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Software Construction & Development

Software Engineering Process

Software engineering process infrastructure(Lec no: 2and 3).

Software engineering process improvement (Lec no: 4).

4 p’s Of Software Engineering


• What is Process ?
➢ Define who is doing what , when to do it and how to reach a
certain goal.
• process definition can be a procedure, a policy, or a standard.
• software process specifies the conceptual set of activities that
should be performed right from understanding the user needs to
developing the final product.

Software Engineering Process
• The software engineering process consists of activities for managing the
creation of software, including requirement collection, analysis, design,
coding, testing, and maintenance.

User Software
Requirements System

Software Engineering Process

Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

• This subarea focuses on organizational change.
• It describes the infrastructure, activities, models, and practical considerations
for process implementation and change.
• Described here is the situation in which processes are deployed for the first time
(for example, introducing an inspection process within a project or a method
covering the complete life cycle), and where current processes are changed (for
example, introducing a tool, or optimizing a procedure).
• This can also be termed process evolution. In both instances, existing practices
have to be modified. If the modifications are extensive, then changes in the
organizational culture may also be necessary.

Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

• Main focus on:
✓process infrastructure
✓process improvement

Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

✓process infrastructure
• To establish software life cycle processes, it is necessary to have an
appropriate infrastructure in place, meaning that the resources must be
available (competent staff, tools, and funding) and the responsibilities
• Two main types of infrastructure are used in practice:
1. The Software Engineering Process Group and
2. The Experience Factory.

Software Engineering Process
Process Implementation & Change
✓ process infrastructure
1. The Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)
• A Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) is an organization's
focal point for software process improvement activities. These
individuals perform assessments of organizational capability, develop
plans to implement needed improvements, coordinate the
implementation of those plans, and measure the effectiveness of these

• Successful SEPGs require specialized skills and knowledge of many

areas outside traditional software engineering.

• Following are ongoing activities of the software Engineering process group.
✓ Obtains and maintains the support of all levels of management.
✓ Facilitates software process assessments.
✓ Works with line managers whose projects are affected by changes in software
engineering practice, providing a broad perspective of the improvement effort and
helping them set expectations.
✓ Maintains collaborative working relationships with software engineers, especially
to obtain, plan for, and install new practices and technologies.
✓ Arranges for any training or continuing education related to process
✓ Tracks, monitors, and reports on the status of particular improvement efforts.
✓ Facilitates the creation and maintenance of process definitions, in collaboration
with managers and engineering staff.
✓ Maintains a process database.
Software Engineering Process
Process Implementation & Change
✓process infrastructure
2. The Experience Factory
• The project organization focuses on the development and maintenance of
software, while the EF is concerned with software engineering process
• The EF is intended to institutionalize the collective learning of an
organization by developing, updating, and delivering to the project
organization experience packages (for example, guides, models, and
training courses), also referred to as process assets.
• The project organization offers the EF their products, the plans used in
their development, and the data gathered during development and
Software Engineering Process
Process Implementation & Change
✓process improvement
Software Process Improvement (SPI) methodology is defined as
a sequence of tasks, tools, and techniques to plan and implement
improvement activities to achieve specific goals such as:
- increasing development speed
- achieving higher product quality or reducing costs.
Software process improvement is a long-term activity. It is also a
continuous activity as, whatever new processes are introduced,
the business environment will change, and these processes will
themselves have to evolve to take these changes into account.
Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

✓process improvement


change Analyze

Process improvement Cycle 13

Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

✓process improvement
• Process measurement
-Process measurement involves the measurement of current
project attributes or the product.
-The aim is to advance the measured attributes as per the goals
of the organization involved in process improvement.

Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

✓process improvement
• Process analysis
-It involves the current process is assessed, and process
weaknesses and bottlenecks are identified. Process models that
describe the process are usually developed during process
analysis stage.

Software Engineering Process

Process Implementation & Change

✓process improvement
• Process Change
- Changes to the process that have been identified during
analysis are introduced.


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