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Sub CATMain()

' retrieve drawing document infrastructure
Dim DrwDoc As DrawingDocument
Set DrwDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument

Dim shActiveSheet As DrawingSheet

Set shActiveSheet = DrwDoc.Sheets.ActiveSheet

Dim vwActiveView As DrawingView

Set vwActiveView = shActiveSheet.Views.ActiveView
' table position: 350, 150
' number of rows equal to 10
' number of columns: 4
' row height: 20
' column width: 50
Dim tblTable As DrawingTable
Set tblTable = vwActiveView.Tables.Add(300, 300, 10, 5, 10, 50)

' set table caption

tblTable.SetCellString 1, 1, "SR.NO."
tblTable.SetCellString 2, 1, "01"
tblTable.SetCellString 3, 1, "02"
tblTable.SetCellString 4, 1, "03"
tblTable.SetCellString 5, 1, "04"
tblTable.SetCellString 6, 1, "05"
tblTable.SetCellString 7, 1, "06"
tblTable.SetCellString 8, 1, "07"
tblTable.SetCellString 9, 1, "08"
tblTable.SetCellString 10, 1, "09"
tblTable.SetCellString 1, 2, " PART NO."
tblTable.SetCellString 1, 3, "DISCRIPTION"
tblTable.SetCellString 1, 4, "QTY"
tblTable.SetCellString 1, 5, "REMARK"

End Sub

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