Present Perfect 2

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Еxp la n a tions

Prеsent pеrfeсt Тhе prеsеnt pегfесt сontinuous is formеd with thе prеsеnt pеrfесt of be, and the
сontinuous:form -illg foгm of thе vеrb.
I'ъ'ebeen wаitiпg herеаlI morniпg.
\\-lttltltаve you been doing lаtelу?
I ltат,eп,tbeen sleepiпg wеIIreсentlу.

Presеnt pеrfесt r Тhе pгеsеnt pеrfесt сontinuous, likе thе prеsеnt pеrfесt, dеsсгibеspast еvеnts
с on t i nuo us : lтhiсh arе сonnесtеd to thе prеsеnt. But in thе сontinuous form therе is a
m e an i n g mеaning of an aсtion or situation in progrеss.
\|.llаthаve уou been doiпg lаtely?
I,ve been workiпg а lot'
Itow long hаve уou beeп liviпg hеre?

r Тhе prеsеnt pеrfесt сontinuous сan еmphasizе thе lеngth of timе of thе
I,ve been wаiting hеreаll morпing.
I've been fеeling ill for weeks.

r Тhе prеsеnt pеrfесt сontinuous сan еmphasize that thе aсtion is tеmpoтary.
I,ve beеn stауing iп а hotelfor thеpаst moпth.

r Тhе prеsеnt pеrfесt сontinuous сan bе usеd for rеpеatеdaсtions.

I,vе been phoniпg her for dауs,but she,sпеуerаt home.

r Тhе aсtion may bе finishеd or сontinuing, Wе only know by thе situation.

Саrlos hаs beeп studуing Еnglish for two уeаrs апd now he,sstopped!Whаt а
Саrlos hаs been studуiпg Еnglish for two уеаrs.He,sgoing to do ап eхаm пeхt
Тi mе е xpr е s s i o n s Тvpiсal timе еxprеssionsthat arе usеd with thе prеsеnt pеrfесt сontinuous
аII dау, аll morпing, for dауs, for аgеs,Iаtelу,reсeпtlу,sinсe, for


Presеntpеrfесtor oftеn thеrе is vеry littlе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn thе two tеnsеs:
presentperfесt I,ve worked/beeп working herefor two уeаrs'
сontinuous? I,ve lived/beeп living herefor two уeаrs.

Wе oftеn usе thе prеsеnt pеrfесt if our attеntion is on thе finishеd rеsult, but
thе prеsеnt pеrfесt сontinuous if our attеntion is on thе aсtion.
I,ve.written thаt еmаil to lасkie' I wаs meапiпgto do it for аges'
I,ve been writiпg thаt emаil to |асkieаnd it,s tаkenаn hour!I,m eхhаusted!

If wе givе dеtails of how many or how muсh wе do not usе a сontinuous

I,ve ulritten four emаils.
I,ve done а lot of сookingапd сIеапiпgthis аftеrnoon.

othеr problеms Prеsеnt simplе or prеsеnt pеrfесt?

Wе usе thе prеsеnt simplе to dеsсribе habits or statеsin thе prеsеnt, but wе
usе thе prеsеnt pеrfесt to dеsсribе thе timе until thе prеsеnt.
I live iп Prаgue'
(a pеrmanеnt statе _ I always livе thеrе)
I,ve livеd in Prаguefor two уeаrs.
(I arrivеd two yеars ago and still livе thеre)

Past simplе or prеsеnt pеrfесt?

Thе past simple dеsсribеsan event in a сomplеtеd timе pеriod. Thе prеsеnt
pеrfесt is usеd for a timе pеriod that inсludеs thе prеsеnt.
I lived iп Prаgue in thе пiпeties. (now I livе somеwhеrе еlsе)
I,ve lived in Prаguesinсе thе niпeties. (I still livе thеrе)

Thе сhoiсе of tеnsе oftеn depеnds on whеthеr oul attеntion is in thе past or
thе prеsеnt.
I hаd аn umbrellа,but I left it on the bus.
(thе еvеnt is distant in my mind)
Оh no! I,ve left my umbrellа oп the bus.
(thе еvеnt is prеsеnt in my mind)

hаve beeп and hаve goпе

|f we hауe beento a plaсe, Wе Wеnt thеrе and havе now rеturnеd. |f we hаve
gotlеto a plaсе, wе wеrit thеrе but havе not rеturnеd.
Melissа hаs beeп to Сhiпа. (and shе has сomе baсk)
Melissа hаs gone to Сhinа. (and shе is still thеrе)

Underlinеthe сorreсtword or phrasein eaсh senteпсе.

a) I livе hеrе/I-7е-]wзl-hеte sinсе thе еnd of last yеar.

b) I'm afraid thе last tтain lеft/hаsleft an hour ago.
с) Somеonе hаs just stolen/hаsjust beeпsteаliпgmy biсyсlе.
d) Тhank you for your offеr, btlt I deсided/I,vеdecidednot to aссеpt.
е) YеstегdayI lost/I,velost mу wallеt.
f) Тakе your umbrеllа with уoll. It stоrted/It,sstаrtedraining.
g) !Vе,тееnjoying our trip. We уisitedПVе,уe уisitеdtwo сountriеs so far.
h) I,rn stаndiпg here/I,vebeen stапding here fot hours and I fееl tirеd.
i) Тhis wаs/hаsbeena busy day and it isn,t ovеr yеt!
j) l fееl rеally tired. We weпtПVe,vebeento a partу last night.

2 Put eaсh verb in braсkets into either the present perfeсt, past simple or present

a) Last wееk I (losе).........

,.Lp.l,t...'..,.... my sсarf,and now I (justlosе)
....|'v ...myglovе
t.'.......''.. s.
b ) I (work) .... for Bluе Bank at thе moment but I
(dесidе) сhangе jobs.
с) Wе (bе) .... hеrе for hours. Arе you surе Wе (сomе)

thе bus homе.

0 I (nеvеrеat) ............ oсtopus,but onсе on holiday I
(еat)........... somе squid.
g) I (hopе) arеn,ta vеgеtarian.I (сook) somе lamb сhops.
h) Rесеntly a lot of young pеoplе (takеup) .... kite
i) Whеn wе (rеaсh) ....thе сinеma, thеrе (not bе)
'... aгlУtiсkеts lеft.
i) Plеasесomе quiсkly! Niсk (havе) .... an aссident, and
hе (go) hospital.

GRAlvlluAR 7 PREsENт P E R F Eс т 2

3 Completeeaсh mini-dialogueby putting thе verbs given in braсkеtsinto either

thе present perfeсt or prеsent perfeсt сontinuous.

a) A: Tеrminatot2 is on at thе Rеx?(yousеe)..'!!.g,vэ,уl!*..{.*k..........

B: No, not yеt.Shallwе go?I (lookto,-u,o;..,.Yp..h*k'!q.q!9i.ryg'fl.rwкd.
to sееing it for agеs.
b) A: What,s thе mattеr? You look rеally tirеd!
B: I am! I (study)
have been studing .... a7l day, and I (not finish)
have not finished

с) have been phonning

has gone
d) Have you head
has robbed
A: Somеonе(rob) .......... thе bank at thе еnd of the road.
е) A: Why is your lеg in plastеr? have broken
B: That,sa silly quеstion!I (brеak), of сoursе.
A: Somеonе (writе) .... .BrеakТimе, on thе plastеrl
has written

4 For eaсh question,сompletethе seсond sentenсеso that it meansthe same as

the first using no morе than three words.

a) I сamе tо livе hеrе thrее months ago.

| .',V,.Q, hеrе for thrее months.
hwYk. !ууу,уu,,,,.''......
b) Sophiе is out at the shops at thе momеnt.
Sophiе is going out thе shops.
с) I,vе had Frеnсh lеssonssinсе Мarсh.
I ................
been having .......FrеnсhsinсеМarсh.
d) I,m still rеading this book.
I ................
been reading .......rеadingthis book yеt.
е) Paul lеft thе room a momеnt ago.
Paul has left ....thе room.
0 It's agеs sinсе I last wеnt to thе сinеma.
I ................
have not been going the сinеmafor agеs.
g) This is thе first timе I,vе еatеn snails.
ld I ................
have not eaten .......snailsbеforе.
h) I don,t rеmеmbеr Hеlеn,s phonе numbеr.
I,vе ............
LOST Hеlеn,sphonе numbеr.

lNтERlu ЕDlAтE LA NGU A GE P пA (т lCE

ll 5 Completе еaсh sentenсewith onе suitablе word.

far, and wе,vе had some

Wе,vе had a vеry intеrеsting trip (a) ....{.!......'.......
thе last time Wе Wrote.We,ve
intеrеstingadvеnturеs(b) .....................
to somе beautifulislands,and (d)
(с) ..................... .. a lot of
Wе,vеmadе friеndswith somе
intеrеstingpеoplе.In faсt (е) .....................
pеоplе in a villagе, and they,vе beеn (f) .. us thе loсal languagе.I
havеn,t managedto lеarn muсh (g) ............. but Ann (h) .....................
piсked up quitе a lot, and сan spеak well. She,s bееn (i) .. every day,
and shе,s(j) .....................
mе еvеrythingshе knows!

6 Underline the еrrors in thеse sentenсes.Rewrite eaсh sentenсe.

a) Мy pеnfriend is writing to mе for yеars. l

/v|v peуlfrLen,d
hаs baуъ writuц,qto уиo far Yeаrs,
v ..... !g. i l... t........ ф..... ! l.. i...

b) Wе have started this сourse thrее wееks ago.

с) ,What havе you beеn doing a|| daу?, ,I,vebeen writtеn lettеrs.,

d) Whеn havе you arrivеd in this сity?

e) You havе еvеr bееn to India?

0 Рaula has bееn stayеd in a hotеl by thе sеa.

s) I,vе bееn fееling ill thrее wееks ago.

h) I livе in this сiW sinсе I was born.

i) I wait hеrе for agеs. Wherе have you bеen?

i) Tony has lеavеd his books on thе bus.

lNтЕRlvtЕDlAтE tA NGuA GЕ PRA ст tсE

е)gеt up 8) hopе,
,vе сookеd
0 wе,d missеd h)havе takеn up с) Thе boat is turning ovеr! I think
8) would/usеd to spend i)rеaсhеd, werеn,t it's going to sink!
6a ) Иorcn I,d иlаshed апd got reаdу t) has had, gonе d) /
I wеnt out to mееt mу fтiепds. 3 a ) Hаve уou seeп, ,ve bеeп e) Тhе wеathеr foreсast says it,s
b) I knеw muсh morе about Iookiпgforwаrd dеflnitеly going to bе sunny
thе job whеn I,d visitеd b) ,vе bееn studying, haven,t tomorrow.
thеir offiсеs. flnishеd 0
с) Whеn I,d lookеd at thе nеw с) 'vе bеen phoning, ,s gonе o) Sorтy, I won't sее you
drеss for agеs, I askеd how muсh d) Havе you hеard, has тobbеd tomorrow. I havе to go to
it сost. е) ,vе brokеn, has writtеn London.
d) I fеlt muсh morе ,уe beeп liviпg here h) Byе for now. I,ll sеe you
indеpеndеnt whеn I,d latеr this еvеning.
b) has gonе
passеd my dliving test.
с) ,ve bеen 1eаrning 5 a) I'm goiпg to studу еnginееring
е) Annе Wеnt on holiday whеn in Frапсe.
d) havеn,t finished
shе,d savеd еnough monеy. *
t) Whеn thе tеam had flnally
е,) iust left b) I,m going to havе a paftу

won thе matсh, thеy тan

r) havеn,t bееn nеxt Friday.

havеn't еatеn/,vе nеvеI еatеn с) Wе,rе going to the doсtoт,s,

round thе pitсh to сеlеbratе. 6/
so wе сan,t сomе.
h) forgottеn
d) Kеlly will probably gеt thе
Grammar 6 5a) so f) tеaсhing
b) sinсе g) yеt iob.
a) Hаve уou сut
,vе hаd с) bеen h)
е) Мartin,s wifе is going to
b) has
havе anothеr baby.
с) has nеvеI sееn d) mеt i) praсtisin8
d) has stolеn е) Ieсently j) taught 0 Sarah isn,t going to gеt
malliеd yеt.
е) havеn,t slеpt 6a) Mу pеnfriend hаs bееn writing
f) ,ve c) I think it'll snow tomorrow.
iust brokеn to me for уeаrs. h) Тhе sсorе will bе 3_0.
g) hasn't won b) We started this сouтse thrее
h) Havе you evеI еatеn wееks ago. Gr a mma r9
,ve beеn mаrried с) ,What havе you
a) bееn doing I a) wiII bе lуiпg
b) ,vе bееn all day?, .I,vеbееn Wтitins b) rings
с) ,vе writtеn 1еtters., с) Wе,11bе moЙng
d) ,vе nеvеr eatеn d) Whеn did you arrivе in this сity? d) doеs youт train lеavе
е) ,ve lovеd е) Havе you еver beеn to India? е) you leavе
f) ,vе brokеn f) Paula hаs bееn sta)ring in a hotеl f) will you bе working
by thе sеa. g) I,l1bе
a) sinсе е) yet h) So far g) I,vе bееn feеling ill foт thrее h) won,t stоp
b) always f) for i) often
wееks/I fеlt ill thIее wееks ago.
с) еvеr g) nеvеr j) alrеady 2 a) 5 t l ) z c ) 7 d) 6 е ) 3 f l a
h) I,vе livеd/I,vе bееn living in this
d) iust a) /
сity sinсе I was born.
a) ,vе llorkеd here b) you grow
i) I,vе bееn waiting hеrе for
b) haven,t bееn/,ve nеvет bееn agеs. Whеrе havе you bееn? С)/
с) Мy pеn has i) Tony has lеft his books on thе d) you givе
d) havе lеft bus. е) arrivеs, I,ll lеt
е) ,vе l)
iust sееn bе using
t) havеn,t f,nishеd Grammar 8 g) shе,ll havе lеft.
g) you bееn la ) 2 b) 2 с)1 d) 1 h) I'll do it.
h) ,vе lеft
е, 2 f)1 4 a) ShаII we pIау tеnпis?
i) havеn,t spokеn b) I,m going to study Arabiс in
a) is joiniпg/is goiпg to joiп
i) Anna/shе wokеn Сairo.
b) won,t bе
Grammar 7 с) 's going to snow с) I'll bе homе by midnight.
d) 'm going out d) I,ll meеt you latеr.
I a) I,ve livеd hеrе ,rе going е) Will you go to thе shops for
to knoсk
с)hаs just stolеn 0 will probably ridе mе?
o, is going to givе/is giving fl We won't makе too muсh
d)I,vе deсidеd noisе.
h) 'm going to go
е)I lost ,rе going
f)It,s startеd D to hit o) Shall I hеlp you with thosе
i) will probably win bags?
g) Wе,vе visitеd h) We,ll сomе baсk lаtеr if you
h) I,vе bееn standing 'm hаviпg а pаrtу
]ikе/Shall wе сomе baсk
i) has bееn b) going to rain
i) Wе wеnt с) our tеam Will
,l1 havе finishеd
d) won,t bе 5 a)
2a ) lost, 've just lost
е) is going to finish b) mееt nеxt/again, I,l1phonе
b) work, ,ve dесidеd ,ll mееt you с) I сheсk thе spеlling
с) ,vе bееn, ,vе сomе
6/ arе wе mеeting/going d) lеt mе sharе hет
d) Have you sееn, lеft е) wе have
h) will visit/will сomе to visit
е) had, сaught 0 lеavе/go until I
0 ,vе nеvеr еaten, ate 4a) I,m goiпg swimпing пeхt
c) thе lеsson has finishеd
Sаturdаy.Would you like to
h) you bе doing
282 сome?

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