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Procedures and their Rationale: It also provides cleanliness, prevent

infections, and gives comfort
1. Perform Proper Handwashing 6. Advise the mother about pushing or bearing
➢ This is to prevent cross-contamination of down
microorganisms and even prevent ➢ It will encourage or urge the mother to
infection. push when the cervix is fully dilated.
2. Double Gloving Moreover, it will help the mother to
➢ Purpose of Double Gloving know the different methods of
- Reduces infection risk pushing/bearing down that is suitable or
- Provides a high level of protection will help her to deliver the baby easily.
3. Place the mother in a lithotomy position ➢ Do not perform routine episiotomy
- Lithotomy Position involves lying on - Take note that episiotomy should be
your back with your legs flexed 90 considered only in the case of (1)
degrees at your hips. Your knees will Complicated vaginal delivery, (2)
be bent at 70 to 90 degrees, and Scarring of the female genitalia or
padded foot rests attached to the table poorly healed third of fourth-degree
will support your legs. tears, and/or (3) Fetal distress.
➢ The lithotomy position was the standard 7. Take vital signs of the mother
birthing position used by many hospitals. ➢ Taking and monitoring the mother’s vital
It was often used during the second stage signs are essential because it will allow
of labor, when you start pushing. Some the medical team to know any early
doctors prefer it because it gives them detection of complications that might
better access to both mother and baby. harm her and the baby.
But hospitals are now moving away from 8. Delivery of the Newborn
this position. 9. Call out time of birth
➢ Cons of Lithotomy Position during 10. Dry baby thoroughly while observing
childbirth: breathing
- A 2016 study comparing different ➢ Within the first 30 seconds of birth,
birthing positions noted that the provide the newborn with warmth to
lithotomy position lowers blood prevent hypothermia by drying the baby
pressure, which can make with a clean, dry cloth thoroughly. Wipe
contractions more painful and draw the baby from the eyes, to the face, head,
out the birthing process. front and back, arms and legs in a
- A study in 2012 similarly found a cephalocaudal (head-to-toe) direction.
higher risk of perineal tears in the This way, heat loss by evaporation is
lithotomy position. prevented.
- Another study linked the lithotomy ➢ Do a quick check of newborn’s breathing
position with an increased risk of while drying. Normal breathing is quiet,
injury to the perineum when nasal, abdominal, synchronized,
compared with squatting lying on shallow, and rapid with the rate of 30 to
your side. 60 bpm.
4. Drape the mother to maintain privacy. 11. Remove all wet linen
➢ Draping or covering the mother helps in ➢ The presence of wet clothing against the
providing privacy. newborn’s skin causes loss of heat by
5. Perform Perineal Prep to the mother conduction and evaporation.
➢ Perineal Preparation is performed 12. Do not suction unless airway is obstructed
because it helps the mother to learn how ➢ You can only suction if the mouth/nose
to relax into the natural opening of the is blocked with secretions or other
vagina during childbirth and how to materials.
become accustomed to these sensations.

Vasquez, Ruby Jane L. Credits to the rightful owner of information/data above.

[BSN23] UDM CHS – A.Y. 2022-2023
➢ If the newborn is breathing well and congenial defects of the
crying vigorously, there is no reason for kidneys/renal.
suctioning. 18. Do not apply anything (e.g. alcohol,
13. Place prone on mother’s abdomen or chest povidone-iodine) to the stump
➢ This will promote skin-to-skin contact ➢ The use of alcohol keeps the stump moist
(SSC) so avoid applying it to the stump
➢ Prone position helps draining of 19. Deliver the placenta
secretions and clearing of air passages. 20. Instruct the mother to hold in one hand
➢ Take note:_________________________ their newborn and the other hand to
- The top priority in the immediate massage her uterus
care is AIRWAY. 21. Take vital signs of the mother
- As soon as the baby is securely 22. Inject oxytocin 10 units IM, to the mother’s
positioned on the mother, palpate the arm or thigh after excluding a 2nd baby
abdomen to exclude a second baby, ➢ Explain to the mother that you will be
or multiple births. injecting her with oxytocin to make her
14. Cover with warm blanket and bonnet uterus contract and protect her from
➢ Covering the baby will keep him/her excessive bleeding.
warm. Note that you should not separate ➢ Oxytocin increases availability of
the baby from the mother, but if the intracellular calcium thereby increasing
newborn must be separated due to myometrial contraction.
conditions, place him/her in a safe and ➢ Take note:_________________________
warm place close to the mother. - (If IV) Monitor the rate of IV
15. Remove first set of gloves oxytocin flow accurately. Too rapid
16. Do not clamp cord until umbilical infusion of the drug may cause
pulsations stop tachycardia, hypertension or
➢ Delay cord clamping or implement non- hypotension, and antidiuretic effect
immediate cord clamping to reduce the which may be manifested in oliguria,
incidence of anemia in term newborns water intoxication, fluid overload,
and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) headache, nausea, and vomiting.
in pre-term newborns. 23. Keep on uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact
➢ Clamp and cut the cord only if the cord for at least 90 minutes even when
pulsations have stopped. transferring to the RR
17. Clamp the cord at 2 cm and 5 cm from the ➢ Importance of SSC
baby’s abdomen then cut - Promotes bonding between the
➢ Take note:_________________________ mother and the baby.
- The longer is left of the cord stump, - Keeps the baby warm
the longer is drying and dropping off - Increases chances of overall success
time. This implies more risk to local of Breastfeeding/Colostrum Feeding
bacterial infection of the cord called - Allows colonization with good
omphalitis. bacteria (Maternal Skin Flora)
- Cut between ties with sterile 24. Aid the physician in episiorrhaphy
instrument to prevent tetanus 25. Provide perineal care
neonatorum 26. Put an adult diaper to the mother
- Examine the cord, there should be ➢ This is for the bleeding that may take
three vessels; one umbilical vein place after giving birth.
(left), and two smaller umbilical ➢ Lochia is the vaginal discharge you have
arteries (right and left). Incomplete after giving birth. It contains blood,
cord vessels require referral for mucus, and uterine tissue. It has three
further thorough assessment for stages:
- First stage: Lochia Rubra

Vasquez, Ruby Jane L. Credits to the rightful owner of information/data above.

[BSN23] UDM CHS – A.Y. 2022-2023
Expect the following: precipitately or instrumentally with
• Dark or Bright Red Blood ➢ Give Hepatitis B Vaccine
• Lasts for 3-4 days intramuscularly
• Flows like a heavy period - This is given to protect the infant
• Small clots are normal against hepatitis B viral infection.
• Mid, period-like cramping - WHO recommends administering
- Second stage: Lochia Serosa the first Hepa B Vaccine or Dose less
than 24 hours after birth to prevent
Expect the following:
perinatal HBV transmission.
• Pinkish Brown discharge that’s less bloody - Dosage: 0.5 mL for newborns and
and watery. infants
• Lasts for 4-12 days ➢ Inject BCG intradermally
• Flow is moderate - BCG Vaccination gives active
• Less clotting or no clots immunity against Pulmonary
- Third stage: Lochia Alba Tuberculosis (PTB)
- Dosage: 0.05 mL for newborns and
Expect the following: infants
➢ Eye Prophylaxis is given in a newborn’s
• Yellowish White Discharge
eye after birth in order to protect the
• Little to no blood
baby from an unknown gonorrhea
• Light flow or spotting
infection in the mother’s body.
• Lasts from about 12 days to 6 weeks
- Note that the passage of the baby
• No clots
through the vagina predisposes
27. Transfer mother to stretcher and wheel her him/her to an infection of the eyes
in the recovery room called ophthalmia neonatorum.
28. Room in baby with the mother - Vaginal infections like gonorrhea and
29. Put oil in Sanitex then rub in a chlamydia can result in ophthalmia
cephalocaudal way neonatorum called gonorrheal and
30. Perform Vitamin K, Hepa B, BCG, eye chlamydial conjunctivitis.
prophylaxis, P.E. and anthropometrics 31. Put diaper, baby’s clothes, and swaddle
➢ Give 1 mg of Vitamin K Prophylaxis 32. Watch out for feeding cues at 20-90
IM. Offer oral vitamin k if parents minutes; encourage direct breastfeeding
decline intramuscular injection once present
- Note that without adequate Vitamin ➢ Observe the newborn for feeding cues
K, the newborn is at risk of such as:
hemorrhagic conditions. Clotting - Opening of mouth
Factors II (prothrombin), VII - Tonguing
(proconvertin), IX (plasma - Licking
thromboplastin component), and X - Rooting
(thrombokinase) are proteins that ➢ If cues are present, suggest to the mother
need Vitamin K to convert them into to encourage the baby to move toward
active clotting factors, thus they are the breast.
called Vitamin K-dependent 33. Minimize handling of the newborn
coagulation factors.
34. Do not bathe the baby for the first 6 hours
- Note that Vitamin K is given
➢ Body Temperature and Blood Sugar –
prophylactically to prevent neonatal
Babies who gets bath right away may be
hemorrhage (esp. for those who are at
more likely to become cold and develop
greater risk of hemorrhage, those
hypothermia. It can also make some
with cephalhematoma, those born
pre-term, and those delivered
Vasquez, Ruby Jane L. Credits to the rightful owner of information/data above.
[BSN23] UDM CHS – A.Y. 2022-2023
babies more likely to have a drop in blood
sugar (hypoglycemia). ● Do not separate newborn from the
➢ Bonding and Breastfeeding – Taking mother as long as the newborn does not
away the baby for a bath can interrupt exhibit danger signs of respiratory
ssc, mother-child bonding, and early distress such as severe chest in-drawing
breastfeeding success. or apnea, and the mother does not need
➢ Dry Skin – The Vernix; a waxy white urgent medical stabilization (e.g.,
substance that coats a baby’s skin before emergent hysterectomy). If newborn
birth, acts as a natural moisturizer and
must be separated from the mother, put
may have anti-bacterial properties.
him/her on a warm and safe surface
According to the American Academy of
close to the mother.
Pediatrics (AAP), it's best to leave vernix
on a newborns' skin for a while to help ● Do not do foot printing to identify the
prevent their delicate skin from drying newborn; ankle band is sufficient.
out. ● Do not wipe off vernix caseosa if present as
35. Encourage breastfeeding per demand it prevents heat loss.
➢ Provide support for early breastfeeding ● Do not manipulate (e.g., routine
by facilitating newborn’s early initiation suctioning) if the newborn is crying and
to breastfeeding and transfer of breathing normally to prevent undue
colostrum. trauma which can precipitate newborn
36. Observe one breastfeeding for proper infection.
positioning and attachment
➢ Counsel the mother on positioning and 3. From 1 to 3 minutes:
attachment. If the attachment or suckling
is not good, advise mother to try again. ● Do not milk the cord towards the
➢ Assess for signs of good attachment and newborn.
suckling: 4. Within 90 minutes:
- Mouth wide open
- Lower lip turned outwards ● Do not touch the newborn while on
- Baby’s chin touching breast maternal abdomen unless there is a
- Slow, deep suckling with some medicalindication.
pauses ● Do not give glucose water, formula, or
37. Do not give sugar water, formula or other other prelacteal feedings.
liquids ● Do not give bottle or pacifiers.
38. Do not use pacifiers or bottles ● Do not throw away colostrum.
● Do not wash away the eye antimicrobial.

Summary of “Don’ts” in the Immediate Care of 5. From 90 minutes to 6 hours:

the Newborn
● Do not touch the stump unnecessarily.
1. Within first 30 seconds of life: ● Do not apply any substances or medicine
on the stump.
● Do not suction unless the mouth/nose is
● Do not bandage the stump or abdomen.
blocked with secretions or other material.
● Do not bathe the newborn at least 6 hours
● Do not ventilate unless the baby is
after birth.
floppy/limp and not breathing.
● Do not place the newborn on a cold or wet

2. After 30 seconds of thorough drying, newborn

is breathing/crying:
Vasquez, Ruby Jane L. Credits to the rightful owner of information/data above.
[BSN23] UDM CHS – A.Y. 2022-2023

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