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EstudyanTips: COVID-19 Information Campaign


The project shall become effective after one month of preparation. This includes the
collection of initial funding, the procurement of materials, brainstorming for content,
designing the tarps and recording the radio program, as well as testing with the LGU and
securing their permission to implement the project.



The project aims to appeal to citizens from all walks of life, and does not limit its objectives
to inform to any specific gender, age, or educational attainment. The information to be

presented is intended to be easily understandable to the ordinary layman.

Unfortunately, as of April 6, 2021, the Philippines remains one of the top countries in
Southeast Asia with a high morbidity and mortality rate, having 812,760 confirmed CoVID-19
cases and 13,817 deaths. In Calapan City, there has also been a significant increase in its
number with almost 890 confirmed active cases and 16 deaths in total. Until now, this
alarming spike in cases continuous to serve as a reminder for a call for immediate

preventive actions by those in authority.

Concerning our country’s response to this worsening pandemic situation, one aspect that
might have been overlooked and underemphasized in the city is CoVID-19 mass literacy.
Sadly, not everyone in the community is as knowledgeable regarding the risks, effects, and
ways to prevent the virus. A study conducted by Tolabing (2020) shows how pervasive poor
health literacy is among Filipinos. In the first National Health Literacy Survey done by the
Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA), among 2,303 Filipinos ages 15 to 70, a “low” and
“inadequate” datum percentage of 51.5% on a national scale and the 48.2% to 65.4% on a
subnational level. This is because members of the community have little to no access to
health information, and are not skilled enough to understand, acquire, and apply such to
themselves; thus, not following the most basic safety protocols like wearing of face masks
and shields and proper social distancing, making them more susceptible to acquiring and
spreading the virus.

In addition to this, the spread of misinformation and false information about CoVID-19 has
also increased rapidly inside the city. In this technologically advanced generation, it is
undeniable that information is accessible anywhere online. With this, people tend to believe
everything they read and see on their news feeds and timelines without discerning whether
what they see is factual or not.

To this end, our group proposes this project called EstudyanTips ─ a Covid-19 awareness
campaign held in Calapan City. This would not only strengthen the awareness and
understanding of the Calapenos about the basics of COVID-19, but also equip them with
reliable, accurate, and easily understandable CoVID-19 information.

It is undeniable that the number of active cases and deaths reported only keeps spiking up
as each day passes. That is why, through this initiative, the proponents, along with the
helping hand of the City Government of Calapan, will be able to not just provide the masses
with sufficient health information they need, but also be of great benefaction in terms of
flattening the curve and preventing the country’s economic status and healthcare system
from collapsing.


This Covid-19 Information Campaign aims the following objectives:

1. Strengthening local awareness, information, capacities and connections to help
communities deal with COVID-19.

2. Launch an aggressive campaign to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with

the coronavirus infection.

3. Provide education to prepare communities meet the challenge of coronavirus

predicted heat wave.
4. Pilot and implement innovative methods of working and conducting operations in
the current milieu of social distancing.

The group will be releasing a new and inspiring call for social unity and solidarity as a
response to the COVID-19 pandemic called, EstudyanTips: COVID-19 Information Campaign.
It aims to spread awareness about our current situation while promoting precautionary
measures and other things the community should do as a response regarding these pressing
community health challenges. With the guidance of school officials, the students will
disseminate information for better understanding of the risks and effects of Covid-19 to
everyone’s health and will motivate and facilitate both behavioral change and societal
support for actions taken to reduce death cases. Our team will always be open for those
individuals who are willing to give or reach out some help. Improved awareness will help
health-sector professionals to provide leadership in supporting rapid and comprehensive
strategies for safety and secured individuals that will both improve health and reduce
vulnerability. Spreading of information will be done through various materials like tarpaulin
prepared by the students themselves and with the approval from the LGU.


There are a number of ways to secure funds. For the mock-ups of the materials, the group
can contribute a minor sum into a common fund via online payment services like GCash, as
well as put the account up for crowd funding by interested and well-meaning third parties
online. The purpose of this is simply to collect enough to provide for at most 5 tarpaulins
and the required fee for airing the recorded program over the radio. The group is not
intended to shoulder significant cost for this project, so individuals can find their own ways
to collect the necessary amount for the group contribution. Another option is to have the
project costs shouldered by the LGU entirely. The project is timely and is of great and mutual
concern with local government units, and the end goal of the project is always, at the end of
the day, to hand over the files needed to print more tarps so that local government can
freely reuse the material. It is more than likely that the LGU will accept help in combating
the COVID-19 crisis, and the funds needed for creating a few tarps surely must be a measly
portion of their budget. As the project is also a student initiative, it could generate quite
good publicity that the local government is allowing even students to do their part in aiding
pandemic efforts, and in a safe and relatively affordable manner to boot.
Table 1: Estimated Project Cost

Activiti Materials/Labor/ Source of Number of Cost

es Transportation Funds pieces Estimates

COVID Tarpulin (4x6 ft) LGU 5 tarpulin Php580/pc. Php 2,900.00

Cam- Tarpulin frame and NSTP 5 frame Php 200/pc. Php 1,000.00
paign stand Fund and stand

Supplies Php 150.00

Labour Php 100/trip .Php 500.00

Transportion 3trips Php 300.00

Php 4,850.00

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