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Direction: Define the following terms in your OWN WORDS.


Sentence 6. Unity


Fragment 7. Coherence


Paragraph 8. Outline


Phrase 9. Proofreading


Clause 10. Figure of Speech

Directions: Identify the following descriptions based from the discussion we have.

__________ 1. An activity that allows you to explore many ideas as soon as they occur to you.

__________2. A process for developing creative solutions to problems.

__________3. An exposition of an author’s thoughts of reflections on some subject of human interest.

__________4. Figure of speech that overuse conjunctions in close succession to achieve variety of effects.

__________5. This is relatedness and connectedness. From the Latin word which means “to cling”

__________6. This means “Like construction for like ideas”.

__________7. They are conventionally classified according to one of the words of which they are composed.

__________8. A group of words that contains a verb and its subject and is used as a part of a sentence as noun,
adjective and adverb.
__________9. This is observed when group of words contain two or more independent clauses that are not properly

__________10. The most important sentence in a paragraph which state the central idea being developed.


Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a paragraph form on your answer sheet.

1. Explain comprehensively the pre-writing activities.

2. What makes an effective paragraph?

3. How is parallelism achieved in sentences and paragraph?

4. Explain the purposes of paragraph.

5. Differentiate isolated and related paragraph.

6. Explain the parts of a paragraph.

7. What is the best way to start or to end the paragraph? State your reasons.

8. What is the best method of paragraph development? State your reason.

9. How is coherence achieved in compositions?

10. Discuss comprehensively the importance of figure of speech and idiomatic expression in writing compositions.

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