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by Jack Prelutsky

Home Work! Oh, Home Work!

I hate you! You stink!
I wish I could wash you
Away in the sink,
If only a bomb
Would explode you to bits.
Home Work! Oh, Home Work!
You’re giving me fits.

I’d rather take baths

With a man eating shark,
Or wrestle a loin
Alone in the dark,
Eat spinach and liver,
Pet ten porcupines,
Than tackle the homework
My teacher assigned.

Home Work! Oh, Home Work!

You’re last on my list,
I simply can’t see
Why you even exist,
If you just disappeared
It would tickle me pink,
Home Work! Oh, Home Work!
I hate you! You stink!


The Ass and the fox had entered in to a partnership for their mutual
protection. They went out into the forest to hunt. They hadn’t gone far when
they met a lion. The fox seeing how dangerous the situation was, approached
the lion and promised to capture the ass if he would give his word not to
the fox’s own life.
The lion assured the fox that he would not injure him. So the fox led the ass
into a deep pit, and managed to get him to fall into it. The lion seeing that the
ass was unable to escape, immediately clutched the fox, and then attacked the
ass at his leisure.

 Homework, Oh home work by Jack Prelutsky

Contrasting piece

 An extract from the Ass, the fox and the lion by Esop.
Contrasting piece

 The pet shop by Rachel Field.

 School by Tricia Hawcroft.

 The fox and the crow.

 Drama piece – Lily Rose by Eve Garnett

 Personal Reflection.
by Rachel field

If I had a hundred pounds to spend

May be a little more
I’d hurry as fast as my legs would go
Straight to the pet shop door

I would not say, how much for this or that,

What kind of a dog is he,
I’d buy as many as rolled an eye,
Or waged a tail at me.

I’d take the hound with the dropping ears,

That sits by himself alone
Cockers and cains and wobbly pups,
For to be my very own.

I might by a parrot, red and green,

And the monkey I saw before,
If I had a hundred pounds to sped,
Or may be a little more.
by Tricia Hawcroft

I had to learn my letters

And numbers too they said,
I had to get up early
But I wished I'd stayed in bed.

The other kids were noisy

And some of them were bad
The teacher shouted loud at us
We must have made her mad.

And once the day was over

I acted really cool
But now I know for certain
I really don't like school.

I have to go again it seems

And so I shed some tears
Mum smiled and said that I could leave
After about twelve years.

One day a crow was flying to her nest. She saw a bit of cheese on a window-
The bird flew down and sat on a fence. She waited until there was no one
about. Then she flew with the cheese to a tree.
A hungry fox saw the crow. He wondered how he could get hold of the cheese.
Then the animal had a clever idea.
“Hullo, Mrs. Crow!” he called. “How are you?”
The crow just nodded her head.
“How pretty you look!” cried the fox.
The bird was pleased but said nothing.
“You must be a lovely singer!” said the fox.
The foolish bird was so flattered that she tried to sing. As soon as she opened
her beak, the cheese fell to the ground.
At once the cunning fox snapped up the cheese and ran with it.
The stupid crow learned a lesson.

From the family from one end street

by Eve Garnett

(Lily Rose has had an accident with some of her mother’s ironing and has been
taken to apologize to the customer)
Lily Rose:-
Please Miss-Madam I mean… was an idea (she gasps)-I mean I had an idea. I
ironed your petti-coat to surprise mum and (gasps) because I’m a Guide and
have to do a good deed every day. I didn’t mean to spoil it (gasps)- truly I
didn’t and I used the hot iron by mistake and the stuff ran away soon as I
touched it (gasp) and oh, please, do you think you could wear the pink one if
you go to a party tomorrow and wait till next week for Mum to get you
another (gasps)- because you see Dad and the twins all had their boots soled,
and auntie died(gasps) and we sent a wreath and ….,(she burst into tears) it
was just that I….,wanted to do my good deed…,and…, when I leave school I
want to run a laundry.

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