Interview With Local Expert - Group 2

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interview with

local expert
Hrishit Shroff
Hrishti Shroff is the executive director at
Excel Industries Ltd. He leads the business
transformation in the waste management
vertical at Excel. He recycles waste both at a
city level and a community level. He not only
deals with organic waste, but with plastic
and metals as well.

questions and answers

Q: Can you briefly describe what you do?
A: In India, most of the waste generated is organic waste. If it doesn't get
treated and goes to the landfills, it releases a lot of methane gas in the
environment. But if handled properly, it can be extremely valuable for soil since
it makes the soil rich with nutrients and minerals. Hrishit leads excels waste
management unit which composts large amounts of waste.

Q: What are the different types of composting you do?

A: Excel does both centralized waste composting for big cities. This mixed waste
will contain organic waste, plastic waste and metal waste. This waste will be
taken and treated at large treatment plants. But for the wet waste, excel does
decentralized composting in communities and local areas. This is done so that
the wet waste doesn't get contaminated. And recently, they have started to
recyle plastic, turning it into pellets which can be used by other industries.

Q: Who do you supply your product to?

A: Excel supplies directly to farmers, who are the ones that require it the most,
and nurseries as well as other fertilizer companies who buy it from excel and sell
Q: Since this is being done on such a large scale, how long does the process
A: Dry waste is taken to large plants, which take about 3-4 weeks to convert it to
compost. But, on a de-centralized level, wet waste can be turned into compost
extremely quickly. This is done by certain machines which chop the waste
extremely finely. Then, the temperature is slightly increased to mimic the
conditions of a greenhouse, in which microbes will thrive. This will hasten the
process of composting and you will get the compost in 10 days or so.

Q: What do you think about our product, W2G?

A: I think it's fantastic because the more people that are participating in waste
management, the better. And my services are available on a state or
community level, not a local level like W2G is.

Q: What can we improve?

A: I think investing into why people should take charge of managing their
waste, and understanding that it isn't waste if you do something about it is
extremely import since alot of people still don't know how harmful this is. So
marketing and raising awareness should e your first priority.
And some tips for the making of the compost is to make sure it is not infected
by any insects, make sure the moisture level isn't too low or too high. Also,
compost needs to be turned over very couple of days to aerate it.

Q: How can we advertise our product?

A: I suggest putting up google adverts or advertising on social media like
instagram or twitter since it would reach a large community. Or you can
advertise it on platforms like Better India, like do an article with them because
then it makes the story relatable and it will solve many questions for people
who want to buy your product.

Q: What does our plan lack??

A: Make sure to consider all the resources that are required. And also spend a
little more time working on your marketing and advertising so that this reaches
more people


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