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B.C.A., 5 Semester Fet COMPUTER GRAPHICS (BCA-302) raary-2022 [Maximum marks 80 Time allowed -§ hours} Note: Question No. - I is compulsory. Attempt four questions by selecting one question from cach wit. All questions carry equal marks 1.) Whatismeantby coondinate ystems tanstomatin Gi) Whatisinteriacing ? State its relevance. iit) What causes fiekering” (8) What is Nood-fill algorithm ? (6) Whatis raster sean? (oi) Whatare viewing coordinates” Mustrate (ii). Whatis quadric surface ? (ili) What is window-to viewpoint coordinate transformation? 8x 2=16 97678-P-4-Q-9 (22) (RT. bups:/’ 97678 % Gi) What is Computer Graphies ? Indicate the importance ofthis discipline in Computer Science by giving suitable examples. ° Gi) What steps are required to plot line whose slope ‘secon 0 and-45° using Bresenham's method? Indicate which raster locations would be chosen bby Bresenham’s algorithm when sean-converting a Tine from seteen coordinate (1, 2) te sereen coordinate (7, 8). 10 3. Explain the following (i). Midpoint Cirete algorithm 8 i) Random Sean Sy stems 8 Unit-1 |.) Prove that two (wo-dimensional rotations about the origin commute 6 R,R, “RR, 97678 hhups:/ @ 97678 Gi) What do you mean by transformation ? Describe the transformations used in magnification and reduction with respect tothe origin Find the new coordinates of the triangle P(1,1), Q4, 3)- 1R(O, 1) ater it has been 10 (@) Magnified thrice its size and (b) Reduced to half its size $C) Explainthe folowing (1) Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm —& (ii) Cyras-Reck Line Clipping Algorithm ® Unit 11 (i) What are Bezicr surfaces ” How ate these represented ?Ilustrate their relevance in graphics 8 (ii) What are polygon-rendering methods ? Which ‘method is most popular? Justify your answer 8 97678 (pt. hhups:/é

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