Communicative Languange Teaching

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Name : Nurlatifa

Nim : 2019310437

Class : English Education 19A


Definiton CTL

Communicative languange teaching that would enanlr learners to use

thesecond languange in life situations. Focusing on developing students
communication and interactions Skills.

Atmoshpehere CTL

Firstly, the Point Of Grammar, is taught and then The teacher ask the students
to carry out exercises to practice the poin of grammar

After this, the students are required to carry out activities where they might
use it in real life situations

There are many actvities that teachercanemploy when using this method
example, group work,and role plays

Types Of Communicatie Languange Teaching

1. Functional Communication Activities

Compairing sets of pictures and nothing similarities and differences,
discovering missing features in a map or picture
2. Social Interaction Activites
Conversation,And Discussion Sessions,dialogues,role
plays,simulations,skits,Improvisation.and debates.

Role Of Teacher and Students

1. Teacher’s Role
 The teacher facilitates communication in the Classroom
 During the Activites he acts as an Adviser,answering students’
questions and monitoring their perfomance
 Counselor
 Group Process manager
2. Students’s Role
 Negotiator
 Since the teacher’s role is less dominant than in a teacher-
centered method,students are seen as more responsible
managers of their own learning

Advantages and Disadvantages

1. Advantages Communicative Learning

 Communicative approach is much more pupil-orientated, because
it is based on pupils’s need and interests.
 Communicative aprroach seeks to personalise and localis
languange and adapat it to interests of pupils meaningful
languange is always more easliy retairned by learners
 Seeks to ue authentic resourses. And that is more interesting and
motivating for children
2. Disadvantages
CLT approach focuses on fluency but not accuary in grammar and

Students Characteristics when the Proses BKP Assistant-teaching

The Characteristics Students different. There are Hardowking, Unafraid to Ask

Questions then Motivaton to learn English So High because intersted with
learning languange.

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