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Opportunity Seeking

 provides an entrepreneur a wide range of knowledge on how to look for different opportunities


 idea that has a commercial potential

Characteristics of Opportunity Seeking

 - Innovative
 - create value by introducing new products or services
 - employ new technologies that will bring greater efficiency

Entrepreneurial Mind Frame

 see things in a very optimistic light in the midst of crisis or difficult situations

What does the word problem mean in Chinese?

 danger and opportunity

Entrepreneurial Heart Flame

 driven by passion, they are drawn to find fulfillment in the act and process of discovery. It is also about
emotional intelligence.

Entrepreneurial Gut Game

 sense without using the five senses; also known as intuition

macro environment

 it refers to the "big or macro forces" that affect the area, the industry, and the market.


 A group of companies that are related based on their primary business activities

Categories of Macro Environment Forces

 Social
 Political
 Economic
 Ecological
 Technological

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