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A Thesis Proposal

Present to

The Faculty of Education

Camiguin Polytechnic State College

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for Master’s Degree

Master of Arts in Education




1. The Problem 1

Statement of the problem 2

Hypothesis 3

Conceptual Framework 3

Significance of the study 4

Scope and limitation of the study 5

Definition of Terms 5



Research design 13

Locale of the study 13

Population of the study 14

Research Instrument 15

Validity and Reliability of the instrument 15

Data Gathering 16

Strong Guidelines 16

Statistical tools 17

References 19



The Department of education, just like in any other department or

agency, the function of leadership is very pivotal. A well-founded leader should

make sure that he or she established stakeholder completely in all key issues

and in making decisions. In some situations, leader’s rational perspective may

be pushed through in what may seem as force especially when subordinates

seem not interested or committed enough. A productive school leadership leads

to good school productivity that is good performance of the teachers’.

Understanding the impact of leadership and leadership styles on job

satisfaction and organizational success is critical when hiring a school

principal. This study explores the impact of leadership styles on teacher job

satisfaction; assesses the affect that principals have on student success; and

explores key leadership behaviors. This researcher examines existing literature

on the subject of transformational leadership in general, as well as its

application in the field of education and in terms of principals' leadership in

their schools. The study focuses particularly on literature that addresses

leadership styles in terms of the impact those styles have on teachers, on

students, and on the overall school climate.

Research in leadership is inconclusive and inconsistent throughout

many decades. Some leaders are highly devoted to using a democratic


leadership style and have achieved remarkable success in their field. On the

other hand, some are using an autocratic leadership style, had considerable

success with their ideology and approach. Hence, it is challenging to conclude

that a particular leadership style is upright. Therefore, the objective of this

study was to investigate the influence of the Leadership style of school

principal on Teachers' performance. The chaotic and unpredictable

environment change has made many organizations follow continuous direction,

modification, and adaptability. Effective leadership is devotedly required during

these changes to guide the business through challenging transformations

(Gunawardena, 2015). Leaders build motivation systems to foster the best

performance from their staff and help them find potential hires (Jay, 2014). In

recent years, education has also changed profoundly in terms of scope and

diversity as the development is dramatic with the dynamic change process.

Primary and Secondary school education becomes a crucial hub for a society to

develop with required knowledge and skills. Hence, school teachers'

performance is vital to students' education, dissemination of knowledge,

outcome, and many more aspects. The principal must ensure the performance

of teachers through effective leadership. One way to describe the influential

role of school principals is to say that they have been educated to use the wide

range of approaches employed in their administration procedures (Alagheband,

1997). Nevertheless, the role played by Principals is a crucial aspect in primary

and secondary schools that boosts student and teacher performance,

consequently promoting improved work outcomes for teachers (Yenenew,


2012). As educational leaders, Principals have a significant influence on school

achievement through the support of many stakeholders (Crum & Sherman,

2008). On the other hand, whether we like it or not, we live in an era of

revolution — rapid change and commercial upheaval (Morgan Philips Group,

2020). Today, businesses and organizations face stiff global competition,

diverse customer expectations, the need to restructure and using human

resources. New managerial talents are required for increased employee

performance, achieving organizational goals (Maitlis & Christianson, 2014).

New technology and digital learning continuously transform primary and

secondary school work and administrative processes among employees. These

transformations also required significant changes on all school teachers to

enhance students’ outcomes and attitudes. The challenge leadership here is to

balance several types of teachers’ behavior and find which behavior component

is most useful in a given situation to obtain the best performance from them.

There has been an increase in recent research that indicates that a change

orientation may be a core component of leadership (Amanchukwu et al., 2015).

Moreover, Mikkelsen and Olsen, (2019) found that change-oriented leadership

influences employees’ work performance directly and indirectly. They further

suggested that a high level of change-oriented leadership increases the

employees' job involvement, which improves employees' work performance.

The investigation of change-oriented leadership is critical nowadays because of

the tremendous rate of change in public and private schools. However,

Teachers' performance might be labeled in numerous methods to demonstrate


accomplishing or doing a given assignment (Robert Tim, 1998). The most

influential part of employees' performance is setting proper work strategies and

delegating responsibilities in schools. Teachers foster a culture of collaboration

and creative problem solving, establishing an effective mechanism for

curriculum implementation, and having instructional leadership qualities that

hold them accountable for students' success (Yenenew, 2012). They will next

work on getting plans for effective teaching, communicating those plans,

continuously monitoring students’ progress, and closely working with parents.

Thus, it suggests that both principal and school teachers perform a leadership

role in their respective domains as a chain. Hence, Teachers are valuable

resources for the educational development utilize by principals, so every

principal is responsible for teachers' performance (Adepoju ,1996). The

principal's leadership style is critical in school administration, as the principal

controls the school's resources and ensures that they are used effectively to

accomplish educational goals (Adeyemi, 2006) Despite the fact that leadership

is an essential characteristic in both public and private educational

environments, which has been strangely overlooked to help highlight its

significance in many developing countries. In contrast, only a few studies

focused on the concept of principal’s leadership style and teachers'

performance (Albugami, 2020; Chen, 2017). These studies were mainly

investigated the three important leadership styles; Democratic, Autictarict, and

Laize friendly (Jay, 2014). However, no study so has been examined the

change-oriented leadership style in school settings. Thus, this research intends


to address this gap to examine the effect of leadership style has on the

influence that teachers' peers have on their performance in public primary and

secondary schools. Teachers' performance is a vital component of the students'

outcome (Curricula and Co-Curricula) in the school, which heavily impacts

countries' education. It has a chain of effects from childhood education to the

country's economic development.

The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of school

heads leadership style and practices towards teachers’ performance.

Specifically, the study sought to investigate the significant difference of the

influence between the socio-demographic characteristics such as age, gender,

civil status, position, length of service and the type of the school in relation to

school atmosphere, leadership behavior, and performance of the teacher as

well as the school heads behavior.


Statement of the Problem

This research study will be dealing with the influence and leadership

style and practices of school heads towards Teachers performance. Specifically,

it will seek the answer of the following questions.

1. The school head’s socio-demographic characteristics such as age, gender, civil

status, position, length of service.

a. School Atmosphere b. Leadership Behavior c. Performance of the Teacher

2. The school atmosphere does not significantly influence;

a. Leadership behavior of the school head b. Teachers Performance

3. The behavior of school heads does not significantly influence the teacher’s

performance both in public or in private school.


1. There is no significant difference on school heads perception on the extent of

Influence and leadership style and practices of school heads towards teacher’s


2. The level extent of the school heads influence and leadership style and

practices towards teacher’s performance when group according to age, sex, civil

status, position/designation and length of service.

Theoretical framework

Schools are having many facets of organization within its level of

leadership and performance. The attainment of educational aspiration is

facilitated by competent leadership. To carry out a successful high-quality

institution within a sophisticated environment stipulates that the school head

as a leader attribute a huge rage of leadership credentials ang strong

relationship both in and out of school. Leadership is the process of influencing

people to act for the accomplishment of specified objectives. A leader is a

person who motivates a group of people to achieve its tasks and maintain team

unity throughout the process. Educational leaders play important role with the

intention to make teaching and learning more effective and to give quality

education to students. Most educational experts consider administrators as the

driving force and main source of the organizational development and academic

growth of students. Leadership practice of school principals not only affects

teachers’ performance but also influences students’ achievements. The impact

of principals on students’ achievements is not as direct and obvious as that of

teachers; nonetheless, principals affect students’ achievement through their

teachers by motivating teachers to be effective educators. Reaching a high level

of achievement for students is a result of a positive interaction between


teachers and principals. Furthermore, teachers’ perceptions of principals’

leadership behaviors contribute effectively to selecting and recruiting principals

for school leadership positions. Principals’ lack of essential leadership skills is

Independent Variables Dependent Variables
one problem many school systems face.

 There is no
Conceptual significant
difference on school  Influence and
heads perception on leadership style and
the extent of Influence
and leadership style practices of school
and practices of school heads towards
heads towards
teacher’s performance.
teacher’s performance.
 The level extent of the
school heads
influences and
leadership style and
practices towards
teacher’s performance
when group according
to age, sex, civil status,
and length of service.

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Significance of the Study

This study research result will be beneficial to the following.

Teachers. The results of this study will generate a route for the teachers to

appraise their performance as well as to evaluate their school heads leadership

behavior and the atmosphere of the school.

School Administrators. School heads will have the basis and significant

knowledge of their teacher’s possession, leadership behavior as well as their

school atmosphere and teacher’s performance. In view of this awareness, they

will have all the chance to enhance their level of leadership behavior and

performance and become an Moderator Variables

innovative school administration as a manager in
the future.
DepEd Officials. Findings of this study will supply DepEd officials a data as

basis in evaluating the schoolCivil Status

heads behavior to provide decision in
Position/ Designation
transferring the school administrator and determine the opportunities to make
Length of Service
them effective in administering and supervising their schools and innovate

classroom instruction.

Future Researchers. The results of this study can make the future

researchers as their source of related information in accordance related to their

topic or problem they wanted to do a research.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will highlight the school heads influence and leadership styles

towards teacher’s performance. The data collection will be conducted to all

school heads of Camiguin Division that will represent the population. This

study will not cover the problems that are not consider as part of the research


Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined to give the reader a clear understanding of the


Age. This is used to describe how long a person has existed or lived. The

respondent's lifetime forms the foundation of this investigation.

Gender. refers to "the socially constructed qualities of men and women,

including social conventions, roles, and connections within and between

groups of men and women.


Civil Status. Define as a specific choice used to characterize a person's

relationship with a close friend or loved one. Examples include married, single,

divorced, and widowed.

Position/Designation. It is the selection and designation of a person to hold

an official office. the process of designating a location for a special function or


Length of service. Regardless of the form of the activity or the duration of the

breaks in between work periods, the overall length of service refers to the entire

time spent at a job or other socially helpful activity.

Leadership. Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals

to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.

School Head. The school head shall form a team with the school

teacher’s/learning facilitators for delivery of quality educational programs,

projects and services. A core of non-teaching staff shall handle the school's

administrative, fiscal and auxiliary services.


Chapter 2


This chapter covers the related literature and studies. It includes the

intensive readings of the researchers from publication, books, articles, and


Effective leadership begins with the development of a school-wide vision

of commitment to high standards and the success of all students. The principal

helps to spell out that vision and get all others on board with it. The influence

of leadership styles and practices of school heads towards teachers’

performance in school have multihued areas of responsibilities including

human resources, financial resources, educational activities of students and

teachers, external relations, well-being of students and teachers. The

modification of various national and global structures in education and the

alter characteristics of our 21st century learners demand a call for the

reweighing of our professional criterion for our school heads and supervisors.

Quality learning resultant are catalyzed by quality teachers, who are advocated

by efficient school leaders. School principals are the chief leaders in our

educational system. They are accountable of carrying out the school vision and

mission. School Principals engage constitutional position in making schools

function sophisticatedly. They are convoluted in all facets of the school’s

operation. They are the leaders amenable in providing leadership in the

evolution and implementation of all educational programs and projects in the

school. They play a dynamic function in attaining the government’s aspiration

to deliver quality basic education.

According to Jesus V. Muring, ESP II of Managok Elementary School in

DepEd Division of Malaybalay City in his article: THE CHALLENGING ROLES

OF A SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, said that School principals have to face new

challenges brought forth by advances in technology and higher expectations on

education from the community, these include the use of information technology

to support teaching and learning; adaptation of the school curriculum to suit

the ability and disposition of the young children as to maximize their potential

and not to give up on each individual pupil; increasing community

expectations for improvements to the educational system and the quality of

learning processes and outcomes; a growing awareness of teacher

professionalism; globalization of the world economy and the emergence of a

knowledge-based economy which demands workers with multiple intelligence


and creativity; life-long learning and the notion of school as a learning

organization. Republic Act No. 9155, Chapter 1 Section No. 7, Letter E,

Paragraph 3 states that consistent with the national educational policies, plans

and standards, the school heads shall have the Authority, Responsibility and

Accountability (AuRA) in managing all affairs of the school. Thus, the success

and failure of the school depends of the kind of school principal it has. It

simply means that the lives of the school principals are packed with

challenges. What matters most is the manner how these are dealt with. Hence,

school leadership in the context of SBM is very challenging. It requires a

paradigm shift, from the traditional way of management. It also requires

change, collegiality, teamwork, and even efficiency and effectiveness. These

new challenges require school principals to take on new leadership skills in

quality development and quality assurance. They also highlight the need for

more focused and systematic school leadership training and development

programs to enhance the quality of school leadership they already possess. The

government through the Department of Education should take into account the

training needs of the school principals in the context of School-Based

Management down to its minute details to fully capacitate them towards the

full implementation of the program as it captures the whole educational


Leadership in education can play an integral role in creating a positive

school culture. It can also influence student learning and achievement.


Effective school leadership is increasingly viewed as the key to far-reaching

education transformation. With the right leadership approach, education heads

can turn an average school into a successful one. Here are effective leadership

styles in education that will prepare you to lead for impact.

The OECD report, Improving School Leadership suggests that effective

school management generally comes from engagement in instructional

leadership. There’s a growing body of evidence which shows that schools with

instructional leadership outperform others. This coaching style of leadership

concentrates on student learning outcomes by improving teaching quality. To

realize this goal, school leaders adopt the responsibility for the professional

development of teachers. Instructional leadership involves the practice of

planning, evaluation, coordination and improvement of teaching and learning.

According to the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership,

instructional leaders define the school’s mission, manage the instructional

program, promote high expectations and provide incentives for teachers and

students. Working directly with teachers, instructional leaders evaluate

teacher performance and help advance their skills through mentoring and

coaching. Becoming an instructional leader entails time spent solving

pedagogical problems, taking action to improve teachers’ instruction, as well as

holding teachers accountable for improving their instructional skills. This

pursuit to improve learning within the school community requires leaders to

have an in-depth understanding of pedagogy and practice themselves.


Taking a collaborative approach, transformational leaders empower their

school teams to have a say in decision-making processes and enable collective

goal-setting. Through role modelling, these leaders create a culture of

innovation and improvement and a shared sense of purpose. This sets the

foundations for growth and success.

Transformational leaders are able to influence school outcomes by

outlining high-performance expectations, developing people through individual

support, building productive relationships and providing instructional support.

According to researcher Bernard Bass, the four attributes of transformational

leadership are defined as idealized influence, inspirational motivation,

intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration.

Transformational leaders instill trust, admiration, loyalty and respect –

which inspires teacher motivation, morale and performance. The influence

exerted by transformational leaders has been described as “the generating of

feelings.” Using charisma, compassion and emotional intelligence (EI),

transformational leaders are able to monitor and manage not only their own

emotions but those of others as well. This gives them the ability to energize

their teams and drive successes.

Studies have shown that transformational leadership has a direct impact

on teacher performance, with teachers willingly taking steps to improve their

classroom practice. The findings also show that transformational leadership

increases teacher job satisfaction and strengthens their commitment to


professional growth. The result is improved student outcomes and lasting

progress across the school system.

This type of leadership is about facilitating the learning process, rather

than directing it. At the core of the constructivist approach is that learners

control their own learning, not teachers. Acknowledging that every learner

understands, processes and gives meaning to lessons through their own

reality, constructivism places a priority on customized teaching approaches

that take into consideration individual learning needs. School leaders who

embrace the constructivist model shift the focus within their school, from

knowledge as a product to knowing as a process. Instruction and curriculum

design under their leadership encourages the sharing of big ideas and

challenging other’s perspectives. The classroom is seen as a place where

‘inquiry and co-construction dominate.’ Constructivist leaders expect teachers

to engage in reflective practices and processes with their students and peers.

The purpose of reflection is to challenge previous assumptions about teaching

and learning and to rethink and reframe student participation. Constructivist

leadership is about immersing teachers in a culture of learning and enabling

them to take risks. It’s not about dictating to teachers on how to deliver

instructions – it’s about educating teachers that we are all learners.

This participatory style of leadership pushes the ego aside and considers

the needs of others, rather than focus on self-interest. The philosophy behind

servant leadership is that a “great leader must first serve others and that this

simple fact is central to his or her greatness: true leadership emerges from

those whose primary motivation is a desire to help others.” School leaders who

practice servant leadership maintain high expectations; however, they also help

teachers and students to develop their skills to improve their performance.

These leaders instill the desire for improvement while maintaining a focus on

both results and relationships. The former president of the Robert K. Greenleaf

Center for Servant Leadership identified the ten characteristics of servant

leaders as: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion,

conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people,

and building community. Servant leaders are able to cultivate high-

performance teachers by removing barriers, providing resources and opening

communication channels with the whole school community. Sharing the power

in decision-making, servant leaders motivate and persuade their school

community to fulfil their long-standing vision. By engaging with teachers and

students on what the school’s future should look like, servant leaders can

implement structural changes that keep an eye on the bigger picture. Research

shows that in the long-term servant leadership creates a positive and

productive school environment.

Strategic leadership is based on long-range planning. Through analysis,

evaluation and monitoring, strategic leaders assess current school performance

and take the necessary steps to improve future results. These leaders not only

set the direction of the school by having an organizational vision, they create

frameworks, set up interventions, allocate resources and maintain systems for

reforms to take place. There are seven guiding principles of strategic leaders.

Rather than focusing on day-to-day issues, strategic leaders are future-

orientated and prepare for an uncertain destiny. These leaders base their

decisions on evidence and research. Drawing on data that demonstrates school

learning outcomes, strategic leaders will respond with the most suitable

approach – whether that’s staff training, reviewing policies and procedures, or

fostering a culture based on achievements. Innovation is at the heart of a

strategic leader’s mission – they’re always looking for ways to improve the

school environment – whether that’s relationship building, embracing diversity

or creating partnerships with parents. Strategic leaders invest in partnerships

across the school community and use the power of collective thinking to build

a values-based school were transparency, ethics and accountability are the

cornerstones of their leadership.

If there’s one thing that anyone in any position of authority must be

willing to provide in order to inspire action and achievement, it’s leadership. In

order to consider the role of teachers and administration who guide a school’s

policies we must consider what are the most crucial best practices for school

leadership. How can we make a school the most successful it can be?

Firstly, what would a successful school look like? Clearly it would mean

different things to different educators, but a successful school places a priority

on future-focused learning, seeks to guide its staff and students toward having

a passion for learning, and for growing creatively and collaboratively.

Additionally, a successful school endeavors to model and encourage best

practices as something that doesn’t just fall to executive staff to handle. In

other words, a successful school realizes that true leadership is the business of

everyone under its roof—teachers, executive staff, and students alike working

together to make their school exceptional. This is at the heart of the true

meaning of success in any school setting. Nevertheless, it is often the school’s

leaders who pave the way, and the truth is students and teachers perform

better when directed by high-quality leaders. Part of being a good leader is

being visible. Principals and other leaders shouldn’t be visible only to students

or teachers who have done something wrong. They must inspire as many

students and teachers as they can. Leaders should also demonstrate their

concern for student and teacher achievement in many ways. They can’t expect

students and teachers to care about their performance if they don’t show that

they care. Are you interested in some tips on school leadership best practices

that make a difference? Here are 10 that we feel are the most crucial ones to

consider, and to model for staff and students.

1. Attend Activities

Leaders should attend sports events, of course, but they must also

attend events that would otherwise have low levels of attendance for example,

debating, theatre and music groups, eisteddfods etc. They need to show they’re

interested in what all of the students do. If leaders have school pride, the

students and teachers might too.

2. Be Accessible

Leaders, whether they’re principals or heads of departments, should

always be willing and able to meet with teachers. People should be prioritized

over paperwork. Leaders should be so personable that teachers are

comfortable approaching them with their concerns. They should also introduce

themselves to students and remember their names so students regard them as

people, not just enforcers of discipline. The true mark of a principal who cares,

is that they know the name of every student who attends their school. A

challenging task, but one that builds relationships.

3. Be Poised

Dealing with an angry parent can be a huge challenge, leaders must do

everything they can to make sure that teachers and students don’t let negative

emotions impair their performance. That means they must be poised both in

public and private even when there is bad news to be heard or a difficult

decision to be made. In (difficult) situations, always stay calm and confident to

maintain morale and confidence in the school community.

4. Be Positive

Constructive school leadership best practices include making people feel

like they’re making a positive contribution to the school while simultaneously


advising them how they can improve their performance. Leaders meeting with

teachers and/or students should first tell them what they’re doing right. They

should be able to say three positive things about someone’s performance before

getting into constructive criticism. The goal is to get people to want to improve,

and bad morale can cause adults to quit jobs and students to quit studying.

5. Formulate a Vision

Everyone in school leadership wants to improve the learners’ academic

performance, but it takes a strong leader to formulate an achievable vision to

accomplish that. The vision must be accompanied by a list of actionable steps

needed to achieve the vision. The steps might include meetings with students

and their parents to point toward the right courses, using more tutors, and

training teachers in new instructional methods.

6. Communicate Effectively

Formulating a vision is inadequate if it’s not communicated well. The

vision statement of a principal must be communicated to everyone impacted by

the vision, including teachers, students, and parents. That means updating

teachers, students, and parents regularly on the progress of the vision

statement and the steps needed to achieve it. In addition, effective leaders

prioritize returning emails, phone calls, and texts as soon as possible over

paperwork and other administrative responsibilities that don’t have a pressing


7. Never Stop Learning

Leaders should attend conferences that are the most likely to improve

their skills and knowledge. That might mean forsaking the traditional

conferences and seeking out new ones. Leaders should apply the same logic to

teachers. Show your employees that you’re also willing to learn, take input and

change directions, if necessary.

8. Be Forthright

Forthright and candid are better words than honest because, of course,

you never want to be dishonest. We’re talking about always telling teachers,

parents, and school community the truth about the school. If you need more

money to achieve your vision, tell the community the options you have. You

might need to cut part of the budget substantially. If student performance

regressed, be candid about this and seek a solution. If a previous decision was

wrong, admit your mistake. Great leaders take responsibility for mistakes and

bad news.

9. Train Future Leaders

Great leaders will inspire people who work under them if they give those

who have grown professionally more responsibility and leadership roles. The

school is better off if it has two great leaders instead of one, 10 instead of five.

Great leaders also look for people who can fill future leadership positions.

Great principals, for example, look for talented and dedicated staff.

10. Listen

Innumerable studies have shown that listening is one of the most

important qualities of a great leader. If a teacher comes to you with a problem,

listen and then ask the teacher what they think should be done. The Listen to

your teachers and students. Learn their talents, interests and passions and

then delegate accordingly.

EMEJIDIO C. GEPILA JR. of Universal Journal of Educational

Research 8(3): 739-746, 2020, of his introduction on his research study:

Assessing Teachers Using Philippine Standards for Teacher, said that,

Teacher’s qualities, character, qualifications, and professional competences are

the cornerstones, on which successful national education ultimately depends.

Henceforth, it is imperative to capitalize on developing and improving teachers’

competence to better transform and strike change not only in the lives of the

learners but as well as, in the society at large. Several educational research

studies endeavor to describe analytically the attributes of an effective and good

teacher. However, there are few ones which lack the depth and breadth of the

competencies, which should be taken into full consideration. Rather than

considering a feasible and holistic framework, some frameworks narrowly

provide standards and are not coherent and practical; hence, the adoption of a

more suitable set of standards has to be made. In this case, few frameworks

are collated and elaborated below in order to shed light on the aspects which

was were examined by a technical panel composed of practitioners in the field


education who are teaching various content areas. There are three aspects that

need to be examined which include cognitive, emotional and practical

competencies of teachers. These aspects provide a holistic view of the

attributes of teachers. Cognitive competencies cover the teacher’s self-

cognition, learners-cognition, and cognition of the teaching-learning process.

On the other hand, emotional competencies are based on interests, values, and

attitudes which helped to improve the personal effectiveness of the teachers.

Finally, practical competency refers to teacher’s competence in relation to the

actual, scholarly and collaborative dealings with students, classrooms, schools

and the society. He also cited in the abstract of his research that Teachers are

catalysts of national development. With them, the nation is able to produce and

develop learners, who may lead the country to development and progress.

Enhancing teachers’ quality and upholding quality teaching standards,

therefore, should be given utmost importance for the long term and sustainable

nation building. In the case of the Philippines, teachers’ competence is

assessed through Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), a new

framework that was adopted from its former paradigm, National Competency-

Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) through DepEd Order no. 42, s. 2017. This

paper investigates the teaching competence of 160 teachers from Southern

Luzon in the light of the tenets of PPST. Through the descriptive and

quantitative method of data gathering, a researcher made questionnaire

following the Likert Scale was employed to collate the respondents’ lived

experiences relative to the seven domains of PPST. The investigation revealed


that most of them assessed themselves as highly proficient in managing the

learning environment and proficient only in coping up with learners’ diversity.

Hence, there is an identified gap in terms of the teachers’ needs to improve

learners’ diversity management. Through the domains of the PPST, in sum,

they considered themselves as proficient only. As a result, continued personal

and institutional efforts are highly recommended to help teachers improve their

competence in the profession and eventually the community at large.

Demographic data assist us in understanding the results of all parts of

our educational system through the disaggregation of other measures by

demographic variables. Perceptions data help us understand what students,

parents, teachers, and others think about the learning environment. This

research would try to investigate the school heads socio-demographic

characteristics such as the age, gender, civil status, position, educational

attainment and type of the school that influence the performance of the

teachers according to its school atmosphere and the leadership styles and

practices of the school heads. It aims to determine the school atmosphere in

relation to teacher and learner connection. The maintenance and security of

the school also part of the school atmosphere, orientation of learners’ academic

guidance, learner-peer relationship and instructional management and learner


The single greatest purpose of schools is the academic achievement for

all students. One of the single greatest influences on student achievement is


school climate. Effective educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and

supportive school community that promotes the academic success and well-

being of each student. A building-level education leader applies knowledge that

promotes the success of every student by sustaining a school culture and

instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration,

trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for

students; creating and evaluating a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent

curricular and instructional school program and developing and supervising

the instructional and leadership capacity of school staff. Because school

climate matters and is essential to a positive learning environment; principals

must be aware of how factors both inside and outside the school can affect

school climate.

Leadership behavior includes human relations that should play the

major role in solidifying and keeping the process going on for achieving great

results. Teachers are to have solid and robust “shock absorbers”, and to keep

operational for as the longest time as possible. Human Relationship in the

classroom comes first. Most of the minor clashes which occur in the classroom

between peers or –worse- between the teacher and the students are due to

misunderstanding in the broad sense of the word. We agree that the teacher-

student relationship is getting complicated owing to several varied reasons

depending on age, gender, district, social scale, culture, education and so on.

Controlling and managing a class full of students requires from the teacher

tremendous and calculated effort. Besides her trustful knowledge abilities

recognized by the students, she needs to be alert all the time because the

students are different in everything.

A great leader understands that his or her success largely rests on the

productivity of his or her team. Although an effective leader is essential for any

school to excel, a leader alone cannot ensure the success of the entire

organization. Further, a leader that forges ahead alone with his or her own

ideas is not truly a leader. When a team works hard out of fear, the success

will be temporary as job satisfaction will be low and turnover will be high.

Moreover, students can feel a culture of fear and intimidation, and research

has consistently shown a positive school culture along with productive

relationships is strongly linked to student success. With these pieces in mind,

a leader who is not invested in collaborative decision-making will not find

success. In contrast, a leader who understands the value in collaborative

decision-making will constantly seek input and consider multiple viewpoints in

making all critical decisions. Decision-making logically should consider input

from those who will be responsible for direct implementation and have

expertise related to the decision. With regard to showing value for teachers’

feedback, actions speak louder than words. That is, a leader’s behavior is what

defines a leader as opposed to their beliefs and words. A strong leader hires the

best and values the expertise of these individuals. As part of a student-first

focus, successful principals aim to hire individuals who have more knowledge

than them in key areas needed to move the building forward. The principal

builds the school culture and models how stakeholders interact with one

another, but cannot be expected to be the expert in all areas. Therefore,

successful principals must hire people who are “smarter” than them in select

skills. The job thereafter is to assemble the areas like a puzzle that works

together to build a school that provides students and the community with the

resources necessary to excel.

Instructional leadership, control and conflict

Schools are prone to conflicts and breakdown in communication

especially in an age where all role-players are aware of their rights. School-

based conflict can be ignited by a number of aspects. Yet school principals as

managers, are expected to be able to creatively address conflicts in their

schools. School managers and leaders need to under-stand what is entailed in

conflict management and need high conflict competence to be able to be

effective in their schools. When conflict man-agers have determined and

defined the nature of the conflict in a conflict situation, they try and find ways

of resolving it. Various conflict writers have highlighted various ways of

resolving these conflict situations. Many of these are relevant in school

situation. Effective school principals will have the qualities highlighted in

conflict literature.

In accordance to this research study, the researcher will try to find the

significance of the influence between the socio-demographic characteristics of


the school heads in relation to school atmosphere, leadership styles and

practices towards teachers’ performance.



This chapter divulge the methods of research to be engage by the

researcher by administering the study which includes research design, locale of

the study, the participants, sample size and sampling technique, the research

instrument used. It also includes in this chapter the data gathering procedure

and the data analysis procedure. In considering the literature review of this

research study, it only shows that there is a need to probe the influence of

leadership styles and practices of school heads towards teachers’ performance.

This study employed quantitative research design that aims at discovering how

many people think, act or feel in a specific way. The data is supplied in a

numerical format, and can be analyzed in a quantifiable way using statistical

methods. To answer the research question, a survey research design was

adopted as this is suitable for quantitatively explaining a specific aspect of a

target population (Glasow, 2005). Furthermore, Chua (2020) stated that the

survey questionnaire is useful in gathering direct data from respondents and

generalizing the findings to the target population.

Research Design

The primary objective of this study is to know the significant

influence of leadership styles and practices of school heads towards teachers’

performance. Considering the independent variables of the socio-demographic

characteristics of the school heads, its school atmosphere and leadership

behavior. This study will make use of the quantitative methods of researcher.

The researcher will attempt to get the answers of the aforementioned problem

to justify and satisfy the objectives of the study. Quantitative research is a

structured way of collecting and analyzing data obtained from

different sources. Quantitative research involves the use of computational,

statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results. It is conclusive in its

purpose as it tries to quantify the problem and understand how prevalent

it is by looking for projectable results to a larger population.

Locale of the study

This research study will be conducted to all of the school heads in

DepEd Camiguin Division both Elementary and Secondary Schools. In view of

their teachers’ performance that influence by their leadership styles and

practices of the school heads, this study will be considered as basis also to the

rating performance of the school heads. This rating performance of the school

heads only considered as boomerang with them as to the performance of the


Participants of the study

There will be three categories of participants in this research

study; first is the school heads handling multi-grade/combination school.

These are the school that handle classes with two grade levels inside a single

classroom and handled by the same teacher. This means that children with

different skills and abilities, developmental levels, and needs are mixed in a

class and work together under the guidance of one teacher. Second category

are the school heads in elementary mono grade school. This includes the

school of both central and non-central school handling only one teacher in

each grade level. Teachers in big school usually has a group of teachers in a

certain grade level that has many sections. The third category belongs to the

school heads of secondary school. Secondary schools normally handling

classes according to their major of subject specification. These teachers have

different qualifications involving years of experience, Master’s degree and

certified professional development.

Sample size

The present research study will be participated by the 10 school

heads of multi-grade/combination school of the current school year 2021 –

2022. It also includes the 44 school heads of elementary both central and non-

central school regardless the size of grade sections as long as it handles only

one teacher per grade level. The secondary school heads that consist of 15

schools inclusive the integrated school. This will consist all 69 school heads of

DepEd Camiguin Division.

Sampling Technique

The researcher of this study employs the purposive sampling of the

respondents or population. All of the 69 school heads will be the respondents

to answer a survey question that will be floated by the researcher to attained

the results of the data interpretation. All of these participants will be


selected through random sampling. This sampling method will be

conducted where each member of a population has a capability to become part

of the sample.

Research Instrument

There will be a questionnaire to be used in gathering data from the

respondents as the main instrument in this study. This instrument will be

prepared to answer the statement of the problem and will be distributed to the

respondents. The data gathering instrument will use the 4 point Likert scale to

know the significant influence of leadership styles and practices of school

heads towards teachers’ performance as follows: (1) Highly significant, (2)

Significant (3) Not Significant, (4) Highly Not Significant. The researcher will be

using the self-made questionnaire consisting of two parts.

Part I. Demographic Profile of the School Head that includes the age, sex,

civil status and length of service.

Part II. To signify the influence of leadership style and practices of school

head towards teachers’ performance with regards to school atmosphere,

leadership behavior and School Performance of the teachers.

Validity and Reliability of Instrument


In order to verify the appropriateness of the research instrument to be

used, the parts of the survey questionnaire will be tested in terms of construct


For reliability, the researchers will utilize the pre-posttest method. The

researchers will be administered the survey questionnaire to school heads who

are the respondents of the study. The first result will be recorded as pre-test

and (10) days after the same survey questionnaire will be recorded as post-test.

The weighted mean will be computed using the person product moment

correlation and will be yield reliability coefficient of above 70 which mark a

high correlation. Thus the instrument will meet the approximate requirement

and then the survey questionnaire will be considered reliable and ready for


Part I.

(Optional)Name: ____________________ Age:_______ Sex:___

Civil status: _______ Length of service: _______


Part II. Significant difference on school heads perception on the extent of

Influence and leadership style and practices of school heads towards teacher’s

performance with regards to school atmosphere, leadership behavior and

School Performance of the teachers.

4- Highly Extent (HE) 3-Much Extent (ME)

2-Less Extent (LE ) 1-No Extent (NE)


School Atmosphere:
1.School environment is conducive for learning.
2. The classrooms are big enough to conduct pupils
3. Teachers has different styles of teaching that influence
by the school heads leadership.
4. Good relationship between teachers, stakeholders and
school heads.
Leadership behavior:
1. School Head always ask the teachers needs in the
2. Motivation of the school heads influence the teachers
3. The school head lead teachers to give extra effort in
achieving proficient performance.
4. Gap between the school head and teachers affect the
performance of the teachers.
Performance of the teachers:
1. Seminars and trainings attended by the teachers
reflect its performance.
2. Lack of self-motivation by the school heads influence
teachers poor performance.
3. Performance rating of the teachers comes from the
performance of the students.
4. Pursuing post graduate studies greatly affect teacher’s










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