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Submitted By

NIM. 150203153

Student of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Department of English Language Education


2020 M/ 1441 H

First of all, I would like to thanks to Allah, The Most Powerful, for giving

blessing, health, chance and ability to me. Peace and salution are also addressed to

Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihiwasallam and his companions who have

stived in delivering Islam to this world and guided followers to the right path of


This thesis would not have been accomplished without the generous helps

from some people. I would like to thank to my supervisors Dr. Luthfi Aunie, M. A

and Mrs. Rahmi Fhonna, M.A who have given the advice, recommendations,

suggestions, helps and feedbacks. May Allah grant you a special place in Jannah,

Aamiin. The huge thanks are presented to my beloved parents, Mr. Muhammad

A.Jalil and Mrs. Nurhayati S.Pd who have given tireless efforts and strunggles in

dedicating and sacrificing for my education and all aspects in my life. My parents

are the greatest motivator in my life. Without them, I might not be able to go

through this all.

My special thanks also go to my only brother, Nasrol S.Kom. I am very

lucky to be part of this family. Many thanks to all my best friends: Zahara, Cut

Suci Mustika, Miranda, Dedek Riski Maulani, Septi Ariska, Eka Safrida, Nanda

Shalihan, and Safira Ludjan, for support and your encouragement. I feel so

privileged to have met you all and to be your friend. Allah bless you.

Deepest appreciation and thanks are also dedicated to all the participants

who truly shared their voice with me. Thank you for your trust and your kindness.

Your words will help inform educational leaders on how to create educational

environments that best meet students’ needs and support their academic success.

Thank you so much.

Finally, I hope the findings of this thesis will be sustainably beneficial for

the further researcher on this topic.

Banda Aceh, December 30th, 2019

Nurul Fajri

Name : Nurul Fajri

NIM : 150203153
Faculty : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Major : Department of English Language Education
Thesis working : Exploring Students’ Skills in Writing Narrative Essays
Main Supervisor : Dr. Luthfi Aunie MA.
Co-Supervisor : Rahmi Fhonna, MA
Keywords : Students’ skill, narrative essays, writing.

The issues face nowadays are students still have problems in writing generic
structure and language features of narrative texts. This study was designed to
explore the English students’ skill in writing narrative essays. This qualitative
research involved ten English students who were selected by using purposive
sampling. In collecting the data, the writer used document analysis and semi
structured-interview. Accoding to the findings of document analysis, from the ten
data collected only four of them are qualified as narrative essays . Furthermore,
the results of semi structured-interview showed that students have several
difficulties in writing narrative essay such as lack of practice, lack of knowledge
how to brainstorm an idea, lack of vocabulary and grammar.


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................ i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. viii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1
A. Backgrounds of the Study .............................................. 1
B. Research Questions ........................................................ 3
C. Research Aims .............................................................. 3
D. Significance of the Study ............................................... 3
E. Terminologies ............................................................... 4
F. Previous Studies ............................................................. 5

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................. 7

A. Nature of Writing ........................................................... 7
1. Definition of Writing ............................................... 7
2. Type of Writing ....................................................... 8
3. Characteristics of Writing ........................................ 10
B. Essay Writing ................................................................. 13
1. Definition of Essay .................................................. 13
2. Type of Essay........................................................... 14
3. Characteristics of Essay ........................................... 15
C. Narrative Essay .............................................................. 17
1. Definition of Narrative Essay .................................. 17
2. Kinds of Narrative ................................................... 19
3. Characteristics of Narrative ..................................... 20
4. Organization of Narrative Essay .............................. 21
D. Student’s Ability in Writing .......................................... 22
1. Difficulties in Writing .............................................. 22
2. Elements of Writing ................................................. 23

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................... 26

A. Research Design ............................................................ 26
B. Research Sites ................................................................ 26
C. Research Participants ..................................................... 27
D. Instruments for Data Collection ..................................... 28

1. Document Analysis .................................................. 28
2. Interview .................................................................. 28
E. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................... 29

CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ....................................... 31

A. Research Findings .......................................................... 31
B. The Result of Document Analysis ................................. 31
1. The Result on Generic Structures of
Narrative Texts ........................................................ 31
2. The Results of Language Features of
Narrative Texts ........................................................ 46
C. The Result of Interview ................................................. 50
1. The Results on Students’ Difficulties in
Writing Narrative Texts ........................................... 50
D. Discussion ...................................................................... 55


A. Conclusions ................................................................... 58
B. Recommendations .......................................................... 59

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 60

Table 2.1 Components of an essay ........................................................................................ 17

Table 4.1 Generic structures ................................................................................................. 45

Table 4.2 Language features .................................................................................................. 46


Figure 4.1 Data 1 warnet boy .......................................................................... 31

Figure 4.2 Data 2 the crazy goat ...................................................................... 33

Figure 4.3 Data 3 my last holiday .................................................................... 35

Figure 4.4 Data 4 newbie experience ............................................................... 37

Figure 4.5 Data 5 sabang experience .............................................................. 38

Figure 4.6 Data 6 my best friends .................................................................. 39

Figure 4.7 Data 7 my hobby .......................................................................... 40

Figure 4.8 Data 8 my holiday with my family at sumur tiga beach ............... 41

Figure 4.9 Data 9 tsunami .............................................................................. 42

Figure 4.10 Data 10 college entrance exam stories .......................................... 44


Appendix A Appointment Letter of Supervisor

Appendix B Recommendation letters from UIN Ar-Raniry to conduct field


Appendix C Confirmation Letters from English Department Education

Appendix D List of Interview Questions



A. Background of the Study

In the English learning process, there are four skills that must be mastered

by English Foreign Language (EFL) learners, they are listening, speaking, reading

and writing. Writing is one of those skills that can help students in learning and

developing their English by expressing their experiences and knowledge. One of

the ways to express it is through an essay.

Essay writing is a part of learning a language using complicated writing

rules. As argued by Hourani (2008), essay writing is an extended activity of

writing and therefore it becomes more demanding than in the case of writing a

short paragraph. Some aspects that should be noticed in writing an essay such as

the choice of the best topic, the use of grammatical rules, and the using of word


The objective of teaching writing is to write creatively. Besides, it makes

the students learn about academic writing, especially narrative text. By learning

the narrative writing, the students is not only demanded to master generic

structure, language feature, vocabulary and mechanics, but also to understand the

function of writing.

Writing is one of the skills that the students should be mastered by the

students in learning English. It is one of language skills which someone can

express his or her ideas in written form. By mastering writing narrative text,


students are able to write or to apply English writing skill in every opportunity. In

reality, many studies conducted by many researchers explained that the students

still have problems in writing a good text in English. The students’ scores in

writing are still low, only some of them get good ones. The problem may be

caused by some aspects: The first is rare opportunity to use English because the

status of English as a foreign language, not as main daily communication. The

second is the students do not have enough practice in writing text. So, the

students may make mistake in determining the main idea, using the suitable

word, and arranging the sentences. Therefore, the students need to master the

structure of the English language. It reguires enough vocabulary and words

spelling in order to be able to write the correct sentences and arrange them into a

good paragraph. The last, the technique that used by teacher do not support the

students’ motivation to write the paragraph. Besides, these issues are also related

to the writer’s experience in writing classroom at 4 th semester where students

understanding of writing can be counted after getting the exam.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to conduct the

research under the title “Exploring Students’ Skills In Writing Narrative


B. Research Questions

The research aim is to find out the answers to the research questions as


1. How do the students explore their skill in writing narrative essay in terms

of generic structure and language feature?


2. What are the students’ difficulties in writing narrative essay?

C. Research Aims

According to the research question above, the aims of this study was

expected to disclose the following:

1. To find out how students explore their skill in writing narrative essay in

terms of generic structure and language features.

2. To identify what students’ difficulties in writing narrative essay.

D. Significance of the Study

This research is expected to be beneficial for the English Department

students and the lecturers. First of all, the English Department students will be

helped in writing narrative essay. Second, this study supports lecturer in teaching

narrative essay. Third this study can be used as a reference for other researchers

who are interested in taking the similar study.

E. Terminologies

There are some terms in this study which should be defined in order to

avoid misunderstanding. Those terms are

1. Essay Writing

Essay writing is defined as a group of paragraph that develops one central

idea, in which is introduction, developmental paragraphs, and conclusion are

involved in the organization of it. An essay is a group of paragraph that has rules.

It basically consisting of a single topic and a central main idea. There are several

types of essays such as narrative, descriptive, cause and effect, compare and

contrast, and the argumentative or persuasive essay. In this research, the

researcher uses narrative essay as source of data for exploring students skills in

writing narrative essay.

2. Narrative Essay

A narrative essay tells a story. It using descriptive language in the

beginning, middle, and end of an event. It has an introduction that engages the

reader’s interest, details about the main event or action in the story, and a

conclusion that describes the outcome. Anderson (1997) says that narrative text is

a piece of text which tells a story and attracts the reader or listener of the

information given in narrative essay. The definition of narrative is a piece of

writing that tells a story, and it is one of four classical rhetorical modes or ways

that writers use to present information.

F. Previous Studies

Several studies have been done regarding writing narrative essays.

Mulyaningsih (2013) conducted the research under the title “An Analysis of

Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text”. This study focused on the analysis

of students’ ability in writing narrative texts in terms of schematic structure and

linguistic features. A qualitative case was used in this study. The data of this study

were nine junior high school students’ narrative texts that came from low, middle,

and high levels of achievement. The analysis of the data indicates that the students

from low and middle achievers have insufficient knowledge of writing narrative.

It can be seen from the schematic structure and linguistic features of the texts.

Moreover, the students from these levels of achievement still need a lot of writing

guidance from the teacher. Furthermore, for high achiever student, the teacher

only needs to remind the student to read again the text for several times to avoid

minor mistakes. Hence, appropriate teaching techniques and approaches should be


Another research was done by Sari (2017), the title is “Using Story Circle

To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing Narrative Text”. This study aims to

discuss one way of solving the problems of students in writing narrative texts,

namely by using Story Circle. In this activity, students were divided into several

groups and then the teacher read one of the narrative texts in the form of fairy

tales, fables or legends that they have never known before. They rewrote the text

they had heard before in accordance with the generic structure and language

features found in the narrative text, but with different versions according to their

imagination. After they wrote the first few sentences of the story on the paper they

had each, the students gave the paper to a colleague on their left. Then, their

colleagues added the next sentence based on the idea of the story that had been

written before. This activity continued until they completed the complication

section of the story. When the paper returned to the real owner, the student wrote

down the resolution. Activities Story Circle is expected to be one of the variations

of learning to write in the class so that students are able to pour their ideas

properly and precisely, especially in English. In addition, through this technique,

students can creatively and freely develop ideas of the story.



A. Nature of Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is the process containing the writer’s knowledge, comprehension,

and application where a cognitive domain is needed as a basic skill. According to

Nyamira (2014), writing is a description of someone’s concepts putting on

writing. Besides, Gonzales (2010) stated that writing is how the writer considers

the environment, culture, material of learning and words chosen. These definitions

also supported by Hedge (2000) cited in Gonzales (2010). He states that “writing

requires composers to carry out a series of activities that involve not only writing

ideas but also establishing goals, generating ideas, organizing information,

selecting appropriate language... and editing them”. In other words, writing is the

skill that must be mastered by the writer to express ideas and put in words.

Furthermore, Nyasimi (2014) classified two categories of writing into

functional and creative writing. Functional writing involves “writing of letters,

minutes, reports, notices, speeches, book review and memorandum among

others”. Besides, Abdallah (2014) defined functional writing as the activity of

giving valid information to a particular of readers such as formal letters, notes,

instructions, advertisements, and reports. Meanwhile, creative writing is a brief of

a creative and informative text containing spelling, word choice, sentence level,

punctuation, text structure and modals suitable as defined by Anae (2014).


Meanwhile, Nyasimi (2014) described creative writing as the activity of

informing readers' evidence which forms into the narration, description,

exposition, and argumentative writing. In this term, compare and contrast is also

included in creative writing.

In an EFL context, writing helps teachers and students to develop their

ideas or information. Yi (2009) supported the benefits of writing but not the whole

of his research entitled “Defining Writing Ability for Classroom Writing

Assessment in High Schools”. He stated that writing helps the teacher to

determine the topic of the text whether it is for exercise or exam based on teacher

ideology for getting students' needs. Besides, Rao (2007) cited in Nyasimi (2014)

clarifies that writing “motivates students to organize ideas, analyse, criticize and

develop the ability to summarize”. To conclude, the writing takes a main part in

developing the concept of writing and makes the student open their mind of the

information given while the teaching-learning process is happening.

2. Type of Writing

A composition is a piece of writing that has more that one paragraph.It is

divided into three parts: beginning, middle, and end. A good composition is a

composition in which the paragraphs are arranged logically and smoothly from

the beginning until the end. Reid (1993) states that there are two ways in which

students may express their thoughts and ideas into English writing; namely

controlled writing and free writing/guided writing. Meanwhile, Raimes (1983),

mentions several approaches in teaching writing as following.


a. Controlled writing

In this type of writing, the students are helped to produce a

good composition by certain control. Exercises consist of pieces of discourse in

which students are instructed to copy and in which to then make discrete changes

or fill in the blanks. This will enable students to write with the structure,

punctuations, and grammar. The controlled-to-free approach in is sequential:

students are first given sentence exercises, then paragraphs to copy or manipulate

grammartically by changing question to statements, present to past, or plural to

singular. They might also change words to clauses or combine sentences. With

these controlled compositions, it is relatively easy for students to write and avoid

errors correction. As such, this approach stressed on grammar, syntax, and

mechanics. It emphasizes accuracy rather than fluency or originality.

b. Guided Writing

It is the type of writing in which the students from controlled writing

transit before going to the free writing. In this type, the students are still guided

but not given full control by the teacher. The teacher gives only little scaffolds

while the writing process. Students are allowed to try some free composition after

they have reached an intermediate level of proficiency.

c. Free Writing

This type stresses writing quantity rather than quality. Teachers who use

this approach assign vast amounts of free writing on given topics with only

minimal correction. The emphasis in this approach is on content and fluency

rather than on accuracy and form. Once ideas are written down on the page,

grammatical accuracy and organization follow. Thus, teachers may begin their

classes by asking students to write freely on any topic without worrying about

grammar and spelling for five or ten minutes. The teacher does not correct these

pieces of free writing. They simply read them and may comment on the ideas the

writer expressed. Alternatively, some students may volunteer to read their own

writing aloud to the class. Concern for “audience” and “content” are seen

as important in this approach.

3. Characteristic of Writing

Rao (2017) explained that the characteristics of writing are look at the

topic given in the text, the appropriate vocabulary, grammartical structures,

punctuation, coherence and cohesion writing. It also supported by Reid (1993)

where a good writing least has two requirements insist of main topic and

sentences within a paragraph. Besides, he pointed several points of the

characteristic of witing as following;

a. Unity

Reid (1993) said that unity of the text means the relevance of the sentences

in a paragraph. A text has unity if all of the sentences in the text discuss one main

idea. The sentences in the paragraph must support the topic sentence. If there is a

sentence in a paragraph which is not in line with the topic sentence, it means that

the paragraph does not have unity of text.

b. Cohesion and Coherence

Reid (1993) defined as the more limited term; specific words and phrases

(transitions, pronouns, repetitions of the key words and phrases) that tie prose

together and direct the readers. Cohesion is achieved through the use of variety of

lexical and grammatical relationship between items within a sentence in a text.

Meanwhile, Reid (1993) stated that coherence is broader-based concept. It

is the underlying organizational structure that makes the words and sentences in

discourse unified and significant for the readers. Achieving coherence in a text is

actually the writer’s job. The readers then just ‘follow’ the writer and not only

understand the words, sentences, and paragraphs, but also relate them to each

other and see what purpose the writer serves in the development of the text. The

writer may use connectives to achieve coherence such as ‘although’, ‘but’, ‘for

example’. A paragraph can be said as coherent when the movement from one

sentence to the next is logical and smooth. Besides those requirements, there are

also some conventions in writing as stated in many sources. A writing convention

is a general agreement on or acceptance of a particular writing practice; a usage,

format, spelling, acronym, etc. that an organization accepts as true or correct by


Writing conventions include paragraphing, grammar, spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization. The writer should use conventions to enhance the

readability of the paper. In Spelling, it must be correct on all words. Besides,

Punctuation should delicated and guided through the paper. Capitalization and

paragraphing should be used correctly reinforce organization. The writer may

manipulate conventions for effect he or she ignores those rules of writing


c. Paragraphing

According to Reid (1993), paragraphing includes organizational structure

of the text, regularity, and appropriateness in beginning new paragraph.

Paragraphing must be obvious and consistent and make the text easy to

understand. Again, there should be coherence and cohesion within and among the

paragraphs in the text, and it must be unity; consistent in developing the idea of

the text.

d. Grammar

This is the basic language skill that is used in writing. Including tenses,

active-passive voice, subject-predicate agreement, and grammar agreements. The

writer must use correct grammar that makes it easy for the reader to understand

what written text is as stated by Reid (1993)

e. Spelling

Based on Reid (1993), spelling is related to the correctness of words the

writers use in the text. The writers must use correct spelling in all words, even on

difficult words they used to make the text clear, readable, and easy to understand.

The writer should use Standard English for all words’ spelling.

f. Punctuation

Punctuation is very important to make the text clear and the content easy

to understand. Punctuation is is used to clarify the meaning of structured

sentences. According Rao (2017), puctuation used in written text guides the

readers to understand the meaning of the sentences discussed and avoid the

readers confusion of it.


g. Capitalization

Capitalization is used to mark the beginning of a sentence and to identify all

types of proper nouns, names, and titles as stated by Reid (1993).

B. Essay Writing

In an education system, writing is used to achieve students’ academic

development in learning the English language. According to Adams and Keene

(2000), students easily fulfilled their academic demands by learning writing skill.

Students are required to produce specific writing genres such as essays,

summaries, and reports. In addition, The Kenya National Examination (2006),

explained that academic materials provided are used to write an essay by the

student to achieve academic purposes. In particular, the writing essay functions as

a tool for the students completing a task in academic writing.

1. Definition of Essay

According to Mali (2014), an essay is a group of a simple structured

paragraph. It developing some ideas from one topic discussed in written text.

Besides, it is a text arranged focuses on the topic given which affect readers easy

to abreast the meaning. Furthermore, Eunson (2014) describes that essays are

“documents on a specific topic that contain a mix of fact and opinion, laid out in

logical sequences and employing appropriate strategies of expression (p.225)”.

The reader should know several essays consist of argumentative or persuasive,

compare and contrast, descriptive, narrative, exposition, and classification.


2. Type of Essay

Eunson (2014) explains that there are four types of Essay, they are :

a. Narrative Essay

In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience.

While telling a story may sound easy to do, the narrative essay challenges

students to think and write about themselves. When writing a narrative essay,

writers should try to involve the reader by making the story as vivid as possible.

The fact that narrative essays are usually written in the first person helps

engage the reader. “I” sentences give readers a feeling of being part of the

story. A well-crafted narrative essay will also build towards drawing a

conclusion or making a personal statement.

b. Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a

person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. Furthermore,

Wardani (2014) explains that descriptive essay is “a text that gives information

about particular person, place, or thing” (p. 2). It functions to communicate a

deeper meaning through the description. In a descriptive essay, the writer

should show, not tell, through the use of colorful words and sensory details.

The best descriptive essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, with a result that is

highly evocative.

c. Expository Essay

The expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a

balanced analysis of a topic. In an expository essay, the writer explains or


defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples. Expository writing

encompasses a wide range of essay variations, such as the comparison and

contrast essay, the cause and effect essay, and the “how to” or process essay.

Because expository essays are based on facts and not personal feelings, writers

don’t reveal their emotions or write in the first person. Besides, Abdallah

(2015) stated that expository essay has a function “to explain something to the

reader by giving directions or instructions, or to acquaint your reader with

knowledge about how to complete a task or how something is done” (p. 54).

d. Persuasive Essay

While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of

the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of

view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as

well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. Besides, Abdallah

(2015) stated the writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be

able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is


3. Characteristic of Essay

Eunson (2014) said that in a good essay, there are several items structured

in writing essay insists of introduction, body, and conclusion. An introduction is

the first part of the essay which usually describes the main idea of the topic. Based

on Oshima and Hogue (2016), the introduction has two parts insist on a general

statement and thesis statement. In the general statement, the writer is demanded to

give interesting information so the readers pay attention to the reading essay.

Meanwhile, the thesis statement is used to state the main idea and describe the

common things in an essay.

Another component of the essay is called the body paragraph. In this term,

paragraphs are given consist of three but it could be more depends on the writer's

explanation or topic discussed. Oshima and Hogue (2016), explained that each

paragraph explains the subdivision of the topic and discusses in a separate

paragraph . The final part of the essay is a conclusion. Besides, Langan (2008)

said that the concluding paragraph is “the essay by briefly restating the thesis and

times, the main supporting points”. It is the main points reviewed in the body

paragraph. The following chart that was adapted from Oshima and Hogue (2016)

is shown to the readers to explain the overall components of the essay illustrated

as following:

Table 2.1.Components of an essay

I. Introduction
General statement
Thesis statement
Topic sentence
A. Support
B. Support
C. Support II. Body
Concluding sentence A. Topic sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support
(concluding sentence)
B. Topic sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support
(concluding sentence)
C. Topic sentence
1. Support
2. Support
3. Support
(concluding sentence)

III. Conclusion
Restatement or summary of
the main points; final

C. Narrative Essay

1. Definition of Narrative Essay

A narrative text tells a story by representing a sequence of events.

Narrative can be dominant pattern in many types of writing formal, such as

history, biography, autobiography, and journalism as well as less formal such as

personal letters and entries in diaries and journals. Narrative text is also an

essential part of casual conversation, and it may dominate tell tales. Speeches and

shaggy dog stories, as well as news the feature stories presented on television

According to Keraf (2001) states that “Narrative text as a story tells or describes

an action in the past time clearly. Furthermore, Gutierrez at al., (2015) defined

narrative essay as ”comprehension and expression of our experience over time

which can be found in every setting of human interaction” (p. 45). In addition,

narrative text also deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning

points of kind, which in turn find a resolution.

Based on the definition above narrative text is a description of a series of

events, either real or imaginary, that is written or told in order to entertain people.

This type of text structurally organizes the action, thought, and interactions of its

characters into pattern of plot. In short, any time you “tell what happened” you

are using narrative text.

Although a narrative text may be written for its own sake-that is simply to

recount events in most college writing narrative text is used for purpose, and a

sequence of events is presented to prove a point. The socail purpose of this type

the text is entertaining because they deal with the unusual and unexpected

development of events. It also instruct because they teach readers and listeners

that problems patterns of behavior that re generally highly valued. For instance, a

narrative essay about first date, your purpose may be to show your readers that

dating as a bizarre and often unpleasant ritual. Accordingly, you select and

arrange details of the evening that show your readers why dating is bizarre and


Therefore, narrative text is tried to answer the question: what had

happened?” Narrative text as a story, so it is should have the element that makes

the story more interesting to the reader such a conflict and conclusion of the story.

Narrative text is a description of series events, either real or imaginary, that is

written or told in order to entertaint and to amuse the reader. Based on the above

description, it can be concluded that narrative text is storytelling. When we write a

narrative essay, we can essentially telling a story, whether we are relating a single

story of several related ones, and we can tell it in the first person and third person.

Through narration we make statements clear by relating in detail something that

has happened. We can develop the story in chronological order.

2. Kinds of Narrative

According to Joyce and Feez (2000), there are two types of narrative essay

which devided into nonfiction and fiction. Nonfiction is a kind of narrative

writing that tells the true story. It is often used to recount a person’s life story,

important historical event, or new stories. This is really a combination of narrative

and informational writing. Meanwhile, fiction is a kind of narrative that tells the

untrue story. The story made up by the writer such as short story, comics, novels,

etc. The main purpose of this fiction is to amuse, or sometimes to teach moral


3. Characteristic of Narrative

According to Nugrahani and Fernando (2006), there are two points

founded in narrative text consisting into generic structure and language features.

These points are discussing as follow;

a. Generic Structure

The generic structures of narrative text are:

a) Orientation/Exposition:

The introduction of what is inside the text. What the text is talk in general.

Who involves in the text. When and where is happen.

b) Complication/rising action:

A crisis arises. The complication is pushed along by a serious of events,

during which usually expect some sort of complicating or problem to arise. It

explores the conflict among the participant. Complication is the main element of

narrative. Without complication, the text is not narrative. The conflict can be

shown as natural, social or psychological conflict,

c) Resolution:

The crises are resolved. In this part, the implication may be resolved for

better or worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved although this is of

course possible in certain types of narrative which leaves us wondering “How did

it end?.”

b. Language Feature

According to Josephine and Mukarto (2004), the language features of

narrative text are:


1. A narrative text usually uses past tense,

2. The verbs used in narrative are behavioural processes and verbal

processes. Behavioral processes: do, make, sing, sit, sleep. Verbal

processes: say, remark, insist, ask,

3. The use of noun phrase, that is a noun that followed by adjective, for

example; 40 cruel thieves, a beautiful princess and a kinds person.

Besides, Siahaan (2008) states that several linguistic features in narrative

essays are “focus on spesific and usually individualized participants, use of

material process (behavioural and verbal), use of relation processes and mental

processes, use of temporal conjunction, and circumstances, and use of past tense”

(p. 73).

4. Organization of Narrative Essay

The crucial thing in developing the narrative essay is structuring the

pattern carefully. Reid (1993) states there are several points that must be involved

in narrative text. Those are:

a. Hook

The hook gets the reader’s attention with an interesting or surprising


b. Background

The background tells the history or what happened before the action.

c. Thesis

The thesis sentence prepares the reader for the main action of the

story, but it doesn’t tell the whole story (just a “hint” about the main


d. Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs tell the main story. They use a lot of details to

bring the story to life.

e. Conclusion

The end or finish of an event, process, or text.

D. Student Ability in Writing

1. Difficulties in Writing

According to Lidan (2007), there are two difficulties in writing insist of

psychological and cognitive.

a. Psychological Problem

Speaking is the normal medium of communication in our daily life in most

circumstances in our daily accustoms is both to having someone physically

present when we use language, writing on the other hand is essentially a solitary

activity and we are requires to write on our own without possibility of interaction

or the benefit of feedback. This is itself makes the act of writing difficult.

b. Cognitive Problems

Writing is learnt through a process of interaction. it needs the requirements

to master the written form of the language such as the use of the cohesion,

punctuation, etc. Besides, organizing the ideas in such a way that understandable

for readers’ attraction is important. It is obvious that writing is different know

others language skill (speaking, reading, listening, and writing). Although these

skill communication in speaking for example the other productive skill which

used to communicate with someone by having a direct interaction while in writing

we do not. Reading and listening are respective language skill since reading can

only happen when there is a speaker.

2. Elements of Writing

In many literatures, writing has some important elements. Gaith (2001) for

example, mentions four elements namely topic, organizational pattern, supporting

ideas and convention of standard written (English). Byrne (1990) proposes

different elements of writing as accuracy, fluency, text and purpose. Heaton

(1998) provides elements of writing in relation to assessment as language use,

mechanical skills, treatment of content, stylistic skills and judgment skills. It was

found that written communication elements consist of content, paragraph structure

and mechanics. The four sources from which the elements of writing are taken, it

can be summarized that writing consists of four main elements, namely content,

paragraph structures and mechanics.

a. Content

Content is consistently related to the flow or the fluency of ideas in a

composition that is characterized by the choice of topic, the compatibility of the

topic with the writing purpose or judgment and supporting ideas. In short, content

is associated with the way a writer treats the content of his or her writing in such a

way for his or her writing does not contain extraneous or loosely related


b. Paragraph Structure

Paragraph structure or commonly called as pattern of organization in

paragraphs is related to a set of procedure of constructing ideas into paragraphs. In

this part, a creativity of a writer to convey and to develop his or her main idea in

an elaborated manner can be assessed through the ability of the reader to follow

the flow of ideas. Normally, a good piece of paragraph structure contains a

beginning, middle and end. It also uses transitional devices, details, examples,

vivid/clear language, and mature word choice.

c. Mechanics

According to Reid (1993), the use mechanics is due to capitalization,

punctuation, spelling appropriately. This aspect is very important since it leads the

readers to understand or recognize immediately what the writer means to express

definitely. The use of favorable mechanics in writing will make the readers easy

to understand the conveying ideas or the messages stated in the writing.

a. Capitalization

The use of capitalization in writing can clarify the ideas. If the

sentences are not capitalized correctly, ambiguous meaning and

misunderstanding will appear. It also to differentiate one sentence to


b. Punctuation.

Punctuation can help the readers to identify should be taken as a

unity of meaning and suggest how the units of it related to each other.

c. Spelling.

There are three important rules followed in using spelling

appropriately. They are suffixes addition, plural formation, and

handling error within the words.



A. Research Design

Based on research question, the researcher applies qualitative research.

Qualitative research is an approach for investigating and understanding the

importance meaning or impute to a social or human issue. According to Creswell

(2014), qualitative research means “The procedure of research includes

developing inquiries and methods, data regularly gathered in the participant’s

setting, data analysis inductively going from particulars to general subjects and

explain clarification of the meaning of the data”.

B. Research Sites

The research took place at Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda

Aceh. Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) A-Raniry (State Islamic University) is the

Ministry of Religion Affair. According to President Degree number 64 of 2013,

UIN Ar-Raniry was given as a new name for previous IAIN (The State Institute

for Islamic Studies) Ar-Raniry. UIN Ar-Raniry was firstly established on the 5th

of October 1963. It is located at JL. Ar-Raniry Kopelma Darussalam, Banda

Aceh. As an Islamic University, it is not only concerned with Islamic affairs but

also concerned with general knowledge with some branchers. There are nine

faculties in UIN Ar-Raniry, namely Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Faculty, Syariah

dan Hukum Faculty, Ushuluddin Faculty, Dakwah dan Komunikasi Faculty, and

Adab dan Humaniora Faculty, Ilmu Sosial dan Pemerintahan Faculty, Ekonomi

dan Bisnis Islam Faculty, Psikologi Faculty, Sains dan Teknologi Faculty. The


researcher specifically researches Exploring students’ skills in writing narrative

essays at Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Faculty in Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/PBI

(English Department).

English Department is the place where the researcher conducted and

represented the sample for research. It is one of the leading and reputable

departments that many students eagerly study in which headed by T. Zulfikar. In

this term, the researcher researched in the Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training Department of English Language Education.

C. Research Participants

The population of this research was the third semester of the English

students department which the students are taking their essay writing class. The

participants of this research were 10 students of the third semester. They were 4

(four) males and six (6) females. In this study, the researcher used purposive

sampling. According to Tongco (2007), purposive sampling used the nonrandom

technique without any theory beyond and “researcher decides what needs to be

known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the


D. Instrument for Data Collection

1. Document Analysis

In this term, the researcher used document analysis of narrative essays to

explore students skills in writing by looking at generic stucture and language

features. According to Bowen (2009,p.27), document analysis is “systematic

procedure for reviewing or evaluating documents”. It needs the interpretation to


elicidate meaning, gain understanding and empirical knowledge. From the ten

data collected of participants, only four of them are qualified as narrative text.

Two of the participants wrote the descriptive text. Meanwhile, six participants

wrote the recount text.

2. Interview

Interview was conducted to get information about the second research

question of the students skills in writing narrative essays correctly. In this study,

the researcher used semi-structured interview. Cook (2008) explains that in semi-

structured interview, the researcher has more guidance over the direction of the

conversation and discussed content than in non-directive data collection approach,

but still the informants are not restricted in elaboration or changing the course of

the interview technique is recognized. Ten participants were interviewed of

students of the third semester in PBI which the students of the third semester are

taking their Essay writing class, 6 of them were male and 4 of them were female.

In this interview section, each participant were interviewed about 15-20 minutes

depending on the question and situation. The data were recorded by using a

handphone. The researcher spoke in Indonesia and the transcription of the record

is translated into English. As an ethics code of participants, the researcher used

pseudonyms instead of the participants. So, interview was only conducted in

analyzing situation.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used data analysis procedure that

suggested by Gass and Selinker (2008). Technique of analyzing data is important


element in any conduct research. All collected data was meaningless, if did not do

the analysis. The results of the analysis provided an overview of the direction,

purpose and intent of the study. Techniques of analyzing data in this research used

descriptive technique. Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and

arranging all information gained from interview and document analysis. The data

were analyzed through several stages. First, document analysis is used in order to

find out how the text narrative essay is gained by the students relating to their

problems face through the interview section. Second, the researcher recorded the

interview to explore their difficulties in writing narrative essay. Furthermore, its

result of the interview was transcribed into the data.

1. The interview was conducted to every respondent.

2. The researcher asked 8 questions

3. During the interview, the researcher recorded the voice

4. The recording transcribed into the data

5. After getting the data, the researcher drawn the conclusion by analysed it.

6. Relating to the interview result, the researcher involved the text narrative

essays as document analysis in order to find out students problems face as

evidence in interview section.



A. Research Findings

Rooting back to the research questions posed in the earliest chapter, this

chapter provides the results in concern to those two research questions. First, it is

concerning the generic structure and language features of narrative text. Second, it

is concerning students difficulties in writing narrative text.

B. The Result of Document Analysis

1. The Results on Generic Structures of Narrative Texts

There are three major features of narrative text, they are orientation,

complication, and resolution. According to Nugrahani and Fernando (2006),

Orientation is the stage where the author introduces all important elements of the

story, namely characters, characterization, time and place settings, and plot.

Complication is the stage where the conflict(s) happen. So that, in narratives, there

should always be conflicts. And last, it is resolution. It is the stage where the

conflicts are being resolved and the ending is settled. It can be happy ending, or

sad ending.

From ten narrative writing produced by students, the details on generic

structure of each writing is examined as below. Below is data entitled Warnet Boy.


Figure 4.1. Data 1 “Warnet Boy”

From the figure above, it can be seen that the author has good ability in

writing a narrative text. He inserted the introductory part where he listed all the

narrative elements such as character (himself), characterization, time and place

setting, as well as the plot which is in chronological order. Then, he also raised the

conflict where he wrote as shown in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 1

“... my parent got angry for what I had done, the worst thing I
ever felt when my father picked me out while I was playing
game and then struck me at home, they even cut off my pocket
money and kicked me out of home”.
The readers can feel the conflicts that were shouldered by the author

through the narrated situation. He felt so terrible that his parents also drive him

out of their house. It is clear that his experience was not easy in regards to his

hobby—playing internet games. Later on, the resolution that he stated was the

sentence “I was so regretful at that time. I lost my family’s connection because of

my useless hobby”. The author believed that his hobby was very destructive that

he had to lose the connection from both of his parents. And this story ends in an

unhappy ending plot.


The second is a data with the title The Crazy Goat. The data is displayed

as in the following.

Figure 4.2. Data 2 “The Crazy Goat”

From the second narative text above, it can be seen that the author inserted

the orientation part. First, the character of the story is “I”. She also frequently

mentioned “we” but she did not speficify the member of “we” that she means. She

also used pronoun of “us”, and “our” without explicitly specifying the referents.

In addition, she also included “male students” as the characters.

Later, the characterization of the characters is not provided in this

narrative. Concerning to time setting, it happened during later night. The place

setting was in an art gallery at her former boarding school. The plot is

chronological plot.

Secondly, the complication part was when they were really frightened by

the goat as shown in the excerpt below.

Excerpt 2:

“"nan .... why does that goat still see us huh? ... I am
afraid ...". After heard my friend I immediately looked at the
goat, for some reason we began to fear then ran small but I was
still a bit relaxed so that I was left behind, I accidentally looked
back because I was curious "will the goat still see?", I muttered
to myself, and it turns out the goat walked as behind me.
That night, I saw the goat's eyeballs splashed very red, I
was shocked and immediately ran at the front, my friends
noticed my escape and immediately followed. In front of us
someone almost locked the door of our hostel screaming to
prevent it...”.

What happened as the conflict in this story was at the time the author and

her friend(s) became really afraid of the goat. They could not do anything else but

running away from it. This is the conflict that the author highlighted in her

narrative. Finally, the resolution was when they reached home safely and they

managed to escape from the frightening goat as she wrote “we managed to enter

and didn't forget to lock the door quickly. Our breathing was breathless but with a

relieved heart because it managed to run away from the “crazy goat”.

Next, the third data collected is as shown in the following figure.


Figure 4.3. Data 3 “My last holiday”

The writing above is basically not a narrative writing. Although the author

put the title “My last holiday” as if it was a narrative, there are a lot of narrative

elements that seem to be missed. First of all, analyzing the introductory part—

character, characterization, time and place setting, and plot—he did not mention

every part. The character of this writing is “I”, but there is no characterization. He

did not depict the characterization of “I” explicitly. Later, there is also no time

setting. Although he mentioned “my last holiday”, but there is not any occurence

that he narrated about his last holiday. The same thing also happen with the place

setting. He did not mention any place setting. Regarding the plot, there is no plot

at all. He wrapped the description with some opinions and the adjustment of his


When looking at the next element, which is conflict, there is no conflict

narrated in this writing. The following excerpt may look like the confllicts, but it

is not.

Excerpt 3

I should went to working place at 5 am and came back to my

house at 10 pm. It was extremely tired, not only physical, but
also emotional. At the same time, I attached with quarter life
crisis moment. I though about many scary things in the life. I
just realized that I can not rely on my parents forever. I just
knew that my parents is not superman, they can not provide
everything that I want. The most anxious one was when I
realized that no one who want to guarantee for my future.
I also depressed, I felt I was a fool man. I did not past any
program and scholarship that I applied for. I saw my friends
status, they came everywhere, joined many program, have a lot
of experiences, and that just made me more depressed by
comparing myself with them. Added by the fact that I need to
work there, trapped there without opportunity to study. It just
made me super blue. I was though “if I were a kid from rich
parents, I did not need to work. I could focus on my study and
careers. I could got prestigious studies”.
There was a moment, when I always cried for one weeks full at
work place, in pray room, alone. I tried to learn about the reality
of life.
Although he described all his problems in excerpt, it looks more like the

description of his life problems not the narration of his life problems. In order to

make it a narration, he should have portrayed all the narrative elements as

mentioned earlier such as character, characterization, time and place settings, and


Finally, it is the resolution. Basically, when there is no conflict, it is just no

place to put any resolution. Because resolution means how the character deals

with the conflict whether he fights for it and it ends happily or he surrenders to it

and it ends sadly. The final paragraph of this writing is not the resolution, it is an

advice that the author suggested for other people who are having tough life as his.

Besides, he was also adjusting his own emotional condition to be stronger in the

future. Simply put, this writing is more likely to be categorized as a a recount

rather than a narrative.

The next data is as below.

Figure 4.4. Data 4 “Newbie Experince”

The data displayed above is given the title “Newbie Experience” by its

author. From the title, it surely pictures an interesting story in it, and the story is

supposed to be about the author’s experience when she was only a freshman at the


The character posed in the paragraph is “I”, with the characterization as a

freshman student at the college. The time setting is in the beginning process of

campus orientation, for sure. The place setting is on campus. However, after read,

it can be seen that a specific narrative is not being told there. The passage is more

likely to tell about the author’s personality. The author emphasizes on how she

acted in the beginning of campus semester when she started as a new freshman.

Concerning the complication, there is no complication being narrated. As

the consequence, there is not any resolution either. At the end, she inserted a

sentence of “So that, i have to learn more and try to remember the material that i

want to explain” which is not a resolution, but looks more like an opinion or

adjustment for her in alligning with her problem during the early times of campus.

Similarly as the previous text, it is a recount text rather than a narrative text.

The next data is as below.

Figure 4.5. Data 5 “Sabang Experience”

From the story above, the first thing to see is the characters and

characterization. The characters are “I” and “Ahmad”. However, there is no

explanation about the characterizations of these two characters. Then, the time

setting is in the end of year and the place setting is in Sabang. Concerning to plot,

there is no clear plot as the author did not insert any plot sequence. What makes

this writing excluded from the narrative category is that it has no elements of

conflict and resolution. So that, this writing is categorized as a recount.

Later on, another data is shown as in the following.

Figure 4.6. Data 6 “My Best Friends”

The story above may also seem as a narrative because there are some

characters in it. The characters are “I” and “my four friends”. There are also

characterization for every character. However, there is no conflict raised until the

end of the story. The author mostly described the places where they are from, the

group of classes they were divided, and other things which clearly are not

conflicts. In the end, of course there is no complication either because no conflicts


were raised. Because the absence of these two important narrative elements, this

text is categorized as a description text rather than a narrative text.

Then, the next data is shown below.

Figure 4.7. Data 7 “My Hobby”

Similar to the sample shown previously, the text above is also not a

narrative. It is clear from the title that the author chose for this writing, which is

“My Hobby”, which directly sounds like a descriptive text rather than a narrative

text. To be more specific, the facts can be found when the text is investigated. The

first line in the paragrapgh is located the definition of music. This is clearly an

introductory body of a desciptive text which usually known as Orientation section.

The so that, there is the whole absence of all narrative elements. There are not

characters, characterizations, time setting, place setting, plot, conflicts, and

resolution. This text is a descriptive text.

The next data is as shown below.


Figure 4.8. Data 8 “My Holiday with My Family at SumurTiga Beach”

From the data above, it can be seen that there are characters in the story

which are “I” and “My family”. The time setting is during the last holiday and the

place setting is at the Sumur Tiga. The plot is also chronological plot. However,

there is no conflict raised in the story, which is the key-element of a narrative.

There is also no resolution in this story. As a result, this text is not categorized as

a narrative, but as a recount.

Later, the following data is also one of the text written by one of the


Figure 4.9. Data 9 “Tsunami”

The text above is a good example of a narrative. It can be seen that there is

a character brought into the story, which is “I”. There is also the characterization

for this character. “I” is four-year old boy, woke up early, and played arond the

house. The time setting is on December 26, 2006. In fact, it is supposed to be

2004. The place setting is in the author’s house. The plot is chronological.

Concerning to complication part, the conflict is raised when the author

wrote “Suddenly a great earthquake occured and destroyed so many part of the

cityand then my parents diractly looked after me and saved me and took me to the

safe place”. This happened all of sudden when he was playing around his house.

Later, the resolution is when he inserted “After the waves receded i and my

parents tried to went down and seek for help, on the way i saw that Banda Aceh

completely destroyed at that time.i saw corpse everywhere and that experience left

in my memory untill now ”. At this moment, he understood that the catastrophe

happened and it left him with tragic memory. The plot is a sad ending.

The last data is as shown in the following.

College entrance exam stories

Never give up, that’s good words to describe in my story,
because with that word, I can reach my dream to studied in my
favorite majors that is English Department in Islamic state
university of ar-raniry. My story it real happened, why it
happened? Because during the selection I really disappointed
with the selection result. I am still sure and believed Allah Swt
will accept our pray, can happened if we keep
trying,pray,and always remembered to Allah this
paragraph, I will tell you about my story when struggling to
enter the campus entrance selection.
One day, after we all graduated from senior high school and I

very happy with that, cause finally we can graduated and can
passed the school and national examination well.after
graduated, all my friends start to determined what should they
do after graduated.some of them tried to to continue their
study in university(include me), some friend want to
worked,and many the same time,sbmptn for state
university and umptkin for Islamic university.i registered two
of them,I choosen the majors, payed the registration, study
well every night, and follow the test.
After that, I have spend many times to waited the
announcement of the test(sbm and umptkin).until the day of
the announcement arrived, the first announced is sbmptn. I
opened the website, write my name,id number and after that, I
really disspointed with the result and I really sad and cried
because of that.but I still hoping, umptkin is still not
announced.after waiting for 3 weeks,the annoucementday for
umptkinis arrived and I got the same result,same feeling,same
disspointed with sbmptn the same moment after saw
the result, my feeling is mixed and I don’t know what should I
do after that.i don’t want to disspointing my parentsand I
disappointed with my self, and know what can I do is only can
pray expect to him.
Until one day, hope for studyin university appears and I still
have hoped.islamic state university ar-raniry opened
registration path again called pmb local.pmb local is only for
students who don’t passed the sbmptn and umptkin test and
they can use as alternative way to studied in ar raniry
university .f course I am not waste that oppunities, tried to
studied more hardest, pray to Allah Swt and followed the test,
and finally the announcement is coming and the result is I
passed the exam.i am very happy and very grateful to Allah
Swt for the gift and his power, to my parents who always
support me during study and others.
Finally, and now I studied in Islamic university ar raniry in
English dream to studied in university came true,
and all that thing happened because his power and grace.
support from my family and parents very effected for me.for
every who is strumggling, do not to give up.and think for sure
Allah will make it easier and don’t forget to always pray to
Allah Swt anywhere and anytime.

Figure 4.10. Data 10 “College entrance exam stories”

The data above shows a narrative text. The character in the story is “I”.

The characterization is that she is a hard-working person and never give up. The

time setting is during the college entrance test. The place setting is at home and

campus. The plot is a chronological plot with a happy ending. The complication is

when the author figured out that she did not pass the first exam. The resolution is

when the author got registered in another test and passed that test.

To sum up, in the following is provided the summary of those ten

narratives collected from the ten respondents.

Table 4.1 Generic structures

No Title Generic Structures Text genre

Orientation Complication Resolution
1 Warnet boy Yes Yes Yes Narrative
2 The crazy goat Yes Yes Yes Narrative
3 My last holiday Yes No No Non-Narrative
4 Newbie Yes No No Non-Narrative
experience (Recount)
5 Sabang Yes No No Non-Narrative
experience (Recount)
6 My Holiday Yes No No Non-Narrative
with My (Recount)
Family at
Sumur Tiga
7 My best friends Yes No No Non-Narrative
8 My hobby No No No Non-Narrative
9 Tsunami Yes Yes Yes Narrative
10 College Yes Yes Yes Narrative
entrance exam

The table above shows that all the texts have the orientation stage. In order

to make a text become a narrative, it should have conflicts and resolutions. These

two parts are mostly missed parts by the respondents. There is only one text

without orientation part, but there are four texts having no complication part and

no resolution part as these four texts are considered to be written as recounts.

Meanwhile the other two were written in a decriptive text.

2. The Results on Language Features of Narrative Texts

In this section, the results that were found in concern to the language

features of the narrative texts written by the students are displayed. The language

features in this case is scoped into three major scopes. They are: first, the use of

past tense; second, the use of behavioral verbs such as do, make, sing, sit, sleep

and verbal process verbs such as say, remark, insist, ask; and third, the use of

noun phrase followed by adjectives such as a beautiful princess.

Just to mention, from the ten data collected, only four of them are qualified

as narrative texts. Two of the rest are categorized as description, and the other

four are recount. Consequently, those non-narrative data are not analyzed for their

language features. Initially, to see the completion of these features in the narrative

texts written by the respondents, the following table is provided.

Table 4.2 Language features.

No Title Language features

Past tense Behavioral/verbal Noun phrase
1 Warnet boy Was, did, returned, Addicted, felt. my entire clothes,
made, spent, went, my friend’s house,
got, kicked, had, my family’s
lost. connection, my
useless hobby.

2 The crazy goat Was, learned, Asked, ignored, glimpsed, A memorable day,
returned, were, had, ignored, muttered, didn’t the goats’ eyeballs,
stayed, asked, forget. a relieved heart, the
ignored, glimpsed, crazy goat, a very
whispered, looked, historic night.
muttered, walked,
saw, locked,
managed, didn’t
3 My last holiday - - -
4 Newbie - - -
5 Sabang - - -
6 My Holiday - - -
with My
Family at
Sumur Tiga
7 My best friends - - -
8 My hobby - - -
9 Tsunami Was, woke up, Wanted, screamed, A lovely day, my
played, did not take, observed, remembered. daily life, lovely
occured, destroyed, weather, 4 years
looked, saved, old, a great
wanted, screamed, earthquake, my
got, observed, memory.
happened, reached,
remembered, could,
struggled, rescued,
10 College Disappointed, Disappointed, tried, My favorite major,
entrance exam happened, announced, cried, hoped, the selection
stories graduated, passed, affected. results, campus
saw, tried, entrance selection,
registered, followed, senior high school,
chose, paid, arrived, national

announced, opened, examination, state

cried, mixed, hoped, university, Islamic
called, passed, university, the
studied, affected. annoucement day,
alternative way

From the table above, it shows that there are six texts which are not

included as narrative texts so they were not analyzed for the narrative language

features. The texts are the ones entitled My Last Holiday, Newbie Experience, My

Hobby, My Best Friends, My Holiday with My Family at Sumur Tiga Beach, and

Sabang Experience.

The first narrative entitle Warnet Boy employed the past form of verbs

such as was, did, returend, made, spent, went, got, kicked, had, lost. Later, the

behavioral process verbs used in this text were addicted and felt; and there are no

verbal process verbs. Last, the noun phrases with adjectives employed in this text

are my entire clothes, my friend’s house, my family’s connection, my useless


Second, in the text with the title the crazy goat, the past form verbs which

was used are Was, learned, returned, were, had, stayed, asked, ignored, glimpsed,

whispered, looked, muttered, walked, saw, locked, managed, didn’t forget. Then,

the behavioural processes used in this story are ignored, glimpsed, asked, ignored,

didn’t forget. Meanwhile, the verbal processes are asked and muttered. Finally,

the noun phrases used are A memorable day, the goats’ eyeballs, a relieved heart,

the crazy goat, a very historic night.


Third, in the writing with the title Tsunami which has the past form of

verbs such as was, woke up, played, did not take, occured, destroyed, looked,

saved, wanted, screamed, got, observed, happened, reached, remembered, could,

struggled, rescued, left; then, the behavioural processes used in this text were

wanted, observed, remembered; and the verbal process was only screamed. Last,

the noun phrases employed in this text are a lovely day, my daily life, lovely

weather, 4 years old, a great earthquake, my memory.

Finally, in the text entitled College Entrance Exam Stories, the past verbs

are disappointed, happened, graduated, passed, saw, tried, registered, followed,

chose, paid, arrived, announced, opened, cried, mixed, hoped, called, passed,

studied, affected. The behavioural process verbs employed in this text are

disappointed, tried, cried, hoped, affected, while the verbal process in only

announced. The noun phrases with adjectives are my favorite major, the selection

results, campus entrance selection, senior high school, national examination,

state university, Islamic university, the annoucement day, alternative way.

C. The Result of Interview

1. Results on Students’ Difficulties in Writing Narrative Texts

This is the point that the second research question attempts to find the

answer for. In order to figure out the answer, a research instrument which is an

instrument was used to collect the data needed for this question. In the following

is shown the results of the interview. There are eight questions asked on the

interview as elaborated below along with the response from some participants.

The questions are as follow.

1. What do you think about narrative essay?

2. Have you ever written a narrative essay?

3. Did you find any obstacle in writing narrative essay?

4. What kind of problems do you find during writing narrative essay

5. Did you have solution to solve that problems?

6. Did you think writing narrative essay improve your writing skill?

7. In which part do you get improvement? why?

8. How do you think about your narrative essay writing? Why?

The first question of the interview was about “What do you think about

narrative essay?”. All respondents (R1 until R10) answered that it is a type of

writing which is frequently found in the form of story and to amuse the readers. In

addition, they understand that the purpose of the narrative is to entertain the

readers. As some of the respondents’s excerpts below (R1 is short for Respondent

1, R2 is short for Respondent 2, and so on).

R2 : “I think narrative essays is a type of writing, usually we

used it for story, so we tell the story based on chronology and
narrative essay use simple past grammar.”

R3: “Narrative essays is essays that usually they use simple past
grammar I the writing way, and it usually tell about the story
like, fable, fairytale, and many story like our diary and etc.”

R4: “Narrative essays is one text of essays, that the purpose is

to entertain the reader”.
Later, concerning the second interview asking about “Have you ever

written a narrative essay”, all of the respondents answered that they have written

narrative texts. Respondents R1 until R10 had the same answer. They said that

they all have written narrative essay. As excerpted from some respondents’ as

shown below.

R7: “Yes sure, I have written in the second semester, and in the
second semester we are train to write about writing, including
narrative essays”.

R10: “Yes, of course I write my essays writing in senior high school”.

Then, the third question is “did you find any obstacle in writing narrative

essay?”, they all (R1 until R10) admitted that they face problems mostly in

vocabulary, grammar, and ideas about what to write. As shown in the excerpts


R1: “yes exactly I got obstacle when I write narrative essay”.

R2: “Yes, my obstacles, first definetly grammar issue, and the second is
how I can built a story, because its really hard for me to make a good

Next, the fourth question asked them about “What kind of problems do

you find during writing narrative essay?”, they answered as directly excerpted

from some of the respondents below. R1 and R3 have problem with vocabulary.

R2 has problems with ideas. R4, R5, and R6, R7, R8, R9, and R10 have problem

with grammar and narrative generic structures.

R1: “Based on my knowledges, I don’t have a lot of vocabulary

when I write the narrative essays and may be I not easy to use
the real grammar of narrative essays, because usually I write
narrative essays by using present tense.”

R2: “Mmmm, during writing narrative essays, I found like I

don’t know how to write it more again, because my idea is
terbatas, so when I lost my idea I don’t know how to go on my

R4: “My problems is like the use of grammar error, I dont know
how to built opening paragraph and how to finsh my story, and I
very hard in determine the word choice”.

R5: “My obststacle is I don’t have knowldeges what I want to

write, I still got lot of error grammar and don’t have enough of
vocabulary and I don’t know how to bult a topic. Just it.”

R6: “When I writing narrative essay, I don’t know a lot of

vocabulary, grammar, because my grammar is in low level and I
don’t have lot of knowlegdes”.
R7: “My obstacle is really hard to think about the idea,
especially in narrative essays is something that really needing
imagination to develop[ the writing topic, knowldeges and also
have to good in grammar”.

R5: “My obststacle is I don’t have knowldeges what I want to

write, I still got lot of error grammar and don’t have enough of
vocabulary and I don’t know how to bult a topic. Just it.”

R6: “When I writing narrative essay, I don’t know a lot of

vocabulary, grammar, because my grammar is in low level and I
don’t have lot of knowlegdes”.

R7: “My obstacle is really hard to think about the idea,

especially in narrative essays is something that really needing
imagination to develop[ the writing topic, knowldeges and also
have to good in grammar”.
Then, concerning to the fifth question which is about the solutions that

they are trying to find in order to tackle the problems they have when writing

narratives as in question “Did you have solution to solve that problems?”, their

responses are as shown in the following. R1, R2, R6, R7, R8, R9, and R10 would

learn vocabulary and grammar more. R3 would build his/her knowledge on

narrative generic structure. R4 and R5 would practice more.

R1: “I think for my problems solving when I write narrative

essays, I learn more about the….how to use other Tenses

memorize more about the vocabulary, and read a lot about the
story for references”.

R2: Yes of course for my problems, I have to solve my grammar

problems by to see my note , my book about grammar, I try to
solve my problems when my idea terbatas by searching on the
internet and I have to practice more how to write a good
narrative essays.
R8: I have to learn about my grammatical, I have to read a lot,
and learn again about the narrative essays, and read a lot in
magazine, google and etc.
R9: I have to read, read and read lot and learning again about
the grammar.
R3: “Yes for me I have to try to practice writing more, learn
about the generic structure about narrative essays and also
language feature of narrative essays”.
R4: “I think I can solve that problems , like practice and practice”.

Next, concerning the sixth question, all of the respondents (R1 until R10)

agreed that writing narrative essay can improve their writing skill. Their answers

are as shown below.

R5: “I think narrative essays can improving my wrting skill,

because narrative essay is a basic wrting for a beginner, and
after that I can continue the next type of writing. Because in
narrative essays I learn about the grammar, remember
vocabulary, how to built a topic idea, how to write the
resolution in the end of story”.
R6: “Of course, that is improve my writing because I got a new
information, or I can study the grammar when I writing
narrative essays”.
R7: “Yes sure, with narrative essay I can improve my

imagination, my knowledges, my vocabulary and also improve

my grammar”.

More specifically, when they were asked the seventh question which is

“In which part do you get improvement? Why?”, they answered as follows. R1

improve in the knowledge. R2 and R7 improve in their grammar capability. R3

and R4 improve in vocabulary. R5 improves in ideas. R6, R8, R9, and R10 have

improvement in knowledge, ideas, grammar, and vocabulary

R1: “I don’t know ho to say that because, but sometimes I feel

like is I got lot of knowledges about the story.”

R2: “first in analysis the grammar, so I can analyzed which is

error grammar or not, and writing narrative essays improve my
vocabulary, i can learn new vocabulary from writing narrative
essays, and I can spelling English words very well because I
practice to write the word by the word.”

R3: “I found the improvement like I got new vocabulary,

because when I read a text about narrative essays and don’t
know about the meaning so I try to searching it and it make me
know about new vocabulary”.

R5: “I can know how to built main idea”.

R8: “I get improvement in my grammar, my vocabulary, word
choice, and in bulidng the topic idea”.

Finally, regarding the last questions about “What do you think about your

narrative essay writing? Why?”. They all (R1 until R10) believed that their quality

of narrative writing still need improvements as we can directly see in some of the

following excerpts by several respondents.

R4: “My narrative essays is not too bad, but I think I still need
to improve regularly, and practice regularly”.

R5: “I think my writing is standard not too good, because I still

have some problems that I mention before in the question 3 and

R6: “My writing narrative essays is not good, because i lack in

grammar, lack in vocabulary and lack in make the story

D. Discussion

In this section, there are two points that are going to be discussed. First, it

is about the first research question asking about “How does students’ explore their

skill in writing Narrative Essay in terms of generic structures and linguistic

features?”. And the second point is about the second research question which is

“What are the students’ difficulties in writing Narrative essay?”.

In order to pose the discussion on the first research question, the notion is

about the students’ ability in writing narrative texts. Initially, the concern is about

the generic structure of the narrative texts namely orientation, complication, and

resolution. From the ten samples, there are only four students who included these

narrative elements in their writing. Meanwhile, the others did not pose the

complete elements. Some only put the characters but not characterization. Some

put characters and characterization, but not the time and place settings. Some even

did not insert any plots.

Then, the stage of the orientation is the phase of complication. This stage

is the most important part of a narrative as it lives up the story with the sense of

conflicting situation. The climax or anti-climax of a narrative is derived from this

stage. This in line with Keraf (2001) who states that narrative is an amusing story

about a person’s experience but it has to contain conflicts, so that there will be

resolutions to be acted upon those conflicts. However, six of the samples did not

write this part and this means that their writing cannot be classified as narrative,

but it is classified into recount or description. In recount, some regular and

unconflicted experiences are written. Recounts are also frequently written in


diaries. Meanwhile in description, the topic is being described for its features

rather than to be narrated.

Later, the wrapping part is the resolution part. This part should be rooted

from the prior ‘complication’ part. This means that if there is no complication,

there will be no solution needed. This, of course, goes systematically as we can

see in the writing samples that the narratives without complication stage will

surely have no resolution stage. The resolution part is important in a narrative

because it moves the characters into stability, whether it is the good stability

which is the happy ending, or the bad stability which is the sad ending. As Adam

(2015) suggests that it is important to teach stories to students because it can

develop their ability to understand all elements of the story including the

resolution element. He has examined his students’ ability in the pretest and post-

test in writing narrative. After he gave the treatment, the students ability in

drawing conclusion or resolution increased. Briefly, teaching stories can enhance

students’ ability in writing narrative texts.

Secondly, the case is about the language features of the narratives. The

narrative language features consist of the use of past tense, the use of behavioral

and verbal process verbs, and the use of noun phrase followed by adjectives. From

the samples we can see that all students who wrote an ideal narrative (with the

orientation, complication, and resolution stages) could manage to fulfill all of

these three narrative langauge features.

Next, in attempt to asnwer the second research question, the interview

excerpts were precisely shown in the display section. There were eight questions

altogether. From the first interview question, we can understand that all

respondets understand the narrative text very well as they all have written

narrative texts. Later, the following question was about their obstacles when

writing narrative texts. Mostly, their problems are alike. They do not know what

to write and where to start. They do not have enough vocabulary to describe the

actions. Additionally, they were lacked of grammar with the use past tense which

is the dominant tense used in narratives.

Later, they promoted solutions to solve their own problems, for example

they need to practice more writing narratives, and they also need to read more

stories so that they can understand the elements of the stories very well. As they

understand, it will make them write their own narratives at ease. The next question

was about the skill improvement when writing narrative. They all agreed that

writing narratives can improve their writing skills especially in the scope of

vocabulary and grammar.

The last question was about their opinion about their own narrative

writing. They admitted that they could write a standard narrative but it is still too

far from perfection. They said that they needed to practice more with the narrative

writing. In addition, they also need to read more stories so that the can perceive

larger perspectives and viewpoints of narrative texts.


This chapter contains the conclusions which are taken based on the results

and discussion in the previous chapter. In addition, the suggestions are also made

to the readers and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

Based on the findings, there are two conclusions that can be drawn. First, it

is concerning the generic structure and the language features of narrative texts.

Some students have understood very well the generic structures of narrative as

they already inserted the three stages of narratives into their writing. Meanwhile,

there are still students who do not understand the three stages which are

orientation, complication, and resolution. Regarding the language features, all

students who wrote an ideal narrative passage have employed the narrative

language feature in a mannerly way. They used past tense, behavioral and verbal

process verbs, and also noun phrases with adjectives.

The second conclusion is concerning the respondents’ perception towards

their ability in writing narratives essays. Most of them have understood very well

the definition of narrative texts. However, they still admitted that they have

problems in writing good narratives. They said that they still need to make more

efforts and practice to a good writer for narrative texts. They need to enhance

more their knowledge on vocabulary and grammar.


B. Recommendations

The suggestions are addressed to two parties. First, to the English teachers,

it is suggested that they teach their students with story elements very carefully so

that the students can really differentiate between the orientation, complication,

and resolution stages of narratives. Secondly, the suggestion is to the future

researchers. This study only examined the major parts of narratives. It is

recommended that future studies can cope writer aspect of narrative essay.

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1. Name : Nurul Fajri

2. Place/Date of Birth : Pulo/ 7 September 1997
3. Sex : Female
4. Religion : Islam
5. Nationality : Indonesia
6. Marital Status : Single
7. Address : Jl. Kayee Adang 2, Lamgugob, Kec.Syiah
Kuala, Banda Aceh.
8. E-mail :
9. Parents
a. Father : Muhammad A. Jalil
b. Occupation : Farmer
c. Mother : Nurhayati, S.Pd
d. Occupation : Civil Servant
10. Education Background
a. MIN Ulee Gle (2003)
b. SMPN 1 Bandar Dua (2009)
c. SMAN 1 Bandar Dua (2012)
d. UIN Ar-Raniry (2015)

Banda Aceh, September 30th, 2019

Nurul Fajri

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