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Underline the complete topic sentence in each of the following paragraphs maybe at the

beginning, in the middle, or at end. Examine each paragraph carefully to discover the topic

sentence and the clincher sentence, if any; then underline these sentences.

1. This farm, which was situated two miles west of the village immediately won our

love. It was a glorious place for boys. Broad-armed white oaks stood about the

yard, and to the east and north a deep forest invited to explorations. The

house was of logs and for that reason was much more attractive to us than to

our mother. It was, I suspect, both dark and cold. I know the roof was poor,

for one morning I awoke to find a miniature peak of snow at my bedside. It was

only a rude little frontier cabin, but it was very satisfactory to me.

2. Academically talented students sometimes become dissatisfied because they cannot fit into

their schedules certain elective courses they want to take. They ask, “Where and how can a good

student broaden his field of studies beyond the courses required of him?” Summer school offers

the right courses instead of limiting itself to helping students make up their failures. For example,

a capable student, busy with numerous activities, needs to take an advance chemistry course to

qualify for the college for his choice. But his academic program, outside activities, and the thirty-

five-hour week keep him from doing this during the regular school year. Another student wishes

to enroll in art course because he enjoys painting, but he, too, cannot fit this extra into his program.

Both students, however, would be glad to go to summer school. They would welcome the chance

to something valuable instead wasting the summer just killing time.

3. The choice of how to make one’s living is crucial, for the work a man does make him what he

become. The blacksmith pounds the anvil, but the anvil pounds the blacksmith. The clam’s shell

turns golden in the brown depths of the ocean, and in far more subtle ways is a man’s mind

colored by the course of his life. So when a man chooses his labor, he chooses his future self.

B. Select one of the following topics and write your OWN paragraph (100-150 words) on it.

Underline the topic sentence and if you use one, the clincher as well.

1. A visit to an interesting place

2. A new discovery(or invention) and its importance

3. Reasons why students worry

4. Your opinion on a controversial issue

5. An example of happiness, democracy, or loyalty

C. Make a paragraph outline for each of the following topic sentences. The items in the

outline need not be in sentence form. Copy the topic sentence first; then list the details

you would use in your paragraph.

1. Anyone planning a trip from New York to San Francisco finds several ways to make the


2. In every home certain jobs should be delegated to the children

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