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com - The investigation into the

serial murders committed by Wowon Erawan et al
continues to develop and the atrocities of the
perpetrators are slowly being uncovered. The latest
fact, the Polda Metro Jaya investigation team found
information that there was a 10th potential victim who
would be killed by Wowon et al. The potential victim
is Ujang Zaenal, a neighbor of the alleged Solihin alias
Duloh. The plan was for Ujang to commit murder by
poisoning him with coffee. "That the suspect Solihin
alias Duloh attempted to murder the suspect, Ujang
Zaenal, you could say he's a potential new victim," said
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes
Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, Monday (23/1/2023). Also
read: Serial Killer Wowon Cs Has an Account
Containing IDR 1 Billion, How come? Trunoyudo said
the plan to kill Ujang was aimed at accumulating bad
luck for the murder that took place in Bekasi. On the
other hand, investigators suspected that Solihin and
Ujang were indeed enemies. However, it is not yet
known for certain the problem between the perpetrator
and the potential victim. "The reason was to fake bad
luck after the Bekasi murder incident, by killing people
who were hostile to the executor," said Trunoyudo.
Even though Ujang drank poisoned coffee sachets that
his neighbor gave him, Ujang survived after being
hospitalized for four days.

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