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November 20 (3 PM – 5:00 PM

E1: In education, global competitiveness can be characterized as

the set of skills and factors that support individuals’ personal and
professional productivity in their communities and in the world.
Being globally competitive today requires developing global
competence anchored with the help of Language and Literature.
Cultivating their abilities to effectively share ideas and
communicate across cultures in appropriate and respectful ways is
critical as cited by David Young,  CEO, VIF International Education.

E2: Today we gathered here to witness the skills and talents of our
fellow students.

E1: Good Afternoon! I am _____________.

E2: And I am ___________. And we are your Masters of Ceremony in

today’s event with a theme of

BOTH: “Engage, Empower, Enliven Language and Literature for

Global Competitiveness”

E1: May I invite everyone to invoke the Almighty, and I request all of
you to stand for invocation and national anthem.

E2: We would like to start this program a Prayer to be led by Risa

Jean B. Plogio and followed by the National Anthem to be
conducted by Charlyn Marie Caasi.

BOTH: You may now take your sit.

E1: To introduce our beloved judges today, may we call on Ms.

Eden Mariz T. Alfonso.

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E2: Thank you Ms. Alfonso.

E1: To give the warm welcome in this today’s activities. Please lend
your ears to our dearest Ms. Doris R. Aspiras. A round of applause!

E2: To present the mechanics and criteria of the contests, we have

Ms. Zeny Lara E. Valencia.

E2: Thank you Ms. Valencia.

E1: And now let us all witness the different contest to be presented
by the senior high school level.

E2: Let us begin with the Character Festival. May we request every
student to showcase their best outfit of their chosen characters.

E1: What a felicitous rampage of your innate characters!

E2: At this juncture we will be pleased to witness the act and

speech of chosen representatives by their advisers as we are
searching for “Best in Character Potrayal 2019”

E1: That was a great presentation, isn’t it?

E2: Yes partner! I can’t wait to see the last performance for today’s
gathering! Both: The Spoken Poetry!

E1: It is a poetic performance art.It is an oral art that focuses on

the aesthetics of word play such as intonation and voice inflection.

E2: It is a "catchall" term that includes any kind of poetry recited

aloud, including poetry readings, poetry slams, jazz poetry, and hip
hop, and can include comedy routines and prose monologues.

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E1: It seems like everyone looks excited. Let us call contestant no. 1
( up to No. 4)

E1: Great and judicious performances, dear seniors!

E2: And now... the most awaited part of our gathering!

E1: The announcement of winners!

E2: Let us call Ms. Sheena Grace Peralta, our Student Activity Head
to announce the winners.

E1: Congratulations to all of our winners for today’s event!

E2: May we call on, Ms. Doris R. Aspiras

for our closing remarks.

E1: Let’s give Ms. Aspiras a warm of applause!

E2: Thank you for that great message Ms. Aspiras!

E1: Before we end this program, we are inviting you to all rise for
the closing prayer to be led by Dorothy Gravador.

E2: Thank you for all your active cooperation for this event. May all
the experiences and knowledge you have learned in this event will
help you in the near future!

BOTH: Have a Good Day and God Bless us all!

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