders chosen from members of the old families who were both wealthy and pious. 1236, Frederick II. takes Jews of Sicily under his protection as being his "servi camerae" (first use of this term). Persecutions in West France. Frederick II Hohenstaufen introduces the concept of servicamerae. 12th-13th cent. Hasidei Ashkenazi; Sefer Hasidim compiled. 12th-14th cent. Tosafot (France and Germany). 1236, , ' , 3 . , . 1237 The city of Berlin is founded. The Teutonic Knights absorb the Livonian Brothers of the Sword. 1238, Fulda, Hesse-Nassan, Five children murdered; Jews confessed under torture, but said the blood was wanted for healing

182 purposes. Frederick II exonerated the Jews from suspicion, but the Crusaders had already dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish Ritual Sacrifice. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Sacrifice exists or not. (Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, c. 24) 1239 July--A report from Matthew of Paris from England: "At dusk, but not when the stars came out, while the air was clear, serene and shining, a great star appeared. It was like a torch, rising from the south, and flying on both sides of it, there was emitted in the height of the sky a very great light. It turned quickly towards the north in the aery region, not quickly, nor, indeed, with speed, but exactly as it wished to ascend to a place high in the air." 1239, , , , , , . 1240 The Mongols capture Kiev and resistence in Russia ceases. A number of Mongol hordes will rule Russia for more than 200 years until 1480. 1240 The Teutonic Knights return the Holy Lance to Germany to protect it, according to legend, from any future Mongol invasions. 1240 , LEON, Moses ben-Shem Tov de c. 12401305. Spanish mystic. Leon is generally believed today to have been the author of the Zohar, the most influential of all works of cabbalistic literature and in some periods actually held in as great esteem as the Bible and the Talmud. He settled in Avila, and some time late in the 1280s or early 1290s began to circulate the manuscript of the Sefer haZohar (Book of Splendour). Written in Aramaic, the book is set in an imaginary Land of Israel and purports to recount discussions between the celebrated 2century mishnaic teacher, SIMEON BARYOHAI, and his son and disciples. Modern scholars are inclined to believe that Moses de Leon wrote most of the Zohar himself. It became the major literary work of the Cabbala (Jewish mysticism). It is impossible to give more than a hint of the content of this vast work, couched in intricate symbolism and at times impenetrable mythology. Central to the Cabbala, and to the Zohar in particular, is the conception that there are four levels of interpretation of Scripture: the literal, the aggadic, the philosophical or allegorical, and what the author of the Zohar calls raza de-mehemanuta, the secret

183 mystery of faith. Another important Zoharic conception is tikkun, a correction or perfecting which is achieved mainly through prayer. It was no part of the intention of Moses de Leon or of any other Cabbalist to overturn the traditional teaching of rabbinic Judaism. Indeed the great talmudic scholars were often also Cabbalists. 19-century rationalism rejected the Zohar as bizarre and left its study to the charlatans and cranks who hover on the edges of any mystical system. In recent years, though the traditional reverence may be lacking, the book is once more approached with respect, and recognized as a work of fundamental importance in Jewish history. 1240, (June 25) Disputation before Louis IX. of France between Nichoias Donin and the Jews represented by Jehiel of Paris, Moses of Coucy, Talmudist and itinerant preachers and two others. Disputation of Paris. Mongols capture Moscow, destroy Kiev. 1241 -- Mongols invade Europe through wise use of intelligence information and strategy, introduce gunpowder from Asia. - 1241 April 9 At the Battle of Liegnitz, Mongols defeat an army of Poles and Germans including Hospitallers, Templars and Teutonic Knights. 1241 Mongol armies reach central Germany before turning southward into Hungary. After the death of the Great Khan, they stop their advance and give up their Eastern European territory to return home for the election of a new khan. Because the succession was disputed forseveral years, Europe was saved from further incursions. 1241 ABULAFIA, Abraham ben-Samuel 1241after 1291. Spanish Cabbalist. Abulafia was a member of a powerful and widespread family. When he was a child, his family moved from Saragossa to Toleda in Navarre, where he was taught the Bible, the Mishnah and the Talmud by his father. Most of his life was spent in Palestine, Greece and Italy, immersed in mystical studies, and attempts to reconcile the Cabbala (Jewish mysticism) with the works of MAIMONIDES. Abulafia was outstanding among mystics of the ecstatic type. The basic aim of his method was to unseal the soul, through intense contemplation resulting in spiritual ecstasy. The object contemplated was the Hebrew alphabet, especially the letters which constituted the Name of God. Abulafia called this hoch-mat hazeruf, the science of the combination of letters. According to Abulafia, he was the author of twenty-six cabbalistic works and twenty-two prophetic books. They were written around the same time as the Zohar (Book of Splendour), which achieved far greater popularity and became the central work for the Cabbalists. Another reason for the neglect of his manuals was that he was suspect in the eyes of the Orthodox, for he had

184 only slight rabbinic scholarship but a wide knowledge of contemporary philosophy. He and his works were bitterly opposed by Solomon AD RET, the leading contemporary rabbi in Spain. Abulafia seemed to have thought that he had a messianic role as well. In 1280, he went to seek audience with the pope in the name of Jewry. He arrived in Rome on the very night that Pope Nicholas III died. He was imprisoned in the Franciscan College for four weeks, but then released. Between 1279 and 1291, Abulafia wandered around Italy, and all his surviving works date from that period. Nothing is known of him after 1291. 1241, (May 24) Riot at Frankfort on account of a Jewish convert, Jewish Parliament summoned to Worchester, England. Tatars reach the frontiers of Silesia. 1242 April 5 A Russian army lead by Alexander Nevsky defeat the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus. 1242 The "Shroud of Jesus" sold to the Templars by King Bela IV of Hungary because of lack of money. 1242 1242, Burning of Talmud at Paris. 1243 All major Cathar towns and fortresses except Mt. Segur (Montsegur) have fallen to the Catholic invaders. 1243 Centralization of Papal power in Pope Innocent IV until 1254. Tsarion 1243 1244 -- Massacre of Cathari at Montsegur, France. - 1244 January Two Cathar parfaits (perfect ones) escape from Mt. Segur (Montsegur), reportedly carrying away the gold and silver treasure of the Cathars. 1244 March 1 The remaining Cathars at Mt. Segur (Montsegur) capitulate, but ask for a 15 day truce. Mysteriously it is granted. 1244 March 14 A mysterious Cathar ceremony, which can only be celebrated on this day of the year, is held inside Mt. Segur (Montsegur), one of the Cathar's holiest places. 1244 March 15 The Truce made with the Cathars on March 1 expires at midnight. 1244 March 16 At dawn, the Catholics lock more than 200 Cathar parfaits in a stockade at the foot of Mt. Segur and burn them alive. Four parfaits who are still hiding in the fortress escape during the night with a "secret treasure" believed to be used in their religious ceremonies. Several

185 prominant historians claim this was a critical turning point in the history of the Catholic Church and European civilization. (Montsegur) 1244 Massacre of Cathari at Montsegur, France. 1244 The Turks seize Jerusalem and the Knights Templars are forcibly ousted. 1244, Archduke Frederick II. the Valiant, of Austria, grants privileges to the Jews ("Privilegium Frede ricianum"). Twenty- four wagon-loads of Talmuds and other manuscripts (1200) burned at Paris. Jerusalem captured by the Khwarizms. London, A Christian child's body found unburied in the cemetery of St. Benedict, with ritual cuts. Buried in St. Paul's. (Social England, Vol. I, p. 407, edited by H.D. Traill). 1244, , , , , , , , , . 1246 October 31 Pope Innocent IV transfers the Hospital of St. James to the Templars. 1246 . 1245 , , , , . , , . 1246 . 1245 , , , , . , , . 1246, James I. of Aragon, in the Ordenamiento of Huesa declares Jews to be "in commanda regis," Council of Beziers forbids Jews to practice medicine. 1247, Valreas, France, Just before Easter, a two-year-old Christian girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed that they wanted the blood of the child, but did not say that it was for ceremonial purposes. Pope Innocent IV said that three of the Jews were executed without confessing, but the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 261, says they confessed.

186 1249 The Seventh Crusade, headed by Louis IX of France, tries to take Egypt as the western key to Palestine; Louis is captured and forced to pay a "King's ransom." 1249 . , , , . 1249, Innocent IV issues bull against blood libel. 1249, , . . 4 , . 1250, Saragossa, A Christian boy crucified, afterwards canonized as St. Dominiculus. Pius VII, 24th November 1805, confirmed a decree of the Congregation of Rites of 31st August, according this canonization. 1250, , , , , 7 . , . 1250 AD, the conquering Mongols, lead by Mangu Khan, swept over Alamut an annihilated the Assassins. Nevertheless, Nizaris survived, though in two rival lines. The minor line died out by the eighteenth century, while the major line, led by an imam called Aga Khan, moved from Iran to India in 1840. His followers, who are estimated to number in the millions, are still found in Syria, Iran, and Central and South Asia, the largest group being in India and Pakistan, where they are known as Khojas. 1250s Approximate beginning of Holy Vehm in Westphalia. Approximate time of Hulagu Khan's defeat of the Assassins. - 1250s Approximate beginning of "Holy Vehm" in Westphalia. 1252 The Knights Templars threatened by Henry III of England. 1252 . , . 1252, (1243-1254) 15 1252 Ad Exstirpanda, ( ) . 1253 July 1 The Guardian beats Gwijde van Dampierre at the Battle of Westkapelle-Floris.

187 1253, , , . . 1253 FRANCE restrictions for violating Civil Law. 1254 -1258 . , , . . . . 1254 January 1--A report from Matthew of Paris: "At midnight in the clear and serene sky with the stars shining and the moon eight days old, there suddenly appeared in the sky a kind of large ship, elegantly shaped, and well-equipped of marvelous color. Certain monks of St. Albans saw it for a long time, as if it were painted, and a ship made of planks, but finally it began to disappear. 1254 to 1324 (?) -- Life of Marco Polo, early European traveler in China, Persia. - 1254, Dec. Louis IX. expels Jews from France. 1254, , , 1215, 4, , [ , , -, 1439]. 1255, Lincoln, A Christian boy called Hugh was kidnaped by the Jews and crucified and tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy's mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew called Joppin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by the judge his liufe if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested; eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew Copinus, who was executed. (Henry III, 39, m. 2, 7.10 1255; 39, m. 2, 14.10.1255; 40, m. 20, 24.II, 1255; 40, m. 13, 13.3.1256; 42, m. 6, 19.6.1258. Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40, m. 20, 26.II.1255; 40, m. 19, 9.12.1255; 40, 27.3.1256; and 40, m. 5, 20.8.1256). 1255 (July 31) St. Hugh of Lincoln disappears, and the Jews are accused of murdering him for ritual purposes. Blood libel at Lincoln. 1255, , . ,

188 , , , , , ' . 1255, , 17 , , 27 . 1256 . The Assassin library at Alamut destroyed. All books of their doctrine and ritual where burned by Hulagu Khan's Mongols. 1256 . . (, , , ) 1256. 1257 . . , . 1257, London, A Christian child sacrificed. (Cluverius, Epitome Historia, p. 541) 1258 -- Hulagu Khan destroys Bagdad; Mongols destroy Mesopotamia, the mother of civilization. - 1258 October 16 A Peace treaty is signed between the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights at Acre. 1258 -1261 . . . , . . . ' . 1259 . 1259 .

189 1259 , . , . . , , . 1259, Jahudan de Cavalleria becomes "bayle-general" and treasurer of Aragon. Provincial council of Fritziar for province of Mayence repeats several of the canonical restrictions, including the badge (first time in Germany). 1260 -- Mongol invasion of Islamic Empire turned back. - 1261, 8 . . . 4 . , , - . , 19 . 1261 1261 -1282 . 25 1261 . . 15 1261 . .

190 1261 , , . , , , , . 1261 1261, Pforzheim, Baden, An old woman sold a seven-year-old Christian girl to the Jews, who bled her, strangled her and threw the body into the river. The old woman was convicted on the evidence of her own daughter. A number of Jews were condemned to death, two committing suicide. (Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, p. 838; Rohrbacher, L'Histoire Universelle de l'Englise Catblique, Vol. XVIII, pp. 697-700; Thos. Cantipranus, De ratione vita, Vol. II, xxix). Expulsion from Brabant, by Henry III. of all Jews except those living by trade. 1261, / . 1261, , , , . , , . 1261-1282 . . , , , . , . . 1262 1263 May All Teutonic Knight possessions near Sidon ate lost to the Muslims after the Baybars win a battle at Sidon. 1263 . . 1263. 1263, -64 Disputation at Barcelona between Pablo Christiani and Nahmanides. Jews of London sacked.

191 1264 1264, Massacres at London, Canterbury, Winchester, and Cambridge by the barons in revolt against Henry VII. Charter of Boleslav V the Pious. 1265 -1268 1265, (May 2) Persecution at Sunzig; 72 persons burned in synagogue. 1265: Simon de Montfort, leader of the barons, summons popular representatives to Parliament 1267 1267, (May 12) Synod of Vienna, under Cardinal Guida, orders Jews to wear pointed hats. 1268 1270 A spaceship was seen in Bristol, England, which landed and an occupant came down from a ladder and was suffocated in the Earth's atmosphere. 1270 Cathari hierarchy fades. 1270 Louis IX and Prince Edward of England lead the Eighth and final Crusade. Louis dies of plague and the crusade fails. This ends the Age of the Crusades. 1270, (June 23) Persecution at Weissenburg. Death of Nahmanides. . , 1270. Wissembourg. Monniot quotes on p. 148 of his Le Crime Rituel chez les Juifs a letter dated 19th November, 1913, from the cure of the town, in which the details of this case are quoted from the Alsatian historian Hertzog, who says the victim' s tomb was for many years in the church. 1270s -- Cathari hierarchy fades. - 1271 Marco Polo reported from his trip to China that on special occasions the royal chariot was pulled by dragons. September 12--A priest was spared his life in Japan when a shiny, bright object appeared in the sky, causing the executioners to panic, fearing they had falsely accused the cleric of wrongdoing. 1272 The alleged bones of Mary Magalene found in the southern French town of Saint-Maximin after excavations in a 4th-century crypt. A cathedral was later erected on the place. 1272 . , 1270, ? .

192 . , , , . 1272: Edward I becomes king of England 1273, (Nov. 4) Jews of Lerida obtain permission to substitute oath by the Ten Commandments for the oath "more Judaici." 1274 -1276 1274 () . 7 1274 . 6 1274 . (Credo). , . 1274, (July 7) Gregory X. issues bull against blood accusation. Mongols attempt invasion of Japan but fail. 1274 ( ), , . , , . . , . , , , . . 1274-1276 . 1275 -- Assembly of traveling mason guilds in Frankfort. Zohar, second book of the cabala, compiled by Moses de Leon in Spain. -

193 1275 Zohar, second book of the cabala, compiled by Moses de Leon in Spain. 1275 - . 1275, Jews expelled from Marlborough, Glouchester, Worchester, and Cambridge, at the request of Queen- mother. 1275, 1 , , . 1276 . . 1276, London, Christian boy crucified. (Close Roll of the Realm, 4, Edward I, membrane 14, 3.3.1276) 1276-1277 , . . . , . ? . 1277 . 1277 , , , Credo. H . 1279 1279, Northampton, A Christian child crucified. "They (the Jews) crucify a child at Northampton for which 50 are drawn at horses' tails and hanged." (Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1847, Reiley, Memorials of London, p. 15; H. Desportes, Le Mystere du Sang) 1279, .

194 , . 1280 -- Roger Bacon, deviser of early eyeglasses, independently invents gunpowder. - 1280 Roger Bacon, deviser of early eyeglasses, independently invents gunpowder. 1280 1280, Alfonso X. orders all Jews of Leon an d'Castile to be imprisoned till they pay 12,000 maravedis, and 12,000 for every day of delay in payment. English Jews forced to attend sermons of Dominicans. 1281 . 1281 , , . , . , , . , 30 1281 . . 1282 -1328 . . , ( ). , . . . . , , .

195 1282 . 26 1282 . , , . 1283 , . 1282-1328 . . , ( ). , . . . . , , . 1283, , , . 1283, , . 2 , , . 1283, , , , , . 1283: the first mechanical clock in the world is installed in an English monastery (Dunstable) 1284 Pope Innocent III pronounces the second coming will be this year 666 years after the founding of Islam. 1284: Edward I annexes Wales 1285, , 180 , , 7 , , , . , 1285. Munich. Illustrated in Bavaria Sancta.

196 1286, (June 28) Meir ben Baruch of Rothenburg (1220-93), chief rabbi of Germany, imprisoned when about to emigrate. Sancho of Castile in Cortes of Palencia orders Jews to submit their cases to the ordinary alcaldes (abolition of legislative autonomy). (Nov. 30) Bull of Honorius IV. to archbishops of York and Canterbury against Talmud. Zohar in final form completed by Moses b. Shem Tov de Leon. 1286, Oberwesel, on the Rhine, A Christian boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. A sculptured representation of this Ritual Sacrifice is still in the Oberwesel Church. (Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1521, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug., Magd. Cent., 13, c. 14). 1286, , , , . 1286, , , . , . 1287 Berne, Rudolf, a Christian boy, was murdered at Passover in the house of a rich Jew called Matler. Jews confessed that he had been crucified; many were put to death. (Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, April; Helvetia sancta (H. Murer); Karl Howard, Die Brunnen zu Bern, 1848, p. 250; Cosm. Munst., 13, p. 482) A stone monument still exists in Berne commemorating the crime. It is called The Fountain of the ChildDevourer, and is now on the Kornhausplatz. It represents a monster, with a Jewish countenance, eating a child. The figure wears the Judenbut, the hat prescribed for the Jews to wear by decree of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews' quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present location. (May 2) All Jews in England thrown into prison. 1287, , , . . , 7 , . , , . 1288, Jews burned at Troyes. Troyes, France, some Jews were tried for a Ritual Sacrifice and 13 were executed by burning. (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267) 1290 Report from Byland, North Yorkshire, from William of Newburgh's Chronicle. The text is known as "The Ampleforth Manuscript", it is a very old manuscript found in Ampleforth Abbey which gives a startling account of a flying saucer over Byland Abbey in Yorkshire. It reads in part: "While the abbot and monks were in the

197 refectorium, a flat round, shining, silvery object (discus) flew over the abbey and caused the utmost terror." 1290 The Teutonic Knights complete a 30-year effort to control Prussians. 1290, Oxford, The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, m. 21, 21st June, 1920, contains an order for the Gaul delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford. One month later, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the Kingdom. It was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration for the English. Hugh was locally beatified, and his tomb may still be seen in Lincoln Cathedral, but the Jewish Money Power has evidently been at work, for between 1910 and 1930, a notice was fixed above the shrine which reads as follows, "The body of Hugh was given burial in the Cathedral and treated as that of a martyr. When the Minster was repaved, the skeleton of a small child was found beneath the present tombstone. There are many incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stores in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and in the common superstition, now wholly discredited, and that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation." No one who studies the case history questions the historical facts in this case; but the Jews and their Judaised Christians unite in denying the fact of this Ritual Sacrifice. The Jews are expelled from England by King Edward I due to their antiBritish culture. 1290, , . , , " ". 1290, , . 1290, , , . . 1290: Edward I expells all Jews from England 1291 -- Hospitallers retreat to Cyprus. - 1291 August 1 The Everlasting League is formed, becoming the basis for Swiss Confederation and independence. 1291 Crusaders defeated at Acre and evicted from Palestine. 1291 July 12--Acre, the last Christian fortress in Syria lost to the Moslems. Theobald Gaudin, Grand Master of the K.T., managed to escape from Acre to Cyprus with the treasure and relics the Knights

198 Templars. Hospitallers retreat to Cyprus. The Teutonic Knights moved the center of the order from the Holy Land to Venice. 1291 May 18 CITY OF ACRE FALLS, Both the Hospitallers and Templars move their headquarters from Acre to Cyprus. The Teutonic Knights headquarters is moved from Acre to Venice 1291, Acre captured by the Muslims; end of Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Death of Abraham Abulafia. Crusades end as Muslims rout Christians in Palestine. 1294 Marco Polo hears of a giant bird capable of lifting an elephant. It is supposed that this is the Madagascar Elephant Bird. About this time they become extinct. 1294 . ( ) . 1294 . ( ) . 1294, (Aug. 7) Bolko I. of Silesia grants Jews "Privilegium Fredericianum". 1295, (June 23) Boniface VIII. enters Rome and spurns the Torah presented to him by Jewish deputation. 1295: Edward I inaugurates the first representative parliament, the "Model Parliament", which features bishops, abbots, peers, knights and town representatives 1296 . , . 1299 1296-1328: First of the Wars of Scottish Independence between Scotland and England, leading to renewed Scottish independence in 1328. 1296 . , . 1299 1296: Edward I of England annexes Scotland 1298 Between 1298 and 1314 seven large comets seen over Europe. Tsarion

199 1298, -1299, Rindfleisch persecutions. 1298, Persecution of the Jews in Germany instigated by Rindfleisch; Mordecai ben Hillel a martyr. 1299 . 1299 13 . . . 1299 . 1299 13 . . . 1300 -- White Lotus Society founded in China. Inquisition begins suppression of witches and other pagan groups. - 1300 By the fourteenth century, the great, ancient city of Rome has dwindled to a miserable village. As few as 20,000 people cling to the ruins despite the ravages of disease and robber barons. Popes and cardinals had fled to Avignon in southern France. Rome was dwarfed in wealth and power by the great commercial cities and territorial states farther north, from Florence to Venice. (Britannica) 1300 . "White Lotus Society" founded in China at Rozan, south of the Yang Tze. Inquisition begins suppression of witches and other pagan groups. 1300, -1306, Third Maimonidean controversy. 1301, Jews plundered and slain at Magdeburg. 1302: Battle of the Golden Spurs in Flanders, after which the French were ousted. 1302 . 1302 . . 1303 . . . 6.500

200 . . , , , , . 1388. 1303, Ordinance of Philip the Fair enacts that all trials between Christians and Jews be decided by regular courts. 1303, , , ' , , , , . 1305, [ 1377], ' . ' , , "... , !". 1305, . , 1270. Wissembourg. Monniot quotes on p. 148 of his Le Crime Rituel chez les Juifs a letter dated 19th November, 1913, from the cure of the town, in which the details of this case are quoted from the Alsatian historian Hertzog, who says the victim' s tomb was for many years in the church. 1305 . (triregnum) . , .. . . (1305-1314) 1963. . , , , . : , , , , , . ccipe tiaram tribus coronis ornatam, et scias te esse Patrem Principum et Regnum,

201 Rectorem Orbis, in terra Vicarium Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi, cui est honor et gloria in s.cula s.culorum. ( ) (Inauguration of the Supreme Pontificate). . , , , . ; . . , . 1306, Expulsion of Jews from France under Philip the Fair. 1306, 45 . Pierre Dubois . Valois . . . ' , , . Dubois . .. , " " . 4-5 , , . . ", (, De recuperatione Terrae Sanctae, . V. Langlois Collection de textes pour servir a l' etude de l' histoire, Paris 1898 . 60, . , The recovery of the Holy Land, New York 1956, . 172, . , . , ..., . 245).

202 1306, . 1306, Philip the Fair had the Jews in France arrested, their assets confiscated and they were banished "forever". The reason behind this action was to cut off the Knights Templar's secret money transfers. He also wished to clamp down on the Jewish moneylenders in the Lombardy. The banishment was revoked in the year following his death (1315), but the royal family was to bitterly regret this action. The creditors once more made themselves an impossible nuisance with their usury and a few years later they were expelled again. 1306: Scottish king Robert Bruce rebels to the English 1307 -- Philip IV of France suppresses Knights Templar for witchcraft and heresies; Jacques de Molay imprisoned in the Temple in Paris. . 1307 October 13--Philippe IV of France ordered arrest of all Knights Templars for witchcraft and heresies; more than 600 of the 3,000 Templars in France were imprisoned according to Inquisition records. Jacques de Molay imprisoned in the Temple in Paris. From the destruction of the Templars we get some of our modern customs. Friday the 13th is unlucky; it is the day that the Templars were arrested. 1307, [ 1314], . 13 , 13 [Templar Freemasonry]. . 1307: Edward II becomes king of England 1308 -- Assassination of Holy Roman Emperor Albert I. - 1308 June 24--Knights Templars held an annual chapter in Poitiers for three days, displaying "The Mysterious Head", according to Etienne de Troyes. 1308 1309 Hospitallers acquire the Isle of Rhodes. September--The Teutonic Knights moved their headquarters to Marienberg, Prussia. October 6--Edward II ordered arrest of all Templars in Scotland. 1309 November 28 The heresy trial of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars begins in Paris. 1309 The Teutonic Knights move thee headquarters of their order from Venice to Prussia. The Hospitallers move their headquarters from Cyprus to Rhodes. 1309, -78, "Avignonese captivity" of the popes.

203 1312 May 16 The Hospitallers are awarded Templar estates throughout western Europe, Cyprus, and Greece. 1312, ' . 9.000 ! [ , , Pike A., Morals and Dogma, . 820-821]. " ". 1313 -- Knights Templar dissolved by papal decree. - 1314 -- De Molay and others burned in Paris. - 1314 March 15 Jacques de Molay, Templar Grand Master and Preceptor of Normandy, is burned at the stake on an island in the Seine River at Paris for heresy. Other sources say March 18, 1314. 1314 March 18--Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charnay roasted to death over a slow fire on the Ile de la Cite in the Seine. Robert Bruce established, according to old Masonic tradition, the "Royal Order of Scotland" and appointed the St. Clairs as hereditary Grand Masters. Many prominent Templars became members. 1314, , , , , 5. 1314: Robert Bruce defeats Edward II at the battle of Bannockburn and regains Scotland's independence 1315, (July 28) Jews recalled to France by Louis X. for twelve years. 1316 1318 The Portugese Templars became the "Order of Christ" and received the approval of Pope John XXII. 1318, Raymond Guillaume d' Adam, , , , "De modo Sarracenos extirpandi" " " , ... ! ... . 1320 England, Durham: After the abbot of Durham Abbey died and was buried, a strange light was seen to descend from the sky and move about over his grave.

204 1320 September 9 The commander of the Teutonic Knight in the Morea dies in battle against the Greeks near the fortress of St. George. 1320, The Pastoureaux persecutions in France ("gezerat ha-ro'im"). 1321 -1328 . , . , . 1321 -1328 . , , . , , (1321). , , . 1328 . 1321, The leper persecution in France ("gezera,mezora'im"). (June 24) Second expulsion of the Jews from France. Five thousand slain in Dauphine on charge of well-poisoning. 1321-1328 . , . , . 1321-1328 . , , . , , (1321). , , . 1328 .

205 1322, (Pentecost) Talmuds burned in Rome. Expulsion from the Kingdom of France. 1323-1328: beginning as a series of scattered rural riots in late 1323, the Peasant revolt in Flanders escalated into a full-scale rebellion and ended with the Battle of Cassel. 1326 1327 -- Assassination of King Edward II in England. - 1327 The Damburrow Abbey is destroyed by a sinkhole in 1327, and of its magnificent constructions only scattered ruins remain. 1327: Edward II is deposed by the parliament and replaced with his son Edward III 1328: Charles IV, the last Capetian king of France dies, his daughter Jeanne is disqualified from occupying the French throne, and Edward III of England claims the French throne, whereas the French nobility chooses Philip of Valois 1328 AARON ben-Elijah? 132869. Karaite scholar. Aaron lived for a time in Nico-media, in Asia Minor. His fame rests on his trilogy, consisting of Ez haChaim (Tree of Life), dealing with the philosophy of religion; Gan Eden (Garden of Eden), dealing with Karaite law; and Keter Torah (Crown of the Law), a commentary on the Bible. Tree of Life seems to be a conscious imitation of MAIMONIDES Guide of the Perplexed, though meant to be a counterweight to it. Aaron was successful in restoring some prestige to Karaism, the movement that accepted the Scriptures as the sole source of authority and rejected the Oral Rabbinic Law. He died of plague in 1369, probably in Constantinople, where he had settled. 1329 -- First appearance of the Tarot in Germany. - 1329 First appearance of the Tarot in Germany. 1331 -1355 - . - . 1335 , , , . 1331 . 1331, [ 1354], , 1/3 ! , 123.000.000 65.000.000!

206 1331, Lieberlingen. Child' s body found in well with wounds indicating that it had been sacrificed by Jews. The judges of the place had a number of Jews burned. 1331, , , , . , 1331-1355 - . - . 1335 , , , . 1332 November 4--A report from Robert of Reading: "In the first hours of the night, there was seen in the skies over Uxbridge England, a pillar of fire the size of a small boat, pallid, and livid in color. It rose from the south, crossed the sky with a slow and grave motion, and went north. Out of the front of the pillar, a fervent red flame burst forth with great beams of light. Its speed increased and it flew through the air. 1332-1357: The second long lasting instalment of the Wars of Scottish Independence, leading again to renewed Scottish independence from England and the Treaty of Berwick. 1332, , (Brocard, Brocardus de Monde Sion) ' 34 . . , ! , 1) , 2) , 3) , 4) , 5) ... [ ! 1453, "... , ..."

207 600 ], , . , ..., . 247-255. 1333 A plague in China, preceded by a terrible mist emitting a fearful stench and infecting the air. Tsarion 1333, 3 , . 1333: Edward III invades Scotland 1334, (Oct. 9) Casimir III. the Great, of Poland, grants Jews "Privilegium Fredericianum."; extends the charter of 1264. 1334: the first gunpowder is manufactured in England 1335/7-1348 1336, Civil war lasting until 1392 begins in Japan. 1337 1337, (May) Armleder massacres at Ensisheim, MUhlhausen, Rufach, etc. Beginning of the Hundred Years' War between England and France. Before 1340, Jacob b. Asher completes Arba'ah Turim. 1337: Philippe VI of France and Edward III of England go to war over France ("Hundred Years' War") 1338 The Berlin Bear becomes the symbol of Berlin's strength. 1338 1340, , 4 , , , . 1340: English knights and burgesses join in the House of Commons 1341 . , , . . 1341 , . . .

208 . 1341-1391 . ' ' (1328-1341), . , . . , . (26 1341), ', . . ', , . ' , . , . . ( ). , (1334-1347), , . , .

209 (21 1346), (11 1345), '. , ' . (3 1347) (13 1347) , ' ( , ). , ', , , , . (1350) (1351) , , . , , . ' , , . ', , , ' , . , , ', , (1355), , . 1354 ' , . 107 1462 . (1341-1355) '

210 , , , . , ' , , . ( 1369 1371) , . , ' ' (1376-1379). ' , . , , ', ' (1390), , ' (1391-1425) (1391). ' (1341-1391) , , . , , . , ' , , . 1343-1345: the St. George's Night Uprising in Estonia. 1344 Edward III vowed to establish an order like Arthur's at Windsor. (The round table still exists and was decorated in 1486 with the figure of Arthur and the names of 24 knights.) 1345 1345, 15 300 ,

211 . ( . , . , , ). , , , . , . . . , ' . , . , , , ' . 1345, , , , , , . , 1345. Munich. Illustrated in Bavaria Sancta. 1346 . 1346: superior weaponry and strategy allows Edward III's much smaller English army of 16,000 to defeat Philip VI's larger French army of 80,000 at the Battle of Crecy in northern France during the "Hundred Years' War", thus accelerating the shift from knights on horseback to fire power 1346-1566 1346 , , . 1347 April Cola Di Rienzi, tribune of the people, rules briefly in Rome before being overthrown in December. It is said that he was attempting to overthrow the aristocracy and to reestablish the Roman republic and world rule. (Timetables)

212 1347 Bubonic plague spreads in Europe through 1350. Over 100 million would die from the plague during the next 400 years. Tsarion 1347 July 1 Engagement of Count Louis of Male to Margaretha, the daughter of Jan III. 1347 . . . 1347, Bubonic plague spreads from China to Cyprus. 1347, ! 1347, , 5 , . , , . 1348 (Feb. 28) The Ordenamiento of Alcaza orders all usury to cease. (July 16) Karl IV. forbids Jews being summoned before the Vehmgericht. Black Death massacres in Spain and France. The Jews introduce the Bubonic Plague into England as their revenge for having driven them out in 1290. Protective bulls of Clement VI. 1348 the plague ("Black Death") reaches England (1.5 people will die, out of a population of 4 million) 1348 1348, , . , , . , , , . , , 6. 1348, . . 1348-49 Persecution of the Jews in central Europe on account of the Black Death. Pope Clement VI. issues two bulls protecting them. Immigration from Germany. 1349 Jews are persecuted in Germany. (Timetables) 1349 . .

213 . , , . 1352. 1349 . . . , , . 1352. 1349, Hielbronn . 1349, . 1350 April 23--The "Order of the Garter" formally founded on St. George Day, by Edward III of England. The members consisted of twenty-four knights, the monarch and the Prince of Wales. The symbolism of the garter itself still remains obscure. A record of the Order, compiled in Henry VIII's reign, relates that Richard I, during his crusade, gave garters to certain knights as tokens of honor, and it was supposed that Edward III followed this example. 1350 Renaissance Period, with its emphasis on freedom of the human spirit, replaces oligarchic control structures in Europe. It produces individualism that is immediately expressed as republican nationalism, dedicated to ending all hereditary control and dictatorship over the lives of people. The Renaissance Period becomes destructured again by the old families in Europe. England eventually becomes the source of the movement to destroy nationalism (initially through conquest and establishment of the British Empire) and individualism, expressed in the Communist movement. Eventually, two world wars would be planned to restore rule by the oligarchy. Tsarion 1350 1350, Alfonso IV. of Portugal enforces the badge (first in the Peninsula). 1351 Pope Innocent VI ordered a grimoire called The Book of Solomon, probably The Key of Solomon, to be burned.

214 1351, Cortes of Valladolid demands the abolition of the judicial autonomy of Spanish-Jewish communities. Jews burned at Konigsberg in Neumark. Plague reaches Russia; Europe's toll tops 25 million. 1352 January--The "Order of the Star", or the "Order of Our Lady of the Noble Lineage" founded. 1353, Jews invited back to Worms on account of their usefulness. 1354 Cola Rienzi is murdered in Rome. The legend begins. (see Edward Bulwer Lytton) 1354: revolt of Cola di Rienzi. 1354 The term freemason appears in the records of the city of London. It referred to working masons who were permitted to travel the country at a time when the feudal system shackled most peasants closely to the land. Unlike the members of other crafts of the time - smiths or tanners for example - the masons gathered in large groups to work on majestic, glorious projects, moving from one finished castle or cathedral to the planning and building of the next. For mutual protection, education, and training, the masons bound themselves together into a local lodge the building, put up at a construction site, where workmen could eat and rest. Eventually, a lodge came to signify a group of masons based in a particular locality." ("Freemasons; Mortar and Mysticism," Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects) 1354 . . (). 1354, , , , , , , , , , . 1355 . 1355, 5, ' ! . [ 14 , ... .

215 ... ( ' , )]. 1356-1358: a peasant revolt called Jacquerie took place in northern France, during the Hundred Years' War. 1356, Charles IV grants the Electors the privilege of taxing the Jews. 1356: England captures the French king and one third of France at the battle of Poitiers 1357 , 1359 1359, Jews recalled to France. 1360 -- Approximate date of the earliest known Satanic cults; black masses celebrated in France. - 1360 Approximate date of the earliest known Satanic cults with black masses celebrated in France. 1360 Charles IV of Bohemia (1316-1378) replaces the silver sleeve on the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz)with one of gold bearing the inscription, "the nail of our Lord." 1360, Samuel Abulafia dies under torture on the charge of peculation. Manessier de Vesoul obtains from King John a decree permitting Jews to dwell in France. 1360, , . 1360, , , . 1361 A flying object described as being "shaped like a drum, about twenty feet in diameter" emerged from the inland sea off western Japan. 1361 1362 1363 . 1363, Tamerlane begins conquest of Asia. 1364: Charles V liberates France from England 1365 /6 1365, Jews expelled by Louis the Great from Hungary; many go to Wallachia. 1365/6 1366 .

216 . . . , , . . , . , . . . , . . , , 1366 , , 23 , . , . 1367 Hans Fugger, a weaver born in the village of Graben in Swabia, establishes his family in Augsburg (G). By twice marrying the daughters of masters of the weavers' guild, the industrious Fugger later acquires civic rights and the freedom of the company. He also became a member of the guild's committee of 12 and of the city's great council and conducted a successful textile trade. (Brittannica) 1368: Zhu Yuanzhang led peasant Han Chinese in a rebellion against the Mongol Yuan dynasty, establishing the Ming dynasty. 1368, Mongol dynasty ends in China; Ming dynasty begins. 1369 Timurlane becomes Great Khan. . 1369 1370 . ,

217 . 1371 . 1370, All Jews imprisoned and robbed in Austria. 1370, , . 1371 . 1371: Robert II, grandson of Robert Bruce, establishes the Stuart line on the Scottish throne 1372 . . , , , . 1372 . . , , , . 1375 -- Another assembly of traveling mason guilds in Frankfort. - 1375 The first known record of the concept "Freemasons" in the city archives of London. 1376 ' (1376-1379). ' , 1379. ' , , . . 1378: Revolt of the Ciompi. 1379 to 1482 -- Alleged life of Christian Rosenkreuz, fictitious founder of Rosicrucianism. -

218 1379 to 1482 Alleged life of Christian Rosenkreuz, fictitious founder of Rosicrucianism. 1379, 50 . 4 7 ... ! 1380 The "Zeno Map" was drawn, it covered a vast area of the north as far as Greenland with amazing accuracy. 1380, , . 1380, (Nov. 15) Riot at Paris; many Jews plundered, several killed, most fled. 1381, A synod at Mayence regulates the rabbinical marriage laws. 1381 The end of the unsuccessful Peasants' Revolt in England 1381. Rebel leader Wat Tyler is killed while Richard II watches, a second image within the painting shows Richard addressing the crowd 1381: Popular riots erupt against a new tax (the "Great Revolt") 1381: the Peasants' Revolt or Great Rising of 1381 took place in England. 1381: the Oxford theologian John Wyclif denies that the substance of bread and wine are miraculously changed during the Eucharist 1382 John Wycliffe, a British philosopher, sponsors the first English translation of the Christian Bible. Wycliffe asserted that if there were "a hundred popes" and if "all the friars turned to cardinals," they would still have no more authority than Scripture itself. (Bobrick) 1382 November 9 The Cambridge Yiddish Codex, the earliest extensive manuscript written in Yiddish, is explicitly dated November 9, 1382. It excites the interest of Germanicists for its version of "Dukus Horant" ( a poem from the Hildesage of the Kudrun [Gundrun] epic known from the Ambras manuscript copied by Hans Ried, 1502/04-16), which antedates the earliest extant manuscript of the Hildesage by at least 130 years. The documentary history of Yiddish is unbroken thereafter to the present day. (Brittannica) Yiddish had its beginnings in the 10th century when Jews from northern France and northern Italy settled in the Rhineland. These early Jewish settlements were dislocated by the Crusades and later by the persecutions that followed the "Black Death." The subsequent move to Slavic territory had enormous influence on the development of the language. 1383 1385 1386, Beginning of the union between Poland and Lithuania. 1387 December--A "fire in the sky, like a burning and revolving wheel..." was seen in Leicester and Northamptonshire, England. The

219 objects "emitted fire from above, and others in the shape of long, fiery beams". 1387 1387, Jews expelled from Basel. 1388 1388, Witold of Lithuania grants charter to Jews of Brest-Litovsk. 1388, . 1389 , 1389, (Apr. 18) The charge of insult to a priest carrying the sacrament leads to the massacre of the Jews in Prague. 1390 -- Gypsies begin to appear in Europe. - 1390 July 1 A combined French and Genoese armada sails out against barbarian pirates. 1390 , . , , . . 1390, Turks conquer Asia Minor. 1390, , , 1390 , , , ]. 1391 -1425 1391, (June 6) Spanish horrors begin; Ferdinand Martinez incites the mob against the Jews of Seville; anti-Jewish riots spread throughout Castile and Aragon. Massacres and conversions. 1391 the preaching of a priest of Seville, Fernando Martinez, led to the first general massacre of the Jews who were envied for their prosperity and hated because they were the king's tax collectors. 1391, , , , 5 , ! ' , , "... , , ,

220 , 1399 1403", , . , , . 262. 1391-1425 1393 1394 -1395 1394 -1402 1394 A report from England: "A certain thing appeared in the likeness of fire in many parts of England every night. This fiery apparition, oftentimes when anybody went alone, it would go with him, and would stand still when he stood still. To some it appeared in the likeness of a turning wheel burning; to other some a round object, the likeness of a barrel, flashing out flames of fire at the head; to others, the likeness of a long burning lance." 1394 The first translation of the English Christian Bible (Wycliffe) is banned and burned by the Catholic Church. English translations of the Bible were considered to be so villainous and blasphemous that over the course of nearly three centuries, they inspired excommunications, tortures, beheadings and burnings. (Bobrick) 1394, . (Nov. 3) Third and last expulsion of the Jews from France, under Charles VI. 1394: Richard II invades Ireland 1394-1395 1394-1402 1395 1396 , , , . Mircea, , , , , . , , , , . 1396 . . 25 1396 .

221 1397 , 1397-1398 1398 -1399 O Boucicaut . 1398 Many feel that the Holy Grail may have been taken to Nova Scotia in this year. 1398 . 1.200 Boucicaut 1398-1399 O Boucicaut . 1399 The Holy Grail brought to Martin the Humane, King of Aragon, to his palace in Zaragoza, Spain, according to catholic tradition. 1399 Boucicaut . , 1399. 1400 , 1400 , . 21 1400 , . 1401 , 1402 . 1403 . 1399, Blood libel in Poznan. 1399: Henry Bollingbroke, the son of the richest man (John of Gaunt) overthrows Richard II and becomes king Henry IV 1400 - 1600 CE Alleged life of Christian Rosenkreutz (1379-1482). Foundation of the Order of the Garter by Edward III (1348). First publication of the Corpus Heremeticum by the Medici family in Italy (1460). Publication of Malleus Malifiracum and the papal bull of Pope Innocent which began the medieval witch hunting hysteria (1484 and 1486). Martin Luther begins Reformation (1521). Henry Agrippa refers to the Templars as Gnostics and worshippers of the phallic god Priapus (1530). Life of Dr John Dee (1527-1608). Foundation of the British Secret Service by Sir Francis Walsingham. Birth of Johann Valenti Andrea (1586). Life of Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Defeat of the Spanish Armada, with magical help from the New Forest Witches (1588). THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard

222 1400 European power centers coalesce into two camps: the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperors Hohenstaufen family, and the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers. The Guelphs are also called the Neri, Black Guelphs, or Black Nobility, and supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which would rule the world from the 17th century. All coup d'etats, revolutions and wars in the 19th and 20th centuries are centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the New World Order. The power of the Guelphs would extend through the Italian financial centers to the north of France in Lombardy (all Italian bankers were referred to as Lombards. Lombard in German means deposit bank, and the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. They would later transfer operations north to Hamburg, then to Amsterdam, and finally to London. The Guelphs would start the slave trade to the colonies. The Guelphs, in order to aid their control of finance and politics, would perpetuate Gnostic cults which eventually developed into the Rosicrucians, Unitarians, Fabian Society and the World Council of Churches. The East India company, together with John Stuart Mill, would finance the University of London. A friend of Mill, George Grote, would give the University of London 6000 to study mental health, which began the worldwide mental health movement. Tsarion 1400-1415 The Welsh revolt led by Owain Glyndr. 1400, Persecution of the Jews of Prague at the instigation of the convert Pessach; Lipmann of MUhihausen among the sufferers. 1400s -- Cathari sect dies out. Concave lenses developed. - 1401, , 30 , , , 7 , , 13 , . 1401: Henry IV issues a statute legalizing the persecution of "heretics" (mainly Lollards) 1403, (Oct. 25) Juan II. of Castile withdraws civil jurisdiction from Jews. 1404 -- King Robert revises code of Holy Vehm. - 1404 August 1 Earl Engelbert I of Nassau marries Johanna of Poland. 1405, Jews expelled from Speyer.

223 1407, (Oct. 26) Jews attacked at Cracow. 1408 Hans Fugger dies in Augsburg and his sons Andreas and Jakob I, both of whom had learned the goldsmith's trade, jointly carry on the family business until they dissolve their partnership in 1454. 1408 The Catholic Church in England rules that anyone who dared possess a copy of Wycliffe's translation of the Bible (1382) could be tried for heresy. 1410 -- Secret society formed in Italy which eventually joins with Rosicrucianism. - 1410, (Sept.) Meir Alguades slain on charge of host-desecration. , , . 1410, , 23, [1410-1415], " 37 , , , , , , , ! 300 ... 200 ... . 54 ". 1410, , "". 1411 The region around Berlin comes under the rule of the powerful Hohenzollern family, who soon make Berlin their capital. 1411 The Teutonic Knights are defeated at Tannenberg and are bankrupted. 1411, Vincent Ferrer raises the populace against the Jews and passes oppressive legislation. 1413 -1421 . (, , , , ) . . 1413, (Jan. 7) Religious disputation at Tortosa arranged by Pope Benedict XIII., between Geronimo de Santa Fe and Vidal Ben veniste ibn Labi; Joseph Albo. 1413: Henry V succeeds his father to the throne of England 1413-1421 .

224 (, , , , ) . . 1414 November 9 Albrecht III Achilles, elector of Brandenburg, is born. 1415 -1416 . , , . 1415 . . 1415, (May 11) Bull of Benedict XIII. against the Talmud and any Jewish book attacking Christianity. 1415: Henry V of England allies with Burgundy, defeats the French at the battle of Agincourt, takes prisoner the duke of Orleans and proceeds to reconquer Normandy from France 1419, Martin V against forced conversion. 1419-36, Hussite Wars. 1420, Charges of host-desecration lead to the putting to death of a number of Jews and to the expulsion of the remainder from Lower and Upper Austria. Expulsion from Lyons. 1420, , . 1420, , 45 , , , , , . 1420: Bohemian Hussites begin a rebellion against both Catholicism and the Holy Roman Empire. The wars that ensue are known as the Hussite Wars. 1420: England seizes northern France 1421 1421, Wiener Gesera; expulsion from Austria. Second general massacre of Jews in all the Spanish Provinces. 1422 . 1422, ' , . 1422: Henry VI becomes king of England

225 1423 -1424 . 15 1423 , . . 1424 . , 1424, , . . 1 1424 . 1423 1423 . 1423, Jews expelled from Cologne. 1424 1424, Jews expelled from Zurich. , . 1425 -1448 . . , , , . 1425 In England, a ban is placed on the holding of annual assemblies of masons on the grounds that they contravene the Statutes of Labourers. The masons protested that they were as loyal and law-abiding as other trades and objected to being singled out for attack. (The Old Charges, Bro. J. R. Clarke) 1425, Joseph Albo completes Sefer ha-Ikkarim. 1425-1448 . . , , , . 1426, . 1427 -1430 .

226 , , . 1427, Papal edict prohibits transportation of Jews to Palestine in ships of Venice and Ancona. 1429, , , , , . 1429: the French army, led by Jeanne d'Arc, triumphs at Orleans 1430 1430 1431, 4, 1447. ' .... Burning of Joan of Arc as a witch at Rouen. 1431: Henry VI of England is crowned king of France in Paris 1431: the English burn Jeanne d'Arc at the stakes 1432 1432, Rabbinical synod at Valladolid. Host-tragedy at Segovia, a synod at Avila, under Abraham Benveniste Senior, provides for an educational system for Jewish Spain. 1432, Savory. 1433 May 21 the Teutonic Knight procurator John Nichlausdorf in Rome reports that he had protested to the Byzantine representative the loss of the Orders properties in the Morea. 1433 Sigismund is crowned Holy Roman Emperor and the doubleeagle becomes the emblem of the Holy Roman emperors. (Timetables) 1434 "The company of Masons, being otherwise termed FreeMasons, of auntient staunding and good reckonings, by means of affable and kind meetyngs dyverse tymes, and as a lovinge brotherhode use to doe, did frequent this mutual assembly in the tyme of Henry VI in the twelfth yeare of his most gracious reign, A.D. 1434." (Illustrations of Masonry, William Preston, 1804) 1434, Annihilation of the Jews of Majorea. 1435, Jews expelled from Speyer. Massacre and conversion of the Jews of Majorca. 1437: the Boblna (Bbolna) revolt broke out in Transylvania, using military tactics inspired by the Hussites wars. 1437 -- Assassination of King James I of Scotland. - 1437 ABRABANEL, Isaac ben-Judah 1437 1508. Portuguese financier and scholar. Isaacs grandfather, who lived in Seville, converted to Christianity during the wave of anti-Jewish riots which swept the country in 1391. Taking the name of Juan Sanchez, he

227 became royal treasurer of Andalusia. However, in 1397 he moved to Lisbon and practised Judaism openly. Isaacs father was an even more prominent financial figure, in the service of the Infante Ferdinand of Portugal. Isaac himself, a wealthy trader, was treasurer to King Alfonso v of Portugal. He was respected in Jewish circles, and had friends among Christian humanist scholars. On King Alfonsos death in 1481, the new ruler, John II, accused him of being implicated in a plot, thus forcing him to move to Spain. He was sentenced to death in absentia in 1485. Isaac stayed at first in Castile, in a small town near the Portuguese border, and devoted himself to scholarly works. After completing his commentaries on Joshua, Judges and Samuel, he took service in 1484 with FERDINAND and ISABELLA, the Catholic monarchs of Spain. He became the most skilful diplomat and financier at the court, while amassing a huge personal fortune. He used his influence in an effort to avert Ferdinand and Isabellas decision to expel the Jews in 1492. Having failed, Isaac left the country with his co-religionists in 1492 and sailed for Naples. There he took up his biblical studies once more and completed his commentary on the Book of Kings. Soon after, he was appointed treasurer by King Ferrante, retaining this post under Ferrantes son Alfonso II. During the French invasion of 1494, Don Isaacs home was looted and he himself fled once more, this time to Messina with the royal family. He returned to the Kingdom of Naples when the French troops withdrew in 1496, and in 1503 settled in Venice, where he remained until his death. As well as commentaries on the major and minor prophets, Isaac wrote three messianic works (called Migdal Yes-huot, Tower of Salvation), reflecting the not uncommon belief of Spanish Jews of that period that the Messiah would come in their lifetime. 1438 -1439 . (700 ) 1438 . 1439 1438, Jews expelled from Mayence. 1438, . 1438, - , , / " ". , , , - !, . ! ; (

228 . , . ;) 1439 -1440 1439, , . 1440, Jews expelled from Augsburg. 1441 Jakob Fugger marries the daughter of a mint master who goes bankrupt three years later. Warned by this event, Jakob proceeds carefully in his own business, and soon succeeds in substantially increasing his profits and wealth. 1441 Portugese navigators find the first Negroes near Cape Blanc, western Africa, and restart the slave trade. 1443 . , , , , . , . 1444 Men taken from Lagos, Africa, to Seville, Spain, and sold into slavery to work the sugar cane fields. Tsarion 1444 . 1444 . 1444, O Mo, , . 1444-1468: Skenderbeg's rebellion in Ottoman-ruled Albania 1444, , . 1446 . . . . 1446, . 1447, Casimir IV. of Poland grants special privileges to Jews. 1448 . 1449 . 1448 . .

229 . . . . 1450, Ludwig X. of Bavaria throws all the Jews in forty towns into prison and confiscates their property. 1450: Jack Cade's popular rebellion of peasants and workers against taxes and oppression 1450: Kent rebellion led by Jack Cade. 1451, Nichoias de Cusa enforces the wearing of the Jew badge in Germany. 1451, , , , , , , . 1452, -53, John of Capistrano incites persecutions and expulsions. 1452, , , 2 , , 8 . 1452: Henry VI of England goes mad 1453 -1455 Gutenberg and his financier, Johannes Fust, print the 42-line (Mazarin) bible at Mainz, Germany. 1453 29 1453 Constantinople captured by the Turks; end of the Hundred Years' War. Onward, Jews favored as a valuable trading and artisan element in the Ottoman Empire. Byzantine Empire; Middle Ages end; Renaissance begins. 1453 End of the Hundred Years War between England and France. England gives up all continental possessions except Calais. 1453 The Turks capture Constantinople and kill Emperor Constantine XI. The East Roman (Byzantine) Empire comes to an end. 1453 1453 1453, , . 2 , . , 11. 1453, . 1453: France expels the English (end of the "Hundred Years' War" with English defeat)

230 1453, , - . 4 , , . , . , , . , . , , , . , , . - , . , , , . (: Henri Desportes Le Mystere du Sang). 1454 (May 2) Forty one Jews burned at Breslau, and Jews expelled from Brunn and Olmu, through Capistrano. Death of Abraham Benveniste. Privileges revoked; riots in Cracow. Movable type printing press is introduced. 1454 Andreas and Jakob Fugger dissolve their business partnership. Andreas, the more enterprising of the two, and his descendants quickly attained great wealth, and these Fugger vom Reh (Fuggers of the Doe, from their coat of arms) spread over southern, central, and eastern Germany; as late as 1944, there were Fukier (descendants of the Fuggers) still residing in Warsaw. (Britannica) 1454 Peace of Lodi is signed between Venice and Milan. 1454 Pope induced to extend his blessing to the slave trade and his authority to attack, subject and reduce to slavery the Saracens, Pagans, and other enemies of Christ. Portugal becomes a prime user of slavery to promote its trade in sugar, to which people were becoming addicted. Tsarion 1454, , , . , , , . 1454, . 1454, , , . 1455 Beginning of the War of the Roses.

231 1455, England's war of the Roses is fought. 1455: The royal houses of York and Lancaster fight a civil war ("War of the Roses") to succeed the mad Henry VI 1456 -- Gutenberg Bible begins modern printing. - 1456 1457, . . , . , . , , . . 1458 -- Abramelin's Book of Sacred Magic translated from Hebrew to french according to followers of the cult of the Guardian Angel. - 1458 Jews expelled from Erfurt. 1458 The magician Abramelin, also called "Abraham the Jew", authors The Book of Sacred Magic, said to have been delivered to his son Lamech. His book offers readers cabalistic magic squares that will purportedly perform such feats as raising tempests, causing spirits to appear, changing men into animals and vice versa, procuring visions, raising the dead, rousing love or hate, demolishing buildings, walking under water, and even making stage performances appear. 1458, 2 [ 1464]. , "... , !". Jews expelled from Erfurt. 1459 The Constitution of the Masons of Strasburg is signed. These Statutes, which undoubtedly were based on the ancient customs and laws of the craft, were discussed and agreed on at two assemblies of Masters and Fellows, held in the manner of a chapter, ("in Kappitelsweise,") the first at Regensburg on Easter-day 1459, and the second shortly afterwards at Strasburg, when they were definitively adopted and promulgated. The Quatuor Coronati, (the holy four crowned martyrs) are mentioned in both the opening and closing of the document. In conclusion the brothers vow that they and their successors will observe the holy day of Quatuor

232 Coronati each year henceforth. See November 9th. (Constitutions of the Masons of Strasburg) The spirit of the German Imperial Constitution can be plainly seen in all its features. The expression "in Kappitelsweise," which is used by no other guild, is derived from the convent meeting of the Benedictine monks, which were termed "Capitula" or Chapters. Thus also, in the Old English Constitutions, and in the Act of Parliament of Henry VI., we find the meeting of the Masons termed "Chapters, Congregations, Assemblies, and Chambers." All the precepts of these statutes, which were kept secret from the profane, were read at least once a year in the Lodges. 1460 (March 5) The states of Austria demand that no Jew be permitted to dwell there. Jews Expelled From Savoy. 1460 1460, (March 5) The states of Austria demand that no Jew be permitted to dwell there. Jews Expelled From Savoy. 1461 , , . 1461: Edward IV of York deposes Henry VI Lancaster and lets Richard Neville run the country on his behalf 1462-1485: Rebellion of the Remences in Catalonia. 1462 Rinn, Innsbruck, A Christian boy called Andreas Oxner was bought by the Jews and sacrificed for his blood on a stone in the forest. The body was found by his mother in a birch-tree. No Jew was apprehended because, the border being near, they had fled when the crime was made known. The Abbe Vacandard, defender of the Jews, says there was no trial. Well, of course there wasn't. Even in 1995 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy was sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV, in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was, "cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." This last is admitted by Pope Clemet XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Sacrifices when, as Cardinal Ganganelli, he had been commissioned by Pope Benedict XIV to go into the matter; and in this report, he said, "I admit the truth of another fact, which happened in the year 1462 in the village of Rinn, in the Diocese of Brixen, in the person of the Blessed Andreas, a boy barbarously murdered by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." No one questions the historical occurrence of this case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Sacrifice still exists in the church. 1462, , , , , 10 , .

233 1463 Jakob Fugger is made a member of the more highly respected merchants' guild in Augsburg. 1464 (Apr. 12) Jews plundered and Murdered by soldiers in Cracow. 1464 April 9 "It was determined upon the day at Spires, on the ninth day of April, in the year, counting from God's birth, 1464 that the workmaster, JOST DOTZINGER, of Worms, workmaster of the high chapter at Strasburg, shall have an assembly of craftsmen in his district, when three or four masters shall be taken and chosen, to come together on a certain day, as they may agree, and what is there determined on by a majority of those who are so congregated in chapters, and who are then present, and how they may decrease or increase some articles, that shall be kept throughout the whole fraternity." See November 9th. (Constitutions of the Masons of Strasburg) 1464, (Apr. 12) Jews plundered and Murdered by soldiers in Cracow. 1464, 2 [ 1471]. . 1466 Adolf Rusch (the so-called "R-Printer") edits and prints the earliest edition of De rerum naturis by Rabanus Maurus. Johann Mentel prints the first German bible at Strasbourg (Strasburg) the same year. (Timetables) 1467 Eighteen Jews burned at Nuremberg. 1468 Jews expelled from Neisse by the gilds. Blood accusation brought against Jews of Sepulveda. 1468, 9 , - (Sepulveda) (Solomon Pecho). To , . , ' (Jean d' Avila), (Segovie). 4 , . . (: Golmenares Hist ds Segovie). 1468 Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself a son of a converted Jew; Jean

234 d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History of Segovia records the facts of the case, which was juridically decided by a man of Jewish blood. That may be the reason that one finds no mention of it in Strack's book in defence of the Jews, The Jew and Human Sacrifice. 1468, Jews expelled from Neisse by the gilds. Blood accusation brought against Jews of Sepulveda. 1468 Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain, The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself a son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History of Segovia records the facts of the case, which was juridically decided by a man of Jewish blood. That may be the reason that one finds no mention of it in Strack's book in defence of the Jews, The Jew and Human Sacrifice. 1468, , , , . , , . 1468, , , , . , . 1468, , , , , , , . 1469 Guru Nanak Dev first master of Sikhs 1469 Jakob Fugger dies, and two of his seven sons, Ulrich and Georg, profitably expand the firm's international trade. Brother Markus relocates to Rome and the youngest son Jakob II seems destined for an ecclesiastical career. 1469 Jews plundered and slain at Posen. 1470 Jews expelled from Bishopric of Mayence. 1470 , ALEXANDER BALFOUR 1 , James IV JANET WEMYSS 1478 32 , 24 1471 -- Assassination of King Henry VI of England. - 1471 Latin translation of Corpus Hermeticum, which had just been rediscovered in Macedonia. The Corpus Hermeticum is a collection of texts from the second and third centuries of our era that survived from a more extensive literature. Reflecting the generalized spiritual orientation of late Hellenistic gnosis rather than a tradition in any organized sense,

235 these sometimes contradictory texts share only their claim to a common source of revelation, Hermes Trismegistus. 1471, 4, [ 1484]. ... . ' ..., . 1471: Edward IV defeats Margaret of Anjou while both the renegade Richard Neville and Henry VI are murdered by his men 1472 -- University of Ingolstadt founded. Fernando Poo discovers Fernando Poo. - 1473 Cyprus comes under Venetian rule. 1473 Marranos of Valladolid and Cordoba Massacred. Expulsion from Mainz. 1473 The Fugger family is granted a coat of arms with a lily, causing this branch of the family to be called Fugger von der Lilie. With the help of their brother Markus in Rome, they handled remittances to the papal court of monies for the sale of indulgences and the procuring of church benefices. (Britannica) Ulrich and Georg established an agency of their own in the German merchants' building in Venice. The Fuggers were among the great merchant dynasties that first urged the Pope to rescind or amend the medieval prohibition on the levying of interest and the sale of indulgences and benefices, as well as his loan policies. 1473 The Fugger family of Augsburg begins business dealings with the Habsburgs (Hapsburgs). (Timetables) 1474 Marranos of Segovia massacred. 1475 Bernardinus of Feltre preaches against the Jews in Italy. The Jews charged with the murder of Simon of Trent for ritual purposes. Riots in Padua and elsewhere in Italy and Sicily. Jews expelled from several towns. Blood libel of Trent. Beginning of Hebrew printing (Rashi printed in Reggio di Calabria). 1475 The Case of St. Simon of Trent In 1475, a three year old Christian boy named Simon disappeared in the Italian town of Trent; the circumstances were such that suspicion fell upon the Jews. Hoping to avert this suspicion, they themselves "found" the child's body in a conduit where they afterwards confessed to having thrown it into the conduit. Examination of the body, however, revealed that the boy had not drowned; there were strange wounds on the body, of circumcision and crucifixion. 1475, a three-year-old Christian boy named Simon disappeared in the Italian town of Trent; the circumstances were such that suspicion fell upon the Jews. Hoping to avert this suspicion, they themselves "found" the child's body in a conduit where they afterwards confessed to having thrown it into the conduit. Examination of the body, however, revealed

236 that the boy had not drowned; there were strange wounds on the body, of circumcision and crucifixion. About seven Jews were arrested; they were tortured and confessed that the boy had been Ritually Sacrificed for the purpose of obtaining Christian blood to mix with the ceremonial unleavened bread; these confessions were made separately and agreed in all essential details. The Jews were tried and were ultimately executed. The officer in charge of the investigation of the crime, Jean de Salis de Brescia, had before him a converted Jew, Jean de Feltro, who described how his father told him that Jews of his town, Lanzhut, had killed a Christian child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes. No one has ever dared to try and deny the historical events of this case; only the Jews invent "reasons" why it was not Ritual Murder! But there is no escape from the opposite conclusion. 1475, The Case of St. Simon of Trent, - 24 . , , , 2 5 , . , , . 1476 Blood accusation in Regensburg through the convert Wolfram. 1476, , , . . 1477 Jews plundered at Colmar and burned at Passau; the rest expelled through Bishop. 1478 Jakob Fugger II , who had originally been destined for an ecclesiastical career, begins studying modern bookkeeping in Venice. 1478 Jews expelled from Diocese of Bamberg on account of Simon of Trent affair. Spanish Inquisition is begun by Ferdinand and Isabella, period of exploration by Europeans begins. 1479 Union of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand the Catholic and Isabell marks the beginning of the Spainish state. 1480 April18 Lucrezia Borgia, the illegitimate daughter of Pope Alexander VI, is born in Italy. She will marry three times by the age of 18 to further her father's political ambitions. 1480 Inquisition established in Spain. 1480 Venice. This case, as admitted in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 410, was settled by trial. Three Jews were executed. 1481 -1531 Ulrich Zwingli was a leader of the Swiss reformation. A Catholic priest, he became a chaplain to Swiss mercenary troops hired to fight in the Italian campaigns. He became convinced that hiring men as mercenaries to kill other men was a great evil. (This is a lesson that the U.S. must again learn. If the price is right, currently, U.S. mercenaries will destroy any people or nation on earth)

237 1481 The inquisition against the Marranos established in Seville and at other places in Castile. 1481 The Spanish Inquisition begins under the joint direction of the Spanish state and the Catholic Church. 1482 Inquisition established in Aragon; Thomas de TorQuemada {a Jew}, chief inquisitor. Portuguese colonize African Gold Coast. 1483 -- Assassination of King Edward V of England. - 1483 -1546 Luther The Reformation proper is said to have started in Germany on October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther, an Augustinian Catholic priest, posted his "95 Theses." The "Theses" invited debate over the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church. The papacy views this as heresy and proceeded to take steps against Luther. 1483 November 10 Martin Luther is born in Eisleben in the province of Saxony to Hans and Margaret Ziegler Luther. The family soon moves to Mansfeld. Some original sources place his actual birth as November 9. 1483 Russians begin the exploration of vast areas of Siberia. 1483 Tor Quemada appointed inquisitor general. Expulsion from Warsaw. 1483 1483: Edward IV dies and his brother Richard becomes regent for the infant princes, but then crowns himself as Richard III and murdering both of Edward IV's children 1484 A Papal Bull "Summis desiderantes" is issued by the Vatican against witchcraft and sorcery. 1484, Jews expelled from Aries. 1484, , , . [ 1492]. 16 . ! . 1485 August 1 Henry (VII) Tudor's army sails to England. 1485 August 22 England's King Richard III is killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field, ending the War of the Roses. 1485 Jakob Fugger II (later called "the Rich"), takes charge of the Fugger agency in Innsbruck, Austria. He quickly shows sound business acumen in making the firm a partner in the Tirolean mines by granting permanent loans, secured by deliveries of copper and silver, to Archduke Sigismund and King (later Emperor) Maximilian. The large profits realized from this venture encouraged the Fuggers to also participate in mining operations in Silesia.

238 1485 Padua, Italy The victim in this case was canonized as St. Lorenzino, Benedict XIV mentioning him as a martyr in Bull Beatus Andreas. This case was attested by the Episcopal Court of Padua. 1485 1694 . Henry VII (1485-1509), Tudor, " " . John Cabot . 1485, , , , , . , 14 , , , . , , . 1485: Henry VII Tudor of Lancaster, supported by Charles VIII of France, defeats and kills Richard III of York, ending the Yorkist dynasty and inaugurating the Tudor dynasty on the throne of England 1486, , 17 , 7 , , , , , . 1486: Henry VII marries Elizabeth of York, thus uniting houses of York and Lancaster 1487, , , " ". 1488 (Jan. 25) First auto at Barcelona. (May 24 and July 30) Autos da fe at Toledo at former, 21 Jews burned, 400 punished; and latter, 76 burned. Bartholomew Daz sails around Cape of Good Hope. 1489, 13 , , , , , /, . , , , ... ! 1489 : The Expulsion From Spain. This expulsion, in 1492, was remembered by Jewry in 1992; there had also been an expulsion from parts of France in 1489. Norman Cohn, in Warrant For Genocide (pp. 50-52), reports that a Rothschild publication Revue des etudes juivres (Review of Jewish

239 Studies) published in 1880 a reprint of two famous letters relating to these expulsions: "they are known as The Letter of the Jews of Arles (or, in some versions, of Spain) and The Reply of the Jews of Constantinople; and they read as follows: "Honourable Jews, greetings and blessings! This is to tell you that the King of France, who is again master of Provence, has ordained by public proclamation that we must become Christians or leave his territory. And the people of Arles, Aix and Marseille want to take away our belongings, they threaten our lives, they wreck our synagogues, they cause us much vexation; and all this makes us uncertain what we ought to do to keep the Law of Moses. This is why we ask you to be so good as to let us know, in your wisdom, what we ought to do. Chamor, Rabbi of the Jews of Arles the 13th of Sabath, 1489". "Well-beloved Brethren in Moses, we have received the letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and adversities you are suffering. The advice of the grand satraps and rabbis is as follows: You say that the King of France demands that you become Christians; do so, since you cannot do otherwise, but keep the Law of Moses in your hearts. You say that you are forced to surrender your belongings: then make your children merchants, so that, little by little, they may strip the Christians of their belongings. You say that attempts are made against your lives: then make your children doctors and apothecaries, so that they may deprive Christians of their lives. You say that they are destroying your synagogues: then make your children canons and clerics, so that they may destroy their churches. You say that the people are vexing you in many other ways: then see to it that your children become advocates and notaries, so that you will get the Christians under your yoke, you will dominate the world, and you will be able to take your revenge. Do not depart from this order that we give you, for you will see by experience that, from the abasement in which you now find yourselves, you will attain the summit of power. V.S. S.V.F.F. Prince of the Jews of Constantinople the 21st of Casleu, 1489." Cohn says that these letters "were meant as a joke - the signature Chamor, for instance, is simply the Hebrew for donkey!" (p. 52). But why were they republished in a Rothschild publication in 1880? - on this, Cohn is silent. Karl Marx put a different view of the expulsions. In The Russian Loan, he wrote, "the Jews ... monopolise the machinery of the loanmongering mysteries by concentrating their energies upon the barter of trade in securities, and the changing of money and negotiating of bills in a great measure arising therefrom. Take Amsterdam, for instance, a city harboring many of the worst descendants of the Jews whom Ferdinand and Isabella drove out of Spain, and who, after lingering awhile in Portugal, were driven thence also, and eventually found a safe place of retreat in Holland. ... The smartest highwayman in the Abruzzi is not better posted up about the

240 locale of the hard cash in a traveller's valise or pocket than those Jews about any loose capital in the hands of a trader". This does not mean that Marx supported the expulsions, because he wrote other articles criticising discrimination against the Jews, but it does hint that the aggravation between the Christian and Jewish communities was not only caused by Catholic intolerance of "infidels"; Jewish moneylending also contributed. In their book Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, Therese and Mendel Metzger write, "However, the Jews were the first people to understand the importance of credit, and as early as the eleventh century they were engaged in providing loans auxiliary to their commerce" (p. 59). As friction between Jews and Christians grew, "in the end money-lending became the last economic link between Jewish groups and the majority of the Christian population" (p. 152). The "religious war" mentality of that time is strongly present in the Protocols. 1490 (Dec.) Jews expelled from Geneva. 1490 William Tyndale is born near Gloucestershire, England. Tyndale was later educated at the University of Oxford and became an instructor at the University of Cambridge, where, in 1521, he fell in with a group of humanist scholars meeting at the White Horse Inn. 1490, (Dec.) Jews expelled from Geneva. Toledo. This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified by W.T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge. Had it not been for Mr. Walsh, one might be influenced by the Jewish Encyclopedia's statement (1903, Vol. III, p. 262) that "Modern historians even deny that a child had disappeared at all" in this case" Strenuous efforts were made by Loeb and H.C. Lea to clear the Jews from guilt of this murder; as also by Abbe Vacandard. Walsh shows that on October 27th, 1490, a Jew named Yuce confessed to having been present at the crucifixion of a Christian boy called Christopher at La Guardia, near Toledo. 1491 1492 -- Rodrigo Borgia, head of the powerful Borgia family, becomes Pope Alexander VI. Columbus sails the ocean blue. - 1492 1890 The Indian Frontier Wars were fought from the beginning of the colonization of the American continent against the native American Indian tribes. As the population of the continent continued the settlers continued to press for more and more land which they subsequently took by force from the Indians. The Indians continued to be pushed into less and less space, frequently space unusable for crops or grazing. This the Indians resisted by force. While most know of the American West and the Indian wars there this war actually dated back to

241 the time of the French and British colonization of the American Continent. 1492 -93 Expulsion from Sicily. 1492 Blacks are among the first explorers to the New World. Pedro Alonzo Nino arrives with Columbus. Others accompany Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Cortes, Pizarro and Menendez. 1492 By order of Torquemada, the inquisititor-general, Spanish Jews are given three months to accept Christianity or leave the country. 1492 Columbus meets the Tainto Indians; 1607 Jamestown settled; 1620 Puritans in Plymouth Colony; 1681 William Penn and the Indians; 1754 1763 The French and Indian War; 1803 1804 Louis and Clark Expedition; 1864 Sand Creek Massacre; 1861 1865 The Civil War; 1865 Powder River Invasion; 1866 Congress passes the Civil rights Act Equal Rights for all (except Indians); 1866 1867 Red Cloud's War; 1871 1872 Cochise and the Apache guerrillas active; 1874 The War to Save the Buffalo (White Bear and Lone Wolf of the Kiowa); 1874 1875 Red River Wars; 1875 1876 the War for the Black Hills; 1876 Custer massacred at the Battle of the Little Big Horn; 1877 Crazy Horse assassinated; 1878 Exodus of the Cheyenne; 1880 1886 Geronimo and the Apaches; 1887 1890 Ghost Dance religion spreads; 1890 Battle of Wounded Knee. 1492 November 9 The Peace of Etaples is signed by King Henry VII and Charles VIII. 1492 October 12 Christopher Columbus discovers Watling Island in the Bahamas. He had left Palos, Spain, on August 3 with three ships. On October 18, Columbus discovered Cuba, and Haiti on December 6. His flagship, Santa Maria, was wrecked off Haiti on December 25, 1492. 1492 The Spanish Inquisition begins. The Jews are expelled from Spain. Some Jews, called Marranos, convert to Catholicism but secretly practice Judaism. 1492 The term "Illuminati" was used by one writer, Menendez Pelayo, as early as 1492 and is attributable to a group known as the "Alumbrados" of Spain. The Alumbrados were said to receive secret knowledge from an unknown higher source, resulting in superior human intelligence. October 11--10:00 PM, from "The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus": Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maria, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted, and taken by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land. 1492 - .

242 , , . Illuminati ( Alumbrados, = ) Marranos. 1492 As the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria sailed through the Bermuda Triangle in 1492, Columbus's compass went haywire and that he and his crew saw weird lights in the sky. This could have been a Bermuda Triangle paranormal event or a sign from God. These events, however, have mundane explanations. Columbus's compass's slight inaccuracy may have stemmed from nothing more than the discrepancy between true north and magnetic north. As for the lights, Columbus wrote of seeing a great flame of fire that crashed into the ocean -- probably a meteor. He saw lights in the sky again on October 11-- the day before his famous landing. The lights, brief flashes near the horizon, were spotted in the area where dry land turned out to be. Although there are rational explanations for what Columbus saw, his experience has contributed to the legend of the Bermuda Triangle, the huge three-sided segment of the Atlantic Ocean bordered by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 1492 , , . Ferdinand Isabella. 1492, -93, Expulsion from Sicily. 1492, The Spanish Inquisition begins. The Jews are expelled from Spain. Some Jews, called Marranos, convert to Catholicism but secretly practice Judaism. 1492, 6, [ 1503], . . 2 . 1492, , , . , Illuminati Mendenez Pelayo Alumbrados, . 1492, , , - , , . 1493 Columbus returns to Palos, Spain. 1493 Columbus transports sugar cane to the New World on the advice of Queen Isabela. Members of his crew acquire syphilis in Haiti. Tsarion

243 1493 Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) publishes the Nuremberg (Nurnberg) Chronicle, an illustrated world history from the Creation to the present. It was published in both Latin and German. 1493 May 4 Pope Alexander VI publishes bull "Inter cetera divina" dividing the "New World" between Spain and Portugal. It was later revised on June 28. 1493 September 25 Columbus leaves on his second voyage to the New World. He will not return to Spain until June 11, 1496, after discovering Puerto Rico. Dominica, and Jamaica. 1493 The first Bundschuh (peasants revolt) breaks out in Alsace and southwest Germany. 1493 to 1541 -- Life of Paracelsus, possible founder of Roscrucianism; discover of zinc around 1530; model of the Faust legend. - 1493 to 1541 Life of Paracelsus, possible real founder of Roscrucianism; discoverer of zinc around 1530; model of the Faust legend. 1493 Turks invade Dalmatia and Croatia. (Timetables) 1494 -1536 The Counter Reformation Wycliffe (1328 1384) set things in motion with his translation of the bible. About a century and a half later, William Tyndale (1494 1536) translated the New Testament into the English vernacular. Fearing that Henry VIII would kill him for making a Bible translation that would teach people their rights, he moved to Germany to get his work printed. Even there his work was protested, and legal injunctions for a time halted his printing. Beginning again, he translated much of the Old Testament and wrote many tracts, all causing consternation when they arrived back in England. King Henry demanded that he be returned to England for spreading sedition. In 1535 he was betrayed by a friend, Henry Philips, in Belgium, condemned as a heretic, strangled at the stake and his body was burned. This was one more case of an episcopal protestant state religion defending its master, the king. 1494 Jews plundered in Naples. Blood accusation at Tyrnau. 1494 June 7 The treaty of Tordesillas divides the New World between Spain and Portugal. 1494 November 9 The de' Medici Famuly become the rulers of Florence. 1494 The Fuggers establish their first public company with capital of 54,385 guilders, a sum that was to be doubled two years later when Jakob II persuaded the Prince Bishop of Brixen to join the company as a silent partner. Jakob's aim was to establish a copper monopoly by opening foundries in Hohenkirchen and Fuggerau (named for the family, in Carinthia, now Austria) and by expanding the sales organization in Europe, especially the Antwerp agency. (Britannica)

244 1494 Tyrnau, Hungary A Christian boy was bled white and killed. The Jews culprits were betrayed by the confessions of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture, which however were not applied to them. The Jews, arrested after this confession, themselves confessed this was the fourth child they had killed for the blood, but they said they wanted this for medical purposes. (Bollandists, Acta, April, Vol. II, 838) 1494 (-) , Tudor, , . 1494, Jews plundered in Naples. Blood accusation at Tyrnau. 1494, , , . 1494, , , , , , , . 1495 Jakob Fugger meets a mining expert in Silesia with whom he leases the copper mines in Neusohl (modern Bansk Bystrica, Slovakia), eventually building them up into the greatest mining center of the time. 1495 Jews expelled from Florence, but readmitted after a few months on account of their utility; Jews Expelled From Lithuania. 1495 Syphilis epidemic spreads to Europe from Naples, Italy, where the troops of Charles VIII were quartered. Tsarion 1495 Syphilis reaches Germany and Switzerland. Tsarion 1495, , . 1496 Expulsion of Jews from Syria. Manoel of Portugal orders the Jews to accept baptism or leave the country. 1496 Marino Sanudo begins his diary of Venetian life and politics (to 1535). It was published at the end of the 19th century and was later read by many of those educated in Great Britain. 1496 Syphilis reaches England and Holland. Tsarion 1496 Treatment of syphilis using mercury compounds introduced, based on Arabic use of mercury compounds to treat skin diseases. Tsarion 1496, Expulsion of Jews from Syria. Manoel of Portugal orders the Jews to accept baptism or leave the country. 1496: the Italian explorer John Cabot sails from England to Canada (thinking he has reached Asia) on behalf of the king of England 1497: Cornish Rebellion of 1497 in England. 1497 Onward, refugees from Portugal welcomed by the sultans. John Cabot discovers Newfoundland. 1497 Severe famine in Florence, Italy Tsarion

245 1497 Vasco da Gama carries syphilis to India. Tsarion 1497: Henry VII defeats the last pretender to the throne and restores peace to the kingdom 1497: John Cabot discovers Newfoundland 1498 , , ! TORQUEMADA, Toms de ?142098. Grand inquisitor of Spain. The prior Torquemada was appointed confessor to FERDINAND AND ISABELLA, joint monarchs of Spain, in 1474. Although he himself was of Jewish descent (according to the Catholic Encyclopedia), he was a ferocious opponent of Jews and of Marranos, Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity. The whole of the Inquisition in Spain was brought under Torquemadas control in 1483. Prosecutions against crypto-Jews, other spiritual offenders and witches were conducted on an unprecedented scale by tribunals set up in all the towns, and many thousands were tortured, killed and punished in other ways. Torquemadas name became a symbol of persecution and fanaticism while he was still alive. Although his jurisdiction extended only over Christian heretics, he instigated expulsion orders against the Jews in Andalusia in 1483 and Albarracn in 1486. He also publicized a story accusing the Jews of having crucified a Christian child in La Guardia in 1490, to whip up public frenzy and clamour for the eventual expulsion of the Jews from the kingdom, that took place in 1492. A probably legendary tale tells how Don Isaac ABRABANEL offered King Ferdinand thirty thousand dinars to revoke the expulsion decree; as the king hesitated, Torquemada burst into the room, brandishing a crucifix and castigating the king as Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. 1498 August 1 Christopher Columbus lands on "Isla Santa" (Venezuela). 1498 Columbus leaves Spain for his third voyage to the New World. 1498 Syphilis outbreak in India. Tsarion 1498 The Charles VIII of France in 1489 ordered all Jews to embrace Christianity and become loyal citizens and good subjects or suffer forfeiture of their goods and chattels, also expulsion from his domain. The heads of Sephardim Jewry thereupon wrote in their extremity to the Elders of Zion, the Sanhedrin, then sitting in Constantinople, asking for advice as to what they should do. The mischievous reply to this appeal has come up to us across the years of history, and shows itself as being directly responsible for the growth of the Zionist Movement, which came 400 years later, throughout the earth. The Constantinople Elders responded, "Dear beloved brethren in Moses,

246 We have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following, As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians, do it, since you cannot do otherwise... As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. As for what you say about their attempts on your lives; make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues; make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. As for the many other vexations you complain of, arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power." 1498 The exiles settled in Navarre banished. Jews expelled from Nuremberg and Ulm. 1498 The first German pawnshop is opened at Nuremberg (Nurnberg). (Timetables) 1498, , . 1499 Amerigo Vespucci and Alonzo de Ojeda leave Spain for a voyage of discovery to the New World. Vespucci, an Italian by birth, will later lend his name to America. (see 1507, 1538) 1499 The descendants of Andreas Fugger, who had also attained great wealth, become bankrupt as a result of an overextension of business activity and the loss of a large lawsuit. (Britannica) 1499 War between the Swabian League and the Swiss Cantons is ended by the Peace of Basel. The Swiss establish their independence. 1499 War between Venice and the Turks. The Venetian fleet is defeated at Sapienza. Lepanto surrenders to the Turks. 1499, . 1500 s In Spain (33rd Parallel), renegade Jesuits and Franciscans took the name Alumbrados (Enlightened). They believed in direct contact between the human soul and the Holy Spirit, which prompted the Inquisition to issue three edicts against the group. 1500 Approximate date of Roshaiya, "the Illuminated Ones", in the mountains of Afganistan. Beginning of "Alumbrados" in Spain and "Charcoal-Burners" in Scotland. Cesare Borgia has his brother-in-law assassinated. -

247 1500 Columbus is arrested, put in irons, and brought back to Spain for "rehabilitation." 1500 Dutch establish a sugar refinery at Antwerp and ships sugar to Germany and England. Tsarion 1500 Epidemic of syphilis. Tsarion 1500 Pope Alexander VI proclaims a Year of Jubilee and imposes a tithe on all Roman Catholics to fund a crusade against the Turks. The Turks take Durazzo from Venice. 1500 The death of Jakob Fugger's chief creditor, the Prince Bishop of Brixen, whose inheritance is claimed by the Pope, brings about a serious crisis that Jakob manages to solve through shrewd negotiations. Prudently, he divided the company's assets equally into cash holdings, production plants and merchandise, landed properties, and precious stones. (Britannica) 1500 The Turks conquer Modon from the Venetians and expell the Teutonic Knights from the Peloponnesus. 1500, [ 1800], . , . 1/3 . ' , . 1500, . [Appearance of the Pseudo Messiah Asher Lammlein]. 1500, , . 1501 (July) Fifty four Jews burned at Seville. 1501 Henry VII of England declines pope's request to lead the crusade against the Turks. 1501 Swift development of book printing and typography. Tsarion 1501, (July) Fifty-four Jews burned at Seville. 1501, 31 6, , . 1502 -- Cesare Borgia arrests and executes enemies who have conspired against him. - 1502 Columbus discovers Nicaragua. 1502 Peasants revolt in the bishopric of Speyer, Germany. 1502, The converso Fernao de Noronha becomes Brazil's first governor, as Sephardic Jews quickly gain a monopoly over the nascent sugar industry. This established the foundation for the rum trade. The first African slaves in the New World were used as laborers on the Brazilian and Caribbean sugar plantations.

248 1502 , : DAVID BALFOUR 1 , KATHERINE ABERCROMBIE [ 1500] 42 , 40 , 1502, 7 , , . 1503 Jews permitted to return to Lithuania. Judaizing followers of Zechariah of Kiev burned at Moscow. 1503, (Waltkirk) , 10 ' ' . . , - . . , (Algasa), . 1503 Nostradamus, Jewish-French physician and astrologer, is born. 1503 to 1566 -- Life of Nostradamus, visionary prophet. - 1503 to 1566 Life of Nostradamus, visionary prophet. 1503 Venice abandons Lepanto and signs a peace treaty with the Turks. 1503, , , , 4 , . , , , , , . 1504 Jacob Fugger secretly purchases from the city of Basel a portion of the captured crown jewels of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. 1504 Venice sends ambassadors to the Sultan of Turkey proposing construction of a Suez Canal. This idea will be resurrected by both the French and British. (Timetables) 1505 . , [, , ] , , . Henry VIII (1509-1547), Tudor, , .

249 , . 1505 Jews expelled from Orange. All slain at Budewis on a child murder accusation. Portuguese colonize Mozambique. 1505 Luther enters Augustinian monastery at Ehrfurt, Germany. 1505 Maxamilian I begins a reformation of the Holy Roman Empire. He interprets it as a universal Habsburg (Hapsburg) monarchy. 1505 Syphilis outbreak reaches Canton, China. Tsarion 1506 Massacre of Marranos in Lisbon. 1507 -- Fra Dolcino's version of Joachim's Illuminism suppressed by the Bishop of Vercueil. - 1507 First world map showing "America" is produced, although a map of America had been in existence for more than a thousand years; and was probably a copy of the one made by the Ancient Israelites. 1507 Jakob Fugger begins laying the foundation for the family's widely distributed landholdings when he acquires the countships of Kirchberg and Weissenhorn from Emperor Maximilian I. 1507 Martin Luther is ordained. 1507 The Diet of Constance recognizes the unity of the Holy Roman Empire and founds the Imperial Chamber. 1507, First world map showing "America" is produced, although a map of America had been in existence for more than a thousand years; and was probably a copy of the one made by the Ancient Israelites. 1508 An alliance known as the League of Cambrai is formed by Margaret of Austria, the Cardinal of Rouen, and Ferdinand of Aragon for the purpose of bespoiling Venice. (Timetables) 1508 The Fugger family leases the Roman mint from 1508 to 1515. 1508, Burning of Jewish books at Frankfort. Thirty-eight Jews burned in Berlin for Child Murder. (Gratz, ix. 94) 1509 -1564 Lutheran tracts and missionaries spread the protestant movement to France. One convert was a Jewish Catholic priest named John Calvin. His beliefs came under attack, and he was forced to flee to Geneva, Switzerland, where he helped organize a great evangelical organization. His book Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) had great influence in Scotland and France. In France, the Protestants, called Huguenots, became very strong, and in 1559, two thousand congregations met to organize a nationwide church. 1509 A converted Jew, Johann Pfefferkorn, receives authority of Emperor Maximilian I to confiscate and destroy all Jewish books, especially the Talmud. Johann Reuchlin, a so-called humanist, publically opposes the action. (Timetables) 1509 An ancient tomb that some ditch diggers uncovered in Rouen, France, contained the skeleton of a man over seventeen feet tall, in his

250 armor. Affixed to the tomb was this engraved identification: "In this tomb lies the noble and puissant lord, the Chevalier Ricon de Vallemont, and his bones." 1509 Bartolome de Las Casas, Roman Catholic bishop of Chiapas, proposes that each Spanish settler should bring a certain number of Negro slaves to the New World. Historians mark this date as the beginning of the American slave trade. 1509 First attempts to restrict right to practice medicine to licensed doctors. Tsarion 1509 Jakob Fugger lends Emperor Maximilian I 170,000 ducats to finance war against Venice. 1509 The Republic of Venice is excommunicated by Pope Julius II after he joins the League of Cambrai. 1509 . , , , 1509-1564. ! . , " , 5 7 ". ; , ' : . , , 5 [1542-1546], 58 , 14 76 . , , . , .. ... . 1509, , , , . 1509: Henry VIII becomes king of England 1510 -- Beginning of systematic importation of African slaves into the West Indies. - 1510 Brandenburg Several Jews were accused in Berlin of buying a small Christian boy, bleeding him and killing him. They confessed, and 41 were executed. (Richard Mun, Die Juden in Berlin; Sir Richard Burton, The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, 1898, p. 126) 1510 Hamburg becomes Free City of the Holy Roman Empire.

251 1510 King Ferdinand consents to recruitment of the first large contingent of African slaves in the growing Spanish sugar industry. Tsarion 1510 Luther travels to Rome as a delegate of his order (to 1511) 1510 Pope Julius II absolves Venice from excommunication. 1510, Brandenburg, Several Jews were accused in Berlin of buying a small Christian boy, bleeding him and killing him. They confessed, and 41 were executed. (Richard Mun, Die Juden in Berlin; Sir Richard Burton, The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, 1898, p. 126) 1511 Pope Julius II forms what is called the Holy League with Venice and Aragon to force the French out of Italy. Henry VIII joins the Holy League and begins to reform the Royal Navy. 1512 Luther earns his doctorate in theology and becomes professor of Biblical literature at Wittenberg University. 1512 Public resistence to trading monopolies in Germany founders on the indebtedness of Emperor Maximilian I to Jakob Fugger. 1513 -- Machiavelli's The Prince published. - 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon of Spain discovers and explores Florida; Vasco Nunez de Balboa's discovers the Pacific Ocean. 1513, Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean. 1514 -1572 Britain's Revolt The Protestant Revolt reached its most advanced stage in Great Britain. By the time John Knox arrived on the scene, Henry VIII had already seized the properties belonging to the Catholic Church. He took over the Catholic Church in England, made himself its head, and installed his own bishops whose job it was to announce to the world that what the king did was God's will. This was Henry's own new Protestant state church. It was the old Roman Catholic Church turned into an English Catholic Church with a new name and some new rituals and beliefs. It was entirely episcopal. At the time of Knox, Henry's daughter, a devout Catholic, sat on the Scottish throne. 1514 Maximilian I, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, makes Jakob Fugger a count and the House of Fugger secures the right to sell papal indulgences in Germany. This corrupt system puzzles and angers many faithful Catholics. (Timetables) 1514, . 1514: peasant's war led by Gyrgy Dzsa in the Kingdom of Hungary. 1515: Slovenian peasant revolt 1515: Frisian-rebellion of the Arumer Black Heap, lead by Pier Gerlofs Donia. 1515 Spanish monks offer loans in gold to anyone who would start a sugar mill. Tsarion

252 1516 Jakob Fugger makes an ally of King Henry VIII of England by granting him various loans. (Britannica) 1517 "Evil May Day" riots flare up in London. Sixty rioters are hanged on Cardinal Wolsey's orders. 1517 Martin Luther publishes his 95 theses and begins the Reformation. 1517 October 31 The Protestant Reformation in Germany is inaugurated by Martin Luther. Luther nails a list of 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. These propositions deny the right of the pope to forgive sins by the sale of indulgences, among other challenges. The theses are widely circulated in Germany and cause great controversy. 1517 Ottoman Turkish conquest of Palestine. 1517, Martin Luther publishes his 95 theses and begins the Reformation. 1517, , 31 , 34 95 . 1517, , , . (). . , , . , (23 24 1572), . (1618-1648), . 1518 Lorens de Gominot is granted a license to import 4,000 African slaves to Spanish American colonies. 1518 Martin Luther is summoned by Cardinal Cajetan to the Diet at Augsburg. Luther refuses to recant. 1518: Thomas More publishes "Utopia" 1519 -- Spanish conquest of Mexico, enslavement of Amerindians. - 1519 Emperor Maximilian I dies, and his grandson, Charles I of Spain becomes Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V (to 1556). Note, Financing of the election of Charles V is said to be Jakob Fugger's greatest achievement. Of the total election expenses of 852,000 guilders, Fugger alone raised almost 544,000 in order to eliminate Francis I of France. By skillful negotiations Fugger arranged to have this debt repaid out of the Maestrazgo -- the lease of the revenues paid to the Spanish crown by the three great knightly orders. (Britannica)

253 1519 Magellan begins his voyage around the world. He will not return until 1522. 1519, Expulsion from Regensburg. 1519-1523: the first Revolta de les Germanies in Valencia, an antimonarchist, anti-feudal autonomist movement inspired by the Italian republics 1520-1522: Revolt of the Comuneros against the rule of Charles V. 1520 ? Action is brought against Jakob Fugger and other merchants by the imperial fiscal and governmental authorities in Nrnberg (Nuremberg) to halt their monopolistic tendencies. Fugger's position was furthermore threatened by social unrest among the miners in the Tirol and at Neusohl in Hungary, by attempts of the Hungarian nobles to nationalize his mines, and by the Peasants' Revolt. At the Augsburg headquarters he was threatened by an uprising of artisans. Fugger mastered these crises through sheer tenacity and fixity of purpose. Albrecht Drer has immortalized the severe, taciturn countenance of the master merchant. As head of the company, Fugger, who was himself a man of few wants, created monuments to his time that have survived for centuries -- in the Fugger buildings and the splendid memorial chapel and above all in the Fuggerei, the world's oldest social settlement, which he endowed as a peaceful haven for his impoverished old servants and fellow citizens. (Britannica) 1520 -23 First compete editions of the Talmud printed. 1520 The Illuminati, as a Spanish sect called the Alombrados was founded about 1520. Ignatius Loyola, a Jewish Spanish Basque, while a student at Salamanca (1527), was tried by an ecclesiastical commission for alleged sympathy with this sect but was acquitted with an admonition. (Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough [Edith Starr Miller], p. 307) 1520, -23, First compete editions of the Talmud printed. The Illuminati of Spain. 1520, , , 30 , , . 1520, (1513-1521) Exsurge Domine, 15 1520, . 1521 The pope issues a Bull of Excommunication against Luther and orders Emperor Charles V to execute it. Instead, the emperor calls a "diet," or council, at Worms and summons Luther for examination. The diet demands that Luther recant. He refuses and is outlawed. 1521 The Anabaptists were founded in 1521 by Nicolas Storch, Mark Stubner and Thomas Muncer. Their Heresies were founded on the

254 following Lutheran maxim interpreted subversively: A Christian man is master of everything and is subject to no one. They further claimed that infant baptism is null, therefore adults only can be baptized. 1522 Hospitallers lose Rhodes to the Turks. - 1524 -1526 The German Peasants War The Peasants' War was precipitated by Luther's bible. Luther had gotten the backing and protection of the princes by preaching the same things Wycliffe had taught more than a century before. In exchange for being allowed to preach the Word and to secure protection from being executed by the Catholic Church for doing it, Luther taught that the princes were more entitled to Church lands and the income from those lands than was the Church. He also taught that the Church was corrupt, which it was, and still is. Luther's message was democratic. Its force and directness added fuel to the discontent smoldering for generations alongside natural anti clericalism. 1524 Feburary 1--Thousands of Londoners abandon their homes after predictions of an apocalyptic flood. They return when it fails to rain. 1524 German peasants use Luthers teachings as a reason for revolting. 1524-1525: Peasants' War of in the Holy Roman Empire. 1524 The Jews of Cairo threatened with destruction by Ahmad Shaitan, Viceroy of Egypt. Jews return to Genoa. 1525 Grand Master Albert of the Teutonic Knights (1490-1568) transforms Prussia into the secular duchy of Brandenburg, with himself as Duke. 1525 Jakob (the Rich) Fugger dies. In his will he bequeaths to his nephew Anton Fugger, who had been destined for the succession since 1517, company assets totaling 2,032,652 guilders. The new chief, an ambitious and talented businessman, guides the company with a firm hand. (Britannica) 1525 Luther marries a former nun, Katharina von Bora (14991552), emphasizing his rejection of monasticism and celibacy. 1525 Luther headed an alliance of the Princes and governments, and they were defeated at the Battle of Frankenhausen in that year, their leader Thomas Muncer being seized and beheaded. 1525, , , , , , . 1526 From 1526 to 1546, there was a tendency for syphilis to become milder and more chronic in nature. Tsarion 1527 Anton Fugger marries Anna Rehlinger, a patrician's daughter who bears him four sons. Most of Anton's time is taken up with the

255 securing of permanent loans for the emperors Charles V and Ferdinand I and for King Philip II of Spain. In accordance with his credo that money is the sinews of war -- pecunia nervus bellorum -- Fugger, a strict Roman Catholic, grants the emperor credits that prove to be decisive in the struggle against the Protestants and particularly in the war against the Schmalkaldic League of Protestant princes and cities. (Britannica) 1527 The Sack of Rome. Imperial troops pillage the city, killing 4,000 inhabitants and looting art treasures. Pope Clement VII is imprisoned in Casel Sant' Angelo. Many historians mark this date as the "End of the Renaissance." 1527 Ignatius Loyola, , (= ) alumbrados, , admonition, , , , . 1528 At the Siege of Utrecht in Holland: "A cruel and strange sight was seen in the sky, which terrified the townspeople and made the enemy think he would get the city. It was the form of a Burgundian cross right over the city, high in the sky, yellow in color, and fearful to behold." 1528 Severe outbreaks of plague in England. Tsarion 1529 Henry, Richard Croke, " " Georgi . . , , . 1529 (May 21) Thirty Jews burned at Posing on Blood Accusation. Solomon Molko (Diogo Pires, 1501 32 begins his Messianic agitation. 1529: Henry VIII accepts the Protestant Reformation 1530 -- Hospitallers given Isle of Malta by Charles V, become Knights of Malta. - 1530 Hospitallers given Isle of Malta by Charles V, become "Knights of Malta". 1531 Clement VII issues a bull establishing the Portuguese Inquisition for Marranos. 1531 The "Great Comet" (later known as Halley's Comet) arouses a wave of mass superstition throughout Europe and Asia.

256 1531 The Schmalkaldic League (Schmalkaldischer Bund is established at Schmalkalden, Germany. The league is led by Philip the Magnanimous of Hesse and John Frederick I of Saxony. Among its other original member states are Brunswick, Anhalt, Mansfeld, Magdeburg, Bremen, Strassburg, and Ulm. 1531, Clement VII issues a bull establishing the Portuguese Inquisition for Marranos. 1533 First non-medical insane asylums instituted. Tsarion 1533 Henry VIII is excommunicated by the pope and founds Church of England. 1533 Isaak Luria (1533-72), Jewish mystic and cabalist, is born. 1533: Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn and is excommunicated by Pope Clement VII 1534 [ 1573], . 1534-36, Sigismund I absolves Jews from wearing the badge. Calvin publishes Institution Chretimenne. 1534 36 Sigismund I absolves Jews from wearing the badge. Calvin publishes Institution Chretimenne. 1534 Final rift between England and the Roman Catholic Church. London and Rome split, creating tensions and animosities that continue until this very day. 1534 Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) founds the Jesuit Order. Several of Loyola's ancestors were Jewish of Jewish descent and this will later used by enemies of the Catholic Church to add creedence to various conspiracy theories. 1534 The Jesuit Order The new strategy decided upon was to reactivate the "Dharma" system dispensed by Dharmatras; they were named "Jesuits." Jesuits are ordained priests, they don't wear special clothing and are not subject to local Catholic authority. They are bound by a vow of obedience directly to the Roman Catholic Pope which causes constant friction with the governments of national states. Their training period lasts up to 15 years and they are governed by a general who lives in Rome; the "Black Pope." This is how it has always been since the Order was created, nothing has changed. 1534: Henry VIII declares himself supreme head of the Church of England 1535 English clergy abjure the authority of the pope. Sir Thomas More, who refuses the oath of the king's supremacy is tried for treason and executed. He was canonized in 1935. 1535 . - . . .

257 1535: Thomas More is beheaded in Tower of London for refusing to submit to Henry VIII 1535 -1789 , . . . 1535-1789 ( 1967) : , , , . 1536 Martin Luther delivers what he calls his "Table Talks." Note, Adolf Hitler later adopted this same term for three different series of "Table Talks" 1932-33, 1941-42, 1945) 1536: Henry VIII directs the dissolution of the English monasteries under the direction of Thomas Cromwell 1536, John of Leyden proclaimed himself King of the New Jerusalem but his glory was of short duration. He was taken by "the ungodly" and put to death. The principal leaders of the sect were John Mathias, John Bockhold, David George, William Hacket, Kotterus, Kuhlmann and Dabricius. The principal offshoots of the Anabaptist fanaticism in Germany, Holland, and Switzerland, were the Adamites, the Apostolics, the Taciturn, the Perfect, the Impeccable, the Liberated Brethren, the Sabbatarians, the Clancularians, the Manifestarians, the Bewailers, the Rejoicers, the Indifferent, the Sanguinarians, the Antimariens. 1537 Assassination of Alessandro de Medici, Duke of Florence. - 1538 The beginnings of the London Exchange begin to take shape. 1538 The famous cartographer Mercator uses the name America for the first time on a map of the New World. He also differentuates North America from the southern hemisphere. 1540 Luther convinces the government to ban all Jews and expel them for the entire country. Many Jews find new homes in Poland, Lithuania, and the Ukraine. 1540 Lutherans raid and loot the Jewish synagogue in Berlin.

258 1540 Pope Paul III confirms the Order of Jesuits. 1540. . 1540, . Nicolini : , , , : Footprints of the Jesuits, R. W. Thompson, 1894. 1540, , . , 3,5 . , , , , . 1540 . : Around 1500 AD, cabalistic Jews began to filter back to the land of Israel. Joseph Nasi (mid 16th century) was a close friend of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He was very rich and wanted to resettle Jews back into the land of Palestine. His plan involved sending ships to collect Jews from Italy and bringing them to Tiberias, but it could not be carried out because a war broke out between Turkey and the city state of Venice. From around 1540, Jews began to resettle in Jerusalem and Safed around Galilee. 1540, . 1540: Thomas Cromwell is executed 1540, (Sappenfeld) , , - (George Pisenharter), . , (Titing), 3 . , , , , - " , , : " , 3 ". . , . . (: Spectateur de Zirgler p.588) 1541 Hernando De Soto of Spain discovers the Mississippi River and explores more of Florida; also travelled through what are now

259 Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and Louisiana. De Soto died of fever and was buried in the Mississippi River. 1541 Ignatius Loyola is elected General of the Jesuits. 1541 Jews expelled from Naples. Expulsion from Prague and crown cities. Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River. 1541 The Order of the Jesuits was founded in 1541. We give the following quotations from the Encyclopedia Britannica. 1541 The Order of the Jesuits was founded in 1541. We give the following quotations from the Encyclopedia Britannica "The Company of the Jesuits was founded by Don Inigo de Loyola (Ignatius Loyola, a Jew), a Spanish nobleman and soldier, on April 5, 1541, at the church of Saint Paul without the Walls, near Rome, under the sanction of the Pope, Paul III. It has six grades. These are novices, scholastics, temporal, coadjutors, professed of the three vows, and professed of the four vows, the latter two grades being the only ones which confer a share in the government and eligibility for the offices of the society. Its head, virtually a commander in chief, is known as the General. He wields absolute power over the members who are pledged to blind obedience. The General claims his authority from the Pope." 1541, 5 , . [The Order of the Jesuits was founded, Encyclopedia Britannica]. 1541, , , 50 Ignatius Loyola. 1542: Dacke Feud in Sweden. 1542 National resentments in Spain forced Anton Fugger to renounce the Maestrazgo lease after 1542 and to give up the silver mines of Guadalcanal. 1542 , , , . . Henry Mary , . Edward VI (1547-1553), Tudor, . . . . Mary (1553-1558), Henry VIII, Tudor, . . (1558-1603), Henry VIII, Tudor, .

260 1542 Pope Paul III establishes the Inquisition in Rome. 1542, Jews expelled from Bohemia because of fires in Prague and other towns. Pseudo-Messiah (David Reuveni-) burned at Evora. 1542, . 1542Jews expelled from Bohemia because of fires in Prague and other towns. Pseudo Messiah (David Reuveni?) burned at Evora. 1543 First Protestants burned at the stake by Spanish Inquisition. (Timetables) 1543 Luther publishes his attack on the Jews, a pamphlet entitled "On the Jews and Their Lies," a vicious anti-semtic tract that calls for organized persecution of the Jews. 1544 Charles V makes peace with his enemy Francis I of France. He then begins military operations against the Schmalkaldic League and its leaders -- effectively destroying it by 1547. 1544 JAMES BALFOUR, 1 , , " Gowrie" James I, , ... 1600 ... BARBARA MELVILLE 1555 43 , 34 , 1544: Henry VIII and emperor Karl V invade France 1545, , (1545-1563) , , 1546 Anton Fugger amasses a fortune of 5,100,000 guilders -- the highest capital in the company's history. (Britannica) 1546 February 18 Luther dies at Eisleben, his birthplace. 63 , 37 55. 1547 Anton Fugger gives up Neusohl altogether after production at their formerly rich Tirolean and Hungarian mines dries up. With dogged resolution but little success, he tried to make up for these losses by establishing new trade ties with Peru and Chile and by engaging in mining ventures in Sweden and Norway, as well as in the slave trade from Africa to America. (Britannica) 1547 The Schmalkaldic League ceases to exist. 1547, , , , , . ,

261 , . 1548 "Spiritual Excercises," written by Ignatius Loyola in 1521 is finally published. 1548, Eighteen hundred Marranos released from prisons of the Inquisition in Portugal. 1549: Prayer Book Rebellion in Cornwall and Devon, United Kingdom. 1549, Obadiah of Bertinoro's commentary on the Mishnah published. 1550 (April 2) Jews banished from Genoa. 1551, Jews expelled from Bavaria and Wurttenberg. 1551, , . 1552, , . 1553 The Jewish writer Cecil Roth speaks abundantly in his work, Storia del Popolo Ebraico, of the condemnation of the Talmud by Pope Gregory IX and his successors up to that of Pope Leo X in the 16th century which had its origin in an intimation to Cardinal Carafa, according to which the work was destructive and blasphemous. This revelation was made by the Jew Vittoria Eliano, who was the nephew of the Jewish scholar Elia Levita, and had as its consequence the public burning of the work in the autumn of 1553 on the Campo dei Fiori of Rome. 1553 The first mention of South America's mysterious hominid creature called mono grande (big monkey) or didi, appears to be in a book written by Pedro de Cieza de Leon in 1553. De Leon recounts native superstitions about these creatures, and goes on to tell of a Spaniard who found a carcass of one in the forests. 1553: Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, becomes queen of England and returns England to Catholicism, while hundreds of Protestants are burned at the stakes 1554 March 10--A report from France: "There appeared between 6 and 8 PM, about the moon, a burning fire, emitting a great noise, what seemed to be the point of a lance, turning form side to side, from east to west, casting out flames on all sides." 1554, Rabbinical synod at Perrars. Censorship of Jewish books introduced. Solomon ibn Verga's Shevet Yehudah published. 1555 Paul IV issues the bull "Cum Nimis Absurdum" that Jews be confined to ghettos. Jews expelled from the Palatinate. Peace of Augsburg. Joseph Caro's Beit Yosef published. 1555 Though sea serpents are ubiquitous in myths and legends, the first attempt to describe them as figures in natural history appears in a 1555 work by Olaus Magnus, the exiled Catholic archbishop of Uppsala,

262 Sweden. The archbishop wrote that sailors off the coast of Norway had often seen a "Serpent ... of vast magnitude, namely 200 feet long, and moreover 20 feet thick." A dangerous beast, it lived in caves along the shore and devoured both land and ocean creatures, including an occasional seaman. "This Snake disquiets the shippers," Olaus Magnus wrote, "and he puts up his head on high like a pillar." 1556 Twenty four Jews of Ancona hanged and burned by order of Paul IV. 1556 65 . 1557 Massive influenza epidemic in Europe. Tsarion 1558 -60 The Zohar printed. 1558 1583 John Dee, , , , , . Dee " " . = . Dee, , [Rosicrucianism] . 1558 Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England. 1558 . , , . , , , "" , . [] . 1558 Story of the Blessed Margaret of Metola. Margaret was a blind dwarf, hunchbacked and lame, but that didnt stop her from living a life of heroic service to the poor. She died in 1330, but in 1558 her remains had to be transferred because her coffin was rotting away. At the exhumation, witnesses were amazed to find that like the coffin, the clothes had rotted, but Margarets crippled body hadnt. 1558 Tobacco first brought to Europe from Mexico. Tsarion 1558, Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England. 1558-60, The Zohar printed.

263 1558, , Diego Laynez. , : Being the backbone of the Counter-Reformation, the Council of Trent was dominated by Diego Laynez, a Jew by race and destined to be the Second Jesuit General (1558-1565), during which the Biblical Doctrines of the Reformers having spread across Europe were absolutely condemned, including Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. The Protestant and Calvinist Bible believers of the Lords Grand and Glorious Reformation were declared to be accursed for their beliefs one hundred and twenty-five times and therefore have been persecuted and mass-murdered by the millions! In the centuries to come this evil Council of Trent would ultimately be the foreign policy of every nation and empire to fall under the domination of the Company of Jesus, better known as the Society of Jesus. Some of those empires would be the Spanish Empire under Philip II; the British Empire under King George III to the present; the Vatican Empire under Pope Pius VII to the present; the French Empire under Napoleon III; the American Empire under President Theodore Rex Roosevelt to the present; the Russian Empire under Lenin to the present; the Nazi Third Reich under Adolf Hitler; and the Moslem International Terrorist Empire under the Orders Osama bin Laden. ( , 2011). The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, Rene Fulop-Miller, (New York: Garden City Publishing Co., 1930) pp. 416, 417. 1558: Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, becomes queen of England and England becomes Protestant again and Catholics are persecuted 1560 Anton Fugger dies and an inventory taken after his death shows assets of 5,600,000 and liabilities of 5,400,000 guilders (2,900,000 in Spain alone). Anton had, however, safeguarded part of his fortune through the timely purchase of Babenhausen and other landed estates. After the personal bankruptcy of his nephew Hans Jakob Fugger, who had become a partner in 1543 and who eventually became Bavarian chancellor, Anton's oldest son, Markus, carried on the business successfully, if on a reduced scale. (Britannica) Note, It is to Jakob and Anton Fugger's land purchases that the three surviving lines of the family (all dating from the mid-16th century) -- the counts Fugger-Kirchberg of Oberkirchberg, the prince Fugger-Gltt of Kirchheim, and the prince Fugger-Babenhausen of Babenhausen -- owe the preservation of a part of the great wealth once held by the family firm. 1560 Charles V of Spain builds vast palaces using taxes on sugar trade Tsarion

264 1561 April-- One of the most astounding of documented sightings of aerial phenomena took place in 1561 over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described could only be called a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses. The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle. Comets and such were well identified and charted in this period, so it is highly unlikely that what the people witnessed was merely a celestial phenomenon like a 'meteor shower', as some debunkers suggest. Rather, what is described are physical objects of unique detail and shapes, in 'battle' for over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical 'motherships'. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene... It began at dawn, as dozens, if not hundreds, of crosses, globes and tubes fought each other above the city. It ended an hour later, when "the globes in the small and large rods flew into the sun," and several of the other objects crashed to earth and vanished in a thick cloud of smoke. According to the Nuremberg Gazette, the "dreadful apparition" filled the morning sky with "cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and bluewhite spheres that darted about." Between the spheres, there were "crosses with the color of blood." This "frightful spectacle" was witnessed by "numerous men and women." Afterwards, a "black, spearlike object" appeared. The author of the Gazette warned that "the Godfearing will by no means discard these signs, but will take it to heart as a warning of their merciful Annunciation with St. Emidius Father in heaven, will mend their lives and faithfully beg God, that he avert His wrath, including the well-deserved punishment, on us, so that we may, temporarily here and perpetually there, live as His children." 1561, 1 , , . 1561 , , Stuart, . 1561, 1561, 1 , , . 1562 The Defenders, a Roman Catholic Order, was founded in 1562. This Irish Catholic organization, similar to that of the Spanish Guarduna, was founded in 1562 by Roger Moore behind whom were French and Spanish Jesuits [Jews]. According to Captain Pollard, author of The Secret Societies of Ireland, "The nominal function of the Defenders was the protection of the fugitive priests during the period of proscription and the holding of the passes while Mass was celebrated in some mountain glen. The enemies of the faith being the Protestants, and

265 the Protestants standing for the Constitutional authority of Britain, the Defenders soon became a criminal association of law-breakers and bandits." (Secret Societies of Ireland, p. 2) 1562, , . 1562, "" Wolf, . . , , . , , [ ], . 1563 During the period 1563-1641 the Fugger company, which was not completely dissolved until after the Thirty Years' War, earns some 50,000,000 ducats from the production of mercury at Almadn alone. (Britannica) Note, While Jakob and Anton Fugger had hardly made use of their title as counts, their descendants, showed little mercantile inclination, acquired humanistic educations at European universities, married within their class, and spent most of their lives on their great estates, where they established valuable libraries and built magnificent residences. 1563 General outbreak of plague in Europe. Kills 20,000 in London. Tsarion 1563 . 1563: The Anglican Church is officially founded (on predestination and thr redeeming power of faith alone) 1563 , , , [Sabbateans] , , [the Black Pope] Trent " " . Trent ( 1563 ) "" , [Protestants], [Baptists], , "" , , .

266 1563 , , , , Vendee, , [Napoleon Bonaparte]. , "" , , , "" , , 1 , , (1914-1945). , " " , , , Romanoff . Loyola SS, Heinrich Himmler, , , "" "", 2 . Rothschild, Schiff, Warburg , , Ledochowski. , Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, , Trotsky, , , , , , " " . 1564 Joseph Caro's Shulhan Arukh published. 1564 55 . 1564, Joseph Caro's Shulhan Arukh published. 1565, , Francis Borgia. : Saint Bartholomews Massacre, August 24, 1572 #24 Francis Borgia, the 3rd Jesuit General (1565-1572), having been in secret council with the Monarchs of France, laid the plan for this massmurder of the righteous French Protestant Calvinists including their great leader, Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. Pope Pius V, formerly Brother

267 Michael the Inquisitor, exhorted both Queen Regent Catherine de Medici and her son, King Charles IX, ... to punish the heretics with all severity, and thus justly to avenge not only their own wrongs, but those of Almighty God; to pursue and destroy the remnants of the enemy, and wholly to tear up not only the roots of an evil so great, and which had gathered to itself much strength, but also the very fibers of the roots... Under no circumstances, and from no considerations, ought the enemies of God to be spared. This was done in obedience to the Orders evil Council of Trent, which to this day stands affirmed by the Second Vatican Council, having been neither repudiated nor renounced by either the Black Pope or the Papal Caesar. Ridpaths Universal History, John Clark Ridpath, (New York: Merrill & Baker, 1901) Vol. XIII, p. 253. The Counter-Reformation in Europe, Arthur Robert Pennington, (London: Elliot Stock, 1899) p. 162. 1566 August 7--UFOs Do Battle In The Heavens Over Basel, Switzerland A student in Basel, Switzerland reported that just after dawn on August 7, 1566, "many large, black globes were seen in the air, moving before the sun at great speed and turning against each other as if fighting. Some of them became red and fiery and afterwards faded and went out." 1566-1648: Eighty Years' War; revolt of the Low Countries against Spain. 1566 Joseph Nasi created Duke of Naxos. 1567 In South America, 2 million die from typhoid fever. Tsarion 1567, (June 15) Jews expelled from Genoese territory. 1567: Mary Stuart of Scotland is deposed and her son James VI becomes king of Scotland 1568 -- First Inquisition edict against the Alumbrados. - 1568 Disease epidemic in Lisbon kills 40,000. Tsarion 1568 First Inquisition edict against the Alumbrados. 1568 Isaac Luria Levi (1534 72), Cabalist, pretends to be the Messiah, son of Joseph. 1568 The Dutch Revolution 1569 (Feb. 26) Bull of Pius V. "Hebraeorum Gens." Expels Jews from Papal States except Rome, Bologna, and Ancona. 1569, , 6 , , . 1570 Solomon Ashkenaze sent as an envoy to Venice by Sultan Selim II. 1572 Isaak Luria (1533-72), Jewish mystic and cabalist, dies. 1572 May 13--A famous naturalist, Ulysses Aldrovandus, recorded the details of a peasant killing a small dragon along a farm road in

268 northern Italy on this day. He obtained the dragon carcass, thoroughly documented the encounter, and had it mounted and placed in a museum. 1572, Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day. 1572, , 24 , , . 100.000 . 1572 St. Bartholomews Massacre. Assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. The Pope can kill by a single word; for having received the right of making pasture for the sheep, has he not received the right of cutting the throats of wolves? Emmanuel Sa, 1596 Portuguese Jesuit 1573: Croatian and Slovenian peasant revolt. 1573 First German sugar cane refinery at Augsburg. Tsarion 1573 The Jew Lippold executed at Berlin; all Jews expelled from Brandenburg. 1573, , [ 1580] , . , " . "! 1573, , Everard Mercurian. 1574 Second edict against Alumbrados. - 1574, , , , 7 . , , , . 1575 Approximate date of founding of British Intelligence services. - 1575 to 1624 -- Life of Jakob Bohme, visionary mystic, illuminated one. - 1575 to 1624 Life of Jakob Bohme, visionary mystic, illuminated one. 1576 Stephen Bathori allows the Jews of Poland to carry on trade without restrictions. Stephen Bathori issues decrees against blood libel. 1576: the first British theater opens in London 1577 . , , .

269 1578 First recognized description of whooping cough (Pertussis) by French physician Guillame Baillou during epidemic in Paris. Tsarion 1579 : The Reformation was prospering in England. Queen Elizabeth I, every inch a queen speaking six languages better than her own, permitted the reformed doctrines of the Bible to be openly preached. From her kingdom, she first banished the Order in 1579. Of course the Jesuits hated her, called her a bastard, denied her right to the throne and attempted to murder her several times. The Ridolfi Plot (1571), the Throgmarton Plot (1583) and the Babington Plot (1586), although failures, were instigated by the soldiers of the Jesuit General in attempting to reduce England to the earthly, political rule of the Pope the Temporal Power of the Vicar of Christ. 1580 Union between Spain and Portugal. A number of influential conversos invest their capital in financing overseas ventures of the Crown, provisioning an army in Flanders and in the East Indies, and supplying contracts for Africa. 1580: Francis Drake sails around the world 1581, , Claudius Aquaviva. 1581 . 1582 Jews Expelled from Seilsia. Gregorian calendar is introduced. 1582, , . 1584 Assassination of William I of Orange in England. - 1584 Gregory XIII orders compulsory sermons to Jews. 1585 , . , Elizabeth, . 1585 (1585-1590) 1590 Vulgata, perpetuum Decretum , , . Decretum , , , ipso facto . , , . .

270 Bellarminus . (1590-1591), , , (. . Bellarminus, , 1591, . 211). Bellarminus , 1590 ... ! Bellarminus , , , , Permulta perperam mutata (Bellarm., Aut., ibid, 291). (1592-1605), , Vulgata 1592, , . , Vulgata , , . 1585 Joachim Gans learns smelting techniques from Native American Tribes on Roanoke Island, Virginia Colony (present-day North Carolina). [Who were first Jews in America?] 1586 The Jews of Poland establish Council of Four Lands; Mordecal Jafe probably its first president. 1586: Francis Drake sails to the West Indies 1586 . 1587 English colony established at Roanoke Island, Virginia; no trace of the "lost colony" was found when supply ships returned three years later. - 1587 English colony established at Roanoke Island, Virginia; no trace of the "lost colony" was found when supply ships returned three years later. 1587 . 1587: England executes Mary Stuart, former queen of Scotland and heir to the English throne, the for conspiring against queen Elizabeth I 1587 . 1587: Francis Drake destroys the Spanish fleet at Cadiz 1587 , ANDREW BALFOUR 1 ...

271 ISOBEL ARNOT 1596 42 23 1588 Destruction of the Spanish Armada by the English. 1588 England defeats the Spanish Armada and establishes the superiority of English ships and sailors. 1588 Converso (= ), Hector Nunes , [Armada]. . 1588: Philip II of Spain declares war against Elizabeth I of England to protect Spanish possessions in America from English buccaneers, but the Spanish Armada is defeated by the English fleet of Francis Drake 1588 : The Jesuits exist in all Protestant countries... under other names... Take England for example, there they do not legally exist [since 1829]; nevertheless, they have not given up that country, and I assure you that they are more numerous in England than in Italy... There are Jesuits in Parliament, amongst the Anglican clergy, amongst the Bishops, and perhaps also in still higher circles [advisors of Queen Victoria]... Luigi Desanctis, 1852 Official Censor of the Inquisition, Popery, Puseyism, and Jesuitism. 1589 -- Assassination of King Henry III of France. - 1589 , . , , ; ; ' ; - ; () . 1589. , , , . 1589 Stubbe Peeter was tried in Germany in 1589 for 25 years of hideous crimes, including murder of adults and children (including his own son), cannibalism, incest, and attacks on animals. Peeter claimed to have made a pact with Satan, who provided him with a girdle which turned him into a wolf. 1589

272 Christopher Marlowe , [The Jew of Malta] . 1589, . 1590 -- Janssen makes first compound microscope in Europe. - 1590 Marranos settle in Amsterdam. 1590 North Berwick witches coven attempts To sink King James' ship. 1592 (Aug. 17) Papal edict forbids Jews to admit Christians into synagogues, etc. 1592 Plague kills 15,000 people in London. Tsarion 1592 The "Phiri Rhis Map" is drawn which shows the coastline of Africa and South America accurate to within a .5 degree of longitude. The map clearly shows features of the earth that nobody should have known in the late 1500's. On the map he wrote that he had borrowed and copied from 20 earlier ancient maps. Some of the maps dating back to Alexander the Great and older. Without an accurate timepiece there was no way to figure longitude on a sailing ship. It wasn't until 1790 that the first accurate marine timepiece was invented. 1592, , , , , . 1592: the British Parliament defines the statute mile as 8 furlongs, 80 chains, 320 rods, 1760 yards or 5280 feet 1593 England, London: A "flying dragon" surrounded by flames was seen over the city. 1593, Clement VIII expels the Jews from all the Papal States except Rome and Ancona. The first Marrano settlement in Holland made at Amsterdam under Jacob Tirado. 1594 1594 (Queen Elizabeth I), Converso [= , ], Roderigo Lopez, . , . , , . 1594-1603: The Nine Years War or Tyrone's Rebellion in Ulster, Ireland against British rule in Ireland 1595 Dutch colonize Guinea Coast. 1596 Persecution of the Persian Jews by Shah Abbas the Great. 1596 ( ), ,

273 , . , . , (, , , . .) 1596 1596: Club War uprising in Finland. 1596 William Shakespeare creates the negative Jewish character "Shylock," a Jewish money lender (surprise), for his play The Merchant of Venice. Jews have often since tried to ban the play from being performed. 1597 -- Anonymous alchemist seeks to start Rosicrucian-like society in Europe. - 1597 Anonymous alchemist seeks to start Rosicrucian-like society in Europe. 1597 Shalshelet ha Kabbalah by Gedaliah b. Joseph ibn Yahia published. Expulsion from Milan. 1597 , , [= The Merchant of Venice]. 1598 French authorities arrested Jacques Roulet, a beggar, after they found him crouched in a bush and covered with blood from the badly mutilated nearby body of a 15-year-old boy. In his confession Roulet said he had slain the youth while a werewolf, a state he entered via the application of ointment. 1598, , . 1598, , , 4 . , 3 , , . 1598 1598 King Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes granting religious liberty to the Protestants of France. This act infuriated the Jesuits as it opposed their Council of Trent. As we have discovered in a previous chapter, the king paid for this with his life; he was stabbed in the chest by a Jesuit-controlled assassin, Francois Ravaillac. 1599 Outbreak of plague in Spain. Tsarion 1599 The 1599 Edition of the Geneva Bible was printed. Every edition of the Geneva Bible contains thousands of marginal notes authored by the leaders of the Reformation. Those leaders were men such as John Calvin, John Knox, Miles Coverdale, and others. Strangely

274 enough, there has never been a really comprehensive study of those marginal notes. Stranger still is the fact that the majority of today's Protestants consider themselves "Calvinists" and have almost no conception of what John Calvin ("As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come...And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World. 1599, some Knights Templar founded the lodge Atkinson Have in Scotland. On July 31 of the same year, another lodge was founded in Edinburgh. The fact, that a large number of Knights Templar fled to Scotland is confirmed by James Steven Curl in his book "The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry" (London, 1991, p. 46). 1599: the East India Company is established 1600 ENGLISH FREEMASONRY (1600s) | United Grand Lodge (1717) (Mother of all modern secret societies and cults) | Wealthy | Right Wing | Deistic/Pantheistic/New Age | Aristocratic Middle to Probusiness Constitutional | Upper Capitalistic Monarchy Kings Class Monopolistic | Lords | | Corporate Counts Financiers Multinational Corps. Socialism Barons Land Barons World Bank-IMF-BIS etc. Professionals Drug Financiers Dominates: Great Britain, Canada, Northeast USA (Eastern Establishment), most oriental countries, Hong Kong, Australia, and South Africa. 1600 - 1700 CE Foundation of the Virginia Company by James I (1606). The Romanovs become Czars of Russia (1613). Publication of Rosicrucian manifesto (1614). Life of Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Voyage of the Mayflower to New England and the publication of Sir Francis Bacon's novel The New Atlantis (1620). Establishment of the pagan community of Merrymount in Massachusetts by Thomas Morton. English Civil War begins (1642). First English Mason guild accepts nonstonemasons into its meetings (c. 1646). Charles I convicted of treason and beheaded (1649). Oliver Cromwell allegedly makes pact with the Devil in order to retain power. Introduction of Freemasonry to American colonies by Dutch settlers (1658). Order of Pietists founded in Pennsylvania (1694). THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howar l600 , . . : . Marlowe "Faust"

275 John Dee , " " "Tamburlaine" . Spenser [Faire Queen] Elizabeth I "" . " " - , . " " Shakespeare . 1600 "{Jews} ate the English nation to its bones." (John Speed, 17th Century British historian, in Historie of Great Britaine) 1600 A seventeenth-century account from China's Hubei province notes, "In the remote mountains of Fangxian County, there are rock caves, in which live hairy men as tall as three meters. They often come down to hunt dogs and chickens in the villages. They fight with whoever resists." 1600 East India Company granted a charter by the Queen of England. Tsarion 1600 English East India Company is chartered. 1600, . 1600, , . 1600, , , . 1600 The Jesuits entered Paraguay in the early 1600s, sent by the kings of Spain and Portugal. They established their supremacy over the natives called Guarani Indians and did not allow them to mix with the Spanish or Portuguese. It was among this people that the Jesuits established their communes called Reductions. 1601 Jesuits establish mission in Beijing, China, to provide contacts for the Portuguese and Dutch for access to native drug trafficking routes in the East. The Dutch negotiate an opium monopoly for northern India. Tsarion 1601 1601. , 1986, , : , , ,

276 . , , . 1601: James Lancaster leads the first British cargo to the East Indies (the trip takes 14 months one way) and establishes a British factory at Bantam 1602 Dutch East India Company is formed. 1602 ! 1603 Heavy outbreak of plague in England. Tsarion 1603 King James of England declares witchcraft a capital crime. 1603 The Tudor dynasty comes to an end with the death of Elizabeth I. 1603, James Stuart I. 1603: James VI of Scotland becomes king James I of England 1604 Russia begins settlement in Siberia. 1604 Mannaseh Ben . 1604, , 1 , . 1605 , . 5 . . . 36 , . , , , . . Monteagle, . , . 5 .

277 , , . 31 . o. 5 . 1605 ! 1605 Rosicrucian constitution published. 1606 London Company chartered to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Company, whose descendants would control the New England business world. Tsarion 1606 . 1606 . 1606, Willem Jansz discovers Australia. 1606 2 1607 Italian secrect society headed by Count Bernard of Germany merges with Rosicrucianism. First permanent English settlement in America, Jamestown, Virgina. - 1607 Announcement of national bankruptcy in Spain. Tsarion 1607 English founded North American colony of Virginia. [John Smith founds the colony of Virginia]. 1608 -- Apprentice to Dutch spectacle-maker Lippershey discovers principle of focusing lenses; Lippershey builds first telescope. - 1608 Telescope discovered. Tsarion 1609 -- Galileo independently builds telescope, begins study of astonomy. Spanish settlement at Santa Fe, New Mexico, founded. - 1609 First recorded sighting of "Champ", or the Lake Champlain Monster, by Pierre de Champlain. 1609 - . 1609: England conquers the Bermudas in America 1610 -- Assassination of King Henty IV of France. - 1610 Hudson Bay is discovered. 1610 The Wood manuscript written, traces the history of the Order from two pillars that were found after Noah's Flood. 1611.

278 1620-1622. , . 1611 As late as this date, the Chinese emperor was still appointing the post of a "Royal Dragon Feeder." 1612 Portuguese Jews granted right of residence in Hamburg. 1612 Tobacco planted in Virginia in American colonies. Tsarion 1612, Andrea Helwin " ". ' Vicarius Filii Dei 666. 1612 . 1613 First Romanov Czar. 1613, , , , "" . , , [ , 1204]. . , . . 1614 . 1614 -- Fama Fraternitatis published, fictional story of Rosenkreuz by Johann Valentin Andrea. - 1614: the Scottish mathematician John Napier coins the word "logarithm" and publishes the first logarithmic table 1615 Jews return to Frankfort and Worms. 1615 Thomas Brightman's Shall they return to Jerusalem again? is published posthumously. 1615, , Mutius Vitelleschi. 1616 A pamphlet begins circulating describing an ancient secret society begins to circulate. Worthy people are invited to join. No address or instructions are given on how to contact the Rosicrucian order, but it is promised that published inquiries will be answered. The "Fraternity of the Rosy Cross" allegedly dates back to the time of the Egyptian ruler Akhnaten, who worshipped the sun. 1618 -1648 The Thirty Years War Once the peasants and their allies among the knights and nobles had been suppressed, the princes held their land unchallenged, excepted by its previous owner, the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church ordered the Holy Roman Emperor to organize a crusade to get it back.

279 1618-1625: Bohemian Revolt against the Habsburgs. Rebellion was part of Thirty Years' War. 1618 Beginning of Thirty Years' War. The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) devastates most of Europe. The population of Germany is reduced by more than half. 30 . 1618, Beginning of Thirty Years' War: after the "Defenestration of Prague", England enters the "Thirty Years' War" against the Habsburg empire 1619 JAMES BALFOUR 2 BRIDGET (BEATRIX) CHALMERS 1624. 33 28 1619 First slave ship in America, Jamestown, Virginia. - 1619 -1627 The Jewish historian mentioned speaks once again about the Catholic but secretly Jewish nuns and writes: To the 231 persons who were condemned, in Portugal, in the eight years from 1619 to 1627, to public burning as heretics, belonged fifteen doctors of the university, two of whom were professors, eleven additionally academicians, twenty lawyers and the same number of physicians and notaries, and in particular 44 nuns and fifteen priests, of whom seven were abbots. 1619 Black indentured servants are first brought to Jamestown, Virginia. Slavery will gradually spread to all the other North American colonies. It flourishes most, however, in the agrarian South, where crops such as sugar cane and cotton require large numbers of dependable workers. 1619, First Black Slaves arrive in Virginia. Forty-six Sephardic conversos organize and become shareholders in the Hamburg Merchant Bank. Many of them were the financial agents for various North European courts. Other Sephardic banks are founded in Amsterdam and Antwerp. 1620 Plymouth Colony, second English settlement, arrives on Mayflower. - 1620 Mayflower arrives at Plymouth Rock, Cape Cod and founded colony; Battle of the White Mountain. Jewish slave traders bring slaves to America. 1620 [Pilgrims], , 1620: English pilgrims aboard the "Mayflower" land at Plymouth Rock on Cape Cod, Massachusetts 1620: Francis Bacon publishes the "Novum Organon" to argue that truth should be found via empirical observation

280 1621 A group of Sephardim become organizers and important shareholders of the Dutch West India Company, which soon dominates the African slave trade. 1621 Lakota Indian tribe puts star map on buffalo hide. 1621 Sir Henry Finch publishes The World's Great Restauration, or Calling of the Jews, and with them of all Nations and Kingdoms of the Earth to the Faith of Christ 1621: Thomas Archer publishes the first periodical pamphlet (predecessor of the newspaper) 1622 -- Posters appear in Paris warning that the Rosicrucians are "amongst you...visibly and invisibly." - 1622 January 1 The papacy adopts January 1 as the beginning of the new year, instead of March 25. 1622 Posters appear in Paris warning that the Rosicrucians are "amongst you...visibly and invisibly." 1622 13 ., . , 1622 (Propaganda Fidei), 1622 Under James I, the East India Company becomes a joint stock company. Tsarion 1623 -- Final papal edict against Alumbrados; Guerinets appear in France. First submarine built by Cornelius van Drebbel in England. - 1623 Alumbrados of Spain condemned by an edict of the Grand Inquisition. 1623 for leading the ignorant people towards rebellion. 1623 1623 Guerinets appear in France. 1623 Separate council for Lithuania established (Poland Lithuania). 1623, , Alumbrados ... . 1624 Ghetto established at Ferrara. Excommunication of Vriel da Costa. 1625 An English explorer brings back the first reports from Africa regarding a "hairy man" called Pongo ("gorilla"). 1625 King James I died and his son Charles I came to the throne. But Charles unlike his father became a tool of the Jesuits through the direction of the cruel and merciless Anglican Archbishop William Laud.

281 He violated the Magna Charta and sought to govern as an absolute Monarch. Most of all, he suppressed the right of freedom of conscience by persecuting the Puritans who preached the Bible plan of salvation. Thousands left for America and Cromwell nearly departed England as well. But the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ had decreed that Cromwell should remain and deliver the persecuted Protestants from the designs of the Jesuits. 1625: Charles I, King of England (to 1649); Charles I marries Henrietta Maria, sister of Louis XIII of France; dissolves Parliament which fails to vote him money 1626 [ 1676], . 1626 9 ( Av) Shabbatai Tzvi (Izmir ), . Mordechai Sevi, . 1626, Dutch founded New Amsterdam (New York). 1626, 65 . 1627 Francis Bacon writes The New Atlantis, which espouses the paradigm of a world university that scans the world for talented children in order to enrich the power of the state, because the state will know everything and be invincible. The book is widely read by Germans mystics Tsarion 1628: John Felton assassinates George Villiers, the duke of Buckingham 1629 (June 26) Lippman Heller forced to leave his post as rabbi in Prague. 1630 Death of Isaiah Horwitz in Palestine. 1630: England signs peace treaties with France and Spain and abandons the "Thirty Years' War" 1632 First coffee shop opens in London. Tsarion 1633 , , , , , , , : ...! , , , . 30 1633 ,

282 . , , Stanislas Jedrezewsky, . , , 1822, , 1633 . , , , , . 1835, , (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) , . 1633 Colony of Connecticut is established. 1634 1635 Tobacco sale in France restricted to apothecaries by doctor's prescription only. Tsarion 1637 Russian explorers reach Pacific coast of Siberia. 1638 -- Milton meets Galileo. . 1638 Torture abolished in England. Tsarion 1638, Jansenism was founded in 1638. 1638, , . 1638 , , , , 1638. , . ' . , , , , , , ' .

283 . , , , ; 1639 -40 Dutch West India Company grants Jews of Guiana full religious liberty. 1639 In this year one James Everett, sober, discreet man, and two others, saw a great light in the night at Muddy River in New England. When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton, and so up and down about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place. 1639 - Shabbatai Tzvi , [ bar-mitzvah, 13 ]. 1640: Portuguese Revolt against Spanish Empire. 1640-1652: Catalan Revolt. 1640 Beginning of subliminal persuasion when Rembrandt imbeds the word "sex" in a painting. 1640 - Manasseh Ben Yeshiva (= ) Perreiras, . Manasseh , , . . , , , , , , . , . , Antonio de Montezinos, , Aaron Levi, converso (= ), 17 , , , , , " " , ! , , , , Montezinos , , "" .

284 , "Shema " [= , !], ! , Montezinos , converso (= ) ! Menasseh Ben , , . , , , , ]. 1641, . , ' . , , , 30 " , . . ' . , , , , , , ' . 1641 The Ancient Order of Hibernians, a Roman Catholic, organization, was founded in 1641. 1642-1653: the English Revolution, commencing as a civil war between Parliament and the King, culminates in the execution of Charles I and the establishment of a republican Commonwealth succeeded several years later by the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. 1642 Civil War in England between King Charles and Parliament. - 1642-1727 Sir Isaac Newton, Grand Master of the Prieur de Sion (1691-1727), foretells that a company of prophecy teachers will be raised up in the end time. About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition. (Sir Isaac Newton, 1642-1727) 1642 Income and Property Tax introduced in England. Tsarion

285 1642 Six hundred Jews of Amsterdam with Isaac Aboab as hakam settle at Pernambuco. French founded Montreal in Canada; King Charles I battles Parliament in English Civil War. 1642 - Shabbatai , , The Lost Messiah, (= , . 26) 1642: a civil war opposes king Charles I and the Parliament 1643 a large group of rich Jews came to England. They met with the Portuguese Ambassador in London, Antonio de Souza (a Marano, converted Jew), where further moves were discussed. All their actions were co-ordinated by Carvajal (the German magazine Diagnosen, February 1986, p. 50). 1643 March 11-- England, from the diarist John Evelyn: I must not forget what amazed us exceedingly the night before, namely, a shining cloud in the air in a shape resembling a sword, the point reaching to the north. It was as bright as the moon, the rest of the sky being very serene. It began about 11 at night and vanished not till about one, being seen by all the south of England. 1644 The Puritan Revolution. The Puritans defeat King Charles' "Cavaliers" at Marston Moor. 1644, , , , , . . 1645, , , , , . 1645 . Valentin Melcetti, ' 1645, , . . . , 1644, d' Autry , 1645: Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army defeats king Charles I 1646 Earliest known Masonic Lodge to allow non-professional or "free" masons, in Warrington, England. 1646 Jews in Brazil side with the Dutch in their war with the Portuguese.

286 1646, , Vincent Caraffa. 1647 Alleged correspondence between Cromwell and Ebeneezer Pratt plotting the overthrow of King Charles. - 1647 (June 16) A letter from Oliver Cromwell to Ebenezer Pratt reads "In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England; This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape." {King Charles I was in prison at the time}. 1647 Oliver Cromwell Manasseh Ben (King Charles I). 6 1647, Oliver Cromwell Ebenezer Pratt, : " , , . , , , Charles. Charles , , , Charles , , , , "! Ebenezer Pratt 12 1647: " Charles . . Charles , , . , [ : The support will be liberal;], ". Cromwell, Charles . Charles Dorislaus , Manasseh , , , Cromwell, "". 1647: Naples Revolt. 1647, (July 12) A letter from Ebenezer Pratt to Oliver Cromwell reads, "Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed, and Jews

287 admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His recapture will then make a trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences." Charles was allowed to escape from prison and was recaptured, of course. Then through Cromwell's influence, Parliament was purged of members who held allegiance to the king. This action is known as "Pryde's Purge." Only fifty members remained and became known as the "Rump Parliament." Again, because of Cromwell's influence, two thirds of the High Court Of Justice consisted of "Levellers" from Cromwell's army. The conspirators couldn't find an English lawyer to draw up the criminal charges against Charles I. Manasseh Ben Israel's agent, Isaac Dorislaus, drew up the indictment. King Charles I was found guilty and was publicly beheaded on January 30, 1649. 1647, 16 , , , , . , , . 1648 -49 Chmielnicki massacres (Poland Lithuania). 1648 The beginning of the Cossack persecutions of the Jews in Poland under Chmielnicki. Treaty of Westphalia. 1648: Khmelnytsky Uprising of Cossacks in Ukraine against Polish nobility in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1648 ! : Isaac Ari Luria (1534-1572). Issac Luria was a German-Jewish Rabbi. At this time, rabbinical scholars around Safed began to openly practice the teachings of the Kabala. Luria further developed the Kabalistic teachings of re-incarnation. Isaac Luria considered himself to be the Messiah, the son of Joseph, who according to Jewish legend would precede the real Messiah, the son of David. He spread the message among the Jews that the Jewish Messiah would begin to rule in 1648. At the same time, the Christian community started to believe that the Antichrist would appear in 1666. 1648-1653: The Fronde, in France. 1648 The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War. The peace agreement is condemned by Pope Innocent X in his bull "Zelo Domus Dei." Modern historians say this agreement marks the beginnings of modern nationalism. 1648 Chmielnicki . Shabbatai Tzvi .

288 1648 30 : the "Peace of Westphalia" ends the Thirty Years' War 1648, -49, Chmielnicki massacres (Poland-Lithuania). Cromwell, financed by the same Jewish International money lenders, waged war against Ireland. He captured Drogheda and Wexford, which are famous battles in the fight against the Irish and Scotch. British Protestants were blamed for the persecution of Irish Catholics, even though there was only a small portion of Protestants who were involved. The world in general, and Protestants in particular, are still suffering from this contrived action on the part of Oliver Cromwell. We have the Irish Republican Army and the Sinn Fein, which is an Irish patriotic organization advocating boycott and resistance against England. 1648, The beginning of the Cossack persecutions of the Jews in Poland under Chmielnicki. Treaty of Westphalia. 1648, , , , 300.000 . 1649 King Charles convicted and beheaded by Parliament. - 1649 ? The Fugger Company is completely dissolved soon after the Thirty Years' War. The Fugger family is considered a prototype of the trading company of the early capitalistic era. Note, In overcoming the economic concepts of the Middle Ages, they used methods that have evoked, both in their time and in the present, admiration as well as violent criticism. (Britannica) 1649 -50 The "English Diggers", a group of agrarian communists who flourished in England in 1649-50 and were led by Gerrard Winstanley (q.v.) and William Everard. The Diggers were harassed by legal actions and mob violence, and by the end of March 1650 their colony was dispersed. 1649 Cromwell financed by Jews, waged war in Ireland. Captures Drougheda and Wexford. British Protests blamed for persecution of Irish Catholics. 1649 Ebenezer and Joanna Cartwright dispatch a petition to the British Government calling for the ban on Jews settling in England to be lifted and for assistance to be provided to enable them to be repatriated to Palestine. 1649 January 30 King Charles (Kings of England, Scotland, and Ireland) is beheaded. The Puritan "Rump Government" then declares England a Commonwealth (or republic) without a king or a house of lords. 1649 Reliable sightings of "flying dragons" (pterosaur-like creature) in Europe are recorded as recently as this year. The woods

289 around Penllin Castle, Glamorgan, had the reputation of being frequented by winged serpents, and these were the terror of old and young alike. The winged serpents were described as very beautiful. They were coiled when in repose, and "looked as if they were covered with jewels of all sorts. Some of them had crests sparkling with all the colours of the rainbow". When disturbed they glided swiftly, "sparkling all over," to their hiding places. When angry, they "flew over people's heads, with outspread wings, bright, and sometimes with eyes too, like the feathers in a peacock's tail". Locals had killed some of them, for they were as bad as foxes for poultry, and the extinction of the winged serpents was due to the fact that they were "terrors in the farmyards and coverts." 1649 - Shabbatai Tzvi 23 . . Oliver Cromwell . , Cromwell, Manasseh Ben , , , , gentiles [= , -]. 1649, -60, The Commonwealth in England. Jews expelled from Hamburg. 1649, , Francis Piccolimini. 1649, 9 , , . , , 30 . , . 1649 ; 02/06/2011 07:21 , 18 , . , . , , , ! Richard Sugg Durham : , , , . I 1649, . ,

290 29 . , . 1649, Stuarts. 1649: Charles I is executed and Cromwell declares the Commonwealth (the monarchy is suspended) 1649: Cromwell crushes a Catholic uprising in Ireland 1649: the Diggers promulgate a vision of a society free from private property and commerce 1650 Extermination of North American Indian people begins. Tsarion 1650 The Marquess of Montrose, James Montrose, a Scottish Coventanter who was in opposition to Cromwell. He, because of a burning desire to avenge the death of King Charles I gathered a small army and attacked England in rebellion against Cromwell. He was captured and executed. 1650 World population estimated 500 million. Tsarion 1650 Shabbatai , (. 26). Ha Chassid ( ), ( 1650) . Shabbetai Tzvi. Shabbetai Tzvi , . 1706. , Converso (= ) , , . 1650, Montrose in rebellion against Cromwell. Captured and executed. 1650 ! TEIXEIRA, Pedro 1570c. 1650. Portuguese explorer. Teixeira was born in Lisbon into a family of Jewish descent that had been baptized under duress. His Travels, published in Portuguese in Antwerp in 1610, are an account of two journeys, first to the Philippines, China and parts of America in 15856 and then to India and Persia and other countries of the East in 16039. Teixeira was evidently a man of some scientific education, and a detailed and accurate observer. In 1637 he led an expedition to Brazil at the request of the king of Portugal. He journeyed up the Amazon, a trip that took ten months; a book

291 describing this trip was published in 1641. Little else is known of him. There is a tradition that he returned to Judaism before his death. 1650 - 1750 The Jesuits, as it is well known, held very large regions of Paraguay under missionary control from 1650 to 1750. More than a quarter million natives worked under their [absolutist] direction, and no payment was made directly to them... They were educated, trained, housed, clothed, fed and, to some extent, amused, but what became of the surplus profits of their labours, and of the extensive trading that was carried on? Over two thousand boats are said to have been engaged in carrying merchandise and goods on the Parana River; and the economic value of the Reductions was beyond doubt very great: so great indeed as to have awakened the envy of Spanish and Portuguese traders. Robertson estimated that the reductions represented at least $25,000,000 capital for the Society. 1651 , , 1587 1614 , 111 . 1651 Charles II invades England. Defeated and flees back to France. 1651 Charles II, who was in exile in France, invaded England. He was defeated and retreated to France. 1651: Cromwell defeats Scotland 1651: Thomas Hobbes publishes the "Leviathan" 1651-1654 - Shabbatai . , . 1652 JAMES BALFOUR 3 HELEN SMITH 1659 29 22 1652 England was involved in another contrived war with the Dutch. All of these wars and skirmishes were financed by the Jewish money lenders with funds loaned at usury. 1652, , Alexander Gottifred , Goswin Nickel. 1653 Cromwell proclaimed himself Lord Protector of England. England became involved in more wars. These were contrived wars similar to the "police actions" of the United States' wars in Korea and Vietnam. 1653 Oliver Cromwell, after putting down revolts in Ireland and Scotland with great cruelty, comes back from the wars. He dismisses Parliament, and "nominates" a Parliament of his own (called "Barebone's Parliament" after one of its members, Praisegod Barebone). The

292 Commonwealth then takes the name of Protectorate, with Cromwell as Lord Protector. 1653: When the parliament fails to approve reforms by one vote, Cromwell aboliushes parliament and has himself nominated Lord Protector of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland 1654 - 1656 "The capture of the principal cities such as Minsk by the combined armies of the Cossacks and Muscovites was accompanied by the extermination or expulsion of the Jewish population." 1654 -- Illuminated Guerinets come to public notice in France. - 1654 "When Little Russia was annexed by Czar Alexis Michaelovich the Russians encountered masses of Jews for the first time. Jews had not been allowed to live or travel in Russia" 1654 Portuguese recapture Brazil from Dutch Monarchy and commence renewed Inquisition against Jews. A ship with twenty-three (23) Sephardic Refugees from Recife, Brazil arrive in New Amsterdam (later New York). 1654 (July 8) Twenty-four Jews land at New Amsterdam from Brazil. Portuguese recapture Brazil. 1654 Illuminated Guerinets come to public notice in France. 1654, England involved in more wars. 1654-1656 "The capture of the principal cities such as Minsk by the combined armies of the Cossacks and Muscovites was accompanied by the extermination or expulsion of the Jewish population." 1655 - Cromwell Whitehall 4-18 , . Cromwell Cromwell , . 1655 - , Manasseh Ben 31 . 1655 (Oct.) Manasseh ben Israel goes to London to obtain from Cromwell the readmission of Jews into England. England takes Jamaica from Spain. Cromwell allows Jews to return to England. 1655 -56 Massacres during wars of Poland against Sweded and Russia (Poland Lithuania). Trouble started in the American Colonies. This was also a contrived "police action." England's loss of the American Colonies because of our War of Independence, and what they immediately planned to do about that loss, will be discussed in detail later.

293 1655, "At the approach of the Polish army the surviving Jewish community in Moghilev was ordered expelled by the commander of the Russian garrison, Colonel Poklovski. As they were leaving the city, virtually all were killed." 1655: Britain conquers Jamaica from Spain 1656 - Cromwell Conversos . 1656 A clever Jewish rabbi, using common Christian based religious arguments, convinces a high government official (Cromwell, in fact) in England that Jews should be allowed to return to England (having been kicked out 400 years earlier). All of England will soon regret this event. Oliver Cromwell agrees to readmit Jews to England in return for loans to the English government from continental Jewish bankers. 1656 Trouble started in American Colonies. 1657 - , . , Sephardim. , Sephardim: Solomon de Medina (1650-1730) Sir Montefiore (1784-1885), 1837 baronet 1846. 1657 Chocolate drinking introduced in London. Tsarion 1657 Manasseh Ben . Shabbatai Tzvi 31 . 1657, (Feb. 4) Resettlement day; Oliver grants Carbajal right of residence for Jews in England. Oliver Cromwell dies. His son Richard was named Protector. Two years later, he became disgusted with the intrigue and resigned. 1657, Death of Cromwell, Son Richard named Protector, [ , . Oliver Cromwell dies and his eldest son, Richard Cromwell, becomes Lord Protector]. 1658 - , Shabbatai Tzvi . 1658 Congregation of Jews founded at Newport (America). 1658 First Sephardic Jews of Newport, Rhode Island, arrive purchase cemetery in 1678. 1658 First bank note introduced in Sweden. Tsarion 1658 The Florentine Heresy rocks the "Society of London". 1659 Jews expelled from all the Papal States except Rome and Ancona.

294 1659 Richard, disgusted with intrigue, resigns. 1659 Too weak to control the army, Richard Cromwell is forced to resign. 1659 - Shabbatai Tzvi (Izmir). 1659: England and France defeat Spain 1660 British find sugar pushing so profitable it becomes a matter of national security. British pass the Navigation Act of 1660 to prevent transport of sugar, tobacco, or any product of the American Colonies to any port outside England, Ireland and British possessions. Tsarion 1660 Dutch (Boers) settle in South Africa. Tsarion 1660 General Monk occupied London. Charles II was proclaimed King. Jews expelled from Kiev by Alexis. 1660 George Monk, one of Cromwell's generals, brings an army from Scotland and has the Rump of the Long Parliament recalled to dissolve itself. A new Parliament is elected and offers the crown to Charles II, the exiled son of Charles I. The Puritan age suddenly comes to an end. 1660 The following is the text of a sworn statement by a seventeenth-century Swedish clergyman, P. Rahm: "In the year 1660, when I and my wife had gone to my farm, which is three quarters of a mile from Ragunda parsonage, and we were sitting there and talking awhile, late in the evening, there came a little man in at the door, who begged of my wife to go and aid his wife, who was just in the pains of labor. The fellow was of small size, of a dark complexion, and dressed in old gray clothes. My wife and I sat awhile, and wondered at the man; for we were aware that he was a Troll, and we had heard tell that such like, called by the peasantry Vettar (spirits), always used to keep in the farmhouses, when people left them in harvest-time. But when he had urged his request four or five times, and we thought on what evil the country folk say that they have at times suffered from the Vettar, when they have chanced to swear at them, or with uncivil words bid them to go to hell, I took the resolution to read some prayers over my wife, and to bless her, and bid her in God's name go with him. She took in haste some old linen with her, and went along with him, and I remained sitting there. When she returned, she told me that when she went with the man out at the gate, it seemed to her as if she was carried for a time along in the wind, and so she came to a room, on one side of which was a little dark chamber, in which his wife lay in bed in great agony. My wife went up to her, and, after a little while, aided her till she brought forth the child after the same manner as other human beings. The man then offered her food, and when she refused it, he thanked her, and accompanied her out, and then she was carried along, in the same way in the wind, and after a while

295 came again to the gate, just at 10 o'clock. Meanwhile, a quantity of old pieces and clippings of silver were laid on a shelf, in the sittingroom, and my wife found them next day, when she was putting the room in order. It is supposed that they were laid there by the Vettar." 1660, General Monk occupied London. Charles II was proclaimed King. Jews expelled from Kiev by Alexis. 1660, , , . 1660: Charles II resumes the monarchy (end of the Commonwealth) 1661 Charles II in England, in an attempt to retain his throne, grants the East India Company the power to make war. Tsarion 1661, The truth was revealed regarding the intrigue entered into by Cromwell and his two cohorts, Ireton and Bradshaw. The public became incensed and violent. The bodies of Cromwell, Ireton and Bradshaw were exhumed and hung from gallows on Tyburn Hill, London! English take control of Bombay in India. 1661, , , . 1661, , 20 , John Paul Oliva. 1662 Britain importing 16 million pounds of sugar per year. Tsarion 1662 Rabbi Joseph Escapa (15721662) was especially known for having been the teacher of Zevi and for having afterward excommunicated him. 1662 Religious strife was engendered to divide members of the Protestant denominations. Non Conformists to the established Church of England were persecuted. 1662 - Shabbatai Tzvi . : he arrived in Jerusalem where he spent a year and met a Polish girl of doubtful reputation. They married in Cairo and Shabtai Zvi, evidently wanting to settle down, sought to exorcise the madness plaguing him. Hearing of a rabbi in Gaza named Nathan who was said to be able to provide solace for the soul, he travelled to that city in 1665. Nathan did not dismiss him as a lunatic. Subject to mystic inclinations himself, just two months before Shabtai Zvi's arrival in Gaza Nathan had a vision that the strange Jew from Smyrna was the Messiah. He now told him this. Shabtai Zvi, who had come to Gaza to be relieved of the terrible burden of his fantasy, suddenly had it thrust back upon him. Any hope for earthly salvation was gone. Nathan announced to a group of rabbis visiting him on Shavuot that

296 Shabtai Zvi was the Messiah. Unlike the Jews of Smyrna who had dismissed him as the community lunatic, the Jews of Gaza hailed him as the saviour. 1662, , . 1662: Founding of the Royal Society of Science 1663 August 15-- As the people of the village Robozero (in the Bolozero district, Russia) were in church they heard a loud noise in the sky and many people left the church to see what was up. One of them was the farmer Levka Pedorov who told the stort to the monastery monk, who documentetd it in script. In midday a "great ball of fire" descended from the south in a clear blue sky over Robozero and moved across the church to the near lake. The "ball" was 45 meters in diameter and two beams of "fire" were shooting out from the front and then, after it went from the south to the west (500meters from Pedorov), it "dissapeared". Only to reapear an hour later over the same lake. And there it stayed for an hour and a half. A company of fishermen in a boat on the lake a mile away from Pedorov were sorely burnt by the light of the "ball", which lit up the lake to it's bottom 9 meters deep, while the fish fled to the banks. Pedorov described the water as if "covered with rust under the glow..." 1664 - Charles II , 1674 1685, Royal . 1698, . 1664 Descartes advances the concept that activities of organisms (including man) are because of a reaction to external stimuli. One of the initial premises of future mind control paradigms. Tsarion 1664 England is again involved in war with Holland. Wars and "police actions" are used extensively to fuel the fires of the Hegellian Dialectics to create the economic and political world that is desired for the self chosen few. We cannot overemphasize this point and we must take the study of it very seriously. These wars made England a debtor nation {Sound familiar?}. The Bible says that; "...the borrower is servant to the lender." (Proverbs 227) Riot in Lemberg (Lvov) (Poland Lithuania). 1664, . , . 1664: England seizes New Amsterdam from the Dutch and changes its name to New York

297 1664- Sephardim Charles II Stuart. Manasseh kabbalistic . 1665 - 30 . Shabbetai Tzvi . 1665 -31 1665 (17 Sivan ). O Sabbatai Tzvi, 39 , , . , " Sambatyon 10 ". 1665 A great depression settled over England. Depressions are oftentimes used for the same purpose as wars. Unemployment and shortages of food undermined the health of the people and the Great Plague broke out. The Great Fire of London, known as "The Great Cleanser," ended the plague. Shabbethai Zebi (1626 1676) publicly accepted as the Messiah at Smyrna; fervor spreads throughout the Jewish world. (Ottoman Empire) 1665 A great depression settles over England. Unemployment, shortages of food undermine the health of the people and the Great Plague breaks out. (The outbreak of the Great Fire of London, known as "The Great Cleaner" ended the plague) 1665 London swept by Bubonic plague. It was noticed that people who lived without sugar escaped harm. Over 68,000 die. Tsarion 1665 Newton experiments with gravitation. Tsarion 1665 Shabbatai Tzvi ' . . , . Shabbatai . , . , () . 1665 , [= , Sabbatai Zevi, ], 1665 , . , ,

298 , , [ Midrash Rabba]. Sabbatai Zevi , , , [ , , , ], . . , , ! , , : , [: The Sabbatains represent the classic Synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, , !] 1665 - Shabbatai , () 1673. 1665, A great depression settled over England. Depressions are oftentimes used for the same purpose as wars. Unemployment and shortages of food undermined the health of the people and the Great Plague broke out. The Great Fire of London, known as "The Great Cleanser," ended the plague. Shabbethai Zebi (1626-1676) publicly accepted as the Messiah at Smyrna; fervor spreads throughout the Jewish world. (Ottoman Empire) 1665: the plague reaches London 1666 Adam Oschlager wrote of a sighting of a "large serpent, which seen from afar, had the thickness of a wine barrel, and 25 windings. These serpents are said to appear on the surface of the water only in calm weather and at certain times." 1666 England involved in war with France and Holland. More money loaned at interest to all three nations. Great fire of London caused by the Jews because of their being expelled from England in past. 1666 Great Fire of London. Tsarion 1666: Isaac Newton develops calculus 1666: the fire of London burns the oldest part of the city, including St Paul's cathedral 1667 -- Milton's Paradise Lost published. . 1667 CABAL agents start new religious and political strife {The events of this group that is now known by that name is very important because the families involved came on down through history and were the promoters of the doctrine of "Dispensationalism" and the Balfour Declaration, which provided for the new state of Israeli in the Mideast}. (Feb. 14) Jews run races at the Roman carnival for the last time. (The

299 word Cabal is closely related to Cabala, a mysterious Jewish theosophy dating back into antiquity but which became very active during the 10th and succeeding centuries. Cabala was announced as "a special revelation" which enabled Rabbis to explain to the Jewish people the hidden meanings of the Sacred Writings of the Talmud. Pear's Cyclopedia 57th edition, page 529 says "Cabalism was later carried to great excess". Cabalist leaders pretending to read signs, and evidence, in letters and forms, and numbers, contained in the Scriptures. The French named this mysterious Rite Cabale. The French used the term Cabale to designate any group of political or private intriguers. The English coined the name Cabal because the chief personages concerned with Cabalistic intrigue in England were Clifford Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lauderdale, in that order. The first letter of their names spells Cabal! Cabalists were the instigators of various forms of political and religious unrest during the unhappy reign of Charles II) 1667 Epidemics of smallpox, dysentery begin. Tsarion 1667 The apparent danger of using animals serums foreign to human beings and animal serums foreign to other animals is reported in medical literature in 1667 when lambs blood was unsuccessfully used as a human blood transfusion.(Sir Graham Wilson, The Hazards of Immunization, London 1967, Athlone Press). Tsarion 1667, , , - " ". 1668 Merck begins an apothecary shop in Darmstadt Germany. Tsarion 1668: England, Netherlands and Sweden form the "Triple Alliance" against France 1669: Jat uprising under Gokula. The Hindu Jats in the Agra district revolted against the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. 1669 Outbreak of cholera in China. Tsarion 1669 Russian Old Believers begin setting themselves alight to protect themselves from the Antichrist. By 1690, 20,000 are dead. 1669 The Hope Diamond is believed to have come from the Kollur mine near Golconda in India. It first came to attention in the 1660s when a French explorer Tavernier noticed the then 112 carats of golf ball shaped blue stone, gleaming on the forehead of a temple idol. At that point in time it was roughly three times the size that it is today. Tavernier took the diamond back to France where in 1669 he sold it to Louis XIV for the modern day equivalent of 71 million. 1669 . .

300 ( ). , . , , , . . 1669, , , ( ) , . , , , . ( ), . . , , , , ( , , ). , , , : , , , , . , , , . . . , , . , , . : . ;. ,

301 , , . . . . , . . , , . . , . . , , , , , , , (). , , , , ( ). , , , . , , , : . , . , , . , , , . , ,

302 . . . , . , . , , . , , . , , grec. , . , . . , , . , , , . : , . . , , , , , . 1670 A Dutchman named Jan Struys, captured and enslaved by bandits in Armenia, met a hermit--or so he would claim later--on Ararat. Struys, believed by his captors to possess magical healing powers, treated the old man, who in gratitude handed him a "piece of hard wood of a dark color" and a sparkling stone, both of which "he told me he had taken from under the Ark." 1670 Measles and tertian fever epidemics displace cholera. Tsarion 1670, Metz, As this was a very strongly established case, one does not find any mention of it in Strack's book in defense of the Jews. A three-year-old Christian boy was lost by his mother on the way to a well. The boy was wearing a red cap, and witnesses had seen him carried away by a Jew mounted on a horse. This Jew was Raphael Levi. At first, the boy's body could not be traced. The Jews, becoming frightened, spread the report that wolves must have killed him in the forest. The forest was searched and eventually the head, neck and ribs of a boy were found,

303 together with clothes which were identified as the missing boy's, red cap and all, by the boy's father. But as these clothes were neither torn nor bloody, it was concluded that the wolf story was a "blind," and then witnesses came forward who had seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. (La France Juive, by Drumont) Jews banished from Vienna and Lower Austria by Emperor Leopold I. Synod of Lithuanian rabbis and deputies settle spheres of jurisdiction in relation to central kahals. 1670, 16 , , , 3 . 1670: Hudson's Bay Company is founded 1671, Frederick William, the Great Elector, grants a privilege for twenty years to fifty families driven from Austria. Jews permitted to settle in the Mark of Brandenburg. 1672-1674: Lipka Rebellion, an uprising of Polish Tatars against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1672-1678: Messina Revolt. The Sicilian revolt against Spanish rule took place during the Franco-Dutch War of Louis XIV; the rebels were supported by France. 1672 Dysentery becomes mild and some smallpox occurs. Tsarion 1673 Inoculation against smallpox appears in Denmark. (See 1778). Tsarion 1673 - Shabbatai 1674 Westminster . 1674 Rabbi Jacob Hagis (16201674) was one of Zevi's chief opponents, who put him under the ban. About 1673 Hagiz went to Constantinople to publish his Lehem ha-Panim, but he died there before this was accomplished. This book, as well as many others of his, was lost. . 1674 ; Rabbi Aaron Lapapa (15901674) was the rabbi at Smyrna in 1665, when Zevi's movement was at its height there. He was one of the few rabbis who had the courage to oppose the false prophet and excommunicate him. Zevi and his adherents retorted by deposing him and forcing him to leave the city, and his office was given to his colleague, Hayyim Benveniste, at that time one of Sabbetai's followers. After Sabbetai's conversion to Islam, Lapapa seems to have been reinstated.

304 1674 England and Holland made peace. The men directing international intrigue change their characters. They become peacemakers instead of the war makers {Just like what is going on between Russia and the West at the present time}. They elevate plain Mr. William Stadholder to the rank of Captain General of the Dutch Forces {Remember, Manasseh Ben Israel was a powerful figure in Holland}. Stadholder became William, Prince of Orange. It was arranged that he meet Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England. 1674 England and Holland make Peace. The men directing international intrigue change their characters. They become match makers. They elevate Mr. William Stradholder to the rank of Captain General of the Dutch Forces. He became William Prince of Orange. It was arranged that he meet Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England. 1674 First mention of diabetes mellitus in British Pharmaceutice Rationalis, by Thomas Willis, member of the Royal College of Physicians. Tsarion 1674 In An Account of Two Voyages to New England, published in 1674, John Josselyn recalled a 1639 conversation with residents of the Massachusetts colony: "They told me of a sea-serpent or snake, that lay coiled upon a rock at Cape Ann." 1674, England and Holland make Peace. The men directing international intrigue change their characters. They become matchmakers. They elevate Mr. William Stradholder to the rank of CaptainGeneral of the Dutch Forces. He became William Prince of Orange. It was arranged that he meet Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England. 1675 -- Leeuwenhoek discovers "animalcules" through the microscope. - 1675-1676: King Philip's War between Indians and English settlers, sometimes called Metacom's Rebellion. One in ten soldiers on both sides was injured or killed. 1675 Malaria epidemic in England and discovery of Peruvian bark (quinine). Tsarion 1675 ! , , . . , 1715, .

305 ( 10-12 ), 5 250-350 . [...] , (1677-1680). . : . . . , Choiseul Gouffier: , , . . . Guillet de la Guilletiere (1675): . . , . 82, , . . 1821 ( ) ; : . . . . 1675: the Royal Observatory opens at Greenwich 1676 -- Sperm discovered by Leeuwenhoek's student Ham. - 1676: Bashkir Rebellion against Russian rule.

306 1676 "Jews were forbidden to live in Little Russia or to enter the city of Moscow." 1676 Sabbatai. , (Donmehs), . 1677 Ice cream becomes popular dessert in Paris. Tsarion 1677 Princess Mary of England married William, Prince of Orange. To place William upon the throne of England it was now necessary to get rid of both Charles II and the Duke of York, slated to become James II. Death of Spinoza in The Netherlands. 1677: William III, king of the Netherlands, marries Mary, heir to the English throne 1678 First medical treatise in America on smallpox and measles. Tsarion 1678 The earliest known crop circle, known as the "Mowing Devil," is shown on a woodcut from Hertfordshire, England. The inscription reads, "Being a True Relation of a Farmer, who Bargaining with a Poor Mower, about the Cutting down Three Half Acres of Oats: upon the Mower's asking too much, the Farmer swore That the Devil should Mow it rather than He. And so it fell out, that very Night, the Crop of Oat shew'd as if it had been all of a flame: but next Morning appear'd so neatly mow'd by the Devil or some Infernal Spirit, that no Mortal Man was able to do the like. Also, How the said Oats ly now in the Field, and the Owner has not Power to fetch them away." 1678, Appearance of the Pseudo-Messiah Mordecai Moshiah of Eisenstadt. 1679: petitioners ("Whigs") call for a new Parliament while royalists ("Tories") side with king Charles II 1680 -- Madame Le Voisin, innovator of modern Satanism, executed in Paris. - 1680 Madame Le Voisin, innovator of modern Satanism, executed in Paris. 1680, (June 30) Auto da fe at Madrid. Riots in Brest-Litovsk (Poland-Lithuania). Jewish community is established in the British colony of Charles Town, South Carolina. 1681 JAMES BALFOUR 4 LOUISA HAMILTON, 1686. 34 29 1682 -- Tamanend, sachem and chief of the Lenni-Lenape tribe, welcomes William Penn to America, traditionally considered the beginning of the Tammany Society. - 1682 De La Salle claims the Louisiana Territory for France, naming it for Louis XIV, King of France.

307 1682, , Charles de Noyelle. 1683 First German emigrants to America land. Tsarion 1683 The "Rye House Plot" was hatched. The intention was to assassinate both King Charles II and the Duke of York. It failed. Turkish army over runs Vienna. 1685 King Charles II died. Jews given religious freedom in England. The Duke of York became King James II of England. Immediately a campaign of L'Infamie was started against James II {The name L'Infamie was given during the French Revolution in 1787 to a group in France who planted disinformation and other propaganda to cause the public to react violently against targeted leaders}. One must always keep foremost in their mind that the "great conspirators" always, always take advantage of any weakness of the flesh or the carnal mind to destroy a person. If they can find nothing carnal, they create a lie. 1685, King Charles II died. The Duke of York became King James II of England. Immediately a campaign of L'Infamie was started against James II. The Duke of Monmouth was persuaded, or bribed, into leading an insurrection to overthrow the king. On June 30, the Battle of Sedgemoor was fought. Monmouth was defeated and captured. He was executed July 15th. In August Judge Jeffreys opened, what historians have named, "The Bloody Assizes." Over three hundred persons concerned in the Monmouth Rebellion were sentenced to death under circumstances of atrocious cruelty. Nearly one thousand others were condemned to be sold as slaves. This was a typical example of how the Secret Powers, working behind the scenes, create conditions for which other people are blamed. They in turn are liquidated. King James still had to be disposed of before William of Orange could be placed on the throne to carry out their mandate. Every person in England was bewitched and bewildered. They were not allowed to know the truth (the people are never allowed to know the truth, and when it is presented to them they will not believe it). They blamed everyone, and everything except the "Secret Powers" who were pulling the strings (the same thing that is happening at the present time in America). Then the conspirators made their next move. . 1685: Charles II dies and his Catholic brother James II becomes king of England and of Scotland 1685 : There is but one Supreme Authority in the World, and that is the Pope... The Pope can do any thing above all Right, against all Right, and without all Right... because he is Judge of all and in [the] stead of God on Earth, Multiple Jesuit Authorities, 1685 Warning to King Charles II The Jesuits Catechism

308 1686, Jews the victims of the imperialist soldierly at the recapture of Buda from Turks. English establish Dominion of New England. 1686, , , The Natural History of Staffordshire, " , , ". 1686 The Secret Jews, Joachim Prinz, 1973, pp. 111-122 [In December 1686, more than three hundred families converted to Islam in Salonika. Like Shabtai and other Marranos, they continued to attend Jewish services secretly and observed certain Jewish customs in their homes.] ... [This was the origin of the most important group, numerically and historically, of Islamic Marranos. The faithful Mohammedans call these hidden Jews 'doenmehs', the renegades. Over the years the 'doenmeh' movement became firmly established in Asia Minor. In the nineteenth century the sect was estimated to have twenty thousand members. Salonikare-mained its main seat until that city became Greek in 1913. Although the Jewish community remained there under Greek rule, the 'doenmehs' moved to Constantinople.] ... [I shall meticulously adhere to the customs of the Turks so as not to arose their suspicion. I shall not only observe the Fast of Ramadan but all the other Muslim customs which are observed in public.] ... [From time to time the Turkish governors of Salonika, who received complaints about the sect from the Mohammedan clergy, tried to investigate the strange existence of the 'doenmehs'. Their clannishness, their refusal to mingle with Mohammedan families, and their marital restrictions had become a wellknown fact, difficult to hide from the majority of the people among whom they had lived for many generations. Socially, they seemed impenetrable, although in their Moslem religious practices they were beyond reproach. In fact, they often seemed even more devout followers of the Prophet Mohammed and more sincere worshipers of Allah than the rest of the community. They fasted during Ramadan, and their leaders and adherents were found in large, even conspicuous numbers among the pilgrims to Mecca.] ... [The revolt of the Young Turks in 1908 against the authoritarian regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid began among the intellectuals of Salonika. It was from there that the demand for a constitutional regime originated. Among the leaders of the revolution which resulted in a more modern government in Turkey were Djavid Bey and Mustafa Kemal. Both were ardent 'doenmehs'. Djavid Bey became minister of finance; Mustafa Kemal became the leader of the new regime and he adopted the name of Ataturk. His opponents tried to use his 'doenmeh' background to unseat him, but without success. Too many of

309 the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had as their real prophet Shabtai Zvi, the Messiah of Smyrna.] 1687, Jews of Poznan attacked (Poland-Lithuania). Camisards of the Cevennes 1687, , Thyrsus Gonzales. 1687: Isaac Newton publishes the "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" 1687: James II issues the "Declaration of Liberty of Conscience" but favors Catholicism and insists on the divine rights of the royalty 1688 Dr. O. Dapper wrote that the Congo was inhabited by "squirrels with tails much larger than those in Europe, bears, wild cats, and very venomous vipers...". 1688 The Camisards of the Cevennes was organized in 1688. The Camisards were actually a survival of the Waldenses and the Pastoureaux. Calmeil, an authority on mental aberrations quoted by Madden Phantasmata, (Madden Phantasmata, Vol. II, p. 530; quoting De la Folie, by L.F. Calmeil (1845), Vol. II, p. 304) thus describes the characteristics of the Camisard movement "The prophetic madness (of the Camisards) made its appearance in Dauphine and Vivarais in 1688; it very soon spread itself over a vast number of places, and continued without any interruption among the Calvinists for nearly twenty years. It was especially in the course of the year 1689, that the phenomena of theomania excited the greatest astonishment and rose to the height of its violence. The theomaniacs could then be counted by hundreds; men, women, girls, boys, young children, all of the believed they were inspired and imbued with the breath of the Holy Spirit. 1688 The witchcraft trials in Salem, Massachusetts. 20 people are executed for witchcraft. Nineteen are hanged, not burned, and one is crushed under heavy stones. 1688 They ordered William Prince of Orange to land in England at Torbay. This he did on November 5th. King James abdicated and fled to France. He had become unpopular by reason of the campaign of L'Infamie, intrigue and his own foolishness and culpability. 1688, The Camisards of the Cevennes was organized in 1688. The Camisards were actually a survival of the Waldenses and the Pastoureaux. Calmeil, an authority on mental aberrations quoted by Madden Phantasmata, (Madden Phantasmata, Vol. II, p. 530; quoting De la Folie, by L.F. Calmeil (1845), Vol. II, p. 304) thus describes the characteristics of the Camisard movement, "The prophetic madness (of the Camisards) made its appearance in Dauphine and Vivarais in 1688; it very soon spread itself over a vast number of places, and continued without any interruption among the Calvinists for nearly twenty years. It

310 was especially in the course of the year 1689, that the phenomena of theomania excited the greatest astonishment and rose to the height of its violence. The theomaniacs could then be counted by hundreds; men, women, girls, boys, young children, all of the believed they were inspired and imbued with the breath of the Holy Spirit. 1688 They ordered William Prince of Orange to land in England at Torbay. This he did on November 5th. King James abdicated and fled to France. He had become unpopular by reason of the campaign of L'Infamie, intrigue and his own foolishness and culpability. 1688 Swedenborg: As for Swedenborgianism, in Les Sectes et Socits Secrtes, from the pen of Le Couteulx de Canteleu, we find a short but interesting sketch of Swedneborg and his systems: Emanuel Swedenborg was the son of a Jewish Lutheran Bishop of Skara in Sweden, and was born in Upsala 1688: England (mainly the Protestants) rise up against James II the Catholic king and drive him into exile ("English revolution"), while William III of Orange is invited to replace him with a constitutional monarchy and the king subject to the laws of the Parliament ("Glorious Revolution") 1688: The Glorious Revolution overthrow in England of King James II and establishment of a Whig-dominated Protestant constitutional monarchy. 1689: Karposh's Rebellion against Ottoman Empire. 1689 -- William III of Orange becomes king of England, allegedly through the plotting of the Illuminati. - 1689 William III merges Britain and Netherlands under the House of Orange, following the Glorious Revolution in England. Dutch Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, begin to move into England in significant numbers. London becomes a center of Sephardic banking. Leading figures are Moses da Costa, Solomon de Medina, Isaac Pereira, Manasseh Lopez, Samson Gideon, Francis & Joseph Salvador and the Goldsmid brothers. 1689 William III of Orange becomes king of England, allegedly through the plotting of the Illuminati. 1689 William of Orange and Mary, were proclaimed King and Queen of England. King James did not intend to give up the throne without a fight. He was a Catholic, so the Jewish Internationalists set up William of Orange as the champion of the Protestant faith. On February 15th, 1689, King James landed in Ireland. The Battle of The Boyne was fought by men of definite, and opposing religious convictions. 1689, William III merges Britain and Netherlands under the House of Orange, following the Glorious Revolution in England. Dutch Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, begin to move into England in

311 significant numbers. London becomes a center of Sephardic banking. Leading figures are Moses da Costa, Solomon de Medina, Isaac Pereira, Manasseh Lopez, Samson Gideon, Francis & Joseph Salvador and the Goldsmid brothers. 1689 William of Orange and Mary, were proclaimed King and Queen of England. King James did not intend to give up the Throne without a fight. He was a Catholic, so the Secret Powers set up William of Orange as the Champion of the Protestant Faith. On February 15, 1689, King James landed in Ireland. The Battle of The Boyne was fought by men of definite, and opposing, religious convictions. The Battle has been celebrated by Orangemen on the 12th of July ever since. There is probably not one Orangeman in ten thousand who knows that all the wars and rebellions fought from 1640 to 1689 were fomented by the Jewish International money-lenders for the purpose of putting themselves in position to control British politics and economy. Their first objective was to obtain permission to institute a Bank of England and consolidate and secure the debts Britain owed them for loans made to her to fight the wars they instigated. History shows how they completed their plans. In the final analysis, none of the countries and people involved in the wars and revolutions obtained any lasting benefits. No permanent or satisfactory solution was reached regarding the political, economic, and religious issues involved. The only people to benefit were the small group of Jewish money-lenders who financed the wars and revolutions, and their friends and agents, who supplied the armies, the ships, and the munitions. It is important to remember that no sooner was the Dutch General sitting upon the throne of England than he persuaded the British Treasury to borrow 1,250,000 from the Jewish Bankers who had put him there. The school book history Informs our children that the negotiations were conducted by Sir John Houblen and Mr. William Patterson on behalf of the British Government with money-lenders whose identity remained secret. A search of historical documents reveals that in order to maintain complete secrecy the negotiations regarding the terms of the loan were carried on in a church. In the days of Christ the moneylenders used the Temple. In the days of William of Orange they desecrated a church. The International Jewish money-lenders agreed to accommodate the British Treasury to the extent of 1,250,000 providing they could dictate their own terms and conditions. This was agreed to. The terms were in part, 1). That the names of those who made the loan remain secret; and that they be granted a Charter to establish a Bank of England. (The identity of the men who control the Bank of England still remains a secret. The MacMillan Committee appointed in 1929 to throw light on the subject failed completely. Mr. Montague Norman, the official Head of the Bank of England was most evasive and non-committal in any answer he made to the committee) 2). That the directors of the Bank of

312 England be granted the legal right to establish the Gold Standard for currency by which; 3). They could make loans to the value of, 10 for every, 1 value of gold they had on deposit in their vaults. 4). That they be permitted to consolidate the national debt; and secure payment of amounts due as principal and interest by direct taxation of the people. Thus, for the some of 1,250,000, King William of Orange sold the people of England into economic bondage. The Jewish money-lenders gained their ambitions. They had usurped the power to issue and control the currency of the nation. And, having secured that power they cared not who made the laws. The International Jewish Bankers never intend that England be allowed to pay off the national indebtedness. The plan was to create international conditions which would plunge ALL nations concerned deeper and deeper into their debt. (If such a policy is carried to its logical conclusion it is only a matter of time before the International Jewish money-lenders will control the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world. History shows how rapidly they have progressed toward their goal since 1694). The Secret Power behind the World Revolutionary Movement pulled the necessary strings and brought about "The Wars of the Spanish Succession." 1689: France invades Germany's League of Augsburg and starts the Eight-year War (England, Netherlands, Austria, Spain and Savoy ally with Germany) 1689: the Parliament issues the "Bill of Rights", thus establishing a constitutional monarchy under William III 1690 - . Ashkenazi , Ashkenazi congregations . 1690, 400 . 1690 Government of the Massachusetts Bay issues the first known "Publick Bills of Credit" in America to pay troops after an unsuccessful expedition to Canada. Not exactly the beginning of fiat money...but certainly on the leading edge. Who organized the investors to stabilize this new currency? 1690 John Locke writes Concerning Human Understanding. One of the crucial elements of the essay is the belief and concept that children are tabula rasa, i.e., totally programmable. The idea was Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 323 Appendix F: General Chronology of Events immediately taken up by the upper class in Europe and the United States, and it would become a cognitive foundation for the idea of the emergence of a strong state, in terms of programming an analytical systems substructurethe substructure being the children who, under this paradigm, are entities to be possessed and controlled paradigm that would persist for 400 years. Tsarion

313 1690 Jacob Querido Shabbethai . Shabbethai . , Shabbethai, Jacob , Shabbethai. Florentin, , , 1687. , , . Berechiah. Querido Dnmeh ( Dlmeh). 1690: the British found Calcutta in India 1690: the philosopher John Locke publishes "Two Treatises of Government" and founds "liberalism" (people have rights, government has the duty to protect their rights, three branches of government for "checks and balances", separation of church and state, rule of the majority) 1691 One of the great early studies of Fairies was Robert Kirk's The Secret Common-Wealth. Kirk, a Presbyterian clergyman who served in Scotland's Highlands and who had a keen interest in the supernatural lore of the region, was convinced of the reality of fairies. After all, he asked, how could such a widespread belief, even if "not the tenth part true, yet could not spring of nothing?" He conducted his inquiries on the assumption that once he had enough information, he could accurately describe the nature of fairy life down to its smallest details. According to Kirk, fairies were of a "middle nature between man and angel" with bodies "somewhat of the nature of a condensed cloud." They dressed and spoke "like the people and country under which they live." Sometimes passing fairies could be heard but not seen. They traveled often, frequently through the air, could steal anything they liked (from food to human babies), and had no particular religion. Mortals with "second sight" (clairvoyance) were most likely to see them, since they were usually invisible to the human eye. In fact, the word "fairy" comes from a much earlier word, faierie, which meant a state of enchantment rather than an individual supernatural entity. 1692 A skeleton found in a tomb near Angers, France, measured seventeen feet four inches. 1692 Salem witch trial executions in New England. Tsarion 1692 Teleportations of human beings are not hard to find in folkloric and religious contexts. One early example of the former,

314 recorded by the Rev. Robert Kirk in his classic work on seventeenthcentury Scottish fairy traditions, The Secret Comnion-Wealth (1692), remarks on one unfortunate man's plight: His neighbours often perceaved this man to disappear at a certane Place, and about one Hour after to become visible, and discover himself near a Bowshot from the first Place. It was in that Place where he became invisible, said he, that the Subterraneans [fairies] did encounter and combate with him. 1693: the second Revolta de les Germanies in Valencia, prompted by feudal taxation. 1693 "Kap Dwa" was allegedly a 12-foot tall two-headed giant, who lived in the 17th century, and was captured by Spanish sailors in 1693. It was said he had a pike driven through his heart after managing to kill four of his captors. Since then his stuffed body has been displayed at various sideshows in England from 1900 onwards, and in America since 1980. 1693 Calcutta is plagued by a man-eating tiger. Edmond Hoyle discovers it is a shapechanger and kills it. 1693 National Debt begins in England. Tsarion 1694 The Bank of England is chartered as the sole purchasing agent for highly profitable British government annuities, originally issued to finance the war debts resulting from the Glorious Revolution. Not only does the Bank collect 8% interest on the notes, but the annuities themselves are treated as deposits secured by the Crown, so that the money can be loaned out a second time, allowing the Bank to collect interest twice on the same capital investment. 1694 , [Voltaire 1694-1778]. 1694, The Bank of England is chartered as the sole purchasing agent for highly-profitable British government annuities, originally issued to finance the war-debts resulting from the Glorious Revolution. Not only does the Bank collect 8% interest on the notes, but the annuities themselves are treated as deposits secured by the Crown, so that the money can be loaned out a second time, allowing the Bank to collect interest twice on the same capital investment. 1694, , 1.250.000 , , , ' , . 1694: the Bank of England is founded 1695 Paris and Rome experience ferocious epidemics of Pertussis. Tsarion 1695 Royal Bank of Scotland founded. University of Berlin founded. Tsarion 1695: the "LIberty of Unlicensed Printing" removes government control from the press (freedom of the press)

315 1696 First English property insurance company founded. Tsarion 1697 31 Shabbatai Tzvi. 1697 November 4--Sighting of two UFOs over Hamburg, Germany. The objects were described as "two glowing wheels". 1697: the treaty of Ryswick ends the Eight-year war (no winner) 1698 Tax on beards in Russia instituted. Tsarion 1698 Rabbi Jacob ben Aaron Sasportas (16101698) was one of the most violent opponents of the Sabbatean movement. He wrote many letters to various communities in Europe, Asia, and Africa, exhorting them to unmask the impostors and to warn the people against them. He wrote a number of works, such as Toledot Ya'akob (1652), an index of Biblical passages found in the haggadah of the Jerusalem Talmud, similar to Aaron Pesaro's Toledot Aharon, which relates to the Babylonian Talmud only; Ohel Ya'ako (1737) that were polemical correspondence against Zevi and his followers. 1698, , 16 . ! 1699 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever. Tsarion 1700 - 1800 CE Birth of the Comte de Saint-Germain (1710). Masonic Grand Lodge of England and Druid Order founded (1717). First Masonic lodge founded in France (1721)> Benjamin Franklin initiated as Mason (1731). Chevalier Alexander Ramsey informs French Masons that they are heirs to the Templar tradition (1736). Roman Church condemns Masonry (1738). Birth of Count Cagliostro. Comte de Saint-Germain involved in Jacobite plot to restore Stuart dynasty to the English Throne (1743). Society of Flagellants and Skopski founded in Russia (1750). George Washington initiated as a Mason (1752). Sir Francis Dashwood founds the Hell Fire Club. Franklin visits England to discuss the future of American colonies with Dashwood (1758). Foundation of the Rite of the Strict Observance by Baron von Hund based on the Templar tradition. Frederick of Prussia founds Order of the Architects of Africa and uses the title Illuminati to describe his neo-Masonic lodges (1768). Franklin elected Grand Master of the Nine Sisters lodge in Paris (1770). Grand Orient founded in France (1771). Boston Tea Party (1773). Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief of the new American Army (1775). Order of Perfectibilists or Illuminati founded. American Revolution (1776). Czar Peter founds the Secret Circle (1778). Supposed death of the Comte Saint-Germain (1784). Grand Masonic Congress allegedly plots French Revolution. Cagliostro involved in Diamond Necklace Affair. Illuminati banned in Bavaria and goes underground (1785). French

316 Revolution (1789). Illuminist conspiracy to overthrow the Hapsburgs (1794). THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard 1700 Quietism of Fenelon and others. - 1700 - , . [-] ( ) . 1700 August 9 The province of New York enacts a law expelling all Jesuits, priests and others ordained by the Pope from the province by November 1. Other American colonies soon enact similar laws against Catholics. 1700 British Isles importing 20 million pounds of sugar per year. Tsarion 1700 Deaths from tuberculosis increase dramatically in England and other sugar consuming countries as the body environment changes to accommodate it. Tsarion 1700 From 1700 to 1830, the East India Company would gain control of India and wrestle control of the opium monopoly. Tsarion 1700 In the US, there is an 18th century Indian legend about luminous humanoid beings who paralyzed people with a small tube. In variations of these tales, Indian women were even said to have married a couple of these "star people". 1700 Judah he-Hasid leads some 1,500 Jewish immigrants to the Land of Israel and settles in Jerusalem. Three days after the group's arrival their leader dies (on 17 October 1700). In 1720 their synagogue was burned down and all Ashkenazi Jews were banned by the Ottomans. 1700 Montanus, an eighteenth century writer on German folklore, told of wizards flying in the clouds, who were shot down. 1700 Quietism of Fenelon and others. 1700 Refined sugar is the most important export of France. Tsarion 1700 - William III (), Solomon de Medina, 23 . 1700, , , ' 1495. 1701 Earliest record of "operative" or professional Masonic Lodge in Alnwick, England. - 1701 Bevis. 1701 Earliest record of "operative" or professional Masonic Lodge in Alnwick, England. 1701 the Duke of Marlborough was made Commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Holland. No less an authority than the Jewish Encyclopedia records the fact that for his many services the Duke of

317 Marlborough received not less than 6,000 a year from the Dutch Jewish Banker, Solomon Medina. The Encyclopedia Americana calls Hyrcanus a Jewish high priest [135-105 B.C.] who forced the Idumeans to become "Jews." Idumea is the Greek for Edomites. The works of Josephes relates how the Idumeans were forced to accept Judaism. In the Bible Esau, Edo, Mt. Seir and Idumea are interchangeable for the offspring of ESAU, Jacob's twin brother. 1701, , , 6.000 , - . 1702 First daily newspaper in England. - 1702 First appearance of yellow fever in the United States. It would appear 35 times between 1702 and Tsarion 1702 , , : Johann Adam Freiherr von Ickstatt (6 January 1702 17 August 1776) was a German educator and director of the University of Ingolstadt. Born in Vockenhausen, he was a major proponent of the Enlightenment in Bavaria. He died in Waldsassen. He was a godfather to Adam Weishaupt. Regarding personal names: Freiherr is a title, translated as Baron, not a first or middle name. The female forms are Freifrau and Freiin. Sources: (German) Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) Vol. 13, pp. 740-741. 1702: king William III forms an alliance between England, the Netherlands and Austria against Spain and France ("War of the Spanish Succession") to defend the archduke Karl of Austria's claim of the Spanish throne against king Philip II of Spain 1702: William III dies and is succeeded by his sister-in-law Anne Stuart 1702-1715: Camisard Rebellion in France. 1703-1711: The Rkczi Uprising against the Habsburgs. 1703, the lodges began to officially accept non-masons. As early as 1714, the accepted masons founded their own Grand Lodge of York in England. False Rosicrucians helped to take over the masonic lodges. 1704: England captures Gibraltar from Spain 1705 - . 1706 - HeChassid ( ) Shabbetai Tzvi , , . , 1706. 1706, , Michaelangelo Tamburini. 1707 Chaim Moshe Luzzato Luzzatto Nathan , Shabbatai Tzvi "". Shabbatai Tzvi

318 "" , , (Shabbateanism) . , Luzzatto. . , , Kabbalah. 1707-1709: Bulavin Rebellion in Imperial Russia. 1707: the kingdoms of England and Scotland are formally united in Great Britain (Queen Anne Stuart becomes the first ruler of Great Britain) 1709 Plague in Turkey, Russia, Scandinavia and Germany through 1710. Tsarion 1709, New York issues its first bills of credit. 1709: the Copyright Act shifts ownership from printers to authors 1710, , . , , . 1711 Joseph Addison and Richard Steele found the "Spectator", the first magazine 1712 First record of vaccinations for smallpox in France. Tsarion 1712, , , 13 , 6 . . 1713: Britain and France sign a peace treaty ("Treaty of Utrecht") that hands most of Canada to Britain and leaves Britain as the dominant in force in north America, while Spain surrenders the Spanish Netherlands (Belgium) and southern Italy to Austria and Gibraltar to Britain 1714, , , " ". 1714: Queen Anne Stuart dies and is succeeded by George I, first king of the Hannover house 1715 British East India Company opens its first trading office in Canton; China begins trading in opium. Tsarion 1715 JOHN BALFOUR 1 CATHERINE CANT 1719 33 29 1715 Rhode Island land banks begin issuing bills of credit on loan. According to leading period historian John MacInnes, "The key to understanding Rhode Island's currency policy up to 1750, is that it was in fact a parasitical device."

319 1716 , . 1716 Baruchya , Shabbatai Tzvi . ( group called the Donmeh forms in Salonica headed by Sabbatai Zvis successor, Baruchya Russo. In 1900 the Donmeh numbers over 100,000. Known as Crypto Jews they appear to be Muslims, but were Jews). 1716 - 1716 ( :. :. Grand Lodge) Sephardi, Francis Francia, " ". . 1877, , Francia, Mason. 1717 -- Founding of modern Freemasonry with the Grand Lodge of London by Desaguliers. Voltaire imprisoned in the Bastille. - 1717 , FREEMASONRY , Talmud, . 1717 George I, the Hanoverian King of England, establishes the Grand Lodge of St. John (the Pretender), of which the British Crown is to be the titular head. This completes the conquest of the British Throne by the money powers. 1717 Inoculation against smallpox instituted in England by Lady Mary Montague after she returns from Turkey, where it was in a popular experimental stage at the time Tsarion 1717 June 24 English Freemasons publicly reveal themselves for the first time. Four previously secret lodges of Freemasons in London, meeting at the Apple-Tree Tavern in Convent Garden, declare that they are banding together to form an official association to be called a "Grand Lodge." The Grand Lodge of London was officially instituted and a Grand Master and other officers were elected. The four London lodges, simply by revealing themselves and the existence of their order, had violated their sacred oaths of secrecy and unilaterally decided secrecy was no longer necessary, or even desirable. Prior to 1717 the Masonic Order was a true secret society; not just an organization with secret signs and secret handgrips, but a widespread society whose very existence was a secret. No Masonic historian claims to fully understand why that secrecy existed, or even why the group existed. Soon after Masonry finally revealed itself, it became clear there were secret lodges all over England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. But apparently, no where else. (Born in Blood, The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, John J. Robinson, 1989)

320 1717 November 9 The Grand Lodge of London holds the first divine service of Quatuor Coronati since making its existence public in June. 1717 School attendance in Prussia ia made compulsory. 1717 The London Lodges of Freemasonry unilaterally decide to cast off their vows of secrecy and go public. They are followed, sometimes unwillingly, by other Lodges all over the British Isles and western Europe. They are still a secret society, in that their rites and rituals are secret, but they have publicly acknowledged that they exist. 1717, George I, the Hanoverian King of England, establishes the Grand Lodge of St. John (the Pretender), of which the British Crown is to be the titular head. This completes the conquest of the British Throne by the money powers. 1717, , . , . 1717, Stuarts . 1718 First bank notes in England. Tsarion 1718 The Grand Lodge of London asks all Masonic lodges in England to turn over to its possession any ancient records or other documents relating to Freemasonry so that they might be considered in drafting a constitution for the Grand Lodge. The reaction of many stillsecret lodges was to burn all written references to their regulations or history, to prevent their being used to break the oath of secrecy. 1718 The site of the city of New Orleans is chosen by Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, who declares it the capital of the French Empire of the New World. 1718 Rabbi Naphtali Cohen (16491718), was kabbalist who was tricked into giving an approbation to a book by the Sabbatean Nehemiah Hayyun. Provided with this and with other recommendations secured in the same way, Hayyun traveled throughout Moravia and Silesia, propagating everywhere his Sabbatean teachings. Cohen soon discovered his mistake, and endeavored, without success, to recover his approbation, although he did not as yet realize the full import of the book. It was in 1713, while Cohen was staying at Breslau (where he acted as a rabbi until 1716), that Haham Tzvi Ashkenazi of Amsterdam informed him of its tenets. Cohen thereupon acted rigorously. He launched a ban against the author and his book, and became one of the most zealous supporters of Haham Tzvi in his campaign against Hayyun. 1718 Rabbi Tzvi Ashkenazi (16561718) known as the Chacham Tzvi, for some time rabbi of Amsterdam, was a resolute opponent of the followers of Sabbatai Zevi. In Salonica he also witnessed the impact of the Sabbatai Zevi movement on the community, and this experience became a determining factor in his whole career. His

321 son Jacob Emden served as rabbi in Emden and followed in his father's footsteps in combating the Sabbatean movement. 1719 Outbreak of the plague in Marseilles, France through 1720. Tsarion 1720 British government issues instruction that American colony governors consent to no Act emitting Bills of Credit. Tsarion 1721 -- British King George I cracks down on the flourishing Hell Fire Clubs, popular Satanistic cults. - 1721 British King George I cracks down on the flourishing "Hell Fire Clubs", popular Satanist cults. 1721 In the United States, a clergyman named Cotton Mather attempts to introduce a crude form of smallpox vaccination by smearing smallpox pus into scratches in healthy people. Over 220 people are treated during the first six months of experimentation. Only six had no apparent reaction. Mather was bitterly attacked for recommending this practice in Boston, Massachusetts. Tsarion 1721, . 1721, , . 1721, , . 1721, , , . 1721, Swedenborg Emmanuel Swedenborg , . 1721: Robert Walpole is Britain's first prime minister 1722 Count Nicholas von Zinzendorf founds a mysterious religious order in the Upper Lusatia area of Moravia. 1722 In Wales, a Dr. Wright refers to inoculation against smallpox in the British Isles as an ancient practice. A citizen of Wales, 99 years old, states that inoculation had been known and used during his entire lifetime, and that his mother stated it was common during her life, and that she got smallpox through her inoculation. Tsarion 1723 Anderson's Constitutions of the Freemasons published. Ebrietatis Enconium and other early anti-Masonic works published. 1723 1723 First record of smallpox immunization in Ireland, when a doctor in Dublin inoculates 25 people. Three died, and the custom was briefly abandoned. Tsarion 1723 Johann Peter Rockefeller arrives in the U.S. colonies from Germany. Tsarion

322 1724 -- Publication of the anti-Masonic Grand Mysteries of the Freemasons Discovered. - 1724 First record of vaccination for smallpox in Germany. It soon fell into disfavor due to the number of deaths. Years later, doctors were able to reintroduce it. Tsarion 1724 Publication of the anti-Masonic Grand Mysteries of the Freemasons Discovered. 1724, Gormogons Society ( Anitent Noble Order of the Gormogons), , Daily Post, , " . . . , ". , ... , [ 1722-1728]! 1725 Irish Freemasonry reveals itself and declares a Grand Lodge of Ireland based in Dublin. The first Irish Grand Master was the Earl of Rosse, a young man of twenty-nine who had inherited a vast fortune from his grandmother the Duchess of Tyrconnel. 1725 The Masonic Lodge at York complains about the assumed superiority and antiquity of London Freemasonry. York Masonry, they claim, was as old as the setting of the foundation of York Cathedral in the seventh century and Edward, King of Northumbria, had been their first Grand Master. 1725 FRENCH FREEMASONRY (1725) French Grand Lodge (1743) - French Grand Orient (1772) (also known as Continental or Latin Freemasonry) Poor Left-Wing Atheistic | Proletariat Lower to Middle Anti-business Republic Class | Labor Unions Democratic Common Laborer Organized Crime Socialistic Some Professionals Drug Cartels Communistic Some Wealthy Dominants: Continent of Europe, southern and Western U.S.A., former U.S.S.R., Pacific Islands, Philippines, Latin and South America, Africa (has recently taken over South Africa). 1725 .

323 1725, , , . , . 1726 Jonathan Swift in his book Gulliver's Travels, accurately "predicted" the previously unknown existence of the two moons of Mars (Phobos and Deimos). These were not discovered by telescope until 1877. There is no way Swift could have known the moons were real yet he described Phobos' orbital period as 10 hours (very close to the real figure of 7.6) and Deimos' as 21.5 (close to the real 30.2). Both seem to be very lucky guesses. How was Swift able to predict the existence of the moons and their attributes so well? Some have seriously suggested he had psychic powers. 1726 Rabbi Moses Hagiz (1671- c. 1750) was born in Jerusalem and waged a campaign against Sabbatian emissaries during 1725-1726. 1726 . 1726 - Jacob Berezanka Korolowka, , [ . 1786, ]. 1727 Coffee planted in Brazil. Tsarion 1727 Last official burning of a witch in Scotland. 1728 Madrid Lodge of Freemasons founded. Tsarion 1728 The Madrid Lodge of Freemasons is founded, but is soon supressed by the Catholic Inquisition. (Timetables) 1728 . 1728 Rabbi David Nieto (16541728) was the haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community in London. He waged war untiringly on the Sabbateans, which he regarded as dangerous to the best interests of Judaism, and in this connection wrote his Esh Dat (London, 1715) against Nehemiah Hayyun (who supported Zevi). 1728, , , . 1729 Emperor Yung Cheng prohibits opium smoking in China. Tsarion 1729 Strange subterranean thundering noise phenomena has been reported since at least 1729 and even before by natives, centered near Mt. Tom and especially Cave Hill, six miles the NW near Leesville, Connecticut, where there is a cavern where witches once congregated that has not been fully penetrated to any great depth because of its "bad air". 1729

324 1730 A Freemason Lodge is founded in Philadalphia. (Timetables) 1730 Zinc smelting begins in England. Tsarion 1730 , . 1730 , . 1730 - , , . , , gentiles ( ), , . Sephardim , , Ashkenazim . 1780 , . 1730, . 1730, , Francis Retz. 1730, , , "Massonry dissected", ( , ). 1730, . 1731 Benjamin Franklin initiated into Freemasonry. 1732 , Edward Rose, Daniel Delvalle, , Daily Post, 22 1732. , Delvalle Rose , Master of the Lodge. , Mathias Levy, , 1898, . , , . 1732 February 22 George Washington is born. 1732 1732, , , , . .

325 1733 A Freemason Lodge is founded in Hamburg. Historians believe it was the first Freemason lodge founded in Germany. 1733 Conscription is introduced in Prussia. 1733 James Ogelthorpe establishes a vast plantation in Georgia. Many poor East European Jews begin to settle there, though the largest American Jewish communities are Sephardic descent, Dutch and British, in New York, Charleston, Philadelphia, Newport and Boston. 1733 1733 Molasses Act of 1733 passed by Britain, putting a heavy tax on sugar and molasses coming from anywhere except the British sugar islands in the Caribbean. Sugar was also essential for production of rum (alcohol), to which a significant percentage of humans were already addicted. Tobacco, (nicotine) begins to gain more significance in world use. Tsarion 1733 . 1733, James Ogelthorpe establishes a vast plantation in Georgia. Many poor East European Jews begin to settle there, though the largest American Jewish communities are Sephardic-descent, Dutch and British, in New York, Charleston, Philadelphia, Newport and Boston. 1733, , , . , . 1734 - 6.000 . , . Sephardim. 1734 -- Franklin elected Grand Master of Pennsylvania. - 1734 Franklin elected Grand Master of Pennsylvania. 1734 Hans Egede, a Protestant missionary known as the Apostle of Greenland, recorded this 1734 manifestation, witnessed while he was on his second voyage to Greenland: "This Monster was of so huge a Size, that coming out of the Water, its Head reached as high as the Mast-Head; its Body was bulky as the Ship, and three or four times as long. It had a long pointed Snout, and spouted like a Whale-Fish; great broad Paws, and the Body seemed covered with shell-work, its skin very rugged and uneven. The under Part of its Body was shaped like an enormous huge Serpent, and when it dived again under Water, it plunged backwards into the Sea, and so raised its Tail aloft, which seemed a whole Ship's Length distant from the bulkiest part of its Body." 1734 Masonry introduced to the Netherlands. Tsarion

326 1734, , , " ", . 1735, the States General of Holland proscribed the secret Masonic League, and the French government imitated the example in 1735. 1735 According to legend, Ms. Leeds of Burlington, New Jersey, gives birth to a baby boy but he transforms into a monster with the head of a horse, feet of a pig and the body of a snake. 1735 Masonry introduced to Portugal, Italy and Russia. Tsarion 1735 . 1735, , . 1735, , 16 , , , , , , . , . 1736 -- Death of the last leader of the Afghan Illuminated Ones. - 1736 Death of the last leader of the Afghan Illuminated Ones. 1736 English statutes against witchcraft are repealed. 1736 Pope Clement XII condemns Freemasory. (Timetables) 1736 The still-secret masonic lodges of Scotland, begin meeting to discuss their own situation, nine years after the launching of the Grand Lodge of England. 1736 . 1736, , , . 1737 Hume's Treatise on Human Nature is published. Tsarion 1737 March 21 Andrew Michael Ramsay, a Scotish scholar and Grand Chancellor of the Grand Paris Lodge of Freemasons, makes a speech, now known as Ramsay's Oration, to the Masonic Lodge of St. Thomas in Paris, saying, "Our ancestors, the Crusaders, gathered together from all parts of Christendom in the Holy Land, desired thus to reunite into one sole Fraternity the indivduals of all nations." Ramsay went on to explain that the original Crusader-Masons were not themselves workers in stone, but rather men who had taken vows to restore the Temple of Christians in the Holy Land. Ramsay further stated that lodges of Freemasons were established by returning Crusaders in Germany, Italy, Spain, France and especially Scotland, where the lord stewart of Scotland was Grand Master of a lodge at Kilwinning in 1286. The lodges, he went on, were neglected in every country except Scotland, and although Prince Edward had brought Freemasonry back to England, Scotland clearly had

327 the earliest Masonry in Britain and was the fountainhead of the Masonic spirit. Ramsay urgently appealed to France to take up the cause and "become the centre of the Order." (Born in Blood, The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, John J. Robinson, 1989) 1737 Masonry introduced to Germany. Tsarion 1737 The Grand Lodge of Scotland holds its first formal meeting. 1737 . 1737, Ramsay asserts the Templar origin of Masonry, , . , , . 1737, 12 4 . 1737, , . 1737, , , . 1737: an English carpenter, John Harrison, invents the marine chronometer to measure longitude and latitude 1738 "Borukh Liebov (JEW) who had been banished by Catherine I continued to travel into Russia; in 1738 he converted a retired naval captain. The captain was circumicized and his conversion became known and both were arrested...they were burned alive in July 15th." 1738 New Masonic degrees and rites explode in France. These new rites are exported to many other countries, which, in turn, add embellishments of their own. One French system evolving from Ramsay's Oration -- Ecossaise, or Scottish Masonry -- graduated up to a thity-third degree and was exported to the United States, where it is still excercised , with modifications, as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and maintains a close relationship with the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (the "Shriners"). Of all the socalled "Scottish" Masonry in existence, only the Royal Order of Scotland has any direct connection to that country. (Born in Blood, The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, John J. Robinson, 1989) 1738 Pope Clement XII issued a Papal Bull which stated that any Catholic who became a Mason would be excommunicated, a very serious punishment. 1738 Pope Clement XII issues Eminenti Apostolatus Specula, the first in a long series of papal bulls and encyclicals against Freemasonry, just twenty years after its existence first became known. Freemasons in Catholic countries were imprisoned, deported and tortured.

328 1738, "Borukh Liebov (JEW) who had been banished by Catherine I continued to travel into Russia; in 1738 he converted a retired naval captain. The captain was circumicized and his conversion became known and both were arrested...they were burned alive in July 15th." 1738, 12 1738, , . 1738: John and Charles Wesley found the Methodist movement 1739 "The Russian Senate ordered the expulsion of the Jews who had taken up residence in Little Russia..." 1739 Count von Zinzendorf's mystical order takes on the style of Freemasonry; Zinzendorf claims the wound in Christ's side caused by the spear of Longinus became the veritable birth canal of the Christian Church; Rites of ritualistic sexual magic were said to be basis of his belief. 1739 . 1739, "The Russian Senate ordered the expulsion of the Jews who had taken up residence in Little Russia..." 1739, , , , , . 1739, , . 1739, , , , . 1739: Britain and Spain go to war, with France siding with Spain 1740 Empress Anna of Russia ordered the expulsion of 292 male and 281 female Jews who resided on 130 manorial estates in Little Russia." 1740 Frederick the Great of Prussia seizes the Austrian province of Silesia and touches off the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). 1740 Ottoman Sultan invites Rabbi Haim Abulafia (1660-1744), Kabbalist and Rabbi of Izmir, to come to rebuild the city of Tiberias; thousands of Jews immigrate to the land in a wave of Messianic fervor, including Rabbi Moses Haim Luzzatto (1707-1746). 1740 Smallpox epidemic in Berlin. University of Pennsylvania founded. Tsarion 1740 . ( 1730-1740).

329 1740, Empress Anna of Russia ordered the expulsion of 292 male and 281 female Jews who resided on 130 manorial estates in Little Russia." Uniform Naturalization Act grants British citizenship to all "subjects" living in the American colonies and the British West Indies. Jews are the primary beneficiaries, receiving official legal protections not previously enjoyed, including titled land ownership and land banking privileges. As regards the American Colonies, long-established practices now become legalized. 1740, , , , , , , , , . 1740, . 1741 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever. Tsarion 1741: Lewis Paul opens the first cotton mill 1742 December 16--From an account by a Fellow of the Royal Society, England: "I was crossing St. James park when a light rose from behind the trees and houses, from the south and west, which at first I thought was a rocket of large size. But when it rose 20 degrees, it moved parallel to the horizon, but waved like this (the speaker drew an undulating line) and went on in the direction of north-by-east. It seemed very near. Its motion was very slow. I had it for about half a mile in view. A light flame was turned backwards by the resistance the air made to it. From one of burning charcoal. That end was a frame like bars of iron, and quite opaque in my sight. At one point on the longitudinal frame, or cylinder, it issued a train in the shape of a tail of light more bright at one point on the rod or cylinder; so that it was transparent for more than half of its length. The head of this strange object seemed about a half a degree in diameter and the tail near three degrees in length." 1742 40 Ickstatt, , curator of the University Ingolstadt 1742 22 . 1742, , . 1743 German nobleman Karl Gotthelf, Baron von Hund und AltenGrotkau, is received into a Masonic Order of the Temple by an unknown official he knew only as the Knight of the Red Feather. In attendence, von Hund said, was Lord Kilmarnock (a Jacobite who was beheaded for

330 treason Aug. 18, 1746) and a certain Lord Clifford. Later von Hund claimed to have been presented to Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) as a distinguished brother. Von Hund said that the "true history" of Freemasonry as told to him was, At the time of the suppression of the Templars a group of the knights had fled to Scotland, keeping their condemned order alive by joining a guild of working masons. They had chosen a grand master to succeed their murdered leader, Jacques de Molay, and since then there had been an unbroken succession of Templar masters. For security purposes, the identity of the grand master was kept secret during his lifetime, his role known only to those few who had elected him. This made it necessary to swear to obey an "unknown superior." (Born in Blood, The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, John J. Robinson, 1989) Baron von Hund said he had been commissioned to set up lodges of Strict Observance in Germany and to promulgate "true" Freemasonry under a system known as "Strict Observance" because the oath of the Apprentice Mason included a vow of absolute obedience to "unknown superiors." The idea of a chivalric order, strict obedience, and a secret grand master must have had great appeal in Germany, because over the next twenty years, the new order promoted by von Hund spread like wild fire, and extended from Germany to almost every country of continental Europe. 1743 English Freemasonry made its first attempt to control French Freemasonry in 1743 by certifying or warranting as the French Grand Lodge the existing Jacobite lodge founded in 1725 by the Stuart sympathizers. Remember that the Stuarts had been exiled to France from England and had already reestablished Templar Masonry with this Lodge at Paris. There were those, however, who opposed British domination of Continental lodges, and in 1772 they founded the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris. This was the first irregular or clandestine lodge - meaning a lodge unwarranted by the English Grand Lodge, and considered to be operating illegally. Soon the Grand Orient infiltrated the French Grand Lodge, and took control of the impending French Revolution. The French Grand Lodge, however, remained a separate entity, still warranted by the Grand Mother Lodge at London. The French Grand Orient Lodge became the most powerful of the clandestine or irregular Masonic lodges. 1743 The Rothschild Dynasty (Condensed from "Descent Into Slavery" by Des Griffin, Chapter Five) 1743 began to spread his beliefs, a mixture of mysticism, magnetism, and magic. As with all such doctrines, he had two systems: one for dupes and fools which was apparently to reform Christianity by a fantastic deism, the reigning faith in his New Jerusalem; his followers believed in his marvelous visions and prophecies, his talks

331 with angels and spirits. The other led straight to godlessness, atheism, and materialism, where, as in Hermeticism, God was only a sun, a spirit of Light, a spiritual heat vivifying the body. To these latter he represented his doctrine as being that of the Egyptians and the Magi, and these adepts went whole - hearted for the Revolution as restoring to man his primitive Equality and Liberty. 1743 . 1743, , . 1743, . 1743, , , . 1743, , , 2, . 1744 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Mayer Amschel Bauer 23 1744 Frankfurt-am-Main, . Rothschild . Rothschild (Red Shield ) Bauer, , , , . Mayer Amschel " , " 1744 Mayer Amschel Rothschild, patriarch of Rothschild dynasty, born in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. 1744 Sotheby's auction house is founded in London. 1744, , . 1745 Autumn Bonnie Prince Charlie lands in Scotland and begins what is called the Jacobite rebellion. 1745 Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, attempted to regain his Scottish throne and was soundly defeated in less than a year. Upon returning to France, the Scottish Templars founded the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, quickly developing it to 32 degrees by 1755. 1745 . 1746 April 16 The Jacobite cause is crippled by the bloody, onesided Battle of Culloden Moor. Its aftermath results in the slaughter of Catholic Scots up and down the Scottish glens. Bonnie Prince Charles

332 goes into hiding with a price of 30,000 on his head and is hunted across the Highlands and Islands from April to September. 1746 September 20 Bonnie Prince Charles makes his escape back to France sailing on the French privateer L'Heureux. Charles wandered around Europe trying to revive his cause, but his drunken, debauched behaviour is said to have alienated his friends. 1747 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever. Tsarion 1747, , , , , . 1748 A man calling himself the Count of St. Germain turned up in Paris, looking about thirty, he claimed he was two thousand years old. He told the court that he had developed an elixir to keep him thirty forever. He graced many dinner tables, but would never eat; he said he never touched food but lived on his magic elixir. He did add that he had partaken of one wedding dinner-the one that Christ attended at Cana. He opened a scientific laboratory outside St. Antoine to various society visitors, but no one could figure out what he was doing. Even when the king of France gave him laboratory space at Versailles, they were no wiser. Nor Charles of Hesse-Cassel later. He told eighteenth-century Parisians that he had known Henry IV (1550-1610). If that was true, then perhaps he was also the man who scared Catherine de Medicis to death in 1589, for she was Henry's mother-in-law. An astrologer had told Catherine (1519-1589) "to beware of St. Germain," so the queen carefully avoided the Faubourg St. Germain, a district of Paris. Then she fell ill and sent for a priest to hear her confession. He appeared and announced that his name was St. Germain, and she dropped dead. He got involved in diplomatic intrigues and went on several confidential missions for the French king, journeying mysteriously to Vienna, Constantinople, Moscow, and other exotic capitals. In Paris, he made lots of friends, mostly ladies. They kept him so busy (he told Casanova, also an agent of Louis XV) that he didn't have time to invent the steamboat, but he would get to that in the next century. Meanwhile, he distributed to them a wash that took away wrinkles and warned Marie Antoinette of the impending revolution (she didn't believe him). 1748 JAMES BALFOUR 5 ... ANNE GERTRUDE HAATZ 1760 Riga, Latvia 38 26 1748 War of the Austrian Succession ends. 1748 . 1748 6 Dr. Adam Weishaupt, .

333 1748, [Scottish Rite] [Jewish Cabala]. 1748, , , , , , . 1748, 6 . . 1748 The Great Council of Berne proscribed Freemasonry 1749 -- Rousseau's spontaneous "enlightenment" launches the Romantic Movement. - 1749 . 1750, the Society of Jesus was composed of the most powerful group of men in the world. They were the confessors of nearly every king in Europe including the Pope. The Jesuit General knew the affairs of every nation and his soldiers were making millions of dollars for the Order. The Reductions produced herbs, hides, tallow, clocks and other goods, which the Jesuits traded in Europe with their huge fleet of ships. The profits were used to finance wars against the Protestant nations they had sworn to destroy. But all this wealth and power was acquired in secret, as the kings of Portugal and Spain knew nothing about the Reductions. Therefore, upon the discovery of the Reductions, the most powerful Roman Catholic kings of Europe expelled the Jesuits from their dominions. First was King Joseph I of Portugal in 1759 with the help of his great Prime Minister Sebastian Cavalho, Marquis of Pombal. The kings banishment of the Jesuits reads: order to protect my royal honour, which is equally the life and soul of the whole monarchy; in order to maintain uninjured my independence as sovereign and ruler; in order to remove from the midst of my dominions such extraordinary and great vexation, and to shield my subjects from similar frightful occurrences with their sad results, I declare the so-called ecclesiastics the Jesuits, namely to be thoroughly corrupt, and to have receded from the rules of their Holy Order, and from deeply-rooted depravity to have become completely incapable of ever again learning to observe them; I declare them to be notorious rebels, traitors, enemies, and disturbers of the peace, who have opposed, and will again oppose, my royal person and Government, the public peace of my kingdom, and the general welfare of my subjects, and, therefore order that each and every one of them may be looked upon as rebels and traitors, and treated as such. On the strength of this I declare them to be denaturalized, exiled, outlawed, and banished, and decree that they shall be expelled from all my kingdoms and lordships, without ever again, at any time, being allowed to return.

334 1750 -- Hell Fire Clubs continue to flourish in Dublin and London. Fictional alchemist Joseph Curwen writes letter stating "I laste Nighte strucke on ye Wordes that bringe up Yooge-Sothothe," perhaps the real power behind the Illuminati. - 1750 "Hell Fire Clubs" continue to flourish in Dublin and London. 1750 Dutch shipping more than 100 tons of opium per year to Indonesia. Tsarion 1750 Scandinavia experiences a 15 year epidemic of Pertussis (whooping cough) which takes 45,000 lives. Tsarion 1750 Rabbi Moses Hagiz (1671- c. 1750) was born in Jerusalem and waged a campaign against Sabbatian emissaries during 1725-1726. 1750 . 1750, in answer to a Jewish appeal from Poland, the Inquisition sent Cardinal Ganganelli (later he became Pope Clement XIV) to investigate and report on the whole subject, with particular reference to the many cases then being reported in Poland; although this man went out with a biased mind in favor of the Jews. In his report, he says, "With my weak faculties I endeavored to demonstrate the non-existence of the crime which was imputed to the Jewish nation in Poland," hardly the spirit in which to enter upon such an investigation), he actually says of this Trent case (See Report of Cardinal Ganganelli, in C. Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, p. 83), "I admit then as true the fact of the Blessed Simon, a boy three years old, killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ (although it is disputed by Basnage and Wagenseil); for the celebrated Flaminio Cornaro, a Venetia Senator, in his work On the Cult of the Child St. Simon of Trent (Vence, 1753) disposes of all the doubts raised by the above mentioned critics." The Jews try to throw discredit on the judges who condemned the Jewish murderers by quoting Pope Sixtus IV who refused to sanction the cult of St. Simon; but the reason for this was that the cult was not then authorized by Rome, but was a popular movement without authority and contrary to Church discipline; this same Pope later expressed his approval of the verdict on the Jews in the Papal Bull XII Kal. July, 1478. We have not only the testimony as to the correctitude of the proceedings from Sixtus IV; but also that of several other Popes; such as Sixtus V, who regularized the popular cult of St. Simon by ratifying it in 1588, as cited by Benedict XIV in Book I, Ch. xiv, No. 4 of his "On the Canonisation of the Saints;" also by this same Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Peatus Andreas of 22nd February, 1755, in which he confirms Simon as a saint, a fact omitted from the arguments of that advocate for the Jews, Strack (The Jew and Human Sacrifice); Gregory XIII recognized Simon as a martyr, and even visited the shrine; and, as already

335 stated, Clement XIV was obliged to recognize that it was a case of Jewish murder in hatred of Christianity. In short, the Ritual Murder of St. Simon at Trent is supported by such evidence that those who doubt it are thereby condemning without reason high juridical and ecclesiastical authorities whose probity and intelligence there is not the slightest excuse to deny. 1750 [impostor], Brody . Prossnitz , , . , , . , ! Shekinah (. ), . Lbele , , . , , , (;) , ! , , ( Jacob Emden ) . , "" Oppenheimer. Lbele . Messiah ben Joseph, { } (!) : "Joseph ben Jacob". Mordecai Eisenstadt , Nehemiah ayyun. Lbele , , . 1725 , . Emden , . Lbele , Shabbethai , , , , ,

336 , Jonathan Eybeschtz Lbele . 1750, , , , -, , , (-). 1750, . , . , , , . [] , , . . 1751 November 9 In London, the date of Lord Mayor's Day and the famous Lord Mayor's Show is changed from October 28 (Feast day of St. Simon and St. Jude) to November 9 (Feast day of Quatuor Coronati). Lord Mayor's Day continued to be celebrated on November 9th each year until 1959 when the celebration date was officially changed to the second saturday in November. 1751 - Jacob Frank . 1751, . 1751, , Ignatius Viconti. 1751, 18 , 14 , . 1751: by capturing the town of Arcot from the French, Britain becomes the leading colonial power in India 1752 Jacob Frank . 1752: Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar 1753 , , , - . 1753 "The banishment of Jews from Russia under the impetus of Empress Elizabeth Petrevna has resulted in the expulsion of some 35,000."

337 1753 Fictional alchemist Joseph Curwen writes letter stating "I laste Nighte strucke on ye Wordes that bringe up Yooge-Sothothe," perhaps the real power behind the Illuminati. 1753 In Rio de Janeiro, a modern-day researcher named Fawcett found a report of the long forgotten discovery by the Spanish in 1753 of the ruins of a monumental stone city; there was no record of it ever having been visited again. Given a 10-inch tall figure carved of black basalt, Fawcett had it evaluated by a psychometrist, one who claims he can divine an object's origin by holding it. Undoubtedly, he was told, it came from the lost continent of Atlantis, taken along when its inhabitants had fled destruction to find refuge and build a great city in the Brazilian wilderness. Since the name was unknown, Fawcett called it "Z" for convenience. A civilization older than Egypt's waited to be uncovered. 1753 Vienna Stock Exchange founded. Tsarion 1753 . 1753 Dr. Adam Weishaupt, [ ] Baron Johann Adam Ickstatt, . 5 . 1753, The banishment of Jews from Russia under the impetus of Empress Elizabeth Petrevna has resulted in the expulsion of some 35,000. 1753, , " , ". 1753 1753, , . 1754 Six year old Adam Weishaupt is orphaned and goes to live with the Jesuits. - 1754 ( 1760), , , (, ), [Martinisme]. 1754 Inoculation for smallpox introduced in Rome. The practice was soon stopped because of the number of deaths it caused. Later, the medical profession would successfully reintroduce it. Tsarion 1754, The French and Indian War while not strictly fought by the U.S., did involve American troops so it is appropriate that it be included here. It was fought from 1754 to 1763 between France, Austria, Spain and Great Britain. The Indian tribes largely sided with the French though the Iroquois Indians being a notable exception as they sided with the British. The French and Indian War was the continuation of a series of wars (King William's war, 1689-1697), (Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713) and (King George's War, 1744-1748) which were fought on the mainland of Europe. The French and Indian War was also fought on the European continent being known as the Seven Year's War. George Washington

338 surrenders Ft. Necessity to the French; 1755, Braddock fails to take Ft. Dequesne from the French; 1756, The French under Marquis de Montcalm take British outposts in Western New York; 1758, British takes Louisbourg and Forts Frontenac, Dequesne, Ticonderoga and Niagara; 1759, Quebec falls to the British; 1760, Montreal falls to British forces; 1763, Treaty of Paris ends the war. Samson Simpson & Jacob Franks (brother of Moses Franks, the British financier) are appointed purchasing agents for the British forces during the French & Indian War. In one particularly adventurous transaction, Simpson, Hayman Levy, Franks & Judah Hayes lease out a fleet of eight armed privateers to the Royal Navy. 1754, . 1754 Martinez De Pasqually (1727-1774) first created the Martinist Order around 1754, in Lyon France. Pasqually had been also the founder of the Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus Cohen de l'Univers, a Jewish Cabalistic secret society whose doctrine was expounded in a book entitled The Reintegration of Beings in their Original Virtues, powers and Qualities, reportedly a 'pseudocommentary' on the Pentateuch. 1754 Lessing was the founder of modern German literature and, as such, lent his powerful support to the anti-Christian League. Lessing was willing to edit and distribute anything published of an irreligious nature. This led him in 1754 to the liberal Jew, Moses Mendelssohn (1728-1786), who later joined an illuminated Grand Orient Ledge in Germany. Orthodox Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, in To Eliminate The Opiate, reports that Moses Mendelssohn is regarded by many as the father of the Haskala movement. Haskala is the name given those early Jewish liberals who were known as the enlighteners and later called the Jewish Reform Movement. These Jews were the followers of a false Messiah, Shabbetai Tzvi or Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), and were in Mendelssohn's day known as Frankists, named after Jacob Frank (1726-1791), who, we shall see, resurrected the Sabbatai movement for the express purpose of destroying Orthodox Judaism. Prior to the founding of the Illuminati in 1776, Moses Mendelssohn, who was a Scottish Rite Freemason, was known as the leader of this subversive Jewish sect, the Haskala. Freemasonry, however, was his vehicle to prominence. With Freemason Lessing's help, his Jewish friend was welcomed, writes the Durants, into the not quite 'serene brotherhood of philosophes' in Berlin. 1755 Jacob Frank, , , . " Torah" ( ), Zohar,

339 Kabbala, . , , Zoharists. , , , , , Eva . (Antelman TETO vol.1 p.104) 1755, , Luigi Aloysius Centurioni. 1756 , " " ! ( ) 1756 Baron von Hund founds Templar Strict Observance, inspired, some say, by Frederick II of Prussia. For the first time there is talk of the Unknown Superiors. Some insinuate that the Unknown Superiors are Frederick and Voltaire. 1756 Benjamin Franklin writes that "New York is growing immensely rich by Money brought into it from all Quarters for the Pay and Subsistence of the Troops." See Simpson, Franks, Levy et al. 1756, Jacob Frank and his followers were excommunicated by the rabbis. Antelman says the Sabbateans were behind the Reform, Liberal and Revolutionary movements of the Nineteenth century. They were also behind the Reform and Conservative movements in Judaism, including the "Haskalah" i.e. Jewish assimilation. In other words, Jews have been influenced by the Sabbateans and don't even know it. That is their tactic. They don't advocate a Satanic kingdom. They gently steer you that way by questioning the existence of God, by demanding "sexual liberation," "independence" for women, "internationalism," "diversity" and "religious tolerance." These all have a hidden agenda: to undermine "all collective forces except our own." 1756 Antelman states that to foment revolution: Jacob Frank preached the Religious Myth of Nihilism in more than two thousand dogmatic sayings. One of the Frankist cult's publications that has come into our possession is a book entitled Book of the Words of the Lord, which [the agnostic Jewish Professor, Gershom] Scholem characterizes as a mixture of primitive savagery and putrescent morals. The Frankists had a way of turning around old homilies and sayings that were common among the people, twisting them in their nihilistic Torah of Atzilut. For example, religious Jews at the beginning of the morning service start their prayers with a series of thirteen benedictions in which one thanks God for providing the necessities of life, for clothing the unclothed, etc. Among

340 these benedictions is one that praises God for freeing those in captivity. The Hebrew for this is matir asurim. In the Frankist cult the benediction was pronounced, praising God as matir isurim, which means permitting the prohibited. Similarly, they twisted around other sayings. They would say, the subversion of the Torah can become its true fulfillment, and great is a sin committed for its own sake. How did the Orthodox Rabbis attempt to eradicate the anti-Semitic Frankist Jews? Quoting from the Jewish Encyclopedia, Rabbi Antelman writes: '[I]t was obligatory for every pious Jew to search and expose them. The Frankists were excommunicated by the Orthodoxy on the 20th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan in 1756. Thereafter adherents to the Frankist-Reform movement built their own synagogues, established their own schools, and consecrated their own Rabbis. In judgment of the FrankistReformers, Rabbi Antelman says: Judaism has no branches. There is one Torah and one God, and our Torah teaches that each Jew on his Day of Judgment, regardless of affiliation, will be individually asked to give an accounting of himself... Once anyone embraced these ideologies [of the Frankists] he ceases to be a Jew, being Jew only by birth or becoming a Jew in name only (JINO). 1756 Maria Theresa, the ruler of Austria, tries for a third time to recapture Silesia. Before Austria and its new allies can strike, Frederick moves into Saxony. Sparking the Third Silesian War, better known as the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). 1756, Benjamin Franklin writes that "New York is growing immensely rich by Money brought into it from all Quarters for the Pay and Subsistence of the Troops" See Simpson, Franks, Levy et al. 1756, " ", . 1756, , . 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. 1756: Britain and Prussia declare war against France, Austria and Russia ("Seven Years' War") 1756 . 1757, in Scotland, the Synod of Stirling adopted a resolution debarring all adhering Freemasons from the ordinances of religion. 1757 First year of Swedenborg's "New Era." - 1757 Bengal made a British Crown Colony, and Britain expands its trafficking in Opium. Tsarion

341 1757 December Frederick crushes the Austrians and the Swedes at Leuthen. 1757 First year of Swedenborg's "New Era" 1757 May Frederick defeats the Austrians at Prague. 1757 November Frederick routes the French at Rossbach. 1757: at the battle of Plassey the East India company defeats France and gains access to Bengal 1757: James Watt makes the steam engine practical 1758, , Lorenzo Ricci. 1758, , , . . 1759 Voltaire's Candide published. - 1759 17 Jacob . 1759, " ", 3 , " ", 1801, 33. 1759: Britain seizes Quebec from France 1759: the British Museum is inaugurated 1759 1760 St. Germain founds chemical dye factory in Holland, forerunner of I.G. Farben; disappears with 100,000 guilders. Franklin invents bifocals. - 1760 6, Jacob Frank . , - Czestochowa, . 1760 (circa) Isaac Sears establishes a land bank in New York. Increasingly, Colonial currency is based on public debt secured by land. In the formerly Dutch Barbados, interestingly, the currency is secured by a head tax on Negro slaves. The Board of Deputies of British Jews is established in Britain. 1760 -1770s Jews dominate the Negro slave trade in North Eastern America, especially in Newport, Rhode Island, owning many of the ships. Newport, RI is home of America's very first Jewish synagogue. Coincidence? No.

342 1760 A spell of unpopularity caught up with Saint Germain, and he moved to London for two years, perhaps serving as a spy for the English government. 1760 George III ascends the English throne. 1760 Winter Berlin is occupied by Russian and Austrian troops who retreat after receiving news of Frederick's approach with a relief army. 1760 Baal Shem tov . 1760 Mayer Amschel Rothschild . 1760, (circa) Isaac Sears establishes a land bank in New York. Increasingly, Colonial currency is based on public debt secured by land. In the formerly Dutch Barbados, interestingly, the currency is secured by a head-tax on Negro slaves. The Board of Deputies of British Jews is established in Britain. 1760, -1770s Jews dominate the Negro-slave trade in North Eastern America, especially in Newport, Rhode Island, owning many of the ships. Newport, RI is home of America's very first Jewish synagogue. Coincidence? No. 1760, , " ". 1760, , . 1760, , . , , . 1761 -- St. Germain discovered living in Russia. Chinese Emporer issues edict against secret societies. - 1761 While working in a new tin mine at Tregoney-on-Fal, in Cornwall, reports the Annual Register for 1761, a miner discovered a stone coffin on which some unrecognizable characters were inscribed. Inside the ancient eleven-foot-three-inch casket he saw the gigantic skeleton of a man, which, when exposed to the air, crumbled to dustexcept for one tooth, which measured two and one-half inches in length. 1762 Illumines of France founded. Sandwich invented. - 1762 During the first year of her reign, Empress Catherine II of Russia issued a manifesto that permitted the immigration of all foreigners except Jews! 1762 August 9- First UFO photograph and a most unusual sighting was reported by Monsieur de Rostan, an amateur astronomer and member of the Medicophysical Society of Basel, Switzerland. On August 9, 1762, at Lausanne, Switzerland, he observed through a telescope a spindle-shaped object crossing and eclipsing the sun. Monsieur de Rostan

343 was able to observe this object almost daily for close to a month. He also managed to trace its outline with a camera obscure and sent the picture to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris. Unfortunately, his image -probably the first one ever obtained of a UFO -- no longer exists. A friend of Monsieur de Rostan, living at Sole near Basel, also observed the spindle-shaped object against the sun, but it seemed to present more of an edge and was not quite as broad. Oddly enough, the UFO was not visible to a third astronomer, a Monsieur Messier who studied the sun, during the same time, from Paris -- an indication that the object was not a sunspot, since it was visible only from certain angles. 1762 Elizabeth of Russia dies, and Peter III, her successor, makes a quick peace with Prussia. Sweden and France also desert the alliance. 1762 Philadelphia epidemic of yellow fever. Tsarion 1762, "During the first year of her reign, Empress Catherine II of Russia issued a manifesto that permitted the immigration of all foreigners except Jews!" 1762, , . , , " ". 1762, the Grand Masonic Constitutions were finally ratified in Berlin and proclaimed for the government of all Masonic bodies working in the Scotch Rite over the two hemispheres; and in the same year they were transmitted to the Jew, Stephen Morin, who had been appointed, at the request of Lacorne, in August, 1761, Inspector General for the New World by the Grand Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret, convened at Paris, under the presidency of Chaillon de Joinville, representative of Frederic (the Great) and Substitute General of the Order. It will be remembered that the 33rd degree was not then created; and under Frederic the Great, there was no rank higher than the 32nd degree nor anybody superior to a Consistory. 1763 -- Swedenborg's Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem published. - 1763 "Strict Observance" Masonry as promoted by Baron von Hund begins to wane and virtually dies out over the next decade. It appeared the grand master was not only unknown, but was also nonexistent. Von Hund said he had been told to await future instructions from his "unknown superiors," but was never contacted again. He went to his grave convinced that the "unknown superior" was Bonnie Prince Charlie himself. Those who believe the whole concept of Strict Observance was to recruit men and money for the Jacobite cause are inclined to agree with him.

344 1763 Epidemic of smallpox in France wipes out a large part of the population. It was immediately attributed to inoculation, and the practice was prohibited by the French government for five years. Tsarion 1763 February 10 The Peace of Paris cedes the whole of Canada and various islands in the West Indies to Britain. French trading stations captured in India are restored but not refortified. Spain cedes Florida to England. France compensates Spain by giving up the Louisiana country west of the Mississippi. New Orleans is given by Louis XV to Charles III of Spain in a secret treaty. Prussia is now a major power in Europe, France has lost an empire and is approaching the French Revolution and Britain has an empire on which "the sun never sets." 1763 February 15 End of the Seven Years' War. Austria makes peace with Prussia. Silesia remains a possession of Prussia. 1763 Hayman Levy, purchasing agent, land speculator and importer exporter dealing in cocoa, wine, rum, slaves and textiles, and who was also the single largest fur trader in the colonies, the richest Jew in North America, dies in New York, leaving a vast mercantile empire to his son David, who focuses on real estate investment (land banking). 1763 In the mountains of Germany, a peasant couple left their three-year-old daughter lying asleep by a stream as they cut grass a short distance away. When they went to check on her, they were horrified to find her missing. A frantic search proved fruitless until a man passing by on the other side of the hill heard a child crying. As he went to investigate, he was startled at the sight of a huge eagle flying up before him. At the spot from which it had ascended, he found the little girl, her arm torn and bruised. When the child was reunited with her parents, they and her rescuer estimated that the bird had carried her well over 1,400 feet. 1763 The first recorded episode of biological warfare in the United States occurs when white colonial settlers give smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans who sought friendly relations. Also a significant case of genocide. Tsarion 1763 The Spanish take possession of New Orleans. The Creoles, as the French settlers are known, are so outraged that a group of prominent men lead a rebellion against Governor Don Antonio de Ulloa, forcing him to flee the city. The rebellion is put down by an Irishman in service to Spain, Don Alexander O'Reilly. The leaders are publicly executed, and O'Reilly becomes governor. 1763, Hayman Levy, purchasing agent, land speculator and importer-exporter dealing in cocoa, wine, rum, slaves and textiles, and who was also the single largest fur-trader in the colonies, the richest Jew in North America, dies in New York, leaving a vast mercantile empire to his son David, who focuses on real estate investment (land banking).

345 1763, , " ". 1763, , , . 1763: the treaty of Paris ends the Seven Years' War, with Britain annexing the French possessions of Canada and India 1764 3 1764 -- Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary published; he begins a prodigious attack on dogmas of church and state. - 1764 -67 One of the most perplexing cryptozoological mysteries of all time, the Beast of Gevaudan was a cow-sized, wolf-like monster which terrorized the district of Gevaudan (Lozere), France, from 1764 until 1767. This tiny province, in the Margeride Mountains of southcentral France, first became aware of the Beast in June, 1764. That month, a young woman was attacked by a large, wolf-like monster in the Foret de Mercoire near Langogne. She was one of the few people who survived an encounter with la Bete, a creature which was, peculiarly, referred to in the feminine. In October of that year, two hunters came across the Beast and shot at it from close range. The Beast was hit a total of four times, but it seemed relatively untouched. A Capt. Duhamel, who commanded nearly 60 soldiers, began his own hunt for La Bete, and on several occasions wounded it--but it was still not killed. King Louis XV himself sent an experienced wolf-hunter named Denneval to Gevaudan to kill the Beast. Before Denneval himself managed to track down the Beast, a man named de la Chaumette saw the Beast near his home, near St.Chely. He and his two brothers went out to a pasture in hopes of killing the Beast. They shot it twice, but it still didn't die. In June, 1765, Denneval gave up his hunt. The previous month, King Louis sent out his chief gun-carrier, Antoine de Beauterne. On September 21, he launched a hunt in the Beal Ravine, near Pommier. He shot what he believed was the Beast. It was an extremely large wolf, 6 feet long. De Beauterne's kill was preserved up until this century in the Museum of Natural History in Paris. But the killings still continued. In the summer of 1767, hundreds of peasants made pilgrimages to Notre-Dame de Beaulieu Cathedral near Mount Chauvet to pray for deliverance from the creature, which was widely believed to be either punishment sent by God, or possibly a loupgarou (werewolf). One of the peasants who went to the cathedral was a hermit named Jean Chastel. He had his rifle and three bullets blessed. On June 19, 1767, an area noble organized a huge hunt, with more than 300 participants. Chastel, at the Sogne d'Aubert, waited for the Beast to appear, praying all the while. When it appeared, he shot it. Finally, it

346 died. What was the Beast? The French peasants of the area believed it to be some sort of demon, but an English account from about the same time said the Beast was most likely a member of "a new species", which they said was a hybrid of tiger and hyena. Learned men believed it to have been a wolverine, a bear, or even a baboon. 1764 Britain prohibits American colonies from issuing their own currency. Tsarion 1764 Illumines of France founded. 1764, . . , , 8 . 1764, 24 , 3 , 10 . 2 , . 1764, , , , "Beweise dass die Freimauer Geselschaft in allen Staaten...". (, , ) 1765 British Stamp Act imposed to help pay for the French and Indian War debt. Sons of Liberty clubs formed to resist the tax. - 1765 Ickstatt, . 17 . 1765, The Stamp Act. An act for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America, towards further defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same; and for amending such parts of the several acts of parliament relating to the trade and revenues of the said colonies and plantations, as direct the manner of determining and recovering the penalties and forfeitures therein mentioned. 1766 Bonnie prince Charles settles in Italy. The major Roman Catholic powers later repudiated his title to the British throne. He dies in Rome in 1788. 1766, Francis Salvador, grandson of the first Jewish director of the British East India Company and son-in-law of the absentee owner of a 100,000-acre plantation, arrives in Charleston to manage the estate. 1766: James Christie opens his London auction house, the world's first fine art auctioneer

347 1767 -- Townshend Revenue Act, another British tax on the colonies. Kunta Kinte kidnapped into American slavery. - 1767 "Empress Catherine II (the Great!) had established a (Russian) protectorate over Poland through armed force....prior to the Russian victory over Poland, Russia proper did not have a large Jewish population...Czarina Catherine the Great established a territory called the Pale of Settlement. The purpose was to restrict the Jewish population to this area and confine the impact of the Jewish population on Russian society." (Above Quotes from "Anti Semitism Causes and Effects") 1767 The Townsend Acts. The Townsend Acts called for new import taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Unlike the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts made this tax a customs duty, payable at American ports. Colonists, however, saw the Townsend Acts as another attempt for England to gain full control over them as the revenues made by the acts would be used to pay for the salaries of the royal governors and judges in America. The colonists rebelled the Townsend Acts and England sent more troops to the colonies. A confrontation occurred, later called the Boston Massacre. In March, 1770, the Townsend Acts were repealed, except for the tax on tea. 1767 . 1767 1767, "Empress Catherine II (the Great!) had established a (Russian) protectorate over Poland through armed force....prior to the Russian victory over Poland, Russia proper did not have a large Jewish population...Czarina Catherine the Great established a territory called the Pale of Settlement. The purpose was to restrict the Jewish population to this area and confine the impact of the Jewish population on Russian society." (Above Quotes from "Anti-Semitism, Causes and Effects"). 1767, The Townsend Acts. The Townsend Acts called for new import taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Unlike the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts made this tax a customs duty, payable at American ports. Colonists, however, saw the Townsend Acts as another attempt for England to gain full control over them as the revenues made by the acts would be used to pay for the salaries of the royal governors and judges in America. The colonists rebelled the Townsend Acts and England sent more troops to the colonies. A confrontation occurred, later called the Boston Massacre. In March, 1770, the Townsend Acts were repealed, except for the tax on tea. 1768 . 1768 . 1768 Virginia's legislature dissolved for its opposition to the Townshend Act. Weishaupt graduates from the University of Ingolstadt,

348 becomes tutor and catechist. Macfarguhar, Ball and Smelie begin compiling the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Mesmer commissions 12 year old Mozart's first opera, Bastien and Bastienne. - 1768 ! 1768: Rebellion of 1768 by Creole and German settlers objecting to the turnover of the Louisiana Territory from New France to New Spain 1768 In Newport, Rhode Island, Moses Lopez owns a fleet of 30 ocean vessels and over 100 coastal schooners. He and his family were heavily involved in the molasses, rum and slave trade. The other major American hub of the trading ring is Charleston, SC. Samson Simpson & Isaac Moses, Hayman Levy's brother in law and owner of a large merchant fleet, are the founders of the New York Chamber of Commerce. 1768 The medical profession in France is successful in reinstituting vaccination for smallpox. Tsarion 1768 20 Bavarian University Ingolstadt, . 1768 Louis Claude de Saint Martin (1743-1803) was initiated into Pasqually's ELU COHEN in October 1768, by Baudry de Balzac, and towards the end of 1770, he became Martinez de Pasqually's personal secretary. 1768, In Newport, Rhode Island, Moses Lopez owns a fleet of 30 ocean vessels and over 100 coastal schooners. He and his family were heavily involved in the molasses, rum and slave trade. The other major American hub of the trading ring is Charleston, SC. Samson Simpson & Isaac Moses, Hayman Levy's brother-in-law and owner of a large merchant fleet, are the founders of the New York Chamber of Commerce. 1768, , " " " ", " , 60 ". 1768, . , . 1768: Philip Astley founds a traveling show of acrobats and jugglers, and launches the revival of the circus 1769 August 15 Napoleon Bonaparte is born at Ajaccio, on the island of Corsica. 1769 Edward Bancroft's An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana makes mention of what might be the a species of South American mystery hominids when he recounts tribal superstitions that creatures

349 "near five feet in height, maintaining an erect position, and having a human form, thinly covered with short, black hair" dwelt in the forest. 1769 21 . 1769 In a Foreword to one of Emmanuel Swedenborg's books on The Doctrine of the New Church; the New Jerusalem, translated in 1797, from the Latin of the Amsterdam edition of 1769, it is said in explanation of this doctrine: "To be at the same time in the natural world and in the spiritual world, to live in the former in the society of men, and find oneself in the latter in the society of the angels, to see them, to speak with them, to hear them, to move in a kingdom of spiritual substances; here, doubtless, is more than is needed to disconcert the materialistic understanding of the wise men of today." It is, therefore, not surprising that de Luchet considered that "Theosophists, Swedenborgians, Magnetisers and Illumins were a national danger" 1769 15 . 1769 19 1769, , . . , . . 1772 ( 1773) . , , . . , 1774 70 . 22 1774, . , . 1770 : . - . . , Jose de Anchieta Manuel da Nobrega Sao Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga (Lingua Geral) .

350 (Missions). 16 , , . . . 1770, , . , , . 1800 3.25 250.000 . 4 . : Robert de Niro Jeremy Irons : The Mission. 1874, . 1770 1776, Weishaupt was allegedly financed by the newly organized House of Rothschild 1770 Boston Massacre: British troops fire into a crowd. Townshend Act repealed. - 1770 Banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild wanted to modernize Lucifer worship (Illuminism) towards world domination, and to impose it upon what would remain of the human race after an orchestrated cataclysm. 1770 Emile is written by Rousseau. The work parallel the work of Locke in 1690, but Rousseaus work won the attentions of the Prussian Empire (Germans), essentially a synthetic state founded on a religious principle, due to the fact that Prussians were the subject of a religious war and Crusade by the Pope. Tsarion 1770 George Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel born in Germany. Tsarion 1770 In Staffordshire, England, a laborer moved a large flat stone he encountered in a field while digging a trench, beneath which he discovered a descending stone staircase which he followed deep into the earth, finding that the staircase switch-backed now and then until he emerged into a large underground chamber several hundred feel below that was filled with strange objects and large machines and illuminated by a strange ever-luminous sphere which revealed a man on a throne like chair, dressed in a hooded robe. The man in the chair saw the intruder and stood up with a baton like object in his hand as he went over to the luminous sphere and smashed it, plunging the cavern into darkness, as the

351 laborer stumbled back up to the surface in surprise and terror. The story spread that one of the secret chambers where the Rosicrucians hoarded their scientific secrets had been discovered, i.e. the "Rosicrucius Sepulchre". 1770 Jewish banker Mayer Rothschild establishes a bank in Frankfurt, Germany. In subsequent years the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, Nathan, James, Salomon, Carl, and Amschel, established banks in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples, forming an international network of banks. The Rothschild banks provide major loans to the governments of Europe, thereby gaining political power. The banks also finance European wars, thereby profiting from warfare. The Rothschild family is strongly pro Jewish and have been major players in the ZOG conspiracy. 1770 The Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre was the killing of five men by British soldiers on March 5, 1770. The soldiers were in Boston to keep order, but towns people viewed them as spies and trouble. The Boston Massacre began when a young apprentice shouted an insult at a British officer. A soldier on sentry duty in front of the customs house and supposedly hit the boy with his rifle. The boy yelled for help, and a crowd of colonist looking for trouble gathered. 1770 Mayer Amschel Rothschild . 22 . 1770, , ' , , , 10. 000. 000 , , , , . 83. 1770, (William Pitt) , " ". " ". 1770, , , . 1770: James Cook lands in Australia and claims it for Britain 1770: the Encyclopedia Britannica is published in Edinburgh 1770s Jacob Frank Adam Weishaupt, , Weishaupt. [: , Adam Weishaupt,

352 . Illuminati ( Alumbrado), 1492 , Marranos, -. 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola Guipzcoa , . Marranos . , Illuminati . , ! 1539 , ]. 1771 Encyclopaedia Britannica published. - 1771 April 23 The Loge des Amis Runis is constituted in Paris, it develops a system of 12 "Classes," not Degrees, termed "les Philalthes ou Cherceurs de la Vrit." 1771 Encyclopaedia Britannica first assembled in London. Tsarion 1771 Joseph Eyre publishes a scholarly essay entitled Observations Upon The Prophecies Relating To The Restoration of The Jews 1771 Kolmer, Jutland 23 . 1771, -, , , , . 1772 Weishaupt becomes professor at University of Ingolstadt. - 1772 , Frank Czestochowa 1772 Catherine II confines millions of Jews to the "Pale of Settlement," an area in western Russia. 1772 Maria Theresa joins forces with Russia and Prussia in the first partition of Poland. Galicia is Austria's share. 1772 Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick is elected Grand Master of the Convent of the Strict Observance. 1772 The burning of the H.M.S. Gaspee. HMS Gaspee and her hated commander, Lt. William Dudingston, were sent by King George III to Rhode Island waters in March of 1772 to enforce the Stamp Act and prevent smuggling. They made no friends amongst the colonists in

353 harassing shipping and delaying, often unjustly, ships that had properly passed custom inspection in Newport. 1772, . 1772, Weishaupt 24 . 1772, , . 1772- 1797 : Freemasonry arrived in Russia from Scotland about 1772. During the early years of Catherine II'S reign (1762-1796), the Craft reached throughout Russian high society when the Empress declared herself Protector of Masonry. On September 3, 1776, twelve lodges united and formed the National Grand Lodge. In 1779 a Swedish Provincial Grand Lodge was established. In 1784 the Imperial Grand Lodge was formed in St. Petersburg. Meanwhile, Nikolay Ivanovich Novikof, a Russian writer, became Grand Master of the first Grand Orient Lodge in St. Petersburg. Unknown to Catherine, Novikof initiated three princes of the Russian aristocracy (Leopuchin, Troubetskoi, and Turgenjef) into the Order and indoctrinated them in the art of subversion. When a revolution was attempted in 1792, Catherine exiled the three princes to their estates and imprisoned Novikof in the Fortress Schlusselburg. Masonry was suppressed by Catherine and reinstated by Emperor Paul I (r.1796-1801). At first Paul favored Freemasonry and in 1796 released Novikof, but at the urging of the Jesuits, he closed the lodges in 1797 and exiled most of the dangerous element. 1772, , [Grand Orient]. 1772-1786 Frank Brno (Bruenn). , . 1773 Jesuit involvement in Freemasonry is also confirmed in The Jesuits (1987), by former Jesuit, Dr. Malachi Martin. In The Jesuits, Martin traces the history of the Society of Jesus. He says that the Jesuits' original mission was to back the Pope in all his directives. These priests were known as the Pope's Men. Martin notes the suffering the Jesuits endured as a result of the 1773 suppression. When the Pope, he says, put their Father General and his advisers into papal dungeons, even as he imposed exile and slow death on thousands of Jesuits who were stranded without help or support in dangerous parts of the world, [when

354 they were reinstated in 1814], [t]he revivified Jesuits started off again, with renewed zeal for the papal will...Although some Jesuits joined the Illuminati and Freemasonry during their suppression, Martin believes as a whole they stayed true to the Pope. He places their shift of loyalty after the Second Vatican Council in 1965. He writes: Never, it can be said, did the Society of Jesus as a body veer from that mission [of being the popes men] until 1965. 1773 -- British Tea Tax on colonies. Boston Tea Party in protest. Weishaupt marries. Alleged meeting of Meyer Rothschild and others to plan a world revolution. Suppression of the Jesuits. Franklin's Rule by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One published. - 1773 Alleged meeting of Meyer Rothschild and others to plan a world revolution. 1773, Mayer Anselm Rothschild met with twelve leading Jews to plot the downfall of the emerging Christian Nations in both the New World and the Old World. During the American struggle for independence, Rothschild founded his fortune on the money received by the Elector of Hesse in payment for the mercenaries whom he rented to the British in their attempt to crush the American colonist. 1773 American colonists stage an uprising against British rule ("Boston Tea Party") 1773 Banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild presented a plan to, Make the Goyim destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest. Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator. 1773 July 21--Pope Clement XIV "forever annulled and extinguished the Jesuit Order." France, Spain and Portugal had independently come to realize that the Jesuits were meddling in the affairs of the state and were therefore enemies of the government. The Pope's action was a response to pressure applied by the monarchies. 1773 October 23 The Duke d'Orleans is installed as Grand Master of the Grand Orient Lodge de la France. 1773 The Boston Tea Party, a protest against the tea duty, is staged by citizens of Boston, many of them Freemasons, dressed at "Indians" to protect their identities. 1773 The Boston Tea Party. The tea destroyed was contained in three ships, lying near each other at what was called at that time Griffin's wharf, and were surrounded by armed ships of war, the commanders of which had publicly declared that if the rebels, as they were pleased to style the Bostonians, should not withdraw their opposition to the landing of the tea before a certain day, the 17th day of December, 1773, they

355 should on that day force it on shore, under the cover of their cannon's mouth. 1773 1773, . 14 ! , . 1773 , . , , , , . , 1773 , Decretum Brevis, . , , , . 1814, , . 1773, Weishaupt 25 , [Professor of Canon Law], 90 . , Ickstatt, . 1773 233 : (1540 - 1773) The Jesuits, In Seeking to Destroy the Protestant Reformation and Restore the Dark Ages with The Pope Exercising His Temporal Power as the Universal Monarch of the World, Authored the Twenty-Five Sessions of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), and Established Themselves as the Confessors and Advisors of the Monarchs of Europe, Promoting Absolute Monarchial Despotisms through which they Ignited Great Wars such as: The Dutch Revolution 1568 - 1648, The Thirty Years War 1618 - 1648, The Puritan Revolution 1644 - 1653, While Oppressing and Weakening the Peoples of the Nations and the Semitic Hebrew/Jewish Race with the Holy Office of the Inquisition, Aided by the Knights of Malta, and later, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, from 1540 to 1773.

356 1773 Pope Clement XIV, 1769 1774 After a four-year investigation and pressured by the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe, this brave Pope suppressed the Society of Jesus with a Papal Bull on July 21, 1773. He knew the tremendous POWER he was resisting and that the signing of the Bull would be his death warrant. Fourteen months later he lay dead having been poisoned by those masters of murder, as the Italians declared the Popes death to be a work of the Jesuits in obedience to their god, the Black Pope. To this day no mortal man occupying the office of Satans sacred Papacy has dared to suppress the Company of Jesus, as the Popes every word, tendency and action is closely monitored by the Jesuit Generals Curia overseeing him. The Jesuit Enigma, E. Boyd Barrett, (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1927). 1773, , , " , ", . , , . . . 37. 1773 The Cabalists secretly dedicated themselves to destroying Christianity and Western civilization. 1773, , 30 , 12 " , ' . ". 1773, , . 1773: Warren Hastings, governor of Bengal (India), establishes a monopoly on the sale of opium 1773-1775: Pugachev's Rebellion was the largest peasant revolt in Russia's history. 1774-1783: the American Revolution establishes independence of the thirteen North American colonies from Great Britain, creating the republic of the United States of America. A war of independence in that it created one nation from another, it was also a revolution in that it overthrew an existing societal and governmental order: the Colonial government in the Colonies. The American Revolution heavily influenced the French Revolution that followed it and led to the creation of a Constitutional form of government (see U.S. Constitution). 1774 Britain's "Intolerable Acts" designed to punish rebellious colonies. First Continental Congress. Washington begins training troops. Louis XVI becomes king of France. Casanova becomes secret agent for the Inquisitors of Venice. Catherine II shuts down satiric journals in

357 Russia. Jefferson's Summary View of the Rights of British Americans published. - 1774, Willermoz founded a new lodge in Lyon France, called the Reformed Scottish Rite Lodge of Charity. This lodge was specifically oriented to destroying the idea of Agape, the principle of the Peace of Westphalia. As we shall see in a moment, the modern founder of the Synarchy, Saint Yves d'Alveydre, wrote an entire history book Mission des Souverains as a diatribe against the Treaty of Westphalia. 1774 British forces close the port of Boston in an attempt to coerce the population. 1774 Casanova becomes secret agent for the Inquisitors of Venice. 1774 First Continental Congress convened, September 5, 1774. Tsarion 1774, Saint Martin met with an Unknown Agent, in Lyon. This Unknown Agent was a British agent of Shelburne who had traveled to Lyon to set up the Coup of the Bastille and the demise of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette with the necklace affair. 1774 Nonimportation of British goods to American colonies, decided upon by Continental Congress, comes into force. 1774 Scheele discovers Chlorine gas. Tsarion 1774 The British House of Commons refuses Massachusetts' petition to remove Thomas Hutchinson as Governor-General. 1774 The Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia with representatives of all colonies except Georgia. It soon decides among other things to boycott British imports. 1774 The Intolerable Acts. The government spent immense sums of money on troops & equipment in an attempt to subjugate Massachusetts. British merchants had lost huge sums of money on looted, spoiled, and destroyed goods shipped to the colonies. The revenue generated by the Townsend duties, in 1770, amounted to less than 21,000. On March 5, 1770, Parliament repealed the duties, except for the one on tea. That same day, the Boston massacre set a course that would lead the Royal Governor to evacuate the occupying army from Boston, and would soon bring the revolution to armed rebellion throughout the colonies. See also the Tea Act. 1774 The Revolutionary War was fought from 1774 to 1783 by the American Colonies with the help of France against Great Britain. The result of this war was the independence of the thirteen colonies, who later formed the Untied States of America. 1774 The Virginia House of Commons issues a call for a Continental Congress. 1774, After the French Indian War the British Government decided to reap greater benefits from the colonies. The colonies were pressed with

358 greater taxes without any representation in Britain. This eventually lead to the Boston Tea Party. In retaliation the British passed several punitive acts aimed at bringing the colonies back into submission of the King. 1774, ' . 1774, 26 Sidonii Apollinarus Fragment, . 1774, . 1774, , , , , . 1775 -- Second Continental Congress authorizes naval warships, sets up secret committee to procure weapons, names Washington commander-in-chief of the new American Army. George III proclaims America in open rebellion. Initial battles of the Revolutionary War: Lexington, Bunker Hill, Toconderoga. Bushnell's first experimental submarine and torpedo tested. Prince Hall lodges (for blacks) chartered by Grand Lodge of London, rejected by American lodges. - 1775 Americans capture Fort Tyconderoga, New York. 1775 Americans captures Crown Point. 1775 ! . 1775 An attack on Quebec by Americans under Benedict Arnold fails. 1775 April 18 General Thomas Gage, the British governor of Massachusetts, orders British troops to march against the Patriot arsenal at Concord and capture Patriot leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock, known to be hiding at Lexington. 1775 April 19 American "Minute Men" defeat the British at Lexington. At about 5 a.m., 700 British troops, on a mission to capture Patriot leaders and seize a Patriot arsenal, marched into Lexington to find 77 armed minutemen under Captain John Parker waiting for them on the town's common green. British Major John Pitcairn ordered the outnumbered Patriots to disperse, and after a moment's hesitation the Americans began to drift off the green. Suddenly, the "shot heard around the world" was fired from an undetermined gun, and a cloud of musket smoke soon covered the green. When the brief Battle of Lexington ended, eight Americans lay dead or dying and 10 others were wounded. Only one British soldier was injured, but the American Revolution had begun.

359 When the British troops reached Concord at about 7 a.m., they found themselves encircled by hundreds of armed Patriots. They managed to destroy the military supplies the Americans had collected but were soon advanced against by a gang of minutemen, who inflicted numerous casualties. Lieutenant Colonel Frances Smith, the overall commander of the British force, ordered his men to return to Boston without directly engaging the Americans. As the British retraced their 16-mile journey, their lines were constantly beset by Patriot marksmen firing at them Indian-style from behind trees, rocks, and stone walls. At Lexington, Captain Parker's militia had its revenge, killing several British soldiers as the Red Coats hastily marched through his town. By the time the British finally reached the safety of Boston, nearly 300 British soldiers had been killed, wounded, or were missing in action. The Patriots suffered fewer than 100 casualties. The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the American Revolution, a conflict that would escalate from a colonial uprising into a world war that, seven years later, would give birth to the independent United States of America. 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill. 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord. 1775 Birth of Salomon Mayer Rothschild (future Baron von Rothschild of Vienna) son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. 1775 Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries for war in North America. 1775 British are victorious at the battle of Bunker Hill. 1775 Continental Congress appointed. 1775 Continental Congress authorizes respective states to issue paper currency in defiance of Britain. The British respond by printing counterfeit money and flooding the U.S. with it. Tsarion 1775 George Washington becomes commander-in-chief of American forces. 1775 King George issues his Proclamation of Rebellion. Tsarion 1775 Louis XVI of France grants Jews equal inheritance rights. Too little, too late. The House of Bourbon's days are numbered. 1775 Paul Revere makes a legendary ride from Charleston to Lexington, Massachusetts. 1775 The Second Continental Congress assembles at Philadelpia. 1775 The three Hart Brothers of Kentucky, in partnership with a Gentile judge from North Carolina, form the Transylvania Company. In a treaty with the Cherokee, they purchased 20 million acres of prime Kentucky soil for 10,000 pounds of merchandise. To create a land bank? 1775 Weishaupt 27 .

360 . 1775, Continental Congress appointed. 1775, The three Hart Brothers of Kentucky, in partnership with a Gentile judge from North Carolina, form the Transylvania Company. In a treaty with the Cherokee, they purchased 20 million acres of prime Kentucky soil for 10,000 pounds of merchandise. To create a land bank1775, Louis XVI of France grants Jews equal inheritance rights. Too little, too late. The House of Bourbon's days are numbered. 1775, 13 6 . 1775, 19 , . 1776 -- Illuminati founded by Weishaupt. American Declaration of Independence, written by Jefferson, adopted by Continental Congress. Battles of Long Island, White Plains and Trenton. Nathan Hale executed as spy by British. Franklin becomes ambassador to France, is affiliated with French Masonic lodges. Opening of Freemasons' Hall, permanent headquarters of English Masonry. Cagliostro initiated into Masonry. Saigon captured by Tay Son brothers. Aaron Burr serves as assistant to Benedict Arnold. Thomas Paine's Common Sense and The Crisis widely read. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations published. - 1776 Adam Smith writes The Wealth of Nations, setting forth British policy to maintain the American colonies as backward raw material producers and the mandate to expand the opium trade. Tsarion 1776 Adam Weishaupt infiltrates the Bavarian Masonic Lodges. The doctrine of the Illuminati encompasses: abolition of ordered government, private property, inheritance, nationalism, family, religion, marriage, morality, and communal education of children. Tsarion 1776 Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, started the "Order of the Illuminati" on May 1, 1776, originally calling it the "Order of Perfectibilists". Weishaupt (born a Jew and "converted" to Roman Catholicism) was a former Jesuit priest (the Jewish military arm of the Catholic Church) who broke with that Order to form his own organization. His plan was to use the Grand Orient Lodges of Europe as a filtering mechanism through which to screen out talent and build a hierarchy of inner circles. Like the Mafia of today, only the inner circle could be trusted with the true purpose of the Order. 1776 American colonies of Britain declare their independence from Britain. Tsarion 1776 Benedict Arnold is defeated at Lake Champlain. 1776 Cagliostro initiated into Masonry.

361 1776 Continental Congress resolves to suppress the authority of the British crown. Washington soon forces the British to abandon Boston, however, American troops are forced out of Canada. 1776 THE JESUITS. The Jesuits, now formally suppressed by the Pope, were allied with Frederick the Great of Prussia and Catherine of Russia. The Jesuit General was in control of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and now sought an alliance with the Masonic House of Rothschild in England. To accomplish this he chose a Jesuit who was Jewish by raceAdam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was a brilliant instructor of Canon Lawthe evil Council of Trentat a Jesuit university in Bavaria. We read: From the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as the Illuminati of Bavaria founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect. [Occult Theocracy, Lady Queenborough, originally published in 1933]. On May 1, 1776, the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded in the old Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria. The Company would now use the Jewish House of Rothschild to finance the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon the Freemason with his Jesuit-trained advisor, Abbe Sieyes. In spite of the historical writings of the Jesuit Abbe Barruel, who blamed the Rothschilds and Freemasonry for the Revolution, it was the Society of Jesus that used these very tools to carry out the Revolution and punish the monarchs who dared to expel the Jesuits from their dominions. The Jesuits, having been expelled from the Spanish Empire, found refuge in Corsica. From there they raised up their great avenger, Napoleon Bonaparte. Lately, it was George Washington who was so beloved by Frances General Lafayette. During the Revolution our great chieftain took the boy General under his wing for which cause the Frenchman named his eldest son, George Washington Lafayette. With this same endearing love the Roman Catholic Lafayette warned: It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America, are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies of civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe. Napoleon was captured by the English and banished to the island of St. Helena. There, his Memoirs were written which accurately described his masters, the Jesuits: The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. There chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses... The general of the Jesuits insists on being

362 master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general. [Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1968, reprinted from the 1886 edition, quoting Memorial Of The Captivity Of Napolean At St. Helena, General Montholon] The Knights of Malta and the Jesuits work together! (Truth seeker, this may seem irrelevant now, but it is important for you to be aware of this connection the Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall Street, also using their Federal Reserve Bank headed by Masonic Jews, Warburg in particular.) The Knights negotiated the Concordat (a Papal treaty) between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz Von Papen. They also helped top Nazis to escape to North and South America after World War II in the persons of James Angleton and Argentinas President Juan Peron. In America, the Knights, with their OSS, later the CIA, were behind Operation Paperclip. After World War II, top Nazis and scientists were illegally secreted into the United States. Many were placed in the top-secret military installation in Tonapah, Nevada known as Area 51. The perfection of the Nazis anti-gravity aircraft (flying saucers) was to be completed there, among other secret technologies. Operation Paperclip was overseen by Americas most powerful Knight of Malta, J. Peter Grace. J. Peter Grace was subject to the Jesuit-trained Archbishop Spellman, as the American headquarters for the Knights was and is St. Patricks Cathedral in New York. 1776 Continental Congress retires to Baltimore. 1776 Fort Lee is captured by the British. 1776 Franklin becomes ambassador to France, is affiliated with French Masonic lodges. 1776 July 4 The Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopts the Declaration of Independence. 1776 May 1, 1776 - Adam Weishaupt (code named Spartacus) establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt is the Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, part of Germany. [This date, May Day, is to become highly significant to the Soviet Communists. They held festive military parades on this day.] The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. Their objectives are as follows: 1) Abolition of all ordered governments 2) Abolition of private property 3) Abolition of inheritance 4) Abolition of patriotism 5) Abolition of the family 6) Abolition of religion 7) Creation of a world government -

363 1776 Opening of Freemasons' Hall, permanent headquarters of English Masonry. 1776 Roughly 85% of citizens in the United States have independent livelihoods. Tsarion 1776 The first written record of the mysterious creature called mokele mbembe (literally, "stopper of rivers") appears in a book written in 1776 by French priest Abbe Lievain Bonaventure Proyart describing the natural history of the Congo Basin of Africa. He described a creature "which was not seen but which must have been monstrous: the marks of the claws were noted on the ground, and these formed a print about three feet in circumference." 1776 The Loge des Neuf Soeurs is founded in Paris. 1776 Rabbi Jacob Emden (16971776), was Talmudic scholar and leading opponent of the Sabbatians. He is best known as the opponent of Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz whom he accused of being a Sabbatean during the The Emden-Eybeschtz Controversy. 1776 The Strict Observance Lodges sign a concordat with Grand Orient de la France, the oldest known document relating the two organizations. Up until this time the Strict Observance lodges had been under their own directories. 1776 Virginia Convention instructs its delegates to Congress to propose independence, and shortly afterwards Virginia publishes its Bill of Rights. 1776 Washington retreats to Pennsylvania and defeats Hessian mercenary troops at Trenton. Many of these Germans had been conscripted by their prince and sold to the British at very reasonable prices. The Rothschild's are said to have been involved in the transactions. 1776 William Howe, commander-in-chief of the British army in America, takes New York and Rhode Island. 1776 28 . 1776, Declaration of Independence; Adam Weishaupt, a.k.a. Spartacus (after the leader of the Roman slave rebellion) and Baron de Kalb organize the Illuminati as a remote arm of the Chabrath Zerek Aour Bokhr. See the Great Seal on the dollar bill, "It smiles upon thy work ... a New Order of the Ages." American Revolutionary War begins. Haym Salomon raises large amounts of desperately needed cash for the Revolution by negotiating bills of exchange with France and the Netherlands. The Continental Congress appoints him "Broker to the Office of Finance of the United States". The French consulate appoints him "Treasurer of the French Army in America". Madame Helvetius, widow of the French Freemasonic leader and financier, introduces

364 Benjamin Franklin to various European moneylenders. Yet another figure who helped finance the war was Isaac Moses, later among the founders of the Bank of New York; Patriots Day, April 19, 1775, Massachusetts, when an unordered 'shot heard around the world' began the American Revolution. This is now commemorated as a victory for the forces of liberty, as it did turn out to be the beginning of a revolution; which gave us a republic. It could have gone in many other directions. It is impossible to know the thoughts; which actually brought about this revolutionary action. 1776, , . 1776, . , [Illuminism], . Lumen = , . . , . , , , , . . , , . . 1776 Franklin went to Paris to seek military and financial aid for the colonies. Apparently, while there, Franklin met Weishaupt, or some other agent of the Illuminati. When he returned to America, he carried in his baggage the republican doctrine of the Illuminati, along with its unfinished pyramid Seal. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met on the summer afternoon of July 4, 1776, and pondered the design of the Great Seal of the United States. 1776, , , . 1776, 9 , , , . 1776, 4 , . 1776 - House of Rothschild founded; Mayer Amschel Rothschild is one of the original founders of the German branch of 'The Illuminati'. "On 1 May 1776 Weishaupt announced the foundation of the Order of Perfectibilis which later became widely known as the

365 Illuminati." - 25:61 "Weishaupt produced the 'Law of Five.' His original inner council was structured around the pentagram (symbol of Blazing Star Sirius). According to our teaching [Schnoebelen was a Mason] this inner council was made up of five men; Weishaupt's friend, Kolmer [a Cabalist], Francis Dashwood (of the Satanic Hell Fire Club), Alphonse Donatin de Sade (where we get the word 'Sadism'), Mayer Amschel Rothschild (founder of the great banking house) and Weishaupt." 555:186 "The House of Rothschild was founded in 1776 in Frankfurt, Germany by Mayer Amschel Rothschild - (born 1743 in Frankfurt, Germany). Mayer fathered five boys who would establish the most successful merchant banking network in England (Nathan), France (James), Austria (Salomon), Prussia (Amschel) and Italy (Carl)." 1776, 28 , , Rothschild, Wessely, Moses, Mendelssohn, , Itzig, Friedlander, Meyer, . , . 1776: Adam Smith publishes "The Wealth of the Nations", the manifesto of capitalism 1776 . 1776: the American colonies ratifies the Declaration of Independence 1776 (FREEMASONRY) . 1777 Weishaupt joins Munich Lodge of the Order of Good Council. Articles of Confederation adopted by Continental Congress. Battles of Bennington, Brandywine, Germantown, Princeton and Saratoga. Washington has his mystical vision of the future of the United States while at Valley Forge. War of Bavarian Secession begins. - 1777 British are defeated at Princeton, New Jersey, and Bennington, Vermont. 1777 German General von Steuben arrives to become inspectorgeneral of American forces. 1777 In Germany, Elcan Isaac Wolf publishes Von den Krankheiten der Juden, in which he expresses gratitude for the Enlightenment reforms that have improved the lot of the Jews in Germany, but also campaigns for an extension of Jewish civil rights. 1777 In Germany, Elcan Isaac Wolf publishes Von den Krankheiten der Juden, in which he expresses gratitude for the

366 Enlightenment reforms that have improved the lot of the Jews in Germany, but also campaigns for an extension of Jewish civil rights. 1777 Lafayette and a contingency of French volunteers arrive in America. 1777 Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk along with a large group of followers emigrates and settles in Safed. In 1783 they were forced out of Safed, and moved to Tiberias. 1777 Nathan Rothschild born. Weishaupt joins the Munich Masonic Lodge, and within two years would be in control of the lodge of Theodore of Good Counsel. Tsarion 1777 Spain and Portugal settle their disputes concerning their South American colonies. 1777 the Pe lin kiao again appeared, only to be defeated again; the heads of the leaders, including those of two women, were cut off and placed in cages for public inspection. In 1800 a sect called the Wonderful Association, and another, called the Tsing lien kiao, supposed to be the Pe lin kiao under a new name, conspired against the ruling dynasty, but unsuccessfully. 1777 The Saragoga Campaign. 1777 Weishaupt joins Munich Freemason Lodge of the "Order of Good Council". 29 1777, The Saragoga Campaign. 1777 :. :. : The members of the Grand Lodge of England brought their fraternity to America. In 1730, Daniel Core was appointed Provincial Grand Master of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, after the first lodge was established in Philadelphia. A lodge was established in Boston in 1733. By the time of the American Revolution, there were 100 Masonic lodges. The Masons were firmly entrenched in the eastern colonies, but since 95% of the population identified themselves as Christians, they had to modify their philosophies to include Christian teachings. The Grand Lodge of the United States was established in 1777, which officially cut all ties to their British counterparts. 1777, , . 1777, . 1778 -- France recognizes American independence, signs treaty and provides aid. Franklin assists in initiation of Voltaire into Masonic Lodge of Paris. Masonic Convention in Lyons organizes Knights of Benficience. -

367 1778 American colonies reject a British peace offer. 1778 An Act of Congress prohibits importation of slaves into U.S. Tsarion 1778 Danish physicians move to open two major vaccination houses in Denmark by order of the King. Tsarion 1778 February 25 Jose Francisco de San Martin is born in Yapeyu, an Indian settlement in what is now northern Argentina. 1778 - Haim Solomon finances Revolutionary War victory at Valley Forge; George Washington authorizes Star of David on dollar bill. "America has been blessed by the Jewish community. Let me take you back to a story of the American revolution and Haim Solomon, a Philadelphia banker. When George Washington and the Continental Army were fighting for their very lives in the snows of Valley Forge, they didn't have enough food to eat, they didn't have enough weapons, they didnt have enough ammunition to fight the British; it looked like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would never happen. Haim Solomon went to the Jewish people of America and the Jewish people of Europe and raised millions of dollars and gave it to George Washington. That contribution turned the tide of the American revolution. George Washington was so appreciative of Haim Solomon's contribution that he had the engravers of the American one dollar bill express his appreciation to the Jewish people by placing this insignia over the head of the American eagle. It is the Mogan David, the Star of David . In addition, around the Mogan David is the cloud burst of the Shekinah Glory of God that was over the Tabernacle. If you turn it upside down, then you have the Menorah. The contribution the Jewish people made to assist America in the war effort was one that George Washington insisted that all Americans know about." 1778 France enters the Revolutionary War on the side of the Americans. 1778 Franklin assists in initiation of Voltaire into Masonic Lodge of Paris. 1778 In Italy, infants were inoculated by Neapolitan nurses without the knowledge of parents. Tsarion 1778 Masonic Convention in Lyons organizes "Knights of Beneficence". 1778 Valley Forge; Valley Forge is the story of the six month encampment of the Continental Army of the newly formed United States of America under the command of General George Washington, a few miles from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Though no battle was fought here from December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778, a struggle against the elements and low morale was overcome on this sacred round. Struggle For The South.

368 1778 Washington has his mystical vision of the future of the United States while at Valley Forge. 1778 84 . , 30 . 1778, Valley Forge; Valley Forge is the story of the six month encampment of the Continental Army of the newly formed United States of America under the command of General George Washington, a few miles from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Though no battle was fought here from December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778, a struggle against the elements and low morale was overcome on this sacred round. Struggle For The South. 1778, . 1778, . 1778, , . . 1778, . 1778, 2000 100.000 . 1779 -- John Paul Jones says "I have not yet begun to fight." Benedict Arnold becomes a traitor and spy for the British. War of Bavarian Secession ends. - 1779 America recalls its currency to counteract the effect of undermining by Britain. Tsarion 1779 British surrender to Americans at Vincennes. 1779 British war against Mahrattas in India (until 1882). 1779 Spain declares war on Britain and begins a siege on Gilbraltar that will continue until 1783. 1779: John Wilkinson builds the first cast-iron bridge, the first large cast-iron structure 1780 -- John Andre, British agent, captured with secret documents from Arnold; Arnold escapes to join British; Andre hanged as spy. Weishaupt's wife dies. Illuminati begins rapid growth. First use of the title Odd Fellows. Order of the Brotherhood of Asia, Rosicrucian offshoot, founded. - 1780 - , (Bruenn), Jacob Frank, Dobrushka,

369 . theosophic Jacob Frank Sabbatian Kabbalah. (Katz .27) 1780 : In England alone he had 20,000 followers in 1780, who looked for the Revolution to overthrow all other beliefs; Swedenborg's God was to be the only King left! In Avignon he had many adepts who mingled with the Martinists, being known as illuminated Theosophists, and among these were found the same vows in favor of an anti - social, anti - religious revolution. 1780 "Order of the Brotherhood of Asia", Rosicrucian off-shoot, founded. 1780 Adam Weishaupts Order of the Illuminati at the University of Ingolstadt has 60 members in five German cities by 1780, but the impact of his ideas extends much farther in society. Weishaupt and others desired to attach themselves to Masonic lodges in Europe and America. In 1780, Weishaupt recruits Adolf Francis (Baron Knigge), which allowed the hierarchical structure of the Order to expand to completion. Weishaupt sought absolute obedience to him and other influential members of the order, and worked for the overthrow of church and state authorities who were seen as blocks to Illuminati progress. Knigge completes the system of initiation, and membership swells to 300. Competition arises between Weishaupt and Knigge. Tsarion 1780 Eclectic Alliance used until 1784 to covert Masonic lodges to Illuminism. Tsarion 1780 First use of the title "Odd Fellows". 1780 Illuminati begins rapid growth. 1780 May--Report from Capt. George Little of the frigate Boston: In May, 1780, 1 was lying in Round Pond, in Broad Bay [off the Maine coast], in a public armed ship. At sunrise, I discovered a huge Serpent, or monster, coming down the Bay, on the surface of the water. The cutter was manned and armed. I went myself in the boat, and proceeded after the Serpent. When within a hundred feet, the mariners were ordered to fire on him, but before they could make ready, the Serpent dove. He was not less than from 45 to 50 feet in length; the largest diameter of his body, I should judge, 15 inches; his head nearly the size of that of a man, which he carried four or five feet above the water. He wore every appearance of a common black snake. 1780 November 28 Maria Theresa dies in Vienna. Joseph II succeeds her. 1780 United States has two interest-bearing banks. Tsarion 1780 Weishaupt dispatched the Marquis de Costanzo to propagate Illuminism in the north. 1780 .

370 1780, , " ". , ' . ' . [ ]. 1780: War erupts between Holland and Britain 1780-1782: Jos Gabriel Condorcanqui, known as Tpac Amaru II, raises an indigenous peasant army in revolt against Spanish control of Peru. 1781 -- Battle of Guilford Court House, surrended of Cornwallis at Yorktown. John Hanson becomes first President of the United States in Congress Assembled. Weishaupt seeks abortion for his sister-in-law while awaiting dispensation to marry her. United Masonic Lodges of Hamburg headed by Fraximus, a secret Rosicrucian. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason published. - 1781 According to Louis Blanc, in his History of the French Revolution, 1848, Cagliostro was initiated at Frankfort, 1781, under the authority of "the Grand Masters of the Templars," the Illuminati of Weishaupt, from whom he received instructions and funds to carry out their diabolical intrigues against Marie Antoinette in preparation for the later seizure of power through the illuminised Grand Orient Lodges. 1781 American Congress meets for the first time. The Bank of North America founded, modeled after the Bank of England. Never recognized by the majority of states. Bank of North America folded in 1790. Tsarion 1781 April 10 Lodge Bienfaisance of the Strict Observence is constituted in Paris. 1781 Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781. American Revolutionary War. 1781 Massachusetts Medical Society incorporated. Tsarion 1781 United Masonic Lodges of Hamburg headed by Fraximus, a secret Rosicrucian. 1781 Weishaupt seeks abortion for his sister-in-law while awaiting dispensation to marry her. 1781 Yorktown Campaign. Robert Morris establishes the Bank of North America. Battle of Yorktown The Battle of Yorktown was a decisive British defeat in the American War of Independence from September to October 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. The British commander Lord Cornwallis had withdrawn into Yorktown where he was besieged by 7,000 French and 8,850 American troops and could only wait

371 for reinforcements to arrive by sea. However, the Royal Navy lost command of the sea at the Battle of Chesapeake and with no reinforcements or supplies forthcoming, Cornwallis was forced to surrender on the 19th of October, effectively ending the war. 1781, Yorktown Campaign. Robert Morris establishes the Bank of North America. Battle of Yorktown, The Battle of Yorktown was a decisive British defeat in the American War of Independence from September to October 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. The British commander Lord Cornwallis had withdrawn into Yorktown where he was besieged by 7,000 French and 8,850 American troops and could only wait for reinforcements to arrive by sea. However, the Royal Navy lost command of the sea at the Battle of Chesapeake and with no reinforcements or supplies forthcoming, Cornwallis was forced to surrender on the 19th of October, effectively ending the war. 1781: a seventh planet, Uranus, is discovered by William Hershel 1782 -- British cabinet agrees to recognize American independence, preliminary agreement signed in Paris. Hanson commissions the "Eye in the Pyramid" Great Seal, finishes term; Elias Boudinot elected second President of Congress Assembled. Illuminati dominate European Masonry. Casanova retires as secret agent. - 1782 A Masonic congress was assembled at Wilhelmsbad in 1782, under the presidency of the Duke of Brunswick, who was anxious to end the discord reigning among German Freemasons. It was attended by Masons from Europe, America, and Asia. At the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, an alliance between Illuminism and Freemasonry was finally sealed. This pact joined together all the leading secret societies of the day and united "not less than 3 million members all over the world." The actual effect of this merger on the subsequent history of the world has never been appreciated by historians. Most of which have belonged to one or the other of the secret societies and have sworn not to expose its secrets. 1782 At the European Freemasonic conference at Wilhelmsbad, Dr. Adam Weishaupt and his right hand man Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7 Part Plan for the Creation of a New World Order. 1782 Bank of North America is established in Philadelphia. 1782 Casanova retires as secret agent. 1782 July 1782 - The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The Comte de Virieu, an attendee at the conference, comes away visibly shaken. When questioned

372 about the "tragic secrets" he brought back with him, he replies: "I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think." From this time on, according to his biographer, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror." - 1782 Masonic Congress at Wilhelmsbad. Knigge enrolls virtually all of the members attending over to Weishaupt's Order, which depleted potential members for the rival Order of Strict Observance. Tsarion 1782 Original Great Seal of the United States adopted. Tsarion 1782 . 18 "" . 10 1782 ( ), : " ... , ... .. , , , ... , , .. , . ." ... 13 1782, : " , , ..." . : " ( ) " 1782 President Hanson commissions the "Eye in the Pyramid" Great Seal. 1782 , , 16 1782, , , , '. . , . , , ' 1786,

373 . . , . , , , . , , , . , , , ( , ). . , . , , , . , . . . , . , , . ( ). 1787. 1782 Thomas Grenville is sent from London to Paris to open peace talks with Benjamin Franklin. Preliminary agreements are accepted by Great Britain and America. 1782, At the European Freemasonic conference at Wilhelmsbad, Dr. Adam Weishaupt and his right-hand man Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7-Part Plan for the Creation of a New World Order. 1782, " ".

374 1782, , Stanislaus Czerniewicz . 1782, , , , "Beneficenza" (), , . , , , , , , . 17-9-2002. 1782 : Catherine II banned all Masonic organisations in Russia April 8, 1782 since they had secret political ties with leading circles abroad. 1782 , , , 1782, "Beneficenza" (), , . . " " "" ( ) "" ( ). . , " ". 1810 , " ,, ' , 1811". , "" . . 1780 " " . , . 1784 ' . - - 1811 , "". ("", " "), (" ", ). " ", . . ' , ( ) '

375 . " " , , , . , , , , .. , "" " " . , , " ". , "" . , : " ". , ( , ..), "" , . , "" . , - , "" ..., . . 1782, 10 . 1782, . Scottish Rite, French Grand Lodge French Grand Orient . 1782, , , . , , , . , , , . 122. 1783 -- Treaty signed between America and England. Washington disbands army, resigns. Hanson dies. Thomas Mifflin third President of Congress Assembled. Ex-Illuminati Utschneider sends letter denouncing

376 the Order to monarch of Bavaria. Rite of Swedenborg founded by Marquis de Throne. Eclectic Rite founded by Baron Knigge in Frankfort. Webster's American Spelling Book published. - 1783 "Eclectic Rite" founded by Baron Knigge in Frankfort. 1783 "Rite of Swedenborg" founded by Marquis de Throne. 1783 April 24 Pope Clement XII issues a papal Bull condemning and forbidding Freemasonry to all Catholics under penalty of excommunication. 1783 August 18--A UFO sighting occurred at 9:45pm in the evening when four witnesses on the terrace of Windsor Castle observed a luminous object in the skies of the Home Counties of England. The sighting was recorded the following year in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, who relates what witnesses observed: "An oblong cloud moving more or less parallel to the horizon. Under this cloud could be seen a luminous object which soon became spherical, brilliantly lit, which came to a halt; this strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in color but then its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the East. Then the object changed direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the South-East; the light it gave out was prodigious; it lit us everything on the ground." 1783 Baring Brothers become the premier merchant of the opium trade. Tsarion 1783 Because of Weishaupts power and arrogance, complaints begin to surface that the Order was subversive of political and religious authority, the schools and the press. In October of 1783, a disgruntled member of the order, Joseph Utzschneider, denounces Wesihaupt to the duchess Maria Anna of Bavaria, who in turn speaks to Carl Theodore, the Bavarian king. Tsarion 1783 Ex-Illuminati Utschneider sends letter denouncing the Order to monarch of Bavaria. 1783 July 24 Simon Bolivar is born in Caracas (now in Venezuela) of a noble Spanish family; orphaned in boyhood, he is educated in Europe. 1783 The American War of Independence comes to an end. Britain and America issue proclaimations for cessation of arms. A peace treaty is signed at Versailles and Great Btritain recognizes the independence of the United States. 1783 The Treaty of Paris. The definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between his Britannick Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the King of Spain. Concluded at Paris the 10th day of February, 1763. To which the King of Portugal acceded on the same day. (Printed from the Copy.) 1783 U.S. President (of the Order) John Hanson dies. Tsarion

377 1783 Windsor Castle, England: Members of the Royal Academy reported and illustrated the UFO they witnessed. 1783, The Treaty of Paris. The definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between his Britannick Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the King of Spain. Concluded at Paris the 10th day of February, 1763. To which the King of Portugal acceded on the same day. (Printed from the Copy.) 1783, [ 3 , , 1786, , !]. . 1783, . 1783, 3 . 1783: Britain recognises the independence of the United States of America 1784 - 1785 Napoleon attends the Ecole Militaire in Paris. 1784 -- Treaty with England ratified by Congress. Richard Henry Lee fourth President of Congress Assembled. Bavarian Monarch Carl Theodore outlaws secret societies. Cagliostro moves to Lyons from Bordeaux to found the Mother Lodge of Egyptian Masonry. Royal Commission in Paris, including Franklin and Guillotine as members, investigates Mesmerism and returns a negative report. - 1784 - Montefiore (, ) (17841885) . 1784 A Swiss man standing nine feet high exhibited himself to astonished patrons at Vienna, says the Gentleman's Magazine for that year. 1784 Bavarian Illuminati (Wesihaupt) membership is 3000, which effectively knocks out competition from the Strict Observance and Rosicrucian orders. Knigge withdraws from Wesihaupts Order of the Illuminati. Tsarion 1784 Bavarian Monarch Carl Theodore outlaws secret societies. 1784 Cagliostro moves to Lyons from Bordeaux to found the Mother Lodge of Egyptian Masonry. 1784 Elector of Bavaria suppressed the Illuminati Order by edict, June 22, 1784, many Illuminati being imprisoned and some, including Weishaupt, being forced to flee the country.

378 1784 In Bavaria, King Carl Theodore outlaws secret societies (June 1784). Tsarion 1784 Royal Commission in Paris, including Franklin and Guillotine as members, investigates Mesmerism and returns a negative report. 1784 Saint Germain purportedly dies in Schleswig, where he was in the magic business with Landgrave Charles of Hesse-Cassel. Or did he? 1784 U.S. President (Order) Lee in office. Tsarion 1784, 2 . . 1784, . . , . 1784, 12 . . , . 1784, , , . 1784: The treaty of Paris grants Britain the rights to trade in Indonesia 1785 - An Illuminati courier named Lanze is struck by lightning and killed while traveling by horseback through the town of Ratisbon. When Bavarian officials examine the contents of his saddle bags, they discover the existence of the Order of the Illuminati and find plans detailing the coming French Revolution. The Bavarian government attempts to alert the government of France of impending disaster, but the French government fails to heed this warning. Bavarian officials arrest all members of the Illuminati they can find, but Weishaupt and others have gone underground and cannot be found. - 1785 Nor was he opposed to their conspiracy. In one of his repeated lectures he made an interesting statement about the Illuminati's involvement in the American Revolution, which sheds light on the unprecedented drive our leaders today are demonstrating in using our nation as the catalyst for the success of the New World Order. The professor said, 'Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish this

379 country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. That secret and august body was the Illuminati. Author Salem Kirban informs us that by 1785, 15 lodges of the Order of the Illuminati had been established in the 13 colonies. This was before the Colonies were united and the Constitution adopted. In 1785, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor Dewitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt [ancestor of Franklin D. Roosevelt], and Horace Greeley. A Lodge in Virginia was identified with Thomas Jefferson. 1785 Weishaupt flees to Gotha; new edict outlaws Illuminati; High-ranking Illuminatus Lanz killed by lightning and Illuminati papers found on body by police. French "Diamond Necklace" affair. Napoleon graduates military school. Franklin returns to America; Jefferson becomes French ambassador. Rosicrucian Order suppressed in Austria. Anonymous pamphlet appears in Germany revealing secrets of ancient Egyptian ceremonies. - 1785 Anonymous pamphlet appears in Germany revealing secrets of ancient Egyptian ceremonies. 1785 Carl Theodore issues another edict specifically outlawing Wesihaupt's Order of Illuminati, as well as providing rewards for information on them. Weishaupt flees to a neighboring province, as does Count Massenhausen. Tsarion 1785 Columbus Lodge of Order of Illuminati established in New York City. Press gives criticism to U.S. President John Hanson. Tsarion 1785 Four more leading members of the Illuminati left the Society and testified before a Court of Inquiry called by the Elector of Bavaria. Their startling evidence removed all doubt regarding the Satanic nature of Illuminism. As a result, Weishaupt flees to Gotha; new edicts in March and August outlaw Illuminati and Freemasonry in Bavaria. 1785 French "Diamond Necklace" affair, orchestrated by Cagliostro. Dumas describes it as Masonic plot to discredit the monarchy. 1785 Joseph-Alexandre-Victor Hupay de Fueva publishes "Project for a Philosophical Community," the first book to propose a modern communist society. 1785 Oct. 11, 1785 - Bavarian authorities raid the home of an Illuminati member named Von Zwack. They discover Illuminati documents which show quite clearly that they plan to bring about a "universal revolution that should deal the death-blow to society...this revolution will be the work of the secret societies, and that is one of our great mysteries." - 1785 Public attention was first drawn to the existence of the Illuminati and their diabolical plan for world conquest as the result of a bizarre accident in 1785. History records that a courier for the Illuminati,

380 named Lanze, was racing on horseback from Frankfurt to Paris carrying documents relating to Illuminati activities in general, and specific instructions for the planned French Revolution in particular. He was killed by lightning and his papers fell into government hands. 1785 Rosicrucian Order suppressed in Austria. 1785 The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati is established in New York City. Its members will later include Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt, and Horace Greeley. There was a Lodge in Virginia also that was identified with Thomas Jefferson 1785 Watt introduces steam engine in England. Tsarion 1787 Saint Martin traveled to London with Zinnowief. 1785, The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati is established in New York City. Its members will later include Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt, Charles Dana and Horace Greeley. There was a Lodge in Virginia also that was identified with Thomas Jefferson 1785, " ". 1785 Secret Societies Great Mystery; "Novus Ordo Seclorum": In 1785, four more leading members of the Illuminati left the Society and testified before a Court of Inquiry called by the Elector of Bavaria. Their startling evidence removed all doubt regarding the Satanic nature of Illuminism. -On the 11th of October, 1785, the Bavarian authorities raided Zwack's house and discovered a mountainous array of Illuminati documents which showed quite clearly that they planned to bring about a "universal revolution that should deal the death - blow to society ... This Revolution will be the work of the Secret Societies, and that is one of our Greatest Mysteries." 1785 " . , . , , . , , - . , , ", , , 19 , 1785. 1785, . 1785 the Society of Initiates, founded by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz. 1785, , Gabriel Lenkiewisz.

381 1785, . . 1785, - 90. 1785, . (Schiff). . , ' . [ (Bolshevik coup d' etat) 1917 ]. 1785: the "Daily Universal Register" (later "The Times") is founded 1786 -- Wisdom Lodge founded in Virginia. Secret congress in Frankfort where Louis XVI and Gustavus III of Sweden condemned to die by Illuminati. Italian Illuminatus Buonarroti's library of Masonic and subversive books confiscated by state authorities. Nathaniel Gorham fifth President of Congress Assembled. Napoleon writes pamphlete defending Rousseau. - 1786 CHARLES BALFOUR 1 Riga, Kurland, Latvia... MARIA CAROLINE HARINGTON 1803 54 37 1786 Frederick the Great dies and is succeeded by his nephew Frederick William II. 1786 In Bavaria, the home of Xavier Zwack, one of Weishaupts members of the Order, is raided by the government. Many books and papers of the Illuminati are found. The home of Zwacks friend, Baron Bassus, is also raided and other papers are seized. Tsarion 1786 Italian Illuminatus Buonarroti's library of Masonic and subversive books confiscated by state authorities. 1786 Lord Cornwallis made Governor-General of India. 1786 Secret congress in Frankfort where Louis XVI and Gustavus III of Sweden condemned to die by Illuminati. 1786 In Sweden the brother of Gustav III was murdered by H. Ankerstrom, secret envoy of the grand lodge, which Condorcet directed, in accordance with the agreement of the Freemasons who have assembled in 1786 in Frankfurt/Main. 1786 Wisdom Lodge founded in Virginia.

382 1786 - Jacob Frank , Offenbach, . , Frank , MA Rothschild. 1786 57 , 38 1786, . , "The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati". . . , . 1786, ' '. 1786, . 1786, . 1786, . 1786, . 1786: William Jones discovers similarities between Sanskrit and Greek and Latin 1787 German authorities publish letter by Weishaupt admitting he sought abortion for his sister-in-law; Weishaupt replies, blaming "extenuating circumstances." German Union (extension of outlawed Bavarian Illuminati) founded by Bahrdt. Washington elected President of Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia; new constitution adopted by the convention. Arthur St. Clair sixth President of Congress Assembled. Jefferson meets secretly in Paris with Brazilian rebel to discuss American aid to revolution in Brazil. Shay's Rebellion in Massachusetts to protest unfair taxes. Goethe visits Cagliostro's family in Palermo. Swedenborgian Church founded in London. Society for the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade founded in London. - 1787 August 29 Bode, who has returned to Weimer, tells Schiller and others that Paris is exhausted and in decay. Krner later wrote that Bode was "too short a time in Paris to have heard more than one side of the question." 1787 Both the Gentleman's Magazine, in November, and the Annual Register for the same year reported that while English workers were removing a ridge of limestone and rubbish in the lime quarries near

383 Fullwell-hills, close to Durham, they unearthed a human skeleton nine feet six inches long with some teeth still in the skull. 1787 British Secretary of State Dundas proposes that Britain storm China and create more of an opium market to suppress the Chinese people. Tsarion 1787 Dollar currency first introduced in the United States. Tsarion 1787 February An Assembly of "Notables" is called by CharlesAlexandre de Calonne. 1787 Johan Joachim Christopher Bode (1730-1793) an energetic member of the Strict Observance and the Baron de Busche said to be members of the Bavarian Illuminati visit Paris. Later, both Barruel and Robison will claim this visit by Bode and de Busche to be the defining link between the German Illuminati and Freemasonry. Bode who died in 1793 was not able to defend himself. NOTE, Most Masonic scholars now agree that the visit by Bode and von Busche was too brief and limited to have had any significant causal effect on the French Revolution. 1787. , , , , Better than Horus, . , , . , , , . ( , !) , . , , 1880. , ,

384 ..., , , , Novus Ordo Seclorem, New World Order , ( , : We are coming to a New World Order. The 21 century is arriving like an illumination of a thousand lights, ), 13, , , Annuit Coeptis, ... , 13 , 13 , 13 , 13 , 13 , 13 , .., . 5. ..., . , , (V), , Victory, 500, , . Illuminati (), "" . Illuminati 1 1766 ( ), " " (Order of the Perfectibilists). . , . Illuminati , , , . , . , . "" Illuminati , , , , , , , , , ,

385 , , , , , , , , , , , , ... ... ... , . A : Pluribus Unum, . ..., . 13 ( 13 ), 13 , 13 13 . , . H 13 , MDCCLXXVI, 1776, . Novus Ordo Seclorum, . Heute die Welt, Morgens das Sonnesystem, , . , . (New World Order), Novus Ordo Seclorum, () , : We are coming to a New World Order. The 21st century is arriving like an Illumination of a thousand lights. 1787 Swedenborgian Church founded in London. 1787 The "Constitutional Convention" is held illegally in Philadelphia. The Antifederalist Papers emerge. 1787 The "German Union" (extension of outlawed Bavarian Illuminati) founded by Bahrdt. 1787 The Duke of Bavaria issues a final edict against the Order of the Illuminati. Tsarion

386 1787, The "Constitutional Convention" is held illegally in Philadelphia. The Antifederalist Papers emerge. 1787, "" , . 1787, 3.250.000 2.000.000 . 1787, 700 . 1787: Robert Peel builds an integrated cotton spinning, weaving and printing factory 1788 -- American Constitution ratified by the states. Individual American states begin to outlaw slavery. Cyrus Griffen seventh President of Congress Assembled. Paine visits London and Paris. The Federalist essays published by Hamilton, Madison and Jay. - 1788 A motion is made in British Parliament for abolition of slave trade. 1788 During the period leading to the French Revolution, there were 282 masonic lodges in France, including 81 lodges of the Grand Orient in Paris alone, 16 in Lyon, 10 in Toulouse, 10 in Montpellier, 10 in Bordeaux, and 6 in Marseille. 1788 Austria declares war on Turkey. 1788 Charles Edward Stuart, the "Young Pretender" dies. 1788 Constitutional amendment ratified that limited the power of the government and ensured money was backed by precious metal. Tsarion 1788 George III suffers his first attack of mental illness, creating a "regency crisis" in England. 1788 New York is declared federal capital of the United States. 1788 Parliament of Paris presents a list of grievences. Louis XVI calls Estates-General (National Assembly) for May of 1789 and recalls Jacques Necker as Minister of Finance. 1788 to 1791, Saint Martin traveled to Strasbourg, and from 1791 to 1793 he returned to Paris where he pretends not to be affected by the Terror. It is hard to establish how many of the Martinists had been involved in the violence of the French Revolution Terror. One thing is certain, however, is that as an institution, the Lyon Martinist order as well as its Weishopt counterpart in Germany, were controlled by London. 1788 The U.S. Constitution is ratified by New Hampshire, the ninth state, and comes into force. 1788, .

387 1788, Oddfellows. . 1789 - Violence erupts in France. The French Revolution not only overthrows the existing government but also attempts to eliminate Christianity from the nation. A half-naked prostitute is placed on the altar of the Cathedral of Notre Dame and extolled as the "Goddess of Reason." Revolutionary officials even do away with the seven-day week and replace it with a ten-day week. - 1789 -- Washington elected President of the United States; first Congress under new Constitution. Jefferson returns to U.S. to become first Secretary of State; Hamilton becomes first Secretary of the Treasury. French Revolution begins. - 1789 - () . 100.000 . 1789 August 26 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen is issued throughout France. 1789 August 4 The French National Assembly (Estates-General) passes a decree abolishing the ancient feudal regime and the tithe system. 1789 Constitution of the United States ratified. George Washington maintains a vast plantation growing marijuana (hemp). Tsarion 1789 Epidemic of influenza in New England through 1790. Tsarion 1789 French Revolution begins. It would last until 1799. Tsarion 1789 George Washington, a Mason, becomes President of the United States, following the terms of Presidents Hanson, Boudinot, Mifflin, Lee, Gorham, Griffin and St. Clair. Tsarion 1789: regarded as one of the most influential of all socio-political revolutions, the French Revolution is associated with the rise of the bourgeoisie and the downfall of the aristocracy. 1789 Jose San Martin, only 11 years old, joins the Spanish infantry. 1789 July 14 A Paris mob storms and captures the Bastille. 1789 Knights of Malta defeated by Napoleon. Tsarion 1789 May 5 The French National Assembly (Estates-General) meets at Versailles. Most historians mark this date as the beginning of the French Revolution. (See Cinco de Mayo). 1789 October 5 A mob from Paris marches on Versaille and returns the King to Paris. 1789 October After the king and the Assembly have moved to Paris, the Benton Club occupies a monastery on the Rue Saint Jacques formerly used by Dominican monks. Because of the street name, these monks had been known as Jacobins. The club officially adopts this name.

388 1789 The Constitution of the Unites States of America is ratified by underhanded means. 1789 The crew of the American gunship Protector had an extraordinary encounter in Penobscot Bay. One of the witnesses was an 18-year-old ensign, Edward Preble, who would go on to become a commoclore and a notable figure in U.S. naval history. In his biography of Preble, James Fenimore Cooper recounts this event: The day was clear and calm, when a large serpent was discovered outside the ship. The animal was lying on the water quite motionless. After inspecting it with the glasses for some time, Capt. [John Foster] Williams ordered Preble to man and arm a large boat, and endeavor to destroy the creature; or at least to go as near to it as he could.... The boat thus employed pulled twelve oars, and carried a swivel in its bows, besides having its crew armed as boarders. Preble shoved off, and pulled directly towards the monster. As the boat neared it, the serpent raised its head about ten feet above the surface of the water, looking about it. It then began to move slowly away from the boat. Preble pushed on, his men pulling with all their force, and the animal being at no great distance, the swivel was discharged loaded with bullets. The discharge produced no other effect than to quicken the speed of the monster, which soon ran the boat out of sight. 1789 -- 1795, 3.5 million Kelts met their death at the hands of benevolent Grand Orient Freemasonry. 1789 The First U.S. Congress meets in New York. George Washington is inaugurated as the first President, John Quincy Adams, Vice President; Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State; Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury. The United States declares itself an economic and customs union. 1789 The Jacobins are formed under the name of the Breton Club. Its early members are Brittany delegates to the National Assembly, then meeting in Versailles. Some are nobles, many are professionals and middleclass, but only a few are peasants. 1789 Mayer William IX Hanau. 1789 41 , 1789, The Constitution of the Unites States of America is ratified by underhanded means. 1789, The French Revolution begins, , . . 1789, [ Orleanistes] Rhilippe d'Orleans, Mirabeau, Danton, Desmoulins .

389 [Girondins] Robespiere [1758-1794], Saint Jist [17671794]. 1789, . . . 1790 -- Rebellion and massacre throughout France. Cagliostro arrested by Inquisition of Rome. Bavarian edict against Reading Societies. Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell published. - 1790 Bavarian edict against "Reading Societies". 1790 Ernest Renan, who cannot be accused of Antisemitism, wrote the following: In the French revolutionary movement, the Jewish element plays a chief role and it is very difficult to deny this. It is true that around 1789 the Jews went to work with much caution and concealed themselves behind the Freemasonic organisations and the philosophical associations; however this did not prevent several of the sons of Israel from taking an active part in the revolutionary events and making use of these from the material standpoint. The first shot against the Swiss Guard of the Tuilleries was fired, on the 10th August 1791, by the Jew Zalkind Hourwitz Land. But since this zeal for war carries with it many dangers, the Jews prefer to devote themselves to other, less dangerous and above all rewarding activities. The old Hebrew, Benoltas, a millionaire of this city (Cadiz), was from now on named as General Treasurer of the Order and already reckoned to possess a disposable capital of three hundred thousand Thalers. (Rule 44 of the Grand Spanish Orient of 10th April 1824). The supplying of the Republican armies was carried out through the Israelites Biderman, Max Beer, Moselmann and others. This gave occasion to the complaints which were made by Colonel Bernanville of the army of the Moselle, because for the troops he had been supplied with boys shoes with cardboard soles, childrens stockings and completely moth-eaten sailcloths for tents. Soon after, the laws that restricted the rights of the Jews were lifted, thanks to the mediation of Abbot Gregoire, Mirabeau, Robespierre and others (this is done on the first occasion by all revolutionary governments), and soon afterwards, when the ideas of 1789 gained the upper hand, a veritable flood according to the words of Capefigues of foreigners discharged themselves over France from the banks of the Rhine. Then appeared in the political arena such names as Klotz, Benjamin Veitel Ephraim, Etta Palm, etc. The Messiah has arrived for us on 28th February 1790 with the Rights of Man, wrote the Jew Cohen, and in fact the awarding of all rights of citizenship to the Jews was one of the great victories of Israel. The revolution of 1830, says the Jew Bedarride, has only perpetuated these happy results. 1790 Baverian police harass Illuminati members. Tsarion 1790 Edward Jenner buys a medical degree from St.Andrews University for 15. Tsarion

390 1790 June 12--A strange entity witnessed by a crowd of people in Alencon, France. It was said that at around that time a large metal sphere descended from the sky and crash landed into a nearby hillside. After a crowd had gathered, a "hatch" slid open and a being emerged dressed in an odd tight fitting costume. It mumbled something in a strange language, before bolting off towards some nearby woods. Seconds later the sphere exploded, fragments of which were said to have "sizzled" on the grass and melted. A wide search of the area yielded no further sign of the mysterious visitor. 1790 Summer-- French Police Inspector Liabeuf witnessed and investigated a large red globe as it flew over farmland. The globe landed and a man came out and spoke in a language none understood. The globe then exploded and the man disappeared. The event was witnessed by many and is well documented. (Except that the documentation was hoaxed by a dishonest ufologist.) 1790 The Annual Register for 1790 informed its readers that in July of that year some workers in a peat bog at Donnadea, near the seat of Sir Fitzgerald Aylmer, uncovered at a depth of seventeen feet the sepulchre of an Irish chieftain. Inside the coffin they found an eight-foottwo-inch skeleton with a seven-foot spear at his side. The sepulchre, according to local tradition, was built after the introduction of Christianity into Ireland. 1790 The Loge Neuf Soeurs ceases to be a Masonic lodge, becoming "le Socit Nationale des Neuf Soeurs" 1790 The word Jacobin becomes used as a tag or label for the most fiery of revolutionists. 1790 Washington D.C. founded. First patent law in U.S. established. Tsarion 1790, 5 , Caliostro, , , . 1783 , . . 1789, 266

391 , , , , ... ! [, Webster, World Revolution, . 41]. 1790: at the height of the British slave trade, one slave vessel leaves England for Africa every other day 1791 -- Napoleon joins the Jocobin Club. First Bank of the United States chartered. Burr begins converting Tammany Society into a political machine. The anonymous Vie de Joseph Balsamo (Joseph Basalmo was Cagliostro's name before he joined the Masons), first recorded link of the Illuminati and the French Revolution, appears in several European countries. Mozart's The Magic Flute, containing Masonic elements, performed. - 1791 April 20 France declares war on Prussia and Austria. 1791 Burr begins converting "Tammany Society" into a political machine. 1791 Edward Jenner vaccinates his 18 month old son with swinepox. In 1798, he vaccinates his son with cow-pox. His son will die of TB at the age of 21. Tsarion 1791 First Bank of the United States chartered. Creation of Hamilton and chartered for 20 years. Tsarion 1791 Jose San Martin, now 13, fights his first battle in North Africa. He will spend the next 20 years fighting against the Moors and Napoleon. Eventually, he will rise to the rank of lieutenant colonel. 1791 June 20 Louis XVI tries to flee country. 1791 Mozart's The Magic Flute, containing Masonic elements, performed. 1791-1804: the successful slave rebellion led by Toussaint Louverture establishes Haiti as the first free, black republic. 1791 Napoleon joins the "Jacobin Club". 1791 September King Louis XVI accepts and signs the new constitution. 1791 The anonymous Life of Joseph Balsamo (Joseph Basalmo was Cagliostro's name before he joined the Masons), first recorded link of the Illuminati and the French Revolution, appears in several European countries. 1791 The French Assembly completes a new constitution. 1791 - Jacob Frank . 1791 . , , Baron Edmond de Rothschild )

392 1791, Napper T. . 1791, 12 . . 1791: Thomas Paine publishes "Rights of Man" 1792 Washington re-elected. War between France and Austria. Louis XVI imprisoned in the Templars Temple tower. Massacres of September, in which priests, bishops and others are killed. Elections for the National Convention, a triumph for Robespierre and his followers. France declared a Republic. First Swedenborgian church in America. Catherine II outlaws Masonry in Russia. Life of Joseph Balsamo translated into English in Dublin. Assassination of Gustav III at the Stockholm opera. - 1792 Anti-Saccharite Society forms in Europe to protest effect of sugar on people. It induces a British sugar boycott through Europe. The British East India companies, already involved with opium drug trafficking, uses the slavery issue for an advertising campaign, East India sugar not made by slaves, for its sugar trafficking. Tsarion 1792 August 10 Revolutionaries occupy the Tuileries and kill the guards. The French royal family is forced to seek refuge in the hall of the Legislative Assembly and are quickly imprisoned. 1792 Autumn The Jacobins demand that King Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette, be tried for conspiring with foreign rulers against the Revolution. 1792 Catherine II outlaws Masonry in Russia. 1792 Denmark becomes the first Western nation to abolish the slave trade. 1792 First Swedenborgian church in America. 1792 In the midst of the French Revolution, Jews in France are granted citizenship and full civil rights. 1792 Jacob Franks establishes several lumber mills as a founding member of Green Bay, in the Wisconsin Territory. Under terms of the Northwest Ordinance (1787), absentee landowners cannot be taxed at a higher rate than residents. 1792 Louis XVI imprisoned in the Templars Temple tower. 1792 Maximilien Robespierre, a Jacobin leader, and GeorgesJacques Danton, who participated in Jacobin club debates, help inaugurate the so-called "Reign of Terror" that will eventually disgrace the revolutionary movement. 1792 Napoleon is stationed in Paris and is soon promoted to the rank of captain. 1792 Over the opposition of moderates in the National Assembly, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are tried and executed.

393 1792 September 20 Prussian-Austrian invaders are turned back at Valmy. 1792 September 21 Decree is passed abolishing royalty in France and a French Republic is proclaimed. 1792 The French Blue Diamond mysteriously vanishes. 1792 The seating arrangement at the French National Assembly (Left, Center and Right) becomes the basis for categorizing all political ideologies from that date forth. 1792, In the midst of the French Revolution, Jews in France are granted citizenship and full civil rights. 1792, Jacob Franks establishes several lumber mills as a founding member of Green Bay, in the Wisconsin Territory. Under terms of the Northwest Ordinance (1787), absentee landowners cannot be taxed at a higher rate than residents. 1792, . 1792, . 1792, , , , . 1792, , " ", , . 1792, 8.000 , . ' . 1792: Mary Wollstonecraft publishes "Vindication of the Rights of Women" 1793 -- Year One of the French Republic; the year of the Terror, Louis XVI found guilty of conspiracy, condemned to be executed. French government kills thousands of its citizens. France declares war on England and the Dutch United Provinces; war breaks out with Spain and Austria; Russia and Prussia begin partition of Poland. French food riots. - 1793 Epidemic of influenza in New England. Tsarion 1793 French revolutionary forces become the most powerful force of militant democracy in history.

394 1793 Isaac Moses, Solomon Simpson, David Levy and Benjamin Seixas organize the Bank of New York and become major shareholders. King Louis XVI of France is guillotined by the French Revolutionaries. 1793, the French Revolution disbanded Masonic Lodges, and the French army invaded Savoy, the satanic Lodge of Sincerity, in Chambery, was officially closed, all of the masons, including Joseph de Maistre, were officially forced into exile. 1793-1796: Revolt in the Vende was popular uprising against the Republican government during the French Revolution. 1793 January 21 Louise XVI is executed. 1793 Johann Rockerfeller of Germany comes to the USA, probably the deadliest immigrant America will ever know. Not because he was a German but because he was a German racist with some very dangerous international banking cult connections. 1793 Major epidemic of yellow fever in the United States in Philadelphia, the social, political and financial center of the country. It would soon spread to other states through 1796. Tsarion 1793 September 5 Reign of Terror begins and will continue until July 27, 1794. 1793 The Bank of Columbia is chartered in New York. 1793, Babeuf . Marat [1743-1793] Hebert [1755-1794]. 1793, , , ! 1793, -, 5 , , , " , ". . 1793, , " ". 1793: the first British settlers arrive in Australia 1794 -- Year Two; France passes laws distributing confiscated property to the poor, leads victorious battle against Austrians. Would-be assassin of Robespierre fires on Collot d'Herbois instead; the next day a young girl arrested as suspected assassin; she and 40 others sent to guillotine. Other attempts of Robespierre's life; his enemies accuse him of attempting to have himself declared divine by Catherine Theot, an old woman who preached a mystery religion; Robespierre guillotined. Monroe becomes minister to France. Whiskey rebellion in Pennsylvania to protest liquor taxes. -

395 1794 Berek Joselewicz colonel under Kosciuszko (Poland Lithuania). 1794 Dr Sigismund Bacstrom was initiated into a "Societas Roseae Crucis" by Comte Louis de Chazal, on the island of Mauritius. 1794 July 27 The Reign of Terror finally comes to an end. 1794, following the Reign of Terror in France, the Revolution was floundering and needed a strong leader. The Grand Orient backed one of its own, Napoleon Bonaparte, to solidify what it had earlier gained, but was now in danger of losing. In 1799 Napoleon came to power. The subsequent Napoleonic Wars exported Grand Orient lodges throughout continental Europe and Russia. 1794 July Robespierre is beheaded and the Jacobins influence wanes. 1794 November The Jacobin Club Is outlawed. 1794 Robespierre's enemies accuse him of attempting to have himself declared divine by Catherine Theot, an old woman who preached a mystery religion; Robespierre guillotined. 1794 Stones fall from a cloud in Sienna, Italy. 1794 there were 6,800 Jacobin Clubs, totaling half a million members. 1794 The Duke of Brunswick urges lodges to dissolve because a poisonous subversive sect has now corrupted them all. 1794, Berek Joselewicz colonel under Kosciuszko (PolandLithuania). 1794, . . 1794, , " (. ), ". 1794, 8 , . 500 . 1794, Anacharsis Clootz [1755-1794]. 1794: Polish revolt 1795-1796: rebels in Grenada led by Julien Fdon execute the governor and wrest control of most of the island from Britain, which maintains a stronghold in St. George's, the capital. The goal was to incorporate Grenada into revolutionary France, but Fdon soon disappeared and was never heard from again. 1795 -- France makes peace with Prussia and Spain, invades Holland. Napoleon suppresses revolt in Paris and goes to Italy as

396 Commander-in-Chief. Yazoo land fraud: bribed Georgia legislators sell Mississippi. - 1795 April 15 Maria Anna Schicklgruber, grandmother of Adolf Hitler, is born in Strones, Austria. 1795 Daniel McGiniss discovers a clearing on Oak Island, where he figured must be some buried treasure. He returned the next day with John Smith and Anthony Vaughan. They only manage to dig down 30'. 1795 John Robison, professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, begins composing "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies." Robison had been initiated in the Lodge La Parfaite Intelligence at Lige, Belgium, in March 1770. It is said that his interest in Masonry had soon wained, and he did not interest himself in Masonry again until 1795. Working Independently in France, the Abb Barruel, a member of the Jesuit Society, is at work on his "Mmoires pour servir l'histoire du Jacobinisme." 1795 Napoleon is made commander of the French army in Italy. 1795 October 5 Napoleon crushes a Royalist attempt to seize power in Paris. Without hesitation he ordered the rebels shot down in the streets. 1795 October The people of Paris, tired of war and privation, rose against the French legislative body. Napoleon 1s appointed to put down the revolt and takes complete control. 1795 The first real "break" as far as inside information on the Illuminati is concerned, came when Professor John Robison, working undercover in the Illuminati organization, came out and wrote a startling book entitled Proofs of A Conspiracy. Nearly all of what is currently known about the early Illuminati comes from Robison's book giving us a clear-cut picture of the organization. 1795 Third partition of Poland. 1796 -- Adams elected President. Paine publishes letter critical of Washington. - 1796 - Freemasonry becomes a major issue in the Presidential election in the United States. John Adams wins the election by opposing Masonry, and his son John Quincy Adams warns of the dire threat to the nation posed by the Masonic Lodges: "I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils ..." - 1796 Edict of Peking forbids import of opium into China. Tsarion 1796 Edward Jenner in Gloucestershire, England, credited with concept of vaccination. Jenner vaccinates an 8 year old boy with

397 smallpox pus. Jenner would vaccinate the boy 20 times. The boy would die from TB at the age of 20. Tsarion 1796 Germany, Dresden and Berlin: A bright light irregular in form and the size of the moon was seen in the sky above. A large detonation was heard and a dark bituminous substance fell to earth. 1796 Jews of Holland declared by the National Assembly to be full citizens of the Batavian Republic. (The Netherlands). 1796 John Adams, who had been instrumental in organizing Masonic Lodges in New England, decided to oppose Thomas Jefferson in his bid for the presidency. He made a major issue of the fact that Jefferson, who had been minister to France, 1785-1789, and was frankly sympathetic to the Illuminist-fomented Reign of Terror, was using Masonic lodges for subversive purposes. 1796 The Helige Lanz (Holy Lance) and Reichskleinodien are hidden in secret tunnels prepared for them under the castle of Nuremberg. 1796 67 . 1796, Jews of Holland declared by the National Assembly to be full citizens of the Batavian Republic. (The Netherlands). 1796, . 1796: After France invades Holland, Holland surrenders Melaka/Malacca, Sri Lanka and the Cape of Good Hope to Britain 1796: Edward Jenner discovers the principle of vaccination and produces a smallpox vaccine 1796-97 - . 1797 - John Robison, Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh University in Scotland, publishes a book entitled "Proofs of a Conspiracy" in which he reveals that Adam Weishaupt had attempted to recruit him. He exposes the diabolical aims of the Illuminati to the world. - 1797 (Aug. 1) Two Jews, Bromet and De Lemon, elected members of the second National Assembly of Holland. Peace of Campo Formio. Death of Elijah Gaon of Vilna (Poland Lithuania). Tanya (likkutei Amarim) of Shneur Zalman of Lyady published. 1797 -99 Temporary emancipation brought by French revolutionary army in Italy. 1797 Abb Barruel publishes the first two of his volumes of "Mmoires pour servir l'histoire du Jacobinisme." Barruel claims to have unwillingly been initiated as a Master Mason without having made any obligation of secrecy. 1797 John Robison publishes "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret

398 Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies". He issues an hurried third edition in 1798, citing, with some satisfaction, the Abb's first two volumes in a Postscript. Robison's attack on Freemasonry is dependent on an alleged link between the German Illuminati and French Freemasonry. 1797 May 27 Proto-communist Francois-Noel Babeuf is executed in France after formulating a doctrine for "equal distribution of land and income." 1797 Napoleon invades Austria and advances to within 80 miles of Vienna before the enemy surrenders. 1797, (Aug. 1) Two Jews, Bromet and De Lemon, elected members of the second National Assembly of Holland. Peace of Campo Formio. Death of Elijah Gaon of Vilna (Poland-Lithuania). Tanya (likkutei Amarim) of Shneur Zalman of Lyady published. Napoleon (a Gentile Freemason) emancipates the Jews of Venice. In the course of his campaigns across Europe, Napoleon will replace the feudal kingdoms that he conquers with new republics, and the Jews are set free from the restrictions of the ghetto which had been placed upon them. Napoleon is still honored today as the "Emancipator of the Jews." 1797, -99 Temporary emancipation brought by French revolutionary army in Italy. 1797, rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi founded Lubavitch forerunners, the Hasidic Chabads. He radicalized medieval Jewish ideas that had defined Jewishness racially rather than religiously. Zalman believed only Jewish souls were Godly. To Hasidim also goyim bodies are inferior. Chabad hasnt renounced Zalmans racism. 1797, , 4 Barruel , " ". 1797, , , " , , ". 1797, Babeauf [1762-1797] . 1798, a Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was established at Cairo, when Napoleon and his general Kleber received investiture with a ring at the great Pyramid of Cheops, at the hands of an Egyptian Sage, as a symbol of their union with the ancient occult Masonry of Egypt.

399 Mohammed Ali Pasha, then ruler over Egypt, had also supposedly been a patron of Freemasonry until his death, while the Egyptian lodges maintained correspondences with their confreres in Europe. Samuel Honis, a native Egyptian, was supposedly initiated at the Grand Lodge of Cairo, by the enigmatic Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was also reputedly the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries of Egyptian Freemasonry.2 Afterwards, Samuel Honis brought the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry to France, and in 1815, a lodge, Les Disciples de Memphis, was founded by Honis, Marconis de Negre and others. In 1816, this lodge was closed, and Honis and Marconis de Negre disappeared from the scene. However, in Paris in 1838, the latters son, Jacques-Etienne Marconis de Negre, commonly known as Marconis, ignorantly called the Negro because of his Egyptian features, established the Memphis Rite, as a variation of Cagliostros Rite of Mizraim, but failed to attract much of a following. 1798 - George Washington acknowledges that Illuminati activity has come to America: "It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am." - 1798 -- Illuminati scare in New England. Knights of Malta lose their island to Napoleon. - 1798 Abb Barruel publishes the last two volumes of "Mmoires pour servir l'histoire du Jacobinisme." It is said that Barruel got his information from a Freemason and Lutheran pastor, Jean Auguste Starcke, as well as the Viennese journalist, Lopold Aloys Hoffman. 1798, (17891808) , , - - . 60 ' . 10, . 1798 Admiral Horatio Nelson's victory of the Nile gives the British navy control of the Mediterranean and secures the route to India. 1798 Emigration to Canada begins. Tsarion 1798: The Philadelphians (The Olympians), a Royalist AntiBonapartist Secret Society, was founded on Masonic lines about 1798 at Besancon, France, by General Malet and organized by a Freemason, Lieutenant Colonel Oudet. Using England as a base of operations, it cooperated for a while with the "Chouans" whose chief, Pichegru, was eventually captured and executed by order of the Directory. After this event, the Philadelphians adopted the name of The Olypians. Most of

400 them however, including Oudet, were shot from ambush the day after the battle of Wagram, the responsibility for their deaths being placed on Napoleon I. 1798 General vaccine programs against cowpox instituted in the U.S. Tsarion 1798: the Irish Rebellion of 1798 failed to overthrow British rule in Ireland. 1798 John Robison publishes Proofs of a Conspiracy in which he describes 84 German Masonic lodges and says that the Illuminati still work covertly behind the scenes. Copy is received by George Washington. Tsarion 1798 July 19--David Pappen, President of Harvard University issued a strong warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence Illuminsm was having on the American scene. President Timothy Dwight of Yale University issued a similar warning. 1798 July Napoleon's forces are victorious at the battle of the Pyramids. 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte invades Egypt, capturing Cairo. 1798 October 24 George Washington acknowledges his belief in the existence of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism already active in the U.S. It "is too evident to be questioned" Washington wrote. (Sturdza 44) 1798 Hanging of suspected United Irishmen by Government troops. Irish Rebellion of 1798. 1798 Publication of Augustin Barruels Memoirs of Jacobianism. Barruel comes to similar conclusions as Robison, that when the Illuminati was outlawed it went underground and resurfaced as an organization called the German Union, which played a role in creating the French Revolution in 1789. This thesis is later discussed in 1918 with Stauffer's New England and the Bavarian Illuminati. Knigge was allegedly involved with both the German Union and the Eclectic Alliance, which was used as a cover for converting Masonic lodges to Illuminism between 1780 and 1784. Tsarion 1798 Mayer, Nathan Manchester. 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invades Egypt, capturing Cairo. Jews become prominent in the Jeffersonian Democratic Party. Solomon Simpson becomes vice-president of the party. 1798, 19 " ". 1798, .

401 1798 , , "Proof of a Conspiracy to Destroy all Governments and Religions". 1798, . 1798: admiral Horatio Nelson defeats the French navy at Aboukir Bay in Egypt 1798: Malthus publishes the "Essay on Population" 1799, when Napoleon seized power, Grand Orient Lodges were opened in every place and taken over by the Knights Templar. 1799 George Washington dies. With his death Masons were again trusted and the controversy about the Illuminati faded. Tsarion 1799 Napoleon conquers Jaffa but retreats before Acco (Acre); 1799 - Napoleon's Proclamation of a Jewish State was stillborn, and his declaration of equal rights for Jews was repealed in part in 1806. 1799 November 12, a "large red pillar of fire" was seen in the sky going south in Hereford, England. It was preceded by "flashes of extremely vivid electrical sort". Other object were seen between 5 and 6 A.M. leaving luminous trails behind them. 1799 November 9 (18 Brumaire) Napoleon (30) joins a plot to overthrew the French government and seizes power in France as First Consul of a new Triumverate. He quickly proclaims the end of the French Revolution and soon becomes the virtual ruler of France. Then and now, many believe it was the result of a "Masonic/Illuminati" conspiracy. 1799 September 9--A "beautiful ball blazing with white light,..." was seen at 8:30 P.M. in England. It made no sound, and red sparks flew from it. 1799 Bavaria proscribed Freemasonry and its total suppression took place in 1845. 1799 Under the reign of the Emperor Kia King (1799 1820) arose the Th'ien Hauw Hoi'h, that is, the family of the Queen of Heaven, spread through Cochin China, Siam, and Corea, with its headquarters in the southern provinces of the empire. The society on being discovered and, as it was thought, exterminated, arose again under the name of the Great Hung League; Hung literally means flood, and the leaders adopted the name to intimate that their society was to flood the earth 1799 - . Napoleon becomes First Consul. David Friedlaender's letter to Teller in Germany. Napoleon's campaign in Palestine. 1799 67 . , Francis Karew.

402 1799, Napoleon becomes First Consul. David Friedlaender's letter to Teller in Germany. Napoleon's campaign in Palestine. Illuminist Aaron Burr organizes the Manhattan Company and obtains his famous "trick charter" for the bank in New York. He purposely creates a politically diverse board of directors in the hopes of manipulating the several factions to his own ends. Marching on Palestine in April, during his Oriental Campaign against Britain, Napoleon issues the "Israel Arise" Proclamation, inviting the Jews to Return to Zion under his flag and establish their Kingdom of New Jerusalem. The next month, the French army is routed by the British outside Acre, and Napoleon hurriedly leads his shattered columns back to Egypt. Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor of the Republic of France. In Europe, the spectacular rise of the House of Rothschild begins when the fleeing Elector of Hesse-Cassel entrusts his fortune to Mayer Amschel, who becomes the underground financier to the British, Prussian, Austrian and Russian campaigns against Napoleon. The Napoleonic offer had been rejected, and Meyer Amschel clearly believes there is yet something to be done before "Zion" may be announced. 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte, returning from Egypt, via Frejus, seized power in a coup d'etat on "18 Brumaire" day (by the new French calendar). He created a new army, using able-bodied Frenchmen rather than the upperclass and nobility. He began his bid for power, eventually controlling most of western Europe (except Britain and Portugal). 1799, 320 . . . 1800 - 1900 CE Count Grabinka founds secret society in St. Petersburg based on Martinism and Rosicrucianism (1803). French republican plot to assassinate Napoleon by placing a bomb under his coach, led by occultist Fabre d'Olivet. Emperor Napoleon takes control of French Masonry (1805). Revived Templar Order in France celebrates the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay with public requiem (1808). Foundation of the Order of Sublime Perfects (1809). Eliphas Levi (1810-1875) reveals the secret symbolism of the Templar idol Baphomet. Czar Alexander I and Emperor Francis von Hapsburg unite to defeat Italian revolution incited by secret societies. John Quincy Adams, initiate of the Dragon Society, is elected US President (1820). Czar Alexander outlaws Masonry in Russia (1822). Decembrist secret society attempts coup when Czar Alexander allegedly dies (1825). AntiMasonic Party founded in US to combat secret societies in American politics (1828). Wagner joins the Vaterlandsverein, a secret society dedicated to the formation of a panEuropean federation of nations. Masonic convention at Strasbourg

403 allegedly plots second French Revolution (1848). Napoleon III condemns Grand Orient for dabbling in radical politics (1850). Paschal Randolph founds Hermetic Brotherhood of the Light (1858). Abraham Lincoln is assassinated (1865). Klu Klux Klan founded (1866). Society of Rosicrucians in Anglia founded (1867). Foundation of the Theosophical Society by Madame Blavasky on instructions of the Great White Brotherhood. Birth of Aleister Crowley (1875). Mysterious suicide of ArchDuke Rudolph von Hapsburg at a hunting lodge at Mayerling (1889). Foundation of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1888). Assassination of Empress Elizabeth von Hapsburg by anarchist (1898). THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard 1800 -- Death of Thomas Waley, one of the last Hell Fire Club leaders. Napoleon comes to power, allegedly through Illuminati manipulation. - 1800 and would appear almost every year between 1800 and 1879. Tsarion 1800 Benjamin Waterhouse at Harvard University introduces vaccination in Massachusetts. Tsarion 1800 British sugar consumption reaches 160 million pounds per year. Tsarion 1800 Death of Thomas Waley, one of the last "Hell Fire Club" leaders. 1800 In the 1800's, two trappers reportedly discovered a cave in the Guadellupe Mountains of New Mexico, which they followed to a considerable depth. Hiding behind a large outcropping of rock they observed in fascination and horror a procession of beings in dark hooded robes enter a large cavern and began to chant, at which a "crystal like" entity descended from the stalactites above, hovered and in a multicolored display communicated with the beings in some type of xylophone-like manner, until it once again ascended and was lost among the stalactites above, at which the procession descended downward through the passage from which they had emerged. 1800 Napoleon comes to power, allegedly through Illuminati manipulation. 1800 Napoleon persuades Spain to cede back Louisiana to France in the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso. 1800 Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) moves to England. 1800 Pitt succeeds in bringing Ireland into a union with Great Britain similar to that between England and Scotland. 1800 United States has 200 interest-bearing banks. Tsarion 1800: Ireland is formally united to England

404 1801, Americans had added the 33rd and final degree, and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry at Charleston became known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World. 1801 the Grand Orients and Scottish Rite merged. In 1804 Napoleon declared himself Emperor. Nesta Webster writes that within a short time Nearly 1,200 lodges existed in France under the Empire; generals, magistrates, artists, savants, and notabilities in every line were initiated into the Order. The most eminent of these was Prince Cambaceres, pro Grand Master of the Grand Orient. 1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins. Tsarion 1801 Francis Barret who greatly inspired Eliphas Levi wrote The Magus which contains also a great number of magica formula. 1801 all French lodges accepted the Templar Scottish Rite degrees. That same year the Scottish Rite of Charleston, S.C., created the 33rd and final degree in Templar Freemasonry. On the continent of Europe, French Freemasonry is known as Scottish Rite, Grand Orient, French Grand Lodge, Continental, or Latin Freemasonry. The Templar York Rite in England was transported to America, where it remains to this day. English Freemasonry continued with the three Craft Degrees until 1860, when it adopted the thirty additional degrees of the Scottish Rite, but for competitive reasons refused to call it Scottish. 1801 January 1 The Act of Union creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland goes into force. The mass of the Irish, however, being Catholics, are still excluded from the government. George III allows only Church-of-England Irish to sit in Parliament. 1801 Leibzoll' removed in Nassau. Peace of Luneville. 1801 1806 , . 1801, Leibzoll' removed in Nassau. Peace of Luneville. 1801, Under Jewish (Rothschild) leadership, the Tory faction of U.S. Freemasonry -- the grouping of Freemasons who had sided with England during the American Revolution; open up shop in Charleston, S.C., as the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem. The 400-year campaign for the subversion of Freemasonry is nearing completion. 1801 (!), 19 ( . 1782), 1822: Freemasonry was legalised again in 1801 after Alexander I ascended the throne. He became a freemason himself, despite the fact that his father had been murdered by freemasons. The leading Decembrists (Pavel Pestel, Sergei Trubetskoi and Sergei

405 Volkonsky) belonged to the Masonic lodges, The Reunited Friends (Les Amis Reunis), The Three Virtues, and The Sphinx. The main secret societies of the Decembrists were The United Slavs and The Three Virtues. 1801, 33 33 . 1801, 7 . 1801, Grand Lodge Grand Orient, , Scottish Rite. Scottish Rite, Jewish Rite, , [ , 2,9 3,9], "" Scottish Rite , " " . 1801, -, 1803 -. 1801: Britain's population is 10.7 million and London's population is 959,000 1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner 10,000 for continued experimentation with smallpox vaccine. The paradigm that vaccines provide lifetime immunity is abandoned, and the concept of revaccination is sanctioned. Tsarion 1802, October 24 Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild is initiated into Emulation Lodge No. 12, London. (Masonic Portraits, Sketches of Distinguished Freemasons, W. W. Morgan, London, 1876) 1802, , Gabriel Gruber. 1802: a steam-powered coach built by Richard Trevithick successfully completes the journey from Cornwall to London 1802: Britain and France sign the peace of Amiens, recognizing Britain's conquest of French, Dutch and Spanish colonies 1803 Birth of Amschel Salomon Rothschild, second Baron von Rothschild of Vienna; son of Salomon Mayer Rothschild. 1803 Fish ejected from volcano Cotopaxi in the North Andes. 1803 Israel Jacobson and Wolff Breidenbach agitate the ablution of the poll tax for Jews in Germany. Louisiana Purchase is completed. (America). 1803, April Thomas Jefferson buys New Orleans and the entire Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $15 million; purchase doubles the size of the U.S. and prompts a great increase in westward migration.

406 1803, Israel Jacobson and Wolff Breidenbach agitate the ablution of the poll-tax for Jews in Germany. Louisiana Purchase is completed. (America). 1803, May War breaks out between France and England. Russia, Austria, and Sweden join Britain in what is known as the Third Coalition. 1803, , , , " ", . 1803, . $ 3.000.000 . . 1803: The rebellion of Robert Emmet in Dublin, Ireland against British rule 1803: Britain declares war on Napoleon 1803 ADLER, Nathan Marcus 180390. Chief rabbi of the British Empire. Born in Hanover under the Crown, and therefore a British subject, Adler was chosen chief rabbi of the British Empire. He came into office during the schism in the British community over the formation of a Reform congregation in London. Through his unifying efforts during forty-five years in office, Adler helped to establish the United Synagogue, the Jewish Board of Guardians, and Jews College, London. He was succeeded by his son Hermann in 1891 1803: English chemist John Dalton proposes that matter is composed of atoms 1804 4 1804 Battle at "Snake Gully" 1802, during the Haitian Revolution against French rule which succeeded in 1804 1804 "Enactment concerning the Jews" passed by Alexander I. of Russia. Napoleon crowned emperor. Lewis and Clark begin exploration of American Northwest; Bonaparte crowns himself Napoleon I, emperor of France. 1804 December 21 Benjamin Disraeli born in London to Jewish parents. 1804 McGinnis, Smith and Vaughan return to Oak Island, with Simeon Lynds. At 100' they reach the probable site of the chests. They leave it alone for the night, by the time they return everything is flooded. 1804 . [ 33] 1804, "Enactment concerning the Jews" passed by Alexander I. of Russia. Napoleon crowned emperor. Lewis and Clark begin exploration

407 of American Northwest; Bonaparte crowns himself Napoleon I, emperor of France. 1804, Napoleon declares himself "Napoleon I, Emperor of the French", - . 1804, 1804, . . 1804, . 1804: Richard Trevithick builds the first locomotive (it rode a track of 16kms in 4 hours, at the speed of 4 km/h) 1805 Lynds and Smith dig a second pit and tunnel in from the side, attempting to drain the water out. They are lucky to survive. 1805 Morphine isolated by Sarturner. Tsarion 1805: The Rite of Mizraim was founded in 1805 at Milan by Le Changeur, Clavel, Marc Bedarride and Joly, and was introduced into France in 1816. This rite had 90 degrees. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the Masonry of Cagliostro reappeared, combined with the so-called French and Scottish grades under the name of Misraim (Mizraim) or Egyptian Rite. It had 90 degrees. Its trials of initiation were long and difficult, and founded on what is recorded of the Egyptian and Eleusinian mysteries. As Clavel writes: "This system to which great antiquity is attributed, is divided into four classes, called: symbolic, philosophic, mystic, and cabalistic. The degrees of instruction were borrowed from Scottish Rite, Martinism, Hermetic Masonry, and various reforms formerly in force in Germany and France and whose text-books are now found only in the archives of connoisseurs. At first postulants could only attain to the 87th degree. The other three, which complete the system, were reserved for the Unknown Superiors, and even the names of these degrees were hidden from the brothers in the lower grades. Thus organized the Misraim Rite spread, in the second French invasion of the first Empire, into the Kingdom of Italy and Naples...It was brought back to France in 1814 and propagated later in Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland." 1805 Rockets introduced as weapons in Britain. Tsarion 1805 to 1881 -- Life of Auguste Blanqui, French socialist, founder of numerous secret societies modeled after Buonarroti. - 1805 to 1881 Life of Auguste Blanqui, French socialist, founder of numerous secret societies modeled after Buonarroti.

408 1805, December 2 Napoleon defeats Austria and Russia at Austerlitz. 1805, October 21 England's navy, under Admiral Horatio Nelson, destroys the French fleet at Trafalgar. 1805, The Napoleonic Wars begin. Battles of Traflgar and Austerlitz. The Battle of Trafalgar took place on October 21st 1805, and was a victory for the British fleet under Nelson over the French and Spanish fleets under Villeneuve. The battle took place off Cape Trafalgar in south-west Spain. The British fleet consisted of 27 sail-of-the-line ships and the enemy fleet 33. The battle began around noon and ended about five. During the battle Nelson was shot and mortally wounded, but lived long enough to know the day was won. The victory destroyed the French and Spanish fleets and secured Britain from invasion. The Battle of Austerlitz was one of the greatest military engagements won by Napoleon. It took place near the village of Austerlitz (now Slavkov, in the Czech Republic) on December the 2nd, 1805, between a French army of about 68,000 and an Austro-Russian army of nearly 90,000. It is sometimes called the Battle of the Three Emperors because Napoleon, Francis I of Austria, and Alexander I of Russia were all present on the field. Napoleon had defeated the Austrians at Ulm in October and had occupied Vienna in November, but part of the Austrian army remained intact and moved north to join its Russian ally at Olmutz in Moravia. Napoleon followed, with the aim of winning a quick victory before Prussia could join the anti-French coalition and tip the scales against him. Napoleon advanced as far as Brunn in late November and then retired a few miles, hoping that the Russian commander, Prince Kutuzov, would try to outflank him and cut off his line of retreat to Vienna. The antiFrench allies thereupon occupied the Pratzen plateau west of Austerlitz and, on December the 2nd, the Russians advanced to attack Napoleon's right flank, as he had hoped they would. This attack and another by the Austrians on the left flank were both turned back. At that point, Napoleon sent his main force, under Marshal Nicolas Soult, against the allied center, which had been weakened to carry out the flanking movements. After a fierce struggle, the French broke the Austrian and Russian lines, and a complete rout ensued. The French lost 9000 men; the allies, about 25, 000. As a result of this victory, the third coalition against Napoleon dissolved. 1805, 22 . , Thaddeus Brzozowski, . 1805: Horace Nelson is killed in combat but destroys the French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar

409 1805-6 . 1805: Horace Nelson is the first commoner in the history of Britain to be given a state funeral 1806 , Marrano . End of Holy Roman Empire. Napoleon dissolves Holy Roman Empire. "They are the carrion birds of humanity...[speaking of the Jews] are a state within a state. They are certainly not real citizens...The evils of Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of these people." (Napoleon Bonaparte, Stated in Reflections and Speeches before the Council of State on April 30 and May 7, 1806). , , . . , (;) "Sanhedrin". . 1806 5 1806 / 1807 Assembly of Jewish Notables in France. Formed the Conference of Notables to deal with the relationship of the Jews and the French State. It consisted of 112 deputies from all parts of the French empire. At the assembly, led by the financier Abraham Furtado and Rabbi Joseph David Sinzheim, the delegates were confronted with a questionnaire on polygamy, usury, loyalty and intermarriage. Pleased with their answers, he decided to re-enact the Sanhedrin, with representatives from all congregations under his careful direction. Even though the assembly was to be held on the Sabbath (some claim as a loyalty litmus test), they decided to attend and not risk the wrath of the Emperor. 1806: Napoleon Bonaparte: "The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age; They are the carrion birds of humanity...{The Jews} are a state within a state. They are certainly not real citizens...The evils of Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of these people." 1806 -1807 Napoleon, knowing of the bad reputation of Jews, decides to settle the already centuries long "Jewish question." He orders 71 Jews (46 Rabbis, 25 laymen) to Paris. He presents them with a list of questions, but is not satisfied with the first answers, so he later convenes a second forum. The questions (12 in all) deal with Jewish attitudes about marriage, usury, religion, etc. This is the famous "freeing of the Jews,"

410 because it results in Jews being granted legal rights that they previously had not enjoyed. (They cleverly use 2 pages of double speak to answer short questions, and basically lie about their attitudes concerning assimilation, usury, etc. They do not assimilate, or amend their various supremacist attitudes.) 1806 Napoleon defeats Prussia (Germany) at the battle at Jena, causing Prussia to realize that their defeat, they believed, was due to soldiers thinking only about themselves during time of stress in battle. Prussia then took the principles set forth by Rousseau and Locke and created a new three-tier educational system. The Prussian philosopher Fichte, in his Address to the German People, states that the children will be taken over and told what to think and how to think it. Tsarion 1806 October 14 Napoleon crushes the Prussians at Jena. 1806 The Habsburgs receive the Holy Lance from Nuremberg for safekeeping against Napoleon. Austrian officials will later refuse to return it to Germany. 1806, August 6 Francis II (later Francis I of Austria) resigns as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, which then ceases to exist as a political reality. 1806, October 27 Napoleon enters a defeated Berlin. 1806, 13 , , " ". 1807 - Judenloge, , Geisenheimer. " : Adlers, Speyers, Reisses, Sichels. : Ellisons, Hanaus, Goldschmidts, Rothschilds. Salomon Mayer ( ), Rothschild, ... " 1807 , SINZHEIM, Joseph David ben-Isaac 17451812. Leading French rabbi. Sinzheim was the erudite rabbi of Strasbourg and the author of a collection of responsa, Yad David (1799). In 1806 he was a member of the Jewish Assembly convened by Napoleon, and he drafted the replies to the emperors twelve questions on the relationship between the Jewish faith and loyal citizenship of France. Sinzheim was appointed president of the Sanhedrin set up by Napoleon in 1807, and in the following year chief rabbi of the Central Consistory that was at the apex of the new communal organization of French Jewry. 1807 England follows Denmark's lead and abolishes the slave trade.

411 1807 , , . , , , ! . 1807 England prohibits slave trade. Tsarion 1807 French abolish slave trade by law. Tsarion 1807 The Great Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon; Jeseph David Sinzheim president. Treaty of Tilsit. French Sanhedrin in France. England abolishes slave trade. First meeting of the Napoleonic Sanhedrin under the leadership of The Assembly of Jewish Notables. It opened amid great pomp and celebration under the direction of Abraham Furtado. The Sanhedrin was modeled on the ancient Tribunal in Jerusalem and consisted of 71 members, 46 Rabbis and 25 laymen. Rabbi David Sinzheim of Strasbourg was its president. They were presented with 12 questions on the positions of Jewry in regard to polygamy, divorce, usury, other faiths and most important, whether they considered France to be their Fatherland. Needless to say, they received "guidance" from the emperor as to the general formulation of the answers. 1807, June 14 Napoleon defeats the Russians at Friedland. 1807, . 1807: Britain outlaws the slave trade 1808 (Jan. 27) Jerome Napoleon issues decree giving full civil rights to Jews of Westphalia. (Dec. 11) Napoleon at Madrid issues decree dividing the French empire into Jewish consistories. Emancipation in Westphalia consistory in Kassel in Germany. 1808 -1810 Ten Disciples Of the Vilna Gaon settled in Eretz Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel b. Samuel of Shklov. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed and set up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, which until this time was mostly Sephardi (Levantine). Many of the decedents of the disciples are leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself had also set forth with his pupils, but for an unknown reason returned to Vilna where he died soon after. 1804-1813: The First Serbian Uprising against Ottoman rule. 1808-1814: The Peninsula war.

412 1808 The first group of Perushim, influenced by the teachings of the Vilna Gaon, leaves Shklov and after a 15-month journey settles in Jerusalem and Safed. 1808, (Jan. 27) Jerome Napoleon issues decree giving full civil rights to Jews of Westphalia. (Dec. 11) Napoleon at Madrid issues decree dividing the French empire into Jewish consistories. Emancipation in Westphalia consistory in Kassel in Germany. The Slave trade in the United States is abolished by an act of Congress. In France, Napoleon establishes consistories to organize the religion and practice of the Jews. He still hadn't caught on. 1808, -1810 Ten Disciples, Of the Vilna Gaon settled in Eretz Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel b. Samuel of Shklov. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed and set up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, which until this time was mostly Sephardi (Levantine). Many of the decedents of the disciples are leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself had also set forth with his pupils, but for an unknown reason returned to Vilna where he died soon after. 1808, The United States abolishes the slave trade, at least on paper. 1808, 6 . 1808, . 1809 Albert Pike born in Boston, Massachusetts. Albert Pike (1809-1891) is easily the preeminent figure in American Freemasonry. His many titles included Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree (Mother Council of the World) and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. Scholar, student of ancient languages and occult philosopher, he completely rewrote the degrees of the Scottish Rite into their present form. This work is explained in his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. His position in Masonry was, and is today, unparalleled, not only in the United States, but throughout the world. p. 63 The Deadly Deception: Jim Shaw & Tom McKenney, 1988 1809: Albert Pike was born in Boston on December 29, 1809. The following is compiled largely of extracts, some transcribed verbatim and others elaborated to include information from: Adriano Lemmi, by Domenico Margiotta 33o; Maconnerie Pratique, by Paul Rosen 33o; Initiation Human and Solar, by Alice A. Bailey and Le Diable au XIXe Siecle, by Dr. Bataille. Adriano Lemmi wrote: "The anniversary of September 20, the day on which Rome became the capital of Italy, when the temporal power of the Pope was overthrown (although Lemmi does

413 not say so directly, this was the date the Jews took absolute control of the Vatican, the Cardinals and the Pope!), concerns Freemasonry exclusively. It is an anniversary, a purely Masonic festival, which marks the date of the arrival of Italian Freemasonry in Rome, the aim for which it had for many years been striving." 1809 Foundation of the The London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews 1809 Law of Baden forms Jews into special religious community will all privileges. Cancels all debts owed to Jews by those in military service or by women if it was signed without the approval of their husbands or parents. It abolished freedom of trade of the Jews by forcing them to acquire permits (which were almost never given) from the local prefects, and prevented Jews from settling in the area of the Upper and Lower Rhine. 1809 Massachusetts encourages its towns to make provision for the vaccination of inhabitants with cow pox vaccine. Tsarion 1809 The great Mammoth Cave in Edmondson County, Kentucky, was discovered only in 1809. Bodies of an unknown race reputed to antedate the Indians (giant descendents?) were found in its recesses with reed torches beside them, but all crumbled to powder when touched. 1809, Law of Baden forms Jews into special religious community will all privileges. Cancels all debts owed to Jews by those in military service or by women if it was signed without the approval of their husbands or parents. It abolished freedom of trade of the Jews by forcing them to acquire permits (which were almost never given) from the local prefects, and prevented Jews from settling in the area of the Upper and Lower Rhine. 1809, 1809 House of Rothschild is well-established in Freemasonry. "Edmund Rothschild was president of the Jewish Colonization Association, which was a major Zionist group.... The Masonic reference book '10,000 Famous Freemasons,' Vol. 4, p. 74, indicates two other sons of Amschel were Masons, James Meyer Rothschild, and his brother Nathan Meyer Rothschild. James Rothschild in Paris was a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason, and his brother Nathan in London was a member of the Lodge of Emulation. And Jewish Freemason Katz indicates Solomon Meyer Rothschild, a third member of the five brothers, was initiated into Freemasonry on June 14, 1809. "The Rothschilds became powerful within Freemasonry." 1809 , , (Carbonari, Carboneria). 19 (1809 - 1832), (Philadelphes), ,

414 , , ( , 1815) , , , . carbonaro, (: carbonari), , . 1809-1810: The Rebellion of Velu Thampi Dalawa of Travancore. 1810-1821: the Mexican War of Independence, a revolution against Spanish colonialism 1810 it was Napoleon who in 1810 insisted on applying to the Jews of Frankfurt the full freedom guaranteed by the Code Napoleon. 1810: the Viceroy of the Ro de la Plata is deposed by local officers in Argentina 1810-1840: the dictatorship of Jos Gaspar Rodrguez de Francia in Paraguay is dubbed the "autonomous revolution" by Paraguay specialist Richard Alan White.[2] Influenced by the Jacobins of the French Revolution and the meritocratic theory of socialism propounded by Henri de Saint-Simon, Francia led his country on an isolationist path, emphasizing self-sufficiency and breaking the power of the traditional colonial elite with harsh, autocratic repression. Paraguay remained one of South America's most advanced countries until the War of the Triple Alliance. 1810 A thick red rain falls in the Placentia Mountains. 1810 Hahnemann founds homeopathy. Tsarion 1810 Krupp works open in Germany. Tsarion 1810 Napoleon marries Marie-Louise, daughter of Francis II, the last Habsburg to sit on the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. 1810 The London Medical Observer (Vol.VI, 1810) publishes particulars of 535 cases of smallpox after vaccination, 97 fatal cases of smallpox after vaccination, and 150 cases of serious injury from vaccination, ten of whom were medical men. Tsarion 1810, . , . . " 1810, "" "" , ' 1811 " , ' , 1811". ,

415 , , , . , . , . "" , " ", . 1821 , , , ', , , , , .. " " , , , 1811, , "", . "" , " " , , " ". 1811 August 6 Judah P. Benjamin is born at Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands. 1811 Demise of the First National Bank. Tsarion 1811 One of the earliest recorded sightings of Sasquatch by a white man occurred near what is now Jasper, Alberta by a fur trader named David Thompson. 1811 The Jews of Hamburg and Frankfort Germany emancipated. Jews of Vienna allowed to build a synagogue (Austria Hungary). Death of Michael Gratz in America. 1811 The Jews of Hamburg and Frankfort Germany emancipated. Jews of Vienna allowed to build a synagogue (Austria-Hungary). Death of Michael Gratz in America. 1811 , ', , . , . .

416 , . , . , , , .. . 1811 ! During the Jesuit suppression, Weishaupt introduced Leuchtsenring to Freemason Christoph Friedrich Nikolai (1733-1811), a German bookseller who delighted in bringing Christianity still lower in the opinion of the people by publishing anti-Christian literature. When the union between the two men was made, Weishaupt stood back and watched Leuchtsenring send Nikolai throughout Germany to hunt down Jesuits for exposure in his publications. When Nikolai discovered that Jesuits were equally hated by the Illuminati, Weishaupt gained a most zealous and unwearied champion. Before Nikolai joined the Illuminati he was an intimate of the Frankist Jew, Moses Mendelssohn, who lived in Nikolai's house from 1762 till the day he died. Nikolai had encouraged Mendelssohn to translate into German Plato's Republic. 1811 Venezuela becomes the first South American country to declare its independence from Spain. 1811, 33. 1811, , , ., . . , , , 1821. 1811, "", . 1812 - 19 , Mayer Rothschild Amschel . 1812 Alfred Krupp, German arms manufacturer, born. Tsarion 1812 Battle of Ft. Dearborn; Battle of Queenstown Heights; 1813 Battle of York; battle of Sackets Harbor; Battle of Lake Erie; Battle of The Thames; Battle of Chateauguay; Battle of Chrysler's Farm; 1814 Battle of Chippewa Creek; Battle of Lundy's Lane; Washington Burned; Battle of Plattsburg Bay; Battle of Baltimore; Battle of Pensacola; Treaty of Ghent; 1815 Battle of New Orleans. 1812 Death rate from TB in New York 700:100,000. Tsarion 1812 December Fewer than 20,000 of Napoleon's 500,000-man invasion force stagger back across the Russian frontier.

417 1812 . . 1813 , . , , . . , , , , . . , . , , , . . 1812 France has mass planting of sugar beets and 500 refineries open. Over 8 million pounds of sugar are produced in one year. Tsarion 1812 Jose San Martin resigns from the Spanish army and returns to Argentina where he soon joins the growing revoltiuonary forces. 1812 The War of 1812, was instigated by the Rothschilds to force the renewal of their Charter for the Bank of the United States. When this charter was vetoed by President Andrew Jackson in 1836, the Jews precipitated a financial panic and set up their plan to bring about the Civil War, which would simultaneously destroy the American Republic and despoil the wealthy Christian families of the South. 1812 July--An Italian journal reported that in the valley of Mazara in Sicily the skeleton of a man ten feet and three inches in length was dug up. It was noted that several other human skeletons of gigantic size had previously been found in the same area. 1812 June 22 Napoleon's armies invade Russia. 1812 Mayer Amschel Rothschild dies. 1812 Napoleon awards Legion of Honor to Benjamin Dellesert for discovering how to process the beet into sugar (which replaces dependence on the sugar cane). Tsarion

418 1812 Napoleon was bogged down in snows of the Russian winter. 1812 October 19 Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow. 1812 September 14 Napoleon's troops capture and occupy Moscow. 1812 The Jews of Prussia emancipated. Death of David Sintzheim in France. Emancipation in Prussia. Death of Meyer Amshel Rothschild in Germany. Death of Shneur Zalman of Lyady in Russia. War is fought between England and United States; Napoleon invades Russia, occupies Moscow for short period and then Napoleon retreats from Moscow. 1812: Peasant rebellion of Hong Gyeong-nae against Joseon Dynasty of Korea 1812 The revolt in Venezuela fails and the colony once again comes under Spanish rule. There is still much discontent and Simon Bolivar will soon rise to lead the fight. 1812 The United States, exasperated by Britain's interference with its shipping and commerce, declares war on Britain (War of 1812). 1812 The War of 1812 with England. Treasury issues notes to finance war. Tsarion 1812 Nathan, James . 1812, Battle of Ft. Dearborn; Battle of Queenstown Heights; 1812, Corfu. Three Jews were condemned for the murder of a Christian child. Monniot (Le Crime Rituel chez les Juifs) says the archives of the island report this case]. 1812 The Jews of Prussia emancipated. Death of David Sintzheim in France. Emancipation in Prussia. Death of Meyer Amshel Rothschild in Germany. Death of Shneur Zalman of Lyady in Russia. War is fought between England and United States; Napoleon invades Russia, occupies Moscow for short period and then Napoleon retreats from Moscow. The War of 1812 was fought from 1812 to 1815 against Great Britain. In the years since the former colonies had become the United States control of the seas was firmly in the hands of Great Britain. The United States increasingly found its ships boarded or otherwise restricted, its trade was being effectively crippled by both the French and English though the English got the brunt of the blame. As the Federalist Party's influence in the government waned the "War Hawks' A some groups pressed for war with Britain which they felt would free the country's trade, increase its land and power. 1812, Napoleon was bogged down in snows of the Russian winter. 1812, . 1812, .

419 1812, 1 . 1812, , 20.000 , 300 7 . 1812, 2 . 1812, , 12 . , . 1812: the USA declares war on Britain 1813 Grand Freemason Lodge founded. (Timetables) 1813 May 22 Wilhelm Richard Wagner is born in Leipzig, Germany. 1813 Mexico declares its independence. 1813, (Feb. 18) The Jews of Mecklenburg emancipated. Bavarian Jewry edict (Germany). Battle of Leipzig. Bavarian Jewry edict in Germany. 1813, Battle of York; battle of Sackets Harbor; Battle of Lake Erie; Battle of The Thames; Battle of Chateauguay; Battle of Chrysler's Farm; 1813, Oddfellows . , " 1813 ' ", , C. W. Leadbeater, , 1989, . 169. 1813, 33 . 1813, , , . 1813: American ships defeat British ships 1814 15 Congress of Venna. The Congress of Vienna was an international conference that was called in order to remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon I. Many territorial decisions had to be made in the conference that was held in Vienna, Austria, from September 1814 to June 1815. The main goal of the conference was to create a balance of power that would preserve the peace. 1814 A strange series of Mermaid sightings off the West coast of Scotland. 1814 American Edward Everett goes to Prussia (Germany) to get his doctorate degree, returns to the United States and eventually becomes governor of Massachusetts. Tsarion 1814 April 20 Napoleon is sent into exile on the island of Elba. 1814 April 6 Napoleon, now without an army, is forced to abdicate.

420 1814 Jose San Martin has himself made governor of a district in the foothills of the Andes. 1814 March 30 England, Austria, Prussia and Russia capture Paris. 1814 Napoleon is exiled to Elba. 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte, returning from Egypt, via Frejus, seized power in a coup d'etat on "18 Brumaire" day (by the new French calendar). He created a new army, using able bodied Frenchmen rather than the upperclass and nobility. He began his bid for power, eventually controlling most of western Europe (except Britain and Portugal). 1814 September 5--One interesting case, reported in scientific journals of the period, concerned a small, slow-moving, perfectly spherical white cloud which suddenly appeared in an otherwise clear sky northwest of Agen, France, on this date. Within a few minutes it stopped and remained motionless for a period of time, then abruptly sped southward, all the while revolving on its own axis and emitting earshattering rumbling noises. These climaxed with an explosion and the expulsion of a variety of stones, some of them of impressive dimensions. The cloud then ceased its movement and faded slowly away. 1814 Suspension of Gold and Silver payments. Tsarion 1814 The Peace Treaty of 1814 ends War of 1812. 1814, . 1814, -15 Congress of Venna. The Congress of Vienna was an international conference that was called in order to remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon I. Many territorial decisions had to be made in the conference that was held in Vienna, Austria, from September 1814 to June 1815. The main goal of the conference was to create a balance of power that would preserve the peace. 1814, April - Defeated by an overwhelming force of Austrian, English, Prussian and Swedish troops, Napoleon was exiled to Elba, embarking at Frejus. 1814, . (The Regency of Milan and the Governor of Venice) 1814 17 18 ., 18 19 ., 1821 . , , . 14/9/1814 , , , .

421 1814 , , . 25 1814, . (. 67-80) . . , , . , , , . , . , . . , , , , ( ) . , . , , ' , , . 1814, April Defeated by an overwhelming force of Austrian, English, Prussian and Swedish troops, Napoleon was exiled to Elba, embarking at Frejus. 1814, Battle of Chippewa Creek; Battle of Lundy's Lane; Washington Burned; Battle of Plattsburg Bay; Battle of Baltimore; Battle of Pensacola; Treaty of Ghent; 1814, Napoleon is exiled to Elba. . 1814, 7 . 1814, 648 . . 1814: Britain purchases the Cape Colony in South Africa from Holland and rules over the Boers (descendants of the Dutch colonists)

422 1814: British troops storm Washington and burn the Capitol and the White House 1814: George Stephenson builds his first locomotive engine 1815 -- Napoleon's Waterloo. Secret societies which eventually become the Decembrist Movement formed in Russian Masonic lodges. - 1815 (June 8) Bundesakte' passed at the Congress of Vienna decrees maintenance of status quo in the political condition of the Jews. Congress of Vienna permits the abolition of emancipation laws in the German states. Napoleon is defeated at Battle of Waterloo and exiled again. 1815 Income tax ends in England. Resumes in 1842. Tsarion 1815 July 15 Napoleon is exiled to the island of Saint Helena. 1815 June 18 Napoleon suffers his final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo by a combined force of English and Prussian armies; the British troops are commanded by the duke of Wellington. 1815 June 20--Capt. Elkanah Finney focused a telescope on a sea serpent in Cape Cod Bay: "I then had a good view of him through my glass, at the distance of a quarter of a mile. His appearance in this situation was like a string of buoys. I saw perhaps thirty or forty of these protuberances or bunches, which were about the size of a barrel. The head [front part visible above water] appeared to be about six or eight feet long, and where it was connected with the body was a little larger than the body. His head tapered off to the size of a horse's head.... What I supposed to be his under jaw had a white stripe extending the whole length of the head, just above the water. While he lay in this situation, he appeared to be about a hundred or a hundred and twenty feet long." 1815 March 1 Napoleon escapes from Elba and returns to France. 1815 Napoleon escaped from Elba and set out on the Route Napoleon to recover the world he had lost. He fought his final battle at Waterloo, against Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington, and was exiled to Saint Helena off the coast of Africa. 1815 Nathan Rothschild becomes banker in chief to the British government. 1815 26 : As Lyndon LaRouche reported, the French Revolution, from 1789 until 1815, had been run by the synarchist freemasonic order of Martinism, and was used as the Venetian stiletto of Lord Shelbourne and the East India Company in order to prevent the French population from establishing a Republican nation-State following the model of the American Revolution. This author has reported previously on how Lord Shelbourne and Jeremy Bentham had used the freemasonic assets, such as Jacques

423 Necker and the Duke of Orleans, Philippe Egalite to set up the coup of the Bastille of 1789. 1815 Secret societies which eventually become the "Decembrist Movement" formed in Russian Masonic lodges. 1815 Stones fall from a cloud in Chassigny, France. 1815 Rothchild Wellington . 1815, (June 8) Bundesakte' passed at the Congress of Vienna decrees maintenance of status quo in the political condition of the Jews. Congress of Vienna permits the abolition of emancipation laws in the German states. Napoleon is defeated at Battle of Waterloo and exiled again. After the Battle of Waterloo (1815), Nathan Rothschild steals millions of dollars by falsely portraying the outcome of that battle in English stock markets. This enormous amount of money is used to establish the Rothschild family as the leaders of international banking/finance. (This also benefits the Jewish community as a whole; many millions of dollars are given to Jewish causes and charities by the Rothschilds.) 1815, Battle of New Orleans. 1815, , etternich : . etternich. , . , Byron, Chateaubriand Monroe 1822 . 1823 Canning , , . . 1824 , , , ,

424 , . 1815, Napoleon escaped from Elba and set out on the Route Napoleon to recover the world he had lost. He fought his final battle at Waterloo, against Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington, and was exiled to Saint Helena off the coast of Africa. 1815, . . , . 1815, the British Brotherhood, with her Oligarchic aristocracy, was represented at the Congress of Vienna to help reestablish Merovingian rule. Adam Weishaupt lived to the age of eighty-two and died in 1830 a lonely man. Before he passed into eternity, he called for a Catholic priest and asked to be reinstated in the Church. 1815, . 1815, , "" , ( 1818). 1815, 12 . 1815, 2 . 1815, 885 . 1815: Andrew Jackson, helped by the French pirate Jean Lafitte, defeats the British army at the battle of New Orleans 1815: Ceylon is occupied by the British, who ferry Tamil workers from India 1815: Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo 1816 1816 - Congress grants a 20-year charter to the Bank of the United States, a private central bank for America. [The Constitution had granted to Congress the "power to coin money and regulate the value thereof." Thomas Jefferson had specifically warned the American people against turning this power to create money over to a private group that was unelected and not accountable to the public: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children

425 wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."] . 1816 Britain passes an act which outlawed brewers from possession of sugar or molasses, since brewers had been adulterating their product with sugar. Tsarion 1816 Charles Nodier, an alleged Grand Master of the "Priory of Sion", published anonymously one of his most curious and influential works, A History of Secret Societies in the Army under Napoleon. It develops a comprehensive philosophy of secret societies. And it credits such societies with a number of historical accomplishments, including the downfall of Napoleon. 1816 -H Eva Frank . 1816 JOHN ADAMS. Our founding Fathers knew of the Jesuit intrigue directed at the new Protestant Republic of these United States of America. In 1816, John Adams wrote to President Jefferson: Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on Earth and in Hell it is this Society of Loyolas. [The New Jesuits, George Riemer, 1971]. PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN. A personal friend of Professor Morse believed his warning of this Jesuit conspiracy. He was President Abraham Lincoln. We read: The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion... are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon III, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free. [Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1968, reprinted from the 1886 edition] 1816 July 14 Joseph-Arthur de Gobineau is born at Ville-d'Avray near Paris. 1816, , , 1824. 1816: Nepal becomes a British protectorate 1817: The Pentrich Revolution, Derbyshire; an ill-fated attempt to overthrow the Government, unknowingly it was instigated by William Oliver, aka Oliver the Spy. Three men were executed in Nov 1817 & 14 men were transported to NSW. The event is known as 'England's Last Revolution' (June 9th-10th 1817).

426 1817: The Pernambucan Revolution, a republican separatist movement which resulted in the creation of the short-lived Republic of Pernambuco (March 7, 1817 - May 20, 1817). 1817 Suppression of the Lodge of Jupiter the Thunderer begins. Irish immigrants force entry into Tammany Society, changing its direction. - 1817 August 12, 13, and 14--Reports from Solomon Allen III: 1 have seen a strange marine animal, that I believe to be a serpent, in the harbor in ... Gloucester. I should judge him to be between eighty and ninety feet in length, and about the size of a half barrel.... I was about 150 yards from him... His head formed something like the head of a rattlesnake, but nearly as large as the head of a horse. When he moved on the surface of the water, his motion was slow, at times playing about in circles, and sometimes moving nearly straight forward. When he disappeared, he sunk [sic] apparently down. 1817 , Sanfedisti Concistoro , 25 1817 (Macerata) , 77 , . 1818 ( ). 1817, the Imperial Russian government issued the order that Jews were in no event to be charged with blood-murders! The files were simply made unrecognizable or held back and duty-conscious, uncooperative officials were discharged or deported. 1817 Benjamin Disraeli converts to Christianity. Until 1858 a Jew could not serve in the British Parliament. 1817 First reports of a peculiar leaping man in London. 1817 Irish immigrants force entry into "Tammany Society", changing its direction. 1817 Jose San Martin leads an army across the high Andes into Chile. His men route the Spanish at Chacabuco and enter Santiago unopposed. 1817 Second National Bank established. Tsarion 1817 Suppression of the "Lodge of Jupiter the Thunderer" begins. 1817 The Leixlip churchyard yielded to diggers the skeleton of a man not less than ten feet high. According to local tradition, the giant Phelim O'Tool was buried in that same churchyard some thirteen hundred years earlier.

427 1817, 33 . 1818 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein published. - 1818 "The founding prophet of the leftist faith, Karl Marx, was born in 1818, the son of a Jewish father who changed his name from Herschel to Heinrich and converted to Christianity to advance his career. The young Marx grew into a man consumed by hatred for Christianity. 1818 Jose San Martin's decisive victory at Maipo sets all of Chile free. 1818, "The founding prophet of the leftist faith, Karl Marx, was born in 1818, the son of a Jewish father who changed his name from Herschel to Heinrich and converted to Christianity to advance his career. The young Marx grew into a man consumed by hatred for Christianity. "Internationalizing the worst antichrist stereotypes, he incorporated them into his early revolutionary vision, identifying Jews as symbols of the system of private property and bourgeois democracy he wanted to further. The god of the Jews had been secularized and has become the god of this world,' Marx wrote. Money is the jealous god of the Jews, beside which no other god may stand.' "Once the Revolution succeeds in destroying the empirical essence of Christianity, he promised, the Jew will become the rulers of the world. This early Marxist formulation is the transparent seed of the mature vision, causing Paul Johnson to characterize Marxism as the antichristian of the intellectuals.' The international Communist creed that Marx invented is a creed of hate. The solution that Marx proposed to the Christian problem' was to eliminate the system that creates' the Christian. The Jews, he said, are only symptoms of a more extensive evil that must eradicate capitalism. The Jews are only symbols of a more pervasive enemy that must be destroyed; capitalists.' "In the politics of the left, racist hatred is directed not only against Christian capitalists but against all capitalists; not only against capitalists, but anyone who is not poor, and who is White; and ultimately against Western Civilization itself. The Marxist revolution is antichrist elevated to a global principle". (David Horowitz, Human Events) 1818, , , , ( ), . , . . 1818 1818, , ... .

428 1818, , . 1819 -- American Independent Order of Odd Fellows founded. Founding of National Freemasonry, the most important of several Polish secret societies devoted to ousting the Russians from Poland. Liberation of Columbia by Bolivar. - 1819 (Aug.) The beginning of the >Hep, hep!' riots and persecutions in Germany. Formation of the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews, by Zunz, Gans, and Moser. Verein fuer Kultur und Wissenschaft des Judentums founded. Florida is ceded by Spain to United States. 1819 American "Independent Order of Odd Fellows" founded. 1819 August 14--Report from Samuel Cabot: My attention was suddenly arrested by an object emerging from the water at the distance of about one hundred or one hundred and fifty yards, which gave to my mind at the first glance the idea of a horse's head.... I perceived at a short distance eight or ten regular bunches or protuberances, and at a short interval three or four more.... The Head ... was serpent shaped; it was elevated about two feet from the water.... He could not be less than eighty feet long. 1819 Founding of "National Freemasonry", the most important of several Polish secret societies devoted to ousting the Russians from Poland. 1819 John Slidell settles in New Orleans and practices law until 1835. 1819 June 6--Report from Hawkins Wheeler: I had a fair and distinct view of the creature, and from his appearance am satisfied that it was of the serpent kind. The creature was entirely black; the head, which perfectly resembled a snake's, was elevated from four to seven feet above the surface of the water, and his back appeared to be composed of bunches or humps, apparently about as large as, or a little larger than, a half barrel; I think I saw as many as ten or twelve.... I considered them to be caused by the undulatory motion of the animal-the tail was not visible, but from the head to the last hump that could be seen, was, I should judge, 50 feet. 1819 May 24 Queen Victoria, Alexandrina Victoria of the House of Hanover, is born at Kensington Palace in London. Her father, the Duke of Kent, was the fourth son of George III; her mother was a German princess. 1819 Missouri asks to be admitted to the Union as a slave state. 1819 Prussian (German) law makes education compulsory. The Humboldt brothers, Stein and others divide German society into three

429 distinct groups: (1) those who will be policy makers who are taught to think (.5%), (2) those who will be engineers, lawyers, doctors who are taught to partially think (5.5%) and (3) the children of the masses (94%), who were to learn obedience and how to follow orders. The school of the masses (volkschulen) divided whole ideas into subjects which did not exist previously. The result was that people would (1) think what someone else told them to think about,(2) when to think it, (3) how long to think about it, (4) when to stop thinking about it, and (5) when to think of something else. This way, no one in the masses would know anything that's really going on. (Although brilliant, the system is inherently negative in nature - it would lead eventually to German mind control paradigms in the late 19th and 20th century. The system also weakens or breaks the link between the child and the capacity to read (crossassimilation creating whole ideas) by replacing the alphabet system of teaching reading with a system of teaching sounds, (breaking into smaller units). The same paradigm relative to reading is currently injected into U.S. Society by the Peabody Foundation, who imposed a northern system of schooling on the U.S. South between 1865 and 1918. The system in the northern U.S. is the Prussian system. Over 48% of the soldiers in the American revolution against the British, on both the American and British sides, were Prussian (German) mercenaries. Tsarion [1819 () . Humboldt, Stein : (1) (0,5%), (2) , , (5.5%) (3) (94%), . [-] . (1) , (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) . "" , . "", 19 20 . (- ) , ( ).

430 Peabody, 1865 1918. . 48% , , () mercenaries]. 1819 1819, Oddfellows . 1819: Stamford Raffles buys an island from the sultan of Johore and founds the British settlement of Singapore 1819: The "Savannah" completes the first transatlantic crossing by a steamboat 1820 ! 1820 . 1820 , (Morelli), , (Guglielmo Pepe, 1783 1855), . 7 1820 13 , 21 . , 23 1821. 1820 (circa) German Jews begin to arrive in America in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. They are not fleeing persecution, but rather seeking their fortune. Even at this date, there are still more Jews in the British and Dutch West Indies than in North America, perhaps 6,000 as opposed to 4,000 here, virtually all of them Sephardic. Jews admitted again at Lisbon. Isaac Marcus Jost begins to publish his Geschichte der Israeliten. Missouri Compromise on U.S. slave states becomes effective. 1820 , ! Nilus also writes in the Introduction: "It is a true copy in translation, of original documents stolen by a woman from one of the most influential and most highly initiated leaders of Freemasonry (Orient Freemasonry). The theft was accomplished at the close of a secret meeting of the initiated in France in 1901, that nest of Jewish masonic conspiracy." When mention of a woman is made it clearly points the finger to Frankists who traded their wives and daughters with other members and sometimes with non-members whom they needed to

431 influence or attract to their cult. Apparently one of those women, having been fed-up from being prostituted, had decided to retaliate by exposing the document in question. Or the document could have been leaked in purpose because of a known agreement between the forces of darkness and that of the light to declare/make it known their intentions to human beings before embarking on an enterprise that would practically enslave the people of earth in a global one world government. For this reason The Protocols mentions, at its beginning, that we will expose the conception of our policy" which amounts to a declaration of intention to the earthlings. Then the speaker defines those earthlings: "It must be noted that people with corrupt instincts are more numerous than those of noble instinct. Therefore in governing the world the best results are obtained by means of violence and intimidation, and not by academic discussions." The violence cited here would include a World War III. In the other hand the concept that humans are basically evil are reflected also in Sabbatean beliefs that state: "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners". Also the Talmud emphasizes that humans are basically brute beasts; for this same reason the Protocols opens its chapter II with the phrase "What restrained the wild beasts of prey which we call men?" Their solution of course is despotism and rulership by fear; fear being one of the main characteristics of the animals. Protocol 3.14 "The word 'liberty' brings society into conflict with all the powers, even with that of Nature and of God. That is why, when we come into power, we must strike the word 'liberty' out of the human dictionary, as being the symbol of bestial power, which turns the populace into blood-thirsty animals." Rabbi Antelman quotes Gershom Scholem in Volume 1, chapter 10, of his book To Eliminate The Opiate about a distinguishing belief of the Sabbateans that the "real Torah is not the real Torah and must be violated by conforming to another superior, alien mystical Torah of Atzilut (aristocracy)". Now, the Hebrew word "Atzilut" is translated by Antelman as "aristocracy" and this is the same word that we see in Protocol 1.18: "On the ruins of natural and hereditary aristocracy we built an aristocracy of our own on a plutocratic basis. We established this new aristocracy on wealth, of which we had control, and on science promoted by scholars". This Protocol shed some light on the new Torah spoken about by those Sabbateans and make us wonder whether they were not the real authors of the Protocols and if not all of its known "minutes" were actually reflections from their Torah of Atzilut. Certainly the Frankists and their friends belonged to an "elite" new aristocracy. Antelman write in chapter 11 of his book: "The Frankist elite consisted of a circle of very gifted intellectuals, theologians and men of letters, as well as a group of men of great financial means who were for the most part great merchant bankers and exerted tremendous influence in their

432 day in the highest financial circles of Europe.... The list of the Frankist elite is long, and if one spent the time to study just the few families mentioned here, in depth; the information would fill several volumes. However, the same pattern continuously emerges. Brilliant, wealthy people addicted to power, anxious to assimilate (if they were born Jewish), to destroy religions, to indulge in radicalism, to live cryptic two-faced lives sometimes posing as religious Jews, Catholics, or Protestants but indulging their revolutionary radicalism in secret." "It should be pointed out that when [in 18Th Century] attempts were made by the Illuminati, Jacobins and Frankists to infiltrate the Masons that their infiltration did not mean that they harbored any particular love for Freemasonry. On the contrary, they hated it with a passion and only wished to utilize the cover of Freemasonry as a means of spreading their revolutionary doctrines and to provide a place where they could covertly meet without arousing suspicion." Protocol 5.4 "The only society known to us which would be capable of competing with us in these arts, might be that of the Jesuits. But we have managed to discredit these in the eyes of the stupid mob [the people] as being a palpable organization, whereas we ourselves have kept in the background, reserving our organization as a secret." "Scholem informs us that the Frankists went underground around 1820, as their emissaries went from town to town and from family to family to collect their secret writings... As the years passed, the economic and intellectual position of the Frankists strengthened. They built factories and became active in Masonic organizations. They were known to have secret gatherings on the Ninth of Av [August] which they celebrated as a holiday, which is the Jewish fast day commemorating the destruction of both Temples. The center of Frankist activity changed from FrankfurtOffenbach to Prague and then to Warsaw. The Frankists in Warsaw who were now concentrated among seemingly Catholic families maintained contact prior to World War II with the Turkish Donmeh Sabbatians, who were centered in Turkey and in Salonika, Greece. The Donmeh was active in the Committee for the Progress and Unity of the Young Turk Movement." 1820-21. . , , , , . 1820 A formation of flying objects crossed the French town of Embrun. Francois Arago wrote of this date in the Annales de chimie et de

433 physique: "Numerous observers have seen, during an eclipse of the moon, strange objects moving in straight lines. They were equally spaced and remained in line when they made turns. Their movements made a military precision." 1820 Jose San Martin's army lands on the south coast of Peru. 1820 The Missouri Compromise on U.S. slavery issue. 1820 Nathan, Salomon . , Carl . 1820 (1820 -1821), , (Le Giardiniere) . 300.000 , , 1821 1 . 1821 , (Santorre Annibale De Rossi di Pomarolo, Count of Santa Rosa, 1783 1825). . 1820, (circa) German Jews begin to arrive in America in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. They are not fleeing persecution, but rather seeking their fortune. Even at this date, there are still more Jews in the British and Dutch West Indies than in North America, perhaps 6,000 as opposed to 4,000 here, virtually all of them Sephardic. Jews admitted again at Lisbon. Isaac Marcus Jost begins to publish his Geschichte der Israeliten. Missouri Compromise on U.S. slave states becomes effective. 1820 1821 , . , , , (, ), , 1 1821 (Francesco Benedetti, 1785 1821), , . .

434 1820 , .. (Federico Confalonieri, 1785 - 1846), (Piero Maroncelli, 1795 1846), , (Silvio Pellico, 1789 1854) .., . 1820: revolutions in Spain and Portugal. 1820-1824: revolutionary war of independence in Peru led by Jos de San Martn 1820, . 1820, . 1820, , Aloysius Fortis. 1821 - Georg W. F. Hegel formulates what is called the Hegelian dialectic - the process by which Illuminati objectives are achieved. According to the Hegelian dialectic, thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis. In other words, first you foment a crisis. Then there is an enormous public outcry that something must be done about the problem. So you offer a solution that brings about the changes you really wanted all along, but which people would have been unwilling to accept initially. (A good example of this would be the killings at Dunblane and Hungerford. In both cases public outrage was accompanied by the passage of stringent new gun legislation in the British parliament; yet serious questions remain unanswered about both incidents, Ed.) - 1821 "Very large" bones in stone graves found in Williamson County, Tennessee. 1821 Carl Mayer Rothschild settles in Naples and opens a branch of the family bank (closed 1861). 1821 Greek War of Independence begins. "In 1821, the Greeks, after nearly 400 years of slavery under the Ottomans decided to take up the arms and fight for their freedom. The 25th March 1821 marks the beginning of the Greek revolution and the 22 March 1829 the day of the creation of the modern Greek state. Below some of the key figures of that revolt are presented." 1821 May 5 Napoleon, alone and deserted, dies on St. Helena. On his deathbed he is reported to have said, "They wanted me to be another Washington..." 1821 Napoleon died in exile, but is remembered for his glories 1821 THE Rothschilds obtained their first footing in Naples when Metternich of Austria sent troops to occupy the town in 1821, to support

435 its King against revolutionary upheaval caused by the Carbonari, a masonic secret society. Metternich persuaded the Rothschilds to raise a loan to pay for the costs of the invasion and upkeep of the Austrian troops, and this was actually arranged to be done as a loan to Naples, not to Austria! For this purpose, Karl Rothschild, Solomons brother and old Amschels son, who had already done considerable service in the Frankfort House, was sent in that year to Naples. 1821 San Martin enters Lima. 1821 , , , , 1831, , , . , , , . 1821 , 73 52 . 1821, Greek War of Independence begins. "In 1821, the Greeks, after nearly 400 years of slavery under the Ottomans decided to take up the arms and fight for their freedom. The 25th March 1821 marks the beginning of the Greek revolution and the 22 March 1829 the day of the creation of the modern Greek state. Below some of the key figures of that revolt are presented". 1821, Napoleon died in exile, but is remembered for his glories [or patatoes]. . 1821, 7 13 . 1821 : . " 11 1821" 10 1821 . . . , , , , .

436 . . . . . . , , . , . . . 18 . ... 10 1821 11 1821. . 11 1821 . 10 1821. 1000 (5.000) 3-4 . , ( )

437 . . (). 300 . ' 2.000 . ' . . , , . . 1822 . . , , , , ' . , , . 1821, , ... , . 1821 Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild is sent to Naples, Italy. He goes on to do a great deal of business with the Vatican and Pope Gregory XVI subsequently confers upon him the Order of St. George. Also, whenever the Pope receives Kalmann, he gives him his hand rather than the customary toe to kiss, which causes concern with regard to the extent of Kalmann Rothschilds power over the Vatican. 1821: Britain adopts the gold standard 1821. , . , 8 1822, :

438 , , (. ). , , 1821: Giovanni Belzoni organizes a display of Egyptian antiquities in London 1821 . , 1821. . () : . . . . . , . (" 7") , . . 1 .427. 1821 , , , . Romanus Graecus . , . , , . , , , , . ,

439 , . , , . , . . , (1438 - 1439) , , . , . (1296 - 1359) o , 1341. , . . , , , , , , ' , ' , ' ' ; , ... , . , , .... 1821: Sierra Leone, Gambia and the Gold Coast are combined to form British West Africa 1821-30 The Greek War of Independence legitimized the concept of small ethnically-based nation-states among other subject peoples of the Ottoman Empire 1821 E E ; (1) 1821 , , , . , '

440 , , 19 . , , . - , - . , . , , . . , - . B O A. M ( E) , . H E E , E , . 1821 E E ; (2) . , , , . , . T

441 M II E E ( ). , ( ), . - , . A , , , I, . N . E, M II , . A M II , ( ) . , , . , . - , . , . , . , M II. , , , , . O E E. A , , , , E , . E, , , , . 1821 E E ; (3)

442 , : . , , . P (P) , , , E ( ) P ( ). E , , . E , E. , , , , . K, E , , , E. E ( ) E, , . T 30.000 ! E . M , M II M E . M (K ) . O E , ( E) E. A , E ( ).

443 , , , , . M , (), . 1821 E E ; (4) , , . , . , , , , , , , , [] , , , []. [ ], , [] .1 T E E , , , . H , ,


[, , . 83-4. ]

444 E , . ( ), , ( ) , . A 19 . A , , . 1821 E E ; (5) , ( N), , . , , (K) . A , , . E , E , , . E E, , , , . H , , O. E E . H , , , . O , , , , , , ; K

445 ; 1821 E E ; (6) E O . M ( Y, , ) . H P , . A E O. , E (E) (T), , . O O , . . , . O O - , 19 E N 20 . E E , , , , . O , . T . T , , , , . E , . K

446 - 19 N 1908 . . 1821 E E ; (7) O E . M , - , ( ) . H O (), . M , ( ), . K . I - A- , , ( 19 ). O - ( ), - ( ), . E E O A . A . 1821 E E ; (8) O E E. 18 , . E E A, . , . O O , , , E. H E A A

447 O . O . H O E. A, , . 1821-1829: Greek War of Independence 1821 , , , , 1831, , , . , , , . , 1821 Carl Mayer Rothschild ( 40 , 1861). 1821 5/5/1821 , , . , " ". , 73 52 . , 7 13 . , ... , . 1822-1823: republican revolution in Mexico overthrows Emperor Agustn de Iturbide 1822 -- Russian government suppresses Masonry. Equador liberated by Bolivar. - 1822 Charles Babbage demonstrates a prototype of his "Difference Engine" to the Royal Astronomical Society. He continues his work by designing an even more ambitious project "the Analytical Engine" that reportedly was to use punch cards inspired by Joseph Jacquard's

448 invention. During his lifetime he never produces a functional version of either machine. Despite this shortcoming he is often heralded as the "Father of the Computer" and his work lives on as the foundation for the binary numbering system that is the basis of modern computers. 1822 From about 1822, for the next 30 years, a stream of Americans go to Prussia (Germany) and bring the educational system back to the United States. Tsarion 1822 July San Martin meets with Bolivar at Guayaquil, Ecuador, and turns over the command to him. Upon returning to Argentina, San Martin learns his wife has died. He leaves for Europe with his daughter and spends the rest of his life in exile in France and Belgium. 1822 Metternich of Austria makes barons of all five of the Rothschild brothers. 1822 Russian government suppresses Masonry. 1822 The British government advances Edward Jenner another 20,000 for smallpox vaccine experimentation. Jenner suppresses reports which indicate his concept his causing more death than saving lives. Tsarion 1822 The kahal abolished (Poland Lithuania). 1822, , "- ... . ". 1822, 1 . [ 21 !], Freemasonry was banned again in 1822, when the government discovered that the Masonic lodges were actually secret societies planning to transform the state system and infiltrate the government. Tsar Alexander I had discovered that the freemasons were controlled by an invisible hand. Naturally he forbade their activities in Russia. This decision was to cost him his life. ( !) 1822, kahal . , "- ...

449 . ". 1 . Metternich Rothschild! 1822: The first dinosaur fossil is found by Gideon Mantell, the Iguanodon 1822. , : 50.000 1823. , : 8.750 1823 Samuel Russell, second cousin to Skull & Bones founder, William H. Russell, establishes Russell & Company. Its business was to acquire opium from Turkey and smuggle it into China, where it was prohibited, under the armed protection of the British. Tsarion 1823 Stones and rocks fall from a mysterious cloud in Noblesville, Indiana. 1823 The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed and adopted. An interesting example of telescopic diplomacy, it curbed European "colonization" of the Americas, but did nothing to protect us from being colonized by the Jews. Neither did it prevent Mexicans, Cubans, Haitians, Chinese and other such ilk from colonizing us. 1823, The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed and adopted. An interesting example of telescopic diplomacy, it curbed European "colonization" of the Americas, but did nothing to protect us from being colonized by the Jews. Neither did it prevent Mexicans, Cubans, Haitians, Chinese and other such ilk from colonizing us. 1823 - House of Rothschild takes over financial operations of the Catholic Church. "Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschild's to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcastically say 'Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope... Order has been reestablished.' The Rothschild's in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican's wealth. The Jewish Ency., vol. 2, p. 497 states, 'It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are guardians of the papal treasure.' Researcher Eustace Mullins writes that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823. Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system."

450 1823, "" , . , , , . 1823: rugby is invented at Rugby school 1824 Document from court of Vienna to French government denounces secret associations like the Absolutes, the Independents, the Alta Vendita Carbonara. 1824 John Q. Adams elected president of the United States. Silicon discovered. Tsarion 1824 John Quincy Adams is elected sixth president of the United States by the House of Representatives after he fails to win an electoral college majority. 1824 Justus von Leibig discovers properties of bitter almond (laetrile) and benzaldehyde. Tsarion 1824 Rabbinical seminary established at Metz in France. Expulsion from the villages of Russia. Reformed Society of Israelites in Charleston, S.C.; Isaac Lesser arrives in U.S. 1824 1824: . 1 : . 6 : . . . . 16-17 : : . 9 : 800.000 . 1824: . 21 : . 5 : . 7 : . 1824: . . 8-12 : . 1824: . 7 :

451 . 7-8 : . 12 : . 21 : . 2 : . 3 : , . 7 : . 14 : (: . , , , . , . ..). 30-31 : . 2 : , -. 1821 24 1879. 5 : (, , , , ..). 14 : . 29 : . . 7 : , . . 9 : , . 22 : , , . 12 : . 2 : . 30 : . 1824 In Beirut the translator Fatchallah Sayegh was killed by his Jewish landlady. The investigation found ritual-murder (Henri Desportes: Le myst. Du sang., p. 89). 1824, Rabbinical seminary established at Metz in France. Expulsion from the villages of Russia. Reformed Society of Israelites in Charleston, S.C.; Isaac Lesser arrives in U.S. 1824, , . 1824 , 1824. . . ,

452 21 1824, 800.000 , 59% 5% . , 36 . -- , . (800.000 ), 298.700 . ... . , . , , , , , . 1824, 33 . 1824: Pierce Egan starts the first sporting journal 1824: William Buckland provides the first description of a dinosaur, the Megalosaurus 1825, the revolt of the decabrists broke out and was subsequently suppressed by the government. 1271 were killed. The freemasons had agitated among soldiers and civilians, spreading lies just as the communists, socialists and liberals do today. All these intolerant individuals are the tools of freemasonry. 1825 Decembrist movement suppressed in Russia after brief uprising. Bolivar liberates Bolivia. Founding of Vienna bank by Solmon Rothschild and Naples bank by Carl Rothschild. - 1825 "Decembrist Movement" suppressed in Russia after brief uprising. 1825 Bolivar reaches the height of his career (1825 -1828) becoming president/protector of Gran Colombia (now Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador), Peru and the newly formed Bolivia. 1825 Britain inaugurates the first public railway in the world (Stockton-Darlington railway) 1825 Jews expelled from St. Petersburg through influence of gilds. M.M. Noah Ararat project (America). 1825 Nathan Rothschild saves the Bank of England by arranging an emergency loan of gold from France. 1825, Jews expelled from St. Petersburg through influence of gilds. M.M. Noah Ararat project (America). 1825, 1 .

453 Dekabrist, . 1825 In Russia Paul I was murdered, a Freemason, who although he knew the danger from the brotherhood, strictly forbade it. For the same reason his son, Alexander I, suffered an identical fate, who was murdered in 1825 at Taganrog. The murderers were in their entirety Freemasons. (The great criminals of Freemasonry. Trans.) 1825, M.M. Noah Ararat project . 1 . . ' Dekabrist, . 12 . 736 . 1825 , . , 7 1825. 2.000.000 ... , , , 816.000 , (2.000.000 ). . , , , , , , , , , ... . ' , . , , , 1826 . , , ,

454 , : . . . , , .... , , , , . , , . ; . . , . ' . - - . ... , , . - , , 1825, - , 7 , " , ". , , . , . " " - " , ' ' ". 1825, 12 . 1825, 736 . 1825 1855 30 : Nicholas I, who ruled from 1825 to 1855, became especially strict regarding freemasonry. All the lodges were forced to operate underground. The chief enemies of the Russian freemasons were national monarchism and Christianity. 1826 - William Morgan attempts to publish a book exposing the wrongdoing of the Masonic Lodges. While he is in the process of having

455 his book printed, he mysteriously disappears. [His body was found in Lake Ontario a year later.] - 1826 - 35 Velizh blood libel (Russia). 1826 About 1826 the chief leader of the League was one Kwang San. It was reported that, to make himself ferocious he once drank gall, taken out of a murdered man's body, mixed with wine. He resided chiefly at the tin mines of Loocoot, where the brethren then swarmed. The directing power was vested in three persons; the chief, with the title of Koh, i.e., the Elder; the two others took that of Hiong Thi, i.e., Younger Brothers. In the Malacca branches the three chiefs were called Tai Koh, eldest brother, Ji Koh, second brother, and San Koh, third brother. The oath of secrecy was taken by the aspirant kneeling before an image, under two sharp swords. 1826 33 . The decabrists in Russia were actually Illuminati. The freemason Colonel Pavel Pestel (1793-1826) was an infamous decabrist. The most important representative of the Illuminati was Ernst Benjamin- Solomon Raupach, who lived with Count Sergei Volkonsky. The Illuminati had founded Soyuz Blagodentsviya, a subversive society. In 1822 Raupach was expelled for activities against the Russian state. 1826. /, : 25.000 1826 Cholera epidemic begins in India. Tsarion 1826 Jews obtain full civic rights in the state of Maryland, U.S.A. Decree issued in Russia enrolling Jews for military service. Maryland "Jew Bill" removes political disabilities. Jews settle in New Orleans (America). 1826 June 16- The American ship Silas Richards was sailing off St. George's Bank south of Nova Scotia at 6:30 P.M. on June 16, 1826, when its captain, Henry Holdredge, and a passenger, Englishman William Warburton, saw a most peculiar sight: an enormous, many-humped snakelike creature slowly approaching the vessel. Warburton raced to inform the other passengers, who were below deck, but only a handful responded. Warburton recalled, "The remainder refused to come up, saying there had been too many hoaxes of that kind already." 1826 . 1826 M. Taveau in France invents mercury amalgam fillings. Tsarion 1826 Sailors in the English Channel reported seeing a gray, torpedo-shaped object flying overhead. 1826 Werle , 21 1826. .

456 , . 86, , 25 1826, . 344. . ; ; , ; , . , . , . . , . , . . , , , , . . , . , , , , , , , . , ; . , , . . ! , , . . , , , ... .

457 , . . , , . , , . , , , , , , , , . , . , . . 19* (*. . 1, . 19) , , . . . (Werle) 1826 21, , . 1826, -35 Velizh blood libel (Russia). 1826, Jews obtain full civic rights in the state of Maryland, U.S.A. Decree issued in Russia enrolling Jews for military service. Maryland "Jew Bill" removes political disabilities. Jews settle in New Orleans (America). 1826, 50.000 , 45.000 2.000 . 1826, . 30.000 300 . 1840. 1826 Masons murdered Masonic whistle blower Captain William Morgan. Captain Morgan was an American Freemason who wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets, Illustrations of Freemasonry. One revealed secret was that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer, that is, Satan. In the legend of the murder of Hiram Abiff, Abiff represents intelligence, liberty and truth, and was struck down by a blow to the neck with a rule, representing the suppression of speech by the church. Then a square struck him in the heart. This represented the State's suppression of belief. Last, a maul struck him on the head. This represented the suppression of intellect by the masses. So, Freemasonry equates the Church, the State, and the masses with tyranny, intolerance, and ignorance. What Morgan revealed was that the Freemasons were pledged to avenge Hiram Abiff and that their plan was

458 to strike down the Church, the State, and the freedom of the masses. Captain Morgan caused a small uproar against the Masons which culminated in a vital anti-Freemason movement causing nearly 40% of Masons belonging to the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States to secede and, in 1829, gave birth to an anti-Masonic political party when the author, William Morgan disappeared. He was apparently abducted and drowned in Lake Ontario, allegedly by his fellow Mason Richard Howard. 1826, "Exposition of Masonry". 50.000 , 45.000 2.000 . . 30.000 300 . 1840. 1826, 13 , 12 . 1826: Malacca, Penang and Singapore join in a British colony 1826 At Warsaw on a country road, a murdered five-year-old boy was found, whose body showed over 100 wounds as signs of the withdrawal of blood, at which all of Warsaw fell into rioting. The Jews sought everywhere to prove their innocence, without yet having been accused. The report made to the court, together with the physician's record, was soon placed ad acta (Pawlikowski, as above, p. 282). 1827 At Vilna, the body of the peasant child Ossyp Petrowicz who had previously (according to the statements of the sixteen year-old herdsman Zukowski) been kidnapped from an open field by the Jews, was found with multiple piercing stab wounds (Amtl. Mitteilung des gouvernemnts zu Wilna[Official communication of the government at Vilna]; see Pawlikowski, p. 282). Two Jews who had given incriminating statements were found dead shortly thereafter: the one had been slain [outright], the other had been poisoned. . .(Lyutostanski, p. 20). 1827 In Warsaw Jewish constables kidnapped a non-Jewish child shortly before the Jewish Easter (Chiarini, Theoria del Giudasmo, Volume I, p. 355). 1827 At about the same time the seven-year-old Jewess, BenNoud, born in Aleppo, saw from the roof of the house of her relatives in Antioch two boys who were hung up by their legs and had blood streaming from them. Horrified over this scene, she ran away crying. Her aunt said to her that the children had been "naughty" and had been punished for it. Later the bodies had disappeared, but she found on the floor of the room a large brass vase, which the Arabs call a laghen, filled

459 completely with blood (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie, tome II, p. 320. Paris, 1864). 1827 Aluminum is discovered. Tsarion 1827 August A new law for military conscription is promulgated in Russia. Jewish boys as young as twelve are drafted and forced to serve 25 years in the army. They are forbidden to speak Yiddish or practice their religion. 1827-1828: failed conservative rebellion in Mexico led by Nicols Bravo 1827 Battle of Navarino Bay. Cantonist legislation introduced (Russia). 1827 John Nelson Darby's Plymouth Brethren is founded to propagate the Christian eschatological movement of dispensationalism, which teaches that God looks upon Jews as the chosen people (rejecting supersessionism), and that the nation of Israel will be born again and brought to realize they crucified their Messiah at his second coming 1827, Battle of Navarino Bay. Cantonist legislation introduced (Russia). 1827 , . , , , 1827. 1827 , . , , 1828 , Maison . 1829 - , , , . . 1829 , 1830, .

460 1827: France, Britain and Russia help the Greek uprising against the Ottomans, the fleet of the Ottomans and of Mehemet Ali is sunk at Navarino, and the expansion of Ali's Egyptian empire is halted 1828 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who finances the Illuminati, expresses his utter contempt for national governments which attempt to regulate international bankers such as him: "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws." [As Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Bank of England in the 1920s, would remark years later: "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth; take it away from them but leave them the power to create deposits, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again."] - 1828 . 1828 . , , , , . 1805 . . . 1827 . (, ...) , . . . . 1877 3/3/1878 . 1828 Tammany Society backs Andrew Jackson for President. AntiMasonic Party founded, first third-party in America. Attempted assassination of Bolivar. - 1828 Anti-Masonic Party founded, first third-party in America. 1828 Benjamin Disraeli leaves Britain and spends three years travelling in Spain, Italy and the Levant (Palestine). 1828 May 26-Kaspar Hauser mysteriously appears on the streets of Nuremberg. 1828 Radioactive element Thorium is discovered. Anti-Masonic party established. Tsarion 1828 6 1828 Tammany Society backs Andrew Jackson for President.

461 1828 Wuerttembeg Jewry law in Germany. Removal of disabilities of Maryland Jews (America). 1828, ' , , 13 , " , ". 1828, , . 1828 . ... 8 1828... ! , (;) : * : . .. ... . . '', ' ' ''. , . . E . . 2953. . . . . , , , , , , . , , , . 1821 , , , .

462 . ' . , , , , , , . , , . , , , , , . , , . , , . , , , , ' , , , . , , , . , , . . , . , , ' . ,

463 . 8 1828. .. . 22/8/1831 (. 4286) . . 1829 -- Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York decides to unite Atheists and Nihilists into Communist movement. - 1829 - British Illuminist Frances "Fanny" Wright gives a series of lectures in the United States. She announces that various subversives and revolutionaries are to be united in a movement that will be called "Communism." She explains that the movement is to be made more acceptable to the public by professing to support "equal opportunity" and "equal rights." - 1829 (Hamath), , , . . . , . 1829 there were 3315 masonic lodges in the world. 1829 1829 At Hamath in Asia Minor a young Turkish woman was frightfully mutilated by the Jews; the Jews saved their lives by means of high sums of bribery and were merely expelled (H. Desportes, p. 90). 1829 . 1829 Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York decides to unite Atheists and Nihilists into Communist movement. 1829 Emancipation of Catholics in England. Instituto Rabbinico opened at Padua, Italy. Death of Mordecai Benet (Austria Hungary). 1829 June- Olaf Jansen of Sweden with his father Jens Jansen left Stockholm to take an extended fishing and pleasure voyage. They sailed to Spitzbergen, Norway getting their first view of icebergs. Leaving Wijade Bay on June 23, they sailed to Hinlopen Strait and along the rocky coast of Franz Josef Land. After sailing for 24 hours, they came to a beautiful inlet where the air was unseasonably warm. In front of them they saw an open sea. Both father and son, having a love of the sea and a spirit of adventure, decided in that moment to explore this unknown sea. They turned the bow of their boat in a northerly direction and continued

464 on. After three days, they encountered a fierce storm with high winds and spiraling whirlpools. A mist settled around their boat as they struggled to keep it afloat. Suddenly they were in calm waters; the storm had passed. As the mist cleared, the first light they noticed was a sun that was shining on them from an apparent southern latitude rather than from the North as they would expect. Tasting some drops of water that splashed on their hand, they discovered it was fresh water. Their story goes on to relate many unusual climate and compass irregularities. The compass needle continued to point north, although Olaf and Jens knew they had sailed over the curve or edge of the Earth After being ridiculed and laughed at in his homeland for relating his experiences, a demoralized Olaf moved to America in 1889. In the last years of his life he met and confided in a neighbor, who was a writer. The book about his experiences was written by Willis George Emerson of Los Angeles. It was published by Forbes and Company in Chicago in 1908. (The Smoky God: A Voyage to the Inner World) Olaf Jansen had died just a few weeks earlier. 1829 1844 () . 1835 . 1844 . " "", , ". 1829 Smithsonian Institution founded in Washington D.C. Tsarion 1829, Emancipation of Catholics in England. Instituto Rabbinico opened at Padua, Italy. Death of Mordecai Benet (Austria-Hungary). Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York to unite atheists and nihilists into the socialist movement. The Anti-Masonic political party is created by Gentiles Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. (Illuminati-) The same who later founded the Republican Party. An English Gentile woman, Frances Fanny Wright, comes to New York in 1829 to give a series of lectures promoting the Women's Auxiliary of the Illuminati. She advocates the entire Illuminati program including Communism. She also speaks of equal opportunity and equal rights, atheism, free love and emancipation of women. Clinton Roosevelt (an ancestor of FDR), Gentile Charles Dana and Abolitionist leader Horace Greeley are appointed to raise funds for this new undertaking. 1829, 33 . 1829, , John Roothaan.

465 1829, , , , , , : . . , , . . ( ) . , , ! , . . , , , , (. 15, 6). 1829, . 1829 1829 14 . 27 1829 " " " ", 18 , , , ... " ... ...

466 ". 25 , 9 1829, , ... , , , 10 ... ... - . , ... 10 ... , 1829, 4 8 . 1829: George Stephenson builds the first steam locomotive train 1829-1837 - While President Andrew Jackson is in office, there are attempts to continue and strengthen the hold of a central bank over the United States. President Jackson vigorously opposes these efforts. Jackson tells his adversaries: "You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." In 1832, Jackson vetoes a bill to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States. In 1833, he removes government funds from the Bank of the United States. - 1830 Liberty Leading the People by Eugne Delacroix commemorates the French Revolution of 1830 1830 Anti-Masonic conventions in Massachusetts and Vermont find evidence linking Masonry with Illuminism. Book of Mormon published. Weishaupt and Bolivar die. - 1830 Adam Weishaupt dies. Tsarion 1830 Anti-Masonic conventions in Massachusetts and Vermont find evidence linking Masonry with Illuminism. 1830 Bolivar bitter and broken in health resigns his offices and dies. 1830 Book of Mormon published. 1830 Britain imports 18,956 chests of opium to China. Opium becomes the largest commodity in world trade. Element Vanadium is discovered. Tsarion 1830 Export of nitrates from Chile begins. Tsarion 1830 July revolution in France; Uprising in Poland.

467 1830 , - , , 1830. , , , . 1830 Russell & Company buys out the Perkins opium syndicate, which had created the wealth of the Cabot, Lowell, Higginson, Forbes, Cushing and Sturgis families. Russell makes Connecticut the primary center of the U.S. opium racket. Massachusetts families (Coolidge, Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low) trafficking families under the auspices of the Russell Company and the British. Tsarion 1830, ( , , , , ), . 1830, July revolution in France; Uprising in Poland. 1830, . 1830, , (, , ) , 60 . , , , . 1830, 33 . 1830: July Revolution - the French Revolution of 1830 was a revolt by the middle class against Bourbon King Charles X which forced him out of office and replaced him with the Orleanist King Louis-Philippe (the "July Monarchy"). 1830: the Belgian Revolution was a conflict in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands that began with a riot in Brussels in August 1830 and eventually led to the establishment of an independent, Catholic and neutral Belgium 1830, . 82 , ' . . " , , , , , ". , .

468 , . 1830 . - : " , ". , " ", " , , , , ". 1830 Mazzini became a member of the Carbonari, a secret association with political purposes. His activity in revolutionary movements soon caused him to be proscribed. 1830, , . . , . 1830: the railway Liverpool - Manchester opens using Stephenson's locomotive "Locomotion" 1830: the Whigs come to power 1831 , !! , . 1831 Anti-Masonic Party runs Wirt for President, assuring that Mason Andrew Jackson would be re-elected. Poe dismissed from West Point. - 1831 Cholera epidemic spreads from Russia to Central Europe. Tsarion 1831 Egyptian Conquest of Palestine area by Mehmed Ali of Egypt, who rebelled against the Ottomans. He was forced to withdraw in 1840 under pressure by European allies. 1831 , , , . 1831 George Hegel dies. German philosopher who gave rise to the Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis (create the crisis) Anti-thesis (Offer the Solution) which is the basis of globalist elite manipulation paradigms. The synthesis achieved becomes a symptomatic response instead of addressing the real cause (Government). The World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups, anti-Jewish groups, Communist groups, anti-

469 Communist groups, and other opposing social forces to create predetermined outcomes ensuring power maintenance. Tsarion 1831 In Marseilles, France, 2,000 vaccinated people are stricken with smallpox. Tsarion 1831 Louis Philippe orders salaries of rabbis to be paid by the state. Independence of Belgium recognized. Judaism given equal status with other religions. Palestine taken by Muhammad Ali. 1831 Mazzini is exiled to France. Tsarion. , , [] he went to Marseille, where he organized a new political society called La giovine Italia (Young Italy). Its motto was God and the People, and its basic principle was the union of the several states and kingdoms of the peninsula into a single republic as the only true foundation of Italian liberty. He also founded several similar organizations aimed at the unification or liberation of other nations: Young Germany, Young Poland, and finally, Young Europe (Giovine Europa). 1831 Smallpox epidemic in Wurtemberg, Germany, where 995 vaccinated people succumb to the disease. Tsarion 1831 In St. Petersburg the Jews killed the daughter of an officer of the Guard. The ritual purpose of the murder was recognized by four judges, but designated as doubtful by the fifth. The guilty parties were merely banished (Henri Desportes, le myst. du sang., p. 91). 1831 , . Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Peter von Hahn. , 1784 Illuminaty Adam Weishaupt, . 1831 Yekaterinoslav ( ). . 17 Nikifor Vassilievich Blavatsky, ' . . 1848 1873 . . 1831 7 1831, Louis Philippe orders salaries of rabbis to be paid by the state. Independence of Belgium recognized. Judaism given equal status with other religions. Palestine taken by Muhammad Ali. British emancipation of the West Indies. In America, Nat Turner brutally murders 57 whites, mostly women and children, with a blunt saber and an axe.

470 1831, . 1831, 8 . 1831, 7 . 23 . 1831: Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction and invents the transformer Dec 1831: The ship "Beagle" begins a five-year trip to chart the waters of South America carrying biologist Charles Darwin as a guest 1832 Andrew Jackson re-elected. Vetos recharter of Bank of U.S. National debt of the U.S. falls to zero. Tsarion 1832 British Medical Association chartered. Impetus for forming AMA in U.S. Tsarion 1832 Christian Hahnemann creates school of homeopathy. Tsarion 1832 Disraeli, who returned to Britain in 1831, runs as a Radical candidate for Parliament at High Wycombe, and is defeated, even though backed by Joseph Hume and Daniel O'Connell. 1832 East India Company monopoly of opium trafficking expires. Tsarion 1832 Jackson veto of re-charter of Second National Bank. Tsarion 1832 Judah P. Benjamin becomes a lawyer in Louisiana; also an organizer of the Illinois Central Railroad. 1832 Leopold Zunz publishes his Die gotterdienstlichen Vortraege. 1832 The Reform Act of 1832 benefits only the British middle class. 1832 The Skull & Bones is launched under the Russell pirate flag. Tsarion 1832 Writing in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, B. H. Hodgson, British Resident of the court of Nepal, made what may be the first reference in English to a strange biped in the Himalayas. He related that as they were collecting specimens in a northern Nepal province, his native hunters encountered an erect, tailless creature with long, dark hair all over its body. Taking it to be a demon, they fled in terror. Hodgson took it to be an orangutan. 1832, Leopold Zunz publishes his Die gotterdienstlichen Vortraege. 1832, . . 1832 591 . 1832 :

471 . , 1830, , 1831, , , 1832, . 1832, 1 , , , , " ... , ... . , , ", , . , , . 147 .. 1832-1843: Abdelkader's rebellion in French-occupied Algeria 1832, 15 14 . 1832: the Great Reform Bill grants voting rights to the middle class (but only 1.8% of the adult population is allowed to vote) 1833 -- Jackson orders U.S. funds withdrawn from Bank of the United States, effectively killing the institution. - 1833 - , . 1833 , Bar . 1833 Andrew Jackson orders that U.S. funds be withdrawn from the Bank of the United States. Tsarion 1833 Britain passes the Slavery Abolition Act, banning Negro slavery throughout the British Empire. "White" children in England are exempted, so that they can crawl naked up the chimneys of Parliament to clean out the soot. Likewise, white children are forced to work twelve hour days in British, American and European factories, under the most primitive and life threatening conditions. 1833 British drop slave trade as unprofitable and issue Emancipation order. Tsarion 1833 , (23 1833), " " , " " .

472 . "" . 19 . , () () . . ( "") . , , , ( , ) , , . 1833 December 17--Kaspar Hauser dies of wounds received in a mysterious stabbing. 1833 Mercury amalgam fillings introduced in NYC. Dentists rebelled. Tsarion 1833 Soldiers digging at Lompock Rancho, California, discovered a male skeleton 12 feet tall. The skeleton was surrounded by caved shells, stone axes, other artifacts. The skeleton had double rows of upper and lower teeth. Unfortunately, this body was secretly buried because the local Indians became upset about the remains. 1833, Britain passes the Slavery Abolition Act, banning Negro slavery throughout the British Empire. "White" children in England are exempted, so that they can crawl naked up the chimneys of Parliament to clean out the soot. Likewise, white children are forced to work twelvehour days in British, American and European factories, under the most primitive and life-threatening conditions. (Oct. 29) Jews of Kur-Hessen granted full emancipation. Turkey recognizes independence of Egypt. Emancipation in Hesse-Kassel (Germany). Beginning of parliamentary debates on the emancipation of the Jews of England. England bans slavery and child labor in factories. 1833, . 412 563 . 1833, 33 .

473 1833: Slavery is abolished 1834 3 1834 Disraeli, after quarrelling with his Radicals supporters, runs unsuccessfully for Parliament as a Tory. 1834 Giuseppe Mazzini appointed as Illuminati director worldwide. Thomas Malthus dies. Tsarion 1834 Mazzini appoints Albert Pike to head Illuminati operations in the U.S. Tsarion 1834 . , 2011 , : . , , , , , . , . 1834 . 1853-56 , . : , ... . . 1834 . ... (1821 1829). 1834, , , . . -, . (1843).

474 1834 Pope Leo 13th has the headquarters of the Knights of Malta moved to Rome. Tsarion 1834, , " , , ". . 1872. 1834 , , , . , , . , , . . . ( ) , . . 1834, . 1834: Britain abolishes slavery in the Cape colony (South Africa) 1834-1859: Imam Shamil's rebellion in Russian-occupied Caucasus. 1834 Guiseppe Mazzini The Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, is selected by the, Illuminati, to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world and goes on to serve in that capacity until his death in 1872. 1834 The Jewess Ben-Noud, who later converted to Christianity, was a witness in Tripoli when an old man was lured into an ambush by several Jews and hung up by his toes from an orange tree. They let their victim hang in this position for several hours. In the moment when the old man was near death, the Jews cut him through the neck with a ritual slaughter knife and left the body hanging until all the blood was collected in a basin. Ben-Noud learned later than the murderers had packed the body into a crate and had cast it into the sea. She confessed to the Orientalist Count Durfort-Civrac this fact besides, that the Jews mix the blood into the unleavened Easter bread (mossa = matzos) and this they call mossa gusira(25) -- blood-matzos (Desportes, p. 42).

475 1835, the freemasons finally erected a 2500 year-old Osiris obelisk from Luxor weighing 246 tons on the spot where they had guillotined Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, a square called Place de la Revolution in the 1790s (today it is called Place de la Concorde). Marie Antoinette of Habsburg was the daughter of Franeois de Lorraine, a descendant of the Merovingians. She was sacrificed for the sake of the future. Blood appears to increase the power of the obelisks and thereby also the freemasons. The erection of the obelisk took place following the coup d'etat that the freemasons organized in June 1830 to put Louis Philippe on the throne. They wanted to dispose of Charles X, the brother of Louis XVI (Martin Short, "Inside the Brotherhood", London, 1997, p. 119), who had prevented the freemasons from erecting the obelisk on the site of his brother's execution. 1835-1836: Texas secedes from Mexico in the Texas Revolution 1835 . ! The life of Karl Marx serves as another example of how anti-Semitic Gentile Freemasonry uses and abuses Jews to front its revolutions. Every activity of Marx was controlled by a Gentile Freemason, Frederick Engels (1820-1895). Engels, an unlikely subject to become involved in the so-called revolution of the proletariat, was born to a wealthy Gentile textile mill owner in the Rhineland of Germany. At a young age Engels joined Young Germany, which had been established in Switzerland in 1835 at the behest of Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary, and Freemason Henry Palmerston, at that time Great Britain's foreign minister. Switzerland became the Grand Orient training ground for young Engels. 1835-1845: War of Tatters, Separatists gauchos revolutionaries declared the independence of the Rio Grande do Sul from Brazil. 1835 1835 The socialist League of the Just founded in Paris, later becoming the Marxist Communist League. Attempted assassination of Jackson with two single shot pistols, both of which jammed. Revolver invented. - 1835 . 1835 Disraeli fails to win election to Parliament at Taunton. 1835 , LOMBROSO, Cesare 18351909. Italian pioneer of criminology. Lombroso, a medical man and a professor at Turin, laid the foundations of modern criminology. At first his work classified only the inherited physical and mental traits in the born criminal, but he later gave more recognition to factors of environment. He was an early supporter of penal reform and the rehabilitation of criminals. Among his many books, the major work published in English translation was Crime,

476 its Causes and Conditions (1911). He became interested in the Zionist movement through Max NORDAU. 1835 First availability of powerful compound microscopes after the perfection of the achromatic objective lens between 1815 and 1830. Tsarion 1835 Karl Marx organizes the League of the Just, a Communist secret society, in Paris. 1835 General Jewish regulations issued in Russia Edict of Nicholas I. founding agricultural colonies in Russia. David Salomons sheriff of London, England. Oppressive constitution for the Jews (Russia-Poland). 1835 The socialist "League of the Just" founded in Paris, later becoming the Marxist "Communist League". 1835, . 1835, , ! ! ! 1835: Manchester, the most industrial city in the world, has a population of 300,000 and 100,000 people are workers 1836 A.D. - Rothschild purchases land in Palestine. In 1836, [Zevi] Kalischer appealed to Mayer Amschel (...Rothschild) to buy out completely the land of Israel or at least Jerusalem and particularly the Temple area in order to bring about the miraculous redemption from below. Zevi Kalischer said the salvation promised by the prophets of old could come only gradually and by self-help from the Jews. 1836 Britain imports 30,000 chests of opium to China. Tsarion 1836 Charter of the Bank of the U.S. expires. Tsarion 1836 First recorded case of the use of psychiatry to suppress dissent in Russia. Tsarion 1836 In the French coastal town of Cherbourg what was a described as a "gleaming aerial vessel" was seen in the sky overhead. 1836 The Battle of the Alamo. Mexicans under General Santa Anna massacre or execute the entire American contingency occupying the mission in San Antonio, Texas. 1836 70 , , , . (1836-1893) 1836 , . 1836 Nathan. 1836, Law refusing Jews the right to bear Christian names renewed in Prussia. Death of Nathan Mayer Rothschild in England. Texas secedes from Mexico; battle of the Alamo is fought.

477 1836, . . 1836: South Australia becomes a province of the British Empire 1837 - Illegitimate birth of Adolf Hitler's father, who was the son of Salomon Mayer Rothschild. "Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father. "Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler's grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer's senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon: ' by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls..' and 'He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police.' "And Hitler's grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon's desire? And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschilds, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all 'sides' in a conflict? And the Rothschilds are one of their most key bloodlines? And it is all a co-incidence?" 1837-1838: Rebellions of 1837 - failed republican revolutions against British rule in Canada. 1837 (Queen Victoria) Montefiore. 1837 the Rothschilds sent an agent of theirs to establish offices in New York. This was a Jew called Schoenberg, whose name was changed to August Belmont, and who professed Christianity. This Jew had had experience both in the Frankfort and the Naples branches of the Rothschild connection. From 1844 to 1850, Belmont was, through Solomon Rothschilds influence, made the Austrian Consul-General at New York; he then resigned as a protest against Austrias treatment of the Hungarian revolutionary, Kossuth. (It is noted here that Kossuth was a friend of Lord Palmerston). In 1853, Belmont became U.S.A. representative to the Netherlands, living at the Hague for several years. After that, in 1860, he became Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Altogether it is clear that Belmont had a tremendous power in the United States. He became enormously rich and married the daughter

478 of Commodore Matthew Perry who opened up Japan to the western nations. 1837 Benjamin Disraeli wins a seat in the British House of Commons 1837 Crisis of 1837. All banks suspend specie payment. 600 banks fail. Banks that charge interest expanding rapidly. Tsarion 1837 Death of Akiva Eger (Austria Hungary). Disastrous earthquake in Safed and Tiberias (Palestine). Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums founded in Berlin, Germany. Jews settle in Cleveland (America). 1837 J.P. Morgan is born. Tsarion 1837 June 7 Alois Schicklgruber, father of Adolf Hitler, born in Strones, Austria (conceived approximately Sept 7, 1836) 1837 Karl Marx begins law studies at Berlin University (1837-41). 1837 King William IV of England dies and his niece Victoria becomes queen. 1837 October--Polly Adams is attacked at the Blackheath Fair by Spring Heeled Jack. 1837, Death of Akiva Eger (Austria-Hungary). Disastrous earthquake in Safed and Tiberias (Palestine). Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums founded in Berlin, Germany. Jews settle in Cleveland (America). Joseph Seligman arrives in America at the age of 17, and sends for his ten brothers to come and join him. He will become the major underwriter of Union government bonds during the Civil War. 1837, . 1837, . 1837: Victoria becomes queen of England 1838 A little girl, five years old, called Marie Delex, was playing with one of her companions on a mossy slope of a mountain in the French Alps, when all at once an eagle swooped down upon her and carried her away in spite of the cries and presence of her young friend. Some peasants, hearing the screams, hastened to the spot but sought in vain for the child, for they found nothing but one of her shoes on the edge of a precipice. The child was not carried to the eagle's nest, where only two eaglets were seen surrounded by heaps of goat and sheep bones. It was not until two months later that a shepherd discovered the corpse of Marie Delex, frightfully mutilated, and lying upon a rock half a league from where she had been borne off. 1838 Disraeli manages to secure election as reprentative of Maidstone in the first Parliament of Queen Victoria. It had taken Disraeli five attempts to win office, and after he did, his peculiarities of dress, appearance and language caused a section of the House of Commons to

479 laugh him down while he was delivering his maiden speech. He is said to have defiantly declared that the time would come when they would hear him. 1838 February 18--Lucy and Margaret Scales are attacked by Spring Heeled Jack in Limehouse. 1838 February 20--Jane Alsop is attacked at her parent's home in east London by Spring Heeled Jack. 1838 February 27--Another victim is attacked by Spring Heeled Jack. 1838 January 9--The Lord Mayor of London reveals the existence of a "citizen of Peckham" who has been frightening women. 1838 June 28 Queen Victoria, 18 years old, is crowned at Westminster Abbey. 1838 Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, and a suspected "Secret Chief" of the Illuminati, makes his blunt statement "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws." 1838 Smallpox epidemic in England. Tsarion 1838, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, and a suspected "Secret Chief" of the Illuminati, makes his blunt statement, "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws." Author Charles Dickens creates the negative Jewish character, the criminal leader "Fagin," for his novel Oliver Twist. 1838: the Boers leave the Cape colony, defeat the Zulus at the battle of Blood River and found the Natal colony (the "Great Trek") 1838: the ticket is introduced to ride trains 1839 Chinese burn 3,000 tons of opium, to the relief of oversupplied British traders. Tsarion 1839 Disraeli improves his financial position by marrying Mrs. Wyndham Lewis, widow of his college in the representation of Maidstone. 1839 First time a disease is traced to a parasitic organism. (Schoenlein, fungal infection of scalp). Tsarion 1839 John D. Rockefeller is born. Tsarion 1839 Judah Alkalai publishes his pamphlet Darhei No'am (The Pleasant Paths) advocating the restoration of the Jews in the Land of Israel, followed in 1840 by Shalom Yerushalayim (The Peace of Jerusalem). 1839 Lord Shaftesbury takes out a full-page advert in The Times addressed to the Protestant monarchs of Europe and entitled "The State and the rebirth of the Jews", which included the suggestion for the Jews

480 to return to Palestine to seize the lands of Galilee and Judea, as well as the phrase "Earth without people - people without land". 1839 Sultan >Abd al Majid grants citizenship to Turkish Jews. Turkey invades Syria. Death of Moses Sofer (Austria Hungary). Entire community of Meshed (Persia) forced to convert to Islam (Asia) 1839, A Remittance of Blood. During the Damascus Ritual Murder trial, the French Consul, Comte Ratti-Menton, by whose energy and determination the case was brought to light, received a letter from Comte de Suzannet, who wrote, "Nearly a year ago, a box arrived at the customhouse that a Jew came to claim on being asked to open it, he refused and offered first 100 piastres, then 200, then 300, then 1,000 and at last 10,000 piastres (2,500 francs). The custom-house official persisted, and opened the box, discovering therein a bottle of blood. On asking the Jew for an explanation, the latter said that they had the custom of preserving the blood of their Grand Rabbis or important men. He was allowed to go, and left for Jerusalem." Comte Ratti-Menton then looked for the chief of the customhouse, but found he had died! His successor, who had been associated with him, only vaguely recollected the affair; but he confirmed that the box had contained several bottles of red liquid and that he thought the Jew who came to claim it was Aaron Stambouli of Damascus who had told him that the substance was an efficacious drug. The quick death of the chief custom-house officer is not surprising; witnesses of the crimes of the Jews are subject to a sudden demise. But the reader will perhaps be more impressed by the fact that this Aaron Stambouli was one of those subsequently found guilty of the Ritual Murder of Father Thomas at Damascus and condemned! 1839, Sultan Abd al-Majid grants citizenship to Turkish Jews. Turkey invades Syria. Death of Moses Sofer (Austria-Hungary). Entire community of Meshed (Persia) forced to convert to Islam (Asia). 1839, . . , , , "JEWISH RITUAL MURDER", CHAPTER XVIII (TWO QUEER HAPPENINGS). 1839, . 1839: A Chinese attempt at suppressing the illicit British trade in opium causes the Opium war 1839: Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan invents the bicycle 1839: the port of Aden in Arabia is occupied by the British 1840, the clandestine or Continental lodges went atheistic, spawning socialism and communism. Thirty-second degree Grand

481 Orient Freemason Karl Marx became their spokesman, planning under Masonic guidance the replacement of all monarchies with socialistic republics, with the next step conversion to communistic republics. In order to survive, English Freemasonry, which supports constitutional monarchy, once again found herself in an unwanted, secret political war. 1840 Albert Pike builds a mansion in Arkansas where he designs plans for three world wars and three revolutions. Pike becomes Mazzini's superior. Tsarion 1840 Baltimore Dental College graduates swore not to use mercury amalgam. Tsarion 1840 British troops land in Palestine for the first time since the Crusades. 1840 . , , , , , . ' , . . , , , . 1840 First Opium War in China, as Chinese protest British import of drugs. Tsarion 1840 - The Damascus Affair begins Jewish emigration to Palestine. The year 1840 brought with it problems in Damascus. Father Thomas, a Capuchian of the Catholic faith, disappeared; it was reputed that he had been murdered by Jews for ritual purposes. French and Syrian authorities joined in and many Jewish adults and children were arrested and tortured; some were even killed. Rothschild and Montefiore and Cremieux got together, sought action, and this resulted in Jewish people going to work on Rothschild's projects in Palestine. It is said, in fact, that it was this Damascus affair which helped establish the groundwork for the Alliance Israelite Universelle founded by Rothschild twenty years later. 1840 Lord Palmerston orders British diplomats during the Middle East crisis to take Jewish communities under their protection, since Britain was "the natural guardian of the Jews." 1840 . , . , ,

482 , Tzemach Tzedek, . , . , . , , , ! Antelman [Grand Orient] , ["League of the Just"], Bund, [= ]. , Karl Marx , . Antelman , . Max Lillienthal (18141882) . Lillienthal . 1840 , . 1841, , . , Lillienthal [= , Lubavitcher Chasidic], , Tzemach Tzedek. , 1917, , . Antelman, Max Lillienthal , . Antelman : . Lillienthal [Torah] . Tzemach Tzedek.

483 , , , , , . , , , , , , . Lillienthal Uvarov, . [= Gentiles], . Tzemach Tzedek. Lillienthal , , , , , . , 1842-1843, 22.000 1846-1854, 7.000 . , . 1840 Lord Shaftesbury presents a paper to British Foreign Minister Lord Palmerston calling for the 'recall of the Jews to their ancient land'. 1840 Queen Victoria marries her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, a German. 1840 Roughly 70% of citizens in the U.S. have independent livelihoods. (See 1776). Tsarion 1840 The 222 ton ship Rosalie was found deserted but in ship shape near the Bahamas, a victim of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. 1840 Wagner completes "Rienzi," his first significant opera. 1840 Zygmunt Minejka ( Mineyko, ) (1840-1925) Balwaniszki 1840 Rothschild and Sons . 1840, Lady Louise Rothschild (1821-1910) founds the first two independent Jewish women's philanthropic associations in England. The World Anti-Slavery Society holds a convention in London. Slavery

484 has already been abolished in the British Empire. (Feb. 5) Damascus blood accusation. (Nov. 6) Firman issued by sultan against blood accusation. Death of Nachmal Krochmal (Austria-Hungary). Damascus blood libel; restoration of Turkish rule in Palestine. 1840, The Damascus Case. This case, now almost completely forgotten by Democracy, convulsed Europe for a considerable time owing to the agitation induced by the Jewish Money Power which left no stone unturned to misrepresent and vilify the individuals responsible for bringing the Jews to justice. 1840, , , " , ". 1840, 1826. Oddfellows. 1840 ARCHIBALD BALFOUR 1 ... , SOPHY CHARLOTTE WEGUELIN 1840 35 , 1840, . 1840, . . [The Damascus Case]. 1840: the first postal stamp is introduced (the "black penny" 1841 - Goldsmid baronet, . 1841, - , , . . 1841 Clinton Roosevelt writes The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, outlining the Illuminati plans for the regimentation of mankind under the control of the enlightened ones and the destruction of the Constitution. Tsarion 1841 -, , , " .

485 ". 1841 Death of Naphtah Herz Homberg (Austria Hungary). Jews settle in Chicago (America). Jewish Chronicle founded in London. 1841 Disraeli is elected to Parliament from Shrewsbury. 1841 George Gawler, previously the governor of South Australia, starts to encourage Jewish settlements in the land of Israel. 1841 November 9 Edward VII, eldest son of Queen Victoria, is born. He will became King of Great Britain after his mother's death in January 1901. 1841, Death of Naphtah Herz Homberg (Austria-Hungary). Jews settle in Chicago (America). Jewish Chronicle founded in London. 1841, . 1841, . , . 1841: Russia, Britain, France, Austria and Prussia at the Straits Convention agree to ban all warships from the Ottoman straits, thus confining the southern Russian fleet to the Black Sea 1841 -, ( 1830). . , , , " , ". 19 . . , " " , " , , ". , - , . , : " . ... 1453". . 1841-42 Correspondence between Moses Montefiore, the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and Charles Henry

486 Churchill, the British consul in Damascus, is seen as the first recorded plan proposed for political Zionism. 1842 According to an account he gave to a local historian, a Stowmarket, England, man was passing through a meadow on his way home when he saw fairies in the moonlight, "There might be a dozen of them, the biggest about three feet high, and small ones like dolls. Their dresses sparkled as if with spangles... They were moving round hand in hand in a ring, no noise came from them. They seemed light and shadowy, not like solid bodies. I passed on, saying, the Lord have mercy on me, but them must be the fairies, and being alone then on the patch over the field could seem them as plain as I do you. I looked after them when I got over the style, and they were there, just the same moving round and round. I ran home and called three women to come back with me and see them. But when we got to the place they were all gone. I could not make out any particular things about theirfaces. I might be 40 rods from them and I did not like to stop and stare at them. I was quite sober at the time." 1842 . , . , ! ' , 3 . . , . , , , ! 1842 Compulsory (= !) military service for the Jews of Russia. 1842 Salt wells in Pennsylvania found to have oil. William Rockefeller exploits and begins buying up land in Pennsylvania. Tsarion 1842 Treaty of Nanking brings Britain vast wealth and control over Hong Kong. Tsarion 1842, "Rienzi" is produced by Wagner for first time at the Dresden Opera House. 1842 ABDUL HAMID II 18421918. Sultan of the Ottoman Empire 18761909. The reign of Abdul Hamid II began with hopes for a liberal rule. The Jews received equal rights in 1876 and four Jews were elected to the first parliament (18778). However, Abdul quickly reversed his earlier stand and became a despotic monarch, whose reign was marked by repression and corruption. Though his attitude to Jews

487 was generally benevolent, he strongly opposed all nationalist aspirations in the Empire. In Palestine he strengthened public security and administration. He settled loyal Moslem elements in the country, built roads and connected the Hedjaz railway with Haifa. Foreign purchases of land were severely restricted and buildings on land held by foreigners required a special permit from Constantinople. A Jew who wished to purchase land had to find a Turkish subject to be the buyer. After the pogroms in Russia in 1881, the sultan passed a law (1882) prohibiting the settlement of east European Jewry in Palestine. The law did not wholly stop further Jewish immigration, as corruption was prevalent and officials could be bribed. With the advent of political Zionism, the sultans attitude remained basically the same. Whereas he was eager to bolster his disintegrating empire with the financial aid offered by HERZL, he was opposed to establishing any kind of Jewish national entity in Palestine, as he feared that this would serve as a tool in the hands of the Great Powers. Herzl himself in 1896 received the Commanders Cross of the Mejidiye Order, but his efforts to obtain a charter for Palestine did not bear fruit. In 1901, the sultan granted Herzl a private interview during which he bestowed further personal honours on him. He suggested that Herzl make concrete proposals for the improvement of Turkish finances. Herzl was unable to raise the capital, so nothing was achieved. In the same year restrictions were tightened in Palestine to prevent a further settlement of foreign nationals in the country. In 1902 Herzl was again invited to Constantinople, where it was proposed to settle Jews in various parts of the empireexcept in Palestinein return for financial aid. Herzl turned down this offer. In 1908 the revolution of the Young Turks against Abdul Hamids autocratic rule broke out. Eight months later the sultan was deposed. 1842, Birth of Georg Ritter von Schonerer, Austrian proto-nazi. 1842, First English Reform synagogue opened in London, England. Bruno Bauer's Judenfrage (Germany). 1842, The Webster-Ashburton Treaty obligates Great Britain and the U.S. to each keep a naval squadron on the African coast to prevent shipment of slaves. This marks the date when organized African slave trading is finally ended, though for a time cargoes continue to run illegally. 1842, . 1842, 33 . 1842: under the Treaty of Nanjing, China cedes the island of Hong Kong to Britain

488 1843 First Zionist writings of Rabbi Alcalay and of Rabbi Kalischer, Emuna Yeshara. 1843 , , 1843 , , , 4.000 . 1843 Port of Shanghai opened to foreign trade. The first lot in the port is rented by Britains Jardine Mathieson & Co. Other lots are rented by Samuel Russell, an American representing Baring Brothers. Captain Warren Delano (FDRs grandfather) becomes a member of the Canton Regatta Club and enters into dealings with the Hong Society. Delano founds his fortune on opium trafficking into China and later becomes the first vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board. Tsarion 1843 Twelve young German Jews, eight of them Freemasons, establish the Jewish Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) in order to complete the subversion of Freemasonry. Jews are also active in the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. 1843 . , . . : . . , . , . ' , , : ( ). 31 . 1838. ! . , , ! . , , , . 1843, B'nai B'rith is organized as a secret society in New York. . 1843, The so-called Young England party is founded in London. It is formally lead by Lord George Bentinck.

489 1843 . . , , . , . ' '43 , ' . , , , ' , . , . . , , . . ' , . , . 1843, "The international Communist creed that Marx invented is a creed of hate. The solution that Marx proposed to the Christian problem' was to eliminate the system that creates the Christian. The Jews, he said, are only symptoms of a more extensive evil that must eradicate capitalism. The Jews are only symbols of a more pervasive enemy that must be destroyed; capitalists.' In the politics of the left, racist hatred is directed not only against Christian capitalists but against all capitalists; not only against capitalists, but anyone who is not poor, and who is White; and ultimately against Western Civilization itself. The Marxist revolution is antichrist elevated to a global principle." (A World Without Jews, by Karl Marx; David Horowitz, Human Events). "The Jew cannot create a new world. What is present in abstract form in the Jewish religion; contempt for theory, for art, for history, and for man as an end in himself, is an actual and conscious standpoint, held to be virtuous by the money-man. Even the relations between the sexes has become an object of commerce! The woman is auctioned off." (A World Without Jews, by Karl Marx) Marx saw that the Western World would be hopelessly corrupted by Jews, "and so we find the real nature of today's Jew not only in the Talmud but in contemporary society as well. Indeed, the practical dominance of Judaism over the Christian world has reached its unambiguous normal expression in North America! The Jews has

490 emancipated himself in a Jewish manner. With the Jew and without him, Money has become a world-power, and the practical spirit of the Jews has become the practical spirit of the Christian peoples. The Jews have emancipated themselves to the extent that Christians have become Jews". (A World Without Jews, by Karl Marx) B'nai B'rith founded (America). 1843 1852 . 1843 6 1843, . Tzemach Tzedek . , Maskilim [= ], , , . . . , , . , "" . [zionism] 1896-97, Theodore Herzl (1860-1904), , 1881, , , . [ 1821, 60 , ]. 1843 1833. ' , ' . 90 60. 14 6 , 43%! . , ' , . 1843, . 1843: H E

491 . Z , . M 1843: H , , , . H , . M 1843 : O T , ' , . . . I 1843 : O T . A . A 1843 : H ( O ). T E 2 1843. A , O . (1832) (1843) 3 1843! ! 1843 Founding of B'nai B'rith by Scottish Rite Freemasonry laid groundwork for establishment of a Jewish homeland. One of the most powerful Jewish Societies in the world is the Independent Order of Bnai Brith. In Hebrew, this literally means Sons of the Covenant, being that of circumcision. Founded in New York in 1843, the order was not established in England until 1910, but since then it has succeeded in gaining control over all Jewish organizations. Among its members today are Chaim Weizmann (the Zionist leader). Dr. J. R. Hertz, (Chief Rabbi of England), Mrs. Neville Laski (President of the Jewish Board of Deputies), and Israel Moses Sietff (well known Zionist and communal worker). A short history of the Bnai Brith in England, written by Paul Goodman, a past president, for private circulation among its members, gives a clear insight into the way pressure was put upon governments throughout the world in Jewish interests... Bnai Brith is Zionist, it laid the foundation of the Jewish home and in the United States it is the power behind the President. ...In political cooperation with the Alliance Israelite Universelle and other national and International Jewish bodies, Bnai Brith has for many decades been recognized as the representative of American Jewry in the protection of Jewish interests. He then went on to say that Russian Jews had been armed by world Jewry

492 for their fight against the Russian Monarchy. "The Independent Order of Bnai Brith formed in 1843 as a Jewish community sub-project in the restoration of Masonry by the Scottish Rite and the British foreign office. Though most of its lodges were in the North, Bnai Brith was openly pro-Confederate. Though it claimed to be neutral in the war, many of the Orders Northern spokesmen were stridently pro-slavery. Bnai Briths post-Civil War leaders were pro-Confederate operatives, including later president Simon Wolf, who had been arrested by the War Department in Washington, D.C. as the lawyer for a Confederate spy ring. "Rabbi Isaac Wise established Bnai Briths center for the 'liberalizing' of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio - coinciding with Cincinnatis other great Scottish Rite scheme, the launching of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War. Core leaders of the Bnai Brith from then on have been Scottish Rite Masons. The political establishment associated with the Order has always had its headquarters in London..." 1843, . , , , , ... . 1843, 7 . 1843, . , , , , - . . . , , , . 1843, the celebrated Jewish poet Heinrich Heine organized into a book a selection of articles he had written for the Augsburg Gazette between 1840 and 1843. The book, Lutece, prophesied the horrors of a future communist revolution in Russia. Was this a prophecy, or had Heine inside knowledge that Russia was condemned by Freemasonry to a communist political system? The answer can be found in the Masonic activity which took place during his day. You recall that in 1844, Frederick Engels' review of Thomas Carlyle's book, Past and Present, promoted communism and was published by a German Masonic newspaper founded by Arnold Ruge. Ruge was a disciple of both Henry Palmerston and Giuseppe Mazzini. Engels, Ruge, Mazzini, Marx and Heine were comrades in Grand Orient Freemasonry. Lord Palmerston was Scottish Rite. All six were the initial force behind the communist experiment.

493 1843 Listen to Heine's uncanny prophecy: I have not described the storm itself. I have described the great storm-clouds which bore the approaching tempest, advancing dark and menacing across the sky. I have made frequent and exact descriptions of those sinister legions, those titans buried underground, who lay in wait in the lowest ranks of society; I have hinted that they would arise from their obscurity when their hour was come. These shadowy creatures, these nameless monsters, to whom the future belongs, were then usually only looked down on through lorgnettes; from this angle they resembled fleas gone mad. But I have shown them in their greatness, in their true light, and seen thus, they resemble if anything, the most fearsome crocodiles and gigantic dragons that have ever emerged from the foul abyss. Communism is the secret name of this tremendous adversary which the rule of the proletariat, with all that that implies, opposes to the existing bourgeois regime. It will be an appalling duel. How will it end? That is known to the gods and goddesses in whose hands lies the future. For our part, all we know is that, however little talked-of at present, however miserable an existence it drags out in concealed attics on wretched beds of straw, Communism is nonetheless the dark hero, cast for an enormous if fleeting role in the modern tragedy, and awaiting only its cue to enter the stage. There is an approaching rumble of hard times filled with upheavals. Any prophet wishing to write a new Apocalypse will have to invent new monsters so frightful that the old symbolic beast in St. John would appear in comparison no more than cooing turtle-doves and gracious Cupids. The gods hide their faces out of compassion for the poor insignificant human creatures, their wards for centuries, but perhaps also out of fear for their own fate. The future smells of Russian knouts, of blood, of impiety and of violent blows. I advise our descendants to have good thick skins on them when they are born into this world. 1843: Britain annexes the Natal colony of the Boers in South Africa, and the Boers move again founding the Orange Free State in the interior and the Transvaal in the north 1843, New York Reform Jews founded the exclusively Jewish Masonic Lodge, B'nai B'rith. Their institutions and influence grew. At the turn of the 20th century, the B'nai B'rith founded the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Congress and Federations of Jewish Charities. According to Rabbi Antelman, Reform Jews who became lawyers were, and still are, active in the subversively oriented National Lawyers Guild. 1843: the first Christmas postcard is printed (in London) 1843, while Pike was developing his Luciferian Doctrine, two other Masons, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) and Moses Holbrook (d.1844), Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme

494 Council at Charleston, were attempting to penetrate the inner shrines of the Fraternity with the doctrine of Satanism. Both had studied thoroughly the occult sciences and enjoyed discussing the mysteries of the Cabala with Pike, but were unable to convert the general to Satanism. 1844 "So you see, my dear Coningsby, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.' Coningsby by Benjamin Disraeli, 1844 (Sidonia, otherwise Lionel Rothschild, son of Nathan Rothschild II is speaking to Coningsby (Disraeli). 1844 Garibaldi founded the lodge Les Amis de la Patrie in Montevideo in 1844 (Karl R. H. Frick, "Licht und Finsternis" / "Light and Darkness", Part 2, Graz, 1978, p. 206). In December 1845, he led the first Italian legion, which defended Montevideo against the British and French. 1844 Morse builds first practical telegraph. Bahai religion begins when the Bab proclaims his mission in Persia. - 1844 (May 25) Louis Philippe issues regulations for the internal organization of French Jews. (June) Rabbinical conference at Brunswick (Germany). Death of Aaron Chorin (Austria Hungary). Autonomy of the kahal abolished government supervised schools for the Jews founded (Russia & Poland). 1844, Disraeli placed the following words in the mouth of the Jew Sidonia (Coningsby VI. XV.): Since English society has begun to stir and its institutions are threatened by powerful associations, they see the formerly so faithful Jews in the ranks of the revolutionaries... This mysterious diplomacy, which so disturbs the western powers, is organised by Jews and for the greatest part also carried out by them... the monstrous revolution, which is prepared in Germany, and whose effects will be still greater than those of the Reformation, is carried out under the protectorate of the Jews. Leading its preparations and effects in Germany I see a Lithuanian Jew, in the Spanish Senor Mendizabal, I see a Jew from Aragon; in the President of the French Council, Marshal Soult, I recognise the son of a French Jew; in the Prussian minister, Graf Arnim, I see a Jew. As you already see, dear Coningsby, the world is ruled by personages who are very different from those who are regarded as ruling and do not work behind the scenes. 1844 political novel Coningsby by Benjamin Disraeli, the British Prime Minister, a character known as Sidonia (which was based on Lord Rothschild, whose family he had become close friends with in the early 1840s) says: That mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany and which will be in fact a greater and a second

495 Reformation, and of which so little is as yet known in England, is entirely developing under the auspices of the Jews, who almost monopolize the professorial chairs of Germany ... the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. 1844 According to one source, the Old Yishuv Jews constitute the largest of several ethno-religious groups in Jerusalem - however estimates approximately 20 years before and 20 years after this date suggest otherwise. See Demographics of Jerusalem. 1844 Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane founded. American stores giving a half pound of sugar free with purchase of five dollars or more. Tsarion 1844 Bahai religion begins when the Bab proclaims his mission in Persia. 1844 Benjamin Disraeli publishes "Coningsby" - thereby popularizing the "myth of an international Jewish conspiracy." Sidonia, one of the major characters is this book, is an almost superhuman Jewish intellectual and international banker who spells out in great detail how a cabal of immensely wealthy Jews actually control the governments of the entire world. Disraeli's reasons for doing so can only be speculated upon. Many charcters in Disraeli's books were closely copied from the prominent people of the time and Sidonia is obviously a composite of Disraeli himself and Baron Rothschild. (Coningsby) 1844 Birth of Salomon Albert Rothschild, third Baron von Rothschild of Vienna. He is the son of Amschel Salomon Rothschild. 1844 First census in Jerusalem shows 7120 Jews, 5760 Muslims, 3390 Christians. 1844 Karl Marx publishes "A World Without Jews" 1844 May 3 First skirmish in Philadelphia anti-Catholic riots. 1844 May 6 A major street battle and general riot break out in Philadelphia. 1844 Mordecai Noah publishes Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews. 1844 Pastor T. Tully Crybace convenes a committee in London for the purpose of founding a 'British and Foreign Society for Promoting the Restoration of the Jewish Nation to Palestine.' He urges that England secure from Turkey Palestine 'from the Euphrates to the Nile, and from the Mediterranean to the Desert'. 1844 Rev. Samuel Bradshaw, in his Tract for the Times, Being a Plea for the Jews calls for Parliament to allot 4 million pounds for the Restoration of Israel, with another 1 million to be collected by the Church.

496 1844, (May 25) Louis Philippe issues regulations for the internal organization of French Jews. (June) Rabbinical conference at Brunswick (Germany). Death of Aaron Chorin (Austria-Hungary). Autonomy of the kahal abolished government supervised schools for the Jews founded (Russia & Poland). Heinrich Lehman arrives in America, is joined by his brothers Emanuel and Mayer. Later become known as Lehman Brothers, world's largest commodities brokers. 1844, . 1500 . 1844, . 1844, 12 , . 1844, (Benjamin Disraeli), , " ." 1844, , . 1848 . 1844 . , , ! 1847 - - . - - -, . 1847 - - ' , . : . ! , , . 1845 (April) Ukase issued ordering Russian and Polish Jews to adopt ordinary costume. Jews admitted to municipal offices in England. Rabbinical conference at Frankfort; Reform Society formed in Berlin, Germany. 1845 8

497 1845 A. Toussenel publishes "Les Juifs, rois de l'epoque," one of the first antisemitic works of this period. It's publication marks the beginning of modern antisemitism according to some historians. (Morais 169) NOTE, It is probably no coincidence that Toussenel's book was published the year after Disraeli's "Coningsby" (Sidonia) popularized the idea of a powerful international Jewish establishment. 1845 June 18-- According to the Malta Times we find the brigantine Victoria some 900 miles east of Adalia, when her crew saw three luminous bodies emerge from the sea into the air. They were visible for ten minutes, flying a half mile from the ship. There were other witnesses who saw this same UFO phenomena from Adalia, Syria and Malta. The luminous bodies each displayed an apparent diameter larger than the size of the full moon. 1845 Spring Heeled Jack is seen in Ealing and Hanwell. At Jacob's Island in Bermondsey SHJ is responsible for the accidental death of a prostitute, Maria Davis. 1845, . (Bavaria proscribed Freemasonry -total suppression-) 1845, . , " ; ". 1845: an eight planet, Neptune, is discovered mathematically by John Adams 1845: British policies cause a famine in Ireland that will kill a million people 1845: Youstol Dispage Fromscaruffi dies 1846 Abraham Lincoln denounces the war as a fraud and a slaveowners conspiracy. He is driven out of politics for the next 12 years. 1846 Former slaves in Caribbean left to manage old sugar plantationa situation that would last until sugar plantations would eventually be taken over by the United States. Tsarion 1846 Independent U.S. Treasury established. Tsarion 1846 January 13 President James Polk orders Gen. Zachary Taylor to advance to the Rio Grande River, a frank invasion of Mexican territory. 1846 July 28--At 3:30 A.M., near Stralsund (then part of Pomerania and now Germany). During a short walk from the city on the Baltic shore, witnesses saw in a pale blue light the image of Stralsund looming over the Isle of Rugen on the opposite shore for a period of 15 minutes. The image was clear enough that details of the facade of the Gothic church of St. Mary could be "distinguished with ease."

498 1846 July 4 Captain John C. Fremont marches to Sonoma near Yerba Buena (modern San Francisco). There he proclaims the independence of California and names himself governor. 1846 July 7 Navy Comdr. John D. Sloat, stationed in Mazatlan, Mexico, at the outbreak of the war, sails to Monterey, Calif., and takes possession of the city and its harbor. 1846 May 8 A Mexican force crosses the river at Palo Alto, and a battle takes place providing Polk with the excuse to declare war against Mexico. 1846 Nucleus of physicians in New York form the American Medical Association. Tsarion 1846 Over 117,000 Chinese laborers brought to Western United States, feeding an imported opium trade estimated at 285,000 pounds per year into the U.S. Tsarion 1846 September 24 After a four-day siege and a gallant resistance by the Mexicans, General Taylor enters Monterrey. 1846 September 27--During the exhibition of a panoramic model of Edinburgh, in the Zoological Gardens at Liverpool, about 3 P.M., an erect image of Edinburgh, depicted on the clouds over Liverpool, was seen by two residents in the Great Park at Birkenhead, for a period of forty minutes." Edinburgh is about 325 kilometers north of Liverpool. 1846, , . , , . , , . , , 2/14 1846. 1846 The Mexican War (1846 - 1848) was the culmination of the unofficial policy of "Manifest Destiny," and the official 1822 Monroe Doctrine that loudly proclaimed that European interference in the Western Hemisphere would not be tolerated. Major business interests in the U. S. wanted control of all of the land from "sea to shining sea" to include all of the natural resources, and were willing to do whatever was necessary to get it. The Texas War for Independence from Mexico (1835 - 1836) along with the annexation of Texas in March of 1845, was one of the two major provocations leading to the Mexican War because we knew that Mexico would never recognize the independence of Texas nor its annexation. The second major provocation took place in January of 1846 when Polk sent Gen. Zachary Taylor's newly raised

499 military force at Corpus Christi to the Rio Grande. In April of 1846, Mexican cavalry crossed the Rio Grande and killed some members of an American scouting expedition, and the U. S. had the major event necessary to create the rationale for going to war with Mexico. With the signing of the July 1848 peace treaty with Mexico, the U. S. had acquired huge tracts of land north of the current border with Mexico. In 1853, the Gadsden Purchase acquired some additional territory that is now in Arizona. 1846, 33 . 1846, [ 1788 1790], . 1846, . , -, . 1847 American Medical Association (AMA) organized in the U.S. Tsarion 1847 February 23 Taylor wins his most famous victory at Buena Vista. There, for the entire day, his army of 4,700 men successfully withstands the attack of 20,000 Mexicans under Santa Anna. 1847 From 1847 until his elevation to the peerage in 1876, Benjamin Disraeli represents Buckinghamshire in the House of Commons. 1847 Lionel de Rothschild elected to parliament but refuses to take the Christian oath (England). Anti Jewish riots in Prussia (Germany). Jews settle in Washington, D.C. (America). 1847 , -, . , . , , 1850 . 1847 March 27 Gen. Winfield Scott captures the fortress on the harbor of Veracruz. 1847 1847 Maria Anna Schicklgruber (Adolf Hitler's grandmother) dies in Austria.

500 1847 , 1854 : , . . , , : , 1922 1917 1897 ( ). 1847 September 14 American troops enter Mexico City. 1847 , 16 . 1847, Battle of Buena Vista; Colonel Kearny occupies New Mexico and California; Vera Cruz surrenders to General Scott; Mexico City Surrenders; 1847, . , 1847. Mount Lebanon. Mentioned by Sir Richard Burton in The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, 1898, p. 128. 1847, , , , , .. . 1847: Maya Rebellion in Yucatn. 1848: the Revolutions of 1848 are a wave of failed liberal and republican revolutions that swept Europe. 1848 . , : After the failure of the 1848 revolutions (during which Mazzini became the main leader of the short-lived Roman Republic), the Italian nationalists began to look to the king of Sardinia and his prime minister Count Cavour as the leaders of the unification movement. This meant separating national unification from the social and political reforms advocated by Mazzini. 1848: rebellion in British-ruled Ceylon 1848 - . . - 1848 1870.

501 1921 . 1848 1848 1848 -- Fall of monarchy in France. Republic established in Rome. Abdication of Ferdinand I in Austria. Revolts in Denmark, Ireland, Lombardy, Schleswig-Holstein and Venice. Germany briefly united in a parliament at Frankfort; unity destroyed by the King of Prussia. Marx and Engles publish the Communist Manifesto (allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati) and travel in France and Germany encouraging discontent with the Establishment. Woman's Suffrage Movement gets underway in Seneca Falls, New York. Spiritualism born in Wayne County, New York, when the teenaged Fox sisters communicate with poltergeists. Fortean tidbits: moon turns "blood-red" during total eclipse; a great comet fails to return at the time predicted; visions and "phantom soldiers" seen in the skies of France and Scotland; Captain M'Quahae of H.M.S. Daedalus reports seeing a "huge, unknown creature" in the ocean. Gold discovered in California. - 1848 - Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, alias Karl Marx, writes "The Communist Manifesto." Marx is a member of an Illuminati front organization called the League of the Just. He not only advocates economic and political changes; he advocates moral and spiritual changes as well. He believes the family should be abolished and that all children should be raised by a central authority. He expresses his attitude toward God by saying: "We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed." - 1848 During the revolution of 1848, which was led by the Grand Orient of France, its grandmaster, the Jew Cremieux was minister of Justice. In 1860 this man founded the Israelite International League and announced with incomprehensible insolence in the year 1861, in the Israelite Archives (page 651), that in place of Popes and Caesars, a new kingdom, a new Jerusalem, will arise. And our good Freemasons with their blind eyes help the Jews in the great work of building up this new temple of Solomon, this new Caesarean-Papal kingdom of the Cabbalists! In the year 1862, a Berlin Freemason had a leaflet of eight pages printed, in which he complained about the predominance of Jews in the lodges. Under the title Signs of the Time, he alludes to the dangerous character of the Berlin elections of 28th April and 6th May of the year in question. An element, he said, has appeared on the scene and has exercised a dangerous influence which causes disintegration on all sides: the Jew.

502 The Jews are leading in their writings, words and deeds; they are the most principal leaders and agents in all revolutionary undertakings, even in the building of barricades. One has seen this very clearly in Berlin in the year 1848. How is it possible that, in Berlin, 217 Jewish candidates were elected, and that, in two districts, only Jews were elected with the exclusion of any Christian candidates? 1848 "The Great Year of Revolution". 1848 : 8.000 ' 1.100 . 429 , . , 1848 , , , , . 1848 The Jesuits are the true authors of socialist-communism. The economic system of the Dark Ages was feudalism consisting of the few rich landowners and the many poor peasants. It was a sin to make a profit by anyone other than the feudal lords. Thus, if the world is to be returned to the Dark Ages, the Protestant middle class must be destroyed. Socialist-communism accomplishes this, having yielded its bitter fruit in both Great Britain and the United States. The great deception is that the Jews are the authors of communism. (After all, is not Zionism Jewish communism?) The facts are that the Jesuits used their Masonic Jews to introduce it in 1848 and again in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution. 1848 August 6--The most famous sea-serpent report of all time. The witnesses were the captain and crew of the frigate Daedalus, on their way back to England from the Cape of Good Hope. Soon after its arrival at Plymouth on October 4, several newspapers reported rumors of a spectacular 20-minute sea-serpent sighting, and the Admiralty asked Peter M'Quhae, the captain, to supply a report either denying or detailing the incident. On the eleventh M'Quhae wrote Adm. Sir W. H. Gage a letter which the Times of London reprinted two days later. It reads in part: The object ... was discovered to be an enormous serpent, with head and shoulders kept about four feet constantly above the surface of the sea, and as nearly as we could approximate by comparing it with the length of what our main-topsail yard would show in the water, there was at the very least 60 feet of the animal [above water], no portion of which was, to our perception, used in propelling it through the water, either by vertical or horizontal undulation. It passed rapidly, but so close under our lee quarter, that had it been a man of my acquaintance, I should easily have recognized his features with the naked eye; and it did not, either in

503 approaching the ship or after it passed our wake, deviate in the slightest degree from its course to the S.W., which it held on at the pace of from 12 to 15 miles per hour, apparently on some determined purpose. The diameter of the serpent was about 15 or 16 inches behind the head, which was, without any doubt, that of a snake, and it was never, during the 20 minutes that it continued in sight of our glasses, once below the surface of the water; its color a dark brown, with yellowish white about the throat. It had no fins, but something like the mane of a horse, or rather a bunch of seaweed, washed about its back. It was seen by the quartermaster, the boatswain's mate, and the man at the wheel, in addition to myself and officers above mentioned. The Zoologist soon afterwards published the private notes of another witness, Lt. Edgar Drummond, who confirmed M'Quhae's account in all particulars but one. What M'Quhae had called a mane Drummond deemed a dorsal fin. Ten years later another officer recalled the incident in a letter to the Times. "My impression," he wrote, "was that it was rather of a lizard than a serpentine character, as its movement was steady and uniform, as if propelled by fins, not by any undulatory power." 1848 Benjamin Disraeli inherits his father's fortune and purchases the estate of Hughenden, near High Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire. 1848 California Gold Rush. Tsarion 1848 Disraeli becomes leader of the Conservative Party in the House of Commons. 1848 Dr. Semmelweis at the University of Vienna Medical School cuts infant deaths by requiring doctors to wash their hands. Subsequently fired. Tsarion 1848 Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary is born. 1848 February 2 The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo is signed. Mexico accepts the Rio Grande as its boundary. This gives the United States Mexico's northern provinces of California and New Mexico. These include parts of the present states of Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming. Mexico receives 15 million dollars and is relieved of all claims by citizens of the United States against it. 1848 February Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish the "Manifesto of the Communist Party." It's opening line is, "A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of Communism." 1848 Fortean tidbits: moon turns "blood-red" during total eclipse; a great comet fails to return at the time predicted; visions and "phantom soldiers" seen in the skies of France and Scotland. 1848 , . New Ross , 1846 1855.

504 , , , , . , , ' , , ' , ' , , , , . [ ] 1848 Immigration from Ireland to the United States. United States news media spread the word that one third carried a copy of the Manifesto in order to help enforce the spread of compulsory schooling for native Americans. Tsarion 1848 Karl Marx Communist Manifesto created. Proposes: abolition of private property in land (through gradually increasing property tax), heavy progressive or graduated income tax, abolition of inheritance rights (inheritance tax), confiscation of private property, a central bank, forced distribution of population and centralization of transportation and communication in the hands of the state. Tsarion 1848 Lord George Bentinck, formal leader of the Young England party dies. 1848 March 18 Revolution breaks out in Berlin, tens of thousands fight in the streets. 1848 March 21 With Berlin in the hands of the revolutionaries, Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm IV announces that henceforth "Prussia is merged with Germany" 1848 Karl Marx, a 32nd degree Grand Orient Mason, carried on the Frankist Reform's subversive work. Marx was profoundly antireligious and, in fact, he was against all religions. He is famous for having said, Religion is the opiate of the people. And in 1844 he remarked, The criticism of religion is the beginning of all criticism. It was Karl Marx, comments Antelman, who was born Jewish and whose family converted to Christianity when he was six, who wrote a book, A World Without Jews. Karl Marx helped promote anti-Semitism? According to Antelman, Marx, the so-called father of Communism, was paid for his services by the League of the Just which was known in its country of origin, Germany, as the Bund per Gerechten. 1848 Marx and Engles publish the Communist Manifesto (allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati) and travel in France and Germany encouraging discontent with the Establishment. 1848 November Pope Pius IX flees Rome for Naples

505 1848 October Prussian troops return to Berlin, overthrow the liberal parliament and reestablish autocracy. 1848 Until about 1848, it seemed somewhat difficult to show conclusively the link between Judaism and Illuminism, Communism and Capitalism, but a close study of the life of Adolphe Cremieux, and that of his confidential agent, Leon Gambetta, throws full light on the subject. Whereas in Gentile life, there is an unbridgeable abyss between Conservatism and Anarchy, Religion and Atheism, there is no such chasm in the Jewish mentality. There, all currents, no matter in what direction they may seem to flow, are finally united and channeled in one unique direction. If it has been somewhat difficult for historians of the French Revolution to see the close link between Judaism and Illuminism, we repeat that no such difficulty exists for the student of the 1848 revolutionary period, after he has followed the life of Adolphe Cremieux and the activities of his Jewish contemporaries. The main difference is that the term "Illuminism" used in the 18th century is replaced by the wide term Freemasonry which embraces all the existent secret societies. Adolphe Isaac Cremieux (1796-1880) came from a Jewish family of the South of France, that had members in Aix, Nimes and Marseilles. (Gaston Cremieux, another member of the same family (1836-1871) was an active Socialist and Revolutionary. He participated in the Paris Commune and was court-Martialed and executed in 1871). Briefly, Cremieux's life may be viewed from three sides: 1st, his racial Jewish activities, 2nd, his Masonic activities, 3rd, his political influence. 1848 Rockefeller interests establish prime goal of control of U.S. medical system. Tsarion 1848 Spiritualism born in Wayne County, New York, when the teenaged Fox sisters communicate with poltergeists. 1848 25 1848 , [= ], , . 1848, Emancipation Year; most of the countries of central Europe grant full civic and political rights to Jews -- in the majority of cases, repealed the next year. Riots in Presburg. Year of Revolutions. Liberal constitution of Piedmont, Italy. Adophe Cremieux minister of Justice (France). Anti-Jewish riots (Austria-Hungary). Influx of Jews from Germany (America). Revolutions erupt throughout Europe; Marx and Engels produce The Communist Manifesto; United States takes California and New Mexico from Mexico. Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto, allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati through Frederich Engels. A wave of Illuminist-inspired socialist and communist revolts sweeps through Europe. Karl Marx, a German Jew (by ethnicity) whose family converted to Christianity for sociopolitical reasons,

506 publishes the Communist Manifesto, a book about what is basically an offshoot of traditional Jewish communal living called "Communism." This book is designed to attack traditional Western values and morals, and is nothing more than a blueprint for long-term sociopolitical and economic revenge. For the most part, they are unsuccessful, and many "forty-eighters" emigrate to the United States. A disproportionate number of them are Jews. August Bundi, a "forty-eighter" from Vienna, later joins with John Brown in the actions at Black Jack and Osawatomie. 1848 : , , , . 1848 The Communist Manifesto of 1848, set Europe ablaze with revolutions, wars and counter-revolutions. In Aug. 1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even greater conflagrations, the coming world wars: "Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward...The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." Onward and upward over the bodies of Fifty Million more Dead Christians was Max Nordau's ecstatic vision of the coming world war {World War I}, and so it came to pass! 1848 When, in the year 1848, the rule of the peoples reached its last limits, the same author cynically added that Israelite names appeared in the highest realms of power. These chosen ones, these representatives of the people, often took on such French names as Fould, Ceriber, Cremieux, etc. The custom of there being at least one Jewish representative in the government of the Republic is something that, apart from rare exceptions, has been preserved up to our days. However, not only in France did the Jewish people play a predominant role, but with all revolutionary movements. The revolution that shook central Europe in the year 1848, writes Lambelin, was spread and supported by the Jews, as the countless facts and documents prove. 1848: The Year of Revolutions The continuing intrigues of the Illuminati culminated in the several political upheavals of 1848, known as the Year of Revolutions. This year was the fruition of the machinations of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, a derivation developed through the influence of the Asiatic Brethren. It was out of these associations that would develop the most pernicious occult organizations through the rest of the century, known as the Occult Revival, and into the twentieth, when they would eventually ally themselves with related secret societies in Egypt,

507 who purportedly represented a survival of the Ismaili Grand Lodge of Fatimid times, to produce Islamic fundamentalism. It was Cagliostro who had been responsible for the mystical teachings incorporated into the Masonic Rite of Mizraim, the Biblical name of Egypt, based purportedly on the secret teachings he learned on his travels to that country. The army of Napoleon, composed of members of the Philalethes, Asiatic Brothers, and Martinists, brought Cagliostros Masons to Egypt, where they supposedly came in contact with a native esoteric fraternity, representing the Grand Lodge established by the Ismailis in the eleventh century, and known in the occult as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. 1848, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The Breslau Conference in Germany, an assembly of rabbis interested in reform, declares Jewish women entitled to the same religious rights and subject to the same religious duties as men. 1848 1852 . 1848, . " ' ... . ". 1849 (July 3) Baron Lionel de Rothschild, previously returned as M.P. for city of London, not allowed to take seat. Jews settle in San Francisco and Los Angeles (America). 1849 Anthony Vaughan returns to Oak Island with the Truro Syndicate. They dig numerous shafts, bore several holes and get ripped off by their foreman. 1849 George Gawler accompanies Sir Moses Montefiori on a trip to Palestine, persuading him to invest in and initiate Jewish settlements in the country. 1849 to 1936 -- Life of Sir Basil Zaharoff, "mystery man of Europe," who made a fortune as an armaments dealer and financier, selling weapons to both sides in World War I and other conflicts. - 1849 William A. Rockefeller indicted for raping a hired girl. William also bills himself as a cancer specialist and sells petroleumbased products as elixir. Tsarion 1849 6 1849 27 1936, 87 1849, (July 3) Baron Lionel de Rothschild, previously returned as M.P. for city of London, not allowed to take seat. Jews settle in San Francisco and Los Angeles (America). 1849, " " . 1849, . !

508 , . 1849, . 1849 , 1849. . 1850 A female Alma is captured in the Ochamchir region. She resembled a Neanderthal rather than a human, with unusual features and a full coat of hair from head to toe. She was also very powerful, and could easily outrun even horses, and swim across fast flowing rivers. While in captivity she gave birth to several children, who were also physically tougher than normal and dark skinned, but with no other apparent unusual characteristics. She was named "Zama". (She is able to bear children fathered by humans). 1850 , : SOLOMON 1819th century. Family in St Helena and South Africa. On his way from England to India at the age of twenty, Saul Solomon (17751850) became ill and was put ashore on the Indian Ocean island of St Helena. He became the leading merchant and ships purveyor on the island and an intimate of NAPOLEON during his years of exile there. His nephew, also Saul Solomon (d. 1892), was educated in Cape Town and became the government printer and a leading newspaper publisher. Although tiny in stature, he was an influential member of the Cape legislature and its most effective debater. He married a non-Jew and was baptized. Other members of the family, all Christians, played a prominent part in South African life, and included a chief justice and the first South African high commissioner in London. 1850 August 17 Jose San Martin dies in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France 1850 British physician reads a paper detailing microscopic examination of food products to the Botanical Society of London. The paper revealed that all food products examined in Britain were adulterated with foreign substances, including chemicals. Hearings periodically held for decades. Tsarion 1850 / , , 18-12-

509 1854, , . 1850 Ernestine Potovsky Rose (1810 1892), the first American Jewish feminist, assists in organizing the National Women's Rights Convention in Massachusetts. 1850 Germany experiences a new scientific paradigm, psychophysics, which maintains that people are similar to complex machines. The paradigm further leads to that of experimental psychology in order to discover the nature of humans and how to program them. In Germany, Wundt is the primary proponent of these ideas. American elite begin to come to Germany to study the paradigm. Tsarion 1850. , : 10.000 1850 Homeopathic college founded in Cleveland, Ohio. Tsarion 1850 In 1850 Tae ping wang, the noted revolutionary leader, made a fresh attempt to restore the Ming dynasty, from whom he pretended to be descended. With his defeat and death the League again subsided into obscurity. In the spring of 1863 a quantity of books were accidentally found by the police in the house of a Chinaman, suspected of theft, at Padang (Sumatra), containing the laws, statutes, oaths, mysteries of initiation, catechism, description of flags, symbols, and secret signs of the League, all of which were published in English in a volume at Batavia in 1866. 1850 The most numerous vitrified remains in the New World are located in the western United States. In this year, the American explorer Captain Ives William Walker was the first to view some of these ruins, situated in Death Valley. He discovered a city about a mile long, with the lines of the streets and the positions of the buildings still visible. At the center he found a huge rock, between 20 to 30 feet high, with the remains of an enormous structure atop it. The southern side of both the rock and the building was melted and vitrified. Walker assumed that a volcano had been responsible for this phenomenon, but there is no volcano in the area. In addition, tectonic heat could not have caused such a liquefication of the rock surface. An associate of Captain Walker who followed up his initial exploration commented: "The whole region between the rivers Gila and San Juan is covered with remains. The ruins of cities are to be found there which must be most extensive, and they are burnt out and vitrified in part, full of fused stones and craters caused by fires which were hot enough to liquefy rock or metal. There are paving stones and houses torn with monstrous cracks [as though they had] been attacked by a giant's fire-plough." These vitrified ruins in Death Valley sound fascinating--but do they really exist? There certainly is evidence of ancient civilizations in the area. In Titus Canyon, petroglyphs and inscriptions have been

510 scratched into the walls by unknown prehistoric hands. Some experts think the graffiti might have been made by people who lived here long before the Indians we know of, because extant Indians know nothing of the glyphs and, indeed, regard them with superstitious awe. 1850 The Truro Syndicate uncovers the drain system that keeps flooding the pit. 1850 Thirteen-years-old, Alois Schicklgruber, the future father of Adolf Hitler, moves to Vienna. 1850 Two states in the United States, Massachusetts and New York, create an active paradigm that says the state is the father of children and create laws to cause a social phasing out of blood family loyalty and a phasing in of loyalty to state. The two states create adoption law. Tsarion 1850 U.S. prison population is 29:100,000 (Ratio 29 per 100,000). Tsarion 1850 . Mouton Laffite. 1850, . 1850 7 17 1850 1850, Ernestine Potovsky Rose (1810-1892), the first American Jewish feminist, assists in organizing the National Women's Rights Convention in Massachusetts. Radical feminists hold the American Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York, and formalize their campaign for women's property rights, suffrage, and divorce law reform. They also decide to join forces with the Abolitionist and socialist movements. Due to the German Jewish emigration, there are now over 16,000 Jews in New York City, 6,000 in Philadelphia and 4,000 in Baltimore. By now, Jews are so active in New York City politics that Democratic party leaders make it a point to attend Jewish social and charitable events. 1850 When Pius IX. had sought safety from the revolutionaries of 1848, he needed Rothschild loans to enable him to regain his temporal power: they did not grant him the loan until he promised to pull down the ghetto walls in Rome and establish freedom of movement and abolition of special taxes for Jews; this he refused to do until 1850, when the loan of thirty-three million francs was granted to him, on that condition. Payments of interest soon got into arrears (Daily Telegraph, 2nd Nov., 1935), which may be the reason that long after the Rothschild House in Naples had been closed down, the Rothschilds remained guardians of the Papal Treasure!

511 1850, 15 4 . 1850, , , , . ( ). (. ), . ... , , . , 160 . ; . 1851, Isaac Singer perfects the sewing machine. A close network of Jewish clothiers in New York, Cincinnati, Syracuse, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston win government contracts for uniforms; they are later appointed clothiers for the Union army. Within a decade, the ready-to-wear clothing industry will become a Jewish monopoly. This will help secure the retailing industry as their next monopoly. 1851: 50% of the British population lives in the countryside 1851: gold is discovered in Australia 1851: Taiping Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and Manchu domination. 1851: London's population is 2,363,000 1851: the first Universal Exhibition is held in London 1852 Benjamin becomes first professed Jew elected to Congress. - 1852 . 1852 Benjamin Disraeli becomes chancellor of the British Exchequer and leader of the House of Commons in Lord Derby's shortlived ministry of 1852. 1852 Captain Seaburg of Monongahela kills seaserpent. 1852 Disraeli, referring to the numerous revolutions in Europe since 1848, writes in his "Political Biography of Lord George Bentink" the following quotation, "The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes

512 place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. Destruction of the Semitic principles, extirpation of the Jewish Religion, whether in the Mosaic or the Christian form the natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the Secret Societies which form Provisional Governments and men of the Jewish Race are found at the head of every one of them. The people of God cooperate with atheists; the most skillful accumulators of property ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen Race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes to them its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure." 1852 Judah P. Benjamin becomes the first professing Jew elected to the U.S. Senate (in 1852 and again in 1858). 1852 ADLER, Victor 18521918. Austrian labour leader. Born in Prague and taken to Vienna, Adler became a prominent figure in the international labour movement. He united the disorganized Austrian working classes into a strong political party, the Austrian Social Democratic Party (1888), and led its moderate wing. He became the editor of the influential socialist daily paper, Arbeiter Zeitung (1894), was a member of the Austrian parliament (190518), and for a few days in 1918 served as foreign minister in the revolutionary government. After his marriage Adler converted to Roman Catholicism and became an antiZionist. 1852, Jewish, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli warns Europe, in a speech to the House of Commons, that Jewish persons are dangerous to Western, conservative ideas. Few listen. The first Jewish hospital in America, Jew's Hospital, is established in New York and later renamed Mt. Sinai Hospital. Karl Marx is hired as European correspondent for Gentile Illuminist Horace Greeley's New York Daily Tribune, the premier Abolitionist publication with circulation of nearly 1,000,000. (Sept. 3) Violent anti-Jewish riots at Stockholm. Conformation of "Status Quo" in Holy Places in Palestine. 1852, . ' , . 1852, 3

513 , . 1852: the Royal Observatory introduces a uniform time standard for the whole of Britain 1853 A huge "Tiger" is spotted near Russelville, Kentucky. 1853 April 19 Russia claims to be the protectorate of Turkey in a prelude to the Crimean War. 1853 : ! !!! . , ; 1853: 1853 Cecil Rhodes is born. Tsarion 1853 Chloroform first used as anesthetic in England. Tsarion 1853 Dr. Isaac Brown, a prominent British surgeon and president of the Medical Society of London, creates a surgical procedure to remove the clitoris from women on the grounds that masturbation caused epilepsy and convulsive diseases. Tsarion 1853 First use of hypodermic needle for subcutaneous injection. Tsarion 1853 In Orthodoxie Maonnique, the Jew and Masonic authority, J.M. Ragon, gives details of the two grades of the Order "Juges Philosophes Inconnus," a Templar rgime. He places these as belonging, probably, to the "Order of Christ," an Order which, after the suppression of the Templars, was constituted in Portugal by King Denis, and into which reformed Templars were admitted, without, however, their former immunities and entirely depending on the Head of the State. It is admitted that modern Templars have used the veil of Masonry as being better for spreading their ideas, but it is Masonic only in form. 1853 Gobineau publishes "Essay on the Inequality of Human Races." 1853 Harriet Beeher Stowe visits England after publishing Uncle Toms Cabin; meets Lord Palmerston and other British prominent Britons. 1853 Heinrich Graetz publishes History of the Jews (Geschichte der Juden), the first academic work portraying the Jews as a historical nation. 1853 In England, the Compulsory Vaccination Act. From 1853 to 1860, vaccination reached 75% of the live births and more than 90% of the population. Tsarion 1853 Smallpox epidemic in England. Tsarion

514 1853, Publication of Philippson's Bible completed; Ahavat Ziyyon by Abraham Mapu. Saratov blood libel (Russia & Poland). Levi Strauss arrives in San Francisco by ship, and hires local tailors to make work clothes out of tent cloth. You can still see his name stamped on 95% of American buttocks...I won't wear them. 1853, the Gadsden Purchase acquired some additional territory that is now in Arizona. U.S. War with Mexico. Abolition of "Jewish Oath." (France). Rabbinical conference in Breslau, Germany. Montefiore visits Russia. I.M. Wise arrives in America. Irish potato famine is suffered, with deaths reaching 1 million. The Mexican War was fought from 1846 to 1848 against Mexico. Tensions between the U.S., and Mexico had gotten worse since California was being settled in large numbers by Americans. The Americans wanted for California to be part of the U.S., but Mexico didn't want this to happen. Eventually this tension turned into open war as tensions between Texas and Mexico erupted. General Taylor crosses Rio Grande into Mexico; Battle of Monterrey; 1853, , Pieter Jean Beckx. 1853-56 , . ( 10 !) : , ... . . 1853: In the Crimean war Britain, France and the Ottoman Empire fight Russia 1854 . 1854 1857. 1854 August 7 In St. Louis, two days of anti-Catholic riots split the community. 1854 Breslau Jewish Theological Seminary opened in Germany. First YMHA founded (America). Crimean War is fought; Japan ends isolation, signs U.S. commercial treaty. The Republican Party is formed as an alliance of socialists, abolitionists, feminists, anti Masons and expatriate "forty eighters." Prominent German Jews were founders of the Republican Party in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities. 1854: Revolution in Spain against the Moderate Party Government. 1854-1855: Revolution of Ayutla in Mexico

515 1854 ( 1854) . 1854 1854 1878 . , , , , . 1854 German watchmaker Heinrich Goebel invents first light bulb. Tsarion 1854 July 13 Anti-Catholics riot in Buffalo, New York. 1854 July 6 An anti-Catholic mob in Bath, Maine, demolishes the Old South Church. 1854 May 28 Anti-Catholic riots break-out in New York City. 1854 Slaveowners break the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and extend slavery into Kansas. This provocation and the President's compromising reaction to it help pave the way toward Southern secession. 1854 (1854-56), , , , , . ' : Savoy , : . 1854 The Crimean War (1854-56) is fought to protect British and French imperial interests against Russia's threatened advance toward the Mediterranean and India. 1854 , 23 7 . 1854 14 1854, Aberdeen : " , , ... , , . , , ... ...

516 , ". 1854, Breslau Jewish Theological Seminary opened in Germany. 1854 1854, First YMHA founded (America). Crimean War is fought; Japan ends isolation, signs U.S. commercial treaty. The Republican Party is formed as an alliance of socialists, abolitionists, feminists, anti-Masons and expatriate "forty-eighters." Prominent German Jews were founders of the Republican Party in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities. 1855 - , Salomons . 1855, , (). . 1855 Alois Schicklgruber enlists in the frontier guards; joins the ranks of the Austrian civil service. 1855 August 24 Abraham Lincoln denounces anti-Catholicism and the Know-Nothing Party for its prejudice against Negroes, foreigners and Catholics 1855 : 1855 August 6 Anti-Catholic riots in Louisville, Kentucky. 1855 Compulsory nature of Massachusetts vaccination statute firm, and a pre- condition for school admittance. Statutes created in the belief it would protect children from smallpox. Tsarion 1855 Death of Isaac Samuel Reggio in Italy. David Salomons lord mayor London, England. Cleveland Conference (America). "The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ["kikes"]. They are full fledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion." (Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia from 1825 to 1855, in his diaries) 1855 February 7-- Among the world's great mysteries is the case of the devil's footprints. Unfortunately, the documentation is not entirely satisfactory, but no one disputes that something out of the ordinary took place just after a snowfall on the night of February 7,1855, in Devonshire, England. As The Times of London reported: "Considerable sensation has been evoked in the towns of Topsham, Lympstone, Exmouth, Teignmouth, and Dawlish, in the south of Devon, in consequence of the discovery of a vast number of foot-tracks of a most strange and mysterious description. The superstitious go so far as to believe that they are the marks of Satan himself; and that great excitement has been produced among all classes may be judged from the fact that the subject

517 has been descanted on from the pulpit. It appears that on Thursday night last there was a very heavy fall of snow in the neighborhood of Exeter and the south of Devon. On the following morning, the inhabitants of the above towns were surprised at discovering the tracks of some strange and mysterious animal, endowed with the power of ubiquity, as the foot-prints were to be seen in all kinds of inaccessible places-on the tops of houses and narrow walls, in gardens and courtyards enclosed by high walls and palings, as well as in open fields. There was hardly a garden in Lympstone where the foot-prints were not observed. The track appeared more like that of a biped than a quadruped, and the steps were generally eight inches in advance of each other. The impressions of the feet closely resembled that of a donkey's shoe, and measured from an inch and a half to (in some instances) two and a half inches across. Here and there it appeared as if cloven, but in the generality of the steps the shoe was continuous, and, from the snow in the center remaining entire, merely showing the outer crest of the foot, it must have been convex (concave?). The creature seems to have approached the doors of several houses and then to have retreated, but no one has been able to discover the standing or resting point of this mysterious visitor. On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Musgrave alluded to the subject in his sermon, and suggested the possibility of the footprints being those of a kangaroo; but this could scarcely have been the case, as they were found on both sides of the estuary of the Exe. At present it remains a mystery, and many superstitious people in the above towns are actually afraid to go outside their doors after night." The Times had nothing more to say on the subject. The most detailed accounts, in fact virtually the only detailed accounts, are to be found in letters to the editor of Illustrated London News from locals who reported on what they saw, heard about, or believed about the enigmatic prints, which covered some 100 miles over a zigzag course. Of a general horseshoe shape, each track was, correspondents claimed, exactly eight and a half inches apart. Then and later theorists would offer all kinds of candidates for print-maker: mouse, rat, swan, rabbit, deer, badger, otter, toad, donkey, and kangaroo. But if the accounts-never investigated by any independent authority-of what the tracks looked like and where they went are accurate, none of these candidates works. 1855, , , , Sir Basil Zaharoff, 6 , "" . 1855 Houston Stewart Chamberlain is born.

518 1855 New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal sports an editorial which declares that masturbation is the destroying element of civilized society. Tsarion 1855 Outbreak of cholera in England. Tsarion 1855 1855, Death of Isaac Samuel Reggio in Italy. David Salomons lord mayor London, England. Cleveland Conference (America). "The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ["kikes"]. They are fullfledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion." (Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia from 1825 to 1855, in his diaries) "The Jews...are at the root of regicide, they own the periodical press, they have in their hands the financial markets, the people as a whole fall into financial slavery to them..." (The Siege, p. 38) "The Jews are the most hateful and the most shameful of the small nations." (Voltaire, God and His Men) 1855, 2 , . 1855: Henry Bessemer invents the Bessemer converter for massproducing steel 1855: Joshua Stoddard introduces a steam-powered organ called the "calliope" 1856 (Feb. 18) Hatti Humayun' issued, granting full civic rights to Turkish Jews Treaty of Paris. Jews' College founded in England. Death of Heinrich Heine in Germany. Cantonist legislation abrogated (Russia & Poland). Ha Maggid, first Hebrew weekly, founded in Lyck. 1856 Daniel Coit Gilman, Andrew White and Timothy Dwight set up the Yale Trust to finance the Skull & Bones organization at Yale University. White would become first president of Cornell University and U.S. ambassador to Russia (1892) and U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1897-1902). White advised Herbert Hoover to set up the Hoover Institution. Gilman trained John Dewey, who would help him dominate American education in the 20th century. Gilman also trained Richard Ely, who in turn trained Woodrow Wilson (who gave the Federal Reserve System to the United States, the income tax and WWI.) All three of the men who set up the Yale Trust were educated at the University of Berlin, where they were indoctrinated with Hegelian Deteriminism, which states that everyone must be controlled to achieve predetermined goals. Tsarion 1856 John Stuart Mill (On Liberty) becomes secretary of the East India Company. A disciple of Mill, David Ricardo, originated the Theory of Rents. His descendant, Rita Ricardo, married to Wesley Campbell (head of the Hoover Institution) would advise President Ronald Reagan on Social Security. Tsarion

519 1856 Ottoman reforms (Tanzimat) - including requirement to register ownership of land in Palestine and pay taxes on it. 1856 Spring Father Theodorich Hagen leaves Austria for study in the Near East; visits Jerusalem, Patmos, Persia, Arabia, Turkey, the Caucasus. 1856, (Feb. 18) >Hatti-Humayun' issued, granting full civic rights to Turkish Jews Treaty of Paris. Jews' College founded in England. Death of Heinrich Heine in Germany. Cantonist legislation abrogated (Russia & Poland). Ha-Maggid, first Hebrew weekly, founded in Lyck. Meyer Guggenheim arrives in America from Switzerland. Invents a non-caustic stove polish and brings over his family to work in the business. 1856, , " 20 ' ". , , . 1856, , . 1856, 33 . 1857 After helping the British East India Company put down the Sepoy Rebellion in India, Parliament deprives the company of its political powers and transfers the government of India to the British crown. 1857 . : " , ( ) , , , , ". 1857 December Jewish population of Vienna, 6,217 of 476,220 (1.3%) 1857 Vaccination in England enforced by fines. Smallpox epidemic begins in England that lasts until 1859. Over 14,000 die. Tsarion 1857, 33 . 1857, . . , " ". 1857, [National Education Association, NEA].; 1857: Persia surrenders to Britain all rights over Afghanistan

520 1857: failed Indian rebellion against British East India Company, marking the end of Mughal rule in India. Also known as the 1857 War of Independence and, particularly in the West, the Sepoy Mutiny. 1858-1861: War of the Reform in Mexico 1858 - . 26 1858, Baron, Lionel de Rothschild, 11 . ( ) 1859. 1858 (June 24) Edgar Mortara in Ancona forcibly taken from his family by Bishop of bologna on plea that he had been baptized when an infant by a Roman Catholic servant. The oath >on the true faith of a Christian' abolished in England; Jewish disabilities removed. Lionel de Rothschild takes his seat in parliament after amendment of parliamentary oath (England). Mortara case in Italy. 1858 England experiences a 7 year epidemic of Pertussis (ending in 1865) in which 120,000 die. Tsarion 1858 Jews, for the first time, are allowed to serve in the British Parliament. 1858 Second Opium War lasts until 1860 in China. British establish Hong Kong and Shanghai corporations to act as clearinghouse for drug transactions. Tsarion 1858, (June 24) Edgar Mortara in Ancona forcibly taken from his family by Bishop of bologna on plea that he had been baptized when an infant by a Roman Catholic servant. The oath >on the true faith of a Christian' abolished in England; Jewish disabilities removed. Lionel de Rothschild takes his seat in parliament after amendment of parliamentary oath (England). Mortara case in Italy. 1858, Zygmunt Mineyko moved to St. Petersburg. His brotherin-law, Aleksander Tydman was a close relative of the Russian general Franz-Edward Ivanovich Todtleben (1818-1884). Edward Todtleben helped Zygmunt enroll into the best Military Academy in Russia, the commandant of which was the Emperor himself, Aleksander II. Zygmunt received the best military education possible in Russia at that time. He spent only a few years in this Academy. In St. Petersburg he participates with brother of Kastus' Kalinouski - Baltazar - in collection of illegal student's library, with many books, forbidden by Tsarist censorship. 1858, . 1858 ABRAHAMS, Israel 18581914. English Hebrew scholar. In 1901, Abrahams succeeded Professor Solomon SCHECHTER as reader

521 in rabbinic and talmudic literature at Cambridge, and for the next generation was prominent in Jewish studies in Britain. He edited the Jewish Quarterly Review and was one of the founders of the Jewish Historical Society. Together with Claude MONTEFIORE, he promoted the Liberal (Reform) movement in Britain. He was opposed to Zionism as a political movement, but supported the development of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was a prolific essayist and writer of articles and published a number of books, the best-known of which were Jewish Life in the Middle Ages (1896) and Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels (2 vols., 191724). He also annotated the Authorised Daily Prayer Book (1914), edited by his father-in-law, the Reverend Simeon SINGER. 1858 2 1858, , . , , . 1858 Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) became the first and only known Jew to be the Prime Minister of England. He wrote a book in 1858 entitled Lord George Bentick: A Political Biography, where he stated: The people of God co-operate with atheists; the most skillful accumulators of property ally themselves with communists; this peculiar and chosen race touch the hand of all the scum and low casts of Europe! And all this because THEY WISH TO DESTROY that ungrateful CHRISTENDOM whose tyranny they can no longer endure! 1858: a telegraph wire is laid at the bottom of the ocean between Ireland and Canada 1858 . ! VENTURA, Rubino 17921858. Italian soldier of fortune. After serving as a young soldier in Napoleons army, Ventura found his way to Persia where he instructed the shahs forces, with the rank of colonel. He then took service with the maharaja of Lahore, organized and led the local army, and married an Indian princess. He died in Paris, after having lost the wealth he had accumulated in India. 1858: Power on the Indian colony is transferred to the British government 1859, , ,

522 , , . , , . , , , 1859 , , [ ] . . . : , . 1859 Oil wells invented. Darwin's Origin of Species published. - 1859 Darwins Origin of the Species is published. Comment (Michael Tsarion) The full name of this book was Origin of the Species and Preservation of the Favored Races. Tsarion 1859 Independence of Rumania. Rabbinical seminary transferred to Paris, France. Merchants of the first class permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). 1859 Lord Waterford dies from a fall from his horse. He may have been Spring Heeled Jack. 1859 Mexican President Benito Juarez issues the Ley Lerdo separating church and state, abolishing monastic orders, and nationalizing church property. 1859 Stampede into the oil fields of Pennsylvania. Property prices skyrocket and the Rockefellers begin to make their fortune in oil. Tsarion 1859 The period from 1859 to 1931 is defined by historian Carroll Quigley as the historical stage of Financial Capitalism, where a system of worldwide financial control would be set up in private hands to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the planet as a whole. Tsarion 1859 William Gladstone joins Lord Palmerstons Government. 1859 2 1859 1859 .

523 1859 , Cavour was able to secure an alliance with France, leading to a series of wars between 1859 and 1861 that culminated in the formation of a unified kingdom of Italy. General Giuseppe Garibaldi, a former follower of Mazzini, also played a major role, but this kingdom was very far from the republic preached by Mazzini. Mazzini never accepted a monarchical united Italy and continued to work for a democratic republic. 1859, Independence of Rumania. Rabbinical seminary transferred to Paris, France. Merchants of the first class permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). "Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100-million of them, and the end is not yet." (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn) Isaac Leeser and associates establish the Board of Delegates of American Israelites in Philadelphia, modeled after the British organization. Notwithstanding the board's far-ranging statement of purposes; educational, spiritual, cultural, everyone understood that it was essentially a Jewish defense organization, maintaining a permanent branch lobby in Washington. Jewish Abolitionist George Luther Stearns and the "Secret Six" finance John Brown's bungled raid on Harper's Ferry Arsenal. 1859, 33 . 1859, 3 1870. 1859, . 1859: Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin Of Species" 1860 -- Lincoln elected. Electric storage battery invented. - 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected as President of the United States. Tsarion 1860 Alliance Israelite Universelle founded in France. Sicily and Naples occupied by Garibaldi. Death of Samuel Holdheim; Death of Isaac Marcus Jost in Germany. Jews allowed to own real estate in Austria. South Carolina secedes from United States. 1860: Jewish Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery becomes an advisor to the Sultan Abdul Mecit while secretly working as an agent for Lord Palmerston of the British Foreign Office. Vambery tries to broker a deal between the Zionist leader Theodore Herzl and Sultan Abdul Mecit over the creation of Israel but fails.

524 1860, Garibaldi marched into Naples with the King of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel II by his side. The freemason Victor Emmanuel wanted to be king of all Italy. Mazzini and Cavour gave him the throne. 1860 August 12 Klara Poelzl, mother of Adolf Hitler, is born at Spital, Austria. 1860. , : 12.000 1860 British and French lay siege to Beijing and burn temples and shrines. Treaty of Tientsin allows Britain control of 7/8 of China trade. Tsarion 1860 British import 58,681 chests of opium to China. Tsarion 1860 . 1860 Arminius Vambery, , Palmerston [ ]. Vambery Theodor Herzl , . - . , . , . , . 1870 Wilfred Blunt, . Blunt , . Blunt KGB "Kim" Philby. - , - . , , Lawrence . , Seton-Watson , Dunham Noel Buxton

525 , [, : ] . , ... ! , " " , , . " " . , , . , , . ... . , " "! . , , " " " " ! 1860 Combustible fall in Hessle, Sweden. 1860 December 20 South Carolina secedes from the United States. 1860 Electric storage battery invented and Cesium is discovered. Tsarion 1860 Encyclopedia Britannica (8th Edition) states nothing is more likely to prove hurtful to the cause of vaccination and render the public careless of securing to themselves its benefits, than the belief that they would require to submit to revaccination every 10 to 15 years. Later, in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the policy would change: it is desirable that vaccination should be repeated at the age of 7 to 10 years, and thereafter at intervals during life. Tsarion 1860 First Jewish settlement (Mishkenot Sha' ananim) outside Jerusalem walls. 1860 Food and Drug Act in England established. Tsarion 1860 Introduction of antibiotics and immunization into the U.S. (Through 1896). Tsarion 1860 May 2 Theodor Herzl is born in Budapest, Hungary. 1860 November 10 North Carolina makes decision to secede from Union. 1860 November 6 Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States. 1860 Report from Louisiana, Shreveport: "Our attention was called to a strange light in the heavens. On going out into the gallery we had a magnificent view of it. It appeared to the naked eye, about 300 yards in length, extending from north to west appearing just above the tallest trees.

526 Its color was that of a red hot stove from the center beautiful rays resembling those of the sun drawing water would ascend to a considerable height, the whole presenting a very beautiful and sublime appearance. We watched it for about an hour without perceiving it to change any." 1860 Senate Report on Crime in Washington D.C. Tsarion 1860 United States Government begins a 30 year period of genocide against native American Indians in order to acquire land. Hundreds of thousands of people are rounded up, killed, or relocated to outdoor concentration camps (reservations). Tsarion 1860 1860, Alliance Israelite Universelle founded in France. Sicily and Naples occupied by Garibaldi. Death of Samuel Holdheim; Death of Isaac Marcus Jost in Germany. Jews allowed to own real estate in Austria. South Carolina secedes from United States. August Belmont, self-proclaimed agent for the House of Rothschild, becomes Treasurer of the Democratic Party. Jews Moritz Pinner of Missouri and Louis Dembitz of Kentucky are two of the three delegates who place Abraham Lincoln in nomination at the 1860 Republican Convention. Lincoln is behind Seward in the first two ballots, and wins by a political decision. Lincoln later wins the presidency with only 40% of the popular vote, the beneficiary of a 3-way split in the Democratic party. Engineered by the Jew Belmont1860, 336 . 1860 - Formation of Alliance Israelite Universelle to penetrate all religions and unite them under World Jewry. Fould, the Rothschilds of Paris, London and Vienna, Montefiore, Disraeli, the Goldsmids, were not less Jews than Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Jacoby, Lassalle, Venedy, Riesser. ...And although their respective activities seem to stand so far apart, yet they are all linked, all tending towards the same end. One of the most striking instances is the case of Adolphe Cremieux who ...was connected with all parties and actually helped form the center which united them all, viz. The Alliance Israelite Universelle, which was, in fact, the central Kabal for Universal Jewry. The life of Adolphe Cremieux and the activities of his Jewish contemporaries, belonging to widely divergent social spheres, illustrate forcibly the concerted plan of Judaism to reach its secret Messianic hope of world domination... Cremieux's Jewish activities are exemplified by the part he took in the Damascus Affair with Moses Montefiore, a Jew from England, when Jewry successfully but unconvincingly silenced the accusation of ritual murder committed upon the Catholic priest, Father Thomas, at Damascus, in 1840. He had a prominent share in the

527 foundation and development of the Alliance Israelite Universelle. Officially founded in 1860, this international union of disseminated Jewry had, as we know, existed for centuries, but after the Damascus affair, the Jewish leaders knew that they had attained sufficient power to feel enabled to show to the whole world that although the civil rights they enjoyed had been granted them by different countries, the real allegiance of each and every one of them was due to their Jewish nationality... From 1871 until his death, it can be safely asserted that Crmieux, as President of the Alliance Isralite Universelle and Grand Master of the Scottish Rite, exercised a tremendous influence upon the anti-religious campaign which followed the Franco-Prussian War. In this as in all his lifelong activities, Crmieux was only obeying the teachings of the Talmud and trying to destroy every religion but that contained in Judaism. His favourite theme was that there should be only one cult and that cult should be Jewish. At a general assembly of the Alliance Israilite Universelle, on May 31, 1864, Crimieux had said: The Alliance is not limited to our cult, it voices its appeal to all cults and wants to penetrate in all the religions as it has penetrated into all countries. Let us endeavour boldly to bring about the union of all cults under one flag of Union and Progress. Such is the slogan of humanity.(Union and Progress was the name given to several revolutionary associations and also to several Masonic Lodges.) One cult, one flag! Are the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion or the speeches of Machiavelli in Jolys book anything but a lengthy exposition of the ideas briefly expressed by Crimieux? His activities are one of the clearest examples of Jewish internationalism and Jewish efforts for the realization of the Messianic ideal. 1860, 33 . 1860, , , . 1860, 136 . 1860, 5.500. 1860, 847 , 596 251 . 1860, 281 . 1860, . 1860s -- Attempts to suppress the Mafia in Sicily are unsuccessful. -

528 1861 -- Confederate states secede; elect Jefferson Davis president; Benjamin appointed Confederate Attorney General, later Secretary of War. American Civil War begins. Emancipation of serfs in Russia. Jacolliot writes about the Nine Unknown in Calcutta. Gatling gun patented. - 1861 65 "Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild; a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James [Rothschild], and one for you, Lionel [Rothschild]. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him." (Reported to have been the comments of Disraeli at the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris) So America had its Civil War. 1861 Alois Hitler is promoted to supervisor rank in the Austrian Customs. 1861 April 12 At 4,30 A.M., Fort Sumter, which is still held by soldiers of the U.S. Army, is fired upon by Confederate artillery from nearby Charleston, S.C. 1861 On April 12, Confederate forces fired on the Union's Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, igniting the Civil War. Charleston, at the 33rd Parallel, is known officially as the Mother Lodge of the World. This Lodge had been founded by Moses Lindo as the King Solomon Lodge. 1861 April 14 Fort Sumter's small federal garrison surrenders. 1861 April 15 President Lincoln calls for the use of troops against seceding states. 1861 April 17 Virginia, caught between the warring states, takes its first step toward secession. It is soon followed in turn by Arkansas and North Carolina. 1861 Bank Panic of 1861. Banks refuse to loan U.S. money. Tsarion 1861 Benito Juarez announces a suspension of payment on foreign loans; the British, Spanish, and French occupy Veracruz in order to collect the Mexican debts owed to European Bankers. War of Southern Secession 1861 Benjamin Disraeli adopts a neutral position on Americas Civil War. 1861 December 19 Seward informs Russell that Slidell and Mason will be released. 1861 December 5 Palmerston writes the Queen that England is in a better state than at any former time to inflict a severe blow upon the United States.

529 1861 December 6 Lord Palmerston writes to Russell that war will be a "proabable result." 1861 December Lord Palmerston sends 3,000 more reinforcements to Canada. 1861 February 1 South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana, have all declared their withdrawal (secession) from the United States. 1861 February 4 At Montgomery, Ala., South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana organize a separate and independent government called the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi is elected president and Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, vice-president. 1861 Ft. Sumter bombarded; First Battle of Bull Run; 1862 Battles of Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson; Battle of Shiloh; New Orleans surrenders to the Union; Seven Days' Battles; Battle of Antietam; 1863Battle of Gettysburg; Vicksburg falls to Grant; 1864 Grant's wilderness Campaign; Sherman's March to the Sea; 1865 Petersburg falls to the North; Richmond falls to the Union; Lee Surrenders to Grant; President Lincoln assassinated. 1861 In Cincinatti, Bertha Ochs, wife of Julius Ochs, is arrested for smuggling drugs to the Confederate Army in her sons baby carriage. Later Julius and Berthas son, Adolph Ochs, will marry the daughter of Issac Wise and buy the New York Times. Their daughter will eventually marry Arthur Sulzberger, whose family still owns the New York Times. 1861 Jacolliot writes about the Nine Unknown in Calcutta. 1861 Jews with academic diplomas permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. 1861 Judah P. Benjamin is appointed secretary of war for the Confederacy. 1861 July 21 Bull Run, the wars first major battle, is won by Confederates under Gens. Joseph E. Johnston and Pierre Beauregard; overconfident Union forces under Gen. Irvin McDowell are routed. 1861 June 24 Tennessee begins the secession process. 1861 Lord Palmerston (Sir Henry Temple) recognizes the Confederacy as a belligerent and offers to receive their representaives in London; even though Americas Seward had threatened to treat any country doing so as an enemy; Palmerston sends British reinforcements to Canada. 1861 March 2 Texas becomes the seventh state admitted to the Confederacy. 1861 May Upon Virginia's invitation, the capital of the new nation is moved to Richmond. The number of stars in the Confederate flag, originally seven, will be increased to 13 in recognition of the member

530 states plus Kentucky and Missouri. Neither of these two states will secede, though both send representatives to Confederate Congress. 1861 Mishkenot Shaananim first neighborhood of the New Yishuv outside the Old City of Jerusalem, built by Sir Moses Montefiore. 1861 Moses Hess, said by some to be the true founder of modern Zionism, writes Rome and Jerusalem which attacks Moses Mendelssohns idea that Judaism is a religion/culture. For Hess, Judaism is a race. 1861 November 1 Lord Palmerston learns an American warship, the James Adger, is at South Hampton and intends to intercept the Southern representatives, John Slidell and James Murray Mason, who are bound for England on the British passenger ship Trent. 1861 , ! (2011) , .. . 17 1861, 150 , 25 , , , . . . . . , 19 , . ... . . , , . , , . 1859

531 , . , , . , , , . , . 1861 October 20 Lord Palmerston sends a note to Foreign Office stating that it is probable the South will win the war, and that without doubt, the South as an independent State would be a valuable market for British goods, but the outcome is still too uncertain to fully recognize the South. 1861 Palmerston agrees with Russell's suggestion to put an embargo on supply of arms to the North, though not to the South. 1861 Reddish rain in Siena, Spain. 1861 Simon Wolf is arrested by U.S. Army Counterintelligence director Lafayette Baker who suspects the Bnai Brith is a Confederate intelligence front. Bnai Briths official history says that Wolf was merely defending several Southern Jews arrested in Washington and charged with being Confederate spies 1861 Simon Wolf moves from Cleveland to Washington D.C. as the Bnai Brith representative in the nations capital 1861 Slidell and Mason, the Confederacy's commissioners to England, are captured by the Union ship San Jacinto which boards the Trent off the coast of Cuba; Slidell and Mason are taken to Boston. This incident nearly involves Great Britain in the American Civil war. 1861 The Zion Society is formed in Frankfurt, Germany. 1861 U.S. Civil War begins. Morgans, Armours, and Vanderbilts make a fortune from the conflict. Tsarion 1861 United States introduces passport system. Tsarion 1861 Zygmunt Mineyko. In Spring of 1861 the news of patriotic manifestations in Poland, Belarus and Lithuania reached studet circles in St. Petersburg. He returned to Lithuania and joined the underground movement against Russia. Together with Kanstancin Yanushevich, brothers Henryk, Piotr, Yakub and Branislau Zavadski, Valeryian Yusevich, Van'kovich's, Cviancicki's form a secret society of "Piantkovich". Soon tsarist gendarmes started arresting young patriots.

532 Zygmunt had to flee the country. He escaped to Italy where he enrolled at the Military School in Genoa (established in 1861 by Garibaldi, who was very supportive of the Polish cause at that time). This school trained Polish volunteers for a future uprising in Poland against occupying Russian, German-Prussian and Austrian Forces. Subsequently, Zygmunt lectured on the subject of war fortifications. 1861 , , , , 1861, -65 "Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild; a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James [Rothschild], and one for you, Lionel [Rothschild]. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him." (Reported to have been the comments of Disraeli at the marriage of Lionel Rothschild's daughter, Leonora, to her cousin, Alphonse, son of James Rothschild of Paris) So America had its Civil War. 1861, Jews with academic diplomas permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. B'nai B'rith lodges are active in every major Jewish community in America. American Civil War begins. Jewish Illuminist General Pierre Beuaregard commands Confederate guns to open fire on Fort Sumter. Jewish Illuminist Judah P. Benjamin is appointed attorney-general of the Confederacy, later to serve as Secretary of War and then as Secretary of State. After the war, he flees to England and becomes a prominent barrister. On the last business day of 1861, the New York banks suspend payments in coin, claiming they had used up their specie [gone to the Rothschilds, Seligmans, Warburgs & Speyers]. The Union is bankrupt, and the war is costing $2,000,000 per day. 1861, 33 . 1861-1865: American Civil War in the United States, between the United States and the Confederate States of America, which was formed out of eleven southern states. 1861, 100.000 . 1861, 2 23 " ". 1862 Benjamin appointed Confederate Secretary of State. -

533 1862 A shipwrecked Danish sailor in the Indian Ocean reported seeing a strange aircraft as large as a battleship with four huge wings. This object was seen to crash into a cliff and was destroyed. 1862 Abraham Lincoln outlaws the trade in Chinese coolies (laborer/slaves). Tsarion 1862 Act of 1862 authorizes the issuance of 150 million in legal tender U.S. notes, later known as Lincoln Greenbacks. Other issuances in 1862 and 1863 amount to a total of 450 million. Bankers receive no interest from this and plot revenge. An article in the London Times advises that the U.S. government must be destroyed lest it become prosperous beyond precedent. Tsarion 1862 August U.S. accuses Britain of intentionally allowing the Alabama to escape and demands compensation for all damage incurred. (see 1872) 1862 February 17 Palmerston writes the Queen informing her of the U.S.humiliation. 1862 Issac Wise's Memphis B'nai B'rith representative, Abraham E. Frankland, is arrested and admits being a Confederate spymaster. 1862 Judah P. Benjamin named secretary of state of the Confederacy; serves from 1862 to end of war; his urging that slaves be recruited into the Confederate army enrages many Southerners. 1862 July 22 Northern representatives in London learn of a ship is being built in the shipyards at Birkenhead for use by the Confederate navy. 1862 July 29 Palmerstons advisors recommend that the ship should be detained. 1862 July 31 Orders are given to detain the ship, but it has already sailed on the 29th. As soon the vessel was outside the three-mile limit, it hoisted the Confederate flag and took the name C.S.S. Alabama. Over the next two years, it will inflict heavy damage to Northern shipping. 1862 Karl Marx organizes public meetings in England supporting the North; the English aristocracy supports the South, the workers the North. 1862 Lincoln signs the U.S. Treasury Act on February 25, declaring U.S. Treasury notes legal tender, and providing for a bond issue of $500,000,000 at 5.20 percent to finance the war. The interest is to be paid in coin obtained by a duty on imports. The use of greenbacks is mandatory. The Act makes it illegal for citizens to use specie; gold and silver coin, in their transactions. Guess where the gold went. 1862 May 1 New Orleans is occupied by Union forces. 1862 Moses Hess writes Rome and Jerusalem. The Last National Question (text) arguing for the Jews to return to the Land of Israel, and proposes a socialist country in which the Jews would become

534 agrarianised through a process of "redemption of the soil". His ideas later evolved into the Labor Zionism movement. 1862 October 7 William Gladstone in a speech at Newcastle praises the South and declares that Jefferson Davis has "made a nation". 1862 September 17 Lee meets the numerically superior forces of McClellan at the little creek of Antietam in Maryland. Loss of men on each side was about 11,000, but was considered a Union victory since Lee left the field first. Antietam is considered one of the most important battles of the war. 1862 September 22 Lincoln issues his Emancipation Proclamation freeing all the slaves in the Southern states as of January 1, 1863. Many believe Lincoln is attempting to incite a slave rebellion in the South. 1862 Slidell and Mason are released by the North. Slidell then completes his journey to England, and eventually travels to France, seeking support for the Confederate cause from a sympathetic Napoleon III. 1862 U.S. Navy wins a Mississsippi River battle and takes Memphis. 1862 Zvi Hirsch Kalischer publishes Derishat Zion, maintains that the salvation of the Jews, promised by the Prophets, can come about only by self-help. His ideas contributed to the Religious Zionism movement. 1862 Predominance of Zionist Jews in Masonic Leadership and Lodges. In the year 1862 a Berlin Freemason, who noticed the Jewish predominance in the lodges, wrote in a Munich paper: There exists in Germany a secret sect with Freemasonic forms, which is subject to unknown leaders. The members of this association are in their great majority Israelites. In London, where, as one knows, the revolutionary herd are found around the Grandmaster Palmerston, there exist two Jewish Lodges, which have never seen Christians cross their threshold; there are combined all threads of the revolutionary elements, who nestle in the Christian lodges. In Rome there is a further lodge, which consists completely of Jews, and where all threads, also of plots instigated in the Christian lodges unite; the supreme court of justice and of the revolution. From there outwards the other lodges are directed as by secret leaders, so that the greatest part of the Christian revolutionaries are only marionettes, who are set in motion by Jews by means of the secret leaders... As confirmation of the above I will reproduce a report, which is found in the Revue des Societes Secretes (P. 118-119, 1924) 1.) The Golden International (International Plutocracy and High Finance, at whose heads are found: a) In America: J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Vanderlip b) In Europe: The firm of Rothschild and others of second rank. 2.) The Red International or international association of Social Democratic workers. This comprises:

535 a) The Second International (that of Belgium, Jew Vandervelde). b) The International N. 21/2, (that of Vienna, Jew Adler) c) The Third International or Communist International (that of Moscow, the Jews Apfelbaum and Radek). This hydra with three heads, which works separately for better effect, has at its disposal the Profintern (International bureau of professional associations), which has its seat in Amsterdam and which dictates the Jewish word to the Syndicates which have still not been incorporate into Bolshevism. 3.) The Black International or combat organization of Jewry. The Chief roles in it are played by: the world organization of Zionists (London); the Israelite world league, which was founded in Paris by the Jew Cremieux; the Jewish order of the Bnai-Moiche (Sons of Moses) and the Jewish societies Henoloustz, Hitakhdoute, Tarbout, Karen-Haessode and a hundred more or less masked organizations, which are dispersed over all the lands of the Old and New world. 4.) The Blue International or international Freemasonry. This unites all Freemasons in the world through the United Lodge of Great Britain, through the Grand Lodge of France and through the Grand Orients of France, Belgium, Italy, Turkey and the remaining lands. (The active middlepoint of this association is, as the readers know, the great Alpina-Lodge.) 5.) The Jewish Freemasonic Order of Bnai-Brith, which contrary to the principles of the Freemasonic lodges accepts only Jews, and which numbers over the world more than 426 purely Jewish Lodges, serves as links to all the above enumerated Internationals. The leaders of the Bnai-Brith are the Jews Morganthau, former ambassador of the United States; Mack, Zionist; Warburg (Felix) Banker; Elkus; Kraus (Alfred), the first president; Schiff, already dead; who supported the movement for emancipation of the Jews in Russia with financial contributions; Marshall (Louis), Zionist. The French press, in a brief article on M. Plantards election as Grand Master in 1981, had stated that the 121 high dignitaries of the Prieur de Sion are all eminences grises of high finance and of international political or philosophical organizations. 1862 . [1862, , Mazzini , , . ;] 1862, during the time of the American Civil War, Mazzini will call on all his agents anywhere near Russia to foment revolt as a way of causing trouble for Alexander II. A bit later, with the help of Young

536 Poland, Mazzini will start a Young Ottoman movement out of an Adam Smith translation project in Paris. In 1876, the Young Ottomans will briefly seize power in Constantinople. They will end a debt moratorium, pay off the British, declare free trade, and bring in Anglo-French bankers. They will be quickly overthrown; but the same network will soon make a comeback as the Young Turks, whose rule will finally destroy the Ottoman Empire. 1862, Lincoln signs the U.S. Treasury Act on February 25, declaring U.S. Treasury notes legal tender, and providing for a bond issue of $500,000,000 at 5.20 percent to finance the war. The interest is to be paid in coin obtained by a duty on imports. The use of greenbacks is mandatory. The Act makes it illegal for citizens to use specie; gold and silver coin, in their transactions. Guess where the gold went. J.W. Seligman & Co. are the chief underwriters of U.S. Treasury bonds. They are also leading syndicators for the stock and bond issues needed to finance the massive railroad construction and wartime industrial expansion. In Germany, Moses Hess (1812-1875) writes Rome and Jerusalem, [i.e. America and Israel] an early argument for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. In the shifting line of battle through Tennessee and Mississippi, Memphis becomes the hub of the black market trade in cotton, a traffic that was carried on throughout the entire area penetrated by the Union army. Virtually every report on the black market made specific mention of Jewish traders. On Dec. 17 General Grant issues his Order No. 11, denouncing Jewish "cotton speculators" and other war-profiteers. Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. It only applies to Negroes in the rebellious states, but Negroes in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, and New Orleans in Louisiana; Southern ports recently captured by the Union, are exempted. They are obviously needed as dock labor and stooges to pack the stolen contraband being looted out of the South. Any war-profiteering interest here- Moses Hess publishes Rom und Jerusalem (Zionism). Grant's General Order No. 11; first Jewish military chaplain. "Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my [Jewish] European friends are glad of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now awaiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that." (Hazard Circular, issued by the Rothschild

537 controlled Bank of England, 1862) US General Ulysses S. Grant issues an order expelling Jews from several states, due to certain negative activity by them. Jews complain (as usual, everywhere and always) to President Lincoln, who reverses the order. 1862, . 1862, , , 2 . , . . . , . , , ' ' . " ", , , "... . ... . , , . , . . [Mazzini]. - , , . -, , , ... , , . - , . , . . ... [, . , . 247249]. , , , - , ... ... , . , ... , , ! ... , , , . . ..., [, W. T. Still, , . 1992, . 194].

538 1862, , Mazzini , , . , , Mazzini, , , Adam Smith. 1862 Bahadur Shah II dies, the Mogul dynasty ends and India becomes a British colony 1862 a Berlin Freemason, who noticed the Jewish predominance in the lodges, wrote in a Munich paper: There exists in Germany a secret sect with Freemasonic forms, which is subject to unknown leaders. The members of this association are in their great majority Israelites... In London, where, as one knows, the revolutionary herd are found around the Grandmaster Palmerston, there exist two Jewish Lodges that have never seen Christians cross their threshold; it is there that are combined all the threads of the revolutionary elements which nestle in the Christian lodges. In Rome there is a further lodge, which consists completely of Jews, and where all threads as well as plots instigated in the Christian lodges unite: the supreme court of justice of the revolution. 1862-1877: Muslim Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty. 1863-1865: January Uprising was the Polish uprising against the Russian Empire. 1863 -- Rockfeller builds his first refinery. - 1863 - Rothschild Goldsmit Ashkenazic Sir Montefiore Sephardim . Nathan Adler Marcus Ashkenazic congregations rabbinate . 1863 -64 Polish revolution. 1863 August The string of Southern defeats destroys English confidence in the South's ability to win the war. 1863 Besieged Union forces under general George H. Thomas at Chattanooga, Tennesee, sieze the initiative and route the Confederate troops under General Braxton Bragg. It is said to be a decisive engagement. 1863 B'nai B'rith leader Issac Wise is nominated at an Ohio Convention to run for state senator on the radical anti-Union Copperhead ticket. His running mate for Ohio governor is Clement Vallandigham then

539 living in exile in Canada. Wise's own synagogue issues a formal demand for him to withdraw and he is soon forced off the ticket. 1863 Clement Laird Vallandigham (1820-71), leader of the Peace Democrats (Copperheads) in the North and an Ohio congressman, is convicted of sedition by a military court ; sentence of imprisonment is commuted by Lincoln to banishment to Confederate states. Subsequently becomes supreme commander of the Knights of the Golden Circle. 1863 Congress taxes private bank notes out of existence. Tsarion 1863 Czar Alexander II sends two Russian fleets to American ports with orders to join Lincoln against Britain and France should war break out. 1863 Gatling gun invented. Tsarion 1863 General Braxton Bragg's Confederate forces defeat Union troops lead by General William S. Rosecrans at the Chickamauga River in Tennesee. The name was Cherokee and meant "River of Death." Bragg's failure to follow up on his victory soon leads to his defeat at Chattanooga. 1863 In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law and ordered that the states (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as and enemy of the nation; this martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders. 1863 January 1 U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation declaring the freedom of all slaves in the rebelling southern states. 1863 January A "Great Rally" of trade unions in London supports the North in America's War of Secession. 1863 July 1-3 At Gettysburg, General Lee suffers a disastrous defeat. 1863 July 4 Vicksburg falls to General Grant after a long and desperate siege. 1863 July 9 Port Hudson, Louisiana, the last Confederate fort on the Mississippi, surrenders. 1863 June 30 Debate in the House of Commons points out that "the men of the South are Englishmen," but the army of the North are "the scum of Europe." Roebuck further says that it is vital for Britain that the South should be established as an independent state, because if the North and South are allowed to re-unite, America will soon be the most powerful nation on earth. 1863 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation frees 3 million slaves in the U.S. Tsarion

540 1863 March Seward, U.S. Secretary of State, informs the British that the U.S. will use stronger measures against neutral shipping dealing with the South. 1863 May Lee defeats an attack by Northern armies at Chancellorsville. 1863 National Academy of Sciences founded in Washington D.C. Tsarion 1863 National Banking Act passed by British sympathizers, authorizing a private corporation to issue U.S. money. Protested by Lincoln. Currency issued by depositing government bonds with the U.S. Treasury. Bonds are secured by a first lien on all physical property within the nation and a first lien on national income. Tsarion 1863 Second major epidemic of smallpox in England lasts until 1865. 20,000 die. Tsarion 1863 September 5 The U.S. Ambassador in London warns Palmerston that new Confederate ships are being fiited out at Birkenhead and that if they are allowed to sail - "this is war." That same day, Palmerston orders their seizure. 1863 The Northern army begins enrolling negro soldiers. 1863 Zygmunt Mineyko left a couple of years later in order to join the Polish uprising (1863) - he never used the name "Zigmantas Gozdawa Mineika". He was Zygmunt Gozdawa-Mineyko. He took part in the first battle, led by Marian Langewicz in Galicia, near the village of Grochowiska, on 18 March 1863. Although they won the battle against the Russians, the campaign failed, and Zygmunt escaped through Prussia, to Lithuania. He organized and led a partisan group of 28 young militants. In the first battle, nearby the village of Rosoliszki, about 65 kilometers from Ashmiany, they lost against the Russian regular troops, with only one fatal casualty - Polonski. Zygmunt managed to escape again, and found shelter under a forest ranger's roof. The ranger however betrayed him. The Russian police captured him and imprisoned in Wilno, and a court marshal sentenced him to death by hanging. Zygmunt's mother Cecylia, begged the Empress of Russia to change the verdict, in this she had the support of Todtleben. However, the Empress rejected her pleas. At that, Cecylia bribed generals Wiesielecki and Murawjew with 9,000.00 rubles (at that time, an enormous sum), and generals reduced the sentence to 12 years hard labour in the mines of Siberia. All prisoners had to walk thousands of kilometers to Siberia. On the way, Zygmunt met French prisoners, similarly sentenced for their part in the support of the Polish uprising of 1863. Russians sent them to work in mines as well and Zygmunt met them nearby the city of Perm. He memorized all their names, in the hope that one day he maybe able to pass this information to the French authorities. Whilst on this journey

541 between Tobolsk and Tomsk, his close friend Strumillo died of Typhus. Strumillo's sentence was much lighter than Zygmunt's. Russians sent him there only for the settlement. Because Strumillo resembled Zygmunt in age and appearance, Zygmunt successfully switched identity. He ended up in Tomsk almost a free person. There he started up his own business making fur hats, pillows, and artificial flowers. The business was so successful that before long he had contracts to decorate the houses of the richest families in town! Soon he saved enough money to finance his escape. He bought a wagon and horses, the necessary food supplies, and together with two friends dr. Okinczyc and Waszkiewicz escaped through Moscow and St. Petersburg back to Western Europe. The escape was full of strange adventures, sufficient to qualify a separate novel. Whilst in St. Petersburg, police secret agent Plaksin helped him on the final lap to Western Europe. Zygmunt left St. Petersburg on an English ship under the name of count von Mebert. Initially, he spent a few months in Holland. Later, he moved to Paris where found his way to the Emperor Napoleon III and passed the list of the imprisoned French freedom fighters working in Siberia. When Alexander II of Russia visited France in 1868, Napoleon III brought up the subject of the French prisoners in Siberia. The Emperor of Russia could not deny the list of specific names. He promised to free them. Shortly Russians liberated all the French prisoners and they met Zygmunt whom they had never forgotten. As a reward, the French government let Zygmunt study for free in the best Military Academy. He graduated with a degree in civil engineering and as a result, he had no problems making an honest living. He specialized in the construction of bridges, roads and rail roads. 1863 . 1863 , . , , , , , , , 12 . , , , , . 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law and ordered that the states (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as and enemy of the nation; this martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today-what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders. (July) Emancipation of Swiss Jews. Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of

542 Russia founded (Russia & Poland). Death of Gabriel Riesser in Germany. President Abraham Lincoln abolishes slavery in United States. "Dear Sirs, A. Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress, (National Bank Act of 1863) a copy of which act accompanied his letter. Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world. "Mr. Sherman declares that there has never before been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act and that the old plan, of State Banks is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the national Banks an almost absolute control of the National finance. "The few who can understand the system,' he says >will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.' Please advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New York...Awaiting your reply, we are." (Rothschild Brothers. London, June 25, 1863. Famous Quotes On Money) A short history of the United States since the first Jew was elected President, and almost each and everyone of them can be laid at the feet of the Jews and the International Jewish Bankers. 1). With the election of the Jew Abraham Lincoln, we had the Civil War; 2). With the election of the Jew Theodore Roosevelt, we had the Spanish-American War. Abolitionist leader George Luther Sterns recruits and equips the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the first Negro regiment in the Union army. He is appointed Assistant Adjutant-general for the Recruitment of Colored Troops. Solomon Gump arrives in San Francisco to work in his brother's mirror shop. He builds Gump & Co. into the leading luxury importers, catering to the nouveau riche of the California Gold Rush. How much of this finery was pillage from the South- 1863-64 Polish revolution. 1863: the London subway opens 1863: the Salvation Army is founded 1863: the sport of football is inaugurated 1864 -- David Farragut says "Damn the torpedoes! Four bells! Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!" -

543 1864 August A would-be assassin shoots at President Lincoln as he rides on horseback by night from the White House to his private retreat three miles away at the suburban Anderson Cottage. His stovepipe hat was later retrieved with a bullet hole through it. Lincoln preferred staying at the Anderson Cottage rather than the White House, and from 1862 to 1864, commuted almost daily by horseback, often at night and without guards, until this incident. 1864 August Lord Palmerston agrees to officially meet with Mason, the Confederate representative, in person, supposedly for the first time. 1864 British opium trafficking produces 20 million from China in 1864. Tsarion 1864 Clement Laird Vallandigham returns to Ohio. 1864 December Sherman completes his march to the sea. 1864 Dozens of oil refineries spring up in Cleveland, Ohio. Tsarion 1864 France overthrows the Mexican government and declares Mexico an empire with Maximilian I of Austria (Habsburg) as emperor. 1864 Jews admitted to the bar (Russia & Poland). Death of Samuel David Luzzatto (Italy). "...[We] must stop these swarms of Jews who are trading, bartering and robbing." (General William Sherman) 1864 - - . ` . (1864-1913) . . 1864 Jews admitted to the bar (Russia & Poland). Death of Samuel David Luzzatto (Italy). "...[We] must stop these swarms of Jews who are trading, bartering and robbing." (General William Sherman) The highestranking of eight Jewish generals in the Union Army, Hungarian-born Major General Frederick Kneffler rides with Sherman on his rampage through Georgia and the Carolinas. With a remarkably undistinguished battlefield record to account for his high rank, Kneffler's responsibilities were surely in non-military affairs. 1864 November 7 Last session of the Congress of the Confederate States of America. 1864 November Lincoln is re-elected President of the U.S. 1864 Garibaldi unites Masonic groups in Italy. Between 21st and 24th May, Guiseppe Garibaldi unites all Masonic groups on Italy. 543 But when the French Grand Orient in 1877 decided to remove all references to God and the Great Architect from their ceremonies, to

544 remove the Bible from their lodges, and to admit agnostics and atheists, this was too much for the English Grand Lodge. Grand Orient argued that to admit atheists was the final step in the policy of religious toleration which the Freemasons had always supported; but English Grand Lodge broke off relations with the Grand Orient, as did the American Freemasons. The Grand Orient declared that by their action English Grand Lodge has struck a blow against the cosmopolitan and universal spirit of Freemasonry. The position with the Italian Grand Orient was not so clear. After Garibaldi had liberated Sicily in 1860, he was invited to become Grand Master of the Italian Grand Orientfrom 1862 to 1868, and showed considerable interest in the complicated details of the various masonic organizations in Italy. Garibaldis attitude toward religion was ambiguous; sometime he attended religious services, and made statements which showed a belief in God; but on more than one occasion he openly stated that he was an atheist. 1864 Pasteur invents pasteurization process for wine. Tsarion 1864 September 2 Sherman's Army of the West captures Atlanta. 1864 - - . ` . (1864-1913) . . , , , , , , . 1864 September Sherman begins a devastating march to the sea. 1864 Summer Grant launches his great offensive against Lee in Virginia. In a series of bloody engagements, Grant slowly advances, but suffers such heavy losses that victory is virtually a defeat. Northern morale faltered and many believe Lincoln cannot be elected for a second term. 1864 Summer The Alabama is sunk off the coast of Cherbourg, France. 1864 The Long Walk of the Navajos. Tsarion 1864 ! ( ). .

545 , , . , . . , . , , . . 1864, - . 1864, 1.000 . 1864, 15 , , -. . 1864, 28 , 1 , " , , , , ... ! ' ". 1864: all the major power agree at the Geneva convention on rules for the treatment of prisoners of war 1864: James Clerk Maxwell unifies electricity and magnetism in his equations of the electromagnetic field 1865 Assassination of Lincoln; Andrew Johnson becomes president; "Booth" killed; coded message found among his effects; the code key later found in possession of Benjamin, alleged Rothschild agent. Civil War ends. Thirteenth amendment abolishes slavery. - 1865 April 1 A Federal victory at Five Forks, Virginia, forces Lee to abandon both Petersburg and Richmond. Lee and his men flee westward. 1865 April 14 President Lincoln is assassinated in Washington, D.C. (Only five days after the end of the war). An attempt is also made on Seward's life. 1865 April 26 John Wilkes Booth is found hiding in barn near Bowling Green, Virginia. He is killed - either by suicide or by his captors.

546 1865 April 9 Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. 1865 Assassination of Lincoln; Andrew Johnson becomes president; "Booth" killed; coded message found among his effects; the code key later found in possession of Benjamin, alleged Rothschild agent. 1865 February 20 Confederate House of Representatives passes a bill authorizing the use of slaves as soldiers in the Confederate army. 1865 George Peabody (Rothschilds) conceives of tax exempt charitable foundation. Tsarion 1865 Jewish craftsmen permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). Death of Solomon Munk (France). Death of Isaac Noah Mannheimer (Austria Hungary). U.S. Civil War ends; President Lincoln is assassinated. 1865 365 , ! JOEL, Solomon Barnato 18651931. South African mining millionaire. As young men, Solly Joel and his brothers Woolf and Jack (18621940) left their Whitechapel home to seek their fortune with their flamboyant uncle Barney BARNATO, who was Cecil Rhodes rival and then partner in the control of the Kimberley diamond mines. With the discovery of gold on the Rand, Barnato and his nephews rapidly moved into that new and spectacular field. After the suicide of Barnato in 1897, and the shooting of Woolf in his Johannesburg office, Solly became the head of the mining empire that centred on the Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Company and the family stake in De Beers. With his South African millions, Solly Joel became one of the big spenders in England, through lavish entertainment, backing of stage plays, and a racing stable that produced the Derby winner in 1915. He was said to have a wardrobe of 365 suits, one for each day of the year. His brother Jack succeeded him in business and emulated his style of life. Two of Jacks horses won the Derby, in 1911 and 1921. 1865 Jewish craftsmen permitted to live outside the Pale (Russia & Poland). Death of Solomon Munk (France). Death of Isaac Noah Mannheimer (Austria-Hungary). U.S. Civil War ends; President Lincoln is assassinated. "If this mischievous financial policy [the United States Government issuing interest-free and debt-free money] which had its origin in the North American Republic during the war (1861-65) should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every

547 Monarch on the globe!" (London Times Editorial, 1865) "How then was it that this Government [American], several years after the war was over, found itself owing in London and Wall Street several hundred million dollars to men who never fought a battle, who never made a uniform, never furnished a pound of bread, who never did an honest day's work in all their lives-...The facts is, that billions owned by the sweat, tears and blood of American laborers have been poured into the coffers of these en for absolutely nothing. This >sacred war debt' was only a gigantic scheme of fraud, concocted by European capitalists and enacted into American laws by the aid of American Congressmen, who were their paid hirelings or their ignorant dupes. That this crime has remained uncovered is due to the power of prejudice which seldom permits the victim to see clearly or reason correctly, >The money power prolongs its reign by working on prejudices. >Lincoln said." (Mary E. Hobard, The Secrets of the Rothschilds) There are now about 4,000 Jews in San Francisco, monopolizing the clothing, fur and dry goods trade, especially jewelry, crockery, shoes and soap. Virtually all of the merchants in the city are Jews. The 13th Amendment is illegally "ratified." The Confederacy is defeated, martial law continues under Lincoln and Johnson. 1865 John H. Surratt, an admitted Confederate agent, claims that Booth had deposited funds in a Montreal bank regularly used by operatives of Confederate the Secret Service. Surratt confessed to plotting with Booth to abduct Lincoln and take him to Richmond in attempt to end the war and using the Montreal bank for Benjamin's spies. 1865 Judah P. Benjamin escapes to England and soon becomes counsel to the Queen. 1865 July 7 Mary Surratt, mother of John Surratt, is tried, convicted, and executed even though there is little evidence of her involvement. 1865 Lincoln assassinated. Tsarion 1865 Lord Palmerston dies. 1865 The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was carried out by the extremist Jew John Wilkes Booth (Botha), a freemason of the 33rd degree, on 14 April 1865 in Washington, D. C, only five days after the end of the Civil War. The Jewish silversmith John Booth's ancestors had been exiled from Portugal because of their radical political views. John's fader was Junius Brutus Booth (Stanley Kimmel, "The Mad Booths of Maryland", New York, 1970). Izola Forrester, Booth's granddaughter, stated in her book, "This One Mad Act" (1937), that Booth belonged to the lodge Knights of the Golden Circle and also Mazzini's "revolutionary" movement Young America. Izola Forrester revealed in detail that the freemasons were involved in the assassination of the president. The subsequent murder of Lincoln's assassin was organized by

548 Judah P. Benjamin, an important freemason and Rothschild agent (William Guy Carr, "Red Fog over America", 1968, p. 194). He was head of the Confederate secret service and later fled to England. 1865 March 12 Bill for slave soldiers is sent to President Jefferson Davis. 1865 March 13 Jefferson Davis signs bill allowing Negroes in the Confederate army. The Confederate government, which was outaged in 1863 when the Northern army enrolled negro soldiers, proclaims that any negro slave who volunteers for the Confederate army will be given his freedom. 1865 March 19 Mason, in London, asks Lord Palmerston if Britain would recognize the South if his government abolished slavery. Palmerston would not even consider the question, but said that slavery had never been a factor in preventing the British government from recognizing the Confederacy. 1865 March 21 The "Richmond Sentinel" announces that a company of "colored troops" will parade on the town square in Richmond. 1865 March 24 The Sentinel announces that "the Negro brigade being raised by Majors Pegram and Turner is being rapidly filled up." 1865 Masonic influences concerning Palestine Exploration Fund and plan to rebuild Solomons Temple. "In 1865, under the patronage of Queen Victoria, all of the elite institutions of Britain, including the Anglican Church, the Grand Lodge of England, Oxford and Cambridge Universities, etc., gathered to fund a new institution, the Palestine Exploration Fund, dedicated to the 'rediscovery' of the Holy Land. The PEF's first Secretary Treasurer [was] freemason Walter Besant... "The PEF was founded for three purposes: 1) 'With the avowed intention of gradually introducing the Jews, pure and simple, who is eventually to occupy and govern this country...' 2) To survey every inch of the territory on both sides of the Jordan, for British military-strategic purposes... 3) To give the gnostic British gamemasters an open-ended tool to reinterpret the Bible, and thus to manipulate the minds of hundreds of millions of Christians and Jews. As Besant, a raving gnostic and brother-in-law of Theosophy cult leader Annie Besant, put it, 'The principal reason alleged for conducting this inquiry was the illustration of the Bible which might be expected to follow such an investigation.'... Said Besant, 'The work before the Committee of the Fund, as regards Jerusalem, was, therefore, briefly this: We proposed nothing less than the absolute identification of every sacred site.' Special attention should be given to the Temple Mount and the issue of the Temple of Solomon... Thus was founded the vast discipline of 'Biblical Archaeology.' "Through the PEF, the British re-established the tradition

549 of cultural/religious manipulation in the 19th century. Besant was the PEF's secretary from 1868 until 1886, the year when PEF head Sir Charles Warren and he became, respectively, the first Grand Master, and the first Treasurer, of the Quatuor Coronati lodge--which they established, in their own words, as an 'archaeology lodge,' the first ever in the history of freemasonry... "The PEF/Quatuor Coronati cynical manipulation of religion continues both in the plot to rebuild Solomon's Temple per se, and in the broader cultural war against true Christianity, Judaism and Islam, of which that plot is a part. Take, for instance, the widely publicized Holy Blood, Holy Grail series, written by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, and trumpeted by the BBC, among others. The book claims that the British Royal Family and its associated oligarchy is the continuation of a bloodline begun by the marriage of Jesus Christ (who, according to this heresy, was never crucified) to Mary Magdalene, a 'secret bloodline' which allegedly continued throughout the Merovingian Dynasty in Europe and the crusading orders such as the Templars (who derived their name from the headquarters in Solomon's Stables underneath the Temple Mount) and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, around which are grouped other initiates, such as the Freemasons. The 'inspiration' for such trash is hardly divine: The lead author, Michael Baigent, is a Corresponding Member of the Quatuor Coronati lodge, and Brother Baigent thanks, for his assistance, the Rev. Neville B. Cryer, one of Quatuor Coronati's most prominent members, and the longtime head of the immensely influential British and Foreign Bible Society." See: 1974: Biblical Archeological Society seeks site for rebuilding of Solomon's Temple 1865 March 8 Confederate Senate passes bill for slaves as soldiers. 1865 March Grant and Sherman enclose Lee in a giant pincer movement. 1865 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) founded. Tsarion 1865 Maxwells Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism published. Tsarion 1865 Mid September--A UFO crashed in what was to become the state of Montana. 1865 New evidence suggests that an alien spacecraft crashed in the Cadotte Pass area of Missouri sometime in September of 1865. The man discovering the crashed UFO was a fur trapper named James Lumley, who told newspapers he saw a "bright, luminous body in the heavens" suddenly burst into flames in the middle of the night. The day after the sighting, Lumley reportedly discovered a bizarre giant stone-like object about two miles from his camp that was decorated with weird hieroglyphics Newspapers from the time report that the giant "space

550 rock" was so fragile that it blew to bits before Lumley could take it to scientists for an examination. 1865 Union stockyards open in Chicago. Tsarion 1865 United States Military Railroad set up by banks and railroads. Tsarion 1865, 33 . 1865, "". 1865, . 1865, , 14 . 1865: William Booth founds the East London Christian Mission (later renamed "Salvation Army") 1865: Morant Bay rebellion 1866-1868: Meiji Restoration and modernization revolution in Japan. Samurai uprising leads to overthrow of shogunate and establishment of "modern" parliamentary, Western-style system. 1866 Benjamin flees to England. 1866 "Ku Klux Klan" founded as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee. 1866 , , 17 (1865-1869) Andrew Johnson (1808-1875), . Andrew Johnson . William Morgan, -, 1826, . Albert Pike , . , . 1866 Black Friday on London Stock Exchange. Tsarion 1866 : . 1866-67 . , , , . , 1867, ,

551 , , , , , .. 1866 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite and Whitehead invents torpedo. Tsarion 1866 Austria is defeated by Prussia in the Seven Weeks' War. 1866 Death of Phineas Quimby, magnetic healer, founder of Free Thought movement, teacher of Mary Baker Eddy. 1866 Rumanian constitution, clause 7, makes all Rumanian Jews >aliens.' Austro Prussian War. 1866, O "". 1866, . 1866, . 1866, 1 2. 1866, 22 . . 9 . 1867 68 Death of Abraham Mapu (Russia & Poland). Death of Solomon Munk in France. Constitution abolishes Jewish disabilities; Death of Solomon Judah Rapoport (Austria Hungary). Jews permitted to return to Spain. The law of the North German Federation of July 3 decrees that no state shall retain restrictions on the ground of religious belief. 1867 British Parliament takes another step in the direction of democracy by putting through the second Reform Act giving the vote to almost all adult males residing in the towns (but not those in the rural areas). 1867 David Macdill's Secret Societies. 1867 English Rosicrucian Society founded by Wentworth Little. Little was in contact with the German Rosicrucians. He recruited his followers, to the number of 144, from the ranks of the higher-ranking Freemasons. 1867 French army withdraws from Mexico; Maximilian I is executed. 1867 , : , Karl Marx (Haim Mardochai Kissel), . Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)

552 Amici d' Italia. 1866 Blavatsky , Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) . Mazzini Garibaldi Carbonari, . Blavatsky Mentana (3 1867) Garibaldi . , . Hippolyte Lon Denizard Rivail (18041869, Allan Kardec) Nicolas Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) . 1867 Joseph Lister introduces sanitation into surgery, over the objections of leading English surgeons. Tsarion 1867 Ku Klux Klan reorganized along political and racial lines near Nashville, Tennessee. 1867 Mark Twain visits Palestine as part of a tour of what westerners call the Holy Land. 1867 Nonpayment of fines for skipping smallpox vaccination result in harsh penalties. Tsarion 1867 United States acquires Alaska from Russia; Dominion of Canada is established. 1867 Vaccination Act of 1867 in England begins to elicit protest from the population and increase in the number of anti-vaccination groups. It compelled the vaccination of a baby within the first 90 days of its life. Those who objected would be continually badgered by magistrates and fined until the child turned 14. The law was passed on the assurance of medical officials that smallpox vaccinations were safe. Tsarion 1867 1867, . 1867, , . , "... . . ".

553 1867 : ... 1821. , , . 1867 : . , 1848 1859-60. , . . , , . . , . . . . 1867: British North America becomes the Dominion of Canada, a federation of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1867: industrial workers are entitled to vote 1867, Garibaldi founded the Supreme Council of Freemasons in Italy and the Association for Peace and Freedom, which began to propagate for the United States of Europe. This union would put an end to national states, after which the freemasons hoped to found a global superstate. The masonic dream about the United States of Europe would become a reality, whatever the cost, even if it was necessary to use both fire and sword. Instead the cunning step-bystep method was chosen, which involves countless political deceptions. Different nation states would be founded and destroyed on the way to a world empire. Garibaldi remained an agitator and was again sentenced to prison. He was soon free and took France's part in the war against Germany in 1870-1871. His sole

554 aim was destruction, thereby clearing the ground for the construction of the new temple of Solomon. 1868 1868 Assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, first Canadian political assassination. - 1868 The Jesuits 1868-1872 This new nation would be a centralized republic with the President exercising powers of an absolute monarch. The old Federal Republic of Washington would be converted into a huge centralized Empire, with the ten planks of the Masonic Communist Manifesto replacing the Ten Commandments of Moses. In order to accomplish this, the Constitution had to be amended by hook or by crook. It would be amended in accordance with the Masonic cry of both French Revolutions. Liberty would be the Thirteenth Amendment. Equality would be the Fourteenth Amendment. Fraternity would be the Fifteenth Amendment. We now will examine the Fourteenth Amendment, as it was the coup detat. THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. Even thought he acted the tyrant in keeping Maryland from seceding and raised the Army of the Potomac to put down the rebellion, there is evidence that he had a change of heart. Accordingly to many, Lincoln was converted to Christ after viewing the battlefield at Gettysburg. He later joined the Presbyterian Church in Washington and had several spiritual conversations with his close friend and converted priest, Charles Chiniquy. We read: I will repeat to you what I said at Urbana, when for the first time you told me your fears lest I would be assassinated by the Jesuits: Man must not care where and when he will die, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty. But I may add, today, that I have a presentiment that God will call me to Him through the hand of an assassin. Let His will, and not mine, be done! The Pope and the Jesuits, with their infernal Inquisition, are the only organized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of the assassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their arguments or conquer with the sword.... It seems to me that the Lord wants today, as He wanted in the days of Moses, another victim... I cannot conceal from you that my impression is that I am that victim. So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened

555 a million daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle. [Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1958, originally published in 1886] [Further along:] Of the Jesuit hand in Lincolns murder we read: I feel safe in stating that nowhere else can be found in one book the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of Abraham Lincoln, which was instigated by the black pope, the General of the Jesuit Order, camouflaged by the white pope, Pius IX, aided, abetted and financed by other Divine Righters of Europe, and finally consummated by the Roman Hierarchy and their paid agents in this country and French Canada on Good Friday night, April 14, 1865, at Fords Theatre, Washington, D.C. [The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln, Burke McCarty, 1973, originally published in 1924] 1868 -69 General Congress of Hungarian Jews (Austria Hungary). 1868 Freemasonry birthed in the Holy Land through agency of Robert Morris, founder of the the Order of the Eastern Star. The historic origins of Freemasonry in the Holy Land date from the 13th of May, when M.W. Bro. Dr. Robert Morris, past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, directed a Secret Monitor ceremony in the Cave of Zedekiah, popularly known as King Solomons Quarries, deep under the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. 1868 A Tippah County, Mississippi, school teacher recorded the following in the fall of 1868: "A sad casualty occurred at my school a few days ago. The eagles have been very troublesome in the neighborhood for some time past, carrying off pigs, lambs, &c. No one thought that they would attempt to prey upon children; but on Thursday, at recess, the little boys were out some distance from the house, playing marbles, when their sport was interrupted by a large eagle sweeping down and picking up little Jemmie Kenney, a boy of eight years, and when I got out of the house, the eagle was so high that I could just hear the child screaming. The eagle was induced to drop his victim; but his talons had been buried in him so deeply, and the fall was so great, that he was killed-or either would have been fatal." 1868 Chile, Copiago: A strange "aerial construction bearing lights and making engine noises" flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century. 1868 Disraeli becomes prime minister of Great Britain. 1868 Father Hagen returns from Near East; orders swastika designs carved into the Benedictine Abbey at Lambach, Austria. 1868 Japan ends 700 year shogun rule, begins modernization.

556 1868 July 25-26--A UFO buzzed New South Wales, Australia. A local surveyor was invited to board this incredible flying machine by its strange pilot. 1868 March 23 Dietrich Eckart born. 1868 The National Academy of Science is set up by an act of Congress. Tsarion 1868, , , . 1868, . . 1868: Benjamin Disraeli (a Jew converted to Christianity) becomes prime minister of Britain 1868: the Glorious Revolution in Spain deposes Queen Isabella II 1868: in the Grito de Lares, rebels proclaim the independence of Puerto Rico from Spain. 1869 - 1870: Red River Rebellion, the events surrounding the actions of a provisional government established by Mtis leader Louis Riel at the Red River Settlement, Manitoba, Canada. 1869 -- St. Germain allegedly completes 85 years in the Himalayas after his "death." Mendeleev composes first periodic table of the elements in Russia. U.S. transcontinental railroad completed. . 1869 -70 Philadelphia Conference (America). (March) Thirteen hundred and sixty Jews expelled from districts of Falciu and Vaslui, Rumania. Mikveh Israel founded (Palestine). United Synagogue founded in England. Adolphe Cremieux minister of justice; Jews of Algeria granted French citizenship (France). Ghetto of Rome abolished end of Jewish disabilities in Italy. Unification of Italy. 1869 Conference of the British Medical Association devotes its surgery discussions to an attack on antiseptic theory and the work of Lister. Tsarion 1869 Henri Gougenot des Mousseaux quotes Disraeli on the title page of his book "Le Juif le judaisme et la judaisation des peuples chretiens," - "the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those by who are not behind the scenes." 1869 March 16 Neville Chamberlain is born. 1869 St. Germain allegedly completes 85 years in the Himalayas after his "death." 1869 Tennessee, Ashland: A whirlwind came along over the neighboring woods, taking up small branches and leaves of trees and burring them in a sort of flaming cylinder that traveled at a rate of about five miles an hour, developing size as it traveled. It passed directly over the spot where a team of horses were feeding and singed their manes and

557 tails up to the roots; it then swept towards the house, taking a stack of hay in its course. It seemed to increase in heat as it went, and by the time it reached the house it immediately fired the shingles from end to end of the building, so that in ten minutes the whole dwelling was wrapped in flames. The tall column of traveling caloric then continued its course over a wheat field that had been recently cradled, setting fire to all the stacks that happened to be in its course. Passing from the field, its path lay over a stretch of woods, which reached the river. The green leaves on the trees were crisped to a cinder for a breadth of 20 yards, in a straight line to the Cumberland. When the "pillar of fire" reached the water, it suddenly changed its route down the river, raising a column of steam which went up to the clouds for about half-a-mile, when it finally died out. Not less than 200 people witnessed this strangest of strange phenomena, and all of them tell substantially the same story about it. From Symon's Monthly Meteorological Magazine, 1869 1869 ( ), , 10 1869, ( 1872) ( : Rasputin was born between 1864 and 1865 in his own home of Pokrovskoe : Grigoriy Rasputin 1871 1916!) . , : . 1869 Transcontinental railroad completed in the United States. Tsarion 1869 Twain publishes The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims' Progress documenting his observations through his travels. He indicated he observed that Palestine was primarily an uninhabited desert. His account was widely circulated and remains a controversial snap-shot of the area in the late 19th century. 1869 , , /, 1869, Albert Pike, 33. 1869, . 14 , " , "! 1869 The anti-religious but, above all, anti-Christian efforts which distinguish the present epoch have a character of concentration and universality which marks the stamp of the Jew, the supreme patron of the unification of peoples, because he is the cosmopolitan people par excellence; because the Jew prepares by license of the libre-pensee, the era called by him 'Messianic' - the day of his universal triumph. He attributes its near realization to the principles spread by the philosophers

558 of the eighteenth century; the men at once unbelievers and cabalists, whose work prepared the Judaising of the world. The character of universality will be noted in L'Alliance-isrelite-universelle, in the Universal Association of Freemasonry, and in the more recent auxiliaries, L'Alliance-universelle-religious, open to those who are still frightened off by the name of Israelite and finally in the Ligue-universelle de l'enseignement... (Le Juif, Gougenot des Mousseaux, (1869), The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, pp. 96-97) 1869 the minutes to the Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry (Cagliostro's Sionist creation) read, Let us foster the idea of free love, that we may destroy among Christian women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion. 1869, . 1870 John Ruskin is named Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University in England. He teaches his students that the government should take control of all means of production and distribution, and he is prepared to place control of the government in the hands of a single man: "My continual aim has been to show the eternal superiority of some men to others, sometimes even of one man to all others." - 1870 Standard Oil Company incorporated. . 1870 A "monster bird, something like the condor of Sinbad the Sailor," landed on a barn owned by James Pepples in rural Stanford, Kentucky. Pepples fired on the creature, wounding it, and took it into captivity. A contemporary press account says, "On measurement, the bird proved to be seven feet from tip to tip. It was of a black color, and both similar and dissimilar in many ways, to an eagle." Nothing is known of its fate. 1870, - , , . , - . , 1909, 15 , . 1870 ( 1830): 1.500.000. , . . . . 20.000.

559 , 1870, , , . , , . , , , , , , . 1870 A correspondent to a California newspaper, the Antioch Ledger, reported that the year before, he had seen a "gorilla, or wild man, or whatever you choose to call it," in the bush. Its head, he wrote, "appeared to be set on [the creature's] shoulders without a neck--a detail echoed by virtually every modern witness. On the other hand, the correspondent mentioned a decidedly uncharacteristic anatomical feature: "very short legs". If this animal existed outside the writer's imagination, it may well have been a (presumably escaped) gorilla; it could also have been a chimpanzee. 1870 Alliance Israelite Universelle, started in Paris to defend the civil rights of Jews worldwide, establishes an agricultural school, Mikveh Israel, near Jaffa in Palestine. 1870 Amygdalin (Laetrile) is listed in the U.S. Pharmacopaea of 1870. (The FDA Grandfather Clause prevents the FDA from claiming jurisdiction. Upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th District, #71-1243, May 23, 1972.) Tsarion 1870 April 22 Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) born in Simbirsk, Russia. 1870 April 28 Lenin baptized at the Orthodox church of St. Nicholas. 1870 Colonel James Churchward, a former Bengal Lancer and a big game hunter, announced he had learned of a lost continent named Mu, once located in the Pacific Ocean with its center just south of the equator. Churchward said he learned this from secret, ancient clay and stone tablets hidden in India, which had been revealed to him by a Hindu priest. 1870 Cyrus R. Teed proclaims that the Earth is hollow and begins publishing a small, international journal entitled "The Sword of Fire." 1870 Formation of Hovevei Tzion in Russia 1870 March 22--From the log account of a ships captain, F. W. Banner: In the equatorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the sailors of the English corvette Lady of the Lake saw a remarkable object or cloud in the sky. It was a cloud of circular form, with an included semi-circle divided into four parts, the central dividing shaft beginning at the center of the circle and extending far outward, and then curving backward. The thing traveled from a point 20 degrees above the horizon to a point about 80 degrees above. Then it settled down to the northeast, having appeared

560 from the south, southeast. It came up obliquely against the wind, and finally settled down in the winds eye. For half an hour this form was visible, then it finally did disappear. 1870 Mazzini and Pike reached an agreement for the creation of the new supreme rite, to be called the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Pike was to be called the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and Mazzini was to be called Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Pike was to draw up the statutes and grades. 1870 Mikveh Israel, the first modern Jewish agricultural school and settlement was established in the Land of Israel by Charles Netter of the Alliance Isralite Universelle. 1870 Prussia defeats France in Franco-Prussian War. 1870 de Camille wrote in Le Monde that he met a Freemason upon a round trip through Italy, one of his old acquaintances. To his question how things went with the order, he answered: I have finally left the lodge of my Order for I have gained the deep conviction that we were only the tools of the Jews, who drive us to the total destruction of Christianity. (La F.M. Secte Juive, 43-46 1870 Standard Oil Company is incorporated. Tsarion 1870 Among the instigators of the revolution of 1870 and among the members of the Commune appear likewise the Jews, who were represented through Ravel Isaac Calmer, Jacob Pereyra, and others. The afore-mentioned author remarks of the presence of 18 Jews among the principal leaders of the Commune. It is interesting to establish that, during the burning of Paris in the year 1871, the revolutionaries left untouched the 150 buildings that belonged to the Rothschild family. 1870 Third major smallpox epidemic in England begins and lasts until 1872. Over 44,800 dies. Tsarion 1870 1870, . 1870 , . : LENIN, (Ulyanov), Vladimir Ilyich 18701924. Leader of the October Revolution and Soviet ruler. Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party when it took power in the revolution of autumn 1917, and the effective ruler of Russia from then until his death. He condemned and opposed anti-Semitism throughout his life, even when by doing so his political difficulties were increased. An attempt by a Jewish woman member of a rival revolutionary party to assassinate him in 1918 did not change his attitude. But Lenin believed that the Jews would, and should, eventually disappear as a separate group. Early in his career as a revolutionary leader he found himself in opposition to the Bund, the

561 Jewish workers party, which usually sided with the Mensheviks against the Bolsheviks. Lenin opposed the Bunds very existence, denying that there was a need for an autonomous Jewish organization in the socialist movement. But after he had taken power, and was faced with the fact that there were millions of Jews with their own language and culture living in Russia, he agreed to the establishment of a special Jewish section in the Communist party the Yevsektsiyaand to the recognition of Yiddish as a national language. Hebrew, Zionism and the religious expression of Judaism, on the other hand, were rigidly suppressed under his regime. 1870, 1 . ! 1870, . 1870, Grand Orient Vladimir Lenin Bakunin. 1870, . . 1870 65 ( ), , . ! he was arrested and sent again into exile, even though he managed to return under a false name and lived in Pisa until his death in 1872. The political movement he led was called the Republican party and was active in Italy until the 1990s. 1870 . 1870, . , Mikhail Bakunin, . 1870 ADLER, Alfred 18701937. Austrian psychologist. For many years, Adler was a prominent member of Freuds intimate psychoanalytical circle in Vienna, but with the publication of his own theories in 1911, he resigned and founded a society and a journal of his own. He became famous for his theories of the inferiority complex and of individual psychology. After World War I he became a regular visitor to the United States, where he finally settled in 1934 and worked as professor of medical psychology at Long Island Medical College. He died on a lecture tour of Scotland. He was editor of the International Journal of

562 Individual Psychology. His publications include The Neurotic Constitution and The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. ADLER, Cyrus 18631940. US scholar and public figure. Adler was the son of an Arkansas cotton planter. When the family moved to Philadelphia, he was sent to a German-language Hebrew school. He taught semitics at Johns Hopkins University, and for twenty-five years was the curator of Oriental antiquities at the National Museum, Washington, DC, and librarian and assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institute. He initiated and raised funds for a great number of Jewish scholarly enterprises. He was president both of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, and Dropsie College, Philadelphia; and editor of the Jewish Quarterly Review and the American Jewish Year Book. In 1929, he became president of the American Jewish Committee, which he had represented in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference. For all his contributions on the American scene, Adler remained aloof from the Zionist movement. His writings include his autobiography, I Have Considered the Days (1941). 1870 Mazzini, a known atheist, had struggled for years against the Papal State and the Church and finally became a high-ranking Mason who would become founder of the Italian Union. With the support of two other prominent Masons, Guiseppe Garibaldi and Count di Cavour, he founded the Italian Union in 1870, and drew the boundaries of the Papal State within its present borders. 1870-1890 The group Hovevei Zion (Lovers of Zion) sets up 30 Jewish farming communities in the Land of Israel. 1871 - Albert Pike, founder of the Klu Klux Klan, publishes his 861-page book "Morals and Dogma", intended only for Masonic eyes. He indicates that those in the lower ranks of Masonry are deliberately deceived by their superiors: "The Blue degrees [the first three degrees of the 32] are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he shall understand them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry." [This is why about 95% of the men involved in Masonry don't have a clue as to what the objectives of the organization actually are. They are under the delusion that it's just a fine community organization doing good works.] - 1871 . Giuseppe Mazzini. Albert Pike Mazzini. . O Santiago , Caro y Rodrigez

563 The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, , Albert Pike Mazzini 15 1871. , . William Guy Carr, . Satan, Prince of this World. . Lady Edith Queenborough, . 20 1870 Raffaele Cadorna (1815-1897) , , . Mazzini , , , , . Sovereign Chief of Political Action, Albert Pike Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, 1871 -72 Attacks on Jews in Rumania. 1871 Albert Pike publishes the 861-page Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. 1871 Albert Pike writes Morals and Dogma. Pike also writes a letter on August 15, 1871 (until recently on display in the British museum) to Mazzini detailing the Luciferian plan for world conquest, outlining plans for three world wars, and detailing the destruction of both Christianity and atheism. Tsarion 1871 Augustus Rohling publishes "Der Talmudjude" and continues a vicious campaign against the Jews in the Rhineland. 1871 28 1871. . 72 . 18 28 1871. * - . . * * * ! , . * * * , , , ... . * ,

564 , . 1871 In 1832, the original founder of the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) died and was replaced in 1834 by the Italian, Giusseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). Mazzini later recruited Albert Pike, who became the head of American Freemasonry on January 2, 1859. (Illuminism had infiltrated Freemasonry in the 1780's and has guided its own set of little people since that time, using them to fund and support their hidden agenda.) The ultimate hidden agenda was to promote and establish the religion of Luciferianism over the world, for both Mazzini and Pike were avowed Luciferians. Albert Pike wrote a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871 proposing three world wars to accomplish their purpose. The plan, of course, was discovered by Vatican Intelligence, and published in a book by historian Domenico Margiotta in 1895, Le Palladisme: Culte de Satan-Lucifer. This was nearly 20 years before the first world war. Quoting from Pike's letter, we read, The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the agentur (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm. The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agentur of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the

565 multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction. will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. Pike's plan has worked very well so far. The First World War did indeed overthrow the Russian Czars and established Communism in its place. The Second World War did destroy Nazism and did institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. We are now in the beginning of the third world war, whose stated purpose is to bring about great disillusionment with Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, along with atheistic Communism, in order to replace them all with Luciferianism. 1871 Bulwer-Lytton writes Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, containing racial theory that would later figure in Nazi Germany. Protege of Lytton was Aleister Crowley, of Englands equivalent to the Thule Group, tutor to Aldous Huxley, future prophet of mind control, who would later introduce hallucinogens into American culture. Tsarion 1871 Franco-Prussian war begins. Tsarion 1871 G.B. Scott reports hearing "The Barisal Guns" in the Sundarbans, near the mouth of the Ganges. 1871 In Bavaria, Germany, vaccination is compulsory and revaccination is commonplace. Out of 30,472 cases of smallpox, 29,429 had been vaccinated. Tsarion 1871 In Birmingham, England, from 1871 to 1874, there were 7,706 cases of smallpox. Out of these, 6,795 had been vaccinated. Tsarion 1871 January 18 The Second Reich is proclaimed; Wilhelm I of Prussia becomes emperor (Kaiser) in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, France. 1871 July 29 John Slidell dies on the Isle of Wight. 1871 June 17 Clement Laird Vallandigham dies of accidentally self-inflicted bullet wound in Lebanon, Ohio. 1871 March 5 Rosa Luxemburg is born at Zamosc, Russian Poland (now Poland). 1871 Medium and Hollow Earth supporter M. L. Sherman brought out The Hollow Globe, based on supposed communications from the dead. 1871: Paris Commune. . . THE WORLD , , 3 1871: . : , .

566 , ' ; : . . : , . . . . , . , , . 1871-1872: Porfirio Daz rebels against President Benito Jurez of Mexico 1871: liberal revolution in Guatemala 1871 Select committee of the Privy Council convened to inquire into the Vaccination Act of 1867 (England), as 97.5% of the people who died from smallpox were vaccinated for it. Tsarion 1871 The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a private corporation (hereinafter "Corp. U.S.") owned and operated by the actual government for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the government under martial law. This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of Washington, District of Columbia. 1871 The Jews of Germany are fully emancipated. 1871 The Trade Union Act of 1871 gives full legal recognition to British trade unions. 1871 Worldwide epidemic of smallpox begins. Claims 8 million people worldwide. Tsarion 1871, , . , . 1871 . . THE WORLD , , 3 1871: : ; . : () - , ! , . : ! . . : . . ' , ,

567 . , 1848, . . 1871, . 1871, 33 . 1871, . 1871, . " 1 , ". 1871, , , . 1871, 15 3 (!;) . 1871: Arthur Sullivan and William Gilbert produce their first operetta 1872 Britain pays the U.S. $15.5 million in gold for damage done by the C.S.S. Alabama to Union shipping during the American Civil War. 1872 . . 1872 Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums opened at Berlin, Germany. Israelitische Ailiance founded in Vienna (Austria Hungary). 1872 Horace Greeley writes about the National Bank Act, saying by our money system we have nationalized a system of oppression not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery. Tsarion 1872 In England, 87% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. Over 19,000 die in England and Wales. (See 1925). Tsarion 1872 Japan institutes compulsory smallpox vaccination. Within 20 years 165,000 smallpox cases manifest themselves. Tsarion 1872 Marie Celeste is found abandoned. 1872 Mazzini dies. . (2011) : .

568 (1805-1872). . (= ) . , , (, , ), ( , ..), ( ). . , . , , . , . , , . . 1848, , . 19 . . 1872 Gregory Yefimovich Rasputin was born in 1872 ( 1869!) and died December 30, 1916, in St. Petersburg. He was a Siberian peasant and mystic, whose ability to improve the condition of Alexis Nikolayevich, the hemophiliac heir to the Russian throne, made him a powerful favorite in the court of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandria. After a two year study at Mt. Athos in Greece, he returned to Russian and soon became widely known for his healing arts. 1872 , , . , , . , , , . .

569 9 . , , . , , . 1872 November--There are reports of "the Peckham Ghost", which might be Spring Heeled Jack. 1872 Rio Tinto Zinc company founded by Hugh Matheson with his uncles profits from opium trafficking and help from Schroder Bank in Germany, who would later fund Adolph Hitler in 1931. Tsarion 1872 The "Bohemian Grove" group was established by San Franciscans, played an equally significant role in shaping post-war politics in the US. It was at the Grove, it is said, that the Manhattan Project was set up and that Eisenhower was selected as the Republicans' candidate for 1952. 1872 The secret ballot is introduced into British parliamentary elections. 1872 . 1872, . 1872, . 1872, 33 . 1872 1872, - . 1872, . 1872, 67 . , Giuseppe Mazzini, : (Genova, 26 luglio 1805 - Pisa, 10 marzo 1872) 1872, 7 . . 1872

570 1872: the Ariel, the first high-wheel bicycle (or "ordinary"), is manufactured in Britian 1873, Adriano Lemmi, a banker from Florence, Italy, became a new general of the Illuminati. He admitted: "Freemasonry has as its aim to form and lead public opinion. It wants the influence on the government, which belongs to sound and powerful institutions. Therefore it strives to place its own leaders in the administration, in the legislatures, and at the highest pinnacles of power." Lemmi was a supporter of the revolutionary leader Giuseppe Garibaldi, and had been active in the Order to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite founded by Albert Pike. 1873 Banking panic of 1873. Tsarion 1873 Georg Ritter von Schonerer is first elected to the Austrian Parliament. 1873 Texas, Bonham: A huge cigar-shaped object swooped low over the town of on two occasions and in broad daylight. It then disappeared quickly to the east. 1873 Union of American Hebrew Congregations established (America). Rabbinical Seminary opened in Berlin, Germany. 1873 Wilhelm Marr publishes "The Victory of Jewism over Germanism." 1873, 33 . 1873 1873, 9 5 . 1873, , , , . 1873 , . , . 1873 (: Charles-Louis-Napolon Bonaparte) (1808-1873). , , (1848-1852) 2 1851, . (1852-1870) ', - 1870 (1870-1942).

571 1873 . 1874 Henry Steel Olcott. . William Quan Judge . Albert Pike (1809-1891). (33 ) . . 1874 -76 Publication of George Eliot's Daniel Deronda (England). 1874 Civil marriage made compulsory in Germany. Tsarion 1874 . 1770. 1874 Death of Amschel Salomon Rothschild. 1874 Death of Zevi Hirsch Kalischer (Zionism). Death of Abraham Geiger (Germany). 1874 Disraeli again becomes prime minister of Britain. 1874 Mexico, Oaxaca: Residents saw a huge, gently swaying, trumpet-shaped object estimated to be 425 feet long hovering in the sky for six minutes. 1874 November 27 Chaim Weizmann is born at Motol in western Russia. 1874 November 30 Winston Churchill is born at Blenheim Palace, the 21,000-acre estate of his family, the famous dukes of Marlborough. 1874 Sidney Reilly is born as Georgi aka Sigmund Rosenblum in Odessa. 1874 Benjamin Disraeli . 1874 - , , : - . - - . - . - . - . 1874 the Malthusian League was under Masonic control in the person of Annie Besant, a female Mason, drug-pusher, and promoter of free sex. Albert Pike, the Mason who took wagon loads of prostitutes into

572 the Ozark Mountains for days of orgies, was one of Annie's lovers. Annie's brother was Sir Walter Besant, the Mason who first conceived the idea of forming the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research to investigate the origins of Freemasonry. 1874 ! . KLAUSNER, Joseph Gedaliah 1874 1958. Historian and Zionist. Educated in Russia and Germany, Klausner was one of the best-known figures in modern Hebrew literary circles. He succeeded AHAD HAAM as editor of Ha-Shiloach before settling in Palestine in 1919, where he became professor of Hebrew literature at the Hebrew University and president of the Hebrew Language Academy. Among his many works are the great History of Modern Hebrew Literature (1932; Heb. original 1930), a controversial life of JESUS of Nazareth (Heb. 1922; Eng. trans. 1925), and a monumental history of the Second Temple (Heb. 1949). Klausner was a fervent nationalist whose views coloured everything he wrote. Although not a member of the Revisionist party, he was acclaimed an ideological inspiration by the Zionist right wing. In 1929 he headed a selfappointed committee for the defence of Jewish rights at the Western Wall whose provocative activity helped bring on the bloody Arab anti-Jewish riots of that year. In 1949 he stood as the nominee of the Herut party for president of Israel, but was beaten by Dr WEIZMANN. 1874, 33 . 1874 - Alliance of Jewish and Gentile Freemasonry under B'nai B'rith. By the decree of September 12, 1874, which confirmed a treaty signed by Armand Levi for the Jewish Bnai-Brith (brothers of the Alliance) of America, Germany and England and the supreme authority of Charleston, Albert Pike, authorized the Jewish Freemasons to form a secret federation functioning side by side with the ordinary lodges. This secret society was to bear the title of Sovereign Patriarchal Council and its Universal center was to be at Hamburg, Valentinskamp Strasse. In subscriptions alone, it collected one million four hundred thousand francs a year which were used for general Jewish propaganda. Under the terms of this document, Jewish Masonry, unlike Gentile Masonry, was not to be graded, its members were exempt from belonging to any other official rite and the secret of its existence was to be most strictly kept by those members of High Masonry who had been informed by the Supreme Dogmatic Directory of its existence. Les Juifs dans la Franc-Maconnerie, De la Rive, Re treaty between the Bnai Brith and the supreme authority at Charleston. Translation: ...Albert Pike and the Jew Armand Levy affixed their Palladian signatures to this document. Armand Levy styled himself, 33rd Lieutenant grand assistant and sovereign delegate of the Grand Central Directory of Naples, honorary member ad vitam of the

573 Sublime Federal Consistory of the Bnai Brith of Germany, acting as general agent for this Consistory as well as those of America and England, the various federations of the Bnai Brith having given him full powers. The latter clause in the agreement is undoubtedly responsible for the equivocal attitude of all High Masons with regard to the past and present, national and international, secret political activities of the Bnai Brith. 1874 . 67 1941. ; : , . 27 1941, , , , , , . , , . , ( ), : . , ... . , : , ! ! , , . , B.B.C. . , , . , , 67 . , . , : !

574 . . , . , . , . , . . ... . . , , , 2 1941, 1:15 , , : 27 1941, , , . , . . . .. . , , . , , . : ! , 1874, . * Real News 30 2011 1874, 29 , " ;". 1874: Disreali becomes prime minister 1875 REGINALD BALFOUR 1, . ... CHARLOTTE EMILY WARRE-CORNISH 1878 28 25 1875 - Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founds the Theosophical Society. Madame Blavatsky claims that Tibetan holy men in the Himalayas, whom she refers to as the Masters of Wisdom, communicated with her in London by telepathy. She insists that the Christians have it all backwards - that Satan is good and God is evil. She writes: "The Christians and scientists must be made to respect their Indian betters. The Wisdom of India, her philosophy and achievement, must be made known in Europe and America." -

575 1875 1875 "Whiskey Ring" conspiracy of distillery owners revealed. Madam Blavatsky founds Theosophy Society. Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health published. - 1875 Alois Schicklgruber promoted to full inspector of Customs. 1875 Blavatsky founds the Theosophical Society. Tsarion 1875 Hebrew Union college opened in Cincinnati (America). Death of Zacharias Frankel (Germany). 1875 Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1808-79) loans Britain the money used by Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli to buy control of the Suez Canal. 1875 Madam Blavatsky founds "Theosophy Society". 1875 . 1875 November 9 Baron Rudolf Sebottendorff, future founder of the Thule Society in Munich, is born in the Saxon market town of Hoyerswerda, north of Dresden. 1875 Official government statistics estimate 120,000 Americans addicted to opium. Tsarion 1875 Public Health Act of 1875 in England promotes sanitary conditions. Tsarion 1875 to 1947 -- Life of Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast, Golden Dawn leader and occult figure. - 1875 : , , : THE BIRTH OF COMMUNISM AND ZIONISM. Moses Hess (18121875). Moses Hess was born in Bonn, Germany and died in Paris, France. He was practiced Orthodox Judaism but broke away and embraced the Kabbalah. In 1837, he anonymously published his first book, The Holy History of Mankind, which revealed his ideas on anarchic socialism. In 1841, he founded the radical newspaper, Rheineische Zeitung. In 1842 he promoted Karl Marx, a German Jew to chief editor. Hess introduced Marx to the Freemasons and to communism. In 1844, Hess introduced Marx to the German Jew Friedrich Engels. Moses Hess is considered the father of two political movements: communism and Zionism. He was buried in Cologne, Germany, but in 1961 his remains were re-buried in the graveyard of Kineret (Lake of Galilee, Israel) next to the graves of other founders of the modern Zionist socialist movement. 1875 United States immigration excludes coolies, convicts, and prostitutes as undesirable aliens. Tsarion 1875 1875-1907, .

576 1875 44 . , 28 21. . 1875 Lionel de Rothschild Suez. 1875, . 1875, . 1875, 33 . 1875, , . 1875, , , , , "1875, , . . , " " " ", , , . , , . ". 1875, , . , . 1875: The British government purchases shares in the Suez Canal, borrowing money from the Rothschilds 1875: Deccan Riots 1876: a second rebellion by Porfirio Daz against President Sebastin Lerdo de Tejada of Mexico 1876: the April uprising, a revolt by the Bulgarian population against Ottoman rule. 1876 -- Disraeli again warns about dangers of secret societies. Battle of the Little Big Horn. Bell patents telephone. Otto builds fourcycle gasoline engine. -

577 1876 (July 28) E. Lasker procures the passing of the Austrittgesetz,' permitting Jews to change their congregation. 1876 Alois Schicklgruber is legitimized and changes his name to Alois Hitler. 1876 Deutsche Reichsbank opens in Germany. Tsarion 1876, , , , . , [!] : , , . , , . -, . 1876, three Jewish freemasons, Lieberman, Grigori Goldenberg and Zuckerman, met in a Grand Orient lodge room in London to work out a plan to murder the Russian Tsar Alexander II. They found a suitable assassin, the extremist Jew Leon Hartman (1850-1913), who was a member of the executive committee of the terrorist organization Narodnaya Volya (the People's Will, founded by the freemasons). He attempted to blow up the Tsar's train near Moscow on 19 November 1879 (under the sign of Scorpio). 1876 Disraeli arranges for Queen Victoria to be proclaimed empress of India. 1876 AARONSOHN, Aaron 18761919. Head of Nili spy group in Palestine. Aaronsohn was brought to Palestine from Romania at the age of six and grew up in Zichron Yaakov, which his father helped to found. He was later joined by his sister Sarah. Trained in France as an agricultural expert, he discovered an important strain of wild wheat in the Galilee, ran an experimental station at Athlit, and headed an anti-locust drive for the Turkish government. During World War I the yishuvsuffered from economic stagnation, and harsh Turkish rule. Aaronsohn formed an espionage group to assist the British forces concentrated in Egypt. It was called Nili. Aaronsohn made his way through Europe to London, got into touch with British intelligence, and was sent to Cairo. Two members of the group, trying to get to him across the Sinai desert in Arab dress, were attacked by Bedouin at El-Arish. One of them, Avshalom Feinberg, was killed; the other, Yosef Lishansky, was wounded but got away and reached Cairo. In 1917, Lishansky and Sarah Aaronsohn were sent to Palestine with 2,000 in gold coins. At about the same time one of their carrier pigeons with an important message was

578 intercepted by the Turks. They began to search for subversives. The yishuv leadership disassociated itself from all anti-government activities. Sarah had meanwhile ordered the Nili members to disperse but she herself, in order not to arouse suspicion, remained in Zichron Yaakov. There she was arrested in October and tortured for four days. She revealed nothing and finally succeeded in shooting herself. In 1918, Aaronsohn was sent by Dr WEIZMANN to the United States to arouse support for the Zionist cause. He participated in the Zionist delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and later that year was killed in an air crash. 1876 Disraeli becomes Lord Beaconsfield and joins the House of Lords. 1876 English novelist George Eliot publishes the widely read novel Daniel Deronda, later cited by Henrietta Szold, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, and Emma Lazarus as having been highly influential in their decision to become Zionists. 1876 ADENAUER, Konrad 18761967. First chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Adenauer had been an anti-Nazi throughout the Hitler period and on that account had been dismissed from the post of mayor of Cologne and twice arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo. As post-war chancellor of West Germany, he was ready to accept that the German people had a moral obligation arising out of the Nazi massacre of the Jews, and believed that an act of reparation would help the process of political rehabilitation. He was therefore responsive when in September 1951 the Zionist leader Dr Nahum GOLDMANN came to see him at Claridges Hotel in London, at the request of the Israel premier, BEN-GURION. Goldmann obtained from him a letter agreeing to negotiations with the Israel government and with a claims conference representing the major Jewish organizations in the Western world. The following year a reparations agreement was signed at Luxembourg. The $845 million involved was payable over twelve years, 30 per cent for crude oil and the rest in the form of credits for German goods. Adenauer had to overcome considerable domestic opposition to this commitment. In spite of initial scepticism in many quarters, the agreement was faithfully implemented and made an important contribution to Israels development. After the agreement, Adenauer at first favoured diplomatic relations with Israel but later drew back from it, lest the Arab states should retaliate by recognizing East Germany. The establishment of formal relations came with his successor, Ludwig Erhard. In 1960, Adenauer and Ben-Gurion met in New York at the Waldorf Hotel. Adenauer agreed to a German loan for Israel after the end of the reparations. The two statesmen found much in commoneach of them incidentally known in his own country as The Old Man (Der Alter and

579 ha-Zaken respectively). In 1966, after he had retired from public life, Adenauer came on a visit to Israel as the guest of the Government. 1876 Explorer Charles Barrington Brown wrote of a creature called the Didi. This creature, according to Brown, was a wild man which dwelt in the forests of British Guiana (today's Guyana). He said that on several occasions he had heard its cries, and on others he had seen footprints identified as coming from the creature. 1876 James Bryce of Oxford University came upon a four-foot long stick near the peak of Great Ararat. He declared it to be a piece of the ark. 1876. , : 14.700 1876 Koch discovers anthrax bacillus. Tsarion 1876 The first Wagnerian festival is held at Bayreuth in Bavaria. 1876, in Aylesbury, Disraeli said: The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments plans. 1876 Vertebrae "larger than those of the present type" found in Wisconsin mounds. 1876 1876, . 1876, 8 . . 1876: Disraeli makes queen Victoria empress 1877 First of seven wills in which Cecil Rhodes leaves his money to establish a secret society to expand British rule throughout the world. . 1877, 1878 , , , . . , , ,

580 . , , , , . , , , 1821 . 1877 -78 Rabbinical seminary in Budapest opened (Austria Hungary). (July 13) The Berlin Congress inserts clause 44, that distinction of religion shall not be a bar to civil and political rights in Rumania. Petah Tikvah founded; Death of Judah Alkalai (Palestine). Death of Baron Yozel Guenzburg (Russia & Poland). Congress of Berlin. Beginning of the political anti Semitic movement in Berlin (A. Stoecker) (Germany). 1877, Henry Edward Manning, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, said of the trouble in the Balkan States: It is not emperors or kings, nor princes, that direct the course of affairs in the East. There is something else over them and behind them; and that thing is more powerful than them. 1877. , : 1.400 1877 First of seven wills in which Cecil Rhodes leaves his money to establish a secret society to expand British rule throughout the world. 1877 Politically, the period of Southern reconstruction is completed. Economically, the effects of the war will last much longer. 1877 Prospectors near the head of Spring Valley (not far from Eureka, Nevada) found a human leg bone and kneecap sticking out of solid rock dated geologically be from the Jurassic Period, over 185 million years old. Doctors determined that they were from a very modernlooking human being that stood over 12 feet tall. 1877 Schiaparelli reports canali on Mars 1877 September 18 - A "winged human form" was observed over Brooklyn, according to the New York Sun. 1877 Skull bones "of great size and thickness" unearthed in mounds of Kansas City area. 1877 Spring Heeled Jack makes an appearance at Aldershot Barracks. 1877 Standard Oil Company incorporated and gains national ascendancy into the oil market. Cecil Rhodes writes the first of seven wills. Tsarion

581 1877 Telephone and gasoline engine invented. Tsarion 1877 The last elements of the Ku Klux Klan are disbanded as a result of the Compromise of 1877. Among the conditions of disbandment are passage of Posse Comitatus, barring the military from ever enforcing civil law again. Reconstruction and military occupation are officially ended, and South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida are at last readmitted to the Union. 1877, . . 1877, declaring that There is no god but humanity, French Masons incorporated the Hammer and Sickle as their symbol. 1877, . , , , . 1877, French Freemasonry declared what it had held for some time - that there is no god but humanity. English Freemasonry, which demands at least an ostensible belief in deity, broke fellowship completely with the French. Although these two fraternities continue to war with each other, they are still brothers - and brothers stand together when fighting a common enemy. Freemasonry's common enemy was initially the Catholic Church. Today it is all Christendom. 1877, . , " ", , " , , , ' . Londonderry, , . ". , , , 1970, . 438. 1877, , , 1877, . 1877: A tennis tournament is held at Wimbledon for the first time

582 1877, declaring that There is no god but humanity, French Masons incorporated the Hammer and Sickle as their symbol. 1877: Britain occupies South Africa 1878 Adolph Ochs, 20, rises from newsboy to owner of Chattanooga Times. 1878 (1878) 7, 2011 in - 4 1878. , , . , 1878, Il Bersagliere , ! : . ! , , , , ; , , . , , . , [] ! , . , , , , . [: 1463, . / (157-86 ..) ( ). / ()]. 1878 An Englishwoman named Mrs. Turner was aboard the liner Poonah anchored off Suez or Aden; she could not remember which when she related her experience to Robert P. Greg, who subsequently wrote a letter to Oudemans. She observed an extraordinary animal motionless on the surface 150 feet away. Greg wrote, "She saw both the head and 7 or 8 fins of the back, all at the same time in a line. She cannot remember exactly how many dorsal fins there were, but they were large, slightly

583 curved back and not all the same size.... The head looked 4-6 feet diameter, like a large tree trunk.... The color was nearly black like a whale. The whole length appeared considerable, perhaps as long as an ordinary tree, or moderate sized ship!" 1878 Rev. William Blackstones tract promotes Zionism leading to First Niagara Prophecy Conference. Born in Adams, New York in 1841, William Eugene Blackstone became a successful businessman specializing in real estate outside Chicago after the Civil War. A self-taught lay evangelist and Bible teacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Blackstone eventually devoted himself to missionary work. While at a YMCA convention, Blackstone asked the Reverend James Hall Brooke, one of the foremost ministers of the time, to write a tract about the second coming that he could pass out on trains as he traveled. Instead, Brooke suggested that Blackstone write it himself and that he would publish it. Brooke's suggestion led Blackstone to compose Jesus is Coming, hailed as probably the most wide-read book in this century on our Lords return. First published in 1878, its 1908 revised edition was financed by California oilman Lyman Stewart and distributed by the hundreds of thousands; by Blackstone's death in 1935, Jesus is Coming had been translated into thirty-six languages, with over a million copies printed. Blackstone, like Brooke and other evangelists of that time, was influenced by the Plymouth Brethren dispensationalist premillennialism preached by the influential Anglo-Irish minister John Nelson Darby on his tours of North America in the seventies. The year Jesus is Coming first appeared--1878--also saw the first of a series of prophecy and Bible conferences, eventually known as the Niagara Prophecy Conferences, held around the United States which established this proto-fundamentalist theological tendency. Ministers from a wide spectrum of denominations combined elements of Princeton theology, biblical literalism, and premillennialism with a conservative opposition to higher criticism, modernism, and other liberalizing trends. 1878 60 1877 250 1878. 1878 First Zionist Settlement - Petah Tikwa. 1878 Galician poet Naphtali Herz Imber writes a poem Tikvatenu (Our Hope), later adopted as the Zionist hymn Hatikvah. 1878 John Martin, a Texas farmer, spotted a fast moving dark object high in the southern sky. When it passed overhead, he saw that it was the size of a "large saucer". It continued on its way and was soon lost to view. In recounting the event, a local newspaper remarked, "Mr. Martin is a gentleman of undoubted veracity and this strange occurrence, if it was not a balloon, deserves the attention of our scientists".

584 1878 June Disraeli calls the Congress of Berlin which permits Austria-Hungary to occupy the Turkish provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (see 1908) 1878 Louis Pasteur tells his family never to show anyone his lab notebooks. His last surviving grandson donated the documents to the Bibiotheque Nationale in Paris in 1964. Later, historians would begin to examine Pasteurs notes and would find evidence of potential scientific misconduct and a large degree of dubious human experimentation. Tsarion 1878 : There was no disguise they [the Jesuits] could not assume, and therefore, there was no place into which they could not penetrate. They could enter unheard the closet of the Monarch, or the Cabinet of the Statesman. They could sit unseen in convocation or General Assembly, and mingle unsuspected in deliberations and debates. There was no tongue they could not speak, and no creed they could not profess, and thus there was no people among whom they might not sojourn, and no church whose membership they might not enter and whose functions they might not discharge. They could execrate the Pope with the Lutheran, and swear the Solemn League with the Covenanter, J. A. Wylie, 1878 English Historian History of Protestantism 1878 Methodist minister William E. Blackstone publishes Jesus is Coming, an exposition of the widespread "dispensationalist pre millennialist" Christian teaching that the Jews must return to the Holy Land before Jesus' Second Coming can occur. Christian fundamentalists unwittingly embrace the Zionist cause. 1878 October 24--The Louisville, Kentucky Courier-Journal, a 'Wild Man of the Woods' was captured, supposedly, in Tennessee, and then placed on exhibit in Louisville. The creature was described as being six feet, five inches tall, and having eyes twice the normal size. His body was "covered with scales." 1878 Petah Tikva is founded by Jerusalem Jews, but abandoned after difficulties. Resettled in 1882 with help from first aliyah. 1878 to 1945 Life of Edgar Cayce, visionary, trance-channeler who spoke of reincarnation, Egyptian mysteries, and Atlantis. 1878, . 1878, . 1878, , . 1879 "Hermtic Order of the Rising Day" founded. Many mambers latter form Arcanum. 1879 -80 Citizenship granted to a number of Jews as individuals; Death of Meir Leib Malbim (Rumania). Kutais blood libel (Russia &

585 Poland). Death of David Einhorn (America). Anti Semitic articles by H. von Treitschke (Germany). 1879 A 9-foot, 8-inch skeleton was excavated from a mount near Brewersville, Indiana. 1879 December 21 Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin) born at Gori in Trans-Caucasian Georgia. 1879 Gold Standard reinstated in the United States. Tsarion 1879 Leon Trotsky is born in Ukraine of Jewish parents named Bronstein. 1879 Persian Gulf: The S.S. Vulture crew reported in the Persian Gulf, two luminous rotating wheels, about 130 ft. across, seen above the water before diving 1879 Second Attempt to murder Tsar Alexander II 1879 Wilhelm Marr founds an Anti-Semitic League reputed to be the first of its kind in the world and thereby coins the word "antiSemitism." 1879, . 1879, , . 1879, , . 1879, . 1879, , "". 1879. Alashguerth, : 1.250 1879, . 1879, 2 2. 1879 Ignatius Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln, started life in Hungary in 1879 as plain Ignacz Trebitsch, the son of a prosperous orthodox Jewish family. He ended it sixty-four years later in Shanghai as the Abbot Chao Kung. 1879, . . 1879: Zulu warriors armed with spears massacre the British army at the battle of Isandhlwana 1880 "A skeleton which is reported to have been of enormous dimensions" was found in a clay coffin, with a sandstone slab containing

586 hieroglyphics, during mound explorations by a Dr Everhart near Zanesville, Ohio. 1880 [] . 1880 Beginning of a 20 year period where elite American students of Wundt in Germany return and become heads of psychology departments at Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, and all major universities and colleges. Wundt trains James Cattell, who returns to the U.S. and trains over 300 in the Wundtian system which, with help from the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations, eventually assume control of psychological testing in the United States for all the soldiers of the First World War. Tsarion 1880 Beginning of Saint-Yves d'Alveydre's activity. Leopold Engler reorganizes the Illuminati of Bavaria. 1880 Britain import 105,508 chests of opium into China. Tsarion 1880 Disraeli is ousted by the General election of 1880. Many saw it as a repudiation of his pro-Turkish and Afghan policy. 1880 In Denmark citizens consume 29 pounds of sugar each annually. Tsarion 1880 Laurence Oliphant publishes The land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon which proposes a settlement under British protection while respecting Ottoman sovereignty. He proposes that the 'warlike' Bedouins be driven out, and the Palestinians be placed in reservations like the native Indians of America. 1880 Members of the crew of the British India Company's steamship Patna witnessed two large luminous wheels each estimated to be 500 to 600 meters in diameter. The wheels were spinning, one on each side of the ship, and the spokes touching the ship. The sighting lasted 20 minutes and was witnessed by Captain Avern, third officer Manning, and Lee Fort Brace. 1880 New Mexico, Lamy: Four men walking near Galisteo Junction were surprised as they heard voices coming from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not understood. The object flew low over Galisteo Junction and rose rapidly toward the east. 1880 Recorded death rate from diabetes in Denmark is 1.8 per 100,000. Tsarion 1880 September 12--The New York Times remarked on reports from Coney Island of a "man with bat's wings and improved frog's legs ... at least a thousand feet in the air ... flying toward the New Jersey coast ... (with) a cruel and determined expression."

587 1880 September 23--At about 3:30 in the afternoon farmer David Lang dematerialized in front of five witnesses while walking across a field near Gallatin, Tennessee. Mrs. Lang ran and pounded the ground where he had vanished. Seven months later Lang's children insisted that they had heard their father crying distantly from uderneath the field. He seemed desperate and tortured, and was begging for help, until his voice faded away and was not heard again. Where he was last seen there was a circle of withered yellow grass 20 feet in diameter. 1880 , Herbert, . [earldoms]. Carasso , . Herbert Mazzini 1848. 1880 1890. . , Herbert [spymaster] . Herbert [;] the head of the Young Turks [ ]. 1880 Smallpox vaccinations start in the United States. Tsarion 1880 Sweden consumption of refined sugar 12 pounds per person annually. Tsarion 1880 The Jewish population in America is now 210,000 1880 . 49, 33, 26, 5 5 . 1880 9 1880 , 1880 One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry". In 1880, a charter was granted him by the Royal Order of Scotland for the foundation of Lodges in America appointing him Provincial Grand Master of the order of H. R. M. He was indeed a great organizer. Margiotta further writes: "The two secret chiefs, Pike and

588 Mazzini, finally completed the organization of high masonry, establishing four Grand Central Directories for the world, functioning thenceforth to gather information for the benefit of their political policy and dogmatic propaganda..." p. 222 Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), 1933 1880, . 1880, , . 1880, ' . 1880: Borneo becomes a British protectorate 1881 -- Garfield assassinated. Czar Alexander II assassinated by secret society. Disraeli publishes Lothair, a novel about secret societies and European politics. - 1881 Theodor Herzl, a Khazar Jew, again, founded the ZIONIST MOVEMENT in Odessa, Russia, in order to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. 1881 -82 Pogroms sweeps southern Russia; beginning of mass emigration (Russia & Poland). (April 7) Disappearance of Esther Solymosi causes a trial on blood accusation at Tisza Esziar. (May 3) >May Laws' issued by General Ignatief confining the Jews in the Pale of Settlement to the towns. "May Laws" (Russia & Poland). Beginning of First Aliyah (Bilu); Rishon le Zion founded (Palestine). 1881 April 19 Disraeli dies in London and is buried at his estate (Hughenden) near High Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire. 1881 a Zionist movement founded in Odessa [ 1821 ], which spread rapidly through the Jewish communities of Russia, and small branches which had sprung up in Germany, England and elsewhere. 1881 Atrocities against Jews in South Russia. (April 25) Anti Semitic league in Germany presents petition with 255,000 signatures to Prince Bismarck. (April 27) Riot at Argenau. Ben Yehuda arrives in Palestine. Beginning of mass immigration from Eastern Europe (America). Czar Alexander II assassinated. Death of Benjamin Disraeli (England). Anti Semitic petition (Germany). 1881 Czar Alexander II (1855-81) is murdered, alleged by anarchists. A number of Jews are implicated in the plot and are quickly blamed. 1881 Eliezer ben Yehuda makes aliyah and leads efforts to revive Hebrew as a common spoken language. 1881 Pogroms of Russian Jews causes their migration to Europe, United States and Palestine. The great wealth of the Russian

589 Czars was entrusted to the Rothschilds, $35 million with the Rothschild's Bank of England, and $80 million in the Rothschild's Paris bank. The Rothschilds financed the Russian Revolution which confiscated vast portions of the Orthodox Church's wealth. They have been able to prevent (due to their power) the legitimate heirs of the Czars fortune to withdraw a penny of the millions deposited in a variety of their banks. The Mountbattans, who are related to the Rothschilds, led the court battles to prevent the claimants from withdrawing any of the fortune. In other words, the money they invested in the Russian Revolution, was not only paid back directly by the Bolshevists in millions of dollars of gold, but by grabbing the huge deposits of the Czars wealth, the Rothschilds gained what is now worth over $50 billions. - Moreover, before 1881, the year of the first wave of European Jews migrating into Palestine, Arabs constituted 95% of the population and owned 98% of the land. - The pogroms of 1881 set in motion the massive Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe, with about 62,000 Jews, mostly from Russia, arriving in the United States between 1881 and 1884. In the final stages of the eagle, two leaders are predicted to reign over a small kingdom full of uproar. That may be a picture of the proposed world government during the short seven years of the Tribulation Period. Finally, the eagle will be burned, and all the world will be in great fear. Could that be a prediction of nuclear war? The description seems to fit with the other prophecies of the Bible. The symbol of ancient Spartan Greece was an eagle. The symbol of ancient Trojan Rome was an eagle. The symbol of Germany, which also claimed descent from the Trojans, was an eagle, and the symbol of the Habsburg dynasty, which provided the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire for 500 years was an eagle. In fact, the name Habsburg means hawk's castle. The hawk is a part of the same family as the eagle. There are 260 kinds of eagles. Furthermore, the type of eagle which lives in the Middle East is called the hawk eagle. This may be one of the most important clues to tie their dynasty back to the ancient Israelite tribe of Dan. Under Roman domination, the Jewish people suffered unmercifully. But the leaders of the cruel Roman oppression may have been from the tribe of Dan. The Jew has suffered in the various countries of Europe down through the centuries, but those European kings may well have been from the tribe of Dan. They also suffered under the pograms or massacres of the Russian Czars who came from an ancient tribe known as Varangians, whose symbol was the double headed eagle. The ninth century Varangians, who established the Czarist throne of Russia may well have been Merovingians of the ancient tribe of Dan. In fact, the symbol of the Russian bear may have come from the ancient Spartans who lived in the province of Arcadia in southern Greece. The Word Arcadia means the people of the bear. Perhaps, one

590 day, a descendant of the tribe of Dan will surround Jerusalem with an army, enter the Jewish sanctuary on the Temple Mount, commit the prophetic abomination of desolation, establish a throne on the sacred site and declare himself to be god! Yes, the prophecy of dying Jacob may be ultimately fulfilled -- as he said, Dan shall judge his people. 1881. , : 2.000 1881 Georgia, Americus: Mr. Z. T. Baisden, of Americus, gives us the following story of a whirlwind that visited his place, scaring all his hands and some visitors very badly. A whirlwind occurred in a twelve acre cornfield that was about four feet in diameter and sometimes a hundred feet high. The body of it was perfectly black, with fire in the center and emitted a strong sulphurous vapor that could be smelt three hundred yards form it. The whirlwind would divide into three and move rapidly over the field, twisting up the corn stalks by the roots and carrying them up. These three minor whirlwinds would then come together with a loud crash, cracking and burning and shoot high up into the heavens. Three young ladies who were visiting Mrs. Baisden went in about 150 feet to observe it, but received such a shower of burning sand upon their face and necks that they ran affrighted to the house. Mr. Baisden says that he cannot account for this strange phenomenon, and it certainly frightened all who saw it. The strange part was that it contained fire, yet did not appear to burn the corn that it did not tear up, and its sulphurous vapor sickened and burnt all who got close enough to get a full breath of it. 1881 Masonic New Age of Michael reportedly begins with Jews' return to Palestine. To those working within an esoteric tradition, it might have appeared a relatively easy thing to prepare for the new era of Michael which was to begin in 1881. The angel Michael was dedicated to the expansion of human consciousness, and freedom. Furthermore, it would be during the New Age of the Sun, which would begin in 1881, that the Jews would return to their homeland. See 1888: False teaching that new dispensation has begun. 1881 June 11--In the Cruise of the Bacchante, a work compiled from the journals of the late King George V of England (then Duke of York) and his brother Prince Albert Victor, is reported the sighting of a phantom ship. The brothers served as midshipmen on H.M.S. Bacchantes round the world voyage between1879 and 1882. At 4 A.M. on June 11, 1881, while the vessel was sailing to Sydney from Melbourne, Australia, the late Kings diary says an eerie red light was noticed. His account follows: "In the midst of the red light, the masts, spars and sails of a brig two hundred yards distant stood out in strong

591 relief as she came up on the port bow. The lookout in the forecastle reported her as close to the bow, while also the officer of the watch from the bridge clearly saw her. So did the quarterdeck midshipman, was sent forward at once to the forecastle; but on arriving, there was no vestige or sign of any material ship. The night was clear and the sea calm. Thirteen persons altogether saw her. Two other ships of the squadron, the Tourmaline and the Cleopatra, who were sailing off our starboard bow, asked whether we had seen the strange red light." 1881 Large-scale pogroms begin in no less than 160 Russian cities; soon thousands of Jewish refugees flood into Austria and Eastern Europe. 1881 The first stories of the Alma were gathered by N. M. Pzewalski, a traveler in Mongolia who also discovered the Mongolian wild horse. 1881, . 1881 . , Strossmayer . , , : !, ! .. (. Kolnische Zeitung, 13-7-1881). , Kenrick (San Louis, U.S.A.) 1870 . , . , , . Kenrick ! : , , , ( , , , 1). 1881, . , . . , , .

592 1881 . Ismail Enver , 1.2 - 1.5 1914-1916. Ismail Enver ( 22 1881 Istanbul, 4 1922), Enver Pasha Enver Bey, , : Hrriyet Kahramani. 1881, 2 . . 1881, 18811884 Pogroms in the Russian Empire kill several Jews and injure large numbers, destroy thousands of Jewish homes, and motivate hundreds of thousands of Jews to flee. 1881-1885 Wave of Russian pogroms catalyzes First Aliya (wave of immigration to Israel). ! ; 18811920 Over two million of the Russian Jews emigrate. Most go to the U.S., others elsewhere, some to the Land of Israel. The first group of Biluim organize in Kharkov. 1882 46.000 1882 April 19 British naturalist Charles Darwin dies at the age of 73. His theory of evolution based on natural selection revolutionized the study of biology. His most famous works include "Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man." 1882 Baron Edmond de Rothschild of Paris, begins work to establish a Jewish homeland after meeting with Shmuel Mohilewer. 1882 Baron Edmond James de Rothschild begins buying land in the region of Palestine and financing Jewish agricultural settlements and industrial enterprises. 1882 England: A huge UFO, the first such phenomenon which was characteristically saucer-shaped in Europe, was plainly observed by numerous people in England and other parts of Europe during the night. It was seen to travel in the sky at an approximate altitude of 130 miles in an east-west direction. A number of eminent scientists witnessed the object, among them being Dr E Walter Maunder, Greenwich astronomer; English spectroscopist, J Rand Capron; Dutch astronomers Audemans and Zeeman. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich published a report of the

593 conclusions reached by scientists, following the appearance of what had been termed, "The Great Saucer". The report had this to say: "It appeared to be well defined in body and the inference drawn was that it was a meteor, not in the old vague sense of some object high in the Earth's atmosphere, but in the sense of a solid cosmological substance, disc-like in appearance, the orbit of which brought it within the terrestrial atmosphere. But nothing could be more unlike the rush of a great meteor or fireball, with intense radiance and fiery train. The advance of this object, though swift, appeared to be orderly and controlled. There was no sign of the compression of the atmosphere before it, no hint that the matter composing its front part, was in anyway more strongly heated than the rest of its substance, if substance, indeed it possessed." 1882 Georg von Schonerer helps draft the "Linz Program." 1882 January 1 Leon Pinsker publishes pamphlet Autoemancipation (text) urging the Jewish people to strive for independence and national consciousness. 1882 Joseph Pulitzer buys the New York World from Jay Gould, and transforms the paper into a hard hitting "populist" organ. 1882 Koch isolates the TB Bacillus. TB death rate 370:100,000. Tsarion 1882 October 13 Joseph-Arthur de Gobineau, dies in Turin, Italy. 1882 Rishon LeZion, Rosh Pinna, Zikhron Ya'aqov are founded. 1882 Russian May Laws; Leon Pinsker writes Auto-Emancipation in 1882; formation of BILU; beginning of the First Aliya (wave of immigration). 1882 Standard Oil Company incorporated in New Jersey as a Trust, which absorbs all other oil companies. Standard owned by railroad in N.Carolina. Tsarion 1882 The First International Anti-Jewish Congress is held in Dresden. 1882 United States immigration adds lunatics and idiots to exclusion list. Tsarion 1882, . . 1882, , , 14 . 1882, . 1882, 2 , Standard Oil Trust. . 1882, 21 3 , , ,

594 . . , . 1882, 23 , , 3 . 1882, 9 . 1882, . 1882: Britain occupies Egypt 1882 ABDULLAH IBN-HUSSEIN 1882 1951. First king of Jordan. Abdullah was born in the holy city of Mecca, where his family had been the local rulers for ten centuries. His father, the Emir Hussein, was the nominal head of the Arab revolt against the Turks organized by Britain in World War I. The field commander of the guerrilla operations was Husseins third son, Emir FEISAL, with the assistance of Lawrence of Arabia. After the war, Feisal was installed by the British as king in Damascus, but expelled by the French. Abdullah, Husseins second son, marched up through the desert at the head of a Bedouin force to help his brother. Britain and France had reached agreement on the Near East and Feisal was given a throne in Iraq, which fell under British mandate. In 1921 Winston CHURCHILL, then colonial secretary, met Abdullah in Jerusalem and pacified him by making him emir of Transjordan, constituting five-sevenths of the area under the Palestine mandate. The Jewish National Home provisions of the mandate were then deleted regarding Transjordan. The Zionist Executive had little choice but to acquiesce in the arrangement. Small in stature and mild in manner, Abdullah was a less impressive figure than Feisal. However, he shared his brothers political shrewdness, sense of realism, dignity and personal courage. His emirate was mostly desert, with 300, 000 inhabitants, the majority of them nomad or semi-nomad. He saw that its future lay in coexistence with the dynamic Zionist yishuv growing up in Western Palestine. He probably had in mind the abortive agreement of cooperation Feisal had made with Dr WEIZMANN at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. In holding these views, Abdullah was out of step with the extremist Palestinian Arab nationalism led by Haj Amin el-HUSSEINI, the mufti of Jerusalem, with the shrill anti-Zionist rhetoric coming out of Cairo and other Arab capitals, and with his British masters, who wanted no

595 Zionist intrusion across the Jordan River. There was something of a test case in 1933. Abdullah was willing to grant a long lease to the Jewish Agency over a tract in the Jordan valley, believing that this would stimulate development in Transjordan. But Arab and British pressure compelled him to abandon the idea. In 1946 Transjordan was given its independence, with the mandate replaced by a treaty with Britain, and Abdullah now a king. In May 1948 the mandate ended over Western Palestine, and the State of Israel came into being and was promptly invaded by the armed forces of five Arab states. Before then, there had been secret contacts between Abdullah and the Zionist leaders, aimed at an understanding whereby he would keep out of the fighting, accept Jewish statehood, and take over the parts of the country allocated to the Arabs under the United Nations partition plan of 1947. Four days before the end of the mandate, Golda MEIR, disguised as an Arab woman, slipped across the border and was driven to a meeting with the king in his capital, Amman. Abdullah told her that he was no longer interested in such an understanding. The Arab governments were confident that the pending Jewish state would be overrun by their armies. In any case, Abdullah was well placed to seize the Arab areas, using the Transjordan Arab Legion for the purpose. The legion had been formed by the British authorities before Jordan became independent. It consisted of some 12,000 men, mostly Bedouin loyal to the Hashemite monarchy. Its commander, Glubb Pasha, and its senior officers, were British. During World War II it was used for guard duties in Palestine. After the war, the legion was stationed in Western Palestine. When the mandate ended it occupied the hill country of Samaria and Judea. Jewish Jerusalem was cut off and shelled, and the legion took the eastern part by assault, including the Old City, where the Jewish quarter was demolished and its surviving inhabitants taken captive. The occupied areas were annexed, and Abdullah proclaimed a Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on both sides of the river. This expansion more than trebled the population of the kingdom. The unilateral annexation was condemned by the Arab League, and Jordan was expelled from that body. In fact, no state ever recognized Jordanian occupation of East Jerusalem, and only Britain and Pakistan recognized the incorporation of the West Bank into Jordan. Abdullah was enough of a realist to accept that the State of Israel had won its War of Independence, and had come to stay. After the armistice agreements of 1949 had ended the hostilities, discreet contacts were renewed between him and Israel leaders. A peace settlement would have consolidated both the new State of Israel and the enlarged kingdom of Jordan, and opened the way for future cooperation between them. An outline of an agreement was secretly worked out, then left suspended until Abdullah could prepare Arab opinion for it. One of the kings

596 measures was to grant full Jordanian citizenship to all the residents of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including the Arab refugees, in a bid for their allegiance. On 20 July 1951, Abdullah was shot dead as he was coming through the doorway of the El Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem. The assassin was a henchman of the kings fanatical enemy, the former mufti of Jerusalem. That bullet shattered the hopes of an IsraelJordan peace for decades to come. Abdullahs son and successor, Talal, suffered from mental illness, and abdicated in favour of his own young son, HUSSEIN. The youth had been at Abdullahs side when he was assassinated. In June 1967, King Hussein joined in another Arab war against Israel. His forces were pushed back across the Jordan River, and all that Abdullah had gained in 1948 was left under Israel control. 1882: Urabi Revolt: an uprising in Egypt on June 11, 1882 against the Khedive and European influence in the country. It was led by and named after Colonel Ahmed Urabi. 18821903 The First Aliyah, major wave (estimated at 25,00035,000) of Jewish immigration to Ottoman-occupied Palestine. 1882 Zionist Jews' cruel treatment of Palestinians. ..a secret order known as B'ne Moshe (Sons of Moses) ... was guided by Ahad Ha'am (one of the people) the founder of Cultural Zionism, whose real name was Asher Ginsberg... Ginsberg, although a self-defined Cultural Zionist, broke with the mainstream Political Zionist movement early on. In fact after the first Zionist Congress, he never attended another one. Yet six years before, based on personal observations, he published a series of essays entitled 'The Truth About Palestine. Ginsberg pointed out that large tracts of untilled but arable land were unavailable, the ruling Ottoman Turks had a negative attitude towards the earlier European Jewish colonists of the first Aliyah of 1882, that Palestine was NOT uninhabited, and that the Arabs of Palestine showed no inclination or interest in leaving their homes. He was also critical of the superior attitude affected by these new colonists toward the indigenous population. He pointedly noted: We think that the Arabs are all savages who live like animals and do not understand what is happening around them. This is, however, a great error. He was harsh towards the colonists. Although he was perhaps unaware of it, he was comparing the attitude of the Jewish colonists to similar attitudes by the first Pilgrim colonists of North America, and the attitude of 19th century colonials in general for he further stated, based on the conviction that the viability of Jewish colonies depended on the development and maintenance of good relations with the Arabs; he further stated in an almost astonished tone, Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom, and this change has awakened in them an

597 inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause, and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination. (Selected Essays of Ahad Ha'am translated by Leon Simon. Originally published in 1912 and 1939 by the Jewish Publication Society, republished in 1981 by Atheneum.) - 513 1883 The Age of Eugenics begins in England leading to plan for the extermination of non-Zionist Jews by Hitler. For all the voluminously documented crimes of the Nazis, the fact is, leading British circles were the earliest proponents and developers of eugenics, a pseudoscience that these British influentials--including Charles Darwins cousin Sir Francis Galton and various sons of Darwin, members of the Huxley family, International Monetary Fund founder John Maynard Keynes, and others--concocted to promote the reduction in numbers, if not the eventual elimination, of categories of people whose existence was undesired by them. Such undesirables were, in the earliest years of the history of the Eugenics Education Society (the name of the group at the time of its founding in 1907), referred to dismissively as the residuum and later as the paupers; in order to study them, the eugenics mob sponsored so-called Pauper Pedigree Projects, to reinforce the notion of social class biologically defined. It was Sir Francis Galton, the proponent of hereditarianism, who declared in 1883 that the Age of Eugenics had begun (the name of the Eugenics Society today is the Galton Institute). - 529 See: Easter 1943: Holocaust victims denied admission to Allied countries Charter Schools, Character Education & the Eugenics Internationale* 1883 An account of "an extraordinary saurian" killed along the Rio Beni in what is now Bolivia appearanced in such a prestigious publication as Scientific American. The account describes a tri-headed monster nearly 40 feet in length. 1883 August 12--Armada Of Discs. Astronomer Jose Bonilla, at Zacatecas, Mexico Observatory, witnessed anywhere from 100-400 discshaped or cigar shaped objects crossing the face of the sun. He even managed to take a photograph through his telescope of one of the craft. 1883 Beginning of Baron Edmond de Rothschild's help to Jewish settlements (Palestine). Germany introduces health insurance. 1883 Czar in Russia invites Nobel brothers and Rothschilds to help develop oil riches in Baku area in Russia. Tsarion 1883 Galton introduces the term Eugenics to describe his ideas and proposes practices of racial superiority and sterilization. Tsarion 1883 July 29 Benito Mussolini born in Dovia di Predappio, Italy

598 1883 four Italians, Emiliani, Scuriatti, Lazzoneschi and Adriani, members of Young Italy who had fled to France, were betrayed to Mazzini and his helpers as traitors. 1883 65 . Karl Marx dies. Tsarion 1883 Lenin forms the first Russian Marxist group in Switzerland. Tsarion 1883 Rabbi Isaac Rlf publishes Aruchas Bas-Ammi, calling for a Hebrew-speaking Jewish homeland in Palestine. 1883 Richard Wagner dies in Venice. 1883 Schonerer demands dismissal of all Jewish teachers; soon calls for the destruction of the Habsburg monarchy and the union of all German peoples under the Prussian Hohenzollerns. 1883 Ten skeletons "of both sexes and of gigantic size" were taken from a mound at Warren, Minnesota. 1883, . 1883, 14 . . , . 1883, 2.000 . ' [Fabian Society]. 1883, . 1884 1884 Fabian Society founded in London by Sidney and Beatrice Webb and others. - 1884 - The Fabian Society is founded to promote Socialism. The Fabian Society takes its name from the Roman General Fabius Maximus, who fought Hannibal's army in small debilitating skirmishes, rather than attempting one decisive battle. - 1884 A skeleton 7 feet 6 inches long was found in a massive stone structure that was likened to a temple chamber within a mound in Kanawha County, West Virginia. 1884 A small hominoid is captured near Victoria, British Columbia. 1884 December 13--Possible UFO crash in Sorisole, near Bergamo, Italy 1884 Dr. Sobatta of the German Army reports on the results of vaccination to the German Vaccination Commission, which subsequently publishes data proving that re-vaccination does not work. Deaths from vaccination are routinely covered up by physicians. Tsarion

599 1884 During Gladstone's second ministry, 1880-85, a third Reform Bill is enacted giving rural voters the same voting privileges as townspeople. 1884 In England, Dr. Charles Creighton is asked to write an article for the Encyclopedia Britannica on vaccination. After much research internationally, he concludes that vaccination constituted a gross superstition. Later, Creighton writes two books, Cowpox and Vaccinal Syphilis and Jenner and Vaccination. Tsarion 1884 In England, more that 1700 children vaccinated for smallpox die of syphilis. Tsarion 1884 June 6--Holdredge's weekly newspaper, the Nebraska Nugget published a story that had occurred to some cowboys from Dundy County, of a cylindrical object that crashed on the prairie about 35 miles northwest of Benkelman, Dundy County, and left bits of machinery and gear wheels behind, glowing from the heat. A terrifying noise in the sky drew their attention to a bright object diving towards the ground before it crashed, out of sight from where the cowboys were. They had then rushed over to it and discovered numerous burning hot "machinery parts" spread out all along a track left by the mysterious flying object. The heat was so unbearable that one of the witnesses, Alf Williamson, had even fainted. At one point of the track, the sand had melted over a surface area of about 6x22yards. Finding it impossible to approach the mysterious visitor (the UFO) the party turned back on it's trail. When it (the UFO) first touched the earth the ground was sandy and bare of grass. The sand was fused to an unknown depth over a space about 20 feet wide by 30 feet long, and the melted stuff was still bubbling and hissing." The next morning, a group goes back to the site. Certain pieces are now cool enough to get close to. According to The Nebraska Nugget, the metal they are made up of resembles copper but is extremely light and resistant. As for the spaceship, of cylindrical form, the men estimate its length to be about twenty meters long by about 3.5 yards wide. There is no established certainty concerning the nature of this affair: it is probably a hoax, but it is not a certainty. It could indeed be an account of a crash of a flying machine, inevitably extraterrestrial due to the event's date. 1884 Leo Pinsker, of Odessa, leads the first known large Zionist movement, a movement to 1) give Jews a homeland; and 2) further Jewish imperialism. (This is slightly before Theodor Herzl becomes the more well known leader of Zionism as a movement.) 1884 May 6 Judah P. Benjamin dies in Paris. 1884 Pope Leo XIII issued a proclamation stating that Masonry was one of the secret societies attempting to "revive the manners and customs of the pagans" and "establish Satan's kingdom on Earth." 1884

600 1884, "" (;) , . 1884, . 1884 16 Zinovy Alekseyevich Peshkov ( : , : Zinovi Pechkoff or Pechkov, : , , , 82 1966. 1884: agricultural laborers are entitled to vote 1884: an international "meridian" conference decides to divide the Earth in 24 time zones, starting with Greenwich's meridian 1884: under a new reform 12.1% of the adult population is allowed to vote 1885 First practical horseless carriage built by Daimler. - 1885 -86 Pittsburg Conference of American Rabbis establishes a platform for Reform Judaism. Death of Perez Smolenskin (Russia & Poland). Pittsburgh Platform (America). Death of Moses Montefiore; Nathaniel de Rothschild raised to peerage (England). Expulsion of Russian refugees (Germany). Drumont publishes >La France Juive.' Jewish Theological Seminary opened in New York (America). E A. Drumont publishes his anti Semitic La France Juive (France). Death of Leopold Zunz (Germany). 1885 A large mound near Gasterville, Pennsylvania, contained a vault in which was found a skeleton measuring 7 feet 2 inches. Inscriptions were carved on the vault. 1885 Beranger Sauniere becomes the Cure of the village church in Rennes-le-Chateau. 1885 Death of Baron Salomon Mayer Rothschild. 1885: a peasant revolt in the Ancash region of Peru led by Pedro Pablo Atuspara succeeds in occupying the Callejn de Huaylas for several months 1885: North-West Rebellion of Mtis in Saskatchewan 1885 French-born Rudolf Diesel sets up his first shop-laboratory in Paris and begins what will become a 13-year ordeal to create a pressure ignited engine. 1885 General vaccination program against rabies begins in the United States. Tsarion

601 1885 German eugenicist Dr. Alfred Ploetz publishes The Excellence of Our Race and the Protection of the Weak in which he states that humanitarianism which fosters the protection of weaker members threatens the quality of the race. Tsarion 1885 In a block of coal considered to be 60 million years old, a strange man-made cast iron cube (2.64 ? 2.64 ? 1.85 inches, 1.73 pounds, non-meteoric, non-pyrite ) was found embedded. 1885 January 7 Alois Hitler marries Klara Polzl, his niece and former servant. 1885 June 1 Father Berenger Sauniere arrives in the tiny French village of Rennes-le-Chateau on the ancient pilgrimage route from Europe to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 1885, the Duke Carl III was murdered in Parma; the assassin, Antonio Carra, had the day before been chosen and incited at a secret session, whose chairmanship Lemmi performed; Lemmi was later allhighest Grandmaster of Italian Freemasonry, and as it appears, also of world Freemasonry. A certain Lippo had prepared a doll in order to illustrate how the most deadly dagger thrusts could be given, and the executioner was chosen by lots. 1885 Miners discovered the mummified remains of woman measuring 6 feet 8 inches tall holding an infant. The mummies were found in a cave behind a wall of rock in the Yosemite Valley. 1885 Modified Great Seal of the United States adopted by Congress. Tsarion 1885 November 1--Turkey, Constantinople: From LAstronomie: M. Mavrogordato, calls our attention to the following strange observations which have been communicated to him, "at 9:30pm, there was seen, west of Adrianople, an elongated object giving off a strong luminosity. It seemed to float in the air and its apparent disk was four or five times larger than the full moon. It traveled slowly and cast light on the whole camp behind the station with a brightness about ten times greater than a large electric bulb. In the morning, at dawn, a very luminous flame, first bluish, then greenish, and moving at a height of five to six meters, made a series of turns around the ferryboat pier at Scutari. Its blinding luminosity lighted the street and flooded the inside of the houses with light." 1885 Yakov Mikhaylovich Sverdlov, ( : ); : "Andrei", "Mikhalych", "Max", "Smirnov", "Permyakov" . 3 [ 22 ] 1885 16 1919, 34 . .

602 1885 Rothschild monetary power reaches point of world control. Amschel Rothschild dies. Tsarion 1885 Schonerer adds anti-semitism clauses to the "Linz Program." 1885 Montefiore . 1885, . 1885, , . 1885, ' , , , . 1885: Burma becomes a province of British India 1885: the Canadian Pacific railway is completed 1886 A seven year period begins in Japan where 25,474,370 vaccinations and re-vaccinations are performed in Japan, representing 66% of the entire population of Japan. During that period, there are 165,774 cases of smallpox with 28,979 deaths. (See 1955). Tsarion 1886 Quatuor Coronati, the most secret of Masonic Lodges, was founded in London on January 12, 1886. 1884 Zinovy Peshkov, , , [ ]! , , 82 1966. 1886 First oil tanker built. Tsarion 1886 First written Sasquatch report from Siskiyou, California. 1886 January 12 - Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 is consecrated at a ceremony in the City of London. The lodge's warrant had been issued by the United Grand Lodge of England on November 28, 1884. According to its official history, it was founded by a group of nine Freemasons, Colonel Sir Charles Warren (later general), W. Harry Rylands, Robert Gould, the Rev. Adolfus F.A. Woodford, Sir Walter Besant, John P. Rylands, Major Sisson C. Pratt, William James Hugan and George W. Speth. All were scholars and several were highly distinguished in the field of Masonic study. Note, Sir Charles Warren served as London Commissioner of Police during the Jack the Ripper murders and was District Grand Master in Masonry, 1891-5. 1886 . O Albert Pike , . Cyclopaedia of Fraternities, 1730 . Charleston . . 1886

603 Albert Pike New and Reformed Palladium. , . Bataille ( Lo Taxil Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pags, 1854-1907) , Baphomet, 1801 Charleston Isaac Hyman Long. . , , , . . . , Albert Pike Baphomet. Mazzini , The Supreme Secret Ritual. . , . Albert Pike Blavatsky. . , . -, , , , . , , . , , , . , ' . . , Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction. , , . Albert Pike

604 Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer Supreme Dogmatic Directory, 10 . Mazzini Sovereign Executive Directory of High Masonry Marx Hengels, 1864. Albert Pike, Blavatksy , Blavatsky . 66 Freemasonry Universal, vol. V, Part 2, Autumn Equinox 1929 : "we have declared and proclaimed and by these presents do declare and proclaim our illustrious and enlightened Brother, H. P. Blavatsky, to be an Apprentice, Companion, Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, Grand Elect Chevaliere de Rose Croix, Adonaite Mistress, Perfect Venerable Mistress, and a Crowned Princess of Rite of Adoption." The diploma is signed John Yarker 33, Sovereign Grand Master M. Caspari 33, Grand Chancellor. A. D. Loewenstark 33, Grand Secretary. 1886 November 9 Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 celebrates the feast day of Quatuor Coronati for the first time since its founding. 1886 October 24--During the night, which was rainy and tempestuous, a family of nine persons, sleeping in a hut a few leagues from Maracaibo, Venezuela, were awakened by a loud humming noise and a vivid, dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the interior of the house. The occupants completely terror stricken, and believing, as they relate, that the end of the world had come, threw themselves on their knees and commenced to pray, but their devotions were almost immediately interrupted by violent vomiting, and extensive swellings commenced to appear in the upper part of their bodies, this being particularly noticeable about the face and lips. It is to be noted that the brilliant lights was not accompanied by a sensation of heat, although there was a smoky appearance and a peculiar smell. The next morning, the swellings had subsided, leaving upon the face and body large black blotches. No trace of lightning could afterward by observed in any part of the building, and all the sufferers unite in saying that there was no detonation, but only the loud humming already mentioned. Another curious attendant circumstance is that the trees around the house showed no signs of injury until the ninth day, when they suddenly withered. From Warner Cowgill, U. S. Consulate, Maracaibo, Venezuela in a letter posted in Scientific American. 1886, , ! KUN, Bla 18861939. Communist dictator of Hungary in 1919. Kun came from a middle-class Jewish family and joined the Social Democratic Party when he was sixteen. He

605 was a prisoner of war in Russia at the time of the revolution and immediately joined the Bolsheviks, becoming a fervent disciple of LENIN. He returned to Hungary soon after the revolution of October 1918, which had brought Karolyi to power as head of a government of Social Democrats and Radicals. Kun tried to overthrow Karolyis regime and was imprisoned in February 1919. Karolyi soon found the situation too difficult to handle and Kun was released and made head of the government. He eliminated all the moderates from it and proclaimed Hungary a Soviet republic. His policy led the peasants to refuse to supply food to the towns. This and the failure of his armies, especially against the Romanians, caused Kun to flee the country to Moscow. He was executed by Stalin in 1939. Kun was totally alienated from Judaism. However, his regime included a number of Jews and there were antiJewish riots in the White terror that followed its suppression. About three thousand Jews are believed to have been killed. 1886 Tesla tests a death ray in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and all electrical apparatus of a Colorado fuel company were rendered useless. 1886 The "Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" is dedicated in New York harbor, a gift of France to the United States. Was this a "thank you" for taking in the Jews (and sparing France)? It holds a tablet bearing the inscription "1776" cradled in its arm, and Zionist Jewess Emma Lazarus' poem The New Colossus is engraved on its pedestal. 1886, . . . 1886, Quatuor Coronati . Quatuor Coronati, the most secret of Masonic Lodges, was founded in London on January 12. 1887 Golden Dawn founded in London by Mathers and others. Mitchelson-Morley experiement disproving ether theory. - 1887 (Feb. 28) Rumanian law excluding Jews from public service and from tobacco trade and from employment in retail trade. Small percentage of Jews admitted to high schools and universities (Russia & Poland). Druzgenik Conference of the Hovevei Zion (Zionism). 1887 An American prospector, Mr. Willoughby, claimed he heard an Indian legend of a city appearing in the sky each summer near Mount Fairweather, on the Alaska-Yukon border. Mr. Willoughby said he first saw the mirage in 1887 and offered a photograph as proof that the phenomenon was real. In 1889, the New York Times reported that the city in Willoughby's photograph had been identified as Bristol, England.

606 1887 Dr Westcott of London uncovers an ancient manuscript. 1887 Dr. M. W. Barr, president of the American Association for the Study of Feebleness strongly advocates sterilization. Tsarion 1887 Golden Dawn founded in London by Mathers. Tsarion 1887 In England, Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank, professor of pathology and bacteriology at Kings College, is asked by the British government to investigate the cowpox outbreak in Wiltshire. The result of the investigation was contained in two volumes of The History and Pathology of Vaccination, in which he states that the credit given to vaccination belongs to sanitation. Tsarion 1887 Michaelson-Morley experiments done to try to disprove Etheric Theory. Tsarion 1887 New York doctor Ephraim Cutter publishes a book on cancer and the diet. Tsarion 1887 The "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" is founded in England by Dr. William W. Westcott, MacGregor Mathers and Dr. William Robert Woodman. The order was supposedly a rebirth of a Rosicrucian order from Nuremberg, Germany. The Golden Dawn was an offshoot of the English Rosicrucian Society created twenty years earlier by Robert Wentworth Little, and consisted largely of leading Freemasons. During its heyday the Order of the Golden Dawn formulated and taught the basics of current magickal practice to Western Civilization. It's own sources were Masonic, Rosicrucian, Qaballistic, and the ceremonial practices of the medieval magickians. 1887 Rothschild De Beers. 1887 Martinist Freemason Papus joined the Theosophist Society, a Rosicrucian order headquartered in New York, with a branch in Paris. The Theosophist Society was founded in 1775 [ : 1875 ] by female Freemason Helena Blavatsky, who moved her headquarters from New York to London in 1887. 1887, Emperor Franz Joseph announces the Rothschilds are Hoffahig, officially acceptable in the highest social circles. 1887, Schonerer calls for legislation restricting Jewish immigration. 1887, Viennese newspaper discloses that Schonerer's wife has Jewish blood. 1887, ... ! 1887, Quartor Coronati [Order of the Golden Dawn].

607 1887, . . 2, . 1887, . 1887, 12 . 1887-88 William Blackstone founds Messianic Jewish mission to promote concept of Jewish colonization of Palestine. "Blackstones interest in the Jews also continued to increase, and in 1887 he joined others to found the Chicago Hebrew Mission in Behalf of Israel (today called the American Messianic Fellowship) to evangelize the growing Jewish population on the West Side of Chicago. In 1888 he attended the General Missionary Conference in London--a key gathering for the premillennialist movement--then went on to visit Palestine, where he was impressed by the possibilities of colonization". 1888 False teaching that the new dispensation has begun. We accept as fact... that following the DRAMA IN THE HEAVENS the new Dispensation which had its actual beginning in 1888 will have reached its apex as has the old, and that a savior, a Great Leader -- one greater than any before -- will be, possibly already is, born. See: 1881: New Age of Michael 1888 -- Unsolved murders of London prostitutes by "Jack the Ripper," suspected of being one of those implicated in the Cleveland Street Affair involving high-society Victorians and their patronage of a brothel staffed by messenger boys. - 1888 Bacteriological Institute in Odessa, Russia, tries its hand at a vaccine for anthrax. Over 4,500 sheep are vaccinated; 3,700 of them die from the vaccination. Tsarion 1888 Bacteriological Institute opens in Paris for experimentation with animals and production of vaccines and sera. Other institutes open around the world modeled after the Paris Institute. Tsarion 1888 Cecil Rhodes creates De Beers mines in South Africa. Tsarion 1888 Five Whitechapel prostitutes are murdered, allegedly by "Jack the Ripper" [Some allege these murders are committed according to strict Masonic principles]. "Jack the Ripper" suspected of being one of those implicated in the Cleveland Street Affair involving high-society Victorians and their patronage of a brothel staffed by messenger boys. 1888 In Minnesota, were discovered remains of seven skeletons 7 to 8 feet tall.

608 1888 Jewish Publication Society of America established; United Hebrew Trades founded (America). Suez Canal Convention. Death of Samson Raphael Hirsch (Germany). 1888 Russia overtakes the United States in production of crude oil. Russia kerosene takes 30% of the British market. Tsarion 1888 Standard Oil operates first foreign operation, called AngloAmerican Oil Company, Ltd. Tsarion 1888 Tesla invents electric motor with Westinghouse manufacturing. Tsarion 1888 Under the orders of Fraulein Sprengle, Dr. Westcott founds the English branch of "Die Goldene Dammerung", or the "Isis-Urania Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn". He is joined by Dr. Woodcott and MacGregor Mathers. 1888 , . [ 40 ]. 1888 , 1888: . , . . ... ... ! , : . , ... , , : ! 1888 , [20 1888] Shabbatai Tzvi 9 , 20 , 1889.

609 1888 . , . 1888, Breslau, Germany. On 21st July, Max Bernstein, aged 24, a pupil at the Talmudic College, met an eight-year-old Christian boy, Severin Hacke, bought him some sweetmeats and took him to his (Bernstein' s) home. There, he stripped the boy of his clothing and with a knife made incisions in a certain part of the child' s body, collecting the blood that came from the cuts on a piece of blotting-paper. When the boy was naturally frightened, the Jew told him there was no need for fear as he only wanted a little blood. The boy went home and said nothing about the matter; but his father, seeing the scars, questioned him and the truth came out. Bernstein was arrested, and the prosecuting attorney after preventing a manoeuvre on the part of the defending counsel to have the case settled behind closed doors, maintained that this was a ritual case for the extraction of blood for the needs of a Jewish rite. The Court, however, refused to recognise this, but sentenced Bernstein to three months' imprisonment for having made incisions in the body of the child. The facts of this case are not disputed by anyone. The Jews, of course, spread the rumour that Bernstein was a religious maniac. Dr. Edmond Lesser of Breslau wrote a report to that effect which the Royal Scientific Committee for the Medical Profession endorsed. This Professor was a Jew, of course. But the reader should note that the report was issued in 1890, and that the Court itself never had any such "expert" propaganda before it!". 1888, Cyrus R. Teed, the first Koresh, sets up a utopian commune in Chicago known as the Koreshean Unity; Koresh is Hebrew for Cyrus 1888, November 9 Jean-Omer-Marie-Gabriel Monnet, the so-called "Father of Europe" is born in Cognac, France. 1888, . 1888, . 1888, . 1888, 11 , . . 1889 , 1889. 1890 (1843 1918). , 3 .

610 1889 -- Second Communist International organized. - 1889 (May 12) Rumanian law limiting number of Jewish factory hands to one third. Vilna Conference; Benei Moshe founded by Ahad Ha Am (Zionism). Central Conference of American Rabbis established; Rabbi Jacob Joseph arrives as "Chief Rabbi" of New York City. Death of Ludwig Philippson (Germany). 1889 Albert Pike issues a theological dogma to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world stating that Lucifer and Adonay are both God. Tsarion 1889 April 20 Adolfus Hitler (Adolf Hitler) is born at Braunau am Inn, Austria. According to his birth certificate, he was born at 6,17 PM and baptized two days later by Father Ignaz Probst at the local Catholic church. (Payne) Note, Hitler's father, Alois, was a 51-year-old Austrian customs official of questionable birth. His mother, Klara, was his father's niece and former servant -- twenty-three years his junior. Married in 1885, their first three children, two boys and a girl, all died before Adolfus was born. 1889 April 24 Solomon Formstecher, Jewish idealist philosopher and rabbi at Offenbach from 1842, dies at Offenbach, Germany. Die Religion des Geistes ("The Religion of the Spirit," 1841) is considered the most complete exposition of his philosophy and a thorough systematization of Judaism. He believed there were only two basic religions, the religion of nature (paganism) and the religion of spirit (Judaism). He thought the essence of Judaism was ethical. Its ethics, adulterated by myth and art, were also disseminated by Christianity and Islam but existed in purest form in Judaism. (Britannica) 1889 August Leading socialist theorist and founder of the German Communist party, Rosa Luxemburg is forced into exile in Switzerland. Born into a prosperous Jewish business family in Russian Poland, she had been engaged in revolutionary activity since 1887. 1889 August Rosa Luxemburg, leading Socialist theorist and founder of the German Communist party, is forced into exile in Switzerland. She had been born into a prosperous Jewish business family in Russian Poland and was engaged in revolutionary activity from 1887. 1889 Castration of children at the Pennsylvania Training School for Feebleminded Children. Tsarion 1889 In England, a royal commission is appointed to inquire into certain aspects of the vaccination question. The committee would be in session for 7 years and would issue 6 reports, with the final report in 1896. The result of the final report was the Vaccination Act of 1898. Tsarion

611 1889 July 14, 1889 - Albert Pike issues instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world. He reveals who is the true object of Masonic worship: "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." - 1889 June An antisemitic conference held at Bochum, Germany, draws a number of representatives from France and Austria-Hungary, including Georg von Schonerer (Schoenerer), and soon leads to the foundation of two German antisemitic political parties, the DeutschSoziale Partei led by Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg and the Antisemitische Volkspartei under peasant-rousing demagog, Otto Bockel. (P.G.J. Pulzer; Roots) 1889 Maj. L. A. Waddell became the first Westerner to come upon a mysterious humanlike footprint in the Himalayan snows. His Sherpa guides told him that the track, found at 17,000 feet, was from a hairy wild man of a sort long known to them. "The belief in these creatures is universal among Tibetans," Waddell wrote in Among the Himalayas (1899), but none with whom he spoke "could ever give me an authentic case. On the most superficial investigation it always resolved into something that somebody had heard tell of." He was sure these creatures were in fact "great yellow snow-bears." 1889 Most of Britain's food production becomes industrialized. Tsarion 1889 Mrs S.W. Culp broke open a 300 million year old Pennsylvanian era chunk of coal collected from the Taylorsville or Pana mines, and found embedded within a 10 inch, eight-carat gold chain of antique workmanship according to the Morrisonville Times, June 11, 1891. 1889 Standard Oil production operations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana. Tsarion 1889 . 9 , 58, 42, 35 14 14 . 1889 . . 1914. 1889, 2 . 1889, ,

612 . 14 23 , "... ' , ". . , La Femme et Enfant dans La Franc Maconnerie Universal, . 588 . , . 226. 1889 The Technological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the ' Instructions ' issued by him, on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A.C. De La Rive in La Remme et lnfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book we translate and quote as follows : ... "To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees --- The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. p. 220 ... "Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. ... "Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy ; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay ; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil." 1889, 1 . 1889-91 - Formation of Cecil Rhodes' Round Table under financial control of Rothschild Family with purpose of creating international federalism. The League of Nations/U.N. were instrumental in creation of the State of Israel. The Rhodes secret society was a group of imperial federalists, formed in the period after 1889 and using the economic resources of South Africa to extend and perpetuate the British Empire... During this period of almost sixty years [1889-1940], this society has been called by various names. During the first decade or so it was called the secret society of Cecil Rhodes or the dream of Cecil Rhodes. In the second and third decades of its existence it was known as Milner's Kindergarten (1901-1910) and as the Round Table Group. In each of his seven wills, Rhodes entrusted his bequest to a group of men to carry out his purpose. In the first willthe trustees were Lord Carnarvon and Sidney Shippard. In the second will (1882), the sole trustee was his friend N.E. Pickering. In the third will (1888), Pickering having died, the sole trustee was Lord Rothschild The secret society, after so much preliminary talk, took form in 1891, the same year in which Rhodes drew up his fourth will and made Stead as well as Rothschild the trustee of his fortune. It is perfectly clear from the

613 evidence that he expected Rothschild to handles the financial investments associated with the trust, while Stead was to have full charge of the methods by which the funds were used. See also: 1919: Round Table Group controls League of Nations/British Mandate over Palestine 1948: United Nations/State of Israel created The Rhodes-Milner Round Table* 1890 - Blackstone holds conference on Israel with Jews and Christians; Jews reject restoration to Palestine as unbiblical. Upon his return, Blackstone organized The Conference on the Past, Present and Future of Israel, held in Chicago in 1890. Participants in this conference, said to be the first between Christians and Jews in America, numbered several noted Jews, such as Rabbi Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, who taught Judaism at the University of Chicago and was a major spokesman for the radical wing of the Reform movement, and Dr. Bernhard Felsenthal, one of the founders of Chicago's pre-Herzl Zionist movement. However, the Christian participants in the conference were shocked by their Jewish colleagues. One evangelical journalist observed that a marked feature of the conference was the disavowal by the Jewish speakers of any hope of return to Palestine. Ideas of Jewish restoration came from Christian lips alone. No Jew interpreted his prophecies to mean the re-gathering of his race into the land of their ancient home. No expectation was expressed of an earthly kingdom, Messianic or other, with Jerusalem as its capital.... We, the modern Jews, said Rabbi E.G. Hirsch D.D., do not wish to be restored to Palestine. We have given up the hope in the coming of a political, personal Messiah. We say, The country wherein we live is our Palestine, and the city wherein we dwell is our Jerusalem. We will not go form again a nationality of our own....Let our religious life be clothed in the symbols of the life we see living round about us. Let our synagogues speak the language of the cities in which we dwell. Let our ceremonial be constituted in harmony with the culture by which are surrounded. 1890 . 1890 -- Biologist Yersin visits India, purportedly to recieve plague and cholera serum from the Nine Unknown. Wounded Knee massacre. - 1890 (Dec. 10) Guildhall meeting against persecution of Russian Jews by May Laws. Rehovot and Haderah founded (Palestine). Odessa Conference (Zionism). Death of Nathan Marcus Adler (England). Death of Solomon Sulzer (Austria Hungary). 1890 -91 Large number of immigrants from Russia (Palestine). (June 29) Blood accusation at Xanten. Expulsion from Moscow; Death of

614 Leon Pinsker (Russia & Poland). Immigration to Argentina with help of Baron Maurice de Hirsch. Jewish Colonization Association (ICA) incorporated (England). Xanten blood libel; Death of Heinrich Graetz (Germany). Thirteen anti Semitic members enter Austrian Reichsrat. 1890 Andrew Carnegie writes a series of eleven essays called The Gospel of Wealth, a treatise which essentially stated that free enterprise and capitalism no longer existed in the United States, because he and Rockefeller owned everything, including the government, and that competition was impossible unless they allowed it. Eventually, says Carnegie, the young children will become aware of this and form clandestine organizations to fight against it. Carnegie proposes that men of wealth form a synthetic free enterprise system based on cradle-to-grave schooling. The people who advanced through schooling would be given licenses to lead profitable lives. All licenses are tied to forms of schooling. This way, the entire economy can be controlled and people have a motivation for them to learn what you want them to learn. It also places the minds of all children in the hands of a few social engineers. (German System). Tsarion 1890 Austrian publisher Nathan Birnbaum coins the term Zionism for Jewish nationalism in his journal Self Emancipation. 1890 Biologist Yersin visits India, purportedly to receive plague and cholera serum from the Nine Unknown. 1890 Cecil Rhodes becomes Prime Minister of Cape Colony in Africa, exploiting the diamond and gold fields of Africa, and took control of Parliamentary seats and England and Africa. With financial support from Lord Rothschild, he was able to monopolize De Beers Consolidated Mines. Founded Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford. Tsarion 1890 Emil vin Behring announces discovery of anti-toxins. Tsarion 1890 In the early American frontier town of Tombstone, Arizona two cowboys claimed to have shot a pterodactyl-like animal and cut off its wing. The local paper recorded a description of the animal that fits the Quetzelcoatlus, whose fossils were found in Texas. This could be a "Thunderbird," the flying reptile of Sioux American Indian legends who was given its name because it was hit by lightning and seen to fall to the ground during a storm. 1890 July Heligoland is ceded to Germany by Britain's Lord Salisbury. 1890 March 18 German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck is dismissed from his post by Kaiser (emperor) Wilhelm II, who is said to be jealous of the aging chancellors fame and ability. 1890 March 9 Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov is born at Kukarka, now Sovetsk, 500 miles east of Moscow. His original family name was Scriabin.

615 1890 November 22 Charles Joseph de Gaulle is born at Lille, France. 1890 Plans to destroy the one room school and its capacity to produce thinkers and independent people begins in the U.S. Tsarion 1890 September The Pan-German League (Alldeutscher Verband) is founded by Alfred Hugenberg and other super-Nationalists. Its total membership during the Second Reich never reached more than 40,000, but the names of its members read like a "who's who" of German academic, industrial and political life. Its primary focus was unification of all German-speaking peoples into one empire; members from AustriaHungary composed a large percentage of its membership. Racial mystics such as Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List were active and popular within its ranks, and the Pan-Germans became one of the most effective groups in spreading hatred and fear of Jews, demanding restrictions on the Jewish press, enactment of laws barring Jews from key professions, and prohibitions against "mixed" marriages. 1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act. Tsarion 1890 Standard Oil purchases Deutsch - Amerikanische PetroleumGesellschaft. Tsarion 1890 The Russian Tsarist government approves the establishment of "The Society for the Support of Jewish Farmers and Artisans in Syria and Eretz Israel," a charity organization which came to be known as "The Odessa Committee." 1890 U.S. Depression of 1890 created by International Bankers. Tsarion 1890 , . 1890 , : Straus, Abraham Elkin, Henry Morgenthau. Wolf. , B'nai B'rith . 1890 Zama dies, leaving behind numerous half human/half Alma children. 1890, , Ghulam Ahmad . 1890, . 1890, . .

616 1890, 104 . 1890, . 1890-1896 - Cecil Rhodes, an enthusiastic student of John Ruskin, is Prime Minister of South Africa, a British colony at the time. He is able to exploit and control the gold and diamond wealth of South Africa. He works to bring all the habitable portions of the world under the domination of a ruling elite. To that end, he uses a portion of his vast wealth to establish the famous Rhodes Scholarships. - 1891 - Madame Blavatsky dies. The mantle of leadership for the worldwide theosophical movement falls to Annie Besant, a militant feminist and a member of the Fabian Socialist Society of England. She enthusiastically joins in revolutionary street riots and pens numerous volumes of occultic writings to add to those of Blavatsky. - 1891 -- Rhodes gains control of 90% of world's diamond supply. The Round Tables, a secret society allegedly funded by Rhodes and the Rothschilds to gain financial and political power, founded in the U.S., Canada, Australia, India, South Africa and New Zealand. Rockefeller grant founds University of Chicago. Nikola Tesla invents Tesla coil, becomes U.S. citizen. - 1891 A giant was unearthed when workmen in Crittenden, Arizona excavated a huge stone coffin that had evidently once held the body of a man 12 feet tall. A carving on the granite case indicated that he had six toes. 1891 April Father Berenger Sauniere, parish priest at Rennes-leChateau, in France, is said to have discovered four ancient parchment texts that contain the complete genealogies of Dagobert II and of the Mergovingian line from the seventh to the seventeenth centuries. 1891 . 1891 - Navassa. 1891 Papus helped found the Gnostic Catholic Church. In 1895 he became a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, an English Masonic Rosicrucian order founded in 1887 in London, with a branch in the Paris Lodge Ahathoor. In 1902 Papus became Grand Master of the newly formed homicidal Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) at Paris, a spin-off of the Golden Dawn.

617 1891 Cecil Rhodes group joins with Cambridge group led by William Stead to form a secret society round table group. Rhodes gains control of 90% of the world diamond supply. The Round Table group is founded. Tsarion 1891 Ernest Krauss brings the swastika to the attention of a number of mysterious groups, both in Britain and Germany. 1891 Feb. 5, 1891 - Rhodes joins his group from Oxford with a similar group from Cambridge headed by ardent social reformer William Stead. Rhodes and Stead are members of the inner "Circle of Initiates" of the secret society which they found. There is also an outer circle known as the "Association of Helpers." - 1891 In Michigan, a seven-foot tall hairy man is seen. 1891 J. S. Thompson tries photographic soul leaving body. 1891 Nikola Tesla invents the Tesla Coil. 1891 Sauniere begins to renovate the church at Rennes le Chateau. He finds something, which causes the Bishop of Carcassone to send Sauniere to consult scholars and cryptographers. Sauniere returns and continues to renovate the church. He becomes very wealthy. 1891 September 5-- As reported in the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper, two icemen were working outside in Crawfordsville, Indiana at about 2:00am, when a bizarre object sailed overhead. The icemen described the UFO as a 'seemingly headless monster', although there is no reason to believe that it was an animal of any kind. It was about 20ft long, and 8ft wide, moving in the sky toward the two men, and 'seemingly propelled by fin like attachments.' The men moved, and the UFO flew off. The noise awoke Methodist pastor G.W. Swittze, who saw it circling in the sky. 1891 Spring The Blue Star Lodge is founded by Gustav Meyrink in Prague. Meyrink is a close friend and correspondent of Friedrich Eckstein, founder of an influential Theosophical Society in Vienna. 1891 Tesla invents the Tesla Coil and becomes a U.S. citizen. Tsarion 1891 The foundations of the "Round Table Society", eventually to be funded by Cecil Rhodes and the Rothschilds to gain financial and political power, are laid by a meeting of representatives of the U.S., Canada, Australia, India, South Africa and New Zealand. 1891 The Society of the Elect and the Association of Helpers (also known as the "Secret Society,"), was created by Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, William T. Stead, Reginald Baliol Brett, and Lord Esher, in London. Rhodes died in 1902, leaving the society, and his fortune, under the control of Milner, who established the Rhodes Scholar program. Good background here. 1891 The Young Turks Are Formed. In 1891 a political group from the Donmeh forms called The Committee of Union and Progress,

618 later called The Young Turks. The group is headed by Freemason Jew Emmanuel Carrusso with the help of the Rothschilds. 1891 Wireless telegraphy begins in the United States. Tsarion 1891 , 1891 60 . . 2 , 11, 44, 37 16 16 . 1891, . " 19 ". 1891, . 1891, March 5 Seven years before Theodore Herzl's First Zionist Congress, William Blackstone petitions Pres. Benjamin Harrison to authorize homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Groundwork laid for Judaized Christianity; Blackstone 'father of Zionism'. On March 5, 1891, the Chicago businessman and Methodist Episcopal lay worker William E. Blackstone was introduced by Secretary of State James G. Blaine to President Benjamin Harrison in order to present a petition Blackstone authored, Palestine for the Jews. What shall be done for the Russian Jews? the petition asked, and Blackstone boldly answered: Why not give Palestine back to them again? According to Gods distribution of nations, it is their home, an inalienable possession, from which they were expelled by force....Why shall not the powers which under the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, gave Bulgaria to the Bulgarians and Servia to the Servians now give Palestine back to the Jews?...Let us now restore them to the land of which they were so cruelly despoiled by our Roman ancestors. Nonetheless, Benjamin Harrison did not accept Blackstone's proposal Blackstone would send the Memorial to presidents Cleveland and Roosevelt (McKinley had already signed), but official government sympathy for the Zionist project would have to wait for Woodrow Wilson. 516 The Blackstone Memorial emerged from the same Reformation and Enlightenment preoccupations with Jews as the original nation whose restoration confirms other natural, European nations and comprises both a necessary prerequisite and model for the reconstitution of an authentic, primitive Christianity. Blackstone's contribution to this tradition was to elaborate a fully realized political Zionism that took long-standing religious narratives into the realm of late-nineteenth-century nationalism, colonialism, and imperialism. Indeed, with Blackstone's petition and related activities antedating by six years the convening of Theodor Herzl's first Zionist conference in 1897, Nathan Straus and Louis Brandeis

619 thought enough of his practical efforts to flatter the evangelist as 'the father of Zionism.' - 516 1891, March - Cecil Rhodes establishes his 'Circle of Initiates'. "Rhodes made seven wills which established a secret society modelled after the Jesuits and Masons to help bring in a One-World Government centered upon Britain, and the Rhodes Scholarships. The inner group was established in Mar. 1891 and consisted of Rhodes, Stead, Lord Esher (Brett), and 33 Mason Alfred Milner. A secondary circle of 'potential members of the Circle of Initiates' consisted of the Jew Lord Balfour, Sir Harry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, Lord Grey and others." 1891, , : " , , . 1600 , , [. ], , ^ , ' . . , , , , , ' , . , , , , , ' , , ", [: . , ", , ", . 93]. 1891, : " , , , , , , , , , , , , ", [: , ", , ", . 89]. 1891, . , : " , , , , , , , , . , , ,

620 , , ". : . . , ", , , , ' enri Desportes: Le Mystere du Sang", , , 1891, . 37. 1891, , . 1891: 28% of the British population lives in the countryside 1892 -- Rockefeller trust transferred to holding company: Standard Oil of New Jersey. - 1892 A black, fiery tornado seen in Georgia. 1892 A phantom airship scare began appearing in Poland. As in later "flaps" of this sort, the craft often appeared at night and were usually equipped with powerful searchlights. 1892 A series of unexplained explosions occur along the English Channel. 1892 America takes the lead in worldwide sugar consumption, surpassing the British. Sugar consumption would double again by 1920. Tsarion 1892 Archdeacon John Joseph Nouri of the Chaldean Church reported that he had found Noah's ark and even entered it. While there, he took the opportunity to measure it, finding-unsurprisingly-that it was 300 cubits long. 1892 August The Hitler family is transferred by the Austrian customs service to Passau, Germany. 1892 Cholera epidemic in Hamburg, Germany. Threat of importation into the U.S. forced the establishment of the New York City Health Department division of Pathology, Bacteriology and Disinfection. Tsarion 1892 15 1892 :"... ". " . , ". " ". . . (1892 - 1915) (1923 - 1936)

621 , . 1936 , . 1897 "" . , :" () , 70 "". "" . 1892 February 4--A fall of millions of large larvae of unknown species at Clifton, Indiana 1892. , : Yezithies 3.500 1892 Gustave Le Bon writes The Evolution of Matter, detailing the use of ordinary non-radioactive elements to create nuclear reactions. Heavily suppressed data not permitted in the public domain. Tsarion 1892 Jewish Colonization Association founded by Baron de Hirsch. Death of Judah Leib Gordon (Russia & Poland). 1892 Rockefeller trust transferred to holding company Standard Oil of New Jersey. 1892 Rockefeller Trust transferred to holding company, Standard Oil of New Jersey. Tsarion 1892, , Ludovico Martin. 1892, . 1892, 7 . 1892, . 1892 "The fight taking place between Catholicism and Freemasonry is a fight to the death." Bulletin of 1892. The Grand Orient of France (p. 88) from Memorandum of the Supreme Council No. 85 (p. 48) 1892: Britain tonnage and seatrade exceeds the rest of the world together 1893 -- Assassination of Chicago Mayor Harrison. - 1893 (Jan. 14) Rumanian law prohibiting Jews from being employed in public medical department. Death of Naphtali Zevi Judah Berlin (Russia & Poland). Death of Adolphe Franck (France). Fifteen anti Semites elected to the Reichstag; Central Verein Deutscher Staatsbuerger

622 Juedischen Glaubens founded (Germany). Death of Adolf Jellinek (Austria Hungary). 1893 Adolf Josef Lanz first meets Guido von List and several members of the wealthy Wannieck family of Vienna at Gars-am-Kamp (A). (Roots) 1893 , KAGANOVICH, Lazar Moiseyevich b. 1893. Soviet politician. Kaganovich, born in Kiev, came from a working-class family. He joined the Bolsheviks in 1911 and was active in the revolutionary underground. From 1914 he was a member of the Communist Partys Kiev committee and played an active role in the period leading up to the October Revolution of 1917, rising rapidly in the party hierarchy. In 1930 he became a member of the nine-man committee which controled the Communist Party in the Soviet Union and remained in the Politburo until his fall from grace in 1957. Known as the partys trouble-shooter he was largely responsible for the construction of the Neprostroi (the giant hydropower scheme on the River Dnieper), the building of the Moscow underground, which once bore his name, the organization of machine tractor stations, which made possible the collective farm structure, and the development of rail-ways and heavy industry. During World War II he served in the Soviet war cabinet. After the war, he was appointed deputy prime minister and then first deputy prime minister of the Soviet Union. In 1957 he was accused of belonging to the so-called anti-Party group of Molotov, Malenkov and Shepilov and dismissed from all government posts. For a considerable period Kaganovich was the only Jew holding a key position within the Soviet leadership. 1893 April 7 Allen Welsh Dulles is born in Watertown, New York. 1893 August 30 Huey Pierce Long is born near Winnfield, Louisiana. 1893 Banking panic of 1893. Tsarion 1893 February 24 Guido von List lectures on the ancient cult of Wotan and its priesthood to the nationalist Verein, "Deusche Geschichte." List claims that this extinct religion was the national religion of the Teutons before it was destroyed by Christianity. In time, this ancient priesthood will form the basis of his entire political mythology. 1893 February--The ship, H.M.S. Carolina was sailing in the North China Sea, when a report from an officer of unusual light activity in the sky came to the attention of Captain J.N. Norcross. The officer told Captain Norcross that the lights appeared sometimes in a huge mass, others spread out in unusual patterns. He said that they resembled Chinese lanterns set between the masts of a ship. The next night these

623 strange lights reappeared but with a reddish glow and eminating small amounts of smoke. 1893 Georg von Schoenerer reenters Austrian politics. Schoenerer had been convicted of assault in 1888 and deprived of his political rights for five years. 1893 German Dr. Julius Hensel states that processed flour is devoid of nutrients. Tsarion 1893 Gladstone's second Irish Home Rule Bill is vetoed after a lenghty discussion in the British House of Lords. 1893 Johns Hopkins Medical School established. HQ of German Allopathic Medicine. Tsarion 1893 July 31 Adolf Josef Lanz, age 19, becomes a novice at the Cistercian monastery in Heiligenkreuz on the present Austrian-Hungarian border. Lanz was born in Vienna on July 19, 1874, but later claimed to have been born at Messina, Sicily, on May 1, 1872. To mislead astrologers, he said. 1893 November 22 Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich is born in the small village of Kabany, now Novokashirsk, east of Kiev. 1893 October 1 "Gotterdammerung" by Guido von List appears in Karl Wolf's East German Review. Wolf is a Pan-German parliamentary deputy and close associate of Georg von Schoenerer. 1893 October 31 "Allerseelen under vorchristliche Totenkult des deutschen Volkes"by Guido von List appear in Karl Wolf's East German Review. (Roots) 1893 Rosa Luxemburg helps found the anti-nationalist Polish Socialist party while in exile in Switzerland. 1893 Standard Oil establishes resident agents in the Far East. Tsarion 1893 Tesla works on building remote controlled devices using radio waves. Tsarion 1893, 14 4 Le Droit Humain [ ]. 1893, , . , 26 1893, , - . , , . 27. 1893 - First World Parliament of Religions Blackstone's proposal for peaceful rearrangement of the world through negotiation was not unreasonable nor was it especially utopian, given the workings of successive international conferences for the imperialist division of the

624 world to do just that. He was not cynically employing the idea of an international conference when he advocated a universal court or congress, in which all national disputes and questions shall be peaceably considered and settled. Blackstone was quite serious about international arbitration, and in 1893, at the World's Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, he authored another memorial calling for a specific Congress on Arbitration and Peace which was presented to the governments of the world. 1893, " " (Union Generale Antimaconique) . 1893 - . 1893: a liberal revolt brings Jos Santos Zelaya to power in Nicaragua 1894-1895: Donghak Peasant Revolution: Korean peasants led by Jeon Bong-jun revolted against Joseon Dynasty; the revolt was crushed by Japanese and Chinese intervention, leading to First Sino-Japanese War 1894 - Bluefield, , . 1894-95 , , , . 1894-96 - . 1894 . , , 1894, ( 15 12 1894), "". 4 1895 . , 1895, , . , , . K , , 1897.

625 1894 . 1894, 14 . . . 1882. , , . , . 1894 . , .. . , . , . , , . . 1895, . 1894 -- Assassination of President Carnot of France. - 1894 Albert Einstein (b. 1879 in Ulm, Germany), the son of nonobservant Jews, moves with his parents from Munich to Milan, Italy, after the family business (manufacture of electrical apparatus) fails, and officiallyrelinquishes his German citizenship. Within a year, without completing secondary school, he fails an examination that would have allowed him to pursue a course of study leading to a diploma in electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich Polytechnic). 1894 April 17 Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev is born in a mud hut in the village of Kalinovka, southwest of Kiev. His father, Sergei, a coal miner, sends Nikita to work in the mines when he is only nine years old. 1894 Bataille writes that Gallatin Mackey, a top Illuminist, showed him what amounts to wireless telegraphy, decades before Marconi, stating that units also existed in Charleston, Rome, Berlin, Washington and Naples. It was discovery of this secret that enabled understanding of how seemingly unrelated incidents took place simultaneously around the world which aggravated situations that developed into wars or revolutions. Tsarion 1894 Dreyfus Affair. Dreyfus' trial (France). The French, Jewish military captain Alfred Dreyfus, of the infamous "Dreyfus Affair," is arrested and accused of spying/high treason, and is convicted. A retrial is

626 forced by the public outcry of a well known leftist writer; Dreyfus is later cleared of the charges, rightly or wrongly. 1894 January 14 Guido von List publishes "Die deutsche Mythologie." More than a dozen other articles by List appear in the East German Review during 1894. He will be a regular contributor until December 1896. 1894 June Koreshism is founded in America by Cyrus R. Teed, who claims that his followers number more than 4,000 initiates. (Pauwels) 1894 March 24 Edmund Hitler, Adolf Hitler's younger brother, is born in Passau, Germany, near the Austrian border. 1894 May A tombstone relief depicting a "Aryan" nobleman treading on an unidentifiable beast is found under the cloister flagstones at Heiligenkreuz. Adolf Josef Lanz, now Father Georg, writes his first published work. In it he interprets the tomstone as an allegorical depiction of the eternal struggle between the forces of good and evil. Lanz soon assimilated current racist ideas into a dualist religion, identifying the blue-eyed, blond-haired "Aryans" as the good principle and the various dark races as the evil. (Berthold von Treun, 1894) 1894 October The court-martial of army captain Albert Dreyfus, a Jewish officer, creates a political crisis in France. The evidence presented against Dreyfus is insufficient; nevertheless, he is convicted and sent to Devil's Island for imprisonment. 1894 Superintendent of a home for the feeble-minded in Kansas castrates 58 children before public revulsion forces him to stop. Tsarion 1894 The Bund der Germanen is refounded. It had previously operated under the name Germanenbund from 1886 to 1889 when it was dissolved by the Austrian government. (Roots) 1894 The Deutsch-Soziale Partei and the Antisemitische Volkspartei are merged into the Deutsch-Soziale Reformpartei. (Pulzer; Roots) 1894 The Dreyfus affair makes the problem of antisemitism prominent in Western Europe. 1894 Thousands of Armenian men, women and children are massacred in Turkey. 1894-1900 . 1894 Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin), age14, enters the Tiflis Theological Seminary. He later says, the discipline there was an impetus toward his revolutionary activism. 1894 - , , .

627 1894, . 1894: Uganda becomes a protectorate 1894. , : 12.000 1895-96. , : 150.00 1895 A fire burns down Tesla's lab, destroying plans for VTOL aircraft and rocket engines. Tsarion 1895 - , , Corinto. 1895 A mound near Toledo, Ohio, held 20 skeletons, seated and facing east with jaws and teeth "twice as large as those of present day people," and besides each was a large bowl with "curiously wrought hieroglyphic figures." 1895 Capt. Alfred Dreyfus condemned and degraded as a spy and deported to Devil's Isle, Cayenne. Anti Semitic League organized (Rumania). 1895 Communist leader Vladimir Ilich Lenin, is exiled to Siberia. 1895 ADLER, Saul Aaron 18951966. Israel parasitologist. Born in Russia, Adler grew up in Britain, qualifying as a specialist in tropical medicine at Liverpool University. In 1924 he joined the staff of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and three years later was appointed professor, and director of the Institute of Parasitology. He became internationally famous for his research in malaria, cattle fever and dysentery and his pioneer work in the Leishmania diseases, carried by sandflies. He was made a member of the Royal Society in 1957. In the same year he was invited to tour medical institutions in Communist China. 1895 December 29 The Jameson Raid on the Boer republic of Transvaal increases anti-British hostility. Jameson led his raiding party of volunteers into the Transvaal hoping to join forces with discontented nonBoer Europeans (Uitlanders) to overthrow the government of President Paul Kruger. Jameson and his men are quickly captured. Cecil Rhodes, a close friend of Jameson, is clearly implicated and soon afterward is forced to resign as Prime Minister of Cape Colony. British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain is cleared of charges, but was probably aware of the conspiracy. After a prison term in Britain, Jameson serves as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1904 to 1908. 1895 Diphtheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until 1907, 63,249 cases of diphtheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900 died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period,

628 11,716 cases were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate of 6%. Tsarion 1895 Dr. Karl Lueger is elected mayor of Vienna, but is not allowed to take office by the Emperor. 1895 Drexel, Morgan and Company is renamed J.P. Morgan and Company, and quickly grows to be one of the most powerful banking houses in the world. 1895 January 24 Sir Randolph Churchill (1849-95), father of Winston Churchill, dies. At the time of his death, his estate owes Nathaniel "Natty" Rothschild and Rothschild's Bank more than 66,000 pounds, a huge sum at that time. Had this been generally known, it would have caused a major scandal since he had always shown great favor to the Rothschild family and its various business interests. (The Churchills) 1895 June 25 Alois Hitler retires with a comfortable government pension from the Austrian customs service. 1895 Lenin, Trotsky, and others form the Social Democratic Labor Party. Tsarion 1895 Marconi invents radio telegraphy. Tsarion 1895 May 1 Adolf Hitler enters elementary school at Fischlham, Austria. 1895 Peasants near Odessa, Russia are attacked by a strange creature. 1895 Rothschilds control 95% of United States military railways. Tsarion 1895 Spring The Hitler family moves to Hafeld, Austria, near the old provincial capital of Linz, on the Danube. 1895 Standard Oil achieves a fleet of ocean-going ships. Tsarion 1895 The Austrian government rules that Slovene classes must be introduced in an exclusively German school at Celje in Carniola. This relatively insignificant controversy takes on a symbolic importance to German nationalists, who use it to rally mass support. 1895 The Sphinx, one of the most powerful advocates of the Germanic occult revival, ceases publication. It had been published since 1886 by Wilhelm Hubbe-Schleiden, founder of the first German Theosophical Society at Elberfeld in July 1884. 1895 Whos Who mentions J.P. Morgan as owning 50,000 miles of U.S. railways. Tsarion 1895 Winter The United States Treasury, practically on the verge of bankruptcy, allows J.P. Morgan and Co. to organize a group of financiers to carry out a private bond sale to replenish the treasury. 1895 , , , , , , , , 1895

629 . , . . , , () 1922-23 . . 1948, . , , . ( ' ) . : , ( ) . , , T , A : K K. E EOK, , E , ( ) 20 , E B. 1895 . 6 , 15, 48, 41 20 20 . 1895, 25 2 . 1895, 7.000 . 1895: Lord Kelvin declares that "heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible"

630 1895: revolution against President Andrs Avelino Cceres in Peru ushers in a period of stable constitutional rule 1896 .. . , , , , , , . " " " " , ( ), , , . 1896 56 , ( ), 83 , 3.185 . , .. , . - " " . 1896 , ( ), . 1896 . , . , , .. 16 , () , . , . , , . . .

631 1896 , , 1 1896 . , , , , , , . . 1896 , , , (). , , , , . , ( ), . 1896-1898: the Philippine Revolution, a war of independence against Spanish rule directed by the Katipunan society 1896 Maconi's patent No. 7777 for radio. First "flap year" for UFOs: wave of sightings of unidentified airships in U.S. - 1896 , : " , . . . . . ." ( 21 1896, - . ). " " 16 1927, (30 , , ): " . .

632 . . . , , ...". , . , . " " . 4 .561 : " , , . . ". , , , [ ] . 1896 -97 Herzl publishes Der Judenstaat (Zionism). Jews settle in Miami (America). Cairo Genizah discovered. Death of Baron Maurice de Hirsch (France). (Aug. 29 31) First Zionist Congress at Basel, Herzl president (Zionist). Bund founded (Russia & Poland). Federation of American Zionists founded; Jewish Daily Forward begins publication. 1896 After covering the trial and aftermath of Captain Dreyfus and witnessing the associated mass anti-semitic rallies in Paris, which included chants, "Death to Jews", Jewish-Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl writes Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) advocating the creation of a Jewish state. 1896 Albert Einstein returns to the Zurich Polytechnic, graduating as a secondary school teacher of mathematics and physics in 1900. Two years later, he obtains a position at the Swiss patent office in Bern, and while employed there (1902-09), completes an astonishing range of publications in theoretical physics. 1896 August 18 Adolph Ochs purchases controlling interest in The New York Times for $75,000 ($25,000 of which, he says, is a loan from J. P. Morgan). 1896 August A new German Theosophical Society is founded in Berlin under the presidency of Franz Hartmann. 1896 Carlo Ruta, a professor at the University of Perugia in Italy, states that vaccination is a worldwide delusion and an unscientific practice, with consequences measured today with tears and sorrow without end. Tsarion

633 1896 Colonel Georges Picquart, the new chief of French military intelligence, attempts to reopen the Dreyfus case and is dismissed after bringing charges against Major Ferdinand Esterhazy. 1896 February 12 Guido von Linz writes an antisemitic article entitled "Die Juden als Staat und Nation" in Karl Wolf's East German Review. (Roots) 1896 First "flap year" for UFOs: wave of sightings of unidentified airships in U.S. 1896. /, : 9.570 1896. , : 8.000 1896 First UFO flap in the United States. Tsarion 1896 Franklin D. Roosevelt enters Groton School, a preparatory school in Groton, Massachusetts. The headmaster, Endicott Peabody, an Episcopal clergyman, starts him thinking about a career in public service. 1896 Herbert Coles and Dunham Coretter, two St. Augustine, Florida, residents, found something lying on the beach of Anastasia Island which would quickly become the center of controversy. The object was a huge fleshy mass some four feet tall, 23 feet long, and 18 feet across. A group of investigators from the St. Augustine Historical Society and Institute of Science, led by DeWitt Webb, determined that the mass had been beached for several days. The team also found pieces of what seemed to be tentacles: was the creature a giant octopus or a giant squid? In 1957, scientists proved it was some sort of octopi from preserved tissue samples. Folktales circulate in the neighboring Bahamas of creatures called lusca, which are reputed to be gigantic, octopi-like creatures inhabiting deep waterholes. Could these legends be based on sightings of monsters like those of St. Augustine in life? 1896 In response to the Dreyfus Affair, Theodor Herzl (1860 1904) writes The Jewish State An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question, the publication marking the beginning of political Zionism. When Theodor Herzl published "The Jewish State." It became the Zionists' bible. The following exact quotes are from Herzl's book 1896 January 21 Paula Hitler, Adolf's sister, is born in Hafeld, Austria.(Payne) 1896 1896 (Artur Augusto Duarte da Luz de Almeida, 1867 - 1939). (Carbonaria) (Alfredo Costa Manuel Buica), (Carlos I, : 1889 - 1908) (Luis

634 Filipe), (Braganza) 1 1908 , 5 1910 (Manuel , : 1908 - 1910). 1896 June 16 Adolph Ochs meets with J.P. Morgan in New York City. Ochs said that at their first meeting, Morgan rose to greet him, shook his hand and warmly said, "So you're the young man I have heard about. Now, where do I sign the papers." (NY Times, June 26, 1996) 1896 Marconi patents the first radio. Patent #7777. Tsarion 1896 November 26--The great Airship Flap of 1897 actually started in late 1896 in San Francisco. Hundreds saw a large, cigar-shaped object, shining brilliant beams of light, and moving northwest passing over Oakland. An airship that looked like a great black cigar with a fishlike tail neared Lorin tremendous speed. It turned quickly and disappeared in the direction of San Francisco. The body was at least 100 feet long and attached to it was a triangular tail, one apex being attached to the main body. The surface of the airship looked as if it were made of aluminum, which exposure to wind and weather had turned dark. At half past 8 we saw it again, when it took about the same direction and disappeared." From the Oakland Tribune, Dec 1. 1896 November Father Berenger Sauniere begins to spend large amounts on the restoration of Rennes-le-Chateau. He will spend several million dollars over the next twenty years. 1896 Oil is discovered in the American West. Tsarion 1896 Paul Zillmann founds the Metaphysical Review, a monthly periodical devoted to the esoteric tradition. 1896 Standard Oil begins to form worldwide subsidiaries as trustees. Tsarion 1896 , , LEONARD, Benny (Benjamin Leiner) 18961947. US boxing champion. A poor boy from New Yorks Lower East Side, Leonard went in for prize-fighting at the age of fifteen and became the greatest lightweight boxer in the history of the sport. After holding the world championship for eight years he retired undefeated in 1925. During World War II he was a lieutenant-commander in the US Maritime Service. He took a keen interest in Jewish sport and was chairman of the Maccabi National Sports Board. He died in the ring while refereeing a match. 1896 Switzerland, Arolla: Author Aleister Crowley was walking in the mountains when he suddenly saw two little men. He made a gesture to them, but they did not seem to pay attention and disappeared among the rocks.

635 1896 The first modern Olympic Games are held at Athens in Greece. Only thirteen countries compete. 1896 The skeleton of a huge man was uncovered at the Beckley farm, Lake Koronis, Minnesota; while at Moose Island and Pine City, bones of other giants came to light. 1896 Theodor Herzl publishes The Jewish State, in which he advocates the creation of a Jewish nation-state in Palestine. 1896 , , . 47 . , : 1896, 22 , 04.00 . . . . . . . 1896 56 , . 1896, 27 1.000 . 1896, 10 , . 1896: the electron is discovered 18961904 Herzl, with the help of William Hechler, unsuccessfully approaches world leaders for assistance in the creation of a Jewish National Home but creates political legitimacy for the movement. 1897 Assassination of Premier Canovas of Spain. Zionism founded in Basil, Switzerland by Theodore Herzl. - 1897, , , . , . . . ,

636 , . , , 5 1897 . , , 23 -- . 5 . , , . , 18 , . , , . , , . , , . , , , , . , , . , , . , , 100 . . , , , , , : . , , , . 2%,

637 , , . , , , (...), . , . . 1897 Alfred Dreyfus's brother succeeds in having Major Ferdinand Esterhazy brought to trial. Against all evidence, Esterhazy is acquitted. 1897 AMA formally incorporated, paying $3 fee to State of Illinois. Tsarion 1897 April 14-- When a mysterious object passed over Mount Vernon, Illinois, 100 citizens, including Mayor B. C. Wells, saw something that, as press accounts had it, "resembled the body of a huge man swimming through the air with an electric light on his back." 1897, there were 5 215 800 Jews living in Russia (nearly five per cent of the population). All revolutionary activity was in the hands of the extremist Jews, who controlled most of the 370 masonic lodges 1897 . , . . [11]. 1897, , . 1897 . , , , , . , ( " "),

638 , , , , , . . , , , , , . , , . , , , , , , .. , , , . 1897 . , , , , , . . , , , , 1897. 28 1897 2.600 " " . , .

639 ( ). , , , , " " . , , ( ). 1897 . , , ( , ). : ( ) , (1837-1903) ( ), ( 5 1922 - ), . ( ). . : , ( .), . , . ,

640 . . . , . 1897 . . . 1896 . . 1897 . , , . . : ; (= ). . . . . , . .

641 , , , . . , , , , " ", (: " "), , , , . , , , , , . , . 1897 April 17--A "mysterious aircraft" is seen over Aurora, Texas. The strange vehicle was seen to maneuver clumsily in the air, subsequently crashing into a windmill of a prominent citizen of Aurora, Texas. Debris and one body were collected from around the town. Some of the metal had strange writing on it that could not be deciphered. The body was that of a small man, he was buried in the Aurora cemetery. Some of the debris were buried with him. 1897 April 7 The Wieden Singer's Club in Vienna organizes a List festival to commemorate the silver anniversary of List's literary career. List had long been a celebrity amongst the Pan-Germans of Austria. (Roots) 1897 April Austrian premier Count Casimir Badeni introduces controversial language decrees, which ruled that all officials in Moravia and Bohemia should be able to speak both German and Czech, which clearly discriminated against Germans. These decrees provoked a nationalist furor throughout the Austro-Hungarian empire. 1897 April--"Airship" Mania Breaks Out Across Nation. The state of Illinois was inundated with airship reports during April 1897. The first known sighting was in Nashville, Illinois, as a balloon-like airship with a large red light was spotted at 8 p.m. by many residents. On April 8th, a Rock Island police officer claimed that while on his east end beat, he was startled by the illuminated vessel a half mile overhead. He described it as

642 having "a glittering steel hull, with dim wing-like fans on either side, and it swayed gently in its flight." On April 9th hundreds of people observed it over Chicago, Evanston, Niles Center and Schermerville. On the night of April 10th, scores of Jacksonville residents watched the airship pass over the city. "It was seen by all the police officers on duty, the firemen and hundreds of citizens." By the evening of the 11th, the sightings reached Springfield as Richard Schriver, foreman of the county jail, watched it for 30 minutes with another man. It was described as "a radiating light not unlike a locomotive headlight." At 8 p.m. in Lincoln on April 12th, "More than fifty people stood on Pulaski street and whenever the lightening flashed and the clouds separated" they thought they could discern the airship's light in the distance. On April 13th, more than 200 people saw its white and green lights as it passed near Lincoln at 8 p.m., while 30 minutes later it was seen over Moline by several farmers including Benjamin Carr who said it was "a cigar-shaped body or hull, apparently about 15 feet long, with large wing-like projections on each side." These are just a handful of hundreds of Illinois sightings that occurred during April. Not only are there striking parallels between the airship wave and present-day UFO reports - but there were also reports of close encounters. I will briefly mention three Illinois close encounter cases. Keep in mind that they are just three of many from Illinois and across the nation during 1897. According to the Decatur Daily Republican of April 16, 1897, p. 1, the airship landed near Springfield the previous night. Farmhand John Halley and local vineyard owner Adolf Wenke said that it landed three miles west of the city along the Jefferson street road. They said a long-bearded man emerged and inquired where he was. "Inside the car was seated another man and also the scientist's wife." He said they usually rested during the daytime in remote parts of the country in order to conceal the vessel's huge wings. When they asked the scientist his name, "he smiled and pointed to the letter M., which was painted on the side car." After bidding the farmers farewell, he pressed a button and the ship flew off. The Springfield News also reported on an airship touching down near Carlinville on April 12th. It was reportedly spotted between the town of Nilwood and Girard about 6:15. William Street, Frank Metcalf and Ed Temples and the telegraph operator all saw it at Girard. "These men saw it alight, and a man get out and fix some part of the machinery. They started for the place where it had alighted, but within a quarter of a mile it rose and disappeared from view" to the north. Elburn, Kane County, on April 10th. According to a report on the front page of the Rockford Daily Republic of April 12th, "Trainmen running through there say that the operator says that some stockmen say that some farmers say that the ship had a breakdown near there and came down for repairs."

643 1897 August 29 Jewish nationalist Theodor Herzl organizes the first World Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland. The 204 delegates to the congress adopt a program calling for "a publicly recognized home for the Jewish people in Palestine." Herzl worked to secure acceptance of his ideas, first from the Jewish philanthropists Edmond Rothschild and Maurice de Hirsch, then from Emperor William II of Germany, Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire, King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, and Pope Pius X. 1897 Austrian Emperor Franz Josef finally allows Karl Lueger to assume office as mayor of Vienna. 1897 Avtar Singh-Gida disappears. 1897 : Protocol 5 says, "We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the goyim, religious and race hatreds, which we have festered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries" (emphasis added). But the Protocols was written about 1897. If this was a reference to the struggle with Christianity, the period would have been about 1850 years - not more than 19 centuries. If Christians had written it, then its origin-point would have been the Jews' rejection of Jesus, i.e. the end of the Old Covenant and start of the New (until then, from a Christian view, the Jews were still the Chosen People). If the Okhrana had written the Protocols, this anomaly of dating would not have occurred. It is more likely that the 2000-year period referred to, begins not with Christianity but with the Zealot struggle which, from the Jewish point of view, began with the Maccobean War (which started about 167BC) or alternatively the hated Roman invasion (63BC). It was against the goy Romans, not the early Christians, that the Jews had struggled so bitterly, culminating in Masada. This dating is another argument against the forgery theory. 1897 Chloride of lime first used to sterilize drinking water. Tsarion 1897 Digging in the Money Pit, W.R. Chappell strikes iron, then cement, wood, and 32 inches of soft metal plus oak chips, coconut husk fiber, and a small piece of parchment with the letters "u i" "v i", or "w i" written in India ink with a quill pen. 1897 First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, urges "a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine" for Jews and establishes the World Zionist Organization (WZO). 1897 Freud writes that masturbation is the prime habit and addiction which is replaced by addiction to alcohol, morphine and tobacco, Freud neglects to mention his own further addiction to sugar and cocaine, leading one to assume Freud was eternally high and sexually frustrated, and that this was projected to form the sexually dependent theories taken up later by psychiatry. Tsarion

644 1897 1897, , . , , , , , . , , , . , 1897, , , , ... 1897 In Germany, Wilhelm Schwaner publishes Der Volkserzieher, one of the earliest volkisch periodicals, which features a swastika on its title-page. 1897 July Adolf Hitler begins choir school at Lambach Abbey. 1897, August 30 - Zionist Jews create First Zionist Congress, later taken over by the Rothschild family. In 1897, when Dr. Theodore Herzl conducted the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, Zionism became the reality we see today. Later Zionism was taken over by Edmund Rothschild and indeed the House of Rothschild. "In his book 'Alteneuland,' Theodore Herzl designated the term Nasi for the head of the Jewish state upon its establishment. When the First Zionist Congress was convened in Basel, Theodore Herzl was elected to head the world Zionist movements; he was given the title of Nasi. When the state was declared on the 5th of Iyar 5708 (May 15, 1948), Chaim Weizmann was elected to serve as the first Nasi - President of the State of Israel." 1897 October 29 Joseph Goebbels is born at Rheydt in the German Rhineland to a lower middle-class Catholic family. 1897 Paul Zillmann, inspired by the nineteenth-century mystic Eckhartshausen and his ideas for a secret school of illuminates, founds the occult Wald-Loge (the Forest Lodge). Zillman becomes an important link between German occultists and their counterparts in Austria. (Roots) 1897 September 12 Adlof Josef Lanz, now Brother Georg, takes his vows as a Cistercian monk at Heiligenkreuz Abbey. Lanz's novicemaster was Nivard Schloegl, a bible scholar and expert on oriental languages. Schloegl disdained the Jews as an arrogant and exclusive religious group, and his bible translations were placed on the Index of

645 Forbidden Books by the Catholic Church because of his antisemitic prejudice. 1897 September 3 The French periodical Le Temps publishes an article claiming that a certain Dr. Mandelstein, Professor at the University of Kiev, in the course of his speech opening the Zionist International Congress said, "The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of all other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic destiny i.e. to the conquest of world power." Antisemites took these words very seriously and quickly used them to stir up antiJewish sentiments throughout eastern and western Europe. 1897 Summer Bloody riots break out between mobs of ethnic Germans and Austrian police. Hundreds of Vereine (German-oriented organizations) are dissolved by the police as a threat to public order. 1897 Summer--Numerous small, blood-colored clouds filled the sky over Macerata, Italy. An hour later a storm broke, during which thousands of seeds fell. Unfamiliar to local people, they were eventually identified as being those of a kind of tree found only in central Africa and the Antilles. 1897 Summer--One clear summer night at Hutchinson, Minnesota, a solitary brightly luminous cumulus cloud rose majestically from the eastern horizon. It shone with a uniform, steady, vivid, whitish light and passed directly over the town. When the cloud was overhead a great shower of insects descended to earth covering the ground all around to the number of about 50 to 100 per square foot. These insects proved to be a species of hemiptera and were nonluminous. 1897 Sworn statement from Alexander Hamilton, at his farm in LeRoy, Kansas: "Last night about 10:30 we were awakened by a noise among the cattle. I arose, thinking that perhaps my bulldog was performing his pranks, but upon going to the door saw to my utter astionishment that an airship was slowly descending upon my cow lot, about 40 rods from the house" Hamilton also described it as a cigar shaped portion, about 300 feet long with a carriage underneath. The carriage was of some transparent material. It was brightly lighted within. It contained six on the strangest beings he had ever seen. 1897 Tesla publishes his dynamic theory of gravity. Tsarion 1897 The first Zionist Congress meets in either Munich or Switzerland (these claims vary) to discuss how to reclaim (in this case, steal) Palestine. 1897 The Hitler family moves to Lambach, Austria. 1897 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is founded under the name Federation of American Zionists. 1897

646 1897, . 1897, "La Francmaconnerie demasquee". 1897, 1 29, 30 31 , 204 17 . . 1897: Joseph-John Thompson discovers that electricity is due to the flow of invisible negatively charged particles called electrons 1897: Marcus Samuel founds the Shell Transport and Trading Company 1898 -- Assassination of Empress Elizabeth of Austria. Pavlov begins study of conditioned reflex in dogs. - 1898 Bechtel is a supersecret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some say the firm is really a 'Shadow Government'--a working arm of the CIA. 1898 Cecil Rhodes amasses fortune in gold and diamonds in South Africa. Tsarion 1898 Dr. Mandelstam, professor of the University of Kiev, Russia, at Basel Zionist Congress in 1898 said "The Jews energetically reject the idea of fusion with the other nationalities and cling firmly to their historical hope, i.e., of world empire." (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, by H.S. Chamberlain, Vol. 1,p. 335. Also Democracy and World Domination, p. 221) 1898 Eugenic sterilization bill is unsuccessfully introduced into the legislature in Michigan, providing for the castration of all inmates of the Michigan Home for the Feebleminded and Epileptic. Tsarion 1898 Georg von Schoenerer launches his Los von Rome (break from Rome) campaign. 1898 Hitler develops an interest in Germanic mythology and mysticism. According to his abbot, he was a good student and a class leader. 1898 J.R. Ewald, professor of physicology at Strasbourg University in Germany experiments using brain electrode implants. Tsarion 1898 January 13 The French writer mile Zola exposed the Dreyfus affair to the general public in a famously incendiary open letter to President Flix Faure to which the French journalist and politician Georges Clemenceau affixed the headline "J'accuse!" (I accuse!). Zola's world fame and internationally respected reputation brought international attention to Dreyfus' unjust treatment.

647 1898, 1 1898. , . 1898 January 6 Guido von List is visited by the old catholic bishop of Bohemia, Nittel von Warnsdorf, who congratulates him on "a new epoch in the history of religion." (Balzli; Roots) 1898 January Novelist Emile Zola publishes an open letter entitled "J'accuse," attacking the French army and bringing the Dreyfus affair to the public's attention. Dreyfus's cause is taken up by French radicals, socialists, and intellectuals. Later that year the major document used against Dreyfus is proven to be a forgery. 1898 July 30 Former German Chancellor Otto von Bismark dies. 1898 Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) is arrested and later exiled to Siberia where he soon joins the Social Democratic Party. Trotsky is the son of a well-to-do Jewish farmer from Yanovka in the southern province of Kherson. 1898 Marie Curie discovers radium. Tsarion 1898 Morgan Robertson writes Futility (apparently republished as The Wreck of the Titan; or Futility in 1912), a horror story about a luxury ocean liner hitting an iceberg and sinking. 1898 Olof Ohman digs up a Viking runic stone in Kensington, Minnesota. 1898 Rockefeller interests prime goal of control of medical education in U.S.A. Tsarion 1898 September 19 Father Georg (Adolf Josef Lanz) assumes teaching duties in the seminary at Heiligenkreuz (A). (Daim) 1898 Sholom Aleichem writes an Yiddish language pamphlet Why Do the Jews Need a Land of Their Own? 1898 Spring Father Georg (Adolf Josef Lanz) is said to have visited Lambach Abbey, spending several weeks studying in the private library of Theoderich Hagn, the former abbot. Hagn had ordered swastikas designs carved on the abbey as early as 1868. (Angebert) 1898 Tesla builds robotic devices and states that he shall demonstrate a device which, when left to itself, will act as though possessed of reason and without any willful control from the outside. Tesla had already built a coil which produced 4 million volts, but wanted to go higher to make it possible for transmissions on a global scale. Tesla patent #613,809 filed for remote radio control of guided missiles. Tsarion 1898 Tesla produces a vibrational device capable of causing earthquakes, a tiny electromechanical oscillator. Tsarion

648 1898 The Marxist Social Democratic Labor party is established in Russia. 1898 Theodore Roosevelt and the Kaiser in Germany contemplate an alliance between the three Nordic powers: Britain, Germany, and the United States. Tsarion 1898 Vaccination Act of 1898 in England. Elections held for the board of guardians, the administrators of the vaccination laws, and by 1898 over 600 boards in England were pledged not to enforce the law. The Act of 1898 contained the first conscience clause, although no claims of conscience were ever approved by magistrates. Tsarion 1898 Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) becomes involved in radical political activity. 1898 Warren Bechtel moves to California to seek his fortune, beginning with a mule team hauling dirt for small construction projects. Tsarion 1898, . 1898, . 1898, . 1898, . , . , : , . 1922, , ' . , , . , , , . , , . ' , . 1868, , , , , , ,

649 . . 1922, , 1919-1922 , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , , Avanti . , , , , . , , , . , . ( 1908) , . , , , . , , ' , . , . 1 1909 , , , , , , , , , . ,

650 , , 1922. , . . , , . , ... . - , . ( ) . ; . , . , . ' , ' , . , . , , . . . , , , 1919 . : , , . , . ,

651 . , , , 1919-1922. . , , , , , . , ... , , . , , . , , ; , . , , ' . , , . . , : ' , , ( , . - 1992): ... , , , . , ,

652 , , ' ... . , (, - 1994), . , , . , . . , ... - . , , ' ' . , , , , , . - , , . (), , , . , , . . , , , . . , . , , . , ... , , . . ,

653 , . ... , . : , , . , ... , . , . , . , . . , , ... ! , , (!), . , , . . , 1922-1930, , . . , . , . , . . . . . , . , , , .

654 , , . , , , . ( ) , ' . : . , 1917, , . 1920 , , , : . . . 1898, . 1898, 18 1 . 1898: at the Battle of Omdurman (Sudan) British troops massacre thousands of Sudanese tribesmen 1898 O A . . 17 (31 N 1898), : " . H B ' , , , , , , , ' ' , , ...". 1898: Britain occupies Sudan 1898-1910 - , 600,000 . 1898-1902 - .

655 1898, - . 1898 : SAN Juan Sur. 1899 : . 1899 1899 , , , 300.000 . " ", , , , . 1899 Tesla discovers terrestrial stationary waves which can produce electricity; reports receiving signals from another planet. Alleged meeting in England at which the Morgans, Rothschilds and Warburgs become affiliated. - 1899 , : A Society of the Jews to manage the affairs of the emerging Jewish state. The organization was formed in 1899 with the name Jewish Colonial trust was incorporated in England with 2 million Pounds. 1899 (March 31) Rumanian law excluding Jews from agricultural and professional schools. (Sept. 2) Dreyfus condemned a second time, but >pardoned' on Sept. 19. 3rd Zionist Congress; Jewish Colonial Trust founded (Zionism). Dreyfus retried and pardoned in France. Death of Azriel Hildesheimer; H.S. Chamberlain's anti Semitic Die Grundiagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Germany). Death of David Kaulmann; Hilsner Case (Austria Hungary). 1899 -1900 The Jews attempt to have the word "Christian" removed from the Bill of Rights of the State of Virginia. 1899 -1902 Boer War. 1899 Alfred Dreyfus is granted a retrial, but once again is found guilty. Afterward, President Emile Loubet grants him a pardon. 1899 Alleged meeting in England at which the J.P. Morgan, Rothschilds and Warburgs become affiliated. 1899 April 11 Father Georg (Adolf Josef Lanz) writes a letter to the authorities of Heiligenkreuz Abbey, complaining of his desire for physical and intellectual freedom. (Heiligenkreuz Abbey Archive)

656 1899 April 27 Father Georg (Adolf Josef Lanz) renounces his holy vows and leaves Heiligenkreuz Abbey. The abbey register refers to his leaving as a "surrender to the lies of the world and carnal love." (Daim) 1899 August Guido von List is married to Anna Wittek, his second wife. The wedding is celebrated in the evangelical Protestant (Lutheran) church. Like many other Austrian Pan-Germans, List had rejected the Catholic Church. (Austrian Staatsarchiv, Vienna) 1899 - Zionist Jews set up funding for the Nation of Israel. The concept of forming a Zionist organization was put forth at the Basle Congress by Max Bodenheimer (1865-1940), a lawyer from Cologne, Germany and a supporter of Herzl. On 8/30 he made a speech to the Congress in which he outlined organizational, financial and administrative suggestions in detail, including the suggestion of the formation of a bank. (The Jewish National Fund Walter Lehn & Uris Davis, 1988 Keegan Paul, p.16) Lehn and Davis state that Bodenheimer's insistence on the establishment of a Zionist organization and a Jewish bank as the first order of business was clearly in line with Herzl's ideas. In Der Judenstaat, Herzl had forseen the need for two executive agencies: a Society of Jews and a Jewish Company, the former eventually realized as the WZO and the latter as a bank, the Jewish Colonial Trust Ltd. (ibid) Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism was the first president of the WZO from 1897 until his death in 1904 at the age of 44. During his tenure, The Jewish Colonial Trust was established (1899) 1899 Britishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain publishes "The Foundations of the 19th Century." The book's introduction is written by Lord Redesdale, Bertrand Mitford, grandfather of Unity Mitford and a close personal friend of the Wagner family. (The House of Mitford) 1899 February 23Hitler's father buys a house near the old Catholic cemetery in Leonding, a suburb of Linz, Austria. 1899 , : , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

657 . , , , : Errors of the Roman Catholic Church, 15 Contributors, 1894. 1899 Georg von Schoenerer begins to associate the Pan-German movement with a new Lutheran movement, accounting for about 30,000 protestant conversions in Bohemia, Styria, Carinthia and Vienna between 1899 and 1910. 1899 Henry Pereira Mendes publishes Looking Ahead: twentieth century happenings, the premise of which is that the restoration of Jewish sovereignty over historic Israel is essential to the world's peace and prosperity. 1899 January Adolf Hitler leaves choir school at Lambach Abbey. 1899 Journalist and future statesman Winston Churchill escapes from Boer captivity in South Africa. 1899 Meeting in London where the Warburgs, Morgans, and Rothschilds become affiliated. Tsarion 1899 Sidney Rosenblum becomes Sidney Reilly. 1899 South Africa: After alerting its telegraph offices to be on the lookout for invading British aircraft, the Transvaal government was inundated with sighting reports. Phantom airships, often equipped with powerful searchlights, mysteriously appeared in the skies around. Of course, neither aircraft nor airplanes were known to exist in Africa at this time. 1899 Philippe de Lyon, protege of Papus, went to Russia and established the Priory of Sion's Martinist lodge at the imperial court, possibly initiating Grigorii Rasputin, since it is known that Grigorii was a Martinist. Philippe was introduced to the Imperial Court first, oddly enough, by the same man who was Rasputin's sinister adviser, the antiZionist and Reform Jew, Manoussevitch Manouilof. In 1900 Papus followed Philippe to St. Petersburg, where Papus became a confidant of the Czar and Czarina. Papus visited Russia on at least three occasions, the last in 1906. 1899 Tesla discovers terrestrial stationary waves which can produce electricity and also reports receiving signals from space. Tsarion 1899 Tesla discovers terrestrial stationary waves which can produce electricity; reports receiving signals from another planet. 1899 Tesla's Colorado Springs experiments with high voltage power systems. His notes, translated into English, do not appear until 1978. Tsarion 1899 Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) leaves the Tiflis Theological Seminary without graduating and becomes a full-time revolutionary organizer. 1899, 33 .

658 1899, Albert , possessed alone about a quarter of the land in Bohemia (seven times as much as the Imperial Family) without counting that he possesses equally in other provinces, in Lower Austria, Moravia, Silesia and in Hungary. (LAutriche Juive, by F. Trocase, 1899, published by A. Pierret, Paris). 1899, , 3 . 1899: Britain invades the republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State in South Africa, founded by the Boers (the "Boer war") 1899: general Kitchener creates "concentration camps" in South Africa for the families of the Boer rebels (26,000 prisoners die), while the Boers engage in guerrilla warfare, and defend trenches with long-distance rifles 1899-1924 Dr.George Simmons dominates the American Medical Association. Tsarion 1900 - 1999 CE Foundation of the Ordo Templi Orientis (1900). International Order of CoFreemasonry founded in 1902. Publication of The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion in Russia (1905). Foundation of the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose Crucis (1909). Black Hand Society founded in 1911. Aleister Crowley accepted as head of the British OTO. Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross founded in 1912. Assassination of ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand and Archduchess Sophia von Hapsberg. Attempted murder of Rasputin. WWI begins in 1914. Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates. Hapsburg dynasty is overthrown. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917-1918). Foundation of German Workers Party by Thule Society (1919). Hitler joins GWP and changes its name to the National Socialist Party (1920). Crowley employed by MI6. Cardinal Roncalli, later Pope John XXIII, allegedly joins Rosicrucian Order. Hitler becomes first chancellor of the Third Reich (1933). Roosevelt places Illuminist symbol of eye in triangle on the dollar bill (1935). Nazi invasion of England prevented by New Forest Witches (1940). Rudolf Hess lured to Britain on peace mission by fake astrological data (1941). Order of the Temple revived in France (1952). First Bilderberg meeting in 1954. Foundation of the P2 Lodge (1960). Death of Pope Paul VI, election and alleged murder of Pope John Paul I, and election of Pope John Paul II (1978). Exposure of P2 conspiracy. Attempt to assassinate John Paul II (1981). L'Ordre Internationale Chevelresque Tradition Solaire founded on instructions of the revived Order of the Temple in France (1984). <EOF> 5 January 1991 THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY by Michael Howard 1900 A U.S. doctor doing research in the Philippines infected of number of prisoners with the Plague. He continued his research by

659 inducing Beriberi in another 29 prisoners. The experiments resulted in two known fatalities. 1900 Adolf Josef Lanz returns to Vienna where he soon joins Georg von Schoenerer's Pan-German movement and converts to Protestantism. (Ostara III, 1930) 1900 AMA began to achieve goal of replacing existing medical system with allopathy. Tsarion 1900 Approximate date Adolf Lanz founded the "Order of New Templars", a forerunner of the Nazi mentality. 1900 -Assassination of King Umberto I of Italy and Kentucky Governor-elect William Goebel. Tesla suggests alien beings might be living "in the very midst of us." Boxer rebellion in China. 1900 By 1900, all PhD's in the United States were trained in Prussia (Germany). The degree is a German invention. These German educated men would become presidents of American Universities, heads of research facilities (both corporate and government). Tsarion 1900 Cancer causes 4% of deaths in the United States. Tsarion 1900 Deaths from measles were 13 per 100,000 (13:100,000) Tsarion 1900 December 25 Adolf Josef Lanz (Liebenfels) later claims that it was on this date that he founded the Order of the New Templars. Lanz said he set himself up as the order's Grand Master and adopted the swastika as his emblem. (Note, Historians believe the order was not modeled along Templar lines until sometime after 1905.) (Roots) 1900 February 2 Edmund Hitler, Adolf Hitler's younger brother, suddenly dies. Mysteriously, both his mother and father fail to attend the boy's funeral. Instead, they travel to neighboring Linz, where the local bishop resides and don't return until the following day. 11-year-old Adolf goes to the funeral alone. No headstone is ever erected on Edmund's grave. (Toland; Waite) (Note, Toland writes that Edmund died on February 2; Payne states he died on February 29; and Waite says he was buried on March 30). 1900 February Hitler's personality suddenly changes. He becomes distant, moody and evasive. His grades deteriorate, and he begins to cause trouble in school. 1900 Georg von Schoenerer converts to Protestantism. 1900 German schoolteacher Karl Fischer begins taking students on weekly hikes into remote and wild areas of the country. Fischer is called the Fuehrer and greeted with "heil." In 1901, Fisscher's small group expands into the Wandervogel (wandering birds) and within a decade the movement sweeps Germany. (Waite) 1900 Germany begins to expand its navy in an attempt to challenge British control of trade and the seas.

660 1900 In Germany, Wilhelm Schallmeyer writes Inheritance and Selection in the Life History of Nationalities: A Sociopolitical Study Based on the Newer Biology, which puts forward the idea of premarital screening by doctors for undesirable inheritable traits. Tsarion 1900 In the old Spanish Garavanza district or Los Angeles, where Avenue 64 and York Boulevard now lie, there used to be a ranch owned by Ralph Rodgers who had employed several Mexican and Chinese workers. In early 1900, Andrew C. Smith and Charles A. Elder discovered a rumored tunnel entrance in the area and reported it to the local newspaper, whose editor confirmed their story. They explored the tunnel to some depth. They also learned from a Mexican elder of a native American village that existed on the banks of the Arroyo Seco River. When the Spanish entered the area this man, Juan Dominquez, had explored the tunnel "leading to a gigantic cave and then still going further down", spreading under the entire village of Garavanza and connecting to the Spanish Church of the Angels on North Avenue 64. One entrance was reportedly located along the west bluff of Arroyo Seco River about 300 feet south of the former Pasadena Ave. Rail Bridge, and about 20 feet above the stream, but the city "blew up" the entrance after children were hurt in the cave, and a Freeway exists now in the area, however a secret opening still exists in the basement of the Spanish church mentioned above. Early visitors to the cave had reported "many caverns and tunnels going deep down, with eerie voices coming from them". The cave used to be used by natives for ritual purposes. 1900 Kaiser Wilhelm II issues orders to German troops departing for China during the Boxer Rebellion that will lead the British to give them the nickname "Huns." ("No quarter will be given. No prisoners will be taken. Whoever falls into your hands, let his life be forfeit. The Huns under King Attila a thousand years ago made a name for themselves that has remained mighty in tradition and tale to this day; may you make the name of German a thing to conjure with..." (Waite) 1900 Karl Rohm, who visited with English Theosophists in London during the late 1890s, founds a publishing house at Lorch in Wurttemberg. His publications include translations of the works of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton and other contemporary occultists. (Roots) 1900 King Humbert I is assassinated and succeeded by Victor Emmanuel III as king of Italy. 1900 Max Planck formulates quantum theory. Tsarion 1900 Over 6,000 people fall ill in Britain after beer is contaminated with arsenic from the production of carbonic acid gas from coal in the sugar refining process. Tsarion 1900 Royal Institute of International Affairs policy makers for colonial U.S. Government. Tsarion

661 1900 September 17 Hitler enters Realschule in Linz, but continues to do poorly in school. 1900 Sigmund Freud publishes 'The Interpretation of Dreams.' 1900 Teenager Miranda McKay and three other girls, plus their Scottish chaperone from Appleyard College boarding school, disappear at Hanging Rock, near Melbourne, Australia. 1900 Tesla reaches New York, which is the time period when he claims to have received off-planet transmissions. Tsarion 1900 Tesla suggests alien beings might be living "in the very midst of us." 1900 Tesla tests his wireless transmission of energy in Colorado Springs. Dynamos of a Colorado electricity company were disabled 6 miles away. 1900 The first modern concentration camps are built by Field Marshal Lord Roberts, British Commander-in-Chief in South Africa during the Boer War. Camps are expanded by General Lord Kitchener, and the population of the concentration camps increases to approximately 110,000 whites and 107,000 Africans. An estimated 27,927 whites, of whom 26,251 are women and children, and at least 13,315 Africans die due to starvation, poor location, bad administration, and disease. (Grolier) 1900 The United States has a long history of experimentation, on unwitting human subjects, which goes back to the beginning of this century. Both private firms and the military have used unknowing human populations to test various theories. However, the extent to which human experimentation has been a part of the U.S. Biological Weapons programs will probably never be known. The following examples are taken from information declassified in 1977, and from other private source accounts. Several involve incidents which are still of unknown origins and which cannot be fully explained, following is a "Partial" List. 1900 The work of Mendel is rediscovered. Those who regard the mental traits of Man (intelligence and so on) as being primarily inherited, believe that their hypothesis is scientifically proved by Mendelian genetics. For them, the whole of human history becomes a part of the biological evolution Darwin had described in the animal kingdom. They see it as their duty to demand the prevention of procreation by other "inferior races" and by "inferior individuals" within their own race, in order to stave off the decline and ruin of European culture which they allege is near at hand. (Science) 1900 , ! ,

662 (!) . (), , . . , ( ). . . . , ( ) , . 1900, 1. 1900, . , "Groupe des amis de a bas les tyrans", . 1900, 50 . 1900: Arthur Evans discovers the ruins of Knossos, Crete 1901 -1904 The Twentieth Century New Testament At the beginning of the twentieth century, a modern English version of the New Testament was published on both sides of the Atlantic with the title "The Twentieth Century New Testament A Translation into Modern English Made from the Original Greek (Wescott and Hort's Text). The introduction stated that it was the work of a "company of about twenty persons, members of various sections of the Christian Church." The translation, which was published anonymously, began to appear in 1898, coming out in three parts. In 1901 the parts were issued in a single volume by Horace Marshall of London, and in America by the Fleming H. Revell Company. This was identified as a "Tentative Edition," and criticisms and suggestion were welcome. 1901 - , , .1901 An unusual substance, "smelling like glue" falls from a clear sky at Sart, Belgium.

663 1901 -Assassinations of McKinley and Russian Education Minister Bogolepov. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (Rockefeller University) founded in New York. First trans- Atlantic radio broadcast: Marconi sends the letter S. - 1901 Because President William McKinley refused to be a stooge for the International Bankers, he was killed by the Jewish Russian Zionist, Zolkozh. (Presidents Lincoln (on Good Friday) and Garfield had been previously murdered by a Jew named John Wilks Booth) 1901-14 . 1901 . 1901 February 25. The United States Steel Corporation is incorporated in the state of New Jersey by J.P. Morgan in defiance of the Sherman Anti-trust Law. One-seventh of the total capitalization goes to the men who arrange the intricate deal. Morgan, himself, is said to have made $80 million. (Schlesinger I) 1901 Fifth Zionist Congress establishes the Jewish National Fund. 1901 Hitler attends Lohengrin, his first opera, at the Linz Opera House. 1901 In a 1901 issue of the Colonist, a Victoria, British Columbia, newspaper, which tells of the experience of a lumberman working on Vancouver Island, near Campbell River. Mike King was alone because his Indian packers refused to accompany him for fear of the "monkey men" they said lived in the forest. Late in the afternoon he observed a "man beast" washing roots in the water. Suddenly aware of King, the creature cried out and scooted up a hill, stopping at one point to look at him over its shoulder. The witness described it as "covered with reddish brown hair, and his arms were peculiarly long and were used freely in climbing and in brush running; while the trail showed a distinct human foot, but with phenomenally long and spreading toes." 1901 J.P. Morgan buys $23 million in stock of Central Railroad of New Jersey. Tsarion 1901 J.P. Morgan partner Willard Straight becomes assistant to Sir Robert Hart, chief of Imperial Chinese Customs Service, conducting opium traffic. Later, Straight becomes head of Morgan Banks Far Eastern operations. Tsarion 1901 , : The Jewish Company, a financial banking system. This would take care of the transfer of the wealth of the Jews as they move. In exchange for their current financial status, they would be compensated with land, machinery and homes in the new state. It would also take charge of their former financial matters and sell them of to

664 honest anti-Semites. The Jewish National Fund was established in 1901 to purchase and cultivate land in Palestine, and in 1903, a subsidiary bank called, The Anglo-Palestine bank, was opened. 1901 January 22 Queen Victoria dies on the Isle of Wight, ending the longest reign in British history (64 years). Her son, Edward VII, succeeds her. 1901 Lev Borisovich Kamenev (originally Rosenfeld) joins the Russian Social Democratic Workers' party. 1901 March 4 William McKinley is inaugurated as U.S. President for a second term. Theodore Roosevelt is Vice President. 1901 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research founded. Tsarion 1901 Rudolf Glauer (Rudolf von Sebottendorff) claims to have been initiated into a lodge of Freemasons at Bursa in Anatolioa by the patriarch of the Termudi family, Greek Jews from Salonica. Old Termudi had retired from business to devote himself to the study of the Cabbala and collecting alchemical and Rosicrucian texts. After Termudi's death Sebottendorff said he had inherited this occult library and begun his own study of the secret mystical exercises of the Baktashi dervishes. (Sebottendorff; Roots), (Sebottendorff was born November 9, 1875 in the Saxon market town of Hoyerswerda, north of Dresden.) 1901 . September 6 U.S. President William McKinley is shot by Anarchist Leon Czolgosz, as he attends a reception for the PanAmerican Exhibition in Buffalo. September 14 President McKinley dies of his wounds and Forty-two-year-old Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as President. 1901 Shortly after the Pansini family moved into a large house in Ruvo, Italy, poltergeist phenomena of various kinds erupted. Sevenyear-old Alfredo Pansini fell into trances, during which "angels" spoke through him and he had clairvoyant visions. He also took to vanishing suddenly from the house and reappearing in a dazed state elsewhere in town or in nearby towns. These alleged teleportations occurred frequently for three years, ending when he reached puberty in 1904. Just before then, however, Alfredo's younger brother Paolo began teleporting as well, and on one occasion both disappeared from their house and appeared aboard a fishing boat a few miles out at sea from the port of Baletta. Joseph Lapponi, a medical advisor to Popes Leo XIII and Pius X, interviewed witnesses and wrote a book on the case. Once, according to Lapponi, Bishop Bernardi Pasquale locked the two boys in their room, sealing all doors and windows; yet within a few minutes the youths disappeared. Even so, one cannot help suspecting that a couple of clever boys were having fun at their elders' expense.

665 1901 Sidney Reilly travels to Baku, then Tehran to protect British oil interests. He has his first encounter with Zamenhof, "the Merchant of Death". 1901 Sightings of a "Floating City" in Alaska. 1901 Stalin, now a member of the Georgian branch of the Social Democratic party, roams the Caucasus, agitating among workers, helping with strikes, and spreading socialist literature. 1901 Tesla patent 685,012, in which he describes supercooling of conductors to lower resistance. At this time, Tesla wanted to sue Marconi for patent infringement. Marconi had used Tesla patent #645,576, filed in 1897 and issued March 20, 1900. Tesla begins building Wardenclyffe Tower for radio broadcasting and wireless transmission of power. Tsarion 1901 The first German translation of The Secret Doctrine, the Theosophical Society's basic text, is published. 1901 Theodor Fritsch sends a circular to some three hundred individuals who had earlier been active party antisemites. Fritsch hoped to establish a broad and powerful antisemitic movement outside parliament, where he thought it would be more effective. (Roots) 1901 , . 1901, , 39 . 1901, . 1901 10 1901, , . 1901, . (Jack Manuelian) : Is The Protocols Of Zion A Sabbatean Document? The famous document known as the "Protocols of Zion" can be paraphrased as The Protocols of Zionism and most likely it was a secret Sabbatean Frankist document. Sabbateans had many writings which due to the secretive and revolutionary nature of their cult were kept hidden. The original Protocols seems to have been one of those that was no longer secret after parts of it was printed as minutes of a covert meeting in Paris in 1901, minutes that were later published in Russia by Nilus. Sergyei Nilus, who first published the Protocols in 1902, wrote in its 1905 edition Introduction: "These are not exactly minutes of meetings, but a report made by some powerful person, divided into sections not always in a logical sequence. They convey the impression of being the part of something." Hence, what Nilus had in hand could be some notes taken from a Sabbatean original

666 document which yet remain concealed. We only know a portion of the original that came to be known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 1901, " " , ( ), "". , . . ( "") . , . . 1901: Britain's population is 37.1 million 1901 4 1901: Nigeria becomes a British protectorate 1901: Queen Victoria dies 1901 4 1901. UNITED SERVICES MAGAZINE , , . , 1878 , . , Eulenburg , . . -, , . 1901: the British colonies of Australia become the Federated Commonwealth of Australia 1901 the Jesuits assassinated the Freemason, President William McKinley, while Theodore Rex Roosevelt, their most obedient Freemason and friend of Knight of Malta William R. Grace (whose son, Joseph P. Grace, financed the Bolshevik Revolution, whose son, J. Peter Grace, participated in the Kennedy Assassination), became President and the Empires first real Papal Emperor. We see: Theodore Roosevelt was the first of the modern Imperialists American version blatantly advocating economic expansionism by the use of violent economic and financial aggression supported by brute force, and diverting the government of the United States into the first instrument of the big American [Vatican controlled] corporations grandiose schemes of world exploitation... As usual, the American people knew very little or nothing of what was going on. Not so the little hired hand in the pay of Big Business [controlled by the Jesuits J. P. Morgan] namely Theodore Roosevelt.

667 1902 A number of horses, sheep and cattle are mutilated in Staffordshire. They are attributed to George Edaji 1902 Jabotinsky and Parvus. Another of the Okhrana agentprovocateurs employed by Zubatov in the insurrections against the Russia of Witte and the American System was Vladimir Jabotinsky, later known as the founder of the Revisionist Movement in Zionism and an enthusiastic supporter of Mussolini's Fascism. In the Spring of 1902, Jabotinsky was arrested and spent seven weeks in Okhrana custody, going through the Zubatov indoctrination. He would, according to one biographer, operate "for several years under the supervision of the police," particularly in Odessa, which was the scene of many of Zubatov's most successful labor insurrections against Russia's nascent industrialization. Jabotinsky's activities were also funded directly by Maxim Gorky, a well-documented Okhrana operative and conduit of Zubatov payouts. Jabotinsky's career would cross that of another of the most important operatives of the Bolshevik revolutionary epoch, Alexander Israel Helphand (a.k.a. "Parvus"). Both Jabotinsky and Parvus edited publications of the British/Venetian-spawned Young Turk movement, which helped instigate London's Balkan Wars and the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire. Like Jabotinsky, Parvus (1867-1924) came from an Odessa family steeped in the grain trade. By 1886, Helphand/Parvus had already become involved in the Okhrana-spawned Russian socialist scene, travelling to Switzerland to participate in the Emancipation of Labor group, led by a number of documented Okhrana agents, including Lev Deutsch, and suspected Okhrana man Georgi Plekhanov. Parvus would be instrumental, during the 1890s, in shifting the focus of Russian revolutionary socialism from agrarian peasants to industrial workersin keeping with Zubatov's efforts to target the Russian modernizers through "class warfare" provocations. By 1900, Parvus had joined the inner circle of the Bolsheviks, using his Munich, Germany apartment to house the printing press for the group, and hosting V.I. Lenin and other leaders. According to several biographical accounts, by 1902, Parvus was receiving direct Okhrana funding through Gorky, who gave Parvus the rights to publish his works abroad. Once "Bloody Sunday" unleashed the revolutionary destabilizations in St. Petersburg, Parvus appeared on the scene, as a leading collaborator of Leon Trotsky and other leaders of the Petersburg Soviet. Parvus and Trotsky bought a liberal newspaper, Russkaya Gazeta, to rival the Bolshevik publication, and soon had a circulation of 500,000. Parvus and Trotsky turned the newspaper into a radical provocateur organ, much to the delight of the Okhrana, which would soon launch a police crackdown on the entire social democratic scene. When the entire leadership of the Petersburg Sovietincluding Trotskywas rounded up and jailed in

668 December 1905, Parvus escaped the police clutches. When he was later captured, he escaped police custody, courtesy of the Okhrana agent Lev Deutsch. Parvus next turned up, via Germany, in Constantinople, as a "journalist" covering the Young Turk rebellion against the Ottomans, a crucial prelude to the British-manipulated second Balkan War. It would be at this moment that Parvus's ties to the leading European "Venetian Party" factions would be publicly shown. 1902 April Ludwig Woltmann founds the Social Darwinist publication, Politisch-Anthropologische Revue. 1902 -Assassination of Russian Minister of Interior Sipyagain. Paul and Felix Warburg immigrate from Germany to the U.S. Rockefeller General Education Board founded. - 1902 Baron Nathaniel "Natty" Rothschild meets Theodor Herzl to discuss a possible Jewish homeland to be setup in Palestine. 1902 British Lord Kelvin proclaims agreement with Tesla in regard to two issues: Mars was signaling America, and the conservation of nonrenewable resources. Tsarion 1902 Congress of Young Turks. In 1902 & 1907 two Congresses of The Young Turks meet in Paris to plan the penetration of the Sultans army leading to the military coup of 1908. 1902 Dr. L. Woltmann, a gentleman-scholar, founds the PolitischAnthropologischen Revue (Political - anthropological review). 1902 German archaeologist Robert Koldewey unearthed the fabled Ishtar Gate in the ruins of Babylon. The gateway dated from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar (about 600 B.C.) and was decorated with basreliefs. The animals depicted on the Gate were known to the Babylonians - two of the animals depicted were lions and rimi (aurochs, a type of wild ox). Of the three animals depicted, one could not be identified. It seemed to show a mythical animal, which seemed out of place with sculptures depicting known animals that were contemporary with the Babylonians. The animal, which Koldewey recognized as a sirrush (dragon; the word mushrushu or mushhushshu is the commonly-accepted modern form, based on a retranslation of the original word) can be described as having "...a slender body covered with scales, a long slender scaly tail, and a long slim scaly neck bearing a serpent's head... [from the mouth] a long forked tongue protrudes. There are flaps of skin attached to the back of the head, which is adorned (and armed) with a straight horn." In the Apocrypha (a collection of stories which claim to be expurgated sections of the Bible), in the Book of Bel and the Dragon, it is recorded that King Nebuchadnezzar kept a dragon in the temple of the god Bel, which the people of Babylon worshipped. When the Hebrew prophet Daniel began to denounce the worship of idols, Nebuchadnezzar confronted him with the Bel-dragon, saying that it "liveth and eateth and drinketh; you cannot

669 say that he is no living god; therefore worship him". Daniel responded by killing the dragon. 1902 Guido von List goes blind for eleven month following an eye operation for cataracts. During his long convalesence, a fundamental change takes place in the character of List's ideas. Occultism becomes central to his thoughts on rune symbolism and the basis of his belief in the ancient German faith. (Balzli; Roots) 1902 Herzl publishes the novel Altneuland (The Old New Land), which takes place in Palestine. 1902 January 3 Alois Hitler dies in Leonding (A). Oddly, no headstone is erected on his grave by the family, even though his wife, Klara, had received a considerable inheritance and a government pension. Josef Mayrhofer, the mayor of Leonding, is appointed as Adolf and Paula's guardian. 1902 January Theodor Fritsch founds the Hammer, a volkisch and Social Darwinist, antisemitic periodical. 1902 Karl Hermann Wolf and his followers resign from the Austrian Pan-German party. 1902 Lenin joins Trotsky in Switzerland on Editorial Board of Zionist publication ISKRA. (The Spark; which was printed in Munich, Germany) 1902 Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) escapes abroad from Siberia. He soon meets Lenin, and begins a troubled relationship with the Bolshevik party. 1902 March 26 British imperialist and statesman Cecil Rhodes dies. 1902 November 15 The German Workers Party (DAP) is first organized in the northern Bohemian city of Aussig (Usti nad Labein). (Unknown Nazis) 1902 Paul and Felix Warburg emigrate to the United States. Tsarion 1902 Rockefeller General Education Board founded, with the objective of racial amalgamation and abolition of difference between sexes. The overt stated objective: the promotion of education in the United States without distinctions of sex, race, or creed. Incorporators include Frederick T. Gates (Rockefellers right-hand man), Daniel Coit Gilman (vice president Peabody Fund and Slater Fund, president of University of California (1872) and Johns Hopkins (1875), incorporator and first president of the Carnegie Institute and original incorporator of Russell Sage Foundation. Gilman helped set up the Yale Trust in 1856 to finance the Skull & Bones organization. Other original directors of the General Education Board included Morris K. Jessup, a banker who had been treasurer of the Peabody and Slater Funds, and Walter Hines Page,

670 who as U.S. ambassador to Britain would help involve the U.S. in World War I, and George Peabody, who would be appointed the first director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1914-1921) and later became a director of FDR's Warm Springs Foundation and treasurer to the Democratic Party. Peabody espoused to Fabian Socialism. The General Education Board was pushed through Congress in by Senator Nelson Aldrich. Tsarion 1902 9 1902. , . 3 1902. . , , 7 , . 5 1902. : ; -. - . - . . - . . - . -. . , , : , , . : ; - . , . : . : - . , . . -: . - : ; -. . 9 1902. , , , . , . , - -, . . 10 1902. , . -, , . . ,

671 10 1902, , . , , , . 12 1902. , . 21 1902. , , : , , - . , , . 22 1902. . , . , , , . : , . , . . , . , : , , . , , , , . , , . - - -. , , . . . - , , . , . , . , . . , . , -, (.. ) . ,

672 . 24 1902. , , . 12.15 , . : , . 4.30 . . , . , . , , . : , . , : . : , . - , , , . 1.15 . , , , . , . -, , . 1902, Pope Leo XIII wrote of this power: It bends governments to its will sometimes by promises, sometimes by threats. It has found its way into every class of Society, and forms an invisible and irresponsible power, an independent government, as it were, within the body corporate of the lawful state. 1902 Rudolf Steiner, a young scholar who had studied in Vienna before writing a study of Goethe at Weimar, becomes general secretary of the German Theosophical Society in Berlin. 1902 September 14 Angela Hitler, Adolf's half-sister, marries Leo Raubal. 1902 Tesla files patent #1,119,732 on an Apparatus For Transmitting Electrical Energy. Patent issued in 1914. Also #685,975, Apparatus for Utilization of Radiant Energy. Tsarion 1902 The Chicago Health Department develops its vaccination creed, which states that true vaccination repeated until it 'no longer takes' always prevents smallpox. Nothing else does. The policy is immediately taken up by the U.S. military. Tsarion

673 1902 The O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis) is founded. 1902 The Treaty of Vereeniging ends the South African War (the Boer War 1899-1902). 1902 The Zionist Congress rejects a British offer of land for a Jewish settlement in Uganda, East Africa. 1902 Unusual sky booms heard over Boschof, Oranjevrystaat, South Africa. 1902 1906, . . 1902, . 1902, Quartuor Coronati Ordo Templi Orientis [OTO]. OTO . 1902, . 1902, . , . 1902, 1902 - 1994, , , . 1902: Japan signs the London treaty with Britain that recognizes Japan's rights in Korea and Britain's rights in China 1903 - 1907 RUSSIA. 4 , 500.000 90% . 1903 - 1944 ORDE CHARLES WINGATE, (Hayedid "The Friend"). ; An officer in the British army was posted to Eretz Israel after the beginning of the 1936 riots as a captain in British intelligence. He quickly became enamored with the Zionist cause and often chided the "establishment" for not being militant enough. He worked with the Haganah, to train Special Night Squads (S.N.S.), a guerrilla unit he formed, that would specialize in counter terror attacks. Wingate earned the ire of the British after testifying before the Woodhead Commission. In 1939, he was transferred to Ethiopia and then India, probably due to his outspoken pro-Zionist beliefs. He died in March 1944 in a plane crash. The Wingate Institute and Yemin Orde (a children's village) are named after him.

674 1903 - 1976 SYDNEY FRANKLIN (Frumkin) (USA-MexicoSpain) Bullfighter, born in Brooklyn, New York. He studied in Mexico and retired after over five thousand bullfights in Mexico and Spain. Franklin was a close friend of Ernest Hemingway and served as a foreign correspondent during the Spanish Civil War. He later became a sports writer and bullfight commentator and wrote his biography Bullfighter from Brooklyn. 1903 - 1993 JOSEPH DOV SOLOVEITCHIK, "the Rav" (PolandUSA) Rabbi, philosopher and scholar. Beginning as a young talmudic scholar, he received his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Berlin. He immigrated to the USA with his wife Tonya who had a doctorate in education. Soloveitchik founded the first Jewish day school in New England and in 1941 succeeded his father as professor of Talmud at Yeshiva University. He was offered but declined to become the Chief Rabbi in Israel (1959). Though reluctant at first to publish his writings, he had a profound affect on Orthodox Jewry. Among his books and essays are Ish ha-Halacha (The man of Halacha), The Lonely Man of Faith, Al ha-Teshuvah (On Repentance), and Be-Sod ha-Yachad (Aloneness and Togetherness). 1903 : . 1903 -- Assassination of Bogdanovich, Governor of Ufa. Protocols of Elders of Zion, alleged plan for Jewish world takeover, published in Russian newspaper. - 1903 18 : , . 31 : . . . 20 : . (VMRO) . 10 : . 2 : ( ). . Murzsteg, () (2-3 ).

675 . 8 : . . , . , , . (). 30 : .. , . , . "".... , , . 1903-04 : . 1903 -1912, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, various editions and versions. 1903 Alexander, King of Serbia, is assassinated and is succeeded by Peter I. 1903 Alexander, King of Serbia, is assassinated and is succeeded by Peter I. 1903 ; , ; April 19, KISHINEV (Bessarabia) Riots broke out after a Christian child, Michael Ribalenko, was found murdered (Feb. 16). Although it was clear that the boy had been killed by a relative, the government chose to call it a ritual murder plot by the Jews. The mobs were incited by Pavolachi Krusheven, the editor of the anti-Semitic newspaper Bessarabetz, and the vice governor, Ustrugov. Vyacheslav Von Plehve, the Minister of Interior, supposedly gave orders not to stop the rioters. During three days of rioting, forty-seven Jews were killed, ninety-two severely wounded, five hundred slightly wounded and over seven hundred houses were destroyed. Despite a world-wide outcry, only two men were sentenced to seven and five years and twenty-two were sentenced for one or two years. This pogrom was instrumental in convincing tens of thousands of Russian Jews to leave Russia for the West and for Eretz Israel. The child's real murderer was later found.

676 1903 ; April Fourty-nine Jews are murdered in a pogrom at Kishinev in western Russia. After the massacre, Theodor Herzl calls for the creation of Jewish nachtasyls (havens) throughout the world. 1903 - Lubavitcher Rabbi Shulem Schneerson rejects Zionism as being in opposition to the Torah (Deut. 30). "In 1903, the Jewish pen of Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Shulem ben Schneersohn wrote: But the Zionists are far more cunning in their evil and they have made nationalism a substitute for Torah and commandments. Mendelstam in his open letter stated that a Jew was not one who fulfilled the commandments but one who is a Zionist... [T]he leader of the Zionists has set up the Nationalism, rebellion against the Lord and denial of Torah and commandments, on the very site of the Temple of the Lord." 1903 April Guido von List sends a manuscript concerning the "Aryan proto-language" to the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna. It is his first attempt to interpret by means of occult insight the letters and sounds of the runes, as well as the emblems and glyphs of ancient Germanic inscriptions. This manuscript becomes the "masterpiece" of his occult-nationalist researches, "Die Ursprache der Arier, deren Schrift und Heilszeichen." (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1903 August 23 - 28, SIXTH ZIONIST CONGRESS (Basle, Switzerland) Herzl proposed using territory offered by Britain, specifically Uganda, as a temporary shelter for Jews fleeing Eastern Europe and Russia. The Russian delegates, after a riotous debate, walked out and refused to return for the next congress unless the plan was dropped. ! ! 1903 : The Jesuits: Their Complete History, Theodor Griesinger, (London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1903). : As Satans great servant in beginning the Counter Reformation, Loyola, a member of the occult and Luciferian Spanish Alumbrados, purposed to restore the Dark Ages in making the infallible Pope of his creation, herein called the Papal Caesar, being continually overseen and sustained by his diabolical Order, to be the Universal Monarch of the World ruling all Nations from within King Solomons rebuilt Hebrew Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. 1903 August 26 - September 3 Pavolachi Krushevan publishes the earliest known version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in abbreviated form in his Russian-language newspaper, Znamia (The Banner). (Segel / Levy), PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION (Russia) An abbreviated version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion appeared in the Russian language paper Znamia (The Banner). The full version appeared two years later.

677 1903 Dr. Jorg Lanz-Liebenfels (Adolf Josef Lanz) publishes an anticlerical book entitled Katholizismus wider Jesuitismus (Frankfurt, 1903). 1903 Dr. Simon Flexner, one of three busy brothers, became director of laboratories of the Rockefeller Institute. (American Mercury, November 1958, p. 105) 1903 Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) joins Lenin in Switzerland and becomes one of his closest collaborators. , ! 1903 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels publishes a long article entitled "Anthropozoon biblicum" in Vierteljahrsschift fur Bibelkunde, a perodical for biblical research. This strange investigation of the past extends his earlier Theosophical and scientific hypotheses and sets out the basic ideas that will be further developed in his Theo-Zoology or the Lore of the Sodom-Apelings and the Electron of the Gods (1905). (Roots) 1903 ADORNO, Theodor Wiesengrund 190369. German philosopher. Adorno was born in Frankfurt-am-Main. His father was a German Jew and his mother an Italian Catholic. He started his career teaching philosophy at the University of Frankfurt, but moved to England and subsequently to the United States in the war years. In 1949 he returned to Frankfurt where he became Director of the Institute for Social Re-search, and Professor of Philosophy and Sociology at the University. Adorno was a prolific writer, initially concentrating his researches on the work of Kierkegaard, Hussel and Heidegger. Before World War II his work showed little Jewish attachment, but he was profoundly affected by the Holocaust. His Dialectic of Enlightenment (1949) written with Max Horkheimer discussed the roots of anti-Semitism and attempts to explain the new kind of barbarism of the Nazi period. He continued to explore this theme in The Authoritarian Personality (1950) which was sponsored by the American Jewish committee. His other books include a series of moral aphorisms entitled Minima Moralia (1974) which was subtitled Reflections from a Damaged Life, Negative Dialectics (English 1973) in which he reflects on his status as a Holocaust survivor and Aesthetic Theory (1986) in which he discusses his philosophy of art. He is chiefly remembered for his dictum No poetry after Auschwitz. 1903 July, - August, SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS (London) Rise of Lenin's group known as the Iskra (The Spark), named after their newspaper published in Switzerland. Vladimir Lenin headed the Bolsheviks (majority) while George Plekhanov headed the Mensheviks (Minority). Although Lenin was not to have a majority until 1917, he refused to relinquish the name. The Mensheviks included many Jews including Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz (Rein), and Fyodor Ilyich Dan (Gurvich). The two groups argued over organization and

678 tactics with the Menshevicks believing it best to cooperate with liberals and wished to have a more "open" party. In general there were more Jews in the Mensheviks which better reflected Jewish liberalism and intellectuality. The congress refused to allow the Jewish delegates to participate in the revolutionary work while remaining an independent ethnic group which lead to the Bund seceding from the Social Democratic Party. 1903 Kishinev Pogrom and Russian Pogroms of 1905 catalyze Second Aliya. 1903 Large alien seven feet tall with long hair, horns and huge bulging eyes appears and is chased away by coal miners in Iola, Kansas. 1903 Lenin sets about organizing the Bolshevik revolutionary group. Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) supports the Bolsheviks. Lenin, it is said, greatly appreciates Dzhugashvili's familiarity with Russian nationality problems and his intense personal loyalty. 1903 May 30--The SS Tresco was cruising 90 miles south of Cape Hatteras when Joseph Ostens Grey, the ship's Second Officer, spotted what he first thought was a derelict hulk in the water. On closer examination they realized it was no wreaked ship: "With a conviction that grew deeper, and ever more disquieting, we came to know that this thing could be no derelict, no object that hand of man had fashioned..." reported Grey. He described a head that emerged out of water on a tall and powerful neck. It was "dragon-like" and accompanied a body some 100 feet in length and eight feet across at the widest. The head was five feet long and eighteen inches in diameter. There was concern that the ship, running light without cargo, might be tipped and overturned if the creature attempted to clamber aboard. "Presently I noticed something dripping from the ugly lower jaw," continued Grey, "Watching, I saw that it was saliva, of a dirty drab color, which dripped from the corners of the mouth". Eventually the creature turned away and the danger was averted. The Tresco's log for that day reads: 10AM Passed school of sharks followed by a huge sea monster. 1903 May Adolf Josef Lanz, now calling himself Dr. Jorg LanzLiebenfels, publishes a scholarly article in Ludwig Woltmannn's Politisch-Anthropologische Revue 2. (This is his first known use of the name Liebenfels. Lanz by this time was also using a doctoral title, and although there is no evidence of his having earned a degree from the University of Vienna, one may have been conferred by some other university.) 1903 May, CHAIM NACHMAN BIALIK Wrote the poem In the City of Slaughter. In this poem Bialik chastised the Jews for not defending themselves in the massacre of Kishinev. Herzl was also affected by Kishinev and he decided to visit Russia and give

679 consideration to the Uganda Plan. In America, groundwork was laid for the American Jewish Committee and American Jewry was cast into international prominence. 1903 October 22, LENIN AND THE JEWISH QUESTION (Russia) In an article in the Journal Iskra (The Spark) he wrote "The Jewish question can be posed in this way only: assimilation or ghetto... The idea of a Jewish nationality contradicts the interests of the Jewish proletariat." 1903 Orville Wright makes the first successful flight in a selfpropelled airplane. 1903 Philipp Maschlufsky begins editing the occult periodical Die Gnosis in Vienna. It was later acquired by a group of Berlin Theosophists who amalgamate it with Rudolf Steiner's Luzifer. (Roots) 1903 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an alleged plan for Jewish world takeover, is published in the Russian news media. 1903 Reilly interferes with the Rothschilds who are dabbling in Arabian Oil. 1903 RICHARD F. WEYMOUTH produced The New Testament in Modern Speech. The Sunday School Institute of 1843 became the National Sunday School Union. BENJAMIN PURNELL founded the House of David. BILLY SUNDAY was ordained to the ministry. DALLAS BILLINGTON was born January 23rd in Kentucky. DAVID OTIS FULLER was born. PIUS X became pope. First auto crossing of the U.S. in 65 days. HENRY FORD founded Ford Motor Company. The first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17th by ORVILLE and WILBUR WRIGHT. 1903 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research expands influence. Tsarion 1903 Rudolf Steiner publishes Luzifer, a Theosophically oriented periodical, in Berlin (until 1908). 1903 September 1, GOMEL/HOMEL (Russia) Von Plehve, the Russian Minister of the Interior who helped promote the Kishinev pogroms, instigated another pogrom. In spite of a vigorous defense, twelve Jews were killed and two hundred and fifty homes were destroyed. Thirty-six of the defenders were prosecuted, together with the perpetrators of the pogrom. 1903 September An Association of Occultism in Vienna establishes a lending-library, where its members can consult the works of Zollner, Hellenbach and du Prel. (Die Gnosis) 1903 September Die Gnosis publishes an article by Guido von List indicating the new theosophical cast of his occult thinking. (Roots) 1903 Tesla patent #723,188 and #725,605 contain principles of logical AND circuit element. Tsarion

680 1903 Tesla's money problems grow more severe. J.P. Morgan sends the remainder of the promised $150,000, but it barely covers bills. Tsarion 1903 The "haunted" Refugio mine in the Chispa Mountains 60 miles southwest of Alpine, Texas, which had been abandoned in spite of a large amount of silver ore still remaining within. As one investigator attempted to enter a "drift", a thunderous noise and a rush of air came from the tunnel, throwing him against the opposite wall, bruised and dazed. As the air subsided "one of the post piercing and plaintive cries I ever heard" emerged, the terrorized Henry Boyd said. The phenomena was repeated as he left the mine, and later attempts to work the mine ended in injury and terror, some of the men who later attempted to enter the enigmatic tunnel were thrown repeatedly broken and bruised against the tunnel walls as if by an invisible force. 1903 The Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party is held in London. This meeting splits the new party into two factions, the Bolsheviks (majorityites), led by Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), and the Mensheviks (Minorityites), led by Yuri Martov. Leon Trotsky sides with the Mensheviks. Even though he admires Lenin and his pragmatism, he fears that Lenin's "elitist" organizational methods will lead to dictatorship. 1903 Theodor Herzl endorses British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain's plan to establish a Jewish homeland in East Africa. After two years of squabbling, the Zionist Congress again rejects the socalled Uganda Plan in 1905. 1903 Uganda Proposal for settlement in East Africa splits the 6th Zionist Congress. A committee is created to look into it. 1903 United States immigration adds Epileptics and insane persons to the list of excluded persons. Tsarion 1903 Weymouth's New Testament in Modern Speech Richard Francis Weymouth (1822-1902), a distinguished classical scholar, was a Baptist layman profoundly interested in the New Testament. In 1886 he published an edition of the Greek New Testament, presenting the text on which the majority of nineteenth century editors were in agreement. He called this edition "The Resultant Greek Testament" (London James Clarke & Co.) 1903 William J. (Bill) Donovan studies law at Columbia University. Tsarion 1903 [ 55 ], 5 . DAVID BALFOUR 2, . , , , , 1948,

681 LOUISE (NEE = VON ZEDLITZ) FITZHERBERT 1906 Lower Hutt, , Charlotte Balfour. , , 2-3 , . 2 . 1903 2 . ( ). (). (= ) . 1903, . 1903, Max Nordau, in his address to the 6th Zionist Congress in Balse, Switzerland, revealed the plan for even greater conflagrations, the coming world wars: "Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward ... The Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future World War; the Peace Conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." The Communist Manifesto of 1848 set Europe ablaze with revolutions, wars and counter-revolutions. Onward and upward, over the bodies of fifty million more dead Christians this was Max Nordau's ecstatic vision of the coming World War, and so it came to pass. Professional historians have never been able to offer a satisfactory explanation of how the European nations became embroiled in the first World War. Max Nordau, the man who dreamt of the deaths of 50 000 000 Christians 1903, 3.000. . . . Joseph Stalin [ 1903 - 1905] Lenin. . 6 , . 4 13. 1903, Joseph Stalin [ 1903 - 1905] Lenin. .

682 1903, 4 13. 1903, 6 , . 1903 24 1903. , . , , . ( ). , , . 1903: Sergei Witte is dismissed by Nicholas II 1903: The Social Democratic Labour Party splits into Bolsheviks (led by Vladimir Lenin) and Mensheviks (led by Julius Martov) 1903: the suffragette movement (Women's Social and Political Union) is founded 19031906 More pogroms in Russian Empire. Unlike the 1881 pogroms, which focused primarily on property damage, these pogroms resulted in the deaths of at least 2,000 Jews and an even higher number of non-Jews. 1903-4. , : 14.667 1904. , : 5.640 1904 -- Assassination of Russian Premier Vischelev von Plehev. - 1904 -05 Russo Japanese War is fought; Japan acquires Korea and Manchuria. 1904 A sighting by the U.S.S. Supply off of the eastern coast of Korea, as reported by then Lt. Frank H. Schofield, later to become Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet: Three objects appeared beneath the clouds, their color a rather bright red. As they approached the ship they appeared to soar, passing above the broken clouds. After rising above the clouds they appeared to be moving directly away from the earth. The largest had an apparent area of about six suns. It was eggshaped, the larger end forward. The second was about twice the size of the sun, and the third, about the size of the sun. Their near approach to the surface appeared to be most remarkable. That they did come below the clouds and soar instead of continuing their southeasterly course is also curious. The lights were in sight for over two minutes and were carefully observed by three people whose accounts agree as to the details."

683 1904 Aleister Crowley, on his honeymoon in Cairo, is led by his new bride to meet his "Guardian Angel" Aiwas. 1904 August 15 The Austrian DAP is officially founded at Trautenau (Trutnou). Two of the party's first leaders are from Hitler's hometown of Linz. (Unknown Nazis) 1904-05 - - . 1904 Autumn Adolf Hitler meets August Kubizek at the Linz Opera House, and they soon become close friends. 1904 Barringer meteorite discovered. 1904 Britain concludes the Entente Cordiale with France. 1904 Carnegie Institution of Washington establishes a biological experiment station at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Eugenicist Charles B. Davenport is assigned to be director. Tsarion 1904 Chaim Weizmann settles in England, joins the faculty of the University of Manchester and becomes a leader of the British Zionist movement. 1904 Dr. A. Ploetz, a German gentleman-scholar, founds the Archiv fur Rassenkunde und Gesellschaftsbiologie (Archives of Racetheory and Social Biology). (Science) 1904 Eugenics established as a course at University College in London. Tsarion 1904 Eugenics laboratory established at Cold Springs Harbor on Long Island, constructed by Charles B. Davenport. Cold Springs Harbor was also the location of the estates of both Dulles brothers. Cold Springs facility is funded in excess of $11 million by the Harrimans and the Rockefellers. Tsarion 1904 First ultraviolet lamps invented. General theory of radioactivity postulated. Tsarion 1904 German Alfred Ploetz founds the Archive for Racial and Social Biology, which becomes the chief journal of the German eugenics or race hygiene movement. Eugenics is popularized in Germany by Ernst Haeckel. Tsarion 1904 German chemical companies negotiate to merge interests. Tsarion 1904 January 17 The first issue of the DAP (German Workers Party) newspaper appears in Austria. (Unknown Nazis) 1904 John D. Rockefeller issues Occasional Letter No.1 detailing plans to mold the people, reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, traditional and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, in order to perfect human nature. Tsarion

684 1904 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels publishes the conclusion of "Anthropozoon biblicum" in Vierteljahrsschift fur Bibelkunde. (Roots) 1904 Jorg Lanz-Liebenfels (Adolf Josef Lanz) publishes two more anticlerical books, Das Breve 'Dominus ac redemptor noster' (Frankfurt 1904) and Der Taxil Swindel (Frankfurt 1904). 1904 July 3 Theodor Herzl, the Hungarian credited with founding modern political Zionism dies at Edlach, Austria. 1904 June Klara Hitler sells her house in Leonding and moves into a comfortable apartment in nearby Linz. 1904 Kuhn Loeb & Co., (a Rothschild international banking firm) financed the war of Japan against Czarist Russia. (A planned revolution in Czarist Russia followed one year later; but it failed, because the Jews had not yet turned the people against the Czar) The Japanese destroyed the Russian navy in a surprise attack in undeclared war. 1904 March 17 Franklin D. Roosevelt marries Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, his sixth cousin. President Theodore Roosevelt, her uncle, comes to New York City to give the bride away. The young couple sees a great deal of "T. R." and his liberal ideas and strong leadership help Franklin to decide on a career in politics. 1904 May 22 Adolf Hitler is confirmed at the Linz cathedral. 1904 September Adolf Hitler reenters Realschule at Steyr, Austria. 1904 September--Spring Heeled Jack makes his "final bow" in Everton, Liverpool. 1904 Summer Hitler leaves Steyr Realschule. He soon falls ill and recuperates with his mother's relatives in Spital, Austria. 1904 The formation of the Anglo-French Entente alarms the nationalistic leadership in Germany. 1904 44 , 15, 24, 57 29. 1904 8 1904, () . 1904, . 1904, " ". 1940 , 1990, . 1904, .

685 . . 1904, . 1904, , Association Antimaconnique de France . 1904: British troops occupy Tibet 19041914 The Second Aliyah occurs. Approximately 40,000 Jews immigrated into Ottoman-occupied Palestine, mostly from Russia. The prime cause for the aliyah was mounting anti-Semitism in Russia and pogroms in the Pale of Settlement. Nearly half of these immigrants left Palestine by the time World War I started. 1904: Liberal revolution in Paraguay 1905: failed bourgeois-liberal revolution against Tsar Nicholas II in Russia. 1905-1906: Persian\Iranian constitutional revolution 1905-1906: Maji Maji Rebellion in German east africa 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia, concerning the Pharisees, states: "With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was (is) regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition. Pharisaism {has} shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future." Historically speaking, True Israelites have accepted Christ as the Messiah as foretold in the Scriptures. They were NOT JEWS and called themselves "Christians." They were persecuted as such by the Pharisees. In fact the word "Pharisee" comes from the word "separated," because they were separated and different from the True Israelites. 1905 -- Assassination of Grand Duke Sergius and Idaho Governor Steunenberg. Abortive revolution in Russia. Expanded version of Protocols of Zion published. - 1905 "Buzzing" UFO descends from heavy overcast and flies over Portland, Oregon. 1905 : ... ( )... .

686 , "Espresso". , , ' , ... .... 1) ( )... 2) ( )... 3) ... 4) 1905... ... ... ... 1905 A general strike and revolution breaks out in Russia.Trotsky returns to take a leading role in the St. Petersburg (later Petrograd) Workers' Soviet. He is arrested, tried, and again exiled to Siberia. 1905 Albert Einstein publishes three scientific papers and obtains a Ph.D. degree from the University of Zurich. The second of his 1905 papers proposes what is today known as the special theory of relativity. 1905 Aleister Crowley leads an "ill-fated" expedition to Kangchenjunga in the Himalayas. The expedition fails amidst various allegations, including cannibalism. 1905 American labor leader Eugene V. Debs founds the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). 1905 An article written by Adolf Josef Lanz first appears in Theodor Fritsch's Hammer. 1905 An expanded edition of the Protocols of Zion are published. 1905 Anglo-Chinese agreement. Chinese agree to reduce domestic opium production. Tsarion 1905 Assassination of Ohio governor Steunenberg. Tsarion 1905 At the 1905 World Zionist Congress one Jewish group withdraws after the majority of delegates again rejects a British proposal for establishing a Jewish homeland in Uganda. Despite opposition from fundamentalist and assimilationist Jews as well as other internal divisions, the Zionist organization begins to gather strength. (Grolier) 1905 Benedictine monk Adolph Lanz forms the Order of the New Temple, and was publisher of the magazine Ostara, which had the ancient symbol of the swastika on the cover. In later years, Adolph Hitler would meet with Lanz at Lambach Abbey, where Hitler would be introduced to

687 Vienna's occult orders. The organization promoted Aryan Templarism and a war with worldwide Jewry, who were seen to be the secret masters behind the manipulation of world political and financial systems. It is from this meeting that Hitler would develop the ideas brought forth in Mein Kampf. Tsarion 1905 British Fabian Society opens an American branch, the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS). Changed name to League for Industrial Democracy in 1921. One of the founders was John Dewey, who would travel to Russia in the late 1920's to help organize a Marxist educational system. Tsarion 1905 Cullihan diamond discovered. 1905 . : KOESTLER, Arthur 190583. Author. After living in Palestine for five years (192631), Hungarianborn Koestler returned to Europe and joined the Communist party, but abandoned it during the Stalinist purges of 19368. His disillusionment later produced his political novel Darkness at Noon (1940). He was in Spain during the Civil War and spent several months as a prisoner of the Franco forces. He wrote much on Zionism and Palestine, and his novel Thieves in the Night (1946) was widely acclaimed. After the creation of Israel he advocated assimilation for Diaspora Jews. 1905 Czar Nicholas II grants a constitution to the Russian people. 1905 Czar's uncle, Grand Duke Sergei, killed by Jewish assassin. 1905 December 7--Two British naturalists aboard the yacht Valhalla, on a scientific cruise 15 miles off the mouth of the Parahiba in Brazil, spotted a strange animal in the water at mid-morning on December 7, 1905. E.G.B. MeadeWaldo wrote: "I ... saw a large fin or frill sticking out of the water, dark seaweed-brown in color, somewhat crinkled at the edge. It was apparently about 6 feet in length, and projected from 18 inches to 2 feet from the water." After securing field glasses, he watched a "great head and neck [rise] out of the water in front of the frill; the neck did not touch the frill in the water, but came out of the water in front of it, at a distance of certainly not less than 18 inches, and from 7 to 8 feet was out of the water; head and neck were all about the same thickness. The head had a very turtle-like appearance, as had also the eye.... It moved its head and side in a peculiar manner; the color of the head and neck was dark brown above, and whitish below-almost white, I think." 1905 Dr. A. Ploetz founds the GeselIschaft fur Rassenhygien(Society of Race-hygiene). (Science) 1905 Einstein formulates his Special Theory of Relativity and photon theory of light. Tsarion

688 1905 Eleven states in the U.S. have compulsory vaccination laws; 34 states do not. No states physically force injections on citizens. Vaccination was made compulsory without state legislation providing for analysis of its history. Tsarion 1905 First Communist Revolution in Russia fails. Lenin sent to Switzerland. Funds used for this first attempt provided by John D. Rockefeller through Standard Oil representatives. Tsarion 1905 Food and Drug Act passed in the United States. Tsarion 1905 Friedrich Wannieck, his son, Friedrich Oskar Wannieck, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and fifty other prominent Austrians and Germans sign the first public announcement concerning support for the proposed Guido von List Society. (GLB; Roots) 1905 From 1905 until the First World War, a great deal of literature was in evidence that attacked the intellectual nature of education. Tsarion 1905 Germany attempts to isolate France diplomatically by supporting Moroccan independence. Contrary to German expectations, Britain rallies to the support of France. 1905 March-- In the March 30, 1905, edition of the Barmouth Advertiser, a Welsh newspaper, it was reported that over a period of three nights a "man dressed in black" had appeared in the bedroom of an "exceptionally intelligent young woman of the peasant stock.... This figure has delivered a message to the girl which she is frightened to relate." This curious incident allegedly occurred in the midst of a religious revival in which sightings of mysterious lights figured prominently. It is the first known report of a "man in black" in an arguably UFO context. 1905 Middle-class liberals in Russia form the Constitutional Democratic party (Cadets). 1905 New York Times notes in its obituary of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild that he possessed $60 million in American securities, despite the fact that financial authorities deny Rothschilds are active in U.S. finance. Tsarion 1905 Readers of Theodor Fritsch's Hammer, then numbering more than three thousand, begin organizing themselves into local HammerGemeiden (Hammer-Groups). (Roots) 1905 Rene Guenon publishes Le Roi du Monde. 1905 Sergei Nilus, a Russian scholar and religious mystic publishes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. as an appendix to the second edition of his work The Great in the Small, or the Advent of the Antichrist and the Approaching Rule of the Devil on Earth (first ed., 1901). He later published three revised editions (1911, 1912 and 1917). (Segel/Levy)

689 1905 The Japanese destroy the Imperial Russian fleet at the Battle of Tsushima. 1905 The Petersburg Soviet of Workers is formed by a group of Communist radicals in St. Petersburg. 1905 The union of Norway and Sweden is dissolved, and Haakon VII is elected king of Norway. 1905 Two-hundred thousand workers and their families stage apeaceful march to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The Czar's palace guards panic and fire into the crowd, killing 500 marchers. Afterward, the day becomes known nationwide as "Bloody Sunday." 1905 W.E.B. Du Bois forms the Niagara Movement and demands full civil rights for all black Americans. 1905 Winter Adolf Josef Lanz, alias Dr. Jorg Lanz-Liebenfels, publishes the first issue of Ostara, a popular and vehemently racist, antisemitic magazine. This same year, Lanz publishes the fundamental statement of his doctrine, entitled, Theo-Zoology or the Lore of the Sodom-Apelings and the Electron of the Gods. Lanz's specific recommendations for the disposal of so-called racial inferiors included deportation to Madagascar, enslavement, incineration as a sacrifice to God, and forced labor as beasts of burden. (Note, After Hitler came to power in 1933, Madagascar was often suggested by the Nazis as a place for the deportation of the Jews. This odd choice seems to be a direct link to Lanz and his theories. Lanz published the first issue of Ostara at Graz, but it was henceforth published at Rodaun until mid 1913. It was then published at Moedling until 1917, when the first series (Ostara I) was discontinued. Ostara II was published for a brief time in 1922 at Magdeburg. Ostara III was published in Vienna from 1927 to 1931 sponsored by Johann Walthari Wolfl. 1905 Zinoviev returns to Russia representing Lenin and theBolsheviks during the 1905 Revolution. 1905 , . 1905 , (), . 1905, . 1905, . , " ". 1905, 2 250.000 , .

690 1905 Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin, the demon-possessed, glassyeyed, licentious, mad monk, came to Bishop Sergius, rector of the Theological Seminary of St. Petersburg in 1903, with a powerful letter of introduction from Chrysanthos, Archminandrite of the Orthodox Kazan eparchy within the Orders stronghold of Siberia. Immediately well received, this Caesar Borgia of Russia was introduced into the court of Tzar Nicholas II and his German Empress, Alexandra the darling of the Jesuits. Years later and for a job well done, the Orders Masonic Joseph Stalin would restore the Orthodox Papacy in 1942 by appointing Sergius the first Patriarch of All Russia. All of Rasputins political enemies, including Prime Minister P. S. Stolypin, were removed or assassinated and by 1916, while the Tzar was away at the war front, Rasputin, in controlling the Empress, became the virtual ruler of Russia, abolishing the Russian Parliament (the Duma) and, in the name of the Tzar, promoting anti-Jewish laws and pogroms thereby igniting the Orders Zionist Bolshevik Revolution. Both Rasputin and Stalin had a common mentor Bishop Hermogen the rector of Tiflis Theological Seminary at which several Jesuits were instructors. Iliodor, a typical Jesuit agitator of states, was the great promoter of this man of God, preaching to huge crowds about the mad monks life and powers while secretly playing the spy for his master, Hermogen. 1905, 17 . . . 1905: Britain apologizes to the Boers of South Africa for the war and grants independence to the Transvaal and the Orange Free State 1906 , , ! SONNINO, Sidney 18471922. Prime minister of Italy. The son of a Jewish father and a Protestant mother, Sonnino became prominent in Italian politics as an economist and financial expert. Before World War I, he was twice prime minister in 1906 and 1909. He was foreign minister during the war and, as such, headed the Italian delegation to the Paris Peace Conference. 1906 . , . . 1905

691 , . 1906 , . , , , . , . , , . : , , , . , . . , , . . . , , . , , . , . , , . , . . ; ; . . , , . . , . , ,

692 , . , , . . , , . , . , , . , , . . 1906 -- Assassination of Russian General Dubrassov. - 1906 -1907 The Jews of Oklahoma petition the Constitutional Convention protesting that the acknowledgment of Christ in the new State constitution then being formulated would be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States. The Jews force "The Merchant of Venice" to be dropped from public schools in Texas and Ohio. 1906 Charles Fort begins writing about unexplained events he gleans from newspaper reports. Many of these are about mysterious flying craft. 1906 China and Britain agree to reduction of opium production. Tsarion 1906 Election in England. Tsarion 1906 Ernst Haeckel, an eminent zoologist, founds the Monist League, repeatedly warning against the dangers of race-mixing. (Roots) 1906 First Pure Food and Drug law in the United States passed. Tsarion 1906 G.V. Butmi publishes a third version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his Vragi Roda Chelovecheskago (Enemies of the Human Race, St. Petersburg, 1906-7). (Segel/Levy) 1906-09 - . 1906 H.M.S. Dreadnought, the first modern battleship, is launched by Great Britain. 1906 Hitler and August Kubizek visit St. Georgen on the River Gusen, the site of an ancient German battle. Hitler tells Kubizek that

693 much could be learned from the "spirits" residing in the ancient soil and in the mortar between the cracks of the ruined buildings. At exactly this same time, both Lanz and List were telling their students in Vienna this same story. (Kubizek) 1906 Hitler quits school in Linz without graduating. 1906 In Germany, followers of Haeckel form the influential Monist League, pressing for a government patterned along Darwinian lines. Tsarion 1906 Investigations into the content of Coca-Cola are halted by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Tsarion 1906 J.P. Morgans Southern Railroad Merger. Tsarion 1906 July Noted Theosophist Harald Gravell van Jostenoode writes a complete issue of Lanz-Liebenfel's Ostara. Gravell demands the return of the Crown Jewels and Holy Lance of the Holy Roman Empire to the German Reich. (To the Pan-Germans, the return of the regalia (Reichskleinodien) to a new imperial capital at Nuremberg represented the restoration of a neo-Carolingian Greater German Empire under Hohenzollern rule, which would then reabsorb the historic "German" territories of Austria, Bohemia and Moravia, as well as Belgium, Holland and Scandanavia.) (Roots) 1906 March 19 Adolf Eichmann is born in the Rhineland but his family later moves to Austria. 1906 November Hitler attends Wagner's opera Rienzi in Linz and is greatly affected. He soon becomes an ardent admirer of Richard Wagner, and most especially his racist theoretical writings. According to August Kubizek, Hitler read Wagner's works in a private library owned by the wealthy father of a friend, and is already an ardent antisemite. (Kubizek) 1906 Russian General Dubrassov killed by Jewish assassin. 1906 Spring Adolf Hitler becomes infatuated with a girl named Stefanie in Linz, but never dares to speak with her. Instead he attempts to communicate with her by telepathy, according to August Kubizek. 1906 Summer Hitler makes his first visit to Vienna, spending several weeks sight-seeing and attending the opera. With whom he stayed and other details of his visit remain uncertain. 1906 The Aga Khan III forms the All-India Moslim League. 1906 The Algeciras Conference in Spain approves the French plan of establishing a protectorate over Morocco. 1906 The Dreyfus affair ends after Alfred Dreyfus is vindicated by a civilian court and readmitted into the French army. 1906 Two articles written by Adolf Josef Lanz appear in Theodor Fritsch's Hammer #5. 1906 William A. Rockefeller dies in Freeport, Illinois Tsarion

694 1906, "Mystery meteor" performs weird aerial maneuvers over Syracuse, New York. 1906, . 1911. 1906, . " ", , " - , . , ". 1906: the Liberal party, representing financiers and entrepreneurs, comes into power 1907 -- Financial panic and depression allegedly caused by J.P. Morgan to gain support for the central bank concept. - 1907 -1908 Widespread demand by the Jews for the complete secularization of the public institutions of this country, as a part of the demand of the Jews for their constitutional rights. Supreme Court Justice Brewer's statement that this is a Christian country widely controverted by Jewish rabbis and publications. Jews agitate in many cities against Bible reading. Christmas celebrations or carols in Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Paul and New York met with strong Jewish opposition. 1907 A torpedo-shaped UFO explodes over downtown Burlington, Vermont. Seen by Bishop John S. Michaud, former governor Alexander Woodbury, A.A. Buell and others. 1907 After graduating from Harvard University, Franklin Roosevelt completes his studies at Columbia University Law School in New York City, and soon begins to practice with a leading New York law firm. 1907 After it appears that his mother has made a complete recovery, Hitler moves to Vienna with the hope of dedicating his life to a career as an artist and painter. 1907 Allan Dulles secretary to Hague Peace Conference. Tsarion 1907 At the Indiana State Reformatory, 475 males receive vasectomies. Tsarion 1907 Britain signs a treaty of friendship with Russia. 1907 Bureau of Chemistry empowered by Congress to police quality of U.S. food. Tsarion

695 1907 December 21 Klara Hitler dies of breast cancer. Dr. Bloch will later say he has never seen a more grieving son than Adolf Hitler. Many years later, Hitler personally arranges for the Jewish doctor to leave the country unmolested. 1907 December 23 Klara Hitler is buried next to her husband in the Catholic cemetery at Leonding. 1907 December 24 Hitler's relatives ask him to spend Christmas at their home, but he chooses to spend all evening alone as he will every Christmas Eve for the rest of his life. (Waite) 1907 December 25 Jorg Lanz Liebenfels celebrates Christmas Day by hoisting a swastika flag from the high tower of Burg Werfenstein. Two flags were flown, one displaying the Liebenfels blazon, while the other showed a red swastika surrounded by four blue fleur-de-lis upon a golden field. (Herndl; Roots) 1907 December Hitler returns to Linz after learning from a friend of mother's that she has had a relapse. (Bloch; Frau Prezemeyer, Waite) 1907 O . , 27 . . 1907 December Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels writes an article entitled "Der Orden des neuen Templels" in Ostara I, # 18, stating that he is founding a museum of "Aryan" anthropology, for which he has secured a suitable site (i.e. Burg Werfenstein). He also sets out the ONT program, describing it as an "Aryan" mutual-aid association founded to foster racial consciousness through genealogical and heraldic research, beauty contests, and the foundation of racist utopias in the underdeveloped parts of the world. (Roots) 1907 December The Sphix Reading Club, an occult study-group is founded by Franz Herndl, in Vienna. 1907 England passes the Vaccination Act of 1907, after the newly elected government comes to power. The act allowed a statutory objection from a parent relative to a child vaccination before the child was four months old. Tsarion 1907 Franz Hermann Schmidt was travelling along the Solimoes River in Colombia along with Captain Rudolph Pfleng. Pfleng and Schmidt encountered some huge tracks along the shores of a small lake. Nearby trees were stripped to a height of 14 feet. The following day, Schmidt, Pfleng and their Indian guides saw a dark shape among the trees on the shore. A large tapir-like head was suspended on a snakelike neck more than 10 feet above the ground. The creature advanced towards the party but did not seem agitated. It was some 8 or 9 feet tall, with clawed

696 flippers in place of legs. The explorers opened fire on the beast and it dove back into the water. 1907 Guido von List who has often used the aristocratic title "von" in his name since 1903, finally enters the title in the Vienna address book of 1907. This soon comes to the notice of the nobility archive, which urges an official inquiry. (Roots) 1907 Indiana passes the world's first compulsory sterilization law for all confirmed criminals, idiots, rapists and imbeciles who were confined in state institutions. By 1908, 30 states passed similar laws. Tsarion 1907 J.P. Morgan precipitates Banking Panic of 1907 after Rothschild visits, as a future example of America's need for a central bank. J.P. Morgan would eventually gain control of all large insurance companies in the U.S. Tsarion 1907 January 18 Klara Hitler, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, has a mastectomy at the Sisters of Mercy Hospital in Linz. The surgeon is Hofrat Dr. Karl Urban. He is assisted by the family doctor, Eduard Bloch, a Jew. (Waite) 1907 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels purchases the ruins of an ancient medieval castle, Burg Werfenstein, outside the village of Struden near Grein in Upper Austria, with the aid of his wealthy friends. Lanz soon converts it into the headquarters of the Order of the New Templars (ONT). (Roots) 1907 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels will later claim more than 100,000 copies of Ostara were circulated in 1907. It was widely distributed from tobacco stands and extremely popular with the right-wing fencing associations. (Daim; Roots) 1907 Jorg Lanz-Liebenfels (Adolf Josef Lanz) publishes Theosophy and the Assyrian 'Man-Beasts.' 1907 Karl Brandler-Pracht, returns from the United States and soon afterward founds the First Vienna Astrological Society. (Roots) 1907 Labor Zionist Organization of America; Poale Zion, was organized in the U.S., to shape labor activities. 1907 Lazar Kaganovich begins work in a shoe factory in Moszyr, fifty miles north of Kabany. He had been introduced to the trade by his uncle, Levich Kaganovich. The Kaganovich clan, itself, was huge and Lazar had numerous relatives throughout Russia. Although a Jew, Lazar had refused to be bar mitzvahed. 1907 Leon Trotsky again escapes abroad from Siberia and continues to write extensively. 1907 .

697 1907 - . 1907 Major Percy Fawcett, noted explorer of the Amazon, recounted not once, but twice encounters with a giant anaconda snake. The snake's first mention in Fawcett's memoirs has been recorded thusly: "The manager at Yorongas told me he had killed an anaconda fifty-eight feet long in the Lower Amazon." Although Fawcett confessed that initially he thought this an exaggeration, he placed stock in its validity after an encounter of his own: "We were drifting along in the sluggish current not far below the confluence of the Rio Negro when ... there appeared a triangular head and several feet of undulating body. It was a giant anaconda. I sprang for my rifle ... and hardly waiting to aim smashed a .44 soft-nosed bullet into its spine ... As far as it was possible to measure, a length of forty-five feet lay out of the water, and seventeen feet in it, making a total length of sixty-two feet ... A penetrating foetid odour emanated from the snake, probably its breath, which is believed to have a stupefying effect ... The Brazilian Boundary Commission told me of one killed in the Rio Paraguay exceeding eighty feet in length!" 1907 Max Altmann begins to publish the widely popular Zentralblatt fur Okkultismus, which was edited by D. GeorgiewitzWeitzer, who wrote his works on modern Rosicrucians, alchemy and occult medicine under the pseudonym G.W. Surya. (Roots) 1907 November Hitler is called home by the family doctor, Dr. Eduard Bloch. The doctor later wrote that Hitler displayed no sign of animosity or racial prejudice, and was one of the most grieving sons he had ever seen. (Bloch) 1907 October 1 The Panic of 1907 causes runs on banks across America and brings about a collapse of the stock market and the depression of 1907-1908. J.P. Morgan and friends import $100 million in gold from Europe to help shore up U.S. currency. (Schlesinger I) 1907 October 2 Guido von List tells the magistrates investigating his alleged nobility that his family was descended from Lower Austrian and Styrian aristocracy. List claims his great-grandfather had abandoned the title after entering a burgher trade (inn keeper), but that he had resumed the title after leaving commerce for a literary career in 1878. (Balzli; Roots) 1907 October Hitler fails his entrance examination to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. 1907 Rasputin, real name Grigori Yefimovich, gains influence at the court of Russian emperor Nicholas II. 1907 Schoenerer and the Pan-German party are defeated in the Austrian parliamentary elections.

698 1907 The "Panic of 1907" begins with the collapse of the U.S. stock market, allegedly caused by J.P. Morgan to gain support for the centralized banking concept. 1907 The Deutsch-Soziale Reformpartei wins only six seats in the German parliament. (Roots) 1907 The Triple Entente, a series of bilateral agreements,is formed between Britain, France and Russia. Europe is thus divided into the two armed camps. 1907 U.S. Depression of 1907 created by International Bankers. Tsarion 1907 United States immigration adds imbeciles and feebleminded persons to the exclusion list. Tsarion 1907 Universal male suffrage is introduced in Austria. 1907 [1875-1907], 32 , . 4 . . 1907, . 1907, . - Royal Dutch-Shell Grupp. 1907, 33 . 1907, , Franz Xavier Wernz. 1907, . 1907, 5 . 1907: Britain and Russia negotiate the status of Persia, Tibet and Afghanistan 1907: New Zealand becomes a self-governing dominion of the British empire 1907: Romanian Peasants' Revolt 1908: Young Turk Revolution, Young Turks force the autocratic ruler Abdul Hamid II to restore parliament and constitution in the Ottoman Empire. 1908 Public demonstration in the Sultanahmet district of Istanbul, during the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 1908 -- Assassination of King Carl of Prussia and Crown Prince of Portugal. FBI founded. Founding of the Armanen Initiates, another proroNazi secret society. -

699 1908 -1909 Protests made to Governor of Arkansas against "Christological expression" employed by him in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation. 1908 Albert Einstein submits a paper to the University of Bern and becomes a privatdocent, or lecturer, on the university faculty. 1908 April Hitler returns home one day and announces to Kubizek, "Hey! Today I became a member of the anti-Semitic Union and I enrolled you too." Kubizek later wrote that he remembered Hitler expressing antisemitic sentiments as early as 1904 or 1905. (Kubizek; Waite) 1908 August Kubizek joins Hitler in Vienna and becomes his roommate at number 29 Stumpergasse. 1908 Austria announces its annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Austrian's expansion intensifies its rivalry with Russia and eventually leads to war. 1908 Coast of Delaware: The English ship Mohican, piloted by Capt. Urghart, was going to Philadelphia when it was surrounded by a thick, luminous cloud which "magnetized" everything on board. The compass was observed to swing wildly. When seamen tried to move some chains on the bridge, they found that they were glued to the metal floor. Suddenly the cloud rose and was seen above the sea for some time. 1908 Cyrus R. Teed (the first Koresh) dies in America. 1908 December 31 Simon Wiesenthal is born at Buczacz in what was then Austria-Hungary. 1908 Depose The Sultan. In 1908 the Jewish Young Turks revolt and force the Sultan Abdl Hamid II into submission. 1908 Dr. Walter Riehl joins the Austrian DAP. 1908 February Hitler returns to Vienna and settles into a flat at number 29 Stumpergasse. 1908 Federal Bureau for Investigation founded in the U.S. Tsarion 1908 Ford Motor Company produces the first Model T. 1908 Founding of the "Armanen Initiates", another proto-Nazi secret society. 1908 Founding of the Armanen Initiates, another proto-Nazi secret society. Tsarion 1908 Fritz Haber synthesizes ammonia. Tsarion 1908 Guido von List publishes the first three of his seven Guido List Bucherei. GLB 1 (Geheimnis der Runen) was a key to the meaning and magical power of the runes. GLB 2 (Die Armanenschaft der ArioGermanen) was a study of the political authority and organization of the Wotanist priesthood (Armanenschaft), and GLB 3 (Die Rita der ArioGermanen) an esoteric interpretation of folklore and place-names. (see also 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1914) (Roots)

700 1908 Guido von List, identifies the swastika (Hakenkreus) as an ancient symbol of racial purity, as well as a sign of esoteric knowledge and occult wisdom. 1908 I.G. Farben discovers sulfanilamide. It is kept secret for 28 years. Tsarion 1908 the Empire would be given a secret inquisitional police, the Bureau of Investigation, known today as the FBI. Its Director would protect the Papal-Caesars Mafia from prosecution, denying its existence for years. ( --!) 1908 In the German colony of South-West Africa, all existing mixed marriages are annulled and such marriages are forbidden in the future. The Germans involved are deprived of their civil rights. Dr. E. Fischer, a Dozent in anatomy at the University of Freiburg, begins to investigate the 'bastards' (persons of mixed blood, born mainly of unions between Dutch (Boer) men and Hottentot women) of Rehoboth in German South-West Africa (now Namibia). (Science) 1908 In the Sea of Ochotsk: The crew of the ship Ochotsk suddenly sees an unusual green-white light that broke out under the stern, which soon occupied most of the waters surface. This luminous surface had an oval shape and moved for some time together with the ship, then gradually separated from it and flew ahead of it. It moved away fast and shone as a strip. 1908 . 1908 July 11-- Russian writer V. K. Arsenyev recounted this experience in the Sikhote Mountains near Vladivostok in the far eastern region of what would be the USSR: "The rain stopped, the temperature of the air remained low and the mist appeared over the water. It was then that I saw the mark on the path that was very similar to a man's footprint. My dog Alpha bristled up, snarled, and then something rushed about nearby trampling among the bushes. However, it didn't go away, but stopped nearby, standing stock-still. We had been standing like that for some minutes.... Then I stooped, picked up a stone and threw it towards the unknown animal. Then something happened that was quite unexpected: I heard the beating of wings. Something large and dark emerged from the fog and flew over the river. A moment later it disappeared in the dense mist. My dog, badly frightened, pressed itself to my feet. After supper I told the Udehe-men about this incident. They broke into a vivid story about a man who could fly in the air. Hunters often saw his tracks, tracks that appeared suddenly and vanished suddenly, in such a way that they could only be possible if the 'man' alighted on the ground, then took off again into the air."

701 1908 July From July 1908 to the end of World War I, Lanz will personally write 71 issues of Ostara. (Ostara was the pagan goddess of Spring.) (Roots) 1908 July Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels publishes the 25th issue of Ostara. This issue features another contribution by the Theosophist, Harald Gravell van Jostenoode, which outlines a thoroughly Theosophical conception of race, quoting Annie Besant, the successor of Madame Blavatsky at the Theosophical Society in London, as well as Rudolf Steiner, Secretary General of its German branch in Berlin. (Roots) 1908 July Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) writes a series of nine pagan commandments. He claims that his father had initiated him into the family secrets in 1890, and that he is able to recall the history and experiences of his tribe over thousands of years. (Roots) 1908 June 30--An explosion occurs over Tunguska in Siberia, which is heard for 620 miles around. It flattened 500,000 acres of trees for miles around. It was equivalent to 10-15 megatons of TNT. Whole nomad villages disappeared. In London, it was reported that from about 12 midnight to 2am, the northern sky glowed a reddish color so bright that people could read by it. On June 30 (Tuesday) there was a marked disturbance in magnets and the glow was just as bright Wednesday night, but magnets were not disturbed. Some speculate this could have been a test of Tesla's energy weapon, in Tesla's last attempt to get some more funding for his planet-wide wireless power transmission system. Some say it was a meteor or UFO crashing, but there was no crater. 1908 March 2 The Guido von List Society is officially founded in Vienna by supporters who are attracted to the distinctive admixture of nationalism and occultism propounded by this strange, pagan mystic. In the years between 1908 and 1912 scores of well-known figures in Austria and Germany join. Membership lists can be found in GLB. (Roots) 1908 November 18 Hitler moves out of his flat, leaves no forwarding address, and doesn't speak to Kubizek again until March 1938. Police records show Hitler moved to new lodgings on the Felberstrasse only a few blocks away. He lived at this new address from November 18, 1908 to August 20, 1909. 1908 October Hitler fails his art examination at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna for a second time. 1908 Spherical black UFO with a brilliant spotlight hovers and flies over Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Seen by John E, Flynn, Philip S. Prophett and others. 1908 Spring Festivals held at Burg Werfenstein are believed to be the earliest organized ONT activities. Several hundred guests arrived by steamer from Vienna to the sound of a small cannon fired from the beflagged castle. The large party was treated to a concert in the castle

702 courtyard and festivities lasted late into the night with bonfires and choirsinging. This event was widely publicized in the Austrian national press, thus helping to publicize Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, ONT and Ostara to a much broader audience. (Herndl; Roots) 1908 Standard Oil achieves transcontinental U.S. pipeline. Tsarion 1908 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is founded. 1908 The Tunguska fireball explodes in Siberia with the force of a modern H-bomb. 1908 The Young Turk Revolution in Turkey leads to political reform. 1908 Tunguska explosion in the Soviet Union [;]. Tsarion 1908, the Committee for Union and Progress, better known as the Young Turks, carried out a military coup, overthrew the sultan, and took power in the Ottoman Turkish empire. Once in power, they carried out a racist campaign of suppressing all non-Turkish minorities. Within four years, their anti-minority campaigns provoked the Balkan wars of 191213, among Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia. By 1914, these wars had triggered World War I, with Turkey becoming an ally of Germany. Within seven years of coming into power, the Young Turks destroyed the Ottoman Empire. British intelligence had manipulated every nationalist group in the Empire, both the Young Turks, and their opponents. When the Young Turks took power, the Ottoman Empire still included Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, and the Arabian Peninsula. The empire still included much of the Balkans: half of Greece, half of Bulgaria, half of Serbia, and all of Albania. Its land area was much bigger than present-day Turkey. Although most of the population of the Ottoman empire were Turks, there were also large numbers of Slavs, Greeks, Arabs, Armenians, and Kurds. The Ottoman empire was a multi-ethnic empire, as were the nearby Austrian and Russian empires. The Young Turks came to power waving the banner of democracy, but they soon picked up the banner of pan-Turkism. The idea was to form a state that included all the Turkic peoples of Asia. Since half of these people lived in Russia, this policy meant a collision with Russia. But pan-Turkism was not created by the Young Turks or even in Turkey. It was first called for in the 1860s by a Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery, who had become an adviser to the sultan, but who secretly worked for Lord Palmerston and the British Foreign Office. Vambery later tried to broker a deal between the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl and the sultan, over the creation of Israel. The Young Turks also raised the banner of a pan-Islamic state. The idea was to bring all the Muslim peoples of the world into one empire, whether or not they were Turkish. This was another goal that meant conflict with Russia. This idea was also not created by the Young Turks

703 or in Turkey. It was first called for in the 1870s by an English nobleman named Wilfred Blunt, whose family had created the Bank of England. Blunt was a top British intelligence official who advocated using Islam to destroy Russia. Blunt's family later patronized the British KGB spy "Kim" Philby. 1908 Turkish Sultan Abdul Hmid buys the Hope Diamond for $400,000, gives it his wife, and later stabs her to death. 1908, , , , , [] . , - . , , 1912-13, , , , . 1914, , , . , . ; , ... ! : , , , , , . : , , , . . , , , , , . - , [ ] . , . [Turkic] . , . 1908 Voodoo cult is broken up in New Orleans.

704 1908 Wiligut (Weisthor) meets Theodor Czepl of the Order of the New Templars (ONT) through an occult circle in Vienna, whose members included Willy Thaler, a cousin of Wiligut, his wife Marie Thaler, a well-known actress, and several other ONT brothers.(According to Frau B., a source of Rudolf Mund, Hitler is said to have also frequented this group between 1908 and 1913.) (Roots) 1908 William Durant, founds General Motors (GM). 1908 William Thomas Manning (1866-1949) becomes the Episcopal rector of Trinity Parish in New York City. Manning had been born in Northampton, England, and immigrated to America. 1908 Young Turk revolution. 1908 Zinoviev is briefly Imprisoned in Russia. After his release, he rejoins Lenin in western Europe, where he edits various Communist newspapers. 1908 [] [ , ] . 1908, . 1908, , , , ", ". 1908 , ' ' , . , , , . , ' . , , , . ' . .

705 , , : , . . , , . . , , . , . , , . , , ' . , . 1908, . 1908, . 1908, . 1908, Ghulam Ahmad 18 . 1908, "" ( 1908) "" , . , , , " ". " " , , ' , . 1908. FDR was one of Donovans classmates. (See 1915) Tsarion 1908: Britain and Germany engage in a "naval race" 1908: Margaret Murray performs autopsy on an Egyptian mummy 1908 - Federal Council of Churches founded by John D. Rockefeller. By 1908, the national assemblies of the constituent bodies [of the Inter-Church Conference on Federation] had adopted the Constitution, and the Federal Council [of Churches] came into being." 84:257 The Federal Council of Churches of Christ in the America was

706 used routinely by the Rockefellers to further their personal interests in church circles. Rockefeller donated to the Federal Council's Department of Church and Economic Life and promoted the concept of an international church. This is how ecumenism got its beginning as Rockefeller became its most important financier of liberal and ecumenical Protestantism. 540:154 1909 C.I. Scofield, a member of the Niagara Prophecy Conference with Blackstone, publishes his Scofield Reference Bible which promotes the teaching that places Israel back in the land of Palestine during the Tribulation Period. The Scofield Reference Bible, whose notes explained Biblical texts from a dispensational perspective, was published in 1909 and became an authoritative and effective recruiter for the [fundamentalist, dispensationalist] movement. - 517 See: 1878: Blackstones tract promotes Zionism leading to First Niagara Prophecy Conference. 1909 -1910 On demand of the Jews, the school board of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, votes to discontinue the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in the school. In Newark, New Jersey, the rabbis ask the night schools to discontinue Friday evening sessions, because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday. The work of introducing the idea of Jewish national holidays into public life especially active. 1909 A hundred miles southwest of Trondheim, Norway, Lilledal is a small valley running into Sundalen fjord from the south, close to the bottom of Sundal. A subterranean passage is said to go through the Fjeld Kalken which rises over Yulevolden, reaching from Hovedalen to Lilledalen. An iron gate is supposed to be in the passage with a guard dog(s?) tied to it, and only a few have gone that far. A red-haired dog is once said to have gone in at Lilledalen and after a long time came out by Maele in Sundalen, but it was hairless on one side. 1909 Albert Einstein receives an appointment as associate professor of physics at the University of Zurich. He is by now recognized as a leading scientific thinker throughout German-speaking Europe. 1909 Adolf Hitler (a half Jew) met with Lanz and became his student. ! : AntiJewish publication in Vienna called Ostara started by a half Jew named Adolf Joseph Lanz who married to Jewess Libenfels, changed his name to Dr. Georg Lanz von Liebenfels and later added the title Baron. The magazine was blatantly anti-Semitic and promoted the Roman Catholic Church and the pure Aryan race. The Thule Order was a secret society created by Lanz. It later played a major role in the formation of the Nazi Party and the rise of Adolf Hitler. In 1907 Lanz hoisted up a Swastika flag over the castle in Werfenstein. 1909 Aleister Crowley receives his "mountaintop revelations".

707 1909 August 20 Hitler moves into a flat on Vienna's Sechshauserstrasse. 1909 August 29 Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung arrive in New York City on their way to be honored for their work at Clark University in Massachusetts. This will be Freud's first and only visit to America, but Jung will make several return trips. 1909 Carnegie Institution of Washington incorporated by Daniel Coit Gilman, Frederic Delano, Cleveland Dodge, and others. Tsarion 1909 December 22--Possible UFO crash in Chicago. Six years after Kitty Hawk, newspapers from New York to Chicago were astounded by national reports of a huge airship flying across the nation and seen by thousands. It crashed west of Chicago, but was never found. The story was front-page news in the nation's major newspapers. 1909 December Hitler takes up residence at Vienna's Asylum for the Homeless. 1909 FDR invests in Oak Island Treasure Company off Nova Scotia. Tsarion 1909 Formal foundation of the "Round Table Group". 1909 Franklin D. Roosevelt takes part in the digging at the Money Pit. 1909 Germans discover how to convert coal into gasoline. Tsarion 1909 Guido von List publishes his GLB 4 (Die Namen der Volkerstamme Germaniens und deren Deutung) a continuing study of his esoteric interpretations of folklore and place-names. (Roots) 1909 Harriman Research Institute formed when E.H.Harriman dies. Tsarion 1909 July 28--New Zealand, Dunedin: An airship apparently came down over the city of Dunedin. A resident in the North Eastern Valley reported that he was awakened by a horrible noise at about two o'clock this morning,' he told a reporter. The noise was like a ship dragging her anchor up or a windlass of a steamer with dry-gear wheels working. I got up and went round to the front and I saw something floating up past Knox College. It was a great black thing with a searchlight attached.'" 1909 Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) resigns his membership in the Schlarraffia, a quasi-masonic lodge he had joined in Gorz in 1889. He had attained the grade of Knight and the office of Chancellor. His lodge name was Lobesam. (Roots) 1909 Lanz von Liebenfels begins writing to Philipp Stauff at Enzisweiler near Lake Constance. (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1909 Lord Alfred Milner begins organizing round table groups in chief British dependencies and in the United States. (to 1913). Tsarion 1909 Louis Bleriot flies an airplane of his own design from France to England.

708 1909 Lt. Paul Gratz described a "degenerate saurian which one might well confuse with the crocodile, were it not that its skin has no scales and its toes are armed with claws," which he said inhabited swamps near Lake Bangweulu, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia). He called it nsanga, and said that he was shown a piece of its skin on the island of Mbawala. The same year, naturalist Carl Hagenbeck recounted in his autobiography how two seperate individuals--a German named Hans Schomburgh and an English hunter--told him about a "huge monster, half elephant, half dragon," which lived in the Congo swamps. Joseph Menges, another naturalist, told Hagenbeck that "some kind of dinosaur, seemingly akin to the brontosaurs," lived in the swamps. Hagenbeck sent an expedition to the Congo to search for the monster, but the effort was quickly aborted due to disease and hostile natives. 1909 , : 30.000 . 1909 March 23--England, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire: The first mystery airship - or "scareship", as it has since become known - was seen in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, by two police officers in different parts of the city. A long oblong body with a light attached passed overhead at speed, making "the steady buzz of a high power engine." After a six-week long investigation, a Peterborough police spokesman claimed that the officers had seen an illuminated kite. 1909 Marconi shares the Nobel with German Carl Braun for separate but parallel development of the wireless telegraph. Tsarion 1909 Massachusetts Senate introduces bill prohibiting compulsory vaccination. Tsarion 1909 Massachusetts, Worcester: Witnesses reported rays proceeded from a lamp about the size of the searchlight of an automobile. As it came nearer it was apparent that the lamp was attached to a large black object, but the machine was so high that its form could not be distinguished." The object circled around Worcester, moved west to Marlborough where it was also observed and then returned to Worcester where it hovered for a time over an insurance building before leaving the area. 1909 More than 100 people across eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey swore they saw a flying hooved creature known as the Jersey Devil. 1909 New York Press, January 26, 1909, publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person. Scientific evidence begins to mount that where human lymph is employed in a vaccine, syphilis, leprosy and TB soon follow. Where calf lymph is

709 employed in the creation of a vaccine, TB and cancer soon follow. (Cancer and Vaccination by Esculapius). Tsarion 1909. The building of Titanic has begun at a shipyard in Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. Belfast is the Protestant haven of the Irish and is hated by the Jesuit Order. 1909 Report from newspapers: Caves near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers in the Grand Canyon. Hopi legends say that their ancestors once lived underground with a friendly race of "ant people", but some of their kind turned to sorcery and made an alliance with lizard or serpent men known as the "two hearts", which dwelt in still deeper caverns below. The "flood" of evil and violence forced the peaceful Hopi's to the surface world. An explorer named G. E. Kincaid claimed to have found "one of" the ancient caves, in which were reportedly discovered Oriental, Egyptian & Central American type artifacts. Smithsonian archaeologists S. A. Jordan and associates also explored the man-made cavern with hundreds of rooms, enough to hold over 50 thousand people. The underground city is about 42 miles up river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon and Crystal Creek, and about 2000 feet above the river bed on the east wall. 1909 'Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)' 1909, 1922 1940 . ( ) , . , , , , ( ) . ' ; ' . ; ; , ; , , 1955; 1909 Rockefeller Sanitary Commission established. Beginning of Rockefeller Foundation. Tsarion 1909 Summer Hitler visits Georg Lanz von Liebenfels at his home. (Lanz was interviewed by Daim on May 11, 1951, and confirmed this meeting with Hitler. (Daim)

710 1909 T. Henry Moray begins to experiment with extraction of electricity from the ground. Tsarion 1909 Tel Aviv is founded on sand dunes near Jaffa. Young Judaea, a zionist youth movement, is founded. 1909 Wales, Caerphilly: Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road near the mountains when he saw on the grass a large tubelike machine. Aboard were two men wearing furs and talking excitedly in a language the witness could not understand. The grass was found depressed at the site after the object had flown off. 1909 Walter Rathenau, Zionist, Financial Dictator of Germany, selected by the International Bankers after World War I in The Wierner Free Presse, December 25, 1909 "Only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of Europe. They elect their successors from their entourage. These Jews have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of any State which they find unreasonable." 1909 Winter Adolf Hitler is said to have first seen the Holy Lance (Helige Lanz) at the Hofburg Treasure House in Vienna. (Ravenscroft) 1909 62 34 . 14 , 20, 29 34 55. 1909 . [Fundamentalism. In America, the movement protesting against liberal theology became known as fundamentalism. Fundamentalists believed not only in the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, but also in a whole series of evangelical doctrines published around 1909 under the title of THE FUNDAMENTALS]. 1909, 33 . , . 1 1909 , , , , , , , , , . , , , 1922. 1909, , , , .

711 1909 Cesare Lombroso (1835 1909), , , , . , . , 6 1835. 1852 1858. , , - , . - 1859, , . , . 1864, { } . , , . 1909 Walter Rathenau, head of German General Electric, said in 1909: Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves. 1909, . " ", , . 1909, , 1916, ' ... .

712 1909, , . 1909: Lloyd George's reforms tax land to pay for sickness, invalidity and unemployment insurance 1909-1913 Lord Alfred Milner organizes the "Association of Helpers" into various Round Table Groups in the British dependencies and the United States. - 1910 -- Attempted assassination of Mayor Gaynor of NYC. Secret meeting of bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, Georgia, results in Federal Reserve Act. - 1910 -1911 An attempt to have Hebrew officially recognized was frustrated by Supreme Court Judge Goff. Chicago Jews have election date changed because the official date fell on the last day of the Passover. Jews oppose Bible reading and singing of hymns in Detroit schools. Rabbis force Hartford, Connecticut, school board to drop "The Merchant of Venice" from reading list. New York Kehillah does two contradictory things; favors bill to permit Jews to do all kinds of business on Sunday, and pledges itself to co operate in the strict enforcement of the Sunday laws. 1910 A "little green man" was captured from a crashed UFO in Puglia in Italy (perhaps 1915). 1910 :- : . . . . : () 104 285 / 464 (' 11 62 ). , 911 . , . , ' 1912 , ' , . 1910 A prospector is attacked by a "Mountain-Devil" near Mount Saint Lawrence, Washington.

713 1910 AMA requests Carnegie Foundation to survey all U.S. medical schools. Simon Flexer (later to be a director of the Rockefeller Foundation) produces the report. Tsarion 1910 Arcanum Boston Chapterhouse burns down under mysterious circumstances. The Arcanum opens two new chapterhouses: Washington D.C. and San Francisco. 1910 Attempted assassination of Mayor Gaynor of New York. Tsarion 1910 August 5 Hitler testifies in court during a lawsuit he had filed against Reinhold Hanisch, an ex-business partner. 1910 Autumn A Hammer group is established in Magdeburg. 1910 Averell Harriman's mother finances building of the Eugenics Records Office, an American branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London. 1910 British politician Winston Churchill is appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. 1910 Carnegie institutes his Wundt model of volkschulen, school for the masses, in his home town of Gary, Indiana between 1910 and 1914. The system had no academic endeavor at all. The Gary system was pioneered by William Wirt. Tsarion 1910 December Rudolf Glauer (Rudolf von Sebottendorff) claims to have founded a mystical lodge in Constantinople while writing a study on Baktashi dervishes. (Roots) 1910 Dr. James Douglas founds the National Radium Institute for treatments. Tsarion 1910 Dr. Olin West becomes Tennessee director of Rockefeller Sanitary Comm. Tsarion 1910 Edward VII dies and is succeeded by his only surviving son, who becomes King George V. 1910 Emma Goldman (1869 1940), radical anarchist and writer, lectures in thirty seven different cities on a six month speaking tour; she is later deported to Russia for her controversial stance on government. 1910 February 9 Adolf Hitler settles into quarters at the Mannerheim, a comfortable residence for bachelors in Vienna. (Note, Josef Greiner later claimed that Hitler had a substantial collection of Lanz von Liebenfels' magazine, Ostara. He also claimed to remember Hitler engaging in heated discussions about Lanz's racial ideas with a fellowboarder named Grill.)(Daim) 1910 First TB Sanitarium opened. TB death rate 180:100,000. Tsarion 1910 Guido von List publishes Die Bilderschrift der ArioGermanen or Ario-Gernische Hieroglyphik (GLB 5), a glossary of secret "Aryan" messages in hieroglyphs and heraldic devices. (Roots)

714 1910 January The Jewish population of Vienna increases to 175,294 out of a total of 2,031,420 (8.75%). Jews in some neighborhoods accounted for 20 percent of the residents. 1910 Japan acquires a source of cheap and abundant sugar on Formosa. Incidence of tuberculosis (TB) rises dramatically in Japan. Tsarion 1910 Jean Monnet moves to Montreal and soon becomes associated with the Hudson Bay company and the banking firm, Lazard Brothers. 1910 Large cigar-shaped UFO hovers over Huntsville, Alabama and Chattanooga, Tennessee, playing its bright spotlight over both cities. 1910 May 30 Philipp Stauff writes a letter to Heinrich Kraeger in which he mentions the idea of an antisemitic lodge with the names of members kept secret to prevent enemy penetration. Stauff was convinced that the powerful influence of Jews in German life could be understood only as a result of a widespread Jewish secret conspiracy, and such a conspiracy could best be combatted by a similar antisemitic organization. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz) 1910 Meeting on Jekyll Island to plan Federal Reserve System. Nelson Aldrich. Tsarion 1910 Moray able to extract enough power from the ground to operate a small electrical device. Moray enrolls in a correspondence course in electrical engineering. Tsarion 1910 New Zealand, Invercargill: Several witnesses among them the vicar, the Mayor, and a policeman saw a cigar-shaped object hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard shouting some words in an unknown language. The opening closed, and the object accelerated and was lost to sight. 1910 November 8 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected to the New York state senate. 1910 Philipp Stauff joins the List Society and quickly becomes one of its most active members. (Roots) 1910 Philipp Stauff moves to Kulmbach in Franconia from Enzisweiler on Lake Constance where he had published a nationalist newspaper since 1907. (Roots) 1910 Bluefields Corinto. 1910 Rockefellers have achieved working control of the Carnegie Foundations. The Educational Trust controls all jobs in education, and is run out of Stanford and Columbia Teachers College. Tsarion 1910 Tesla Ozone Company incorporated. Later, Tesla Propulsion Company would build turbines for ships. Tsarion

715 1910 The one-room schoolhouse is no longer in existence in the United States. Tsarion 1910 The Round Table Quarterly begins publication. 1910 The Round Table Quarterly begins publication. Tsarion 1910 Two prospectors are decapitated by a large humanoid near Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories. 1910 Zygmunt Mineyko he went to Turkey and then he moved to Greece where he spent the rest of his life. He helped Greece in the wars against Turkey in 1896, 1897 and 1912. For example, he prepared the plans for capturing the city of Janina from the enemy. In the 1912 war, these plans were crucial in achieving a victory. King Konstantin (18681923) decorated Zygmunt with the highest medals for his service to the country (1917 and 1922). He also worked in the Greek government administration. He was a manager of engineering department of Greek army. The Greek Parliament in 1910 conferred an honorary citizenship on him. He deposited his memoirs and articles in the Library of Jagielonian University. 1910 1910, 33 . 1910, 19 . 1910: Transvaal, Orage Free State, Natal and Cape unite in the Union of South Africa 1910: The World Peace Foundation {formerly the International School of Peace} is founded by educational publisher Edwin Ginn. One of the first books published by the foundation is The First Book of World Law (1911) with chapters on "The World Judiciary," "The World Executive," and even on "The Universal Postal Union." 1910: the Mexican Revolution overthrows the dictator Porfirio Daz; seizure of power by Institutional Revolutionary Party. 1910: republican revolution in Portugal 1910-1911: the Sokehs Rebellion erupts in German-ruled Micronesia. Its primary leader, Somatau, is executed soon after being captured. 1911: the Xinhai Revolution overthrows the ruling Qing Dynasty and establishment of the Republic of China. 1911: The eleventh edition of The Encyclopedia Britannica is published in which one reads concerning Cecial Rhodes that "...he had found an object to which he proposed to devote his life. It was nothing less than the governance of the world by the British race. A will exists written in Mr. Rhodes' own handwriting... when he was still only twentytwo... It ends with a single bequest of everything which he might die

716 possessed, for the furtherance of this great purpose. Five-and-twenty years later his final will carried out, with some difference in detail, the same intention... He left the bulk of his vast wealth for the purpose of founding {Rhodes} scholarships at Oxford." 1911-1913: Kiev, Russia: This is by far the most important proved Ritual Murder case of the 20th century and is generally known as the Beiliss Case. In 1911, a 13-year-old Christian boy's body was found at Kiev with curious wounds and drained of blood. A Jew named Beiliss was arrested on suspicion. It was proved that the murder took place inside the premises of a Jewish brick factory to which only Jews had access. This factory contained a Jewish hospice with a secret synagogue attached. After long-drawn-out preliminaries, Beiliss, who was proprietor of the factory, was tried; the jury found that there was no proof that he himself was the culprit, although half of them considered he was; the verdict therefore having to be unanimous, he was declared Not Guilty. But the jury agreed as to the cause of the boy's death; their verdict about this was as follows: "The boy after being gagged, was wounded with a perforating instrument in the nape of the neck, temples and neck, which wounds severed the cerebral vein, the left temporal and jugular arteries, producing thus profuse hemorrhage; and afterwards, when Joutchinski (the boy's name) had lost about five glasses of blood, his body was pierced with the same instrument, lacerating thus the lungs, the liver, the right kidney and the heart, where the last wounds were inflicted, in all 47 wounds, causing acute suffering to the victim and the loss of practically all the blood of the body, and finally death." 1911 Assassination of Prime Minister Staliapin of Russia by police double agent. Standard Oil of New Jersey broken up as illegal monopoly. - 1911 , : Between 1905 and 1914, Russia progressed very well with landownership programs for farmers. Russia gave voting rights to its people and raised their standard of living. Tsar Nicholas gave Russia a representative government and a constitutional monarchy. A legislative body called the Duma was created and free elections were held. Jewish Marxist terrorists tried to assassinate Premier Stolypin in 1906. The second assassination attempt succeeded when a Jewish attorney Mordecai Bogrow shot and killed the Premier in 1911. By 1911, Russia produced 40% of the worlds crop of grain products. The Russian population was angry with the Jews because they knew it was the Jewish leadership that had set up all the public violence in order to overthrow the government. Russian mobs attacked Jewish stores and homes and over 800 Jews were killed. The violence continued and by 1911 approximately 50,000 Russians had

717 been killed in bombings, shootings and mass attacks on civilians. In 1906 approximately 600 Jewish Marxist/Socialistic terrorists were executed by the Russian Government. The world started blaming the Russian government of being anti-Semitic. Between 1907 and 1908 another 2,328 Jewish Marxist/Socialistic Terrorists were executed by the Russian Government after trials of military tribunals. The result is that about 35,000 Jewish terrorists fled to Palestine, United States and Europe. 1911 -13 Beilis trial (Russia & Poland). 10th Zionist Congress; Warburg president (Zionism). Death of Hermann Adler; Death of Samuel Montagu in England. 1911 -1912 Jews in Passaic, New Jersey, petition school board to eliminate Bible reading and all Christian songs from schools. At request of a rabbi, three principals of Roxbury, Mass., public schools agree to banish Christmas tree and omit all references to the season from their schools. A Jewish delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention suggests that the Constitution be made to forbid Christian religious references in schools. The Council of the University Settlement, at the request of the New York Kehillah, adopts this resolution "That in the holiday celebrations held annually by the Kindergarten Association at the University Settlement every feature of any sectarian character, including Christmas trees, Christmas programs and Christmas songs, shall be eliminated." 1911 Aleister Crowley joins the OTO. 1911 April 15 A Grand Lodge is formed with Theodor Fritsch as Grand Master, but the work of formulating rules and rituals is undertaken by theWotan Lodge. (Roots) 1911 April 5 The Hammer group in Magdeburg institutes what is called the Wotan Lodge, with Hermann Pohl elected Master. (Roots) 1911 Assassination of prime minister of Russia. Tsarion 1911 Britain issues large loan to Persia, with Persia opium reserves as collateral. Tsarion 1911 Britain passes the Official Secrets Act prevents future discussion of anything the government deems secret. Tsarion 1911 - . 1911-41 - [flare-ups]. 1911 Carnegie Corporation incorporated by Andrew Carnegie and Elihu Root. The directors for the Carnegie Corporation in the future would include Mark Kaplan, president of Drexel Burnham and Lambert (Belgian Rothschilds). Tsarion

718 1911 Death rate for diabetes in Denmark is 8 per 100,000. Tsarion 1911 Denmark sugar consumption 82 pounds per person annually. Tsarion 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica contains a guide for acquisition, operation and care of the opium pipe. Tsarion 1911 General vaccination programs against typhoid begin in the United States. Tsarion 1911 Guido von List publishes his GLB 2a (Die Armanenschaft der Ario-Germanen. Zweiter Teil), continuing his "exploration" of the Wotanist priesthood. (Roots) 1911 International Conference on the narcotic problem held at The Hague. It was agreed to regulate the narcotics trade. Tsarion 1911 Italian forces seize Tripoli. 1911 Italy's attempt to annex Cyrenaica and Tripolitania leads to the Italo-Turkish War. 1911 January 18 Johannes Hering, a member of the local Hammer group in Munich, the Pan-German League and a close friend of both Guido von List and Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, writes to Philipp Stauff, the prominent volkisch journalist, telling him that he has been a Freemason since 1894, but this "ancient Germanic institution" has been polluted by Jewish and parvenu ideas. He concluded that a revived "Aryan" lodge would be a great boon to antisemites. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1911 John Foster Dulles joins the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell in New York City. 1911 July The Germans send a gunboat to Agadir to put pressure on the French to guarantee German iron interests in West Morocco and also to cede parts of the French Congo to Germany during what is called the second Moroccan crisis. (Roots) 1911 June 23 Guido von List takes members of the HAO on a "pilgrimage" to the St. Stephen's catacombs in Vienna, where List claimed to have first sensed Wotan while still a child. They then continued on to other Wotanist "sanctuaries" on the Kahlenberg, the Leopoldsberg and at Klosterneuburg. (List; Roots) 1911 June 24 During the next three days, List and 10 members of the HAO, including Philipp Stauff, travel to Bruhl near Modling, Burg Kreuzenstein, and finally Carnuntum, where a photo of the "pilgrims" is taken. (Roots) 1911 Lazar Kaganovich first sees Leon Trotsky, at a speech in Kiev. Trotsky, he later said, was already a well-known figure throughout Russia. 1911 Licensed opium dens in Shanghai numbered 87. Tsarion

719 1911 March 21 Johanna Polzl, Hitler's aunt, dies after giving him a modest inheritance shortly before her death. 1911 May 4 Hitler is ordered by a court in Linz to surrender his orphan's pension to his sister, Paula. 1911 Mikhail Kaganovich, the older brother of Lazar Kaganovich, is arrested for being a member of the Bolshevik party.(Wolf) 1911 Miners in Lovelock Cave, California (or Nevada?), discovered one (or several?) very tall, red-haired mummies, ranging from 6 and a half feet to 8 feet tall. One mummy eventually went to a fraternal lodge where it was used for "initiation purposes." 1911 : () (1911) 191. ' / 31 , , ' . , , . , . . , ' . ' , . 15 1389 . , , , . ', , . . ' , ' , ' . . '

720 . . ( ') , . , ' . , ' . , ' . , ' , . , , . ' ' ' , . , , . , . , , ' , . 1911 Moray begins to realize the energy he has been working with is oscillatory in nature, and that the energy was not coming from the Earth, but from some outside source to Earth. The oscillations were further realized as being more like waves from the sea in nature. (See 1925) Tsarion 1911 New York, New York: "Mystery airship" flies under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. 1911 November 11 Guido von List receives a letter from an individual calling himself "Tarnhari," who claims to be the descendant or reincarnation of a chieftain of the ancient Wolsungen tribe in prehistoric Germany. During the early postwar years this same person (Ernst Lauterer) is closely associated with Dietrich Eckart, Hitler's mentor in the early days of the Nazi Party. (Tarnhari popularized List's writings during

721 WWI as can be seen from the writings of Ellegaard Ellerbek (Gustav Leisner), a volkisch-mystical writer who paid extravagant tribute to both List and Tarhari.) (Roots) 1911 Otto Warburg became president of Zionist Organization. Otto Warburg, an international financier and banker and scion of the Warburg family, followed Wolffsohn as president [of the Zionist Organization]. He held the position from 1911 to 1920, during which time Practical work in Palestine was emphasized. This practical work meant the purchasing of land and the establishment of Jewish colonies there. The Great War, later known as WWI, brought a halt to the activities of the ZO, during its length. The head office, which became located in 1911 in Berlin was separated from the Zionists living in the Allied Countries as opposed to those living in the Central Power countries. In 1915 a liaison office was opened in neutral Holland, in Copenhagen, and in 1917 with the issuance of the Balfour Declaration, the political center of the ZO was transferred to London, where the London Zionist Conference of 1920 was held, the first gathering of the ZO after the war It is also interesting to note that at the same time that Herzl was president of the ZO from 1897 to 1904, he also simultaneously held the position of Chairman of the Zionist General Council, a feat repeated by Otto Warburg during his tenure from 1911-1920. 1911 November Hermann Pohl sends a circular to some fifty potential antisemitic collaborators, stating that the Hammer group in Magdeburg has already established a lodge upon appropriate racial principles with a ritual based on Germanic pagan tradition. Pohl urges his correspondents to join his movement and to form lodges of their own, adding that this project has the full support of Theodor Fritsch. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1911 October 25 Winston Churchill is appointed First Lord of the Admiralty in Britain. 1911 Otto Richard Tannenberg a well-known Pan-German writer, publishes Greater Germany, The Work of the Twentieth Century, urging his countrymen to create a great European empire by uniting all German and German-related peoples. (Architect) 1911 Raimundo de Aleluia Mafra abducted. 1911 Rudolf Glauer (Rudolf von Sebottendorff) becomes a Turkish citizen in Constantinople. (Roots) 1911 Russian Prime Minister Peter Stolypin is killed by Jewish assassin named Mordecai Bogrov. 1911 September 14 Russian Prime Minister Pyotyr Stolypin is assassinated while watching an opera with the Czar in Kiev. The assassin, Dmitri Bogrov, is said to be a terrorist, but was later discovered to be a police agent.

722 1911 September 6 Dr. Jorg Lanz-Liebenfel (Adolf Joself Lanz) uses the title "von" on his letterhead to Johannes Hering (the first traceable use by Lanz).(Bundesarchiv, Koblenz) (Goodrick-Clark says Lanz was using title by 1903.) 1911 Summer The Hoher Armanen-Orden or High Armanen-Order (HAO), a tiny inner circle of initiates within the List Society, is formally founded at the midsummer solstice, when the most dedicated List Society members in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, including Philipp Stauff, travel to meet their Austrian colleagues in Vienna. (Roots) 1911 Supreme Court orders that Rockefeller Standard Oil Monopoly be broken up. Tsarion 1911 The Austrian DAP wins three seats in the Austrian parliamentary elections. 1911 The Hope Diamond is bought by the American tycoon Ned McLean for $154,000. 1911 . 1911 50 ! 1911, , . 1911, , 14, , . " ", ' . 1911: a Parliament Act weakens the House of Lords 1911: the New Zealand scientist Ernest Rutherford discovers that the atom is made of a nucleus and orbiting electrons 1911: universal health care is introduced. 1911 (1911-1914). 1911 , 1917, . 1914 1917 Entente -, . , -,

723 . , . , . , . , . . . . . , , . , . , , ' . (Horton) 1912 -- Assassination of Primier Canalegas of Spain. Attempted assassination of Teddy Roosevelt. Colonel E.M. House, adviser to Woodrow Wilson, publishes Philip Dru: Administrator, a political romance which proposed modern social legislation. Founding of Germanen Order, another pre-Nazi secret society. - 1912 - Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson, publishes Phillip Dru: Administrator, in which he promotes "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx." - 1912 it was said of the Jesuits: To-day they are stronger in the United States than they ever were in any of the countries of Europe which expelled them as a menace to the government. 1912 -1913 Jews at Jackson, Tennessee, seek an injunction to prevent the reading of the Bible in City schools. Annual Convention

724 Independent Order B'nai B'rith at Nashville, Tennessee, adopts resolution against reading of the Bible and singing Christians songs in public schools. 1912 -1941 American troops were sent into China. The disorders which began with the Komintang rebellion in 1912, was redirected by the invasion of China by Japan and finally ended with the war between Japan and the United States in 1941, led to demonstrations and landing parties for the protection of U.S. interests in China, continuously and at many points from 1912 to 1941. 1912 A U.S. federal committee investigates J.P. Morgan and his various business operations. Many believe that his mergers and consolidations have created unfair monopolies and developed restrictive trade practices. 1912 Aleister Crowley founds the British OTO. 1912 Alfred Moray explores artificial production of ionizing radiation while in Sweden. Tesla explored same processes before 1900. Tsarion 1912 American Indian, Jim Thorpe, wins both the decathlon and the pentathlon at the Olympic Games in Stockholm. George S. Patton places fifth in the pentathlon. 1912 - . 1912 - . 1912 An intensely black object is seen upon the moon, estimated to be 250 miles by 50 miles wide. 1912 April 8--Over Chisbury, Wiltshire, England, two triangleshaped shadows were seen in the clouds. These dark patches maintained their stationary position even as the clouds rolled on. To all appearances each was a heavy shadow cast upon a thin veil of clouds by some unseen object. After the commencement of the flying-saucer era 35 years later, it would have been noted in the UFO literature as yet another instance in which UFOs had hidden themselves in clouds. 1912 April Theodor Fritsch writes a set of guidelines for the Reichshammerbund which urges collaboration with Catholics and a coordinated propaganda campaign amongst workers, farmers, teachers, civil servants, military officers and university students. (Roots) 1912 Archduke Otto von Habsburg is born. 1912 Assassination of Spanish premier. Tsarion 1912 Attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt. Tsarion 1912 . . () , ,

725 ! , (, , , ), . ( ..), , , .. , , . , ( ) (3) ! ( ) ( ..) ! , ! : () , ( ). 1912, 29 (!) , (). 1914 (!), , , 150 . 1919, , ! 1919-1920 1921 35 . 1922 (!;) , , ! , , () 1924 , , !!! 1929 (. ) ! 1935 () ! 1936 1939 ( ).

726 1937 ( ). 1939 , 15 , , , , ( ) 10 1940 ( ..) , . , ! 1936 = , . ( , 1940) , , , ( ) , . 1912 Austrian DAP headquarters in Vienna are located in the same district where Adolf Hitler has his apartment. (Unknown Nazis) 1912 Benito Mussolini becomes editor of the Milan-based, Socialist party newspaper Avanti! 1912 China becomes a republic. 1912 Colonel E. Mandell House publishes the book Philip Dru Administrator, outlining plans for a central bank and the establishment of socialism in the U.S. Tsarion 1912 Colonel Edward Mandell House publishes Philip Dru, Administrator, a book who's hero seizes the government of the United States with the backing of a secret cartel of rich and powerful financiers. Dru describes his new government as "...Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx," and begins to adopt several key Marxist programs such as a graduated income tax and a graduated inheritance tax. He also prohibits the "selling of ... anything of value," just as described by Marx. Colonel House will later become President Woodrow Wilson's top personal advisor. 1912 David Mitford, Lord Redesdale, the father of Unity Mitford, names his family property in Canada, Swastika. His father, Bertram Mitford, had not only written the introduction to Houston Stewart Chamberlain's famous book, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, but was also a close, personal friend of the Wagner family. Richard Wagner's son, Siegfried, kept a photo of Bertram Mitford on his desk until his death. (The House of Mitford) 1912 Dec. 16 Truth magazine: Schiff head of Kuhn Loeb for Rothschild interests. Tsarion 1912 December The Germanenorden newsletter claims 316 members in six major German cities have already joined the new

727 organization, 99 in Breslau, 100 in Dresden, 42 in Konigsberg, Hamburg 27, Berlin 30, and 18 in Hanover. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1912 Dr. Robert Boesler, New Jersey dentist, notes that modern manufacturing of sugar has brought about entirely new diseases. Sugar has caused a vast degeneration of the people. Tsarion 1912 February Karl August Hellwig, a retired colonel and follower of Guido von List living in Kassel, drafts a constitution for the future Reichshammerbund. This document sets up a council of twelve members called the Armanen-Rat. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1912 First International Congress of Eugenics at the University of London. The president of the Congress is Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin; one of the first English vice presidents is Winston Churchill. American vice presidents included Charles Elliot, president emeritus of Harvard, and Alexander Graham Bell. Also attending was Starr Jordon, president of Stanford University. Tsarion 1912 First whooping cough (Pertussis) vaccine created by two French bacteriologists, Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou, who wanted to use it in Tunisia. After they grew Pertussis bacteria in large pots, they killed it with heat, mixed it with formaldehyde (used to embalm bodies) and injected it into children. Tsarion 1912 Founding of Germanen Order, another proto-Nazi secret society. Tsarion 1912 Founding of the "Germanen Order", another pre-Nazi secret society, in Germany. 1912 Hans Horbiger expounds on the ice and fire cosmogony that would later fire Hitlers thought patterns. Glazialkosmogonie und Welteislehre. Tsarion 1912 Heinrich Class, the antisemitic chairman of the Alldeutscher Verband (Pan-German League), publishes Wenn ich der Kaiser war! (If I was Kaiser!), appealing for the establishment of a dictatorship, the suspension of parliament, and denouncing the Jews. (Roots) 1912 Henry Moray goes to Sweden and attends the University of Upsalla to take courses by examination. Tsarion 1912 In the publication, The World Today, Tesla gives an interview, saying that it would be possible to split the planet, by combining vibrations with the correct resonance of the Earth itself. Tesla: within a few weeks, I could set the Earths crust into such a state of vibration that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet. (See 1935) Tsarion 1912 January 12 Hermann Pohl writes a manifesto for the "loyal lodges" of the Germanenorden, which stresses his desire for a fervent, rather than numerous, following, which would usher in an "AryanGermanic religious revival" stressing obedience and devotion to the cause of a pan-German "Armanist Empire" (Armanenreich) and the rebirth of a

728 racially pure German nation, in which the "parasitic and revolutionary mob-races" (Jews, anarchist crossbreeds and gypsies) would be deported. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1912 January The Deutsch-Soziale Reformpartei wins only three seats in the German parliament. (Roots) 1912 Johannes Baum founds the New Thought publishing house. Although initially concerned with translations of American material, this firm will play a vital role in German esoteric publishing during the 1920s. (Spirits in Rebellion; Roots) 1912 July Hermann Pohl publishes the first Germanenorden newsletter, which records that lodges have been ceremonially established at Breslau, Dresden and Konigsberg that spring. Lodges in Berlin and Hamburg are already active prior to this time. Brothers in Bromberg, Nuremberg, Thuringia and Dusseldorf, he writes, are still recruiting and plan to found new lodges in the near future. (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1912 Lazar Kaganovich joins the Bolshevik party in Mozyr and is designated as a party organizer. 1912 Lenin rewards Stalin by naming him to the Bolshevik Central Committee. From there, Stalin rapidly gains influence and power among the Bolsheviks and becomes the first editor of Pravda, the party newspaper. 1912 Levick Kaganovich and his family move to the U.S. Levick had been like a father to Lazar Kaganovich. His son, Morris, was Lazar's best friend. 1912 March 12 The Grand Lodge, founded on April 5, 1911, adopts the name Germanenorden upon the suggestion of Theodor Fritsch. (Roots) 1912 Taken by Browne himself, this most pitiful photograph shows condemned Irishmen, mostly Roman Catholic, boarding the doomed Titanic with the full knowledge of this heartless, Jesuit Provincial under Extreme Oath. Cleverly, the lucky priest got off the ship before the Titanic departed, knowing its final destination would be at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. Secrets of the Titanic, (National Geographic, 1986) 1912 March Theodor Fritsch, recalling the weakness of the earlier antisemitic political parties, demands a new antisemitic organization "above the parties." (Hammer #11; Roots) 1912 Mathematician David Hilbert developed new math capable of defining dimensional spaces. Meets John von Neumann in 1926. Tsarion 1912 May 24-25 Theodor Fritsch, twenty prominent Pan-Germans, antisemites, and disciples of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List found two groups to indoctrinate German society. Karl August Hellwig, a List Society member since 1908, now heads the Reichshammerbund, which has grown into a confederation of all existing

729 Hammer groups. Hermann Pohl, from Magdeburg, becomes head of the Germanenorden, a secret twin-organization. (see photo, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz) 1912 November 5 Woodrow Wilson is elected President of the U.S., defeating the Republican incumbent, William Howard Taft, and Theodore Roosevelt who has split the Republican vote by running on the independent Bull Moose ticket. 1912 October 4 Theodore Roosevelt is shot by an assassin in Milwaukee, but insists on giving his speech before being taken to the hospital. 1912 On the orders of Winston Churchill, the Admiralty investigated reports of an unidentified aircraft which flew over Sheerness in Kent. This incident triggered off a wave of sightings of phantom Zeppelin airships that were the subject of an investigation by a branch of military intelligence which, in 1916, became MI5. 1912 Philipp Stauff moves to Berlin where he soon publishes a directory of Pan-German and antisemitic groups entitled Das deutsche Wehrbuch (German Defense Book) for Heinrich Kraeger, who with Alfred Brunner, will found the Deutsch-Sozialistische Partei in 1918. (Between 1912 and 1914, Stauff will publish Semi-Gotha and SemiAlliancen, genealogical handbooks which purport to identify Jews amongst the German aristocracy. These and his other writings soon involve Stauff in a number of on-going legal suits.) (Roots) 1912 Phillip Stauff becomes a committee member of the List Society and a generous patron. (Roots) 1912 Psychologist Henry Goddard administers IQ tests to foreigners ar Ellis Island and rejects 80 percent as feeble-minded. Tsarion 1912 Rudolf Steiner breaks with the Theosophists and soon founds the Anthroposophical Society. 1912 Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro form the Balkan League for protection against their longtime common adversary-Ottoman Turkey. 1912 The Balkan League makes war on Turkey, successfully ousting the Turks from the Balkans during what is called the First Balkan War. 1912 The British luxury liner Titanic sinks after colliding with an iceberg on her maiden voyage, 1517 die, only 706 manage to survive. 1912 The corporation began to generate debts via bonds etc., which came due in 1912, but they could not pay their debts so the 7 families that bought up the bonds demanded payment and Corp. U.S. could not pay. Said families settled the debt for the payments of all of Corp. U.S'. assets and for all of the assets of the Treasury of the United States of America.

730 1912 , FED! "Les monde Malade des Jesuites"- "" . : "" . Astor, Guggenheim Straus - ! : . , ! ! , FED. 14 1912. . 23 1913 - - (!) Federal Reserve Bank FED . - - !! Rockfeller, Rothchild, Lazares, Moses Seaf, Goldman Sacs . "" , , . ! 1912 The most infamous of all scientific frauds was unearthed in 1912 in a Sussex gravel pit. With its huge human-like braincase and apelike jaw, the Piltdown Man "fossil" was named Eoanthropus dawsoni after Charles Dawson, the solicitor and amateur archaeologist who discovered it. For 40 years Piltdown Man was heralded as the missing link between humans and their primate ancestors. But in 1953 scientists concluded it was a forgery. Radiocarbon dating showed the human skull

731 was just 600 years old, while the jawbone was that of an orang-utan. The entire package of fossil fragments found at Piltdown - which included a prehistoric cricket bat - had been planted. 1912 Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili takes the alias "Stalin" from the Russian word "stal" (steel). Between 1902 and 1912, Stalin had been arrested many times, but escaped repeatedly to continue working as a Bolshevik organizer. To obtain funds for the Bolsheviks, he staged a number of robberies. 1912 Westinghouse repossesses equipment of Tesla as funding for his projects his withdrawn. Tsarion 1912 . [ 64 9 ]. [ , 24 , ]. 1912 1912, . . , 12 . 1912, . , [19121978], + [1935-2004] 1912, , , . 1912, 33 . 1912, . , . 1912, . 15 . . 787-788 , . . . 1912: Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated on June 28, 1914, which was said to have been the spark that touched off the blaze that developed into World War One. The Empress of Austria was assassinated in 1898; King Humbert in 1900; President McKinley in 1901; the Grand Duke Sergius of Russia in 1905, and the King and Crown Prince of Portugal in 1908. To prove

732 that the Illuminati acting through the Grand Orient Masons were responsible for these political assassinations the following evidence is submitted. The leaders of the World Revolutionary Movement, meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, thought it was necessary to remove King Carlos of Portugal so they could establish a Republic in Portugal so, in 1907, they ordered his assassination. In December 1907, Megalhaes Lima; the head of Portuguese Grand Orient Masonry, went to Paris to lecture to the Masonic Lodges. His subject was "Portugal, the overthrow of the Monarchy, and the need of a republican form of government". A few weeks later King Carlos and his son, the Crown Prince, were assassinated. Continental Masons boasted of this success. Furnemont, Grand Orator of the Grand Orient of Belgium, said on February 12, 191: "Do you recall the deep feeling of pride which we all felt at the brief announcement of the Portuguese Revolution? In a few hours the throne had been brought down, the people triumphed , and the republic was proclaimed. For the uninitiated, it was a flash of lightning in a clear sky...But we, my brothers, we understood. We knew the marvelous organization of our Portuguese brothers, their ceaseless zeal, their uninterrupted work. We possessed the secret of that glorious event." The leaders of the World Revolutionary Movement and the top-level officials of continental Freemasonry met in Switzerland in 1912. It was during this meeting that they reached the decision to assassinate the Archduke Francis Ferdinand in order to bring about World War One. The actual date on which the murder was to be committed was left in abeyance because the cold blooded plotters did not consider the time was quite ripe for his murder to provide the maximum political repercussions. On September 15, 1912 the "Revue Internationale des Societes Secretes" edited by M. Jouin, published the following words on pages 787-788: "Perhaps light will be shed one day on these words spoken by a high Swiss Freemason. While discussing the subject of the heir to the throne of Austria he said: 'The archduke is a remarkable man. It is a pity that he is condemned. He will die on the steps of the throne.'" Light was shed on those words at the trial of the assassins who murdered the heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife, on June 28, 1914. This act of violence committed in Sarajevo, was the spark that touched off the blaze that was developed into World War One. Pharos' shorthand notes of the Military Trial an enlightening document. They provide further evidence that the International Bankers used the Grand Orient Lodges to bring about World War One, as they used them in 1787 - 1789 to bring about the French Revolution. On October 12, 1914, the president of the military court questioned Cabrinovic, who threw the first bomb at the Archduke's car. The President: "Tell me something more about the motives. Did you know, before deciding to attempt the assassination, that Tankosic and

733 Ciganovic were Freemasons? Had the fact that you and they were Freemasons an influence on your resolve?" Cabrinovic: "Yes." The President: "Did you receive from them the mission to carry out the assassination?" Cabrinovic: "I received from no one the mission to carry out the assassination. Freemasonry had to do with it because it strengthened my intention. In Freemasonry it is permitted to kill. Ciganovic told me that the Freemasons had condemned the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to death MORE THAN A YEAR BEFORE." Add to this evidence the further evidence of Count Czerin, an intimate friend of the Archduke. He says in "Im-Welt-Krieg" "The Archduke knew quite well that the risk of an attempt on his life was imminent. A year before the war he informed me that the Freemasons had resolved on his death." 1912: William Howard Taft runs for re-election as president. 1912: a minimum wage is introduced 1912: Britain and France sign a naval treaty to fend off the threat of the German navy 1912: The "Titanic" sinks in the Atlantic ocean 1912 - . 1912-33 - . 1913 . 1913 -- Assassination of George I of Greece. Rockefeller Foundation founded. - 1913 - President Woodrow Wilson publishes "The New Freedom" in which he reveals: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - 1913 the Jesuits, in preparing to finance the coming Second Thirty Years War, would saddle the Empire with a privately owned national bank the Federal Reserve System. ( ;!) 1913 "Unionist" gunrunners cause bloodshed at Londonderry in Ireland. 1913 -1914 The energies of the Jewish powers were concentrated on the task of preventing the United States from changing the

734 immigration laws in a manner to protect the country from undesirable aliens. 1913 1924 1925 Moffatt's Translation of the Bible One of the most popular of the new versions has been that of James Moffatt (1870 1944), who translated the whole Bible into modern speech of free style. He prepared two different translations of the New Testament. The first preserved much of the language of the King James Version and was published at Edinburgh in 1901 in a volume entitled "The Historical New Testament." This was a new translation of the documents of the New Testament arranged in their chronological order according to the critical literary theories of his time. 1913 Adolf Hitler establishes contact with certain proto-Nazi circles in Munich, even before World War I. (Mein Kampf) 1913 American Charles Callahan publishes Washington, The Man and the Mason. It contain a letter wriiten by George Washington in 1798 to Reverend G.W. Snyder, acknowledging Washington's belief in the existence of the Illuminati and the revolutionary principles of Jacobinism in the United States. It is "too evident to be questioned," Washington writes. (View document) 1913 Antonius von der Linden begins publishing Geheime Weissenschaften (Secret Science, 1913-1920) consisting of reprints of esoteric texts from the Renaissance scholar Agrippa von Nettesheim. (Roots) 1913 April 27 The dead body of 14-year-old Mary Phagan is found is found in a pencil factory in Marietta, Georgia. Leo Frank, a 29-year-old Jew is convicted of the crime even though Miss Phagan left a note saying she had been assaulted by a Negro. After Frank's sentence was commuted by the governor, Tom Watson, a Georgia demagogue, denounced him as "King of the Jews." (See August 16, 1915) 1913 As 1913 began, Corp. U.S. had no funds to carry out the necessary business needs of the government so they went to said families and asked if they could borrow some money. The families said no (Corp. U.S. had already demonstrated that they would not repay their debts in full). The families had foreseen this situation and had the year before finalized the creation of a private corporation of the name "Federal Reserve Bank." Corp. U.S. formed a relationship with the Federal Reserve Bank whereby they could transact their business via note rather than with money. Notice that this relationship was one made between two private corporations and did not involve government; that is where most people error in understanding the Federal Reserve Bank system again it has no government relation at all. The private contracts that set the whole system up even recognize that if anything therein proposed is found

735 illegal or impossible to perform it is excluded from the agreements and the remaining elements remain in full force and effect. 1913 Assassination of George I of Greece. Tsarion 1913 August 10 The Treaty of Bucharest awards Serbia and Greece possession of those parts of Macedonia they had previously claimed. Romania also received territory from Bulgaria. 1913 Averell Harriman dominates the Skull & Bones. Tsarion 1913 President Woodrow Wilson said in 1913: Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. 1913 Captain Freiherr von Stein zu Lausnitz was sent by the German government to explore the Cameroon. Von Stein wrote of an animal called in the local tongue Mokele Mbembe, said to inhabit the areas near the Ubangi, Sanga, and Ikelemba Rivers. Von Stein described the creature thus: "The animal is said to be of a brownish-gray color with a smooth skin, its size approximately that of an elephant; at least that of a hippopotamus. It is said to have a long and very flexible neck and only one tooth but a very long one; some say it is a horn. A few spoke about a long muscular tail like that of an alligator...It is said to climb the shore even at daytime in search of food; its diet is said to be entirely vegetable... At the Ssombo River I was shown a path said to have been made by this animal in order to get at its food. The path was fresh and there were plants of the described type [a liana] nearby..". 1913 Danish physicist Niels Bohr publishes his atomic theory. 1913 Dec. 23, 1913 - The Federal Reserve [neither federal nor a reserve - it's a privately owned institution] is created. It was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyl Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Col. House. This transfers the power to create money from the American government to a private group of bankers. The Federal Reserve Act is hastily passed just before the Christmas break. Plank #5 of "The Communist Manifesto" had called for just such a central bank. [It is probably the largest generator of debt in the world.] Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (father of the famed aviator) warns: "This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized" -

736 1913 December 23 The Federal Reserve Act, already passed by the U.S. Congress, is approved by President Wilson. 1913 Dr. Eugen Fischer's book Die Rehobother Bastards und das Bastardisierungsproblem beim Menschen (The Bastards of Rehoboth and the problem of miscegenation in Man) is published. In it he writes about the people of mixed blood in German South-West Africa, "We should provide them with the minimum amount of protection which they require, for survival as a race inferior to ourselves, and we should do this only as long as they are useful to us. After this, free competition should prevail and, in my opinion, this will lead to their decline and destruction." (Science) 1913 Drew Ali, a black leader, founds a Moorish Science Temple in Newark, N.J., and establishes a religious tradition that will lead to the founding of the Black Muslims and other Islamic groups in the U.S. 1913 February 14-19 Philipp Stauff is involved in a series of spiritualist seances which claim to communicate with the long-dead priest-kings of the old religion. Guido von List later writes about these seances in depth. (Roots) 1913 February 25 The 16th Amendment becomes law in the United States. Earlier, the Supreme Court had found that an income tax whose monies are not reapportioned to the states is unconstitutional. The 16th amendment provides the necessary legal basis for a graduated federal income tax. (Schlesinger I) 1913 February 3 Wyoming approves the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, becoming the last of the 36 states needed to authorize a federal income tax. 1913 Federal Reserve Act passed while Congress adjourns for Christmas Holiday. Founders of the Federal Reserve Bank (central bank) include members of the Rothschild family, J.P. Morgan, and Paul Warburg (not a U.S. citizen before or after). Paul Warburg's brother goes to Germany to start a central bank there. Charles Lindbergh said, the Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth... the new law will create inflation whenever the trust wants inflation... from now on, depression will be artificially created. Tsarion 1913 January A Germanenorden lodge is established at Duisburg with 30 brothers. Lodges in Nuremberg and Munich are established later in the year, but are not as successful as those in Northern and Eastern Germany. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1913 John D. Rockefeller founds Rockefeller Institute with $100 million grant. Tsarion 1913 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels in Ostara I, #69, interprets the holy grail as an electrical symbol pertaining to the "panpsychic" powers of the pure-blooded "Aryan" race. The quest of the "Templeisen" (Templars) for

737 the grail was a metaphor, Lanz said, for the strict eugenic practices of the Templar Knights designed to breed god-men. (Roots) 1913 June 30--Michigan, Lansing: From the Lansing State Journal, "So swiftly did the strange craft travel that it was not more than three minutes until it had passed from sight in the northwest. The aerial mystery carried no lights of any description and was too elongated for an ordinary balloon. The craft was at a great height and when it passed to the northwest of the city had reached a still higher altitude." A sizeable crowd at a racetrack in Lansing Michigan witnessed the event. 1913 June A second war begins in the Balkans, when Bulgaria makes surprise attacks against Serbia and Greece in the hope of occupying the contested districts of Macedonia won from Turkey before the great powers had intervened. Bulgaria is quickly defeated and overrun by Romania, Turkey, Greece and Serbia. 1913 June Nineteen Reichshammerbund branches have by now been established throughout Germany. (Roots) 1913 Kaiser Wilhelm II and H.S. Chamberlain plot to steal the Helige Lanz (Holy Lance) from Austria at a Germanic art exposition in Berlin. General Helmuth von Moltke foils their plan by alerting the Austrians. 1913 Large cigar-shaped UFO flies slowly over Milwaukee and Sheboygan, Wisconsin, flashing its bright spotlight over streets and buildings, and then retreats back out into Lake Michigan. 1913 March 31 J.P. Morgan dies in Rome, Italy. His son, J.P. (Jack) Morgan, Jr., takes over operation of his various business enterprises. 1913 March 4 Woodrow Wilson takes his oath of office as 28th President of the United States. Marshall becomes Vice President. 1913 March King George I of Greece is assassinated and is succeeded by his son, Constantine I. 1913 May 24 Hitler moves to Schleissheimerstrasse 34 in Munich, lodging with the family of a tailor named Papp. He registers with the police as a painter and artist. 1913 May 30 Fearing a spread of hostilities in the Balkans, the major powers intervene to terminate the war with the Treaty of London, a preliminary peace treaty, under which Turkey agrees to surrender its Balkan territories and create the state of Albania. Peace in the Balkans lasts less than a month. 1913 May 31 The 17th Amendment is passed, establishing the popular election of U.S. Senators. This amendment dramatically alters America's republican form of government and further reduces the power of the individual states.

738 1913 May Adolf Hitler leaves Vienna for Munich in Bavaria. (Note, In 1959, Elsa Schmidt-Falk, who was in charge of a genealogical research group within the Nazi party in Munich during the 1920's, told Wilfried Daim that Hitler had regularly visited her and her husband at their Munich home. At these meetings, Hitler often mentioned reading Guido von List and quoted his books enthusiastically. She also claimed that Hitler told her that members of the List Society in Vienna had given him a letter of introduction to the President of the List Society in Munich. (Daim; Inge Kunz; Roots) 1913, Adolf Hitler, a twenty four year old painter, and an Austrian conscientious objector out of persuasion and not out of inclination, came to the art town of Munich, known also as Athens of the River Isar. He left Vienna because the ground there finally became too hot for him. At the sudden departure, a friend of his mother, the Jewish Lady Dr.Loewy, living in Vienna's Schottenring (Elite's Circle) gave him the money for his journey. 1913 Medical missionary Albert Schweitzer builds a hospital at Lambarene in Africa. 1913 Mexican President Francisco Madero is killed in a military coup led by Victoriano Huerta. 1913 Moray discovers several kinds of material from a hillside in Sweden and brings them home for testing, to see if a material suitable for a valve (transistor equivalent) existed. Discovered silver wire used on stone makes a rectifier. Tsarion 1913 October 3 Congress enacts the Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act which lowers tariffs on 958 articles, including food-stuffs, clothing and raw materials. Rates on cotton are cut 50% and on woolens over 50%. Congress will enact the graduated income tax to make up the difference in revenues. (See October 22, 1914) (Schlesinger I) 1913 ! , , ! VAMBERY, Arminius (Hermann Vamberger) 18321913. Hungarian orientalist. Vambery was born into a Hungarian Orthodox Jewish family and from his childhood showed a remarkable linguistic aptitude. He mastered a number of European languages, also Arabic, Turkish, Persian and other oriental languages and dialects. In his twenties he lived in Constantinople, became a Moslem, worked on the staff of the Turkish foreign minister and got to know Sultan Abdul Hamid II. In 1863 4 he was the first European to travel through the unknown parts of Central Asia, disguised as a Moslem dervish. His published account of this hazardous trek attracted international attention. He was appointed professor of oriental languages at the University of Budapest and was baptized in the Protestant church. He took a strong pro-British line in

739 the international struggle for spheres of influence in the Balkans, the Near East and Central Asia. In spite of abandoning the Jewish faith, Vambery was attracted to the early Zionist movement. He introduced Dr HERZL to the sultan in 1901 and arranged political contacts in Constantinople for Herzls successor, David WOLFFSOHN. 1913 Rockefeller Foundation Charter pushed through Congress by Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York, as a way to evade government decrees against the Standard Oil monopoly. A spinoff of the Rockefeller Foundation, the China Medical Board, secured the China oil market and gave access to the highly profitable Asian drug trade, after Rockefeller financed the rise to power of the Soong family, who created modern China. A future director of the Rockefeller Foundation would be Lee DuBridge, also a president of the California Institute of Technology, a trustee of the Rand Corporation, and a member of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Tsarion 1913 , . 26 1913 , 13 ! , , , . . , [ ], , , , . , . [ . , 1960-1975. , 2010] 1913 Rosa Luxemburg publishes her chief work, Accumulation of Capital (English translation, 1951), presenting her theory of imperialism. 1913 Rudolf Glauer, now calling himself Rudolf von Sebottendorff, moves to Berlin, claiming to have been adopted by Baron Heinrich von Sebottendorff in Turkey in 1911. The Baron's family in Germany recognizes the adoption and seems genuinely fond of him. (Roots) 1913 Russian revolutionary Joseph Stalin is exiled to Siberia by the Czarist government. 1913 September 29 Rudof Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine, apparently drowns after he mysteriously disappears from the mail steamer

740 Dresden while crossing the English Channel. Legend has it that he was carrying secret plans for a new engine that ran on nothing but pure water. 1913 September 29 Under the Treaty of Constantinople, Turkey recovers the greater part of the province of Adrianople from Bulgaria. 1913 September 6 Philipp Stauff closes a letter to Lanz von Liebenfels with the salute "Armanengruss und Templeisensieg." Lanz had first written Stauff in 1909. (Balzli; Roots) 1913 Sigmund Livingstone among others forms the AntiDefamation League (ADL), and a civil-rights statute is enacted in New York at the request of several other Jewish organizations. 1913 Stalin is exiled to Siberia by the Czarist government. He will not return to Russia until 1917. 1913 The American Cancer Society is formed. (See 1944). Tsarion 1913 The Kurdish "Yezidi cult" brought to London. 1913 Walter Riehl and Rudolf Jung draft a new program for the Austrian German Worker's party (DAP) at Iglau. (Forgotten Nazis) 1913 1. 1913 "Papus," Dr. G. Encausse, was Grand Master and President of the Supreme Council of the Martinists. 1913, . ' . " . " 33 . " " ", " " " --". 1914 -- Attempted assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by Masonic agents, followed an hour later by successful assassination; in Russia, Rasputin stabbed the same day. World War I begins. - 1914 -1915 More Kehillah attempts to secure modification of the Sunday laws. 1914 -1917 Mexico. The undeclared Mexican American hostilities following the Dolphin affair and Villa's raids included capture of Vera Cruz and later Perishing's Expedition into northern Mexico. 1914 Albert Einstein returns to Germany to occupy the most prestigious and best-paying post a theoretical physicist can hold in central Europe, professor at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft in Berlin, but does not reapply for German citizenship. He is one of only a handful of German professors who remained a pacifist and did not support

741 Germany's war effort. Although he held a cross-appointment at the University of Berlin, from this time on, he will never again teach regular university courses, but remains on the staff until 1933. 1914 , : , , 18 , : : . . . . . 1918. . . , . . . 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austro-Hungarian throne, assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Bosnian Serbs. Germany declares war on Russia. Tsarion 1914 Attempted and then successful assassination of Austria's Archduke Ferdinand. Tsarion 1914 Attempted assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by Masonic agents, followed an hour later by successful assassination; in Russia, Rasputin stabbed the same day. 1914 August 1 Fighting begins on the German-Russian frontier and Germany declares war on Russia. 1914 August 12 Austrian troops numbering 200,000, commanded by Gen. Oskar Potiorek, cross the Sava and Drina Rivers and invade Serbia. 1914 August 14 A full-scale French offensive, the Battle of Lorraine, begins southeast of Metz. Following a planned withdrawal, the Germans counterattack, throwing the French back to the fortified heights of Nancy. 1914 August 14 Kaiser Wilhelm II leaves Berlin, choosing to live at Pless, in Silesia, or near the Western front for the remainder of the war.

742 1914 August 15 U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan writes to J.P. Morgan telling him that loans to belligerents goes against the U.S. policy of neutrality. (See October 15) (Schlesinger I) 1914 August 15-20 Serbian Marshal Putnik is victorious over the Austrians at Cer Mountain. 1914 August 16 Adolf Hitler enrolls in the 1st Company of the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry. 1914 August 16 Austrian troops are driven back by the numerically superior Serbian army, inadequately equipped, but battlewise from their Balkan Wars experience. They are commanded by Marshal Radomir Putnik. 1914 August 16 The last fortifications at Liege, pounded into submission by giant howitzers, surrenders. The German First Army under Gen. Alexander von Kluck and the Second, commanded by Gen. Karl von Bulow, pour through the Liege corridor and across the Meuse. 1914 August 17 The center of Rennenkampf's advance is mauled by General Hermann K. von Francois's German I Corps near Stalluponen. 1914 August 17 The Russian Northwest Army Group begins to advance into East Prussia. From the east came Gen. Pavel K. Rennenkampf's First Army; from the south Aleksandr Samsonov's Second Army. Opposing are German Gen. Max von Prittwitz and Gen. Gaffron's Eighth Army. Their mission one of elastic defense and delay until the bulk of the German army can be shifted from the Western Front. 1914 - Santo Domingo ( ). 1914-18 - . 1914-34 19 . 1914 August 18 President Woodrow Wilson issues his "Proclamation of Neutrality," temporarily keeping America out of the war. 1914 August 2 General Helmuth von Moltke is appointed commander of all German armies in the field. 1914 August 20 Advancing French troops collide with a numerically superior German force in the Battle of the Ardennes. 1914 The Rothschilds finance Rockefeller's founding of the Standard Oil Company which was used during World War I to channel funds for creation of the Zionist State of Israel. The question remains to be answered whether the Rothschilds were secret financiers behind the Illuminati, the consequent French Revolution, and the Jacobin incursion of Citizen Genet into the United States. Certainly the

743 Rothschilds influence upon industrial America was profound. Working through the Wall Street firms Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and J.P. Morgan Co., the Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller so that he could create the Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (steel). 86:136 With the advent of World War I, Palestine was cut off from most outside contact. A synagogue appeal was held on Yom Kippur 1914, but there was no way of transmitting the funds to Palestine. After Congressman A.J. Sabath appealed unsuccessfully to the State Department, he was helped by the Standard Oil Company which used its overseas agencies to channel money to Palestine. 518 1914-17 - World War I prompts speculation about restoration of the Jewish homeland; Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord James Rothschild. When World War I broke out in 1914, Palestine was firmly in the grasp of the Ottoman Empire. By 1916, there was widespread speculation, even in the secular press, about the restoration of a Jewish homeland if the Turks could be vanquished. By late 1917, events were rapidly moving along those lines. As British forces fought their way into Palestine from the south, Lord Arthur Balfour, the British foreign secretary, wrote to Lord James Rothschild, a leader in international Zionism: His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best efforts to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. Five weeks after the Balfour Declaration, the Turks surrendered Jerusalem to British forces, virtually without a fight. 1914 August 20 At Gumbinnen in East Prussia, Prittwitz's forces are thrown back by Rennenkampf, who has attacked from the east. Prittwitz, fearing envelopment by Samsonov's army, withdraws to the Vistula River, thus ceding all of East Prussia. Prittwitz phones Moltke at Coblenz, reporting his decision and requesting reinforcements to hold the Vistula line. Moltke immediately relieves Prittwitz, appointing in his place 67-year-old Gen. Paul von Hindenburg who had retired in 1911. Gen. Erich Ludendorff, the hero of Liege, is named Hindenburg's chief of staff. 1914 August 20 Britain, in its Order of Council, enlarges the list of goods it unilaterally considers contraband and thereby subject to search and seizure. British ships immediately begin confiscating the contraband cargoes, which include even cotton, now used in making munitions. (Schlesinger I)

744 1914 August 20 Brussels is occupied by the Germans. The Belgians, personally commanded by King Albert I, retreat to Antwerp. 1914 August 20 Pope pius X dies, just one day after issuing a futile plea for peace. 1914 August 20 Rudolf Hess joins the 1st Bavarian Infantry Regiment and is soon transported to the battlefields of France. (Missing Years) 1914 August 21 Serbian Marshall Putnik defeats the Austrians at the battle of Sabac (August 21-24). 1914 August 21 The newly landed British Expeditionary Force (BEF) under Field Marshal Sir John French moves into Belgium to support Lanrezac's advance. 1914 August 22 Two German armies strike Gen. Charles Lanrezac southwest of Namur, on the Sambre River, forcing him to retreat on the 23rd. 1914 August 23 Hindenburg and Ludendorff arrive to take command on the Eastern Front. 1914 August 23 In the Galician Battles (August 23-September 11), Russian forces under Gen. Nikolai Ivanov repelled an Austrian offensive, seizing all of Austrian Galicia except the key fortress of Przemysl. 1914 August 23 Japan declares war on Germany and soon besieges Tsingtao, the only German base on the China coast. 1914 August 23 The BEF near Mons is struck by the full weight of Kluck's German First Army. Learning of the fall of Namur, Lanrezac orders a general retreat, leaving the outnumbered British with an unprotected left flank and forcing them to withdraw during the night. 1914 August 23 The Belgian defenders of Namur are overwhelmed by Bulow's troops after a brief siege. 1914 August 23--During the Great War thousands came to believe that a miracle had happened during the British Armys first desperate clash with the advancing Germans at Mons in Belgium. In some versions a vision of St George and phantom bowmen halted the Kaisers troops, while others claimed angels had thrown a protective curtain around the British, saving them from disaster. The battle of Mons took place on August 23 and within weeks the "angels of Mons" had entered the realms of legend. By the end of the war it became unpatriotic, even treasonable, to doubt the claims were based on fact. 1914 August 24 After four days of furious fighting, the devastated French fall back in the Ardennes and reorganize west of the Meuse. 1914 August 24 Main German armies enter France. 1914 August 24 Samsonov's troops encounters the Germans near Frankenau and severe fighting rages the entire day between Frankenau and Tannenberg.

745 1914 August 26 In East Prussia, the Germans counterattack from north, east, and west. Samsonov's uncoded radio messages are intercepted and Ludendorff learns the locations of all Russian units. 1914 August 27 At Le Cateau French's BEF fights off a double envelopment by the full strength of Kluck's army. The survivors successfully disengaged at nightfall. 1914 August 28 A British raid into the Heligoland Bight results in the war's first naval battle. Four German ships are sunk. 1914 August 29 Hoping to relieve German pressure on the BEF at Le Cateau, Joffre orders the French Fifth Army, itself pressed hard by the German Second Army, to make a 90-degree shift westward to attack the left flank of the German First Army at Guise. The initial attack, however, is inconsequential. 1914 August 29 Russian forces in East Prussia but are defeated at the Battle of Tannenberg. Hindenburg and Ludendorff direct the movements that encircle General Samsonov's Second Russian Army. By nightfall the encirclement is complete. Samsonov, who disappeared during the night, evidently committed suicide. 35,000 Russians are killed, and 90,000 taken prisoner. German losses are 10,000 to 14,000. 1914 August 3 Germany declares war on France. 1914 August 3 Hitler petitions King Ludwig III of Bavaria for permission to enlist in the Bavarian army. 1914 August 3 The French firm of Rothschilds Freres cables J.P. Morgan & Co. in New York suggesting the floatation of a loan of $100,000,000, a substantial part of which is to be left in the United States to pay for French purchases of American goods. (America Goes to War,Charles C. Tansill. Little, Brown. Boston, 1938) 1914 August 4 Germany invades Belgium. A specially trained task force of about 30,000 men crosses the frontier and attacks Liege, one of the strongest fortresses in Europe. Some of the fortifications are captured in a daring night attack led by General Erich Ludendorff. 1914 August 4 Great Britain declares war on Germany. 1914 August 5 British ships dredge up and cut the German transAtlantic cables to America. Thereafter, the bulk of the war news will be routed through London and the British censors. 1914 August 5 The U.S. makes a formal statement announcing it will remain neutral in the European wars, but offers its services as a mediator in the mushrooming conflicts. (Schlesinger I) 1914 August 6 Austria-Hungary declares war against Russia. Italy temporarily remains neutral, claiming its obligations to the Triple Alliance are void because Austria had initiated the war. 1914 August 8 French troops under Gen. Paul Pau advance across the frontier to Mulhouse in Alsace.

746 1914 August Alexander I becomes nominal Commander-in-Chief of the Serbian army. 1914 August Gen. Louis Franchet d'Esperey, commanding the French I Corps, halts the German advance, achieving the first French tactical success of the campaign. Bulow calls on Kluck for aid the next day. 1914 August General Helmuth von Moltke, chief of the German general staff, hampered by poor communications with his armies, overestimates the extent of the initial German victory. Confident that the French armies are on the brink of destruction, he detaches two corps from Kluck's army to the Eastern front, where the Russians are threatening East Prussia. 1914 August Kluck responds to Bulow's call for assistance by shifting his direction of march to the southeast, thus discarding the remnants of the Schlieffen Plan. This change would cause him to pass east of Paris. He knew nothing of General Maunoury's concentration in the fortified area of the capital. Belatedly, Moltke sends a message to Kluck, agreeing to the move east of Paris, but ordering Kluck to guard the right flank of the Second Army. For Kluck to have obeyed this order would have meant halting his army for two days, a move he believes will permit the French either to escape or to rally. Intent on driving the French out of Paris, Kluck continues southward across the Marne, just east of Paris, his right flank wide open. 1914 August St. Petersburg's name is changed to Petrograd in order to eliminate the German ending "burg". 1914 Benito Mussolini, editor of the Milan Socialist party newspaper Avanti!, is at first opposed to Italy's involvement in the war but soon reverses his position and calls for Italy's entry on the side of the Allies. Expelled from the Socialist party for this stance, he founds his own newspaper in Milan, Il popolo d'Italia which will later become the party newspaper of the Fascist movement. Mussolini will serve in the Italian army until wounded in 1917. 1914 December 11 Serbians troops recapture Belgrade. 1914 December 14 England breaks the German war code, so that "By the end of January 1915, (British Intelligence was) able to advise the Admiralty of the departure of each U-boat as it left for patrol..." (Simpson) 1914 December 15 Putnik's troops recapture Belgrade and soon drive the Austrian invaders from Serbia. Austrian casualties in this savagely fought campaign are approximately 227,000 out of 450,000 engaged. Serbian losses are approximately 170,000 out of 400,000.

747 1914 December 17 Britain declares a protectorate over Egypt, previously subject to Turkey, and begins moving troops there to defend the Suez Canal. 1914 December 2 A reinforced Austrian army succeeds in occupying Belgrade. 1914 December 2 Adolf Hitler is awarded the Iron Cross, second class, for bravery under fire. 1914 December 25 The French battleship Jean Bart is torpedoed by an Austrian submarine in the Straits of Otranto. 1914 December 3 Marshal Putnik's Serbian troops counterattack after receiving much needed ammunition from France. 1914 December 8 The Battle of the Falkland Islands. 1914 December American Magazine runs an article saying that Ray Stannard Baker reported in 1909 that the Christian churches in America had "awakened as never before to the so-called Jewish problem." 1914 Eight witnesses saw a UFO floating on the water of Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada. Entities were manipulating a hose dipped into the water. On seeing the witnesses they returned inside, all except one who was still outside when the craft took off. 1914 Eugenics taught at Harvard University, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Clark and other universities. Tsarion 1914 February 5 Hitler is rejected by the Austrian army as unfit for duty. 1914 February 9 Detlef Schmude, one of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfel's earliest and most enthusiastic supporters in Germany, founds the second priory of the Order of the New Templars (ONT) at Hollenberg near Kornelmunster. (Roots) 1914 Federal Reserve System established in the United States. Tsarion 1914 First National Congress on Race Betterment held in Battle Creek, Michigan. A segregation and sterilization program was proposed to reduce the number of defective and anti-social people in the population from 10% to 5.7% by 1955 by sterilizing 5.7 million Americans. Tsarion 1914 Giacomo della Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV, succeeding Pius X. 1914 Guido von List publishes GLB 6 (Die Ursprache der ArioGermanen und ihre Mysteriensprache) his so-called "masterpiece" of occult linguistics and symbology. (Roots) 1914 Harrison Drug Control Act. Tsarion 1914 Hitler enlists in the military at the beginning of World War I. He is blinded by mustard gas and taken to Pasewalk military hospital in

748 northern Germany, diagnosed with psychopathic hysteria. Hitler was placed under the care of Dr. Edmund Foster. Later in 1933, the Gestapo would round up all records of a psychiatric nature related to Hitlers treatment. Dr. Foster mysteriously committed suicide in 1933. According to Hitler, he had experienced a vision from another world while at the hospital. Hitler is discharged from the hospital in 1918 and travels to Munich. Tsarion 1914 I.G. Farben, headed by Carl Duisberg, pushes for chemical warfare. Nobel prizewinner Fritz Haber is regarded as the father of chemical warfare. I.G. production of chlorine gas is 40 tons per day. Tsarion 1914 Instigating WW I. In 1914 the Jewish Young Turks bolster the paid assassin Gavrilo Princep which sparks WW I. 1914 January 11 A Germanenorden initiation ceremony held in the Berlin Province features racial tests by Berlin phrenologist Robert Burger-Villingren, inventor of the "plastometer," a device used for determining the relative "Aryan purity" of a subject by measurement of the skull. (Roots) 1914 January 12 Adolf Hitler is ordered to report for Austrian military service. 1914 January 19 Hitler writes to the Austrian Consulate pleading for leniency in regard to his failure to report for military service. 1914 Jean Monnet obtains a lucrative monopoly contract for the shipment of vital war materials from Canada to France, making a fortune as a war profiteer. 1914 July 23 Austria-Hungary presents a warlike, 48-hour ultimatum to the Serbian government, demanding a virtual protectorate over Serbia. Serbia accepts all but one of the demands, but still its response is unsatisfactory to Austria-Hungary. 1914 July 28 Austria-Hungary, refusing to submit the disputed terms to international arbitration, declares war on Serbia. Within a week most of Europe will at war. 1914 July 29 Austrian forces invade Serbia and begin an artillery bombardment of Belgrade, the Serbian capital. 1914 July 29 Russia mobilizes its troops near the Austrian border. 1914 July 31 The London Stock Exchange, at this time the most influential in the world, announces its closing due to war. The U.S. follows suit and for several weeks all other important exchanges will also close. (Schlesinger I) 1914 July The Master of the Leipzig Geramanenorden lodge politely proposes that Hermann Pohl retire from his office as head of the order. (Roots)

749 1914 June 28 Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary is assassinated at Sarajevo, capital of the Austrian province of Bosnia, by a Serbian assassin, Gavrilo Princip. Princip has ties to both Britain and Russia. 1914 June King Peter I of Serbia, in poor health, appoints his son, Alexander as regent of Serbia. 1914 Lazar Kaganovich moves to Kiev, takes a factory job and begins to organize a Bolshevik union of sales employees. After several strikes, Lazar is fired. He then finds work as a leather dresser across town and continues to organize, though more cautiously. 1914 Licensed opium dens in Shanghai number 663. Tsarion 1914 May 20 A letter from Arthur Strauss to Julius Ruttinger says that a Reichshammerbund group was founded in Munich that spring by Wilhelm Rohmeder, chairman of the Deutscher Schulverein and a member of the List Society since 1908. (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1914 November 1 Adm. Graf von Spee's China Squadron, two heavy and three light cruisers, sinks two British heavy cruisers without losing a single ship in the Battle of Coronel, off the coast of Chile. Some time later the British battle cruisers Invincible and Inflexible, under Vice Adm. Sir Frederick Sturdee, sought out Spee, who had taken his squadron around Cape Horn into the South Atlantic. Spee had planned to raid the British wireless and coaling station at Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands, but discovered Sturdee's squadron there, refueling. The surprised Germans fled and were pursued and destroyed; approximately 1,800 Germans--including Admiral Spee--perished on the sunken ships. 1914 November 1 Hindenburg is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Austrian-German Eastern Front. Ludendorff remains his chief of staff. 1914 November 2 Britain declares the entire North Sea a military area. Neutral ships bound for neutral ports now become subject to search and seizure. (Schlesinger I) 1914 November 22 Hermann Pohl writes to Julius Ruttinger, Master of the Franconian Germanenorden province, who is serving at the front. Pohl tells him that the order is in financial difficulty because half of the brethren are serving in the armed forces. "A great number of the brothers have already been killed in action." (Roots) 1914 the Jesuits were now ready to begin their vengeance the Second Thirty Years War on a Europe, Russia, China and Japan having banished the Company forever from their shores. The Order would use the Federal Reserve Bank, their financial Frankenstein, to pay for it. The Fed was given the exclusive privilege to create credit with no collateral, that is, out of thin air. Like the Bolshevik Revolution also financed by the Fed the Jesuits would use their Masonic Jewish Zionists

750 such as Paul Warburg (yearning to rebuild Solomons Temple) as the visible leaders of the Fed. This would enable the Order to justify American anti-Jewish fury at the later date in the person of the exBasilian (secret Jesuit) radio-priest, Charles E. Coughlin, the father of hate radio. Being the personal friend of J. Edgar Hoover and FDR, he would blame the Jews for the Orders Great Depression and the New Deal, calling it the Jew Deal. 1914 November 3 General Moltke is officially replaced as German Chief of Staff. 1914 November 5 A reinforced Austrian army begins a third offensive in Serbia. 1914 November 5 Great Britain responding to Turkey's recent alliance with Germany annexes Turkish Cyprus. 1914 November 7 The Japanese capture Tsingtao, the only German base on the China coast. Japan also occupies Germany's Marshall, Marianas, Palau, and Caroline Island groups. 1914 November 9 The German cruiser Emden is sunk in action with the Australian cruiser Sydney in the Cocos Islands. 1914 November The first battle of Ypres comes to and end, concluding the so-called "race to the sea" after the German defeat at the First Battle of the Marne. 1914 October 12 Hindenburg outnumbered more than three to one, halts the Polish offensive. 1914 October 12 The first battle for the Belgian city of Ypres begins. 1914 October 15 The British cruiser HMS Hawk is torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat. 1914 October 15 The U.S. declares it will not prohibit shipments of gold or the extension of credit to belligerents. (See August 15) 1914 October 17 Hindenburg skillfully withdraws, leaving a ravaged Polish countryside behind him. 1914 October 18 A German U-boat raid on Scapa Flow, although unsuccessful, results in the temporary transfer of the British Grand Fleet to Rosyth on the Scottish coast while antisubmarine nets are installed at Scapa. 1914 October 21 Hitler is assigned to the Western Front and soon becomes a regimental orderly and dispatch runner. 1914 October 22 The Revenue Act passes the U.S. Congress. It imposes the first income tax on incomes over $3,000 to offset loss of tariff money brought about through enactment of the UnderwoodSimmons Act of 1913. (See October 3, 1913) (Schlesinger I) 1914 October 22 The U.S. formally withdraws its demand that Britain keep to the letter of the Declaration of London and cease

751 confiscating American cargoes. The British are now willingly paying for the confiscated goods, and Americans are making a good profits without loss of life to their crews. Thereafter, Britain contains the German fleet in harbor and dries to a trickle the flow of goods to the Central Powers. Smarting under the impact of the blockade, Germany is forced to increase its U-boat activity. (Schlesinger I) 1914 October 27 The British battleship Audacious sinks after striking a German submarine-laid mine off the Irish coast. 1914 October 29 Turkey, encouraged by the Germans, declares war against the Allies, announcing its entrance into the war with a surprise bombardment of the Russian Black Sea coast. 1914 October 9 Germans troops under Hindenburg reach the Vistula River south of Warsaw. 1914 October 9 The Belgian fortress of Antwerp falls. 1914 Resurgence of Illuminati in Austria. A major U.S. railroad collapses. Tsarion 1914 September 10 Assuming the BEF is no longer a threat, Kluck shifts westward, widening the existing gap between his army and that of Bulow, which is still advancing to the south. Exploiting this gap, French commander Franchet d'Esperey, in a vigorous night attack, takes Marchais-en-Brie from the Germans. This is probably the turning point of the battle. Bulow, personally defeated, is about to retreat. Kluck's First Army is making headway in the northwest against Maunoury's left, but the BEF's northward advance into the gap threatens Kluck's left and rear. Moltke, realizing that his offensive has failed, then orders a retreat to the Noyon-Verdun line. (Allied losses are about 250,000; German casualties nearly 300,000.) 1914 September 14 General Moltke, blamed for the failure at the Marne and with violating the Schlieffen Plan, is relieved by by the Kaiser and ordered to report to Berlin. He is replaced by Gen. Erich von Falkenhayn. 1914 September 15 The first trenches are dug. 1914 September 15 The German victory at Masurian effectively knocks out the Russians as an important consideration in Allied strategy. (Schlesinger I) 1914 September 17 The German "Race to the Sea" begins. 1914 September 22 The German cruiser Emden bombards Madras, India. 1914 September 22 The German U-9 sinks three British cruisers in quick succession off the Dutch coast. 1914 September 22-26 Fierce battles are fought in Picardy. 1914 September 26 U.S. Secretary of State Bryan protests Britain's Order of Council and the confiscation of cargoes from U.S. ships. (See

752 August 20) (Note, The U.S. has begun to profit from the war and is sending cargoes to all belligerents including Germany, which is getting its goods funneled through neutral countries.) (Schlesinger I) 1914 September 27 Heavy fighting at Artois until October 10. 1914 September 28 A general Austrian-German advance begins in Galicia. Hindenburg moves to assist the defeated Austrians and prevent the Russian invasion of Silesia. Four German corps of the Eighth Army are transferred by rail to the vicinity of Krakow. 1914 September 30 Before Grand Duke Nikolai, the Russian supreme commander, can move through Poland into Silesia, the heart of Germany's mineral resources, Hindenburg attacks their left flank. 1914 September 4 General Wilson sets in motion a plan to envelop the exposed German right flank. Gen. Maunoury's Sixth Army, temporarily under the regional command of Gen. Joseph S. Gallieeni, the military governor of Paris, begins an advance from Paris toward the Ourcq River, where Kluck's right flank lies open. 1914 September 5 The First Battle of the Marne begins. Joffre's plan is almost ruined when right-flank units of Kluck's army detect the French Sixth Army advance from Paris and counterattack. Kluck then launches an attack toward Paris in the Battle of the Ourcq. By turning west, however, Kluck creates a gap to his left between his army and the Second, under Gen. Karl von Bulow. 1914 September 6 After two days of furious fighting, the German offensive bogs down only twenty-five miles from Paris. 1914 September 6-15 The Battle of the Masurian Lakes. 1914 September 7-9 Kluck then turns his entire army westward in savage counterattacks, halting the French and forcing them to fall back. Only fresh reinforcements rushed from Paris, some in taxicabs, permits Maunoury to stem the German advance. 1914 September 8 Maubeuge, on France's northern border, falls to the Germans. 1914 September 9 Lt. Col. Richard Hentsch, a trusted staff officer sent by Moltke to assess the situation and issue orders if necessary, discovers that von Bulow's Second Army had been pushed back by the French Fifth, and that the BEF is moving into the gap between the German First and Second Armies, Hentsch then orders both armies to retreat to the Aisne River. Kluck retreats to prevent his army from being encircled. 1914 September 9-14 Russian troops are expelled from East Prussia, after the German Eighth Army defeats the Russian First Army in the First Battle of the Masurian Lakes. 1914 Tesla pleads with J.P. Morgan for funds to finish and ship a turbine to Germany. Tsarion

753 1914 The German Reichstag considers a eugenic sterilization law. Tsarion 1914 The Panama Canal is completed, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 1914 Three luminous UFOs fly low over Benton Harbor, Michigan. 1914 U.S. Marines land at Veracruz, Mexico, and President Huerta resigns. 1914 U.S. National Debt is $1 billion. Tsarion 1914 United States issues proclamation of neutrality. Tsarion 1914 World War One began because the International Jewish Bankers did not wish Germany to build a railroad from the middle east to Germany, through most of the Arab countries. But the Jews made it appear that World War One started when the nations went to war to avenge the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Habsburg Throne, so on June 28, A joint proclamation of emergency government a neutrality was issued by the American, Japanese, British, French and Czech Commanders in July and our party remained until late August. 1914 [= ]. . 1914, , ' . 50.000 . 1914, 1 . , 1914, . 1914, 28 , . 1914, , , " ;". , , , , "... ... ...... . ... , . . ' ...". 1914, .

754 1914: Britain occupies the German colonies of West Africa 1914: Cyprus is annexed by Britain after four centuries of Ottoman rule 1914: Egypt becomes and British protectorate 1914: the Ten Days War was a shooting war involving irregular forces of coal miners using dynamite and rifles on one side, opposed to the Colorado National Guard, Baldwin Felts detectives, and mine guards deploying machine guns, cannon and aircraft on the other, occurring in the aftermath of the Ludlow Massacre. The Ten Days War ended when federal troops intervened. 1914: end of the British gold standard 1914: The British government purchases part of Anglo-Persian Oil, only the second time the British government has purchased a private company 1914: World War I breaks out in the Balkans, pitting Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, USA and Japan against Austria, Germany and Turkey 1914 Freemasonry together with the Illuminati have with all their might checked the spiritual development, been behind several political murders, all revolutions and all major wars. Justin Sicard de Plauzoles, one of the Grand Orient brothers, called freemasonry "the mother of revolutions". According to him, to instigate violent revolution was the divine duty of the freemasons. Nedelko Cabrinovic, who took part in the conspiracy leading to the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, said during the trial: "Within freemasonry it is permitted to kill." (Taken from the trial prescripts.) Officially, he was murdered by the organization Young Bosnia and the Serbian secret society The Black Hand. 1915 -- Sinking of the Lusitania by German submarine; allegedly carrying secret munitions for the Allies, the ship supposedly sacrificed by British and American authorities to drum up war hysteria in U.S. Alfred Wegener proposed theory of continental drift, receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists. Ku Klux Klan revived. - 1915 -1916 Jewish opposition to various movements towards making the schools free to use the Bible. 1915 -1934 Haiti. To maintain order during a period of chronic and threatened insurrection. 1915 A doctor in Mississippi alters the diet of 12 prison inmates and is successful and producing pellegra, in a curious attempt at reverse contradictory logic in an attempt to find a cure for the disease. Tsarion 1915 A German firm, licensed to use Tesla's radio patents, builds a radio station for the U.S. Navy on Mystic Island near Tuckerton, New

755 Jersey, equipped with the famous Goldschmidt high frequency magnetic reflecting alternator. The station is closed by the government in 1917. Tsarion 1915 A young woman named Margaret sights the Creature of Loch Ness waddling across the road. 1915 Albert Einstein, after a number of false starts, publishes his General Theory of Relativity, the definitive form of his general theory. 1915 Allied war orders take up the slack in U.S. economy. Purchasing agent for the Allies in the U.S. is J. P. Morgan Company. Tsarion 1915 April 22 The second Battle of Ypres in Belgium begins when the Germans disrupt a planned Allied offensive. A German poison gas attack, the first on the Western Front, demoralizes Allied troops and creates a large gap in their lines, but the Allies retrieve the situation after a bitter struggle. (About 5,000 cylinders of chlorine gas was used by the Germans.) 1915 April 25 Sir Ian Hamilton lands a force of British and Anzacs (Australia-New Zealand Army Corps) troops on the narrow Gallipoli Peninsula. The Turks ring the tiny beachheads with entrenchments, and the British find themselves locked in trench warfare much like that on the western front. 1915 April 26 The Allied powers sign the secret Treaty of London with Italy, which pledges to enter the war against Austria in exchange for territorial concessions. Although Italy fulfills its obligation, it receives only part of the territories promised when peace is concluded (1918-19). 1915 April List convenes an HAO meeting in Vienna. A number of well-known, Austrian public figures gather to hear Guido von List's Easter address. (Roots) 1915 August 10 General Leonard Wood sets up a military training camp in Plattsburg, New York. It will train 1,200 volunteers who pay for their own travel expenses, food and uniforms. By the summer of 1916, 16,000 men will be in unofficial military training. 1915 August 16 Leo Frank is taken from his prison hospital by a mob and lynched on the outskirts of Marietta, Ga. 1915 August 19 The British liner Arabic is sunk, with the loss of four more American lives. 1915 August 25 Brest-Litovsk falls and the entire Russian front is in complete collapse. 1915 August 5 Gen. Max von Gallwitz's new German Twelfth Army captures Warsaw. 1915 August 6 Hamilton attempts new landings at Gallipoli after the arrival of reinforcements, but because of the fear of German

756 submarines, no battleships are available to provide artillery support and the operation fails. Russia is permanently cut off from its allies. 1915 Author Margaret Singer jailed for writing book limiting family size. Tsarion 1915 Bright spots appear on the Moon. 1915 Britain begins creation of chemical warfare compounds. British use chlorine gas against the Germans, killing British troops as the wind shifts. Britain comes up with impregnated clothing as a defense. Tsarion 1915 Britain mines the North Sea and imposes a naval blockade on Germany. Tsarion 1915 Canada experiences a period of Prohibition until 1919 to create financial reserves and bootlegging network for upcoming U.S. prohibition. Tsarion 1915 David Rockefeller born. Klu Klux Klan revival. Tsarion 1915 December 10 After suffering extremely heavy casualties, the bulk of the Allied troops and supplies at Gallipoli are evacuated by this date. 1915 December 31 Appalling losses have been suffered during 1915 on both sides, 612,000 Germans, 1,292,000 French, and 279,000 British. The year ends with no appreciable shift in the battle lines scarring the landscape from the North Sea to the Swiss Alps. Russian casualties on the Eastern Front are more than 2 million men, about half of whom had been captured. Combined German and Austrian casualties exceed 1 million. 1915 December 4 "To get the boys out of the trenches by Christmas," Henry Ford begins fitting out a "Peace Ship" on which he plans to travel to Europe to end the war. (Schlesinger I) 1915 December 6 Topfer, Ruttinger's successor in the Nuremberg Germanenorden province, writes Julius Ruttinger complaining that the brothers are now weary of the ritual, ceremony and banquets, which Pohl seems to regard as the main purpose of the Order. (Roots) 1915 December 7 General Townshend at Kut, in Mesopotamia, is besieged by the Turks. 1915 Armenian Holocaust by the Turks, (1915) 1.5 million people killed. 1915 December 7 President Wilson asks for a standing army of 142,000 and a reserve of 400,000. 1915 December In an Allied conference at Chantilly, Joffre succeeds in obtaining agreement from Britain, Russia, Italy, and Romania that coordinated Allied offensives will be launched on the Western, Eastern, and Italian fronts, about June, when Russia should be ready.

757 1915 December Violent anti-war demonstrations break out in Berlin. 1915 During World War I, a regiment of the British Army, the 1st 4th Norfolk, disappeared in an attempt to take Hill 60 at Suvla Bay near Gallipoli. In front of 22 witnesses, the regiment---over 800 men--marched into a strange formation of lenticular clouds hovering over Hill 60 and was never seen again. Posted as missing, the regiment was thought to have been captured. After the war, Britain demanded the return of the regiment, but the Turks denied any knowledge of the regiment's existence. No trace of the regiment has ever been found. (Complicated and confused story, investigated by Jean Sider, found unrelated to any UFO phenomenon.) 1915 February 10 President Wilson warns Germany that the U.S. will hold it "to a strict accountability" for "property damaged or lives lost." German submarine warfare is taking a heavy toll on neutral shipping, including American. (Note, U-boat captains are in a difficult position because they cannot safely surface to allow enemy crews to board liferafts before being sunk. The fragile U-boats themselves are easily sunk by small-caliber deck guns.) 1915 February 19 A Franco-British fleet under British Admiral Sackville Carden begin a systematic reduction of the Turkish fortifications lining the Dardanelles. 1915 February 19 A German submarine sinks a Norwegian ship in British waters. 1915 February 2 Advance elements of Djemal Pasha's army strike across the Suez canal in pontoon boats, but are repelled. No further Turkish assaults are made against the canal, but the threat holds back reinforcements from Gallipoli. 1915 February 25 The outer Turkish forts are silenced and Allied vessels enter the Dardanelles. 1915 February 4 Germany proclaims a war zone around the British Isles in retaliation for the blockade of its ports. Germany intensifies its submarine campaign against Allied merchant ships and attacks neutral ships. 1915, during World War I, the Kurds killed about 1 million Armenians. The Young Turks, who had been put in power by the British, used the Kurds (who thought they had the support of the British) to slaughter the Armenians (who also thought they had the support of the British). The British then used this genocide as a justification for trying to eliminate Turkey. In fact, the next year, the British and French got together to plan the division of the Ottoman Empire between themselves. According to the plan, which only partially worked, Turkey itself would

758 be reduced to a tiny area on the Black Sea. The rest of the empire would go to Britain and France. 1915 February 8 The new German Tenth Army hits the Russian right. The Russians are driven back into the Augustow Forest, barely escaping encirclement. 90,000 Russian prisoners are taken by the end of the month. 1915 February Hitler writes a long, autobiographical letter to his lawyer and friend, Ernst Hepp. (Hepp Letter) 1915 February The German submarine blockade of Great Britain begins. 1915 German spies caught in Russia trying to spread plague bacteria. Tsarion 1915 Germans announce a submarine blockade of British Isles. Tsarion 1915 Germans use chlorine gas on the battlefield against French and Algerians. They also use a form of tear gas (T-Stoff) on the Russian front. Tsarion 1915 H. Spencer Lewis founds the A.M.O.R.C. (Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross) in America. 1915 In 1915 The Armenian Holocaust engineered by the Jewish Young Turks leaves 1.5 million Armenian Christians murdered. 1915, , 1 . , , ( ) ( )! . , , . , , . [ ] : 1915 It was billed in newspapers of the time as the Phantom Invasion of Canada. Mystery aircraft invaded the skies and capital of this nation. 1915 J.P. Morgan organizes control of U.S. newspaper businesses. Tsarion

759 1915 January 14 Turkish commander Djemal Pasha secretly sets out across the Sinai Peninsula from Beersheba with an army of 22,000, intending to seize the Suez Canal. 1915 January 19-20 Bombing attacks on Britain by Zeppelin dirigibles, under the control of the German navy, result in few casualties, causing more anger than panic. During the year, 18 more raids will take place. 1915 January 23 A German battle cruiser squadron under Vice Admiral Franz von Hipper moves out to raid the English coast and harass the British fishing fleet. 1915 January 24 British Admiral David Beatty's battle cruiser squadron attacks Hipper off the Dogger Bank. Hipper wisely flees, but Beatty, with superior speed, catches him, sinking one cruiser. Both flagships are damaged. 1915 January 3 The Turks plan a wide envelopment of the Russians at the Battle of Sarikamis In the Caucasus between Russia and Turkey. The Russians counterattack, smashing the Turkish army. 1915 January 30 Colonel Edward M. House, Wilson's good friend and advisor, sails to Europe on the Lusitania to try to mediate a peace settlement. Both sides still feel they can get what they want and are unwilling to settle the conflict so quickly. (Schlesinger I) 1915 January 31 The Central Powers, reinforcing their armies in the east, launch a great offensive under Hindenburg in the Battle of Bolimov, a feint aimed at Warsaw to distract Russian attention. Poison gas shells are used for the first time, but are not highly effective in the freezing temperatures, and the Russians do not report the gas attack. 1915 January Winston Churchill orders a mostly British, Allied fleet to force the Dardanelles, then steam on to Constantinople (Istanbul) to dictate peace terms. 1915 Jews start the first true Marxist/Communist party in the US, called "The National Workmen's Committee" in New York City, which is made up of several Jewish radical leaders from various Jewish groups. 1915 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels coins the word Ariosophy. Its earliest mention is in Ostrara I, 82. (Roots) 1915 July 15 Dr. Heinrich Albert, head of German propaganda in America, accidentially leaves his briefcase on a subway in New York. A secret service agent retrieves it and exposes the existence of an extensive espionage network and subversive activities across the nation. German consuls, embassy staff, officials of the Hamburg-American Steamship Line and many German-Americans are implicated. 1915 July 15 Rudolf von Sebottendorff marries Berta Anna Iffland, the divorced daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Muller, a wealthy Berlin merchant. The marriage takes place in Vienna. (Roots)

760 1915 July 2 Erich Muenter, a German instructor at Cornell University, explodes a bomb in the U.S. Senate reception room. 1915 July 21 President Wilson sends a third Lusitania note to the Germans. It warns that any future infringement of American rights will be deemed "deliberately unfriendly." (Schlesinger I) 1915 July 25 A U-boat sinks the American cargo ship Leelanaw off the coast of Scotland. 1915 July 27 Wireless communications are set up between Japan and the U.S. 1915 July 3 Erich Muenter shoots J.P. (Jack) Morgan, Jr., for representing the British government in war contract negotiations. Muenter is quickly arrested and jailed. (Schlesinger I) 1915 July 6 Erich Muenter commits suicide while in police custody. 1915 July The Warburg Bank sends a telegram to the Imperial Navy Cabinet warning of the mounting anti-German mood in America after the sinking of the Lusitania. (Warburgs) 1915 June 17 The League to Enforce Peace is organized at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. It is a prototype for the future League of Nations. William Howard Taft is made president. 1915 June 22 Lemberg is occupied by Austrian-German forces. 1915 June 23 Two Italian armies, each of approximately 100,000 troops, attack toward Gorizia during the First Battle of the Isonzo. They batter in vain against the heavily fortified Austrian defenses. 1915 June 3 Austrian-German armies retake Przemysl in Galicia. 1915 June 8 Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigns on the grounds that as a pacifist he cannot sign a strongly worded second Lusitania note to the Germans that has been written by President Wilson and other members of the Cabinet. Bryan says "a ship carrying contraband should not rely upon passengers to protect her from attack -- it would be like putting women and children in front of the army." (Schlesinger I) 1915 June 9 Wilson sends the second Lusitania note to the Germans, demanding an end to their procrastination over reparations for sinking the unarmed passenger ship. Wilson refuses to recognize the previously non-existent "war zone" set up by Germany around the British Isles. 1915 Ku Klux Klan revived. 1915 March 10 A British attack at Neuve Chapelle fails after nearly achieving a breakthrough. 1915 March 11 Britain declares a blockade of all German ports. 1915 March 18 Turkish fortifications on the Dardanelles are attacked by sixteen British and French battleships. After the

761 bombardment silences the Turkish shore batteries, three battleships are sunk in a minefield and three others are disabled. 1915 March 22 The Austrian garrison at Przemysl, Galicia, surrenders after a siege of 194 days. 110,000 troops are taken prisoner by the Russians. 1915 March 30 President Wilson protests the blockade of German ports and asks the British to allow neutrals to continue their trade as usual. Britain refuses. 1915 May 1 A German U-boat torpedoes the American tanker Gulflight, causing three deaths. Germany quickly offers to make reparations and promises not to attack again without warning, unless the enemy ship tries to escape. Germany refuses to abandon submarine warfare, the only maritime warfare it can successfully carry out. 1915 May 1 The German Ambassador, Count von Bernstorff, issues a warning in the New York newspapers stating that it is unwise to travel into a war zone on vessels carrying cargoes vital to the Allies. 1915 May 10 Count von Bernstorff offers his condolences for the tragic loss of life upon the sinking of the Lusitania, but this only serves to rub salt into the wounds. (Schlesinger I) 1915 May 13 Secretary of State Bryan sends a note to Germany demanding disavowal of the attack upon the Lusitania and immediate reparations. Unfortunately, Bryan then proceeds to informs the Austrian Ambassador that the note "means no harm, but had to be written in order to pacify excited public opinion." The German Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmerman, quickly learns of Bryan's indiscretion and claims to have called the American "bluff." Bryan is later forced to resign and the Germans never make a disavowal or pay reparations. (See June 8) (Schlesinger I) 1915 May 23 Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary. The Italian army, commanded by General Luigi Cadorna, is about 875,000 strong. 1915 May 25 The second Battle of Ypres comes to an end. The British suffer approximately 50,000 casualties, the French 10,000, and the Germans about 35,000. 1915 May 30 Colonel House confides in his diary, " I have concluded that war with Germany is inevitable..." adding that he will persuade President Wilson to act. 1915 May 31 Townshend, in Mesopotamia, overwhelms a Turkish outpost near Qurna in an amphibious assault, and begins to move inland. 1915 May 7 A German submarine torpedoes and sinks the British passenger liner Lusitania off Kinsale Head, Ireland. 1,198 are lost, including 124 Americans. According to the Germans, the ship is carrying munitions, although the British deny this. Roosevelt calls it "murder on the high seas." (See May 1)

762 1915 May In Mesopotamia, British commander Gen. Sir John Nixon, lured by the prospect of capturing the legendary Baghdad, sends forces under Gen. Charles Townshend up the Tigris. 1915 May-June The Allies renew their offensives in the north, but are repulsed in the Second Battle of Artois. Costly and unsuccessful assaults during the first half of the year have exhausted the Allies, who spend the rest of the summer resting, reorganizing, and reinforcing, as do the Germans. Both sides come perilously close to expending their ammunition reserves and now wait for munitions production to catch. 1915 November 13 Norman Hapgood in Harper's Weekly says that a sharp line separates Jews from Gentiles in America and concludes that antisemitic prejudice is becoming more distinct. "Americans do not deprive Jews of any rights," he wrote, "but they do not on the whole like them." 1915 November 22 Townshend attacks Ctesiphon, in Mesopotamia, but after 4 days of bitter fighting withdraws to Kut. 1915 November 25 The almost dormant Ku Klux Klan is revived in Atlanta, Georgia, by Colonel William J. Simmons. 1915 November 30 Sabotage is suspected in an explosion at the DuPont munitions plant in Wilmington, Delaware. 1915 November 7 The Italian liner Ancona, carrying 27 Americans, is sunk without warning by an Austrian submarine. 1915 November Late in the month, the remnants of the Serbian army, accompanied by a horde of civilian refugees, reaches the Adriatic, pursued by the Austrians. 1915 Oct 12 British nurse, Edith Cavell, charged with espionage is executed by a German firing squad. 1915 October 11 Two Bulgarian armies strike west, one on Nis, the other on Skopje. 1915 October 13 The largest Zeppelin raid of the war kills 59 people in London. 1915 October 14 Britain and France declare war on Bulgaria. 1915 October 15 Admiral Henning von Holzendorff visits Max Warburg at his home to ask his opinion on the economic impact of intensified U-boat warfare. Warburg tells him that unrestricted U-boat warfare will only draw America into the war. (Warburgs) 1915 October 15 Sir Ian Hamilton is relieved at Gallipoli and replaced by General Sir Charles Monro, who soon directs a masterful evacuation. 1915 October 15 U.S. bankers arrange a $500 million loan to the British and French.

763 1915 October 18 The Italians, reorganized, reinforced, and supported by 1,200 guns strike once more at Gorizia and are again repulsed in the Third Battle of the Isonzo. 1915 October 21 Siegmund von Sebotendorff dies in Wiesbaden. His funeral is attended by Rudolf von Sebottendorff and his wife. (Wiesbaden Zeitung, November 23; Roots) 1915 October 6 Two armies, one Austrian and one German, drive south across the Serbian Sava-Danube border. 1915 October1916 January McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, agreeing to give Arabia to Arabs, if Arabs will fight the Turks. The Arab Revolt began in June 1916. 1915 Planning begins for U.S. war with Japan (1941). Tsarion 1915 Radical, antisemitic poet and journalist Dietrich Eckart returns to Munich after being gassed at the front. 1915 September 1 Germany announces cessation of unlimited submarine warfare. The Germans, fearing U.S. involvement in the war on the side of the Allies, agrees to pay indemnities and guarantees that submarines will not sink passenger liners without warning. 1915 "" 1.200.000 9 300.000 " 20 ". , , " " " ". " ", , " , 45 ". ' 1.500.000 . 3.000 1.407.000 , , . 1.000.000 , , , . , Radio Agency " ". , , 37.000 ( ) 1916 .

764 , 5.000.000 "" , " " . , 1917, . 5.000 ' . . . 1915 September 18 The German occupation of Vilna climaxes a colossal 300 mile advance. Russian Grand Duke Nikolai skillfully keeps his armies intact, withdrawing in fairly good order, while evading German envelopment. 1915 September 24 Grand Duke Nikolai is unceremoniously relieved of command in Poland by the Czar and soon takes command in the Caucasus. 1915 September 5 Czar Nicholas II takes command of the Russian armies. Many consider it a grave mistake. 1915 September 6 On the Eastern Front, the German and Austrian "great offensive" has conquered all of Poland and Lithuania. Russia has lost 1 million men to date. 1915 September A circular of the Franconian Germanenorden clarifies its aims, rules and rituals. The principal aim of the order is the monitoring of the Jews and their activities by the creation of a center to which all antisemitic material would flow for distribution. Subsidiary aims include mutual aid of brothers in respect to business introductions, contracts and finance. Lastly, all brothers are committed to the circulation of volkisch journals, especially the Hammer, their "sharpest weapon against Jewry and other enemies of the people." (Roots) (Note, The articles of the Germanenorden state that all nationals, male or female, of flawless Germanic descent are eligible for admission. Application forms request details about the color of the applicants hair, eyes and skin. The ideal coloration was blond to dark blond hair, blue to light brown eyes, and pale skin. Details regarding the parents, grandparents and spouse are also required. A guide to recruitment states that physically handicapped or "unpleasant looking" people were barred.) (Roots) 1915 September-October The Allies again launch unsuccessful offensives in the Second Battle of Champagne and Third Battle of Artois. Casualties are more than 200,000 French, nearly 100,000 British, and 140,000 Germans. Sir Douglas Haig replaces French as commander of the BEF.

765 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania by German submarine; allegedly carrying secret munitions for the Allies. The ship supposedly sacrificed by British and American authorities to drum up war hysteria in U.S. 1915 Sir Douglas Haig replaces Sir John French as the Commander-in-Chief of British forces. 1915 Summer Five hundred German housewives stage a protest against the war in Berlin. 1915 Tesla sues Marconi over radio patents. The Nobel prize committee decides not to award Tesla and Edison a joint prize, and chooses two other men. Tsarion 1915 Tetanus epidemics in trenches of World War I. Tsarion 1915 The Allied governments retain J.P. Morgan & Co. as their agent to handle purchases of war supplies in the United States. Thomas Lamont, of the House of Morgan, appoints Edward R. Stettinius, Sr. to oversee this vast operation. Stettinius soon becomes a partner, heading a special department that apportions British and French orders of war materiels among U.S. steel mills, powder plants, tool works and dozens of other industries. 1915 The ship Lusitania leaves New York with a shipment of explosives and is sunk by a German submarine. American lives are lost. Tsarion 1915 William (Bill) Donovan selected by the Rockefeller Foundation to go to Europe on a War Relief Mission. While in London, Donovan works with Walter Page and William Stephenson, who later advises him on setting up the OSS. Tsarion 1915 Witch stoned to death in Texas, last public killing of a witch in USA. 1915, 21 , , . 1915, , Vladimir Ledochowski. 1915, 25 , . 5,5 . 10 . 1,5 . 24 . 1 25 . 7,5 . 1915, . 1916 -- Assassination of Rasputin. - 1916 - Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson observes: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.

766 We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - 1916 17 L. Brandeis appointed to Supreme Court (America). Anti Jewish laws abrogated; Death of Mendele Mokher Seforim (Russia & Poland). The British capture Jerusalem. American Jewish Congress election. JPS version of the Bible. Balfour Declaration (England). U.S. enters the War; Russian Revolutions. Bolsheviks led by Lenin seize power in Russia; Balfour Declaration urges Jewish State in Palestine, in payment for the Jews help in getting the United States into World War I as England's ally. 1916 -1924 Dominican Republic. To maintain order during a period of chronic and threatened insurrection. 1916 Allen W. Dulles enters U.S. diplomatic service. 1916 April 18 General Yudenich captures Trebizond (Trabzon), facilitating Russian logistical support 1916 April 20 The Lafayette Escadrille, a French squadron made up of American volunteers, flies in action for the first time on the Western Front. 1916 April 29 In Mesopotamia, General Townshend's besieged and starving force at Kut-el-Amara capitulates, surrendering 2,070 British and 6,000 Indian troops to the Turks. The British had already taken 21,000 casualties in a series of unsuccessful rescue attempts. 1916 April 9 The third German offensive at Verdun strikes both sides of the salient, but is checked by May 19. 1916 April Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg and their associates found the radical Independent Socialist Party, commonly referred to as the Spartacus League. (Rosa Luxemburg, while in prison (1916-18) for revolutionary activity writes the so-called Spartacus Letters.) 1916 August 17 Bulgarian-German attacks begin the Battle of Florina in the Balkans. 1916 August 19 Falkenhayn is relieved of command and replaced by General Paul von Hindenburg. Soon he and General Erich von Ludendorff will take full control of both the war and civilian affairs. Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes a mere figurehead. 1916 August 27 The Allied-Serbian forces in the Balkans are driven back to the Struma River line. 1916 August 27 The Romanian government, impressed by the early success of the Brusilov Offensive, declares war on Germany and AustriaHungary.

767 1916 August 3 German Gen. Kress von Kressenstein, with 15,000 Turkish troops and German machine gunners, makes a surprise attack on the British Sinai railhead at Rumani, but is repelled. 1916 August 6 General Cadorna again strikes the Austrian Isonzo front. In this Sixth Battle of the Isonzo the Italians take Gorizia, but no breakthrough is achieved. Psychologically, the operation boosts Italian morale, lowered by the heavy losses in the Trentino. 1916 August General Sir Frederick S. Maude becomes commander in Mesopotamian. 1916 August In Persia, Halil Pasha retakes Kermanshah. 1916-24 . 1916 August Italy declares war against Germany. 1916 August Kemal, the Turkish hero of Gallipoli and now a corps commander, captures the Caucasian cities of Mus and Bitlis. 1916 August-September Romanian armies advance into Transylvania, where they were repulsed by Falkenhayn, now commanding the Ninth Army. 1916 Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph dies. 1916 British War Office purchases 7,000 acres in Porton Down for a chemical warfare installation. Tsarion 1916 December 13 General Maude begins a movement up both banks of the Tigris River with 166,000 men, two-thirds of them Indian. 1916 December 18 President Wilson asks the warring powers to state their conditions for peace negotiations. 1916 December 18 The French front almost reaches the lines held prior to February, bringing the Verdun campaign to an end. Casualties in this bitterly fought battle are about 542,000 French and 434,000 Germans. 1916 December 31 General Joffre retires, and is succeeded by General Nivelle. 1916 December 31 Rasputin, a politically powerful Russian monk who is also a confidant and advisor to the Czar's family, is murdered by a group of noblemen lead by Prince Felix Yussoupov, the Czarina's cousin. Rasputin is poisoned, shot, clubbed and then thrown into the Neva River. Rasputin's real name was Grigori Yefimovich. 1916 December 31 The Romanian army, with belated Russian support, holds only one tiny foothold in their own country. The remnants of the Romanian armies have been driven north into Russia, and the bulk of Romania's wheat fields and oil wells fallen into German hands. 1916 December 4 Romanian Gen. Alexandru Averescu, is disastrously defeated in the Battle of the Arges River (December 1-4). 1916 December 6 Bucharest, the Romanian capital, is captured.

768 1916 December David Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister of Britain's wartime coalition government. 1916 December From New York, Paul Warburg sends a letter to his brother, Max Warburg, in Germany, telling him that the Allies have nearly exhausted the market for American loans, but that unrestricted Uboat warfare would foster sympathy and expand the market. (The Warburgs) 1916 December Shortly before Christmas, Hermann Pohl informs Baron Sebottendorf that the Germanenorden has been reconstructed with Pohl, himself, as Chancellor. (Roots) 1916 FDR is Secretary of the Navy in the United States, and orders Navy contracts in advance of U.S. entry into World War 1. Tsarion 1916 February 13 General Yudenich reaches Erzerum and breaks through its ring of forts in a 3-day battle (February 16). 1916 February 21 Following an enormous bombardment, the crown prince's German Fifth Army attacks the fortified but lightly garrisoned area around Verdun. The assault gains considerable territory, capturing a key position, Fort Douaumont. Joffre prohibits any further retreat and sends Gen. Henri Philippe Petain with reinforcements to defend the region. 1916 French ship Sussex sunk, injuring Americans on board. Tsarion 1916 General Josef Pilsudski is imprisoned by the Germans after refusing to join the Central Powers. 1916 Henry Ford spends $465,000 to finance a so-called "Peace Ship," and travels to Europe in an unsuccessful attempt to personally negotiate an end to the war. Ford later blames his failure on the Jews. 1916 I.G.Farben official Werner Daitz first describes national socialism. Tsarion 1916 In February it became known for the first time that a revolution was being promoted in Russia. It was discovered that the following named persons and firms were involved in this work of destruction: 1. Jakob Schiff; Jew. 2. Kuhn, Loeb & Co; Jewish firm. Directors: Jakob Schiff; Jew. Felix Warburg; Jew. Otto Kahn; Jew. Mortimer Schiff; Jew. Hieronymus H. Hanauer; Jew. 3. Guggenheim; Jew. 4. Max Breitung; Jew. 1916, Count Strck, the chancellor of Austria, was murdered. The murderer, Fritz Adler, was a Freemason and son of a Freemason, as well as member of a lodge with high Freemasonic dignitaries in Switzerland. In his declaration he defended the right to exercise justice with his own hand. 1916 Introduction of graduated income tax in the U.S. Tsarion

769 1916 January 10 General Francisco "Pancho" Villa, in an attempt to embroil the U.S. in the turmoil in Mexico, forces 18 American mining engineers off a train and shoots them in cold blood. 1916 January 11 General Yudenich, one of the most capable Russian commanders, advances from Kars toward Erzerum in the Caucasus. 1916 January 24 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that a federal income tax is constitutional. 1916 January 7 Germany notifies the U.S. State Department that it will abide by strict international rules of maritime warfare. 1916 January 8-9 The remaining 35,000 Allied troops at Gallipoli are secretly withdrawn without alerting the Turks. Allied casualties for the entire campaign are estimated at 252,000, with the Turks suffering about 251,000. 1916 Jewish, Zionist judge Louis Brandeis is picked for the U.S. Supreme Court. He will later become a close pal of Roosevelt (who, we shall see, was half Jewish. Real name Rosenvelt). 1916 July 1 The British infantry, following the artillery barrage on the Somme, are mowed down by German machine guns as they attempt their assault. By nightfall the British have lost about 60,000 men, 19,000 of them dead -- the greatest single, 1-day loss in the history of the British army. 1916 July 13 The second German line in the Somme is cracked, but little advantage is gained. 1916 July 2 Despite the appalling British losses of the first day, Gen. Henry S. Rawlinson's British Fourth Army and Gen. Edmund Sllenby's Third Army continue with a series of small, limited attacks. Falkenhayn, determined to check the advance, begins shifting reinforcements from the Verdun front. 1916 July 25 General Yudenich routs the Turkish Third Army, and then turns on the Turkish Second Army. 1916 July A reconstituted Serbian army of about 118,000 men arrives by ship in the Balkans, and with additional reinforcements rises to more than 250,000. 1916 July Allied forces begin active operations in Albania 1916 July David Lloyd George succeeds Lord Horatio Kitchener as British Secretary of War. 1916 July The Germanenorden's newsletter begins featuring a swastika superimposed on a cross on its cover. All future issues will carry this same symbol. (Roots) 1916 June 1 Turkish commander Halil Pasha repulses a Russian attack at Khanikin in Mesopotamia.

770 1916 June 10 The Austrian drive in the Trentino area is halted by difficult terrain and arrival of Italian reinforcements. An Italian counteroffensive and the desperate need to rush troops to the Eastern Front causes the Austrians to withdraw to defensive positions. Italian casualties reach more than 147,000; Austrian 81,000. 1916 June 12 Rudolf Hess is wounded at Verdun, but manages to continue fighting despite his injury. 1916 June 14 President Wilson leads a "preparedness" parade in Washington, D.C. 1916 June 16 Brusilov, receiving little or no aid from the two other Russian army groups on the front, is battered by a German counteroffensive. 1916 June 16 President Wilson is renominated for president at the Democratic Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. Thomas R. Marshall is nominated for vice president. Wilson campaigns on the slogan "He kept us out of war," while skillfully preparing the way for entrance on the side of the Allies. (Schlesinger I) 1916 June 18 General Helmuth von Moltke dies, a broken and disillusioned man. 1916 June 20 Frau Eliza von Moltke, the widow of General Moltke, begins "speaking in tongues" and soon begins writing hundreds of pages of what she claims are the General's supernatural "prophesies," delivered from beyond the grave. Frau Moltke soon names Adolf Hitler as the future leader of Germany, while Hitler is still an unknown messenger on the Western Front. Frau Moltke says it will be General von Ludendorff who will bring Hitler to power and the well-known English writer, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who will name Hitler as the longawaited German Messiah. (Frau Moltke, Spear) 1916 June 21 President Carranza orders his troops to attack American troops still on Mexican soil. 18 Americans are killed or wounded. The Mexicans warn that a repetition will occurr unless Americans leave Mexico. Wilson refusesuntil order is restored along the border. 1916 June 24 Joffre launches his long-planned Allied offensive on the Somme with a week-long artillery bombardment. 1916 June 4 The Austrian spring offensive against Italy brings yet another appeal to Czar Nicholas for help. General Aleksei A. Brusilov, the commander of the Russian Southwestern Army Group, attacks along a 300- mile-long front. Well-planned and well executed, The Brusilov Offensive devastates the Austro-German line in two places and drives forward. 1916 June 5 An Arab revolt breaks out against the Turks in the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia. The revolt spreads to Palestine and Syria

771 under the leadership of British archaeologist T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), a brilliant tactician who joins forces with Husayn Ibn Ali. Lawrence, with a force of only a few thousand Arabs, threatens the Turks' entire line of communications through Syria to the Taurus Mountains. 1916 June 5 British Minister of War, Lord Kitchener, dies when HMS Hampshire is sunk. 1916 June-July Renewed German assaults at Verdun almost break the French line, but the French hang on to their positions until demands for replacements on the Eastern Front drain 15 German divisions from Verdun. 1916 June-September The Brusilov Offensive, although successful, demoralizes the Russians, and costs them one million men, significantlycontributing to the hardships and resentments that lead to the Russian Revolutions of 1917. (Note, Austrian losses were even greater, and their defeat by the Russians was the single most important element in the disintegration of the Habsburg Empire.) 1916 Lazar Kaganovich, now a member of the Kiev Bolshevik Committee, makes a speech opposing the "imperialist war." He is quickly arrested and banished from Kiev. He then began a period of travelling and union organizing using various aliases. 1916 March 11 The Italians launch the Fifth Battle of the Isonzo. Like its predecessors, this battle is a succession of inconclusive conflicts. 1916 March 12 Russian General N. N. Baratov reaches Karind and advances on Baghdad. 1916 March 18 The Russians, responding to French appeals, launch a two-pronged drive in the Vilna-Naroch area as a counter to the German Verdun assault in the west. The Russian assault soon breaks down in the mud of the spring thaw, costing 70,000 to 100,000 casualties and 10,000 prisoners. German losses are about 20,000 men. 1916 March 24 German U-boats torpedo another passenger ship, the Sussex, and several more Americans are killed, despite Germany's guarantees of 1915. 1916 March 6 The second German attack at Verdun, launched on the western face of the salient, is eventually checked by French counterattacks. For the remainder of the month, attacks and counterattacks litter the battlefield with corpses. The watchword for the defense becomes France's motto for the rest of the war, Ils ne passeront pas! ("They shall not pass!") 1916 March 9 Pancho Villa leads a raid into New Mexico, killing 17 Americans. 1916 March Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg and 17 other Social Democrats are expelled from the party's Reichstag delegation for their radiacal extremism.

772 1916 Maurice Philip Tuteur, a soldier on the British front during WWI, stated in a letter to his parents, "A zeppelin-like object rose straight towards the clouds in the rear of our lines not like a flying machine, but straight up. After running vertically, it suddenly darted forward at a pace which must have been 200 m.p.h. It then turned around and darted backwards and then suddenly rising, disappeared in the clouds." The object was also allegedly witnessed by two sergeant majors. 1916 May 10 Germany announces abandonment of its extended submarine campaign. During this period Great Britain, seeking to maintain a blockade, illegally seizes American vessels with such frequency, that Wilson threatens to provide convoys for all American merchant ships to guarantee their neutrality rights. 1916 May 15 The Austrians begin a long-planned offensive in the Trentino area, catching the Italians unprepared. 1916 May 16 Britain and France sign the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement which details the proposed division of Arabia at the conclusion of World War I into French and British spheres of influence. 1916 May 30 Alerted by German radio chatter, the British Grand Fleet under Admiral Sir John Jellicoe heads toward the Skagerrak. Leading is Beatty's scouting force of 52 ships, including 6 battle cruisers and 4 new super-dreadnoughts. Following behind is Jellicoe's main fleet of 99 vessels. Overall, the British have 37 capital ships, 28 dreadnoughts and 9 battle cruisers; the Germans had 27, 16 dreadnoughts, 6 older battleships, and 5 battle cruisers. 1916 May 30 The German High Seas Fleet under Adm. Reinhard Scheer puts to sea, led by Hipper's scouting fleet--40 fast ships with a nucleus of five battle cruisers. Following well behind is the main fleet of 59 ships. 1916 12.30 16 1916, , . , . . , . , , . . , ,

773 , . 1916 May 31 At about 3,30pm, The Battle of Jutland, the most important naval engagement of the war begins. Fewer than four hours later the British have lost three battle cruisers, three cruisers, and eight destroyers; with 6,784 casualties. The Germans have lost only one old battleship, one battle cruiser, four light cruisers, and five destroyers; with 3,039 casualties. The Battle of Jutland is the end of an era, the last great fleet action in which both opponents slug it out within eyesight of one another. Yet neither side can claim a victory, and the German High Sea Fleet will not put to sea for the remainder of the war. 1916 [Horton] ( ) , , . ' , . 2 1916 . , ' . . ' . . G. F. Abbott ' : . , , . 10 1920 Urfa, 20 1921 Franklin Bouillon . ' , . Franklin Bouillon , ' , .

774 1916 May 9 President Wilson orders mobilization of U.S. troops along the Mexican border. This will lead Carranza, the Mexican president, to order U.S. troops out of Mexico. 1916 Norwegian fishermen working nets north of Svalbard (Spitzbergen) Island see a "dark Zeppelin" moving quickly over the Arctic pack ice, heading for the North Pole. 1916 November 10 An Italian corps pushes an Austrian corps north and links with Sarrail's main body at Lake Ochrida in Albania. 1916 November 21 Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Josef dies. 1916 November 3 Mackensen, commander of the Germanreinforced Bulgarian Danube Army, crosses the Danube after driving north through the Dobruja. 1916 November 7 President Wilson is reelected. He has repeatedly promised the American people that if reelected he will keep them out of war. 1916 November The Battle of the Somme comes to an end, costing the British more than 400,000 troops; the French 200,000; and the Germans about 450,000; with no strategic results (see June 24). 1916 October 20 General major Erwin von Heimerdinger becomes the new Chancellor of the original Germanenorden. Dr. Gensch becomes Treasurer and Bernhard Koerner, Grand Keeper of Pedigrees. Philipp Stauff and Eberhard von Brockhusen are principle officers of the Berlin province. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1916 October 7 Hitler is wounded in combat and is taken to an army hospital at Beelitz. 1916 October 8 During a provincial meeting of the Germanenorden at Gotha in Thuringia, members from Berlin urge the Gotha assembly to remove Hermann Pohl as Chancellor. Pohl is incensed and declares himself Chancellor of a schismatic Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail. Pohl succeeds in carrying with him the already established lodges in Silesia (Breslau), Hamburg, Berlin and the Osterland (Gera). Pohl's supporters in Berlin are G.W. Freese and Braunlich, who founded new Berlin lodges in the city and at Gross-Lichterfelde. (Roots) 1916 October-November The French, now under command of General Robert Nivelle, retake Forts Douaumont and Vaux. 1916 Sept 20 Brusilov, slowed by ammunition shortages, reaches the Carpathian foothills. The offensive ends when German reinforcements, rushed from Verdun, bolster the shattered Austrians, who are in danger of being knocked out of the war. 1916 September 10 French Gen. Maurice Sarrail,technically in command in the Balkans, launches an abortive counteroffensive while bickering with his British subordinates.

775 1916 September 15 Gen. Haig, commander of the BEF, launches another major offensive in the Somme. British tanks, secretly shipped to the front and used in combat for the first time, spearhead the attack. Although a surprise to the Germans, the tanks are underpowered, unreliable, too slow, and too few in number to gain a decisive victory (out of 47 brought up, only 9 completed their assigned tasks). As at Verdun, the casualties were horrendous, British losses are about 420,000; French about 195,000; German nearly 650,000. 1916 September Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff visits Hermann Pohl, leader of the mysterious Germanenorden in Berlin. Pohl tells Sebottendorff he first became interested in the esoteric study of the runes through Guido von List, and that he is convinced racial miscegenation, especially with Jews, was responsible for obscuring the "Aryan's" knowledge of the mystical powers of the runes. Pohl says he believes this gnosis can be revived once the race has been purified of foreign contamination. (Sebottendorff; Roots) 1916 Spring Prescott Bush, the father of future President George Bush, and Roland "Bunny" Harriman are chosen for membership in the elite Yale secret society known as Skull and Bones. 1916 Tanks are first used by England in warfare. 1916 The first evidence of brown mottling of teeth is reported in the United States. Tsarion 1916 The Trans-Siberian railway, the longest continuous railroad line in the world, is completed. 1916 U.S. Marines land in Santo Domingo to quell unrest and will not leave until 1924. 1916 U.S. troops under General Pershing invade Mexico in retaliation for raids by Pancho Villa. 1916 Walter Rathenau in Germany works to establish world socialism. He would eventually be murdered. Tsarion 1916 Walter S. Gifford organizes the U.S. Council on National Defense, formed to involve the U.S. in World War 1. Gifford later becomes president of ATT, a chairman of the board of the Carnegie Institution, and an officer of the Rockefeller Foundation. Tsarion 1916 1916 1919, , . , , , 20 - [ 8 , 1924] . 1916 1916 1919, , . ,

776 , , [ 8 , 1924] . 1916, . 1916, , 9 . 2,5 , 3 . . 24 27 . . 1 . 1916, , . 1916: Britain introduces daylight saving time to save energy 1916: The Lucknow Pact unites the Congress and the League in their fight for independence from Britain 1916-1923: Irish War of Independence, the period of nationalist rebellion, guerrilla warfare, political change and civil war which brought about the establishment of the independent nation, the Irish Free State. 1917: the February Revolution overthrows Tsar Nicholas II in Russia. 1917: the Green Corn Rebellion takes place in rural Oklahoma. 1917: October Revolution in Russia - Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia and the establishment of the Soviet Union. 1917 -- United States enters World War I. Russian Revolution begins; Cheka, secret police of Bolsheviks, founded. - 1917 - With aid from financiers in New York City and London, V. I. Lenin is able to overthrow the government of Russia. Lenin later comments on the apparent contradiction of the links between prominent capitalists and Communism: "There also exists another alliance - at first glance a strange one, a surprising one - but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists." [Remember the Hegelian dialectic?] - 1917 -1922 Cuba. Troops were landed to protect American interests during an insurrection and subsequent unsettled conditions. Most of the United States armed forces left Cuba by August 1919, but two companies remained at Camaquey until February 1922. 1917 -1945 National Socialism and Bolshevism expresses pusillanimous support for examining the Holocaust myth more carefully, is nonetheless considered a radical among the establishment German historians. Nolte's transgressions began in June 1986, when he published a cautiously dissident essay in the West German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Battling Nolte are Marxist academics such as Jurgen

777 Habermas, who oppose any neutral discussion of the National Socialist (Nazi) era. 1917 -2000 Over 60 million Christians and non Jews were murdered by the Jews in Russia and many other Eastern European Nations. 1917 21.3% of WWI draftees rejected because of handicaps. Tsarion 1917 A large "Lion" (dubbed "Nellie the Lion" by the press) is seen in central Illinois. 1917 AMA hostility toward compulsory health insurance. Tsarion 1917 April 15 The British advance near Arras is finally halted. 1917 April 16 Lenin, Zinoviev, Lunacharski and 30 other Bolsheviks, a number of them from New York City, arrive in Petrograd by train from Switzerland, via Germany, Sweden and Finland. 1917 April 16 The French armies attack on a 40-mile front between Soissons and Reims to take the Chemin des Dames, a series of rocky, wooded ridges running parallel to the front. The Germans, fully aware of French plans as a result of Nivelle's confident public boasts, turn the assault into a disaster. The entire operation is a colossal failure, costing the French nearly 120,000 men in 5 days. 1917 April 17 Trotsky and his companions arrive in Petrograd from New York and soon join forces with Lenin.(Prince Michael Sturdza of Romania says Lenin arrived on the 17th and that Trotsky was already in Petrograd when Lenin arrived.) Stuart Kahan in The Wolf of the Kremlin says that Trotsky didn't arrive until early May, and went directly to the Tauride Palace where the Soviet was already in session. 1917-33 16 . . 1917-18 . 1917 April 2 President Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany. "The world," he says, "must be made safe for democracy." 1917 April 29 Almost the entire French army, disheartened and exhausted after the disastrous Nivelle offensive, rebels in mutiny. 1917 April 4 The U.S. Senate concurs with Wilson's request to declare war on Germany. 1917 April 5 Two telegrams reach the office of British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour. One, from Berne, informs Balfour that Lenin and his group of Russian Communists are negotiating with the Germans for safe passage through Germany. The other, from Lord Halifax, informs him that, Trotsky and five of his associates have been seized in Nova Scotia and that Trotsky is now "the leader of a movement to start a

778 revolution against the present Russian Government, the funds being subscribed by socialists and Germans." (Tuchman II) 1917 April 6 The U.S. House of Representatives approves Wilson's resolution against Germany and the United States declares war. The Zimmerman note along with the news that more American ships had been sunk by U-boats had finally aroused Americans out of their isolationism. 1917 April 9 In Russia, widespread popular opposition to the war causes the Petrograd Soviet to repudiate annexationist ambitions (March 27, O.S.). 1917 April 9 The long-awaited Allied Offensive (the Nivelle Offensive) begins when British troops, following a heavy bombardment and gas attack, assault the German Sixth Army positions near Arras. British air superiority is rapidly achieved. 1917 April British and American diplomats pressure for Trotsky's release even though he has promised to take Russia out of the war. An act which is almost certain to cost the lives of tens of thousands of Allied soldiers on the Western Front. 1917 April German submarine warfare reaches its peak. Adoption of the convoy system greatly reduces Allied losses. 1917 April Trotsky is freed by the British and steams off to ferment a revolution in Russia with an American passport and millions of dollars in gold at his disposal. 1917 August 10 Herbert Hoover is put in charge of the food program set up by the Lever Food and Fuel Control Act. It is designed to increase food production and distribution. 1917 August 18 General Luigi Cadorna launches the Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo with 52 Italian divisions and 5,000 guns. 1917 August Rudolf Hess is felled by a rifle bullet in his left lung during a charge by the 18th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment at Unguereana in Romania, and almost bleeds to death. (Missing Years) 1917 August The formation of the Jewish Legion (Zion Mule Corps), initiated in 1914 by Joseph Trumpeldor and Zeev Jabotinsky. 1917 August Trotsky joins the Bolshevik Party, whose longtime loyalists (including Stalin) regard him as an interloper. Nevertheless, Trotsky soon wins a leading role with his spellbinding speeches and organizational energy. 1917 Beranger Sauniere suffered a stroke and died of cirrhosis of the liver, leaving his housekeeper, Marie Dernaud, a wealthy woman. 1917 Britain informs Lord Rothschild of the intent to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, supported by the Zionist movement created by British Intelligence. Tsarion 1917 British use phosgene gas shells on the Germans. Tsarion

779 1917 Carnegies schooling system is brought to New York by William Wirt and tried in twelve schools that were predominantly Jewish. Jewish immigrants, realizing what was being perpetrated, riot for three weeks. Over 200 school children were jailed. (Ref: The Great School Wars, Diane Ravitch) (See also 1910, 1930) Tsarion 1917, , : ( ) . 5 . 1917 Chaim Weizmann becomes head of the World Zionist Organization.He will hold this office from 1917 to 1931 and again from 1935 to 1946. 1917 Congress passes the Espionage Act of 1917. Tsarion 1917 Congress passes the Invention Secrecy Act in the United States as a wartime measure to prevent disclosure of inventions that might be detrimental to the public safety or defense. The act ended in 1918, but was resurrected in 1940 and re-instituted in the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. Tsarion 1917 Congress passes the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917. The U.S. was at war with Germany. Tsarion 1917 Constituents try and force Harrison Drug Control Act on Coca-Cola and are defeated. Tsarion 1917 December 17 Lazar Kaganovich sets out for Petrograd where he has been appointed a delegate to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. (Wolf) 1917 December 20 The Soviet Cheka is established as an investigative agency and quickly transforms itself into a political police force committed to the extermination of all opponents of Soviet ideology. Its founding director was the mysterious Felix Dzerzhunsky, who is quoted as saying, "The Cheka is not a court. We stand for organized terror. The Cheka is obligated to defend the revolution and conquer the enemy even if its sword by chance sometimes fall upon the heads of the innocent." 1917 December 21 Sebottendorff, who has communicated regularly with Pohl throughout 1917, attends the dedication ceremony of the reorganized Germanenorden in Berlin at Pohl's invitation. Sebottendorff offers to publish a monthly Order periodical and is formally elected Master of the Bavarian province. (BHK; Roots)

780 1917 December 3 A truce is signed between the new Russian Bolshevik government and Germany, ending hostilities on the Eastern Front, and permanently erasing Russia from the Allied ranks. 1917 December 3 General Haig orders a partial withdrawal from the Cambrai salient. Nonetheless, Cambrai marks a turning point in tactics on the Western Front on two counts, (1) successful assault without preliminary bombardment and (2) the mass use of tanks. 1917 December 7 The United States declares war on AustriaHungary. 1917 December 8 Allenby assaults the Turkish and German positions, driving them from Jerusalem. 1917 December 9 Jerusalem is occupied by Allenby's British cavalry. 1917 December 9 Peace talks begin between Germany and Russia at Brest-Litovsk in Belorussia. (Polyakov) 1917 December During the Battle of Caporetto, on the Italian Front, Austria forces the Italians to retreat, losing 600,000 prisoners and deserters (October-December). 1917 December Lazar Kaganovich meets Kliment Voroshilov and Sergo Ordzhonikidze, acquaintances of his two older brothers, Mikhail and Yuri, who are now living in Arzamas. Mikhail is also a close friend of Nikolai Bulganin, whom Lenin considers one of the Bolshevik's leading theorists. (Wolf) 1917 December The British Army gains control of Palestine with military occupation, as the Ottoman Empire collapses in World War I. 1917 Edward R. Stettinius, Sr., is appointed as surveyor-general of all purchases for the U.S. government. 1917 Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli becomes Papal Nuncio in Germany (to 1929). 1917 ... ' , , , . , , "" , , ... , ' , - (

781 ). :.. , ' . , , , 1904-5, ' . 1917 February 22 In Mesopotamia, Sir Frederick Maude skillfully assaults Kut, forcing the Turks back toward Baghdad. 1917 February 23 Anticipating a major Allied offensive, the Germans begin withdrawing to a well fortified defensive zone known as the Hindenburg line, or Siegfried zone, about 20 miles behind the winding and overextended line from Arras to Soissons (to April 5). 1917 ... ( !)... ... ! 1917 February 24 The Zimmerman note, written by German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman to the German Ambassador in Mexico, is turned over to President Wilson by British intelligence, who had earlier intercepted and decoded the message. The note indicates that if Germany and the United States were to go to war, Germany would seek an alliance with Mexico -- offering the Mexicans Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in return for their efforts. The British had held onto the note, waiting until the most propitious moment to present it to Wilson. It now becomes one of the most important factors in leading him to declare war on Germany. (Tuchman I) 1917 February 25 General Khabalov issues a police proclamation forbidding all assemblies in the streets of Petrograd and warning that his troops have been ordered to use their weapons to maintain order. Only hours later, 300 people are killed near Nicholas Station. 1917 February 26 Wilson asks Congress for permission to arm merchant ships. Pacifist Senator La Follette leads a filibuster against the legislation. 1917 February 3 President Woodrow Wilson breaks off all diplomatic relations with Germany, less than a month after his inauguration for a second term, citing Germany's renewed submarine warfare as reason enough to intervene. That same day the the American steamship Housatonic is sunk without warning.

782 1917 Fifteen states in the U.S. have eugenics laws on the books which authorize sterilization of criminals, epileptics, the retarded, and insane. Tsarion 1917 Freud writes Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Tsarion 1917 Germany, Bonn: The flamboyant fighter pilot Baron Manfred von Richtofen, known as the Red Baron not only shot down 80 enemy planes for the Germans during World War I, he also was the first human in history to gun down an alien spaceship! That's the fascinating claim of former German Air Force ace Peter Waitzrik, who says he watched in astonishment as the deadeye fighter pilot shot a UFO with undulating orange lights out of the sky over Belgium in 1917. Then, Waitzrik says, he stared in disbelief as two bruised and battered occupants of the downed craft climbed from their spaceship and scampered off into the woods -- apparently never to be seen again. "The Baron and I gave a full report on the incident back at headquarters and they told us not to ever mention it again," the feisty, 105-year-old retired airline pilot recently told a reporter. "And except for my wife and grandkids, I never told a soul. But it's been over 80 years, so what difference could it possibly make now?" The aging Waitzrik said he and Baron Manfred von Richtofen -- the renowned Red Baron -- were flying an early morning mission over western Belgium in the spring of 1917 when the UFO suddenly appeared in a clear, blue sky directly ahead of their Fokker triplanes. "We were terrified because we'd never seen anything like it before," recalled the easygoing great-great grandfather of five. "The U.S. had just entered the war, so we assumed it was something they'd sent up. "The Baron immediately opened fire and the thing went down like a rock, shearing off tree limbs as it crashed in the woods. Then the two little baldheaded guys climbed out and ran away." Waitzrik said he assumed the glittering silver spaceship was some sort of enemy invention until the flying saucer scare that began in the late 1940s convinced him that his buddy had shot down a UFO. "The thing was maybe 40 meters (136 feet) in diameter and looked just like those saucer- shaped spaceships that everybody's been seeing for the last 50 years," the awed oldster said. "So there's no doubt in my mind now that that was no U.S. reconnaissance plane the Baron shot down, that was some kind of spacecraft from another planet and those little guys who ran off into the woods weren't Americans, they were space aliens of some kind. 1917 In his fourth publication of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Sergei Nilus attributes them for the first time to Theodor Herzl. (Segel/Levy) 1917 January 22 President Wilson appears before Congress and outlines a plan for a league of peace, an organization designed to bring

783 about a federation of peaceloving nations.Wilson asks for a "Peace without victory," a concept that is unappealing to both warring factions. 1917 January 31 Germany announces it is resuming unrestricted submarine warfare, stating that neutral ships, armed or unarmed, that sail into a German war zone will be attacked without warning (Note, On this same day, Max Warburg lunches at his club with Admiral Arndt von Holtzendorff, HAPAG's Berlin agent, and Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman. (Warburgs) 1917 January 8-9 In the Battle of Magruntein, British forces clear the Sinai Peninsula of all organized Turkish forces. Sir Archibald Murray is then authorized to begin a limited offensive into Palestine, where the Turks have established defensive positions along the ridges between Gaza and Beersheba, the two natural gateways to the region. 1917 January Leon Trotsky arrives in New York City and becomes an editor of the Russian socialist newspaper Novy Mir (New World). He spends only 10 weeks in America, but long enough to raise millions of dollars for a revolution in Russia. 1917 January The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce appeals to the Kaiser to start unrestricted submarine warfare. Max Warburg voices his opposition even though he knows his brothers and their associates in America will reap huge profits (See December 1916). (Warburgs) 1917 July 1 Russian Commander-in-Chief Brusilov attacks toward Lemberg with the few troops still capable of combat operations. After a few minor gains, the Russian supply system breaks down, and Russian enthusiasm and discipline quickly disappears as German resistance stiffens. 1917 July 14 The U.S. House of Representatives appropriates $640 million for the military aviation program. The army begins the war with 55 planes and 4,500 aviators. By the end of the war more than 16,000 U.S. aircraft will be in service. 1917 July 16-17 Following a disastrous military offensive, Petrograd soldiers, instigated by local Bolshevik agitators, demonstrate against the government in what be comes known as the "July Days." (July 3-4, O.S.) 1917 July 16-18 The Bolsheviks make a premature attempt to seize power in Petrograd. Trotsky is arrested and Lenin is forced to go into hiding in Finland. 1917 July 19 General Max Hoffmann, commanding on the Eastern Front, begins a new German assault, crushing the demoralized Russian armies. The Germans halt their advance at the Galician border. 1917 July 20 Prince Lvov resigns and Kerensky becomes Prime Minister and head of the provisional government.

784 1917 July 25 Rudolf Hess is injured in his left arm at Oituz Pass in Romania, but stays with his unit. (Missing Years) 1917 July 31 The bloody Third Battle of Ypres begins when the British attack the Germans from the northeast. The low ground, sodden with rain, has been turned into a quagmire by a preliminary 3-day bombardment, and the British advance quickly bogs down. More than 250,000 British troops will be killed capturing the small village of Passchendaele. 1917 July 4 Colonel Charles E. Stanton, speaking at the tomb of Lafayette, the French hero of the American War of Independence, proudly states, " Lafayette, we are here." 1917 July A mutiny is successfully put down at the German naval base at Kiel. 1917 July Stalin plays an important organizational role in the Bolshevik party after the first unsuccessful Bolshevik attempt to seize power during the "July days". 1917 June 12 Britain and France force Constantine I to abandon the Greek throne to his son, Alexander. 1917 June 24 The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) and the First Division, an amalgam of existing regular army units, under Major. General John J. Pershing arrive in France. Pershing's calls for a millionman army overseas by May 1918. 1917 June 26 King Alexander of Greece reinstates Eleutherios Venizelos as prime minister. 1917 June 27 Greece enters the war on the side of the Allies. 1917 June 7 After a 17-day general bombardment, British mines, packed with over a million pounds of high explosives tears a huge gap in the German lines on Messines Ridge. General Sir Herbert Plumer's Second Army successfully occupied Messines. This clear-cut victory bolsters British morale. 1917 June General Lord Edmund Allenby takes command of the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force, which will soon take the war to the Turks in Palestine. 1917 King George of England changes royal family name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor (1901-1917). 1917 Lazar Kaganovich first meets Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev at a meeting of leather tanners in Yuzovka and soon recruits him into the Bolshevik party. (Wolf) 1917 Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin are financially backed by Jacob Schiff with 20 million in Gold (paid by Rothschilds/Illuminati). 1917 Luminous objects are seen moving across the Moon. 1917 March 1 Bread riots in Russia are followed by more killings.

785 1917 March 11 After several days of fighting along the Diyala River, General Maude enters Baghdad. He then launches three columns up the Tigris, Euphrates, and Diyala rivers, securing his hold on the city. 1917 March 11 Revolution breaks out in Russia. (Sturdza) 1917 March 12 The American merchant ship Algonquin is sunk without warning. 1917 March 12 The garrison and workers of Petrograd (St. Petersburg), capital of Russia, mutiny, beginning the Russian Revolutions of 1917. Food riots, strikes, and war protests turn into mass demonstrations. The army refuses to fire on the demonstrators. (February 27, O.S.) 1917 March 13 Heavy fighting breaks out in the streets of Petrograd. 1917 March 15 Czar Nicholas II abdicates in favor of his brother, Archduke Michael. 1917 March 15 The Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, a special Duma committee, establishes a provisional government headed by Prince Georgi Lvov, a liberal. Aleksandr Kerensky becomes the new Minister of Justice (March 2, O.S.). 1917 March 15 The Soviet defies the provisional government and issues the notorious "Order No. 1," depriving officers of disciplinary authority. The Russian army and navy collapses as threadbare, battleweary soldiers and sailors murder or depose their officers. 1917 March 16 Archduke Michael refuses to accept the crown and abdicates in favor of Prince Lvov's Provisional Government. The 300year-old Romanov dynasty comes to an end (March 3, O.S.). 1917 March 17 The new Provisional government is almost universally welcomed. Civil liberties are proclaimed, new wage agreements and an 8-hour day are soon negotiated. Discipline in the army is relaxed, and elections are promised for a Constituent Assembly that would organize a permanent democratic order. The existence of two seats of power, the Provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet, however, creates a political rivalry representative of the differing aspirations within Russian society. 1917 March 18 The City of Memphis, Vigilante and Illinois, all American ships, are sunk without warning. 1917 March 21 Another American ship, the Healdon, is sunk off the Dutch coast. 1917 March 22 The U.S. recognizes the new Russian government formed by Prince Lvov and Aleksandr Kerensky. 1917 March 24 The Sixtus Letter - a secret letter sent by Karl I, emperor of Austria, attempts to negotiate a separate peace with England

786 and France. Karl willingly offers to recognize France's "just demand" in regard to Alsace-Lorraine. 1917 March 26 An attack on Gaza, led by Gen. Sir Charles Dobell, fails because of defective staff work and bad communications. General Murray's report, however, presents this First Battle of Gaza as a British victory, and Murray is ordered to advance without delay to take Jerusalem. 1917 March 27 Leon Trotsky and a group of communist revolutionaries sail from New York aboard the S.S. Christiania Fiord, bound for Russia. 1917 March 5 President Wilson is inaugurated. 1917 March 8 Food shortages provoke more street demonstrations in Petrograd (February 23, O.S.), and garrison soldiers refuse to suppress them. Duma leaders demand that Czar Nicholas transfer power to a parliamentary government. 1917 March 9 President Wilson issues a directive for the arming of U.S. merchant ships after the Attorney General finds that such an order is within the power of the presidency. 1917 March British naval authorities in Halifax, Novia Scotia, remove Trotsky and five of his companions along with millions of dollars in gold from the Christiania Fiord. 1917 May 10 The Allied convoy system is officially adopted. 1917 May 12 The Italians once again attempt to battle their way over mountainous terrain in the Tenth Battle of the Isonzo. Casualties are huge, 157,000 Italian and 75,000 Austrians. 1917 May 13 Our Lady of Fatima, an apparition of the Virgin Mary, is allegedly seen by three Portuguese children near the village of Fatima in Portugal. 1917 May 15 Nivelle is replaced by General Philippe Petain, who quells the mutiny and restores the situation with a combination of tact, firmness, and justice. French counterintelligence completely blots out all news of the mutiny, even from the Germans. 1917 May 16 Kerensky becomes Minister of War and begins a systematic disintegration of the Russian Army (Prakkase No. 1). It is Kerensky's persistence in fighting the war that dooms the provisional government. The Bolsheviks led by Lenin continue to undermine the war effort by spreading communist propaganda among the soldiers and the working class. 1917 May 18 The Selective Service Act, a draft and conscription law, is passed in the U.S. for all men between 21 and 30. 1917 May 8 Aleksandr Kerensky is appointed minister of war and soon responds to pressure from the alarmed Allies by ordering Brusilov, now commander in chief, to mount an offensive on the Galician front.

787 1917 May A coalition government is established in Russia that includes several moderate socialists in addition to Aleksandr Kerensky, who had been in the cabinet from the beginning. The participation of such socialists in a government that continues to prosecute the war and fails to implement basic reforms, however, only serves to identify their parties -the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and others -- with government failure. 1917 Minister and family use a telescope to watch a silver UFO shaped like a wagon wheel near Salida, Colorado. 1917 Nov 2, British issued the Balfour Declaration, promising a National Home for the Jews in Palestine. 1917 November 12 The arrival of British and French reinforcements in Italy enables Cadorna to stabilize the Italian front at the Piave River. Italy suffers over 40,000 casualties, as well as 275,000 prisoners. 1917 November 13 General Allenby, closely pursuing the Turks, strikes again, driving them back to the north. Turning then toward Jerusalem, Allenby is detained by the appearance of Turkish reserves and the arrival of General von Falkenhayn, who reestablishes a front from the sea to Jerusalem. 1917 November 2 The Balfour Declaration - Arthur James Balfour, in a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild of England, affirms Britain's commitment to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. 1917 November 2 The British Government issues the Balfour Declaration which documented three main ideas: First, it declared official support from the British Government for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people", and promised that the British Government would actively aid in the these efforts. Second, it documented that the British Government would not support actions that would prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish residents of Palestine. Finally, it confirmed that Jews living in any other country would, similarly, not be prejudiced. 1917 November 20 A preliminary armistice is signed between Germany and Russia (according to Russian historian Yuri Polyakov, who also stated the Allies never replied to the Soviet peace proposal of November 8) 1917 November 20 The British unleash the first large-scale tank attack. At dawn approximately 200 tanks, followed by wave after wave of infantry, plow into the Germans positions in front of Cambrai. German defenses temporarily collapse and the assault breaks through the Hindenburg line for 5 miles along a 6-mile front.

788 1917 November 23 Bolsheviks release the full text of the previously secret Sykes-Picot Agreement in Izvestia and Pravda; it is subsequently printed in the Manchester Guardian on November 26. 1917 November 25 A Constituent Assembly is elected in Russia. Few of his opponents appreciate Lenin's political boldness, audacity, and commitment to shaping a Communist Russia (November 12, O.S). 1917 November 26 The Russian revolutionary government abandons the war effort after tens of thousands of Russian soldiers desert in droves, lured by promises of "land, peace, bread." 1917 November 3 Three American soldiers are killed in action. They are the first official American casualties in World War I. By the end of the war 49,000 will be killed in action and another 230,000 wounded. Disease will take a greater toll than bullets, claiming 57,000 men. (Schlesinger I) 1917 November 30 In France, Germans forces counterattack in the Cambrai salient. 1917 November 30 The U.S. Rainbow Division, commanded by Colonel Douglas McArthur and representing men from every state of the Union, lands in France. 1917 November 5 The Rapallo Conference, a direct result of the disaster at Caporetto, sets up the Supreme War Council, the first attempt to establish overall Allied unity of command. 1917 November 6 After more than 3 months of fighting at Ypres and a total advance of 8 km (5 miles), the British offensive comes to an end with the capture of the ridge and village of Passchendaele. More importantly, it distracts German attention, from the collapsing French armies, thus helping to prevent a German victory in 1917. The British suffer more than 300,000 casualties, the French about 9,000, and the Germans about 260,000. 1917 November 6 Allenby strikes north, launching the Desert Mounted Corps across the country toward the sea. The Turks evacuated Gaza in time to avoid the trap, but are closely pursued by Allenby. 1917 November 6 Lenin reappears to direct the revolution in Petrograd (October 24, O.S.). 1917 November 7 Just before daybreak, the Bolsheviks seize the railway station, state bank, the power stations, and telephone exchange. In the evening they arrest the cabinet members meeting in the Winter Palace. 1917 November 7 The Second All-Russia Congress of Soviets proclaims the establishment of Soviet power. 1917 November 8 By evening, Petrograd is firmly in the hands of the Bolsheviks. A new Government headed by Lenin is quickly organized. Trotsky becomes Commissar for Foreign Affairs and Stalin

789 Commissar for Minorities. They soon take the name, Council of the People's Commissars. Fighting in Moscow will continue for several more days. 1917 November 8 Kerensky escapes to Finland, and then travels on to Paris. He will eventually settle in New York City. 1917 November 8 The Second All Russia Congress of Soviets proposes that all combatant nations begin immediate negotiations on concluding a just, democratic peace without annexations or indemnities. (Polyakov) 1917 November 9 Lenin forms the world's first Communist government and quickly asks Germany for an armistice. (Compton's) 1917 October 22 Lenin secretly returns from Finland. After giving his instructions to the Bolsheviks at a secret session of the Bolshevik Central Committee, he once again goes into hiding. 1917 October 24 German troops under Gen. Otto von Below lead a powerful attack against the weak Italian defenses at Caporetto, forcing Cadorna to withdraw along the entire front (The twelfth Battle of Isonzo). 1917 October 25 The Military Revolution Committee of the Petrograd Soviet launches an successful insurrection. Lenin's influence is decisive, but the actual organizer is Trotsky. (Lazar Kaganovich, himself of Jewish descent, later said that the percentage of Jews in the party at this time was 52%, rather high he noted, when compared to the percentage of Jews (1.8%) in the total population.) (Wolf) 1917 October 27 The first American soldier fires a shot in World War I. (Schlesinger I) 1917 October 31 Allenby attacks in the Third Battle of Gaza (Battle of Beersheba). Allenby leaves three divisions demonstrating in front of Gaza and secretly moves against Beersheba. The surprise is complete, and an all-day battle culminates in a mounted charge at dusk by an Australian cavalry brigade over the Turkish wire and trenches into Beersheba itself, capturing the vital water supply. 1917 October The Austrians and Germans attack the Italian forces at Caporetto. More than 265,000 Italians are taken as prisoners of war. 1917 October Zinoviev votes with Lev Kamenev against seizing power, earning the undying enmity of party comrades and Bolshevik historians; nevertheless, Zinoviev is given command of the Petrograd party organization. 1917 Outbreaks of encephalitis in China and Europe. Tsarion 1917 Portugal, Fatima: Such phenomena include disks, like an "aircraft of light," described exactly in these terms by the witnesses of the fifth apparition. Also observed were double supersonic detonations, light protuberances, electro-static charges, and moving "stars," mysterious white flowers or snow that dropped down from the "aircraft of light," but

790 disappeared when it made contact with the ground. These descriptions of "snow" or mysterious white "flowers" are quite similar to the descriptions of "angel hair" that are well known from some famous UFO cases. This was accompanied by additional unexplained aerial phenomena, in the form of glowing spheres and disc-shaped objects. A UFO sighting had taken place before a crowd of somewhere between 50,000 - 100,000 people! The story given was that a silver disc appeared just as "the rain stopped and the clouds rolled back, the sun dimmed out and everything took on a gray, opaque appearance". The disc then dove in an erratic, zigzag pattern at the crowd, stopped just above their heads and then slowly maneuvered back into the sky. As it faded from view, the sun brightened and began to shine again normally. A local reporter took a photo of the disc. 1917 Post WWI supplies of chlorine designated to be added to water supplies. Tsarion 1917 Prohibition amendment ratified in the U.S. with scheduled implementation in the year 1920. Tsarion 1917 Round Table members arrange for Lenin to be shipped back to Russia, thereby precipitating the Russian Revolution. 1917 Second Communist Revolution in Russia successful. The regime of Lenin would be responsible for 4,017,000 murders between 1917-1924. Tsarion 1917 September 1 General Oscar von Hutier's Eighth Army attacks Riga, northern anchor of the Russian front. As a holding attack on the west bank of the Dvina River threatens the city, three divisions cross the river to the north on pontoon bridges, encircling the fortress, while exploiting elements pouring eastward. The Russian Twelfth Army flees, and a small German amphibious force occupies Osel and Dago islands in the Gulf of Riga. The German victory at Riga leaves Petrograd unprotected. 1917 September 20 At Ypres, a series of British assaults inch forward against determined counterattacks. The Germans, for the first time, use mustard gas, scorching and burning the British troops. 1917 September 8 General Lavr G. Kornilov attempts to establish a right-wing military dictatorship in Russia. He is backed by the Cadets, traditionally the party of liberal constitutionalism. 1917 September 8-14 Kerensky puts down the conservative revolt led by General Kornilov and arrests the general. Kerensky quickly releases Trotsky and dozens of other terrorists from prison. (To Kornilov, the real enemy was socialism, personified by Kerensky. To Kerensky, the conservatives represented counterrevolution. Both factions despised and underrated Lenin because of his extremism.) (Sturdza)

791 1917 September Adolf Hitler receives the Cross of Merit, third class. 1917 September Austria is reinforced in Italy by seven German divisions under General Otto von Below. 1917 September The Bolsheviks gain a majority in the Petrograd Soviet and Trotsky is elected Chairman. 1917 Sidney Reilly, working for the British, attempts to prepare for the Counter-Revolution (although evidence exists to suggest that he might have intended to take over the Revolution). 1917 Stalin returns to Petrograd after the March Revolution had overthrown the monarchy. 1917 Summer By the summer of 1917 a social upheaval of vast proportions is sweeping over Russia. All over Russia, peasants are expropriating land from the gentry. Peasant-soldiers flee the trenches so as not to be left out, and the government can not stem the tide. New shortages consequently appear in the cities, causing scores of factories to close. Angry workers form their own factory committees, sequestering plants to keep them running and to gain new material benefits. 1917 T.E. Lawrence leads Arab militias to defeat various Turkish Garrisons in Arabia. 1917 Tesla describes the invention of radar in the Electrical Experimenter of August 1917. Tsarion 1917 Tesla reluctantly accepts the Edison Medal. Tesla had achieved a charge of 20 million volts in some of his devices. Tsarion 1917 The Allies station 15,000 British and Americans at Archangel. 8,000 more Americans occupy Siberia. These forces will remain in Russia even after the close of the war and will not leave until 1919. 1917 Trotsky arrives in New York aboard the steamer Monserrat, picks up funds, and heads for Russia to start the Bolshevik Revolution. Tsarion 1917 U.S. passes Trading With the Enemy Act, forbidding U.S. firms or their foreign subsidiaries from trading with enemies of the U.S. except under license. Tsarion 1917 United States intervenes and enters World War I. Tsarion 1917 Wagner von Jauregg treats syphilitic paralysis by injecting malaria. Tsarion 1917 William Joyce, alias, Lord Haw-Haw, by Alex Softly 1917 , , , . 5 , 69 ,

792 14 , 29 , - . 1917 . 1905 , , . , , . . , . . . . : () . (). () (?) () (). (). (). ( , ). (). 2 , 18. 554 30 , 43 , 12 , 13, 3 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 1 447 ! . ? . Warburg Hammer. O Max Warburg , . Paul Warburg, . Felix Warburg, Jacob Shiff , Kuhn en Loeb and Co, J. P Morgan Alfred Milner, . ,

793 . 1917 ! 1917 2 1917 . , , , , . , . . . . 5 , 69 , 14 , 29 , - . 1917, . 1917, . 1917, 3 , , , 159 . , , . 1917, - , , , 275 , ! 1917, , . 1917, . 3 . 1917, 13 . 1917, 21 . . 1,5 14 1917 . 39,5 . 1917 1917. ; :

794 Antelman , Jacob Schiff . , Antelman , , , " Jacob Schiff". Jacob Schiff Warburg, . Rothschild Warburg, , , Rothschild . , , . : Warburg , Rothschilds . , : Rothschilds , Warburgs . , , Rothschilds Warburgs 1917. , Rothschilds Warburgs . Rothschild, 1917, , Kerensky, . Kerensky . 5 1917, . , , , . 1917, , , Vladimir . Warburg. . , Kerensky, Rothschild . , ,

795 . Antelman , 1974, , [ ] , . , 1920, , 1897. 1917 ;! ; - , Rothschild . , , , , , 60.000 , . , Rothschild, , , , , , , ! , Rothschilds, , . , . , , , 2 . . 1920 1922 The Dearborn Independent Dearborn , 33 Henry Ford. , , , [= The International Jew], . Winston Churchill, , . [The London Jewish Chronicle], 13 1920, : " , Winston Churchill,

796 ", [= 'The Secretary of War, Winston Churchill, charges the Jews with engineering a world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization", John Coleman, , King Makers: King Breakers, ( ), : The Cecils, audiotape 1984, , Christian Defense League]. 1917: Britain conquers Iraq 1917: Edwin-Samuel Montagu is appointed secretary of state for India and champions India's independence 1917: the "Balfour Declaration" by the British government promises a Jewish homeland in Palestine 1917, February 17 - England becomes center for Zionist activities. England had become the center of Zionist activities, and in February 1917, negotiations with the British Government officially convened. Meetings were between [Baron Edmond Day], Rothschild, Bentwich, Cohen-Gaster, Sacher, Right Honourable Herbert Samuel, Chaim Weizman, Nahum Sokolow, Sir Mark Sukes and M. George Picot. It was England that gave Zionism the movement to revive a Jewish state, its first political nourishment. It was England that lobbied the League of Nations for a mandate to govern the new colony of Palestine. England that appointed a Jew to oversee the mandate, England that tried to help the Zionists in the face of American indifference, England that condemned Hitler's racism. ...The Foreign Office appointed a Jew, Sir Herbert Samuel as British High Commissioner of Palestine. 1917 - Balfour Declaration drafted by Lord Milner of the Rhodes' Round Table. After 4 centuries of Ottoman rule...the land [of Palestine] was taken in 1917 by Britain, which in the Balfour Declaration of that year pledged to support a Jewish national homeland there, as foreseen by the Zionists. "It was a Rothschild who helped create the state of Israel. In 1917, after serving as a member of the British Parliament, Zionist 2nd Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild--the eldest son who inherited Nathan's money and title after his death in 1915--received a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour expressing approval for the establishment of a homeland for Jews in Palestine. This letter became known as the Balfour Declaration." - His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people...' Thus wrote the head of the British Foreign Office, Arthur James Balfour, a former Prime Minister and native Scot, on November 2, 1917. Abba Eban calls the Balfour Declaration, which opened the way for the creation of Israel, 'the authentic turning point in

797 Jewish political history. This declaration, which is always known as the Balfour Declaration, should rather be called 'the Milner Declaration,' since Milner was the actual draftsman and was apparently, its chief supporter in the War Cabinet. This fact was not made public until 21 July 1936. At that time Ormsby-Gore, speaking for the government in Commons, said, 'The draft as originally put up by Lord Balfour was not the final draft approved by the War Cabinet. The particular draft assented to by the War Cabinet and afterwards by the Allied Governments and by the United States...and finally embodied in the Mandate, happens to have been drafted by Lord Milner. The actual final draft had to be issued in the name of the Foreign Secretary, but the actual draftsman was Lord Milner. (Carroll Quigley) "In World War I the British, with Arab aid, gained control of Palestine. In the Balfour Declaration (1917) they promised Zionist leaders to aid the establishment of a Jewish 'national home' in Palestine, with due regard for the rights of non-Jewish Palestinians. The British had also promised Arab leaders to support the creation of independent Arab states. The Arabs believed Palestine was among these, an intention that the British later denied." 1918 - Treaty of Versailles, drafted by Rothschild agents, cripples German economy and prepares the way for Hitler. "When Germany fell, not only did Rothschild agents draft the treaty, prepare the idea of the League of Nations, but Max Rothschild was one of 11 men who took control over Bavaria. Max Rothschild was a Freemason in Lodge No. 11, Munich, Germany. Victor Rothschild, who worked for J.P. Morgan & Co., and was an important part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor Rothschild was also a communist and member of the Apostles Club at Cambridge. Lord Rothschild was one of the original members of Rhodes' Round Table group which developed into the CFR. It was the Rothschilds who had financed Cecil Rhodes, beginning in Africa. "The Treaty of Versailles' nonnegotiable terms demanded the forfeiture of German colonies as well as a number of conquered or traditionally German lands: the dismemberment of the German military machine; the arrest of hundreds of German militarists and leaders as war criminals, including the German emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II; the granting of mostfavored, nonreciprocal foreign commercial rights in Germany; and a certain amount of interim foreign occupation. The German leadership was to sign a hated statement of total war guilt. Additionally, Germany was to pay war reparations over the next two years of 5 billion gold marks and approximately 15 billion marks' worth in cattle, timber and other barterable items. The Allies allowed no negotiation of Versailles' oppressive terms and refused to lift the economic and material blockade until German leaders accepted what later German generations would call the Diktat. "Two years later, the Allied Reparations Commission levied

798 additional reparations of 132 billion gold marks. Such a monumental sum, payable in cash and goods, would be a garnishment for generations, a commercial enslavement that would hold Germany captive for fifty to a hundred years. Germany's population, and indeed world leaders and historians, would later brand the Versailles Treaty as merciless and intolerable." 1918 -- Assassination of Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family. Attempted assassination of Lenin. New Thought lecturer David Van Bush hires H.P. Lovecraft as a ghost writer. - 1918 -1919 The Treaty of Brest Litovsk, signed March 15, 1918, between Russia and Germany removed Russia from the side of the Allies, added to the political chaos within Russia, and caused additional political and military problems for the Allies. 1918 -1920 Panama. Troops were landed for police duty according to treaty stipulations, at Chiriqual during election disturbances and subsequent unrest. 1918 Achille Ratti, the future Pope Pius XI, becomes Pope Benedict XV's representative (the Papal Nuncio) to Poland. His proximity to the Polish-Soviet War will reinforce his horror of Communism. 1918 Alfred Brunner, Heinrich Kraeger and others found the Deutsch-Sozialistische Partei. 1918 American poet Ezra Pound becomes acquainted with British Major C.H. Douglas while in London and later becomes obsessed with his economic theories. Douglas believes the quest for foreign markets puts nations on a collision course and therefore wars are inevitable. The primary villains, he said, are international bankers, many of whom are Jews. 1918, in the closing days of World War I, Dnitz had been taken prisoner by the British Navy. He was sent to a prisoner-of-war camp and then transferred to the Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum. After extensive psychological tests, he was certified "insane" and was left to be "treated" for a year. In spite of Goebbels's comment that Dnitz was "a very cool and realistic calculator", the time Dnitz spent in the lunatic asylum would have left mental scars that would have surfaced if he'd again been threatened with incarceration. That fear and his loyalty to the Third Reich meant he had no choice but to stall on the notion of surrender when, on 1 May 1945, he first heard about his succession after Hitler's death. Dnitz then announced to the Wehrmacht: "Against the British and Americans I shall continue the struggle so far and so long as they hinder me in carrying out the fight against Bolshevism." 1918 An estimated 85,000 Jews are killed in the Ukraine between 1918 and 1920. (Atlas)

799 1918 An influenza pandemic (Spanish flu) begins and kills more than 21 million people, worldwide, during the next 2 years. 1918 April 12 General Haig, after announcing, "Our backs are to the wall," forbids further retreat and galvanizes British resistance at Lys. 1918 April 14 General Foch and Pershing soon make a joint plea to President Wilson to get more U.S. troops to Europe as soon as possible, even if untrained. The Allied situation is deperate. 1918 April 17 The German drive at Lys is halted after gaining only 10 miles including the Messines Ridge. Ludendorff achieves tactical success, but a strategical failure. There is no breakthrough, and the Channel ports are safe. 1918-22 . , , . 1918 April 21 German ace Manfred von Richthofen, known as the Red Baron, is shot down and killed. 1918 April 3 The Allied Supreme War Council, in a meeting at Beauvais, appoints Ferdinand Foch as supreme commander of Allied forces, including the Americans. Foch Immediately sends reserves to aid the British at the Somme. 1918 April 5 Japanese troops landed from Japanese battleships anchored off Vladivostok overrun the city. They are soon followed by British troops. (Polyakov) 1918 April 9 During the Battle of Lys, German troops again strike the British sector, this time in Flanders, threatening the important rail junction of Hazebrouck and the Channel ports. 1918 April 9 The British are forced to withdraw from Ypres to Armentieres. 1918 August 1 Allied warships approach the mouth of the North Dvina River and attack Soviet coastal defense batteries as Allied aircraft fly over Archangel. (Polyakov) 1918 August 10 General Pershing is permitted by the Allies to establish an independent American Army. He soon appoints Colonel George C. Marshall as his operations officer. 1918 August 18 A formal dedication of the Germanenorden rooms at the Four Seasons Hotel in Munich is attended by Hermann Pohl, G.W. Freese and a number of other Germanenorden Walvater brothers from Berlin and Leipzig. (Roots) 1918 August 2 The Soviet city of Archangel is occupied by the Allies.

800 1918 August 21 The British and French begin the second phase of the Battle of the Amiens. Ludendorff orders a general withdrawal from the Lys and Amiens areas. 1918 August 25 A large investiture of novices to the Germanenorden takes place at the Four Seasons Hotel. Pohl gives a lecture on the "Sun Castles" of Bad Abling, which he believes possess esoteric national significance. 1918 August 30 General Pershing, having won his fight for a separate and distinct U.S. army operating on its own assigned front, moves toward the Saint-Mihiel salient. The Americans are supported by an Allied air force of about 1,400 planes -- American, French, Italian, and Portuguese -- under U.S. Colonel Billy Mitchell. 1918 August 30 Lenin is seriously wounded in an assassination attempt by Fannie Kaplan, a female Social-Revolutionary. He will never completely recover. Kaplan is quickly executed without trial. (Polyakov) 1918 August 30 The Anzacs penetrate across the Somme, disrupting Ludendorff's plan for an orderly withdrawal. The German situation rapidly deteriorates, necessitating a retreat to the final position -the Hindenburg line. 1918 August 4 Hitler receives the Iron Cross, first class. The actual details surrounding its award remain uncertain. 1918 August 8 British troops open a drive along the Somme near Amiens. The Germans, caught off guard by the well-mounted assault, begin a panicky withdrawal, which quickly turns into a full scale retreat. The Allies take 100,000 prisoners and Ludendorff bitterly declares August 8 as the "Black Day of the German Army". He later added, "The war must be ended!" 1918 August British troops cross the Soviet-Persian (Iran) border near Artyk station and soon occupy Ashkhabad and several other cities in the Trans-Caspian region (Soviet Turkmenia). (Polyakov) 1918 August The Austrian DAP, led by Walter Riehl, changes its name to the German National Socialist Worker's Party (DNSAP) at a meeting in Vienna. (Forgotten Nazis) 1918 Austria, Poland and Czechoslovakia become republics in the aftermath of World War I. 1918 Autumn Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels leaves vienna and immigrates to Hungary. (Roots) 1918 Autumn Sebottendorff claims to have increased the Bavarian membership in the Germanenroden to more than 1,500, with 250 members in Munich alone. (BHK) 1918 Autumn Sevastapol and several other Black Sea ports are seized by the Allies. Baku, Tbilisi and Batumi in Transcausasia are soon occupied. The French hold sway in the Ukraine, the British in

801 Transcaucasia. Allied forces in the north and the Far East are reinforced. (Polyakov) 1918 Autumn The Battles of the Argonne and Ypres (SeptemberOctober) panic the German leadership. (CRL) 1918 Autumn Thule (Germanenorden) Grand Master Rudolf Sebottendorff entrusts Karl Harrer, a Munich reporter, with the task of forming a worker's organization affiliated with the Thule Society. (BHK) 1918 Beginning of period of near-anarchy in Germany, that would last until Hitler becomes President of the Reich in 1933. Conflict between Communist element and National Socialist Democratic Party, with Hindenburg administration presiding. Tsarion 1918 Civil war breaks out between the Red and White armies in Russia. 1918 Congress passes the Sedition Act of 1918. Tsarion 1918 December 18 Hitler is ordered to Traunstein for guard duty at prisoner of war camp. 1918 December 27 Eberhard von Brockhusen writes a letter to General Heimerdinger asking to be relieved of his office as Grand Master of the loyalist Germanenorden. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1918 December 30 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxenburg change the name of the Spartacus League to the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). 1918 December 4 President Wilson with a large contingent of historians, geographers, political scientists and economists sail for Europe. He is also accompanied by Secretary of State Lansing, General of the Army Bliss and his friend Colonel House. He does not take anyone from the now largely Republican Congress. (Schlesinger I) 1918 : , , . . . (9 1918) ( , 17 1918) 1918 December 9 Allied troops cross the Rhine taking bridgeheads as agreed upon in the armistice. The British at Cologne, the Americans at Koblenz, and the French at Mainz. 1918 December Anton Drexler begins urging the other members of the Political Worker's Circle to found their own political party. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz)

802 1918 December Baron Sebottendorff plans to kidnap Kurt Eisner at a rally in Bad Abling. (Roots) 1918 December Mutinous sailors occupy the Berlin Palace grounds and hold the city commander hostage, eleven sailors are killed during his rescue. 1918 Edward R. Stettinius is appointed U.S. assistant Secretary of War and is sent on a mission to France. 1918 Edwin Bauhan, one of several soldiers at Rich Field in Waco Texas who observed a 100-150 foot long cigar-shaped object after leaving the mess hall. "It came directly overhead, and was no more than five hundred feet high so we got an excellent view of it. It had no motors, no rigging, it was noiseless, a rose or sort of flame color, I could observe no windows. We all experienced the weirdest feeling of our lives, and sat in our tent puzzling over it for some time." 1918 February 10 Bukharin leads the so-called Left Communist opposition to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which he says is a betrayal of the quest for international socialist revolution. He will later accepts Lenin's policies. 1918 February 11 President Wilson publicly announces his Fourteen Point Plan for an armistice, promising that there will be "no annexations, no contributions, no punitive damages." (Nicholson) 1918 February 18 The German command launches an offensive along the entire Russian front after the Soviets refuse Germany's terms for peace. 700,000 Austro-German troops are thrown against the newly formed Red Army and begin closing in on Petrograd, Moscow and Kiev. (Polyakov) 1918 February 23 In memory of the Red Army's first battles, this day is hereafter celebrated as Soviet Armed Forces Day. 1918 February 9 German Foreign Secretary von Kuhlmann issues an ultimatum at Brest-Litovsk, which the Russians consider as annexationist. This causes division within the Soviet leadership. (Polyakov) 1918 General Ludendorff flees to Sweden. 1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines. Tsarion 1918 Henry Moray finds a post-war job as a fireman on a railroad, then obtained work as a civil engineer for the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, and as an electrical engineer for several companies in Salt Lake City. He became a certified member of the American Association of Engineers. Tsarion 1918 In 1918, President Wilson is re elected by the Electoral College but their election is required to be confirmed by the constitutionally set Senate; where the new Corp. U.S. only Senators were

803 allowed to participate in the Electoral College vote confirmation the only authority that could possibly have been used for electoral confirmation was corporate only. Therefore, President Wilson was not confirmed into office for his second term as President of the United States of America and was only seated in the Corp. U.S. Presidential capacity. Therefore the original jurisdiction government's seats were vacated because the people didn't seat any original jurisdiction government officers. 1918 January 1 Corneliu Codreanu and his followers in Romania resist attacks by bands of mutinous Russian soldiers looting and pillaging their countryside. 1918 January 28 The Bolsheviks found the Red Army. 1918 January 8 President Wilson in an address to Congress lays out his famous Fourteen Points for peace, calling for, among other things, open diplomacy, armament reduction, national self-determination, and the formation of a League of Nations. 1918 January Journalist Kurt Eisner plays a prominent role in antiwar strikes in Munich and is quickly jailed. (Roots) 1918 January Sebottendorff publishes the first issue of Runen in association with the Germanenorden. He also assumes financial responsibility for the Allegemeine Ordens-Nachrichten newsletter, for members only. (BHK; Roots) 1918 January The Bolsheviks sign an armistice with Germany at Brest-Litovsk. The Bolsheviks take Russia out of the war, freeing tens of thousands of German troops to fight the Allies in the West. 1918 July 10 The first Soviet Constitution is adopted by the Fifth All-Russia Congress of Soviets. (Polyakov) 1918 July 14-15 Germany launches the Second Battle of the Marne. The Allies, warned of the attack by deserters, aerial reconnaissance, and prisoners, batters the advancing Germans with artillery. East of Reims the attack is halted within a few hours by the French. West of Reims 14 divisions of the German Seventh Army cross the Marne, but American forces rebuffed the attack. 1918 July 16-17 Czar Nicholas II, his wife, their five children, their doctor and servants are murdered by the Bolsheviks near Ekaterinburg in Siberia. On the window sill of the Czarina's room is found a swasika believed to have been carved by the Cazrina herself. 1918 July 16--Czar Nicholas and his family are murdered near Ekaterinburg / Sverdlovsk in the Urals. (It has been speculated that the Czarina, the Czareivitch and the four Grand Duchesses are disguised and sent to Perm. It has also been speculated that the Grand Duchess Anastasia managed to escape.) 1918 July 17 In the Marne, Allied aircraft and artillery destroy all German controlled bridges, disrupt supply and force the attack to halt. In

804 the space of 5 months the Germans had suffered half a million casualties. Allied losses were somewhat greater, but American troops are now arriving at a rate of 300,000 a month. 1918 July 18 As Ludendorff prepares to pull back, Foch orders a counteroffensive at Soissons. The French, using light tanks and aided by U.S. and British divisions, assault the Marne from left to right, reaching the Vesle River and recapturing Soissons. Ludendorff calls off the proposed drive in Flanders. (Note, Later the German Chncellor would write, "On the 18th even the most optimistic among us knew that all was lost. The history of the world was played out in three days.") (Schlesinger I) 1918 July 18--An official statement is issued that stating that the Czar had been executed, but that his wife and son had been sent to a safe place. 1918 July 25--Ekaterinburg falls to the White Russians, and an investigation of the fates of the Royals is ordered. 1918 July Baron Sebottendorff leases five large club rooms, accommodating 300 guests, at Munich's fashionable Four Seasons Hotel (Hotel Vierjahreszeiten). Meetings until this time had been held at his apartment on Zweigstrasse. (Roots) 1918 July President Wilson's Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, is introduced to Winston S. Churchill (thenMinister of Air and War) in London. 1918 July Sebottendorff buys the Beobachter, a minor weekly newspaper in the Munich suburbs, for 5,000 marks from the estate of Franz Eher who had died in June. He soon renames it the "Munchener Beobachter" and publishes it, until May 1919, at the Germanenorden (Thule) offices in the Four Seasons Hotel. (Roots) 1918 July Some 313,000 U.S. troops arrive in France during July. 1918 July The Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets mobilizes the Red Army. (Polyakov) 1918 June 12 The German advance on Compiegne is halted by French and American troops. 1918 June 25 The Marine Brigade of the U.S. Second Division captures Bouresche and Belleau Wood. The Marines suffer 9,500 casualties, almost 55 percent. 1918 June 28 Lenin signs a decree of the Council of People's Commissars universally nationalizing large-scale industry, banks and transportation. (Polyakov) 1918 June 4 Ludendorff calls off the offensive after heavy losses. The American Second Division then counterattacks, spearheaded by its Marine Brigade.

805 1918 June 5 The U.S. Second Division begins a drive to uprooted the Germans from positions at Vaux, Bouresches, and Belleau Wood. 1918 June 9 A German advance begins on Compiegne. 1918 Karl T. Compton assigned to American Embassy in Paris. Compton would later become a special advisor on Atomic Development and would later advise Truman to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan. Compton would become a director of the Ford Foundation, Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, and the Royal Society of London. Tsarion 1918 Leon Trotsky becomes commissar of war (to 1925). From the demoralized remnants of the Czar's armed forces he manages to organize the Red Army, a remarkable achievement, but his brusque style, his impatience with criticism and incompetence, and his decision to rely on "military specialists" won him few friends. Rank-and-file party comrades saw him as aloof and remote. 1918 Loch Ness is strewn with dozens of mines, a depth of a mile, by HMS Welbeck (carrying Hugh Gray). 1918 Luminous cruciform UFO seen hovering over Lismore, N.S.W., Australia. 1918 March 21 At dawn, the German army launches another "great offensive" in the Second Battle of the Somme. After a 5-hour bombardment, specially trained German shock troops roll through a heavy fog, striking the right flank of the British sector between Arras and La Fere. The stunned British fall back, allowing the German Eighteenth Army to pass the Somme. 1918 March 23 A huge, long-range German cannon begins a sporadic bombardment of Paris from a position 65 miles away. This remarkable weapon seriously damages Parisian morale and eventually inflicts 876 casualties, yet with little effect on the war. 1918 March 3 The Bolsheviks sign a separate treaty of peace with the Germans at Brest-Litovsk. Under its terms, Russia recognizes the independence of the Ukraine, Finland, and Georgia; gives up control of Poland, the Baltic states, and a portion of Belorussia; and cedes Kars, Ardahan, and Batumi to Turkey. The treaty will be nullifieded by the defeat of Germany in November 1918. (Note, Trotsky unsuccessfully opposed the treaty, as annexationist, but retains Lenin's confidence.) 1918 March 9 The warship Glory brings the first 200 British soldiers to Murmansk, beginning an armed invasion of Soviet Russia by the Allies. These troops are soon followed by even larger detachments of British, French and American forces. The whole of the Murmansk region is soon occupied and the Allies move on to Archangel. (Polyakov) 1918 March A Germanenorden newsletter states that the articles of the Order had been formulated after discussions with Karl August Hellwig of the Armanenschaft. The ritual is also ascribed to

806 Armanenschaft ceremony, but the suggestion that brothers of the higher grades in the Germanenorden be called Armanen was said to have been vetoed by the Armanenschaft. (Roots) 1918 March After a long convalescence, Rudolf Hess volunteers for service as a fighter pilot. (Missing Years) 1918 March The Ukraine, which remains occupied by Germany throughout 1918, provides much of the grain that saves the German people from starvation. 1918 March--The USS Cyclops vanished with 309 men aboard in the Bermuda Triangle. She is the Navys greatest mystery of the sea. 1918 May 18 The French Ambassador to Russia informs the commander of a Czechoslovak corps, which had been formed in Russia from prisoners of war that the Allies desire them to remain in Russia to form the nucleus of an Allied army against the Bolsheviks. (Polyakov) 1918 May 27 Ludendorff attacks in great force along the Chemin des Dames as a diversion against the French, preparatory to a planned attack against the British in Flanders. German troops, preceded by tanks, route 12 French divisions (3 of them British), and by noon are crossing the Aisne. By evening they cross the Vesle, west of Fismes. 1918 May 28 General Pershing directs the first independent American offensive of the war at Cantigny, 50 miles northwest of the Marne. Although only a local operation, its success against veteran troops of Hutier's Eighteenth Army boosts Allied morale. 1918 May 29 The Soviet government passes a resolution on the introduction of mobilization for the Red Army. (Polyakov) 1918 May 30 Ludendorff's forces reach the Marne. 1918 May 30 The American Third Division holds the bridges at Chateau-Thierry, 44 miles from Paris, then counter attacks with the assistance of the rallying French troops, driving the Germans back across the Marne. The American Second Division checks the German attacks west of Chateau-Thierry. 1918 May 50,000 well-equipped troops from the Czechoslak Corps deploy along the Trans-Siberian railway, and soon seize several key cities on the Volga and in Siberia. (Polyakov) 1918 May Walter Riehl is elected chairman of the Austrian DAP (German Workers Party) and moves to Vienna. 1918 More than 500 Jews are killed in Poland between 1918 and 1919. (Atlas) 1918 Mustafa Kemal Ascends To Rule Turkey. In 1918 Jew Mustafa Kemal Attaturk ascends into leadership. 1918 New Thought lecturer David Van Bush hires H.P. Lovecraft as a ghost writer.

807 1918 November 1 Cobbe's British cavalry reaches Mosul in Mesopotamia. Despite provisions of the October 30 armistice, Cobbe is ordered to take the city. After some initial squabbling, the Turkish garrison of Halil Pasha marches out and the British remain. 1918 November 1 The U.S. First Army advances, smashing through the last German positions northeast and west of Buzancy, thus enabling the French Fourth Army to cross the Aisne. 1918 November 10 German Kaiser Wilhelm II flees to the Holland. 1918 November 10 The military High Command and the new German republic strike a deal. The generals promise to protect the republic if Ebert in return promises to prevent a socialist revolution. Ebert agrees. 1918 November 11 A German delegation, headed by a civilian, Matthias Erzberger, negotiates armistice terms with General Ferdinand Foch in his railway-coach headquarters on a siding at Compiegne, France. Agreement is finally reached at 5,00 AM. The terms specify that the German army must immediately evacuate all occupied territory and Alsace-Lorraine; immediately surrender great quantities of war materiel; surrender all submarines; and intern all other surface warships as directed by the Allies. In addition the Germans are to evacuate German territory west of the Rhine, and three bridges over the Rhine are to be occupied by the Allies. The armistice becomes effective immediately. Hostilities cease at 11,00 AM, November 11. 1918 November 12 An Allied fleet steams through the Dardanelles, and arrives off Constantinople (Istanbul) the next day, dramatizing the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. 1918 November 14 German General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, after 4 years of continuous hide and seek, ends hostilities in Africa. 1918 November 16 British and French warships enter the Black Sea. They are followed through the Dardenelles and the Bosporus by troop ships. French and Greek troops land in Odessa under the cover of battleships. 1918 November 17 Under the terms of the armistice, Allied troops begin reoccupying those portions of France and Belgium held by the Germans since 1914. 1918 November 2 American spearheads, now in the open, race up the Meuse Valley. 1918 November 21 The German High Seas Fleet sails into the Firth of Forth, between the lines of the British Grand Fleet. It later is shifted to Scapa Flow. 1918 November 23 General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck surrenders his command in Africa. 1918 November 3 The German naval base at Kiel revolts.

808 1918 November 3 Trieste is seized by an Allied naval expedition in the Gulf of Venice. 1918 November 4 Austria-Hungary surrenders and hostilities come to an end. 1918 November 6 American spearheads reach the Meuse River before Sedan and sever the Mezieres-Montmedy rail line, a vital supply artery for the entire German front. 1918 November 7 Kurt Eisner proclaims a republic in Bavaria. Eisner, a Bohemian Jewish journalist and the leader of the Independent ('minority') Social Democrats in Munich has just been released from jail in October. (Roots) 1918 November 8 Hundreds of thousands of Berliners surge into the streets and charge the center of town shouting revolutionary slogans under red banners. The mob murders scores of army officers and occupies the Ministry of War and nearly all the important governmental buildings. Karl Liebknecht proclaims a Soviet republic from the balcony of the Berlin Palace. 1918 November 8 Philipp Scheidemann, a Social Democrat and cabinet member, hastily proclaims a republic in order to prevent a Communist takeover, he says, by Karl Liebknecht and his extreme Spartacus League. Frederich Ebert, another Social Democrat, reportedly is outraged. A constitutional monarchy had already been agreed upon, not a republic. 1918 November 9 In the evening, Thule Grandmaster Sebottendorff, delivers an oration to the Thule Society in Munich, stating, " Yesterday we experienced the collapse of everything which was familiar, dear and valuable to us. In the place of our princes of Germanic blood rules our deadly enemy, Judah. What will come of this chaos, we do not know yet. But we can guess. A time will come of struggle, the most bitter need, a time of danger... As long as I hold the iron hammer (a reference to his Master's hammer), I am determined to pledge the Thule to this struggle. Our Order is a Germanic Order, loyalty is also Germanic. Our god is Walvater, his rune is the Ar-rune. And the trinity, Wotan, Wili, We is the unity of the trinity. The Ar-rune signifies "Aryan," primal fire, the sun and the eagle. And the eagle is the symbol of the "Aryans." In order to depict the eagle 's capacity for self immolation by fire, it is colored red. From today on our new symbol is the red eagle, which warns us that we must die in order to live." Sebottendorff continues by exhorting the Thule members to fight "until the swastika rises victoriously out of the icy darkness" and closes his speech with a racisttheosophical poem by Philipp Stauff. (Roots) 1918 . 1918

809 . 1918 1921 . 12 1916 , . 1921 . 1922 , , . , , , . ( , Foreign Office ) . , '' , , , , , , ( 10 1923, ' , 1924 1926) 1935, , . , 23 1923 , A , . , - , 1925-58 ' . , , ' , ' , , , , ,

810 . , ' , . , , , , . , , ' . ' . 1918 November 9 The Second Reich collapses and Chancellor Prince Max von Baden turns over the German government to Frederich Ebert, who shortly thereafter officially proclaims the new German socialist republic. 1918 November 9 Upon hearing this news, Hitler suffers a relapse and his blindness suddenly returns. He then claims to experience a supernatural vision, and recovers, he says, only after vowing to God that he will dedicate his life to politics. (Toland) 1918 November -December Hitler, still in the army, returns to Munich for duty with the 2nd Infantry Regiment. In a letter written three years later, Hitler wrote that he had returned to Munich on December 18, but may have confused this date with the date of his transfer to Traunstein. (See December 18, 1918 and Hitler letter, November 29, 1921) (Note, Several months after Hitler became Chancellor in1933, Baron Rudolf Sebottendorff, Grand Master of the Thule Society in Munich, published a book entitled Before Hitler Came, The early years of the Nazi Party. It states, " Thule members were the people to whom Hitler first turned, and who first allied themselves with Hitler. The armament of the coming Fuehrer consisted of--besides the Thule Society itself --the Deutscher Arbeiterverein, founded in the Thule by Brother Karl Harrer at Munich, and the Deutsch-Sozialistche Partei, headed there by Hans Georg Grassinger, whose organ was the "Munchener Beobachter," later to be renamed the "Volkischer Beobachter." From these three sources Hitler created the Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei." (BHK; Roots) 1918 November Poland is formally reconstituted, and a new republic is proclaimed with Marshal Josef Pilsudski as Chief of State and the commander of the Polish army. 1918 ...

811 3 (1920): () , , ! 1918 November Sebottendorff and the Thule Society begin stockpiling weapons for Julius Lehmann's Pan-Germans. 1918 November Seventy Jews are killed in a pogrom in Lvov, Poland. 1918 October 1 General Allenby takes Damascus. 1918 October 13 Hitler is blinded in a gas attack near Werwick and is taken to an army hospital at Pasewalk near Berlin. After several weeks, his eyesight slowly returns. One of his doctors, Dr. Edmund Forster, is thought to have been the first psychiatrist to treat Hitler. 1918 October 16 Allenby's Desert Mounted Corps, spearheading the advance, reaches Homs. 1918 October 17 The British break through the German defenses on the Selle River. At the same time the Belgians and British under Belgian king Albert began to move again in Flanders. 1918 October 18 American pressure in the Meuse-Argonne causes a German retreat all along the line. The German army begins to crack. 1918 October 2 Field Marshal von Hindenburg at a meeting of the Crown Council, presided over by Kaiser Wilhelm II, repeats Ludendorff's September 28 demand for an immediate armistice. Hindenburg tells the Kaiser that the German army cannot hold out for another 48 hours. (Duffy) 1918 October 2 General Allenby takes Beirut. 1918 October 23 In Mesopotamia, a British force under Lt. Gen. A. S. Cobbe pushes northward from Baghdad to secure the Mosul oil fields before the Turkish collapse. 1918 October 23 President Wilson insists that the United States and the Allies not negotiate an armistice with the existing military dictatorship of Germany. 1918 October 24 Italian forces attack Austrian positions in Italy at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, but are quickly halted on the Piave River line. 1918 October 25 Allenby's troops takes Aleppo. 1918 October 26 General Ludendorff resigns his command, immediately before formal dismissal, to permit the desperate German government to comply with Wilson's demand. Hindenburg retains his post as German field commander, with Gen. Wilhelm Groener replacing Ludendorff as chief of staff.

812 1918 October 28 British and French troops gain a large bridgehead on the Piave River in Italy, splitting the front. 1918 October 29 Cobbe's cavalry engages the Turks at Sharqat. 1918 October 29 Sailors of the German High Seas Fleet mutiny, seizing control of their ships to prevent a final desperate battle with the British Grand Fleet. 1918 October 3 Austria sues for peace. Food shortages in Vienna have become so severe that thousands are starving to death. 1918 October 3 Germany forms a parliamentary government with Prince Max von Baden as its head. 1918 October 30 British and French advances against the Austrians reach Sacile, Italy. 1918 October 30 Turkey signs an armistice with the British at Mudros, ending the war in the Middle East. 1918 October 31 Italian reinforcements exploit the ever-widening gap at Sacile and Austrian resistance collapses. 1918 October 31 Pershing's First Army punches through most of the third and final German line in France. 1918 October 4 General Pershing replaces a number of his assault divisions with rested troops from the Saint-Mihiel operation and renews the Argonne offensive. The U.S. First Army batters its way slowly forward in a series of costly frontal attacks, but the Argonne Forest is finally cleared. The French Fourth Army, on the left, advances to the Aisne River. 1918 October 4 The Germans ask the Allies for an armistice. 1918 October 6 The new German Chancellor, Prince Max von Baden, sends a message to President Wilson, requesting an armistice on the basis of Wilson's Fourteen Points. 1918 October Kurt Eisner, one of the leaders of the Munich antiwar strikes of January 1918, is released from jail. 1918 October Rudolf Hess reaches his new operational unit, the 35th Fighter Staffel. (Missing Years) 1918 October The crews of two German battleships mutiny. 1918 October The Politische Arbeiter-Zirkel (the Political Worker's Circle) is founded in Munich. Its members include Karl Harrer as chairman, Anton Drexler, the most active member, and Michael Lotter as secretary. This tiny group with only three to seven members in regular attendance, meets weekly throughout the winter. Harrer lectures on subjects such as the causes of military defeat, the Jewish enemy and antiEnglish sentiments. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz) 1918 Oswald Spengler publishes the first volume of his The Decline of the West. Spengler held that history follows definite laws of growth and decay that are observable in the careers of all cultures.

813 Tracing the unfolding of these laws in his own era, he predicted that Western culture, already well into its twilight, would experience further decline as a future of rationalism, mass manipulation, and material expression succeeded the profound art, religion, and philosophy of the past. In later nationalistic political tracts Spengler contended that Germany, with its Prussian authoritarian tradition, could dominate this future. 1918 Paris Peace Conference. Tsarion 1918 President Wilson aids the new Soviet regime with bridge building projects. Tsarion 1918 September 1 Another Germanenorden meeting is held at the Four Seasons Hotel. Johannes Hering's diary records frequent meetings after this date and the lodge is convoked at least once a week for investitures, lectures and excursions. Since its ritual activities are supplemented by overt right-wing meetings, the term Thule Society has been adopted as a cover-name to spare it the unwelcome attention of socialists and pro-Republican elements. The rooms are decorated with the Thule emblem showing a long dagger superimposed over a shining swastika sunwheel. (Roots) 1918 September 12 Pershing's U.S. First Army attacks both faces of the strategic Saint-Mihiel salient. 1918 September 14 Pershing's American forces begin taking the Saint-Mihiel salient. 1918 September 15 Baku is taken by Turkish troops and Azerbaijanian nationalists. 30,000 civilians are massacred. 1918 September 16 Pershing's assault on the Saint-Mihiel salient is completely successful, and the salient is entirely cleared. 1918 September 19 General Allenby begins the Jordan Valley offensive, and by dawn on September 20, the Turkish Eighth Army has ceased to exist. Allenby's decisive victory at Megiddo, which guarded the main pass through the Carmel Mountains, is one of the most brilliant operations in the history of the British army. During the next 38 days, Allenby's troops advance more than 360 miles, taking 76,000 prisoners (4,000 of them German and Austrian). 1918 September 2 The All-Russian Central Executive Committee recommends the introduction of a Red terror campaign in retaliation for the attack on Lenin. (Polyakov) 1918 September 21 British cavalry sweeps through Nazareth and turns east to reach the Jordan just south of the Sea of Galilee. 1918 September 22 British and Arabian troops under General Allenby defeat the Turkish forces in the Battle of Samaria. 1918 September 26 In the final major battle of the war, the Allies plan an offensive from Ypres to Verdun. Some 896,000 American troops

814 join with 135,000 French soldiers in an attack on a sector between the Argonne Forest and the Meuse River. It is the largest battle fought up to this time, casualties will mount to 120,000. (Schlesinger I) 1918 September 26 The Americans sweep through Vauquois and Mont-faucon, but their drive slows down as the Germans rush in fresh reinforcements. 1918 September 27 Haig's British army group flings itself against the Hindenburg line; but the drive soon slows down, in the face of a skillful German defense. 1918 September 27 On Allenby's desert flank to the east, T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and King Faisal cut the railway line at Deraa, while Allenby continues to press on toward Damascus. 1918 September 28 General Ludendorff in a meeting with Hindenburg demands an armistice "at once." (Duffy) 1918 September 29 Bulgaria asks for and receives an armistice. 1918 September 29 General Ludendorff declares that a true democratic constitutional monarchy is to be setup -- "overnight." 1918 September 30 Prince Max von Baden is named head of the new German government. 1918 September 5 The Council of Peoples Commissars proclaims the introduction of the Red terror campaign. "To secure our rear by means of terror is a direct necessity. It is necessary to secure the Soviet Republic against its class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps... All persons involved in White Guard organizations, plots and revolts are subject to execution by shooting..." (Polyakov) 1918 September--The British send Sir Charles Eliot to Ekaterinburg to examine the Royal remains. He finds remains belonging to the Czar, the family Doctor and three servants (This may not be the case as remains that are purported to be those of the Czar and much of his family are excavated in the 1990s). 1918 Summer Russian Constituent Assembly delegates begin fleeing to western Siberia and form their own "All-Russian" government, which is soon suppressed by a reactionary "White" dictatorship under Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak. Army officers in southern Russia organize a "Volunteer Army" under the leadership of Generals Lavr Kornilov and Anton Denikin and gain support from Britain and France. Both in the Volga region and the eastern Ukraine, peasants begin to organize against Bolshevik requisitioning and mobilization. Soon anarchist "Greens" are fighting the "Reds" (Bolsheviks) and Whites alike in guerrilla-type warfare. Even in Moscow and Petrograd, leftist Socialist Revolutionaries take up arms against the Bolsheviks, whom they accuse of betraying revolutionary ideals.

815 1918 The Habsburg monarchy in Austria collapses forcing Emperor Karl von Habsburg and family into exile. 1918 The Surgeon General of the United States issues a report that states that tuberculosis is the leading cause for discharge of men from the Armed Forces. Tsarion 1918 Wilson calls for the formation of a League of Nations. Tsarion 1918 Winter Admiral Kolchak is proclaimed "Supreme Governor" of Russia by the White Guard and the remote city of Omsk in Siberia is declared to be Russia's "capital." Allied governments begin supplying arms, ammunittion and equipment to the Whites on a large scale. 1918 World War I ends after the use of 66 million poison gas artillery shells. Tsarion 1918, . 1918, , . 1918, , ' 30 , , . , . ' 12 . 3 11 . 1918: Britain conquers Syria and Palestine 1918: Civil war erupts between the Red Army of the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks (helped by Britain and the USA) 1918: the first world war ends: 2 million Russians, 1.8 million Germans, 1.3 million French, 1.1 million Austro-Hungarians, 0.9 million Britons, 0.6 million Turks and 0.5 million Italians are dead. 1918: universal male suffrage 19181920 Massive pogroms accompanied the Russian Revolution of 1917 (the Russian Civil War), resulting in the death of an estimated 70,000 to 250,000 civilian Jews throughout the former Russian Empire; the number of Jewish orphans exceeded 300,000. 1918: Christmas Uprising in Montenegro - Montenegrins (Zelenai) rebelled against unification of Kingdom of Montenegro with Kingdom of Serbia. 1918: German Revolution Overthrow of the Kaiser by a workers' revolution; establishment of the Weimar Republic.

816 1918-1919: a wave of strikes and student unrest shakes Peru. These events influence two of the dominant figures of Peruvian politics in the 20th century: Vctor Ral Haya de la Torre and Jos Carlos Maritegui. 1918-1921: Ukrainian Revolution 1918-1922: Third Russian Revolution, a failed anarchist revolution against both Bolshevism and the White movement. 1919-1921: Tambov Rebellion 1919-1922: Turkish War of Independence commanded by Mustafa Kemal Atatrk. 1919: German Revolution 1919: revolution in Hungary results in the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic 1919 -- Founding of Thule Society in Germany; Hitler recruited. League of Nations founded at Paris Peace Conference. Meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, between Wilsonian intellectuals (House, Dulles and Dulles, etc.) and "like-minded Englishmen" to discuss forming an organization "for the study of international affairs." Royal Institute of International Affairs founded. Freud draws attention to Austrian neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the tachistroscope, an early device for studying subliminal perception. Charles Fort's The Book of the Damned published. Hitler joins the German Workers' Party. - 1919 The Holocaust of Russian political prisoners, (1919-1949) 12 million perished. 1919 -1920 The Kehillah was so successful in its campaign that it was possible for a Jewish advertiser in New York to say that he wanted only Jewish help, but it was not possible for a non Jewish advertiser to state his non Jewish preference. 1919 -1949 "Keogh cites secret Irish government documents in which Jews are described as "a potential irritant in the body politic" who had "disproportionate wealth and influence." In severely limiting Jewish immigration during the Hitler years, Irish policy was in line with that of virtually all other nations, pro or anti German, including the United States and Britain. 1919 23 Third Aliyah (Palestine). 1919 Adolph Hitler joins the Thule Society in Germany. In the Thule Society, the 'black sun' played a prominent role as a 'sacred' symbol of the Aryans. The inner core within the Thule Society are all Satanists. 1919 Adolph Hitler joins the Thule Society, which founds National Socialist Party to drum up support for another war. British fascists are tied closely to the Thule Group, the Golden Dawn, etc. Hitler is also trained as a police spy under Captain Mayr of the Bavarian Army Group Command IV. In September, Hitler enters the German Workers Party

817 (DAP), a creation of the Thule Society. Hitler, still in the Army, is assigned espionage duties. Tsarion 1919 . 1919 Allan Dulles serves with Barnard Baruch on Supreme Economic Council. Tsarion 1919 April 13 After a right-wing uprising is crushed, a more serious band of Communists seizes power in Munich. Leadership is taken over by the Russian emigres Eugen Levine-Nissen, Tobias Axelrod, and Max Levien. All three are of Jewish descent and had been bloodied in the 1905 Russian revolution. During the reign of terror that follows, schools, banks and newspapers are closed due to looting and violence. (Roots) 1919 April 15 Hoffmann and his Social Democrats, who had failed to build a counter-revolutionary army at Bamberg, request the aid of Von Epp and several other Free Corps groups. Their anti-Republican sentiments had already led to their being banned in Bavaria. 1919 April 26 As Free Corps troops surround Munich, the Communists break into the Thule Society offices and arrest its secretary, Countess Heila von Westarp. Later that day, Thule members Walter Nauhaus, Prince Gustav von Thurn und Taxis, Baron Teuchert, Walter Deicke, Friedrich Wilhelm von Seydlitz, and Anton Daumelang are also captured. Rudolf Hess narrowly escapes capture by turning up late for a meeting, and watches helplessly as his friends are taken away. (Missing Years) 1919 April 29 The German delegation headed by Graf Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, the German foreign minister, arrives at Versailles. 1919 April 30 Seven hostages from the Thule Society are taken to the cellar of the Luitpold Gymnasium, a Red Army post since mid-April, and executed, supposedly in reprisal for the killing of Red prisoners by Whites at Starnberg. 1919 April 4 Max Hofweber, a comrade of Rudolf Hess at the training airfield at Lechfeld, introduces him to Dr. Karl Haushofer, beginning a long and intimate friendship. (Missing Years) 1919 April 4 TheJewish Chronicle in London states, " The conceptions of Bolshevism are in harmony in most points with the ideas of Judaism." (Soon afterward, Victor Marsden the London Morning Post's reporter in Russia wrote that 477 of the leading 545 Bolshevik officials were Jews. Once again, conservatives and antisemities used these words to stir up anti-Jewish sentiments.) 1919 April 6 A group of anarchist intellectuals in Munich, inspired by the example of Bela Kun in Hungary, proclaims what it calls the Bavarian Soviet Republic.

818 1919, / , - ! 1922 1919 April A coalition government established by Social Democrats led by Johannes Hoffman is forced to flee from Munich for Bamberg. 1919 April Dietrich Eckart and Rudolf Gorsleben are arrested by the Communists. Only Eckart's quick-witted answers during interrogation prevent their execution along with the other Thule hostages. (Roots) 1919 April Eighty Jews are killed in a pogrom at Vilna in Poland. 1919 August 11 The Weimar Constitution is announced. (Eyes) 1919 August 4 Romanian troops occupy Budapest, contrary to the wishes of the government, and after two weeks of fighting, defeat Bela Kun's Hungarian Communists. 1919 August Hitler is assigned to conducts political indoctrination classes at Lechfeld. 1919 Autumn The Protocols of the Elders of Zion begin circulating in Germany, Europe and America. (Segel/Levy) 1919 Bert Walker formally organizes the W.A.Harriman & Co private bank. In the autumn of 1919, Prescott Bush meets Bert Walkers daughter Dorothy, and they are married in August 1921. The wedding was attended by Yale Bonesmen from the class of 1917. Tsarion 1919 British troops massacre demonstrators at Amritsar in India. 1919 British use arsenic smoke when intervening in the Russian Civil War. Tsarion 1919 Charles Fort's The Book of the Damned published. 1919 1919-1920 . . , . 13 , ' 534 . , , 1/1/1919 1919. 1918 15/5/1920 ( ). , , . .

819 - 1920, . , . , , , , ( 27/2/1919). 1919 Cpt. James and his aircraft disappear from over New York. 1919, the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England planned to trick the United States into becoming a "British" colony again by joining the League of Nations. 1919 Death rate from encephalitis accelerates. Between 1919 and 1928, over 500,000 deaths and 1,000,000 cases of neurological impairment were attributed to this disease, which affects males more than females. Recent research indicates that this epidemic was a late manifestation of the post World War I influenza outbreaks, and that both were due to the appearance of a swine flu virus. Tsarion 1919 December Hitler drafts new regulations for the DAP committee, giving it full authority and preventing any "side government" by a "circle or lodge." This was obviously aimed at Karl Harrer, the Thule Society and other groups such as the Germanenorden. (Roots) 1919 December The Interstate National Socialist Bureau of the German Language Territory is founded at a meeting in Vienna. Representatives come from Germany, the Sudetenland and Polish Silesia. Dr. Walter Riehl is named Chairman. (Forgotten Nazis) 1919 December-- The London Daily Mail published a letter from C.G. James, who had lived in Africa. He reported that an enormous beast with a single ivory horn lived in the waters of Lakes Bangweulu, Mweru, and Tanganyika, as well as the Kafue swamps. James said this animal was called chipekwe by the natives, and that it was reputed to leave tracks similar to, but different than, those of a hippopotamus. It is described as having a smooth body, without bristles, and armed with a single smooth horn fixed like that of a rhinoceros, but composed of smooth white ivory, very highly polished. 1919 Dietrich Eckart begins publishing the nationalist weekly "Auf Gut Deutsch," which attacks the Versaille treaty, Jewish war profiteers, Bolshevism, and Social Democracy. Among its earliest contributors are Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg. (Wistrich I) 1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas. Tsarion 1919, / ,

820 - ! 1922 , : , , , . , 1928, . 45 1919 Easter Lanz von Liebenfels, now living in Budapest, is almost executed on Easter Sunday by a Communist firing-squad during the Hungarian revolution. It seems significant that his linking of antisemitism and anti-Bolshevism date from this period. (Roots) 1919 Edward R. Stettinius Sr. resigns from government service and rejoins J.P. Morgan and Company as a full partner, He remains in Europe and continues to coordinate massive purchases. Stettinius and Henry P. Davison, another Morgan partner in New York, establish the Foreign Commerce Corporation to engage in financing trade to rebuild Europe after the war. 1919 English aviators Alcock and Brown make the first nonstop transatlantic flight. 1919 February 12 Karl Radak, a member of the German Bolshevik delegation is arrested in the Bolshevik propaganda office in Berlin. Police discover an outline plan for a general Communist offensive to take place in the spring. According to this plan, The Red Army was to march through Poland into Germany to join up with a simultaneous German Communist insurrection. (Topitsch) 1919 February 13 The chairman of the Catholic Center Party deputation in the National Assembly declares that the party can not approve of the revolutionary upheaval that has overthrown the monarchy. In time the Center party will become one of the mainstays of the Weimar Republic. 1919 February 15 1700 Jews are killed in a pogrom at Proskurov in the western Ukraine. (Atlas) 1919 February 21 Kurt Eisner, the Socialist Prime Minister of Bavaria, is assassinated by Count Anton Arco-Vally, a young man of alleged Jewish descent, who was resentful at his exclusion from membership in the Thule Society. It was said that he shot Eisner as a demonstration of his nationalist commitment. (Roots) 1919 February 22 Bavarian Cardinal Michael Faulhaber refuses to order the ringing of bells and the showing of flags of mourning after the assassination of Eisner by Count Arco-Vally, a Catholic. (Lewy) 1919 February 22 U.S. Ambassador William C. Bullit and the radical journalist Lincoln Steffens, leave Paris for a meeting in Russia with the Bolsheviks.

821 1919 February 28 Eberhard von Brockhusen writes another letter to General Heimerdinger of the Germanenorden, again asking to be relieved of his office as Grand Master of the loyalist branch. (Roots) 1919 February 6 A new National Assembly meets at Weimar and begins drawing up a new constitution; hence the name Weimar Republic. 1919 February General Ludendorff returns from Sweden. 1919 February Rudolf Hess returns to Munich, depressed and embittered at the "treason" of the government in Berlin, and soon begins running errands for Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff's secretive antiMarxist, antisemitic Thule Society. (Missing Years) 1919 February The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission admits executing 5, 496 "political criminals," including 800 persons convicted of nonpolitical offenses, although the number was probably much higher. (Polyakov) 1919 French and British scientists seek to exclude German scientists from international meetings. Albert Einstein -- a Jew traveling with a Swiss passport -- remains an acceptable German envoy. His political views as a pacifist and a Zionist pitted him against conservatives in Germany, who had branded him a traitor and a defeatist. The public success accorded his theories of relativity evoked savage attacks during the 1920s by anti-Semitic physicists such as Johannes Stark and Philipp Lenard. 1919 Freud draws attention to Austrian neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the tachistroscope, an early device for studying subliminal perception. 1919 From 1919 to 1920, William Donovan sent on classified missions to China and Siberia. Tsarion 1919 General Edmund Allenby is promoted to field marshal and is made a peer. He takes the title of Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and Felixstowe. Megiddo is the old battlefield of Armageddon in Palestine. (See September 19, 1918) 1919 Grigory Zinoviev, head of the Petrograd party organization, is appointed head of the Communist International (Comintern). 1919 Hitlers military intelligence operation engaged in domestic terrorism. Rohm takes Hitler to see Dietrich Eckart, the morphine addict who heads the German Thule Society. Tsarion 1919 Ignace Paderewski, the famous pianist and patriot, becomes the first Premier of Poland. 1919 January 1 Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) is discharged with the rank of colonel from the Austrian army, after serving almost 40 years. (Roots) 1919 January 15 Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht are murdered by German troops after an abortive Spartacus uprising in

822 Berlin. Liebknecht is shot in the back while in custody, and Luxemburg's body is later found in the Landwehr Canal. 1919 January 18 The peace conference at Versailles (the Paris Peace Conference) officially opens, attended by 70 delegates, representing 27 victorious Allied powers. Neither Germany nor the new Russian Soviet republic are represented. The principal participants are the leaders of the four great powers, Woodrow Wilson of the United States, Georges Clemenceau of France, David Lloyd George of Britain, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy. (Note, Germany is prepared to negotiate on the basis of Wilson's Fourteen Points, but since its representatives are not allowed to attend the conference, it matters little. The Germans are at the mercy of the armistice which will be renewed each month for the next six months. The blockade (including foodstuffs) remains in place during that time and conditions deteriorate severely in Germany, creating a residue of bitterness which will begin to raise havoc only a decade later.) (Schlesinger I) 1919 - Milner Round Table Group founds and controls British Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) at Paris Peace Conference; also influences the League of Nations and British policies and mandates concerning Palestine and Germany. ...[The Milner Group] founded the British Empire periodical The Round Table in 1910, and this remains the mouthpiece of the Group; it has been the most powerful single influence in All Souls, Balliol, and New Colleges at Oxford for more than a generation; it has controlled The Times for more than fifty years. . .it publicized the idea of and the name 'British Commonwealth of Nations' in the period 1908-1918; it was the chief influence in Lloyd George's war administration in 1917-1919 and dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it; it was one of the chief influences on British policy toward Ireland, Palestine, and India in the period 1917-1945; it was a very important influence on the policy of appeasement of Germany during the years 1920-40; and it controlled and still controls, to a very considerable extent, the sources and the writing of the history of British and Imperial and foreign policy since the Boer War. -Rothschild and the Prieur de Sion call the shots behind the scenes. The British Round Table group served at the conference as advisers to Prime Minister David Lloyd George. [The real behind- the-scene experts at the Paris conference included M. (Georges) Mandel (real name Jeroboam Rothschild) (France), Phillip Sassoon (1888-1939) (England) and Bernard Baruch (U.S.).] Beer was named head of the Mandate Department of the League of Nations as soon as it was established. Beer

823 was also one of the originators of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and its American branch, The Council on Foreign Relations. Thomas W. Lamont, Isaiah Bowman, George Louis Beer and Whitney H. Shepardson approached Robert Cecil about planning a strategy for future joint ventures. They arranged for a party for fifty at the Hotel Majestic in Paris on May 30. 1919. At Paris the Royal Institute for International Affairs was created after WWI. The Prieur de Sion - the Elders of Sion also relates to the Rothschilds who are reported to serve on a Jewish council of Elders of Sion... For instance, Armstrong, the Rothschild Trust, p. 196, 'That is the present objective of Jeroboam Rothschild and his secret Elders of Zion.' -David Lloyd George a convert of the Welsh Revival along with false teachers of BritishIsraelism, George and Stephen Jeffreys. Notable among the 150 000 estimated converts of the [Welsh] Revival are George and Stephen Jeffreys who later went on to found the Elim Movement, and David Powell Williams, the founder of the Apostolic Pentecostal church. It is also worth mentioning its effect on Rees Howells, intercessor and founder of the Bible College of Wales and David Lloyd George, who later became the British Prime Minister. The results of the Revival cannot be measured by the countless chapels that lie deserted on the Welsh hills today, but in the multitude of changed men and women who went on to effect the course of the twentieth century under the guidance of the Almighty. - David Lloyd George [1863-1945] - Prime Minister of England from 1916-1922; past member of Committee of 300; key British negotiator at Paris Peace Conference of 1919, where he helped to found the Royal Institute of International Affairs/RIIA [British counterpart of Council on Foreign Relations/CFR]. 1919 January 21 Wilson submits Buckler's report of his meeting with Litvinov to the Big Five in Paris. Buckler wrote that "agreement with Russia can take place at once, obviating conquest and policing and reviving normal conditions as disinfectant against Bolshevism." 1919 January 25 The Versailles conference unanimously adopts a resolution to establish the League of Nations. After a committee is appointed to draft the League's Covenant, peace terms are hammered out by the Supreme Council, consisting of the heads of government and foreign ministers of the five principal Allied powers, the U.S., Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. 1919 January 5 Formation of German Workers party. 1919 January 5 The German Worker's Party (DAP) party is formally founded in Munich at the Furstenfelder Hof tavern by Anton Drexler and others. Drexler's constitution is accepted by 24 men, mostly from the locomotive works where Drexler is employed, and he elected chairman. Drexler is also an active member of the Thule Society

824 (Germanenorden). (Drexler, 12 March, 1935; Michael Lotter, 19 October, 1935; Roots) 1919 January 6 Theodore Roosevelt dies at Sagamore Hill, his Oyster Bay, N.Y., home. 1919 January 7- 14 William H. Buckler, U.S. Embassy counselor in London, is sent by President Wilson to confer with Maxim Litvinov and other Soviet (Bolshevik) emissaries in Stockholm. 1919 January Typescript copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are distributed by anti-Bolshevik White Russians at the Versailles Peace Conference.They are also given to members of the U.S. Cabinet, judiciary, and intelligence agencies of the army and navy. (Segel / Levy) 1919 , , 1955, . ! 1919, "", , , - - , 8.000 ! , ! , , 16 17 1919 , ! , , , , 2.000 , : , , , , , , ! ! 31 , , ! .

825 : !!! , : ! , : ! , ! , , ! ! , , ! 1919! 1955! ! : 1. , 2. : , 1919 1922. 1919 January-February Hitler returns to Munich from Traunstein and is again quartered at the List Regiment barracks. 1919 Jean Monnet, an acquaintance of Colonel Edward Mandell House, is appointed as Deputy Secretary of the new League of Nations. After WWII Monnet will become known as the "Father of Europe." 1919 Johannes Baum's New Thought publishing house moves to Pfullingen. (Spirits in Rebellion; Roots) 1919 July 14 With the signing of the peace treaty, the embargo of trade with Germany is lifted and the U.S. resumes business relations. (Schlesinger I) 1919 July 26 Brockhusen writes to Koerner, accusing Stauff of slandering him. (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1919 July 6 Brockhusen writes Bernhard Koerner pleading for a constitutional reform of the loyalist Germanenorden. (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1919 July Sebottendorff leaves Munich and resigns as Grand master of the Thule Society. 1919 June 21 German Chancellor Scheidemann and Prime Minister Brockdorff-Rantzau resign. 1919 June 21 The German High Seas Fleet, interned by the Allies at Scapa Flow, the British naval base in the Orkney Islands, stages a dramatic protest. German sailors scuttle all 50 of their warships in the harbor. 1919 June 22 Sebottendorff attends his last Thule Society meeting. Many members hold him negligently responsible for the loss of the Thule membership lists to the Communists who killed the Thule Society hostages in April. (Roots)

826 1919 June 28 The new German chancellor, Gustav Bauer, sends another delegation to Versailles. After informing the Allies that Germany is accepting the treaty now, only because of the need to alleviate the hardships on its people caused by the "inhuman" blockade, the Germans sign. (Note, If Germany had refused to sign, Allied Commander-in-Chief Marshal Foch had instructions to occupy all of Germany. Article 23 of the treaty, the so-called "War Guilt Clause," was the suggestion of John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State under President Dwight Eisenhower.) (Note, The final treaty does not follow Wilson's Fourteen Points, upon which Germany had agreed to negotiate peace. Hitler will later distort this fact to claim that Germany had been betrayed, not defeated.) (Schlesinger I) 1919 Lady Astor, an American originally named Nancy Witcher Langhorne, wins her husband's seat and becomes the first woman member of the British House of Commons. She will continue to serve until 1945. 1919 March 10 U.S. Ambassador Bullit arrives in Petrograd and is accompanied to Moscow by Grigori Chicherin and Maxim Litvinov. 1919 March 14 Lenin presents Ambassador Bullit with a Soviet peace plan drafted by Maxim Litvinov. 1919 March 2 Philipp Stauff (alias Dietwart) writes to Brockhusen saying that the latter's resignation as Grand Master of the loyalist Germanenorden had been accepted. This does not seem to be the case as Brockhusen continues in office for quite some time. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1919 March 23 Mussolini and other Italian war veterans in Milan found a revolutionary, nationalistic group called the Fasci di Combattimento, named for the ancient symbol of Roman power, the Fasces. The Fascist movement soon develops into a powerful "radicalism of the right," gaining the support of many landowners in the lower Po Valley, industrialists, and army officers. Fascist blackshirt squads carried on a local civil war against Socialists, Communists, Catholics, and Liberals. 1919, , , , , : . ( 1848) , : , 1961, , ( ) . 1974, :

827 : . , , , , . , , . , , , . . , ' ' , , - , - , . 1919 March 30 British Prime Minister Lloyd George informs Lord Riddell, "The truth is we have got our way... the German navy has been handed over, German merchant shipping has been handed over, and the German colonies given up. One of our chief trade competitors has been crippled and our Allies are about to become her biggest creditors. This is no small achievement." (Versailles Twenty Years After) 1919 May 1 Free Corps troops enter Munich and take it from the Communists after two days of heavy fighting. The famous Erhardt Brigade arrives at the city singing their marching song, which began with the words, "Hooked cross (swastika) on steel helmets..." 1919 May 1 Rudolf Hess is wounded for a fourth time, this time in the leg, while manning a howitzer during street battles fought by General Franz von Epp's ragtag army to liberate Munich. (Missing Years) 1919 May 17 Guido von List dies of a lung inflammation in a Berlin guest house before he can reach Brockhusen's home. He is later cremated in Leipzig and his ashes are placed in an urn at the Vienna Central Cemetery. (Roots) 1919 May 24 Philipp Stauff writes an obituary of Guido von List for the "Munchener Beobachter," a volkisch newspaper edited by Rudolf von Sebottendorff. This publication will soon become the official party newspaper of the Nazi party and will remain so until May 1945. 1919 May 30 Colonel Edward Mandel House, President Wilson's chief advisor, meets in Paris with a group of American and British industrialists to discuss the founding of an institute for International affairs. 1919 May 30 Dietrich Eckart gives a lecture to the Thule Society at the Four Seasons Hotel. The Thule rooms were a haven for many volkish

828 activists from November 1918 to May 1919. Thule guests included Gottfried Feder, Alfred Rosenberg, and Rudolf Hess, all to achieve prominence in the Nazi Party. (Hering, typescript 21 June 1939, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz. A list of Thule members is included in Sebottendorff, BHK) 1919 May 30, 1919 - Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House; attended by various Fabian socialists, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes. - 1919 May 4 Slovak General Milan R. Stefanik dies in a mysterious plane crash over Bratislavia. Stefanik is soon succeeded by Edouard Benes, a Czech. 1919 May 6 The Treaty of Versailles is finally ready to be presented to Germany, after three and a half months of argument and comprise. Except for the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France, which is unanimously agreed upon, all of the important treaty provisions regarding German territory are compromises, (1) Allied occupation of the Rhineland is to continue for at least 15 years, and possibly even longer, and the region is to remain perpetually demilitarized, as is a strip of territory 30 miles deep along the right bank of the Rhine. Three smaller frontier regions near Eupen and Malmedy are to be ceded to Belgium. Parts of the German provinces of Posen and West Prussia are to be given to Poland to provide that revived nation with access to the Baltic Sea. The Baltic seaport of Gdansk (Danzig) is to become a free state, linked economically to Poland. This leaves East Prussia completely separated from the rest of Germany by what is called the "Polish Corridor" to the Baltic. (2) All of Germany's overseas possessions are to be occupied by the Allies but are to be organized as "mandates," subject to the supervision and control of the League of Nations. Britain and France divide most of Germany's African colonies, and Japan takes over its extensive island possessions in the South Pacific. (3) The treaty also requires Germany to accept sole responsibility and guilt for causing the war. Kaiser Wilhelm and other unspecified German war leaders are to be tried as war criminals. (This provision will never be enforced.) (4) Several ther military and economic provisions are designed not only to punish Germany for its alleged war guilt, but also to insure France and the rest of the world against any future German aggression, The German army is limited to 100,000 men and is not allowed to possess any heavy artillery, the general staff is abolished, the navy is to be reduced. No air force will be permitted, and the production of all military planes is forbidden. (5) Germany is to payfor all civilian damages caused during the war. This burden, combined with payment of Reparations to the

829 Allies of great quantities of industrial goods, merchant shipping, and raw materials, is expected to prevent Germany from being able to finance any major military effort even if it is inclined to evade the military limitations. 1919 May 7 Members of the German delegation are summoned to the Trianon Palace at Versailles to learn the new Allied treaty terms. After carefully reading the new treaty, Brockdorff-Rantzau denounces it, reminding them that President Wilson's Fourteen Points had clearly provided the basis for the armistice negotiations, and are as binding on the Allies as on Germany. He also insists that the economic provisions of the treaty will be impossible to fulfill. (Note, In many respects the Treaty of Versailles was indeed unfair to Germany, which technically was not a defeated nation. She was a signatory to an armistice, not a surrender. Even some of those who had fought against Germany were disturbed by the severity of the treaty.) (Duffy) 1919 May 7 Rudolf Hess officially joins a volunteer unit of General von Epp's Freikorps. (Missing Years) 1919 May 8 Provisional President Friedrich Ebert and the German government publicly brand the terms of the Versailles Treaty as "unrealizable and unbearable." 1919 May 8-15 After refusing to sign the treaty, the German delegation take it with them back to Berlin for further government consideration. Chancellor Philipp Scheidemann also denounces the treaty. The Allies, however, continue to maintain their naval blockade of Germany, and thousands of German civilians continue starving to death. (Note, It soon became obvious that Germany has no choice but to sign. The suffering and misery the German people were forced to endure creates a hatred so deep and instinctual that it will haunt the German national psyche for decades to come.) (See June 28) 1919 May Friedrich Krohn, a member of the DAP, the Thule Society, and the Germanenorden since 1913, writes a memorandum entitled "Is the Swastika Suitable as the Symbol of the National Socialist Party?," which proposes the left-handed swastika (i.e. clockwise in common with those used by the Theosophists and Germanenorden) as the symbol of the German DAP. Krohn evidently preferred the sign in this direction because of its Buddhist interpretation as a talisman of good fortune and health, while its right-handed (anti-clockwise) counterpart symbolized decline and death (most of Guido von List's swastikas, as well as the Thule Society's, were right-handed). Hitler, who was not yet a member of the DAP, later chose the right-handed version (May 20, 1920). (Roots) (Even more interesting is Krohn's use of the term National Socialist in the title of his memorandum. At that time, only the Austrian

830 Nazis (DNSAP) were known to have been using this name.) (see August 1918 and December 1919) 1919 May Sebottendorff moves the "Munchener Beobachter" offices from the Four Seasons Hotel to the premises occupied by H.G. Grassinger's local branch of the Deutsch-Sozialistische Partei (DSP), another antisemitic nationalist group founded in 1918. Henceforth Grassinger is the newspaper's production manager and the paper becomes his party's official organ. (Roots) 1919 Meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, between Wilsonian intellectuals (House, Dulles and Dulles, etc.) and "like-minded Englishmen" to discuss forming an organization "for the study of international affairs." 1919 Mike Childers, while hoboing across the Mojave Desert in California, spent what he thought was a night in the woods near Tehacippi. When he awoke and set off on his way, he discovered that the year was I934 and America had passed into the Great Depression. Childers made a small media splash as a modern Rip Van Winkle, but was never able to discover what happened to the fifteen years he'd lost. It wasn't until 1990 that the decrepit Childers began to have nightmares that hinted at forgotten memories. Having seen Dr. Denton Schaeffer on a tabloid talk show about repressed memories, he mailed Schaeffer a description of his experience and dreams (along with his collection of journal articles and news clippings about him from the mid-1930s). Schaeffer interviewed and hypnotized Childers on thirty occasions before Childers' death in 1995 and was able to uncover a vivid tapestry of dark and horrifying memories in which Childers was taken beneath the ground by chattering alien creatures who surgically removed his brain and transported it to alien realms. The most disturbing part of this case is the medical evidence that Childers was subjected to extensive and inexplicable cranial surgery sometime during the 1920s. 1919 November 1 President Wilson is again in control of his faculties, although he never fully recovers. There is no provision in the law for declaring a president unable "to discharge the powers and duties of the said office." 1919 November 18 Field Marshal Hindenburg, possibly seeking to conceal his role in the armistice, publicly mentions the "stab in the back" while testifying before the Committee of Inquiry of the German National Assembly. Hindenburg claims that the army had been close to victory, but had been betrayed by civilian authorities and socialists in the government. 1919 November 19 The U.S. Senate rejects the act required to ratify the Versailles Treaty (55 to 39), including the provisions for the

831 League of nations. President Wilson's hopes for a world governing organization are crushed. 1919 November 27 Bulgaria signs a treaty with the Allies at Neuilly, a suburb of Paris. Bulgaria recognizes the independence of Yugoslavia, and agrees to cede territory to Yugoslavia, Romania, and Greece. 1919 November George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, organizes the W.A. Harriman & Co. private bank and becomes its president and chief executive officer. 1919 October 10 The Allied Supreme Council, which had imposed a blockade on Soviet Russia, tells neutral countries how to bring economic pressure on "Bolshevik" Russia and to ensure strict observance of such a policy. British and French ships continue "to alter the course" of all ships heading for Soviet ports and citizens of Entente countries are not only forbidden to visit Russia, but even to communicate by letter, telegram or radiogram. (Polyakov) 1919 "...a letter sent to the Vatican by Pius XII in 1919, when he was Bishop Eugenio Pacelli and papal nuncio in Munich... reports on his deputy's unpleasant encounter with Bolshevik revolutionaries who were then terrorizing Catholic priests and the German bourgeoisie. The letter describes the leader, Max Lieven as a '... Russian and a Jew.' The letter also describes Mr. Lieven's companions, '...Jews like the rest of them.' ...Bishop Pacelli's description of Jewish Communists... was hardly uncommon 80 years ago." (N.Y. Times, Nov. 3, 1999). Chaim Bermant, writing in the Jewish Chronicle (Aug. 30, 1991), says: "It was Communism which toppled the hated Czars, Communism which removed Jewish disabilities and proscribed anti-Semitism and Communism which, in its early days at least, opened the doors to Jewish advancement." Lenin, whose maternal grandfather, Israel Blank, was Judaic, said that Judaics made the best revolutionaries: "The clever Russian is almost always a Jew or has Jewish blood in him." (Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography, p. 112). Lenin was both clever and a revolutionary. He was surely referring to himself. Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "Lenin was a Jew by the standards of Israel's Law of Return: he possessed a Jewish grandparent. It would seem that not only was Lenin a Jew, but that he was a Jewish racist and chauvinist, although he kept his ideas on this volatile subject far in the background, probably because they were in radical conflict with the supposed universalism of Marxism. ...Lenin was a Jewish racist who deliberately gave Jews especially, the most 'intellectually demanding tasks.' He admitted that 50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of

832 Jews." Lenin declared, "We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class." His partner in crime, Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) stated: "The interests of the revolution require the physical annihilation of the bourgeoisie class." Who were these bourgeoisie? Certainly not Jews. Trotsky gave a clue to their identity in a 1937 interview in the New York Jewish newspaper, Daily Forward: "The longer the rotten bourgeoisie society lives, the more and more barbaric will anti-Semitism become everywhere." Bourgeoisie was a Bolshevik code-word for Gentile. The first law passed after the Communists seized power in Russia made anti-semitism a crime punishable by death. (Izvestia, July 27, 1918). 1919 October 15 Rudolf Hess resigns from General von Epp's Freikorps. (Missing Years) 1919 October 16 A speech by Hitler at the Hofbrauhauskeller in Munich marks the beginning of his political career. 1919 Paris Peace Conference. League of Nations founded. Tsarion 1919 Polish armed forces capture much of Lithuania and the Ukraine. Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski aims to establish a PolishLithuanian-Belorussian federation allied with an independent Ukraine. It will soon lead to the Polish-Soviet War of April-October 1920. 1919 Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) founded by 21 Americans and their British counterparts. Tsarion 1919 Russian-American anarchist Emma Goldman is deported to the Soviet Union. 1919 September 10 Representatives of the now tiny republic of Austria sign the Treaty of Saint-Germain, just outside Paris. The once great Habsburg empire had completely disintegrated in October and November 1918. Austria recognizes the independence of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Hungary; it also recognizes the award of Galicia to Poland, and of the Trentino, South Tyrol, Trieste, and Istria to Italy. Austria is forbidden to unite with Germany, as many in both countries had envisioned. 1919 September 12 Adolf Hitler attends his first meeting of the German Worker's Party (DAP). Hitler had been ordered by Captain Karl Mayr, his immediate superior, to attend as a spy for the army. (Mayr, autobiography) 1919 September 15 Brockhusen writes another letter to Heimerdinger revealing a deep dismay at postwar conditions and a hatred for the Poles. Brockhausen it seems had kept his office as Grand Master of the loyalist Germanenorden. (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1919 September 16 Hitler's first known, political writing on the "Jewish Problem," a letter addressed to Adolf Gemlich (identity unknown) shows that Hitler's belief in a worldwide Jewish-Marxist conspiracy was already well developed.

833 1919 September 20 Hitler is ordered by his superior, Captain Mayr, to join the German Worker's Party (DAP), even though he is still in the army and such an act is technically illegal. Captain Mayr later wrote that it was General Ludendorff himself who had come to him and personally suggested that Hitler should be allowed to join the party and build it up. (Mayr, autobiography) (See September 12) (Note, Other sources state that Hitler joined the DAP on September 16, 1919. There seems to be some confusion on the actual date. (See Hitler's first party membership cards) 1919 September 25 President Wilson suffers a stroke in Colorado. For five weeks, he is delicately balanced between life and death. Outside his family, only his doctor, his secretary Joseph Tumulty, and infrequently, Bernard Baruch are permitted to see him. (Schlesinger I) 1919 September 3 President Wilson, instead of negotiating the Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations Covenant with the Senate, departs on a tour of the country to rouse public support in favor of the project. He is already quite ill and proceeds against the warnings of his doctors. 1919 September Walter Riehl sends copies of the Austrian Nazi program to Anton Drexler, chairman of the German DAP. Riehl suggests that Drexler change the name of his German organization to coincide with that of Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP). (Forgotten Nazis) 1919 Spring Guido von List and his wife leave Austria and travel to Germany, intending to stay with Eberhard von Brockhusen at Langen in Bradenburg. Brockhusen is a devoted List Society member and Grand Master of the loyalist Germanenorden. (Roots) 1919 Spring--The Grand Duchess Anastasia may have escaped from her captors. A number of trains are stopped and searched for her, including that of the head of the Swedish Red Cross, Count Carl Bonde. There is evidence that she was recaptured though. (Allegedly: When the Czarina and the children were massacred, Anastasia was only knocked unconscious, and was rescued by a soldier named Tchaikovsky, and moved with him and his family to Rumania, where she bore him a son that was placed in an orphanage. Tchaikovsky was killed in a street fight, and Anastasia eventually drifted on...). 1919 Summer-- As he walked down an isolated country road near Barron, Wisconsin, one summer night, 13-year-old Harry Anderson saw something distinctly odd. Twenty little men, trooped in single file and heading in his direction, were visible in the bright moonlight. Even as they passed him, they paid him no attention. Young Anderson noticed they were dressed in leather knee pants held up by suspenders. They wore no shirts, they were bald, and their skin was pale white. Though all were making "mumbling" sounds, they did not appear to be communicating with each other. Terrified, Anderson continued on his way and did not

834 look back. The bizarre encounter remained vivid in his memory for the rest of his life. 1919 Summer General Heimerdinger abdicates the Chancellorship of the loyalist Germanenorden in favor of the Grand Duke Johann Albrecht of Mecklenburg. Mecklenburg used the alias "Irmin." (Irminism was the religion professed years later by Karl Maria Wiligut (alias K.M. Weisthor of Himmler's SS staff.) (Roots) 1919 Summer Sebottendorff, now living in Constance, Switzerland, summons his sister, Dora Kunze, and his mistress, Kathe Bierbaumer. Soon afterward he converts the "Munchener Beobachter" into a limited liability company, the Franz Eher Verlag Nachf. Bierbaumer was given 110,000 of the 120,000 marks of capital stock issued and Kunze the remaining 10,000. (Roots) 1919 The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution establishes a national prohibition on the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages. 1919 The League of Nations is formed at the Paris Peace Conference with Geneva in Switzerland as its headquarters. 1919 The majority of Allied troops leave Russia. Several factors force them to leave, soldiers that refuse to fight against Soviet Russia and demand to be sent home, a mutiny in the French Black Sea squadron, the growing might of the Red Army, and the failure to achieve a quick victory. Yet another factor is the "Hands Off Soviet Russia" movement in the West. (Polyakov) 1919 Two British soldiers see several orange spherical UFOs hovering over Salisbury Plain near Figeldean, Wiltshire, UK. 1919 Versailles Treaty. Germany, who lost WWI, is forbidden to have any type of intelligence gathering agency. A proposal is made by the American government (Morgenthau's Pastoral Policy), signed by Wilson, as one of the provisions of Germany's surrender, the extermination of the Germans as an inherently warlike race. The document is now kept in the Sid Richardson Research Center at the University of Texas, Austin. Tsarion 1919 Violent antisemitic attacks in Hungary kill 300 Jews. 1919 Warren Bechtel awarded first federal road building contract in U.S. Tsarion 1919 1919 . 1919, . 1919, , - . .

835 1919 , : SYKES, Sir Mark 18791919. British diplomat. Sykes was a Conservative member of Parliament who, during World War I, became chief adviser to the Foreign Office on all Middle Eastern questions. His negotiations with Franois Georges Picot of France led to the Sykes-Picot treaty of 1916, in which the two countries agreed on their respective zones of influence in the Near East after the war. It was only after this that Sykes became interested in Zionism. In February 1917 he held an important semi-official meeting with Zionist leaders that helped clear the way for the BALFOUR Declaration and Sykes helped to draft the text of the declaration itself. He visited Palestine at the end of the war and was shocked by the bitterness of Arab hostility to Zionism. 1919, . 5 , " ... , ". 1919, , "... 1 1919, 17 32 ... ... , ...". 1919, , , . , "" , "" , . "" , ( ;) ... . - , . (

836 ) . , , , . , . , . , , , 19191922. ... , , , , , . , ... , , . 1919, , , , , " 1919 1949, . (Djwhal Khul D.K., " "). , , . 1975, ". 1919 , . , . , ! 1919, .

837 1919, 4.000 . 1919: Afghanistan gains independence from Britain 1919: British troops massacre 379 peaceful demonstrators in Amritsar (Punjab), the beginning of large-scale riots in India 1919: the IRA is formed in Ireland to fight British rule 19191923 The Third Aliyah was triggered by the October Revolution in Russia, the ensuing pogroms there and in Poland and Hungary, the British conquest of Palestine and the Balfour Declaration. Approximately 40,000 Jews arrived in Palestine during this time. 1920 - Britain's Winston Churchill recognizes the connection between the Illuminati and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. He observes: "From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." - 1920 -- GWP becomes the National Socialist German Worker's Party. - 1920 -1922 Russia (Siberia). An American Marine guard to protect the United States radio station and property on Russian Island, Bay of Vladivostok. Thus evading the use of the Radio Station from being used by anti Bolshevik elements. 1920 () , . . , , , , ! , , , . 1920 . ,

838 . . , , , . . 3 , . . , , , : 1920. , , . , ; 1 , . , , , , , , , , , ! , , ! 1920 -25 Sir Herbert Samuel High Commissioner (Palestine). 1920 A jurist, Professor Binding, and a psychiatrist, Professor Hoche, publish the book, Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens (The sanctioning of the destruction of lives unworthy of being lived). (Science) 1920 A Swedish zoologist, Sten Bergman, saw the skin of a bear from Kamchatka (Siberia), one which he noted was exceptionally large, far beyond the size common to bears in the area. The hair covering the skin was short, in contrast with the long hair associated with normal Kamchatkan bears. It was also a deep black in color. Bergman also

839 recounted several tracks which were found. The tracks were an astounding 14.5 x 10 inches in size, suggesting a truly monstrous bear. He described the bear as Ursus arctos piscator, but it is more commonly known as Bergmans bear. Bergmans bear, sadly, may be extinct, as no sightings were reported since Bergman described the species in 1936. 1920 A very controversial case in which a group of men on an expedition in Venezuela led by Swiss geologist Francois De Loys, shot and photographed an alleged humanoid ape-like creature. Francois and his team had set up camp near the Tarra river, following a journey in which a number of his men had perished. Without warning, they were suddenly attacked by two large humanoid ape creatures, that wielded branches and howled menacingly at the men. Shocked, the men opened fire on the creatures, killing one of them, and injuring the other, which disappeared back into the forest. Examining the body of the dead creature, Francois noted that it was unlike anything he had ever seen before. Propping the corpse up on a crate with a stick, he photographed it, a picture that would become one of the most famous and controversial cryptozoology photographs ever. According to De Loys, the creature's body was skinned and cut up, in order for the skull to be preserved. All the remains allegedly went missing, however, and were never studied by any academic institution. In 1929, the photograph was published, and the creature assigned the name "Ameranthropoides loysi". 1920 A young woman tried to kill herself by jumping into a Berlin Canal. She is eventually sent to a sanatorium in Dalldorf. 1920 Admiral Miklos Horthy becomes regent of Hungary. 1920 . 1920 April 1 As part of the Red scare that is sweeping America, five members of the New York Legislature are expelled for being members of the Socialist Party. They will be legitimately reelected, but once again will be refused permission to sit in session. (Schlesinger I) 1920 April 15 Italian-born anarchists, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are accused of murdering a paymaster and a guard at a shoe factory in South Braintree, Massachusetts, escaping with the payroll of nearly $16,000. 1920 On Feb. 8, 1920 a young British writer made a similar observation in the Illustrated Sunday Herald: "There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews." The writer was Winston Churchill. Though he would later sell his soul for considerably more than thirty pieces of silver, his analysis of the authentic nature of Soviet communism remains trenchant. Churchill expressed the crucial insight that the crimes

840 perpetrated by Jewish communists against Germans and Russians instilled in those people a desire for retribution: "In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed, the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. "The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. "...The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with villainies which are now being perpetrated... Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people." (End quote from Churchill). 1920 April 25 War breaks out between Poland and the Soviets. The Polish-Soviet War is the result of both traditional Polish-Russian hostility and ideological factors. Lenin is convinced that Polish workers and peasants want a Polish Soviet Republic. He also hopes to push toward Germany, to establish socialism there, and to secure German military and economic assistance. 1920 April 30 Rudolf Hess resigns his commission in the German army at Munich. (Missing Years) 1920 April 6 Rudolf Hess flies an airplane to a Bavarian unit stationed in the Ruhr. (Missing Years) 1920 April Adolf Hitler "officially" leaves the German army. 1920 April The Red Army, under the command of Mikhail Tukhachevsky, advances on Poland. 1920 August 8 Hitler receives permission to rename the German Workers Party (DAP) -- it now becomes the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). It seems more than coincidential that it is so similar to Dr. Walter Riehl's German National Socialist Workers Party (DNSAP) in Austria. (Forgotten Nazis) 1920 August Hitler tells an audience in Salzburg, Austria, that "the same movement that started in Austria in 1904, has just now begun to gain a footing in Germany." This is an obvious reference to Walter Riehl's Austrian National Socialist Workers Party (DNDAP). (Forgotten Nazis) 1920 August Marshal Pilsudski's Polish armies defeats the Red Army on the Vistula, checking the spread of revolution into Central Europe and preventing Soviet domination of Eastern Europe.

841 1920 Averell Harriman and George Herbert Walker gain control of the Hamburg-Amerika Line in negotiations with Chief Executive Wilhelm Cuno and the Line's banker's M.M. Warburg. Cuno will contribute large sums to the Nazis during the early 1930's. 1920 Banking panic of 1920. Federal Reserve orders bank to recall loans. Tsarion 1920 Britain declares its opium war against the United States. Prohibition in the U.S. brings narcotics trafficking and large scale organized crime into the U.S. Tsarion 1920 Chaim Weizmann is named President of the World Zionist Organization. 1920 Crowley moves to Cefalu, Sicily, and founds the "Abbey of Thelema". 1920 December 17 All shares of the "Munchener Beobachter" are now in the hands of Anton Drexler. (Sebottendorff; Roots) 1920 December 17 The Munchener Beobachter, (later renamed the "Volkischer Beobachter,") becomes the official organ of the NSDAP. Dietrich Eckart is its first editor and publisher. (Wistrich I) 1920 December 18 Rudolf Gorsleben delivers a speech entitled "The Aryan Man" to the Thule Society. In his diary, Johnnnes Hering writes of Gorsleben's occult tendencies and describes his doctrine of "Aryan" mysticism. (Roots) 1920 December 5 A plebiscite restores Constantine I to the Greek throne. 1920 Dr. Bergius discovers hydrogenation process. Tsarion 1920 Dr. Otto Walberg experiments with human cells. Removes 35% of the oxygen and cells become non-reversibly cancerous. Tsarion 1920 During 1920, Hitler makes a number of speeches in Austria -at Innsbruck, Hallein, Saint Polten and Vienna among others. These meeting were probably organized by Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP). (Forgotten Nazis) 1920 February 11 In Romania, Corneliu Codreanu and labor leader Constantin Pancu forcibly seize a factory from the Communists. 1920 February 20 The "Twenty-five Point Program" of the German DAP is officially adopted. (25 Point Program) 1920 February 24 The German DAP gives the first public reading of its "Twenty-five Points." Hitler later describes this event in Mein Kampf as "the first great public demonstration of our young movement." (25 Point Program) 1920 February 6 Grand Duke Johann Albrecht of Mecklenburg (Irmin) Chancellor of the loyalist Germanenorden dies of what is described as a heart attack. His funerary notice in the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz is decorated with swastikas. (Irminism is the religion professed

842 years later by Karl Maria Wiligut (K.M. Weisthor of Himmler's SS staff.) (Bundesarchiv; Roots) 1920 February 7 Admiral Kolchak and his Prime Minister, Victor Pepeliaev, are executed. General Janin is never charged. 1920 February 8 Winston Churchill writes in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, "From the days of Spartacus -- Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky... this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization... has been steadily growing." 1920 February Walter Riehl designs a new Austrian DNSAP party flag using a swastika on a white field. (Forgotten Nazis) 1920 Fishermen see a blue egg-shaped UFO touch down near Mount Pleasant, Iowa, USA. 1920 General Ludendorff introduces Hitler to Gregor Strasser. 1920 Henry Moray injured on the job, which forces him back to examine radiant energy. Tsarion 1920 Histadrut, Haganah, Vaad Leumi are founded. 1920 Hitler declares that "It is our duty to arouse, to whip up, an to incite our people to instinctive repugnance of the Jews." (Atlas) 1920 Hitler meets Dietrich Eckart and Alfred Rosenberg for first time at the home of Houston Stewart Chamberlain in Bayreuth. (Pauwels) Note, Most other sources state that Hitler's first meeting with Chamberlain was in September 1923. 1920 I.G. Farben signs working agreements with Sandoz and CibaGeigy in Switzerland. Tsarion 1920 In Germany, the DAP becomes the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party). Tsarion 1920 January 10 The League of Nations automatically comes into being under the terms of the Versailles Treaty. 1920 January 10 The Treaty of Versailles goes into effect and the League of Nations is officially established with headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland. 1920 January 14 French General Maurice Janin, Commander-inChief of the Allied troops in Siberia, orders the Czecho-Slovak Legion to kidnap Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak, leader of the anti-Bolshevik resistance, and hand him over to the Bolsheviks at Irkutsk in exchange for one-third of the bullion of the Russian Imperial Treasury which is under Kolchak's control. This bullion will become the first national treasury of the newly created country of Czechoslovakia. (Sturdza). 1920 January 16 The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution goes into effect. It prohibits the sale and consumption of all alcoholic beverages. 1920 January 28 Rudolf Hess is invited to tea at the home of Dr. Karl Haushofer for the first time. Hess was drawn into Haushofer's

843 lectures on geo-politics and willingly acted as his unpaid assistant. (Missing Years) 1920 January Gottfried zur Beek (Ludwig Muller von Hausen) publishes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in German, the first documented non-Russian version. It is dated 1919, but is actually published in mid January. Thirty-three versions will be published in German by 1933. (Segel/Levy) 1920 January Karl Harrer resigns from all offices in the German DAP. 1920 Jewish Bolsheviks Supply The Young Turks. In 1920 the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks supply Attaturk with 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and 300 machine guns. [In 1921 Attaturk occupies the Port of Baku ceding it to the Jewish Bolsheviks five days later. The Rothschilds are delighted as they now have their Baku Oil Company in Jewish Bolshevik territory]. 1920 July 1 Rudolf Hess joins the Nazi party. Hess is said to have failed to persuade Haushofer to fall in behind the "tribune" (as he referred to Hitler during this period). (Missing Years) 1920 June 4 Hungary signs the Treaty of Trainon at Versailles, reducing the country in area from 109,000 sq. miles to less than 36,000 sq. miles. 1920 June Marshal Pilsudski, fearing a Red Army counteroffensive from the eastern Ukraine, launches an attack on Kiev, but the Polish armies were soon pushed back to Warsaw. 1920 June Rudolf Hess is said to have seen Adolf Hitler speak for the first time at the Sternecker-Brau beerhall in Munich. Haushofer accompanied Hess to several National Socialist meeting in June. (Missing Years) (Note, Other sources say Dietrich Eckart personally escorted Hess to his first Nazi party meeting in May 1920. Afterward, Eckart supposedly introduced Hess to Adolf Hitler.) 1920 June War veterans Heinrich Schulz and Heinrich Tillessen move to Regensburg, where they meet Loenz Mesch local leader of the Germanenorden. (Roots) 1920 Mahatma Gandhi begins a campaign of noncooperation against British rule in India. 1920 March 1 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that U.S. Steel is not an illegal monopoly. 1920 March 10 Karl Lueger, former mayor of Vienna, dies in Austria. 1920 March 13 Berlin is seized in a right-wing Putsch. Americanborn journalist Wolfgang Kapp, 51 year-old founder of the Fatherland Party, receives support from irregular troops under Geneneral von Luttwitz, in a move to restore the monarchy. The disbanded troops, back

844 from fighting "Bolshevik republicanism" in the Baltic provinces, are led by the Erhardt Brigade wearing swastikas on their helmets. The legitimate government escapes to the provinces, Kapp is made Chancellor and orders a general strike, he gets support from General Ludendorff but fails to gain foreign recognition. The army remains generally uncommitted, the Security Police oppose him and Kapp soon finds he has no authority. (See March 17). 1920 March 13 Gustav von Kahr assumes dictatorial powers in Munich. 1920 March 15 General Ludendorff moves to a small town in Bavaria near Munich. 1920 March 17 The Kapp putsch fails after only four days and Kapp flees Berlin. Hitler and Eckart arrive in Berlin too late to take part. 1920 March 19 The U.S. Senate again rejects the Versailles Treaty. The U.S. Senate also strongly objects to the U.S. entering the League of Nations. 1920 March 20 The "Munchener Beobachter" shareholders are listed as follows, Kathe Bierbaumer 46,000, Dora Kunze 10,000, Baron Franz von Freilitzsch 20,000, Theodor Heuss 10,000, Gottfried Feder 10,000, Franz Xavier Eder 10,000, Wilhelm Gutberlet 10,000, Karl Alfred Braun 3,500. (Freilitzsch and Heuss were members of the Thule Society and Feder was one of Hitler's earliest supporters) (Sebottendorff; Roots) 1920 March 29 Rudolf Hess is temporarily recruited by the local airfield at Schleissheim. (Missing Years) 1920 May 1 Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP) introduces its new flag -- a swastika on a white field -- and flies it in public for the first time. (Forgotten Nazis) 1920 May 20 A right-handed (counterclockwise) swastika makes its first public appearance as the flag of the Nazi movement at the foundation meeting of the local Starnberg group. Hitler convinced Friedrich Krohn, who originally had proposed a left-handed design, to make the change. Krohn, however, was responsible for the color scheme of a black swastika in a white circle on a red background. (Roots) 1920 May 22 Henry Ford's weekly Dearborn Independent begins publishing a series of articles on the "Jewish World Conspiracy" Most are largely based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Segel/Levy) 1920 May 8 The Times of London publishes a long article on a recent English translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It is entitled "A Disturbing Pamphlet, A Call for Enquiry," and says in part, "What are these Protocols? Are they authentic? If so, what malevolent assembly concocted these plans, and gloated over their exposition? Are they a forgery? If so, whence comes the uncanny note of prophecy,

845 prophecy in parts fulfilled, in parts far gone in the way of fulfillment?... Have we, by straining every fibre of our national body, escaped a 'Pax Germanica' only to fall into a 'Pax Judaica'?" (Morais) 1920 Montague Norman achieves governorship of the Bank of England until 1944. It was Norman who decided that Hitler should get help from London's financial sector to build his influence against the Bolsheviks in Germany in 1934. Tsarion 1920 November 15 The first Assembly of the League of Nations meets in Geneva, with 41 nations represented. More than 20 nations will later join, though there are numerous withdrawals. 1920 November Eleutherios Venizelos and his Liberal party are unexpectedly defeated in the Greek national elections. 1920 October 12 A preliminary treaty of peace is signed in Riga between Poland and Soviet Russia. The Polish-Soviet War comes to an end. 1920 October 5 The Soviets ask Poland for an armistice. 1920 October King Alexander of Greece dies. . 1920 October Sebottendorff succeeds Ernst Tiede as editor of the "Astrologische Rundschau" (Astrological Review). 1920 Period begins where 400 political figures in Germany are assassinated. Tsarion 1920 Philipp Stauff continues operation of the List Society at its new headquarters in Berlin. From his home at Moltkestrasse 46a in Berlin-Lichterfelde, Stauff publishes new editions of Guido von List's Ario-Germanic researches until 1922. (Roots) 1920 Poland successfully fights to remain independent from the Soviet Union. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion begin circulating freely throughout Poland. 1920 Prohibition was passed to enable the fragmented criminal groupings to form into fewer, more organized syndicates (And therefore, more easy to control). 1920 Russian language editions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are published in Berlin, New York, Paris and Tokyo (1920-22). (Segel/Levy) 1920 September 24 Hitler speaks at the German Nazi Party's first mass meeting; denouncing what he calls the "November Criminals" and calls for "vengeance for the perjured deed of November 9, 1918." 1920 Shafts of light project from the moon. 1920 Summer London's Morning Post features a series of eighteen articles entitled "The Cause of World Unrest." A new translation of the Protocols by one of the Morning Post's reporters, Victor Marsden, is

846 published by the antiseitic organization known as the Britons. It becomes the standard English-lanuage edition. (Segal/Levy) 1920 Swiss geologist Francois de Loys led an expedition to the borders of Colombia and Venezuela. Many members of de Loys' expedition had died, and in 1920 the remnants of the party set up camp near the Tarra River. Two ape-like creatures emerged from the forest and moved towards the campsite. De Loys noted that they were a male and a female and about five feet in height. He recounts how the creatures broke off branches of trees and waved them at the party. During this assault, de Loys said, the creatures began to howl and screech, and eventually they threw their own dung at the expedition. The party opened fire, and the female was killed. The male retreated into the forest. The men, realizing that their kill was something out of the ordinary, sat its body on a crate, propping its head up with a stick. De Loys recorded that the creature was skinned, and its skull and jawbone preserved. Perhaps conveniently, these remains of the creature were lost. 1920 The antisemitic French daily La Libre Parole serializes the complete text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Segel/Levy) 1920 The San Remo conference of the Allied Supreme Council in Italy resulted in an agreement that a Mandate for Palestine to Great Britain would be reviewed and then issued by the League of Nations. The mandate would contain similar content to the Balfour Declaration, which indicates that Palestine will be a homeland for Jews, and that the existing non-Jews would not have their rights infringed. In anticipation of this forthcoming mandate, the British military occupation shifts to a civil rule. 1920 Townsend Brown begins anti-gravity experiments and makes "a 15 inch metal plate which can lift itself". 1920 Three Jewish advisers to Kaiser Wilhelm, Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, Max Warburg and Albert Ballin, then had the Kaiser declare war, and the other nations were involved. Why? To carry out the Jewish plan. On February 8, 1920, Winston Churchill expressed alarm over world developments in an interview published in the Sunday Illustrated Herald, London: "From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing...There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one: it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures

847 are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders." Churchill referred, of course, to the overthrow of the Christian Orthodox Church in Russia and its replacement by a hateful gang of homicidal maniacs, whose unimaginable success was accomplished by the astute financial aid of Jacob Schiff to the Jewish revolutionaries, and by Max Warburg in Germany, who, at the crucial moment of the revolution in Russia, arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph. The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia has never been equaled in the history of the world. This problem will be resolved in a major revolution in this country. Every active life force in America today is moving us toward this end. It will come when the natural forces of history have culminated in the proper circumstances for the battle to be waged. America will purge itself of the Jew, just as every other Western Nation has. Truth is on the side of a White Western World under Jesus Christ. 1920 William Donovan meets Adolph Hitler at Berchtesgaden and Pension Moritz. Tsarion 1920 Winter Theodor Czepl visits Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) in Salzburg and stays for seven weeks. He is said to have visited with Wiligut on at least two other occasions during this period. Czepl records his visits in detail in a memorandum prepared for the Order of the New Templars (ONT). (Mund; Roots) (Note, Wiligut (Weisthor) identifies with a religion he calls Irminism, which he says is distinct from, and the opponent of Wotanism. Irminists, he claims, celebrate Krist, a Germanic god, who Christianity had bowdlerized and then appropriated as its own saviour.) (Roots) 1920 Zinoviev, head of the Comintern, convenes a Congress of Peoples of the East at Baku in Azerbaijan, urging delegates from various Asian countries to wage a "holy war" against British imperialism. 1920, 545 447 " ". 1920, . 1920, 1920 , , , , " . . ", , , . ; , ... . .

848 . . , , , " - , , . , ". , , , 1970, . 440. 1920: Arthur Eddington suggests that nuclear fusion fuels the sun 1920: European countries control almost 90% of the Earth's surface 1920: Palestine becomes a British protectorate 1920-1931 - Louis T. McFadden is Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Curency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes: "When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is - the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will." Concerning the Great Depression and the country's acceptance of FDR's New Deal, he asserts: "It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all." - 1920s -- Assassination of estimated 400 German public figures begins. U.S. entry into League of Nations blocked in Senate. Development of modern advertising techniques emphasizing manipulation rather than information. - 1921 - Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). [For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration whether Democrat or Republican - have been occupied by members of this organization. During that time, only two Presidents have not been directly affiliated with the CFR - John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was assassinated and an attempt was made on Reagan's life!] - 1921 -- Council on Foreign Relations incorporated; founded by Wilsonians House, Dulles and company upon their return from Paris, with the help of the Round Table Group. Marconi states he believes mysterious V code on pre-WWI radio came from space; Tesla recalls

849 seeing lights, vivid images, when he was a boy. Hitler takes over the NSGWP. - 1921 "Council on Foreign Relations" incorporated, deemed as Illuminati Organization in US, founded by Wilsonians House, Dulles and company upon their return from Paris, with the help of the Round Table Group. 1921 "Royal Institute for International Affairs" created by Rothschilds in London. 1921 Achille Ratti, the future Pope Pius XI, becomes cardinalarchbishop of Milan. 1921 Albert Einstein's receives the Nobel Prize for physics -- it was awarded not for relativity, but for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect. His theories of relativity still remained controversial for his less flexibly minded colleagues. 1921 , , , , , . , . . - , . . . . 1921 American Jews boycott Henry Ford for his alleged antisemitism, because of his publishing of "The International Jew" and distribution of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." 1921 April 18 Edward R. Stettinius Sr. writes a letter to Lucy Lee Brownlee and discloses to her that his son, Edward R. Stettinius Jr., "was elected recently a member of one of the select secret societies..." (Forbes). (This secret society was very likely connected with Yale's Skull and Bones.) 1921 April 2 Albert Einstein arrives in New York to give a lecture at Columbia University on his new theory of relativity. It will open up a totally new way of thinking and will displace much of the scientifiic theory which has preceded it. 1921 April 20 Hitler receives a book from Dr. Babette Steininger, an early Nazi member, as a birthday present. The book is an essay by Tagore, an Indian mystic and nationalist. On the book's fly-leaf, a

850 handwritten inscription from Steininger reads "to Adolf Hitler my dear Armanen-Brother." (Phelps) 1921 At the Tenth Party Congress, Lenin introduces his New Economic Policy, restoring some private property, ending restrictions on private trade, and terminating forced grain requisitions.The foundations for building Bolshevik socialism have been laid but the revolutionary period proper has come to an end. 1921 ( ) , , 24 , . 15.000 , . , , . 175 , 800 . 1921 August 16 King Peter I of Serbia dies and his son, Alexander, becomes king of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. 1921 August 16-18 The Times of London in a lead article entitled "The End of the Protocols," written by correspondent Philip Graves, debunks The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a forgery. Graves establishes a connection between the Protocols and what is said to be its major source, a satire of Napoleon III, entitled Dialogue between Machiavelli and Montesquieu in Hell, written by a Frenchman named Maurice Joly (Brussels, 1864). (Cohn, Segel/Levy) 1921 August 25 The U.S. signs a peace treaty with Germany. 1921 August Prescott Bush marries Dorothy Walker, daughter of George Herbert Walker. 1921 August The U.S. signs a peace treaty with Germany. 1921 Austrian Pan-German leader Georg Ritter von Schoenerer dies. 1921 BCG tuberculosis vaccine developed. Tsarion 1921 Bright circular UFOs seen above a cloud overcast at night in Killingly, Connecticut, USA. 1921 Britain grants autonomy to Transjordan under Crown Prince Abdullah. 1921 Chaim Weizmann becomes new President of the WZO at the 12th Zionist Congress (the first since World War I). 1921 Council on Foreign Relations formed in New York City from U.S. RIAA branch under the direction of Colonel Mandell House. Tsarion

851 1921 December 13 The United States, Britain, Japan, and France sign the Four Power Treaty, pledging to consult one another if any of their Pacific island possessions is threatened. 1921 December 24 German Jewish politician Walter Rathenau writes in the Wiener Freie Presse (Vienna Free Press), " Three hundred men, all of whom are known to one another, guide the economic destinies of the Continent and seek their successors among their followers." Many antisemites, including General Ludendorff, promptly concluded that since Rathenau was a Jew, he must be one of the three hundred and that these were in fact the mysterious "Elders of Zion." (Morais) (Note, Nowhere in Rathenau's original article were Jews mentioned in any context.) 1921 December Hitler speaks at a meeting in Vienna organized by Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP). 1921 Persia---yes yes Persia---of course Persia. Persians and Jews in their illustrious history have always worked together, one as the master and the other as the subject race. All empires up to the British understand the value of using small tightly knit insecure communities within their empire as a useful tools, fifth column, against the majority-----certainly the Persians did, as did much later the British. Rothschild Britain installed Colonel Reza Khan into power in Persia in 1921, as their point man. The rumor states that he was a Crypto-Jew. 1921 December Rudolf Gorsleben breaks with the Deutschvolkischer Schutz und Trutzbund, forming a new alliance with Julius Streicher, who laters edits "Der Sturmer" under Nazi auspices, finding considerable aid and support in both Regensburg and Nuremberg. Gorsleben also works closely with Lorenz Mesch, Germanenorden leader in Regensburg, whose proteges Schulz and Tillessen had just assassinated Matthias Erzberger in May. (Roots) 1921 Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, creates the Tavistock Institute in London to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the breaking point of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John RawlingsReese. Led to the creation of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, home of its prophet, Sigmund Freud. The Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. (Think of the implications of this). Its experiments on crowd control methods by modifying human behavior through topical psychology have been widely used on the American public. Tsarion 1921 Fredrich Dessauer advocates x-ray therapy. Tsarion 1921 Ghandi begins agitating against the British opium imports into India. He would be eventually assassinated. Tsarion

852 1921 Hitler founds the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth). 1921 Hitlers storm troopers agitate against political opponents in Germany. Tsarion 1921 January Hitler claims that he is reunited with his old friend and former sergeant, Max Amann, by accident, while walking along a Munich street. 1921 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels establishes another Order of the New Templars (ONT) priory at Marienkamp in Budapest, Hungary. Lanz regularly corresponds with ONT brothers in Germany, Austria, Great Britain, the United States and South Americas. (Roots) 1921 July 11 Hitler threatens to resign from the Nazi party if he is not given dictatorial powers. Hitler's ploy is successful and from this moment on, Hitler becomes the uncontested leader of the German Nazi party. 1921 300 , , . 1921 July 14 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are found guilty of murder. 1921 July 2 President Harding signs a joint resolution of Congress declaring an end to the war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. 1921 July 21 Former General William "Billy" MItchell orchestrates the sinking of the German battleship Ostfriesland in a demonstration of concentrated bombing. He is convinced of the superiority of air power over sea power. 1921 July 29 The Council on Foreign Relations is founded in Washington D.C. It's British counterpart is the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1921 July 31--A deluge of little frogs fell over an area of several square miles near Oneco, Conn. 1921 July Rudolf Gorsleben becomes Gauleiter of the South Bavarian section of the radical antisemitic Deutschvolkischer Schutz und Trutzbund, an early competitor of the Nazi Party for support in Southern Germany. (Roots) 1921 June Detlef Schmude, one of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfel's most ardent supporters in Germany, organizes the printing of the ONT rule at Magdeburg, in which he, Johann Walthari Wolfl, and Lanz sign as the Priors of Hollenberg, Werfenstein, and Marienkamp. (Regularium; Roots) 1921 June The German Nazi Party claims 3,000 dues-paying members. 1921 Karl von Habsburg, the deposed emperor of Austria-Hungary, founds the International Pan-European Movement.

853 1921 Lenin establishes Soviet trade policy of acquaintance with U.S. technology. Tsarion 1921 March 18 The Treaty of Riga is signed between Russia and Poland. The Polish-Russian frontier is defined and Poland receives a large slice of Russian territory. 1921: Battle of Blair Mountain ten to fifteen thousand coal miners rebel in West Virginia, assaulting mountain-top lines of trenches established by the coal companies and local sheriff's forces in the largest armed, organized uprising in American labor history. 1921-1924: a revolution in (Outer) Mongolia re-establishes the country's independence and sets out to construct a Soviet-style socialist state 1921 March 3 The Romano-Polish Treaty of Alliance is signed. 1921 March 4 Warren G. Harding is inaugurated 29th President of the United States. 1921 March Great Britain and France recognize de facto the Soviet Government as the legitimate government of Russia. 1921 March The naval garrison at Kronshtadt, long a Bolshevik stronghold, rebels along with Petrograd workers in favor of "Soviet Communism without the Bolsheviks!" The protest is brutally suppressed. 1921 Marconi states he believes mysterious V code on pre-WWI radio came from space. 1921 May Heinrich Schulz and Heinrich Tillessen travel to Munich where they receive orders to kill Matthias Erzberger, the former Reich Finance Minister and hated signatory of the armistice, from a person who claims to have the authority of the Germanenorden. (Gotthard Jasper; Roots) 1921 Milner becomes head of Rio Tinto Zinc until his death in 1925. Tsarion 1921 National Institute for Industrial Psychology founded in London. Tsarion 1921 Nesta H. Webster publishes World Revolution which links the French Revolution, the Illuminati, Jacobians, Freemasonry, the Jews and Communism. The book creates a sensation, and is widely read, both in Europe and America. 1921 November 29 Hitler writes a long autobiographical letter to an unidentified doctor. (This may have been Dr. Walter Riehl, Austrian leader of the German National Socialist Workers Party (DNSAP). (See December 1921 and Biographies) (Autobiographical letter) 1921 November 4 Hundreds of Marxists attempt to disrupt a speech by Hitler at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich. Hess takes a leading part in the brawl and suffers a skull injury.

854 1921 November 4 Japanese premier Hara Takashi is assassinated in Tokyo by a radical right-wing student. 1921 November All capital stock in the "Munchener Beobachter" ("Volkischer Beobachter") is transferred to Adolf Hitler. (Sebottendorf; Roots) 1921 Protocols of Zion are shown to have been faked by the Ochrana (The Czar's secret police). 1921 Rule of the Jewish Kehillah Grips New York Are the Jews organized? Do they consciously pursue a program which on one side is pro Semitic and on the other anti Gentile? How can a group so numerically inferior wield so large an influence upon the majority of the world? 1921 Second International Congress of Eugenics held in New York City. Sponsoring committee includes Herbert Hoover and the presidents of Clark University, Smith College, and the Carnegie Institute of Washington (Rockefeller). Tsarion 1921 September 14 Hitler physically attacks Otto Ballerstedt and is later sentenced to a month in jail. 1921 September 29 Brockhusen's constitution for the Germanenorden is accepted, providing for a complex organization of grades, rings, and provincial "citadels (Burgen) supposed to generate secrecy for a nationwide system of local groups having many links with militant volkisch associations, including the Deutschvolkischer Schutz und Trutzbund. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Roots) 1921 September-- The first Westerner actually to see what may have been such creatures (though there are other, unsubstantiated claims for that distinction) was Lt. Col. C. K. Howard-Bury, who led a reconnaissance expedition up Mount Everest in September 1921. At 20,000 feet on the side of the mountain that faces northern Tibet, the group found a large number of footprints three times the size human beings would make. The Sherpas attributed them to what Howard-Bury, apparently incorrectly, transcribed as metoh-kangmi. A Calcutta Statesman columnist who was shown the colonial officer's official report mistranslated the word as "abominable snowman." Apparently HowardBury had misunderstood the Sherpa term meh-teh, which means, approximately, "manlike thing that is not a man." 1921 Tesla recalls seeing lights, vivid images, when he was a boy. 1921 The Fascist party in Italy elects 35 members to parliament. Mussolini's oratorical skills, the postwar economic crisis, a widespread lack of confidence in the traditional political system, and a growing fear of socialism, all helped the Fascist party to grow to 300,000 registered members by 1921.

855 1921 The first Arabic translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is published in Damascus, Syria. (Segel/Levy) 1921 The Irish Free State is created as a self-governing dominion of Great Britain. 1921 The regime of Chiang Kai-shek in China would be responsible for the murder of 10,214,000 people between 1921 and 1948. Tsarion 1921 The Reparations Commission fixes Germany's war reparations at 132 billion gold marks. 1921 The SA (also called the Brownshirts) is formed from the ranks of Ernst Roehm's private army. (Grolier) 1921 U.S. banks number 31,076. Tsarion 1921 U.S. Supreme Court redefines Trading With Enemy Act to apply in wartime. Tsarion 1921 Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP) holds its first party meeting in Linz, Austria, Hitler's hometown. (Forgotten Nazis) 1921, . 1921, Round Table Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] 1921, . 1921, , " " 1921 ( , 25 ), , . , . , . . . . . , , ! 1921, 3 . 1921, 3 .

856 1921, , . 1921: 156,000 British citizens rule over 306 million Indian subjects 1921: Abdullah, son of Sharif Hussein, establishes the principality of Transjordan under British protectorate 1921: Ireland becomes independent except for northern Ireland that remains British 1921: The indenture system is abolished 1922 -- Mussolini, alleged British Intelligence agent, comes to power in Italy, begins attempt to eliminate Mafia in Sicily. Cheka reorganized as GPU, Russian secret police. CFR journal Foreign Affairs founded. King Tutankhamen's tomb opened in Egypt, thus invoking "King Tut's Curse"; 14 violent deaths in as many years linked to the curse. - 1922, , . , 50.000 . 1922 John F. Hylan, mayor of New York City (1918-25), said in a March 26, 1922 speech: ...the real menace of our Republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self-created screen ... At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties. 1922 -1923 China Between April 1922 and November 1923, Marines were landed five times to protect Americans during periods of unrest. 1922 edition of Foreign Affairs, Philip Kerr wrote: Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as (the earth) remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created The real problem today is that of the world government. 1922 A deadlocked Vatican conclave chooses Achille Ratti as pope (Pope Pius XI) on the eve of Mussolini's March on Rome. Facing a

857 choice between the right and the left, the Vatican decides that fascism seems the lesser of two evils. 1922 A prospector named Martin Sheffield encountered a similar monster in the hilly Chubut Province of Patagonia, Argentina. Sheffield's creature had a swanlike neck and moved like a crocodile. 1922 A study by Samuel Torrey Orton connects emotional disturbance with neurological problems. This insight was lost after World War II when psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis became popular, breaking the connection. The emotional disturbances caused by vaccines then became financial fodder for the new psych-industries. With the causes suppressed, a new industry was born. Tsarion 1922 Aluminum production (along with production of toxic byproduct sodium fluoride) increases. Aluminum cookware is mass introduced in the U.S., beginning the gradual accumulation of aluminum in the brains of Americans. Additional aluminum is injected into society in antacids. Tsarion 1922 April 10 The Genoa Conference begins. 1922 April 15 Secret negotiations between the German and Soviet delegations begin at 2AM. (Sturdza) 1922 April 16 Surprise conclusion of the Treaty of Rapallo between Germany and the Soviet Union. 1922 April 6 The Soviet delegation headed by Grigori Chicherin arrives in Genoa for a meeting with British, French, American Italian and German delegations. 1922 April 8 General Georg A.S. von Falkenhayn, former chief of the German general staff dies. 1922 August 16 Hitler addresses a mass meeting at Konigsplatz in Munich. 1922 August 22 Irish revolutionary statesman Michael Collins is killed in an ambush. 1922 August 29 Cardinal Michael Faulhaber tells a large gathering of Catholics in Munich that the revolution of November 9, 1918 was a case of "perjury and high treason." (Lewy) 1922 August Grigorij Bostunic emigrates to Germany and in 1924 changes his name to Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch. 1922 Benito Mussilini (Rumor: a British deep penetration agent) comes to power in Italy, and begins an attempt to eliminate the Mafia from Sicily. 1922 Between 1922 and 1933, there are 200 instances of grave desecrations in Jewish cemeteries at Nuremberg alone. (Atlas) 1922 British navy tries to reclaim the mines in Loch Ness, only the anchors remain.

858 1922 By 1922, more than 100 radiologists died from X-ray induced cancer. Tsarion 1922 Captain William Hichens, Native Magistrate of Lindi, Tanganyika (now Tanzania), recorded the following events, which had taken place in 1922: "Going to relieve the midnight watch, an oncoming native constable one night found his comrade missing. After a search he discovered him, terribly mutilated, underneath a stall. The man ran to his European officer, who went with me at once to the market. We found it obvious that the askari had been attacked and killed by some animal--a lion, it seemed. In the victim's hand was clenched a matted mass of greyish hair, such as would come out of a lion's mane were it grasped and torn in a violent fight. But in many years no lion had been known to come into the town. We were puzzling the problem at the boma next morning when the old Arab Liwali or native governor of the district hurried into our office, with two scared-looking men at his heels. Out late the previous night, they said, they had slunk by the market-place lest the askari should see them and think them evil-doers; and as they crept by they were horrified to see a huge brindled cat, the great mysterious nunda which is feared in every village on the coast, leap from the shadows and bear the policeman to the ground. The Liwali, a venerable and educated man, assured us that within his memory the nunda had visited the village several times. It was an animal, not a lion or a leopard, but a huge cat as large as a donkey and marked like a tabby. I had heard this tale, and put it down as silly superstition, but the Liwali's assertion put a different light on things... ...That same night another constable was torn to pieces, and clutched in his hands and scattered about the buckles of his uniform was more of that grey, matted fur..." Mr. Hichens has thus made what may be the earliest mention in the European press of an animal the Tanzanian natives have known of for hundreds of years: the dreaded Nunda or Mngwa ("strange one"). The animal is reputed to be a gigantic cat, and is supposedly quite fierce. Hichens sent the "grey, matted fur" to headquarters to be identified. It was said to be "a fur and not a hair as you state: probably cat." 1922 ( , , " -") - ' - . , 1920, , ( ) . :

859 ... . . , , . . . , . - , . ; , ( ) . . , . , , , . , ( ) . , , , . , . ' ; 1922 Coca-Cola plant built in Ashtabula, Ohio. The drink contains coal tar derivatives, flavoring, and massive amounts of sugar. Tsarion 1922 Concept for future Bank of International Settlements created in Genoa, Italy. Tsarion 1922 25 , : ., ,

860 , , , : , . , , , , 1922 County Donegal, Ireland: Irish Republic Army man, Lawrence Bradley, wrote to the editor of Watford and West-Hersts Post magazine that while he was fighting a scattered rear-guard, mostly in the mountains of Donegal, he came upon a cave with vegetation at the entrance that had been scorched. The only occupants in the cave were the sick and the wounded that had been unable to walk. The six able-bodied soldiers that were looking after them said they had been awakened early pre-dawn by a whirring noise outside of the cave and had fired their rifles in the direction of the noise, thinking that it was an armored car. Suddenly the object retaliated by firing jets of flame at the cave entrance. After near suffocation, the soldiers ran out to see the flame throwing UFO ascending into the sky. Clearly visible, it was circular in shape and glowing and of a shiny metal. 1922 : . : , . 1922 December 15, 1922 - The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine "Foreign Affairs." Author Philip Kerr states: "Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created. The real problem today is that of world government." - 1922 December Restrictions are imposed on the percentage of Jewish students allowed at Cluj University in Romania Other universities at Jassy, Bucharest and Czernowitz soon restrict Jewish attendance, and Jewish students are attacked. (Atlas) 1922 Detlef Schmude, one of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfel's most ardent supporters in Germany and the Prior of Hollenberg begins publishing a second Ostara series. The first issue "Die Ostara und das Reich der Blonden" reiterates the "Ario-Christian" canon with numerous

861 quotes from Lanz, "racial history is the key to the understanding of politics," and "all ugliness and evil stems from interbreeding." (Roots) 1922 February The United States, Britain, Japan, France and Italy sign the Five Power Naval Armaments Treaty, which is hailed as the most successful disarmament pact in history. It provides for a 10-year hiatus in building warships of more than 10,000 tons and establishes a ratio of these ships each signatory could have. 1922 February Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP) holds its first large rally in Vienna. Adolf Hitler is one of the main speakers. (Forgotten Nazis) 1922 H.H. Laughlin, the expert eugenics agent of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, proposes the Model Eugenic Sterilization Lawa model to be followed by Hitler in 1933. Laughlins law would mandate destruction of criminals, the insane, those with TB, the blind, the deformed, the crippled, and the dependent. Tsarion 1922 Henry Ford publishes a collection of antisemitic articles from the Dearborn Independent, many based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in a book entitled The International Jew, The World's Foresmost Problem. (Morais; Segel/Levy) (Note, Half a million copies of the book were put into circulation in America and it was translated into German, Russian and Spanish. The International Jew probably did more than any other work to make the Protocols world-famous.) (Cohn) 1922 Illinois Medical Journal says AMA has become an autocracy. Tsarion 1922 January 12 French Premier Briand resigns, and is succeeded by Raymond Poincare. 1922 January 22 Pope Benedict XV dies. 1922 . , -. ; ; , , , . ' , : 1922 ( ) , . , . ,

862 , , . 12 1922 , . 250.000 . 15 1922, . 1922 Joseph Goebbels joins the Nazi Party, while trying to break into Journalism and the literary world. 1922 July The offer of a Mandate for Palestine to Great Britain from the San Remo conference is confirmed by the League of Nations. 1922 June 24 German Foreign Minister Walter Rathenau, 55, is murdered by antisemitic German nationalists in Berlin. 1922 June Adolf Hitler once again is one of the main speakers at a meeting of Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi party (DNSAP) in Vienna. 1922 Karl von Habsburg, the deposed emperor of Austria,dies in exile. 1922 King Tutankhamen's tomb opened in Egypt, thus invoking "King Tut's Curse"; 14 violent deaths in as many years linked to the curse. 1922 " , , , , , , . . 19 . , ." - , 1922 1922 Lenin renames the Cheka to soften its image. It now becomes the GPU (General Political Administration). 1922 Horton: , : , , ' . : / , ' . . ,

863 . . ' ' . , , . , , ' : , . . ' . . , 1922 : , , , , , , , . . , . 1922 Lenin writes a secret letter to Stalin, designating Armand Hammer as their official "path" to the resources of American capitalism. Hammer, the son of a Russian immigrant and founder of the American Communist Party, first found riches and notoriety as a businessman in the fledgling Soviet Union, where he used his operations to help launder money for the communist government. (Epstein) 1922 Mahatma Gandhi is imprisoned for his civil disobedience in India.

864 1922 May 15 The German-Polish Convention is signed. Upper Silesia is returned to Germany and the minority rights of its Jews are guaranteed. (Atlas) 1922 May 19 The Genoa Conference collapses due to France's insistence that the Bolsheviks recognize and assume Russia's prewar debt. 1922 May 22-- Father Victor Heinz encountered a monster snake near the town of Obidos, on the shores of the Amazon. This serpent appeared to Heinz to be nearly eighty feet in length. 1922 : 12 1922 , . 250.000 . 15 1922, . 1922 Nebraska, Hubbell: William C. Lamb was following strange tracks when he heard a high-pitched sound and saw a circular object intercepting starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterward, a creature over 2.4 m tall was seen flying from the direction where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. 1922 November English Egyptologist Howard Carter excavates Tutankhamen's tomb in the Valley of the Kings. 1922 03/10/1922 , , , , . , Treaty Armistice. . , 1973-74, , . ; , , ' , ( Daily Mail ) () 1922; 'Young Turk Committee of Union and Progress' ; , ,

865 , , , 1908 ( ). 1922 October 15 King Ferdinand and Queen Marie are coronated at Alba Iula, Romania. 1922 October 28 After the Fascists march on Rome, Benito Mussolini secures a mandate from King Victor Emmanuel III to form a coalition government. 1922 October 30 King Victor Emmanuel III names Benito Mussolini prime minister. 1922 Freemasonry set up several Russian-speaking lodges in Paris under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France and its Supreme Council. The purpose, according to the Masonic periodical Builder, June and August 1927, was to house a temporary committee recognised [sic] by the Supreme Council of France, which will subsequently become the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in Russia. The task will consist: 'In restoring to Russia a normal government and in establishing ordinary conditions of economic and political life. 1922 Poland: Many witnesses in observe a silvery object, two hemispheres divided by a rotating ring. The object 'shoots' a beam of light, and then rises with a loud noise. 1922 School becomes the ultimate screening mechanism and ultimate creator of a receptive, docile public. Individual communities were gradually denied the right to hire their own teachers. State legislatures forced to accept the idea of certification by Carnegie/Rockefeller controlled Education Trust and teacher colleges. Tsarion 1922 September Greece's defeat by Turkey forces in Anatolia forces Constantine I to abdicate as king of Greece. Constantine is succeeded by George II. 1922 Stalin becomes general secretary of the party's Central Committee. He now controls appointments, set agendas, and transfers thousands of party officials from post to post at will. 1922, May - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion highly publicized by Henry Ford. In May 1920, a series of Dearborn Independent articles and editorials publicized the Protocols [of the Learned Elders of Sion] and a host of slanders and accusations under the general heading 'The International Jew.' Ford's articles accused American Jewish leaders such as Louis Marshall and Louis Brandeis of using Presidents Taft and Wilson as their puppets. Other prominent Jews were accused of perpetrating World War I for the benefit of Jewish bankers and fomenting the Russian Revolution for racial imperialism. The

866 defamations continued weekly as Ford's paper denounced the Jewish conspiracy for corruption on Wall Street, in labor, and on the ball fieldJews were even behind the Black Sox baseball gambling scandal. Jews were also allegedly responsible for Benedict Arnold, the Civil War, and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. What Jews could not achieve by money, media or manipulation, they would achieve by pandering to the sexual perversions of the powerful and prominent." -Chapter 3, "The Weapon Hitler Feared" 1922, July 24 British Mandate over Palestine established by the League of Nations. The British mandate was finally approved on July 24, 1922, officially endorsed byten nations [Serbia, France, Italy, Greece, Holland, Siam, China, Japan, United States and England]. The system of mandates was established after World War I by the Treaty of Versailles for the administration of the former overseas possessions of Germany and parts of the Turkish Empire. Its purpose was to implement the principles of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which said that certain communities had reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations could be provisionally recognised, subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a mandatory until such time as they were able to stand alone. The San Remo conference of April 1920 decided to assign the mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations to Great Britain. The text of the mandate was approved by the Council of the League of Nations on 24 July 1922. Its preamble recites the Balfour Declaration almost verbatim. The preamble further refers to the recognition given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country. The terms of the mandate imposed on Britain the obligation to secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, to facilitate Jewish immigration and to encourage Jewish settlements on the land. 1922, September 11 - British Mandate proclaimed in Palestine. On Sept. 11, 1922, a British mandate was proclaimed in Palestine, despite Arab protests. It lasted until 1948, after the United Nations authorized a partition of the territory and the state of Israel was established. 1922 Steve Bechtel, son of Warren Bechtel, is a student at the University of California. Tsarion 1922 Summer--While sitting on the banks of the Teign River in Dartmoor, England, composer Thomas Wood heard a strange voice calling him by his first name. Though he searched with field glasses, he could find no source. Then he heard "overhead, faint as a breath," then ever louder, "music in the air. It lasted 20 minutes," he told writer Harold T. Wilkins. "Portable wireless sets were unknown in 1922... This music was essentially harmonic, not a melody nor an air. It sounded like the

867 weaving together of tenuous fairy sounds." Listening intently, he wrote down the notes. 1922 Tesla files various patents in the field of fluid mechanics. Tsarion 1922 The Burning Of Smyrna: In 1922 Jewish Khemalists orchestrate the burning of Smyrna resulting in 100,000 Christians tortured, starved, raped, and dead. 1922 The young woman in the Dalldorf Sanatorium is initially identified as the Grand Duchess Tatiana, however she identifies herself as the Grand Duchess Anastasia. 1922 Twin girls aged 8 see a daylight disc UFO near Davenport, Iowa, USA. 1922 W.A. Harriman & Co. opens its European headquarters in Berlin with the aid of the Hamburg-based M.M. Warburg & Co. Government investigators later said it was during this time that Harriman first became acquainted with the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen. Harriman subsequently agreed to set up a bank for Thyssen (Union Banking Corporation) in New York City. The following year, Thyssen would become one of Hitler's largest financial backers. 1922 William (Bill) Donovan appointed U.S. District Attorney for New York. Tsarion 1922 Winter Japanese troops are finally driven from the Russian Far East and Vladivostok is retaken. (Polyakov) 1922 Zinoviev allies himself with Stalin and Lev Kamenev against Trotsky but disagrees ideologically with Stalin and is soon politically outflanked. 1922 1922, , , . 1922, (), (). . , ( , , ). . 1922, , .

868 1922, 33 . 1922, . , . , , "... . 1922, , 19191922 , , , , . , , , , ...", , , . 1922 1922 , . , , . . 1922, , 100 , 1822 . 1922, , 27 , , " . 25 "! 25 1897 . ; 1922, 84.000 750.000. 1922: Egypt declares its independence 1922: Jewish Khemalists orchestrate the burning of Smyrna resulting in the ethnic cleansing of over 100,000 Armenian and Greek Christians left tortured, starved, raped, and dead. The Jewish murderers known as The Young Turks 1. Emmanuel Carraso: Bnai Brith Official of Italian origin. Grand Master of the Macedonia Ressurected Masonic Lodge in Salonika; Established the secret Committee of Union & Progress in Salonika in 1890. 2. Tallaat Pasha (1874-1921): Thought to be a Turk but in reality a Donmeh Jew. Interior Minister of Turkey during World War I; Member of Carassos Masonic lodge and Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons in Turkey; Chief architect of the

869 Armenian Holocaust and Director of Deportations. He wrote, By continuing the deportation of the Armenians to their destinations during the intense cold we are ensuring their eternal rest. 3. Djavid Bey: Donmeh Jew. Talaats Finance Minister; Arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with the Rothschilds; Later assasinated by Attaturk as a perceived rival. 4. Messim Russo: Assistant to Djavid Bey. 5. Refik Bey, AKA Refik Saydam Bey: Editor of Young Turk newpaper Revolutionary Press; Became Prime Minister of Turkey in 1939. 6. Emanuel Qrasow: Jewish propagandist for The Young Turks. Headed the delegation to inform Sultan Abdul Hamid II that The nation has removed you from your office. 7. Vladimir Jabotinsky: Russian Zionist who moved to Turkey in 1908. Supported by Bnai Brith of London and Dutch Zionist millionaire, Jacob Kann; Editor of Young Turk newpaper. Later started the terrorist Irgun political party in Israel. 8. Alexander Helphand, AKA Parvus: Financier/liaison of the Rothschilds of the Young Turk revolution; Editor of The Turkish Homeland. 9. Mustafa Kemal Attaturk (1881-1938): A Jew of Sephardic (Spanish) origin. Attaturk attended the Jewish elementary school known as Semsi Effendi School run by the Jew Simon Zvi. Over 12,000 Jews welcomed to Turkey by Attaturk in 1933 when Hitler came to power. 1922: Faysal, son of Sharif Hussein, establishes the kingdom of Iraq under British protectorate 1922: Gandhi is imprisoned following terrorist acts against the British 1922 , , , [ ], , . 1922-27 : . 1922: the "British Broadcasting Company" (BBC) begins broadcasting 1922-1923: Irish Civil War, between supporters of the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the government of the Irish Free State and more radical members of the original Irish Republican Army who opposed the treaty and the new government. 1923: Founding of Republic of Turkey by overthrowing the Ottoman Empire, introduction of Atatrk's Reforms. 1923: Klaipda Revolt in the Memel territory that had been detached from Germany after World War I.

870 1923 -- International Police (Interpol) founded in Vienna. In the face of the Teapot Dome and other scandals, President Harding visits Alaska and receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him, causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause of his death. Fort's New Lands published. - 1923 - 1927 Smith and Goodspeed's American Translation Rivaling the Moffatt New Testament in value and popularity is the translation made by Edgar J. Goodspeed (1871 1962), professor of Biblical and patristic Greek at the University of Chicago. His is a fairly free rendering and represents, as its subtitle indicates, "An American Translation." As one of the most eloquent advocates of modern speech versions, Goodspeed declares in the preface to his rendering 1923 A dialogue between Hitler and Eckart is published in Munich under the title Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin. It reflects their opinion that the Jews have represented the occult power of revolutionary subversion throughout history and are responsible for deflecting humankind from its natural path. (Wistrich I) 1923 April Johann Walthari Wolfl, an Austrian industrialist who had become Prior of Werfenstein following Lanz von Liebenfels' departure for Hungary, begins issuing the Tabalarium, a monthly diary intended for a restricted circulation among ONT brothers. (Roots) 1923 Assassination of Pancho Villa in Mexico. 1923 August 13 Gustav Stresemann becomes Chancellor of Germany. 1923 August 2 Warren G. Harding dies and Calvin Coolidge becomes 30th President of the United States. 1923 Britain cedes the Golan Heights to the French Mandate of Syria. 1923 Canadian physician Frederick Banting receives Nobel Prize for discovery of a way to extract the hormone insulin, which permitted control of blood sugar in those with diabetes. This opens a whole new medical market because of the growing sugar addiction in the U.S. public. Tsarion 1923 December 23 Dietrich Eckart, after a brief imprisonment in Stadelheim prison, dies of heart failure, while Hitler is still in prison awaiting trial. Eckart is buried at Berchtesgaden. (Wistrich I) 1923 December Friedrich Franz von Hochberg (Frowin), Presbyter of the ONT priory at Hollenbeck states that the Order of the New Templars is his sole comfort "in this evil land of pygmies and Tschandale." (Roots)

871 1923 Designer Willy Messerschmitt opens an aircraft manufacturing plant at Augsburg, Germany. Three years later he will produce his first all-metal plane. 1923 Dr. Fritz Lenz becomes Germany's first professor of racial hygiene. 1923 Earl of Inchscape publishes his report which insists that British opium trade must be maintained to protect the revenue of the British Empire, much to the protest of the League of Nations. Tsarion 1923 February Hitler publishes an article in the newspaper published by Walter Riehl's Austrian Nazi Party (DNSAP). (See August 1918) 1923 Founding of Hitler's "National-Socialist (Nazi) Party" in Germany. 1923 From 1923 to 1976, the regime of Mao Tse-tung in China would be responsible for 37,828,000 murders. Tsarion 1923 General. Miguel Primo de Rivera becomes dictator of Spain. 1923 Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch becomes a member of Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy movement. 1923 Hitler and Walter Riehl of the Austrian DNSAP split over strategy and tactics. 1923 In Germany, massive inflation takes place as the Reichbank issues a total of 92.8 quintillion paper marks. One pound of butter = 6 trillion marks. Tsarion 1923 In the face of the Teapot Dome and other scandals, President Harding visits Alaska and receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him, causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause of his death. 1923 In the U.S., 18,718 businesses fail. Tsarion 1923 Interpol founded in Vienna. The Germans would control Interpol through 1944. Tsarion 1923 Jabotinsky establishes the revisionist party Hatzohar and its youth movement, Betar. 1923 January 11 French and Belgian troops occupy the Ruhr. 1923 January 13 Announcement of passive resistence by Germans in the Ruhr. (Eyes) 1923 January 28 The first National Socialist Party Day is held in Munich. Munich will continue to be Hitler's primary headquarters until he comes to power in 1933. 1923 January Inflation cripples the German economy. In 1918, the exchange rate, four marks to the dollar in 1918, is now more than 7,000 to the dollar.

872 1923 July 17 Philipp Stauff commits suicide. Many suspected foul play because of his continuing exposure of prominent Germans with Jewish roots. His widow, Berta, takes over the publishing house and the Society continues to serve as a meeting-place for prewar members, the Germanenorden, and newcomers throughout the 1920s. Eberhard von Brockhusen, Grand Master of the Germanenorden, continued as President of the List Society until his death in 1939. (Roots) 1923 July 24 Turkey signs the Treaty of Lausanne, recognizing the independence of the Arab Kingdom of Hejaz, the French mandate over Syria, and British mandates over Palestine and Mesopotamia. 1923 July Inflation in Germany increases to more than 160,000 marks to the dollar. 1923 Karl Haushofer ghost writes Hitlers Mein Kampf in prison. Haufshofer later forms the Vril Society. Tsarion 1923 Leo Schlageter, an insurgent against the French in the Ruhr, is executed. He quickly becomes a much celebrated Nazi martyr and hero. After 1933, The Catholic Church will often attempt to capitalize on Schlagter's Catholicism. 1923 March 4 The League of National Defense is founded by Professor Alexandru Cuza and Corneliu Codreanu in Romania. 1923 May 1 Rudolf Hess and his "Student Battalion" fight their way into a Communist procession, seize the red hammer-and-sickle flag, and burn it. Hess is arrested and justifies his action by saying that public display of the flag which had led to the army's mutiny and Germany's military downfall was an outright provocation to any decent German. (Missing Years) 1923 May Friedrich Franz von Hochberg, a Silesian count and cousin of the ruling Prince of Pless, is designated as Presbyter at the ONT Priory of Hollenberg. He uses the lodge name "Frowin." (Roots) 1923 , 1204 . ' . , , , . , , , . , , , , . ,

873 ( ) . ( ) ' () . 1922-23, . 1922, , . , . , , o , ; , ; , ; 1923 Nazis assassinate all political opposition. Ernst Rohm is killed and the German military is consolidated under Hitler. Tsarion 1923 The London Jewish World declared: Fundamentally, Judaism is anti-Christian! (The London Jewish World, March 15, 1923) 1923 November 11 Hitler is arrested and charged with treason. About midnight he is taken to Landsberg prison, where Count Anton Arco-Vally, the assassin of Kurt Eisner, Is awakened and moved to another cell. His comfortable quarters are then given to Hitler. (Payne) 1923 November 20 Inflation in Germany peaks at 130,000,000,000 marks to the dollar. (WWIIDBD) 1923 November 23 The NSDAP is banned by the Bavarian government. 1923 November 8 The Munich Putsch -- Hitler, with the backing of General Ludendorff, attempts to take over the Bavarian government by force of arms. Hitler claims that his main purpose is to squash a plot by Bavarian separatist to secede from Germany 1923 November 9 At midday, Hitler and Ludendorff at the head of a large body of men are caught in a bottleneck as they march toward the center of town. The police open up with volleys of rifle fire and sixteen Nazis are killed. Hitler quickly flees the city and Ludendorff is arrested. The putsch collapses and those killed become Nazi martyrs. The flag they carry that day later becomes known as the "blood flag," and takes on a

874 "sacred" and mystical symbolism. This is a day Hitler will never forget. (See November 9, 1933) 1923 November Detlef Schmude, ONT Prior at Hollenberg, writes to Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels attributing the postwar disorder to an ignorance of eugenics amongst the leadership of Germany and appealing for a dictator in the form of a "Starke von Oben" (Stong one from Above) as described by Guido von List. (Roots) 1923 October Communists take over the States of Saxony and Thuringia and plan to take over the entire country from these bases. 1923 October Fritz Thyssen, one of Germany's richest industrialists begins the large-scale financing of Hitler and the Nazis Party. Thyssen one of Germany's richest men is in business with Averell Harriman and Prescott Bush, among others. 1923 Pakistan, Quetta: A UFO explodes in mid-air over Quetta. Flaming debris rains down, destroying a few buildings. The fire lasts for hours, leaving only melted slag and "thin wires." 1923 In the Edinburgh newspaper The Scotsman of 7th November, 1923, Professor Sarolea gave the following figures: 28 Bishops; 1,219 priests; 6,000 Professors and teachers; 9,000 doctors; 54,000 Officers; 260,000 soldiers; 70,000 Policemen; 12,950 estate owners; 355,250 intellectuals and of the free professions; 193,290 workers and 215,000 peasants. 1923 Physicist Hermann Oberth publishes The Rocket into Planetary Space, which inspires many young Germans, including Werner von Braun, with the idea of space travel. 1923 Rockefeller Commission decides that Adolph Hitler was to lead the German people to their suicide in a Wagnerian Tragedy, fake his suicide, and make a secret exit. Hitler returns the twice-stolen saucer secrets to Rockefeller in a secret deal, with the U.S. acting in security mode. Tsarion 1923 September 2 Hitler attends a rally of Nationalists parties in Nuremberg. (Shirer I) 1923 September 25 Hitler addresses a meeting of the heads of all the right-wing military formations and private armies in Munich. After a two and a half hour speech he is able to convince them that they would be more effective if they placed themselves under his over-all command. (Payne) 1923 September 30 Hitler visits the Wagner family and Houston Stewart Chamberlain at Wagner's home in Bayreuth. When he returned to Munich, he found a letter from Chamberlain praising him as a Messiah and comparing Chamberlain himself with John the Baptist. "At one blow you have transformed the state of my soul," Chamberlain wrote. "That Germany in her hour of need has produced a Hitler testifies to its vitality.

875 Now at last I am able to sleep peacefully and I shall have no need to wake up again. God protect you!" (Olden) 1923 September Ludendorff announces his support of Adolf Hitler before 100,000 people at Nuremberg. 1923 September Mandate for Palestine to Great Britain comes into effect. 1923 Spring Sebottendorff moves to Lugano, Switzerland, where he completes his occult treatise on the Baktashi dervishes and their relationship to alchemists and Rosicrucians. He will remain in Switzerland through 1924. (Roots) 1923 Tesla makes a press release in which he claims he is in frequent contact with ET's via radio. 1923 The first issue of "Der Sturmer," a viciously antisemitic newspaper, is published in Nuremberg. It's slogan is "The Jews are our misfortune." (Atlas) 1923 The Treaty of Lausanne establishes the boundaries of modern Turkey. 1923 Theodor Fritsch brings out a new German edition (his second) of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion based on the English translation by Victor Marsden. It wll sell 100,000 copies by 1933. (Segel/Levy) 1923 Trotsky, in a series of essays labeled as "The New Course," bitterly criticizes the growing bureaucracy of the party and argues for greater centralized planning. Much of his hostility is directed against Stalin, whom he is said to loathe. In response, Stalin states his own position as "socialism in one country," the antithesis of Trotsky's advocacy of a world revolution. (Note,"Socialism in one country" and Hitler's National Socialism shared many common characteristics.) 1923 U.S. Congressman Stephen Porter passes a bill through Congress calling for import quotas on opium that would reduce consumption 90%, leaving the remaining 10% for medical purposes. Tsarion 1923 U.S. President Harding dies mysteriously after reading a coded message. Tsarion 1923 1923, 33 . 1923, 99 , . " ", 14 , 6 , 3 , 3 2 !

876 1923, . 1923, . 1923, . , "- , ". 1923, 8 . 1923, . , . 1923: Britain recognises Nepal's independence 1923Alfred Rosenberg writes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Jewish World Policy. It is reprinted three times within a year. (Segel/Levy) 1924 -- J. Edgar Hoover takes over FBI. During Mars' closest approach radios around the world went off the air in order to allow interception of any possible messages from space; when translated onto photographic tape, signals received produced crudely drawn faces. Lovecraft ghostwrites for Houdini. - 1924 A branch of the Catholic League for Patriotic Politics in Munich publishes an article in one of its publications, "Der Ruetlischwur," calling for a fight against what it calls the three forces of evil opposing Germany and the Catholic Church, Marxists, Jews, and Freemasons. 1924 A letter to the British Communist party calling for a revolution is published in Britain. Allegedly written by Zinoviev, President of the Comintern, this so-called Zinoviev letter was probably a forgery used to generate anti-leftist feelings on the eve of the general election, but may have been authentic. 1924 Albert Ostman, a British Columbia man who came forward in 1957 to recount an incident which he said had taken place in 1924. While on a prospecting trip at the head of Toba Inlet, opposite Vancouver Island, he was scooped up one night inside his sleeping bag and after many miles dumped out, to discover that he was the prisoner of a familyadult male and female, juvenile male and female--of giant apelike creatures. Though they were friendly, they clearly did not want him to escape, and he managed to do so only after the older male choked on his chewing tobacco. He was gone six days. 1924 American banker Charles Dawes arranges $800 million foreign loan to consolidate chemical and steel companies into cartels. Tsarion

877 1924 An open-air temple is constructed at Balmoral, Sydney, by the "Order of the Star of the East", who await the second coming. 1924 April 1 Hitler is sentenced to five years in military prison at Landsberg Fortress. General Ludendorff is found not guilty and retires to his home in the country. 1924 April 2 The Romanian-Russian negotiations fall apart. 1924 April The Dawes Plan restructures German reparations and stabilizes the German currency. American banker Charles Dawes arranges a series of foreign loans totalling $800 million to consolidate gigantic German chemical and steel combinations into cartels, one of which is I.G. Farben. "Without the capital supplied by Wall Street" it is said, "there would have been no I.G. Farben in the first place, and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II." Three Wall Street houses, Dillon, Reed & Co., Harris, Forbes & Co., and National City handled three-quarters of the loans used to create these cartels. (Sutton) (Note, Professor Carroll Quigley wrote that the Dawes Plan was, "largely a J.P. Morgan production.") (Quigley) 1924 December 20 Hitler is released from Landsberg prison after serving less than nine months of his five-year sentence. 1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 25 in Bridgewater, CT and 20 in Concord, NH. Tsarion 1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 6 in Baden, Austria. Tsarion 1924 Dr. Seale Harris of the University of Alabama discovers that sugar can cause hyperinsulinism and recommends people cut sugar consumption. The medical establishment comes down on Harris and his work is suppressed. Harris would be awarded a medal by the AMA 25 years later as pharmaceuticals to control low blood sugar are developed and put into production. The basic contribution of refined sugar to the problem remains suppressed. Tsarion 1924 Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., leaves the University of Virginia without graduating. 1924 February 1 Great Britain extends de jure recognition to the U.S.S.R. 1924 February 15 Cardinal Faulhaber tells to a meeting of students and academicians at the Lowenbrau Beer Cellar in Munich that Hitler knew better than his underlings that the resurrection of the German nation required the support of Christianity. This theme of the good and wellintentioned Fuehrer and his evil advisors continues periodically throughout Hitler's career. 1924 February 26 The trial of Hitler, Ludendorff and a number of other participants in the Munich Putsch begins in Munich. 1924 - Dallas Theological Seminary founded by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer as a bastion of Dispensational theology. After Chafer,

878 Dallas abandoned Dispensational theology resulting in the obfuscation of Christian (grace) and Jewish (law) covenants. "Dallas Seminary has been covertly collaborating with Covenant theology, a fact to which her many Covenant-oriented graduates attest. Her faculty has admittedly forsaken Dr. Chafer's explicit division of the Word, hence the Seminary is unable to produce a worthy-of-the-name dispensational product.", "Dispensationalism's Missing Link" "Neo-Dispensationalism is a compromise toward Covenantism. Its progenitors are Dr. Craig A. Blaising, Dr. Darrell L. Bock, and in absentia, Dr. Robert L. Saucy. It was spawned in the Chaferless milieu of Dallas Theological Seminary. "What can Neo-Dispensationalism do to you? It can bring you down to earth with a thud, and relentlessly grind and ground you. It can make you a partaker of Israels comparatively paltry New Covenant, and thereby subject you to the laws of its Sermon on the Mount, and Millennial Kingdom. It can reduce you to a hybridpart Christian and part reconstructed kingdom Jew.", "They Have Taken Away My Church: Uncloistered Neo-Dispensationalism" 1924 February Trotsky is censured for what is called "factionalism." 1924 Federal Reserve begins Open Market Operations. Tsarion 1924 Fritz Thyssen sets up his Union Banking Corporation in George Herbert Walkers bank in Manhattan. Tsarion 1924 George Herbert Walker Bush born in Milton, Massachusetts. Bunny Harriman brings Prescott Bush into U.S. Rubber Company in New York. Tsarion 1924 Heroin, originally created by I. G. Farben, is outlawed as a prescription drug in the United States. Tsarion 1924 Hitler reads the second edition of the textbook, Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene (The principles of human heredity and race-hygiene), written by E. Baur, E. Fischer, and F. Lenz, while imprisoned in Landsberg, and subsequently incorporates racial ideas into his own book, Mein Kampf. (Science). 1924 Hoover takes Donovan to the Bohemian Club, the West Coast power club. Tsarion 1924 J. Edgar Hoover is appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation (later renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation). (FBI) 1924 January 21 Lenin suffers a fatal stroke. A triumvirate with Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev is formed after Lenin's death to exclude Trotsky from power. 1924 Jewish author Maurice Samuel tells all about Jewish power and negative Jewish traits in his book "You Gentiles." Few heed his warnings.

879 1924 Joseph Goebbels becomes editor of the right-wing newspaper "Volkischer Freiheit" (Folkish Freedom). 1924 July--An intriguing anecdote concerns an attack by Bigfoot creatures on a party of miners in the Mount Saint Helens/ Lewis River area of southwestern Washington. The episode began one evening in July, when two of the miners--already unnerved by a week's worth of strange whistling and thumping sounds emanating from a couple of nearby ridges--spotted a seven-foot tall apelike creature and fired on it. They fled to the cabin and with two other men endured a night-long assault, including thrown rocks and a concentrated effort to smash open the door, by a number of the creatures. Portland Oregonian reporters who came to the scene later found giant footprints. The spot where the episode occurred was thereafter named Ape Canyon, and so it is called to this day. In 1967 one of the participants, Fred Beck, and his son published a booklet, I Fought the Apemen of Mt. St. Helens, recalling the event. 1924 June 12 George Herbert Walker Bush is born in Milton, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. He is the second of five children born to Prescott Sheldon Bush and Dorothy Walker, daughter of Harriman associate, George Herbert Walker. 1924 June 24 Dr. Karl Haushofer visits Hess and Hitler in Landsberg prison. Prison records show that between June 24 and November 12 he visited them eight times, always on Wednesdays and staying the whole morning and afternoon. (Missing Years) 1924 June 7-8 An ONT (Order of New Templars) Whitsun meeting is held at Werfenstein castle. It is attended by Johann Walthari Wolfl, the new Prior of Werfenstein, Lanz von Liebenfels' two brothers, Herwik and Friedolin, and twelve other members. Celebrations began at midnight with the consecration of fire and water. Under Wolfl's leadership, the Austrian ONT has flourished and the membership of some 50-60 brothers frequently contributed money, books, and ceremonial objects for the ornamentation of the priory. Whitsun meetings were also held in 1925 and 1926. (Roots) 1924 () () , , . , , 60 , 2 ! ,

880 , . , . - . , : . ; ; : . ; ( ) . , , . , . , 447 , , . , , . 1924-25 - . 1924 June Italian Socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti is murdered after denouncing Mussolini in the Chamber of Deputies. The crime is traced to a group of Fascist militants. Mussolini orders their arrest and disclaims any responsibility. Public opinion, however, seems to be against him and opposition deputies withdraw from parliament in a protest known as the Aventine Secession (a reference to the Plebs' withdrawal to the Aventine Hill in ancient Rome), and many predict the imminent fall of Mussolini's government. 1924 The Soviet Holocaust of Christian Russian Kulak farmers. (1924-1930) 15 million exterminated! 1924 Krupp Industries receives $10 million loan from Wall Streets Goldman Sachs. Tsarion 1924 March 27 Romanian-Russian negotiations begin in Vienna after strong pressure from the French.

881 1924 March Konrad Weitbrecht, a Swabian forester who led an ONT group in his region, receives a million Austrian crowns, collected by the brothers of the priories of Werfenstein and Marienkamp, for a seat in South Germany. (Roots) 1924 Mars made its closest pass to the Earth since the invention of radio. At the time not much was known about harsh environmental conditions on the planet and astronomers like Percival Lowell were speculating that markings on the surface suggested there was intelligent life. For this reason it was decided to make a concerted effort to pick up radio signals coming from Mars during the week of August 23rd when the planet came nearest. One of many, David Peck Todd, Professor of Astronomy at Amherst College, decided to listen with his receiver at a wavelength between 5 and 6 kilometers and record any signals he heard. After filtering out practical jokers Todd picked up a series of dots and dashes that were unexplained, but didn't appear to be of extraterrestrial origin. Todd's signals were recorded using a photographic method and some newspapers in New York in 1924 claimed the following: "MYSTERY DOTS AND DASHES WAS MARS SIGNALING? WHAT THE PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM REVEALED. The development of the photographic film of the radio signals for the 29 hour period while Mars was close to Earth, deepens the mystery of the dots and dashes heard by widely separated powerful stations. The film disclosed in black and white a regular arrangement of dots and dashes along one side. On the other, at about evenly spaced intervals, are curiously jumbled groups, each taking the form of a crudely drawn face." 1924 : Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924). Vladimir Lenin was also half Jewish and half Russian. He was a Marxists/Socialist that worked for the Jewish world leaders. He was arrested a few times and sentence to exile in Siberia where he married his Jewish wife. After he served his sentence, they lived in Germany, Belgium, England, Poland, and Switzerland before returning to Russia. He was never employed but lived a life of luxury in Europe. He was a member of the French freemasons Art et Travai. 1924 Nesta H. Webster publishes Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, again linking the French Revolution, the Illuminati, Jacobians, Freemasonry, the Jews and Communism. This book, too, is widely read both in Europe and America. 1924 Newspapers in different parts of the world carried stories about death rays being able to destroy things from a distance. Englishman Harry Grindell-Matthews and his team developed a "beam" that could blast aeroplanes out of the sky, explode gunpowder and cartridges, shrivel plants, electrocute mice, light incandescent bulbs, and ignite oil lamps at a distance of up to four miles. Matthews's claims stirred a great deal of

882 public interest to the point where His Majesty's government offered him 1000 to carry out further development. The inventor, however, avoided anyone taking a close look at his device and did a neat two-step; pleading an eye injury and claiming that he'd already sold the secret of the ray to the Americans. He then quietly vanished from public sight only to resurface at Hampstead Heath with a new ray. It wrote "Happy Christmas" on the clouds. 1924 Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, a leading Soviet theoretician, becomes a full member of the Politburo. 1924 November 8 Hitler, Lt. Colonel Hermann Kriebel, Dr. Christian Weber, Rudolf Hess and other putschers in Landsberg prison celebrate the first anniverary of the Munich putsch, with the prison band supplying the music. At exactly 8,34 PM, they comemorated the "historic moment" the trucks arrived carrying the Hitler Shocktroops. (Missing Years) 1924 Mars made its closest pass to the Earth since the invention of radio. At the time not much was known about harsh environmental conditions on the planet and astronomers like Percival Lowell were speculating that markings on the surface suggested there was intelligent life. For this reason it was decided to make a concerted effort to pick up radio signals coming from Mars during the week of August 23rd when the planet came nearest. One of many, David Peck Todd, Professor of Astronomy at Amherst College, decided to listen with his receiver at a wavelength between 5 and 6 kilometers and record any signals he heard. After filtering out practical jokers Todd picked up a series of dots and dashes that were unexplained, but didn't appear to be of extraterrestrial origin. Todd's signals were recorded using a photographic method and some newspapers in New York in 1924 claimed the following: "MYSTERY DOTS AND DASHES WAS MARS SIGNALING? WHAT THE PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM REVEALED. The development of the photographic film of the radio signals for the 29 hour period while Mars was close to Earth, deepens the mystery of the dots and dashes heard by widely separated powerful stations. The film disclosed in black and white a regular arrangement of dots and dashes along one side. On the other, at about evenly spaced intervals, are curiously jumbled groups, each taking the form of a crudely drawn face." 1924 November 9 At 1 PM, Hitler and his comrades in Landsberg salute their sixteen fallen friends who were shot down and killed in Munich the year before. (Missing Years) 1924 November Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) is involuntarily committed to a Salzburg mental asylum and will not be released until early 1927.

883 1924 October 28 Following the British example of February 1, the French extend de jure recognition of the U.S.S.R. Romania and Yugoslavia refuse. 1924 Spring Detlef Schmude, Prior of Hollenberg, travels to Persia supposedly hoping to found an ONT colony at Tabriz. Count Hochberg (Frowin) assumes his duties as Prior during his eighteen-month absence. (Roots) 1924 The exclusionary Immigration Act of 1924 is passed by the U.S. Congress, limiting immigration by race and nationality, among other criteria. 1924 The Geneva Protocol of 1924, which brands aggressive war as an international crime, fails because of British opposition. 1924 The Greek military declares a republic and King George II is exiled. 1924 The Pierpont Morgan Library, the personal library of J.P. Morgan, is opened in New York City and made available to scholars. 1924 The Soviet GPU (General Political Administration), formerly the Cheka secret police, again changes its name. It becomes the OPGU so as to include the entire USSR. It's function remains the same. 1924 The Union Banking Corporation is formally established, as a unit in the Manhattan offices of the W.A. Harriman & Co., interlocking with the Fritz Thyssen-owned Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart (BHS) in the Netherlands. 1924 William Donovan comes to Washington D.C. at the request of Harlan Stone, one of Donovans professors at Columbia, to become Asst. Attorney General of the U.S. Donovan requests Edgar Hoovers removal from FBI, but Stone appoints him to head the agency. Donovan becomes involved in the persecution of Senator Burton Wheeler. Tsarion 1924, 10 23 . 1924, . 1924, when Saloniki became part of Greece and ethnic Turks left the city in a forced population exchange, almost all the Sabbateans were deported to Istanbul. Many, seeking to stay in their city, sought recognition from the local rabbis as Jews, which would have exempted them from the expulsion of Turks. The rabbis refused - and, inadvertently, rescued them from the Nazi extermination that struck Greece's Jews a few years later. The Doenmeh themselves estimate that 15,000-20,000 Sabbateans live in Turkey today. 1924 12 , . , :

884 . , , , . , , . , . , , , . , . ( ) , , . 1914 , . , . , , . : " ". " . , . , , , . , , , . , . , . , , . . , , . , , . , . , , .

885 , . 1905. , . 1905, . , , . , , . , , . , , , . (. : - . 13) , , . : ", , ...* (20/ 11/ 1905): , , . , , , . , (.. 1905), , Die Glocke. , . . , , , . . , , , . , , ,

886 , , . , . , , , , , ". * , 1915. , (4 1922), , ROSTA, , , : , , . , ROSTA , . : . , , . . , , . , . , . P, . , , . , . , , ( ) (. ), , ,

887 . , , 2 . . ( , ) , , ( 1917). , , , , (.. ). . , , . : , , , , (sic). , , , , . , . : , , ; , , , 1917 . , , ( ), , . , , , ( ) 1924, .

888 1924, . , " ", . . 1924, 24 , . 1924, . " " . , . 1924, , , (= ) (;), - . 1924: first Labour government 19241928 The Fourth Aliyah was a direct result of the economic crisis and anti-Jewish policies in Poland, along with the introduction of stiff immigration quotas by the United States. The Fourth Aliyah brought 82,000 Jews to British-occupied Palestine, of whom 23,000 left. 1924-1927: Sheikh Said Rebellion 1925: July Revolution in Ecuador 1925-1927: The Syrian Revolution, a revolt initiated by the Druze and led by Sultan al-Atrash against French Mandate.1925 -- Lionel Curtis organizes the Institutes of Pacific Relations in at least ten countries for the Round Table Group. - 1925 . ( 1925). 1922 1925 ( ) . , , , , , . . , . , 21 1929 . : , : , , 2001. 1925 Ahmed Zogu proclaims Albania a monarchy and rules as King Zog. 1925 Another major U.S. railroad collapses. Tsarion

889 1925 April Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg becomes President of Germany. 1925 April-- Mato Grosso in Portuguese means "dense forest" - a fitting name for the landlocked Brazilian state nearly three times the size of Texas. Until the second half of the present century, Indians were the only inhabitants of its nearly impenetrable rain forests, and few white men had attempted to chart its terrain. Into this steaming wilderness filled with animal species still unfamiliar to zoologists and native tribes whose existence was not even suspected, three explorers dared to advance in April 1925. They would be facing poisonous snakes, flesh-eating fish, clouds of biting, stinging insects, and an uncertain welcome from the natives--all in pursuit of an elusive lost city known to them only by an enigmatic code name: "Z." Five weeks after leaving the capital, Cuiaba, the party's leader wrote home to his wife in England from the ominously named Dead Horse Camp (where his mount had died on a previous expedition): "We hope to get through this region in a few days.... You need have no fear of any failure." It was the last message ever received from the jungle explorers. 1925 Bechtel becomes major pipeline contractor for oil companies. Tsarion 1925 Benito Mussolini eliminates his most important political opponents and establishes a virtual dictatorship by force and intimidation. He soon begins the process of converting Italy into a one-party Corporate state. 1925 British newspaperman G. Ward Price and no less a personage than the future Duke of Windsor were in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Here, they learned a local man had been attacked by a strange flying creature called kongamato in a swamp. Once again, the natives identified the creature as a pterosaur. Described as "a lizard with wings like a bat", with a wingspan between four and seven feet, red, featherless, and toothed. The natives identified it with a pterodactyl when a picture was shown to them. A tribal chief from the Jiundu region said that it dwelt in the Jiundu Swamps. 1925 Charles G. Dawes wins the Nobel peace prize for arranging the Dawes Plan for German war reparations. 1925 Conference on International Arms Trade in Geneva produces the Geneva Protocol of 1925 against Chemical Warfare. The U.S. and Japan refuse to ratify the agreement. Tsarion 1925 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen tries a modified Pertussis vaccine during an epidemic in the Faroe Islands. It did not prevent Pertussis. (See 1933). Tsarion 1925 George Seldes ,

890 . , . , . Washington Post 25 1925: , , 18 ( ). Zakho, , ' , , , . ' , , . , ' , . ; ( ) Murga . : , . . . , . . , . ' . . , , . Ozozan . . () 1925 ! . 1925 (29 ) ,

891 . : , , . . , . , , , . . , , . , . , . - . , , , , , . , ! . . : 1925 , . , . . , , . . ! 1925 December 1 The Locarno Treaties are signed. These agreements are an attempt to settle security problems left unresolved at the end of World War I. The main treaty, which confirms Germany's western borders with France and Belgium, is signed by the powers directly concerned and is guaranteed by Britain and Italy. Germany signs treaties with its eastern neighbors, Poland and Czechoslovakia, but they are not given the same protection. France, however, concludes an agreement with the latter countries promising to help them if Germany breaks its commitment to settle any future disputes with them peacefully. The Locarno Pact makes Germany's entry into the League of Nations possible. 1925 Doctors at the Paris Academy of Medicine discuss deaths occurring shortly after vaccination in Holland and other European countries. Tsarion 1925 Ernst Roehm, after coming into conflict with Hitler over the role of the SA, travels to Bolivia, where he will remain until 1930.

892 1925 February 27 Hitler revives the NSDAP and quickly takes control. 1925 Fischer and Tropsch synthesis leads to industrial development of synthetic oil. Tsarion 1925 From 1925, the Roundtable Group receives major financial contributions from wealthy individuals, foundations, and companies associated with the international banking community, including the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, organizations associated with J.P. Morgan, and the Rockefeller Group. Tsarion 1925 General vaccine programs against tuberculosis began in the United States. Tsarion 1925 Geneva Convention governing wartime conduct bans biological weapons. Japan refuses to approve treaty. 1925 Hitler decides he needs a bodyguard of loyal party members to protect him from his opponents at public meetings and rallies. He appoints Julius Schreck, an old comrade and his chauffeur, to form the new unit. Schreck takes his new position very seriously and soon establishes strict guidelines for Hitler's "Protection Squad," which soon becomes known as the SS (Schutzstaffel). (Secrets) 1925 I.G. Farben is reorganized by the Warburgs as a merger between Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Welierter-Meer, and Griesheim Elektron. Max Warburg is the Director of I.G. Farben (Germany) and I.G. Chemie (Switz). Tsarion 1925 In England, less than 50% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. 6 deaths occur. (See 1872). Tsarion 1925 Institute of Pacific Affairs set up in 12 countries, interlocking with the Round Table Group and the RIIA. Tsarion 1925 International Convention Against Narcotics Trade. Tsarion 1925 Inventor T. Henry Moray contacts General Electric about his work. Tsarion 1925 January 2 Rudolf Hess and several other Nazis are released from Landsberg prison and quickly rejoin Hitler. (Missing Years) 1925 January Stalin begins a plan to gradually ease Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev, both of Jewish descent, out of power and gain complete control of the Soviet Union (USSR) for himself. 1925 Jean Monnet becomes a partner in the Blair Foreign Corporation, a New York bank that made huge profits during the war. 1925 - . 1925 Jewish synagogues and schools are looted and the Jewish cemetery is desecrated at Piatra in Romania. (Atlas)

893 1925 Joseph Goebbels is appointed Business Manager of the North Rhineland Gau of the Nazi Party. He soon edits several Nazi publications, including the bulletin NS-Briefe (National Socialist Letters). 1925 July 18 The first volume of Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler's personal political testament, is published in Munich. The book is dedicated to Dietrich Eckart and the sixteen Nazi "martyrs" who died in Munich on November 9, 1918. 1925 July--Two visitors to Consolation Valley in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta spotted what they thought was at an eagle at sonic considerable altitude. As it approached the Tower of Babel, a 7500-foothigh eak within the range, they noticed that it was huge and brown and, even more startlingly, carried a large animal in its talons. Shouts from the observers caused it to drop the animal, which turned out to be a 15-pound mule-deer fawn. All conventional ornithological knowledge tells us that such reports-the two we have seen are only two of many and not, as we shall see, even the most fantastic-describe the impossible. The largest predatory birds such as the eagle attack only "small mammals, reptiles, fish, and, perhaps, some other birds," according to wildlife authority Roger A. Caras. The largest American birds, the rare and endangered California condors, have a wingspan of slightly over 10 feet, though one captured specimen early in the century was measured at 11 feet, four inches. Even so, their weak feet do not permit them to carry their prey; instead they feed on carrion. 1925 Lionel Curtis organizes the "Institute of Pacific Relations" in at least ten countries for the Round Table Groups. 1925 March 26 Count Hochberg gives 500 gold marks to the Order of the New Templars (ONT) for the purchase of the small ancient earthwork of Wickeloh near Gross-Oesingen in Lower Saxony. (Roots) 1925 March 30 Rudolf Steiner dies. The Anthroposophy movement, which has been called a Christianized version of Theosophy, continues to flourish even after his death. 1925 May 5 Dr. Karl Haushofer founds the Deutsche Akademie. Rudof Hess becomes an assistant on his staff and a close friend of Haushofer's son, Albrecht. Hess later abandons the idea of obtaining a doctorate. (Missing Years) 1925 Mein Kampf published in Germany. Tsarion 1925 Monsignor Ludwig Kaas is appointed as advisor to Eugenio Pacelli, the Papal Nuncio in Berlin, by Cardinal Bertram. Kaas and Pacelli soon become close friends. (Arthur Wynen; Lewy) 1925 N. A. Tombazi, a British photographer and member of the Royal Geographical Society, saw a strange creature in the Himalaya range. The incident occurred near the Zemu Glacier, at 15,000 feet altitude. He recorded this account: "The intense glare and brightness of

894 the snow prevented me from seeing anything for the first few seconds; but I soon spotted the "object" referred to, about two to three hundred yards away down the valley to the east of our camp. Unquestionably, the figure in outline was exactly like a human being, walking upright and stopping occasionally to uproot or pull at some dwarf rhododendron bushes. It showed up dark against the snow and, as far as I could make out, wore no clothes. Within the next minute or so it had moved into sonic thick scruband was lost to view." Two hours later, as the party descended, Tombazi went to check the area where he had seen the creature. There he examined 16 footprints "similar in shape to those of a man, but only six to seven inches long by four inches wide at the broadest part of the foot.... The prints were undoubtedly of a biped, the order of the spoor having no characteristics whatever of any imaginable quadruped," 1925 , , , 28 ( !) 25 1925 , . 1925 . . , - ( ). , . , !.. . 24 ! 1925 .

895 , , . 1925 18-10-1925, , 69 , . , , . , 2 . . , 45.000 ( 50.000 ). , , !.. , , . , . . . 1925 . , 1/4 ! ; , , . 1925 November 29 Rudolf Gorsleben founds the Edda Society, an "Aryan" study group, at Dinkelsbuhl, in Franconia. Grand Master of the group is Werner von Bulow. Treasurer is Friedrich Schaefer from Muhlhausen, whose wife, Kathe, keeps open house for other occultvolkisch groups which gather around Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) in the early 1930s. Rudolf Gorsleben was Chancellor of the Edda Society and published its periodical German Freedom, later Aryan Freedom. (Roots) (Note, Mathilde von Kemnitz, a prolific volkisch writer, who will

896 marry General Ludendorff in 1926, is an active member of the Edda Society.) (Mund;Roots) 1925 October A secular group around the occult-racist publisher Herbert Reichstein begins promoting the doctrine of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels in Germany. (Roots) 1925 October The Treaty of Locarno is signed in Switzerland by Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Poland and Czechoslovakia. It guarantees the demilitarized status of the Rhineland and the common borders of Belgium, France, and Germany, all as specified by the Treaty of Versailles. Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia also sign border agreements. The "spirit of Locarno" is widely hailed as ushering in an era of international peace and good will. 1925 Ossendovski, a Russian writer, publishes "Men, Beasts and Gods." The names Schamballah and Agarthi appear in public for first time. 1925 Possible UFO crash in Maryland. Mysterious fireball explodes just outside Chevy Chase. 1925 Reza Shah Pahlavi rules as Shah of Iran. 1925 Sebottendorff returns to Turkey. From 1926 to 1928, he acts as honorary Mexican consul in Instanbul (Constantinople). He later travels to the U.S. and Central America, 1929-1931. (Roots) 1925 September 3 Edward R. Stettinius, Sr., dies. His son, Edward, Jr., is General Motors' manager of employment. 1925 September 5 The "Volkischer Beobachter" hails Houston Stewart Chamberlain's Foundations of the Nineteenth Century as "The Gospel of the National Socialist Movement." 1925 September/October--Possible UFO crash in Polson, Montana. This case rests solely on the account of John Cross from Polson, Montana, a remote ranching area in the north-west of the USA. The incident occurred in late September or early October 1925, just after dusk. Aside from John, then a young child, his mother was also witness to what happened. John told how a 'pulsating, roaring noise' made them look upwards to see a 'flaming circular object of approximately 60m (200ft) or more in diameter descending at approximately 1,100 to 1,600 km/hr (700 to 1,000 mph) and about 8 km (5 miles) distant.' 1925 Sidney Reilly vanishes while in Leningrad, the press reports his death. 1925 , 1925 , . , . 1925 Stalin forces Trotsky to resign as Minister of War.

897 1925 Summer Construction begins on a new ONT priory at GrossOesingen in Lower Saxony. (Roots) 1925 Summer Johann Walthari Wolfl, the ONT Prior of Wefenstein, begins issuing the Librarium and the Examinatorium. The first contains short stories of the alleged medieval antecedents of the order, Burg Werfenstein and Lebensreform. The second features a question-and-answer synopsis of all order matters, enabling new brothers to quickly and comprehensively learn the order's history, traditions and ceremonial. (Roots) 1925 T. Henry Moray begins to see further improvement on extraction of energy from ambient space and offers his invention to the United States Government, who declined, saying it would compete with public utilities. Advancements in the device prompted demonstrations. Moray calls on General Electric Company. On December 23, 1925, Moray burns out the machine. It would take a year to reconstruct. Tsarion 1925 The Geneva Protocol of 1925, bans poison gas as a means of warfare. 1925 , . , 29 , , , . . 1925 . . Zygmunt was also a prominent Freemason. A Loge called Vox Ukrainia, belonging to the Grand Orient du Russie initiated him. Later he became a member of the Grand Orient de France, of the Grand Orient dItalie and of the Loges Panhellenion and Pythagoras of the Grande Loge de Grece, where he was extremely active. He also belonged to the Supreme Counsel of Greece of the Masonic Old and Accepted Scottish Rites. When he died, thousands of Masons came to his funeral in Athens. : 1. Re: Mineyko [ ;]: Zygmunt Gozdawa-Mineyko was this gentleman's name and it would be respectful to use it in this form. Lithuanian orthogrpahy and usage has changed and perhaps the journalist was not aware of the correct spelling and assumed it was correct to 'Lithuanianize' it. Someone may wish to correct that misconception. Many names have thus been altered with the owner's consent. On the other hand where people prefer to change the orthography of their names this too should be respected. For historical figures it would be best to leave their names as they themselves spelled them. To do otherwise is

898 a misappropriation of name and his identity as a member of the Polish linguistic and cultural sphere and Mr. Mineyko, as I understand, certainly was. 2. Re: K of C and Masons: Catholics ought not join the Masons. There are sound theological and pastoral reasons for this. The overwhelming majority of Masons are undoubtedly good citizens. This is not the issue. Freemasonary is an organization and a set of beliefs that is incompatible with Catholicism. This is not intended as any disrespect towards those Masons who are good citizens. The anti-Catholic side of Masonry is still present in some regions and this remains a seperate concerns. A number of the polish elites of the early 19th century were both Catholics and Masons (though as Catholics they were not supposed to). The historical participation of some of the Commonwealth's leading families (and some clerics) in Masonic groups is an interesting observation upon the complex divisions among the nobility during the late XVIII and early XIX centuries and the roles of the Church and religion in the processes of resistance and rebellion in the XIXth century. The strong Roman Catholic flavour of the Bar Confederation and the attitudes of the village gentry one element. The role of Catholic bishops in the Targowica is another. The patriotic and Catholic reaction that hanged some of the Targowicans is yet another. There were others. The interplay of religion and politics in the history of Poland-Lithuania is a fascinating and meadnering journey - the conversion of Lithuania, the Orthodox nobility of the eastern territories, the move of large numbers of nobles to the Reformation, the easy return of most during the Counter-reformation, toleration and indifference, the Uniate Church after Brzesc, the Armenians in the Southheast, the ennoblement of many Jewish converts, the Tartar nobility, Czestochowa and Marian devotion, the ambivalent atttiude toward Rome and its legates, the bulwark (antemurale) of Christianity - all these were potentially contradictory elements of Polish Christianity understood best in relation not to today's perspectives but in their contemporaneous historical context. 3. Re: Dissenters, Heretics and Schismatics. From the discussion I gather there is nothing so satisfying as using a pejorative term where a neutral one might do. We may differ in our perspectives but certainly there is room for respectful dialogue (both within and between faiths). I've written about this before and it continues to concern me. 4. Re: Scanning and Gothic script. I've tried scanning Gothic German using Omnipage Pro 11. The resuults are generally unsatisfying (far too many errors). Some of this may have to do with the quality of the original but I suspect that the same difficulty we have training our eye to reading this type makes it difficult for the OCR. With repeated correction the program makes fewer errors, so patience may be a virtue. 5. Re: Land grants and founding of villages. Early relations between the king and the knightly class was a

899 feudal one. In the middle ages lands were granted ius militare, conditionally upon military service (and the provision of specified numbers of soldiers or provisions) and this was certainly a feudal obligation. In Rus, some of the surviving records also indicate an obligation to continue to reside in the area or other conditions. Lithuanian boyars prior to union were certainly in a feudal relationship. The rise in the power of the Polish nobility altered these equations and the nobility exacted for itself concessions that made property effectively alloidial and extended and equalized the rights and privileges of all. Yet essentially feudal relations remained in some cases. For example the noble who rented rather than owned property, or the noble who administered another's property was in a feudal-like relationship to an'elder brother' noble. One of the more curious extensions of this was the feudal servitude owed! to the manor in addition to rent by some landless nobles renting peasant lands, a relationship that would seem incompatible with their noble status. Founding a village likely did not necessarily mean settling a new area although it could. Areas devestated by Tartar wars or Cossack rebellions needed resettlement. New estates in the Ukraine required magnates to try and attract new peasants. In other cases the location or foundation of a village was the creation of a new administrative structure and economic entity. A village required an elder and a council and basic forms of peasant self-administration and permitted a local economy or trade (a mill, a tavern, etc.) By extension one might also obtain permission to found a town (maisto) according to Magdeburg or Wallachian law with specified rights and economic concessions for its residents. The members of the Labedz clan Steckiewiecz and Petrusiewicz having been granted certain lands may have "organized" or "founded" the village previously inhabited by its "unorganized" royal peasants. By 1500 the heraldic clans were quite stable having finished their process of formation (!depending on the region of Poland) by as much as a century and then some. New ennoblements were either by adoption or royal ennoblement in this period. If by adoption into arms, the Labedz arm were likely the arms of the noble who was the new grantee's patron. If a royal ennoblement the King would assign arms or arrange an adoption by a noble into his arms. Nobility was already clearly hereditary at this time and I'm not sure why it would be necessary to 'transfer' the nobility to the children. Is it possible that they were granted an additional estate in a new area and so transferred the new grant to their several of their children while the previously held lands ay have been transferred seperately to others by dowry or inheritance? If they were already noble when granted a new estate they may have already held the Labedz arms. 6. Re: Changing C-of-A Arms were sometimes changed and with no heraldic authority the records or indications of this are

900 anecdotal with little indication of when and how or how often this occurred. For example adoption into arms was not only a process of ennoblement. In earlier periods nobles of one arms might be 'adopted' into the arms of another family. Variants and arms that apppear intermediate between two different clan arms appear and intermarriage and various close family relatioons may be a reason. Adopting arms of the owner of a large estate or a military superior would harken to an earlier time. Improving one's coat of arms by joining a more powerful clan was sometimes possible. Arms could be forgotten. They could be occasionally unilaterally altered or as in the case of the registration of the szlachta by the partitioning powers they could be 'taken from the next page'. So there's my two cents worth for today, Kind regards, George Lucki 1925, . 1925, 33 . 1925, . 1925 Armand Hammer ;! Masonic Jewish Zionist and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Hammer, a traitor to his own Jewish Race, built major industries within Communist Russia. For a time all trade between the United States and Soviet Russia passed through his hands. Working with the Jesuits Irish Episcopalian Roman Catholic Henry Ford (who circulated the Jew-hating Protocols of Zion and whose son, Henry Ford II, formally converted to Catholicism upon his marriage into the McDonnell family), Fordson tractors were brought into Russia as early as 1923. As the head of Occidental Petroleum, he freely entered and exited the Black Popes Russian police state whenever he wished. He greatly contributed to the Jesuit-authored illusion that international communism was Jewish, making Jesuit-controlled Bernhardt Stempfles Mein Kampf believable, justifying Hitlers Final Solution to the Jewish Question first introduced in 1880 by the Orders Professor Heinrich von Treitschke. Speaking fluent Russian, Hammer was up close and personal with every Soviet leader from Lenin to Gorbachev, greatly building the Empires commerce evidenced by his Hammer House, the international trade center and hotel, financed by the Jesuit Orders Chase Manhattan and Bank of America, built in the heart of Moscow. He also helped to finance the creation of Zionist Israel, its Masonic leaders secretly aiding the Jesuit Order as it continually strains every nerve to bring the world to its knees in worship of the risen Papal Antichrist from Solomons rebuilt Temple in Israels beloved Jerusalem. Hammer, Armand Hammer and Neil Lyndon, (New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1987).

901 1925, . Mussolini. Lipari . 1925, Caro y Rodriguez " , ". 1925, . 1925: Edwin Hubble discovers the first galaxy outside the Milky Way (Andromeda), 2 million years away from the Earth 1926 Suicide of synchronicity researcher Paul Krammerer, biologist, freemason. - 1926 -1933 Nicaragua. The coup d'etat of General Chamorro aroused revolutionary activities leading to the landing of American marines to protect the interests of the United States and the Inter national Jewish Banking interests. U.S. Forces came and went, but seem not to have left the country entirely until January 3, 1933. Their work included activity against the outlaw leader Sandino in 1928. 1926 A General Strike in Britain involves more than three million workers. 1926 : VILNA GAON see ELIJAH BENSOLOMON ZALMAN. VINAWER, Maxim 18621926. Russian jurist and politician. Vinawer was a prominent St Petersburg lawyer, and a champion of equal rights for Jews. In the 1906 Duma (parliament) he was a leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets). When the Duma was dissolved the following year, Winawer signed the Vyborg manifesto calling for a British-type democratic constitution, and was arrested and imprisoned. After the 1917 October Revolution, he was the foreign minister in a short-lived anti-Communist Crimean regional government, then fled to Paris where he lived as an emigr. 1926 A mystical Tibetan colony established in Berlin, in fact predating the Nazi rise to power. One Tibetan Monk, termed "the man with the green gloves" and a reputed psychic, was frequently visited by Hitler and was rumored to hold the keys to the Kingdom of Agarthi. Such keys are best understood in terms of ciphers. 1926 Agatha Christie vanishes for eleven days. 1926 Allen W. Dulles joins the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell in New York. 1926 American I.G. founded as a holding company controlling I.G. Farben assets in the United States. Some board members were Edsel

902 Ford, Charles Mitchell (President of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York), Walt Teagle (President of Standard Oil), Paul Warburg (Federal Reserve chairman and brother of Max Warbug, financier of Nazi Germany's war effort and Director of American I.G.) and Herman Metz, a director of the Bank of Manhattan, controlled by the Warburgs. Three other members of the Board of Governors for American I.G. were tried and convicted as German war criminals. Tsarion 1926 April 15 Schmude dissolves the ONT priory at Hollenberg, complaining of the adverse economic circumstances in Germany. (Roots) 1926 April 24 The Treaty of German-Soviet Friendship and Neutrality extends the Rapallo Treaty of 1922. 1926 April 3 Lanz von Liebenfels and ONT brothers Ladislaus and Wilhem traveled to Szent Balazs and construction on the new priory of Marienkamp starts shortly thereafter. (Roots) 1926 April Joseph Berchtold, a businessman who holds the number-two spot in the Nazi party treasury office, is appointed by Hitler to replace Julius Schreck as head of the SS. Hitler tells him to operate under the guidelines that the party is not to interfere in the internal affairs of the SS, emphasizing that the SS is a completely independent organization within the Nazi movement. (Secrets) 1926 August Georg Hauerstein, Jr., son of Georg Hauerstein, a friend of Guido von List and an ONT brother associated with Detlef Schmude before the war, establishes a fund for the purchase of an ancient earthwork called the Hertesburg near Prenow on the Baltic Sea coast. ONT brothers from Hungary and Berlin palmist, Ernst Issberner-Haldane contribute. (Roots) 1926 Chiang Kai-shek organizes the Northern Expedition to unite China. 1926 Colonies of strange Hindu mystics settle in Munich and Berlin. (Pauwels) 1926 Dan Magdiel, friend of T.Henry Moray, goes to the Soviet Union to see if they are interested in Morays work. Tsarion 1926 December 10 Hitler publishes the second part of Mein Kampf. 1926 Eamon De Valera organizes the Fianna Fail party in the Republic of Ireland. 1926 Edward R. Stettinius Jr. becomes special assistant to John Lee Pratt of General Motors. 1926 February 14 Hitler calls a meeting of nationalist leaders at Bamburg. 1926 February 26-"The Dundas Fish Fall" when minnows fell from the sky on the town in Ontario.

903 1926 Felix Dzerzhinsky dies, and the OGPU, which he had founded as the Cheka in 1917, supports Stalin. 1926 Frank Howard of Standard Oil visits Baldische plant in Ludwigshafen. Tsarion 1926 General Medical Society for Psychotherapy created in Germany, an international organization. Tsarion 1926 Goebbels is appointed Gauleiter of Berlin by Hitler. 1926 Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan. 1926 Hitler holds a Nazi "Party Day" rally at Weimar. He and many other speakers advocate driving the Jews out of all German life. (Atlas) 1926 Hitler sends Goebels to Berlin to prepare for his entry in three years. Tsarion 1926 I.G. Farben approaches Standard Oil to discuss synthetic coal threat to S.O. Tsarion 1926 I.G. Farben merges with Dynamit-Nobel. Tsarion 1926 January 1 Prince Michael of Romania is proclaimed heir to the throne by the Romanian Parliament after his father, Prince Carol, is deprived of his inheritance. 1926 January 26 Gregor Strasser calls a meeting of Nazi party leaders at Hanover. 1926 January 6 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels purchases the ruined 13th century church of Szent Balazs, near the village of Szentantalfa on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, as the new seat for the ONT priory of Marienkamp. Hungarian ONT brothers Ladislaus and Wilhelm are appointed as the priory's keepers. (Roots) 1926 January Detlef Schmude returns to the ONT priory at Hollenberg after eighteen months in Persia. (Roots) 1926 Jersey Oil Company enters into a business agreement with I.G. Farben. Tsarion 1926 Joseph Goebbels sides with Hitler against Otto and Gregor Strasser in a Nazi Party split. Gregor will remain Hitler's most powerful opponent in the Party. 1926 Knights of Malta support ascent of Italian dictator Mussolini. Tsarion 1926 Marshal Josef Pilsudski seizes complete power in a coup in Poland and rules dictatorially until his death. 1926 May 1 Johann Walthari Wolfl, Priorof Werfenstein, receives authorization from Lanz von Liebenfels to begin the publication a third Ostara edition. (Roots) 1926 May 1 Prescott Bush joins W.A. Harriman & Co. as a vicepresident, under the bank's president, George Herbert Walker, his fatherin-law.

904 1926 May 14--According to a press clipping, dated Nayarit, Mexico, Captains. D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of a race of giants who averaged over ten feet in height. Local legends state that they came from Ecuador. Nothing more has been heard of this. 1926 May General Pilsudski believing that the unstable Polish parliamentary system is endangering Poland, seizes power and forms an authoritarian government. He works for good relations with both Germany and Russia, but an alliance with neither. 1926 Nicholas Roerich sees a daylight disc UFO in a clear blue sky in northern China. 1926 Nikolai Bukharin becomes president of the Communist International (Comintern). 1926 Pope Pius XI bans Roman Catholic participation in the Action Francaise movement, a radical right-wing political movement active in France from 1899 to 1944. (Founded by Charles Maurras (18681952), it espoused royalism, authoritarianism, nationalism, and antisemitism. Through its newspaper, "L'Action Francaise," and its student groups, called Camelots du Roi, the movement attacked the democratic institutions of the Third Republic. 1926 Prescott Bush joins W.A. Harriman & Co as vice-president. George Herbert Walker would join Harriman in 1928 and later finances the building of Madison Square Garden in New York. Walker's son, George H. Walker, Jr., would become chairman of Walker-Bush Oil Corporation and Zapata Petroleum (owned by George H.W. Bush). Tsarion 1926 RCA under Sarnoff evades charges of monopoly by establishing special licensing arrangements with other companies. National Broadcasting Company and the Victor Recording Company are created as subsidiaries of RCA. 1926 Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-propellant rocket. 1926 September 10 Germany enters the League of Nations. (Eyes) 1926 September 8 Germany is admitted to the League of Nations and given a permanent seat on the Council. 1926 September General Ludendorff marries Mathilde von Kemnitz and she soon begins spearheading the Ludendorff movement. 1926 Suicide of synchronicity researcher, biologist and freemason Paul Krammerer. 1926 Tesla has radio towers erected at the Waldorf in New York. Claims to get signals from space. Tsarion 1926 The German Steel Trust, Germany's largest industrial corporation, is organized by Wall Street banker Clarence Dillion. In return for putting up $70 million, Fritz Thyssen, the majority owner, gives the Dillion Read Company two representatives on the board.

905 1926, 5.000. 1926, , , , . 1926, , . 1926: the so-called "National Revolution" in Portugal initiates a period known as the "National Dictatorship" 1926-1929: the Cristero War in Mexico, an uprising against anticlerical government policy 1927-1931: Kurdish Rebellion against Turkey. 1927-1933: rebellion led by Augusto Csar Sandino against the United States presence in Nicaragua 1927 -- Rise of the CFR due to Rockefeller and other foundation funding. The Crystal Skull discovered in ruins of Lubaantun in British Honduras. - 1927 Anna Le Guillon Mitchell-Hedges discovers the Crystal Skull in the ruins of Lubaantun in British Honduras. 1927 April 7 The first successful long-distance demonstration of television broadcasts an image of U.S. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover. 1927 August 21 Twenty thousand Storm Troopers attend the Congress of the National Socialist Party in Nuremberg. 1927 August Standard Oil agrees to embark on a cooperative program of research and development with I.G. Farben to improve the quality and quantity of gasoline produced from German coal by the hydrogenation process, which had been discovered by a German scientist in 1909, but never fully developed. Germany had no native gasoline production capabilities and this was said to be one of the main reasons it lost World War I. (Borkin) 1927 August--Artist, philosopher, and explorer Nicholas Roerich and other members of his expedition saw a huge, shiny, oval-shaped object, one side of it glistening in the sun, high over the Altai-Himalaya. They watched through field glasses as it flew south at a great speed and then changed direction, before disappearing in the intense blue sky. A Buddhist lama said that the object was a sign of the protecting force of Shambhala, a legendary spiritual kingdom referred to in eastern traditions. 1927 Austrian psychiatrist Menfred Sakel develops insulin shock (insulin coma treatment, ICT). Patients are overdosed with insulin, which induces a coma. By 1937, all neuropsychiatric hospitals in Germany would use ICT. Tsarion

906 1927 British government appoints a committee to inquire into vaccine lymph, as it is noticed that the glycerinated calf lymph used in vaccinations causes deaths from sleepy sickness. Two London professors bring notice of the problem to the government in 1922. It takes 5 years before the government responds. Tsarion 1927 Brookings Institution incorporated by Frederic Delano (FDR's uncle), Harold Moulton, and Leo Rowe. Delano was one of the original members of the Federal Reserve Board. Tsarion 1927 Conference at the Hague, under the auspices of the League of Nations, on the subject of vaccination- caused deaths in Europe. Tsarion 1927 December 20 Rudolf Hess marries Ilse Prohl (Proehl) after a seven-year relationship. (Missing Years) 1927 December 31 The priory of Staufen at Dietfurt near Sigmaringen is formally consecrated by the Swabian ONT. Rituals are performed in a grotto chapel beneath the old fort, under the priorate of Count Hochberg, until the end of the 1930s. (Roots) 1927 Diphtheria vaccinations injure 37 and kill 5 people in China. Tsarion 1927 February 1 Count Franz Friedrich von Hochberg writes a letter to Johann Walthari Wolfl which he publishes in the first issue of the new Ostara series. (Roots) 1927 February 11 Hitler and Goebbels speak at Pharus Hall in Berlin. 1927 February Johann Walthari Wolfl, Prior of Werfenstein, begins the publication the third Ostara series with an introductory issue by himself. Between 1927 and 1931, most of a hundred projected issues are published with illustrated covers in a more luxurious format than before the war. (Roots) 1927-34 - . 1927 Four percent of U.S. banks fail. Tsarion 1927 Four synagogues are wrecked during anti-Jewish riots at Oradea in Romania. Prayer houses are plundered at Jassy, Targu Ocna and Cluj. (Atlas) 1927 German filmmaker Fritz Lang directs the futuristic film Metropolis. 1927 Henry Moray files a sworn certificate on Nov. 14, 1927, describing a germanium compound using the words pure germanium. Tsarion 1927 John Foster Dulles director of GAF Company (American I.G.) until 1934. Tsarion 1927 John Watson has achieved an experimental basis for the behaviorist school of psychology with his experiments in molding the

907 infant mind. Using external stimuli combined with positive and negative reinforcement, Watson perfected a mechanistic method of mind control based on fear. Developments would wait for the introduction of operant conditioning by B.F. Skinner, whose first guinea pig was his own daughterwho would later commit suicide at the age of 21. Tsarion 1927 July 20 King Ferdinand of Romania dies and Prince Michael is proclaimed as King. 1927 July Goebbel's newspaper Der Angriff (The Attack) is first published in Berlin. 1927 June 24 The Legion of the Archangel Michael is founded in Romania. 1927 June 30 Henry Ford writes a letter to Louis Marshall, chairman of the American Jewish Committee, in which he repudiates The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a forgery, claiming to have been duped by his assistants. Ford also promises to cease publishing negative articles about the Jews in the Detroit Independent and to withdraw his book, The International Jew, from circulation. (Note, Antisemites claimed that Ford's life had been threatened, and that Ford's apology only showed how powerful the Jews in America really were.) 1927 Lev Kamenev loses his offices and is expelled from the party. He will later be readmitted, and expelled twice again. 1927 Long-distance echoes of radio signals noticed. 1927 March Joseph Berchtold resigns as head of the SS, and his deputy, Erhard Heiden, takes over its leadership. Heiden decides that since the number of SS members is limited to only 10% of the SA, there is no way they can outshout them. He therefore issues an order stating, "The SS will never take part at meetings. SS men will attend discussions for the purpose of instruction only. The SS man and SS commander will remain silent and never become involved in matters concerning party or SA members which do not concern him." Under Heiden, the SS soon adopts the slogan, "The aristocracy keeps its mouth shut." This unique attitude puzzles both the Nazi Party bosses and the SA leaders and establishes a mysterious aura around the SS that will remain intact throughout the years of the Third Reich. (Secrets) 1927 May 21 Charles Lindbergh flies solo nonstop from New York to Paris in 33.5 hours. 1927 May 26 Diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Russia are temporarily disrupted because of friction caused by Communist agitation, a clear violation of treaty agreements. 1927 November 30 A Soviet delegation arrives in Geneva to take part in the deliberations of the preparatory commission on disarmament. 1927 November 8 The ONT presbytery of Hertesburg is consecrated in a new wooden church built on the site of the ancient

908 earthwork near Prerow on the Baltic Sea coast. This circle continues to be lead by Georg Hauerstein, Jr., who writes that its foundation is related to medieval Templar lore, as well as the mythical sunken city of RethaVineta, supposedly the cradle of the "ario-heroic" race. (Hauerstein; Roots) 1927 Oliver Wendell Holmes writes the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case Buck v. Bell. In the case, a psychiatric inmate, Carrie Buck, was chosen for sterilization after having a child because she was deemed feeble-minded; Oliver Wendell Holmes writes, It is better if society can prevent our being swamped with incompetence, it is better to prevent those who are manifestly unfit from breeding their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting of the fallopian tubes... three generations of imbeciles is enough. They then sterilized Carrie Buck. The crux of the matter is that Carrie Buck was not retarded, but just a little slow, based on environmental conditions. Her child grew to be an honor student. Tsarion 1927 Pavlov wins the Nobel Prize for his discovery of a process of organism conditioning through external stimuli in a precisely controlled external environment. Western and European science focus on the conditioning stimuli. Soviet scientists focus on the aspect of external environment. Both aspects would later blend in an overall mind control paradigm in the latter 20th century. Heavy research would be conducted in Germany, which later contributed to development of a mind control infrastructure in the U.S. based on a mechanistically-based synthetic environment tied to body consciousness, temporal structure, drugs, and electronics. Soviet contributions would add to the molding of the underlying psychological substructure. China would also adopt the paradigm as a basis for control of their vast population of 1 billion. Tsarion 1927 Rise of Council on Foreign Relations in power due to Rockefeller and other foundation funding. 1927 Rockefellers begin to pour money into the CFR. Tsarion 1927 Smallpox in England dwindles almost to the vanishing point. Fatality of the unvaccinated cases is less than half of the vaccinated cases. Tsarion 1927 Standard Oil agrees to cooperative program to develop hydrogenation. Tsarion 1927 Television is first publicly broadcast in Great Britain. 1927 The Iron Guard fascist organization is founded in Romania. 1927 The KWG founds a KWI of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics in Berlin-Dahlem and nominates Professor E. Fischer as its director. (Science)

909 1927 Trotsky is stripped of all posts and expelled from the Communist Party. 1927 US Automaker Henry Ford, Jr. issues an apology (which is later claimed to have not come from Ford himself) to Jews concerning his previous "Anti Semitic" claims, after years of political and financial pressure directed at Ford from both Jewish and non Jewish groups. Again Punished for his truth telling. 1927 While flying near Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA, pilot Barney Oldfield finds his biplane flanked by "flying manhole covers." 1927, . 1927, , ' 1917-18 , [ 1925]. 1927, , , . 1927: oil fields are discovered near Karkuk in Iraq and king Faysal grants oil rights to the British 1928 -- Nomination of Catholic Al Smith sparks last spurt of growth for the KKK. Soviet produced film shows conditioned reflex experiments on humans. - 1928 A Nootka Indian, Muchalot Harry, is captured by a group of about 20 humanoids on Vancouver Island. 1928 A. Blayney Percival recounted how he found a set of odd tracks--tracks which the Kitui Wakama natives assured him were left by a nocturnal creature which flew down from Mt. Kenya. 1928 Alfred Smith runs for president. His closest advisors are Abram Elkus, Joseph Proskauer, and Belle Moskowitz. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lieutenant Governor Herbert Lehman significantly enlarge on Smith's liberal welfare policies. Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jesse Straus and Laurence Steinhardt help raise the money and select the delegates who will ensure Roosevelt's victory in 932. 1928 Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly in an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean, west to east. 1928 American Eugenics Society sponsors essay contest on causes of decline in Nordic fertility. Tsarion 1928 April 13 Frank Kellogg, U.S. Secretary of State, prepares a plan to outlaw war as an instrument of national policy. (Freedman) 1928 April 13 Hitler attempts to "clarify" the NSDAP program.

910 1928 April 21 Aristide Bertrand, for the French government, outlines his proposal for the renunciation of war. 1928 August 27 The Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact is signed in Paris. Its signatories renounces aggressive war, and war as an instrument of national policy, but no sanctions are provided for violations. 1928 Brown discovers electrogravity. Tsarion 1928 Cases of post-vaccination encephalitis force creation of two Committees of Investigation in Britain. Tsarion 1928 Chiang Kai-shek captures Peking and the Kuomin-tang government is established in China. 1928 December 28 Theodor Eicke joins the Nazi party and enlists in the SA. Eicke works as a security guard for I.G. Farben. 1928 December Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, a German, Catholic priest and former professor of canon law at Trier, is elected Chairman of the Catholic Center Party. 1928. Marcus Eli Ravage " . . ' . , . , . , . , -"" - , , , , , . , , - . , , , - , , . . . , . - , , . , , , . : . , . , . -

911 - . . , . . , , , . , . , - - Dearborn Independent . . , , , ! ! ' . , . . . , , . , ! , . . . ; , , , . . . , , . , ,

912 , ; , . . . . . , ' , ; , ; , , ; . . . . , , . , . . . . . , , , . , , . . . , . . , . , , . . .

913 , . . , , , . , , . , , . , , . . . , () , . . . , , , . . (). , . , . . - . , , . . ; . , , . - . , . . . ,

914 . - . . , , , , , . , , , - , . , , . , . , -, . , . , . . . . , . , , , . , , . - , . , . . . ,

915 . Dayton, Tennessee, , . Mr.Bryan, - Ku Klux Klan , , . , . , ! ; . , , . , , , . , . . , ' , . , , . , . , . , , . , . . . . ; ' . . .

916 . . , . , , - , - - : , , ". 1928 Development of the discovery of the EEG machine and brain waves. Tsarion 1928 Edward L.Bernays, nephew to Sigmund Freud, writes the book Propaganda, in which he explains the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and how it is manipulated by those who wish to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. Says Bernays, those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, largely by men we have never heard of. Bernays represents another connection to Germany. Tsarion 1928 Federal Reserve withdraws $80 billion from the U.S. Government. Tsarion 1928 Fleming discovers penicillin. Tsarion 1928 Harriman and Company becomes the chief organizer of a huge engineering program that will modernize Soviet heavy Industry. Harriman furnishes securities for all the Soviet purchases in the United States and collects generous commissions for his services. 1928 Henry Ford merges assets with I.G. Farben. Tsarion, (his German assets with those of I.G. Farben. Sutton) 1928 Huey P. Long becomes governor of Louisiana. 1928 In Ghana, a creature known as a Sasabonsam was killed a man named Agya Wuo. The Sasabonsam was a man-faced creature with a beard and small horns. It had two short, stubby arms which were raised to display bat-like wings under them, an emaciated body, and short, twisted legs with toed feet. Although the creature is most likely a creation of mythmakers, some have wondered if it could have been some type of gigantic bat. The one that was killed had been a little over 5 feet tall, with a wingspan of almost 20 feet. Its teeth and arms were quite long, it was spotted black and white, and it had scaly ridges over the eyes. Agya Wuo said he had found it sleeping in a tree, and that it made a somewhat batlike cry. The body had been taken to the home of the District

917 Commissioner, L.W. Wood, who on February 22, 1928, photographed the carcass. 1928 LATOMIA, Dr. Randolph Klein: "Our rite is Jewish from beginning to end; the public should conclude from this that we have actual connections with Jewry." Rabbi Isaac Wise, in THE ISRAELITE OF AMERICA, "Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end." Bernard Lazare in L'ANTI-SEMITISM: "It is certain that there were Jews around the cradle of European Freemasonry; certain rites prove that they were cabalistic Jews." 1928 Japan begins experimental production of mustard gas at Tandanoumi Arsenal. Tsarion 1928 REVUE DE PARIS, 6/1/28, page 574, A letter from the Jew Baruch Levi to Karl Marx: "The Jewish people, considered as a whole, will itself be the Messiah. its sovereignty over the world will be reached by the unification (integra tion) of other human races, the elimination of frontiers and monarchies, which are the ramparts of particularism and by means of the institution of a world republic which will grant everywhere civil right TO THE JEWS." There have been many claims made that FREEMASONRY comes from a Jewish origin. Since I do not have time to get into a long discussion of this at this time, I will give some quotations from well known Jewish and Masonic leaders. You make your own determination! Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister of England in his book THE LIFE OF LORD GEORGE BENTWICK: "At the head of ALL those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are found." 1928 John D. Rockefeller interlocks his empire with I.G. Farben in Germany. Tsarion 1928 Joseph Goebbels is elected to the Reichstag as a deputy for Berlin. 1928 Leon Trotsky is condemned to internal exile. 1928 May 20 General elections in Germany give the Nazi Party 3 percent of the vote. (Eyes) 1928 Moray shows his device to Harvey Fletcher and Carl Eyring of Bell Labs. The division of Bell Labs headed by Fletcher would then come out with the transistor in 1948. Tsarion 1928 Most U.S. corporations have no debt at all. Tsarion 1928 November 25 Communist demonstrations break out in Bucharest. 1928 November 6 Herbert Hoover is elected President of the U.S. with 21,392,190 votes to Al Smith's 15,016,443. 1928 October 1 The first Five Year Plan for economic reform begins in the Soviet Union.

918 1928 Over $50 billion is invested in Tesla's 19th century induction motors and systems of power transmission around the world. Tsarion 1928 Pope Pius XI dissolves the missionary society "The Friends of Israel" (Amici Israel), and issues a condemnation of antisemitism. (Lewy) 1928 September 6 The Soviet Union concurs with the KelloggBriand Pact. 1928 Stalin, who has driven the leftist opposition from most party posts, now, whether for political or economic reasons, adopts a number of leftist programs such as agricultural collectivization and rapidindustrialization. He then smashes the party's right, led by the popular Nikolai Bukharin, for opposing measures that he himself had recently attacked. 1928 Standard Oil begins operations in the Middle East. Tsarion 1928 Summer ONT meetings at the priory of Marienkamp in Hungary record the investitures of Georg Hauerstein, Jr. and Friedrich Schwickert, an astrologer and onetime List Society member, as Presbyters. (Roots) 1928 T. Townsend Brown discovers electrogravitic capacitance effect. 1928 The 1928 United States Army Training Manual defines Democracy as A government of the masses. Results in communistic attitude toward property, negating property rights. The will of the majority regulates without restraint or regard to consequence. Results in anarchy. In effect, this progresses quickly into an oligarchy, where a minority controls the majority. Only a Republic protects both majority and minority. Tsarion 1928 Third International Congress of Eugenics. At the conference, a Dr. Robie calls for the sterilization of 14 million Americans with low IQ scores. Tsarion 1928 ; ( , , , ) , , , . . . , , . . : . ,

919 . , 1928 . : , 1924-35: , . , 1988, . , . 223-235. : , 1922, , , ( ), , , . . 40, , . . 1928, author Herbert Sass was boating in the Goose Creek Lagoon north of Charleston, South Carolina. Seeing something moving under the water, he used an oar to fish it out - and found a thick-bodied creature which was a pinkish-red color, with a smooth tail and two short legs. The creature dove back into the water. 1928, 1934. 1928, , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 7 . 1928: Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin, the first antibiotic 1928: universal female suffrage 1929 -- CFR moves to Harold Pratt Building on 68th Street. Great Depression begins. Quisling's About the Matter That Inhabited Worlds Outside Ours and the Significance Caused by It to Our Philosophy of Life published. - 1929 Admiral Byrd conducts expeditions to both poles. Discovers new areas. Tsarion 1929 August 6-13 The Hague conference on the Young Plan. German acceptance of this plan leads to the evacuation of the Rhineland by French troops. 1929 August 7 The"Volkischer Beobachter," no. 181, reports that during the annual Party gathering at Nuremberg Hitler had held up the ancient Spartan policy of selective infanticide as an archetype (a model) for Germany. "If Germany every year would have one million children," Hitler said, "and would eliminate 700 -800,000 of the weakest, the end result would probably be an increase in (national) strength."

920 1929 August The German luxury liners Bremen and Europa are launched in Bremerhaven and Hamburg. They are the largest and fastest ships of their kind in the world. 1929 August, Arab Riots and Massacres in Hebron, Jerusalem, Safed, Haifa, Motza and elsewhere. The Jews had set up a dividing screen at the Wailing Wall in Yom Kippur of 1928 to separate men and women worshippers, prompting rumors that the Jews wanted to build a synagogue at wall, which were spread deliberately by Hajj Amin El Husseini. 1929 Bukharin, who had opposed Stalin's forced collectivization of agriculture, thereby becoming the leader of the so-called Right Opposition, is deprived of all his posts. 1929 Consumption of refined sugar in Sweden 120 pounds per person annually. Tsarion 1929 De Beers diamond company reorganized by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer. Tsarion 1929 December 2 Dr. C. B. Davenport asks Professor Fischer to become chairman of the committee on racial crosses of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations. (Science) 1929 December 3 President in his annual address to Congress declares that confidence in America's business has been reestablished. The events of the following decade will do nothing to justify this statement. (Schlesinger I) 1929 December Heinrich Bruening, a financial expert supported by Monsignor Kaas, becomes leader of the Catholic Center Party, and its right-wing members assume control. 1929 Dr. Wileys book The History of a Crime Against the Food Law published, detailing the subversion of the food purity laws and government corruption; all the books produced are mysteriously bought up, and no copies can be found. Wiley's Bureau of Chemistry is dismantled and replaced by the Food Drug and Insecticide Administration, precursor of the FDA. All lists of dubious compounds in food were declared Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Tsarion 1929 Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli becomes a cardinal of the Catholic Church. 1929 February 11 The Lateran Treaty is signed by Benito Mussolin for the Italian government and Cardinal Pietro Gasparri for the papacy. It settles the vexatious question of the relationship between the Holy See and Italy. The papacy accepts the loss of the Papal States, while Italy recognizes the Vatican City as an independent state. A financial settlement is also involved.

921 1929 February 9 The Litvinov Protocol is signed in Moscow by Soviet Russia, Poland, Romania, Latvia and Estonia. It gives immediate validity to the Kellogg-Briand Pact between these five countries. 1929 Fourth Psychotherapeutic Congress in Germany. Matthias Gring indicates his philosophical problems with Freud and his influence in the psychiatric profession. Gring maintains that Jews could not be helped psychologically because of the racial difference. Tsarion 1929 From 1929 to 1935, the regime of Joseph Stalin would be responsible for the murder of 42,672,000 people. Tsarion 1929 Himmler put in charge of the SS. Tsarion 1929 I.G. Farben concluded limited cartel agreements with Dupont Chemical in U.S. Tsarion 1929 I.G. Farben, Standard Oil, and Shell Oil consummated agreement. Tsarion 1929 January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr., American civil rights leader, is born in Atlanta. His father, Martin, Sr., is the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. 1929 January 19 A U.S. committee headed by Owen D. Young is appointed to review the war reparations problem. 1929 January 20 The Soviet OGPU (General Political Administration) orders that Trotsky be deported to the Turkish island of Prinkipo, once used by the Byzantine emperors to exile their opponents. He will live in Turkey (1929-33), France (1933-35), Norway (1935-36), and Mexico (1936-40). 1929 January 6 Alexander I abolishes his country's constitution and institutes absolute rule. He then changes his title and calls himself king of Yugoslavia. 1929 January 6 Hitler appoints Heinrich Himmler to replace Erhard Heiden as head of the SS. The organization has fewer than 300 members and an independent SS leader, Kurt Deluege, in Berlin. (Secrets; The SS, Time-Life) 1929 Jews and Arabs clash at Jerusalem's Wailing Wall. In Hebron, Arabs kill 67 Jews and begin driving Jewish families ot of the city and surrounding areas. 1929 Joseph Goebbels is appointed Reich Propaganda Leader of the Nazi Party. 1929 Judge Crater disappears. 1929 June 7 The Young Plan is signed in Paris and soon afterward the Nazi finances quickly begin to improve. 1929 King Alexander institutes absolute rule in troubled Yugoslavia.

922 1929 Lazar Kraganovich becomes First Secretary of the Moscow Party Committee and a full member of the Politburo of the All-Union Communist Party. 1929 March 4 Hebert Hoover is inaugurated U.S. President. 1929 May 30 The Labour Party wins the British general elections, with Ramsey MacDonald becoming Prime Minister. 1929 Montagu Norman, head of the Bank of England, arrives in Washington to confer with Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury. The Fed raises the discount rate. New York financiers call in loans. Tsarion 1929 November 13 By this day, some $30,000,000,000 in value of listed stocks have been wiped out in the New York Stock Exchange. 1929 November 21 President Hoover, in an attempt to reassure the nation, meets with representatives of big business and trade unions in two separate confidential sessions at the White House. (Schlesinger I) 1929 November 9 I.G. Farben and Standard Oil sign a cartel agreement that has two objectives, (1) The cartel agreement granted Standard Oil one-half of all rights to the hydrogenation process (producing gasoline from coal, developed by Farben) in all countries except Germany. (2) Standard and Farben agreed "never to compete with each other in the fields of chemistry and petroleum products. In the future, if Standard Oil wished to enter the broad field of industrial chemicals or drugs, it would do so only as a partner of Farben. Farben in turn, agreed never to enter the field of petroleum except as a joint venture with Standard." (Griffin) 1929 October 22 The president of New York's National City Bank states, " I know of nothing fundamentally wrong with the stock market or with the underlying business and credit structure." Nevertheless, there have been heavy withdrawals of capital from America after the Bank of England raised its interest to 6.5 percent. (Schlesinger I) 1929 October 23 After a steady decline in stock market prices since the peak in September, the New York Stock Exchange begins to show signs of panic. 1929 October 24 "Black Thursday" -- the New York Stock Exchange crashes, quickly setting off a worldwide economic depression. Investors who had been "buying stock on margin," (generally 10%) were devastated when their "24-hour broker call loans " were all called in at the same time. This meant that the stock brokers and their customers had to dump their stocks in order to pay off their loans. When all the sellers offered their stock at the same time, prices plummeted. 1929 October 24 Winston Churchill is personally brought to the New York Stock Exchange by Bernard Baruch. Some conspiracyoriented historians are convinced that Churchill was brought to witness

923 the crash firsthand because it was desired that he see the power of the banking system at work. (Galbraith) 1929 October 29 "Black Tuesday" -- the avalanche of selling crushes the stock market. This is the most catastrophic day in the market's history and becomes the forerunner of the Great Depression. Although it is well known that thousands of stockholders were forced to sell their stock, it is usually not questioned as to who actually bought-up all of the stock being sold at bargain prices. 1929 October 3 Gustav Stresemann dies in Germany. 1929 October 7 Gheorghe Buzdugan, the most important personality in the Romanian Regency, dies. 1929 Royal Bank of Canada gives Venezuelan Diego Cisneros his start on a financial empire involved with drug trafficking that would be worth over $3.3 billion in 1992. Cisneros has close associations with Rockefeller family, was a partner in a Florida finance corporation associated with drug and gun running. (See 1980). Is the Cisneros on the Clinton cabinet a relative? Tsarion 1929 Secretary of State Stimson abolishes State Department codebreaking office. Tsarion 1929 September 27-28 The International Congress of Eugenics is held in Rome. Dr. C. B. Davenport, an American and president of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations, sends Mussolini a memorandum, written by Professor Fischer (Berlin), on the importance of eugenics, "Maximum speed is necessary; the danger is enormous." (Science) 1929 September 28 - November 1 Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald visits the United States and Canada. 1929 September Hitler moves into an elegant, luxury apartment on Munich's Prinzregentenplatz. 1929 September The New York Stock Exchange peaks at 216, the climax of a three-year "bull" market. 1929 Spring Ernst (Teddy) Thalmann, leader of the Communist Party, provokes a series of riots in Berlin's working-class districts. 1929 Standard Oil gains 1/2 rights to hydrogenation process in world except Germany. Tsarion 1929 The Fascist control of the Vatican hierarchy is complete. Tsarion 1929 The Nazi Party obtains rights to Gottfried zur Beek's translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Segel/Levy) 1929 The Workers Party of America is renamed and becomes the Communist Party of the United States. 1929 U.S. Stock market crash, crippling the U.S. ability to interfere with coming events in Germany. Tsarion

924 1929 US Senator Smith Brookhart says publicly that Hollywood is, already, controlled by "bunches of Jews." 1929 William (Bill) Donovan organizes the law firm of Donovan, Leisure, Newton and Irvine on Wall Street. The firm defends AT&T in a government anti-trust lawsuit. Tsarion 1929, , , , Un mois avec les hommes ( ), , : , . , , , , , ; ;. 1929 . Wall Street, . 1929, 34 , . 40 , 82, 49, 75 54 54 . 1929, . 1929, . . 1929, , "... , . ( ) , ", , 1929, . 428. 1929: Edwin Hubble discovers that galaxies recede from one another and that the universe is expanding in all directions 1929: the world's stock markets crash 1930 The Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers, (1930-1933) 7 million starved to death. 1930 -- Pavlov begins applying knowledge of conditioned reflex to human psychosis. - 1930s - American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith support Hitler. "In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish

925 Committee, coordinated with the familys Bnai Brith, and the familys {New York Times}, to crush all U.S. political action against Adolf Hitler in Germany. The Bnai Brith was the one Jewish organization that Hitler deliberately {left open }and functioning under Nazi rule from 1933 on. In 1939, Britain made a dramatic change in its policy toward Hitler-after teaching Hitler his race theories, after forcefully backing his takeover of Germany, after financing and equipping his armies, Britain now changed publicly to opposing Hitler. Only at that point, in 1939, about a year after Hitler finally closed Bnai Briths Nazi-authorized German operations, Bnai Brith decided to 'approve' an international boycott against the Nazi regime..." 1930 "Radio Priest" Father Coughlin begins his radio show. At first, he mentions only Communism, then later, Jewish involvement in Communism. Jews predictably try to silence him. 1930 Alfred Rosenberg publishes The Myth of the Twentieth Century, calling for the doing away with of the "Jewish" Old Testament, purging the New Testament of its "obviously distorted and superstitious reports," and for the creation of a German Church anchored not in abstract dogma and denomination, but in the forces of blood, race and soil. 1930 American astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh discovers the planet Pluto. 1930 August 10 Rudolf Hess circles his M-23 Messerschmitt (painted with a black swastika) over a leftist meeting in Munich, drowning out the speakers. (Missing Years) 1930 August 23 Rudolf Gorsleben dies and Werner von Bulow takes over the Edda Society's periodical, soon renaming it Hagal All All Hagal, and later simply Hagal. (Roots) 1930 Australia. Small humanoid alien shows up at a farm in Mandurah, W.A., asking for water. Shot to death by terrified farmer. 1930 Baron Werner Von Braun moves freely back and forth between Nazi facilities and space facilities in southwestern U.S. Tsarion 1930 British engineer Frank Whittle patents a gas turbine engine for jet aircraft. 1930 Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930's the Communist Party had 1100 members join the Catholic Priesthood. They became Bishops, Cardinals and possibly Popes. 1930 Carol II is proclaimed king of Romania. 1930s the Jesuits, with Boeing Aircraft, would build thousands of long-range bombers, B-17s and B-29s, financed by their national bank in whose hands all credit had been centralized after the Great Depression. With these aircraft they would bomb the civilian populations of Germany and Japan into submission to the dictates of Washington, controlled by

926 the Jesuit General in Rome. ( !;) 1930 December 12 Allied troops evacuate the Saar region of Germany. 1930 December 14 A Catholic priest, Dr. Philipp Haeuser, delivers the principal address at the Christmas celebration of the Nazi party of Augsburg. 1930 December 31 Germania, the daily newspaper of the Catholic Center Party, features an article saying of the Nazis, "Here we are no longer dealing with political questions but with a religious delusion which has to be fought with all possible vigor." (Lewy) 1930 December Dr. Hjalmar Schacht meets Hermann Goering at a dinner party, takes a liking to him, and agrees to meet with Hitler in January. (Children) 1930 December Theodor Eicke joins the SS (member No. 2921). 1930 Diptheria vaccinations injure 32 and kill 16 in Columbia. Tsarion 1930 Ernst Roehm returns to Germany from Bolivia after a five year absence and begins reorganizing the SA. 1930 . ' . 1930: , ' , . , , . 1942 . 1930 , , . 1930 ( , 24-9-1938). , . . , . ! . , ,

927 . , , , , , . . . . . , , . ! 1930 Ernst Rudin, professor of psychiatry at Munich and director of the Dept.of Heredity at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute visits the U.S. and was praised by the leaders of the Carnegie Foundation. Rudin, later architect of Nazi Germany sterilization law, was financially supported by a large Rockefeller grant. Tsarion 1930 Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli becomes Papal Secretary of State under Pope Pius XI. 1930 February 23 Horst Wessel, Professor Horbiger's right-hand man, is killed by Communists and is soon transformed into yet another Nazi martyr. Nazi opponents claim he was nothing more than a "pimp" and a scoundrel. (Pauwels) 1930 February 6 Mussolini signs a treaty of friendship with Austria. 1930 From 1930 on, Henrich Himmler busies himself with a number of projects designed to express the moral purpose and ideological mission of the SS. 1930 Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch publishes a book entitled Doktor Steiner -- ein Schwindler wie keiner, reviling Rudolf Steiner and the Anthroposophy movement as another agent of the Jewish world conspiracy. 1930 Haile Selassie is declared emperor of Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1930 Henry Coanda begins work on lenticular gravity craft designs. Tsarion 1930 Huey P. Long is elected to the U.S. Senate. Long will not resign as governor of Louisiana until his handpicked successor, Oscar (O.K.) Allen, is chosen to replace him in 1932. 1930 In the 1930's General Smedley Butler was recruited to help take over the White House. He was told that he was needed because of his general popularity with the military. General Butler blew the whistle and named several prominent Americans as part of the plot. At the top of

928 the list was John J. Raskob, who was a founding member of the U.S. branch of the Knights of Malta. He was board chairman of General Motors. He was, at he time, the U.S. Treasurer of the Knights of Malta. Congressional hearings were held to investigate the plot, but none of those named, including Raskob, was ever called to testify and nothing ever came of the hearings. Although you will find this in the Congressional records, you will never find it in any history book anywhere. 1930 ITT begins to invest in Nazi pre-war economy. Tsarion 1930: Brazilian Revolution of 1930 led by Getlio Vargas 1930 January 21 - April 1 The London Naval Conference of 1930 extends the Washington agreement to cruisers and destroyers, and regulates submarine warfare. Britain, Japan, and the United States also accept a treaty limiting the size of battleships. (The Japanese will abrogate these treaties in 1934) 1930 January 28 Primo de Rivera, the strong man of Spain, resigns. 1930 Japan tests chemical warfare weapons on Formosa. Tsarion 1930 June 10 The Simon report on India becomes a landmark on India's road to independence, but is condemned by Gandhi as tardy and inadequate. 1930 June 17 President Hoover signs the Smoot-Hawley tariff act despite the protests of one thousand American economists that it will produce a dangerous experiment in economic nationalism. 1930 Max Theiler develops a yellow fever vaccine. Tsarion 1930 May 18 Local Storm troopers (SA) attend religious services at the Cathedral of Regensburg, bringing with them their flags and banners. 1930 Mysterious explosions are heard near Charleston, SC. 1930 Nazi party in Germany begins its meteoric rise to power. Tsarion 1930 November 6 - December 9 The Preparatory Commission on disarmament holds its final meetings. 1930 November 9 The Gauleiter (regional party leader) of the state of Hesse seeks permission to lay wreaths on this date at the graves of German soldiers killed in WWI and buried in Catholic cemeteries. His request is denied by the Church on the ground that political parties whose ultimate outlook on life conflicts with Church doctrine can not be allowed to hold such ceremonies on Catholic soil. (Lewy) 1930 November Bishop Schreiber of Berlin indicates that Catholics are not forbidden to become members of the Nazi party. 1930 One of the best recorded examples of strange phenomena concerning car crashes, occurred directly after the construction of a new

929 motorway section in Germany in 1930. The section was a completely straight area of flat roadway, on the side of which was a small stone kilometer marker known as kilometer marker 239. During the first 12 months of the roadway's existence, over 100 cars crashed on the carriageway near the jinxed marker. An extreme example of this occurred on a very clear dry day in September 1930, when a total of 9 separate cars left the road right next to the accursed marker. It was only after the stone marker had been completely removed from the ground, and the area sprinkled with holy water did the accidents stop. 1930 Pavlov begins applying knowledge of conditioned reflex to human psychosis. 1930 September 14 The Nazis become Germany's second largest party. 107 National Socialist deputies are elected to the Reichstag (20% of the vote). Social Democrats remain the largest party in the Reichstag. 1930 Standard Oil announces it has an alcohol monopoly in Germany. Tsarion 1930 The city of Constantinople is renamed Istanbul. 1930 The Cult of Our Lady of Fatima is authorized by the Catholic Church. 1930 The National Socialist Minister of the Interior of the government of the Land of Thuringia invites "race-investigator" H. F.K. Gunther to a chair of social anthropology at the University of Jena, against the wishes of the faculty. Professor Lenz comments, "We are happy about the appointment itself, despite our reservations about the way in which it was made." (Science) 1930 The supposed reappearance of St. Germain. Tsarion 1930 Three young fishermen see a large creature in Loch Ness. 1930 William Wirt, who pioneered Carnegie's German Wundt school system in Gary, Indiana, and tried it in New York, is committed to an insane asylum in Washington, D.C., where he died in 1932. Wirt was committed because he began to make public speeches saying that he had been part of a worldwide conspiracy to bring about a controlled state in the hands of certain peoplethe same people, no doubt, who committed him. Tsarion 1930 : the secret police NKVD was one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions. Jews directed the Gulag in the worst period of the Soviet terror (1930-1938) that claimed millions of lives. Stalin was a disposable facade behind Khazar Jew: his deputy in the Communist party, Kaganovich, and his cousin Beria, the head of the secret service. Kaganovich ordered the destruction of the majestic Church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow (NYT 26.9.1995), and the 1932-1933 genocide by starvation of 5 million people in Ukraine. The systematic destruction of Russias (and later Eastern Europes Christians) by the

930 Bolshevik terror killed 600 bishops, 40,000 priests, 120,000 monks and nuns, and millions of lay people in five decades after 1918. In 1918 1938, the number of churches in the USSR dwindled from 54,000 to under 500. 1930 [= ] 19 1930 82 , 18 , 27 , 42. 1930 " " Anton Szandor LaVey 1930 68 . . 1930, 5 , 5 ' . 1930, 33 . 1930, . 1930, , " ". 1930, . 1930, , Rosicrutian Digest , " , ". 1930: Britain, Japan, France, Italy and the USA sign the London Naval Treaty, an agreement to reduce naval warfare 1930: Gandhi unleashes "civil disobedience" against the British 1930s -- Mafia becomes integral part of the U.S. organized crime. Continuing political assassinations accompany Nazi rise to power. - 1930: The poet Mayakovsky commits suicide 1931, there were under the wings of the Grand Lodge 24 lodges in Yugoslavia. The freemason Josip Broz Tito did not ban freemasonry in communist Yugoslavia, as the freemason Castro also failed to do in Cuba. 1931: the Soviet government destroys the Christ the Savior Cathedral 1931 Fort's Lo! published. -

931 1931 "The Star-Spangled Banner" becomes the national anthem of the United States. 1931 April 22 Averell Harriman meets in Berlin with both Friedrich Flick and Wilhelm Cuno, chief executive of the HamburgAmerika Line and a close Warburg associate. 1931 April Johann Warthari Wolfl, Lanz von Liebenfels' long-time follower, begins publishing Ostara-Rundschau (Panarische Revue) based on the concept of "Pan-Aryan" cooperation between the right-wing radical groups of the world. It included the addresses of the "Volkischer Beobachter" in Munich, as well as racist and patriotic associations in Italy, France, Great Britain and the United States. (Roots) 1931 August 24 The Labour government in London resigns because of the gathering financial crisis. 1931 August 25 - October 27 A national coalition government is formed in Britain. The bulk of the Labour party does not follow MacDonald into the coalition government but he remains as Prime Minister. 1931 August 3-5 The Fulda Bishop's Conference, attended by all the Prussian bishops, the bishops of the Upper Rhenish province, as well as the Archbishop of Munich, fail to adopt a clear position on Nazi party membership. 1931 Bank for International Settlements founded. The records are maintained at the Hoover Institution today. Tsarion 1931 Bechtel consortium build the Bonneville Dam, San Francisco Bridge, and Hoover Dam between 1931 and 1936. Friend of Warren is John McCone, a steel saleman. Hoover (Boulder) Dam is financed by the Schroder-Rockefeller Group. Henry Schroder placed on Bechtel board as chairman of finance committee. Huge government contracts for Bechtel follow this appointment. Tsarion 1931 Business Week raises issue of AMA censoring of drug ad copy. Tsarion 1931, of 234 theatre managers 50.4% were members of the Jewish race. In Berlin the figure rises to 80%. Not less than 75% of all plays prior to Hitler's election were written by Jews. In the film industry too, the Jewish influence predominated." - 'Schonere Zukunft' (A Brighter Future) February, 3rd, 1929 1931 Charles Fort Society founded. 1931 Cornelius Rhoads, a North American pathologist at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations in Puerto Rico, carries out an experiment on Puerto Ricans deliberately infecting them with cancer. Thirteen die. In a letter leaked to the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, Rhoads wrote, the Puerto Ricans (sic) are lazy and degenerate. What the island needs is something to exterminate the entire population. I

932 have done my best to further the extermination. The president of the PRNP brings the case to the press, and a legal investigation is initiated. The prosecutor exonerates Rhoads, calling him a mentally ill person or a man with few scruples. Rhoads goes on in later years to direct the establishment of U.S. Army chemical warfare labs in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, for which he was awarded the Legion of Merit in 1945. (See 1945, Rhoads). Tsarion 1931 December 31 The SS Engagement and Marriage order is officially announced. Under this regulation, no member of the SS is allowed to marry until both his and his prospective bride's geneology has been analyzed by a new SS department, directed by Richard Walther Darre. This department will eventually be designated as the Office of Race and Settlement. (The SS, Time-Life Books) (Note, The order states, "Permission to marry will be granted or refused solely and exclusively on the basis of criteria of race and hereditary health." (Science) 1931 December German unemployment exceeds 5 million. 1931 February 12 The eight Catholic bishops of Bavaria, organized in the Bavarian (Freising) Bishops Conference under the chairmanship of Cardinal Faulhaber, the Archbishop of Munich and Freising, strictly forbids all Catholic priests from taking part whatsoever in the National Socialist movement. Nazi party formations with flagsare also prohibited from attending services "since such parades in churches would make the people think that the Church had come to terms with National Socialism." 1931 Fluoride in drinking water is found to be the cause of brown teethnow known as dental fluorosis. Tsarion 1931 H.Trendley Dean of the U.S. Public Health Service initiates studies on fluorides under the jurisdiction of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon (founder of Alcoa aluminum, who is one of the main suppliers of toxic sodium fluoride as a by-product of aluminum manufacture) publishes a purposely skewed study showing that, at 1 ppm, fluoride results in the reduction of tooth decay. Tsarion 1931 Harald Westin saw a creature comparable to the African nguma-monene along Brazil's Rio Marmore -- a 20-foot long creature which resembled a legged boa constrictor. 1931 I.G. Farben and Alcoa Aluminum sign Alig Agreement pooling patents. Tsarion 1931 I.G. Farben complex begins large contributions to fund Nazi cause. Tsarion 1931 In February and June, large skeletons were found in the Humboldt lake bed near Lovelock, Nevada. The first of these two skeletons found measured 8 1/2 feet tall and appeared to have been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similiar to the Egyptian manner. The second skeleton was almost 10 feet long.

933 1931 In the third edition of his textbook (with E. Baur and E. Fischer), professor Fritz Lenz writes, "We must of course deplore the one-sided anti-Semitism of National Socialism. Unfortunately, it seems that the masses need such 'anti' feelings... we cannot doubt that National Socialism is honestly striving for a healthier race. The question of the quality of our hereditary endowment is a hundred times more important than the dispute over capitalism or socialism, and a thousand times more important than that over the black-white-red or black-red-gold banners." (The banner of the Weimar Republic, which had replaced that of Imperial Germany, black-white-red.) (Science) 1931 January 1 The Nazi Brown House is officially opened in Munich. 1931 January 1 W.A. Harriman & Co. merges with Brown Brothers. Prescott Bush, father of future President George Bush, becomes the managing partner of the new firm, Brown Brothers Harriman. This firm will subsequently become the largest and most politically important private banking house in America. The London branch of the Brown family firm continued to operate under the name -- Brown, Shipley. (Note, During the American Civil War (War of Southern Secession), the Brown family with offices in the U.S. and London shipped 75% of the South's slave cotton to British mills.) 1931 January Hjalmar Schacht meets with Hitler and is impressed by Hitler's eloquence and absolute conviction. Before long, Schacht begins telephoning politicians, urging that the National Socialists be incorporated into a coalition government. (Children) 1931 January The general student committee of the University of Erlangen, dominated by the National Socialists, makes a request to the Ministry of Culture for the creation of a chair of race-investigation, racescience, race-hygiene and genetics. (Science) 1931 Japan begins a 15 year reign of totalitarianism by invading China. Tsarion 1931 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels enthusiastically reviews a book proposing a Hollow Earth Theory. The founder of the Hollow Earth doctrine was Cyrus R. Teed (1839-1908) who claimed to have undergone a spiritual illumination in 1870, when he received by revelation the tenets of this doctrine, which he called Koreshianity (Koresh is Hebrew for Cyrus). In 1903 he established a community at Estero, Florida. The doctrine was brought to Germany by Peter Bender who read the sect periodical, The Flaming Spear, while a prisoner of war in France. (Roots) 1931 July The Darmstadter-National Bank in Germany fails. 1931 June 30 President Hoover proposes that payments of all intergovernmental war debts and reparations be held up for one year. The purpose of this action, known as the Hoover Moratorium, was to provide

934 a "breathing spell" for European countries. Germany took this opportunity to ask for a complete adjustment of all war debts. 1931 June 4 Himmler is first introduced to Reinhardt Heydrich at Waldtrudering, where Himmler is recovering from a recent illness. After a brief written examination outlining plans for a new SS intelligence unit, Himmler offers Heydrich a position on his headquarters staff. Himmler is greatly impressed by Heydrich's Nordic appearance. (Secrets) 1931 March 10 Membership in the Nazi party is ruled impermissable by the three bishops of Paderborn province. 1931 March 5 The six bishops of Cologne compare the errors of National Socialism to those of Action Francaise, already condemned by Pope Pius XII. 1931 May 4 Credit-Anstalt, Austria's principal bank, and several others fail due to French financial pressure. The collapse is seen by many as an attempt to prevent an anschluss (union) between Germany and Austria. 1931 Montagu Collet Norman, Bank of England Governor and former Brown Brothers partner, whose grandfather had been boss of Brown Brothers during the Civil War, becomes known within the British aristocracy as one of Hitler's most avid supporters. Some historians suggest it was Montagu Norman who essentially managed the so-called "Hitler Project," an alleged Anglo-American plan to finance Hitler's rise to power as a foil against the Soviets. 1931 On a flight from Australia to New Zealand in his Tiger Moth biplane, Sir Francis Chichester encounters and chases a teardrop- shaped UFO over the Tasman Sea. 1931 Roosevelt endorses polio immune serum, precursor to vaccines in 1950's. Tsarion 1931 September 12 On the eve of the Jewish New Year, Nazi gangs in Berlin attack Jews returning from synagogue.(Atlas) 1931 September 18 Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece and reputed lover, commits suicide in Hitler's Munich apartment. 1931 September 18 Japanese soldiers stationed in southern Manchuria are involved in a minor clash with Chinese troops. Japan uses the incident as an excuse to spread its forces throughout Manchuria, subduing the region. 1931 September 21 The Bank of England quits the gold standard. 1931 Spain is declared a republic and King Alfonso XIII abdicates. 1931 Standstill Agreement of 1931 allows Germany a moratorium on war debts through the 1930's. A pact between the London, New York, and German branches of the Warburg and Schroder Houses. Tsarion

935 1931 Summer Otto Rahn visits the castle of Montsegur in France, spending three months carefully exploring the local caves and grottos in search of the Holy Grail. 1931 The Empire State Building in New York becomes the world's tallest building. 1931 The Puerto Rican Cancer Experiment was undertaken by Dr. Cornelius Rhoads. Under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, Rhoads purposely infected his subjects with cancer cells. Thirteen of the subjects died. When the experiment was uncovered, and in spite of Rhoads' written opinions that the Puerto Rican population should be eradicated, Rhoads went on to establish U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama. He later was named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and was at the heart of the recently revealed radiation experiments on prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers. 1931 The Puerto Rican Cancer Experiment was undertaken by Dr. Cornelius Rhoads. Under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, Rhoads purposely infected his subjects with cancer cells. Thirteen of the subjects died. When the experiment was uncovered, and in spite of Rhoads' written opinions that the Puerto Rican population should be eradicated, Rhoads went on to establish U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama. He later was named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and was at the heart of the recently revealed radiation experiments on prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers. 1931 W.Averall Harriman, son of E.H.Harriman, merges his banking house with Brown Brothers to form Brown Brothers Harriman. In 1933, BBH would back the expansion of the CBS television network. Tsarion 1931 Wilhelm Reich publishes The Invasion of Compulsory SexMorality. Tsarion 1931, , , " ", . ( 8 1934 . ). 1931, , , " . ". 1931, 4.075 .

936 1931: Canada declares its independence 1931: EMI opens the largest recording studio in the world at Abbey Road in London 1931: South Africa becomes independent 1932 - "Plan for Peace" by American Birth Control League founder Margaret Sanger is published. She calls for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative concentration camps for all "dysgenic stocks," including Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics. [The American Birth Control League eventually becomes Planned Parenthood - the nation's foremost promoter and provider of abortion services. Many today are not aware of the racist origins of Planned Parenthood.] - 1932 -- Fort dies after publishing his last book, Wild Talents. - 1932 A famine in Russia brings mounting opposition to Stalin within his own party. Brutally suppressing the peasant resistance, Stalin refuses to slacken the pace of his collectivization. 1932 Coudenhove-Kalergi argued that Pan-Europa would emerge out of the fight against Bolshevism, just as "Young Europe arose out of the struggle against the Holy Alliance, as the Holy Alliance had issued out of the struggle against Napoleon." At the first congress of the Pan-European Union, in Vienna, four portraits adorned the wall behind the speakers' podium: Immanuel Kant, Napoleon Bonaparte, Giuseppi Mazzini, and Friedrich Nietzsche. In a 1932 Pan-Europa propaganda tract, Coudenhove-Kalergi out-Parvused Parvus, in restating the permanent war/permanent revolution thesis: "This eternal war," he wrote, "can end only with the constitution of a world republic... The only way left to save the peace seems to be a politic of peaceful strength, on the model of the Roman Empire, that succeeded in having the longest period of peace in the west thanks to the supremacy of his legions". Eight years after Parvus's death, leading Pan-Europa proponent Hjalmar Schacht, now the German representative at the Bank for International Settlements and soon to be Hitler's Economics Minister, announced to a major gathering of Coudenhove-Kalergi's group in Berlin, "In three months Hitler will be in power... Hitler will create PanEuropa! Only Hitler can create PanEuropa!" Schacht and Parvus, parenthetically, had first come into contact during the Young Turk revolt at the beginning of the century. In his post-World War II autobiography, Confessions of the Old Wizard (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956), Schacht had reminisced about his visit in 1909 to Salonika and Constantinople, arranged through his Berlin Freemasonic Lodge, during which he was hosted by the Macedonia Lodge and met with the entire Young Turk leadership.

937 1932 Adolph Hitler gains control of German society enough to force scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft design. Aided by the implosion vortex technology of Victor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo and Miethe, the Germans make extraordinary progress. There is evidence that they might have been aided by contact with Gray entities from inside the Earth and an 'Ashtar' connected group of humanoid aliens in Aldebaran. 1932 April 10 Hindenburg is re-elected President in a runoff election with Hitler. Hindenburg receives a clear majority, but Hitler receives 13,418,547 votes (36.8%). 1932 April 13 The SA and SS are banned after plans for a coup are discovered. 1932 . << >>. , 1934-1935 , - . 1930 . 1921-1922 ( ), . . 15.000.000!!! 1932-1933 , . : 1. . , , , , . 2. 1932 . 3. . . 4. . 1933. , .

938 1932 April Romano-Soviet negotiations are broken off in Riga when the Russians attempt to introduce a clause alluding to Russia's pretensions upon a part of Romanian territory. 1932 August 13 Formal talks begin between Hitler, Bruning and the Catholic Center Party. The meetings drag on for weeks. 1932 August 13 Hindenburg rejects Hitler's demand to be appointed Chancellor. 1932 August 21 The Third International Congress on Eugenics is held at the Museum of Natural History in New York. The Congress proceedings are dedicated to Averell Harriman's mother, who had paid for the founding of the race-science movement in America (see 1910). 1932 August 23 Dr. C. B. Davenport, speaking at the International Congress of Eugenics in New York, suggests Professor Fischer as his successor as president of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations. Professor Fischer declines, due to other commitments, and Dr Rudin (in Munich) is elected. (Science) 1932 August 30 Hermann Goering, with backing from the Catholic Center Party, becomes President of the Reichstag. 1932 Author Ivan T. Sanderson was leading an expedition in the Assumbo Mountains of Cameroon. When crossing a river, Sanderson recalled, a flying creature nearly the size of an eagle dove at him. He said that that evening, the expedition saw the black, sharp-toothed animal again. Natives called the animal olitiau. Sanderson himself believed it was an exceptionally large specimen of the hammerhead bat, a particularly repulsive type of fruit bat. However, he also noted that the dentition of the animal, from what he noticed, seemed more reptilian than mammalian. Others believed that the Olitiau was actually a large, unknown, type of bat related to the hammerhead, its common name derived from the term ole ntya ("the forked one," the Christian devil). Other cryptozoologists suggest the creature may be a surviving pterosaur. 1932 Death of Charles Fort, the father of ufology. 1932-1937 ;! The Jesuits secretly participated in the Bolshevik Revolution. According to the Jesuit-trained, Irish Roman Catholic, John Loftus in his Unholy Trinity, a Hungarian Catholic priest was a player in the revolution. Between 1932 and 1937 the top NKVD illegal in England was Father Theodore Maly... when the revolution broke out I joined the Bolsheviks Maly once told a friend, explaining how service with the Cheka and Red Army during the brutal civil war against the [Orthodox] whites had hardened him. Dear truth-seeker, Maly fought against the Orthodox Whites; for, he was a Professed Jesuit under Oath who perished by the very dictator he had helped to set up. Further, as a Jesuit with the Cheka and then the Russian Civilian Intelligence (NKVD),

939 the Soviet Secret Police was in fact an arm of the Jesuits Holy Office of the Inquisition. The great Messianic Jew, Arno Gaebelein, tells us: A police system was inaugurated, the Cheka, with the commission to torture, to kill without mercy... The bloody work of the Cheka was carried on in a certain large building. There the victims, men, women, and children, were cruelly tortured before a shot ended their misery. In order to drown the despairing cries of the unfortunates, the building was surrounded with a number of powerful motor trucks; their motors were started and for hours they were kept a going. Then night after night, week after week, for months, the almost countless hundreds of corpses were thrown into the trucks and carried away. 1932 December 14 The Reverend Wilhelm Senn is reinstated by the Catholic Church in Germany. 1932 December 19 Japan denounces the naval agreements signed at the disarmament conferences of 1922 and 1930. 1932 December 3 General von Schleicher is appointed Chancellor of Germany. 1932 December 8 Gregor Strasser resigns from his Nazi party offices. 1932 Diphtheria vaccines injure 171 and kill 1 in Charolles, France. Tsarion 1932 Eamon de Valera is elected President of the Republic of Ireland. 1932 Ellis Wright found human tracks in the gypsum rock at White Sands, New Mexico. His discovery was later backed up by Fred Arthur, Supervisor of the Lincoln National Park and others who reported that each footprint was 22 inches long and from 8 to 10 inches wide. They were certain the prints were human in origin due to the outline of the perfect prints coupled with a readily apparent instep. 1932 Engelbert Dollfuss is elected chancellor of Austria. 1932 FDR runs for president on platform supporting the gold standard and is elected. Tsarion 1932 February 2 The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is established. In Geneva, sixty nations gather for the World Disarmament Conference. 1932 February Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels writes a letter to a member of the (ONT) Order of the New Templars stating "Hitler is one of our will one day experience that he, and through him we, will one day be victorious and develop a movement that makes the world tremble." (Ellic Howe; Roots) 1932 German Kurt Lewin becomes director of the Tavistock Institute in London. Tsarion

940 1932 Germany's SS numbers over 42,000. Political murder increases. Wearing of the Nazi uniform banned in Germany. Tsarion 1932 Hitler works with Viktor Schaubergers gravity craft designs. New designs come from Habermohl, Ballenzo, and Miethe. Tsarion 1932 January 29 Japanese forces attack Shanghai. 1932 January 4 Japan establishes the puppet state of Manchukuo. 1932 July 2 A committee of the Prussian State Health Council advises and recommends that a law on sterilization be brought in under the title, "Eugenics in the service of public welfare." The law was to permit the "voluntary" sterilization of the same groups of persons (with the exception of alcoholics) as were later specified in the law of 14 July 1933. (Science) 1932 July 31 The National Socialists win 230 seats in Reichstag elections. The Socialists win 133, the Catholic Center 97, and the Communists, 89. The total vote for the National Socialists is 13,745,000 (37%). 1932 July The Reverend Wilhelm Senn, one of the first Catholic priests to join the National Socialist Party, is suspended by the Catholic Church. Senn has broken a promise to submit all future writings to the censorship of the Church. (An article written by Senn earlier in the year had declared Hitler and his movement to be "instruments of divine providence.") (Lewy) 1932 June 16 The Lausanne Conference opens for the revision of the Young Plan for German reparation payments. It is the first international economic conference since the crash of 1929, and due to worldwide economic conditions, its representatives agree to cancel all German reparations until better economic conditions return. 1932 1932 June 3 President Hindenburg dissolves the Reichstag. 1932 June 5-- Svanhild Hansen, a 42-pound five-year-old girl, was taken from her parents' Leka, Norway, farm by a huge eagle; the bird transported her more than a mile until it dropped her on a high ledge and continued to circle overhead. When rescuers reached the ledge, the child was asleep and, aside from a few small scratches, unharmed. Zoologist Hartvig Huitfeldt-Kaas, who spent a month investigating the story, pronounced it "completely reliable." The eagle, if that is what it was, was seen on several subsequent occasions. 1932 June The German government lifts the ban on the SA and SS. 1932 June-July Nearly 500 pitched battles take place between Nazis and Communists in Prussia alone. At least least 82 people were killed and 400 wounded. (The SS, Time-Life) 1932 . , :

941 ... , , . , , .... , , . -, . , , - . 1932 Karl Maria Wiligut, the Austrian occultist, flees his family and emigrates to Munich. He is 66 years old. (Roots) 1932 March 13 Hindenburg fails to win a majority in the Presidentiall elections. Hitler receives 11,339,446 votes (30.1%). 1932 March 16 Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald, head of Britain's national coalition government, proposes a reduction in the national armies of Europe. Japan withdraws its troops from Shanghai after mediation by the League of Nations. 1932 March 3 Chinese forces are driven from Shanghai by Japanese attacks. 1932 March The Romano-Soviet negotiations are held in Riga. The French have asked their allies Romania and Poland to come to a nonaggression agreement with their Russian neighbors. 1932 March Theodor Eicke is arrested and accused of terrorism. Several dozen homemade bombs are found in his possession. After posting bail, Eicke flees to Italy, where he takes command of a group of SS exiles. 1932 May 30 President Hindenburg ousts Heinrich Bruning and appoints Franz von Papen as Chancellor. Papen, only hours before, had promised Monsignor Kaas that he would not undertake the formation of a new government. The Center Party quickly censures Papen. 1932 May 31 Franz von Papen becomes Chancellor and declares his exit from the Catholic Center Party. (The Center Party is angry as Bruning's dismissal and soon begins negotiations with the National Socialists aimed at the formation of a coalition government.) (Lewy) 1932 May 6 Paul Doumer, President of the French Republic, is assassinated by Dr. Paul Gourgoulov, a Russian emigre. 1932 November 11 Johann Warthari Wolfl, a longtime follower of Lanz von Liebenfels, founds the Lumenclub in Vienna to reintroduce

942 ONT (Order of the New Templars) ideas to a new right-wing public. (Roots) 1932 November 17 Franz von Papen and his Cabinet are forced to resign. 1932 November 6 New elections in Germany fail to break a parliamentary deadlock. The National Socialists lose 34 seats. 1932 November 8 Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President of the U.S. with 27, 831,857 votes to Herbert Hoover's 15,761,841. 1932 November 9 Leon Nicole, leader of the Bolsheviks in Switzerland, and his assistant, a Russian Jew named Dicker, instigate an uprising that results in the deaths of 13 people. More than a hundred are injured. 1932 November Thirty-nine prominent German industrialists and businessmen petition Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as his new Chancellor. Hindenburg refuses. 1932 , , KAHANE, Meir 193290. Israeli rabbi and communal leader. Kahane was born in New York and educated at New York University and Mirrer Yeshivah. Subsequently he settled in Israel where he founded the Jewish Defence League and the Jewish Identity Centre. Strictly Orthodox, he worked tirelessly for the reestablishment of Israels biblical boundaries. Among his many publications was Why Be Jewish? (1977), an uncompromising diatribe against intermarriage and assimilation. Kahane was assassinated by an Arab activist in 1990. 1932 October 4 The Lytton report, on behalf of the League of Nations, condemns Japan's aggression in Manchuria but tempers its criticism by proposing that Japan be granted certain preferred rights in an autonomous Manchuria. Japan serves notice of its withdrawal from the League of Nations. 1932 October Sir Oswald Mosley founds the British Union of Fascists. 1932 Onassis works a deal with Joseph Kennedy, Eugene Meyer, and Meyer Lansky for liquor shipment to Boston and a heroin deal with Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt. Tsarion 1932 Over 140,000 school boards exist in the U.S. (See 1960) Tsarion 1932 Presidential nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt pledges a New Deal. 1932 Prince Bernhard of Netherlands joins Nazi SS and Farben Bilder company. Bernhard would later support Gerald Ford in his race for Congress. Tsarion

943 1932 Research (Young) indicates that neuritis is commonly precipitated following vaccination with anti-tetanus, anti-pneumococcal, and anti-meningitis serums. Tsarion 1932 September 12 President Hindenburg again dissolves the Reichstag. 1932 September 19 Russia joins the League of Nations. 1932 September The Catholic Center Party deputies in the Reichstag vote for a Communist sponsored no-confidence motion against Papen's government. 1932 Standard Oil builds refineries in Germany. Supplies Nazis during WWII. Tsarion 1932 The British-led "Eugenics'' movement designated the Rockefellers' Dr. Rudin as the president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. The movement called for the killing or sterilization of people whose HEREDITY made them a public burden 1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study began. Two hundred (200) poor black men with syphilis began a long term experiment in which those men were to be studied. They were never told of their illness, and treatment was denied them. As many as 100 of the original 200 died as a direct or indirect result of the illness. The wives and children of the subjects also suffered as a result of the disease. (The government office supervising the study was the predecessor to today's Centers for Disease Control (CDC)). 1932: a Constitutionalist Revolution against the provisional president Getlio Vargas led Brazil to a short civil war. 1932: an Aprista revolt in Trujillo, Peru. After about 60 officers are executed, the army responds with the killing of at least 1,000 people. The repression includes the first aerial bombing in South American history. 1932: the Siamese coup d'tat of 1932, sometimes called the "Promoters Revolution", ends absolute monarchy in Thailand 1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study began. Two hundred poor black men with syphilis began a long term experiment in which those men were to be studied. They were never told of their illness, and treatment was denied them. As many as 100 of the original 200 died as a direct or indirect result of the illness. The wives and children of the subjects also suffered as a result of the disease. (The government office supervising the study was the predecessor to today's Centers for Disease Control (CDC)). 1932 The U.S. Public Health Service initiates a study in Tuskegee, Alabama, where black men are given syphilis. Four hundred men were unwittingly given the disease. No medical care was offered. The study ended when it was discovered in 1972, after 40 years. The office supervising this study was the predecessor of the Center for Disease Control unit now in charge of the AIDS program. Tsarion

944 1932 Third International Congress of Eugenics held in New York. Dr. Theodore Russell Robie of the Essex County Mental Hygiene Clinic in New Jersey presents Selective Sterilization for Race Culture, in which he called for the sterilization of at least 14 million Americans who had received low IQ scores since World War I. Said Robie, there are those who believe that our population has already attained a greater number than is necessary for the efficient running of the whole.... Conference financed by William Draper, a Thyssen Trust banker. Tsarion 1932 U.S. Navy conducts maneuvers at Pearl Harbor to assess sea attack success. Tsarion 1932 United States economy begins to show signs of recovery. Tsarion 1932 29 . 1932 . . 1932, . 1932 12 , , [= ] [= !] , . 29 . , . 1932 - FMLN Marti. 1932, . 1932 There is some dispute as to Lenin's racial origins. It is known that he was married to a Jewess, spoke Yiddish as did his children. "Lenin had taken part in Jewish student meetings in Switzerland thirty-five years before. He is generally regarded as a Russian but there is doubt." Jewish Chronicle, December 16th 1932 1932, " " " ", (. ). 1932, Cecil Roth, , : " ". : " ", , , 1932, : " ".

945 1932, " ". 1932, , . 1932, 2.000.000 , , . 1932: Iraq becomes independent under the rule of King Faisal 19321939 The Fifth Aliyah was primarily a result of the Nazi accession to power in Germany (1933) and later throughout Europe. Persecution and the Jews' worsening situation caused immigration from Germany to increase and from Eastern Europe to continue. Nearly 250,000 Jews arrived in British-occupied Palestine during the Fifth Aliyah (20,000 of them left later). From this time on, the practice of "numbering" the waves of immigration was discontinued. 1932: one million people in Kazakhstan die of famine (caused by forced collectivization) 1932: anti-communist rebellion in Mongolia 1933: five million people in Ukraine die of famine (caused by forced collectivization) 1933 - "The Shape of Things to Come" by H. G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around - 1933 -- Attempted assassination of Franklin Roosevelt; Chicago mayor Cermak killed instead. FDR orders use of Great Seal of the U.S. on reverse side of the dollar bill. Reichstag Fire, set by Nazis, used to suspend civil liberties. - 1933 487 sightings of UFOs in Scandinavia (240 Norway, 96 Sweden, 157 Finland) Tsarion 1933 A profusion of German 'tourists' swarm over the southwestern United States, buying land, checking mineral rights and also exploring caves and caverns. This was discovered during a background check on some of the cities [and newspapers] in New Mexico. 1933 A profusion of German tourists swarm over the SW United States, buying land, checking mineral rights, and cavern locations. Tsarion 1933 American researchers report that children react to Pertussis vaccine with fever, convulsions, and collapse. Tsarion 1933 April 1 Himmler is appointed chief of the Bavarian Political Police. 1933 April 1 Hitler stages a nationwide, one-day boycott of Jewish businesses, physicians and lawyers. Armed SA men are posted in front of Jewish-owned shops and stores to prevent would-be customers from

946 entering. In an effort to silence foreign criticism of Germany's treatment of the Jews, signs are posted in English implying that Jewish claims of persecution are false.(Apparatus) 1933 April 1 Pope Pius XI proclaims holy year. 1933 April 1 Prussian Jews are forbidden to act as notary publics. 1933 April 1 SA men demolish the interior of the Mannheim synagogue. 1933 April 1 The Catholic Teacher Organization publishes a declaration noting with approval that Adolf Hitler and his movement have overcome the un-German spirit which triumphed in the revolution of 1918. (Lewy) 1933 April 10 Papen has a morning meeting with Pacelli. Later in the day, Papen and Goering are received by Pope Pius XI. According to Papen, the Pope tells them that he is pleased the German government now has at itshead "a man uncompromisingly opposed to Communism and Russian nihilism in all its forms." They then begin laying the groundwork for the concordat. Although the purpose of their visit is still secret, the Italian press openly reports that Papen and Goering have been received with great honor. (Lewy) 1933 April 10 Wittmoor concentration camp opens near Hamburg. 1933 April 11 Administration of Dachau concentration camp is taken over by the SS. 1933 April 12 A debate in the British House of Lords considers the fate of German Jews under Nazi rule. The British cabinet considers the Jewish refugee situation. 1933 April 13 Jehovah's Witnesses and their religion are officially suppressed in Bavaria. The Catholic Church accepts the assignment, given it by the Ministry of Education and Religion, to report on any member of the sect still practicing this "forbidden religion." (Lewy) 1933 April 14 Japan begins an anti-Jewish drive in Tokyo. (Edelheit) 1933 April 15 Osthofen concentration camp opens in Hessen. 1933 April 15 Papen and Kaas meet again with Pacelli. Kaas is subsequently instructed to prepare a draft of the concordat. (Lewy) 1933 April 17 Uniformed members of of BETAR (Brith Trumpeldor), a Revisionist Zionist Youth Organization, are attacked by workers and residents of Tel Aviv while marching through the city. (Edelheit) 1933 April 18 Pacelli and Pope Pius XI have a lengthy conversation about the concordat. In the evening, Papen leaves for Berlin. 1933 April 19 The U.S. drops from the gold standard. 1933 April 2 Monsignor Kaas has a private talk with Hitler.

947 1933 April 2 The Catholic Worker's Movement declares its readiness to cooperate in the creation of a strong national state and the building of an order at once Christian and German. 1933 April 20 On Hitler's 44th birthday, Monsignor Kaas sends a telegram of congratulations from Rome that is widely published in the German press. Kaas assures Hitler of "unflinching cooperation." This undoubtedly accelerates the movement of Catholics into the Nazi camp. (Lewy) 1933 April 21 Germany enacts a law banning all kosher rituals and prohibiting Jewish ritual slaughter (shechita). (Persecution) 1933 April 21 Rudolf Hess is named Director of the Political Central Committee and deputy fuehrer of the NSDAP. He is authorized to decide all matters concerning the direction of the Party in Hitler's name. (Missing Years) 1933 April 21/22 Anti-Jewish decrees passed by Germany hit a record, numbering 400. 1933 April 22 A law is passed dismissing all "non-Aryan" medical doctors, pharmacists, dentists and dental technicians from German hospitals, clinics and public health centers. 1933 April 24 Baron von Ritter, the Bavarian ambassador at the Vatican reports to Berlin that Monsignor Kaas and the Papal Secretary of State are in constant touch with each other. "There can be no doubt that Cardinal Pacelli (the future Pope Pius XII) approves of a policy of sincere cooperation by the Catholics within the framework of the Christian Weltanschauung (world view) in order to benefit and lead the National Socialist Movement." (Lewy) 1933 April 25 The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute receives a letter from the Ministry of the Interior containing directions that the law for the restoration of the professional civil service be applied to the society's employees. Two days later, the Secretary General instructs the directors to carry out these measures. (Science) 1933 April 25 The Law for Preventing Overcrowding in German Schools and colleges is promulgated, limiting admittance to 1.5 percent for "non-Aryans" seeking higher education. 1933 April 26 Hitler tells Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann, representatives of the Catholic Church in Germany, that he is only going to do to the Jews what the Church of Rome has been trying to do without success for over 1,500 years. (Lewy) (Note, Hitler stated that he was personally convinced of the great power and significance of Christianity and would not permit the founding of another religion. For this reason, he said, he had parted company with General Ludendorff, and stressed that Rosenberg's anticlerical book was no concern of his -- since it was a private publication. Being a Catholic himself, Hitler added, he

948 would not tolerate another Kulturkampf and the rights of the Church would be left intact. (Lewy) 1933 April 26 The Gestapo begins functioning as a state sanctioned terror organization. (Edelheit) 1933 April 27 A British-German trade agreement is signed. 1933 April 28 Cordell Hull assures representatives of American Jewish organizations that the U.S. State Department will continue to monitor the Jewish situation in Germany. 1933 April 29 David Ben-Gurion is attacked by members of BETAR, the Zionist youth movement, in Riga, Latvia. (Edelheit) 1933 April 3 The Kreuz und Adler (Cross and Eagle) organization is founded by Catholic supporters of the new Nazi state. Formation of this group was initiated by Papen, who assumed the title of Protector. 1933 April 4 Legislation of anti-Jewish laws begins in Germany. 1933 April 4 Robert Weltsch publishes an article in the Juedische Rundschau (Jewish Review) under the banner headline, "Wear the Yellow Star with Pride," in reaction to the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. (Edelheit) 1933 April 4 The Central Association of Catholic fraternities withdraws its ban on membership in the Nazi party. 1933 April 6 Heinrich Bruening succeeds Monsignor Kaas as leader of the Catholic Center Party. 1933 April 6 The Paris Journal publishes a story by a correspondent in Berlin reporting that Germany has made overtures to the Vatican concerning a concordat, one of the main points of which is a provision that would forbid Catholic priests to be candidates for political office. (Lewy) 1933 April 7 Monsignor Kaas once again leaves Berlin on a trip to Rome. (Lewy) 1933 April 7 Papen leaves Berlin for Munich. Papen asks Fritz Menshausen to keep the purpose of his trip secret, indicating that he will tell the press he had gone to Rome for a vacation over the Easter holidays. 1933 April 7 Switzerland denies "political fugitive" status to Jews fleeing Germany. (Edelheit) 1933 April 7 The Law Concerning Admission to the Legal Profession is published in Germany affecting Jewish judges, district attorneys and lawyers. 1933 April 7 The Law concerning State Governors strips the German states of their autonomous powers. Hitler appoints Reichsstatthalter (Reich governors) in all German states, superceding the regular, elected governments. (Lewy)

949 1933 April 7 The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, a new German Civil Service law, is promulgated. Thousands of Jews are barred from German civil service and judicial positions. All those who earlier had opposed the Nazis are at risk of losing their jobs. Hundreds of Catholics and Communists had already been replaced, and many more are soon to follow. Note, Jews who were frontline veterans of World War I, those in government service since 1914 and close relatives of fallen soldiers were temporarily exempted by the new law. (Lewy) 1933 April 8 Monsignor Kaas secretly meets Papen in Munich. Together they travel on to Rome. Kaas will never again set foot on German soil. (Lewy) 1933 April 8 Zionist leaders, including Chaim Weizmann and Chaim Arlosoroff, meet with Arab leaders from Transjordan at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. 1933 April 9 After Kaas and Papen arrive in Rome, Kaas is the first to be received by Secretary of State Pacelli. 1933 April 9 Hermann Goering flies directly to Rome from Berlin. 1933 April Dr. Edith Stein, a Jewish convert to Catholicism and later known as Sister Teresia Benedicta a Cruce of the Order of the Carmelites, communicates with Pope Pius XI from Germany, expressing grave concerns about the Nazis' antisemitic aims and requesting that the Pontif to issue an encyclical on the Jewish question. Dr. Stein's request is not granted (see August 1942). (Lewy) 1933 Arthur Kallet publishes study. Food Dyes Violet 1 and Citrus Red 2 cancer. Tsarion 1933 August 1 A Nazi decree prohibits non-Jewish doctors from professional contact with Jewish physicians. 1933 August 11 The Hamburg Federation of Grain Merchants, an organization with a large Jewish membership is "Aryanized." 1933 August 11 The Supreme Representative Committee of German Jewry establishes a farm to train unemployed Jews for agricultural employment. 1933 August 14 Women Against the Persecution of Jews in Germany, a committee of non-Jews, announces its establishment in New York City. 1933 August 16 The American Jewish Congress sends an open letter to President von Hindenburg urging him to dismiss Hitler as Chancellor. 1933 August 19 Houghton Mifflin Company of Boston publishes Hitler's Mein Kampf in English translation. 1933 August 19 Mussolini meets with Dollfuss at the ItalianAustrian border.

950 1933 August 2 Colonel Graham Seton Hutchinson begins publication ofThe National Worker, a pro-Nazi periodical. 1933 August 2 The Breslau Jewish Community News is closed by the Nazis. 1933 August 20 The American Jewish Congress joins the anti-Nazi Boycott. 1933 August 21 The Eighteenth Zionist Congress opens in Prague where attendants discuss the Nazi takeover of Germany, the growing persecution of German Jews, the assassination of Arlosoroff, the economic situation of the Yishuv and the conflict between the Labor Party and the Revisionists. The Congress will continue until September 4. 1933 August 22 The Gestapo suspends Centralverein Zeitung publication. (Edelheit) 1933 August 23-29 Jewish atheletes from 14 countries participate in the World Maccabee games held in Prague. 1933 August 24 Nazis prohibit the German-Jewish Maccabee team from participating in the World Maccabee games. 1933 August 25 Romanian military authorities in Czernowitz suspend the Yiddish daily, Der Tog, for criticizing the government. 1933 August 29 Chaim Weizmann declines the presidency of the World Zionist Organization but agrees to chair the campaign fund for the settlement of German Jews in Palestine. 1933 August 3 Osthofen concentration camp is closed by the Gestapo. 1933 August 3 Police in Toronto, Canada, begin investigating the antisemitic Swastika Club. 1933 August 30 The Union of German National Jews in a published statement blames the World Zionist Organization for German Jewry's present predicament. (Edelheit) 1933 August 4 The International Committee for the Protection of Academic Freedom is established in Paris. 1933 August 5 Authorities in Hamburg order the removal of the Heinrich Heine monument from the city park. 1933 August 5 Poland signs an agreement with Danzig. 1933 August 5 The German Lawyers' Association threatens to boycott German firms still employing Jewish lawyers. 1933 August 7 Jews in Nuremberg are forbidden to use the municipal baths and swimming pools. 1933 August 8 A Nazi decree grants Staatenlose (stateless) status to some 10,000 Jews of eastern European origin who had been deprived of their German citizenship in July. 1933 First National Grand Lodge established in Israel at the time the Jews began to immigrate from Nazi-occupied territories.

951 The first national Grand Lodge in Israel was constituted in 1933, even before the creation of the State, and brought together all the Lodges that had been working under Egyptian or French jurisdictions. 1933-39 - Zionist Jews began to return to Palestine from Nazioccupied territories. From the records it seems that from 1933 to 1939, the Jews were expected to leave Germany and all Nazi-occupied territories. At the same time, there was a very definite selection system and a very restrictive immigration policy on who went to Palestine, headed by the Zionists. After 1939, it seems the annihilation camps were set up to rid Germany of those Jews who did not make it to Palestine or anywhere else... Lucy Dawidowicz, in her book, 'The War Against the Jews,' had this to say: 'At their 18th Congress in 1933, the Zionists established within the Jewish agency for Palestine a Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews, which, to begin with, excluded antiZionists as applicants for certificates.' Young people in good health with some training for agricultural work or manual trades and person with capital were the preferred candidates for Aliya in a process where the needs and interests of Palestine took precedence over the strategy of rescue. Nathan Birnbaum was an early Zionist; in fact, he was the one who coined the term 'Zionism.' He was also present with Herzl at the First Congress at Basel. Birnbaum left the movement in 1899 and became completely orthodox and absolutely hostile to the Zionist Movement. In his paper titled 'In Bondage to Our Fellow Jew,' he writes: It seems, that we are better qualified with our bondage to the Gentiles than with our bondage to our brothers who are estranged from the Torah and its teachings. When our own estranged brothers, who, next to us, are the mere grain, not only persecute us but themselves give a handle to our persecution; when they not only meddle in our affairs but take them wholly out of our hands; when they not only refuse to let us go our ways in peace, but actually try to obstruct our road forever.' Birnbaum wrote these words in 1901... Michael Selzer in his book 'Zionism Reconsidered', says: 'Not even the events of 1933 aroused their political interest. [He refers to the Zionist Organization.] They were naive enough to see them as a God-sent opportunity for an undreamt-of wave of immigration to Palestine. When the Zionist Organization against the natural impulses of the Jewish people, decided to do business with Hitler, to trade German goods against the wealth of German Jewry, to flood the Palestine market with German products and thus make a mockery of the boycott against German-made articles, they found little opposition in the Jewish National Homeland, and least of all among its aristocracy -- the so-called Kibutniks...' How many Jews know these facts? 211:72-8 "At their 18th Congress in 1933, the Zionists established within the Jewish Agency for Palestine a central bureau for

952 the settlement of German Jews, which...excluded anti-Zionists as applicants for certificates." - 408:255 "But in 1933, Jewish prosperity in Palestine was in danger of shutting down. In a tense world, the British were once again making strategic plans for the Middle East. These plans were dependent upon the Arab potentates England had been stringing along for a decade with conflicting promises of Arab nationalism in Palestine. So Palestinian immigration regulations had been pointedly revised a few years earlier. Severe quotas now applied to all Jewish immigrant categories, except the so-called capitalist settler with proof of 1,000 (about $5,000) in hand. "Few Palestine-bound Jews possessed that much money. Most were poor European workers. Moreover, the 'worker immigrant' quota itself was limited by 'absorptive capacity' or the ability of the Palestinian economy to expand and provide new jobs. In this way existing Arab jobs theoretically would no longer be threatened by new Jewish arrivals. The British didn't really expect the Palestinian economy to grow, because quotas restricted immigration for all but the wealthier Jews, and the great majority of wealthy Jews were uninterested in emigrating to Palestine. With little or no new capital, the Jewish economy in Palestine would stagnate." - 556 "The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year." 1933 Australia, Queensland: Small disc hovers behind a house in Nambour, It is grabbed by a boy, who suffers itching and blistering on his hands as a result of grabbing the object. 1933 Berlin Debt Conference. Tsarion 1933 By 1933, most Jewish psychotherapists had fled the profession in Germany, and all were gone by 1938. Tsarion 1933 Citizens of the United States come under the control of the United Socialist States of the District of Columbia (U.S.SA). Tsarion 1933 Compulsory immunization instituted in Geneva. Tsarion 1933 Conference with Hitler, Dulles brothers, Kurt von Schroder to promise money from the United States to build up Nazi Germany. Tsarion 1933 Congressman McFadden brings impeachment charges against Fed Reserve. Tsarion 1933 Creation of the Gestapo in Germany. Tsarion 1933 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen discovers the Pertussis vaccines ability to kill infants without warning (SID). He reports that two babies vaccinated immediately after birth died in a few minutes. Tsarion

953 1933 December 1 The German cabinet passes a law "to ensure the unity of Party and State." Hitler declares that the German state and the Nazi Party are one by law. 1933 December 10 The Legionary Movement in Romania is dissolved for a third time. More than 20,000 members of the Legion of St. Michael are arrested. Some are executed and hundreds are tortured and beaten. 1933 December 15 Austrians are asked by Catholic leaders to do their Christmas shopping in non-Jewish stores. 1933 December 18 A Nazi decree bars Jews from the field of journalism and associated professions. 1933 December 2 British Fascists in Liverpool paint swastikas on Prince Synagogue. 1933 December 2 The Romanian Jewish Self-defense Organization repulses Iron Guard attacks on the Jewish quarter of Jassy. 1933 December 20 A government headed by Ion Duca wins at the polls in Romania. 1933 December 20 The Aryan Lawyers' Association demands that the Austrian Ministry of Justice expel all Jewish lawyers. (Edelheit) 1933 December 21 The Italian Jewish community receives permission from the Fascist government to launch a fund-raising drive to aid German-Jewish refugees. 1933 December 23 Marinus van der Lubbe is found guilty of arson and sentenced to death for setting the Reichstag fire. (See February 27) 1933 December 23 Pope Pius XI condemns the Nazi sterilization program. (Edelheit) 1933 December 24 Henry Ford denies being an antisemite and states that he never gave financial aid to Hitler or the Nazis. 1933 December 26 The Kantarschi Synagogue in Jassy is burned down by the Romanian Iron Guard. 1933 December 29 Hohnstein (Sachsen) concentration camp is opened. 1933 December 29 Ion Duca, Romanian Prime Minister, is assassinated by three members of the Romanian Iron Guard (Legionaries). 1933 December 31 President Roosevelt appoints Henry Morgenthau, Jr. as Secretary of the Treasury. 1933 December 4 Cardinal Faulhaber denounces Nazi racial teachings. 1933 December 5 Prohibition is repealed in the United States. 1933 December 5 Regulations for the enforcement of the German sterilization law are issued. Persons suffering from hereditary diseases can be exempted from sterilization if they have committed themselves or

954 are already confined in an institution. Physicians objecting on grounds of conscience are not obligated to conduct or assist in sterilizations. (Lewy) 1933 December 6 More than 20,000 Nazi sympathizers celebrate "German Day" in New York's Madison Square Garden. 1933 December 7 Lord Robert Cecil is elected chairman of the Governing Body of German Refugees. 1933 December 7 Vice Chancellor von Papen urges GermanAmericans to act as Nazi propagandists. 1933 December 9 Hundreds of Spaniards are killed and wounded when the Monarchist government crushes an anarchist uprising. 1933 Diphtheria cases decline in Britain over the period of a year. Tsarion 1933 Early in 1933, Hitler tells Hermann Rauschning that "One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both." (Rauschning) 1933 FDR announces decision to devalue the dollar by announcing that the government would buy gold at an increased price. Currency is now in the form of Federal Reserve Bank Notes (War & Emergency currency) and not Federal Reserve Notes (warehouse receipt for gold on deposit). Tsarion 1933 FDR becomes president of the United States. The Great Seal of the United States, with Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Word Order) added to currency. Tsarion 1933 FDR declares a National State of Emergency. Tsarion 1933 FDR issues Executive Order 2039, March 6, 1933 and Executive Order 2040 on March 9, 1933. The now belligerent United States (federal government), acting under the TWE/EBR Acts just established, seizes title to all lawful constitutional money (Gold), and takes possession of the Gold, leaving the American people, forever enemies, without lawful means to pay debt. From now on, people are forced to mortgage property. All debt cannot be paid, but only discharged. The people become captured chattel property of the U.S. to secure the debt. Former states become political subdivisions or occupied territories of the belligerent corporate United States. Americans are ordered to turn in their gold coins, bullion, other gold resources. During this period, over $114 million in gold was taken from banks for export, and $150 million in gold was withdrawn for hiding purposes. Gold at $20.67/oz. Tsarion 1933 FDR orders use of Great Seal of the U.S. (Illuminati sign) on reverse side of the dollar bill. 1933 FDR passes Emergency Banking Relief Act (Mar 4th) of 1933 to illegally amend Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917. The action was illegal because the U.S. was no longer at war. The Banking Relief Act of 1933 creates a wedge whereby wartime powers are sanctioned for

955 use in peacetime. The Banking Relief Act declared March 6, 1933, a Bank Holiday order which relieved U.S. banks from their contractual obligation to the people of the U.S. of redeeming their Federal Reserve Notes in Gold. The concept of the Federal Reserve note was, before this act, constituted a warehouse receipt for real Gold which the people had placed on deposit at banks. Furthermore, the parent Trading With The Enemy Act of 1917 excluded all citizens of the U.S. who conducted business wholly within the United States. The Banking Relief Act amends the TWE Act in such a way to now include all citizens of the U.S. from now on, equating the people of the U.S. as an enemy, and all legal and commercial intercourse became illegal. The only way to do business in the U.S. thereafter was to obtain permission from the state through getting a license. From this the Uniform Commercial Code would spring. Furthermore, the EBR Act created the whole paradigm of licenses, drivers license, etc. The government (Washington DC) in this way protects itself from the people (enemy). Tsarion 1933 FDR redefines State of Emergency to include any national crisis. Tsarion 1933 February 1 Hitler makes his first radio address to the German people after becoming Chancellor. Hitler declares that the members of the new government "would preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built up. They regard Christianity as the foundation of our national morality and the family as the basis of our national life." (Lewy) 1933 February 1 Hitler obtains a decree from Hindenburg ordering dissolution of the Reichstag. New elections are called for March 5, 1933. 1933 February 1 Italy publishes the Fascist Ten Commandments. (Edelheit) 1933 February 1 Professor Fischer gives a lecture, entitled, "Racial crosses and intellectual achievement" in the Harnack House of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. (Science) 1933 February 11 A large protest rally is staged in Tel Aviv by Hitahdut ha-Zionim ha-Revisionistim (HA-ZOHAR) (Union of ZionistsRevisionists) supporters. (Edelheit) 1933 February 12 Jews begin an exodus from Nazi Germany. 1933 February 15 An assassination attempt is made on the life of President-elect Roosevelt by Joseph Zangara, an Italian-born anarchist in Miami. Chicago Mayor Anton J. Cermak is mortally wounded in the attack. 1933 February 16 Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia reorganize the "Little Entente." 1933 February 2 Hitler bans all political demonstrations except those of the National Socialists.

956 1933 February 2 The Geneva Disarmament Conference begins. 1933 February 20 Hermann Goering sponsors a fundraiser for Hitler at his residence, a small palace, in Berlin. Attending are Gustav Krupp of Krupp steelworks, Albert Voegler of United Steel, Fritz Springorum, another steel magnate, and Georg von Schnitzler of I.G. Farben, among others. One of the 25 business titans at this meeting is Eduard Schulte, chief executive officer of Giesche, "one of the oldest industrial undertakings in the world and one of the most valuable in Europe." (N.Y. Times; Silence) 1933 February 21 The German Union of Red Fighters exhorts the Young Proletarians to disarm the SA and SS. 1933 February 22 Goering convinces the Prussian government to decree the gradual abolition of the interdenominational schools and reintroduce religious instruction in the vocational schools "for political reasons." (Lewy) 1933 February 22 The American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) form a joint conference committee to examine the German situation. (Edelheit) 1933 February 23 "Red Sailor," the official Communist organ, calls for violence. "Workers, to the barricades! Forward to victory! Fresh bullets in your guns! Draw the pins of the hand-grenades." (Toland) 1933 February 23 Japanese forces occupy China north of the Great Wall. 1933 February 24 Nazi police raid the Communist Party headquarters in Berlin. An official announcement says the police have discovered plans for a Communist uprising. 1933 What extensive measure did world Jewry undertake against Germany as early as 1933? ANSWER: On March 24, 1933, International Jewry declared war against Germany and ordered a worldwide boycott of German goods simply because the German government had removed Jews from influential positions and transferred power back to the German people. The boycott order and the Jewish war against Germany were reported in world media and broadcast everywhere. Phony stories of German death camps circulated before WWII. The Germans, as a result, had every right to lock up Jews, as prisoners of war, wherever and whenever they were found between 1933 and 1945! 1933 February 24 The Stahlhelm (Steel Helmet), the SA and SS are officially granted auxiliary police status. 1933 February 25 Sir Arthur Wauchope, British High Commissioner of Palestine, rejects Arab demands that would make the sale of Arab lands to Jews illegal.

957 1933 February 26 During a seance in Berlin, Eric Hanussen predicts that a great fire will soon strike a large building in the Capital. An eagle, he said, will rise from the smoke and flames. 1933 February 27 A huge fire destroys the Reichstag, the seat of German government. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist, is arrested after he is found bare to the waist inside the Reichstag. During interrogation, the young radical confesses that he set the fire "As a protest," but denies any connection with the Communist Party and swears he alone had set the fires inside the Reichstag. Rudolf Diels, chief of the Prussian political police, tells Hitler that van der Lubbe's confession rings true, but Hitler refuses to believe the arsonist had acted alone and blames the Communist movement as a whole for the troubles that continue to plague Germany. Hitler and Goebbels work from midnight to dawn at the "Volkischer Beobachter"offices preparing the next day's edition, which accuses the Reds of a plot to seize power and setting fire to the Reichstag. 1933 February 27 A law is announced recognizing seven Catholic feast days as legal German holidays. (Lewy) 1933 February 28 Hindenburg signs the "Decree for the Protection of the People and the State," which has been quickly drafted by Hitler and his aides. This emergency decree suspends the civil liberties granted by the Weimar Constitution. Free speech, free press, sanctity of the home, security of mail and telephone, freedom to assemble or form organizations and the inviolability of private property are all abolished. It also allows the Nazis to put their political opponents in prison and establish concentration camps. 1933 February 28 The SA and SS quickly begin rounding up German Communists. 1933 February 3 Hitler secretly addresses the top leaders of the German armed forces, setting out his aims for the new Germany he envisions. 1933 February 4 Hitler announces a new rule "for the protection of the German people" which allows the Nazis to forbid meetings of other political groups. 1933 February 5 Martial law is proclaimed over most of Romania. 1933 February 6 Socialists in England, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Norway and Holland call for cooperation between Social Democrats and Communists in the struggle against Nazism. (Edelheit) 1933 February 6 The Danish government prohibits strikes and walkouts. 1933 February 6 The Prussian state legislature is dissolved and its powers are transferred to the Reichskomissariat (State Commissariat), the ciivil administration of the German central government in Berlin. (Edelheit)

958 1933 February 7 Communist leader Ernst Thaelman calls for reorganization of the German Communist Party (KPD) in preparation for clandestine operations in Germany. (Edelheit) 1933 February 8 Egypt's King Fuad meets with World Zionist Organization (WZO) president Nahum Sokolow. 1933 February Albert Einstein, lecturing in California at the time of Hitler's appointment as Chancellor, decides to take up residence in America. From this time until his death in 1955, he will hold an analogous research position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. (Grolier) 1933 February The Franco-Russian Non-Aggression Treaty is ratified. 1933 Former judicial Courts of Justice take silent judicial notice of International Maritime Law In Rem jurisdiction and assume the role as Executive Officers (not judicial) to enforce the Federal and State statutes in all cases. Judges become executive political hatchet men to enforce public policy statute enacted by Congress and top enforce performance on Federal Reserve Bank Notes in order to give it the appearance of value. Tsarion 1933 Future UAW president Walter Reuther visits Soviet Gorki military plant. Tsarion 1933 Germans begin to study the effects of microwave radiation on humans. Tsarion 1933 H.H. Laughlin (see 1922) receives an honorary degree from Germany's Heidelberg University, a major Nazi research center on race purification, for his contribution to eugenics. Tsarion 1933 Hereditary Heath Courts formed in Germany to carry out the law. By 1937, there would be 225,000 sterilized as a result of the Courts. Tsarion 1933 Hitler comes to power in Germany. Concentration camps imprison German dissidents. The Republic of Germany falls to National Socialism. Hitler announces that communists have stated that England must fall before communism can succeed. Hitler vows to defend England, who had succeeded in lulling Hitler into a false sense of security until they could declare war against him. In 1936, Hitler would arrange for meetings between German and English diplomats, but the result was never attained due to British agenda. In order to lure Hitler into World War II, Britain and the United States covertly guaranteed him adequate supplies. The German regime was responsible for the murder of 20,946,000 people between 1933-1945. Tsarion 1933 Hitler institutes the Nazi Act for Averting Descendants Afflicted with Hereditary Diseases, which set up the eugenics courts which eventually ordered the sterilization of 375,000 people before the

959 start of WWII. The law was based on the Model Eugenical Sterilization Law published by eugenics expert H.H. Laughlin in the U.S. in 1922. Germanys Sterilization Law was written by Ernst Rudin. Tsarion 1933 I.G. Farben gives Nazis 4.5 million RM. Tsarion 1933 In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of the United States of America as enemies of Corp. U.S. 1933 Institute for Advanced Studies formed at Princeton University. Tsarion 1933 January 1 Hypnotist Erik Hanussen, predicts Hitler will come to power on January 30, 1933. 1933 January 23 Molotov makes a speech announcing ratification of nonaggression pacts with all of Russia's neighbors except Romania. 1933 January 28 General von Schleicher resigns as Chancellor. 1933 January 3 Hanussen's prediction is widely ridiculed by Hitler's enemies and the German press. 1933 January 30 Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor by President Hindenberg. Franz von Papen becomes Vice-Chancellor. Only three of the eleven posts in the cabinet are held by National Socialists. 1933 ! WASSERMAN, Jakob 18731933. German novelist. Wasserman strove for a fusion of German and Jewish culture and was opposed to a separate Jewish identity, but changed his views when the Nazis burnt his books. Among his wellknown novels were Caspar Hauser (1928; German original 1908), The Goose Man (1922; German original 1915), The Worlds Illusion (1920; German original 1919) and The Mauritius Case (1929; German original 1928). He published an autobiography, My Life as German and as Jew (1933; German original 1921). 1933 January 30 Brownshirts (SA) and Communists violently clash in the streets throughout Germany. The SA celebrates Hitler's accession to power with a torchlight parade through Berlin. 1933 January 30 Juedische Jugendhilfe (Jewish Youth Help), the agency overseeing Youth Aliya (immigration to Palestine), is founded. 1933 January 31 Eamon De Valera wins in Irish Free State Elections. 1933 January 31 Edouard Deladier becomes premier of France. 1933 January 4 Hitler holds a secret meeting with Franz von Papen. 1933 January Heinrich Himmler, while traveling in Westphalia, is inspired (probably by Weisthor/Wiligut) to begin thinking about acquiring a castle in the area for use by the SS. (Huser) 1933 Japan creates an Army Chemical Warfare School at Narashino near Tokyo. Tsarion

960 1933 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels leaves Hungary and relocates to Switzerland where he issues a newseries of his writings from Lucerne. In Germany Lanz's works are printed at Barth near the Darss peninsula and distributed from the nearby Hertesburg under Georg Hauerstein's auspices until 1935. (Roots) 1933 Joseph Goebbels is appointed as minister of propaganda for the Nazi party. 1933 July 1 A conference of German housewives in Berlin excludes all Jewish women from its membership. 1933 July 1 Dollfuss threatens to implement strong measures aginst Austrian Nazis if they don't cease their anti-Jewish campaign. 1933 July 1 Francois Coty, publisher of a chain of French newspapers, is found guilty by a French court for having committed libel against a number of Jewish war veteran organizations. (Edelheit) 1933 July 1 Hitler telephones Papen in Rome with instructions, authorizing Papen to tell Pacelli that after the conclusion of the Concordat he "would arrange for a thorough and full pacification between the Catholic portion of the people and the Reich government," and that he "would be willing to put a finish to the story of past political developments." (Lewy) 1933 July 1 Jewish student organizations are abolished in Germany. 1933 July 10 A National Peasant Government in Romania begins what Prince Michael Sturdza will later call the "first Calinescu terror" against the Legion of St. Michael and the Romanian Legionary Movement. 1933 July 10 Die Brucke (The Bridge), a New York based Nazi newspaper, begins publication. 1933 July 10 The London Daily Mail, England's largest daily newspaper, prints an editorial justifying Hitler's anti-Jewish policy. 1933 July 11 Wilhelm Frick, German Minister of the Interior, announces that "the German revolution is terminated." 1933 July 12 Germany blocks the bank accounts of all GermanJewish relief agencies. 1933 July 13 The reorganized German Evangelical Church announces that it will not apply the "Aryan Clause" to its membership requirements. 1933 July 14 A law against the creation of any new political parties and 'The Law on Plebiscites" are passed. All political opposition to Nazism is now outlawed and it becomes the one and only political party in Germany. 1933 July 14 Dr. Herman Rauschning, Nazi President of the Danzig Senate, is snubbed by Jewish members of the Warsaw city

961 government who refuse to participate in an official reception held in his honor. 1933 July 14 In the same cabinet session that approves the Concordat, the new government approves the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring." It allows for compulsory sterilization in cases of "congenital mental defects, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, hereditary epilepsy, and severe alcoholism." It will not be announced until July 25, so as not to jeopardize the signing of the Concordat. (Science; Lewy) 1933 July 14 The German Cabinet approves the Concordat with the Vatican. During the deliberations, Hitler stresses the significance of the Concordat, especially "in the urgent fight against the international Jews. Possible shortcomings in the Concordat can be rectified later when the foreign policy situation is better." (Lewy) 1933 July 14 The Nazis also pass the Law on the Revocation of Naturalization and Deprivation of German Citizenship of Jews. German citizenship can now be taken away from those designated as "undesirables" (Persecution) 1933 July 15 Britain's Lord Alfrd Melchett converts to Judaism. (Edelheit) 1933 July 15 Germany signs the Four Powers Pact with France, Great Britain and Italy. (Lewy) 1933 July 17 Elections for delegates to the Eighteenth World Zionist Congress are held in Palestine. 1933 July 17 The United People's Conference against Fascism is held in Los Angeles. 1933 July 2 Final agreement on the concordat is reached despite the news of continuing arrests of priests in Germany. Papen reports Pius XI "had insisted on the conclusion of the Concordat because he wanted to come to an agreement with Italy and Germany as the countries which, in his opinion, represented the nucleus of the Christian world." 1933 July 20 More than 30,000 men, women and children jam the streets of London protesting Nazi persecution of German Jews. That same day, the Academic Assistance Council is organized to aid expelled German Jewish scholars. 1933 July 20 Papen and Pacelli formally sign the Concordat in anelaborate ceremony at the Vatican. Reich Minister of the Interior Frick announces that now the entire German government is now under the control of Adolf Hitler and that the Hitler salute is henceforth to be generally used as the German greeting. A number of contemporary historians consider this to be the day Hitler's dictatorship of Germany actually began.

962 1933 July 20 The Jewish Economic Conference opens its preliminary session in Amsterdam. It seeks an intensified anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 July 21 The Board of the Federation of Synagogues in London votes to endorse the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 July 21 The SA arrests 300 Jewish store owners in Nuremberg and parades them through the streets for hours. 1933 July 22 Colditz (Sachsen) concentration camp goes into operation. 1933 July 22 The text of the Concordat is released to the press. A secret annex is never announced to the public, or even to party members (see August 29, 1939). 1933 July 23 The Board of Deputies of British Jews rejects a proposal to join the anti-Nazi boycott. (Edelheit) 1933 July 24 The "Volkischer Beobachter" describes the Concordat as a most solemn recognition of National Socialism by the Catholic Church. (Lewy) 1933 July 24 The Federation of Polish Jews in America pledges support for the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 July 25 Passage of the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring" is publicly announced. It will officially go into effect on January 1, 1934. 1933 July 26 Oliver Locker-Lampson proposes a bill in the House of Commons granting Palestinian citizenship to all "stateless" Jews. 1933 July 27 In London, the World Monetary and Economic Conference ends in failure. Roosevelt's lack of support was largely responsible. 1933 July 27 The Dutch Ministry of Justice allows the Committee for Jewish Interests to hold a lottery to benefit German Jewish refugees. 1933 July 28 The German state of Thuringia expels all Jewish teachers and orders disbandment of the Jewish Student's Association. 1933 July 29 Germany revokes the citizenship of naturalized eastern European Jews. 1933 July 29 Professor Fischer, recently elected as Rector of the University of Berlin, in which capacity he is responsible for signing his Jewish colleagues' dismissal notices, says in his inaugural address, "The new leadership, having only just taken over the reins of power, is deliberately and forcefully intervening in the course of history and in the life of the nation, precisely where this intervention is most urgently, most decisively, and most immediately needed. To be sure, this need can only be perceived by those who are able to see and to think within a biological framework, but it is understood by these people to be a matter of the gravest and most weighty concern. This intervention can be characterized

963 as a biological population policy, biological in this context signifying the safeguarding by the state of our hereditary endowment and our race, as opposed to the unharnessed processes of heredity, selection, and elimination." (Science) 1933 July 3 Papen cables German foreign minister Konstantin von Neurath, "In the discussions which I had with Pacelli, Archbishop Groeber, and Kaas this evening, it developed that with the conclusion of the Concordat, the dissolution of the Center Party is regarded here as certain and is approved." 1933 July 3 Roosevelt rejects the World Monetary and Economic Conference's stabilization plan. 1933 July 3 Statutory religious organizations throughout Germany are forbidden to employ Jews. (Edelheit) 1933 July 30 The Hungarian government suppresses publication of Nemzet Szava (the Nation's Voice), the official organ of Hungarian Nazis. 1933 July 30 The Venizelist press in Greece begins an anti-Jewish campaign. 1933 July 4 The Bavarian People's Party dissolves itself. 1933 July 4 The Pact of Definition of Aggression is signed in London, between Soviet Russia, her neighbors, and several other nations. 1933 July 4 Zionist leaders decide that the proceedings of the Eighteenth Zionist Congress to be held in Prague are conducted in Hebrew instead of German. (Edelheit) 1933 July 5 Cardinal Faulhaber complains to the Bavarian Council of Ministers that almost one hundred priests had been arrested in the last few weeks. (Lewy) 1933 July 5 Kemma (Rheinland) concentration camp goes into operation. 1933 July 5 The Catholic Center Party publishes its decree of dissolution.Only the Nazis remain as an active political party in the Reichstag. 1933 July 5 The president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Neville Laski, publicly opposes anti-Nazi street demonstrations and boycotts. 1933 July 6 A Nazi order dissolves the 42-year-old German NonJewish Association for Combatting Antisemitism. (Edelheit) 1933 July 6 Jewish lawyers in Germany are warned to stay away from courts, presumably for their own protection. 1933 July 6 Jewish students attending German universities are limited to 1.5 percent of the total student body.

964 1933 July 7 A number of universities throughout Germany announce that Jewish students who have already matriculated will not receive their degrees. (Edelheit) 1933 July 7 SA men force Jewish owned stores in Dortmund to close. 1933 July 7 The Gestapo raids the Berlin offices of the Relief Organization of German Jews. 1933 July 7 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, already recognized worldwide as a antisemitic forgery, becomes an official textbook in the Berlin school system. 1933 July 8 In the late hours of the evening, Ambassador Bergen informs the Foreign Ministry by telegram,"Concordat was initialed this evening at 6 o'clock by the Vice Chancellor and the Cardinal Secretary of State." 1933 July 9 Hitler releases a public statement on the Concordat. The world learns that a Concordat has been initialed by Nazi Germany and the Holy See. Public opinion generally regards this as a great diplomatic victory for Hitler, but the Papal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, has himself worked toward this very goal since 1920 when he was first appointed Papal Nuncio in Germany. (Lewy) 1933 July Hitler tells Winifred Wagner that once he and the Nazis have achieved full power he will dissolve all the monasteries and confiscate church property. 1933 June 1 A Chinese-Japanese armistice is signed. 1933 June 12 The World Monetary and Economic Conference opens in London with 64 nations in attendance. 1933 June 15 At the first public meeting of the Kreuz and Adler (Cross and Eagle) in Berlin, Papen calls for the overcoming of liberalism and characterized the Third Reich as a "Christian counterrevolution to 1789." (Lewy) 1933 June 15 It is announced that war debt and reparation payments to the United States have amounted to only 8 percent of the total due. Only Finland has made full payment. (In 1934, the war debt agreements will totally collapse.) 1933 June 16 German statistics for "believing Jews in the Reich, not including the Saar, are officially put at 499,682. (Edelheit) 1933 June 16 Papen informs Ambassador Bergen that Hitler has agreed to his going to Rome to complete negotiations for the concordat in person. 1933 June 16 The National Industry Recovery Act (NRA) passes in the United States.

965 1933 June 16 Zionist Labor leader Chaim Arlosoroff is assassinated in Tel Aviv. 1933 June 19 Leon Trotsky is granted political asylum in France. 1933 June 2 Chaim Arlosoroff and Selig Brodestsky meet with British colonial minister Philip Cunliffe-Lister regarding aid to German Jews. 1933 June 21 Austria passes anti-Nazi measures. 1933 June 21 The Stahlhelm is absorbed by the Nazis. 1933 June 22 Goering issues a decree instructing all government employees to spy on each other. 1933 June 22 The German Social Democrat Party (SPD) is outlawed by the Nazis. 1933 June 24 The Association of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany states that they have no quarrel with the Nazi regime and its principles except for swearing an oath of loyalty to Hitler. 1933 June 24 The German Congress of Christian Trade Unions is dissolved. 1933 June 26 The Academy of German Law is established. 1933 June 26 The Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland and the Berne Jewish Community bring an action against five members of the Swiss National Front, seeking a judgment that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a forgery and a prohibition of their publication. (See May 14, 1935) 1933 June 26 The National Industrial Recovery Act is passed in the U.S. 1933 June 27 An anti-Nazi demonstration at Queen's Hall in London is addressed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Cosmo Gordon Lang. 1933 June 28 Goebbels, threatening force, publicly demands the dissolution of the Catholic Center Party. 1933 June 28 The Democrats (Staatspartei) dissolve themselves. 1933 June 29 Bruening tells the British Ambassador in Berlin, Sir Horace Rumbold, that the Catholic Center Party will probably dissolve itself the following day. (Lewy) 1933 June 29 Franz von Papen leaves Berlin for Rome. 1933 June 3 Pope Pius XI declares "Universally is known the fact that the Catholic Church is never bound to one form of government more than to another, provided the divine rights of God and of Christian conscience are safe. She does not find any difficulty in adapting herself to various civil institutions, be they monarchic or republican, aristocratic or democratic." (Lewy)

966 1933 June 30 Alfred Hugenberg, leader of the German Nationalists, resigns from the Cabinet while his aides begin liquidating the party. 1933 June 5 A joint resolution of the U.S. Congress nullifies the gold clause in private and public contracts. 1933 June 7 In Rome, the four Big Powers, France Britain, Italy and Germany sign the Quadripartite Pact of Guarantee proposed by Mussolini, a reinvigoration of the Locarno Pact. All parliaments will ratify this new pact except for France, which rejects it and therefore prevents it from coming into force. 1933 June 7 The Central Fund for German Jewry is established by Va'ad Leumi, with Henrietta Szold as chairwoman. 1933 June 8 The first plenary session of the Central Fund for German Jewry opens in Jerusalem. (Edelheit) 1933 June 8-10 An all-German meeting of Catholic Journeymen held in Munich is broken up by force. (See May 18) 1933 June Unity Mitford joins the British Union of Fascists. 1933 Kurt Lewin, director of the Tavistock Institute in London, comes to the United States and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originates the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany in order to assure involvement of the United States in World War II. Tsarion 1933 Madison Grant in the U.S. publishes Conquest of a Continent, a racial history of the United States, and sends a copy to Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, who was Hitlers chief scientific advisor, and to Dr. Fritz Lenz at the University of Munich. Tsarion 1933 March 1 Nazi Germany promulgates decrees covering "Provocation to Armed Conflict" and "Provocation to a General Strike." 1933 March 11 The U.S. agrees to participate in a League of Nations commission to consider the Chinese-Japanese dispute. 1933 March 12 President Roosevelt delivers his first "fireside chat." 1933 March 12 The SA stages several incidents along the GermanFrench border. 1933 March 13 Cardinal Faulhaber tells a conference of Bavarian bishops that Pope Pius XI had "publicly praised the Chancellor Adolf Hitler for the stand which the latter had taken against Communism." (Lewy) 1933 March 13 Hitler appoints Joseph Goebbels Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. He quickly begins "coordinating" all aspects of cultural life, the press and communications under the control of the Nazi Party. Day after day, Goebbels drills home the messages of blood, race, and glory, all cleverly designed to appeal to the

967 broadest segment of the German masses. Antisemitism was one of his highest priorities and most useful tools. 1933 Late in the pre-inaugural banking crisis, on March 3, 1933 (3/03/33), the Federal Reserve Board and the New York Reserve Bank's Governor Harrison had agreed that the Board would issue an order closing all the Federal Reserve Banks. New York Governor Herbert Lehman, at the urging of Governor Harrison, also agreed to proclaim an emergency bank holiday in New York, and a similar action was taken in Illinois. One of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first official acts after taking office on Inauguration Day (Saturday, March 4, 1933), was to proclaim an emergency, three-day, nationwide banking holiday, signed and effective Monday, March 6. FDR was a member of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, i.e., the Shriners. Shriners are 33rd degree Masons. The Great Seal of United States was established on June 20, 1782. The back of the Great Seal was barely known until the 1930s when it became a part of the dollar bill under Masonic United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt. On the reverse side of the Great Seal are an eye and a pyramid. Over the eye and pyramid is an inscription, Annuit Coeptis, Latin for He favors our undertakings. Undertaking means a venture, a promise, of the profession or duties of a funeral director. The Masons would like to believe that God favors their duties as funeral directors. The Masons become funeral directors by first directing whose body will be at the funeral, and where that life will be taken. If a life is taken close to the northern 33rd Parallel, this fits with the Masons' demonic mythology in which they demonstrate their worldly power by spilling human blood at a predetermined locale. The inscription below the pyramid is Novus Ordo Seclorum, Latin for The New Order of the Ages. Taking the first and last letters of each inscription, and the first letter of the middle word, Ordo, in the second inscription, the letter are M-A-S-O-N. Masons, in the original sense of the word as builders and stonemasons, built the Great Pyramid. The eye of the pyramid on the Great Seal is the eye of god, which watches and pierces the heart. Who knows its name? Call it love, creation, conspiracy, says the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Day, better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The death theme continues with the pyramid itself. The Greek origin of the word pyramid derives from fire-especially funeral pyre. The King's Burial Chamber is found in the center of the Great Pyramid. For the Great Pyramid functioned as a giant tomb for the Pharaoh. 1933 March 13 The SA organizes picket lines at court entrances in Breslau to prevent Jewish judges and lawyers access. 1933 March 14 The Communists (KPD) tries to establish an antiNazi coalition with the German Social Democratic Party (SPD).

968 1933 March 15 Brandenburg concentration camp opens near Berlin. 1933 March 16 Dr. Hjalmar Schacht is appointed president of the Reichsbank. 1933 March 17 Hitler declares himself a man of peace and international cooperation in a speech to the Reichstag. 1933 March 17 Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler is established as a 120-man bodyguard contingent of the SS, under Sepp Dietrich. SSSonderkommandos (special detachments) are established in all major German cities. (Edelheit) 1933 March 17 Poland protests the mistreatment of Polish Jew in Germany. 1933 March 18 Nazis arrest and beat Jews in Oehringen. 1933 March 18 Papen visits Cardinal Bertram, inquiring whether the Church would not revise its stand on Nazism. The Cardinal tells him, ""The act of revising has to be undertaken by the leader of the National Socialists himself." (Lewy) 1933 March 19 The Jewish War Veterans of America initiates an anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 March 20 Goering issues orders to the police authorizing the use of force against hostile demonstrators. 1933 March 20 Himmler announces the opening of a new concentration camp at Dachau, nine miles north of Munich. 1933 March 20 Negotiations begin between Hitler and Frick on one side and the Catholic Center Party leaders, Kaas, Stegerwald and Hackelsburger, on the other. The question is, under what conditions would the Center Party vote for an Enabling Act desired by Hitler? (The consent of the Catholic parties was necessary if this act was to receive the required two-thirds majority vote.) (Lewy) 1933 March 20 The American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith jointly condemn Germany for denying German Jews their basic rights. 1933 March 20 The Jews of Vilna (Vilnius, Lithuania) declare an anti-Nazi boycott. (Edelheit) 1933 March 20 The Reichstag gives Hitler full leadership powers. 1933 March 21 Germany establishes special courts for political enemies. 1933 March 21 Hitler and Hindenburg attend elaborate ceremonies opening the new Reichstag in Potsdam. Hitler and Goebbels intentionally fail to attend special Catholic services. An official communique explains that they feel obliged to absent themselves because Catholic bishops in a number of recent declarations had called Hitler and members of the NSDAP renegades of the Church, who should not be admitted to the sacraments. "To this day, these declarations have not been retracted and

969 the Catholic clergy continues to act accordingly to them." ("Augsburger Postzeitung") 1933 March 21 The German Comunist Party (KPD) is eliminated, giving the Nazis an absolute majority in the Reichstag. Several Communists are imprisoned at a munitions plant near Oranienburg, nine miles north of Berlin. This camp will close in 1935. 1933 March 22 A "Stop Hitler, Now" rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City is attended by 20,000 people. 1933 March 22 Konzentrationlager (KL) Dachau, a concentration camp for political prisoners, opens near Munich. SA and SS members are deployed as auxiliary policemen to guard the prisoners. 1933 March 22 Negotiations between Hitler, Frick and the Center Party are concluded. Hitler promises to continue the existence of the German states, not to use the new grant of power to change the constitution, and to retain civil servants belonging to the Catholic Center Party. Hitler also pledges to protect the Catholic confessional schools and to respect the concordats signed between the Holy See and Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929) and Baden (1931). Hitler also agrees to mention these promises in his speech to the Reichstag before the vote on the Enabling Act. (Lewy) 1933 March 22 Rabbi Stephen S. Wise testifies before the U.S. House of Representative's Immigration Committee. 1933 March 22 The Gestapo searches Albert Einstein's apartment in Berlin. (Edelheit) 1933 March 23 Goering opens the first session of the new Reichstag and raises the problem of the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 March 23 Hitler makes his policy statement to the Reichstag, promising to work for peaceful relations with the Catholic Church. 1933 March 23 In the evening session of the Reichstag, Monsignor Kaas announces that the Catholic Center Party, despite some certain misgivings, will vote for the Enabling Act. 1933 March 23 Spain outlaws Fascist propaganda. 1933 March 23 With Catholic Center Party support, the Enabling Act is passed by the Reichstag, transferring the power of legislation from the Reichstag to the cabinet. The Enabling Act gives Hitler the power to pass his own laws, independent of the President or anyone else; making Hitler more powerful than any Kaiser in German History. 1933 March 24 Monsignor Kaas leaves Berlin for a brief visit to Rome, supposedly to discuss problems in the former German territory of Eupen-Malmedy. (Lewy) 1933 March 24 The World Alliance for Combatting Antisemitism calls for a boycott of German goods and services, to last until the Nazis stop persecuting German Jews. (Edelheit)

970 1933 March 25 Cardinal Bertram writes a list of proposed instructions to the clergy. He has now joined the group of bishops who favor withdrawing the various prohibitions imposed on the Nazi party. (Lewy) 1933 March 25 Goering publicly denies mistreatment of Jews and political opponents. 1933 March 25 The Bavarian Ministry of Justice replaces Jewish judges in disciplinary and criminal cases. 1933 March 27 Max Warburg writes a letter assuring Harriman and his associates at Brown Brothers Harriman that the Hitler government is good for Germany. "I feel perfectly convinced that there is no cause for any alarm whatsoever," Warburg concludes. (Warburgs) 1933 March 27 The American Jewish Congress sponsors a mass anti-Nazi demonstration in New York City. 1933 March 28 A large protest rally is held in Tel Aviv against the persecution of German Jews by the Nazis. 1933 March 28 The German Catholic episcopate, organized in the Fulda Bishop's Conference, withdraws its earlier prohibition against membership in the Nazi party, and admonishes the faithful to be both loyal and obedient to the new Nazi regime. (Lewy) 1933 March 29 Max Warburg's son, Erich, sends a cable to his cousin, Frederick M. Warburg, a director of the Harriman railroad system, asking him to "use all your influence" to stop all anti-Nazi activity in America, including "atrocity news and unfriendly propaganda in foreign press, mass meetings, etc" 1933 March 3 Hitler tells a large audience in Frankfurt that he "will not be crippled by any bureaucracy. I won't have to worry about justice, my mission is only to destroy and exterminate" 1933 March 30 A telephone line linking London with Jerusalem goes into operation. 1933 March 30 Ambassador Diego von Bergen who has returned to Berlin from the Vatican is received by Hindenburg, as well as Hitler. 1933 March 30 Cardinal Faulhaber agrees to accept the text proposed by Bertram on the 25th. Thus this important proclamation appears with the backing of all the German bishops. (Lewy) 1933 March 30 President Hindenburg tries to convince Hitler to cancel a planned Nazi boycott against German Jewish shops and businesses. (Edelheit) 1933 March 30 The British House of Lords is the scene of a demonstration against Nazi persecution of German Jews. 1933 March 31 Monsignor Kaas is back in Berlin after being recalled for talks with Hitler. (Bernhard von Bulow; Lewy)

971 1933 March 31 Oranienburg, near Berlin, is officially established as a concentration camp. 1933 March 31 The American Jewish Committee and the B'nai B'rith issue a formal, official joint statement, counseling "that no American boycott against Germany be encouraged," and advising "that no further mass meetings be held or similar forms of agitation be employed." (Gottlieb) 1933 The Jesuits moved their Shriner Freemason FDR to recognize Russias bloody government in 1933. The Jesuits then financed Russian communism with their Knights of Malta on Wall Street. This enabled Joseph Stalin to carry out the purges of the Thirties. Having deceived the world into believing communism was of Jewish origin, the Jesuits then used Hitler to implement the Final Solution to the Jewish Questionpursuant to the evil Council of Trent. The result was the mass murder of European and Russian Jewry at the hands of the Jesuitcontrolled SS. At the close of the Second Thirty Years War (1945) the Jesuits, with their Vatican Ratline, helped top Nazis to escape to South America. And where in South America? To the old dominion where socialist-communism had been perfected by the Jesuit fathersto the nation of Paraguay. The Jesuits entered Paraguay in the early 1600s, sent by the kings of Spain and Portugal. They established their supremacy over the natives called Guarani Indians and did not allow them to mix with the Spanish or Portuguese. It was among this people that the Jesuits established their communes called reductions. 1933 March 31 The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) is established in the U.S. 1933 March 31 The Socialist uniformed defense force (Schutzbund) is ordered disbanded by the Austrian government. 1933 March 4 Esterwegen, a concentration camp, opens near Hannover. (Edelheit) 1933 March 4 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is inaugurated 32nd U.S. President. John N. Garner becomes Vice President. 1933 March 4 The Austrian parliament is dissolved. 1933 March 5 President Roosevelt soon announces a four-day "bank holiday" that enables the Federal Reserve to reflow income tax receipts into the banking system. 1933 March 5 The NSDAP receives 44% of the vote (288 seats) in the Reichstag elections. Although the Nazis had a sizable plurality over any other party, they still lacked an absolute majority. The NaziNationalist coalition is required to give them a narrow majority of 52 %. Goebbels is in charge of the Nazi campaign during the elections. 1933 March 5 The SA, Stahlhelm and Schutzpolizei (Protective Police) stage a victory parade in Berlin.

972 1933 March 6 An emergency decree proclaimed by the Nazis, For the Protection of the German People, restricts the opposition press and information services. (Edelheit) 1933 March 6 Banks in the U.S. remain closed for four days. 1933 March 6 Marshal Pilsudski sends Polish troops into Danzig, breaking a 1921 agreement that it remain a free city. 1933 March 6 Monsignor Kaas visits Vice Chancellor Papen, offering to put an end to their old animosities. (Lewy) 1933 March 7 Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss assumes dictatorial powers. 1933 March 7 Prescott Bush's American Ship and Commerce Corporation notifies Max Warburg that Warburg is now the corporation's officially designated representative on the board of Hamburg-Amerika Line. 1933 March 8 Dollfuss suspends freedom of the press in Austria. 1933 March 9 Heinrich Himmler becomes president of Munich's police. 1933 March 9 Japan withdraws from the League of Nations. 1933 March 9 The Bavarian government, headed by Heinrich Held of the Bavarian People's Party, is forced out of office. (Lewy) 1933 March 9 The U.S. Congress passes the Emergency Banking Relief Act, leading to the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). (Edelheit) 1933 March 9/10 The SA sponsors a series of anti-Jewish riots throughout Germany. KPD headquarter and individual Communists are searched and attacked by the German police. 1933 March Theodor Eicke returns to Germany from Italy. 1933 May 1 Hitler holds a massive May Day celebration for German workers. 1933 May 10 A large anti-Nazi rally is held at the Trocadero in Paris. 1933 May 10 Goebbels and his Propaganda Ministry sponsor a book burning session in Berlin. Thousands of books by Jewish authors and those that the Nazis consider un-German are fed to the flames. Similar burnings occur throughout Germany. (Edelheit) 1933 May 10 The American Jewish Congress stages an anti-Nazi parade through lower Manhattan. 1933 May 10 The property of the Social Democratic Party is confiscated on Hitler's order. (Lewy) 1933 May 11 The French Senate holds discussions on the German situation. 1933 May 12 Nazis seize local trade union headquarters in Danzig.

973 1933 May 12 The U.S. Federal Emergency Relief Act and Agricultural Adjustment Act are passed. The dollar is devalued by 50 percent. 1933 May 12 The Young Reform Movement is founded in Germany by Reverend Martin Niemoeller. 1933 May 15 Erbhoefe, a Nazi law regarding hereditary domains is published, No Jew or Negro can be part of these family holdings. (Edelheit) 1933 May 17 Hitler makes his first major "peace" speech, denying his intent to subject other nations to German domination. 1933 May 17 Spain nationalizes church property and bans churchrun schools. 1933 May 17 Strikes and walkouts are banned in Germany. 1933 May 17 The Bernheim Petition is submitted to the League of Nations. 1933 May 18 The Central British Fund for German Jewry is established in London. 1933 May 18 The general secretary of the Catholic Journeyman's Association invites Hitler to a national meeting of apprentices to be held in Munich the following month. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz) 1933 May 18 The Tennessee Valley Authority is established in the U.S. 1933 May 2 Germany outlaws the German Communist Party (KPD). 1933 May 2 On Hitler's orders, all independent and Socialist trade unions in Germany are closed down and dissolved. The remains are united into the German Labor Front (DAF). (Lewy, Edelheit) 1933 May 23 Church leaders in Holland protest Nazi treatment of Jews. 1933 May 23 Republican Congressman Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania brings impeachment charges against the Federal Reserve Board, the agency he says that caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929, with these charges, among others, "I charge them... with having... taken over $80,000,000,000 (eighty billion dollars) from the United States government in the year 1928.... I charge them... with having arbitrarily and unlawfully raised and lowered the rates on money... increased and diminished the volume of currency in circulation for the benefit of private interests...." I charge them... with having conspired to to transfer to foreigners and international money lenders title to and control of the financial resources of the United States.... It was a carefully contrived occurrence... The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all. (Congressional Record May 23, 1933)

974 1933 May 2-3 The central board of the Association of Catholic Young men decides that "the fact of belonging to the Jungmannerverein in principle does not rule out membership in the NSDAP, including its various formations (SA, SS etc.)." Soon afterward, the Nazi party forbids simultaneous membership in Catholic and National Socialist organizations. (Roth, Katholische Jugend) 1933 May 26 Some 1,200 Protestant clergymen in the U.S. sign a manifesto protesting Nazi treatment of Jews and others. 1933 May 27 Czechoslovakian Revisionists establish the Jewish State Party at their first conference in Prague. 1933 May 27 The U.S. Truth in Securities Act is passed. 1933 May 27 The World's Fair opens in Chicago. 1933 May 28 Nazis in Danzig win a majority (50.3%) in Volkstag (Senate) elections. 1933 May 29 A manifesto calling for a worldwide action to save German Jews is published by Lord Cecil, David Lloyd George, General Jan Smuts, Sir Herbert Samuel, Chaim Weizmann, Peter Warburg, M. Rotenburg and Nahum Sokolow. (Edelheit) 1933 May 29 Congressman McFadden makes a violent attack on the Jews of America in a speech in the U.S. Congress. Rabbi Lee J. Levinger has characterized this speech as the first evidence of political antisemitism in the United States (Anti-Semitism, Yesterday and Tomorrow, 1936). (Note, Two assassination attempts by gunfire were made on McFadden's life. He later dies a few hours after attending a banquet. Rumors persist that he was poisoned) (Larson) 1933 May 3 Sachsenburg (Sachsen) concentration camp goes into operation. 1933 May 30 The Council of the League of Nations censures Germany for its anti-Jewish actions in Upper Silesia. 1933 May 31 A confrontation breaks out between BETAR members and Ha-Poel in Haifa. (Edelheit) 1933 May 4 The Nazis publish a second ordinance of the Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service. 1933 May 5 University students in Cologne burn book concerning Judaism or written by Jewish authors. 1933 May 6 Teachers dismissed due to the Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service, now lose their licenses to teach or lecture. 1933 May 6 The Reich Minister of Justice, Gurtner, speaks to his colleagues in state governments, "I should like to ask you all to consider whether you can envisage any legislative procedure whereby we can prevent marriages of mixed race." (Science) 1933 May 8 English Revisionists repudiate Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky, founder of BETAR and HA-ZOHAR. (Edelheit)

975 1933 May An agreement is reached in Berlin between Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's economics minister, and John Foster Dulles, the international attorney for literally dozens of Nazi enterprises. This new pact calls for all Nazi trade and commerce with the U.S. to be coordinated with The Harriman International Co., headed by Averell Harriman's first cousin, Oliver. Max Warburg and Kurt von Schroeder are also involved in the negotiations. 1933 More than 50,000 Jews demonstrate against the Nazis in London's Hyde Park -- calling for war aginst Germany. (1933, History Year by Year, History Channel) 1933 Nevada passes legislation permitting casino operations and legal gambling. The organized crime faction moves in, headed by the Lansky syndicate. Tsarion 1933 Norwegian fascist leader Vidkun Quisling founds the National Union party. 1933 Nov. 21, 1933 - In a letter to Col. Edward M. House, President Franklin Roosevelt writes: "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson." - 1933 November 1 The Conference for Relief of German Jewry closes in London. It has adopted resolutions calling for Palestine to be the primary location for resettling Jewish refugees and the establishment of a central allocation committtee and a central bureau to coordinate the work of the various groups dealing with German-Jewish problems. 1933 November 1 The United States officially recognizes the Soviet Union. 1933 November 10 Hitler makes a campaign speech to workers of the Siemens plant in Berlin-Siemensstadt, proclaiming to his audience that he was one of them. 1933 November 10 Martial law is declared in Austria. 1933 November 11 A referendum sponsored by Latvian Nazis urging Latvian voters to deprive Jews of their citizenship rights, fails 1933 November 12 Hitler receives 92% of the vote in new German elections. 1933 November 13 In a meeting with Josef Lipski, the Polish Ambassador in Berlin, Hitler tells him that "any war could bring Communism to Europe. Poland is at the forefront of the fight against Asia. Poland's destruction therefore would be a universal misfortune.The other European governments," Hitler says, "ought to recognize Poland's position." 1933 November 13 The Storm Troopers for Jesus Christ lead a Nazi-style mass demonstration in the Berlin Sportspalast.

976 1933 November 14 In Romania, Liberal Party leader Ion Duca forms a cabinet. 1933 November 16 Roosevelt recognizes the Soviet Government as the legitimate government of Russia and establishes diplomatic relations. 1933 November 19 The Gestapo confiscates the property of Albert Einstein. 1933 November 2 Martin Niemoeller speaks out against the antiJewish laws enacted within the churches in Germany. 1933 November 21 Hungarian student organizations demand numerus clausus for all Jewish students in Hungary, threatening strikes and demonstraions unless their demands are met. 1933 November 21 The Austrian Fatherland Front demands a numerus clausus for all Jews living and working in Austria. 1933 November 22 Lithuania enacts numerus clausus against all Jewish professionals in academic institutions. The Lithuanian language becomes compulsory in all Jewish schools. 1933 November 23 Romanian Premier Ion Duca outlaws the antisemitic Cuzist Party and the Garda de Fier (Iron Guard). 1933 November 23 The Monarchists are victorious in Spain. 1933 November 24 A law for the protection of animals is passed by the German government. This law explicitly states that it is designed to prevent cruelty and indifference of man towards animals and to awaken and develop sympathy and understanding for animals as one of the highest moral values of a people. The soul of the German people should abhor the principle of mere utility without consideration of the moral aspects. The law further states that all operations or treatments which are associated with pain or injury, especially experiments involving the use of cold, heat, or infection, are prohibited, and can be permitted only under special exceptional circumstances. Special written authorization by the head of the department is necessary in every case, and experimenters are prohibited from performing experiments according to their own free judgment. Experiments for the purpose of teaching must be reduced to a minimum. Medico-legal tests, vaccinations, withdrawal of blood for diagnostic purposes, and trial of vaccines prepared according to wellestablished scientific principles are permitted, but the animals have to be killed immediately and painlessly after such experiments. Individual physicians are not permitted to use dogs to increase their surgical skill by such practices. National Socialism, the law says, regards it as a sacred duty of German science to keep the number of painful animal experiments to a minimum. 1933 November 24 Jewish students are beaten and harassed at a number of Hungarian universities.

977 1933 November 25 The League to Combat Antisemitism opens its fourth annual congress in Paris. 1933 November 27 The German Labor Front establishes Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy), an agency to provide German workers with Nazi controlled recreation. 1933 November 28 A pogrom at Jassy in Romania is carried out by the Iron Guard. 1933 November 28 The University of Budapest is closed by the government until anti-Jewish disturbances cease. 1933 November 29 Jewish stores in Germany are warned not to display Christmas symbols. 1933 November 3 Archbishop Groeber and Bishop Berning report that the government is willing to exempt the directors of Catholic institutions from the duty of applying for the sterilization of patients under their care. (Lewy) 1933 November 3 Himmler and his staff visit Wewelsburg castle near Paderborn in Westphalia. Himmler decides to acquire it for the SS that same evening. (Roots) 1933 November 30 Goering removes the Gestapo from the control of the Interior Ministry. 1933 November 6 The Conference of Anglo-Jewish organizations in London approves the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 November 7 Fiorello LaGuardia is elected mayor of New York City. 1933 November 7 Hitler has Goering deliver a letter to Mussolini in Rome, thanking him for his efforts on "a fair handling of international relations" and informing him of the Reich's position in respect to disarmament. (Domarus) 1933 November 7 The German-Christian movement publicly announces its total acceptance of National Socialist totalitarian dogma at a large rally in the Berlin Sportspalast. 1933 November 8Hitler takes part in various gatherings of Alte Kampfer, (old fighters) in Munich, including meetings in the Braunes Haus (Strosstrupp Hitler) and the Sternecker, the birthplace of the NSDAP. 1933 November 9 A huge Blutzeuge celebration is held in Munich. At midday, the march from the Burgerbraukeller over the Ludwig Bridge to the Feldherrnhalle -- which had ended so badly in 1923 -- is reenacted. Hitler and the surviving members of the original march, including the Freikorps fighters (without General Ludendorff) silently trod the same fateful path through the streets of Munich. The Carillon in the city hall played the Horst Wessel Song when the columns reached the Marienplatz. A small bronze memorial honoring the dead of 1923 was

978 unveiled after a moving speech by Hitler, who now planned to make a permanent annual event of this commemoration ceremony. (Domarus) 1933 November 9SS Leibenstandarte Adolf Hitler, 100 men of the Stabswache Goering and fifty members of the Stabswache Roehm. This, too, was now to become an annual event. On the evening of every November 9th, SS recruits would gather and, at Hitler's orders, pledge their oath before the memorial to be willing at all times to give their blood and their lives for him. (Domarus) 1933 October 1 A Nazi approved Jewish Cultural Society is established in Germany. 1933 October 1 Nine high-ranking Wehrmacht generals critical of Hitler are forced to retire. 1933 October 1 Theodore Eicke, commandant of Dachau, publishes "Disciplinary Camp Regulations," It will later be used as a guide for the expanding Nazi concentration camp system. 1933 October 10 President Roosevelt sends a letter to Mikhail Kalinin proposing the establishment of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. 1933 October 11 The American Federation of Labor (AFL) joins the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 October 11 U.S. Ambassador Christopher Dodd criticizes the Nazi regime during an addresses to the American Chamber of Commerce in Berlin. 1933 October 13 The AFL votes to approve participation in the boycott of German products and services. 1933 October 14 Hitler announces he is withdrawing Germany from the League of Nations and Disarmament Conference. 1933 October 14 The bishop of the Nazi Christian Church, Ludwig Muller (Mueller), declares that Christianity started as a war against Jews. 1933 October 14 The Gestapo confiscates and liquidates the property of Hagibor, a Jewish sports organization. 1933 October 16 Stephen Tatarescu and others establish the proNazi Christian-Fascist Party in Bucharest. 1933 October 17 Chaim Weizmann meets with King Albert of Belgium to discuss the German-Jewish refugee problem and the need for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. 1933 October 17 Wittmoor concentration camp is closed by the Gestapo. 1933 October 19 German Zionists and assimilationists clash for control of the Berlin Kehilla (Jewish Community Council). 1933 October 19 Germany pledges to protect all foreigners. 1933 October 2 Jewish military personnel are purged from the German army and navy.

979 1933 October 2 The first group of Jewish refugees esaping Germany arrives in Brazil. 1933 October 21 Germany withdraws from the League of Nations. 1933 October 23 Martin Buber and 51 other Jewish educators are fired from their positions at German universities. 1933 October 25 Edouard Daladier's cabinet falls from power in France. 1933 October 27 The French government cancels orders issued by local municipal authorities to expel German Jewish refugees. 1933 October 28 Gustav Ranzenhoffer, Austrian High Court Justice, demands a numerus clausus for Jews in all professions. 1933 October 28 The Nazis boast that their antisemitic propaganda has inspired Arab riots in Palestine. 1933 October 29 The antisemitic Gray Shirt movement is established in South Africa. 1933 October 29 The Conference for Relief of German Jewry opens in London. 1933 October 3 A British court indicts ten Brit ha-Biryonim (Covenant of Terrorists) members in the Arlosoroff murder. (Edelheit) 1933 October 3 An assassination attempt is made against Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss. 1933 October 30 James G. McDonald is appointed League of Nations High Commissioner for the Relief of Refugees. 1933 October 30 The antisemitic White Shirts movement is founded in Ottawa, Canada. 1933 October 4 Albert Einstein addresses a crowd of 10,000 in London's Albert Hall during the opening of a campaign to collect $5,000,000 for exiled German scientists. 1933 October 5 The British Labor Party endorses the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 October 5 Vandals paint Swastikas and antisemitic slogans on New York City's Temple Emmanuel. 1933 October 8 All Jewish jockeys are banned from German race tracks. 1933 October 8 Anti-Jewish incidents take place in rural Romania. 1933 October 8 The St. Louis, Missouri, chapter of the Fiends of New Germany, a pro-Nazi organization, begins operating. 1933 October 8--In 1933 there was a rash of reports of a sea serpent off the coast of British Columbia. Occasional sightings had occurred in the past, going back to at least 1897, but the Loch Ness uproar gave water monsters generally a new cachet. Soon the Canadian animal was given the name Cadborosaurus, which combined Cadboro Bay, on Victoria Island's southeast coast, and saurus. Cadborosaurus soon

980 became "Caddy." The first widely publicized sighting took place on October 8, 1933, and involved a witness of high repute: Maj. W. H. Langley, a barrister and clerk of the British Columbia legislature. Sailing his sloop past Chatham Island early in the afternoon, he spotted a greenish-brown-colored serpent with serrated body, "every bit as big as a whale but entirely different from a whale in many respects." He estimated its length at 80 feet. 1933 October 9 The Third all-Polish BETAR conference begins in Warsaw. The delegates wear "brown shirts." 1933 Of the 38 Germans who had won Nobel Prizes prior to 1933, eleven were German Jews. 1933 Otto Rahn publishes Crusade Against the Grail. Himmler greatly admires the book, and it soon becomes required SS reading. 1933 Outbreak of encephalitis in St. Louis, Missouri. Tsarion 1933 Pennsylvania, Chrysville: A man observed a faint violet light in a field between this town and Morrestown. Walking to it, he found an ovoid object 3 m in diameter and 2 m thick with a circular opening similar to a vault door. Pushing it, he found the room full of violet light and observed many instruments, no occupant. Smell of ammonia. 1933 President Roosevelt (CFR) declares US bankrupt, signs over US monetary power to world bankers (Rothschilds/RockefellersIlluminati). 1933 RCA makes vast strides in technology through 1934 with highly technical information from an unknown source. Tsarion 1933 Ritual sacrifice of Jews reinstated. Stepped up after 1940. Tsarion 1933 Roosevelt appoints Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., to the Industrial Advisory Board as liaison officer with the National Recovery Administration. 1933 Rudolf von Sebottendorff returns to Munich to revive the Thule Society in the Third Reich. He quickly falls into disfavor with the Nazi authorities because of his claims as a precursor of National Socialism. (Roots) 1933 Scandinavia: The month of December saw the beginning of the Swedish 'Ghost Flier' Wave. It ended four years later with an accumulation of 1,000 reports that also covered neighboring Finland and Norway. Most sightings involved airplane-shaped craft and luminous phenomena, none identified. 1933 September 1 The German government approves the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement with the Jewish settlement in Palestine, enabling the transfer of a small percentage of Jewish capital to Palestine in the form of German goods.

981 1933 September 10 The Concordat becomes final when documents of ratification are exchanged between Cardinal Pacelli and German Charge d'Affaires Eugen Klee. (Lewy) 1933 September 11 Hungary prohibits the use or display of the swastika by private citizens or organizations. 1933 September 12 Cardinal Bertram submits a letter of protestconcerning the "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring" to Minister of the Interior Frick. 1933 September 14 The Ministry of Education in Holland establishes a numerous clausus based on race for foreign students attending Dutch universities. 1933 September 15 Chancellor Dollfuss, addressing the Austrian Fatherland Front, proposes a "Christian German state on Fascist lines," but without discrimination against Jews. 1933 September 17 The State Representation of German Jews is established by order of the Gestapo. 1933 September 18 The Nazi-dominated Danzig Senate guarantees basic rights to Poles living in the Free City. 1933 September 2 Centralverein Zeitung resumes publication. 1933 September 2 The Soviet Union and Italy sign a pact outlining non-agression, friendship and neutrality. 1933 September 21 The Pastor's Emergency League is founded by Martin Niemoeller. 1933 September 22 The State Chamber of Culture Law is passed, reestablishing a Reich Chamber of Culture. "Non-Aryans" are restrained from participating in German culture, the arts, literature, music and related fields. 1933 September 24 Jewish lawyers are banned from the German Bar Congress. 1933 September 25 The Relief Conference for german Jews, meeting in Rome under the chairmanship of Chaim Weizmann, adopts a resolution to open special ofices in Jerusalem and London dealing with settlement of German Jewish refugees in Palestine. 1933 September 27 Ludwig Muller (Mueller), bishop of Prussia and a confidant of Hitler, is named Reichsbishop. 1933 September 27 The Canadian garment industry joins the antiNazi boycott. 1933 September 29 Hitler excludes all Jews from agriculture and establishes the Reich Chambers of Culture, instituting mandatory guilds for employees in the fields of film, theater, music, the fine arts and journalism under the control of Joseph Goebbels, who forbids Jews from joining the guilds, and thus, from working. (Apparatus)

982 1933 September 29 The Dutch government sponsors a resolution urging the League of Nations to formulate plans for an international solution to the German refugee problem. 1933 September 30 One hundred fifty-five Jewish traders are ousted from the Berlin Stock Exchange. 1933 September 4 Fuhlsbuettel (Hamburg) concentration camp is opened. 1933 September 5 The "Aryan Clause" is adopted by the old Prussian church Synod. 1933 September 5 The Hamburg Amerika Line is merged, under Nazi supervision, with the North German Lloyd Company. The new line is renamed Hapag-Lloyd. 1933 September 5 The World Jewish Congress preliminary conference convenes in Geneva, Switzerland. 1933 September 6 Austria deploys its army along the German border. 1933 September 8 The Second World Jewish Congress joins the anti-Nazi boycott. 1933 September 9 Papal Secretary of State Pacelli, at the request of Cardinal Bertram, puts in "a word on behalf of those German Catholics" who are of Jewish descent and for this reason suffering "social and economic difficulties." The future Pope Pius XII makes no other mention of the "Jewish question." (Lewy) 1933 September Genetic Health Courts are organized set up through out Germany. Beginning in January 1934, they will eventually order the sterilization of almost 400,000 German citizens. (32,268 during 1934; 73,174 in 1935; 63,547 in 1936. In the U.S. 60,166 people were sterilized from 1907-1958) (Lewy) 1933 September Karl Maria Wiligut joins the SS under the pseudonym Karl Maria Weisthor and is appointed head of a department for Pre- and Early History within the SS Race and Resettlement Main Office in Munich. He had earlier been personally introduced to Himmler by his old friend Richard Anders. 1933 Standard Oil (U.S.) sends $2 million to Germany chemical industry. Tsarion 1933 The Ahnenerbe, the Society for the Study of Ancestral Heritages, is privately founded by Frederick Hielscher, a mystic and friend of Swedish explorer Sven Hedin, who himself was closely associated with Karl Haushofer. (Pauwels) 1933 The Brazil-Colombia Boundary Commission claimed that an anaconda some ninety feet long was killed on the banks of the Rio Negro. A photograph was also supplied.

983 1933 The citizens of the United States, now declared enemies of the United States, find themselves with unlawfully suspended rights. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights no longer apply. American people now have no unalienable rights to life, liberty, or property. Tsarion 1933 The Illuminati encounter short, gray reptilian humanoids having taller reptilian elite. Deals are made for overlapping planetary aims and joint control of a one-world electronic society; reptilian humanoids move bases of operation from South and Central America to the American Southwest. Tsarion 1933 The Public Works Administration (PWA) is formed to fund public construction projects. 1933 The secret society which would become the OSS-CIA begins biotelemetry implants in unsuspecting people. Implants activated by touching the skin with an electrified rod. (The paradigm of Vril?) Tsarion 1933 The U.S. Government agreed to trade with aliens animals in exchange for high-tech knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) underground bases in the Western U.S.A. 1933 There are a minimum of 28 sightings of the Loch Ness monster in this year. These include Mr. and Mrs John Mackay on the newly completed North Shore Road, and Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer, Dr. J. Kirton, and Miss N. Simpson. As well, Hugh Gray photographs the Loch Ness Monster and a Scottish film company (Irvine, Clayton and Hay) films the creature. 1933 U.S. banks number 14,771. Tsarion 1933 U.S. murder rate 200:100,000. 1933 Legal tender laws permanently enacted for U.S. currency. Tsarion 1933 Vaccination programs against Yellow Fever begin in the United States. Tsarion 1933 Warren Bechtel dies mysteriously in Moscow, and his son Stephen takes over the Bechtel Consortium. (March 29, 1933). Warren dies of a drug overdose. Tsarion 1933 Wilhelm Reich publishes The Mass Psychology of Fascism, which earns him a death sentence from the Nazis. Reich leaves Germany. Tsarion 1933 World Fair in Chicago has amoebic dysentery outbreak. AMA conceals it. Tsarion 1933 , 20 1933, "Names make news". : ( : , 63 , Ruislip , 83 ,

984 ( 16 ), . , ( ), , , . 1877 . . 1918 , . " 22 ' . ... . ... "). 1933, , " ... , , . ". Lady Queensborough [Edith Starr Miller], 1933 Occult Theocrasy . " ", . " ... , ". . Texe Marrs, , . 187 .. 1933, 12 , , " ". 1933, 86 . 1933, 86 . 44 . 53 , 79, 38 58 58 .

985 1933, . 1933, 80.000 . , 4.000 . 1933, 16 . 1933, : " ". ' 1933 , , 47 ... ... [ , . , , . , . 55 .]. 19331948 Aliyah Bet: Jewish refugees flee Germany because of persecution under the Nazi government with many turned away as illegal because of the British-imposed immigration limit. 1933: popular revolution against Cuban dictator Gerardo Machado 1934: In October, workers including radical socialists and anarchists stage coups in the Spanish regions of Asturias and Catalonia. The immediate cause was the entrance of a right-wing Catholic party into the government of the unstable Second Spanish Republic. The Asturian uprising was put down by General Francisco Franco. 1934 - "The Externalization of the Hierarchy" by Alice Bailey is published. Bailey is an occultist, taking over from Annie Besant as head of the Theosophical Society. Bailey's works are channelled from a spirit guide, the Tibetan Master [demon spirit] Djwahl Kuhl. [Her teachings form the foundation for the current New Age movement.] She writes: "The hour for the ancient mysteries has arrived. These Ancient Mysteries were hidden in numbers, in ritual, in words, and in symbology; these veil the secret. There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity." She further states: "Out of the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order must be built." [The book is published by the Lucis Trust, incorporated originally in New York as the Lucifer Publishing Company. Lucis Trust is a United Nations NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) and has been a major player at the recent UN summits. Later, Assistant Secretary General of the U.N. Robert Muller would credit the creation of his World Core Curriculum

986 for education to the underlying teachings of Djwahl Kuhl, via Alice Bailey's writings on the subject.] - 1934 -- Assassination of S.M. Kirov, Soviet leader and Stalin collaborator. Russian GPU renamed NKVD. Beginning of Hitler's Black Order. Unexplained "ghostflier" broadcasts in Sweden. - 1934 A "beast which sometimes disembowels elephants" had been reported from several localities in the Likouala region of the Congo, among them Epena, Impfondo, and Dongou. At Dongou, one of these animals was supposedly killed in 1934. 1934 Adolf Eichmann is sent to meet the Zionist leaders in Palestine. Returns to Germany with the 3 point Zionist Plan for the Disposition of European Jewry. 1934 April 1 Heinrich Himmler is appointed Reichsfuhrer-SS. (Edelheit) 1934 April 1 Jewish shops in Germany are again boycotted. 1934 April 12 Julius Streicher is appointed Gauleiter of Franconia. 1934 April 12 The German Ministry of Justice introduces the "protective custody" warrant. 1934 April 19 The Czech government prohibits The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other antisemitic works from circulation. 1934 April 2 Lithuania removes all Jewish doctors from government-run hospitals and clinics. 1934 , ! The assassins of St. Bartholomew, the inquisitors and the Jesuits are monsters produced by malignant imaginations; they are the natural allies of the spirit of darkness and of death . . . [It is most revealing in recalling that the Orders political massmurder called The Night of the Long Knives that was carried out by Hitlers Jesuit-controlled SS in 1934 which murder resulted in the purging of that most notorious homosexual, Ernst Roehm (who had scorned Hitlers Concordat and insulted the Papacy), along with his leading Nazi SA (Sturmableitung) Brownshirts was also referred to by Adolf Hitler himself as The Saint Bartholomews Day Massacre]. [Emphasis added] Edwin A. Sherman, 1883 American Shriner Freemason Friend of our hero, Charles Chiniquy The Engineer Corps of Hell It is under the inspiration of those diabolical laws of Rome, that 75,000 Protestants were massacred, the night and following of St. Bartholomew. Charles Chiniquy, 1886 French-Canadian Ex-Priest Fifty Years in the Church of Rome 1934 April 20 Himmler is appointed inspector of the Prussian Gestapo.

987 1934 April 22 Reinhard Heydrich is appointed Gestapo chief. (Edelheit) 1934 April 22 Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists, accuses English Jews of dual loyalty during his first public address in London. 1934 April 23 Brandenburg concentration camp is closed by the Gestapo. 1934 April 27 The Swiss government informs Germany that a mutual arrangement between the two countries must take place without prejudice on racial origins of Swiss citizens. (Edelheit) 1934 April 4 The German state of Baden bans Jewish ritual slaughter (shechita). 1934 April 4 The three Legionaries (Iron Guardsmen) who assassinated Romanian Prime Minister Ion Duca are given life sentences. 1934 April 5 Dr. Ludwig Marum, a former Jewish member of the Reichstag commits suicide while in "protective custody" by the Gestapo. 1934 April 5 Forty-six Iron Guard leaders are freed by a military court in Romania. 1934 April 9 Austria bans dissimination of Pan-German Association propaganda. 1934 April Himmler again visits Wewelsburg Castle near Paderborn in Westphalia. (See August 1934) 1934 April Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) is promoted to SSStandartenfuhrer (Colonel). 1934 August 1 President Hindenburg dies of natural causes. Hitler quickly proclaims himself both Chancellor and Fuehrer of the German People. 1934 August 1 The Lithuanian government suppresses all Jewish newspapers. 1934 August 15 Hitler receives Hindenburg's political testament. 1934 August 15 Hohnstein concentration camp is closed. 1934 August 19 A German plebiscite approves (88%) Hitler's assumption of full power and his dual role as chancellor and fuehrer. 1934 August 2 The German armed forces swear a personal oath of loyalty to Adolf Hitler. 1934 August 26-27 The Third World Conference of General Zionists meets in Cracow. 1934 August 7 Belgium orders the antisemitic Green Shirts disbanded. 1934 August 7 Five Americans are beaten in Nuremberg for refusing to give the Nazi salute. 1934 August Wewelsburg castle in Westphalia is officially taken over by Himmler and the SS.

988 1934 British embark on a biological warfare project. Tsarion 1934 the SS had become the most pro-Zionist element in the Nazi Party. Other Nazis were even calling them soft on the Jews. Baron von Mildenstein had returned from his six-month visit to Palestine as an ardent Zionist sympathiser. Now as the head of the Jewish Department of the SSs Security Service, he started studying Hebrew and collecting Hebrew records; when his former companion and guide, Kurt Tuchler, visited his office in 1934, he was greeted by the strains of familiar Jewish folk tunes. There were maps on the walls showing the rapidly increasing strength of Zionism inside Germany. Von Mildenstein was as good as his word: he not only wrote favourably about what he saw in the Zionist colonies in Palestine; he also persuaded Goebbels to run the report as a massive twelve-part series in his own Der Angriff (The Assault), the leading Nazi propaganda organ (26 September to 9 October 1934). His stay among the Zionists had shown the SS man the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish question. It was really amazing how some good Jewish boden under his feet could enliven the Jew: The soil has reformed him and his kind in a decade. This new Jew will be a new people. To commemorate the Barons expedition, Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star. 1934 Death rate for diabetes in Denmark is 19 per 100,000. Tsarion 1934 December 1 Sergei Mironovich Kirov is assassinated. His death was probably ordered by Stalin, who uses the murder as the pretext for arresting nearly all the major party figures as saboteurs within a year. 1934 December 17 Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists, is tried for riotous assembly. 1934 December 19 Japan denounces the 1922 and 1930 naval agreements. 1934 December 22 An international group of observers arrives in the Saar to oversee the upcoming plebiscite (referendum) to determine whether the region will become part of Germany, or France. 1934 December 27 The French Foreign Office refuses to issue transit visas for Thousands of Jews fleeing Germany. (Edelheit) 1934 December 3 France and Germany sign a one-year agreement prohibiting discrimination against any resident of the Saar region for racial, linguistic or religious reasons. 1934 Denmark sugar consumption is 113 pounds per person annually. Tsarion 1934 Drs. Chaffee and Light publish manuscript entitled A Method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System. Tsarion

989 1934 During a winter blizzard, mysterious engine noises are heard above the clouds in New York City, USA. 1934 Edward R. Stettinius Jr. becomes a vice-president at U.S. Steel, another Morgan company. 1934 FDR prohibits private ownership of gold in the United States. Tsarion 1934 February 1 Dollfuss dissolves all rival political parties and establishes one-party rule in Austria. Often described as a proto-Fascist, he is determined to keep Austria independent of both Germany and the Communists. (Note, A brief but bloody civil war soon breaks out. Socialist resistance to Dollfuss' measures leads to the government's bombardment of Vienna's large Socialist quarter.) 1934 February 1 Police in Vienna outlaw the sale of anti-Jewish or pro-Nazi publications on the streets. 1934 February 11 The Austrian Antisemitenbund (Antisemitic Association) sets out its anti-Jewish program. 1934 February 12 The Austrian Heimwehr (Homeguard) stages a coup d'etat. Communists are attacked, and the Socialist Schutzbund (Protection Force) is disarmed. More than 100 are killed. 1934 February 12/13 A general strike breaks out in France. 1934 February 14 King Albert of Belgium dies in a mountainclimbing accident. 1934 February 16 A British-Soviet trade agreement is signed. 1934 February 17 More than 5,000 Austrian Jews lose their jobs because of Dollfuss' antisemitic policies. 1934 February 18 Austria bans the Zionist Labor Organization. 1934 February 19 Polish Jewish organizations agree to levy a tax on their members to be used for German Jewish relief. 1934 February 19 The Youth Aliya (immigration to Palestine) program begins operation in Germany. 1934 February 2 The Nazis publish a version of the Psalms of David that eliminates all references to Jews. 1934 February 20 Latvia's parliament rejects proposals to abolish Jewish autonomy. 1934 February 25 Leopold III is crowned king of Belgium. 1934 February 25 The German Association of Jewish War Veterans declares loyalty to Germany in honor of the 12,000 Jews who died fighting for Germany in WWI. 1934 February 28 Hitler invites invites General Werner von Blomberg, Minister of Defense, and SA leader Ernst Roehm to meet with him at the War Ministry, where he convinces them to sign an agreement specifying the responsibilities of the Reichswehr and the SA. The Reichswehr is given the right to bear arms and handle all military

990 operations and the SA is placed in chrarge of some aspects of training. The SS soon accuses Roehm of calling Hitler a traitor and vowing to overthrow him. (Secrets) 1934 February 28 The Wehrmacht issues orders applying racial criteria to German military service. 1934 February 3 Liberation, an antisemitic publication, publishes the text of a speech supposedly given by Benjamin Franklin during the U.S. Constitutional Convention (1787-1788) in which he is alleged to have remarked that if the immigration of Jews to the United States was not restricted, the Jews would ruin the country. Historians later concluded that this document, if it did exist, was a forgery. (Edelheit) 1934 February 4 Greek police prevent a pogrom against the Jews of Salonika. 1934 February 6 Fascist agitation leads to rioting in the streets of Paris, almost resulting in a coup. 1934 February 7 Hitler tells Cardinal Schulte that he does not like Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century. He supported Rosenberg, the theoretician of the National Socialist Party, Hitler said, but did not identify himself with Rosenberg, the author. (Lewy) 1934 February 7 The antisemitic Liberal Movement is founded in Bucharest. 1934 February 7 The Daladier government resigns and the new French Government of National Concentration is installed. (Edelheit) 1934 February 8 Customs agents in America impound 300 pounds of Nazi propaganda materials. 1934 February 8 The Gestapo orders German Bible Circles to be disbanded. 1934 February 9 The Balkan Pact is signed in Athens by Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey and Romania. 1934 February 9 The French government bans Communist demonstrations. 1934 February 9 The Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office in Rome announces that Alfred Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century has been placed on the Church's Index of Forbidden Books. (Lewy) 1934 Foundation of Hitler's "Black Order". 1934 Germans produce first pilot-less aircraft. Tsarion 1934 Germany maintains nine main concentration camps and thousands of smaller ones, initially imprisoning thousands of Germans who disagree with the Nazis, then others who did not meet the Aryan criteria for racial purity. [See Darwinian paradigm in Matrix III Volume II]. Tsarion 1934 Hitler in a conversation with Hermann Rauschning asks, "How can we arrest racial decay? Shall we form a select company of the

991 really initiated? An Order, the brotherhood of Templars around the holy grail of pure blood?" (Rauschning) 1934 Hitler meets with Viktor Schauberger (researcher into implosion vortex propulsion). Tsarion 1934 IG. Farbenindustrie completely under Nazi control. Tsarion 1934 In Germany, the SS was designated as the Army of the Nazi Party. Tsarion 1934 January 1 All Jewish holidays are removed from official German calendars. 1934 January 1 Hitler writes a letter of gratitude to his friend, Ernst Roehm. 1934 January 10 Marinus van der Lubbe is executed in Leipzig for setting the fire at the Reichstag. (See February 27) 1934 January 10 The government of Holland announces that all government employees belonging to the Nazi Party will be fired immediately. 1934 January 11 The homes of dissident German clergymen are raided by the Gestapo. 1934 January 12 The Gestapo permits the Zionist Federation of Germany to hold a Palestine exhibition in Berlin. 1934 January 15 An antisemitic racial exhibition opens in Munich. 1934 January 15 Goebbels demands that all Jews representing German companies abroad be dismissed from their positions. 1934 January 15 Goering orders the Gestapo to arrest and question all political emigres and Jews returning to Germany. 1934 January 16 The League of Nations protests the treatment of Jews in the Saar and Upper Silesia. 1934 January 19 Kemma concentration camp is closed. 1934 January 2 A German law is passed for sterilization of the "unfit." 1934 January 21 The Austrian government approves establishment of a Jewish self defense force in Vienna. 1934 January 22 Street fighting breaks out between Communists and Royalists in Paris. Hundreds are arrested by the French police. 1934 January 22 The American Jewish Congress establishes the Merchandising Council to Strengthen Boycott against German Goods and Services. (Edelheit) 1934 January 24 Alfred Rosenberg is appointed deputy of the Fuehrer for the supervision of the spiritual and ideological training of the National Socialist Party. (Lewy) 1934 January 25 Albert Einstein visits with President Roosevelt at the White House.

992 1934 January 26 Germany and Poland conclude a 10-year nonaggression pact. 1934 January 26 The Zurich Church Council condemns The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 1934 January 28 Lithuanian police raid kehilla headquarters in Ponivez to squelch the anti-Nazi boycott. (Edelheit) 1934 January 29 The Pro-Communist New Masses (January 29 and February 5, 1934) publishes an article entitled "Wall Street's Fascist Conspiracy" by John L. Spivak. This article claims that the Warburg family is involved in a fascist conspiracy with the J.P Morgan international banking interests, has opposed the anti-Nazi boycott and controls the American Jewish Committee, while at the same time their Kuhn Loeb and Co. in New York is underwriting Nazi shipping and industrialization. No mention is made of the Warburg family's close connection with Averell Harriman, already a permanent hero of the Soviet Union. 1934 January 29 The SA issues a warning card on Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff. (Berlin Document Center; Roots) 1934 January 30 A Nazi reorganization strips German states of their sovereignty. 1934 January 31 The U.S. dollar is devalued to 60 cents. 1934 January 6 Catholic worshippers are told at services that according to Catholic doctrine it is forbidden to volunteer for sterilization or apply for the sterilization of another. "We appreciate every consideration for the basic principle." (Lewy) 1934 January 6 George Tatarescu, Romania's new prime minister, promises to eliminate antisemitism throughout the nation. 1934 January 7 Germany bars "non-Aryans" from adopting "Aryan" children. 1934 January 9 A student union in Budapest calls for a boycott of university classes until anti-Jewish legislation is passed. (Edelheit) 1934 John D. Rockefeller creates $50 million trusts for his sons. Tsarion 1934 July 1 Defense Minister General Werner von Blomberg thanks Hitler in the name of the Wehrmacht for curbing Roehm and the SA. 1934 July 12 Belgium outlaws all uniformed political parties. 1934 July 13 Hitler defends his purge of the SA in a speech at the Kroll Opera House. 1934 July 15 Nazis march the length of the Kurfurstendam in Berlin, wrecking Jewish owned shops and attacking all those they believe to be Jewish.

993 1934 July 2 Hitler gives Sepp Dietrich orders to execute Roehm. The coup de grace is administered by SS-Brigadefuehrer Theodor Eicke. (Secrets) 1934 July 2 President Hindenburg sends Hitler a telegram thanking him for savings the German people from a catastrophe. 1934 July 20 The SS is strengthened and takes over control of most of the concentration camps formerly under SA control. (Days) 1934 July 25 Austrian Nazis stage a coup in Vienna and murder Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss. An attempted takeover collapses when Mussolini dispatches troops to the Austrian border as a warning to Hitler. 1934 July 3 An order is issued forbidding the publication of the pastoral letter of June 7 by the press and even the diocesan gazettes on the grounds that the letter is likely to jeopardize public order and deprecate the authority of state and movement. The Gestapo confiscates all unsold copies. (Lewy) 1934 July 3 The Reichstag justifies Hitler's actions against the SA. 1934 July 4 Himmler appoints Theodor Eicke as inspector of of the concentration camp and head of the SS-Totenkopfverbaende (Death's Head units). (Edelheit) 1934 July 7 Theodor Eicke takes command of all Death's Head formations of the SS and becomes director of the Central Camps Authority. (See July 2) 1934 July 8 Sixty people are killed during anti-Communist uprising in Amsterdam. 1934 June 11 Temple Neudinger in Vienna is severely damaged in an antisemitic bombing. 1934 June 11 The World Disarmament Conference ends in failure. 1934 June 14 Marshal Josef Pilsudski refuses to meet with Goebbels during the Nazi propaganda chief's visit to Poland. 1934 June 14-15 Hitler and Mussolini meet for the first time. 1934 June 15 Schacht declares a six month moratorium on German foreign payments. He klater extends it to one year. 1934 June 17 On one of the rare occasions when he dares criticize the Nazi regime, Vice Chancellor von Papen makes a much-publicized speech at Marburg, saying that the Church must be granted the right to oppose the state's totalitarian claims when those claims intrude into the realm of religion. (Lewy) 1934 June 19 Hitler refuses to accept Vice Chancellor von Papen's resignation. 1934 June 20 The NDW, soon to be renamed the DFG, agrees to the creation of five posts for assistants to process the "scientific material," available in connection with sterilization, for Professor Fischer, Professor Rudin (Director of the KWI of Psychiatry in Munich), and Professor von

994 Verschuer (a department head at the KWI of Anthropology under Professor Fischer). (Science) 1934 June 21 Hitler flies to Neudeck to see the dying Hindenburg. Hindenburg, appalled by the continued outrageous behavior of Roehm and the SA, vows that unless order is restored he will declare martial law and turn power over to the army. (The SS, Time-Life) 1934 June 21 The German state of Franconia cancels the citizenship for all Jews naturalized between 1922 and 1929. (Edelheit) 1934 June 23 Italian warships occupy the Albanian port of Durazzo. 1934 June 25 Professor Lenz says at a meeting of the Expert Advisory Council for Population and Race Policy, "As things are now, it is only a minority of our fellow citizens who are so endowed that their unrestricted procreation is good for the race." (Science) 1934 June 27 Hitler calls a halt to plans that would have banned Stahlhelm. 1934 June 28 Hitler and Goering attend a wedding in western Germany. Himmler telephones constantly from Berlin warning of an imminent coup by Roehm and the SA. (The SS, Time-Life) 1934 June 29 In response to the rumors of an SA coup, Hitler tells those close to him, "I've had enough. I shall make an example of them." (The SS, Time-Life) 1934 June 3 Hitler holds a conference with SA leader Ernst Rohm (Roehm). 1934 June 30 On Hitler's orders the SS becomes an independent organization within the NSDAP. (Edelheit) 1934 June 30 The Night of the Long Knives, Ernst Roehm and most of the top SA leadership are arrested. Many are quickly executed without trial. Also killed are General von Schleicher and Gregor Strasser. As many as a thousand homosexuals may have been killed during the following purge. 1934 June 5 The possibilities for legislating on "race-protection" are discussed at the 37th Meeting of the German Criminal Law Commission. Professor Dahm says, "Ideally, sexual relationships between "Aryans" and "non-Aryans" should be punished." (Science) 1934 June 5-7 The Fulda Bishops' Conference notes that "contrary to earlier declarations of the Fuehrer, the National Socialist movement itself now wanted to constitute a Weltanschauung (worldview)." Religion could not be based on Blood and race or other dogmas of human creation, the bishops write, but only on divine revelation taught by the Church and its visible head, the Vicar of Christ in Rome. (Lewy)

995 1934 June 5-7 The Fulda Bishops' Conference pronounces that Catholic nurses may not assist or take part in sterilization operations (see July 24, 1940). 1934 June 6 Pogroms throughout Poland are sponsored by Endek (Polish National Democratic Party). 1934 June 7 Ernst Roehm agrees to furlough the SA for one month, beginning July 1. 1934 June 8 Latvia begins alrge-scale roundups of Socialists. Many Jews are arrested. 1934 June 9 Diplomatic relations between Russia and Romania are resumed. 1934 June 9 The Sicherheitdienst (SD) is established as the political counter-espionage arm of the NSDAP. 1934 June Himmler hints to Hitler that if the Papen bourgeois and Roehm's SA were to join forces, as reports from the SS secret police seemed to indicate, it would be a catastrophe for Hitler. (Secrets) 1934 Loch Ness sightings by Captain James Frazer and the Bendictine brother Richard Horan. Also, Robert Kenneth Wilson (a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons) photographs the Lock Ness Monster ("The Surgeon's Photo"). As well, fourteen men are hired by Sir Edward Mountain to watch the Loch. 1934 Mao Tse-tung leads the Chinese Communists on what is called the Long March. 1934 March 1 Henry Pu-yi, last of the Manchu emperors, is crowned emperor of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (Manchuria). 1934 March 10 Catherine the Great, a film starring Elizabeth Bergner, a Jewish actress, is banned in Germany. 1934 March 10 Twelve Jews are elected to the Italian parliament. 1934 March 12 Konstantin Paets seizes power in Estonia. 1934 March 12 The Nazi Trade and Artisans Union declares a new boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. 1934 March 14 Classes at Warsaw University are cancelled after disturbances. 1934 March 16 Warsaw University is closed after students attack Professor Herceli Handelsmann. Six are arrested several days later. 1934 March 19 An article in the New York Times reports that the Polish government is fighting back against American and German stockholders who control "Poland's largest industrial unit, the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company... Two-thirds of the company's stock is owned by Friedrich Flick, a leading German steel industrialist, and the remainder is owned by interests in the United States." (Those interests

996 were Averell Harriman, George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush among others.) 1934 March 20 Germany lifts the ban on Jewish organizations as long as they remain uninvolved in politics. 1934 March 21 Hitler announces the "war on unemployment," emphasizing the need to employ five million jobless Germans during the coming year. 1934 March 21 The American Jewish Congress and New York Central Labor Council establish the Joint Boycott Enforcement Council against German goods and services. 1934 March 22 The Austrian census calculates that 183,000 Jews live in approximately 750 Austrian towns and villages. 1934 March 23 Germany announces the Law Regarding Expulsion from the Reich. 1934 March 23 The NSDAP orders local Nazi leaders to stop all independent actions that might lead to antisemitic violence. (Edelheit) 1934 March 28 Dr. Max Naumann, leader of a small group of ultranationalist, assimilationist Jews in Germany, organizes a Nazi-like party. 1934 March 29 The pro-Nazi German American Bund launches a counter-boycott against Jewish goods and services. 1934 March 30 Police in Warsaw, fearing antisemitic violence, prohibit meetings of the United Polish Jewish Committee for Combatting German Jewish Persecution. 1934 March 4 Austria's leading newspaper, the Oesterreichischer Beobachter, states that Jews should be removed from all leading positions in Austria. 1934 March 5 B'nai B'rith International protests Germany's dissolution of its German lodges. 1934 March 6 The SA issues another warning card on Rudolf von Sebottendorff, and shortly afterward he is briefly interned. Sebottendorff then makes his way once again to Turkey, later finding employment with the German Intelligence Service in Istanbul. (Berlin Document Center; Roots) 1934 March 7 The American Jewish Congress and the American Federation of Labor sponsor a mock trial and anti-Nazi protest rally at Madison Square Garden. 1934 March 7 The Carnegie Institute compiles the family tree of President Roosevelt, claiming that his ancestors came to America about 1682. Supposedly they were Claes Martenszen Van Rosenvelt and Janette Samuel, both originally of Spanish Sephardic (Jewish) descent. Once again, conservatives and antisemites used this information to stir up anti-

997 Jewish tensions and create distrust of the President, his cabinet (many of whom were Jewish) and the government. (See March 14, 1935) 1934 March 7 The Spanish government announces it will grant automatic citizenship to all Sephardic Jews returning to Spain. 1934 March 8 Nazi sympathizers stage incidents at Columbia University in New York. 1934 March 9 The Einstein Institute of Physics opens at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 1934 March The Blutorden (Blood Order) medal is instituted by the Nazi party. Originally named "The Sign of Honor for November 9, 1923" it is awarded only to veterans of the Munich Putsch. It will later be presented to a very select few for outstanding personal achievement. 1934 May 1 Julius Streicher's Der Sturmer (Stuemer) prints a "blood-libel" story accusing Jews of murdering "Aryan" children for ritual sacrifice. 1934 May 1 The German Labor Code is published. 1934 May 11 The British House of Commons passes a resolution protesting use of the German embassy to distribute antisemitic propaganda. 1934 May 15 Jewish autonomy is abolished in Latvia after a coup led by Karlis Ulimanis. There are some 94,000 Jews living in Latvia at this time. 1934 May 15 National Socialist priest, Wilhelm Senn, hails Adolf Hitler as "the tool of God, called upon to overcome Judaism..." (Lewy) 1934 ! , ' (1845-1898), : . - , , (, , ) , , . , ' , , . Hellenic Republic . () , -. 1934 - - , ( ) ' .

998 11 1922 , . , , , , . . , , . . . . ; , . , . 1934 May 17 Colonel Bronislaw Pieracki, Polish minister of the interior, is assassinated by an antisemitic terrorist group in Warsaw. 1934 May 17 The German American Protective Alliance announces a counter-boycott against Jewish businesses at Madison Square Garden. 1934 May 18 The Nazis decide not to apply the "Aryan Clause" to Asians. 1934 May 29 Zionist headquarters in Lvov (Lemberg), Poland, is bombed. 1934 May 31 All those racially classified as Jews are dismissed from the German army. (Edelheit) 1934 May 31 Colditz concentration camp is closed. 1934 May 9 Mussolini creates the Italian "Corporate State." (Edelheit) 1934 May Siegmund Warburg immigrates to London. 1934 McFadden Impeachment Resolution to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee. Tsarion 1934 Mein Kampf designated as required reading for German psychotherapists. Tsarion 1934 Michael Charol, a Russian emigrant, publishes Genghis Khan, The Storm Out of Asia under the pen name, Michael Prawdin. The book is said to have been closely studied by Himmler, who in turn recommended it to Hitler. (Architect)

999 1934 Nazi Party Day rally in Nuremburg. Tsarion 1934 No new Jewish lawyers are allowed to enter the legal profession in Romania. (Atlas) 1934 November 11 Father Charles Coughlin founds the National Union of Social Justice in America. 1934 November 13 Mussolini meets with Nahum Goldman. 1934 November 15 Cardinal Faulhaber writes a letter to the World Jewish Congress protesting "the use of his name by a conference demanding the commercial boycott of Germany, that is, economic war." (Lewy) 1934 November 2 Baron Edmund de Rothschild dies. 1934 November 20 Goering repeats Germany's offer of October 22 and insists that Romania is not being asked to abandon any of its previous alliances. This offer will be made time and time again, right up to the eve of war. 1934 November 26 The World Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Boycott Association is founded. 1934 November 8 Pierre Flandin suceeds M. Doumerque as French prime minister. 1934 November 9 Hitler stages an even more elaborate Blutzeuge celebration in Munich. This event is even larger than the one held in 1933. 1934 November Weisthor (Wiligut) who has found great favor with Himmler is promoted to SS-Oberfuhrer (Lieutenant-Brigadier). 1934 October 1 Germany begins building up its air force, the Luftwaffe,in violation of the Versailles Treaty. 1934 October 1 The first course for SS doctors is given at the Kaiser Wilhem Institute of Anthropology under the direction of Professor Fischer (to August 1, 1935). (Science) 1934 October 11 King Alexander's 11-year-old son, Peter II, becomes king of Yugoslavia. 1934 October 16 A letter from Wewelsburg commandant Manfred von Knobelsdorff to Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) closes with the expression "in Irminist loyalty." Irminism has been the religion of Weisthor since long before he left Austria and joined the SS. (Roots) 1934 October 16 The tax free staus of all Jewish religious institutions in Germany is cancelled. 1934 October 22 Hermann Goering, speaking in Hitler's name, offers to guarantee all of Romania's borders, including those with Russia and Hungary, and to completely rearm Romania with modern weapons, if it will pledge to oppose any attempt by Soviet troops to cross Romanian territory. Nicolae Titulescu, the Romanian Prime Minister, however, had previously promised the French and Czechoslovaks to allow the Soviets

1000 to cross Romania in case of war. Titulescu then attempts to conceal Goering's offer from his ministry and the Romanian government. 1934 October 23 The Naval Disarmament Conference is held in London. 1934 October 27 An assassination plot against Mussolini is exposed in Italy. 1934 October 28 The Arab Federation of Labor calls for a Jewish boycott in Palestine. 1934 October 29 The Nazi party in Southwest Africa (Gray Shirts) is outlawed by the government. 1934 October 3 Goebbels warns the Juedische Rundschau (Jewish Review) to limit its articles to Zionist affairs, ot it will be shut down. 1934 October 30 The American Legion adopts a resolution condemning Nazism. 1934 October 5 A coalition of Communists, Socialists and Syndicalists stage a general strike throughout Spain. 1934 October 7 Armed revolts in Spain are led by both the Socialist-Anarchists-Communists and the Catalonian Separatists. (Edeleheit) 1934 October 8 Chaim Weizmann demands that Transjordan be opened for Jewish business and settlement. 1934 October 9 King Alexander of Yugoslavia and French Foreign Minister Jean Barthou are assassinated by Croatian separatist in Marsailles (F), while on their way to Paris. 1934 October Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) is appointed head of Section VIII (Archives) at the SS Race and Resettlement Main Office in Munich. (Roots) 1934 Onassis and Rockefeller as head of Standard Oil (Exxon) sign a cartel memo to beat the Arabs out of their oil and ship it on Onassis ships. Tsarion 1934 Power and Earth (Macht und Erde) is published by German geopolitician Karl Haushofer. It implies that a dynamic Germany has the natural right to grasp all of Eurasia and dominate the oceanic countries. Based in part on British political geographer Halfor John Mackinders 1904 paper "The Geographical Pivot of History," Haushofers theories of geopolitics have helped shape Adolf Hitlers demands for lebensraum (living space). 1934 Rockefeller establishment by now has extremely close ties with Nazi Germany. Tsarion 1934 Rockefeller interests in the United States create the National Planning Board (NPB), an attempted resource grab. The National Planning Board was cooked up by economists at the London School of

1001 Economics. The NPB was created by the Rockefeller Foundation and staffed with people from the University of Chicago. Tsarion 1934 September 12 Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania sign a mutual nonagression and cooperation treaty. 1934 September 13 Poland denounces the Minorities Agreement, which had been set up at Versailles and guaranteed by the Covenant of the League of Nations. Hitler chooses not to protest Poland's denunciation even though German interests are directly involved. 1934 September 15 Poland repudiates the National Minority Treaty. 1934 September 18 The Soviet Union joins the League of Nations and is given a permanent seat on the Council. 1934 September 19 U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull denounces all political and racial boycotts in any form. 1934 September 26 Black nationalists in New York City begin boycotting Jewish owned shops and businesses. 1934 September 29 Italy reaffirms the 1928 friendship treaty with (Abyssinia) Ethiopia. 1934 September 5 In America, William Dudley Pelley issues what he calls the "New Emancipation Proclamation" promising to "impose racial quotas on the political and economic structure, observing rigorously in effect that no racial factions shall be allowed further occupancy of public or professional office in excess of the ratio of its blood-members to the remaining sum total of all races completing the composition of the body politic." (Hoar) 1934 Bezbozhnik (= ) 1934, 28% , 42% 52% ! ; , , , [= ]. 1934 The Austrian DNSAP is disbanded by the government. 1934 The Edda Society's publication Hagal devotes three issues to the ancestral memory and mystical family traditions of Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor). (Roots) 1934 The influential Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica published in Rome notes with regret that the antisemitism of the Nazis "does not stem from the religious convictions nor the Christian conscience... but from the desire to upset the order of religion and society," and added, "we could understand them, or even praise them, if their policy were restricted within acceptable bounds of defense against the Jewish organizations and institutions..." (Lewy)

1002 1934 To prepare for the next presidential election, the backers of FDR set up his opposition and create the Liberty League, who publically smears FDR and his staff as Communist (which many of them were). FDR is given a chance to speak against the opposition, calling them the Old Guard. Gerald Smith is employed by the backers of FDR to smear FDR as anti-Semitic, in a covert ploy that operated until FDR's election in 1936. Tsarion 1934, the majority of German Jews got the message and turned to the only Jewish organization allowed by the Nazis, the Labour Zionists. The deal cut worked like this. The German Jews would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in Labour Zionism camps and then, with British approval, transferred to Palestine. Most were there by the time the British issued the White Paper banning further Jewish immigration. The Labour Zionists got the Jews they wanted, and let the millions of religious Jews and other non-Frankists perish in Europe without any struggle for their survival. 1934 Unexplained "Ghostflier" broadcasts in Sweden. 1934, 30 1934, , " 300 , 10 "! 1934, . 1934, - . 1934, 42. 359 . 1934, 80 . 45, 39, 54, 59 59 . 1934: the Penguin publishing company is founded 1934: whites introduce "apartheid" in South Africa 1934: Stalin's main advisor, Sergei Kirov, is assassinated, prompting Stalin to begin the "great purge" of the Communist Party (thousands of communists are deported to "gulags") 1934: The "Union of Soviet Writers" is created to enforce "Socialist Realism" in the arts 1935: the miner Aleksej Stakanov becomes a Soviet hero for his amazing productivity 1935: The Soviet Union declares that the fascist states of Germany and Japan are the enemies

1003 1935 Assassination of Senator Huey Long. First lobotomy performed by Egas Moniz in Lisbon. - 1935 April 1 Austria violates the Treaty of St. Germain by reinstituting compulsory military service. 1935 April 11-14 The prime ministers of Britain, France and Italy meet at Stresa, Italy, to discuss Austrian independence and discuss establishing a common front against its unification with Germany. 1935 April 17 The League of Nations censures Germany's rearmament policy. 1935 ! . , . . . . . , . . . . ' . 12-7-1935, . 1. 1935 April 23 A new Polish constituion is adopted that severely limits minority rights, especially for Jews. 1935 April 23 The Nazi Race Bureau declares that Jewish children will be excluded from German public schools. 1935 April 24 A Nazi decree orders that publishers and newspaer editors must prove their "Aryan" descent to 1800, or lose their jobs. 1935 April 24 The American Union for Social Justice, Father Couglin's organization, holds its first meeting in Detroit. 1935 April 30 A Nazi decree prohibits Jews from displaying the German flag. 1935 April 8 Adolph S. Ochs dies in Chattanooga, Tennesee. Ochs is soon succeeded as publisher of The New York Times by his son-inlaw, Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, husband of Och's daughter, Iphigene, his only child. (Today, the newspaper remains largely the family business of the Sulzberger family.) 1935 April Sir Oswald Mosley meets with Hitler in Munich. (Guiness) 1935 August 15 Julius Streicher organizes an anti-Jewish rally at the Berlin Sportspalast.

1004 1935 August 15 The U.S. Congress passes the Social Security Act. 1935 August 18 President Roosevelt implores Mussolini to preserve the peace in East Africa. 1935 August 20 The Catholic bishops send a lengthy memorandum to Hitler complaining that because of the support and publicity given by the party to Rosenberg's books, the public could only conclude that neopaganism and National Socialism were identical. (Lewy) 1935 August 20 The Nineteenth World Zionist Congress opens in Lucerne, Switzerland. It will close on September 14. 1935 August 20 The Seventh World Congress of the Communist International (Comintern) calls for a popular front to combat Fascism and support the struggles and wars of national liberation around the world. 1935 August 26 Half-Jewish Berlin psychiatrist, Dr. Kallmann, is allowed to speak for the last time at a meeting in Germany. At the International Congress of Population Problems, he claims, " is desirable to extend prevention of reproduction to relatives of schizophrenics who stand out because of minor anomalies, and, above all, to define each of them as being undesirable from the eugenic point of view at the beginning of their reproductive years." (Science) 1935 August 31 Italy increases the size of its army to more than one million men. 1935 August 6 The Reich Association of Jewish Cultural Unions, established by the Reich Chamber of Culture, are placed under the control of Goebbel's propaganda ministry. 1935 August 9 Huey P. Long, U.S. Senator from Louisiana and Roosevelt's number one rival in the upcoming presidential elections, makes a speech in the Senate, telling his colleagues that the "Black Hand," led by Jews, has ordered his assassination at a meeting in a New Orleans hotel. (Congressional Record) 1935 Between 1935 and 1937, 75 Polish Jews are killed and more than 500 injured in widespread attacks. Many are attacked in the streets and their homes and schools broken up and looted. (Atlas) 1935 British scientist Robert Watson-Watt credited with the discovery of radar. Tsarion 1935 December 1 Chiang Kai-shek is elected president of the Kuo Min Tang, the Chinese Nationalist government. 1935 December 13 Czechoslovakian President Thomas Masaryk resigns and is succeeded by Eduard Benes. 1935 December 13 Germany publishes additional restrictions for German Jews in the legal and medical professions. 1935 December 2 A number of American colleges and universities urge U.S. athletes to boycott the Berlin Olympics.

1005 1935 December 2 An order is issued by the Bavarian Gestapo forbidding all public meetings and lectures of Ludendorff's "heathen" movement. The edict is later extended to cover Professor Jakob Wilhelm Hauer's German Faith movement as well. (NA; Lewy) 1935 M 1935, ' 1935: . . . - . (1924-45) , , , , ; ( ) ; ; ; 1941-43, , , o; , 1950 195152 1945; ' ; (- 1922) 1922, , , , . . , , , , , , , . [ : ] 1935 December 23 The Italian air force begins using mustard gas against Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1935 December 24 Congress passes the United States Neutrality Act. 1935 December 26 Germany revokes the licenses of Jewish traveling salespeople throughout Germany. (Edelheit) 1935 December 31 James G. McDonald resigns as League of Nations High Commissioner for the Relief of Refugees. 1935 December 7 A resolution by the National Amateur Athletic Union demands that American teams refuse to participate in the Berlin Olympics.

1006 1935 Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute in New York publishes Man The Unknown, advocating abolition of prisons and disposal of criminals through euthanasia institutions or alteration through surgical procedures. Tsarion 1935 Egas Moniz performs the first lobotomy in Portugal. Ironically, Moniz is shot and paralyzed in Tsarion 1935 Eva Braun, Hitler's mistress, attempts suicide. 1935 February 1 Italy sends troops to East Africa. 1935 February 1 The Anglo-German Conference begins in London. Its main topic is German rearmament. 1935 February 10 Jean Szembeck, Polish Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, tells Josef Beck, Poland's Foreign Minister, that Lipski told him Goering and his generals are "developing great plans for the future, suggesting almost a German-Polish alliance against Soviet Russia." 1935 February 15 Germany publishes a decree creating the Reichsstelle fuer Raumordnung (Agency for Space Arrangement). 1935 February 17 A workers congress organized by the Polish Socialist Party and the Polish Communist Party, attended by numerous Jews, meets in Warsaw. 1935 February 27 Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg denies that his government intends to expel eastern-European Jews or reduce the number of professional Jews. (Edelheit) 1935 February 28 The Swiss Supreme Court prohibits formation of uniformed, Nazi-like stormtroopers. 1935 February 6 Eva Braun celebrates her 23rd birthday and begins a new diary. Twenty-two hastily written pages were found after the war. (Eva's Diary) 1935 February 9 Unity Mitford, dining alone at the Osteria Bavaria restaurant in Munich, is invited by Hitler to join him and his party for lunch. This is their first meeting, but according to her diaries, they will meet or talk 140 times during the next five years. (Guiness) 1935 February Wewelsburg castle, which began its SS service as an SS museum and officer's college for ideological education, is placed under the direct control of Himmler's personal staff. Himmler's decision to transform the castle into an SS order-castle, comparable to Marienburg of the medieval Teutonic Knights, almost certainly came from K.M. Weisthor (Wiligut). (Roots; Mund) 1935 French-American Nobel Prize winner Dr. Alexis Carrel publishes Man, the Unknown, in which he advocates murder of criminals and the mentally ill in euthanasia institutions. Tsarion 1935 Goldborough Bill HR9216 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee. Tsarion

1007 1935 Italians begin to use chemical weapons in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Tsarion 1935 January 1 The Soviet Union discontinues food rationing cards. 1935 January 13 The League of Nations supervises the plebiscite (referendum) in the Saar. Ninety percent of the electors vote for a union with Germany. Only ten percent vote for union with France. 1935 January 17 The League of Nations formally awards the Saar region to Germany. 1935 January 2 The Zurich city council requests the Swiss government to prohibit anti-Jewish demonstrations and publication of antisemitic literature. 1935 January 20-21 The National Conference on Palestine is held in Washington, D.C. 1935 January 24 Hitler again meets with Josef Lipski, the Polish ambassador. Hitler tells Lipski that "the moment will come when Poland and Germany will be forced to defend themselves from Soviet aggression." 1935 January 3 Abyssinia (Ethiopia) requests the assistance of the League of Nations in its conflict with Italy. 1935 January 30 The SS-Hauptamt (Main Office) is established. 1935 January 4 The German bishops rule that since the main purpose of marriage is procreation, sterilized people may not partake of the sacrament of matrimony (see January 15, 1936). 1935 January 6 The American Jewish committee reports that the Jewish situation in Austria has worsened since Kurt von Schuschnigg took over the Chancellorship. 1935 January 7 An agreement is signed between France and Italy adjusting their conflicting aims in Africa. 1935 January 8 Columbia Haus prison in Berlin becomes a concentration camp under direct control of the Gestapo. 1935 January-February During the 17th Party Congress, disaffection with Stalin is demonstrated when former Leningrad party leader Sergei Kirov (assassinated December 1, 1934) receives an ovation equal to Stalin's. Nevertheless, Stalin crushes the peasant resistance and collectivization proves a success in terms of facilitating rapid industrial growth. 1935 July 1 Himmler officially founds the Society for Research into the Spiritual Roots of Germany's Ancestral Heritage (Ahnenerbe) in Berlin. He soon turns the Ahnenerbe into an official organization attached to the SS. Its declared aims are, "To make researches into the localization, general characteristics, achievements and inheritance of the IndoGermanic race, and to communicate to the people the results of this

1008 research. This mission must be accomplished through the use of strictly scientific methods." (Pauwels) 1935 July 1 The Gestapo arrests protestant pastor, Martin Niemoeller. 1935 July 12 Alfred Dreyfus dies in France. 1935 July 15 The Wehrmacht chief of staff issues orders banning all German soldiers from shopping in "non-Aryan" shops and stores. 1935 July 16 Violent anti-Jewish demonstrations break out on Berlin's Kurfuerstendam. 1935 July 19 Alfred Rosenberg's latest book An die Dunkelmanner unserer Zeit, written as an answer his critics in the Catholic Church, is also put on the Church's Index of Forbidden Books. (Lewy) 1935 July 2 Switzerland officially bans three German anti-Jewish publications, Der Stuermer, Reichsdeutsche and Allemane. 1935 July 20 The Gestapo closes down Jewish-owned shop on the Kurfuerstendam in Berlin. 1935 July 23 Lithuanian police in Kovno suppress the Jewish anti-Nazi boycott. 1935 July 27 Nazi leaders forbid individual anti-Jewish actions. All anti-Jewish measures must emanate from the Fuehrer's chancellery. (Edelheit) 1935 July 31 The Berlin city council bars provincial Jews from entering the city. 1935 July 7 In Belgium, the Catholic daily newspaper, La Libre Belge, states that Catholics in Germany are treated worse than Jews. 1935 June 10 Albania announces that only Jews with capital to invest are welcome. 1935 June 12 Germany withdraws from the International League of Nations Society in protest of the League's anti-Nazi resolution. 1935 June 15 Chinese Communists Mao Tse-tung calls for a united front against Japan, but excludes Chiang Kai-shek. 1935 June 18 The German-British Naval Treaty is signed. It permits much greater German naval strength than allowed by the Versailles Treaty and greatly irritates France 1935 June 19 Abyssinia (Ethiopia) asks the League of Nations to send observers into disputed areas of East Africa. 1935 June 19 The German consulate in Palestine warns Jews not to return to Germany, even for a short visit, because the Gestapo will arrest them and put them in concentration camps for "special education." 1935 June 20 The Soviet Union recognises the right of Jews to own private property in Birobidjan.

1009 1935 June 21 The German state of Franconia cancels the citizenship of all Jews naturalized between 1922 and 1929. (Edelheit) 1935 June 23 Mussolini rejects British concessions concerning Abyssinia. 1935 June 23 Polish officials close the Anti-Nazi Boycott Committee of Poland claiming its funds are being mismanaged. 1935 June 24 More than 10,000 members of the Hitler Youth take a formal oath "to eternally hate the Jews." 1935 June 26 The German Labor Service (Arbeitdienst) is established and excludes all "non-Aryans" from national labor service. 1935 June 30 The Swiss state of Zurich prohibits the sale of Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer. 1935 June 4 Pierre Laval forms a new French cabinet. 1935 June 7 German representatives assure the International Olympic committee that "Aryans" and "non-Aryans" will be treated equally during the upcoming Olympic games. 1935 June 7 Stanley Baldwin, the Conservative leader, replaces Ramsey MacDonald as Prime Minister of Great Britain. 1935 Reinhardt Heydrich, who was then the chief of the SS Security Service, later the infamous Protector of the Czech lands incorporated into the Reich, wrote an article, The Visible Enemy, for Das Schwarze Korps, the official organ of the SS. In it Heydrich assessed the various tendencies among the Jews, comparing the assimilationists quite invidiously with the Zionists. His partiality towards Zionism could not have been expressed in more unmistakable terms: After the Nazi seizure of power our racial laws did in fact curtail considerably the immediate influence of Jews. But ... the question as he sees it is still: How can we win back our old position ... We must separate Jewry into two categories... the Zionists and those who favor being assimilated. The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state. Heydrich wished them a fond farewell: The time cannot be far distant when Palestine will again be able to accept its sons who have been lost to it for over a thousand years. Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them. 1935 June 9 Sixty Jews are injured in anti-Jewish riots at Grodno in Poland. 1935 June Stalin extends his purges to the leadership of the Red Army. 1935 June--American named Wilson [whose non-traditional theories on aerodynamics are rejected by the American government and established scientific organizations as unrealistic] comes to aid German aerial research programs. The United States was quite aware of the

1010 German technical progress and sent an American named Wilson to Germany to "give technical assistance" and generally to keep an eye on German technology. It was probably by virtue of Wilson that the Germans never used their [anti] gravitational craft en mass in the war, for Wilson attained a high position in the German technical community, and switched propulsion methods from gravitational to advanced jet propulsion in an apparent effort to "get technology out there to fight the war". 1935 L.L. Vasilev, Russian physiologist and parapsychologist publishes a monograph entitled Critical Evaluation of the Hypnogogic Method, which details various experiments by Dr. I. F. Tomashevsky on remote radio control of the brain at a distance. Post hypnotic suggestions were implemented within 60 seconds. Tsarion 1935 Leni Riefenstahl directs the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will. 1935 Lobotomy introduced in the United States. In the next 30 years, over 100,000 people would have their brain mutilated in American institutions. At the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Dr. Orlando J. Andy would apply lobotomy to six-year-old children. Tsarion 1935 Loch Ness Monster sighting by Miss Rena Mackenzie. 1935 March 1 The Saar is reunited with Germany and becomes an integral part of the Third Reich. The Nazis quickly apply their anti-Jewish legislation to the region. 1935 March 11 A meeting takes place of Workgroup II of the Expert Advisory Council for Population and Race Policy. Professors Fischer, Gunther, and Lenz discuss with civil servants from the Ministry of the Interior the illegal sterilization of German coloured children. Professor Rudin calls for the sterilization of psychopaths. (Science) 1935 March 11 Hitler announces the existence of the new German air force (Luftwaffe). 1935 March 13 German Jews are prohibited from reorienting their lives as artisans with the intent of remaining in the country. (Edelheit) 1935 March 14 The New York Times quotes President Roosevelt as saying, "In the distant past my ancestors may have been Jews. All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family is that they are apparently the descendents of Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt who came from Holland. (See March 7, 1934) 1935 March 15 France extends compulsory military service for two more years. 1935 March 15 The Soviet Union announces creation of a fifth Jewish autonomous region at Larindorf in the Crimea. 1935 March 16 Germany reintroduces compulsory military service and repudiates the disarmament clauses of the Versailles Treaty. The

1011 democracies do not react, and Britain will soon conclude a naval agreement with Germany that permits greater German naval strength than allowed by Versailles. (See June 18) 1935 March 22 The German Ministry of Education reports that not a single Jewish student was admitted to German universities in the academic year 1933-34. (Edelheit) 1935 March 24 The Anglo-Jewish Council of Trades and Industries, the World Alliance for Combatting Antisemitism and the British Anti-War Council proclaim an anti-Nazi boycott. 1935 March 25-26 Britain and Germany hold bilateral talks. 1935 March 28 Greece orders all anti-Jewish organization within its borders closed. 1935 March 3 Britain publishes the Defence White Paper, detailin its plans for rearmament. 1935 March 31 An antisemitic manifesto published in Romania calls for racial restrictions in all areas of national life. 1935 March 9 Germany begins to secretly rearm (See March 3). (Edelheit) 1935 May 1 University students in Bucharest are required to fill out special forms describing their ethnic origins. 1935 May 12 Marshal Josef Pilsudski dies in Warsaw and buried in Krakow Cathedral. He is succeeded by Marshal Edward Smigly-Rydz. 1935 May 14 A Swiss court, after almost two years of testimony and deliberations, rules that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a forgery and demoralizing literature. (See June 26, 1933 and November 1, 1937) 1935 May 16 The Czecho-Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance is signed. 1935 May 2 Prussia's Administrative Court rules that the Gestapo is no longer subject to judicial control. 1935 May 20 The Sudeten German Party in Czechoslovakia, led by Konrad Heiden, an ally of the outlawed Nazi Party, wins 45 out of 300 seats in the national parliament, receiving more tham 250,000 votes. 1935 May 21 Hitler once again declares himself a man of peace and disavows any imperialist designs during a speech to the Reichstag. 1935 May 21 The "Army Law" is passed and "Aryan descent" becomes a prerequisite for active service in the German army. (Days) 1935 May 25 The SA stirs up anti-Jewish riots in Munich. 1935 May 2-6 France and the Soviet Union sign the Pact of Mutual Assistance in case of unprovoked aggression. Hitler says it is obviously directed at Germany. 1935 May 27 The International Congress of Sephardic Jewry is established.

1012 1935 May 27 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Roosevelt's National Recovery Act (NRA) is unconstitutional. 1935 May 29 Chancellor Schuschnigg rejects Austrian union with Germany. 1935 May 31 All Jews are excluded from conscription in the German army. 1935 May 9 The silver jubilee of King George V is celebrated in London and throughout the empire. 1935 May Otto Rahn joins Weisthor (Wiligut's) department as a civilian employee. 1935 Michael Prawdin (Michael Charol) publishes The Legacy of Genghis Khan, a sequel to his 1934 book on the same subject. Both are avidly read by Heinrich Himmler, who strongly recommends them to all those around him, including Hitler. (Architect) 1935 Nazi government issues decree requiring German industry to keep secret any discovery with military potential. Tsarion 1935 Nazis institute the Law for the Protection of the Genetic Health of the German People, which required couples to have a medical examination before marriage; the law forbade marriage if a person was considered genetically defective, and did not permit marriage between Aryans and Jew, Gypsies, Slavs and others deemed inferior. Tsarion 1935 New York American (7/11/35) has an article on Tesla's Controlled Earth Quakes, in which Tesla states, experiments in transmitting controlled vibrations through the Earth (telegeodynamics) were roughly described as a controlled earthquake. According to Tesla, the vibrations pass through the Earth with no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects over great distances and produce all kinds of unique effects. The invention could be used with destructive effect in war. Tsarion 1935 November 1 The German citizenship of Jews is officially revoked. The Nazi government announces that the Nuremberg Laws apply to all Jews, German or foreign, without exception. 1935 November 11 David Ben-Gurion is named chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive. 1935 November 14 A supplement to the Nuremberg Laws is published to clarify and define who is now considered a Jew. It decrees that anyone with at least three Jewish grandparents is deemed to be a Jew. Half-Jews, those with two Jewish grandparents are to be counted as Jews only if they belong to the Jewish religion or are married to a Jew. HalfJews and one-fourth Jews -- those descended from one Jewish grandparent -- who do not practice the Jewish faith are lumped together into a new "non-Aryan" racial category, the Mischlinge (mixed race). (Apparatus)

1013 1935 November 15 Germany publishes regulations to execute the Nuremberg Laws. 1935 November 15 The U.S. grants commonwealth status to the Philippines. 1935 November 18 A League of Nations embargo goes into effect against Italy. 1935 November 20 The Church of England unanimously condemns Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany. 1935 November 26 Clement Atlee becomes leader of the British Labour Party. 1935 November 26 The Nazi racial office rules that the prohibition of racially mixed marriages incorporated in the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor," applies equally to Gypsies. (Edelheit) 1935 November 28 Advocates for Jewish refugees reject a proposed liquidation bank for German Jewry. (Edelheit) 1935 November 3 Leon Blum, a Jew, forms the French Popular Front government. 1935 October 1 Goebbel's Propaganda Ministry explains that Nazism is anti-Jewish rather than antisemitic -- to avoid offending their Arab allies. 1935 October 10 The monarchy is restored in Greece under King George II. 1935 October 11 Fifty-one members of the League of Nations vote economic sanctions against Italy. 1935 October 15 The Reich War Academy (Kriegsakademie) is reopened in Berlin. 1935 October 18 Germany promulgates the Marriage Protection Law, forbidding person with hereditary diseases to marry. 1935 October 19 The Institute for the History of the New Germany opens. 1935 October 19 The League of Nations imposes sanctions on Italy for invading Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1935 October 2 German banks are prohibited from issuing loans and giving credit to Jews. 1935 October 24 Catholic and Protestant leaders urge America not to participate in the Berlin Olumpics. 1935 October 27 An anti-Nazi rally in Hyde Park, London, draws 18,000 people. 1935 October 3 - 4 Mussolini's Italian troops invade the African nation of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), sending in forces from Italian Eritrea and Somaliland. Italy had unsuccessfully attempted to conquer Ethiopia in 1896, and that defeat still rankled many Italians.

1014 1935 October 5 Columbia Haus concentration camp in Berlin is closed. 1935 October 5 The U.S. places an embargo on all arms shipments to Italy and Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1935 October 6 Nazis stage anti-Jewish actions throughout Germany. (Edelheit) 1935 October The Order of the New Templars (ONT) presbytery at Hertesburg, near Prerow on the Baltic Sea coast is compulsorily expropriated by Hermann Goering's Reich Forestry Commission as part of the Darrs National Park. Hauerstein then establishes a new presbytery of Petena at the Puttenhof near Waging in Bavaria. (Roots) 1935 Russians arrested in China found carrying vials of dysentery, cholera, and anthrax for sabotage missions against the Japanese. Some missions were successful. Tsarion 1935 Scottish physicist Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar system. 1935 September 1 Chaim Weizmann becomes president of the World Zionist Organization at the Nineteenth World Zionist Congress in Lucerne. 1935 September 10 Huey P. Long dies from his wounds in Baton Rouge. 1935 September 11 Britain urges the League of Nations to resist agressive actions. (Edelheit) 1935 September 11 Hitler, at the Seventh Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, announces that German scientists have solved the problem of synthetic rubber (buna) production. 1935 September 14 Italy rejects a League of Nations compromise on the Abyssinian (Ethiopian) crisis. 1935 September 15 At the Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg, Hitler officially proclaims the antisemitic "Nuremberg Laws." These repressive laws are designed to biologically isolate the Jewish people legally, politically, and socially. One law restricts German citizenship to those of "German or related blood," thus stripping the Jews of their few remaining rights as German citizens. Another prohibits marriage and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans, making it a crime punishable by imprisonment. 1935 September 15 The swastika becomes part of the official flag of the Third Reich. (Edelheit) 1935 September 16 The central office of the German episcopate in Berlin reports that previously Catholic couples of racially mixed descent had travelled to England to get married, but now even those marriages have become illegal. (Lewy)

1015 1935 September 20 Himmler issues an order forbidding members of the S.S. to take any leading role in religious organizations, including the German Faith movement, and strictly forbidding all manifestations of religious intolerance or scorn of religious symbols. (Lewy) 1935 September 20 Nazi party ideologists give their official interpretation of the Nuremberg Laws. (Edelheit) 1935 September 27 Otto Rahn writes a letter to Weisthor (Wiligut) excitedly describing the places he has been visiting in his hunt for grail traditions in Germany. Rahn asks for complete confidence in the matter with the exception of Himmler. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz) 1935 September 27 Waldemar Gurian, a German Catholic writer in exile, writes that the Nuremberg ordinances are "only a stage on the way toward the complete physical destruction of the Jews." (Lewy) 1935 September 30 All Jewish civil servants in Germany are placed on leave. (Persecution) 1935 September 4 The League of Nations meets to discuss Mussolini's agression against Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1935 September 6 Street sales of Jewish newspapers is prohibited in Germany. (Persecution) 1935 September 7-12 The New Zionist Organization (HA-ZACH) is officially founded at its first congress in Vienna. Jabotinsky presents a 10-year plan to settle 1.5 million Jews on both sides of the Jordan River. The Revisionist constitution is adopted. 1935 September 8 Huey P. Long is shot in the State Capitol at Baton Rouge by Dr. Carl Austin Weiss, a doctor of Jewish descent, less than a month after his speech in the Senate. More than 10,000 people attend Weiss' funeral in Baton Rouge. (See August 9) 1935 Some time after 1935, you ask Social Security Administration for a relationship with their program. They create an entity with a name (that sounds like your name but is spelled with all capital letters) and a depository account number in the Social Security General Trust Fund (GTF). They give you the Social Security card which identifies you as the single person with authority to control the entity they created (on review you may notice that the Social Security Administration was the creator of the entity, the GTF is its beneficiary and you were made its Trustee.) More importantly this capacity does not limit you or your capacity to act in your sovereign capacity in any way. 1935 Spring Karl Maria Weisthor (K.M. Wiligut) is transferred from Munich to Berlin where he continues his work in the Chief Adjutant's office of Himmler's personal staff. Weisthor's villa is in exclusive Grunewald at Kaspar Theyss Strasse 33. Frequent social visitors included Himmler, Otto Rahn, Joachim von Leers, Edmund Kiss, Richard Anders and Friedrich Schiller. (Mund)

1016 1935 Sr. Gertrude healed of cancer in New Orleans, Louisiana. 1935 The Moscow subway (named for Kaganovich) is opened with great publicity. 1935 The Rockefeller Trust begins the process of pouring $90 million dollars into research in molecular biology, the basis of genetic engineering, through 1959. Tsarion 1935 The writings of Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels begin to be published by a firm in Vienna, which will continue to be involved until late 1937. No more of his writings will appear until after 1945 in Switzerland. (Roots) 1935 Wewelsburg Castle becomes home to the Ahnenerbe, the ancestral heritage branch of the S.S. (It was called by some the Nazi Occult Bureau. (Pauwels;Roots) 1935 . 23 , 32 47. 1935 . 23 , 32 47. 1935 1935 . . , 1941. 1935 76 . . . 1935, . , 1935. Afghanistan. The White Russian paper Nasch Put of Harbin, 7th October, reports a case in Afghanistan where a Mahommedan child was robbed and riddled with stabs by Jews, the Court verdict being that this was done for ritual purposes. 1935, , , . 1935, . 1935, , , . 1935, . 1935, 19 1 . 1935, 335.000 ...

1017 1935, , + . , . 3 . 1935: Robert Watson-Watt builds the first radar 1936 -- Beginning of Moscow Purge trials in which numerous communist leaders were brainwashed into false confessions and then executed. . 1936 1940 Eugene Meyer buys the "Washington Post" to get control of news media; other Mafia buy other papers, broadcasting, TV, etc. News censorship of all major news media goes into effect. 1936 A Polish Jesuit periodical asserts that it is necessary "to provide separate schools for Jews, so that our children will not be infected with their lower morality." (Atlas) 1936 Action Francaise is officially dissolved by the French government for complicity in a physical attack on Leon Blum. (Surviving clandestinely, Action Francaise contributes to the ideology of the Vichy Government during World War II. It disintegrates in 1944 when France is liberated and Maurras, its leader, is imprisoned for collaboration.) 1936 Alfred Scadding of Toronto, Canada, the sole survivor of the 1936 Moose River Mine disaster, insisted that right before the disaster occurred he saw a light swinging two feet above the ground in a sideshaft where no one else was supposed to be, and following the collapse he and Dr. Eddie Robinson (who did not survive until rescue) heard for the space of 24 hours the sounds of shouting and laughter, "as of little people having fun". 1936 Anti-Communist pact signed by Japan and Germany. Tsarion 1936 April 17 Leftist unions stage a general strike in Madrid. 1936 April 22 The Lithuianian government announces that all Jewish teachers institutes will be closed. 1936 April 24-27 Anti-Jewish demonstrations break out in Czechoslovakia after screenings of the film Golem. 1936 April 28 King Farouk is coronated in Egypt. 1936 April 7 A Socialist vote in the Spanish parliament outs President Alcala Zamora. 1936 April 7 Abyssinia again appeals to the League of Nations for aid against Italy. 1936 April Otto Rahn is promoted to SS-Unterscharfuehrer, a noncommissioned officer (NCO). 1936 At the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Hitlers observation box is shared by John J. McCloy, a lawyer in the employ of I.G. Farben. McCloy would later be president of Rockefellers Chase Manhattan Bank, chairman of the CFR, and serve on the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of Kennedy. During the period following the war,

1018 McCloy pardoned 70,000 Nazis accused of war crimes. McCloy also pardoned General Walter Dornberger, convicted at Nuremberg of collaborating to murder 6,000 prisoners, because Von Braun refused to work for the U.S. rocket program without him. Von Braun was named by the author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal as a key operative in the assassination of Kennedy. He was associated closely with the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the secret police agency in the U.S. for munitions manufacturers. Many DISC executives are reported to have been Mafia. Von Braun was also in charge of the Security Division of NASA. McCloy later worked in U.S. intelligence. Tsarion 1936 Attempts made on the life of radiant energy researcher T. Moray. Tsarion 1936 August 1 France declares a policy of non-intervention in the Spanish civil war. 1936 August 1 The 1936 Olympic Games begin in Berlin. A Black American, Jesse Owens, wins 4 gold medals. For propaganda reasons, most anti-Jewish measures are avoided for the duration of the games, and slogans are removed from the streets. 1936 August 14 Arthur S. Leese, publisher of the Fascist, a periodical of the Imperial Fascist League, is tried in London on charges of seditious libel against British Jews. 1936 August 14 Count Jean Szembeck reports that during a recent conversation with Joachim von Ribbentrop that the German Foreign Minister "insisted upon the necessity of Polish-German collaboration." Both Poland and Germany," Ribbentrop said, "are under the threat of a very great danger. Bolshevism plans to destroy all of the fruits of Western civilization" 1936 August 15 Arab groups in Palestine attack 38 Jewish settlements. 1936 August 19 The first Stalinist trials of "counterrevolutionaries" opens. All defendents will be sentenced to death. 1936 August 23 The German Evangelical Church publishes its manifesto. 1936 August 24 Lev Kamenev is executed after being found guilty of treason in the first Stalinist "show trial" of the Great Purge. 1936 August 24 Two-year mandatory military service becomes compulsory in Germany. 1936 August 25 Grigory Zinoviev is executed after being arrested and falsely charged with having organized a "terrorist counterrevolutionary group allied with the Gestapo."

1019 1936 August 26 Britain and Egypt sign a twenty-year alliance in Cairo, ending the British military occupation of Egypt, except for the Canal Zone (Suez). 1936 August 6 The U.S. declares its strict neutrality in the Spanish civil war. 1936 August A gathering organized by the American Forward Movement in Asheville, N.C., collapses when a rabbi attempts to attend the conference. 1936 August The Messerschmitt ME-109, a highly successful single-seat fighter, is first publically displayed at the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin. It was subsequently tested and proven during the Spanish Civil War. 1936 Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute disappears as an institution in Germany. Tsarion 1936 British government deems everyone in Britain must have a gas mask. Tsarion 1936 December 1 President Roosevelt attends the Pan-American Conference in Buenos Aires. 1936 December 1 The Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) becomes an official agency of the Reich. 1936 December 10 King Edward VIII abdicates the British throne in London. 1936 December 11 King Edward VIII now the Duke of Windsor quickly leaves the country and begins an extended stay at Baron Rothschild's castles in Austria. (Cowles) 1936 December 12 Chiang Kai-shek declares war on Japan. 1936 December 14 David Frankfurter is sentenced to 18 years in a Swiss prison for killing Nazi leader Wilhelm Gustloff. 1936 December 18 The Nazis proclaim an anti-Jewish boycott limited to Breslau. 1936 December 20 Walter Gross, chief of the Nazi Racial Bureau, announces a nationwide racial propaganda campaign. 1936 December 25 The U.S. announces new agreements that facilitate trade with Germany. (Edelheit) 1936 December 27 Britain and France agree on a mutual policy of non-intervention in the Spanish civil war. 1936 December 27 The Basque autonomoius government, headquartered in Guernica, seizes a German vessel in Spainish waters. It will be released two days later. 1936 December 3 All Jewish charitable organizations in Germany lose their tax exempt status. 1936 December 6 A new Nazi press campaign aimed at totally eliminating Jews from German economic life is begun.

1020 1936 December 7 The last Jewish department store in Germany is "Aryanized." 1936 December 9 King Edward VIII sends a coded telegram to Baron Eugene de Rothschild requesting permission to stay at Rothschild's Castle Enzesfeld near Vienna. (Cowles) 1936 December 9 The trial of David Frankfurter, the Jew accused of assassinating Swiss Nazi leader Wilhelm Gustloff, begins in Grisons state court in Switzerland. 1936 December The Duke of York (father of Queen, Elizabeth) becomes King George VI of England. 1936 Diana Mitford, Unity Mitford's sister, marries Sir Oswald Mosley in Berlin. Their wedding reception is held at the home of Joseph Goebbel's. (Guiness) 1936 Diptheria vaccine injures 75 in France. Tsarion 1936 FDR re-elected in the United States. Roosevelt then marries his son to a member of the Dupont family. FDR could now involve the United States in World War II as planned. Tsarion 1936 February 16 The "Popular Front" of moderate Republicans and leftists in Spain drives the conservatives out of office in national elections. 1936 February 18 British Major General Sir Neill Malcolm is appointed League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from Germany. 1936 February 18 Goebbels issues a decree muzzling the religious press. 1936 February 18 Switzerland bans NSDAP propaganda activities nationwide. 1936 February 26 A military dictatorship is established in Japan. 1936 February 27 Mussolini protests the Five-Power Mediterranean Pact. 1936 February 27 The French Parliament ratifies the Franco-Soviet military alliance. 1936 February 28 London police are ordered to arrest all antisemitic agitators. 1936 February 29 Cardinal Hlond declares in a public letter that "It is true that the Jews are committing frauds, practicing usury, and dealing in white slavery. It is true that in schools, the influence of Jewish youth upon Catholic youth is generally evil, from a religious and ethical point of view. But let us be just. Not all Jews are like that. One does well to prefer his own kind in commercial dealings and to avoid Jewish stores and Jewish stalls in the markets, but it is not permissable to demolish Jewish businesses, break windows, torpedo their houses..." (Lewy)

1021 1936 February 4 Swiss Nazi Party leader Wilhelm Gustloff is assassinated by David Frankfurter, a Jew. 1936 February 6 The German Ministry of the Interior decrees that a system of records be set up to cover hereditary biological data on all patients in mental hospitals and institutions. (Science) 1936 February 6-16 The Winter Olympics are held in the German resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 1936 German scientist Dr.Gerhard Schrader, researching new insecticides, makes the formulation later deemed Tabun, the original nerve gas. Schrader is summoned to Berlin to demonstrate Tabun to the Wehrmacht. Tabun is an orthophosphate, as is Sarin. Tsarion 1936 Germany, Italy* and Japan justifiably sign the Anti Comintern Pact (an anti Communist treaty). Strangely, Roosevelt does not, instead siding with the Communist mass murderer Stalin, who has already killed 10 million people. 1936 Hermann Grings Four Year Plan begins. Tsarion 1936 Himmler becomes chief of the German Police and reorganizes it into two branches, the Uniformed Branch (responsible for public order) and the Security Police (Gestapo and SS Security Service (SD), who ran German Protective Custody Compounds (concentration camps). Tsarion 1936 I.G. Farben produces Zyklon B gas for extermination camps. Tsarion 1936 I.G. Farben releases discovery of sulfanilamide. Released in U.S. in 1937. Tsarion 1936 In Lithuania, where severe restrictions had been imposed on the number of Jews allowed to enter universities, not a single Jewish student is granted admittance to study medicine. (Atlas) 1936 Ioannis Metaxas establishes a Greek dictatorship. 1936 January - February Moderate Republicans and leftist parties in Spain form a "Popular Front" in opposition to the conservatives. 1936 January 1 The United Palestine Appeal is founded. 1936 January 11 An attempt is made on the life of Romanian Chief Rabbi Jacob Isaac Niemirower. 1936 January 15 Japan withdraws from the London Naval Conference. 1936 January 15 Vicar General Riemer of Passau issues instructions allowing sterilized Catholics to receive the sacraments of matrimony, reversing the decision of January 4, 1935. (Lewy) 1936 January 20 Edward VIII is crowned king of Great Britain. 1936 January 21 British King George V dies. 1936 January 23 Utah Senator William H. King urges the U.S. to open its doors as a haven for Jews fleeing Germany.

1022 1936 January 25 The Catholic Agency of Poland officially condemns antisemitic acts. (Edelheit) 1936 January 29 The funeral of King George V. 1936 January 4 Ambassador Bergen in Rome writes to German foreign minister von Neurath that the Pope is protesting the violations of the Concordat by the Hitler government, and has several times threatened to bring his complaints into the open. It has taken the moderation of Secretary of State Pacelli to prevent a rupture of relations. (Lewy) 1936 January An article in the Catholic Klerusblatt justifies the Nuremberg Laws as indispensable safeguards for the qualitative makeup of the German people. 1936 January The German government begins a series of trials of members of the religious orders accused of violating the foreign currency laws. Press coverage is hostile to the accused in almost all cases. (Lewy) 1936 July 10 The British House of Commons debates the activities of Sir Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists. 1936 July 11 A German-Austrian friendship treaty is signed. 1936 July 12 Sachsenhausen concentration camp is opened. 1936 July 15 Professor Mollison, an anthropologist at the University of Munich, recommends to the Ministry of the Interior that the costs of expert reports on "Aryan" or Jewish origins should be recovered from the applicants. "It is not advisable to provide such a time-consuming investigation free for those who claim Aryan origins when they know they are not entitled to do so." (Science) 1936 July 15 The League of Nations and Western Powers lift economic sanctions against Italy. 1936 July 17 France nationalizes its munitions industry. 1936 July 17 The Spanish Civil War begins. A number of generals led by General Francisco Franco provoke revolts against the Republican (Socialist) governments in Spain and Spanish Morocco. Franco is strongly supported by the Catholic Church, the nobility, the military and the Fascists. Hitler and Mussolini immediately sent arms and men to help Franco. Several months later Stalin begins shipping arms to the "loyalists." The U.S. adheres to a policy of strict neutrality, but thousands of Communists and anti-Fascists volunteers from the United States and Britain go to Spain to serve with the republicans and are organized with the aid of the Soviet Comintern. 1936 July 18 The Nazi-controlled Danzig Senate nullifies the Free City's constitution, prohibits Jewish ritual slaughter and prevents Jews from renewing leases and business licenses. 1936 July 21 Members of the Peel Committee (British Royal Committee on Palestine) are named.

1023 1936 July 23 Representatives of Britain, France and Belgium meet in London to discuss German violation of the Locarno Pact in the Rhineland. 1936 July 26 Father Charles Coughlin, in an address to 5,000 American farmers claims that the Roosevelt administration is a tool of the Rothschild banking dynasty. 1936 July 26 Italy and Germany begin assisting General Franco's forces in Spain. 1936 July 26 The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) announces that during 1935 it contributed $300,000 to Jewish welfare in Germany. 1936 July 8 Arabs send a memorandum to the British government demanding an end to Jewish immigration to Palestine. 1936 July 8 Hitler guarantees Austrian independence. 1936 July 8 The Polish government declares that the Germansponsored movement for Danzig independence is belligerent act (causa belli) that could lead to war. 1936 July 9 Goebbels orders a halt to anti-Jewish propaganda until after the Berlin Olympics. 1936 June 1 Chancellor Schuschnigg meets with Mussolini, who persuades him to agree to a German-Austrian pact. 1936 June 12 The first Arab attack is made on British troops in Palestine. (Edelheit) 1936 June 13 Britain is forced to declare martial law in Palestine. 1936 June 17 Himmler is appointed chief of the German police, both uniformed and civilian. 1936 June 2 One hundred nineteen Nazis are indicted in Warsaw for conspiring to overthrow the Polish government. 1936 June 20 Austria bans all political meetings and street demonstrations. 1936 June 20 The Bavarian Political Police issue orders to take into custody all priests who dare to criticize an order dismissing all nuns teaching in the public schools, which is scheduled to be announced the following day. Vicar General Buchwieser of Munich (in charge of the diocese in the absence of Cardinal Faulhaber) instructs the clergy to read a joint pastoral letter of the Bavarian bishops criticizing this order.That same evening the government gives in and instructs the police to merely record the names of priests who read the pastoral letter. (Lewy) 1936 June 21 Anti-Jewish riots break out in Bucharest, Romania. 1936 June 21 The Bavarian government publicly reads the order dismissing all Catholic nuns teaching in the public schools. 1936 June 27 Germany declares its support for Danzig's independence.

1024 1936 June 30 A Jewish general strike is held to protest Polish antisemitism 1936 June 30 France outlaws the French Fascist Party. 1936 June 30 Haile Selassie addresses the League of Nations. 1936 June 4 Leon Blum becomes the first socialist and the first Jew to serve as premier of France. Presiding over the Popular Front coalition of Socialists, Communists, and liberals, he responds to worker unrest with reforms such as paid vacations, collective bargaining, and the 40hour work week. 1936 June 6 Xavier Vallat, a member of the French Chamber of Delegates, attacks Leon Blum for his Jewish origin. 1936 June 6--An Indian man named Yogi Pullavar was reported to have levitated into the air for four minutes in front of a crowd of 150 witnesses. During his feat, Pullavar was said to have been in a deep trance like state, and once back on the ground his limbs were found to be locked in place and could not be unbent. 1936 June 7 Cardinal Faulhaber, in a sermon, declares "A lunatic abroad has had an attack of madness -- does this justify wholesale suspicion of German Catholics? We feel offended on account of this questioning of our loyalty to the state. We will today give an answer, a Christian answer, Catholic men, we will now pray together, a paternoster for the life of the Fuehrer. This our answer." (AB Munich; Lewy) (See June 1936 above) 1936 June 9 Mussolini appoints Count Galeazzo Ciano Italian foreign minister. 1936 June A Swiss Catholic reportedly asks children to pray for the death of Hitler. The German press quickly accuses all Catholics of being in sympathy with sedition. (Lewy) 1936 "" 20 ( 100% ), ! 14 , " "". , Lazar Fekete-Schwartz,

1025 , AMERICAN HEBREW, 7 , 3000 ( "") 1/3 . " ". Aleksandr Mikhailovich Orlov NKVD . , . 1936 Larson Kohl, the German paleontologist and anthropologist, found the bones of gigantic men on the shore of Lake Elyasi in Central Africa. 1936 ;! ; . 1919 ( ) . . . 1940 , , , . ... , "", . . 1936 March 13 Jewish labor groups call for a one day general strike to protest Polish antisemitism. 1936 March 14 Hitler, during a speech in Munich, declares, "I go the way that providence directs for me with all the assurance of a sleepwalker" (Waite) 1936 March 14 Socialists, Communists and Syndicalists burn churches in the center of Madrid. 1936 March 15 The Council for German Jewry is established in London. 1936 March 16 Hitler announces a new policy of military conscription. 1936 March 18 Catholic leaders in Austria demand a numerus clausus against Jews. 1936 March 22 Italy, Austria amd Hungary sign an anti-Nazi mutual defense treaty in Rome. 1936 March 22 Sir Oswald Mosley makes an antisemitic speech that almost causes a riot in London's Albert Hall.

1026 1936 March 23 British troops evacuate Jews from Hebron in Palestine. 1936 March 25 Nazis confiscate property belonging to German and Jewish writers who voluntarily went into exile. 1936 March 25 The U.S., Britain and France sign the London Naval Convention. 1936 March 29 Hitler receives 99% of the votes in a referendum, receiving 44.5 million votes out of 45.5 million registered voters. 1936 March 29 SS guard formations are renamed SSTotenkopfverbande and their number increases to 3,500. (Edelheit) 1936 March 3 Italy abolishes private banking. 1936 March 30 Britain announces that it will build 38 new warships. 1936, in Switzerland, Hitler's biographer Konrad Heiden revealed about this Austrian part of the forest that one of Fuehrer's ancestors on his mother's side was Johann Salomon, and that it "has been proven that many Jewish Hitlers lived there," and that the "Rosalie Mueller, maiden name Huettler, is written on a tombstone in a Jewish cemetery in Polna." After annexation of Austria into Germany, one of the first moves Hitler made was to make all the villages and cemeteries with the names of his ancestors disappear, and in their place were established military training grounds. 1936 : THALBERG, Irving Grant 1899 1936. US film producer. The production chief for Metro-GoldwynMayer, New York-born Thalberg was responsible for a number of celebrated films, including Ben-Hur (1926), The Barretts of Wim-pole Street (1934), Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), and The Good Earth (1936). He played a key role in guiding Hollywood through the difficult transition period from silent films to sound. He married the star Norma Shearer, who converted to Judaism. 1936 March 7 German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath informs the other signatories to the Locarno Treaties that Germany now considers those Treaties to have been broken by France. The French military alliance with Russia, von Neurath says, is obviously directed at Germany and consequently Germany will reoccupy the Rhineland. Germany offers to sign a pact of nonaggression with Belgium and France, to sign an Air Force agreement with all Western Powers, and to reenter the League of Nations if its Charter is independent of the Versailles Treaty. None of these proposals are acted upon by the Western Powers. 1936 March 7 German troops re-enter the de-militarized Rhineland in defiance of the Treaty of Locarno.

1027 1936 March 7 Jews in Germany lose their right to vote in elections for the Reichstag. (Persecution) 1936 March 9 Three Jews are murdered at Przytyk in Poland, and a few days later, five more are killed in the village of Stawy. (Atlas) 1936 March Britain, Italy and Belgium at the League of Nations 12-18 Council in London make it clear to France that even if Germany's reoccupation of the Rhineland is a violation of Versailles, it is not cause enough for war. 1936 March Writer and researcher Otto Rahn officially joins the SS. (Roots) 1936 Matthias Gring establishes German Institute for Psychological Research and Psychotherapy, dubbed the Gring Institute. The Institutes work in psychotherapy was supported by the Luftwaffe and had ongoing professional contact with the Reuch Criminal Police Office, the SS Lebensborn, the League of German Girls and individual members of the Nazi hierarchy. Funds were later received from the Reuch Research Council, chaired by Matthias' cousin, Hermann Gring. Institute renamed in 1944. Tsarion 1936 Matthias Gring protects Jungian psychologist Gerhard Adler and facilitates his escape to Switzerland. (Cousin of Herman Gring). Tsarion 1936 May 10 Manuel Azana is elected president of the Spanish Republic. 1936 May 10 The League of Nations votes to leave its sanctions against Italy in place. 1936 May 11 Pope Pius XI describes Communism as the "greatest evil to men." 1936 May 13 Britain accuses Italy of encouraging the Arab revolt in Palestine. 1936 May 16 General Felicjan Skladkowski becomes prime minister of Poland. 1936 May 18 Haile Selassie thanks Jews for their support in defending Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1936 May 18 The British Colonial Office announces formation of the Peel Commission to investigate the disturbances in Palestine. 1936 May 2 Haile Selassie flees Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Addis Ababa is looted and set afire by mobs. 1936 May 21 Britain warns Italy not to meddle in the affairs of Palestine and Egypt. 1936 May 21 Kurt von Schuschnigg is elected leader of the Austrian Fatherland Front. 1936 May 23 Catholic bishops in Holland demand a ban on the Dutch Nazi party. (Edelheit)

1028 1936 May 24 The Belgian Fascist party, the Rexists, win 21 seats in parliament. 1936 May 26 Austria announces its intention not to attend the Geneva conference on German refugees. 1936 May 3 A fundraiser for Jewish refugees at Madison Square Garden draws 16,000 people. 1936 May 3 Italian troops capture Addis Ababa. 1936 May 5 Mussolini announces total victory over Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Although the League of Nations had imposed an embargo against Italy, it failed to include a vital item, oil, thereby discrediting itself once again.) 1936 May 7 Britain proposes a plan for regulating worldwide arms traffic. 1936 May 8 Haile Selassie arrives in Palestine. 1936 May 8 Oswald Spengler, renowned German historian and philosopher best known for his pessimistic philosophy of history, dies in Munich. 1936 May 9 Abyssinia (Ethiopia) is annexed into the Italian empire under King Victor Emanuel II. 1936 May The German government steps up its drive against the religious orders, instituting a number of trials for sexual perversity. The proceedings are given detailed and lurid coverage by the German press. Catholic monasteries are described as breeding places of filth and vice. (Lewy) 1936 New York Times announces debut of new SchroderRockefeller holding company. (Avery Rockefeller) Rockefeller holds 42% of the stock and Baron Kurt von Schroder in Cologne, Germany (Hitlers personal banker) holds 47%. Allen Dulles was a director of Schroder Company. Tsarion 1936 November 12 The opening session of the Peel Commission begins in Palestine. 1936 November 13 The Research Department for the Jewish Question (Forschungsabteilung judenfrage) opens in Munich. 1936 November 15 The Romanian Ministry of Labor announces that Jewish refugees will not be allowed to establish themselves in Romania. (Edelheit) 1936 November 18 Germany and Italy officially recognize General Franco as head of the Spanish state. 1936 November 23 The Nazis blacklist some 2,000 works written by Jewish authors. 1936 November 25 Chaim Weizmann testifies before the Peel Commission in Palestine.

1029 1936 November 25 The Anti-Comintern Pact is signed by Germany and Japan against Russia. They will soon be joined by Italy 1936 November 29 Soviet Prime Minister Vlacheslav Molotov denounces the Nazi persecution of German Jews. Antisemites claim Molotov and Stalin are both married to Jewesses. 1936 November 29 The National Council for Palestine, located in New York, urges the Peel Commission to insist on Britain honoring its obligation to establish a Jewish homeland in Palesine. 1936 November 30 Moshe Shertok, head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency, testifies before the Peel Commission, blaming the Colonial Office and its restrictive immigration policy as the reason for "illegal" Jewish immigration to Palestine. (Edelheit) 1936 November 4 President Roosevelt is relected, carrying every state except Maine and Vermont. 1936 November 5 The Iron Guard (Legionaries) denounces the Romanian government as a tool of Jews and Freemasons. 1936 November 7 The so-called International Brigade, composed primarily of Socialists and Communists, arrives in Madrid and a battle for the city begins. 1936 November 8 The National Christian Party stages the largest antisemitic demonstration in Romanian History. 1936 November At Petrovaradim in Yugoslavia, the editor of an antisemitic newspaper modelled on Streicher's "Der Sturmer" is tried and acquitted. (Atlas) 1936 November Dr. Ritter, a psychologist and psychiatrist, begins his work on Gypsies in the Section for Research on Race-hygiene and Population Biology in the Reich Department of Health in Berlin, funded by the DFG. (Science) 1936 October 1 General Franco is declared Spanish head of state at Burgos. 1936 October 10--Early RAF UFO Encounter During Fascism, the courage and efficiency of the Royal Italian Air Force pilots were often used after their successful raids and missions as cheap propaganda tools for Mussolini. This sighting took place in 1936, before flying saucers had been heard of; when aeroplanes were still rudimentary, helicopters were in the experimental stage, and jet propulsion just a dream. Captain Mario Rossi, who in 1936 was flight instructor at the Italian Military Air Base of Orbetello, makes this claim: "On the night of October 10, 1936, I was flying my Idro S.62 Bis, with three other machines, of the same type. When I was at 3,800 metres over Cape Talamone I noticed an unusual light ahead of my plane, which for a moment I mistook for the exhaust gas of another plane of my group. But I realised this was not the case when I saw that the speed of the object was greater than that of an S.62,

1030 and that the position of the 'flaming exhaust' did not correspond to the exhaust in the type of motor installed in this aircraft. I went on following the unknown light, which seemed to be on a higher level than my machine. I could not see its shape, because of the blinding light shining out from the centre of the object, and the short, shooting flames that flashed out on both sides. In size it seemed to be about twice the diameter of a full moon. All at once I found myself caught in a very dense cloud, from which I emerged, after 12 minutes' instrument flying, to find I was over Portoferraio (Island of Elba). This sighting occurred over the rock islands of Formiche di grosseto at 4.15 a.m. The object was flying at nearly 440 m.p.h, and was going due north". The above report was part of the documentation of Prof. Ernesto Thayaht, and was reproduced also by Rivista Aeronautica, the official organ of the Italian Air Force. 1936: the Febrerista Revolution, oligarchic Liberal Party rule in Paraguay ended by Rafael Franco. 1936: General Francisco Franco leds a coup and starts the Spanish Civil War. 1936: Spanish Revolution 1936-1939: a period of so-called "military socialism" in Bolivia follows a revolution in which celebrated war hero David Toro takes power. A constitution establishing a corporative state is promulgated in 1938, following the nationalization of Standard Oil and the passage of progressive labor laws. 1936 October 13 Special courts are set up by the German Ministry of Justice to try cases covered by the Nuremberg Laws 1936 October 15 Jewish teachers in Germany are forbidden to tutor "Aryan" children. 1936 October 20 Polish officials close the Warsaw Trade School after anti-Jewish riots. 1936 October 21 Julius Streicher initiates a new anti-Jewish campaign with an exhibition entitled "World Enemy Number One, Jewish Bolshevism". 1936 October 22 Belgium declares martial law to combat Rexist violence. 1936 October 22-25 Spanish Republicans (Socialists) transfer Spain's gold reserves to the Soviet Union. (Edelheit) 1936 October 25 The Rome-Berlin Axis is established. Cooperation between Germany and Italy in Spain has helped cement a vague understanding, which is now formally concluded. 1936 Blum was elected Prime Minister. His cabinet, his ministers and his under secretaries were all communist Grand Orient Freemasons.

1031 1936 October 4 Hans Frank draws up a program to remove all Jewish influence from German jurisprudence. (Edelheit) 1936 October 4 The Reich Chamber of Culture orders all Jewish art dealers in Berlin to close their galleries by the end of the year. 1936 Pertussis vaccine introduced in the United States. Autism begins to appear in children shortly thereafter. Tsarion 1936 Roosevelt policies in the Pacific force the Japanese to capitulate or fight. Tsarion 1936 Second wave of UFO sightings in Scandinavia. Tsarion 1936 September 14 After a majority of the Spanish Catholic hierarchy has sided with General Franco and called for a crusade against Communism, Pope Pius XI gives his blessing to "those who have assumed the difficult and dangerous task of defending and restoring the rights and honor of Church and religion." (Lewy) 1936 September 18 David Lloyd George publicly expresses enthusiam for Hitler and his regime after visiting the Fuehrer in Germany. 1936 September 20 The Gestapo arrests a number of wellknown rabbis and Zionist leaders without charging them with any crimes. 1936 September 21 Arthur Leese and two other British Fascists are found guilty of libeling and slandering British Jews. 1936 September 24 Jewish-owned employment agencies in Germany are ordered to cease operation. 1936 September 27 The Gestapo closes the Association of Independent Artisans of the Jewish Faith, a German Jewish mutual aid society. 1936 September 4 The Berlin Labor Court rules that German employees who marry Jews or other "non-Aryans" may be dismissed from their jobs. 1936 September 8 France places an embargo on all military exports to Spain. 1936 September 9 Goebbels accuses Czechoslovakia of providing secret bases for Soviet aircraft. 1936 September Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) is promoted to SSBrigadefuehrer (Brigadier) on Himmler's personal staff. An undated typescript in the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz is a blueprint for the reestablishment of the Irminist religion in Germany, with detailed provisions for restrictions on the priesthood, the nationalization of all ecclesiastical property, and the restoration and conservation of ancient monuments. (Roots) 1936 . , :

1032 . . . , , . , . : . 1936 Summer Hitler finds a strange rock he calls Wotan's Hand and mounts it in a special glass case, displaying it as though it were a holy relic. 1936 Summer--The start of the Nazi moon race was the evaluation of the anti-gravity propulsion system of a nearly 100% functional flying saucer that went down in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest). This was combined with the existing propulsion experiments of German scientists based on Viktor Schauberger's ground-breaking anti-gravity experiments with the aim to build anti-gravital fighters and troop-carriers. 1936 Tesla made head of ONR invisibility project. Research continues until 1940 test in Brooklyn Naval Yard. Tsarion 1936 The Duke of Kent, King Edward VIII's brother and closest family supporter, dies; some historians say under mysterious circumstances. 1936 The first of 48 "Lost Colony" stones are found in North Carolina which supposedly tell the story of lost Roanoke Island colony. 1936 The German government gives the National Association of German Catholics Abroad a sum of more than 139,000 marks, in 1936 alone, for its pro-German and pro-Nazi activities among the German minorities of Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. (Lewy) 1936 9 . 75 , 2011, : , 9 2011 . - . 1936 , . . . , . , , .

1033 75 . ; ; . . ; 10,000 ; , ; ; . , ; . , , ; 75 . , , . 1936 The influential Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica published in Rome emphasizes that opposition to Nazi racialism should not be interpreted as a rejection of anti-semitism, and argues, as the magazine had done since 1890, that the Christian world (though without unChristian hatred) must defend itself against the Jewish threat by suspending the civic rights of Jews and returning them to the ghettos. (Lewy) 1936 The Iron Guard, an influential antisemitic organization in Romania, bombs a Jewish theater in Timisoara, killing two Jews and injuring many more. (Atlas) 1936 Walter Freeman and James W. Watts help promote lobotomy in the U.S.A. Tsarion 1936 Washington Post taken over by Eugene Meyer. Mafia controls media by 1940. Tsarion 1936 27 1936, 87 . 6 1936, Robert Neumann "... ...". Neumann

1034 . 1936 , ' .. , , , . 1.000.000 . . 40 , . 1936 - 33 , . . H [ !] () . B, [ ], . . 1936, . 1936, , ( ), . " ". 1936, . 4 113 , 218 69 10 , 3.300 . 1936, , . 1936, , " , , , ". 1936: John Maynard Keynes' "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money" claims that government spending is required to end economic recessions 1936: the "Queen Mary" transatlantic linear travels from Southampton to New York in four days. 1936-1939 Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini. Over 5,000 Arabs were killed according to some sources, mostly by British.

1035 Several hundred Jews were killed by Arabs. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany. British White Paper (1939) severely restricts Jewish immigration. 19361939 Great Uprising by Arabs against British rule and Jewish immigration. 1936: the first show trial against communist leaders is held in Moscow (the defendants "confess") Jan 1936: Stalin writes an article in the Pravda that attacks Shostakovic's opera "Lady Macbeth", the beginning of the anti-formalist campaign 1937: 2.5 million Soviet citizens are arrested and 700,000 are executed during the "great purges" 1937 -- Spanish Civil War begins. First of 48 "Lost Colony" stones found in North Carolina; stones supposedly tell the story of lost Roanoke Island colony. Amelia Earhart Putnam, aviator, disappears. . 1937 - Students at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow are taught: "Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack. To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The western world will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate to their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist." . 1937 According to an account told to investigators years later, whalers killed a sperm whale off the Queen Charlotte Islands in northern British Columbia. When they cut its stomach open, they found inside the semidigested remains of a 10-foot-long, snakelike creature with a horselike head and humped back. This remarkable specimen was returned to the ocean. 1937 Adolph Hitler is interviewed by Richard Helms, a reporter for United Press International. Helms, whose grandfather was the first director of the Bank for International Settlements and past chief of the Federal Reserve, would eventually be appointed director of the CIA in the United States in 1966 and leave the CIA in 1972, after ordering the destruction of all files relating to MKULTRA. Helms made use of a vast research network in pursuit of depth persuasion and transmission of subliminal messages to population, advocated the use of high frequencies to affect the memory and unconscious mind, and mentioned in a 1964 memo to the Warren Commission the subject of biological radio communication and the use of cybernetics in the molding of a childs character, the inculcation of knowledge, the establishment of behavior patterns and control of the growth process of the individual. The term

1036 cybernetics relates to technology that responds to thought. Richard Helms was a consultant to Bechtel. Tsarion 1937 After four months service with the SS-Death's Head Division Oberbayern at Dachau, Otto Rahn is given leave to devote himself fully to writing until his resignation from the SS in February 1939. (Roots) 1937 Alfred Peterson, a nurse aboard a British troopship in the China Sea, spotted what at first he thought was a big tree floating in the sea. A few minutes later he noticed it was still there, keeping pace with the ship. This peaked his interest and he took a closer look. What he saw was a 25-foot long, gray-black, body with a head shaped like a giraffe. 1937 AMA approves drug sulfanilamide with diethylene glycol. Kills people. Tsarion 1937 American I.G. has substantial stock holdings in Dupont and Kodak in U.S.A. Tsarion 1937 American professor Earnest Hooten, a Harvard University anthropologist, was described in the New York Times as one of the leading authorities on human evolution. Says Hooten, I think that a biological purge is the essential prerequisite for social and spiritual salvation. It is very difficult to enforce such a measure in a democracy, unless it has been preceded by an educational campaign. Tsarion 1937 Another outbreak of encephalitis in St. Louis, Missouri. Tsarion 1937 April 11 A new order from the German Ministry of the Interior deprives all Jews of municipal citizenship. 1937 April 12 The German Foreign Ministry sends a note of protest to Papal Secretary of State Pacelli describing the Pope's encyclical as a call to battle against the leadership of the German state and a grave violation of the Concordat (See March 21). (Lewy) 1937 April 13 The Gestapo prohibits all Jewish public meetings for 60 days with the exception of synagogue services. 1937 April 16 Swiss officials announce that they are refusing to grant permanent resident permits to German Jewish refugees to avoid flooding the labor market. 1937 April 17 The Polish parliament passes a bill outlawing Jewish ritual slaughter (Shechita). 1937 April 20 General Franco declares Spain a totalitarian state and assumes dictatorial power. 1937 April 20 The International Order of B'nai B'rith is banned throughout Germany. 1937 April 26 German warplanes from the Luftwaffe's Condor Legion destroy the Spanish (Basque) town of Guernica during what is

1037 described as the first air bombardment of an undefended town in history. More than 1,600 civilians are killed. 1937 April 30 Pacelli replies to Germany's note of protest. "The Holy See," the Papal Secretary declares, "which has friendly, correct, or at least tolerable relations with states of one or another constitutional form and orientation, will never interfere in the question of what concrete form of government a certain people chooses to regard as best suited to its nature and requirements. With respect to Germany also, it has remained true to this principle and intends so to continue". (Lewy) 1937 April 6 Hitler orders the resumption of the immorality and foreign exchange trials against Catholic clergymen, which had been halted shortly before the Olympic Games in the summer of 1936. 1937 April 9 The Gestapo seizes all B'nai B'rith lodges in Germany. 1937 April The Duke of Windsor visits Germany at the invitation of Adolf Hitler. Windsor meets privately at least twice with Rudolf Hess. (Wolff Hess, Missing Years) 1937 August 11 Hjalmar Schacht has a loud argument with Hitler at Obersalzberg. (Schacht was one of the few people who dared to shout at Hitler.) After a closed-door meeting, Schacht tenders his resignation. Hitler, obviously upset, insists he must reconsider. 1937 August 13 The German Ministry of Education orders all Germans knowing a foreign language to register with the government. 1937 August 18 The Romanian Orthodox Church urges the Romanian people to fight the "Jewish parasite." 1937 August 23 The Radical Peasants Party criticizes the antisemitism of the Romanian Orthodox Church. (Edelheit) 1937 August 29 China and the Soviet Union sign a treaty of nonagression. 1937 August 3 Italy bars foreign Jews from universities and institutions of higher learning. 1937 August 3-16 The Twentieth World Zionist Congress meeting in Zurich debates the partitioning of Palestine as proposed by the Peel Commission. 1937 August 4 Most Jewish teachers are barred from teaching in Italian schools. 1937 August 5 The Nazi Propaganda Ministry forbids any further mention of Leo Schlageter or Horst Wessel in the Catholic press. This is another attempt by Goebbels and his staff to put an end to the Catholic practice of "borrowing" Nazi heroes. 1937 A close friend of Hitler, Dr. Ernst Hanfstsengl, son of Jewess Heine from New York, until 1937 was the Chief of Foreign Press

1038 Department in the NSDAP. During the Second World War he became Roosevelt's advisor. 1937 August 8 The Romanian government prohibits the singing of Hatikvah (the Zionist national anthem) in Jewish schools. 1937 August 8 The World Zionist Congress debates the partitioning of Palestine. Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion defend the plan. 1937 August Jews are accused of sacrilege at Humenne in Czechoslovakia. (Atlas) 1937 Communist Party of the U.S.A supports American Federation of Teachers. Tsarion 1937 December 11 Italy withdraws friom the League of Nations. 1937 December 1-17 A French diplomatic mission visits Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia in an attempt to strengthen the French alliance system against Germany. 1937 December 12 Communists receive 98% of the vote in the first elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1937 December 12 Japanese forces sink the U.S. gunboat Punay in China's Yangtze River. Japan apologizes and agrees to pay reparations. 1937 December 13 Nanking, the Nationalist capital falls to the Japanese. 1937 December 14 Himmler orders all those "identified" as "asocial" incarcerated in concentration camps. 1937 December 15 Polish bishops call for segregation of all Jewish students in Polish elementary schools. 1937 December 20 General Ludendorff dies. Hitler attends his funeral. 1937 December 20 The Jewish Party in Romania fails to win a single seat during parliamentary elections. 1937 December 21 Britain officially repudiates the Peel Commission's Partition Plan. 1937 December 28 King Carol of Romania appoints Octavian Goga and Alexander Cuza to head a National Christian Party government. During its 44 days in power it issues numerous anti-Jewish decrees. 1937 December 5 Spanish Loyalists (Socialists) begin a last-ditch counteroffensive in the civil war. (Edelheit) 1937 December 6 The Dutch People's Party, a new antisemitic political party, is established in Holland. 1937 December 8 The Iron Guard (Legionairies) announces the opening of a chain of cooperative stores aimed at underselling Jewish stores and forcing them out of business.

1039 1937 December-January General Miller, General Ktiepov's successor, is kidnapped in Paris and later executed in Moscow. 1937 During a clash with the Japanese, a Russian reconnaissance unit in Mongolia spotted two silhouettes coming down a hill toward them. When the figures did not respond to a challenge, sentries shot them. Then next morning the recon unit was surprised when they examined the bodies. They were of a "strange anthropoid ape" that was about the size of a man and covered with long red hair. Unfortunately, because of the war, the bodies could not be returned to Moscow for a proper evaluation. 1937 Early experiments in the U.S. with radar and first seagoing tests. Tsarion 1937 February 1 The Nazis issue a decree prohibiting Herman citizens from accepting any form of Nobel Prize. 1937 February 10 Nazi officials close all Catholic schools in Bavaria. 1937 February 16-22 Hermann Goering visits Poland. 1937 February 18 Czechoslovakia signs an agreement with Sudeten Germans guaranteeing them broader minority rights. 1937 February 18 Under a new German conscription law, half and quarter Jews will be eligible for military and labor service. 1937 February 2 In reply to a question from the Reich Minister of Science, Education, and National Culture about the number of Jews and half-Jews supported by the DFG, its president reports, "None at all." (Science) 1937 February 27 Anti-Jewish violence again breaks out in Romania. 1937 February 27 France establishes a ministry of defense. 1937 February 4 President Roosevelt begins an effort to "pack" the Supreme court. 1937 German manufacturing trials for nerve gas Tabun begin using fluorides. Tsarion 1937 German state hospitals use electroshock and insulin shock therapies on patients. Hitler orders the film The Inheritance shown in 5,300 theatres in Germany as a beginning indoctrination in racial theory. By 1939, the T4 project, involving euthanasia of German mental patients and criminals, later extended to others, is headed by Buehler in Germany after Hitler orders the killing of mental patients. Other films, such as Dasein ohne Leben, would follow (existence without life) in a successful attempt to pass euthanasia law in a public forum. Tsarion 1937 Henry Coffin and John Foster Dulles lead the U.S. delegation to England to found the World Council of Churches as a peace movement guided by the pro-Hitler factions in England. The Coffin

1040 family, mainstays of the lobby for euthanasia and eugenics, survive the Hitler era and are integrated into the CIA in the 1950's. Tsarion 1937 In Saginaw, Michigan a man-like monster climbed up a river bank, leaned against a tree, and then returned to the river. The fisherman who witnessed this appearance suffered a nervous breakdown. 1937 Italy signs Anti-Communist pact with Japan and Germany. Tsarion 1937 January 1 All Jewish-owned employment agencies in Germany are ordered closed. 1937 January 1 The Polish law banning Jewish ritual slaughter (Shechita) goes into effect. 1937 January 10 The Polish government dissolves the Warsaw Jewish kehilla. 1937 January 12 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem testifies before the Peel Commission in Palestine. 1937 January 15 The Schuschnigg government proclaims amnesty for Austrian Nazis. 1937 January 16 The Gestapo orders all Jewish youth organization in Germany dissolved. 1937 January 17 Germany prohibits foreign warships from free passage through the Kiel Canal. 1937 January 2 Britain and Italy sign Mediterranean agreement. 1937 January 20 President Roosevelt is inaugurated and begins his second term. 1937 January 22 German citizens are asked not to patronize Jewish doctors. 1937 January 23-30 The second Stalinist trial of "counterrevolutionaries" (treason trials) is held in Moscow. Thirteen of the fifteen defendents receive death sentences. 1937 January 24 Goering sorders Heydrich to organize emigration of Jews still residing in Germany. 1937 January 30 The Peel Commission returns to Britain. 1937 January 31 The Danzig Senate creates a secret police force modelled on the Gestapo. 1937 January 6 The Zionist Organization in Poland votes to support the Polish Socialist parties in all future elections. (Edelheit) 1937 January 7 Heiress to the Dutch throne, Princess Juliana, marries Prince Bernhard. 1937 January Hitler formally abrogates the Treaty of Versailles. 1937 Japan makes extensive use of chemical weapons against the Chinese. China makes a formal protest to the League of Nations. Tsarion

1041 1937 Japanese build biological warfare facility called Pingfan in Manchuria. It is complete by 1939. Destroyed in 1945 as Russians approach. The Japanese wage biological war against China until 1945. Tsarion 1937 Japanese production of mustard gas reaches 2 tons per day. Tsarion 1937 John D. Rockefeller appoints William S. Farish president and CEO of Standard Oil of New Jersey. 1937 Joseph Kennedy, Sr., is named U.S. ambassador to Great Britain. His sons, Joe Jr. and John, both work as international reporters for their father. 1937 July 1 The Gestapo again arrests Pastor Martin Niemoeller, leader of the German Confessional Church in Berlin. 1937 July 15 The German-Polish Convention of May1922 expires along with its protection of Jewish minority rights in Upper Silesia. The Jews of Upper Silesia are now exposed to the full rigors of Nazi rule. (Atlas) 1937 July 19 Ettersberg, a new concentration camp, originally designed for professional criminals, is opened in central Germany. Its name is changed to Buchenwald on July 28. (Edelheit) (Note, Other sources say it was opened on July 16.) 1937 July 1--First sighting of the White River Monster (or 'Whitey' as it was popularly known). Just to the south of Newport, Arkansas, the White River, a tributary to the great Mississippi, is particularly deep. The beast has been seen in this area numerous times since then. 1937 July 2 Aviatrix Amelia Earhart and her copilot Fred Noonan disappear over the Pacific Ocean during the last leg of an attempted flight around the world. 1937 July 2 Severe limitations are put on the number of Jewish pupils (already partially restricted in 1933) allowed to attend German schools. (Persecution) 1937 July 24 An order segregating Jews from "Aryans" in German health resorts and public baths is issued. 1937 July 27 The trial of five German Jews accused of a 1929 ritual murder (blood libel) opens in Bamburg. 1937 July 28 Japanese troops occupy the Chinese capital of Peking. 1937 July 30 The League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission discusses the Peel Commission's plan for partitioning Palestine. 1937 July 6 A German decree forbids Jews from studying medicine.

1042 1937 July 7 A Chinese-Japanese military conflict at Marco Polo Bridge near Peking provides the pretext for an all-out Japanese campaign of conquest in China. 1937 July 7-8 The Peel Commission publishes its plan for the partitioning of Palestine into two separate states, one Arab and the other Jewish. 1937 June 11 The Soviet "Generals' Trials," the third Stalinist purge trial, opens in Moscow. 1937 June 12 Heydrich issues a secret directive ordering Jewish "race-violators" into "protective custody" after they have served their prison sentences. 1937 June 12 Soviet Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevski and seven other Soviet military leaders are executed in Moscow. It is said that Tukhachevski had confided his plan for a coup against the Communist regime to military officials while visiting London and Paris and that Moscow was immediately informed by its agents. (Sturdza) (Note, Others claim Tukhachevski was set up by Reinhard Heydrich who used forged documents from WWI to frame Tukhachevski in an effort to disrupt the Soviet military and weaken its leadership.) (Secrets) 1937 June 13 The Swiss state of Geneva bans the Communist Party. 1937 June 16 General Lucjan Zieligowski in a speech to the Polish Senate declares, "there is no place in Poland for the Jews." 1937 June 16 New Stalinists purges are held in Belorussia. 1937 June 16 The German People's Church (Deutsche Volkskirche) is accredited as the official Nazi church. 1937 June 20 The Czech government institutes compulsory military training for all citizens from six to sixty. Actual military call-up is from seventeen to thirty. 1937 June 21 Leon Blum resigns as premier of France. Camille Chautemps forms a radical Socialist government, with Blum as vice premier. 1937 June 28 The Ninth Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce opens in Berlin. 1937 June 3 Duke of Windsor marries Wallis Simpson (Warfield) in Tours, France. 1937 June 30 The French legislature votes to give emergency powers to the Chautemps government. 1937 June 8-9 Air raids on Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia cause heavy damage and loss of life. 1937 Leon Trotsky publishes The Revolution Betrayed, an expose of Joseph Stalin and his regime.

1043 1937 Lord Russell and Aldous Huxley co-found the Peace Pledge Union to promote the campaign for peace with Hitler, just before both left for the U.S. for the duration of the war. Tsarion 1937 March 14 A papal encyclical, Mit Brennender Sorge (With Burning Sorrow) is published, dealing with the condition of the Catholic Church in Germany and condemning Nazi racism. 1937 March 21 Mit brennender Sorge, is read from the pulpits of all Catholic Churches in Germany on Palm Sunday. It has been smuggled into Germany, secretly printed and distributed by messenger throughout the nation. "With deep anxiety and with ever-growing dismay" Pius XI says he has watched the tribulations of the Catholic Church in Germany. The Concordat of 1933 is now being openly violated, and the conscience of the faithful oppressed as never before. True belief in God, the Pope declares, is irreconcilable with the deification of earthly values such as race, people or the state. Important as these are in the natural order, they can never be the ultimate norm of all things. Belief in a national God or a national religion, similarly is a grave error. The God of Christianity cannot be imprisoned "within the frontiers of a single people, within the pedigree of one single race." (Lewy) 1937 March 21 The Polish Senate passes a law making it illegal for Jews to manufacture, distribute or sell Catholic religious materials. 1937 March 22 The Gestapo confiscates all copies of the Pope's encyclical it can find. Twelve print shops are soon closed and dispossessed without compensation for having printed the encyclical letter. Strong protests are lodged with the bishops and the Vatican. (Lewy) 1937 March 25 Italy and Yugoslavia sign a nonagression and neutrality pact. 1937 March 26 The Pope publishes an encyclical entitled Divini Redemptoris, condemning atheistic Communism. 1937 March 5 German officials announce that the nation's film industry is completely cleansed of Jews. 1937 March The Duke of Windsor leaves the Rothschild's castle in Austria. (Cowles) 1937 May 1 President Roosevelt signs the third U.S. Neutrality Act. 1937 May 14 German Jews are forbidden to play music by Beethoven or Mozart during Jewish cultural concerts. 1937 May 20 Professor von Verschuer, now at the University of Frankfurt, mentions in a letter to Professor Fischer his report for Rosenberg, "Proposals for the Registration of Jews and Part-Jews". (Science)

1044 1937 May 28 Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is elected leader of the Conservative Party of Britain, forms a new cabinet and becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain, replacing Stanley Baldwin. 1937 May 30 Anti-Franco Spanish forces bomb the German battleship Deutschland off Ibizia, killing 26 and injuring 71. 1937 May 31 The German fleet shells the Spanish city of Almeira in retaliation for the attack on the Deutschland. 1937 May 6 The airship Hindenburg catches fire and is destroyed while maneuvering to land at Lakehurst, N. J. Claims and speculation that it was sabotaged have never been supported by solid evidence. 1937 May 9 A Nazi decree bars Jews from receiving university degrees. 1937 May Anarchists and radical Marxists in Spain stage an abortive revolution in Barcelona that is opposed by the Socialists and Communists. The Communists, who as the conduit for Soviet aid had become increasingly influential on the Loyalist side, lead a drive to repress the ultra-leftist elements. Many are tortured and murdered. 1937 May On his arrival in America, Walter Krivitsky, Stalin's chief of Military Intelligence, reveals to the U.S. State Department the full details of Stalin's purges. Krivitsky claims Stalin is determined to forge a pact with Hitler and has turned against the old Bolsheviks and officers of the Red Army because they are opposed to any alliance with Hitler. "Stalin, in the name of anti-fascism, destroyed the antifascists," Kivitsky says. 1937 May The curriculum vitae of Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) is sealed after confidential scrutiny. Weisthor's psychiatric history remains a closely guarded secret. (Roots) 1937 Morris Fishbein gains control as editor of the AMA, along with Dr. Olin West. Tsarion 1937 Nazis run Tesla p2 project at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Under Illuminati control. Tsarion 1937 Nikolai Bukharin is arrested by the Soviet secret police. 1937 November 1 The Swiss Court of Criminal Appeal quashes the judment of the lower court's verdict on the authenticity of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in its entirety. (See May 14, 1935) 1937 November 13 The Jewish Socialist Party (Bund) celebrates the 40th anniversary of its founding in Poland. 1937 November 16 Only in rare cases can Jews now obtain passports for foreign travel. (Persecution) 1937 November 17-21 A meeting between Lord Halifax and Hitler is said to mark the beginning of Britain's so-called "appeasement" policy toward Germany. They meet to discuss the deteriorating situation in Czechoslovakia.

1045 1937 November 18 A catholic official refuses to allow permission for the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs to consult diocesan files on Jewish conversions and mixed marriages "on grounds of pastoral secrecy." (Up to this time, the Church had closely cooperated with the government in determining and sorting out those of Jewish descent. It was only when Catholics of Jewish descent were threatened that the Catholic church balked. Yet, even then, they continued disclosing the names of non-Catholics of Jewish extraction right through the war years, when the price of being Jewish was deportation and death). (Lewy) 1937 November 24 Hjalmar Schacht is removed as German minister of the economy and is replaced by Walter Funk. Schacht remains president of the Reichsbank. 1937 November 26 Nazis begin "Aryanizing" Jewish business in Danzig. 1937 November 28 The Bar Association in Lublin (P) restricts the number of Jews in the legal profession to a percentage corresponding to the ratio of Jews in the total population. 1937 November 29 Pro-Nazi Sudeten German deputies resign en masse from the Czech parliament, precipitating a national crisis. (Edelheit) 1937 November 3 The Danzig Senate isolates Jewish merchants and seizes their bank deposits, charging them with tax evasion. 1937 November 5 Germany and Poland sign an agreement regarding treatment of each other's minorities. 1937 November 5 The Hossbach Memorandum, Hitler outlines secret plans and contingencies in the event of a future war, telling his generals that he intends to destroy Czechoslovakia. Some historians contend that this document's historical significance has been greatly exaggerated. Others, such as William Shirer, emphatically state that it was on this date that Hitler first imparted his decision to go to war to the Commanders-in-Chief of the three armed services. (Shirer I) 1937 November 6 Italy joins the German-Japanese Anti-Comintern Pact.This grouping prefigures their later alliance structure in World War II. 1937 November 8 Goebbel's propaganda Ministry sponsors Der Ewige Jew (The Eternal Jew) an anti-Jewish exposition under the direction of Julius Streicher. It closes on February 4, 1938. 1937 November 9 Japanese troops occupy Shanghai. 1937 November General Kutiepov, chief of the former Nationalist Russian Army in exile, is kidnapped by Communist agents on the streets of Paris, taken to Moscow and executed. 1937 October 13 Germany guarantees Belgian independence.

1046 1937 October 14 Professor von Verschuer protests to Reich Minister of Justice Gurtner that his expert opinion incriminating the defendant in a "race dishonour trial," has not been accepted and that, as a result, the defendant has been set free. (Science) 1937 October 16 Police in Czechoslovakia disrupt a Sudeten German Party rally at Teplitz. Party leader Konrad Henlein demands that ethnic Germans receive autonomy. 1937 October 16 The Hungarian National Socialist Party is founded in Hungary. 1937 October 20 Felix Warburg, international banker, philanthropist and Jewish communal leader dies in the United States. (Edelheit) 1937 October 20 Jewish market stalls and shops are picketed by Nazi police. 1937 October 21 The Catholic Center Party is eliminated and the Nazis take absolute control of the city. 1937 October 23 Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in Danzig stage a massive pogrom. 1937 October 27 Jewish access to public bathhouses in Danzig is limited to specified hours, one day a week. 1937 October 28 The Spanish Loyalists (Socialists) government escapes to Barcelona. 1937 October 29 The League of Nations High Commission complains that he is powerless to act in the city's internal affairs. 1937 October 4 Amin al-Huseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, flees Palestine for Lebanon. 1937 October 5 President Roosevelt, in a major speech in Chicago, warns Americans against continued isolationism, speaking of the need to "quarantine the aggressors". A strong negative response to this call indicates the strength of isolationist sentiment in the U.S. 1937 Otto Rahn's second book Luzifers Hofgesind. Eine Reise zu Europas guten Geisten (Lucifer's Court in Europe) is published in Leipzig. 1937 Roosevelt asks Congress for a law to limit the Supreme Court authority to declare laws in conflict with the Constitution null and void. Congress refuses. Tsarion 1937 Roosevelt hints at a war with Germany in a speech, a huge about face from previous, "we should be neutral" comments. 1937 September 10 Opening of the conference at Nyon dealing with issues created by the Spanish Civil War. 1937 September 12 The Romanian National Soldiers Front calls on Romanian citizens to deal with the "Jewish Plot."

1047 1937 September 13 An Anti-Jewish month is proclaimed by Polish antisemitic groups. 1937 September 25-28 Mussolini and Hitler meet in Berlin. 1937 September 27 The Romanian government prohibits Zionist fundraising nationwide. 1937 September 4 Nazi officials order all Rotary Club chapters in Germany dissolved. 1937 September 5 Hjalmar Schacht takes a leave of absence from the Economics Ministry. That same month he tells Max Warburg he can no longer keep M.M. Warburg in the Reich Loan Consortium. (Warburgs) 1937 September 9 Sachsenburg concentration camp is closed. 1937 September Brothers of the Hungarian branch of the Order of the New Templars (ONT) found the small priory of Szent Kereszt below Vaskapu Hill at Pilisszentkereszt in northern Hungary. (Roots) 1937 Spring. A decision is made that all German colored children are to be illegally sterilized. After the prerequisite expert reports are provided by Dr. Abel, Dr. Schade, and Professor Fischer, the sterilizations are carried out. (Science) 1937 Summer Otto Rahn makes a second expedition to Montsegur. 1937 The British propose a partition between Jewish and Arab areas. It is rejected by both parties. 1937 The German edition of Madison Grants book Conquest of a Continent is released in Berlin. Dr. Eugene Fischer of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, in his praise for the book, notes the racial idea has become one of the chief foundations of the National Socialist State's population policies. Tsarion 1937 The regime of Hideki Tojo in Japan would be responsible for 3,990,000 murders between 1937 and 1945. Tsarion 1937 William Donovan renews his association with the Rothschilds, who ask him to salvage their interests in Bohemia (Czechoslovakia) left over from the Nazi occupation. He is defeated by Hitlers view of the Rothschilds. Donovans law firm successfully defends 18 oil firms against anti-trust charges. Donovan meets Kim Philby in Spain and begins to build the OSS around the hard core of the Communist Lincoln Brigade. Tsarion 1937 ., 20 - [] . 1937, . 1937, (!) , .

1048 1937: Dersim Rebellion 1937: the "Jornadas de Mayo", a workers' revolution in Catalonia 1938-1948: The Zionist Revolution - the period of Jewish nationalist rebellion and guerrilla warfare against the British Empire in Palestine which brought about the establishment of the State of Israel. Mainly fought by the Lehi and Irgun underground organizations but periodically joined by the Jewish Agency's official Haganah militia. 1938 - Assassination of Leon Sedov, Trotsky's son; first assassination attempt against Trotsky. Nazi invasion of Austria; Interpol exiled -- or taken over by Nazis; German expedition to Antarctica stakes out 600,000 square kilometers, lands near the South Pole. Electroshock treatment discovered. Orson Welles' dramatization of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds scares American radio listeners. - 1938 "Mysterious lights" hover over Tabor, Quebec, Canada. 1938 - 1940 When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was collaborating with Churchill, he said to the Mothers of America 1938 A team of archeologists, led by Professor Chi Pu Tei of Beijing University, was conducting a very detailed routine survey of a series of caves of Balan Kara-Ula where they discovered very frail skeletons with large heads. They called themselves the Dropas. 1938 April 1 A number od Austrian Jews are sent to Dachau concentration camp. 1938 April 1 Jewish patients are barred from Danzig's public hospitals and welfare institutions. All Jewish doctors and nurses are dismissed. 1938 April 10 A plebiscite (referendum) is held in Austria to legalize Anchluss. Jews are excluded from voting. 1938 April 11 Bulgaria outlaws the Bulgarian Nazi Party (Ratnizi) 1938 April 13 The Roman Congregation of Seminaries and Universities attacks as erroneous eight theses taken from Nazi doctrine. Antisemitism is neither mentioned nor criticized. (Lewy) 1938 April 15 Starting in Dabrowa, hundreds of Jews are injured and much property destroyed during anti-Jewish attacks in Poland. (Atlas) 1938 April 16 Britain signs a pact of friendship with Italy without giving adequate notice to the United States. (Freedman) 1938 April 17 An attempted coup by Fascists and the Iron Guard is smashed by the Romanian government. Many of the instigators are arrested. 1938 April 19 All remaining Jewish banks in Austria are "Aryanized."

1049 1938 April 22 A German Law is published making it illegal for non-Jews to help conceal Jewish holdings. 1938 April 22 Trouble breaks out in the Sudetenland signaling the beginning of the Czechoslovak Crisis. 1938 April 24 A Sudeten German Congress at Karlsbad demands full autonomy for Sudeten Germans. 1938 April 25 Nazis stage anti-Jewish riots in Theusing (G). 1938 April 26 The German government requires registration of all Jews with assets exceeding 5,000 Reichsmarks,, whether in Germany or abroad. Only British and American Jews living in Germany are exempted. 1938 April 27 The Woodhead Commission arrives in Palestine to study the Peel Commissions partition plan. 1938 April 7 Codreanu is arrested in Romania and will later die in prison. 1938 April 8 Eduard Daladier forms a new French government. 1938 April 8 The Rothschild Bank in Austria is "Aryanized" and taken over by the Austrian Credit Institute. 1938 - . 27 1938 , . , . 1953, 15 , , . , , . 18 1956 . 1957. . , : . , . . , . , . , , . : ' . ' . . . . . . , ;

1050 . . 7:30. . . . 13 1957 . . (14 ) . 1938 August 10 The great synagogue and Jewish community center in Nuremberg is demolished on Nazi orders. (Edelheit) 1938 August 11 Hermann Goering tells an American diplomat that within ten years the United States will become the most antisemitic country in the world and that the combination of Jews and blacks raise grave questions about America's future. (Architect) 1938 August 11 Poland withdraws its permanent delegate from the League of Nations. 1938 August 13 The Wehrmacht stages large-scale military maneuvers. 1938 August 16 The German Ministry of Justice orders an increase in the Gestapo's power in Austria. 1938 August 17 A new decree orders that as of January 1, 1939, German Jews may have only Jewish first names. If they keep an "Aryan" first name (Michael etc.), they must add Jewish middle names such as "Israel" or "Sarah." (Persecution) 1938 August 17 Hitler issues a new decree indicating that the Waffen-SS is destined to be more than just a private police force. By authorizing motorization of the SS-Verfuegungstruppen (SS-VT or "field troops"), Hitler serves notice that it will fight in the coming war and enforce the Nazi-dominated peace that he is sure will follow. (The SS, Time-Life) 1938 August 17 Special passports for Jews are inroduced in Germany. (Eyes) 1938 August 19 Swiss officials take measures to block Jewish refugees trying to enter Switzerland. 1938 August 19-20 At a meeting of the German Committee for Public Care and Welfare Law, professors of medicine and law discuss with civil servants from the Ministry of the Interior the possibility of a "law on asocial individuals" that would allow people so defined to be sterilized or committed to concentration camps. According to later drafts of this law, which was never passed, two physicians and a police officer were to decide on the sterilization and further disposal of these individuals to concentration camps. (Science) 1938 August 2 A major clash breaks out between Socialists and Nazis in Switzerland. 1938 August 26 The Central Office for Jewish Emigration is established in Vienna under the direction of Adolf Eichmann. Within

1051 eighteen months, 150,000 Austrian Jews will be induced to emigrate. (Days) 1938 August 27 General Ludwig Beck, one of the top Wehrmacht generals resigns in disagreement over Hitler's Czechoslovakian policy, which he believes will lead to war. (Edelheit) 1938 August 3 New anti-Jewish legislation is introduced in Italy. 1938 August 5 New laws regulating the meat and cattle industry in Poland virtually eliminate Jews from participation. 1938 August 7 The Beirut synagogue is bombed by Arab terrorists. 1938 August 8 Mauthausen, the first concentration camp in Austria, goes into operation. 1938 August Late in the month, Max Warburg, his wife, Alice, and their daughter, Gisela, depart Germany for New York. First they will make a stop-over in London. (See September 1938) (Warburgs) 1938 Compulsory immunization instituted in Hungary. Diphtheria cases rise 35% by 1940. Tsarion 1938 Congressional debate on Food and Drug Act. Tsarion 1938 December 1 Great Britain initiates a program of accelerated rearmament and military expansion. 1938 December 11 The Nazi Party wins in elections held in Memel. The Jewish situation becomes even more precarious. 1938 December 11 Twenty thousand Libyan Jews are deprived of their Italian citizenship. 1938 December 13 Jewish property is pillaged and synagogues burned in Slovakia during a renewed anti-Jewish campaign. 1938 December 13 Neuengamme concentration camp is established as part of Sachsenhausen. It will eventually become independent with many sub-camps of its own. 1938 December 14 Goering announces he has taken control of all Jewish affairs. All Jewish-owned businesses are placed under the contol of "Aryan" general managers. 1938 December 15 The New York Daily News reprints a scurrilously antisemitic pamphlet by William Dudley Pelley. 1938 December 16 A remarkable editorial in The New York Daily News says that the Bill of Rights means only "that our government shall not officially discriminate against any religion. It does not mean that Americans are forbidden to dislike other Americans or religions or any other group. Plenty of people just now are exercising their right to dislike the Jews." 1938 December 2 Jews in Danzig are ordered to contribute to the "atonement" fine of one billion Reichsmarks imposed on German Jews after Kristallnacht.

1052 1938 December 22 All Jews are forced to retire from Italain military service. 1938 December 23 The Hungarian parliament introduces new racially-defined antisemitic laws. 1938 December 24 Twenty-one American republics sign the Declaration of Lima pledging themselves to oppose foreign intervention and to protect themselves by collective action against aggression. 1938 December 28 Jews are forbidden to use sleeping compartments or dining cars on German railways. 1938 December 3 A new decree orders that all Jewish enterprises and shops are now subject to compulsory "Aryanization," the forced disposal of all Jewish stores, businesses, and financial holdings. (Goebbels) 1938 December 3 German Jews are forced to give up their driver's licenses and vehicle registration papers. They are also forced to sell their securities and jewelry. (Persecution) 1938 December 31 An internal SS report states that 22.7 % of the SS membership still belongs to the Catholic faith (despite all pressures to leave the Church). (Lewy) 1938 December 4 Father Charles Coughlin verbally attacks the "Jewish international banking house" in an American radio address. 1938 December 5 The seventh ordinance of the Reich Citizenship Act orders a reduction in pensions for compulsorily retired Jewish officials. 1938 December 6 A new declaration of nonaggression and friendship is signed between Germany and France, providing a mutual guarantee of their common borders. Hitler disavows any interest in Alsace-Lorraine, and during the coming months, will cite this as proof of his peaceful intentions. 1938 December 8 All Jews are banned from conducting research at German universities. Jewish students can no longer attend German Universities. (Persecution) 1938 December 8 Himmler signs an order regarding the need to regulate the "Gypsy question" in Germany. (Edelheit) 1938 December Hjalmar Schacht meets in London with George Rublee, American lawyer and director of the inter-governmental commitee. Schacht presents a plan to allow 150,000 German Jews to leave Germany over a three year period. (Architect) 1938 December The Nazi Party issue an edict affecting many sectarian groups in the Reich. (Roots) 1938 Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., becomes chairman of the board of U.S. Steel.

1053 1938 February 10 The Goga government in Romania is dissolved. The new government, headed by Dr. Miron Christea, nullifies some of Goga's anti-Jewish legislation. 1938 February 12 A meeting between Hitler and Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg at Obersalzberg leads to a greater Nazi role in Austrian government and public life. 1938 February 16 Chancellor Schuschnigg names Arthur SeyssInquart, a virulent Austrian Nazi, minister of the interior. 1938 February 16 Lithuania adopts a new constitution guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens regardless of race or creed. (Edelheit) 1938 February 18 Anthony Eden resigns as Foreign Secretary from the Chamberlain government in protest against Britain's continued appeasement of Italy. (Freedman) 1938 February 20 Bishop Ehrenfried of Wurzburg in a pastoral letter expresses the desire that "the totalitarianism of the State and the totalitarianism of the Church" should coexist "without conflicts and bitterness." (Lewy) 1938 February 20 Franz Josef Rarkowski is consecrated as bishop of the German army in a lavish ceremony conducted by Nuncio Orsenigo, assisted by Bishops Preysing and Galen. Rarkowski will hold this post until the end of World War II. (Lewy) 1938 February 20 Lord Halifax (Edward F.L. Wood) replaces Anthony Eden as British Foreign Secretary. 1938 February 23 Volksruf, a violently antisemitic newspaper, begins publication in Austria. 1938 February 24 Nazi-instigated disturbances erupt throughout Austria after Chancellor Schuschnigg calls for a plebiscite (referendum) on Austrian independence. 1938 February 28 The American Legion begins a nationwide campaign against the pro-Nazi German-American Bund. 1938 February 4 Austrian Nazis vandalize numerous Jewish businesses in the suburbs of Vienna. 1938 February 4 Hitler announces he is personally taking over command of the German armed forces. Fritsch is forced to resign and Konstantin von Neurath is replaced by Joachim von Ribbentrop as Foreign Minister. Hitler assumes complete control of the Wehrmacht and announces a complete reorganization of the armed forces supreme command (OKW). Sixteen high-ranking generals are dismissed and 44 others are transferred to other posts. Hitler successfully eliminates the most important dissidents in the Wehrmacht and replaces them with men he feels he can either trust or manipulate. General Walter von Brauchitsch

1054 is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the army (OKH). General Wilhelm Keitel is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the OKW. 1938 February 6 Romanian Prime Minister Goga warns that he will not tolerate foreign interference in his domestic antisemitic policy. 1938 Fifty-eight British physicians sign a mandate against compulsory immunization in Guernsey point to the virtual disappearance of Diphtheria in Sweden, a country without Diphtheria vaccination. Tsarion 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act certifies 19 dyes for use in foods. Tsarion 1938 German Antarctic Expedition (1938-1939) to survey area for operations base. Tsarion 1938 German chemist Schrader discovers Sarin, 10 times more lethal than Tabun, which is compounded into various compounds including Sodium Fluoride, which is later dumped into planetary water supplies to placate the population. Tsarion 1938 Germans begin flying experimental craft using conventional power sources. Tsarion 1938 Germany annexes Austria, causing the destruction of the Vienna Psycho-Analytic Society and Institute and the exile of Freud to London. Tsarion 1938 Germany invades Austria. Tsarion 1938 Germany recovers at least one crashed UFO. Work begins on German disk program based on recovered 'alien' technology. As a result of newly acquired technology, the German scientific effort is pushed forward by leaps and bounds, and is developed at several underground research facilities at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. 1938 In West Lymrick, Ireland, a schoolboy named John Keely encountered a two-foot tall man, dressed in red clothing, on a road. Asked where he was from, the gnome responded curtly, "I'm from the mountains, and it's all equal to you what my business is." The boy alerted friends and acquaintances, who the next day returned with Keely and hid in the bushes as he approached a company of fairies, letting one of them take his hand. They walked together for a short time until the fairies spotted the human beings in the bush and shot away. 1938 ITT purchases 28% interest in Focke-Wulf Aircraft Co. In Germany. Tsarion 1938 January 10 Professor Otto Warburg, scientist, communal leader and Zionist leader, dies. 1938 January 14 A Romanian decree forbids Jews from employing Christian female servants under the age of forty.

1055 1938 January 14 Romanian police order all Jewish libraries and Jewish owned bookstores closed in Bessarabia. The same day, the Romanian press publishes instructions for dismissing all Jewish doctors from social insurance institutions. 1938 January 19 American and European Jewish organizations submit a protest petition to the League of Nations regarding the treatment of Jews in Romania. (Edelheit) 1938 January 21 Romania formally abrogates the minority rights of Jews, and revokes the citizenship of many Jews who have been resident there since the end of the war. (Atlas) 1938 January 24 German War Minister Blomberg is forced to resign and army Commander-in-Chief Fritsch is accused of homosexuality and then sent away on leave. 1938 January 25 The Gestapo is given the power to place prisoners in "protective custody" at its own discretion. 1938 January 28 President Roosevelt asks Congress for increased appropriations to build-up the U.S. armed forces. 1938 January 4 Goering issues a decree classifying even firms with 25% Jewish ownership as subject to "Aryanization". 1938 January 6 U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull declares that America cannot intervene in Romania's internal affairs. 1938 January 9 Max Warburg dedicates a new Jewish Community Center in Hamburg. 1938 January Archbishop Groeber, a "promoting member" of the SS, known as the "brown bishop," is excluded from the SS, but refuses to voluntarily give up his promoting membership. (Lewy) 1938 July 11 The French chamber passes a law authorizing the prime minister to govern by decree in the event of war. 1938 July 14 The third regulation of the Reich Citizenship Law is published. All Jewish-owned businesses are again advised they must register with the government. 1938 July 19 King George VI of Britain pays a state visit to France. 1938 July 2 Almost 40,000 Austrian Jews are taken into "protective custody." 1938 July 20 All members of the Wehrmacht are forbidden to live in Jewish-owned homes or apartments. 1938 July 23 A new German law decrees that as of January 1, 1939, Jews will be required to carry special identification cards, which they must obtain from the local police. (Persecution) 1938 July 25 British Fascists and Nazi sympathizers paint antisemitic graffiti throughout the city of London. 1938 July 25 The fourth regulation of the Reich Citizenship Act bars all Jewish doctors from medical practice beginning September 30,

1056 1938. After that date, Jewish physicians may treat only Jews and must call themselves Krankenbehandler (medial orderlies or literally "caretakers of the sick"). (Persecution; Edelheit) 1938 July 27 All Jewish street names in Germany are changed and given new names. (Persecution) 1938 July 30 Germany begins preparations for building new fortifications on its western border. A number of prohibited areas are established. 1938 July 31 In a period of 19 months prior to this date, William Dudley Pelley mails 3.5 tons of antisemitic propaganda from his headquarters in America. 1938 July 5 President Roosevelt convenes an international conference on refugees in the French resort town of Evian on Lake Geneva. It soon becomes clear that more and more countries, including the U.S., want to restrict the number of Jewish refugees allowed to immigrate to their nations. The Australian delegation declares, "since we have no racial problem, we are not desirous of importing one." (Atlas) 1938 July 5 Trade unions in Vienna are dissolved and their funds and property are seized by the German Labor Front. 1938 July 6 The Law for the Alteration of Regulations of Industrial Enterprises prohibits numerous Jewish business activities in Germany. Jews can no longer operate real estate, information, loan, private security, marriage, brokerage, or administrative offices. They are even prohibited from serving as tour guides and are ordered to declare their assets and "sell" their businesses. 1938 July 8 Alfred Rosenbergg proposes a plan for establishing a reservation for 15 million Jews on the island of Madagascar. 1938 July 8 The main synagogue in Munich is demolished on Hitler's orders. (See June 9) 1938 June 1 German political prisoners and all German Jews with previous criminal records are sent to Buchenwald. They are soon followed by 2,200 Austrian Jews. 1938 June 14 The German ministry of the interior requires registration of all Jewish-owned enterprises. Pressure is put on Jews to sell their business holdings to certain favored individuals or firms (I.G. Farben, the Flick Group, major banks etc.) at prices far below their actual market value. (Days) 1938 June 15 Operation June (Juni Aktion) sends some 1,500 German Jews to concentration camps. 1938 June 2 Italian Fascist leader Roberto Farinacci, a vocal antisemite, is appointed minister of State.

1057 1938 June 20 German Jews are forbidden to work in the stock and commodity exchanges. 1938 June 22 African-American boxer Joe Louis defeatss German boxer Max Schmeling at Madison Square Garden in New York City. 1938 June 26 Nazis in Austria order all "non - Aryans" dismissed from all Jewish owned firms and close the parks of Vienna to Jews. Jewish schoolchildren are completely segregated. 1938 June 28 Germany and Italy officially recognize Switzerland's neutrality. 1938 June 29 Nearly 40,000 Austrian Jews are dismissed from their jobs. 1938 June 7 Latvia and Estonia sign nonagression treaties with Germany. 1938 Loch Ness Monster sighting by John Maclean. 1938 March 1 Thousands of Jews are deprived of their livelihood when the Polish government revokes Jewish tobacco dealers' licenses. (Edelheit) 1938 March 11 Hitler issues an ultimatum demanding that Schuschnigg resign as Austrain chancellor. Arthur Seyss-Inquart becomes chancellor, paving the way for a complete Nazi take over. 1938 March 12 Operation Otto -- German troops enter Austria unopposed. Hitler tells a large crowd in Linz, his old home town, that Providence had called him out of Linz and charged him with a mission to restore his homeland to the German Reich. (Operation Otto referred to the first name of the pretender to the Austrian throne, Archduke Otto von Habsburg.) 1938 March 12--The day Hitler annexed Austria, he arrived in Vienna a conquering hero. He first port of call was to the Hapsburg's treasury at the Hofmuseum in Vienna where he took possession of the Spear of Destiny which he immediately sent to Nuremberg, the spiritual capital of Nazi Germany. The Spear, also known as the Holy Lance, is supposed to be the one that pierced the side of Christ on the cross and has great talisman powers. 1938 March 13 Hitler with General Keitel at his side enters Vienna in a triumphant motorcade. Thousands of ecstatic Austrias greet him with unbridled enthusiam, waving Nazi flags and screaming his name. 1938 March 13 Leon Blum recovers the office of French premier and begins his second term. His Front Populaire government will last only to April 15, 1939. 1938 March 13 More than 138,000 Austrian Jews now come under Nazi rule. The activities of all Jewish organizations and congregations are quickly forbidden, and the Gestapo launces a campaign of terror, looting hundreds of Jewish shops and apartments. Many Jewish leaders are

1058 arrested, and more than 500 Jews, driven to despair, soon commit suicide. 1938 . . , 1938 1945, 1940 , . , . .... , , . , . , ". (Jew York) , , , 2 , . , 1941 . 1938 March 13 Nikolai Bukharin is executed by a Soviet firing squad. 1938 March 13 The Reichstag "legalizes" Austrian Anschluss (union or annexation) by passing the Law Concerning the Reunion of Austria, declaring it a German province. Hitler, proclaiming the unity of the German people, realizes his dream of a union between Germany and his native Austria. 1938 March 15 Austria enacts its first anti-Jewish laws since Anchluss. Hitler places Hermann Goering in charge of the Austrian economy. 1938 March 18 The Gestapo and SD are empowered to act in Austria outside those powers enacted by law. (Edelheit) 1938 March 2 Long-time Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin is publicly tried in a so-called "show trial" on trumped-up charges of conspiring to

1059 overthrow the Soviet state. He is quickly convicted and sentenced to death after making a forced confession. 1938 March 20 The Polish Association of High School Teachers in Cracow (P) proposes a ban on all Jewish teachers. 1938 March 21 Lichtenburg concentration camp near Prettin (Torgau) reopens 1938 March 22 Britain announes a drive against Jewish "illegal" immigration to Palestine. 1938 March 23 Leon Blum's government in France announces a plan to permit legalized residence for Jewish refugees who agree to become farmers. 1938 March 24 Professor Kleist, a psychiatrist, ends his report on the German mental hospital in Herborn, where "uthanasia" by starvation is being practiced, with these sentences, "As long as there is no law for the destruction of lives unworthy to be lived, those who are beyond cure have the right to humane treatment which assures their continued existence. The expenditure on these unfortunates should not fall below an acceptable minimum level." (Science) 1938 March 24 The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture bans Jewish ritual slaughter (shechita). 1938 March 26 Jewish professors and instructors are dismissed from Austrian universities. 1938 March 28 Berlin's Jewish community loses its incorporated status. 1938 March 28 Hitler gives General Keitel secret directives for Operation Green against Czechoslovakia. 1938 March 29 The Spanish civil war comes to an end. 1938 March 31 The Polish Senate passes the Expatriots Law, canceling citizenship for Polish Jews living outside the country, unless their passports are checked and stamped by Polish consular officials by the end of October. (Edelheit) 1938 March 4 Hitler rejects British concessions in Africa. 1938 March 7 J. Dreyfus and Company, a large Jewish-owned investment bank in Germany, is "Aryanized." 1938 March 8 More than 2,000 Nazi demonstrators march through the center of Vienna shouting anti-Jewish slogans. 1938 May 13 A major anti-partition demonstration is held in Beirut, Lebanon. 1938 May 17 The Czech government confiscates two Nazi-run newspapers, Die Rundschau and F.S., published by Sudeten German parties led by Konrad Henlein. 1938 May 19 Britain and France reject Hitler's demands concerning Czechoslovakia.

1060 1938 May 2 The Gestapo orders the Jewish community offices in Vienna reopened. 1938 May 20 Czechoslovakia orders a partial mobilization in response to Hitler's demands and unrest in the Sudetenland. 1938 May 24 The Nuremberg Laws are officially introduced in Austria. Books written by Jews and works not favoring Nazi ideology are removed from Vienna's libraries and bookstores. 1938 May 26 The U.S. House of Representatives establishes the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to investigate activities of both the left and right. 1938 May 29 The Hungarian government passes its first law specifically restricting the number of Jews in the liberal professions, administration, commerce and industry to 20 percent. (Atlas) 1938 May 3 Flossenburg concentration camp opens in Germany. 1938 May 3 The DFG places 15,000 RM at the disposal of Dr. Ritter, "for the continuation of your research work on asocial individuals and on the biology of bastards (Gypsies, Jews)." (Science) 1938 May 30 Hitler signs a revised OKW plan for Operation Green (Fall Gruen) against Czechoslovakia. 1938 May 30 The Gestapo arrests almost 2,000 Jews in raids on cafes in Berlin and Vienna. Some 1,000 Austrian Jews are sent to Dachau. 1938 May 30 The Japanese government arrests 1,300 alleged Communists. 1938 May 3-9 Hitler makes a state visit to Mussolini in Rome, but chooses not to make the customary "courtesy call" on the pope. (Lewy) 1938 May 9 Munich's main synagogue is vandalized and destroyed. 1938 November 10 Hitler, in a speech to hundreds of German journalists, discounts the prospects for peace and urges the press to help convince the German public to support his regime in the event of any future war. (Architect) 1938 November 10 The Gestapo closes the Central Organization of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith. (Edelheit) 1938 November 11 A new law decrees that German Jews may neither carry nor possess firearms. (Persecution) 1938 November 11 Hitler gives Goering a mandate to resolve the Jewish question "one way or another" and to coordinate the necessary steps by various agencies. (Architect) 1938 November 11 Reinhard Heydrich reports on Kristallnacht to Goering, stating that 36 Jews have been killed and 20,000 arrested.

1061 1938 November 12 German Jewry is ordered to pay "Atonement Payments" of one billion Reichsmarks to the German government for the damages caused by German citizens during Kristallnacht, and insurance payments amounting to more than ten million Reichmarks are soon paid to the German government. (Days) 1938 November 12 Goering summons a large number of officials from various agencies to the Air Ministry in Berlin to deal with the economic consequences of Kristallnacht and the ways to remove Jews from the German economy. (Architect) 1938 November 12 Jews are prohibited from attending theaters, movies, concerts, and exhibits. Jews are no longer allowed to own stores and artisan businesses. (Persecution) 1938 November 12-14 Nazis in Danzig burn down two synagogues and badly damage two others. 1938 November 13 Nazi officials seriously consider the Madagascar Plan for the first time. 1938 November 14 In response to the Kristallnacht pogrom, President Roosevelt recalls American Ambassador Hugh Wilson from Berlin to Washington. 1938 November 15 All Jewish children are excluded from the German school system. (Goebbels) 1938 November 16 Neville Chamberlain suggests that Jewish refugees come to Britain as a temporary measure. (Edelheit) 1938 November 17 Socialist members of the French Chamber of Deputies criticizes the government for not officially protesting the persecution of German Jews. 1938 November 18 Members of the Iron Guard (Legionaries) blows up the Ereschitza synagogue in Romania. 1938, Jewish doctors and dentists were still participating in the German State compulsory insurance program (Ortskranken-kassen) which guaranteed them a sufficient number of patients. 1938, 10% of the practicing lawyers in Germany were Jews, although the Jews constituted less than 1% of the population. - United States Ambassador Hugh Wilson to Secretary of State Hull 1938 November 18 The Legislative Assembly of the American Virgin Islands adopts a resolution offering the islands as a haven for Jewish refugees. (Edelheit) 1938 November 18 The U.S. State Department extends visitor's visas to some 15,000 mostly-Jewish refugees already in America, because of Kristallnacht. 1938 November 19 Polish Ambassador Lipski meets with Ribbentrop in Berlin and informs him that, "any tendency to

1062 incorporate the Free City (Danzig) into the Reich will inevitably lead to conflict" between Poland and Germany. 1938 November 2 Hungary occupies and annexes southern Slovakia. 1938 November 20 Father Charles Coughlin, head of the misnamed Union of Social Justice, makes a notorious antsemitic radio broadcast, prompting group pressure that will eventually force him off the air. 1938 November 21 German Jews with assets over 5,000 Reichsmarks are forced to pay a special 20 percent tax on their registered assets to the Reich treasury. 1938 November 23 All Jewish-owned plants and retail businesses in Germany are dissolved by a special administrative order. Jews are completely eliminated from German economic life. (Persecution; Edelheit) 1938 November 24 Das Schwarze Korps, an SS periodical, claims that it would welcome the founding of a Jewish state.The German people are not in the least inclined to tolerate in their country hundreds of thousands of criminals, who not only secure their existence through crime, but also want to exact revenge... In such a situation we would be faced with the hard necessity of exterminating the Jewish underworld... The result would be the actual and final end of Jewry in Germany, its absolute annihilation. (Architect) 1938 November 24 The Danzig Senate introduces legislation resembling the Nuremberg Laws for Jews still living in the Nazidominated "Free City." 1938 November 26 The Russian-Polish trade and nonagression pact is renewed. 1938 November 27 Soviet Jews in Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa and Kiev hold mass meetings protesting Kristallnacht. 1938 November 28 Nazi officials introduce residential restrictions on Jews. Movement of Jews from locality to locality is prohibited. The presidents of German regional councils are empowered to impose curfews on their Jewish populations and designate certain places as offlimits (Judenbann). (Persecution) 1938 November 29 Goering tells Hugo Rothenberg, a Danish Jew who had earned Goering's gratitude two decades earlier, that under all circumstances the Jews would have to leave Germany and recommended a foreign loan to finance their emigration. Goering warns him that Germany naturally had other ideas in case emigration did not work. He did not spell out their nature. (Architect) 1938 November 30 Father Charles Coughlin makes an antisemitic broadcast to an estimated 3.5 million American listeners on a nationwide radio network. Coughlin, with one of the largest antsemitic libraries in

1063 America, had been using antisemitic overtones in his propaganda before 1936, but it was only after the defeat of his third party in that year that he began to use antisemitism as a political weapon. (McWilliams) 1938 . << >> . . , , , . 17 1938 : << , , , , , , , . . 1938 November 7 Ernst vom Rath, Third Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris, is shot by Herschel Grynszpan, a seventeen-year-old Jewish youth whose family had been expelled from Germany to Poland on October 28. (Note, This was not the first assassination of a Nazi official by a Jew. Wilhelm Gustloff had previously been killed by a Jewish assassin in Switzerland and the SD was convinced both murders were part of a much broader Jewish conspiracy.) (Architect) 1938 November 8 Himmler addresses a select meeting of highranking SS leaders in Munich. He does not mention the vom Rath assassination, but tells them that within 10 years there will be unprecedented clashes -- not only a struggle among nations, but also an ideological struggle against the Jews, Freemasons, Marxists and Catholics worldwide. (Architect) 1938 November 9 Hitler authorizes Goering to deal with all Jewish political affairs. Hitler tells Goering that he is interested in sending German Jews to Madagascar and that he will make an initiative to the Western powers. (Architect)

1064 1938 November 9-10 Ernst vom Rath dies and a massive pogrom, known now as Kristallnacht (the night of glass) is launched against the Jews of Germany. 191 synagogues are set on fire and 76 others are completely destroyed, along with hundreds of Jewish shops and schools. 91 Jews are killed during the night of November 9th alone and 35,000 male Jews are arrested, herded into concentration camps and their property seized. (Atlas) 1938 November Karl Wolff visits Malvwine Wiligut (Wiligut/Weisthor's wife) at her home in Salzburg and learns of Weisthor's (Wiligut's) psychiatric history. Weisthor's stay in an Austrian asylum becomes an embarrassment for Himmler. 1938 October 1 German troops occupy the Czechoslovakian Sudetenland. Almost all of the 20,000 Jews in the Sudetenland soon flee to the still independent provinces of Bohemia and Moravia. 1938 October 13 Chamberlain declares to the House of Commons that "The Munich Agreement does not permit us to diminish our efforts towards the realization of our military program." 1938 October 13 The Crown Jewels of the Holy Roman Empire and the Holy Lance (Reichskleinodien and Helige Lanz) are transported by train under heavy armed guard from Vienna to Nuremberg. (Spear) 1938 October 13 The Italian government announces that no new business licenses of any kind will be issued to Jews. 1938 October 2 Polish troops occupy Teschen in Czechoslovakia. 1938 October 20 The Nazis begin harassing Communists, Jews and other anti-Nazis in Czechoslovakia. 1938 October 24 German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and Polish Ambassador Lipski meet at Berchtesgaden. Ribbentrop invites Polish Foreign Minister Beck to visit Berlin and puts forward the following suggestions, (1) Danzig to be a German city. (2) Free port for Poland in Danzig with communications assured by extraterritorial railroad and highway through Danzig. (3) An Extraterritorial zone one kilometer wide for a railroad and highway across the Polish Corridor uniting the two portions of Germany carved out at Versailles. (4) Both nations to recognize and guarantee their frontiers. (5) An extension of the German-Polish treaty of Friendship. These proposals are standing and open until August 10, 1939, when Poland will reject them and declare "any intervention by the Reich Government (will be regarded as) an act of aggression." 1938 October 26 Himmler orders the police to collect all Polish Jews in Germany with valid passports and deport them before October 29th. (Architect)

1065 1938 October 28-29 Some 15,000 "stateless" Jews are forced to leave their homes throughout Germany and to go, with only one suitcase, to the nearest railway station. They are then taken through the night to the German-Polish border and forced across at gun point. (See October 1938) (Atlas) 1938 October 30 The sixth ordinance of the Reich Citizenship Act bars all Jews from working as patent agents. 1938 October 31 Polish Foreign Minister Beck instructs Ambassador Lipski to negate Ribbentrop's proposals. 1938 October 4 On the advice of Swiss authorities, the letter "J" is printed on the front pages of German Jews' passports. 1938 October 5 German Jews have their passports revoked. (Edelheit) 1938 October 6 Dr. Eduard Benes, President of Czechoslovakia, resigns. 1938 , () . 1938 () ! 1938 October 6 Thousands of Jews with Polish passports who live in Germany and Austria have their passports recalled for "inspection and validation." (Edelheit) 1938 October 7 Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ruthenia are granted autonomy from what is left of Czechoslovakia. Father Josef Tiso, a Catholic priest, becomes leader of Slovakia. 1938 October 7 The Fascist Grand Council in Italy bans Jewish ritual slaughter (shechita). 1938 October 8 Hitler issues a decree establishing SSSicherheitpolizei Sonderkommandos (SS Security Police Special Units) for duty in the Sudetenland. 1938 October Early in the month, the Polish government announces that all Jews who have lived outside Poland for more than five years will have their passports revoked. This law is to take effect of October 30. (Germany soon announces that there is no place in Germany for these "stateless" Jews.) (See October 26) 1938 Odessa Network groundwork is laid. 1938 Orson Welles engaged to do the war of the worlds broadcast. Tsarion 1938 Otto Hahn discovers the principles of nuclear fission.

1066 1938 Outraged at Hitler's treatment of the Jews and fearing that Hitler will outlaw Christianity, Protestant pastor, Martin Niemoller, organizes the Pastor's Emergency League to oppose Hitler's policies. 1938 Pastor Martin Niemoller is arrested by the Gestapo and thrown into a concentration camp until liberated in 1945. 1938 Rabbi Stephen Wise, FDR's good buddy, admits that Hitler is right when he says that Jews are a race, not just a religion. (Quote from New York Herald Tribune newspaper, June 13, 1938). 1938 Reich Air Ministry is shipped 500 tons of tetra-ethyl lead gas additive from Standard Oil of New Jersey (EthylStandard) in the United States, through I.G. Farben, with payment secured through Brown Brothers Harriman on Sept. 21, 1938. Tsarion 1938 Roosevelt executes secret agreement with Churchill which agreed to let British Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. Agreement in effect cedes U.S. sovereignty to England. Roosevelt sends General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up the OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. Tsarion 1938 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, now a subsidiary of I.G. Farben, begins manufacture of LSD/Lysergic acid. There is strong evidence that the LSD conquest of the world was a paradigm generated within British Freemasonic channels. Tsarion 1938 September 1 Hitler demands the immediate cession of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to Germany. 1938 September 1 The Italian government orders all Jewish residents who settled in the country after 1919 to leave the country within six months or be deported. 1938 September 12 Italy orders the expulsion of all foreign Jews. 1938 September 13 Czechoslovakian President Benes declares martial law in the Sudetenland.. 1938 September 14 The Graf Zepplin II, the largest airship ever built, departs Germany on its maiden voyage. 1938 September 15 Hitler and Neville Chamberlain meet in person for the first time, at Obersalzberg (Berchtesgaden), to discuss the Czechoslovakian crisis. 1938 September 16 British Lord Runciman recommends that Czechoslovakia relinquish all border territories with a majority of ethnic Germans to Germany. 1938 September 18 British and French cabinet members, meeting in London, finalize an Anglo-French plan to "appease" Hitler in regard to Czechoslovakia. 1938 September 20-21 The Czech government is forced to accept the Anglo-French "appeasement plan" after being bluntly

1067 informed by representatives of Britain and France that they can expect no help if the Germans attack. 1938 September 22 Czech Premier Milan Hodza resigns, and a new Czechoslovakian government is formed by General Jan Sirovy. 1938 September 22 The International Brigades withdraw from Spain. 1938 September 22-23 Chamberlain meets with Hitler at Bad Godesburg to discuss events in Czechoslovakia and Hitler's continuing demands for the Sudetenland. 1938 September 23 Jewish synagogues at Cheb and Marienbad in Czechoslovakia are burned by German-speaking citizens of the Sudetenland. The new Czech government mobilizes its army.Atlas) 1938 September 23 Mussolini offers to mediate the Czechoslovakian crisis. A conference is called to settle the issue at Munich, setting the stage for an Anglo-French sellout of Czechoslovakia, whose representatives are not even invited to attend. 1938 September 24 Anti-Jewish riots break out in Strasbourg, France. 1938 September 25-26 The French government changes its position on the Anglo-French plan, committing itself to defend Czechoslovakia if the Germans attack. 1938 September 26 Hitler makes an angry speech at the Berlin Sportspalast, attacking Czechoslovakia's alleged mistreatment of its German-speaking citizens. 1938 September 27 Hitler warns that he will crush Czechoslovakia if his demands concerning the Sudetenland are not met. 1938 September 27 Police in Denmark adopt strict measures to prevent illegal Jewish immigrants from entering their country. 1938 September 27 The fifth ordinance under the Reich Citizenship act closes the legal professions to Jewish lawyers in the German states. 1938 September 27-28 The Britsh Home Fleet is mobilized in response to the Czechoslovakian crisis. 1938 September 29 The Munich Conference begins. Britain and France (Czechoslovakia's allies) quickly agree to turn over Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to Hitler, who in return promises to make no further territorial demands in Europe. Czechoslovakia is excluded from participation in the conference as demanded by Hitler and Mussolini. (Note, Unlike Austria, Czechoslovakia was a democratic state, and its president, Eduard Benes, was prepared to militarily resist Hitler's demands, but realized it was hopeless without British and French assistance.)

1068 1938 September 30 A new wave of anti-Jewish riots break out in Poland. (Edelheit) 1938 September 30 The Munich Agreement is signed by Chamberlain, Hitler, Daladier and Mussolini. The Czechoslovakian Sudetenland is ceded to Germany. Czechoslovakia reluctantly bows to the circumstances and accepts the Munich Agreement. After returning to England, Chamberlain declares, "I believe it is peace for our time." (Note, In the House of Commons the Munich Agreement is denounced by Winston Churchill as a total and unmitigated defeat). 1938 September 5 More riots and demonstrations are staged in the Sudetenland by Konrad Henlein and the Nazis. 1938 September 6 The U.S. Congress passes the Alien Registration Act. 1938 September 6-12 Hitler, speaking at the Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg, verbally attacks Czechoslovakian President Benes, demanding the right of self-determination for the Sudeten Germans. 1938 September 7 All Jews naturalized in Italy after January 1, 1919, lose their citizenship. 1938 September 7 France announces a partial mobilization in response to Hitler's demands on Czechoslovakia. 1938 September 7 Pope Pius XI, during a reception for Catholic pilgrims from Belgium, is said to have condemned the participation of Catholics in antisemitic movements and to have added that Christians, the spiritual descendents of the Patriarch Abraham, were "spiritually Semites." This statement was omitted by all the Italian papers, including "L'Osservatore Romano". (La Croix, no. 17060; Lewy) 1938 September 8 The British Inner Cabinet meets to discuss the Czechoslovakian crisis (Munich crisis). 1938 September In London before leaving for America, Max Warburg meets with George Rublee, an American lawyer and head of the Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees, and Lord Winterton at the British Foreign Office. 1938 September The Soviet Union joins the League of Nations. 1938 Sigmund Freud flees to England to escape Nazi persecution in Vienna. 1938 Summer--In Czernica, Poland, near Jelenia Gora (Jelenia Gora Province), a UFO crashed in the area. According to Soviet and Russian authors, evidence and wreckage recovered from the crash site was seized by Nazi Germany after the invasion of Poland one year later. This inspired Nazi scientists to construct a "disco-plane" which they labelled the V-7, (the "Haunebu" or "Vril"). Others refer to it as the Ay-7 or Be-7. This account is similar to the 1936 Black Forest, Germany UFO crash account although the year and locations are very different.

1069 1938 Tavistock Institute in London originates U.S. and British wartime mass bombings over Japan and Germany as a clinical experiment in mass terror. Detailed records were kept. The later German V-2 launches over south London (the British elite lived in north London) were part of the experiment. Tsarion 1938 The Germans made a major expedition to Antarctica in the portion of Queen Maud Land that is called New Schwabenland and began the construction of a major base. 1938 The idea of booster shots arose as a solution to poor antibody response in infants and newborns. These become customary in the 1940's. Tsarion 1938 The Orson Welles Radio Broadcast. H. G. Wells novel, War of the Worlds, was the first story of interplanetary warfare involving Earth. Before his story, previous tales described peaceful beings visiting Earth, but Wells aliens came with weapons and were ready to take over the Earth as their new home. These aliens, who came from Mars, had so much power that humans could not stand a chance against them (in the end a type of bacteria finally kills the aliens). As a direct result of this novel, people began to believe that that any alien invasion would mean the termination of mankind. Orson Welles with his Mercury Theatre on the Air broadcasted their version of Wells novel on Halloween night, 1938. It began at 8 p.m., and even before the broadcast was through, millions of people were frightened to the point that they cried, prayed, tried to rescue loved ones, and called upon ambulances and police. There was nationwide panic like never before. The people perceived this play as being reality because at the time radio was their most reliable source of news, and everything was portrayed so realistically. Also some of the specific places described, for example, street names, were real for many people. From this intense reaction, we can conclude that at this time in history, our culture believed that extraterrestrial life exists, and that aliens are capable of traveling to Earth by UFOs to invade our planet. 1938 The SS Training Office orders a specially revised and expanded, one-volume edition of Michael Prawdin's two books on Genghis Khan (See 1934, 1935). This book was frequently given as a Christmas present by Himmler and every SS leader received a copy. Hitler is said to have derived his ideas concerning Blutkitt (blood cement) from this source. (Architect) 1938 The U.S. and Britain send aid to the Chinese in their war against Japan. 1938 Ugo Cerletti becomes the first to use electroconvulsive treatment in fascist Italy. Cerletti got the idea from watching hogs being shocked at a slaughter house. The first victim was a 39 year old engineer who was found wandering on trains without a ticket. Present at this event

1070 was Lothar Kalinowsky, who would become a member of the American Psychiatric Association and an avid promoter of electroshock in the United States. Tsarion 1938 Ugo Cerletti introduces electroshock into the psychiatric hospitals in Italy. Tsarion 1938 . [] , 1938 . Intelligence Service , , . 1930 , . . Intelligence. " " . ... (1944). , . ' , . , . , , , . . ; 1938, 90% . ' , . 1938, , " ". 1938, 200 . 1938, 99 . 1938: the IRA carries out the first bombings in Britain 1938: Nicholas Bukharin "confesses" treason at a show trial 1938: the communist regime of Mongolia destroys 900 temples and kills thousands of Buddhists Dec 1938: The poet Mandelstam commits suicide 1939: Laurenti Beria becomes head of the secret police 1939: Stalin and Hitler sign a non-aggression pact including the partition of Poland (and assigns the Baltic states to the Soviet Union) 1939: World War II begins with the invasion of Poland by Germany 1939: Soviet troops invade eastern Poland

1071 1939: Russian aviator Igor Sikorsky invents the helicopter 1939 - "New World Order" by H. G. Wells proposes a "collectivist one-world state" or "new world order" comprised of "socialist democracies". He advocates "universal conscription for service" and declares that "nationalist individualism is the world's disease". He continues: "The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the same process". He proposes that this be accomplished through "universal law" and "propaganda" (or education). - 1939 -- Attorney Leon Cooke, friend of Jack Ruby and financial secretary of the union which employed Ruby, killed by union president Jack Martin; union subsequently taken over by Mafia. League of Nations suspended. Germany invades Poland; World War II begins. CFR offers it services to U.S. State Dept. Interpol grouped with Gestapo. Amateur radio astronomer Grote Reber receives dot-dash signal from space. Attempted assassination of Hitler. - 1939 A 7 foot 7 inch skeleton was reported to have been found on the Friedman ranch, near Lovelock, Nevada, in 1939. 1939 A government investigator, Dr. Frasier, uses a hammer and smashes Morays radiant energy detector. At one time, Moray is asked to investigate the effects on humans of high energy, high frequency current. Henry would go into debt until 1949. Tsarion 1939 Amateur radio astronomer Grote Reber receives dot-dash signal from space. 1939 April 1 Hitler tells General Keitel that it is a shame that "sly, old Marshal Pilsudski," with whom he had signed a nonaggression pact, had died so prematurely, but the same could happen to him at any time, and that is why it is so important to resolve the problem of East Prussia as soon as possible. 1939 April 11 Hitler issues a directive for Operation White, a proposed plan to attack Poland. 1939 April 11 Hungary withdraws from the League of Nations. 1939 April 13 Britain and France counter Mussolini's threats with a guarantee to protect the sovereignty of Greece and Romania. 1939 April 15 Alfred Rosenberg opens the Institute of the Nazi Party for Research into the Jewish Question (Institut der NSDAP zur Erforschung der Judenfrage). 1939 April 15 President Roosevelt appeals to both Hitler and Mussolini for assurances against any further aggression, telling them both there is no need for war and to respect the independence of other nations, specifically naming thirty-one countries in Europe and the Near East.

1072 Soon afterward Hitler ridicules Roosevelt during a speech to the Reichstag by sarcastically reinterating the thirty-one nations listed in Roosevelt's appeal. The Reichstag burst into laughter at the seemingly endless list. 1939 April 16 After Franco, with the help of Hitler and Mussolini, has successfully defeated the "Loyalists," Pope Pius XII sends the Spanish Catholics his expressions of "immense joy" and "fatherly congratulations for the gift of peace and victory with which God has deigned to crown the Christian heroism of your faith and charity, proved through such great and generous sufferings." (Lewy) 1939 April 17 Britain and France reject a Soviet offer to form an anti-Nazi alliance. 1939 April 17 Soviet Ambassador Alexei Merekalov calls on Ribbentrop's chief subordinate, Baron von Weizacher and offers unmistakable signals that Russia is now willing to develop better relations with Germany. 1939 April 18 In Berlin, Hitler warns Grigore Gafencu, Romania's new Foreign Minister that "Romania will be abandoned by the covetousness of its neighbors" and again offers military aid and support against Soviet aggression. 1939 April 19 Hitler tells Gregoire Gafencu he cannot understand why the English cannot see that he only wishes to reach an agreement with them.... But if England wants war she can have it. 1939 April 2 Nazis fail to win seats in the Belgian House of Deputies. 1939 April 20 Hitler celebrates his 50th birthday with the largest military display in German history. It is a clear warning to his enemies. 1939 April 20 Joint hearings of the U.S. House and Senate are held concerning the admission, on a non-quota basis, of 20,000 German Jewish children over a two-year period. 1939 April 24 A new Slovakian decree dismisses Jews from the civil service and corporation staffs. 1939 April 27 Britain enacts the Concsription Law, ordering compulsory military service. 1939 April 27 Hitler denounces the 1935 British-German naval agreement. 1939 April 28 In a worldwide radio broadcast from the Reichstag, Hitler rejects Roosevelt's appeal for peace and denounces what he calls Britain's new foreign policy. He also annuls the German-Plish nonagression Pact and denounces the British-Polish Pact. (See April 14) 1939 April 28 Sudeten-German Nazis incite anti-Jewish riots in Jihlava (Iglau), Czechoslovakia. Many Jewish shops and stores are damaged. (Edelheit)

1073 1939 April 3 Hitler issues a war directive marked "Most Secret" and has it delivered by hand to his senior war commanders. "Since the situation on Germany's eastern frontier has become intolerable and all political possibilities have been exhausted," it began, "I have decided upon a solution by force." Preparations for the attack on Poland, "Case White" (Operation White), "must be made so that the operation can be carried out any time from September 1, 1939." (Shirer I) 1939 April 30 A new German decree causes Jews lose their right to rent protection. Landlords are sanctioned by law to evict Jewish tenants. (Persecution) 1939 April 4 The Godesberg Declaration accepts the Nazis world view (Weltanschauung). 1939 April 6 Italy issues an ultimatum to King Zogu I of Albania. 1939 April 6 Polish Foreign Minister Beck signs a temporary mutual assistance pact in London, but since Beck fears the Soviets as much or more than the Nazis, it excludes any Soviet participation. 1939 April 7 Mussolini's occupies Albania, and soon annexes it to Italy. 1939 April 7 The Franco government in Spain joins Germany, Italy and Japan in the Anti-Comintern Pact. 1939 April The first regular television broadcasts begin in the United States. 1939 Assassination attempt on Hitler. Tsarion 1939 August 1 The U.S. Congress passes a bill outlawing the use of uniforms and firearms by any organization conflicting with the American government. (Edelheit) 1939 August 10 Alfred Naujocks, a young SS secret-service veteran and member of the SD since its founding in 1934, is personally ordered by Reinhard Heydrich to fake a Polish attack on the radio station at Gleiwitz near the Polish border. "Practical proof is needed for these attacks by the Poles for the foreign press as well as German propaganda," Heydrich tells Naujocks. (Alfred Naujocks, sworn affidavit, Nuremberg, November 20, 1945; Shirer I) 1939 August 10 Delegates of the joint British-French military mission spend the day sightseeing in Leningrad. 1939 August 10 In Berlin, Julius Schnurre, head of the Economic Policy Department of the German Foreign Ministry, picks up discussions with Georgi Astakhov, Charge d'Affaires of the Soviet Embassy, sounding out the possibility of a pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. 1939 August 10 Night-time air war exercises are conducted over England on a larger scale than any time since WWI. 500 aircraft (bombers with fighter support) sweep in from the east to attack

1074 Birmingham, Rochester, Bedford, Brighton and Derby. 800 defenders take off to challenge the attackers. Defending forces are largely successful in beating off the attacking forces. Bombers approaching London have particular difficulty because of a balloon barrage above the capital. 1939 August 10 The Warsaw government warns Germany that "any future intervention to the detriment of Polish rights and interests in Danzig will be considered an act of aggression." 1939 August 11 Gauleiter Foerster warns his Danzig Nazis to be prepared for anything. 1939 August 11 Italian Foreign Minister Ciano and Ribbentrop meet in Salzburg. When Ciano asks Ribbentrop whether Germany wants the "Polish Corridor" or Danzig, Ribbentrop replies, "Not that any more.We want war." (Howarth) 1939 August 11 Jews begin to be expelled from the Czech Protectorate. 1939 August 11 Karl Burckhardt, Commissioner of the League of Nations in Danzig, is summoned to see Hitler at Berchtesgaden. 1939 August 11 The British Foreign Office learns that Germany will be in a state of complete military readiness on August 15. 1939 August 11 The British-French military mission finally arrives in Moscow. It is agreed to start talks the next day; by then it will be too late. Approaches are already quietly underway between Germany and Russia (See August 19). (Shirer I) 1939 August 12 Ciano meets with Hitler at Berchtesgaden. Hitler is pondering over his maps planning the war against Poland. Hitler believes that the war will be localized and there is not the slightest danger that Britain and France would fight. When Ciano protests that so little would be gained at such vast risk, Hitler says to him "You are a southerner, and you will never understand how much I, as a German, need to get my hands on the timber of the Polish forests." Ciano notes, "He has decided to strike, and strike he will." 1939 August 12 The British-French military mission begins talks in Moscow. They will continue until August 19, but no agreement will be reached because of a dispute over Soviet troops being allowed in Poland. (WWIIDBD) 1939 August 13 Ciano returns to Rome disgusted at the attitudes of Ribbentrop and Hitler. "They have betrayed us and lied to us. Now they are dragging us into an adventure which we do not want and which may compromise the regime and the country as a whole." (Ciano) 1939 August 14 Chamberlain and Halifax receive details of Ciano's meetings with Hitler and Ribbentrop. They consider the idea of sending a German-speaking Briton to negotiate directly with Hitler.

1075 1939 August 14 Hitler orders Ribbentrop to telegraph Ambassador von der Schulenberg in Moscow, ordering him to secure "a speedy clarification of German-Russian relations." Ribbentrop says that he is prepared to personally fly to Moscow and present Hitler's views to Stalin "because only through such a direct discussion can a change be brought about, and it should not be impossible therefore to lay the foundation for a final settlement of German-Russian relations." 1939 August 14 New York Congressman Hamilton Fish, president of the U.S. delegation to the Interparliamentary Union Congress conference in Oslo, Norway, meets with Ribbentrop. Fish is a vocal isolationist and staunch opponent of Roosevelt. The congressman advocates better relations with Germany and hopes to solve the Danzig question during the August 15-19 conference in Norway. Ribbentrop tells Fish that Germany has lost its patience and unless Danzig is restored to Germany war will break out. (Secrets) 1939 August 15 Advance mobilization orders are sent to the German railways, and plans are made to move Army headquarters to Zossen, east of Berlin. The navy reports that the pocket battleships Graf Spee and Deutschland and twenty-one submarines are ready to sail for their stations in the Atlantic. (Shirer I) 1939 August 15 Ambassador Von Dirksen's leave in Berlin is uninterrupted. Although he wishes to see Ribbentrop, the Foreign Minister will not see him. Von Dirksen discovers that Italian Ambassador in Berlin, Bernardo Attolico, believes Hitler is about to go to war with Poland, ignoring Britain's conciliatory attitude. Von Dirksen is convinced Attolico is wrong. (See August 3) 1939 August 15 Captain Karl Doenitz, head of the U-boat arm of the German Navy, is recalled unexpectedly early from leave. 1939 August 15 Churchill begins a tour of the Maginot Line, France's main land defensive barrier against Germany. 1939 August 15 German State Secretary Baron Ernst von Weizsacker warns Sir Neville Henderson, the British Ambassador in Berlin, that the situation is extremely serious. Weizsacker says any German diplomatic initiative is unthinkable in view of Beck's speech declaring that Poland was prepared to talk, only if Germany would first accept Poland's terms. In view of that, the ultimatum to the Danzig Senate, and the comminatory note to Germany of August 10, no further talks are possible. 1939 August 15 Molotov meets with von der Schulenberg in Moscow and expresses great interest in Hitler's proposals. Von der Schulenberg in turn is surprised and pleased at the Russian's moderate conditions.

1076 1939 August 15 The annual Nuremberg Party Rally, which Hitler proclaimed on April 1 as the "Party Rally of Peace" and which is scheduled to begin the first week in September, is secretly cancelled. (Shirer I) 1939 August 16 Ribbentrop cables von der Schulenberg, telling him that all Molotov's conditions can be met. Captain Doenitz arrives at Kiel, the main U-boat base, and begins to implement plans for Fall Weiss (Case White) the projected attack on Poland. 1939 August 16-26 The Twenty-first World Zionist Congress meets in Geneva. It strongly opposes the British White Paper and expresses concern for the fate of Jews in Germany, Poland and the rest of eastern Europe. 1939 August 17 General Halder makes a strange entry in his diary, "Canaris checked with Section I (Operations). Himmler, Heydrich, Obersalzberg, 150 Polish uniforms with accessories for Upper Silesia." (Shirer I) (See August 31, 8 PM) 1939 August 17 Molotov is highly gratified by the German's obvious haste to achieve a political agreement. Soviet Marshal Voroshilov - by now sure that neither the French nor the British mean business - dismisses their delegates for four days. 1939 August 17 Sumner Welles, U.S. Under Secretary of State, passes information concerning the German overtures to Moscow to British Ambassador Sir Ronald Lindsay, who immediately telegraphs London, confident his message will be in the Foreign Office first thing in the morning, London time. It is, but will not be deciphered for four days. 1939 August 17 The League of Nations' Permanent Mandate Commission rules that the British White Paper is inconsistent with provisions of the Mandate. 1939 August 18 After learning a German attack on Poland is threatened to take place within two weeks, Sir Nevile Henderson, the British Ambassador in Berlin, implores Chamberlain to write personally to Hitler. 1939 August 18 Doenitz despatches Germany's 35 operational Uboats. 18 are sent to the eastern Atlantic and the remaining 17 to the Baltic for operations against Poland and possibly Russia. 1939 August 18 Weizsacker repeats his warning to the British and French Ambassadors. (See August 15) 1939 August 19 A German-Soviet economic agreement are completed and signed in Moscow. Molotov suddenly produces a draft of a Russian-German nonagression pact and invites Ribbentrop to Moscow on the 26th or 27th. 1939 August 19 At 7,10 PM, a telegram is received in Berlin from the German ambassador in Moscow, "SECRET. MOST URGENT. THE

1077 SOVIET GOVERNMENT AGREE TO THE REICH FOREIGN MINISTER COMING TO MOSCOW ON AUGUST 26 OR 27. MOLOTOV HANDED ME A DRAFT OF A NON-AGRESSION PACT." (Shirer I) 1939 August 19 Churchill and Chaim Weizmann meet in London. (Edelheit) 1939 August 19 Orders to sail are issued to the German Navy. The pocket battleship Graf Spee is ordered to waters off Brazil, and her sister ship, Deutschland, is directed to the North Atlantic. Twenty-one submarines are ordered to take up positions north and northwest of the British Isles. (Shirer I) 1939 August 2 After a lengthy debate the House of Commons votes itself a summer holiday. It is not scheduled to return until October 21. 1939 August 2 Albert Einstein writes a letter to President Roosevelt, warning him of the possibility that Nazi Germany might be attempting to build an atom bomb. "This new phenomena (atomic energy) would also lead to the construction of bombs. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port, together with some of the surrounding territory. However, such bombs might very well prove to be too heavy for transportation by air." Roosevelt soon issues orders for a U.S. effort to investigate building an atomic bomb. (Howarth) 1939 August 20 German U-boats take up positions in the North Atlantic shipping lanes. 1939 August 20 Hitler, suspecting Molotov might cause delays in ratification of the nonagression pact, sends a personal message to Stalin asking him to receive Ribbentrop in Moscow as soon as possible, telling Stalin "The tension between Germany and Poland has become intolerable... A crisis may arise any day. Germany is at any rate determined from now on to look after the interests of the Reich with all the means at her disposal." 1939 August 20 In Moscow during the early hours of the morning an agreement in signed between Germany and the Soviet Union. 1939 August 20 The Soviet Union scores a major victory over Japan in the border conflict along the Outer Mongolia-Manchukuo frontier and Japan sues for peace. By the end of the campaign Soviet losses will be10,000 killed and wounded. Japanese losses, 52,000 to 55,000 killed and wounded. 1939 August 21 Neville Chamberlain arrives in London, having travelled overnight from Scotland. British Intelligence suggests that Field Marshal Hermann Goering should come to London for discussions.

1078 1939 August 21 Soviet Marshal Voroshilov (knowing of Ribbentrop's impending arrival) indefinitely postpones any continuation of Anglo-French-Soviet talks. 1939 August 21 The Trade and Credit Agreement is signed between Germany and the Soviet Union. Stalin cables Hitler, "THE SOVIET GOVERNMENT HAVE INSTRUCTED ME TO INFORM YOU THAT THEY AGREE TO HERR VON RIBBENTROP'S ARRIVING IN MOSCOW ON AUGUST 23. -- J. STALIN." 1939 August 22 At Obersalzburg, Hitler tells his generals that the destruction of Poland "starts on Saturday morning" (26 August), the aim of this war is the wholesale destruction of Poland. (Note, Hitler proclaims to the commanders of the armed services, "Our strength is in our quickness and our brutality. Genghis Khan had millions of women and children killed by his own will and with a gay heart. History sees him only as a great state builder... Thus for the time being I have sent to the East only my "Death's Head Units" with the order to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish race or language. Only in such a way will we win the vital space that we need. Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?") (Architect) 1939 August 22 Chamberlain gives a fighting speech, to be broadcast by the BBC, saying it is unthinkable that Great Britain should not carry out its obligations to Poland. 1939 August 22 Chamberlain writes a letter to Hitler, warning him the German-Soviet Agreement will not alter Britain's obligation to come to the aid of Poland. 1939 August 22 Sir William Seeds, British Ambassador in Moscow, accuses Molotov of negotiating in bad faith. 1939 August 22-4 The Fulda Bishop's Conference of 1939 includes the bishops of Austria and the Sudetenland for the first time. All are aware of the "Top Secret" instructions of July 17. (Lewy) 1939 August 23 Belgium proclaims its neutrality and mobilizes its army for defense. 1939 August 23 Foreign Minister Beck agrees to allow passage of Soviet troops through Poland. 1939 August 23 French citizens are advised to leave Paris. Churchill leaves France and returns to London. Daladier asks the Permanent Committee for National Defence whether they can stand by and watch the disappearance of Poland and Rumania; they agree that they cannot. 1939 August 23 Hitler is delighted. He believes Stalin has just handed him the perfect opportunity to restore the Reich's "rightful possessions" without having to fight a war on two fronts. He is certain that this new treaty with the Russians will allow him to safely reclaim

1079 Danzig and take back the Polish Corridor. Britain and France, he tells his staff, without other major allies, will not go to war in such a situation... "especially over what everyone knows are, by all rights, German territories anyway." (Toland) 1939 August 23 Hitler sets the date for the invasion of Poland as, Saturday, August 26, at 4,30am. Colonel-General Alfred Jodl is appointed Chief of staff of the armed forces supreme command (OKW). 1939 August 23 Hitler writes to Neville Chamberlain, "Germany was prepared to settle the questions of Danzig and of the Corridor by the method of negotiations on the basis of a truly unparalleled magnanimity, but the allegations put forth by England regarding a German mobilization against Poland, theassertion of aggressive designs toward Romania, Hungary, etc. as well as the so-called Guarantee Declarations which were subsequently given had dispelled any Polish inclination to negotiate on a basis which would have also been tolerable for Germany... The German Reich government has received information to the effect that the British government has the intention to carry out measures of mobilization which, according to the statements contained in your own letter, are clearly directed against Germany alone... I therefore inform your Excellency that in the event of these military announcements being carried into effect, I shall order the immediate mobilization of the German armed forces." 1939 August 23 Orders are issued to confiscate all radios belonging to German Jews. (Eyes) 1939 August 23 Sir Percy Lorain, British Ambassador to Rome, informs his government that he is confident the Italians will not fight. Mussolini declares himself ready to mediate. 1939 August 23 The British and French Special Military Mission leaves Moscow. 1939 August 23 The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact is signed in Moscow. Sometimes called the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement of Non-Aggression, it sets up plans for a 10-year collaboration between Germany and Soviet Russia. Both parties agreed that if either became involved in a war, the other would give no help to the enemy; nor would either join any group against the other. There was no clause stating that withdrawal was allowed if one signatory attacked a third party, although this was customary in such treaties. A "secret protocol" to the agreement provided for the partition of Poland along the line of the rivers Pisa, Narew, Vistula and San in the event of what was referred to as a "territorial transition" taking place in Poland. The Soviet Union was allocated all the Byelorussian and Ukrainian provinces of Poland, as well as the province of Lublin and part of that of Warsaw. Germany was to take the western part of the country, though the possibility of retaining a

1080 small remnant of a Polish state was kept open. The USSR was to have a free hand in Finland, Estonia and Latvia; and Germany in Lithuania. Soviet interest in the Rumanian province of Bessarabia was recognised by Germany.) 1939 August 24 Hitler predicts the Chamberlain government will fail. Goering meets with Birger Dahlerus, a Swedish businessman and proposes that Dahlerus, who has good connections, should act as a gobetween with Great Britain. 1939 August 24 Nazi Gauleiter Albert Foerster becomes head of state in Danzig. 1939 August 24 Poland and Great Britain formally sign a treaty of mutual assistance. 1939 August 24 Pope Pius XII appeals for peace. 1939 August 24 President Roosevelt appeals for settlement of the Danzig crisis by mediation. 1939 August 24 The British Parliament reconvenes and passes the Emergency Powers Act. Royal Assent is given on the same day and the Royal Navy is ordered to war stations. Soon afterward a general mobilization begins. 1939 August 25 Colonel Walery Slawek, a Polish opponent of the anti-German policies of Marshal Smigly-Rydz and President Moscicki, and a strong proponent of Marshal Pilsudski's pro-German policy, is murdered and his death ruled a suicide, even though two bullets are found in his body. (Sturdza) 1939 the Jesuits, with their tools Hitler and Stalin, acting in concert under Papal Concordats, would be ready to purge western Russia of her most hated population the supposed culprits of international communism the Jews. It was for this reason that in 1941 the Red Army, purged of its finest Generals and officers by Stalin in the mid-thirties, had been deliberately weakened, forcing its retreat at the advancement of the German Army during Operation Barbarossa. This enabled the Jesuits Order of the Deaths Head the SS to round up hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews, only to be gassed and then buried in mass graves, like Babi Yar in Kiev. This not only pleased Hitler but Stalin as well; for Koba fiercely hated all Jews. (Is it not poetic justice that Stalins daughter would marry a Jew?) And among the SS, which according to Walter Schellenberg (head of the SD of the SS) ...had been organized by Himmler [whose father, Professor Gebhart Himmler, was a Jesuit coadjutor who tutored Bavarias Prince Heinrich Wittelsbach] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order..., were the Jesuit missionaries from the Russian College in Rome ...with the special object of organizing Catholic missions among the Russian Orthodox population of the Soviet Union

1081 1939 August 25 Goering's friend, Swiss businessman Birger Dahlerus, lands in Croyden, England, in Goering's private plane. Dahlerus personally gives copies of Hitler's proposals for a peaceful settlement of the Danzig problem to Lord Halifax. 1939 August 25 Hitler confers with British Ambassador Henderson, telling him that "Poland's provocations have become intolerable." Hitler then makes several new proposals to Britain, whose friendship, Hitler says, he has "always sought." In conclusion, Hitler strongly urges Henderson to leave for London that same day with these new proposals. 1939 August 25 Italian Ambassador Attolico tells Hitler that Italy will not support Germany without German help with arms. On hearing of this, Hitler cancels his invasion of Poland scheduled for 4,30 AM the following morning. 1939 August 25 President Roosevelt once again appeals for peace. 1939 August 25 The number of incidents along the Polish-German border increase. In Makeszowa, near Katowice, German soldiers take over the court house and railway station. Poles break into and wreck the offices of a German newspaper. More Polish reservists are called up and cars and horses are requisitioned. 1939 August 26 Dahlerus meets with Halifax again, flies back to Berlin with a letter for Goering and returns to London later that afternoon. 1939 August 26 French Ambassador Robert Coulondre sees Hitler and appeals to him as one soldier to another. When Coulondre cites the probable fate of women and children in any war, Hitler hesitates, but Ribbentrop quickly strengthens his resolve. 1939 August 26 Mussolini submits a list of Italian requirements to Ribbentrop. 1939 August 26 Palestinian Jews (IZL) assassinate two British police detectives accused on torturing suspects. Many Britons hate and fear the Jews as much as the Germans. (Edelheit) 1939 August 26 The British Chiefs of Staff advise the cabinet that the earliest possible date for any ultimatum to Germany is September 1. 1939 August 26 The Polish government in Warsaw increases the pace of its military mobilization. 1939 August 27 Italian Foreign Minister Ciano recommends British acceptance of Hitler's latest offer. 1939 August 27 Polish Foreign Minister Beck agrees to consider an exchange of population between predominantly German and predominantly Polish areas.

1082 1939 August 27 The British Cabinet learns from Lord Halifax of "Mr D" (Birger Dahlerus) and his efforts on the Nazis behalf. Dahlerus arrives back in Berlin about midnight. 1939 August 28 Ambassador Henderson returns to Berlin from London. Chamberlain requests information concerning Hitler's intentions towards Poland. 1939 August 28 Dahlerus has an early morning meeting with Goering and Sir George Ogilvie-Forbes, Counsellor of the British Embassy, before breakfasting again with Goering. Later that day rationing is imposed in Germany. 1939 August 28 Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) officially retires from the SS. Himmler requests the return of Weisthor's SS Totenkopfring, (Deathshead ring), SS dagger, and sword. Himmler personally keeps them under lock and key. (Weisthor file, Berlin Document Center; Roots) 1939 August 28 Polish Foreign Minister Beck refuses to go to Berlin. Beck says he accepts the principle of direct negotiations, but towards midnight tells British Ambassador Kennard that Polish mobilisation is proceeding. 1939 August 28 Slovak Premier Josef Tiso invites the Germany army to occupy Slovakia. (Edelheit) 1939 August 28 The Netherland (Holland) orders a general military mobilization. 1939 August 29 At 7.00 AM Dahlerus telephones Cadogan with news of his meeting with Goering. The Fuehrer "was in fact only considering how reasonable he could be," he said, and was about to extend an invitation to the Poles for discussions in Berlin. 1939 August 29 Chamberlain makes a firm uncompromising speech in the House of Commons, saying "The catastrophe is not yet upon us, but I cannot say that the danger of it has in any way receded." He warns the press to exercise restraint, and apologizes for not being able to give more than an outline of his communications with Hitler. 1939 August 29 Ernst von Weizsacker, State Secretary in the Foreign Ministry learns of a secret annex to the 1933 Concordat with the Vatican. It stipulates that in the event Germany introduces universal military training, students studying for the priesthood are declared exempt except in the case of general mobilization. In that event most of the diocesan clergy are to be exempt from reporting for service, while all others are to be inducted for pastoral work with the troops or into the medical corps. (Lewy) 1939 August 29 German troops enter Slovakia on Poland's southern frontier, but Ambassadors Kennard and Nokl persuade Beck to postpone any further Polish mobilization.

1083 1939 August 29 Hitler meets with Henderson, repeats his friendly sentiments towards the British Empire and grudgingly accepts direct negotiations with Poland, but demands that a Polish plenipotentiary must arrive in Berlin by the end of the following day. Henderson tells Hitler that the short term of 36 hours sounds like an ultimatum. Hitler replies that this is not an ultimatum, but has the purpose of stressing the urgency of a situation where two completely mobilized armies are confronting one another. On the Western border, only five German divisions man the Siegfried Line in front of the entire French Army. 1939 August 29 Switzerland orders full mobilization of its frontier forces. 1939 August 2--Germany and Soviets sign PACT against Poland. (Note: The Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin was originally an agent of the German government who was smuggled into Russia from Germany by train to incite the Bolshevik Revolution. 1939 August 3 Following a secret meeting in London between German Ambassador Herbert von Dirksen and Sir Horace Wilson, head of Britain's civil service and Chamberlain's closest adviser, a message is sent to Hitler informing him that Britain is prepared to increase trade with Germany, talk constructively about Germany's need for colonies, take a helpful view of Germany's need for expansion in southeast Europe, announce jointly a cooperative program to help improve the world economic situation, look seriously at the possibility of limiting armaments (including a possible loan to Germany to offset the financial difficulties limitation would bring), and finally, not to intervene in matters concerning the Greater Reich, which would include Danzig. There was only one precondition, Germany and Britain should sign a treaty of nonaggression, in which both sides would renounce unilateral aggressive action as a policy method. (Howarth) 1939 August 3 Jews in Memel are allowed to liquidate their property without Nazi interference. 1939 August 30 Ambassador Henderson is advised by the Home Office that Hitler's demand for the arrival of a Polish plenipotentiary that day is unreasonable. Henderson and Ribbentrop meet again, and this time come close to blows. Ribbentrop goes over Hitler's latest proposals, but Henderson claims Ribbentrop refuses to give him a copy of the text. 1939 August 30 Beck tells Ambassador Kennard that Polish mobilization will resume at midnight. By 4.30 PM. all Polish towns are covered with posters summoning all men up to the age of 40 to report for enlistment. (Howarth) 1939 August 30 Hitler agrees to Britain's request for a 24-hour extension to permit a Polish negotiator to meet with von Ribbentrop.

1084 1939 August 30 The British Foreign Office sends a message at 5,30 PM to Berlin after it receives reports of German sabotage in Poland. It says in part, "Germany must exercise complete restraint if Poland is to do so as well." 1939 August 30 The Warsaw government orders the Polish army to fully mobilize. Drastic measures are taken to stop any possible sabotage by pro-Germans. (Edelheit) 1939 August 31 A huge banquet is held in Ribbentrop's honor at the Kremlin in Moscow. Ribbentrop, Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Mikoyan and Beria are all seated at the head table. The party ends at 3,00 AM. 1939 August 31 A telegram from Sir Howard Kennard, British Ambassador in Warsaw to Lord Halifax states that Polish Foreign Minister Beck has informed him that Lipski has been forbidden to receive any documents from von Ribbentrop. 1939 August 31 A telegram to Beck from Lipski informs the Foreign Minister that "I have met with von Ribbentrop. I have obeyed instructions received and told him that I was not empowered to negotiate. Mr. von Ribbentrop repeated that he believed I had such powers. He told me that he would report my visit to the Chancellor." 1939 August 31 At 8 PM the German radio station at Gleiwitz near the Polish border announces it is under attack. Most contemporary historians believe Hitler staged this attack as an excuse to invade Poland. Holocaust deniers and historical revisionists, however, suggest that British or Jewish secret agents were responsible. (See August 10,15, 17, 1939) 1939 August 31 At 8.20 PM Ciano is informed by the telephone central office that London has cut its communications with Italy. (Howarth) 1939 August 31 At 9 PM all radio stations in Germany interrupt their schedules to broadcast Hitler's 16 point plan for Poland. It includes provisions for, the annexation of Danzig by Germany; a corridor across the Danzig Corridor; a plebiscite to be held in the Corridor area in 12 months time, and a later exchange of populations. The port of Gdynia is to be recognized as Polish, thus leaving Poland with access to the sea. It will not be delivered to the Polish ambassador until September 1. (Howarth; Bell) 1939 August 31 At half past noon, Hitler issues Directive # 1 for the conduct of the war, (1) Now that all the political possibilities of disposing by peaceful means of a situation which is intolerable for Germany are exhausted, I have determined on a solution by force. (2) The attack on Poland is to be carried out. Date of attack, September 1, 1939. Time of attack, 4,45am. (Shirer I)

1085 1939 August 31 Henderson, instead of informing the Poles of Hitler's proposals and the granting of an extension, tries to dissuades Lipski from meeting with von Ribbentrop at all. Henderson, in his Final Report, writes "I suggested that he (Lipski) recommend to his government an interview between Marshal Smigly-Rydz and Goering. I felt obliged to add that I could not conceive of the success of any negotiations if they were conducted by Ribbentrop." (Sturdza) 1939 August 31 Lipski telegrams Beck that French Ambassador Coulondre has told him that Henderson has been informed of Germany's intention to wait until midnight August 31st. Lipski writes, "Coulondre advises me to inform the German government, only after midnight, that the Polish Embassy was always at its reach." (Sturdza) 1939 August 31 Polish Ambassador Lipski meets with Ribbentrop at 6,15 PM. 1939 August 31 SS Sturmbannfuehrer Alfred Helmut Naujocks is said to have received the code words "Grandmama dead," thus ending a 14 day wait at the German radio station at Gleiwitz, where he and Gestapo head Heinrich Mueller are to carry out a mock attack. The "canned goods," a dozen "condemned criminals" dressed in Polish military uniforms are believed to have been given fatal injections before being shot. (Note, See Alfred Naujocks, sworn affidavit, Nuremberg, November 20, 1945. Shortly after signing his affidavit, Naujocks mysteriously disappeared from custody. Some Germans and numerous antisemites believe he had been forced to sign his confession and was murdered to keep him silent.) 1939 August 31 The sixth decree on implementation of the law on sterilization virtually puts an end to sterilizations in Germany. (Science) 1939 August 31 The Supreme Soviet ratifies the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. 1939 August 4 The Polish government sends an ultimatum to the Danzig Senate warning it will arm its customs officers if the Senate does not stop interfering with Polish customs inspectors. Supposedly based on mistaken information, Poland's action causes great consternation among the Nazis. 1939 August 5 Albert Foerster, Nazi Gauleiter of Danzig, flies to Berchtesgaden to confer with Hitler. Meanwhile, the customs dispute in Danzig is temporarily resolved, but is seen in other countries as a Nazi capitulation, infuriating Hitler. 1939 August 5 Britain and France's joint military mission to Russia departs Britain for Leningrad on a slow-moving, passenger-cargo ship. Discussions have been arranged with Molotov in Moscow (See July 23). (Shirer I)

1086 1939 August 6 German authorities in Danzig tell the Poles that their customs officials can no longer work in the port. 1939 August 6 Mussolini, fearing Germany will go to war with Poland, discusses with Count Galeazzo Ciano, his son-in-law and Foreign Minister, possible ways to evade the terms of the Pact of Steel, which commits them to aiding Germany. Mussolini believes Italy is still 3 years short of readiness for war. 1939 August 7 Count Ciano requests a meeting with Joachim von Ribbentrop. 1939 August 8 Winston Churchill makes a fifteen-minute radio broadcast to America, warning of the increasingly serious threat of war in Europe and the likelihood of American involvement. "This is the time to fight - to speak - to attack!" 1939 August 9 German Ambassador von Dirksen, preparing to depart on leave to Germany, visits British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax. Halifax questions von Dirksen over the "sharp tone of the German press concerning Danzig." Dirksen replies that it is the fault of the Polish newspaper Czas which has published a statement that if there were any attempt to incorporate Danzig into the Reich, Polish troops would open fire on the Free City. (Howarth) 1939 August 9 Germany issues an official warning to the Polish government in Warsaw, saying that another comminatory note to Danzig will result in strained Polish-German relations, with Poland being responsible. 1939 August 9 Jews from several Hagana units sink the British police boat Sinbad II in Palestine. (Edelheit) 1939 August 9 The joint British-French military mission arrives in Leningrad. 1939 August Stalin, who has become convinced that Britain and France are conspiring to help throw the full weight of German strength against the USSR, seeks an accommodation with Hitler despite their bitterly antagonistic ideologies. 1939 Bright green UFO hovers over Juminda, Estonia for an hour, then disappears. 1939 Brookhaven Labs in New Jersey allegedly perfects teleportation technology. Tsarion 1939 by one of his patients, and beaten to death by another in 1955. Tsarion 1939 Cartels control 87% of mineral products in the United States. Tsarion 1939 Colonel Stewart Menzies, one of the four who set up the OSS in the United States, is appointed head of MI6 (until 1951). Tsarion

1087 1939 Compulsory vaccination in Germany raises diphtheria cases to 150,000. Tsarion 1939 December 1 Trainloads of deportees begin rolling into the newly created Government General in eastern Poland. The administration which already has 1.4 million Jews under its jurisdiction is overwhelmed by the numbers -- an average of more than 3,000 per day. (These mass movements were designed to make room in the annexed area of Poland for ethnic Germans who were moving westward under special agreement with the Russians, from the Baltic States and other regions now under Soviet control. (Apparatus) 1939 December 12 Two years forced labor is made mandatory by the Germans for all male, Polish Jews between the ages of 14 and 60. Labor camps are soon set up throughout the General Government and in the Warthegau (Wartheland). (Atlas) 1939 December 14 The Soviets refuse to recognize League of Nations intervention and are expelled from membership. England and France continue to maintain diplomatic relations with Russia. 1939 December 17 The German pocket battleship Graf Spee is scuttled off Montevideo, Argentina, after a battle with British warships. It had already sunk nine Allied ships. 1939 December 2 Finland appeals to the League of Nations to mediate in their dispute with the Soviets. 1939 December 23 The first 7,500 Canadian troops arrive in the United Kingdom. 1939 December 27 The First Indian army troops join the British Expeditionary Force in France. 1939 December 29 Spanish Falangists publish The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a prelude to a New Year's denunciation of Jews and Freemasons by Franco. 1939 December 5 The Soviet Seventh Army reaches the Mannerheim Line, the main Finnish defenses. 1939 December 7 Inmates, including many Jews, at Tiegenhof asylum near Gnesen in the Polish Wartheland are said to be among the earliest victims of Nazi Germany's poison-gas technology. Bottled carbon-monoxide appears to have been used in vans. (Architect) 1939 December 8 Alfred Rosenberg introduces Hitler to Vidkun Quisling, head of the Norwegian National Unity Party. 1939 December 8 The Pope issues a pastoral letter to the clergy serving as military chaplains in the armed forces of the warring nations. The present war, Pius declared, should be seen as a manifestation of God's providence, as the will of a Heavenly Father who always turns evil into good. (Lewy)

1088 1939 December 9-11 The League of Nations meets and agrees to intervene in the continuing dispute between Finland and the Soviet Union. 1939 December Hitler tells a private meeting of his Gauleiter at the end of 1939, "The Jews may deceive the world... but they cannot deceive me. I know that they are guilty of starting this war -- they alone and nobody else." (Waite) 1939 December The first euthanasia centers open in Germany. The first victims are shot, but as the program is expanded, gassing rooms disguised as showers are used. The largest of these institutions are at Grafeneck in Wuttemberg and Hadamar in Hesse. 1939 Dr.Emanuel Josephson reveals AMA cover-up of Vitamin E benefits. Tsarion 1939 Dr.Weston Price, a research dentist, publishes Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects, which proved that refined foods and sugar causes physical degeneration and disease and opposed to natural unrefined foods. Tsarion 1939 Famous head shrinker Dr. Sigmund Freud (Jewish) savagely attacks Christianity, while at the same time exalting Judaism and Zionism, in his book "Moses and Monotheism." He also suggests that "anti Semites" are mentally ill. (Ahhh, that explains it). 1939 February 10 Pope Pius XI dies. 1939 February 11 At the first meeting of the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration, Heydrich orders officials to proceed as if an agreement with the intergovernmental committee does not exist. (Architect) 1939 February 11 The tenth anniversary of the Lateran Treaty. 1939 February 15 Count Pal Teleki takes office as Hungary's prime minister. 1939 February 20 A pro-Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in New York draws 20,000 Nazi sympathizers and supporters of Father Charles Coughlin. 1939 February 21 German Jews are ordered to surrender all gold and silver, except wedding rings. 1939 February 22 Neville Chamberlain tells an audience in Blackburn, "Ships, guns and ammunition are produced by our shipyards and factories with an increased acceleration... Even if the whole world is against us we will win." 1939 February 24 Hungary joins the Anti-Comintern Pact and outlaws the Arrow Cross. 1939 February 26 The British government submits a proposal calling for an independent Palestine state allied to Britain. (Edelheit)

1089 1939 February 27 Britain and France recognize the Franco government in Spain. 1939 February 3 A bomb thrown into a Budapest synagogue kills one Jewish worshipper and injures many others. (Atlas) 1939 February 5 Karl Wolff, Chief Adjutant of Himmler's person staff, informs Weisthor's SS staff by letter that Weisthor (Wiligut) has retired on his own application for reasons of age and poor health and that his SS office will be dissolved. (Berlin Document Center; Roots) 1939 February 6 Bishop Hilfrich of Limburg is a pastoral letter writess that Jesus had been a Jew, but "the Christian religion has not grown out of the nature of this people, that is, is not influenced by their racial characteristics. Rather it has had to make its way against this people." Christianity, the bishop concludes, is not to be regarded as a product of the Jews; it is not a foreign doctrine or un-German. "Once accepted by our ancestors, it finds itself in the most intimate union with the Germanic spirit." (Lewy) 1939 February 6 Einsatz des Juedischen Vermoegens is published, decreeing complete "Aryanization" of Jewish property in the Reich. (Edelheit) 1939 February 7 Alfred Rosenberg, at a press conference in Berlin, discusses a plan to settle all 15 million of the world's Jews on the island of Madegascar. 1939 February 8 Six members of the Romanian Legion of St. Michael (Iron Guard) are arrested in Romania and later murdered by Armand Calinescu's police. 1939 February For the tenth anniversary of the Lateran Treaty, Pope Pius XI drafts a discourse that is said to have condemned totalitarianism in the strongest terms. After his death, his successor, Pius XII, chooses not to deliver the speech. (Lewy) 1939 February Otto Rahn unexpectedly resigns from the SS. (See February 5 and March 13) (Rahn file, Berlin Document Center; Roots) 1939 Federal District of Columbia institutes the Public Salary Tax to impose tax on government employees or anyone who worked in a federal area. Tsarion 1939 German SS massacre of civilians in Poland. Tsarion 1939 Germany and Russia sign pact for division of Poland. Tsarion 1939 Germany invades western Poland. Russia invades eastern Poland. Both Germany and Russia commit atrocities and mass murder. Tsarion 1939 Health Practitioners Law (Heilpraktikergesetz) is put into practice in Germany. Allowed psychotherapists to advance their professional claims within the field of health and medicine during the Third Reich. The law ended the freedom to cure that had existed in

1090 Germany since 1870. The government would supervise all training of medical personnel, including officially approved health practitioners. Tsarion 1939 Henry Moray builds a laboratory in Salt Lake. Tsarion 1939 Hitler sets up the Reich Committee for Scientific Research of Heredity and Severe Constitutional Diseases, leading to the extermination of mentally ill and physically deformed children in Germany. Karl Brandt heads the division responsible for adults, which would claim over 300,000 by 1945. Tsarion 1939 Interpol grouped with German Gestapo. In 1991, Interpol member Janet Reno would become the Attorney General of the United States. Tsarion 1939 January 1 A decree is published eliminating Jews from the German economy. 1939 January 10 Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax arrive in Rome to meet with Mussolini. 1939 January 11 The Danzig Senate orders 1,000 of the 4,000 Jews still in Danzig to leave by the end of the month. 1939 January 14 Pope Pius XI urges foreign diplomats at the Vatican to grant as many visas as possible to victims of German and Italian racial prejudice. (Edelheit) 1939 January 17 Denmark, Latvia and Estonia sign a nonagression pact with Germany. Norway, Sweden and Finland insist on strict neutrality. 1939 January 17 Slovakian premier, Father Tiso, declares his foremost task is to solve the "Jewish question." 1939 January 17 The eighth ordinance of the Reich Citizenship Act is passed, barring Jewish dentists, veterinarians and chemists from practicing their professions. Jewish dentists may only treat Jewish patients. 1939 January 19 Hjalmar Schacht has his last meeting with George Rublee in Berlin. (Architect) 1939 January 21 Hitler dismisses Hjalmar Schacht as president of the Reichsbank and replaces him with Walter Funk. Schacht was left as an unpaid minister without portfolio until 1943. (Children) (Note, A secret report to Hitler, prepared by Himmler, had accused Schacht of being disloyal to Nazi interests in his negotiations with George Rublee.) (Architect) 1939 January 21 Hitler tells Czech foreign minister Chvalkovsy, "We are going to destroy the Jews -- they are not going to get away with what they did on November 9, 1918. The day of reckoning has come."

1091 1939 January 23 Chamberlain announces the introduction of National Service and says, "It is a project that must make us prepared for war." 1939 January 24 Germany and Poland reach an agreement on Jewish deportees. One thousand Jews at a time may return to Germany to settle their accounts. A special proprietary account for this purpose will be set up in Germany for deposits only. (Edelheit) 1939 January 24 Goering orders Reinhard Heidrich to establish the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration is established to organize and accelerate the emigration of the Jews. Heydrich names Gestapo chief Heinrich Mueller to head the department. Almost 80,000 Jews will leave Germany in 1939. (Days) (Note, Goering commissions Heydrich to bring the "Jewish question to as favorable a solution as present circumstances permit.") (Apparatus) 1939 January 26 General Franco's forces capture Barcelona. 1939 January 27 Ribbentrop repeats Germany's Danzig proposals in Warsaw. 1939 January 28 Chamberlain tells as audience in Birmingham that Great Britain must prepare herself to defend not only her territory but also "the principle of Liberty." 1939 January 30 Archbishop Groeber in a pastoral letter concedes that Jesus Christ could not be made into an "Aryan," but the son of God had been fundamentally different from the Jews of his time -- so much so that they had hated him and demanded his crucifixion, and "their murderous hatred has continued in later centuries." (Lewy) 1939 January 30 Hitler, in an address to the Reichstag, gives public notice of his intentions, "If international Jewry should succeed in Europe or elsewhere, in precipitating nations into a world war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of Europe and a victory for Judaism, but the extermination of the Jewish race." Hitler also comments on the lack of offers from the so-called democratic states to accept Jewish refugees. 1939 January 5 Polish Foreign Minister Joseph Beck confers with Hitler at Berchtesgaden. Hitler says he is considering a formula that would make Danzig politically German and economically Polish, and that he is ready to give a formal and clear guarantee for the German-Polish frontiers. (Sturdza) 1939 January 6 Beck and Ribbentrop meet in Munich. Ribbentrop asks for "the reunion of Danzig with Germany" and proposes a number of guarantees. 1939 January 9 The Reich Office of Racial Research exempts Karaites from antisemitic legislation. (Edelheit) 1939 January The Ahnenerbe is officially incorporated into the SS and its leaders absorbed into Himmler's personal staff. At that time it has

1092 50 branches under the direction of Professor Wurst, an expert on ancient sacred texts who had taught Sanskrit at Munich University. (Pauwels) 1939 January-February For the tenth anniversary of the Lateran Treaty, Pope Pius XI drafts a discourse that is said to have condemned totalitarianism in the strongest terms. After his death (February 10), his successor, Pius XII, chooses not to deliver the speech. (Lewy) 1939 Jersey Oil renews its agreement with I.G. Farben in Holland. Tsarion 1939 July 10 Niculetta Nicolescu, head of the women's branch of the Legionary Movement in Romania is arrested and and tortured. Her breasts are cut off and she is put to death after being raped. (Sturdza) 1939 July 12 Chamberlain tells the House of Commons that, "The present status of Danzig could not be considered as illegal or unjust... We hope that the Free City will prove once more that different nationalities can collaborate when their interests demand it." 1939 July 13 Italy an "Aryanization" program similar to the one in Germany. 1939 July 15 A Central Office for Jewish Emigration (Zentralstelle fuer Juedische Auswanderung) opens in Prague under the direction of Adolf Eichmann. A branch office is set up in Brno. All Jews wishiung to emigrate from the Czech Protectorate must request permission from these offices. 1939 July 16 Sir Oswald Mosley declares that one million British Fascists will refuse to fight in a "Jewish war." 1939 July 17 Cardinal Bertram sends instructions marked "Top Secret" to the German bishops informing them where priests should report for military pastoral care in case of war. (Lewy) 1939 July 23 Britain and France agree to Russia's proposal that military staff talks be held at once to spell out specifically how Hitler's armies are to be met by the three nations (See August 5). (Shirer I) 1939 July 24 A numerus clausus is instituted in Slovakia, restricting Jews in the professions to four percent. another Slovak decree dismisses all Jews from the army. 1939 July 26 The United States rescinds the 1911 trade agreement with Japan. 1939 July 29 Jews in Slovakia are forbidden to live in rural areas. 1939 July 30 Elections are held for the Twenty-first Zionist Congress to be held in Geneva. 1939 July 4 The tenth ordinance of the Reich Citizenship Act creates the Reich Association of Jews in Germany (Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland), replacing all other Jewish organizations. All German Jews are forced to become members of the new association. (Persecution)

1093 1939 July 6 Adolf Eichmann arrives in Prague to take charge of Jewish emigration. 1939 July 7 An editorial in the Volkischer Beobachter states that the Jewish problem in Germany will be solved only when Germany is cleansed of Jews. 1939 July 7 The ban against Action Francaise is lifted just four months after the election of Pope Pius XII, who was even more convinced of the usefulness of anti-Communist right-wing movements than his predecessor. (Lewy) 1939 July 8 Italian companies dealing with the government are prohibited from employing Jews. (Edelheit) 1939 July 9 Churchill urges a British military alliance with the Soviet Union. 1939 June 1 General Oswald Pohl is named chief administrator of the SS. 1939 June 1 Italian Jews are ordered to assume "Jewish" surnames. Collaboration between Jewish and non-Jewish professionals is prohibited. (Edelheit) 1939 June 1 The SS-Gericht, the SS Legal Head Office, is established on Himmler's orders. 1939 June 12 Romania imposes a special tax on denationalized Jews, ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 lei annually. 1939 June 13 Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands (Holland) agree to take in the Jews aboard the S.S. St. Louis. Those who find shelter on the Continent will come under German control in the summer of 1940 and most will later be murdered in the concentration camps. 1939 June 18 A bomb explodes in a Jewish cafe in Prague, injuring 39 people. 1939 June 2 The Cuban government forces the S.S. St. Louis to leave Havana harbor. (See May 27) 1939 June 20 General Walther von Brauchitsch issues a directive ordering cooperation between the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS (SSVerfuegungstruppen). 1939 June 20 Professor Fischer says in a lecture, "When a people wants, somehow or other, to preserve its own nature, it must reject alien racial elements, and when these have already insinuated themselves, it must suppress them and eliminate them. The Jew is such an alien and, therefore, when he wants to insinuate himself, he must be warded off. This is self-defence. In saying this, I do not characterize every Jew as inferior, as Negroes are, and I do not underestimate the greatest enemy with whom we have to fight. But I reject Jewry with every means in my

1094 power, and without reserve, in order to preserve the hereditary endowment of my people." (Science) 1939 June 22 Slovak Minister of Propaganda Aleksander Mach proclaims that with a year Slovakia with be cleansed of Jews (Judenrein). 1939 June 29 The first group of Gypsy women from Austria are sent to Ravensbrueck concentration camp. They number some 440. 1939 June 30 A fire destroys part of the Jewish district in Silal, Lithuania. Arson is suspected. 1939 June 3-4 The U.S. government refuses to admit the 930 Jews on the S.S. St. Louis, even those with valid American quota numbers. All requests go unheeded as the ship sails northward along the Florida coast. 1939 June 6 President Roosevelt ignores a telegram sent on behalf of the Jews aboard the S.S. St. Louis. The ship, with all 930 Jews on board, is forced to return to Europe. 1939 June 7 Britain's King George VI and Queen Elizabeth arrive in America for a state visit and public relations campaign. 1939 League of Nations suspended. Tsarion 1939 March 1 Romania announces that 43,000 Jews have been denationalized. 1939 March 10 Slovak Prime Minister Josef Tiso is dismissed by the Czech central government in Prague. 1939 March 10 The Eighteenth Communist Party Congress opens in Moscow. 1939 March 11 Ousted Slovak Prime Minister Tiso meets with Hitler in Berlin. 1939 March 12 Prime Minister Chamberlain makes a public pledge of support for Polish sovereignty in Parliament. This speech has been called one of the most important expressions of England's support for Polish independence. (Duffy) 1939 March 13 Otto Rahn dies of overexposure while hiking in the mountains near Kufstein. (Berlin Document Center) Rumors persist that he was murdered by the SS. 1939 March 14 Monsignor Josef Tiso proclaims the independence of Slovakia and establishes an independent Axis state under the Fascist Hlinka Party. Slovak Nazis launch a wave of terror against Slovakian Jews. (Note, After the war, Tiso will be arrested, imprisoned and executed by the Communist government in Prague.) 1939 March 15 Civil unrest forces President Hacha of Czechoslovakia to ask for German protection. German troops enter Prague, and Bohemia becomes a German Protectorate. Konstantin von Neurath is appointed "Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia." Some 56,000 Jews are trapped, many of them refugees from Germany and Austria who had fled to Bohemia and Moravia only the year before.

1095 Adolf Eichmann soon sets up a Jewish emigration office in Prague. (Atlas) (Note, Britain and France complain that the German occupation of Bohemia and Moravia is a violation of the Munich Agreement but fail to take a firm stand.) 1939 March 16 Hitler declares that Czechoslovakia no longer exists. 1939 March 16 Hungarian troops occupy Czechoslovakian Carpatho-Ruthenia. 1939 March 17 Neville Chamberlain publicly accuses Hitler of breaking his promises made at the Munich Conference. 1939 March 2 Papal Secretary of State Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli is elected to succeed Pius XI as pope. He becomes Pope Pius XII. 1939 March 20 Reichprotector von Neurath bans all "unofficial Aryanization" of Jewish property in former Czechoslovakian territrories. All Jews are dismissed from their jobs as municipal employees. 1939 March 20 The U.S. ambassador to Germany is recalled to protest the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. 1939 March 21 Nazis seize the Free City of Memel (Lithuania). 1939 March 21 Sir Howard Kennard, British Ambassador in Warsaw, offers in the name of his government, what is called a Pact of Consultation and Resistance that includes Great Britain, France, Poland and the Soviet Union. 1939 March 23 An economic agreement between Germany and Romania gives Hitler access to Romanian oil. 1939 March 23 Germany annexes Memel and Hitler demands access to the Polish Corridor, the narrow strip of land that since the Treaty of Versailles has separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. Nazi harassment forces thousands of Jews to flee Memel to Lithuania. 1939 March 23 The Polish government rejects Germany's proposals for Danzig. 1939 March 24 Miuroslav Arciczewski, the Polish Undersecretary of State, complains to the German Ambassador about British and French intrigues in Warsaw, "which don't take into consideration the dangers to which Poland is exposed." (Sturdza) 1939 March 25 The Vatican recognizes Monseignor Tiso's recently founded Slovakia. 1939 March 26 Polish Ambassador Lipski inBerlin completely rejects Germany's proposals of October 1938. Beck refuses to even meet with Hitler, and instructs Lipski to tell Ribbentrop that if Germany continues to insist on the idea of a German Danzig... it would mean war. 1939 March 28 General Franco occupies Madrid, and the Spanish Civil War comes to an end. Franco assumes complete control.

1096 1939 March 31 Britain and France sign an agreement with Poland guaranteeing its borders against aggression. These "unconditional" guarantees concern only Poland's western border, not its frontiers with the Soviet Union. (Note, David Lloyd George warns the British parliament that the agreement with Poland is meaningless without Russia's cooperation.) 1939 March 31 Germany and Spain conclude a Treaty of Friendship. 1939 March 31 Neville Chamberlain tells the House of Commons that the British government considers itself bound to come immediately to Poland's aid the moment the Polish government feels its existence is in danger. The news of Chamberlain's guarantee throws Hitler into a rage. (Shirer I) 1939 March 4 Germany introduces a compulsory labor law for Jews, but does not allow them to become part of the German Labor Service (Arbeitdienst). 1939 March 6 Armand Calinescu becomes Prime Minister of Romania after the death of Patriarch Cristea. 1939 May 12 Britain and Turkey sign a mutual assistance pact. 1939 May 13 The Hungarian Union of Jewish Communities, in response to a massive surge in conversions to Christianity, implores Jews not to abandon the faith of their fathers and the Jewish people. 1939 May 15 Ravensbrueck, a concentration camp for women, is established. 1939 May 15 The S.S. St. Louis, loaded with 930 Jewish refugees, leaves Hamburg bound for Cuba. 1939 May 17 A German census lists 330,539 Jews in Greater Germany; 138,819 males and 191,720 females. These figures include 94,530 Jews in what was formerly Austria and 2,363 in the Sudetenland. 1939 May 17 Sweden, Norway and Finland announce they will remain firmly neutral. 1939 May 18 Britain reinstates compulsory military conscription. 1939 May 18 Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer calls for the extermination of all Jews in the Soviet Union, saying it is the only way to eliminate Bolshevism. 1939 May 19 Franco's Spanish Nationalists stage a huge parade in Madrid. 1939 May 20 Pan American Airways launches the first commercial trans-Atlantic flight. The Yankee Clipper flies from New York to Portugal. 1939 May 20 Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov invites German Ambassador von der Schulenburg to meet with his staff in the Kremlin.

1097 This is the beginning of Soviet plans for setting up a Soviet-German nonaggression pact. 1939 May 22 Hitler and Mussolini sign the "Pact of Steel," proclaiming their full military alliance. 1939 May 23 Hitler orders the Military High Command to prepare for war with Poland. Goebbels propaganda machine begins accusing the Poles of committing atrocities against their German-speaking minority. (Goebbels) 1939 May 23 Hitler tells a gathering of his highest-level military officers, "The Britisher himself is proud, brave, tough, dogged and a gifted organizer. He knows how to exploit every new development. He has the love of adventure and the courage of the Nordic race... England is a world power in herself. Constant for three hundred years. Increased by alliances. This power is not only something concrete, but must also be considered as a psychological force, embracing the entire world. Add to this immeasurable wealth and the solvency that goes with it and geopolitical security and protection by a strong sea power and courageous air force." (Shirer I) 1939 May 23 The British parliament approves the so-called "White Paper" by a vote of 268 to 179. This document proposes slowing the growth of the Jewish community in Palestine by limiting Jewish immigration and cutting back Jewish purchases of land. The House of Commons approves a plan for an independent Palestinian state by 1949, but the plan is denounced by both Arabs and Jews. 1939 May 26 Ribbentrop instructs Schulenburg to inform Molotov that Germany's hostility to the Comintern will be abandoned if Hitler can be assured that the Soviets have, in fact, renounced their aggressive struggle against Germany as indicated by Stalin's recent speech. 1939 May 27 The Cuban government refuses to admit the 930 Jewish refugees onboard the S.S. St. Louis. (See May 15) 1939 May 28 The Arrow Cross Party elects 45 representatives to the Hungarian parliament. 1939 May 29 President of the Hungarian Senate, Count Julius Karolyi, resigns in opposition to his country's new anti-Jewish laws. 1939 May 3 Hungary enacts antisemitic laws similar to the Nuremberg Laws. Hungarian Jews are forbidden to become Judges, lawyers, schoolteachers, or members of Parliament. Those who converted to Christianity before 1919 and Jewish war veterans are exempted. 1939 May 3 Maxim Litvinov, a Jew and Soviet Foreign Minister for eighteen years, is replaced by Stalin with Vyacheslav M. Molotov, a gentile. Hitler is said to have been greatly pleased that Stalin seemed to be removing the last Bolshevik Jews from positions of power. (Note, Molotov will serve as Foreign Minister from 1939-49 and again from

1098 1953-56. Litvinov will become Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. 1941.) (Ickes) 1939 May 31 Hundreds of commercial licenses held by Jews are cancelled after the Hungarian Ministry of Commerce applies strict numerus clausus to Jewish businesses. 1939 May 4 A second anti-Jewish law in Hungary deprives Jews naturalized after July 1, 1914 of their citizenship. 1939 May 4 The Housing Segregation Law is enacted in Germany. (Edelheit) 1939 May 6 Mussolini commits himself to sign an armistice with Hitler. It will be a fateful decision. (Shirer I) 1939 May 8 Spain withdraws from the League of Nations. 1939 May Hitler orders his personal physician, Dr. Karl Brandt, to devise a new program for the killing of sick and disabled German children. 1939 May Stalin's purges have by now cut across Russian society. A total of 98 of the 139 central committee members elected in 1934 have been shot and 1,108 of the 1,966 delegates to the 17th Congress arrested. The secret-police reign of terror annihilates a large portion of every profession. Deaths have been estimated in the millions, including those who perished in concentration camps. 1939 May The British government sets a limit of 75,000 Jewish refugees into Palestine over the next five years. 1939 Nazi administration gives permission to doctors to give mercy death to the deformed and mentally ill. Tsarion 1939 November 10 The Papal Nunzio in Berlin delivers the special personal congratulations of Pope Pius on Hitler's miraculous escape from the assassination attempt of November 8. (Lewy) 1939 November 12 A Te Deum is sung in the Cathedral of Munich "in order to thank the divine Providence in the name of the archdiocese for the Fuehrer's fortunate escape from the criminal attempt made upon his life." ("Munchener Katholische Kirchenzeitung," Lewy) 1939 November 12 King George VI of England and President Lebrun of France reply to Queen Wilhemina and King Leopold refusing to negotiate with Hitler. 1939 November 16 Martial law is declared in Prague after shootings by anti-Fascists. 1939 November 21 The British begin blockading German exports. 1939 November 23 Mandatory wearing of the Star of David by Jews is ntroduced by the Germans in Poland. (Persecution) 1939 November 28 the USSR denounced its nonaggression pact with Finland, which had resisted Soviet pressures.

1099 1939 November 3 Hitler suggests using The Protocols of the Elders of Zion abroad to demonstrate that the true instigators of the war are Jews and Freemasons. (Segel/Levy) 1939 November 30 The Soviets invade Finland and the RussoFinnish war begins. The Finns put up a surprisingly spirited resistance in what is called the Russo-Finnish War, or Winter War. The Western Powers again fail to act against Russia, and later Churchill will declare war on Finland. 1939 November 4 The American Neutrality Act is modified to allow the sale of arms to billigerents on a "Cash and Carry" basis. Only the British and French can benefit because on the terms and conditions imposed. 1939 November 6 Himmler departs for Munich to prepare for the annual Blutzeuge celebration to commemorate the 1923 putsch. (Architect) 1939 November 7 Hitler postpones his attack on the west, which was scheduled for November 12. This postponement will be repeated 15 times until May 10, 1940. 1939 November 7 Queen Wilhemina of the Netherlands and King Leopold of Belgium issue a plea for peace to England and France. 1939 November 8 A bomb supposedly intended for Hitler explodes at the Burgebraukeller in Munich. Hitler had cut short his speech and abruptly left shortly before the explosion. Eight are killed and sixty are injured in the blast. Johann Georg Elser, a carpenter from Wurttemberg, is arrested a week later. The Nazis are convinced he is involved in a British plot with Otto Strasser, who was in Switzerland and returned to England soon after the explosion. (Goebbels) Note, The British claimed Hitler, himself, staged this explosion to gain the propaganda value. 1939 November 8 Hans Frank becomes Governor General of Poland. He quickly encourages the persecution of the Jews. 1939 November 8 Hitler tells a meeting of "Old Fighters" in Munich, "What were the aims of Britain in the last war? Britain said she was fighting for justice. Britain has been fighting for justice for three hundred years. As a reward God gave her 40 million square kilometers of the world and 480 million people to dominate." (Payne) 1939 November 8 Two British spies are arrested for espionage at Venlo on the Dutch-German border by the Germans, who capture a list of British agents and use it to make numerous arrests of British agents in Czechoslovakia and other occupied countries. 1939 November 9 On Hitler's instructions, Goebbels cancels the Day of National Solidarity (Blutzeuge) in Munich, saying, "In these times, it is too dangerous." (Goebbels)

1100 1939 October 1 Cardinal Bertram informs all bishops that they should comply with Kerrl's suggestion of September 30, and the church bells in all dioceses in Germany ring out to celebrate Hitler's first military victory. (Lewy) 1939 October 10 Admiral Raeder mentions to Hitler for the first time the idea of invading Norway. 1939 October 10 Churchill argues in the British Cabinet for the mining of Norwegian coastal waters to interfere with German iron ore traffic. 1939 October 10 President Daladier of France rejects Hitler's offer to negotiate. 1939 October 12 Chamberlain also rejects Hitler's offer of peace. Saying it would amount to forgiving Germany for all its aggression. 1939 October 12 Hans Frank is appointed Chief Civilian Officer in occupied Poland. (Goebbels) 1939 October 12 The Nazis begin deporting Jews from Austria and Moravia to Poland. (Persecution) 1939 October 14 A German U-boat penetrates the defenses of Scapa Flow, the British naval base in the Orkney Islands, and sinks the battleship Royal Oak, killing 833. 1939 October 15 Of the 16,000 Polish civilians executed in the first six weeks of the war, 5,000 were Jewish. About 250,000 Jews escaped from the Germans into the Soviet Union. Some were immediately deported to labor camps in Siberia, where many of them later died. (Atlas) 1939 October 16 A German counterattack begins driving out the few remaining French troops in Germany, and by the following night, no French forces remain on German soil. (Duffy) 1939 October 16 Rarkowski, bishop of the German army, declares in a pastoral letter that "the Almighty God had visibly blessed the struggle against Poland that has been forced upon us." (The average German soldier had no way of knowing for sure whether Poland had indeed mistreated its German minority, or fired the first shots as claimed by Hitler.) (Lewy) 1939 October 18 President Roosevelt issues a proclamation closing U.S. offshore waters and all U.S. ports to submarines of all belligerents. (Schlessinger I) 1939 October 19 Hitler incorporates western Poland into the German Reich. 1939 October 19 The Kristallnacht "Atonement fee" for Jews is increased to 1.25 billion RM and has to be paid by November 15, 1939. (Persecution)

1101 1939 October 25 Aktion Tannenberg. officially comes to an end. SS special task forces (Einsatzgruppen) have murdered hundreds of Jews and members of the Polish intelligentsia, burned down dozens of synagogues, and waged an all-out campaign of terror against nonGerman,Polish civilians. (See September 3) 1939 October 28 Himmler sets off a controversy when he issues an extraordinary "order" for the entire SS and police to father as many children as possible, even outside of marriage, to compensate for the German blood lost in the war. Himmler pledges to provide generous support for all such children, regardless of their parents marital status. (Architect) 1939 October 28 Starting with the town of Piotrkow, German authorities begin confining the Jews of Poland to a particular area (ghetto) of each city or town in which they live. Sometimes this area is the already prominently Jewish quarter, but often it is a poor or neglected part of th town, away from the center. Jews from the rest of the town are then forced to leave their homes, and to move into this, often much smaller area, in which even the basic amenities are unavailable. In eachof these ghetto areas, food and medical supplies are restricted. Intense overcrowding, hunger and disease lead to widespread suffering and death. (Atlas) 1939 October 28, 1939 - In an address by John Foster Dulles [later U.S. Secretary of State], he proposes that America lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union. - 1939 October 30 Himmler orders that all Jews must be cleared out of the rural areas of western Poland within 3 months. In the Poznan region, 50 communities are immediately uprooted. (Atlas) 1939 October 4 All French forces except for a light screen have withdrawn from Germany and returned to French territory. (Duffy) 1939 October 5 President Roosevelt and his Cabinet discuss an official message from German Admiral Raeder to the American military attache in Berlin, warning him that the British are planning to sink the Iroquois, an American ship. Harold Ickes writes in his secret diary, "Of course no one in this country believes that the British would do a thing of this sort, but Hitler and his government have not ceased to insist that it was Churchill who personally gave the orders to sink the Athenia (September 3) for the purpose of having it blamed on the German government in the hope of embroiling us with Germany." (Ickes) 1939 October 6 Hitler calls for a new European conference to end the war, and to settle Germany's differences with England and France. Hitler declares to the Reichstag that Germany has "no further claims

1102 against France," and adds, "Nowhere have I ever acted against British interests." 1939 October 7 Himmler issues a new decree giving him a new title, Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of the German People (RFV). (Architect) 1939 October 9 Hitler issues Directive No 6, saying, If England and France will not end the war, then, he will go over to the offensive. 1939 October Stalin disappears from the Kremlin for two days to meet secretly with Hitler. (KGB Archives.) 1939 October The first "euthanasia" questionnaires are distributed to mental hospitals. They are completed, in their capacity as "experts," by Professors Heyde, Mauz, Nitsche, Panse, Pohlisch, Reisch, C. Schneider, Villinger, and Zucker, all of whom are professors of psychiatry, and thirty-nine other doctors of medicine. Their payment is 5 pfennigs per questionnaire when more than 3,500 are processed per month, and up to 10 pfennigs when there are less than 500. A cross signifies death. There are 283,000 questionnaires to be processed. These experts mark at least 75,000 with a cross. (Science) 1939 October-April Following Hitler's speedy victory in Poland, a period known as the Phony War follows in western Europe. Hitler proposes several peace conferences, all are quicklyly rejected. The British and French use this 6-month lull for strategic planning. 1939 October-November During this period 214 Polish priests are executed, among them the entire cathedral chapter of the bishopric of Peplin. (Broszat; Lewy) 1939 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman achieve nuclear fission in Germany. Tsarion 1939 President Roosevelt appoints Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. chairman of the War Resources Board. Stettinius selects Walter Gifford of American Telephone and Telegraph, Robert Wood of Sears, Roebuck and John Lee Pratt of GM to serve with him. 1939 Psychiatrists in Brandenburg Germany begin operation of gas chambers to kill mental patients. Tsarion 1939 Psychiatrists in Nazi Germany begin murdering mental patients at Brandenburg, one of the six killing institutions used for the euthanasia program. German policy expands to include euthanasia on asylum patients. Tsarion 1939 Radio astronomer Grite Reber claims receiving Morse code from space. Tsarion 1939 Scientists in Berlin prepare for the first sample of nerve gas Sarin. Tsarion 1939 September 1 4,45 AM, German troops cross the Polish frontier. The German military machine strikes in what is known as a

1103 Blitzkrieg (lightning war). High-speed panzer (tank) units blast holes in the Polish lines. Luftwaffe (air force) bombers destroy the Polish air force on the ground, damage communications lines, and prevent the Poles from moving reinforcements, supplies, and ammunition to the front, while German motorized units and footsoldiers quickly move forward to capture and hold the conquered ground. In all, 53 German divisions take part in the attack. 1939 September 1 An 8 PM curfew is established for all German Jews. 1939 September 1 Gauleiter Albrecht Foerster proclaims an anschluss (union) of Danzig with Greater Germany. 1939 September 1 Mussolini proposes a suspension of hostilities and the immediate convening of a Conference of the Big Powers, Poland included, to discuss terms for a peaceful settlement. Germany, France and Poland immediately accept Mussolini's proposals. Britain categorically rejects any negotiations and demands withdrawal of German troops from all occupied Polish territory (30 kilometers deep). Britain does not consult with Warsaw before making its decision. 1939 September 1 Osborne, British Ambassador at the Vatican, reports to Lord Halifax that he had suggested to Papal Secretary of State Luigi Maglione that publication of the last-minute unsuccessful peace appeal of Pope Pius XII be accompanied by an expression of regret that the German government, despite the Papal appeal, has plunged the world into war. Maglione, he says, has turned down this request as too specific an intervention into international politics. (Lewy) 1939 September 1 The Euthanasia Decree, which will not actually be written until October, is predated to go into effect on this date in Greater Germany. This decree orders that all Germans with incurable diseases are to be killed in order to free up needed hospital space and eliminate "useless eaters." 1939 September 12 Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the Abwehr, protests to General Keitel that extensive shootings are planned in Poland, and that the nobility and intelligentsia are to be exterminated. The world, Canaris said, would hold the armed forces responsible. (Architect) 1939 September 12 The French army now occupies a 15-mile-wide front some five miles inside German territory. Although his forces have met no real opposition to its advance, General Maurice Gamelin halts his army and issues orders to prepare for a rapid retreat at the first sign of strong German opposition. (Duffy) Note, General Gamelin brazenly lies to the beleaguered Poles when they protest the lack of French action; telling them that half of his active divisions are engaged in combat and meeting vigorous German resistence. "I have thus gone beyond my promise to take the offensive with the bulk of my forces by the fifteenth

1104 day after mobilization. It has been impossible for me to do more." Only 9 of France's 85 divisions on the frontier were employeed in the "offensive." (Shirer II) 1939 September 17 Charles Lindbergh makes his first antiintervention speech on U.S. radio, arguing that Stalin is as much to be feared as Hitler. (Bookshelf) 1939 September 17 Stalin's Soviet Army invades Poland from the East.Neither England nor France chooses to break diplomatic relations with Moscow or declare war, despite Russia's obvious aggression. Note, Churchill tried to look on the bright side, saying he saw an advantage in that it would require 25 German divisions to watch the Russians on the eastern front and he was certain that war in the Balkans would eventually result. In an early broadcast he told his listeners that "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest." 1939 September 18 The Polish government and High Command escape into exile in France. 1939 September 2 Coulondre telegrams Daladier, "Stay firm, Hitler will knuckle under." France revokes its acceptance of Mussolini's peace proposals. 1939 September 2 German control is established in Danzig and a concentration camp is opened outside the city at Stutthof. Hundreds of Jews are among the first prisoners. 1939 September 2 The Gestapo orders all Jews in Germany between 16 and 55 years of age to report for compulsory labor. (Edelheit) 1939 September 21 Cardinal August Hlond, Primate of Poland, arrives in Rome and personally reports of German atrocities against Catholic priests in Poland to the Pope. The Vatican radio and "L'Osservatore Romano" tell the story to the world. (Lewy) 1939 September 21 Reinhard Heydrich tells a meeting of his department heads in the Reich Central Security Office (RSHA), an organization emcompassing the Gestapo, SS, SD, and Criminal Police, that the mass deportations of thousands of Jews, including Poles, Germans, Austrians, Czechs and Slovaks, to the eastern areas of Poland are the "first steps in the final solution" (die Endlosung).(Apparatus) 1939 September 21 Romanian Legionaries murder Armand Calinescu, who they blame for the death of Corneliu Codreanu. Nine of the assassins turn themselves in to police and all are quickly executed. 1939 September 21 The Germans decree that all Polish communities with less than 500 Jews are to be dissolved and that the Jews are hereafter to live in certain restricted areas in the larger cities, or in a special region between Lublin and Nisko, called the "Lublinland reservation." (Atlas)

1105 1939 September 22 Four hundred Legionaries are murdered in Romania by government dead squads and their bodies left at the country's crossroads as a warning to others. 1939 September 23 All German Jews are ordered to turn in their radios to the local police. (Persecution 1939 September 23 Sigmund Freud dies at age eighty-three. 1939 September 24 Synagogues throuhout Poland are burned down by Brenn-kommandos, German arson squads. The Germans accuse Jews of setting the fires and impose huge fines on the Jewish communities. (Edelheit) 1939 September 24 The Luftwaffe firebombs Warsaw. (Edelheit) 1939 September 24 Throughout the Jewish Day of Atonement, Jewish prisoners-of-war are forced to clean the latrines with their bare hands and are treated with particular brutality. (Atlas) 1939 September 26 German local commanders in the vicinity of the German-Soviet line of demarcation issue a second order for Jews to leave their villages and cross over to the Russian side of the River San. Thousands of Jews are uprooted, robbed, and locked out of their homes and apartments. Hundreds are killed in the process. (Edelheit) 1939 September 27 "Pray examine and advise upon a proposal to establish a minefiield, blocking Norwegian territorial waters at some lonely spot on the coast as far north as convenient. If the Norwegians will do this themselves, well and good. Otherwise a plan must be made for us to do it." (British First Lord to First Sea Lord and others, 27 September 1939) 1939 September 27 The Bulgarian government moves to suppress growing antisemitic violence. 1939 September 27 The RSHA begins operation. Eventually it will become responsible for carryiing out the Endloesung der Judenfrage (final solution of the Jewish Question). 1939 September 27 Warsaw surrenders to the Germans after undergoing 36 hours of Luftwaffe bombing, strafings and artillery fire. Thousands of civilians are killed including an estimated 3,000 Jews. 1939 September 28 An estimated 10,000 Polish Jews from Jaroslav (P) are driven across the River San into Soviet occupied Poland. (Edelheit) NOTE, Pro-Germans and Holocaust deniers claim that (all along the borders) far more Jews escaped to the Soviet zone and later disappeared into the vast expanses of Russia, Siberia and the far east. This, they say, accounts for the large number of Polish Jews unaccounted for after the war, and who now are believed to have been killed in the death camps. This has never been proven. 1939 September 28 General Wladyslaw Sikorski is named to command the new Polish army forming in France.

1106 1939 September 28 Lithuania annexes the Vilna region of Poland. 1939 September 28 Polish Cardinal August Hlond is allowed to broadcast a message to the Poles of the world over the Vatican Radio. The Pope, unhappy with the cardinal's presence in Rome, wants him to return to Poland, but the Germans will not allow it. (Lewy) 1939 September 28 The German-Soviet Friendship Treaty is signed in order to regulate the Polish borders. Poland is in effect partitioned between Germany and the Soviet Union. Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz forms a Polish government-in-exile in France. During the fighting about 60,000 Polish soldiers have been killed, of whom some 6,000 were Jews. 1939 September 28 The Polish army surrenders. Approximately 750,000 Poles have been taken prisoner-of-war by the Germans and the Soviets. 1939 September 29 Food rationing is strongly enforced in Czechoslovakia. 1939 September 29 Germany and the Soviet Union officially partition Poland per their previous agreements. 1939 September 29 Nazi officials initiate the euthanasia program in occupied Poland. Thousands of mental patients, the chronically ill and the feeble are murdered by "medical teams." 1939 September 3 A German U-boat is accused of sinking the Athenia, a Canadian liner bound for Montreal. The sinking results in the loss of 112 lives, including 28 Americans. During the first two months of the war, 67 British merchant ships are sunk. (See October 5) 1939 September 3 Great Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany. The British ultimatum that Germany withdraw from Poland was delivered to the German Foreign Ministry at 9 AM by Ambassador Neville Henderson. It gave Hitler two hours to begin the withdrawal or a state of war would exists between the two nations. At 11 AM the French ultimatum was delivered. It expires at 5 PM. 1939 September 3 Himmler tells the Einsatzgruppe under Udo von Woyrsch that its mission is to suppress the Polish resistence movement with all available means. The overall operation of the Einsatzgruppen in Poland has been given the code-name Aktion Tannenberg. It will officially come to an end on October 25. (Architect) (Note, It is uncertain whether this code-name referred to the Battle of Tannenberg (1914) or to the well-known Pan-German writer Otto Richard Tannenberg. (See Tannenberg, 1911) 1939 September 3 Lieutenant Colonel Nikolaus von Vormann, army liaison officer to Hitler, records in his notes of the day, "Even today the Fuehrer still believes that the Western powers are only going to stage a phony war, so to speak." (Irving I)

1107 1939 September 3 Ten British bombers drop 13 tons of leaflets on the Ruhr. Printed on the six million sheets of paper is the message, "Your rulers have condemned you to the massacres, miseries and privations of a war they cannot ever hope to win." (Duffy) 1939 September 3 Unity Mitford shoots herself in the head with a small pistol outside a German government building in Munich. Her attempt is unsuccessful, but she will continue to live for several years after the war as an invalid. 1939 September 30 About 400,000 of the 600,000 people classified as Jews in Germany have already fled the country. Of the 200,000 who remain, about 150,000 will die in the concentration camps. 1939 September 30 General Gamelin issues orders for the French army to begin withdrawing from Germany during the night. (Duffy) 1939 September 30 German Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs Hanns Kerrl sends word to all church authorities suggesting that all church bells should ring during the noon hour for seven days "out of grateful commemoration of the victory (over Poland) and of the dead." 1939 September 4 British Blenheim and Wellington bombers attack the German naval facilities at Wilhelmshaven. Of the 29 bombers that took off from England, 5 failed to find the target and 7 were shot down. The only serious damage was done by a Blenheim that managed to crash into the bow of the cruiser Emden, killing a number of sailors. (Duffy) 1939 September 4 Hitler visits Marshal Pilsudski's grave in the Krakow Cathedral. (Sturdza) 1939 September 4 With Hitler's consent, Goering makes a speech asking for a settlement with Poland. 1939 September 5 The United States proclaims neutrality in the European war. 1939 September 6 The German command asks the Polish Command to evacuate noncombatants from Warsaw if it intends to defend the city. Poland answers, "Warsaw will be defended, nobody will be evacuated." (Sturdza) 1939 September 7 Heydrich tells his division heads that the Polish leadership must be "neutalized." The Einsatzgruppen already had lists of people considered to be hostile to Germany, which included members of Polish patriotic organizations, communists, clergymen, noblemen, and Jews. (Architect) 1939 September 7-9 French forces cross the German border at three different locations, near Saarbrucken, Saarlouis, and Zweibrucken. The French meet little resistence due to the fact that Hitler had ordered German units near the border not to engage the French units unless they were attacked and forced to return fire. The transfer of troops to Poland

1108 had left only eleven regular divisions plus the equivalent of one division of fortress troops defending the western frontier. These were supported by 35 recently-formed divisions of second-, third-, and fouth-line troops. There were no armored or motorized units facing west; they had all been tranferred to the east. (Duffy) 1939 September 9 All Jewish men in the small Ruhr town of Gelsenkirchen are deported to the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, near Berlin. The women and children are left to fend for themselves. (Atlas) 1939 September 9 Hitler issues an amnesty for Catholic priests accused of minor infractions of German law (See March 11, 1940). (Lewy) 1939 September-October Germany annexes the northern and western portions of German-occupied Poland, including provinces Germany had been forced to give up by the Treaty of Versailles. The southern and eastern portions become an occupied zone, in effect a German colony, designated as the Government General of Poland. (Apparatus) 1939 September-October Simon Wiesenthal becomes a commissar for the Soviet secret police in western Poland, thereby avoiding deportation to the Siberian labor camps. 1939 September-October Stalin forces the Baltic states -- Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania -- to accept garrisons of Soviet troops within their borders. 1939 Standard Oil of New Jersey loans I.G. Farben $20 million in aviation gasoline. Tsarion 1939 Standard Oil President Frank Howard visits Germany. Tsarion 1939 Stephenson (A Man Called Intrepid) is quoted as saying in April 1939 that the president (FDR) is one of us. Roosevelt tells Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada and longtime Rockefeller agent, our frontier is on the Rhine. Tsarion 1939 Summer A public announcement is printed, "The German Society of Race-hygiene is to organize the Fourth International Congress of Eugenics in Vienna on 26-28 August 1940. The President of the Congress will be Professor Rudin." (Science) 1939 The British government issues the White Paper of 1939, which sets a limit of 75,000 on Jewish immigration to Palestine for the next five years and increases Zionist opposition to British rule. 1939 The daughter of State Secretary in US history Cordell Hull's cousin, Reverend Turner Hamilton Holt, came forward a few years back to tell a story of an incident that had occurred in Washington DC in 1939. According to what the Reverend told the family, his cousin Cordell Hull

1109 had taken the President to the sub-basement of the Capitol building during a visit to Washington. There he viewed four large glass jars holding four creatures and a wrecked round craft of some kind nearby. 1939 The German electrical equipment industry concentrates into a few major corporations linked internationally by stock ownership to International General Electric and International Telephone and Telegraph in the U.S. All American owned subsidiaries in Germany escape bombing during the war. Tsarion 1939 The He 176, the world's first jet airplane, is tested in Germany. 1939 Two largest German tank manufacturers are Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors in the United States controlled by J.P. Morgan, and the Ford subsidiary in Germany of the Ford Motor Company. Tsarion 1939 U.S. State Dept. approves Groton, Connecticut, plan to send sub plans to U.S.S.R. Tsarion 1939, 448 , 440 , . , , 1939, , . 32. 1939, 2 . 1939, , . 1939, - . 1939: England declares war to Hitler's Germany 1939-44 - Britain controlled Jewish refugee policy. In May 1939, the British government issued a new policy concerning Palestine, which they governed; no more than 75,000 Jewish refugees would be admitted there over the next five years. (Ch.4) 1940 - Documentation published of Hitler's Rothschild parentage. "...the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title 'Inside the Gestapo'...about the investigations into Hitler's background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family s of Hitler. Koehler actually viewed a copy of the Dolfuss documents which were given to him by Heydrich, the overlord of the Nazi Secret Service. The , he wrote, 'caused such havoc as no in the world ever caused before' (Inside the Gestapo, p 143)." "Adolph's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It is generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler was a Johann Georg Hiedler, a miller's assistant. Alois, however, was not legitimized, and bore his mother's name until he was forty years of age when he changed it to Hitler... "There are some people who seriously

1110 doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dollfuss had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family. As a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared which proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital where Alois was born. If it is true that one of the Rothschilds is the real father of Alois Hitler, it would make Adolph a quarter Jew. According to these sources, Adolph Hitler knew of the existence of this document and the incriminating evidence it contained. In order to obtain it he precipitated events in Austria and initiated the assassination of Dollfuss. According to this story, he failed to obtain the document at that time, since Dollfuss had secreted it and, had told Schuschnigg of its whereabouts so that in the event of his death the independence of Austria would remain assured. Several stories of this general character are in circulation." - "Hitler As He Knows Himself" 1940-41, 14.000 , , , 216 , 7 , - , 14.000 14.000 . 1940 - "The New World Order" is published by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace and contains a select list of references on regional and world federation, together with some special plans for world order after the war. - 1940 -- Assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico. British secret police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. Interpol moved to near Berlin., with Reinhard Heydrich in charge. Nazis allegedly begin building Hitler's secret hideout in Antarctica. Roosevelt sends Gen. "Wild Bill" Donovan on info-gathering mission to Europe; Donovan recommends a central intelligence organization. U.S. State Dept. creates Division of Special Research headed by CFR member Pasbolsky. - 1940 - originating from a German-Polish dispute. After 1945 there would be an increasing lack of public safety in "criminally infected" areas. The plan for the "Modern World State" would succeed on its third attempt, and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq. The book also states: "Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition anywhere." -

1111 1940 "Fiery cartwheel" UFO is seen ascending from a hilltop in Bata, Hungary. 1940 1940 July 25 The U.S. prohibits the export of oil and metal products in several categories except under license.This action is seen by many as anti-Japanese, because of Japan's need for foreign oil. From this time on, Japanese oil stocks begin to decline. 1940 American intake of petroleum-based food colorings/additives increases ten-fold (to 1977). Most of the additives prove later to be carcinogenic. Tsarion 1940 April 1 Hitler approves plans for the invasion of Norway. 1940 April 10 A major naval battle takes place off Narvik. 1940 April 10 The Norwegian government and Royal family leave Oslo. Vidkun Quisling and his National Union Party seize power. 1940 April 13 Another major naval battle takes place off Narvik. 1940 April 14 The British several make small landings in Norway. 1940 April 15 Quisling is forced out by the Germans and replaced temporarily by Ingolf Christensen as the head of a German controlled puppet government. 1940 April 2 Hitler orders the invasion of Norway for April 9. 1940 April 29 King Hakkon of Norway and his government are evacuated from Molde by the British, taking with them the national gold reserves. 1940 April 3 Churchill resigns as Minister for the Coordination of Defense and is appointed to chair the Ministerial Defense Committee, significantly increasing his responsibilities, even though he had not been success in his previous post. One of his first acts is to obtain consent for the mining of the Norwegian Leads. (WWIIDBD) 1940 April 5 Britain and France notify Norway that they reserve the right to deprive Germany of Norway's resources. 1940 April 7 German ships leave port for the invasion of Norway. 1940 April 7 The British Home Fleet leaves port for Norway. 1940 April 8 Britain informs Norway that it intends to intercept German ships in Norwegian waters. London fails to reveal to Oslo that it has ordered the Royal Navy to mine Norwegian territorial waters. (Duffy) 1940 April 9 A German parachute battalion, the first to be used in war, captures the airfield at Oslo, while transport planes drop more troops and guns. 1940 April 9 Copenhagen, Denmark, is taken by two German divisions in less than 12 hours, and the Germans begin a policy of cooperation and negotiation with the Danish government. 1940 April 9 Germany invades Denmark and Norway. The German invasion of Norway beats the Franco-British invasion by only twelve hours. During the next several days Norwegian shore batteries and

1112 warhips sink three German cruisers (including the 10,000 ton Blucher), 10 destroyers and 11 troop transports. A battleship and three more cruisers are damaged so badly they have to be pulled out of service. 1940 Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, , . . Chabad-Lubavitch ( ) Wikkipedia: Chabad Lubavitch (Hasidic) , Crown Heights , . "" (: ) " Chochmah, Binah, Da'at ( , , ) ", , ". "Lubavitch" . Malachim. 18 Shneur Zalman Liadi. Lubavitch Lyubavichi, , 20 . Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, 1940, . , Menachem Mendel Schneerson, . 1940 April 9 The Danish-German Agreement is signed, resulting in Denmark's Jews being left unmolested for a time. 1940 August 1 Hitler issues Directive #17 for the invasion of Britain. 1940 August 1 The Duke of Windsor and his wife depart Lisbon for the Bahamas aboard the steamship Excalibur. Windsor becomes Governor of the Bahamas. 1940 August 11 Cardinal Bertram issues an official protest from the German bishops concerning the Euthanasia Decree to the Reich Chancellery. Such destruction of the innocent, he wrote, not only violated the Christian moral law, but offended against the moral sense of the German people and threatened to jeopardize the reputation of Germany in the world. (Lewy) 1940 August 12 The Luftwaffe launches a large-scale bombing attack on six British radar facilities. Radar had become important to the British because it enabled them to spot incoming bombers at great distances and alert the fighter squadrons to meet them. In this first surprise raid, five radar facilities were damaged and one destroyed. (Duffy) 1940 August 13 Almost 1,500 German planes sweep across the English Channel and attack Britain. (Duffy) 1940 August 13 Goebbels issues orders to the Gauleiters to organize memorial ceremonies for fallen soldiers in order to overcome

1113 the influence and activities of the churches in this sphere. Until now, Goebbels said, certain restraints had had to be observed. Now, after the victorious conclusion of the war with France, the offensive could again be taken. 1940 August 14 Bad weather reduces the number of German fighters attacking Britain to 500. (Duffy) 1940 August 15 By the end of the day, a total of 190 German planes had been lost in the last three days. The British have lost 115 in the same period. (Gilbert II) 1940 August 16 RAF Fighter Command has now fallen 209 pilots below "minimum acceptable strength." Life expectancy of a British fighter pilot is less than 87 flying hours. Exhaustion takes such a heavy toll on the survivors that many of them routinely fall asleep as they taxi their aircraft to a stop. It is not uncommon for ground crews to remove a sleeping pilot from his plane when he returns from combat. (Collier) 1940 August 17 The RAF bombs German armament plants at Leuna. A number of German civilians are again killed in the attack. 1940 August 18 Hitler tells Vidkun Quisling, "I now find myself forced against my will to fight this war against Britain. I find myself in the same position as Martin Luther, who had just as little desire to fight Rome but was left with no alternative." (Irving III; Duffy) 1940 August 20 Churchill pays tribute to the RAF, saying,"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." 1940 August 20 Sugehara, the Japanese Consul at Kovno in eastern Russia, begins issuing transit visas to a few Polish and Lithuanian Jews, enabling them to cross the Trans-Siberian railway to Japan. He continues to issue visas to Jews until August 31. (Atlas) 1940 August 21 Leon Trotsky is assassinated by an agent of Stalin's secret police at his fortified villa near Mexico City. (Facts about the assassination are kept secret in the Soviet Union until January 1989) 1940 August 23-24 12 German bombers, unable to locate their targets during an unusual night attack, scatter their bombs aimlessly on South London despite strict orders from Hitler forbidding attacks on civilian targets, especially the city of London. Nine civilians are killed. In retaliation British bombers will attack Berlin several times during the following weeks. (WWIIDBD; Duffy) 1940 August 24 The Luftwaffe begins attacking further inland, seeking to destroy RAF bases and production centers. 1940 August 24-29 British bombing raids on the civilian population of Berlin cause negligible damage and slight loss of life in the German capital, but the loss of face greatly angers and embarrasses Hitler. (Duffy; Grolier)

1114 1940 August 28 The Luftwaffe launches the first of a series of four air raids on Liverpool. About 160 aircraft are sent each night. 1940 August 3 Hitler tells the new German ambassador to Paris, Otto Abetz, that he wants to resolve the Jewish problem for all of Europe and that he wants to force the conquered countries (and persuade Germany's allies) to send their Jewish citizens away, not to Madagascar, but to the United States. (Architect) 1940 August 3 Horia Sima and other Legionaries have an audience with King Carol and tell him that only a Legionary government can save Romania from destruction by the Soviet Union. 1940 August 30 The Arbitration of Vienna transfers half of Romanian Transylvania to Hungary, and part of the province of Dobruja to Bulgaria. Hitler had been concerned that these territorial disputes among the Balkan nations might give the Soviets an opportunity for further intervention. 1940 August 5 The first operational plan for the German invasion of the Soviet Union is presented to General Halder, Chief of Staff of the Military High Command. 1940 August 8 The Luftwaffe attacks on England begin in earnest. 1940 August Gross-Rosen concentration camp is established by the SS in Silesia. 1940 August Mussolini's troops overruns British Somaliland, defended only by a small British garrison. Mussolini has made no secret of his desire to construct a huge Mediterranean empire at the expense of Britain. His plan is to move one army northward from Italian East Africa and send a second army eastward into Egypt from Libya. He hopes to catch the British in an African vise and eliminate them from the Mediterranean. 1940 August The Luftwaffe begins mounting almost daily attacks on British ports, airfields, and industrial centers in southern England. Strict orders from Hitler forbid attacking civilian targets, especially London. (Duffy) (Note, The Germans have a total force of 900 fighters, mostly Messerschmitt BF-109s, and 1,300 bombers. The RAF has much smaller forces, about 650 Hurricanes and Spitfires, but newly developed radar enables it to concentrate its defenses.) (Grolier) 1940 British researchers at ICI discover substances for use in anticrop warfare, which were subsequently tested in fields in England. Tsarion 1940 British Secret Police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of WWII. Tsarion 1940 Charlie Chaplin, in his first talking film, "The Great Dictator," plays both the "Little Tramp" and a figure modelled after Hitler.

1115 1940 Chinese biologist Wang Tselin reportedly saw a yeren "wildman" killed in 1940 in the Gansu area. It was, he said, a female about six and a half feet tall and covered with grayish-brown hair, with a face that combined human and ape features in a way that reminded him of the prehistoric Beijing Man. 1940 Construction begins for German chemical warfare plant in the forests of Silesia in western poland, near the Oder river, at Dyhernfurth. By 1943 the facility had cost RM 120 million. Complete in 1942. Tsarion 1940 David Rockefeller becomes aide to LaGuardia. Tsarion 1940 December 10 The British capture Sidi Barrani. 20,000 prisoners have been taken so far in the Egyptian offensive. 1940 December 13 A small British force already in Libya cuts the road to Bardia, an important Italian position. 1940 December 13 Hitler issues Directive #20 ordering additional planning and preparation for Operation Marita, the invasion of Greece. 1940 December 15 Prince Michael Sturdza is forced to resign as Romanian Foreign Minister after a conflict with Antonescu. 1940 December 15 The British invade Italian Libya in force. 1940 December 17 British troops occupy Fort Capuzzo, Sollum and three other Italian positions on the Egypt-Libyan border. Italian survivors retreat to Bardia fortress. 1940 December 17 President Roosevelt gives a press conference announcing a "Lend-Lease" Bill, proposing massive aid for Great Britain in its war against Germany. Many, including the Germans, view this as a clear violation of American neutrality. 1940 December 18 Hitler issues Directive #21 for the invasion of the Soviet Union, code-named Operation Barbarossa. Hitler orders that everything must be concluded no later than May 15, 1941. 1940 December 20 New antisemitic laws are introduced in Bulgaria. Other measures against Freemasons and secret societies are also instituted. The Jewish population of Bulgaria at this time is about 50,000. 1940 December 22 New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia announces that in the preceding six months 238 arrests have been made in N.Y. for inflammatory and antisemitic street speeches as well as other disturbances. 1940 December 23 Lord Halifax becomes British ambassador to the U.S. Anthony Eden takes over as Foreign Secretary, and David Margesson, Secretary of War (Army Minister). 1940 December 27 The German raider Komet shells a phosphate plant on the island of Naru in the central Pacific while flying a Japanese flag. 1940 December 29 President Roosevelt, in one of his famous "fireside" chats, tells the American people that he wishes the United

1116 States to become the "arsenal of democracy" and to give full aid to Britain regardless of threatss from other countries. (WWIIDBD) 1940 December 9 The British launch a surprise attack on the Italians in the western desert and begin a push to drive them from Egypt. 1940 December Emanuel Ringelblum begins compiling a secret archive of Jewish life in the Warsaw ghetto. 1940 December General Petain replaces Vichy France's independent-minded Vice-Premier, Pierre Laval, with Admiral Jean Darlan. 1940 During the months following the fall of Poland and prior to the invasion of France, a period called the "phony war," Goering maintains a clandestine communications link with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. This was an unusual, if not unheard-of, situation between key officials of two countries officially at war. (Duffy) 1940 Engineer Rex Ball came upon a network of tunnels in Georgia, which led to an underground installation manned by Orientallooking men in coveralls and a few American military officers. When caught in the tunnels, an officer issued the curt command: "Make him look like a nut!" The next thing he recalled was waking up in a field uncertain whether the experience was real or a dream. 1940 Father Coughlin is forced off the radio, but still publishes his newsletter. 1940 FDR causes National Guard to be voted into service for one year. Tsarion 1940 February 11 The Germans and Soviets sign a further trade and economic agreement. 1940 February 12 The first deportations of German Jews take place. (Goebbels) 1940 February 14 Britain announces all that all British merchant ships in the North Sea will be armed. 1940 February 15 Germany announces that all armed British merchant ships will be treated as warships. 1940 February 16 The captain of the British destroyer Cossack under the direct orders of Churchill violates Norwegian neutrality and boards the German supply ship Altamark. After a short fight in which several German sailors are killed, Captain Philip Vian found 299 British sailors and merchant seaman in the ships's hold. They were prisoners of war being transported from the South Atlantic to Germany. (Note, Norway protested the British attack, but their complaints were rebuffed. This incident along with reports of troop movements indicating a planned British invasion, sealed Norway's fate, as well as that of Denmark.) (Duffy)

1117 1940 February 17 General Manstein outlines a new plan to Hitler for a rapid armored attack through the Ardennes Forest. 1940 February 19 Hitler receives a telegram informing him that the British have indeed captured Germany's invasion plans from the downed plane and learned of his offensive in the west. This information is said to have originated with the Duke of Windsor. (See January 10) 1940 February 21 Work begins on the German concentration camp at Auschwitz. (WWIIDBD) 1940 February 27 389 Jews are deported from Amsterdam to Buchenwald concentration camp. (Atlas) 1940 February 5 The British and French Supreme War Council decides to intervene in Norway and to send help to Finland. The pretext of helping Finland is primarily intended to prevent Swedish iron ore from reaching Germany. 1940 February 6 German Jews lose their eligibility for clothing coupons. (Persecution) 1940 February At the end of February, the Soviets move their best troops into the battle in Finland, and the Finns began to give way to the sheer force of numbers. 1940 February Fritz Thyssen is stripped of his German nationality and all of his large industrial holdings are confiscated. 1940 France capitulates to the Nazis. Tsarion 1940 German SS execute British prisoners of war. Tsarion 1940 Germany invades the Khazarian-ruled Slavic nation of the U.S.S.R. The International Banker rule over Soviet Gosbank at risk. They require that America be brought into the war, with finesse, to protect the loans. Tsarion 1940 Germany orders compulsory mass immunization for children. As a result, by 1945, Germany's Diphtheria cases increase from 40,000 to 250,000. Tsarion 1940 Germany, Japan, and Italy sign the Tripartite Treaty. Tsarion 1940 Germanys SS number over 100,000. Tsarion 1940 Hitler decides to create a National Police manned by the SS. Tsarion 1940 In a crash program to develop new drugs to fight Malaria during World War II, doctors in the Chicago area infected nearly 400 prisoners with the disease. Although the Chicago inmates were given general information that they were helping with the war effort, they were not provided adequate information in accordance with the later standards set by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. Nazi doctors on trial at Nuremberg cited the Chicago studies as precedents to defend their own behavior in aiding the German war effort.

1118 1940 In Antarctica, an ancient hi-tech "city" nicknamed "Rainbow City" was reportedly discovered by a small group of American researchers in the late 1940's. Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground 'rail' system with Rainbow City being the central hub. Antigravity craft are also reportedly being used by the researchers. 1940 In the United States, psychiatrists were using hypothermia, or refrigeration therapy on mental patients. (See 1943 Goldman and Murray). Tsarion 1940 James Forrestal is Secretary of the Navy. Tsarion 1940 January 1 Generalissimo Franco officially denounces the Jews and Freemasons, quoting directly from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Segel/Levy) 1940 January 10 A German plane carrying plans for the invasion of France is forced down at Mechelen, Belgium. The Belgian authorities pass on details of the German invasion to the British and French. Hitler's agents suspect the British and French have learned of the plans for the invasion, scheduled for January 17, and Hitler postpones the invasion. He will use this alleged violation of neutrality by Belgium to justify the invasion of that country in May. 1940 January 15 The Belgian government refuses to let England and France move troops into Belgium before a possible German attack. This is a strange response if the captured German invasion plans called for an attack through Belgium as the British claim. 1940 January 16 Hitler cancels the German attack in the west until spring, ordering new attack plans to be drawn up. 1940 January 20 Dr. Ritter writes in a progress report to the DFG, "Through our work we have been able to establish that more than ninety per cent of so-called native Gypsies are of mixed blood... The Gypsy question can only be considered solved when the main body of asocial and good-for-nothing Gypsy individuals of mixed blood is collected together in large labour camps and kept working there, and when the further breeding of this population of mixed blood is stopped once and for all." (Science) 1940 January 23 Vatican Radio broadcasts excerpts from Cardinal Hlond's January 6 report to the Pope. (See January 6) 1940 January 29 Ambassador Bergen reports to Berlin that the Papal Secretary of State has ordered the immediate cessation of all broadcasts about atrocities in Poland. 1940 January 31 By the end of January, the Germans have driven 78,000 Jews out of their homes in Poland. (Atlas)

1119 1940 January 4 Goering is given overall control of German war industry. 1940 January 5 Professor Lenz sends a memorandum to Pancke, chief of the RuSHA, entitled, "Remarks on resettlement from the point of view of safeguarding the race." (Science) 1940 January 6 Cardinal Hlond submits a new and detailed report to Pius XII on the deportations and arrests of Polish priests, the closing of churches and the brutal treatment meted out to the Polish population. (Lewy) 1940 January 6 The German Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs issues an edict, based on the Fuehrer's amnesty of September 9, 1939, restoring the salaries of a large number of priests who had their state subsidy cut off because of minor infractions of the law. (Lewy) 1940 January 9 Hildebrandt, chief of the SS and Police in Danzig and West Prussia (and, from 1943 onwards, head of the RuSHA), reports to Himmler on the shootings of German and Polish mental patients which he has carried out, "The other two units of storm troopers at my disposal were employed as follows during October, November and December... For the elimination of about 4,400 incurable patients from Polish mental hospitals... For the elimination of about 2,000 incurable patients from the Konradstein mental hospital..." (Science) 1940 January The Cliveden Group, led by Lady Astor, actively pressures the British government to declare war on the USSR for invading Finland. They believe the Communists, not Hitler, are Britain's real enemies. 1940 January The killing of mental patients by means of carbon monoxide gas is tried out in the jail at Brandenburg. By September 1941, more than 70,000 German mental patients will have been "euthanized" in hospitals at Grafeneck, Brandenburg, Bernburg, Hartheim, Sonnenstein, and Hadamar, using carbon monoxide provided by the I.G. Farben corporation. (Science) 1940 Japan, Germany, and Italy sign a military alliance. Tsarion 1940 July 1 Hitler tells Italian Ambassador Dino Alfieri that he "could not concieve of anyone in England still seriously believing in victory." Hitler was still waiting for word that the British were willing to settle. (Shirer I) 1940 July 1 Roosevelt signs another Navy bill providing $550 million dollars to build ships and other projects. 1940 July 10 The Battle of Britain, the first great air battle in history, begins. Several actions take over the channel and 70 German planes raid dock targets in South Wales. (WWIIDBD) 1940 July 10 The French National Assembly, dazed by defeat and maneuvered by Vice-Premier Pierre Laval, meets in the resort town of

1120 Vichy and votes 569 to 80 to grant Premier Henri Philippe Petain full emergency and constitution-making power. (Vichy France attempts to consummate a "National Revolution" of a corporate nature -- eliminating divisive political party and class strife, encouraging family growth and cohesion, and favoring church and patriotic organizations. Under pressure from the Germans, antisemitic measures are gradually enacted and reluctantly enforced.) 1940 July 10 The German Ambassador in Lisbon informs Berlin that the Duke of Windsor believes that the bombing of England would help bring about a negotiated peace with Germany. 1940 July 11 French President Lebrun resigns and MarshalPetain becomes head of state after an overwhelming vote of confidence in the Vichy Parliament. 1940 July 11-24 The Luftwaffe makes a seres of attacks against shipping in the English Channel. The Germans lose a total of 93 aircraft, the British 48. 1940 July 13 Hitler issues Directive 15 on the air war with Britain. The offensive is to begin at full strength on August 5, with the intention of driving the RAF from the skies. 1940 July 14 Facilities using forced (slave) labor in the production of synthetic rubber and gasoline begin operation at Auschwitz. (Chaitkin) 1940 July 15 Plebiscites conducted in Soviet occupied Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are announced, showing what is described as a unanimous desire for union with the USSR. Stalin soon annexes the three nations into the USSR as constituent republics. 1940 July 16 Hitler issues Directive #16 concerning the invasion of Great Britain. "I have decided to begin to prepare for, and if necessary to carry out, an invasion of England," Hitler says, stressing the importance of air superiority in this regard. 1940 July 19 General Brooke replaces General Ironside as the Commander in Chief, of British Home Forces. 1940 July 19 Hitler creates twelve new German field marshals. 1940 July 19 In a speech in the Reichstag Hitler issues what he describes as "a final appeal to common sense," urging that Britain make peace. 1940 July 19 Roosevelt signs the "Two-Ocean Navy Expansion Act," ordering construction of 1.3 million tons of new warships and 15,000 naval planes. 1940 July 2 The German High Command issues an order entitled "The War Against England." Goering gives instructions for an air blockade and attacks on British shipping. 1940 July 21 Hitler tells the Military High Command that Germany must prepare to attack the Soviet Union.

1121 1940 July 22 Lord Halifax, British Foreign Secretary, replies to Hitler's call for peace. Saying, "We shall not stop fighting till freedom for ourselves and others is secure." 1940 July 23 A Czechoslovakian provisional government is formed in London. Edouard Benes is recognized by the British as president. 1940 July 23 Hitler travels to Bayreuth to attend a performance of Wagner's Die Gotterdammerung. A week later he will issue orders for the invasion of Great Britain and a few days later plans are presented for the invasion of the Soviet Union. Albert Speer and a number of historians believe Wagner provided the inspiration for this crucial point in WWII. (Waite) (See August 1 and August 5) 1940 July 24 The Sacred Congregation of the Holy See in Rome rules that Catholic nurses in state-run hospitals may assist in sterilization operations if a sufficiently important reason is present. (Lewy) 1940 July 29 German Jews are forbidden to have telephones in their homes. (Persecution) 1940 July 3 A British task force under Admiral Somerville makes an attack on a large part of the French fleet at Oran, Algeria, to ensure that it will not fall into Axis hands. Unlike other French fleets, it had refused to submit to seizure by the British after the fall of France. More than 1,000 French sailors are killed and the battleship Befragne is sunk. Many French saw this as a perfidious act that killed more French sailors in a single day than the Germans had killed since the war began. (Duffy) (Note, This combined with the fact that the Germans had discovered records from the Allied Supreme War Command in Paris indicating that the British air staff intended to use its newly developed long-range bombers to destroy the Ruhr industrial complex, home to 60% of German industry, convinced Hitler that Britain intended to stay in the war, no matter what.) (Duffy) 1940 , , : Trotzky (Bornstein), the "hidden hand" of the Illuminati. Leon (Lev) Trotsky (1879-1940). Leon Trotskys real name was Leiba Bronstein. He was under the training of Alexander Parvus (whose real name was Israel Gelfand) during high school. Parvus was a Russian Jewish freemason. He not only taught Trotsky in the Talmud but he also introduced him to the Kabala, Zionism and Marxism/Socialism. Trotsky became a member of the freemasons and the Bnai Brth. The Russian police arrested him twice, each time he was sentenced to exile in Siberia but escaped both times. Together with Lenin, Trotsky and Parvus helped arrange the Russian revolution. Trotsky was finally deported to the United States where he lived under the protection and payroll of Jacob Schiff.

1122 1940 July 3 Horia Sima agrees to participate in a new Romanian Government. 1940 July 4 A new Romanian Cabinet is formed with Gigurtu as prime minister and Manoilescu as foreign minister. 1940 July 5 Marshal Petain's Vichy government breaks off relations with Britain because of the attacks against the French navy at Oran and the seizure of many of its ships at Plymouth and Portsmouth. 1940 July 5 Romania adheres to the Axis system. It's policies are clearly pro-German and antisemitic. 1940 July 6 The first successful escape from Auschwitz is followed by a punitive 20-hour roll-call. (Atlas) 1940 July 7 Horia Sima resigns for the Romanian Cabinet after realizing, he says, just how cowardly King Carol is in dealing with the Soviets. (Sturdza) 1940 July 8 General de Gaulle criticizes the numerous British attacks on French ships during the past week. 1940 July 8 Hitler accepts Hans Frank's proposal that the Government General formally become part of the German Reich. (Architect) 1940 July German-Jewish mental patients are murdered in the Brandenburg extermination institute. (Days) 1940 July Hitler, hoping that Britain would now accept German control of the Continent, again seeks peace. Again, Britain shuns his overtures. (Grolier) 1940 July Professor Lenz expresses his views on "euthanasia" in writing, "Detailed discussion of so-called euthanasia... can easily lead to confusion about whether or not we are really dealing with a matter which affects the safeguarding of our hereditary endowment. I should like to prevent any such discussion. For, in fact, this matter is a purely humanitarian problem." (Note, Between 1939 and 1941, Professor Lenz had proposed the following formulation for Article 2.1 of the proposed law on euthanasia "The life of a patient, who otherwise would need lifelong care, may be ended by medical measures of which he remains unaware.") (Science) 1940 July-August Dr. Jaspersen of Bethel attempts to persuade the heads of departments of psychiatry in German universities to make a collective protest against euthanasia. These professors make no move. Professor Ewald remains an isolated protester. (Science) 1940 June 10 French Prime Minister Reynaud appeals to President Roosevelt to intervene in the war in Europe. 1940 June 10 Italian troops invade southern France. President Roosevelt describes Mussolini's invasion as a "stab in the back." 1940 June 10 Italy declares war on Britain and France.

1123 1940 June 11 Cardinal Eugene Tisserant,a high official of the Vatican library, writes to Cardinal Suhard, Archbishop of Paris, that "our superiors do not want to understand the real nature of this conflict." Tisserant says he has pleaded with Pope Pius XII, without success, to issue an encyclical, but "I fear that history will reproach the Holy See with having practiced a policy of selfish convenience and not much else." (BA Koblenz; Lewy) 1940 June 11 Churchill returns to France and meets Reynaud at Briare. The British are determined not to allow the Germans to capture the French fleet and are prepared to use force against their ally. 1940 June 11 Paris is declared an "open city." What remains of the French army retreats south of the Seine. 1940 June 12 The Soviets issue an ultimatum to Lithuania demanding territory and the establishment of a new government. 1940 June 13 French Prime Minister Reynaud once again appeals to Roosevelt to intervene, again without success. 1940 June 13 In Romania, Horia Sima is liberated and granted an audience with King Carol. 1940 June 13 Roosevelt subverts the U.S. Neutrality Laws by having shipments of artillery and arms "sold" to a steel company and then "resold" to the British government. The first shipment leaves the U.S. on the S.S. Eastern Prince. 1940 June 14 Auschwitz is set up as a punishment camp for Polish political prisoners. 300 Jewish forced laborers are brought in to prepare the old barracks. (Atlas) 1940 June 14 General von Bock, commander of Army Group B, flies into the "open city" of Paris and stands at the Arc de Triomphe just in time to take the salute of the first combat troops into the city. It is a parade, not a battle, and the German army quickly occupies Paris. (Toland) 1940 June 14 The Vatican's semi-official newspaper L'Osservatore Romano announces it will no longer publish military reports. From this time on it will adhere to a strictly neutral line. (Lewy) 1940 June 15 Himmler names Oscar Dirlewanger as Obersturmfuhrer in the Waffen-SS, authorizing him to collect poachers from German prisons to serve as manhunters on Germany's eastern border. (Architect) 1940 June 15 Soviets troops occupy the Lithuanian cities of Vilna and Kaunas. 1940 June 16 A new government, controlled by the Soviets, is installed in Lithuania. Latvia and Estonia are also occupied. 1940 June 16 The French ask Britain to be released from its obligation not to make a separate peace. A British offer to establish a

1124 state of union between the two countries is rejected by the French. Paul Reynaud is forced to resign as Prime Minister and Marshal Philippe Petain is chosen to replace him. The French government requests an armistice and the Battle of France is over. 1940 June 17 Churchill broadcasts a message declaring that the Battle of France is over and the Battle of Britain is about to begin, saying, "if the British Empire and Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say, This was their finest hour." 1940 June 17 French representatives in the U.S. allow the British to take up arms orders they have placed under the "Cash and Carry" rules. 1940 June 17 General Warlimont, Jodl's assistant at OKW, records that Hitler had not yet expressed interest in invading Britain. "Therefore even at this time, no preparatory work has been carried out at OKW. (Fleming II) 1940 June 17 The Petain Cabinet takes office and publicly announces it has asked Germany for an armistice. 1940 June 18 General de Gaulle flees to London and attempts to rally the Free French resistance. De Gaulle issues a radio appeal for the French nation to resist and to continue the struggle. 1940 June 18 The RAF bombs Bremen and Hamburg. 1940 June 20 A new government, controlled by the Soviets, is installed in Estonia. 1940 June 20 A new government, controlled by the Soviets, is installed in Latvia. 1940 June 20 Admiral Raeder again brings up the invasion of Britain. Again Hitler fails to respond. (Duffy) 1940 June 20 The French delegation leaves for Compiegne to begin armistice negotiations with the Germans. 1940 June 22 France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany near Compiegne. As a touch of bitter irony, the Germans arrange for the signing to take place on the same spot and aboard the same railway car used by the French for the armistice of November 11, 1918. 1940 June 23 Hitler makes a brief tour of occupied Paris. 1940 June 23 Pierre Laval is appointed Deputy Premier by Petain. General Weygand cashiers General de Gaulle. 1940 June 24 An armistice is concluded between France and Italy. 1940 June 24 Reinhard Heydrich writes to Ribbentrop, reminding him that in January 1939 Goering had entrusted him (Heydrich) with authority over Jewish emigration. Since there were now 3.5 million Jews under German control, emigration could no longer provide a solution, "a territorial final solution is therefore necessary." (Architect) 1940 June 25 A new Romanian government is set up in Bucharest and several Legionaries are given appointments to minor positions.

1125 1940 June 25 General Hans Jeschonnek, chief of the German air staff, is asked by the OKW to help prepare invasion plans for Britain. He refuses, telling them, "There won't be any invasion, and I have no time to waste on planning one." (Irving III) 1940 June 25 Increased income taxes are introduced in the U.S. to pay for Roosevelt's armament expenditures and bring in an additional 2.2 million people who never before had been required to pay income taxes. 1940 June 25 The Franco-German armistice takes effect. Twothirds of France now comes under Nazi control. 1940 June 26 The Soviets issue an ultimatum to Romania to evacuate Bessarabia within four days. King Carol complies. The Soviets, coveting Romania's substantial oil resources,seize Bessarabia and part of Bucovina. 1940 June 28 General Charles de Gaulle is recognized by Britain as the "Leader of All Free Frenchmen." 1940 June 30 The Germans begin occupying the British Channel Islands. 1940 June 4 At 0340 (3,40AM), the last evacuation ship departs from Dunkirk, leaving 40,000 French stragglers to be captured by the Germans. Official figures state that 338,226 troops were evacuated, of which 112,000 were French. There were also Czechs, Poles and Belgians among those evacuated. (Note, Churchill turned Dunkirk, which was in reality an unmitigated defeat for the British and French forces, into a propaganda victory to prevent the British people from learning the true extent of the disaster. More than 64,000 vehicles, tanks, and trucks, along with 500,000 tons of arms, ammunition and supplies were left behind. The Allies got away with virtually nothing but the shirts on their backs.) (Duffy) 1940 June 4 The Allies begin evacuating their troops in Norway. 1940 June 5 General de Gaulle is appointed French Undersecretary of War. 1940 June 5 General Erhard Milch, Goering's deputy, inspects the beach at Dunkirk and rushes back to report to Goering, telling him that, "I recommend that this very day all our air units -- both the Second and Third Air Forces -- should be moved up the Channel coast, and that Britain should be invaded immediately. If we leave the British in peace for four weeks it will be too late." (Irving II) 1940 June 5 The Germans launch another offensive southward from the Somme in France. 1940 June 6 The Germans break the French line along the Somme between Amiens and the coast. 1940 June 7 French fighter planes bomb Berlin.

1126 1940 June 7 The King of Norway leaves Tromso aboard the British cruiser Devonshire and is taken to England. 1940 June 9 The German conquest of Norway is completed and the Allies withdraw their remaining troops. 1940 June 9 The King of Norway and his government order all Norwegian forces to cease fighting at midnight. 1940 June A paper by Professor Lorenz, "Disturbances of speciesspecific behaviour caused by domestication," appears. He writes, "There is a certain similarity between the measures which need to be taken when we draw a broad biological analogy between bodies and malignant tumours, on the one hand, and a nation and individuals within it who have become asocial because of their defective constitution, on the other hand... Any attempt at reconstruction using elements which have lost their proper nature and characteristics is doomed to failure. Fortunately, the elimination of such elements is easier for the public health physician and less dangerous for the supra-individual organism, than such an operation by a surgeon would be for the individual organism." (Science) 1940 March 1 Hitler issues the final directive for the German invasion of Norway and Denmark. 1940 March 11 During a visit to Rome, Ribbentrop tells Pius XII that Hitler wants "to maintain their existing truce and, if possible, to expand it. In this respect Germany has made very considerable concessions. The Fuehrer has quashed no less than 7,000 indictments of Catholic clergymen." (Lewy) 1940 March 12 Russia and Finland sign a treaty of peace. 1940 March 1-6 American Under-Secretary of State Sumner Welles visits Hitler in Berlin. 1940 March 18 Hitler meets with Mussolini at the Brenner Pass. Mussolini tells Hitler that he is ready to join Germany and its allies against Britain and France. 1940 March 20 Edouard Daladier is forced to resign as Premier of France; primarily for failing to aid Finland. 1940 March 21 Paul Reynaud forms a new French government. 1940 March 28 The British and French Supreme War Council decides to mine Norway's coastal waters and to invade Norway if the Germans interfere. The operation is scheduled to begin on April 5, but is later postponed to April 8. 1940 March 30 Japan establishes a puppet Chinese government in Nan-king 1940 March 31 One of Professor Fischer's assistants travels to the ghetto in Lodz to take photographs to be used for comparison with pictures in a book on Jewry in antiquity, which Fischer is planning. (Science)

1127 1940 March 8 U.S. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes has dinner with Archduke Otto von Habsburg (Hapsburg) and his brother Felix in Washington. Habsburg tells him that "Hitler had disclosed to a very confidential group, which included two Austrians, one of whom, is in the confidence of Otto, that his ultimate objective is the United States, after he has conquered Europe." Ickes writes in his diary the next day, "I am convinced that this is absolutely what Hitler would attempt to do." (Ickes) 1940 March The Russian invaders breach the Finns' defensive Mannerheim Line, and Finland is forced to relinquish strategic ports, a naval base, and airports. 1940 March The Soviet massacre 15,000 young Polish officers at Katyn in the Arctic. The killings will continue until April. Stalin blames the killings on the Germans. 1940 May 1 The Lodz ghetto, containing 160,000 Jews, is sealed off from the outside world. 1940 May 10 Churchill officially takes office as Prime Minister. 1940 May 10 Germany invades France and the Low Countries of Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg. Counting the ten divisions of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), the Belgian army, and the French army, the Germans are outnumbered and outgunned. Both the Dutch and Belgians fight back after receiving the brunt of the opening offensives. The Dutch mine bridges, block roads, and flood wide areas. Luxembourg, with no defensive forces, is occupied with only scattered civilian resistance. The German code word for the general attack is "Danzig." (Architect) 1940 May 11 Great Britain begins bombing the civilian population in Germany. (Sturdza) 1940 May 13 Churchill speaks in Parliament telling Britons that he has nothing to offer but "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" in the relentless fight against Nazi Germany. In this and many subsequent addresses, Churchill helps rally his country against what he describes as a mortal threat to world civilization. 1940 May 13 The Dutch government and Queen Wilhelmina flee to England. 1940 May 13 The Germans establish a bridgehead at Sedan, long considered the gateway to France. 1940 May 14 Rotterdam is heavily bombed by the Luftwaffe. 1940 May 15 British Air Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding convinces the War Cabinet not to send any more RAF fighter aircraft to France. The decision is also made to send a strategic bombing raid against the Ruhr. 1940 May 15 Churchill begins sending a long series of telegrams to President Roosevelt asking for American aid. In his first message, which

1128 he signs as "Former Naval Person," Churchill presents a long list of requests for destroyers, aircraft and other arms. 1940 May 15 Holland surrenders to the Germans at 11AM. 1940 May 16 Goering's special train is parked at a railroad siding near the French border. He will direct the air war against France from this location. (Duffy) 1940 May 16 Hitler's German blitzkrieg is unleashed on northern France. German mechanized forces outflanked the Maginot Line, surprising the Allies by attacking through the rugged Ardennes Forest rather than the Belgian plain as expected. 1940 May 16 The first deportations of German Gypsies begins. Chosen for the first roundup are some 2,800 men, women, and children living in and around cities in western and northwestern Germany. Their ultimate destination is Poland. No more deportations of Gypsies will occur until late 1941. (Apparatus) 1940 May 17 Brussels is occupied by the Germans. 1940 May 17 General Halder writes in his diary, "The Fuhrer is terribly nervous. He is frightened by his own success, is unwilling to take any risks and is trying to hold us back." (Payne) 1940 May 17-18 Hitler names Arthur Seyss-Inquart as chief executive of the Netherlands. His first order is to arrest all German refugees who had come to the Netherlands since 1933. After 10 days in a concentration camp, most are transported to Poland. (Architect) 1940 May 18 Tyler Kent, a clerk in the U.S. Embassy in London with access to correspondence between Churchill and Roosevelt, is arrested and has his diplomatic immunity waived by the U.S. ambassador. Allegedly, he had passed along this information to members of the Right Club, a pro-Fascist organization, which forwarded it to Germany through Italian diplomats. 1940 May 19 Horia Sima is arrested in Romania. 1940 May 20 German units capture the French cities of Amiens and Abbeville. Advance forces reach the coast at Noyelles, threatening to cut off the British and French forces to the north and east. 1940 May 21 Admiral Raeder mentions to Hitler for the first time that it may be necessary to invade Britain. Hitler shows so little interest that the subject is not addressed at their next meeting on June 4. (Duffy) 1940 May 21 The first German troops reach the Atlantic coast at the port of Abbeville. France is now count in two, with a large portion of its army and the BEF, which is actually almost the entire British army, cut off and surrounded. 1940 May 22 Churchill meets with the French in Paris to discuss an Allied offensive. In Britain, Parliament passes an Emergency Powers

1129 Act giving the government broad powers over British citizens and their property. 1940 May 23 British generals begin considering an evacuation by sea from the channel ports. 1940 May 23 Goering telephones Hitler and tells him it would be a political mistake to allow the German generals to destroy the Allied army at Dunkirk. Many of the generals were suspected of being unfriendly to the Nazi Party, Goering said, while the Luftwaffe was a true National Socialist fighting force. Goering then promised Hitler the Luftwaffe would wipe out the enemy troops at Dunkirk and have its "finest hour." (Duffy) 1940 May 23 Sir Oswald Mosley, the former leader of the British Union of Fascists, is arrested. Also arrested is Captain Ramsay, a member of Parliament, who has connections with the Right Club. (See May 18) 1940 May 24 British destroyers evacuate 5,000 men from the port of Boulogne. 1940 May 24 By morning, three panzer divisions and two motorized infantry divisions are within 15 miles of Dunkirk. Hitler orders the halt of Rundstedt's armored forces. Whether Hitler actually ordered the halt or merely approved Rundstedt's request is still a matter of controversy. (Note, Earlier that same day Hitler had visited Rundstedt's headquarters and expressed his desire to come to term with the British. Rundstedt told him he wanted to temporarily stop the advance to regroup and prepare for what he saw as the more important task, the turn south and the conquest of the rest of France. On returning to his mountaintop headquarters, Hitler issued a stream of orders halting the advance of every unit now moving toward Dunkirk.) (Duffy) (Note, After the war, Rundstedt blamed Hitler alone for the halt, telling an interrogator, "At that moment (with panzers less than 20 miles from Dunkirk) a sudden telephone call came from Colonel von Grieffenberg at OKH (Army High Command), saying that Kleist's forces were to halt on the line of the (Aa) canal. It was the Fuehrer's direct order -- and contrary to General Halder's view. I questioned it in a message of protest, but received a curt telegram in relpy, saying, "The armored divisions are to remain at medium artillery range from Dunkirk" (a distance of eight or nine miles). Permission is only granted for reconnaissance and protective movements." (Hart) 1940 May 24 French leaders begin to admit that the war is lost. 1940 May 24 General von Kleist disobeys orders and crosses the Aa Canal. His forces enter the town of Hazelbrouck, cuts the British and French lines of retreat from Belgium to Dunkirk, and barely misses capturing the commander of the BEF, General Lord Gort. Kleist was told in emphatic terms to return to the opposite side of the canal, which he did. (Duffy)

1130 1940 May 25 King Leopold of the Belgians surrenders. 1940 May 26 The British issue orders for Operation Dynamo, the evacuation from Dunkirk. 1940 May 27 The British and French begin evacuating Dunkirk. The French, after learning of the scope of the operation, feel they are being abandoned. 1940 May 28 Belgium surrenders to the Germans. King Leopold orders his troops to cease all resistance and lay down their arms in unconditional surrender. 1940 May 28 British and French troops succeed in seizing Narvik, Norway, after a month-long battle. 1940 May 28 The evacuation at Dunkirk picks up momentum. 1940 May 29 Arthur Seyss-Inquart takes office as Reich Commissioner for Holland. 1940 May 29 The French begin allowing their troops to be evacuated from Dunkirk, even sending several ships of their own to assist. 1940 May 30 German panzer forces begin to withdraw from the line at Dunkirk and move to take up positions further to the south. During the next three days, 185,000 men (more than half of the total number evacuated from Dunkirk) will escape. 1940 May 31 President Roosevelt introduces a "billion-dollar defense program" to boost U.S. military strength. 1940 May 4 U.S. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes writes in his secret diary, "Chamberlain appears to be facing a political test in Great Britain. Practically from the beginning of his premiership I have regarded him as the evil genius not only of Britain but of Western civilization. His diplomatic policy has been blundering and inept. Hitler always out-smarted him until Germany was strengthened to that point where it could go to war with confidence of a victorious result." (Ickes) 1940 May 6 Horia Sima, a young Romanian Legionary (Iron Guard) leader leaves Berlin with a group of comrades and secretly enters Romania. 1940 May 7-8 A major debate on the conduct of the war and especially the Norwegian campaign takes place in the British House of Commons. After the votes are tallied, Chamberlain's government has a majority of 281 to 200, but this is said to be insufficient to allow the government to continue claiming to be representative. 1940 May 8 Neville Chamberlain resigns as prime minister and chooses Winston Churchill to replace him. This is the first time in British history that a British prime minister has been allowed to choose his own successor. Chamberlain stays on in Churchill's cabinet. (Horace Wilson, a

1131 shadowly figure who served as Chamberlain's chief advisor, returns to obscurity.) 1940 May 9 Hitler slips out of Berlin and travels to an improvised headquarters called Felsennest near Munstereifel on the Western front. (Architect) 1940 May Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) moves to Goslar, which has figured so prominently in his vision of Germany's ancient past. He and his housekeeper reside at the Wederhof until 1943 when they move to a small SS guesthouse on the Worthersee in Carinthia. They spent the rest of the war in Austria. (Mund; Roots) (Note, Ernst Junger had lived in Goslar from 1933 to 1936) 1940 Nazis allegedly begin building Hitler secret hideout at Antarctica. Tsarion 1940 Nazis begin to build a number of secret bases over the world, with the main base being Hitler's secret hideout in Antarctica. 1940 November 11 The British Mediterranean Fleet attacks the Italian naval base at Taranto. British aircraft inflict heavy losses during the night on the Italian fleet. 1940 November 12 Joseph Goebbels writes in his diary, "Long talks on vegetarianism and the coming religion with Hitler. The fuehrer is totally consistent in this question and has all the arguments at his disposal." (Goebbels) 1940 November 12 Molotov arrives more meetings in Berlin and begins making demands. 1940 November 14 A German air raid damages much of Coventry, England. 1940 November 14 Romania's Legionary (Iron Guard) government asks Germany for two tank units, which are immediately sent by Hitler along with instructors to train their Romanian crews. Mussolini protests and suggests that Romania also should ask for Italian troops. Romanian declines. 1940 November 15 The Warsaw Ghetto officially comes into existence. 1940 November 16 The Greeks, with little mechanized equipment and an obsolete air force, turn back the Italian invaders and penetrate into Albania. Mussolini, expecting a speedy and overwhelming victory, is embarrassed by the failure of the poorly planned invasion. 1940 November 16 The Warsaw ghetto is sealed. It's ten-foots walls and guarded gates enclose nearly half a million Jews. (Apparatus) 1940 November 19 King Leopold of the Belgians visits with Hitler. 1940 November 20 Antonescu and Sturdza arrive in Berlin.

1132 1940 November 20 Hungarian Prime Minister Count Teleki and Foreign Minister Csaky in Vienna agree to bring Hungary into the Tripartite Pact. 1940 November 23 Antonescu not Sturdza signs the Tripartite Pact that brings Romania into the Axis Alliance. Hitler, at the same time, begins efforts to bring Bulgaria and Yugoslavia into the Axis orbit. 1940 November 24 Prime Minister Tuka of the German puppet state of Slovakia joins the Tripartite Pact powers in a meeting in Berlin. Antonescu departs Berlin. 1940 November 30 Romanian Foreign Minister Sturdza leaves Berlin. 1940 November 5 President Roosevelt is re-elected for an unprecedented third term. 1940 November 6 Cardinal Faulhaber submits a letter of protest to Minister of Justice Gurtner. Faulhaber wrote that despite all attempts at secrecy, everyone now knew that large numbers of patients were being killed in the course of a compulsory euthanasia program. The killing of these innocent people, Faulhaber ended his letter, raised a moral issue which could not be ignored. (Lewy) 1940 November 9 According to Goebbel's diary, Hitler's annual speech on the Day of National Solidarity (Blutzeuge) is "directed exclusively on the domestic population and finds little support." (Goebbels) 1940 November 9 Neville Chamberlain dies after a sudden illness. 1940 October 12 Operation Sea Lion, the planned German invasion of Britain, is abandoned by Hitler. 1940 October 22 The German government deports more than 15,000 German Jews from the Rhineland to several internment camps in France, at the foot of the Pyrenees. Conditions in the camps, result in the deaths of nearly 2,000 deportees. (Atlas) 1940 October 23 Hitler meets with Franco at Hendaye. 1940 October 24 Hitler meets General Petain at Montoire. 1940 October 27 290 Jews, old people, cripples and the mentally ill from the Old Peoples Home in Kalisz, Poland, are put in a truck, taken just outside of town to the woods at Winiary, and gassed inside the truck with exhaust fumes. All 290 are buried in the woods. (Atlas) 1940 October 28 A second escape from Auschwitz results in a rollcall from 12 noon to 9PM in bitter weather, during which 200 prisoners die. (Atlas) 1940 October 28 Himmler inspects Gross-Rosen concentration camp in Silesia. (Architect) 1940 October 28 Mussolini unexpectedly and without warning attacks Greece, sending 200,000 troops through Albania.

1133 1940 October 4 A new law gives Vichy France the power to intern Jews even outside the Unoccupied Zone. (Atlas) 1940 October 6 Antonescu assumes command of the Iron Guard, strengthening his position in Romania. 1940 October 7 German troops enter Romania, supposedly to help reorganize its army. Hitler's main aim is to protect its oil fields. (Goebbels) 1940 October 7 The Germans order all Jews in occupied France to register immediately with its authorities. 1940 October A wall is built around the area of Warsaw designated by the Germans for a Jewish ghetto. Jews are forced not only to build the wall, but also to pay for it. The Warsaw ghetto becomes the largest ghetto established by the Germans in Poland. The section of the city chosen for the ghetto was already home to 280,000 Jews. (Atlas) 1940 October By early October the Luftwaffe has switched entirely to night raids on London. By the end of the month, Hitler cancels his plan for the invasion of England and the Battle of Britain has been won. 1940 October Norwegian Jews are forbidden to continue in all academic or other professions by the Nazi authorities. Fortunately, there were none of the killings, beatings, forced labor and expulsions which had become daily events in occupied Poland. (Atlas) 1940 PROJECT RAINBOW begins working on invisibility under Nikola Tesla. 1940 Raczkiewicz moves the Polish government-in-exile from France to London after the defeat of France. 1940 Roosevelt asked to withdraw Pearl Harbor fleet to safer area. Refused. Tsarion 1940 Roosevelt cuts off oil and steel to Japan. Japanese ordered to withdraw from China. Tsarion 1940 Roosevelt re-elected President in the United States. Tsarion 1940 Senator Lodge introduces bill for health insurance, which is shelved. Tsarion 1940 September 1 Horia Sima broadcasts a demand for the abdication of Romania's King Carol. 1940 September 13 Himmler meets in Berlin with Viktor Brack, section chief in Hitler's Chancellery responsible for running the "euthanasia" program. After the war, Brack told American interrogators that the physical destruction of the Jews was already an "open secret" in high party circles, as early as 1940, although he had "in no case heard anything officially." (Architect) 1940 September 13 Italian troops from Ethiopia penetrate about 20 miles inside Kenya.

1134 1940 September 13 Mussolini moves an army of Italians and North African troops across the Libyan border, establishing themselves about 60 miles inside Egypt. 1940 September 14 A formal understanding between the Romanian Legionary Movement and General Ion Antonescu is sanctioned by King Michael and a National Legionary State is proclaimed. Ion Antonescu becomes President; Horia Sima, Vice President and Commandant of the Legionary Movement and Prince Michael Sturdza, Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1940 September 15 The climax of the Battle of Britain begins. 1940 September 17 General Paulus, Deputy Chief of the Army General Staff, presents a plan for a massive attack on the Soviet Union. 1940 September 2 An agreement between the U.S. and Britain is ratified. The U.S. exchanges 50 old destroyers, veterans of WWI, for British bases in the West Indies and Bermuda. The first ship is taken over by a British crew on September 9. 1940 September 25 Terboven, the Reich Commissioner of Norway, formally deposes the King and appoints Quisling to lead the new Norwegian government. 1940 September 26 President Roosevelt embargoes U.S. export of scrap iron and steel. 1940 September 27-28 Germany, Italy and Japan sign a 10-year military and economic alliance, the Tripartite Pact, also known as the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis. Hitler regards Japan as a buffer against the U.S.and a distraction for the USSR. Japan takes advantage of the situation and quickly occupies northern French Indochina (Vietnam). 1940 September 3 The Legionary Revolution breaks out at 9AM in Romania. Fighting in Bucharest, Brasov and Constanta results in the death of nine Legionaries. Most public buildings are quickly occupied and the Palace is surrounded. General Coroama, Commander of the Bucharest Army Corps, refuses to order his troops to fire on the Legionaries. (Sturdza) 1940 September 3 The operational orders for Operation Sealion, the invasion of Britain, are issued. S-Day is scheduled for September 21. 1940 September 4 Hitler warns that if the British continue to bomb Berlin, he will have no choice but to level their cities. (Payne; Duffy) 1940 September 5 RAF Fighter Command has lost 450 planes to date and is close to defeat. At this point, Hitler and Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering, infuriated by the British bombing raids (August 2429) on Berlin, decide to concentrate their air attacks on London. 1940 September 5-6 In Berlin, Prince Michael Sturdza meets with Admiral Canaris and Ribbentrop.

1135 1940 September 5-6 King Carol of Romania abdicates in favor of his son, Prince Michael and leaves the country after passing part of his royal powers to Ion Antonescu. Hitler is said to have forced the king's abdication. 1940 September 7 In the afternoon, 300 German bombers escorted by 600 fighters attack the London docks. This change in tactics surprises the RAF and the bombing is very effective. That night, 250 German bombers use the still blazing fires to guide in their attacks, and again, the damage is quite severe. (Note, Once the initial surprise is over, and with its defense task somewhat simplified, the RAF soon begins to inflict heavy losses on the German bomber formations. For 57 nights London is attacked by an average force of 160 bombers. The RAF, employing the fast and maneuverable Spitfire fighter, and aided by radar, destroys 1,733 German aircraft, while losing 915 fighters.) 1940 September 9 About 200 well escorted German bombers make another raid on London. Intercepted by the RAF, many drop their bombs before reaching the target. 1940 September Between September 1940 and July 1941, the property of more than 100 monasteries is confiscated by the Germans and the monks and nuns expelled from their houses. (Neuhausler; Lewy) 1940 September German Army Bishop Rarkowski issues a pastoral letter to the armed forces saying, "The German people, who for one year now have been fighting against their detractors, have an untroubled conscience and know which nations before God and history are burdened with the responsibility for this gigantic struggle that is raging now. They also know who has wickedly provoked this war. They know that they themselves are fighting a just war, born of the necessity of national selfdefense, out of the impossibility of solving peacefully a heavy and burdensome question of justice involving the very existence of the state and of correcting by other means a burning injustice inflicted upon us." (Note, The average German soldier had no way of knowing whether Holland and Belgium had actually violated their neutrality, as alleged by the Nazi propagandists, and thus provoked the German attacks in May. Most took the word of their government and their priests.) (Lewy) 1940 September President Roosevelt announces that the U.S. is not going to war and disbands the War Resources Board shortly before the election of 1940. 1940 September The first peacetime draft law in U.S. history calls for the registration of 17 million men. 1940 Soviet concentration camps maintained by fluoride administration to inmates to decrease resistance to authority and induce physical deterioration. Tsarion

1136 1940 Summer Fritz Thyssen is arrested by the Germans in France and is later sent to a concentration camp. He will not be liberated until 1945. Meanwhile, his book, I Paid Hitler, is published in America. 1940 Summer The Kreisau Circle, an anti-Nazi group led by Count Helmuth von Moltke, is founded to discuss the political, economic and spiritual foundations of Germany that would arise after the downfall of Hitler. Jesuits Augustinus Rosch and Alfred Delp are both active members. (Lewy) 1940 The Buck Act is passed in the United States, allows any department of the Federal Government to create a federal area in order to impose the Public Salary Tax Act in that area. (See 1939). The Buck Act redefines the term state to include any territory or possession of the United States, and redefines the term federal area in such a way that land located within the exterior boundaries of a State shall be deemed to be a Federal area located within such State. Tsarion 1940 The FBI intimidates Henry Moray. Tsarion 1940 The multi-cavity magnetron becomes available, permitting development of a practical radar unit. Tsarion 1940 U.S. breaks Japanese purple code. Tsarion 1940 US Government is alleged to possess the Mohr Ray, able to detonate gunpowder from a distance. 1940 US State Dept. creates the "Division of Special Research" (headed by CFR member Pasbolsky). 1940 Voorhis Bill HR2809 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee. Tsarion 1940 William Stephenson arrives in New York with a letter to William Donovan from Admiral Blinker Hall, a British Naval Intelligence officer whom Donovan had met in 1916. The letter proposes an American intelligence agency, although the U.S. was not at war. FDR sends Donovan to London on July 15th, and Stephenson wires London that the U.S. embassy is not to be informed. The president, FDR, assures Stephenson that I'm your biggest undercover agent. Tsarion 1940 Zambinovich ( Ustinov) . 1940, , 28 , , 5 . 1940, . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

1137 1940: Germany bombs England and Churchill becomes prime minister 1940: The Soviet Union invades Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia 1940: Romania returns Bessarabia (Moldavia) to the Soviet Union 1940: Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico City 1941: Germany invades the Soviet Union Aug 1941: The poetess Tsvetaeva/ Cvetaeva commits suicide 1941 -- Japan attacks U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor, allegedly through the maneuvering of Roosevelt and his advisors to provide an excuse to enter the war. Donovan made head of new Office of Coordinator of Information. The Books of Charles Fort published. - 1941 . , , ... , , , , . . , , , . , , . , . . . , , . . . . , , , .., . . , . . , . (

1138 ), . : ; . . , . . . . . 25 , . , , , , , , . , , [ ] . , , : 25.000 , 4.500 100.000 . Pierre Luigi, , , , . , , . , , : , . , , , . . . Sonderfuhrer X.

1139 . , . . 1-10 1941 , , , , , , , , . , , . Shell , . , , , . , ! , , . , , , , . , . , , . 8 , , . , . , ( Rheinmetall-Borsig), . . ,

1140 , ... , . , . , , , ! , , . . , . : , 30% , , . 1941 (to 1945) WWII. Onassis sells oil, arms, and dope to both sides without losing a single ship or man. Tsarion 1941 -1945 World War II Very profitable for Onassis, Rockefellers, Kennedys, Roosevelts, I.G. Farben, etc. Onassis, selling without losing a single ship or man. 1941 -1946 President Roosevelt, re elected on promises to keep America out of the European war, tried repeatedly to entice German submarine commanders into sinking our unarmed merchant ships which were hauling millions of tons of war supplies to Germany's enemies. 1941 A UFO came down into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy. Perhaps some bodies were recovered and sent to Hanger 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. 1941 AMA approves I.G. Farben subsidiary sulfathiazole, which kills many. Tsarion 1941 Amory Howe Bradford marries Carol Warburg, whose mother Carola was the head of the Warburg family in the United States after World War II. The family assisted the Harriman rise into the world in the 19th and early 20th century. The Warburgs and the Sulzbergers (New York Times) used various committees and religious organizations to protect the Harriman-Bush deals with Hitler. Tsarion 1941 April 1 The British withdraw from Mersa Brega, abandoning one of the last defensible positions available. 1941 April 11 Rommel's siege of Tobruk begins.

1141 1941 April 11 Subotica and Novi Sad, west of the Banat region in Yugoslavia, are occupied by Hungarian forces. Soon afterward, in Subotica, the Germans execute 250 members of a Jewish youth movement who had carried out the first acts of sabotage against German occupation forces. In Novi Sad, Hungarian troops and local Germans murder 250 Jews and 250 Serbs at random. (Atlas) 1941-45 : , , , , , . 1941 , , , . , . , (), , , , , , . (1941-1945), 2.300.000 1.500.000, 250.000 . 1941 April 13 Russia and Japan sign a five-year non-aggression pact. 1941 April 14 Belgrade is occupied by the Germans. Within a few hours, Jewish shops are looted, and within a few weeks all Jewish communal activity is forbidden. (Atlas) 1941 April 14 The German authorities order that any Jew leaving the Lodz ghetto is to be shot on sight. (Atlas) 1941 April 15 By mid-April, Rommel has reconquered all of Libya except Tobruk. His exploits earned him the nickname "the Desert Fox." 1941 April 16 At Suresnes, outside Paris, the first executions of Jews in the resistance takes place. During 1941, a total of 133 Jews are shot for resistance in France, according to Gestapo records. (Atlas) 1941 April 16 German troops enter Sarajevo and demolish the main Jewish synagogue. A few Jews escape over the mountains into Italian occupied territory, but the majority of Bosnian Jews are soon

1142 deported to concentration camps controlled by the Fascist Croatian "Ustachi." Nearly all will die. (Atlas) 1941 April 17 Yugoslavia surrenders to the Germans. Croatia soon becomes an independent state, ruled by the pro-Nazi "Ustachi." Persecution of Croatian Jews begins immediately. 1941 April 19 British and Greek troops are outflanked in Greece and retreat towards Athens. 1941 April 2 Alfred Rosenberg meets with Hitler. Afterwards he writes in his diary, "What I do not write down today, I will nonetheless never forget". (Architect) 1941 April 23 Adolf Wagner, Gauleiter and Minister of Education and Religious Affairs in Bavaria, issues an order prohibiting the opening of the school day with a prayer and suggests the gradual removal of all crucifixes (See August 28, 1941). (Lewy) 1941 April 27 German forces occupy Athens. 1941 April 29 A violent, Pro-Fascist revolt in Iraq is put down by British troops. 1941 April 30 The new state of Croatia introduces its first racial laws, removing all Jews from public office and ordering all Jews to wear a yellow badge. (Atlas) 1941 April 5 The Cologne Zeitung (newspaper) reports that, "Although the Lodz ghetto was intended as a mere trial, a mere prelude to the solution of the Jewish question, it has turned out to be the best and most perfect temporary solution of the Jewish problem." (Lewy) 1941 April 6 Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece. Hitler had become concerned about British troops and aircraft being moved into the area to aid Greece, and said that he could not allow Yugoslavia and Bulgaria to revert to neutralist positions. 1941 April British troops are movedinto Iraq to put down a Naziinspired coup and secure its valuable oil fields. 1941 August 1 Britain severs relations with Finland, which the Germans are using as a base for their invasion. 1941 August 1 In the five weeks since the German invasion, the number of Jews killed exceeds the total number killed in the previous eight years of Nazi rule. 1941 August 1 Reinhardt Heydrich informs Heinrich Himmler that "It may be safely assumed that in the future there will be no more Jews in the annexed eastern territories." (Apparatus) 1941 August 14 Britain and America issue the Atlantic Charter, proclaiming the establishment of a "new world order." The following month fifteen anti-Axis governments endorse its provisions. (See September 24, 1941 & January 1, 1942) 1941 August 14 The Germans occupy Smolensk.

1143 1941 August 17 The U.S. presents a formal warning to the Japanese indicating that America will almost certainly enter the war if Japan attacks British or Dutch possessions in the East Indies or Malaya. 1941 August 19 The older Jewish children left in Byelaya Tserkov are loaded into three trucks, taken to the nearby rifle-range, and executed. 90 of the younger children are held back in wretched conditions. (Days) 1941 August 20 In Berlin, Reinhard Heydrich receives a report from Einsatzgruppen RSHA IV-A-1 (Operational Report USSR no. 58) detailing the extermination of 4,500 Jews in Pinsk in retaliation for the death of a local militiaman. (Apparatus) 1941 August 20 The entire Banat region of Yugoslavia is declared Judenrein, "purged of Jews." (Atlas) 1941 August 21 Antonescu promotes himself to Marshal. 1941 August 22 Major Ivan Kononov, commander of the 436th Regiment, and his entire regiment of Cossacks defects to the Germans after launching a successful counterattack against them. Kononov's was the first of many Cossack units to change sides during the war. By the fall of 1942 more than 200 Cossack battalions and regiments fought alongside the German army. (Huxley-Blythe) 1941 August 22 The remaining 90 Jewish children held in the village of Byelaya Tserkov, most of them infants under the age of five, are executed after the action is officially condoned by the Wehrmacht. (Days) 1941 August 23 Hanns Kerrl complains to the head of the Reich Chancellery that because of the continuing confiscations of Church property, which are taking place without his being consulted or eveninformed beforehand, his continuation as Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs is becoming "increasingly unbearable." (Note, Bormann, when questioned about the continuing seizures, excuses them by saying they had been decided before Hitler's order of July 30.) (Lewy) 1941 August 23 Hitler orders a halt to Aktion T-4, the euthanasia program, in Germany. More than 70,000 Germans have been gassed since the passage of the Euthanasia Decree of September 1, 1939. Bishop Galen's sermon of August 3 was probably the single most important reason Hitler is forced to abandon the euthanasia program, although it will quietly continue to operate under the code-name, 14f13. Thousands of political prisoners, habitual criminals, Jews and others too sick to work are certified insane and put to death in concentration camps gas chambers. (Lewy) 1941 August 24 In a broadcast to the British people, Churchill, referring to the mass murders committed by the Germans, states, "We are in the presence of a crime without a name."

1144 1941 August 25 Both Britain and the USSR invade and occupy Iran. Its ruler, Reza Shah Pahlavi, is pro-German. 1941 August 26 The Soviets bomb Teheran, Iran. 1941 August 27 More than 14,000 Jewish refugees, who had fled to Hungary and Ruthenia in 1938 and 1939 from Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia, before being subsequently deported to Kamenets Podolsk in the Ukraine, are killed by heavily armed SS units with Ukrainian militia support. They are marched into a series of bomb craters and mowed down by machine-gun fire. Many are buried alive.(Atlas) 1941 August 27 Pierre Laval and a prominent pro-German newspaper editor are shot and wounded by a young member of the resistance. The Vichy government begins rounding up its opponents. 1941 August 27 The Iranian government resigns. 1941 August 28 The Bavarian order forbidding prayers in school and the gradual removal of all crucifixes is revoked. A number of public protests and a strong stand by Bishop Faulhaber prompts the revocation. (See April 23, 1941). (Lewy) 1941 August 29 Fighting in Iran comes to an end. 1941 August 29 General Milan Nedic is appointed to lead the puppet Serbian government backed by Germany. 1941, , . 244 , . 244 , 150 - 1800 1950 -, 1821. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Renaissance. , 1831 ( ). ,

1145 4 1936 . , , , . 24 , . , , 1821, . , , . , . 1800-1950 . , , , . 1941 August 3 Catholic Bishop Franz vonGalen publicly denounces the Nazi euthanasia program as both "murder under German law and in the eyes of God,"and demands the prosecution for murder of those perpetrating the killings. Galen tells in detail how the innocent sick are being killed while their families are misled by false death notices. Even invalids, cripples and wounded soldiers, he says, could no longer feel safe for their lives. News of Galens words, especially about the killing of wounded soldiers spread like wildfire. Copies of his sermon are distributed in all corners of Germany and among the soldiers at the front. (Lewy) 1941 August 31 British and Soviet troops link up at Kazvin, Iran. 1941 August 4 Hitler visits the headquarters of von Bock's Army Group Center to assess the situation on the eastern front personally. Against the advice of his generals, Hitler decides to postpone the assault on Moscow and concentrate the German forces for a massive offensive in the Ukraine. Almost daily, von Bock received orders transferring unit after unit south for the drive on Kiev. (Duffy) 1941 August 6 The Japanese present proposals involving concessions in China and Indochina to the U.S., asking in return for an end to the freeze on Japanese assets. These proposals are quickly rejected by Roosevelt, and the Japanese ask for a meeting between the President and Prime Minister Kenoye to settle their differences. (See September 3)

1146 1941 August 8-19 Several hundred Jewish men and women are executed by the Waffen-SS and Ukrainian militia at Byelaya Tserkov (Bialacerkiew) in the Ukraine. The children of those murdered are locked in a building on the edge of the village. (see August 19, 22) (Days) 1941 August 9-12 Roosevelt and Churchill hold a conference on a warship off the coast of Newfoundland. The two leaders agree to present plans for a "new world order" based on an end to tyranny and territorial aggrandizement, the disarmament of aggressors, and the fullest cooperation of all nations for the social and economic welfare of all. The result is the so-called The Atlantic Charter, designed as a counterthrust to a possible new Hitler peace offensive as well as a statement of postwar aims. Although the United States has not yet entered World War II, this statement becomes an unofficial manifesto of American and British aims in war and peace. In conclusion, both agree to send strong warnings to Japan in regard to any possible attacks against British or Dutch possessions in the Far East. 1941 August The Germans drive the 3,000 Jews of the Banat region in Yugoslavia from their homes and take them to the Tasmajdan camp near Belgrade, where they are shot in the camp itself, and on the banks of the Danube, in daily executions. (Atlas) 1941 British plan Operation Anthropoid to try and assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, a Nazi SS chief. Operation uses biotoxins and explosives. Successful in 1942. Tsarion 1941 British reserve of chemical weapons reserve is 13,000 tons of poison gas. Tsarion 1941 COI, the office of Coordinator of Information was created by President Roosevelt for General William J. Donovan, Roosevelt's special emissary. Donovan's goal was to fight the "new and important war." The psychological war. It was a war that would eventually be waged against the American people. 1941 Congressman Dies presents evidence in August of Japanese planned attack. The Dies Commission, in possession of Japanese map, is told to tell public nothing. Tsarion 1941 December 1 A Japanese imperial conference puts the Japanese war machine into motion. December 2 The Japanese task force receives a coded message issuing the order to attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. December 5 The Soviets stage a counter-offensive at Moscow. December 5 Weizsacker reports to the Foreign Ministry that he has informed Papal Nuncio Orsenigo that the Vatican has so far conducted itself "very cleverly" concerning the "rumors" of mass shootings and deportations of the Jews. The Nuncio "pointed out that he had not really touched this topic and that he had no desire to touch it." (Hilberg; Lewy)

1147 December 5 The first Jews are transported to Chelmno (Kulmhof) extermination camp. (Days) 1941 December 10 Himmler orders that commissions, made up of physicians who were formerly concerned with "euthanasia" are to be set up to "comb out" prisoners in concentration camps who are unfit for work, are ill, or are "psychopaths." Tens of thousands of prisoners, picked out in this way by Professor Heyde, Professor Nitsche and other physicians, are killed by gas in the extermination centers at Sonnenstein and Hartheim. (Science) 1941 December 10 The British battleship Prince of Wales and the battlecruiser Repulse are sunk by Japanese planes off the coast of Malaya. 1941 December 10 The small U.S. garrison on Guam surrenders. 1941 December 11 A small U.S. Marine detachment holds off the first Japanese landing attempt on Wake Island. 1941 December 11 Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S. 1941 December 11 In a speech to the Reichstag, Hitler attacks Roosevelt as a "warmonger" who is backed by the Jews and millionaires responsible for starting the war. He seizes this opportunity to vent the storehouse of anger that has built up in him over the previous three years against Roosevelt, who had ceaselessly attacked Hitler as a "gangster." (Shirer I; Duffy) 1941 18 , . , : "The British Consul-General provided us with the necessary documents for my brother and me to board the last evacuation vessel sailing from the port of Piraeus. It was the s/s 'Corinthia' which left Piraeus on the 18th of April 1941. It happened to be Good Friday according to the Greek-Orthodox calendar. About five days later Hitler's army marched into Athens. "The ship was packed and the British Embassy staff carried most of the Embassy files with them. One of the passengers was David Balfour who was the vicar of the little chapel attached to the Evangelismos Hospital, an impressive tall figure of a man sporting a large black beard. Although he had been ordained as a priest of the Greek-Orthodox Church he was a British national and it was widely rumoured that he was an agent of British Intelligence. His official title was 'Father Dimitrios'. He was also the spiritual father of the Greek Royal family. I refer to David Balfour because recently the 'ATHENIAN' which is the only English language magazine in Athens, in its issue dated January 1988, published a feature article about him, saying that even before the Germans had entered Athens he had shaved off his beard and divested himself of his clerical robes. "I can say quite categorically that this was not true. When the 'Corinthia' sailed he was still 'Father Dimitrios' and in fact he officiated at a Resurrection service while we were still at sea. On the voyage we

1148 carried out lifeboat drill on two occasions, once when it was thought that there was a U-boat in the vicinity, and another time when an aircraft flew overhead which turned out to be friendly. I shall never forget how I was moved with emotion when I saw the women getting into the boats, most of them carrying babies or children in their arms, calmly singing hymns in low voices. "Some time later I met David Balfour again in Cairo, and this time he HAD shaved off his beard, and he was wearing the uniform of a Major in the Intelligence Corps which is a regular unit of the British army." Eliascos said he would like to quote a little more from the sensational article written by J.M. Thursby in the 'ATHENIAN'. "Several years before war was even declared, the Abwehr (German military intelligence), along with the Nazi civilian secret service, had highly trained undercover agents operating in Greece. With consummate skill they had catalogued all military and civil information that could be useful to the Third Reich, and organised spy rings throughout the country. As war became more and more inevitable, it also became increasingly imperative that Britain and other anti-fascist countries should gain specific and accurate knowledge of these operations. "During this period a monk, who had embraced the Orthodox faith in Warsaw, arrived from Poland via Mount Athos, to join the monastery of Pendeli, just outside Athens. According to his biographer John Freeman, his registration at Pendeli reads, Cell 102 Serial number 75 Secular name David Balfour Ecclesiastic name Dimitri Place of birth England Age 35 Inscribed order of His Holiness the Archbishop of Athens. Coming from the Russian Church. Archbishopric ordinance number 3197 of 9 May 1936." "Father Dimitri was obviously a well-educated and very courteous person. He had studied in various parts of Europe and spoke several languages fluently. These included ancient, Byzantine and modern Greek, not to mention colloquial 'mangika' (slang). When a vacancy arose for a priest to serve the chapel at Evangelismos Hospital in central Athens, who should be more suitable for this post in the heart of the select neighbourhood of Kolonaki than the well-educated, well-bred, charming and conscientious Father Dimitri." (David Balfour died aged 86 on the 11th of October 1989.) 1941 December 12 All branches of American banks in France are ordered closed by the Nazis, except Morgan et Cie and Chase of New York. 1941 December 12 Finland refuses to declare war on the U.S. 1941 December 12 Romania's Antonescu, pressured by Germany and Italy, declares war on the U.S. 1941 December 14 Rosenberg raises the Jewish question with Hitler, who tells him that the Jews had brought this war on Germany, and

1149 caused the destruction, and that they had only themselves to blame if they had to suffer the consequences. (Architect) 1941 December 16 Hans Frank tells his cabinet in Kracow, "the Jews must be done away with, one way or another... we must annihilate the Jews whereever we find them..." 1941 December 19 General Claire L. Chennault and his "Flying Tigers," a group of "volunteer" pilots, set up headquarters 150 miles from Rangoon, Burma. From December 19, 1941, to July 4, 1942, they destroy 297 Japanese planes and kill 500 of the enemy. 1941 December 19 Hitler dismisses General Walteer von Brauchitsch and assumes supreme command of the German armed forces. 1941 December 22 In the Philippines, the Japanese, controlling both air and sea, begin landing troops in force on Luzon, the main island. 1941 December 22 Plans are discussed for the Allied invasion of French North Africa. American planners are opposed to this operation because in their opinion it detracts from the primary objective of establishing a Second Front as soon as possible. 1941 December 22 Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Washington for the Arcadia Conference, the first Anglo-American conference after U.S. entry into the war. It is agreed to give first priority to the European theater of war; to forge a constricting ring around Germany using air attacks and blockade; to stage an eventual invasion of the European continent; and to land their forces in North Africa. The two powers also decide to form a Combined Chiefs of Staff, paving the way for one of the closest military collaborations in history. 1941 December 23 The Japanese capture Wake Island. The fall of Wake severs the U.S. communications line between Hawaii and the Philippines. 1941 December 25 The Japanese capture the British crown colony of Hong Kong. 1941 December 25, 1941, Haifa. Emir Mohammed Zeinati, an Arab landowner, was killed in Haifa for selling land to the Jews. 1941 December 26 German Jews are no longer allowed to use public telephones. (Persecution) 1941 December 27 Wave after wavesof Japanese aircraft strike Manila. The attacks continue throughout the following day. 1941 December 30 U.S. forces are pulled back from Tarlac to their last prepared line before the Bataan Peninsula. 1941 December 6 General Georgy Zhukov launches a huge Soviet counteroffensive, pushing back the freezing Germans from Moscow. Constant pressure during the winter forces the Germans back to 40 miles from Moscow.

1150 1941 December 7 Almost simultaneously with the Pearl Harbor attack, Japanese naval and air forces attack Wake Island, Guam, British Malaya, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, Burma, Thailand, and the Philippines. 1941 December 7 Great Britain declares war on Romania. 1941 December 7 Hitler issues the infamous Nacht und Nebel decree. 1941 December 7 The Japanese launch a surprise air-attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. More than 350 Japanese bombers, torpedo planes, and fighters strike in two successive waves. Altogether, 18 U.S. ships are sunk or disabled. U.S. naval power in the Pacific is crippled, except for the Americans aircraft carriers which are on missions elsewhere. (Note, The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps lose 2,117 men, the Army 218, and 68 civilians are killed. More than 1,200 are wounded, and about 200 aircraft are destroyed, most on the ground. The Japanese loseonly 29 planes.) 1941 December 8 Hitler issues Directive #39. It begins with these words, "The severe weather which has come surprisingly early in the East, and the consequent difficulties in bringing up supplies, compel us to adandon immediately all major offensive operations and go over to the defensive." (Directives) 1941 December 8 President Roosevelt tells a joint session of Congress that December 7th is "a date which will live in infamy." The U.S. Congress votes to declare war on Japan. 1941 December 8 SS Major Christian Wirth supervises the murder of 700 Jews in his specially designed gassing vans at Chelmno (Kulmhof) for the first time. The first "death camp" is soon established at Chelmno using these mobile gassing vans. The victims' bodies are dumped into open pits some two miles away in a wooded forest. (total victims, 360,000; survivors, 3) (See Wirth, December 1941) 1941 December German soldiers returning from the Eastern Front begin telling "horrible stories" about the fate of deported German Jews who had been shot by mobile killing detachments near Riga and at Minsk. (Herman; Losener; Lewy) 1941 December President Roosevelt asks the U.S. Senate to authorize sending a U.S. expeditionary corps to Europe. 1941 December SS Major Christian Wirth, former Chief of the Criminal Police in the city of Stuttgart, working on behalf of the gauleiter of Warthegau, who had recently obtained Himmler's permission to kill 100,000 Jews in his jurisdiction, sets up operation in the village of Chelmno (Kulmhof), forty miles northwest of the Lodz ghetto. On the old castle grounds in the village, Wirth installs several vans of the type the Einsatzgruppen had experimented with in Russia. They are rigged to

1151 direct carbon-monoxide fumes from the engine's exhaust into a large sealed cabin in the rear. The larger vans accommodate up to 150 people who are gassed on the way to burial grounds. (Apparatus) (Note, Wirth had conducted the first gassing experiments on the incurably insane in 1939 at the "euthanasia" institution at Brandenburg an der Havel in Prussia.) 1941 December Stalin calls on the Orthodox Patriarch of Russia to bless the Red Army. 1941 Edward R. Stettinius Jr. becomes director of priorities of the Office of Production Management. Nine months later Stettinius will be named administrator of the gigantic Lend-Lease Program. 1941 February 10 Great Britain breaks off diplomatic relations with Romania. 1941 February 12 General Erwin Rommel arrives in Tripoli to take command of the German Afrika Korps. 1941 February 12 General Zhukov is appointed Chief of the Soviet General Staff and Deputy Commissar for Defense. 1941 February 14 The first units of what will be the Afrika Corps land in Tripoli. Field Marshal Kesselring is in Rome as the German representative. 1941 February 15 More than 5,000 Jews are deported from Vienna to forced labor camps on the Bug River and ghettos in eastern Poland. (Atlas) 1941 February 2 According to Hitler's army adjutant, Gerhard Engel, Hitler tells a small group of intimates that he had been thinking of sending a couple million Jews to Madagascar but the war had prevented this; he was now thinking of something else, which "was not exactly friendlier." (Architect) 1941 February 20 British and German patrols make contact for the first time in the desert, near El Agheila. 1941 February 21 Soviet Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov, the former ambassador to the U.S., is dismissed from the Central Committee. 1941 February 22 An order is issued stating that any Pole selling food to a Jew outside the Warsaw ghetto will automatically be sentenced to three months hard labor, and the ghetto ration is reduced to three ounces of bread a day. (Atlas) 1941 February 22 More than 400 Jews are seized in Amsterdam and deported. Some die in Buchenwald, the rest in the stone quarries of Mauthausen. (Atlas) 1941 February 24 The first brief action between the British and Germans takes place near El Agheila.

1152 1941 February 28 Senator Burton Wheeler in a speech in the Senate says Jews are attempting to involve America in the war against Germany. 1941 February 6 Benghazi falls to British forces. 1941 February 8 Bulgaria joins the Axis Powers. 1941 February From February to March, 72,000 Jews are expelled from the towns throughout the Warsaw region and herded into the ghetto. Almost 400,000 Jews are now crowded into the Warsaw ghetto under the most appalling conditions. (Atlas) 1941 February Goering orders the expulsion of Jews from the city of Auschwitz to create housing for construction workers for the I.G. Farben factory. (Silence) 1941 Gassing begins at Auschwitz with 250 mental patients, 600 Russian POWs and assorted Jews, Gypsies and outcasts of Nazi tyranny. Tsarion 1941 German aviatrix Hannah Reisch sees a UFO speeding by at an altitude of 20,000 meters (66,000 feet) while flight-testing a forerunner of the Messerschmitt 163 Komet. 1941 German invades the Soviet Union. Millions of civilians uprooted and exterminated. Tsarion 1941 Germany attacks the Soviet Union. Tsarion 1941 Germany maintains intense underground construction activity. Tsarion 1941 Ho Chi Minh organizes the Viet Minh to combat the Japanese in Indochina (Vietnam). 1941 In France, the Vichy government rounds up 5,000 French Jews using French police, who transport them to concentration camp Drancy, under German SS view. Tsarion 1941 J. Edgar Hoover complains that Rockefeller Center headquarters of the British Security Coordination controlled an army of secret agents in a group of nine secret agencies. In New York, German sailors are murdered as acts designed to force Hitler to declare war against the United States. Stephenson complains that Standard Oil is supplying Germany through Spain, and he prepares a 400-page report on U.S. corporate dealings with Germany. J. Edgar Hoover buries the document. Nelson Rockefeller covers up the supply of German military forces from his South American subsidiaries. Among the American corporations supporting Germany were Ford Motor Company, Sterling Drug (Bayer), and ITT. Sosthenes Behn, head of ITT, hosted a lavish conference of German intelligence operatives at the Waldorf Astoria in 1940. The German director of ITT was Baron Kurt von Schroder, Hitlers personal banker. Tsarion

1153 1941 January 1 Another 439 old and sick Jewsfrom the Old Peoples Home in Kalisz, Poland, are gassed with exhaust fumes in the nearby woods. (Atlas) 1941 January 10 The "Lend-Lease" Bill is introduced to the U.S. Congress, where it encounters considerable opposition. Former ambassador Joseph Kennedy and Charles Lindbergh are vocal opponents. 1941 January 15 Hitler meets with Antonescu at Salzburg and and informs him of his intention to invade Russia with Romanian collaboration. Antonescu tells Hitler that first he must liquidate the Legionary Movement, but neglects to ask for more than just a promise of additional aid, armaments, and war materiels. (Sturdza) 1941 January 19 The British invade Eritrea in East Africa. 1941 January 21 Antonescu stages a coup against his own government. A number of Legionaries are killed, but they continue to hold out in some places. 1941 January 22 In Bulgaria, the "Law for the Defense of the Nation" gives Jews one month to leave all public posts, and forces almost all Jewish doctors, dentists and lawyers to give up their practices. A special tax was imposed on all Jewish homes, shops and other property, amounting to 25% of its value. (Atlas) 1941 January 22 The German Charge d'Affaires in Romania Dr. Neubacher, gives Horia Sima a solemn promise from both Hitler and Antonescu of complete impunity for Legionaries, and suggests participation in a new government, if resistance ends before noon on January 23. (Sturdza) 1941 January 22 Tobruk falls to British forces. 1941 January 22-23 Antisemitic violence in Bucharest leaves 120 Jews dead in the streets. Men, women and children are hunted down by armed gangs. Some survivors flee to Palestine (See March 9). (Atlas) 1941 January 23 In Bucharest, Legionary resistance ends before 8AM, and in the provinces, prior to 11AM. Nevertheless, Antonescu's forces stage a massacre of peaceful crowds in Bucharest. At least 360 are killed including many women and children. No Legionaries are killed, they have already peacefully withdrawn on Sima's orders, as agreed. Trials and executions of other Legionaries are commonplace until June. (Sturdza) 1941 January 27 Joseph C. Grew, American Ambassador to Tokyo, informs the U.S. State Department that "The Peruvian minister has informed a member of my staff that he had heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that, in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor..." (Theobold)

1154 1941 January 27, 1941 Dr. Ricardo Shreiber, the Peruvian envoy in Tokyo told Max Bishop, third secretary of the US embassy that he had just learned from his intelligence sources that there was a war plan involving a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This information was sent to the State Department and Naval Intelligence and to Admiral Kimmel at Hawaii. 1941 January 30 Hitler, in a speech at the Berlin Sportpalast, reminds his audience of his prophecy concerning the fate of the Jews exactly two years earlier. He added that the coming months and years would show that here too he had seen things correctly... the end of the Jewish role in Europe. (Architect) 1941 January 6 President Roosevelt calls for the "Four Freedoms" in his State of the Union address to Congress, again referring to America as the "arsenal" of democracy. 1941 January 7 Himmler writes to Seyss-Inquart, inviting him to Wewelsburg castle to discuss "Many important and ultimate matters." (Architect) 1941 January Ezra Pound, an admirer of Mussolini, begins recording talks for broadcast over Rome Radio. He makes more than 300 broadcasts for the Fascists. 1941 January Himmler meets with twelve high-ranking SS generals at Wewelsburg castle. Himmler claims that the purpose of the coming war with Russia is to reduce the indigenous population by thirty million, presumably to provide living space for German settlers. (Architect) 1941 January Hitler advises Antonescu to "liquidate" the Romanian Legionary Movement and German forces are soon ordered to help crush the Legionaries. 1941 January Industrialist Fritz Thyssen claims that Hitler is the illegitimate grandson of Baron Rothschild of Vienna. Hans-Jurgen Koehler collaborates this story in a top secret OSS report written in 1943. Even though unlikely, possible choices are, Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1885, 62 in 1836) and Amschel Salomon Rothschild (1803-1874, 33 in 1836. Amschel Salomon lived in Frankfurt until 1850) (Langer) 1941 January More than 2000 Jews die of starvation in the Warsaw ghetto. Between January and June 1941, 13,000 Jews will die of starvation in the Warsaw ghetto and another 5,000 in the ghetto at Lodz. (Atlas) 1941 Japan conducts surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. 2,341 killed. Tsarion 1941 July 1 Goebbels writes in his diary, "Haushofer and his son have been forced out of public life. They are both responsible for peddling mystic rubbish and have the Hess affair (Hess' flight to England) on their consciences. (Goebbels)

1155 1941 July 12 Moscow is bombed for the first time. 1941 July 12 The Soviet-British Mutual Assistance Pact is signed. 1941 July 13 Britain and Russia conclude a mutual aid treaty. Russia prepares to receive Lend-Lease assistance. (Freedman) 1941 July 14 The Suez Canal is bombed by German Ju 88 bombers from Crete. Harbor installations and several ships are damaged. 1941 July 16 In an important meeting, Hitler, Goering Bormann and Rosenberg decide on plans for the exploitation of the conquered areas of Russia. Rosenberg is put in charge of a new ministry with the task of organizing the new territories for Germany's economic benefit and eliminating the Jews and Communists from these areas. (WWIIDBD) 1941 July 16-18 Prince Kenoye reforms his Japanese cabinet, eliminating Matsuoka who has been urging that the neutrality agreement with the Soviets should be abandoned; so that Japan can join with the Germans in the attack on the USSR. Kenoye believes that without Matsuoka and his known liking for Hitler, there is a better chance of reaching an agreement with the U.S. over the pressing lack of oil reserves. 1941 July 17 Alfred Rosenberg is officially appointed Minister of the Occupied Territories. 1941 July 17 At Kishinev in the Ukraine, Einsatzgruppen D begins the first "five-figure" massacre of Jews . More than 12,250 are killed between July 17 and 31. (Atlas) 1941 July 18 A group of 30 White Russians who refused to shovel earth over 45 Jews who had been tied together and thrown into a large pit are executed by the SS. All 75 are left dead in the pit. (Gilbert II) 1941 July 18 The first acknowledged reports concerning the mass killings of Jews in the East begin reaching England. 1941 July 19 The Japanese present an ultimatum to Vichy France demanding bases in southern Indochina. 1941 July 20 Bishop Galen of Munster, known as a courageous critic of the Nazis, expresses his hope for a German victory in Russia. The Nazis use patriotic statements in his pastoral letters to enlist volunteers for SS units recruited in Holland and other occupied countries. 1941 July 21 Majdanek (Maidanek) concentration camp is established. 1941 July 24 Vichy France concedes to Japanese demands for bases in southern Indochina. 1941 July 26 Japanese assets in the U.S. are frozen. 1941 July 28 Hitler remains at Wolf's Lair until March 20, 1943. 1941 July 28 Japanese assets in the Dutch East Indies are frozen and oil deals cancelled. Now, almost 75% of Japan's foreign trade is at a virtual standstill and 90% of its oil supply has been cut off.

1156 1941 July 28 The Japanese occupy French bases in Indochina. It is clear that the main use for these bases might be as jumping off places for an invasion of Malaya, the East Indies or even the Philippines. 1941 July 28 U.S. assets in Japan are frozen. 1941 July 29 Army Bishop Rarkowski issues a pastoral letter to the German armed forces describing Germany as "the saviour and champion of Europe." We know he added, that this war against Russia is waged by us as "a European Crusade," a task similar to that fulfilled in earlier times by the Teutonic knights. (Lewy) 1941 July 29 Japan freezes Dutch assets. 1941 July 29 The Germans execute 122 "Communists and Jews" for resistance in Serbia. (Atlas) 1941 July 3 Latvian auxiliary police organized by Einsatzkommandos 1a and 2 plunder Jewish homes, and two other Latvian groups carried out pogroms, killing 400 Jews and destroying synagogues. (Architect) 1941 July 30 Harry Hopkinsa arrives in Moscow for meetings with the Communist leadership. 1941 July 30 Hitler orders Bormann to stop all seizures of monasteries or other Church property without first obtaining his personal permission. Bormann passes the order along to the Gauleiters the following day. 1941 July 31 Goering instructs Heydrich "to make all necessary preparation... for bringing about a "complete" solution of the Jewish question in the German sphere of influence in Europe." (Hilberg) (Note, This is Goering's second known reference.) 1941 July 7 Einsatzkommandos begin the systematic slaughter of Lithuanian Jews. One of the tasks of these killing squads was the recruitment of local antisemites, whether Lithuanians, Ukrainians, or Latvians, who could help them to round up, terrorize and destroy each Jewish community, however small. (Atlas) 1941 July 8 Stalin announces a "scorched earth" policy. 1941 July Nazi killing squads arrive in Bessarabia. Romanian troops and militias murder thousands of Jews in the area of their advance. Following the initial killings, internment camps are set up throughout the province. At the camp in Edineti, 70 to 100 people die every day in July and August, mostly of starvation. In all, more than 148,000 Bessarabian Jews perish in the ghettos and camps of Transnistria. (Atlas) 1941 July The German advance in Russia is so rapid that less than 300,000 of Russia's 2.7 million Jews are able to escape to safety beyond the Volga River. (Atlas)

1157 1941 July U.S. troops occupy Iceland to provide protection for American ships sailing to England. Roosevelt says it is to prevent the island's occupation by Germany. 1941 June 1 Crete falls to the Germans. Hitler now has a strategic Mediterranean basefor the dispatch of reinforcements and supplies to his desert troops in North Africa, which are poised for an assault against Egypt and the Suez Canal. 1941 June 11 Antonescu meets with Hitler in Munich and agrees to full ooperation of their two armies against Russia. Hitler's promises of massive armaments to Romania will not materialize until almost the end of the war. 1941 June 11 Hitler issues Directive # 32. It begins with a flat statement, "After destruction of the Soviet Armed Forces, Germany and Italy will be military masters of the European Continent, with the temporary exception of the Iberian Peninsula. No serious threat to Europe by land will then remain." (Architect) 1941 June 12 German Jews are ordered to designate themselves only as without faith (glaubenlos). (Persecution) 1941 June 13 The Soviets, who had taken over Bessarabiain June 1940 and immediately closed all Jewish institutions, arrests many of the region's leading Jewish citizens and exiles them to Siberia, where many die. (Atlas) 1941 June 14 Axis funds in the United States are frozen. 1941 June 17 Heydrich meets with the newly appointed commanders of the Einsatzgruppen and Sonderkommandos in Berlin to give them special oral instructions for their operations during the invasion. (Architect) 1941 June 18 A treaty of German-Turkish Friendship is signed. 1941 June 2 A law is passed authorizing the "administrative internment" of all Jews in France, whether French-born or foreign-born. 1941 June 2 Hitler and Mussolini again meet at theBrenner Pass. 1941 June 22 Operation Barbarossa - Germany launches a massive blitzkrieg on Soviet Russia. Germany, Romania and Finland are now at war with the Soviet Union. Behind the lines, SS Einsatzgruppen systematically kill thousands of Jews in every city, town and village of western Russia, mopping-up all civilian resistance with remorseless cruelty. (Note, Italy and Hungary provide token forces for the invasion of Russia.Later, Danish, Norwegian, Belgian, Dutch, French and Spanish volunteers will join in the fight against Communism. After the war, most would be sentenced to prison or executed by their own countries. The only exception was Spain, where former Nazis were allowed safe haven.) 1941 June 22 U.S. Senator Harry Truman announces that, "If we see that Germany is going to win, we will help Soviet Russia, but if it is

1158 the other way around, we will have to help Germany. Let's leave them alone so that they will weaken each other as much as possible." (Marschalko) (After Roosevelt's death in 1945, many Germans believed the U.S. would soon join them in the fight against Communism) 1941 June 24 Ambassador Bergen reports to Berlin that the Vatican has welcomed the new turn of events and that a Vatican spokesman shortly after the invasion had told him that the alignment of atheistic Russia on the side of the Western democracies had robbed the latter of all justification to speak of a crusade for Christianity. (Lewy) 1941 June 24 German forces occupy Kaunas, Lithuania 1941 June 24-5 The first mass executions by the Germans are carried out in the Lithuanian city of Garsden. (Architect) 1941 June 28 Encouraged by the Germans, Lithuanian police and a group of released convicts beat hundreds of Jews to death with iron bars during a bloodbath in the streets of Kaunas, Lithuania. (Apparatus). 1941 June 29 A report from Einsatzgruppe A states that by this date 2,300 Jews have been "rendered harmless" in Kaunas, Lithuania. 1941 June 3 Statistics from a Gallup Poll show that 83% of the American people are against entering the war. 1941 June 6 Hitler issues the infamous Commissar Decree, ordering the execution of all captured Soviet political commissars. 1941 June 7 Martin Bormann informs the Gauleiters that the influence of the churches will have to be curtailed as much as possible, for National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable. (Lewy) 1941 June 8 British and Free French forces enter Vichy-held Syria from Iraq, imposing an armistice that gives Britain control over Syria and Lebanon. (The Vichy Government had been allowing Germans forces to use Syria as a base.) 1941 June 9 At Churchill's suggestion, Lord John Simon meets with Rudolf Hess and pretends to negotiate Hess' peace proposal. In reality, Simon is only pumping Hess for information and has no authority to negotiate. Simon is accompanied by Ivone Kirkpatrick. (Missing Years) 1941 June Early in June, Goering sent word to Britain that Hitler planned to invade Russia within weeks. ( Duffy) 1941 June Petain's Vichy government introduces a series of "Jewish statutes." Leon Berard, Vichy ambassador at the Holy See, reports to Petain that the Vatican does not consider such laws in conflict with Catholic teaching, and merely counseled that no provisions on marriage be added to the statutes. (Poliakov) 1941 June-- UFO crashes near the villages of Goszevo and Dubrovki in Belorussia, wreckage salvaged by NKVD troops and transported to Omsk. Later moved to Zhitkur in l945.

1159 1941 Louis Sauer of Evanston, Illinois, an avid supporter of mass vaccination, reports that only 27% of a group of 89 babies developed protective antibodies when vaccinated at three months of age or less. Sauer urges that Pertussis vaccination begin no earlier than seven months because most of these infants did not yet possess the power to develop adequate immunity when they were injected so early in life. Tsarion 1941 March 1 Bulgaria signs the Tripartite Pact. German troops begin crossing Romanian territory to help the Italian army, which is in full route in the Balkans. 1941 March 1 Heinrich Himmler visits Auschwitz for the first time. Accompanied by Gauleiter Fritz Bracht and local senior police chiefs, Himmler orders the expansion on the camp so that it can accomodate 30,000 inmates, instead of the few thousand -- mainly poles -- who are imprisoned there at that time. (Silence) 1941 March 11 President Roosevelt signs the U.S. Lend-Lease Bill into law. A time limit is placed on the operation of the act -- until June 1943. A motion originally passed in the House forbidding U.S. warships to give protection to convoys of foreign ships is defeated. Also to be allowed are transfers of ships to other countries solely on Presidential authority without reference to Congress. 1941 March 12 President Roosevelt presents an appropriations bill for Lend-Lease to Congress for $7,000,000,000. It will pass into law on March 27. (WWIIDBD) 1941 March 13 Hitler issues a directive for the invasion of the Soviet Union, which gives administrative control of captured territory to the SS. (WWIIDBD) 1941 March 15 Many historians believe that plans for the systematic murder of the Jews was first decided on, or about, this date -in preparation for the invasion of Russia. (Bauer) (Others believe it was a response to the passage of Roosevelt's Lend-Lease Bill and the Nazis perception that this was a violation of America's neutality, inspired by an international Jewish conspiracy.) (See March 26) 1941 March 16 The British invade Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 1941 March 17 A Military putsch takes place in Belgrade. 1941 March 17 Hans Frank meets with Hitler in his private rooms in the Reich Chancellery. Hitler tells him that the Government General will be the first territory to be made free of Jews. (Architect) 1941, , , -' - . () ,

1160 , , . , 14 , , . , . . . 1970 . , , 1974 . 1941 March 2 German troops enter Bulgaria. 1941 March 2 Himmler visits a resettlement facility for ethnic Germans in Breslau. "Racial experts" categorized the potential settlers as anything from "very valuable" to "reject." Rejects were sent back to their own countries or to concentration camps. (Architect) 1941 March 20 The German deadline for all Jews to be inside the Polish ghettos expires. 1941 March 21 Eichmann, in a meeting at the Propaganda Ministry, refers to Reinhard Heydrich as being in charge of the "final evacuation of the Jews" to the Government General. (Architect) (Note, There was only one way to have a "final evacuation of the Jews" and simultaneously to make the Government General free of Jews.) (See March 17) 1941 March 22 Marshal Petain signs a new law authorizing the construction of a Trans-Sahara railway. The work is done by all who had been interned, former Spanish Republican soldiers, Poles, Czechs, Greeks and Jews (See May 1941). (Atlas) 1941 March 23 Himmler presents Hitler with a memorandum entitled, "Some thoughts about the treatment of foreign peoples in the eastern territories." Himmler writes, "I hope to see the very concept of Jewry completely obliterated." (Science) 1941 March 24 Rommel launches another offensive in Libya and quickly captures El Agheila. 1941 March 25 Archbishop Groeber, in a pastoral letter abounding in antisemitic statements, blames the Jews for the death of Christ and

1161 adds that "the self-imposed curse of the Jews "His blood be upon us and upon our children," has come terribly true up until the present time, until today." (Lewy) 1941 March 25 Yugoslav Prime Minister Dragisha Cvetkovich signs Yugoslavia's agreement to the Tripartite Pact, linking that nation to the Axis. The Yugoslav's agree to permit free passage through their country of German troops heading to Greece. (Duffy) 1941 March 26 A military coup d'etat against the pro-German policies of Prince-Regent Paul takes place in Yugoslavia. General Dusan Simovic becomes prime minister under King Peter II. 1941 March 26 A scientific meeting takes place to mark the inauguration of the Institute for the Investigation of the Jewish Question in Frankfurt am Main. Professor Fischer and Professor Gunther are guests of honor. Dr. Gross, head of the Race-policy Bureau of the Nazi Party says, "The definitive solution must comprise the removal of the Jews from Europe," and he demands sterilization of quarter-Jews, "The reproduction of the quarter-Jews left behind in European countries must be reduced to a minimum." Professor von Verschuer reports the meeting for his journal, "Der Erbarzt" (The Heredity-Physician). (Science) 1941 March 26 Reinhard Heydrich and Wehrmacht Quartermaster General Eduard Wagner have produced a draft plan outlining a partnership between the Wehrmacht and the SS, setting up the operational procedure for what are called Einsatzgruppen (special task forces). The Einsatzgruppen are to take their orders from the SS, but otherwise, they are subject to military command. The army is to control their movements and furnish them with quarters, rations, gasoline and communications assistance. These small mobile groups are charged with ridding freshly acquired eastern territories of their "undesirable" civilian elements, and will be required to operate virtually on the front lines. (Apparatus) 1941 March 27 Cvetkovich's government is overthrown by the Yugoslav military. Mussolini's ambitions for Croatia and other Yugoslavian territories and British intrigues in Belgrade lead to a coup by General Dusan Simovic, resulting in the overthrow of the pro-Nazi regime of Prince Paul and the beginning of hostilities with Germany. Prince Paul is replaced by his heir, 17-year-old King Peter. (Sturdza; Duffy) 1941 March 27 Roosevelts $7,000,000,000 appropriations bill for Lend-Lease is approved by Congress. 1941 March 28 Brack, who has been placed in charge of the "euthanasia" program, writes from the Reich Chancellery to the Reichsfuehrer-SS, Himmler, that the problem of sterilizing large numbers of individuals by mens of X-rays has been solved in principle. (Science)

1162 1941 March 28 The British defeat the Italian fleet off Cape Matapan in the eastern Mediterranean. 1941 March 30 Hitler orders his generals to employ what he refers to as "merciless harshness." This speech provides part of the impetus for the Commissar Order -- the execution of alleged Soviet commissars without trial. (Architect) 1941 March 7 German Jews are forced into compulsory labor. 1941 March 9 A few survivors of the violence in Bucharest reach Palestine aboard the S.S.Darien. (See January 23) (Atlas) 1941 March Thousands of able-bodied Jews are rounded up in Upper Silesia and sent to work in German mining, metallurgical plants, textile mills, and factories in the region. (Atlas) 1941 May 1 British forces complete the evacuation of Greece. 1941 May 10 Rudolf Hess, allegedly acting upon his own initiative, flies a Messerschmitt to Scotland in an idealistic attempt to convince the British to make peace with Germany. Hess later claimed that it was the indiscriminate bombing of helpless women and children, both in Germany and in England, that had motivated his flight. 1941 May 11 Hitler learns of Hess' flight to England. The story is soon given out that mystics, astrologers and nature healers had manipulated a disturbed Hess. 1941 May 11 In the Warsaw ghetto, 2,000 Jews a month are now dying from hunger and disease.Emanuel Ringelblum writes that "Death lies in every street. The children are no longer afraid of death. In one courtyard, the children played a game of tickling the corpse." (Apparatus) 1941 May 12 Churchill takes the Duke of Hamilton, who had arrived at his home the previous evening, to 10 Downing Street. That evening the Duke and Ivone Kirkpatrick fly to Scotland, where hey meet with Hess for several hours shortly after midnight. (Missing Years) 1941 May 13 News of Rudolf Hess' flight to England makes frontpage headlines in newspapers around the world. 1941 May 14 Martin Bormann is appointed head of the Nazi Party Chancellery in Hess' place. (Goebbels) 1941 May 15 Goebbels issues "an order against occultism, clairvoyancy, etc." in response to Hess' flight to England. "This obscure rubbish will now be eliminated once and for all. The miracle men, Hess' darlings, will now be put under lock and key, " he writes in his diary. (Goebbels) 1941 May 15 Petain announces a policy of total French collaboration with Germany 1941 May 16 Goebbels writes in his diary, "Things are due to roll in the East on May 22, dependent on the weather." (Goebbels) 1941 May 17 Rudolf Hess is imprisoned in the Tower of London.

1163 1941 May 20 Hermann Goering bans emigration of Jews from all German-occupied territories including France and makes one of the first official references to the "Final Solution" (Endlosung). 1941 May 20 Rudolf Hess is transported from the Tower of London to Camp Z (Mytchett Place in Aldershot), which has been specially setup for his arrival with heavy security and bugging devices. (Missing Years) 1941 May 20 The Germans launch an airborne invasion of Crete. Of the first 3,500 German paratroopers dropped on the island, most are killed, but a second wave of 3,000 quickly captures key defenses and overwhelms the remaining British troops. 1941 May 24 The German pocket battleship Bismarck, the pride of Hitler's navy, sinks the British battle cruiser Hood off Greenland. 1941 May 26 Himmler assigns a group of Waffen-SS to what he calls the Kommandostab Reichsfuhrer SS, which in effect becomes his own private army. (Architect) 1941 May 27 Bismarck is intercepted, crippled, and sunk by a British task force while returning to Germany. 1941 May 27 Russia proclaims a state of national emergency. (Freedman) 1941 May 30 Rudolf Hess' British captors assign Estonian-born psychiatrist Dr. Henry Victor Dicks to pose as Hess' physician. Dicks, a Jew who wrote that he despised Hess on sight, reports directly to British intelligence. (Missing Years) 1941 May 31 The surviving British troops on Crete are evacuated. 1941 May 5 Rudolf Hess has a four-hour private talk with Hitler. 1941 May At Pretzsch, in Saxony, special mobile killing squads, the Einsatzgruppen, are set up by the SS. Each of the squads has been assigned a particular area of the Soviet Union. Einsatzgruppe A, commanded by Walter Stahlecker, is to be responsible for the murder of Jews in the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Einsatzgruppe B, under Arthur Nebe, is assigned the area between the Baltic states and the Ukraine. Einsatzgruppe C, commanded by Otto Rasch, is to operate in the Ukraine south of Nebe's group, and Einsatzgruppe D, commanded by Otto Ohlendorf, is assigned the remainder the Ukraine and Crimea. Heydrich told those at Pretzsch that all "Communists, Jews, Gypsies, saboteurs, and agents must basically be regarded as persons who by their very existence, endanger the security of the troops and are thereby to be executed without further ado." (Secrets) (Note, The SS was convinced that by mass executions on the spot they could "solve" the "Jewish question" in Russia, by murdering all the Jews they could catch. No family was to be spared. No resources were to be wasted by setting up

1164 ghettos or deporting Jews to distant camps or murder sites. The killings were to be done in the towns and villages at the moment of military victory.) (Atlas) 1941 May In Paris, thousands of foreign-born Jews are seized and interned. At the same time, thousands of Polish and German-born Jews, who had fought against the Germans in the French Foreign Legion during 1940, are deported to the slave labor camps in the Sahara Dessert (see March 22). (Atlas) 1941 May The "Blitz," the German bombing attacks on British cities, comes to an end when most of the Luftwaffe planes are withdrawn to prepare for the German invasion of the Soviet Union. 1941 May The first Croatian concentration camp is set up at Danica. It is quickly followed by four more camps at Jadovno, Gradiska, Loborgrad, and Dakovo. (Atlas) 1941 Missouri, Cape Giradeau: Charlotte Mann states her grandfather, Rev. Wm. Huffman, told her about a UFO crash site story which occurred in July 1941 outside of Cape Giradeau. The Cape Giradeau police department and some military personnel were at what they thought was a plane crash site, but Rev. Hoffman said it obviously was not a plane. There was crumpled aluminum like metal debris scattered over the area and an object that was disc shaped. There were three humanoid bodies, child-like with large heads, big black eyes, no nose, slit for a mouth, and a form fitting uniform covered with debris. The MJ-12 cited this Missouri Ozarks 1941 UFO crash site story along with the three Roswell 1947 crash sites as recovered exhibits deemed extraterrestrial. 1941 Murder rate in the United States 100:100,000. Tsarion 1941 November 1 Vichy France opens a punishment and isolation camp at Hadjerat-M'Guil in Algeria. It contains 170 prisoners nine of whom are tortured and murdered in conditions of the worst brutality. Two of the murdered were Jews, one of whom had earlier been released from a concentration camp in Germany in 1939 and fled to France. (Atlas) 1941 November 1-15 The Jews of Bukovina, like those of Bessarabia, are uprooted from their homes in more than 100 communities, then marched away and interned. Within a year, more than 120,000 of them had died. (Atlas) 1941 November 15 Himmler and Rosenberg hold a four-hour meeting to discuss Jewish policy and several other areas of their disagreement. (Architect) 1941 November 17 Alfred Rosenberg is appointed to head a new Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. His jurisdiction includes the Baltic States and White Russia, where his task will be to

1165 exploit the area for Germany's economic benefit and rid of them of "undesirable elements" such as Communists and Jews. 1941 November 17 Himmler telephones Heydrich and tells him about the results of his meeting with Rosenberg, the situation in the Government General, and the "elimination of the Jews." (NA; Architect) 1941 November 18 Rosenberg tells German journalists at a confidential briefing that the "Final Solution" has begun; a "biological extermination of all Jews in Europe." No Jew could remain on the continent to the Ural Mountains; they would either be forced beyond the Urals or exterminated. The press was not to write about the extermination in detail, but the reporters could use stock phrases such as the "definite solution" or the "total solution of the Jewish question." (NA RG 242, T77/R 1175/433; Architect) 1941 November 18 The British offensive in North Africa begins in Libya. It is code-named Operation Crusader. 1941 November 2 Major General Friedrich Eberhardt, military commander of Kiev, issues an order declaring that 300 hostages will be shot for the next act of sabotage. By the end of the month, the number has been raised to 400. (Apparatus) 1941 November 21 German forces take Rostov am Don. 1941 November 21 Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes personally hand-delivers to President Roosevelt a confidential letter given to him by someone named Bruce Johnston. Johnson takes the position that, "while under the constitution the power to declare war lies with Congress, the power to wage a defensive war is with the Executive. He pointed out that in several declarations of war by the Congress the recitation was "Whereas, a state of war exists," thus proving that wars do not wait to be started until there is an actual declaration. The President remarked that it was good letter and sound but that "it was simply a question of timing.' " (Ickes) 1941 November 23 In the Moscow sector, Germans forces continue to advance. Some are within 35 miles of Moscow. 1941 November 24 Theresienstadt, the largest of the new concentration camps in what had been Czechoslovakia, is established. (Atlas) 1941 November 25 Regulations are issued by the German government concerning confiscation of the property of Jews who are deported. (Eyes) 1941 November 25 The Bishops of Cologne and Paderborn recommend that "non-Aryan" or "half-Aryan" priests and nuns volunteer to accompany the German deportees in order to hold services and provide religious instruction for the children. (Lewy)

1166 1941 November 26 A powerful Japanese carrier task force leaves the Kuril Islands and makes for Pearl Harbor. 1941 November 26 U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull formally reiterates the U.S. position, saying that Japan must withdraw from China and Indochina (Vietnam), recognize the regime of Chiang Kai-Shek in China, renounce all territorial expansion, and accept the Open Door policy of equal commercial access to Asia. (Note, U.S. cryptographers had already broken Japan's major diplomatic code and U.S. authorities knew full well that rejection of Japan's minimum demands would probably lead to war.) 1941 November 27 Hitler meets in succession with high officials from Spain, Hungary, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Finland and Romania. (Architect) 1941 November 27 U.S. military authorities issue a war warning to their overseas commanders. 1941 November 28 Hitler meets with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, telling him that Germany has declared an uncompromising war on the Jews. Britain and Russia were both power bases of Jewry, Hitler said, and he would carry on the fight until the last traces of Jewish hegemony were eliminated. The German army would in the future break through the Caucasus into the Middle East and help to liberate the Arab world. Germany's only other objective in the region would be the annihilation of the Jews. (Fleming; Architect) 1941 November 29 German authorities deport 714 Jews from Nuremberg to labor camps. 1941 November 29 Reinhard Heydrich sends out invitations to the Wansee conference on the Jewish question. It is originally scheduled for December 9, but is postponed due to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (Architect) 1941 November As an experiment, 1200 prisoners at Buchenwald are taken to the "euthanasia" institute at Bernberg, and gassed. (Atlas) 1941 November By this time, more than 15,000 Jews have been deported from throughout Serbia to the concentration camp at Zemun west of Belgrade. (Atlas) 1941 November Georg Hauserstein, Jr., a long-time ONT member and former head of the presytery at Hertesburg, founds a schismatic order at Petena called the Vitalis New Templars. (Roots) 1941 November Heydrich reports to the Foreign Ministry that a thirty-point program for a so-called neo-pagan "National Reich Church," circulated as a leaflet in Germany and attributed by Allied propaganda to Rosenberg, was actually written in 1937 by an eccentric from Stettin (G). Heydrich attributes its reappearance to Catholic elements out to discredit

1167 the regime. (Lewy) (Note, William Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, accepted this leaflet as a genuine work by Rosenberg.) 1941 November-December The RSHA puts gassing-vans at the disposal of the Security Police and the SD Einsatzgruppen. (Days) 1941 October 1 All Jewish immigration from Germany is banned. 1941 October 1 Another Croat concentration camp is established at Jasenovac. (Atlas) 1941 October 1 In the Archdiocese of Posen in Poland, 74 Catholic priests have been shot or have died in the concentration camps, and 451 are being held in prisons or camps. Of the 441 churches in this diocese only 30 are still open for Poles. (DA Trier; Lewy) 1941 October 10 Heydrich also includes the Gypsies as being subject to "evacuation" (deportation to death camps) during the Prague conference. (Science) 1941 October 10 Reinhard Heydrich, in Prague, tells a conference of his subordinates that Hitler wants all the Jews removed from German space by the end of the year, if possible. All pending questions, he said, had to be resolved, and transportation should not be used as a reason for delay. (Architect) 1941 October 10 Thousands of Slovak Jews are sent to labor camps at Sered, Vyhne, and Novaky, while the remaining Jews living in what had once been Czechoslovakia are ordered out of their homes and sent to specially designated ghetto areas in 14 selected towns. (Atlas) 1941 October 14 Beginning of the general deportation of German Jews to the concentration camps. (Persecution) 1941 October 15 Mass deportations of German Jews to the east begins. Priests are told that Christian "non-Aryans" will be evacuated only when earlier conflicts with the Gestapo have occurred. For the time being, "non-Aryans" in mixed marriages will not be affected by these measures. (Lewy) 1941 October 15 The German authorities in Poland decree that any Jews found outside the ghettos will be executed automatically. 1941 October 16 Edouard Daladier, Paul Reynaud and Leon Blum, all former prime ministers of France, are arrested by order of General Petain to face charges that they were responsible for the French defeat of 1940. 1941 October 16 Many foreign diplomats, Soviet government officials and their staffs begin leaving Moscow by car and train for Kuibyshev. 1941 October 16 Odessa is taken by Romanian troops after some of the bloodiest fighting on the Eastern Front. 1941 October 16 The first deportation trains leave Germany for the ghettos in the east. (Atlas)

1168 1941 October 16-17 Japanese Prime Minister Konoye is replaced by War Minister General Tojo, who takes the offices of Prime Minister, War Minister and Home Affairs Minister. Tojo's cabinet decides to wait only until the end of November for a diplomatic breakthrough with the United States. 1941 October 18 Heydrich and Himmler speak by phone, agreeing not to allow any Jews to leave German territory by going overseas. (Architect) 1941 October 19 Stalin announces that he will remain in Moscow, even though most of the Soviet government has already fled, promising to defend the Russian capital with every possible effort. 1941 October 2 Himmler arrives in Kiev, which he believes is an ancient German city known as Kiroffo. (Architect) 1941 October 2 While Himmler is in the Ukraine, Heydrich informs Hitler of the scheduled deportations of all German Jews to specific locations in the Ostland. (Architect) 1941 October 20 The German commander in Nantes, France, is shot by members of the resistance. Fifty French hostages are shot in reprisal. 1941 October 22 A notice is posted in Kiev informing the citizens that 100 hostages will be shot for every act of sabotage. (See November 2) (Apparatus) 1941 October 23 All Jewish emigration Nazi-occupied territory is officially halted. 1941 October 23 Catholic Provost Bernhard Lichtenberg, who right through the stepped-up antisemitic agitation, continued to say a daily prayer for the Jews, is finally arrested. During questioning by Himmler's henchmen, the Provost asserts that the deportation of the Jews is irreconcilable with Christian moral law, and asks to be allowed to accompany the deportees as their spiritual adviser. He is sentenced to two years imprisonment for abuse of the pulpit (see November 5, 1943) (Lewy) 1941 October 25 Despite the overwhelming odds against them, Jews at Tatarsk and Starodub, between Kiev and Moscow, rise up in revolt. German regular army units are brought in to crush their resistance. (Atlas) 1941 October 25 Dr. Wetzel, a "race-expert" in the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories, writes in a draft of a letter to Himmler, "I should like to inform you that Oberdienstleiter Brack of the Fuhrer's Chancellery has said that he is prepared to collaborate in the provision of the necessary accommodation and appliances for gassing people... In the present situation, there are no obiections to doing away with those Jews who are unfit for work with the aid of Brack's resources..." (Science)

1169 1941 October 25 German mass executions of prisoners in France prompt Roosevelt and Churchill to make an unusual joint public condemnation of German atrocities, and within three months, nine European governments-in-exile in London establish the Inter-Allied Conference on the Punishment of War Crimes. (Beast) 1941 October 25 Himmler and Heydrich meet with Hitler at his headquarters. In the course of the meeting, Hitler reminds them of his prewar prophecy that, unless war was avoided, the Jews would disappear from Europe. "This criminal race," Hitler tells them, "has the two million dead of the (First) World War on their conscience, and now hundreds of thousands more. Let no one say to me, we cannot send them into the mire. Who concerns themselves about our men? It is good if preceding us is terror that we are exterminating the Jews. The attempt to found a Jewish state will fail." (Monologue im Fuehrerhauptquartier; Architect) 1941 October 27 Bishop Berning reports to Cardinal Bertram that the Gestapo has refused their request for permission to allow Jewish Catholics to wear the Star of David while in Church. (Lewy) 1941 October 27 Harold H. Tittmann, assistant to Roosevelt's special emissary to the Vatican, attempts to get the Pope to issue a public protest against the German's mass shooting of hostages. He is told that this could not be done since it would jeopardize the situation of the German Catholics. (U.S.D.P) 1941 October 27 The Bishop of Limberg informs Bishop Wienken, the episcopate's troubleshooter in Berlin, that the transport of Jews from Frankfurt earlier in the month had included Catholic "non-Aryans" to whom no preferred treatment had been granted. Their fate was especially sad, he said, because they were regarded by the other Jews as apostates (turncoats). 1941 October 29 The first of the Soviet reserve divisions from Siberia go into the line west of Moscow. 1941 October 3 Himmler tours Kiev. It is not known whether Himmler included Babi Yar on his tour. (Architect) 1941 October 3 Hitler tells the German people that the enemy in the East is broken and will never rise again. (Silence) 1941 October 30 Bishop Wienken informs Bishop Hilfrich of Limburg that negotiations concerning the deportations of Catholic "nonAryans" have been started at the highest levels. (Lewy) 1941 October 30 The German offensive toward Moscow is halted until winter permanently hardens the ground, restoring mobility to the German tank forces.

1170 1941 October Alfred Rosenberg, Reichsfuhrer of the Easter Territories, requests T-4's assistance in liquidating the Jews in the Polish Ghettos. 1941 October The decision is made to build centers for mass murder by gas in the eastern territories. (Bauer) 1941 October-November The extermination camp of Chelmno (Kulmhof) is set up in Wathegau (Poland). (Days) 1941 On Sept. 18, 1941, Col. E.I. Jacob, Churchills military secretary, is informed by Major Desmond Morton Church, Churchills liaison with the British Secret Service, that another most secret fact is that to all intents and purposes, U.S. Security is being run for them at the Presidents request by the British. A British officer sits with Mr. Hoover and Bill Donovan for this purpose. It is of course essential that this fact should not be known. Tsarion 1941 ! WILHELM II 18591941. Emperor of Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm II, who came to the throne in 1888, was the last monarch of Germany. He is known in Jewish history chiefly for his dealings with Dr HERZL, who was most anxious to enlist German influence in Constantinople. The kaisers sympathy for Zionism was gained by the influence of his uncle, the grand duke of Baden. In October 1898 he received Herzl in Constantinople and promised to put in a good word with the sultan for a Jewish Chartered Company in Palestine under German protection. A second official audience took place in Jerusalem on 2 November. Here the atmosphere was less warm than in Constantinople, and the kaiser said nothing of the chartered company. It became clear that he had lost interest. His short-lived enthusiasm for Zionism was influenced by the prospect of removing Jews from Germany. The kaiser was an admirer of the racialist and anti-Semitic writers of the time. 1941 ONR invisibility project still in progress. Tesla has FDRs confidence, but disagreement develops with John von Neumann over coil design. Tesla sabotages project in March 1942. Tsarion 1941 Rudolf Hess flies to England with German nuclear secrets to trade for new identity and immunity. Nuclear secrets of Hahn and Strassman. Tsarion 1941 Schriever-Miethe designs successfully tested in Germany. Tsarion 1941 September 1 A new decree is issued ordering that all Jews are forbidden to leave their place of domicile without special permission; Jews six years of age or older can now appear in public only when marked with a Jewish star (Star of David). This decree covers so-called Mosaic Jews as well as baptized Jews. Only those who had converted to

1171 Christianity prior to September 15, 1935, the date of the Nuremberg laws, and "non-Aryans" married to an "Aryan" partner are exempted. (Note, The marking of Jews had first been applied to Jews in Poland, but is now extended to the entire Reich.) 1941 September 1 Germans troops come within artillery range of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). 1941 September 1 Lord Beaverbrook, a leading Conservative member of Churchill's government, writes to Rudolf Hess requesting a meeting. Beaverbrook on this same day is appointed to head a Cabinet mission to Moscow to discuss aid for the Soviets. (Missing Years) 1941 September 11 Charles Lindbergh, speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, tells an audience of 7,500 that Jews are seeking to force America into the war and warns them of the consequences. 1941 September 12 General Keital tells his commanders "The struggle against Bolshevism demands ruthless and energetic measures above all against the Jews." 1941 September 12 In the Ukrainian village of Zwiahel (Novograd Volynsky), SS 2nd Lieutenant Max Taubner and members of his work platoon begin conducting a series of unauthorized massacres of Jews. Taubner will later be tried and convicted by the SS and Police Supreme Court on May 24, 1943. (Days) 1941 September 16 Reza Shah Pahlavi, the pro-German ruler of Iran, is forced to abdicate in favor of his son by the British. Shah Pahlavi is sent out of the country. 1941 September 16 U.S. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes has lunch with Bernard Baruch and asks him why Edward Stettinius, who he says has been a failure at every job he has held so far, has been moved up by the President to the important position of Administrator of the Lend Lease Act. Baruch tells him that he believes it is a ploy to ptotect Harry Hopkins. Baruch says he believes that Hopkins is now, in effect, Assistant President, but that his standing on the (Capitol) Hill is such that he needs someone to front for him. "So Stettinius has been given that title, but he can be depended upon to do whatever Harry (Hopkins) tells him to do. (Ickes) 1941 September 17 Cardinal Bertram instructs the German bishops on methods of handling the "problem" of the "non-Aryan" Catholics. He suggests using St. Paul's admonishment to the Romans and Galatians, "among those believing in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, for all are one in Jesus Christ." (Roman 10,12, Galatians 3,28) (Lewy) 1941 September 19 Germans forces occupy Kiev in the Ukraine. 1941 September 19 Heinrich Jost, a German sergeant, smuggles a camera into the Warsaw ghetto, and against all regulations, photographs the suffering and misery of the Jews trapped inside. (Apparatus)

1172 1941 September 24 After a conference with Himmler and Reinhardt Heydrich, Hitler names Heydrich as the new Reich Protector of Bohemia-Moravia. (Architect) 1941 September 24 The Soviet Union and fourteen other governments, nine of them governments-in-exile, endorse the Atlantic Charter. (See August 12) 1941 September 25 Hitler speaks of extending Europe to the Ural Mountains and creating a human barrier against Asia. (Monologue im Fuehrerhauptquartier; Architect) 1941 September 25 In Berlin, Reinhard Heydrich receives a report from Einsatzgruppen RSHA IV-A-1 (Operational Report USSR no. 94) stating that 75,000 liquidations have been conducted in Lithuania in response to a rise in Jewish propaganda. (Apparatus) 1941 September 26 The Jews of Swieciany in Lithuania are rounded up, taken to a former army camp in the nearby Polygon woods, and massacred. On the evening before, several hundred young men and women had managed to break through the Lithuanian police cordon and escape eastward to towns not yet reached by the killing squads. (Atlas) 1941 September 27 Himmler comes through with a long-delayed promotion of Heydrich to Obergruppenfuehrer (Lieutenant General) and general of the police. (Architect) 1941 September 28 A curt notice, its text printed in Russian, Ukrainian and German, appears on buildings, tree trunks and fences in Kiev. It orders all Jews to report the following day to the old Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of town, not far from the railway station. The notice suggests that the Jews are going to be resettled. (Apparatus) 1941 September 29 More than 30,000 Jews are machinegunned at Babi Yar, a ravine on the outskirts of Kiev, by an SS killing squad aided by Ukrainian militiamen. (Atlas) 1941 September 3 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 300 Jews are gassed at Auschwitz in an experiment using Zyklon B (hydrocyanic acid), a commercial pesticide. 1941 September 3 Estonia is conquered by the Germans. Following the occupation of Tallin, the remaining 1,000 Jews are murdered by SS killing squads. (Atlas) 1941 September 3 The U.S. State Department tells the Japanese that the meeting they have requested between Roosevelt and Prince Konoye cannot take place. Supposedly the Americans are concerned that Konoye, Japan's prime minister, might not be able to convince the Japanese military keep to any agreement that might be made. 1941 September 30 Guderian's and Hoth's panzers rejoin Army Group Center, and the advance on Moscow is resumed. The Germans now face a rejuvenated enemy that has profited from the respite Hitler has

1173 given them to construct strong defenses and move large numbers of troops to defend the capital. (Duffy) 1941 September 30 Himmler sets out on a tour of the conquered areas of southern Russia. He takes with him Dr. Albert Widmann, head of the chemical section of the RSHA Criminal Technical Institue and one of the prime inventors of the new gas truck that recycled its own exhaust. Since it was easier to modify existing trucks in the field to serve as mobile gas chambers than to produce new trucks in Germany and then transport them to the East, Widmann went along as a technical consultant. (Architect) 1941: June Uprising against the Soviet Union in Lithuania 1941 September 6 A Japanese Imperial conference decides, in view of declining oil reserves, that war preparations should be completed by mid-October. Konoye is given six weeks to reach a settlement with the United States and is to insist on a set of minimum demands, immediate cessation of economic sanctions, a free hand for Japan in China, and rights for Japan in Indochina. 1941 September 6 Heydrich issues orders for all Jews over the age of six to wear a Star of David identity badge. 1941 September 8 Leningrad (St. Petersburg) is surrounded by a large German force. 1941 September 9 Lord Beaverbrook meets with Rudolf Hess. 1941 September Hitler tells Papen that he is upset about the continuing confiscations of Church property, and blames the hotheads of the Party for "this nonsense." (Papen) 1941 September Niederhagen, the concentration camp for Wewelsburg castle, becomes independent. 1941 Soviet partisans capture a "Wildman" in the Caucasus. 1941 Stephen Bechtel and John McCone form a separate company, Bechtel-McCone, and receive a $260 million order for 60 freighters for Britain. McCone would later build the hastily and poorly constructed Liberty Ships, many of which fell apart before they could be sunk by the Germans. Bechtel- McCone would make $44 million from the deal. Tsarion 1941 Summer Himmler orders the enlargement of Auschwitz and the additional of a killing center. 1941 The regime of Josip Tito in Yugoslavia would murder 1,172,000 people between 1941 and 1987. Tsarion 1941 U.S. conducts refrigeration therapy studies on inmates at Longview Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Tsarion 1941 U.S. Supreme Court stacked with men indoctrinated with Fabian philosophy. Tsarion

1174 1941 Viktor Brack, one of the heads of the German euthanasia program, sent a Report on Experiments in X-ray castration to Himmler. According to Brack, a two-tube installation could sterilize 200 persons a day. Tsarion 1941 Wilhelm Reich meets with Albert Einstein to discuss discovered phenomena. A second meeting follows. Einstein retains use of orgone accumulator until 1942 for study. Later, Einstein is silent about the accumulator and refuses to return it to Reich, whose work ultimately means discredit to Einsteins theories. Tsarion 1941 Winter Dr. Ritter takes part in a conference which considers a plan to drown 30,000 German Gypsies by sending them out into the Mediterranean Sea on ships and then bombing the ships. (Science) 1941 38 , , 1941-43 . 1941* In July 1941, Schreiver and Habermohl build a vertical takeoff roundwing craft with jet propulsion. They continue developing an electrogravitational flying gyro with a tachyon drive, and later built the RFZ 7 T that was fully functional. Tsarion 1941, " ". " - . 1941: during World War II, Britain and the Soviet Union invade Iran and Reza is forced to abdicate in favor of his son Reza Pahlavi II 1942 -- Assassination of Interpol chief Heydrich in Czechloslavakia. Donovan's OCI evolves into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). - 1942 Allen W. Dulles joins Col. William (Wild Bill) Donovan's Office of Strategic Services (OSS, 1942-45). 1942 American and Filipino forces retreat from Manila to the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines. 1942 An Imperial Japanese Sally bomber aircraft, on a mission over the Sea of Japan, was approached by a small dark spherical object which flew around and between the aircraft in the formation. An alert gun-cameraman snapped one photograph. 1942 April / May The death camp at Sobibor goes into operation. (total victims, 250,000; survivors, 64) (Some sources say the camp opened in April. Others such as Apparatus say it opened during the first week of May) 1942 April 1,750 Jews are taken from Tripoli in North Africa to forced labor sites at Homs, Benghazi, and Derna. Hundreds die from starvation and heat exhaustion. Others are killed in Allied air raids. (Atlas)

1175 1942 April 10 1,700 Jews from Leczyca and 1,240 from Grabow are transported for execution to Chelmno (Kulmhof). (Atlas) 1942 April 16 2,000 Jews from Gostynin are deported to Chelmno (Kulmhof) for execution. (Atlas) 1942 April 16 Berlin is informed by the local SS that "the Crimea is purged of Jews." (Atlas) 1942 April 17 2,000 Jews from Gabin and 250 from Sanniki are deported to Chelmno (Kulmhof). (Atlas) 1942 April 18 909 Jews are deported from Ceske Budejovice in Bohemia to Izbica and Belzec. (Atlas) 1942 April 18 U.S. Col. James H. Doolittle leads a B-25 strike on Tokyo. Afterward, all of the planes are ditched over China and the crews bail out. Seventeen of the 79 airmen are lost or killed by the Japanese. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese are killed in retaliation for helping the Americans. 1942 April 22 3,000 Jews from Wloclawk are transported for execution at Chelmo (Kulmhof). (Atlas) 1942 April 24 650 Jews are deported from Nuremberg to Izbica and Belzec. (Atlas) 1942 April 24 German Jews are no longer allowed to use public transportation. (Persecution) 1942 April 25 105 Jews from Bamberg are deported to Izbica and Belzec. (Atlas) 1942 April 26 Hitler demands and receives powers of Supreme Law Lord of Germany. 1942 April 27 In his "Comments on the General Plan for the East", a plan formulated by the SS, Dr. Wetzel mentions the anthropological investigation, supported by the DFG, and conducted by Professor Abel (a department head at the KWI of Anthropology). It involved Soviet citizens in German prisoner-of-war camps, "...he [Abel] gave a stern warning that the Russians should not be underrated... In these circumstances, Abel saw only two possible solutions, either the extermination of the Russian people or a Germanization of its Nordic elements." (Science) 1942 April 28 Several hundred Jews are shot at Przemysl, about 150 miles east of Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1942 April 3 129 German Jews from Augsburg are deported to Izbica and Belzec. The once 1000-strong Jewish community ceases to exist. (Atlas) 1942 April 5 Hitler issues a directive for the summer offensive. 1942 April 9 American and Filipino armies having retreated from Manila to the Bataan Peninsula surrender to the Japanese after holding out for three months.

1176 1942 April Hitler orders Dr. Heinz Fisher to conduct "Hollow Earth" experiments on the Baltic Island of Rugen. 1942 April Pierre Laval is reinstated to the Vichy government under German pressure. Laval tends more to expediency than Petain, dealing with and yielding to Nazi demands and seeking a comfortable place for France in Hitler's "new order." 1942 April The Bataan death march begins. Harsh treatment and starvation cause the deaths of nearly 10,000. 1942 Assassination of Interpol chief Heydrich in Czechoslovakia. Tsarion 1942 August 13 The Swiss police begin turning back Jewish refugees who manage to cross into Switzerland. (Atlas) 1942 August 17 Almost a thousand people, mainly Polish-born Jews, are deported from Paris to Auschwitz. Twenty-seven are Frenchborn children under the age of four, most of whom are deported without their parents, are all gassed within hours of their arrival. (Atlas) 1942 August 19 British and Canadian troops land at Dieppe in the largest commando raid of the war, damaging German installations and emplacements despite heavy losses of men and equipment. 1942 August 21 Himmler again visits with Odilo Globocnik in Lublin. (Architect) 1942 August 21 Photos of Jews being beaten and killed on a transport bound for Treblinka are taken by a young Austrian soldier, Hubert Pfoch, at Siedlce in Poland, while on his way to the Russian Front. (Apparatus) 1942 August 23 A swastika banner is said to have been planted atop Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains by a special SS detachment. The flag they planted was allegedly blessed according to the secret, mystical rites of the SS inner circle. Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains, as well as all of Europe, was also known as the "sacred hill of the Aryans," a seat of ancient civilizations, and the magic peak of a sect called by some the "Friends of Lucifer." (Pauwels) (Mt. Elbrus is an extinct volcano formed during the Tertiary Period, it has two cones rising to 18,510 ft. and 18,481 ft. in altitude.The name Caucasia, which was first recorded by the ancient Greeks, has a disputed derivation.Caucasia, which gave its name to the white race of humankind, has long served as a center of human settlement distinguished by ethnic complexity. About 40 languages are still spoken in the region, many of them in the so-called Caucasian group of languages.) (Grolier) 1942 August 23 German troops reach the Volga above Stalingrad. The Luftwaffe begins heavy bombing of the city with high explosives and incendiaries, causing 40,000 casualties within a few hours.

1177 1942 August 26 At Treblinka, a young deportee from Kielce, having been forbidden by one of the Ukrainian guards to say farewell to his mother, attacks the guard with a knife. The whole train of deportees is machine-gunned. (Atlas) 1942 August 28 Abetz, Papal Nuncio to Vichy France, requests Laval to mitigate the severity of measures taken against the Jews during the mass deportations that had recently begun in France. (PA Bonn; Lewy) 1942 August 29 Berlin is officially informed that the Jewish problem is Serbia is "totally solved". Of Serbia's 23,000 Jews, 20,000 have been murdered. (Atlas) 1942 August 30 Rommel is repulsed at Alam Halfa, Egypt. 1942 August 4 The first deportations of Jews from Belgium begin. During the next two years, a total of 26 trainloads will make their way to Auschwitz. Of 25,631 deported, only 1,244 will survive the war. (Atlas) 1942 August 7 U.S. Marines land at Guadalcanal in the Solomons. 1942 August 8 Marines on Guadalcanal overrun the airstrip, which is soon renamed Henderson Field. 1942 August 9 The Germans capture the Caucusus oilfields. 1942 August Colonel Kurt Gerstein, who later claims to have joined the SS to investigate the stories of extermination for himself, tries to tell the Papal Nuncio in Berlin about a gassing he had recently witnessed near Lublin. Monsignor Orsenigo refuses to see him so he tells his story to Dr. Winter, the legal advisor of Bishop Preysing of Berlin and a number of others. He also requests that the report be forwarded to the Holy See. 1942 August Eduard Schulte, in return for additional loans, irrevocably transfers ownership of Giesche's Silesian-American shares to Erzag, a Swiss firm controlled by his Swiss financial backers (La Roche). Schulte became an officer of the Swiss new corporation and even obtained German permission to export zinc, an essential war commodity, to Switzerland allegedly to finance the Swiss purchase of the American shares and bonds (Harriman) of Silesian-American. The revenue from the zinc sales stayed in Swiss banks. Almost a year after Germany declared war on the U.S., the U.S. Justice Department took over the Giesche shares of Silesian-American Corporation as enemy-owned property. (Silence) 1942 August German forces move into the Caucasus. Meanwhile, the Sixth Army, led by Gen. Paulus, marches toward Stalingrad, which Hitler hopes to use as a post for defending the occupation of the Caucasus.

1178 1942 August Sister Teresia Benedicta (Edith Stein) is removed from a Dutch monastery, where she had sought refuge. She is later gassed at Auschwitz. (Lewy) 1942 Autumn Sobibor becomes the first Operation Reinhard camp to begin exhuming its corpses and burning them. (Apparatus) 1942 Bill Donovans OCI evolves into the OSS under EO9128 and Donovan is put in charge. The OSS becomes an outpost of British Intelligence in the United States. Tsarion 1942 Britain creates anthrax bomb and tests it on Gruinard Island. Tsarion 1942 Captain Charles Pitman recounted that there were stories of a flying monster which dwelt in swamps on the borders of Angola and Zaire. 1942 Churchill and FDR postpone a planned 1943 invasion of Europe until 1944. Tsarion 1942 December 12 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet departs the U.S. for North Africa. 1942 December 12 The Germans deport 757 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1942 December 16 A German decree orders that all German Gypsies are to be deported to Auschwitz. About 20,000 will be killed at Auschwitz, and many thousands more die at other camps. No more than one-fifth of the prewar population in German-held territories will survive the war (Atlas) 1942 December 16 Himmler issues an order that all persons of mixed Gypsy blood be sent to Auschwitz. (Science) 1942 December 17 The Allies pledge punishment for Nazi extermination of the Jews. 1942 December 2 Manhattan Project scientists under Italian-born American physicist Enrico Fermi produce the first controlled chain reaction in an atomic pile at the University of Chicago. 1942 December 20 A pastoral letter by the new Archbishop of Cologne, Dr. Joseph Frings, is read in his archdiocese. Itinsists that all men have the right to life, property and marriage, and that these rights can not be denied be denied even to those "who are not of our blood or do not speak our language. (Lewy) 1942 December 22 Tittmann reports to the State Department that Papal Secretary of State Maglione has informed him that the Holy See, in line with its policy of neutrality, could not protest particular atrocities and had to limit itself to condemning immoral actions in general. He assured Tittmann that everything possible was being done behind the scenes to help the Jews. (U.S.D.P. 1942; Lewy)

1179 1942 December 24 Pope Pius XII makes another of his many calls for the more humane conduct of hostilities during a lengthy Christmas message over Vatican Radio. Humanity, he said, owed the resolution of a better world to "the hundreds of thousands who, without personal guilt, sometimes for no other reason than their nationality or descent, were doomed to death or exposed to a progressive deterioration of their condition." (DA Eichstatt; Lewy) 1942 December 26 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet arrives in North Africa. 1942 December 31 During 1942 a number of Catholic officers serving in Russia and Poland reported to the episcopate about the murder of the Jews. One such officer, Dr. Alfons Hildebrand, took special leave from his unit near Minsk to report the massacres he had witnessed to Cardinal Faulhaber. Dr. Joseph Muller, an officer in Canaris' Military Intelligence Service and a confidant of Cardinal Faulhaber, also kept the episcopate well informed about the systemic atrocities committed in Poland. Another source of information was Dr. Hans Globke, a Catholic and high official in the Ministry of the Interior entrusted with handling racial matters. (Dehler; Lewy) 1942 December 4 The Congress Weekly, a publication of the American Jewish Congress, begins publishing reports from Dr. Gerhart Reigner, a representative of the World Jewish Congress in Switzerland, stating that the Nazi leadership has a plan to resolve the Jewish question in Europe by means of poison gas. In 1983, the source of this information was discovered to be a German businessman named Eduard Schulte who is said to had "close connections with the highest German authorities." Schulte was in fact closely associated with the Silesian-American Corporation which was the holding company for his own company, Giesche, which had operations both in Germany and Poland. The Silesian-American corporation was 49% owned by German Giesche, 51% was held by Anaconda Copper and Harriman and Company. (Before America entered the war, Schulte had tried to arrange a Swiss purchase of all the shares and bonds of the Silesian-American Corporation, but the transaction was blocked by the U.S. Treasury department as "of potential benefit" to Germany) (Silence) 1942 December 4 The Germans deport 817 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz. Atlas) 1942 December 8 Professor Hallervorden, Department Head at the KWI of Brain Research, writes in a progress report on his research for the DFG, "In addition, during the course of this summer, I have been able to dissect 500 brains from feeble-minded individuals, and to prepare them for examination." (Science) 1942 December 8 The Germans deport 927 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz. (Atlas)

1180 1942 December Belzec concentration camp shuts down its gas chambers for good and begins exhuming the estimated 600,000 bodies buried there. (Apparatus) 1942 December The researh ward run by the Heidelberg psychiatrist Professor C. Schneider in Wiesloch comes into full operation. In this ward, idiots and epileptics are physiologically and psychologically investigated. After their euthanasia elsewhere, their brains are anatomically and histologically studied. (Science) 1942 December The Western Allies begin vigorously denouncing the cold-blooded extermination of the Jews. (Lewy) 1942 Epidemic of typhus in Egypt and North Africa into 1943. Tsarion 1942 Experiments investigating treatment of persons severely chilled or frozen are conducted at Dachau, primarily for the benefit of the German Air Force, are conducted from August 1942 to about May 1943. Tsarion 1942 Father Coughlin loses his bulk mailing permit, by order of part Jewish Roosevelt. 1942 FBI sweep of U.S. public libraries and book stores to confiscate anything to do with alternative technology and gravity technology. Tsarion 1942 February 1 Vidkun Quisling becomes virtual dictator of Norway. (Freedman) 1942 February 11 Archbishop Jager of Paderborn issues a pastoral letter for Lent, which characterizes Russia as a country whose people, "because of their hostility to God and their hatred of Christ, had degenerated into animals." (Lewy) 1942 February 15 The Japanese capture Singapore, the key to British and Dutch defenses in the Far East. 1942 February 17 German Jews are no longer allowed to subscribe to newspapers and magazines. (Persecution) 1942 February 19 General Gamelin, Leon Blum and Paul Reynaud are put on trial at Riom by the Vichy government, charged with being responsible for the French defeat of 1940. The trial is never concluded. Blum defends himself so brilliantly that the trial is suspended. He remains a prisoner until 1945. 1942 February 19 Josef Perau, a German military chaplain in Russia, writes of witnessing several hundred corpses being brought to a mass grave near his station everyday, "the total number being already 19,000." (Lewy) 1942 February 2 Hitler tells Himmler and other evening guests, "Today, we must conduct the same struggle that Pasteur and Koch had to

1181 fight. The cause of countless ills is a bacillus, the Jew... We will become healthy if we eliminate the Jew." (Architect) 1942 February 25--California, Los Angeles: A gigantic black-out, covering the area from Bakersfield south to San Diego and eastward to Boulder City and Las Vegas, Nev., went into effect shortly after 8 oclock last night on orders from the Army Fourth Interceptor Command. It continued until 11:03 p.m. As Los Angeles went dark amongst considerable confusion and uncertainty, The Interceptor Command announced, this is not a practice black-out. A yellow signal, indicating the approach of enemy air raiders, was flashed on the state-wide teletype at 7:35p.m.. Police said the signal indicated the presence of unidentified airplanes approaching Los Angeles from the sea but did not necessarily mean they were enemy. Anti-aircraft and machine gunners scrambled to their weapons at Ft. Mac Arthur, which was promptly placed on alert basis. Reports that the sound of gunfire could be heard could not be verified from listening posts at the beach or at the harbor. Definite indication that the Interceptor Command meant business by calling for the black-out was contained in a statement from a spokesman who said: There are planes over the south of Los Angeles that are unidentified. The area will be blacked out until we can identify them. When asked if Army planes had been sent aloft to contact these aircraft the spokesman said: You can assume there have been. Thousands of Angelinos, listening for straining ears for sounds of aircraft, were unable to distinguish sounds of motors, however. A few minutes after the black-out was ordered, the flashing of what appeared to be Army searchlights was visible in the higher portions of Los Angeles, 25 miles from the water front. Headquarters of the Fourth Interceptor Command, calling the blackout a success, said they had a report that unidentified planes were in the vicinity of Los Angeles. A Secret Memo to the President from Chief of Staff, C.G. Marshall stating: UFOs appeared over Los Angeles, CA, yesterday morning. The 37th Brigade (AA) expended 1430 rounds of ammunition against them. No bombs dropped, no casualties among our troops, no planes (UFOs) shot down, no AA or Navy planes were in action. 1942 February 28 More than 13,000 Jews have now been deported to Chelmno and gassed since December 8, 1941. Adolf Eichmann himself witnessed the process. (Atlas) 1942 February 4 A meeting takes place at the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories where the "scrapping by labor" of the Eastern peoples is openly discussed. Professors Fischer and B. K. Schultz are among those present. (Science)

1182 1942 February Himmler tells his masseur, Dr. Felix Kersten, that Hitler has ordered the immediate execution of all Jews in German possession. (Kersten Memoirs) 1942 February The 38,000 Jews of Libya once again come under Italian control. Jewish shops are plundered and 2,600 Jews are deported to a forced labor camp at Giado, building military roads. Many die from starvation and typhus. (Atlas) 1942 February The U.S. position in the Philippines is so serious that President Roosevelt orders General MacArthur to escape and proceed to Australia to take supreme command of the Allied forces in the southwestern Pacific. "I shall return," MacArthur promises. 1942 Foster Kennedy, a psychiatrist in the U.S., recommends the killing of retarded children. Tsarion 1942 German nerve gas factory becomes operational, unknown to the allies. Tsarion 1942 Germany becomes worlds largest producer of aluminum (and Sodium Fluoride) Tsarion 1942 Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch is appointed an honorary SS "professor." 1942 Henry Moray attempts to rebuild his Radiant Energy Device. His second detector forced him into research involving nuclear materials, radioactive reactions, and synthetic radioactivity. When he inquires about Gustave LeBons book The Evolution of Matter (synthetic radiation), he is questioned by the FBI on why he wants the book, which had been withdrawn from libraries. Tsarion 1942 High altitude low pressure experiments on Dachau inmates. (March Tsarion 1942 I.G. Farben known to be operating using slave labor from Nazi camps. Tsarion 1942 January 1 Twenty-six nations sign the United Nations Declaration in Washington, D.C. The Atlantic Charter and its eight principles, (1) the renunciation of territorial aggression; (2) territorial changes only with consent of the peoples concerned; (3) restoration of sovereign rights and self-government; (4) access to raw materials for all nations; (5) world economic cooperation; (6) freedom from fear and want; (7) freedom of the seas; and (8) disarmament of aggressors are also endorsed by the signatories at the Arcadia Conference. (See August 9, 1941) 1942 January 10 German Jews are ordered to turn in all of their wool and fur clothing. (Persecution) 1942 January 14 Dr. Mennecke, a physician involved in the euthanasia program, writes in a letter, "The day before yesterday, a large contingent from our euthanasia program has moved under the leadership

1183 of Brack to the Eastern battle-zone... It consists of doctors, office personnel, and male and female nurses, from Hadamar and Sonnenstein, in all a group of 20-30 persons." (Science) 1942 January 15 The Inter-American conference opens in Rio de Janiero to draw up plans for protection of American republics against aggression. 1942 January 16 Donald Nelson is appointed head of the new U.S. War Production Board. 1942 January 17 Field Marshal von Reichenau dies of a stroke while returning to Germany from the Eastern Front. 1942 January 18 The Russian counteroffensive in the Moscow sector reaches a point 70 miles from Smolensk. 1942 January 19 Field Marshal von Bock is appointed to replace von Reichenau. 1942 January 2 Japanese forces take Manila and the naval base of Cavite in the Philippines. 1942 January 20 The Wansee Conference on the "Final Solution" of the Jewish question is held at Interpol headquarters in Wansee, a quiet Berlin suburb. Reinhard Heydrich presents a plan for the "Final Solution" to the "Jewish Problem." (These plans provide for the transportation of all of Europe's Jews to extermination camps. Adolf Eichmann will be in charge of the department of the SS responsible for the execution of the plan.) 1942 January 21 Rommel attacks the British in Libya. 1942 January 23 Hungarian Fascists at Sovi Sad in occupied Yugoslavia drive 550 Jews and 292 Serbs to the river and onto the ice. After firing on the ice to break it up, they shoot all those who manage to stay afloat. A total of 2,550 Serbs and 700 Jews are killed by the Hungarians at Novi Sad. (Atlas) 1942 January 26 Himmler notifies Richard Glucks, inspector of the concentration camps, that the camps are now to take on great economic tasks; he should expect to receive a hundred thousand male Jews and fifty thousand female Jews in the next four weeks to use as laborers. (Architect) 1942 January 26 The Board of Inquiry investigating the Pearl Harbor attack finds Admiral Husband E. Kimmel (Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet) and General Short (Commander-in-Chief Hawaiian Department) guilty of dereliction of duty. Both have already been dismissed. 1942 January 27 Rosenberg, with Bormann's concurrence, issues an order forbidding any further discussion of religious questions in the Party's work of ideological indoctrination. (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Lewy)

1184 1942 January 28 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet enlists in the U.S. Army. 1942 January 30 Hitler, at the Berlin Sports Palace, reaffirms his prewar prophecy concerning the Jews; once again telling an audience that "the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews." 1942 January 31 The Japanese clear the British from Malaysia. 1942 January 7 The Arcadia Conference comes to an end. During the proceedings each of the 26 signatory nations has agreed to use all of their military and economic resources to defeat the Axis, pledging not to make a separate peace or armistice with the enemy. 1942 July 12 General Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov, one of Stalin's favorite generals, who had been awarded the Order of the Red Banner for his successful defense of Moscow against von Bock's Army Group Center, is captured by the Germans. Vlasov soon begins to raise an army from among the Russian POWs to fight alongside the Germans against Stalin. Formed in spite of Hitler's opposition, it is named the Russian Army of Liberation. (Duffy) 1942 July 1-27 The First Battle of El Alamein takes place in Egypt. 1942 July 14 Thousands of Jews are rounded up and arrested in Amsterdam. 1942 July 15 The first train leaves Holland for Auschwitz. 1,135 Dutch Jews are on board. 1942 July 16 Hitler arrives at Vinnitsa. 1942 July 17 A transport of Dutch Jews arrives at Auschwitz, and Himmler witnesses the execution of 449 persons in Bunker 2, his first such experience. That evening, Himmler attends a dinner party at Gauleiter Fritz Bracht's luxurious villa in a forest near Kattowitz. The villa had been loaned to Bracht by Giesche, one of Germany's leading mining firms, whose chief executive officer and general manager was Eduard Schulte. The villa had originally been built for the use of Giesche's American directors. (As a result of a complex financing scheme in the 1920's Giesche's Polish operations were under American management by The Silesian-American Corporation) (See Harriman, Bush and others). (Silence) 1942 July 17 Blind and handicapped German Jews are no longer allowed to display special armbands for the disabled. (Persecution) 1942 July 17 Himmler visits Auschwitz-Birkenau and gives Rudolf Hoss (Hoess), the camp commandant, approval for an ambitious expansion plan. Crews begin building a complex of four state-of-the-art killing centers. Each is a brick crematorium containing under one roof all the necessary facilities for the complete process, from undressing through gassing to cremation in specially designed furnaces. (Apparatus) 1942 July 17 The Germans deprive all Jews in Holland of their Dutch citizenship. (Atlas)

1185 1942 July 18 Himmler inspects Auschwitz and the surrounding area with several officials from I.G. Farben. (Silence) 1942 July 2 The BBC features a broadcast by Polish-Jewish spokesman Szmul Zygielbojm, who states bluntly that the Nazis' strategy in Poland consists of the "planned extermination of a whole nation by means of shot, shell, starvation, and poison gas. (Beast) 1942 July 22 The Germans begin their most ambitious project to date, the deporting of more than half a million Jews from the Warsaw ghetto. The death camp prepared for them is Treblinka, little more than 40 miles away. (In just one month, 66,701 Jews are transported to Treblinka and gassed on arrival.) (Atlas) 1942 July 23 The death camp at Treblinka goes into operation. (total victims, 800,000; survivors, under 40) (Note, A few days later, SS Major Christian Wirth is named inspector of the death camps at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.) (See December 8, 1941) 1942 July 28 The Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO) is set up in the Warsaw ghetto. 1942 July 29 Eduard Schulte, general manager of the Giesche mining operation near Auschwitz, departs Breslau by train for Switzerland, where he plans to disclose the German plan for the "final solution of the Jewish question," which he apparently had learned of not long after Himmler's visit to Auschwitz on July 17. He soon gave his information to several Jewish organizations, and through them, anonymously, to the rest of the world. Schulte's warning seems to have been the first report to reach the West of an overall Nazi plan, authorized at the highest levels, to eliminate the Jewish people entirely. (Silence) 1942 July 30 Harold H. Tittmann, the assistant to Myron C. Taylor, Roosevelt's personal representative at the Holy See points out to the Vatican that its silence is "endangering its moral prestige and is undermining faith both in the Church and in the Holy Father himself." (U.S.D.P. 1942; Lewy) 1942 July 31 By the end of the month, 6,000 Dutch Jews have been transported to Auschwitz, where the majority are soon gassed. (Atlas) 1942 July 4 In a secret conversation recorded by Bormann, Hitler declares, "Once the war is over we will put a swift end to the Concordat." The financial subsidies will be eliminated at once and all old accounts settled. Until then all provocative steps have to be avoided. 1942 July 4 The Germans secure Sevastopol, completing their conquest of the Crimea. 1942 July Roosevelt overrides his American planners, ordering that Operation Torch, the invasion of French North Africa, is to take place, if possible, by October 30. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower is appointed to command the joint Allied operation.

1186 1942 June 10 Hours after Heydrich's funeral, SS security police surround Lidice, a village near Prague suspected of harboring the assassins. The entire male population is executed on the spot. Some are said to have burned alive in a barn. The women are sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp. Many of the children are sent to Germany and brought up under different names. The entire village is torched, razed to the ground, and plowed over with grain to remove any trace of habitation. (The official German report stated that 170 men were shot. Executed separately were eleven miners returning from work, and 15 relatives of the Czech agents.) (Apparatus; WWIIDBD) 1942 June 11 German Jews are not allowed to receive cigarette ration cards. (Persecution) 1942 June 14 Shortly after the first 1000-bomber Allied raids on Cologne and Essen, Goebbels publishes an editorial in Das Reich declaring that Germany would repay England "blow for blow" for the attacks on German cities. He goes on to blame the "Jewish press" of London and New York for instigating Britain's "blood-thirsty malice" against Germany. These Jews, Goebbels says, "will pay for it (the bombings) with the extermination of their race in all Europe and perhaps even beyond." (Beast) 1942 June 15 The SS in Riga sends for another gassing van. 1942 June 18 At dawn, SS troops open fire on the Orthodox church in Prague, where Heydrich's assassins have taken refuge with several confederates. After a two-hour siege, all are killed or have taken their own lives. Their hiding place had been betrayed by Karel Curda, a young Czech who had trained with them in Britain. 1942 June 18 Churchill travels to Wahington to confer with Roosevelt. 1942 June 19 German Jews are ordered to turn in all their electrical and optical appliances, as well as typewriters and bicycles. (Persecution) 1942 June 20 All Jewish schools in Greater Germany are closed. (Persecution) 1942 June 20 Tobruk is captured and the Germans breakthrough into Egypt. 1942 June 26 Rudolf Hess is transported 200 miles from Camp Z to P.O.W. Reception Station, Maindiff Court in South Wales, before the war an admission clinic for the County Mental Hospital at nearby Abergavenny. Hess abruptly quits complaining of being poisoned and drugged; begins sleeping proper hours, eats without complaint, and excercises frequently. Hess' disposition becomes sunny and cheerful, and a car is provided for chauffer-driven rides in the countryside literally whenever he pleases. (Missing Years)

1187 1942 June 3 An American patrol plane sights a Japanese force of 200 ships approaching Midway Island. B-17s from Midway unsuccessfully attack Admiral Kondo's group of heavy support ships. 1942 June 4 Reinhard Heydrich, after suffering for more than a week with a broken rib, a pierced diaphragm, and a grenade splinter jutting into his spleen, dies of blood poisoning in Prague's Bulovka Hospital. Thus died the man who had designed the "Final Solution" and created the Einsatzgruppen. (Rumors persist in Germany that Heydrich was "allowed" to die on Hitler's orders. He seemed to be recovering until Hitler's doctor arrived from Berlin; after which his condition suddenly worsened.) 1942 June 4-7 The Battle of Midway. A naval force commanded by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz defeats the Japanese force under Adm. Yamamoto Isoroku off Midway. Four Japanese aircraft carriers are sunk with the loss of one U.S. carrier (Yorktown). This battle proves to be the turning point of the war in the Pacific. 1942 June 9 A gassing van used earlier at Zemun for the murder of Serbian Jews is sent to Riga, for the continuing killing of not only Riga's Jews, but also tens of thousands of Jews deported to Riga from Germany six months earlier. (Atlas) 1942 June 9 At an elaborate state funeral held for Heydrich in Berlin, Himmler calls Heydrich an "ideal always to be emulated,but perhaps never again to be achieved." (Apparatus) 1942 June 9 German Jews are required to turn in all of their "excess" clothing. (Persecution) 1942 June 9 The United States and Britain agree to pool all resources of food and production. 1942 June As Heydrich passes his last hours, his colleges in the SS are shaping his final legacy. Code-named Operation Reinhard in his honor, it calls for nothing less than the systematic murder by gas poisoning of the two million Jews concentrated in the ghettos of the Government General and the incorporated territories of Poland. (Apparatus) 1942 June By this time, almost all 15,000 Serbian Jews deported to the concentration camp at Zemun have been gassed in mobile gas units, disguised as Red Cross vans (see November 1941 and August 29, 1942). (Atlas) 1942 June Within days of the attack on Heydrich, more than 13,000 people are arrested, 232 are executed for expressing their approval, and 462 more are executed for possessing weapons or disobeying the police. (Apparatus)

1188 1942 Leadership of the Zionist movement relocates to the United States. A conference in New York City demands the founding of a Jewish state in all of Palestine and unlimited Jewish immigration. 1942 Manhattan Project is established (The Jason Group may have been established as an offshoot from this). 1942 March 14 A number of Jews, who had been sent to work on a farm near Ilja in western Russia, escape into the woods and join a partisan group. (Atlas) 1942 March 14--Nazi Hauptmann Fischer, an engineer in civil life, landed his plane at a secret air base at Banak, in Norway. At that instant the radar picked up a luminous object and Fischer was asked to go up and identify it. At about 10,000 feet the pilot caught sight of the object, and gave a description by radio to the base: an enormous streamlined craft about 300 feet long and about 50 feet in diameter. The "aerial whale" which was Fischer's title for it stayed horizontal for a long moment before rising vertically and disappearing at great speed. 1942 March 15 Archbishop Konrad Groeber issues a pastoral letter for People's Memorial Day praising the "victorious German soldiers who are fighting a crusade against Bolshevism, protecting Europe from the Red tide." 1942 March 17 A second death camp goes into operation just south of the village of Belzec in Galicia. 6,786 Jews are murdered during the first set of deportations. (total victims, 600,000; survivors, 2) (Two other death camps, Sobibor and Treblinka are now under construction. These are not slave labor camps; their single purpose is to kill every Jew within a few hours of arrival.) (Atlas) 1942 March 17 Beginning of "Aktion Reinhard" (Operation Reinhard). Jews from Lublin are transported to Belzec. (Days) 1942 March 17 Two Jewish leaders at Ilja, who had refused to hand over partisan sympathizers to the SS, escape into the forest to join the partisans. As a reprisal, the Germans shoot all old and sick Jews they find in the streets, and force 900 more into a building, lock it, and set it on fire. All 900 perish. (Atlas) 1942 March 18 Martin Bormann issues an order declaring a letter allegedly written by Werner Molders, the recently killed number one ace of the Luftwaffe, as a forgery. A reward of 100,000 marks is offered for information leading to the apprehension of the real author. (The Nazis were upset because in this letter, Molders had reported with pride that Catholics, on account of their dedication, were now finally being accepted as full-fledged Germans and were enjoying the respect of those who earlier had taunted them as meek and other worldly.) (Lewy) 1942 March 2 5,000 Jews are taken from the ghetto in Minsk to a newly dug pit on the outskirts of town and machine-gunned. No

1189 ammunition is wasted on the hundreds of Jewish children seized that day, they are thrown into the pit alive to die of suffocation. (Atlas) 1942 March 23 Rosenberg, minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories, writes about the possible employment of staff for his projected Reich Center for Research on the East, "...I have thought of Geheimrat Eugen Fischer, a person who represents biological research and is a leading member of the KWG." (Science) 1942 March 24 320 German Jews are deported from Wurzburg to the death camp at Belzec. Not a single one survives. (Throughout March, Jews are deported to Belzec from Eastern Galicia and the Lublin area, where within two weeks almost all of the city's large Jewish community is transported.) (Atlas) 1942 March 24 The first Slovak Jews are deported to Auschwitz. 1942 March 25 U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announces that William Stamps Farish has pled "no contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. Arnold discloses that Standard Oil of New Jersey (later Exxon) of which Farish is president and CEO has agreed to stop hiding patents from the U.S. for synthetic rubber, which the company has in its possession, and which are already in use by the Nazis at Auschwitz. 1942 March 26 All Jewish dwellings in Germany must now be marked by a Star of David. (Persecution) 1942 March 26 The first deportations of Jews to Auschwitz begins. The first group is from Bratislava in Slovakia. Once at Auschwitz, all are sent to the barracks. No gassing take place until May 4, 1942. (Atlas) 1942 March 27 Jews from France are deported to Auschwitz. All are foreign-born Jews who had been rounded up seven months earlier, and interned. (Atlas) 1942 March 31 The Gestapo raids the ghetto in Minsk, capturing several Jewish leaders who have attempted to organize a resistance group. (Atlas) 1942 March 6 Adolf Eichmann chairs a conference dealing with the "problem" of half-Jews who are not of the Jewish faith and who are not married to a Jewish partner. (Hilberg) 1942 March 7 The Japanese enter Rangoon in Burma. 1942 March A conference of "experts" decides to close the loophole in the Nuremberg laws that has allowed existing mixed marriages between "Aryans" and Jews. These so-called experts order the compulsory dissolution of racially mixed marriages, to be followed by the deportation of the Jewish partner. If the "Aryan" partner failed to apply for a divorce within a certain period of time, the public prosecutor was to file a petition for divorce, which the courts would be obliged to grant. (Lewy)

1190 1942 March The Dutch East Indies surrender to the Japanese. 1942 March The Lumenclub and the Order of the New Templars (ONT) in Austria are said to have been suppressed by the Gestapo in accordance with a party edict of December 1938. (Daim, Roots) 1942 May 10 More than 3,000 Jews are killed at Dunajevtsi in the Ukraine. 1942 May 15 German Jews are forbidden by law from keeping pets. (Persecution) 1942 May 18 A public display of anti-Nazi posters in Berlin by a student group led by Herbert Baum leads to their capture (See May 27). (Atlas) 1942 May 19 Germans forces attack Kharkov. 1942 May 21 4,300 local Jews from Chelm are deported and gassed at Sobibor. (Atlas) 1942 May 26 Churchill and Molotov sign a twenty-year mutual aid treaty between Britain and the Soviet Union. (Freedman) 1942 May 26 In Libya, Rommel attacks the British Gazala Line, starting a drive from Libya that will soon take him to El-Alamein, 60 miles from Alexandria, Egypt. 1942 May 27 All 152 members of the student group which had distributed anti-Nazi posters in Berlin, are shot. 1942 May 27 At Dubno in the Ukraine, 5,000 Jews, judged to be nonproductive for the German war effort, are taken outside the town and killed. (Atlas) 1942 May 27 Reinhard Heydrich, one of Hitler's favorites and now Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, is seriously wounded in Prague by Czech nationals trained as British agents in England. Hitler quickly declares a state of siege in the protectorate, offers a reward of one million marks for the capture of the assassins, and vows to slaughter 10,000 Czechs. (Apparatus) 1942 May 28 After nine days of bloody fighting, the Germans are victorious at Kharkov. 1942 May 29 All Jews in France, even the French-born, are prohibited access to all public places, squares, restaurants, cafes, libraries, public baths, gardens and sports grounds. (Atlas) 1942 May 30-31 The first 1,000-bomber raid by the RAF is made on Cologne. Much of the city is destroyed, and 45,000 civilians are made homeless. 1942 May 3-9 The Battle of the Coral Sea begins. This battle is the first naval engagement in history in which surface ships do not exchange a shot. The carrier forces are evenly matched, but the American fliers force the Japanese to make a hasty retreat. More than 25 Japanese ships are sunk or disabled. Damage to its heavy carriers hampers Japan's

1191 operations for the next several months. The Coral Sea is the first defeat for the Japanese in the South Pacific, and halts the extension of Japan's power southward. 1942 May 4 1,200 Jews chosen from recent transports from Germany, Slovakia and France are gassed at Auschwitz. 1942 May 4 The killing center at Auschwitz goes into operation, first at Auschwitz itself, then at the nearby camp of Birkenau, where four gas chambers and crematoria are built during late 1942 and early 1943. (total victims, 1.5 - 2 million, survivors, 2,000+) (Atlas) (Jews from each deportation were selected to live as slave laborers, some at Birkenau itself, others at nearby factories, including a synthetic oil and rubber plant later built at Monowitz. At Birkenau many Jews, particularly women, were selected by SS doctors for bizarre and painful medical experiments. During the War, Birkenau was known as Auschwitz II and Monowitz as Auschwitz III or "Buna.") (Atlas) 1942 May 6 After the fall of Bataan, U.S. forces on Corregidor are cut-off. With no way to receive supplies, Lt. Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright surrenders with more than 10,000 troops, medical personnel, and civilians. 1942 May 9 German Jews are forbidden to enter beauty parlors and barber shops. (Persecution) 1942 May 9 Wearing of the yellow star of David is made compulsory for Jews living in Holland. (Atlas) 1942 May 9, Biltmore Program - Zionist leaders, headed by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion, convene at the Biltmore Hotel in New York and declare their postwar program (known as the Biltmore Program). The program recommended an end to the British Mandate and demand Jewish control over immigration to Palestine with the aim of founding a Jewish "Commonwealth". 1942 May The Allies receive the first authoritative and exact report of the German annihilation of Jews in Poland. More than 700,000 have already been murdered. This information has been smuggled out of Poland by the underground Jewish Socialist Party. (Bauer) (Only one death camp, Belzec, was mentioned in the report, but it warned that the mass killings were still in progress.) (Atlas) 1942 May The Biltmore Conference makes a fundamental departure from traditional Zionist policy and demands "that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth" (state), rather than a "homeland". This sets the ultimate aim of the movement. 1942 MayDuring a visit to Sweden, Pastor Dietrich Bonhffer (Bonhoeffer) takes with him peace proposals from a group of German conspirators led by General Hans Oster, Chief of Staff of the Abwehr,

1192 and General Ludwig Beck, but they were rejected by the British Foreign Office. 1942 November 1 Professor Fischer retires. His successor as Director of the KWI of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics is Professor von Verschuer. (Science) 1942 ! STERN, Avraham 190742. Leader of the Stern Gang. Stern emigrated to Palestine from Poland in 1925 and was active in the Jewish underground organization Irgun Tzvai Leumi (Etzel) from its inception in 1931. In 1940 he disagreed with Etzels policy of co-operating with the British in the war effort and broke away with a small extremist group which became known to the world as the Stern Gang. It attacked British policy and army personnel and tried to make a deal with the Axis powers. A price was put on Sterns head, and in 1942, after his arrest, he was shot and killed by a British policeman under controversial circumstances. His followers lay low for a while but reconstituted themselves under the name Freedom Fighters of Israel (Lehi for short). Lehi was responsible for the assassination in 1944 of Lord Moyne, the British minister of state in Cairo, and probably also of the United Nations mediator Count BERNADOTTE in 1948. This led to Lehis suppression by the newly proclaimed State of Israel. 1942 November 10 Hitler, Laval and Ciano meet in Munich to discuss the situation in North Africa. 1942 November 11 Archbishop Bertram, in the name of the episcopate, sends a letter of protest against the planned compulsory divorce legislation to the Ministers of Justice, Interior and Ecclesiastical Affairs. According to Catholic doctrine, these marriages were indissoluble. (Lewy) 1942 November 11 The Germans occupy Vichy France. 1942 November 16 The deportation of German Gypsies to Auschwitz begins. 1942 November 17 Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long-managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, are seized under the U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act. The government announces it is seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners, Bush and his father-in-Law, to carry on the business. 1942 November 17 The Allies warn the Germans that the killing of Jews will be severely punished. 1942 November 19 Hitler refuses a withdrawal plan by General Kurt Zeitzler, who had replaced Halder as Army Chief of Staff, that would have allowed General Paulus to pull out of Stalingrad and strike the Soviet forces from the rear, crippling their offensive. (Duffy)

1193 1942 November 19 The Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad begins. A large Soviet offensive is launched along the Don and Volga Rivers against Romanian Armies north and south of Stalingrad. Soviet tanks penetrate the front and destroy five Romanian divisions. Hungarian and Italian armies are also crushed. 1942 November 2 One of the most carefully organized and intensive Jewish roundups takes place in the Bialystok region. 110,000 Jews, who had been strictly confined to their villages, are now seized and eventually transported to Treblinka and Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1942 November 23 Goering volunteers the Luftwaffe to fly supplies into Stalingrad. 1942 November 25 531 Jewish women and children are seized in Norway and deported from Oslo to Auschwitz. (Atlas) (see October 25, 1942. Of the 740 Jews deported from Norway, only 12 will survive the war. As many as 930 Norwegian Jews escape into Sweden.) 1942 November 26 An article in an SS periodical, the Schwarze Korps, states that in the Napola, SS preparatory schools "pupils learn how to kill and how to die." When inaugurating a new Napola, Himmler reduced the doctrine to its lowest common measure, "Believe, obey, fight; that is all." ( Later, if proven worthy, students were admitted to the Burgs (Ordenburgs) for further SS training and education.) (Pauwels) 1942 November 29 William S. Farish, president and CEO of Standard Oil of New Jersey dies of an apparent heart attack. 1942 November 3 After standing firm for more than a week, Rommel's German and Italian forces begin a withdrawal from El Alamein and begin heading back for Libya. 1942 November 30 Romanian leader Marshal Antonescu makes his first secret contacts with the Western Powers. 1942 November 30 The New York Times runs one of the first articles on the unfolding story of the Holocaust. That article, under the headline, "1,000,000 Jews Slain by the Nazis, Report Says" is only six paragraphs long and buried on page 7. An exhibition of the clipping in June 1996 at the New York Public Library included a caption noting that The Times was criticized for having "grossly underplayed" coverage of the Holocaust, and deemed such criticism as valid. (NY Times, June 26, 1996) 1942 November 5 Rommel retreats from Fuka. 1942 November 6 Approximately 10,000 Jews from Chelm are sent to Sobibor. (Atlas) 1942 November 6 Himmler gives his support to a plan to establish a collection of Jewish skulls and skeletons at the Reich Anatomical Institute in Strasbourg, not far from Natzweiler concentration camp. (Atlas) (see June 21, 1943)

1194 1942 November 7 British forces enter Mersa Matruh, but most of Rommel's divisions have already slipped away. 1942 November 8 - 9 "Operation Torch" - U.S. and British forces land in strength in French Morocco and Algeria. Timed to coincide with Montgomery's offensive, the operation places them in a position to attack Rommel's Afrika Korps from the west. 1942 November 9 Allen Dulles arrives in Bern, Switzerland, on the last train from Vichy France, only hours before the Germans occupy southern France and cut the rail link. Ostensibly taking up a post as assistant to the American minister in Bern, Dulles's real job is to organize the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Mission in Switzerland. He soon begins setting up a professional intelligence outpost on Germany's southern border. Dulles had already met Eduard Schulte 15 years earlier at Sullivan and Cromwell, Dulles law firm, which sometimes represented Giesche's partner Anaconda Copper. (Silence) 1942 November 9 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet and Betty Jo Box (Bach) are married in Winnfield, LA. 1942 November 9 Hitler attends Blutzeuge (Day of National Memory) ceremonies in Munich. 1942 November Vichy France loses almost all autonomy after German troops enter unoccupied France. 1942 October 10 The Holy See replies to Taylor's note (September 26) that up to the present it had not been possible to verify the accuracy of the severe measures reportedly taken against the Jews. (U.S.D.P. 1942; Lewy) 1942 October 15 Ernst Woermann, director of the political department of the Foreign Ministry, records that Papal Nuncio Orsenigo in Berlin had made several inquiries about mass shootings and the fate of the deported Jews with "some embarrassment and without emphasis." (PA Bonn; Lewy) 1942 October 20 The U.S. government orders the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York which were being conducted by Prescott Bush. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian took over the Union Banking Corporation and its stock shares, all of which were owned by E. Roland "Bunny" Harriman, Bush, three Nazi executives and two other Bush associates. 1942 October 23 Field Marshal Montgomery begins his attack on El Alamein. After a 5-hour, thousand-gun artillery barrage. Two British columns move forward cutting a deep salient into the German lines. 1942 October 25 In Oslo, Norway, 209 Jewish men and boys over the age of 16 are deported to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1942 October 25 Rommel returns to North Africa from sick leave in Germany and immediately counterattacks.

1195 1942 October 28 The U.S. government orders the seizure of two Nazi front organizations run by Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman, The Holland-American Trading Company and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. 1942 October 30 Hitler departs Vinnitsa. 1942 October 4 Beginning of deportation of all Jews from concentration camps in Germany to Auschwitz. (Persecution) 1942 October 6 Tittmann reports to the State Department that the Pope's silence is due in part to the desire of the Holy See to assure that Papal pronouncements stand the test of time and that that the Pope has hesitated to condemn German atrocities because he does not want to incur later the reproach of the German people that the Catholic Church had contributed to their defeat. (U.S.D.P. 1942; , Lewy) 1942 October Himmler, when received by Count Ciano on a visit to Rome, praises the "discretion" of theVatican. (Lewy) 1942 October The Germans capture the southern and central parts of Stalingrad and thrust into the industrial sectors of the north. Hand-tohand fighting takes place in cellars, sewers, and factories. The Soviet casualty rate reaches its peak in mid-October, and the defenders of Stalingrad appear trapped. 1942 On October 24th, U.S. Government orders the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were conducted by Prescott Bush. Under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the government takes over Union Banking Corporation, of which Bush is a director. On October 28th, the government seizes two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. In November, Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corp are seized. Nazi U.S. partners are left to carry on business. The order to seize the bank is quietly published in government records and kept out of the public media. Tsarion 1942 Rocky Mountain Arsenal opens in Colorado. It employed 3,000 people and produced 87,000 tons of toxic chemicals by the end of the war in 1945. The chemicals were tested in Utah at the Dugway Proving Ground. Tsarion 1942 September 1 German troops reach the outskirts of Stalingrad. 1942 September 10 533 Jews are deported from Nuremberg to the camp at Theresienstadt. Only 27 will survive the war. (Atlas) 1942 September 11 Meir Berliner, a young Jew from Argentina trapped in Warsaw by the war, uses his penknife to stab an SS officer to death at Treblinka. (Atlas) 1942 September 15 Polish-born Jews are deported from Lille, France, to Auschwitz. (Atlas)

1196 1942 September 16 Forty Bulgarian-born Jews are among those deported to Auschwitz from Paris. No Jews in Bulgaria had yet been deported to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1942 September 16 Heinrich Himmler in a speech at Hegewald says that the blood that coursed through the veins of Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, and Stalin... was German. (Architect) 1942 September 16 The German army enters Stalingrad. Fighting soon becomes street-to-street, block-to-block, house-to-house combat. 1942 September 18 A decree orders that German Jews are no longer entitled to buy meat, eggs, and milk products. (Persecution) 1942 September 18 The first executions of Jews takes place at the Natzweiler concentration camp in Alsace. (Atlas) 1942 September 2 At Lachwa in Poland, 820 Jews lead by Dov Lopatin revolt against their "liquidation." 700 are killed, 120 escape. Many join a Soviet partisan unit. (Atlas) 1942 September 23 The SS launches the "Gehsperre" action designed to make the Lodz ghetto a "working ghetto." All children under 10, all men and women over 60, and the sick or disabled are deported to the death camp at Chelmno. Within two weeks more than 16,000 are gassed. (Atlas) 1942 September 24 Colonel-General Franz Halder, Chief of the general staff of the army (OKH), is fired by Hitler. (Duffy) 1942 September 25 An instruction to Swiss police states, "Under current practice, refugees on the grounds of race alone are not political refugees." (Atlas) 1942 September 25 In Paris, 700 Romanian-born Jews are seized by the SS and deported to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1942 September 26 Myron C. Taylor, Roosevelt's personal representative at the Holy See, forwards to Papal Secretary of State Luigi Maglione a memorandum of the Jewish Agency for Palestine that reports mass executions of Jews in Poland and occupied Russia, and told of deportations to death camps from Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Slovakia, etc. Taylor asks if the Vatican can confirm these reports and if so, "whether the Holy Father has any suggestions as to any practical manner in which the forces of civilized public opinion could be utilized in order to prevent a continuation of these barbarities." (U.S.D.P. 1942; Lewy) 1942 September Harold Tittmann and several other diplomatic representatives at the Vatican, with Secretary of State Hull's authorization, formally request that the Pope condemn the "incredible horrors" perpetrated by the Nazis. (Lewy) 1942 September The death camp at Majdanek goes into operation. (victims, 500,000; survivors, fewer than 600)

1197 1942 Solomon Islands: Sergeant Stephen Brickner of the US Marine Corps witnessed an extraordinary UFO formation. He estimated the number to around 150 craft all arranged in a rectangle. The formation was 15 craft long and 10 deep. Formation sightings have been reported before but the rectangle shape is unique. 1942 Spring In Slovakia, 52,000 Jews are deported and transported to the East. 1942 Spring Locally stationed Security Police and SD units take over the job of murdering Jews in the USSR. (Days) 1942 Spring The "White Rose" resistance group begins distributing leaflets composed by a group of students and a professor of philosophy at the University of Munich. Their leaflets tell of the murders of 300,000 Jews in Poland and ask why the German people remain so apathetic in the face of these "revolting crimes." (Scholl; Lewy) 1942 Summer Himmler assigns Paul Blobel, a former commander of one of his mobile killer groups (Einsatzgruppen) to find the most efficient means of destroying the evidence of Nazi atrocities. Working at Chelmno (Kulmhof) under the code name Sonderaktion 1005 (Special Command 1005), Blobel and a small staff began exhuming victims of the mobile gassing vans. They finally decided upon cremations over huge fireplaces. Any remaining bones were ground up in a special bonecrushing machine. The ashes and bone fragments were buried in the same pits from which the bodies had been disinterred. (Apparatus) 1942 Summer The U.S. Army Air Force joins in operations against Germany. B-17 Flying Fortresses and B-24 Liberators concentrate on high altitude daylight bombing, while the RAF strikes at night. 1942 Summer The Vatican points out to the head of the Slovak government, Dr. Josef Tiso, a Catholic priest, that the 52,000 Jews deported from Slovakia in the spring had been sent away not for labor service but for annihilation. The deportations ground to a halt because Eichmann's emissary had instructions to avoid "political complications." Thereafter, the Slovakian Jews lived in relative security until September 1944. (Poliakov; Hilberg) 1942 The CIA opens an experimental mind control clinic in Montreal, known as the Allan Memorial, to probe into EMR dytopia and other areas. The clinic is funded by grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, J.D. McConnell of the Montreal Star, and the Geschickter Foundation, named after Dr. Charles Geschickter, who tested potent drugs on mental patients and the terminally ill, and bombarded monkeys with microwaves. The clinic was directed by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron. Experiments would begin on the population of Montreal. Tsarion 1942 The Germans arrive at the final solution. French police in Paris round up 13,000 Jews, including 4,000 children under 12 years old,

1198 and ship them off to three concentration camps in Poland. By November 1942, over 42,000 are sent. Tsarion 1942 The Germans landed on the Moon. First landing on the moon was at Mare Imbrium on August 23, 1942 at 11:26 MEZ, using a Miethe rocket. First man on the moon was Kapitaenleutnant Werner Theisenberg of the Kriegsmarine. Actually, the Navy did most of the work on the moon shots, not the Luftwaffe. Landing took place without radio contact to the main control center at the Wilhelmshaven or the second control center located near Anzio, Italy. Ever since their first day of landing on the Moon, the Germans started boring and tunneling under the surface and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon. 1942 The Truman government makes contact with a subterranean race of grays, who apparently also established a relationship with the Nazis in Germany; both countries are manipulated while at the same time pursuing their overlapping goals. Alien activities parallel government mind control and other paradigms, allowing emulation of alien programs by the Illuminati and future media renditions that will support an external threat. (See 1961 Iron Mountain Report). Tsarion 1942 The U.S. government confines 110,000 Japanese Americans in internment camps. 1942 Timor Sea: The Dutch cruiser Tromp was approached by a large aluminum disc that flew at tremendous speed. It then circled the vessel for about three to four hours. Finally, it flew off at an estimated speed of 3,000-3,500 mph. 1942 to August 1942) to investigate human endurance at extremely high altitudes up to 68,000 ft. Doctors involved were Karl Brandt (personal physician to Hitler, Reich Commissioner for Health and Sanitation and a general in the SS who was in charge of killing mental patients in the euthanasia program), Rudolf Brant (SS Colonel), and Joachim Mrugowsky (chief of the Hygenic Institute of the Waffen SS). Tsarion 1942 Truman Committee probes the deal between Standard Oil and I.G.Farben. Tsarion 1942 Twenty-five nations at war with Germany sign a Declaration by the United Nations pledging that none would sign a separate armistice or peace. Tsarion 1942 United States begins investing in plant and equipment for a biological weapons program. Over 4,000 people would become employed in this field. From 1942 to 1945, the U.S. opened 13 new chemical warfare plants. Tsarion

1199 1942 United States psychiatrist Foster Kennedy writes an article in the July issue of the chief journal of the American Psychiatric Association, advocating the killing of retarded children. Tsarion 1942 University of Columbia issues a report on St. Louis Encephalitis. Professor of Neurology at Columbia University Josephine B. Neal writes that pertussis encephalitis in early childhood was likely to leave individuals crippled with motor and personality handicaps. Tsarion 1942 US geostrategist Robert Strausz-Hupe wrote in Geopolitics: Many nations will be locked in a few vast compartments. But in each of these one people, controlling a strategic area, will be master of the others. 1942 Wartime price controls in the United States. Tsarion 1942 Whitehouse buzzed by UFOs. 1942, , IOR, ( ). 1942: Sri Lankan soldiers ignite the Cocos Islands Mutiny in an unsuccessful attempt to transfer the islands to Japanese control 1943: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1943 , (;) : TENENBAUM, Mordecai 191643. Ghetto hero. A leading member of the Polish Hechalutz Zionist group before World War II, Tenenbaum was active in the Jewish resistance movement under the Nazi occupation. In November 1942, he developed the Jewish fighting organization in Bialystok and led the ghetto revolt there the following August. After three days of fighting, the ammunition was finished and he killed himself rather than be captured by the Germans. The archives and diaries he kept in Bialystok survived, and are preserved in the Yad ve-Shem Holocaust library in Jerusalem. 1943 LSD-25 discovered by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. Nazi Admiral Doenitz boasts the German submarine fleet has built "in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress." Juan Peron and other pro-Nazi leaders take power in Argentina. Pilots on both sides of the war report seeing "foo- fighters," unexplained flying objects, while flying war missions. - 1943 Tesla dies. A boxcar full of his papers are taken to Los Alamos for storage. A significant amount of evidence suggests Tesla did not die at this time but was whisked off to England after sabotaging the ONR invisibility project. Other evidence suggests he did in fact die, but ONR was among the first to get a crack at his papers. Tsarion 1943 Alleged contact begins between the US government and "Aliens".

1200 1943 Allies begin manufacture of anthrax bomb, using British design. Tsarion 1943 American vaccine researcher Pearl Kendrick reports that adding a metallic salt seemed to heighten the capacity of the Pertussis vaccine to produce anti-bodies. (Metal salt is an adjuvant in this way). Some metallic salts used are those of aluminum (alum). Pearl Kendrick is the researcher that urged that Pertussis vaccine be combined with Diphtheria vaccine. Later the Tetanus vaccine was added, producing the nefarious DPT Vaccine. Tsarion 1943 American war correspondent Ernie Pyle publishes "Here Is Your War," a collection of his front-line dispatches that are popular with both soldiers and civilians alike. 1943 April 12 The Germans announce the discovery of a group of mass graves in the Katyn Forest containing the bodies of 4,100 Polish officers, murdered by the Soviets. 1943 April 14 The slave labor camp at Siedlce near Sobibor is "liquidated." (Atlas) 1943 April 16 The Polish government in exile in London asks for a Red Cross investigation of the mass murders in the Katyn Forest. 1943 April 18 Admiral Yamamato is killed when his airplane is intercepted and shot down by American P-38 fighters over Bougainville. 1943 April 18 The Soviets make an announcement on the murders in the Katyn Forest, claiming that the Germans have concocted the entire story. 1943 April 19 The remaining population of the Warsaw ghetto rises up against the Germans when the ghetto is attacked by a heavily armed force of more than 2,000 German soldiers,Lithuanian militia members, Polish policemen and fire fighters. The Jews, numbering about 60,000, armed only with a few pistols, rifles, machineguns, and homemade weapons, put up a heroic fight, and force the Germans out of the ghetto altogether. 1943 April 19 U.S. and British delegates at the Bermuda Conference fail to produce plans for savingvictims of the Nazis. 1943 April 19 Within a few hours the Germans return, and begin systematically burning down the Warsaw ghetto, street by street, while at the same time killing or driving out with smoke and hand grenades the Jews who continue to fight from the bunkers and sewers. (Atlas) 1943 April 20 Himmler promises to crush Jewish resistence in the Warsaw ghetto as a birthday present to Hitler. 1943 April 23 Anglo-U.S. Headquarters is set up in London to plan the invasion of Europe.

1201 1943 April 23 The SS begins an all-out operation to eliminate the remaining Jews still hiding in the Warsaw ghetto. Resistance continues for three more weeks. (See May 8 and May 16) 1943 April 3 The German defenders continue to hold off attacksby Patton's troops around El Guettar. 1943 April 4 Eisenhower's U.S. First Army joins Montgomery's Eighth Army near Gafsa. 1943 April 5 Montgomery attacks the Wadi Akarit Line. 1943 April 5 Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer (Bonhoeffer) is arrested by the Gestapo, charged with subverting the German armed forces and imprisoned. (See May 1942) 1943 April 7 Chelmno (Kulmhof) extermination camp discontinues its activities. Attempts are made to eliminate all traces of mass murder. (Days) 1943 April 7 In Tunisia, Count Claus von Stauffenberg's automobile drives into a minefield, seriously wounding him. Stauffenberg loses his left eye, his right hand, part of his arm, and several fingers on his left hand. 1943 April 7 The annihilation of the Warsaw ghetto begins and will continue until June 16. 1943 April 7-11 Hitler and Mussolini meet at Salzburg and decide to continue holding on in North Africa. 1943 April Mass killings in Galicia continue, as do deportations to Auschwitz and Treblinka; nine transports from Salonica, four from Holland, and one each from Belgium and France. (Atlas) 1943 August 1 More than 175 American B-24 Liberators) bomb the Ploesti oilfields in Romania, a 2,400-mile round trip from Libya. This low-level attack severely damages the major oil center of Hitler's Europe, but the U.S. Ninth Air Force loses 54 planes during the raid. A year later, Ploesti will again be targeted and knocked out in a savage three-day assault. 2,277 American airmen and 270 planes are lost. 1943 August 11-24 Roosevelt and Churchill approve the decision to establish a second front in France at an Allied conference (Quadrant) held in Quebec with Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Specific plans are made for an Allied landing at Normandy on May 1, 1944. Churchill accepts that the Supreme Commander of the invasion should be American. 1943 August 12-- The second test of the "The Philadelphia Experiment" on the USS Eldridge. According to Jessup and the Allende papers, the US Navy and the SS Andrew Fursenth are involved in experiments of an invisibility screen. The experiment goes awry and the ship teleports from Philadelphia to Norfolk, VA. (According to one source, this is one end of a large time vortex that will be eventually

1202 explored and exploited by the government in the Montauk Project). This is the test where Al Bielek and the ship were teleported to Montauk, Long Island to 1983. An older Von Neumann said Bielek and his brother must destroy the equipment to turn the field generators off. They did so, and the fields collapsed out of sync. When they returned 4 hours later, 4 crew were dead from being embedded in the hull, and one had his hand embedded in the hull, but survived. Another brother of Bielek was embedded in the hull. Only his head and shoulders were above the hull. He died eventually. 1943 August 16 A Jewish revolt at Bialystok is crushed by the Germans with tanks and artillery (to August 23). (Atlas) 1943 August 17 The Americans capture Messina ending the Sicilian campaign. 1943 August 18 The DFG (the German Association for Scientific Research) approves Professor von Verschuer's application for a grant for the study of "specific proteins." (See March 20, 1944) (Science) 1943 August 19 A joint pastoral letter from the German bishops reminds the faithful that the killing of innocents is wrong even if done by the authorities and allegedly for the common good, as in the case of "men of foreign races and descent." The bishops call for love of "those innocent humans who are not of our people and blood," and of "the resettled." (Neither the word "Jew" nor "non-Aryan" is used.) 1943 August 19 Treblinka receives its last trainload of deportees, a transport from the Bialystok ghetto. (Apparatus) 1943 August 2 During a Jewish uprising at Treblinka, many of the camp's 850 workers manage to break out and enjoy a brief taste of freedom before German reinforcements are brought in. Only about 100 escape the dragnet. Fewer still survive the war. (Apparatus) 1943 August 20 Approximately 3,000 Jews at Glebokie resist being taken out to the woods, and are massacred in a single day. A few escape and start a small partisan group. (Atlas) 1943 August 2-3 Hundreds of Allied bombers once again bomb Hamburg. 1943 August 23 The Allies launch the heaviest Allied air raid to date against Berlin. Large parts of the Friedrichstrasse and Wilhelmstrasse are destroyed, including several ministries, hotels, despartment stores and other landmarks. (Silence). 1943 August 23 The Russians capture Kharkov. 1943 August 25 The Allies again bomb the German rocket laboratory on Peenemunde, setting back production by two months. Eduard Schulte passed along damage reports to Allen Dulles in Switzerland. (Silence) 1943 August 25 U.S. forces overrun New Georgia in the Solomons.

1203 1943 August 28 Danish resistance to the German occupation undermines continued German cooperation and the Danish-German Agreement is abolished. Martial Law is declared. The SS hopes to use this opportunity to deport all 7,200 of Denmark's Jews. (Atlas) 1943 August 4 The Allies bomb Peenemunde, the German rocket laboratory and test site in the Baltic. (Silence) 1943 August 4 The Soviets recapture Orel. 1943 August 5 The British Eighth Army, reinforced by Canadians, takes Catania, Sicily. 1943 August 7 The last trainload of Jews from Salonica leaves for Auschwitz, where more than 43,000 of Salonica's 56,000 Jew have already been murdered. (Atlas) 1943 August At Sobibor, members of the corpse-burning squad dig a tunnel, but come out in the minefield. All 150 members of the squad are executed. (Atlas) 1943 August More than 2,000 Jews are deported from Holland to Auschwitz. Slave labor camps in the General Government are "liquidated," and their inmates murdered. (Atlas) 1943 Child psychologist Leo Kanner observes a new illness appearing in U.S. children, inborn autistic disturbance of affective contact. The problem became known as infantile autism or simply autism. Outstanding features of this new problem: self-absorbed alienation, inability to relate in the ordinary way to people and situations from the very beginning of life, detachment, nervous hostility with strangers, emotional bluntness and isolation, impaired relationships, and reading with little or no comprehension and inability to process experience. As a result of this process, gaining wisdom and learning from experience becomes impossible. Tsarion 1943 Churchill successful in prolonging the war another year by canceling the channel crossing plans of General Wedemeyer and embarking on a campaign in North Africa, essentially a replay of Churchills Gallipoli campaign of WWI. Tsarion 1943 CIA's Allen Dulles (Bavarian Illuminati) cuts a deal with Nazi SS intelligence. This would eventually lead to a massive infiltration of the CIA by Nazi S.S. agents, who would in turn begin a global program of toppling third world governments and replacing them with their own fascist puppet dictatorships. Germans complete research on alloy of magnesium and aluminum. 1943 Commander Russell Flint hits the Loch Ness Monster with a motor launch. 1943 Current Tax Payment Act of 1943. Tax becomes known as withholding tax. Tsarion

1204 1943 December 1 An Italian law is passed providing for the internment of all Jews in concentration camps and for the confiscation of their property. Occasional searches for Jews take place during the following months. 1943 December 10 Eighth Army crosses the Moro River in strength. 1943 December 12 The U.S. 36th Infantry Division attacks Monte Lungo. 1943 December 15 The Allied II Corps renews the drive toward San Pietro and Monte Lungo. 1943 December 15-18 Some 5,000 Jews are transported from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz, almost all are gassed on arrival. (Atlas) 1943 December 17 The Germans begin withdrawing troops from San Pietro. Monte Sammucro is now in Allied hands. 1943 December 2 Eduard Schulte, the man who first warned the world about the systematic killing of the Jews, flees to Switzerland after being warned by Eduard Waetjen, an associate of Gisevius, that the Gestapo has ordered his arrest. (Silence) 1943, Easter Holocaust victims denied admission to Allied countries, a policy which forced survivors to populate Palestine. In 1943, the Holocaust was in full operation, but in April in that year in Bermuda, a conference of British and American officials formally decided that nothing should be done about it. They ruled out all plans for mass rescue. The British Foreign Office and the U.S. State Department were both afraid that the Third Reich would be quite willing, indeed eager, to stop the gas chambers, empty the concentration camps, and let hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Jewish survivors emigrate to freedom in the West. The Foreign Office revealed in confidence to the State Department its fear that Hitler might permit a mass exodus. If approaches to Germany to release Jews were pressed too much that is exactly what might happen. The bigoted reality behind the Secret Report of the Easter 1943 Bermuda Conference was that not a single Allied nation wanted to let the Jews settle in its country Only after the war was it confirmed that a rescue operation could have been successful No one campaigned to rescue the Jews because the leaders of the Western nations had deliberately withheld the truth about the Holocaust from their own citizens. After verification by each of the Allied intelligence services, the body counts of murdered Jews were quietly classified as early as September 1941 Even after 1943, when Allied aircraft in Italy were in bombing range of the gas chambers, John J. McCloy, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War, had ordered in writing that no American planes be diverted to the concentration camps.

1205 1943 December 2 The Tehran Conference comes to an end. Churchill and Roosevelt knowingly agree to hand over 120 million Europeans to Stalin and the Communistts. 1943 December 22 The 2nd Canadian Brigade fights a house to house battle against the German 1st Paratroop Division in Ortona, Italy. 1943 December 23 The 1st Canadian Division seizes most of Ortona. 1943 December 24 Secret negotiations begin in Stockholm between Marshal Antonescu's Romanian emissaries and the Soviet Embassy. 1943 December 24 Washington and London announce that General Eisenhower will be the Supreme Allied Commander for the invasion of Europe, with British Air Marshal Tedder as his deputy. 1943 December 25 Bishop Frings, in his Christmas sermon, again emphasizes that it is wrong to kill innocents just because they belong to another race, but again he fails to mention the word "Jew" or "nonAryan." (Lewy) 1943 December 26 The German battlecruiser Scharnhorst is sunk in a gun duel with the British battleship Duke of York in the Arctic off Norway. Only 36 of her 2,000 man crew survive. 1943 December 28 Canadian troops complete the capture of Ortona. 1943 December 3 Roosevelt and Churchill hold a second Cairo Conference with the President of Turkey. (Freedman) 1943 December 3 The Luftwaffe bombs Allied merchant ships in the harbor at Bari, Italy. It is the worst Allied naval disaster of the war except for Pearl Harbor, and seriously delays Allied efforts to overrun Italy. During the attack, almost 100 tons of American poison gas accidentially escapes from the American merchant ship John Harvey, subjecting the entire population of Bari to the poison. The deaths of hundreds of Italian civilians becomes one of the best kept secrets of WWII. (Secrets) 1943 December 3 Units from X Corps reach the top of Monte Camino, and II Corps captures Monte Maggiore. 1943 December 5 Catholic Provost Bernhard Lichtenberg dies while in transport to Dachau concentration camp. He had been seized by the Gestapo immediately after his release from prison in October. (Lewy) 1943 December 5 Monte Camino is the site of heavy action as both sides fight for possession of the summit. 1943 December 6 The British 56th Division captures Monte Camino. 1943 December 7 The U.S. II and VI Corps attack Monte Sammucro and San Pietro, but German resistance is fierce.

1206 1943 December The Fifth Army advance in Italy is stopped at the Gustav Line based on Mt. Cassino. Despite heavy bombardment by air and artillery, the Germans doggedly hold their defenses. 1943 Diphtheria cases in Nazi occupied France rise to 47,000 after Germans force compulsory vaccination. In nearby Norway, which refused vaccinations, there were 50 cases of Diphtheria. Tsarion 1943 Dr. Albert Hoffman, a chemist at Sandoz, a Swiss Pharmaceutical house owned by S. G. Warburg, develops Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, LSD. There is evidence that British and American intelligence agencies were directly involved in its development. Tsarion 1943 Dr. John Tinterta rediscovers the vital importance of the endocrine system, and connects sugar use to production of hyperadrenocortic episodes in humans intolerant to sugar, where adrenal hormones are suppressed, producing inability to think clearly, allergies, inability to handle alcohol, depression, apprehension, craving for sweets, and low blood pressure. Tsarion 1943 Dr. Schaltenbrand in Germany reports successful transmission of monkey encephalitis to mental patients. Tsarion 1943 Dr.Ewen Cameron receives Rockefeller grant to set up Allen Memorial Institute. Tsarion 1943 Ezra Pound is indicted and charged with treason for his support of Mussolini and the Fascist system of government. 1943 February 11 1,000 Jews from France, including several hundred children and old people are transported to Auschwitz. All the children are gassed on arrival and only 10 of the others will survive the war. (Atlas) 1943 February 1-15 Emissaries of Mihai Antonescu in Bern, Switzerland, make contact with the West through Papal Nuncio Bernardini and in Bucharest through the Turkish Ambassador. 1943 February 14 The Battle of Kasserine. Rommel makes a sudden strike at the American lines in Tunisia, driving 59 miles through U.S. positions at Kasserine Pass. 1943 February 17 Hitler flies to Manstein's headquarters at Zaporozhye on the Eastern Front. He stays there until February 19 when he agrees to Manstein's plan for a counterattack. 1943 February 19 Leaders of the "White Rose" resistance group are arrested and tortured in Berlin. 1943 February 2 The last German forces in Stalingrad surrender and the Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end. Of approximately 280,000 Germans originally surrounded in the city, 90,000 are taken prisoner. About 40,000 wounded have been evacuated. The Soviets later claim to have removed 147,000 German corpses from the city for reburial. (Fewer

1207 than 5,000 of prisoners-of-war live to return to Germany, the last in 1955.) 1943 February 22 Rommel's drive at Kasserine loses momentum and he pulls back. 1943 February 24 Rommel is appointed commander of Army Group Afrika, and the Germans pull back to the Eastern Dorsale, leaving numerous booby traps behind. 1943 February 27 During the course of deporting the last German Jews, the Gestapo in Berlin seizes 6,000 Christian "non-Aryan" men married to "Aryan" women. Then something unexpected and unparalleled happens, their "Aryan" wives follow their husbands to the place of temporary detention and stand for several hours screaming and howling for their men. With the secrecy of the whole machinery of destruction threatened, the Gestapo yields and the "non-Aryan" husbands are released. (Andreas-Friedrich; Lewy) 1943 February 27 The SS puts into operation the "Factory Action," deporting more than 10,000 Jewish factory workers in Germany to the east. Only a few survive. (Atlas) 1943 February 7 Lt. General Dwight Eisenhower is appointed commander of North African operations. 1943 February Goebbels makes an impassioned speech preaching what he calls "total war." 1943 February Han Bernd Gisevius, German vice-consul in Zurich and a senior Abwehr (military intelligence) agent, makes contact with Allen Dulles through Gero von Gaevernitz, a naturalized American citizen who has become Dulles right-hand man and chief advisor on German politics. Gisevius cautions Dulles that the American legation's codes are not secure, thereby earning Dulles's gratitude. Gisevius and his Abwehr associate Eduard Waetjen continue to supply Dulles with information until the end of the war. (Silence) 1943 General Reinhard Gehlen infiltrates Soviet intelligence and forms a pact with Allen Dulles. Tsarion 1943 General vaccine program against influenza begins in the U.S. Tsarion 1943 German underground facilities being constructed in Austria and Czechoslovakia. Tsarion 1943 German victories begin to be defeats, and Hitler considers employing his chemical weapons. Tsarion 1943 Germany establishes through Reinhard Gehlen a channel to British intelligence in Moscow. Tsarion 1943 Hitler decides to not use chemical weapons against allies, fearing allied development of the same. British capture Nazi prisoner who turns out to be chemist from Spandau plant. Tsarion

1208 1943 In April '43, a conference of British and American officials formally decide that nothing should be done about the holocaust being perpetrated by Germany, and ruled out all plans for mass rescue. (Easter 1943 Bermuda Conference). Those involved in the holocaust became expendable to the war effort. Tsarion 1943 In response to Japan's full scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD. 1943 Infantile paralysis epidemic kills 1200 and cripples more in U.S. Tsarion 1943 January 14-26 Roosevelt and Churchill meet for the Conference at Casablanca, on the Moroccan coast. Stalin, refuses to attend, claiming that he was promised a European second front by the spring of 1942. The Allies demand the "unconditional surrender" of Germany. 1943 January 18 Professor C. Schneider places his first requests for the killing of patients at his research ward in Wiesloch before the Reich Commission for the Registration of Severe Disorders in Childhood. (Science) 1943 January 18 The German siege of Leningrad is broken by the Russians. 1943 January 18 The Jewish underground in Warsaw resists a new wave of deportations. In four days, 6,000 Jews are deported and 1,000 killed in the streets. So fierceis the Jewish resistance and street fighting that deportations are suspended until April 19. (Atlas) 1943 January 19 Mihai Antonrscu, Romanian Foreign Minister, asks Mussolini to take the lead of a Latin League and to start negotiations with the Allies. 1943 January 2 Marshal Antonescu meets with Hitler and reconciles their differences concerning the Romanian failures and the disaster at Stalingrad. 1943 January 3 A Jewish resistance group in Czestochowa (P) kills 25 Germans. The SS shoots 250 old people and children in reprisal. (Atlas) 1943 January 30 Hitler promotes General Paulus to Field Marshal. 1943 January 30 The first daylight bombing on Berlin by a group British Mosquito bombers is timed to disrupt the celebration of Hitler's tenth anniversary in power. 1943 January 30 The Russians locate Paulus' Headquarters in southern Stalingrad and begin to surround it. 1943 January 31 Field Marshal von Paulus surrenders himself and the southern pocket of Germans in Stalingrad. General Strecker's group continues to hold out. (Note, Paulus is the first German Field Marshal in history to surrender to the enemy.)

1209 1943 January 7 President Roosevelt delivers his State of the Union message saying, "...I do believe the year of 1943 will give the United Nations a very substantial advance along the roads that lead to Berlin and Rome and Tokyo." (Freedman) 1943 January 7--Tesla dies when he is hit by a car in New York City. Al Bielek states some agents held the rest of the people back, while letting Tesla cross the street. Tesla was then hit by a cab that sped up to hit him. 1943 January More than 10,000 Jews from Holland, Belgium, Berlin, and Theresienstadt are deported to Auschwitz. The last Dutch transport in January contains 869 invalids and children; all are gassed on arrival (Atlas) 1943 January The Russians begin the bombardment of Stalingrad with 7,000 pieces of artillery and a devastating air assault. 1943 Juan Peron and other pro-Nazi leaders take over power in Argentina. Tsarion 1943 July 1 Mihai Antonescu, in Rome, again asks Mussolini to begin immediate negotiation with the Allies. 1943 July 12 At Kursk, the Soviets, favored by a seemingly endless supply of troops and tanks, move in fresh tank divisions and the advantage swingsto the Russians. Manstein, having lost 70,000 men, half his tanks, and 1,000 aircraft, is forced to withdraw. 1943 July 17 Hitler tells his top generals at the Wolf's Lair that "barbaric measures" are needed to save Italy. Only by terrifying the Italian population into blind obedience, he says, can they stiffen Italian resistance. 1943 July 19 Hitler and Mussolini meet at Feltre, a small hill town north of Venice. 1943 July 22 The U.S. Seventh Army takes Palermo, Sicily. 1943 July 22--The first test of the "The Philadelphia Experiment" on the USS Eldridge, had the ship disappear for 20 seconds. After this, the crew above deck were nauseous and disoriented. 1943 July 24-25 The Allies begin a devastating series of combined air raids on largely civilan targets in Hamburg. The British alone deploy 780 planes and drop 2,300 tons of bombs on the first night. 1943 July 25 Mussolini is kidnapped and arrested by King Victor Emmanuel. Pietro Badoglio becomes Italian Prime Minister and soon begins negotiating an armistice with the Allies. 1943 July 26 Mussolini is abandoned by most Italians; only his Black Shirts remain loyal. Hitler quickly issues orders to locate and rescue his friend. (See September 12) 1943 July 27-28 The RAF drops thousands of pounds of incendiary bombs of Hamburg, creating a "firestorm" for the first time. A firestorm

1210 occurs when the fires in a given area become so intense that they devour all oxygen nearby, creating hurricane force winds a they suck more oxygen in, feeding the fires and moving them along at great speed. (Three-quarters of Hamburg is burned to the ground. 50,000 German civilians are killed and 800,000 left homeless.) 1943 July 29-30 Allied bombers again hit Hamburg by day and night. 1943 July 5-15 Operation Citadel - The Battle of Kursk beomes the largest tank battle of all time. Hitler intends to break up the Kursk salient with an overwhelming mass of armor, allowing his forces to sweep up behind Moscow, capturing it from the rear. The Russians learn of the plan in advance and quickly set up a trap. 1943 July 9/10 The British and Americans launch Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily. The British 8th Army lands at Cape Passero and then advances up the eastern coast. The U.S. Seventh Army, led by General George S. Patton wins a beachhead at Gela. General Omar Bradley's II Corps and General Lucian K. Truscott's task force cut through the center of the island and sweep up the western coast. 1943 June 1 The cases against four men in SS 2nd Lieutenant Max Taubner's workshop platoon who were party to his unauthorized execution of Jews in Russia are dismissed on the grounds that they were following the orders of and under the responsibilityof Taubner and "therefore their own culpability might be described as slight." (Days) 1943 June 2 Pope Pius XII tells the Sacred College of Cardinals that he has given special attention to the plight of those who were still being harassed because of their nationality and descent, and who, without personal guilt, were subjected to measures that spelled destruction. Much had been done for the unfortunates, the Pope said, that could not yet be described. Every public statement had had to be carefully weighed "in the interest of those suffering so that their situation would not inadvertently be made still more difficult and unbearable." Unfortunately, he added, the Church's pleas for compassion and the observance of the elementary norms of humanity had encountered doors "which no key was able to open." (AB Munich; Lewy) 1943 June 21 On Himmler's orders, doctors at Auschwitz select 73 Jewish men and 30 Jewish women who are then sent to the camp at Natzweiler in Alsace. There they are measured, weighed and gassed. Their corpses are then transported to the Anatomical Institute at Strasbourg where they are stripped of flesh for the institute's collection of Jewish skulls and skeletons. (see November 6, 1942, October 15,1944) (Atlas) 1943 June 21 U.S. Marines land at New Georgia in the Solomons.

1211 1943 June 26 Bishop Preysing sends word to the other bishops by messenger that the divorce decree has again been postponed. He asks the other bishops to each write letters to all government ministries inquiring in strong language about the whereabouts of the deportees, demanding pastoral care for the "non-Aryan" Christians and threatening a public protest. "Beyond this," he says, "one should speak clearly about the outrages inflicted upon the Jews in general." (DA Limburg; Lewy) 1943 June 5 The Germans deport 1,266 Jewish children under the age of 16 from Holland to Sobibor. All are gassed on arrival. (Atlas) 1943 June 7 Professor Clauberg, a gynaecologist from Konigsberg, writes to Himmler that the method which he has been developing in Auschwitz for large-scale sterilization of women is "as good as ready". "I can now see the answer to the question you put to me almost a year ago about how long it would take to sterilize 1000 women in this way. An appropriately trained doctor could most probably sterilize several hundred, although perhaps not 1000, in a day." (Science) 1943 June Deportations of Jews from Holland and France continue throughout the month. (Atlas) 1943 June Hitler arranges a secret conference with the Russians at Kirovograd, 200 miles behind the German lines. RIbbentrop, representing Hitler, offers to end the war on condition that Germany would retain the Ukraine and all territory west of the Dneiper River. Molotov, representing Stalin, replies that they will never settle for anything short of their old, prewar frontier. (Payne) 1943 June Professor C. Schneider's research ward at Wiesloch is closed due to problems caused by the war. (Science) 1943 June The Germans deliberately leak information about the Kirovograd Conference to the Allies. Stalin immediately breaks off the negotiations and calls Molotov back to Moscow. Neither the Russians nor the Germans will officially admit that this meeting ever took place. (Payne) 1943 June The last 600 workers who had remained at Belzec to complete the digging up and burning of corpses are transferred to Sobibor and shot. (Apparatus) 1943 June The new crematoriums at Auschwitz have a total capacity of 4,756 persons a day. (Science) 1943 Late October--At 10:00pm, they did another test, without crew. The ship appeared in Norfolk harbor for 10-15 minutes. When it returned, they found a generator was missing, 2 transmitter cabinets, and the control room was a smoking ruins 1943 March 10 The SS demands the deportation of all 49,000 Bugarian Jews to Poland. The Bulgarian people, the King, the Parliament,

1212 the intellectuals and even the farmers, who were said to be ready to lie down on the railway tracks to prevent the deportations. (Atlas) 1943 March 13 The first crematorium goes into operation at Birkenau (Auschwitz II). Prominent guests come from Berlin to witness the "special inaugural" program, the gassing and cremation of Jews from Kracow. The additional crematoriums are completed during the following three months. The four killing centers contain a total of six gas chambers and fourteen ovens for cremating up to 8,000 corpses a day. (Apparatus) 1943 March 13 Two explosive packets disguised as brandy bottles are put aboard Hitler's private plane in an unsuccessful, yet undiscovered, assassination attempt by officers in the anti-Hitler resistence. (Children) 1943 March 15 More than 2,800 Jews are deported during the first deportations from Salonica. They are told they will be "resettled" in Poland. (Atlas) 1943 March 17 Hofmann, head of the RuSHA, submits a proposal to Himmler for the "final solution" of the question of part-Jews prepared by his subordinate Professor B. K. Schultz, "It is proposed that, quarterJews should not be included in the same category as persons of German blood without exception, but that they should first undergo a racial classification. Every quarter-Jew in whom Jewish racial characteristics are clearly prominent, as judged from external appearances, should be treated in the same way as half-Jews ( Jews)". (Science) 1943 March 17 The Bulgarian Parliament votes unanimously against the deportation of Bulgarian Jews, and none are deported to gas chambers from Bulgaria itself. The country's Jewish population actually increased during the war, from 48,565 in 1934 to 49,172 in 1945. (Atlas) 1943 March 18 General Patton's II U.S. Corps takes Gafsa and pushes toward El Guettar. 1943 March 20 Hitler leaves Wolf's Lair on doctor's orders and recuperates at Obersalzberg. 1943 March 20 Montgomery attacks the defensive Mareth Line. 1943 March 23 Dr. Ritter reports to the DFG, "Registration of Gypsies and part-Gypsies has been completed roughly as planned in the Old Reich (prewar Germany) and in the Ostmark (prewar Austria) despite all the difficulties engendered by the war... The number of cases clarified from the race-biological point of view is 21,498 at the present time." (Science) 1943 March 23 SS-statistician Dr. Korherr sends the report, which Himmler had requested, on the final solution of the Jewish question to his secretary. The report states that, up to 1 January 1943, 2.4 million Jews had been "evacuated to the East", that is to say, "had received special treatment" (i.e. deportation to extermination camps). (Science)

1213 1943 March 23 The Germans halt Patton's American advance near El Guettar. 1943 March 25 The last of 4,000 Jews from the Marseilles area are transported to Sobibor. All but 15 are gassed and only 5 survive the war. (Atlas) 1943 March 28 Professor Fischer begins an article in the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung with the sentence, "It is a rare and special good fortune for a theoretical science to flourish at a time when the prevailing ideology welcomes it, and its findings can immediately serve the policy of the state." (Science) 1943 March 29 A German decree orders that all Dutch Gypsies are to be deported to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1943 March 3-4 Japanese troop transports and their naval escorts carrying reinforcements to Lae and Salamaua are attacked by U.S. B24Liberators and B-17 Flying Fortresses. All of the transports and four destroyers are sunk, killing more than 3,500 Japanese soldiers and sailors. Only 5 aircraft are lost. 1943 March 9 Himmler specifies, in a decree, that only physicians trained in anthropology should carry out selection for killing, and supervise the killings themselves, in extermination camps. (Science) 1943 March 9 Rommel leaves North Africa and will never return. On his way home he meets with Mussolini in Rome and Hitler in East Prussia, but is unable to convince either of them to withdraw from Africa. 1943 March After a visit by Himmler, Treblinka adopts cremation to dispose of the victims bodies. Some 700,000 bodies are unearthed by mechanical excavators and cremated, while simultaneously, bodies from the gas chambers are disposed of in the same manner. Teams of Jewish prisoners transferred the corpses on stretchers to huge steel grids, called "roasters" by the Germans, that could hold as many as 3,000 stacked-up bodies. These 100-foot-wide grids were constructed of a half-dozen railroad rails, resting on three rows of 28-inch-high concrete posts. Brushwood was placed underneath the grid to serve as kindling. (Apparatus) 1943 March During March, five trains leave Holland for Sobibor, one train leaves Paris for Auschwitz, and two trains leave Paris for Majdanek. (Atlas) 1943 March Himmler speaks of a future SS state, "At the Peace Conference, the world will be apprised of the resurrection of the old province of Burgundy, formerly the land of the arts and sciences, which France has reduced to the role of a mere appendage preserved in spirits of wine. The sovereign State of Burgundy with its own army, its own laws and currency and postal system, will be the model SS State. It will be comprised of French Switzerland, Picardy, Champagne, the Franche-

1214 Comte, the Hainaut and Luxembourg. The official language, naturally, will be German. The National-Socialist Party will have no jurisdiction over it. It will be governed by the SS alone, and the world will be astonished by and full of admiration for this State in which the ideals of the SS will be embodied." (Pauwels) 1943 May 12 Churchill visits Roosevelt in Washington to discuss problems of a second front in western Europe to take pressure off the Soviets and break the Axis states. 1943 May 13 The vaunted Afrika Korps surrenders. German resistance in Tunisia collapses and the war in Africa comes to an end. 250,000 Axis soldiers are captured in the last few days, half of them German. 1943 May 16 The German commander of Warsaw, Gen. Juergen Stroop, reports to his superiors that "the former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence." According to Stroop's figures, 56,000 Jews have been burned alive, shot as they emerged from burning buildings, or deported to Treblinka. (As may as 15,000 Jews escaped to the "Aryan" part of Warsaw. Some were captured, but most, sheltered by the Poles, survived the war.) (Atlas) 1943 May 18 The village of Szarajowka in eastern Poland is encircled by the Germans. Young men are shot on the spot. The women and children are herded into buildings and stables, which are then set on fire. Only a few escape. (Apparatus) 1943 May 24 German Admiral Doenitz orders his U-boats to leave the Atlantic. 1943 May 24 SS 2nd Lieutenant Max Taubner, commanding officer of a supplies workshop platoon and an officer in Kommandostab RF-SS, is tried for conducting unauthorized massacres of Jews in Russia. Taubner is sentenced to a total of ten years imprisonment, expelled from the SS, and declared unfit for service. (see June 1, 1943 and January 16, 1945) (Days) 1943 May 30 SS Dr. Josef Mengele reports for duty at Auschwitz. Mengele has been persuaded to ask for this position by Professor Otmar von Verschuer, one of Europe's most eminent geneticists and a pioneer in hereditary biology at the Frankfurt University Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Purity. Verschuer's institute agreed to fund Mengele's experiments if Mengele in return would send his results and specimens to the institute "for further study." (Mengele) (Mengele was a former assistant to Professor von Verschuer and a visiting scientist in Verschuer's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology in Berlin-Dahlem. Mengele's first act at Auschwitz was to send those Gypsies who are suspected of suffering from typhoid to the gas chambers.) (Science)

1215 1943 . 20 1943 " ...", . . () .... 2 () , , 1 () ( ) , . . 150 2 ( ) , " ", . . 150 150 . . , . ' . . 40 (. 420): "... , ... , ...". . ( ) (. 202): " ( 1943 ) , , ,

1216 ". . " " , " " , " ". : ., ., . . . / . (), ( ): ., ., . . . 223/22 1943. ... () ... 1943 May 7 Both Tunis and Bizerte fall to the Allies. 1943 May 8 The Germans reach the Jewish underground headquarters in the Warsaw ghetto. Mordecai Anielewicz, the underground leader, and 100 of his fighters die in the battle. (Atlas) 1943 May The Catholic bishops of Holland forbid the collaboration of Catholic policemen in the hunting down of Jews in their country, even at the cost of losing their own jobs. (Lewy) 1943 Moray succeeds in rebuilding his device. Tsarion 1943 Nazi Admiral Doenitz boasts the German submarine fleet has built "in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress." 1943 Nazi Admiral Doenitz boasts the German submarine fleet has rebuilt in another part of the world a Shangri-La on landan impregnable fortress. Tsarion 1943 November 11 At Theresienstadt, 300 prisoners die during an all-day roll call. 1943 November 15-6 Some 2,000 Jews arrive at Auschwitz from Holland. (Atlas) 1943 November 17 Cardinal Bertram writes to the Minister of the Interior and the RHSA that the bishops have received information that the "non-Aryans" evacuated from Germany are living in camps under inhuman conditions and that a large number had already succumbed. (DA Limburg; Lewy)

1217 1943 November 18 After a lull in the bombings to Berlin, the Allies once again begin to inflict heavy damage. Nightly bombings become regular events. (Silence) 1943 November 20 A force of 5,000 U.S. Marines lands on Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. Fighting is ferocious and casualties high. 1943 November 22 More than 100 Jewish mental home patients are deported from Berlin to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1943 ... ' .... 1943 .... . 1943 November 24 President Roosevelt, enroute to the Tehran Conference in Iran, stops off at Cairo for a four-day conference with Chiang Kai-shek and Churchill. Churchill is said to have been surprised that Roosevelt treated China as if it had the full status of a great power. (Freedman) 1943 November 26 Tarawa is taken by the Marines. Only 17 Japanese and 129 Korean workers survive out of the original garrison of 5,000. 1943 November 28 - December 2 The Tehran Conference -Churchill and Roosevelt meet with Stalin for the first time. During the deliberations, a date for the invasion of France, code-named Operation Overlord, is confirmed. Stalin agrees to launch a simultaneous attack on Germany's eastern front and is assured that a second invasion of France (from the Mediterranean), known as Operation Anvil, will also take place. Stalin reaffirms that the Soviets will join in the fight against Japan after Germany is defeated, but asserts that the USSR wants Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, and a year-round Pacific port on the mainland of Asia. The restoration of Iran is also discussed. (Note, Roosevelt also agrees to most of Stalin's territorial demands in Europe and asks that the arrangements be kept secret until after the next presidential elections in the United States. In Ankara, Anthony Eden tells the Turkish foreign minister that the Soviets will be given a free hand in the Balkans after the war.) (Sturdza) 1943 November 3 At Majdanek, 18,000 prisoners are murdered in a single day of slaughter, called the "harvest festival" by the SS. (Atlas) 1943 November 6 The Russians retake Kiev.

1218 1943 November 9 The 20th anniversary of the Munich Putsch. Hitler gives a speech at the Lowenbraukeller in Munich, which is recorded for a later radio broadcast. During the speech Hitler announced that the German people had inflicted such suffering and destruction on the peoples of Europe that they could expect no mercy in case of defeat. If Germany was defeated, he, Adolf Hitler, would not shed a single tear, even if all the cities of Germany were laid waste, and every German man, woman and child put to the sword. The German people would only have themselves to blame. The censors deleted this outburst, but a Turkish press official was there, who later passed it on to British intelligence. (Architect) 1943 November Dr. Gertrud Luckner, an official of Caritas (the large Catholic philanthropic organization) in Freiburg, is arrested while trying to smuggle a sum of money to the few remaining Jews in Berlin. She had been helping Jews escape across the border into Switzerland for several years, and will spend the rest of the war in a concentration camp. (Lewy) 1943 November Hitler ceases issuing numbered war directives. 1943 November The trouble at Treblinka and Sobibor has so alarmed Himmler that in early November he orders the elimination of another potential source of insurrections. Some 42,000 Jews being kept alive as slave laborers at other kinds of camps in eastern Poland are shot. Thus Operation Reinhard comes to an end. During a nineteen month period, approximately 1.7 million people have died in the three "Reinhard" camps (Belsen, Treblinka, Sobibor), most of them in 1942. The ghettos have been practically eliminated, and scarcely any Jews remain in the Government General. The "new, and improved" gas chambers at Auschwitz will now be used to eliminate Jews from the rest of occupied Europe. (Apparatus) 1943 October 1 The Allies capture Naples. 1943 October 1 The Germans begin rounding up Danish Jews and are able to find 500 in the entire country. All were sent to Theresienstadt; 423 survived the war. 1943 October 10 The provincial administrator of the Regensburg area reports that the joint pastoral letter from the bishops on August 19 castigating the killing of innocents has not had any lasting effect. He writes, "The population pays scant attention to such involved pronouncements burdened with stipulations." (Lewy) 1943 October 11 The last train of deportees to be gassed at Sobibor arrives at the camp. (Apparatus) 1943 October 13 Italy declares war on Germany. 1943 October 14 A Jewish uprising, planned by Alexander Pechersky, a Soviet officer and also a Jew, together with other prisoners,

1219 breaks out at Sobibor. Eleven or twelve SS men, and about a dozen Ukrainian guards, are killed. Of the 600 Jews in the camp, 200 are shot or blown up in the minefields while escaping. 400 escape, of whom about 100 are later captured and killed. Others join Soviet partisan groups and are killed fighting; others die of typhus, and some are killed by hostile Poles. Only 30 are known to have survived the war, including Perchersky. (Atlas) 1943 October 14 Ernst Junger, in Paris, writes in his diary, "In the evening a visit from Bogo (Frederick Hielscher)." (As a precaution Junger referred to all important personages by a pseudonym. "Bogo" was Frederick Hielscher; "Kniebolo", Hitler.) "At a time when strong personalities are so scarce, although he is one of the people I have thought a lot about, I do not seem able to form an opinion about him. I thought once that he would make his mark in the history of our time as one of those people who are little known but are exceptionally intelligent. I think now he will play a more important role. Most of the young intellectuals of the generation which has grown up since the last war have come under his influence, and often have been through his school... He confirmed a suspicion I have had for a long time, that he has founded a Church. He has now gone beyond dogma, and is mainly concerned with liturgy. He has shown me a series of songs and festivities to celebrate the "pagan year", involving a whole system of gods, and colors and animals, food, and stones and plants. I noticed that the "consecration of light" would take place on February 2nd." Junger added, "I have noticed in Bogo a fundamental change that is characteristic of all our elite, he is throwing himself into metaphysics with all the enthusiasm of a mind brought up on rationalist lines. The same thing had struck me in the case of Spengler, and seems to be a propitious sign. It could be said, roughly, that while the nineteenth century was the century of reason, the twentieth is the century of cults, Kniebolo (Hitler) lives on them which accounts for the total incapacity of liberal-minded people to see even where he stands." (Strahlungen, Part Two of Junger's WWII Diary, 1949; Pauwels) 1943 October 15-16 The Nazis begin rounding up the Jews of Rome. (Prior to the arrests, the Jewish community was told by the Nazis that unless it could raise 50 kilograms of gold (equivalent to $56,000 U.S.) within 36 hours, 300 hostages would be taken. When it turned out the Jews could raise only 35 kilograms, the Chief Rabbi, Israel Zolli, asked for and received a loan from the Vatican treasury to cover the balance. The Pope approved the transaction.) (Hilberg) 1943 : WEDGWOOD, Josiah Clement, Baron 18721943. British gentile Zionist. Wedgwood belonged to the famous Staffordshire pottery family and was a member of the House of Commons (Liberal then

1220 Labour) for thirty-six years until he became a peer in 1942. An outspoken Zionist supporter, he was influenced by JABOTINSKY and the Revisionist movement and criticized the Palestine policy of successive British governments. He advocated a Jewish State on both sides of the Jordan, as a self-governing member of the British Commonwealth, a concept worked out in his book, The Seventh Dominion (1928). In the early part of World War II, he supported the efforts of Jabotinsky and WEIZMANN to establish a Jewish brigade within the British army. 1943 October 16 General Stahel, the German military commander of Rome, receives a letter signed by Bishop Hudal, head of the German Church in Rome. It says in part, "I would be very grateful if you would give an order to stop these arrests (of the Jews) in Rome and its vicinity right away; I fear that otherwise the Pope will have to make an open stand which will serve the anti-German propaganda as a weapon against us." (Hilberg; Lewy) 1943 : WEIL, Simone 190943. French philosopher. Weil grew up in an agnostic household and was educated at the Lycee Henri IV and the cole Normale Superieure. As a young woman she was involved in left-wing politics, but became increasingly critical of the Soviet Union. In the 1930s she worked in a factory and volunteered for the Spanish Civil War. At the same time she wrote much of her political and theological work. During the war she lived in New York and London and she died of starvation in 1943, trying to share the lives of those living under Nazi rule. Although she never converted to Roman Catholicism, she was in fact far more sympathetic to Christianity than to Judaism. 1943 October 18 More than 1,000 Roman Jews, more than twothirds of them women and children, are shipped off to the killing center at Auschwitz. Only 14 men and one woman returned alive after the war. (7,000 of the 8,000 Roman Jews escaped capture by going into hiding. About 4,000 of them, with the knowledge and approval of the Pope, found refuge in the numerous monasteries and houses of religious orders in Rome. A few dozen were sheltered in the Vatican itself.) (Lewy) (Within a month 8,360 Italian Jews had been deported to Auschwitz, where 7,749 are murdered.)(Atlas) 1943 October 19 Lublin SS-und Poliseifuehrer Odilo Globocnik announces the end of Aktion Reinhard and dissolution of the camps. Most SS personnel involved in Aktion Reinhard are transferred to the Adriatic coastal operation zone to fight the partisans and select and deport the Jews of that area. (Days) 1943 October 20 The United Nations (UN) War Crimes Commission is set up.

1221 1943 October 28 Ambassador Weizsacker reports, "Although under pressure from all sides, the Pope has not let himself be drawn into any demonstrative censure of the deportation of Jews from Rome. Although he must expect that his attitude will be criticized by our enemies and exploited by the Protestant and Anglo-Saxon countries in their propaganda against Catholicism, he has done everything he could in this delicate matter not to strain relations with the German government and German circles in Rome. As there is no reason to expect other German actions against the Jews of Rome, we can consider that a question so disturbing to German-Vatican relations has been liquidated." (PA Bonn; Poliakov; Lewy) 1943 October 6 Himmler tells a group of Gauleiters and Reichsleiters that "The Jews must disappear from the face of the earth," and that even the children must die so that they can never grow-up to seek revenge. 1943 Penicillin successfully used in the treatment of chronic diseases. Tsarion 1943 Pilots on both sides of the war report seeing "foo fighters" while flying combat missions. The allies described the flashing flying German aircraft they saw as Foo Fighters. They were supposedly developed by a specialist technical unit of the SS in a Vienna suburb. They were unmanned flying probe that would fly close to enemy aircraft and reek havoc on their electrical circuits. In addition they were equipped with a special pistron tube that the SS called death rays. 1943 Pilots start reporting foo fighters in the air. Tsarion 1943 President Roosevelt appoints Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., as under secretary of state and charges him with the task of reorganizing the U.S. State Department. 1943 PROJECT RAINBOW tests faster than light travel in Philadelphia harbor. Nicola Tesla finds out that the high electromagnetic fields will cause biophysical damage to sailors. He sabotages a test on a 1,500 ton ship and resigns his position in the Philadephia Project. Tesla wanted to go public with the info that the Navy was killing sailors with this experiment (this is why he was killed in January). Dr. Von Neumann then took over. 1943 Researchers from the U.S. Public Health Service examine the health of residents of Bartlett, Texas to see if the 8 ppm fluoride in the drinking water was affecting their health. It was checked again in 1953. They find that the death rate in Bartlett was three times higher than a neighboring town which contained 0.4 ppm fluoride. Tsarion 1943 September 12 Mussolini is rescued by SS commandos under Otto Skorzeny at Gran Sasso, Italy, and after visiting with Hitler becomes head of a puppet government in northern Italy.

1222 1943 September 13 General Chiang Kai-shek is elected President of the Chinese Republic by the Central Excecutive committee and also confirmed as Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese army. (Freedman) 1943 September 15 After six days of savage, armored attacks, General Clark's forces break out of Salerno. 1943 September 16 General Clark's forces join up with the British 8th Army advancing northward from southern Italy. 1943 September 16 More than 37,000 Italian Jews come under Nazi rule. Some escape to Switzerland. Several thousand find refuge in Catholic homes. (Atlas) 1943 September 2 At Treblinka, a group of 13 Jewish slave laborers kill their SS guard with a crowbar while working outside the camp. Their leader, 18-year-old Seweryn Klajnman, puts on the guard's uniform, and then "marches off" his fellow prisoners. All escape their pursuers and evade capture. (Atlas) 1943 September 22 The Soviet army recaptures Poltava. 1943 September 23 Ernst von Weizsacker, the new German Ambassador at the Vatican, reports to Berlin that Secretary of State Maglione regards the fate of Europe as dependent upon "the victorious resistance of Germany at the Russian front." If the German armies collapse there, the only possible bulwark against Bolshevism will fall and European civilization will be lost. (Lewy) 1943 September 23 Hitler meets with Ion Antonescu and asks him not to receive an anti-Mussolini Italian envoy, and to dismiss Mihai Antonescu. Marshal Antonescu refuses to comply. 1943 September 23 The Vilna ghetto is liquidated by the Germans. 1943 September 25 The Soviets recapture Smolensk. 1943 September 3 In Algiers, the Badoglio regime of Italy secretly signs an armistice with the Anglo-American forces. Italian capitulation is not announced until September 8th. 1943 September 3 Operation Avalanche - The British 8th Army invades Italy at the toe of the "boot." 1943 September 30 A work unit of 325 Jews and Soviet prisoners, who were being forced, in chains, to dig up burn victims of the massacre at Babi Yar, near Kiev, revolt when they too are about to be killed. Only 14 survive the revolt. (Atlas) 1943 September 8 Italy officially surrenders to the Allied Powers. 1943 September 9 A circular letter concerning receipt of fees for racial "expert reports" states, "In the financial year 1942, 2,340.50 RM were received by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institue of Anthropology." (Assuming an average fee of 50 RM, approximately 50 "expert reports" were drawn up, each of them determining whether the Jew concerned was to live or to die. (Science)

1223 1943 September 9 The American Fifth Army lands at Salerno, south of Naples. General Mark Clark's assault force of the 36th and 45th Infantry divisions and a ranger force, reinforced by the 82nd Airborne and the 3rd Infantry divisions. Clark loses the element of surprise and his advance is stopped at the beachhead. 1943 September Danish sea captains and fishermen, on the eve of the Jewish deportations, ferry 5,919 Jews, 1,301 part-Jews, and 686 Christians married to Jews to safety in Sweden (See October 1). (Atlas) 1943 Spanish troops of the Division Azul see a washtub-shaped UFO hovering nearby during a battle in Russia. 1943 Summer Round-the-clock bombing of German cities by the Allies steadily mounts until all Germany is subjected to massive air raids. As the effectiveness of the U.S. fighter escorts increases, the Luftwaffe becomes less and less able to counter the air attacks. 1943 Supreme Court finds in Marconi's favor, ruling Tesla had anticipated all other contenders with his fundamental radio patents. Tsarion 1943 T. Henry Moray attempts to reconstruct his radiant energy generator and is harassed by the FBI after seeking Gustave Le Bons book (see 1892). Tsarion 1943 Test of the Eldridge ONR invisibility project. Tsarion 1943 The Journal of the American Medical Association on September 18, 1943, states, fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanism of such actions are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1 ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluoro-silicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as a fertilizer. That process alone releases approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine into the atmosphere annually. Other sources of fluorine intoxication is from the fluorides used in the smelting of many metals, such as steel and aluminum, and in the production of glass, enamel, and brick. Tsarion 1943 The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) sends Allen Dulles to Bern, Switzerland, to work with top Nazis like Otto Von Bolschwing to arrange for the transfer of Germans to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. At the same time, Americans are dying in the Battle of the Bulge. One vital aspect of the agreement was to extend the war until the Nazis could get their funds out of the country and begin again in the United Statesthis time at a covert level. German funds are transferred to Argentina, Brazil, and other countries. Dulles remains in Switzerland until 1945 in this capacity. Tsarion

1224 1943 U.S. delivers 1 kilogram of uranium to the Soviet Union. Tsarion 1943 U.S. gives Russia plans for atomic bomb under Lend Lease Program. Tsarion 1943 U.S. Government sends citizens of Japanese descent to prison camps in the U.S. Tsarion 1943 Under experiments which began in 1942, experiments are conducted by Germany on Dachau inmates who are frozen in an attempt to assess revival techniques. (Note: Preparation for arctic deployment studies?). Tsarion 1943 United States psychiatrists Douglas Goldman and Maynard Murray publish Studies on the use of Refrigeration Therapy in Mental Disease with Report of Sixteen Cases in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, Vol.97 Feb. 1943, pp152-165. Three deaths resulted during the program, tested on mental patients. (See 1949 Spradley and Marin-Foucher). Tsarion 1943 US bomber pilots flying missions from Burma to China reported being buzzed and circled by 'glittering' objects. Instruments failed to operate until the objects flew off. 1943 Voorhis Bill HR373 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee. Tsarion 1943 : Robert Oppenheimer establishes the Los Alamos laboratory to build the U.S. atomic bomb. 1943 , 13 1943. 1943 . October 4 Himmler summons his SS generals to Posen and informs them of the systematic murder of the Jews; in effect making accomplices of them all. "This is a page of glory in our history that has never been written," he tells them, "and is never to be written." 1943 . October 25 Jesuit priest Alfred Delp, a member of the German resistance, tells a conference of priests at Munich that the silence of the Church on what is being done to the Poles and Jews and on the horrors committed in the concentration camps will threaten the acceptance of the Church by the new Germany that will arise after the downfall of the Nazi regime. (DA Passau; Lewy) 1943, . : " , , , , , ,

1225 , , . . , , , , "" . .. , , ... ". . , , . 125. 1943, . , "... ." 1943, 100% 1944 65%. - , . 176 "US and Allied Wartime and Postwar Relations and Negotiations with Argentina, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on Looted Gold and German External Assets and U.S. Concerns about the Fate of the Wartime Ustasha Treasury". . 800.000 . ' - , , , , - . 1943: The Soviet Union launches a counteroffensive 1944: Finland surrenders Karelia to the Soviet Union 1944: eastern Galicia is conquered by the Soviet Union and eventually annexed to Ukraine 1944 -Attempted assassination of Hitler. Nazis begin sending millions of dollars worth of jewels, paintings and cash to Argentina for

1226 safe keeping. Russian NKVD reorganized as MGB. Donovan prepares plan for Roosevelt to establish a central intelligence agency which is pigeonholed, later reconsidered by Truman. American band leader Glenn Miller disappears on unarmed flight over the English Channel. - 1944 "Moth-Man" is seen in Hollywood, MD. 1944 -1945 This bloodbath is not the subject of war crimes investigation. We are reminded at this juncture of Dr. Robert Faurisson's remark that "war itself is a crime," implying the prosecution of individual acts is an exercise in futility. Granted, but if we are to be forever the victims and to be subjected to trials because we are rightist, anti Communist and Christians, perhaps as a form of self defense we may be forgiven for desiring the trials of Communist and Zionist killers. 1944 American train in France carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold is blown up, killing 51 American soldiers. The gold is then used to finance Montauk mind control projects later in New York. Later funded by ITT, owned by Krupp in Germany. Tsarion 1944 An initial batch of 5,000 anthrax bombs comes off the production line at Camp Detrick. Main American plant at Vigo, Indiana, built at a cost of $8 million and employed 500 people. The plant was capable of producing 50,000 anthrax bombs per month. Plant ready for production by 1945 but never used, and eventually was leased for production of antibiotics. Tsarion 1944 April 15 A group of prisoners, assigned the task of destroying evidence of mass murder at Ponary, try to escape. 25 are killed outright, 15 got away. Five days later, the remaining 40 members of the unit are killed. (Atlas) 1944 . , 15 . [ ]. 26 . . (26 .). 18 . . 1944 April 15 Giovanni Gentile, the self-proclaimed philosopher of Italian Fascism and the major figure in the rise of Hegelian thought in Italy, dies. 1944 Bretton Woods agreement created the World Trade Organization (WTO) that fights to eliminate tariffs and promote free trade. It established the World Bank, which provides loans to lessdeveloped countries, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which loans to countries in economic crisis to prevent the collapse of their government. The agreement also fixed exchange rates for currencies, which became floating exchange rates in 1971. In 1945 the United

1227 Nations was established. In 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was established with Belgium, West Germany, Luxembourg, France, Italy, and the Netherlands as members. In 1957, the Treaties of Rome established the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the European Economic Community (EEC). The members removed trade barriers between themselves and formed a "Commmon Market." In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht created the Euro, which is now the monetary denomination in nearly all EU members except Britain. The Treaty also provided for cooperation in law enforcement, criminal justice, civil judicial matters, and asylum and immigration. In 2004, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta, and Cyprus were admitted into the EU. After the rise of the Soviet Union, the United States enacted a post-war economic plan called the Marshall Plan, which offered financial aid to Germany for rebuilding the allied countries of Europe and repelling communism after World War II. The Marshall Plan offered the same aid to the Soviet Union and its allies, if they would make political reforms and accept certain outside controls. Out of fear of having the Soviet Union take advanage of the plan, the Americans made the terms deliberately difficult for the Soviet Union to accept. As a result, the Soviets denounced these actions of imperialistic, and responded by enacting Comecon, or the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. This was an economic organization of communist states and a kind of Eastern Bloc equivalent tobut more inclusive thanthe European Economic Community. During the same time period, a large portion of the so-called "free world" formed NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which was intended to be used so that if the USSR and its allies launched an attack against any of the NATO members, it would be treated as if it was an attack on all member states. The Soviet Union responded by forming the Warsaw Pact, which was the equivalent agreement among Communist states. 1944 April 15 Tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews are forced to leave their homes, and move into specially designated ghetto areas. (Atlas) 1944 April 17 Dr. Max Josef Metzger, a Catholic priest, longtime pacifist, and founder of the Una Sancta movement is executed for having "seditious" contacts with the Bishop of Upsala in Sweden. (Lewy) 1944 April 4 An American reconnaissance plane flies over Auschwitz, photographing the I.G. Farben synthetic rubber (Buna) plant at Monowitz. Both the plant and the nearby main camp are clearly visible, but the gas chambers at Birkenau are not recognized for what they really are. (Apparatus)

1228 1944 April A direct rail spur is built to Birkenau (Auschwitz II). It runs almost to the gates of two of the four gas chambers. (Atlas) 1944 Army Medical Department takes care of 4.4 million hospital patients. (U.S.). Tsarion 1944 Asperger in Vienna describes the first cases of adult autism to appear. Tsarion 1944 Attempted assassination of Hitler. Upper echelon Nazis begin to send wealth to Argentina. Hitler turns control of planning, construction, and control of Germany's new weapons over to the SS, who had previously only provided security and anti-sabotage protection to highly classified German projects. The Himmler names Dr. Heinz Kammler (Lt. Gen. SS) the director of secret war production. V-2 rockets are launched on London. The SS demonstrates much interest in certain unusual weapons that promised certain victory. Tsarion 1944 August 1 In Pisa, Italy, Germans murder Catholic philanthropis Pardo-Roques and six Jews he has been sheltering. (Atlas) 1944 August 1 The Polish uprising in Warsaw, generally known as the Warsaw Uprising, is begun by the underground anti-German resistance movement, as elements of the Soviet army approach the city. The Germans kill tens of thousands of Poles while, the Soviet army remains inactive at the city gates until October 2, when the rebellion collapses. (The Warsaw Uprising was led by anti-Communist, General Tadeusz Komorowski, and supported by the Polish government-in-exile in London.) 1944 August 10--Captain Alvah M. Reida was piloting a B-29 bomber based at Kharagapur, India, on a mission over Palembang, Sumatra, when his right gunner and co-pilot noticed a sphere 'probably five or six feet in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange in color' that constantly throbbed, about 12,500 ft off the starboard wing. It kept up with the B-29, then flying at 210 mph. Reida tried to shake it off his plane, but it stayed in the same relative position until, after eight minutes, it 'made an abrupt 90 degree turn and accelerated rapidly, disappearing in the overcast.' 1944 August 12 Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., eldest son of former U.S. Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, is killed when his PB4Y1 bomber, the Zootsuit Black, literally a flying bomb, loaded with 21,170 pounds of dynamite, explodes over the English Channel during a secret mission against German V-2 sites. 1944 August 15 The American Seventh Army invades the South of France in "Operation Anvil." American infantry divisions from Italy make the attack aided by American paratroops as well as British and French units. Knifing through weak German defenses, the Seventh Army

1229 races up the Rhone Valley toward Germany. German troops in all of western France are now threatened with isolation by the Allied pincer. 1944 August 17 Hitler replaces Field Marshal von Kluge, and Field Marshal Walter Model takes command of the Western Front. 1944 August 17 The American XV Corps and the Canadian 1st Army trap the German 7th Army in a pocket between Argentan and Falaise. 1944 August 18 Field Marshal Kluge commits suicide after writing an apologetic letter to Hitler. 1944 August 19 General Eisenhower changes his mind and decides not to bypass Paris after receiving word of an uprising in the city. He orders in the Second Free French Armored Division, supported by U.S. troops. 1944 August 20 A great Russian offensive begins in Moldavia. 1944 August 20 American B-17 bombers make a raid near Auschwitz during the first of four attacks on I.G. Farben's plant at Monowitz, only a few miles east of the gas chambers. (Apparatus) 1944 August 20 Paris is surrounded by the Allies. 1944 August 21 Allied representatives meet at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington to discuss plans for postwar security. American, British, Soviet, and Chinese representatives lay the basis for future discussions leading to the foundation of the United Nations. Meetings will continue until October. Edward Stettinius, Jr., leads the American delegation. 1944 August 22 The defeat of Falaise-Argentan breaks the back of the Nazi defenses in France. The Allies capture more than 100,000 prisoners. 1944 August 23 Ion Antonescu and his foreign ministers are summoned by King Michael. They are kidnapped in the palace and delivered to a Communist agent named Bodnaras. King Michael makes a radio broadcast announcing that an armistice has been signed with the Russian command and orders the Romanian Army to cease all resistance. No armistice has been signed, and sixteen Romanian divisions are deceived into surrendering. They are quickly transported to prison camps in Russia and Siberia. (Sturdza) 1944 August 24 Horia Sima now in Germany begins the formation of a Romanian National Army composed of all Romanian volunteers then in Germany and those who could escape and join them. 1944 August 25 Paris falls to the Allies. Destruction is minimal, due primarily to the efforts of the German commandant, General Dietrich von Choltitz, who disobeys Hitler's orders to "fight to the last man" and "raze the city." 1944 August 25 The Romanian goverment declares war on Germany.

1230 1944 August 26 During a Slovak revolt, a Jewish battalion, as well as hundreds of individual Jews, take part in the capture of three major towns. (Atlas) 1944 August 26 The great Rothschild Mansion in Paris is discovered to contain almost all of its original art and furnishings-untouched after five years of occupation as Luftwaffe headquarters in Paris and numerous visits by Hermann Goering. (Cowles) 1944 August 28 Hundreds of Jews die when the Germans evacuate slave labor camps in Estonia by sea. (Atlas) 1944 August 29 The Soviets and the Polish Communists jointly announce they have discovered that the Germans have killed 1.5 million people in the concentration camp at Majdanek (Maidanek). This is the first in a series of such announcements. 1944 August 3 Of the total of 20,943 Gypsies registered as prisoners in Auschwitz, the last 2,897 are sent to the gas chambers. 3,461 had been transferred to other camps, while all the others died in Auschwitz from starvation, infectious disease, or by gassing. (Science) 1944 August 30 A new Romanian regime declares war on Germany. 1944 August 30 General de Gaulle's Provisional Government in Paris. 1944 August 31 Natzweiler concentration camp in Alsace is liberated. At least 25,000 prisoners, Jews and non-Jews had died there of starvation, ill-treatment, murder or execution. (Atlas) 1944 August 31 Russian troops enter Bucharest and soon occupy all of Romania. Since no armistice has been signed, the Russians behave as if on enemy territory -- raping, plundering, looting and murdering the civilian population. 1944 August 4 A daring attack by American tank forces cuts off the Germans on the Brittany Peninsula. 1944 August 4 The Germans evacuate 3,000 Jewish slave laborers by train from Warsaw to Dachau. More than 1,000 die during the five-day trip. (Atlas) 1944 August 5-6 Hitler and Ion Antonescu hold their last meeting. 1944 August 6-30 70,000 Jews from Lodz, the last of the "working" ghettos, are sent to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1944 August 9 The XV Corps, on the left flank of the Third Army, pushes east to capture Le Mans, then north toward Argentan. 1944 August SS officer Adolf Eichmann informs Himmler that six million Jews have already been killed, 4 million in the camps, 2 million in mobile gassing operations.

1231 1944 Autumn General Kazimierz Sosnkowski, Supreme Commander of the Polish troops fighting on the Western Front tells his soldiers that "Poland entered the war four years earlier because of the urging of Great Britain." At Churchill's insistence, General Sosnkowski is relieved of his command. (Sturdza) 1944 Britain turns over anti-crop toxin research to United States. The U.S. would have mass production capability by 1945. Tsarion 1944 British forces occupy Athens and intervene in the communist inspired civil war. 1944 By October 1944, only 60% of Germanys underground complexes for research, testing, and manufacturing had been completed. Tsarion 1944 Christopher von Furer-Haimendorf, professor of anthropology at Osmania University in Hyderabad, India, undertook a study of tribes on the Assam-Burma border. In the northern part of the Balipara Frontier Tract, he discovered a valley inhabited by a primitive tribe known as the Apa Tanis. Furer-Haimendorf recounted that the bottom of the valley was "inhabited by lizardlike monsters." The creature was described in detail by a Charles Stonor in the 1940s. Stonor said that he and J.P. Mills, a respected authority on Assamese tribes, had visited the Valley of the Apa Tanis. He recounted a tradition that when the first of the Apa Tanis settled in the valley, there was a great marshy lake. According to the tribesmen: "The lake was the home of great aquatic beasts the like of which they had never seen before, and to which they gave the name Buru. The Buru was a heavily-built, cumbersome animal, fifteen feet or so in length with a long and thick neck, and a broad head tapering to a snout. There were three hard plates on the head, one on top, and one on each side. The tongue was long and forked, after the fashion of a snake. There were teeth "flat like those of a man": and according to some accounts there was a pair of small [tusks] in each jaw. The body had a girth such as "a man could just put his arms around," and measured some eighteen inches across the back. A row of blunt spines ran down the back and along each side. There were four stumpy limbs, with feet "like those of a burrowing mole." The Buru had a thick and powerful tail, three or four feet long, and on each side were broad and deeply-fringed lobes. The skin was fish-like and the colour mottled blue/black above and whitish below. There were many of them, and first and foremost they were aquatic, keeping to the deeper water, so that they were not very often seen. In the summer months they sometimes crawled out onto the banks to bask in the sun. In winter they disappeared into the mud on the bottom and were never seen. Now and again they appeared above the surface of the water, when they gave a coarse, bellowing call. They were believed to have been vegetarian, and were always nosing

1232 about in the mud, weaving their way through the swamp with their long necks, when the hard plates on their heads were brought into play. They did not lay eggs, and the young were born alive in the water. The Buru "did everything with its tail," and a tradition tells of a man who speared a young one he surprised asleep on a mud-bank, whereupon he was attacked by the mother, who caught him round the legs with her tail and pulled him into the water where he was drowned." Stonor then goes on to recount how the Buru were killed off by the tribesmen, as the population of the Apa Tanis increased. He was struck by their knowledge of the valley and their ability to point out four sites at which a Buru had been killed. Stonor also spoke with the descendants of a man named Takhe Saha, who said that their ancestor had found a Buru's skull in an area called Chagho. They said it was "like a pig's but with a longer snout." 1944 December 10 Horia Sima and seven other Romanian delegates sign a formal constitution in Vienna for a new Romanian National Government-in-exile. Five of the eight are Legionaries. 1944 December 15 U.S. forces land on Mindoro in the Philippines. 1944 December 16 Hitler launches the Ardennes Counteroffensive, now known to Americans as "The Battle of the Bulge." 1944 December 17 By afternoon, one of Gen. Sepp Dietrich's SS Panzer groups, commanded by SS Col. Joachim Peiper, has penetrated almost to Malmedy, Belgium. Peiper later became notorious for allegedly ordering the machine-gunning of a number of captured GIs from the US 7th Armored Division in a field south of Malmedy. At the time of the actual incident at Baugnez crossroads, Peiper, riding with his Panzespitze, was already well on his way to Ligneuville, although it is possible he could have contacted the SS men responsible for the killings by radio. (Ardennes Campaign) 1944 December 20 By this date, SS Col. Peiper has allegedly murdered approximately 350 prisoners of war and at least 100 unarmed Belgian civilians at twelve different locations along his route. See May 14, 1946. (Secrets) NOTE, Some pro-Germans believe these figures are a fantasy created by Allied propagandists. The alleged civilian slaughtering, they say, stands without proof and the many pictures in books depicting "Belgians murdered by the SS" are nonsense. There was one incident, however, which German soldiers readily admitted, one child was killed when he came running down the street looking at the tanks and was shot by mistake by one of the SS soldiers. (Thomas Vanhassel) 1944 December 24 Now with the defeat of Nazi Germany almost certain, Pope Pius XII in his Christmas message acknowledges "that a democratic form of government is considered by many today to be a natural postulate of reason itself." (Moody; Lewy)

1233 1944 December 24 The German offensive in the Ardennes is brought to a halt at the end of the day. 1944 December 25 Churchill and Anthony Eden arrive in Athens to arrange for the settlement of the Greek Civil War. 1944 December 25 Leading elements of Manteuffel's army is still four miles short of the Meuse River at Dinant. It is to be the highwater mark of the German advance. 1944 December 25 SS Col. Peiper pulls out of La Gleize (where he is trapped) in the early hours of Christmas morning. He leaves behind no fewer than 150 US Prisoners, and takes only one US officer with him. These 150 US soldiers were looked after by SS medical personnel who volunteered to stay behind. During the Ardennes campaign, SSKampfgruppe Peiper took some 450 US Prisoners and nearly all arrived safely in Germany. 1944 December 25 The Allies begin a strong counteroffensive in the Ardennes. The U.S. 4th Armored Division, part of Patton's Third Army, from around Mortelange is designated to relieve Bastogne. 1944 December 26 Budapest is almost completely encircled by General Tolbukhin's Third Ukraine Front. 1944 December 26 Units of the 4th Armored Division breaks through heavy German forces and continues its rapid push northward toward Bastogne. 1944 December 27 The British XXX Corps drives the 2nd Panzer Division out of Celles. 1944 December 29 In Greece, Prime Minister Papandreou announces he will resign as soon as a new regent is chosen. 1944 December 29 Russian emissaries attempting to negotiate with the German garrison in Budapest are killed after a misunderstanding of some kind takes place. 1944 December 30 The VIII Corps from Patton's Third Army begins a new attack northward in the direction of Houffalize. 1944 December 31 Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens is sworn in as regent and Papendreou resigns. 1944 December 31 Hungary declares war on Germany. 1944 December 31 In Poland, the Communist dominated Committee of National Liberation based in Lublin assumes the title of Provisional Government. The government-in-exile in London protests to no avail. 1944 December 31 The British XXX Corps captures Rochefort at the western end of the Ardennes salient. 1944 December More than 3,500 Jews, who had been evacuated from Auschwitz to Lieberose, are again evacuated, and forced to march in snow and ice to Sachsenhausen north of Oranienburg, outside Berlin.

1234 Several hundred, too sick to leave the infirmary, are shot and the building set on fire. Each morning, those who are too weak to walk are shot, and by the time the group reaches its destination, only 900 are still alive. (Atlas) 1944 Dr. Gelny, director of the Austrian institution Mauer-Ohling, demonstrates death by electroshock at the 1944 Germany Psychiatric Congress. Tsarion 1944 Early in 1944, Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch and his private library of 40,000 anti-Jewish and conspiracy theory books, the heart of a proposed "institute for conspiracy study" are evacuated from Berlin to Schloss Gneisenau at Erdmannsdorf (Riesengebirge) in Silesia for safekeeping. Later in the year, Bostunitsch is promoted to SSStandartenfuehrer (colonel) upon the personal recommendation of Heinrich Himmler. (Roots) 1944 February 1 The first of 40,000 Americans land on Kwajaleinl. Within a week the atoll is taken, and more than 8,000 Japanese troops are killed. 1944 February 1 The Times of Londons discloses that the last will and testament of Austrian-born Sir Henry Strakosch had converted "interest free" loans to Winston Churchill and Lord Simon into gifts. Simon had received 10,000 pounds, and Churchill twice as much. Strakosch was a multimillionaire who made his fortune in gold mining in South Africa. (Missing Years) 1944 February 12--The report of another interesting incident was carefully preserved in the archives of the German Investigation Committee: that of the launching of an experimental rocket at the Kummersdorf test center. On that day the Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, S.S. Reichsfuhrer Himmler and S.S. Gruppenfuhrer Heinz Kammler were present at the launching which was being filmed. Some days later the authorities at the base organized a showing of the film. The astonished spectators, could see very clearly a spherical body which followed the rocket and circled around it. The authorities immediately suspected Allied espionage. However, an agent informed Himmler that the English were themselves victims of the same sort of phenomenon and thought that it was a new type of German prototype craft. 1944 February 17 An air armada from U.S. carriers attack on the Japanese naval base of Truk in the Caroline Islands. About 250 enemy planes and 200,000 tons of Japanese merchant shipping are destroyed, and Truk itself is rendered useless. 1944 February 22--Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a Top Secret memo on White House stationary for "The special committee on nonterrestrial science and technology." Both the title and the content

1235 clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word "nonterrestrial" and the latter talks about "coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe. 1944 February 29 U.S. forces land on the Admiralty Islands. 1944 February 3 Another trainload of Jews leaves Paris for Auschwitz. It is the 67th such deportation in almost two years. Of 1,214 deported only 26 survive the war. (Atlas) 1944 February Hitler abolishes the Abwehr (German army intelligence). Its head, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris was later arrested and executed as a traitor. Some historians believe he was a double, possibly triple agent. 1944 German intelligence service Anwehr disbanded. Tsarion 1944 German SS reaches its top strength of over 900,000. Tsarion 1944 Germans destroy thousands of files on chemical warfare. Tsarion 1944 Health Practitioners Journal, June 1944, reports Dr. S. S. Goldwater, the New York Commissioner of Hospitals states as a result of the drugs, vaccines, and other suppressive treatments used to check diseases, chronic diseases are growing at such a rate that America may become a nation of invalids. Tsarion 1944 In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, Corp. U.S. is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund, and becomes a foreign controlled private corporation. 1944 January 22 The American VI Corps lands 50,000 troops at Anzio between the German Gustav Line to the south and Rome 33 miles to the north, but fails to break the stalemate. The assault troops consist of U.S. 3rd Infantry Division, U.S. Rangers, paratroops, and a British division. 1944 January 26 Himmler makes an address to more than 260 high-ranking army and navy officers in Posen. Himmler tells them that Hitler, himself, had given him the mission to exterminate the Jews. "I can assure you," Himmler told them, "the Jewish question has been solved. Six million have been killed." According to an eyewitness, all, but five officers, applauded enthusiastically. (Toland ) 1944 January 27 The Soviet Army relieves Leningrad after the German siege which has lasted 890 days. Since September 1941 the people of Leningrad had withstood German artillery and air bombardment. More than 200,000 of them had been killed in the siege; half a million more die from cold, starvation, fatigue and exhaustion. 1944 January 29 Cardinal Bertram writes to the Government that he has received reports that the ordinances enacted for the Jews are now to be applied to the Mischlinge (half-Jews and quarter-Jews). These Christians, he writes, have already been declared unworthy of military

1236 service, could not attend institutions of higher learning, etc. Now one hears that they are to be conscripted into special formations for labor service. "All these measures", he continues, aim clearly at segregation which in the end threatens extermination". The Mishlinge were German and Christians, he says, and always rejected by the Jews. "The German Catholics indeed numerous Christians in Germany," Bertram warns, "would be deeply hurt if these fellow Christians now would have to meet a fate similar to that of the Jews." (Bundesarchiv, Koblenz; Lewy) 1944 January 3 The Red Army reaches the former Polish border. 1944 January 31 Dr. Ritter mentions 23,822 "conclusively 'clarified' Gypsy cases"; in a report to the DFG (the German Association for Scientific Research). (Science) 1944 January 31 U.S. amphibious landings begin in the Marshall Islands. 1944 January In Switzerland, Han Bernd Gisevius and his Abwehr associate Eduard Waetjen begin supplying Dulles with information about the German resistence's plans for a coup against Hitler. (Silence) 1944 July 11 Colonel Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg brings a bomb to Berchtesgaden, and although he is with Hitler and Goering for more than half an hour, he does not release the bomb because Himmler is not present. (Children) 1944 July 1-22 The Bretton Woods Conference, officially called the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, meets at Bretton Woods, N.H. It is attended by delegates from 44 states and nations. This conference provides the foundations for the postwar international monetary system and establishes both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. 1944 July 15 Stauffenberg takes a bomb to a meeting in Rastenburg. Himmler and Goering are not present and Hitler leaves before the bomb can be planted. (Children) 1944 July 18 British and Canadian troops cross the Orne River at Caen and drive toward the south. 1944 July 18 The U.S. First Army fights its way into the village of St.-Lo, France. 1944 July 2 The SS takes the last 3,000 Jews of Vilna, laborers in a factory, and murders them at Ponary. Thousands are killed in Shauliai and Kovno. Thousands more are evacuated to labor camps near Stutthof and Dachau. (Atlas) 1944 July 20 Colonel Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg attempts to assassinate Hitler at the Wolf's Lair, his East Prussian headquarters. The bomb explodes only a few feet from Hitler, but only slightly wounds him. This stroke of luck only strengthens Hitler's conviction that fate wants him to continue his struggle to the very end.

1237 1944 1 20 1944 / . 20 1944 . . 200 5000, . 20 : 1938. 1938 1939 , 1939. 1944 2 1941 Henning von Tresckow Fedor von Bock. Tresckow , , . . 1942 Oster Tresckow . Friedrich Olbricht . 1942 Tresckow Olbricht Smolensk 1943 . . 1943 , , Erich von Manstein Gerd von Rundstedt. . 1944 3 20 : 1943 (7 1944), ,

1238 . , , 1943 , . , 1943 1944 . 4 1944, . . 1943 Tresckow Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. Stauffenberg . . 1944 4 1942 - - . . Stalingrad . Olbricht Tresckow Stauffenberg . . Olbricht , SS . 1944 5 Friedrich Fromm, . Fromm, , . 1943 1944 , .

1239 , . Wolfschanze () Rastenburg Berchtesgaden. . . 1944 6 1944 . 6 . . , , , . . 1944 7 Tresckow, Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff-Steinort, Stauffenberg: (coute que coute). . . . , . (Joachim Fest, Plotting Hitlers Death: The German Resistance to Hitler 1933-1945, 236). , , . 1943 Wilhelm Canaris Leipzig, Carl Goerdeler. , 20 .

1240 . 1944 8 1943 Johannes Popitz Goerdeler (Joachim Fest, Plotting Hitler's Death The German Resistance to Hitler 1933-1945, 228). , Popitz . . Popitz . von Bock Tresckow . Goerdeler , Carl Langbehn. , Canaris, Heinz Hohne, Canaris . 1944 9 : 1 1944 Stauffenberg Fromm Bendlerstrasse . Stauffenberg Berchtesgaden, . , Auschwitz 250,000 . , , Carl-Heinrich von Stulpnagel, . [ 6 . RAF , 3 , . 7

1241 , ]. 1944 10 . , . Stauffenberg . , Goring , . , , , 15 . Stauffenberg , , Bendlerblock. , . Beck , Goerdeler Witzleben . . 1944 11 15 . Stauffenberg, , . 18 . . 20 1944 / : 10:00 20 1944 Stauffenberg Rastenburg . , . 12:10 . Stauffenberg . Stauffenberg . 12:40 4 . . 1944 12 Stauffenberg, . Stauffenberg,

1242 . 16:00 Olbricht . Fromm Wilhelm Keitel . Keitel Stauffenberg Fromm . 16:40 Stauffenberg Haeften Bendlerblock. Olbricht . 1944 13 . Joseph Goebbels , ( ). Stulpnagel SS SD. , . 19:00, . Goebbels , Otto Remer, . 1944 14 Remer . 20:00 Witzleben Bendlerblock Stauffenberg, . Kluge ( , , ), Stulpnagel. . Bendlerblock Stauffenberg . 23:00 Fromm , . Beck, . 1944 15 Fromm Olbricht, Stauffenberg, Haeften Albrecht Mertz von Quirnheim. 00:10 21 , Fromm

1243 . 00:30 SS Otto Skorzeny . Fromm, , . : , , 20 . 1938, 1939 1943, , Franz Ritter Halder, . 1944 16 Sippenhaft ( ), . Tresckow Kluge. . 200 . 3 , Freisler , , , Canaris . . 1944 July 21 General Franz Halder is arrested by the Gestapo. He will be held in several different concentration camps until released by the Allies in 1945. (Duffy) 1944 July 21 Hundreds of suspected plotters in the assassination attempt, and their families, are arrested throughout Europe. Within two months the Gestapo arrested more than 7,000 suspects, and "people's courts" sentence 4,980 to death. (Children) 1944 July 22 As Russian troops approach Lublin and the nearby death camp at Majdanek, the Germans march 1,200 Jews westward toward Kielce, where 180 are murdered. The survivors are sent by train to Auschwitz, where 200 more are gassed on arrival. (Atlas) 1944 July 23 1,700 Jews from the island of Rhodes and 120 from the island of Kos are sent to Auschwitz and its gas chambers, as more and more "death marches" away from the camp are ordered. (Atlas)

1244 1944 July 23 Soviet forces enter Majdanek. The SS now begins accelerating evacuations from Auschwitz, yet deportation trains from France and Belgium, as well as Radom, continue to be sent to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1944 July 25 The U.S. First Army breaks through the German lines between Caen and Saint Lo, and out of the Normandy beachhead. 1944 July 29 The Germans begin a "death march" evacuation of 3,250 slave laborers from Warsaw. (Atlas) 1944 July 31 1,300 Jews are deported from Drancy to Auschwitz. Among them are more than 300 Jewish orphans seized in Paris between July 20 and 24. (Atlas) 1944 July 31 General Patton's Third Army storms through the gap in the German lines and captures Avranches. 1944 July 4 More than 2,800 Jews from the Papa region of Hungary are deported to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1944 July 8 The Hungariangovernment orders an immediate halt to the deportation of Hungarian Jews. The Germans give way, and 300,000 Jews, most of them in Budapest awaiting deportation, are saved. 437,000 Hungarian Jews had already been deported. (Atlas) 1944 July 9 German Army Group North is cut off in the Baltic. 1944 July 9 Hitler rejects Rommel's urgent request to withdraw his troops in Normandy, in order to regroup. 1944 July 9 Hitler returns to the Wolf's Lair from Obersalzberg. 1944 July 9 Raoul Wallenberg arrives in Budapest. His nominal role is as an attache for the Swedish legation, but he is in Budapest primarily at the instigation of the War Refugee Board, a new U.S. government agency established to help Jewish victims. He quickly begins issuing safe conduct passes. (Apparatus) 1944 July Following the plot against Hitler, Goebbels is named "General Plenipotentiary for the Mobilization of Total War." (Goebbels) 1944 July Soviet troops approach Shauliai, Kovno, Vilna and Lublin. Many Jewish partisans are active behind the lines. (Atlas) 1944 June 10 Churchill, Smuts, Brooke, General Marshall and Admiral King cross the Channel and are met by Montgomery. After a beach welcome they drive through "our limited but fertile domain in Normandy." They lunch on the lawn at Montgomery's headquarters, looking towards the front which was only three miles away. Note, Churchill inquired about the chances of German armour breaking up their lunch. Montgomery acknowledged that the chateau had indeed taken a pounding the night before. (Churchill Center) 1944 June 10 Professor Eugen Fischer accepts the chairmanship of a workshop at the "Anti-Jewish Congress" to be convened in Cracow, "Dear Reichsminister! That you intend to create a scientific front line for

1245 the defense of European culture against the influence of Jewry, and to call together for that purpose scientists from all the nations fighting Jewry, seems to me a very good idea and absolutely necessary, if I may allow myself to express such opinions... I am delighted to accept your invitation to attend this congress..." (See June 1944) (Science) 1944 June 10 The Germans kill more than 600 French villagers at Oradour-sur-Glane. Women and children are burned alive in the church, and the men are machine-gunned, as a reprisal against the killing of an SS army commander by a resistance sniper in another village. Seven of the victims are Jews who had been hiding among the villagers. (Atlas) Note, The Germans later claimed the fire had accidentially spread to the church where ammunition hidden in the roof caused it to burn very rapidly, trapping the women and children inside. Read the pro-German account. 1944 June 13 Just 7 days after D-Day, Hitler orders the release of the first V-1 rockets, or "buzz bombs," from bases along the French coast in the Pas de Calais sector. These robot bombs reach speeds of 400 mph on a predetermined course aimed a London. RAF pilots quickly learned to shoot them down. (V-1's kill nearly 6,000 Londoners, injuring 40,000, and destroying more than 75,000 homes.) 1944 June 13 Men from the slave labor camps at Auschwitz are transferred to Mauthausen. (Atlas) 1944 June 14 All 1,800 Jews of the island of Corfu are deported for "resettlement" in Poland. (Atlas) 1944 June 15 U.S. forces land on Saipan in the Marianas. 1944 June 17 Hitler flies to France to meet with Rommel and Rundstedt near Margival, 300 miles from the front. Rommel ties to convince Hitler that the war is lost, telling him that the Allies will soon break through in Normandy, and nothing can stop them from advancing into Germany. Hitler tells Rommel, "It is not your privilege to worry about the future of the war!" (Payne; Duffy) 1944 June 19 U.S. forces under Admiral Nimitz defeat a Japanese fleet in the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the biggest carrier engagement of the war. U.S. planes destroy more than 350 Japanese aircraft in what came to be known as "the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot." 1944 June 27 American infantry captures Cherbourg, giving the Allies a major port for the flow of men and supplies. 1944 June 29 1,600 of the 1,800 Jews of Corfu are gassed shortly after their arrival at Auschwitz. The rest are forced into slave labor. (Atlas) 1944 June 29 20,000 Jewish women are evacuated from the slave labor camps at Auschwitz to Stutthof. That spring, the Germans had started building 60 new slave labor camps in the area, to replace those already overrun by the Soviets. (Atlas)

1246 1944 June 3 Another 496 Jews from Holland are transported to Auschwitz. 1944 June 30 1,153 Jews are deported from Paris to Auschwitz. 1944 June 4 The U.S. Fifth Army enters Rome, making it the first European capital to be liberated by the Allies. 1944 June 5 Churchill, before going to bed on the evening of June 5th tells his wife, "Do you realize that by the time you wake up in the morning twenty thousand men may have been killed?" He was also unhappy about the pre-invasion bombing of France but accepted the arguments of the Americans that it was necessary to limit the losses and perhaps the success of the invasion. (Churchill Center) 1944 June 5 King Victor Emmanuel is forced to relinquish power in Italy to his son, Prince Humbert. 1944 June 6 All 1,800 Jews on the island of Corfu, in the Ionian Sea, are seized by the Gestapo. (Atlas) 1944 June 6 D-DAY - the Allies land at Normandy on the French coast. From the air and from a fleet of about 4,000 ships, the Allies storm ashore in what is called Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious operation in history. More than 11,000 Allied aircraft operate over the invasion area while more than 150,000 troops quickly disembark. 1944 June 6 The imprisoned Jews of Crete, 400 Greek hostages, and 300 Italian prisoners-of-war are put on a ship at Heraklion and sent 120 miles across the Aegean Sea, where the ship is deliberately sunk. All prisoners on board are drowned. Only seven Jews from Crete survive the war, in hiding. (Atlas) 1944 June 7 SS-Panzerdivision Das Reich recieves orders to immediately proceed to Normandy. 1944 June 8 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet has his photo taken at Foto Luxardo in Rome. 1944 June 8 SS-Panzerdivision Das Reich harassed from all sides by French partisans, finds numerous roads blocked. The French partisans launch a massive attack on the German garrison of Tulle. SSAufklrungsabteilung 2 (Wulf) raced to the besieged German troops. 1944 June 9 German troops recapture Tulle. Waffen-SS soldiers find the bodies of 62 dead German soldiers, 20 others were never accounted for. In view of the 'Sperrle Orders' (see March 2), the SS soldiers hang 99 suspected partisans from lampposts and balconies. 1944 June Chelmno (Kulmhof) resumes operations and by August, an additional 7,000 Jewish victims have been killed. (Days) 1944 June Professor H. F. K. Gunther declares his readiness to speak on "The encroachment of Jewry on the cultural life of the nation" at an "Anti-Jewish Congress" to convene in Cracow. Alfred Rosenberg

1247 is scheduled to speak on "Biological humanism." (This congress never took place due to the war situation.) (Science) 1944 Konrad Morgen, a 34-year-old SS magistrate, brings 800 cases of corruption and murder in the concentration camps to trial. 200 will result in sentences and the commandants of camps at Buchenwald and Majdanek, among others, are executed. 1944 Lancet, official journal of the British Medical Association, comments that neuritis is commonly precipitated by tetanus anti-toxin. (Oct. 7, 1944). Tsarion 1944 March 11 300 Jewish women and children from Dalmatia, who have been interned at Gospic, are deported to the Croat concentration camp at Jasenovac. None survive. The men have already been deported to the Sajmiste death camp near Belgrade. (Atlas) 1944 March 12 Bishop Frings again emphasizes that it is wrong to kill innocents just because they belong to another race, but once again he fails to mention the word "Jew" or "non-Aryan." (Lewy) 1944 March 15 German authorities in Greece begin a systematic search for 10,000 Jews Greek Jews. 5,000 are soon caught and deported to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1944 March 16 On the 700th anniversary of the burning of the Cathars at Montsegur, Hitler makes a speech during which he declares that "mankind undergoes a spiritual renewal every 700 years." 1944 March 19-22 Hitler sends German troops into Hungary and forces the establishment of a more compliant government. Suddenly more than 750,000 Jews, who previously had seemed relatively safe from Nazi terror and deportation, come under Nazi domination. (Atlas) 1944 March 2 Generalfeldmarschall und Oberbefehlshaber West Hugo Sperrle issues the famous 'Sperrle orders', which state that, if partisans attack German armed forces, drastic measures can be taken on the spot. (Translation of 'Sperrle Orders.') 1944 March 20 Professor von Verschuer sends a progress report to the DFG. He writes, "My assistant, Dr. Mengele, has joined this part of the research as a collaborator. He is employed as an SS-Captain and camp doctor in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. With the approval of the Reichsfuehrer-SS (Himmler), anthropological studies have been carried out on the very diverse racial groups in this camp, and blood samples have been sent to my laboratory for processing." (Science) 1944 March 20 The death camp at Majdanek is evacuated. The sick are sent to Auschwitz for immediate gassing. Able-bodied men are sent to Gross Rosen, and women are sent to Ravensbruck and Natzweiler. (Atlas) 1944 March 22 At the Koldyczewo slave labor camp, 10 SS guards are killed, and hundreds of prisoners escape. (Atlas) 1944 March 29 Russian troops enter Romania.

1248 1944 March 30 Hitler dismisses Manstein and Kleist from their commands of Army Groups North and South Ukraine. Model takes over from Manstein and Schoerner replaces Kleist. 1944 March 31 The RAF loses 96 of 795 planes taking part in a raid on Nuremberg. They are said to be the worst losses suffered by the RAF during the entire war. 1944 March 7 In Warsaw, the historian Emanuel Ringelblum, who had struggled to collect and preserve as much material as possible about the Warsaw ghetto, and who had managed to hide in "Aryan" Warsaw after the revolt, is discovered by the Gestapo, and together with his family, is tortured and killed. (Atlas) 1944 March 8 The Japanese mount an offensive in Burma. 1944 March 9 Professor Hallervorden writes to Professor Nitsche, the organizer of euthanasia at that time, "I have received 697 brains in all, including those which I took out myself in Brandenburg." (Science) 1944 March With the rapid advance of Soviet forces westward, the Germans begin a systematic evacuation of all concentration and slave labor camps. 1944 May 12 President Roosevelt writes to King Peter of Yugoslavia politely ordering him to dismiss General Draza Mihailovich, the legendary hero of the Yugoslavian resistance, as Minister of National Defense, and to replace him with Josip Broz (Tito), the Communist leader. 1944 May 15 869 Jews are deported from Paris to Proyanovska slave labor camp near Kovno. There, 160 are shot, and the rest are evacuated six weeks later. Only 15 survive the war. (Atlas) 1944 May 15 The deportations of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz begins. By the end of June, a total of 381,000 Jews have been deported to Auschwitz, including more than 289,000 from Ruthenia and northern Transylvania. (Atlas) 1944 May 18 The Allies overrun Cassino and link up with the Anzio forces a week later. The Fifth Army then advances 75 miles toward Rome. 1944 May 19 Eight civilians are shot at Natzweiler concentration camp in Alsace. Numerous Jewish and non-Jewish women active in the French resistance, and many Russian and Polish prisoners were shot in this camp. (Atlas) 1944 May 21 The Gestapo imprisons all 260 Jews of the city of Canea, Crete, and 5 families from Rethymnon.(Atlas) 1944 May 7 Rudolf Hess voluntarily agrees to be injected with Evipan, a proprietary brand of the so-called "truth drug," Pentothal (sodium Thiopental). Hess convinces the doctors, including Dr. Dicks, that he is suffering from profound amnesia. (Missing Years)

1249 1944 May The German army estimates 5.16 million Russian prisoners of war have been captured since 1941. Fewer than 1.8 million are still alive. 1944 Mine inspector Glenn E. Berger reported to his superiors that the 1944 Dixonville mine disaster which "killed" 15 men was not the result of a cave-in, but rather an attack by underground creatures capable of manipulating the earth (partial cave-ins), whose domain the miners had apparently penetrated. Most of the dead miners were not injured by falling rocks but showed signs of large claw marks, others were missing, and one survivor spoke of seeing a vicious humanoid creature that was "not of this world" within an ancient passage that the miners had broke into. The creature somehow created a "cave-in", blocking himself and another inspector (who closed his eyes when he felt the creatures "hot breath" on his neck) from the main passage until another rescue party began to dig through the collapse, scaring the "creature" away. 1944 Nazis begin sending millions of dollars worth of jewels, paintings and cash to Argentina for safe keeping. 1944 Norman Borlaug sent to Mexico by Rockefellers to develop new grain types. Tsarion 1944 November 2 Himmler's order of October 26 arrives at Auschwitz, "I forbid any further annihilation of Jews." Upon his further orders, all but one of the crematoriums are dismantled, the burning pits covered up and planted over with grass, and the gas pipes and other equipment shipped to concentration camps in Germany. The single remaining crematorium is for the disposal of those who die of natural causes and the gassing of about 200 surviving members of the Sonderkommando. The final solution is formally over. Yet tens of thousands of Jews will continue to die of brutality and neglect. (Apparatus) 1944 November 20 Hitler leaves the Wolf's Lair and travels to his headquarters near Bad Nauheim. 1944 November 24 Himmler issues orders to close the remaining crematorium at Auschwitz, and gives instruction to destroy any remaining evidence. (Apparatus) 1944 November 2-8 Tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews are driven out of Budapest by the SS as Soviet forces approach the city. Whipped and shot by the SS, they are forced westward toward Vienna. Some 4,000 are saved by the intervention of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, but more than 10,000 die during six days of terror. (Atlas) 1944 November 28 The last gassings take place at Auschwitz. More than 8,000 have been gassed since the first of November. (Atlas)

1250 1944 November 6, 1944, Cairo. Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, and his driver were assassinated outside the minister's Cairo residence. Two murderers were involved. One was injured, and both were immediately arrested. 1944 November 7 General de Gaulle, as leader of the Free French forces, summons the first session of the new French National Assembly. 1944 November 7 President Roosevelt is re-elected for an unprecedented fourth term, with Harry S Truman as Vice President. 1944 November After protest from his generals, Hitler postpones the Ardennes Counteroffensive from November 25 to December 10. 1944 November Hitler's generals again convince him to postpone the Ardennes counteroffensive. This time from December 10 to December 16. 1944 November President Roosevelt names Edward R. Stettinius Jr. as Secretary of State, replacing Cordell Hull. 1944 October 11 The veteran 1st U.S. Infantry Division of the First Army enters the outskirts of Aachen. Hitler's has ordered Aachen's defenders to resist to the last man. 1944 October 1-30 More than 18,000 Jews from Theresienstadt are sent to Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1944 October 14 Field Marshal Rommel is forced to commit suicide. 1944 October 14--Germany, Schweinfurt: US B-17s of the 348th Bomb Group had started a bombing run over Schweinfurt, Germany, when they ran into a formation of 'scores' of small, silvery disks, about one inch thick and four inches in diameter, flying toward the bombers. Major E.R.T. Holmes reported that one struck the tail of one aircraft, but without effect. 1944 October 15 As Allied forces approach Strasbourg, Himmler orders the Anatomical Institute to destroy its collection of Jewish skulls and skeletons, but many related documents survive the war. (See June 21, 1943) 1944 October 19 Alfred Naujocks deserts to the Americans and at Nuremberg the following year gives a number of sworn affidavits. In one he gives his account of the "faked incident" at Gleiwitz on the evening of August 31, 1939, which Hitler had used to justify his attack on Poland. (Shirer I) (See November 20, 1945) 1944 October 2 The Warsaw Uprising collapses. Virtually the entire remaining population of Warsaw is deported by the Germans to forced labor or concentration camps and the city is systematically razed. The Soviet army then resumes its offensive, 1944 October 20 The U.S. makes landings on Leyte in the Philippines.

1251 1944 October 20 U.S. troops enter Aachen after a savage pounding by American artillery. Little is left standing and the city lies in ruins, but the German defenders continue to fight fiercely, often to the last man. 1944 October 21 The U.S. First Army captures Aachen, the first major German city to fall to the Allies. Several more days are required to flush the last, steadfast German defenders out of hiding. 1944 October 23 Rosenberg writes to Martin Bormann proposing to draft the entire German clergy for forced labor because of severe manpower shortages. (Lewy) 1944 October 23 The Japanese fleet fails to destroy transports landing American soldiers on the island of Leyte during the Battle of Leyte Gulf (to October 26). 1944 October 26 Himmler issues orders to destroy the crematoriums at Auschwitz-Birkenau in an attempt to eliminate the evidence of Nazi mass murder. 1944 October 27 Bormann writes to Rosenberg informing him that Hitler has rejected the idea of using clergymen for forced labor. (Lewy) 1944 October 30 The last transport of Jews from Theresienstadt arrive at Auschwitz; on that day and the next, 1,689 of them are sent to the gas chambers. (Apparatus) 1944 October 6, 1944 Jerusalem. An RAF man was killed by gunfire 1944 October 7 A Jewish revolt breaks out at Auschwitz. Recently arrived Jews from Poland, Hungary and Greece, who are being forced to drag bodies from the gas chambers to the crematoria, having secretly obtain explosives from four Jewish girls working in a nearby munitions factory, blow up one of the four crematoria. All are killed, except for one man, who later starves to death at Ebensee. (Atlas) 1944, , 14 8 11 , , , . 1944 October Almost 9,000 Jews are sent from Slovakia to Auschwitz during October in reprisal for the Slovak revolt. 1944 October Rundstedt, who has been restored as Commander-inChief in the West, is given overall responsibility for the planned counteroffensive in the West. The armies involved are the Fifth Panzer Armycommanded by Hasso von Manteuffel, Sixth Panzer Army, under Waffen-SS General Sepp Dietrich, and General Erich Brandenberger's Seventh Army, consisting mostly of SS formations. The attack through the Ardennes is scheduled for November 25th. 1944 Oscar Ewing is put on the payroll of the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), as an attorney, at an annual salary of $750,000.

1252 Within a few months, Ewing was made Federal Security Administrator, with the announcement that he was taking a big cut in salary. The U.S. Public Health Service, then a division of the FSA, comes under the command of Ewing, and he begins to vigorously promote fluoridation nationwide. Ref: May 25-27 Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. A by-product of aluminum manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. Ewings public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward L. Bernays. Bernays conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. It was one of Bernays most successful campaigns. Tsarion 1944 Pierre Laval is arrested by the retreating Germansin France, but will escape to Spain in 1945. 1944 September 11 British troops enter Holland. 1944 September 11 The American Seventh Army joins up with the U.S. Third Army near Dijon. 1944 September 13 American B-24s attacking the I.G. Farben plant at Monowitz accidentally drop several bombs inside the main camp at Auschwitz, destroying a barracks, killing 15 SS men and injuring 28. A cluster of bombs is also mistakenly dropped farther west at Birkenau, damaging the railroad but missing the crematoria. (Apparatus) 1944 September 13 An armistice is signed in Moscow between Romania and the Soviets, three weeks after ithad been falsely announced by the King. It is essentially an unconditional capitulation and puts Romania entirely in the hands of the Soviets. 1944 September 15 U.S. troops enter Germany. 1944 September 16 Hitler decides on a counteroffensive in the West. The Eastern Front is far too vast, Hitler says, and the Russians much too superior in number for such an operation to succeed. Chances are much better in the West. 1944 September 17 Operation Market-Garden, an Allied airborne operation to seize river crossings in Holland, begins. 1944 September 19 As Soviet forces approach Klooga, in Estonia, the Germans kill almost all of the 3,000 surviving slave laborers, including 1,500 Jews from Vilna, 800 Soviet prisoners-of-war, and 700 Estonian political prisoners. Only 85 inmates survive. (Atlas) 1944 September 19 Finland signs an armistice with the Allies. 1944 September 2 Professor C. Schneider writes in a letter about the reverses which his research proiect has suffered, "The people in Eichberg... maintain that they knew nothing of our experiments being continued, even though one of our collaborators had been going there from time to time... so, I have to reckon with the fact that only half the

1253 idiots whom we have investigated here will be available to us for a full examination." (Science) 1944 September 20 The U.S. 82nd and 101st divisions of the First Allied Airborne Army cross the Rhine River in the Nijmegen-Arnhem area. 1944 September 25 The U.S. 82nd and 101st divisions are driven back across the Rhine. 1944 September 28-29 4,000 Jews from Theresienstadt are sent to Auschwitz on two separate trains. Almost all are gassed, including all the old people and children. (Atlas) 1944 September 29--A German test pilot was trying out a new Messerschmitt jet fighter, Me-262 Schwalbe, when his attention was suddenly caught by two luminous points situated on his right. He shot at full speed in that direction and found himself face to face with a cylindrical object, more than 300-feet long with some openings along its side, and fitted with long antennae placed in front up to about halfway along its length. Having approached within about 1,500 feet of the craft the pilot was amazed to see that it was moving at a speed of more than 1,200 m.p.h. 1944 Berlin July 25, 1944. To His Excellency. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Berlin. Your Excellency: I have previously called the attention of your Excellency to the constant attempts of the Jews to emigrate from Europe in order to reach Palestine, and asked your Excellency to undertake the necessary steps so as to prevent the Jews from emigrating. I had also sent you a letter, under date of June 5, 1944, in regard to the plan for an exchange of Egyptians living in Germany with Palestinian Germans, in which I asked you to exclude the Jews from this plan of exchange. I have, however, learned that the Jews did depart on July 2, 1944, and I am afraid that further groups of Jews will leave for Palestine from Germany and France to be exchanged for Palestinian Germans. This exchange on the part of the Germans would encourage the Balkan countries likewise to send their Jews to Palestine. This step would be incomprehensible to the Arabs and Moslems after your Excellency's declaration of November 2, 1943 that "the destruction of the so-called Jewish national home in Palestine is an immutable part of the policy of the greater German Reich" and it would create in them a feeling of keen disappointment. It is for this reason that I ask your Excellency to do all that is necessary to prohibit the emigration of Jews to Palestine, and in this way your Excellency would give a new practical example of the policy of the naturally allied and friendly Germany towards the Arab Nation. Yours, etc. Source: The Arab Committee 1944 September 3 The British capture Brussels.

1254 1944 September 3-4 Some 3,000 more Jews are deported from Westerbork in Holland on two separate trains. Anne Frank, who has since become world-famous because of her diaries written in Amsterdam during the German occupation, is aboard one of these trains. Her parents had brought her to Holland as a refugee from Germany before the war. She later dies in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. (Atlas) 1944 September 8 Bulgaria accepts an armistice and declares war on Germany. 1944 September 8 The V-2, a far heavier and more deadlier supersonic rocket, is put into action by the Germans. From its bases in the Low Countries, the V-2 with speeds of 5,600 km/h (3,500 mph) buried its 1-ton warhead into the ground before violently exploding. More than 1,000 V-2s will fall on England, and about 500 hit London, causing 10,000 casualties. Many are also directed at Antwerp. 1944 September The deportation of Jews from Slovakia begins once again (sSee Spring and Summer 1942). (Hilberg) 1944 September The Germans leave Istanbul. Baron Sebottendorff, founder of the Thule Society, who has been working for German Intelligence, is given funds to support himself for a year. (Rittlinger; Roots) 1944 Spring Himmler orders SS magistarte Konrad Morgen to cease all further investigations into the concentration camps and their personnel, unless specifically ordered to do so by Himmler himself. 1944 Summer Dr. Mengele begins having his Jewish slaveassistant, Dr. Nyiszli, send large quantities of scientific material to Professor von Vershuer at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology in Berlin. This material includes eyes from murdered Gypsies, internal organs from murdered children, the skeletons of two murdered Jews, and sera from twins infected with typhoid by Dr. Mengele. (Science) 1944 The American Cancer Society (ACS) is reorganized, chiefly under the wing of Albert Lasker (an advertising tycoon), Elmer Bobst (president of two drug companies, Hoffman LaRoche and Warner Lambert). Mary Lasker in New York was the driving force of the ACS for decades. The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, which is based on the Lasker advertising fortune, provides the impetus to dominate cancer research. Tsarion 1944 The city manger of Grand Rapids, Michigan, announces that the Michigan State Department of Health is planning a long range experiment with fluoridated water and that Grand Rapids was selected as the location for the experiment. The city commission approves a motion to fluoridate on July 31, and decide it is to begin in January 1945, despite the warning issued three months earlier by the American Dental Association. Grand Rapids becomes the first city in the United States to

1255 conduct this experiment. It was to serve as the test city to be compared against unfluoridated Muskegon for a period of ten years relative to tooth decay, at which time it would be determined whether or not fluoride was safe and effective. Dr. H. Trendley Dean was put in charge of the project. The experiment was terminated early with the pronouncement that fluorides in public water supplies was safe. See 1945. Tsarion 1944, ... 11 ' . n . 12 , , . . 12 ', n , . 16.00 12 70 , n . 13 ' 400 2 . . , , . 1944 The Journal of the American Dental Association on October 1, 1944 warned that We do know that the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 ppm of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteoporosis, and we cannot run the risk of producing such systemic disturbances in applying what at present is a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurement in children. In the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good. Tsarion 1944 The word "genocide" is coined by Polish-American scholar Raphael Lemkin. 1944 Uranium pile built in Clinton, Tennessee. New cyclotron completed at Wash. Tsarion 1944 18 1944, , .

1256 . , , , . "" . - . . - , , . ; Macmillan. . ' . "de jure ". , "de facto" . " " . "de jure" . ' ; , . . . . 1944, 6.000. , . , 1949. 1944: Guatemalan Revolution overthrows the dictator Jorge Ubico by liberal military officers. 1944-1947: a Communist-friendly government is installed in Bulgaria following a coup d'tat and the Soviet invasion. The government was nominally a coalition called the Fatherland Front, but the Communist Party faction consolidated its power with Soviet support until 1947, when Soviet troops withdrew. Many royalist and fascist leaders from the previous Axis regime were given summary trials and executed. 1944: Following the liberation of Albania completed on November 29, the Communist Party of Albania under Enver Hoxha consolidates its control, moves forward with industrialization and modernization, and declares the People's Republic of Albania in January 1946. 1944: Warsaw Uprising was an armed struggle during the Second World War by the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa) to liberate Warsaw from German occupation and Nazi rule. It started on August 1 1944.

1257 1944-1949: Greek Civil War. 1944-1965: Forest Brothers Rebellion in Baltic states against Soviet Union. 1945: August Revolution led by Ho Chi Minh declares the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from French rule 1945: democratic revolution in Venezuela led by Rmulo Betancourt 1945 -- Alleged assassination (suicide) of James Forrestal at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after his attempt to warn Roosevelt of Illuminati plot. Roosevelt dies, Truman becomes president. Mussolini killed. Hitler allegedly escapes from Berlin after arranging for a fake suicide cover story; Hitler's death announced, Admiral Doenitz takes command; submarines U-530, U-977 and others begin secret journey from Norway soon after Quisling allegedly refused Hitler's offer to take him "aboard a submarine to a safe refuge"; two months after Germany surrenders submarines U-530 and U-977 give themselves up in Mar del Plata, Argentina, after allegedly being lost from the submarine convoy taking Hitler and others to their hideout in Antarctica; Nazi leader Martin Bormann escapes without a trace from Berlin after supervising Hitler's "suicide." First atomic bombs dropped. World War II ends. General Gehlen, Head of Nazi Intelligence, captured by U.S. Army and flown to Washington; other Nazi and British agents imported to U.S., along with Werner Von Braun and other developers of the V-2 rockets. Interpol dissolved -- or reorganized with headquarters in Paris, the story varies. OSS disbanded, its agents moving to military intelligence agencies and the State Dept. CFR allegedly takes over State Dept. United Nations founded. "Official beginning of Bermuda Triangle mystery," when Flight 19, made up of five naval bombers, disappears off the coast of Florida; another plane sent to investigate also disappears -- 6 planes and 27 men vanished. An Air Force plane's engines fail over Iwo Jima as foo- fighters maneuver around it. - 1945 49 , . 42 , 1945. !!! [ , 20 , 1945]. 1945 ! (. , - . . - , , 2006, .393). ,

1258 , . !!! , , : ( , .309). : (. 140,5). 1945 A survey of 10,000 boys in the U.S. having had the smallpox vaccination also notes that 6% were associated with crime. Tsarion 1945 After being awarded the Legion of Merit for establishing chemical warfare labs in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, Cornelius Rhoads is appointed to the staff of the Atomic Energy Commission, which at that time was carrying out radiation experiments on unwitting prisoners, hospital patients, and soldiers. Tsarion 1945 Albert Speer (Feb. 1945) assumes control over research and implementation of new technical projects with SS supervision. Tsarion 1945 Alger Hiss writes the United Nations Charter. Tsarion 1945 An Air Force plane's engines fail over Iwo Jima as foofighters maneuver around it. 1945 April 1 The final Allied offensive in Italy begins. 1945 April 1 The U.S. makes amphibious landings on Okinawa in the Pacific theater's largest amphibious operation. 1945 April 10 American Jewish organizations are invited to send representatives to the opening of thwe San Francisco Conference. 1945 April 10 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet departs Europe by troopship for the United States. 1945 April 11 American forces liberate the remaining prisoners at Buchenwald concentration camp, freeing more than 21,000 German, Russian, Polish, Czechoslovakian, French, Italian, and Jewish inmates. 56,549 prisoners have died of starvation, disease, or deliberate sadism during its eight years of operation. 1945 April 12 President Roosevelt dies suddenly. Cause of death was said to be a massive cerebral hemorrage that struck the 63 year-old President while he was vacationing at Warm Springs, Georgia. He was succeeded the same day by Vice President Harry S Truman. 1945 April 12 U.S. forces reach the Elbe River only 60 miles from Berlin. Eisenhower informs Stalin that he is leaving the capture of Berlin to the Soviets. Systematic bombing by Soviet artillery and Allied air power soon reduces the German capital to ruins. The Luftwaffe, with its corps of pilots depleted, its airfields destroyed, and its fuel supply nonexistent, is unable to protect the city.

1259 1945 140 ! SOMMERSTEIN, Emil 18831957. Leader of Polish Jewry. Before World War II Sommerstein was a lawyer and Zionist leader in Polish Galicia, and for fifteen years a deputy in the Polish Sejm (parliament). With the German invasion, he fled to Russia, where he was kept imprisoned until 1944. He was included in the Polish provisional government set up in 19445 during the liberation, and played a central part in arranging the return from the Soviet Union of 140,000 Polish Jews. 1945 April 13 Russian troops enter Vienna. 1945 April 14 Franz von Papen is arrested by the Americans. 1945 April 15 As the Allied armies draw together, 17,000 female inmates and 40,000 men are marched westward by the Germans from Ravenbruck and Sachsenhausen. Many hundreds die of exhaustion and hundreds more are shot by the wayside. (Atlas) 1945 April 15 Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is liberated by British forces, who discover the unburied corpses of 10,000 inmates. Most have died of starvation. There had been no food or water for more than five days, and evidence of cannibalism is found. Even after the liberation, an average of 500 die each day of typhus and starvation for more than a week. 1945 April 16 General Zhukov launches his final attack on Berlin. 1945 April 18 Field Marshal Walther Model commits suicide. 1945 April 18 German forces in the Ruhr pocket surrender. 1945 April 19 Himmler plots to establish a new German government and negotiate an "honorable" peace with the Western Allies. 1945 April 2 Hitler prophesies the world's eternal gratefulness for having instigated the stamping out of the Jews. (Days) 1945 April 20 The first Russian shells fall on Berlin. Adolf Hitler celebrates his 56th birthday. (Eyes) 1945 April 20 The U.S. Seventh Army captures Nuremberg. 1945 April 21 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet arrives back in the United States with decorations for combat in the Tunisian, Sicilian, NaplesFoggia, and Rome-Arno campaigns. 1945 April 21 Russian troops enter the outskirts of Berlin. 1945 April 21 The last Western air raid strikes Berlin. 1945 April 22 Fewer than 1,000 of Bosnia's 14,000 Jews are still alive at the concentration camp of Jasenovac, near Zagreb. 600 prisoners, Jews and non-Jews, rise up in revolt. 520 are killed, and only 80 escape, including 20 Jews. (Atlas) 1945: Holocaust over Dresden, known as the Florence of the North. Dresden was a hospital city for wounded soldiers. Not one military unit, not one antiaircraft battery was deployed in the city. Together with the

1260 600.000 refugees from Breslau, Dresden was filled with nearly 1.2 million people. Churchill had asked for "suggestions how to blaze 600.000 refugees". He wasn't interested how to target military installations 60 miles outside of Dresden. More than 700.000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million people. One bomb for every 2 people. The temperature in the centre of the city reached 1600 o centigrade. More than 260.000 bodies and residues of bodies were counted. But those who perished in the centre of the city can't be traced. Appr. 500.000 children, women, the elderly, wounded soldiers and the animals of the zoo were murdered in one night. 1945 April 22 Himmler sends a message to Allies through the Red Cross offering a German surrender, but only to the British or Americans. 1945 April 23 Goering sends a message to Hitler offering to take over the leadership of Germany. Hitler, in a fury, orders Goering's immediate arrest. 1945 April 23 SS guards execute Albrecht Haushofer and a group of antifascist prisoners, including Klaus Bonhoffer (Bonhoeffer), brother of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, outside Lehrterstrasse prison in Moabit during the battle for Berlin. 1945 April 24 Goering is offically removed from all his military and Party offices by Hitler. (Duffy) 1945 April 25 Delegates from 50 nations assemble in San Francisco to endorse the United Nations charter. 1945 April 25 In southern Germany, French troops stumble across evidence of mass murder and recent killings at four villages in the Swabian Alps and along the Danube. Mass graves are found of Jews evacuated from the east. With typical Gestapo thoroughness, thenames, ages and birthplaces of all the victims had been recorded. The villages were Tuttlingen, Schomberg, Schorzlngen, and Spaichlingen. (Atlas) 1945 April 25 Six Jews are shot by the Gestapo at Cuneo in northern Italy. (Atlas) 1945 April 25 U.S. and Russian troops join-up at Torgau on the Elbe River. 1945 April 26 American troops reach the concentration camp at Dachau. Among many others the camp still holds 326 German Catholic priests. A still larger number had passed through the camp, had died in it of starvation and disease, or had been murdered. Soon after Pope Pius XII invoked these and many other acts of persecution to show that the Catholic Church in Germany had strongly resisted the Nazi regime. (Lewy) (Most other sources, such as Martin Gilbert, state that the Americans didn't liberate Dachau until April 29.) (See April 29) 1945 April 26 Generals Zhukov and Konev surround Berlin.

1261 1945 April 26 The Germans evacuate the last survivors from Stutthof by sea to Lubeck. Hundreds die during the voyage. (Atlas) 1945 April 27 During a death march from Rehmsdorf, a satellite camp of Buchenwald, 1,000 prisoners are killed with machinegun fire and grenades at Marienbad station. Another 1,200 are killed as the march continues toward Theresienstadt, where 500 are killed on arrival. (Atlas) 1945 April 27 The Western Allies reject Himmler's peace proposals. 1945 April 28 At 9 PM, a BBC report, heard in Hitler's bunker, announces that Himmler has just offered to surrender Germany unconditionally to the Allies.. Hitler now believes Fegelein's attempt to escape is part of Himmler's treachery and within an hour Fegelein is tried and sentenced to death. His body has never been found and the circumstances of his death are still uncertain. 1945 April 28 Benito Mussolini and his mistress are killed by Italian partisans near Dongo, Italy. Mussolini is later buried at Predappio, his birthplace. 1945 April 28 Just before midnight, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun are married after a brief ceremony that is officiated by a minor official named Wagner. Only eight guests are allowed to attend, Bormann, the Goebbels and his wife, Gerda Christian, Chief Adjutant Bergdorf, General Krebs, Arthur Axmann, head of the Hitler Youth, and Fraulein Manzialy, the cook. 1945 April 28 Otto Hermann Fegelein, the brother-in-law of Eva Braun and also Himmler's liaison officer in the bunker, is arrested in civilian clothes while preparing to leave the country. He is brought back to Hitler's bunker and is saved only by Eva who pleads for mercy because her sister is pregnant. 1945 April 28 The International Red Cross arranges with the SS for the transport of 150 Jewish women from Ravensbruck to Sweden. They are the first of 3,500 Jewish and 3,500 non-Jewish women to be transferred to safety in the last ten days of the war. (Atlas) 1945 April 29 At 4 AM, Hitler signs his last political will and testament, which had been quickly typed by Traudl Junge, one of his personal secretaries. Goebbels, Bormann, and Generals Burgdorf and Krebs sign as witnesses. (See Last Will and Testament) 1945 April 29 At 6 PM, Hitler announces to his staff that he and his wife, Eva, are going to die unless some miracle intervenes. He then passes out vials of cyanamide. 1945 April 29 Dachau is liberated by the U.S. 45th Infantry Division. Some 20-30 SS men were said to have been captured. Eyewitnesses said 34 of the 200 guards captured were murdered by the Americans after surrendering. The camp inmates are said to have torn

1262 apart 15-20 informers and killed all the Capos, who were described for the most part as common German criminals. 1945 April 29 German forces in Italy sign an unconditional surrender at Caserta. 1945 April 29 Russian troops drive toward Hitler's bunker in three main attacks. 1945 April 29 Thousands of photographs are taken at Dachau, and throughout the following week. Hundreds of bodies still lie in the perimeter ditch and are scattered in the spaces between the huts. Some are so horrible that they have never been reproduced. During the last year of the war about 40,000 inmates perished at Dachau, 80 percent were Jews. (After the war, Dachau serves as a German prisoner-of-war camp, and during a series of war crimes trials, 260 SS functionaries are sentenced to death.) (Atlas) 1945 April 29--Hitler left Templehof Airfield in an Arado-234. Flight Captain Peter Baumgart took Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, as well as a few loyal friends by plane from Tempelhof Airport to Tondern in Denmark (still German controlled). From Tondern, they took another plane to Kristiansund in Norway (also German controlled). From there they joined a submarine convoy bound for Antarctica. 1945 April 30 At 3,00 PM, American forces in Nuremberg discover the tunnel and underground bunker where the spear of Longinus (the Holy Lance) has been hidden to prevent its capture by the Allies. 1945 April 30 At 3,30 PM, Adolf Hitler and his new wife, Eva Braun, are believed to have committed suicide in his private quarters under the Chancellery. Their bodies are said to have been taken above ground by Hitler's aides, quickly burned with gasoline, and buried in a shallow grave. 1945 April 30 By late morning, the Soviets have overrun the Tiergarten in Berlin, and one advance unit is reported on one of the streets next to Hitler's bunker under the Reich Chancellery. 1945 April 30 Soviet forces enter Ravensbrueck concentration camp north of Berlin. In this one camp 92,000 Jews and non-Jews, mostly women and children, have died in just under two years. (Atlas) 1945 April 30--During the final days of the war, after considerable bombing of Nuremberg, the Spear of Destiny fell into the hands of the American 7th Army under General Patton. In light of the Spear's incredible legend, Patton is said to have become extremely upset at General Eisenhower's decision to return such a great talisman of power to the Hapsburgs. Consequently, some people have theorized that the lance which was actually returned to Vienna may not have been the original spearhead, but that it is, rather, a copy--a counterfeit--of the original which Patton insisted be retained by the United States...

1263 1945 April 4 American troops discover mass graves in Ohrdruf. 4,000 inmates had been murdered in the previous three months, and hundreds were shot on the eve of the American arrival. Some victims were Jews, others Polish and Russian prisoners of war. General Eisenhower, who visited the camp, was so shocked by the sight of the emaciated corpses that he sent photos to Churchill, who arranged for several Members of Parliament to visit the camp. (Atlas) 1945 April 4 Kassel (G) is taken by troops from Patton's Third Army. 1945 April 5 Molotov tells the Japanese Ambassador in Moscow that the Soviet Union is denouncing its 1941 non-aggression pact with Japan, making it possible for the Soviets to take part in the war against Japan. They will wait until August 8, two days after the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan, and its surrender seemed imminent. (Freedman) 1945 April 6 The giant battleship Yamamoto leaves the Japanese Inland Sea on a suicide mission to Okinawa. 1945 April 7 U.S. planes intercept and sink the Yamamoto in the Battle of the South China Sea. 1945 April 8 The Jewish inmates at Buchenwald, many of whom had reached the camp from Auschwitz or Stutthof just three months before, are marched out, leaving the non-Jewish prisoners to await the arrival of the Americans. (Atlas) 1945 April 9 Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, former head of the Abwehr, General Hans Oster, and Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer (Bonhoeffer) are hanged at Flossenbuerg concentration camp. 1945 April 9 Nordhausen and Dora-Mittelbau (Dora-Nordhausen), where thousands of slave laborers have already died in the underground V-2 plants is liberated by the Americans. 1945 April 9 The Germans begin evacuating Mauthausen concentration camp. 1945 As a result of government propaganda on fluorides, the ten year Michigan study was terminated after 1 year. The fluoride-free control city, Muskegon, was then fluoridated to conceal any differential between the two cities. Tsarion 1945 August 10 Japanese radio stations announce that a message has been sent accepting the terms of the Potsdam Declaration provided this "does not compromise any demand that prejudices the prerogatives of the Emperor as sovereign ruler." 1945 August 11 The Allies inform Japan that the Imperial authority would be subject to the Supreme Commander of Allied Powers in the occupation force.

1264 1945 August 12 Japanese leaders choose not to accept the Allied demand which amounts to unconditional surrender. 1945 August 13 An air raid on Tokyo destroys scores of Japanese aircraft while still on the ground. 1945 August 14 During the night a group of Japanese officers attack the Imperial Palace in an unsuccessful attempt to steal the Emperor's radio announcement and prevent its broadcast. 1945 August 14 Emperor Hirohito orders an end to the war and then records a radio message saying that the Japanese people must "Bear the unbearable." 1945 August 14 Kumagaya and several other targets northwest of Tokyo are bombed in the last air raid of the war. 1945 August 15 Pope Pius XII, in a letter to the Bavarian bishops, pays tribute to "those millions of Catholics, men and women of every class" who loyal to their bishops, had fought against the demonic powers that ruled Germany. (Wuestenberg and Zabkar; Lewy) 1945 August 15 VJ Day (Victory over Japan). Emperor Hirohito announces the surrender of Japan. For the first time in history, the emperor of Japan makes a personal radio broadcast to the people of Japan. 1945 August 16 Prince Norukiko Higashi-Kuni forms a new government and Emperor Hirohito orders a cease-fire to all Japanese troops. 1945 August 16 The U.S.S.R. and Poland sign a treaty delimiting the Soviet-Polish frontier. Poland is shifted westward. In the east it loses 69,860 square miles; in the west it gains (subject to final peaceconference approval) 38,986 square miles. 1945 August 2 In Berlin, President Harry S Truman, Joseph Stalin, and Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Britain establish a new de facto western frontier for Poland along the Oder and Neisse Rivers. 1945 August 20 The U.S. War Production Board removes most of its controls on manufacturing activity. The U.S. quickly coverts to a peacetime economy. 1945 August 21 President Truman orders an immediate end to the Lend-Lease Program. 1945 August 22 The Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria surrenders to the Soviets. 1945 August 27 The Allied fleets anchor in Tokyo Bay. 1945 August 28 The principal speaker of the evening at a meeting of American Action at the Clark Hotel in Los Angeles tells guests and members that Jews, international bankers and Jewish Communist immigrants from Russia had acquired almost complete control of American business, government and labor.

1265 1945 August 30 Rudolf Hess is one of the first twenty-two German defendants charged as war criminals. (Children) 1945 August 6 The first atom bomb is dropped by the Enola Gay, a B-29, on the Japanese army base at Hiroshima.This single bomb destroys almost three-fifths of the city and kills an estimated 80,000 people. 1945 August 8 President Truman signs the UN Charter, making the U.S. the first nation to ratify its signature. 1945 August 8 The Soviet Union declares war on Japan and begins several attacks on the Japanese in Manchuria. 1945 August 9 Japanese defense lines in Manchuria are smashed by Soviet forces numbering almost 1.5 million. 1945 August 9 The U.S. drops a second and more powerful atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, leaving the city in ruins, and killing an estimated 40,000 people. 1945 August Eduard Schulte, the man said to have first warned the West about the Holocaust, becomes an important official in the new German central government set up by the Allies. He is recommended or the position by Allen Dulles, head of the OSS in Switzerland. (Silence) 1945 August The United States, Britain, Russia, and France charter an Allied War Crimes Commission and setup a court for war criminals at Nuremberg. 1945 British discover German plans for advanced craft and join U.S. to subvert German gravity craft progress. Germans fly Kugelblitz. Tsarion 1945 CFR allegedly takes covert control of the US State Department State Department. 1945 Concentration camps released. Nazi SS camp guards put into Mauthausen. Tsarion 1945 December 21 General Patton dies from his injuries in a hospital at Heidelberg, Germany, and is buried in Luxembourg. His memoirs, "War As I Knew it," is published posthumously in 1947. 1945 December 26--A mine explosion known as the "Belva Mine Disaster" traps many men near Pineville, Kentucky. Interviews with survivors later revealed that some of the trapped men saw a "door" in one of the walls open, and a man dressed like a "lumberjack" emerged from a well-lighted room. After assuring the men that they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned to the room and closed the door. These "lumberjack-like" entities have been described by miners in other parts of the country and in other nations as well. There seems to be some confusion as to whether they are physical or paraphysical entities. 1945 December 9 General George S. Patton is injured in a cartruck collision near Mannheim, Germany.

1266 1945 December A Republican citizen's committee in Whittier, California, approaches Richard Nixon as a candidate for Congress in the 12th Congressional District. Nixon accepts. 1945 December After a brief stay at his old family home in Salzburg, Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) and his housekeeper, Elsa Baltrush, travel to Arolsen, Germany, home of the Baltrush family. The journey proves too much for the old man and he is hospitalized upon arrival. 1945 Dr. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, former member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School, sentenced to life in prison at Nuremberg for his role at Buchenwald. Ellenbogen became a member of the faculty at Harvard in 1910, left the U.S. in 1915, and reappeared in Paris in 1941. He was heavily involved in the killing at Buchenwald. Nearly all Nazi war criminals convicted at Nuremberg were released early under a general amnesty order issued by John McCloy in January-February 1951. Tsarion 1945 FDR dies of cancer and a stroke and is succeeded by Harry Truman. Tsarion 1945 February 1 The U.S. VI Corps of the Seventh Army crosses the Moder River and advances almost to Oberhofen. 1945 February 12 Professor von Verschuer informs the general administration of the KWG that the contents of the KWI of Anthropology have been sent by truck from Berlin to the West. Before or after this move, all incriminating documents (correspondence with Dr. Mengele, expert reports, memoranda) are destroyed. (Science) 1945 February 13 Budapest falls to the Russians. 1945 February 16 One of the last decrees of the National Socialist regime states that, Anti-Jewish material should be destroyed, "so that it is not captured by the enemy." (Persecution) 1945 February 18 More than 500 Jews, hitherto protected because of their marriages to Christians, are seized throughout Germany and deported to Theresienstadt. (Atlas) 1945 February 19 U.S. forces land on Iwo Jima, an island fortress defended by 23,000 picked soldiers. For 74 consecutive days the Allies have bombarded the island before 30,000 U.S. Marines are sent ashore. 1945 February 2 Churchill and Roosevelt depart Malta for Yalta. 1945 February 2 Jesuit priest Alfred Delp, a convert to Catholicism, is hanged and his ashes scattered in the wind. (Lewy) 1945 February 2 Klaus Bonhoffer (Bonhoeffer) older brother of Dietrich Bonhoffer, is sentenced to death by the German People's Court. 1945 February 22 Operation Clarion begins and the Allies attack targets in Germany with up to 9000 aircraft.

1267 1945 February 23 American GIs reach the peak of Iwo Jima's Mount Suribachi after some of the war's bloodiest fighting. 1945 February 23-- The newest engines of the Kugelblitz were tested and then extracted from the craft. The 'shell' or 'casing' of the Kugelblitz, minus the engines, was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists, plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained underground construction activity since 1941. 1945 February 25--Workers at Kahla complex brought to Buchenwald and gassed so as not to reveal secret of Nazi disk projects. Kahla closed. Slavian slave-laborers from various underground facilities also taken to Karshagan and other camps and killed. 1945 February 3 More than 1,000 American bombers level much of Berlin's city center (the Zentrum). 1945 February 4-12 Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill meet at Yalta in the Crimea. U.S. Secretary of State, Edward R. Stettinius Jr. leads the American delegation and is accompanied by Averell Harriman. The Yalta agreement gives the Soviets almost half of prewar Poland and eastern Europe in general is torn asunder. Stalin is also promised Japan's Kuril Islands and control of Manchuria. Harry Hopkins and Alger Hiss, who is later convicted for denying under oath that he was a Soviet agent, are both deeply involved in negotiations with the Communists. Subsequently millions of people are displaced and disappear into Siberian work camps. Roosevelt and Churchill reply to criticism by saying that Russia has been allowed "to use manpower" as a partial payment of war indemnities. 1945 , UFO. ' . , . 29/9/1959 34 , , . , . UFO 13/12/1951 . . , UFO , , . , , 20/8/65 , . UFO .

1268 . UFO, , , . , , . 1945 February Corregidor is retaken by U.S. troops. 1945 February13-14 Allied bombing raids on Dresden create a fire storm that kills between 35,000 and 135,000 German civilians. Other sources claim casualties as high as 300,000. 1945 February--Despite allied efforts, the Germans successfully flew a crew-carrying version of the 'fireball' from the underground facilities in Thuringia. The craft had a top speed of over 12,500 mph. The craft was called the 'Kugelblitz'. 1945 General Patton is appointed military governor of the State of Bavaria. Patton's outspoken opposition to the official policy of denazification forces his superiors to later relieve him of any real responsibility. 1945 German ammunition dump captured and chemical shell shipped back to Britain and Germany's secret chemical weapon is discovered. Tsarion 1945 Germans technical group moves to polar region. Tsarion 1945 Germany surrenders the war. Tsarion 1945 Gold Reserve requirement reduced from 35% to 25%. Tsarion 1945 Hitler allegedly escapes from Berlin after arranging for a fake suicide cover story; Hitler's death announced, Admiral Doenitz takes command; submarines U-530, U-977 and others begin secret journey from Norway soon after Quisling allegedly refused Hitler's offer to take him "aboard a submarine to a safe refuge"; two months after Germany surrenders submarines U-530 and U-977 give themselves up in Mar del Plata, Argentina, after allegedly being lost from the submarine convoy taking Hitler and others to their hideout in Antarctica; Nazi leader Martin Bormann escapes without a trace from Berlin after supervising Hitler's "suicide." Beginning of Nazi withdrawal to Argentina, and elsewhere, via the Odessa Network under the oversight of the Valhalla Exchange (Martin Bormann). 1945 Hitler escapes from Berlin after arranging a fake suicide and is shipped to Antarctic base. According to some, reappears as LBJ guest in 1967 with his wife (Lyne). Tsarion 1945 Interpol reorganized with headquarters in Paris. Tsarion

1269 1945 January 1 German Army Group G in Alsace begins an offensive in the Sarreguemines area and Eisenhower orders units of the U.S. Seventh Army to retreat. 1945 January 1 Hungarian-Jewish leader, Otto Komoly, is murdered by Hungarian Fascists. 1945 January 1 Luftwaffe attacks on airfields in Belgium, Holland and France destroy more than 300 Allied aircraft. It is the last major Luftwaffe operation of the war. 1945 January 1 The Soviet-dominated Lublin Committee declares itself the legitimate government of Poland. It meets with little effective resistance from the local population still suffering severely under the hardships of war. 1945 January 10 U.S. First and Third Armies continue to advance in the Ardennes. 1945 January 10, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court today put on trial Eliahu Bet-Tsours from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim of Haifa, both admitted members of the Jewish terrorist Stern gang. 1945 January 11 Units of the U.S. Third Army join up with the British XXX Corps near St. Hubert further reducing the German salient in the Ardennes. 1945 January 12 The Soviets begin a major offensive all along the front from the Baltic to the Carpathians. German troops fight fiercely although outnumbered by at least four to five to one. 1945 January 13 German defense lines all along the Polish Front are devastated by the strength of the Soviet advance. 1945 January 14 A cease-fire is negotiated between British troops and the Communist ELAS in Greece. 1945 January 14 Soviet forces in Poland cut the rail lines to Krakow. 1945 January 15 The Red Army invades East Prussia. 1945 January 16 Himmler pardons 2nd Lieutenant Max Taubner for his unauthorized execution of Jews in Russia and grants him fouteen days of leave before returning to the front. (Days) 1945 January 16 Hitler departs Bad Nauheim for Berlin. 1945 January 16 Patton's Third Army joins up with General Courtney Hodges' First U.S. Army and the Ardennes Counteroffensive (the Battle of the Bulge) comes to an end. 1945 January 16 Shortly after the last slave laborers are evacuated from Czestochowa, Soviet troops enter the city. 1945 January 17 A Jewish uprising breaks out at Chelmno (Kulmhof) in Poland. The last 47 Jewish slave laborers, knowing they are about to be shot by the SS, take refuge in a building as Soviet troops draw

1270 nearer. The SS sets fire to the building and machine-guns those who attempt to escape the flames. Only one prisoner survives. (Atlas) 1945 January 17 Devastated Warsaw is "liberated" by Soviet forces. 1945 January 17 The SS records a total of more than 30,000 slave laborers still in the Auschwitz region. (Atlas) 1945 January 18 The evacuation of Auschwitz begins. (Days) 1945 January 18 The Germans issue orders for the immediate evacuation all slave labor camps in Upper Silesia. Hundreds die of exhaustion, freeze to death, or are murdered by their guards along the way. (Atlas) 1945 January 18 The Great Russian offensive against Berlin begins. In only 18 days, Soviet troops will advance more than 300 miles. 1945 January 18, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court sentenced the murderers of Lord Moyne to death. Both killers admitted their act and also admitted their membership in the Stem gang which they said ordered the killings as a warning to the British not to interfere with future Jewish immigration to Jerusalem. 1945 January 19 Marshal Ivan Konev takes both Tarnow and Krakow. To the south, Zhukov's troops takes Lodz, and the Fourth Ukraine Front takes Nowy Sacz. Wloclawek on the Vistula also falls to the Soviets. 1945 January 2 Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, Naval Commanderin-Chief of Allied forces in Europe, is killed in an air accident on his way to meet with General Montgomery. 1945 January 2 Hitler turns down requests from Generals Model and Manteuffel to withdraw from west of Houffalize. 1945 January 2 In Budapest, the surrounded German garrison goes on the offensive, counterattacking the Soviets. 1945 January 2 The U.S. Third Army in the Ardennes takes Bonnerue, Hubertmont and Remagne. 1945 January 20 4,200 Jews are shot to death at Birkenau. A total of more than 98,000 Jews have been evacuated from Auschwitz. (Atlas) 1945 January 20 President Roosevelt is inaugurated for a fourth term. Harry S Truman is sworn is as Vice President. 1945 January 20 The Soviet offensive in East Prussia breaks through and Tilsit is taken. In the West, Patton's Third Army takes Brandenburg. 1945 January 20-27 29,000 Jews, most of them women are evacuated from Stutthof by boat and train to Germany. 26,000 of them perish during the journey. (Atlas) 1945 January 21 Gumbinnen is taken by the Soviets in East Prussia.

1271 1945 January 21 The Hungarian Provisional Government concludes an armistice with the USSR, the U.S. and the U.K. Hungary agrees to pay reparations and join the war against Germany. 1945 January 22 Gneizo is taken by Marshal Zhukov in his drive for Poznan. To the north, Insterburg, Allenstein and Deutsch Eylau are all taken by the Soviets. 1945 January 22 The U.S. First Army attacks along the front between Houffalize and St. Vith. The British Second Army takes St. Joost and other towns near Sittard. 1945 January 23 St. Vith is taken in an attack by armored units of the U.S. XVIII corps. Allied air attacks inflict extremely heavy losses to the Germans falling back over the Our River. 1945 January 24 SS leader Heinrich Himmler who has no operational talent or experience is appointed by Hitler to lead a new Army Group Vistula to oppose the main Soviet thrusts. This is seen as an extreme insult by members of the German General staff. 1945 January 24 The French First Army takes several crossings over the Ill River in Alsace. 1945 January 25 German forces in East Prussia are cut off and begin evacuations by sea using the cruisers Emden and Hipper, as well as a large number passenger ships and almost the entire remaining surface fleet. Many fall victim to RAF dropped mines and submarines of the Soviet Baltic fleet. 1945 January 26 The Soviets under Marshal Rokossovsky reach the Baltic north of Elbing, completely cutting off the remaining Germans in East Prussia. 1945 January 27 Advancing Soviet troops enter AuschwitzBirkenau. They find the bodies of 468 dead inmates, Jews, Poles and Gypsies. (Atlas) (Note, Only about 2,800 people remained alive at Auschwitz. Abandoned by the SS, they had been left behind without food, water, or heat. In storehouses that the SS had failed to destroy, the Soviets discovered 836,255 women's coats and dresses, 368,820 men's suits, and seven tons of human hair.) (Apparatus) 1945 January 27 Oscar Schlindler, a German Catholic and member of the Nazi Party, who owns a number of factories in the area, saves 85 Jews from a train at Brunnlitz. They had been locked in their cattle-cars for a week, and more than 20 had already died. Schindler releases the Jews and gives them food and shelter at the risk of his own life. He is later made famous in the award-winning film Schindler's List. (Atlas) 1945 January 27 Patton's Third Army crosses the Our River and captures Oberhausen. 1945 January 27 The Lithuanian port of Memel falls to the Soviets.

1272 1945 January 28 Katowice is taken by Marshal Konev's forces, and in the north the First Belorussian Front enters German Pomerania. 1945 January 29 Bischofsburg falls to the Soviets. 1945 January 3 Desperate German attacks in the Ardennes fail to cut the Allied corridor to Bastogne. 1945 January 3 German attacks in Alsace continue to force the U.S. Seventh Army to retreat. 1945 January 3 The Dutch and Belgian governments sign a mutual agreement for repatriation of incarcerated civilians. 1945 January 30 Churchill and Roosevelt, with their advisors, meet in Malta to prepare for a meeting with Stalin at Yalta. 1945 January 31 The Czechoslovakian Government in London recognizes the Lublin Government in Poland. 1945 January 31 The U.S. First Army enters Germany east of St. Vith and the French First Army gains ground in Alsace near Colmar. 1945 January 31 Zhukov's forces reach the Oder River less than 50 miles from Berlin. 1945 January 4 German attacks in Alsace continue near Bitche. 1945 January 4 Units of Sepp Dietrich's Sixth SS Panzer Army are withdrawn from the Ardennes and transferred to the Eastern Front. 1945 January 5 Fighting between the British and Greek Communists come to an end in Athens. 1945 January 5 Germans units counterattack north of Strasbourg. 1945 January 5 More than 5,000 Jews "protected" by Swedish papers are driven from their so-called "neutal houses" into Budapest's central ghetto 1945 January 5 The last transport of Hungarian Jews is sent to Auschwitz. 1945 January 5 The Soviet Union recognizes the Lublin Committee as the Provisional Government of Poland. The U.S. and Britain continue to publicly recognize the exile government in London. 1945 January 6 Field Marshal von Runstedt again requests permission to withdraw from the Ardennes. Hitler again refuses. 1945 January 6 Rosa Robota, a member of the Jewish underground in Auschwitz, is executed by the Germans for her part in the unsuccessful Sonderkommando revolt in Birkenau. 1945 January 6 Several hundred Jewish women are evacuated by train from the forced labor camp at Sered in Slovakia to Ravensbruck, north of Berlin. (Atlas) 1945 January 7 Arrow Cross terror squads attack Swedish "protective houses" in Budapest during what is called the Jokai Street massacre.

1273 1945 January 8 Battles continue north and south of Strasbourg and the U.S. Seventh Army remains under strong pressure near Rimling and Gambsheim. 1945 January 9 U.S. forces land on Luzon during Operation Mike 1. 1945 , 13 1945 , , . , , , 1945 Japan surrenders twice, followed by U.S. bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki and a third and final surrender. The Allies mandate compulsory vaccination in Japan. The first cases of autism follow pertussis vaccine introduction. Tsarion 1945 July 10 British and American carrier forces attack the Japanese home islands. Tokyo is attacked by more than 1,000 aircraft. 1945 July 11 The first meeting of the Inter-Allied Council is held in Berlin. The Soviets agree to turn over control of the allocated areas of the city to the British and Americans who have made arrangements to give some of their sectors to the French. 1945 July 14 50,000 tons of Japanese shipping is sunk in the Tsugaru Straits. 1945 July 14 General Eisenhower announces closure of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) and eases restrictions on fraternization between American soldiers and German civilians. 1945 July 16 The first experimental atomic bomb is successfully exploded by the U.S. at Alamagardo, New Mexico. 1945 July 17 The Potsdam Conference (to August 2) - Truman, Churchill and Stalin divide Germany into four zones of Allied occupation. Russia is invited to participate in the war against an already defeated Japan, which only two months before had already offered to negotiate for peace through Moscow. Edward R. Stettinius Jr., the U.S. Secretary of State, and Averell Harriman are both active in the negotiations. In addition, Truman, himself, informs Stalin that the U.S. has just tested an atomic bomb. 1945 July 20 10,000 people attend a rally at Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles to protest Gerald L. K. Smith's racist and antisemitic activities in Southern California.

1274 1945 July 26 Allied leaders at Potsdam demand that Japan must immediately surrender, unconditionally, or face what they call, "utter destruction." 1945 July 26 Charles Lindbergh gives an interview in the offices of the publisher of the Chicago Tribune voicing his opposition to establishment of the United Nations (U.N.). 1945 July 26 The British electorate ousts Winston Churchill and replaces him with Clement R. Attlee of the Labour Party. Attlee takes over the Potsdam meetings. 1945 July 28 The United Nations(U.N.) charter is approved by the U.S. Senate. 1945 July 29/30 The cruiser Indianapolis, returning to the U.S. after delivering the Atom bomb to the Marianas air base, is sunk by the Japanese submarine 1.58. 1945 July 30 A meeting of American nationalists and antisemites in Chicago leads to the formation and establishment of American Action, Inc. 1945 July 31 Pierre Laval surrenders to U.S. forces in Austria and is handed over to the French authorities. 1945 July 5 Both Britain and the U.S. recognize the new Polish government. 1945 July 5 General MacArthur announces that the Philippines have been completely liberated. Not only has the Japanese army lost more than 400,000 of its best troops in the campaign, but with the fall of the Philippines, Japan's supply lines are cut. 1945 July 5 The British election is held, but the results will not be released until July 26, because of the time required to bring home and count the soldier's votes. 1945 July--Two and a half months after the war ended in Germany, a huge German transport submarine brought to Japan the latest of German inventions--two spherical wingless flying devices. The Japanese R&D team put the machines together, following the German instructions, and... there was something very bizarre and other-earthy standing in front of them--a ball shaped flying device without wings or propellers, that nobody knew how it flied. The fuel was added, the start button of this unmanned machine was pressed and it....disappeared with a roar and flames without a in the sky. The team never saw it again. The engineers were so frightened by the unexpected might of the machine, that they promptly dynamited the second prototype and choose to forget the whole incident. 1945 June 12 Many of the Japanese troops on Okinawa's Oruku Peninsula commit suicide to escape capture.

1275 1945 June 14 Units of the U.S. XXIV Corps capture Mount Yagu on Okinawa. 1945 June 16 Mount Yuza on Okinawa is taken by U.S. forces. 1945 June 18 General Simon B. Buckner, commander of the U.S. Tenth Army on Okinawa, is killed by Japanese artillery and replaced by General Joseph Stilwell. 1945 June 18 William Joyce, Lord Haw Haw, is tried for treason in London. He will later be convicted and executed for broadcasting Nazi propaganda from Germany. 1945 June 20 Hiram J. Perez de Cruet is discharged from the U.S. army at Fort Dix, New Jersey. 1945 June 21 The last Japanese HQ on Okinawa is taken by U.S. forces and General Ushijima's body is found nearby. 1945 June 22 Fighting on Okinawa comes to an end. Japanese losses are 120,000 military and 42,000 civilian dead. 12,500 Americans die in the fighting. 1945 THE JESUITS 1945-1990 The Great and Terrible Second Thirty Years War was now over. Europe, Russia, North Africa, China, and Japan were a universal wreck thanks to the Company of Jesus. Millions of heretics had been extirpated pursuant to the Jesuit Oath and the Council of Trent. Unlike the Treaty of Westphalia ending the First Thirty Years War, the agents of the Jesuits controlled the negotiations at Yalta and Potsdam ending the second Thirty Years War. It was time to apply the Jesuits Hegelian Dialectic worldwide. It would be known as the Cold War. The thesis and antithesis would be the Free World in the West verses the Communist Block in the East. The American Empire would head the West, and the Russian Empire would lead the East. Both sides would be financed by the Jesuits International Banking Cartel centered in London and New Yorkthe Federal Reserve and Chase-Manhattan Banks in particular. The synthesis would be the destruction of the American Empire through the socalled ending of the Cold War. The illusion of ending the Cold War would legally enable Romes Corporate Monopolies, federated together in New York City under the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations, to give Russia and China high technology and financial backing. The giving of these necessities would perfect the War Machines of both economically communist and politically fascist giants for the purpose of invading North America, it containing the majority of the worlds Protestants, Baptists, and Jews. It is for these reasons that the financial might of Hong Kong was given to Red China, along with an American Naval Base in Long Beach, California. It is for these reasons that the Panama Canal, built with American blood, sweat, tears and Yellow Fever, was given away to Panama to be manned by Chinese

1276 soldiers imperiling the American navy. It is for these reasons that the Jesuits in control of Washington have established nationwide gun registration for the purpose of nationwide gun confiscation just as they did in Hitlers Germany. It is for these reasons that the Jesuits, with their international corporations managed by the Knights of Malta, have financed and continue to build both the Russian and Chinese War Machines, while influencing American Presidents to close down scores of military installations across the country. These facts spell invasion massive invasion by millions of foreign soldiers, with no God and no mercy. And if the Jesuits can manage to blow-up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and blame the American Empire for it, the Arabs will declare a holy war against the great Satan. The private wealth of Americans using International Business Corporations with bank accounts in the Bahamas will be seized just as they were in Castros Cuba. (The Knights have moved all their wealth into European banks denominated in Franks and Marks as well as Eurodollars, thereby escaping the coming American economic catastrophe.) Meanwhile, as the Jesuits, with their American dictators internal police (FEMA) and foreign invaders, are extirpating the execrable race of American heretics and liberals, the European nations will be driven to lay down their historic differences and unify. This unification will restore the Holy Roman Empire, for which reason the Jesuits are rapidly rebuilding Rome. When the smoke clears, China will control the East, Russia will control the North, and a unified R.C. [Roman Catholic] Europe will control the West. The Popes International Intelligence Community will see to it that Jerusalem is declared an international city with Solomons rebuilt Temple in her midst. World government will ensue and the Jesuits blessed despotism of the Dark Ages will have arrived, with the Pope being the Universal Despot of the World, so appropriately described in the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, while being the World Authority of The Documents Of Vatican II. 1945 June 26 The United Nations Conference ends in San Francisco. It is presided over by Alger Hiss, the Acting Secretary General. The Soviet Union is admitted as a partner, with three seats instead of one as is the case with every other member. The UN charter is signed by representatives of 50 countries. 1945 June 28, 1945 - President Truman endorses world government in a speech: "It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States." - 1945 June 29 Invasion plans for Japan are presented to President Truman and approved. The island of Kyushu is to be attacked on November 1 and Honshu near Tokyo on March 1, 1946.

1277 1945 June 5 The Allied Control Commission meets for the first time in Berlin and announces it is assuming the government of Germany. 1945 June 8 The Japanese cruiser Ashigara is sunk by a British submarine after evacuating 1200 men from Batavia. 1945 Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) is evicted from his SS guesthouse on the Worthersee in Austria by British troops and assigned to an Allied refugee camp at St. Johann near Velden. While there, the 78-yearold Weisthor suffers a stroke which results in partial paralysis and loss of speech. Weisthor, a former SS Brigadier, and his SS housekeeper are released by the British and allowed to return to his old family home in Salzburg (Mund; Roots) 1945 KGB place operatives in British MI5 and MI6, and work out a plan to penetrate Masonry, which allows them access to high areas in governments. Tsarion 1945 Lancet, the official journal of the British Medical Association, features an article on Sterilization of the Insane in the U.S.A. According to the article, based on information in the Journal of the American Medical Association, over 42,000 people were sterilized in the U.S. between 1941 and 1943. California led the pack with over 10,000. Tsarion 1945 League of Nations holds final meeting and gives assets to United Nations. Tsarion 1945 Mach 22 Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Yemen form the League of Arab States 1945 March 1 Zhukov's forces in Pomerania breakthrough north of Arnswalde and move toward Kolberg. 1945 March 19 Hitler issues a decree ordering that Berlin is to be defended "to the last man and the last round of ammunition." Speer later claims that it was he who had prevented Hitler's "scorched earth" policy from being fully implemented. 1945 March 2 King Michael of Romania is forced by the Soviets to dismiss his government. 1945 March 2 Patton's Third Army captures Trier. 1945 March 20 Hitler makes his last appearance in public to award combat decorations to a group of children who had shown special bravery under Russian fire. 1945 March 22, 1945, Cairo. The two convicted Jewish Stern gang terrorists who murdered Lord Moyne and his driver were hanged today in the Cairo prison British authorities announced. 1945 March 23 British troops cross the Rhine at Wesel. 1945 March 26 The remaining Japanese troops on Iwo Jima stage a final suicide attack. They are wiped out by the 5th Marine Division and

1278 the island is finally secured. Japan has lost almost 21,000 soldiers with only 200 taken prisoner. 1945 Roosevelt's successor was Harry S. Truman. I've got every degree in the Masons that there is, said Truman. Harry S. Truman often told journalists, The S doesn't stand for anything. However, after he attained the 33rd degree as a Mason, Truman secretly changed his name by adding the middle initial S, which stood for Solomon. Truman's rise as a politician is traceable to Masonic sponsorship. He said that being Grand Master for the whole state of Missouri helped him win a U.S. Senate Seat in 1940. Truman's sister, Mary Jane Truman, was the Grand Matron of Missouri in the Order of the Eastern Star, a Masonic organization. As the 33rd President, this 33rd degree Mason initiated the Nuclear Age, the crowning success of alchemy, when the first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site, (Alamogordo) White Sands, New Mexico, at the 33rd Parallel. He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 a.m. United States B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called Little Boy on Hiroshima, Japan near the 33rd Parallel. This was Day One of a new age, the Nuclear Age. To understand the change that took place, we must back up and look at the importance of the number 13 from the formation of the United States to the atomic bomb's explosion in Hiroshima. In 1935, Paul Foster Case wrote: Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid [on the Great Seal], and since the number 13 has been so important in the history of the United States and in the symbols of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the thirteen courses of the pyramid may represent thirteen time-periods of thirteen years each. The 13 time-periods of 13 years each equaled 169 years. From July 4, 1776 to July 4, 1945 equaled 169 years. From July 4, 1945 to August 6, 1945 (Hiroshima) was 33 days. 1945 March 27 Argentina declares war on Germany. 1945 March 27 The last V2 rockets fall on London. (Eyes) 1945 March 29 The Red Army enters Austria. 1945 March 3 Finland declares war on Germany. 1945 March 3 Manila is secured by the Americans. 1945 March 3 Some 2,000 Jews evacuated from Gross Rosen concentration camp arrive at Ebensee, one of the satellite camps of Mauthausen. 182 die during the disinfection procedure. (Atlas) 1945 March 5 U.S. troops enter Cologne. 1945 March 6 King Michael appoints a new government dominated by the Romanian Communist Party. This is the first indication since Yalta that Stalin will not honor his assurances about doing nothing to hinder the process of democracy in Eastern Europe.

1279 1945 March 6 The first regiment of the new Romanian Nationalist Army takes a position along the Oder River and is inspected by General Platon Chirnoaga, Minister of Defense in the new Romanian governmentin-exile. 1945 March 7 U.S. troops cross the Rhine River at Remagen near Cologne. The Ludendorff Bridge is still standing and it is captured before itsGerman defenders can blow it up. 1945 March 8 Hitler's high command issues orders for the execution of soldiers who surrender without being wounded or desert their units. They were to "be shot at once." In one incident four officers are summarily executed for allowing the Americans to capture the Rhine bridge at Remagen before they could blow it up. (Duffy) 1945 March 9 Several days of U.S. firebomb raids on Tokyo begin. 1945 March Hitler visits the Oder front. One of the last photos of Hitler is taken during this trip. 1945 Near the end of World War II, on April 12, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met his sudden death of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. His last words were, I have a terrific headache. His medical chart is missing. 1945 May 1 As American troops approach Mauthausen concentration camp, the last death marches of World War II begin. More than 30,000 have died in the camp during the last four months. (Atlas) 1945 May 1 General Krebs meets with Zhukov in an unsuccessful attempt to negotiate surrender terms for Berlin. 1945 May 1 Hamburg radio announces the death of Adolf Hitler, and the appointment of Admiral Doenitz as second Fuehrer of the German Reich. 1945 May 1 Joseph Goebbels and his wife commit suicide in the garden of the Reich Chancellery after poisoning all six of their young children. 1945 May 1 Martin Bormann disappears. Rumors of his survival flourished after the war, and a number of sightings were reported as recently as the mid 1990's. 1945 May 1 Russians troops find the bodies of 1,000 volunteers of Himalayan origin in Berlin wearing German uniforms, but without any papers or identifying badges. Their identities have never been determined. (Pauwels) 1945 May 1 The Russian army secures Berlin. 1945 May 10 Vidkun Quisling and his supporters are arrested by members of the Norwegian resistance. 1945 May 11 Schoerner's Army Group Center is caught in a pocket near Prague and surrenders to the Soviets.

1280 1945 May 12 Several German units in Yugoslavia continue to fight for a few more days, but the war in Europe is over. 1945 May 13 Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel is dismissed as Chief of the armed forces supreme command (OKW) by Hitler. 1945 May 13 Units of the U.S. 40th Division capture Del Monte airfield on Mindanao in the Philippines. 1945 May 15 Heavy fighting continues on Okinawa. 1945 May 16 The last major surface action of the war takes place between the British and Japanese in the Malacca Straits. The Japanese cruiser Haguro is sunk. 1945 May 18 The U.S. 6th Marine Division takes Sugar Loaf Hill on Okinawa after several days of bitter fighting. 1945 May 2 A mysterious SS convoy leaves the Berghof (Hitler's Eagle's Nest). Later that night, members of this SS detachment bury several crates and metal boxes at the foot of the Schleigeiss glacier. (Spear) 1945 May 2 Berlin falls to the Red Army 1945 May 2 British Second Army takes Lubeck and Wismar on the Baltic Coast. Canadian forces take Oldenburg. 1945 May 20 Heinrich Himmler is captured by British soldiers at Berweverde bridge, 25 miles west of Luneberg. 1945 May 22 President Truman reports to Congress that up to March 1945 Britain has received $12,775,000,000 under the Lend-Lease program. The Soviet Union $8,409,000,000. Reverse Lend-Lease, mostly from Britain, amounted to almost $5,000,000,000 during the same period, Truman says. 1945 May 23 Churchill resigns from office to prepare for a new election in Britain and forms a new caretaker government to hold office until the elections in July. 1945 May 23 Colonel-General Alfred Jodl is dismissed as Chief of the armed forces supreme command (OKW) by Hitler. 1945 May 23 Heinrich Himmler commits suicide with a hidden vial of cyanide while still in British custody. 1945 May 26 Himmler is buried in an unmarked grave in a forest near Luneberg. Its exact location is unknown. 1945 May 26 U.S. Army Intelligence officerss interrogate Hitler's sister Paula at Berchtesgaden. (Waite; Berlin Document Center). 1945 May 27 Units of the U.S. I Corps takes Santa Fe on Luzon. Heavy fighting continues on Mindanao. 1945 May 29 Admiral Ozawa replaces Admiral Toyoda as commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet. 1945 May 3 Innsbruck, Austria, falls to the U.S. Seventh Army, while other units advance on Salzburg.

1281 1945 May 3 Soviet forces have reached the Elbe River west of Berlin and make contact with the U.S. First and Ninth Armies. 1945 May 3 The British XII Corps occupies Hamburg. 1945 May 4 An SS detachment burns Hitler's Berghof. 1945 May 4 General LeClerc's French 2nd Armored Division enters Berchtesgaden and discovers Hermann Goering's private train, loaded with priceless art objects, on a siding at the railway station. (Secrets) 1945 May 5 Elsie Mitchell and five children are killed by a bomb dropped from a Japanese balloon near Lakeview, Oregon. 1945 May 5 Fighting breaks out in Copenhagen and is brought to an end when British forces arrive by air. 1945 May 5 German Army Group G surrenders to the Americans at Haar in Bavaria. 1945 May 5 Mauthausen, together with satellite camps at Gunskirchen and Ebensee, are the last concentration camps to be liberated by the Allies. (Mauthausen is liberated by elements of thge U.S.11th Aromored Diviion.) The bodies of 10,000 prisoners are found in a huge communal grave. Of the 110,000 survivors, 28,000 of whom are Jews, 3,000 die after liberation. (Atlas) 1945 , Benito Mousolini 1833-1945 1922-1945 . ( 10/5/1941.) 1945 May 5 The American 101st Airborne Division arrives at Berchtesgaden and removes Goering's art treasures valued at $500 million to a Luftwaffe building in nearby Unterstein. (Secrets) 1945 May 5 The Soviets take Swinemuende and Peenemuende on the Baltic coast. 1945 May 5 The U.S. War Department announces that 400,000 men will remain in Germany as an occupation force. 1945 May 6 Admiral Doenitz issues an order forbidding futher resistance by the SS. Doenitz also writes a letter to Himmler officially relieving him of all his offices and titles. He closes by thanking Himmler for his services to the Reich. (Secrets) 1945 May 6 Aircraft from four British carriers attack Japanese bases between Mergui and Victoria Point in Burma. 1945 May 6 British battleships and cruisers shell Port Blair in the Andaman Islands. 1945 May 7 Admiral Friedeburg and General Jodl sign the unconditional German surrender at Gen. Eisenhower's headquarters in

1282 Reims. British, French, and Soviet representatives are also present. All operations are to end at 2301 (11,01PM) on May 8th. 1945 May 7 The U-2336 sinks two merchant ships off the Firth of Forth; the last U-boat casualties of the war. 1945, , Hitler 18891945 1889-1945 , ' , ( 4 1941 .) 1945 May 8 Crown Prince Olaf, accompanied by British and Norwegian troops, lands in Norway. 1945 May 8 German Army Group Kurland, long cutoff in Latvia, surrenders to Soviet forces. 1945 May 8 German forces in Prague surrender. 1945 May 8 VE Day - Victory in Europe Day is celebrated by the British and Americans. Truman, Churchill and King George VI each make special announcements. 1945 May 9 Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in the Bosporus. (Herbert Rittlinger in a letter to Ellic Howe dated June 20, 1968) 1945 May 9 Hermann Goering and General Kesselring surrender to elements of the U.S. Seventh Army. 1945 May 9 The German surrender is ratified in Berlin. Keitel, Friedeburg and Stumpf sign for Germany. Spaatz, Tedder, Zhukov and de Lattre sign for the Allies. 1945 May 9 The last German forces in East Prussia and Pomerania capitulate. 1945 May 9 The Soviets celebrate VE-Day. 1945 May Ezra Pound is arrested for treason and confined at the Detention Training Center near Pisa, Italy. During Summer and Fall, he writes the Pisan Cantos. 1945, June 6 - United Nations created. "The [U.N.] Charter was signed in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, by 50 nations." 1945 May The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is revived in Georgia. 1945 On 10 June 1945, an unmarked German U-boat surrendered to the Argentine Navy; no further details were released. The whereabouts of at least a hundred other U-boats were still a mystery, as renowned historian Basil Liddell Hart noted: "During the early months of 1945 the size of the U-boat fleet was still increasing... In March, the U-boat fleet reached its peak strength of 463 1945 Newburgh, New York, has their water supply fluoridated. Subsequent exams of the children by xray reveal that almost 14% have

1283 cortical defects in bone, compared to the nearby unfluoridated town of Kingston, where 7.5% have bone defects. Tsarion 1945 November 20 Alfred Naujocks, SS secret-service veteran and member of the SD, signs a sworn affidavit stating that Reinhard Heydrich had personally ordered him to fake a Polish attack on the German radio station at Gleiwitz on the German-Polish border on August 31, 1939. Hitler, he said, planned to use this faked attack as his public justification for attacking Poland. (Shirer I) 1945 , Roosvelt 1882-1945. 1932-1945 28 1940 ' , , , . , ( 10/6/1943), , , . , , ( 25/04/1941, ) 1945 November 20 Nuremberg Trials begin for 22 of the most important accused German war criminals. The defendants include Hess, Goering and Speer. 1945 October 15 Pierre Laval, who had been returned to France and tried for treason in a hostile court, is executed after an abortive suicide attempt. 1945 October 2 Pope Pius XII declares that totalitarianism cannot satisfy "the vital exigencies of any human community" since "it allows the state power to assume an undue extension" and forces "all legitimate manifestations of life -- personal, local and professional -- into a mechanical unity or collectivity under the stamp of nation, race or class." (Lewy) 1945 October 24 The United Nations (U.N.) Charter comes into force with just 29 signatories at this point. The organization's stated purposes are to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war," develop friendly relations among states, cooperate in solving international

1284 economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems, and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. 1945 October 24 Vidkun Quisling is executed by a firing squad in Norway. 1945 October 24, 1945 - The United Nations Charter becomes effective. - 1945 October 8 Rudolf Hess arrives in Nuremberg. 1945 October General Patton is relieved of his post as the military governor of Bavaria, allegedly, for failing to remove former Nazi officials from the local government. 1945 Official beginning of Bermuda Triangle mystery, when Flight 19, made up of five naval bombers, disappears off the coast of Florida; another plane sent to investigate also disappears--6 planes and 27 men vanished. 1945 Postwar nitrate supplies designated to be added to food chain as fertilizer. Tsarion 1945 Reinhard Gehlen comes to the United States. Tsarion 1945 September 12 The Japanese forces in Southeast Asia surrender to Admiral Mountbatten in Singapore. 1945 September 2 Japan formally surrenders aboard the US battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. (September 1 in the U.S.) 1945 Soviets carry off a German cyclotron from Berlin and take it home. Tsarion 1945 SS High Command moves one of its scientific research and testing centers(2-45) at Grossendorf, where rocket studies were being carried out, west to the city of Sulzheim, and resumed operations on April 8, 1945, one month before the British would be rummaging through the installation after Germanys fall. Tsarion 1945 The doctors trial begins at Nuremberg. During the trial, it would be revealed that many of the experiments done on prisoners in the concentration camps were done following presidential experiments done by the U.S. on the civilian population in the early 1940's. Tsarion 1945 The ADL distributes 330,000 books in America, designed to convince the public that "anti Semitism" is a form of mental illness. Meanwhile, Zionist anti gentilism, as expressed in the Talmudic doctrine "only Jews are human," is considered perfectly natural and healthy in Jewish culture. [Note As mental illness increasingly became a legal defense in the latter half of the 20th century, the ADL and other Jewish activist groups have lobbied aggressively to exclude Anti Semitic so called "hate crimes" from this defense. When is Anti Semitism a mental illness? When it's good for the Jews. When is it clear minded but inexcusable violence warranting an extended prison sentence? When it's good for the Jews. This is not an anomaly.]

1285 1945 The Americans establish concentration camps for Germans in post-war Germany. Records show the annual death rate of German prisoners was 33%. Eisenhower redesignated the Germans from prisoners of war (protected by the Geneva Convention) to disarmed enemy forces (with unprotected status). (Other Losses by James Bacque). Tsarion 1945 The Central Association of Sterilized Persons is created in postwar Germany; they estimate that Nazi Germany sterilized 2 million people 1933-1945. Tsarion 1945 The German U-Boat U-234 surrenders to American forces in the Atlantic, after leaving Germany for Japan with a load of special materials. Aboard U-234 were 580 kilograms of uranium oxide and infrared fuses. It is speculated that the enriched uranium and fuses found on the boat were used in the Manhattan Project bombs. In fact, it might be that without this booty, the American atom bomb project would never have met the deadline for postponing the invasion of Japan. 1945 The U.S. Treasury Department accuses Allen Dulles of laundering money from the Nazi Bank of Hungary into Switzerland. The Charges are later dropped by the U.S. State Department. 1945 Three Japanese Zeroes engage two daylight discs in a dogfight over Wonsan, North Korea. One Zero is shot down, and the UFOs flee into space. 1945 UFO crashes in Bulgaria. Wreckage again transported by Soviets to Zhitkur. 1945 Under classified Operation Keelhaul, the U.S. and British governments force the repatriation of 4 million Russians after they fled to the West. Tsarion 1945 United States detonates nuclear device in New Mexico. Tsarion 1945 United States imports 642 Nazi specialists under Operation Paperclip, which continues to import specialists in all technical fields until 1973, after an initial phase lasting until 1952. A large number of Germans involved in mind control work in the concentration camps are imported into the United States. One of the German imports would be a Hasidic Jew who represented the best of the Nazi mind control programming. He would be the one to develop the mind control operations for military intelligence in the United States, and is known by the pseudonym of cabalist Dr.Greenbaum. Imported also is the methodology for deliberately creating multiple personality disassociative states to further multi-level programming, using drugs, photic, and acoustic technology. Some of the German methodology for this has existed since the late 19th century. Tsarion

1286 1945 United States saved from the brink of depression by borrowers returning from the war. Tsarion 1945 Winter Ezra Pound is forcibly returned to the U.S. to stand trial for treason. (See May 1943 and February 1946) 1945 Yalta Conference. Eastern Europe handed over to Communists. Millions relocatedat the signature of Roosevelt, with Alger Hiss by his side. Tsarion 1945 , [Admiral Radionovich, ambassador in Athens between 1945 and 1946, i.e., as the Communist coup dtat in Greece was prepared; Jew]. 1945, 12.000.000 5 . 1945, , , 18 , ( 6 6 6), , . 1945, , 56 . 50, 65, 70 70 . 10 . . 1945, . Women's voice , " ... ". 1945, 22,5 , , 22.503.532.372 , 445. 446. 241 . " !". 1945: At the Yalta conference the Soviet Union, Britain and the USA partition Europe in spheres of influence 1945: Germany surrenders. In April 1945 Germany had over 130 different types of missiles and rockets. After the war, early in the morning of 21 and 22 October 1946, in Soviet occupied Germany, Russians hauled out of their beds approx... 275,000 German scientists and technicians and their families and even included babies. They took them to Russia supposedly for 5 years. Protests were ignored or beaten down. German factories were awaiting them, dismantled and crated. They worked around the clock for 3 bowls of borscht soup and a slice of dark bread daily. They worked in 40 different locations all over

1287 Russia. This included aircraft and jet engineers. After the 5 year term had been served, during which many died or were condemned to slave labour camps for life, the scientists were kept for another 2-3 years in quarantine, to forget the projects they worked on. They were not even allowed pencils or papers. They brought Russia into the 20th century and later the space age. 1945-1952 I. G. Farben split into BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst. Tsarion 1945: Germany surrenders 1945: At the Yalta conference the Soviet Union, Britain and the USA partition Europe in spheres of influence 1945: Germany and Berlin are divided in four sectors, soon to be come "western" and "easter" (Russian) sectors 1946: the Soviet Union begins a secret program of biological weapons (plague, smallpox, anthrax) at Sverdlovsk 1946: Famine kills one million people in Russia and Ukraine Aug 1946: The poetess Akhmatova is condemned as anticommunist October 1946: The Greek communists start a civil war 1946-1951: Telengana Rebellion a Communist led peasant revolt that took place in the Hyderabad State, India. 1946 NAZIS IN ANTARCTICA. Germans had already developed technology from a spaceship that crashed in Germany in about 1939, and they developed their own anti-grav flying disks in about 1941. (Some have also said that Pleiadians wishing to help Germany deliberately crashed it.) Germany had UFO's as early as 1940. Plans of prototype models of Victor Schauberger, inventor of the implosion motor, were found in Germany after the war. Photos of UFO's seen after the war, showed they were the same models as the ones drawn in the plans. In 1943 they were obviously working well enough and the entire German UFO plant was dismantled and shipped by freight train to the Shangri-la that they'd already built in Antarctica for Hitler. Antarctica was staked out by the Germans in 1937-38. Over 11,000 photos were taken of it. More land than Germany itself was claimed and Swastika flags were dropped every 20 km. Warm lakes were found by the expedition. Hitler's escape was discovered after the war. Washington, Moscow and London, in fact 8 countries then decided to go to Antarctica. 4,000 elite US navy troops and 13 ships under Admiral Byrd went there in Dec 1946. Admiral Byrd's plane instruments went haywire, when he located the secret Nazi base. He declared that in case of a new war US would be attacked by flying objects, that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. 1946 -- Murder of wire service king James Ragen by Syndicate friends of Jack Ruby; indictment dropped following additional murders. John Kennedy and Richard Nixon elected to House of Representatives.

1288 Truman's executive order sets up the National Intelligence Authority and Central Intelligence Group. Gehlen returns to Germany to continue intelligence work for U.S. Army. Interpol reorganization meeting held in Brussels. Admiral Byrd allegedly leads Naval "research" expedition to Antarctica to attack Hitler's secret hideout; attempt allegedly fails and Hitler and his "UFO scientists" continue their activities. Waves of unexplained "ghost rockets" seen in Europe, especially Scandanavia. - 1946 About 50 miles south of Pittsburgh in the first range of the Allegheny Mountains, George A. Lehew reportedly found a cavern which he penetrated for over a mile, the passages becoming increasingly wider. He descended at about a 45 degree angle until reaching a room in which he found a six-foot wide thermol bore, a perfectly circular shaft with smooth glazed walls that had apparently been melted through the rock/earth in some ancient time. Old timers in the area alleged that six "survivors" in 1915 took gear and equipment and spent a month exploring the cave, going 18 miles from the entrance and down almost 5 miles below sea level, where they distinctly heard the "rumble of machinery" off in the distance. 1946 According to the authors of the underground German documentary movie from the Thule society, the only produced craft of the Haunibu-3 type-the 74-meter diameter naval warfare dreadnought was chosen for the most courageous mission of this whole century-the trip to Mars. The craft was of saucer shape, had the bigger Andromeda tachyon drives, and was armed with four triple gun turrets of large naval caliber (three inverted upside down and attached to the underside of the craft, and the fourth on top of the crew compartments). A volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese was chosen, because everybody knew that this journey was a one-way journey with no return. The large intensity of the electro-magnetogravitic fields and the inferior quality of the metal alloys used then for the structural elements of the drive, was causing the metal to fatigue and get very brittle only after a few months of work of the drive. The flight to Mars departed from Germany one month before the war ended--in April 1945. It was probably a large crew, numbering in the hundreds, because of the low level of automation and electronic controls inside the saucer. Most of the systems of the craft had to be operated like these on a U-boat of that time--manually. Because the structurally weakened tachyon drives were not working with full power and not all the time, the trip to Mars took almost 8 months to accomplish. An initial short trust towards Mars was probably used the strong gravitational field close to Earth, after that the craft was "coasting" for 8 months in an elliptical orbit to Mars with its main drives turned off. Smaller Kohler converters were probably used to power the systems and

1289 life support equipment on board. I do not have any information at the present time about any artificial gravity capability on board the craft, but that could have been easily done with the large antigravity drives of the ship. After a heavy, almost crashing landing, the saucer slammed to a stop, damaging irreparably its drives, but saving the crew. That happened in the middle of January 1946. The crash landing on Mars was not only due to the crippled tachyon drives of the craft--it was also due to the smaller gravitational field of Mars generating less power for the tachyon drives; and also due to the thinner atmosphere on Mars, that could not be used as effectively for air breaking as the Earth's atmosphere could. The craft was shaped as a giant saucer--a form that is very efficient as an air brake, when it is entered into the atmosphere with its huge cross section perpendicular to the trajectory of descent. One question, that I have not answered yet in the affirmative is how were the Germans able to regenerate the air inside the craft for 8 months for this big crew. Quite probably they were using advanced life support systems, developed initially for their larger Walter turbine and free energy submarines, that were cruising the oceans without resurfacing. The radio message with the mixed news was received by the German underground space control center in Neu Schwabenland and by their research base on the Moon. 1946 America turns 2/3rds of Germany's aircraft manufacturing over to Soviets. Nazis help form CIA operations division with Rockefeller assistance. Imported SS intelligence officers help form Radio Liberty and Voice of America. Gen. Hoyt Vandenburg becomes director of CIA. U.S. and Canada begin joint disk development programs in underground plants. 1946 American consumer demand for heroin at its lowest point in 50 years. U.S. passes up the chance to eliminate heroin addiction in the U.S.A. Tsarion 1946 April 18 The League of Nations is formally terminated and is succeeded by the United Nations (U.N.). 1946 April 25, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists attacked a British military installation near Tel Aviv. This group, which contained a number of young girls, had as its goal the capture of British weapons. British authorities rounded up 1,200 suspects. 1946 August 12, 1946, Haifa. Two ships carrying a total of 1,300 Jewish refugees arrived at Haifa. The port area was isolated on August 11 by British military and naval units. The first deportation ship sailed for Cyprus with 500 Jews on board. 1946 August 12, 1946, London. The British Government announced that it will allow no more unscheduled immigration into Palestine and that those seeking entry into that country will be sent to Cyprus and other areas under detention. Declaring that such immigration

1290 threatens a civil war with the Arab population, it charges a minority of Zionist extremists with attempting to force an unacceptable solution of the Palestine problem. 1946 August 13, 1946, Haifa. Three Jews were killed and seven wounded when British troops were compelled to fire on a crowd of about 1,000 persons frying to break into the port area of Haifa. Two Royal Navy ships with 1,300 illegal Jewish immigrants on board sailed for Cyprus. Another ship with 600 illegal immigrants was captured and confined in the Haifa harbor. 1946 August 17 A corporate charter is issued in Atlanta, Ga., to an organization calling itself the Columbians, Inc. According to its articles it was formed "to encourage our people to think in terms of race, nation and faith to work for a moral reawakening in order to build a progressive white community that is bound together by a deep spiritual consciousness of a common past and a determination to share a common future." (McWilliams) 1946 August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government disclosed that 91 persons were killed and 45 injured in the King David bombing. 1946 August 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military authorities ended the curfew in Tel Aviv after detaining 500 persons for further questioning. A second arms dump was discovered on July 1 in a school building. 1946 August 2, 1946. Jerusalem police announced the arrest of Itzhak Yestemitsky second man in the Stern gang. 1946 August 26, 1946, Palestine. British military units searched the coastal villages of Casera and Sadoth Yam for three Jews who bombed the transport Empire Rival last week Eighty-five persons, including the entire male population of one of the villages were sent to the Rafa detention center. 1946 August 27, 1946, Palestine. During the searches conducted on August 26, an explosive limpet mine similar to the one used on the Empire Rival was found. 1946 August 29, 1946, Jerusalem. the British Government announced the commutation to life imprisonment of the death sentences imposed on l8 Jewish youths convicted of bombing the Haifa railroad shops. 1946 August 30, 1946, Palestine. British military units discovered arms and munitions dumps in the Jewish farming villages of Dorot and Ruhama. 1946 Bavarian-connected agents within the United States ecopolitical structure import German S.S. intelligence officers in an effort to form what later becomes the Central Intelligence Agency. This Agency,

1291 initially an "intelligence gathering" office, soon commenced to spreading its influence throughout the entire U.S. intelligence community to the point where it became the controlling influence over all intelligence efforts and in fact a "secret government" in and of itself. The influence spreads beyond the borders of the U.S.A. as the CIA engages in a 'covert war' against the world superpowers and third world counties, assassinating undesirable leaders and replacing them with fascist CIAbacked military juntas, etc. 1946 December 2 through December 5,1946, Palestine. Ten persons, including six British soldiers, were killed in bomb and landmine explosions. 1946 December 26,1946, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nathanya and Tel Aviv and escaped with nearly $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. These raids signaled an end to a two- week truce during the World Zionist Congress. 1946 December 3, 1946, Jerusalem. A member of the Stern gang was killed in an aborted hold-up attempt. 1946 December 31 President Truman issues a proclamation officially terminating U.S. participation in World War II. (McWilliams) 1946 December 9 An American military tribunal in Nuremberg opens criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity. During what is called the "Doctors Trial" the defendants are accused of planning and enacting the "Euthanasia" Program, the systematic killing of those they deemed "unworthy of life." The victims included the mentally retarded, the institutionalized mentally ill, and the physically impaired. (See August 20, 1947) 1946 Dr. Gerson demonstrates medical proof of complete remissions of cancer in over 33% of his patients before the PepperNeeley Congressional Sub-Committee for Hearings on S1875, a bill to authorize the president to wage war on cancer. Lobbying forces for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy defeat the bill by four votes. The bill supported research into dietary means for preventing and reversing cancer. Gerson's publications were black-listed and he lost his license to practice medicine in New York. Tsarion 1946 February 18 Pope Pius XII, during a reception for the diplomatic corps, declares that he has always condemned acts of injustice and moral outrages and merely avoided expressions (during the war) that could have done more harm than good. (Lewy) 1946 February Ezra Pound, after a psychiatric exam, is judged unfit to stand trial, and is confined to St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Washington, D.C., for the next 12 years. Pound continued to write, but was not released until April 1958. He then returned to Italy

1292 where the Pisan Cantos, written while in custody resurrected his career after publication in 1948. It was awarded the Bollingen Prize in 1949. 1946 February The Soviets are said to have buried the remains of Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva, as well as those of Joseph Goebbels and his family, at a site near Magdeburg in the Soviet zone of occupation. 1946 Interpol reorganization meeting held in Brussels. First public use of the term Interpol. Tsarion 1946 January 12, 1946, Palestine. A train was derailed by Jewish terrorists at Hadera near Haifa by a bomb and robbed of 35,000 in cash. Two British police officials were injured. 1946 January 18, 1946, Haifa. Over 900 illegal Jewish immigrants were captured off Haifa by the British Royal Navy 1946 January 19, 1946, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists destroyed a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison by explosives. Two persons were killed by the police. 1946 January 20, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists launched an attack against the British-controlled Givat Olga Coast Guard Station located between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Ten persons were injured and one was killed. Captured papers indicated that the purpose of this raid was to take revenge on the British for their seizure of the refugee ship on January 18. British military authorities in Jerusalem questioned 3,000 Jews and held 148 in custody. 1946 January 3 Karl Maria Weisthor (Wiligut) dies in Arolsen, Germany. Elsa Baltrush, his SS-assigned housekeeper, had been a member of Himmler's personal staff until she was appointed as Weisthor's housekeeper and traveling companion after his retirement from SS active duty in August 1939. (Mund; Roots) 1946 January 30, 1946 When the "confession" of Kurt Gerstein is offered as evidence at the war crimes trials at Nuernberg, it is judged to be so obviously phony that it is rejected, and not permitted to be read before the court. Even kangaroo courts have standards to maintain! In later trials, this same document is admitted as evidence by judges and prosecutors desperate for anything that will help them hang their virtually defenseless victims. 1946 January 8 Articles of incorporation for American Action, Inc. are filed in Delaware and headquarters are established in Chicago. 1946 John D. Rockefeller gives $8.5 million for a United Nations (U.N.) center in New York City. 1946 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donates $8 million to U.N. for a site in New York. Tsarion 1946 July 1, 1946, Palestine. British officials announced the discovery of a large arms dump hidden underground at Meshek Yagur.

1293 2,659 men and 59 women were detained for the three day operation in which 27 settlements were searched. For were killed and 80 were injured. 1946 July 11 SS Col. Joachim Peiper is ordered hanged for the shooting of American prisoners at Malmedy. Peiper is taken to Landsberg Prison to await execution. Five years later, in 1951, he was still waiting, and in December 1956, he was paroled. (Secrets) 1946 July 19 Eduard Schulte, the man said to have first warned the West about the Holocaust, returns to Zurich from Germany. (Silence) 1946 July 22, 1946, Jerusalem. The west wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed British Military Headquarters and other governmental offices was destroyed at 12:57 PM by explosives planted in the cellar by members of the Irgun terrorist gang. By the 26 of July, the casualties were 76 persons killed, 46 injured and 29 still missing in the rubble. The dead included many British, Arabs and Jews. 1946 July 23, l946 Jerusalem. The Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist group takes responsibility for the King David bombing but blames the British, calling them tyrants. 1946 July 24, 1946, London. The British government released a White Paper that accuses the Haganah, Irgun and Stern gangs of a planned movement of sabotage and violence under the direction of the Jewish Agency and asserts that the June 29 arrest of Zionist leaders was the cause of the bombing. 1946 July 26 Four Negroes are viciously murdered near Monroe, Georgia, allegedly by the newly revived KKK. 1946 July 28, 1946, Jerusalem. The British Palestine Commander, Lt. General Sir Evelyn Barker, banned fraternization by British troops with Palestine Jews whom he stated cannot be absolved of responsibility for terroristic acts. The order states that this will punish the race by striking at their pockets and showing our contempt for them 1946 July 29, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv raided a workshop making bombs. 1946 July 3, 1946, Palestine. Palestine High Commissioner Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham commuted to life imprisonment the death sentences of Josef Simkhon and Issac Ashbel, Irgun members. 1946 July 30, 1946, Tel Aviv is placed under a 22-hour-a-day curfew as 20,000 British troops began a house-to-house sweep for terrorists. The city is sealed off from the rest of Jerusalem and troops are ordered to shoot to kill any curfew violators. 1946 July 31, 1946, Haifa. Two ships have arrived at Haifa with a total of 3,200 illegal Jewish immigrants. 1946 July 31, 1946, Tel Aviv. A large cache of weapons, extensive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv's largest synagogue.

1294 1946 July 4, 1946, Tel Aviv. British officers, Captains K. Spencer, C. Warburton and A. Taylor who had been kidnapped by the Irgun on June 18 and held as hostages for the lives of Simkohn and Ashbel, were released in Tel Aviv unharmed. At this time, Irgun issued a declaration of war against the British claiming that they had no alternative but to fight. 1946 June 2 Italy votes to become a republic, forcing the former King Victor Emmanuel and his son, King Humbert into exile. 1946 June 24, 1946, Palestine. The Irgun radio Fighting Zion warns that three kidnapped British officers are held as hostages for two Irgun members, Josef Simkohn and Issac Ashbel facing execution as well as 31 Irgun members facing trial. 1946 June 27, 1946, Palestine. Thirty Irgun members are sentenced by a British military court to 15 years imprison. One, Benjamin Kaplan was sentenced to life for carrying a firearm. 1946 June 29, 1946, Palestine. British military units and police raided Jewish settlements throughout Palestine searching for the leaders of Haganah, a leading Jewish terrorist agency The Jewish Agency for Palestine was occupied and four top official arrested. At the end of June, 1946 2,000 were arrested and four Jews and one British soldier were killed. 1946 June The U.S. begins war crimes trials for Japan's war-time leaders (to November 1948). Seven military leaders, including former prime minister Tojo Hideki receive death sentences. Sixteen received life sentences, and two others received prison terms. Regional tribunals are established by the U.S. to try other Japanese wartime leaders. 1946 Leon Blum serves briefly as interim French premier, playing a key role in the establishment of the Fourth Republic. 1946 March 14 Karl Haushofer kills his wife, Martha, and then commits ritual suicide (Hari Kari) in the traditional Japanese manner. 1946 March 19 Chaim Hirschmann, one of only two survivors of the death camp at Belzec, is killed in Lublin during continuing antisemitic violence. (Atlas) 1946 May 14 SS Col. Joachim Peiper goes on trial for war crimes at Dachau. Contrary to popular opinion, Peiper never claimed he was "only following orders" and proposed that he take full responsabilty for what happend, offering to sacrifice his own life, if his men would go without charge. His offer; however, was rejected. (Thomas Vanhassel) 1946 May 23 A branch office of American Action is opened in Los Angeles with the announcement that American Action had been formed "to combat the inroads that have been made on the U.S. government by alien-minded pressure groups." (McWilliams)

1295 1946 May 9 King Victor Emmanuel is forced to formally abdicate in his favor of his son, Prince Humbert. 1946 May The British and Americans agree to end the taking of war reparations from their zones in Germany and agree to unite their administrations to share costs. This is the first definitive step toward the creation of a divided Germany. 1946 November 14, 1946, London. The Board of Deputies of British Jews condemned Jewish terrorist groups who threatened to export their terrorism to England. 1946 November 18, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv attacked Jews, assaulting many and firing into houses. Twenty Jews were injured in fights with British troops following the death on November 17 of three policemen and an RAF sergeant in a land mine explosion. Five persons were injured when a bomb exploded in the Jerusalem tax office. 1946 November 2 Homer L. Loomis, Jr., the self-styled Fuehrer of the Columbians and three other uniformed members are arrested for intimidating, by threats of violence, a Negro family from moving into a home in an Atlanta neighborhood. (Atlanta Constitution, November 3, 1946) 1946 November 22 Homer L. Loomis tells a meeting of the Columbians that "Everybody in America is free to hate. Hate is natural. It's not un-American to hate. Why does the Jew think that he alone is above criticism and being hated?" (McWilliams) 1946 November 3, 1946, Palestine. Two Jews and two Arabs were killed in clashes between Arabs and a group of Jews attempting to establish a settlement at Lake Hula in northern Palestine. 1946 - , . 1946 November 4, 1946, Rome. Italian authorities released a letter in which the Jewish terrorist gang, Irgun, took credit for the October 31 embassy bombing. 1946 November 5 The New York Times reports that the stated objectives of the Columbians were to make the U.S. into an "American nationalist state," to deport all blacks to Africa and to make America "a one-race nation" 1946 November 5, 1946, Palestine. British authorities released the following eight Jewish Agency leaders from the Latrun concentration camp where they had been held since June 29: Moshe Shertok, Dr. Issac Greenbaum, Dr. Bernard Joseph, David Remiz, David Hacohen, David Shingarevsky, Joseph Shoffman and Mordecai Shatter. A total of 2,550 Haganah suspects have also been released as well as 779 Jews arrested in the wake of the King David bombing.

1296 1946 November 7, 1946, Palestine. Railroad traffic was suspended for 24 hours throughout Palestine following a fourth Irgun attack on railway facilities in two days. 1946 November 9 through November 13, 1946, Palestine. Nineteen persons, eleven British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables, were killed in Palestine during this period as Jewish terrorists, using land mines and suitcase bombs, increased their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even streetcars. 1946 October 1 The War Crimes Commission in Nuremberg delivers its verdict. Eleven of the defendants are to be hanged, eight are sentenced to long prison terms, and three (Schacht, Papen and Fritzsche) are acquitted. 1946 October 15 At 10,45PM, Hermann Goering commits suicide with a cyanide capsule in his cell at Nuremberg just two hours before his scheduled execution. How he was able to obtain the cyanide is still a mystery. 1946 October 16 1,11AM, Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop; Hitler's chief military advisor, Field Marshal General Wilhelm Keitel; General Alfred Jodl; Gestapo Chief Ernst Kaltenbrunner; Hans Frank, governor-general of occupied Poland; slave-labor czar Fritz Sauckel, Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick, Austrian Nazi leader Arthur Seyss-Inquart, and anti-Jewish propagandists Alfred Rosenberg and Julius Streicher are all hanged in the gymnasium of Landsberg Prison in Nuremberg for crimes against humanity. Streicher's last word was "Purimfest." (U.S. Master Sgt. John C. Woods and 28-year-old MP Joseph Malta served as executioners. The ten hangings took just one hour and 15 minutes.) 1946 October 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military units and police seized 50 Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe after a Jewish home was blown up. This home belonged to a Jewish woman who had refused to pay extortion money to the Irgun terrorist gang. 1946 October 31 Arthur Weiss, Commander of Jewish War Veterans Atlanta Post No. 112, and 125 Jewish war veterans confront the Columbians at a meeting in Atlanta. Police intervene and violence is avoided. 1946 October 31, 1946, Rome. The British Embassy in Rome was damaged by a bomb, believed to have been planted by Jewish terrorists. 1946 October 8, 1946, Jerusalem. Two British soldiers were killed when their truck detonated a land mine outside Jerusalem. A leading Arab figure was wounded in a similar mine explosion in Jerusalem and more road mines were found near Government House. 1946 Pilot and crew of a C-47 aircraft 30 miles north-east of Tampa, Florida, saw a cigar-shaped object with luminous portholes hurtle

1297 towards them in horizontal flight at the same altitude of 4,000 ft. At 1,000 yards distant it swerved to avoid them. Estimated size of object was twice that of a B-29 bomber. 1946 Rockefeller Foundation creates the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) for the purpose of promotion of free market privatization by looting the productive capacities of the United States by forcing the government to do it for them, as well as further bankrupting the government to force privatization and buying up assets at low prices. Debt service in the U.S. to international banks would soar, while at the same time destroying the tax base of the country. (World Bank, IMF) Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 373 Appendix F: General Chronology of Events Tsarion 1946 September 10, 1946, Palestine. British troops imposed a curfew and arrested 101 Jews and wounded two in a search for saboteurs in Tel Aviv and neighboring Ramat Gan. Irgun terrorist group took the action against the railways on September 8, as a protest. 1946 September 14, 1946, Jaffa. Jewish terrorists robbed three banks in Jaffa and Tel Aviv, killing three Arabs. Thirty-six Jews were arrested. 1946 September 15, 1946, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorists attacked a police station on the coast near Tel Aviv but were driven off by gunfire. 1946 September 8, 1946, Palestine. Zionist terrorists cut the Palestine railroad in 50 places. 1946 September 9, 1946, Haifa. An Arab constable was killed. 1946 September 9, 1946, Tel Aviv, two British officers were killed in an explosion in a public building. 1946 The United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly holds its first meeting in London, with Norway's Trygve Lie elected secretary general. 1946 The well-documented "Ghost Rocket" invasion of Sweden took place as cigar-shaped objects rained down on land and lake in this area of northern Europe. 1946 Truman sets up the Central Intelligence Group, later to become the CIA. 1946 Two young men reported the discovery of a glazed tunnel behind an outcropping of rock at about the 7,500 ft. level on the slopes of Mt. Lassen in California. They explored the cavern using a strange tunnel vehicle and were captured by men dressed as surface people who were known as the "horlocks", humans under the total mind-control of some alien force, only to be rescued by an underground resistance force. Others have reported abductions near Lassen by a human-reptilian collaboration, and also an underground connection between Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta to the north.

1298 1946 U.S. Government Pertussis vaccine expert Margaret Pittman and FDA's Charles Kendrick decide to test Pertussis vaccine by injecting it into the brains of mice and see how many survive. Tsarion 1946 U.S. imports German SS Intelligence officers into OSS. Gehlen flies to Europe formerly establishes the postwar Gehlen Organization. Tsarion 1946 U.S. turns over 2/3 of Germanys aircraft manufacturing to Russia. Tsarion 1946 U.S.A.F. establishes Project RAND for long range research projects. Tsarion 1946 UFO crashes in Romania. Again, wreckage transported to Zhitkur by Soviets. 1946 UFO crashes near Spitzbergen, Sweden. General James H. Doolittle travels there to inspect it. 1946 Wave of ghost rockets seen over Scandinavia. Tsarion 1946 Werne and Garrow describe the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of their second Pertussis shot. Tsarion 1946 World Federation on Mental Health created. The term eugenics, because of its association with Nazi Germany, is dropped. The World Federation of Mental Health continues to support electroshock, lobotomy, mind control, and other similar activities. It employs many who were involved in such practices in Nazi Germany. Tsarion 1946 1946, - : ( , : . : , 2008, .89). , , , - , !!! ! . 1946* Rockefeller's Standard Oil Corporation and the Rockefeller Foundation spend $139,000 in 1946 to present an official history of World War II which covers up the whole story of U.S. bankers building up the Nazi regime, as well as the occult and mystical background of the Nazis. Tsarion

1299 1946 On August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, was born in Hope, Arkansas, at the 33rd Parallel. His parentage is disputed. As a young man, Bill Clinton was a Master Counselor of the Masonicconnected Demolay. (Demolay derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). Clinton's ties with the C.I.A. began when he studied at Oxford. Clinton's reign as President has been noted for numerous scandals, including the unexplained deaths of more than 50 of his associates by means of bullets and plane crashes. 1946, 22 385 2.100.000 . ' 120 . . 101 , 101, 26. . . 1946 20 554.000 1.765.000. 1946 22 . 1946, , JeanBaptiste Janssens. 1946: Britain and the Soviet Union withdraw from Iran 1946: Churchill delivers in the USA the "Iron Curtain" speech, virtually opening the "Cold War" against the Soviet Union 1946: Jewish terrorists, led by Menachem Begin, bomb and destroy the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the British military and civilian headquarters 1946: Transjordan becomes independent 1947 ! WALLENBERG, Raoul 1912?47. Swedish rescuer of Hungarian Jews. A businessman with diplomatic affiliations, Wallenberg was sent in July 1944 as an attach to the Swedish Embassy in Budapest, with the special mission of saving Jews who had Swedish nationality or connexions. He distributed to such persons several thousand Swedish certificates of protection, which were known as Wallenberg passports. He then showed extraordinary zeal and courage in his efforts to rescue Jews. He organized an international ghetto where about 33,000 Jews were housed under neutral flags, seven thousand of them under Swedish protection. In Budapest he formed international labour detachments and a guards unit composed of Aryan-looking Jews dressed in Nazi uniforms. He also established hospitals and soup kitchens. At one

1300 stage three hundred Jews were employed in his department of the Swedish Embassy. When thousands of Budapest Jews were forced into the death march of November 1944, Wallenberg accompanied them with trucks dispensing food and medicine, and managed to rescue and bring back hundreds of them. In January 1945 the advancing Soviet troops entered Budapest. Wallenberg was seen going off with a Russian officer, then disappeared. There is reason to believe that he died some years later in a Soviet prison campthough why the Russians should have arrested him remains a mystery. Wallenbergs name is commemorated in the Avenue of the Righteous Gentiles at the Yad veShem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem. 1947 -- Attempted assassination of Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey. Partition of India receives "strong impetus from the Round Table Group." National Security Act establishes Dept. of Defense, National Security Council and Central Intelligence Agency. France creates SDECE, similar to CIA. Second UFO flap year; Kenneth Arnold reports flying saucers near Yakima, Washington, and other reports soon follow. Maury Island "hoax": an early Men-In-Black incident three days before the Arnold sighting, in which a "donut-shaped object" dropped slag on a boat near Tacoma, Washington; the next day an MIB visited Harold Dahl, who was piloting the boat, and warned him not to discuss the sighting; the boat's owner, Fred Crisman, was suspected of being a CIA employee and was later called to give secret testimony at the trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans; pilot Dahl disappeared and UFOlogist Arnold, who investigated the case, reported unexplained failure of his own plane's engine soon after two Air Force investigators were killed taking off from Tacoma's airport. - 1947 1947 , , : ( , .90). , !!! !!! , . , 1 , 1947. 1 (), 20 , 1947. 1947 52% of Korean War draftees rejected because of handicaps. Tsarion

1301 1947 60 miles NW of El Paso, Texas in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico. Helen Compton Gordon and her husband discovered an old abandoned mine far above the "Bean Blossom Mine" near their former home. Climbing the ore-splattered slope they entered the other mine and discovered deep inside an immense chasm separated from the main tunnel passage by a rock wall, on the other side of which was a narrow ledgeprecipice at the edge of the chasm. They threw lighted sticks down the shaft and they seemed to "fall forever", also rocks were thrown in which they could not hear hit bottom. An old timer in the area told them it was a "glory hole" and that miners tended to avoid them. 1947 A controversial MJ-12 document titled "Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary," noted Kennedy's insider knowledge. This document, apparently written soon after the crashes in New Mexico during July 1947, states, "It has become known to CIC (Counter Intelligence Corps) that some of the recovery operation was shared with Representative John F. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat elected to Congress in 1946, Son of Joseph P. Kennedy, Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. (Jack) Kennedy had limited duty as naval officer assigned to Naval Intelligence during the war. It is believed that information (concerning the Roswell crashes) was obtained from (a)source in Congress who is close to (the) Secretary for Air Force." Kennedy was the only Congressmen named who was aware of the truth of the Roswell incidents at the time. 1947 A local newspaper reported the discovery of nine-foot-tall skeletons by amateur archeologists working in Death Valley. The archeologists involved also claimed to have found what appeared to be the bones of tigers and dinosaurs with the human remains. 1947 A rumor exists that Sidney Reilly survives until this date. 1947 According to Dr. Peter Beter, in 1947, the Russians begin research on robotoid brain structures for synthetic humanoids. Tsarion 1947 According to the files of the USAF's Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center, some 50 reports were made across Hungary of "silvery balls" flying at great speed in the daylight. 1947 Admiral Byrd allegedly heads expedition to Antarctic to search for German base and attack. Mission fails because of German gravity technology. Over 4,000 elite Nazi troops, ships, and equipment. Operation Hyjump lasted three weeks. Ground troops hit with sound cannon, 4 planes lost. CIA prevents retaliation. The U.S. operation is undercut by Nazi elements in the U.S. government, who have liaison with British Intelligence and the Tavistock Institute. Tsarion 1947: Three months after an abortive coup, civil war breaks out in Paraguay. Led by Rafael Franco, the former head of the Febrerista (see above) government displaced in 1937, the rebellion was crushed by the

1302 government of dictator Higinio Mornigo. A local commander, Lt. Col. Alfredo Stroessner, seized the presidency in 1954 and ruled until 1989. 1947 Aleister Crowley dies of heart and lung problems. 1947 An anonymous writer, claiming the power to induce a deep trance in most hypnotic subjects, instructed one woman while in a trance to remote-project from her body and visit a mountain outside of Mexico City. When asked if there was a cave in the mountain she said: "I'm inside. Oh! It's walls glow... there's a shaft going down... its walls are smooth like the inside of a piston shaft of a car... I'm there (at the bottom of the shaft). There is evil down here!" When bringing her back into her body (difficult) she said, "I've been somewhere I shouldn't", shaking and crying, and she also stated that a battle was taking place in her mind, which she eventually won. Others who have reportedly remote-viewed underground facilities like Dulce, Pine Gap, Cheyenne Mountain and others state that many of the bases - especially the alien interaction ones-simultaneously exist in the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions and are equipped with "magnetic traps" designed to capture "astral spies" who might try to probe their secrets. 1947 A March 5, 1947 Chilean press interview of Admiral Byrd, after the premature end of Operation High Jump, suggested that there had indeed been a military failure and there was a new threat located at the South Pole: Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The Admiral further stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. 1947 April 10, 1947, London. The British Government requested France and Italy to prevent Jews from embarking for Palestine. 1947 April 11, 1947, Jerusalem. Asher Eskovitch, a Jew, was beaten to death by Moslems when he entered the forbidden Mosque of Omar. 1947 April 13, 1947, Jerusalem. Guella Cohen, Stern gang illegal broadcaster, escaped from a British military hospital. 1947 April 14, 1947, Tel Aviv. A British naval unit boarded the refugee ship Guardian and seized it along with 2,700 passengers after a gun battle in which two immigrants were killed and 14 wounded. 1947 April 16, 1947, Haifa. In spite of threats of reprisal from the Irgun, the British hanged Dov Bela Gruner and three other Irgun members at Acre Prison on Haifa Bay. Jewish communities were kept under strict curfew for several hours. Soon after the deaths were announced, a time bomb was found in the Colonial Office in London but was defused.

1303 1947 April 17 Dr. Leo Alexander, an American doctor who had worked with the prosecution during the "Doctors Trial" submits a memorandum to the United States Counsel for War Crimes outlining six points defining legitimate scientific research. 1947 April 17, 1947, Palestine. Lt Gen. C. Macmillan confirmed death sentences for two more convicted terrorists, Meier Ben Feinstein and Moshe Ben Barazani, but reduced Daniel Azulai's sentence to life imprisonment 1947 April 18, 1947, Palestine. Irgun's reprisals for the Gruner execution were an attack on a field dressing station near Nethanaya where one sentry was killed, an attack on an armored car in Tel Aviv where one bystander was killed and harmless shots at British troops in Haifa. 1947 April 19,1947, Haifa. British naval units exploded depth charges in Haifa harbor to prevent an underwater assault by Jewish frogmen on three British deportation vessels that took the Guardian's passengers to Cyprus. 1947 April 2, 1947, Cyprus. The Ocean Vigour' was damaged by a bomb in Famagusta Harbor, Cyprus. The Haganah admitted the bombing. 1947 April 20, 1947, Tel Aviv. A series of bombings by Jewish terrorists in retaliation for the hanging of convicted terrorist Gruner injured 12 British soldiers. 1947 April 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Meir Feinstein and Moshe Barazani, condemned terrorists, killed themselves in prison a few hours before they were scheduled to be hanged. They blew themselves up with bombs smuggled to them in hollowed-out oranges. 1947 April 22, 1947, Palestine. A troop train arriving from Cairo was bombed outside Rehovoth with five soldiers and three civilians killed and 39 persons injured. 1947 April 23, 1947, London. The British First Lord of the Admiralty, Viscount Hall, defended the Labor Government's policy in Palestine and he acknowledged in the House of Lords that Britain would not carry out a policy of which it did not approve despite any UN action. He blamed contributions from American Jews to the Palestine terrorists as aiding terrorism there and cited the toll since August 1, 1945: 113 killed, 249 wounded, 168 Jews convicted, 28 sentenced to death, four executed, 33 terrorists slain in battles. Viscount Samuel urged increased immigration. 1947 April 23, 1947, Palestine. The Irgun proclaimed its own military courts to try British troops and policemen who resisted them. 1947 April 24, 1947, Palestine. Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham, Palestine High Commissioner flew to Egypt and requested Lt General Sir

1304 Miles Dempsey, Middle-East land force commander, for more troops to be sent to Palestine. 1947 April 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Stern gang squad drove a stolen post office truck loaded with explosives into the Sarona police compound and detonated it, killing five British policemen. 1947 April 26, 1947, Haifa. The murder of Deputy Police Superintendent A. Conquest climaxed a week of bloodshed. 1947 April 28-May 15, 1947. Assembly met, decided on special committee inquiry into the Palestine situation. 1947 April 3, 1947, Jerusalem. A court in Jerusalem sentenced Daniel Azulai and Meyer Feinstein, members of the Irgun terrorist gang, to death for the October 30 attack on the Jerusalem railroad station. The Palestine Supreme Court admitted an appeal of Dov Bela Gruner's death sentence. 1947 April 3, 1947. The transport Empire Rival was damaged by a time bomb while en route from Haifa to Port Said in Egypt 1947 April 7, 1947, Jerusalem. The High Court denied a new appeal against the death sentence of Dov Bela Gruner, and a British patrol killed Moshe Cohen. 1947 April 8, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed a British constable in revenge for the Cohen death. 1947 April 9, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government abandoned statutory martial law in the face of unfavorable publicity but granted itself military dictatorship powers in controlled areas it may impose. 1947 April--Two Weather Bureau employees in Richmond, Virginia report metallic looking disks while tracking weather balloons. 1947 August 1, 1947, Tel Aviv. Thirty-three Jews are injured in an anti-British riot at Tel Aviv during the funeral procession of five civilians killed by British soldiers on July 31. In Jerusalem a Jewish terrorist attack on the British security zone in Rehavia was repulsed with one attacker killed and two captured. 1947 August 14, 1947, Geneva. The UN Special Subcommittee on Palestine returned to Geneva after a seven-day tour of DP camps in Austria and Germany. The tour took the group to Munich, Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. In Berlin it heard reports August 13 from General Lucius D. Clay, US. Military Governor. Clay testified that anti-Semitism is growing very sharply among the ranks of the US. military units in the US. Zones of Austria and Germany because of the violent, asocial and criminal behavior of the Eastern European DPs, all of whom are Jewish. He recommended that these DPs be allowed to enter Palestine before some incident with American soldiers, who have been beaten, robbed and killed by Jewish DPs, leads to severe spontaneous reactions

1305 on the part of other soldiers. His views were seconded very strongly by Sir Brian Robertson, Deputy British Military Governor. 1947 August 15, 1947, Palestine. A mine derailed a Cairo-Haifa troop train north of Lydda, killing the engineer, and Irgun terrorists claimed the incident was part of its campaign to disrupt all the Palestine rail traffic. 1947 August 16, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish clashes have brought death to l2 Arabs and l3 Jews and heavy property destruction this week in the regions of Jewish Tel Aviv and Arab Jaffa. Interracial strife was renewed on August 10 when Arabs killed four Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe, in reprisal for the deaths of two Arabs in a Haganah raid in Fega two months ago. Haganah responded to the Arab actions by bombing a house in an Arab orange grove near Tel Aviv, killing eleven Arabs, including a woman and four children. British military curfews imposed on August 13 on slum districts between modern Tel Aviv and Jaffa have failed to prevent mounting casualties. British military authorities, citing captured intelligence and statements from Jewish defectors from terrorist organizations, state that it now appears that the Jewish terrorists are beginning to attack Arabs where ever they found them because Jews wish the Arabs to be driven out of Palestine entirely. 1947 August 18, 1947, Palestine. The shops of five Jewish merchants in Tel Aviv were destroyed by the Irgun because the owners refused to give money to that organization. 1947 August 19 The judges of the American military tribunal in the case of the USA vs. Karl Brandt et. al. (the "Doctors Trial") confront the difficult question of medical experimentation on human beings. Several of the doctors had argued in their own defense that their experiments had differed little from previous American or German experiments. Furthermore they showed that no international law or informal statement differentiated between legal and illegal human experimentation. (Note, Before announcing their verdict, the judges reiterated almost all of the points in Dr. Alexander's memorandum of April 17 in a section entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments," which revised his original six points into ten. Subsequently, these ten points became known as the "Nuremberg Code." Although the code addressed the defense arguments in general, remarkably none of the specific findings against Brandt and his codefendants mentioned the code. Thus the legal force of the document was not well established and failed to find a place in either the American or German national law codes. Nevertheless, it remains a landmark document on medical ethics and one of the most lasting products of the "Doctors Trial.") 1947 August 2, 1947, Tel Aviv. The body of an unidentified Jew was found on a road near Tel Aviv. He was believed to have been

1306 kidnapped by men in British uniforms two weeks ago. Total casualties in Palestine since mid-July: 25 persons slain, 144 wounded. The dead include 15 Britons, two Jewish terrorists, eight civilians. Anti-British slogans, swastikas and dollar signs are painted onto British consulates in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles. 1947 August 20 After almost 140 days of proceedings, including the testimony of 85 witnesses and the submission of almost 1,500 documents, the American judges in the "Doctor's Trial" in Nuremberg pronounce their verdict. Sixteen of the doctors are found guilty. Seven are sentenced to death. (See June 2, 1948), (Defendants Paul Rostock, Kurt Blome, Siegfried Ruff, Hans Wolfgang Romberg, Georg August Weltz, Konrad Schaefer, and Adolf Pokorny were judged not guilty of the charges listed in the indictment.) 1947 August 23, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities reported that five Arabs in one family; two men, one woman and two children, were murdered by Jewish terrorists as retaliation for the British arrest of two Irgun leaders on August15. 1947 August 3, 1947, Palestine. Haganah warned in Jerusalem that the Britons who killed five Jews in Tel Aviv n July 31 will be found and punished. 1947 August 4, 1947, Palestine. British troops blew up a Jewish house in a Jerusalem suburb in which arms were found. Jewish terrorists robbed Barclays' Bank in Tel Aviv of $5200 and a Haganah member was killed. 1947 August 4, 1947, Paris. An Irgun leader in Paris states that his organization has sentenced high British military and civilian officials in Palestine to death in absentia and will hang them upon capture. 1947 August 5, 1947, England. Anti-Semitic outbreaks slackened after five days of rock throwing, window-smashing and other incidents including daubing Jewish businesses with swastikas and numerous assaults on British Jews. These incidents occurred in Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff (Wales), Leeds, London and Birmingham as retaliation for the murder of two British sergeants in Palestine. Thirtyeight persons were arrested in Liverpool but in the main, the British police ignored the rioters and permitted them to run their course. 1947 August 5, 1947, Palestine. Striking at dawn, British security forces arrested 35 leading Zionists and sent them to the Latrun detention camp in an attempt to wipe out the Irgun leadership. In reprisal, Irgunists blew up the Department of Labor in Jerusalem, killing three British constables. Those arrested included Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv; Mayor Oved Ben Ami of Nathanya; Mayor Abraham Krinitzki of Ramat Gan, Arieh Altman, president of the radical Revisionist Party; Menahem

1307 Arber, leader of the Revisionist youth organization, B'rith Trumpeldor, which is outlawed; Max Kritzman, Dov Bela Gruner's attorney, and David Stern, brother of the late founder of the Stem gang. All those arrested except the three mayors were Revisionists. Among many papers confiscated was correspondence from Soviet Russian agents in Italy and Bulgaria and extensive plans to poison the water supply of the non-Jewish parts of Jerusalem with botulism, anthrax and other bacteria. Bacteria was supplied by Soviet sources through Bulgaria. 1947 August 8, 1947, Palestine. The Bank of Sharon in Ramat Can was robbed by Jewish terrorists of $8,000. 1947 August--An Italian artist by the name of Rapuzzi Johannis was taking a leisurly walk in the mountains between Italy and Yugoslavia. He saw just in front of him a red glowing saucer. This saucer was about thirty feet wide and it was accompanied by two small dwarflike creatures. These creatures had very large heads with green faces, sort of resembling that of a fish. They also had a circle around each eye. Apparantly one of the creatures had hit Johannis with an electrical ray which left him very weak and almost paralyzed. After this incident the creatures ignored the Johannis and left. 1947 .... 2 1947. . .... , .... (2 4) . , ... 27 ! .... ! , ! , . , . ...., , !!! ... ! ....

1308 . ... , . ..., .... . , 20 ... ... . 1947 Bell Labs releases the transistor, an invention by William Shockley. It would be later taken over by Fairchild Semiconductor, which is now owned by Schlumberger, Inc. Tsarion 1947 Brazil, Bauru: A group of survey workers ran away as they heard a hissing noise and saw a disk land 50 m away. Jose C. Higgins saw two figures through, a window. Later three beings in shiny clothes and translucent suits, with oversized bald heads, huge round eyes, no eyelashes or eyebrows, and a metal box on their back, emerged from the craft. They were over 2 m. tall. They drew the solar system and pointed to Uranus as if to suggest that was their point of origin. 1947 British build a nuclear pile at Harwell. Tsarion 1947 Central Intelligence Agency created from OSS. Tsarion 1947 Charles Posner of the Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology writes, almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vascularity that is often associated with demyelination. (demyelination is the stripping of the insulation away from the nerves). Tsarion 1947 December 13, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists shifted from defense to attack in the second week of conflict with the Arabs since the UN voted for partition of Palestine. The death toll for the past 14 days was at least 220 in Palestine and 336 in the Middle East, including 111 in Aden. Arab retaliatory raids at Jaffa and Tel Aviv had killed 30 Jews and Arabs when local businessmen on both sides arranged for a truce on December 10 to effect an orange harvest On December 11, however, the Arabs renewed their assaults in the Old City of Jerusalem, which was the worst day of the current strife with 41 fatalities throughout Palestine. On December 12, Haganah launched attacks on both the Arabs and British with a death toll of 20 Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed. On December 13, bombings by the Irgun killed at least 16 Arabs and injured 67 more in Jerusalem and Jaffa and burned down a hundred Arab houses in Jaffa. In Syria, an anti-Jewish attack in retaliation for the Irgun actions burned down a 2,750-year old synagogue in Aleppo and

1309 destroyed the priceless Ben-Asher Codex, a 10th century Hebrew Bible of original Old Testament manuscripts. 1947 December 14, 1947, Lydda. Regular troops of the Arab Legion of the Trans-Jordan Army killed 14 Jews and wounded nine Jews, two British soldiers and one Arab when they attacked a bus convoy approaching their camp near Lydda. The Arabs said the Jews attacked them first. 1947 December 17, 1947, Cairo. Premiers of the seven Arab League states called on the Arabs to prepare for the struggle. They promised to prosecute the fight until victorious General Nuri as-Said Pasha, president of the Iraqi Senate, accused the US. of breaking a promise of neutrality. 1947 December 17, 1947, Nevatim. British troops came to the aid of police standing off a raid by 100 Arabs on the Jewish settlement of Nevatim, seven miles west of Beersheba. 1947 December 18, 1947, Khisas. Haganah killed 10 Arabs, including five children in a reprisal raid on Khisas in Northern Palestine. 1947 December 19, 1947, Damascus. Reliable reports from Damascus state that Arab guerrillas are massing there in preparation to launching an attack into Palestine before the first of the year. 1947 December 20, 1947, Palestine. Haganah carried out another raid on Arabs by attacking the village of Qazasa near Rehovoth. One Arab was killed and two were wounded. 1947 December 21, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency gave official approval for Haganah to make reprisal raids on Arab villages and exterminate nests of brigands. 1947 December 21-31, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish conflict in the Holy Land increased the death toll to 489 from violence in Palestine in the 33 days since the UN decided on partition. 1947 December 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. Stern gang terrorists machinegunned two British soldiers in a Tel Aviv cafe. 1947 December 26, 1947, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nazthaanya and Tel Aviv and escaped with $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. The Stern gang distributed leaflets reporting that Israel Levin, a member, was murdered in Tel Aviv on December 24 for trying to betray a Stern gang member. 1947 December 29, 1947, Jerusalem. An Irgun terrorist bombing at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem killed 11 Arabs and two Britons. 1947 December 29, 1947, Palestine. Irgun members kidnapped and flogged a British major and three sergeants in retaliation for the flogging of Benjamin Kimkhim who was also sentenced to 18 years in prison on December 27 for robbing a bank. The major, E. Brett, was seized in

1310 Nathanya and the sergeants in Tel Aviv and Rishon el Siyon. Each got 18 lashes, the same number Kimkhim received. 1947 December 30, 1947, London. The Dollis Hill Synagogue in London was set on fire and 12 sacred scrolls were destroyed by angry British citizens who scrawled on the burned edifice You whip we burn. 1947 December 30--PROJECT SIGN is begun by the Air Force. 1947-49 , 1944, [ 1947], "". 1947 - . 1947 December 9--Truman approves the issuance of NSC-4 "Coordination of foreign intelligence measures." National Security Act reforms the Department of Defense, and creates the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, MJ-12. James V. Forrestal of Naval Intelligence becomes head of the new intelligence community. Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter is appointed first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. 1947 Dr. Dennis Gabor, Hungarian physicist, conceives of holograms. He gets the Nobel prize for this in 1971, when they become useful. Tsarion 1947 Druggist George Haycock claimed that he had explored a shaft that could be entered via a boulder strewn depression or sink six miles west of Burley, Idaho, and one mile off the main road (presumably in the opposite direction from the river?). Native American legends told of a demonic race that would emerge from a cave and capture their women and children. Mr. Haycock reported psychic attacks and impressions of evil activities taking place underground. The shaft led to a long square-cut yet ancient horizontal crawlspace tunnel with branch tunnels and a cave-in which he attempted to dig through, although experiencing unusual "resistance" in doing to. He later wrote friends that someone was trying to blast the shaft closed with dynamite and also reported a death threat he had received in the mail telling him to cease and desist his explorations. Shortly after this, he was found strangled to death in his home. 1947 Early July--One of Russia's early chief rocket scientists, S. P. Korolev, was invited to the MGB (Ministry of State Security - later the KGB) headquarters in Moscow. The MGB chief explained to Korolev that the invitation was made by Stalin. Korolev was shown to a special

1311 apartment and was given many foreign documents dealing with UFOs (some believed to relate to the Roswell incident that same month), together with a team of translators. Three days later, he was invited to a meeting with Stalin, who asked him his opinion. Korolev replied that the UFOs did not appear to be weapons of a potential enemy, but that the phenomenon was real. According to Korolev, other leading scientists Kurchyatov, Topchiev and Keldish - were also asked for an opinion, and they came to the same conclusion. 1947 Early men-in-black events just before Arnold sighting at Rainier. Tsarion 1947 February 14, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration revealed that Lt Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker, retiring British commander in Palestine, had confirmed the death sentences of three Irgun members on February 12 before leaving for England. The three men, Dov Ben Rosenbaum, Eliezer Ben Kashani and Mordecai Ben Alhachi, had been sentenced on February 10 to be hanged for carrying firearms. A fourth, Haim Gorovetzky, received a life sentence because of his youth. Lt Gen. G. MacMillian arrived in Jerusalem on February 13 to succeed Gen. Barker. 1947 February 15 Homer L. Loomis is sentenced to serve one year in public works camp for incitement to riot. The revolt which the Columbians had attempted to organize was crushed and the so-called Atlanta Putsch comes to an end. 1947 February 15, 1947, Palestine. The Sabbath was the setting for sporadic outbreaks of violence which included the murder of an Arab in Jaffa and of a Jew in Bne Brok, the kidnapping of a Jew in Peta Tikvah and the burning of a Jewish club in Haifa. 1947 February 3, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government issued a 7-day ultimatum to the Jewish Agency demanding that it state categorically and at once whether it and the supreme Jewish Council in Palestine will call on the Jewish community by February 10 for cooperation with the police and armed forces in bringing to justice the members of the terrorist groups. This request was publicly rejected by Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, head of the Jewish Agency's political department 1947 February 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British District Commissioner James Pollock disclosed a plan for military occupation of three sectors of Jerusalem and orders nearly 1,000 Jews to evacuate the Rehavia, Schneler and German quarters by noon, February 6. 1947 February 5, 1947, Jerusalem. The Vaad Leumi rejected the British ultimatum while the Irgun passed out leaflets that it was prepared to fight to the death against the British authority. The first 700 of some 1,500 British women and children ordered to evacuate Palestine leave by plane and train for Egypt. British authorities,

1312 preparing for military action, order other families from sections of Tel Aviv and Haifa which will be turned into fortified military areas. 1947 February 9, 1947, Haifa. British troops removed 650 illegal Jewish immigrants from the schooner Negev at Haifa and after a struggle forced them aboard the ferry Emperor Haywood for deportation to Cyprus. 1947 On July 8, 1947, a UFO and aliens' bodies were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico, at the 33rd Parallel. 1947 On July 26, 1947, while aboard the presidential aircraft Sacred Cow, Masonic United States President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947. The Act created an independent Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency. The National Security State was born. 1947 On December 5, 1947, the disappearance of Flight 19 spurred on the legend of the Bermuda Triangle. Five Navy Avenger bombers vanished while on a routine training mission, as did a rescue plane sent to search for themsix aircraft and 27 men, gone without a trace. Or so the story goes. When all the facts are laid out, the tale of Flight 19 becomes far less puzzling. All of the crewmen of the five Avengers were inexperienced trainees, with the exception of their patrol leader, Lt. Charles Taylor. Taylor was perhaps not at the height of his abilities that day, as some reports indicate that he had a hangover and failed in his attempts to pass off this flight duty to someone else. A search party was dispatched, which included the Martin Mariner that many claim disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle along with Flight 19. While it is true that it never returned, the Mariner did not vanish. Twenty-three seconds after takeoff, it exploded in the sight of several witnesses at the base. Unfortunately, this was not an uncommon occurrence, because Mariners were known for their faulty gas tanks. No known wreckage from Flight 19 has ever been recovered. One reasonable explanation is that Taylor led the planes so far into the Atlantic that they were past the continental shelf. There the ocean abruptly drops from a few hundred feet deep to several thousand feet deep. Planes and ships that sink to such depths are seldom seen again. The deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean, the 30,100-foot-deep Puerto Rico Trench, lies within the Bermuda Triangle. Combining the circumstances of the failing compass, the difficulty of radio transmissions, and the absence of wreckage, tales of mysterious intervention befalling Flight 19 began to take form. Theories involving strange magnetic fields, time warps, Atlantis, and alien abduction began to appear. Even an official Navy report intimated that the Avengers had disappeared as if they had flown to Mars. The lost aviators reappeared from a spaceship at Devil's Tower National

1313 Monument in Steven Spielberg's 1977 movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 1947 Forrestal appointed Secretary of Defense. Asked to resign in 1949 after noting forces planning the war in Korea. See 1949. Tsarion 1947 France creates SDECE, equivalent to CIA. Tsarion 1947 Frederick Hielscher, who was never prosecuted after the war, gives evidence on behalf of SS Colonel Wolfram Sievers at the "Doctors Trial" in Nuremberg. Hielscher confines his testimony to political matters and intentionally absurd statements about race and ancestral tribes (See June 2, 1948). (Pauwels) 1947 Institute for Pacific Relations forced to leave the U.S. after a scandal. Tsarion 1947 Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard assisted in a 1947 Crowleyan magical ritual in California designed to -- through the use of nuclear explosions--break open an inter- dimensional 'seal' at a test site which had been placed between our world and the dimension of an infernal alien race known as 'the Old Ones', a "race" that had been imprisoned in a dimension called the "abyss" eons ago. 1947 January 1, 1947, Jerusalem. Dov Gruner was sentenced to hang by a British military court for taking part in a raid on the Ramat Gan police headquarters in April of 1946. 1947 January 12, 1947, Haifa. A single terrorist drove a truck filled with high explosives into the central police station and exploded it, killing two British policemen and two Arab constables and injuring 140 others. The terrorist escaped. This action ended a 10-day lull in the violence and the Stern gang took the credit for it. 1947 January 13, 1947, Haifa. British soldiers and police screened 872 persons in Haifa and detained 10 for further questioning as Arabs and Jews both condemned the bombing. 1947 January 14, 1947, Jerusalem. Yehudi Katz is sentenced to life in prison by a Jerusalem court for robbing a bank in Jaffa in September of 1946 to obtain funds for the terrorists. 1947 January 2, 1947, Palestine. A wave of terror swept Palestine as Jewish terrorists staged bombings and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties were low. Homemade flame-throwers were used in several cases. Pamphlets seized warned that the Irgun had again declared war against the British and Arabs of Palestine. 1947 January 21, 1947, London. Dr. Emmanuel Neumann, vice president of the Zionist Organization of America, declared US. Zionists would spend millions to finance illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine. A Haganah spokesman in Paris claimed that 211,878 Jews entered Palestine illegally during the past 15 months.

1314 1947 January 22, 1947, London. Colonial Secretary Arthur Creech Jones informed the House of Commons 73 British subjects were murdered by Palestine terrorists in 1946 and no culprits have been convicted. 1947 January 22, 1947, Palestine. Sir Harry Gurney, Chief Secretary, stated that the British administration was taxing Palestine $2,400,000 to pay for sabotage by the terrorists. 1947 January 27, 1947, London. Britain's conference on Palestine, boycotted by the Jews, reconvened. Jamal el Husseini, Palestine Arab leader, declared that the Arab world was unalterably opposed to partition as a solution to the problem. The session then adjourned. 1947 January 29, 1947, Jerusalem. Irgun forces released former Maj. H. Collins, a British banker, who they kidnapped on January 26 from his home. He had been badly beaten. On January 28, the Irgun released Judge Ralph Windham who had been kidnapped in Tel Aviv on January 27 while trying a case. These men had been taken as hostages for Dov Bela Gruner, an Irgun member under death sentence for terrorism. The British High Commissioner, Lt Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham, had threatened martial law unless the two men were returned unharmed. 1947 January 29, 1947, London. It was officially announced that the British Cabinet decided to partition Palestine. 1947 January 31, 1947, Jerusalem. General Cunningham ordered the wives and children of all British civilians to leave Palestine at once. About 2,000 are involved. This order did not apply to the 5,000 Americans in Palestine. 1947 January 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British soldiers have been ordered to wear sidearms at all times and were forbidden to enter any cafe or restaurant. 1947 January 5, 1947, Egypt ,Eleven British troops were injured in a hand grenade attack on a train carrying troops to Palestine. The attack took place near Benha, 25 miles from Cairo. 1947 January 8, 1947, Palestine. British police arrested 32 persons suspected of being members of the Irgun terrorist gang's Black Squad in raids on Rishon-el Zion and Rehoboth. 1947 January--The United States invaded Queen Maud Land in January 1947 to determine for sure whether or not there really was a Nazi secret base there. The Task Force consisted of three battle groups that left from Norfolk, VA, on Dec 2, 1946. They were led by Byrd's command ship, the ice-breaker Northwind, and consisted of the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea (reportably carrying atomic warheads), two floatplane catapult ships, two destroyers, an attack submarine, two support vessels, and two tankers. Embarked were six two-engined R4D transports, six

1315 Martin PBM flying boats, six other aircraft, six helicopters, and a force of 4,000 elite US Marines. The expedition was called Operation Highjump, and its cover mission was that of mapping the entire Antarctic coastline and the need for testing "new material under the extreme Antarctic conditions." The force landed at the established US bases in the Ross Sea, then moved up the western Antarctic coast heading toward Neuschwabland and building up a bridgehead on January 27 somewhere west of it. Byrd lost many men and several aircraft to the Nazis the first day he tried to push further east. Confronted with super weapons that he had no answer for, the expedition, which had been planned to last for several months, was cut short after a few weeks. Byrd told a reporter later, " is necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions...fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed." Upon returning to the States, Admiral Byrd went into a rage before the President and Joint Chiefs of Staff and in an almost demanding tone, strongly "suggested" that Antarctica be turned into a thermonuclear test range. The United States withdrew from the Antarctic for almost a decade, and UFOs began to be seen around the world in increasing numbers. 1947 January--W.H. (initials) of Yucca Valley, Calif., while still serving in the U.S. Navy, was on leave with C.C.(initials) who was just out of the U.S. army. While they were looking for desert property to buy they came upon the Papagos Indian Reservation, north of the rugged Superstition Mtns. west of Globe, Arizona. While traveling on a dirt trail, they came upon a group of military personnel guarding a crashed saucer half buried in the sand. Description: Disc shaped with a domed top; about 30 ft. diam.; two rings on its outer edge which seemed to have windows between them. There was no evidence of an encampment or heavy equipment. 1947 John McCone becomes president of the Air Pollution Committee. Tsarion 1947 July 1, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Government rejected the UN Commission's move to halt the execution of three Irgun members convicted of terrorism and also said that the UN Assembly truce resolution of May 15 had no bearing on the normal processes of the administration of justice in Palestine. 1947 July 10-- FBI memo...Gen. George F. Schulgen organizes top scientists to determine if the flying discs are indeed fact and whether or not they are a foreign body mechanically devised and controlled. He desired the assistance of the FBI in locating and questioning the individuals who firstsighted the discs. Col. L. R. Forney of MID indicated

1316 that it has been established that the flying discs are not the result of any Army or Navy experiments and should be of interest to the FBI. 1947 July 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Dr. Ariem Altman, president of the United Zionist Revisionists, told a party rally in Jerusalem that the Revisionists would settle for nothing less than an unpartitioned free Jewish state in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. Irgun announced in Jerusalem that two British sergeants kidnapped in Nathanaya are being held in Tel Aviv and have been sentenced to death by Irgun court-martial. 1947 July 14, 1947, Nathanya. The British imposed martial law and placed the 15,000 inhabitants of Nathanya under house arrest. They made 68 arrests and sentenced 21 persons to 6 months each in the Latrun detention camp. 1947 July 15--Memo to Mr. Ladd with a handwritten note from J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI stating, "...before agreeing (to the investigation of crashed saucers)... we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the Soc. (Socorro, N.M.) case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination. 1947 July 17, 1947, Nathanya. The Irgun in five mine opera-lions against military traffic to and from Nathanya killed one Briton and injured 16. 1947 July 17, 1947, Nethanya. Mines killed a second Briton and injured seven. 1947 July 18, 1947, Haifa. The American-manned Haganah refugee ship Exodus 1947 (formerly the President Warfield) was escorted into Haifa by British naval units after a battle in which the American first mate, William Bernstein and two immigrants were killed and more than 30 injured. The blockade runner itself was badly damaged. The remainder of the 4,554 passengers, the largest group of illegal immigrants to sail for Palestine in a single ship, were put aboard British prison ships for removal to Cyprus. The American captain, Bernard Marks, and his crew were arrested. The ship sailed from France. 1947 July 19, 1947, Haifa. Rioting, quickly suppressed, broke out among the passengers of the Exodus 1947 when they learned they were to be returned to France 1947 July 19, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government charges that a Jewish campaign of lawlessness, murder and sabotage has cost 70 lives and $6 million in damage since 1940. 1947 July 2, 1947, Haifa. Irgun members robbed a Haifa bank of $3,200 while both the Stem gang and the Irgun warned the British that their provocative acts in Palestine must end before a truce can be effected. The Guatemalan and Czech members of the UN Commission visited two Jewish convicts in Acre Prison. In Pretoria, South Africa, Prime Minister Smuts, who was a party to the Balfour Declaration, said

1317 the promise of a national home in Palestine never meant the whole of Palestine. He favored partition into Arab and Jewish states. 1947 July 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Before officially admitting that 4,529 passengers of the Exodus 1947 who had been transferred to three British ships, were being sent not to Cyprus but back to France, the Palestine Government took the precaution of first placing Jerusalem's 90,000 Jews under nightly house arrest. 1947 July 23, 1947, Haifa. Haganah sank the British transport Empire Lifeguard in Haifa harbor as it was discharging 300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were killed and 40 were wounded. The British were able to refloat the ship. 1947 July 24, 1947, Amman, Trans-Jordan. Seven members of the UN Palestine Commission flew to Amman and were informed by Jordanian Premier Samir Pasha el Rifai that: (1) Palestine belongs to the Arabs; (2) the Arabs never accepted the Balfour Declaration; (3) the Jews are imperialistic invaders whose immigration must be stopped forthwith; (5) Palestine should get unpartitioned independence under the Arab majority; (6) the plight of European refugees does not concern Palestine; (7) the Arabs will justly resist with force any unfavorable decision. 1947 July 26, 1947, Palestine. Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, announced from his secret headquarters that Haganah had planned the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946 in which 91 persons were killed. 1947 July 26, 1947, Palestine. Two British soldiers were killed by a booby trap near Jerusalem, raising the week's violence toll to 12 killed and 75 wounded. 1947 July 26, 1947. Jewish terrorists blew up the Iraqi Petroleum Co. pipeline 12 miles east of Haifa and destroyed a Mt. Carmel radar station. 1947 July 27, 1947, Palestine. An ambush and mines cost the British seven more casualties, all wounded. 1947 July 28, 1947, Haifa. Two small Haganah ships loaded with 1,174 Jews from North Africa were intercepted by British naval units off Palestine and brought into Haifa. The illegal immigrants were transshipped aboard British transports and taken to Cyprus. 1947 July 29, 1947, France. The 4,429 Exodus 1947 illegal immigrants who sailed from Sate, France, July 11 for Palestine only to be shipped back by the British aboard three transports, refused to debark as the vessels anchored off Port de Douc, France. Only a few who were ill went ashore. The French government informed the refugees that they do

1318 not have to debark but will be welcomed if they do. The transports are the Runnymede Park, Ocean Vigour and Empire Valour 1947 July 29, 1947, Palestine. The British authorities hanged three Irgunists in Acre prison despite appeals from Jewish leaders. The condemned, Myer Nakar, Absalom Habib and Jacob Weiss, had fought in the Czech underground during the war. They were convicted of blowing up Acre Prison on May 4 and liberating 200 Arabs and Jews. 1947 July 29--Kenneth Arnold, who investigated the case, reported an unexplained failure of his own plane's engine soon after two Air Force investigators were killed while taking off from Tacoma's airport. 1947 July 2--A saucer is hit by a lightning bolt north of Roswell, NM, dumping a large amount of debris onto the Brazel Ranch. The saucer clears the mountains and crashes near San Augustin, NM. OR an alien spacecraft crashes near Roswell, NM. (Allegedly brought down by experimental radar disrupting the vessels technology?) OR a lost PROJECT MOGUL balloon finally breaks up over the Brazel Ranch. 1947 July 30, 1947, Palestine. Irgun terrorists announced that they have hanged two British sergeants, Marvyn Paice and Jifford Martin, whom they had held as hostages since July 12, for crimes against the Jewish community. The two were seized when death sentences on the three Irgun members were confirmed by the British authorities. Two more British soldiers were killed by a land mine near Hadera. British troops attacked the Jewish colony of Pardes Hanna in revenge for the murders. 1947 July 31-- Airforce lists the Maury Island sighting as a hoax and a B-29 Crash. Dahl later disappeared. 1947 July 31, 1947, Nathanya. The bodies of the two murdered British sergeants were found hanging from eucalyptus trees one and a half miles from Nathanya about 530 AM. A booby trap blew Martin's body to bits when it was cut down. Enraged British troops stormed into Tel Aviv, wrecked shops, attacked pedestrians and sprayed a bus with gunfire killing five Jews: two men, two women and a boy. 1947 July 3--The San Agustin saucer is discovered by Barney Barnett and a group of archaeology students from the University of Pennsylvania. Near Magdalene, NM, Mr. Barnett sighted a shiny object out in the desert and, upon investigation, came upon a crashed discshaped object, 9 meters (30 ft.) across. Later a military truck arrived to supervise the investigation of the crash site. Barnett saw dead bodies strewn about the crash site. They weren't wearing military uniforms, and in fact didn't even look human. Seen from a distance, the bodies had on silvery suits and appeared to be about 3 ft. tall. William "Mac" Brazel finds the debris on his ranch. Brazel collects samples of the debris. The

1319 military arrives shortly thereafter. Four alien bodies are eventually recovered. 1947 Roswell N M. 2 1947 Roswell . , 92 , 35 . 4 . , , , 13 , , AZTEC, . . 25 1948, AZTEC. 33 , 16 1, 20 . 1947 July 4--UFOs reported near Portland, Oregon. United Airlines flight 105 reports 2 formations of flying disks. 1947 July 5--Brazel travels to Corona, NM, and learns of the UFO reports from around the country. 1947 July 6-- Brazel drives into Roswell to report the debris from the crash to Sheriff Wilcox. Eventually Major Marcell is assigned to investigate the crashsite. 1947 July 7--Maj. Marcell visits the crashsite. He brings samples of the debris home. 1947 July 8-- UFOs are sighted at Muroc Field and Rogers Dry Lake. Urgent FBI memo from Gen. Roger Ramey concerning "flying disc information": "Maj. Curtan, HQ 8th AF, telephonically advised this office that an object purporting to be a flying disc was recovered near Roswell, N.M., this date... Information provided this office because of national interest in case and fact that (certain media sources) attempting to break the story of location of disc today...(the recovered disc was) being transported to Wright Field by special plane for examination...Maj. Curtan advised would request Wright Field to advise (FBI) results of examination." 1947 Jun 24--The modern history of UFOs begins with an Idaho businessman and pilot named Kenneth Arnold. While flying near Mount Rainier, Washington, Arnold spotted a formation of nine silvery, disc shaped objects flying in and out of the mountains of the Cascade Range. He estimated their speed at some 1,200 miles per hour, more than twice as fast as any known aircraft of that day. Also in the air at the time was a DC-4 which Arnold used as a point of reference to estimate the size of individual discs. He estimated the size as two thirds the size of the DC-4. He described the disc's movements to a reporter as "like pie plates

1320 skipping over the water." In his story the next day the reporter coined the term "flying saucers" and the label stuck. 1947 June 18, 1947, Tel Aviv. Haganah disclosed that one of its men was killed by a booby trap which foiled an Irgun plot to blow up British Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv. 1947 June 19, 1947, Jerusalem. Major Roy Farran, held in connection with the disappearance of a 16-year-old Jew, escaped from custody in the army barracks in Jerusalem. 1947 June 21--off Maury Island, near Tacoma, Washington, a "donut shaped object" dropped slag in a boat piloted by Harold Dahl. 1947 June 22--an MIB ("Man in Black") visited Dahl and warned him not to discuss the sighting. The boat's owner, Fred Lee Crisman (later suspected of being a CIA employee and was later called to give "secret testimony" at the trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans) found 20 tons of debris on Maury Island. 1947 June 28, 1947, Palestine. The terrorist Stern gang opened fire on British soldiers waiting in line outside a Tel Aviv theater, killing three and wounding two. Another Briton is killed and several wounded in a Haifa hotel. This action was claimed by Jewish terrorists to be in retaliation for British brutality and the alleged slaying of a missing 16 year old Jew, Alexander Rubowitz while he was being held in an Army barracks on May 6. 1947 June 28--While cruising at 6,000 feet over Lake Mead, Nevada, US Airforce pilot Lieutenant Armstrong witnessed six discs flying in formation. 1947 June 29, 1947, New York. The UN Committee votes 9-0 to condemn the acts of terrorism as flagrant disregard of the UN appeal for an interim truce as Stern terrorists wounded four more British soldiers on a beach at Herzila. Major Roy Alexander Farran surrendered voluntarily after his escape from custody in Jerusalem on June 19. He had been arrested in connection with the Rubowitz case. 1947 June 30, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine government permitted oil companies to raise prices of benzene nearly 10% to pay for $1 million damage suffered when Jewish terrorists blew up oil installations at Haifa on March 31. 1947 June 4, 1947, London. The terrorist Jewish Stern gang sent letter bombs to high British governmental officials. Eight letter bombs containing powdered gelignite explosive were discovered in London. Recipients included Ernest Bevan, Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Attlee and Winston Churchill. 1947 June 5, 1947, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorist mines wrecked two trains near Tel Aviv and Haifa and the Athlit railroad station but without casualties.

1321 1947 June 5, 1947, Washington. President Truman asked all persons in the US. to refrain from helping Palestine terrorists. The American Jewish Committee and Jewish Labor Committee condemned Ben Hecht's campaign for Palestine terrorist funds. 1947 June 6, 1947, London. Scotland Yard official now acknowledge that a total of 20 letter bombs have been found. 1947 June 6, 1947, New York. Secretary General of the UN, Trygve Lie has forwarded a request to all countries a request by the British that they guard their frontiers against departure of illegal immigrants bound for Palestine. 1947 Kenneth Arnold sees winged craft over Mr. Rainier. Tsarion 1947 Late July--General Ramey begins the cover up. 1947 Lord Russell advocates that the U.S. order Russia to surrender to a One World Government that would enjoy a restrictive monopoly on nuclear weapons. Tsarion 1947 Majestic-12 is established by Executive Order of Harry Truman as a policy making body. 1947 Marcel Griaule is told of the secret Dogon cosmology by the Dogon tribe of Mali. 1947 March 10, 1947, Haifa. A Jew, suspected of being an informer, was murdered by Jewish terrorists. 1947 March 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Army pay corps was dynamited in Jerusalem and one soldier killed. 1947 March 12, 1947, Palestine. British military units captured most of the 800 Jews whose motor ship Susanna ran the British blockade and was beached north of Gaza on this date. A British naval escort brought the Ben Hecht, the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation's first known immigrant ship, into Haifa, and its 599 passengers were shipped to Cyprus. The British arrested the crew, which included 18 US. seamen. 1947 March 13, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities announced 78 arrests as a result of unofficial Jewish cooperation, but two railroads were attacked, resulting in two deaths, and eight armed men robbed a Tel Aviv bank of $65,000. 1947 March 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists blew up part of an oil pipeline in Haifa and a section of the rail line at Beer Yakov. 1947 March 16, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency building was bombed. 1947 March 17, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities ended martial law which had kept 300,000 Jews under house arrest for 16 days and tied up most economic activity 1947 March 17, 1947, Palestine. A military court sentenced Moshe Barazani to be hanged for possessing a hand grenade.

1322 1947 March 18, 1947, Palestine. Terrorist leaflets admitted the murder of Michael Shnell on Mount Carmel as an informer. 1947 March 22, 1947, Palestine. British officials announced the arrest of five known terrorists and the discovery near Petah Tikvah of the body of Leon Meshiah, a Jew presumably slain as a suspected informer. 1947 March 26, 1947, London. Britain's Privy Council rejected the appeal of the death sentence against Dov Bela Gruner. 1947 March 28, 1947, Haifa. The Irgun blew up the Iraq Petroleum Co. pipeline in Haifa. 1947 March 29, 1947, Palestine. A British army officer was murdered by Jewish terrorists when they ambushed a party of horsemen near the Ramle camp. A raid by terrorists on a Tel Aviv bank yielded $109,000. 1947 March 30, 1947, Palestine. Units of the British Royal Navy, answering an SOS, took the disabled Moledeth with 1,600 illegal Jewish refugees on board under tow some 50 miles outside Palestinian waters. 1947 March 30, 1947, Tel Aviv. The Stem gang killed the wife of a British soldier. 1947 March 31, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists dynamited the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa, starting a fire that destroyed a quarter-mile of the waterfront. The damage was set at more than $1,000,000, and the British government in Palestine has stated that the Jewish community will have to pay for it. 1947 March 9, 1947, Hadera. A British army camp was attacked. 1947 Matthew Brody at the Brooklyn Hospital gives detailed descriptions of two cases of brain damage leading to death in children receiving Pertussis shots. Tsarion 1947 May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen. 1947 May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British authorities announced that 3l2 Jewish political prisoners were held in Kenya, East Africa, 247 in Latrun and 34 in Bethlehem, Palestine. 1947 May 15, 1947, The Stern gang killed two British lieutenants and injured seven other persons with two derailments and three bridge demolitions. 1947 May 16, 1947, Palestine. On the fifth day of another terrorist drive, Haifa Assistant Police Superintendent, Robert Schindler, a German Jew, was murdered by the Stern gang, and a British constable was killed on the Mt. Carmel-Haifa road near Jerusalem. 1947 May 17, 1947, Haifa. The 1,200-ton Haganah freighter Trade Winds was seized by the Royal Navy off the Lebanon coast and

1323 escorted into Haifa, and over 1,000 illegal immigrants were disembarked pending transfer to Cyprus. 1947 May 19, 1947, London. The British government protested to the United States government against American fund-raising drives for Palestine terrorist groups. The complaint referred to a Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine by playwright Ben Hecht, American League for a Free Palestine co-chairman, first published in the New York Post on May 15. The ad said, We are out to raise millions for you. 1947 May 22, 1947, Palestine. Arabs attacked a Jewish labor camp in southern Palestine, retaliating for a Haganah raid on the Arabs near Tel Aviv, May 20. Some 40,000 Arab and Jewish workers united the same day in a one-day strike against all establishments operated by the British War Ministry! 1947 May 23, 1947, Palestine. A British naval party boarded the immigrant ship Mordei Haghettoath off South Palestine and took control of its 1,500 passengers. Two British soldiers were convicted in Jerusalem of abandoning a jeep and army mail under a terrorist attack. 1947 May 27, 1947, Germany. Jewish underground migration officials in Frankfurt-am-Main declared they hoped to transport 1,000,000 Jews from Europe to Palestine, 30,000 of them this summer. The Costa Rican ship Colony Trader has been detained at Gibraltar under suspicion of its use for smuggling illegal immigrants into Palestine. London is investigating reports that non-Jewish Poles and Slavs in DP camps are being recruited for the Palestine army. Other investigations are being conducted into persistent reports that Soviet Russia has been supplying technical advisors to The Jewish terrorist groups. 1947 May 28, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists blew up a water main and a shed in the Haifa oil dock areas and made three attacks on railway lines in the Lydda and Haifa areas. 1947 May 28, 1947, Syria. Fawzi el-Kawukji who spent the war years in Germany after leading the 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine, told reporters in Damascus that an unfavorable decision by the UN inquiry group would be the signal for war against the Jews in Palestine. We must prove that in case of an Anglo-American war with Russia, we can be more dangerous or useful to them than the Jews, he added. 1947 May 31, 1947, Haifa. The Haganah ship Yehuda Halevy arrived under British naval escort with 399 illegal Jewish immigrants, the first from Arab territories. They were immediately transshipped to Cyprus. 1947-1949 .

1324 .. , , . ( ... 5 1948 , 69/1949) , 28.000, (2.600), (2.235), (3.801), ( 3.000), (2.660), ( 2.000), (11.609) . 1947 May 4, 1947, Acre. The walls of Acre prison were blasted open by an Irgun bomb squad and 251 Jewish and Arab prisoners escaped after a gun battle in which 15 Jews and 1 Arab were killed, 32 (including six British guards) were injured and 23 escapists were recaptured. The Palestine Government promised no extra punishment if the 189 escapees still at large will surrender. 1947 May 4, 1947, New York. The Political Action Committee for Palestine ran a series of advertisements in New York newspapers seeking funds to buy parachutes for young European Jews planning to crash the Palestine immigration barrier by air. 1947 May 6, 1947, Jerusalem. former British Commando Sgt Dov Bernard Cohen, head of the Acre bomb squad, was fatally wounded in the attack. 1947 May 8, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Jew was ambushed and shot to death by an Arab group near Tel Aviv, and three Jewish-owned Tel Aviv shops whose owners refused to contribute money to Jewish terrorist groups were burned down. 1947 May--A report by journalist Dorothy Kilgallen stated that British scientists and airmen were excavating the wreckage of a mysterious flying ship on Spitzbergen, Sweden. The Swedish military is said to have acknowledged its extraterrestrial origin and reported 17 bodies were found. The story appeared as a tiny blip for only one day in the U.S. news media before it was allegedly silenced by the military. 1947 May--An RCA field engineer reports seeing a flying disk near Oklahoma City. 1947 How Many Jews Actually Died? The World Almanac for 1947, in quoting figures supplies by the American Jewish Committee states that the world Jewish population in 1939 was 15,688,259. The New York Times of February 22, 1948, stated that the world Jewish population ranged from 15,600,000 to 18,700,000, excluding some 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine. How could the Jewish population have increased so rapidly after losing six million during World War II? Walter Sanning, the author of Dissolution of European Jewry, says that no less than 2,200,000 Jews had emigrated out of Europe leaving

1325 2,847,000 Jews residing there at the height of the German occupation in June 1941. After the war, 3,375,000 Jews, according to the Red Cross, applied for holocaust reparations. This figure included many of the emigrants. Thus, the actual number of those who died at the camps from all causes ranges between 150,000 and 300,000. 1947 Mid July--Roswell AAF reports the recovery of the debris. The debris is recovered, and shipped off to Wright-Patterson AAF via Carswell AAF, Fort Worth, TX. 1947 National Security Act established in the United States in order to permit the extension and continuation of Nazi efforts in the United States under cover of national security, setting the stage for chemical, biological, and electronic sensitization of the population for the remainder of the 20th century. Efforts begin to convince the American public that their enemy is Communism, not fascism, setting the stage for the upcoming McCarthy period and the sham known as the cold war which would extend and continue the military industrial/pharmaceutical complex. Tsarion 1947 National Security Council founded under CIA charter. Formed by Hoover and Reinhard Gehlen, the function of the NSC was to tell Congress what is needed for national security to prevent Congress from forming opinions about the matter. The term national security is a catch-all cover to permit Nazification of the United States. Over the years the CIA would run an estimated 3,000 major and 10,000 minor operations that would result in the death of over 6 million people in the Third World, according to John Stockwell, an ex-CIA agent. (Silent Holocaust). Tsarion 1947 November 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen in Jerusalem and two soldiers in Tel Aviv to raise the total casualties in three days of violence to 10 Britons and five Jews killed and 33 Britons and five Jews wounded. The outbreaks began after British troops killed three girls and two boys in a raid on a farmhouse arsenal near Raanana on November 12. The terrorists retaliated yesterday by throwing hand grenades and firing a machine gun into the Ritz Cafe in Jerusalem. 1947 November 15, 1947, London. The British Foreign Office denied Jerusalem press reports that Britain planned to take over any financial surplus left in Palestine's treasury to pay for the costs of evacuation and combating unauthorized Jewish immigration. 1947 November 16, 1947, Palestine. About 185 European Jews landed near Nahariya from a small schooner and escaped before the British could intercept them. A larger vessel, the Kadimah, was seized and brought to Haifa where 794 Jews were transshipped to a British transport for Cyprus.

1326 1947 November 17, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration disclosed that it will sell state-owned real estate along the Haifa waterfront, from which it expects to make $8 million. It will also invest in England about $16 million from bonds that had been sold to Palestinians. Zionists strongly protested this as they said it would denude Palestine of its assets. There was no comment from the administration to these charges. 1947 November 22, 1947, Haifa. Another Arab was murdered in Haifa by the Stern gang following their execution of four Arabs near Raanana November 20 in retaliation for the British shooting of five Stern gang members on November12. Arabs retaliated against this killing at Raanana by wounding five Jews on a bus near Tel Aviv on November 20. 1947 November 29 The United Nations approves partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. It is accepted by the Jews, but rejected by the Arab leaders. 1947 November 29 The United Nations ratifies the partition of Palestine between the Arabs and Jews. 1947 November 30- December 6, 1947, Palestine. A week of disorders brought on by Arab wrath over the UN's decision to partition the Holy Land ended with at least 159 killed in the Middle East, 66 in Palestine. While Jews in Palestine, Europe and the US celebrated and began planning their new state and the UN moved to implement its plan, war talk was rife throughout the Arab world. The Arab League announced on December 1 that premiers and foreign ministers of seven Arab states would meet in Cairo next week to plan strategy against partition. In Palestine: Jerusalem and the Jaffa Tel Aviv boundary zone were centers of week-long strife which began when seven Jews were killed throughout Palestine on November 30 and the mayor of Nablus, Arab nationalist center, proclaimed jihad or a holy war. British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham warned the Arab Higher Command on December 1 that Britain was determined to keep order so long as it held its mandate, and police stopped Arab agitators from raising crowds in Jerusalem. But Jewish celebrations there were stoned. Arabs looted and burned a three-block Jewish business district in Jerusalem on December 2, the first day of a three-day Arab general strike during which 20 Jews and l5 Arabs were killed. When British troops failed to intervene, Haganah (unofficial Zionist militia) came into the open for the first time in eight years to restrain large-scale Jewish retaliation and also guard Jewish districts. Some Haganah men were arrested for possessing weapons. The day's strife caused $1 million worth of damage and resulted in a 24-hour curfew being applied to Arab Jerusalem for the rest of the week. The curfew was extended to outlying roads on December 3 to stop

1327 stonings of Jewish traffic and keep rural Arabs out of the capital. Max Pinn, head of the Jewish Agency's Trade and Transfer Department was killed on December 2 when Arabs stoned his auto near Ramleh. On this day Jews stoned Arab buses in Jerusalem. On the Jaffa-Tel Aviv boundary, which also is under around-the-clock curfew, the week's heaviest battle was a six-hour clash between Hagariah and Arabs on December 3 in which seven Jews and five Arabs were killed and 75 persons injured. On December 2, Haganah claimed to have mobilized 10,000 men in the intercity trouble zone, and the Arab Legion of TransJordan reported on this date that it had reinforced Jaffa. Seven Jews were killed in Jaffa-Tel Aviv on this date. There were lesser attacks in Haifa this week. It becomes clearly evident that the partition is not going as planned and that although the Jews are pleased, the Arabs are not. There appears to be no way to control the Jews or their determination to drive all of the Arabs out of Jerusalem by force if necessary. The Arabs, initially living in peace with the Jewish minority, have been increasingly victimized by the Jews who, now that the British are leaving, are turning their savage behavior against them. The Jews have redoubled their efforts to build a military force and arm them. They claim that this force is to protect the Jewish population against attacks from the Arab countries as well as the Arab population of Jerusalem but an even stronger argument can be made that the Zionists are determined to drive out the Arab population by armed force. The initial Arab response to Jewish harassment over the past year has been very slow in coming but it seems to be quite inevitable and a terrible civil war is foreseen. The United States Department of State announced on December 5, 1947 that they were placing an embargo on all American arms shipments to the Middle East It appears that the Soviets have been sending weapons mostly captured German pieces, to assist the Zionists and accompanying these clandestine arms shipments the Soviets have also sent a very sizable contingent of instructors and advisors to Palestine in months past As many of the Zionists are Russian or Polish in origin, these Communist Russians have been received gladly by the Jewish extremists and quickly blend in with the local populations. Soviet interest in Middle East oil and an overriding interest in obtaining warm-water ports are a prime factor in their interest in a Jewish state in Palestine. The most violent reactions in the Arab world to the UN partition idea are Syrian and Egyptian. However, it is noted that the worst outbreak of anti-partition violence outside Palestine occurred in Aden, a British colony at the entrance to the Red Sea. On December 5, British military reinforcements were sent to Aden after four days of Arab-Jewish fighting in which 5O Jews and 25 Arabs were killed. In Syria, public demonstrations by the Arab population paralyzed business in Damascus earlier this week. The Soviet

1328 cultural center and Communist headquarters in Damascus were wrecked on November 30 with four persons killed. The Syrian Communist Party was officially disbanded by the government and the US and British Embassy flags were torn down. On December 1, Syria introduced military training into all boys' schools and on December 2, the Syrian Parliament enacted a draft law and voted $860,000 for the relief of Palestinian Arabs. On the same day Arabs attacked the Jewish part of Aleppo. In Egypt the Chamber of Deputies resolved on December 1 to help keep Palestine a totally Arab state and to support the Arab population of Palestine against attacks by the Jewish minority. There were repeated anti-US and British demonstration in Egypt's main cities, and the British Institute in Zagazig was burned on December 2. All public meetings were banned in Cairo after Egyptian police fought with 15,000 people on December 4. In Lebanon, Arab students smashed the windows of the US. Legation in Beirut on December 1 and Lebanese Communists demonstrated against the partition of Palestine and all schools were closed to prevent student disorders. In Iraq, students in Baghdad wrecked the US. Information offices on December 4. In Saudi Arabia, anti-American demonstrations by Arabs in the oil fields were restrained by the government 1947 November 30 The 19471948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine starts between Jewish forces, centered around the Haganah and Palestinians supported by the Arab Liberation Army. 1947 November--A cigar-shaped object was seen hiding in the clouds over Toronto, Canada. 1947 November--Vancouver Island fisherman George W. Saggers encountered a strange serpentlike animal in Ucluelet Harbor, at a distance of 150 feet. Its head and neck were four feet above the water; it had "two jet black eyes about three inches across and protruding from the head.... It appeared to have some sort of mane.... The color of the mane was dark brown," he wrote. 1947 October 13, 1947. Jerusalem. A terrorist bomb damaged the US consulate general in Jerusalem, injuring two employees slightly. Similar bombings occurred at the Polish consulate general last night and at the Swedish consulate on September 27. In Baghdad, the Iraq foreign office advised an American House Foreign Affairs Committee group not to make a projected visit there because of high feeling over US. endorsement of partitioning of Palestine. The State Department in Washington announced it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in terrorism in Palestine; Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due US citizens abroad. 1947 October 18, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government states that Palestine Arab forces have been sent from the Trans-Jordan frontier

1329 to the Syrian and Lebanon borders to replace a British brigade which recently left Palestine. Zionists protested having Arab troops on the border of northern Palestine. 1947 October--A UFO crashes near Paradise Valley, AZ. There is still one living alleged witness in Prescott, Arizona as of 2001. 1947 Partition of India receives "strong impetus from the Round Table Group". 1947 Professor von Furer-Haimendorf visits Apu Tanis in the Himalayas. 1947 Reconstruction of Western Europe complete and retitled the Marshall Plan, and W. Averell Harriman appointed as head of the Plan, working out of the Hotel Talleyrand in Paris, a Rothschild mansion. The Rothschilds consolidate control of world money systems through the Bretton Woods Pact, essentially a replica of the charter of the Bank of England, which provided immunity from all judicial processes, declared the archives inviolable and not subject to any Congressional inspection of court examination, and insured the tax-free status. The Pact then proceeded to systematically loot Western Europe and the United States. The U.S. is ruled through the CFR, various foundations, and the Federal Reserve System. Tsarion 1947 Rockefellers Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) establishes the Mont Pelerin Society, which consisted of high-level Anglo-Venetian financial barons. Milton Friedman was a member. Tsarion 1947 Second UFO Flap year. Tsarion 1947 September 10, 1947, Washington D.C. Secretary of State George C. Marshall disclosed that the US. had urged Britain to reconsider sending the Exodus group to Germany, but Britain replied that there were no facilities for housing them elsewhere because the French did not want them and there were a number of vacant detention camps in Germany. 1947 September 11, 1947, Paris. The French government has now announced that it would admit the Exodus refugees if they were not forcibly deported from Germany and on the understanding that they will be admitted eventually to Palestine. 1947 September 12, 1947, Palestine. Irgun has threatened to assassinate British representatives in the US Zone of Germany and all British delegations there are under 24-hour guard, the US command announced in Frankfurt-on-the Main. A probe of Irgun thefts from US army ammunition depots in Germany was reported on September 7. 1947 September 20, 1947, Jerusalem. British raids September 1619 uncovered several arms caches and terrorist hideouts in the Jerusalem area. The home of David Ben-Gurion, Jewish Agency executive chairman

1330 was robbed of important papers September 18. In Paris, Rabbi Baruch Korff, leader of a Stern gang plot to bomb London, ended a hunger strike in Sante prison on September 15. 1947 September 23-- Twining Report details how the military should handle UFO contacts. 1947 September 29 Tribunal II of the War Crimes trials begins in Nuremberg. 24 SS defendents including SS Colonel Otto Ohlendorf appear before Justice Michael A. Musmanno, President Judge of the tribunal. 1947 September 7, 1947, Paris. French police state a Stern gang plot to attack London with home-made fire extinguisher bombs from the air was thwarted through the cooperation of Reginald Gilbert of St Louis, Missouri, a student and wartime RCAF and AAF pilot He was taken into custody with Rabbi Baruch Korif, of New York, cochairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine, and Judith Rosenberger, Hungarian-born Stern gang member, as the three started to enter a private plane last night at Toussus-le-Noble field near Versailles. Gilbert informed French police that Korif had approached him in Paris a week ago with an offer for flying a bombing mission over London the day of the Exodus illegal immigrant landings in Germany. Gilbert accepted for some other pilot who would actually perform the mission. He at once notified Paris police, then worked with them and Scotland Yard while pretending to go through with the Stern gang's plot. Korff was charged in Paris on September 9 with illegal possession of bombs he was intending to drop on London. He began a hunger strike. Paris police state that nine other conspirators were in custody. 1947 September 9, 1947. Hamburg, Germany. In a bitter three-hour fight aboard the Runnymede Park, 350 British troops completed a two-day forced debarkation of 4,300 Exodus 1947 illegal Jewish refugees from three ships in Hamburg, Germany. First ashore yesterday were the Ocean Vigour's1,406; a few put up token resistance and five passengers sustained minor injuries. Early today, the Empire Rival's 1,420 passengers debarked peaceably after a home made bomb was found in the ship's hold. Many of the Runnymede Park's 1,485 passengers fiercely resisted the debarkation process and British military units had to use fire hoses and truncheons to rout resisters below decks. The Jews were taken ashore screaming Nazis to the British. Runnymede Park casualties, officially, were 24 Jews and three Britons injured, with 50 leaders of the resistance on that ship taken to jail. German police broke up a Hamburg demonstration by 1,300 Jewish DPs from the Bergen-Belsen camp, where British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin was hanged in effigy on September 7. The debarked Exodus passengers were interned in Poppendorf camp near Luebeck for screening

1331 by nationalities and at first all of them refused to cooperate with British authorities until the passengers were threatened with a diet of bread and water. 1947 The British Medical Research Council begins testing 50,000 children in Britain with the Pertussis vaccine. All children tested are more than 14 months old (not newborns). Eight infants had convulsions within 72 hours of the shot, 34 had convulsions within 28 days of the shot. British doctors denied a connection between the vaccine and the convulsions, declaring the tests a success and began administering it to all British children. Despite the Fact that none of the tests were conducted on children under 14 months old (newborns and babies), the United States holds the tests in evidence that the vaccine is safe for newborns as young as 6 weeks of age. The testing would continue until 1957. Tsarion 1947 The Central Intelligence Group changes its name to the Central Intelligence Agency. 1947 The U.N. General Assembly recommends, after much political pressure, giving Palestine to the Jews as soon as British rule officially ends on Aug. 1, 1948. The Jews do not wait that long. 1947 to 1951, FRANCE According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks; ideal conditions for cementing a long term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseille's first heroin laboratories were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront. 1947 Treaties with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland become effective. Italy loses all of its African possessions and its privileges in China and has to cede European territory to France, Greece, and Albania. The other Axis powers, except Bulgaria, also lose territory. All five nations are required to pay reparations. 1947 , . . [= ! ]. , , 20/5/1947.

1332 ! [ , ]. 1947, 72 . 1947, , , , , . 1947, 245 . 1947, . 1947: Dennis Gabor invents the hologram 1947: India and Pakistan become indepedent 1947: New Zealand becomes an independent country 1947-1952: In the Albanian Subversion, the intelligence services of the United States and Britain deploy exiled fascists, Nazis, and monarchists (especially members of Balli Kombtar and the Legaliteti) in a failed attempt to foment a counterrevolution in Communist-ruled Albania. The exiles carried out some sabotage but found little popular support. Some exiles were captured and executed, along with some ordinary Albanians suspected of assisting them. 1948: following the liberation of Korea, Marxist former guerrillas under Kim Il Sung work to rapidly industrialize the country and rid it of the last vestiges of "feudalism." 1948-1960: Malayan Emergency 1948 Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Attempted assassination of labor leader Walter Reuther. Beginning of Operation Ohio, a CIA program responsible for one hundred European assassinations during the next ten years. Beginning of CIA interest in UFOs as a "security" problem. McCord employed by the FBI. Nixon gains prominence in the Alger Hiss case as member of the House Un- American Activities Committee; goes to Miami where he meets Bebe Rebozo and goes yachting with other underworld-connected figures. Martin Bormann reported living in Argentina. New nation of Israel creates Central Institute for Intelligence and Security. World Council of Churches founded in Amsterdam. - 1948 "Ball Lightning" plagues Svaneke, Denmark. 1948 -1949 China. Marines were dispatched to Nanking to protect the American Embassy when the city fell to Communist troops, and to Shanghai to aid in the protection and evacuation of Americans.

1333 1948 A number of persons told of seeing an immense bird said to be the size of a Piper Cub airplane and to look like a condor along the Illinois-Missouri border. 1948 A study on Pertussis vaccine reaction is done by Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School. They examine 15 children who had reacted violently within 72 hours of a Pertussis vaccination. All the children were normal before the shot. None had ever had a convulsion before. One of the children became blind, deaf, spastic, and helpless after being given the Pertussis shot. Out of the 15 children, two died and nine suffered from damage to their nervous system. Physicians were displeased by these results. Tsarion 1948 An Australian wrote a letter to the Sydney Sun about a carcass he and some friends found on a beach at Dunk Island, off the Great Barrier Reef. According to him, the huge jellyfish-like mass was covered in a tough, furry hide. It was covered in "slits" and had no apparent eyes. 1948 Antibiotics aureomycin and chloromycin prepared. Tsarion 1948 Approximate year of the beginning of Operation Ohio, a CIA program responsible for one hundred European assassinations during the next ten years. 1948 April 1, 1948, New York The UN found that it had transversed a circle from one special General Assembly session to another in its year-long effort to solve the Palestine problem. Britain referred the Holy Land dispute to the UN April 2, 1947, and asked for a special Assembly session, Events since then: 1948 April 1. The Security Council agreed (Russia abstaining) to US proposal for a special Assembly session to reconsider the Palestine problem and passed the US resolution urging an Arab-Jewish truce. 1948 April 10 Otto Ohlendorf is sentenced to death by hanging by the War Crimes Tribunal II at Nuremberg. (Secrets) 1948 April 25, 1948, Jaffa. The Irgun launched an attack on Arab Jaffa claiming that it was a stronghold for Arabs. They also attacked Tel Aviv with 2,000 men, armored cars and mortars and captured the Arab district of Mansielt. Their advance was halted when British fighter planes and light artillery were used against the Irgun. 1948 April 27, 1948, Palestine. Initially condemning the Irgun for its attack on Jaffa, the Haganah reached an agreement with Irgun and the latter agreed to operate under Haganah control. Both groups then attacked, Haganah seizing Jaffa's eastern and southern suburbs. The Arab city was encircled by April 29, and all but 15,000 of Jaffa's Arab inhabitants had been driven from the city, although the town was officially termed an Arab area. In Tel Aviv, the Stern gang robbed Barclays Bank of $1 million.

1334 1948 During the Israeli War of Independence, the Israelis overcame invading Arabs forces at Mishmar Haemek. The reunification of the Jews had been prophesied by Ezekiel in Chapter 28, the same chapter which told of the fall of the King of Tyre. The Kennedy Assassination 1948 April 30, 1948, Jerusalem. Haganah scored victories against the Arab residents after fruitless UN efforts to arrange a truce that would protect historical shrines in the ancient Walled City. Jewish extremists threatened to dynamite the Arab Dome of the Rock Mosque unless all Arabs immediately evacuated Jerusalem. The British response was that if this happened, they would blow up the Wailing Wall, the last remnant of the destroyed temple. The Haganah agreed to respect both Arab and Christian monuments but insisted all Arabs and Christians must leave Jerusalem. In a move they described as defensive, the Haganah overran the Christian Arab Katamon quarter in southwestern modern Jerusalem and captured most of the Moslem Mamilla cemetery. Jewish workers seized the general post office in Jerusalem. In Katamon, Haganah captured St Simon's Greek Orthodox Monastery, drove out the monks and vandalized the building. British troops stepped in to prevent further massacre of the Arabs. 1948 April 4, 1948, New York A Zionist rally in New York's Madison Square Park was attended by 100,000 persons, including 40,000 Jewish war veterans. 1948 April 6, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorists invaded the British Army's largest Palestine camp near Pardes Hannan south of Haifa in a raid for firearms and murdered seven British soldiers. 1948 April 9, 1948, Jerusalem. Irgun and Stern gang terrorists stormed an Arab suburb of Jerusalem, Dir Yashin, killing 250 Arabs, half of them women and children. 1948 April 9, 1948, Washington The US. Department of State refused to lift its embargo on arms shipments to the Middle East 1948 Assassination of Gandhi in India. Tsarion 1948 August 31. Special Palestine Committee (UNSCOP) recommended partition, internationalized Jerusalem. 1948 August 6 A Jewish correspondent (Americanus) writing in the London "Jewish Chronicle," states, "Most of the persons who have cudgelled their wits over the problem, have neglected one of the most obvious impacts on American life Jews have made, in the mass entertainment media -- radio, films, the stage, night clubs. One might almost say that American culture as a whole has taken on certain Jewish overtones." Antisemites quickly picked up on this assertion and added it as an editor's note to a new edition of Henry Ford's "The International Jew."

1335 1948 August to September--PROJECT SIGN issues a formal Estimate of the Situation. It concludes that flying saucers are real and that they probably come from outer space. 1948 Auschwitz plaque reads "Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers between the years 1940 and 1945." (cf. 1990 plaque) 1948 Beginning of CIA interest in UFOs as a "security" problem. 1948 CIA begins to study behavior influencing drugs. Tsarion 1948 Crowleyean ritual magic allegedly worked by Jack Parsons and reputed Naval Intelligence agent Ron Hubbard, who would later found the Church of Scientology, based on initiatory grades and a cosmology reminiscent of Theosophy. Interestingly, the symbol of Scientology is identical to the Crowley emblem depicted in the Book of Thoth. Hubbard is reported to have maintained that he was a reincarnation of Cecil Rhodes. Tsarion 1948 December 11. Britain set May 15 as the date for surrender of its mandate over Palestine. 1948 December 5--A number of green fireballs, flares or streaks are seen over around Albuquerque, New Mexico. They are seen thereafter, nearly every night through December and January. 1948 December--Moscow, Russia. Above Moscow a number of longish, fish-shaped metal objects were seen, reflecting the sunlight. 1948 Dr. Sander, Veterans Administration, discovers sugar intake related to polio development. Tsarion 1948 England bans smallpox vaccine. Tsarion 1948 February 1, 1948, Jerusalem. Arab groups took credit for a bombing that destroyed the Palestine Post building. The newspaper had an extensive history of inciting the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem to destroy Arabs and force them out of Palestine. 1948 February 1, 1948, Milwaukee. WI, Moshe Shertok, Jewish Agency political director, stated that statements that Communist agents were among the intercepted Pan York and Pan Crescent immigrants from Bulgaria were untrue. Shartok cited a statement from Cyprus refugee camp commissioner, Sir Godfrey Collins, confirming his statement Collins subsequently denied making such a statement .Shertok further said that the Jews of Palestine welcomed all Jews into their country and that Jewish Communists were equally welcome. He denied rumors of Soviet clandestine assistance to various Jewish terrorist groups. 1948 February 10, 1948, Jerusalem. British military units prevented Arabs from bringing dynamite and firebombs into Jerusalem's Old City in an attempt to blow up its Jewish Quarter.

1336 1948 February 10, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorist groups murdered ten Arabs near an RAF camp in central Palestine A further 23 Arabs were murdered by Jewish groups throughout Palestine. 1948 February 11, 1948, Palestine. The British Royal Navy intercepted the ship Beleaguered Jerusalem off Nahariya and its 679 Jewish illegal immigrants were transshipped to Cyprus. 1948 February 13, 1948, Palestine. A British Army sergeant was arrested in a probe of the death of four Jewish terrorists who were arrested at their sniper post and then released in an Arab neighborhood. The Jews were immediately stoned to death by the Arabs. 1948 February 15, 1948, Galilee. Jewish terrorists raided an Arab settlement in upper Galilee, killing 30 Arabs, including 10 children, and blew up bridges. 1948 February 16, 1948, New York The UN Palestine Commission reported to the Security Council that it would take a UN military force to save the Palestine partition from catastrophic failure. The report criticized (c)ertain elements of the Jewish community, for irresponsible ads of violence which worsen the security situation. The Commission quoted official British figures on Palestine casualties during November 30-February 1: 869 killed, including 427 Arabs, 381 Jews, 46 British and 15 of other nationalities; 1,909 wounded, including 1,035 Arabs, 725 Jews, 135 British and 14 others. 1948 February 16, 1948. Assembly's Palestine Commission asked for UN army to enforce partition over Arab resistance. 1948 February 20, 1948, Jerusalem. Twelve Jewish terrorists, including Moshe Svorai, second in command of the Stern gang, escaped from the Central Prison in Jerusalem. 1948 February 22, 1948, Jerusalem. Two truckloads of high explosives were detonated in Ben Yehuda Street in the Jewish section of Jerusalem. The blast leveled a three block Jewish business center, killing at least 60 with 20 missing and 200 injured. Jews blamed the British because armored trucks with police insignia had escorted the truck bombs into the area. 1948 February 23, 1948, Palestine. Northern Palestine Arabs took credit for the BenYehuda bombing and said they had carried out the attack as retaliation for a Jewish bombing that had killed seven Arabs in Ramleh. 1948 Hideki Tojo , 6 30 2 . 40 18 1941 22 1944.

1337 23 1948. 1948 February 24. US. sidestepped endorsing forcible partition, asked the Council to seek Arab-Jewish agreement 1948 February 27, 1948, Jerusalem. Two anti-Communist Polish residents of Jerusalem were murdered by Stem gang terrorists who claimed the Poles were pro-Arab. 1948 February 29, 1948, Rehoveth. The British Mandate Government denounced the Jewish Agency after 28 British soldiers were killed and 35 seriously injured when a Haifa-bound train from Cairo was blown up. Stern gang terrorists took credit for the bombing of the British train as revenge for the Ben Yehuda Street bombing in Jerusalem. 1948 February 3, 1948, Jerusalem. Stern gang terrorists killed two British policemen because the bombers of the Post had allegedly worn police uniforms. Arabs attacked the Jerusalem Central Prison but were driven off by the guards. The British Foreign Office sent Bulgaria a note of rebuke for deliberately conniving in the transshipment of illegal Soviet immigrants to Palestine. 1948 George H. W. Bush graduates from Yale University and the Skull and Bones. It is known that George HW Bush is a distant cousin of the Queen of England, part of the Black Nobility which traces its power back 5,000 years. Tsarion 1948 George Orwell writes his book 1948, later renamed 1984. Tsarion 1948 In North Carolina, Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler reveals that sugar and starches lower the blood sugar level, producing hypoglycemia, and that soda pop (recently introduced) contains phosphoric acid that absorbs phosphorus and sulfates in food before natural metabolism can get it to the nervous system, causing the nerve trunks to fail to function properly. Sandler says that dairy products and sugared soft drinks are aggravating the incidence of polio. Tsarion 1948 In the middle of 1948, President Truman along with his top aides and generals made a visit to an Air Force Base in Juneau, Alaska. As the story goes a live alien emerged from a 150-foot craft. "Earth members of the meeting could not understand some of the space people's humble beliefs and actions." 1948 Israel comes into existence, displacing indigenous population. Tsarion 1948 Israel creates Central Institute for Intelligence and Security. Tsarion

1338 1948 January 10, 1948, Jerusalem. The official death toll in Palestine since November 29 (when the UN voted for partition) had risen to 646. 1948 January 12, 1948, Tel Aviv. Stern gang members looted Barclays Bank in Tel Aviv of $37,000. 1948 January 13, 1948. Washington. The US War Assets Administration received orders from Army Secretary Kenneth Royal to cancel its sale of 199 tons of M-3 explosive to a purchasing agent of the Jewish Agency, which got 73 tons out of the country before the rest was seized. 1948 January 14-15, 1948, New York The FBI arrested six Newark men on charges of trying to ship Haganah 60,000 pounds of TNT, which was seized in Jersey City after having been bought from the Letterkenny Arsenal Ordnance Depot in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. 1948 January 16-17, 1948, Haifa. Zionists claimed they had murdered 82 Arabs, mostly civilians, in a 24 hour period. In retaliation for the massacres, Arabs machine-gunned 35 Haganah men who were en route to attack another Arab farming settlement. 1948 January 17, 1948, Jerusalem: The official death toll of Arabs killed by Jewish terrorists since November 29 had risen to 831. 1948 January 22--Air Force Gen. Nathan Twining, head of the Air Technical Service Command, established PROJECT SIGN (initially named Project SAUCER) to collect, collate, evaluate, and distribute within the government all information relating to such sightings, on the premise that UFOs might be real and of national security concern. 1948 January 25, 1948, Jerusalem. Following the deaths of ten Jews and two Arabs killed in a battle outside Jerusalem, British authorities stated that 721 Arabs, 408 Jews, 19 civilians and 12 British policemen (a total of 1,160) had been killed in an eight-week period that 1,171 Arabs, 749 Jews, 13 civilians and 37 British officers had been wounded. 1948 January 26, 1948, Palestine. Mrs. Gold Meyerson, Jewish Agency political director in Jerusalem, and Mote Sheraton, chief of all Agency political operations, told the UN Palestine Commission that Jews must arm against possible Arab threats and Sheraton demanded a UN policy that would compel the US to lift its embargo on arms destined for Jewish groups in the Middle East. 1948 January 28, 1948, Jerusalem. Rabbi Hillel Silver, chief of the Jewish Agency's American division, cut short a trip to Jerusalem to return to the US and campaign for American public support of armed Jewish backing for partition and eventual Zionist control of all Palestine. On January 27, his agency called upon 15,000 young men and women to join Haganah by February 15. British intelligence reports indicate that

1339 Haganah had grown from 3,500 to 12,000 full-time members since December 1. 1948 January 31, 1948, London. British Foreign Office officials revealed that over 1,000 Soviets, all Russian-speaking Communist military technicians, had been intercepted on the immigrant ships Pan York and Pan Crescent 1948 January 3-10, 1948, Palestine. Extensive Jewish Agency purchases of US war surplus high explosives with which to fight Arabs were disclosed in the New York City area. While 191 tons of TNT and the more powerful M-3 were seized before shipment, 73 tons cleared New York for Palestine. The TNT shipment was accidentally discovered when longshore men loading the American Export Lines freighter Executor in Jersey City on January 3, dropped a box marked industrial machinery and while attempting to repair the box, found cans of TNT bearing US Army markings. The machinery proved to be 32 1/2 tons of TNT, which the US Customs impounded as contraband because of the ban on American arms shipments to the Middle East On January 10, the FBI was attempting to trace the source of the contraband. The Jewish Agency for Palestine acknowledged on January 10 that it had purchased 199 tons of M-3 from the War Assets Administration at the Army's Seneca Ordnance Depot near Romulous, New York Federal and state agents recovered 126 tons from a farmhouse and trucks near Asbury Park, New Jersey, and Barclay Heights and Saugerties, New York on January 8-9 but 73 tons were believed to be en route to Palestine. The Jewish Agency called its transaction with the WAA legal, admitted having set up Foundry Associates, Inc in New York with a Haganah agent in charge, to buy explosives for their war on the Arabs. The FBI said Leonard Weisman, president of three New York firms (Pratt Steamship Line, Material Redistribution Corporation and Paragon Design and Development Co) gave the Haganah agent office space but did nothing illegal.WAA stopped all deliveries on unfulfilled orders on January 9 in the New York area. It said Foundry Associates, Inc., had sworn that it was a normal trader in explosives, thereby qualifying to buy the M-3, and that the export question was a US Department of State matter. 1948 January 4, 1948, Jaffa. A series of Jewish terrorist bombings inflicted heavy Arab casualties. 14 were killed and 100 injured when the Stern gang destroyed the Arab National Committee headquarters in Jaffa. 1948 January 5, 1948, Jerusalem. 15 Arabs were killed after Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel. 1948 January 6-- In Chehalis, Washington, an elderly woman and a group of children allegedly saw a man with long mechanical wings which he manipulated with instruments on his chest as he flew in an upright position.

1340 1948 January 6, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Government denounced the Semiramis attack as wholesale murder of innocent people but the Jewish Agency alleged that Arab gangs used the hotel and asked why attacks on Jews had not been equally denounced. 14 Arabs were killed by two Irgun terrorist bombs at Jerusalem's Jaffa gate. 1948 January 7--Captain Thomas Mantell, a National Guard pilot, was killed near Louisville, Kentucky trying to chase an UFO in his F-51. It started when a UFO was sighted over Fort Knox, Kentucky and four fighters were sent aloft to intercept it, but only Capt. Thomas F. Mantell was able to get close. "I'm closing in to take a good look," a newspaper quoted him as reporting by radio. "It looks metallic and of tremendous size. It's going up now as fast as I am. That's 350 miles an hour. I'm going up after it. At 20,000 ft., if I'm no closer I'll abandon chase." The F-51 exploded in mid-air and disintegrated before it struck the ground. State Police estimated the saucer to be 250 ft. diameter. 1948 John McCone becomes Secretary of Defense of the United States. McCone gives contracts to Standard Oil and Kaiser Aluminum, in which he already has financial interests. Tsarion 1948 July 1948 - Sir Harold Butler, in the CFR's "Foreign Affairs," sees "a New World Order" taking shape: "How far can the life of nations, which for centuries have thought of themselves as distinct and unique, be merged with the life of other nations? How far are they prepared to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty without which there can be no effective economic or political union?" - 1948 July 24-- Eastern Airlines DC-3, pilot Clarence S. Chiles and co-pilot John B. Whitted, were on a regular run from Houston to Atlanta, At 2:45 a.m. they saw a bright light dead ahead coming rapidly toward them. They pulled to the left to avoid a collision. Looking back they saw the UFO go into a steep climb. The pilots described it as a wingless B-29 fuselage and said that the underside had a deep blue glow. 1948 July 7--A 90' Saucer with a single occupant ("Tomato Man") crashes "30 miles" across the border from Laredo in Mexico, (sufficient details suggest that this is a hoax, or a misinterpretation of an Air Force crash, or a disinformation coup). This may also be the 1949 Sonora, Mexico crash. Four officers witnessed the crash of an object and the recovery of bodies 38 miles south of Laredo, Texas, in Mexico. The information came from an NBC affiliate in Chicago, who received it from a source in Army security. Another publication about this event mentions that one body has been recovered, and that the date of the event is July 7/8, 1948. Either there is a date confusion, as one date could be the event and the other the date of its report, or these are two different cases, as we have one body or more than one body, or there is no truth at all in this information.

1341 1948 June 2 The seven doctors sentenced to death at the "Doctor's Trial" (Karl Brandt, Karl Gebhart, Rudolf Brandt, Joachim Mrugowsky, Wolfram Sievers, Viktor Brack, and Waldemar Hoven) are all hanged at Landsberg prison in Bavaria. The sentences of the remaining defendants are reduced during the appeal process. (Note, After Sievers conviction, Friederick Hielscher received permission to accompany Sievers to the gallows as his spiritual advisor, and it was with him that the condemned man said prayers to a mysterious cult, which was never mentioned throughout his trial. Afterwards, Hielscher returned to obscurity.) (Pauwels) 1948 Lord Franks becomes British Ambassador to the United States. Franks also becomes a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, a director of the Rhodes Trust, a director of Schroder Bank, and chairman of Lloyds Bank. Lord Franks is a member of the London Group which maintains the U.S. as a British colony. Tsarion 1948 Los Alamos underground facility constructed by Brown & Root of Texas. The existence of the 6,000 sf facility declassified in 1959. Tsarion 1948 Louis Sauer makes an interesting observation at an AMA meeting where Pertussis vaccination was discussed. Louis Sauer points out that the neurological damage caused by Pertussis vaccine is the same as the damage caused by Pertussis (whooping cough). (Which is logical, because they use the bacteria in the vaccine). According to Sauer, a customary prophylactic dose of Pertussis vaccine seems to illicit a chain of nervous system reactions and in some cases irreversible pathological changes in the brain. These findings resemble those encountered in cases of severe whooping cough (Pertussis). In other words, the vaccine is causing the disease condition. Tsarion 1948 Lucky Luciano, with U.S. government support, starts heroin labs in Cuba, later turning it over to Santos Trafficante in Miami. Tsarion 1948 Man with silver wings sighted in Chehalis, Washington. 1948 March 1, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Mandate government accused the Jewish Agency of circulating false charges that Britons had committed the BenYehuda bombing and of tolerating Jewish terrorists for political reasons. It warned that continuance of indiscriminate murder would mean forfeiture by the Jewish community of all right to be numbered among civilized peoples. Immediately after issuance of this statement, the car of British Commander Lt Gen. McMillan was bombed near Jerusalem but the general was not in the car at the time. 1948 March 11, 1948, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency's building in Jerusalem was bombed with 13 persons killed and 84 injured. An American car, believed to have been stolen from the US consulate by an

1342 Arab chauffeur, was driven through the agency's elaborate barricades with a load of explosives. The driver escaped. 1948 March 11, 1948, New York. Communist and their left wing labor unions turned out over 10,000 persons in a protest rally against US betrayal of partition. 1948 March 12, 1948, New York An Arab Higher Command paper was issued that charged the Jewish Agency with massing Soviet trained and equipped illegal immigrants in Eastern Europe for war service in Palestine and had set up laboratories for bacteriological warfare. 1948 March 12, 1948, New York Columnist Drew Pearson said in his Washington Merry-Go-Round column that President Harry Truman had given Democratic party leaders the following reason for holding back on enforcement of Palestine partition after having championed this in the UN last year: Russia was after a US Army-built railroad north from the Persian Gulf, plus all Arab oil regions and the Eastern Mediterranean. On March, Pearson had stated in the same forum that President Truman had told a New York publisher that New York Jews were disloyal to the United States. 1948 March 19. After the Big Five conciliation efforts failed, the US abandoned its partition plan and proposed UN trusteeship over Palestine. 1948 March 2, 1948, Haifa. Stern gang terrorists detonated a truckful of explosives at an Arab office building in Haifa, killing at least 14 Arabs. 1948 March 25-- The Aztec, New Mexico UFO Crash & Recovery It was the columnist Frank Scully who first alerted the world to sensational stories of recovered flying saucers and little Aztec Crash Site Area men in his best-selling book Behind the Flying Saucers published in 1950. Scully claimed that up to that time there had been four such recoveries, one of which was alleged to have taken place around Aztec, New Mexico, when sixteen humanoid bodies were recovered together with their undamaged craft. According to Scully's informants, the disk that landed near Aztec was 99.99 feet in diameter, its exterior made of a light metal resembling aluminum but so durable that no amount of heat (up to 10,000 degrees was applied) or diamond-tipped drill had the slightest effect. The disk apparently incorporated large rings of metal which revolved around a central, stabilized cabin, using an unfamiliar gear ratio. There were no rivets, bolts, screws or signs of welding. Investigators were eventually able to gain entry. Scully was told, because of a fracture in one of the portholes, which they enlarged, revealing a knob inside the cabin which when pushed (with a pole) caused a hidden door to open. Sixteen small humanoids, ranging in height from 36 to 42 inches, were supposedly found dead inside the cabin, their bodies charred

1343 to a dark brown color. Scully was told that the craft landed undamaged, having landed under its own guidance. The craft was eventually dismantled, the investigators having discovered that it was manufactured in segments which fitted in grooves and were pinned together around the base. The complete cabin section, measuring 18 feet in diameter was lifted out of the base of the saucer, around which was a gear that fitted a gear on the cabin. These segments, together with the bodies, were then transported to Wright Field (Wright Patterson AFB). Some of the bodies were later dissected and examined by the Air Force, and were found to be similar in all respects to human beings, with the exception of their teeth, which were perfect. According to important information published by William Steinman in 1987 there is a large grain of truth in the Aztec story, and he has managed to acquire some astonishing supportive evidence. Like Scully, he is unwilling to divulge his sources, which inevitably lays him open to charges of fabrication. Steinman discovered that the Aztec disk came to earth on 25 March 1948, having been detected by three separate radar units in the southwest, one of which was said to have disrupted the craft's control mechanism. The area of impact was calculated by triangulation and this information was immediately relayed to Air Defense Command and Gen. George C. Marshall, then Secretary of State, who allegedly contacted the MJ-12 group as well as the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) of the Army Counterintelligence Directorate. The IPU operated out of Camp Hale, Colorado, at this time, Steinman claims, and its main function was to collect and deliver disabled or crashed disks to certain specified secret locations. The craft was recovered within hours by the IPU scout team about 12 miles northeast of ufo landing spotAztec. General Marshall ordered Air Defense Command to go off alert status, and the radar units were advised that there had been a false alarm. Marshall then gave orders to the commander of the IPU to organize a recovery team and contacted Dr. Vannevar Bush - the. head of MJ-12 to gather together a team of scientists to accompany the IPU to the crash site. 1948 March 25--Another UFO was located in White Sands Proving Ground--It was 100 feet in diameter. 1948, 50.000 16/10, . 1947, , , , . 1948 March 30, 1948, New York Soviet and Jewish groups informed the UN Security Council that they defended the UN's previous

1344 decision for a separate Jewish state. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko, told the Security Council that partition was a just solution, that he was not convinced that it could not be carried out peacefully and that by wrecking it the US would have to take the full blame for a serious blow upon the UN organization. 1948 March 30, 1948, Palestine. British authorities released the latest casualty figures: In March, 566 persons, including 271 Jews 256 Arabs, 39 British and others were killed. 1948 March 4, 1948, Ramallah. In retaliation for the Haifa bombing of March 2, Arabs ambushed and killed 17 Haganah youths near RamaIlah 1948 March 5, 1948, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency stated that large-scale Jewish arms shipments were ready in various Mediterranean ports destined for the arming of Jewish partisans in Palestine to fight and drive out the Arab population of what the Agency stated was eternal Jewish land that could not be occupied by either the British or the Arabs. 1948 March 5, 1948, Tel Aviv. Haganah killed 15 Arabs near Tel Aviv in revenge for the March 4 ambush of their members 1948 March--Possible UFO crash in Socorro, NM. A second craft came down in this vicinity that was much like the Aztec craft according to an ex-army private. 1948 3 , ! 1948 May 14 Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel 1948 May 14 The state of Israel is officially proclaimed. 1948 May 15 Five neighboring Arab countries invade, and the 1948 Arab-Israeli war ensues. 1948 May 15, Israel War of Independence (1948 War). Declaration of Israel as the Jewish State; British leave Palestine; Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia declared war on Israel. Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian invasion began. 1948 May 16, 1948, New York The number of states recognizing Israel increased to eight this week, and the new country applied for admission to the UN. Russia immediately granted recognition on May 17, implying that it recognized Israel's government as the de jure (legal) government while the United States recognized Israel only as the de facto (in fact) government 1948 May 2, 1948, Jerusalem. The British finally halted widespread strife in Jerusalem by rushing several thousand mechanized army units and Royal Marine commandos back to Palestine. Their primary purpose was to protect Arab civilians who were being slaughtered by rampaging Zionists.

1345 1948 May 22, 1948, Jerusalem. Thomas Wasson, US Consul General in Jerusalem and a member of the Council's Truce Commission, was fatally wounded by a Stern gang sniper near the US Consulate. Two other Consulate members were also assaulted, one dying the next day. 1948 May 4, 1948, Tel Aviv. The 37-man Jewish Legislative Council met in Tel Aviv and heard Premier-designate David Ben-Gurion declare that 150,000 Arabs had been driven from their homes in the past five months but that the Jews haven't lost a single settlement The Stern gang resumed direct war against the British for protecting the Arab population of Jerusalem. Seven British soldiers were killed near Nethanya. At the same time, the Stern gang took credit for a letter bomb which killed the young brother of a British army officer in England. 1948 May 5-8, 1948, Palestine. The Haganah, now styling itself a Jewish Army, struck Upper Galilee in northeastern Palestine and claimed to have crushed any Arab resistance by the end of the week. Safad, capital of Upper Galilee and normally a city of 15,000 Arabs, was reported by the Jewish Agency as having been cleansed of Arabs by May 6. The only remaining occupants of the town were 2,000 Jews. Haganah announced that all Arab property had been confiscated from the owners and would be given to Jewish settlers. 1948 May 6, 1948, Jerusalem. Haganah was redesignated as the Jewish State Army and reported that 200 aircraft, later revealed by British authorities as having come from Czechoslovakia, whose new communist government is almost entirely composed of Zionists and who have been pouring weapons into Palestine, are slated to reinforce the new army. The army will be increased to 85,000 immediately. 1948 National Campaign Against Cancer conducted by medical monopoly to gain financial support. Tsarion 1948 Nixon travels to Miami where he meets with Bebe Rebozo and goes yachting with other underworld connected figures. 1948 North Carolina polio cases number 2,498. See 1949. Tsarion 1948 November 18--An Air Force pilot chases a UFO near Washington DC. 1948 November 23-- Furstenfeldbruck Air Base, W. Germany: Two USAF F-80s scrambled to intercept radar contact moving at 900kts-UFO seen visually as an orange "glowing circle". F-80s unable to close in and RTB when low on fuel. 1948 November 29. Assembly approved partition, 33-13 (10 abstentions): US led the fight for a separate Jewish state. Intensified Arab-Jewish fighting in Palestine. 1948 October 1-- Lt. George F. Gorman of the North Dakota National Guard was approaching Fargo, flying an F-51. The tower called

1346 his attention to a Piper Cub which he saw below him. As he prepared to land, suddenly what he took to be the tail-light of another plane passed him on his right, but the control tower assured him no other planes were in the area. Chasing the light, he got within 1,000 yd. of it. It had been blinking but suddenly became steady and started to move rapidly with the F-51 pursuit. There followed a complicated chase in which Gorman had to dive on one occasion to avoid collision. Suddenly the light began to climb and disappeared. The Air Weather Service provided an analysis which indicated that Gorman had been chasing a lighted balloon. 1948 October 15--Near Fukuoka, Japan: F-61 Black Widow tracked cylindrical object on radar-crew had 30 sec. of visual contactUFO then took off and disappeared-UFO believed by FEAF to had radar as it seemed to know the F-61's maneuvers at all times. 1948 February 1948: Communist coup in Czechoslovakia June 1948: The Soviet Union enacts a blockade of West Berlin September 1948: communist North Korea declares independence under its leader Kim Il Sung, chosen by the Soviet Union November 1948: The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee is disbanded 1948 October--Air Force Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenburg rejects the Estimate of the Situation, saying there is not enough evidence to support its conclusions about UFOs. Many attempts have been made by researchers under the FOIA to trace the "Estimate of the Situation" but without any luck. He is one of the alleged members of the Majestic-12 group. 1948 Operation Ohio, a CIA plan for assassination, begins. Over 100 European figures are assassinated under this program before 1958. Tsarion 1948 Oscar Ewing convenes National Health Convention to enroll U.S. in WHO. Tsarion 1948 Polio cases in North Carolina number 2,498. Tsarion 1948 Price of uranium rises to $1600 per ton. Tsarion 1948 Project Phoenix I allegedly comes on line, using microwave energy to cause brain damage. Tsarion 1948 Randolph Byes and Frederick Moll of Harvard Medical School validate that severe neurological disorders follow the administration of DPT vaccine. The research was performed at Childrens Hospital in Boston and published in Pediatrics magazine. Nothing was done by physicians to halt the use of DPT vaccine. Tsarion 1948 Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School publish an article describing children who had suffered brain damage after receiving Pertussis vaccine. The findings provided the first clear evidence that the vaccine caused the serious neurological complications in children. Tsarion

1347 1948 Selective Service Act provides continuous military draft until 1973. Tsarion 1948 September 17, 1948, Jerusalem. Angered by his order to readmit 8,000 Arab refugees driven from three villages near Haifa by attacks of Jewish terrorists, the Stern gang assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator for Palestine. Also killed in the attack was French Col. Andre Serot, chief of France's 100-man contingent in the unarmed UN truce-observer team. 1948 Standard Oil changes its name to Esso, which acquires a large interest in Arabian American Oil Company and Oil companies in Switzerland. Tsarion 1948 , [ 444 ]. 1948-54 CIA Huk. 1948 Study done in England where bone defects in three groups of school boys were studied. Two groups were from districts where the water supply was practically free of fluorine. The third group was from the town of Launton, where the natural water supply contains 1 ppm of fluorine (the same as the level deemed safe by the U.S. Public Health Service). X-ray examination revealed that 20 percent of the first two groups had mild non-specific spinal irregularities. In the third group, the one consuming 1 ppm fluoride in their water, 64% were found to have spinal defects, and lesions were more severe. Tsarion 1948 16 1948, "" , . , . : CBS . , , . , , , . , , "" . , . , ,

1348 "" , ! . , . . , . , , . . , . ; "" . , . ; 1960 . , . 1948 The Rockefeller milk trust sells frozen products and pasteurized milk in North Carolina, closely allied with the Coca Cola company which sells large quantities of carbonated soft drinks. Tsarion 1948 Truman elected President of the United States. Tsarion 1948 U.S. Marshall Plan $17 billion European Aid. Tsarion 1948 Value of television as mass control medium realized. Tsarion 1948 Walter Freeman, who performed more than 3,500 lobotomies, demonstrates his icepick technique at the University of Virginia in Charlotteville. Tsarion 1948 Wellcome Trust (UK) Oliver Franks ambassador to U.S. until 1952. Tsarion 1948 World Council of Churches founded in Amsterdam, Holland. Tsarion 1948 14 1948. , 4 ,

1349 . , , , , . . . [ ], , , , , , Louise Fitzherbet . . .. , , , , , [ , ] . [ ] . 1948 1948 Louise Fitzherbet. 1948, ". "Traitors", = . , , , "... , , 1897 ... , . . ...". 1948: Burma becomes independent 1948: Ceylon becomes independent 1948: Israel becomes independent 1948: The Federation of Malaysia is born under British rule 1948, May 14 - State of Israel created. "On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was declared by the U.N." 211:79 "...the State of Israel was created by the United Nations in 1948. Its symbol, the six-pointed star, adorns the Israeli Knesset and flies on the flag of Israel. In retrospect the six-pointed star was an Egyptian occult symbol which King Solomon adopted when he went into idolatry and witchcraft and built an altar for Ashteroth (star). It was seen in Arab magic and occultism and cabalism with very rare associations with Jews (and these were obviously cabalists)

1350 till the 16th century and the influence of the Cabalist Isaac Luria to the 17th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer used it on his door. Then he changed his family's name to Rothschild, meaning red shield, incorporating it into the family's coat of arms. Finally, it became the insignia of Zionism." - 211:51-2 "On 14 May 1948 -- the day before the British mandate was scheduled to expire -- the Jewish People's Council met in the Tel Aviv Museum and declared their own independent state of Israel... The final cease fire took effect on 7 January 1949." - 565:15 1949, May Israel admitted to United Nations. In May, 1949, Israel was admitted to the U.N. 1949 -- Report critical of CIA filed and forgotten, unread by Truman; Central Intelligence Act exempts CIA from disclosure laws. E. Howard Hunt becomes CIA agent; Clay Shaw becomes agent for CIA's Domestic Contact Service. The Gehlen Organization transferred to CIA control. U.S. Army begins 20 years of simulated germ warfare attacks against American cities, conducting at least 239 open air tests. Interpol granted consultive status by UN. Chaing Kai-shek flees to Formosa; mainland China taken by communist leaders; Social Affairs Dept. and other Chinese secret police created. Trial of Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary following his brainwashing and confession of conspiracy. - 1949 A report appears in the August 1949 issue of Diseases of the Nervous System featuring research by Spradley and Marin-Foucher entitled Hypothermia: A New Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders. The authors note that the most complete investigations in the biophysiological field were carried out by German researchers in WWII, and discuss some 30 experiments done on mental patients in the United States. Tsarion 1949 Air Force begins tunneling into Manzano Mountains to create underground facilities for nuclear weapons storage. A second facility constructed in 1989. Tsarion 1949 Alien vessel crashes allegedly near Roswell, NM (not to be confused with the famous 1947 event). Six aliens recovered, one survivor (aka EBE-1 ("Extraterrestrial Biological Entity"), it lives until 1952) 1949 AMA Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry goes on record to deny that dietary changes could have anything to do with prevention or treatment of cancer. Tsarion 1949 April 18 The Republic of Ireland is formally proclaimed in Dublin. 1949 April 27--The USAF begins its PR campaign against the flying saucer myth. 1949 April 3, Armistice - Israel and Arab states agree to armistice. Israel gained about 50% more territory than was originally allotted to it by the UN Partition Plan.

1351 1949 April 30--An article by Sidney Shallett called "What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers" is published in the Saturday Evening Post. 1949 August 19--Possible UFO crash in Death Valley, California. Two prospectors named Mace Garney and Buck Fitzgerald claimed to have watched an object crash in the desert. It was a 24-foot disc. The story appeared on page 13 of the local Bakersfield newspaper the next day. 1949 Autopsies of soldiers killed in Korea reveal 80% had advanced heart disease. Tsarion 1949 California Jewish Voice newspaper editor Sammy Gach praises (in print) the fact that the Soviet Union now has the A bomb (Sept. 30). 1949 Central Intelligence Act exempts CIA from disclosure laws. Tsarion 1949 Central Intelligence Agency Act exempts CIA from disclosure laws. 1949 Construction starts on AEC property in Nevada for Groom Lake Facility. Tsarion 1949 Creation of Chinese Secret Police. Tsarion 1949 David Fry is abducted from White Sands and taken to space. He meets "Allen" for the first time. 1949 December--True magazine prints Major Donald Keyhoe's article about UFOs titled "The Flying Saucers Are Real!". 1949 Egas Moniz, the first lobotomist, receives Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition for his discovery. (See 1935). Tsarion 1949 February 11--PROJECT SIGN concludes that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, and that ALFs ("Alien Life Forms") exist. The project ended and came up with the result that 20% of all reports were unexplainable. The Project is concluded and replaced by PROJECT GRUDGE. The name change is reflective of a change in attitude towards UFOs by the USAF. 1949 February to March--Events in Mount Ranier, Maryland which will eventually be fictionalized in the novel and movie "the Exorcist". 1949 Former Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius dies an untimely death at the age of 49. His sudden death is said to have been caused by a heart attack, but rumors have persisted that it may not have been by natural causes. (see Liberia, International Bank of Washington) 1949 France: Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm with a green lightning flash. It became dark. As he approached the craft, the witness saw three figures with stocky short legs, apparently without heads. Frightened, he fired at them three times. A moment later the object took off vertically.

1352 1949 Gehlen organization transferred to CIA control. Tsarion 1949 Gerald Brousseau Gardner publicly announces that he is a witch. 1949 Interpol granted consultive status by the United Nations. Tsarion 1949 Jan. 7 The 1948 Arab-Israeli war ends. 1949 January 27-- Captain Sames, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch, Eglin AFB, and Mrs. Sames watched for 25 minutes while a cigar-shaped object as long as two Pullman cars and having seven lighted square windows and throwing sparks, descended and then climbed with a bouncing motion at an estimated 400 m.p.h near Cortez-Bradenton, Florida. A Project Blue Book "Unexplained" case. 1949 January 4-- USAF pilot Capt. Paul Storey witnessed on ground at Hickam Field, Hawaii one flat white, elliptical object with a matte top circled while oscillating to the right and left, and then sped away. A Project Blue Book "Unexplained" case. 1949 John J. McCloy is U.S. Military Governor and High Commissioner of Germany until 1952. Tsarion 1949 May 21--Admiral Forrestal's brother alerts the government that he intends on taking the Admiral home from the hospital. 1949 May 22--Early morning suicide (assassination?) of James V. Forrestal at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward. Forrestal is convinced that he is being followed by Israeli agents. Oddly enough, he was. 1949 May 5--Founding of the "European Movement", leading to the establishment of the "Council of Europe" with its headquarters in Strasbourg. 1949 Morris Fishbein removed from the AMA editorship. Tsarion 1949 Noticing that polio strikes most in the summer, when children increase their intake of sugar, Dr. Sandler warns residents to cut down on sugar and dairy products in North Carolina. Polio cases dramatically decrease to 249. (See 1948). Tsarion 1949 November 9 The East German Parliament in Berlin unanimously passes a law restoring full citizenship rights to ex-Nazis and army officers. From now on any Russian Zone Nazi - unless he has been convicted of war crimes - can vote, hold public office, and pursue almost any profession. East German Deputy Premier Walter Ulbricht explaining the civil rights law for Nazis and militarists, said that "anti-Fascist forces were sufficiently consolidated," and besides, "many have repented." (International Herald Tribune, Nov. 10, 1949, Nov. 10 1999.) 1949 November The widow of General Ludendorff, on trial at Nuremberg, explains why her husband broke with Hiter, stating, " early as the summer of 1929 James P. Warburg had undertaken an assignment from financial circles in America, which desired to exercise

1353 solitary influence on Germany in the unleashing of a national revolution. Warburg's task," she said, "was to find the suitable man in Germany, and he entered into contract with Adolph Hitler who subequently received sums of money amounting to 27 million dollars up to January 30, 1932, and still another seven million thereafter, enabling him to finance his movement." (Williams Intelligence Summary, Feb. 1950) 1949 Onassis buys the U.S. surplus liberty ships. Tsarion 1949 President Truman commissions a study into the "Foo Fighters" that plagued both sides during World War 11. The Foo Fighters were meter wide balls of light that paced both the German and Allied planes during the war. Both sides in the war considered the possibility that the objects were secret weapons being used by the other side. The issue of what the objects were was never really resolved during the war. General Jimmy Doolittle headed up the study into what the Foo Fighters had been. The study done by General Doolittle concluded that both sides had reported having been paced by the objects. Doolittle reported to the President that the objects had not been secret German or Allied weapons. Finally Doolittle told President Truman that the objects were "most likely of extraterrestrial origin." 1949 Rand Corporation established as an outgrowth of Strategic Bombing Survey, an analysis of the psychological effects of the bombing of German population centers during the war. I. G. Farben escaped damage during the war. Tsarion 1949 Rand Corporation's Dr. Irving Janis recommends to the U.S.A.F. that they initiate a study to note the effects of electrical frequencies on the human brain. Tsarion 1949 Reports of green fireballs sighted in the skies of New Mexico began pouring in last December. In February, a meeting of experts such as Dr. Lincoln La Paz an astronomer for the University of New Mexico was held to discuss them. In June, PROJECT TWINKLE is set up to study them, but it accomplishes nothing due to under-funding. LaPaz conclusion was that these fireballs were neither meteorites or conventional fireballs. Later PROJECT TWINKLE was shut down. 1949 Soviets explode a nuclear device. Tsarion 1949 , . Los Alamos, , . . O EBE (xtraterrestrial Biological Entity).

1354 , 25.000 , , . , . O . , . , , Guillermo Mendoza . O . 1951, 18 1952, . 1949 The recently launched anti-Semitic campaign in the Soviet Union continues to arrest members of the Jewish Antifascist Committee (JAC). (Britannica) 1949 The Weizmann Institute of Science, incorporating the Sieff Institute, is founded at Rehovot, Israel. Chaim Weizmann is appointed director. 1949 The West German intelligence, under Gehlen, is firmly under the control of the CIA. 1949 The Western powers consolidate their sectors into the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), a constitutional democracy. The Soviets establish the Communist-run German Democratic Republic in their eastern zone. 1949 Trial of Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary following his brainwashing and confession of conspiracy. 1949 U.S. Army begins 20 year period of simulated germ warfare attacks on American cities, conducting 239 open air tests with biological agents. Tsarion 1949 U.S. General George Marshall pressures Chiang Kai-Shek, forcing his government to Formosa, clearing the way for the Korean War to occur. Tsarion 1949 U.S. Navy scientists use a theodolite to observe a daylight disc UFO near Arrey, New Mexico, USA. 1949 U.S. Public Health Service Division of Biologics Standards establish a national potency test for Pertussis vaccine, and modify it in 1953 to establish potency limits. Despite this, the Pertussis vaccine that is pronounced safe still causes minimal brain damage (MBD) in humans. Tsarion 1949 US Army begins 20 years of "simulated" germ warfare attacks against American cities, conducting at least 239 open air tests.

1355 1949, . , , , , 19 , 7 . 5 " !, !!!". 23 , .. 2 , " ". . 2 , , . 1949, 3 , " , 20.000.000 ". 1949, , . . , , , , , "... , . , , , . , , , ' ... ", , J. Scott, A. Spenser, G. Winrod, , . . , 1994, . , . 198. 1949, 69 . 54 74. , 14 . 1949: the Communist-led Chinese Revolution under chairman Mao overthrows the ruling Nationalist Party and establishes the People's Republic of China. February 1949: The Pravda launches an antisemitic ("anticosmopolitan") campaign June 1949: 30,000 Greeks are deported from Georgia to Kazakhstan August 1949: Several leaders of the Communist Party in Leningrad are arrested, accused of a USA-funded conspiracy against Stalin (the "Leningrad Affair"), and many are

1356 executed after a secret trial August 1949: Communists seize power in Hungary and enact a socialist constitution August 1949: The Greek communists are defeated 1949: The Soviet Union detonates its first atomic bomb (based on American designs stolen by Klaus Fuchs) 1949: The Soviet Union forms the Comecom, an economic alliance of the communist countries 1949: 90 thousand people are deported from the Baltic republic to Siberia, as well as 94 thousand Moldavians and 60 thousand Greeks, Armenians and Turks from the Black Sea 1949: The communists win the Chinese civil war 1949: The Soviet Union explodes its first nuclear weapon 1950: The Soviet Union defeats the OUN in Ukraine June 1950: communist North Korea (with approval from Stalin) attacks capitalist South Korea, but the invasion fails after USA intervention 1950: Jayuya revolt in Puerto Rico, explosion in the Blair House, and shooting at Congress, all looking for Puerto Rican independence. 1950 -- Attempted assassination of Truman by Puerto Rican nationalists. Korean War begins. Congress passes McCarran's Internal Security Act setting up program for detention of subversives. Hiss convicted of perjury; Nixon elected to Senate after smear campaign against California opponent. U.S. Army engages in "simulated" germ warfare in San Francisco and the Pentagon. National Council of Churches founded in U.S. CIA organizes the Pacific Corporation, a large holding company which was the first of many CIA "private" enterprises. Alleged CIA plot to introduce UFO contact ideas with "Little Green Men" stories and radio contact "from space." Malcolm X receives visit from an MIB while in prison. Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky proposes a catastrophic theory of ancient history in which a huge "comet" of matter is ripped out of Jupiter, approaches Earth close enough to cause universal fire/flood legends in primitive folklore and the settles into orbit as a new planet, Venus; Velikovsky receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists, thought 20 years later Jupiter is generally considered a "cold star" rather than a planet and Velikovsky's prediction of a hot climate on Venus is confirmed. Approximate starting date of building of Mount Weather, secret American government fortress. - 1950 -1953 Korea. U.S. responded to North Korean invasion of South Korea by being ordered to go to its assistance by the United Nations; Congressional Authorization was not sought. The Korean fiasco aroused American voters who were offered, the Jew, Dwight D. Eisenhower for President, a soldier who they thought would surely win that ridiculous war. Eisenhower did end the war, but not by winning

1357 which could easily have been done, but by yielding to Communist terms and insults he provided the festering sore of a divided Korea; 1950 A man and his wife saw a double saucer with portholes and a rotating antenna come to rest on the surface of Steep Rock Lake, Canada. Ten figures, 1.20 m tall, dressed in shiny clothing, emerged and walked on deck like robots "changing direction without turning their bodies." Their faces could not be seen. One of them wore a red cap, had darker arms and legs and "seemed to be their chief." They immersed a hose in the lake, then took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss forming on the lake. 1950 A UFO crashes near Laredo, Texas, about 30 miles inside the Mexican border (See the July 7 1948 crash). 1950 A UFO is photographed near McManville, Oregon. 1950 Airliner Northwest 2501 is shot down by a UFO over Lake Michigan. 1950 Alleged CIA plot to introduce UFO contact ideas and radio contact from space. Tsarion 1950 April-- A Canby, Oregon, woman, Ellen Jonerson, sees a 12inch little man with dark features, stocky build, and a plaid shirt. Walking with a "waddling" motion, he passed under a car and disappeared. 1950 April--Mr. E.C. Bossa found a strange disc and four small dead pilots in a remote region of Argentina. He returned with a friend the next day and found only a pile of warm ashes. A cigar-shaped object was seen briefly as it flew overhead at a high altitude. 1950 Attempted assassination of Truman by Puerto Rican Nationalists. Tsarion 1950 Beginning of the CIA's UFO disinformation plot to introduce UFO contact ideas with "Little Green Men" stories and radio contact "from space." 1950 6 1950 LAREDO . , 1, 30 . , . 1950 Britain officially recognizes Israel. U.S. recognizes Vietnam, Saigon government. Tsarion 1950 Canadian Government memorandum, classified Top Secret, says "The matter (of UFOs) is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb..." 1950 Canadian scientist Wilber Smith writes that U.S. considers gravity disks a greater secret than the H-bomb. Tsarion 1950 CIA organizes the "Pacific Corporation", a large holding company which was the first of many CIA "private" enterprises.

1358 1950 December 2--PROJECT MAGNET established to look into magnetic theory relating to UFO Propulsion. 1950 Einstein General Field Theory (attempt to expand Relativity). Tsarion 1950 Feb. 7, 1950 - International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee: "We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent." - 1950 February 10--In Copenhagen, Denmark a farmer witness UFO explode. 1950 February 18--In Copenhagen, Denmark, farmer Christian Sandersen and his wife claimed to have seen two flying saucers over their farmhouse. One saucer stayed airborne while the other landed and disintegrated into thousands of brightly glowing sparks. Little more is known about this particular crash report. 1950 Frank Scully publishes Behind the Flying Saucers. 1950 Hearings are heard relative to placing the United States under a One World Government by adoption of a World Government Constitution. The age of Nations must end and the era of Humanity begin. Tsarion 1950 Internal Security Act of 1950 authorizes detention camps in U.S. Tsarion 1950 Internal Security Act of 1950. Tsarion 1950 Introduction of Anti-histamines as popular cold remedy. Tsarion 1950 January--The Air Force issues The Grudge Report. Of 273 sightings investigated, it concluded 23% were "unexplained". 1950 John McCone becomes Under Secretary of the Air Force. Tsarion 1950 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg framed for Soviet acquisition of atom bomb. Tsarion 1950 July 4--New Mexico, White Sands: Daniel W. Fry of Merlin, Oregon, claims the distinction of being the first Earthman to ride in a spaceship. Fry, who identifies himself as a scientist, author, and lecturer, he came upon a flying saucer resting on the ground on the evening of July 4. He reached out to touch it, Fry says, when suddenly a friendly voice warned: "Better not touch the hull, pal, it's still hot." Fry says there was no crew aboard the craft, so that the voice apparently came from a "Mother Ship" hovering above. He says he was invited to enter the saucer, did so, and made a round-trip flight from White Sands to New York - a distance of several thousand miles - in approximately half an hour. 1950 Malcolm X receives visit from an MIB while in prison.

1359 1950 March 22--A FBI memo from this date alludes to 3 saucers recovered in New Mexico. This memo also states that it was believed that a radar station interfered with the saucers' control mechanisms causing them to crash. A retired marine sergeant stated that "C" band radar interfered with the saucer's flight control. 1950 March 8-- Dayton, OH: Two F-51s scrambled to intercept silvery disk seen by several airline pilots and tracked by WPAFB radar. Pilots closed in but UFO "played chicken" and then took off from the F51s. 1950 May 11--Oregon, Mcminnville: Just after dinner, Evelyn Trent was out feeding her rabbits when she noticed a disc like craft hovering in the sky just to the northwest of her. She called out to her husband Paul who came out and took pictures of the object, rewound the manual rewind as rapidly as possible, and took another picture 30 seconds or so later. Afterwards, he put the camera away as the role was not used up yet and later finished the role on Mothers Day activity's. He then took the role of film to town for developing at a drug store on Third Street in McMinnville. The day Paul Trent developed the film he told banker Ralph Wortman about what had happened out on his property and about the pictures he took. Mr. Wortman later told Editor Phil Bladine of the local paper the Telephone-Register, who in turn, put journalist Bill Powell on the story. It wasn't long before the story had gone nationwide, being called by many publications as the first authentic UFO pictures to be published. 1950 National Council of Churches founded in the U.S. Tsarion 1950 October--Four AD-4N Skyraiders were about 100 mi. S of the Yalu R. in October 1950 on a daylight mission when the flight leader saw a circular shadow following the aircraft. The pilot looked around and saw a large saucer-shaped object approaching the flight. All four Skyraiders broke and tried to get gun-camera film of the UFO, and their radars had the target, but suddenly all of the radars were jammed and smoke came out of the weapons control panels on the aircraft. The planes then broke off and returned to their carrier (either USS Valley Forge or USS Leyte-the two CVs on station there at the time), where it was found that the films had been fogged as if exposed to radiation, the radars needed to be replaced, and the weapons panels had wires fused together. It took a week to repair all four planes. 1950 Pacific Corporation organized by CIA as a holding company. Tsarion 1950 Paul Warburg declares before the U.S. Senate we shall have world government whether you like it or not, if not by consent by conquest. Tsarion

1360 1950 Plutonium first separated from pitch blend concentrates. Tsarion 1950 Professor Pierre LePine, noted scientist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, is reported in the March 30, 1950 edition of the New York Times, as saying no more than one injection in 2000 really prevents polio. Tsarion 1950 Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the first CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter. He also approved the use of unvouchered funds to pay for its sensitive areas. This began the CIA's first structured behavioral control program. Their goals consisted of "controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation." Some of their experimental subjects included North Korean prisoners of war and suspected double agents. 1950 Revised edition of The Effect of Atomic Weapons prepared by the AEC advises complete underground placement of bases. Tsarion 1950 Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre-1949 level. Tsarion 1950 Rockefellers donate land for UN Headquarters in New York City. 1950 September 6--"Headquarters wouldn't let us go after it and we played around a little bit. We got to watching how it made 90 degree turns at this high speed and everything. We knew it wasn't a missile of any type. So then, we confirmed it with the radar control station, and they kept following it, and they claimed that it crashed somewhere off between Texas and the Mexico border." --Willingham, USAF, from an affidavit filed in the 1970s. Willingham and his navigator were test flying an F-94 on Sept.6, 1950 out of San Angelo, Texas when they were alerted by radar control operators of a UFO in their area. 1950 Soviets add fluorides to water in prison system to maintain subservience in the inmate population, affect the central nervous system, and produce compliance with authority. Tsarion 1950 Summer--John Handley, bathing in the surf on the Kent coast, saw a long-necked creature rise out of the water less than 100 yards away. It had ears and a horselike head more than two feet across. A woman also observed the creature. 1950 TB death rate down to 50:100,000 Tsarion 1950 The 1948 findings of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denigrated in the public media, which claims that Sandlers findings are a myth. Tsarion 1950 The Korean War begins. William Jennings Bryan III becomes the Chief of Medical Survival Training for the U.S.A.F. After the

1361 Korean war, Bryan becomes a consultant for the CIA relative to projects concerning behavior modification and mind control. Bryan later begins a hypnotherapy practice in Hollywood, the American Institute of Hypnosis, which was functional in the mid 1970's. Bryan was believed by some to be one of the programmers in the famous Candy Jones case. Tsarion 1950 ! STEINHARDT, Laurence Adolf 18921950. US diplomat. A successful New York lawyer and an active Zionist, Steinhardt worked for the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. He was appointed minister to Sweden in 1933 the start of an outstanding diplomatic career that took him as ambassador to Peru (19379), the USSR (193941), Turkey (19425), Czechoslovakia (19458), and Canada (194850), when he was killed in a plane crash. While in Turkey, he used his influence to gain transit for thousands of Jewish refugees from Europe. 1950 The Rosenbergs (U.S., Jewish citizens) are caught spying against the U.S. (and are later executed). (Most nuclear spies in America have been Jewish, probably because a very many nuclear scientists have been Jewish). 1950 The U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco. The Navy claimed that the bacteria was harmless, and used only to track a simulated attack, but many San Francisco residents became ill with pneumonia-like symptoms, and one is known to have died. 1950 The U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco in a biological warfare experiment conducted on the American public. Many residents came down with a pneumonia-like disease and one person died because of it. Tsarion 1950 Thorntowne, Indiana residents report seeing a hairy humanoid. 1950 to early 1970s, INDOCHINA During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. Many GI's in Vietnam became addicts. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of 70 percent of the world's illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America's booming heroin market. 1950 Tranquilizer Miltown (meprobamate) comes into use in the United States. Tsarion 1950 Truman instructs AEC to develop hydrogen bomb. Tsarion 1950 U.S. Army simulated germ warfare in San Francisco and in the Pentagon. Tsarion

1362 1950 UN allegedly starts the Korean War. 1950 Worlds in Collision published by Immanuel Velikovsky. Tsarion 1950, , , : "... Cornelius Ryan . Collier's Magazine " ". 1961 - - . . " ". , 1961. , . ", 5 [ ]", " " " - 1917". : " " - , - , "" " ". : [ ], [ , ], " " [ ], [ ], Doukhobor [ ], Starosti [ ], [ ], [ ], Barankavitzi [ ], , , , ...". : Arthour & Cynthia Koestler, , 1 1984 , 1986, . 124 .. 1950 - , Ponce.

1363 1950, 7.000 . 1950 17 . , " . ". 1950s: Mau Mau Uprising 1950: the first World Championship for drivers ("Formula One") is held, the first race being the British grand prix on the Silverstone circuit 1951 -- Assassination of Ali Razmara of Iran, Riad Al-Sulh and Abdullah of Jordan and Ali Knah Liaquat of Pakistan. Army simulated germ warfare project in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Approximate date CBS begins active cooperation with CIA. McCord moves from FBI to CIA. North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners begins. Time magazine popularizes the term brainwashing. - 1951 -1955 China Naval units evacuated U.S. Civilians and military personnel from the Tachen Islands. 1951 A peace treaty with Japan is signed by 50 nations, led by the United States but excluding the Soviet bloc. Japan is required to abandon claims to China and to renounce the use of force to settle international disputes. Reparations are not imposed and the treaty does not recognize Soviet occupation of the Kuril Islands or southern Sakhalin. 1951 Allen Dulles orders 100 million doses of LSD from Sandoz. Tsarion 1951 An arm of the U.N., UNESCO, declares, in print, that "Jewish" is only a religion, not a race. This is a blatant lie; further, FDR's good buddy Rabbi Wise already said, in print, that Jews are a race, years earlier. One of the key people involved in the writing/research of this declaration is Jewish, although his contribution is published somewhat later (i.e., Harry Shapiro, 1953, according to A. Koestler's book). 1951 Anti-witchcraft law of 1736 finally repealed. 1951-53 , , , . 1951 Approximately 400,000 pounds of penicillin and 350,000 pounds of streptomycin produced in the United States. Tsarion 1951 April 10--Truman relieves General MacArthur of his command and replaces him with Gen. Ridgeway, a CFR member. MacArthur earlier disobeys U.N. directives by initiating a secret attack on the Communist stronghold at Inchon (leading to a quick end of the war), after he and other military leaders suspected the pro-Socialist U.N. officials of betraying their battle plans to the North Koreans. Truman

1364 goes into hiding at Camp David for two weeks following MacArthur's return, fearing that the highest-ranking military general in the United States would arrest him for treason. After Truman fires MacArthur for his unauthorized military action, he receives much condemnation from confused and angered patriotic Americans who criticize Truman for his decision. 1951 August 25--Albuquerque, New Mexico. 9:58 p.m. Witnesses: Sandia Base Security Guard Hugh Young and wife. A flying wing-shaped craft passed over their heads at an estimated 800-1,000 altitude with no sound. Size estimated at 1.5 times wingspan of B-36 bomber, or 350. Dark, chordwise stripes on underside, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on trailing edge of wing. Speed estimated at 300-400 m.p.h., object seen for about 30 seconds. 1951 Blair flies solo over the South Pole. Tsarion 1951 CBS broadcasting begins cooperation with CIA. Tsarion 1951 CIA Project Artichoke develops behavior control techniques employing drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and extrasensory perception. Tsarion 1951 Columbia Broadcasting System begins active cooperation with the CIA. 1951 Mossad () 1951, , . , , 1950, 1972 1996. . , 1984, 1984. 1990, . 1951 December 12- Near Mankato, MN: F-51 piloted by then 1LT Donald K. "Deke" Slayton made two passes on disk-shaped object est. at 70-80-ft in diameter, UFO accelerated away and disappeared when Slayton came around for a third pass. 1951 Denmark, Sonderborg: Joseph Matiszewski, a mechanic, heard a whistling sound and saw an object land in a meadow. Approaching within 50 m, he found himself paralyzed and observed that birds had stopped singing and cows seemed to be similarly unable to

1365 move. From the object emerged four handsome men who had brown skin and wore black shiny suits and translucent helmets. Eight objects also emerged from the craft and hovered above it. Other men inside the craft and on its deck appeared to be making repairs, then the objects flew to about 100 m altitude and climbed rapidly out of sight. Only then did the paralysis subside. 1951 EBE-1 becomes ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw. EBE's system was chlorophyll based and he processed food into energy much the same as plants. Waste material was excreted the same as plants. It was decided that an expert in botany was called for. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza worked to save EBE until mid 1952 when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became the expert on alien biology. 1951 , [= knesset]. [= kibbutz], kibbutz . , , , . 1951 Eric Shipton discovers a line of footprints on Everest. 1951 February 10-- Commander Graham Bethune, U.S. Navy (retired) was flying his military plane from Iceland to Newfoundland when he saw a UFO coming out of the water. He was about 300 miles from his destination, whenwe saw a glow on the water like approaching a city at night. As we approached this glow it turned to a monstrous circle of white lights on the water. Then we saw a yellow halo, small, much smaller than whatever it was launched from. It was 15 miles away. He continues to describe this sighting, as the UFO approached his plane and flew alongside it. We could see the craft. It had a dome, we could see the corona discharge 1951 : WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig 1889 1951. AngloAustrian philosopher. Wittgenstein was born in Austria to a secular family and studied at Linz, Berlin, Manchester and Cambridge. He was enormously influential and his two books Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921) and Philosophical Investigations (1951) are two of the most important philosophical tracts of the 20th century. For many years Wittgensteins Jewishness was in doubt; in fact nominally his father was a Protestant and his mother a Roman Catholic, but both were of Jewish descent. Nonetheless to some extent Wittgenstein saw himself as a Jewish thinker. 1951 General McArthur relieved by Truman. Tsarion

1366 1951 German Bundestag passes a law reinstated 163,477 German administrators from the Nazi period back into government. Tsarion 1951 German concentration camp staff put to death by allied courts. Twenty-nine of the staff are reprieved. Over 15,000 Germans are brought to the U.S. to function in American technical and scientific projects. Tsarion 1951 International Geodetic Survey to place crystalline resonators at grid points. Tsarion 1951 Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. According to the act, a secrecy order issued during a national emergency declared by the President shall remain in effect for the duration of the emergency and six months thereafter. Tsarion 1951 January 1 Communist Chinese and North Korean forces break through UN lines at the 38th parallel dividing North and South Korea. 1951 July 23 General Henri Philippe Petain dies in a French prison. 1951 June 8 Otto Ohlendorf, former commander of Einsatzgruppe D, is hanged at Landsberg Prison after all appeals have been heard. (Secrets) 1951 Krilium developed from acrylonitrile for use in fertilization. Tsarion 1951 Loch Ness Monster sighting by Lachlan Stuart, who photographs the creature. 1951 March 29 Julius Rosenberg, his wife Ethel, and Morton Sobell are found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage against the United States. The Rosenbergs were later condemned to death and Sobell was sentenced to 30 years in prison. He was released in 1969. 1951 , 1951, , . ; , ! , . ; , , . , , . ; , , , , , , . .

1367 . ; , , , . ; 1951 McMillan & Seaborg win Nobel for discovery of plutonium. Tsarion 1951 Mrs. Hardy Reeser spontaneously combusts. 1951 Nebraska, Peru: A man from Lincoln was driving to Indiana when he saw a blue light in the northwest sky. It vanished to the southeast. The witness missed a turn, had to go back toward Auburn, and had reached a point northwest of Peru when he saw an orange glow in the sky. Coming near, he observed the glow came from a cauldron-shaped object on the ground, about 12 m from the road. He stopped to examine the object, which measured about 10 m diameter and seemed to be made of cast iron. Thirty cm from the top was a row of windows, 25 cm in diameter, from which the orange light was coming. On the other side was a blue flame-like glow. There was no noise, no sign of life or activity, and no antenna or protrusion. The witness drove away. 1951 North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners begins. 1951 North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners. Tsarion 1951 October--PROJECT GRUDGE becomes PROJECT BLUEBOOK, headed by Captain Edward Ruppelt. 1951 Project BLUEBIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE. The CIA director approved a liaison with the Army and Navy who were interested in finding a truth drug. Another liaison was formed with the Air Force who wanted to study interrogation techniques. Information was also exchanged with the Canadian and British governments. Some of Project ARTICHOKE's experimental subjects included: suspected agents, suspected double agents, people who "had a known reason for deception," American college students (supposedly for more benign testing), and foreigners (since the CIA was more likely to try certain procedures out on them rather than American citizens.) "Terminal," or "to the death" experiments were usually carried out in other countries. According to Bowart, the control method used on two agents involved drugs and hypnosis (narco-hypnosis). The subjects were hypnotically regressed and made to relive past experiences. Posthypnotic suggestions were given to induce total amnesia of their interrogations. The CIA called this experiment "very successful." 1951 Project CHATTER, a highly classified Navy program to search for a truth drug, began. They were looking for a way to make someone talk "fast" in the event of a security emergency. These

1368 experiments used barbiturates, amphetamines, and heroin. The drugs were supplied by the Bureau of Narcotics and pharmaceutical companies. Some of the experimental subjects included the scientists themselves, and mostly students. 1951 Project Redlight begins at Groom Lake in Nevada. Tsarion 1951 PROJECT REDLIGHT begun in "Area 51" (aka "Dreamland") test flying alien space craft. They are guarded by Blue Berets. First attempts resulted in the destruction of the craft and the death of the pilot. 1951 Stewart Wavell's expedition to Malaysia was an investigation into the customs and folklore of the Semelai people, launched in 1951. The Semelai revealed to Wavell that they believed in giant cobras which inhabited the lake of Tasek Bera. Although Wavell records that the Semelai used the name ular tedong to describe the animal, some sources record the creature's name as naga (a Naga was an aquatic serpent-god in Hindu and Buddhist mythology). The serpents were huge, said the Semelai: they were covered in large scales, which are gray in young specimens but golden in older serpents. The monsters also had two short horn-like projections on their serpentine heads--a commonly-reported feature of lake serpents worldwide--and were never seen to come out of the water. The creatures are also quite peaceful, and never have attacked humans. 1951 The U.S. Public Health Service, with the cooperation of the American Dental Association, holds a meeting of state dental directors at which the methods for promotion of fluoridation were outlined. Thus, the U.S.PHS formed an alliance with medical trade unions and industry to promote the addition of toxic fluorides to the public water supplies. A concentration of 1.2 ppm was suggested, and state dental directors were instructed to lie to the public about the toxic effects of sodium fluoride, deliberately misinform the public by relating the presence of highfluoride areas to less cancer and less polioan entire public relations campaign meant to convince the public to allow themselves to be medicated just like the inmates in Soviet and German prisons and camps. Their technique was not to refute the thing but to show that the opposite was true, even if the opposite was not true. Tsarion 1951 Theiler wins Nobel for work on yellow fever vaccine. Tsarion 1951 Truman creates the Office of Current Intelligence. 1951 Truman declares a state of national emergency. Since no one declared an end to it, it remained in effect until 1978. Tsarion 1951 U.S. Army platoon fires armor-piercing bullets at a hovering bell-shaped UFO in Chorwon, South Korea.

1369 1951 U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy orders general amnesty and early release for all convicted Nazi war criminals. (Jan.-Feb. 1951). Tsarion 1951 US Army simulated germ warfare project in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. 1951 () , . 1951 , . , . 25 1944 ( ) , [ ] [ ] ' . , , . . , . 1947 . . 30 31 1951, , . . 31 , . O

1370 , . , 25 1951, , . , 2 1951, . , 30 , . , , . , , ... , . . , , . , , . . , . . O . ( ), . 30 , o , . , (). . (16 , 1 1 ),

1371 , , , . , . , 1951 1952, . O 1951, , 21 1967. 1951 4 . [;] . [ ], . 30 , , , , 2 , , , , , , [= ] [= ], 1955 1964. . 1951 , 19 , 1951. , 24 , 1951. 1951, 15 . -. " " ". , .

1372 1952 -- Eisenhower elected president, Nixon vice-president; Kennedy elected to Senate. Army germ warfare project in Key West, Florida, and Ft. McCellan, Alabama. CIA agent Downey and Fecteau captured while on spy mission in China. Third UFO flap year. First UFO "contact" case: George Adamski meets Venusians in California desert; alleged CIA plot to start UFO scare. UFOlogist George Williamson, one of Adamski's witnesses, claims he also witnessed ham radio operator establish contact with another world. - 1952. ASIS () 13 1952. . , . 1952 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, Hearings of the Select Committee to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics. Dr. Miller The U.S. Dental Association made some examination and recommended to the farmers that fluorine not be added to the water of pregnant sows because it did something to the pigs that were unborn Dr. Porterfield, There is more money available for matters that have economic value than there is for health. Tsarion 1952 A briefing paper for president-elect Eisenhower by Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter described "Operation Majestic-12". 1952 A mixed group of twelve French and American explorers managed to gain access to the secret underground cavern system below the ancient Icna capitol of Cuzco with enough provisions to last for five days as they embarked upon what they termed the greatest discovery since Machu Picchu. The team ventured through the Sacsahuayman entrance and nothing further was heard from them until fifteen days later, when French explorer Phillipe Lamontierre emerged from the hole suffering from acute dementia, with visible signs of malnourishment and even the bubonic plague (attributable, says Dr. Rios, to the bats inhabiting the underground spaces). The broken survivor indicated that his fellow adventurers had died, and some of them had even fallen down unfathomed abysses. Among the objects he brought back was an ear of corn made of solid gold, which was later entrusted to the Cuzco Museum of Archaeology. 1952 A series of mysterious disks overfly Washington, D.C. Tsarion 1952 A treaty between Japan and the Allies goes into effect and Japan regains full sovereignty. 1952 A trip to Mars by a joint Soviet-American craft. 1952 A two-year program ending in 1953 begins where the U.S. government conducts biological warfare experiments over Canada (Winnepeg, Manitoba) and the U.S. (St.Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne,

1373 Leesburg, and the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland. A military report noted respiratory problems. Tsarion 1952 Albert Lasker, who manages the ACS, dies. Mary Lasker lobbies Congress for funds to fight cancer, and the National Cancer Institute Budget goes from $18 million per year to $110 million per year half involved with the chemotherapy paradigm. Mary would also begin to plan the looting of the U.S. Treasury for the cancer program. (See 1969) Tsarion 1952 American Council on Germany founded to exercise control over West Germany. Together with the German Marshall Fund (CIA), control was maintained over German government, academic life, and communications. All those having connections with these two groups would be supporters of the original Morgenthau Plan, which resolved to lay waste to Germany after World War II, protect the borders of the Soviet Union, exploitation of the German people and extortion of huge reparation payments from German workers, part of which would be diverted to Israel. Tsarion 1952 August 14--A disc is said to have crashed near Ely, Nevada and 16 bodies were allegedly recovered. 1952 August 5-- Astronomer James Bartlett, during a daylight observation of Venus, saw a flight of two disks with a diameter about 30 minutes of arc. They passed overhead and turned east. Then he saw two more disks with dome-like protrusions in the center. 1952 Britain explodes nuclear device in Australia. Tsarion 1952 Canadian government and U.S.A.F. cooperate in biological experiments in Canada. Tsarion 1952 Contraceptive birth control pill using phosphorated hesperidin produced. Tsarion 1952 Cornelius Rhoads, who had been chief medical officer of the U.S. Army's Chemical Warfare Division, is head of the Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York. Tsarion 1952 : SLNSK, Rudolf 190152. Czech Communist politician. Slnsk was secretary-general of the Czech Communist Party after World War II. He was of Jewish origin but had no other connection with Judaism or the Jewish community. In 1952 he was the central figure in a great Stalinist show trial in which he was accused of Trotskyist-Titoist-Zionist heresies and plots. He was found guilty and executed. Simultaneously, hundreds of Czech Jews were arrested and two visiting Israelis were sentenced to long terms of prison, but were later released. 1952 Cyram and Becker statistically demonstrate connection between death rate and weather. Tsarion

1374 1952 December 29--Over Northern Japan, a disk with rotating red, green, white lights and three fixed beams of white light outran pursuing F-94 piloted by Colonel Donald Blakeslee (Ace with 8th AF in WW II). 1952 Eisenhower elected president of the United States. Nixon elected VP and John Kennedy elected to Senate. Tsarion 1952 February 18--At 6:45 a.m., just before sunup on February 18, 1952, a photographer named C. E. Redman was driving through Albuquerque, N. Mex. on his way to photograph a wedding. Stopped for a traffic light, he noticed two bright things in the sky. "They were hovering above Tijeras Canyon... The one to the north was on its edge. The other was lying horizontally. They were bright, bluish white... It was probably the most astonishing thing I've ever seen. Those things were soundless. They were not jets or vapor trails. I've seen hundreds of jets and vapor trails." Redman was questioned later the same day by a LIFE reporter and a prominent scientist, working together. From his testimony, and from the lay of the land, it was estimated that the disks were 20 miles away and four miles in the air, and that they had a diameter of about 136 feet. Another witness saw the same objects Redman saw, and at the same time, but from the other side of town. W. S. Morris, a retired master sergeant of the Air Force who is now a newsdealer in Albuquerque, was out to drop off his morning papers when he saw two strange objects over Tijeras Canyon. "I watched them for 12 minutes. They were a blinding silver, long and thin, gleaming all over. They hovered, one kind of above the other to the right. They seemed brighter than the sun, which wasn't yet over the Sandia mountains. It just touched their bottoms and they glowed red. They didn't flutter or move. They just hung there. It must have been 20 miles away. Then they just suddenly dropped down behind the mountain, and the upper one tilted so that I could see its profile. It looked like a bell pepper-with a bump on top, that is." 1952 Formulation of the polio vaccine begins. Tens of millions of doses of polio vaccines produced from virus grown in monkey cells infected with SV-40 (Simian Virus #40). Scientists perform experiments in laboratories to determine the correct doses of antigen and supplementary chemicals to use in the polio vaccine. (Ironically, since the scientific premise of vaccination is faulty, a correct dose of antigen and chemicals does not exist). Tsarion 1952 From 1952 to 1956, the cities on the fluoridation list began to fluoridate their water supplies. As the process of water fluoridation continued, the cancer death rate of the fluoridated cities began to far exceed the rate of the unfluoridated cities. Tsarion 1952 Germ warfare project in Key West Florida and Ft. McClellan, Alabama. Tsarion 1952 Germany becomes member of the World Bank. Tsarion

1375 1952 Hundreds of residents of Veronica, Argentina witnessed six discs circling above the town, then disappearing into the night sky. 1952 January--APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) founded by Jim and Coral Lorenzen. 1952 John Foster Dulles and John D. Rockefeller III set up the Population Council. The American Eugenics Society moves from its headquarters at Yale University to the Population Council offices. Frederick Osborne, former head of the Eugenics Society, becomes president. Tsarion 1952 July 13--Beginning of Washington DC UFO spree. National Airlines plane en route to National Airport DC, about 60 mi. SW of the city observed a blue- white ball of light hovering to the west. Object then "came up to 11,000 ft. [and] then maintained a parallel course, on the same level, at the same speed, until the aircraft pilot turned on all lights. Object then departed from the vicinity at an estimated 1000 m.p.h. Weather was excellent for observation." The crew said the object "took off up and away." No other air traffic was reported in the area at the time. 1952 July 14--Southbound Pan American Airways plane at 8,000 ft. nearing the Norfolk, VA, area observed six glowing red, circular objects approaching below the airliner; objects flipped up on edge in unison and then sped from behind and under the airliner and joined the in-line formation, which "climbed in a graceful arc above the altitude of the airliner." "Then the lights blinked out one by one, though not in sequence." Next day the crew was thoroughly interrogated by AFOSI, and advised that they already had seven other reports of red discs moving at high speed and making sharp turns. 1952 July 18--Washington, D. C. Radio station chief engineer observed 6-7 bright orange discs moving in single file. Each in turn veered sharply upward and disappeared. 1952 July 19--ARTC at National Airport began picking up unidentified targets on radar. 1952 July 20--Additional unidentified targets on ARTC radar at National Airport. 1952 July 20--Andrews AFB, Md. (Nr. Washington, D.C.). Five witnesses visually observed three reddish-orange objects moving erratically. 1952 July 20--Capital Airlines flight incoming to National Airport reported that an unidentified light followed his airliner from the vicinity of Herndon, VA., to within about 4 miles west of the airport, confirmed on ARTC radar. 1952 July 20--Herndon, Va. Capital Airlines flight from National Airport called by control tower to check on unidentified radar targets saw three objects, and three more between there and Martinsburg, WV. "like

1376 falling stars without tails [which] moved rapidly up, down, and horizontally. Also hovered." Chief CAA air traffic controller Harry Barnes later said in a newspaper interview: "His [the pilot's] subsequent description of the movement of the objects coincided with the position of our pips [radar targets] at all times while in our range." 1952 July 20--In mid-evening, Air Force radar operators at Andrews AFB weather tower tracked 10 UFOs for 15-20 minutes. Objects approached runway, scattered, made sharp turns and reversals of direction. 1952 July 23-- Near Braintree, MA: F-94 vectored onto unknown radar contact by GCI, crew saw a bluish-green light with onboard radar contact-after lock-on, the UFO sped away from the fighter. Official USAF unknown 1952 July 26--Air Force Command Post notified of unidentified radar targets. Two F-94 jet interceptors scrambled from New Castle AFB, Delaware, to investigate. 1952 July 26--Andrews AFB, Md., surveillance radar tracked 1012 UFOs in Washington, D.C. area. 1952 July 26--ARTC radar at National Airport tracked "solid returns" of "four targets in rough line abreast," and eight others scattered over the radar scope. 1952 July 26--ARTC radar at National airport tracked a UFO on radar ("big target"), confirmed by Andrews AFB radar. 1952 July 26--From this time into following morning, "good sharp targets" of 4-8 UFOs on ARTC radar at National Airport. 1952 July 26--Sharp UFO targets on ARTC radar at National Airport. Civilian pilots saw glowing white objects on four occasions, including a United Airlines pilot near Herndon, Va., and two CAA pilots over Maryland. National Airlines pilot near Andrews AFB at 1700 ft. saw a UFO "flying directly over the airliner." 1952 ' (1898-1952) 1936-1952 , ' ( 1945.) 1952 July 27--Air Force Lieutenant at Andrews AFB saw a dark disc moving slowly northeast with "oscillating rolling motion." Clouds were moving southeast. UFO entered base of clouds. 1952 July 27--Air Force personnel and others at National Airport saw a large round object reflecting sunlight, apparently hovering over the Capital Building. After about a minute, the object "wavered then shot straight up disappearing from sight." 1952 July 27--F-94 jet interceptors scrambled from New Castle AFB, Delaware, to investigate Washington, D.C., radar- UFOs. One F-94

1377 pilot made visual contact and appeared to be gaining on target; both F-94 and UFO were observed on radar and "appeared to be traveling at the same approximate speed." When the F-94 pilot tried to overtake the UFO, it disappeared visually and on radar. The pilot remarked about the "incredible speed of the object." 1952 July 27--Maj. Fournet (PROJECT BLUE BOOK Officer in Pentagon) and Lt. Holcomb (Navy electronics expert) arrived at National Airport ARTC Center. Observed "7 good, solid targets." Holcomb checked on temperature inversions, but they were minor and could not explain what was going on. He so advised AF Command Post, requesting interception mission. By the time the F-94 jets arrived from Delaware, no strong unidentified targets remained and no visual contacts were made. 1952 July 28--Daily papers headlined a United Press story from Washington, D.C., that the Air Defense Command had ordered its jet pilots to pursue, and if necessary "shoot down, " UFOs sighted anywhere in the country. 1952 July 29--Air Force pilot sighted three round white UFOs 10 miles southeast of Andrews AFB. Other UFOs tracked by ARTC radar during the afternoon. 1952 July 29--An Air Force press conference at which UFO sightings were attributed to temperature inversions causing "radar mirages," typically ground lights reflected in the sky under freak atmospheric conditions. Also announced new scientific program to evaluate sightings. 1952 July 29--Eastern Airlines pilot asked to check on ARTC radar targets, reported seeing nothing. CAA official said the targets disappeared from the radar screen when the plane was in their area, "then came back in behind him." 1952 July 29--Many unidentified targets tracked by CAA radar, 812 on the radarscope at a time, moving southeast in a belt 15 miles wide near Washington, D.C. 1952 June 2--EBE-1 dies, most likely from malnutrition. 1952 May 5-- Near George AFB, CA. Colonel Wendelle Stevens was in an F-86 preparing for a Korean Deployment when a disk dropped out of the sky in front of the aircraft. He attempted to film the UFO with his gun camera, but smoke came out of the weapons control panel and he had to break off. Upon landing, his crew chief discovered that all of the wires in the weapons panel were fused together and the gun camera film was ruined. Two weeks needed to repair the plane. 1952 May 9-- George AFB, CA: Two USAF F-86s chased silvery disk seen from ground and by radar. Disk est. at 40 ft. diameter by pilots. USAF unknown.

1378 1952 MKNAOMI (Pronounced M-K NAOMI with M-K standing for mind control.) TSS's agreement with the Special Operations Division of the Army's biological research center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. SOD's job was to produce germ weapons for the CIA's use. TSS stands for Technical Services Staff and was an agency referred to as "the Gadget Wizards," similar to what "Q" is to James Bond. 1952 Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller become Eisenhowers representatives for cold war affairs, responsible for further importation of ex-Nazis into the U.S. Tsarion 1952 Nobel prize Bloch & Purcell for work on magnetic fields in atomic nuclei. Tsarion 1952 November 20--First UFO "contact" case. Lifelong occult teacher George Adamski met a Venusian named Orthon in the desert of southern California. This initiated a series of events which would involve further contacts with Venusians as well as Martians and Saturnians. Adamski would also travel into space and on one occasion attend a conference on Saturn. Alleged to be a CIA plot to start UFO scare. 1952 November 9 Chaim Weizmann, former head of the international Zionist movement and the first president of the newly formed state of Israel dies in Rehovot, Israel. (See Blutzeuge) 1952 Prince Bernhard comes to U.S. to campaign for Congressman Gerald Ford. Tsarion 1952 Project CASTIGATE began when the Navy and the CIA teamed up to test a "secret potion" that consisted of a depressant, a stimulant, and the active ingredient in marijuana. The drugs were to be administered over a three-day period. The experiment was carried out in Germany at a secret CIA base on a military installation. Experimental subjects included one known double agent, one suspected double agent and three defectors. Project CASTIGATE was considered a failure. 1952 Reinhard Gehlen and Allen Dulles are dubbed Knights of Malta by the Vatican. 1952 September 11--Probably the most scrambled, irritatingly strange story ever, the Flatwoods Monster/Alien/UFO/Meteor/ remains one of those inexplicable tales touting many witnesses and just as many versions of what was seen and heard. As best as can be determined, a meteor (confirmed by the research of Major Donald Keyhoe) passed along a trajectory placing it roughly in the West Virginia mountains approximately 7pm on September 11th, 1952. Residents of Flatwoods reported seeing strange lights in the skies that did not fit any description of a meteor and its known flight patterns. But here's where it gets really weird. A group of kids witnessed a fiery red ball zip across the sky and impact just beyond Bailey Fisher farm. Mrs. Kathleen May took a flash light to help the kids as they made their way into the dark woods to see

1379 where the fireball landed. With her were her two teenaged sons, Eddie and Freddie, Neil Nunley, Gene Lemon (the oldest among them, at 17), Tommy Hyer and Ronnie Shaver with his dog. The group saw a pulsing red light just beyond a hilltop and when they approached encountered some kind of being with a cornucopia of peculiar features: It was eight feet tall, had glowing red eyes, a strange drape-like clothing, claws, an enormous round, red head covered by some kind of pointed hood, was surrounded by a foul smelling mist and was making frightening hissing sounds as it approached the boys, scaring them all to death and sending them fleeing into the night. 1952 September 1--In one of the few series of sightings that the Air Force classified as "unknown" in Project BLUE BOOK, Georgia citizens including an Army Air Force B-25 gunner, an artillery officer, and a total of 35 other people reported seeing various UFO in the night sky. The sightings begin in Atlanta at 9:43 pm and continued northwest into Marietta until after 11:00pm. The Atlanta witnesses included Mrs. William Davis and nine other persons. Witnesses saw a variety of things, including one light, similar to the evening star, moved up and down for a long period of time. Others saw two large white disc-shaped objects with green vapor trails flew in trail formation, merged, flew away very fast. Others saw two large objects shaped like spinning tops and displaying red, blue and green colors, flew side by side, leaving a sparkling trail for 30 minutes. Still others saw a red, white, and blue-green object which spun and shot off sparks for 15 minutes. 1952 September--The earliest reports of "Flying Triangle UFOs" date from this time and concerned the sighting of triangular-shaped UFOs seen during a NATO exercise called "Mainbrace". Significantly, a number of UFOs were witnessed by military personnel reported throughout Mainbrace, including a now-famous encounter reported by half a dozen Royal Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Topcliffe in Yorkshire who saw a circular shaped UFO operating near the airfield. 1952 The 1952 U.S. Army Soldiers Guide redefines Democracy as including the policies of the Armed Forces. Tsarion 1952 The American Dental Association publishes an issue of its Journal instructing its dentists not to discuss their personal opinions about fluoride. Tsarion 1952 The NSA, National Security Agency is formed as a separately organized agency within the Department of Defense. Headquartered at Fort Meade, Maryland, its main functions are to protect U.S. government communications and intercept foreign communications. They have the ability to monitor, translate, and decipher communications of any kind. 1952 The Revised Standard Version The rapid multiplication of English translations of the Scriptures throughout the second half of the

1380 twentieth century might well prompt more than one bewildered reader to rephrase the Preacher's melancholy observation so as to read, "Of the making of many translations of the Bible there is no end!" Ecclesiastes 1212) During the nearly forty years between the publication in 1953 of the Revised Standard Version and the publication in 1990 of the New Revised Standard Version, twenty seven English renderings of the entire Bible were issued, as well as twenty eight renderings of the New Testament alone. 1952 Third UFO Flap year. George Adamski and George Hunt Williamson. Tsarion 1952 U.S. Air Force Pvt. Sinclair Taylor, on guard duty at Camp Okubo, Kyoto, Japan, said he heard a loud flapping noise. Looking up, he saw an enormous "bird" in the moonlight. When it approached, he got frightened and put a round into the chamber of his carbine. The "bird" now had stopped its flight and was hovering not far away, staring at the soldier. "The thing, which now had started slowly to descend again, had the body of a man," Taylor recalled. "It was well over seven feet from head to feet, and its wingspread was almost equal to its height. I started to fire and emptied my carbine where the thing hit the ground. But when I looked up to see if my bullets had found home there was nothing there." When the sergeant of the guard came to investigate and heard the story, he told Taylor that he believed him because a year earlier another guard had seen the same thing. 1952 U.S. Army Chemical Corps fund experiments at New York State Psychiatric Institute lasting until Tsarion 1952: a liberal revolution in Bolivia led by Vctor Paz Estenssoro and the Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR) initiates a period of multiparty democracy lasting until a 1964 military coup. 1952: Rosewater Revolution in Lebanon 1952 U.S. Representative Dr. A. L. Miller, Chairman of the Special Committee on Chemicals and Foods, stated, I sometimes wonder if ALCOA Aluminum and its subsidiaries might not have a deep interest in getting rid of sodium fluoride, a toxic waste product of the aluminum industry. In this connection it is interesting to note that the person in charge of the public heath, Oscar Ewing, is also an attorney for ALCOA. Tsarion 1952 United States explodes hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean. Tsarion 1952 US Army germ warfare project in Key West, Florida, and at Fort McCellan, Alabama. 1952, 5 , ,

1381 2.612. . 1952 12 . 1952 , [ ], " , , [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], , , [ ], [ . ], , , , , , , , , ". 1952: Britain explodes its first atomic bomb 1952: Elizabeth II becomes queen of Britain May 1952: The leaders of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee are tried and 13 are executed after a secret trial October 1952: The official propaganda reveals the Jewish conspiracy against the Soviet Union 1953 January 1953: The "Doctors' Plot" (to assassinate the Soviet leaders) heralds a new wave of anti-semitic persecution January 1953: The Gulag contain 2.7 million prisoners in 500 work colonies, 60 labor camps and 15 "special-regime" camps for political prisoners (mostly nationalists from Ukraine and Baltic republics) March 1953: Stalin dies and an amnesty releases 1.2 million prisoners June 1953: Beria is arrested 1953 -- Dr. Frank Olsen commits suicide after having been given a secret dose of LSD by the CIA, under the direction of the mysterious Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. CIA contemplates developing drugs to cause amnesia in retired agents. CIA's Robertson Panel views UFO reports as national security threat. Army germ warfare project in Panama City, Florida. Return of Korean War prisoners, including some who underwent brainwashing. 21 POWs defect. Mau Mau (Hidden Ones) formed in Kenya to overthrow white rule. UFOlogist Albert Bender closes down his International Flying Saucer Bureau after being visited by three MIB. - 1953 - Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, tells a Congressional commission investigating tax-exempt foundations: "We at the executive level here were active in either the OSS [forerunner of the CIA], the State Department, or the European Economic Administration.

1382 During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives, the substance of which were to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union." - 1953 Alcoa's Oscar Ewing builds 7,300 acre Research Triangle Corporation. Tsarion 1953 Allan Dulles, CIA Director, approves mind control project MKDELTA. MKULTRA, a CIA program for the covert use of biological and chemical weapons began. According to CIA documents, MKULTRA was "an umbrella project for funding sensitive projects" and covered "policy and procedures for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations..." MKULTRA was exempted from normal CIA financial controls and allowed TSS to begin research projects without contracts or written agreements. As usual, MKDELTA and MKNAOMI had already been set up prior to the CIA being given official permission for MKULTRA. MKDELTA became the operational side of MKULTRA. MKULTRA focused on drugs, specifically LSD since the CIA had a phobia about LSD ending up in the hands of the Russians. The CIA wanted to use LSD as a weapon. The Russians and the Cold War were used as a national security excuse for most of the CIA's actions. The CIA studied hundreds of other drugs besides LSD, as well as experimenting with: "radiation, electroshock, psychology, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry, harassment substances and paramilitary devices and materials." It appears that the scientists enjoyed trying these drugs on themselves, but they also used many hospital patients, volunteers (mostly students), inmates who were usually paid for their participation with more drugs, and eventually anyone the CIA could get, without their consent, of course. The CIA "scientists" even reduced themselves to misting and spraying unwitting American citizens as they walked down busy city streets. Later they would study how they could manipulate genes, and develop compounds that could simulate heart attack and stroke. 1953 Allen Dulles becomes Director of the CIA. Tsarion 1953 the "hidden hand" of the Illuminati Joseph Stalin (1879-1953). Joseph Stalin was half Jewish and half Russian. In 1903 he was recruited by the Russian secret police and led a double life. He was arrested 8 times; he escaped and continued his work in the Marxist/socialist movement. 1953 An 8-foot disc passes plane near a US AFB in northern Japan. 1953 April 25 Watson and Crick define the three-dimensional structure of DNA, the hereditary material first identified in 1944. Rapid, almost explosive, advances in the science of genetics begin. Soon, semisynthetic hereditary material engineered for specific purposes can be

1383 introduced into plant and animal tissues, even into the germ line, where it is inherited by the next generation. (Science) 1953 April--A marine incident, worthy of deeper investigation by researchers, happened on the island of Tinian, where the bombers were stationed that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. From the report of the Chief of the U.S. Defense HQ., D., Tokyo, dated May 9, 1953: "In the last weeks (late April, 1953), our ships and aircraft have sighted numerous flying objects of unknown origin. Their flight courses were plotted and permit conclusions about their take-off and landing bases. Near the island of Tinian, one of these projectiles was rammed by a specially equipped airplane and sunk into the sea." 1953 Army germ warfare projects in Panama City, Florida. Tsarion 1953 At the University of Zurich, Dr. S.Kong of the Pediatric Clinic compiles a list of 82 cases of Pertussis vaccine damage from world literature. Tsarion 1953 , Joseph Vissarionovich Tzougasvili Stalin 1879-1953 1924 1953. , 2 . ( 31 1943 Paulus.) : , : , . , . . ( ....) 1953 August--George Van Tassel began weekly meditation sessions in 1953 at Giant Rock with interested persons which, he claimed, led to UFO contacts and finally to an actual encounter with extraterrestrials when, in August, a saucer landed from the plant Venus, woke Van Tassel up and invited him onto the ship. There the aliens gave him the technique for rejuvenating living cell tissues. In 1954 he and his family began building a structure they called the "Integratron" to perform the rejuvenation. 1953 B.F.Skinner publishes Science and Human Behavior. Tsarion 1953 Between 1953 and 1957, the U.S. Army gave $140,000 to the New York State Psychiatric Institute to discover what effect selected drugs would have on patients. Tsarion 1953 CIA transfers $10 million to Ewen Cameron for MK Ultra projects. Tsarion 1953 December--The Joint Chiefs of Staff issued Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 146 that made the unauthorized release of information concerning UFOs a crime under the Espionage Act, punishable by up to

1384 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. According to many, this draconian penalty is what prevents most former military servicemen from coming forward to disclose information. 1953 Dr. C. Nash Herndon becomes president of the American Eugenics Society. Tsarion 1953 Dr. Frank Olsen suicides after LSD dose by CIA. Tsarion 1953 Dr.Sidney Gottlieb runs CIA drug programs. Tsarion 1953 Eisenhower inaugurated as President of the U.S. and Queen Elizabeth crowned. Tsarion 1953 Entire German disk-duplication project goes underground. First government disk duplication projects succeed. Work with Canadian government on aerial disks continues. 1953 February 12--Witnesses observed an automobile enter the throat of a storm drain near Willowbrook and Greenleaf Avenues in Los Angeles. Police followed the fresh tire marks into the tunnel for seven miles, while other police and flood control workers continued the search by dropping through manhole covers. The search continued until midnight, until seven miles up the drain the tracks vanished. A witness stated, "In the muddy silt covering the floor of the drain, the tire-tred marks were sharp and fresh...then no more tracks." 1953 - CIA Mossadegh [Shah] . 1953 February 3--USMC F9F fighter pilot chased a rocket-like object with red glow at rear for four minutes over the Virginia-North Carolina state line. 1953 20 1953 Kingman . 4 "Wright Patterson", 18. 1953 General Benjamin Chidlaw, of Air Defense Command, says publicly "...we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them (UFOs)". 1953 In the United States, Senator Charles Tobey begins a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. U.S. Justice Department attorney Ben Fitzgerald is hired as special counsel. Fitzgerald's report concluded that the AME, in direct collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Federal Drug Administration, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. Said Fitzgerald, if radiation, surgery and drugs are the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. Senator Tobey is dispatched with a convenient heart attack, as has happened to others who threaten the

1385 cancer industry. Tobey's replacement, Senator John Bricker, orders Fitzgerald to stop the investigation. Fitzgerald refuses and is fired. The investigation is halted and buried. Tsarion 1953 January--The same month President Eisenhower took office, the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) was ordered to determine if UFOs were interstellar vehicles. The Durant Report (aka the Robertson Panel) was a secret group of men who had meetings at Pentagon between of January 14-17 about the UFO discussion and what they should do about it. They all agreed that all sightings were explainable. But they thought that infiltrating UFO groups and monitor should be done. 1953 John Magdiel writes T. Henry Moray from Mexico and tells him that great changes will be taking place in Russia, and tells Moray that it would be his big chance for Radiant Energy - under Russian auspices. Moray refuses. Tsarion 1953 June 18-- Three Houston residents reported what may or may not have been a winged UFO being in the early morning hours. As they sat on the front porch of their apartment building trying to escape the heat, an enormous shadow fell across the lawn, then appeared to bounce into a pecan tree. They saw the "figure of a man ... dressed in gray or black-fitting clothes" and bathed in a "dim gray light." Witnesses differed on whether he was wearing a cape or bearing wings. After 15 minutes he "just melted away," and shortly a "loud swoosh" sounded across the street, and a rocket-shaped object shot upward and disappeared along the northeastern horizon. 1953 June 19 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are exected. 1953 First Grand Lodge of Freemasonry established in the Holy Land. The first Grand Lodge to be established in the Holy Land, the National Grand Lodge of Palestinedid not gather under its aegis all the private Lodges then operating in the country[until] 20.10.1953, with the consecration of the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel. 1953 May 20--The Kingman, Arizona UFO Crash. The earliest reference of a crash near Kingman has been made to MUFON researcher Richard Hall in April 1964. He was told the story by a future Vietnam commander. The case of the Kingman UFO retrieval was then brought to the public attention by Raymond Fowler, a respected UFO researcher, in June 1973. It involved an engineer who took preliminary measurements to assess the momentum of a crashing craft, measurements useful to any reverse engineering efforts. The engineer who brought this story to light was Arthur G. Stancil (previously known by the pseudonym "Fritz Werner"). Stancil graduated from Ohio University in 1949 and was first employed by Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio as a mechanical engineer on testing Air Force aircraft engines. Dr. Eric Wang, who was suspected of leading a reverse

1386 engineering team on alien craft, headed the Installations Division within the Office of Special Studies where Arthur worked. Stancil signed a legal affidavit vouching to the honesty of his testimony, who has been was released by Ray Fowler in UFO Magazine, April 1976. Stancil told that he was loaned out to the Atomic Energy Commission and was designated as a project engineer on some atomic bomb tests referred to as "Operation Upshot Knothole". The location of these tests was at Frenchman's Flats at the southern end of the Nevada Test Site. The test director was a Dr. Ed Doll. On May 21, 1953 Stancil was called away by his boss told to report for a special assignment at the Indian Springs Air Force Base where he was joined by 15 other specialists. They were flown by military plane to Phoenix where they boarded a bus with blacked-out windows and rode for an estimated four hours. When they arrived at their destination somewhere southeast of Kingman in one of the washes of the Hulapai Mountains, they were met and briefed by an Air Force Colonel who told them they were to investigate the crash of a super-secret test vehicle. He and the others on the bus were told not to speak to each other under any circumstances. Stancil's job was to determine the forward and vertical velocities of the vehicle when it impacted in the sand. Stancil was escorted to the site by military police. Two military arc-lights illuminated the saucer, which appeared to be two convex oval plates inverted over each other approximately 30 feet in diameter. The saucer was embedded in the sand about 20 inches. From this Stancil had determined that the saucer crashed at a velocity of 100 knots yet it had not dents, marks, or scratches on its burnished aluminum surface. It was constructed of dull silver metal like brushed aluminum. Another specialist had gotten a look inside the craft as a 1.5 x 3.5 foot hatch was open revealing an oval interior cabin with two swivel seats and many instruments. Stancil saw one body recovered from the crash. It was humanoid, about 4 feet tall, with brown skin and wearing a silver-metallic flight suit. Whilst they were back on the bus and being taken back they were made to sign the "Official Secrets" act and was told never to tell anyone about this incident. Fowler made several check as to the integrity of Stancil and everyone who knew him said that he was a man of considerable integrity and scientific ability. Another story supporting the 1953 crash near Kingman came to UFO researcher Len Stringfield in 1977. A man who was in the National Guard at Wright Patterson claimed that he was witness to a delivery from a "crash site in Arizona" in 1953. He said that 3 bodies had been recovered and were packed in dry ice. They were 4ft tall, with large heads and brownish skin. 1953 Mr. C. M. Tenney, returning from Great Falls to Conrad, Montana, saw an oval object that followed his car while balls of fire fell all over the road. Later that day he was phoned by a Colonel from

1387 Malmstrom AFB who asked him to come to the base at 10 a.m. the next day. He was escorted to a windowless room inside a fenced-off compound and asked to sign a statement. While doing so, he says he saw two men carrying large laundry bags containing humanoid bodies. 1953 Nordic aliens land at Homestead AFB to warn us away from the threat posed by Grays. 1953 November 23--An F-89C Scorpion fighter jet from 433rd FIS at Kinross Field piloted by Lt. Felix Moncla Jr., with radar operator R. R. Wilson, disappeared while chasing a UFO over Lake Superior. Ground radar operators reported seeing the two blips merge and then move off the screen, never to be seen again. NICAP investigators found that mentions of Moncla's mission--chasing an unidentified target--had been obliterated from official records. PROJECT BLUEBOOK files simply listed the case as an "accident." 1953 NSA agent James Moseley comes up with "Earth-made devices" theory of UFOs. 1953 October---A disc-shaped UFO approximately 5 meters in diameter with a band of multi-colored lights around its middle, crashed near the village of Grachevka west of Orenburg in Russia. Wreckage transported to Zhitkur. 1953-1964 Khruschev reversed many of Stalin's policies, and this became known as "Destalinization," and this time period is known as "The Thaw." He ridded the U.S.S.R. of purges. He also elmiinated show trials and replaced them with actual court systems. He gave more latitude to the 6 Eastern European states, and in the Thaw allowed more freedom of speech and criticism of Stalin. At the 1956 XX Party Congress, Khruschev announced that Stalin had indeed made many mistakes during his reign. Khruschev tried to reform collectivized agriculture and to shake up the Communist Party in order to remove inefficiency, so the Party forced him out in 1964. The West regards Khruschev as generally unpredictable, especially considering his actions in the Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962. 1953 Otto Bender closes down his International Flying Saucer Bureau after a visit from three MIB. Tsarion 1953 Pertussis vaccinations in France, Chile, Austria, Holland and the Scandinavian countries are positively correlated with cases of autism. U.S. ignores data. Tsarion 1953 Planning meeting held by Dulles, Ford Foundation director, Robert Hutchins, and Dr. Humphrey Osmond, personal physician to Aldous Huxley, for Ford Foundation-funded mescaline and LSD research. Another meeting in 1953. Aldous Huxley was the grandson of Rhodes Round Table Group cofounder Thomas Huxley. Aldous Huxley, author of Doors of Perception, had a personal paradigm which included

1388 the concepts of Dionysian children of the sun and an Illuminist-OsirisIsis orientation. Aldous was also tutored by H.G. Wells, who was also in charge of British Foreign Intelligence in 1916. One of the curious books written by Wells was The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. Huxley's initiation into psychedelic substance was provided by Aleister Crowley. It is thought by some that the British push of psychedelic chemicals on the United States is reminiscent of the paradigm of opium in China. Tsarion 1953 President Eisenhower appoints Nelson Rockefeller to group on government reorganization. It was Rockefeller, in collaboration with "Nazi" agents, who assisted in the establishment of MJ-12, the NSA and CIA as fronts for Bavarian Intelligence, a "secret government" within the Constitutional government. Many who have gotten close to the CIA's ultimate secret--that is the Nazi S.S. controlling factor--are murdered by CIA assassins. 1953 PROJECT CHATTER abandoned by the US Navy. 1953 PROJECT GLEEN begun. 1953 PROJECT PLATO is established as a part of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUEBOOK to communicate and establish diplomatic relations with alien beings (allegedly with the large asteroid-ships that were detected heading towards Earth). 1953 Return of Korean prisoners of war, some of whom are brainwashed. Tsarion 1953 Return of Korean War prisoners, including some who had been brainwashed. 21 POWs defect back to China. 1953 Robertson Panel (CIA) views UFOs as national security threat. CIA is reported at this time to have been well penetrated by the KGB. CIA is hostile to those who witness strange aircraft. Tsarion 1953 Senator Charles Tobey, Jr. enters an investigative report into the Congressional Record (Fitzgerald Report) which indicated that evidence existed of a conspiracy to suppress medical advances in the treatment of cancer in the 1950's. Tsarion 1953 Soviet Union explodes hydrogen bomb. Tsarion 1953 , (!;) , : STALIN (Djugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovitch 1879 1953. Dictator of the Soviet Union. Stalin was born and educated in Georgia when it was under czarist rule, and as a young man he joined LENINS Bolshevik group within the Russian Social Democratic Party. After Lenins death Stalin eliminated his opponents, chief among whom was Leon TROTSKY, and from the late 1920s until his death was absolute ruler of the USSR. All through his political life Stalin had to deal with Jews as a group and as individuals and his behaviour was curiously

1389 inconsistent. In a pamphlet written before the 1917 revolution he denied that the Jews were a nation, but when he was commissar for nationalities from 191723, he permitted the establishment of Jewish cultural and administrative organizations. In the 1930s he sharply condemned anti-Semitism, but set about liquidating many of the Jewish institutions that he had earlier encouraged. In 1948 he supported the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. But from the end of the same year until his death he embarked on a series of vicious purges of Jews and attacks on Zionism, including the SLNSK trial in Czechoslovakia. The campaign culminated in the notorious doctors plot in 1953. Nine doctors, six of them Jews, were accused of conspiring to kill Soviet leaders. (The doctors plot allegation was probably in part an attempt to oust L. Beria, the minister of the interior and head of the Secret Police, from his position.) At the same time a press offensive against international Jewish organizations was set in process. Stalins attitude to the Jews was often opportunistic. It was sometimes convenient for him to pander to popular anti-Semitism; on the other hand, his support for a Jewish state in 1948 was an attempt to weaken the British in the Middle East. But personal anti-Semitism was also involved, as shown by his hostile attitude to the marriages of two of his children to Jews. This feeling no doubt increased after 1948 when the dictator became increasingly paranoiac and suspicious in all matters. It was under Stalin that the Biro-bidzhan region of the USSR, close to the border with China, was declared a Jewish autonomous region in 1934. Jewish immigration took place, Jewish collective farms were set up and schools established in which Yiddish was the language. But the scheme was killed by Stalins post-1948 terror campaign and the Jewish population declined to onetenth of the total in the region by 1959. 1953 , ! : . , . , 22 , , , , 17-41953 19 , . , . , , 12 , .. 2623/1953

1390 . To Real News 17-4-2011 1953 Soviets begin research on biological effects of microwaves. A special lab is set up at the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences. Other labs are set to study the effect of microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation. Tsarion 1953 Summer--Possible UFO crash and recovery in Fort Polk, LA, during the US Army's "Sagebrush" maneuvers across the TexasLouisiana border. US Army Private H.J. (initials) under Sergeant R.S. (initials) in Company B were ordered to stay by the crashed saucer until the ambulance and superior officers arrived. Three Aliens walked away from the crash. One Alien was carried on a stretcher. All aliens eventually died and were taken to storage facility near Washington D.C. Aliens described as having large helmeted heads, tight fitting suits, legs stiff when they walked, were 3.5 to 4.0 feet tall, and used Alien language. 1953 Tavistock Institute, connected to the psychological warfare division of British Intelligence and funded by the Ford Foundation, British Defense Ministry, and Harvard University, sponsors conferences on such subjects as the dialectics of liberation, hosted by psychoanalyst R.D. Laing and attended by Angela Davis and Stokely Carmichael. Tsarion 1953 The "Ditchley Park Foundation" established in Britain with the aim of influencing world politics. 1953 The first reported occurrence of "Men in Black" was traced to Albert K. Bender, the editor of a flying saucer publication called the Space Review. In the October 1953 issue he placed an announcement stating that he had come across information that would solve the flying saucer mystery but could not print it because he was ordered not to. He ended the announcement warning others in UFO research to be very cautious. He then stopped publication. According to ufologist Gray Barker, Bender had received certain data which he felt provided the missing pieces for a theory concerning the origin of flying saucers. Bender wrote down his thesis and sent it off to a friend he felt he could trust. When the three men appeared at Benders door, one of them held that letter in his hand. The three men told Bender that among the many saucer researchers he had been the one to stumble upon the correct answer to the flying saucer enigma. Then they filled him in on the details. Bender became ill. He was unable to eat for three days. UFO investigators Dominik Lucchesi and August C. Roberts called on Bender and encouraged him to break his silence concerning the mysterious Men In Black. "They were pretty rough with me," Bender told them, "Two men did all the talking and the other kept watching me all the time they

1391 were here. He didn't take his eyes off me." Bender went on to say that when people found out the truth about flying saucers there would be dramatic changes in all things. Science, especially would suffer a major blow. Political structures would topple. Mass confusion would reign. Roberts and Lucchesi kept chipping away at Benders wall of silence, but to most of their queries they received only a noncommittal "I cannot answer that". 1953 The McCarthy Senate anti Communist hearings begin, and continue for a total of 199 days. Jews attack Senator McCarthy mercilessly, since Communism in America is heavily Jewish. They even accuse McCarthy of "anti Semitism," even though McCarthy has a Jewish sidekick (Roy Cohn). 1953 The Swedish conduct a study on the Pertussis vaccine. Anna L. Annell, a Swedish researcher, writes a major work on Pertussis which indicates that pertussis vaccine may be associated with the most varying kinds of cerebral complications which may be cortical, subcortical, or peripheral. Encephalitis after vaccination is known to produce the same range of disabilities and impairment. Annell also wrote, during the past few decades certain of the epidemic childrens disease, measles in particular, have shown an increased tendency to attack the central nervous system. After the 1920's a large number of cases involving CNS damage were reported. Tsarion 1953 Thomas Brown demonstrates electrogravity for U.S.A.F. It becomes top secret. Tsarion 1953 US Army germ warfare project in Panama City, Florida. 1953, . " 46 18 20 8 , 2.059. 1953: Francis Crick and James Watson discover the double helix of the DNA 1953: New Zealand's Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay are the first explorers to reach the summit of Mount Everest 1953: Vorkuta uprising was a major uprising of the Gulag inmates in Vorkuta in the summer of 1953. Like other camp uprisings it was bloodily quelled by the Red Army and the NKVD.[3] 1954: Kengir uprising in the Soviet prison labor camp Kengir. 1954 -- Attempted assassinations of several U.S. Congressmen by Puerto Rican nationalists. First Bilderberger meeting takes place at the Bilderberg Hotel, Oosterbeek, Holland. Condemnation by the U.S. Senate of Joseph McCarthy following his charges of subversion in high places. Hunt involved in CIA overthrow of communist regime in Guatemala, Carlos Castillo-Armas becomes president. Richard Bissell joins the CIA.

1392 Army germ warfare project in Point Mugu and Fort Hueneme, California. Russian KGB created to replace earlier secret police. Broadcaster Frank Edwards fired for discussing UFOs on the air. Strange voice "from space" speaks from turned-off radios in midwest U.S. and London, warns against preparations for war. - 1954 - Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers, international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis. - 1954 Strange voice from space speaks from shut-off radios in midwestern U.S. and London. Voice warns against preparations for war. Tsarion 1954 A French Jesuit priest tells of his exploration of the San Pedro cave on Mount Illampu, near Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Entered via a crawlspace and opening out into a vast underground lake, the priest claimed to have rowed a small boat for hours until the cavern narrowed and gave way to a trail barred by an enormous gate of wrought iron with all of the characteristics of 17th century Spanish ironwork. He could not penetrate beyond the barrier so he turned back. 1954 A study is published which links fluorides and the development of cancer in animals. Ref: A Taylor, Sodium Fluoride in the Drinking Water of Mice, Dental Digest, Vol. 60, pp170-172. Tsarion 1954 American Air Force officials announced their planes had pursued and fired on several UFO's over the skies of Korea. 1954 April 18 Gamal Abdel Nasser becomes prime minister of Egypt. 1954 April 22 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels (Adolf Joseph Lanz) dies in Vienna. His request to be buried at Heilegenkreuz monastery is refused. Rumors soon circulate that his body was secretly disinterred and reburied at Heiligenkreuz. (Howe) 1954 April-- President Eisenhower made a secret trip to Muroc Field (now Edwards Air Force Base), in the California desert, accompanied by generals, reporter Franklin Allen of the Hearst Newspapers Group, Los Angeles Catholic Bishop James McIntyre, and others. The President had previously arranged to be in nearby Palm Springs, CA, purportedly for a golfing vacation. He "was spirited over to Muroc one night," while reporters were fed the cover story that the President had a toothache and needed to see a dentist. While at Muroc Air Field, Eisenhower was present while a disc landed. Several aliens, referred to as the "Etherians", emerged to converse with the President and the generals. The aliens requested that Eisenhower make the public aware of Etherian contact with Earth forthwith. The President protested that humans were not ready, and needed time to be prepared for adjusting to this stupendous reality. The occupants of the UFO, gave amazing

1393 demonstrations to a select group of individuals (including President Eisenhower). The Etherians allowed the military to inspect the UFO, and even helped them. Alternately, some people think, President Eisenhower went to see the captured saucers and recovered bodies at Hanger-18, instead of being at the dentist. 1954 Archaeologists on an expedition along the Amazon River encountered a bizarre aquatic biped with gills and scales. 1954 Army germ warfare project in Point Magu and Fort Hueneme, California. Tsarion 1954 Army germ warfare project in Point Mugu and Fort Hueneme, California. 1954-1962: Algerian War of Independence - revolutionary war of independence against French colonialism 1954 Attempted assassination of several Congressmen by Puerto Rican Nationalists. Tsarion 1954 August 23-- Just before the onset of the great autumn 1954 UFO wave in France, several witnesses, among them a businessman, two police officers, and an Army engineer, recounted a spectacular observation of an extraordinary object over the town of Vernon. Businessman Bernard Miserey, who watched it from his driveway, described it as an enormous vertical cigar, 300 feet long, hovering above the north bank of the Seine River 1,000 feet away. According to his testimony, "Suddenly from the bottom of the cigar came an object like a horizontal disc, which dropped at first in free fall, then slowed, and suddenly swayed and dived horizontally across the river toward me, becoming very luminous" before vanishing in the southwest. Over the next 45 minutes other, similar discs dropped out of the cigar. By this time the mother craft had lost its luminosity and disappeared into the darkness. 1954 August 31--The "Sea Fury encounter", one of the most controversial radar visual reports of the fifties. The story leaked out in December, 1954, and made front page headlines. The official navy file on the event remained classified until the Directorate of Naval Intelligence released a copy upon request in 1982. Lieutenant J.A. O'Farrell was returning to Royal Australian Navy Air Station Nowra after a night cross country in a Sea Fury aircraft. After contacting Nowra at about 1910 hours, O'Farrell saw a very bright light closing fast at one o'clock. It crossed in front of his aircraft taking up position on his port beam, where it appeared to orbit. A second and similar light was observed at nine o'clock. It passed about a mile in from of the Sea Fury and then turned in the position where the first light was observed. According to O'Farrell, the apparent crossing speeds of the lights were the fastest he had ever encountered. He had been flying at 220 knots. O'Farrell contacted Nowra who in turn confirmed that they had two radar "paints" in company with

1394 him. The radar operator, Petty Officer Keith Jessop, confirmed the presence of two objects near the Sea Fury on the G.C.I. remote display. The two lights reformed at nine o'clock and then disappeared on a north easterly heading. O'Farrell could only make out "a vague shape with the white light situated centrally on top." The Directorate of Naval Intelligence at the time wrote that O'Farrell was "an entirely credible witness" and that he "was visibly 'shaken' by his experience, but remains adamant that he saw these objects" 1954 Broadcaster Frank Edwards fired for discussing UFO on radio station. Tsarion 1954 Broadcaster Frank Edwards is fired for discussing UFOs on the air. 1954 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo deems LSD A new agent for unconventional warfare. CIA orders100 million doses from I. G. Farben through Sandoz for mind control experiments well into the 1960's. Tsarion 1954 Egyptian Jews blow up American facilities in Egypt, in an attempt to damage relations between the U.S./Egypt, by making the sabotage look like non Jewish Egyptians did it. Called "The Lavon Affair," after Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon. 1954 , , [ ] . Ho chi Minh Viet Minh. 1954 English Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding says publicly, "I am convinced these objects (UFOs) do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on Earth." 1954 Eurovision network formed. Tsarion 1954 Feb. 23, 1954 - Senator William Jenner of Indiana says before the U.S. Senate: "Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. We have a well-organized political action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state. It has a foothold within our Government, and its own propaganda apparatus. One may call this group by many names. Some people call it socialism, some collectivism. I prefer to call it 'democratic centralism.' The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization. It is a dynamic, aggressive, elite corps, forcing its way through every opening, to make a breach for a collectivist one-party state. It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government without our suspecting the change is

1395 underway. This secret revolutionary corps understands well the power to influence the people by an elegant form of brainwashing. We see this, for example, in the innocent use of words like 'democracy' in place of 'representative government.' " - 1954 - CIA Arbenz Armas . 1954 First recorded Bilderberger meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland. Tsarion 1954 General vaccination programs against Polio begin in the United States. Tsarion 1954 Joseph McCarthy vs. The Communists scenario. Tsarion 1954 July 1--F-94 from Griffiss AFB, New York scrambled to intercept two unknown blips. First was visually IDed as a Canadian C-47, then vectored on second target. Crew had radar lock and visual contact with a disk estimated at 50-feet in diameter. Pilot armed his gun cameras and RIO radioed and demanded for ID. Response was a blast of heat that nearly suffocated the crew and caused and in-flight fire. Crew ejected and plane crashed into Walesville, NY. Four on ground killed and several others injured, two critical. Aircrew uninjured. 1954 Locust plague in Morocco. Tsarion 1954 March--PROJECT BLUEBOOK is reorganized under Captain Charles Hardin. The 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron is trained as field investigators. 1954 Mass introduction of sugared soft drinks in the United States. Tsarion 1954 May 10-- USMC F3D-2 Skynight vectored by March AFB radar after unknown contact is reported over Lake Elisnore, California. The dark, delta-shaped object estimated at 100 ft. across was chased by the aircraft, but easily outdistanced the fighter. 1954 May 14--Four USMC F9F pilots asked by Carswell AFB radar to check out unknown contacts near Dallas, Texas. Pilots surprised to see 16 silvery disks heading for them. Flight Leader Major Charles Scarborough called the break, but before the other pilots could break the UFOs broke formation and scattered at over 1,200kts. Major Scarborough told civilian investigators that he believed the unknowns were listening to his radio instructions. 1954 May--First Bilderberger meeting takes place. Bilderberg takes its name from the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland where the first meeting took place in May of 1954. That first meeting grew out of the concern expressed by many leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on matters of critical importance. It was felt that regular "off the record discussions" would help create a better

1396 understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the post war period. This is a group of 115-120 of the most powerful men and women on Earth. Eight are supposedly from Western Europe and the remainder from North America. One third are from government and politics, and the remaining two thirds from industry, finance, education, and communications. They are chosen based on their knowledge, standing, and experience. They meet in secret four days every year. Their "sister" organizations are the Trilateral Commission and the Council On Foreign Relations. The measures implemented by this group to control the world economy is through indirect political means. Among the originators to the Bilderberg Group was Prince Bernard of Holland, a card carrying member of Hitler's SS . The constitution of several democratic monarchies of the Western World bans members of their royal families from playing an active role in the political process. However, the Bilderberg meetings provide this exact forum and platform for them. The first meeting was convened under the chairmanship of H. R. H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who served as chairman for 22 years. 1954 New York Times announces Stephen Bechtel, chairman of Bechtel Corp, has become a partner of J. P. Morgan Company. Tsarion 1954 Nobel prize to Enders & Robbins for work on polio virus. Tsarion 1954 October 14--Flight Lt. J.R. Salandin of the 604th Fighter Squadron, RAF, was flying a Meteor twin-jet fighter out aircraft of North Weald, Essex, UK, when he nearly collided head-on with a huge, metallic appearing object. The UFO was shaped like two saucers pressed together, one inverted on top of the other. At the last second, it flipped to one side and streaked past at tremendous speed. Two round UFOs had been sighted speeding between two other Meteor jets in the vicinity just before Lt. Salandin's sighting. 1954 Oppenheimer dismissed from government service. Tsarion 1954 Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company combines the DPT shot with Polio vaccine. The new combination of four vaccines is called Quadrigen. (See 1959). Tsarion 1954 1954 : , . . , , , 900 . . : . (. , . , . , . 171).

1397 1954 Physicists Enrico Fermi and Fritz London die. Tsarion 1954 PROJECT SIGMA is established as a part of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK to establish contact with the Aliens. Became a separate project in 1976. 1954 PROJECT SNOWBIRD begins as a cover for the revitalized PROJECT REDLIGHT's attempts to fly a vessel built with alien technology. Its mission was to develop, using conventional technology, and fly a "Flying Saucer" type craft for the public. This project was successful when a craft was built and flown in front of the press. This project was used to explain UFO sightings and to divert the publics attention from PROJECT REDLIGHT. 1954 Russian KGB created to replace secret police. Tsarion 1954 Salk vaccine begins to be given to school children in Philadelphia. Tsarion 1954 September 14--In the southwest of France along the Atlantic coast, while working with his men in a field, a wealthy farmer who lived near St-Prouant saw a "regular shape something like a cigar or a carrot" drop rapidly out of a thick layer of clouds. The object, essentially horizontal though tipped slightly toward the earth, was luminous and rigid, and its movements did not correlate with the clouds just above it. It looked, Georges Fortin said, like a "gigantic machine surrounded by mists." It ceased its descent, then moved into a vertical position and became motionless. By now citizens of half a dozen local villages, as well as farmers living in the region, were watching in awe. White smoke like a vapor trail began to pour out of the bottom of the object and head straight down before slowing and ascending to circle the cigar in ascending spirals. By the time it got to the top, the wind had blown away all the smoke or vapor, revealing its source: a small metallic disc which shone like a mirror and reflected light from the larger object. The disc darted about the area, sometimes moving with great speed, sometimes stopping abruptly, before finally streaking toward the cigar and disappearing into its lower part. "Perhaps a minute later the 'carrot' leaned over as it began to move, accelerated, and disappeared into the clouds in the distance," Fortin told investigators, "having resumed its original position, point forward. The whole thing had lasted about half an hour." Other witnesses up and down the valley confirmed this account. Meteorologists confirmed that no tornado or other unusual meteorological activity was occurring at the time of the sighting. 1954 Sergeant Durdle reports seeing a brilliant, circular object flying across Lake Nipissing toward the Royal Canadian Air Force base there. An oblong canister was hanging down from a central section, which supported a long cone with a spinning globe on top When it tilted, the witness was able to observe regulator-like devices inside the machine

1398 through a vertical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages, which looked like necklaces, were hanging from the craft. Durdle woke up four Air Force men, who observed the object spiraling away. 1954 Smith, Kline, and French puts Thorazine on the market. By 1975, doctors would write 200,000,000 prescriptions annually for psychotropic drugs for people not hospitalized. Tsarion 1954 Spring--Possible UFO crash in Mattydale, New York. In this suburb of Syracuse, at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, an information specialist and his wife saw a 20-foot wide object being examined on the ground by several men who were taking pictures. The next day an officer told them the event was a military secret. Later, police denied the whole incident ever took place. 1954 Strange voice "from space" speaks from turned-off radios in Midwest U.S. and London, warns against preparations for war. 1954 Temple of Mithras excavated in London. Tsarion 1954 The "Cutler/Twining Memo" discusses MJ-12/SSP (Special Studies Project). 1954 The 1954 London Daily Mail expedition examined a "yeti scalp," said to be 350 years old, preserved as a kind of sacred object in a Tibetan lamasery. 1954 The race of aliens, known as Grays, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base. They stated that their planet was dying and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that might allow their race to survive; this was to be in exchange for certain technology. A second meeting with Eisenhower and "His Omnipotent Highness Krll (or Krlll)" results in a treaty. Krll remains behind as a "hostage". (He eventually sickens and is nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza, Earth's first xenobiologist). 1954 The source for this was an Eastern Airlines pilot (and a Captain in the MAANG). The pilot was enroute from Boston to New York-LaGuardia with a stopover in Hartford, CT. On approach to Hartford, the tower put the DC-3 into a holding pattern, the pilot asked why and got the reply: "ADC has a scramble out." The pilot then told his copilot to monitor the Hartford Tower while he listened to the ADC channel on his radio. The captain had just turned to the ADC channel when a huge orange-red fireball erupted ahead and above the DC-3 and the pilot heard a fighter pilot screaming over the radio "I got him, I got him!" The copilot then told the captain to get back on the tower frequency--the tower was screaming into their radio--they thought the DC-3 and two other airliners had collided. Sources at the Air Force confirm the scramble, but refuse to confirm that anyone had fired that night.

1399 1954 Two truck drivers get into a fistfight with small humanoid aliens at a roadside cafe between Caracas and Petare, Venezuela. 1954 United States explodes another hydrogen bomb in Bikini Island. Tsarion 1954 Wilhelm Reich begins cloudbuster experiments in Maine. Tsarion 1954 Wilhelm Reich organized expedition into American southwest to undertake experiments on desert development. Reich also disables two UFOs with his cloudbuster. DOR removal programs begin with cloudbuster. Tsarion 1954, : , : ] , ] ... 1914 1 ] ... 1994. [ 1984 , ;]. 1954 3 . 1954 ' 1994 . . [ ], . , , . , , ! . "". , : ! , , . ... ... ! ! , , ; ... . , . ... . ' [ ] . [ , ] ... "". 1954, ! , Poljak, 1900-1963. .

1400 , ... , ! , , , , " " ... ! 1935 . , ... 1937, ... ... , 1944, , . 1946, ... Zion, , ' ! [ ]. Poljak . 1951 , [Patmos, !]. 1952 , [Basel, 1897, !]. 2 1954 . Poljak "" 1955 , ' . . Mottlingen , , ! . , Albert Springer. ' ; , , , , : , ! , ! ... ! 1954, , " ". 1954: Anglo-Persian Oil changes name in British Petroleum March 1954: The KGB takes over the role of the NKVD

1401 1954: The Soviet Union moves Crimea from Russia to Ukraine 1955: The Soviet Union forms the Warsaw Pact to counterbalance NATO with Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania 1955: Soviet violinist Oistrakh performs at New York's Carnegie Hall 1955: "Voice of America" begin broadcasting Willis Conover's jazz program 1955: the Soviet Union builds the world's first tokamak nuclear reactor in Moscow 1955 Assassination of Jose Antonio Remon of Panama and Adnan Al-Malki of Syria. Bilderberger meeting in Barbizon, France. Lee Harvey Oswald meets David Ferrie of the New Orleans Civil Air Patrol. Doug Durham joins the Marines. The Office of Naval Research allegedly receives a copy of Morris Jessup's The Case for the UFOs with marginal notes in three different hands, supposedly by "Gypsies" knowledgeable in UFOlogy; ONR reprints several hundred copies for internal use; an MIB called "Carlos Allende" is implicated in the affair. - 1955 Abbe Bordet follows three Yeti trails in Himalayas. 1955 An treaty between the former Allies and Austria treats Austria as a liberated nation and not a defeated one. Austria receives independence, and the four-power occupation is terminated. 1955 April 12 The Salk vaccine against polio is declared safe and effective. 1955 April 18 Albert Einstein, the German-born American theoretical physicist who won a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, dies at the age of 76. His specific and general theories of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. 1955 August 20--The Sutton farm near Kelly, Kentucky is terrorized by "creatures". The Sutton family saw a light landing near their farmhouse, then several nightmarish entities about 1 m tall, with glowing silver clothing, an oversized round head, huge eyes and ears, and a slitlike mouth harassed them for several hours, in spite of heavy gunfire. At one point, one of the entities was knocked down from the roof by a bullet: it "floated down. " Running out of ammunition, the Suttons got the police, who observed a lighted object in the sky, flying very fast. 1955 August 21--Mrs. Darwin Johnson of Evansville, Indiana was swimming when a claw-like hand gripped her knee from below the water and pulled her under. She struggled with the unseen grabber and managed to free herself, but no sooner had she come to the surface than she was

1402 dragged down again. She was able to lunge at a friend's inner tube, and the thump she made on contact with it apparently scared the attacker away. Though never observed, the creature left a green palm stain on Mrs. Johnson's knee and scratches and marks for which she sought medical attention. 1955 1955, ! , , "" 28 55, , 20 , , . ! . , "" "", , , ! , , 3 , , . 4-9-55, "" . 5 6 , , , ! ! , , , ! , ! ! , , ! , , (1952). , 7 , ""!

1403 , -, " "! 6 , ! ! 200 , 2.000 6 80 ! . : . , , . , . 99 1955 First flights of PROJECT REDLIGHT vessels. 1955 July 24--"Area 51" is born as a test site and base for U-2 spy planes. 1955 March--Differing views on the formation of MJ-12: NSC 5410 establishes Majestic-12, a committee of 12 to oversee the "Alien Question", included people from the CFR (Particularly those from the "good old boy" networks of the Skull and Bones Society and the Key and Scroll Society). OR Eisenhower orders by executive memo (NSC 5412/1) the establishment of the 5412 Committee, or Special Group. OR Eisenhower orders by executive memo (NSC 5411), a study group of 35 "top men" (The Jason Society) associated with the CFR to examine "The Alien Question". OR by NSC 5511, Eisenhower commissions a study group from the CFR to meet at Quantico (later known as Quantico II and the Country Club) to examine the question. 1955 May 25--Northeast of Cincinnati, in Loveland, Ohio, along the Miami River, reports of more or less reptilian bipeds have been made since at least 1955, when a driver returning home from work at 3:30am reported that he had spotted three grotesque-looking creatures with lopsided chests, wide, lipless, froglike mouths, and wrinkles rather than hair on their heads. One held a spark-generating, bar-shaped device above itself. He watched them from his parked car for three minutes before leaving to alert Loveland Police Chief John Fritz. As he did so, he smelled a strong odor reminiscent of "fresh-cut alfalfa, with a slight trace of almonds." Fritz found nothing but was nonetheless convinced of the witness's sincerity. 1955 Mutilated humans are being found with mutilated animals, suggesting that the aliens aren't biding by the agreements. 1955 October 14--One of the most powerful U.S. senators in modern history actually eye-witnessed two UFOs while on a fact-finding trip through Russia in 1955, and the U.S. government kept the sightings a secret for more than three decades. The incredible encounter is detailed in twelve TOP SECRET CIA, FBI, and Air Force reports and declassified in 1985. Those startling reports reveal that Senator Richard B. Russell, Jr.

1404 (D-GA), then chairman of the Armed Services Committee, was on a Soviet train when he spotted a disc-shaped craft taking off near the tracks. He hurriedly called his military aide and interpreter to the window and they saw the UFO, plus another one that appeared a minute later. The astonished trio reported the sightings to the U.S. Air Force as soon as they were out of Russia. The Air Force Intelligence report says Russell and his two traveling companions spotted the UFO's on October 4, 1955, while traveling by rail across Russia's Transcaucasus region. "One disc ascended almost vertically, at a relatively slow speed, with its outer surface revolving slowly to the right, to an altitude of about 6000 feet, where its speed then increased sharply as it headed north," the report states. "The second flying disc was seen performing the same actions about one minute later. The take-off area was about 1-2 miles south of the rail line" Russell "saw the first flying disc ascend and pass over the train," and went "rushing in to get Mr Efron (Ruben Efron, his interpreter) and Col. Hathaway (Col. E. U. Hathaway, his aide) to see it," the report said. "Col. Hathaway stated that he got to the window with the Senator in time to see the first (UFO), while Mr. Efron said that he got only a short glimpse of the first. However, all three saw the second disc and all agreed that they saw the same round, disc-shaped craft as the first." The Air Force report was written by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ryan, who interviewed Senator Russell's companions in Prague, Czechoslovakia, on October 13, after they arrived there from Russia shortly after the sighting. CIA documents show that the agency later interviewed the three eyewitnesses in the Russell party, and also a fourth person, unidentified in the reports, who had seen the UFO's. An eyewitness, whose name was blacked out on the CIA report prior to its declassification, said one of the UFO's "had a slight dome on top" and also a "white light on top." The edge of the disc was glowing pinkish-white, he added. The UFO rose "vertically with the glow moving slowly around the perimeter in a clockwise direction, giving the appearance of a pinwheel." Interpreter Ruben Efron told the CIA that visibility was excellent. As one UFO approached the train, he said, "the object gave the impression of gliding. No noise was heard and no exhaust was heard, and no exhaust glow or trail was seen by me." After the encounter, Senator Russell told the men with him: "We saw a flying disc. I wanted you boys to see it so that I would have witnesses," according to the CIA documents. An FBI memo, dated November 4, 1955, also discusses the sighting, and admitted Col. Hathaway's testimony "would support existence of a flying disc" Dr. Maccabee, of the Fund for UFO Research, believes that Senator Russell and his group never publicly revealed their incredible sightings "because they were no doubt advised not to talk. These documents provide startling new evidence that UFO's exist." Mr. Tom Towers, in his January 20, 1957, column, "Aviation

1405 News," for the Los Angeles, CA, Examiner, printed the contents of a letter from Senator Russell, which was in response to a request for information about the sightings in Russia. Mr. Towers had originally contacted Senator Russell's office by letter with the request that he be given permission to "break" the story. The Senator wrote: "Permit me to acknowledge your letters relative to reports that have come to you regarding aerial objects seen in Europe last year. I received your letter, but I have discussed this matter with the affected agencies of the government, and they are of the opinion that it is not wise to publicize this matter at this time. I regret very much that I am unable to be of assistance to you." The letter was dated 17 January, 1956. 1955 October--General MacArthur is believed to have been involved in establishing the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU), which was formed to investigate crashed and retrieved flying saucers. In October 1955, MacArthur stated: "You now face a new world, a world of change. We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy." "The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets." This statement has led to intense speculation that the IPU uncovered more facts about UFOs than has ever been revealed. 1955 Squadron Leader Lester Davies films Yeti tracks in Himalayas. 1955 Starting in 1955 and running until 1958, in Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida, the Army carried out field tests in which mosquitoes were released into residential neighborhoods from both ground level and from aircraft. Many people were swarmed by mosquitoes, and fell ill, some even died. After each test, U.S. Army personnel posing as public health officials photographed and tested the victims. It is theorized that the mosquitoes were infected with a strain of Yellow Fever. However, details of the testing remain classified. 1955 The Communist Party newspaper Kol Haam (Voice of the People) wrote: All those whose relatives, were butchered by the Germans in Hungary know now clearly that Jewish hands helped the mass murder. (23 June 1955) 1955 5-12-1955 .... : , 4 .. , . , , , : :

1406 , . . . . . : / . 8 : - . , , , . 1955 The Office of Naval Research receives a copy of Morris Jessup's Case for UFOs with marginal notes in three different hands ("Gypsies" knowledgeable in UFOlogy); ONR reprints several hundred copies for internal use. An MIB called "Carlos Allende" is implicated in the affair. 1955 The Tampa Bay area of Florida experienced a sharp rise in Whooping Cough cases, including 12 deaths, after a CIA test where a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare arsenal was released into the environment. Details of the test are still classified. 1955 The Tampa Bay area of Florida experienced a sharp rise in Whooping Cough cases, including 12 deaths, after a CIA test where a bacteria withdrawn from the Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare arsenal was released into the environment. Details of the test are still classified. 1955 Two elderly sisters in Chicago, Mildred and Marie Maier, reported in the Journal of Space Flight their experiences with UFOs, including the recording of a radio program in which an unidentified code was reportedly heard. The sisters taped the program and other ham radio operators also claimed to have heard the "space message." 1955 UFO crash in Kazahstan. Allegedly intact, the UFO was transported to Zhitkur. 1955 William Roe encounters a Sasquatch near Jasper, Alberta. 1955 , . , , .

1407 1955 , 1 , 1955. 1955 , ! Haboker, the pro-Government General Zionist party paper stated: The public wants to know the real facts about Kastner, and not about him alone. The only way to find out the truth is to put all the Rescue Committee people on trial and give them a chance to offer their defense. (23 June 1955) But public opinion was not quite unanimous. The problem with bringing Kastner and his associates to trial was that his associates were the Government of Israel. As the evening paper Yediot Aharanot said: If Kastner is brought to trial the entire government faces a total political and national collapse - as a result of what such a trial may disclose. (23 June 1955) Accordingly, the Government of Israel did not put Kastner on trial, instead it filed an appeal against the acquittal of Greenwald for criminal libel. 1955 ! ; In the authoritative Israeli newspaper Haaretz., the leading political journalist, Dr. Moshe Keren wrote: Kastner must be brought to trial as a Nazi collaborator. And at this trial, Kastner should defend himself as a private citizen, and not be defended by the Israeli Government... (14 July 1955) 1955, . , , , 6 . . , * 16 . * 90 . * . 10 . 4.348 , 1.300 , 21 , 110 . , , 27 . 1955, "... 61 95 , . 4 . , , , .

1408 . , , . 7 , . 36 , , , .. . "", "" "" "" . ...". , " , ", , 22 1955. 1955, , . 1955: Greek Cypriots (EOKA) start fighting for unification with Greece 1955-1970: The Union of the Peoples of Cameroon (UPC) engages in a guerrilla struggle against French colonialism in the French Cameroons. In 1955 the UPC was for all practical purposes banned, and in 1960 Cameroon achieved independence under the conservative government of President Ahmadou Ahidjo. After the gradual assassinations of many of its top leaders and the proclamation of a oneparty state in 1966, the last significant remnants of the insurgency were extinguished in 1970. The UPC, unlike many other guerrilla organizations throughout Africa, never achieved state power. 1956-1962: Border Campaign led by the Irish Republican Army against the British, along the border of the independent Republic of Ireland and British Northern Ireland. 1956-59 Cuban guerilla fighters led by Fidel Castro in the Sierra Maestra mountains during the Cuban Revolution 1956: Hungarian Revolution, a failed workers' and peasants' revolution against the Soviet-supported communist state in Hungary. 1956 -- Assassination of Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. Bilderberger meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark. Clay Shaw's CIA contact allegedly stopped. Oswald joins Marines. Durham receives special CIA training. UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers which reported numerous MIB incidents. - 1956 -1958 In Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida, the Army carried out field tests in which mosquitoes were released into residential neighborhoods from both ground level and from aircraft.

1409 Many people were swarmed by Mosquitoes, and fell ill, some even died. After each test, U.S. Army personnel posing as public health officials photographed and tested the victims. It is theorized that the mosquitoes were infected with a strain of Yellow Fever. However, details of the testing remain classified. 1956 A Royal Canadian Air Force F-100 fighter is captured by a UFO over Lake Huron. 1956 A Vatican-funded space craft of the Marconi Project, launched from Argentina, reaches Mars in only 2 or 3 days. 1956 April 19 Prince Rainier of Monaco marries American screen actress Grace Kelly in Monte Carlo. Over 1,200 guests attend the televised Catholic wedding ceremony. 1956 August 13-- The RAF/USAF in Bentwaters / Lakenheath in Suffolk made radar contact with a UFO using three ground-based radars. Technicians later told investigators for PROJECT BLUE BOOK that diagnostics checks indicated their radar was operating normally. A confirmation on aerial radar by a Venom night fighter and visual sightings from the ground and the air make this case one of the most celebrated contacts of modern times. Radar indicated that objects were moving up at 4,000 miles per hour--higher speeds than any aircraft of the time could have achieved. Venom fighter scrambled from RAF Waterbeach: pilot soon had visual with a white light and closed in: RIO had target on radar and called Judy, but within a few seconds the UFO circled around and was chasing the fighter. A second Venom was scrambled but the UFO disappeared before the second jet arrived-RIO said later the UFO blip was "clearest target I have seen on radar". The incident remained classified until 1969. These 1956 events have become iconic in status among UFO historians as "the Lakenheath case" or "the Lakenheath/Bentwaters case", one of the few incidents classified as "unexplained" by the 1969 Colorado University UFO study commissioned by the US Air Force, which conceded that "the probability that at least one genuine UFO was involved appears to be fairly high." 1956 August--The National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP) is organized. For several years, it will be the dominant UFO organization in the U.S. 1956 Commercial airline captain Raymond E. Ryan and his first officer William Neff were flying from Albany, New York to Syracuse. At a height of 6,000 feet, the two observed a brilliant white light like an approaching aircraft with landing lights on. Ryan estimated that the object was moving at approximately 1,000 miles per hour--faster than any object of the day. The UFO glowed orange in front of them. Ryan and Neff reported the encounter to Griffiss Air Force Base. The base confirmed that they also could see an orange object nearby. This sighting

1410 lasted over twenty minutes and was also witnessed by the flight attendant, Phyllis Reynolds. 1956 December 31-- White disk-shaped light pursued by USAF F86D near Anderson AFB, Guam. UFO out-maneuvered the interceptor and even maintained formation with the F-86D. Pilot had to break off due to low fuel. USAF listed this case as "Unidentified". 1956 Eduard Schulte marries a Jewess (Doris), who has been his mistress since before the war. His wife, Clara Ebert Schulte died the previous year. (Silence) 1956 Encyclopedia Britannica mentions no "gassing" or "Holocaust," simply "concentration camps," i.e., areas where Jews were "concentrated" or kept together as a group. A universal practice of war; not a uniquely horrendous "crime against humanity". 1956 J.P.F. Brown encountered two flying creatures with a threefoot wingspan, long tail, and dog-like muzzle on a road near Lake Bangweulu, Zambia. They doubled back and flew overhead once more, and then Brown saw their sharp fang-like teeth. 1956 BND () 1 1956 6.050 . BND . . 1956 January 11--An F-89J returning from a scramble from Wurtsmith AFB in Michigan was vectored onto a reddish-orange ball seen by tower operators and picked up on radar. Jet had radar lock and gave chase. No visual by jet crew but tower operators had visual. UFO then climbed higher and faster than the F-89 and left the screen. Plane then returned to base. 1956 Oct. 29, Suez Campaign. In retaliation for a series of escalating border raids as well as the closure of the straits of Tiran and Suez canal to Israeli shipping, and to prevent Egyptian use of newly acquired Soviet arms in a war, Israel invades the Sinai peninsula and occupies it for several months, with French and British collaboration. 1956 Sergeant Jonathon P. Louette is abducted by an UFO from White Sands Missile Range. He is returned after three days having been horribly mutilated. 1956 The Royal Air Force upgraded its UFO investigations to "Secret" level. 1956 , Nasser .

1411 1956 Thomas Townsend Brown, a former Navy engineer, believed he could negate gravity using electricity, and who, by 1956 was demonstrating small, electrically charged flying disks. The military was briefly interested, but in the end issued a report that said there was no usable technology there. 1956 UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers which reports numerous MIB incidents. 1956, , . . 1956, 4 , . 1956 .. ! 1956 . . , . 1 . 1956 , . 1956 . , . . : 250.000 10.000. 240.000 . [ , 2, 2001]. , . (

1412 " , "). 1956 . 1956. . . . . , , , , , . [. . 127] : , . [. . 127] 1956 . 1954 (26 ) 9 1956. , . , , , . , . , . : 3 1955: . [. . 6] : 28 : , . [] . [. . 11] : 13 :

1413 . . [. . 12] 1 1955: 7 1955: , . [. . 14] , 1955. . 1955 . . 1956: Britain grants Sudan full independence 1956: Soviet troops crush democratic movement in Hungary killing 2,800 people 1956: The Boston Symphony Orchestra tours the Soviet Union February 1956: Nikita Krushev denounces Stalin' crimes in a secret speech to the Communist Party (beginning of the "Thaw") October 1956: An anti-communist popular uprising led by Imre Nagy in Hungary is crushed by Soviet troops killing 2,800 people Aug 1957: The Soviet Union launches its first intercontinental ballistic missile 1957: The "International Festival of Youth and Students" is held in Moscow, hearlding a cultural "thaw" 1957: A nuclear incident at the Kyshtym nuclear plant causes hundreds of cancer cases and contamination over hundreds of square kilometres Oct 1957: The Soviet Union launches the first artificial satellite, the Sputnik Nov 1957: The first World Conference of Communist Parties votes to hang Hungarian communist Imre Nagy (all vote in favor except the Polish leader Vladislav Gomulka) 1957 Assassination of Carlos Castillo-Armas of Guatemala. Exiled Ukranian politician Lev Rebet assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Alleged assassination of Joseph McCarthy at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of Illuminati plot. Bilderberger meetings in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and Fiuggui, Italy. Oswald assigned to base at Atsugi, Japan, where CIA U-2 planes were launched; shoots self in elbow. General Edwin Walker commands federal troops sent to enforce racial integration at Little Rock, Arkansas. CIA helps Iran form SAVAK, secret police later accused of assassination Iranian

1414 dissidents. Experiments in behavior modification sleep-teaching take place at California penal institution Woodland Road Camp. Fourth UFO flap year. Anti- atomic bomb propaganda disseminated by saucer clubs -another CIA plot? Unexplained short wave radio signals received worldwide. - 1957 A UFO is alleged to have crashed in eastern Kazahstan on the Semipalatinsky nuclear test site. Salvaged by Military Unit 52605, the wreckage was transported to Zhitkur. 1957 Alleged assassination of Joseph McCarthy at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of Illuminati plot. 1957 Anti-atomic bomb propaganda is disseminated by UFO clubs. 1957 CIA forms Iran's SAVAK (Secret Police) which is later accused of assassinating Iranian dissidents. 1957 Dr. Alexander G. Pronin of Leningrad University encounters an Alma in the Pamir Mountains of Russia. 1957 Earl Meeks was drilling a well on his property six miles from Douglas, Georgia, when he broke through to empty space. The shaft began to suck in a constant flow of air and sounds resembling "an underground railway" were so loud that they had to cover the "well" with planks at night so that they could sleep. 1957 Early March--Four single-seat F-86D Sabre jet fighters were returning from a practice bombing mission on le Shima island off Okinawa in the East China Sea. The jets, in a trail 1/2 mile apart, were flying under a low cloud ceiling at 1,500 feet as they made their landing approach to Okinawa. Without warning, a huge flying saucer with a redglowing dome dropped directly into the path of the lead jet. The plane slammed into the canopy at the leading edge of the saucer and exploded. Fiery debris rained into the sea below. The saucer, apparently undamaged, hovered momentarily, then lifted up into the clouds and disappeared. The three surviving pilots gave their reports of the deadly collision and drew pictures of the UFO for Major Rudy Pestalozzi, intelligence officer for the Far Eastern Air Force (FEAF). Pestalozzi included the plots' accounts and drawings in a report to his superiors. This report, however, may have had any references to flying saucers deleted by General William Hipps, Command General of FEAF, who believed that the air force was wasting its time investigating UFOs. The true content of the report may never be known, as the US Government claims to have no records of this tragic incident, in spite of the testimony to the contrary by both Major Rudy Pestalozzi and the three pilots. 1957 Fall--During September and October, nuclear weapons test series, code named ANTLER, were undertaken at Maralinga, South Australia, with kiloton range nuclear explosions being detonated on September 25th and October 9th. The site was subject to intense security.

1415 During that period the integrity of the facility was challenged in an extraordinary fashion. Just before dusk one evening Royal Air Force Corporal Derek Murray and some colleagues were called out of the Maralinga village canteen to witness a UFO hovering apparently silently over the airfield. The UFO was described as a "magnificent sight", being silver/blue in color, of a metallic luster, with a line of "windows" or "portholes" along its edge. Corporal Murray states that the object could be seen so clearly that they could make out what appeared to be plating on the object's surface. The duty air traffic controller also ostensibly witnessed the spectacle. He allegedly checked Alice Springs and Edinburgh airfields who reported they did not have anything over their areas. No photographs were taken as the top security status of the area required that all cameras be locked away. These had to be signed in and out when used. After about 15 minutes (as dusk began to fall) the aerial object left swiftly and silently. In a statement to UK researcher Jenny Randles, Murray stated, "I swear to you as a practicing Christian this was no dream, no illusion, no fairy story--but a solid craft of metallic construction". 1957 Joseph Kennedy takes John F. and Jackie to see Onassis on his yacht, introduce John, and remind Onassis of an old Mafia promise the presidency for a Kennedy. Onassis agrees. 1957 July 17--USAF RB-47H from 55th SRW tracked and chased a reddish object across four states, MS-LA-TX-OK. UFO was tracked by the ELINT equipment on the aircraft and the UFO radar output was estimated by ELINT operators at 40 Megawatts. Object was also tracked on ground radar at Duncanville, Texas. Three flight crew of RB-47 had visual, but ELINT crew only saw it on the equipment. 1957 July 25--Five workers at a blast furnace in Huangshi, China witness a glowing discoidal object which crosses the sky slowly at five o'clock in the morning. 1957 March 26 The West German Constitutional Court upholds the continued validity of the Vatican Concordat for the German Federal Republic. 1957 November 4--Two CAA control tower operators observe a lighted egg-shaped object descend to and cross obliquely the runway area at Kirtland AFB (Albuquerque), hover near the ground for tens of seconds, then climb at unprecedented speed into the overcast. On radar, it was then followed south some miles, where it orbited a number of minutes before returning to the airfield to follow an Air Force aircraft outbound from Kirtland. 1957 October--A young South American farmer called Antonio Villas-Boas came forward with a story that shocked the world of UFOlogy. UFOlogy had only just started to except that people were

1416 seeing landed UFO's but this story was to prove the turning point in many ways. On October 5th, Villas-Boas was in his room after a party and for some reason decided to look out of his window. There he saw a bright fluorescent light hovering just above the tree line of a nearby wood. He called his brother Jaoa who also witnessed this sighting. Neither of the men could explained this sighting and the object soon disappeared. A few days later, Villas-Boas was working late in his field when he observed a strange circular object coming towards him. He tried to drive away in his tractor but the engine and lights both failed. He felt unable to move as the object started to land just a few feet away from where he was seated. As the UFO approached the ground, three telescopic legs came from the object and rested on the ground. Suddenly he felt several hands grabbing him and before he knew what was happening he was being led inside the craft. He shouted for help but no one came. He was led into a large brightly lit room with a metal rod running from the floor to the ceiling. The creatures started to talk amongst themselves in a strange growling language. Soon after this the creature removed his clothes, "washed" him in an oily substance and left the room. Villas-Boas suddenly became very tired and he rested on a "couch" like object. Soon after that the door opened to a reveal a naked semi-humanoid woman. He soon found himself having intercourse with the creature. After he an ejaculated the woman rose up and as she was about to leave the room pointed to her stomach and then to the sky. He was then taken on a brief "tour" of the craft with the creatures talking amongst themselves and never speaking to him. He was then led out of the craft which soon took off and rose at a tremendous speed. It was several weeks before he told his mother and brother what had happened and it was a further two years before he made it public. He was later interviewed by many UFO researchers, the first of which was Dr. Olavo Fontes of APRO. Every investigator has reported that Villas-Boas is one of the most genuine people that they have every interviewed. His story never changed and when he could not answer a question he never tried to embellish. He was regarded as a man of low intelligence and this led many investigators to claim that the story that he told was too full of detail and strangeness to be made up by such a simple person. This case has never been explained and he never made any money from his experience. This case has been looked at again since the spate of abduction reports since the 1980's and large portions of his story still hold true in today's modern "Alien Abduction" stories. 1957 on the effects of mind control drugs on humans. The chief investigator, Dr. Paul Hoch, later heads up New York State's Dept. of Mental Hygiene. Tsarion 1957 Reports from Upper Marleboro, Maryland of a "hairy humanoid".

1417 1957 " . , , , . ..." - , 1957, . 92 1957 Several cigar-shaped UFOs are seen by residents of Levelland, Texas. 1957 The Jason Society implements the massive selling of drugs and places George H. Bush (president of Zapata Oil) in charge of the project. 1957 Underground bases are begun all over the country. 1957 . . 13 1957. , . 19 , , . , , , . . , . 1957 Unexplained short wave radio signals received worldwide. 1957, , . 1957, .. " ". , 30 - , , . . 95 . 1957, 4 , ., + . [ 1983]. 1957: Malaysia becomes independent 1958 Algerian guerrillas shooting a mortar across the AlgerianTunisian border during the Algerian War of Independence (1958) 1958 -- Assassination of Abdul Llah, Faisal II and Nuri Al-Said of Iraq. Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. Russia launches first space satellites. Unidentified ex-Marine lives in Minsk, USSR, apparently gathering information for the CIA. Oswald on maneuvers in the Philippines involving U-2 flights. Francis Gary Powers released from Air Force and assigned to covert CIA spying. Kerry Thornley and Gregory

1418 Hill found Discordianism and publish Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her; Thornley joins Marine Corps. John Birch Society organized by Robert Welch. Nelson Rockefeller elected governor of New York. Ham radio operators pick up a male voice claiming to be Nacoma of Jupiter and warning of atomic bomb disaster in English, German, Norweigian and his own unknown language. - 1958 . 62 , , ! , R. A. Butler : ( , Essex, , 3, 2000,27). 55 . 1958 "John Birch Society" organized by Robert Welch. 1958 Astronaut and fighter pilot Colonel Gordon Cooper (USAF Ret.) has stated on camera that he had an encounter on the ground in 1958 at Edwards AFB while project officer on some undisclosed project. A saucer-shaped metallic object about 40 ft. in diameter landed 100 yards from his position and a camera crew set up to film the test turned the camera around and filmed the UFO's approach, and landing. After a few minutes, the UFO simply took off straight up and disappeared, all caught on film. Cooper then packed the film up and sent it off through the proper channels for such events to BLUE BOOK. He never heard anything more about it, and after his retirement, he checked BLUE BOOK for any info on this case, the case wasn't in BLUE BOOK, it had gone somewhere else, but he is sure he sent it to BLUE BOOK at WPAFB. 1958 . 1958 - , . 1958 Beijing integrates external financial affairs with top British drug running firms in Hong Kond and Macao. Tsarion 1958 Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. Tsarion 1958 Bulldozer operator Jerry Crew finds "Bigfoot" tracks in Humbolt County, Northern California. 1958 Camerons MK ULTRA report devoted to psychic driving. Sub-project 68. Tsarion

1419 1958 Delaney Act on Food Additives Enacted into law. Tsarion 1958 Dr. A. Aslander in Stockholm in 1958 (Tooth Formation in the Light of Plant Nutrition) that indicates that food supplementation with bone meal has a most profound decay protective effect in children. Tsarion 1958 Eight people working in a wood near Bogota, Colombia, saw a green creature with scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly touched the ground. 1958 Food and Drug Act of 1958 took up use of irradiation, defined as additive. Tsarion 1958 Ham radio operators pick up a male voice claiming to be "Nacoma of Jupiter" and warning of atomic bomb disaster in English, German, Norwegian and his own unknown language. 1958 Hordes of Mafia selected candidates swept into American politics. Tsarion 1958 Hordes of Mafia selected, purchased and supported "grass roots" candidates sweep into office. 1958 In October 1958, Dr. J.F. Montague, a medical doctor, published material reflecting his growing concern over fluoridation in the Journal of the International College of Surgeons connecting the presence of fluorine in the human body to cancer. Also in 1958, an interesting piece of work was done by Dr. James Kerwin, a dentist, in which it was shown that the simultaneous presence of fluorine and strontium 90 in the human body may result in a greater accumulation of both substances in which compounds like strontium fluoride are formed. Because of the low solubility of these substances, the body has a very hard time getting rid of them. His report was published in Dental Digest in February 1958. Tsarion 1958 International Geophysical Year exploration of polar regions. Tsarion 1958 January 16--Off the island of Trindade in the south Atlantic Ocean, 47 crew members of the Brazilian naval vessel Almirante Saldanha sighted a fast-flying disk UFO and photographed it. Analysts determined the photos to be authentic and concluded they showed a 50foot diameter object moving at 600 mph. The Trindade UFO was photographed and seen by more qualified observers than any other sighting. These photos are some of the best and most credible in existence. 1958 John Birth Society organized. Tsarion 1958 John McCone becomes Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. Bechtel becomes the world's largest contractor for building nuclear plants. McCone would later become a director of Standard Oil of California and ITT. Tsarion

1420 1958 John Von Neumann assigned new identity as Dr. Rinehart. Tsarion 1958 July-- Mrs. Delburt Gregg of Greggton, Texas, told of an encounter with a shape-shifting creature. As her story goes, one night while her husband was away on business, Mrs. Gregg moved her bed close to a screened window hoping to catch the cool breeze from a thunderstorm brewing on the southwestern horizon. She had dozed off only a short time before she heard a scratching sound on the screen. In a flash of lightning she saw a "huge, shaggy, wolf-like creature ... "clawing at the screen and glaring at me with baleful, glowing, slited eyes. I could see its bared white fangs." She leaped from bed and grabbed a flashlight as the creature fled through the yard and into a clump of bushes. "I watched for the animal to come out of the bushes," she wrote, "but, after a short time, instead of a great shaggy wolf running out, the figure of an extremely tall man suddenly parted the thick foliage and walked hurriedly down the road, disappearing into the darkness." 1958 Kerry Thornley and Gregory Hill found "Discordianism" and publish Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her. 1958 Major Donald Keyhoe, Director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP), appeared as a guest on the "Armstrong Circle Theater Show." He had planned to make an announcement about what the United States government knew about UFOs. He began by stating, "And now I'm going to reveal something that has never been disclosed before...for the last six months we have been working with a congressional committee investigating official secrecy about UFOs..." At that moment the producer of the show (CBS) cut the audio and the public was not able to hear the remainder of Major Keyhoe's statement. Later it was determined to have been done because of pressure from Air Force "spokesmen" in the interest of national security. 1958 McGill University in Montreal CIA-funded experiments with LSD. A 1986 study of CIA development of LSD notes that nearly every drug that appeared on the black market in the 1960's had been previously scrutinized, tested, and in some cases refined by CIA and U.S. Army scientists. (Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellions, by Lee and Shlain, New York, Grove City Press, 1986). Tsarion 1958 Microchip released onto the market. Tsarion 1958 NASA created with charter to prevent ET information from public. Tsarion 1958 Nelson Rockefeller elected Governor of New York. Tsarion 1958 November--A Riverside, California, man driving in a car near the Santa Ana River was attacked by an aquatic biped with a "round,

1421 scare-crowish head," shiny eyes, and scales. It left long scratches on his windshield, and as he accelerated, he hit it and drove over it. 1958 October 9 Pope Pius XII dies at Castel Gandolfo. 1958 Outgoing President of the Gerontological Society, Dr. A. Lansing, muses finding a cure for cancer and heart disease would be a major financial disaster which would bankrupt the social security system and the insurance companies. Prevention, J.L. Rodale, 11/1961. Tsarion 1958 Project Argus nuclear detonations in space create radiation belts. Tsarion 1958 Russia launches first space satellites. Tsarion 1958 September--A UFO some 15 meters in diameter crashed in the north-eastern part of Kazahstan. Transported to Zhitkur. 1958 Soviets attempt but fail to launch a lunar flyby probe on Nov. 26th. Tsarion 1958 Soviets on May 1 attempt to launch a mission with the objective of a lunar flyby or impact. Launch failure. Tsarion 1958 Space probes reveal radiation belts around the Earth. Tsarion 1958 Survey of 13,000 adolescent boys in Philadelphia who had been vaccinated, 7.5% were associated with crime. Tsarion 1958 The Jason Society study presents three solutions to the problem of overpopulation and pollution. Alternative 1 was to use nuclear weapons to blow a hole in the stratosphere that would let the pollution escape. Alternative 2 was to build underground cities. Alternative 3 was extra-Planetary colonization. All three alternatives involved increasing birth control, sterilization and introduction of diseases into the Earth's population, specifically targeting Blacks, Hispanics, and Homosexuals. 1958 The Soviets attempt another lunar probe launch on Sept. 24. Launch failure. Tsarion 1958 The U.S. launches lunar probe Pioneer 3. Fails to achieve required velocity but gains radiation belt data around the Earth. Tsarion 1958 The U.S. launches Pioneer I on October 11th with the intention of orbiting the moon. The launch failed to achieve required velocity. Another attempt is made on November 8th with Pioneer 2. Failed to achieve required velocity. Tsarion 1958 The U.S. on Aug. 17 attempts to launch a Thor-Able 1 rocket with an initial lunar probe. The launch vehicle explodes. Tsarion 1958 Time magazine reports that a Harvard biochemist and his assistants had been working for 10 years, bankrolled by the Sugar Research Foundation, to discover a way to prevent sugar causing dental decay. No remedy found. Tsarion 1958 Timothy Leary conducts his first experiments with LSD at the Kaiser Foundation Experimental Hospital in San Francisco. Tsarion

1422 1958 U.S. Government burns papers of Wilhelm Reich in New York City. Tsarion 1958 U.S. launches moon rocket, but never reaches destination. Tsarion 1958 United States establishes NASA, with internal provision that any sign of extraterrestrial life discovered will be suppressed. Tsarion 1958 Uruguayan Air Force pilot engaged a daylight disc UFO in a dogfight over Pan de Acucar, near Salto, Uruguay. The UFO used a microwave beam to disable the plane. 1958 Verdict of $147,000 rendered against Cutter Laboratories in California for the crippling of two children with the Salk polio vaccine. Cutter Labs was the only vaccine manufacturer not part of the Rockefeller Trust. Tsarion 1958 World literature now contains 107 cases of severe reaction to Pertussis vaccine (93 of those cases were in the U.S.). At the Fountain Hospital in London, Dr. J.M. Berg analyzed the 107 cases and found that 31 of them showed signs of permanent brain damage. Berg calls attention to the danger of mental retardation as an effect of the Pertussis vaccine and emphasizes that any suggestion of a neurological reaction to a Pertussis vaccination should be an absolute contraindication to further inoculation. The United States medical establishment ignores and suppresses the data. American physicians maintain that the damage caused is small compared to lack of 'serious' reactions in children vaccinated. No data has ever been found to justify a basis for this conclusion. Tsarion 1958 ' . ' ( , 17 1878) - 1925-1958, -- , . , , ' . ' ' . 4 1941, : , Von Shelvitz , . M (1911-1925),

1423 ( : 1908-1911). () . 1878 . . . 1917 1921. , . 25 1958. , . A A ( M), : 8 1921 , 1922. ' () 1923 : . . (, , ) . ' , , ' , ' . , ' , , , . , , 6/19-3-1923, , , , ( ) , ,

1424 , - . ' , (" ) , . , . . ' , , , , . , ' . , . , , . . . : ' ( ) . 1958, 31 . 1958 30 (;) , . " XXIII, . 1958: popular revolt in Venezuela against military dictator Marcos Prez Jimnez culminates in a civic-military coup d'tat 1958: the Iraqi Revolution led by nationalist soldiers abolishes the British-backed monarchy, executes many of its top officials, and begins to assert the country's independence from both Cold War power blocs. 1958 July 1958: Bloody insurrection in Chechnya 1958: USA culture is exhibited at the "American Exhibition" in Sokolniki 1959: The communists led by Fidel Castro win the civil war in Cuba 1959: Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro removes the government of General Fulgencio Batista. By 1962 Cuba had been transformed into a declared socialist republic. 1959: the Tutsi king of Rwanda is forced into exile by Hutu extremists; racial pogroms follow an assassination attempt on Hutu leader Grgoire Kayibanda 1959 "The Mid-Century Challenge to U.S. Foreign Policy" is published, sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers' Fund. It explains that

1425 the U.S. "cannot escape, and indeed should welcome...the task which history has imposed upon us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions - spiritual, economic, political, social." - 1959 Assassination of Solomon W.R. Bandaranaike of Ceylon. Exiled Ukranian politician Stephan Bandera assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia. Apparent suicide of UFO researcher Morris Jessup who had received communications from "Carlos Allende," one of the MIB and whose book was mysteriously annoted by UFOlogical Gypsies. Bilderberger meeting in Yesilkov, Turkey. Fidel Castro assumes power in Cuba; Cuban Intelligence (DGI) begun. Ruby visits casino owner in Havana. Kerry Thornley first meets fellow Marine Oswald in California; Oswald released from Marines, defects to Russia. Thornley assigned to U-2 base in Atsugi, Japan. Durham discharged from Marines, stationed at CIA base in Guatemala. UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval officer contacts "space people" while in CIAobserved trance. Condon's The Manchurian Candidate published. - 1959 +Apostolos: born in Trikala 1959 -1960 The Caribbean. The 2nd Marine ground task force was deployed to protect U.S. nationals during the Cuban crisis. 1959 A breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence occurs from Cornell psychologist Frank Rosenblatt, who designs a neural network called a perceptron that could be trained to perform simple classifications of visual patterns. It would have a great impact on the field of AI. Researchers turned their backs on conventional AI algorithms to build perceptrons and similar neural nets in an attempt to expand on pattern recognition capabilities. In the mid-1960's other work would define what perceptrons could not do, when Minsky and Papert publish Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry. Tsarion 1959 A joint US/USSR base exists on the Moon by this time. 1959 A report was collected of an incident from the banks of the Likouala-aux-Herbes River near Lake Tele, in which a Mokele Mbembe had been killed, and its flesh eaten. All the natives who ate its flesh died. Most witnesses maintained that the animal was between 15-30 feet long (a long neck accounted for much of the length). The creature was also said to be a rust color, and may have had a frill or crest. 1959 Air Force pursue aliens near Redmond, Oregon. 1959 Alien wreckage from Roswell is moved to Hanger 19, Wright Patterson AFB. 1959 Alvarez discovers neutral xi-particle. Tsarion

1426 1959 An expedition led by Texas oilman Tom Slick collected two examples of alleged yeti hands. One, at a lamasery at Makulu, Nepal proved to be the paw and forearm of a snow leopard, The other, a far more interesting matter, may be the single best piece of evidence for yeti's existence. Expedition member Peter Byrne was permitted into a lamasery at Pangboche, Nepal, where he had learned that a purported yeti hand was kept. The monks had specified that the hand was not to leave the premises, but Byrne, who had carefully worked out a plan of action, managed to persuade the lamas to let him examine it privately. They had no idea what Byrne had brought with him: human hand parts, secured from British primatologist W. C. Osman Hill, a scientific consultant to the expedition. Byrne reported to Slick: "I shall not go into detail here of how we got the thumb and the phalanx of the Pangboche hand. The main thing is that we have them, and that the lamas of the monastery do not know that we have them. Because they do not know it is of the utmost importance that there are no news releases on this or any publicity for some time.... The Pangboche hand is still complete, as far as the lamas are concerned. It still has a thumb and an index procimal phalanx. What they do not know, and what they must never know, is that the thumb and the p. phalanx at present on the hand are human ones, which we switched." The stolen samples, which included a piece of skin, were placed in a pack and taken undetected across the Nepalese border. But getting them out of India, where customs were stricter, was a more complicated matter. As it happened, however, two close friends of expedition cosponsor Kirk Johnson were staying at a Calcutta hotel, and Byrne sought their assistance. The friends, film actor James Stewart and his wife Gloria, wrapped the samples in underwear, buried them deep in their luggage, and brought them undetected to London, where they were given to Johnson. Johnson brought them to Hill on February 20. Hill concluded, disappointed, that the thumb and phalanx were "human." Later, however, he would change his mind, declare them less than fully human--possibly even the remains, unlikely as it seemed, of a Neanderthal man. Two other scientists who examined the samples at the time confessed to puzzlement. Zoologist Charles A. Leone regretted his "inability to make a positive identification," and anthropologist George Agogino later told writer Gardner Soule, "Many people who have examined this hand feel that it is a human hand with very primitive characteristics.... I do not feel that this hand is a normal human hand at all.... It is highly characteristic, however, of all the giant anthropoids." Blood tests of the skin sample indicated it was from no known human or primate. Unfortunately, the present whereabouts of the samples are unknown. 1959 Apparent suicide of Morris K. Jessup. Tsarion

1427 1959 April 19 The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan leader fleeing a communist Chinese invasion of his country, finds sanctuary in India. 1959 April 20--UFO writer Morris K. Jessup commits suicide after receiving communications from Carlos Allende. 1959 As early as 1959, the knowledge existed that the presence of fluoride in human bodies hastens the absorption of radioactive substances present in the environment. In a report to the Atomic Energy Commission's Division of Biology and Medicine entitled The Metabolism of Alkaline Earth Metals by Bone by F.W. Lengemann, professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee on March 23, 1959, it was scientifically shown that the presence of fluorine and other environmental substances such as lead and cyanide in the human body increased the ratio of strontium 90 to calcium in bone. Tsarion 1959 Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia. Tsarion 1959 Bilderberger meeting in Yesilkov, Turkey. Tsarion 1959 Castro assumes power in Cuba. Cuban Intelligence (DGI) formed. Tsarion 1959 Castro takes over Cuba from dictator Battista, thereby destroying cozy and lucrative Mafia gambling empire run for Onassis by Meyer Lansky. Castro scoops up $8 million in Mafia casino receipts. Onassis is furious. V.P. Nixon becomes operations chief for CIA planned Bay of Pigs invasion, using CIA Hunt, McCord, etc., and Cuban ex Battista strong arm cops ("Cuban freedom fighters") Martinez, Gonzales, etc., as well as winners like Frank Sturgis (Fiorini). 1959 a Martian flying disc spacecraft reportedly landed in the wilderness outside of Moscow, in the Soviet Union, where a secret meeting with Soviet Premier Nakita Kruschev was arranged. The conference regarded improving relations with Earth, exchanging knowledge, and securing world and interplanetary peace, yet the Soviet government rejected the terms. This report originated from Sgt. Willard Wannall, formerly of Army Intelligence, who investigated U.F.O.s in Hawaii while in the military in the 1950s, and met with us while we were in the Department of Interplanetary Affairs research agency in the 1970s. 1959 Chemical hallucinogen BZ tested on Army troops at Edgewood Arsenal. Tsarion 1959 De Beers manufactures a synthetic diamond. Tsarion 1959 Dr. Albert Sabin develops oral live virus polio vaccination. Tsarion 1959 European Free Trade Association. Tsarion 1959 February--Outside Cedar City, Iowa, Private Gerry Irwin stopped his car to investigate what he thought was a crashing plane. He was later found unconscious. Sequels of the incident (fainting, amnesia

1428 and his return to the site in a trancelike state) are sometimes quoted as evidence of psychological experience correlated with the observation of the luminous object. Irwin deserted, and his subsequent whereabouts are unknown. 1959 Fluorides were used as an enzyme inhibitor in a study by J.D. Ebert that was published in 1959 on the metabolic pathways by which organs in an embryo are formed. In low concentrations, he found that sodium fluoride blocked almost completely the regions destined to form muscle, primarily affecting the heart muscle. In higher concentrations, it caused the entire embryo to disintegrate in a clear-cut pattern, starting with the heart-forming region. Tsarion 1959 Franz von Papen is appointed Papal Privy Chamberlain. 1959 In 1959, the Ontario Minister of Health, Dr. Dymond, announced that no further fluoridation would be permitted there, because no one knows for sure what the effect is to persons given fluoride throughout a lifetime. Tsarion 1959 In research conducted on the incidence of Mongolism in cities in Wisconsin, Illinois, and the Dakotas published in 1959 in the official publication of the French Academy of Medicine, it was found that as the percentage of fluorides in the water rose, there was a parallel rise in the incidence of Mongoloid births the age of the mothers giving birth to Mongoloid babies also declined with rising fluoride levels. It is interesting that. in the first three years of fluoridation, New Britain, Connecticut, experienced a 150% rise in still births. Tsarion 1959 In the report of the proceedings of the 3rd Medical-Dental Conference on the Evaluation of Fluoridation, held on March 7, 1959, in New York City, the committee concluded that It is apparent that the practice of fluoridation is not the simple, trustworthy procedure that the promoting authorities have given the profession and the public to believe. Added to the lack of control of fluorides at the consumers tap are these major uncertainties: the gross variation in individual water consumption, the varied intake of fluorides in food and the fluoride intake from atmospheric and occupational exposure. These unpredictable issues make meaningless any talk about controlled individual fluorine intake. Most, if not all of this research has been buried by the authorities, who maintain glibly that fluoride compounds are safe in the water supply. Tsarion 1959, RAND CORPORATION , , , 15 1,5 . ,

1429 . , George Bush. Bush ZAPATA OIL . . , , . O George Bush , CIA. 1959 January 21--In Gdynia, Poland, a bright, shining body crashed into the harbor basin. Divers recovered pieces of shiny metal, which were examined by the Polytechnic Institute and Polish Navy. Some material was reportedly lost. One and possibly two EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), were found on a nearby beach and recovered by soldiers of the Border Guard or the Navy. These were next transported under tight security to the Soviet Union, where they remain to this day. 1959 John Foster Dulles and George C. Marshall die. Tsarion 1959 July-- Major Robert Friend, the acting head of the Aerial Phenomena division (PROJECT BLUE BOOK) had been called to the NPIC to evaluate a "discovery" that had been made. Three days later friend arrived to be met by two Navy commanders and several CIA intelligence officers. They recounted what some have called "the most dramatic event in the annals of government UFO investigation." The vast majority of the details of the events come from a CIA memo prepared by Arthur Lundahl who was present for the dramatic event. The event had occurred at the end of a five year relationship between Navy Intelligence and a woman in South Elliot, Maine, named Francis Swan. Beginning in the spring of 1954, Mrs. Swan claimed to have been in contact with an alien by the name of AFFA who was orbiting the earth in a spacecraft by the name of M-4. One month prior to Lundahl's involvement, two Naval officers, liaison officers between Naval Intelligence and the CIA's Photographic Interpretation Center, traveled to Maine. There they watched Mrs. Swan become a communications link with AFFA as she had been doing for years. One of the officers, USN Commander Julius M. Larsen, wished to be able to communicate himself and asked Mrs. Swan if she could teach him. "He decided he would like to do automatic writing," said Mrs. Swan, "and would you show me how. I said sure. I just put my hand on his shoulder and he could write." Arriving back in Washington, Larsen signed in at the guarded entrance of the NPIC, and headed for Lundahl's office. Commander Larsen demonstrated the new talent he had learned from Mrs. Swan for Arthur Lundahl and another

1430 CIA employee Lt. Commander Robert Neasham. Neasham had worked at the Naval Photographic Interpretation Center with Lundahl in the early 1950's, and had worked on UFO photographic analysis cases with Lundahl for the 1953 Robertson Panel. Neasham, in fact actually testified in front of the committee, stating that their conclusion was that the objects in the Utah (Tremonton) film were extraterrestrial spacecraft. Both men were reportedly open to the idea of extraterrestrial craft which is why Larsen approached them. There are no documents yet to support the idea, but, the trip to Maine may even have been planned and approved by Lundahl. Larsen sat down and subsequently went into a trance. Lundahl and Neasham asked questions, and Larsen voiced the questions, and through automatic writing wrote out the answers. Lt. Commander Neasham was very impressed at what was going on, so one of the questions he posed to AFFA was "It is very interesting that we are talking to someone we can see, but can we see proof of your existence?" Larsen switching from writing to speaking: "What kind of proof do you want? Neasham asked, "Can we see you or your craft?" "When do you want to see?" AFFA replied. "Now," Neasham said. "Go to the window," said AFFA. The men in the room raced to the window "where they saw a UFO fly by (i.e. not stationary) a short distance away. As they later told Friend it was saucer shaped and brighter around the perimeter than in the center." Checks with Washington Center Radar, according to Neasham, indicated that the radar returns from the part of the sky where the sighting had taken place "were blocked out" during the time of the sighting. The men involved were impressed enough to ask Friend to come to Washington as soon as possible for an important briefing. Arthur Lundahl wrote up a memo for the record to detail the events that had just occurred. It also included the names of the spacemen, their organization, their purpose. The document, according to Friend also included "times and places of several meetings called to investigate the case." Friend arrived from Wright Patterson at the Top Secret photographic lab where the first contact had been made. It was three days later, July 9, Lundahl and Neasham recounted the events of what had occurred a couple days earlier. Friend reviewed the memo that had been prepared by Lundahl. He suggested that Larsen try to make another contact with AFFA. Commander Larsen sat down and lapsed into a deep trance. In an interview done years later Major Friend described what he saw: "He was obviously in a trance. I saw it. There was no doubt about that in my mind. I could see his pulse quicken. I could see his Adams apple moving up and down rapidly. His handwriting was entirely different from his normal handwriting. The muscles in his torso did not appear to be strained, but the muscles in his arms were obviously stressed--as were the muscles around his neck--especially in his neck." "I tried to ask some questions,

1431 but he did not respond to me. Others asked questions. He responded to only one man." "I asked the man to whom the Navy officer was responding to ask AFFA if he would arrange a flyby." "The officer's arm jerkily wrote out, "The time is not right." "That trance lasted 15-20 minutes. There was no tape recording. No one had come prepared to make contact." "I was convince that there was something there. It didn't make much difference whether they (the Navy commander and the woman in Maine) were in contact with some people from outer space or in contact with someone right here on earth. There was something there that we should have found out more about." Major Friend returned to Wright Patterson and his duties running PROJECT BLUE BOOK. He prepared a memo to his commanding general, that has never been recovered in government files. The general told Friend that he would take further charge of the case himself. He never heard another word about the case. The only thing that he knew from discussions he had with Lundahl prior to leaving Washington, is that another trance session was planned for July 11th. Arthur Lundahl has never told the story of his full involvement of this case. Nor has he described what investigations were made by the CIA, and what the results were. When first confronted with the story Lundahl denied that he had even been involved. When evidence surfaced that he had been involved he admitted that he had been involved but nothing had happened. Lundahl refused to give many details saying that he was protecting Neasham from losing his job, and holding back details about Commander Larsen who made the alien contacts during the meeting, because he felt sorry for him. 1959 June 26 to 28-- The Reverend W.B. Gill and his parishoners at Boianai mission, Papua New Guinea are astounded when a flat saucer hovers overhead. Four figures were visible on its "deck" and a beam of blue light was emitted upward from it. The object did not come to ground level, but its position above the ocean was almost on a level with the observers standing on the hill. 1959 Loch Ness Monster sightings by Alex Campbell, who sees two creatures simultaneously, and by Tim Dinsdale, who films the monster. As well, the first echo-soundings are taken of the Loch. 1959 Manchurian Candidate published on brainwashing and mind control. Tsarion 1959 March--A green-eyed, seven-foot tall, seemingly armless humanoid, was seen late at night in Charles Mill Lake in Mansfield, Ohio. 1959 National Institutes of Health (NIH) approves licensing of Quadrigen vaccine for children, containing Pertussis, Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Polio vaccines. The new combination vaccine was found to be highly reactive and was withdrawn from the market in 1968 after

1432 parents started filing lawsuits against Parke-Davis for vaccine damaged children. Tsarion 1959 Nobel prize to Ochoa & Kornberg for synthesis of RNA and DNA. Tsarion 1959 Nobel prize to Segre & Chamberlain for anti-proton discovery. Tsarion 1959 Nov. 25, 1959 - Council on Foreign Relations Study Number 7 calls for a " international order which must be responsive to world aspirations for peace, for social and economic international order...including states labelling themselves as 'socialist' [communist]." - 1959 November--According to the Belfast Telegraph, a man moving a large bush with a bulldozer on a farm in County Carlow, Ireland was startled to see a three-foot tall red man run out from underneath the dozer, "about 100 yards across the field, over a fence into the field adjoining." Three other men observed the fleeing figure. Only the Irish locale kept this from being treated as a UFO incident, though no UFO was seen. 1959 On the Polish coast, not far from Kolobreg, soldiers saw the sea become turbulent as a triangular object, 4 meters in size, emerged, circled the barracks, and flew away at high speed. 1959 Pertussis vaccine found to have allergenic effect on animals. Tsarion 1959 PROJECT SIGN achieves success when the US establishes primitive contact with the aliens. 1959 RAND Corporation conferences on Deep Underground Construction. Tsarion 1959 September 13-- At least two control tower operators at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana, and the pilot of a Mooney private airplane see one pear-shaped object, colored white, cream, and metallic, with a trail under it. Object showed little movement during three hours. Attempted intercept by USAF T-33 jet trainer failed. 1959 Six "aliens" captured by the Italian Army north of Rome following a UFO crash. 1959 The Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas, believe they are to be killed, resurrected and transferred to heaven by April 22. They survive until their encounter with US government agents in 1993 1959 The Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the symposium report, machines are pictured and described which could bore a tunnel 45 feet in diameter at the rate of 5 feet per hour. It also displays pictures of huge tunnels and underground vaults containing what appear to be complex facilities and

1433 possibly even cities. It appears that the previous five years of all-out underground construction had made significant progress by that time. 1959 In February, Crypto-Jew, Fidel Castro, declares himself Prime Minister of Cuba, after leading a Communist Revolution there. 1959 The Soviet Union launches the Sputnik into orbit around the Earth, using technology gleaned from Germany during WWII in combination with their own. Creates worldwide paradigm shift in public mind. Tsarion 1959 The Soviets launch Luna 2 and impact on Moon, followed by Luna 3 and a successful photographic mission on the Far Side of the Moon. Tsarion 1959 The U.S. launches Pioneer 4, which passes within 37,500 miles of the Moon and returns radiation data in March 1959. Tsarion 1959 The United States never conducts its own clinical trials on Pertussis vaccine, but instead relies (as it still does today) on data collected by Britain's Medical Research Council in clinical trials in England in the 1950's for proof of vaccine safety and effectiveness in newborns and children. Interestingly, Britains trials on 50,000 British children were performed on children more than 14 months old. None of the children were newborns. Tsarion 1959 Three large newspapers in Chile reported front page articles about UFO encounters where the crew members appeared to be German soldiers. In the 1960s there were reports in New York and New Jersey of flying saucer "aliens" who spoke German, or English with a German accent. In the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg atomic espionage trials, they spoke of "warships of space." Since they had access to top secret information, about what were they talking? 1959 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers begins a three year period of publishing manuals entitled Design of Underground Installations in Rock. Tsarion 1959 UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval officer contacts space people while in CIAobserved trance. Tsarion 1959 UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval officer contacts "space people" while in CIA-observed trance. 1959 UN allegedly starts Vietnam War. 1959 , . , 24 . 47, 56 71. . , . 1959 , : 0, 5 1959 , . ,

1434 : 2 , - , - - , - , , - , , , , - , . , ! , . 7 , , , , , 17 , . , 15 , , [ ]. , , , , .. . , , 1935, : 40-45 , - 4550. , , 5 5 , . [ ]. 70 [ ], . , , . 1959, . , , , , , " 1959, , , ,

1435 . , " , ' , ' . 20 , , ". , ' ". 1959, 1959, . 1959: the British Motor Corporation introduces the "Mini" 1960 -- Assassination of Hazza Majali of Jordan. Bilderberger meeting in Burgenstock, Switzerland. Eisenhower authorizes training and arming Cuban exiles, allegedly issues orders for the assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba. Nixon, CIA agent Bissell and others plan Bay of Pigs invasion, obtain permission to use Guatemala as launching point. Bernard Baker serves as conduit for Bay of Pigs funding. CIA buys Southern Air Transport; contemplates development of "recruitment pills" and other drugs; studies mysterious amnesia of Korean war prisoners moved through Manchuria; contemplates giving truth serum to brainwashed American POWs. CIA spy Powers shot down in U2 over Russia; summit conference cancelled. Kennedy-Nixon debates; Kennedy elected president. Oswald assigned job in Bellorussian Radio Factory in Minsk, USSR. Thornley discharged from Marines. Project Ozma, searching for intelligent signals from another part of the universe, receives unexplained signals from space. . 1960 +Apostolos: My family came to Agia Trias Thessaloniki from Thessaly, Theopetra near Meteora. 1960 A Canadian ship reported that a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the ocean, and sank off the north coast of Labrador. 1960 A study is done in Japan that involved examination of fluoride deposition in the fetuses of dogs. It was found that the quantity of deposited fluorine was especially large in bones, largest in the cranial bone as well as the lower leg bone. The quantity of fluorine deposition was parallel with the progression of the calcification. They also proved that the deposit of fluorine on teeth and bones starts through the placenta as early as the embryo period, and then takes place through the mothers milk through the infancy period, and through food, as well as directly through the inside of the oral cavity. As fluorine is a known active

1436 enzyme poison, it is known to affect cell division (mitotic) in the fetus, resulting in anatomical anomalies (teratism). Tsarion 1960 After the Soviet Sputnik, it becomes obvious to the government that Carnegies system had left them a little short on scientists, despite the presence of post WWII Nazi engineers and scientists in the United States. From this point, an upper level struggle ensues which prompts education funding increases. Tsarion 1960 April 19 South Korean President Syngman Rhee is toppled in anationwide pro-democracy student uprising that was protestingelection fraud. 1960 April to July--PROJECT OZMA: Astronomer Frank Drake listens for alien signals from space, receives unexplained signals. 1960 August 13--Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott of the California Highway Patrol were on patrol near Red Bluff about 11:50pm when they saw a large illuminated object apparently falling from the sky. Thinking it was an airliner crashing, they quickly stopped and leaped out of the patrol car to get a position fix. "The first thing we noticed was an absolute silence," Carson stated in his official report. "We continued to watch until the object was probably within 100 feet to 200 feet off the ground, when it suddenly reversed completely, at high speed, and gained approximately 500 feet altitude. There the object stopped. It was an oblong or elliptical object with a definite red light at each extremity. In between the red lights, about five white lights could be seen occasionally. The object was capable of moving in any direction. Up and down and back and forth. It moved at high (extremely) speeds and several times we watched it change directions or reverse itself while moving at unbelievable speeds." Carson and Scott talked with several deputies at the Tehama County Sheriff's office who had also seen the UFO and observed the same maneuvers. The sighting lasted a little over two hours. The UFO was estimated to be about 150 feet in its longest dimension. 1960 , , . -.... 1968 , , , . , , , .

1437 1960 August--Wichita, Kansas marks the end of a three month flap of UFO sightings by thousands of witnesses across three states, culminating in a radar confirmation which prompted Air Force official to scramble to cover-up the wave of sightings as being nothing more than mistaken stars twinkling. Reporters as well as Boeing engineers and various aviation experts were eye-witnesses to sightings in this period, but all were simply told they were mistaken by US officials. 1960 British Medical Journal publishes an article by Swedish vaccine researcher Justus Strom, who stated that the neurological complications from the disease Pertussis are less than that in the Pertussis vaccine. Strom also pointed out that whooping cough (Pertussis) had changed and had become a milder disease, making it questionable whether universal vaccination against it is justified. Tsarion 1960 Canada begins to irradiate potatoes. Tsarion 1960 Captain Edward Ruppelt mysteriously dies of heart attack. Tsarion 1960 CIA buys Southern Air Transport, begins development of "recruitment pills", studies mysterious amnesia of POWs moved through Manchuria, gives truth serum to brainwashed American POWs. 1960 Colonel Joseph Bryan, of the CIA, says publicly, "I am aware that hundreds of military and airline pilots, airport personnel, astronomers, missile trackers and other competent observers have reported sightingsThese UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both." 1960 Czech military officers observe a UFO with their binoculars at Brno, Czech Republic. 1960 Development of laser device in United States. Tsarion 1960 Dr. Ewen Cameron pursues experiments using sensory deprivation to irreversibly scramble a patients mind. The experiments were primarily conducted at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Tsarion 1960 Dr. Stanley Gottleib visits the Congo in Africa. Following his visit, a chemical and biological warfare lab is installed there. Tsarion 1960 Former CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter says publicly, "Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense." 1960 From 1960 to 1973, the U.S. sells Russia vast quantities of equipment. Tsarion

1438 1960s, Italian Grand Orient Freemasonry organized the clandestine and infamous Propaganda Two (P-2) Masonic Lodge. The Italian Grand Orient also founded the Mafia in 1860. 1960 General vaccination program for measles begins in the United States. Tsarion 1960 In 1960, the American Dental Association issued a pamphlet for public consumption called Fluoridation Facts: Answers to Criticisms of Fluoridation. In defense of the use of toxic fluoride compounds in public water supplies (which is a grievous crime against humanity, since it means mandated involuntary public medication), they used the logic that people have been known to live to a ripe old age in areas where the water supply is fluoridated. Unfortunately, they neglected to mention that the addition of fluoride to the water supply correlated directly with the number of still births, mongoloid children, brittle teeth, and enlarged dental root structures, adverse spinal conditions, osteomalacia (softening of the bones), and osteoporosis (abnormally porous and spaced structure inside bone) in the medicated population as opposed to control populations that were unmedicated. Tsarion 1960, , , v, 1960 It is estimated in 1960 that over 1,000,000 children have vaccine-caused disabilities, including learning difficulties and school behavioral problems, behavioral disturbances, allergies, speech difficulties, visual problems, and problems in adjustment and coping. Tsarion 1960 Jewish philanthropist Louis Schweitzer helps bring more Communism to New York by giving radio station WBAI to the Marxist radio network Pacifica. Jewish New York Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz is a speaker at an event honoring the first day of programming. 1960 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Dies. Tsarion 1960 Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 106, April 1960, publishes an article by Ewen Cameron, Leonard Levy and Leonard Rubenstein entitled Effects of Repetition of Verbal Signals Upon the Behavior of Chronic Psychoneurotic Patients. (Psychic driving process worked on by Cameron at CIA sponsored research facilities). Note: Ewen Cameron came to the U.S. from Germany. Tsarion 1960 June 1 Paula Hitler, Adolf Hitler's only surviving full-sibling, dies. Since neither Adolf nor Paula had children, there are no known living descendants of Alois and Klara Hitler. (Payne) 1960 March--Following a UFO crash in New Paltz, New York, local law enforcement authorities captured a small humanoid outside his

1439 craft while two copilots escaped. The alien was turned over to the CIA and died 28 days later. 1960 May 5--UFO crash near Beira, Mozambique. Reports state that the saucer whistled and landed, and four humanoids ran into the woods before the saucer exploded. 1960 Methicillin discovered in Britain. Tsarion 1960 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) created to manage spy satellites. Tsarion 1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet & Medawar for discovery of acquired immunity against foreign tissue. Tsarion 1960 October 4-- A 300-foot-long, dull-gray, cigar-shaped machine emerged from a cloud during a rainstorm over Cressy, Tasmania, Australia. Among those who saw it was the Rev. Lionel Browning, an Anglican minister and Tasmanian Secretary of the World Council of Churches. As he and his wife watched this extraordinary sight-they estimated the object to be four miles away and 300 feet off the groundfive or six domed discs, approximately 30 feet in diameter, shot out of the clouds just above and behind the cigar. They headed toward it "like flat stones skipping along water". "After several seconds the ship, accompanied by the saucers, reversed the way it came," Browning reported. "It . . . was gone from sight after 30 seconds.... It appears the ship sailed on for some seconds unaware that it had shed its protection. Possibly when this was discovered, the saucers were called to the mother ship. The objects then moved back into the cover of the rain storm." 1960 October 5--A formation of UFOs was seen by early warning radar in Thule, Greenland with a heading that seemed to be coming from the Soviet Union toward the United States. Within minutes, Strategic Air Command crews around America were scrambling to their nuclear weapons-laden B-52s and taking to the skies. When SAC Headquarters signaled Thule for further confirmation, their calls were answered with silence. Had Thule already been taken out? Anxious moments as the Generals prepared to send the B-52 crews to their targets inside Russia, when suddenly the radar blips changed course and disappeared. 1960 Optical microwave laser constructed. Tsarion 1960 Project Aquarius initiated to collect ET technical information. Tsarion 1960 RAND Corporation publishes study under contract to the Air Force in which 12 underground base locations were selected - all installations 1,000 ft. deep. Tsarion 1960s, the number of Sephardim was estimated at 500,000. The Ashkenazim or Khazar Jews as the same time numbered about 11 million. (The Thirteenth Tribe, p.181)

1440 1960 School boards number 30,000 in the U.S. (See 1932 and 1990) Tsarion 1960 Synthetic chlorophyll achieved. Tsarion 1960 Synthetic pituitary hormone achieved. Tsarion 1960 Tavistock Institute establishes social programs to induce individuals to establish new rituals of personal interaction, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which set the participants adrift with no stable relationships in their lives, effectively destroying ability to establish or maintain a family. Tsarion 1960 Thomas Phillips sees a phantom train between Belleville and Sealy, Texas. 1960 Translator for Eichmann's boss becomes Reagan's personal secretary in California. 1960 U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency lists Hong Kong as source of most U.S. heroin. Tsarion 1960 : 1, . , , , , 17 . . , 1960, [ 5 ] , , . 1960 . Rothschild Inc. 1960 , 15 , 1960. C.B.E., 11 , 1960. 1960, 648 245 . " ' 18 , 4 . , 9 . 5 . . 1960: Cyprus becomes independent under president Makarios 1960: Nigeria becomes independent 1961 -- Assassination of Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo Molina of the Dominican Republic and Louis Rivagasore of Nurundi. Attempted assassination of Castro by Hans Tanner. Michael Rockefeller disappears in New Guinea. Bilderberger meeting in Quebec, Canada.

1441 Thornley arrives to New Orleans; Slim Brooks gives Thornley "the haircut" on his 23rd birthday; the same day, the CIA invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, launched from Guatemala, fails due to poor planning and cancellation of support by Kennedy; the CIA, the Mob, Cuban-exiles, right-wingers and Nixonites supposedly vow revenge against Kennedy. Kennedy develops extracurricular relationship with Judith Campbell, Sam Giancana's girlfriend; Giancana and John Roselli enlisted by CIA to attempt Castro assassination. George De Mohrenschildt on hiking trip through Guatemala. Brooks introduces Thornley to his "brother-in-law," Gary Kirstein, allegedly an undercover E. Howard Hunt; Thornley and "Kirstein" begin nearly three-year relationship of discussing Nazis, mindcontrol, the status of philosopher- kings, and plans to assassinate Kennedy. Robert Morrow, working with Ruby, Shaw and Ferrie, allegedly smuggle weapons from Greece to Central America for the CIA; also picks up information for CIA from "Harvey" in the Soviet Union. Ferrie, Gordon Novel and two others arrested in burglary of Louisiana arms bunker. Unidentified Marine from Minsk divulges information to CIA agent in Copenhagen. General Walker resigns after criticism of his anti-communist indoctrination of troops. U.S. Military Advisor Group begins defoliation project in Vietnam which eventually covers over 12% of land area. Milgram's Yale experiments demonstrating dangers of obedience to authority. Unexplained transmissions from space monitored by ham radio operators worldwide; Bob Renaud, ham operator, allegedly makes contact with aliens. - 1961 +Apostolos: a very revolutionary baby 1961 30-meter diameter craft crashes near Timmensdorfer, Germany, per thick NATO report on UFOs. 1961 A senior school medical officer in northern England, J. M. Hooper, finds that parents are beginning to refuse to bring children for a Pertussis booster shot, based on earlier violent reaction to the vaccination. Children were suffering from collapse, vomiting, and uncontrollable screaming. No one paid attention to these warnings. Tsarion 1961 A Soviet AN-2P mail plane encounters a UFO, and when later found none of the crew was aboard. 1961 April 12 Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to fly in space, orbiting the Earth once before making a successful landing. 1961 April 18--J. Simonton of Eagle River, Wisconsin heard a whining sound and saw an object, 10 meters in diameter, 4 meters high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his house. A door was opened and a man appeared. About 1. 50 meters tall, he wore a black, turtleneck pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a

1442 vertical white band along the side. Two figures were visible inside the object. Simonton filled a jug with water, returned it to the man, who gave him three ordinary pancakes, and the craft took off. 1961 April 28--A UFO crashed near the Korb lake east of Leningrad in Russia, leaving behind traces on the ground. 1961 Army Corps of Engineers reports vital government installations now underground. Tsarion 1961 At Eglin AFB, Florida, then Lt. Colonel Stevens was a F-100 squadron commander, and his plane had just had an engine change and he took it up on a test flight. Passing 16,000 ft, he noticed what looked like a blimp, but he knew it wasn't a blimp. The UFO began to accelerate away, and he went after it in full afterburner. Lost sight of UFO at 33,000 ft., No gun camera film taken as it wasn't loaded. 1961 August 31--Several cars were stalled on a highway 30 miles from Moscow, Russia when a UFO reportedly hovered on top of an overpass for a few minutes. The cars were unable to start their engines until the UFO left the area. This doesn't sound particularly astonishing you say, but this report was one of the first to be taken seriously by the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Space Research. 1961 Backed by CIA Dr. Ewen Cameron, McGill Institute administers 12,000 electrical treatments to 1,000 patients. Embarrassment causes fund withdrawal. Tsarion 1961 Betty and Barney Hill abduction and amniotic fluid analysis. This procedure would appear in medical use within ten years. The Hills relate that one of the people on the ship spoke with a German accent, and they thought he was a 'Nazi'. Tsarion 1961 Bilderberger meeting in Quebec, Canada. Tsarion 1961 Blueprint For World Peace issued by the United Nations, providing an outline for general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world and a 3-stage Disarmament Plan to transfer all military forces on the planet into a UN Peacekeeping Force. Tsarion 1961 Ex Nazi Adolph Eichmann is captured by Jewish agents and sent to Israel, where he is hanged. No ex Communists, anywhere, suffer a similar fate, for some strange reason. 1961 February 13--"The Corso Object", discovered six miles NE of Olancha, California, picked up about 340 ft above the dry bed of Owens lake, is a 50,000 year old spark plug. 1961 February 2--NATO and Russia went on military alert when a fleet of 50 UFOs flew across Europe from the direction of Russia at a height of 100,000 feet. Nine minutes later they disappeared from radar. This incident, which nearly caused a nuclear confrontation between NATO's forces and the USSR, could also be the very same event that caused Jacques Vallee to become involved in the UFO phenomena. While

1443 working on the staff of the French Space Committee in 1961 Vallee witnessed the destruction of the tracking tapes of unknown objects. 1961 February--The Soviet Union launched a seven day orbital mission with two cosmonauts, one man and one woman. On February 24, the mission went awry when their space capsule began to malfunction, losing lights and air. Later, during their attempts to repair their craft, a curious conversation was recorded. "I'll take it and hold it with my right hand. Look out the peephole! I have it!," the female cosmonaut said. The male replied, "There is something! If we do not get out the world will never know about this!" The pair were never heard from again. Due to Russian secrecy about early space flights, it is virtually impossible to pin down who the two Cosmonauts were, but one was likely Gennady Mikhailov; the other might have been V Zavadovskiy. 1961 Following the reported slaying of a female yeren "wildman" by road builders in a thick forest in the Xishuang Banna area of China, the first official inquiry was launched in 1961. By the time representatives of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to the region, the body was no longer available, and the scientists concluded that the animal had been nothing more than a gibbon. This skeptical analysis killed government interest in the question for the next fifteen years, though two decades later Zhou Guoxing, an anthropologist with the Beijing Natural History Museum, would interview a local journalist who participated in the investigation. According to Zhou, "He stated that the animal which had been killed was not a gibbon, but an unknown animal of human shape." 1961 In Great Britain, Dr. R.A.Holman of the Royal Institute of Pathology discussed fluoride poisoning in an article in the April 15, 1961 issue of the British Medical Journal. He noted that the long-term effects of sodium fluoride ingestion needed much more investigation, and continued, Fluoride is a well-known inhibitor of several enzyme systems, and can form spectroscopically recognizable compounds with the enzyme catalase, resulting in its inhibition. Catalase poisoning has been linked with the development of viruses and the causation of a number of diseases, including cancer. Many observers have suggested that the agents (fluorides and other toxic environmental substances) which decrease the catalase the cells may predispose those cells to tumor formation. Voisin has said, the method most likely to solve the problem of cancer is to ask why the cancer cell is lacking in catalase and try to prevent its impoverishment from taking place. Tsarion 1961 January--Cape Kennedy's tracking radar locked onto a huge UFO that was pacing a Polaris missile as it traveled over the South Atlantic during a military test flight.

1444 1961 Jim Jones migrates to Brazil, courtesy of the U.S. embassy, who supplies food and transportation. While in Brazil, Jones confides to local residents that he is working for Naval Intelligence. Jones was accompanied by Dan Mitrione, a lifetime friend of Jones who worked with the CIA providing interrogation and torture techniques to Third World police forces. After his trip, Jones returns to the U.S. and starts the Peoples Temple - what many consider to be a CIA medical and mind control experiment. Jones recruited poor and homeless. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple were funded mainly through Lawrence Layton and his family. Layton was the chief of Chemical and Ecological Warfare Research at Dugway Proving Ground, which has been connected circumstantially to cattle mutilations, disease biowarfare and genetics experimentation. The fortune of Laytons wife came in part from I.G. Farben, the key Nazi cartel. Jonestown was built during the time of the CIA MKULTRA program, the target b population of which was coincidently the same as Jonestown. Enough drugs were found to have drugged 200,000 people over a year. Jonestown held 1100 people. The drugs were all psychoactive mind control drugs. None of the victims showed cyanide poisoning. All bore needle marks, indicating that when the experiment got embarrassing, all of the people were murdered. BATCH CONSIGNMENT. Tsarion 1961 John F. Kennedy inaugurated President of the United States. Joseph Kennedy has a stroke, ending his control over John and Bobby Kennedy, who then begins to tangle with the Mafia and interfere with Onassis drug trafficking. Tsarion 1961 John McCone becomes Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, resulting in a close connection between Bechtel and the CIA. Tsarion 1961 Kennedy develops extracurricular relationship with Judith Campbell, mobster Sam Giancana's girlfriend. 1961 Michael Rockefeller disappears in New Guinea. 1961 Milgram's Yale experiments demonstrates danger of obedience to authority. Tsarion 1961 Milgram's Yale experiments demonstrating dangers of obedience to authority. 1961 NORAD has presidential orders to never divulge any information about tracking of foreign space vehicles. Tsarion 1961 November--Paul Miller and three of his companions were returning home that evening when they saw what they described as being a "luminous silo" land in a nearby field. After disappearing and reappearing in front of them, the silo then seemed to open up and two humanoids emerged from within it. Panic-stricken, Miller aimed at the humanoids and fired his rifle, apparently injuring one of them. On their

1445 way home that evening, the two men experienced blackouts and appeared to lose three hours, an event which terrified them completely. The next morning however, when Miller reported to work that day, three Men In Black arrived. They claimed to be government officials, and went on to query him about the UFO incident, even though they couldn't possibly know about it. "They seemed to know everything about me; where I worked, my name, everything else" Miller reported. Not surprisingly, Miller didn't dare report this incident for several years following the MIB's visit. 1961 October 14-- A pair of clouds resembling "puffy-like daubs of cotton" passed in an eastward direction over Sunset, Utah. The clouds were linked by a cord of long, stringy material. Immediately behind them were two smooth, metallic, disc-shaped structures. All four objects disappeared over the horizon. The next day Ronald Miskin, an investigator for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, interviewed the witnesses. One was Sunset's mayor, who was pointing upward and illustrating the objects' trajectory when suddenly a "puffy" white object flew overhead, joined soon after by another, and the two proceeded to streak across the sky in the same direction as the objects of the previous day. 1961 October 14--A USAF B-52G bomber disappears without a trace over the Bermuda Triangle between Bermuda and North Carolina. Another plane had the bomber on radar until it just suddenly disappeared, the radar line stopping abruptly. 1961 Oil operator George Parker and his wife visit ManzanoCoyote canyon and discover soldiers with laser weapons and flying disks. They escape with their lives. (New Mexico). Tsarion 1961 Possible first Mothman sighting in West Virginia, a little research found that the same, or a similar creature, had been seen on the edge of nearby Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds on Route 2 in 1961 by a woman and her father. The research also turned up a possible reason for the strange events. Shawnee Indian Chief Cornstalk, slain in a great battle with Virginia militiamen in 1774, was said to have placed a curse on the area for 200 years. 1961 Request goes in for production of the Iron Mountain Report on the Desirability of Peace. Public Law 87-297 passed (Arms Control Act), providing for gradual disarmament of the people of the United States over a period of years and creation of a UN Police Force. War is viewed as the basic social system, within which others are secondary modes of organization, conflict or conspiracy. Peace would bring unrivaled social disruption, according to world planners. War is considered a necessary waste that operates outside the normal economic supply and demand system. It creates artificial demand and spurs

1446 technological advances. War=Nations. Peace = No Nations. The elimination of war requires elimination of Nation States. The basic authority of the modern state over its people resides in its war powers. (See FDR 1933). Substitutes for war: (1) Must be of equal magnitude as that of world war in terms of public perceptibility. (2) It must be credible and accepted by the vast majority. Since nations would disintegrate without perception of an external threat, it is more probable that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown sources. (Invented = Environmental pollution, alien invasion, asteroids, etc.). It must represent a threat to the survival of the species. According to the Report From Iron Mountain, poisoning of the air, and of the principle sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect. It will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution will be sufficiently menacing to offer a possible basis for a solution. (1991). Tsarion 1961 Sabin polio vaccine immunization campaign. Tsarion 1961 September 19--The famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction case. Betty and Barney were returning to there home in New Hampshire from a vacation in Canada. At about 11pm the Hill's became aware of a bright star in the south west sky. Even though the Hills were more than likely looking at Jupiter, it is believed that the planet was used as a natural trigger for the abduction. It appears that some outside force can manipulate the mind of a witness to make them see a star or a planet as a UFO and use it to hypnotize them into the correct state of mind. Barney had to stop several times so Betty could get a better look at the UFO that was following them. Betty is adamant about the fact that the object had a pancake shape, even though her husband tried to convince both himself and his wife that it was only some kind of "jet aircraft". About three hours from home the strange light in the sky hovered in front of the Hill's car, it appeared to be a flattened disc with a line of windows along it's edge. A red light appeared to either side of the pancake. The Hills were able to see some movement from inside the craft and see the beings inside. The UFO began to move closer to the Hills car, Barney began to get upset thinking that the beings were going to "capture them". Barney remembered getting back in the car and speeding away, they realized that they were closer to home than they should have been but where hours later than they should have been. Betty began to have dreams of her encounter with the UFO, both she and Barney underwent hypnosis to recover lost memories. They both recalled an encounter with an alien race. 1961 The "Bureau for Investigating the Loch Ness Phenomena" is formed.

1447 1961 The CIA invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, launched from Guatemala, fails due to poor planning and cancellation of support by Kennedy. The CIA, the Mob, Cuban-exiles, right-wingers and Nixonites supposedly vow revenge against Kennedy 1961 Two hundred soldiers at Fort Ord allegedly abducted en masse. Tsarion 1961 U.S. Army begins a 7-year series of tests on incapacitating agents. (From a report, Incapacitating Agents Tested at Medical Research Laboratory, FY 1961-1967, compiled by the Biomedical Laboratories at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. Ref: Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Vol. 40, pp1139/42). Tsarion 1961 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concludes that it was imperative for the U.S. to construct vital facilities underground. Tsarion 1961 Unexpected transmissions from space monitored on short wave worldwide. Tsarion 1961 Unexplained radio transmission interrupts astronaut Gordon Cooper in unidentified language. 1961 Unexplained transmissions from space monitored by ham radio operators worldwide. Ham operator Bob Renaud allegedly makes contact with aliens. 1961 United States budget for chemical and biological warfare triples between 1961 and 1963. Tsarion 1961 : 2, 1961, [ ], , , ..., [ ], , , + , 25 , : , , , : . 1961, . 14 1961 15 1961, ", , ". " 30 , . , ,

1448 " ". " . 1961: Amnesty International is founded by British lawyer Peter Benenson to promote human rights worldwide 1961: Kuwait becomes independent under the protection of Britain 1961-1991: Eritrean War of Independence led by Isaias Afewerki against Ethiopia. 1961-1975: Angolan Marxists and other radicals grouped in the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) begin guerrilla attacks on Portuguese infrastructure. With extensive military assistance from Cuba, the MPLA is able to outmaneuver two rival organizations and establish control of Luanda in time for independence on November 11, 1975. Civil war between the MPLA government and the anti-communist UNITA continued on-and-off until 2002, when UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi was killed. 1961: Yuri Gagarin becomes the first astronaut 1961: Stalingrad is renamed Volgograd 1961: Yugoslavia leaves the Soviet camp and leads the non-aligned movement 1961: The Soviet Union builds a wall between East and West Berlin 1962: Krushev and Kennedy risk a nuclear war over Cuba 1962-1974: The leftist African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) wages a revolutionary war of independence in Portuguese Guinea. In 1973, the independent Republic of Guinea-Bissau is proclaimed, and the next year the republic's independence is recognized by the reformist military junta in Lisbon. 1962: revolution in northern Yemen overthrows the imam and establishes the Yemen Arab Republic 1962 - "The Future of Federalism" by Nelson Rockefeller claims that current events compellingly demand a "new world order." He says there is: "A fever of nationalism...but the nation-state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks...These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a new world order...Sooner perhaps than we may realize...there will evolve the bases for a federal structure of the free world." - 1962 -- Suicide of Marilyn Monroe under questionable circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Oswald returns to America with his Russian wife, an alleged KGB agent. Retired General Walker arrested on Attorney Robert Kennedy's orders when Walker became involved in the racial disorders in Oxford, Mississippi; Walker stripped naked and flown to Springfield, Missouri, prison for

1449 examination; Walker reported to be incompetent but was later released and ran against John Connally for Governor of Texas. Hunt becomes head of CIA's new Domestic Operations Division. CIA interference in Ecuadorian politics. CIA allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to infect Cuban turkeys with Newcastle disease (though the technician supposedly double-crossed them). Ruby allegedly flies from Mexico City to visit Havana. CIA begins using secret terror teams in Vietnam, roots of Operation Phoenix. Dr. Edgar Schein outlines behavior modification programs for U.S. prisons, based on Korean brainwashing techniques. Cuban missile crisis. De Mohrenschildt, friend of the Kennedys, befriends the Oswalds in Dallas. Durham employed by Des Moines Police Dept. UFOlogist Williamson disappears in South America. Film version of The Manchurian Candidate released. - 1962 +Apostolos: first remembering 1962 -1975 Laos. After years of subsidizing an anti Communist Laos, Kennedy abruptly ceased all aid. Landed troops which supposedly were to support the government, but were removed and aid restored "only after" the Troika Government was installed including one "Communist" and one so called "Neutral" who was favorable to the Communists. 1962 A black rain falls in Slains, Scotland. 1962 A disc-shaped UFO is said to have crashed in northern Russia with the wreckage transported to the Odintsovo base near Moscow. 1962 Another UFO is alleged to have crashed near the nuclear test site at Semipalatinsk in Kazahstan. Again transported to Zhitkur. 1962 April--NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Washington he said: "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight." To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing. 1962 Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 1962 Boy hit by auto of James Schinbacher disappears. 1962 CIA allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to infect Cuban turkeys with Newcastle disease (though the technician supposedly double-crossed them). 1962 CIA interferes with Equadoran Politics. 1962 December 10--According to various sources, two RAF personnel observed a strange domed object fall behind a hanger at RAF Cosford, Wolverhampton, England. The two men then stated that the

1450 object swept the airfield with a strange green beam. However, when they returned with help, the object was gone. The two men were then allegedly subjected to a rigorous interrogation, and the events covered up. A couple of days later a very large transport plane landed, which was extremely unusual for this base, and was loaded up with a large hidden object. 1962 Dr. Edgar Schein outlines behavior modification program for US prisons based on Korean brainwashing techniques. 1962 Hunt becomes head of CIA's new Domestic Operations Division. 1962 Jack Ruby allegedly flies from Mexico City to visit Havana. Lee Harvey Oswald returns to US with Marina, his Russian wife, who is allegedly a KGB agent. They live in New Orleans. Oswald allegedly meets Shaw, Ferrie and other operatives who work for the FBI and CIA. During this time, Ruby visits New Orleans in order to hire a stripper named "Jada", who becomes a featured performer. Oswald distributes "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets from the same address as (ex-FBI) PI Guy Bannister's Office, which is also used for E. Howard Hunt's (allegedly the "brother-in-law" Thornley met with several times over period 1961-1963) Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti-Castro fronts. He has a confrontation with Carlos Bringuier, an agent for the CIA's Domestic Contact Service, in front of Shaw's International Trade Mart. Oswald provokes (or asks for) Bringuier to hit him. Oswald pleads guilty when they are both arrested, then asks to see an FBI agent. He is released and appears on radio and TV the next day to publicize his Pro-Cuban activities. Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw allegedly attempt to register to vote in rural Clinton Louisiana, attracting attention by arriving in a black Cadillac. Oswald moves to Dallas. De Mohrenschildt, friend of the Kennedys, befriends the Oswalds in Dallas. 1962 January 29-- Over Eastern Holland, a Dutch Air Force F-86K pilot sighted a disk both visually and on radar. Base also reported radar contact on their sets. Pilot radioed a demand for ID and the object to land but no response. Base ordered him to shoot the UFO down. He armed his two AIM-9Bs and 20mm cannon, but the UFO sped away before he could fire. 1962 John Glen flew his Friendship Seven spacecraft over the Southern Hemisphere. While flying he noticed several glowing spheres surrounding his aircraft. Glenn described them as fireflies and later said they acted like living critters. NASA dismissed the anomaly as ice falling off the module. 1962 It is the 22nd of March, 1962, we are on Mars and we have air! Remarks: If I have so far held back with my personal hypotheses, I would nevertheless like to state one here. I hear the reader say: What a lot of nonsense, we know that life on Mars is impossible.

1451 My question to you then: Do you actually KNOW? Lets be honest: the only thing we know about Mars is what has appeared in NASA reports or what is published in the common textbooks. The public has been TOLD that there is no life on Mars, but that does not mean that we KNOW! You have to realize that the space programs are again monopolies, and no one except the scientists directly involved in the projects REALLY know anything. 1962 July--A "space capsule" landed in the Bolivian town of AyoAyo, some thirty miles from the city of La Paz. The object fell into a deep ravine not far from the town, and its fall from the heavens was followed by the remarkable appearance of a feline never seen in Bolivia--a puma, which was assumed to have been disgorged by the "space capsule". The hapless feline was bludgeoned to death by the townspeople and its pelt sold to the U.S. Air Attache, one Colonel Wymer. 1962 Loch Ness Monster sighting by W.F. "Ted" Holiday. 1962 March 1,1962 Sen. Clark speaking on the floor of the Senate about PL 87 297 which calls for the disbanding of all armed forces and the prohibition of their re establishment in any form whatsoever. "..This program is the fixed, determined and approved policy of the government of the United States." (It also provided for the enforcement of State Department Document 7277) 1962 May 22--A space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. 1962 Murder of Marilyn Monroe made to look as though it were a suicide. 1962 November 9 The Republic of China Army test-fires its homemade T-2 rocket. 1962 November 9 The United States completes an emergency airlift of arms and ammunition to India during India's border war with Communist China. 1962 PROJECT REDLIGHT suffers a setback when sometime in 1962 a craft blew up not far from the test sight, in the air, and the explosion was seen over a three-state area. The pilots were killed, they had no idea what had happened or why the craft blew up, but they put PROJECT REDLIGHT on hold until a later date when the aliens supplied us with three craft and personnel to help us learn how to fly them. 1962 September 11--Over the Mediterranean north of Egypt, four RAF Javelins out of Cyprus intercept a "large" white light. UFO maneuvered above the interceptors before moving away at Mach 5 (estimated speed). 1962 .

1452 . . , (1888-1962) . , , .. . , , . : , , ' . ( ) . , . , 1938 . , , . , . , , . 1941: () , , , .. . 1955 - : , YPINO , : M . . 1961, . 1963 . , . () . . . 1977

1453 . ... , , ... . . 1994 . . . H . . , , . H . . . . , . . , . , . , . , H - - . . , ... . 16 , 1988, () . . , . : . . . . . .

1454 . . . , . , . , 300.000 , , . , , . , . 1962 SR-71/A-12 testing begins at Area 51. 1962 UFO explodes over a South Atlantic beach in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Molten slag is recovered. 1962 UFOlogist Williamson disappears in South America. 1962 : 3, , , , , [ ], . . . , . . . , . . , . 1962, a secret spacecraft from the Pentagon landed on Mars and video-taped it, and I have seen the actual video. It shows a Martian landscape far different than what N.A.S.A. showed us! Mars had canals, lakes, green vegetation, swamps, and animal life on the surface, but N.A.S.A. the dis-information agency wants you to believe it is a dead world so you will not expect ET'S live there! They have never shown the public most of the 2,000 photos they promised us with VIKING I. When the first Apollo astronauts landed on our Moon in 1969, they were shocked to find it already inhabited. Thousands of Americans, Soviets, British, French, and Australians were ALREADY LIVING THERE! Astronauts who discovered too much truth and were considered security risks died in those famous accidents in the shuttle or on the launch pad, etc. 1962, . .

1455 1962, 6 . ' ' , . 1962 . 1962 2 1965, . 1962 14 17 . 1962 14 . 1962 22 . 1962 59 . Kim Philby . [ Mikhail Gorbachev 1991]. 1962: the Beatles debut 1962: Uganda becomes independent 1962 " , , ,-- -- ." ... , , ." - , " , ", , 1962 1963 -- Assassination of Sylvanus Olympio of Togo, Abdul Karim Kassem of Iraq, Medgar Evers of US, Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam and John Kennedy of US; Texas Gov. John Connally wounded, police officer Tippit and Oswald killed. Attempted assassination of General Walker in Dallas earlier, allegedly by Oswald; Oswald also supposedly threatened to kill ex-Veep Nixon, or was it Veep Johnson? the Warren Commission wasn't sure. Alleged assassination attempt of JFK in Miami but right-winger Milteer spills the beans; another attempt in Chicago also

1456 supposedly foiled. Attempted assassination of Castro in which CIA agent Rorke is killed. Bilderberger meeting in Cannes, France. Johnson becomes president; almost immediately reverses JFK's decision to withdraw from Vietnam. CIA begins weather modification project over Hue, Vietnam. Equadorian government overthrown. Profumo scandal in England, involving sex and spying, brings down Conservative government. Russia sends first woman into space. Unexplained radio transmission interrupts astronaut Gordon Cooper in unidentified language. Numerous MIB spotted in Dealy Plaza. - 1963 +Apostolos: a nice period 1963 Alien spacecraft crashes in the Balkans, yielding 12 bodies. 1963 An oceanic UFO (some term them USOs or Unidentified Submersible Objects) was tracked by the U.S. Navy near Puerto Rico. On a training maneuver, a sonar operator detected a sub aqueous object traveling at over 150 knots. The technicians tracked this object for four days and it maneuvered down to the incredible depth of 27,000 feet. Submarines of 1963 could not dive further than a fraction over a mile into the ocean deeps. 1963 Bilderberger meeting in Cannes, France. 1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot from the front and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). Dealey Plaza is the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. The Masons who co-coordinated the assassination were traitors to their guest, United States President John F. Kennedy. An article in the Realist, 1991, suggests that George Bush was taped in a telephone conversation with [Masons] Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, and Nelson Rockefeller, in which the parties discussed the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Some Masons who were involved in the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination are as follows: Johnson had received the Entered Apprentice Degree in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Texas, on October 30, 1937. Johnson, as next in line for the Presidency, was the most direct beneficiary of JFK's death. He was a Mason who hated JFK, a Catholic. One of Johnson's first acts as President was to call the Dallas Police to order them to stop the investigation because they had their man, Oswald. This was an illegal order because the President has no authority to tell city police how to conduct a homicide investigation. President Johnson also ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to check every aspect of the assassination. This was a whitewash. The F.B.I. was headed by J. Edgar Hoover, who had become a member of Federal Lodge No. 1, District of Columbia, on November 9, 1920. The public wanted more answers concerning the murder of the President than the Masonic-controlled F.B.I. could provide. So, on

1457 November 29, 1963, President Johnson issued an executive order creating the Warren Commission, named after the man President Johnson had chosen to lead it, United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Warren, a Past Grand Master of Masons in California, was joined on the Commission by two other known Freemasons: Senator Richard B. Russell, a member of Winder Lodge No. 33, Georgia, and Representative Gerald R. Ford of Michigan. John Sherman Cooper, Hale Boggs, Allen W. Dulles, and John J. McCloy were the others on the Commission. Allen W. Dulles had been Director of the C.I.A. until JFK fired him. Louisiana Democratic Congressman Hale Boggs, who later publicly expressed doubts about the Warren Commission Report, disappeared in a plane between Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska on October 16, 1972. Masons representing many interests may have conferred and reached a consensus on Kennedy's fate, as occurred in the Morgan case in 1826, each knowing their discussions would be held in confidence. Their motives would probably be to protect and advance business interests and their social positions. These would include: Taking the presidency for Freemason Lyndon B. Johnson, Protecting Freemason J. Edgar Hoover's control of the F.B.I. Eliminating Kennedy's softening position on communism, a threat to a wide variety of American business interests overseas. Slowing the progress of the civil rights movement, an irritation to the KKK and other racists. Eliminating Kennedy's challenges to the CIA's leadership; he'd fired CIA Director Allen Dulles (a Warren Commission member) and Deputy Director Charles Cabell. Another motive was a violent reaction to Catholicism. At that time, Kennedy's Church, Catholicism, condemned membership in Freemasonry under pain of excommunication. The Warren Commission accomplished its mission to cover up the truth. It concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing JFK in 1963. The name Oswald is used by Shakespeare and the Beatles. In I Am the Walrus, released on November 27, 1967 by the Beatles, John Lennon played a BBC production of Shakespeare's King Lear Act IV, Scene 6, lines 249-259 in the background of the song. The lines are as follows: Oswald: Slave, thou hast slain me. Villain, take my purse. If ever thou wilt thrive, bury my body And give the letters which you find'st about me To Edmund, Earl of Gloucester. Seek him out Upon the English party. O, untimely death! Death! [He dies] Edgar: I know thee well: a serviceable villain, As duteous to the vices of thy mistress As badness would desire. Gloucester: What, is he dead? Edgar: Sit you down, father. Rest you. [Gloucester sits.] Oswald was a serviceable villain to the Masonic plotters who covered their tracks by setting him up as the patsy. In King Lear, Oswald was duteous to the vices of his mistress, the treasonous daughter Goneril. In JFK's assassination, Oswald was duteous to the vices of his mistress, the treasonous Masons in the

1458 F.B.I., an organization which destroyed his last communication to it and ordered him to the theater where he was arrested. A Masonic conspiracy provides historical precedents for the assassination, provides an existing organizational structure capable of covering-up the crime, explains the absence of internal records, and provides many potential motives. The bigger issue, one that must still be answered, was asked in an American Anti-Masonic pamphlet published in 1829 and holds true for today: Ought a secret society exist amongst us whose members can commit murder and yet escape punishment? MASONS HAVE done this, and their brethren . . . are sworn to protect them. Fellow citizens, are men bound by such obligations and possessing such principals, FIT to be rulers of a FREE PEOPLE? The Kennedy assassination appears to have been part a campaign of assassinations against a generation of leaders who posed challenges to the entrenched power structure. The death toll included John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. Viewed as a whole, these assassinations lead to the conclusion that anyone who promotes serious social reforms geared toward sharing the wealth and power will not be tolerated in a leadership position. Kennedy was planning to withdraw from Vietnam by the end of 1965." Shortly after JFK's death, Freemason Lyndon Johnson reversed Kennedy's policy toward Vietnam. The escalating involvement in the Vietnam conflict was driven by the Freemasons who solidified their control of the United States government after the assassination of President Kennedy. The War in Vietnam profited the arms makers and drug runners. Both the American and Vietnamese peoples have paid dearly in both squandered resources and lost lives to pursue the dubious objectives of the illegitimate Masonic leadership. 1963 Grand Orient Freemason, J.C. Corneloup, Grand Commander of Honor of the Grand College of Rites at Paris, chronicled the persistent claims and ambition of English Freemasonry to control all Freemasonry, especially the French. In his Universalisme et Franc-Maconnerie, he documents the division between English and French Freemasonry that still exists today: London [English Freemasonry] claims the right to lay down Masonic law; the United Grand Lodge of England claims to dominate the Masonic world, to be the sovereign judge of the authenticity of the different Masonic powers, and to impose its law upon them. 1963 British government contacts aliens. 1963 CIA begins weather modification project over Hue, Vietnam. 1963 Faces in the Crowd. Among the several hundred witnesses to the assassination were the following: the "umbrella man" who supposedly signaled assassination teams to fire by closing his black umbrella; the "Babushka Lady," who allegedly was introduced to "Lee Oswald of the CIA" by Jack Ruby and who also filmed the assassination, only to have

1459 the FBI confiscate the film and never return it; Joseph Milteer, the National States Rights Party leader who had disclosed the Miami plot against JFK and who had links through the NSRP to James Earl Ray's brother Jerry; three tramps who were arrested soon after the assassination, two of them allegedly resembling E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, the third possibly being Oswald II; Lee Harvey Oswald and George DeMohrenschildt who, so DeMohrenschildt told a hospital roommate just before his death, were together watching the parade when the shots were fired -- Oswald ran and that was the last time DeMohrenschildt supposedly saw him. - 1963 Faces in the Crowd: Among the several hundred witnesses to the assassination were the following: the "umbrella man" who supposedly signaled assassination teams to fire by closing his black umbrella; the "Babushka Lady," who allegedly was introduced to "Lee Oswald of the CIA" by Jack Ruby and who also filmed the assassination, only to have the FBI confiscate the film and never return it; Joseph Milteer, the National States Rights Party leader who had disclosed the Miami plot against JFK and who had links through the NSRP to James Earl Ray's brother Jerry; three tramps who were arrested soon after the assassination, two of them allegedly resembling E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, the third possibly being Oswald II; Lee Harvey Oswald and George DeMohrenschildt who, so DeMohrenschildt told a hospital roommate just before his death, were together watching the parade when the shots were fired--Oswald ran and that was the last time DeMohrenschildt supposedly saw him. 1963 Four children see a UFO land just outside Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. An alien nine feet tall and wearing a white monk's hood beckons to them. 1963 Jesus' face appears on tabernacle in Glad Tidings, Nassau, Bahamas. 1963 JFK-1963 President John F. Kennedy may have had more than the usual knowledge about UFOs, according to several credible sources. Further support for Kennedy's high-level knowledge regarding UFOs came from a former steward aboard Air Force One who told of a cryptic remark by President Kennedy. Bill Holden, who also served as loadmaster for Air Force One, traveled with Kennedy to Europe in the summer of 1963. He said a UFO conference in Bonn, Germany, prompted a discussion of the subject aboard the President's plane one morning. Holden said he turned to Kennedy and asked, "What do you think about UFOs, Mr. President?" He said Kennedy became quite serious and thought for a moment before replying, "I'd like to tell the public about the alien situation, but my hands are tied." Yet another document appears to be a memorandum written from President Kennedy to the director of the

1460 CIA regarding "Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security." In this memo, Kennedy stated, "... I have initiated (blacked out) and have instructed (then NASA Administrator) James Webb to develop a program with the Soviet Union in joint space and lunar exploration. It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources. It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defense and space programs. Kennedy then asked for all files on "Unknowns" to be turned over the NASA authorities and an interim report be forwarded to the White House no later than Feb.1, 1964. This document which clearly showed a president about to make UFO secrets available to wider circles in government and, hence, probably available to the public was dated Nov. 12, 1963, just 10 days before his Nov. 22 assassination in Dallas. Desperately clinging to their UFO-free mindset, debunkers question this document's authenticity while an unquestionably authentic document has been found in the John F. Kennedy Library. Opponents to JFK became frantic over his attempts to alter the course of previous U.S. policies. According to one knowledgeable source, Kennedy played a dangerous game, "... after making it clearly evident that he was not prepared to support action against the communists in the normal sense - plans to withdraw troops from South Vietnam - plans to fracture or abolish portions of the CIA; plans for expansion to the Justice System; failure to support the Bay of Pigs [invasion]; and a desire to share some of our most sensitive secrets with the Russians and Chinese - space borne platforms, etc... All during a time when his popularity was growing in leaps and bounds with the American public - a President who did not enjoy majority support at his election. A very dangerous situation, leaving few methods for control beyond assassination." This same source went on to say, "I believe John F. Kennedy was appraised of, and had access to, sufficient classified information, to have personally come to the conclusion that UFOs and therefore possible alien life-forms were possibly extant within our solar system... I think Kennedy certainly came to this conclusion... and was looking to demonstrate not only mankind s ability to come together for a common goal, but to formally demonstrate we could enter and conquer space as a species. Back then, some would have seen this as either crazy (if they had no access to the material) or (if they had access) very premature and possibly dangerous." A whole JFK issue evolved around his planned speech at the Dallas Trade Mart, the destination of his illfated motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963. Several researchers and some tabloids have claimed that he planned to change his scheduled talk and referred to

1461 handwritten notes, which may have included comments regarding UFOs. These notes have never been made public and so continue to be fodder for theorists. Spurred on by such tantalizing bits of evidence, some researchers even claimed that Kennedy's assassination was to prevent him from revealing the news of extraterrestrial visitation to the public. 1963 July 16--Possible UFO landing in Charlton, Wiltshire, UK. A farmer discovered strange crater 2. 5 meters wide and 2. 5 meters deep. Vegetation around it was burned and there were four holes in the ground around the crater itself. 1963-64 Scottish Rite of Freemasonry established in Israel. The establishment of Israel's Grand Lodge made all the more evident the need to constitute a parallel sovereign body to develop and govern the Scottish Rite bodies in the State of Israel. Credit for the initiative, taking the first concrete steps to reach this goal, must be given to Ill. Bro. Isaac Grassiani, 33, who had arrived in Israel only a few years earlier The first practical step taken was an application submitted to the Conference of European Grand Commanders held in The Hague on 1963 Last year we reported that the Conference of European Grand Commanders meeting at The Hague in the Netherlands had considered and discussed the desire of Brethren in Israel to establish a Scottish Rite organization in that country. It was the feeling of the European Grand Commanders, concurred in by the Grand Commanders of the Southern and Northern Jurisdictions, U.S.A., that the first step should be the organization of a Lodge of Perfection in Israel under the auspices of a nearby European Supreme Council. The result was that the 1963 Conference decided to ask the Supreme Council for Turkey to undertake the assignment. At the 1964 European Conference, conducted at Brussels, Belgium, Grand Commander Ill. Hazim Atif Kuyucak (Sovereign Grand Commander of Turkey) reported that the Supreme Council for Turkey regretfully had to withdraw from the proposed sponsorship inasmuch as its law, patterned after certain provisions of Turkish civil law, prohibited the Supreme Council from engaging in actual operations outside the boundaries of the Republic of Turkey. In 1963, it had been pointed out that a number of the few Thirty-third Degree Masons now residing in Israel, had received their Scottish Rite degrees in Germany many years ago and that, for such reason, the Supreme Council for Germany was very desirous of assisting in the erection of the Rite in Israel. The 1964 Conference, following the receipt of Commander Kuyucak's explanation, has now requested the Supreme Council for Germany to take over the formation of an initial Lodge of Perfection in Israel. 1963 Late September-Early October--Oswald begins to work at the TSBD.

1462 1963 Lee H. Oswald-1963 Oswald in New Orleans: Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee established at same address as ex-FBI man Guy Bannister's private detective office, also used for E. Howard Hunt's Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti-Castro fronts; confrontation with Carlos Bringuier, another agent for CIA's Domestic Contact Service, in front of Shaw's International Trade Mart; Oswald asks Bringuier to hit him, pleads guilty when they are arrested, asks to see an FBI agent, is released and appears on radio and TV the next day to publicize his activities; Oswald allegedly meets Shaw, Ferrie and other operatives of the FBI and CIA; Oswald, Shaw and Ferrie allegedly attempt to register to vote in rural Clinton, Louisiana, attracting attention by arriving in a black Cadillac; Oswald and Thornley allegedly meet at nightclub; Thornley thinks it was a "look-alike"; Jack Ruby visits New Orleans to obtain "the services of a stripper known as 'Jada,' who became his featured performer." 1963 May 15--Astronaut Gordon Cooper was shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea, Australia that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid because it was picked up by Mucheas's tracking radar. Cooper later said: "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that everyday, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us." 1963 Nov. 13, 1963 - It is alleged that just ten days prior to his assassination, President John F. Kennedy tells a Columbia University audience: "The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans' freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight." - 1963 November 18--JFK in Miami. There is an assassination attempt, but it is blown by right wing National States Rights Party leader Joseph Milteer). There was also allegedly an attempted assassination of JFK in Chicago. 1963 November 20--Oswald makes a scene in a restaurant where he was "glowered" at by Officer JD Tippet. 1963 November 21--JFK flies from Washington to San Antonio, then to Houston, then to Fort Worth. 1963 November 22--JFK flies from Fort Worth to Dallas. There was the Umbrella Man in the crowd. The Epileptic. John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, TX and Governor John Connally is wounded. There is either a lone gunman in the Texas School Book Depository building; a shooter in the TSBD, and one on the "Grassy Knoll"; or Three gunmen, including one firing from atop the railroad bridge. Three tramps

1463 were arrested soon after the assassination; two of whom resemble E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. At the moment of the assassination Oswald was photographed standing in the doorway of the TSBD. George DeMohrenschildt claimed that he and Oswald were watching the parade when the shots were fired, at which point Oswald ran. He is seen fleeing the TSBD by the rear door immediately after the assassination. He is seen eating in the lunch room of the TSBD 90 seconds after the assassination. He is seen (by Deputy Roger Craig) leaving the TSBD by the front door 15 mins after the assassination, and being picked up by a black man driving his landlady's car. According to witnesses, Oswald murders Officer JD Tippet, then runs to the Texas Theater where he enters without paying and is arrested by a large number of policemen. Nixon was in Dallas on 22 November 1963, for a convention of Pepsi Cola executives, although he allegedly left by plane an hour before the assassination. J. Edgar Hoover may have been in Dallas as well, as might have been oil executive George Bush. Texas oilman H.L. Hunt was taken into protective custody by federal agents after the assassination and kept in another city for a few days (DeMohrenschidt would later claim to have been the link between Oswald and H.L. Hunt in an FBI/Right Wing plot to kill Kennedy). Ferrie may have flown to Dallas on the night of the 22d. Cuban Bay of Pigs vet Ruedolo arrives in Madrid, Spain five days after the assassination, and is jailed for having an invalid visa. Jack Zangetti, an Oklahoma City motel manager is murdered after telling friends the day after the assassination that Ruby would kill Oswald and that a member of the Sinatra Family would be kidnapped soon afterward to divert attention away from the assassination (Frank Sinatra Jr was kidnapped and released unharmed). Oswald is murdered by Jack Ruby while in police custody, on television. Lyndon Johnson is inaugurated on the plane back to Washington. By the end of the day, the various agencies involved will have so muddied the evidence that there is no way the truth will EVER be conclusively known. 1963 Numerous Men In Black spotted in Dealy Plaza. 1963 Oswald in Dallas. Soon after returning from Mexico Oswald and his family allegedly drove to Alice, Texas, to talk with the manager of KPOY -- though Oswald didn't drive and the Warren Commission concluded he couldn't have been in Alice then; Oswald attends General Walker's John Birch meeting lecture and two nights later attends an ACLU meeting where he criticizes Walker's alleged racism; someone looking like Oswald visits a furniture store in Irving, Texas, with his family, looking for a part for a gun; the second Oswald visits the Irving Sports Shop to have three holes drilled in a rifle, though Oswald's only had two holes and they were drilled before he got it; the second Oswald cashes a $189 check at an Irving grocery store, buys groceries Oswald

1464 was unlikely to buy and gets a HAIRCUT accompanied by a teenager who allegedly exchanged leftist remarks with him; Oswald II visits the Lord-Lincoln auto agency to look at cars, test drives one at 70 mph and brags about coming into money soon and returning to Russia; Oswald II begins visiting Dallas/Irving rifle ranges to demonstrate his marksmanship, shooting bull's-eyes and hitting other people's targets; Oswald I writes a letter to the Dallas FBI which is destroyed soon after the assassination; Oswald I writes to "Mr. Hunt" asking to "discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else"; two days before the assassination Oswald II creates a scene in a Dallas restaurant where Officer J.D. Tippit "glowered" at him; Oswald I allegedly seen at the Carousel Club, plotting with Ruby, Tippit and/or Bernard Weissman; Oswald I or II allegedly ordered distribution of the anti-Kennedy "Wanted for Treason" leaflets in Dallas; Oswald, or was it Billy Lovelady? photographed standing in the doorway of the Book Depository building at the moment Kennedy was shot; Oswald II allegedly seen fleeing from the back of the Book Depository immediately after the assassination; Oswald II confronts Tippit, Oswald I arrested in the Texas Theatre; Oswald's voice prints show he told the truth when he said "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." - 1963 Oswald in Dallas: Soon after returning from Mexico Oswald and his family allegedly drove to Alice, Texas, to talk with the manager of KPOY--though Oswald didn't drive and the Warren Commission concluded he couldn't have been in Alice then; Oswald attends General Walker's John Birch meeting lecture and two nights later attends an ACLU meeting where he criticizes Walker's alleged racism; someone looking like Oswald visits a furniture store in Irving, Texas, with his family, looking for a part for a gun; the second Oswald visits the Irving Sports Shop to have three holes drilled in a rifle, though Oswald's only had two holes and they were drilled before he got it; the second Oswald cashes a $189 check at an Irving grocery store, buys groceries Oswald was unlikely to buy and gets a HAIRCUT accompanied by a teenager who allegedly exchanged leftist remarks with him; Oswald II visits the Lord-Lincoln auto agency to look at cars, test drives one at 70 mph and brags about coming into money soon and returning to Russia; Oswald II begins visiting Dallas/Irving rifle ranges to demonstrate his marksmanship, shooting bull's-eyes and hitting other people's targets; Oswald I writes a letter to the Dallas FBI which is destroyed soon after the assassination; Oswald I writes to "Mr. Hunt" asking to "discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else"; two days before the assassination Oswald II creates a scene in a Dallas restaurant where Officer J.D. Tippit "glowered" at him; Oswald I allegedly seen at the Carousel Club, plotting with Ruby, Tippit and/or Bernard Weissman;

1465 Oswald I or II allegedly ordered distribution of the anti-Kennedy "Wanted for Treason" leaflets in Dallas; Oswald, or was it Billy Lovelady? photographed standing in the doorway of the Book Depository building at the moment Kennedy was shot; Oswald II allegedly seen fleeing from the back of the Book Depository immediately after the assassination; Oswald II confronts Tippit, Oswald I arrested in the Texas Theatre; Oswald's voice prints show he told the truth when he said "I didn't shoot anybody, no sir." 1963 Oswald in Mexico. Although Oswald was allegedly on a bus to Mexico at the time, someone calling himself "Harvey Oswald" appeared at the Selective Service office in Austin, Texas, to discuss his undesirable discharge; the next day Cuban refugee leader Sylvio Odio is visited in Dallas by two Latins and "Leon Osward" (whom they called "Leopoldo") to discuss violent anti-Castro activities and revenge against Kennedy -- though Oswald was supposedly on his way to Mexico City; Albert Osborne, who allegedly paid for 1000 Hands Off Cuba leaflets which Oswald distributed in New Orleans, allegedly rides the same bus with him to Mexico City; Oswald, or someone impersonating him, attempts to go to Cuba from Mexico City; while Oswald was in Mexico a second Oswald appeared at a Dallas rifle range to shoot bull's-eyes, have his scope adjusted and talk to people there; Oswald returns to Dallas on bus No. 332, or was it No. 340? which had the name "Oswald" added to the manifest after the trip. - 1963 Oswald in Mexico: Although Oswald was allegedly on a bus to Mexico at the time, someone calling himself "Harvey Oswald" appeared at the Selective Service office in Austin, Texas, to discuss his undesirable discharge; the next day Cuban refugee leader Sylvio Odio is visited in Dallas by two Latins and "Leon Osward" (whom they called "Leopoldo") to discuss violent anti-Castro activities and revenge against Kennedy--though Oswald was supposedly on his way to Mexico City; Albert Osborne, who allegedly paid for 1000 Hands Off Cuba leaflets which Oswald distributed in New Orleans, allegedly rides the same bus with him to Mexico City; Oswald, or someone impersonating him, attempts to go to Cuba from Mexico City; while Oswald was in Mexico a second Oswald appeared at a Dallas rifle range to shoot bull's-eyes, have his scope adjusted and talk to people there; Oswald returns to Dallas on bus No. 332, or was it No. 340? which had the name "Oswald" added to the manifest after the trip. 1963 Oswald in New Orleans. Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee established at same address as ex-FBI man Guy Bannister's private detective office, also used for E. Howard Hunt's (allegedly the "brother-in-law" Thornley met with several times over period 1961-1963) Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti-Castro fronts; confrontation

1466 with Carlos Bringuier, another agent for CIA's Domestic Contact Service, in front of Shaw's International Trade Mart; Oswald asks Bringuier to hit him, pleads guilty when they are arrested, asks to see an FBI agent, is released and appears on radio and TV the next day to publicize his activities; Oswald allegedly meets Shaw, Ferrie and other operatives of the FBI and CIA; Oswald, Shaw and Ferrie allegedly attempt to register to vote in rural Clinton, Louisiana, attracting attention by arriving in a black Cadillac; Oswald and Thornley allegedly meet at nightclub; Thornley thinks it was a "look-alike"; Jack Ruby visits New Orleans to obtain "the services of a stripper known as 'Jada,' who became his featured performer." - 1963 President Kennedy sights a UFO while boating off Hyannisport on Cape Cod. The object was "disc-shaped, about 60 feet in diameter, with a gray top, and shiny bottom." It hovered above the water for 40 seconds, emitting a low pitched humming sound. Then it flew straight up in the air and was gone. Kennedy swore those present to keep the incident secret. 1963 September-November--Soon after returning from Mexico City, Oswald (who can't drive) drives with his wife Marina to Alice TX to talk to the manager of station KPOY; he attends General Walker's John Birch Society meeting lecture and two nights later attends an ACLU meeting where he criticizes Walker's racism. Oswald visits Irving TX and visits a furniture store; a sporting good store where he has three holes drills (although when it is found, his rifle has only two holes, drilled before he bought it); cashes a $189 check in order to buy some strange groceries; has his hair cut and exchanges some Leftist comments with a teenager; visits the Lord-Lincoln auto agency and test drives a car at 70 mph talking about coming into money soon and returning to Russia. Oswald writes a letter to the Dallas FBI that is destroyed after the assassination. He corresponds with "Mr. Hunt" asking to "discuss the matter fully before matters are taken by me or anyone else". He is seen in the Carousel Club plotting with Ruby, Officer Tippet, and/or Bernard Weissman. "Lee Oswald of the CIA" is introduced to "the Babushka Lady" (Later filmed at Dealy Plaza) by Jack Ruby. He ordered the distribution of the anti-Kennedy "wanted for Treason" leaflets. 1963 September--Oswald visits Mexico City traveling with Albert Osborne, who paid for the "Hands off Cuba" leaflets; visits Soviet Embassy to request protection from the FBI. They turn him away, and he then visits the Cuban embassy to try and get a visa to travel to Cuba. They reject him as well. He returns to Dallas. During the time of that trip: "Harvey Oswald" appeared at the selective service office in Austin Tx, to discuss his discharge; Cuban refugee Leader Sylvia Odio is visited by a pair of Hispanics and "Leon/Leonardo Osward" to discuss anti-Castro

1467 activities and revenge against Kennedy; someone looking like Oswald appeared at Dallas rifle ranges. 1963 Some Nagging Doubts. Nixon, having attended a convention of Pepsi-Cola executives in Dallas, leaves for New York an hour before the assassination and was one of the few people who later forgot where he was at the time; J. Edgar Hoover also alleged to have been secretly in Dallas on the same day. Texas oilman H.L. Hunt taken into protective custody by federal agents after the assassination and kept in another city for several days to avoid threats by those who might think he was involved. DeMohrenschildt, in Haiti, expresses belief Oswald was a patsy and that the FBI killed Kennedy (though later DeMohrenschildt claimed to have been the link between H.L Hunt and Oswald in a right-wing plot to kill JFK). Ferrie allegedly flies to Dallas on evening after assassination but his actual whereabouts remain unclear. Ruby, allegedly in hypnotic trance, shoots Oswald after an unexplained horn honk signal in the Dallas Police building basement. Cuban Bay of Pigs veteran named Ruedelo arrives in Madrid, Spain, five days after Kennedy assassination, jailed for invalid visa. Murder of Jack Zangetti, Oklahoma motel owner who told friends the day after the JFK killing that Ruby would kill Oswald and a member of the Sinatra family would be kidnapped soon afterward to distract attention from the assassination. Frank Sinatra, Jr., kidnapped, released unharmed. - 1963 Some Nagging Doubts: Nixon, having attended a convention of Pepsi-Cola executives in Dallas, leaves for New York an hour before the assassination and was one of the few people who later forgot where he was at the time; J. Edgar Hoover also alleged to have been secretly in Dallas on the same day. Texas oilman H.L. Hunt taken into protective custody by federal agents after the assassination and kept in another city for several days to avoid threats by those who might think he was involved. DeMohrenschildt, in Haiti, expresses belief Oswald was a patsy and that the FBI killed Kennedy (though later DeMohrenschildt claimed to have been the link between H.L Hunt and Oswald in a right-wing plot to kill JFK). Ferrie allegedly flies to Dallas on evening after assassination but his actual whereabouts remain unclear. Ruby, allegedly in hypnotic trance, shoots Oswald after an unexplained horn honk signal in the Dallas Police building basement. Cuban Bay of Pigs veteran named Ruedelo arrives in Madrid, Spain, five days after Kennedy assassination, jailed for invalid visa. Murder of Jack Zangetti, Oklahoma motel owner who told friends the day after the JFK killing that Ruby would kill Oswald and a member of the Sinatra family would be kidnapped soon afterward to distract attention from the assassination. Frank Sinatra, Jr., kidnapped, released unharmed. President Kennedy threatens to reveal the MJ-

1468 12/Jason Society drug running scheme. Oswald allegedly attempts to assassinate General Walker in Dallas. He and Marina separate. 1963 THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY It is of faith that the Pope has the right of deposing heretical and rebel kings. Monarchs so deposed by the Pope are converted into notorious tyrants, and may be killed by the first who can reach them. If the public cause cannot meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who arrives, to assassinate him. [Defensio Didei, Jesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14] Freed remembers what apparently passes for polite conversation when men such as Colby and Cline get together. It was quite bizzare Freed said, for the subject they chose was, When is it acceptable to assassinate a head of state? Colby presented what he said was a theological and philosophically sound approach. The Catholic Church, he said, had long since wrestled with this question and had, to Colbys mind, emerged with a sound concept: It is acceptable he said, to assassinate a tyrant. [Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, 1991, p. 85] A conspiracy is rarely, if ever, proved by positive testimony. When a crime of high magnitude is about to be perpetrated by a combination of individuals, they do not act openly, but covertly and secretly. The purpose formed is known only to those who enter into it. Unless one of the original conspirators betray his companions and give evidence against them, their guilt can be proved only by circumstantial evidence... and circumstances can not lie. [Special Judge Advocate John A. Bingham, quoted in The Trial Of The Conspirators, Washington, 1865] 1963 South African police raid a home in Rivonia, near Johannesburg, and arrest 17 people on charges of Communism. Of the 5 Whites arrested, ALL are Jewish (Goldreich, Berstein, Festenstein, Goldberg and Hepple). 1963 : 4, 20 . . , . , , . . , . 5-6 . . , , .

1469 , : , , . . , , , , , . . , . , . : , . . , . : , , , , . . . . , , , , . , ! , , . , , . . , , , , . , . , . . , , . , , , , . . [, ], . . 5-6 . ,

1470 [, , , , ... , ]. , . . , . . , . . . , , [], , . , , 5 , : , !;. , . , ... . , . 1963 60 25 , 1963. 26 , 1963. 1963, . 1963 9 , , , . 1963 2 . 1963 22 , . 1963 9 200.000 250.000 , [], ! , Dan Smoot Report 26-10-64. 1963, , 46 .

1471 1963: Kenya becomes independent 1963-1967: Aden Emergency: nationalists in British-ruled Aden, with an eye on recent events in North Yemen and in Palestine, declare war on the British under the umbrella of the National Liberation Front (NLF). The UK hands over control to an independent South Yemen in November 1967. In 1969, moderate President Qahtan Muhammad alShaabi is edged out in favor of more radical socialists, who convoke a constituent assembly and begin to develop the state along MarxistLeninist lines. The result is the only Communist state in the Arab world and the first in a Muslim country. 1964: following an American school's provocative decision to raise only the flag of the United States, Panamanian students march into the Panama Canal Zone with the flag of Panama. After the latter flag is torn, thousands more become involved, starting huge riots that lasted three days. About 20 people were killed and hundreds more injured. 1964: the Zanzibar Revolution overthrows the 157-year-old Arab monarchy, declares the People's Republic of Zanzibar, and begins the process of unification with Julius Nyerere's Tanganyika 1964: the October Revolution in Sudan, driven by a general strike and rioting, forces President Ibrahim Abboud to transfer executive power to a transitional civilian government and eventually resign. 1964-1975: the Mozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO), formed in 1962, commences a guerrilla war against Portuguese colonialism. Independence is granted on June 25, 1975; however, the Mozambican Civil War complicated the political situation and frustrated FRELIMO's attempts at radical change. The war continued into the early 1990s after the government dropped Marxism as the state ideology.] 1964 " , . , - , , " - , " " - 1964 1964 -- Assassination of Jigme P. Dorji of Bhutan. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Betty Mooney MacDonald, former Carousel Club stripper who had met Oswald at a party and provided an alibi for Darrell Wayne Garner (who was accused of wounding Tippit-killing witness Warren Reynolds), found hanged in her cell after being arrested for fighting with her roommate; Garner disappears, later found dead; Hank Killam, whose wife Wanda was also a stripper at Ruby's club and who was a friend of John Carter who once

1472 lived in Oswald's rooming house, evades police for several months, then found with a slashed throat in Pensacola, Florida; Gary Underhill, former Life editor and CIA agent who begged friends to protect him because he knew who killed Kennedy, found shot in left side of head -- ruled suicide even though he was right-handed; Bill Hunter, Long Beach PressTelegram reporter, who had met with Ruby's roommate George Senator and Ruby's attorney Tom Howard at Ruby's apartment a few hours after Oswald's murder, shot to death by a policeman in Long Beach, California, police station, accidentally; Jim Koethe, Dallas Times-Herald reporter also present at the meeting in Ruby's apartment, killed by karate chop to the throat as he emerged from the shower; Mary Meyer, painter, niece of forester Gifford Pinchot and one of JFK's lovers (who allegedly funneled LSD from an unsuspecting Timothy Leary to JFK), shot while taking a walk in Washington, D.C. -- her secret diary confiscated by her CIA friend James Angleton, later allegedly destroyed. Robert Kennedy allegedly stalked in assassination plot during his New York senatorial race by Frank Chavez, associate of Ruby; Puerto Rican Teamster Ramon Ducos and Miguel Cruz who was allegedly arrested with Oswald in New Orleans and who claimed to have killed Kennedy; Chavez later killed by his bodyguard, Miguel Cruz. Durham kills wife, terminated from Des Moines police. Bilderberger meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia. Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf resolution giving LBJ power to make war on Vietnam. Virginia Miller, later known as "Blue Dove," allegedly begins career as "disrupter" in the Amerindian community; later serves as FBI informer on Indian activities. Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy released; Commission finds that Oswald, acting alone, killed JFK. - 1964 "Pike Event", an underground nuclear test causes major fallout as far south as Las Vegas. 1964 +Apostolos: work first time in restaurant 1964 -1973 Vietnam Although The Jewish President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the first (sic) advisers during his administration the war in Vietnam really began when U.S. military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade They were first sent to Vietnam, and their numbers were increased as military positions of the Saigon Government became weaker. After the attacks on U.S. destroyers in the Tonkin gulf, President Johnson asked for a resolution expressing U.S. determination to support freedom and protect peace in Southeast Asia. 1964 A mysterious structure that was discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean by the NSF Polar Research Vessel Eltanin. The object was described as being a pole rising from the ocean floor with a series of twelve spokes radiating from it. Each spoke had a sphere shape on the end of it, and were at an angle of 15 degress from one another. The

1473 "Eltanin Antenna" as it was called, is some 1000 miles south of Cape Horn. There has been a lot of speculation regarding the origins and purpose of the object. Some marine biologists think that it may be a type of life form, although no form of marine life is known to be of such a peculiar shape. Others have suggested that the object was intentionally put there, possibly by an ancient civilization, or even by beings from another world. 1964 Andrew Goodman, the Jewish/Marxist son of the Jewish/Marxist radio network Pacifica's president, is slain (along with another Jewish Marxist and a Black) in Mississippi. No one wonders why, except the media. 1964 April 13--Several adults in Walthamstow, England, witnessed a nine-foot cigar-shaped and silver-colored UFO crash into the river Lea, which tore down telephone lines and scarred the edge of the concrete towpath as it went. 1964 April 24--While chasing a speeding car Officer Lonnie Zamora of the Socorro New Mexico Police Department heard a roar and saw flame in the sky to the southwest. Thinking that a dynamite shack in that area must have blown up, he abandoned the chase and went to investigate. As he approached the arroyo on unpaved roads he saw an elliptical object resting on legs in a gully. A red "insignia" or emblem was visible on the side toward him, and standing near it were two humanoid figures. Zamora did not comprehend what he was seeing, so he reported in to the dispatcher that he would be out of his car "checking the car down in the arroyo." As he got out of his car he heard two or three loud "thumps," like someone slamming a door. The beings were no longer visible. The craft took off with a loud roar and blast of flames, and when it cleared the ground, rising straight up, it came silent, leveled off and flew away horizontally. Then it rose at a slight angle and accelerated until it disappeared in the distance over the mountains, just clearing Six Mile Canyon Mountain. 1964 April 25--A USAF Intelligence Officer met with Aliens at Mollomar Air Force Base in New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximately three hours, after several attempted methods of communications the Intelligence Officer managed to exchange basic information with the Aliens. This project is continuing at a site in New Mexico. 1964 April 8--During the first orbit of the Gemini I unmanned spacecraft, it was joined by four apparently controlled objects. The tracking station observed two objects take up station above Gemini I, with one behind and one below. These relative positions were maintained for one orbit after which they sped off into space.

1474 1964 April--Repeated alien abductions of a child near Missoula, Montana. 1964 Attack on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin by North Vietnam (which has since been proven to be false, and was only Washington propaganda); 1965 Bombing of North Vietnam starts; 1st American combat troops in South Vietnam; 1966; Operation White Wing; Operation Hastings; 1967 Thieu elected President of South Vietnam; War demonstrations in U.S.; 1968 Battle of Khe Sanh; Tet Offensive; Battle of Hue; My Lai Massacre; Battle for Hamburger Hill; Peace talks start in Paris; 1969 bombing of North Vietnam stopped; Ho Chi Minh dies; 1970 Four Jewish students killed at Kent State; U.S. and South Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia; 1971 Laos invaded; Pentagon Papers published; 1972 New offensive by North Vietnam launched; bombing of North Vietnam resumes; 1973 Peace treaty signed in Paris; 1975 south Vietnam surrenders to North Vietnam. 1964 Bilderberger meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia. 1964 CIA program MKULTRA became MKSEARCH. Many subprojects stayed under MKULTRA while the most sensitive behavioral experiments went to MKSEARCH. These experiments were conducted on prisoners, terminal cancer patients and people who were described as mental "defectives." They also used radar waves on monkeys' brains (which risked "cooking" their brains) and one scientist took the head of one monkey and tried to attach it to the body of another. Other experiments involved studying telepathy, radio frequencies and memory. 1964 December 10--At Fort Riley army base, Kansas, a guard was on duty in the motor pool. He and three other men were ordered by a senior officer to make their way to a remote corner of the base. When they arrived they noticed a large military chopper shining a large search light on a strange object which was resting on the ground. The object was already surrounded by several other military types. The guard was then given "shoot to kill" orders to stop any civilians who tried to get near it. He was also warned not to tell anyone about the incident. He described the object as like a giant hamburger, 12 meters by 5 meters, with a dark line along its rim and a small tail-fin stabilizer. He also observed that the air near the craft was very warm despite being a bitterly cold night. Some time later UFO researchers managed to obtain some collabratory evidence. Another guard reported that on the morning following the alleged incident, he witnessed a large flatbed truck with a roundish object covered with canvas sheets being driven out under high security from the base. Other sources mention the recovery of nine aliens bodies on this occasion. 1964 Ervin M. Scott of Boston claimed to have intercepted an electronically augmented telepathic transmission from a woman, a

1475 cavern-dweller under the Salt Lake flats of Utah, whose people were under siege by the "evil ones". She urgently warned about a woman who was abducted into tunnels/caverns beneath an abby in the north section of Boston three weeks earlier (the 1st church of Roxbury is located in the north section of the city and is by far the oldest "abby" in Boston). Another "voice" breaks in on the "transmission" and tells Ervin not to believe the former woman's voice, stating, "Don't you know this is a lie? a trick?", and then warningly, "Keep quiet about this!". 1964 February--Beginning sometime in February, there was also an interesting series of reports coming from Hong Kong where UFOs were seen to mimic conventional aircraft making a landing at the Kai Tak airport at least once a week for months. 1964 Flaming blob fall near Esperanza Creek, Texas. 1964 June--The first Soviet-piloted alien vehicles were flown and full contact with the extraterrestrials was made 1964 Kennedy Deaths: Betty Mooney MacDonald (former Carousel Club stripper who had met Oswald at a party and had provided an alibi for Darrell Wayne Garner, who was accused of wounding TippetKilling witness Warren Reynolds) is found hanging in her cell after being arrested for fighting with her roommate; Garner disappears and is later found dead; Hank Killam (whose wife Wanda was also a stripper at Ruby's club, and who was a friend of John Carter who once lived in Oswald's rooming house) evades police for several months, then is found in Pensacola, Florida with a slashed throat; Gary Underhill (former Life editor and CIA agent who begged friends to protect him because he knew who killed Kennedy) is found shot in the left side of the head (which is ruled suicide even though Underhill was right handed); Bill Hunter (Long Beach Press-Telegram reporter, who, with Jim Koethe, was present at a meeting with Ruby's roommate, George Senator, and Ruby's attorney Tom Howard a few hours after Oswald is killed) is accidentally shot and killed by a policeman at the Long Beach Police Station; Jim Koethe (Dallas Times-Harald reporter) is killed by a karate chop to the throat as he stepped from his shower; Mary Meyer (painter, and former JFK lover) shot while taking a walk in Washington DC (her diary is confiscated by her CIA friend James Angleton, and it is later destroyed); RFK is stalked during his senatorial race by Ruby associate Frank Chavez, Puerto Rican teamster Ramon Ducos and Miguel Cruz (who may have been arrested with Oswald in New Orleans and claimed to have killed JFK); Chavez is later killed by his bodyguard Miguel Cruz. 1964 May 24--Astronaut Scott Carpenter duplicated Glenn's feat with an additional orbital flight lasting 4 hours 56 minutes and 5 seconds. Mercury-Atlas 7 was designated Aurora 7. During the flight, Carpenter took a photograph of a UFO which he saw close to his capsule.

1476 1964: Krushev is replaced by Leonid Brezhnev 1964 May, PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) founded with the aim of destroying Israel. The Palestinian National Charter (1968) officially called for liquidation of Israel. 1964, an oval shaped metallic flying object landed in a farm field in Newark Valley in New York State, and two alien beings emerged from the estimated 20 foot long craft. Farmer, Gary Wilcox drove his tractor toward the object clearly visible on a bright sunny day. The farmer kicked the metallic object to make sure it was real. The two occupants were about 4 feet high, and they carried a square tray full of the different vegetables they had collected from his farm. Wilcox reported that when he confronted the beings stealing his crops, they said "don't be alarmed, we have spoken to people before." Gary described the voices as being very strange. They wore white, metallic-looking overalls without seams, stitching or pockets. He could not see their hands or feet. He could not see their other features beneath the full space-suits, which we speculated were protecting these aliens from the Earth's atmosphere deadly to their race. As Wilcox became inquisitive, one of them stated, "We are from what you know as the planet Mars. We can only come to Earth every two years," and left a warning that Earth people should stay out of space. They said that they were studying the organic materials on Earth because of the rocky structure of Mars, and that they did not fly near our cities because they avoided the air pollution. The beings told Wilcox everything in monotone. He asked if he could go with them and they rejected. Wilcox gave the beings a bag of fertilizer and exchanged information about it and other subjects, before they entered the craft and took off. Wilcox was investigated by a psychiatrist and the sheriff department, who found him a normal, truthful person with no emotional problems, and they confessed they believed his UFO experience was real. In February 1972, United Nations diplomat Farida Iskiovet, who investigated UFOs and occupant contacts for the President of the General Assembly, told me and my department agents that she had been contacted by a landed spacecraft from the planet Mars. The reported contact took place in the Mojave Desert, in California, in 1971, and made the "front page" of the major Arizona newspaper the daily Arizona Republic. This story also made the front page of the San Clemente Sun-Post in an article written by Fred Swegles, who covered President Nixon and his staff at the Western Whitehouse. Farida stated that the alien offered to admit an ambassador to their interplanetary confederation in this solar system, in exchange for an alien ambassador to the General Assembly of the United Nations, in an attempt to re-establish diplomatic relations with Earth and other planets that had been suspended in ancient times due to hostility on Earth. However, the terms of this peace arrangement were not acceptable to the

1477 Security Council, and the exchange was rejected in a secret meeting. Adam Malik, President of the United Nations, was in favor of the treaty and exchange and he was in contact with us on this matter. Iskiovet and Malik were frustrated with U.N. attempts to block this exchange, so they came to us to help try to establish a civilian council to handle affairs between the people on Earth and the Interplanetary Confederation in this solar system. The corporations and military-government interests that finance and control the U.N. did not accept the alien insistence on destroying all weapons, ending all wars, and eliminating all polluting fuels, which are all the biggest bank accounts in the world. The most famous astronomers of the early twentieth century, including the great Percival Lovell, stated there were signs of intelligent life on Mars. They reported huge areas of green vegetation that expanded and contracted with the melting of the ice caps and the 4 seasons on Mars. In the 1950s, teachers in public schools in America taught students that the temperature at the Martian equator was about 80 degrees. The man credited with inventing the radio, Marconi, published data that he believed he had received intelligent radio signals from Mars. 1964 October 12--The crew on the Soviet spaceship Voskhod 1 is said to have seen unidentified cylindrical objects in orbit. In the press conference for Voskhod 1, the chief cosmonaut and spokesman Komarov walked out without answering when a western journalist asked him if they had encountered UFOs in space. Komarov died four years later in the accident with Soyoz 1. 1964 September 15--Air Force 1st Lt. Robert Jacobs was Photooptical Instrument Officer for the 1369th Photo Squadron at Vandenburg Missile Base, California. He was in charge of photo-optical instrumentation at a tracking site in Big Sur 124 miles away. His mission was to film an Atlas rocket go through all three stages of powered flight. This particular mission was part of the Nike-Zeus objective for the development of an anti-missile missile at the height of the Cold War. He says: "What we photographed up there affected me for the rest of my life. We were looking down S-SW and the missile popped up through the fog, and it was just beautiful. And our guys on our M45 tracking mount with 180 inch lenses got it, and sure enough we could see all three stages of powered flight as they burned up and dropped away. Of course to the naked eye all we saw was a kind of a smoke trail going off into subspace. So we whoopied and shouted and heard the film wrap off in the BU telescope, and figured well that was our first big deal, and we got it." He took the cans of film to Vandenburg that night. The next day, he was ordered to go immediately to the office of Major Florence J. Mansman, the ranking optical instrumentation officer in charge. He continues: "I walked into his office and he had a screen and a 16mm projector set up,

1478 and there was a couch, and Major Mansman said to sit down. As I recall there were two guys in gray suits, civilian clothes. Mansman turned on the film projector and said to watch this. So I watched the screen and there was the launch from the day before at Big Sur. As the Atlas missile entered the frame, we could see the whole third stage, which has the two rocket motors fill in our frame, from about 160 miles, it was pretty exciting optics. And then on that telescope, we could see the dummy warhead." At the time, the rocket was traveling between 11,000 and 14,000 MPH when a saucer-shaped craft entered the frame. He continues, "It flew into the frame like this, then shot a beam of light at the warhead, now remember all this stuff was flying at several thousand miles an hour, so this thing fires a beam of light at the warhead, hit it, fires another beam of light, and then flies out the way it came in, and the warhead tumbles into outer space. When the lights came on, Major Mansman turned around and said, "Were you guys screwing around up there?" And I said, no sir, and he said, "What was that?", and I said, "it looks to me like we got a UFO." Nearly two decades later, several letters written by Major Mansman were obtained. In one dated March 8, 1983, Mansman corroborated Lt. Jacobs story, "In the film, the assumption was at that time extraterrestrial. Details would be sketchy and from memory, the shape was classic disc, the center seemed to be a raised bubble." Jacobs continues, "Now Major Mansman said to me, after some discussion about it, he said you are never to speak of this again. As far as you're concerned this never happened." 1964-1982 After Khruschev's removal from office, Leonid Brezhnev came to power. He was humorless, colorless, and unimaginative. He brought and end to destalinization. He is also blamed for bringing an era of stagnation to the Soviet Union. Brezhnev is well known for his Brezhnev Doctrine, which promised to intervene if a socialist regime was threatened. During Brezhnev's reign, in 1968, there was revolution in Czechoslovakia. Alexander Dubcek was elected leader of the communist party, and he called for free press, democracy, and other parties. In these senses he curbed repression, and he advocated "Socialism with a Human Face" - that is, more consumer goods, more rights, and more freedom. However, the Soviets invaded the country in what has become known as the "Prague Spring" and crushed this new government in August 1968. Under Brezhnev, the United States and the Soviet Union underwent Dtente, which was in essence a relaxation of tensions between the two nations. This occurred primarily because both countries recognized the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, or the fact that each nation had enough power to completely the obliterate the other. In 1975 both NATO and Warsaw Pact members signe dthe Helsinki Accords. In these, the West recognized the Soviet occupation of

1479 Eastern Europe, and the Soviets promised to respect civil rights in the occupied territories. In 1977 Czech dissidents, led by poet Vaclav Havel, signed a manifesto called the Charter 77 that demanded human rights, free expression, freedom of religion, and the right to organize. From 1980 until 1989, the Soviet Union battled a Vietnam-like war in Afghanistan. 1964 The NSA takes over authority of PROJECT SIGMA. 1964 Two fully intact UFOs were allegedly transferred to the Soviet military by extraterrestrial beings. 1964 Virginia Miller, later known as "Blue Dove," allegedly begins career as "disrupter" in the Amerindian community, later serves as FBI informer on Indian activities. 1964 Warren Commission report is released, finding that Oswald, acting alone, killed JFK. 1964 White beams seen after rain in San Fernando, California. 1964, 24 , , 16 1964. 1964 21 . 1964 6 , 13. 1964: Zambia becomes independent 1965 Assassination of Pierre Ngendandumwe of Burundi, Hassan Ali Mansour of Iran, Malcolm X of US and Mario Mendez Montenegro of Guatemala. On the day Malcolm was killed Pio Ghana de Pinto, who had been working with him to coordinate poor Americans and Third World Africans, was machine-gunned at his home in Africa. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Tom Howard, Ruby's attorney who met with Senator and others after Oswald's death, died of a heart attack after "acting strangely" for two days, no autopsy performed; Rose Cherami, another Carousel stripper who told a psychiatrist Kennedy had to be killed two days before it happened and who said she'd seen Oswald at Ruby's club many times, killed in a hit-and-run car accident near Big Sandy, Texas; Dorothy Kilgallen, columnist and TV panel-show figure who had a private half-hour interview with Ruby and said she was going to break the Kennedy case wide open, found dead in her apartment of an apparent overdose of alcohol and barbiturates; William Whaley, Dallas cab driver who took Oswald from the Book Depository to his rooming house after the assassination, killed in an auto accident -- the first on-duty cabbie death in Dallas since 1937; Karen Bennett Carlin, another Carousel entertainer who reported seeing hate-ad signer Bernard Weissman at Ruby's club and was the last known person to speak to Ruby before he shot Oswald, died of gunshot wounds in the head in Houston.

1480 Bilderberger meeting in Lake Como, Italy. Fighting in Vietnam escalates into major war. US Army explores sites in the Middle East for potential locations for nuclear devices intended to set off earthquakes. Early prison behaviour mod program, CASE, begins in Washington, D.C., boys school. Durham involved in various Mafia activities and acts as informer for police, possibly CIA. Fifth UFO flap year. Three Russian scientists report receiving unexplained signals from space. California highway inspector Rex Heflin, who took pictures of UFOs, visited by MIB who took the original photographs and left; NORAD denies they were their men, as claimed. Another ham radio operator, Sidney Padrick, makes contact with UFO aliens. - 1965 +Apostolos: I was able to write and learn 1965 15 , K , . . E.. 1965 A 1000-foot underwater UFO is seen in Kaipara harbor, New Zealand. 1965 A Californian TV repairman and ham radio operator, Sidney Padrick, was given a flight in a saucer that landed near his home. The craft proved to contain a room similar to a chapel, where he was asked to "pay your respects to the Supreme Deity". 1965 A foil fall in Peurto Garibaldi, Argentina. 1965 A skeleton measuring 8 feet 9 inches was found buried under a rock ledge along the Holly Creek in east-central Kentucky. 1965 , , 180 , . 3 . , ! , , . , , , , ; , , " ". . . '

1481 . ." 1965 August 3--Highway engineer Rex Heflin took a series of four Polaroid photos of a silvery craft near Santa Ana, California. Over a period of about two minutes the craft moved east, "wobbling" slightly, gained altitude slowly, then increased its velocity and altitude more rapidly, leaving behind a ring of smoke-like vapor. Several scientists and other researchers launched an all-out effort to study the photos. In September, two men in civilian clothes, claiming to be from the North American Air Defense, came to Heflin's home and "borrowed" three of the original photos. The photos were never returned and the two visitors were never traced. However, copies of the stolen photos continued to be analyzed. They were regarded as most probably genuine though some doubts remained. Then one day in 1993, Heflin received a phone call from a woman who asked him if he had recently checked his mailbox and then rang off. Half an hour later she called again and asked the same question. After the first call Heflin found his mailbox to be empty, but after the second he found a plain, unmarked envelope containing the three lost photos. The photos were then reanalyzed using state-of-the-art computer enhancement, and the analysis supported the view that they were genuine. 1965 August--The crew of the Russian steamship Raduga, while navigating in the Red Sea, observed an unusual phenomenon. At about two miles away, a fiery sphere dashed out from under the water and hovered over the surface of the sea, illuminating it. The sphere was 60 meters in diameter, and it hovered above the sea at an altitude of 150 meters. A gigantic pillar of water rose as the sphere emerged from the sea and collapsed some moments later. 1965. In that year, the Second Vatican Council ended the last of its four sessions; and Pedro de Arrupe y Gondra was elected to be the 27th Father General of the Jesuits. Under Arrupe's leadership, and in the heady expectation of change sparked by the Council itself, the new outlook - antipapal and sociopolitical in nature - that had been flourishing in a covert fashion for over a century was espoused by the Society as a corporate body. The Roman Curia was correct. Instead of the Jesuits penetrating the Masonic Order, Freemasonry penetrated the Jesuits. Malachi Martin suggests that Freemasonry infiltrated the Jesuit Order throughout the last century, the effects of which were finally manifest during Father General Arrupe's administration. He confirms that many of the Jesuits are now Masons. The late Father Arrupe was also a Mason. Martin documents that the Marxist Liberation Theology, backed by the Jesuits in South America, is Masonic in origin.

1482 1965 Beijing's eight million people were amazed to see a luminous red object fly over the city, stop and remain motionless for a time, and then fly off into the distance. 1965 Bilderberger meeting in Lake Como, Italy. 1965 December 9--Alien vessel crashes near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Supporting evidence: At the time of Kecksburg crash President Lyndon Johnson was at his White House ranch in Austin, Texas. A careful review of the evidence shows some interesting facts, including: James Webb, the head of NASA arrived at the ranch at 9:50 the morning after the crash. All members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived the morning after the crash. The Governor of Pennsylvania arrived at the ranch in afternoon. On Sunday night, three days after the crash Johnson arrived back at the White House. The next afternoon, Johnson met off the record with Buford Ellington. Ellington was the head of the Office of Emergency Planning, which is inside the Executive Office of the President. This was one of the groups that appeared to have been involved in the Kecksburg crash. One of the key people under Lionel Ellington was USAF Colonel J. Leo Bourassa. He headed up the "Special Facilities Division" within the Office of Emergency Planning. He is the person mentioned in the BLUE BOOK file dealing with the Kecksburg crash. 1965 Early prison behavior mod program, CASE, begins in a Washington, D.C. boys school. 1965 In a three year study beginning in 1965, 70 volunteer prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were subjected to tests of dioxin, the highly toxic chemical contaminant in Agent Orange. Lesions which the men developed were not treated and remained for up to seven months. None of the subjects was informed that they would later be studied for the development of cancer. This was the second such experiment which Dow Chemical undertook on "volunteers" who did not receive the information which the world proclaimed was necessary for "informed consent" at Nuremberg. 1965-1995, 25 , . , 1968. 1965 In a three year study, 70 volunteer prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were subjected to tests of dioxin, the highly toxic chemical contaminant in Agent Orange. Lesions which the men developed were not treated and remained for up to seven months. None of the subjects was informed that they would later be

1483 studied for the development of cancer. This was the second such experiment which Dow Chemical undertook on "volunteers" who did not receive the information which the world proclaimed was necessary for "informed consent" at Nuremberg. 1965 January 24 Winston Churchill dies at age 90. After telling his son-in-law, Christopher Soames, "I am so bored with it," he never again made an intelligible remark to anyone. Note, Churchill died at his home at 28 Hyde Park Gate in London shortly after 8,00 a.m. on the seventieth anniversary of the death of his father, Sir Randoph Churchill. 1965 January 30 Great Britain holds an elaborate State Funeral for Sir Winston Churchill. 1965 January Churchill suffers a stroke which his physician, Lord Moran, tells the family will probably be fatal. 1965 July 6--Near Puerto La Cruz, Portugal, the commander and crew of the Norwegian tanker Jawesta observed a lighted object flying out of the sea. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the ship at high speed. He called the captain and tracked the object with binoculars as its altitude reached about 300 meters. Its shape was that of a cigar, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail. 1965 Kennedy Deaths: Tom Howard (Ruby's Attorney) died of a heart attack after "acting strangely" for two days--no autopsy; Rose Cherami (former Carousel Club stripper who told a psychiatrist that Kennedy was to be killed two days before the assassination) is killed in a hit-and-run accident near Big Sandy TX; Dorothy Kilgallen (columnist and TV panel show figure who'd had a private half hour interview with Ruby) is found dead in her apartment OD'd on alcohol and barbiturates; William Whaley (Dallas cabbie who drove Oswald from TSBD to his rooming house after the assassination) becomes the first on-duty cabbie death in over thirty years; Karen Bennett Carlin (Carousel entertainer who reported seeing Bernard Weissman and was the last known person to speak to Ruby before he shot Oswald) is shot in the head in Houston. 1965 November 9 The "Great Northeast Power Outage" blacks-out New York City, several states in the northeast, and parts of Canada after a series of mysterious power failures that last up to 13 1/2 hours. The black-outs struck just before dusk. Losses are estimated at nearly $100 million U.S. Note, Several Nazi groups in Germany later claimed responsibility and said that their disruption of electricity to New York had been a symbolic demonstration of their power. "We wanted to show the Jews of New York just how quickly we could put them back in the Dark Ages," one elderly Nazi joked in 1992. (See Blutzeuge, November 9th) 1965 PROJECT PANDORA begins in the US to determine the effects of low-level microwaves on people.

1484 1965 September--A wave of UFO sightings begins at Exeter, New Hampshire. 1965 Seven years of searching is rewarded when Frank Seale sights the Loch Ness Monster. 1965 Spring-- Looking out the window of a clifftop house along the seashore at Sydney, Australia, a tourist noticed a beautiful stationary pink cloud. An hour later, when she looked again, the cloud was moving in her direction and soon was actually below her eye-level, enabling her to look down on it and see, to her amazement, a round, white object. Vents along the object's side emitted gray steam which, as it enveloped all but the top portion of the object, turned pink. The "cloud," in short, was an artificial creation. As if this were not mind-boggling enough, an engine sound came from the still-descending object. A luminous ladder was lowered from the underside, and a humanlike figure climbed down to a lower rung. There he sat down and directed a searchlight toward the sea below. Some distance out on the water a pink flare shot into the air. Immediately the ladder retracted, and the object shot off in the direction of the flare. The witness then noticed a long but not clearly visible shape in the water from which the flare had ascended. Both the UFO and the underwater shape vanished in a "vivid pink flash." 1965 Summer--According to press reports, the Soviets claimed that a special unit of 200 of their soldiers stationed near Hanoi in the summer of 1965 fired at a UFO which appeared in front of their headquarters. The UFO returned fire with a laser-like weapon and the Russians were "completely dematerialized". 1965 The diamond firm De Beers discovered that the Hope diamond could be made to glow for several minutes like a red-hot coal, on exposure to ultra-violet light. Not only does no one know why this occurs, the head of Mineral Sciences at Smithsonian is quoted as saying, Nothing like this has been known to happen with any other diamond. 1965 Three Russian scientists report receiving unexplained signals from space. 1965 UFO blacks out a U.S. military base at Nha Trang, Vietnam and is seen by hundreds of American soldiers. 1965, . 1965, , , . 1965, , Pedro Arrupe. 1965, , , 10 1965.

1485 1965 , Winston Churchil 1874-1965 ' . , , ' , , , ' . ( 24 1941.) . : . ( BBC .) . ( 28 1940, .) 1965, 27 (!), , , " . , , . . , , , , ". 1965: Mary Quant launches the mini-skirt 1965: Rhodesia declares its independence 1965: The Soviet Union funds and arms North Vietnam against the USA 1966: The Chinese Cultural Revolution further alienates Mao and the Soviet Union 1966 -- Assassination of Sir Abubakar Balewa of Nigeria, J.T.V. Ironsi Aquiyi of Nigeria and Hendrick F. Verwoerd of South Africa. Attempted assassination of James Meredith in US. E. Howard Hunt serves as CIA contact in assassination plot against Castro. Retired naval Lt. William Pitzer, who had photographed the secret JFK autopsy and was beginning a job with a TV station, found dead with a bullet in his head. Bilderberger meeting in Wiesbaden, Germany. CIA begins weather modification experiments over Cuba, later used in an attempt to ruin Castro's sugar cane crop. Army simulated germ warfare project in New York City. -

1486 1966 - Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, authors a massive volume entitled "Tragedy and Hope" in which he states: "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." - 1966 "Spook lights" are observed in Michigan. College coeds at the dorm in Ann Arbor have repeated sightings of UFOs. 1966 +Apostolos: first time in public school 1966 A "Skunk Ape" is sighted near El Fers, Florida. 1966 A high-altitude U2 spy plane went missing over Cuba. Apparently the mission took the plane south over the tip of Florida and then high over Cuba. When the plane failed to make an expected course change the alarm was raised, but the pilot could not be contacted. Instead the plane continued to fly in a southerly direction before crashing in Bolivia. The official version of events referred to a catastrophic failure of the oxygen supply, that if true would certainly have led to a life threatening situation within no more than a couple of seconds. On the face of it this would appear to be the likeliest explanation. However there were other factors involved. As the stricken aircraft was being tracked over Panama, the local Air Rescue Center, noted that a high flying unidentified object was in close proximity to the spy-plane. Whether this object played any part in the crash is almost impossible to say. What we do know is that an altered state of awareness is a frequent accompaniment of UFO encounters. Perception, acuity, and a true sense of time and direction can all become radically impaired. If the pilot of the U2 was similarly affected, then he might well have drifted on oblivious to his peril or the frantic attempts being made to contact him. 1966 A UFO was observed to crash into the taiga setting it on fire in the Tomsk region near the village of Topolevka in Russia. 1966 April 17--Law officers chase a UFO from Ohio into Pennsylvania. 1966 April 19 Australian troops leave Sydney to join American forces in Vietnam.

1487 1966 Bilderberger meeting in Weisbaden, Germany. 1966 CIA begins weather modification experiments over Cuba, later used in an attempt to ruin Castro's sugar cane crop. 1966 Dr. Carroll Quigley publishes Tragedy and Hope, the result of 20 years research into the "Conspiracy". 1966 Dr. James E. McDonald, an atmospheric physicist, comes to the forefront of UFOlogy. 1966 E. Howard Hunt serves as CIA contact in assassination plot against Castro. 1966 In one particularly notable case of ball lightning, a woman named Kitty Cox was out walking her dog in Scotland when following a lightning strike she witnessed what she described as a "luminous orange ball" drifting towards her. The ball went past her very rapidly, and was said to be "hissing" with electrical charge. 1966 January 19--George Pedley finds a "saucer nest" at Horseshoe Lagoon Near Tully, Far North Queensland, Australia. Up to five landing spots for UFOs were found in a marsh. 1966 Yakubu Gowon [ , ], , 1 1966-1975 General, Yakubu "Jack". 1966 June 17--Near the town of Elista in the north Caucasus region of Russia, a UFO was seen to explode and fall to the ground. 1966 Kennedy Deaths: Ex-naval Lieutenant William Pitzer (who had photographed the JFK autopsy, and was beginning a new job with a TV station) is shot in the head. 1966 March 21--In Hillsdale County, Michigan, witnesses reported a strange bright glowing object bouncing across a nearby hollow and then became airborne. Soil analysis showed that in the area that the object was seen, radiation levels were higher than in the surrounding terrain. More significant still was the finding that the ground was also contaminated with boron, the element used to slow nuclear chain reactions. 1966 March 25--In Toledo, Ohio, two Lucas County deputies, Robert Schultz and Stanley Nelepa, reported seeing a huge object floating at treetop level. 1966 March 29--A glowing orange object was seen floating over the Ohio Turnpike administration building in Berea, Ohio. The glowing orange object was spotted a second time the next day, by Berea patrolmen Clarence T. Janowick and John R. Galik Jr. 1966 March--A series of well-publicized sightings around Ann Arbor, Michigan trigger an upsurge in UFO interest. Eventually this interest results in the Condon Committee. Professor J. Allen Hynek offers

1488 his famous "Swamp Gas Theory" as one possible explanation for some of the sightings and is widely ridiculed by the media. 1966 Norman Jenson, an experienced well driller, was boring for water 15 miles from the Killarney homestead about 350 miles south of Darwin, Australia. He had penetrated seven layers of limestone, clay, red soil and sandstone when, at 102 feet, the but struck something soft and quickly dropped to 111 feet. Jenson lowered the pump and brought to the surface a bucket of what he believed to be flesh, bone, hide and hairs. The matter had not putrefied even after several days in the open air. Dr. W. A. Langsford, Territory Director of Health in Darwin, stated that the material he studied under microscope was hair and tissue, possibly human. 1966 November 13--In Zanesville, Ohio, local barber and amateur astronomer Ralph Ditter took two spectacular UFO photos. Beyond their detail, which to some skeptics is evidence itself of fraud, the importance of the photos lies in their similarity to the craft reported during a series of sightings that occurred throughout the year. 1966 November 15--The mysterious winged creature known as "Mothman" begins a year-long series of appearances around Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Over the next year, there were around one hundred sightings of the creature, along with UFO sightings, poltergeist activity, and other weird phenomena in the area. Some of the witnesses reported being harassed by Men In Blacks. 1966 PROJECT AQUARIUS begun. The project was funded by CIA funds (non-appropriated). The project assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence of UFOs and/or IACs, after December 1969 when PROJECTS GRUDGE and BLUE BOOK were closed. The purpose of PROJECT AQUARIUS was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO and IAC sightings and contacts with Alien Life Forms. These orderly files of collected information have been used to advance the United States Air Force Space Program (not NASA). 1966 Rose-colored snow seen at Mount Hotham, Australia. 1966 September 13--Astronaut/Commander Pete Conrad Jr. while aboard NASA docking and orbital flight of Gemini 11, photographed a mysterious cluster of lights from his port window, the first of several Astronaut sightings and photos of UFOs outside of earth's atmosphere. The photo has been widely debunked as being nothing more than a satellite in a decaying orbit, glowing brightly from re-entry and there are no comments regarding the image from Conrad himself, now deceased. 1966: Kwame Nkrumah is removed from power in Ghana by coup d'tat. 1966-1976: Cultural Revolution, a maoist-led sociological repression in the People's Republic of China.

1489 1966-1993: A guerrilla warfare is conducted against the repressive government of Franois Tombalbaye from the Sudan-based group FROLINAT. After the killing of field commander Ibrahim Abatcha in 1968, the movement jettisoned its socialist rhetoric and split into irreconcilable factions that often fought among themselves. Tombalbaye was brought down and executed in a 1975 military coup, and in 1979 the FROLINAT factions established the Transitional Government of National Unity (GUNT). This experiment lasted until 1982, when a FROLINAT splinter, led by Hissne Habr, took control of N'Djamena. Supporters of marginalized GUNT president Goukouni Oueddei held out for a few years at Barda, but the group eventually dissolved; but a new formation, the MPS, continued the civil war and brought to power in 1990 Idriss Dby. 1966-1998: The Ulster Volunteer Force is recreated by militant Protestant British Loyalists in Northern Ireland to wage war against the Irish Republican Army, and the Roman Catholic community at large. 1966 The U.S. Army dispensed a bacillus throughout the New York City subway system. Materials available on the incident noted the Army's justification for the experiment was the fact that there are many subways in the (former) Soviet Union, Europe, and South America. The effects are not known for this release, details of the experiment are still classified. 1966 The U.S. Army dispensed a bacillus throughout the New York City subway system. Materials available on the incident noted the Army's justification for the experiment was the fact that there are many subways in the Soviet Union, Europe, and South America. Although there are no harmful effects known for this release, details of the experiment are still classified. 1966 There is a summer rash of Surrey "Puma" sightings in Hampshire, England. 1966 UFO sighted by S S Morgantown Victory north of Marcus Island. 1966, , , 17 1966. 1966 . . 1966: Botswana becomes independent 1966: the British withdraw from Aden and marxists take over (South Yemen) 1966, November 17 - Ceremony of Consecration and Constitution of Supreme Council for the State of Israel. The ceremony of Consecration and Constitution of the Supreme Council for

1490 the State of Israel took place on November 17, 1966, at the Freemason's Hall, Tel-Aviv, in the presence of 23 Illustrious Brethren of the 33rd Degree, and over 250 other Brethren of the Scottish Rite. The ceremony was performed by Ill. Bro. Erich Schalscha, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of Germany Isaac Grassiani was born in Silistra, Bulgaria, on March 7, 1886 The Grassiani family moved from Bulgaria to Romania, then Bavaria and Austria In 1904, he completed a three-year course at the High School of Commerce in Vienna and returned to Bulgaria to serve as Sales Manager of a grain company. From that time he commenced his activity in the Zionist Youth Organization. As secretary of that body, he met Dr. Theodor Herzl during his visit to Bulgaria, and he was one of those who accompanied the Zionist leader on his journey to Sophia. In 1918, Isaac married and moved to Bucharest, Romania, where he opened a Travel Agency and acted as agent of Nord Deutscher Lloyd] for Eastern Europe. In the year 1950, Isaac and his wife came to settle in Israel, arriving in Tel-Aviv with only one suitcase of personal effects. He joined the Eastern Carmen Travel Office, in which he was active until his last day Bro. Grassiani was an outstanding personality in Romanian Freemasonry. He had been initiated on March 22, 1922, in the Steava Danubi (Danube Star) Lodge in Bucharest, being elected W. Master of the Lodge in 1924. He served as Grand Treasurer in the Grand Lodge of Romania, during 1924-25. In those years, Freemasonry flourished in Romania and its influence extended to the Royal Family. In 1925, the Freemasons consecrated a chamber in the Royal Palace as a Masonic Temple In 1938, Bro. Grassiani was received into the Scottish Rite and advanced in the Higher Degrees. In 1946 he was coronated 33 and thereafter he was made an Active Member of the Supreme Council for Romania. During the Nazi occupation of the country (1940-1944), Freemasonry was outlawed in Romania. Nevertheless, Freemasons continued acting underground. Bro. Grassiani and his Brethren initiated new members, at great risk to their lives. A number of those initiated later came to Israel and became active members of Hashahar Lodge. In 1950, as stated, Bro. Grassiani arrived in Israel and joined the local Fraternity. Only a few members here knew of his past Masonic activities, and he was handicapped by a weak knowledge of Hebrew. Within a year, however, he had gathered round him a number of Brethren with a view to set up a Romanian-speaking Lodge. Thus, Hashahar Lodge was established in 1951, under his Mastership. He was reelected, serving as Worshipful Master until 1954. Subsequently, he was elected Grand Chaplain in the Grand Lodge of Israel... On November 17. 1966, Bro. Grassiani was solemnly installed as the first Sovereign Grand Commander of the newly-consecrated Supreme Council for Israel. He held this position until the end of 1968. - 519 On October 12, 1966, by

1491 virtue of a Charter received from the Supreme Council for Germany, a Consistory named Sanhedrin, working the 31 and 32 degrees, was consecrated in Tel-Aviv. Ill [On January 12] Ill. Bro. Dr. Selter consecrated a new Council of Kadosh (30) by the name of Areopagus Zohar, whose Hebrew name means splendor, and refers to the wellknown homonymous Cabalistic treatise. Ill. Dr. Jona Ron, 33, was installed as Thrice Potent Grand Master of the Areopagus, and the Thirtieth degree was conferred on 26 Scottish Rite members. - 519 Consistory Freemasonry. The organization that confers the degrees of the Scottish Rite from the 19th to the 32nd, inclusive. - 779 AREOPAGUS, CHAPTER OF KNIGHTS KADOSCH: HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL DEGREES (19th - 29th) The Eleven degrees of the Areopagus ... most beautifully unfold the errors and frailties of humanity, and most thoroughly instruct us how to overcome them and advance toward that most perfect state hoped for by mortality. - 523 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Gen. 49:16 1967, June 5-10 - Six-Day War: Israel captured two strategic areas for end-time scenario: Jerusalem and the Golan Heights (Mt. Hermon). "The escalation of threats and provocations continued until June 5, 1967, when Israel launched a massive air assault that crippled Arab air capability. With air superiority protecting its ground forces, Israel controlled the Sinai peninsula within three days and then concentrated on the Jordanian frontier, capturing Jerusalem's Old City (Subsequently annexed), and on the Syrian border, gaining the strategic Golan Heights. The war which ended on June 10, is known as the SixDay War." 1967 -- Assassination of American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell in Virginia. Che Guevara killed in Bolivia after CIA questioning. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Jack Ruby, whose lawyers charged Dallas authorities with neglecting his health, died of cancer while awaiting retrial; David Ferrie, who was to be a key witness in the trial of Clay Shaw, found dead in his locked apartment in New Orleans, ruled suicide though how the ruptured blood vessel which induced his brain hemorrhage could be self-inflicted was unexplained; Eladio del Valle, a friend of Ferrie's who had hired him to fly bombing missions over Cuba, found shot through the heart in a parking lot in Miami, Florida, the same day Ferrie was killed. Dr. Mary Sherman, another friend of Ferrie, shot in New Orleans, her body partially burned by her killer. Bilderberger meeting in Cambridge, England. Beginning of Clay Shaw trial; DA Jim Garrison subpoenas Allen Dulles and ex-CIA employee Gordon Novel to testify; both escape testimony. CIA's Operation Phoenix, which was to assassinate and torture over 40,000 in Vietnam, officially launched. Beginning of CIA's $21 million rain-making program over Indochina

1492 which would make 2,600 sorties by 1972. Approximate date La Costa Resort hotel built near San Clemente, California: meeting place of Mob figures, Teamsters, politicians and other big-wigs. Winthrop Rockefeller elected governor of Arkansas. Black Panther party formed. Military takeover of Greece allegedly executed by secret Operation Prometheus. Australian Prime Minister disappears while swimming. Jim Thompson, ex-OSS commando and "Silk King of Thailand," disappears on Easter Sunday; five months later his sister is murdered. Rex Heflin again visited by MIB in connection with his photos of California UFOs; similar MIB incidents in New York and elsewhere; another MIB, Mr. Dixsun, allegedly visits Colorado University UFO researcher Edward Condon and offers to help him contact the space people. - 1967 +Apostolos: dictatorship in Greece, I was against 1967 A classic of mystery of Bermuda Triangle. The ship Witchcraft at the harbor entrance vanished within 19 minutes between her call to the Coast Guard and their arrival on scene. 1967 A hat-shaped UFO seen near Yorba Linda, California. 1967 A Money Pit exploratory group brings up oak buds, fragments of 16th century wood and a piece of antique brass. 1967 AMA forces Veterans Administration to refuse chiropractic service payments. Tsarion 1967 AMA receives 43% of income from drug advertisements. $13.6 million. Tsarion 1967 Animal mutilation case of horse in San Luis Valley, Colorado. Tsarion 1967 Assassination of American Nazi George Rockwell in Virginia. Tsarion 1967 At the Bland-Sutton Institute of Middlesex Hospital in London, George Dick writes, it has been long known that increasing the number of Pertussis bacteria per dose of vaccine increases the frequency of reactions. It would be surprising if decreasing the size of the infants receiving a particular vaccine did not also increase the reactions. A violation of a standard axiom in medicine, which matches the size and weight to an amount of substance. (Why are newborns getting the same dosage as an adult?). Tsarion 1967 August 17--Cube-shaped object weighing about three tons found 50 miles from Kutum, Sudan. No markings. Samples cut with difficulty. Photographed by the authorities. Satellite or crashed UFO? 1967 Beginning of CIA's $21 million rainmaking program over Indochina, which will make 2,600 sorties by 1972. 1967 Beginning of the Clay Shaw trial; New Orleans DA Jim Garrison subpoenas Allan Dulles and ex-CIA employee Gordon Novel to testify, but neither does.

1493 1967 Bilderberger meeting in Cambridge, England. 1967 Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia after CIA questioning. 1967 China explodes nuclear device. Tsarion 1967 CIA $21 million rain-making project over Asia. Would make 2,600 sorties by 1972. Tsarion 1967 CIA experiments begin in auditory-frequency control and transmission. Tsarion 1967 CIA Operation Phoenix launched. Operation would lead to torture of 40,000 in Vietnam. Tsarion 1967 CIA Operation Prometheus allows military takeover of Greece. Tsarion 1967 CIA's "Operation Phoenix", which will assassinate and torture over 40,000 people in Vietnam is launched. 1967 Congo The U.S. sent three military aircraft with crews to provide the Congo Central Government, which has proven over the years to be Communistic with logistical support during a revolt. 1967 Congressional Legislation forced the Kennedy family to turn over all materials pertaining to the assassination to the National Archives. 1967 Death of three U.S. astronauts on launching pad. Tsarion 1967 December 15--The "Silver Bridge", a suspension bridge between Ohio and West Virginia at Point Pleasant, WV collapsed during rush hour. Forty-six cars plunged into the cold waters of the Ohio River, and fifty lives were lost. It's said that many of those who were killed were those who had seen the Mothman. 1967 Dr Felix Zigel, of the Moscow Aviation Institute, says publicly, "We appeal to all viewers to send us details of any observations of strange flying craft. This is a serious challenge to Science, and we need the help of all Soviet citizens." 1967 Dr. Ewen Cameron, president of the American and Canadian Psychiatric Association, dies. Tsarion 1967 Dr. Vincent Fulginiti, M.D, former chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases, asserts that inactivated measles vaccine should no longer be administered. See 1963. Tsarion 1967 Ex-OSS commando and Australian Prime Minister Jim Thompson disappears. Tsarion 1967 General vaccination program for Mumps begins in the United States. Tsarion 1967 Ghost horseman sighted near Denton, Lincolnshire. 1967 Glassboro, New Jersey, U.S.-U.S.SR Summit meeting. Johnson asks Kosygin to halt the microwaving of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Tsarion

1494 1967 House Banking and Currency chairman Wright Patman reveals that 14 Rockefeller Foundations held assets more than $1 billion in Standard Oil stock, as well as the fact that they paid no taxes on the stock because it is insulated by Foundation ownership. Tsarion 1967 In Bellingham, Massachusetts, two women saw a 20 meter cigar-shaped object, with bright, red lights at both ends, flying erratically. It made a whistling sound when moving, was silent when hovering. The lights began flashing and the object went down behind some trees when five planes and a helicopter came over the area. Two of the aircraft circled the location, then flew on. The whistling sound was again heard, but the object was not seen after the departure of the planes. 1967 In Beverly, Massachusetts, a child saw a blinding, multicolored source of light making a buzzing sound as it flew over the road 15 m away from the house. It seemed to land in a field near the school. Three adults came out to calm the child and also saw the object circling and hovering. They called the police. Two officers arrived and saw the object appearing to "dance" with two other craft. All witnesses then observed the arrival of one helicopter and two aircraft, as the remaining object flew away to the southwest. Police described the object as plate-shaped when stationary above the school building. TV reception was blurred throughout the observation. 1967 ITT obtains $27 million compensation for damage to factories in Germany. Tsarion 1967 Jack Ruby dies of cancer awaiting trial. David Ferrie found dead at hotel. Tsarion 1967 January--In the southwest part of Missouri, a Mr. Loftin found a 40-inch disc and gave it to the U.S. Testing Company for analysis. 1967 JFKs brain is missing. 1967 Jim Thompson, ex-OSS commando and "Silk King of Thailand," disappears on Easter Sunday. Five months later his sister is murdered. 1967 John King, working with the Bangor, Maine Police Department, suddenly saw above him a very bright object with a dark underside. He fired at it four times, hearing the bullets hit a metal surface as the object flew off. 1967 Johnson signs the Wholesome Meat Act into law. Tsarion 1967 July 1970 Aug. 7 War of Attrition between Egypt and Israel. [Suez Crisis between Egypt and Israel]. 1967 July 20--A huge cigar-shaped vehicle was reported emerging from the sea and into space in the log of the Argentine ship Naviero off the coast of Brazil. The officers and crew could see a shining object in the sea no more that 50 feet away from the starboard side. It was cigar-

1495 shaped and about 110 feet in length and emitted a powerful blue and white glow. It ran silently and without wake through the water. There was no periscope or conning tower or any protruding parts to this mysterious submarine. It paced the Naviero for 15 minutes, then suddenly dived and passed beneath the ship and vanished rapidly into the great depths. 1967 July--A Dutch multi-national businessman was contacted in the Oostscheld, below Amsterdam, by extraterrestrial beings who said they came from a place called Iarga, some 11 light years from our sun as we calculate distance. They were observing us from underwater and they allowed this man to visit the spacecraft in its underwater location. 1967 June 5 1967 June 10 Six-Day War with Egypt, Jordan and Syria, assisted by forces from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Sudan and the Palestine Liberation Organization against Israel. 1967 June--Astronauts Ed White (first American to walk in space) and James McDivitt were passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft when they saw a weird-looking metallic object. The UFO had long arms sticking out of it. McDivitt took pictures with a cine-camera. Those pictures have never been released. 1967 Justus Strom writes that his earlier article about Pertussis reaction in a 1960 issue of the British Medical Journal (See 1960) had aroused considerable attention and criticism, noting, the vaccination reactions may be regarded chiefly as manifestations of a toxic effect - an individual predisposition of some significance. Strom reports on 167 cases of severe reactions to the DPT shot in Sweden. Tsarion 1967 Kennedy Deaths: Jack Ruby, whose lawyers charged Dallas authorities with neglecting his health, died of cancer while awaiting retrial; David Ferrie, who was to be a key witness in the trial of Clay Shaw, found dead in his locked apartment in New Orleans, ruled suicide though how the ruptured blood vessel which induced his brain hemorrhage could be self-inflicted was unexplained; Eladio del Valle (a friend of Ferrie's, and who flew bombing missions with him over Cuba) is shot through the head in Miami the same day Ferrie died; Dr. Mary Sherman (another friend of Ferrie's) is shot in New Orleans and her body partially burned by her killer. 1967 Killed measles vaccine is discontinued in the United States. Tsarion 1967 March 16-- At the Malmstrom ICBM base in central Montana, Captain Eric Carlson and First Lieutenant Walt Figel, the EchoFlight Missile Combat Crew, were below ground in the E-Flight Launch Control Center (LCC) or capsule. The Echo Flight LCC was located between Winfred and Hilger, about fifteen miles north of Lewistown. Missile maintenance crews and security teams were camped out at two of

1496 the Launch Facilities (LFs), having performed some work during the previous day and stayed there overnight. During the early morning hours, more than one report came in from the security patrols and maintenance crews that they had seen UFOs. A UFO was reported directly above one of the E-Flight (LF) or silos. It turned out that at least one security policeman was so affected by this encounter that he never again returned to missile security duty. Around 8:30 a.m., Figel, the Deputy Crew Commander (DMCCC), was briefing Carlson, the Crew Commander (MCCC), on the flight status when the alarm horn sounded. One of the Minuteman missiles they supervised had gone off alert (become inoperable). It was one of the two sites where maintenance crews had camped out on site. Upset, thinking that the maintenance personnel had failed to notify him as required by procedure when maintenance work is done on a missile, that the missile was going "off-alert" status, Figel immediately called the missile site. When Figel spoke with the on-site security guard, he reported that they had not yet performed any maintenance that morning. He also stated that a UFO had been hovering over the site. Figel recalls thinking the guard must have been drinking something. However, now other missiles started to go off alert in rapid succession. Within seconds, the entire flight of ten ICBMs was down. All of their missiles reported a "No-Go" condition. One by one across the board, each missile had became inoperable. When the checklist procedure had been completed for each missile site, it was discovered that each of the missiles had gone off alert status due to a Guidance and Control (G&C) System fault. Power had not been lost to the sites; the missiles simply were not operational because, for some unexplainable reason, each of their guidance and control systems had malfunctioned. Two Security Alert Teams (SAT, "strike teams") were dispatched from Echo to those sites where the maintenance crews were present. Figel had not informed the strike teams that one of the on-site guards had reported a UFO. On arrival at the LF's, the SAT reported back to that UFOs had been seen hovering over each of the two sites by all of the maintenance and security personnel present at each site. Captain Don Crawford's crew relieved the Echo Flight crew later that morning. Crawford recalls that both Carlson and Figel were still visibly shaken by what had occurred. Crawford also recalled that the maintenance crews worked on the missiles the entire day and late into the night during his shift to bring them all back on alert. Not only had missiles been lost to our deterrent forces, but had remained out of service for an entire day. Because of this unique incident, as an ex-Missileer describes it: "All Hell broke loose!" Among the many calls to and from the E-Flight LCC one was to the MCCC of Oscar-Flight which links to the equally dramatic story of what happened in another LCC that same morning. The Oscar Flight LCC was located a

1497 mile or two south of the town of Roy, about 20 miles southeast of the Echo-Flight LCC. The following is as told by Robert Salas who was the DMCCC in O-Flight that morning: My recollection is that I was on duty as a Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander below ground in the LCC, during the morning hours of 16 March 1967. Outside, above the subterranean LCC capsule, it was a typical clear, cold Montana night sky; there were a few inches of snow on the ground. Where we were, there were no city lights to detract from the spectacular array of stars, and it was not uncommon to see shooting stars. Montana isn't called "Big Sky Country" for no reason, and Airmen on duty topside probably spent some of their time outside looking up at the stars. It was one of those airmen who first saw what at first appeared to be a star begin to zig-zag across the sky. Then he saw another light do the same thing, and this time it was larger and closer. He asked his Flight Security Controller, (FSC, the NonCommissioned Officer (NCO) in charge of Launch Control Center site security), to come and take a look. They both stood there watching the lights streak directly above them, stop, change directions at high speed and return overhead. The NCO ran into the building and phoned me at my station in the underground capsule. He reported to me that they had been seeing lights making strange maneuvers over the facility, and that they weren't aircraft. I replied: "Great. You just keep watching them and let me know if they get any closer." I did not take this report seriously and directed him to report back if anything more significant happened. At the time, I believed this first call to be a joke. Still, that sort of behavior was definitely out of character for air security policemen whose communications with us were usually very professional. A few minutes later, the security NCO called again. This time he was clearly frightened and was shouting his words: "Sir, there's one hovering outside the front gate!" "One what?" "A UFO! It's just sitting there. We're all just looking at it. What do you want us to do?" "What? What does it look like?" "I can't really describe it. It's glowing red. What are we supposed to do?" "Make sure the site is secure and I'll phone the Command Post." "Sir, I have to go now, one of the guys just got injured." Before I could ask about the injury, he was off the line. I immediately went over to my commander, Lt. Fred Meiwald, who was on a scheduled sleep period . I woke him and began to brief him about the phone calls and what was going on topside. In the middle of this conversation, we both heard the first alarm klaxon resound through the confined space of the capsule, and both immediately looked over at the panel of annunciator lights at the Commander's station. A 'No-Go' light and two red security lights were lit indicating problems at one of our missile sites. Fred jumped up to query the system to determine the cause of the problem. Before he could do so, another alarm went off at another site, then another and another

1498 simultaneously. Within the next few seconds, we had lost six to eight missiles to a 'No-Go' (inoperable) condition. After reporting this incident to the Command Post, I phoned my security guard. He said that the man who had approached the UFO had not been injured seriously but was being evacuated by helicopter to the base. Once topside, I spoke directly with the security guard about the UFOs. He added that the UFO had a red glow and appeared to be saucer shaped. He repeated that it had been immediately outside the front gate, hovering silently. We sent a security patrol to check our LFs after the shutdown, and they reported sighting another UFO during that patrol. They also lost radio contact with our site immediately after reporting the UFO. When we were relieved by our scheduled replacement crew later that morning. The missiles had still not been brought on line by on-site maintenance teams. Again, UFOs had been sighted by security personnel at or about the time Minuteman Strategic missiles shutdown. 1967 March--Two Cuban Mig-21 jets intercepted a UFO within Cuban airspace. The Flight Leader reported object to be a metallic sphere with no wings or tail. After a failed attempt to radio the object for ID, Cuban GCI ordered the MiGs to shoot the object down. Flight Leader responded his weapons were armed and he was locked on. His wingman then screamed into the radio that the leader's MiG had exploded--no flame or smoke, but he just disintegrated. Immediately afterwards the UFO accelerated, climbed to 30,000 feet altitude, and headed for South America. 1967 May 20--Stephen Michalak is burned by a UFO near Falcon Lake Whiteshell Provincial Park in Manitoba, Canada. 1967 May, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closes the straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and dismisses UN peacekeeping force. Negotiations with US to reopen the Straits of Tiran fail. June 5-10, 1967 Six day war - Israel destroys the Egyptian air force on the ground, conquers and occupies Sinai and Gaza, then conquers the West Bank from Jordan, and Golan Heights from Syria. UN resolution 242 called for Israeli withdrawal, establishment of peace. June 19, 1967 Israeli Cabinet decides on secret offer, to be delivered to Syrians and Egyptians though American diplomats, calling for return of territories conquered in the Six day war in return for peace. 1967 Military takeover of Greece allegedly executed by secret "Operation Prometheus". 1967 National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) awards $500,000 to psycho-surgeons to investigate the use of psychosurgery on the violence prone. Tsarion 1967 October 4--Something crashes into the sea at Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia. It was hovering just over the water and gyrating in an erratic

1499 manner. It then tilted to one side and fell into the water. Lights could still be seen after it submerged but soon afterwards they blinked out. It seems that the UFO then left the area after submerging. It traveled underwater to a place about twenty-five miles away called Government Point, near the site of a submarine detection facility. The witnesses, searching for a logical explanation, thought some sort of conventional aircraft must have crashed so they reported it to the authorities. It was detected there, and a small group of naval vessels was positioned over it. After several days, just when a salvage operation was being considered, it was joined by a second underwater UFO, which some said seemed to have come to repair the first UFO. The decision was made by the Navy to just watch and wait. After about a week, some of the naval vessels were forced to leave in order to investigate a Russian submarine that had entered Canadian waters, and at that point, the two UFOs began to move. They headed underwater toward the Gulf of Maine, and when they had outdistanced the remaining naval vessels, they broke the surface of the water and vanished into the sky at high speed. 1967 October--A massive UFO wave engulfed the British Isles following reports that two Devon police officers had chased a "starspangled flying cross" in their patrol car at speeds approaching 90 mph. 1967 Onassis takes over Las Vegas. Tsarion 1967 Oregon logger Glenn Thomas sees three big hairy figures digging for rodents near Round Mountain. 1967 Panel of Privacy and Behavioral Research concludes legislation to assure appropriate recognition of the rights of human subjects is neither necessary not desirable. (See 1969, Delgado, p211) Tsarion 1967 Patrolman Herbert Schirmer sees a UFO take off from Ashland, Nebraska. Later, under hypnosis, he describes an abduction experience. First of the "silent contactees." 1967 Plethora of MIB incidents. Tsarion 1967 PROJECT OFTEN/CHICKWIT was initiated by the Army Chemical Corps and the CIA's Office of Research and Development to create new drug compounds "that could be used offensively." Hallucinogens were tested on inmates in Pennsylvania, but very little is known about the experiments. CIA documents mention "several laboratory accidents" in which a drug designated as EA-3167 produced "prolonged psychotic effects in laboratory personnel". 1967 Report from Iron Mountain released by Dial Press. Reestablishment of slavery discussed as possible aspect of world at peace under social control. The report proposes that war be replaced by a surrogate which must be wasteful and operate outside the normal supplydemand system. The surrogates on a social level must not be accessible to

1500 the whims of the people. Some of the social surrogates mentioned: complete government guaranteed health care for all citizens, a social welfare program, space research programs with unattainable targets, guaranteed annual income, threat of gross pollution as a principle threat to species survival, reintroduction of slavery through some form of compulsory service, addition of population control substances to water supplies and government-supplied antidote for producing sanctioned children. Another substitute for war is a Space Program with unattainable goals: In the event some individual project succeeds, there would be no end of substitute problems (Iron Mountain Report). Tsarion 1967 Rex Heflin again visited by MIB in connection with his photos of California UFOs. 1967 Robert Naeslund is implanted while undergoing surgery in Stockholm, where a physician tells him, young children were also used for these experiments in order to evaluate thought activity and reactions. Tsarion 1967 Russia and American forge a Space Treaty, prohibiting orbital weapons of mass destruction. The U.S. would break the treaty in 1981. Tsarion 1967 Science magazine (10/20/67) features article on Joshua Lederberg of the Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine. Lederberg notifies the scientific world that live viruses (as in vaccines) are genetic messages used for the purpose of programming human cells and we already practice biological engineering on a rather large scale by use of live viruses in mass immunization campaigns. Tsarion 1967 September--Animal mutilations begun near Alamosa, Colorado. "Snippy" the horse, the first "mute" is found dead with the skin and flesh stripped from his head and neck and no blood in the carcass or on the ground. 1967 Sirhan Sirhan disappears from home for 90 days. Upon his return, he has a fascination with the occult and self-hypnosis. Would eventually assassinate Robert Kennedy. Tsarion 1967 Soviets launch Luna 13 to moon. Tsarion 1967 Summer--The wave of apparitions which stunned Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay with over 110 UFO sightings in a space of 24 hours on June 24th alone, was preceded by a singular Men In Black event. Four days prior to the June 24th "night of lights", a man dressed in black showed up at the newsroom of Cordoba, Argentina's Los Principios daily, where he dropped off a letter addressed to the editor stating that before the week was out, the Southern Cone would experience a massive fly-over involving hundreds of extraterrestrial craft. The day before the sightings began, the newspaper received a strange phone call stating:

1501 "Attention, it will begin at any moment..." The UFO flap began almost immediately, but the strange MIB remained anonymous. 1967 Synthetic DNA produced at Stanford University. Tsarion 1967 Tavistock Institute fosters the notion that no criteria for sanity exists and that psychedelic mind expanding drugs are valuable tools of psychoanalysis. A proponent of the paradigm is Tavistock psychoanalyst Dr. R.D. Laing. Tsarion 1967 The "Patterson/Gimlin" film is by far the most famous and most scrutinized footage ever taken of Bigfoot. Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin shot the footage with a 16mm camera while on an expedition to find the elusive creature in the Bluff Creek area of the Six Rivers National Forest in Northern California. Large footprints had been found in this region in previous years. Debate among various experts over the authenticity of the film has been ongoing for 30 years. In recent years, some people have come forward to claim that they participated in the hoaxing of the film, but even their testimony has been called into question. 1967 The Air Force commissions the University of Colorado to study the UFO phenomenon. Headed by Dr. Edward Condon, the project becomes known as The Condon Study. A Man In Black, Mr. Dixsun, allegedly visits Professor Condon and offers to help him contact the space people. 1967 The FDA stops the use of an experimental cancer vaccine which was producing significant results. Developed by James Rand and Ernest Ayre, a recognized cancer specialist. The Rand vaccine produced significant improvement in terminal patients in over 30% of patients. It cured tumors and breast cancer in four to six months, without radiation, surgery, or chemotherapy. The FDA Commissioner was James L. Goddard, the same man who persecuted the use of DMSO. Goddard used the DMSO issue in 1966 in an attempt to foster a medical dictatorship in the U.S. in collusion with the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and remove viable treatments from public access. Tsarion 1967 The paradigm of the cult of the flower people in San Francisco. The U.S.A has now been prepared for the onslaught of LSD, hashish, and marijuana. Tsarion 1967 The Shepton Mallet Prison ghost is sighted in Somerset, England. 1967 Winthrop Rockefeller elected governor of Arkansas. 1967 , 13, 79 , 32 8. 64 55.

1502 1967 , 13, 79 , 32 8. 64 55. 1967, 21 . 3 300.000 . 1967: Aden becomes independent 1967: The first "automatic teller machines" is deployed by Barclays Bank 1967-1970: Biafra; The former eastern Nigeria unsuccessfully fought for a breakaway republic of Biafra. After the mainly Ibo people of the region suffered pogroms in northern Nigeria the previous year. 1967: Anguillans resentful of Kittitian domination of the island expel the Kittitian police and declare independence from the British colony of Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla. British forces retake the island in 1969 and make Anguilla a separate dependency in 1980. There was no bloodshed in the entire episode. 1967: Cultural Revolution declared in Mali by President Modibo Keita. 1968: revolution in Republic of Congo 1968: Student protests and riots in Egypt in the wake of the SixDay War lead to the ratification of the March 30 Program to deepen democratic processes. 1968: May 1968 revolt - students' and workers' revolt against the government of Charles de Gaulle in France. 1968: Socialist Cultural Revolution in Guinea launched by the government of President Ahmed Skou Tour. 1968: coup by Juan Velasco Alvarado in Peru, followed by radical social and economic reforms 1968: a failed attempt by leader Alexander Dubek to liberalise Czechoslovakia in defiance of the Soviet-supported communist state culminates in the Prague Spring. 1968 -- Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, and Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Nicholas Chetta, who performed autopsies on Ferrie and Dr. Sherman, died of an apparent heart attack; Richard Carr, JFK assassination witness about to testify in the Clay Shaw trial, learns police have arrested a man planning to shoot him. Bilderberger meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada. King assassination: James Earl Ray begins international travels thanks to "Raoul" who sounds very much like his younger brother Jerry Ray; FBI begins search for Ray as lone assassin, ignoring considerable evidence of a conspiracy with Ray as patsy -- including reports of the mysterious "sausage and eggs man" who was seen in the neighborhood of King's

1503 motel with a rifle before and after the murder. Following King assassination black leader Ron Karenga meets secretly with California Governor Reagan and later with Los Angeles police chief Thomas Reddin. Spiro Agnew's law-n-order handling of riots following King's assassination brings him to national attention; Agnew allegedly chosen for Nixon's vice-president to obtain CIA and Greek oil and shipping firms' contributions. Robert Kennedy assassination: Sirhan Sirhan, who wounded Kennedy in the shoulder pad, still doesn't remember what happened but perhaps security guard Eugene Cesar, who carried the same caliber gun as Sirhan, does; Kennedy was shot in the back of the head at close range -- Cesar was close behind him, Sirhan several feet in front; a "girl in the polka dot dress," who earlier had been seen with Sirhan, reportedly leaves the scene saying "We've shot him!" Nixon and Agnew elected. Approximate date group called The Kaisers founded -- 60 German-Americans allegedly planning to make Nixon a dictator. FBI begins secret Cointelpro campaign against New Left and black radicals. New York police BOSS unit founds local Black Panther party using undercover agents. FBI informer William O'Neal infiltrates Chicago Black Panthers, becomes chief of security, Los Angeles police establish Criminal Conspiracy Section which employs Donald DeFreeze, Louis Tackwood, Ron Karenga, the Steiner brothers and other agents to infiltrate prison reform and black power groups. CIA penetrates the Students for a Democratic Society at Columbia College; National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) formed within the SDS. Congress creates LEAA to fund state and local police programs. Behavior mod token economy program set up in West Virginia youth center. Mystery ship Scheersberg disappears between Antwerp and Genoa with 200 tons of uranium believed to have been taken to Israel. Astronauts circling the moon interrupted by unexplained voices. Unexplained distress signals from the mid-Pacific received by radio stations, no ships found during search. UFOlogists Steiger, Whitenour and Keel smeared during MIB visits in UFO flap area. Continental drift theory confirmed. - 1968. RAW () RAW 1968 . , , . RAW . , RAW , . 1996

1504 . . 1968 +Apostolos: work, in cinema ( , : !) 1968 -1969 The CIA experimented with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting a chemical substance into the water supply of the Food And Drug Administration in Washington, D.C.. There were no harmful effects noted from this experiment. However, none of the human subjects in the building were ever asked for their permission, nor was anyone provided with information on the nature or effects of the chemical used. 1968 A dark seven-foot tall creature was observed by workers in London's New Victoria tube line. 1968 A UFO crashed on Kolguev Island north of the Arhangelsk region of Russia. Transported to the Odintsove base. 1968 Air Force officially denies the existence of UFOs. 1968 Apollo 8 photographs UFO Moon base. 1968 Approximate date of the founding of the "Kaisers"--sixty German-Americans who plan to make Nixon a dictator. 1968 April 17 U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with South Korean President Park Chung Hee in Honolulu, pledging U.S. protection for noncommunist Asia. 1968 April 18 Army officers in western Africa's Sierra Leone take over the government, dissolve the Legislature, and suspend the constitution. 1968 April 4--Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. James Earl Ray begins international travels thanks to "Raoul" who sounds very much like his younger brother Jerry Ray; FBI begins search for Ray as lone assassin, ignoring considerable evidence of a conspiracy with Ray as patsy--including reports of the mysterious "sausage and eggs man" who was seen in the neighborhood of King's motel with a rifle before and after the murder. Following the ML King assassination, black leader Ron Karenga meets secretly with California Governor Reagan and later with Los Angeles police chief Thomas Reddin. Spiro Agnew's law-n-order handling of riots following King's assassination brings him to national attention. Agnew allegedly chosen for Nixon's vice-president to obtain CIA and Greek oil and shipping firms' contributions. 1968 Archaeologists exploring burial chambers, tunnels, and catacomb-cities (several of which are linked together at the lower levels) near Derinkuya, Turkey, had reached a depth of about 900 feet when they

1505 were suddenly attacked by a group of seven-foot tall albino-haired troglodydes. One team member was killed and another was hospitalized for several months, and all had serious wounds. 1968, 10 , . , . . 1980. 1968 August--The famous "Cobrea Case", which took place in the eponymous city in Argentina's Santa Fe province, captured the attention of that country's media. During several days in August, witnesses observed strange lights moving around the sky and no less enigmatic reflections being seen in the remotest areas of the wilderness. Local residents were surprised to find considerable amounts of burnt grass and earth with huge toadstools growing around them. Several animals--small dairy cattle--also turned up dead, apparently as a result of radiation exposure. Nonetheless, the most interesting experience was that of the Rodriguez family, who witnessed a Jeep carrying four men (two of them dressed in blue coveralls, the other two dressed in black) drive along the only access road to the property. One of the men asked the landowner where they could find an exit, and the startled Mr. Rodriguez asked them how had they gotten there in the first place. There were, in fact, no tiremarks on the ground, nor had the barbed-wire fence surrounding the perimeter been cut. The owners of neighboring fields later told police that they had not allowed the transit of such outlandish characters and their vehicle through their own fields. Curiously enough, after the Jeep-driving MIBs departed, UFO activity in the area came to a complete halt. 1968 Bilderberger meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada. 1968 Children see a landed UFO and an alien at St. Stanislas de Koska, Quebec, Canada. 1968 Crimes of violence increase 57% since 1960. Tsarion 1968 December 25--Houston Mission control sat in silence for six agonizing minutes as Apollo 8 encountered a "bogey" that was a glowing sphere. Jim Lovell then told Houston in an attempt at a joke that he knew now that Santa Claus existed. 1968 Dr. Curt Strand at the Soder Hospital in Stockholm begins implanting "brain transmitters" into human beings. These eventually are able to, via RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control), EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and ESB (Electronic Stimulation of Brain), give total control over the people into whom they have been inserted.

1506 1968 FBI begins counterintelligence plans against New Left and Black radicals. Tsarion 1968 For one year, the CIA begins chemical warfare experiments relative to the poisoning of water systems by injecting a chemical substance into the water supply of the FDA building in Washington. Tsarion 1968 General Electric recalls 90,000 color televisions emitting xrays. Tsarion 1968 Jackie Kennedy marries Onassis. Tsarion 1968 July 26, 1968 - Nelson Rockefeller pledges that "as President, he would work toward international creation of a new world order." - 1968 Kennedy Deaths: RFK is killed in Los Angeles (shot in the back of the head from a gun in front of him. Sirhan Sirhan, who wounded Kennedy in the shoulder pad, still doesn't remember what happened but perhaps security guard Eugene Cesar, who carried the same caliber gun as Sirhan, does; Kennedy was shot in the back of the head at close range-Cesar was close behind him, Sirhan several feet in front; a "girl in the polka dot dress," who earlier had been seen with Sirhan, reportedly leaves the scene saying "We've shot him!". Dr. Nicholas Chetta (who performed the autopsies on Ferrie and Dr. Sherman) died of a heart attack. Richard Carr (JFK assassination witness who is about to appear in Shaw Trial) learns that police have arrested a man planning to kill him. 1968 , 1968 Last 25% of gold reserves for Federal Reserve Notes removed. Tsarion 1968 Martin Luther King assassinated. Tsarion 1968 Minnesota Judge Mahoney (Martin vs. Mahoney) declares Federal Reserve notes invalid. Mahoney found dead of a heart attack months later. Tsarion 1968 MJ-12 becomes known as the "50 Committee". 1968 More than 78 million television sets in United States. Tsarion 1968 Mystery ship Sheersberg disappears between Antwerp and Genoa with 200 tons of uranium believed to have been taken to Israel. 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. Tsarion 1968 Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1968. The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a literal carbon copy of the 1938 Gun Control Act in Nazi Germany. Tsarion 1968 Outer space hydroponics research project established under the administration of Dr. Arthur Pilgrim, funded by Boeing, for use on the moon. Project Lunar Base Alpha One. Project would last until 1972. Tsarion

1507 1968 PROJECT PORENCE begun to evaluate alien information. 1968 Queen Elizabeth II visits Brazil and Chile. Tsarion 1968 Reinhard Gehlen retires from the Federal Intelligence Service. Tsarion 1968 Richard Nixon elected president of the United States. Tsarion 1968 On June 5, 1968, shortly after winning the California primary election, U. S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, close to the 33rd Parallel and near a Masonic Lodge. This was a sophisticated assassination plot. Two groups were co-coordinated to kill the Senator. Two people shot at Senator Kennedy, a Mafia hit man and a Manchurian candidate. Also involved was Khaiber Khan, an Iranian secret agent who had assisted the C.I.A. with the 1953 coup in Iran. Khaiber Khan had powerful ties to British Intelligence. The cover-up involved CIA agents in the LAPD, police destruction of evidence, police badgering of witnesses, and perjury by a police criminalist. The Mason-controlled major media has ignored the overwhelming evidence that two guns were fired in the pantry where Senator Kennedy was killed, and that Sirhan Sirhan could not have fired the fatal bullet into Kennedy's head. To draw attention away from the Kennedys, J. Edgar Hoover, the Masonic drag queen F.B.I. Director, waited until the day of the RFK funeral to announce that James Earl Ray, the Mason's patsy for the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., had been arrested in England. 1968 Riots at democratic convention in Chicago. Tsarion 1968 Robert Kennedy announces his bid for president and is assassinated. Tsarion 1968 Rockefeller monopoly moves to back food irradiation process on national level Tsarion 1968 September 5--Tetrahedral shaped object picked up on Spanish Air Force radar and seen visually from ground by thousands near Madrid. F-104 scrambled from Torrejon AB to intercept but pilot reported he was at 50,000 feet and had a visual and radar lock but the UFO moved higher to 90,000 feet and then disappeared. 1968 Ship Scheersberg disappears with 200 tons of uranium. Believed to have been taken to Israel. Tsarion 1968 Soviet journalist Lev Bezymenski publishes "The Death of Adolf Hitler" which discloses previously unavailable information concerning the autopsies of what are said to be the bodies of Adolf Hitler and his entourage. 1968 Summer--Near the demilitarized zone in Vietnam there was a series of sightings which set off "quite a battle with an Australian destroyer taking severe damage".

1508 1968 Surveyor 7 lands on the moon. Apollo 7 and 8 launched. Tsarion 1968 The "Roush Hearings", a strongly pro-UFO seminar, is held in Washington, D.C. This is James. E. McDonald's high point, and the nearest thing to a Congressional investigation of UFOs that has ever taken place. 1968 The Kaiser Group founded. Group composed of 60 GermanAmericans who want to make Nixon a dictator. Tsarion 1968 ! Every Jesuit is outwardly a monk, inwardly a devil, and altogether a serpent. Ian Paisley, 1968 Irish Presbyterian Preacher Member, House of Commons The Jesuits 1968 The regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia was responsible for 2,397,000 murders between 1968 and 1987. Tsarion 1968 The Uncensored Gordon Kahl Story 1968 Thousands of sheep die in Dugway Proving Ground test, bringing the U.S. nerve gas program under public scrutiny. Tsarion 1968 Transmissions from astronauts circling the Moon interrupted by unexplained voices. 1968 August 1968: Soviet troops crush the democratic movement in Czechoslovakia 1968 UFOlogists Steiger, Whitenour and Keel smeared during Men In Black visits in UFO flap area. 1968 United States explodes experimental hydrogen bomb underground in Nevada. Tsarion 1968 Vietnamese are given U.S. supplied processed rice (with Bcomplex removed) and tons of sugar. Induces mass disease in Vietnamese. Processed rice was given to replace healthy whole rice diet with unhealthy western diet. Tsarion 1968 With funding from George Grant Hogg, heir to the J.C.Penny fortune, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love sets up LSD and hashish production and marketing operations in Costa Rica. Tsarion 1968 Y. Druet and H. Salfati announced the discovery of semiovoid metallic tubes of identical shape but varying sizes in a 65-millionyear-old Cretaceous chalk bed in a quarry at Saint-Jean de Livet, France. The reddish brown, wafer-shaped specimens with hollowed ends were reportedly turned over to the geomorphology laboratory at the University of Caen. 1968 , !; STERN, Lina Solomonovna 18781968. Russian scientist. A brilliant Lithuanian-born biologist, Lina Stern became the head of the Physiological Scientific Research Institute in Moscow, and in 1939 the first woman member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Among her distinctions were the Stalin Prize and the Order

1509 of Merit. In the anti-Semitic last phase of the STALIN regime, she was dismissed from her post and stripped of all her honours, but was rehabilitated in the period of destalinization under Khrushchev. 1968, . 1968, 6, , , , " ". , . ., , . 43. 1968 12, 53. , . 1968 , . 1968 2 RAF . 1968 26 . 1968: the British withdraw from the Gulf and the United Arab Emirates are created 1969 - A document entitled "Marriage and the Family" is published by the British Humanist Association stating that "some opponents of humanism have accused us of wishing to overthrow the traditional Christian family. They are right. That is exactly what we intend to do." - 1969 -- Assassination of Tom Mboya of Kenya and A.A. Shermarke of Somalia. Clyde Johnson, who had allegedly attended parties with Ferrie, Ruby and Oswald and who was beaten up to keep him from testifying at the Clay Shaw trial, shot to death near Greensburg, Louisiana. Richard Carr, while visiting in Atlanta, is attacked by two men with knives. Fifteen Russian generals die in "unrelated" incidents within a month's time. CIA-linked Professor Thomas Rika disappears from Boulder, Colorado. Bilderberger meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. First manned lunar landing. Chappaquidick accident involving Edward Kennedy; Mary Jo Kopechne dies. Trial of Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate JFK; with Jim Garrison's witnesses dead or discredited by CIA or FBI and other government agencies, Shaw was soon found not guilty. Nixon issues Executive Order No. 11490 establishing plans for dictatorial control in the event of a "national emergency." New York Times reveals secret US bombing of Cambodia; Nixon authorizes phone taps of Kissinger's staff to discover leak. Chicago police and FBI raid

1510 Black Panthers, kill Fred Hampton and Mark Clark (who were possibly drugged by O'Neal); a series of earlier clashes had left other Chicago Panthers dead. Black Panther leaders killed in Los Angeles by the Steiner brothers, members of Karenga's United Slaves; Panther headquarters raided by SWAT team. New York Panthers indicted for conspiracy. CIA's Colton Westbrook returns from Phoenix program in Vietnam to become involved in Black Culture Association (BCA) program in California prisons. DeFreeze sent to Vacaville, California prison, begins to undergo personality changes. Pentagon and Department of Interior researchers study methods of inducing earthquakes by injecting fluids into deep wells. Alleged CIA spy Humberto Carrillo Colon arrested by Cuban government which seized his Very Low Frequency transceiver and coded messages describing strange lights, a minisubmarine and other unexplained items. MIB "Carlos Allende" visits UFOlogists Jim and Coral Lorenzen in Tucson, gives them a copy of the ONR reprint of Jessup's Case for the UFOs. Woodstock rock festival in New York state draws well over half a million. - 1969 (Date Uncertain) A huge underground joint CIA/alien base is built northwest of Dulce, NM (and Kirkland?). The entrance to the base is on Mount Archuleta (also called Archuleta Mesa), on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. The base gets water and power from a dam on the Navajo River, and expels waste water back into the Navajo River. The base is set up so that the U.S. government has control of the upper levels, and the aliens control the lower levels. It is to this base that the majority of abductees are taken and slaughtered. 1969 The Green Revolution, a ploy of the international bankers to make the Third World reliant on agrichemicals and hybridized seed (will not itself produce seed), and to export Third World plant varieties to patented seed banks, begins. Tsarion 1969 +Apostolos: work in agriculture 1969 A confrontation broke out between the Soviets and Americans at the secret joint lunar base. The Soviets attempted to take control of the base and held American scientists and personnel hostage We were able to restore order but not before 66 people were killed. The Soviets were suspended from the program for a period of two years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact. 1969 A Congressional study reveals that 37 of 49 top officials of the FDA who left the agency moved into high positions within pharmaceutical companies they had regulated. (See 1975). Tsarion 1969 A theory that suggests that the moon is a large hollow sphere. Backed up by little evidence, but still regarded by some as a possibility, the hollow moon theory originated during seismological tests on the moon following the Lunar landings. This occurred most notably in

1511 November, 1969, after seismometers were set up on the moon's surface by the astronauts of Apollo 12. When the Lunar module had taken off, heading back to earth the astronauts discarded the ascent stage of the lunar module, dropping it on the moon's surface, smashing the craft and creating a tremor that was picked up by the seismometers. When the NASA scientists heard the data stream, they couldnt believe what they were hearing. The moon was ringing like a bell and continued to do so for around an hour. After they had had a chance to analyze the seismological information, NASA declared that the moon seemed to be a hollow sphere with a metallic layer around 34-40 meters deep. 1969 , Sir Harold Leofric George Alexander 1891-1969. ' . ( 28 1941.) 1969 Alleged CIA spy Humberto Carrillo Colon arrested by Cuban government which seized his Very Low Frequency transceiver and coded messages describing strange lights, a minisubmarine and other unexplained items. 1969 Apollo 10,11,12 flights to moon. Apollo 11 mission spots huge spacecraft on the moon. (Armstrong conversation with professor in British Intelligence). Tsarion 1969 Arthur Jensen, psychology professor at the University of California at Berkeley, receives national attention when the Harvard Educational Review publishes his article How Much Can We Boost IQ. In the article, Jensen argues against compensatory education and proposes to redefine the scope of the definition for mental retardation to include 37 million Americans. Tsarion 1969 August 31-- Over New South Wales, Australia, a RAAF Canberra from Amberley chased an object reported "like a metallic Zeppelin" hovering low over several towns and farms. UFO then played "cat and mouse" with the Canberra before accelerating away from the bomber. 1969 August-- Earl Morrison, who served with the First Marine Division in Vietnam, while stationed near Da Nang, he and two other guards reportedly saw an extraordinary sight just after 1 o'clock in the morning. They were sitting atop a bunker and talking when they noticed something approaching them in the sky. Morrison stated: "We saw what looked like wings, like a bat's, only it was gigantic compared to what a regular bat would be. After it got close enough so we could see what it was, it looked like a woman. A naked woman. She was black. Her skin

1512 was black, her body was black, the wings were black, everything was black. But it glowed. It glowed in the night-kind of a greenish cast to it.... She started going over us, and we still didn't hear anything. She was right above us, and when she got over the top of our heads, she was maybe six or seven feet up.... We watched her go straight over the top of us, and still she didn't make any noise flapping her wings. She blotted out the moon once that's how close she was to us. And dark-looked like pitch black then, but we could still define her because she just glowed. Real bright like. And she started going past us straight towards our encampment. As we watched her-she had got about 10 feet or so away from us-we started hearing her wings flap. And it sounded, you know, like regular wings flapping. And she just started flying off and we watched her for quite a while. Morrison thought the covering on her skin was more like fur than feathers. "The skin of her wings looked like it was molded on to her hands," he said, and the movement of her arms suggested they had no bones in them. 1969 Bilderberger meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. 1969 Bilderberger meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. Tsarion 1969 By 1969, the fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 225 per 100,000 people, while non-fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 195 per 100,000. The data indicates a fluoride- linked increase of cancer of 10% in only 13-17 years. These figures were checked and confirmed in Tsarion 1969 California governor Ronald Reagan institutes a special training project at the National Guard Camp in San Luis Obispo, California, to train leaders in population control. By 1979, 14,000 people would be trained in this population control seminar. Tsarion 1969 , , , 1969, . Liu Chenshan, , 1969 "" , , . , , " , ", , . 1969 Charged with mismanagement, Donald Keyhoe is forced out as NICAP director. 1969 CIA achieves direct communication between brain and computer. The capability develops to unscramble one persons

1513 brainwaves, decipher and record them, and beam them to another person. Tsarion 1969 CIA-linked Professor Thomas Rika disappears from Boulder, Colorado. Tsarion 1969 CIA-linked Professor Thomas Rika disappears from Boulder, Colorado. 1969 De Gaulle resigns as President of France. 1969 Diphtheria outbreak in Chicago. The Chicago Board of Heath reports that 37.5% of the Diphtheria cases had been fully vaccinated or showed immunity. Tsarion 1969 Dr. Allan Frey determines that humans can hear pulsed microwaves from 300 to 3,000 MHz. Tsarion 1969 Dr. Harlan Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, states that according to carefully researched statistics, cancer patients who did not receive surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation had a greater life expectancy that the ones who receive treatment by about four times. Ref: Harlan Jones, A Report on Cancer, available at University of California Berkeley library. (See 1975) Tsarion 1969 Dr. Jose Delgado publishes Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society. Delgado states that it is possible now to control human movements, glandular functions, specific mental manifestations, and behavior indistinguishable from spontaneous activity. According to Delgado, the individual is defenseless against direct manipulation of the brain because he is deprived of the most intimate mechanisms of biological reactivity. Tsarion 1969 Eisenhower dies. Tsarion 1969 Eleven witnesses see a daylight disc UFO hover over a farm in Anolaima, Colombia. 1969 Federal inspectors hold back 130,000 cattle carcasses for removal of carcinomas and cancer of the eye. Tsarion 1969 Fifteen Russia generals die in unrelated incidents within 30 days. Tsarion 1969 Fifteen Russian Generals die in "unrelated" incidents in a month's time. 1969 First whispers of the Gemstone File are released. Tsarion 1969 Former German Chancellor Franz von Papen dies. 1969 Height of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. U.S. deep in debt to International Bankers, torn by internal strife. Tsarion 1969 It is rumored that when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were out in space they spoke to NASA on a secure channel describing brilliant orbs lined up above the moon watching them.

1514 1969 January 6--While Jimmy Carter was the governor of Georgia, he sighted a UFO. He filed a report with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. The report explained that there was a large, bright object in the sky. It moved toward him from a distance, stopped, moved away, and then departed. It had a blue color at first, then it turned reddish. It wasn't really a solid figure, it was more like a light. The object looked the size of the moon. It was about 300-1000 miles away and was about 30 degrees above the horizon. Robert Sheaffer, a scientist that works for the government believes that Jimmy Carter really saw Venus, but Carter denies that. He even signed a paper that states that he encountered a UFO. 1969 January--The final report of the Condon Study is issued. It concludes that there is not enough scientific evidence to justify the continued study of UFOs, ending all official Air Force interest in the subject. The Condon Report is the final blow to PROJECT BLUEBOOK and it is shut down. 1969 July 20 The Apollo 11 spacecraft, launched by NASA from Cape Kennedy, Florida, lands a manned lunar module on the moon's surface. 1969 July 21 American astronaut Neil Armstrong climbs out of the lunar module and walks on the moon's surface, saying "one giant step for man; one giant leap for mankind." Apollo 11 returns with its crew to earth on July 24. 1969 June 9---Dr. D.M. McArtor, then Deputy Director of Research and Technology for the Department of Defense, appeared before the House Subcommittee on Appropriations to request funding for a project to produce a synthetic biological agent for which humans have not yet acquired a natural immunity. Dr. McArtor asked for $10 million dollars to produce this agent over the next 5-10 years. The Congressional Record reveals that according to the plan for the development of this germ agent, the most important characteristic of the new disease would be "that it might be refractory (resistant) to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease". AIDS first appeared as a public health risk ten years later. 1969 Kennedy deaths: Clyde Johnson, who had allegedly attended parties with Ferrie, Ruby and Oswald and who was beaten up to keep him from testifying at the Clay Shaw trial, shot to death near Greensburg, Louisiana.; Richard Carr, while visiting in Atlanta, is attacked by two men with knives. 1969 moon landing was actually filmed at a sound stage in North Hollywood, and Voyager II is actually just a PacMan arcade game,

1515 hurtling towards the vast reaches of space to suck aliens dry of their quarters. 1969 Less than 25% of those in Federal Prison are in on drug charges. Tsarion 1969 March--UFO crash at Yekatrinburg (formerly Sverdlovsky), Russia. From this has emerged very impressive official Soviet film footage of both the crashed disc and the autopsy of the remains of the inhabitant of the craft. The only major unanswered question is whether the crash is of an ET craft or one that was terrestrially manufactured. The original presence of a formation of five craft, and the autopsy of the ET body would seem to indicate the former assumption, though the body could also have been a terrestrial clone of a recovered ET body. 1969 Mariner space probe sends pictures back of Mars. Tsarion 1969 Mary Lasker initiates the War on Cancer, eventually resulting in Nixon signing it into law in 1971. It would provide vast taxpayer dollars to the NCI and derivative benefits to the ACS. Tsarion 1969 Mass Vietnam War protests from public. Tsarion 1969 Melchior describes 22 children in which there was a close temporal connection between various vaccinations, especially Pertussis, and infantile spasms. (Melchior, J.H. 1980, Textbook of Child Neurology, 1990 Textbook of Child Neurology, 1990 Workshop on neurological complications of Pertussis and Pertussis vaccination.) Tsarion 1969 MIB "Carlos Allende" visits UFOlogists Jim and Coral Lorenzen in Tucson, gives them a copy of the ONR reprint of Jessup's Case for the UFOs. 1969 Morton Sobell is released from prison after serving almost two-thirds of his 30-year sentence for conspiracy to commit espionage against the U.S. (see Julius and Ethel Rosenberg) 1969 Neurologically defective 4 and 5 year olds begin to appear. Tsarion 1969 Nixon promulgates EO 11490 incorporating 23 earlier EOS to permit seizure of the country in a created national emergency. Tsarion 1969 Nixon signs Executive order #11490 establishing plans for dictatorial control in the event of a national emergency, and consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over the previous 15 years. 1969 Nobel for Delbruck, Hershey, and Luria on genetic structure of viruses. Tsarion 1969 On June 9, 1969, Dr. D.M. McArtor, then Deputy Director of Research and Technology for the Department of Defense, appeared before the House Subcommittee on Appropriations to request funding for a project to produce a synthetic biological agent for which humans have

1516 not yet acquired a natural immunity. Dr. McArtor asked for $10 million dollars to produce this agent over the next 5 10 years. The Congressional Record reveals that according to the plan for the development of this germ agent, the most important characteristic of the new disease would be "that it might be refractory [resistant] to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." 1969 Part of the grounds at Fort Dietrich Biological Warfare Laboratory renamed the Frederick Cancer Research Facility and given to the National Cancer Institute for civilian medical research. By 1971, funding had tripled. Tsarion 1969 Pentagon and Department of Interior researchers study methods of inducing earthquakes by injecting fluids into deep wells. 1969 PROJECT AQUARIUS is established. 1969 PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUEBOOK is closed. 1969 Richard Nixon orders a ban on chemical and biological weapons. After the ban, the Army Biological Warfare Laboratory at Fort Detrick is renamed The Frederick Cancer Research Institute and turned over to the National Cancer Institute for civilian use. The military section is later renamed the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (U.S.AMRIID), which is restricted to defensive research. By 1971, the budget of the FCRI would triple. (See 1983, FCRI). Tsarion 1969 Sociologically, the gay revolution is launched in the United States. Tsarion 1969 Ted Kennedys aide Mary Jo Kopechne, dies after hearing Kennedy talk with Bechtel, Alioto (Mafia), John Tunney and others. Tsarion 1969 The "Lake Worth Monster" (a giant white biped) is seen near Fort Worth, Texas. 1969 The wife of Pennsylvania's Clinton County sheriff John Bovle, while sitting in front of the couple's cabin in remote Little Pine Creek, saw an enormous gray-colored bird land in the middle of the creek. A few moments later it rose to fly away, and "its wingspread," she said, "appeared to be as wide as the streambed, which I would say was about 75 feet--making the creature truly otherworldly. That same summer three men claimed to have seen a thunderbird snatch up a 15-pound fawn near Kettle Creek. 1969 Trial of Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate JFK; with Jim Garrison's witnesses dead or discredited by CIA or FBI and other government agencies, Shaw was soon found not guilty. 1969 U.S. Department of Defense sought funds from Congress to create a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for

1517 which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Funds granted in 1970 Appropriations. Tsarion 1969 U.S. takes steps to ban DDT in the United States, but DDT still exported. Tsarion 1969 University of Virginia Symposium on the Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation. At the conference Czech scientist Dr. Karel Marha reveals that microwave effects on humans include fear, irritability, depression, inhibition of intellectual functions and decreased memory. Tsarion 1969 US government makes a deal with aliens to allow abductions in exchange for technology. 1969 Walter Andrus and a group of followers leave APRO to form MUFON. 1969 Weber observes gravity waves postulated by Einstein in 1916. Tsarion 1969 William J. Clinton secures a draft deferment and leaves to attend Oxford in England. Clinton would lead anti-American demonstrations in London in reference to the war in Vietnam. Tsarion 1969, , , , , ( , , . 13, +. ). , , 23 , . 21 . ' , , . 1969: Britain abolishes the death penalty 1969: The "Monty Python's Flying Circus" comedy show debuts on tv 1969: the IRA begins a campaign of terrorism in Northern Ireland that will kill more than 2.000 people 1969-1998: Provisional Irish Republican Army and other Republican Paramilitaries wage an armed campaign against British Security forces and Loyalist Paramilitaries in an attempt to bring about a United Ireland in what is known as The Troubles. 1969: a mass movement of workers, students, and peasants in Pakistan forces the resignation of President Mohammad Ayub Khan 1969: overthrow of the pro-Western monarchy by Arab nationalist military officers in Libya 1969: multiparty system supplanted by a military socialist government under Siad Barre in Somalia 1969: Soviet and Chinese troops clash in Asia

1518 1969: The Soviet Union plans an attack on China to remove Mao from power 1970: "Venera 7" makes the first landing of an Earth's spacecraft on another planet (Venus) 1970: Rebellion in Guinea by what its government identified as Portuguese agents. 1970 -- Assassination of union leader Joseph Yablonski and his family in Pennsylvania. Attempted assassination of Pope Paul VI. Reuther dies in plane crash under suspicious circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. US Army experts complete a "mock assassination" project against the president and Congress, demonstrating that determined terrorists could wipe out US leaders through use of chemical of germ warfare. US invasion of Cambodia; Kent State killings; massive protests. Nixon staffers develop the Huston Plan and "Plumbers Unit" in plot to use police and intelligence agencies at all levels for political purposes. Attorneys Lefcourt in New York and Gary in San Francisco are subject to the first of over 100 unsolved break-ins which take place over the next five years; valuables untouched but sensitive political information taken. FBI/police attacks on Black Panthers in Seattle, Baltimore, New Bedford, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Toledo, Detroit and Carbondale. Westbrook meets DeFreeze; BCA at Vacaville encourages revolutionary ideas and racial hatred in inmates. Personalityaltering Prolexin administered to 1,093 inmates at Vacaville; Special Programs Unit behavior mod program begins at Joliet, Illinois, under Dr. Martin Groder; Bureau of Prisons requests funds for Federal Center for Correctional Research in Butner, North Carolina. Approximate date of the "Korea-gate" scandal: Korean CIA undertakes massive influencepeddling campaign, 50 congressmen accept bribes, links made with Nixon Administration and the Unification Church. - 1970 - The U.S. Department of Defense appropriates funds [$2 million a year for five years] for the "development of immune-system destroying agents for biological warfare." [Source of the HIV virus which causes AIDS. The virus was then introduced into the homosexual community via hepatitis vaccine and into Central Africa via smallpox vaccine.] - 1970 - Zbigniew Brzezinski [who later became President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor] writes a book entitled "Between Two Ages." He has nothing but praise for Marxism: "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision...Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief...Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of communism, represents a

1519 major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to the world." He also describes how war can be waged against a nation without its citizens even realizing they are under attack: "Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly...techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nation's capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor." - 1970 +Apostolos: work for building our house 1970 A "Skunk Ape" is sighted near Big Cypress Swamp, Florida. 1970 A companion paper, A Direct Mechanism for the Direct Influence of Microwave Radiation on Neuroelectric Function, is also produced by R.J. MacGregor for the RAND Corporation. In the report, he notes that power densities of close to 100,000 mw/cm2 can produce auditory hallucinations in a field that would be averaged as low intensity and non-thermal. According to MacGregors model, this would produce a depolarization of brain tissue of 2.0-3.0 mV, where he concludes that neuroelectric effects should exhibit a maximum effect in the microwave range. Tsarion 1970 A huge black "Panther" is seen near Cairo, Illinois. 1970 A study by Pittman reveals Pertussis vaccine can induce hypoglycemia due to increased production of insulin. (Ref: DPT shots). Study is corroborated in 1978 by Hannick and Cohen and by Hennessen and Quast in West Germany. Result: Pertussis and DPT vaccines can cause diabetes. Tsarion 1970 A term used to describe the deaths of Jews in the WWII era, "The Holocaust," comes into common usage, as urged by Jews themselves. Strangely, it seems to not apply to non Jewish concentration camp victims, who are the majority. Also strangely, the Jewish led holocaust in Russia is not, and still is not, called a "holocaust," nor is it ever mentioned as "Jewish led." 1970 and 1980s, PANAMA For more than a decade, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega was a highly paid CIA asset and collaborator, despite knowledge by U.S. drug authorities as early as 1971 that the general was heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Noriega facilitated "guns for drugs" flights for the contras, providing protection and pilots, as well as safe havens for drug cartel officials, and discreet banking facilities. U.S. officials, including then ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons). The U.S. government only turned against

1520 Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989 and kidnaping the general, once they discovered he was providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas. Ironically drug trafficking through Panama increased after the US invasion. (John Dinges, Our Man in Panama, Random House, 1991; National Security Archive Documentation Packet The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations.) 1970 Apollo 13 mission almost loses astronauts after breakdown in equipment. Tsarion 1970 April 4-5 Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev orders the bodies of Hitler and his entourage exhumed from their hiding place at Magdeburg, and incinerated. 1970 April--The central Siberian uplands north of Olekminsk have been the source of numerous UFO reports, including a massive "wave" or scare that erupted in early 1970, involving disappearances of animals and humans, including one entire village. A Soviet supersonic bomber disappeared without a trace in the area on April 24, 1970, provoking a 150 plane rescue search (many of these reported gigantic space craft hovering so high that they were out of range). Soviet reconnaissance planes appeared in the skies, relentlessly photographing every inch of the terrain. Chinese citizens were terrorized by UFOnauts disguised as Russian cosmonauts and Russian citizens reported landings of Chinese or Oriental appearing UFO pilots. This confusion might have led (intentionally on the part of the "aliens"?) to World War III between China and Russia since the phenomena did result in some border clashes between the two superpowers. Reports state, "On April 29th (1970) inhabitants of these areas were awe struck as a gigantic Soviet aerial armada consisting if bombers and fighter planes passed overhead en route to a rendezvous near the desert region. This area was bombarded for hours and literally blasted from the face of the earth... reliable sources report that a secret flying saucer base was systematically liquidated... consisting of hundreds of miles of underground tunnels and dozens of 'pyramid-like structures' throughout the area." 1970 Assassination attempt on Pope in Philippines. Tsarion 1970 Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. 1970 Carl A. Larson publishes an article, Ethnic Weapons, in Military Review, November 1970. Tsarion 1970 Due to the increasingly mild nature of whooping cough (Pertussis), infant deaths cease from naturally acquired Pertussis in Sweden. Deaths associated with vaccine continue. Sweden stops Pertussis vaccination in 1970. Tsarion 1970 FDA Commissioner Dr. Herbert Ley blows the whistle on the FDA and its corrupt relationship with the medical and pharmaceutical

1521 cartels. It is ignored by an intimidated government. Ley is forced out and replaced. Tsarion 1970 First synthesis of gene announced at University of Wisconsin. Tsarion 1970 Ford Foundation establishes the Police Foundation, headed by Pat Murphy, to train police in behaviorism and human relations. Tsarion 1970 G.A. Rosenberg writes, an autoimmune allergic mechanism has been postulated as the cause of the occurrence of post-vaccination encephalitis, possibly with an initial invasion of the nervous system by a virus, with subsequent antigen-antibody reaction. If this line of research is followed up, the interrelation will doubtless be substantiated. (Ref: immunizations). Tsarion 1970 , Charles de Gault 1890-1970 1958-1969, ' : , ( ' .) 1970 January 7-- Two Finnish ski enthusiasts reportedly encountered a mysterious luminous red "cloud" which, when it got within 50 feet of them, turned out to contain a smoke-spewing domed disc at its center. The object hovered near them, and in the light it cast, they could see a three-foot tall humanoid with a waxy, pale face and a hooklike nose but no visible eyes. The creature was standing on the ground just under the UFO. After about 20 seconds the red fog reappeared suddenly, and by the time it dissipated, both the object and the being were gone. 1970 , Mengistu Haile Mariam, 1.5 , 1970. , . 1970 January--Four Gallup, New Mexico, youths allegedly encountered what they called a "werewolf" along the side of a road near Whitewater. It managed to pace with their car, which was traveling at 45 miles per hour. One witness reported, "It was about five feet seven, and I was surprised it could go so fast. At first I thought my friends were playing a joke on me, but when I found out they weren't, I was scared! We rolled up the windows real fast and locked the doors of the car. I started driving faster, about 60, but it was hard because that highway has a lot of sharp turns. Someone finally got a gun out and shot it. I know it got hit and it fell down, but there was no blood. I know it couldn't be a person because people cannot move that fast."

1522 1970 Korean CIA undertakes a massive influence peddling campaign, eventually 50 congressmen accept bribes and links are make between the Nixon Administration and the Unification Church. 1970 May--William S. English was an officer with US Army Special Forces in Vietnam. His A-Team was dispatched to locate, and if possible rescue the crew of a B-52 bomber that had crashed in dense jungle in Laos. Air Force records have no B-52 crashing in Southeast Asia between July 1969 and July 1972. This could be because the records were altered to hide the truth from the public. The plane had crashed after a hostile encounter with a UFO described as a large white light. English and his team located the B-52 by helicopter. It was lying among the trees as if it had been placed there. There was no damage at all to the aircraft, its bomb load, or the jungle. All the crew was onboard, in their seats, horribly mutilated, although there was no blood anywhere. Dog tags were taken from the bodies and code books removed and the aircraft was blown up, the bombs still being onboard. The tale of William S. English is one of conspiracy. He saw a B-52 downed by a UFO and the military then spent the next twenty years first trying to discredit him then to eliminate him to try to conceal the truth. 1970 Multinational companies begin the process of acquiring 1000 seed and plant breeding companies. In the 1980's they would spend $10 billion on company acquisitions. Tsarion 1970 Nixon announces United States will destroy all its biological weapons. Tsarion 1970 Nixon staffers develop the "Huston Plan" and "plumbers unit" in plot to use police and intelligence agencies at all levels for political purposes. 1970 November 9 General Charles De Gaulle dies at age 79. Ge Gaulle for many years had been aware of ODESSA and Neo-Nazi activity within the CIA and had his agents keeping him informed. The coincidence of his death should not be overlooked. (See Blutzeuge) 1970 Otto Warburg, physiologist and chemist, dies. Tsarion 1970 Personality-altering Prolexin administered to 1,093 inmates at Vacaville. Special Programs Unit behavior mod program begins at Joliet, Illinois, under Dr. Martin Groder. Bureau of Prisons requests funds for Federal Center for Correctional Research in Butner, North Carolina. 1970 Probably the most interesting Yeti sighting by a Westerner took place on Mount Annapurna in 1970. The witness, prominent British mountaineer Don Whillans, was looking for a campsite one evening when odd cries sounded. His Sherpa companion said they were a yeti's call, and Whillans caught a glimpse of a dark figure on a distant ridge. The next day he found humanlike tracks sunk 18 inches into the snow, and that night, sensing the creature's presence, he looked out of his tent and saw,

1523 in the moonlight, an ape-shaped animal as it plucked at tree branches. He watched it for 20 minutes through binoculars before it wandered away. 1970 Project Pandora activities are curbed, but research takes a turn where classified RF Mind Control testing becomes a military priority, since pulsed microwave beams outperform drugs, ECT, torture, brain surgery and other forms of behavior modification. Tsarion 1970 Psychologist James V. McConnel writes in Psychology Today that, the day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drugs, hypnosis, and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost complete control over individual behavior...we should reshape society so that we all would be trained from birth... no one owns his own personality. Tsarion 1970 RAND Corporation publishes a report entitled A Brief Survey of Literature Relating to Influence of Low Intensity Microwaves on Nervous Function. The author notes that the U.S. microwave guideline in effect for the public, 10,000 mw/cm2, provide for nonthermal levels of microwaves which produce behavioral disturbances in humans. These disturbances include irritability, loss of memory, fatigue, headache, tremors, hallucination, autonomic nervous system disorders and disturbed sensory functioning. The report continues in discussion of several possible mechanisms which allow these effects. Tsarion 1970 Rarick Bill HR17140 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee. Tsarion 1970 Reuther dies in plane crash under suspicious circumstances. 1970 Second International Conference on Psychosurgery draws 100 participants and 41 papers from around the world. Honorary president of the Conference was Dr. Walter Freeman, Ewen Camerons left hand man, who performed no less than 4,000 frontal lobotomies, often on people suffering only mild depression. Freeman went on to become a respected San Francisco brain specialist. Tsarion 1970 Soviet Luna 16 goes to moon for samples. Tsarion 1970 The original Howard Hughes is very sick. Wayne Rector, his double, leaves for the Bahamas. Tsarion 1970 U.S. Army buries drums of DDT and other chemicals in British Columbia's far north. (AP 9/11/ 94). Tsarion 1970 U.S. Army records show that amyl nitrate (poppers) was one of many drugs tested by a chemical warfare laboratory in the 1960's and 1970's. (See 1972). Tsarion 1970 U.S. Congress places an amendment to the General Education Provision Act entitled Prohibition Against Federal Control of Education, prohibiting the U.S. government from direction, supervision, or control over any curriculum, program of instruction, administration or personnel of any school, or school system, over the

1524 selection of books, library resources, or instructional materials. In practice, the government ignores the ruling. See 1967 Designing Education for the Future for collusion between government and state education industries. Tsarion 1970 U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) reports as much as 26% of children receiving ruebella (german measles) vaccination in national testing programs developed arthralgia and arthritis. Many had to seek medical attention and some were hospitalized. Tsarion 1970 U.S.S.R. and West Germany sign a friendship treaty in Moscow. 1970 Wanda Lockwood of Bakersfield, California reported that she was playing with her son in his bedroom when what sounded like a large steel hammer struck the concrete basement floor 3 times. Her child Danny was so surprised that he began to cry. Having heard a similar noise several months earlier beneath her living room, Wanda was curious and put her ear to the bedroom floor and clearly heard "the roar of machinery". She took a hammer and began to pound the bedroom (basement?) floor in a 1-2-3, 1-2-3 manner until 5 minutes later a "being" beneath the floor began to tap back in the same 1-2-3, 1-2-3 manner. She could hear a series of noises and knocks and then she faintly heard men talking to each other, but the voices were too muffled to understand. In later months she would again hear the machinery when placing her ear to the floor, but never again the men's voices. 1970 William J. Clinton leaves Oxford for Scandinavia and activist meetings in Oslo, Norway, at the same time American activist leaders meet in Hanoi to plan a conference and demonstration in Stockholm. (Jan. 70). Clinton would abandon his pursuit of a Rhodes scholarship later in the year. Tsarion 1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski writes Between Two Ages; reveals that Americans will be introduced to new concepts: a new monetary system replacing the dollar and a reduced standard of living to support it. He predicts the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society, dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on superior scientific know-how. This elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Additionally, Brzezinski says that Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. He theorizes that the liberal democratic societies would support authoritarian forms of government if they were given a choice between a dictatorship and social/intellectual disorder. Tsarion

1525 1970, " ", " , ... . , , , ". 2 , " , , ". 20 , 12 19. [ 90/1970 . 134], , , . , , , , , . 1971 (1968) (1970) , ! , 1970, , ( ), , , 31 1971, () ! 28 1971 , , ( ). 2 1971 , , . 1971 -Assassination of Wasfi Tal of Jordan. Daughter of conspiracy investigator Mae Brussell killed in suspicious car accident. Bilderberger meeting in Woodstock, Vermont. Pentagon Papers published. Hunt hired by White House to gather damaging evidence against Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Kennedy and other "enemies"; Hunt hires Barker and other Bay of Pigs veterans to make break-in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office. Barker attempts to get plans to building which will house the Democratic Convention. Plumber chief David Young, former Kissinger aid, contacts CIA for psychiatric profile of Ellsberg, referred to Howard Osborn, a possible Oswald link. White House agent Sergretti meets with FBI, Minutemen and others to plan kidnapping of radicals

1526 during the 1972 convention -- a plan later scrapped. FBI begins (or continues) illegal break-ins, mail-openings and wiretaps, conducted by Squad 47 of the internal security division in search of Weather Underground fugitives. Future SLA members Camilla Hall and William Wolfe move to Berkley, become involved in radical and prison reform activities. Electroshock treatments given to hundreds of inmates at Vacaville. Black Panther party in shambles; Cointelpro supposedly disbanded. Zimbardo's Stanford experiments demonstrating dangers of prisoner/guard role-playing. "Deprogrammer" Ted Patrick begins kidnapping Jesus Freaks and reconverting them to conventional behavior. John Keel's Our Haunted Planet discusses more MIB cases. - 1971 "Deprogrammer" Ted Patrick begins capturing "Jesus Freaks" and reconverting them to conventional behavior. 1971 +Apostolos: went to Athens alone, student in Rizarios 1971 A damaging rust disease appears in Cuba and threatens to destroy the crops of sugar cane. Tsarion 1971 A mysterious blue mold appears and threatens the tobacco crop in Cuba. Tsarion 1971 A study by Stella and Chess reveals that children with congenital ruebella (german measles) frequently display classic autistic features, including impaired ability to relate new stimuli to remembered experience. See 1966. Tsarion 1971 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations issues pamphlet M-67, which calls for Special Police Task Forces (special multicounty or interstate police forces). Tsarion 1971 Apollo 14 and 15 explore the moon. Tsarion 1971 April 17 East Pakistanis declare their homeland an independent nation which they rename Bangladesh. Sheik Mujibur Rahman serves as the nation's first prime minister. 1971 April 17 Egypt, Syria and Libya sign an agreement to form a confederation. 1971 Astronomer James McDonald drives into desert and suicides. Tsarion 1971 Astronomers discover two new galaxies adjacent to ours. Tsarion 1971 August--Maria Gomez Pereira discovered a strange expressionistic image of a man's face that had appeared on her kitchen floor. A few days later she had the floor ripped out and relaid, only to find that the face reappeared in exactly the same place within a week. Before she got the chance to rip out the floor a second time, the slab was removed and preserved by local authorities. Investigations into the site on which the house was built, revealed that the site had once been a

1527 graveyard. It was decided that the floor of the house should be excavated to see what lay beneath. After digging down some nine feet, human remains were found, which were soon removed. It was decided that the excavation had been successful, and a new floor was soon installed. Bizarrely, after just two weeks, a variety of new faces had appeared on the new floor. Over the coming months, the "Faces of Belmez" attracted a huge amount of attention, but nobody was able to explain why the faces kept returning. 1971 Bilderberger meeting in Woodstock, Vermont. 1971 Burglars broke into the FBI Field Office at Media, Pennsylvania and escaped with a thousand documents. This exposed the FBI's massive surveillance of blacks, students, radicals, and various other groups. The word "Cointelpro" entered society. 1971 By 1971, every State government in the union of States had formed such private corporations (Corp. State), in accord with the IMF admonition, and the people ceased to seat original jurisdiction government officials in their State government seats. 1971 Daniel Ellsberg, a hawk from the RAND Corporation, writes the Pentagon Papers, which helps distract the public. McNamara (World Bank/RAND) assists as Ellsbergs boss. Book is RAND coverup for the real reasons behind the Vietnam War. Ellsberg indicted for leaking the papers. Watergate team breaks into Ellsbergs office on Nixons orders to find out how much Larry O'Brien knew about Hughes and Onassis. Tsarion 1971 Daughter of conspiracy investigator Mae Brussell is killed in a suspicious car accident. 1971"The only two non-Jews in the communist conspiracy were Chambers and Hiss... Every other one was a Jew and it raised hell with us." Statement of President Richard Nixon in 1971, as recorded at the White House on tape and released by the National Archives in 1999. The reference is to Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. (Sources: N.Y. Times, Oct. 7, 1999 and Newsweek, Oct. 18, 1999, p. 30) 1971 Dr. H. J. Roberts publishes results of a comprehensive national study of traffic accidents. Roberts concludes that a significant source of many unexplainable accidents is that millions of American drivers are subject to pathological drowsiness and hypoglycemia due to functional hyperinsulinism. Tsarion 1971 Dr.Choh Hao Li synthesizes human growth hormone. Tsarion 1971 Due to the constant encroachment of white settlers or invaders into their territory, 30,000 survivors of the Ugha Mongulala tribe in Peru allegedly escaped to an ancient system of underground cities, consisting of 13 separate subterranean complexes all connected by tunnels, one of which is said to extend to Lima, and others of which are

1528 located throughout the Andes Mountain range of Peru. The Ugha Mongulala's ancestors were allegedly part of a vast empire which covered South America in ancient times. Some of these ancient people, the chief claimed, left the planet in aerial vessels to explore other parts of the solar system and beyond, leaving behind vast subterranean cities beneath the Andes mountains and western Brazil. 1971 Early Spring-- Residents of a Mobile, Alabama, neighborhood claimed to have had nocturnal encounters with an extraordinary creature. "The top half was a woman," one witness said, "and the bottom was a wolf." The witness added, unnecessarily, "It didn't seem natural." The Mobile police investigated with inconclusive results. 1971 Electroshock treatments given to inmates at Vacaville, California. Tsarion 1971 First meeting of the "Asian Window" group, in Williamsburg, Virginia, financed by the late John D. Rockefeller and continues to date. It brings together the Asian leaders and the Americans. Williamsburg has been particularly effective for discussing Vietnam, or the Indonesian corruption, or supposedly non-existent Japanese exchange controls. Different experiences of trade with China and Russia, or how Singapore has a lower infant mortality than America, have been some of the topics in the Williamsburg forum. 1971 George HW Bush joins the Council on Foreign Relations. Tsarion 1971 Germany bans water fluoridation. Tsarion 1971 Howard Hughes dies. Tsarion 1971 Hunt is hired by the White House to gather damaging evidence against Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Kennedy and other "enemies". Hunt hires Barker and other Bay of Pigs veterans to make a break in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office. Barker attempts to get plans to building that will house the Democratic Convention. Plumber Chief David Young, former Kissinger aide, contacts CIA for a psychiatric profile of Ellsberg. He is referred to Howard Osborn, a possible Oswald link. White House agent Segretti meets with FBI, Minutemen and others to plan kidnapping of radicals during the 1972 Convention, a plan later scrapped. 1971 John Keel's Our Haunted Planet discusses more Men In Black cases. 1971 June 13--CIA "critic" James E. MacDonald drives into desert and "shoots himself". 1971 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) calls for a regionalized police force. Tsarion 1971 Mariner 9 orbits Mars. Tsarion 1971 Nixon ends International Redeemability of Federal Reserve Notes. Tsarion

1529 1971 November 2--A very credible UFO encounter occurred in Delphos, Kansas in 1971. Sixteen-year old Ron Johnson, along with his dog, was tending the family sheep when his attention was suddenly drawn to a mushroom-shaped UFO appearing in the night sky. Incredibly the UFO was only about 75 feet from him, and it hovered only a few feet above the ground. Ron estimated the craft's diameter at 6-8 feet and it was covered with multicolored lights across it's metallic surface. Stunned by what he was looking at, he tried to get a closer look, but the brilliant luminance of the craft did not allow him to make out any additional details. Unlike many other UFO reports, Ron described the craft as making a loud sound, "like an old washing machine which vibrates." The glow of the object's bottom increased as it began to shoot up into the sky. Ron would later state that he was temporarily blinded by the brightness of the craft as it ascended. After he regained his sight and composure, he ran back to the family house to alert the others. The bright glow was now high in the sky, as it began to vanish from sight altogether. Three family members came running around the side of the house to get a glimpse of the unusual phenomena. They arrived at the location, and were shocked to see a glowing ring in the ground, right below where the craft had hovered. Family members would later relate that the ground around the glow. "felt strange, like a slick crust, as if the soil was crystallized." Ron's mother's fingers went numb, like she had been given a local anesthetic. Seeing nothing else of the craft, the family finally settled down for the night. When dawn broke the next day, the family immediately returned to the sight of the glowing ring, and to their surprise, it was still there. The inside and outside of the ring were damp from a rain shower, but the ring itself was amazingly dry. The ring had a crusty appearance, as though the rain had simply ran off, leaving it bone dry. Slightly over a month later, after a snow fall, the white ice had melted both inside and outside of the ring, but the ring itself maintained the snow drift. Investigators experimented with the ring by removing snow from a section of it, and pouring water on the exposed part. The soil would not allow the water to pass through. Further experimentation showed the ground under the ring to be dry to a depth of one foot. The ring itself was composed of a whitish substance, which was sent to a laboratory for analysis. The findings were as follows: "(it was resolved into fibers which) were vegetal in nature and belonged to an organism of the order of Actinomycetales, which is an intermediate organism between bacteria and fungus... family actiniomycete, genus Nocardia... (and is) often found together with a fungus of the order Basidomycetes, which may flouresce under certain conditions... one possible interpretation is that high energy stimulation triggered the spectacular growth of the Nocardia and of an existing fungus, and caused the latter to flouresce." The experience of Ron

1530 Johnson is still considered as one of the best documented "ground trace" UFO cases of the past century, and is considered "unexplained." 1971 R.K. Procunier, Director of Corrections of the State of California, proposes neurosurgical treatment of violent inmates. Tsarion 1971 Rarick bill HR351 to repeal Federal Reserve Act. Buried in committee. Tsarion 1971 Richard Nixon withdraws all Gold backing from the U.S. Dollar, rendering it a fiat currencythe completion of a process Roosevelt started in the 1930's when gold was called in and currency was tampered with. Tsarion 1971 Cap 'n' Crunch cereals 2600 mhz ( ;). . 1971 Saccarin removed from FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list. Tsarion 1971 September 10--An Air Force F-4E fighter jet disappears without a trace over the Bermuda Triangle, 82 miles southeast of Homestead AFB. 1971 September 4--Four members of the National Geographic Institute of Costa Rica were flying in a twin-engined aircraft 10,000ft above Lake Cote, near the Central American state's forbidding Arenal volcano. A special map-making camera was slung underneath their plane. It was automatic and large-format, and every 20 seconds it took another photograph of the lake beneath. When the photographs were developed, one of the frames showed what seemed to be a metallic disc about 160ft in diameter, which had just left, or was on the point of entering, the lake. It was giving off light, and had made a sudden maneuver at the instant the photo was taken. The object showed up on neither the previous frame of film nor the one afterwards. Checks on the negative eliminated tricks of the light as an explanation. Lake Cote is extremely deep, and there have been numerous other reports of unknown submergible craft entering and leaving it. Local fishermen, out on the lake in the small hours, have seen various objects below them, giving off colored lights. 1971 Soyuz 11 cosmonauts die entering atmosphere. Tsarion 1971 Summer--Near Edwards AFB, Debbie Clayton reported that she heard a loud roaring sound and then a loud crash. Outside she could see a cloud of dust several blocks away. She walked over to the crash site and while other civilians were studying the craft, the military arrived, weapons drawn. One of the civilians named Dalton was taking pictures. An Air Force officer ripped the camera from his hands and smashed it but didn't try to remove the film. The craft had no markings but seemed to be

1531 scratched. There were no windows or seams, and it appeared to be molded in one piece. It was a dark grayish color with greenish highlights. The texture was smooth. The military told the witnesses to leave or be arrested. The military covered the craft with a large canvas and lifted it with cables attached to the canvas. Once it was loaded, the military left, and there was no mention of the incident in the newspapers. 1971 Swedish prime minister Palme authorizes electronic implant use on prisoners. Tsarion 1971 The American Cancer Society decides that screening women for breast cancer was a good idea. (See 1974). (Note: Screening = Radiation that causes cancer) 1971 Pentagon Papers published. Tsarion 1971 The Apeman called "Mo-Mo" (for Missouri Monster) is sighted near the town of Louisiana, Missouri. 1971 The CIA infects pigs in Cuba with African Swine Fever, a deadly disease. The entire swine population of Cuba is slaughtered to protect humans. A second such epidemic in 1980 in Cuba, with equally devastating consequences, was of unknown but suspicious origins. Tsarion 1971 The disinformation classic The Anarchist's Cookbook is published. 1971 The FBI begins (or continues) illegal break-ins, mail openings and wiretaps, conducted by Squad 47 of the Internal Security Division, in search of Weather Underground fugitives. 1971 The incidence of asthma in children begins a significant increase. Tsarion 1971 The Philadelphia Inquirer conducts a telephone poll relative to sterilization of low IQ groups. Almost 70% vote in favor of forced sterilization. Tsarion 1971 The regime of Yayha Khan in Pakistan would murder 1,500,000 people. Tsarion 1971 Two physicians, Arguello de la Mota and Antonio Arocha, were in San Juan de los Morros, a small town not far from Caracas, Venezuela when they were startled by the unexpected arrival of two characters dressed in black who drove into the dusty town in a sporty Mustang. Unaware that they were being watched, the MIB exchanged remarks and donned orange-colored belts. Suddenly, a brilliant object appeared in the sky, descending rapidly to the surface. The physicians, swore that the object was a 60-foot wide disk-shaped craft which produced a parabolic ladder while hovering inches off the ground. The MIB entered the vehicle, which rose into the skies and vanished out of sight (no information is available on the fate of the brand-new sports car they left behind). The story was circulated worldwide by United Press International.

1532 1971. . , , , . , . , , , . , , . , , , , , , 1922, , . , 1971 . , . , . 1971 U.S. Deficit $500 billion. Tsarion 1971 UFOs with stubby side wings are seen over a tea plantation in Hewaheta, Sri Lanka. 1971 United States explodes hydrogen bomb near Alaska. Tsarion 1971 United States places a nuclear weapons platform in orbit secretly. The first military-run shuttle mission would service the platform and upgrade the on-board computers. Tsarion 1971 , 12 , 36, 59, 68. 1971, 980.000 . " , ". , , , . , , 1971, . 1971, [1919-1994], " "! 1960, ' , " ". , , 836 1977, 3 " " . , . 39 ..

1533 50 . , , , . , " " "" . 1971 , ... 1971: serial killer Harold Shipman begins a killing spree that will kill hundreds of people 1971: the first Hard Rock Cafe` opens in London 1971: the Bangladesh Liberation War led by the Mukti Bahini establishes the independent People's Republic of Bangladesh 1971: an outbreak of smallpox in Aralsk (Kazakstan) caused by a military program of biological weapons kills dozens of people 1971: "Mars 3" makes the first (successful) landing of an Earth's spacecraft on Mars 1972: Breznev signs the first arms-control treaty 1972: Breznev signs a treaty to ban biological weapons but secretely continues producing them 1972: revolution in Benin 1972: military-led revolution against the civilian government of President Philibert Tsiranana in the Malagasy Republic; a Marxist faction takes power in 1975 under Didier Ratsiraka, modeled on the North Korean juche theory developed by Kim Il Sung. 1972 -- Assassination of Abeid Karume of Zanzibar. Attempted assassination of George Wallace in Maryland by "loner" Art Bremer who had more money than he should and had alleged connections with CIAtypes. Warren Commission dissident Hale Boggs disappears on flight to Alaska. Death of E. Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy in plane crash while carrying large amount of cash -- alleged murder described separately under Flight 553. Other alleged murders involving secret funds include Rep. William O. Mills (suicide) and his assistants Col. J. Webster and James Glover; a Mr. Taub, Kalmback employee; Dennis Cossini, alleged CIA contact with Bremer; Lou Russell, security cop employed by McCord Associates; and Mrs. Andrew Topping, wife of man alleged to be plotting assassination of Nixon during 1972 convention. J. Edgar Hoover dies. Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium. A series of dirty tricks eliminates Muskie as presidential contender; Humphrey and Jackson also smeared; Nixon aides and west coast Nazis cooperate in attempt to keep Wallace of California ballot; Hunt ordered to break into Bremer's apartment but refuses. Watergate break-in; FBI official Charles Bates placed in charge of investigation. Agnew allegedly meets Brienguier (Oswald's buddy) in New Orleans. Tackwood alleges that

1534 plans are made to disrupt Republican convention in San Diego, declare martial law, assassinate Nixon (or make false attempt). ITT scandal forces Republicans to move to Miami. CIA attempt to crack columnist Jack Anderson's information source fails. William and Emily Harris, Angela and Gary Atwood and others move to Bay area, become involved in radical and prison reform activities. Thero Wheeler, another alleged police agent, meets DeFreeze at Vacaville; DeFreeze moved to Soledad prison. Black Abductor, anticipating the Hearst kidnapping, published by unknown California publisher. Exposure and defeat of planned psychosurgery program at Vacaville; CARE behavior mod program begins at Marion, Illinois; START program begins at Springfield, Missouri; Joliet unit closed. West German authorities produce a skull they say was Martin Bormann's a few days after articles appear with evidence he is alive in Argentina. - 1972 - President Nixon visits China and toasts Chinese Premier Chou En-lai by talking of "the hope that each of us has to build a new world order." - 1972 +Apostolos: I study politics, history, physics 1972 A Money Pit exploratory group a team sinks a dry shaft near the area. They send down an underwater TV camera and photograph what looks like logs, sea chests, and the grisly image of a severed human hand, half-clenched, its flesh preserved by the salty water and the absence of oxygen. 1972 A monster hunt near Louisiana, Missouri, turns up no sign of Mo-Mo. 1972 A mysterious epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever hits Cuba and affects 300,000 Cubans. More than 150 die, including over 100 children. Evidence exists that the CIA released dengue-infected mosquitoes on the island. Court testimony in 1984 by Cuban counterrevolutionary terrorists supports this conclusion. Tsarion 1972 A Russian doctor allegedly encountered a "family of Almas", although little further came of this report. 1972 Agnew allegedly meets Carlos Bringuier (the guy who punched Oswald for handing out "Fair Play for Cuba" flyers) in New Orleans. 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972. (World disarmament per Iron Mountain). Tsarion 1972 Apollo 16 goes to moon. Soviet spacecraft soft lands on Venus. Tsarion 1972 Arthur Jensen's Genetics and Education published. In it he writes that the rate of occurrence of mental retardation is eight times higher in the black population. Tsarion

1535 1972 Attempted assassination of George Wallace in Maryland by "loner" Art Bremer who had more money than he should and had alleged connections with CIA-types. 1972 Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium. 1972 Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium. Tsarion 1972 Biological Weapons Convention to restrict development, production and stockpiling of biological weapons. Tsarion 1972 British Journal of Psychiatry #120 reveals that psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections. (Ref: viruses induced by vaccines). Tsarion 1972 Central Security Service (CSS) created at Fort Meade. Tsarion 1972 Conversations are taped between President Nixon and Billy Graham from 1972. The two discuss "Jewish control of the media." Graham asserts, "If it isn't stopped, this country is going down the tubes." Nixon agrees. The tapes would not be released for 3 decades. See March 2002 entry for outcome. 1972 December 17--Among the more impressive incidents involving yeti tracks is one that happened in 1972 to members of the Arun Valley Wildlife Expedition, a multidisciplinary ecological survey of a deep river valley in far-eastern Nepal where many rare animals and plants live isolated and undisturbed. Its participants, including leader Edward Cronin, a zoologist, were open-minded about the yeti's possible existence and even looked for evidence in the course of their two-year effort, but this was not the main purpose of their endeavor. On the night of December 17, Cronin and expedition physician Howard Emery, along with their Sherpa guides, camped on a depression at 12,000 feet in the ridge of Kongmaa La mountain. The next morning, when Emery awoke and stepped outside, he was startled to find footprints of a bipedal creature which had walked between the two tents sometime in the night. Nine inches long and four and three-quarters wide, perfectly preserved, the tracks showed, Cronin recorded, a "short, broad, opposable hallux, an asymmetrical arrangement of the four remaining toes, and a wide, rounded heel." They looked very much like a yeti print photographed by mountaineer Eric Shipton in 1951. Expedition members followed the prints for some distance. The creature had come up and down the slope to the north, crossed through the camp, and proceeded over the south slope. Then it returned to the top of the ridge. Its tracks disappeared down the south slope in scrub and rock. "The slope was extremely steep," Cronin wrote, "and searching for the prints was arduous and dangerous. We realized that whatever creature had made them was far stronger than any of us."

1536 1972 December 29--Eastern Airlines flight 401 crashes into the Everglades. The spirits of the captain and flight engineer haunt numerous flights after. 1972 Dr. Dean Burk of the National Cancer Institute declares in a letter to a member of Congress that high officials of the FDA, AMA, ACS and U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now HHS) were deliberately falsifying data and information, lying, committing unconstitutional acts and in other ways thwarting potential cures to which they were opposed. (Letter to Congressman Louis Frey Jr. Also dealt with the issue of laetrile, a non-patentable (natural) product opposed by the California Medical Association, who only sanctions the use of dangerous or toxic treatment for cancer. Burk openly refers to FDA corruption. Tsarion 1972 Dr. Louis J. West, director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, proposes to use an abandoned Nike base for the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. In a confidential letter to Dr. J.M. Stubblebine, Director of Health in the California Offices of Health Planning, West wrote that studies could be carried out there for model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior. West reveals the desired use for implants and the inclusion of hyperkinetic children and those with chromosomal abnormalities in the study. Dr. L.J. West, working with M.Singer and R.J.Lifton, founded the Citizens Freedom Foundation in 1974, which changed its name to the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) in 1985/86. The CAN group would figure prominently 20 years later in the Waco Massacre of the Branch Davidians. Tsarion 1972 Drs. Barton Ingraham and Gerald Smith advocate implantation of brain transmitters to monitor and manipulate the minds of probationers and the technique of telemetric control of human beings regulating behavior on a subconscious level. Reported in Issues in Criminology, 1972. Tsarion 1972 Esso Oil changes its name to Exxon Corporation. Tsarion 1972 Exposure and defeat of planned psychosurgery program at Vacaville Prison. 1972 Flight 553 Chicagoan Lawrence O'Connor, who had used United Airlines Flight 553 or its equivalent to fly from Washington to Chicago on Friday nights for years was warned by a White House source not to take this flight; among those killed in the crash at Midway Airport, Chicago, were: Dorothy Hunt who was carrying $50,000 in Watergate payoff money and close to $2 million she was attempting to place in foreign banks; Michele Clark, CBS newswoman who was to interview Mrs. Hunt on a story that could allegedly destroy Nixon; at least four people alleged to have knowledge of a large labor union "donation" to the Committee to ReElect the President (CREEP), paid to stop the indictment

1537 of a Chicago labor hoodlum; and a group of gas pipeline lobbyists, attorneys and gas company officials (Robert Moreau, Nancy Parker, Ralph Blodgett, James Drueger, Lon Bayer, Wilbur Erickson) who had allegedly gathered evidence against former Attorney General John Mitchell in an anti-trust case involving El Paso Natural Gas Co.; also aboard was a "hit-man" using the cover of Harold Metcalf, of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, who told the pilot, Captain Whitehouse, he was carrying a gun and was assigned a jump seat near the food galley and rear door; Captain Whitehouse and six of the Watergate-related passengers were found to have unexplainably high cyanide content after the crash, though the other 35 passengers killed did not; following the crash hit-man Metcalf, in a jump suit, walked out the cracked open fuselage; up to 200 FBI and CIA agents allegedly took over the crash site immediately, beating the fire department to the scene, refusing to allow in a medical team, confiscating Control Tower tapes, interviewing survivors and witnesses before National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators had a chance to; CBS News requested immediate cremation of Michele Clark's body; evidence of sabotage includes possible tampering with altimeter and air data computer, malfunctioning of the runway visual range recorder and the Kedzie localizer which acted as the runway's outer marker, a series of misdirections from air traffic controllers and the failure of Flight 553's standby power system; an inflight robbery gang known as the Joseph Sarelli mob allegedly came into possession of some of the Hunt money and Mitchell documents soon after the crash and reportedly fenced it for $5 million; the day after the crash Nixon aide Egil Krogh, Jr., of Ellsberg burglary fame, appointed Undersecretary of Transportation and placed in charge of the two agencies investigating the crash (NTSB and FAA); ten days later Nixon assistant Alexander Butterfield, a CIA-aviation liaison, appointed head of Federal Aviation Administration; a few weeks later Nixon aide Dwight Chapin becomes top executive with United Airlines. - 1972 George Bush U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Tsarion 1972 Golden Triangle in Asia yields bumper harvest. Peasants told to increase their acreage by 50- 100%. U.S. soldiers in Vietnam increase consumption. Tsarion 1972 Harry Truman dies. Tsarion 1972 In Bakersfield, California, a woman hears sounds of machinery and voices coming from under her basement floor, indicative of underground tunneling. Tsarion 1972 Ingraham and Smith release a paper in Issues in Criminality, Vol. 7 No.2, entitled The Use of Electronics in the Observation and

1538 Control of Human Behavior and Its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Parole. Tsarion 1972 ITT scandal forces Republicans to move to Miami for convention. Tsarion 1972 Japanese soldier Shoichi Yokoi discovered on Guam having hid for 28 years. 1972 July 18--Possible UFO crash in the Morroco Sahara Desert, three Bodies. 1972 Kissinger takes a trip to China. Chinas role in the heroin trade vanishes from headlines. Tsarion 1972 Last Apollo landing on the moon. Tsarion 1972 Leakey discovers 2.5 million year old human skull in Kenya. Tsarion 1972 Loch Ness Monster sighting by Dr. Robert H. Rines and a team of investigators from the Academy of Applied Sciences at MIT who take photographs and sonar soundings of the creature in the Loch. 1972 March 3--Two Loveland, Ohio police officers encountered a four-foot tall, frog-faced biped with textured leathery skin. They saw it jump over a guard rail and descend an embankment leading to the Little Miami River. About two weeks later one of the officers saw the thing again, first lying in the road, then getting up to go over a guard rail. He took a shot at it but apparently missed. A local farmer also reported seeing such a creature. 1972 New York State Department of Agriculture determines that 30% of organic food is contaminated with pesticides, as compared with 25% in regular foods. Journal of the American Medical Association v230, Oct. 14,1974, The Organic Food Myth. Tsarion 1972 Nixon aides and west coast Nazis cooperate in attempt to keep Wallace off California ballot; Hunt ordered to break into Bremer's apartment but refuses. 1972 Nixon reelected President of the United States. Tsarion 1972 Nobel winner professor William Shockley proposes a voluntary sterilization program in an address before the American Psychological Association. The program would be directed toward welfare recipients. Tsarion 1972 Oil shortages in United States begin. Tsarion 1972 Other alleged murders involving secret funds include Representative William O. Mills (suicide) and his assistants Colonel J. Webster and James Glover; a Mr. Taub, Kalmback employee; Dennis Cossini, alleged CIA contact with Bremer; Lou Russell, security cop employed by McCord Associates; and Mrs. Andrew Topping, wife of man alleged to be plotting assassination of Nixon during 1972 convention.

1539 1972 Pepsi Corporation opens its first franchise in Russia in exchange for import of Soviet wines and spirits. Tsarion 1972 Rochdale College in Toronto, Canada, becomes a main center for illicit drug consumption and distribution point for marijuana and hallucinogens in Eastern Canada. After this became public knowledge, it was shut down. Tsarion 1972 Roy M. Ash, from the Office of Management and Budget in the Nixon administration says within two decades, the institutional framework for a World Economic Community will be in place, when aspects of individual sovereignty will be given over to supernational authority. Tsarion 1972 Soft drink consumption 30 gallons per year per person. (Ref: sugar as an addictive physical degenerant.) Tsarion 1972 Strange humming sounds begin near Satus Peak in Yakima Washington. Tsarion 1972 Strange whining sounds begin to be heard near Satus peak near Yakima Washington, an area known to have an NSA communications facility and sightings of mysterious flying disks. Over the next 6 years, the hum would be heard over a gradually expanding area. Tsarion 1972 Summer--At Thetis Lake, British Columbia, there were two reports of a silver-colored creature which emerged from the water, in the first instance, on August 19, to chase a couple of young men from the beach. One supposedly suffered lacerations in the hand from six sharp points atop the thing's head. A witness to the second incident, on August 23, said it was "shaped like an ordinary body, like a human being body, but it had a monster face, and it was all scaly." It had a sharp point on its head and "great big ears." 1972 Sweden bans water fluoridation. Tsarion 1972 Tackwood alleges that plans are made to disrupt Republican convention in San Diego, declare martial law, assassinate Nixon (or make false attempt). 1972 The CIA's Scientific Engineering Institute in Boston contributes a social laboratory to CIA Project Often at the University of South Carolina, in the form of a course instructing 250 students in the rituals of demonologyand voodoo. (See 1962 and 1981). Tsarion 1972 The first gay mass-marketing of poppers (amyl/butyl nitrates). (Effect of lowering of immune system of users. Combined with use of antibiotics (lowers T-cell count) and anti-parasitic/amoebic drugs (reduces immune system), sexually transmitted diseases, drug use and government-sponsored vaccinationsthe first AIDS cases in the gay community would appear within 8 years, allowing the Nazified United

1540 States to do covertly what they did overtly during World War IIbegin to get rid of undesirables. Tsarion 1972 The testing center at Groom Lake is shut down for two years while an underground facility is built. By the end of 1972 there are six bases (Groom Lake, Archuletta Mesa, "Sunspot", "Pietown", "Datil", and Roswell) 1972 Turkish opium production nearly eliminated. Southeast Asia heroin crackdown. Tsarion 1972 Two farmers, Bryce Bond and Arthur Shuttlewood of Warminister, England, report a circular impression being mysteriously found in a wheat field. This is the first modern recorded incidence of the crop circle phenomenon. 1972 Two flying humanoid aliens seen by a crowd in the plaza at Ixtalapa, Mexico. 1972 U.S. Army study on the effect of amyl nitrates entitled Effect of Amyl Nitrate on Man conducted. (Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Vol. 40, Research Plan #12,002, approved March 15, 1972) Tsarion 1972 U.S. Army study titled Controlled Offensive Behavior: U.S.S.R. concerns itself with targeting individuals with mind altering techniques and the total submission of one's will to some outside force. The study involved the use of pulsed microwaves. (Ref: Cellular telephone & satellite technology). Tsarion 1972 U.S. signs international treaty banning use of biowarfare agents, but does not ratify it until 1975. Treaty allows defensive biowarfare research. Tsarion 1972 United Airlines flight 553 from Washington to Chicago crashes at Midway Airport. Chicagoan Lawrence O'Connor, who had used United Airlines Flight 553 or its equivalent to fly from Washington to Chicago on Friday nights for years was warned by a White House source not to take this flight; Among the deaths were: Dorothy Hunt (Wife of E. Howard Hunt) carrying $50,000 in Watergate payoff funds and close to $2 million that she was attempting to place in foreign banks; Michele Clark, CBS newswoman who was to interview Mrs. Hunt on a story that could allegedly destroy Nixon; at least four people alleged to have knowledge of a large labor union "donation" to the Committee to Reelect the President who were paid to stop the indictment of a Chicago Labor hoodlum; a group of gas pipeline lobbyists, attorneys and gas company officials (Robert Moreau, Nancy Parker, Ralph Blodgett, James Drueger, Lon Bayer, Wilbur Erickson) who had allegedly gathered evidence against former Attorney General John Mitchell in an anti-trust case involving El Paso Natural Gas Co; also aboard was a "hit-man" using the cover of Harold Metcalf, of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement,

1541 who told the pilot, Captain Whitehouse, he was carrying a gun and was assigned a jump seat near the food galley and rear door. After the crash, Cpt. Whitehouse and six of the Watergate related passengers were found to have unexplainably high cyanide contents, although the other 35 passengers who were killed did not. Following the crash hit-man Metcalf, in a jump suit, walked out the cracked open fuselage. Up to 200 FBI and CIA agents took over the crash site immediately, beating the fire department to the scene, refusing to allow in a medical team, confiscating the control tower tapes, interviewing survivors and witnesses before the National Transportation Safety Board investigators had a chance to. CBS News requested immediate cremation of Michele Clark's body; evidence of sabotage includes possible tampering with altimeter and air data computer, malfunctioning of the runway visual range recorder and the Kedzie localizer which acted as the runway's outer marker, a series of misdirections from air traffic controllers and the failure of Flight 553's standby power system. An in-flight robbery gang known as the Joseph Sarelli Mob came into possession of some of the Hunt Money and Mitchell documents after the crash and sold them for $5 million. The day after the crash Nixon Aide Egil Krogh Jr is appointed Undersecretary of Transportation and is placed in charge of the two agencies investigating the crash (the FAA and the NTSB); ten days later Nixon assistant Alexander Butterfield, a CIA-Aviation liaison is appointed head of the FAA; a few weeks later Nixon Aide Dwight Chapin becomes a top aide with United Airlines. 1972 United States Agency for International Development makes contact with the old Sterilization League of America, now called the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception, which is paid by the U.S. government to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries. Tsarion 1972 Vesna Vulovic survives six-mile fall. 1972 Warren Commission dissident Hale Boggs disappears on flight to Alaska. 1972 West German authorities produce a skull they say was Martin Bormann's a few days after articles appear with evidence he is alive in Argentina. 1972 While strolling along the shore of a peninsula in Scotland's Western Highlands, American folk singer Artie Traum heard disembodied voices chanting "Run, man, run" in a strange harmony to the sound of fiddles and pipes. When Traum fled into a nearby woods, he heard crackling sounds and "great motion." All the while, he recalled, "my head was swarming with thousands of voices, thousands of words making no sense." The voices ceased once he found his way back to the open air.

1542 1972 WHO Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus (see 1969) and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results. It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns. Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas. The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO). Tsarion 1972 , , . , . . . [ ], , , 13 , 69 , , 35. 1972, 11 , RAF . 1972, 30 , , 26 76 . 1972, 5 11 . 1972, 8 . 1972, 88 1972: The first video-cassette recorder (VCR) is introduced by Phillips 1973 -- Assassinations of US diplomats Cleo A. Nobel, Jr., and George C. Moore and Belgian diplomat Guy Eid by Palestinian guerrillas in Khartoum; Richard Sharples of Bermuda, Mohammad Ali Osman of Yemen, Salvador Allende Gossens of Chile, Luis Carrero Blanco of Spain and Dr. Marcus Foster in Oakland, California; assassination of an American Army officer by insurgent group in Iran. Senator Stennis shot in Washington, D.C. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Trilateral Commission founded under the direction of David Rockefeller, with Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale among the founding members. Agnew resigns. Sidney Gottlieb, head of CIA's LSD and other drug programs, destroys records to hide details of program. Kissinger and his deputy General Scowcroft order a series of CIA spying operations in

1543 Micronesia. Hunt beaten in his cell before testifying about the Bremer connection. Durham becomes FBI agent, infiltrates American Indian Movement (AIM), becomes chief of security. Liberation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, by AIM. Blue Dove becomes an FBI agent. DeFreeze escapes from Soledad; Wheeler escapes from Vacaville. "Race war" in Bay area culminates in the killing of Dr. Foster which the SLA claims credit for in its first communique. Experiments with implanting electrodes in the brain carried out at Vacaville and elsewhere. Behavior mod unit started at El Reno, Oklahoma, prison; START- type program introduced to Maryland public schools by Behavior Research Institute. Sixth UFO flap year. - 1973 - International banker and staunch member of the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller founds a new organization called the Trilateral Commission. He invites future President Jimmy Carter to become one of the founding members. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the organization's first director. - 1973 - The Club of Rome, a U.N. operative, issues a report entitled "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System." This report divides the entire world into ten regions. - 1973 "Trilateral Commission" is founded under the direction of David Rockefeller, with Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Henry Kissinger, the DuPonts among the founding members. 1973 +Apostolos: another revolution, I was in Polytechnion 1973 -80, AUSTRALIA The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network of US generals, admirals and CIA men, including former CIA Director William Colby, who was also one of its lawyers. With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. (See Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, W.W. Norton & Co., 1987.) 1973 A "Skunk Ape" is sighted in Florida. 1973 A UFO is shot down over the Pacific by the US Navy. A destroyer hit the craft with a SAM while heading from San Diego to Hawaii. The craft sank in 350 feet of water, and the Glomar Explorer was called in to lift it. The craft was sent by rail to the Great Lakes Naval Training Center where it was examined. 1973 Alex Botto, Jr., who had infiltrated the Joseph Sarelli air piracy gang for the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts (CCCUC), was seized by federal marshals, taken to the federal prison hospital at Springfield, Missouri, and held for 40 days without hearing or trial; Botto and another CCCUC agent, Joseph Zale, testified to seeing

1544 evidence from the sabotaged United Airlines Flight 553 in the Sarelli mob's possessions and turned over evidence on this and an earlier crash robbery to Nixon's Strike Force in Chicago; just before the reopening of the case Zale was indicted in an alleged frame-up by federal agencies; CCCUC chairman Sherman Skolnich revealed at the 553 hearings that his group had stolen the entire government file, 1,300 pages of documentation, and was presenting it as evidence of foul play in the Midway Airport crash. 1973 April 30--An educated London woman named Mary Treadgold was traveling by bus through the Highlands. Near the town of Mull, the bus pulled over to the side of a narrow road to let an oncoming car pass by, and Treadgold idly looked out the window to an expanse of peat. There, standing in front of a clump of heather, stood a "small figure, about 18 inches high, a young man with his foot on a spade, arrested (frozen like a bird or a squirrel on the approach of something alien) in the act of digging," she reported. "He had a thin, keen face (which I would know again), tight, brown, curly hair, was dressed in bright blue bib-andbraces, with a very white shirt, with rolled-up sleeves. An open sack, also miniature, stood at his side. He was emphatically not a dwarf, nor a child, nor (last desperate suggestion of a skeptic) a plastic garden gnome. He was a perfectly formed living being like any of us, only in miniature." The figure was lost to view after the bus resumed its journey. "When I got home," Treadgold wrote, "I inquired from a Highland acquaintance who told me friends of hers had seen similar small people on Mull, and that Mull was known for this. She added the small people were generally pale (I don't recall this particularly) and very bright. This last I do recollect in the brightness of the hair and clothes, and the general appearance of energy and alertness. 1973 Aug. 10, 1973 - David Rockefeller writes an article for the New York Times describing his recent visit to Red China: Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community purpose. [Apparently, it matters very little to Mr. Rockefeller that the government of Communist China has slaughtered 64 million human beings in the process of consolidating its power and that it continues to brutally suppress all dissent.] - 1973 August 19--A living giant was sighted in the little village of Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania. A man at least nine-feet tall strode down the main street of the village, dressed in strange clothing, which appeared to be made of some sort of shimmering material. He gazed at the startled townspeople in a dark, penetrating way and then loped off casually into oblivion.

1545 1973 "The real rulers of Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes" - Justice Felix Frankfurter - US Supreme Court Justice 1973 Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 1973 December 13--French journalist Claude Vorilhon purportedly says aliens ("Elohim") contacted him with a message in the south of France. He later forms the "Raellian Movement". 1973 Experiments with implanting electrodes in the brain carried out at Vacaville and elsewhere. 1973 Fall-- In the fall of 1973, western Pennsylvania played host to dozens of reports of strange apelike creatures, sometimes seen in association with UFOs, said to have (in one witness's words) "fire-red eyes that glowed in total darkness," and to be "seven to eight-feet tall, and to give off a strong, unpleasant odor." Another type of creature, investigator Stan Gordon noted, "was said to be between five and six-feet tall. It was described as looking just like an extremely muscular man with a covering of thick dark hair". Again in these reports, the arms were very long and hung down past the knees. This creature appeared to have superior agility exceeding that of a deer. From footprints discovered, the stride of the creatures varies between 52 and 57 inches. In these reports there was no indication of odors. Two sketches published in Flying Saucer Review (July 1974, page 5) show these creatures to bear a striking resemblance to the traditional werewolf, though neither witnesses nor investigators remarked on the fact. 1973 Flight 553 Revisited. Alex Botto, Jr., who had infiltrated the Joseph Sarelli air piracy gang for the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts (CCCUC), seized by federal marshals, taken to the federal prison hospital at Springfield, Missouri, and held for 40 days without hearing or trial; Botto and another CCCUC agent, Joseph Zale, testified to seeing evidence from the sabotaged United Airlines Flight 553 in the Sarelli mob's possessions and turned over evidence on this and an earlier crash robbery to Nixon's Strike Force in Chicago; just before the reopening of the case Zale was indicted in an alleged frameup by federal agencies; CCCUC chairman Sherman Skolnich revealed at the 553 hearings that his group had stolen the entire government file, 1300 pages of documentation, and was presenting it as evidence of foul play in the Midway Airport crash. - 1973 It becomes obvious to the government that "thousands" of people are being abducted by Aliens who are not on the agreed upon list. 1973 Jewish soldier Ehud Barak, who later became Prime Minister of Israel, enters a house in Lebanon as part of a military hit team, and kills an entire Arab family. Strangely, this event is never mentioned when Barak later becomes Prime Minister.

1546 1973 June 14--In New Mexico, a crashed UFO recovered with survivors. Area cordoned off within a half hour and DERO (Downed Extraterrestrial Recovery Operations) activated. 385 Americans witnessed the crash, all disappeared with their families. Anthrax epidemic was blamed. Some Americans near the crash site were shot by paramilitary stormtroopers. Craft removed to Coonty Mountain and then later onto Battle Mountain in Nevada and remains there. 1973 Loch Ness Monster sighting by Reverend Donald Ormand, and W.F. "Ted" Holiday attempts to exorcise the Loch. 1973 November 6--Fishermen in Pascagoula, Mississippi, reported a unique encounter with an unidentified submerged object, coastguards confirmed it. There were nine witnesses. The object was circular or elliptical in shape, about 12ft long, and gave out a beam of amber light. The two fishermen who raised the alarm said it looked like "a minisubmarine" and hovered about 4ft below them in the water. It was so close that they tried to hit it with their paddles. However, each time they tried to make contact, the light would go out and reappear in another position. When coastguard officers were summoned, they, too, tried to hit the USO. They succeeded, and reported that the object, whatever it was, felt metallic. The coastguard made detailed notes. The object, they said, had a parachute-like shape and moved at a speed of six to eight knots, making steadily for deeper water. The intensity of its light varied from nothing to a glare that was sometimes too bright to look at. When a torch was shone at it, the light "turned off" until the beam was removed. "The phenomena observed were not consistent with any known fish, other marine life or known light source," concluded the coastguard report. 1973 Oct. 4 1973 Oct. 25 Yom Kippur War with Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq against Israel. 1973 Oct. 6, Yom Kippur War (October War). In a surprise attack on the Jewish day of atonement, Egypt retook the Suez canal and a narrow zone on the other side. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights. Following massive US and Soviet resupplying of the sides, Israel succeeded in pushing back the Syrians and threatening Damascus. Ariel Sharon was instrumental in the successful crossing of the Suez Canal, which cut off the Egyptian Third Army. Israeli casualties were unacceptably high however, and both Syria and Egypt celebrate the anniversary of the war as a victory. 1973 October 11--The "Pascagoula Incident" involved two men, 19-year old Calvin Parker and 42-year old Charles Hickson, both of Gautier, Mississippi, who were fishing in the Pascagoula River when they heard a buzzing noise behind them. Both turned and were terrified to see a ten-foot wide, eight-foot high, glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above the ground about forty feet from the

1547 river bank. As the men, frozen with fright, watched, a door appeared in the object, and three strange Beings floated just above the river towards them. The Beings had legs but did not use them. They were about fivefeet tall, had bullet-shaped heads without necks, slits for mouths, and where their noses or ears would be, they had thin, conical objects sticking out, like carrots from a snowman's head. They had no eyes, gray, wrinkled skin, round feet, and claw-like hands. Two of the beings seized Hickson; when the third grabbed Parker, the teenager fainted with fright. Hickson claimed that when the Beings placed their hands under his arms, his body became numb, and that then they floated him into a brightly lit room in the UFO's interior, where he was subjected to a medical examination with an eyelike device which, like Hickson himself, was floating in mid-air. At the end of the examination, the Beings simply left Hickson floating, paralyzed but for his eyes, and went to examine Parker, who, Hickson believed was in another room. Twenty minutes after Hickson had first observed the UFO, he was floated back outside and released. He found Parker weeping and praying on the ground near him. Moments later, the object rose straight up and shot out of site. Expecting only ridicule if they were to tell anyone what had happened, Hickson and Parker initially decided to keep quiet; but then, because the government might want, or ought, to know about it, they telephoned Kessler Air Force Base in Biloxi. A sergeant there told them to contact the sheriff. But uncertain about the reception their bizarre story might get from the local law, they drove to the local newspaper office to speak to a reporter. When they found the office closed, Hickson and Parker felt they had no alternative but to talk to the sheriff. The sheriff, after listening to their story, put Hickson and Parker in a room wired for sound in the belief that if the two men were left alone they would reveal their hoax; of course they did not. The local press reported their tale; the wire services picked it up; and within several days the Pascagoula Encounter was major news all over the country. The Aerial Phenomena Research Organisation (APRO) sent University of California engineering professor James Harder to Mississippi to investigate; J. Allen Hynek, representing the Air Force, also arrived. Together they interviewed the witnesses. Harder hypnotized Hickson but had to terminate the session when Hickson became too frightened to continue. Hickson and Parker both subsequently passed lie detector tests. Hynek and Harder believed the two mens' story. And Hynek was later quoted as saying "There was definitely something here that was not terrestrial". 1973 October 18-- The "Coyne UFO Encounter" near Mansfield, Ohio, witnessed by four US Army Reserve UH-1H crewmen in their helo and a family of five on the ground. The helo crew was returning to Cleveland Hopkins IAP from Columbus, OH and were near Mansfield at

1548 11:02 PM when the crew chief pointed out to then Captain Lawrence Coyne a bright red light that was in the distance and closing on them. Believing it to be a OHANG F-100, Coyne called Mansfield tower. He got a response, then nothing. The light then closed in on their helo at an estimated 600 kts and Coyne put the helo into a dive and then leveled out--with a cigar-shaped object with a red light and a green light right over them. Coyne then tried another dive and found the helo now rising-his copilot was frantically trying to call Mansfield tower. The UFO hovered over the helo for about 15-20 seconds, then accelerated off at an estimated 1,000 kts at 4,500 ft. When the UFO departed, the radio interference ceased, and the helo flew on to Cleveland without incident. An FAA and US Army investigation found no known aircraft in the area, and the witness descriptions of the object, radio interference, etc. ruled out natural explanations. The ground witnesses were found by a private UFO group who confirmed the UFO's and helo's movements. A footnote: that Huey, 71-5144 had a perfect maintenance record prior to the UFO incident-afterwards, that helo became the unit "hangar queen." 1973 October 2--In Derry, New Hampshire, at about eight at night, more than 20 witnesses saw two small, whitish-yellow glowing orbs, about two-feet round, performing maneuvers. The two objects then descended towards Rainbow Lake and, once above it, one of them fell straight down and splashed into the water, making an audible splash and a series of waves. The other soared upwards and vanished. The police were contacted and subsequently divers from the local fire department were called in. They searched the water, but reported near zero visibility due to the cloudy, murky conditions. Dragging the bottom with nets was considered, but apparently dragging for UFOs was not included in the small-town fire dept's budget, and no further searches were conducted. 1973 Olaf Palme authorizes expanded use of implants in prisoners. Tsarion 1973 President Nixon gives comedian Jackie Gleason access to dead alien bodies. Three separate people claim to have been told the story by Nixon (Bill Knell, Larry Warren and Beverly Gleason). The key witness of the three was Beverly Gleason, the second wife of the comedy superstar. She wrote a version of the story for the National Enquirer in 1983 four years before Gleasons death. It was a story that Beverly said made Jackie very angry. The gist of the story is that Gleason was friends with Nixon. He lived in Miami, Florida near Nixons southern White House at Key Biscayne. Gleason saw the bodies late one night at Homestead Air Force Base, which was close to both mens homes. It was also the base where Nixon flew in on his 92 trips to the southern White House.

1549 1973 Robert Emenegger and Alan Sandler, two well connected LA businessmen are invited to Norton AFB to see a film of the Holloman UFO landing (although they are told that it took place in 1971). 1973 Sidney Gottleib, head of CIA's LSD and other drug programs destroys records to hide the details of the program. 1973 Summer--Residents of New Jersey's Newton-Lafayette area described a giant man-like alligator they had seen locally. Newspaper reporters wrote about an old Indian tale from the region that told of a giant, man-sized fish that could never be caught. 1973, Henry Kissinger, Nixons Secretary of State (known to favor one-world government) urged the Common Market to include four more nations: Norway, United Kingdom, Denmark, and Ireland. Norway eventually backed out, but on May 28, 1979, in Athens, Greece became the tenth nation to join the Common Market. When they officially became a member in January, 1981, Europe was as unified as it was in 814, when Charlemagne, founder of the Roman Empire, died. 1973 The NCI-ACS Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project (BCDP) starts, and would last until 1978. Ralph, General Chronology Of Events 1994/1995 Tsarion 1973 The opiate receptor pathways in the brain were discovered. Tsarion 1973 U.S. Attorney General states that national emergency a normal necessity. Tsarion 1973 U.S. Senate Report 93-459 confirms that U.S. has been in martial law since 1933. Tsarion 1973 . ., , [ ] . . . , [], [] . . . . 1973, . : ,

1550 , . 1973, . , " ...". 1973 2,5 . 1973 . 1973: Britain joins the European Union 1973: Mohammad Daud overthrows the monarchy and establishes a republic in Afghanistan. 1973: worker-student demonstrations in Thailand force dictator Thanom Kittikachorn and two close associates to flee the country, beginning a short period of democratic constitutional rule 1974: revolution in Ethiopia 1974: Carnation Revolution overthrows of right-wing dictatorship in Portugal 1974 +Apostolos: tragic collapse of Cyprus... 1974 A globe-shaped UFO exploded near the town of Donetsk in the northern Rostov region of Russia. Debris from the explosion were examined by many people. 1974 A reported UFO shot down over a USAF base near Savona, Italy results in an alleged autopsy of alien bodies. 1974 A UFO crashes at Llandderfel, Wales. The British Army recovers two dead aliens. 1974 According to the story told by the villagers near Mt. Everest, a Yeti attacked a Sherpa girl of a village while she was grazing her yaks. The villagers found several yaks killed with broken necks. The villagers believed the story told by the girl that an ape-like creature had twisted the neck of the yaks by grabbing the horns. 1974 - United Nations controls Mount Hermon area in Israel. Found on map of Israel regarding Mt. Hermon area: "Area occupied by United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Since 1974" 1974 - Biblical Archaeology Society seeks a site for the Masonically-inspired rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. HM Queen Elizabeth II's Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF), according to its leaders, today cites the Biblical Archaeology Society as the foremost source updating British Freemason Sir Charles Warren's work on the question of rebuilding Solomon's Temple on Al-Haram Al-Sharif (Noble Mount) in Jerusalem. The Biblical Archeology Society, founded by Ivy Leagues graduate Hershel Shanks in 1974,...has carried out the foremost debate on the site for rebuilding Solomon's Temple based upon the work of British Mason Sir Charles Warren. The Society has produced more than 17 articles in its various publications for Christian Fundamentalist

1551 consumption... PEF cites two authors of note for the Biblical Archaeology Review: Asher Kaufmann, who is a member of the "Correspondence Circle" of the Quator Coronati [Lodge], as well as a protg of Aldermaston/British Museum scientist T.E. Allibone, who dispatched him to Israel to poke around Al-Haram Al Sharif after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War; and Leen Ritmeyer, an agent of Lord Jacob Rothschild. One of the original leaders of Biblical Archaeology Review was Barbara Ledeen, whose husband is Michael Ledeen; his first book, Universal Fascism, was written in praise of Giuseppe Mazzini's Freemasonic Propaganda Uno (P-1). Later as the P-2 scandal broke, Michael Ledeen was deployed by Sir Henry Kissinger, KCMG, to clean up the evidence of Sir Henry's funding of P-2 and his likely involvement in the assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro... 534:64-5 See: 1865: Masonic Palestine Exploration Fund plans to rebuild Solomons Temple. 1974 After various incarnations, William Pierce forms what will become the premiere White Nationalist organization of the latter half of the twentieth century into the 21st The National Alliance. 1974 April 1974 - Former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner's article The Hard Road to World Order is published in the CFR's Foreign Affairs, where he states that: ...the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault. - 1974 August 25--US Air Defense radars track a UFO descending over the Northern Mexico state of Chihuahua. Curiously, a civilian plane from El Paso also disappeared over the same area at the same time, perhaps due to the UFO. With daylight the next day, Mexican authorities began a search for the missing plane. Approximately 1035 hrs there came a radio report that wreckage from the missing plane had been spotted from the air. Almost immediately came a report of a second plane on the ground a few miles from the first. A few minutes later an additional report stated that the second "plane" was circular shaped and apparently in one piece although damaged. A few minutes after that the Mexican military clamped a radio silence on all search efforts. The radio interceptions were reported through channels to the CIA. Possibly as many as two additional government agencies also received reports, but such has not been confirmed as of this date. The CIA immediately began forming a recovery team. The speed with which this team and its equipment was assembled suggests that this was either a well-rehearsed exercise or one that had been performed prior to this event. In the meantime requests were initiated at the highest levels between the United

1552 States and Mexican governments that the US recovery team be allowed onto Mexican territory to "assist." These requests were met with professed ignorance and a flat refusal of any cooperation. By 2100 hrs, August 26, the recovery team had assembled and been staged at Fort Bliss. Several helicopters were flown in from some unknown source and assembled in a secured area. These helicopters were painted a neutral sand color and bore no markings. Eye witness indicates that there were three smaller craft, very probably UH-1 Hueys from the description. There was also a larger helicopter, possibly a Sea Stallion. Personnel from this team remained with their craft and had no contact with other Ft. Bliss personnel. Satellite and recognizance aircraft overflight that day indicated that both the crashed disk and the civilian aircraft had been removed from the crash sites and loaded on flat bed trucks. Later flights confirmed that the convoy had departed the area heading south. At that point the CIA had to make a choice, either to allow this unknown aircraft to stay in the hands of the Mexican government, or to launch the recovery team, supplemented by any required military support, to take the craft. There occurred, however, an event that took the choice out of their hands. High altitude overflights indicated that the convoy had stopped before reaching any inhabited areas or major roads. Recon showed no activity, and radio contact between the Mexican recovery team and its headquarters had ceased. A low altitude, high speed overflight was ordered. The photos returned by that aircraft showed all trucks and jeeps stopped, some with open doors, and two human bodies laying on the ground beside two vehicles. The decision was immediately made to launch the recovery team but the actual launching was held up for the arrival of additional equipment and two additional personnel. It was not until 1438 hrs that the helicopters departed Ft. Bliss. The four helicopters followed the boarder down towards Presidio then turned and entered Mexican airspace north of Candelaria. They were over the convoy site at 1653 hrs. All convoy personnel were dead, most within the trucks. Some recovery team members, dressed bioprotection suits, reconfigured the straps holding the object on the flatbed truck, then attached them to a cargo cable from the Sea Stallion. By 1714 hrs the recovered object was on its way to US territory. Before leaving the convoy site, members of the recovery team gathered together the Mexican vehicles and bodies, then destroyed all with high explosives. This included the pieces of the civilian light plane which had been involved in the mid-air collision. At 1746 hrs the Hueys departed. The Hueys caught up with the Sea Stallion as it reentered US airspace. The recovery team then proceeded to a point in the Davis Mountains, approximately twenty-five miles north east of Valentine. There they landed and waited until 0225 hrs the next morning. At that time they resumed the flight and rendezvoused with a small

1553 convoy on a road between Van Horn and Kent. The recovered disk was transferred to a truck large enough to handle it and capable of being sealed totally. Some of the personnel from the Huey's transferred to the convoy. All helicopters then returned to their original bases for decontamination procedures. The convoy continued non-stop, using back roads and smaller highways, and staying away from cities. The destination of the convoy reportedly was Atlanta, Georgia. No mention is made of the occupants of the civilian aircraft. It is not known if any body or bodies were recovered. Considering the destruction of the civilian light aircraft in mid-air, bodies may well not have come down near the larger pieces. Unfortunately what caused the deaths of the Mexican recovery team is not known. Speculation ranges from a chemical released from the disk as a result of the damage, to a microbiological agent. There are no indications of death or illness by any of the recovery team. It would not have been illogical for the recovery team to have taken one of the bodies back with them for analysis. But there is no indication of that having happen. Perhaps they did not have adequate means of transporting what might have been a biologically contaminated body. 1974 Bilderberger meeting in Megeve, France. 1974 Eric Laithwaite demonstrates his antigravity machine at the Royal Imperial Technical College. It weighed 20 lbs when not running, and decreased to 15 lbs when running. It also used a "DePalma N machine" (free energy) to generate the energy it required. 1974 June 9-- JASDF F-4EJ scrambled from Chitose AB to intercept unknown contact. Visual contact revealed a oval-shaped object 75 ft. across, pilot armed his 20mm gun as the UFO made two passes on the F-4. On the third pass, the UFO clipped off the tail of the plane. Both crew ejected, but the pilot, Lt. Colonel Toshio Nakamura, died in the ejection. RIO Major Shiro Kubota survived. A/C was 17-8307, official cause of loss was "Collision with aircraft or object unknown." 1974 Kennedy Deaths: Joseph A. Milteer (who blew the Miami plot and was allegedly present at Dealy Plaza) died two weeks after a Coleman stove blew up in his bathroom, although the burns on the body may not have been severe enough to cause death; Clay Shaw is found dead in his home (after an ambulance delivers a body-sized bundle there) cause of death undetermined because the body was embalmed too soon. 1974 May 17--UFO crash at Chili, New Mexico. An Air Force team allegedly removed a 60-foot-wide metallic object from an impact area and moved it to Kirtland AFB. 1974 May--Possible UFO crash at Ramstein AFB, Germany. Witness states, "Sometimes we actually got lucky enough to score a hit with a missile before the UFO could take any evasive action, which an army air defense battalion did with an antiaircraft missile near Ramstein

1554 Air Force Base. The spacecraft managed to crash-land in a valley. The craft was retrieved and flown back to Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada." 1974 November 9--A glowing object fell into a small lake outside Carbondale, New Jersey. Three teenagers saw it fall at 7:30 p.m. on a Saturday. They observed a yellow-white glow under the water that shifted to a point 25 feet offshore. The boys were kept in a police car for three hours while a number of vehicles with floodlights and cranes removed a disc-shaped object and put it into a van. The following Monday, a railroad lantern and battery were recovered from the lake and officials called the whole thing a hoax. Hoax? Or cover story? 1974 , Georgy Constantinovich Joucov 1896-1974 , , , , . ( ' .) 1974 . , , . , 1971, , . , , , , , , . " ", . , , , . " ", o "" " ". , , , , .

1555 , . , . , , . ' " " . " ", , '. , " ". , " " , , 20 (...). , ' , , ' , . . . ' . , . , , . , . , " ". , . , " ". , , '

1556 , . , . . , ' . . , ' '. , , , . . , , , , ' , , ' . , , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , . , . ' , , , , " " , , , . , . . , , , . , , . ,

1557 , , , , , , . , . . , , ' , , , . , , , . , . ' , . - . ' . , , , " ". , " ", , . , " ". . , ' , . " ", , . , , . , ' " ", , . , , , ' " ". , ,

1558 . , , , . , . , , , . , , . , . ' . , , , , , . , , " " , , ' , . , , , , , . , , , . . , , ', , ' . . ' , 2.7.1974 1974 October 27-- In the late night hours, an Essex, England family of five was driving home, when they were suddenly covered by a strange, green mist. Screaming in fear, the family members could see nothing, but they could feel a hard bump. Their next memory was waking in a spot about 1/2 mile farther down the same road, yet over an hour later. It would be more than two years until family members were put into regressive hypnosis. This memory retrieving procedure would recall a scenario of alien abduction. The car was "beamed" into a UFO, and a typical physical examination was carried out on the members. 1974 Robert Galley, French Minister of Defense, says publicly, "I must say that if listeners could see for themselves the mass of reports coming in from the airborne gendarmerie, from the mobile gendarmerie,

1559 and from the gendarmerie charged with the job of conducting investigations, all of which reports are forwarded by us to the National Center for Space Studies, then they would see that it is all pretty disturbing." 1974 Rabbi Antelman lists three steps Reform Jews plan to use to eliminate all Jewry: The initial thrust was philosophically Karaitic, an attack on the Talmud. [The Karaites were a Jewish sect founded in Babylonia toward the end of the 8th century, who denied the authority of the Oral Law and the Talmud.] The intermediate stage was complete apostasy, an attack on the Torah. However, the final state is even worse: a complete reversal of all Biblical law. Antelman, writing in 1974, said the Reform has followers today who are now calling for abolition of capital punishment in our society, who endorse abortion, who seek to justify the tolerance of criminal elements, who approve of adultery and illicit sexual relations and who have even incorporated homosexual congregations into their structure and praise for 'atheistic' rabbis... 1974 There are multiple humanoids sighted in Argentina. 1974 There is a wave of cattle mutilations across Nebraska and South Dakota. 1974 There is an unsolved break-in at Howard Hughes' Hollywood headquarters. Numerous documents are taken that are of interest to the CIA, the Mafia and the White House. 1974 Warren Commission alumnus Gerald Ford becomes President. 1974 Widely reported UFO crash near Detroit. The alleged crash was announced twice by a TV station in Detroit, the first time in the morning: a UFO with four aliens aboard had been intercepted by the United States Air Force and had crashed in the area. One of their craft had been intercepted somewhere north of Detroit, engaged by the United States Air Force. People in the area never found out what happened after that. Everyone waited for the six o'clock news to tell them more. But the news crew only confirmed the landing, yet avoided being specific about its location and presented what little information they had with great caution, as if doing their best to downplay the sensational and possibly panic-causing information they were supplying, straight-faced and soberly, to their public. These were the station's regular newscasters, reputable and popular, with everything to lose by creating a hoax and nothing but brief notoriety to gain. By the time the eleven-o'clock news came around, the story had changed. The prime-time news crew had perpetrated an irresponsible and inexcusable hoax, and had therefore been dismissed from their jobs. No UFOs had landed; no aliens were in custody, dead or alive; the United States Air Force had positively not engaged or intercepted any craft whatsoever in the skies above Michigan;

1560 and that, officially and absolutely, was that. The early and 6 o'clock broadcasts are a matter of public record. 1974 . , , , , . . [D.D.], [ ()!;] 1974, 20 . " . " 19 . " , 2, . " .. , , , , , " 1974, ' , ' ' , . ". " 9 TWA 11 . 1974, , , . , , , . 39 , 15. 1974, , , , 1974, . : Gilles Kepel: " , , ", . 1992, . " ", . 270. .. .

1561 . , , , , , 1967. , " ". , , " ". : Aran Gideon, "Jewish Zionist Fundamentalism: The Block of the Faithful in Israel, Goush Emounim", [: : ], . , , : ""! , , , [ ], . , , . , . 1975 +Apostolos: The bastard Karamanlis came, I leave Athens 1975 15-foot big bird sighted in Texas. 1975 787,000 women are subjected to hysterectomies. 1,700 die as a result. Tsarion 1975 A 1975 military manual predicts the development of ethnic chemical weapons which would be designed to exploit naturally occurring differences in vulnerability among specific population groups. Ref: Biological Weapons and Third World Targets, Science for the People, July-Aug. 1981, pp 16-20. Tsarion 1975 A General Accounting Office (GAO) study of the FDA reveals that 150 FDA officials owned stock in the companies they were supposed to regulate. Tsarion 1975 Alan Wetheral first comes forward claiming that the "surgeon's photo" of the Loch Ness Monster is a fake. 1975 An Ontario carpenter, Robert Suffern sees a UFO and an alien. He reports the sighting, and is eventually visited by US and Canadian officials who apologize for the landing.

1562 1975 Animal encephalitis outbreak rages in 16 states in the U.S. Tsarion 1975 Animal mutilation cases in Washington State, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. Tsarion 1975 April 19 India's first satellite is launched by a Soviet rocket. 1975 Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford by Manson follower "Squeeky" Linnette Fromme. A second attempt by Jane Moore soon follows. Two attempts. 1975 Bilderberger meeting in Cesme, Turkey. 1975 December 27--A farmer at Cessnock, New South Wales, Australia, reported a monitor lizard nearly 30-feet long. The creature had a two-foot neck, a three-foot head, and stood nearly three-feet tall. As far as the farmer could tell, the lizard had four legs. 1975 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis publishes a preliminary survey which shows that people in fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The National Cancer Institute attempts to refute the studies. Later in 1975, Yiamouyiannis joins with Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (19391974) in performing other studies which are then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney, who was the original author of the Delaney Amendment, which prohibited the addition of cancer-causing substances to food used for human consumption. Both reports confirmed the existence of a link between fluoridation and cancer. (Note: Obviously Dr. Burk felt free to agree with scientific truth only after his tenure at NCI ended, since his job depended on towing the party line). Tsarion 1975 Dr. Peter Beter charges that gold has been removed from Fort Knox and replaced by plutonium by CIA and Rockefeller agents. Tsarion 1975 Dr. Robert H. Rines and a team of investigators from the Academy of Applied Sciences at MIT take photographs and sonar soundings of the creature in Loch Ness. They get the "Fin" picture. 1975 During a spate of unexplained nocturnal killings of farm and domestic animals in Puerto Rico, owners sometimes reported being awakened by a "loud screech" and hearing the flapping of enormous wings. Several witnesses claimed daylight sightings of what one called a "whitish-colored gigantic condor or vulture." 1975 Education of the Handicapped Act creates a $1 billion fund. Tsarion 1975 Federal Drug Administration Bureau of Biologics concludes that Diptheria toxoid (vaccine) is not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated. They admit that Diptheria may occur in vaccinated people, and note that the permanence of immunity induced by the toxoid is open to question. Tsarion

1563 1975 Five related peptides with opiate properties were found in the brain and the pituitary gland. Evidence for others existed in the bloodstream, spinal fluid, and even in amniotic fluid. The first of these substances were isolated in Scotland, and they were called enkephelins. Tsarion 1975 German technology allows sonic weapon development. Project Gabriel. Tsarion 1975 Group of top world scientists meet in England to discuss the other races on the moon that pose a threat, supposedly the malevolent Grays and benevolent Nordics. 1975 Hugh MacDonald publishes Appointment in Dallas, which describes posthumously a man named Herman Kimsey, a veteran U. S. Army counter-intelligence operative and ranking CIA official until his resignation in 1962, as saying Oswald was programmed to kill like a medium at a sance, then the mechanism went on the blink, and he became a dangerous toy without direction. Three weeks after the interview between MacDonald and Kimsey, Kimsey dies of a heart attack. Tsarion 1975 The Pol Pot Communist Holocaust in Cambodia (1975) 2.5 million slaughtered. 1975 Japan stops using Pertussis vaccine following publicity about vaccine-related deaths. Tsarion 1975 Kennedy Deaths: Roger Craig (ex Dallas Deputy who claimed to have seen Oswald leaving the TSBD) is found shot to death, a victim of "suicide". 1975 Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino breaks with the Satanic Church of Anton LeVey and founds the Temple of Set, a group which grew to operate on a national level and involved with U.S. agencies in ritual abuse, sacrifice and mind control. Tsarion 1975 May 10-- Five people set out on a fishing trip on the Saint John's River in Florida. One of the five, Brenda Langley, saw a strange thing in the water, something with a long neck, horns, a downturned mouth, and "flaps" hanging from the sides of its head. The creature was also a pinkish, "boiled shrimp" color. 1975 May-- In May, two weeks after a dramatic sighting from his Piper Pa24--a sighting confirmed on the radar screens at the Mexico City airport--a young pilot was pursued down the freeway by four blacksuited, "Scandinavian-looking men in a black limousine. After forcing him to the side of the road, they warned him not to discuss his sighting; the pilot was on his way to do a television interview. A month later one of the strangers reappeared and threatened him again as he was on his way to a hotel to talk with J. Allen Hynek, the prominent American astronomer and UFO investigator. That was his last meeting with the

1564 MIB, whom he remembered as tall and strangely white; "I never saw them blink," he added. 1975 N.M. Rothschild and Sons open operations in Hong Kong to take advantage of liberal gold trading laws. Tsarion 1975 New York police arrest managers of a branch of Chemical Bank, who had been accepting cash flow of Paul Lucas heroin mob. Tsarion 1975 November 5--Travis Walton was leaving the site where he worked in the mountains of Northeastern Arizona near Snowflake. He, and five others he worked with, saw a light in the woods. Thinking that is may be a crashed airplane, they drove closer. Travis was the only one to leave the truck for a closer look. The other five men in the truck saw Travis hit by a blue beam from the disc-shaped object. Travis was missing for five days. After his return, he had no memory of his abduction. Travis remembered some events that took place during his abduction over time, and was able to vividly describe them under hypnosis. He recalled seeing Grays and being given a tour of the craft. This would later be made into a movie titled Fire in the Sky with James Garner. 1975 November 8--A UFO incident at Malmstrom AFB in Montana. 1975 October 30--A UFO incident at Wurtsmith AFB in Michigan. 1975 October-- Residents of a Walnut Creek, California neighborhood saw an immense bird, over five-feet tall with a "head like a vulture" and gray wings, dwarfing a nearby eucalyptus tree. Five minutes later it flew away, revealing a 15-foot wingspan. Around the same time, in nearby East Bay, a number of persons observed the same or a similar bird sitting on a rooftop. 1975 October--In the 1970s, the Cold War was in full bloom. United States military installations that stored weapons of mass destruction pulled out all stops to hide their location from enemy spies and spy planes. Loring Air Force Base, located in the northeastern part of Maine, fit this pattern, housing their nuclear weapons under camouflaged huts, covered with dirt. This fenced in area was under constant watch by the 42nd Security Police Squadron. At precisely 7:45 P.M. on October 27, 1975, Staff Sergeant Danny K. Lewis was performing his normal duties of keeping a watchful eye on the hidden weapons area. His attention was diverted by the sudden appearance of an unidentified flying craft at an altitude of about 300 feet. The craft was approaching from the north, with a bright red navigation light, and a white strobe light. To Lewis' surprise, the craft entered the official airspace of Loring. At the same time, Staff Sergeant James P. Sampley of the 2192nd Communications Squadron was on duty in the control tower of the base.

1565 Sampley received a radar return from an unidentified craft, which he calculated from his radar screen as being 10-13 miles east-northeast of the base. As per his orders, he made calls via radio through all available communication bands, both military and civilian, hailing the craft. He got no response. As he kept an alert eye on his screen, the craft began to circle the base, and finally came to within 300 yards of the highly restricted nuclear storage area. The craft's altitude was now a mere 150 feet. By this time, Sergeant Lewis was notifying his Command Post that the unknown craft had penetrated the perimeter of the base, and was closing in on the nuclear storage area. The base was instantaneously put on a Security 3 alert status. Security officials contacted Sampley in the Control tower to verify the sighting via radar. Making his way to the tower, Sergeant Grover K. Eggleston began studiously watching the craft on radar. It had now began circling ten miles east-northeast of the base. The base's Wing Commander ordered a search of the grounds, and requested air support from Hancock Field, New York, and North Bay, Ontario. Neither of the bases would oblige his request at the time. The Maine State Police and airport flight services were contacted in an attempt to identify the unknown object. Again, no identification was forthcoming. The ground search also came up empty handed. For an additional 40 minutes, the unknown craft circled in the vicinity of the base. Finally it left it's pattern, and headed toward Grand Falls, New Brunswick. Now about 12 miles from Loring, it disappeared from the radar screen. The base was quiet for the rest of the night, but the Stage 3 alert was kept until the next morning. SAC Headquarters was notified of the details of the unknown craft. Unbelievably, the next night at exactly the same time, the craft returned. Lewis was again on duty, along with Sergeants Blakeslee and Long. The craft was approaching Loring from the north, this time at about 3,000 feet. The craft got as near as three miles from the base, again showing flashing lights of orange, red, and white. All three of the men on duty witnessed the craft. Lewis reported his sighting to Command, and this time the Wing Commander came to the storage area to verify the sighting. He confirmed the findings of the three duty officers. Radar again confirmed the unknown craft. The appearance of an other worldly craft would also be confirmed by Sergeant Steven Eickner, and others. A group of military witnesses reported an orange and red object shaped like a stretched out football, which amazingly hovered in midair. It's lights suddenly were darkened, and then the craft reappeared over the runaway, hovering about 150 feet off the ground. They also estimated the length of the craft at about 75-80 feet, solid, with no visible doors or windows, no visible means of propulsion, and totally silent. Again the base was put on full alert, and a security detail searched the base, finding nothing. Finally, the craft turned

1566 off it's lights, and vanished from view. Radar picked up the unknown craft heading in the direction of Grand Falls, New Brunswick. A second report was sent to SAC headquarters. The unsettling events of October 27 and 28 would finally get the attention of military personnel who were in a position to give support to Loring. October 29 would bring a National Guard helicopter for support, just in case. Canadian authorities were given permission to cross the border if needed. Royal Canadian Mounted Police provided an officer to ride along in the helicopter. Those who waited for another visit would not be disappointed. The helicopter was called into action, and immediately responded. Accompanying the RCMP officer were Loring Air Security officers, and an officer from the Maine State Police. The chopper followed the leads sent from radar, but even when approaching within 100 yards, they could see nothing in the skies. The next night brought an Air Force helicopter, and a crew from Plattsburgh AFB. October 30 brought more sightings from the ground, and radar confirmation. There would be more ground sightings of strange lights for the remainder of 1975 in the same area, but investigations by the USA and Canada released no findings for public knowledge. The sightings at Loring Air Force Base were only a part of a full-fledged flap in the northern region of the United States, and southern area of Canada. This sighting flap holds a credible place in UFO history. 1975 October--Near Milton, Kentucky, Clarence Cable reported a "giant lizard" was roaming the forests near his junkyard. Cable described the creature as "about fifteen-feet long, had a foot-long forked tongue, and big eyes that bulged something like a frog's. It was dull-white with black-and-white stripes across its body with quarter-size speckles over it." On-site field investigations by Mark A. Hall, however, indicated this "giant lizard" ran bipedally, according to other Trimble County, Kentucky witnesses. 1975 Onassis dies. Tsarion 1975 Rockefeller Commission looks into CIA misconduct. 1975 Rockefeller Commission releases report on CIA activities showing CIA violations of law, but significant violations are suppressed. Tsarion 1975 Rockefeller Foundation gives $100,000 to the Institute for World Order. Tsarion 1975 Searle company drugs Adactone and Flagyl found to cause cancer in mice. Tsarion 1975 Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says publicly, "It is still classified above Top Secret (info about UFOs). I have, however, heard that there is a plan to release some, if not all, of this material in the near future". 36 (2011 )

1567 , , , , ; 1975 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute publishes a paper on the Delayed Toxic Effects of Chemical Warfare Agents, specifically organophosphates. (See 1989 and Los Angeles malathion spraying.) Tsarion 1975 Summer--An Oyster Bay, New York, science teacher named Tom D'Ercole was in his driveway about to enter his car when he took a last glance up at the sky. There, hovering above the roof of his house, he saw a small dark cloud unlike the occasional cumulocirrus clouds that were floating by at a much higher altitude. "The 'cloud' seemed to move and slightly enlarge as I watched it," D'Ercole related. "This basketballsized 'cloud' floated back and forth across the peak of the roof, changing in shape from a small globular mass to a larger ovoid and finally becoming an abstract, multicurved, dark, vaporous 'something.' It finally measured about six feet in height and 11/2 feet in width." Stunned and unable to think of a rational explanation, he continued to watch in disbelief as events took an even stranger turn. The cloud seemed to inhale, purse its "lips," and direct a stream of water toward him and the car, soaking both. After a minute the spray stopped, and the cloud vanished instantly. After changing his clothes, D'Ercole took his wet shirt to Garden City Junior High School, where he worked, and ran a pH test on it. The precipitation was simply water. 1975 The "Covenant of the Goddess" (COG) founded. 1975 The British medical journal Lancet reports on a study which compared the effect on cancer patients of chemotherapy or no treatment at all. No treatment proved significantly better policy for patient survival and quality of life. Tsarion 1975 The extraterrestrial Pleidaian race first contacts Swiss man Billy Eduard "Billy" Meier, continuing to contact him for years to come. Over this time he produced 800 photographs and 3000 pages of written notes from the conversations he allegedly had with them. It is commonly believed that Billy Meier's story is a hoax. 1975 The U.N. General Assembly, incredibly enough, declares that Zionism is a form of racism, and that it violates a 1965 U.N. anti racism declaration. 1975 The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 equates Zionism with racism. 1975 Travis Walton abduction in Mississippi. Tsarion 1975 Twenty people disappear following a strange UFO religion meeting in Oregon. Tsarion 1975 Two farmers stopped their car along a road in the Wattagan Mountains in Australia to move a log which was lying in their path.

1568 When they attempted to move it, though, the "log" obligingly moved itself--it was a giant monitor, 30-feet long. 1975 U.S. ships 1.4 million pounds of uranium oxide to the Soviet government. Tsarion 1975 U.S. Viking probe goes to Mars to seek signs of life. Tsarion 1975 UFO contact in South Africa leaves overwhelming evidence. 1975 Unusually warm weather plagues the Soviet Union. Tsarion 1975 . , 1975 , . 1975, , , 13. 1975, 10 , 72 , 35 , 32 3 . " 4 ' 15 62 . 1975 35 ... " Y" ... . , 1974, 4 . , . : 8 1975, . 34 (..: 11-11-2008) , , . (..: 3 ). : 8-3-75 , . , !!!... . : ; 1975, , 35

1569 1975: Six economic powers meet in Paris (USA, Japan, Germany, France, Britain and Italy) forming the G6 1975: the first oil is piped ashore from the North Sea 1975: revolution in Cambodia 1975: revolution in Laos overthrows the monarchy by guerrilla forces of the Pathet Lao 1975: revolution in Cape Verde 1976: student demonstrations and election-related violence in Thailand lead police to open fire on a sit-in at Thammasat University, killing hundreds. The military seizes power the next day, ending constitutional rule. 1976 "Skull & Bones" (a German-based cult) member George Bush becomes director of CIA. 1976 +Apostolos: cont. Lyceum in Mehaniwna, 1976 According to a letter from the British Association for Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children, published in the British Medical Journal of February 1976, two years ago we started to collect details from parents of serious reactions suffered by their children to immunizations of all kinds. In 65% of the cases referred to us, reactions followed triple vaccinations. The children in this group total 182 to date. All are severely brain damaged, some are paralyzed, and 5 have died during the past 18 months. Approximately 60% of reactions (major convulsions, collapse, screaming) happened within 3 days and all within 12 days. Tsarion 1976 After declining steadily since 1922, cases of Pertussis (whooping cough) suddenly begin to rise significantly between 1976 and 1980, during the same time vaccination for Pertussis was increased. The number of reported cases has risen each year since 1977. Reasons are said to be unclear why school age children make up the bulk of the cases. Tsarion 1976 American Cancer Society decides to remove its ban on 3 of over 66 known methods of cancer management (Coley's toxins, Staphage Lysate and hyperthermia) with no explanation. Tsarion 1976 August 21--One of the most curious abduction cases in UFO history. Artist Chuck Rak, and three friends from the Massachusetts College of Art--Charlie Foltz, and twins Jim and Jack Weiner went canoeing in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine, situated between the White Mountains and New Hampshire. Oddly enough, this was the very area where Betty and Barney Hill were abducted by aliens in September of 1961 (and also close to Loring AFB which had experienced its own share of bright, unexplained lights over its weapons facilities in early 1975). On the first day of their outing the men climbed Mount Katahdin, a place known to be sacred to the American Indians of the region, and home of the grest spirit Pomola. The following day, the men

1570 met up with their aerial connection to get them to Telos Lake accessible only by pontoon plane. After quite a trip into the dense forest region they canoed up Chamberlain Lake, camping at Mud Brook. That night, witnessed by other campers in the area, several UFOs in the form of flashing lights were seen. On the fourth night of their roughing-it, the men decided to do a little night fishing on Eagle Lake. Prior to leaving they wisely constructed a very large bonfire to act as a beacon so they could find their back in the darkness. Not more than 20 minutes out on the water they encountered a "large, bright, pulsing spherical light" ascending over the tops of the trees on the far shore. Charlie flicked his flashlight on and off at the brilliant object with three long and three short flashes. The glowing object replied by suddenly moving directly over them, hovering in complete silence. Frightened, the men paddled wildly to get back to shore. After reaching the campsite they watched the object hover for a while and then simply disappear. But something wasn't right. The bonfire they had built was nothing but nearly cold cinders; a fire which should have burned for several hours was all but dead, and yet, they were certain they had only been gone about thirty minutes. They reported the sighting to a somewhat disbelieving ranger and completed their camping trip without further incident. It was not until 1986 that Jack Weiner started having horrific nightmares that slowly revealed lost information and memory about what had happened during those missing hours on the lake. His dreams contained the classic abduction characteristics and phenomenon--the men were lifted from their boat into the UFO by some sort of beam of light... they were undressed and examined medically by beings not of this world, described as being spindly, thin and disturbingly insect-like...their memories were expunged...and they were returned to their canoe. Subsequently, under hypnosis all four men recalled the same horrendous event with few variations in detail. 1976 Bilderberger meeting canceled due to Prince Bernhard/Lockheed bribery scandal. Lord Home of the Hirsel, former Prime Minister for the United Kingdom, became the new chairman of the group. 1976 Bilderberger meeting cancelled due to scandal involving Prince Bernhard and Lockheed. Alternate meeting in Nogales, Arizona, attended by many CFR/Bilderberger figures. Tsarion 1976 Bulgarian sailors Yulia and Doncho Popasov carried out a world tour on their 8 meter ship. In late April, they saw large circles of light circles on the water surface, which were sliding past. The sailors got the impression that, from the ocean depths, a searchlight shone. Yulia even heard a moan behind her back. She turned around, and something

1571 very huge seemed to hang over her. Then she saw a large light approaching the ship. It had the shape of a ship with people onboard. 1976 CIA document released in this year, say Ultrasonics research lasted 20 years. 1976 Congress concludes all emergencies are over in PL 94-12. Tsarion 1976 Congress leaves intact all Presidential laws set up under Trading Enemy Act. Tsarion 1976 Congress passes PL 94-266 to pay for national swine flu inoculation in U.S. Tsarion 1976 Dr. D. W. Allman and co-workers from Indiana University School of Medicine feed animals 1 part-per-million (ppm) fluoride and notice the urinary levels and tissue levels of a substance called cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) increased by more than 100%. They also found that in the presence of aluminum in a concentration as small as 20 parts per billion, fluoride is able to cause an even larger increase in cyclic AMP levels. Cyclic AMP inhibits the migration rate of white blood cells, as well as the ability of the white blood cell to destroy pathogenic organisms. Ref: Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 55, Sup B, p523, 1976, Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Tissue Cyclic AMP Concentration in Vivo. (Note: It is no small accident that toothpaste tubes containing fluoride are often made of aluminum, nor is it an accident that aluminum cookware and fluoride use were injected into the population virtually simultaneously.) Tsarion 1976 Dr. J. Richard Crout, test director at the FDA Bureau of Drugs since 1971, testifies before Congress on April 19th that prior to 1974, not one scientific office in our place knew his work assignments, nor did any manager know the work assignments of the people under him. Tsarion 1976 Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, says that analysis indicates that the live virus vaccine in use since the 1960's is the principle, if not sole cause of all polio cases since 1961. Tsarion 1976 Dr. Robert Simpson of Rutgers University addresses science writers at a seminar of the American Cancer Society, pointing out, ..immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, polio, etc. May actually be seeding humans with RNA to form latent proviruses in cells throughout the body. These latent proviruses could be molecules in search of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosis, Parkinsons disease, and perhaps cancer. According to Dr. Wendell Winters, a UCLA virologist who also attended the seminar, immunizations may cause changes in the slow viruses and changes in the mechanism of DNA. This is being studied by Dr. Robert Hutchinson at the University of Tennessee. Tsarion

1572 1976 Fall 1976 - Radio operators all over the world begin receiving peculiar electronic pulses which they dub the woodpecker. [It is learned that the source of the woodpecker is the Soviet Union. Soviet weather engineers are sending out the most powerful man-made radio beams ever created - many times more powerful than anything even planned before that - in efforts to alter the earth's weather.] 1977 - The Trilateral Commission publishes official paper #13 entitled Collaboration with Communist Countries in Mankind's Global Problems. The report recommends Trilateral/Communist cooperation in nine areas of global concern including weather modification. - 1976 FDA Pertussis vaccine specialist Charles Manclark comments, Pertussis vaccine is one of the most troublesome products to produce and assay. It has one of the highest failure rates of all products submitted to the Bureau of Biologics for testing and release. Approximately 15-20% of all lots which pass manufacturer tests fail to pass the tests of the Bureau. Tsarion 1976 First expansion of ELF grid on Soviet Woodpecker Project (Fall 76). Tsarion 1976 First sighting of the Nottingham "Lion" in England. It is followed by over sixty sightings in the next week. 1976 Foul smelling humanoids are seen near Baltimore, Maryland. 1976 George HW Bush becomes Director of the CIA, the enforcement arm of CFR. Tsarion 1976 HIV virus discovered in African blood banks. Tsarion 1976 House committee established to investigate the JFK and MLK assassinations (HSCA, House Select Committee on Assassinations). HSCA determines that there were two gunmen, firing four shots. 1976 Huge caches of arms found in California owned by groups expecting a Communist takeover of the United States. Tsarion 1976 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Royal Bank of Canada, its affiliate, directly order Guyana to grow marijuana in order to earn foreign exchange and to host People's Temple compound led by Jim Jones, later confirmed to be a CIA led experiment in drugs and mind control. Tsarion 1976 It was discovered that enkephelins operated within the nerve tracks that signal chronic pain to the brain, and that some enkephelin receptors were found positioned to direct nerve impulse traffic from one nerve to the next, along primary paths of perception, emotion and pain. Later in 1976, in Britains National Institute for Medical Research, the peptide beta-endorphin was isolated from the pituitary of a monkey. It had an analgesic potency 100 times that of morphine and 40 times greater than enkephelins. Beta endorphins were split into Alpha and Gamma, the

1573 difference being only one amino acid. While Gamma produced a sensitivity to pain, Alpha produced analgesia. It was then postulated that Beta endorphins could act like a switch to balance reaction to pain. Lower blood sugar regulates certain neurotransmitters and controls certain hormones, all leading to certain behavioral effects from speed-learning to flight-or-fight and pain suppression. So, schizophrenia at this time was diagnosed as typifying a de-activation of the beta endorphins. Beta endorphins have emerged as the most important element in the biochemistry of behavior. He who controls beta endorphins controls the mind. Tsarion 1976 January 2--A photograph of a UFO was taken by an RAAF Serviceman at 6.15pm at Butterworth/Penang, Malaysia. The object was described as glowing in bright orange color and had several portholes lining the edge. 1976 Jimmy Carter (CFR) elected. Zbignew Brzezinski (CFR/TLC) appointed National Security Advisor. Five other high level members of president's staff all members of CFR/TLC. 1976 Jimmy Carter elected president of the United States. Leaves for vacation on St. Simon Island, favorite Bilderberger haunt north of Jekyll Island. Tsarion 1976 July 13-14 Former SS Colonel Joachim Peiper is murdered at his home near Traves, France, and his house is burned down around him. One of his arms and a leg were missing and the body could only be identified by his watch and dental records. It was rumored that French patriots, communists or even a Jewish revenge squad were responsible. (Secrets) 1976 Kennedy Deaths: Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli are murdered in separate incidents, supposedly to keep them from talking about the CIA-Mafia involvement in the JFK assassination and the attempts against Castro. 1976 Los Angeles Times quotes U. S. Ambassador Walt Stoessel as telling his Moscow staff that the Soviet microwaves can cause emotional and behavioral problems, as well as leukemia, cancer, and cataracts. Tsarion 1976 Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, by Ltc. David Dean, American University Press, 1986, features an article by Capt. Paul Taylor, U. S. Navy, entitled The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict, in which he discusses radio frequencies disruptive to purposeful behavior and the brain as a electrically mediated organ. Said Taylor, a weapon could be achieved where an effect could lead to cardiac standstill and death. Tsarion 1976 Malathion used in Pakistan poisons 2,500 people. Tsarion

1574 1976 May 12--Possible UFO crash in the Australian Desert, four bodies recovered. 1976 , 1982 1984. 1987 (, 3, 1982, . 893) 1976 May 14--A multiple-witness encounter revived interest in the Chinese yeren "wildman" and brought it international attention for the first time. Early in the morning of May 14, six local bureaucrats on their way home from a meeting spotted a "strange, tailless creature with reddish fur" on a rural highway near Chunshuya, Hubei province. Switching the headlights on high, the driver followed the creature as it tried to escape up an embankment along the roadside. It slipped and landed right in front of the jeep, which nearly hit it. The five passengers jumped out and surrounded the beast, now positioned on all fours and staring directly into the headlights. Afraid to approach it too closely, the witnesses, who were not armed, got no closer than six feet. One of them, Zhou Zhongyi, tossed a rock at the yeren's buttocks, causing it to stand briefly. At this the group retreated, and the animal lumbered away and this time executed a successful climb up the slope. The party described the creature as over six feet tall, covered in thick brown- and purpled-red wavy hair, with a fat belly and pronounced buttocks. The eyes struck them as humanlike, but the face was clearly apelike, with large ears and a protruding monkeylike snout. 1976 More than 500 people receiving flu vaccinations become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Tsarion 1976 National Enquirer, June 22, 1976, describes the ARPA Mind Control Program. Tsarion 1976 National Institute for Drug Abuse estimates 5,800 deaths in hospitals between 1976-1977 from use of psychiatric drugs on patients. Tsarion 1976 Nogales, Arizona summit meeting with Russian Delegation attended by many CFR/Bilderberg figures. 1976 NSC directive 4A authorizes covert psych ops against U. S. citizens Tsarion 1976 On July 4, 1976, the Soviets begin weather engineering operations designed to further induce global warming. By 1979, the U. S. would have their own program in operation. Work proceeds at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory that is officially disguised as environmental cleanup research using high-energy microwave generators to clean the atmosphere of ozone-destroying chemicals. See HAARP (1994). Soviet Tesla Magnifying Transmitters are energy source. Tsarion

1575 1976 Plot to assassinate Henry Kissinger in Costa Rica blocked by police. Tsarion 1976 President Elect Carter leaves for vacation on St. Simon Island, first of several visits to the Georgia coastal island of Bilderberg fame and immediately north of Jeckyl Island where the Federal Reserve Plot was hatched in 1910. 1976 PROJECT SIGMA reorganized as separate project from parent PROJECT SIGN. 1976 The Viking I pictures of July 31, 1976 shot from an altitude of 1.278 miles over the northern hemisphere show the now well-known Mars face (1.5 Km long) and to the left of it the symmetrical forms of several pyramids. The very existence of these buildings is revolutionary enough to shake all the so-called world religions to their foundations by hinting that the earthbound human race is perhaps not alone after all and definitely not the crown of Creation. The existence of the pyramids allows two hypotheses that destroy all previous accounts about the history of humanity. The builders of the pyramids were either out predecessors, raising the question of how they got to Mars. If that was the case, they had to have possessed an advanced technology, a fact that western religions and science denies. Or the builders of the pyramids were not related to humans, which means that the pyramids bear witness to the existence of extraterrestrial life-forms, another fact that the aforementioned institutions steadfastly deny. Perhaps the builders have not disappeared, but have just moved a level lower? If, however, they did colonize Earth at one time they probably are one of our main races now. (Perhaps the red race, just as the name implies?) 1976 Research begins on the behavioral effect of microwaves as weapons. Tsarion 1976 Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli murdered. Tsarion 1976 Pol Pot. [ ] 2 3 Cambodia 1970. - . Saloth Sar [Khmer Rouge] 1976 1979, 4-5 . 1976 Ankndigung der Feier der Exkommunikation von Dr. Henry Kissinger, Staatssekretr der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika durch den hchsten Rabbiner-Gerichtshof von Amerika. Der jdische Name Kissingers ist Abraham Ben Alazar. Erschienen in der Jewish Press" (Jdischen Presse) von New York am Freitag, dem 18. Juni 1976.

1576 1976 Scientists discover viral cause of multiple sclerosis. Tsarion 1976 Scientists at MIT announce construction of a functional synthetic gene, complete with regulatory mechanisms. Tsarion 1976 September 19--Iranian F-4E jets were dispatched from Shahrokhi Air Force Base in Hamadan, Iran to pursue UFOs reported over Teheran by civilians and tower personnel at Meherabad IAP. The UFOs, which were spotted by the public, and the pilots (and subsequently confirmed by radar), outmaneuvered these jets. Every time the jets approached the crafts, their systems failed. The smaller of the two UFOs engaged one jet, causing it to break off the chase. The smaller UFO landed behind a hill while the larger "Mother Ship" disappeared into the sky. Military helicopters dispatched later to find the UFO that apparently landed reported no evidence of a landing. 1976 Teleguard TG2 DE monitoring device begins to be installed in all TV sets. The device is capable of transmission of all activities and sounds in front of the set to satellite and CIA headquarters. Confirmed in 1993 investigation. Tsarion 1976 Tennessee journalist James Moore reveals he was given Top Secret documents by former CIA officials describing military mind control methods involving Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Tsarion 1976 The swine flu scare and Legionnaires disease. Tsarion 1976 The Boston Globe exposed the still "Top Secret Forward Plan" drafted by the HEW Department which would demand the nation wide compulsory fluoridation of water and vaccination of everybody. News releases were prepared to brainwash and convince the people into believing that fluoridation and vaccination would improve the health and save billions of dollars in doctor and hospital expenses. This plan received so much exposure that it was replaced by the Swine Flu Hoax. 1976 The Humane Society of Utah questions the mysterious death of 50 wild horses who had consumed water from a spring near the U. S. Army Dugway Proving Grounds, a chemical/biological warfare center. Tsarion 1976 Three people arrested for conspiracy to kill Senator Ted Kennedy. Tsarion 1976 U.S. House Banking and Currency Committee Report, May 1976, entitled International Banking, identifies the Rothschild Five Arrows Group and its five branches: N. M. Rothschild & Sons, Ltd. in London, Banque Rothschild in France, Banque Lambert in Belgium, New Court Securities in New York, and Pierson, Holdring & Company in Amsterdam, all of which were combined into Rothschild Intercontinental Bank, Ltd., who in turn has three American subsidiaries: National City Bank of Cleveland, First City National Bank (First City Bancorp) in

1577 Houston, and First National Bank in Seattle. First City Bancorp in Houston would co-chair the Reagan Bush campaign of 1980. The House Report also noted the Rothschild banks are affiliated with Manufacturers Hanover of London and Manufacturers Hanover in New York, which buys CIT Financial Corporation in 1983 for $1.6 billion. Tsarion 1976 Unusually cold weather plagues the United States. Tsarion 1976 Viking Probe discovery of face on Mars. Viking I and II reach Mars. Tsarion 1976 Walter Bowert publishes Operation Mind Control. The public begins to be aware of government activities in this area. Tsarion 1976 West Germany ends its mass Pertussis immunization program. Tsarion 1976 William J. Clinton runs for Attorney General of Arkansas virtually unopposed. Tsarion 1976, : , 5 , . 1976, , , , , , [ ], , 25 1945. " , , , . , 1948 [ 1979] 269 , 8 . " , , , 18 1976. " 11 . " ' . de Broglie. . 1976: punk-rock 1976: the supersonic airplane Concorde, built by France and Britain, begins service 1977 "Champ" is photographed by Sandra Mansi, in Lake Champlain. 1977 (Mar) Jonas and Darrell Salk warn live virus vaccines produce same disease. Tsarion 1977 +Apostolos: to Akademia EPATh for teacher @ priest 1977 7-foot gorilla shot at near Ingalic Creek, Washington, but later came back for chickens.

1578 1977 A Blue Ribbon Panel is convened to investigate the reason for the drop in the general IQ of the United States. Seventy-nine theories were advanced, but none of them satisfactorily explained the drop in mental capacity of the U. S. population. The idea that vaccines could be part of the problem was not brought up. Y. L. Warten, 1977. (The Prussian education system is also part of the problem, for those volkschuelen). Tsarion 1977 A small alien wearing a green uniform and a helmet with blinking red and white lights on it is seen by several people in Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. 1977 April 19 Chinese Education Minister Tsiang Yien-si resigns to take responsibility for an incident in which 32 college students and teachers were killed when their boat capsized near Suao Port in eastern Taiwan. Tsiang was succeeded by Li Yuan-zu. 1977 April 21--The small community of Dover, Massachusetts entered into the crypto-zoological limelight in April, 1977, with three separate sightings of a bizarre creature, termed "The Dover Demon". At approximately 10:30 p.m. on the night of April 21, 17-year old Bill Barlett and two friends were driving down Farm Street in Dover. They were passing the Farm Street Wall when Barlett noticed movement in the loose stones of the wall. As the animal turned its head and stared into the car's headlights, Barlett saw that it was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had two huge orange eyes, a large, oval-shaped head. The creature was thin-limbed, with large hands and feet. It was hairless and fleshtone in color, with a rough texture. Bill later made a sketch of the creature he saw. About two hours later, 15-year old John Baxter saw a short figure approaching down the street. As the figure neared, it stopped and fled into woods at the side of the road. John pursued the small figure into the woods, halting at the edge of a shallow gully. He looked across the gully at a tree, against which stood the figure. Claiming that he did not know of Barlett's sighting, he nonetheless described a similar creature. The next evening, the creature was seen again by Will Taintor and Abby Brabham. They saw a monkeylike creature without hair. It was thin and sat on all fours at the side of the road. Brabham insisted that the creature's eyes were green, even after investigators told her that Barlett and Baxter said they were orange. 1977 August 11-- On a farm south of Odin, Illinois a large grayblack bird flew out of the northeast and in a circle about 300 feet away, as if looking for a tree big enough to hold it. Finally it landed on one near a small pond close to the house. John and Wanda Chappell were able to watch it closely for five minutes-making theirs the most detailed report of all. "It looked like a prehistoric bird," Mrs. Chappell said. "It was really fantastic. The head didn't have any feathers, and it had a long neck,

1579 crooked, kind of 'S' shaped. The body was covered with feathers.... We couldn't tell much about the feet, but it had long legs." Her husband estimated its wingspan at 10 to 12 feet, she at 14. They agreed, however, that it was four feet high; the distance from the tip of the beak to the back of the neck was eight inches. After a few minutes the bird left in a southwest direction. 1977 August 15--The "Big Ear" receiver at Ohio State University receives the "Wow" message. 1977 Benjamin Creme publishes books and speaks publicly about "Maitreya", the new age Christ returning to earth. 1977 Bilderberger meeting in Torquay, England. Alex DouglasHome chosen new Bilderberg chairman. Douglas-Home admits that Bilderberg meetings influence world events. Davis Aaron is Carter Administration representative at Torquay meeting. 1977 British announce they have determined complete genetic structure of a living organism. Tsarion 1977 Cancer Blackout 1977. Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate in Medicine: Cancer ... there is no disease whose prime cause is better the meantime millions of men must die unnecessarily. Tsarion 1977 Carter signs UN charter removing US sovereignty under UN military command. 1977 Cattle mutilations in Grayson Springs, Kentucky. 1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind begins an attempt to "sell" the Aliens to the public. 1977 Congressional representative L. H. Fountain, chairman of the 1977 Sub-Committee Hearings on Fluoride, states that the carcinogenic nature of fluoride remains unanswered and orders the U. S. Public Health Service (U.S.PHS - who is in on the fluoride conspiracy anyway) to conduct animal studies to see if fluoride causes cancer. Dr. Herman Kraybill, from the National Cancer Institute (who in 1972 had been chosen by NCI to write a memo saying that fluorides do not cause cancer) was placed in charge of these studies. Kraybill boldly states, this will be the final study to confirm negativity of fluoride ions in carcinogenesis. He cites 13 studies having nothing to do with the subject of fluorides and cancer in order to support his claim that no link between fluorides and cancer existed. (NCI Director Dr. Arthur Upton later admitted the 13 studies had nothing to do with the subject of the study). (See 1982, 1985,1988) Tsarion 1977 December--Not far from Novy Georgy Island, the crew of the fishing trawler Vasily Kiselev observed something quite extraordinary. Rising vertically from under the water was a doughnut-shaped object. It's diameter was between 300 and 500 meters. It hovered at the altitude of

1580 four to five kilometers. The trawler's radar station was immediately rendered inoperative. The object hovered over the area for three hours, and then disappeared instantly. 1977, Times wrote about a Bilderberg meeting: a clique of the richest, the economical and political most powerful and influential figures in the West meeting secretly to plan events that later on just happen by chance. [ 1977, Times Bilderberg: , "]. 1977 Department of Energy established. Tsarion 1977 February--Broad Haven, UK was the scene of a UFO flap. There were several reported sightings; the most widely publicized was the strange visitation to a field near to Broad Haven Primary School. 14 primary children witnessed a silvery yellow cigar shaped UFO, and a few also witnessed a humanoid figure in a silver suit. Following this report there were adult witnesses to a dome shaped UFO in the same vicinity. There were several more sightings over the following months, which leveled off considerably after 1977. 1977 First space shuttle flight in United States. Tsarion 1977, Congressional Hearings were held in which Dr. Yiamouyiannis and Dr. Burk were able to show that the increase in deaths were due to water fluoridation. At the conclusion of the hearings, Representative Fountain and his committee instructed the United States Public Health Service (well known by now for questionable and dangerous medical advisory practices which benefit the medical and pharmaceutical industries) to conduct animal studies to determine whether or not fluoride causes cancer. As a result, the U.S.PHS retained Battelle Memorial Institute (also well known for NWO technical activities and is considered by many to be part of the cancer cover-up) to perform a study on mice and rats - unfortunately rodent physiology differs considerably from humans, making the transfer of data between species relatively meaningless. (See 1989, Battelle Study). Tsarion 1977 January 10-- In Wakefield, New Hampshire under blizzard conditions and a temp of 5-degrees F, a farmer found a perfectly round hole presumably melted through 14 inches of solid ice on his farm pond. At the bottom of the center of this hole, he could see a black box roughly 12-inches square laying on the bottom. Subsequent Civil Defense Geiger counter readings placed radioactivity at 3 roentgens per hour of gamma radiation. (Usual readings were in the 1000ths of rph.) The place was overrun by police, investigators, and the curious... the black box

1581 disappeared under mysterious circumstances... Witnesses reported seeing state officials leaving the area with plastic bags. The NH governor's office denied the whole thing... and within 24 hours, the entire surface of the pond had melted, despite single digit temperatures. In subsequent days the farmer's dog died, a photo appeared in the local newspaper of two men carrying a heavy object from the pond, and it was discovered that one of the investigators was working with a German firm on some sort of secret assignment. 1977 January 3, According to "Midnight" ("Midnight" Vol. 23, No. 28, pp. 4 5, 1440 Catherine St. West Suite 625, Montreal, Canada) The Soviet have built a "Powerful Laser Beam Base" in Cuba; the highest development of electrical technology in the world and that it can bring death and destruction to the Eastern Coast of the United States. 1977 Joseph Dixon's sow's ears eaten in Mississippi. 1977 July 17--A large Soviet satellite called Cosmos 929 was launched. It has mystified satellite watchers because of its strange behavior in radio signals. Most observers have concluded that it is unmanned, having detected no verbal communications. Rumors have it that it is a twin satellite, consisting of a command module and a separate Particle Beam weapon module. 1977 July 1977 - Jeremiah Novak's article The Trilateral Connection appears in the Atlantic Monthly: For the third time in this century, a group of American schools, businessmen, and government officials is planning to fashion a New World Order... - 1977 July 25--A remarkable series of events which took place in 1977 attracted wide publicity. They began on the evening of July 25 in Lawndale in central Illinois. Three boys, one of them 10-year-old Marlon Lowe, were playing when they saw two large birds come out of the south. They swooped out of the sky toward one boy, who jumped into a swimming pool to escape. They then turned their attention to Marlon, who was grabbed by the straps of his sleeveless shirt and lifted two feet above the ground. As Marlon screamed, his parents Jake and Ruth Lowe and two friends, Jim and Betty Daniels, heard him and witnessed the bizarre sight of the boy held in the talons of a flying bird. Marlon was beating at it with his fists until finally, after carrying him for about 40 feet, it dropped him. By this time Mrs. Lowe, who had headed off in pursuit, was so close to the birds that she had to back up. Then, she said, "the birds just cleared the top of the camper, went beneath some telephone wires and flapped their wings-very gracefully-one more time." They flew off toward the north and in the direction of the tall trees along Kickapoo Creek. According to the witnesses, the birds were black, with white rings on their long necks. They had curved beaks and eight- to 10-

1582 foot wingspreads. They looked, the Lowes decided after consulting books in a library, like condors. The authorities wasted no time or tact in declaring that all concerned were liars, and the Lowes found themselves at the receiving end of withering ridicule. Marlon himself suffered from nightmares for weeks afterwards, though there were no physical injuries. 1977 July--Mister Lu Jiaju, an employee of the Puxing tank farm in China, was the astonished witness to a circular object composed of concentric rings, oscillating slowly over the facility. 1977 July--The Puebla UFO Crash. Hundreds of awed witnesses were able to behold a number of falling unidentified flying objects, some of which were even captured on film. The mobilization of the Mexican Army over the course of the following days made many realize that something significant had indeed transpired, and rumors spread about a UFO which had collided in the mountains. The town of Jopala, to the east of Puebla and in the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico, became the target of serious research. The townspeople had allegedly seen a solid craft explode into thousands of sparks: witnesses included not only the local mayor, but also a number of schoolteachers, who had been able to retrieve pieces of a rough metal. The most curious detail to the townspeople's story was that others had beaten them to recover the pieces of the unusual material--a group of persons who arrived by helicopter and were obviously Americans. The newsmedia would later report, as it often does, that "NASA scientists" had visited the area. More likely than not, these were members of the Air Force's secretive Moondust/Bluefly recovery teams. Upon analysis, one of the recovered pieces of UFO debris proved to be an unusually pure alloy, unavailable to earthly technology at the time. U.S. researchers also believed that a subsequent collision had occurred in Tabasco, and that two dead alien pilots had been recovered from the wreckage. Mexican researchers were greatly annoyed at the fact that foreign investigators had obtained access to the available data before their own research teams. 1977 June 21--The New York Times reported that a 40-ton magnet had been shipped to a group of scientists in the Soviet Union. The device could be used to generate a magnetic field 250,000 times stronger than that of planet Earth. 1977 June 22--Possible UFO crash in northwest Arizona produces five bodies. 1977 Kennedy Deaths: George DeMohrenschildt (after learning that the House assassinations committee wanted to interview him) commits suicide; two days later Dutch journalist Willem Oltmanns testified to the committee that DeMohrenschildts had confessed to him several months earlier that Oswald had "acted on his instructions" in the plot to murder JFK, and that DeMohrenschildt had acted as the middle

1583 man between Oswald and H.L. Hunt; DeMohrenschildt alleged to have left a document naming CIA and FBI officials connected with the assassination in his office. Carlos Prio Sacarras (ex-president of Cuba, former business partner of Jack Ruby in Havana casino, former gunrunner to Pro-Castro guerrillas, who had felt betrayed by Castro and then supported the Bay of Pigs invasion) committed suicide a week after DeMohrenschildt; Lou Staples (Radio talk show host of KRLD in Dallas and KTOK in OKC, who had interviewed Penn Jones, Roger Craig, Mae Brussell and other JFK investigators) falls victim to suicide in OKC. 1977 New York State Conservation Naturalist Alfred Hulstruck reported that the state's Southern Tier had "a scaled, man-like creature (that) appears at dusk from the red, algae-ridden waters to forage among the fern and moss-covered uplands." 1977 November 10--Oe family claimed to have been abducted by visitors from outer space while traveling through North Wales. The family were driving near the village of Llandernog, Denbighshire. They saw a purple triangular craft which then swallowed up their car. The purple object seemed to vanish. The family had lost several hours but could remember nothing about what had taken place during that time. The man whose family were abducted was reportedly instructed by the RAF not to speak publicly about what had happened to him. 1977 November 16--Purported alien landing at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, resulting in an incident between two MPs and an Alien near a missile silo. 1977 Project Dreamscan comes on line with the ability to enter a persons dream state and cause death. Managed by the NSA, the project had assassination as its eventual aim. Project allegedly halted by Carter. Tsarion 1977 Ray Ravenhott, director of the population program for the U. S. Agency for International Development (AID), publically announces his agency's goal was to sterilize 25% of the females on the planet in order to protect U. S. corporate interests from threat of revolutions spawned by chronic unemployment. Ref: St. Louis Post Dispatch U. S. Goal: Sterilize Millions of World's Women, also in Womanews (New York) in article by G. Esterman entitled The Master Plan. Tsarion 1977 Ray Ravenhott, director of the population program of the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), publicly announced the agency's goal to sterilize one quarter of the world's women. In reports by the St Louis Post-Dispatch, Ravenhott in essence cited the reasoning for this being U.S. corporate interests in avoiding the threat of revolutions which might be spawned by chronic unemployment.

1584 1977 Russia deployed charged particle beam weapon in space, upsetting U. S. control of planetary space. Cosmos 929 destroys U. S. satellite. Tsarion 1977 September 17--"One who knows" says Russia started destroying US spy satellites by beam weapons. 1977 September 27--"One who knows" says Russians destroyed US moon base. 1977 The British government conducts the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) which tests the connection between vaccinations and neurological disease. Tsarion 1977 The British government is pressured by the publicity following the new data about Pertussis and DPT vaccinations. Tsarion 1977 The Congressional Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations convenes two full Congressional Hearings on the subject of fluorides. During the hearing, it was proven that (1) The scientific efforts of those promoting fluoridation were fraudulent, and (2) That other existing studies proved beyond a doubt that approximately 10,000 excess cancer deaths per year could be attributed to fluoridation in the United States. Tsarion 1977 The Soviet newspaper Nedelya wrote about a luminescence observed by Vladimir Vorobyov from a Soviet research ship. After having completed an ocean investigation, the team suddenly noticed a white light rotating clockwise at a distance of 150 or 200 m, which split into eight parts. A sonar device registered a depth of 170 m and showed the presence of a big mass under the keel at a depth of 20 m. After 30 minutes, the luminescence disappeared. 1977 The University of Glasgow in Scotland, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Gordon Stuart, publishes a study analyzing 160 cases of adverse reaction and neurotoxicity following DPT vaccination. In 65 of those cases, reactions to DPT shots included convulsions, hyperactivity, and severe mental defect. In a stern statement, Stuart says, it seems likely that most adverse reactions are unreported and/ or overlooked. Tsarion 1977 There is a summer rash of Surrey "Puma" sightings in London, Brighton, and Reigate. 1977 Timothy Leary publishes Exo-Psychology, in which he confides there are two aspects of this social conditioning regime which are not stressed by Skinner. To make it work, the government psychologists must have total control over the citizenry, and there must be total secrecy and censorship. One dissident, freedom-oriented psychologist can totally disrupt a psychological fascism by public exposure. Psychological control techniques cannot be employed in a democracy where minority groups can campaign against and publically

1585 discuss the techniques being used. Thus, the proposals of B. F. Skinner cannot be implemented except in a state where the government has total control of communication. Tsarion 1977 U. S. sells Soviets a supermagnet which they then use for weather modification. Tsarion 1977 United States Hospice, Incorporated is established, funded by the Kaiser Foundation and the Kennedy Institution for Bioethics. Tsarion 1977 , Sir Robert Antony Eden 1897-1977. 1940-1945, 1955-1957 , , , , , . ( 24/09/1942.) 1977 Was a big year for the Jews. 1977 William Jennings Bryan III, master hypnotherapist with CIA connections, is found dead in his hotel room in a Las Vegas hotel. The coroner states he died of natural causes, even before the autopsy is performed. Bryan is believed to have been involved in the hypnotic programming of Albert De Salvo (Boston Strangler), Sirhan Sirhan (before the attack which led to Robert Kennedy's death), James Earl Ray (jailed for the murder of Martin Luther King), and other significant figures in history. Tsarion 1977 : 18, , . . 1977 []. 1977, . , , , , , " 1977, , , , . " ", ,

1586 -, , ". 1977 , , 2 . " 666 . 1977 , 1 10 . 1977 . 1977 . 1977, 18 , , . 1977, . . . . . 1977: Market Women's Revolt in Guinea leads to a lessening of the state's role in the economy. 1978: the Saur Revolution led by the Khalq faction of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan deposes and kills President Mohammad Daud. 1978 +Apostolos: to University Aristoteleion, dep. of Religion 1978 A landed cylinder-shaped UFO come 35-meters long was allegedly seized by the Soviet military somewhere in Russia and transported to Zhitkur. 1978 [2011], T : . : , , , , , . , , , . , , ( ) . ,

1587 . . , . . , 40% . , , . : 100 120 . . 250 500 . ' , . , . " ". , . , . 1978 A series of loud noises are heard along the East Coast of the US, they continue into early the next year. 1978 A UFO similar is shape to a fighter aircraft was allegedly shot down by the Soviet military in Western Kazahstan. UFO and its pilots were transported to Zhitkur. 1978 After a collision with a Soviet fighter plane, a disc-shaped object fell into the ocean off Finland, where it was recovered, with humanoid bodies, by a Soviet salvage team. 1978 Alice Hicks, suspected witch, dies mysteriously. Detective investigating her struck by bad luck in Youngstown, Ohio. 1978: A polish cardinal, Karol Joseph Wojtyla, is elected Pope John Paul II 1978: a Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, is killed with poison by the Bulgarian secret service 1978 April 1978 - The U.S. Department of the Army adds in its Chaplain's Handbook of Religious Requirements new religions which

1588 had become federally recognized and which could be legally practiced on all military bases throughout the world. These new religions are Satanism, witchcraft and other occult religions. - 1978 April 2--39 pilots in a race off Florida experience "time loss" on synchronized watches. Unexplained lights and lighted objects seen and tracked on radar over Florida. 1978 April 26--In Dugway, Utah, a "leak of chemical warfare gas when truck overturned" killed sheep and other livestock and made some people sick. In truth a field experiment involving nerve gas released to determine range of open air dispersal and effects of weather on potency. 417 Americans died. Government controlled press to hush the story. 1978 Attempted murder of Larry Flynt in Lawrenceville, Georgia after he announces a $1 million reward for new information in the JFK assassination, and releasing the "Gemstone File" that reportedly implicates government figures in the murder. Jimmy Carter's brother Billy is investigated for making threatening remarks against Flynt several weeks earlier. Also suspected was Mitchell Werbell, inventor of the silent M-11 rifle used by the CIA, and a Soldier of Fortune with links to clandestine activity in Vietnam, Guatemala and Dealy Plaza. 1978 Bilderberger meeting near Princeton, NJ. 1978 Fall--Xiao Ying, of Yuanlong, Jianxi Province, China told authorities the following: "While walking with my family along a mountain near my home, we saw a huge disk shaped object which passed right over us, spinning and giving off a bluish glow." 1978 February 22--A US Navy KA-6D tanker plane disappears without a trace over the Bermuda Triangle, 100 miles off the Virginia coast. 1978 January 1--A dome-shaped UFO with portholes was seen in broad daylight by veteran pilot Floyd P. Hallstrom of Oxnard, California. Hallstrom had been flying for 37 years, 17 as a Navy combat air crewman and personal crew chief to admirals, including the Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet. Hallstrom had left Oxnard at about 12:35 p.m. in a Cessna 170A bound to San Diego via Los Angeles, following a friend, Jim Victor, who was delivering another plane to a customer at Brown Field, San Diego. The plan was for him to transport Victor back to Oxnard after the delivery. The two kept in touch by radio. As Hallstrom approached Santa Monica at 7,500 feet altitude, the sky was clear except for a smog layer in the vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport. "At this time I was looking for Jim straight ahead," Hallstrom reported, "when I spotted the UFO just on the edge of the haze area above Los Angeles International Airport slightly to the east side....I thought it was Jim so I watched it for about a minute because he had just given me his position report, but it seemed to get larger and coming toward me so I naturally

1589 realized that it wasn't Jim.... "I started looking to see what it was but I could see no wings on this aircraft although at this time I could see windows which appeared to be passenger windows in the aircraft. As it drew nearer though, I was able to determine that there were no wings or horizontal empennage assembly to the aircraft as a conventional aircraft...." Hallstrom began wondering if it was some kind of helicopter, but it was approaching at high speed. As the UFO passed about 6,000 feet to his left, he was looking down on it an angle of about 30-45 degrees. Then the true form suddenly became clear to him. There were no rotors, no tail assembly. "All of a sudden I was able to make out the complete form of a saucer shape or round object...I could see the dome, also very vividly clear, including all the windows.... I observed it to be of a very bright was more of a nickel or highly polished chrome or stainless steel type of metal than aluminum because it had more of a mellow glow than if it was of the type finish on a high finish aluminum." About 16 to 20 evenly spaced windows were visible around the circumference of the dome, located just above the base. The dome appeared to be a perfect hemisphere about 20 feet in diameter resting on the base which was about 30 feet in diameter. The UFO continued on a course of about 310 degrees (opposite to Hallstrom's course) with no sign of rotation, oscillation, pitch, roll, or yaw. Neither was there any sign of a propulsion system. The sun reflected off the dome as a bright spot as the UFO passed. After about a minute the object disappeared from view behind the Cessna. Hallstrom estimated its speed at about 650 m.p.h. He quickly took notes and made a sketch of the UFO. Reaching for his radio microphone, he first called Jim Victor to report what he had seen. Then he notified various FAA authorities. Hallstrom, who was shaken by the sighting, later had troubling dreams, mostly about UFOs and aliens. He had not taken the subject seriously up to this time, but the implications of what he had seen struck home to him. He later reported that the experience had altered his entire life. 1978 January--Possible UFO crash at McGuire AFB in New Jersey. Following a number of UFO sightings in the area, over the airfield and Fort Dix army camp, a Fort Dix Military Policeman was pursuing a low flying object, which then hovered over his car. He described it as "oval shaped" with no details, and glowing with a bluish green color. His radio transmission was cut off. At that time in front of his police car appeared a thing, about four foot tall, grayish brown, fat head, long arms, and slender body. The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 caliber pistol into the thing, and one round into the object above. The object then fled straight up and joined with 11 others high in the sky. The thing ran into the woods towards the fence line and they wanted to look for it. By this time several patrols were involved. They found the body of

1590 the thing near the runway. It had apparently climbed the fence and died while running. It was all of a sudden "hush-hush" and no one was allowed near the area. They roped off the area and AF OSI came out and took over. There was a bad stench coming from it too. Like ammonia smelling but it wasn't constant in the air. That day, a team from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base came in a C-141 and went into the area. They crated it into a wooden box, sprayed something over it, and then put it into a bigger metal container. They loaded it in the plane and took off. That was it, nothing more was said, no report made and they were all told not to have anything to say about it or we would be court martialed. 1978 July 5--After mutilated cows were reported at a ranch some 13 miles east of Dulce, New Mexico, an interesting experiment was conducted by New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez, rancher Gomez, and retired scientist Howard Burgess. They pinned up about 120 of the Gomez beef cattle and moved them through a squeeze chute under an ultraviolet light. They found a "glittery substance on the right side of the neck, the right ear, and the right leg." Samples of the affected hides were removed as well as control samples from the same animals. Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque analyzed the samples and found significant deposits of potassium and magnesium. The potassium content was 70 times above normal. 1978 June 19--Carter issues unconstitutional Executive Order creating FEMA Later FEMA executive orders "authorize" the suspension of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in event of a "National Emergency". 1978 Lord Hunt photographs Yeti tracks. 1978 May 6--Another possible Bolivian UFO crash, this one in Tarija, Bolivia. Perhaps the best known of the crashes in landlocked Bolivia, where witnesses saw an object measuring some 20-feet in diameter fly over their heads and then collide into the sides of a nearby hill. The explosion was heard some 50 miles around, and the Bolivian military was immediately detached to the area to investigate. The Tarija incident was merely one of the events in a localized UFO flap which covered northern Chile and Argentina. The Bolivian task force reached the impact area after strong denials that NASA personnel was somehow involved with their efforts. 1978 After only thirty-three days in occupying St. Peters Chair, this brave Papal Caesar was poisoned by the Masonic agents of the Jesuits within Caesars Palace, one being Jean Cardinal Villot. Found dead one morning by a nun, no autopsy was ever performed and no official death certificate has ever been issued. His fatal error was in attempting to formally relieve Pedro Arrupe of his command as the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He should have learned his

1591 lesson from Pope Clement XIV. In Gods Name, David A. Yallop, (New York: Bantam Books, 1984). 1978 May--The population of Villa Mercedes, Bolivia swamped its local radio station with phone calls concerning an unearthly procession of fifty UFOs across the night skies. Otto Gall, the broadcaster on duty, was able to run outside and verify the events for himself: the wedge-shaped formation of greenish-blue UFOs grew from fifty to a hundred between 10:15 p.m. and midnight. Raul Perez, a sergeant at the nearby Villa Reynolds air base, reported that the objects were flying at an estimated 15,000 feet, and appeared to be soundless, oval-shaped vehicles lacking any portholes or windows. Local shortwave operators were able to pick up Chilean broadcasts from across the border which announced that an enormous fleet of "flying saucers" had just entered the area. Further reports indicated that the aerial display was followed by an enormous detonation allegedly caused by a UFO which plummeted to the ground. The National Gendarmerie sent out its 210th Squadron to comb a vast area of wilderness comprising the localities of Baritu, Las Pavas and Los Toldos in an effort to find the crashed saucer. One newspaper, El Tribuno, reported that the object had gone down in a gully ominously known as "Bolson de los Fantasmas" ("The Ghostly Depths") near Sante Victoria. However, General Victor Gonzalez of the Argentinean High Command reported that the object had fallen near the town of Oran. Argentinean commandos continued the search right up to the Bolivian border, where they learned that their neighbors were also engaged in locating another downed UFO. The Bolivian government, however, refused to discuss its search. 1978 (sedia gestatoria). , , . palafrenieri, . () . (1978) sedia gestatoria. (popemobile). 1978 October 21--Frederick Valentich, flying a Cessna 182 over the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania, radios that he is being followed by a huge, unknown aircraft. No trace of him or his plane is ever found again. 1978 October--Several dozen military pilots and hundreds of employees at Gansu airport in China were surprised by the sudden appearance of an immense cylindrical object over an open-air theatre,

1592 flying over their heads at a low altitude. A powerful beam of light shot out of its bow and a similar one issued from its stern. 1978 Paul Bennewitz begins to see UFOs near the Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility and the Coyote Canyon Test Area near Kirtland AFB in central New Mexico. 1978 September 18--An encounter between two Iranian Phantom jets and an object that failed to appear on radar. When the Americanmade F-4 fighters got close enough to release their air-to-air missiles, the planes' weapons-firing control systems mysteriously and repeatedly failed. 1978 September 8--Researcher and scientist Paul Bennewitz discovers unusual aerial and underground activity in Jicarilla Apache Reservation near Dulce, N.M. (Archuleta plateau). Also sightings of unusual "atomic spacecraft", helicopter pads, black CIA (Nazi SS?) limos, black choppers, hundreds of armed special forces who disappear into the cliffs when approached, mini-lab vans, etc. 1978 The CIA begins to experiment with ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) magnetic fields and EEG Entrainment. 1978 There is an altercation between Aliens and the Military at the Archuletta Mesa laboratory. 44 scientists are killed as well as 66 Delta Force/Blue Berets. 1978 William Pierce publishes The Turner Diaries under the pen name Andrew MacDonald. It becomes the best selling militia revolution novel ever. The press links it to virtually every act of domestic terrorism (that is, domestic terrorism NOT committed by the Jews). 1978 the Crypto-jews are still operating in Iran significantly now under the mullahs, within the leadership. In fact the mullah regime of Iran is very Jewish. The 'Islamic revolution' has a Jewish funded Bolshevik feel to it, as argued before. "In terms of Iran, the shades of the Russian revolution resemble what happened in Iran in 1978-1979; The destruction of the middle class; The destruction of the old elite; Capital flight to Jewish bankers in London; The constant false propaganda fed to the masses by the mullahs without fail in Iran to distract them from the real issues, so you have... Uranium enrichment is our right... Salman Rushdie... the plight of the Palestinians... Holocaust inquiry 9/11 ...with any luck UFO's next strange Islamic laws that do not make sense, and to make matters worse, they are arbitrarily applied without any legal consistency... beyond the sanctimonious talk massive criminality by the ruling elite... so on, so on, so on and so on. The terror against the good Iranian people by the mullahs, the like of which Iran has not experienced since the Mongols invasion 800 years ago. 1978 , 66 .

1593 43, 19 75. , . : 19, , . . , , 1 . 1978 48 , . 3 . "... -. , 1978 ". , ! 1978, , , [910 ]. 1978, , . " 26 1 33 , 29 . . ' . , [ , , !], , [ 25 ], [ 1982 ], , [ -2] , , 13-6-1984. " . " . 1978, , , . 1978, . , 66 . 43 19 , . 1978, , .

1594 , . . . 1979 - Barry Goldwater, retiring Republican Senator from Arizona, publishes his autobiography With No Apologies. He writes: In my view the Trilateral Commission represents a skilful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centres of power - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community. - 1979 +Apostolos: to IMXA, inst. for Russian language 1979 A UFO crashed in the Ural region of Russia near the village of Rinburg. The wreckage was transported to the Odintsovo military base. 1979 After vigorous political pressuring by Jews in America, an official government office dedicated solely to "hunting ex Nazis" is created at the U.S. Justice Department (called the Office of Special Investigations, or OSI), complete with a separate, taxpayer funded budget. Strangely, there is still no governmental department to hunt ex Communists, whose murdered victims number roughly 25 million in Eastern Europe alone. It's not death that matters; it's Jews that matter. Starting to see the pattern? 1979 The Jewish Shah. His Jewish son naturally develop close relations with Israel, providing them with cheap subsidized oil, a relationship which is still maintained to this day via European sources. The Shah used Israeli middlemen to buy arms from the USA, a relationship that continued with the mullahs and Iran-Contra into the eighties. The Shah besides Turkey was the only other Muslim country to recognize Israel diplomatically. Finally the Shah allowed Israel to establish and train his most sensitive and trusted state apparatus-SAVAK, which used indescribable modes to suppress decent by ordinary Persians. By 1979 there were still 100,000 Jews officially living in Iran, the largest Jewish community in the Middle East, outside of Israel; they had it good clearly for them not to want to run to Israel. 1979 April--Cosmonaut Victor Afanasyev commenting on a UFO sighting that occurred while en route to the Solyut 6 space station: "It followed us during half of our orbit. We observed it on the light side, and when we entered the shadow side, it disappeared completely. It was an engineered structure, made from some type of metal, approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls. The object was narrow here and wider here, and inside there were openings. Some places had projections like small wings. The object stayed very close to us. We photographed it, and our photos showed it to be 25 to 29 meters away." Cosmonaut Adanasyev made a drawing of the space ship he witnessed from aboard the Soviet orbital vessel. Afansyev also stated, "I think we are not alone, something

1595 of extraterrestrial origin has visited Earth. The alien craft turned toward ours, followed us and flew formation 25 to 29 meters away. We photographed the metallic engineering structure that was around 40 meters long. The film was later confiscated." 1979 1944 : TEITELBAUM, Joel, of Satmar 1888 1979. US chassidic rabbi. Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe was descended from a Hungarian dynasty of chassidic zaddikkim (holy men). In 1944, he was one of the Hungarian Jews allowed to leave by arrangement between Rudolf KASZTNER and Adolf EICHMANN. After the war he re-established his yeshivah in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York. As an ultra-Orthodox Jew, he rejected the right of Israel to exist before the coming of the Messiah. 1979 August 20--The American embassy in La Paz, Bolivia was informed of the collision of a small artificial vehicle on Bolivian soil. The unknown device had crashed on a large private hacienda near the village of Buen Retiro. Gonzalo Menacho, a local farmer, attested to having seen "a fireball falling from the sky" in the early hours of August 19th. After sunrise, Menacho was surprised to see a small military airplane circling the area, as if looking for something. Accompanied by a friend, Menacho discovered a lightweight sphere made of some unknown metal, roughly three times the size of a basketball. When the men tried to retrieve the object, they were prevented from doing so by government authorities. A Bolivian Air Force colonel stated that the object was not extraterrestrial, merely "a fuel cell from a satellite." A film on the recovery effort was presented to the U.S. Air Force. 1979 Australian herpetologist Frank Gordon, searching for skinks in the Wattagan Mountains, came across a large monitor 27-30 feet in length in the forest. 1979 Barry Goldwater (U.S. Senator, Retired Air Force Reserve Brigadier General, and pilot) tries to gain entrance to the "Blue Room" at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. General Curtis Lamey's answer is "Hell no, you can't go. I can't go, and don't ask me again." Goldwater claims, however, that he was told physical evidence exists confirming the existence of alien spacecraft at the airbase. 1979 by the United States National Cancer Institute. The increase in cancer death observed in fluoridated cities occurred primarily in people ages 45 and over; this fact is explainable because both the immune system and the normal DNA repair process (the two major defense systems against cancer) decline with age. Tsarion 1979 December--On the Lanxi highway, Zeijiang Province, China Wang Jianming and Wang Dingyuan, driving separate trucks, ran into

1596 two diminutive beings illuminated by a cone of light. When one of the drivers got out of his vehicle, wielding an iron bar and willing to confront the entities, these suddenly vanished and the cone of light disappeared. 1979 Discovery of a saucer landing site near Lake City, Minnesota. 1979 February 17--Near the village of Zhigansk, in the Yakutiya republic of Russia, a disc-shaped craft with a mirror-like surface crashed into the banks of the Lena river. Alien bodies were allegedly recovered which were later autopsied at the Moscow State University. 1979 In PROJECT HOMELESS, government agencies began using "expendable" homeless people for genetic experiments for chemical and biological warfare agents. Used also for psychological testing, drug experiments, and as bargaining tools with aliens. Main terminal is Indian Springs, California. Abducted from shelters, streets and hang-outs. These "invisible people" are not even missed by the general population and no mention is stated in the media. 1979 January 1 The United States and Communist China set up diplomatic ties, 30 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China. 1979 June 18-- Near Quinto, Italy. An Italian Air Force G-91R pilot asked by a radar station to check out a radar target. Pilot saw a long opaque object similar to an aircraft drop tank. Pilot rolled his aircraft and took about 80 frames of films. Pilot then turned to make another pass, but the UFO accelerated away and disappeared. Case considered by Italian AF as "unidentified". 1979 March 26 EgyptIsrael Peace Treaty is signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. 1979 New Frogman sightings near Loveland, Ohio. 1979 Newsman videotapes luminous UFOs over Keikoura, New Zealand. 1979 November 11--Spanish Air Force F-1 Mirage scrambled after a TAE jetliner reported a near-miss with a disk-shaped object near Valencia. Mirage pilot vectored onto three separate targets which were seen visually but not on radar. First two objects were white lights, third was a white disk. Pilot was unable to gain on the objects, which jammed his onboard radar and ruined his gun-camera film. Event considered "unknown" by Spanish Air Force, damage to film discovered after landing. 1979 November 17--Spanish Air Force Mirage F-1 scrambled from Los Llanos AB after unknown radar target in the vicinity of Grenada. Pilot never had bogey on radar, but picked up three red lights in shape of a triangle over the Med. Pilot had to break off when low on fuel. Also a Spanish AF unknown.

1597 1979 November 25--There was an apparent UFO crash in Grays Harbor, Washington. At least one of the several witnesses reported that the object seen falling into the harbor was cigar shaped with brightly glowing windows. Another witness said he saw a blinding flash after he saw it fall below the timberline towards the harbor. This last witness also reported that the object had a long, blue colored tail. Although there were reports of a retrieval of some object by the military, there was also the explanation that the lights seen by witnesses were merely the lights of a logging helicopter. 1979 Stories of UFO sightings by astronauts become widespread. 1979 There are rumors of secret US submarine bases in the Mediterranean, and US military lasers being used in European bank robberies. 1979 Thomas Edwin Castello takes photos/videos/notes and flees from his position as Head of Dulce Base Security, six copies of everything is made before he goes into hiding. His wife and child are abducted by agents before he can reach them however. He never sees them again. Castello describes earlier work as a top secret photo analyst during which he developed a role of film showing an "Adamski"-type craft with a "swastika" on the side. 1979 Two technicians first computer enhance pictures of a facelike structure on Mars that was found in Viking photos. 1979 , . 1979 : 20, 3 [] , 2 . , , 2 . 1979, 20 . 1979, [ 13-14], , , , , . , " ". " 1.300.000 . " . " Boulin. " ". 1979: Margaret Thatcher of the Conservative Party becomes Britain's prime minister and begins a program of privatization

1598 1979: the dictatorship of Eric Gairy overthrown by the New Jewel Movement in Grenada. 1979: the popular overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship by progressive/Marxist Nicaraguan Revolution. 1979: the Iranian Revolution overthrows the U.S.-backed Shah, resulting in an Islamist cleric-led theocracy. 1979: Cambodia is liberated from the Khmer Rouge regime by the Vietnam-backed Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party 1979 December 1979: The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan 1979: Leonid Brezhnev is awarded the Lenin Prize for Literature (because his books "had an enormous influence on all types and genres of literature") 1979: the accidental release of a biological weapon causes an outbreak of pulmonary anthrax in Sverdlovsk 1979: Pope John Paul II visits Poland and supports the anticommunist movement 1980: Lech Walesa leads Polish workers in a strike 1980: Santo Rebellion in the Anglo-French condominium of New Hebrides. The primary nationalist leader, Father Walter Lini, favored Cold War nonalignment and opposed nuclear weapons in the Pacific. The French resident, Jean-Jacques Robert, who feared that an independent Vanuatu would provide inspiration to similar movements in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, collaborated with an uprising led by Jimmy Stevens' Nagriamel movement in Espiritu Santo. With logistical help and training from supporters of the Phoenix Foundation of the United States, Stevens declared independence as the State of Vemerana. The Nagriamel society had decisively lost elections to the territorial assembly in 1975 and 1979, which revealed its lack of a mass base of support. The revolt was put down by the Vanuatu Mobile Force and Papua New Guinean troops soon after independence was granted on July 30, 1980. 1980 - Derek Shearer, a long-time member of the Institute for Policy Studies, publishes a book entitled Economic Democracy in which he predicts that a far left President will be elected in the 1990s. [Only one President has been elected in the 1990s - Bill Clinton. And he was Derek Shearer's college roommate in 1969!] The Institute for Policy Studies is committed to socialism in America and sides with the Soviet Union on almost every important foreign policy issue. - 1980 +Apostolos: travel in Europe and Asia 1980 -1981 Within months of their incarceration in detention centers in Miami and Puerto Rico, many male Haitian refugees developed an unusual condition called "gynecomasia". This is a condition in which

1599 males develop full female breasts. A number of the internees at Ft. Allen in Puerto Rico claimed that they were forced to undergo a series of injections which they believed to be hormones. 1980 A strange hole in the back yard of Jim and Harriet Johnson's home in Tacoma, Washington, which "devours" everything thrown into it. Cavers explored the hole and saw three cone-shaped stones that they could not explain. The Johnson's built a deck over the hole and planned to sell the house, after former owners related their own experiences. The original owner told of being lowered down the hole only to have his oil lamp sucked out of his hands, while another told of filling the hole with marble and "all kinds of stuff", but the hole "erupted" spewing stuff all over. Another filled the hole with old tires, but the hole seemed to consume the tires, which began sinking out of site. 1980 April 17 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) accepts mainland China as a member, and the Republic of China (ROC) is forced to pull out of the organization. 1980 April 18 The former Rhodesia becomes independent Zimbabwe under President Canaan Banana. ! 1980 At the Bilderberger meeting, Lord Home turned over the chairmanship to Walter Scheel, former President of the Federal Republic of Germany. 1980 August--Paul Bennewitz becomes involved in observing and filming objects which he has sighted on the ground and in the air near Kirtland AFB and the Manzano range. Reportedly his wife was also present to witness some of the first landings he filmed in the Coyote Canyon area. Subsequently he contacts Earnest Edwards of the Kirtland Security Police who, over the period of the next few months, becomes concerned and requests the guards on the Manzano Weapons Storage Area report to him any sightings of unusual aerial lights. At the beginning of August, 1980, three guards report sighting an aerial light which descends on the Sandia Military Reservation. This is the first sighting described in the complaint form signed by Richard Doty. Edwards reports the sighting to Doty unaware that Doty has already heard from Russ Curtis (Sandia Security Chief) that a Sandia Security guard sighted a disc-shaped object near a structure just minutes after the sighting by the three Manzano guards. Craig Weitzel, a Civil Air Patrol cadet, and ten other Air Force personnel see UFO near Kirtland AFB. 1980 Author of Scarsdale Medical Diet shot dead by his lover. Tsarion 1980 Bank Secrecy Act of 1980 requires report on all transactions over $10,000. Tsarion 1980 British ICI chemical creates animal food from microorganisms. Tsarion

1600 1980 Cash-Landrum incident with errant U. S. plutonium powered aircraft. Tsarion 1980 CENTRAL AMERICA The San Jose Mercury News series documents just one thread of the interwoven operations linking the CIA, the contras and the cocaine cartels. Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the contras. In 1989, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (the Kerry committee) concluded a three year investigation by stating "There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region.... U.S. officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua.... In each case, one or another agency of the U.S. govemment had information regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter...Senior U.S. policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras' funding problems." (Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy, a Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Interactional Operations, 1989) 1980 Conference of the National Society for Autistic Children. A speaker at the conference noted, Autism is not a specific disorder. We are really talking about a spectrum. Individuals can have totally different patterns of symptoms, yet both can be diagnosed as autistic. Tsarion 1980 Covert Action Information Bulletin, No.9, June 1980, sports an article by A. J. Weberman, Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc.(MRU), a Washington, D. C., CIA research front. The MRU brochure on 'Cybernetic Technique, summarized CIA directives and the development of a means by which information can be fed to humans using other senses than sight and hearing, based on East European research. The process involves beaming information directly to nerve cells for enhancement of mental and physical performance. MRU is a spin-off from Systems Consultants, Inc. (See 1966). Tsarion 1980 December 27--"The Bentwaters Case", perhaps the best UFO sighting ever. Just after midnight on December 26-27, radar installations on the east cost of England began tracking n object that dropped below radar coverage near the East Anglian town of Ipswich. Nearby were the NATO bases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, both leased by he Royal Air Force to the US Air Force as headquarters for the 81st Tactical fighterwing. US Air Force personnel, as well as civilians saw something descend into Rendlesham Forrest which surrounded the two

1601 bases. One witness was former USAF Sgt. John Burroughs, who had been stationed at Bentwaters since July of that year. Burroughs said both he and his supervisor saw some strange lights near the base's east gate. We decided to go on down off base and kind of check the edge of the woods to see maybe what was going on because it didn't seem right. There was radio traffic back and forth and the decision was made by the shift commander that I should accompany two security guys into the woods. Burroughs recalled. Walking into the woods, Burroughs said he saw a bank of lights differently colored lights that threw off an image of like a craft. I never saw anything metallic or hard. One of the security men with Burroughs identified only as James Archer however later described an object triangular in shape with three landing legs about 10 to 12 feet in diameter and eight feet high with a blue light on top red lights and white lights in the middle and a brighter white light emanating from the underside. Archer was certain he saw something inside the craft. I don't know what but the shapes did not look human. Another witness acting security police commander Sgt. Adrian Bustinza recalled that he too was ordered to check out lights in the forest hat night. When we got to point A the sightings or the object we had trouble turning the lights all on. Our truckers wouldn't run either(note car stop, common in close encounter cases). It was kind of like all the energy had been drained out of both light all units. He told researchers in 1984. We proceeded to look and in the process found kind of triangular tripods burned into the ground at three different standpoints. They were like it was a heavy object. They took radiation readings as I recall. Then I recall we were walking through the woods and we came upon the lights again. And that's when I first saw the object as a circular craft thicker at the center than the edge with a red light on top and several blue lights on the bottom. He said it was a tremendous size and kept moving about in a large clearing. USAF Sgt. Larry Warren said that as he approached the woods he saw a strange mist covering the ground. Warren said the red lights suddenly exploded in a blinding flash and a large arrowhead craft appeared. The main body was pearl white with a rainbow color effect. He said. It was constantly distorting as I looked at it. At the bottom was a bank of extremely bright cobalt blue lights. Below that I thought I could make out dark landing gear. Covering the entire surface were what looked like boxes pipes and strange extensions. Witnesses said the craft lingered in the area for more than an hour and that other airforce personnel arrived including the Woodbridge deputy base commander Lt. Col. Charles Halt Reportedly both the American and British authorities made both film and audiotapes of the event along with radiation tests. By 4:00 a.m. on December 27th the giant craft was joined by or divided into at least five smaller glowing objects that following a moving light display eventually disappeared into

1602 the sky. Official spokesmen denied that any audiovisual recordings were made of the event or that any official recordings existed. Freedom of Information Act inquiry resulted in the release of a corroborating official report. This might be the best UFO case out there today and deserves more investigation. 1980 December 29--Near New Caney, Texas, Betty Cash along with Vickie Landrum and her grandson traveling along a dark, rural road encountered a massive, diamond shaped UFO emitting tremendous bursts of heat and light from its underside, scorching the car they were in and leaving them with severe burns and trauma. The UFO was apparently escorted by--or followed by--many "Chinook" style (dual-rotors/blade) military helicopters. Betty Cash took her case to the air force and demanded satisfaction. She was stonewalled. Even the rural road where the incident took place was mysteriously repaved by neither state or federal highway crews for more than two miles to cover-up any evidence of the event. Witnesses said the road crews showed up and worked at night. Betty developed cancer and though treated successfully, she died of complications on precisely the same day, December 29, 1999, she had her encounter. 1980 Demise of NICAP. 1980 Discovery of iridium layer in earth as residue of meteorite impact. Tsarion 1980 During litigation against the CIA by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), a representative of the NSA admitted in a court hearing that the NSA had found a total of 239 documents on UFOs that were relevant to FOIA requests. 1980 Estimated 2 million American children with vaccine-caused disabilities. Tsarion 1980 FDA announces removal of 3,000 drugs from market without efficacy proof. Tsarion 1980 Four charter boats carrying 25 people observed a version of the creature "Chessie" near the mouth of the Chester River in the Chesapeake Bay. 1980 In Texas, 15 patients die in mental hospitals from heavy doses of psychotropic drugs. Federal suit in U. S. District Court in Dallas. Tsarion 1980 Issue of Mutation Research shows that children re-vaccinated against smallpox had chromosomal aberrations in their white blood cells, leading to the conclusion that smallpox vaccination is mutagenic. Tsarion 1980 John B. Alexander and colleagues at Los Alamos National Labs write an article for U. S. Military Review in which it is claimed that weapons exist that can operate on the power of the human mind and

1603 whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated. (Note: Refer to Non-Lethal weapons research). Tsarion 1980 July 30--Several students at Nanking, China's Yanjiajing Institute witnessed a triangular object that emitted a blue light and traveled silently. 1980 June 28-- Jose Luis Maldonado Torres, a 31-year old pilot, was flying an Ercoupe 415-D airplane, together with a 22-year old student pilot, from Santo Domingo to San Juan, Puerto Rico's main airport. Some of the Mayday transmissions from the Ercoupe were leaked by a Federal Aviation Administration source, and the pilots' anxiety is clear: "A weird object in our course made us change course about three different times . . . we have something weird in front of us . . . We are right again in the same stuff, sir. . ." After these words, the pilots were not heard of again. A sea and air search revealed no trace. However, a tantalizing clue lies in the official report on the incident. During the Mayday alert, the American Naval Air Station at Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico was in contact with air traffic controllers at San Juan. At 8.16pm, 11 minutes after the Ercoupe's s last communication, the Americans made an intriguing comment: "It looks like we may see a few of them out there..." 1980 June--Zao Baovez and several professors at the Electronics Institute on the outskirts of Beijing witnessed an object some ten meters in diameter, which left a small wake and traveled at the speed of an airplane. 1980 May--A Strange Harvest, the documentary on cattle mutilations by Linda Moulton Howe, is first broadcast. 1980 May--Myrna Hansen of New Mexico related how after she and her six-year old son saw several UFOs in a field and one approached them. They suffered confusion and disorientation, then a period of amnesia which lasted as long as four hours. They were brought to University of Wyoming psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, who hypnotized them and got a detailed abduction story from the mother and a sketchy one from the little boy. Early in the course of the abduction they observed aliens take a calf aboard the UFO and mutilate it while it was still alive, removing the animal's genitals. At one point during the alleged experience, the mother said, they were taken via UFO into an underground area which she believed was in New Mexico. She briefly escaped her captors and fled into an area where there were tanks of water. She looked into one of them and saw body parts such as tongues, hearts and internal organs, apparently from cattle. But she also observed a human arm with a hand attached. There was also the "top of a bald head," apparently from one of the hairless aliens, but before she could find out for sure, she was dragged away. The objects in the tank, she said,

1604 "horrified me and made me sick and frightened me to death". Later she wondered about the other tanks and about their contents. 1980 Movie Hangar 18 released to the public. Tsarion 1980 Murder rate down to 8:100,000. Tsarion 1980 National Abortion Federation calls for aborting pregnancies of teens in the U. S. Tsarion 1980 National Reconnaissance Office budget $3.5 billion. Intelligence Budget is $18 billion. Tsarion 1980 Nelson Rockefellers International Basic Economy Corp sold to a British Company. Tsarion 1980 Nobel to Snell et al for contributions to understanding of tissue rejection. Tsarion 1980 Reagan Administration begins in the United States. Reagans presidential campaign is run by George P. Shultz, president of Bechtel, and Casper Weinberger, vice-president and general counsel of Bechtel. Both were appointed to cabinet positions by Reagan. Tsarion 1980 September 9--Luo Xuezhi, political secretary at a diesel engine plant in Hunan, China focused his binoculars on a cylindrical object while enjoying an outdoor theatre presentation. "All present turned their heads to look at it," he said. It emitted powerful beams of light at either end, much like the object seen at another open-air presentation in 1978. 1980 Sometime in 1980, a US Navy carrier was transiting the Atlantic to the Med for a 6th Fleet cruise when a Tu-95 Bear-D came from Kola via the GIUK Gap and into the Atlantic to look for the carrier. Two F-14s and two A-7s (loaded with buddy stores JIC) were launched to intercept and trail the Bear. When they made the intercept, there was some chatter back and forth on GUARD, with the Russians asking what it was like on the carrier, did they really have swimming pools, etc. The Americans would ask Ivan if they'd really screwed up to get assigned to Kola. The A-7 lead (the squadron CO) then asked "Ivan, do you know that when you guys head for Cuba, you'll be flying thru the Bermuda Triangle?" Everyone laughed, but a Russian came up saying "The Bermuda Triangle is nothing but a tool the capitalists use to frighten the masses!" Another round of laughter followed, but the A-7 skipper said "OK Ivan, if that's how you call it, but if your instruments go out and your compasses start spinning, don't say I didn't warn you!" They laughed again and said see you later, as the Bear left the carrier and headed for Cuba. Next day, LANTFLT asked for all info on the Bear-position, course, airspeed, altitude, and any hints of mechanical problems; the Soviet Naval Attache was in Norfolk asking for help-the Bear never arrived in Cuba. Soon every Soviet merchant ship in the Central Atlantic was en route to the area, the Soviet Caribbean flotilla (four ships) headed

1605 that way, as did several Soviet subs. More Bears flew down from Kola, as did a couple in Angola, while some already in Cuba headed out as well. The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard sent ships and aircraft out as well, not just to keep an eye on the Russians, but to help in the search as well; when someone goes down and is in trouble on the sea, politics steps aside and the Code of the Sea takes over. A 7-Day search-NOTHING. No bodies, wreckage, oil slicks, life rafts/vests, shark concentrations, etc. Only thing of importance found was by a USN P-3 crew: they saw what they took to be a red flare about 400 miles SW of Bermuda, as they got closer, it stopped, hovered for a few seconds, then took off at over 1500 MPH. One may assume the crew was snowed under with paperwork when they got back to NAS Jacksonville. The Bear encounter took place NE of Bermuda-en route to the Azores. Nothing unusual about the plane, everything seemed OK. They were surprised when they got the query from LANTFLT. When the carrier docked in Naples, all the CIC logs, aircrew reports and photos were removed from the ship by Naval Intelligence personnel. Officially, the Navy doesn't care about the Triangle. But unofficially.... As for that "flare" the carrier people heard about it from the P-3 crew when they flew into NAS Sigonella in Sicily several weeks later. The P-3 guys were insistent that "it was no flare...PERIOD!" When a "flare' suddenly stops, hovers for a few seconds, then takes off at 1500 MPH, you kinda know it's no flare. The P3 guys didn't say if they'd flown to where the "flare" had come up from, though. 1980 State policeman in New Mexico sights a flying disk in the Manzano mountains in New Mexico. Tsarion 1980 The arrival of a Flying Triangle UFO in Missouri and Kansas in 1980 caused concern and wonderment, as hundreds of witnesses, including policemen, watched a huge craft displaying a triangular pattern of lights, move slowly over the countryside for a period of four hours. It was seen over 22 towns and at one stage the enormous craft appeared to be dropping what a local truck driver described as satellites, which appeared to be round and emitted a bluish glow. The whole event was tracked on radar during the four hour period and must rate as one of the most awesome sightings to date. One witness described the Flying Triangle as being "as big as a football field." This event was the first indication of their presence, but within a decade, Flying Triangular craft were to be reported world wide. 1980 The Jewish ADL creates "model legislation" banning "paramilitary training," i.e., militias, in the U.S. They urge (pressure) various states to adopt it. Many do. 1980 to early 1990s, AFGHANISTAN ClA supported Mujahedeen rebels [now, 2001, part of the "Northern Alliance"] engaged heavily in

1606 drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet supported government and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The Agency's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading drug lords and a leading heroin refiner. CIA supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan/Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three quarters of that used in Western Europe. U.S. officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operation because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA called Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world. 1980 U. S. Supreme Court rules that microbes can be patented. Tsarion 1980 Venezuelan Cisneros Empire taken over after death of Diego by sons Gustavo and Ricardo. Tsarion 1980 WHO announces worldwide eradication of smallpox. Tsarion 1980 William J. Clinton is thrown out of office as Governor of Arkansas when the people elect Frank White. Tsarion 1980 , . , , 28 8 . 1980 William Moore begins to reveal MJ12 secrets and the Roswell mystery. 1980 Woman motorist abducted from her car and taken aboard a UFO in Pudasjarvi, Finland. 1980 , 3 , 77 1980 : 21. , [] . , 3 . , , 3 . 1980, 40 . 1980, , " 666 "! , 25-11-1980. 1980, : " ,

1607 , , ". : , ", ", 1980, . 55. 1980, . . . 1980, 666. 1980, 85 -2. 1980, , , 928 . 1980, . : " , . . , ". : , ", ", 1980, . 56. 1981 +Apostolos: fiance... 1981 A creature, about four-feet tall, walking on two feet and "half humanoid-half dinosaur" was seen by grownups and children in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. One boy attempted to grab the creature from behind, which let out a squealing or screeching sound and escaped. Also, children attempted to pour gasoline on the creature and light it, unsuccessfully, before it escaped into a "sewer tunnel" nearby. 1981 Ailtonda Silva "borrows" girl's body. 1981, , C. ' 1981 Approximate beginning of period where, according to Julianne McKinney, director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni (1994), mind control technology begins to fall into the hands of Satanically based techno-cults, much of which is based on the experiments conducted at CIA headquarters in Langley by Dr. Stephen Aldrich, a patron of occult research. (1980's and 1990's, specifically). (See 1962). Tsarion 1981 At the headquarters of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the director of the OSHA office of carcinogenic identification, Dr. Peter Infante, pointed out that a Current Intelligence

1608 Bulletin (CIB) on formaldehyde was an important document assessing formaldehyde's cancer causing potential. The top bureaucracy at OSHA were embarrassed at the release of the truth, and tried to dismiss Infante. On July 27th, Infante writes Dr. John Higginson, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), disagreeing with the IARC decision to conceal the carcinogenic nature of the substance. Formaldehyde is a common component of vaccines. Tsarion 1981 Aviation Week and Space Technology, as well as CBS news, report that permanent Russian space platforms existed that were armed with killer satellites orbiting the Earth. Pentagon declines comment. Tsarion 1981 Boston University establishes the Center for Adaptive Systems to further investigate Artificial Intelligence processes. The center is directed by Stephen Grossberg, graduate of Stanford. Grossberg also held positions at MIT and Rockefeller University. Grossberg would become head of a new department of cognitive and neural systems in 1988. The Center for Adaptive Systems would, with the help of Gail carpenter, Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART). ART would allow learning of new patterns without forgetting old ones, as well as the ability to accomplish fast-learning of new and unexpected patterns. In applications for which back-propagation would require 20,000 supervised training rounds, ART would accomplish in 5. It would incorporate mismatch and reorientation signals. It has been determined that ART represents at least one of the operations of the brain necessary for AI learning nets. Tsarion 1981 Britain conducts the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study and finds that there exists a significant correlation between serious neurological illness and Pertussis vaccination occurring within 7 days of the shot. In the U. S., the FDA limits statistical data to 48 hours in order to conceal damaging data and eliminate data on deaths and damage occurring after that period of time. Tsarion 1981 Chinese scientists successfully clone a fish. Tsarion 1981 Congressman Larry McDonald calls for comprehensive congressional investigation of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Congress is urged to investigate these organizations. 1981 David Rockefeller creates the U. S./Jamaican Businessmens Committee to promote the Jamaican Model of dope and free enterprise. Tsarion 1981 Dr. Robert Clark from the Boston University Medical Center shows that fluorides (as in fluoridated water supplies, toothpaste, etc.) stimulate granule formation and oxygen consumption in white blood cells when they were not challenged with a foreign agent, but inhibited these processes when the white blood cell needed them to fight off foreign

1609 agents. Ref: Neutrophil Iodination Reaction Induced by Fluoride: Implications for Degranulation and Metabolic Activation Blood, Vol. 57, pp 913-921, 1981. Tsarion 1981 Dr.John Emsley and co-workers at King's College in London find that fluoride reacts strongly with the bonds which maintain the normal shapes of proteins in the body. The work is subsequently confirmed by Dr. Steven Edwards and co-workers from the University of California in San Diego, and by Drs. Froede and Wilson from the University of Colorado at Boulder. By distorting the configuration of the body's own protein, the immune system attacks its own protein, resulting in an autoimmune or allergic response. Fluroides contribute to the development of an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is covered up by the media and medical community, which maintains a public focus on a viral cause for the problem, promoting the harmless HIV virus as the cause for AIDS, covering up the pharmo-chemical sensitization of the population which has complex legal ramifications. Tsarion 1981 Drs. Susheela and Sharma and coworkers from the India Institute of Medical Sciences find that fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen in the body and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin cartilage, lung, kidney, and trachea. It appears that fluoride disruption of collagen synthesis in cells responsible for laying down collagen leads these cells to try and compensate for their inability to put out intact collagen by producing larger quantities of imperfect collagen and/or non-collagenous protein. Ref: Fluoride poisoning and the Effects of Collagen Biosynthesis of Osseous and Nonosseous Tissue, Toxicological European Research, Vol. 3, No.2, pp99104, 1981. Tsarion 1981 Eldon Byrd, who works for the Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory, is commissioned to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes to include riot control, clandestine operations and hostage removal. Tsarion 1981 February--William Moore receives the famed PROJECT AQUARIUS document. 1981 First flights of TR-39/Black Mamba/Aurora, build with reverse engineered alien technology. 1981 George H.W. Bush becomes Vice President of the United States (to 1989). Makes a speech to the Bilderberger Group in Washington, after which he states that he owes all he is to David Rockefeller. Tsarion 1981 Gustavo Cisneros put on the International Advisory Board of Chase Manhattan Bank. Tsarion

1610 1981 In Britain, Dr. D. L. Miller reports to the NCES on an analysis of the first 1000 cases of neurological illness. He reported a significant association was shown between serious neurological illness and Pertussis (also DPT) vaccine. Tsarion 1981 Iran emerges as largest opium producing country worldwide, producing over 600 tons per year against Afghanistans 225 tons. Tsarion 1981 January 8-- "The Trans-en-Province Saucer" Report from witness: "Yesterday, January 8, 1981, I was busy around the house as I am practically every day. I was behind the house, which is built over a restanque (raised level). I was building a concrete shelter for a water pump. Behind my house on the same level is an expanse of flat ground. It is reached through a path along the base of the house. It was about 5PM. The weather was turning colder. My attention was attracted by a slight noise, a sort of faint whistling. I turned around and saw a device in the air at the height of a big pine tree at the edge of the property. This device, which was not spinning, was coming lower toward the ground. I was only hearing a slight whistling sound. I was not seeing any flames, either below or around this device. While it was continuing to come down, I went closer by walking towards the stone cabin above my house. When I placed myself against the wall of the cabin, I could see very well over the roof, since this cabin too is built over a raised level. I was on the higher level, about 1.2 m from the roof. From that position, I clearly saw the device resting on the ground. Right away it lifted off, still emitting a slight whistling sound. Reaching a point above the trees, it left at high speed toward the forest of Trans, that is, towards the northeast. When the device lifted off, I saw four openings below, through which neither flame nor smoke were escaping. The device kicked off a little dust when it left the ground. At that instant, I was about 30 m away from the landing site. Later I went to the spot and I noticed a circle about 2 m in in diameter. At certain places along the circumference of the circle were traces like abrasions... The device had the shape of two saucers, one inverted on top of the other. It must have measured about 1.5 m in height. It was the color of lead. This device had a ridge all the way around its circumference. Under the machine I saw two kinds of pieces as it was lifting off. They could be reactors or feet. There were also two other circles which looked like trapdoors. The two reactors, or feet, extended about 20 cm below the body of the machine. I have not felt any disturbance of the sense of vision or hearing." Parts of the account obtained by a civilian investigator are also relevant: There (the witness) discovers a sort of ovoid vehicle, with the general shape of two half spheres of unequal volume, clearly separated by a flat ledge, extending at least 15 cm and forming a ring around the metallic mass which has a... height of between 2 and 2.5 m/... The machine lifts off, making a slight amount of dust and with a soft

1611 whistling. Then it seems to tilt, exposing its underside, and it takes off at lightning speed, passing exactly between the two tall trees, at the exact spot from which it had seemed to fall. 1981 January-- A huge boomerang shaped craft was seen over Arizona, with one witness proclaiming the object "was bigger than several football fields." 1981 Japan begins use of a new childhood Pertussis vaccine, recommended to be given as 4th and 5th dose. U. S. vaccine used for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doses. Tsarion 1981 July 24--Hundreds of thousands of onlookers witnessed an enormous luminous spiral which crossed the skies of several Chinese provinces. 1981 June 7, Israel destroys Iraqi nuclear reactor in daring raid. 1981 Larez does a study that shows that fluorides are teratogenic (cancer-causing) in rats. Tsarion 1981 May--A UFO exploded on the Kolsky peninsula in the Murmansk region. Debris was recovered by the Soviet military authorities and taken to the Monchegorsk military air base. 1981 Montauk III Time Travel Project (until 1983). Thousands allegedly sent ahead 200 to 300 years into the future. Alleged access gained to pyramid on Mars to turn off solar system defense network. Tsarion 1981 More than 300,000 Cubans were stricken with dengue hemorrhagic fever. An investigation by the magazine "Covert Action Information Bulletin", which tracks the workings of various intelligence agencies around the world, suggested that this outbreak was the result of a release of mosquitoes by Cuban counterrevolutionaries. The magazine tracked the activities of one CIA operative from a facility in Panama to the alleged Cuban connections. During the last 30 years, Cuba has been subjected to an enormous number of outbreaks of human and crop diseases which are difficult to attribute purely natural causes. 1981 NASA announces that two unusual meteorites in Antarctic may have originated from Mars. Tsarion 1981 Naval Surface Weapon Office of Non-Lethal Weapons pursues research and development of electromagnetic devices for riot control, clandestine operations, and hostage removal. Tsarion 1981 New England Journal of Medicine (11/26/81) publishes a study showing that tetanus vaccines cause T-cell ratios to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease after two weeks. The altered ratios were found to be similar to those found in AIDS victims. Tsarion 1981 Oct. 6, 1981 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated while on the reviewing stand of a victory parade.

1612 1981 October 8--A UFO is photographed in the Provincial Park on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 1981 On July 18, 1981, NBC Magazine with David Brinkley revealed that the northwestern United States has been continuously bombarded by the U.S.S.R with low frequency waves set at the approximate level of biological frequencies; Brinkley: the Russian government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences. Tsarion 1981 Peruvian fighter jet gets into a dogfight with a UFO over Chosica, Peru. 1981 Reported by many newspapers and magazines was the case of three Texas school teachers who saw a "flaming" flying saucer cruise over their car in the desert and crash beyond a hill. Just behind this "flying saucer" was an Army helicopter, which landed at the crash site. The ladies, all respectable, reported their sighting to the police. Then, a few days later, all three of the women lost the hair on their heads. They had apparently been exposed to some kind of extreme radiation as the saucer flew overhead. 1981 Scientists identify AIDS. Tsarion 1981 Space Age Review for November 1981 reveals the development of the U. S. Space Command, headquartered at Peterson AFB, and that the U. S. was purposely breaking the 1967 RussianAmerican Space Treaty, which prohibits placing in orbit any objects carrying nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction. Tsarion 1981 Studies by Hetzler, Griffin and Fejn on Central Nervous System Function are published. According to the study, the extremely heterogeneous autistic population may represent a variety of central nervous system dysfunctions resulting in overlapping behavioral manifestations. Tsarion 1981 The "Beast of Truro", a giant cat-like creature is sighted near Truro, on Cape Cod. 1981 The 50 Committee (MJ-12) is renamed the PI-40 Committee. 1981 The Alien Alliance (CFR/Jason Society) is resumed. 1981 The CIA begins to regularly utilize remote Mind Control Technology, based on the work of Doctor Strand from the late 60s. 1981 The P2 (Propaganda Due) Scandal is revealed in Italy, providing a Masonic link between Italian and American banking, the Vatican, the Mafia and the KGB. 1981 United Nations Debt for land swap is in full swing, as nations become indebted to the World Bank and IMF and trade control of land to discharge world debt. Environmental control of land by the United Nations. (See 1961) Tsarion 1981 US based forces prepare to nuke NEW YORK

1613 1981 (1416/17 1429), , David Balfour. , [ ], , , : . Balfour , , . , , . : 22, , , 3 5. , 4 . , , . , - . 1981 -2: , , - . : [. 27 1981]. . : , 22-5-1981: . , , , . (; ;) , 23-5-81: . ( . ). 23-5-81: . . .

1614 ( ... ;) , 23-5-81: 962 -2 . ( : ...). , 24-5-81: . -2. . , . ( !) , 235-81: ! -2. 1.000. ( ;) , 25-5-81: -2. . . . . ( ...;) , 25-5-81: . [= , , ]. , 26-5-81: , -2. ( 2001, ... !) , 25-5-81: . . , , . ( ;) , 26-5-81: . , . , ! , . . , . . . ( ...) , 26-5-81: . . ( ... . = ;) , 26-5-81: . ( ; ... , ;) , 27-5-81: . . ( ). ... , 27-5-81: . ( - 2002). , 27-5-81: . . ( ; ). , 27-5-81: . . , 27-5-81: -2 . , 28-5-81:

1615 - . , 28-5-81: . ( ... !). , 29-5-81: . ( ...). , 29-5-81: . ! , 29-5-81: . ! . . , 29-5-81: . [, ]. , 305-81: 500 -2. . [ !] , 31-581: -2 . , 31-5-81: . -2 962 . [ ;] , 31-5-81: -. , 31-5-81: -2 , . , 31-5-81: -2. ! - . -2 . , 1-6-81: . : . . , 1-6-81: - ; -2, . , 1-6-81: . . ! -2! . , 1-681: . . [ ]. , 26-81: . . [ ; ...] , 2-6-81: -2. -. , 3-6-81: . [; ;] 5-6-81: -2. [: !

1616 ;] , 5-6-81: . -2 . . , 5-6-81: -2. . , 5-6-81: 2. , . [. ]. 1981 , , . 1981, 30 . 1981, II. 1981, 666 . 1981, Alberto Rivera, . ; , (;) , : " , , , , , . , , ( ), , , , , . , , , . , , , , , . , . (=

1617 ), , (= ). , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , (= ), (= ), (= ) , (= , ), Loyola , ( ). executioner [= !;] , (; ) , , , ". , : ", , , , , , , , [;] [;] ... , , , , , , , , . , , , , (= ) , {;}, , , , * [*; ;] , (, , , , ) , , , ,

1618 , ", : [Alberto Rivera, Double-Cross, 2, 1981]. 1981, 2 . " , ", , 27 1981. 1981, 6 . 1981, 16 , (BALFOUR), . , , , , . , . 1981, 5 . 1981, , . , .. . , Paolo Dezza, Giuseppe Pittau, John Paul II, Pedro Arrupe. 1981, 9.003 500.000 10 , 5.000.000 . 1981: Lady Diana Spencer marries Prince Charles, heir to the throne 1981: Racial riots at Brixton, London 1981: a Bulgarian agent tries to kill the Pope 1982: Brezhnev dies 1982 Metabolic Ecology: A Way to Win the War on Cancer by Fred Rohe, is published, detailing cases where breast cancer has been cured through the nutritional approach over a 6 month period. Tsarion 1982 +Apostolos: work: teacher in N. Tenedos etc., , , , . : 23, 2 2/ . .

1619 . . , [ ], . . . , , . . 1982 34th Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology releases a study which is published in Neurology magazine indicating that out of 103 infants who die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), 66% had been vaccinated with DPT prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, 26% within 3 days, 37% died within 1 week, 61% died within 2 weeks, and 70% had died within 3 weeks. It was also found that SIDS frequencies have a bimodal peak occurrence at 2 and 4 months of age - the same ages when initial doses of DPT are administered to infants. Study done at the University School of Medicine at Reno, Nevada. Dr. William Torch. Tsarion 1982 A drilling project on the sea floor between Panama and the Galapagos Islands breaks through to massive cavities under the ocean bedrock. The opening grew in size and is now sucking a massive and constant flow of ocean water into the crust beneath the ocean floor. 1982 A reporter at WRC-TV in Washington, D.C. breaks a story on Pertussis vaccine reactions in the documentary DPT: Vaccine Roulette, which generally informs the American public that their children are at risk from Pertussis vaccinations. (See 1988) Tsarion 1982 Another much-publicized sea serpent is Chessie, the Chesapeake Bay monster. It got its name in 1982, following a number of sightings in the spring and summer. As with Caddy, these have attracted the attention of scientists with cryptozoological interests. Sightings include one made by Robert and Karen Frew on May 31, 1982. At 7 P.M., while entertaining guests outside their home overlooking the bay at Love Point on the northern tip of Kent Island, at the mouth of the Chester River, they saw a strange creature 200 feet from shore in calm water only five feet deep. Robert Frew watched it through binoculars for a few minutes before securing his video camera and focusing on the enigmatic

1620 animal, which submerged and reappeared several times during the sighting. The closest the creature came was within 100 feet of shore and within 50 feet of some boys who were playing on a pile of submerged rocks. Though the Frews and their friends shouted to alert the boys (their cries and all other comments made during the event are recorded on the videotape), the boys never heard them and so apparently never saw the animal. The witnesses estimated the animal to be 30 to 35 feet long but slightly less than a foot in diameter. Much of it remained under water, but as it surfaced repeatedly, more and more of it became visible. Frew said, "The first time up, we saw its head and about four feet [of back]. The next time about 12 feet, the next time about 20." The visible part of the back seemed to have humps. Its head was shaped like a football, only "a little more round." Observers could not discern eyes, ears, or mouth. It was the odd shape of the head more than anything else that led Frew to reject the idea that the animal was some kind of snake. The Frews, familiar with a wide variety of sea life, rejected theories that they had misperceived a conventional animal. 1982 April 25, 1982 - A full-page ad appears in major newspapers around the world proclaiming: THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE. The advertising campaign coincides with the beginning of a speaking tour by one Benjamin Creme, a British theosophist. In various interviews and speeches, Crme explains that in speaking of "the Christ," he does not mean Jesus Christ but Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher. According to Crme, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and others are merely disciples of Maitreya. These Ascended Masters comprise an enlightened Spiritual Hierarchy which has guided humanity's evolution throughout history. He maintains that Lord Maitreya fulfills the expectations of all peoples. Maitreya is the Christ awaited by the Christians; to the Jews he is the Messiah, to the Moslems he is the Imam Mahdi, to the Buddhists he is the Fifth Buddha, to the Hindus he is Krishna. In the past, Creme tells us, these Ascended Masters have usually worked through disciples, but now they're among us and ready to help our world take its next step. [Benjamin Creme's publication Share International is now produced in association with the U.N.'s Department of Public Information.] - 1982 Bell Telephone agrees to sell 66% of assets after 7-year antitrust suit. Tsarion 1982 Brilliantly-illuminated UFO hovers over Mount Senohara in Japan. 1982 Dr. Peter Beter gives his last audio letter (#80) before his mysterious death. Tsarion 1982 E. M. Taylor and J. L. Emery write in our experience, most unexpectant infant deaths have a multifactorial nature. We cannot exclude

1621 the possibility of recent vaccination/immunization being one of several contributory factors in an 'occasional' unexpected infant death (SIDS). Tsarion 1982 EBE-3 becomes a "guest" of the US government. 1982 El Salvadoran trade unionists claimed that epidemics of many previously unknown diseases had cropped up in areas immediately after U.S. directed aerial bombings. There is no hard evidence to support these charges. However, the pattern and types of outbreaks are consistent with the claims. 1982 First cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Epstein Barr reported. Tsarion 1982 General Richard Secort and Col. Oliver North are placed in charge of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 1982 Government doctors in the tiny country of Djibouti are involved in numerous instances of torturing prisoners: injecting comainducing drugs, electroshock, amputations, and immersing victims in brine until their skin peels off. Per 1982 CIA report by William Buckley. Tsarion 1982 Homosexuals in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Francisco get Hepatitis B vaccine. Tsarion 1982 HSCA findings are allegedly discredited by a National Academy of Science study. 1982 Human insulin produced by bacteria is marketed. Tsarion 1982 Human Rights Law Journal, Vol. 3, 1982, features article by Alan Scheflin entitled Freedom of the Mind as an International Human Rights Issue, derived from study sessions at the International Institute of Human Rights from 1981 to 1982. At this point, right wing military doctors are drawn to electronic mind control as a solution to the useless eaters quandary. In the introduction to the article, Scheflin states that research designed to explicitly control the thoughts and conduct of citizens is in Tsarion 1982 In 1982, Salvadoran trade unionists charge that epidemics of previously unknown diseases erupted in many areas after U.S.-directed aerial bombings; particularly cited was hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, which causes bleeding of the eyes. Tsarion 1982 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, 900.000 , 1979 1982. 1964 1982, 18 . , , . 1982 In Britain, dutch elm disease kills 20 million trees. Tsarion

1622 1982 In Science magazine, Vol. 217 p.26-32, Dr. Dennis Leverett of the University of Rochester states, if there are increasing concentrations of fluoride in the food chain, particularly food for infants, then we should expect fluorosis to be increasing in the population as well. The widespread use of fluorides might have created a situation in which we are approaching a critical mass of fluoride in the environment. There needs to extensive research done. Later in 1983 he would contradict himself at the University of Michigan symposium. Tsarion 1982 Israeli researchers find that autistic children have a cellmediated immune response to brain tissue, suggesting that an undetectable brain lesion associated with autoimmunity may play a role in the pathogenesis of autism. Tsarion 1982 June 27--An informal screening of the movie ET is held at the White House, with about 35 distinguished guests present. Following the movie, President Ronald Reagan leans over to director Steven Spielberg and quietly says, "You know, there aren't six people in this room who know how true this really is." Spielberg is unable to follow up as the crowd starts milling by and later Reagan would deny saying any such thing. 1982 June 6, Massive Israeli invasion of Lebanon to fight PLO. 1982 Ken Davis, vice president of Bechtels nuclear power plant construction division, becomes Deputy Secretary of Energy in the Reagan Administration. Tsarion 1982 Lebanon War with Syria and Lebanon against Israel. 1982 Magnetized tissues discovered in dolphins. Tsarion 1982 Nobel to Klug (UK) for analysis of structures of viruses and DNA. Tsarion 1982 not only a reality, but the evidence is clear that this research is growing in scope, intensity, and financing. Tsarion 1982 On May 15, 1982, CBS 60 Minutes program details the vast numbers of Nazis brought to the U. S. after the war. The program was followed weeks later by an article by Thomas O'Toole in the Washington Post indicating that as many as 5,000 Nazis were smuggled into the U. S. in the 1940's and early 1950's. Tsarion 1982 On South Georgia Island is a reported base that has been fought over by Russian, British, American, and Antarctican forces...presumably the real reason for the 1982 Falkland Islands War. 1982 Peter Wilkinson at the University of Glasgow testifies before the Scottish High Court in Edinburgh in a legal case entitled Inhibition of the Immune System with Low levels of Fluoride which revealed that fluoride decreases the migration rate of human white blood cells. At a concentration of .2 ppm (which is .8 ppm below the approved level of 1 ppm), relative white cell migration rate is reduced 8%. A concentration of

1623 1 ppm would produce a physiological decline of around 10%. Fluoride added to water supplies, tooth paste, school dental washes, supplement pills, and dentists visits are increased and promoted, contributing to a further co-factor in the decline of the immune capability of the population. Tsarion 1982 Study by Geschwind and Behan on Autism reveals the finding of an association between autism, celiac disease, dyslexia, stuttering, migraine headaches, developmental disabilities and lefthandedness (all features of post encephalitic syndrome). The study caused a sensation because of scientific inability to imagine the connecting thread among the disparate conditions. The connecting thread is the childhood vaccination program. Tsarion 1982 The bodies of over a thousand "disappeared" are found in Argentina. 1982 The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail is published. Its authors come under massive criticism and threats. 1982 The Hudson Valley UFO sightings in New York and Connecticut begin. New York, Hudson Valley: Thousands of reports, mostly nocturnal, of large, silent, hovering object with series of rotating lights. Reports came from many highly credible individuals including meteorologists, news reporters, and police chiefs. "Planes in formation" theory still in contention; however, videos taken by area resident of both the object and a formation of planes shows distinct differences. Intermittent sightings to this day. 1982 The Jewish ADL now has "model legislation" for "hate crimes," designed for all US states. Many states adopt this, or very similar, laws, at the urging and pressure of the ADL. 1982 The New England Journal of Medicine features an article in which an Air Force doctor states if a criminal's brain waves did not test normal after five years, he should be put to death. Tsarion 1982 The Pakistani government expels a U. S. physician working at the Lahore U.S. chemical biological warfare lab after Soviets charge that experiments are being done there to infect mosquitoes with yellow fever and dengue for use in neighboring Afghanistan or Cuba. The doctor was a professor at the University of Maryland, an institutional co-sponsor of the lab and frequent collaborator with Fort Detrick on CBW projects. Ref: New York Times, Feb. 10, 1982, Pakistanis Expel a Malaria Expert. Tsarion 1982 The U. S. Public Health Service conducts its first group of studies on animal cancer and fluorides, mandated by the 1977 Congressional Hearings. The study lasts until 1984, and then is scrapped because of flaws in design and progress. (See 1985, Batelle Memorial Institute). Tsarion

1624 1982 U.N. Law of the Sea denotes sea as common heritage of man. U.S./UK don't sign. Tsarion 1982 William J. Clinton returns to become Governor of Arkansas when the people throw Frank White out of office. Clinton, with the assistance of the Stevens family, takes over the state media and political structure of Arkansas during his stint as Governor, which would last more than ten years. Tsarion 1982, - 1983 . . 1982 DGSE () 2 1982. , . . 1982, [ 24 ], , " ", [. ]! . . 14 " ". , , , , , " 1982, , , . . , , . . , ". 18 . - -2. 150 . .

1625 16 . 1982, 23 . . . 47 . 1982, 2 . . 1982, , . . , . 1982: Britain defends the Falkland Islands from an Argentinian invasion 1983 The Humanist publishes an essay which proclaims that the battle for humankind's future must be waged in the public school classroom...between the rotting corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism...and humanism will emerge triumphant. - 1983 "The Order," named after an elite cadre in The Turner Diaries, was founded by Robert Mathews. 1983 +Apostolos: Married with Dr Despoina Kontonatsiou 1983 A UFO was allegedly shot down with an experimental Russian laser weapon in Kazahstan. 1983 Allen Ryan, chief Nazi hunter in the U. S. Government, continues his efforts to identify former Nazis in the U. S. Tsarion 1983 August 12--The destruction of the "Montauk Project". 1983 February--Linda Moulton Howe reportedly meets with an AFOSI agent at Kirtland AFB and is shown a "presidential briefing paper." 1983 Large V-shaped UFOs seen over Newburgh, New York, USA. 1983 Larry McDonald is killed along with 268 other passengers on Korean Air Lines (KAL) flight 007, shot down over Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Japan. All bodies recovered, except the bodies of the pilot and copilot. Some of the extremely suspicious information regarding KAL 007 include: Flight was off course with plenty of fuel. Commercial flights commonly take a short cut over Sakhalin when low on fuel. Radio response in Russian airspace commonplace, with Russian pilots monitoring path of commercial planes. Russian pilots radioed KAL 007 with no response from pilots. Russian pilots fired warning shots with visible tracers past cockpit, KAL pilots did not acknowledge warning shots or tracers. Two parachutes were seen by inhabitants of Aleutian

1626 islands prior to plane being shot down. Flight recorder recovered by US. submarine, data classified by CIA. 1983 May 5--In the case of "The Ordzenikidze Object", the air defense units of the Trans-Caucasus military region fired a missile at a cone-shaped UFO, after being detected on radar for some time. Afterwards, a local inhabitant of the Stolovaya Mountain area, near Nalchik, claimed that he had made contact with "Aliens". Later, some adventurers from Moscow, after learning of the incident through a media report, claimed they found and entered a spacecraft there (the Daryal Gorge area). The article went on to say that senior military officers evacuated the area and the craft hauled off to the secret Mitische base near Moscow where the propulsion system was studied and scientists determined that the engine used neutrino radiation. 1983 November 1--A construction crew was working on Route 1 just north of the Golden Gate Bridge near Stinson Beach. Suddenly they spotted a creature, underwater, approaching the land. They estimated the creature's length at 100 feet and it's diameter at five. Using binoculars they watched it making coils, throwing it's head about and whipping it's body around. 1983 November 27--The best indication of Illuninati infiltration into Catholic church is that the Pope retracted all of the Papal Bulls against Freemasonry and allowed Catholics, after several hundred years, to again become members of secret societies without fear of excommunication. 1983 Reports mention an intercept involving US, Greek and Turk fighters in 1983 over the Aegean of an unknown object picked up on radar-one of the interceptors, nationality unknown, didn't come back. SAR results were negative. The source (a NATO officer in 6th ATAF HQ) didn't get into specifics-fear of being found out, but said the J-2 and CINC-6th ATAF were cleared for the full account, he only had a sanitized summary cross his desk. 1983 The "Kassimov Ball", a small (diameter some 4.5 cm) black ball of unknown origin, found in Central Russia in the depth 7 meters, in a layer of pure red clay. 1983 The Catholic Church ends its policy of automatic excommunication of Freemasons. (Timetables) 1983 William Moore is shown an "executive briefing paper" by one of his "contacts." 1983 , Peter Hans Kolvenbach 1983 24 . , 48 80.

1627 1983 - . . . [ , ] 1983 : 24, , , , : . . . , . 11 , , , 1983, - 1984 . . 1983, Croom Helm Zionism in the Age of the Dictators. Times , editorialist Edward Mortimer " Brenner , ". Izvestia, , , : " 2 , , : , ". Louis Rapoport, , , Jerusalem Post . , , , , . 1983, ' . " , 10 , -2. 18,3 3 .

1628 Heidnische Gemeinde, [ ]. 1983, "War Games" hacking hackers. hackers . . . R Internet S . 1983, 15 , , , . ( 23 ) . . 1983: Overthrow of the ruling Conseil de Salut du peuple (CSP) by Marxist forces led by Thomas Sankara in Upper Volta, renamed Burkina Faso in the following year. 1984-1985: Pro-independence FLNKS forces in New Caledonia revolt following an election boycott and occupy the town of Thio from November 1984 to January 1985. Thio is retaken by the French after the assassination of loi Machoro, the security minister in the FLNKS provisional government and the primary leader of the occupation 1984 "The Order" killed radio talk show host Alan Berg (the Oliver Stone movie Talk Radio is based on this); Robert Mathews is killed by Federal agents on Whidbey Island, Washington. 1984 +Apostolos: work in Univ. of Thess. Dep. Low 1984 A meeting is held at MJ-12's "Country Club" which sparks a factional fight over what to do about the "Alien Problem". They resolve to hold off from the original plan of full revelation by 1987 and continue to work on defensive technology. 1984 A seismic shock wave hit the Kolsky peninsula in the Murmansk region. An alleged UFO crash was reportedly responsible and the wreckage was later recovered and transported to the military base at Monchegorsk. 1984 August 1--"Lindow Man" is unearthed from Lindow Moss, near Manchester, England. 1984 In northern Russia in the Taymyrian area of Siberia, near the Enisey river a "dolphin-shaped" craft was recovered from the river and removed to the Zhitkur base for study. 1984 hackers. Legion of Doom, Masters of Deception. 1990 , FBI. 1984 July 13--A 20-foot long, two-foot-high bulge stretched the surface of a street in Fort Worth, Texas, as if a giant earthworm was

1629 trying to come up from under the road. It seemed alive, swaying back and forth, said Charlie McCafferty of the fire department, "What spooked me was there wasn't even a crack in the road." Jackhammers were used to break through the asphalt and concrete, where they found silt layers intact and no evidence of gas buildup. Shortly after the above event a similar mound was seen on Calvin Lang's homestead at the outskirts of Fort Worth, and after prodding it with a rake it disappeared yet it had left some buildings torn apart, fences torn down, and shrubs and trees uprooted. Later Jeremy Boiter spotted what appeared to be a giant tentacle erupting from the ground in a shower of gravel and dirt about two miles away. It seized a cat and her kittens, devouring them in seconds as well as two growling dog which it swallowed in its "slick dripping mouth". His friend Phil Dewar also found scraps of birds, rabbits and other while animals among the rubble of a destroyed hut. 1984 July 20-- In the Baku mountains of Azerbaijan, a UFO was seen to crash into the mountains. 1984 Massive UFO sited in Millwood, New York sometime in July. It looked like a floating city, about the size of three football fields. Its shape was triangular and it had different color lights, green, white, and red. 1984 One of the documents from the Soviet "Blue Folder" describes a UFO encounter that happened in 1984 in Turkestan Military District. Anti-aircraft defense system near the city of Astrakhan "notched up" the object that flew along the Caspian Sea coast at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level and was heading to the frontier. It did not respond to the interrogations. Its shape resembled a sphere. Two fighters were scrambled, but all the attempts to shoot the UFO down failed. Moreover, when the object was fired at, it descended down to one hundred meters above the ground to an altitude that made further firing by the fighters impossible. It is necessary to mention that despite the firing, the speed of the UFO did not change. During the flight the object passed above several military unit locations, and this made it possible to take photographs. When the UFO approached the town of Krasnovodsk, a helicopter was scrambled to make an attempt to shoot the intruder down, but the UFO quickly climbed and hovered at the altitude that was inaccessible for the helicopter. After the pilots had spent all their ammunition the helicopter descended for landing, whereas the UFO sharply changed its course and headed toward the open sea. Soon after, the object disappeared from sight and was lost by radars. 1984 , ! 950 , 21 , 3.300 70

1630 . Schneerson " ". kiruv, , . . , Ufaratzta ( 28:14 ), , "" . . Schneerson , . , Shalom Dov Wolpo, 1984. Schneerson , 1994 , Schneerson , -, , . 1984 Producer Jaime Shandera receives the MJ-12 Documents on an undeveloped roll of 35mm film. 1984 - , 1984 : 25, - - - - . - , [], . 1984 . , . , 22 1984,

1631 , . , 31 , . . , , 1927. ( ). , , , . . , . , . , 1954 . , . . 1953 . . . , 1958. .. . 1959, , . , , , . , . . Scranton 1961 . . , . , ,

1632 1966. . . . . , . . . . . , . , , . , . 15 1970. , , . . , . , . , . . , . . . . 2 1984 . , . . , . ! 3 1984 - . . . . - . ,

1633 . , , . , , , . 1984, - 1985 . [] . 1984, , . 1984, , , . 1984, 50.000 700 . 1984, . 1984, , 25 , . 1984, 21 , 3 . 1984, 31 . 1984: Alec Jeffreys invents the DNA fingerprint that can identify an individual 1985 - Norman Cousins, President of the World Future Society and honorary chairman of Planetary Citizens, says: World government is coming. In fact, it is inevitable. No arguments for it or against it can change that fact. - 1985 +Apostolos: I am Deacon in Souroti [cleric] 1985 A radar station under Captain L. Valuev in the Krasnovodsk region of Russia registered an unknown object at an altitude of 20,000 meters. Its dimension was about 1000 meters! The object did not move, but after some time a small disc having a diameter of approximately five meters flew out of the large object. This smaller disc-shaped UFO landed at the Krasnovodsk spit. Patrol-boats of Kaspian flotilla rushed to the landing place of the UFO, but when they approached it at a distance about 100 meters, the UFO took off and flew away for about a kilometre. Patrol-boats approached the UFO again, and it again flew away from them. The situation was repeated five times! Finally the object went up

1634 with tremendous speed. Its mark on the radar screen coincided with the mark of the mother craft, and then the large UFO went off into Space. 1985 Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee invited to Norton AFB to meet with DAVA about UFOs. 1985 An outbreak of Dengue fever strikes Managua Nicaragua shortly after an increase of U.S. aerial reconnaissance missions. Nearly half of the capital city's population was stricken with the disease, and several deaths have been attributed to the outbreak. It was the first such epidemic in the country and the outbreak was nearly identical to that which struck Cuba a few years earlier (1981). 1985 Dr. Kinchloe invited to test a free energy N machine in Santa Barbara, CA, called the "Sunburst". 1985 In ruling on a case in which a former U.S. Army sergeant attempted to bring a lawsuit against the Army for using experimental drugs on him, without his knowledge, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that allowing such an action against the military would disrupt the chain of command. Thus, nearly all potential actions against the military for past, or future, misdeeds have been barred as have actions aimed at the release of classified documents on the subject. 1985 Jonathan Pollard is caught spying against the US; Pollard later says that he "would do it again, if given the chance." 1985 June--The testimony of Alexander G. Globa, a seaman from Gori, a Soviet tanker, was published in Zagadki Sfinksa magazine (Issue # 3, 1992) Odessa,. In June 1984, Gori was in the Mediterranean, twenty nautical miles from the Straight of Gibraltar. At 16:00, Globa was on duty. With him was Second-in-Command S. Bolotov. They were standing watch at the left bridge extension wing when both men observed a strange polychromatic object. When the object was astern, it stopped suddenly. S. Bolotov was agog, shaking his binoculars and shouting: "It is a flying saucer, a real saucer, my God, hurry, hurry, look!" Globa looked through his own binoculars and saw, at a distance over the stern, a flattened out looking object (it did remind him of an upside-down frying pan). The UFO was gleaming with a grayish metallic shine. The lower portion of the craft had a precise round shape, its diameter no more than twenty meters. Around the lower portion of it Globa also observed "waves" of protuberances on the outside plating. The base of the object's body consisted of two semi-discs, the smaller being on top; they slowly revolved in opposing directions. At the circumference of the lower disc Globa saw numerous shining, bright, bead-like lights. The seaman's attention was centered on the bottom portion of the UFO. It looked as if it was completely even and smooth, its color that of a yolk, and in the middle of it Globa discerned a round, nucleus-like stain. At the edge of the UFO's bottom, which was easily visible, was something that looked

1635 like a pipe. It glowed with an unnaturally bright rosy color, like a neon lamp. The top of the middle disc was crowned by a triangular-shaped something. It seemed that it moved in the same direction as the lower disc, but at a much slower pace. Suddenly, the UFO jumped up several times, as if moved by an invisible wave. Many lights illuminated its bottom portion. The crew of Gori tried to attract the object's attention using a signal projector. By that time Captain Sokolovky was on the desk with his men. He and his Second-in-Command were watching the object intensely. However, the UFO's attention was distracted by another ship, approaching at the port side. It was an Arab dry cargo ship, on its way to Greece. The Arabs confirmed that the object hovered over their ship. A minute and a half later the object changed its flight's trajectory, listed to the right, gained speed and ascended rapidly. The Soviet seamen observed that when it rose through the clouds, appearing and disappearing again, it would occasional shine in the sun's rays. The craft then flared up, like a spark, and was gone instantly. 1985 Mister Scheel resigned as Bilderberger chairman, and was succeeded by Lord Roll of Ipsden, President of S. G. Warburg Group. 1985-1991 With the Soviet Union on the verge of economic collapse, a young, vigorous, and creative General Secretary, Mikhail Gorbachev, came to power. Gorbachev created the policy of Glasnost, or "Openness," which allowed criticism of the system, examination of past mistakes, "rehabilitated" victims of the purge, and changed textbooks in the nation. He also implemented Perestroika, or "Economic Restructuring." He decentralized the economy, offered incentives to managers for increased production and quality and he allowed them to make more decisions, he closed inefficient plants, and he allowed peasants to lease their own land. However, these economic policies actually failed, and the situation became increasingly worse. The Soviet Union encountered massive problems in the 1990s, including alcoholism, divorce, a high abortion rate, low life expectancy, and no consumer goods. 1985 Moore and Shandera discover the "Cutler Memo" while searching the National Archives for corroboration of the MJ-12 documents. 1985 Rothschild . British Gas. 1985 , , 26, 50 82. 1985 , , 26, 50 82. 1985 : 26, - ,

1636 . - - , , , , , , , . - 8 , . - 25 . , , : . - 31 , [ ] , . , 1985, " ", 9 . 1985, 22 31 , 12 . 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the new leader of the Soviet Union, removes foreign minister Andrei Gromyko, and launches a campaign of political openness ("glasnost") and economic restructuring ("perestroika") 1985: 21-year old Garry Kasparov becomes the youngest world champion of chess of all times 1985, 15 , . 1985, 15 , 1 . 1985, 28 5 . 1985, 8 , . , , . 1985, , , , , , " 1985, .

1637 , ". 1985, 15 . [ 2010 300! 25 25 ! , 1 ! , . , ] 1985, , 26 . 1985: 39 Italian football fans are killed by British hooligans at the Liverpool stadium 1986 An accident at a Soviet nuclear power plant at Chernobyl releases large amounts of radiation into the atmosphere. Many Russians believe that the attempted coverup of Chernobyl was the beginning of the collapse of the Communist empire. (Yaroshinskaya, N.Y. Times) 1986 April 27--Death of famed Astronomer and UFOlogist J. Allen Hynek 1986 Aug. 13, 1986 - Associated Press reports: People scattered over much of the eastern United States reported a mysterious light in the night sky, and residents of Kentucky said they heard a boom and felt their houses shake. There were similar reports in other parts of the East. The mysterious light was witnessed by Americans from Michigan, Maine, Louisiana and Kentucky. Some people said they saw a 'great big ball of fire,' Clark County Kentucky Sheriff Larry Lawson said. The people said their homes shook and windows vibrated as if there had been an explosion or earthquake, but it was just for a few seconds. They said the whole sky lit up. - 1986 Aug. 14, 1986 USA Today describes the events which occurred on the night of August 12: A spectacular light show that pranced across the night sky east of the Mississippi had astronomers baffled. - 1986 August 28--Death of Jim Lorenzen, co-founder of APRO. 1986 Beginnings of the Gulf Breeze sightings. There will be over a thousand in the next ten years. 1986 Cleveland auto worker John Demjanjuk is falsely accused of WWII war crimes against Jews, and sent to Israel to be tried for being "Ivan The Terrible." He is later acquitted. 1986 January 29--A steel-colored, globe-shaped UFO crashed on height 611 on the Izvestkovaya mountain near the small town of Dalnegorsk. Debris was recovered and examined.

1638 1986 July11--An unusual looking aircraft was seen crashing into California's Sequoia National Park (15 miles northeast of Bakersfield). The person who witnessed this event described it as a UFO. The military came in and closed off the area. They said it was a military aircraft and released a name of the dead pilot. The type of the military vehicle was never revealed. Such sources as Aviation Week believed it to have been a Stealth Fighter aircraft, but that was only a best guess. Could this have been a test of a captured alien craft? 1986 May 19-- Brasilia/Rio De Janeiro, Brazil: Several bright objects seen by tower controllers, a private jet, and confirmed by ATC and Air Defense Radars-two F-5E and three Mirage III scrambled to intercept. One F-5 pilot had visual and radar contact, while a Mirage and the other F-5 had only radar contact-zigzag movements and rapid acceleration noted by pilots and controllers. No explanation given by Brazilian AF. 1986 November 17--Japan Airlines Flight 1628 is followed by a UFO over Alaska. Pilot sees a giant UFO over Anchorage. 1986 1990, . . , , , . 1986, +Apostolos: Prof. in Gastouni, [ ], - . 1990. . 1986 there were 6 155 000 freemasons in 32 370 lodges. 1986, -2. 1986, 12 . 1986, 2 . 1986, , 102 . 1986, , . . 1986, , .

1639 1986, , 91 , 106 , 27 (). 1986: The 1986 EDSA Revolution peacefully overthrows Ferdinand Marcos after his two decade rule in the Philippines. 1986: A nuclear accident in Chernobyl kills 49 people and spreads nuclear radiations around Europe, with peaks of 100 times more radiation than the atom bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima 1986: Russia launches the permanent space station MIR 1986: a nuclear reactor in Ukrainia (Chernobyl) explodes 1986: the US has 14,000 nuclear warheads and the Soviet Union has 11,000 1986: two Soviet ships collide in the Black Sea and 398 people die 1987: Gorbachev publicly criticizes Stalin 1987: Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros sets up the Soros Foundation to promote democracy in the Soviet Union 1987-1991: First Intifada, or the Palestinian uprising, a series of violent incidents between Palestinians and Israelis 1987 "Operation Deepscan", studying Lock Ness, picks up three unidentified targets. 1987 Dulce Papers released. Tsarion 1987 +Apostolos: Dir. in S. Service . . , . 1987 ' ( ) - 1958-1987, (), , ( ) , , , . (1945-1958). 1907. (1930-1945), 1945 . 1958. 1985 40 . , 1986. 1986 . ,

1640 , : (1938)- (1965)- (1959)- (1965)- (1968) (1969)- Mytilena Sacra ( '-'. 1970-1981, )- (1979)- (1984) .. 16.6.1987. .: , . ( ), . ' (1985), . 267-283 , . ' (1987), . 448-450. 1987 Alan Greenspan of J. P. Morgan Company appointed to head Federal Reserve. Tsarion 1987 AMA found guilty of conspiring for 20 years to destroy chiropractic. The court concludes that under the Sherman Act, every combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade is illegal. Tsarion 1987 April--An accident at Area 51 results in a matter-antimatter explosion. Bob Lazar says scientists at S4 were trying to cut into an alien reactor when it exploded. The official explanation was an "unannounced nuclear test". 1987 Atlantic Monthly magazine elaborates on how EM weaponry has been developed with the ability to both affect the nervous system and to induce death. Tsarion 1987 Aug. 11, 1987 - The U.S. Patent Office grants Patent Number 4,686,605 to Dr. Bernard Eastlund, a physicist who is a consultant for the Atlantic Richfield Company. Dr. Eastlund also does work for the Defense Department's ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). The patent is for a technology to change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns. By bombarding the jet stream with high-intensity electromagnetic waves, Dr. Eastlund is able to divert it and alter the weather patterns in a particular area. - 1987 Bernard J. Eastlund issued patent # 4,686,605, based on Tesla technology, for Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earths Atmosphere. The patent is immediately classified by the Navy for six years. (See 1994 and discussion of HAARP). Part of the patent reads, this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed and by knowing the frequencies employed in this invention, a third party can sustain a communications network while the rest of the world's communications are interrupted, and could be employed to pick up signals of others for intelligence purposes. Tsarion

1641 1987 Canadian Minister of Health announces food irradiation will be permitted. Tsarion 1987 CDC now refuses to give out figures relative to hepatitis vaccinations and HIV+ to justify their claims. Tsarion 1987 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases a study indicating that the Hib vaccine shows an efficacy (effectiveness) rate of 41%. Children were found to be five times more likely to contract the disease than those not vaccinated. Tsarion 1987 CIA William Casey dies of pneumonia following brain surgery to remove a tumor. Tsarion 1987 December--John Lear, son of the Lear jet inventor and former CIA pilot, releases a statement about U.S. government involvement with aliens. 1987 Dr. Vincent DeVita, head of the National Cancer Institute, issues a controversial recommendation to 13,000 cancer specialists to give chemotherapy and surgery to all women with breast cancer, regardless of whether it has spread. Tsarion 1987 Early September-- Another UFO dogfight took place over the town of Tutaev in the Yaroslavl region of Russia. The UFO eventually crashed into a bog in the Darvinskiy reserve and the wreckage was recovered and taken to Zhitkur. 1987 End of August-- A rocket-shaped UFO some 14 meters long crashed near the Vyborg north-west of Leningrad. Wreckage transported to the Monchegorsk air base. 1987 KGB , (. UPI Richard Sale, 13 1987 , DC, 15 1988). Jay . Kim Philby, , , Mossad , (. [], 16 1989). , KGB Philby , . 1987 Estimated cases of rape number 910,000 in the United States. (Based on a rate of 91,000 as a 10% reported figure). Tsarion 1987 European Parliament votes against food irradiation on precautionary grounds. Tsarion 1987 In its own dream world that ignores everyone else, the American Cancer Society on March 15th officially announces that caught early enough, breast cancer has cure rates approaching 100

1642 percent. (Note: The ACS definition of cured involves life for 5 years after diagnosis, so early detection would in fact artificially increase the ACS cure rate). Tsarion 1987 Iran-Contra Hearings. In a conversation between Rep. Jack Brooks and Senator Inouye, Inouye declines to answer Brooks question about FEMA and suspension of rights in the U.S., deferring an answer to a closed executive session. Tsarion 1987 Johns Hopkins University irradiation conference stacked with proponents. Tsarion 1987 July 3, 1987 - The Arizona Republic reports: A sharp, startling boom jolted northern San Diego County during the night, but authorities said they don't know what caused the mysterious blast. Meteorologist Wilbur Shigehara of the National Weather Service is quoted as saying: It sounded like a blast from a cannon. It was a big momentary shake. It is a mystery. Last year, we had several shakes like this. It happened three or four times a day for a week. We never found out what it was. - 1987 July 8, 1987 - The Arizona Republic reports: For reasons unknown even to weather experts, the temperature at Greensberg, Kansas, jumped 20 degrees in ten minutes. Bill Ellis, an observer for the National Weather Service, says: I've never seen anything like it, and I don't know anybody that ever has. [A secret experiment in weather modification?] - 1987 July--Christa Tilton of Oklahoma has reported that she had an experience of missing time where she had been abducted by two small grey aliens and transported in their craft to a hillside location where she encountered a man dressed in a red military-like jump suit. She was taken into a tunnel through computerized check-points displaying security cameras. She reported having been taken on a transit vehicle to another area where she stepped on a scale-like device facing a computer screen. After the computer issued her an identification card, she was told by her guide that they had just entered Level One of a seven-level underground facility. Christa goes on relating how she was eventually taken down to Level Five. She reports having seen alien craft and little grey alien entities in some of the areas that she passed through. Christa reports going into one large room where she saw large tanks with computerized gauges hooked to the tanks and large arms that extended from some tubing down into the tanks. She noticed a humming sound, smelled formaldehyde, and was under the impression that some liquid was being stirred in the tanks. Christa has made drawings of much of what she had witnessed during her abduction. 1987 LA policeman dies after finding CIA heroin distribution point in LA, CA. Tsarion

1643 1987 Murder rate in the U. S. jumps to 600:100,000. Tsarion 1987 National Reconnaissance Office budget $9 billion. Tsarion 1987 Nov. 2, 1987 - Mikhail Gorbachev addresses the Soviet Politburo: In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road! He further reassures his Communist colleagues: Comrades, do not be concerned about all that you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. - 1987 November 2--About 80 kilometres from Krasnovodsk in Turkmeniya, a UFO approximately 290 meters in diameter had landed on the water of the Caspian sea. The UFO then exploded and there was almost nothing left of it apart from an oil slick in the sea. 1987 November--The Controversial Gulf Breeze UFO Photos. Ed Walters, a resident of Gulf Breeze, Florida and building contractor, photographed in excess of 40 extremely clear and convincing "flying saucers" over the course of several years, but the greatest concentration of images between Nov-Dec of '87. Though examined by photographic experts and said not to be fakes, there still remains considerable controversy over Ed's photos. Many believe Ed used a simple reflection technique to create his UFOs. A plastic model was discovered by a teenager, Tommy Smith (who also claims he helped Ed fake the photos) hidden in the attic of Walters' home that closely resemble the strange, "tub like" space craft in his pictures. This was later disputed as being untrue and claims were made that the model was planted to discredit Walters. In Ed's book he even had a rather staged photo of himself shaking his fist at the looming UFO which hovered outside his patio window, suggesting he was plagued by the ships to the point that such a photo could have been taken. When Walter's images first came out, many people noticed that they all had a strange ghost-like qualilty to them, possibly indicating either superimposure or the image was in some way reflected onto glass. Quite a number of skeptics reproduced Ed's results almost exactly using the reflection technique. Nonetheless, experts such as Bruce Maccabbe called them authentic and even co-authored a book with Walters. As a UFO case, it simply remains unresolved. Walter's went on to capture the same UFO on video several times and sticks to his story to this day. One thing is for certain, the Gulf Breeze area has been, off and on, a hotbed of UFO activity witnessed by countless others, though no one else has ever photographed "Ed's" particular UFO to date; and yet, Ed's got a scrap album packed with the one UFO type. Ed

1644 Walters is the approximate American equivalent of Billy Meier, minus the tomes of transmitted 'knowledge' from the happy space brethren. 1987 Project Moonscan allegedly gets under way for prepositioning mind control technology on the Moon to influence Earth's population. Managed by Airborn Instrument Labs and run by Eaton Corporation. DOD takes over management in 1988. Tsarion 1987 : , 15-21 1987 : . Michael Swift, : , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . , . . , . , , . . . . , , , . ! , , . . . . , . . , .

1645 . , , , . . , , , . . . , , , , , , . , , . , , , . , . , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , [], . . . : , . . . , . , . ,

1646 , Mishima, . , , . . . , , , , , . , . . , . . . , . , . , . , . . , . . , . . [] . , , . . [, ], . , .

1647 . 1987 Recorded cases of syphilis jump 23% - largest increase since 1977. Tsarion 1987 Reddish-orange UFOs fly over Meishan, Sichuan province, China. 1987 Sixty-six Japanese victims of Pertussis vaccine receive huge damage awards from the Japanese government. Tsarion 1987 Star Wars budget is 4.1 billion. Intelligence budget $35 billion. Tsarion 1987 Study determines that 16% of those under 30 are left handed. Tsarion 1987 Swedish Health Board declares amalgam to be toxic and unsuitable as a dental filling material. Tsarion 1987 The CIA begins to experiment with ELF "Death Rays". 1987 The FDA covers up old information on AZT to get it approved for use against AIDS as part of the plan to poison and kill off the homosexual population. 1987 The General Accounting Office (GAO) completes a two-year study of cancer statistics. The results validate Bailar and Smith (See 1986). According to the GAO, $2 billion per year was spent on cancer research (more than 50% of it government funds). Despite this enormous expense, only slight improvement in cancer patient survival was indicated for the 30-year period 1950-1982. The GAO study was shelved to protect the cancer industry. Tsarion 1987 The MJ-12 documents are released by Shandera, Moore, and Stanton Friedman. 1987 The November issue of Newsweek refers to Michael Aquino as the Second Beast of Revelation in the wake of a criminal investigation involving child molestation at Presidio Army base. Tsarion 1987 The Philadelphia Daily News carries a story that Colonel David L. Huxsoll, chief of the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) told a meeting of Soviet scientists that Soviet charges that the U.S. military created the HIV virus constituted disinformation. Tsarion 1987 Two JDL members disrupted the performance of Soviet pianist Lazar Berman at Carnegie Hall in New York by chanting, "Free Soviet Jews, Communist Nazis." Both were removed from the hall and charged with disorderly conduct. 1987 Unusually large number of humpback whales die of unknown causes, followed by toxic algal blooms (red tides) on the east coast of North America. Tsarion

1648 1987 William Bise had the only article published on the behavioral effect of microwaves that is accepted by the establishment scientific community. Together with Elizabeth Raucher, Bise created an amazing demonstration that was video taped and nationally televised on October of 1987. Although nine hours of video tape was taken, only four minutes made it on the air. Four years went into their unfunded work, and the results speak for themselves. They had 300 human subjects that were tested under clinical conditions. Over 85% of them showed a repeatable response between an externally generated magnetic field and EEG brainwaves. Three male subjects were exposed to specific electronic patterns, such as spike waves, sawtooth waves, lissijous patterns, complex patterns like square waves with pulses, etc. In all cases they were correctly identified. This is not a statistical process. There was a medical doctor present in many cases. In one case, the doctor was supposed to be somebody from Army Intelligence, who said, wow, this is really interesting. They never heard from him again. The EEG documentation clearly showed pattern shifts associated with each change in waveform. There were distinct signatures present in the brainwaves when the input magnetic field was shifted. The induction of line images into the human brain from a distance is publically proven. Tsarion 1987 , , , . 1987 Professor Daniel Boorstin, Librarian of Congress from 1975 to 1987, once stated: "Americans live in a world of pseudofacts, which is created for them by their own media." 1987, " . ' . . Geula Cohen [ ]. , , : - . , , ...". : "Israels Ayatollahs" : R. Mergui Ph. Simonnot, : Saqi Books, G. Britain, 1987, . 170-171 " ;", . , . 75. Geula Cohen: " . , . , . ". 1987, .

1649 1987, . 1987, . 1987, : " , : ! , ' ... ' . ' , ". 1987, , "... , , . , ... ". , . , , , , : 1987, , , . , , ". 1987, 666 1987, , " 666 ", , , : " ", " ", " ", " ", "", , : "Ordo ab Chao", "Fiat Lux"!, "Novus Ordo Seclorum", . 1987, , . 1987, . 1987, 25 , 6 . 1987. The National Cancer Institute study found that as exposure to fluoridation increases, so does the incidence of oral cancer; sometimes as much as a 50% increase in oral cancer rates occur in fluoridated areas

1650 this translates to 8,000 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer per year, needless pain and suffering and a financial windfall to the medical and pharmaceutical factions that concern themselves with treatment. Tsarion 1987: the Montreal Protocol limits the use of substances that damage the ozone layer 1988 (Feb.) National Cancer Institute Report says since 1953 cancer keeps growing Tsarion 1988 +Apostolos: Priest in Vitineika and Marathia. , . , , -, , . , 1400 . , , . 1988 A Soviet Satellite photo shows a high-security compound at one end of the Groom Lake Area 51 base, purpose unknown. 1988 A Swedish study finds that mammograms and early detection of breast cancer did not reduce the rate of death. Dr. Lars Janzon studied 42,000 women before concluding in an October 1988 British Medical Journal that mammograms should be restricted. When the Wall Street Journal in the U.S. informs an official of the American Cancer Society of the report, the official dismisses it. Tsarion 1988 A Top Secret air show is held at Norton Air Force Base, where an alien reproduction vehicle was shown off. 1988 According to a New York Times article on Nov. 8, 1988, p. C-1, it is estimated that adolescence was now lasting until the late 20's and that this represented evidence of a general developmental delay in a generation. Tsarion 1988 Alien vessel crashes near Dalnegorsk in Russia. 1988 An article in Medical Hypothesis, Vol. 25, p151-62, by Eleni Eleopoulos notes that about 25% of the population of Southern Japan has antibodies against the HIV virus, compared with 1% of the population of the United States; there were only 14 cases of AIDS reported in Japan (a figure that has not significantly increased). Tsarion 1988 Announced in Washington Post that all polio since 1979 caused by vaccine Tsarion 1988 April 12--Death of Coral Lorenzen and the end of APRO. 1988 August--The Joint Chiefs of Staff met at Pensacola Naval Air Station, and were escorted into a hangar that was under extremely high security and temporarily air conditioned. This might have been the result of a reported UFO crash in the nearby Gulf Islands National Seashore.

1651 1988 B-2 Stealth bomber unveiled by the US military. This may use anti-gravity technology to achieve its "stealth mode". 1988 Battelle Memorial Institute releases its studies on fluorides and animal cancer for the U.S.PHS which, ironically, report highly specific fluoride-related cancers. The data is turned over to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), who gives the data to the Experimental Pathology Labs, who reclassify and delete items damaging to the profluoridation faction. The altered data is then submitted to the patholAppendix ogy working group on December 6, 1989, after a year of reworking. All this with the full knowledge of EPA and U.S.PHS. (See 1990). Tsarion 1988 Both Soviet Mars Phobos probes fail during flight. Tsarion 1988 British perform first brain cell transplants. Tsarion 1988 Brooklyn Family Court Study finds that 40% of juveniles have learning dysfunction. Tsarion 1988 Bush proposes to use old military bases as prisons. Tsarion 1988 ( ). , 1949 , " " . , - ', ( ') , - , - . : : - , , ( ), ( ) , , - . , . . , , . ,

1652 ; , . , . : 2002; ; , . , . ; ; , , . : - . - , . , , , , , .. , . , , , . , , , () . 1978 ( , ), , .

1653 1920-22 , . , - - , () . , , , .. , , , , . , , , . ( 1992, - - ): , , , . , . (.. , 1877-1968, , , ) , , , . ' , : ' - 1988: - . . . , , . , , , . , . . , , , .

1654 : : . 1988 CIA director George HW Bush becomes president until 1992. Tsarion 1988 Cocaine wars in Columbia. Tsarion 1988 Dec. 7, 1988 - In an address to the U.N., Mikhail Gorbachev says: World progress is only possible through a search for universal human consensus as we move forward to a new world order. - 1988 December Mikhail Gorbachev, in an address at the United Nations, states,"Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order." 1988 December21--270 people were murdered when Pan Am 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. Tales of suitcases of heroin recovered at the crash site by mysterious American intelligence officers point to a joint CIA/Drug Enforcement Administration operation that was fatally compromised by Syrian and Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorists. American spooks were running "controlled" deliveries of Lebanese heroin through Frankfurt airport in return for information about the whereabouts of the hostages in Beirut. The terrorists were aware of this and switched the dope-filled Samsonite case with one containing the bomb. Among those killed were Matthew Gannon, the CIA's deputy head of station in Beirut, and Major Charles McKee, a Defence Intelligence Agency officer allegedly in charge of a hostage rescue team. Some students of the tragedy have gone so far as to suggest that McKee was flying home to blow the whistle, disgusted that deals were being struck with dope dealers in order to gain intelligence on the kidnap victims. 1988 Discovered that ingestion of 100 mg (.004 ounce) of sugar reduces the immune functions in the body by 50% within one hour. Other studies confirm that excessive sugar consumption may increase the incidence of infections and reduce the body's ability to defend against disease. Ref: Eat for Health, William Manahan, M.D, Tiburon Press, 1988; Robert Mendelsohn, M.D, The Risks of Immunizations, Tsarion 1988 Dr. Joel Boriskin, chairman of the ADA national fluoridation advisory committee, in an address before the Calgary Health Department, claims that 1500 mg of fluoride per day is prescribed to older people that have progressive hearing loss. (Note: 1500 mg/day is a lethal dose). Tsarion 1988 Fred Leuchter drops a huge bombshell on the myth of German "gas chambers" with The Complete Leuchter Report (Court

1655 Document, 1988 Trial of Ernst Zundel). Read British Historian David Irving's "Forward to the Leuchter Report" here. 1988 Hawkins-Stafford Education Improvement Amendments, PL100-297 establishes the National Cooperative Education Statistics System to involve state and federal governments in a mutual effort to produce state comparable and nationally uniform data on public and private school systems. Tsarion 1988 Hearings held in Sweden on amalgam. 1987 ruling upheld. Tsarion 1988 Internet computer virus jams 6,000 military computers in the U.S. Tsarion 1988 It becomes known that George Bush had fascists on his campaign staff; Philip Guarino (Freemasonic P2 Guard, formed by the SS) and Nicolas Nazarenko (German SS Cossack Division), Laszlo Pasztor (Nazi collaborator and former member of the SS Arrow Cross Party), Radi Slavoff (member of Bulgarian cell formed from Nazi Bulgarian Legion) are examples. Bush campaign co-chairman Jerome Bentrar admits to having assisted hundreds of Nazis to emigrate to the United States. Bush quickly instituted a policy of not releasing the roster of his ethnic outreach group available any longer. Tsarion 1988 January 20--Adelaide, Australia UFO Sighting (Reported by CBS Radio). An Australian family reported that their moving automobile was lifted from a road by a brightly glowing egg-shaped UFO. They said that the craft shook their vehicle violently and put it back on the road. Investigating authorities said the damaged vehicle was found to be covered by a gray ash-like substance which is being analyzed. Occupants of other vehicles in the area and a fishing boat crew also reported the UFO, and the authorities were said to be taking the reports seriously since there were so many witnesses. 1988 June 17-- Near St. Dizier, France. Two French AF Mirage IIIEs chase an orange-yellow ball for several minutes. "No Comment" from French AF on story. Chase witnessed from ground. 1988 June 1988 - Lord Maitreya mysteriously appears before an audience in Nairobi, Kenya. [Maitreya has appeared to several groups in different parts of the world since that time. When Maitreya appears, it is claimed that water in the area is charged - that it takes on miraculous healing powers. Benjamin Creme's attitude toward those who refuse to accept this figure as the world's Messiah is seen in this statement: When men see Maitreya they will know that the time has come to choose; to go forward with Him into a future dazzling in its promise - or to cease to be.] . 1988 Lederle Laboratories package insert for DPT vaccine reads Pertussis vaccine has been associated with a greater proportion of

1656 adverse reactions than many other childhood vaccinations. Local reactions are common after administration of DTP, occurring in 35-50% of recipients. Febrile reactions are more likely to occur in those who have experienced such responses after prior doses. Tsarion 1988 March 4--Sheila and Henry Baker were driving home with their three children about 8:35 p.m., after going out to dinner. As they neared the waterfront, Sheila noticed something hovering over the lake and they drove down to the beach to investigate and got out of the car. The moon was bright and there was ice on the lake; Sheila could hear it cracking like claps of thunder. Plainly visible was a huge, gunmetal gray football-shaped object that was rocking back and forth, blinding white light emanating from both ends, but it was silent. Then the object began moving, swinging one end toward the shore and descending. The Bakers became frightened, ran back to their car and fled. When they got home, the object was still visible from a window that faced the lake. The object moved out over the ice and continued to descend, with red and blue lights now flashing in sequence along its lower edge. Sheila then called the Eastlake police to report a UFO, and was finally referred to the Coast Guard. Suddenly 5 or 6 bright yellow triangular objects shot out of the center of the large object and began darting around independently. Once they stopped and hovered, point up, around the parent object, then sped away to the north, turned east, then inland toward the Perry nuclear power plant. At this point Sheila called the Coast Guard, which sent a team to their house to investigate. Seaman James Power and Petty Officer John Knaub arrived towing a Boston Whaler, a seaworthy boat. When Sheila pointed to the main craft and some of the triangular objects still zipping around it, the men drove closer to the lake to investigate, accompanied by the Bakers. At the lakefront they could hear the ice rumbling and roaring. In their incident report later sent by teletype to the Coast Guard headquarters in Detroit, Michigan, the men were quoted as saying that "the ice was cracking and moving abnormal amounts as the object came closer to it." Power and Knaub gave a running report to their base via the two-way radio in their Chevy Suburban on what they were seeing. The window was down, and the Bakers overheard them saying words to the effect, "Be advised the object appears to be landing on the lake...There are other objects moving around it. Be advised these smaller objects are going at high rates of speed. There are no engine noises and they are very, very low." One of the triangles zoomed straight toward the Coast Guard vehicle, a blur of light, then veered east, straight up, and came down beside the parent object. Two witnesses in separate locations also reported seeing the triangles. Suddenly the triangles returned and one by one entered the side of the parent object as it seemed to land on the ice. The ellipse flashed a series of red, blue, and yellow lights, the light

1657 emanating from the end of the object turned from white to red, and the triangles re-emerged and hovered above it. The noise from the ice abruptly ceased, and the lights and triangles disappeared. 1988 May--Near the southwest tip of Puerto Rico, under the waters of the Mona Passage, Mona island, and south of the Cobo Rojo lighthouse in the ocean pass separating Puerto Rico from the Dominican Republic, there reportedly exists an active UFO base. U.S. Navy forces, investigating a massive UFO wave, sent out two F-14 Tomcat fighter jets to circle a massive UFO that had been sighted in May, 1988. One of the fighters from the BCF "starfighter" squadron aboard the USS Roosevelt was vaporized by a beam from the UFO, and photos of the incident were taken by Amaury Rivera. Some months later missile-laden fighters attempted to intercept a delta-shaped UFO but the UFO vaporized or captured one of the jets in front of thousands of witnesses. 1988 Medical Tribune publishes article Brain Autoantibodies in 33% of Schizophrenics which indicates that 33% of schizophrenia cases appear to be autoimmune in nature. Tsarion 1988 Milton William Cooper reveals to the ParaNet secrets that he'd learned while in the Navy. Eventually he submits a "Petition to Indict" the members of MJ-12, and especially George Bush. 1988 Most powerful neural-net computer in the 1980's would be the Department of Defense commissioned TRW Mark III neurocomputer, consisting of 1 million synapses, but it only had 1/10000 of the capacity of a housefly. Later, AT&T Bell Labs researcher H. P. Graf develops an experimental chip comprising 256 neurons connected with 32000 synapses. The chips can be plugged into a standard computer. Tsarion 1988 New conjugated Hib vaccine approved for use in children at least 18 months old in the United States. Hib = Hemophilus Influenza Type B. Tsarion 1988 New Education Data Improvement Project (1988-1991) provides technical assistance to each state in responding to federal data reporting requirements. The project additionally analyzed the capacity of each state in the U.S. to provide standard data on U.S. students, school staff, revenues and expenditures. Tsarion 1988 New York Times (4/19/88) reports that waves in the Atlantic ocean have increased more than 20% since the 1960's. Measurements taken since the 1960's indicate that during the late 1970's (a period following the start of Soviet and U.S. ELF transmissions), the waves got bigger. Tsarion 1988 November 22-- Near Al'myakovo in the Tomsk region of Western Siberia, an unidentified object is alleged to have crashed. The official version given by the authorities was that it was a bolide meteor.

1658 1988 November 29--Death of Major Donald E. Keyhoe. 1988 October--The International Astronomical Congress adopts the protocol "The Declaration of Principals Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Intellegence". 1988 Omnibus Anti-Drug Act of 1988. Tsarion 1988 Pan American Flight crashes over Lockerbie, Scotland after CIA drug runner has a bomb planted in his baggage. The Libyans are blamed for the crash of flight 103 as a cover-up. Six agents on the plane were on their way to the United States to testify in a major drug case implicating the CIA. Tsarion 1988 Penthouse Magazine, August 1988, details seven scientists murdered in Britain who worked on Star Wars (cover for EM Mind Control) projects at Marconi. Eventually, more than 22 British scientists working on related programs would commit suicide in bizarre ways. Another company who had scientists die was Plessey Defense Systems. Nearly all the scientists who died held electronics or computerrelated contracts with the British Ministry of Defence academies. The British government blamed the deaths on stress. Tsarion 1988 Popular Science, Jan. 1988, details U.S. supermagnets, each capable of reaching 9 Teslas, or 180,000 times the strength of Earths field, that are in use in the United States. Tsarion 1988 Possible UFO crash on Russia Hill 611: debris recovered, analysis, conclusion: ET craft. 1988 President Reagan issues EO 12656, defining a National Emergency as any occurrence that seriously degrades or threatens the security of the U.S. Tsarion 1988 Previous spacefaring vehicles were superseded by the "Nautilus", a spacecraft with a rounded delta shape built jointly by special projects divisions of Europe's Airbus Industrie and U.S.'s Boeing Corporation. Nautilus has a propulsion system which utilizes magnetic pulsing. Nautilus-type craft make twice-weekly trips up into space and back, to service the secret international space station. The Nautilus is based in Utah, the likely candidates being the Dugway Proving Ground or Hill Air Force Base Range. Nautilus-class craft were also used at the beginning of the Gulf War, to penetrate Iraqi airspace from space. Soon thereafter, Stealth aircraft took over covert penetration operations. 1988 Research indicates that 25% of those vaccinated against rubella show no evidence of immunity within five years. In Wyoming, 73% of rubella cases occur in vaccinated children. Tsarion 1988 Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory discover that fluoride promotes and enhances the carcinogenicity of other cancercausing chemicals in the food and environment. Interestingly, this work confirmed studies sponsored by the United States National Cancer

1659 Institute conducted back in 1963 by Herskowitz and Norton at Saint Louis University. More than 30 years ago, these scientists showed that low levels of fluoride increased the incidence of melanotic tumors in living organisms from 12 to 100% - often these tumors were induced by fluoride over a period of days. These studies were further amplified by work done by the Taylor's at the University of Texas which found that 1 ppm fluoride in drinking water increased tumor growth rate in mice by 25%. Tsarion 1988 Rex Niles, a former Southern California electronics salesman and a federal informant in a kickback ring of Pentagon contractors, is harassed by government microwave weapons and helicopters over his home, depriving of so much sleep that he was unable to testify. Los Angeles Times, A Fearful Fix Grips Figure in Kickbacks, March 28, 1988, p.B-1. Tsarion 1988 Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D, publishes material indicating that Dr. John Seal of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease believes that any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre. Tsarion 1988 Senator Cranston allegedly shown disks at Norton AFB, California. Tsarion 1988 Space shuttle Discovery launched successfully. Tsarion 1988 Strecker Report on AIDS as artificial creation released. Streckers brother Ted found dead of selfinflicted gunshot wound. Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff, who beat the drum about an AIDS cover-up, found dead in his home of an overdose of heroin and cocaine. Tsarion 1988 Study reveals that mathematical ability has virtually vanished in American adolescents. Nearly 50% cannot perform Junior High School problems, and 33% do not normally understand what the teacher is saying; 27% could not perform elementary math. Tsarion 1988 Summer--Residents of Bishopville, South Carolina, reported accounts of a rare breed of Bigfoot: a seven-foot tall lizard man with green scaly skin. According to witnesses, unlike other Bigfoot creatures Lizard Man has only three toes on each foot, as well as long apelike arms that end in three fingers tipped with four-inch claws. Only the second Bigfoot to have only three fingers on each hand, and the first to also have three toes on each foot. Lizard Man is the most unusual Bigfoot ever reported. 1988 Sun reports the mysterious death of Hektor Toranaldo. 1988 Texas A&M University conducts study for lunar boring machine with a lithium cooled reactor. Tsarion 1988 The Aquinos are featured on Oprah Winfrey. Nazi aspects of the Temple of Set are brought out on the program. Tsarion

1660 1988 The B-2 stealth bomber is unveiled. Tsarion 1988 The book Matrix released by Nevada Aerial Research Group (LERG). Tsarion 1988 The U.S. Agency for International Development commits $88 million to a five year plan to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries. Tsarion 1988 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declares scrap dental amalgam to be a hazardous waste material. Mercury comprises over 50% of the silver dental filling. Mercury is a protoplasmic poison more toxic than lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Dr. Thomas Clarkson and Dr. John Hursh of the University of Rochester, School of Medicine, Department of Toxicology, and Dr. Magnus Nylander and Dr. Lars Friberg of the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, Sweden, concluded from their research that the release of mercury from dental amalgam makes the predominant contribution to human exposure to inorganic mercury, including mercury vapor in the general population. Over 100 million people have amalgam implants. Tsarion 1988 Two scientific studies find that new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr virus), an immune disorder first reported in 1982. Tsarion 1988, . " " filoumenos 1988 U.S. introduces plutonium powered pacemaker. Tsarion 1988 U.S. tests acellular Pertussis vaccine on Swedish children. Five children die, up to five months after vaccination. Deaths in the U.S. that occur within hours or days of a whole-cell vaccination are quickly dismissed and rarely investigated. Tsarion 1988 Wall St. Journal reports Swedish dentist pituitaries contain 40x average mercury level. Tsarion 1988 Wall Street Journal article (7/15/88) details discoveries by scientists at the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Jet Propulsion Lab that the Earth has developed a wobble in its spin. Tsarion 1988 Washington Post reports more than 50% of pacemakers are unneeded. Tsarion 1988 Washington Post reports only 2% of 60,000 chemicals in use have been tested for human safety. Tsarion 1988 Wildlife biologist John Bindernagel of Vancouver Island found massive footprints in the snow and heard a whoo-whoo whooop call in the woods. His evidence includes 16-inch, human-like footprints found in Strathcona provincial park while hiking.

1661 1988 1988, [ 1989] , : 85 42 , , , , , , , : (. , 11). 1988, Peoples Doctor Newsletter, Inc. Tsarion 1988, . 1988, , 1988 1993, . . , . 1988, 29 . . . 1988, , . , , , , , . , , , " ", . ' , . 11 1988, " " . . . " " , , . ". 1988, " " .

1662 , " ", , . 1988, 3 Oxfam. 1988, , , 5 . 1988, , . 11 . ! , , . 7. , , , , , " 1988, , , . . 1988 1992, Share International , . , , . , , ( . ) 1992 1988 1989 . 1988: Colin Pitchfork becomes the first man to be convicted of murder on the basis of DNA fingerprint evidence 1989 +Apostolos: Dir. in Gymnasium of Aygeion 1989 A 285,000 square foot underground extension facility was constructed in the Manzano Mountain Munitions Storage Complex near Kirtland AFB in New Mexico. Heavy secrecy surrounds these facilities.

1663 1989 A large UFO plummeted to earth just outside of the city of Omsk in Western Siberia. The object was recovered and taken to the Odinstovo air base. 1989 A study by Hildebolt, et al. on 6,000 school children contradicts any alleged benefit from the use of sodium fluorides. Tsarion 1989 Air Force begins construction of second underground facility at Manzano Mountains in New Mexico. Completed in June 1992. Tsarion 1989 April 12 Radical (leftist) activist Abbie Hoffman, 52, is found dead at his home in New Hope, Pa. 1989 April 18 Mainland China's Affairs Council under the Executive Yuan decides to permit Taiwan citizens to gather news and make films in mainland China. 1989 Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1989. HR1495 construed carefully to avoid constitutional concerns. Tsarion 1989 Article in the Independent, Sept. 5, 1989, Doubts surface over suicide of defense scientist, details the strange death of Sayyed Bideer, an advisor to Egyptian president Hosni Mubarek. Bideer's specialty was microwave communications. Tsarion 1989 At the in New Orleans Institute for Electric and Electronic Engineers Engineering and Medical Biology Conference in 1989, the following papers were presented: Proto-biological Basis Of Laser Biostimulation (U.s.s.r.) Basic Mechanisms Of Magnetic Coil Excitation Of The Nervous System In Humans And Monkeys And Their Application Stimulation Of Excitable Brain Tissue With Time-varying Magnetic Fields Trans-cranial Stimulation Of The Cerebral Cortex Directed Ability Of Magnetic Flux Density Vector In Magnetostimulators Tsarion 1989 Autumn-- A small globe-shaped UFO exploded in Dushanbe, the capital of the Tadjikistan Republic, Soviet Middle Asia. It exploded in the Imonov's family yard. 1989 Bob Lazar came forward and claimed that he had been recuited by the US Military to work at the Area 51 facility in Nevada. Lazar gave descriptions of what he had witnessed while working there, inlcuding details of his alleged involvement with captured 'Alien' technology. 1989 Bush inaugurates $7.8 billion anti-drug program and authorizes $300 billion to prevent collapse of S&L system (looted by techno-traffickers and CIA). Tsarion 1989 Bush states desire to have manned outpost on the Moon and visits to Mars. Tsarion 1989 California gunman shoots playground kids and kills himself. Tsarion 1989 Computer viruses infect systems worldwide. Tsarion

1664 1989 Early June-- A UFO had allegedly caught fire and had crashed near the small port town of Nyda north of Tumen region of Western Siberia. It is alleged that live extraterrestrials were recovered and taken to the Odinstovo base near Moscow. 1989 French co-discoverer of the HIV virus, Luc Montagnier in France, admits HIV is not capable of causing the destruction to the immune system which is seen in people with AIDS. Tsarion 1989 Gordon Thomas publishes Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse. Tsarion 1989 Gunman shoots 14 women at Montreal University. Tsarion 1989 In 1989, Dr. Yiamouyiannis used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain carcinogenicity studies conducted by Proctor and Gamble (one of the makers of fluoridated toothpaste) that were submitted to (and covered up by) the United States Public Health Service. These studies showed dose dependent cell abnormalities caused by fluoride. These results were reported in the February 22, 1990 issue of the Medical Tribune. Additional studies by Proctor and Gamble scientists confirmed the link between oral precancerous growth and fluoride, as well as an increase in osteomas (bone tumors) and osteosarcomas (bone cancer). In fact, the National Cancer Institute found in 1991 that the incidence of bone cancer was 50% higher in men ages 0-19 years of age exposed to fluoridated water compared to those who were not. Tsarion 1989 June--Possible UFO crash in South Africa 2 ET Living Disc Intact 1989 Lord Roll turned over the Bilderberger chairmanship to Lord Carrington, who still chairs the meetings. 1989 Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1989, prints a brief on Englands Electromagnetic Death Ray, where British EM devices killed two Soviet citizens in London, according to an allegation by Soviet newspaper Izvestia. (See 1965) Tsarion 1989 Los Angeles undergoes spraying with 47,000 gallons of nerve toxin Malathion until May 30, Tsarion 1989 Magnetometers at Corralitos, California, detect unusual ULF waves (.01 to 10 Hz) on September 12, 1989. The waves increased 30x in strength by Oct. 5, 1989, and then weakened. At 2 pm on October 17th, the signals grew to the point where they went off the scale. Within 3 hours, the 7.1 Loma Prieta quake struck. The epicenter was 4 miles from Corralitos. Tsarion 1989 March--Dracos (the reptilian bad guys) destroy American Mars colony. 1989 May 12, 1989 - At Texas A&M University, George Bush states that the United States is ready to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order. -

1665 1989 May 7-- May 7--Famous UFO shoot-down in the Kalahari desert of Botswana. According to former South African Air Force Colonel James Van Grunen and documents he has made available, an Extra-Terrestrial Spacecraft was brought to Wright- Patterson from South Africa. In May of 1989 NORAD tracked several objects of unknown origin heading toward Africa. South African Air Force Command was alerted and a Mirage Fighter was sent up to intercept the objects. One of these crafts was shot down. The S.A.A.F. later recovered a disc-shaped object with strange markings on it, three non-human creatures (1 dead, 1 severely injured and 1 in perfect shape) and removed this material to Praetoria A.F.B. Unable to cope with the creatures or material, these were later traded to the U.S. Government for two nuclear devices (unspecified) and brought, through a third nation, to Wright-Patterson AFB. Was this the Kalahari object? 1989 Microwave News reports Boris Yeltsin told a reporter that the KGB has an ELF device that can stop a human heart with a powerful 7-11 Hz signal. Tsarion 1989 Milton William Cooper, formerly with Navy intelligence, releases The Secret Government, with claims of underground bases and aliens. 1989 Moore reveals that he has been working to spread UFO disinformation. 1989 November 29--Two Belgian police officers were on patrol on the Eupen to Kittenis road when they saw what seemed to be a dark, triangular platform with three powerful searchlights on its underside, shining on the ground below. The platform also had a central red light that changed from red to orange. the object was approximately 220 yards off to one side of the road, and approximately 325 yards above a field. The object changed direction and flew directly over their heads, noisless except for a soft humming. It then proceeded towards Eupen, stopping to hover motionlessely over the dam at Gileppe for about 45 minutes. Finally, it headed toward Baelen and Spa and disappeared. The two policemen contacted the Belgian Air Force at Bierset, which had detected the object on radar. An AWACS aircraft was dispatched from Gelsenkirchen. The event lasted a total of two and a half hours and was witnessed by nineteen police officers at a party in the area as well. Consistent reports were given by other witnesses from Eupen, Liege, Plombieres, Kittenis, Baelin, Verviers, Jalhan, St. Vith, Andrimont, Lontzen, Voeren, Herbesthal, and eastern Belgium, as well as areas of Holland, Luxembourg, and Germany. Almost an hour later, the same two police officers saw another, but much larger, triangular objec appear from behind some trees. It ascended with a climbing turn, rotating horizontally

1666 as it did so. It slowly flew away, following the course of a main road at about 65 kilometers per hour. 1989 November 9 The fifth plenary meeting of the Chinese Communist Party's 13th Central Committee concludes. Deng Xiaoping resigns from the post of chairman of the party's Central Military Commission. Jiang Zemin succeeds Deng to take up the post. 1989 November 9 Without warning, East German border guards open the gates to West Berlin and the Berlin Wall suddenly comes down. The swiftness of its fall stuns the world and many find it suspicious that this remarkable event coincides with the date of Adolf Hitler's most "sacred" Nazi holiday, Gedenktag fuer die Gefallenen der Nazi Bewegung. Note, November 9 was a date connected with the National Socialist movement from its very beginning and with Hitler as far back as World War I. (Blutzeuge) 1989 November--Robert Lazar is interviewed by George Knapp on KLAS-TV, Las Vegas. Robert Lazar claims to be a physicist and to have been taken to Area S-4 at Papoose Lake to examine the propulsion system of a UFO. 1989 On February 23, 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides on mice. A most curious result of the study, from the U.S.PHS point of view, was that fluoride induced the occurrence of an extremely rare form of liver cancer, called hepatocholangio carcinoma, in fluoride-treated male and female mice. Two months later in April of 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides and rats. The study showed a dose-dependent relationship between the incidence of oral cancerous tumors and fluorides. It is interesting to note that mice and rats yielded different The results with fluoridedifferent types of cancer. As a response to the Battelle study, the National Cancer Institute from examined the incidence of oral cancer in fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries over the period from 1973 to Tsarion 1989 On March 30, 1989, the California Department of Health Services reported that Niagara brand bottled water was found to contain 450 ppm fluoride. The state health director, Kenneth Kizer, warned residents that consumption could be fatal. Tsarion 1989 Prestigious journal Nature publishes an article entitled High Abundance of Viruses Found in Aquatic Environments, detailing the discovery of 2.5 trillion viral particles 0.2 microns in size found in each liter of unpolluted sea water. (Aug. 10, 1989). Size equivalent to Naessens somatids. Is this the reason fish cannot live in synthetic sea water unless 2 oz. of real sea water is added? Tsarion 1989 Project Trident, Office of Naval Research, using airborne mind control methods over large cities to stimulate the public into civil

1667 violence. Los Angeles responds well. Black helicopters with long probes are seen more around the United States. Tsarion 1989 Robert Lazar declares his scenario at Dreamland to the public. Tsarion 1989 September 16--UFO fought between themselves over the town of Zaostrovka, Perm in the Ural region of Russia. One UFO was shoe down by another UFO,. It was recovered and taken to Zhitkur. This is known as the "Russian Roswell". 1989, a number of Soviet states began to revolt against Soviet authority. The spark of it all occured in 1989, when declining conditions in Poland forced Poland to legalize Lech Walesa's "Solidarity" Party. The party won control of the government in a landslide election. Gorbachev then told the Eastern Bloc satellite states that he cannot enforce the Brezhnev Docrtine. As a result, other nations followed Poland's lead. Hungary held elections, relaxed economic controls, and opened its door to the West. The Czechoslovakian communist government collapsed without bloodshed in what has become known as the "Velvet Revolution." In East Germany, Germans flood to Hungary and then to the West. The Communist leader of East Germany, Honecker, is forced to step down, and the wall was torn down on November 9, 1989. In Romania, Ceacescu, a brutal Stalinist dictator, was executed. The failure of Glasnost and Perestroika to revive the situation in the Soviet Union resulted in its demise. In 1989, the first free elections since 1917 were held for the Soviet Congress. Boris Yeltsin was elected and becoma the leader of the opposition in the U.S.S.R. In 1990, other parties became officially tolerated, and in June 1991 Yelstin was elected President of Russia. On August 19 and August 20, 1991, a coup of communist hardliners occured while Gorbachev is in the Crimea. Yeltsin faced down the coup on top of a tank in front of the Russian Parliament. On August 24, 1991, the Communist Party was banned in Russia and the KGB dissolved. Lenin statutes were torn down, and the new Russian flag went up. December 31, 1991 marked the end of the Soviet Union. 1989 September 28-- A UFO crash reportedly occurred off Moriches Bay on Long Island, New York. The U.S. government allegedly shot down and recovered the UFO. 1989 Soviets lose Mars probe link. Tsarion 1989 Television series War of the World debut. Tsarion 1989 The A-Albionic Consulting and Research determines that the British royal family's battle against the Vatican is behind all the evils of the world. 1989 The Ebola Virus escapes into a Washington suburb. 1989 UFO Cover-Up...Live airs as a disinformation coup of unparalleled success.

1668 1989 UFO lands at a park in Voronezh, Russia. Four aliens 3 meters (10 feet) tall emerge from the craft, causing a panicky crowd of onlookers to flee. 1989 Washington Post article, Feb. 17, Bank Killer Tormented by Voices. The subject was Emmanuel Tsegaye, an Ethiopian bank teller, who became depressed and suicidal, killing three bank employees in Bethesda, Maryland. Tsegaye was described as attempting suicide several times and was institutionalized more than once at St. Elizabeths Hospital, well known for its involvement with CIA psychiatric programs. Said Tsegaye, I used to hear voices, repeated voices, speaking about the things I was thinking. Tsarion 1989 William Pierce publishes his second novel, Hunter, again under the name Andrew MacDonald. 1989 86 . 1989, . 1989, 30 , . . 1989, . , " , ", : . , . 1989, . 5055 .. 1989, , , 500 [ ]! , . 1989: the Soviet Union withdraws from Afghanistan 1989 On May 1, 1989, a "nice Jewish girl", age 29, appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a Satanic cult that dates back to the 1700's. Although they appear to be upstanding citizens --lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. they engage in Satanic ritual human sacrifice, incest and cannibalism, often in synagogues. They drink blood and eat babies. She is describing the Illuminati which originated in the Frankist Movement in the Eighteenth century. 1989: the Soviet Union holds the first free elections since 1917 1989: In Poland the communist government and Solidarity agree to share power 1989: In East Germany mass demonstrations force the communist government to resign

1669 1989: The Berlin Wall is destroyed by millions of ecstatic Germans, thus leading to the reunification of east and west Germany (november) 1989: The communist government of Bulgaria resigns 1989: The communist government of Czechoslovakia resigns 1989: John Paul II meets Gorbachev, the first meeting between a Pope and a Soviet leader 1989: The communist dictator of Romania is executed 1989: Armenia and Azerbaijan begin fighting over NagornoKarabakh 1989, , , ! 1989, , 4 , , , , , " , ". 1989, 3 , , , . 1989, 16 [. 62 ..] "60.000 ". 1989, : [], 1989, " "!, [ " "]. , , " " !. - - . . ' . ! " ", [ , : , . 1997, 6. , , . 154 ..].

1670 " [ -] ' , ". 1989, , . , . . 1989: 96 football fans died at the Liverpool stadium 1989: Singing Revolution, bloodless overthrow of communist in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. 1989: the violent Caracazo riots in Venezuela. In the next few years, there are two attempted coups and President Carlos Andrs Prez is impeached. 1989: Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were a series of demonstrations led by students, intellectuals and labour activists in the People's Republic of China between April 15, 1989 and June 4, 1989. 1989: the bloodless Velvet Revolution overthrows the communist state in Czechoslovakia. 1989: the Romanian Revolution violently overthrows the communist state in Romania. 1990-1995: the Log Revolution in Croatia starts, triggering the Croatian War of Independence. 1990-1995: the First Tuareg Rebellion in Niger and Mali. 1990 - In his book The Keys of This Blood, Catholic priest Malachi Martin quotes Pope John Paul II as saying: By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations...a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of survival. One world government is inevitable. - 1990 - Peter Kawaja, in charge of security for a company called Product Ingredient Technology in Boca Raton, Florida, learns to his dismay that the factory he was led to believe was manufacturing a cherry flavoring is actually producing chemical/biological agents to be shipped to Iraq. He also discovers that this is being done with the full knowledge and consent of the FBI, the CIA and the Bush Administration. When he attempts to alert authorities, government agents seize the documents he has collected and his wife is killed. [Hence, the mysterious Gulf War Illness which the Federal government refuses to acknowledge.] - 1990 +Apostolos: Dir. in Gymn. of Arethousa, Priest in Kipupolis

1671 1990 40-60 JDL members pounded on the front door, trampled the lawn and left signs stating, "Deport Nazi Ensin!" and "No Mass Murderers in Mass.!" on the house of accused Nazi war criminal Albert Ensin in Stoughton, Massachusetts. 1990 A study by Dr. John Yiamouyiannis on 39,000 school children contradicts any alleged benefits from the use of sodium fluorides. Tsarion 1990 American Psychiatric Association (APA) task force report The Practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) discusses and dismisses brain damage and memory loss from ECT, and ignored animal studies by well-known groups, research on memory loss by Janis, Squire, and Slater, and the work done by Pettinati and Bonner on ECT of the elderly. Ironically, the APA's 1978 report contained more information on memory loss. Tsarion 1990 Approximate time period where Dr. Michael Aquino, a colonel in U.S. Army Intelligence, is leader of a Church of Satan spinoff named the Temple of Set. Aquino is an expert in military mind control, and has expounded on what he terms LBM (Lesser Black Magic) used in the control of populations, including psychological operations and conventional forms of terrorism. He was investigated by military and civilian authorities on claims of child sexual abuse at San Francisco's Presidio military base. It is also curious that today, Mikhail Gorbachev, ex Russian KGB, has his office at the same Presidio facility. The Presidio is home for the Gorbachev Institute, where Mikhail writes books and does U.S. government planning for military base closures. Dr./Colonel Acquino has written on his theories of mind control in an article which he submitted to the Washington Military Review, titled From PSYOP to MINDWAR: The Psychology of Victory, essentially a work on the usage of psychotronic (physiological-electronic) techniques, citing in particular the usage of air ionization alteration. (See 1994 HAARP) Tsarion 1990 Bob Oechsler (a former NASA Engineer and now a famous UFOlogist) was flown (by helicopter), to a NASA facility 20 miles southwest of Ellington AFB in Texas. The facility had an microgravity chamber that, Oechsler is convinced, was made using alien technology. 1990 CBS 60 Minutes program on mercury amalgam dangers (Dec. 16) caused the ADA to slightly modify its position. The National Institute for Dental Research subsequently issued a position paper calling for a gradual phase-out of mercury amalgams, in favor of far less toxic composite materials to be developed. (Note: Less toxic? How about nontoxic?) Tsarion 1990 Dr. John Colquhoun in New Zealand is forced into early requirement in New Zealand after he conducts a study on 60,000 school

1672 children and finds no difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. He additionally finds that a substantial number of children in fluoridated areas suffered from dental fluorosis. He makes the study public. Tsarion 1990 Estimated 3 million in U.S. with vaccine-caused disabilities. Tsarion 1990 FDA Conference on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Uses Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum (May 1990). Tsarion 1990 Health Consciousness magazine features article entitled Live Virus Vaccines and Genetic Mutation by H. E.Buttram, M.D, in which it is determined that the physical invasion of the human body by foreign genetic material may have the immediate effect of permanently weakening the immune system, setting in motion a new era of autoimmune diseases. Tsarion 1990 In December of 1990, a federal regulation was adopted permitting the FDA to circumvent U.S. and International laws forbidding medical experimentation on unwilling subjects. This regulation permits the FDA to inject American military with unapproved experimental drugs or vaccines without informed consent. The FDA merely needs to deem it not feasible to obtain the soldiers permission. See Health Letter, Washington, DC. Public Citizens Health Research Group 400,000 Human Guinea Pigs in the Persian Gulf, Feb. 12, 1991. See 1991 Gulf War Entry. Tsarion 1990 January-- A UFO was shot down by a Soviet surface-to-air missile near Vladivostok after being tracked on radar. 1990 La Prensa Dominical, a newspaper in Honduras (Jul. 22) reports that police in El Salvador had uncovered a child smuggling ring that was buying children for resale in the U.S., noting that 20,000 children per year vanish in Mexico. Many children are used as sources for organ transplants. Tsarion 1990 Mason/Skull and Bones member George Bush, the 41st United States President, provoked a war with Saddam Hussein. On July 25, 1990, the United States Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, told Hussein that the Iraq/Kuwait dispute was an Arab matter, not one that affects the United States. [ ;] On August 2, 1990, believing that the United States' Ambassador's word meant something, Hussein invaded Kuwait. In retaliation for the invasion he had orchestrated through his Ambassador, Mason George Bush organized Desert Storm, which concerned a border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq at the 33rd Parallel. Shortly after Desert Storm began, Mason George Bush pronounced that this the beginning of a New World Order.

1673 1990 Lancet, the Journal of the British Medical Association, V1,p123-8, admits that Karposi Sarcoma is not caused directly or indirectly by HIV. Tsarion 1990 March 30--Wavre, Belgium Around 11:00 p.m. the local police began receiving numbers of telephone calls reporting lights in a triangular formation over Wavre, twelve miles south of Brussels. The police in turn reported the sightings to the radar station at Glons. Glons radar confirmed the sightings of a UFO on radar at an altitude of 3,000 meters. The radar station at Semmerzake verified the Glons tracking and reported it to the Air Force. The radar trackings were compared to the 11/89 trackings at Eupen and were found to be identical. Police witnesses reported that, instead of the unidentifieds being three objects flying in formation, it was one triangular-shaped object with three lights, as had been the Eupen object. Because of the large number of reports, Colonel Wilfried De Brouwer of the Belgian Air Force decided to scramble two F-16 interceptors from Bevokom. The F-16s were vectored in by Glons radar, and they soon detected a positive oval-shaped object on their onboard radar at 3,000 meters.. They could see nothing visually. When the F-16 pilots attempted to lock on to the object with their on-board radar, it reacted immediately. It changed shape on their radar to a diamond shape, increased its speed to 1,000 km/hour, and took swift evasive action. Tapes of the on-board radar of the F-16s show that the object descended from 3,000 meters to 1200 meters in 2 seconds. That's a speed of 1800 km/hour. The tapes also show the object accelerating from 280 km/hour to 1800 km/hour in a few seconds. This represents an acceleration of 46 G, which is more than a human body could withstand. It is notable that at no time was there a sonic boom. The object moved erratically, in a zigzag path, over the city of Brussels, taking evasive action whenever the pursuing F-16 tried to lock-on. Eventually, it left the F-16s behind, disappearing at an impossible rate of speed. These objects were seen by thousands of witnesses, many of whom gave signed statements to the police. They were photographed and filmed. The objects were tracked by ground radar at several different installations, and also by the on-board radar of the F-16s. The objects took evasive action when threatened by the F-16s and were able to maneuver at speeds that are impossible for any known aircraft. 1990 May 25--A giant disc-shaped object was seen hovering at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above the town of Mary in Turkmenistan, one of the Turkic republics of the former Soviet Union. The object was reddish-orange in color, with what looked like portholes on the rim, and had an estimated diameter of 300 meters. Military personnel observed it from a distance of no more than 3,000 meters. When informed about the UFO, local air defense forces fired three ground-to-air guided missiles at

1674 it. The UFO made a slight horizontal maneuver, and three beams of light which had been coming from its port side disintegrated the missiles. Two 2-seat interceptor aircraft were then scrambled, but at a point about 1,000 meters from the disc they appeared to be thrown to the ground, killing the pilots and destroying the aircraft. After the incident, investigations were suddenly halted and all information connected with the event was made secret. Even the squadron in which the four pilots had served was disbanded. 1990 New England Journal of Medicine reports that giving vitamin A to children with measles reduces complications and death. Tsarion 1990 New York Dental License Board removes license from Dentist Joel Berger for removing mercury amalgam fillings from a woman in 1984 in order to encourage remission of her rheumatoid arthritis. Tsarion 1990 November 20-- Los Angeles TV Channel 2 announced that a separate, red, glowing, round-shaped object accompanied the space shuttle Atlantis on its latest classified military mission. That was the first public admission. 1990 Oct. 1, 1990 - In a U.N. address, President Bush speaks of the ...collective strength of the world community expressed by the historic movement towards a new world order. - 1990 Omni Magazine (7/90) reports that between January 24 to February 3, 1990, the rotation of the Earth suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down again. (See 1991). Tsarion 1990 Pediatric neurologist Dr. John H. Menkes, professor emeritus at UCLA, reports on 46 children experiencing neurological adverse reaction within 72 hours of a DPT shot. Over 87% of the children reacted with a seizure, 2 children died and most surviving children became retarded, with 72% having uncontrollable seizure disorders. Menkes conclude, Pertussis vaccine encephalopathy (brain damage) is not a myth but rather a serious complication of immunization. Tsarion 1990 33 , Armand Hammer. Son of Jewish parents who migrated from Russia to America. Father was member of American Communist Party. Armand was not, but was a personal friend of Grand Orient Mason and communist leader Vladimir Lenin. See Scarlet & Beast, VI, 3rd ed, ch 22. Armand Hammer (1899-1990). Businessman, born in NYC of Reform Jewish parents who had migrated from Russia to America before the Bolshevik Revolution. He trained as a physician at Columbia University, and served with the US Army Medical Corps (1918-19). In 1921, he went to Russia to help with a typhus epidemic, and turned it into a business deal. In his own words, Hammer wrote: "As a newly qualified young doctor, I went

1675 to Russia in 1921 to work in the Urals among the victims of famine and an epidemic of typhus. For supplying much-needed grain to the starving Russians, I was personally thanked by Lenin, who took me under the wing of his patronage". The famine was created by the Bolshevik government following a misconceived venture of the Soviets in what they called "the reorganization of agriculture." As a result, 12 million peasants starved to death. Hammer made his first million dollars by shipping desperately needed food from America to Russia. In appreciation to Hammer, the Soviets gave him free access to Soviet air space. In fact, up to the time of his death Hammer was the only man in the world who could fly his private jet to Soviet borders, make a phone call to the Kremlin, and be escorted by MIG jets to Moscow. Scuttle butt has it that Armand Hammer owned Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. He did not. However, he did own stock in that company (S1.F71). Hammer founded the A. Hammer Pencil Co. in 1925, operating in NYC, London, and Moscow. He bought the Occidental Petroleum Corporation of California in 1957. He maintained strong connections with the USSR, acting as US intermediary on a number of occasions, including the Soviet troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1987. 1990 President Bush verbally announces a "New World Order" on TV. 1990 Project RF Media in Boulder, Colorado, using mind control subliminals over television carrier waves. Tsarion 1990 Project Tower, CIA, and Office of Naval Research step up electronic behavior control efforts through cellular telephone systems, which resonate at a harmonic of the humans skull. Tsarion 1990 Psi-Corps receives psionic hardware from NSA capable of tracking information worldwide. Tsarion 1990 School boards in the United States number 15,000. (See 1960, 1932) Tsarion 1990 Sept. 11, 1990 - In an address to Congress entitled Toward a New World Order, George Bush says: The crisis in the Persian Gulf offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times a new world order can emerge. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders. [But who were the founders of the U.N. and what exactly were their intentions? At least 43 members of the U.S. delegation to the founding conference in San Francisco were also members of the CFR. The Secretary General at the U.N. founding conference in 1945 was a U.S. State Department official named Alger Hiss. It was later determined that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy. He was convicted of perjury for lying about his pro-Soviet activities. And Hiss was not just an aberration. The

1676 U.N. has always chosen socialist one-worlders for leaders.] - 1990 September 26-- Traces of a possible UFO crash were found in the Kyzylkumy desert in the Uzbekistan Republic, Soviet Middle Asia. 1990 September 2--Possible UFO crash in Megas Platanos, Central Greece. About 03.00 hours that night, shepherds and some villagers observed a small group of 5-6 UFOs approaching the area from the North. One of them had an unstable flight and seemed to be with a problem. Strange lights came out of UFO's fuselage, but without any noise. As an eyewitness reported, suddenly the troubled UFO lost altitude and crashed to the ground at a distance of about 500 meters away from him. He didn't hear any noise but a fire started burning the bushes. Trantos Karatranjos was very afraid to get closer and stayed in his position watching the phenomenon. The rest of the UFOs in this group stopped over the "accident" spot and 2 of them landed near the destroyed UFO. In a few minutes the fire in the bushes was terminated (probably the crew of the landed UFOs stopped the fire). For the rest of the night, till dawn, there was an unusual traffic from the ground to the flying UFOs. Light spots (something like small space rafts??) went up and down, probably collecting the pieces of the destroyed UFO and the bodies(?) of the crew. They finished the collection before sunrise and after that the rest of UFOs took off and were lost in the sky! Meanwhile all the villagers had been awakened and had seen the whole operation. Early in the morning the villagers went out to the spot (where all of this occurred) and they saw on the ground a burned oval shape in the ground with a cut pine tree in the center (it is still in this place); and very small metallic pieces and pieces of wires around the tree. Some of the people, like Argyris Alevantas, collected a number of these pieces. One strange think was that at the edges of the burned oval the fire stopped like it had been cut by knife! Some hours later a team of Hellenic Air Force personnel came in the area and told the villagers that this was nothing serious, maybe a Soviet satellite crashed or a plane! They took some pieces of the UFO too and left the area. Argyris Alevantas sent a piece of the UFO to the Space Research Institute in Brussels and they replied to him that the item came definitely from space! 1990 Sometime during the early 90s, PROJECT URQHART, a study of Loch Ness' biology and geology picks up a moving object on sonar. 1990 Supreme Court (April 17, 1990) rules that religious freedom is not a right - as guaranteed under the Constitution - but a privilege to be enjoyed at the pleasure of the government. This legislation corrected in 1993 with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, signed by Clinton. Tsarion

1677 1990 The American Dental Association issues a Press Release which states water fluoridation remains the safest, most effective, and most economical public health measure to reduce tooth decay. Tsarion 1990 The American Dental Associations ADA News reports that Proctor and Gamble (who make fluoride- based toothpaste) has unpublished findings which refute the carcinogenicity of fluoride. Proctor and Gamble in March 1990 publish their paper on fluoride and bone cancer (rats) and leave out their data on mice. The rat studies confirm an earlier study that proved that fluorides in food resulted in precancerous growth in the mouth. In contradiction to their own results, P&G declares that fluoride does not cause precancerous or cancerous changes . Tsarion 1990 The error-prone nature of the standard test for HIV, the ELISA test, was illustrated in Russia in Tsarion 1990 The FDA convene a conference in May 1990 to look at the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of the electromagnetic spectrum. Tsarion 1990, , . , , , , . 1990 The Great Banking and S&L Scandal, after U.S. banking system is progressively looted for black budget project money between 1980 and 1990 under the Bush and Reagan administrations and the CIA. Tsarion 1990 The Los Angeles Times on October 10th publishes an article Brain Cancer on Rise in Elderly, noting that brain cancer has increased 500% among elderly Americans. And it was once considered that brain tumors reached a peak rate in people in their '30s, and then would rapidly decline, but it now appears that the incidence continues to increase with age. Tsarion 1990 The National Toxicology Program in February 1990 releases its pathological data tables with a cover letter which, in a turnabout, claims there has not been any evidence that shows a relationship between fluoridation and cancer or any other diseases in humans, and water fluoridation has proven highly effective in improving the nation's dental health by markedly reducing tooth decay. The NTP final report, issued in March, omitted all studies which showed genetic damage from fluorides, and important studies showing that fluorides induce tumors and cancers were ignored. Kraybill, head of the NTP study, becomes a consultant to the American Council of Science and Health (ACSH), who threatens to sue the EPA if it tries to undermine public confidence in fluoride. Tsarion

1678 1990 The National Toxicology Program issues a Press Release with data confirming findings of a link between fluoride and osteosarcomas as well as higher rates of oral cancer in rats. (January 1990) Tsarion 1990 The September 14th issue of Newsweek reports that the study performed by Battelle Memorial Institute under Congressional mandate to look into fluorides and animal cancer (that found a connection) was refused for publication by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Tsarion 1990 The U.S. Public Health Service Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP) and the American Academy of Pediatrics considers high-pitched screaming after a Pertussis (DPT) vaccination an absolute contraindication to further Pertussis vaccine. Tsarion 1990 Total U.S. Government budget for Human Resources is $197 billion. This includes social behavioral programs and similar activities. Tsarion 1990 U.S. Claims Court, as of October 31, 1990, indicates that several thousand claims for compensation from injuries or death caused by vaccines have already been filed. National Vaccine Information Center. Tsarion 1990 U.S. House of Representatives introduced HR 4079 (Gingrich/Gramm), which declares a National Drug and Crime Emergency beginning on the date of the enactment and lasting 5 years. The bill provides for the arrest of large numbers of people, incarceration in forced labor camps, suspension of perceived Constitutional rights, and no provision for humane housing and treatment. Assets would become bounty. Usual laws relative to search and seizure would be suspended for this five year period. All limitations on drug testing of individuals (except the President and Congress) would be removed. The bill targets drug traffickers and violent criminals. The effect of the bill would be to create a subsociety of mind controlled drones. Tsarion 1990 William J. Clinton runs reelection in Arkansas and barely wins. He then declares his objective to bring his circle of power to Washington D.C. as president of the United States. The Arkansas Department of Pollution (why not Department of Clean Water?) tests the rivers in Arkansas and finds 94% unsuitable for swimming and fishing and full of bacteria and disease. Tsarion 1990 [2007] . . 1990 . : , 1992 .

1679 1990, one month after the Office of Technology and Assessment issued a report on Neurotoxicity of Organophosphates (malathion is one). The substance is known to cause severe behavioral manifestations. Tsarion 1990, 1990 1991 . 1990, [ 20 ]. 1990, 31 , . . . 1990, , : " 1935-1945, ' . 1948 , : ;", : , Watch Tower Bible and ract sosiety of Pennsylvania, 1990, . 218. 1990, , 1990 1992 . 1990. Out of 20,000 positive ELISA tests, only 112 were confirmed through the secondary Western Blot test, which itself is subject to doubt. (See 1994, The Sunday Times) Tsarion 1990: Margaret Thatcher resigns 1990: Mary Robinson is elected the first female President of Ireland 1990: Tim Berners-Lee of CERN invents the Internet protocol HTTP and the hypertext language HTML (i.e., the World Wide Web) 1990: Boris Yeltsin is elected president of the Russian Federation 1990: Lech Walesa elected president of Poland 1990: Hungary holds first free elections 1990: Lithuania declares its indipendence from the Soviet Union, soon followed by Estonia and Latvia 1990: democratic revolution in Mongolia 1990: Aleksy II (Mikhailovich Ridiger) becomes the first patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church since 1917 to be elected without

1680 government intervention Aug 1991: A plot to overthrow the Gorbachev government is foiled by Boris Yeltsin 1991: Ukraine declares its independence 1991: Armenia declares its independence and Levon Ter-Petrossian is elected president Dec 1991: The Soviet Union is dismantled and Russia becomes an independent federation under Boris Yeltsin (december) 1991: Chechnya declares independence from Russia, but Russia objects 1991: Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev hijacks a Russian plane to Ankara, demanding independence for his country Nov 1991: The KGB is dismantled 1991 - On the eve of the Gulf War, General Brent Scowcroft, President Bush's National Security Advisor, proclaims: A colossal event is upon us, the birth of a New World Order. - 1991 - President Bush praises the New World Order in a State of the Union Message: What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a new world achieve the universal aspirations of mankind...based on shared principles and the rule of law...The illumination of a thousand points of light...The winds of change are with us now. [Theosophist Alice Bailey used that very same expression points of light - in describing the process of occult enlightenment.] - 1991 +Apostolos: Pres. of Union European writers 1991 Annual Conference of the Society of Homeopaths, Manchester, England, September 91, Richard Moskowitz, M.D. Revelation that the English National Health Service pays a bonus to doctors with documented vaccination rates above SPECIFIED averages. Tsarion 1991 April 12--A strange explosion in Sasovo, Ryazan region of central Russia. A huge crater was later found but no debris. 1991 Aug. 1991 - We are told that hard-liners in the Soviet Union have mounted a coup and that Mikhail Gorbachev has been arrested. The coup attempt fails, and this results in the apparent demise of the Soviet system and the installation of Boris Yeltsin. [It has since been learned that the coup was a sham designed to convince the West that Communism had fallen when in reality it had not. Mikhail Gorbachev had actually planned the staged coup three weeks before it happened. All the leaders of the coup have been pardoned and released.] - 1991 August 19 Yanayev, Pugo, Yazov and three others announce a Russian take-over. 1991 August 20 Yeltsin speaks to crowd from atop a tank and then barricades himself in the Parliament building.

1681 1991 August 21 Latvia declares its independence and Gorbachev returns from house arrest in the Crimea. 1991 August 22 Pugo is said to have committed suicide. 1991 August 24 Gorbachev resigns as head of the Communist Party. Yeltsin closes Pravda and disbands the Communist Party. 1991 Autumn Leningrad is renamed "St. Petersburg." 1991 Carl Campbell strolls to a Pentagon bus stop and shoots Navy Commander Edward Higgins, arms control specialist for the Department of Defense. The man, taken into custody, claimed the CIA had injected him with a microchip that controls his mind. Tsarion 1991 Cobden Club Document distributed during Eco-Conference preplanning advises members that nations must establish quotas for reducing existing population. Tsarion 1991 Collapse of BCCI international bank, after involvement with drug money laundering becomes apparent. Tsarion 1991 December 1 Ukrainian referendum on independence passes by 90.3 percent. 1991 December 8 The presidents of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty to abolish the USSR and form the CIS. 1991 Diane Sawyer does report on ABC about Burroughs Wellcome AZT tests on Romanian babies. FLV.23A is a reagent oxidative catalyst, as AZT is toxic to humans and destroys the immune system. Tsarion 1991 Doug Bower and Dave Chorley confessed that they had been making crop circles in English grain fields since the 1970s, they said that they had gotten the idea from reading about the Tully Saucer Nest. 1991 If Ufologists Nikolay Subbotin and Emil Bachurin of the Russian UFO Research Station (RUFORS) are to be believed, a 600 meter long UFO lies in a gorge in the Tien Shan ("Celestial") Mountains of Kyrgyzstan near the border with China. The two Russians claim that the huge dirigible-shaped object first attracted attention on August 28, 1991 at 4:42 local time when it appeared on the radar screens of the Mangishlak Peninsula, flying from west to east at 960 km per hour and at an altitude of 6600 meters. Thinking that the object might have been launched from Kapustin Yar (A Russian version of Cape Kennedy), Mangishlak personnel contacted the Cosmodrome. Kapustin denied any knowledge of the object, although they confirmed its appearance on radar. The object failed to respond to attempts at communication on any frequency, and since it was flying near a restricted area, two MIG-29 fighter jets that were already on patrol were directed to intercept it. In addition, a third jet was scrambled from Air Station 7. The MIG pilots were directed to intercept the object, to identify it if possible, to try to make contact with it, and to force it to land at the nearest Air Station. If

1682 the object failed to cooperate, they were directed to shoot it down. The MIGs intercepted the object over the western shore of the Aral Sea at 5:12. The pilots observed the object both visually and on their radar screens, and they described it as dirigible-shaped, 600 meters long by 110 meters wide, with very little surface detail except for two round "portholes" near the front, and some sort of strange green markings near the rear. The object did not make any hostile moves or react in any way to the presence of the jets. When all attempts at contacting the object failed, the squadron leader proposed positioning the jets on either side of the object at a distance of about 800 meters and gently but firmly directing it to the Air Station. If necessary, the jets were to fire warning shots to encourage the object to cooperate. When the jets were in position around the object, however, it soon became apparent that, within 800 meters of it, the weapons systems of the MiGs shut down for no apparent cause. Worse yet, at a distance of 600 meters from the object, the engines of the MiGs began to malfunction. The object began to make zigzag evasive maneuvers and to increase its speed from 960 kms per hour to 6800 kms per hour. These maneuvers were verified by radar at Baikonur, Alma-Ata, and Bishkek. The jets backed off as it became apparent that their plan to force the object to land was not going to succeed, and the object proceeded east through Alma-Ata airspace at a slightly lower altitude of 4500 meters. Radar dispatchers at Alma-Ata, fearing a collision with a conventional aircraft, issued a general alert for air traffic to avoid the area. At 5:27, the object disappeared from radar in the area of Lake IssykKul near the border of Krygyzstan and Kazakhstan. The next major development in the story occurred a month later when reports began to trickle back to Bishkek that a huge UFO had been seen to crash into the Tien-Shan Mountains 100 kilometers east of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda or "Peak of Victory". The actual site lay in a gorge known as "Shaitan Mazar" or "Grave of the Devil", near the Saris Dzas River at approximately Latitude 42 degrees 11 minutes North and Longitude 79 degrees 41 minutes East. A search party of experienced climbers led by Michael Eltchin of SAKKUFON was immediately dispatched from Bishkek, but the group was unable to reach the site due to heavy early snowfalls and the danger of avalanches in the Saris Dzas Valley. An attempt to reach the site by an Air Force helicopter ended tragically with a crash that cost several lives. The search was called off until after the spring thaws. In June of 1992, a second expedition was mounted, consisting of three groups of volunteers having both a scientific background and mountain climbing experience. This expedition was headed by Major German Svechkov, director of the Kazakh branch of SAKKUFON. This expedition arrived on-site on 6/12/92 and set up a base camp 2.5 kilometers NNW from the actual crash site. The path of

1683 the object was noted to be such that it had slid 1700 meters after hitting the ground. It then exploded from within its center, blasting it into almost two equal parts and bending its internal structure outwards from the center of the explosion. Decks and interior features were visible inside the object through the gap made by the blast. The expedition immediately noticed the following unusual effects when they began to examine the object: They could not photograph the object because some sort of radiation exposed all film and ruined all videotape. Whenever a member of the party got closer than 800 meters to the object, he began to feel unusual anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. Within this 800 meter range, the men's hair stood on end. Instruments showed an unusually high amount of static electricity in the area. Compasses and magnetometers refused to function properly in the area of the object. Measurement devices registered no magnetic fields at all within an elliptically-shaped area centered on the object and measuring 2230 meters long and 1700 meters wide. Even naturally occurring magnetic rocks showed no magnetic field within this ellipse. All clocks and wristwatches stopped at a distance of 600 meters from the object. Anyone who approached the object began to suffer from some sort of radiation burns at a distance of 500 meters. 1991 January The Soviet army attacks public buildings in Riga and Vilnius. 1991 January--Possible UFO crash in Saudi Arabia during Gulf War, the craft shot down by an American F-16 with two missiles after a short dogfight. It crashed in a barren area 250 miles NE of Riyadh and was examined by a multi-national team. The remains were gathered up and shipped to America. 1991 Jean Claude Pecker, Frances leading astronomer and former director of the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris, speaks at a symposium sponsored by the Royal Society of Canada. He asserts

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