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Part 6

Structural Design

c) Oversized holes are permitted in any or all plies of slip-critical connections, but they shall not be used in
bearing type connections. Hardened washers shall be installed over oversized holes in an outer ply.
d) Short-slotted holes are permitted in any or all plies of slip-critical or bearing type connections. The slots
are permitted without regard to direction of loading in slip-critical connections, but the length shall be
normal to the direction of the load in bearing-type connections. Washers shall be installed over short-
slotted holes in an outer ply; when high strength"bolts are used, such washers shall be hardened.
e) Long-slotted holes are permitted in only one of the connected parts of either a slip-critical or bearing-
type connection at an mdividual faying surface. Long-slotted holes may be used without regard to
direction of loading in slip-critical connections, but shall be normal to the direction of load in oearing
tyP.e connections. Where fong-slotted holes are used in an outer ply, plate washers or a continuous bar
w1th standard holes, having a size sufficient to completely cover the slot after installation, shall be
provided. In high strength bolted connections, such plate washers or continuous bars shall be not less
than 8 mm thick and snall be of structural grade material, but need not be hardened. If hardened
washers are required for use of high strength bolts, the hardened washers shall be placed over the outer
surface of the plate washer or bar.
f) When A 490 bolts over 25 mm diameter are used in slotted or oversize holes in external plies, a single
hardened washer ~onforming to ASTM F436, except with 8 mm minimum thickness, shall be used in
lieu of the standard washer.
Table 6.10.14
Nominal Hole Dimensions

Hole Dimensions
BoltDia Standard (Dia) Oversize(Dia) Short-slot Long-slot
mm mm mm (Width x length) (Width x length)
12 14 16 14 X 18 14 X 32
16 18 21 18 X 22 18 X 40
20 21 24 21 X 25 21 >< 48
22 24 27 24 X 28 24 X 56
25 27 32 27 X 33 27 X 64
;:::28 d + 1.5 d+8 (d+ 1.5) X (d+ 10) (d+1.5)x (2.5xd) Effective Bearing Area : The effective bearing area of bolts, threaded parts and rivets shall be the
diameter multiplied by the length in bearing, except that for countersunk bolts and rivets the depth of the
countersink shall be deducted. Tension and Shear: In Working Stress Design the allowable tension and shear stresses on bolts,
threaded parts and rivets shall be as given in Table 6.10.15 of the nominal body area of rivets (before
driving) or the unthreaded nominal boay area of bolts and threaded parts other than upset rods (see foot
note h, Table 6.10.15). In Load Factor Design the design strength of bolts, threaded parts snail be taken as the
product of the resistance factor ¢J and the nominal strength given in Table 6.10.13 of the unthreaded
nominal body area of bolts and threaded parts other than upset (see footnote (3) of Table 6.10.13). High
strength bolts supporting applied load by airect tension shall be so proportioned that their average tensile
stress, computecf on the basis of nominaf bolt area and independent of any initial tightening force, will not
exceed the appropriate stress given in Table 6.10.15 and the design strength given in Table 6.10.13 for
Working Stress Design and Load Factor Design respectively. The applied load shall be the sum of any
tension resulting from prying action produced by deformation of the connected parts and external service
load in case of Working Stress Design or factored load in case of Load Factor Design. Combined Tension and Shear in Bearing Type Connections
a) In Working Stress Design, bolts and rivets subjected to combined shear and tension shall be so
proportioned that the tension stress F1 , in N /mm2 on the nominal body area Ab produced by forces
applied to the connected parts, shall not exceed the values computed from the expressions in Table
6..10.16 where fv, the shear stress produced by. the same forces, shall not exceed the value for shear
given in Table 6.10.15. When allowable stresses are increased for wind or seismic loads in accordance
with Sec, the constants in the expressions listed in Table 6.10.16 shall be increased by 33% but
the coefficient applied to fv shall not be increased.

b) In Load Factor Design, bolts and rivets subjected to combined tension and shear shall be so
proportioned that the tension stressft produced by factored loads on the nominal body area Ab does not
exceed the values computed from the expressions in Table 6.10.17. The value of fv, the shear produced
by the same factored loads, shall not exceed the values of shear for Load Factor Design given in

Chapter 10
S teel Structures Combined Tension and Shear in Slip-critical Joints

a) In Working Stress Design for A325 and A490 bolts used in slip-critical connections, the maximum shear
stress allowed by Table 6.10.15 shall be multiplied by the reduction factor (1-ftAi/Tb) where ft is the
average tensile stress due to a direct load applied to all of the bolts in a connection and Tb is the
pretension load of the bolt specified in Table 6.10.12. When allowable stresses are increased for wind
or seismic load in accordance with the provision of Sec, the reduced allowable shear stress shall
be increased by 33%.
Table 6.10.15
Allowable Shear Stress on Fasteners, N/mm 2

Allowable Shearm (Fv>

Allowable Slip-critical Connections(2, 3) ' Bearing
Description of Fasteners Tension<1l Stan- Oversize Long~slotted type
(Ft) dard and Holes Comiec-
size Short- Transve- ParallelriT tions<3l
Holes slotted rse<4l Load Load
A502, Gr. 1, hot-driven 159{5) 120V>J
A502, Gr. 2 and 3, hot- 200{5) 152\b)
driven rivets
A307bolts 138(5) 69(6,7)
Threaded parts meetin~ the
re~uirements of Sec 1 .3.1
an 10.3.2, and A449 bolts
meetin~ the requirements of 0.33fu(S,S) 0.17Fu
Sec 1 .3.2, and when
threads are not excluded
from shear planes
Threaded parts meetin~ the
re~uirements of Sec 1 .3.1
an 10.3.2, and A449 bolts
meeting the requirements of 0.33 F11(S) 0.].2Fu
Sec 10..2 when threads are
excluded from shear planes
A325 bolts, when threads
are not excluded from shear 303 117 103 83 69 145(6)
A325 bolts, when threads
are excluded from shear 303 117 103 83 69 207(6)
A490 bolts, when threads
are not excluded from shear 372 145 124 103 90 193(6)
A490 bolts, when threads
are excluded from shear 372 145 124 103 90 276<6)
I planes
Notes: (1) See Sec
(2) Class A (slip coefficient 0.33). Clean mill scale and blast-cleaned surfaces with Cl<:1ss A coatings.
When specified by the Engineer, the allowable shear stress, Fv, for slip-critical connections having
special faying surface conditions may be increased to the applicable value given in the RCSC
(3) For limitations on use of oversized and slotted holes, see Sec
(4) Direction of load application relative to long axis of slot.
(5) Static loading only.
(6) When bearing-type connections used to splice tension members have a fastener pattern whose
length, measured parallel to the line of force, exceeds 1250 mm, tabulated values shall be reduced
(7) Threads permitted in shear planes.
(8) The tensile capacity of the threaded portion of an upset rod, based upon the cross-sectional area at
its major thread diameter Ab shall be larger than the nominal body area of the rod before upsetting
times 0.60F11•

b) In Load Factor Design the design shear resistance of slip-critical joints shall be determined by using the
values from Table 6.10.18 multiplied by ¢ =1.0, except ¢ =0.85 for the long-slotted holes when the load
is in the direction of the slot. The shear on the bolt due to service loads shall be less than the tabulated

Bangladesh National Building Code 6-335

Structural Design

values. When the loading combination includes wind or seismic loads in addition to dead and live
loads, the total of the combined load effects, at service loads, may be multiplied by 0.75.
When a bolt in a slip-critical connection is subjected to a service tensile force T, the nominal resistance in
Table 6.10.18 shall be multiplied by the reduction factor (1-TII'b) where Tb is the minimum pretension
load from Table 6.10.12.

Table 6.10.16
Allowable Tension Stress <Ft> for Fasteners in Bearing-type Connections

Description of Threads Included in Threads Excluded from

Fasteners Shear Plane Shear Plane
A307bolts 180-1.8/v ~140
A325bolts ~(303) 2 -4.39(; ~(303) 2 -2.15(;
~(372) 2 -3.75/; ~(372) 2 -1.82/;
Threaded parts,
A449 bolts 0.43Fu -1.8/v ~ 0.33Fu 0.43Fu -1.4/v ~0.33Fu
over 40 mm dia
A502 Gr. 1 rivets 207-1.3/v ~160
AS02 l:ir. 2 rivets 262-1.3 fv ~ 200

Table 6.10.17
Tension Design Stress Limit (tp Ft), N/mm2, for Fasteners in Bearing Type Connections

Descnption of Fasteners Threads included in the Shear Threads Excluded from the
Plane Shear Plane
A307bolts 270-1.8/v ~ 207
A325 bolts 585-1.8/v ~470 585-1.4/v ~ 470
A490 bolts 730-1.8/v ~ 580 730-1.4/v ~ 580
Threaded parts
A449 bolts over 40 mm 0.73Fu -1.8fv ~ 0.56Fu 0.73Fu -1.4/v ~0.56Fu
A502 Gr. 1 rivets 304-1.3/v ~234
A502 Gr. 2 rivets 407-1.3fv~310

When a bolt in a slip-critical connection is subjected to a service tensile force T, the nominal resistance in
Table 6.10.18 shall be multiplied by the reduction factor (1- TfTb) where Tb is the minimum pretension
loads from Table 6.10.12.
. Table 6.10.18
Nominal Slip-critical Shear Strength, N/mm 2, of High Strength Bolts(1)

Type ot Bolt Nominal Shear Strength

Standard Size Holes Oversize and Short Long slotted Holes\1 )
Slotted Holes
A325 117 103 83
A490 145 124 103
Notes: (1) Class A (slip coefficient 0.33). Clean mill scale and blast cleaned surfaces with class A coatings.
(2) Tabulated values are for the case of load application transverse to the slot. When the load is
oarallel to the slot multiolv tabulated values bv 0.85. Bearing at Bolt Holes

a) For shear connections in Working Stress Design the allowable bearing on the projected area of bolts and
rivets at the bolt holes for two or more bolts in the line of force shall be as follows, provided the end
distance in the line of force is more than 1 fd and the centre to centre distance of bolts is more than 3d.

i) In standard or short-slotted holes



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