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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F370016-C60F-45F1-B8AB-EAF5E0069A8E

Community Service Letter

This is to confirm the Information below that Joselyn Camila Alvarado Leon has completed Community
Service with outstanding Commendation of community food distributions having completed the 25 number of
hours completion in the organization Mercy House Betesda dba of Ministerios Betesda.

Student Name: Joselyn Camila Alvarado Leon

Title: student / Volunteer

Contact information (email/phone):

Name of organization where service was completed:

Mercy House Betesda

Please describe service completed by the student:

Food distribution. Serving food to about 200-300 cars per week.

Please describe student performance:

Always a pleasure to have her on our team to continue accomplished our mission to help those in need, by
providing the essentials for any individual.

Do you recommend the student to receive a community service letter for his/her service work?

__x_ yes ____ no



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