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Maitighar, Kathmandu

– A Report on

Limit and Continuity

Prepared by
Shishir Bogati
Class: XI
Section: E
Roll No: 283 
Submitted to
October 2022
Department of Mathematics
(Amresh Man Singh)

Plus Two Programme

Limit and continuity

Introduction: Limit and continuity is one of the most crucial topic in calculus. A limit is a
number approached by a function as an independent function’s variable approaches a particular
value. For instance, for a function f(x)=2x, we can say that “The limit of f(x) approaches to 2 is
4. Symbolically, it is written as

lim (2 x)=2 ×2=4

x →2

The definition of continuity is given with the help of limit as, a function f with variable x is
continuous at the point “a” on the real line, if the limit of f(x), when x approaches the point “a”,
is equal to the value of f(x) at “a”. that means f(a).


1. To know about the meaning of x -> a

2. To know about meaning of x = a

3. To know about indeterminate forms and their examples

Methods of Study:

Primary source: Books

Secondary sources: Google , Wikipedia


1. Meaning of x -> a

 It means that x is very close to that value but is not equal to that. eg x-->5
means x can be 4.9999999... or can be 5.00000...1 but it’s not equal to 5.
 If x ->a this implies x-a ->0 ( same just imagine -> in place of =). Now this
means the difference between x and a can be very very very small, so small
that sometimes we may assume x-a=0 to get our result but ideally on a
number line x and a are two different points although very close but distinct.

2. Meaning of x=a

 The function is expressed at x = a. The limit of the function as the approaching of x

takes place, a exists. The limit of the function as the approaching of x takes place, a is
equal to the function value f(a).

3. Examples of indeterminate forms

 The term “indeterminate” means an unknown value. The indeterminate form is

a Mathematical expression that means that we cannot be able to determine the
original value even after the substitution of the limit.
 Some examples of indeterminate forms are:
 0/0, 0×∞,∞/∞, ∞ −∞, ∞0, 00,


Limit can be used when the exact solution of the problem is unknown, so we find the
approximate value by considering the nearby values of the problem, and continuity. The concept
of limit and continuity should be diversified with broader concept to make it more practicable
and applicable in real life function.

Limits are used as the basic for all calculus since, it can define continuity of a function (Does the
limit of function coming for right side is equal to the limit of a function coming left side?)
Limits are used to examine function behavior around points. Limits can be used to derive the slope at
a point, which is one of the key subjects of calculus. They can also be used to discern derivatives,
which in turn are used throughout the calculus. In conclusion limits are the building blocks of

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