TRENDS and Issues Requirement

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Name: Angel May L.


Course & Year: BSHM - 4


One of the environment issues in the hospitality industry is that Waste Management. A

waste management system is the strategy an organization uses to dispose, reduce, reuse, and

prevent waste. Possible waste disposal methods are recycling, composting, incineration, landfills,

bioremediation, waste to energy, and waste minimization.

A study conducted by Bohdanowicz (2005) waste also identified that hotels are not only

resource-intensive and that waste generation is one of the most visible effects on the

environment. One estimate identified “that an average hotel produces more than one kilogram of

waste per guest per day”. Hotel and restaurant waste contributes to around 25-30 % of the total

waste generated.

Much of the waste created in hotels is generated from within the kitchen (organic food

waste, packaging, aluminum cans, glass bottles, corks and cooking oils), or from the

housekeeping department (cleaning materials and plastic packaging). Waste is not only created

in guest rooms but also in public areas, hotel gardens (engine oils, pesticides, paints and

preservatives to grass and hedge trimmings) and offices (toner cartridges, paper and cardboard

waste). And refurbishment and renovation projects undertaken at the hotel contribute further to

the waste generated by the property.

For the hospitality industry, the waste created by daily operations is an ongoing challenge.

In addition to incurring the costs of waste disposal, hotels need to also allocate valuable back-of-

the house space for waste to be stored and sorted. There are other concerns as well, namely the

health and safety of those coming into contact with the waste, and the noise created by waste

compaction and collection.

References: Himanshu Raja


Social and environmental advantages of reducing energy consumption, there are financial

and customer service benefits for the hoteliers. Increasing awareness about environmental issues

has seen hotel guests becoming more discerning about the environmental credentials of the

hotels. Being sustainable can enhance the hotel business’s reputation and help to attract more


In 2008, UNWTO launched the Hotel Energy project. The aim of this project is to provide

energy efficiency solutions and increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy

technologies for the tourism accommodation sector across 27 European Union Countries. This is

seen as a significant way to reduce the impact of the sector on climate change by mitigating

emissions. The Hotel Energy Solutions project will do three things: First, develop a range of

tools and materials to assist small and medium enterprises hotels to plan for and invest in energy

efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Second, test the tools in hotels and use the lessons

learned to improve them. And lastly, tell people about these tools- disseminate and promote the

most suitable practical.


Proper solid waste management is an important element to maintaining in the hospitality

industry to have an effective waste management system which focuses on reducing waste,

reusing useful materials and recycling them.

As the industry is able to better assess its environmental impact, hotels are likely to come up

with more creative solutions for waste reduction. We also expect to see hotels increasingly lean

toward suppliers/vendors who provide environmentally friendly materials and equipment, and to

whom the hotels can hand back dry waste for recycling. Most people are aware that there is a

need for all of us to take care of the environment, if we are not to threaten the ability of the earth

to support future generation.


Every businessmen or businesswoman now are very concerned on how to transcend and

adopt to green opportunities which is the trend right now since consumers are also very much

conscious on the effect of greenhouse emissions and global warming to their health and to

mother nature.

In terms of environmental impacts, one of the trends is a over tourism that contributes to an

increase in water consumption, air pollution, and waste in tourism destinations. The causes of

over tourism are many. More than 1.4 billion people are moving around the world every year,

and they are growing at an exponential rate. Boracay Island, in the Philippines, is an excellent

example of this phenomenon. It has been closed to restore the ecosystem after years of

uncontrolled tourism. Pollution, partly due to the lack of a proper sewage system, became a

major issue on the island.

Therefore, Tourism must respect natural tourist destinations. When the destination is a city,

tourism must respect the locals first, as well as local culture and historical sites. The tourist

destinations can use this strategy to fight the problem of over tourism by encouraging and

educating tourists on how to act responsibly and with more respect for the environment.


Hospitality technology has advanced through innovation in the application of both machines

and tools, and systems and organizations. One of the technology issues in the hospitality industry

is that Continued Technological Changes and regular innovation. Today, hotel guest are more

tech-savvy than ever. Dealing effectively and profitably with this savviness is one of the top

management issues in the hospitality industry today. When they choose to stay in one hotel over

the other, they expect to find free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, USB ports and so on. Hotels and other

businesses in the hospitality industry are relying heavily on technology to streamline their

services. Keeping up with technology is one of the major issues faced by hotel managers, but

when dealt with properly, it is definitely worth it.

Therefore, Technology in the Hotel Industry is helping transform businesses in the current

competitive era. Over the past couple of decades, major Innovation in the Hospitality industry is

driven by technology. It is important to acknowledge the issues few of which would continue to

pose threats in the future. We need to understand the nature of these threats and then devise ways

to counter these management issues. It is important to be ahead of the pack by tackling these

major issues. Hoteliers and hospitality managers need to keep themselves on the edge while

tackling the issues.

References SOEG JOBS.NOVEMBER 2, 2022



Technology has changed the business rule by providing information on all services

available virtually all over the world, which means that the potential client can be from any

resident of the world. Technology also expands marketing opportunities. Technology such as

telephone and walkie-talkie or wireless communication systems that enable voices, text, and data

communication among employees, managers, departments, and guests are now being adapted by

hotels and restaurants. These devices allow staffs to deliver the best customer service to


Every hotels and restaurants today are equipped with better and faster Wi-Fi facility as the

first thing guests expected from them is going online freely either for business or social media.

Besides being able to offer high density Wi-Fi for conferences and meetings, hotels also need to

be able to offer access to audio-visual and digital facilities for conferences. Near field

communication (NFC) technology is the next-generation short-range high frequency wireless

communication technology that gives users the ability to exchange data between devices.

Communication between NFC devices can transfer data at up to 424 kilobits per second and the

communication is enabled when two devices touch each other, which makes mobile payments an

instant, secure process by touching the smart phone to a credit card. This technology is also ideal

for self-check-ins by guests at hotels. Hotels will also increasingly install smart room access

systems that allow guests to unlock their doors by simply swiping their phones across a keyless

pad on the door. This technology will mean that guests don’t have to worry about picking up
keys and front desk staff won’t have to issue new keys in the event that a guest loses their room

key. Another innovative way to offer a keyless experience is through fingerprint-activated room

entry systems and retina scanning devices. Retina scanning is even more accurate and secure

than fingerprint scans but it is expensive to be implemented for the whole property (Robinson,


References: SaiyidaNafisaRosdi.January12, 2017.



Technology is a combination of tools and crafts, a balance of hardware and software.

Hospitality technology has advanced through innovation in the application of both machines and

tools, and systems and organizations.

Therefore, all the issues in using the technology must find the root of the problem and

eradicate the issue by either replacing equipment and software, or addressing a potential security

technology helps increase number of customers, tourism and hospitality leaders cannot take it for

granted and still need to deliver the best services to customers.


We all know that technology plays an important role in the hospitality and tourism industry. Both

customers and businesses can benefit from advances in communication, reservations and guest

services systems. Technology allows continuous communication and streamlines the guest

experience, from reservation to checkout.

By using the latest technology, it may be possible to improve the accuracy of work to a level that

would be difficult for human staff to achieve on their own. Technology solutions can also make

work more manageable and may make it easier to live up to the increasingly high expectations

that today's customers have.


The pandemic has confronted the hospitality industry with an unprecedented challenge.

Strategies to flatten the COVID-19 curve such as community lockdowns, social distancing, stay-

at-home orders, travel and mobility restrictions have resulted in temporary closure of many

hospitality businesses and significantly decreased the demand for businesses that were allowed to

continue to operate.

Almost all restaurants were asked to limit their operations to only take-outs. Restrictions

placed on travel and stay-at-home orders issued by the authorities led to sharp decline in hotel

occupancies and revenues. However, the reopening process has slowly begun and authorities

have started to ease restrictions, for example, allow dine-in restaurants to reopen at a reduced

capacity with strict social distancing guidelines, and gradually reduce restrictions on domestic

and international travel.

As the effects of COVID-19 spread across the entire world, the primary focus for

governments and businesses is the safety of their people. Whilst this focus will continue, the

implications for economic growth and corporate profits have to lead to a sharp sell-off in equity

markets across the globe. We are proud to see that our hospitality and leisure clients, being the

first ones that experienced the extreme bad weather conditions, are moving quickly and remain
focused to understand and quantify the operational and financial impact for their business. The

impact is huge, and not yet predictable, on both revenue and supply chains. Decisions being

taken to shut down hotels, restaurants, theme parks, cinemas, not to mention the entire disruptive

effect of the travel ecosystem, all have a significant impact on worldwide tourism.

References: Dogan Gur soy & Christina G. Chi. July 5,



Since COVID-19 hit, digital booking has become an even bigger part of the overall volume.

As we see physical travel agencies closing one after the other, it is easy to understand that the

already declining traditional ways to book hotel rooms are now doomed. Eventually,

digitalization will take over the whole hotel booking market.

Moreover, hotels could often take advantage of other tactics to bring in customers, such as

word of mouth, loyalty programs and business partnerships.

However, COVID-19 has taken away the desire of many people to travel and stay at hotels,

which caused the hotel customers base to drastically shrink. In order to refill this clientele,

hoteliers need to go back to basics and seek to make people want to travel again. This is no small

task in today’s world. But with the right message, directed to the right people, hotels can start

rebuilding guests’ trust and the ascending path. Here are some of the ways you can prepare your

new hotel marketing strategy.

Innovation is often a gamble, as new solutions are not widespread and it is impossible to say

with full assurance that the idea will pay off in the long run. However, since the COVID-19

outbreak triggered the great hospitality reset, now is the best time to take risks. Indeed, it is a

level playing field where nobody knows for sure what shape the future will take.

References: Avik Bhattacharya.


SARS-CoV-2 has had a greater impact on tourism and travel behaviour than any disease

outbreak in living memory. Tourism has become one of the main public faces of COVID-19 in

the international media. The disease's global reach and the application of classic disease controls

have had a dramatic effect on international and domestic tourism. The nature of the tourism

system means that tourism has both contributed to the spread of the disease and has had

repercussions throughout the value and supply chains of tourism. Globally, the disease has had

dramatic effects on international and domestic tourism, together with several sectoral effects

including transport, travel agencies and booking agencies, hospitality, restaurants, conventions

and events, as well as attractions, as have classic disease controls in the form of quarantine,

reduced mobility and isolation.


The hospitality industry is one of the most important industries within the service industry.

It provides foods and drinks service, lodgings and hotels, travel and tourism and lastly recreation.

The pandemic however put a wrench into this industry.

Many hotels and lodgings were closed down as well as travel and tourism being heavily

restricted. Though every industry was hindered, none were hit as badly as the hospitality

industry. There was no means of pay, wages or salary for any of them. Due to this, many

businesses in the hospitality industry were forced to file for bankruptcy and some even shut



The movie Day After Tomorrow which is directed by Roland Emmerich is about how the

earth’s climate change can lead to natural disasters such as massive superstorms, tsunamis,

floods and earthquakes which could wipe the human population from the planet. The movie is an

example of what the world would look like if the climate of this planet kept on changing due to

global warming and the greenhouse effect.

This movie is about an enormous climate shift as the global warming continues that

brought many bad effects to the world, especially, it affected its population. This movie could

help people by knowing what must be done in times of unexpected tragedy like this.

Furthermore, this movie could be an eye opener for all, in order for them to realize what will be
the consequences if they just let the climate shift continued, without doing anything to prevent its

bad effects.

The moral lesson I've learned is that know the safety precautionary measures in very severe

event like in the movie. Be alert to the instruments and all evidences that give signs about the

near catastrophic event. Once the officials from the government received the order or warnings

from the experts about the upcoming serious event, such as the tragedy like in the movie; they

should listen, follow and act upon it immediately. They should create immediate plan on how to

prevent massive bad effect.


I like this movie, entitled "Tomorrowland” it is about the link of future and past. The future

is full of robots and other “Sci-Fi” things or gadgets which a lot of it are not yet discovered


In addition, Tomorrowland is about inspiring our generation to build a better future, for

ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. We need to return to the periods in history when

anything seemed possible. We need those dreamers who can take this vision and make it happen.

Therefore, technological advance should always strike a careful balance between freedom to

think big and outside the box with what is right and good for human life. The moral lesson I've

learned is that recognize that bad experiences in life can be turned around with the help of others

and surround yourself with positive and encouraging people. We must not just focus on growing
our own lives but on helping others as well. Helping others is worthy of itself, even when there

is no benefit to ourselves. And they is a true love.


The flu is a Korean disaster film with a lot of action and drama about the spread of a deadly

virus. Flu is a 2013 South Korean disaster film written and directed by Kim Sung-su, about an

outbreak of a deadly strain of H5N1 that kills its victims within 36 hours, throwing the district of

Bonding in Seongsan, which has a population of nearly half a million people, into chaos.

The moral lesson of this story is prevention of virus or viral infection. This movie greatly

defines what is it like to have a viral outbreak because many or almost all people living in an

area could be susceptible to it. Wearing face masks, using sanitizer or alcohol should be done to

prevent spread of the virus and not going to too much crowded places. Also never underestimate

symptoms because it can lead to further gracious disease. Always be mindful of the situations

and health issues around you so that you can practice prevention and alertness when such

epidemics came.

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