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Tiny Supers Reworked

Space and Movement

The maps are divided into Zones represented by hexes. Each one is equivalent to roughly 10ft (3m),
but keep in mind this number is merely an estimation, more an abstraction than a precise
measurement. This can vary anything between 5ft to 20ft accordingly to the GM discretion.
Each character can move 2 Zones (hexes) per Move Action (powers may change this value).

Tiny Supers Weapons Rework

Attack Tests
No Proficiency – 1d6 / Proficient – 2d6 / Mastered - 3d6

Mastered Weapons and Proficiency

At character creation, every super chooses 1 Weapon Category to be Proficient and 1 to be

*The Mastered category could be exchanged for another Trait if the player so chooses.

Proficient (2d6) – range 1 – damage 1 / Mastered (2d6) - range 1 – damage 1 – 2x attack + rerolls
The benefit is that you’re always “armed and ready”. Even if all your equipment is removed or lost, you
are still gonna be able to kick ass. You must be adjacent to an enemy to attack Unarmed.
Mastery: You do not gain an additional die for Mastered Weapon for this category, but you can attack
twice per Action, and once per session, you may reroll a failed Unarmed Attack or Evade Test.

Light Melee
Proficient (2d6) – range 1 – damage 1 / Mastered (3d6) - range 1 – damage 1 – 2x attack
Light Melee Weapons have the benefit of only requiring one hand to wield. This frees you up to do other
things with your freehand, such as grab a potion or use a shield (if you have the Trait). You must be
adjacent to an enemy, to attack with a Light Melee Weapon.
Mastery: Optionally, it's possible to dual wield and attack twice per Action.

Heavy Melee
Proficient (2d6) – range 1 – damage 2 / Mastered (3d6) - range 3 – damage 2
Heavy Melee Weapons require you to wield them with both hands due to them being cumbersome or
just so… unwieldy. It might not matter how strong you are, sometimes it’s about shape and momentum.
The benefit of this is that attacks from Heavy Weapons deal 2 damage instead of one.You must be
adjacent to an enemy, to attack with a Heavy Melee Weapon (except for your Mastered Weapon).
Mastery: The range is increased by 2.

Ranged Weapon
Proficient (2d6) - range 5/10 – damage 1 - reload / Mastered (3d6) - range 5/10/15 – damage 1 - reload
Ranged Weapons have a long-range for attacks, which gives a great tactical advantage (unless the line of
sight is somehow blocked). The downside to this is that they require one Action to load, and one Action
to fire. In Tiny Supers, unless otherwise noted by the Game Master, it’s assumed you’re always carrying
enough ammunition for your Ranged Weapon for the sake of simplicity. When a character takes the
Evasion action and is being protected by some form of cover (or adjacent to the shooter) the evader
gains advantage on the test. The shooter receives a disadvantage on each 5-hex segment of distance to
the target.
Mastery: The extra die allows the shooter to take on targets at even greater distances.
Area Weapon
Proficient (2d6)- range 5 – damage 1 – area 1 - reload / Mastered (3d6) - range 5 – damage 1 - area 1 -
Area Weapons are designed for crowd control, with a firing range of 5 and tanking an area of 1 range
radius from the target point. The downside is the friendly fire and the fact that it takes one Action to
load, and one Action to fire.
Mastery: You are not affected by your weapon.

Explosive Weapon
Proficient (2d6) - range 5 – damage 1 – area 1 - reload / Mastered (3d6) - range 5 – damage 2 - area 1 -
Explosive Weapons are designed for structural damage (it can also be used for crowd control, even
though ‘control’ might not be the right word for it). With a firing range of 5, the explosion takes an area
of 1 range radius from the target point. The downside is the friendly fire and the fact that it takes one
Action to load, and one Action to fire. The structural damage is a two-way street: it can be something
really good or really bad.
Mastery: The damage is increased by 1.

Weapon Expert Traits: an extra kick for your guns!

This Traits can only be taken by those who have mastered the respective categories:

Martial Artist: Be like water, flowing through cracks. Choose one category: Unarmed, Light, or Heavy
Melee Weapon. The damage of that category is increased by 1. This Trait can be acquired multiple times
with different categories.

Quick Shot: Pew, pew, pew! You are able to reload a Ranged Weapon and fire it in one Action.

Selective Targeting: I’m not gonna hit you, trust me! Your Area Weapon no longer causes friendly fire.

High-impact Explosives: There is no such a thing as ‘too many explosives’. You can optionally
increase the area of your explosive weapon by 1, but this will also increase the structural
damage...caution is advised.

Brawler: Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. If you are fighting Unarmed, with
Light, or Heavy Melee Weapon, you can reroll an Evade action once per round.

Marksman: The odds of hitting your target increase dramatically when you aim at it. When using the
Focus Action, your next attack with a Ranged, Area or Explosive Weapon is successful on a Test of 3, 4,
5, or 6.

Barfighter: Funny how you always fancy yourself a drink, right on Unification day. You can select
Improvised Weapons as a Weapon Group. You do not pick a Weapon to Master. Instead, when fighting
with any Improvised Weapons, you get one extra action each turn.
Power Variations

Area Blast (Active)

Tier One: You may make a Area Attack that deals 1 damage. This Power takes one Action to charge
and another Action to fire. You never cause friendly fire with this Area Attack.
Tier Two: Your Area Blast does +1 damage for a total of 2 damage.
Tier Three: Your Area Blast always counts as having the benefits of Focus applied to it. Additional
Focus Actions do nothing extra for your Blast.

Explosive Blast (Active)

Tier One: You may make a Explosive Attack that deals 1 damage. This Power takes one Action to
charge and another Action to fire. You can optionally increase the area of your Explosive Attack by 1,
but this will also increase the structural damage...caution is advised.
Tier Two: Your Explosive Blast does +1 damage for a total of 2 damage.
Tier Three: Your Explosive Blast always counts as having the benefits of Focus applied to it.
Additional Focus Actions do nothing extra for your Blast.

Traits, Archetypes and Powers Rework

*Every Power or Trait that states ‘once a day’ becomes ‘once a session’ (consult yout GM for
possible exceptions). This balances the usage of the power/trait by not making it so dependent of
the narrative pacing (after all, one adventure day can encompass multiple sessions and vice-verse).

Opportunist: One man’s failure is another man’s opening to stab the idiot who failed. Once per round,
if an enemy within range fails to hit with an attack against you, you may immediately make an attack
against that enemy.

Protector!: When an ally adjacent to you is hit, you can choose to take the hit yourself.

Armored (Passive)
Tier One: You reduce all damage you take by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Tier Two: You reduce all damage you take by an additional 1 (for a total of 2 reduction), to a
minimum of 1.
Tier Three: You gain +4 Stress Capacity.

Elemental Control (Active)

Tier Two:
Earth: Once per session, you can summon a suit of armor from the earth as an Action. This suit has 3
Stress Capacity that must be damaged before you take physical damage.
Fire: You can summon a shield of fire around yourself. You gain the Tier One Flight Power, and anyone
who strikes you with a Melee attack takes 1 damage.
Water: When under water, you can move as though you had the Tier One Super-Speed power.
Additionally, your Tier One Elemental Control: Water power now does 2 damage.
Tier Three:
Air: You can summon tornados. As an action, you can force one target to make a Save with
Disadvantage. If they fail, they are hurled backwards 1d6 hexes. If they strike something, they suffer 2
Earth: You can gain the Tier One Explosive Blast power, and your Tier Two Elemental Control: Earth
Stress Capacity bonus increases to +6.
Fire: You gain the Tier Two Blast power.
Water: You gain the Tier Three Regeneration power when in water. Additionally, your Tier One
Elemental Control: Water power now does 3 damage.

Energy Control (Active)

Tier One:
Electricity: As an action, you can generate an electrical shock that causes 1 damage to an adjacent
target (this Attack can be evaded normally). This damage can be transferred to additional targets if there
is conductive material involved at the GM’s discretion.

Tier Two:
Electricity: You can transform your body into pure electricity. You gain the Tier One Teleport power.
Light: You gain the Tier One Blast power.
Time: Once per session, as an action, you may summon a time displaced duplicate of yourself. This
duplicate may use the same Powers and Traits you have (excluding this one) and acts right after you in
the iniciative. You may only have one duplicate in existence at any time. To avoid paradox, your
duplicate vanishes if recieves any damage, ensuring your survival elsewhere in the time continuum.

Tier Three:
Electricity: You gain the Tier One Blast power and can target up to 2 Targets as one Action.
Light: You gain the Tier One Healing power and the targets of yout Tier One Light power make the
Save Test with Disadvantage.

Flight (Passive)
*At Top Speed, you move 6 hexes with a Move Action

Force Field (Active)

Tier One: As an action, you can summon or use your Force Field. Until your next turn, any attacks
against you only succeed on a roll of “6” (instead of 5 and 6).
Tier Two: You can summon your Force Field without spending an Action (even outside your turn).
However, this quick summoning causes you to take 1 damage.
Tier Three: You can enlarge your Force Field protecting all 1 hex around you (selection is not

Regeneration (Passive)
Tier One: You recover 1 Stress Capacity at the start of your turn if succeed at the Save Test.
Tier Two: You recover 2 Stress Capacity at the start of your turn if succeed at the Save Test and have
Stress Capacity equal to half your maximum Stress Capacity or less. Otherwise this power functions like
Tier 1. This does not stack with Tier 1, but instead replaces it.
Summoning (Active)
*Once per session

Teleport (Active)
*familiar = have been before
Tier One: You can move to any point you can see using two Actions. You simply disappear from your
current position with an Action and reappear at the other with the next Action.
Tier Three: You can teleport with a target on a successful Melee Attack. Then the target makes a Save
Test, on a success you teleport alone. On a failure, you both go to any location you are familiar with.

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