1 - Overview - SOM

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Topic: Notebook

t Structural Analysis
Structuralanalysis is A determination ofthecatsthatloads
havephysical structures These effects can include but are nothome
Stress and stressresultants
such as a wallshearforcesandbendingmomentsltongues
such as deflections rotations howtodealwithmorningbad
Support reactions
Fences l moment required to meeteanhum
2 Basic tenets of structuralanalysis
o Equilibrium
Entire structureshould be instaticequilibrium
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Constitutive relationship
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Doplacements shouldbe continuous 糙
3 Why do we care
Is there any reason for learning structuralanaya
Answer i DESIGN
structural design is the arrangement I proportioning ofstructures
and their components in orderto safelysupporttheirrequired
load demands
Example Thisroom column beamsize ERCbars safeornot
4 How do we go aboutstructural analyse
Structures are complex 3Dsystems with all sortofresponses
Static and dynamic behavior vibrations
Linear andnonlinearbehavior geometric nonlinearties
material nonlinear
Topic: Notebook

Theanswer is to use analytical models

Analyticalmodels are simplyed Ii
representations ofstructures
The goal is to representthebehavior
as close as possible
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These simplifications allow us to
perform an analysis i
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If you can'trough it out on anenvelope
you shouldn't design it BillLeMesswain
For example consideringthefollowing bridge
3Dwelded panel truss structure

When we analyzethestructure wecreate an analyticalmodelasshown

tead g3D
load applied atjoints
lessjoints i
carry only axialforces no bendingshearing ortwisting

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Questionsi Does these assumption appropriate
When we made these assumptions we begintodeviatefrom
the actualbehavior of the structures
However it greatly simplified theprocess of analysis
But are we deviating too much
Are our predictions too inaccurate
Basically do these methods work
One way to Jmd this out is to perform a physicalloadtest
measuretheresponse of thestructure and comparethatwith
Topic: Notebook

the analysis
Representative comparisons of experimental analytical
As shown structuralanalysis works quite well in
predicting response

thesemethods are quite accurate in predicting

o Therefore
mustard behavior While not perfect they are more than
adequate for the end goal
TheJunction of a structural engineer is to design notto
8 o

Topic: Notebook

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