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& GIVE&GO" COMMUNICATION ASSESSMENT SCREENING Test (PLANT/OC Jo89) The jobs that you are applying for require you to communicate through speaking, reading and ‘writing in English. The purpose of this tet isto assess your level communication for reading, ‘writing and comprehension, Please answer the following questions tothe best of your ability wihout any asitance, (My first and last name is? See oa The date of this test is? ie tne Ucaipa ub Sey Se te Whatday tba wesk iste, Monday) Tea Babe oar tener Wf 2s ee ees Wthave a problem at work, oriftgethurt at work, twilltellthe ‘Match the following words: a Eleven oclock, 12:00, 11:00, 10:00, 5:00 b, Sikoclock ____§:00, 6:00, 10:00, 1:00, 400 One hundred and five 105, 1005, 150, 115, Sot Re-wtite the fallowing paragraph: The Give and Go core values are Respect, Direct Communication and Consistently High Quality from floor to store, As employees of Give and Go, we must always practice these values, ee ee eo Eee ‘The time that | finish this test Is: OFFICE USE - COMPLETED BY TEST ADMINISTRATOR ree ee FIRST AND LAST NAME 708 SHIFT(O/A/N) AGENCY (fapalleable) SCORE___/9. & GIVE &GO" NUMERACY SCREENING TEST (PLANT/DC 085) ‘The purpose of this testis to assess your numeracy sills, Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability, You may ask for transation of ‘questions should it be required. L 5. n 630 Hz 150 30 Sxd= ‘Match the following Information from the First row to the next row, by putting a line to the correct answer. 1708-A C134 1234824 Aca34 18 Dis 10 8241234 1 1708-A 10 1 (OFFICE USE - COMPLETED BY TEST ADMINISTRATOR FIRST AND LAST NAME 08 SHIFT(OA/N) TRANSLATION REQUIRED ‘SCORE, 1s | GIVE & GO" Please Print Name igen Peanut Allergy Awareness Quiz 1. “Peanut Free Facility” means all employees (ullime and fromagency) are allowed to bring Peanut and Peanuts derived product ike Peanut Butter, Peanut, Peanut Milk on Sunday ? a. True b. False 2. Washing of hands with water and use of sanitizer afterwards isenaugh to wash out traces of Peanut? a Tue b False 3. Give and Go allow employees are allowed to bring peanut or peamit containing product inside the lunchroom? a. True b. False 4. If we eat food with peanut at home, we have to wash our hands properly before going to work? a Tue b. False 5. Who is responsible on ensuring that Allergen program and peanut policy is implemented at all times? G&G employees G&G employees and visitors QA and all fulltime employees G&G employees, visitors and contractors Signature Date é. GIVE & GO" AGREEMENT FOR EXCESS HOURS OF WORK It is agreed between: of Employee Name (please printy Eiiplojee aderews And Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp, referred to as the Employer; 1) That the Employee acknowledges the receipt of the "information for Employees About Hours of Work and Overtime Pay”, published by the Ministry of Labour, which he/she has read and understood prior to entering into this agreement. 2) That the Employee understands that he/she is not required to work in excess of 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week as set out in the Employment Standards Act, 2000. 3) That the Employee agrees to work up to 12 hours per diy or 72 hours per week. 4) That the Employee has the right to cancel this agreement with two weeks written notice to the Employer. The Employer can revoke this agreement by giving the Employee reasonable notice (two weeks). 5) That the Employee shall be given as much notice as possible when requested to work additional hours. 6) That this agreement shall start on the date signed below and end on 1 year from that date, but no later than July 23, 2019. DATED THIS day of month, 2018. SIGNED Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp Employee é PLANT RULES D-005 END PROS ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING WILL BE CONSIDERED ABREACH OF COMPANY RULES AND PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY POLICY WILL BE APPLIED. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES ‘1. All employees must maintain high evel of personal cleanness ata times, 2. Allemployess must wear company supplied clean clothing, a equred, and protective fookwear when rteritg the plan. Employees must wear haimets thal enciose the entire head et har. Employess, aaraless ofthe gender, with moustache, beards or goatees ae required fo wear beard nels Fall facial coverage, 3. AIG&G employees, vistors and contractors, without exception, mst wear prlecte footwear and halmets (and beard nets when appropriate) when entering the plan. 4 Protective footwear can be worn outside, but should not be womn walk over grass, 5. No shot sieeve uniform is tobe worn; personal clothing must pateich the produt at any pont inthe Processing, Otherwise, disposable sleeves must be worn. Maintenance and Sanitaion porconre we ‘Company issued short sleeves uniform is exempted from this poly. 7. Loose clothing, flowing necktios, lanyards, skits, shorts and Capt pants are prohibited 8. NO STAPLED DOCUMENTS must be brought int the Production and Packing area Soin with pockets, beads, hinestonos (on clothes and eccessoes incl hal accesso), ong {ars (Woo) Pins or needles and materials that can shed fibers areprohbled. cing lose pine for turbans. 10 items shall not be kept above the waist ine. All personal items thatmay potently come lose ear plugs etc.), must be secured 11 lems that canbe kept inthe pockets under the wl ine are rsred to erasable lak pens, laser thermometers, small notebooks and stopwatches, ‘12, Employees are responsible for thet om uniforms. If mispaced stor stoen, you willbe charged fll replacement cost. Ifyou lose your locker key, you willbe charged a replaceront {sove date: Apri 30, 2013, Revision No 03 Pago tof 7 Revision Date: Decembar 7, 2016, 13. 14 18. 16 7, 18, 19. 20. 2 22, 24, White uniforms and haimets are to be removed before entry into te locker / change rooms, washroom ae nt whan ging outage foe ny en Nek provided and nol to come in ‘contact with the floor. DO NOT WEAR A WHITE COAT WHILE WALKING OUTSIDE. Remove the coat and leave in one building and get the other coat in the other building, Please do aot carry an unprotected coal with you. “The ooat must be placed in a plastic bag while transferring i from one plant to another. ‘White dsposeble aprons, cotton and plastic gloves must be discarded in the appropriate containers ‘when handling nuts, upon leaving the production room and when ctanging ine when required; and fresh ones put on upon you return. ‘Company issued uniforms are not to be altered, unless done by Ine uniform company. Full ime employees which wear company issued 2 part - unifoms (2. shit and pants) such as Maintenance Technicians and Sanitation Department, have rescied movement while wearing ‘uniforms. Only this type of uniform may be worn outside, however employees must be within the ‘company's perimeter and when at work. No coats to be worn ouside by either GG employees, visitors fof contractors. Upper garment must be removed before going beyoid company’s perimeter (anywhere ‘beyond paring Io). Hands should be thoroughly washed before beginning work, i¢.erlering the processing/handling areas ‘and at any time when they become soled, such a8 afler using the wastroom, after lunch, when felurning from the break, outside, ete. Hand washing should bedone by the following steps (a) Wet hands with warm water (b) apply antibacterial soap and scrub the hands, front and back, in between fingers and nails for atleast 20 seconds (c) Rinse with warm water(d) wine dry with paper towel or dryer, dispose the paper towel in the garbage bin (N apply sanizer. For any food safety and food quality deviations noted during the shit, deviation must be reported immediately to the Production Supervisor / Manager and QA Depattment Incrderto enforce the hand washing policy and for verification puposes, hands will be randomly sivabbed using microbiological and allergen swabs Gloves are to be worn as per stated glove policy. If gloves are used to contact food or food contact surfaces, they must be kept clean, intact and in sanitary conditions. Gloves must be changed after handling anything other than edibie product, ¢. your hair, nose or mou, boxes, bags, skids, garbage Or fallen objects on the floor. If however floors touched, gloves ae to be discarded and hands washed before applying a new Fingernals must be kepl clean and trimmed at al ines. Finger nal poish, artical nals and false fyolashes ate prohibited in food processinglhandling, packaging and slorage areas. GLOVES can not be worn to cover nail polish or jewelry when entering the manufacturing plants. GG employees shall not ‘wear nal poish or artificial nails. This policy has an exception othe vistors only, providing that fine oF product(s) will not be touched, ‘Alljewelyy and personal adornments, such as finger rings, watches, bracalels, necklaces, ‘earings/atuds, other body piercing rings/studs, loose jawelry must not be worn while in th plant production and storage areas (exception ~ anklet medical alert), ‘All medicetions must be Kept in your locker (exception — Epipenl, Analgesics (oain klrs) stronger than “Tylenol #2 are prohibited to be used while working Issue date: Api 30,2013 Revision No 03 Page 2 0t7 Revision Dete: December 7, 2016 26. 26. 2 28, 29, 30 a 92, 33 36, a7, 38. 39, sauces, skin blemishes, boils el, must be reported tothe Supevisor before starting work, Persons oun tobe sufering from disease likely tobe transmitted thr ood, nectad wounds, skin infecions or dlastiea must not be alowed fo work with edible fod products in food Brocessing/handing, packaging or storage arose Al cts and open wounds ae tobe completely covered by bluebandayes (delectable by metal Getectore) Gloves are tobe worn over the cul wound inthe phat al tines and replaced become damaged (or), New employees and employees returning to work afer being of sik ae fo provide evidence that they are ito reluin to work, Ate injuries that cause contamination of equipment, products oingretien's, a thorough Cleaning/sanitizing procedure is to be flowed and activities dacumented by ireined employees, Lines willbe checked by Quality Assurance Technician on shit prior tsar up. Al products or materials that ‘were contaminated are quarantined and dispositioned. Srioking, chewing gum or tobacco, eating candy, tasting of prducton the ine, toothpicks, foc or dink are strilly prohibited in any part of the plant including locker / change rooms, other than those arees ‘designated for such use, Eating end drinking is restricted tothe lurehroor. Smoking is restricted to signaled areas outside all Give and Go buildings. Appropriate cyarete receptacles should be used toiscard cigarette butis. For Employees with respective ofice or cubicle that is situated inthe offce area ONLY [S> ue {and i isnot part ofthe plant ares, eating is elowed inside the ofce or cubicle provided that uniform is removed. Food and drinks brought tothe plant must be stored and consumed only in designated locations (lunchroom, offices) Our plants are peanut free facies. Peanuts and peanut produds ae stctly prohibited anywhere in {he plant, including lunchrooms. Details regarding this policy are ound in the Allergen management rogram Glass containers are stelly protibited in Production, MaintenancelEnineering, Storage and Distribution areas of plant Goughing and sneezing are restricted to the washroom areas. unavoidable, “sleeve sneeze or “shoulder sneeze" technique must be applied, - Spiting is strictly prohibited anywhere inside the premises. Porfume or aftershave and excessive make up are prohibited Employees will not touch hair, nose or mouth while working with product, LLunehrooms, personal lockers, locker / change rooms and washroons should be kept clean. No food shall be stored in personal lockers Ladies are to use proper motion sensory containers in washrooms eubiles for sled feminine napkins only, ‘All employees must immediately report lost tems to their Supenisr. {sue date: Api 30, 2013, Rowson No." 03 Page 3017 Rovsion Dato: December 7, 2016 | | | 41, Any raw material or packing containers with the slightest sign cfinsact infestation oF other contamination must nat be used and reported tothe Supervisor immediately 442, Food products dropped onthe floor or otherwise contaminated {in cntact with condensation, grease, dirty gloves, outside of boxes or any other unclean material) mus! be placed in waste container 43, Any dropped utensis, scrapers etc, should be immediately set aste and washed as soon as possible, 44, Containers of ingredients should be kept closed and in their proper storage area except when in use. 45, Climbing over conleners or processing material and stepping on te skids is prohibited 48. Materials for processing should be rotated, so the oldest is used ts! (FIFO — fist in stout). 47. Piling of materials or producs in the corners, against the wal or under stanways is prohibited. 48. For integfily of produc, loading of unbaked or baked products on the racks should be done from the top down. Unloading is done from the bottom up. 49, Carrying of unwrapped food through production or distribution areas is strictly prohibited ‘50, White containers must be kept off the floor and used for edible fod only. 51. Groy containers must be kept on the floor and away from any suface which edible food touches, and used for inedible food. FOOD SECURITY 41. Allvisitors must sign in and recelve authorization before entering the plant. 2. Allvisitors must remain with their tour guide while inthe plant and wear a vistor badge as issued, 3. When entering or exiting through doors that requires scan card access do NOT let anyone enter or exit with you unless they have scan access, 4. Allemployees must report to thelr supervisor any unusual or suspicious activity, observed personnel or ‘unattended packages found at the premises. GENERAL ‘The following violations are strictly prohibited: Such violation will result in immediate suspension or termination of employment. 1. Carrying of weapons on company property 2. Employees are prohibited from bringing to work a tool of any kind (nif, Boxcutter, ele) All tools used al Give and Go Prepared Foods by employees will be provided by Give and Go Prepared Foods, 3, Removal of any items other than personal effects from compary premises without management ‘authorization 4, Defacing or deliberately damaging Company property. ‘5, Unauthorized altering of a time card or having one's time card punched by another employee, or punching the ime card of another employee. Issue date: Apri 30, 2013, Revision No. 03 Page 4of7 Revision Date: December 7, 2018 6 10, n 2 8 “ 15 6. 17, 18. [The consumption or possession of liquor, drugs, nareatis or haucnogens, or being under their influence while on Company property. {Leaving place of work during working hours without permission. Moving from department fo Clspartmen! while not on Company business, or being on Compsny premises when nat scheduled for ‘work without authorization by Management, Absence without leave, habitual lateness, wasting time or lotta, Fare to advise Superviaor ro later than two (2) hours prior to stat of the shift, when unable oreport for work. Unauthorized extension of rest and lunch periods. Insubordination Failure fo wear regulation uniforms on the job, o failure to take proper care of ell laundry and safety equipment, Unauthorized rest period, oF consumption of food in areas otherthan authorized by Management. Sleeping or gaming while on Company premises, Horseplay. fighting and profanity, or sexual harassment, Failure to keep Management informed of your current address andtelephone number, Failure to wear hairnets while inthe plant. ‘Taking photographs on Company property or using tape recording devices without epproval. Any Violation of tis security policy will esul inthe strictest dscipine and confiscation of camera, fend recording devices, Conducting activities that are of a personal intorestinature at werk such as, eanvassing for funds, istrbuting printed material, seling tickets and or personal merchandise ‘HEALTH AND SAFETY All employees, vistors and contractors must adhere tothe Company's Heth and Safty Procedures Aways be careful. Use good judgmentin doing your werk to ptt yoursellandoter rom iy. Report all accidents, unsafe acs or condition to your Supervsorimmediate, egedless of sevorty lear approved eye protection wien grinding chipping, buring, azng, welding or performing other ‘Work where there is danger tothe eyes, or when eye protection iscallod for by Supewicor, Protective footwear must be worn by all personnel who enter the lant. Other ypes of personal protective equipment must be wor for specific tasks andor as instructed by your Supervisor. ‘Operating mechines or equipment unless authorized to do sois prohibited. When machinery guards OF protective devices are removed, replace them before turning the equiament on. Hl lesue date: Api 90, 2013, Revision No. 03 Page 5 of 7 Revision Date: Decomber 7, 2016 10. 14 12 13, 14, 16 6 11, 18. 19. 20. a 2 28 24 2 ‘Attempting to repair machinery or to remove guards while machinery i in mation or uni properly tagged or “locked out" is prohibited, Riding the loads on fork trucks except where approved equipmentis provided is prohibited. Keep out from under loads and clear of moving loads, Diving forklits unless you are authorized or trained and certfed tb do 60 is protibited, keep all areas clear of garbage and use proper receptacles for reise and scrap. Fallow proper emergency evacuation procedures in case of aneergeney or evacuation (1. use proper emergency exis, nd walk, donot run). e Floors must be swept and kept dry and clean at all imes. "Clana you work", Maintain good housekeeping in your work area. Immediately clean oil, grease cough or any spilled item on the Foor. 2 ouch ‘Always use the right too forthe right job. Be sure that tools ae vell maintained before use, Always walk, do not run, Place all materials with due regard for safety. Do not block aisles, electrical switches, fre equipment ‘rexits, Keep all passages clear at all times, When working above floor level, secure all fos, equipment and personnel against faling, A safety hhamess must be worn and attached when working ten (10) feet more above floor level. All warning signs and tags must be obeyed. Leam to lit and carry safely. Request help when required tot eavy objects. When titing or handling heavy or hot objects, wear gloves and be constantly carulto avoid jamming fngors, &, ‘The use of compressed air to clean clothing or to blow dust from fhe body is prohibited. Suitable personal protective equipment must be worn while using compressed ar (aye glasses), CCeliphones in the plant are prohibited, unless company issued Portable electrical tools and appliances, unless equipped with bird ground lad, are profited Use approved safety conianers forall fammable quis. Ground aled label quid drums. Do not perform electrical maintenance unless authorized fo dose, ‘Store all skids in aflat position, and to a height no more than 6 (six) feet ‘All doors must be kept closed at alltimes unless the door is inus, {sve date: Api 30,2013 Rovision No. 03 Poge Gol? Revision Date. December 7, 2018, PLANT RULES EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT READOITION TO THE ABOVE RULES, EVERY EMPLOYEE SHOULD RECOGNIZE HSIHER CARE TN eantsY JOWARD THE COMPANY AND TO USE SOUND JUDGEIENT AND REASONABLE Facet DONG HISHER WORK IN ORDER TO PROTECT HINGELF/MERSELF ANU OTeRS Fito INJURY. LACKNOWLEDGE HAVING RECEIVED A COPY OF THE ABOVE, READ, UNDERSTAND THE PLANT, SAVEATION. HYGIENE AND SAFETY RULES, AND AGREE TO ADHERE TOTHESE RULES ATALL TIMES. EMPLOYEE NAME: Sra rae er I EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: WITNESSED BY: Koren Cighorn/Chistna Jadunanden/ Sheetal Gall Las About /Sharnique Painean Ee eee ee ATE: INTERPRETER NAME, IF NEEDED: a see ee leave date: Api 50,2013, Revision No 03 Page? of 7 Revision Date: December 7, 2018 DEVIATION REPORTING PROCEDURE 1,0 PURPOSE 1.1 To define the process and responsibility for communicating a noted food safety and food quality deviation where product or process does sot comply with organizational requirements. 2.0 RESPONSIBILITY and FREQUENCY 2.1 Applies to all Give and Go full time and temporary employees who are responsible for ‘operations that can affect product quality, quality system requirements, food safety or the environment. This includes ail production personnel. 2.2 DEFINITIONS: ‘A Food Quality or Food Safety Deviation can be either a non-conformance (the product oF process do not meet the food quality and food safety requirements) or non-compliance (not ‘meeting legislation requirements, GMP policy, Plant rules). 3.0 PROCEDURE 3:1. Any production personnel observing, working with and/or managing the products along the fine notices any irregularity that can be recorded as a devialionin products and/or processes. 3.2 Operator reports the deviation immediately to the Shift Superusor or QA Supervisor. 3.3 Supervisor directs employee on corrective actions and next steps. 4.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION “4.1 Root cause identification will be conducted by Production Supervisor & Quality Assurance team. 5.0 RESULTS DISTRIBUTION '5.1 QA Manager/Supervisor, Shift Supervisor, and Agency Representative. Date: Eriployes Namie (Print) signature __ Signature. Trainer Name é GIVE &GO" Heat stress & What is heat stress? Heat exposure may occur in many workplaces; * Working wiere it's hot puts stress on your bodys cooling system, When heat is combined with other stresses such as hard physical work, loss of fluids, fatigue or some pe existing medical conditions It may lead to a heat-related illness, disability and even death, Recognize the signs & symptoms of heat stress? Note** Supervisors and workers should check regularly on each other tohelp spot ony symptoms. Breaks will be provided as needed. Fluids are. ‘readily made available to oll workers, stress to vour supervisor or tea Cause Symptoms ‘Treatment Prevention eat Teavysweiing Tales] Falefit camps Ta eens, | Maveio a coal looien | Refuce wy lavas Cramps | eeson'sbody asi, | legsarsiomsch tht” | eothing and dunks, andor heat exposi. Which cannot be replaced | oecarsuldenly at work | elcuollereptsoen| by just criaking water. | orserat ame. beverage. ex Galea) Fainting | Reduce aciviy vels | Sudden filing afer at] GET MEDICAL ‘andor eat expotue, | last hours of work; | ATTENTION Asses mseds| andlor hal expose. Dik ‘Coo ol sln,wesk "| for CPR, Move scolar; Mls oul, Move pulse, Tonenclahing ae | atin; vl indng st pencelledenGatifie | Hoe place br wo bg, psn Is consous ofr sips : coo valet Heat Fidos andadequis | Heavy swealing, coo | GET MEDICAL AIDSTNS | Relics vavay as Exhaustion | stand water iiake bo ondhioncan kad aheat | andr heat expos, Dink ‘uses the boy's toting shove 38C; | stoke. Movedbpesonios | Fld egulay, system sat tobreak | weak pulse; Normal or | stad as; losenar emove down. low bloodpressure tied | excess lthig pie col tnd weak; ausea or | vaterto dnd fen ‘oitng peng or say brething Ta pawon'tady fas] High body emperatre | CALL ANANBULANCE. | CALLAN Re, [edaanens, [Goreme [Semaine Tem — solresevs, ution | maybewedkconused, | peson uct Renove | conn eit apeson sealing which can ute | upetar acing siangely; | eras cane, ined spay | quky Remove oes thetodylemperatue io | hasbot dry edskn;a | the peson weal watery | cling anand spay thy te, festpalse; headache or ofr sips of id wie I'ths | pononach cold vanes dizziness. Later sages | econ le conous fer sips of old wae it tray resin the person ieonecios, convulsions, Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp Title: Communication Devices Policy Date of sue: August 29, 2017 _|Aozrved by: Gere sss [aunt 2077 | Dat of Revi: Aus 29,2017 GIVE &GO" . Coca Al Gv G's Fates’ ARO Page 3 10 purpose 2.0 3.0 40 The purpose ofthis policy is to outline the safe use of communication devices forall employees ‘of Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp. Limiting the use of communication devices at work's to protect ll employees. Inappropriate use of communication devs at work can cause injuries because itcan be distracting SCoPE This policy applies to all Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp. emplojees, visitors, contractors, ‘temporary employees, including all persannelaffiiated with thid parties working at Company facilities. DEFINITIONS Communication Device(s) — Refers to any cellular phone, smartphone, text pager, two-way radio, computer laptop, and any other wired or wireless communication device, whether owned fr operated by the Company or by the individual employee. GUIDELINES ‘The guidelines set out inthis policy apply to all job-related acts, including but not limited to diving to and from work and to conduct job-related activities, whether such vehicles are owned co operated by the Company or the employee. The policy apples to all communication devises, whether personal or job-related. All employees of Give and Go Prepared Foods Corporation, including visitors, contractors or subcontractors, require weitten authorization when photographing any equipment, processes, procedures or documents at any Give and Go facility. Any photographs used for the purpose of safety concerns must follow the Internal Responsibility System (IRS) and be brought up to the Plant Manager of that facility and the Health and Safety Manager 4.4 Workplace: During work hours, employees are expected to focus on job-related activites inorder to decrease the likelihood of mistakes and ensure efficiency and groguctiity. Communication devices must be on silent, and stored away and not visible while at work Employees must follow Give and Go's Information Technology Electronic Computing Policy in ‘order to maintain the integrity of corporate data and information at alltimes. You may not use ‘any communication device in the workplace for any non work-related purposes, including but not limited to: + Engaging in personal conversations; Give and Go Prepared Food Corp ~ Human Resources (HR) Pdices and Procedures Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp Title: Communication Devices Policy Date of issue: August 29, 2017 | . | Approved by: Gene hasta August 2017 | Date of Review: August 29, 2017 GIVE &GO' - * — Location: Al Give & Go's Facilities HR-O0T-0F «Page 2/3 * Playing games and gambling; + Surfing the internet; + Checking email and social media sites; + Sending or receiving video or text messages; + Accessing any pornographic material or sites sexualinnature; Conducting illegal activities; Soliciting for personal gain or profit; Revealing or publicizing any Company proprietary or confidential information; Representing personal opinions as those of the Company; + Making or posting indecent remarks or proposals. Permitted Use of Communication Devices: )_Employees: You may use a communication device i auhalzed by Management ands required 2s part of Job-releted activities (Le. two-way radi), Allother employees are nly permitted to use communication devices during ther designated lunch or break Periods and not in work areas, b) Management: Management and Supervisory workers are germitted to use communication devices while inside the plantas long asthe communication fs forjob- related acthitis.f you need to use your communication device for emergency Purposes, move to a safe area away from equipment, forkit operators, maintenance ‘workers, etc, until vour communication is finished. 4.2 While Operating a Motor Vehicle: Te, Hiahwoy Troffc Act states ‘No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway while holding or using a hand-held wireless communication device, electronic entertainment deans oy citer breseibed device that I capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, mail or text messages.” s 78.1 (1)(2). {found gulty of an offense and on conviction by law enforcement for using any device where the primary use is unrelated to the safe operation of a motor vehice: you wilbe lable to te ff between $490 and $1,000, have three demerit points applied to your record anda potential lcense suspension as outlined in Ontario's Distracted Driving aw (aot September 1, 2019), Pkase be aware that you-are solely responsible for any fnes or convcions by any low enforcement agency and will not be reimbursed by the Company, Fits urgent, employees may acceptor return a cll or message provided thatthey: remain safely parked off the roadway and not impeding traffic + are lawfully parked; * operate a communication device that is mounted or secured in handsfree mode nly (i.e. Bluetooth device with voice-activated functianalty), + let another passenger answer the call or message. ‘Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp - Human Resources (HR) Polides and Provedires GIVE &GO" =I Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp Title: Communication Devices Policy Date of bsue: August 29, 2017 | Approved by: Gene Massa ‘August 2017 Date of Review: August 29, 2017 | Location: All Give @ Go's Facilities HR-001-01 - Page 3/3 Exception: Only in an emergency situation to call the police, fe department, or emergency ‘medical services personnel are communication devices permitted while drving a motor vehicle, 5.0. REFERENCE MATERIALS 5.1 Highway Traffic Act, RSO 1990, cH.8, httpi// 5.2 Ministry of Transportation: Distracted Driving, htto:/ 5.3 Plant Rules 5.4 Information Technology Electronic Computing Policy Give and Go Prepared Foods Corp ~ Harman Resources (HR) Policies and Procedures GIVE &GO° GMP TRAINING EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT RELOVEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT | acknowledge having received training on Good Manufacturing Practices (cmp), and agree to adhere to these rules at all times. EMPLOYEEINAME: EMPLOYEE'SIGNATURE: AGENCY ; STAFF PLUS DATE: AGENCY'S TRAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN/ CHRI ‘SHEETAL BALLAL/ SHANNIQUE PARKINSON ISTINA JADUNANDAN / LILAS ABBOUD AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE): GIVE & GO’ PEANUT ALLERGY AWARENESS EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT | 1 acknowledge having received training about Peanut Allergy Awareness, understand and agree to adhere to these rules at al times. EMPLOYEE NAME: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: AGENCY: STAFF PLUS DATE: [AGENCY'S TRAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN / CHRISTINA JADUNANDAN / LILAS ABBOUD SHEETAL BALLAL / SHANNIQUE PARKINSOW AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE) GIVE & GO" ALLERGY AWARENESS EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT | acknowledge having received tral agree to adhere to these rules at all times. 1g about Allergy Awareness, understand and EMPLOYEE NAME: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: AGENCY: STAFF PLUS DATE: AGENCY'S TRAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN / CHRISTINA JADUNANDAN/ LILAS ABBOUD SHEETAL BALLAL / SHANNIQUE PARKINSON AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE): GIVE & GO" OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT | acknowledge having received training about Health & Safety, understand and agree to adhere to these rules at all times. EMPLOYEE NAME: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: AGENCY: STAFF PLUS DATE: [AGENCY'S TRAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN/ CHRISTINA JADUNANDAN / LILAS ABBOUD ‘SHEETAL BALLAL / SHANNIQUE PARKINSON AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE): GIVE & GO’ HEAT STRESS EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGNENT SEROYEE ACKNOWLEDGNENT | acknowledge having recelved training about Health & Safely, understand and agree to adhore to these rules at all times, EMPLOYEE NAME: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: AGENCY: STAFF PLUS DATE: CHEETA ORCAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN / CHRISTINA JADUNANDAN /LILAS ABBOUD SHEETAL BALLAL / SHANNIQUE PARKINSON AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE), GIVE & GO’ VIOLENCE AND HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT | acknowledge having received training about Violence and Harassment in the Workplace, understand and agree to adhere to these rules at all times. EMPLOYEE NAME: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: AGENCY: STAFF PLUS DATE: AGENCY'S TRAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN / CHRISTINA JADUNANDAN / LILAS ABBOUD SHEETAL BALLAL / SHANNIQUE PARKINSON AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE): GIVE &GO° Drugs & Alcohol Policy EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT | acknowledge having received training on Drugs & Alcohol Policy, and agree to adhere to these rules at all times. EMPLOYEE NAME: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: AGENCY: STAFF PLUS. DATE: AGENCY'S TRAINER (FULL NAME): KAREN CLEGHORN / CHRISTINA JADUNANDAN /LILAS ABBOUD. ‘SHEETAL BALLAL / SHANNIGUE PARKINSON. AGENCY'S TRAINER (SIGNATURE) S GIVE &GO" Code of Conduct Quiz All workers are to experience this training as part of their role 4. 5. Give & Go Prepared Foods Created: January 20, 2021, Oraitside OD Rivermede OMarmac Osi O clark 31 01725 intermodal (ima) __| 11735 intermodal (iz) | a2 What training did you attend? a) Health & Safety b) Quality ) Code of Conduct Who does this Code applies to: a) Full Time only b) Agency Workers onty ¢) All Employees, temporary workers, contractors, consultants, agents any other third party who acts on behalf of Give & Go regardless of location, role or level of seniority. ‘Should you practice and treat everyone with dignity and respect. a) True b) False Who should you report if you face any discrimination, harassment, child labour, bullying, intimidation or any disrespect? a) Parents b) Supervisor ) Noone Should you make products that are safe to eat? a) True) False Give & Go believes in minimizing pollution, waste, and our use of natural resources? a) True b) False Code of Conduct Quiz, Page: 1 of 2 7. Doyou know that Give & Go protects our employee’s, consumers, customers, and business partners’ confidential and personal information that we may have access to as part of our business relationship? a) True b) False 8. What are some of the duties as an employer? a) Market Responsibly b) Deal Honestly With The Government ) Compete Fairly 4d) All of the above 9. Doyou know what is the “right thing to do” if you are unclear on the Code of Conduct? 1a) Raise concerns to your immediate Supervisor b) Follow the Open Door Process ) Do not report to anyone d) a) and b) only 10, Do you know that Give & Go has a Zero Tolerance to Retaliation? a) True b) False Give & Go Prepared Foods Code of Conduct Quiz Created: January 20, 2021 Page:2 of 2 AGENLT ONE REFRESHER TRAINING QUIZ First Name Last Name Agency Name Signature 1, We must wash our hands using soap for at least 20 seconds, after lunch, after washroom, after picking up garbage and before entering production and packaging area. a Tue b. False hair must be fully covered, using beard net. a True b. False ‘What are the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that must be worn before entering the Plant. Clean Company Provided Uniform b. Halrnet/Beard-net (if applicable) Safety Shoes d. Mask e. Allof the above 4, Peanuts, food containing peanut (peanut butter, etc.) and food that may contain peanuts are not allowed in a ‘Peanut-Free facility’ (production floor, lunchroom, change room, etc). a Tue b. False | must report to my immediate Supervisor any personnel caught vilating GMP, Allergen and Food. Safety Rules because itis not only my responsibility to do it, but itis also for continuous improvement. a. True b. False 6. Allergens in Canada include: Sesames, Sulfites, Mustard, Soy and, a. Peanuts, Egg, Wheat b. Milk, Tree Nuts (almond, walnut, pecan, cashew, pistachio, pill nut, macadamia, pine nut, etc) © Bothaandb [Page 10, COVID Rules: Wearing Masks in the facility is mandatory. If physical distancing of 2 meters (6 feet) cannot be maintained, must be worn with a mask. a. Beard Net b. Face Shield Gloves Itis ok to leta stranger get into the facility. a. True b. Fake Eating and /or tasting products in production, packing and warehouse areas isnot allowed. a. True b. Fabe Use of personal phone is not allowed in production, packing and warehouse areas. a Tre b. False 2|Page é GIVE & GO PREPARED FOODS CORP. euvenco ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Give and Go Is committed to environmental stewardship in all aspects of our business. Consistent with ur goal to provide quality products and service to our customers, Give and Go promotes the development and application of processes to minimize the ecological impacts of our operations, as well as supporting environmental sustainability in both the short and long term for our current and future generations To minimize environmental impacts concerning our activities, products and services, we shall * Comply with applicable environmental legal requirements, "Include the consideration of environmental aspects in all business strategies and initiatives Enhance the efficient and sustainable use of resources along our supaly chain "Reduce the amount of waste generated by company processes and drive sustainable water use in our operations ‘= Implement processes to enhance efficient energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Give and Go's commitment to these goals includes the follo 1g specificelements: "Give and Go will maintain compliance programs to inform and train employees in the performance of their duty to fulfill he company’s environmental policy "Through audits and other means, the company will monitor operations to help assure that, practices in our workplaces conform to our policy * Senior management will make environmental responsiveness and resource conservation an integral part of business strategies. Give and Go is committed to continual improvement of environmental performance and will seek to Prevent environmental impacts before they are created. Every Give and Go employee is expected to work towards the above goals and is encouraged to advise his or her supervisor promptly of any situation that may be in conflict with this policy. Joe! Flatt President and CEO es ie February 1, 2021 Reviewed and Afirmed Date Give and Gois committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. Upon request, this document can be provided in an accessible format é GIVE & GO PREPARED FOODS CORP. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ‘The Senlor Management team of Give and Go are dedicated and firmly committed to maintaining safe and healthy workplaces for our employees, temporary staffing agency personnel, contractors, sub- contractors, customers, vistors and vendors 'n fulfiling our commitment, we will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment, follow acceptable industry standards and comply with all legislative requirements. We will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in personal injury/illness or damage to goods or property. We are committed to providing a respectful workplace; one that is violence and harassment-free and in which all individuals are treated with respect. We will strive to create and promote a workplace environment that supports and fosters the physical and mental wellbeing ofall our employees. Leader Responsibilities Itis the responsibilty of Leaders to protect the health and safety of workers by ensuring that ‘employees work in compliance with health and safety laws, by providing adequate direction, and by recognizing and safeguarding employees from violence in the workplace. All Leaders must develop a strong working knowledge of relevant health and safety legislation and know what preventative measures are required to manage hazards or potential hazards and how to implement them. They must play an active role in workplace inspections and the investigation of accidents/incidents and health and safety related concerns. Leaders are responsible for informing, educating and ‘motivating their staff to understand and comply with Give and Go's health and safety program. It is the responsibility of each employee to follow Give and Go's health and safety program, rules and procedures, and work in compliance with occupational health and safety legislation, All workers must take responsibility for their personal health and safety to the best of their ability, and report to their Leader any hazardous or unsafe conditions/incidents, injury, accident or illness related to the workplace. Business Associates Responsibilities All temporary staffing agency personnel, contractors, sub-contractors, visitors and vendors entering Give and Go's facilities are responsible for following Give and Go's health and safety program and rules and will comply with all legislative requirements that govern the workplace, Continual improvement. Give and Go will assess all new and existing processes and products for potential health and safety risks and will take steps to reduce or eliminate potential concerns. We will develop appropriate objectives and targets to measure our safety program and audit them periodically to promote continual improvement and reduction of hazard exposure. | trust that all employees will work together in making a commitment to health and safety at work and as a way of life at Give and Go. Joel Flatt President and CEO Fiat Pee February 1, 2024 beneffirmed Date Give and Go is committed to accommodating the communication needs of people with disabilities. Upon request, this document can be provided in an accessible format. Se GIVE & Go® HR REFRESHER - TRAINING VERIFICATION RECORD This will confirm that I, Name Ihave attended and understood the content of the Human Resources Orientation. The training program included the following topics: Y Give and Go Culture - RDQ ¥ Plant Rules ¥ Social Accountability Y Code of Conduet Policy ¥ Time and Attendance Policy ¥ Call in Procedure ¥ Drug and Alcohol Policy Y Communication Device Policy ¥ Open Door HR Escalation Process ¥_ Progressive Discipline ¥ Paid Days: Vacation, Sick Leave, ¥ Violence and Workplace Harassment ¥ AODA v SMETA/SQF “Employee Referral Program ¥ Health Screening App & Information Line Employee Signature Date ‘Manager Signature Date Training Facilitator Date

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