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Clinical Oral Investigations


Novel calcium phosphate ion‑rechargeable and antibacterial adhesive

to inhibit dental caries
Faisal al‑Qarni1 · Michael Weir2 · Mary A. Melo2 · Yousif Al‑Dulaijan1 · Khalid S. Almulhim3   · Hockin H. K. Xu2,4,5

Received: 9 December 2020 / Accepted: 20 May 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Objectives  This study aimed to develop an antibacterial and calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) rechargeable adhesive and inves-
tigate the effects of dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate (DMAHDM) and nanoparticles of amorphous calcium phosphate
(NACP) on dentin bonding, biofilm response, and repeated Ca and P ion recharge and re-release capability for the first time.
Materials and methods  Pyromellitic glycerol dimethacrylate (PMGDM), ethoxylated bisphenol A dimethacrylate
(EBPADMA), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), and bisphenol A glycidyl dimethacrylate (BisGMA) formed the adhe-
sive (PEHB). Three groups were tested: (1) Scotchbond (SBMP, 3 M) control, (2) PEHB + 30% NACP, and (3) PEHB + 30%
NACP + 5% DMAHDM. Specimens were tested for dentin shear bond strength, and Ca and P ion release, recharge, and
re-release. Biofilm lactic acid production and colony-forming units (CFU) on resins were analyzed.
Results  The four groups had similar dentin shear bond strengths (p > 0.1). Adhesive with DMAHDM showed significant
decrease in metabolic activity, lactic acid production, and biofilm CFU (p < 0.05). The adhesives containing NACP released
high levels of Ca and P ions initially and after being recharged.
Conclusion  This study developed the first Ca and P ion-rechargeable and antibacterial adhesive, achieving strong antibacte-
rial activity and Ca and P ion recharge and re-release for long-term remineralization.
Clinical relevance  Considering the restoration-tooth bonded interface being the weak link and recurrent caries at the margins
being the primary reason for restoration failures, this novel calcium phosphate-rechargeable and antibacterial adhesive is
promising for a wide range of tooth-restoration applications to inhibit caries.

Keywords  Dental adhesive · Ion recharge · Calcium phosphate nanoparticles · Anti-biofilm · Dentin bonding · Secondary


* Khalid S. Almulhim Composite resins have gained increasing popularity and have become the most widely used material to restore
Faisal al‑Qarni decayed and damaged teeth, due to their esthetics,
Michael Weir 2
Department of Advanced Oral Sciences & Therapeutics, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, MD,
Mary A. Melo USA 3
Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, College
Yousif Al‑Dulaijan of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Hockin H. K. Xu Center for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD 21201, USA
Department of Substitutive Dental Sciences, College 5
Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, University
of Dentistry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201,
Dammam, Saudi Arabia USA

Clinical Oral Investigations

direct-filling capability, and improved clinical perfor- nanoparticles of amorphous calcium phosphate (NACP)
mance [1–4]. Extensive studies have resulted in significant [28, 29]. The incorporation of NACP in adhesives pro-
improvements in composite fillers, polymer compositions, vided a continuous release of calcium (Ca) and phosphate
handling, and polymerization properties [5–7]. However, (P) ions [28], resulting in the precipitation and deposition
moderate to large composite restorations have higher fail- of minerals into tooth structures [28]. Acid production by
ure rates then amalgam [8]. Composite restorations fail for biofilms can decrease the local plaque pH to a cariogenic
various reasons, among which secondary caries at the mar- range of 4–5, which could lead to demineralization and
gins is a leading factor [9, 10], accounting for up to 55% of caries [30]. NACP could neutralize a lactic acid solution
all failures [11]. Secondary caries appeared to be related of pH 4 by increasing the pH rapidly to nearly 6, which
with the fact that resinous materials accumulated more bio- could avoid caries formation [31, 32]. Another advantage
films and plaque than other restorative materials [12, 13]. of incorporating NACP into resins is that they are “smart”
Cariogenic bacteria produce acids that can dissolve the and could release relatively high amounts of Ca and P
calcium phosphate minerals in enamel and dentin, eventually ions when the pH is reduced, when these ions are most
leading to caries [14]. Colonization of bacteria often occurs needed to combat caries [28, 33]. This makes the NACP
at the restoration margins that are secluded and in shortage even more effective in individuals with high caries risk,
of oxygen and mechanical disturbance [15]. The presence where the pH is usually more acidic. However, the Ca
of micro-gaps further complicates biofilm removal, lead- and P ion release was reported to last for only a couple of
ing to bacterial invasion along the adhesive-tooth interface, months and then diminished over time, which is too short
demineralization, and eventually secondary caries formation for clinical benefits [34, 35].
[16, 17]. Furthermore, conservative cavity preparation that More recently, a novel Ca and P recharge technology was
retains the affected tooth structures and removes only the developed to prolong the ion release [36]. The NACP resins
infected dentin is expected to harbor more residual bacteria could be repeatedly recharged with Ca and P ions, via solu-
[18]. Therefore, it is desirable to develop a bioactive adhe- tions such as mouthwashes, to have long-term ion release
sive that can kill residual bacteria in the cavity and prevent [36, 37]. However, the previous rechargeable NACP-con-
new bacterial invasion along the tooth-restoration margins, taining adhesive had no antibacterial activity [36]. Another
thereby protecting the pulp and inhibiting recurrent caries. study added DMAHDM and NACP into an adhesive which
Antibacterial properties are desirable for dental poly- was shown to reduce biofilm activity [38]. Although the
mers for three main reasons: First, the oral cavity contains adhesive composition could potentially be ion-rechargea-
one of the most ecologically diverse microbial popula- ble, that study did not investigate the influence of adding
tions, some of which are cariogenic and produce organic DMAHDM on the ion recharge and re-release efficacy, and
acids; second, polymers offer a favorable environment there was no demonstration whether the antibacterial adhe-
for microorganisms by providing a source of carbon and sive was Ca and P ion-rechargeable or not [38].
oxygen; finally, microorganisms adsorbed on the surface Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to develop
of materials might lead to secondary caries, periodontal a novel Ca and P ion-rechargeable adhesive with antibacte-
inflammation, and/or oral mucosal lesions [19]. To address rial functions, and to evaluate the addition of DMAHDM
these issues, quaternary ammonium monomers (QAMs) on Ca and P recharge and re-release for the first time. The
with bactericidal properties have been synthesized and following hypotheses were tested: (1) Incorporating NACP
incorporated into dental polymers to reduce biofilm and DMAHDM into adhesive would not compromise den-
growth and viability [16, 20, 21]. The QAM double bond tin bond strength, compared to that without NACP and
can react with resin monomers to build a cross-linked net- DMAHDM; (2) rechargeable adhesive with NACP and
work, which is beneficial to maintain the resin’s mechani- DMAHDM would have strong anti-biofilm properties; and
cal properties and increase its antibacterial durability [19]. (3) the rechargeable and antibacterial adhesive would have
It has been found that the antibacterial efficacy of QAMs Ca and P ion recharge and re-release that shows no decrease
increased with increasing the amine chain length from 12 with increasing the number of recharge cycles.
(dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate, or DMADDM) to
16 (dimethylaminohexadecyl methacrylate, or DMAHDM)
[22]. Incorporating DMAHDM into adhesives resulted in Materials and methods
substantial reduction in bacterial early attachment as well
as colony-forming unit (CFU) counts [23–26]. Meanwhile, Fabrication of CaP rechargeable and antibacterial
the bond strength and cytotoxicity were similar to those of adhesive
commercial control adhesives [25–27].
Another method applies nanotechnological innova- To fabricate a primer, pyromellitic glycerol dimethacrylate
tion to improve remineralization via the synthesis of (PMGDM) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA)

Clinical Oral Investigations

(Esstech, Essington, PA) were mixed at a mass ratio 3.3/1, with Dentin shear bond strength testing
50% acetone solvent (all mass fractions) [39]. The adhesive
consisted of 44.5% PMGDM, 39.5% ethoxylated bisphenol A Extracted human third molars were stored in 0.01% thymol
dimethacrylate (EBPADMA) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), solution at 4 °C. The use of teeth was approved by the
10% HEMA, and 5% bisphenol A glycidyl dimethacrylate University of Maryland Baltimore Institutional Review
(BisGMA) [37]. Phenylbis (2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine Board. Teeth were sectioned perpendicular to their long
oxide (Esstech) was added as a photo-initiator at 1% mass frac- axis utilizing a diamond saw under water coolant (Isomet,
tion [37]. This adhesive was termed PEHB. Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL) to expose the mid-coronal dentin,
DMAHDM was synthesized using a modified Men- which was then polished with 600-grit SiC paper. Den-
schutkin reaction following previous studies [40–42]. tin surface was etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s
Briefly, 10 mmol of 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (s), then rinsed with water for 15 s. Primer was applied
(DMAEMA, Sigma-Aldrich) and 10  mmol of 1–bro- with a brush-tip applicator, followed by a gentle air blow
mohexadecane (BHD, TCI America, Portland, OR) were for 5 s. An adhesive was then applied and light-cured for
combined with 3 g of ethanol in a 20-mL scintillation vial. 20 s with Optilux curing unit (VCL 401, Demeron Kerr,
The vial was stirred at 70 °C for 24 h (h). The solvent was Danbury, CT). A stainless-steel cylindrical mold (inner
then removed via evaporation, yielding DMAHDM as a diameter = 4 mm, thickness = 1.5 mm) was placed on the
clear, colorless, and viscous liquid [39]. DMAHDM was adhesive-treated dentin surface [39]. Composite resin
mixed into PEHB at 5% mass fraction, as this was reported (TPH, Caulk/Dentsply, Milford, DE) was placed and con-
to produce a strong antibacterial activity without compro- densed into the mold, and then light-cured for 60 s. The
mising the mechanical properties of the resin [25]. bonded specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C
NACP [Ca3(PO4)2] was synthesized via a spray-drying for 24 h. A chisel on a universal testing machine (MTS,
technique as previously described [28, 31]. Briefly, cal- Eden Prairie, MN) was aligned to be parallel to the com-
cium carbonate and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous were posite-dentin interface. Load was applied at a cross-head
dissolved into an acetic acid solution. The concentra- speed of 0.5 mm/min until bond failure [39]. Dentin shear
tions of Ca and P ion concentrations were 8 mmol/L and bond strength = 4P/(πd2), where P is the load at failure,
5.333 mmol/L, respectively, yielding a Ca/P molar ratio and d is the diameter of the composite [39]. Ten teeth were
of 1.5. The solution was sprayed into a heated chamber tested for each group.
to evaporate the water and volatile acid. The dried NACP
powder was collected by an electrostatic precipitator,
which yielded NACP with mean particle size of approxi- Specimen fabrication for biofilm experiments
mately 116 nm [28, 42]. NACP fillers were mixed into
the adhesive at mass fractions of 30%, which was shown The cover of a sterile 96-well plate (Costar, Corning Inc.,
to produce high levels of Ca and P ion release with no Corning, NY) was used as molds to fabricate disk speci-
adverse effect on the dentin shear bond strength [37]. mens following previous studies [16, 40]. Briefly, 20 µL of
Scotchbond multi-purpose bonding system (SBMP, 3 M, each adhesive was placed in the dent and photo-polymerized
St. Paul, MN) served as the commercial control. Accord- for 30 s, using a mylar strip covering to obtain a disk of
ing to the manufacturer, SBMP primer contained 35–45% approximately 8 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm in thickness.
HEMA, 10–20% copolymer of acrylic and itaconic acids, The cured disks were immersed in 200 mL of distilled water
and 40–50% water. SBMP adhesive contained 60–70% Bis- and magnetically stirred with a bar at a speed of 100 rpm for
GMA and 30–40% HEMA. Three systems were investigated: 1 h to remove any uncured monomers, following a previ-
ous study [43]. The disks were then sterilized with ethylene
[1] SBMP commercial control (referred to as SBMP con- oxide (Anprolene AN74i, Andersen, Haw River, NC) and
trol); de-gassed for 3 days (d) [40].
[2] Rechargeable PEHB + 30% NACP (referred to as
“rechargeable adhesive”); Saliva collection for biofilm inoculum
[3] Rechargeable PEHB + 30% NACP + 5% DMAHDM
(referred to as “rechargeable antibacterial adhesive”). A dental plaque microcosm model with human saliva as
inoculum was used following previous studies [20, 21]. The
Additionally, PEHB (with no NACP, no DMAHDM) saliva donation was approved by the University of Mary-
was tested for bond strength as the experimental control. land Baltimore Institutional Review Board. Saliva was col-
The purpose was to investigate whether the incorporation lected from ten healthy adult donors having natural dentition
of NACP and/ or DMAHDM had any adverse effects on without the use of antibiotics within the last 3 months. The
the dentin bond strength. donors did not brush teeth for 24 h and abstained from food

Clinical Oral Investigations

and drink intake for 2 h prior to donating saliva. An equal Colony‑forming unit counts of biofilms
volume of saliva from each of the ten donors was combined
to form the saliva sample. The saliva was diluted in sterile Disks with 2-day biofilms were transferred into tubes with
glycerol to a concentration of 70%, and stored at − 80 °C for 2 mL CPW, and the biofilms were harvested by sonication
subsequent experiments [44]. and vortexing (Fisher, Pittsburgh, PA) [20, 21]. Three types
of agar plates were prepared. (1) Tryptic soy blood agar
Dental plaque microcosm biofilm formation culture plates were used to determine total microorganisms
and live/dead assay [45]. (2) Mitis salivarius agar (MSA) culture plates contain-
ing 15% sucrose were used to determine total streptococci
The saliva-glycerol stock was added, with 1:50 final dilu- [46]. (3) MSA agar culture plates plus 0.2 units of bacitracin
tion, to a growth medium as inoculum. The growth medium per mL was used to determine mutans streptococci [45].
contained mucin (type II, porcine, gastric) at a concen- The bacterial suspensions were serially diluted, spread onto
tration of 2.5 g/L; bacteriological peptone, 2.0 g/L; tryp- agar plates, and incubated at 37 °C in 5% C­ O2 for 48 h. The
tone, 2.0 g/L; yeast extract, 1.0 g/L; NaCl, 0.35 g/L, KCl, number of colonies, along with the dilution factor, was used
0.2 g/L; CaCl2, 0.2 g/L; cysteine hydrochloride, 0.1 g/L; to calculate the CFU on each resin disk [20, 21].
hemin, 0.001 g/L; vitamin K1, 0.0002 g/L, at pH 7 [44].
A 1.5 mL of inoculum was added to each well of 24-well MTT assay of metabolic activity of biofilms
plates containing a resin disk, and incubated at 37 °C in
5% ­CO2 for 8 h. Then, the disks were transferred to new A MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetra-
24-well plates, filled with fresh medium, and incubated. zoliumbromide) assay was used to examine the metabolic
After 16 h, the disks were transferred to new 24-well plates activity of biofilms [20, 21]. MTT is a colorimetric assay
with fresh medium and incubated for 24 h. This totaled that measures the enzymatic reduction of MTT, a yellow
2 days of culture, which formed relatively mature biofilms tetrazole, to formazan. Disks with 2-day biofilms were
on resins as shown previously [44]. Disks with 2-day bio- transferred to a new 24-well plate, then 1 mL of MTT dye
films were washed with PBS and stained using the Bac- (0.5  mg/mL MTT in PBS) was added to each well and
Light live/dead kit (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) [20, incubated at 37 °C in 5% ­CO2 for 1 h. During this process,
21]. Live bacteria were stained with Syto 9 to produce metabolically active bacteria reduced the MTT to purple
a green fluorescence. Bacteria with compromised mem- formazan. After 1 h, the disks were transferred to a new
branes were stained with propidium iodide to produce a 24-well plate, 1 mL of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was
red fluorescence. The stained disks were examined using added to solubilize the formazan crystals, and the plate was
an inverted epifluorescence microscope (Eclipse TE2000- incubated for 20 min at room temperature in the dark. After
S, Nikon, Melville, NY). Six specimens were evaluated mixing via pipetting, 200 mL of the DMSO solution from
for each group. Three randomly chosen fields of view were each well was transferred to a 96-well plate, and the absorb-
photographed for each disk, yielding a total of 18 images ance at 540 nm was measured via the microplate reader
for each group. (SpectraMax M5). A higher absorbance is related to a higher
formazan concentration, which indicates a higher metabolic
Lactic acid production by biofilms activity in the biofilm on the disk [20, 21].

Resin disks with 2-day biofilms were rinsed with cysteine Ca and P ion release measurement
peptone water (CPW) to remove loose bacteria [20]. The
disks were transferred to 24-well plates containing buffered The adhesive resin specimens containing NACP were tested
peptone water (BPW) plus 0.2% sucrose. The disks were for the release of Ca and P ions. A sodium chloride (NaCl)
incubated in 5% C­ O2 at 37 °C for 3 h to allow the biofilms solution (133 mmol/L) was buffered to pH 4 with 50 mmol/L
to produce acid [20]. The BPW solutions were then stored lactic acid, simulating a cariogenic low pH condition [28,
for lactate analysis. Lactate concentrations in the BPW 47]. For each NACP adhesive group, three specimens of
solutions were determined using an enzymatic (lactate approximately 2 × 2 × 12 mm were immersed in 50 mL of
dehydrogenase) method, following a previous study [20]. solution to yield a specimen volume/solution of 2.9 m ­ m3/
A microplate reader (SpectraMax M5, Molecular Devices, mL. This was similar to a specimen volume per solution of
Sunnyvale, CA) was used to measure the absorbance at about 3.0 ­mm3/mL in a previous study [48]. Eight speci-
340 nm (optical density OD340) for the collected BPW mens were used for each group (n = 8). The Ca and P ion
solutions. Standard curves were prepared using a lactic concentrations released from the specimens were measured
acid standard (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) as in previous at 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, and 70 days. At
studies [20]. each time, aliquots of 0.5 mL were collected and replaced

Clinical Oral Investigations

with fresh solution. The pH of the immersion solutions was Statistical analysis
monitored and adjusted to pH 4 with 50 mmol/L lactic acid
using a combination pH electrode (Accumet XL25, Fisher Kolmogorov-Smirn test and Levene test were performed
Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). The aliquots were analyzed for to confirm the normality and equal variance of data. The
Ca and P concentrations via a spectrophotometric method results of shear bond strength and Ca and P ion release were
(DMS-80 UV–visible, Varian, Palo Alto, CA) using known analyzed with two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA). Post
standards and calibration curves [37]. This ion release from hoc multiple comparisons were performed using the Tukey’s
the adhesive specimens was termed “initial release” to dif- honestly significant difference test. Statistical significance
ferentiate from the subsequent ion recharge and re-release. was set at p ˂ 0.05, using the SPSS 22.0 software package
(SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).
Recharge of NACP adhesive and re‑release of Ca
and P ions
After 70 d of ion release, the specimens were collected and
stored in 50 mL of fresh NaCl solution at pH 4 for 7 days The dentin shear bond strength results are plotted in
to make sure that their ion release was exhausted, with no Fig. 1 (mean ± sd; n = 10). The adhesive with NACP and
more ion release [37]. Then, the specimens were removed DMAHDM had dentin bond strength matching PEHB alone,
from the immersion solution and ultrasonicated with dis- PEHB with NACP, and SBMP control (p > 0.1).
tilled water for 30 min. These exhausted specimens were Representative live/dead staining images of 2-day bio-
then used for the ion recharge experiment. The calcium films on resins are shown in Fig. 2. In (A) and (B), experi-
ion recharge solution consisted of 100 mmol/L of CaCl2 mental control and commercial control adhesives were
and 50 mmol/L of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane- nearly fully covered by live bacteria. In contrast, image
sulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer [37]. The phosphate ion (C) showed much less bacterial adhesion, and the biofilms
recharge solution consisted of 60 mmol/L of ­KH2PO4 and consisted of primarily dead bacteria with red and yellow
50 mmol/L of HEPES. The two solutions were adjusted to staining.
pH 7 using 1 mol/L of KOH [37]. Three exhausted speci- Figure 3 plots the CFU counts of 2-day biofilms on res-
mens of 2 × 2 × 12 mm were immersed into 5 mL of the Ca ins: (A) total microorganisms, (B) total streptococci, and
recharge solution and gently shaken on a vortex (Analog (C) mutans streptococci (mean ± sd; n = 6). Experimental
Vortex Mixer, Fisher, Waltham, MA) at a power level of 3
for 1 min. This immersion and shaking treatment attempted
to simulate the mouth-rinsing process. Then, the specimens
were immersed into 5 mL of the phosphate ion recharge
solution for 1 min. Then, the specimens were rinsed with
running distilled water for 1 min to remove any loosely
attached deposits on the specimen surfaces; hence, only the
ions recharged into the interior of the resin were measured
in the subsequent re-release test. This recharge was repeated
for three times on 1 day, at about 9:00 am, 1:00 pm, and
5:00 pm, and the specimens were kept in laboratory air for
the time in-between. Thus, the specimens received three
doses of recharge, simulating a mouth rinse in the morn-
ing, afternoon, and evening. Preliminary studies indicated
that such a single day of recharge was sufficient to produce
2 weeks of ion release without any additional recharge. To
measure Ca and P ion re-release, the recharged specimens
were immersed in 50 mL of the pH 4 solution. The ion re-
release was measured at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14 days (with-
out any further recharge during those 14 days), as one cycle.
Then the specimens were recharged again to start the second
cycle. To investigate whether the recharge capability of the
Fig. 1  Dentin shear bond strengths (mean ± sd; n = 10). The addition
specimens would decrease with increasing number of cycles,
of 30% NACP and 5% DMAHDM did not adversely affect the bond
this recharge and re-release was repeated for three cycles in strength, which was similar to the experimental bonding agent control
the present study. and the commercial control (p > 0.05)

Clinical Oral Investigations

Fig. 2  Live/dead staining
images of biofilms grown on
resin disks. The live bacteria
were stained green, and the
dead bacteria were stained red.
Disk specimen of the SBMP
and the rechargeable adhesive
groups (A and B) were fully
covered primarily by live
bacteria. In contrast, disks
of DMAHDM-incorporated
adhesive (C) showed much
less bacterial adhesion and the
biofilms consisted primarily of
dead bacteria

and commercial controls had similar CFU for total strepto-

cocci and mutans streptococci (p > 0.1), while total micro- Fig. 3  Colony-forming unit
(CFU) counts of biofilms grown
organisms for SBMP control had more CFU counts than the
on resins: (A) total microorgan-
experimental control (p < 0.05). The total microorganisms, isms, (B) total streptococci,
total streptococci, and total mutans streptococci on adhesives and (C) mutans streptococci
containing DMAHDM were almost 3 orders of magnitude (mean ± sd; n = 6). All three
CFU counts on the adhesive
less than those of controls.
containing DMAHDM were
Lactic acid produced by biofilms is plotted in Fig. 4 (A) significantly lower than those on
(mean ± sd; n = 6). The DMAHDM-containing adhesive the controls (p < 0.05). Note the
reduced lactic acid production by a factor of 10, compared log scale in the y axis
to that of the SBMP adhesive (p < 0.05). The MTT meta-
bolic activity of 2-day biofilms on resins is plotted in Fig. 4
(B) (mean ± sd; n = 6). Experimental control and commer-
cial control had similar MTT activity (p > 0.1). Adding
DMAHDM to the adhesive significantly reduced the meta-
bolic activity of biofilms (p < 0.05).
The initial Ca and P ion released from adhesive speci-
mens are plotted in Fig. 5 (mean ± sd; n = 6). For all NACP-
containing adhesives, the ion concentrations significantly
increased with time from 1 to 70 days, indicating continued
ion release (p < 0.05).
The exhausted specimens were recharged and the ion re-
release was measured for 14 days, as one cycle. The results
of three recharge/re-release cycles are plotted in Fig.  6
(mean ± sd, n = 4). The adhesive with antibacterial mono-
mer had continuous ion release after recharge, and there was
no decrease in ion release from the first recharge/re-release
cycle to the third cycle. For each cycle, the ion release

Clinical Oral Investigations

Fig. 4  Biofilm viability on res-

ins presented by (A) lactic acid
production, and (B) metabolic
activity (mean ± sd; n = 6). The
addition of antibacterial mono-
mer resulted in about eightfold
to ninefold decrease in the lactic
acid, and twofold to threefold
decrease in metabolic activity,
when compared to biofilms on
the SBMP control (p < 0.05)

reached a similarly high level, demonstrating a long-term

recharge/re-release capability. The Ca and P ion concentra-
tions released from the antibacterial adhesive were lower
than the adhesive without DMAHDM by 27% and 25%,
respectively (p < 0.05).


This study developed a novel CaP rechargeable and antibac-

terial adhesive, demonstrating strong antibacterial activity
and Ca and P ion rechargeability and re-release for the first
time. The hypotheses were proven that incorporating NACP
and DMAHDM into the adhesive did not adversely affect the
dentin bond strength, compared to that without NACP and
DMAHDM; the rechargeable adhesive containing NACP
and DMAHDM possessed potent anti-biofilm functions; and Fig. 5  Initial calcium and phosphate ion release (mean ± sd; n = 6)
from the adhesive specimens. Both rechargeable adhesive and
the rechargeable and antibacterial adhesive demonstrated Ca
rechargeable antibacterial adhesive had high Ca and P ion releases
and P ion recharge and re-release that showed no decrease over 70 days
from recharge cycles 1 to 3.
The rechargeable adhesive containing NACP without
DMAHDM had more Ca and P ion release than that con- structures, with Ca ion release of approximately 0.3 mmol/L
taining NACP plus DMAHDM. This was likely due to the and P ion release of 0.05 mmol/L [34]. In the present study,
higher viscosity of DMAHDM which was added to the the NACP rechargeable adhesive and the NACP plus
adhesive, yielding a higher viscosity for the DMAHDM- DMAHDM rechargeable adhesive had much greater Ca and
containing adhesive with less water-intake into the resin to P ion releases than those in the aforementioned study [34].
facilitate the ion release and recharge, compared to that with- Therefore, both the NACP rechargeable adhesive and the
out DMAHDM. Further study is needed to determine why NACP plus DMAHDM rechargeable adhesive are expected
adding DMAHDM slightly decreased the ion release and to induce successful remineralization in tooth structures,
recharge. Nonetheless, the rechargeable adhesive contain- which require further study.
ing NACP and DMAHDM still had relatively high levels Fluoride ions (F) were shown to help reduce caries by
of Ca and P ion release. It was reported that resin-based enhancing remineralization and converting the hydroxyapa-
CaP cements achieved successful remineralization in tooth tite in enamel to the less-soluble and more acid-resistant

Clinical Oral Investigations

for remineralization. Amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP,

Ca3[PO4]2) is a precursor that can convert to apatite, which
is similar to the minerals in tooth enamel and dentin [39].
The incorporation of NACP in adhesives provides a continu-
ous release of Ca and P ions [28], with greater ion release
than micron-size particles due to the much higher surface
area of NACP [28]. Indeed, a NACP composite achieved the
remineralization of demineralized enamel that was fourfold
that of a commercial fluoride-releasing composite [31]. Fur-
thermore, a human in situ caries model showed that a NACP
composite successfully inhibited enamel demineralization
at the composite-enamel margins in human participants
[52]. The present study showed that after each recharge, the
NACP-containing adhesives provided continuous ion re-
release for at least a week without further recharge. In addi-
tion, the recharge capability was maintained over time and
did not decrease while increasing the number of recharge
and re-release cycles. The rechargeability of NACP-incor-
porated adhesive likely depends on two mechanisms [37].
First, the carboxylate groups of PMGDM in the adhesive can
chelate with Ca ions in the recharge solution. There likely is
a dynamic equilibrium between the chelation of Ca ions to
the PMGDM monomer and the release from the monomer,
which is dependent on the local pH of the immersion solu-
tion. The solution of recharge (simulating a mouth rinse)
had a pH of 7. After the recharging process, during the re-
release, the bond between PMGDM and calcium ions may
be severed in the pH 4 solution in which the re-release was
measured, simulating a local cariogenic pH from biofilm
acids. The second factor that may have contributed to the
rechargeability may be the ion space-occupying effect. After
the initial Ca and P ion release, which exhausted the ion
release from the resin, the sites in the resin matrix that were
previously occupied by the Ca and P ions became available
for the incoming Ca and P ions from the recharge solution.
Besides Ca and P ions for remineralization, antibacterial
activity is also desirable to reduce biofilm acids to combat
Fig. 6  Ca and P ion re-release from adhesive resin specimens after
caries. Silver nanoparticles (NAg) were reported to reduce
ion recharge (mean ± sd; n = 4). Both adhesives showed continuous
ion re-release after each recharge. There was no decrease in the ion bacterial colonization in the marginal gaps when incorpo-
re-release when increasing the number of recharge and re-release rated into dental adhesives [28]. However, concerns of Ag
cycles from 1 to 3 (p > 0.1) toxicity have been reported [53, 54], although the cytotoxic
effects on human cells were absent when 0.05–0.70% con-
fluoroapatite [49]. F at high concentrations has also been centrations of NAg were incorporated in polymers [55].
shown to moderately suppress bacteria growth [50]. How- Another concern is that NAg is opaque and un-esthetic, and
ever, the F-release capability of dental restorative materi- may reduce the degree of conversion of monomers, thus
als is generally much lower than 45–100 ppm, the level at increasing the amount of residual monomers which may
which F shows a significant antibacterial effect [49, 51]. cause allergic reactions [56]. Toxicity concerns were also
In addition, F-releasing resins cannot provide the Ca and reported for other antibacterial nanoparticles such as zinc
P ions needed for remineralization, and do not have acid- oxide nanoparticles and titanium dioxide–based nanoparti-
neutralization capability to increase the acidic plaque pH. cles [57]. Quaternary ammonium monomers have the ability
Therefore, the reduction and prevention of secondary caries to copolymerize with resin monomers and form covalent
by other means is needed. The purpose of NACP incorpo- bonds, and thus, they can provide antibacterial effects with-
ration was for the adhesive to obtain Ca and P ion release out impacting mechanical properties [19]. Moreover, as they

Clinical Oral Investigations

are immobilized in the resin matrix, and not released or lost capability were demonstrated for dental adhesive for the first
over time, they are expected to provide a durable antibacte- time. Incorporating NACP and DMAHDM into the adhesive
rial capability [16, 43, 58]. The antibacterial mechanism of did not adversely affect the dentin bond strength, compared
DMAHDM is through contact-inhibition; when the nega- to a commercial adhesive. The rechargeable antibacterial
tively charged bacterial cells contact the positive quaternary adhesive with NACP and DMAHDM possessed potent
amine charge (N +), the electric balance is disturbed and anti-biofilm functions, reducing lactic acid production by
the bacteria explode under their own osmotic pressure [51]. tenfolds, and reducing biofilm CFU by 3 logs. The recharge-
Such an antibacterial property would be useful for an adhe- able and antibacterial adhesive demonstrated substantial Ca
sive, because previous studies revealed micro-gaps between and P ion recharge and re-release, which were maintained
the adhesive and the primed dentin, or between the adhesive at the same level with increasing the number of recharge
and the hybrid layer [59, 60]. Therefore, a large portion of cycles. Influence of long-term aging on the reported results
the marginal gap is surrounded by the adhesive resin; hence, is yet to be investigated. Considering the restoration-tooth
the invading bacteria would come into contact with the adhe- bonded interface being the weak link and recurrent caries at
sive surface to be killed by contact-inhibition. Consequently, the margins being the primary reason for restoration failures,
the mechanism of contact-inhibition is of particular impor- this novel calcium phosphate-rechargeable and antibacterial
tance for an adhesive and is expected to help minimize sec- adhesive is promising for a wide range of tooth-restoration
ondary caries around the margins of composite restorations. applications to inhibit caries.
Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) has been implicated as
one of the major bacteria with consistent clinical association Acknowledgements  We thank Dr. Lin Wang for his assistance, and
Esstech and Caulk/Dentsply for donating materials.
to caries [61]. Lactic acid is a major product of the metabo-
lism of fermentable carbohydrates by S. mutans as it repre- Author contribution  Conceptualization by Faisal al-Qarni and Hockin
sents 70% of the organic acids in the human oral biofilms H. K. Xu; methodology by Faisal al-Qarni, Yousif Al-Dulaijan,
[24]. Moreover, lactic acid may degrade resin-based materi- Michael Weir, and Mary A. Melo; data curation by Faisal al-Qarni and
als and change their surface hardness [62]. Fatigue failure of Yousif Al-Dulaijan; writing—original draft preparation by Faisal al-
Qarni, and Khalid S. Almulhim; writing—review and editing by Faisal
dentin is also accelerated when exposed to lactic acid [63]. al-Qarni, Khalid S. Almulhim, and Hockin H. K. Xu; supervision:
In the present study, the biofilm on DMAHDM-incorpo- Hockin H. K. Xu. All authors have read and agreed to the published
rated adhesive had lactic acid production that was one-tenth version of the manuscript.
that of the commercial SBMP control. While several pre-
vious studies used single-species bacteria models [64–66], Funding  This study was funded by the NIH, grant number R01
DE17974 (HX) and a bridge grant (HX) from the University of Mary-
the present study used a dental plaque microcosm model. land School of Dentistry.
Dental plaque is a complicated ecosystem with about 1000
bacterial species; hence, microcosm models could maintain Declarations 
much of the complexity and heterogeneity in vivo [45]. The
new adhesive greatly reduced CFU of total microorganisms, Conflict of interest  The authors declare no competing interests.
total streptococci, and mutans streptococci. Regarding future
studies, the complex oral environment exposes the restora-
tive material to different challenges such as cyclic fatigue,
thermal cycling, and pH cycling, which were not simulated References
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