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the fig tree because israel was of course the one that rejected the truth so that

was day
two and then it this is the last week of jesus's life so if he was crucified on the
then we should find it in here right correct okay then we drop
down to verse 20 and there it says and in the morning
so that is the third day now and then it tells you everything that happened and
what jesus
taught and a long story about everything that jesus taught on
that specific day and it goes through quite a number of chapters
in the bible and then so if that was the third day and let's
let's for the sake of argument assume that we are dealing with from sunday
so then we had sunday monday tuesday gone
and then chapter 14 it tells us after two days was the feast of the
passover and of unleavened breed and the chief
priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft so let's read
that again in two days so
we are now here on the fourth day now and it tells us what's happening on the
fourth day and that judas went out to betray the lord with the pharisees he
made a deal with them he actually wanted jesus to
show his power yes he wanted to force his hand as it were and then if we drop
down to
verse 12 you will again see that it is dalton
and it says and the first day of unleavened bread so because it was the second
one now
it's the fourth day so this is the fifth day and what happened then they killed the
passover so what day was that that was the thursday yes his disciples
said to him where wilt thou that we go and prepare that they're my ears eaters
the passover now
they ate the passover at sunset right yes so once the sunset was over what day
were you in then the sixth day then you were in the sixth day so on the fifth day
they're preparing for the lord's supper and everything that happened on the
lord's supper and that was the fifth day now when the sun had set
then it was it seeks the sixth day this is the thursday afternoon in the
evening is the beginning of the sixth day correct so on that night thursday
evening when it
became friday that evening was friday the sixth day jesus went out to the
garden of
gethsemane and everything that happened there in the garden
i'll be doing a sermon next on what the issue is and how it relates to
our time what is important that'll be the next sermon that we'll be doing
on amazing discoveries and so that friday the night
after the thursday had closed after sunset jesus was arrested and jesus
was tried through the night and they had the night trial
but they weren't allowed to pass judgment if it was not day it was
one of their rules so i just want to make it clear that if i understand it now so
we're talking
about the sixth day this is the thursday evening in our reckoning
until the friday so during the night they were busy with the trials of jesus and
straightway in the morning that's chapter 15. so this is now
friday morning yes the chief priests held a consultation with the elders
and the scribes and the whole council and bound jesus and carried him away
so here was the morning trial because now it was legal it was very early in the
morning the sun
had just risen and off they went to pilot and then it tells you
everything that happened on that particular day
and then on that friday they crucified him on that same day
but now it's interesting that the bible actually gives us the hours
gives us the hours of this particular day and they told you what happened to him
and how they took him to herod and how he was taken to the place of the skull
and then it says in verse 24 and when they had crucified him they parted his
garments costing lots upon them
what every man should take and it was the third hour and they crucified him
now when was the third hour now when they started reckoning
not when does the day start and when does the day end but they started
counting hours at six o'clock in the morning so from six o'clock the third hour
be nine o'clock so by nine o'clock on that morning
they had already procured all of these issues and he was on the cross
and the superscription of his accusation was written over the king of the jews
and then we dropped down to verse 33 and when the sixth hour
was come there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour
so it gives us the hours so there was darkness from the sixth hour which was
twelve o'clock noon until the ninth hour which was three o'clock in the afternoon
so we're all still on this one day and at the ninth hour that's three
o'clock in the afternoon jesus cried with a loud voice saying
which is being interpreted my god my god why has thou forsaken me and this is
when he died
so we know that it was before the sabbath now let's just make sure
in verse 42 it spells it out now when the evening was come so was
going into the late afternoon evening stage right it was still the friday he died at
three o'clock it says because it was the preparation
that is the day before the sabbath you can't go wrong then now
this word the preparation was used specifically for the
preparation for the seventh day sabbath correct because there's some people
say that was the preparation for the yearly sabbath for the ceremonial sabbath
but this makes it quite clear that it was a high sabbath it was a yearly sabbath
which happened to coincide with a weekly sabbath which made it a
high sabbath and if you consider this the last week of jesus's life
it is actually the week of recreation to recreate humanity into the image of
god through what we just discussed the imputed and imparted
righteousness of christ so this last week which started off with a triumphant
entry the first time when he allowed himself to be acknowledged as the messiah
amazing right and they really acknowledged also like the messiah and the king
and the king yes he was messiah he was king he was the one and they shouted
he is
the one that comes riding on the donkey they knew the prophecy means
and here he comes and this is the crew recreation week it is as
important a week as the creation in fact it's more important because it
reveals the entire character of god so beautiful it was the preparation that
is the day before the sabbath and then
they laid him in the grave right and they anointed him as far as they could but
then they had to stop
yes because why the sabbath was coming so it says in verse 16 in chapter 16
verse 1 and when
the sabbath was passed so we know that the sabbath is when he was
in the grave because it says previously in verse 46 and he brought fine linen and
took him
down and wrapped him in the linen and laid him in a sepulchre which was you
out of a rock and rolled the stone
unto the door of the sepulcher and mary magdalene and mary the mother of
joseph beheld
where he was laid so there he laid for the sabbath day that's the seventh day
and when the sabbath was over mary magdalene and mary the mother of
james and salome had brought sweet spices that they might come and anoint
and very early in the morning the first day of the week explicit
okay so let's work it back the first day of the week we know it's a sunday the
sabbath he was in the
grave the friday we have the hours so that we know what took place from
sunset thursday to
sunset friday so three o'clock he had died enough time for him to go into the
in fact pilate was surprised that he had died yes because they had to break the
legs of
the others to hasten the process yes because they had to get him off before the
sabbath correct according to their rules right so this whole issue is
very clear from the triumphant entry you had day one day two day three day four
day five day six
giving you the hours then it had the sabbath laying in the grave rest so it follows
the creation week yes six days shalt thou labor but the sabbath is rest he
rested in the grave and he rose to continue his work as high priest
on the first day of the week the creator correct in the first week of creation the
the same creator that made the first week rested in the grave the second week
how far
according to their custom not according to the bible were they allowed to walk
on a sabbath
day weren't allowed to work more than a kilometer right so they had all kinds of
interesting plans as to how to walk further so they used to hide food
under a stone and said well there were you eat that's your home so now you can
walk the next one so didn't you also mention some time that
they had in their coats woven in and then they take it off and
put it down and then they can walk another correct now
that sunday morning there were two gentlemen that walked all the way to
remember that correct and what did jesus do he appeared to them and he
walked with them bible study he
gave them a bible study so it was a working day for him and he
walked many kilometers on that day so the bible is very clear
there was no wednesday crucifixion because then this whole gospel would be
null and void it's beautiful how this
whole creation week and crucifixion week come into harmony and also with the
whole plan of salvation absolutely so you have the six days and the day of rest
and the six days
and the day of rest will there be future prophets with prophetic light
well joel said in chapter 2 verse 28 and shall come to pass
afterwards that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young
shall see visions so this is a prophecy that under the latter reign there would
be manifestations now prophecy has two meanings one could be visions and
the other one could be preaching the truth both are used interchangeably
now how many prophets were normally called at the time not many right so
we believe that the prophetic gift was given to ellen g white but that doesn't
mean that others didn't also receive it we had william foy for example who had
visions and heisenfass had visions but they refused to speak on
these issues and it doesn't mean that this prophetic gift
is a one-time issue people will have dreams and people will
have meaningful dreams but that should be not be the norm whereupon to base
your religion a manifestation is not the best proof
for a reality the best proof always lies in the word of god
so yes i believe that people will have dreams yes i believe that dreams can be
meaningful and yes i believe that in the end time god will lead many to
through dreams but that doesn't make them prophets it's something for them
personally just for interest sake
we were speaking about emmaus now when jesus appeared to them he could
have come there in shining glory and they would have fallen on their
faces and they would have rejoiced and they would have worshipped him and
they would have known that this is the jesus christ whom
they had served and he has been resurrected hallelujah praise the lord did he do
it that way
no he concealed his glory he concealed his
divinity then recognized him not they saw him as a fellow traveler
who had a better insight of the prophecies than they had yes so then jesus goes
and he expounds to
them from what from the scriptures aha everything concerning himself he gives
them a bible study interesting also it's the old testament
well there was no new testament so he gave them a bible study and what did
they say our hearts
burned inside of us isn't that correct and then at the meal yeah i just want to
add they ran back all the rest of the way that's correct when they recognized it
but when did they recognize it they ran back after he had
blessed the bread and they recognized him and then for the first time they
saw the marks in his hands and their eyes were opened and they
recognized who he was and they must have stormed him and he was gone
why did he do that because they were the ones who were witnesses
and they shouldn't have come and said we saw this great manifestation we saw
jesus and he spoke to us and he's alive he's alive no they were to give bible
so this is how it will work in the end as well yes people will have dreams
personally i don't think that we will have a
new prophet in the sense of daniel or
jeremiah at the end of time i believe many people will
be led to discover the truth by even miraculous means but
the word will be the basis and through the writings of elegy white which is
basically a telescope which magnifies this word the word is the basis
and the writings of ellen g white are merely a telescope they are not the word
they are the
telescope to magnify the word everything has been told that we need
for the time that we are living in and the time that we are approaching and
i personally don't believe that there will be another prophet like that but if there
should be one yes then that profit should be tested
according to the biblical criteria correct now i gave a lecture once on
god's guiding gift yes perhaps you can put that link on because all the criteria
are in there
and we can see whether uh you know they actually apply
and if they apply then those same criteria it's not enough that someone gets up
makes some biblical noises and then all of a sudden you think that that person
is a prophet
because you have to be careful they could be false prophets there were even
people like that in ellen white's day exactly she that even went to live with her
there's a whole story that they can read
and that but if you qualify the prophet or the person saying that he's got a
message from god
and all this and he's a prophet according to the bible that's your standard
and then we we get this question a lot yes is the earth round or is it flat
now i don't think we're going to answer that question we can we can answer it
with a statement
right yes so let's look at the statement this is a letter that was written in
1887 it's from the spirit of prophecy and she was writing to a brother
who was for the flat earth and he had some
ideas and he was very strong in terms of these ideas and he felt that
this should be made a central part of the teaching yes and so she said my
brother our work is
to teach the third angel's message any kind of theory or hobby that satan
can lead the minds of men to dwell upon he will draw their attention to so that
they shall not be engaged in giving the solemn message for this time do not my
become entangled with the ideas that have no connection with the work for this
time it is better to be teaching
the truth as it is in jesus better to be seeking for true godliness heart
holiness freedom from all selfishness freedom from all envies and jealousies
it is better to pray and humble the soul before god and let the world round or flat
just as god has made it try most earnestly by faithful
continuance and well-doing to seek for a clear clear title in the inheritance
in the earth made new better lead the flock of god to drink at the higher streams
better by precept
and example seek god while he may be found call upon him while he is near
there is
a revival needed in the church when the teachers are drinking fresh
draughts from the well of bethlehem then they can lead the people to the living
stream my soul is
weighed down with the burden of condition of things in new york
may the lord raise up helpers men whom we can teach humble men we can lead
to bear a clear sharp testimony in faith god help you to seek his face to walk
carefully to put self out of sight and to exalt jesus this is the great need of the
present time
whether the world is round or flat will not save a soul
but whether men believe and obey means everything here is another statement
from the spirit of prophecy comes from manuscript 145 from 1904
i'm not going to read the whole statement i'm going to read just the bold portion
here we have not
to do with the question whether this world is round or flat the important thing is
to serve god with
full purpose of a renewed heart sanctified and made holy by the
cleansing blood of jesus christ but just for interest sake here is another one
from manuscript releases volume 21 and it says let those who are presenting
as to whether the earth is round or flat leave this question for god has not given
it to them to
solve and earnestly inquire what shall i do that i may have eternal life let them
heed the answer
thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with
all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor
as thyself i think we can leave it
is it wrong to study these things is it wrong to study any aspect of science i
don't think so but if we make it prominent that we have a specific
view in this area you will have confrontation with those who have
another view in this area and the gospel will be lost in in the commotion
so we at amazing discoveries are not going to get involved in that debate
which doesn't mean that we don't study it but we won't get involved in the
debate correct
and this is a question that comes up so much what are we to do yes lots of
yeah must we leave the city yes that's the question i was just about to mention
now we're not going to talk
about leaving the cities in this particular chat that we are having
we will leave that for the next one yes that's also coming in the next episodes
the next episodes will again be
dealing with the times we are living in and whether we should leave the cities
and where we are in this in the scheme of things
and what will happen what will happen in particular nations i mean these are
very very interesting questions but people ask how do we grow our own
vegetables what do we do if we don't have piece of land what do we do under
circumstance what do we do under that circumstance and there again there is
no hard and
fast rule god has to do the leading
we shouldn't act out of impulse but we should act as god opens the way and as
he shows
us clearly what our duty is in regard to these things
and how we should move she has a statement where she says secure for
land where you can grow your own vegetables because the time of buying and
will become very acute and people say well they don't have any experience in
growing their own vegetables now you know you can on a very small scale
do microculture and you can grow
your own provisions in a house in a house in an apartment
you don't have to have a vast track of land in order to do this so you can have
sprouting for example is a way to get good fresh greens so
stock up on some good seeds ones that that sprout very easily and that are
very useful in terms of sprouting would of course be alfalfa
that is one that sprouts very well so stock up on some of those seeds get some
sprouting bottles and uh start sprouting look it up on the internet that's right
there's a lot of there's lots of videos
there's so much information out there i mean if you take me and my wife we we
weren't used to this but if you take
some time start studying it then it's actually fun and it's easy to do very easy to
do and
micro greens i mean micro greens are amazing so what would you what would
you sprout red seeds that
sprout start with stuff that really works every time alfalfa works
another sprout that works would be chickpeas or lentils or mung beans they
easily don't work with stuff that gives you great headaches soy beans are very
difficult to sprout
and they will they will discourage you so start with the stuff that works the
simple stuff
and the same for microgreens microgreens are absolutely fantastic
but they they can be done in an apartment you don't need space for that
so micro greens ones that that really work well are
sunflower seeds they can even use the cheap sunflower seeds that still come in
shells and you can grow the micro greens to this size and you can harvest them
cut them off with a pair of scissors and you can make put them in your stir fries
add them to
your vegetables you can eat them green while they are still small until they
become too large then they're
chewy well then you start the next batch right you can have great sandwich you
can put them in your sandwich
and so you can get excellent food another one that is very good for micro micro
is flax seed amazing you wouldn't expect it but it
makes a beautiful seed there is of course wheatgrass that you can use but
is something that you would have to juice whereas sunflower seeds and
another one that's very good for microgreens would be broccoli seed for
sprouting makes a wonderful
wonderful micro green so you don't need anything else but that just to augment
your minerals and everything that you need if you have a little piece of land then
you are a king and a
queen so should we be growing our own vegetables well i did give a lecture on
it some time ago we can go through some of the basic issues if you want to do
farming that that supplies all the mineral needs that you require
then organic farming is the way to go there are many things that you can do
but organic farming is it's just it's just so much so much
better yeah now some of the minerals that you need for plant growth
would be nitrogen phosphorus potassium magnesium sulfur and calcium the
nitrogen of
course is for protein phosphorus for energy transfer the potassium for
metabolism and water relations and the magnesium you find in the chlorophyll
sulfur you need to incorporate in proteins and in in many coenzymes that work
with enzymes calcium for the cell walls etc etc
now modern agriculture tends to concentrate on these very
minerals and to supply them in a soluble form
so basically they're feeding the plant yeah now in organic culture you never feed
the plant you feed the soil and there's this is the fundamental difference
between the
two and those who are very steeped in feeding the plant
culture they cannot get their mind off and around this concept of feeding
the soil now if you feed a plant with these basic
minerals you can get quite a substantial plant but what about all the other
minerals that you are
missing because they're very important now some of the minerals are
mobile and some are immobile the mobile ones would be nitrogen phosphorus
potassium and magnesium and
the immobile ones would be calcium sulfur and the borons and the iron and
and manganese and zinc
now do we have to know all of these details and that all makes do you have to
be a
biochemist in order to understand this this is what discourages a lot of people
in beginning
into getting into it so let's make this very simple
by the way if you wanted to really start debating the issue magnesium
is absolutely essential for plants because chlorophyll contains magnesium right
and so people think that they must add a lot of magnesium to the ground but if
you do that
if the magnesium concentration in the ground gets too high the bacteria die
so then you are basically feeding the plant here magnesium is readily absorbed
by the blood through
the leaves through the stomata so with the morning dew there are minerals also
in the morning
due and it takes it up that way so there are many things that can become
extremely complicated let's try and make
it simple with some basic facts minerals need interaction with other
minerals so if you look at interactions between minerals you'll see a lot of
mentioned here selenium iron calcium you can see all these cross reactions
how they interact
with each other so taking just five basic minerals and feeding it to the plant
which is what
the modern fertilizer industry does you can get a good looking plant but you
have so many diseases and you have so much spraying to do to keep them
that it becomes unbelievable and you actually want the plant to be able to
access all of these minerals now where do you find these minerals you find
them in the soil
just like minerals and vitamins also need to interact with each other so you
need a lot of minerals zinc is a very important one selenium is important
iron is important copper is important you need you need them all of them
and just as you have many vitamin interactions it's not just oh i need this
vitamin no this vitamin interacts
with that one that one interacts with that one you must have a whole food
scenario in
your mind you must have a complete process
now modern agriculture tends to add soluble nutrients to the ground to feed
the plant as we have said and organic culture works like this yes
this is the most productive uh agriculture in the world man has not
touched it this is a tropical jungle so this is what you would find in the
amazon for example and who's the gardener god god is the gardener
no plow has touched this the most productive land in the world how does god
do his
gardening there's a lot of debris and dirt on this ground right this is a forest floor
and what have you got growing there you've got fungi you've got trees that are
decaying well this one
looks like it was logged so let's just say it wasn't logged it fell over by itself right
and you have leaf
debris and you have all of these things and no plow and you have these massive
and they are producing so that millions of animals can survive now how does
do that well all of that organic material
feeds the organisms in the soil and you have microorganisms and you have
macro organisms and they eat this organic material just like you eat mechanic
organic material and in the process they actually supply the nutrients for
the plants that are growing now how does that happen so you have basically a
soil web
where you have all of these creatures like nematodes and arthropods and
protozoans and bacteria
all mixed in and then you have some of the irritating ones like your molds
that dig up your garden and birds that add nitrogen to the soil and all of this
is one harmonious interaction in one of those forests right all takes
place now the soil itself must contain
all the minerals all the minerals in the periodic table not just five so now
if you're coming to an area where the soil is depleted it's not a very good soil
how do you fix it you don't despair you fix it fix it all right so you can
there are certain things that you can mix into your soil uh soft rock phosphate
is a wonderful material soft rock phosphate is a rock that
you've changed into a powdery form and it's rich in many minerals but high in
but it's not in the soluble form it's locked into this rock so
when you make this rock fine the plant cannot access it it has to be somehow
leeched out of that
rock but it contains the phosphorus now god doesn't sprinkle fertilizer over his
forests but he has rocks in his soil that contain
phosphorus so if you come into an area and there's not enough of it well then
get hold of some soft rock phosphate if
you can in some areas it's readily available in other areas
it's not so available don't despair there are other plans limestone
calcitic lime is very rich in calcium but it contains a lot of other minerals
as well a dolomatic lime contains magnesium
so if your if your soil is incredibly magnesium poor you might want to use
dolomatic lime but
generally speaking calcitic lime is the way to go for organic farming
calcitic lime will add all the calcium that you need and it's very cheap and you
can get it at
any co-op and you just get a bag and you add it to your soil
now if your soil is very alkaline and you want to make it more
acid you can add gypsum which contains sulfur sulfate and that makes it more
acid so
in a very alkaline soil you would add gypsum in a very acidic soil you would help
add calcitic lime you can add volcanic dust volcanic dust is amazing
it has all the minerals so if you cannot get all the rocks phosphate then you can
add volcanic dust granite
dust on the other hand is very rich in potassium but it has all the other minerals
as well
right so if you can add whatever combination of these that you can find in your
to your soil it won't change anything it won't just increase it'll just
make the minerals put the minerals in the soil but won't make them available to
the plant
so that's why conventional people will say to you that's useless because you're
just putting it in the soil you're putting in
the soil and the plant can't get all of it okay now this is where the beauty of
organic farming comes in
we'll discuss that in a moment so rock fertilizers are added at double the
commercial quantities
so you can add a lot to the soil and the beauty is that then you're done yeah for
the next
few years you've added it to the soil now you've got to make a plan
to get the minerals out of that into the plants so add green manure with your
fertilizer and rock powders to make them more effective bacteria in the soil
here's the trick
produce acids that make the minerals in the soil available to the plants
so you want to have bacteria in your soil how do you get bacteria into your
soil you have to feed the soil now what feeds the soil
the debris the compost the organic material they have to eat
something just like you have to eat something so they have to eat organic
materials so
you supply the organic material either as greenman europe the best is compost
parts of it and then all the other
organisms the earthworms will come into your soil and they will take it down
and the bacteria will have a munching feast
now your stomach produces an acid to digest food right protein
so the bacteria produces acid to digest the organic material now that acid has a
two-way function it helps digest the organic material that you've added to the
but it also leaches the minerals out of the rock out of the soil and the plant
gets it now how does the plant get it in a surge or continuous continuous
that's what you want and that is the beauty of organic gardening so
the most important thing in organic garden is compost compost is the heart of
garden it is the food of your garden so now when you have cardboard and you
paper and you have food waste in your house and you have
leaf leaves and all of these issues they become gold yes you don't throw
them away so you can use paper you can use yard waste you can use
food waste and all of this goes into making compost
you can of course just go and buy compost but if you can't buy or sell you have
to make
your own right now a very good way to make compost is to have
a little container like this where you throw these plant materials in and
you allow them to form compost to decay now compost should be
moist but it shouldn't be wet so you must constantly keep it moist but not soggy
it mustn't stink
it must have this glorious earthy smell so that even the bacteria
would say oh this is a grand restaurant i love this stuff so compost is the heart
and soul of
organic farming composting works best in wooden bins
wire bins straw bales etc you can set up any system if you have a big
plot then i'll show you what you can do in a moment so you loosen the ground
where you will
place your compost pile make your compost pile two meters high with a
concave top
and alternate layers of soil straw and weeds basically you want brown
material green material brown material green material now that's when you do it
if you don't do it professionally because you don't have time like me just chuck
everything on a pile
give water pray and hope for the best and it works yes you have to dig and
it's a little bit work more work you take the indicate stuff off take the decayed
stuff out the bottom turn it around so when i need it i dig it out at the bottom
and then you carry on like here's so here are little mechanisms you can do and
you can become very fancy
you can make little containers with hay bales and leave little gaps for air to
through and then you throw all this material in there then the bale actually
becomes part of the compost so when it rots away it becomes part of the next
one anything that can decay
goes in there so start with a couple of layers if you want to do it professionally
if you don't have time i used to do it this way just put the hay bales around put
compost in the middle and then by the end of the season half of it has become
turn the bale around take the outside off add it to the compost do it for another
it actually is quite fun then you can use raised beds the older you become
the better the raised bed is because you don't have to bend down the whole
time too yes gravity is the enemy of anybody
who gets on in yours so a raised bed is very nice you can use anything to make
a raised bed here
they've used concrete blocks you can stack two or three on top of each other
you can just place
regular plant debris even branches in the bottom and just have the top
little layer filled with soil and then a rich layer of compost and if your soil has
added things like rock phosphate or calcitic lime in it then you have all the
minerals and
these bacteria are so happy with the compost that they start making the most
marvelous marvelous products another thing that you want to consider is using
seed heirloom seed is seed that has not been manipulated
and you get many stores that provide heirloom seed you can just look it up in
the internet you can
uh order them
and people are becoming a little bit wiser i see even our stores have hellum
seeds now i nearly
fell on my back the other day the nice thing about helium seeds is
their flavor they might not bear as many as the others but their quality is just
amazing a beef
steak tomato for example is a marvelous thing so you can grow
any of these wonderful products in in the open air or in a little
greenhouse if you if you're living in a cold area
and organic tomatoes tomatoes as some would say are just amazing
this is my boss and she is here with our parrot this is a number of
years ago and these were some of the tomatoes from our little garden and
we had a net around it and a shade cloth net and then we grew
the tomatoes in this fashion now just a little tip if
you grow a tomato it grows up right and it makes many side
branches if you nip carefully read up about it and about the side branches and
keep the main one going up then you will get tomatoes at the bottom
and then the next crop and the next crop and the next crop try to clear the
bottom leaves so that
the bottom doesn't get wet feet then it doesn't get mold so easily it doesn't rot
so easily and it makes a beautiful plant another thing to remember with a
plant is that you want a very good root stock now when you make a seedling
and it
grows up and the roots are like this and you plant it again as as far as the
roots are you will get a nice plant but it won't be a very strong plant
what you do is when you have the plant about this high yes let's say about 10
centimeters high
you pluck off the bottom little tiny leaves and then you plant it deeper than the
root system it'll make roots all along that area and give you a much stronger
and don't be afraid to take off the bottom blondes and then those fine little hairs
they make roots yes they make roots so we keep the bottom clean like this and
then we grow them up and then you start harvesting the bottom right and
eventually it'll go through
the roof if it can so another little thing that you can do is you can tie it up up
there and then you can
loosen it and lay it on the ground and let it go up again
and then you can get so many one plant from one plant you can feed so many
people it's an amazing thing to do it's fun but as i said in the beginning
you can do microculture in your house then you have good greens to eat and
what you have together with simple foods like potatoes etc
and this is what our tomato crop looked like and that's a nice beef steak tomato
one slice of that on a on a piece of bread with avocado and you are living better
than a
king yeah these were some of our cucumbers you could kill someone with them
if you
hit them over the head with it so it's really fun to do and the rewards
are amazing i must agree that the taste you cannot compare it
with anything because no when the first time i tasted the your own grown uh
organic organic
if you take if you take a lettuce out of an organic garden and you take a lettuce
out of a store
the one tastes like water with a crisp crispiness to it and the other one
you have to actually almost get used to the taste yeah because it's got all the
minerals in it wow what's this uh some people will say
there's something wrong with it yeah but once you've gotten used to it you can't
go back to the other right
it's like the your bread recipe yes um when before we made the bread like
our own bread used to buy strawberries now for three years now we've been
baking our own bread if i get a strawberry now it's uneditable almost
yeah it's fun now you know some people ask well how do you deal with all the
because you know non-organic farming because the plants have no resilience
they're feeding the plants with the minimum number of minerals that they need
they look fine but they don't have what
it takes even their immune system is very weak so organic farming is more
the plant is more resilient now how do you deal with pests for example we make
of very simple pesticides you will get pests generally speaking
the weaker plants are more susceptible than stronger plants so if you have for
example a broccoli
patch and one of them is full of plant lice
then rather than stressing yourself into a coma take that one out and don't put it
your compost don't use it again throw it away get rid of it get rid of
it and the other should be relatively uninfected but if you do
get white lice or white fly or any one of these things which can happen
particularly if it's warm and moist and you'll get fungus and tomatoes very
susceptible you can keep
the bottom free of leaves that helps but you can
make very very simple pesticides which also are natural fungicides
and one of the best ones to use is neem oil now there's a little there's a little
recipe that you can use to make a spray with neem oil
and basically it's two parts neem oil and one part natural
liquid soap now you cannot use commercial liquid soap like dishwashing
liquid which is a liquid soap but it has so many other stuff in it that
that is not good so you need natural liquid soap so if you
can buy from a health food store natural liquid soap that is natural soap with no
garbage in it
fine then use that then you use two parts neem oil one part liquid soap
if you cannot buy the liquid soap make your own get a bar of natural soap
homemade soap not chemically soap with all of these artificial
sulfates and stuff that make it foam natural so we've got to well your wife
that's all the um lecture on making soap so i'll put the link of that also
i'll put a link on that but if you don't buy make your own sub that's fine don't buy
a bar of soap
use a very simple soap you can use simple soaps that they use for washing
for example and then you grate
one cup to three one cup and add three cups boiling water
and then you dissolve that you can also put it on the stove and dissolve it all
and that's a liquid soap
you can keep that in a bottle that's your liquid soap and then you have your
neem oil and now
if you want to make a pesticide out of it you take two parts
neem oil and one part liquid soap so you can take
let's say two tablespoons of neem oil
and one tablespoon of your liquid soap and you mix those two together
then you take of that three teaspoons
this mixture it must be nice and homogenized the oil must be all homogenized
with the soap
it becomes sort of whitish then you take in american language one gallon
of water four and a half litres of water and you add three teaspoons
full of this mixture and that's your spray it will prevent
fungus but if you have serious fungus then you have to get rid of the fungus
with a
copper spray but if you regularly spray
with this neem oil spray then you will keep the pests away
and you will also keep fungus away so it's a beautiful thing to use anyway so
that's what some of our
stuff looked like i'm sure you can get them bigger we had one cucumber which
was one meter tall it
was was a heirloom seed japanese long what an amazing cucumber a little bit
prickly but beautiful in taste it was about this thick and one meter long so it's
like a tent
post anyway these are some of the things you can be doing
and some of the projects produce we produced and we dried basil leaves and
this is what
organic farming will do you will get amazing results you can get huge leaks
huge and the interesting
thing is you know if you grow leaks for example don't just rip them out cut them
and it grows back and leave that the root stump in the ground it'll grow back and
letters will do the same won't be as
great as the first time but leeks work pretty well they should work well and you
can grow
great pumpkins and this is the kind of produce that you want but you want it
organic and you want it in your home so bottom line if you can secure
a piece of land in the country to get out of the cities with a little piece of land
and start playing around with organic farming and to keep yourself going while
wait for your first crop and you will have problems things will go wrong but
that's part of life it's
part of the fun just start all over again uh you will have a mole and you will have
cutworm and you will have this and you will have that and you will have a
but god is good yes you will still get what you need then start doing that and to
yourself going as i said start with the microgreens and start with sprouting in
your house
and god'll bless as you invest in that kind of activity thank you walter i think
covered quite a few different subjects and questions i'll close with the word of
absolutely hello every father thank you so much for
bringing us together and having discussion and also thank you for giving us
such wonderful food that
we can carry on and live the way you want us to live help us in these times that
we can
discern what we should do and when we should do it and bring us back together
and bless everybody that watch this in jesus name
amen amen thank you for watching this video to
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